HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2506[FJ£00(Z.1.1 "' §@£.%®©@ So s itna Jnlnt Vt>nttni! r6U( ___ d ___ ..... " _____ C,s?_ .... Pl e.l.Sa Reru rn To DOC UME NT CO NTROL .ECTRlC PROJECT- FED -ERAL ENERGY· REGULATORY COMMISSION LOWER SUSITNA RIV-ER AGGRADATION STUDY: FIELD DATA PREPAR-ED BY: --~~·/r,:,;----------:-c . ·./t_ UNDER CONTRACT TO-: flfl ~ 'f! 7J fl\ :s -T;f: ~J 11\ (1.:.1 tfJL1 ITJ'fl II IJUn=;JJiU!:fJ!I'U ~@lf;J<:~ 10 !!!; SUSITNA JO fNT VENTURE DRAFT R-EPORT NOVEMBER· 1984 DOCUMENT No. ~SO(o ~~ALAS-KA POWER AUTHORITY ----..J -.... ·' .. • ·,· : .; ::: .. - :.· -...• ~~:~. ~\.: . ,,, •' .::·;::Lo'WER'··SUSITNA RIVER AGGRADATION STUDY~ . ' .• . . : ~·( Report by: ·R&M Consulta n ts, Inc. Will i am S. Ashton Under Con·t r·att to : Harza-Ebasco Susitna Join t Venture Prepared for·: Alaska Power Authority Dr~aft Report DECE:MBER 1984. ··.:. · .... ·.· .. · _, ...... ,; {-" .·. ' .. TABLE .oi= ,CONTENTS A~l<'n·o.~vle-89me~ts- ·-· .. . ·.-.·;" .... ··,:·::· . . ' . . : .. ~--. . . .. ~. ---·-_-i .o ·:>Executive.-summary -_ .• ___ :-._.-'i.o:_ :~s<¥bebf_-:.study .··• i!Q>·;tt ~~:;::~ sJ~~~:: 3~2;S~mp!eSite-.Descriplions ---J;2;l River'Mile 97.1 3:2,2 River Mile 95.9 .3.2.3 River Mile 93.1 3.z,4 River Mile 91.8 3;_2·.5 River Mile 90.6 :3:2/s.: River Mile 87.7 3:'t:T River Mile 86.3 :3_.2.8 River Mile 84.6 3 ;3 Sur:nlliary Comments 4.0• L<hver River Surveys ·-4,l Survey Descriptions --_-.4~--~---Cross-Sectior.:; S.O R~fer'ences Appendix A Particle Size Data J\ppendix B -Survey Notes •.. ,..·. ii P~ge ,."·: 'iii iv vi X 1 2 7 7 l1 12 ~8 44 58 74 84 98 112 120 131 131 13i .·j .,. .fable Num6e·r 3·. l 3.2 LIS,T OF TABLES Description Oisch·arge of the Susitna Rive1· ~t Sunshine for date·s of Survey and Bed Material Sampling· Stage-Discharge Measurements fo r Sur·veye d Cross-Sections on the Lower Susitna Ri v ~r iii Page 9 10 J ,. 1·.-~~ L L n -~ ·.··. ..,; ~igure ~fumh:e·r 2.1 3.1 3 .. 2 3 -.3 3.4 3.5 3 ,.G 3.7 3.8 3 .9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 LIST OF FIGURES ()escription ?·age Location map of cr·oss-sectrons of the 4 Lower Susitna Rivei· Bed Mater·ial Sample Site Locations LRX 97.1 24 Particle Si-ze Distributions LRX 97.1 25 Samples 1, 2· and 3 Pat"ticle Size Distdbution LRX 9-7.1 26- Bed Material Sample Site Locations LRX 95.9 40 Particle Size Distt·ibutions LRX 95.9 41 Samples 1, 4, and 7 Pal'ticle S i ze· Disb·ihu-tions LRX 95.9 42 Samples 3, 5 and 6 B·ed Mater·ial Sample Site locations LRX .93. 1 54 Particle S .ize Dist•·ibu tions LRX 93. 1 Samples 1 :lnd 2 Particle Size Distt·ibutions LRX 93. 1 Samples 3, 4, and 5 Bed Mater·ial Sample Site Locations LRX 91.8 Particle Size Distr·ibutions LRX 91.8 Samples 1, 2, 3 and 6 Par·ticle Size Oistt·ibutions LRX 91.8 Samples 4 and 5 Bed Mate1·ial Sample Site Locations LRX 90.6 Particle Size Distributions LRX 90. G Samples 1, 2, 4, and 5 Bed Mnterial Sample Site Locations. LRX 87.7 Pat·ticle Size Distt·ibutions LRX 87 .7 Samples 1, 2, 5, and G Particle Size Di-stl'ibutions LRX 87.7 Samples 3 arid 4 iv 55 56 70 7'1 72 82 83 95 96 97 ~: 0:-~:>;~~~,:~>> :;:~\~:~>\:~.: .•... ·" .·./ \ _:_: ·. R20/i'L5, .:,) ;Figure :Number 3 ; 18 3.19 3.21 3 .22 3 .• 13 3 .. 24 3.25 3 .. 26 3.27 3.28 3 .29 3 -.30 3.31 l.,IST OF FIGURES (Contfnued) Description Page Bed fvtaterial Sample Site Locations LRX 86 .3 'lOS Particle S ize Distributions LRX 86.3 ·109 Sample 1 and 2 Particle Site Distributions LRX 86.3 110 Samples 3, 4 a n d 5 B.ed Mate rial Sampt·e Site Locations LRX 84.6 P8 Padide Size Distl'ibutions LRX 84.6 119 Samples 1, 2 and 3 Particle Size Distribution for· Ar·mor· Layer 12 2 Samples LR X 97 .1, 95.9 and 93.1 Pat'ticle Size Oistr·ibution for· Armor· Layer· 123 Samples LRX 91.8 , 90 .6 , 87.7 and 86 .3 Pa rticle Size Di s tr·ibutio n for the East Bank 124 of th e Main Ch a nnel S a mples LRX 97.1, 93.1 and 91.8 Particle Size Di s tt·i bution for· the East Bank 125- of the Main East Channel Samples LR X 90. G, 8 7. 7 , 86 . 3 and 84 . G Particle Size DJst!'ibution for· the Wes t Bank 126 of the Main Ea s t Channel Samples LRX 9 7.1, 95.9 93.1 a·nd 91.8 · Particle Size Distl'ibution for· the West Bank 127 of the Main -East Ch an nel Samples LRX 90 . G, 87.7 and 8G.3 P·ar·ti.cle Size Dis tribution for the Ea st Bank of 128 the Main \ves t C hann e l S am ple s L RX 97 .1 , 93. 1; and 9 1 .8 Particle Si ze Distribution for· the East Bank of the Main West Channel Samples LRX 90 .6, 87 .7, 86.3,and84.6 Particle Si ze Distr·i bution fo r the \'le st Bank of the Ma in \Vest Channel Samples LRX 97. 1, 95.9, 93.1 , 91 .8 and 8 6 .3 v 129 130 · -----~.: :··: LIST OF FIG URES (Continued) Fi9~~e)' ·N umt:i~r\ Description . Page 4 -.l River· C1 ~oss Section LRX 3.1 I 1982 132 4.:2 River .. Cr·oss Section LRX 3.0, 1~80 133 :; 4 .. 3 River Cr:oss Section LRX 3.0, 1982 134 4.4 River Cross Section LRX 2.3 ; 1982 135 -~ River Cross t3'6 .l 4::5 Section LRX 2.2, 1982 4.6 River Cross Section LRX 2.1, 1982 137 4.7 River C r·oss Section LR X 2.01 1980 138 4 .8 River Cros s Section LRX 2.0, 1982 139 4 .. 9 River Cross Section LRX 2.0{98.0L 1984 140 4.10 River Cross Section LRX 1 .2 1 1982 141 4.i1 River Cr~oss Section LRX 1.1 I 1982 142 4.12 River Cross Section LR X l.O, 1980 143 4 ~ 13 River Cross Section LRX 1 .0, 1982 144 4.l4 River Cross Section L RX 1 .,0(97 • 1) 1 1984 145 4.15 River C1·os.s Section LRX 0.9, 1932 146 4. iG River Cr~oss Section LRX 0.8, 1982 147 4.l7 River Cr'oss Section LRX0 .7, 1982 148 4 .18 Rive1' C ross Sectioh LRX 0. 7(95 .. 9), 1984 149 4 .1.9' River-Cross Section LRX 0. 6, 1982 150 4·.20 River Cr·oss Section LRX 0.5, 1982 151 4'.~1 River Cross Section I.RX 0.4, 1982 152 4.22 River Cross Section LRXO 0 .3, 1982 153 :4_,·:n Ri ver c ~·oss Section LRX 93.1, 1984 1 54 f, • .... _.. · . . . vi .•. :.•. !? \: .. > ..... :.":' ~y~;~: -~-: -:~~f.~-=:~j:~:~::·-·:~ ~ .... ··.::~ :.:, .. :;. · ·R2bo >$;t :F.Jgure .. Numb~r . ·4·:24 4.25 4;4,6 4.17 4.28 . . -.. ,_.'. USTOF F1GURES (Continued) 'Description p ·age Ri ver C1·oss S ection LRX 91.8, 1984 155 River Cross Section LRX 90. 6 , 1984· 156 River Cross Sectio n LRX 87. 7, 1984 157 Rhier Cross Section. LRX 86.3, 1984 158 Ri ver C r·oss Section LRX 84.6, 1984 159 vii ',.·.,. ··! '· .. : . ' Pt1oto Number 3.28 3.29 3~.30 3 ,31 3 .. 32 3.3~ 3.34 3.;3·5 3.3~ 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3 .4:1 . 3 ·.42 3.:43 3.44 3.45 3 ;46 3.A.7 3.48 3~4~ 3.5(). 3;5t . ·. }~--~~ ', :~ ... ·.·· LIST OF PHOTOGRAFHS ('Continued) Desc riptiqn Aerial view lo-oking upstream at Sample 3 RM 93.1 and Sam ~'le 4 RM 93. l Gr·ound view looking upsti'eam at Sample 4 RM 93.1 Ground view look in.g upstream at Sample 5 RM 93.1 Aerial vie w looki ng upstl'eam nt Sq-mple 5 Rl'v193. 1 Ground view foo king upstream at Sample 1 Rt ... t 91.8 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 1 RM ·9·1. 8 Ground view looking upstr~eam at Sample 2 RM 91.8 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 2 RM ·91 .8 Gr·ound View looking upstream at Sample 3 RM 91.8 Cind Sample 6 RM 9i .8 Aerial View looking upstr·eam at Sample 3 RM 91.8 and Sample 6 RM 91.8 Ground view looking upstream at Sample 4 RM 91.8 Aerial view looking upstream a t Saln ple 4 RM 91.8 Ground v ·iew looking upstream at Samp le· 5 R.M 91.8 Aerial view looking upstr·eam at Sample. 5 RM 91.8 Ground view of armor· layer, Sample 6 RM 93. 1 G roond view looking upstream at Sample 1 RM. 90.6 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 1 RM 90.6 Grqund view .looking upstr·eam at Samp!·e 2 RM 90.6 Aer·iaf view look ing upstream at Sarnple 2 RM 90.6 and Sample 5 RM 90. 6 Ground view looking. upstr:earn at Sampl_e 4 RM 90.6 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 4 RM 90.6 Gro und view of ar·mor layer, s ·ample 5 HM 90·. 6 GrQund· view looking upstream at SampJe 1 RM 87 .7 Aerial vie w looking upstream at Sample 1, 2, a nd 6 RM.87·. t ix I Pag_e 49 51 53 53 59 59 61 ·, ,, 61 !! '! 63 ·'! '·I ~: ~- \ ,. 63 65 65 67 67 69 75 75 77· 77 79 79 81 85 85 R20/7 g· Photo Number 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62' 3.63. 3.64 3.65 3.66. :LG7 3.68 3-.69 :3. 70. . : 3.71 '- 31·-2-- : ... I ..... ,. ' LI ST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (Continued ) Description Ground view looking upstl·eam a t Sample 2 RM 87.7 and Sample 6 RM 87.7 G r·ound vi ew loo king upstree~m at Sample 3 RM 87 . 7 Aerial view looking upstt·eam at Sample 3 RM 87.7 and Sample 4 87.7 Ground view looking upstream at Sample 4 RM 37 .7 G!'ound vi ew looking upstream at Sample 5 Rtvl 87.7 Aerial view looking upstteam at Sample 5 RM 87.7 Ground vi ew looking upstr·eam a t Sample 1 RM 86.3 Aerial view looking upstl·eam at Sample 1 RM 86.3 Ground view looking upstr·eam at Sample 2 RM 86.3 Aerial view looking u pstream at S am p le 2 RM 86.3 Gr·ound v iew looking upstream at Samp le 3 RM 86.3 Aeria l view looking u pstr·earn at Sample 3 RM 86.3 Ground view loo king upstream a t Sample 4 RM 86.3 Aerial view looking upstt·eam at Sample 4 RM 86.3 Ground view of armor layer, Sample 5 RM 86.3 Aerial v iew lookin·g upstream at Sampl e 5 RM 86 .3 Gro·und view looking upstre·am at Samp le 1 RM 84.6 Ae·rial view looking upstr·eam at Sample 1 RM 84.6 Gro.und view looking upstream at S am ple 2 RM 84.6 Aerial view lookin.g upstream at Samp le 2 RM 84.6 Ground vie w looking upstr e a m at Sample 3 RM 84.6 Aerial vjew looking upstream at Sample 3 RM 84 .6 ··,:' Pa ge 87 89 89 91 93 93 99 99 101 101 103 103 105 105 107 107 113 113 115 115 117 117 ·:.~·;.'. ·.' . .. ~\:·~ .;--;._ .. ·::-.. R20/7 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was conducted under contt·act to the Hana-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. Funding was provided by the Alaska Power Author·ity in conjt•nction with s tudies pertaining to t he continu ing envi ronmental impact assessment for the pr·oposed Susitna Hydr-:>electr·ic Pr ·o ject. Carl Schoch (R&M) located all the l984 cr·oss-sectiom> and col'Jected most of the stage-discharge data. Bob Buter·e and Dave Bjerklie, both of R&M coll ected the remaining stage-discharge data. Chip Green (R&M) assisted in collectin·g the bed material samples. The river cross -sections were surveyed by L. Nicholson, W. Ric e and R. Sousa (all of R&M). Mike Schader ( R&M) r·educed the field data notes, computer plotted the cross -sections and wrote Section 4. The pilots of Air Logistics we ;·e every helpful and took in good humor h a ving therr helicopter·s turned i nto dump trucks. Gr·anville Couey (Frank Moolin & Associates) was h elpful in sched uling a helicopter· on short notite. My thanks to Steve Bredthauer and Chip Green, both of R&M, fol' reviewing and editing this report_ to Barb Estus for typing and Or·lan Par<!oan for drafting the figut·es for the r·eport. xi R20/7 11 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The data. presented herein were collected for use in constr·uction and calibration of the sediment transfer model being developed to analyze potential with-project aggradation downstream of the Chulitna-Susitna- Tal keetna· confluence . Ri v er ct·oss·sections , stage-discharge measurement and bed material were coiiPded a t nine, nine and eight lower river cross-sections , respectively. 1 he cross-sections between the confluence and the Parks Highway bridge were surve yed during Septem ber 1984, the stage-disch arg e measurements were me-asu ·r ed June through October 19 84 and the bed material samples w ere collected durir.g October 1984 . The chan ge in channel geometry at River Mile (RM) 98 .0 and RM97 .1 is quantified with surveys in 1980, 1982 and 1984. The bed material parti cle size dist ribu tion s are relatively uniform across the river and dbwn the river with some var·iation at the downstream side of gravel bars and at freshly exposed gravel bars. Five of the seven armor layer samples are bias·ed towards the larger particle s izes because the sut·face was fr·ozen during sampling, ther·eby making rt difficult to sam ple the complete armor layer·. Two unfr·ozen a r mor layer samp les are con sidered r ep 1·esentati ve of the ar·m o r la yer. -1- R20/7 12 2.0 SCOPE OF STUDY Approximately 80 percent of the tot=ll sediment load in the Susitna River below Talkeetna originates in the Chulitna and TaJ,keetna Rivers. Regulation of flood and high flows by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project will gre-atly reduce the sediment discharge capacity of the lower Susitna River. The total sediment lead will not be r·educed proportionately and agg1·adation of sediments in the lower Susitna River is expected to occur. Potential impacts resulting from this aggradation would be elevation of water levels near the town of Talkeetna, at tributary mouths and at the upstream end of side channel complexes. The results of the sediment study (FY84) pr~sented in "Susitna Hyd•·oelectric Project -Reservoir and River Sedimentation" identified the potential for aggradation but did not sufficiently define the tempore;] and spatial distribution of the aggradation. Modelling studies are being conducted to provrde a better estimate of the potential impact of the with-project flow regime on the sediment transport below the Chulitna-Susitna-Talkeetna confluence. This report presents th~ stage-discharge, bed material and cross-section data collected for construction and calibration of the sediment tr·ans.fer model. R&M Consultants conducted hydrographic surveys of the Susitna River in 1980 and 1982 (R&M, 1981 and R&M, 1982). These c•·oss-sections were primarily collected for computer· modelling of water surface profiles using the HEC-2 p1·ogr·am and computer modelling of with-pr·oject ice conditions using the ICESIM p.-ogram. For the 1980 and 1982 surveys rivet cross-sections were given th~ designation Lower River Ctoss-Section with a number-, i.e., LRX 0. 7 · The numbering sta1·ted with 0. 3 downstream of Talkeetna and increased in the upstream direction. For the 1984 sutveys the initials LRX are used to indicate tower river and the number is the -2- R20/7 13 river mile designatior.. The locations of the 1984 cross -sections were chang~d slightly during field location and survey therefore the LRX number does not necessarily correspond to the actual river mile LRX 98.0, 97.1 and .95.9 are approximately the same location a s lRX i.O, 1.0 and 0.1, respectively (Figure 2.1). Cali- bration-data included water s.u rface elevations for selected cross-sections a t different f:ow rates and bed matE>rial and armor layer samples at eight cross -sections. -3- . J 1.,r.,.t :.~ :, t: .~,· . ~~i t(, ~ ,f!f~ ,;,'l:.',c ~ ·~ .~ 0 . . z • /4 ... 0 .. ~ ~' :} II -· - "' ,J a. 2 c • ,J c c ... ... c :a 0 ... • ... 0 z ~ ... c u 0 ,J .. • • 0 • ~ • • 2 • • ;) • c ... :a ... • c c X u • 0 ... 0 c ... • ... 0 z ~ ... c u 0 ,J ... & :t ! • LEGEIIO e LOCATIOII OP 110 IUTERIAL IAMI'LI f • LOCATIOII OP ITAOI DIICHA .. OI MIAIURIMIIITI LOWIA •uen•a ••va• alnAD.AT ... tTUOY LOCAYJO• IIA• o• C ....... OTIO .. o• Till LOWI• IUIITU ... . 111 nn roal:1 na•ano• oP •UMIII!nle 8'r TWM Pie URI I . t I OP I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUIIITNA HYOAOIUCTIIIC JIN)JECT LOWEll IIUirTNA II'IIR g&rl 0¥ PHOfOGII.,.t SIPT 16.ttn 5CAU ,. •lOCO' -" ' 01 .. 01\Tt 1 -1-14 ...,.ave, ~ -:!:'·-···-..:;-... ,.,.,.,.~ • ; • a • • ~ • .. c ~ • &. a s • c • • c ~ c ~ s 0 c ! .. ... c a • s • a c .. ... • • • • 0 0 z a 2 ~ 0 .. ... z c c • " " • 0 0 • ~ ~ .J ~ ~ R~Q/1· 17 3.0 a·E(l ·.MATE·R~AL SAMPLING 3. l Sampling Methods Sanfple-sites were initially selected· on the September 16, 1983 aerial photography, with a discharge at Sunshine of 22,000 cfs, at or near eight cross-sections surveyed by R&M Consultants in 1984. These cross-sections are approximately at River Mile (RM) 97. 1, 95.9, 93.1, 91.8, 90.6, 87.7, 8G.3 and 84.6. Sample sites were selected across the river as well as down the river to determine the spatial variation in bed material particle size gradati'on. Sample sites were selected to be representative of the gravel bar or bank in the local area of the cross-section. Dui"ing sampling we flew along the cross-section twice at approximately 200 feet above the ground surface to confirm t'1e s·ample site selection or to select new ones. At some cross-sectrons there were new channel;; which were formed this year and at other cr.oss-sections the shapes of the bars had changed since the 1983 aerial photography. No samples were taken underwater due to freezing temperatures prior to and du r·ing the sampling period. We selected fot-!:r to seven sample sites per cross-secti'on, at the waters edge of each major channel, in dry channels, and on gravel bars to provide samples across the river . Each specific sampl-ing site was selected after walking the area to ensure the representative nature of the sample. For some cross-section site.s the representative location selected was not on the cross-section line, so the location nearest the line was selected. Test holes were dug if there was un.c ertainty of the representativeness of the area. Photogr.aphs of each sample site were taken from the ground and the air looking upstr·eam at the site. -7- Af'ter an ar-ea was selected. it was marked off , photographed and the material within the area collected for gradation analyses. For each cros·s-s·ection one surface. sample was taken of a well developed armor layer. 1he surface material was frozen due to freezing temperatures prior to and during the sampling period. A pry bar was used to loosen the surface material for collection. Depending on the sample location .and the thickness of frozen SIJrface· material, bed material samples we.re taken from 0.4 feet to 2 .0 feet below the bed surface. At fiVe · of the seven armor l~yer sites the surface was frozen, precluding the measurement of the armor layer thickness and the embedment coefficient as described by Ettema (1984). For the two unfrozen armor layer samples, the armor layer thickness was sampled; but the embedment coefficient was not mea~ured . The frozen· armor layer samples are biased towards tl,e larger particle sites due to the sampling methods. The particle, .size analyses were conducted in aj::cordance with ASTM s(:)ecification 0-422. The sample weights ranged form. 42 lbs. to 190 ·lbs. (19 kg to 87 kgJ dependi ng on particle sizes in the sample. The .dtscharge was 10:.700 cfs at Sunshine during the bed material sampling (Table 3 .1). Water surface el.evations at selected cross-sections are presented in Table 3.2 and the loc3tion of water surface readings are shown in Figure 2.1. All discharges listed in Table 3 .1 and 3.2 are provisional USGS data. -8- : ..•. < ·f.a!)r~·';i.t·~qJ~ch~rge· 9f the Susitna River at Sunshine for. dat-es of ·;:···. S~rv~Y and Bed Material Sampling oa·te 09/ll/84 09!i3/S4 09/15/84 o911 6t 84 09/18/84 09/19/84 09/26/84 09/27 /84 1.0/16/84 10/H/84 10/t8/B4 Discharge (cfs) 1 2_~.,600 2 . ., '\':l)o .. ; b."·-· 22,206\ 20,700 20,700 28 ,900 18,500 17 ,800 10,700 10 .. 700 10,700 1 All discharge· values are provisional USGS records and are· s ubje ct to revision . -9- l R20/7 1'1 TABLE 3.2 Sta ge-Ols.ct)o r.go M~_l'ls u.r.ements fo.r surveyed Cross•Se ct;i ons on the Loie r Silsl'tna R iver Wate r Surface. Elevlitl o ol" (f~) Date Oi scha rge~·( cfs) R Iva r M i I e J LRX 2 (98.0) LRX 1 (97 . 1) lHX 0. 7 (95.9) 93. 1 9 1.8 90.6 67.7 6 6.3 84.6 6 -14 69,900 313.0 JOJ . 1 2911 ./j 282.4 2 '15 . 7 266.6 7 -28 60,300 3111.0 3 0 11.1 - 283.6 2 7 6.9 26'/,8 8 .,.15· 4(i,QOO 311.7 302 .8 - 280 .6 2711 ,6 264 .9 8 -2 7 61,600· --296.6 282 .9 276 .1 267.2 1. All wa te r surfa ce el eva tions a re ti ed i nto me an sea leve l p r o ject datum except at LRX 1 , which are e l evations based on an a rb i t rary datum of 10 feet. 9-5 25,700. 310.6 3 02'.2 2 911.6 279.2 2 "12. 9 264.~ 2. These are the prov i siona l u.s.c.~. mean dally discha rge s ~t Sunsh i ne. 3 . Lo cat i on of sta ge r ead ing a r e s hown o n F i gure 2.1. 4. Th e wa ter surfa ce e levations ror at I the 1984 cross-se ctions su r veyed i n 19 8 4 are li s ted in the survey notes , Appendix B . 9 '-11 23 ,600 11 .0 9.·1~ .9 --17 1 0-3 . 20,700 20,100 1 8;·000 338.4 -33"r.3 3 .6 -3.0 323.7 -322 .8 310 .0 309 .4. 0 1 .4 30.1. 0 293.7 2.93. 3 -2'16.4 2 72.2 271.7 261.7 261.6 -R2o/7 -:~.r 3 .2: s"~mpie _=site·:()"escrfp.tions s~mple"-~escdpti=ons are presented by river mile in downstream· order. Th~' s~mpie· locations are identified on Figure 2. 1 and on the crt)~_s.-·se.~Ho_li fo r• each· River Mile. Generally the sampling started on thf easl bimk and progressed to the west bank. Us~ally the armor - lay'er sa.mple has the· h ighest sample number for the cross-section . For some cross.·sections sample sites were skipped because of time coristraints. For RM · 90. 6~ 87.7 and 84.6 no west ban.k samples were tat<en • b¢cause there was no place to lan·d the helicopter. For each sample site there is a description of the site based on field obser- vations and particle size analyses, and two photos showing the sample site from the ground and air. At the end of tha description of each- river mile section are the particle gradation curves and the dver cross-sections showing the sample site locations. The river cro$s-sections are plotted looking downstream-with the east bank on the left. The depths (feet) given in the sample descriptions ·."ere m·easured: from the surface down into the sample hole . A1 ·mor lay er samples ~re plotted together with the bed material sample taken below it or nearby. Tables with the results of particle size analyses and a description of the Unifed Soil Classification Sys tem are included in Appendix A. -11- ;I .(~..:.':: .. ~:· I '"'~'.~· "•' . _.-.-.-:.~;~~-:-~. . . . ~20/:i 2..2. River ·Mile 97. 1 . ' ' Sampie· l The· sajnple site was· on the· east bank o,f the east channer just down- sfteani · of the ... usitna-Talkeetna confluence (Photo· 3.1, 3 .. 2 and Figure 3.1). The gravel was frozen from the surface to 0.4 feet, sampled for o~s feet. to l.6 feet and there was no water in the hole. The sand is coarser than at the west bank sites due to the influence· of the bed materia,!' from tt'fe Talkeetna River. The sample is a well graded· gravel•sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the· .local a rea (Figure 3. 2). -12- r R2 9/7 23 PHOTO 3 .1 L ook i ng up st r eam at Su <>i t n a-T a l kee tna c o nflu e n ce S am p l e 1 R 19 7. 1 is o n the e ast ban k o f the eas t channel . T he S us t tna R ive r· e nte r·s f r o m t h e l e ft an d the T al keetn a R i ve r· ente r s fro m th e r i g ht . v · I . PHOTO 3 .2 . rew ook t n _g ups t r·ea m a t S us i t n a -T a l k ee tn a confl u e nce . Sa m p l e 1 . R 19 7 .1 ts l oca t ed tn t h e lo . 1 f . e nters w c r e t co r n e r· o f t h e ~h o t og ra p h . Th e Su s tt ,.,a River f rom t he l e f t and t h e T a l kee tna R i ve r ~n ~e r ·s f l'o rn the r ·t ~h t . [}[j!}J illll§J u {El%J[)J S] © ® SUSITN A JOINT VENTURE R20/7 24 River Mile 97. 1 Sampie 2 The sample site was o.n the west bank of the east channel just d own- stream of the Susitna-Talkeetna confluence (Photo 3.3, 3 .4 and Figure 3. 1). The ·gravel was frozen from the surface to 0 .. 4 feet, sampled from 0 .5 feet to 1.4 feet and water was at 1.2 feet. The sand is _ finer' th im at sample 1, the influence of the bed mate .... ial from the Talkeetna River is probably less. There was a well developed a t·mor layer with coarse grav&l and c o bbles. Base d on-f ield observations the sample is representative of the armor layer minus the fines. This sample is a well graded gravel ~sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3.-2). -14 - PHOTO 3 .3 L ooking up the Susitna Ri ver adj acent to the Susrtna-Talt,,·e tna c o nfl uence. Sam p le 2 RM 97.1 is l ocated o n the west bank o f the east c hannel . Notice co a rse sur!~re mater·ial. PHOTO 3.4 V i ew l ooking u pstrea m at Susitna -Talkeet n a confluence . Samp l e 2 , RM 97 · 1 • is located in the l o w e r· l e ft co m e r· o f p h o t og r·aph . The Susrtna River ente~s fro m the left and th e Talk eetna R r ve r ente r·s fr·om the rig ht. The Chulrtna-Susitna confluence is in the upper l e ft o f p h oto gr·aph. ---::./~~ "~~-~------------ (IJ/ !JI GYil G\ :J ~(7i) r.1 @liillfi) liU!AJliuf.!JrJ !..::Jl:V1Ah2.J 1,01Jl; SUSJTNA J'JINT VENTURE · .. .. . ~~·:· ··.·•· :Ft20l1.. 26 River Mile 97. l Sam!)le 3 The sampfe sjte was in a htgh water channel· near the· middle of t he river ·which has water at flows of 37,500 cfs at Sunshine and higher {Photo 3.5,. 3. 6 and Figure 3.1). The gravel was frozen fr-om the surface to 0.4 f eet, sampled from 0 ·.4 feet to 1.4: feet and there was no water in. the hole. There was a well developed armor layer. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand· mixture with few fines, is not repr esentative of the armor. layer but is representative of the local area (Figure 3. 2). -16- PHOTO 3 .5 Look i ng upstream in a dry channel at Sa m p le 3 , RM 97.1 . The ch an nel has a well developed armor l ayer . PHOTO 3.6 View l ooking up the dry channel . S ample 3, RM 97 . 1 , is l ocated in the lower middle of the ph o togr ~p h . Th e C huletna -S usetna confluenc e is i:-~ the upper middle o f photo graph. • ,, 7 G) .61 f'!.l (ri) lfi'l ~'1 t.J m~ YJ 8 ,-;, 1f t.i uu&J. ~ ~L0LAk:V\0\.!V SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Rhter Mlie 97 . 1 ' ~-·· '. S_airJple '4 The sample site was on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3. 7, -3 ~8!-'-and Figu·re 3 .. 1). The river bed was frozen from the surface to OA feet~ the sample was taken from 0 .4 feet to 1.3 feet and there ~as' w~t~r at 1.2 feet. There wa-s a well developed armor fayer. BasE!d on field observations the sample is representative of the armor i~y~r minus the fines. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mixtlclre. with few fines· and is representative of the local area (Figure 3.3). -18- PHOTO 3. 7 Looking up the west c h annel a t Sample 4 , RM 97.1 , on t h e east bank. The bank has a well dev e loped armo r· la y er . PHOTO 3 .8 ~iew looking up the west c hannel . S a mpl e 4 , RM 97.1 , is loca ted 1n the ower midd le of the photo gr::p h . The ar·rnor layer sample , Sample 6 , was collected 20 f e et upstream of S ampl e 4. rlfJ F\ rv J 71 .~ ::J f?.'m m P?l (iil fffifjf liULiJliu&.rJ Lf!L0li\1~:~~l1V SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE . ':. ... !~~~(,'/:· The:~sample site -w.as on th·e west bank of the. west channel (Photo 3. 9, 3 :;)0 ·and : .. Figt,~re 3 ·; 1). The bank material was frozen from the surface to\<L·3 .Jeet, s.ampled from 0.4 feet to l.O feet and water was at 1.0 fekt~ -Th'e: sample. is a well""graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines a~d i$. representative of the local area (Figure '3 .3) . -20- PHOTO 3.9 L ooking upstream along the west b a nk of the west channel at Sample 5 , RM 97 . 1 . PHOTO :3 .10 View l ooking at the west bank of the wes t c h a n n e l . The flo w is fr·o m r·ight t oh lteft . Shample 5, RM 97 .1 , i s l ocated i n the l o w e r left corner o f the p o og r ap . t::l /~1 T ,.Jjl U'\IIH"P • ·--·- River· Mile 91. 1 S~mple6 The armor layer ~ample for this cross-section Was collected near sa~ple 4 on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.8, 3.11 and Flg~r~ 3. 1).. The Qi""avel was frozen therefore. some gravel was lost in. chipping It free. Some frozen sand in the armor laye·r was collected. _ Ho\vever the sample is biased because of the low amount of fines collected. The sample is a well-grad~d gravel and is representative of the local' area (Figure 3.3). -22- PHOTO 3 .11 Sample 6, RM 97 .1, a rmor layer . Flow is f r·o m right to left . Sample was taken from the area out·ined . Cilf)JffJilDJ Q !EID!)l~@® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE :;·-·· \'••",·'.·' ···~: .... · .. ..;._ ... .. ~ c .. ' ... l ....... I '' i' I . : 0 J ~<' 24 I· '.·. -~".;> -~ .. : .... '·~ j.!.~ ·: . ;·:···' .. . ~ .:··-~ 0 I ~(' I .. • Cit ::;) ~ ... , ..... -~-.··, -~- ·f. • z · 0 t: c D ~· • ... • .. "" i ~ • - • '..N ~-· . .. · ·.·.!, -~:: :,;.-~.· --~-· --~~~~;?~-~~~-{-;~;~-~~\k.~:.; / '':> . ,,,-· ~,.·--: ..... ...... .. :;_ ~ .. :,-.. _ · · ··.·;·;·.:s;. 'Inches . "'. •. . . ~ .... r .. .. eo ~· Sy!ft ... c · 0 ell : ...... .. . . ... .I ll't' N " .. GRAVEL coarse. I F1ne . Coarsej SCIIIIPlli IcJent1 flcatlon Ha·te -samp o•pth Cu 97 .t l .!-t.s 39 ;, ... 97.1 2 .5-1.4 46 97 . s. 3 .4-1,4 49 ! 0 o · - I CJ CJ N Grain-Slz.e ln M1l Umet'era SAND Medium l Flne Cla~a1f1cattcn Data I Hydrc!'IDeter I Q 10 20 30 .. 0 so 60 70 eo 90 .02 .0! .005 .002 so·o .001 SILT OR CLAY Uilttled Reurks Clan cz t,.L 1.2 1.2 5.6 PI s Org GW GW SP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER-MILE 9.7 • 1 F8. GRiO. PRO_J.NQ. OW.O HO 3.2 "t) Ill .., C"' • :I ,.. n a • ..,-... Ill .., a - "< ~ Ill .... a :r ,.. ......, L U.S ~ steve S1tea I J 6 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 • N "' ~ In -·cu ~ .. l . I 0 '' '' 10 20 '30· "'b m ., " • .. o :J .... n ,0 .. ., 50. • ... "] r::i '< 60 s: ... --Cl ;:/ .. 70 eo ·90 .02 .01 .005 100 .002 .001 Grain S1ze 1n MH11mete,.e GRAVEL SAND I coe,.seJ T SILT OR CLAY Co11rse Fine Medium F1ne SIIUIIple l~enUf1cat1qn Clsss1t 1ca.t1on Data 1Jn1f1ed ''··· Rilntarks -.. Class Syili Hole Samp Depth cu cz LL PI X Or-g 4 , 97.1 "' ,, .4-1.3 38 .9 GP 0 97.1 s .4-l 41 1.1 GW 0 97.1 6 Armor 3 1.1 GP .. Ec::.; ' ' M CdN(gULTANTB 11\oiC. ..... ·DOOLODoO Wo ' .............. o~io vo•o•o SUSITNA FS. HYDROELECTRIC PRO.JECT GRIO. AGGRADATiON STUDY PR()J.~O ~6 FUVER MILE 87.1 OWG.HO 3.3 This page left intentionally blank. -27- ··:· ·D·. River Mile 95.9 sample l The•·sample site was on the \\lest bank of the east channel (Photo 3.12, .3:;J3 arid Figure 3.4). The gravel was frozen fron'l the surface. to 0.4>ieet, sarnpled from 0. 8 feet to 1. 5 feet deep and water Was l. 2 feet>below thi surface. The armor layer was well developed. Based on field observations the sample is representative of the armor layer minus the fines. The sand in this sample is coarse, similar to the sand in Sample 1 RM 97 .l. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel..,sand mixture with no fines and is representative of the local area .(Figure 3.5}. River Mile 95.9 Sample 2 No sample was taken due to time constraints. -28- PHOTO 3 .12 looking upstream along the west bank of the east channel at Sample 1 , RM 95 .9 . -..· - , - PHOTO 3 .13 View looking upstream at Sample 1 , RM 95.9, a long the west bank of the east channel . s 1 ·t · 1 amp e s1 e 1s o ca t ed in the lowe r· le f t cor n er. {!II !]"\ IV 17/ f), :J ~m fi\ f".!l (rl) r,n !IUf!Jli\l&w ~~LAlr:?J 1!:? ttJ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE R20/7 40 River Mile 95.9 Sample 3 The sample site was on the west bank of the main west channel (Photo 3 .14, 3 .15 and Figure 3 .4). The gravel was frozen from the surface to 0.4 feet , the sample was taken from 0 . 6 to 1 . 5 feet and tnere was no water in the hole. Based on field observatio ns the sample is representative of the armor layer minus the fines . The surface in the area was well armored (Photo 3. 14). The sample is a well-graded gravel -sand mixture with few fines and is represen t ative of the local area (Figure 3.6}. -30- PHOTO 3.14 Looking upstream along west b .. nk of main west channel at Sample 3, RM 95.9 . The surface has a well developed ar·mor layer . Sample site is located on the right side of the person. View looking upstream along 3, ~M 95 .9 , is located in Chulltna-Susitna conflu e n c e is PHOTO 3.15 the west bank of main west channel. Sample the left center of the photogr·aph. The the top middle o f photogr·aph. [J[J~ffJ/L~ ~ fEWLJJ~©® SUSITNA JOINT v :-NTUR£ }~i~!i~jJ2 ' . . ',:· ~ ' ., ... :;.,.: ;_R-~ver"~lfe ;~$· .. 9 ;sample4·: .:··.i>-:'·.··:···:;_,_ ... 1. • ';... fhe ',s<imple site wa .s on the east bank of island in a minor east chan- ri(;f /l~h~to 3-:16,. ~:~11 and Figur~ 3A). The material was f r ozen from the ~··uHace: to -0.3. fe·et,, the sam·ple was-taken-from 0. 4 feet to 1.4 f~~t~.:~·:a.~~:<W.ater ~~~--_,at_ 1:3 fe~t._ . The .armor 1·ayer· was moderately dey_~!~p·~-~~ ;_(~h9to :~·;.16). Th~-s·a.fTlple 1s a well-graded gravel-sand mii(ti:;re ;with . fevt tines and is rep·rese~tative of the local area (Figure 3.5)~ -32- PHOTO 3.16 Looking upstream along east bank of island in m ino r east channe l at Sample 4, RM 95 .9 . The surface has a mode r·at e l y developed ar·mor layer. The samrle site is l ocated on the left side o f the per·son . . PHOTO 3 .17 Aerial photo looki ng upstr·eam, Sample 4 , RM 95 .9 is located in l e ft center· of photograph and Sample 7, RM 95.9 is loca t ed in middle center . L~!iJill!ZJ.J !I!EWCJ ~r;® SUSI TNA J OINT VEN TURE .. Rivef.:Mile 95 .:9 .. ·;, . . .. -·-. . s·~~pJ_e".~ ., .. The sample site was QO the east bank of a minor west channel (Photo j ·da; 3". ·19 and figurE! 3.4):. The grave lly sand was f-rozen from. the surface to 0.2 feet. The sample was taken from 1.4 feet to 2.5 feet. This i.s a depositional area consisting mainly of sands arid fine gravel. Th.:t sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and Is repre~entative of the local a rea (Fig~:~ re 3. 6) . . . · -34- PHOTO 3.18 Looking upstream along east bank of a minor west channel at Samp le 5, RM 95. 9 . TH is is a depositional ar·ea. y · I k . PHOTO 3.19 lew 00 mg upstream at Sample 5, RM 9~.9, a long t h e east bank o f minor west c hannel . S a mpl e site is located in the mid d le center o f phot og r·aph. ~~OJfPJ?lv!iJ ~ {E[%]f;J£]©® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ?(-"""''·'---· --... t~ R20/7 46 l . 'I R·iver Mile 95 . 9 Sample 6 The area sampled wa·s on the west bank of a mi·nor West channel (Photo 3. 20, 3 .21 and Figure 3. 4). The gravel was frozen from the surface to 0 .3 feet, sampled-from 0. 7 feet to l. 5 feet, and there was no water in the hole. The surface ar·ea was ar·mored (Photo 3.20). _ The sample is a well graded gravel-sand mi>~ture with few fines and is repre-sentative of the locaJ; area ( Figur~ 3 . G). -36- --_..-ft _____ ~ --- PHOTO 3 .20 Looking upstream along west ba nk o f a mi no r west chan n e l at Samp le 6, RM 95 .9 . PHOTO 3.21 View looking upstream a t Samp le G, RM 9~.9, a lo ng west ba nk o f a min or· west channel . S a mple site is in lower le ft o f p h o t og r·ap h . r!!l fj\ f"V) (Z,0 =.. ~ m m f'JJ ® 1fl', UUL!Jl.J\llbl/J ~LVlA.hV 1J:!7 ~J) SUS/TNA. J OINT VENTURE R20/7 48 River Mile 95.9 Sample 7 Collected the armor layer sample ne~r sample 4 on an island in a minor east channel (Photo 3.17, 3. 22 and Figure 3 . .4}. The surface was frozen, therefore some gravel was lost in <;hipping it free. The sample is biased because of the low amount of fines collected. The sample is a well-graded gravel with few sand·s a.nd no fines. and is · reprei·entative of the armor layer in. this area (Figure 3.5). Based on field observations sample 4, minus the fines , appeared representative of the armor layer. -38- ,.· • • "'•• "•· .•t'; ~~.... • . -~ • ~ ..... v .. ~.• • iW . ~~:-·. ·-.. "' ...... ~ . .,_-a:.., . -~;.-~ ----.. "• .... ~:.":A.·~-.• · •. · 0 -f -~·-.... .,., .,. .,•,:• x_....... .....,...,. I. • ... ~·""'t -,-• -..... ~: ~ .• : '•-.. ... .. .,._.·~ .• ,~. ~ ·--a ... ; .. , . -,. , ... .....,-... ;; ........ ~-. • .• · ~-.. ;,:-.. """' t •. ------;..;--~ · ..• r.· -~'"* . ., ~~-~ ~· ·~=-~· "! ...,.._ ...... ~ ... .::.-•• -;;:<•.-.--·-· ~· ........ c..-:: ... :!':-;.nr,;,,._;.·~: ...... -. ...... ·..,.e-~r , • ·. ·-,......_· •. • ........ ----.~ -..-. .,., • .•. ~ ...... ~.-.. .. .,..... ... ..-...... :--T"c:-.-•• ~ ...... ~ ... .,--~'-» _, .• -:-.. -. .·• ... -• .,..,~. . •• ~-··'.~ .. ~ ~ .... :. .. • ·""' ,_ '*' "Col .. /.-• -• A • •• ~-. ._,_.._._·.. . .,. . .., .... ·-. .... ~ -~·' . •'-~f"! ... ~~.--:.: ... ~~ ~. .. ~ ·-· . ·--. -~-t_... . ~:-~ -, ~:,... --... ... ,. .. . .. ~( ... · . , . _,. ..... ._. . . ~ ·.: : -·· ;. -~,.~-~'i' .·-.· .• -.-,.. .. " ..,_ -'~c.e~, ..... -!] ;~· ·-J • ~ .. ~.!-'~ ..... -.:~.,.. .... "i-· ... . . . ... -_.. . '~~_,; ~ ...... : • . . ... ' •aT •. . ..... ~.:t· ,.;.~ -~ .'~·:'.'·: •·• ~ . . • . ._ . a ... ,.... ~· • .·· -~ ..... ·--~ .• '?'. ..... ~~ . --t .--.,.., ... .... . ~-....... -: .... ~ .• .,.;· '~i •..... ~~..,;r.... ,,,. .. -.. \ " ~· •• ,.,. • .!: .... ~ •• .. ·' .. ~ ~ ... ~ .. -• ... . • .. ~~--~ .... -: . ..._... ....~ ·:4-..J'-_.,.. . ... ,. ~~·., • 4 . -~ • •• .... ·-·~.... ;..-· • ~'*'!1~--~'!t ~ ":' '"' . .. , " --~-,, .•• - -.•. · ~~-.,.. .-~ .l!..: , .. · ..... . .of."-' ----~ ..... _ .A. ..... ~ :•.-. ~-.. .. .. --~ .... . . -~ :-~ .... ~· .. .... .. . -....--. . . .., .... -.,.:-.·~ ~~··-~ . ... ...... .. ·~· .. .. ·' " ' .· -. .. &.~. -. . .. ... -.I .... ....~-• .:;; .' ~ .... • .. #' • ~v f,.;,.~"l .. ~.. •. .... . .a ~··--~-~ .·!!f. • a:· · ... *• · .. .,.~.' .. ~-~··~~ •. ..., ......... ~·~~~~ .:~~-..... -~ ~:w ........ ~ ... !#.· .• •. ~. ~' ··~ "11'·--J.:J. ...: -;,.;.:. :,~ ..... -· •·..;.. ..... -.. ~-"'· .. ·:. ,.r • ...:~-···:·~ .. -~ --~-.. a.~· . -.. ' -~~~ ;:,. r-:1' ....... _._ .. ~;.,.. .,. -... '.Jr ... -.-.. ~ . . . ,.. -. . . . ~ ·~ ..... ·~ ·• . .. ..-• . ':-,~~."'!". ,. ~ ..... ,._ ....... ··~ .. " , -~ ,... 'i:"-· • .. .. • •• .. ~ --'\. ... . -,. ~-c-f" .... ~ _.. . -. ~-......... ~~ •• . • -e • .. ~ .. -.... . --ra • , ~.1 ·,_...,.a_ . -:\-,-... _.-.. ·o-~~ ~ ~ -. ~· .......... -.~.·;..~-4 • ,_ .... -... ~· .. _ ... _ .• .... 7 ~ .,.~ .;..r...~~-~~ -~·.' .... -:.~. . ". ···:.d-.-....: ~-,~1 .. _ ..... ,.;-; .... ·._ . -;o -1 ... ' -~-• ···....::··· . ~ ·~ r. · ~ 4 · • • ;. • ~;--. ~· ,.,.~ • -• ~ · . ....... . • .,. .... ~· -·~ ~ • ·--t -•• ;. ... , ·~ ·~ !~ : -~ • •. ~!-~,.~~~ . , ~· ' .,. ... , . " ..,." -.... -~ .. PHOTO 3 .22 Armor layer, Sample 7, RM 95 .9 . Flow is from left to right. Flagging del ineates ·sample area . Photograph taken after sampl ing because of low light lt!vels during sampling . ---~~~~i---------------------------C-{]PJ{R?~fiJ a {Ef:JDJ~©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE . --... '·• ----·-----'-..,.-;.--,...,....;--,. . ~~11 "" 0 SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS -~. r :>· ... 1 98 4 cross section LAX 95.9 ':~: ::. F" "I 'I 'I 'I 'I 'I '1 rr ''T 'T :' I I I I '-l -~-... ~-·-· t .I -~-1 .; ~-~· ':·• ·-· ·',·\-~--~-' -~ }_' ~ .. • I l 1-.. d~ ···---l~~~-1 ' I l SUPLE 71 UMM 41 l l II,AII~LE sJ I r·~~~p~E 'l tAMP~. •. ::.." --~.... I I . , l I ' I I I I I r I L.--........-~ ~-Li ~'----r~~-"': •. bfl-tt-~ - ~ -:.? i--~~------t---~~---+-----r----~-----~--~· -·~ ~" I ..-! ~1 ------+-----+----f-----t----r-----J - 1-c, () ~o;,_o / I ,, Q' . .. .! PltEPAAtO 81 • oo L9. ,,1 {jo l't~ .. J E~~·t.w~---. --~s:zm ~ R&M CONSUL.TANTS, INC. , .. •-•••• ••thO••••• -...--...., •-•v••u•• oO ,., ~. ,j r§~ h~ .. l oO J oO ,.., b 1'1-.. .JIll l 'h 1l I oO ~~~." FIGURe 1.4 1 19 MATUt .. L tA•PLE liT I LOCATIOIIa oo 'ht:. ' I oO ... ~ --.,I 0 1 ~() , ~.,,I oo l .. l.i '•• .I oo ,tl t. I I 0 :P ~.. • I Pllti'!!IIEO. FOR , .. ... Dflfijillltt\ • ~ID.m~a;® susirili. JOIN .( VENrVRE l. LL l \...... ---~ ~ •"-r·.·: .:· .. :.''·: •... !,., __ , .... ·· •:•.'"· l I Hydra• tar t aoUllu~·].~[·~·~---U~++~~--~Hl1rt-t-~~tt1-t-t--jttlttt1~~~20 llill .. 1~D~~· ~--~+P~-t--~~~r1---ttHttti-1-~~tlrt-r~30 70 GRAVEL Co a rae l Flne Coarsel Sai!IJ)ll Idant1r1cat1on Sylll Hole S•IIIJJ Depth cu .6. 9!5.9 I l .8-1.5 43 a 9~.9 4 .!5-t.C! 47 0 95 .9 7 Armor 2 .OWN CKD. 0ATE.11-8 .. SCAL.E · .. ~.~:t;:;:~ ;:;#.r;!'t;-'.;~.">v:-~,a;;,C~ .,~....:...<---., .... #- Grain Size in M1111matera SAND SILT OR CLAY Medium Fine Claaau 1cat1on Data Un1r1ad Cz lL 3 .9 La 1 41 PI J Org Cl .. • 6P GN GP SUSITNA HYDROELECTR~C PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILEII5.8 Aeaarka F'8. GltiO. PROJ.NO. DWG.NO 3.5 Sym A 0 0 DWN CKO. ·:lLS~ Inch .. . ' ... ' ~·' r GY-•ln S1ze 1n N1111111etere· GRAVEL SAND ca·arss I F1na Coarse! I SILT OR CLAY ~itlllp18 Hale 95.9 95,8 9!5 .9 Medium Flne Idenu f1cat1on Claaa1f1cat1on Data Un1f1sd Sarnp Depth cu Cz ' 3 .6-1 .5 <16 1.6 ! 1.4-2.5 4!5 .1 6 • 7-1.5 30 1.4 R&;M CONSULTANTS, INC. e-.o ,........ oeaLoa..... ~·---•• ev•v•"o•• LL 42 PI s erg Cl1UI8 ·6)1 GP GN SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE as. a Remarks fB. GIIIIO. PfiOJ NO --- OWG .NO 3.6 ····· ·R20/153 This pag~ left intentionally blank. -43- ,'~ . River Mile 93. 1 Sample 1 The . sample site was on the east bank of the east channel (Photo :3·.23:, .3_,24 and Figure 3. 7). The sile was· frozen from the surface to b.3· ·feet, was frozen, the area sampled was from 0.5 feet to 1.5 feet and there ·was no water in the hole. The·re was a well developed _ arin9r layer (Photo 3.23). The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand 'mi)cture with few fines and is representative of the-local area (Figure 3.-·aJ. -44- PHOTO 3.23 Loo king upstream along east ba nk o f e ast channel. S ample 1 , R:-.1 93 .1 , is located in the lower left corne r of the p h o t og raph . A . I . PHOTO ::.. 24 ena VI e w look in t. 1 RM 93 1 is 1 . g . ups 1 eam a ong eas t bank o f ~as t c h a nnel . · • ocated 1n the lower le ft come r o f the photo g r·ap h. Samp le 1 , r111 li\ r.;>l/·2 " ~m fi10l ®Iii) IJU!rJ!iu=lft. I ~L0!Al·:v (~,;;lj SUS!Tf.JA JOINT VENTURE .R20/7 56 River Mile 93. 1 Sample 2 The sample site was on the west bank of the east channel (Photo 3.25, 3.26 and Figure 3. 7). The digging was easy because the surface material was not frozen. The sample was taken 1.0 feet to 1.5 feet below the surface at the middl.e of the hole, with water at 1.5 feet. S·everal test pits dug in the area indicated that this site was representative of the local area. The sample is a poorly-graded gravelly sand with no fines (Figure 3.8). -46- PHOTO 3 .25 Looki1ng upstream along west bani< of east channe l at Sample 2 , RM 93.1 . Heigh t from water surface to top o f grave l ba1· is four feet. View 1 k. PHOTO 3 . 26 .0 0 lng upstream a l o n~ west ban k o f ea s t c h annel . S am p le 2 , RM 93 .1 . IS located in th e l e ft c e nte•· o f th e p h o t o grap h . {~/0 G J'JI .~ :J (;' m "' 01 fri) tm : L!/Jliuf£.!/J _::J !.0!iJr'V I ~ '.:!.J SUSI TfJA JO I '\JT VENTURE R20/7 58 River Mile 93.1 Sample 3 Collected t he a r·mor layer· sample 70 feet east of Sample 4 , on the e ast bank of the west c hannel (Photo 3.20 , 3.27, and Figure 3.7). This sample is. representative of the ar·mor· layer and is not bias toward s the large r sizes, as the su dac e layer was not froz en du r·ing sampling . The sample is a well~gr·ad e d gravel with sand and a few fm es (Figure 3 . 9). -48- PHOTO 3 .27 Armo t· l aye r Sample 3 . RM 9 3 .1 . Notice larger g r·avel o n th e su rf ace w ath f e w fines around t hem. T he di r·ec t ion o f flow r s h orn th e b o tto m to the t op. PHOTO 3 . 28 L oo kin~ upst r ea m along t h e cas t bank o f th e w csl c han nel . Sarnplc 3. ~1\1 93 · l . IS located an th e m idd le cen t e r· o f t h e p h o to ~r·:~p h a n d SJrnp l e -t is l ocated t o t h e l e ft o f S.unpl e 3 . f!ID /f!.\ G>7J ~\!) {;P)fi1 ('~ffil171ll UI.JJ!.iul:fJ.u-!..1 ·~i..::J'r'Jr~·~:;-·;t SUSITfJA JOIN T V ENTLiri f R20/7 60 River Mile 93.1 Sample 4 The sample site was on the eas t bank of the west channel (Photo 3 .28 , 3.29 and Figure 3 . 7). The surface mater ia l was t h awed, the sample was taken from 0.4 feet to 1.3 feet and water was at 1 .3 feet. The area was well ar·mored. The sample is a well·graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines (Figure 3 .9), and is representative of the local area. -50- PHOTO 3 .29 Looking upstream along the east bank of west channel at Samp le 4 , RM 93 . 1. [}[}§Jill~ u !EIKJJ)J~©® SUSITNA JOINT VEf.ITURE R20/7 62 River Mile 93.1 Samples. The sample site was on the we;;t bank of the west channel (Photo 3 .. 30, 3.31 and Figure 3. 7). The sur-face material was not frozen, the sample was taken f1·om 0.5 feet to 1.2 feet and there was no water in th ~ hole. The area was well armored, and the sampfe was r'~(:·resentative of the local area. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines (FigUI·e 3.:;). -52- PHOTO 3 .30 Look ing upstream along the west bank of th e wes t c hann e l at Sample 5, RM 93. 1. . PHOTO 3.31 Lookm.g up strea m al o ng the west ba nk o f th e west channe l . Samp l e 5, RM 93 .1 IS loca t ed i n l eft middle of th e ph olo gr·aph . &~JJffJ~ !I {E[EJ!)J~©® SUSITNA JOIN T VENTURE SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 4 cross soction LAX 93.1 I I l I l ., . 1 ,, . I l l .. , .. ,, ·J~". S A"PL£ I ''"''"~~" t - ~.'I.~ ;> f- .~ ::' '-(1_~ \) r l't J) ... 1-~) h~ a a~ _..---} ') I~ IJ)Q \ r / \J \I r ~()() lJ v . . . ::-~0. () c:P : '1, c,O l?~0 1 ~~ /1 t I, • .~ I l'! () . , I . , , IIREPARE~ oi< ~~~~i.;'11.,...===--=-.=,;=-~~~~ R&WI· CONSULTANTS, INC, ........... -.. .,.._.,. , • ....,.... -·••o•• .. ()() l'!~, L . :L ,. -n i UNI'LC 5 IUIPU: $ -- UIIPL(. N!;..l oL ~ -~-----~~ /1 fi1' ·; \j\ 't I -J\ \J -- ()() ()~ ()() (I () lnf j_ t, l'l<~ lt .i. '~ .t ,";}() I LL. f\OUIII 5.7 110 MAT£111AL tloMIII.( SIT( L.:ltATI.ONI I (' r~ ~. 111 \v ()() ~~~ J. '1 l . I I I r r ·~ ~ - ._ .. -· - - - I !A n A .L- ,j" '''l;i ,/ \}\ \t ·.1 . t•j\1 t . r -I I a -----~ . v - - - ~ - ()0 l~0 I oo ~~~ I c§) 'P_~l..d.t..LLL .oo :\>~ I PA£P~fi(OFOA • OO~ifJ~~ • tEill£f$&®. SUSIT/1.4 JOII<IT VEtoTUIIE ~-------------------1. ----------------~-y~------~u~.~s~.~S~l~e~v~e~S~l~z~•;•--------li------~H~y;drameter ] I u.s. Irii:hiS .... I! 01 "' 10(1 90 80 70 .... 60 I :... A · ii 50 c .. IL. ~ i 40 CJ L • A. 20 s 0 0 soo '"' .. (\1 ...... -I (\1 .. r-.. " .- 1\ 1\ ~· \ .. (\1 Q) .... ........ """'"' .... '"' ·I I ~ ~ [\ 1\ . 10 GRAVEL Coarse r Flne 0 .. ... (\1 C"J 1 :-.~ ~ [', 1'. ~\ 11 1\ "" " t'--.. ........._ ' 1 I \ 1-:. ' ~ r\ I ' 0 0 .. r Ia\. ·- g (\1 .1 Grain Slze ln M1111meterl SAND Coarsef MedlUIII l F1ne I 0 1 0 20 30 'l) ~ ..., n ~ ~0 ~ n 0 • .., 50 :: ..,. D' '< 60 f 70 80 90 .... a :r ,.. 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 Slli OR CLAY Sa.pl• l ~!nt1flcat1on Claaa1tlcet1on Data Un1t1ed Sy11 Hole Sutp Oopth Cu cz A 93.1 1 .5-1.5 69 5.3 a 13,S 2 t -t.s 3 s LL 55 PI S Org Cl .. e 6P Sfl SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC J»ROJl!CT A.GGRADA:TtON STUDY RIVER MILE 83.1 R1111rtca F IS. GIM. Plt~J NO. 1--·- OWG.HO • H -"'"••~·-''"'''-·~•·~-w "'"''~'''·~•"'••~-· •. ,"'"'' 3 .8 ~ !{ t I I i i i f ., I i ) 100 90 eo 7CI ~ a ;: '60 :s > .a ~-50 c: .... IL ~ ~-.. o u .L. •· a: 30 20 10 ,till u ~-s. Inch .. N ' .. . I ~ ... II ' .......... .. 1"1 ... If! I I ·'\; il ' .. I\ : -~ .. --~, 1\ : ~ i\'. \ K\ 1\ 1\ '-\ ~-- '\ .. .. t'-' ['-~ t-.. u.s. Sieve S1zya 0 ... N "" '. ~ ~- " "' r--., k .. In I t'--l"f"" f~ 0 0 ... I ... I i : c 0 N II 0 10 20 • 1-----30 '· .co ,.-50 60 70 eo 90 1CO 0 tOO 10 1 • 1 ... .02 .01 .005 .OQc. .t\~H OWJi CKD. SCAL( CRAVEL SAND SILi OR CLAY coarae I Fin• . Coa,.ae! Mad1um l Fine Sa.Ple ldentlf1catton Clasa1 t 1cat1on Data ·lln1f1ed Syll . Hale S•llf;l Depth cu Cz • 93.1 3 Armor u 2.6 0 93.1 .. • .C-L3 ~1 2 .! 0 9'3.' ~ .!5-1.2 54 3.9 _R&IVI C 'QNSULTANTS, INC. • ,...11,..,.•••• o•o.;.aa•••• ... ,...,...,... •u•v• ta,.• LL 56 PI % Or g (;lass GM Glf GP SUSITNA H-YDROELECTRIC PRO.JECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE 83. t ~81!18rks Fl!l. GltiO . PRO.J.NO .OW G. NO 3.9 "11 .. ":I n .. :I ~ &::1 Cl • ":I • .. ":I C7 '< ~ II ... ID ::r ~ R2b/7 S7 This p a ge ieft intentio nally blank. -57- :. /.~:r-.:·· H2,Q/7 68 River Mile 91 .8. s~mple. l The sample site wa s on the east bank of the east channel (Photo 3.32,. 3.33 and Figure 3. 10.). The material was hozen from the s:urface to o,a feet, the sample was taken from 0.8 feet to 1.6 f eet and water was at 1. 0 feet. The a1·mor layer· was well developed (·Photo 3 '.32). The s ample is a well -g raded g 1·avei-sand mixture with no fines a·nd is representative of the local area (Fig ure 3. 11). -58- PHOTO 3.32 Looking upstream alo ng east ba nk o f th e ea st c h a n nel .J t Samp le 1, R'vl 91 .8 . The s urface ha s a we ll d e e loped a r·mo r laye r·. I • PHOTO 3 .33 ~e~~~t~~;:~h~oo kin f ups tr·eam Samp le ~, RM 91 .8 is locate d rn the ce·nter &~tJlPJ~ u {E[B§J ~©® SUSI TIJA J OINT VENTURE H20/7 7() River Mile 91.8· sample 2 The· .$ample -site \\'as on the west bank of the eas:t chanhel (Photo 3.34, 3 .35 and. Fig1.,1re 3 .10). The material was frozen from the surf~te to 0.4 fP.et, the sample was taken ft·om 1.0 feet to 1.9 feet and water. was at 1.9 feet. The sample is a well-graded gr·avel-sJnd ri'lixtu·re with no fines an·d is rep.resentative of the local area (Figure 3 .. 11). -60- PHOTO 3 .34 Looktr g upst ream al o ng w e !)t bank of the eas t channel at Sample 2 , Rt--1 91 .8. The surface h "s a rn od e r·at e l y deve l o ped ar·m o r· l aye r· . . . .... .. .. . ~ ... --- PHOTO 3.35 Aerial photo ioo king ups t ream SarTiple ?_, RM 9 1 8 is l oca t ed rn l e ft ·center of photograph . · lj~ijJ rPJ?L~ u ~@DJ~~@ SUSITNA JOIN T VENTURE R20/7 72, River Mile 91.8 Sample 3 The sampl"e site was . in a hig·h water channel nea.r the middle of the cross,..sectic.in (Photo 3.36, 3 .. 37, an~ Figure 3.10). The material was fro·i~h from the .surfa~~ to OA feet, the sample. was taken from 0.6 feet to 1. 4 feet, and water was at 1.3 feet. The armor layer was well developP.d (.Photo 3.36). The armor layer sample for this cro ~s-sec~ion, Sample 6 , was taken above Sample 3. The sample is a well:-·gr.aded. gravel-sand mixture with few fines and. is rep;-eserrtative of the local area (Figu1·e 3.11). -62- PHOTO 3.36 Looking upstream i n the hi gh Wdte r ch a nne l near th e middle o f the cross-section at Sample 3 , RM 91 .8. The sur·face has a well devel o ped armor layer . The sarnple site is loca t e d in the ar·ea ma rke d by s h ove l s , Sample 6, the armo r layer sam p le, was taken p r·i o r· t o taking Sa mple 3. F-HOTO 3 .37 Aerial pho to loo k i ng ups tr·e am Sampl e 3 , RM 91 .8 is l o ca ted i r. th e cente r· of the pho t og raph and Sa m p l e 6 is loca t e d under Sa mp l e 3 . --------~------------------------=-~0-. :'I =~~~f"-~ .... :=-;f"'~"'~'"~~;;~~.,~~~!~7.'~!-J~ .. ;=;L=:i :=A::=:N:=:,:=:T=:===S =,=,=N=,=:.=.=-. ~--63 - • ' • ..,~ ........... u er.. '•u-.<wt "'On, R1DI1 74 River Miie 91.8 Sample 4 The sample site wa.s on the west bank of the third channel from ·western limit of river channel (Photo 3 .38, 3.39, and Figure 3.10). T~h~ material wa$ frozen from the surface to 0 .3 feet, the sample was taken from 0 . 7 feet to 1.3 feet, and water was at 1.1 feet. The armor layer was well developed (Photo 3.38). Based on field observations the sample minus the fines is representative of the local armor Ja·yer. The sample is a poorly-graded graver-sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3. 12). -64- -_ __....,_ .... __ ,_ ........ - PHOTO 3.38 Looking u pstr·eam a l o ng w es t bank o f thir·d c h a nnel f r·om w es t e r·n limit o f ri v e r cha n nel a t Sa mp l e 4 . RM 9 1 .8 . The s udace h a s a devel o ped ar·mo r· l ay er . PHOTO 3 .39 Aeria l ph ;)t o l oo k i ng ups trea m Sa m p l e 4 , RM 91 8 rs l o ca t e d i n l e ft c e n t e r· o f p h o t o grap h . · ~~: .. ,-1------- ~&ivl C :::JI\I S L.;I "T'A NT ~ -65- I NG.• ........ ~ O t..C:U.Qf t • ,. -· -· IN:.:. • • • .... , ...... ,..liM 'V "V t wc u :t._ ~20/7 76 River Mile 91 . 8 Sample 5 The sample sife was on the west bank of the second channel fr·om w~~stern lim.it of river channel (Photo 3.40, 3.41 an:d Figure 3.10). The material was frozen from the su r·face to 0. 3 feet , the sample was taken from 0 .. 8 feet to 1. 6 feet, and water was at 1.0 feet . The armor layer was moderately developed (Ph:oto 3.40).. The sample material was loosely pac·ked relative to other samples at this crosvsectio.n. Alaska Fish & Game I nstream Flow Incremental Methodology Study Site, Trapper Creek side channel, is 1000 feet downstream of this sample site·. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mix~ure with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3 .12). -66- PHOTO 3.40 Looking upstream along wes t bank of s eco nd c hann e l fr·o m weste rn l im i t o f river channel at Samp le 5, RM 9 1 . 8. Th e su d ace h as a modera t el y d eveloped armor layer. PHOTO 3 .41 Aeria l p ho t o looking ups t ream, Samp le '"•, Rll 0 1 8 ·,s lo c:>t e d ,·n I ft o f p h o t ograph . "' 1 ' ;J • ~· c c e nte r __ ,·~=·1,-------------- ~&M C::::Jr\ISW' ..,.ANTe= :67-r.._a..,._._._ca~ OCOt..ar.,r •· -• -• IN:::. • • • U~o.Aoflf"""f.A!li ,U ..,V t. •on~ R2ol7 78 River Mile 91.8 Samph~' 6 Cdliected the armo.r layer sample over Sample 3 in a . high water ch.annei near the middle of the cross-section (:Photo 3.37, 3.42 ahd Fi~ure 3 .. 10). The su-rface was frozen-, the-refore: some g r-avel-was lost in chipping.· it free. Because. of the low amount of fines collected the sample is biased towards the larger sizes. The sampe is a p<>Orly-graded gravel with few sands and· rio -fi'nes, and is representative of the armor layer in this area (.Figure 3. i1). Based on field observations. sample 3 minus the fines appeared representative of the armor layer. -68- r R20/ I 19 PHOTO 3.42 Armor 'layer, Sample 6 , RM 91 .8. Flow is from left to right . Shovels delineate the sample area. C{]f)J[R?JLDJ D f!ID!}J~©® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE -.} .:::> --~~~- SUS ITNA HY DROGRAPHI C $ljRV:13Y $ 1 98.4 cross s ec~ioo LA),(· 9 .;1i 8 ·.· ,·· ..... . ... --... -. ·-·-r I .. , I -. ;• I ,_ I f -" . ..... I·--r I · ... •I -, '.---·J I_··· -' ··l --·' -I . ·~-1 -- • n • v $AIII'Lf I S&IIPLE I S AIII'LU S •• . I AII_I'LI ·•·-••·•:.ou 6 ·':,.' ·---.__,... -.-."""1'. ___ ,,., ___ 1- J - ... ') ~·· I . ~~l p~ "t V ~' i r ,. . -· ~ -·fiJ ~ V1 ~~ ~~n t\ 1rJ1 hr ·:·~· ~ v ~ ··--h(\ \I K ~~--~--\ I 1\ . v '''f 'i v. ~~-~ v ~ I ' -\ v . ' \ ~ -- 1-- f. ~~ .. ~ v ---·----. 1-- ~ ~7~ ·------· ·" ·-. . 1--- 0 t' -r----'· • f.. -'1"oo 0 QQ oo .oo oO oO OQ oU 0 r:P 00 I o ()() 'L-'· 1~00 I :.0)0 ' I 1-. ',',I .,0 'I h li , I " h~ ,,, .11/' 1 ' • I'J..~ I I'll~'· t I ')~ 'I 1 r~" , , c/' l ', 1'/) , I :~ I\.!) I .. . 'I '. -.~I l l~ I l l I PltEPA II~O I Y• ,..UIII 1 .1 0 - 1 1 0 IIATlltiA&; 1 .. 11,1..1 IITI I.OC.U!OIII ,A[I'AA(O t .OR-• OOblUl~· trW~©~® SUS IUJA. JOI'I f VE!wTI!IlC =~~6L ~~~= .... ---l-:·---·-·~'11'!'::2..~ R&M CCNS UL.TANTS, INC. •-•..,•••• ••u~lll••••• .._,.,~_ .... "! ,...,,...,. ••••• ',' · .. ---·.-'·-, .. - J tns·. :inctt•• U.S. S1it9e S1,:r.aa I_ Hydronter 0 tO 20 30 40. !50 60 70 O ·II~~~~~~~~~~-+--~H4~~-~~~---~H+++~~--~+t++~-r--i90 ! . IT • · l~, . · . l·_ N-r--1:' ' ' -i' l'b--. o-ll1JW;.,l.;LL_JillilLLL_jlli.ll-..LL~t:-::£1:MJ.J:.JL-.!-.......1_.....1JLll.U..LJ.....-JL--' foo tao so s .1 .o2 .os .oa~ .oo2 .oos Q-aln S1za 1n ~U-lllHt,ra st•.T OR CLAV I GRAVEL SAND L _ coariia ___ j F1nit coar-ait Medtulli F1na Sallillit. IdenUUcilt:1an Claalt f 1cat1on Data .Un1f1ad _sy~ • sa~ Clala ......... k. Hiile Depth cu Cz LL Pi ·1. Org A • !U ,I .. .7-1.3 79 8 GP -0 · i1 X !!I .a-La 32 t.ll ... ... F l . DATE. t·t-a .. . ~?;'LE.--..;--..:_--1 :~-:CONSULTANTS. i~C. J HYDROEt~~~~~t PRQ.JECT G"IO. PltOJ.NO . ;, fl ., n .. :1 ,. n -a • ., : .., r:r '< E " .-.. :7 ,. ·~.......... .. .............. , ... ~•·· ....... .;., .... I I_ 72 AGGRADATION STUD.Y ~ RIVER MiLE 8 '1 •8 . -DWG.NO 3.12 Th is page left intentionally blank. -73 - Riv.er Mile ·90. 6 Sainpre l The sampl·e site was on the east bank of the east channel (Photo 3.43, 3 .44 and Figure 3. 13). The river bed was frozen from the su·rface to· 0.4 feet, the sample was taken from 0 . 5 feet to 1.0 feet, ancf wat~·r was at 0.4' feet. This is a.h active cutbank at higher f!Q\Vs. There is 3.5 feet of silty-sand overlaying the gravel layer. The top · of the bank is 4.5 feet above the top of the sample hole. The sample. was taken 150 feet upstream of the cross-section because the silt-·s~nd deposits at the cross-section were not representative of the gravel. in the river bottom. The sample is a well-graded gravel -sand mixture with few large gravels and few fines, and is rep.resentative of the gravel underlying the silt-sand bank (Figure 3 .l4). -74- PHOTO 3.43 Looking upstream along east bank of the east cha nnel a t Sample 1 , RM 90 .6 . The sample site is 4 .5 feet below the t op o f th e bank . I T*W • - PHOTO 3 .44 :t~~~t~;~~~hl ~king upstream Sample 1 . RM 90.6 is locat ed in le ft cen t e r --=----=;-:'\ ,__ __________ _ _ =:-.·-·-.. \'1 ---~&M CONSULTANT~ -· :75-,,_,c:..,.,. .... ,. oC ot.Dr.•...,Y"& _ -• IN....._. • • lrilllt.AIVIV.AS 'u•vc Y DA~ G~§J ifJ?lir~" fEill&l~ r; ® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE R2017 86 -Rivet Mile -90_.6 s_amf>le 2 The sample site was on the west bank of the east channel (Photo :t45, 3.56. and Figure 3. tn . The materia ~ was frozen from the s!Jrfa~e to 0.4 feet, the sample was taken from 0. 6 feet to 1.4 feet arid water was C)t 0 .8 feet. The armor layer w<>s-well developed (Photo 3 .45). The armor layer sample, sample 5, was collected 30 feet West of Sa.mple 2. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mb(tu're with few fines and is representative of the local a-rea (Figure 3. 14}. Sample 3 Sample 3 was not collected due to time constraints. -76- PHOTO 3 .45 Looking upstream along west bank o f the east channel at Sample 2, RM 90. 6 . The surface has a well developed ar·mor· la ye r . PHOTO 3.46 Aerial photo looking upstream Samp le 2 RM 90.6 is located in left center of photograph· The ar·m or layer sample, Sampl e 5, is loca t ed 30 f eet to the left, or west of Sample 2. f!Jlli\ G)~ l) u ~ Gl fi't 0J ril lfll L!U!!JliuWJ G:!0£Alrv '!JW SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE R. iver Mi le: 90; 6 Sample 4 The sample site was on the· east bank of the west channel (Ph1to 3.47, :t4s· and Fig.ure 3. 13}. The river bed was frozen from the surface t~ ()A feet, the sample was taken from 0.4 feat to. 1.0 feet, and water was at 0. 7 feet. The armor layer was moderately ,dev~loped. The sample iS-a well-graded gravei-'Sand mixture with few flne:s, and is. represe·ntative of the local area: (Figure 3.14). -18- PHOTO 3 .47 Looking ups t r eam al o ng the east ba n k o f t h e west channel at S a mple 4 , RM 90.6. T he s urface has a mo derate ly develo ped a r·mor layer . -,-,--· . . PHOTO 3.48 V rew lookrng up t h e west c h anne l Samp le 4 . R~'1 9C> G · I t d · I I f f tv • • rs o c a e 1n t he ower e t o the photo graph . -------~----------------------= ... ::--..:: :.'1 [J[J§JfR!~ ~rEID&!~©® SUSI TNA J OI N T VENTURE . . ~~· River Mile 90.6 Sample 5· The armor layer sample was collec ted 30 feet west of Sample 2 on the west b a nk of' the east cha nnel (Photo 3.46, 3.49 and Figure 3 . 13). The surface was frozen therefore some gravel was lost in chipping it fr.~e ; The sample i~ bi a·s because of the low amount of fines collected. The sample is a pGorly-graded g r avel with few sands and no fines and is representati ve of the armor layer in this area (Figure 3 .14). Based on field observations Sample 2, minus the fines , appeared representative of the armor layer. -80- ~~==--===--- PHOTO 3.49 Armor layer, Sample 5 , RM 90 .6. Flow is from right to left. Flagging delineates sample area . ~J[Jj[f~, fE&bJ~©® SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 984 cross sect.ion LAX 90.6 :;'I •·••·•· t-,.,..,r,..,.,, ........... -rr •• TT"Trn .......... , ......... ...,... .. 1 ..,.., .. ,..,., .. ..,..,., I TTl • I"T"i, . ......, .......... ,..,..,. .................. , .. rn. irTI'j ."TT .......... ,....,..,. , ......... .,.... ........... rrt, .••. , .... , •••. .~.., •• , .•.. ,_ •• t. , ...... , ...... , .....• ~---SAMPLE 1 'SAM"'' ue l I I I _, I .j I , ..• ,u ~ I ~ ,1" t~~ ~: krv-~;1 lrJ [_ ~~~----·---/-~--!:J --~~ ,h j" ~ -/ -;;/\--. -·' "" . ~ ti ~" l· ,. ··'I .. :-~:.: . --~-~\\::£ --f.l•.~-· 'T q --I ~ - t I I -l I H-t J . . . . -.. I I . . . . I:- :'to '!, u -l . 1\ .~ \j --. . . -. . ------- b ·'> ~"' - ~-J_J I I I I I I _ I I . I I _ I _' ~ 1-'.l '1.0 c:.Q ,') I (\_ ·' Pllfi"AIU:O ., ' I ·>~~. I I ()~ ~-,.I ~~f;.== rma=--=~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC • .... "~···· ···"······ .............. , .... . .. I oo ~ ... 1 .. ~ ... ... I .;111 ...... toO. F' , ·I · I' . ': ~~-·, ·~ i jto ' :.~·· .. ' &RAVEL Coli" .. J Ftne s..p1e I~nt1flcet1on ., 0 ... co~r••l u.s. steve Slzeil 8 -I I SAND Med1u" I F1ne Claaa1ftcat1on Date 0 0 N 111 .02 .DS .005 .002 SILT OR CLAY llft1t1ed "-••rke Syilll Hole ·SMIII Oepth cu Claal Cz • 10 .8 l .!1}-1 3S .2 Qi ••• 2 .l-'t.4 S7 6 .5 0 ID .S 4 .... 1 47 1.2 + to .e !5 Armor 2 1 .1 OWN OATE.U-84 CICO. AGM CCNBUL1'ANTB INC. ........... ••at.o••••• .,.,..._••• •l.•v••o•w ·-.................... . LL PI 1 ora BP 5P 8W GP I SUSITNA HYDR0El.ECTR1C PAO.JECT AGGRADATION STUDY 83 RIVER MILE 80.8 FB. CtttD. 0 so 20 30 ., "'J " • 40 :::I ,. n 0 • , . !50 • • ., .,. oc so i ... a ~ ,. 70 10 90 soo .GOt ·e:-·-:.··,······'' ·''··· '( . ~: ' .... Riv~t Mile 8i . 7 Samplel" Th~ s•mple site was on the east bank of the east channel (Photo 3.-50',, 3.51 and Figure 3.15). The gravel was frozen from the surface to Od ' feet, the sa.mple-was taken from 0.6. feet to 2.0 feet and the.re wu· no ·water in the hole . The· armor layer was well deveroped {Photo 3 .50).~ THe sample. is a poorly -·graded gravel·-sand mixtur~ with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3.16). -84- PHOTO 3 .50 Looking upstream along east bank of the east c h a nnel at Samp le 1 , RM 87 .7 . The surface has a well developed <u·mor layer . PHOTO 3 .51 Aerial photo look ing upstream Samp le 1 , RM 87 .7 is loca t ed in lo wer right of photograph and Sampl es 2 a nd 6 a re located in the lo wer left o f photograph · (Sample 6 is the a r·mor la y e r sample and wa s coll ected 20 feet to the left of Sample 2.) &~CJill?LISJ " fEWbJ~©® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I Rlver i Mile 87<~:1 . ·:~(~·· ·~·. . .. ' . S. 'rii' ·ie · 2 ~ ~·· .. the $'ample site was on 't}f& wes:t ·bi!i'fk. (if. til·~,· :ea$t ; ctlanr.t ~t ·fP.ho~o j\.~1; . -tf$~ anc;t· figure J·.1.~J. . ThEr :Rjat~ri~t ~-~~' _:_:J r9.~~n ··tr()~ the su f;fac;f. t~ 0.3 feet, the s~mpt ~ was Ja .R~n fr~m 9 ;5~ ·fe~t! ti:); LO · ·te.~t in<l>th,ttt was· ·no water irf the~ h g l~. Tf)~: aqrio r .r~ye:r. wa ~ n:tatgina.lly ~~~ .• (Q'P.e~, The sam·ple rs a: poprly•gra·ded grav~f"sa·nd: ·mixt ure with few:· fines and: ;·s representati v eof'the -lo~l itr.ea. {Figure 3 ,.1.6)-. -86- PHOTO 3.52 looking upstream along west bank o f the east channel at Sample 2 , RM 87 .7. The s u rface has a marginally dev eloped armor layer . The armo r layer sample , Sample 6, was collected 20 feet to the le ft C'f 3ample 2 . C-[JOJlfJilUJo £€IDOl~©® SUSITNA J OINT VENTURE . _:, . ~w:~: ... ·;.·. ~~.~~ott 9s River, MHe 87. 1 Ylt. • . . • . ·~ . , T:h~ sample s'ite· was in a high water channel approx imately 100 feet . east: ·ofi west ch;lnnel (Photo 3 .53 , 3 .54 and Figure 3 .15). The ·ffiati.rla f was frot.en. from the surface to 0.3 feet" the. sample was ·l~k~n front &.:6 feet to 2,.0 feet and water was at 0 .. 8 feet. The· armor ·(ay~~~ w~s, poor'fy developed. In the field the sampt·e look.ed well mbced _.n-et >did: l"iot appear to bf" in a depositional area. the sample is a ~dy-"graded g ravelly sand with few fines and is repr·esentative of the· local area (.Figure 3. 17) . -88- _-, ----- PHOTO 3.53 Looking upstream in a dry channel approximately 100 feet east of the west channel at Sample 3 , RM 87.7. The sample site is located o n the right side of the person. 0 PHOTO 3.54 Aertal photo looking upstream Sample 3, RM 87.7 is located in lower center of photograph · Sample 4 is located to the left of Sample 3 0 C~UJIR1iZUJ ~ fEIDDl~©® SUS/ TNA JOINT VENTURE ~Z2~~Y~~-;_~~····~~'""~---· · --·· ·-~-·---·~---.... · r; " •· R~t 100 I I I I ! : .:·.,. ·,, ,''' . . , Th·e, sample site was on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.:54,; 3. 55 and Figure 3.l5). The . gravel was frozen from the surface to 0~;3. fe-.t , the sample WfS· taken from 0·. S feet to 1 . 5 feet and water wa"s at 0 .. 6 feet. Tti& sam·ple site is at the· downstream face of a dune f~t'e . The sample· is a ,p6orly -graded graveHy sand with few fines -cln<f is representative of the local area (Figure 3 . 11). -90- PHOTO 3.55 Looking at ~ample 4, RM 87.7, on the east bank of the west channel. ~r:=~rF:,/-----------­=-~·-1 C~£JJillil#J.· IEIDDl~©® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE R&M COI\ISUt..TANTc: --91-•-.o· ... •••• ocDt.oc•"'•• ~· .._, IN-... ~••• •u•v••o• ... --~ River Mile 87.7 Sample 5 Th~ sample site was in the middle of Sunshine Slough (Photo 3. 56, 3 .57' and Fi,~ure 3.1~). Tf).e gravel was frozen from, the surface to o ~~· feet, th·e sample was taken from o.s feet to l. 5 feet and there w~~' no wat"~r in tile hole . The armor layer was moderately developed . (Photo 3~.56)-. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3 . 16). PHOTO 3.56 Lookin9 upstream in Sunshine Slough at Sample 5, RM 87 .7 . The s urfac e has a moderately develope d armor laye r . PHOTO 3 .57 C Aeertial pfhotho looking upstr·eam S a mpl e 5, RM 87.7 is loca ted rn the l eft n er o P otogr·aph. lj-Jy1fP~il§J D fEillf)JFt©® SUS/TfJA JOINT VENTURE Rivar ·Miie :87~7 Sample .6: The: armor layer sample was· coHect¢d: near Sample 2 on the west bank ofHte ·east. ch·annel (P.hoto 3.5.1, 3 .52 and Figure 3.15). The surface was . froZen, therefore SOllie .gravel was lost in chipping it free. ·aeca·use of the low amount of fines collected the sample is biased _ .tow~rds. the l'arge.r sizes. The sample. is a well-.gra'ded gravel-sand 111i.xture with few .fines and is representative of the armor layer in this area (:Figure 3 . 16). Based on field observations Sample 2 , minus the fines, appear.ed representative of the armor layer. -94- ... ! • ..:.--L_'l '' l 'I -~,..'1 '! 'I '1 I I I :1( ~ : . t -<~'-I ~ ~-' ' I I ' ~--I 1 I ' I I I r t I """ I I I ;L. i r-.. j ... -.. D Fo .. .. ~ • ... .. ~ • .. -~ . .. I I ~ f. i \ .... : 1\ . ) ·J.;.. ~ '• / . / :'f-. (r ~-:~ ~ -~ ! 10 ~*~ .. -.. 1'\ .. 1 .. • 1 ~ I .. -j _v- Ill ---Gil ,... _, ( .. .. c .. ~- ~ I~ b:-I ...... p f-. c b-c • ~ .... .. .. ... • .. ' ~'iDr--" I I - .:-e> -1 ocs_:-_.. ,f ':~~ 0 oS' U.o•c.l ;~ .I ~ ... I ;.';> I I I I ! ~ 1• \ J> I I l 0 .t'..;>_. ::_ .. I . -'J -· 0 .. ~~~--~ "' o · ... "' ... .,;, :· 0 · .. o.., ..... -.,if' -C). 0~ -(). co_. - OD • ~ .. -"a "" .. -,.,a ...... - 00 ....... . - 00 o, - 'h "'.!i . . - oo_.; . .: oo · ... ...: - 0 ·. o.; . - ~ . 0 0 - 0"'~' , I ~·· • I c .. 0 ... ~ ~ .. . .. .. « t ::. . ~ : ~-• .. .. ; Q I \ ~ : .... tOO, I . ., &; 111 ... I ·.~ 10-: 10 70. " 50 ~ c: . 40 I L : ~· 20' so:: o. soo .... ~ ...... ....... ...... , ~-... -• l l ·~ ~ .R ~ ~ ~- ' ~--.. ~- N ~\ ~ -~ ~ ' ~~ :'\ ~ ~ 10 GRAVEl.. 0 0 .oooo p N-'"'"" 11'1 ... .. I "I ; 1\ ...... ~ ......._, ~ ~~ ~· ,.~~~· 1 .1 ·- SAND 0 · 0 (\1 \. I HydroMter r r 0 ' .· ~ 1 20 I I. .·· i ... :. i'• 10 'll • l ., n • :I .. " a-. 'I !I • . 50.: ., 60 70 ' 80 90 "I. L . 100 .02 .01 .00!5 .002 .001 coarse I F1ne coarse I M•d1u• [ Flne SIL7 OR CLAY 1 J. s .. 12 1• Id•nU H ~ilt 1on ... :• Syil · J~ol• s.•lllP De.p:th cu ~: i7.7 tt .15-2 49 ; ~· 87'.7 2 ~!5-'-1 31' ... .. o . 17·.7 s· .5-t.S 40 ' -+ \ 117.7 6 Arm· o-r I 52. i Class1 Hcat1on Oilta Unified Cz LL 1 .4 1.4 L8 96 PI I or; ct. .. sp· liP GW GW SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO.JECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE 87.7 At! Marks .J ' ,. : .. : :~.J .... GRID. PROJ.NO. OWG.ItO 3.16 j f· SIIIPle 1dentH1cettan 1iY• . Hol.e SHP, Dtipth C\J • ~.7 3 .... 2 • ·a .,.7 4 .5-.t.S 4 u.s. st•v• S1 %•• I Hydraileter lil 5i. 0 .. 0 ltl 0 0 : 0 0 ... N -, I .I! SILT OR CUV Flne CI•••1f1clt1on 01t~ Un1 fled Cz LL •• .i 97 '- PI s Org Clal• •• SP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY . RiVER MILE .• 7.7 Aealrk• F. I . GittO. _ _. "DWG :NO J 3 .1 7 ·:··. '::·· River Mil·e-86.3 ·sample 1 The sample site was on the east bank of the east channel (Photo 3 .. $fJ:, 3· ... 59: and Figure 3 .18). The surface was not frozen, the sample was taken ·f.rom 0. 7 feet to 1 .3 feet and there was no water in the ho[e . The a.rmor layer was well developed (Photo 3 .58). The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is representat~ve of the local area (Figure 3 .19). -98- ,.. _ .... PHOTO 3.58 Looking upstream along east bank of the east channel at Sample 1 , RM 86.3. Aerial phvto looking center o f photograph . PHOTO 3 .59 upstream Sample 1 , RM 86.3 is locat ed in mi dd le · ~ ~ II •.:1 :1 ::1 !J , ,·~tru 1 {;!Iil!J.ufR·~7J r~ @:0~r:: . ..::....@ U !.1'' U t::J.!.r e~!lU "' r;V ~.!:? U SUS/Tf.IA JOINT VENTURE -<• .. River Mile 8th3 Sam~le 2 The $al'npl.e $ite was on the west bank of the east channel (Photo j~ .. sn, 3,61 .and F·igure 3.1&). The s·urface was not frozen, the sample was ,taken from 0.7 feet to 1..3 feet below the surface and there was o.o water in the ho·le. The surface appeared to· be a depositional area _ of sand, wi .th .no silt, on top of the gravel-sand mixture. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mi~ture with few fines and is representative of the focal area (Figure 3 .19). -100- PHOTO 3 .60 Looking upstream along west bank of the east channel at Sample 2, RM 86.3. Aerial photo looking upstream. of the photograph . PHOTO 3 .61 Sample 2, RM 86.3 is located 1n lower left lj~§JffJ~J rl [E[%)/)j~@® SUSITfJA JOINT VENTURE · .... ~lve..-M'ife' 86 . 3 Sample· 3' th•;· s~.nple site . wa-s on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3 '/62, ~ .. ,~~ and Figure 3·. 18). The surface was not frozen, the sample ·was-taken froin o·.5 feet to 1.3 feet below th~-surface and water was ~l; 1'·,5' ·f~et . The a-rmor layer was mOderately developed (Photo 3.62). _ 'i:be~ s_ampl.e is a well-graded gravel-sand mixtu.re with few fines and is representative of the local area { Figu r~ 3. 20). -102- PHOTO 3 .62 Looking upstream along east bank of the west channel at Sample 3 , RM 86.3 . The surface has a moderately developed armor layer. PHOTO 3 .63 A.erial photo looking upstr·eam . Sample 3, RM 86.3 is located in lower rtght of the photograph . r!.!l r.1 TU)7/ ~ r1 ~mm ("".:.lt;illffi ~·JfiJ!iu (;fJ;'J bl.V!Alr;V '.!:? tJ!J SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Rivet Mile 86.3 Sample 4 The~ ,S.Jmple site was on the west bank of the west channel (Photo 3/64 1 ~.:$$ and Figure 3.18). The surface was not frozen, the sample wa!s taken· from 0.6 feet to 1.4 feet below the surface and there was ncr. wat~r in the hole.. There was a well developed: armor layer. 8jseC:f ·on field observations the sample, minus the fines, is r~ptesentative of the armor layer. .The sample is a poorly-graded gravef•$a·nd mixture with no fines and is representative of the local ar~a (Fi'gure 3. 19). -104- ==~~==~--==--~----- PHOTO 3 .64 Looking upstream along the west bank at Sample 4 , RM 86 .3 . The bank has a well developed armor layer . ----._,.=_ -~-.r-~ G~tffiilliL!iJ u ~WtiJ~ &® SUSITNA J OINT VENTURE i I. J I . R20/1 U6. ·Riv.er Mile 86.3 Sample,.s Arir.or layer sample was collected in a high water channel near the middle of the cross-section (Photo 3.66, 3.67 and Figu r.e 3. 18). This $~mple is representative of the armor layer and is not biased because the sample was not frozen during sampling·. The sampl·e is a poor.ly•graded· gravel with few sands and fines (Figure· 3. 20). -106- r··· ~ ... ~:. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~==· ---. PHOTO 3.66 Armor layer, Sample 5, RM 86.3 . Flow is fro m right to left. Shovel and flagging delineate sample area. PHOTO 3.67 View looking upstr·eam at the ar·mor l ayer· s ample n e ar· the middle o f the cross-section . Sa mple 5, RM 86 .3 is loca t e d in the mid d le o f the photogrpah. &~5J ml~~ :J {E[%]§J ~~® SUS I TNA JOINT VENTURE , .... ····-:. _,.,...,.~.' '"'''•' r .',.' . .oi("'' J.:.. SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1984 cro$1 se.;tton LAX 86.3 rp < n-rn Torr T ~l'n:;f"' ~ ncpT~TJTT 'T 'T rTT"f I I I'' I I I •·' '., 'I ~-1.•11•·!111 :.~ ;• ~ 11_~' J.,.~ . ..-~. ....... ~.. I 'I ·~111'1.1 I UII"LI I I u•I'LI I ......... 4 ;:...__--~---1 -·!···-.--........ - "'-----·-+------~·-1·-----1 11E ·t·/ "- f-----t .. --- ,.,-----··1 1,_ .: •• I' I -1-:1: ~,· \ I . . . .. . . . .. \_/v . .t· c :t -~ -·· 6()c§l .)t_.1; J _ _ J· r§J J ~o I 0o Lt·L ... Q, .•. tJ.,,.,, 'h.d.,.,, .. ~ .. ,L .. ,lii._. _ _~_L l <><> .i },. 'l oa h !)~ b aO 0 --~-... 1-.. .. _ .• , ••.• jt_ J :.LJ.ltt..Ll. •·•·•·•· ao h~iJi a~ h~~ .• a~ 1'1.~:; .. ~~,a . ..~ ·ba. I) la· ja ill..-.......... "·=··~'til.ll&t ~.-;t -1 Plllf'lo!UO.I•-,----~ ~~~1 · ___ ... ...-:· ,-c~a ,.._. -R&'IVI CONSULTAI'i tTS, INC. ••u• .. ••"• · ••a .. ft"<~•••• ·~ ............ ,.,. •• , •••• '. " '• . . .... "' r !' !' :,j .. ··il. PICI.URI ~··· 1110-IUITt:II I ~L IAiilf'LI liTe L~.C4TI011t ,. ~ r ' ~t;~ r ~·:·: ... ... ~ ...• · "llPAIIED:-f.OII .' • · .. • • ' oo~ru~~~~® ·sviirNA'';;,~,~r~ iir~iii11~, .. · ',.[ J .. '·i ·:r .. .-,-,,:A ~ •• , nllJlLk.t~mtt+-i+4rttt1rtt-i---tHttfTt-t-l~ttMJ 10 ~oU! Grain Size 1n M1111eeters GRAVEL SAND Coarae I Fine Coeraef I SILT DR CLAY Sla.ple Ident1 t 1c1t.1on Sy11 Hole S1i!Jt Dellth A H .3 1 .7-1.3 D 11.1 2 .1-t.!l 7r¥.= . ~:· .O&TE 11-S4 :~ ·--,, .. SCA Lf /'· ''\,, cu 159 71 Mtrd1ua fine· Clesa1f1cat1on Oata Unified Cz 1 . !S 2;,2 LL PI 1 org Clil .. GW ... SUSiTNA. HYDROELECTRIC PAOJECT A.GGRADA.TION STUOV II RtVER MILE 88.3 ----------------------~~ 109 ll l~rt~~i!~.~·~-:r~~~'Wh~;~r-;.~;~.~1~,~.,~--:~;.~~-;,>;<,;.t".·~-tr.-" .. ,:,;~··· ··.-..~· .......... ·-'- Reaerks fa. . GltiO. J PAO..I.IiO OWGNO 3 .19 J j '" (;~'lEt. Coil' ..... I F1ne . CoaraeJ s .. ple I dent 1f 1«;1t1on . ,~YII Holtr ~IIIIP Oepth Cu .. . -· -'! A 88.3 3 .~""s.::r 62 · ' g H ,3 4 ·•·1.4 4! ·-... t ),. - 0 "·3 5 Armor 4 ! ;.. ·- .. OW.Jol i>I.Tt.H-84 0 !0 20 30 ~0 so ·60 70 80 90 100 .02 .Oi .005 .002 .OOt SAND SlL7 OR CLAY Med1uri I Fine Clasdtlcat1on Data Un1t1ed Cz LL Class Remark• 2 3 1 .!5 ' PI I Or; GW GP GP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A'GGRADATION STUDY 110 RIVER MiLEBe.3 fl. G._IO; PRO.!. NO. "l) .. -:11 n II :J ,.. n 0 • ., .. .. -:11 rr oc :11: • ... 0 ;z ,.. ; .... This page left intentiona.lly blank. -111- R20/7 l22 River Mile 84.6 Sample 1 The sample site was in the middle of the Sunshine Slough (Photo 3.68, 3.69· and Figure 3.21). The river bed was frozen from the surface to 0.6 feet, the sample was taken from 0.6 feet to 1.2 feet and there was no water in the hole. There was a well developed armor layer with some silt covering it. Based on field observations the sample, minus the fines, is representative of the armor layer. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with fe\·' fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3. 22). -112 . PHOTO 3 .68 Looking upstre am ir. the mi d dle of Sunshine S loug h at Sample 1 , R~ 84. G. Aerial photo looking ups tream . center of photograph. PHOTO 3 .69 Sample 1 , RM 84 .6 is loca t ed in lowe r left ~1l&iJill&~ u g&JliJ~©® SUS/Tf!/A J OINT VENTURE ~i:~~i~~·& ·r,h·•;, ~·~rr!PI.t ~ite was i11 a high water channel (Photo 3. 70, 3. 71 and . .;J;J9~t~-·3';2l). Th·e river bed was frozen from the surface to 0.3 feet, -~ttie:<sample w.as taken from 1.0 feet to 1.7 feet, and there was no Watet "1'11 the hole. This is a depositional area with sand on the _ ·surface with some gravel. Test pits in the area showed that Sample 2 is representative of the local area.. The sample is a well-graded gravel•sand mil(ture with few fines (Figure 3. 22). -114- PHOTO 3. 70 Looking upstream in a hish water channel at Sample 2 , RM 84. 6 . Aerial p h o to looking upstream . of photogr·aph . PHOTO 3 . 71 Samp le 2 , RM 8 -t .G is located 111 left center f!I /Ij\ G(!/. .~ u ~P? 1\1 f"J(tl)t;i) 'I.J!A.liUb.Lr\J I_;£VY~·v·~·l' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I. I I s ··· · ie,3 ~- tRe-sample· site was on the east bank of the west c.han net (Photo ·3.72, 3.73 and Figure 3 .21). The river bed was frozen from the su.r.h.ce'. to 0 .3 feet, the sample was taken from l . 2 feet to 1 . 8 feet, and there was n,... water in the hole. The site is on the downstream sh:ie of a gravel bar. The surface material is sand with some silt over a-gravel-sand mixture (Figure 3.~2). -l16 - PHOTO 3 . 72 Looking upstream al o ng ea st bank of west channel at Sample 3 , RM 84.6. The sample site is on the downstream side o f a bar with sand and some silt overlying a grav el-sand mix ture . Aerial photo looking center o f pho tograph. PHOTO 3.73 upstr·eam . Sample 3, ~~~-~----------------------~-·-·-· :1 RM 84 .6 is located in le ft rvr 1]\ 0 > .rq r0 :J ~ m ~ 0J l7il lffillj) Ull.trJLJu ~·J ~tv!Al(:v 'YJ 1v SUSI TNA JOINT VENTURE :0 . .,~o,-- r:r -~ :'i~ ·l· SUSITNIA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 884 cross ~ection LAX 84.6 ·' ~··. 1 ,_,_., 1, •• , 1, •• I r•, 1. 1,_, .... l .... !.1 .~ •• ': -. • 1-. 1 .1 1 ' J '' I' I I I I 'T rlm''''''l' fA.Itl'l..[ I . ':: ·:: .: ',_.l, rr P"""TT· 'T rry ·"'fTTT'; - IA.PI.I I I l.l•PI.I a r_,_. _, . . . -t-, . 1------·----- -"--~---L~.-r.'-_t\/]'==l ~ r~l1 ~[I A(') r1 ri t v ~· --·!--·- - 0 ;1,0 [ r /·lo -. [. R v ; ~ i J' ~ IV I/\ I J I • -·~--~ { ·~ ~ V\l ; u -\ i 1/ -! ._. __ ,. __ ' ; 4 . -···-----:-. . . -~ . f\1 ;l ; .;-f' ·.,:· ..... --~ ... ._ ~ ~o~o I j j '~-,~> . r§J ot'J oo oO oO I oo ~ o I o I o I o J J . . , J'"!~~. .. £4-."'~'' t,.l!!!! t,.!~~"kf .. ,, .. I>~"I'I!Jf9"1"" r,; tJo . . '/,rJ tJa ofl . l>oO • oO ·oO PIIU'Afi[OBY • . . · ·· · .. · .'kL&Llll!l ~Ud'l!l ';!l!eltl!'l ~•!el'l'' "'.1,(!!11 t 11 dpae ·t~~~j .. .(w1i.!rul ~V ·· fiGIU!II l ,tt J[P~ t&)u • · '" , .. ·· .:,1 ; ;-&M ~~N SULTANTs':'I'Nc . ' ~'II I!IAT£111AI. a.ltiPt.l ~·T~ LOCATIO_.. ~.nfj\m~ui.~m'miti't!ia"IJii . ·--·-••••••.••• ~·~-··· ·-··--· ·.11.11~'-,l~{N·>Ii~~~l.!.'-~< 'SIJS!_TNfo; _JC'!NT.:·Vlf!!.fii_~.E: !"-' --., ·'!·:.::.:::! t '/'••"71 _~ tJt.:iJJ~\ilf,',:,;i:;;,:l;;;;,,.....J-.,.,..,..,.;,.,,, "''"'""''""'"'~W,u,, '• .. j ,, 'j -~ :r; [ ~ .. • t!~ I .... .. ... ~~~-...... ... .., •' .. 100 10 10 70 . .. t. jeo ,. • ~50 .. ... .u i~ U. l 30 20 to 0 too -~l ·· ·I -~ ll ~--. 1\ t ·~ . ~\ I ' ' \ GRAVEL Cc!l'llr•e l. F1ne saillll• Identu ictt1on. ·. Sy•: A ·a 0 · •.cii o. ;<OA:t£~l1.-a,4 . ~!~&~,;~ Hole 8,4 ,6 .. ;. ll4 .i . - .. s• ~CI.th 1 .6;,.1,2 a s·-1 .1 3 1.2:,01 .1 ... · .... :, ' .: .............. ~ .. -··· .. '. -.. . Coar•~ cu 89 17 13 u.s. steve Stu• 1. SAND Cl Cl .. Cl. Cl. N · ... ' ·~ ; '.: '• , I . • . . ,-·, Y.: J '. J SILT OR CLAl' Med1Ulll fin• C1•••1 t1cat1on Oat.. unuted Cz LL 1.9 s.s 8 .5 PI :s org Cl••• GN 1M • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUD~ 119 RIVER MILE 84 •. 1 Re•arka P"' .... NQ ·"' ~ ., •; . ~~; .. Sj ·• r ,., y: ... )I,: ~ :' -~; ~~ ·o ' f.~ P, ~\ iO t { 20 F. ,, i. t t ): :.:-! 30 'U • ~-n . • 40 ~: ,. n · 0 • , ~0 .. • .., r:i "!C 60 a .. ..... ~ ... 70· 10 3.3·. SUMMARY COMMENTS Users of the bed material data should be aware of the qiff.ieulties enc.ourttered in obtaining representative armor layer samples. Since five of the seven armor l~yer samples were taken from frozen su.rface material, a truly representative sample could not be collected. These five sampies are · biased towuds the larger sizes. The two unfrozen samples, Sample 3 RM 93.1 and Sampte 5 RM 86.3, sampled the 'complete armor laye.r. and are repres:entative. The armor layer at RM 87.7' was marginally developed , which would explain why it has a high percentage of fines. The armor layer samples are plotted together for comparison (Figure 3.23 and 3 .. 24}. The samples are grouped together in the sample descriptions tn examine the lateral variation in sediment size. For comparison of the longitudinal variation along the river, samples are grouped in th& downstream direction according to the east bank of the main east channel; the west bank of the main east channel; the east bank of the main west channel; and the west bank main of the west channel. For cross-sections where there is only one main channel, the samples were plotted with both groups. 'Two of the samples from the east bank of the main east channel do not follow the general· trend (Figures 3.25 and 3.26-). Sample 1 RM 91.8 ·ls coar.ser than the rest of th-e g•·oup . The sample had cobbles and coa1·se .gravel and appeared representative of the surface material. Sample 1 RM 90.6 has the largest percentage of fines in the group. This sample was taken i'n an· area with an active cutbank. It appeared that the river had not had a chance to rework th·e· material and move the smaller material downstr~am . Two of the sampi'E~s from the west bank of the main east channel do not follow the ueneral trend (Fifjures 3.27 and 3.28). Sample 2 RM 93.1 has the largest percentage of fines in the group. The sample site is in a dep"Ositiona·r area on the d'ownstream end of a gravel b a r. Sample 2 RM -120- r ' r r ,. I. L ,.. L. I' l :~. 1{2017' 131' 87.7 •tso has more fines than the general trend. Like Sample 2, RM 93 .1, it is in a deposi.tionaf area on the downstream end of a gravel bar. One of the samples from the east bank of the main west channel does not follow the general trend (Figures 3.29 and 3.30). Sa mple 4 RM 87 .7 has the largest percentage of f i nes in the group. The sample site is in a depositional area on t h e downstream end o f a gravel bar. It is interesting to qote that Sample 4, RM 93 .1 also in a depositio nal area on the downstream side of a gravel bar, follows the genera l tre nd . All of the west bank west main channel samples follow the general trend (Figure 3 .31). The trend in gradation is fairly close for mo st of the sample s ites . There is some variation of the samples based on pos ition of the gravel bars and for the coarsei' gravels ( •3"). So me sites have no •3" gravels but do match the trend for the fine gra vel and sands . -12l- ... ,~~n ' I •• 10 70 •4<1 i. ... 10 I ,. A ~!50 c ... ... M i •o u L l 30 20 to 0 tOO ~ I~ 1\ ~ \ ' ' ~, to GRAVEL 0 ... SAND e c .. .I Fin a ijy~~e»iJ.t:•r 0 0 ~· 1.0 .. '20 30 -v .. ,. "' <fO • :t .. n o . • ":1 50 • Ill' ., cr· 'C . ~ . 60 :11:. .. .... ID ~ .. 70• fJO 90 I 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 .t SILT OR CLAY Sallpll Idtntif1cat1on Class1f1cat1on Data Un1f1•r:f svill Hol•· Sa liP Dtpth cu Cz LL PI I Org Cll .. R1111rks 4 • 97.1 6 Armor 3 1.1 GP 0 15.1 7 Armor 2 • 6P . ~ il.t 3 ~rmor u 2 .6 GN SUSITNA Fe. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT G"IO. AGGRADATION STUDY PROJ,NO ARMOR LAYER SAMPLES 1 OF 2 . DWG NO 3.l J 122 . -"""'--·-----·-·--- . ' .I , . •I.; 1.; 1 ::, I . 1: I . )' l 1 I l .... J..o. .... I I b j .I..J I u.s. Steve Stze• l GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY Coarse I F1ne-Coara.f. M•d1u• r Fln• ~nplr lant1 t ~cauan Cl•ee1flcat1an Data un!lfted ~••rka ~sva Hole .Sup Ckfpth cu cz Cl .. a Ll PI " Of'g ._1 91 .1 8 Armor 3 1 .3 •• g . io.ll ()"_ 17 .7 + •• 3 .. .. 5 Armor 2 l.t 8 Armor ~2 1.8 !5 Armo.r 4 1.~ ... R&M CONSULTANTS IN. c. •-•·,.••••· a•a-"oo••• ..._ · · t . . · . · ·· · ._..,.,... •~ve.-o-e l -23 IP GM GP SUSITNA HYOAOELECTFU.~ PROJIECT AGGRADATION· SYUDY ARMOR LAYER SAMPLES 2 ~F 2 ..... - J ' -- 1 .• 24 -·----,_._------==~ [ u.s. Inch .. 100 ... .1: 01 90 eo 70 ;6 0 :r: » .a ; 5 0 c .. u. .., i ~ 0 u L. :.. 3 0 2 0 10 0 ' sao N ...... ... , t'l N ~ l\i\ I\~ NCD ... ............ ...... .... (I'J ... (I'J I I II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I' ~\ ,\ 10 GRAVEL Coarse l Fin a i u.s. Steve Sizes c ... .. - t-. ' '~["" r-- !\ ~'-r-....... ~ ~r-........., ---~. ~'------ 1 0 0 0 0 N (1'1 .. tn I I 0 0 ... J 't~~ t't~ ~ --.1 0 0 N Grain Size 1n N1111mettre SAND Co11rsej Ha ct 1um I Fine Sall!ll:Jle Ident1 f 1c:at1on Class1f1c:at1on Oata Hydrometer .02 .01 .~05 .002 .o SILT OR CLAY Un1Hed 0 1 0 2 0 30 "0 ,. ., n Ill 40 ~ n 0 .. ., 50 :: 70 80 90 100 01 ., a ..: Sym Hole Samp oe.p th C\J cz LL C.lllas Remarks OWN S.;.llE PI x org 6 97 .1 i .5-1.5 39 1.2 GN D 93.1 1 .s-us 69 !5 .3 GP 0 9t.e 1 .8-1.6 65 3.2 Gfl SAMPLES FROM THE EAST BANK OF THE MAIN EAST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC. l ""'"''""" ~• ooc.-oQto •• •• ,...,,. • .,. •u~v~:""• SUSITNA HYDROELECTRJC PRO~ECT AG~RADATION STUDY .. '_;;. "\. l L FS. \ .• CR IO. PRO.J NO 1 OW G NO -3=--. 2.,-5,....--f j_ [ u.s. Incbtl .4J .c 01 100 90 90 70 •• 60 I >o 4 t; 50 c. .... lA. 41 ~ .co (J ~ a.. 30 2 0 i 0 0 100 C') N ...... ... I cy ... NCD .., ...... ...... ...... .. "' ... I') "'!\. I 1 r'\ .. 1'1 ~ ~ \ ~· ~ ~ \ :~ ~ \~ f\ . \ 10 GfiAVEt Coarse 1 Fine u.s. Sleve S1zes .., 0 ... \ 1\ i' \ ~ ,., " .f'- ~."'-. ;-..~ ~~ ~ 1 0 0 0 0 N M .. It) l ~' !'- 1\ R t'l!l', ~ 1~ ~ ~ 0 0 ... I ~-. .s c 0 N II Grain Slze in Mlllimetera SANO Coar!lej Medium I Fins Sallple Ident1 f1cat 1on CluaH 1cat1on cat a Hydrollleter .02 .0! .005 SILT OR CLAY lln1t1ed · 0 1 0 .2 0 30 'tl .. .., n ft: .co ~ n 0 • .., 50 :; 70 80 90 100 .002 .001 '] cr o< Sy111 Hole Sa111p 01pth Cu Clan Relltarka Cz LL PI l Org 6 90 .6 t .5-1 36 .2 GP 0 87.7 1 .6-2 49 l GP 0 86.3 t .7-1.3 55 1.5 GW + 84.6 3 1.2-1.8 93" 8 .5 GP SAMPLES FROM THE EAST BANK OF THE MA.1N EAST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) OWN CKO OATE.11-8~ SCALE R&M CCNSULTANTS INC. •""'ca•,..•••• oeo""oo,••• • .._ .... ,....,... •~•v••o •• 125 SUSITNA HVDROELECTR~ PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY .... F!. GittO. PI'IOJ.NO. OWGNO 3.26- .... ..c: 01 100 90 80 70 .: 60 ::& ,.. J:l ~ 50 c: .. II. ... i 40 u '-:. 3 0 2 0 0 0 I 100 l't u.s. Inches C\1 ....... ... I "' ... .... ....... .. M ;"-~I " C\11!1 .............. ... l'l I ·I) ·~ 1\\ f~i \ 1\ \ \- \ I' ~ .~ ' ' 10 GRAVEL Coarse l Fine .... I' r--. 1'1;-, "\ ['.. 1\ i'" r--.. u.s. Sleve Sizes c ... 1'--,l \ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 0 0 0 0 C\1 l'l .... U'l II ' \ 1\ \ I} [\ 1\ 0 0 ... I ~8:: f': ~ ~ ... .1 0 0 (\1 Grain Size i n M11 1 1metera SAND Co er'sej Medium I Fine Sample IdentH 1cat1on Cla~sH i c:at ion Data Hydro~neter .02 .01 005 SILT DR CL AY Un1f1ed J 0 1 0 2 0 ao "0 ft ., n til -40 ~ 0 0 til "] 5 0 : ., a "( 60 ;:: 7 0 eo 90 ~ Cl ::s ~ 100 .002 .001 Sym ·Hale Samp Depth Cu cz ll Clna Ae~~ar k ~ 'PI ~ OF'g b 97.1 2 ,5-1.4 46 1.2 GW 0 9!!1.9 1 .9-1.5 43 3.9 GP 0 93 .1 2 1-1.5 3 i SP + 9t,8 2 t -1 .9 ..a .8 GP SAMPLES FROM THE WEST BANK OF THE MAIN EAST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) OW N t--------·-CKO ---DATE 11-84 t-------< SC AL E R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •J~r~~u•"'"•••• a acu.oo•••• Dt..•..,..,.••• • ..,.,.\ol.,.t.:~•• 126 SUSITNA HYDROELEC'i'RJC PROJECT AGGRAOATfOtl STUOY Fll. GltiO. PROJ.NO OW G. NO 3.27 '----- ~ Hydro111eter ------~, ---_--~u~. s~-~s::1~ev~e_:s::1~ze~s ___ __t._ __ __:::._:_ _____ _... u.s. Inches . ~"" _ sao 90 80 70 ... i t: 60 • :0. .a ~ 50 c .. II.. .. ~ 40 u l Q. 20 1 0 0 100 t') (U ...... ... I C'll ... • CUCD ...... ...... ...... .. (f) .. (f) .,.._, K' ' ~\ 1\ 1\ 1\ ' ~ I~ . i\ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ 10 GRAVEL coarse J Fine 1\ I' r-- Sample Ident1f1cat1on • "' " I" 0 .. \ 1\ ~ ......... :~~ I" -.......... ~ 1 0 0 0 0 (U C') • "' 1\ ~r-t\ ~I\ 0 0 .. J .... .1 0 0 (U Grtln Slze in Millimeter• SAND Coars~l Medium I Flne Claaa1f1cat1on Data .02 .01 .005 SILT OR CLAY Untt 1ed 0 1 0 2 0 a 0 ~ .. .., ., .. 40 ~ C") 0 • .., 50 : .., l:r '< 60 .f 70 80 ~ c ::r ,... . - .002 .o 90 100 01 Sy11 Hole Sa lip Depth cu Class Relllaf'k:" cz LL PI X Org A 90.6 2 .6-1. 4 57 6.5 GP 0 87.7 2 .5-1 31 .4 GP 0 86.3 2 .7-1.3 76 2.2 GN SAMPLES FROM THE WEST BANK OF THE MAtN EAST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) OWN SUSITNA FIJ. CKO R&M CONSULTANTS INC. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Glt10. -DATE 11-84 •I'Wo 1 ,.•••• o•ae.oo••'• ... ,. • ..,...... .t.vavo•• AGGRADATION STUDY PltOJ.NO -·· SCALE 127 .. OWG.NO 3.28 ''· SCALE [ u.s. Inches I u.s. SlBVB S1ZB!I Grain Slze 1n M1lllmetera -GRAVEL SAND Coarae l Fine ·c:oars~ Medium I SILT OR CLAY Flna Sample Ident1 t 1cauon ClastHt1cat1on Data Un111ed sva Hole Sa111p DBpt:"l Cu cz ll PI s Org Closs A 97.1 4 .4-1.3 38 .9 GP D 93.1 • .4-1.3 51 2.5 GW 0 91.8 1 .8-1.6 65 3.<! GP I J SAMPLES FROM THE EAST BANK OF THE MAIN WEST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) R&M CONSULTANTS. tNC. •ll'llla• ... •••• _. .. 40t.OCJ•••• •""'.._.,... tllu_..., .. .,n•• 1 2 8 ,) ~-------------~--------~~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~.GGRADATION STUDY Remarks F9 GRID. PROJ.NO OWG NO 3.29 .... s; Dl 100 90 BO 70 ... 60 I >- Q ~ 5 0 c: .. IL. ... i 4 0 u "' • ll. 30 2 0 0 "' ' ( u.s. Inches N ' .. I N., 1'1'-, "" Nlll ..... ..... ..... .. ('I .. ('I I T .._ ~ 1\ ~ ~ .. ·\ ' ~ ., ~ .. ~ \ \\ \ \11 :-,.. I l u.s . Sieve S1zes .., 0 ... N I ~'-"- "' ~ ~r\ t'~ ~ ~ ~ "' .., In I I I \ i\ \ r-r--.~ I\ i'i~ ~ 0 0 .. I ~ 0 t:J N II ~ Hydro11eter . 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 ., • , n • 40 ~ n a • , 50 : 70 eo 90 100 ., D' -< 0 100 10 .1 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 Gr-ain Size ln N1111metera GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY Coarse I F1ne CoarseT Medlum ., Flne SiJIIIJ)le Ident1f1cat1on Claaa1f1cet1on Data Un1f1ed A. Marks Sylll Hole SHP Depth cu Cz LL PI s ora Claaa 6 90.6 4 .... -1 47 1.2 GN c 87.7 • .5-t.!! 4 .a SP 0 86.3 3 .5~1.3 62 2 GM + B<t .& 3 1.2-1.8 93 8 .!5 GP SAMPLE~ FROM THF. EAST BANK OF THE MA!N WEST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) OWN. SCALE .... --------· --------· ·---~. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRJC PROJECT AGGRAOAT!ON STUDY Fl. GltiO. PRO.I.NO DWG.NO 3 .30 """ [ u·.s. Inch•• Hydrometer UlilliU..-t--UU-W-t-+-+--H+PMj---jH---ltHtt++-t---tiit~rtli 9 0 10 ,,~~h._ llllllJLl~L_ __ lUUJJLl_L_j_ __ _ullllJLJt~a.~~~j_LJL_~--~~~~_l~;.;~~tOO 0 10 • • .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 soo ~ .~ Grain Size in M1111metera GRAVEL SANC SILT OR CLAY Coarse I Fine COIII"'!I!II Medium I Fine s•IIPle ldtnt1f 1cat 1on Clasa1t 1cat1on Oat a Un1f1ed I Remarks Sy111 Hob S11111p Oepth CiJ c:z ll PI " o,.g Class 1 .,.. 97.1 5 .4-t 41 1.1 GW 0 95.9 3 .6-1., 46 !.6 GW -0 93.1 5 .5-1.2 54 3 .9 GP -+ 91.8 2. 1-1.9 43 .8 GP X 86.3 4 .6-1.4 45 3 GP [ SAMPLE~ FROM THE WEST BANK OF THE MAIN WEST CHANNEL (1 OF 1) I OWN. . Cl([) OAT£.11-8-4 R&M CONSULTANTS, tNC • ... Qtfilll•••• Q•Q'-OGI•t e .............. • ...... '\llll'f'D ... SUSIT»A HYDROELECTRJC PROJECT AGGRADAT,ON STUDY I" B. GRID. . . .. ·"· .. ~ ~ '-J". PRO .I. NO DWGNO 3.31 SCALE 1 30 J 1 J l l J .. R20/7 141 4. 0 LOWER RIVER SURVEYS 4.1 survey Descriptions Nine survey cross-sections of the Susitna River channel at river miles 98.0, 97.1, 95."9, 9J.l, 91.8, 90.6, 87.7, 86.3, and 84.6 were obtained in September 1984. These cross-sectior·s a1·e identified by a prefix of LRX, i.e., LRX 84. G. The plan view of the cross-section locations are shown in Figu1·e 2.1. Pt·ofiles are shown in Section 4.2 wflich follows. Summarized field notes are shown in Appendix B, with a glossary of terms, and list of benchmarks. The survey observations were obtained using conventional survey techniques on the banks and exposed bars, utilizing an automatic level and rod. A combination of the same techniques and use of a calibrated weishted line were used in the river channels. End poi.nts and cross-section angie points were monumented with a 5/8" x 30" rebar with a 2 " aluminum cap ma.·ked with the LRX designation and ban·k side (example, "LRX 84.6 LB" is cross-section at river mile 84.6 left bank end point). All cross-sections were tied vertically with third-order differ.enti;)l levels to the N.G.S. M.S.L dt1turn network (same vertical datum as previous Sus!tna cross-sections). 4 . 2 Cross-Section Profile Plots This section compiles a summat·y of plots for· each cr·oss-section which were sut·veyed in 1984 . Included in this section are selected lower river cror,s-sections surveyed in 1980 and 1982 and re-plotted in the format of the 1984 surveys. The cr·oss-sections are plotted looking downstream with the east bank on the left. The plots are indexed from the up-river cross-section LRX 98.0 downstr·eam to LRX 84.6, and chronologically from 1-980 to 1984 where applicable. The cross-section angle points, edge of vegetation and water surfaced are labeled on the 1984 plots. -131- I I I i I I I i I I' I I I I I I I I t I I I j I I I I i I 1 I I I l ~ I i I I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I l I -~,,t---~-I I I I \ i I I I ' I I \ j I I ! I I ' I ' I ' I \, f I I . I I I \ I I -·-I I I I oo~m~!IiJM®®- sust:TNA JOINT VENTURt (f) >-w > a: ::J (/) Q I (L <( 0: C) 0 a: a >---c <( z r- (f) ::J (f) -~.,.---"'-.,. ---------1 __ / -------·------··r---- \ -·---~­~--- \ I I ~-, --------·- (f) >-w > a: :J (}) ('t) 0 X a: I ...J c: (l_ 0 <( +' 0 0: Q) C) (/) (/) 0 Ill 0 a: ... d 0 >-0 co I en .- <( z 1- U) :J U) -'-: -... :-~ .:... I" - - ~ r- ~ 1- 1- - f- ~ 1- ~ f- :- ~ t.. I L ----,.-' "' I \ \ ' \ I \ \ I I / / I I \ 1----- --------- L __ r----__ .:;;:... =--' I \ I I \ I .. __ , " ... / / 1------f----·-·------?L._. ___ _../ ...,;, 0 ~· o~,s;; ~ 0 0 . O_p -0 0 -s>....:: ?~ ~ ..... - 0 oo,a:: : -0 o~c!'i - - 0 0 0~ - 0 o~c:i - 0 0 o.,i: - 0 0 ..s>,..;. : - 00 o..., - 00~ - 0~ 0 _.., ~----;------+-----~----~------+-----~----~----~ "' - 0 f-. I f<""l 4 00 -~ ~~ .... ,.., ... I £' ·,~ 0 .... 0 I ~<>J • I ~<r l I I ~<rl UOJl8A9]3 , ~ ; « .. Ill a:: :I 0 ... u ~ ~ 1-' l I l I [~~ [~c i "'k ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ l I 'l I I l I 'l"'rr'' • .-, SUS IT NA HY DR O GRAPHlC SU RV EYS '1"'' 1 98 2 cross section LAX 3 rJ I II I f t I I l I i I''" I I l I r-p-I I I I I I , I -. [ ! : ' I I , . ! I , -\ I ! ! I ~, I I \, I ! I I I , I I ' + ~,7 rCJT . -~-~~I: ,;·' 1·1·· ''l I I I ~ i I . ' i i '1 '"[TTTTT l i ! l I ! l ' i ! I I I ;.I f" -:'1 i l l I ' I j I i ; j ! i I I I -I' : I l ! : ; I ! ! ' ' I ! : I I I : j I i . ! I j I I t i I i I I I I i I I ! l I I I I I -T' I I I I i : i I ! "'"t .I .J I-~ -;,;co ,'!; I ~t ' 1 1 'I t t I o. I I I PREPARED 8Y: I C)C) '!; ••. f. oo I co 0'. L I I I I I I .'()I I I I ~C) 1 ~ .. " 00 h~ II I oo f•.'~ •, I oCl h ~ .. l oc , .. ~II I I 0 I 0 l boo lao : :-;r .. , I l·1 1 r .e'kr· I ·t ·l t ·t ·& :: PREPA RED ' FD R 1 . . · ., .. ' oc j oQ J co h ~I I I I .•• ' ~~..~-" I -.. 1~ .. I oo~m~o~~mJ::; sus1r11A 'iolid liiN.i/;~E·p'' ~ ~ ~-!!~. q~~a~~L;.Te..~.:r~~ .. t~=~ FIG U R E ... 3 ~ CD ~ .E c: 0 l w SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS . . 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 2.3 ~·' I ' I I I l' I T ., I I I I I' I -T I I I f- ! ' 1-I I I I l I ~~ I ~~ I ' I I I I ' r-I ! I f-':>\) I l I ~·· i I I I I I '-.-' y-I "'-------..... .... ---~~~ I rr l '\'' ] r--\ n "l tr-\ ("ri I ! 'TI tV r : '/' J 1.-I I t 'J l l,' I r--r"j\ f I I : I I I .., ._ I ! :v/ ,, I ~~\ I '-".I : "! I v-~ ~~\) I 1 I \ I ~ . I J ' lt II I \J i r ' l ' -rr 'I ' ~,_,~ I\ i ' : ' u --I \ I I I I I l l - I ' \ I I ~";,(;;) I \ I I v I I I ' -. ' J)q,~ l I I l I -~ (,) I l,l,0 t 1)\0 ~~(,) I \) \) oo oo o0 j, r:P 0 oc "L "' I I~ I ~~ I i~0 1 I 1\ '1 I. ' 1\ 'j I • ... co ' I I ••. '1": c I I '1~0 I 'f,~ I DQ~Cli\DC"n. D•r• ~-~'L .. F IGURE 4.4 R&M CONS!-JL.TANTS1 INC, ,. ... vu•• t •a Ot; "CHoCI Git.'ta .,~,.,..,. ....... •u111 ..,. "o• .. ----------!l 11111311! t 21 mtsJC&MNI!IIE UUMWb&i.WN!AtMm ...:. I I '-:~I .T; •·'· 'l:,_--- ....,, I I I i -- 1 I t --~ -/ I '· l , I "'-/!I I _.. 'v - - -- I ' c -I i . I I i - .... () 00 oo . 'b~O I .-~~ I ~~-I ··-~~-----· _ .... _ ... _..... ., Cll~W·E&~&av:. sustrN.t.)oliir v~,.iiijfo{ ' j:fTT'11 ' ,. ' 'I' 'I 'I 1 9·82 cross section LAX 2.~ SUSITNA HYOROGRAPHI'C SURVEYS 1- ryr.,, 1 •• ,, 1 •• •·t!, ,,. r ! 'T 'I rr.n 1.' 1·...-.:J " ~~0 ! l I I , 1 1 I I -· 1- ~'l,~ 1-... \o \.~ 1-. I I I I I J~ .. ,t_, PREPAREO BY : =l;~~ ! 0~ ,I':J,, ,I R&M C:ONSUI,.TANTS, INC. e .. o....... OtOt.OC.I..... .._..,._"o«DI •u•\rC<oO ... oo ~, .. ) 0\) ~~ll' I· l ... l I l - I - - - I . I ] . 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I I I r I 'I 'T' rrrm I 1 'I '"l 'ITT 'I rTTT"f L!! ,, I I \ ( I I I I_,Y t-0 ~\0 ... ;\, d c:P h~.,t PREPARED BY • r:P h~.,! I ,'_./\\ . ~,· , ..................... Ji \ I _\I ,' I -'l-, I I oO h~lll I I oo h~.d ~~ -- R&M CONSUL.TANTS, INC • ... o -1111•• DIICh.OO .. 'f'* ............ foo u•v••o•• ,--- ! i/--~ ,, I , "" \ \ ~,/1 ' / I \ I ~ \I I I 't l 1 / ... b_ 7 I .. -I I \ I I r§l h'!f ... oo h~ II I OQ '"'~II I ()() I ()0 ~~ II I II II '}~ .. I FIGUfiE4.7 ; / I I I I l I ' I ' I --~-·J oo b1 • ..J oo l~<? .. t ~· oo I~~ II I -& UWill&&W LMJWtMAr&J'V@l\:;:0~\~~~j fTTTTTrTT· ~·-· rp-•.~• ·~ - - - . - - -· 00 . ~G. . I 0 I 0 ~t -1 I J., I I ··t···' I._, J. . .L_.L PRtPAIIED FQR: CiJ£{\JWj·!£~· SUSITNA · JOtNi.YENTURE.· ·£ J:"""1 I t~o I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I I i . I ., ., t~~ : I -------~---. ··-_1 ___ .. ___ T_ -+;-- 1 : I .,.4 : .• i ,----------T-----·---------r-I ! I i · !· _j -~- 1 ',: __ .... \ I_ ~-IJ_ ----·t-- (.. ~ t..:.. - .5 ~~~ -li-·1· -__ -_ -1---++-:t----+\J_+-_-__ -_t-l __ --v-,'!-r! -~~~\-, -T /\ /~ 'I J.- ' , ; I I I . \ \J I I ' l ' I~ I I ___ _j~---l------·--+---1 +\---' VJ..-.' --+---=--+--+---tl----;-!--·-1 \--I ----·-. --, I I I j § --f----+---t-1 ----;~--~-r~"-i,, I' -r---+-·---j·--·--·-l-----~. lt~Q t~~ 1- P!,'l.-0 1-... ~(IQ '!)·~ I 1-. :"., !, . , , Q,,, I Cl lb~~ .I I o-'li ... • PREPAREO BY: ~10L....__ ~--A&M CONSULTANTS, -INC • .... Cio.""t:41•• GCDI.OQ••'f&. .,......... 61oo!.U &II'D III• I oo ~ ••• 1 0~ l\~ .. 1 oo I\~ .. I oo 1 ... ~. ,I oo Itt~.' I f10URE4,1. ~0 I'!.~ .. I. o'il II);'\ . • .I ~0 b~ .. l .... --ax ===®mYW&.JEM%:d~£f~~B¥Ji~~;]MlTh@;i~~f'""' oO h~ .. l - - . oo I oO . b ~' I I .J,, .. I l ........ !j>, .• I I,,,,, ... PAEPAR~D fOR< . . ~~Em~~ susmvA. JOINT VEN,rURE· ...... -· '-:' .~ .. ; .. ~· ·: . ... . . .. -... . . . I I . • I . ' . I I r -: 0 · .• 0~~ 1----1--·---4---------------'-.or---~-T--=-=··c=;=:::::!:::---+---!.:1 -~~ r -._._-----l-----1---+---------·-. I ------. 00 0~ : -oo .. "("'.,\ ' ~ ~ l ~ r ~--~---4-----1---~-·---f~~~==-+--~ ~ I-ll> -cr:: 00 ~ -~ o t---~t---lL----i--~--+,.:tP:=_ crit --t----4---...:::l O cn X~ cr: - I Q_ ~ 00 4'.,i -l a t-----+-·--+---'--·--·-· ----=:t====J..,'---1----l--..:.:.!-9 *~ ~~ C!J 0 a: 0 r I <l:: z t-- lf.) ::::> (J) Cl) Cl) 0 ..._ 0 v a) en ...... ~ l/ ~,1 I- 1------- ....; 00 "'.., - 00. "'...; - 00 ~ ... : - 00 '"'<Si - OO,p . ._ ' .. Ill a:. !:) !! ~ SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 1.2 "·. \:~:);: 'If':" :I ~ .. ,-; ~ I I r T l "f' o'"n"' l TTTfT I 'I I I 'I , 'I I I ...... ·. ~ . r I •--.:: , . . ::--· ~~0 i = ~ -: c ~l> -I I - i>}'fl I I I r --\ 'fl --'\1" /i"' ! r-' I I I I \ ,_ ----l-1 y ' ' ~ ' I \, ~ / \ 1\r,_/ I \./ I '" -I I I ~~ I I I I 'AJ I ~ I ,...., .... ! .· i u.. .E c ,g .. ~ \ I \,' \ " I "J i I I I I ', v' I ~ I - ~0 ~'-~' t \ I ~ I ' I \ I -I I - ""~ I I "S' 1r , -:- ~'l-o -,\fl -: r§~ c\l c f:)ll ofl cc \lc a a () ll() r§:; '!l b< 1 ~. ~~0 cc l·t 'Jl:J I • ~~· 'I •. ~~·. I. .~: ::.._ / -'• I ' I ~~ '· I '\~ I 'l '0 I . I . '1-~ .. 1 'l,~ 1 .. l.~'f I '>~I .J to~ ,, PRF:~.C.~f tl RV: ·pftf:PAfi[D·· F O.It •. .. >t.· =~ FIGURE 4.10 R&!VI CONSULTANTS, INC. li.,.A, .... ,." GI'PI..Ot.••~· ....... ,..ll"'f> '-V•~~·o•• SUSITNA HYDROGHAPHIG SU.RVEYS 1 9 8 2 cro$s section LAX 1.1 ~· r' I I I' I I I · · I • • l • . , -· -·-I I'· ,. I •. T TT I'' •.. •··•· .•. , .... ·'·1 ;, ·I.' ~ '!: ~~ . ~; ~~-I . -I ~- 1 '- ~ I ~, .~. ~~~ ~ I ; I-- ~~ I c: If-I I ,~>------.---: )-"---, /--.11 -~ ! ~· : ~")~ I !('""-/ -.. ," I L/ .. , ___ / \, { \ ; -: I l.f 1 f -, ' l . I \ I I I I I I ~ I I "' \ I :t I I I ; -\ I I I I ~ N \ --~ I -i ~A) \/\ I I \ I v !'''\._ I I ,./ -~~· ~-'~ j I/ ~-' I \1 ~ .5 ; di I \I I I I ' ~ I ~ ~ / . f'!,'l," 1',_/ I ; . --· ~ ( .,.. " -")"?Jr;§~ o 0 0 c o c 0c 00 cO oo o0 c0 -c9 ... / 1 o. 1 ~~~-1 ·~~ , 1~0 '· 1\~Q 1 \"0 1 ... ,o 1 loz,~ 1 q;~ , 1'1-~ 1 :'>~ 1 •. ~r ' -~~-I· . h~~-1 .-PR£PAIIEO.f011 •. PREPARED 8Y• ~~ n • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. CtrroO•,.&&•& oc:oc.aer.t51'1J .~..,.-• ..,,. •u•Yf'•o•• FIGURE 4.11 OOA\IW\~-· sui!r~,\i:/¢1~r:,-y~~.iiJ~~,··::··:; SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 980-cross section' LRK 1 !='"""'l .. ,. ···!~r 1 f"TTT',... •1 · n ''I r•' Ill' r·J' t 1.1 j '···I·*•·• rr 'I 'I "·1 rrrvf'TT'l r I' • I ~rn.rr r I I '·I ! i I I I ;: ,_.. I i 1 I ~ , ' ' I , - (~~ I I l i ·'"'-t ·, ;; I I ,... ,' I . !"---, ['--, , I 1-I \ I ' _ __,_, -'1 -I ~-· I ' ·~-0, 1 ! / "--JI/ t.f \ ! I I. IS ~~ ~~'!,';) -. ' ~ i rt ! · ! -I I I I I I ~ ~--';) 1-~ 00o 1-'!)' ~~o­ t. t. I I L PREPARED BY: r ... oc U'.irLl Q ~~~I U o<~ h~L<I r:l~ h~;,, () i£w o0 j· o0 1'1-~ .. I"" '1-t.Jl . r§l i JLo '!; ~-'~·"''''-'. ·. oa , .. ~ .. , .. 0~ I~~"., r· •. - - ..., .,. 5: ... I'~ FIGURE 4,12 ~!~~l · svsir~i:Jo,r;i -vlfiiilfiE: R :&M CONSULTANTS, INC • .... 0,,..4a•a *•0\.PIS ... 'I'. -t.A ... ~t•a ..... v .... o•• ~~~ .. ~--Z!C XdX 9 ~~·.,:,;: SUSiTNA HYDRO:GRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9&2 cross section. lAX 1 ·"' " T"'1 ' n 1 fTT rvl'TT l jl I I I I' I I I jl I i I I I 1.1 I p I 1 1 J•r.rry . ' 1-p 1 1 1 ! j 1.1 I I' j.j 'I' II I I IA·.'l,''.'··;.: ', 1 1 1 1 , 1 ! ~ , 1r -: ' • r i I . :. ·:~ i I j I -~-~--!~·-. · ---------j-·-·-·--~---·--·--··--~-~,...._.,..~, I 1 _ _l_ 1---:-:-_ t .. -~t r I I I I ~· ~ I I I L ~ <:, ... "\ I " I. I J ~ ~~ . I '' ! ... / ~ , -!' ~ -' •--·----,----. -· ,-------.. ~ I~! \/ l ('''v ---~ ( r \1 IN!: ,r 1 I I I I ' --I' I\ . I ,_. ~ I 11 ~I ,... ... v l · : s ~·· \ I ! i~ I 1 , !J7~ ---r~ ~-1----· t·----~l. , ---1 6 : j} ' :I I( \' I -~~.. ~ / J v) l :_L ____ --·---. ..... ~ t ~~·-t=f----·1 ~I u \ (I d ' 1-I I ~/ I~ I - ~'l>c V f 1---+-------..._, I I I 1- ~"~ -~ C()fj ~· ~-,",",II • I .1.21' .I PIIEPARED BY: :::::>~ () ~~~ .. J R&M CON$ULTANTS, INC. •No-••• DICM.OO•&t'a •'--••• •w•viiii•O•a I\~ .. I r§l r§l I r;:,f;) I\~. I J. " •. '2.~ II I I r:P b .. , I fjQ I oo 1.'2.~' I I ..... '!.~" I FtOURE ... U 1\>0 I ... o0 I'll~ .. ~.~·' r§l ~~~,,I t ! I - I "'()() .. , ',I -()· I o tl(). ~(). I~ .. I h .... ~"' I I'' I .-1 PREPARED. fOil ;· • ., ....... ~~!-$@,: su.si.rN,i. /,Oifl'i.'v~f#~!fE :.·· SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SlJRVSYS t 98 4 cross -s~ctioil tAX 9:7J ·• · .. -;, ~ I · t '-' '.; __ I J~~~r i I I I '• ~· . ~n ';· I I I , k;-;·~c·;,;: ~ I ' . · . .'' 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';-!-~ ·,;r ; s: CO:·~ R.&M, CONSU_L.TA~TS, INC. ............. Ct.l.at.OAia•• ....... -.... ~·vc ... o•• '·:. SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SIJRVEYS I l ,, I l -l I l I / 1 ! 1 · l · I ;( l ---J"-... .., I I , f , ; r---:-l, --~-_ !......__,. 1 .-. l, I I ! I I/ : ." · I ,, IJ 1 'I\ i 1 ; 1 ; ,: ·\ n ~\ 1~ ·;, ... :1,1 ~-l //'f n I I ' I ,, 'f·, 'I II/ I II I I I I ; ' I ' . I t I . \ I I ~ !\ : : { ! \ I : i ~-~I ~. l IJ ! I \f I; ~ \tf \ ll / ! ~· ' ~ !' T l I \I :v '---¥ I I ! I i I l I . r-I FIGURE 4.1e; I . ! I ~~s.uc~r susti,N_A iou~t'¥!~Tjiifi ;· . .-!' '·.' ·-' ... ~ .... ···:.:~~·: :·· SUSITNA HYDAQGHAPHtG:> S·t)RVEYS 1 9 8 2 cross ~~ction ~AX , 0~7 l I /\ I \ i -I- I C". i ~-i __j I • I I . ---------- r~ I ! l . . ' I . . ! .. . i .1 1 /r--l / ! ~, r·", l",,1\ ···--·--r·'"'--.-:-·-,....;..~~-r::------- -: ·'" : / ' : r/ \ I I Y \_,. ! , j \ 1 ,, r \ : -\~ __ J..._: , ! , '--'i I \ , I , . j/ I \I: ' ~ ------·'~--..,--- " I I -i · -~ · I ~---C\: .. R&M CONSULTANTS, 'NC, &llroiGI IIrOII••a O•o~OOitl!'.. .,a"!'IIWIJ... •11•111••o•a FIOURE.4.1.1 -PREPAR ~-t-~x - ~--.. ; -. ::~---~ .. . . ·. i ·.: .; : ~ : ~ . : .;:. . ._:;.:,:,_.._.~:':H ..... 'i.:¥......-~go ~ ·--- SUSIT NA HYDHOGH APHJC. :SUiiVi;YS 1 984 cross s~ctiqn :LAX 95.9· · ~ s au BtL§¥¥ ·-~~~~i~f~~gi;, ·· <V~.:l-J.{t~:.:i~-~~1 SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC. SLJ RV!E YS I I J:n rljl II I I 11 I-I j I 111 1 1111 1''''1 1 llljilli( II 11 I·' 1 II !·'' n 1 I I ! t~~ I I I I ! t I . i I 1 ~() I I ! ! I I I r f\, • t ~~ ,\ / I ' ! I\ ~ I I ! I I \ -I \ 1' I I ~ I 1: : f 1\ rr I ! I ,, :· I j \1 I i t "[ I I I ~ I l ~ ... ~ I' I I I I t ,o I Ko':l 1-. r-0 0 -~ ... ~~ ~ .. " .. ' .... lo .. ,, -PREPAR ED' BY : 0~ I I I oo ?. , .I ~&M CO.I\l~ULTANTS, INC. e~~o~o........ a •o .. oo••T• .......... c-. 11w•v•..,o•a r:P h~ .. l l ' l I ~ t I l I I I ofl I' ofl ~ () 1~. I. II . I I IJ;I I I I 1 982 cross section LRX· ·0:=6 ·In ''f T I 1•,.1 .'1 t If' I f .l ·r I r-por.rf·•·•, I'"' I·~: r I I -- I I I I l ,. -, i i l I ! I I I 1 l l l ! I -.;, ' I ! I l i ! 1 • j ' v I \ ,? \ I I . -~-I I I I I I \ I t. ' I 1 ~ 1 I I I \ I \II I ' 7l\' ; \I I I I \( j \ • \ I i 'J I !! I !' I I I I I I I · l , j , 1 • • I 1 / I 1 I I I - /\ ! '1 I ! .-'\ .)\ l-1 I . I I! ..--""1 \ I _ .. -r-1 .. I I / I \ /11 ,, l : II, 0 ,t ,....... I __ ,. : \ ,' . A I ' ~ j -n --T----~---~ ! i I ! 1 I I i I i I -- - j 1 i i I i l I I I - ':lr:P. I 'l-. ~ . I ~ 1~ I~ I~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ l'li .. t1 .. 1• '!l .. ~r .... ~ .... r ..... fi ... t t;)o ~~~ .. 1 l fo~~o. I ·j·._f:lofl _ 1-a ~: v . . (). J 'l . 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L-. --3 I l \ ' I 11 I l I ' j 1 ·r ~-I il ' ' . •' ' I ' I I ' 11 • 1 \ 1· · 1 :. \ I 1\ ~ 'Jv ' : : '\ \ - 'I I I 1, I I . l I I \ II l· I '. :/ ! 1 I I i ! ' L ' l ' ! . i \: ! ! . ! ["' 1'1 ~ ! I 1 1' I \V {I I ; I I I /\ I ; I 1 • • • I I I \ I I ! I . I ll ' ' I . I I l I ! I I ! I I I r •' : : I I -j I ! . . I ~ i'>' : I I . I I I ll I --1: ~.I I I I I I I • 1\ 1 -, I • "' .~ .,. , •" -•"' ----· •• ' •• 1.. . 1.. ' ..... 1-~. "'' ' " ' I~H.tb!"~' .,, I ! ",:1 ~~-~ ...~H~ ~ ~ • • SUSITNA HYDROGHA·PH:In Sl iRVEYS (,o ,.,... [~~ If ~~0 ~ i[,~ ~ F ~~ FJGURf?,4 •20 R$-M CONSUI;.TANTS~ INC. ..... Q_. .... ,.. ·--~ .. oa.•••• .'" ..... ""''""' •v•v •"lll!t~~• -===== za&M .... :.I.-~~)J;~~~-1.%.~f:Et~:~~~~ij~g~~g2;w··~$t~i~~11!~~1lt~~~i~J?J'i-·. __ ,..·_·a~:· ·'·-~ __ ._;!1:·'~£: ....... ,-~.-.'"'·;.:.·_.· .. ~ SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 0.4 .... , .. -.-'T 'I I 'I :I I I I I I'' j I I j j j I I'' j I I I I I 'T 1 I I 'I 'T '1 '1" T"' I"" I' '''I''" I'''' I'" I I I ]' ! ! I I i I ' i j I I I -r l I I I I I I I I I I I ' I ' ! --, I I I ! i ! I I , I I 1 1 r---, I I I l l I I I 1 : I ---~-----I l " ~ ' l ! : l : I . I ' I I ; I I ' ' I r-1 ' r-.~'-1 j r-\ ' 1'-r---1 ! ) I I I I • 1 I I \ l 1 \I 1 1 ,, I I :\ I I l I v I ( v 11 \ ,._j I I l ' -' I I lr------, { ! ''' r I I \/I r ~ ~ I t\ I I --I \~ j I I I I '-../I I I I \ I . 'l I ,,.._ '... I \ I I ! \ I I ! I ; i : ;' \ { '1 / ['" o~f)o ~ .. v~--1 i ~ /~ . . . -I I ! ! 1 '-i I j . ---f~ --·--. _f ------I v i '"' ',J -+ - . - ..,.._ - ..,. oo I oO-l ..~ ...•..... ~·~:-,_,,.,,,,,_. , I ,[Q,'' I '"' Iii!~' I''.' ~~~'I''.'' '~~··I'"' '~~·.I''" ~~~·.' .... -~~·.1.'' _L ....... t~.l"'' ~~~~·.I"" ll .. '" .I~~~·. I' PREPARED 8Y • -PREP~O.lll"" ~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. I""DIII!I•ti•a o•OI.ODI·T· ................ •u•Ye•01111• FIG~RE 4.a1 ~ ... JE-U»; susmJA ;b,fll'··lliNriJ~i.' ---------------------"""""""·~·.,.7::~~~~·~:-:.J.Arm .i;Ali:w , . -···.~··.4::~:;;: SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS [~'I TTTT I , I I ~'I.? ~'1-Q f'\ i I ,, .... ll I I . I. r, t /,, .J.='\7 \/\ I \/ ..5 ~ ... ? c 0 !&,• ~? ~QQ 1-~\O tt-,..11' ~.I,., I I !.1.. \ ' I -t I \ I \ ,' \ 'I 1';) .. ,, I PREPARED BY ' :=:!.,. ~ij I T :f I ) ~:P ~.I I I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC • • ,..,,.•••• ol(mOO•a?• ~.,.,.,.,..... •u•v•"oe• QQ lt .. '· LL OQ hr"'' 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX o ~a I" II I ' i ·' I I I ~ 1,. ~IT l \ li 'I ( ' . 'T"· . r .. " ... 1 I l I I i I i 1 J'TTT I'""' I 'I I i I i ' -~~-I ; I I \ -. I I \ --I I I I /"' I, 'I •· CTTf•· ·I I f' i.J i' I I I l ·l·l TT~: - ··~ ..,.I: - ,I . I\ / \' : ~ I I I i • '1 I \f \~1 ·I I _: I ! i I I l • I l I - i . I I I I I I - 00 I 00 I 00 I\~, .1., 1, 'J-~.~._. r 1 111 '1-~ ,,, ()() 1'1-~111 FIGURE 4,22 i I '!.()() I I'll .. Lit aO I'll~ .. 1 ()() ~ .. 1 I I I. ()() It' I ~I I I I a a "'II I . _, ()~ l"'oz; ' Yt.u.l·t·tt ·t"•. PREPAR ED· f01t • DUbllWl·~®' SUSiTNA ~OINt ~~NTii(ti .. ----------·--•••··IJI.-IJ!I.J'III· .... ~:·,.:·.'.::'::·A~~~·· .. ;r~(~~;~~);.:~~>.r.\.;~J~~~~l~.:;_.:.~i,·;::,.\·\~:AF.ft\J~l:.~·; .. ,r?~h;.~l:?!)::~~f.1fm~~1~~~t.~~~~~~:~~1I~r..~x:.;-i.~W~:.~;~~diiiiil! SUSITNA HYDROG:AAPHl C SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LAX .93.1 -I 'I I T ' -I I •. I -· .. --, .. --'r .. -I -. I I I -r I -,, I --•, : --: --.,..: t 'l;~ ~ E . - ~ -~'1;0 : .. -_.. ~"" ~ r!)11A~ ~ (' \f:l. /1 t/\ i\ I ~: ... A .b ~~ 1; lJ ! r 1/i •1! 'l v \\} f-J. 'Jv N\J ;\~· -fVvl ~ . .. ~ - ?}:0 ~ ~ ---I I ' l,J.I V'1----iJ V\J v -- r- f-I ..;.; ~0~ / \} \J I : r-_: oo ~" v ,, r-.... ~. ~" ~. 'j, .. . - "' ;_ _;,.; ~o0o ~00 I 0 0 0 r;:Jl oa 0 oO oO 0 ~oo oO :~~oo . 'l;,.'l I .._or;;, ' \"0 I ?-~o '>~0 .~f· I ~ lo. I I ,lj,~ I '>~ "' . I .. ~-. I to~ I • ~~ I .a~·· 1 . . -I ·-·~: -· . PR£P •. a~O ~a •. : ·· · · · · PREPARED-BY ' ~ FIG,URE4,23 ~·~~=~; sUS.i rN.:t/JiJ ilri vi'N.fi!~£~' .. R&M CoN~ULT'ANTs, INC.· e Na• .. ••-• oao-.oo•eT• .~~.......... av .. v ••a•• .:~~~i$t.};~it{}J:~~-· 0 c.;; 1'01 Rt!OM CONSULTANTS, INC. &""'Co .... &lll!f\8 ~·C)-.(UioiiTA. •a.•.._....... ...,. • ._,,.,G•a SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHI-C SURVEYS 1 98 4 cross section LAX 91.8 I I I I I I I . I PIIEPAREJ.:~91 ~-'·;·:·~·+s~~.;,;t~l~ FIGURE 4 24 l!l'ifill!i),li\"''~Ja(IMIIIJI :: . . ·uy~~~~~,~~~ SUSI'fNA ·iJOI~T· V~NTUIIE.:?n•? s ,., t. .. ,ffi,Mjjil•~.~~~~ -- r-I I . I . I I T T r- I ~oo I I l f-- ~~';) ~i A ~ 11 ---71GJ ::- ~oP I I f-- PJ,'b'J u I - ~'00 I : I - ~1.~ I r "".rj,'\0 -" '~-ro oo ~~0 I ""> 'o, 1 ~Ll.LL PREPARED BY : --=='=""" ~ R _;..;..M CONSULTANTS, INC. • .,..,,........ a•o.OGt·~· ..... _... au.'lor • .,.CNI . I ! I I ~co I • TT I ~-- . I v ~00 I i SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVE YS . -.. 1 984 cross section LAX 9 . .0.6 I II·. I I •· .••.. I . -~ . ..,T . I .. -·r . . . . . I . I • COT l.. . ''• : ,..,. ·' . " .... Mi .,.. h ./""-. '§ 'I il ~ \1\ ~V'\N wv ~ ' ~~ I -.:: ! I 1\J-l I =- - I \ ' I I ,\:1 I -· I I \j I I I I I l I ..;, I I - .. . . . --r§) cP \)0 cO 0 0 0 0 oO co: 'lr,; I '"~" I ') '0 I .'!;~ I '1;~0 I q,~o I ~~<;J I '>~0 I I '.'J'o . I ' ' ">~· .· ,, ..• - ·PREPARED ·FOR: · ····. ~--:rP..IQk • SUSIT~A JO[N1!. VE!.f'TJI,_£_: ·. . FII)URE •• 26 Z!1ZS :ZW.&ll Pd I 1 CA&i. ·ai&MJ iJW»f?.{:.f~l·~i~·JQ\~tfi~;~:~~~~i~~r~~,:~~;:{t%.~~: ~,:.i.a · ai . (/ = . ~.'f3..-Q.'-'J.~Z:.,j;];',.i.: SUSITNA HYQHOGRAPHIC: SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LAX -et.7 •' ·1 I ' I"" ' I .,,.,., I '· --1.' •·-(··'-.-····"l _·-:;: __ . ·I" 1 · '·I , I · , I .. ,., .... , ... ~~ r ~ (:) ~ I • i : I •. -: . ~~ i -~ I . -~; I . .. . ' -i .., ~.,~ fl 0. a · ~ . >-" I v \fl 1 -~ ~ i '·" . ~· 1.~ r; ~ r0~ / ~ ! I P ~ "IV\ I v --It---_] vv "N . I .·. ~ v r-r-·-r v ~---------_--,, ~,: ~? I I 1 '~ \i I N .i -~ ~-~!) ! 1\ ;· i ~~ I ·\ _........ • j ·• V "'q· : -·. · . . t" '·' ~fJ? . '.~.-. -. . . . ... .. ~ ~ '-ao • . . -:-. . ~f!'/,0 0 0 o () 00 ()() o~ oO ~0 . r§l 0() ~0 ·.-0() •· ·• ~. ~ I I 0' I '1.~ I 1>0 I Q~ I '9~ . I ... o I I .. fJ; I .. ~ I .. f:!. I ~'b II I ''1.~' I I I IJ,~. ' I ·-.'1,~ I . '2.~~-:& ~ ;~ ', ~~~-~-. .. -. ...... r.A•••· . .-... ,., ,• .. _.· --~---_ ..... __ ..__,...,..,_!"-.: ... ?.;,. """''"'''"'"'"''"'"m.> - o '"'""'"'~rl'mc"<J!;f~!-PMEPARtO~B~V--~------------~--- ~~ FIGjJR£ 4.2. R&M c:;:oNSU~TANTS, INC. , ... ou'••••• o•~•oc•••• ..., • ..,..... •""'•""c"'o•• f.' I • • • I I • I ~•• - ?l'bC) - ~.,o ~ ~ ~ r- Pl,1. C) I ' ~'~ v - jl~ - ':r,_'OC) r- '00 "ij,'JJ - C) C) lj,"" .... C)o o , 0 ~?fl ·, ,'!;. I Q, l_ I. PREPARED I!Y ::::>~ R&M• CONSUL"("ANTS, 'lNC. e-.cL-···· 0CO.,OGI ·1'· .... A ..... Cns ':V•¥••Q-IIt6 ---- \ v .. ~fl I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC. SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LAX 8 .. 6.3 ' I I' ' ' I ' ,. .· .. , I ., .• · .C"J' cf . I I I' •. . I I'!' 't , .. '+'''l I • . ,., . , ···r . ": I I ,.,· I I ' I I I _, r ' I .. l/1 ~ - I ~ "-il ! ~ -) ~· ~: ~ t-/ ~ --------r I j ~ 0 - / r J - • ll - oc oo , co co .,co· .. '/J, coo . ,~o 0 0 ~~(> I 'O~C I .. f) 60 • . ,.o l .i\'j;, I . I\~ I : .. '0 .I. ~\' In ,I'!.~·· I , ,rz:!.-t, .'~.~,I '1.~• ·~· l't'IE,AIIEO FOil ' . .. FIGURE. 4.27 ~~IEIMNI SUSITN~ JOitiT VEfoiTIJttE: SUS.I.TNA HYDROGHAPHIQ SUR VEY S 1984 cross section LAX 84;6 J:"T'T ['\~ 'l''"l''rrr 'I';.:.' I I •.. i I' i If', .• I i..il I. t(l I •.• I 'j. ..... '+'·-~I 1 ... I I ::-r;i ,,.i i 1.1,.1 '"T ! I'"JT ('\o j /11 l ! /) , (\it-. r-V\ tJ \A r---V 11 /1111 n ~ K~~ r ~ ~ 1 u 1 r 1·u 11 L~ v liU hi -,---l . -~ I I II"" tQo 1/ K~~ v ~ ~ (~o K~~ 1-o .,~ .. r:P ~ I c j c ... ,. 0 c "~ .. I I •. 1 I I I I _I I I I. I' I ti. 'I 1-. I. I t; •• I I PREPAIIE O-~y : ~ R&M ~ONSULTANTS, III,IC • ._....a .... •~•~! o•a.,~o·••• •a..a~~o..,••• •v•v••o•• c? l\~ .. 1 oo , .. ~ ..... . v t:lo I t:l~ I oo h~; I I L -111 1t I d .•· II .·~:~I " fiGURE 4.28 0 I .,o '!1,_,_, I. oo I'll~. I I . !'ITTf• i ! I 't' ····~,,.'I I I i ' I l 1 .. 1 PI I il ... ! . ! -t .... : (~I .M~: i . ~ - v f--------f; I • - I \ 4 \I ; I ~' - - - o I o cQ-. l ~o -Jao .-•. .1 •••• ,~ ..... I I •• l·· 1 t'" Ll.l'+t1. "'II I J.; fOIIEPA 0 -~ ' I ' . . . . ~r--~' SUS/TN.-, JOI,T V~lllfl!!fE • ,· XJtitJIBl!l!¢:& .. Eftema, R. 198.4. Sampling Armo r-Layer Sediments. Journal of the Hydrauli¢ Di.vi$io·n,. ASCE Volume. llO , No ~ 7 , pp 992-'-m)G. Harza~Ebasc~ Sus·itna· Joi nt Ventur·e,. 1984-. Susitna Hydroelectric P'roject:: - Reservoir and. River Sedimentation, prepared .for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981. Hydrographic. Surveys Closeout Report, prepared for Acres America·n Incorporated · for the Susitna Hydroelectric Feas-ibility Study. Anchorage,, Alaska. R&M Consultants, Inc . 1982. Hydrog raphic Surveys, prepared for Acres American Incorporated for the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Study. Anchorage, Alaska. -160- APPENDIX A Particle Size Distribution Tables Included in this appendix are a table converting from standard U.S. Sieve- numbers to metric units of millimeters, a modified explanation of the - unified soil classification system, and tables with the particle size distribution data for each sample. ' :; . . :. .. .. .' : ·. :: ~ .• Nomin-al' Dimensions for 'U .s-. S.taridard· Sieves. m·m 5 in. 125 4 in. 100 3 in. 75 2 in. 50 H in. 37.$ 1 in. 25.0 3/4 in. 19·.-o l/2 in. 12·.5. 3 /8 i.n. ~L5 No. 10 2.00 No. 20 0 ·.850 No . 40 0.425 No. 80 0 .180 No. 100 0.150 No. 200 0.075 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D 2487 -83 (Based on Unified Soil Classification System) SOIL ENGINEERING Soil Classolica1ron. Criteria lor Assigning. Group S~ls and Group Names Using Laboratory Tescs" Group Group Name111 Symbol C4arse-G rained SoilS Gravels Clean Gravels Cu~4 and 1$CC.$Jf GW Walt graded gravel~ More !han 501\b retain~ on More than 50% coarse Less than 5% lines" No. 200 sieve fractiOn recained on Cuc4 and/or 1~Cc~3E GP P0011y graded gravel~ No.4 sieve Gravels with Fines Fines c:lassoly as ML qr MH More than 12% lil\esc: GM Silty gravet 0 ·11 Fines classily as CL or CH GC Clayey grave{G.H Sands Clean Sands Cu~6 and 1~ Cc!!S3f sw Well-graded sand1 50% or more ol tl)arse Less than 5% lines0 ~ fractiOn passes No. Cu<6 and/or \.>Cc"3E SP POOfly graded sand1 4Sil\le Sands with Fines. More than 12% lines0 Fines class .. y as ML or MH SM Silty sandG.H.o Fines classify as CL or CH sc Clayey sand:;_,.., Fin&-Grained Seils Silts and Clays inorganic Pl>7 and plots on or above CL Lean cJay<L" 50% or mare passes the Liquid limit tess than 50 "A" lfne1 No. 200 sieve Pl<4 or plots below .. ,. .. ML Silt"U' Jine1 organic Liquid lim•t • oven dried <0.7S OL Organoc cJay".t.M.III liquid limit • not dried Organic sitt""LM,o Sills and Clays inorganic PI plots on nr above ··A·· line CH Fat clay'tt..M Liquid limit 50 or more PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic so!t"-1..111 ; OJganic Liquid limit • oven dri.W <o. 75 OH Organit: clay'<·LM.P tiquid limit· nor dried Organic silt"-L"'0 Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter. dark in color, ar.;J organic odor PT Peat ·~ 0t1 tile lftateri-' passing t~• :J.<n. (75-mm) sieve. l'cu • 0 60 /010 CO:iJt J11 Aneroe~g lomots p\QJ on l/<llc!lea ••ea. sool>s a CL·MI.. Itt r;.ld sampl4·crinWned cabbies cr beu~s. or both. add Cc:• o,o •060 $tlty clay. "'with cobbles or bou~ ... or bol!l" to group Mrlle. «11 sod contaons 15 10 29'\ll plus No. 200. ad4 "'wolh ~" ~s "'ilh 510 i2'MI fines r~int dual symbols: 111 soil conlalrl$!;15% s.and. add "'woth sanel"' to group or ··w~h g~ver;· whichs-.er is predominant. GW-GM ~I-<JI1u1ed gravel wiltl sill name Lu soot C0<\1ams;e30"1> ph.ls no. 200. pt@dom,nantty s;ond. GW-GC ,. .. 1-gJaoed gra•el wrth clay Gcrlinr.; CI3S$i!V as CL·ML. use du31 5ymbol GC.OIII. or add ·•sandy" 10 10 gr011p nom•. GP'GM poo11y gradeef gra>e~ wdn sill SC·SM. "'u sool conta1ns~~ plus No. 200. prer.!omin~ntly GP.(;C poorly graced gra..-.1 wi!ll clay ~~ line5 ;uo organ,c. add ·-..,,~ org~noc l~nes·· 10 gro~p gravel. :Jdd ·•gravelly" 10 group name. ~~ "''" 5 ro 1~ lints reqU<re dual :symbOls; .name. HPI'!!4 and plols on or above ""A" line. SW·SM •ell-goaoed sond w~h Si11 111 so.l conlaii\S~I5% graver. a<ld ""WIIh gravel" ro group 0 Pic4 or l)io1S ~-"A" Iitle. SW·SC we!1-goaded und with clay name. "PI ploos on or above "A" line SP·SM OOQfly graded ...,d wit~ Sill 0p I plols below ··II" hne SP·SC poooty goaded sand Mlh C13y S!!:VE ANALTSI$ 60 I SCREE,.·!~ I }I[Y( NO. I Fer ctossrfocotloft of fo~e-~reonrd ~orl~ / / / ) Z II', I \1. "· . •o lO 40 60 t40 7.)0 ana rnt•grc•ntG ract oon o coorst-9111'"td ,/' IOD" 0 t:1 so ~ 7 J CL Equotoon of "A"· J.ont / ~} / -e--P v 03.0 -lO Q )( Homo11tal ot PI•4 to L1..•2S.S. .$"""} 0~ ! w tal thtn Pt•0.73lLL·20) • '/ :z Ill I I :;; 0 40 Equotoon of"u"·lone 7 v v :: foD D.,.•IS•-. z CJ~ 1!\ 1 40 ... -Vetfrcol at l L -:·16 Ia Pl•7 / ... ... , II: ,.. then Pl• 0.9 ILL·8) , ~ ~ 50 ~ 4~ ... -/ / ...._ lo,.~u .. ,. •o ::r: u / u ... / II: ~ ... ~ , o""'"' ... I ~ a: Ill / ~ >0 ... "' 20 I I I I ~ ..._I 10 0.. ..J / / 11' v· MH 0t1 OH "-•"'~on CL / v~ o J II I {. ••o ,/ 10 -'1 ' ,_ ,D OQ , •.0 0~ ¢10 '--L -ci.-M :w:.r MLj OL PARTICLE SIZE JN MILLIMETERS 4 -o/ I I (11•-t·~•IOG ~ 11,11 0 10 "zo 30 40 ~0 60 70 10 ')() 100 JIO Cc:• D .. •D-. •O"'"fr.'i'J•t• LIQUIO LIMIT 11.L) ("•**********'*****************·*** S I EUE ANALYSIS •**"'*********~·****.,.************!1!- r~· I StEVE I CUMIJLATI1-.IE I ~ I I SIF•JE I r::uMULATI•.tE I % I 1 512~ I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZF 1 WEIGHT I PASSrNG I I 1-----;-----------------:·-----------: :----;:--:--------------:-----------: J 0 I 1 0 0 I I *9 I I I r r [ f. 2 8.q5 I 89 t10 I 180 I 23 I 1-1/2 16.98 I 77 ~16 l I l 1 26.09 I 65 t20 356 I 16 3/4 32~205 I ?7 *30 I l/2 39.6 I 47 t40 639 I 6.4 3/8 44.32 41 t?O I t4 52.95 29 t60 I I PAN 21 . c 9 ~~80 7 9 3 1 • 2 I ----------------------1-----------1 1100 794 .9 I TOTAL 74.64 I t200 I 809 I .J I --------1--------------1-----------1 TOTAL 818 I Project 4~2424, Hole 97.1, S&mple 1. r I. [ l ******************************** SIEUE ANALYSIS ******************************** rri I SIEVE CUMULATIUE I . " I I SIEJJE 1 SIZE ~FTG~T I PASSING I I SIZE C:IJMULAT I I,Je: WEIGHT 1-----------------------1-----------11----------------------1-----------1 I 4 9. 06 8 7 I I ~~<:'"~ I I I. I 3 12. 665 82 I 2 17.57 76 I I i}B I I *10 31 7 I 21 I 1-1/2 22.49 69 l 1 2B.74 60 3/4 32.985 54 I I ~Fl6 I I ~~-=: 0 l I ~~31) l/2 38.31? 47 I I ~~411 7.4 l 3/8 41.~25 42 t4 49. 4?~ 31 I I ~~,:,II I I *.t7 0 PAN ~2 .6S 1 I I #BO 8~9 2 I 1-----------------------1 -----------1 I 0100 8 7 7 1.4 ' ~arTgOeTAsLize materi:l 2 . lO'; 1 :: --~=~~--1 __________ :~~-: --------:~-: 1 I TOIAL I 918 I l ., j ec t 1'"24'24, Ho J e 9 7. 1 , 0 ·;.=~mp 1 ~ ? . 100 [ L !io·*-•·W.·*·*'*·li~·*••·•·*.*""*,.·*·*·•~•·**•'*''dHI;~~ S l EUE Ar-.ALYS I S .-.;.;of .. ** .. ,..,. ............. .,.+.,.•'"'l'"*** .. 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I 37 I I #40 464 9.13 l 3/8 I 38.42~ I 31 I I ~~':il) I t4 I 42.965 I 23 II ~~r.O I I P.AN I 13 . 11 I I I ~~80 7 0 7 1. 2 I 1---------1--------------1 -----------1 I #100 717 .8 I I TOTAL I 56.075 I II ~~200 I 732 I .4 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I 744 I I Project 4~2424, Hole 97.1) Sample 3. ******************************** SIEVE ANALYSfS **;o*********;o*****************~* l SIEVE I CUMULATIVE i ~ I I SIEVE CU MULATIUE % I SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSI NG I t SIZE I WEIGHT I PASS(NG 1-----------------------1-----------11--------1--------------1-----------1 1 4 0 I 1 0 0 I I ~~4 I I 3 . 87 98 I I ;~8 2 6.36 87 I! ~~10 79 26 1-1/? 10.51~ 79 I I #16 ---I 1 1 6. 26,::; 6R I I 4~·.'11 .L'::JII 18 3."4 '20.)4? c::.:: II ~!:~0 1 /2 2S.?4 49 I I 14U 3~1 6.8 3/8 2 8.80~ 43 ! I #~0 14 34.56 31 I I tAU I PAN 1? . t<,} 5 I I I *-80 4 2 1 1. 9 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I 1100 42~ 1.7 I TOTAL I ?0. 19? I I I ~~200 43 4 1 I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I 449 I I P roJect 4?2424J Hole 97.1 , Sampl~ 4. 1!.1!1!,"'"·'·:,-.!(,IJLISJ!!l!. "1!1 ... 111_,_ .• J.Iii!i'!,. '"---"· -.1!1.11!1.1!1!.-.•. 1!1!_ ,11!1. ~~~-----llllll--lllfflf!1!t!iliilill&3&3iilli"flliiPia-waiiSamlil!ll!ilrrllllii:rl5liiiiiiM. ii!!lSRalillr lr!l'lwu;~e::uw.....,~. '7""'''~~,-· -·----...... --~-........ --.---·-----___ ..., -~~'**** **~*~**~** .... ~"-*"""~*"HHi-.'":4'**'"'~ s i El.JE H~IAL YS i -~. ~ • .,.. ...... *""'""'"'~'*·*~**"' ;!-i"' ,.,.. .... "! ........... ,_ .... ,.. ... . . I SJEUE I CUt·lULAT I \.lE I % I I S I EUE CUMULAT I v£ ~ I SIZE I WEIGHT 1 PASSING II SIZE I l•IElGHT I PI~SSING I ·J 1------.,----1--------------1-----------I 1--------1--------------i ---------~-I I 4 I 3. 41?'5 I 93 I I ~~4 l I I I 3 l 3. 4?5 l 93 I I ~}8 ·r-·. I 2 I 7 . 0 6? I 8 7 I I ~H 0 . 0 913 2 4 I 1-l/2 I 10.17 I 81 II ~H6 I 1 I 17.88 66 11 ~~20 .20.1 17 ·r_: I 3/4 I 22.235 '58 1 I ~~30 I l/2 I 27. 43.::; 48 1 I ~~.::;1) • 33 8. 1 I "3/8 I 30.':'8 42 II ~F50 ----i l *4 I ;6. ;;:;r; 3 0 I I ~~61) [ : ----~~~--: -------~~:~~~-: -----------: : ~~i~ ~ : :i ~ ; : ~ I TOTAL I '32.62 l II ~~200 I .429 I 1.4 I 1. -_'_ Large size material I 1--------l--------------1-----------1 l I TOT ~L I • 4? l I 5 0 100 r(oject 4~2424, Hole 97.1, Sample?. [ [ [ [~~~******~•*******~*******~**** SIEVE ANALYSIS ***~**a*************•*********** ; I SIEVE I CUMULATIVE I % I I SIEVE CUMULATIUE ~ I SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE I l·IElGHT I PPSSIHG l l :,-----:---:--------~:;;;-:--------;:-::----;:--:--------------1-----------: ~ I 3. 0:~? 94 I 1 :J:B I '2 I 14.71 73 II ~~HJ .06L.I 2.? :i!:l6 1-l/2 ?7.3?~ ~0 l l 1 1 4l. 16'--'2':'· l l 2.? ~F~' li . 11"2 3/4 47.46? 13 I 1 1 /2 ?.1 . ? 2 t:; 6 I I 2 . 1 1~ ;. I) ~~411 .'231 L 3~··8 '32. ol -<. 1 ; :IF4 ?3. 17 3 I I ~~50 ~hll I PAN I 1 . 6 2? I I I • :3 1---------1--------------1-----------I I ~F; 'HJ . ?'ii -? I • 7 1 TOTAL I t:;4.79 7 1 :I ;~200 1 .6r.-.8 I .4 l I 1--------l--------------1-----------i ~~~~ IJ .?~? I I TOTAL I • 76? 1 I ProJeCt 4?2424, Hole 97.1, ~ample 6. IT L. ,.., .. i i ~:. ) 1'..1!.1 ~*******~*•••••*•***•~•••••*•••~ SI EUE ANALYSiS ~*R*~*~¥*~~*~***•~•~•••~4•*•~•*~ · · SlE~IE CUI'lULA Tl VE % I I S [HIE CUMULAT ItJE % i ! S l ZE WEIGHT P ASSING I I SIZE t.ll:: I GHT PAC:S.I NG ~-~------t----·---------1-----------11--------1--------------t-----------1 4 I 2. 33 I 9 f.i I I t 4 I I I J I 2 • 3 3 I 9 6 I I ~8 I I I 2 I 7.7 '5 ? 87 l I ~FLO .1 44 I 18 I 1-l/2 I 13 .675 77 I I #1 6 1 I 23 .71? 59 II #20 .26 3/4 I 29. 47 49· I I #3 0 1 /2 I 36.18':; 39 I 1 ~~40 .?31 3 /8 I 39. 75 32 l I #50 t4 I 4?.215 22 II t 6fJ 1 4 I 5 .9 I ----I PAN I 1.3. 0 9 I I I *B O ~ 7 . 6 I I ---------t --------------t-----------1 1 110u .70 7 .3 TOTAL I 58.30'5 II i~200 .712 .2 Large size mat~rial 5 I t--------~--------------1 -----------1 0 100 I I TOT R ~ I • 718 I I ~r o j e c t 452424 1 Hole 95.9, Sample 1. ******************************** SIEVE ANA LYS I S ****•**************~********.*** I SIEVE I CUMULAT I (.IE I % I t S l E•J E CUMULATIVE % I SIZE I l,JE!GHT I PASSING I I SIZE 1 Wf fGHT I PASSING I 1---------1--------------1-----------11--------1--------------1 -----------1 I 4 I I I I ~~4 I I I I 3 I 0 I 10 0 I 1 ii'3 I I I I 2 I 4.32 9?11 ~HIJ .24?1 2 11 I 1-1/2 1 1.8 ~5 H6 I I ~1 6 I 1 23. 74? 73 I I ~f'JU . 4U9 14 I 3 /4 3 2 . 17? 63 I l :tf.J O I 1--'2 42 .4 51 I I t41J ."51 9 6 .4 I 3 /8 49.135 4 4 I I ~~71) I ~4 6 1. 0 ':-; I 3 CJ I I -i".6U 1 PAN I 26. :.;;? I I I ~:~o • 7.59 1.9 1---------1--------------1-----------; I 1~ ~ i) 0 . 7?1 1.4 I TOTAL I 8/.3 1 :1 WLiJU 1 .~69 ./' I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 i I fOIAL I .787 I I . ' I i ( ' ;l · ................ :tHl****•••· .. ~ ••• ~ ............. s 1 ~l_l£ At-IAL YS! s "f~-4** .. *~ ................ *"'~-.~*"'4 .. ,. ........ HHt l St'EIJE CUMULAT'IVE I ·~ I I SlEI.IE CUt1ULATIVE S I: .. _:~::. __ ----~=~~~~----:--~~=~~~: __ ::_:~:: ___ :----~~~:~~----:--:~==~~~--: I 4 0 I 10·0 I I t4 I I I ·1.::. I 3 1. 86 I 96 l I #8 I 2 8 . 10? 1 84 I I ~~'!!.) I 1-1/2 14.19 I 71 II *16 .::'1 I 1 20.34? 1 59 II t 20 .369 15 I' I )/4 24.01 I S2 II t30 I I l/2 28.37S I 43 II 1~40 .638 6.3 I I 3/9 31.C9S I 38 II t'5 0 ---I I 1.. I' t4 36. 225 i 27 I I t-6 [I I I PAN 13.?4 I II ~~80 .7'!ol6 1.1 I 1-----------------------1 -----------11 ~100 .8U6 .8 I I TOTAL 49.76~ I 11 •200 I .817 I .4 I (, 1 t--------1--------------r-----------1 ·. I I fO'f AL I . :·H I I :(;:oject 4152424 1 Hole '75 .9, Sample 3. ' l. r******************************* SIEVE ANALYSIS ******************************** ·" I SIEUE I CUMULATTI..IE % II SIE~JE CUMULATIUE % I SIZE I WEIGHT PASSiNG II S£ZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I l :-----~---:--------~~;~;---------;~-::----;:--:--------------1 -----------1 f. l 1.. l I 3 I l. 9 S? 9 6 I I ·:~ 8 I I 2 I R . 12? 8 4 I I ~f ·r II 20 I 1-1/2 13.125 74 II ~16 '! 19. 3':.c; .)'2 I I if' IJ 7,.~ I !4 3/4 23 .67 ?3 II ~~30 l/2 '28. 3'? 44 I I ~~411 • ':iA4 8 ·..; .. 3 /8 ~1.20? 39 il i~';> t) ~t4 ;; 6 • a 8 2 7 ! 1 ~~,:. il I PAN I 13 • 9 45 I I ~i130 • =><; 9 1.9 1---------1-------------------------1 I ~~ 111 0 • ..,7? 1.3 I TOTAL .:;I).:~::? ! I {t2f.IO . ~ .. .:.7 • 6 11--------1--------------·-----------1 l I TOl AL I . H 16 I l Large size material 5 0 100 Project 452424, Hole 95.9 , Sample 4. r r l .. ~·-•··~-*-'**·"*·*·*:•-•*****•·•·•*********** S lEU-~ A"NAL.YS JS ~*~~*******~****4 *•***~*****•*·*·* i ~ $,"iptVE r CUMUL AT l l 1E " I I S I; £l JC: CUMUUH I \.IE ~' I- I S·l2,E I hiETGHT \ PASSING I I SJ ZE I \..1£ I I;HT 1 PASSING I ~~~-+--~--~--------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I I II -#4 I I I I J I 0 I 100 I ~~8 I I I I 2 I .6::=1 I 99 ~~-Ill .0,;,7 40 I I 1-1/2 l 1.48? I 97 *16 I l ·i I 13.9 I 89 t '2H .121 36 I t· J/4 I 10.86-5 I /9 it30 I I l/2 I 18 .195 I 6~ ~Ml .247 27 I I 3/.8-I 2·1 •. 98 I 59 :fl:r:;O I .4 28.445 I 4'3 #6U \' I PAN I '23.71 I ~~HO .LJ68 3 .2 1~--~-----t--------------1-----------#100 .591 l.S l TOTAL t 52.1?? I 1 #0:'00 I .607 I .J I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I TOTAL I .611 i ~rojt;c ·t 4'52.424, H o ll!! 95.9, Si'lm~l-e 5. I l ·············***************"**** s I EUE A~IALYS Is **********.*'***'IHif'lt***•**·******** SlE:VE CUMULATitJE ~ II SIE.t.IE CUMULATII...IE % I l : --==~=---: ----~===~~----: --~~~~~~: __ : ! -~~~: ___ : ----~=~:~~-----: --~~==~~~--: I I :1 .. I 4 I 0 I 1 0 0 I 1 .4 I I I J I 6 . :=! 6 8 8 I I ~!:-8 1 2 I 24.30? 56 II ~nil • 1)1;\'t .s 1-l/2 I 36.08 3~ I I #16 1 I 48 . 2 3 1 :; I I =lt2 II .12:l .s: 3/4 I 52.10~ 5.6 It ~30 l/2 I 73.98 2.2 II ~~411 .16/ 3/8 I 54.49 1.3 I I ISO ~f4 I 7 4 . 8 0? . 7 f I ~~6 0 I PRN I .339 I II ~~SiJ .268 .2 1-~--~----1--------------1-----------1 I 1100 .284 .2 I TOTAL I '??.1':-'4 1 ! I ~~~UO I .YI..'t I .1 I I 1--------l--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I • :HJ9 I I f•oject 452424, Hole 95.9, s~mple 7. [ I ,.**************************~**** s I EUE At-IALYS lS ·IHH~********~******************** SIEVE I CUt1ULAT I VE % I I S I EIIE CU~1UL.AT 1 UE ,. [ :--~~~=---:----~~~~~~----!--~~~~~~: __ : :-~~~~---1----~~~~~~----J--~~~~~~~--1 I 4 l 0 1 U n l I i~._. I I I J 2. 49? 96 I ~~8 I [ I 2 10.9~;; ... ; 8fl ~F~il .O<.=t5 :20 I 1-1/2 20 •. n.::.. r?4 ~no 1 29.14? 4B ~~·-·: 11 161 16 3/4 33. ·,: 1 40 ~~' IJ l/2 J7.13~ ~~ ;F._.<! 3r' ., '? ,. 3/8 j9.U6 30 >~'? u t4 42.42? 24 L :----~~~--:--------~~~=~-: ___________ : ~ft:.!l !~<:! (J .467 1.8 ~~! !j lJ .4R 1.2 l TOTAL I ?'-'. 6'->'t;i 1 Wl IJ U I . 4 '7 4 I • '5 I t --------1--------------1-----------l rnT ~;_ (roje~t. 4~2424, Hole Y3.l, Sample 1. l fi4 ~~~:.li£*:~·-.:~:~·tt ·~*·""+:4**~•·~-..-•~**~~~~~*~-~-.,. 5 l E~~E Af\1 ;:.'\L 'f'S [ !:, ~ .... ~ ~¥***·~*+~·-=+ ***•·~··~~~~~·~•-~ ,. j 1.· ·s:tEVE I CUMIJLAT JIJ£ I % I I S lE\.1 £ CUt1UL AT f1J€ % ,.. ' ·J, $.Tz£: f WI; tGHT I PASSlNG I I SIZE: WEIGH T PAS SING r·,...;..;"'·..;;.·••..;o-, ... -!.--.~---4 -------1-----------I 1"--------I--------------1-----------I I 4 · I I I I t4 I I .,.__ I I J I I I l ~~8 I -1 .2: I· ()I 100 I I 1 1 0 .037 I 7 1 I 1--1/2 I • 9 5 9 7 I I 1H 6 I I 1 I 2 .515 93 I I 1 2 0 .12 5 9 I I )'A"4 I 3'.495 901 1 ~~30 ---·1 I. 1/2 I 5. 1 86 I I t411 . 43 3 13 I I J /S I 6.1'5"5 8 3 II ~t5 0 ----I t 4 8 . 4 4'3 7 ? I I 4~6 0 I I PAt~ 2 7. 7 2 I I ~t a 0 • ?2 . 6 I 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I ll UO .S2 3 .1 I I TOTAL I 36 . 16S I I I ~2 00 I • ?24 I 0 I 11--------1--------------1-----------1 l I T OTAL I • 514 I Project 452424, Ho l e 9 3 .1 , S ampl e 2 . ~rOJeC t 45242 4 , Hol e 9 3 .1 , s ~mpl e }. -~~,~~-<.f*'~:·~:~*'~'****ft.**'**~.'**;nt~nt***'*· S lElJE ANALYS ( S ~t~·~~',.-~*-lil**,._.****;or,*jHHo~*~*~**:**'~.*~* :·' t · .SIEVE I CUMULAT·TVE I' % I I SlE'JE I CUMULATIVE I : %~ f . i: sfi'z£i ·1, WEI'GHT l PASSING I I SlZE I WEIGHT 1-PASSJHG· I . -1. :.--~----;---:-------.---~===-~-------===-:: ----;~--:·----------===-! -------===-: I 3 · I 0 I 1 0'0 I I #8 I I I ;I' ' i t l 7. 11 I 8 6 I I • H1 I . 1'5 4 I 2 0 I !_~: I. l,.;.·l /·2 ~-lJ. 055 I 74 I I ~~16 I I I i 1 I 19.48' 62 I r 4 2 0 I .239· I 17· I ,.·1 .: I, ':$/4 I 2?. 01 ?1 I I tJO I I --• I · ·.·l l/2 I 29.86 41 II t40 I .47) I 8.6 I ·1 :3/9 I 32.62 3·6 II #c;iO I I ----1 . I t4 I 37. 39 I 26 I 1 i6 0 I I I I~ : ----~~~--~--------:~:::_: -----------: : ~fi~~ : :;: : l. ~ I TOTAL I ?0.64 I II ~~200· I .691 I .5 I 11--------1 --------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I .705 I I I' l P-roject 4=?2424 1 Hole 93.1, Sample 4. l [ r = [ t~******~*•*****************•*** SIEVE ANALYS i S ******************************** ~ I SIEUE I CUMULATIVE I " I 1 SIEIJE I CUMULATIVE l " I I SIZE I WEIGHT I PA SS ING I 1 SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I_ :-----~---:------------~-:-------~~~-: :----;:--:--------------:-----------: -I 3 I •·+-173? 91 I 1 ~~8 I I 2 I 13.74? 74 II ~PO I .1 19 I L. 1-1 /2 I 17 • t; 6 6 7 I I ~~ 16 1 I 2 r:; 13 3 I I ~·2 IJ .221S 15 3 /4 I 2 9.21? 4? I I #30 l /2 1 33.8317 36 II #40 .474 6.3 3/8 I 36.~5 I 31 I I ~~0 *4 I '"1. 16t;; I 23 I I ~~~U PAN I 11. ·;.6 I I ~~80 .623 1. 3 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I 1100 .633 .9 ;,.... I TOTAL 1 53.125 I I I #200 .647 1 .4 l :--------1--------------1-----------1 II TOTAL I .66 t I '- Project 452424, Hole 93.1, SampLe?. '-~:~-~-~.t·.~-•~t!;'.!f:..tt* '* *·*·* "f*-*.""''t .. ~ •* •:,~!·*,.. ~ ""*• S [ E:IJE ANAL 'r'S IS *!!! ·~ * 11t • _.;.."'" ... ,., ... * ""'·"" ;o, * **.* ""-*'**• * •·•:~~-:---"! t S~fEVE I ClJMULAl>i ·IJE " I I S i E\.IE CUMUUH 1 VE " f 'Sf?'E I l.JEIGHT I PASSING II SIZE I Wt::IGHT I PASSlNI; I 't,'-..-..,._ ..... :,.-"--.-l'-·--_. . .,._..,.. _______ 1-----------.;.. I 1--------1· ... -------------. 1·-... --.-------I t ¢ f ~.~6~ I 82 II t4 r I ---I I, j I 13. 205 t· 7 S I I -t8 I I I 1 2 I 19 . 7 I 6 J I I t 1 0 I . 1 0 6 I 16 ·I l 1-1/2 23. ?6 I ?6 I I ~~16 I I. 1 27.?4 48 II ~20 .232 12 I I 3·/4 30·. 44 43 I I #30 -•-I 1 · 1 /2 34.93 3? II .40 .473 ? I j 3/B ~7.72 29 I I ISO ----I I t 4 43.19 19 I I ~~.:,0 I I· PAN I 10 .• 16 t· I I ~AI) .611 . ·~ I ~---------1--------------1-----------1 l #100 .621 .6 I I TOTAL I ?1.3? I II t200 I .632 I .2 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 J l TOT AL I .64 I Large si-ze material 6 0 100 ·'. P~oj~et 452424, Hole 91.8, S~mple 1. *************************~****** SIEVE ANALYS{S *~********~******~'""**•********** SIEVE I CUMULATIVE % I I SI EVE CUM ULAT l VE ~ SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE I WEIGHT I PA SS ING I ---------1--------------1-----------11--------1--------------1-----------1 4 I 4 . 175 I 9 3 I I t4 I I 1. 3 I 6 .15? ?0 I I 38 I I I 2 I 10.445 BJ II 4~10 .132 I 2 6 I 1-1/2 I 15.:33 :i'4 II ~n o I I 1 I 22.5?'5 6 2 II ~:!0 .2::~ 20 3/4 28 .16 53 I I #30 l /2 33.69? 4 4 I I ~1:411 .rS04 4 ., • L 3/8 }6 .49 ~9 I l ~pj Q #4 40.82 32 I I ~tAO PAN I 19.095 I I 1 ~P:3 0 .1?~5 .'5 ---------1--------------1 -~---------1 I *~1 00 • 68 t~ . 3 TOTAL I 59 . 91? I I I W200 .691 .2 i i--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I • 695 I I ProJeCt 4~~424 1 Hole ~l.d, s ~mple ~. .:;>~jl._~:~··~*·*·*<*.:~:~-~i**'~*******·~··~*****' S·IEVE ANALYSIS *"".,.,.*******'~ll>************...;~*:ot""**' ·. ·· ~-J$."'.,.{S·f~~_$~ T ;,PJ1'.1ULfrt'lUE t ·" I .1: S lEVE I CqMULAT IIJE I "' -f.~ · .j< :.s :tzE l . WEIGHT I PASSING II SiZE I WE:lGI1T I PASSING · ,j . :1~ ,l( .. ~-~--~~~·~~:,;;.----------::.:-: ------.. ===-: : -·~--.:~--:.----------===-:----.. --:.::·.~ :: .· ij ,.); I 0 I 1 0.0 I I 1~8 I I --. .,.. I ,kl. -~{j -<2 I' • 3? I 9 ·9 I I t ·l'O I .104 I 3i3 I ·; J 1-;f/.2 I. 1 • 17 I 9 7 I I ~rt 6 I I .. ···] 1 I 3.3 251 92 II t20 I .132 I 3 2 .':1~"}: t...:4 ·I 6 • 23_5 I 85 I I t .J .Q 1· I _......... 1 · J l l/2 I 11.83'5 I 72 II tAO I .21 I 26 I \ •J :j,:/8. I l:~.92·s I 62 II *50 -----1 l ~t.4 I .24. 09 43 t t t60 -•-1 ·I' 1 ~P.'AN 1 1 a • 2 7 1 1 1 i!::3 o . 48 3 • a 1 · ... / 1•----=-----1--------------1-----------1 I 4Fl01) . 4 97 2-4 I } intAL I 42.36 I I I t2DO I .52) I .2 I ;.~I ' : : -~~~~~--: ---------~;;~-: -----------: ;ff()jec·.t 452424, Hole 90.6, Sample 1. ., ... . - 1 .. [ ' "***********'****************-**** S I EIJE AN ALYSIS ******..,.*'* ********** **""********** ~~ I SlEV~ I CUMULATIUE: ·1 " I I SIE'.•E CUMULAT IUE % I SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE l WElGHT I PASSING I [ :-----~---:------------~-1 -------i~~-: :----;:--:----------===-:-----------1 I 3 I 1. 295 98 I I ~~8 I I 2 I 9.305 8? II ~HU .228 16 l. I 1-l/2 I 17.21? ?~ If 4t'l.6 -I 1 I 26.43 58 II 4~'L II .318 14 I l/4 l 32.?9~ 48 I I #3 0 I I l/2 1 3'?.7~ 37 II ~~4U .754 9 '' l l 3 /8 I 43.79? 30 II :fl:?O L I f-4 I 49 . t; 21 I l ~~6 !l I PAi~ I 1J . 1?. 5 I 1 I ~~811 • :j 8 2 . 3 I 1--~------1--------------1-----------I I ~p 00 . 913 1. 6 1·~ I TOTAL I 62.625 I II ~~2!.10 .'i'69 I .4 I l 1--------1--------------l-----------1 I I I TOTAL I • 9H8 I L Project 452424, Hole 90 .~. Samp le 2 . l.... :~~:~~>:J~:·:~:~:t..iX{? i:-'<<J· ?-. ; ,.··,,.· . •• t,' • ' , .... '[ ·~ :~}··~~;: ~-~:-~~i~):~O~~-~t*~~;~~:;7:~~**~**** ~IEVE ~~A~i~;~~~ **;+*~~~~~:;~:~;**~***•*:*•*-**~----*** i .. ,S:lzE: l · WEI'GHT l PASS-tNG I [ SIZ E I WE: IGH T t PASSlNi; I -'t'--~:.0.~.;~----"--(·--.•------·.:.:. .. ..., ... ~--1 -------------11•~-------1--------------1-----------I ,j: :4 I 1 • 7 ? I -9 7 t 1-·-~ I ---I l .j I J. 66 I 9 4 I I f::9 I ---i I • .2 · 1:0.7015 I B'L 1'1 1F'11) I .12:-~ 2 3 I l l .,...l /-2 15.69 I-7J4 I I ~~16 --'"-i I 1 2:2.6 8 13 I 6 3 I I t '2 0 .221 113 I f j ·/4 27 . t}7 I ?6-I I t 3 0 I l/2 32. 6 .1 4 7 I I t40 . 40 6 I IV I I )'/8 ~6 .23 41 I I *'5 0 I ---I t t4 -42 • 6 3 ~ 3 0 I t· t 6 I) 1-~ I ·P AN 1 8 • 3? S I I I ~f.:-:: IJ • •3 3 3 1. l . ,:.-........ .;....-. ............... ---------------1--------""'--i I t ·l tlO . 541 . 7 I TOT AL 60.9 9 I l l ~F21)1) .?48 I .3 I 1--------1 --------------1-----------t ! I TO Tf.!L • ':'?3 I **~*****~*****~***~************* SIEUE AN f.!LY SI S •••~••••~*********************** I S I'EVE r CUMULATI VE " I t S I E'.>E C IJ t1UL AT I IJ E % I SIZE I WEIGHT I PA SS IN G I I SI ZE I WE 1GH T I PASSI N G I 1---------1--------------t -----------i 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I 3 . '? 4 I 9 3 I I 4~.:t I I I 3 I 9. 88'3 :~ l 1 I 1f8 I 2 I 3 L 7 7, c:. ~ •j) I 1 J~ I 11 I 1-1 /2 I 4 0.6~ ~2 I I *L6 I 1 I 47 . 76 7 .:.. I I 4~:~ u I 3 /4 I '~0 .2.1-? I 3.'1. II ~~-~0 I 1 /2 I Sl .lt;. I 1 .3 II ~~4 11 1 -:. . •' I 3/8 I r;;1. :.n:;c;; 1.1 I l ~LjiJ I t4 I ?1.38? .9 I I -~~r;;.u .8 .... . / .6 I PAN I • .:. ·.;, 8 I I I i~H lJ • ·.:. n . 4 I ---------1--------------1-----------I I ~~fill} • '1 '?4 . 4 ~ I T OTAL I '5 l.h4 3 I 11 ~~'2 1 J O I .~!';'8 1 .3 1 Large s-ize material I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 ! I fOl HI_ • .::.>;:) I 5 0 100 Pro j ~ct 4 ~242 4 7 Hole 9 0 .6, Sa mpl e 5. i ..... ~\" . ,· .l§';~if-~.J.:~0(_~~-~-·***"•.:4.:-.t'*****'•**'**'*.** ·stEVE AN At.YS.t S **lt '~ . .-:~·***·*'fot***·*~···*-iit·:oo•:it· .. ;.-.·;t·~"'f;;-_;·•:~-1-~v.;: . ':~~J~l ·;'s:f£vE: f j ·CU'MiJLATli.')E I % . t·t SlE:IJ£ 1 CUt1ULAT lVE I "· . . .>':)3 -/. ~~~~1~~~..::~+----~~~~;~;t-: -~~~=~!~;; -1 H:!~;:--f -·--~~~:~~===·: --~~~~::~~·~;: --·· · . . 7f\tf:: ) I '5 . 29 93 I I ~~9 -""':_ I: ~·:f~f ''• 2J I 12. Jc55 8 4 I f 'l l) • t :o.r; 2'r.;. I ·!;~11 f · 'l'~'i/2 t. ta. at? 76 1 •16 -----.-r .,J 1 t· 27.7 0ct; 6? I t 20 .204· ~l I /ft·:it · .. :~f'~ I J4.10'5-57 I· t-3.·0 •'---"'"-' I .,"'}·T :1'72: I 41. 12 48 I :!t40 • 418 9·. ~· I ,,:'( ' .. . l 'J/8 I 46 . 1 0? 41 I t ? 0 I "' ·. l ··4 I ? 3 . 9 J; J 1 I 't6ll -"" -f' ;'.·.;. ·''.. •' 'PA~I . ' 24./'4 ~~li O .?52 2 .. 5 I ! 1~--------~-------------------------1100 .,66 l .S 1 l 'rbf'AL 1 78 . 67? 1 *21Jo • 586· . ? r if;. t.arge. si-ze material : -;~;~~--: -----------:;;-: ---------·--: :·~:ro 'fec ·t . . , .. ;~ [ f t ' :: .... ' .. -· r 1 iftl ... tEL 5 0 4'52424, Ho le 87 .7, 100 Sampl8 1 . ,, '·' .(:--.-----·~---t ------,_-.. ""'••-·~-1'---~-... ---..;...---~ 1: 1--~-------.o;,~J ------..... ~----..-..---I~-·---.. ~-~~-·~~-~-~ I' 4 I .... ---~ 1. -·-· H .~ .41· I I -···-.-,. -1 )· I Oi I 10Q If ~~8 I ---...,;, I r l 2 I .Ef9 I 9.9 ll t t ·u I .103 r ;:2: r I t•l/2 l 2 .19· I 97 I I ~n6 I --~ l -~ . ...:. I· I 1 I 9~.61 I S5 f I *.Q I) I ~202 I 26 I • ,/4 I 16.25 I 74 I I t30 I r -~·-I I l/2 I 25 .24? I 60 I I 440 I .4Bl I 10 I I )/8 J0.?3? I ?2 I I 1~5 0 I I ____ , ~ : I 14 39 I 38 I I '#60 I I· -·--~ I I P'AN 23 .97'5 I I I *80 I .64 I 1.2 I ·---------1--------------1-----------1 I ~Flli o I .64/ I .7 I tOTAL. I 62.975 I I I ~200 I .67'5 I .3 I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 ;. : I I TOTAL r .66 I ., . 1 Project 452424, Hole 97.7 , Sample 2 . ' i ' ·, ... ;~ .. . ,. ,_,: ****.******•******************** S IEUE RNA LY S!S ********~*******~~*****~******• I SIEVE I CUMULAT IVE % l I S I El.JE CUMULAT I UE % I SIZE I WE fGHT I PASS HIG II SIZE I WE lGHT I P ASSING 1---------1 --------------1-----------1 l--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I I I I ~~4 I I I 3 I I I l t:8 1 I I 2 I 0 I 10 0 I I ~~1 0 I . 0 42 I 63 I I 1-1 /2 l . !? 'J ~ '? 9 i l ;~ J 6 I I 1 3.o:2'3 94 1 1 J~20 1 • .1.2 I 3 /4 7.J8 :39 11 1~.50 I 1/2 12 . 6 8 8 0 I I ~ 411 1 3/8 16 .06 -:-s il "~so I 4~4 '21.4013 I 6 7 11 ~~t.CJ I PAN I 43.365 I II ~t 8 0 .663 }.4 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I tlOO .679 1 .9 f TOTAL 1 6 4 • 77 I 1 1 *2 0 0 • 6 9 4 • 5 I 1--------1--------------1 -----------1 I I TOTAL I • 6"9 I I Pro3ect 45~424, Hoi e 87 .7 , s~mple .,, r. r:~ iut ........ * •.• **'oil..···~··*·~··,..,. .• * •.• ·• .. .. -l S'I.E!JE ·I· CUMULATIVE J· ._f SIZE •· WEIGHT f l ---~:~~--1~------------- S I EV.E ANAL ''r"Sl'3 *.-*,.•·•·•••··*"t*~*-***.*'*****.**-·;,r,,.;o~:*·* •··.t .• ·•· " I I S lEOE I CUMULAT lVE I• %-I PASSiNG I I SIZE. I WEIGHT I PASSIN G I -----------lt--------1--------------1---~-------1 1 4 r II t4 I I I I ., t 0 lOU I I J8 I -•-I r , 2 • .S.3 98 I I ~HO 1· . 02·7 6~ I I 1-1.12 I 1.41 96 I I 116 I • t 1 I 2. 47 9::S I I t'21l . 0 84 ~9 I· f" I '.14 I 3.94 1 l/2 1 6~o;s 88 I I t30 --• I· 82 II 440 .311 2~ ~ I ,/9 I 7.285 79 I~ ISO ----1 t t4 I 10.12S r I PAN I 2 3 . S 70 I I t60 I I 180 • 4 8 . 6 t---------1-------·-----------------I I 1H u 0 . 4 85 . 1 1 T.Ot.AL I. jJ. 925 tl t200 I .494 B I t--------i--------------1-------~---1 I I TOTAL I .494 I I P,..o:ect 4152424, Hole 87.7. Sample 4. ~c-J ' .;*********************'*~******* SIEVE ANA LYSIS ****************~*************** , I S-IEVE I CUMULATIIJE I " I I SIEUE I CUMULATlt'E I " I I SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE I WEfGHT I PASSING I 1---------1--------------1-----------11 --------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I 0 100 I I #4 I I l I 3 l. 8':? 93 I I 1:8 I I I 2 3 . 75 8 6 I I ~~ ·1 0 I . 2 ~ 1 I I 1-1/2 7 . 2 :~11 I 1 ~~16 I I I 24 I 1 7.56 72 I I t~O I .39A 1 7 I 3.14 9.64 64 I I 130 I I 1 .1 2 11.9 '1 75 ll 4~40 I 11 I 3.18 1 3.73S 49 I I ~~0 I t4 17.SOS 34 I I t6U l I PAN I 9 • 1 7 I l l 4~::1 I) • 7 2 3 • 6 I 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I #100 .74 2 .8 I I TOTAL I 2 6 .67? I I I ~~200 I .781 I 1 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I .80? I I 1- f ;:.-roje ct 4?2424 1 Hole 87 .7 1 Sample ?. :: *;~:tt:tt:-.. :tl!****····**·~·*******-<i"'!4 *·H ..... s i EVE ANf.iLYS I.S • ..; ... ;...,..<t,.-+,.,;o, ... ...,.,. .. ~.., ...... ,..* •. o;~i(·~..,.**""' n; t S:fEUE l CUf1ULATl'JE " II SIEVE CUMULATIVE " I S l ZE I WE I GH"t I PASSING I I SIZE l.oJE I GHT I PASS l NG I ---------1--------------1-----------11----------------------1-----------1 4 I I II t4 I I ~ I 0 I 1 0 0 I I tS I 2 I 1 .,1 I ~6 I I tlO 1-l/2 I 15 . 14 I :3 6 I I tl6 1 1G .26 I 73 I I t 2 0 • 3/4 13 .97 I 63 II tJO I l/2 18 . 045 52 I I t 40 l 3/8 20.9 45 4? I 1 t ?O ~ t4 26 .255 31 I I t60 .1313 .185 .36 4 ---I 24 22 I I 1:3 I ----I I ft.AN I 11. 56 I I I #13 0 • 6 01 2 . 3 1---------1--------------1-----------11 1100 .6 18 1.5 I TOTAL I 37.8115 I II 1201) .63 7 .6 I 1--------1--------------1 -----------1 I I TOTAL • 65 I I ""'' ~-.--J "'··· •~•••·•••-•*'·*********** ** ** •••***** SIEVE ANAL. YSfS • * ***~>**-*.****·* •·•• **'* ••*·*-*** *'*·*-** :1---. I S JE:VE CUMULATIVE % I I S:t EUE: I CIJMU L ATliJE I -~-I l SIZE I WEIGHT I PASS ING II SIZE WElGHT I PASSING I 1---------1-----·--------'-----------1 •-~--~---------------~-f-------~---r I 4 I 0 I 10.0 I I t4 I --~ l- 1-_. I ) I 7. 33 87 I I :ft:8 I I 1 2 I 10 .89 B (l II 4HI .09 1 2'2 I 1-1/2 I 16.10'5 71 II t16 I I l I 22. 83 '59 II t2 0 . . I 3 /4 I 26 . 447 ?2 I I t3-0 I 1 /2 I 31 . 1:) 75 4 ·3 I I i411 I 3 /8 I 34.7 35 38 II ~~?0 .174 .344 18 ----j a .~-1 I• f4 I 40.43~ 27 I I #60 I Pf1N I i?.'2 U? I I I ~!:3U .464 2 l 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I t100 .472 1.5 [,.,:1-I TOTAL I S?. 64 I 1-1 t2 00 . 4 a8 . 7 I dl _. 11--------1 --------------i-----------1 ~-I l fOTAL I . 5 I I i\. ~. (i (-oi~ct 452424, Hole 86.3, Semple 1. i •_·:• ., . . ~:. ;• ··r: •• • • • • •·• * * • • * .,. * * * * •·• * * * * * * * * * * * 5 I E~JE ANAL YS 1 S * * •·• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f SIEVE CUMULAT T\.IE % l I S I E:JE CU MULAT i UE: % ~-[ --~~:: ___ 1----~~~:~~----I--~~:=~~: __ ::-=~~: ___ 1----~~~~~~~----: --~~~~~~: __ I l' ~ I 0 l 1 (In I 1 ~~4 1 1 I F 3 I 4. 925 I 99 I I *8 I !i [ 2 I 11. 14? l 7'5 I I ~H l! • 1 3 8 2 1 !; L '1-1 /2 14.!0:::':.? 6 ? I I ~ 1 19. 73 56 I I ,, ~~ I 3/4 l 22 .84 49 I I !: _ l r "2 I 2?.99c; 41 11 ~ ~ 3~3 I 2 8.~1 j6 II J 14 I 32.83 26 II J L PAN I 11 . r; 7 '? 1 1 1 1---------1--------------1-----------lt ~H6 ·~? l) .221 17 ~~30 ~.:.u . 386 :u . 1):?1) ~t6l) ~~8 0 • 1.'87 ') .. _.r.. ~~11)0 .6 0 4 2 I TOTAL -~.:..4U? 1 II ~~:,.'ill) I .-,j ? I .7 1 ! 1--------:--------------1-----------l ! 1 , o • :.:.t_ .6 '::'3 I f'',oject 4?2424 , Hole 86.3 ., S a mpl e 2. ······~!!!'··'.'·' ***''********•*****************.*** SIEVE: ANALYSIS "*"'**'*·•*******'****'*****'*'*''******' I SlEUE I CUHULATI VE I· " I l S lEL..JE CIJMULAT lUE " I SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSlNG I I Sl ZE I WEiGHT I PASS lNii I I :..--------1--------------1 ... -----· ----I 1-....:------1--------------·1-------.., --~"t I 4 I 4. 695 I 9-3· I I t4 I I ---l I 3 I '1 0. '255 l 84 l I ~~8 I I I I 2 I 16.157 7 4 It ~n u .ll:l 19 I I 1-1/2 I ZO .JO~ 68 I I t16 --~ I ~ 1 f 2?.2-35 6·0 II t20 .2134 i~J; 1 .1 )1'4 I 28 .96S 54 I I ~f.S O I 1· 1/2 I 34.18? 46 II i4u .329 10-1 ,j J /9 I J7.72? 41 I I 1~50 -•-I 1: f4 l 4?. 49 28 I I ~k.l) I l P AN-I 18 ~ rl6 I 1 I *:.-:11 . 4S ~ • 2 ~ j , ____ ..... ___ 1--------------l -----------I I ~tl 0 0 . 4 9? : .. 4 I t l I TOTAL I 63.;;;? I 11 W2UO I .?1 1 .5 I Large size material 1 1--------1--------------1-------··---1 0 I I TO lAL I . 72 l I 5 100 P rcr f ect 41.7·24'2 4, Hole 86.3, S ample 3. *********•**~******************* S l EUE ANALYSIS *********************•~·••••~*** ~ I SLEVE l CU MULATIVE I % I I SIEVE CUMULAT J UE % I SIZE I WE£GHT I PASSING r I S I ZE I WEI GHT I PA SS NG 1---------1--------------1-----------1 l--------1 --------------1 ------·----1 I 4 0 1 U 1J I I ~~t.a I I 3 2.44? 96 I l ~8 I I 2 8 .52 86 I I #!U .1 )1 2U I I 1-1/'2 14 . 8 4 /'1) i i 1l=l6 ~ ...... I 1 25.335 S9 1 I i~D .}44 1? 1 3/4 ~1.72 49 ; 1 eso I 1 /2 3 R . 3 7 3 •:: I I ~H ll ..... I 3 /9 41.~05 ~J I I 0~0 I f4 4~.98 25 I I 1~0 I PAt~ 1?. 46 I r I ~F8 0 . :3 U? ..• 2 1---------1--------------l-----------1 I ~1UO .816 .9 I TO TA L I r':s .L . ~4 I 1 I l}'.).iJ I) • ;:, !-8 . 2 1 1--------1--------------1 -----------i I ; l l.l i H L I . :346 l I P r OJeC t 4132424, Hole :-:~6 .:i, :-3r..mple 4. : ~~1 ~-•-•-~---*·*****-****•*************~* S 1 E UE ANRL'tS tS *• -~,...--.., _ _,.~***•~'6 -**--'****'" .... * .. *-4*-*-~- -.. ~ i SJEVE I CUMULAT.I VE I % I I S 1 EUE I CUMULA Tll)E I % I -. -. t •SiZE f WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZt I WEI GHT ! PASSHIG I . :l·.r~----4---:--------;.~;;~-: --------;~-:: ----;:--: ----------===-: -------===-:· l1 :J 1 9. 8.9 I 84 I I ~~8 I I I : =1-·l 2 I 36.10!_i: I 4~ I I t:tO I .1-47 I 2.4 I ' :I 1 -l/2 I 45.067 29 I I ~f;l6 ! .l 1 I ?3.19 16 II .:.?0 .1::''3 2.2 . -l f/4· I' ?6 .13 11 I I ~~J I) I = I 1.1'2 I 15$.44 7.6 II '#40 .2 37 1.8 I ~?A I 5 9.465 6 I I 05 0 ----~ I t4 I 61.05 3.5 I I ~~6!) I ::.-1 ..... -I PAN I 2. 19'3 I I I ~~8 0 . 41 . 6 l-""--'-----1----·----------1-----------I I ~U 00 . 426 . 7 I TOTAL I 63.245 1 11 t 2 00 .4'38 .3 ~ il Large size material : : -~~~~~--; ---------~:;;-: -----------; ' ---5 0 100 ~ojeet 4?242 4) Hole 86 .3, Samp le?. I I '"**********~***************•*** SIEUE A ~~LY SI S ~~·••••~•••••••**'********••••~** _ I SIEVE I CUMULRTitJE I % II SIE''E CUMU LA TIVE % I SIZE I WEIGH T 1 PASSING I I Sl ZE I WEI GHT I PA SSI NG I f :-----~---:--------------:-----------: :----;:--1 --------------:-----------1 I 3 I 0 10 0 I I ~:3 ( I 2 I 1.22 94 I I #10 .196 2 3 1-l/'2 1 J/4 l/2 6. 1 ?'3 7 .o6? 1 'il. 213 ! :--;~ r; ":;;7 t;9 "1 I I I I I I I I ~~16 ~r:u 1~ .$ 0 ~~4 1 1 3./8 l u. 26? ·H:· I I :~~>lj #4 12.67-}.~ I I #e-ll l'::l ,:_ PAN 6. 2 I I I ~j:~"i 0 • ':' 3 3 '3. 4 --1 ---·-----1--------------1-----------I I i: I Ill) . lj ;-./4 <l. 1 I TOTAL J 8.87S I i i ~~21J O I .61~ ! 1.'.:'· I I 1--------1--------------1-----------t l I I TOl~L .644 I I L it•·•~****'*********··:;.***-**·*'lt~-*,.*·*'"' S IE:~.JE ANALYS -1 S *·*-~·.,**"'-~'"'*~-~**_*_*.***~-**·**--,..*-**'*4 * ,._ n ·s SIEVE CUMUl:ATJ VE I " l I SIEVE I CUMULAT liJE I % I 1 SfZE 1 WEIGHT I PASSING I I SlZE -I WEIGHT -I PASSTNI; I t---------1-------.:. ......... ..-... -1-----------I 1-.--... -...... -1------------""'-·-1-----------I I 4 I I I I t4 I I I I :J I 0 I 100 I I ~8 I _ _._ 1 I 2 I 2 .71 I 95 ll t10 .171 I 27 1 I l-l/2 5.?; 9 0 II 11 6 I 1 13.?75 77 I I i20 21 I l/4 19.81 67 I I 930 'I 1/2 27.-:;7 ?4 II ~~40 '( ··.j :/8: 31 .. 99? 4 7 II 1~?0 ~-~ -, .... " 10 --..--I -1 t ,4 39 • 23 3 4 I I *6 U f PAN 20.64'.; 1 I I i~:30 . 733 1. 5 t---~-~~--1-------•------1-----------1 I tl UO .744 1 .1 TOTAL I 59. 97? I I I t2 00 I . 7?6 . t;; tl--------1--------------l-----------1 II TOTAL .:'67 I I ;pr-oj_~ct 4S"2424·, Hole 84 .6, Sample 2 . ' - ,.,..*.*** ************ **-***i<i****-11-*;.-11-* SIEVE ANA!_ YS I :::; .,. ,.,. ***~*"' '*"' * • *** * * *** • *** * **** * I StEVE I CUMULA TI tJE I % I l '3 I E 1 JE CUMIJLAT i ~.•E '' I S:IZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE I t..IE I GHT I PASS lNG I 1---------1 --------------1-------~---1 1--------1--------------1·-----------l 1 4 I 0 I 100 I I fl:4 1 ·t 3 1. il45 I 98 I l ~}8 1 2 10.19~ 83 I 1 tlO .043 2 2 1-1 ,'2 18 .713 5 1 28.6? J/4 34 .3 2 l/2 39.90? 3/8 42 .675 6'7 c;;;: 44 3? 30 I I I I I I 1 I I i Wi.6 ~~ :: :j . OH 1 :·u 4f~O ~~40 .2 09 13 1~5 0 ~~4 46.'2 24 II ~~6il ~ PAN 14,Q9 I I I ~~~0 .5 56 4.3 1---~-----t-~------------t-----------1 I 41UO .376 3.2 I TOTAL I 61.19 I 1 1 t~21JO .<40 8 1.4 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 II fOT A L .Ld2 I I i i 1;;-G ·• ',j ..... .. APPENDIX "B" 1984 S·u rvey Fietd Notes Included in this appendix are sumrr·;rized field not~s for the 1984 cross .. -section surveys, a glossary of abbreviated terms, and a list of verti'cal benchmarks established at each cross-section . :~·._? ·.·. GLOSSARY OF ABBR·EVIATED TERMS ALCAP • 2" Aluminum Cap set on a 5/8" rebar with eross-section identification marking. ANGL PT •· Angte point in horizontal alignment marked by a alcap . BRK ~Break in slope E VEG -Ed~e of vegetation GS -Ground shot on even slope POL -Point on line of horizontal alignment L EOW~ R EOW -Left or right edge of water surface RIV BOT -Elevation in submerged channel TOE -Base of a slope TOP -Top of a slope R20/7 103 R.lrM CQNSULTANTS TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS ESTABLISHED FOR 198~ LOWER RIVER CROSS-SECTIONS Monument Description RkM Rebar & Alcap, left bank @ RH 84.6 R&:H Rebar & A/cap, right bank Q RH 84.6 R&:M Rebar & Alcap, lett bank 8 RM 86.3 ~~M Rebar & Alcap, rigfit bank@ RH 86.3 R&M Rebar & Alcap, 1et~t bank@ RM 87.7 RM1 ·Re{Ja r ~ A·fcap, right bank @ RH 87 .1 R&tt Reba-r & Alcap, lcf't b ank~ RM 90.6 R&H Reba r & Afcap, rig ht ba nk@ RM 90.6 RiCH Rcba.·r & A leap, I eft bank @ Rl-1 91.8 R&:M Rebar & Alcap, right bank Q RM 91.8 R&:M Rebar & Al cap, left bank@ RM 93.1 R&:H Rebar & Alcap, right bank@ RM 93.1 R&H Rebar & Alcap, left bank @ RM 95 .9 R&H Reb a r & Alcap, right bank @ RH 95 .9 R&:H Rebar&: Alcap, left bank@ RM 97.1 R&:M Rebar & Alcap, right bank@ RM 97.1 R&:fol Rebar & Alcap, left bank tJ Rl-1 96.0 R.lrM Rebar & A/cap, right bank@ AM 98.0 ISSentification LRX 84.6 LB LRX 84.6 RB LRX 86.3 LB LRX 86.3 RB LRX 87.7 LB LRX 87.7 RB LRX 90.6 lB LRX 90.6 RB LRX 91.8 L8 LRX 91.8 R£\ LAX 93.1 LB LRX 93.1 RB LRX 13 LRX 95.9 RB LRK - 1 LRX 97. 1 R8 LRK 98.0 LB LAX 98.0 RB Elevttion 270.56 272.13 279.8.3 277.09 290.85 ~~~:~I 293 .96 305.34 301f.q7 313.96 31.6. 79 330.54 333.27 336.33 340.97 344.07 343.57 li , ____ ..... •', I c.r.~$s section '1 ? 3 - 1: A· 5 6 1: . ..,. .,. a 9 I_ 10 .1 1·2· t ~ I 14 1 O;.~ ·~ l:b r· 17 18 1 '1 2 0 [ "2 1 22 23 l 24 a.: ~ 26 27 r 28 29 3 .0 [ 31. ~~2 3 3 [ ~~4 -/t:.· \J\J ~)6 3'7 I! 38 3S) 40 ~ 41 4 2 4~~ L 44 4"'' '·' 41:• 4'/ t 48 4 •)' :;:;o l !'.i tJSITNA-HY.-:D ROGRAPH.lC HURVF.YS cross sec tion LRX 78.0 ' X ' 'y I DESCIU p T T(!.N __ .,. __ .. ___ ,.;....,.. do3 ta: O.(l00 :·~ 4 4 , II '1 0 AI GAP ';)fi. 1J ~.)"8. 5 00 ~1 42. 1/0 () r,•o-.,;,"'W S 4.0 i.l0 343. '?Otl TCH' 01-· ltAN!< 7 4.000 337.000 L EOW 78,,000 334 ' 100 tn v BDT 9~L 000 .530. ~3 0 0 IU'v• BOT 11 3 .000 331 '~:!0 0 IH'J BOT 1 4:2 . 0 00 3:H .'?d 0 I{ IV BOT l.qiO , Oll'O 3~1, ~tOO R .1. ~J BCIT 1 /·14' 00 0 :533. ~jl) 0 R Jl.,.l lU'JT 1 8-0.000 :?.3 4.D(IO RJ•.,t BOT 1.tB 3.000 ,336. 200 IUIJ BOT 1188. () 0 0 33'/ . ()I) 0 I~ EO•.Il ~J2 '?. 00 0 33•?' 200 BR I< ~3 0 :.7,' 0 0 0 339.9()0 BRK 3£l?.OOO 33';1. 30 0 BRI< 40 7.000 33-s'.!->00 Bk K 471 .0 0 0 ,'"5 39 .::'>00 [~!3 s;~9. ooo 331:1 . 10 () I. €0l~ :::i52,ti00 337. :~o o RIV BO T 576.00 0 336' '7011 IHV BOT 600 .000 ~~36 .500 RIV BOT 620.000 33~.r-:oo I~ T\.J BOT 6~~5' 0 1)0 ,:$37 . ~100 i{ IV nor 642.00(1 338' ~~00 R EOW 677.0 00 34 G.'7 00 Bt~l< '729 .0 00 34;:~. :3 o o 'fllP 761,110 0 ~54 2.:.10{) Bi\1~ 7').>1 . 000 3 40.600 :81~ K 859 ,000 .3 40,!300 t'"'' !J ,~, 90t::.noo 340. '/0 () HI\'(( 9 1 2 .000 .339 .600 Bl~~< 100 ~3 .000 341.. ')'0 0 fil<l l{ 1.0'1.6.000 ;5~~B .~!OO HI~!< 1 0 ·~5. 0 0 0 3~9 .40 0 Hi~ I< '!07{,,000 33e. 9() n ~~ !·~ ~~ ·t 1 23 • u () (J ~~41.1 00 BRI< 11 6 1) • 0 () 0 3 41 .ooo PIJL 11 <;• i:! • l ) (i 0 34 0. '/(HJ es 1.22~!. 001) :·r,41 .30 1) n:n· F VFG 12;~7.{J00 3.:3·;• '7 0 () TOE 1 ?.4 1..1)00 ;~36.60 0 TClE 1 246.0 00 ~~:)B . 8fl 0 TO P 1 :.~6 :5. 00 0 .~3S; • :! t) 0 Bl~l< 1 2 '11. 0 00 34 0.f.OO 'HH l< 1 ~ :.~ !) • 1/ {) f) .~~~-·. :)n n ), ;~ ~~ 't ~166. -IJ OO ::~4 2 . 1 {!0 G'·: ,, 141.6.1)"00 3 42.0 00 ~~s 1 ·4'1'0 '1)0() 34 '1. • ~:J IJ 0 G~:! 1 53fJ ,BOO 34 1 '60JJ ANGL P'J' 1 LD ·II- •' .. ~·t. 1~5,98. H-0.0· 33·9 ''?00 Bf~l< S2 N:i6B. o o·o: :i :Hr, ?O!r GS 5:~ V744. 000 ~~3 n . 70o c;c• ,.I. 5.4 1807' 000: ?,3El. ~~0.0 n:JP 5~ "183;:~' (l 00 3:~6.(100 L ~ow 56 1845.0.00 :534. '/0 0 RIV ;BUT 5~ 1860. 000· ~~34. 1 t\0 ~~ :rv BOT .SB 1883' 000· 3 33.900 RlV BflT 59 1899 . oo.o 334. f:HlO RJlJ BOT 60 19t9. no·o ~~3 6.1tJO R EO!oJ 61 1971. 1100 3:56. f-,(1 (I ~;}~:~ b2 20·27. () () (l 336. ·;no c(=· '7w ~3 2051 ,{)00 33'/ '~',() 0 TOI~: 64 2059.000 ~~3 8.000 TOF1 b "" 2069.000 3.:5'7 .tOO J::IRK . ~J 66 2125.000 ~B 6.900 TOE 6.7 2142.000 3 41 .• tOO TOP 68 2~~0?. 000 .341) .700 f!F(J{ 69 22'74. OOIJ 34t .:~ou rc' ~-~ 7o 2297.01)1) :341 .3 00 B!=~ !( 71' 2302,0 00 3 40. :::JIJO Bi~l< 72' 234tl. 0 00 :3 40 '{:!!) 0 F.{:~ t~ T' ... 2:369.000 341 .4(1 0 H I~!< 1 '4 1:!42~1. 0 0 0 :~40. 60 I) Hf<K ?~ 24f.6.000 338./'00 rm1< ?6 .24LH . 0 00 :·~4 0. n no Hl~l< 7'7 2~)4;:! t 60 0 340 '~.~0(1 PClL. 2 7-8 2579 .000 3~~13 . (.>' 0 0 .BJ~r< 79 2610.000 340.300 BRI{ 80 2q23.000 :·5:'.9 • 8 0 0 E~N I< 8 '.1 2630.000 340.700 BR I< B'' ,_ 266j,OOO :140.700 f.H~ I( a~~ 2712.000 :~ 4 () . t> (J 0 MJt::L PT ':> 1, •• 8 A~ 2734. 001) ::-s :j£; . 8 tJ () L EOW B~ 2740.000 :?.34,800 RJV 'BOT 8 '6 2~7'58. 0 0 0 :53 1.B tl 0 IU IJ r.nn 8 7 2802.000 33:.:~' ::. () 0 R :r.•,J B01' as 28:3'?.000 .~31. ;:!OO RIV BOT SS' 2909.000 3:50.5 11(1 rnv BUi 90 2'152.00() :~;?.8. ao o IUIJ Bo;· 91 3014.()01) :'j~;;!9 • "'(I (J rnlJ mn 92 '3060 .000 3 30 ':200 ruv t i i.JT 9'~ .. ) 3 0 (.;;·. 0 0 (J 3 34.000 RnJ BClT 94 3"1 03.000 :~3(:. • 'I' 0 () !~ EQ!,~J 9:·:. 31 0 f.t ' 0 () (l 33'/. f,(J(J TCIIJ 96 :1·1 ~?.o . on o :1:3'7.6 00 TOP 97 31~~7. 0()(1 33 ~·. ?00 L E()~J C)9 3 :\ 3 t, . t) IJ 0 3 34. '/0 u RIV Bf.JT 9 9 :-st ~l . U 0 (I 334 .::00 t IUV Htn 100 3 l6fl . n IJ '' .:$:~l-; . l)l) 0 IHV l ·:IJT 1()1 :3HiO.OUO ~~?)f:-.,7H{t R l~.ot~ 102 ~)20 '/',0011 337 .600 BRJ< 1(13 3~:.!2D . JJ I) 0 3:3'7. HO 0 P.l~ I< 1 '04 :~24'7, on o 3:':11~·' ::·iJJ lJ 1,., r: 0 t,l Ul5 3263.000 ~~4 .~:;(!(1 RI\J BUT 'l 06 3269.1)00 .~3 ... ~. ·t 0 0 IU IJ BO T 1 0"1 32B~5 . no o J34.8UO flJV 'BUT 1-0B ~.S2:3::l . !) 0 {) :~3 6. ::·;oil r-? E'Ol·l t09 '3296.000 ;~42 . r:u o TDP 110 ~~332 t '1'00 ~~43. ;.~0 0 ALC(~p 96,0 RB 16 t'l MIN :!'tAX sur-face d:a.ta: 74. OJIO tH8. OOif 52!?. 000 ~;2•J,•.QQO 64;= .• 0 (tfl· r832.doo 183::! 1 oou 191'7. 000 2734. OOtl ~734.1)00 3103. OOtl 3127. otro 312.7,000 3180.000 3247' 000 3247. 000 3288.000 1),1)01) 33~i2. 9() u 33'7.tiHO L i:)Jii.i 33? .o.o 0 R EIJ!,.I 0 • (!'{: (I 338. roo L EGW 33H. tmu R EOW o.ooo 336.(100 L EOW 3~~6.100 R EOW ().000 336.Bil0 L COt~ 336.0(!0 I( EOW 0. 000 33b ''/0 (I L Eat•! 336 '700 ~~ EOW 0.000 336.500 L ::~ow 336.5(1() ~~ 1:.011) 328. :3(! 0 344. (1'/il -·-~--..... Cross section 1 2 3 4 5 6 .Z a 9 to 11 12 .'l~l 1 4 ·:t.'$ f6 ... ~·~t' ·ra 19 20 21 ~22 23 :.24 2e;:· •. ;;.!· 26 ~'I 2B ?9 30 31 32 37 ... 34 . ., ·~.~ "'JI'"' 36 ;J'l ~a 3Y 40 41 4'2 4~ 4 '4 4~ 46 4.~7 48 4'1 ,~0 ,.:iUSJTHA HYOIWGfMPHlC SUHVFYS Ci'oE>s sect"ion lRX ?'7.1 Date of Suru@~: SEPTEMBER 27. 1984 -·~.,;.;.~ ·---~-·--· -·-·-· aa.t'a ·-r o.ooo :n6 . 3o :o AL.CAP lit X 1 ~ .. oo·o ~33(~ ' !?i 0 0 TOP tJ/.~0-JJO 332. tl'OO TOE ·'43. 000 332.400 TOE: 55 • .!)0:0 :33::.1.900 TGP 1.'08. o:oo :ns.J.oo TOP t77.0QO 3:36 'j'(l (} BRI< 234. 0'0'0' 336.300 P.l~!( ;?50 • (rOO 335.2(10 HI~K 3 ·13. 0'00 333. 7 0·0 (~!!~ 35 0 ' :::o {J 3 33 , ;..:oo PO L 1 ;~ ('!'' 1. ~ 3f.!5. fHNl 3::;S;'. 50 0 I EOt.l 41'/ ,1100 T~1 ',;, (10 RJV BCIT 4·66' 000 3 3 1 .noo-Fn:v l)IJT 509.000 332.1.00 RT.V BOT 537 . o·oo ~~32. 0 00 ., "' ~fJl..! 5:-"~0. Q.{t{l :'·3t • ti (I 0 I l::':ut~ 6r~6. o.o1; 3:5:".100 RI' . .' BUT 6 4::5. 0 0 0 33ll • '/ 0 ll R:tV "EHH q66. 0 (1 {1 321?.7 00 RP.) FOT 69'/.UOO 32.D. 4(1 0 ~~ :1 v BClT 746.000 327 -.400 rnv BOT 7H4. 0 o o 324.~~(1(1 rnv BOT 828.000 ;;;22. 1 tl 0 r· . ..... ) BIJT 832.000 32:-:' ·'1·0 0 R:t:V 'BfiT 870.000 :1£~.3 • 1 I)() Rll,.' BOT ~i>2::.. oo.o 3~~4. '/IJO l-iJl.} Bfrf 979.000 J2F.L .. , I) 0 HI 1 ... ' BGT 1035.(}00 329.1)(1{) RTV BOT 1059 .IH!O :330. 50() RIV HOT ·t090,0fl(l :Bo. ?on Fn \.' BOT 1124 .000 ,!.31 '6 0 (! R EO\oJ 11 5~.000 333.000 HRi< 122 1 .ono 333.f~OO Tt)C 1241. 0 (l u 33::; t ~·n u TO P 12~;!3 , 600 3 .3~;. <?ou POL ':) <- 13'7:.:.!. 0 0 0 3 :H,gflo Bl~ I< 1415.onu :~:54 .bl)0 l:Hl I{ '1 441 .Oilll 3~~2. '/0 0 rr:w 1454.000 3Z4 .700 TOP 14Hb.OOrJ 3:?;4. !::){)!) J::RI< 152'4.000 3 .33 .400 TOE 1532.000 :~34. co(! TOP 1551 , I}{)!} .,E 5.:7;oo BI~K 15!:1;.:.. 0 !I() 3:·~4. (.>' 0 !J TO I-' 1 ';if:i6 , IJ II (} ~:),.\~~ . .:; 1) 0 fiJC 1624.000 33 ~:!. 50() T::ll( I< 1670 .000 3.34.:11)() E{l~K ·I'?S•l .ooo ..J:~6 • ~::u () BKI{ 1866 .0 00 3 3 6.11)0 f'C .• ;:) -~- f!.t1 -t;,.l ~·- i'J~:~~::-~; _· -~-~-· ... , .... ~--~~~ ~/ !;3 '· 54 ~-· 55 ' '56 57 58 ·5c-J -68 6t 62 b:!- 64 65 b6 6 '7 6B ~9 'lO 'll 72 T~ V - !;-,.·. ·-74 :·~~5 ~ib 77 78 79 :eo :s1 t .• 82 't.l3 8'4 :85 86 B7 88 S9 90 91 9::.~ 9~ 94' f','b 96 9"/ 98 •rs· 100 1 01 102 ,10,·.,. 1 o:3 t0.4 105 ~-" :tOh 1:0 ~) tOi:l •.:...~ 1 ()IJ J:·tO ;. b. i 9'"19 '·'i=Jo·o ~o;~-5-:'h.oo: 2:p:A6 ,,'()-(j' {J_ . it:f~-2 -/0"if'O: Z1:48. OQ 0 ~-t:a9. ooo 2·2:·2:-t •. o·oo 23:-ro·-.>o·u o 2·3At . o.o o 24'.12 .. u:oo 249/.i. 0 h !J ?555 .0 00 25-l'-1. 000 26l8 .000 2(355. 00 () 2677,'0'00 2'r/6. ·ooo 2847.()00 29\37. 000 2f;.,71. ():0'1)- 3029.2!10 3 {I /:, 0 . r) (l () 3066.000 3'l: 3 ~~ . 0 (J 0 :~ 'l (,'3 . \Ill 0 ::;::!'?!? , t) Q IJ 3 3~3 1 I 'i'(J 0 ~~~~8:..: , \1 1J II 34 00.000 3 ·426. 0(10 3452.000 3478.000 350::'i.OOO 3.548 I ~j I ) t: 3572.000 :~630.000 3692 . ooo· =~7 41 . () 0 0- 3813~000 3819 ,000 38b6.000 3896.01)0 391/B. ono 4002 .000 40~.:~::. (I 0 (J 4061~000 410!:LO OU 4l45. 1)00 4 'l(;;'1, UI.IIJ 4 .• 8'7 . ;.~ u {} 42~~9 I 0 0 () 4;~Ei6. l}ll 0 42/;:!.00n 42'i1 • ll IJ 4 ~l~% . 0 !J {I 4;?.:'0 • i'' ll I' 44Z 8.01JO 447?, IJOO 457.0; IJO 0 4ti77' 0-0.0 ·~,~~&~-:·;·~·;;;;~: 3'33 .?-'UU -£3"7·· ..'4' ·.1. r~o · ..:J ......... '.,-,·. 335 . CfO il '·.1''7 .: ... ·6 -0'"0: '\Mil.~~ •. 3;37. tfOO 338 I O'llO 336.Z (lU 337.70 0 33tl.~i0 0 ::.Be . 4U O 337. c~·oo 3351400 33'5.100 336.500 337 . tHHI 335. ~HlO 336. ~10 (j 337.500 3Tl. ;;!•.1 0 .~~~7 ' '1(1() 3~~5 . (i{)(l ~3f. .• 600 ..:.::37. 3HO ~1 ~; •;; no o 3.3/. •;>(IIJ .'336' '/ 0 (! :~35, L:U 0 334.t>00 33"". :~on :534. ~50(} 3~54. 600 .~~15 I :JO 0 3:55.600 ~~:5 ':" I ?0 0 33'7, 0 0 (I :qf.l, 1. 00 337.300 .~38. 400 3~~·? . a.o 11 :.13 6 . 50 0 33'7 I ~;,u o 337. ;.:~o -o ;n~5. ?o o :·:i 3'? . '? 0 \) 3:~7. ?II 0 33?. 6()1! T36 . '/0 !r ,!J37 . ll 00 334.8{l(J 3:33. ~;o o 33:.:! • S' (l (! J:.~ 1. ·~'0 0 3:50 '~-J (i u .r :.:_F! , /-.() !) 328. ~::oo .~28. 400 32'7. 20 0 .526 I bOO 'ANd:'-'ti't t tbE: ·~ . Bldl 1~ds .. · ~RI( rnr m~:tf HRK Bl~:t( HfH< GS TDP TOE l31~1< ·BI~t( Gf:i. r;s l=<l~l( 11 IJL 3 TOP ·y 0!;', TOC nR !< I::;:w ANG P J' ;_' L ;;::ow ruv BDT R~-v ~3DT r< I'...' BCJT \~ Tt..' BOT ~ £Ql.<J BRI< :rm1< B'f< I< BRI< Bl~l( !mK l3RK BRI( Bl-{1( I(N~< Hl~l< DR I< Bl~l< !tRI< Bl~l< AN.G PT 3 L EOI~ P. IV '(<OT IUV BOT r~ IV renT RIV BOT RJl} rn n RlV BO'f RPJ BIJT l~lt) B(F( RIV BOT .~at•r.· l 2 'i • b . 7 8 9 tO tt MIN HAX · ·4"6t1 .'(to·o 4.b2::5 • O·U II 4'632. 0:0 0 4652', 900 ~urf'a c:e data: 385 .000 539.000 5'70.000 ~70 .0UO 11 2 4.000 3400.000 3400.000 3548. Ott~ 4229.000 4229.000 4632.000 0.000 4652.90 0 3 3-o. ~0 '0 3:~3 ' 000 3:.5 5.0UO 340.800 332 .500 332 .200 o.ooo 331.500 331.6 00 u.ouo 335 . !30 0 3 3 ::L aoo 0.000 334 .1300 :?;3~.000 322. 10 () .340 .H OO RIV DOT RIV f.IOT ~~ F. OW ALCAP LR X L EOW R ~::ow L EOW R F. OW L F-OW H EIJW L E~OW t~ EOW 9 ? .1 .tl .. r,·'.i t ·,:;::} n I n fJ' ,,, .;.;:: f]: L , ... I· L ] ] "! f''"". l: 1: ·Pon n r ------ I Cross 1 2 3 r .. 5 b 7 1 .. a .. · ·9 r to tl 12 ~3 F' t 4· 1 .5 1 6 [ ·t7 ·; lB· 19 ·zo [ 21 22 23 (: 24 2'"' ' -~ 26 1:. 27 2€ 29 3 0 I. ::n 3 2 3''1 ... I~ 3 4 _,.,._ \ohJ ac 37 [ 38 3 9 40 L 4 1 42 4:< E.. 44 t:..•:~ •'\.•' 46 4''1 -~ [ 48 49 5 Q L SU8l lNA HY PI~·OGR ,C!PH lC t :UIHJE'Y S; eros ~ ~e t~1on LRX ?~.9 ·na t e ~ c• C'E '.>1"-M 0 EI~ ·~··6-1 •~-~-4·.·. O·•· ;:3 ·ur v e ~: .. > .,. 1.:. ~ \ ·• . 71.') 'K' s ect ·i.c~:n d'a:·t:'a: Q. ooo· t 6 . o·oo t8 . Q.Q·o 31 . o no· '5.2' 0 f) 0 89. oo ·o 97. o.o·o 1 013 .000 117 .00'0 tss . o.o·o 1'?3. 000 t?l .OOil 2·25. 000 261 .0-00 29t?. o o·o 35!:}. 000 40S'. 0 0·0 466 . [) 0 i) 5 04.000 526.1)00 532. IHI·U 5 47.00 0 561. 0 0·0 57·o.ooo 582 .000 629 .000 655 . 0.0 0· 66"7. o·o o 6 93 .50 0 713.000 73'?.000 78 0.000 851.000 ?28 . o o·o rno .ooo 'nv~. 1.l on 1045 .000 1 0 9 fJ • 1.1 0 () 1 11'5,{)0 () 11 ~.!.2. [) 0 0 1 1 A3.000 1171 .11011 1 23 ~:; . 0 () () 1 3 13.0lJ() 1415.500 ·! 4'.::;';-. on n 1477.000 '151 ::::. 0·0 [I 152'5 . 0 tHl 1~~4'1, OllO \·'(I 330.540 3 2 ~'. 2 0(1 322.70 0 322 •. 3(1 0 322.9 00 322. 70 1l 326.5{10 32~. f:j 01) 3 2 4.1 00 3'23 1 20o0 321 .~~nu :J 2 1 '~-7~00 ::s2o . r!.o o ,J19. ~~0 0 3 H3.~i 01l 3'20. "11} 0 319.300 3 1 8.1.00 31 5.'1 00 3 1 9.600 321 I ;:~o o ::s 22' 1.?0 0 329.20() z;~H. ooo 3 29.1 0 0 =~28. 8 0 0 3~~B . 300 :·;)25 .·5 () 0 3 2~3. 0 0 0 327.40 0 325.1!110 :~25 . 70 (J 3 2iL500 3r:!4.'?0o ::;;~s. 4\lo 3 ~!:.1 . 1 no 329.4 00 :33Ll .50 c ::;~->8. ~~o o .330.200 33G.UOO :~29. 0 0 0 329.~00 330 • .t~(IO 33(1.AI}0 ~7,;~:·· . :·1 ~) 0 328.!.00 324.400 ~~2~. ·'l O (J ~~::!3 . '71) 0 ----· -.. --~-------- AI. G~IP LI~X J3 rm~ TOi:· FRI< f.>RK TOE TOP TOP TOE L EIJW :uv BOT RX1v' B iJT RIV BO T RI'.;.' BOT RJV BOT IUIJ 'f.{t:)T I~) IJ BOT IUV BOT RJ V ?-OT IUV BOT RT'J '(;(IT R EQI.AJ TOP Bl'~l< BRK ~)R I < BRI< BHI< PO L ~ Bt~:< TOP TOF BHK BRK Gt;' :JoJ TDF ~~1) ~·~-;.!~ H lP Bkl< BRI< TOE TO-P TOP TOE GS c-~ ;J POl. I~ TOP f OE B:'~l\ L EO I.,! lHV f.<O T HJ:IJ BOT ''• ·'' ''i ; ;'''\«t1~:;~~~ ._-y;. lf''i :•':'{~~:.~·;•.;~:·::, .· tS56 . 0'011· 32·4. 400 R ::-:ow ; ~~:l • .,s··i 1610.00tl 3~)(,. 400 FRI< 0. (;; { ~" tbo2.ooo 325 . '?!l-0 BI~K :1, 5 .4 1685. 00.0 ~5 2 3. 60(1 Fl~l< 5.5 16Y~J.OO O :~2~. SllU Fll~ K 5~ 1735.001} :..'{;:~7 .t 00 l'tlC I 57 1763 .0('0 3(:.7.500 f4RI< .. :j8 17B5.000 329.200 T(JP 59 1846. 0·00 3 28.900 GS I 60' 1906. 0·00 3 ;!a .aoo TOP .. 5 ·1 1933.000 126.200 TrtF.. 62 1993.000 3,~:;;. 4 0 0 TO E 63 2002.000 32'7. 4tl 0 FII~K ,. 6. 2031.000 328' 90(1 BRI< .ss 2 036.0.00 328' 100 TO E ·66 2041 .000 :~3 0 ' 10 0 l 'OP I If'/ 2044.900 330.400 ANG PT 1 68 c-054.ooo ~~3 () ' ~·~ 0 0 TOP ~('' 2058.000 3:?.6 ''/II 0 TOE I 7o 2063.000 324.800 L. E OW 71 :~067 .0 00 323. 1 (lO RJV BCIT 7? 2071.!>00 .. ~21 ~-· t] 0 RIV BOT -~ :7,:~-'i 2 tr87 • o o·o· 32'0 . t~.oo R J ~J BOT ~r fi .. ;t. i4 c~to~. o o·o :~~21 '7!10 rnv BOT ·:?5: 2121 ,. 00 0 32:~' 000 RJU' FOT '<._;· 76 213rr,U00 .1 2:::. 1 0 0 RI V !iOT 'l 7'7 2150.00() .~2 4. HOO ~~ ::::ot..t -,) 7 tl 2l6~. 0:1 0 3:-~b. 400 TOP 7 ~t 2.197 .00.() 3~~·6 • .zoo f<Rt< '$~ 2:;80. o.oo 328 . :lOll r(:~ • ., ..... J l _·,a:.t 2337.000 326.1300 ' E OIJJ .-:: ;" ! .. 82 2371. o·o o J25.HOO RT V 1:10T a.:~ 23ElS'. 00 0 32.5 .10fJ !~TV BO T l .a4 2405. OliO :3 ~~4. ono 1:~ 1'·-' 1:\CJT : .. ·-$5 24 :~8 . 0 00 32 :~' 7 ·0 () RTV BO T '86· 24'64 .0 00 :-~2 3 . 70 0 RIV :r:or 'l .8'7 2496 . ooo. 3:;!3. 1 0 (I R J~J BOT B.B :.:~5;~o. ooo J22. '70 0 ~~ !'J BOT 8 9 2540,()()0 324. !) 0 () ~~ )1.) BClT 9 0 2550,000 .325 . ;20 () rx n .. • BOT l ?1 2!)5b. 0 0!1 326. ';'0 () r~ :::DW .. 9·2 2569. OO·LI 3·2','. '700 TOP '93 21:.2 2 . oo·o 329. 6 (1·(J Bl~l< 94 26'/1. 000 .3 ;'~8. 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M~X !; 547 . f) 0-0 tst~~.oo·o 1512.000 1 ~is.s. o o o 2063.000 2063.000 2150.060 2337' oo.o 2337. 1)00 2556 .000 3599.00'0 3598.000 4019, OltO 51.93. {) 0 0 51 '-.">.3.01}1) 5qS'~'.O OO '54'?2. a o o 54'72. 000 5534 .0 0 0 0. 0 Otl 5764.60() 32.4 • ;:-;t O.(t. ,~25. 40'0 J-26.20 -0 3~~7 . 20-0 z:~'l . h!l o 3.27. OllO 32h.b00 324.100 :~2::> • ::!.0 0 33;,.~. :50 {,r :S 3 3 .:.:~!1(1 323. ::'00 322.'100 u.uoo 324. 4 ·00 :24 .400 0. uoo 3 2 Lt.H00 3G4.800 0 , (I (l 0 326 .BOO 326.'700 o.ooo 32-'>. c;on 32'1. () 00 O.llUO 32b . ·;oo 3 2 6.?00 f) . 0 00 326. 100 32(..200 :3 15 .~'0(1 333 .30·0 IH-V BtlT lHV BtJT R EOW TOP IIi~ t< }:ll\:1( 'Br?l< TO F.: TOP AI.C~P I ;:n I~M q':!, t::: t.OW R EllW L EOW R EOW I I:.OW '" E. ow L :.:ow R FO W 1.. E.Cll.J R EOW L t:::ow r< £OW I . EOW P. E.:OW .-~- .,, • .I . ' .. 1 .. ~ .Q.i't·.··.O ~:;s· 5 fJC t :\.on d a ·t :n I) • 0 () 0 .. 2 a .oou : .. l il : .. lfl .. ·~c :: ;:··. ' ;J.' 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GB 30.3 •. ~:;o o :a?: '3'80'4 ' 0 0 0 30 ·~~. 4.tH1 BfH< . -·'-:,:-. ·~i~~-? . o:Q·o a~~ .5o·e ·:e·s· l <RI< .'89 '·3891 ;-000 301 . :";o·o (''C ,,;> ::9)) J99o -.. irti o 303. :1 j) ll GS ~~J 49f~6 .llQ~ 3(10 .~)(l(J GS '.92. 4.?.1:Q ·· 000 ::~?? .?00 Bill< :9 ~· 4.30.?, 000 29H.700 (;s - -~~ 4'3ti.~j' 00 b 299' (:)0.1') BI~K "95 444.<J. 000 302.. 40.0· t'I~K -96 4~t3 2. 0 fl.fl 30 2,3f)f) r•t" .~ .. ., 97 4594', on.o 302. 1 o,o EcRK 9a 4M)7' I rt ,, :.:1o 1 I 200 t<t~ I< 9..9 471 ~:).; 000 30:::>. ~!.-0.{1 Bl~K too , 47 53. 4f)·o 30 3 ·, 1 o·•J f'OL 2 ;f~~-4ao~· .. oo:o. '3ll ~. 1,)0 (I m) ·•fB35. oif ~ 3ff~ ,1 0(1 TOP .1 63 : ~~:·~~.o~:u 30(L 200 TOE ·_.;.: !f 04 ' 4R92 " .l)o·o ;-~().1 . 6 f)'(j f!RII ,1:05 49~.)J. 000 ant '~)0.0 cs :-f fi6 502li . o;)·,;· 302 .40-f} BRI< .. ·. 'il);j" 50 91 • !iOO ~n ;!. bOO r·r· )"' ·'''· 1'08. 513-1 . oli'.o 302 .HIH) Jrf~K f o9 5tt·N ~Oifo J(rt .:'f.l b t;s. 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(lOt'l 7-~44 . ·ooo 7'bbi i 000~ 7.o93 -•. ooo - 7t:tt7, intO 1-:t-n~ . fHl o· 30:1 • t tj fJ :H) 0, I) IJ 0 2Q·9 .t:o_o ~· . ---31)0.700 3 ().1 • () iJ (l :~ot.oo·u 3 (fO: • !lfl (I 2.99 .600 2~-9.100 300 ,9."00 3tH . ~0.0 30·2 .300 30_2. t~(l 30t .2-.o:o ~O!(l, O.(lO ~roo. 2oo 299.1-oo 3~o. ~-oo 2'18 • '7-0 (l 2 9.i;?. 400 296.000 ?.94-. (,.oa 297.400 ~nt4. :.:?ot~ 3 '0'4. 20 0 3 '03. 7-011 3().1 '~-00 3th, 7!l.O 303.500 30Z. 00·0 303' 1 0'0 30'J...i =O.O 3t)2.l:t00 302.3UO Jo.-3 .so (l 303 .5 110 3o :L 2oo 303 ~t!OO 303.600 302.SIJQ 3!h . o.oo ;"lj t • 'ii)O 3ilt.10fl 299.5 00 29n 4fJ(l 29'?. 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IV BO'T RJV 'BOT ~~ EOt.J r,r.; !. L EOI.tt R '(t.# ~OT .PJt.t BOt R IV T:fOT IHV BOT RIV BOT R EOhl TOP ANG PT 1 TOr TOE TilE TOP 4}~ 47 -48 ' 49 su 5t .52 5:s s• 55 56 57 ~a '>;·~:~' .·'bt "b2 · .·~3 '6~ ;~s .bl; ·'6 7 . ,68 <'69 ·7.0: '· . ·7 ·1 .• <72 '73· '74 ~1::':· ,/.,.,}: ?_b. '7.7 --~--~· .ali ·.·st. ;3~-\~-~­ ·~3 '~ 97 ae ·9 9 90· ?t 4t2 93 94 Q:') 96 97 9a 99 .i oo tot io2 '1 13 t o4 105 1 2'?9. f'IOil 1.329 .000 1'362 .1 00 t3?t.noo t:S75 .000 1383.000 t392.001l 1412 . 0·00 1430 • f)(lll 1443.000 14bil.OOO 1541,,000 1599.000 1631 ~.().00 H:;5 ?.n ·o,; t~z-~.~-~o l679. f),() I) i-7 2(, .. ~~p~ 1"7n ·•t. o.o o. tso .tt .. otrn r!ii.~;o:#tl t B-4.5 -.0.00 t86t .• o:oo 1.~99.~0~ t.9:J3~d) 0 0 t9~Ja. ooo t9.s6.,d:oo · 6·o··· ··1·-.,.o .. , o .. · o"·., .&;;., ' ' ·.;: I> ~H1¢.j·. ~ ·~ro ?O :l t . e,·9;0 ~OHt ,OOO 2lt?.ooo 2.t3Er. O'O!l ~i-6?.000 2'ftJ'tl·.ll.O C: 2·2 0 2. 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Q.(:() 4 ·0 '148 .000 41 76'!,00 0 4 -<:J c:. 7~'1. .0 00 4"; ,_, B03,00 G ·~4 84l~. ~~ n IJ 4'"" ,,, 8f:l 1r. 00 0 8US1TN~ HYDROGRAPHIC SU~VCYS 1984 cross ~pct i on LR X 8 ~.7 DESCRIP'T TQN 290./:.0() Al..CAP I..RX f<H ;190.?00 (t)p 2H'i' • '1 ti'O fll{ K ~~131 .701} Bl~f< 2/!:l . 0 0 () TOE 2'?7 . 600 L. !:::OW 2 '/5 . 6UO {-{()T 2/'/,600 ,:. ' EO!~' 27'), ::?on G~:~ aa-o. o o-o !:1:~1{. 27l!i . 000 J{l~i( 277.000' LW· P1' 2'7'i'. 9 00 .R RK ;,~:,)() .200 TO£ 285.50(} T 01:' :?.H6 .l ()'0 BRI< 2~~5. 9{) 0 TOP ~~!34 'b () 0 TOE 28.3 • (~() () TOE (~86 . 20 () H)P ;.;:u 6 . o 1.1 o 1:q n( :.?.82.601) F ;~i< 286.400 ANC PT '1 ;?.:~6. 4 i) 1) TOP 2~3 :~ . t, (; n ~~~~I{ ;:.~3 1. .4 00 TOE :1'/H.40U 1.. !.>J pT 281. ~:co !IRI~ 2H~:!. f. 0 fJ 'f!RI< 213~~. u ii() TOE :C~H4, ~~!J 0 TOP :!!~-4·. 500 AN C. PT ..... ,:, ~~f:~4. ?0 0 j'1.111o '· ·~ ~ ·~ ;~B4.600 , .. (::" ->~> ;:;u~:, . o on r·<· :'"':> ;~;3!·:. 40 0 PQl_. 1 2El !S , '1 0 0 c;~:t 2 8!:). 0 0 () r:.-ot.. 2 2B4 ,fJ(J'(t T()fl :..?.:~ 1 .600 Bl·~l~ ;~'?'l . :;, ll 0 I r:.o 1.o1 ;~/5. i) 0 0 !HV BOT 2>.7 ~~ ''7!10 lnv Ben ;:7:3 I :ll) 0 ~IV B t H :~74 'f.l ('l(l RJV BltT 8 '/ '7 &-. 1 :.~3~1. , S' 0 0 !286. 011 I) 13.64' 0 () 0 l 4L~. non 1431. uo ·n ~-474. 0 00 15'1~5.000 t569. tio:o 165'?. o o·o '!742.000 1 S04. oo .o 1fJ53.00[} 1~~49.000 !~O.os. 3 o·o 20'44 . 000 ~::0'/2. tl 0·0 20H2 .0UO 2097.000 211~.0011 ;~li.~·O I !1 0 0 2 ·1 4 0 . 0 {) l) ;.?. -r 56 ' 0 0 ·I) 21 ~·t:t. 0 0 0 21 B~i . o 0 o 220() .. 000 2~313·. tHJ 0 22f.O. OHO 2.3:H . no e 237?. (1.0'0 24:34' ()!)I) 2538.000 25S'4 . 00·0 ai,A o . u o n 2b~~H . 00 f.t ;~'lilt • 0 1)•1) ~7~~6 . 0 0 0 2733 . ITO{I ~~7 A4 . !)\)() Water surface data: 1\. 1 2?.noo 2 46.000 a 761.oo ·u 1·. ·.: 4 I' 61 • 0 0·0 _ 5 979.DOO 6 1.!1 ~0.01)0 ·t· ' . 7 2120.000 9 21 5b .UOD 9 ~1 ~1 :-:.onn JD 21B5.0~U :.I '' .. ·. ~ ~1 2 733 .oao 2'78 . '/0 0 27~l. 8 0 ll ;;,~:~2 ' 3 i) () 2f3~.:!.BCO 2H2. 9!)0 2.81 • 50() :.?.~>,(! • '/ 0 0 :2.79. ;=.0(1 ~7FJ .t0 0 27'7 . 6(1 () :2?9 ' u 00 2 'i'~.i ,9(10 ~:~:31 . 40 0 281. tl{l{l ~3:]1.. 40·0 :3 ~l (! ' J: 0 () 2'7') '5.0·0 · 2'/!:l ' ::-!!) {). ;?.'/8,!;,()(! 2'18. 0 (~ (l :?.'7?, '/00 2 'If:-: ' (.! (1(1 :.:!77. 600 (.~7'7' ~l()() ;.:~77. (::.0 0 2nl.fHHt 27'7.400 2?:.~ . t3 (I (l ;~68 . /'1)0 266, HOO· :~68. 60 (.! 26<;;.500 :~7() .1 00 270.~0\l ~69, ::Hl 0 27'1 , Otl-0 i'!7'4' 60 0 2';'~ .. 80!'1 :)7;~. ?0 0 2'74. ;3{J 0 ~! !:! 0 . 4 (l (l 2H~),,;_,() 0 r!'/'i' . !-1 !l () 27/.601) (~ , (I (It) 21'7 . 5uo 2'/7 . ::dl () r),O(JO 27'/. t>O 0 :177. rd)O 1: • 0 ~Ill 2.'/'J. 4 tiO 27'7. -'1 (I (1 1\l ',} Bt.ff rn \l ·t:crr R ED\•! (~f.-~ l'' 1::' ·'~" 'T CiF TOP ANC: PT r ... ( ... .,~, G!:t TOP TOE: ...... ~ ·"'"". TOE c.;c: 1.:~{~ TOP G~:: Bt~K r·t' . .:~ ". ~ PtJl... "l "' r•c·· ,;:t ,:'\ T!.W :. ECI!.o.l !~ r Qr,l L EDl..J R J\) BClT R Eo.t.•.l TOP 3 L EOW IU ~} BOT H IV f.ll)l RJV BCIT I~I.V I::nT RlV BO'f ~~IV l~UT R J•.J Bt:•T RlV BtJi R J IJ :BU T HIV BO T 1011 80T IH~) ron R 1',! JH:rr R ECI\•J Tnr:: ALCAP LRX RM 87 .7 I. EOlJ p FOt..r L r:::ow li l~ l)!,.J l . Ft:ll~l R E::tH'l . r~Ol•J '- R FOW .... : ........ ...:::..-:...;. '·•'' ::'. ~'fiN HAX 0 . 0-00· 27-5C.SIO O Ma xiMuM 'X ' scale Ma xiMUM 'Y ' s~ale "1 n ::;: ~~S"3 ~! u -· 5 266.80 0 29 0 . 70·0 (for 8 .5 b~ ll f or Mat ) (for 8.5 by 1 1 f orM~t ) ••'',.';··.····. t·;: ,. . POlNT t -"---- Ct o.s .s section I· t f 2 3 {: 4 5 6 1: 7 e 9 io 1:. 11 12 ·t~ r 14 15 1 ~ r 17 18 l9 ._, 20 !J: ~,1 ~---~z ' 23 24 I· 2$ .:-26 27 I~ 28 Z<i ~0 I 31 32 ,33 34 I _' -yr; ~ .... , 36 37 L 3t~ '7 , •. oJ . 40 L 4'1 42 43 44 t 4"'' ~· 4(.; 4'1 t 4B· 4 (~ !f.iO t SU SlTNA HYDRO G ~APH I C ~UR~FY~ ~~o ~s sertt~n LRX 86.~ Dat e of Survey: SE ~T E MBER 18 . 'X I da t<.~ t 0.000 :::~2 . 00,0 45.tl00 86. UO O· 1 :;; .. ,. • tl 0 1)' H -.'1. O!l ti 174.000 ;~n ;;,!. o o o 237.000 218.000 30!1.~!0() ~~~~6 Ill 0 tl 375.0'00 415.000 42('1' 0 0 0 434. o.o () 45~~.000 4'?H.OOO 55·0, OOtl 61.1..01}() '?~:.!0.0()0 74 .~' 0 0 0 7(.;,3. f) 0 0 7 11'5 .1)00 8'll. 000 946.1?00 1 o::~8 . o o o. 1081.. 500 10.90.000 1092.000 1 0 S't;> • tl 0 0 1101.000 1169.000 t;:-!69 ' (}(j 0 1 ~)2t")' 0 () 0 1 31f .~) , (1 IJ I) 1 4;13 .0(10 14 ~in. nor ) 1 4 <,·~;t ' () 0 tl 15'53 ' 0 0 0 11:·.13.000 1666.1)00 1.'1 26.000 1 776.1100 1(!1 .3.000 'I ::)~'? , !) ft 0 190()' (It)() 1 94·1.1)00 1 'l:-s:~. no o l7'64.l)OU 'y,. 2'?9 I HOU 27::! . 1? (j fJ 2l?3 , s~o o ;~n~. 200 2 ?3.?00 :~74. 21) 0 2'74. ;~ou 27'?. 400 2~~8. 3 o·o 2 7B .?Oll ~2'?8'-. •lil() 2 77.b 00 :.?'?6.500 271, 't'O () 269.6 00 265.60fl 26 2.300 2~.)3. (100 ~~64. 000· 26'7.UOO 269.~7 00 2'7 ~~ , 0 (l () ;:: 7::.~ ' .. q. 0 () 27~.600 274.000 ;~~·4. ~:~o o ;~?4 .1. i)() 27 ?..f~OO ~!.'?2 .60 0 2'7 2. tHHI ;.:~?2 ,BOO ;~·n,. '! o o ~~7 4 .4(}0 2'?11 . ao o 2~., ~. ~:iOO 21~;> . ~ (j 0 ;::'? 1 ,l; 0 0 ;:~::· t . '! 0 (\ :?.'70. 4 0·0 269 . ~::o o ;;~69,;;,1)0 2!.•9.!-lOO ;](:~']. ~.~0 0 ;;~hfJ '3(1 0 ;;·,·:··. ,'-, 0 !) 2 6'7 .?110 ;.::70 '700 ;2 72' r, t.lll :2?:3. ?On DFSC Rir=>TJON AI.C.!:iP l.I~X r~M 8 b .3 TfJP TO I:' lJRI< BI:::J{ Tm: TOP GS (4NG PT t BH I( P.R I< Bl~l< L FO ~J lHV BOT rnv EDT RHJ DOT rUl) BOT ruv BOT r.::nJ BOT R IV BOT ·~ FOI.~ GS G~~ ANG PT 2 TOP TD E TO F T !JP JWK L 1:: !Jv! f{ JV :Sfri 1\ H.t DOT !~ JV 'BCl T RJ'.J BOT tU\1 8 llT RlV BOT f<JV BOT RI•,I HOT RHJ J.WT :; J ',! :e r_r r I{) 1~' HOT ruv P.OT 1~ HI B[IT r~ EOJ.·J J ._._ .. - . -I .. ! ,:; ··:··· . .............. st ;5=2 53 s•: 55 56 57 ,58 59 60 bl b2' o'3 64 65 o6 6'/ 68 &9 70 3 4 5 6 7 0 MIN MAX 1970.000 2!lQ5.00ll 2055' 0:0 (j 21,49. '10 0 2H~7. 000 21-99.000 22·44. 000. 2.294. 0 tJO 2335.000 240.0.000 24'71.000 2555.000 2595.000 2653-. 0(}0 26{..,2. 0 0 () ~~675 .000 2?06.000 2740.000 27ei6. ooo 2790.100 d.~t<".: 429.000 763.000 1396.000 13'?6' 000 1S'6 4 .0 00 2675.000 2675.000 27.40.000 o.ooo 2780' 10 0 274 .UOO :-?n; .1:~o 11 2'?5 ' 0 0-0 27'?' 3 00 ~-!7o. <?o o ~.:!'72. 9 0 0 273.9 0 -0 i~73 . .8 () 0 27~). 400 277.600 277.5 00 276.600 277. 'l 00 ~:?76. ::.~oo 272. ~(l (I 2'11 .40 0 2'7().(:,00 ~2 71. s o 0 2'?6.noo 276.900 2 '71 .900 27:-.!.000 o.ooo 27:5.500 ;:;73 . '700 0.000 2'71.·100 271 • 500 262 .7.00 27S'', BO 0 TOF' l:<:?JC Bl~l< POL. 1 n w TOE G-c.• ,.. TOt: DR I< TO P GS I:;S Gr. TOP TO I~ L ldJW R:rv mn ~ EOl•J TOP AL CAP LR X RM 8 6 .Z 1 ... \::OW R COt..' L EOW R f::QI,J L EOW R ~::nw • ••• . • • ;.. ~.~ • 'lo' • • . 1~: POl NT I I I. ___ .__ ~: ' ' l Crtfss J' 1 2 ., 3 l J 4 5 6 I 7 8 f'J ~ tO :1 ' t1 12 13 ·•. 14 I· t t:.• ... , ····' t6 ''·i t'l ':.':1 l lB 19 :,<, 20 .'I! .:'j 21 I. 22 -,··r_ ~~ <-•J 24 I· 2~ 2b :li I 2'1 28 29 .. ~ ... :-so ·::-l ; 31 :~ ~:~ ..... , 33 ~.:.~ 34 i 3"" ·;;;J ~~b ~:·::,~·~ 3 7 I 38 39 i .. 40 . -~;~~: " 41. 4 -ri! :~ ·~. I 44 .f;; ~~:l~ .. ;_;;:, :I s~c t:i on d<~ta : 0.000 3 .000 \6.000 2"6. O(l tl "\.0.000 '?2' 000 ~00.00 0 1 tl"'l ,OOO 1 2~?. 0 00 1 63.000 r..:Ob .OO O 275 .001) 3 !.1.000 3 2:=!. 00 0 334.000 345 .000 36~.01)0 ~~86. 000 393.000 39M1 0 0 0 () .IH)3 .000 4o·•;>. ooo 414 3()fJ 579 .0 00 637.000 64.3. o u·o 664.000 674 .!itlfl 744.00 0 764. UO II '78'1,1)0 0 792.000 7 ~)~J.0()0 804,1)00 84'/' 0 0 0 889 , I) I) I) 904,!)0() '?'11.0 00 914.0 0 (1 91~7 .411 0 95EL 0 0 0 104:2.(11)1) 1.!1 '::1 2 f.'f)fl 11 ::i'?, I} 0 () 1 2 4 7.0 00 SU SI TN A HYD ROGRAPHIC SURVEY S 1984 cross ~e~t 1 on L ~X ~q .& 'Y' 2'70 .• soo A I_ GAP 265.800 roE 26 "1 , '/ll {I L FO(•J I RX 259 .1 00 RIV BOT 256 .400 R l'V Br rr ~~57. :.10 0 ruv BI)T 260.100 RTV BOT 2 6 0 '~jl)() RI V BO T 261 ,'/0(1 1:) " EO\~ 26::.~ '700 GS 263 '(-,(I 0 Hl·{l< ~-~6:.?.. 9 no GS 2b2 '~.H) (I TOP 2 61 .300 L EOW ;~58 . !;_1(10 RJV Brrr ;~57' 400 RIV DtJT 25b .80() 10\J BOT :!,58. 60 () I~ IV BOT 261.300 R E Ot-.1 N -,:.'! .nn o BR I{ 26J, S'U{I l(lr· . 2fl9.5()0 T OP 2 6<-J.tf.l iJ A Nf'~ p ·r ~ ' ~~:li '31)0 GE :?'l (J • t~o n T OI J ;~68. 'l (I 0 rm: 2 '70.;:!(10 'TOP ~~1;;:7' 51} 0 Tfll:' 2 t8 . !j•fl 0 r·r·• .......... 2 6 1/. 00 l) Bt;tK 2·~·/.':Hlll "1 (tp ;?./.5 I 2U 0 t,(:i !{ ;:,?.t)4 . !. !J tl FH< !~ ;~.~2. 0 t) 0 T OE" 2,~<:>;' ~~{I u f'(~ ··"''". ;-:_~; :5 , 0 (} (I ('C.' .,._. 26'::..:?.0() TOF- :.:)61:1. 0 fj 0 TOP 2t"IH,OII O "HRV. ;~69 . ()I)() ANG PT :.:; 271.-1 00 G~:· •·' ::-?72.10 1) H !~l ~ ~~ :.. (' '•rt•l I ". ;.?.'7;.!. -~ n u t;~~ 2~'0. f~O O G'-' . ' RM 84.6 r i' • :;''l:(f'····. 4S• s.tr· ~~t 52 ~~s $4 St'i ~·b 57 sa 59 60 ~1 62 63 b4 66 6 '7 68 69 7ll 71 72 73 7 '4 75 76 77 78 ?9 80 81. 82 3~~ 8J!. S~i ~b 37 a a 89 90 9l 9 ,., ,;:_ 9:?! 94 n:. '?(.·, 'l'l 93 ~y too 101 102 1.03 104 105 {~f~i2 .• ij;:t}.O 1-'4\1· 9 . lHi 0 t4.o3. oo,o t464.()0n 157?. 0.00 '1742. OlfO 1 :3 1 ir • O.!l 0 1816. o·oo 132'L 000 183•6. 000 H l71 • ().t) 0 1907. 000 1956.001.1 2013.000 2068.000 2103.0!10 211 o. o·o·o 2147.000 2170.00'0 223:~. () 0 t) 2'398.000 256:5. 00 c ;~7:~B. ll 0 tl 2 769 .0(1() 2780.000 278H.OOO 2816.000 2951.000 287B . no o 2934.000 2951.0()0 2~94.000 3000.000 3003.800 316•?.000 322~.000 3241.000 3265.000 328b.OOO 33:14. 01.)() 34::?.2 . 0 IHI 3'4 30 . 0 0 tt 345 7.1100 3475.000 ~14 ~t4, 0 II 0 161 t!. 0 0'0 3 6 2 1.!. 00 0 3649.000 3665.000 3681 .1100 3~l 1.;.i (10(} 39W7. ~·o o ~"3,4)Hj 8. 0 ll!) 4004.000 400'/.000 4014.000 41)~·j 2.00(1 4n <~'? ll~!1J 41. :57 . 1) I) n 4224 .000 270 '(.·,0 0 26S''. 1 0 () ~6B.900 2711 '4 0(1 27 0 . 6 !J 0 2'12·, bOO ~!'?0 .1 00 265 .'700 2/.,5.600 268.BO!l 269.900 2 ?1 .4011 ~~70 .400 ~~7 4 . 1 11 (I 269.600 27 0.800 :~68.9 00 269.000 i.~?l . 4 iJ () 271.4 00 ;~'70.1300' 271.1700 ;?.'?~L 80 0 2'74.3(10 264.900 262.6 110 1!6 1. • !:jt) 0 ;~62, 3UU :.~b4. '>'I) 0 26::J. 400 :~6::'i . 60 () 264. '}'00 ;~6 9 .Bil0 270.000 2 '71 .70 0 27 ~!.'/UO 2t.,8 .800 2f..9.400 !:!70. 4 0 0 ~~72 . 1 ()!I i.=!/'1 'i 00 266./00 2J~f.... 0 00 ~!'7'1 .• c'O o i..!72, ::S O 0 :~n~. <:·o o ;:!6'7. 3 0 I) 267 . :.~0 (; ;~~bB .500 27t .~:ft (l ;:"12.61JO 271.VIlU ;~?1.. 'J OO 26:::;. :?00 :.~.~4. 600 266 .?00 C.6'?.8 00 ·~6~t. 'lll (J i:~65.900 ;~66. <;'00 GS TOE TOE' HIP n n·· TClE TO E TOP G~:) GS Bill< fit~ I< P.f<t< TOP TOE TOE TOP G!-i GG G~~ TflP L 1:::0!.J RJ\J BOT FHV HOT l<:i V BCJT I\' EObJ G!:l BIW T O I·. TOP ANG P'f 3 GS fliP TOE TOE TOP r•r· . ..,, .. ft)P Hll· .. TD E TUP TOP TOt Til::: HIP ANI; PT 4 HIP HH-: B l·~l< TOP l;~3 •:J•·• • f i ~-.} · .L .. , ... ·:o·;·' t :o'6 ,1-·. 1o·1 \ :. j<.OB ' l(f·9 11·0 '1·-· 11"1 . :·! ll:;~ 113 .,_.: .. U4 .. tt5 H6 1.· .. 117 1 tts 119 120 a· ~·~~ t23 125 1~-!6 1 27 128 1~~9 130 e· !~~ 4 ?!-"J 'J . 0 liU 4 ~'5'1 1, i}I)O 4346 .000 438t .t!OfJ 431?5. 0 00 439 ~~. OfJO 44 3.3.0 00 443'1.0 00 4503 .00Q 4572.0 00 4 6£~~·. I) 0 0 465EI . 000 4681 .ooo 4684 . 1)·0 0 4700.000 473'?.0 00 47'?9.0 00 4829.000 48 8;~, 000 4944 .000 500 ;3 ,0110 5053' 00·0 :5098.000 51 '3 7 .0t1 0 5177.000 5 189 ,000 5201.400 ·.Water g: 1 surfac:e data: 2 3 I. ~ b 1: 7 8 9 10 -1· 11 12 . I I 13 14 MJN MAX Ma :< iMu M I Maxi.Mli M 'X' \ y I 16.000 1 22 .000 322.000 322.0011 39 :~. 000 2780 .000 2780.0 00 28713.000 427'7.000 427'1 . 0(1 0 4.)4 6 . 0 0 0 4681..(11)0 4681 .000 51 a·;·. o n.o 0.00 0 521!1 . 400 sca le 1'' -· 743 sea .le : 1 " :::: 5 26.:) ,''1 (!(1 :..:62 ''/0 (i ;~64 . () 0 0 26(,. ', 'll!) 2/;,6.61)0 265, 1\(I Q :.~s5.?1lO 2~16 ,(t (J 0 e:~.~(:;,.~~()() 26'/.4()-0 ;~66 '?00 2(.1:::-,' '7 (){I 2b4 .500 <'!63 . 400 261 . :"jO 0 258 , 'l iJO ;!54 ' 5 0 0 252 .~0 0 252 , .~rJ 0 :.!'52 '7~ (I (I -~~.:il ' 0 J) 0 249 .'/00 :!55 .1:3 00 2::-;£'), I',{J 0 <~60.2 00 26:: .. :':(I 0 ;;!6 '1 . 6 0 0 261. 'i'O 0 261 . '700 o.uoo acd.3oo 261.:?:00 ll. 0 00 264' '7110 264.900 0.000 26~·'L 90 0 264. Q !l (I tJ.OOU ~:!63,1\00 263 .:?-0 tt ~~.a s·.··no 274.:?.00 ( f 0 (' 8 . ~J " v 1 l (fo r <3.~5 bv 'l'l L ~~ 0~1 I~J V BUI R 1:':0\•J T(ll·' TOP rm:. 1 OJ:: TO I" f.HH~ f.U~ K POL J31~ I( TOP L 1::ow IUV !-:COT RJV BO T I~ IV BtH f•f!V BUT IHV !:fi)T p ., ~) BDT IHV BUr RJU 13('11' R I'J BOT 1~'.! \_} BOT RIV BtH R F(1\~! AL.I;AP L ~~ L ~ I. R L ~~ L F~ (~•1:'M.;It l -f'\H'"tf.lt l F:OW EO W U.1W f.:: OW t:.Ol·J EDW t::.m..t I?.:Ot-.1 HJW E IJlAI L ;~X Rti 8 4.6 1 NH HN_H ____ ~-H NH-HH --N~~-------~~N~--N-h _____ -H NH_H_N_N N -~~---------N~HHNN••N---~- I ·1: ' I I R-20/7 17$· RIVER CROSS SECTION NOTES FOR 1980 and 1982 The following computer files was used in HEC-2 and ICEDSIM modelling (R&M, 1981; R&M, 1982). The file starts at LRX 0.3 and progres-ses upstream. The LRX number is in the second column of the Xl card . LISTING OF RIVER CROSS SECTIONS EXPLANATl'ON OF LISTING Xl CUd: Field 1: Field 2: 'Field 3: Field 4: Field S: Field 6: Field 7: X2 Carel: X3 Card: sc card : GR Carel: Specified cross section geCJCiletry Cross section identifi-cation Total number of stations on next GR cards Station, left bank of channel Station, right bank of channel Len&th of rea~b left over bank, between current cross section and next dovnsueam cross section Length of reach right over bank Length of reach aain channel Specifies change in discharge Artificial levees at specified station "n" values and contraction and expansion coefficients Specifies elevation and station of each point in a cross section use~ to describe tbe ground profile Field 1: Elevation of cross section point 1 at station 1 Field 2: Station of cross section point 1 Field 3: Elevation cross section point 2 at station 2 ••• continued using up to 100 points For more detailed-explanation, refer to HEC-2 Use.r s Manual . I . l ,tit)TA FILE FOR :t:CESJM . T't SU S.lll~A t•WJ.lROELECTRlC PROJECT li¥~. SUBTASK 3. Qb HYDRAULIC AND ICE STUDIES ·1'·3 · SUSITNA RIVF.R-LOWER REACH (DEVIL CANY·ON TO TALKEETNA> . ';x:t o.3 90 02 4726 00 00 00 00 00 00 .·· CR· 3Zt .-8 , 2 318.8 7 31?.3 IS 31S.O 23 310.5 43 s·~= 306.1 93 304.0 142 lOS. 1 190 3 '08.7 24~ 311 .9 294 l14.0 345 312.5 395 310.8 435 312.1 472 317.2 492 tR 318.3 498 32t.S 506 320.4 sea 318.8 590 3t.9.o 599 1.clt 319.8 66(J 317.3 719 :S19.0 802 316.7 875 319 .7 106:) .;C'R 3ia.a 1&:76-319.5 1198 3:19.5 12·98 320 .4 1308 31:9 .4 1376 CR 320.4 1475 319.8 1571 318.8 lb07 3 1 6.'7 1682 320.6 1739 m~: 319.9 1790 318.1 1946 320.3 1962 320.9 1991 320.0 2036 313.7 2040 311.7 2045 309.7 2061 308.5 2098 308.1 213B CR· 308.7 2188 30'9.7 2222 311.4 2246 312.8 2267 313.7 329 0 C.R 31'5.3 2310 315.8 2361 313.3 248S 312.8 2'503 313.3 2516 ;·g: 319.4 2639 319.3 2731 319.6 2858 317.1 295S· 31S. 4 2971 313.1 2999 313.0 '3025 313.4 3066 315.0 3104 313.6 3188 GR 313.6 3205 315.8 3219 314.8 3360 317.2 3451 319.0 3'562 · GR 316.5 3900 31'5.5 3910 313.2 3920 311.8 3942 3t3.e 40'29 .I ::<;R 31S .S 4874 317.3 4147 317.5 4280 314.5 4334 312 .3 4338 Grt. 314.3 4410 314.4 4491 315.5 4526 316.2 4S41 319.0 4608 . GR 313.'7 4&80 315.3 4687 311 .1 4704 313.1 4714 319.5 4720 l 'x.t 0.4 no 04 4727 1700 1100 1700 00 00 00 CR 33B .Z 4 330.8 16 3 '1?.3 30 31Z.3 77 Jt4 .l 120 t;R· 313.0 17'5 312.8 225 313.4 277 313.0 32·5 312 .8 37'l mg: :St2.S 430 311.0 487 311.0 535 313.0 5Bb 313.3 613 31'5.2 632 319.2 650 322.3 691 321.9 796 320 .1, 921 'CR 319.6 855 319.2 8B2 318.5 945 317.8 1021 317.3 1008 ~G.R 318.2 lt24 '319.4 1130 318.4 lt48 317.9 11:51 315 .3 1·168 :·:: 311.8 1201 31 1.'5 1233 315 .9 1261 313.9 1301 313 .6 13:~13 3t6.3 1390 318.3 1417 l21.0 1467 :121.7 1518 321.5 1~8'5 . Gr.t 321.4 1650 322.4 18'79 319.3 1910 :Ha.s 1957 321.9 2063 gcR '322.1 2215 319.8 22.65 321.0 22·92 322.0 235C:. 321 .2 2402 GR 319.9 2407 322.4 2'489 321.8 2548 3·20 .3 2554 3~0 .2 2570 GR JZ2 •. 2 2618 JZ1.7 Z.771 319.1 2857 316.5 2864 J ·to .9 2894 g;:g: 311.2 2927 313.2 2958 315.3 2992 316.5 301'5 317.4 3029 320.? 3144 319.4 3252 318.0 3295 317.9 3363 316.5 3378 GR 321.8 3399 321.7 3<433 325.0 3503 321.3 3626 31~. 0 3641 · CR 313.5 3650 315,1 366'5 315.9 3703 318.4 3831 31'7 .8 3956 m::: 3to.s 3983 314.7 4030 313.5 4084 312.8 4116 31~.4 4146 312.5 4180 312.7 4211 316.5 422~ 32'0 .s 4271 320.3 4365 GR 318.0 4402 317.3 4537 315.4 4552 312.4 4562 31!!.9 4668 IGR 312.9 4673 315.5 4674 316.5 4699 320.1 4 7 20 323 .0 4720 )U 0.5 100 03 5241 1900 1200 1920 00 00 00 CR 331.5 3 3 2 0 .1 17 304.5 4Q 304 .t 95 304.1 134 CR' 307.8 187 311. 1 248 312.0 290 310.«1 326 309.9 372 IGR 312.8 412 317.1 428 320.3 440 -"'Ja -4 -=''::l 325.7 •l 8l .)~;;) .. ) ..Jo.... 32S.2 728 324.:5 732 321.9 734 320.1 74;5 323.1 ...,e:··· GR 1 ....,.) GR 322.7 812 324.8 879 323.4 977 32•l. 3 1078 322.0 uac:. ICR 325.1 1201 321 .5 1225 323.7 \387 3 '.)"• C" 161 5 320.0 17Srl ~.) . ...., . Gil 318.3 1813 316.8 1840 318 .5 1872 318 .8 1879 325.3 1895 GR 325.3 1984 324.2 2058 324.8 2177 324.6 2240 323.1 ;~2·l5 IGR 323.3 2301 321.4 2'31l5 323.9 2342 323.4 23S5 320.1 2391 GR _.,,. "'=' 2447 324.7 2531 3 25.0 ao·n 324.9 2660 321.3 .2663 ~L...-~·~ GR 320.1 2667 321.7 2696 317.5 2 7 5 1 31 7 .2 2 7 83 314 .4 2808 · GR 3to.4 2864 317.4 2905 321.6 297 5 322.9 3·J. 01 323.3 3137 1 ·~: 322.6 3153 321 .5 3178 :51 a. o 3191 315.0 3199 313.5 3208 311.3 3232 313.0 3260 3 15. 1 3288 3 1 6.2 3310 .31 B . 0 3 '331 GR 318.3 334S 3i.9.0 3436 320.4 3484 319 .3 3529 318.2 3563 ·I -1 - ·-......... ,_,___ ...-............. ,_ ............. ~-----·····-··-·····-··--,--~_,.,.l"_'l<J>""<'«"~~~--~~~-~~·':""f:t~"-~-~--""-.. . wth 'it .~ -~ ... . i -~ ,... . ' . CR 317.1 :i606 31'7.9 3648 318.2 3694 321 .3 3916 323 .0 392: ... . . CR J2~.3 3952 323.4 -4075 322.3 4230 320.7 4392 321 • 1 4622 ca. 32! .a 4665 l20.8 -4764 319.8 4767 320.4 4971 319.8 49-:fil' I GR Ji9·,S 4906 319.4' S1t6 317 .7 '5169 315 .9 5181 315 .3 51 ~ GR. 314.4 :i207 314.3 5229 315.9 5332 318.6 5237 323 .1 5241 . x·t 0 •. ,6 98 0.2 -63b2 22SD 3200 2380 00 00 0~· ' ~~b . GR 328.3 2 323.5 ' 321.8 12 322.2 62 32 ·2 .~ . GR 323.4 125 326 .. 8 129 327.2 159 326.5 201 32~.7 8 GR 32'0 .7 212 316.4 250 313.6 299 3 •15 .2 356 316.6 4~4. _, GR 31B.D 46.1 J1Fl.6 'S25 321.4 571 324.1 597 326.2 0 · "' GR 323.6 784 322 .4 788 320.0 BOB 322.4 824 32S .5 eat '0 GR 328 .& 840 326.2 861 324.4 894 339 .1 1121 326.9 1185 " GR 323.4 1239 '324. 1 1247 323.3 1251 320.3 1256 319.3 tar GR 320.6 1305 323.3 1318 324_,6 1357 325 .4 1436 323. B 14J •· ·.'.:: CR 323.6 1465 323.0 1482 318.5 1499 314.6 1550 314 .0 1605 .. Clf 313.6 16'57 315.2 1724 319.3 1785 32t .6 1930 323 .0 18(~0 -:~ GR 323.4 1900 323.8 1981 323.4 1982 321.4 2002 323 .4 20Z. "' Glt 3~8.6 2139 328.2 2154 323.2 2429 327.o 2o35 325.4 272~ ?~ :~; Gil: 327.2 3127 324.7 3214 322.5 3219 3 -19.3 3234 320 .3 3274 f GR. 321.7 3330 322.4 3366 325.3 34Bo 321.8 3'59l 321 .2 36( ~ GR 321.9 36.09 325 .2 3617 327.1 4204 327,4 4228 326. t 42< ~ CR 323.3 4253 321.9 4259 321 .4 4287 323.4 4316 32!'i. 2 43,S8 GR 325.4 4657 327.9 5053 324.2 5230 327.5 ~577 324.~ 570·.-~ GR 322.4 5745 321.4 5762 321.0 5797 322 .5 580& 323 . (:, sa~ CR 325.4 6078 320.8 6246 3t8.R 625'5 313.8 6279 312 .8 63'0-1 I CR 314 .2 633S 320.7 6356: 32?.a 6362 . X:t 0.7 99 OS 5578 1700 2200 2050 00 00 u~ GIR 329.2 s 32'5.4 14 32:!.3 20 32~.0 44 323 .4. t], G~ 325.4 71 32B.4 ?6 328.4 81 327.2 85 325.3 86 . tR 322 .8 89 322..3 92 324' 1 100 32'5 ,6 111 325. s 11 CR 325·.8 118 325.2 125 323.8 147 322.8 1'59 321 .6 19 GR 321 .4 294 317.6 353 317.9 4,04 31 5 .6 459 Jlo. & 504 GR 317.0 525 322.8 548 325.2 552 325.7 593 329.0 81;"'" CR 329.9 951 329.2 1096 325 .. 8 1109 323 .0 1116 324.0 117 GR 324.7 1206 328.3 1300 330.0 1437 328.7 1478 32'5.5 149t~ GR 324 .0 1502 322.? 1516 32S.2 1538 31:4. 1 1560 325.8 1586 GR 328.5 1619 326.8 177() 325.1 1776 322.7 18 0,9 322 .1 186 CR 322.1 19'19 32'3 .1 1963 323.6 1972 319.1 2o ·oa 320.7 206 ... GR 321 .5 2112 323.1 2153 323.9 2167 32~.3 2 2 01 329.5 23o,o G. It 329.& 24\52 32?.6 2600 327.0 2668 325 .6 2691 327.0 271 GR 329.6 2847 330.0 2872 327.9 3061 329.9 3203 327.7 327(., GR 32-6.2 3319 326.3 3.390 325.2 3440 322.3 JSU-0 32'0. 3 3558 GR 319.7 3612 319.7 3660 322.6 3696 327.8 3725 329.7 3?4,'"' GR 330.1 3845 326 .9 4136 326.6 4137 325.4 4143 324 .8 420 CR 325.0 4283 326.6 4324 330 ,4 ~396 329 .3 4906 325 .7 so-o7· GR 323 .4 5054 322.4 5119 321.B 52 '59 322.1 5279 325.8 3340 GR 328.0' 5377 3 2 9.0 '5416 324 .5 5563 333 .0 557 8 Xl o.a 1 o·o 05 6226 2700 2000 1950 uo on Ok,,. GR 340.4 5 329.7 27 3 2 7.7 30 324.8 1 t 8 '321 .1 284 CR 324.3 416 329.5 490 331.7 5 30 330.9 681 3 20.6 7':3·' co;. GR 325 .9 744 326 .7 780 3 2 8.7 799 332 .2 878 329 .6 toe GR 327.7 1110 327 .0 1136 327.7 1156 330·. 7 •... 330.8 1166 1454 GR 331.4 1 '180 329.9 2053 327.8 2092 325.6 2133 324.2 216.7'\ GR. 321.9 2213 321.9 2233 3~·t .2 2249 32'7 .9 2259 3:32. 0 226 GR 330.6 2664 332.4 272 4 327.4 2 7 46 32";. l 2768 -~,., ~ 2 7 8 7 .l&::..t-• t> GR 326.3 2831 326.0 2871 323.1 2895 325.1 2919 32·· '6 ~;..!950 GR 321 .3 3049 323.6 3085 327.9 3117 330.4 3139 330.4 334 GR 328,8 3353 328.1 3361 326.8 3388 326.-6 3411 325.4 342 GR l27 .5 3440 328.9 3445 329.4 3448 331.7 3614 3a9 .5 3622 GR l26. 1 3642 327.5 3689 326.2 3733. 322 .7 383-() 321 ,5 393 "' -2 4\~31 8 ?0 192 388 ~40 810 1044 1216 1532 1860 22RO 2605 2892 3172 3684 3939 4111 4340 4460 4509 3851 11 63 2S5 385 489 582 910 1150 1~46 1696 2289 2416 2562 2643 2b93 2776 3174 3425 Jb24 3817 4132 10 lltl 277 472 571 664 743 986 1082 2400 331 .4 332.S 329.0 333 .2 325.3 329.4 330,7 330.8 333.0 331.0 329.4 328 .8 330.3 333.0 331 .8 330.6 324.3 328.9 330 .3 333.7 1380 332.7 336.2 333 .8 333.9 330.2 321.9 332.5 333.7 332.1 326 .9 333 .8 334.3 334.4 335.3 334.3 328.3 332.6 334.4 3 3 0 .3 322.3 H.o~20 334.9 3 30 '1 3 3 4 .1 334 .7 335.0 329.3 325.4 330.5 338' 1 -3- 00 333 .7 336 .9 332.4 330.9 329.1 323 .8 334.6 332 .9 332.'/ 327 .4 333.8 332 .e 330 .2 334.4 332 .1 329 . 1 332.7 3 33 .9 330 .2 :537 .9 00 330.0 330.8 3 '35. s 333.6 33 :~. 9 327.0 326 .3 332.0 335.6 00 39 195 330 453 547 70'7 1029 1457 1648 1810 2340 2520 2622 2o57 2714 2974 3304 3529 3751 3851 00 38 199 31 'J 529 61'7 700 -.G.R: 334.8 1790 332.4 1:802 dii. 33?.7 18:94 339.3 2195 cit, 3js.t 2910 33&.2 2975 ... ·.;.. .. : .. ·cR: 33s.a 300G 334.6 3008 GM. 332.6 3136 332.4 3186 GR' 3~1..-. 33'46 331.8 338& GR 3~0..2 3599 329.8 3664 GR' jj?.8 3793 337.'5 388'5 GR 33&.1 40'03 330.1 4028 CR 335 .9 41.20 339.& 4132 Xt 1 • 2 96 12 4249 CR· 342.2 12 340.6 16 CR 331.3 69 332.1 106 GA · 334.3 265 334.6 287 GR 337.9 384 339.3 399 t;A 3 ·3o .. S 817 334 .7 850 G~ 335.7 993 335.5 tots GR 338.2 1673 338.8 1722 G~ 335 .1 1825 333.& 1856 GR 335.0 1962 333.4 2005 GR· 334.2 2149 334.5 219'2 CR· 335.8 2322 335.9 2333 t;R l39 .S 2457 339.9 2622 g:. ;;::~ 2692 336.9 2727 2937 337.8 3061 CR 335 .0 3400 331.0 3426 GA 334 . t 3603 334.0 3641 . GR· 327,5 3829 325.2 3859 GR 334.3 3989 338.0 4001 CR· 33~. 3 •U79 ·.336.1 41S'b Gk 341.4 4249 Xt. 2 73 03 2762 GR 343,7 3 340.3 10 GR· 337.3 130 337.9 177 GR 33o.6 397 335.5 456 GR 343 .2 5?0 342.0 627 GR 340.0 671 341.1 673 GR: 341.3 793 340 .9 806 GR 338.9 837 337.4 879 GR 337.8 1022 337.8 1067 GR 338 .0 12'72 337.5 13·1 7 GR 340.7 1494 340.9 1588 GR 337.1 1890 335.5 1932 GR 327.9 2130 328.1 2190 GR 337.& 2429 338.5 2467 GR 337.3 25131 338.3 2631 GR 336.1 2'750 338.1 2'756 Xt .2.1 100 10 3399 GR 340.4 10 337.8 14 GR 334 .7 105 334 .6 145 GR 333 .8 345 333 .6 395 GR 341.2 49& 342.2 508 GR 339.8 668 339.2 700 GR 33&.2 885 336.2 93·0 GR 337.4 1135 337.8 1180 GR 338.8 1353 3•Hl • '7 1376 GR 3'42 .5 1544 341 .5 1590 GR 33&.5 l712 335.2 1735 GR 342.1 1858 342.0 2032 CR 339".8 2170 340.4 2201 333.& 191'5 334.2 335 .0 22()5 338 .6 335 .4 2980 335.0 332.4 3028 331.4 332 .4 3232 332.4 331.0 3432 330.8 331 .0 3704 333,0 336.0 3939 33'5 .4 3 ·31. 1 4049 331.0 2150 1380 1590 338 .6 25 33:5.6 331.6 145 3'31.4 335.2 314 335.6 338.4 410 339 .8 335 .7 87'S 336.6 '336 .6 1044 338.8 3:38 .4 1786 '337.4 333 .9 187o 335.0 332 .6 2049 332.9 335 .1 2227 335 .4 336 .0 2360 336.4 339.9 263S 338.2 340 .4 2811 337 .0 340.2 33'59 339.9 332.3 3445 334.8 333 .0 3713 331.7 325 .0 3899 327.8 339.8 4011 339.7 336,4 4~10 336.1 1460 1080 1680 335.8 18 332.7 337 ,9 230 337.7 335 .7 500 337.3 340 .0 649 337.2 342.2 703 343.4 342.5 814 342.2 337.6 917 337 .7 337 .6 1122 337.6 338 .8 1'3'57 340.6 342.1 1 '72•\ 339.8 33"1 .1 1972 329.3 330 .9 2291 '334.4 339 .6 2502 336.5 33S .3 2&61 334.6 342.8 2.'762 S40 167'5 51'5 333 .2 17 331.4 333.9 195 333.6 33'3.8 435 335.3 3 ... H .8 563 343. 1 338.0 745 337 .2 336.4 9 85 336.4 334.2 ~~-.,. t;; • .!);.J 334.2 343.4 1:-)83 342.(7 340.7 1623 339.9 338.1 1750 341 .4 341 .8 2040· 340.7 340 .5 2227 341.7 -4 - 1839 2425 2905 3056 32?1 3491 3729 3974 4070 00 40 180 334 423 901 1130 1802 1898 2062 2260 2397 2b46 2890 3392 3472 3749 3934 4077 .. 227 00 43 255 530 658 772 831 952 1172 1396 1830 2022 2324 2521 2711 00 4a 245 466 cOS 785 1035 1200 1402 16~2 1756 2101 2239 335.3 336.1 33S.o 331 .a 332 .0 330.6 33'7. 1 334.1 334.1 00 334.3 333.2 336.8 339.8 3'So.l:a 338.0 335.'7 335.3 333.(;, 335.4 338.4 337.8 339.2 337.8 33'3. 4 330.3 330.8 337,4 33!5. a 00 335,3 337 .6 340.9 337 .4 343.1 341.1 337.8 3~7.7 341.4 338.3 329 .1 335.9 335.(:, 334.8 00 333.4 333.4 336.3 341.4 " 336.6 336.6 337.4 342.3 lJ6.4 '341.8 :539 . ~, 341.7 I 354 ~ ~~·:: ... 272•~ 2993 ~ 308-6,9' f 3305 I .. ·,· 354:~ 37SIJ , 399.0 '9 ' 4697 I 9 ' 003 I 43 I 1927 2118: 2297_ 2425 2657 29'1 7~ 339'5"' 3559 3799? 3959 • .. 159 423a; 00 90 324 559 665 792 832 987 1227 1419 180.7 20o9 2382 256 "1 - 27'31 DO • 68 29$ 481 6'41 "~ 835 1095 1310 - l·~i ~ 16'73 1757 2134 224? I ! I I IGR 341.6 ~-3~lb.4 lg: ~i;:: GR 343.2 ... GR 342.1 1~: ~;~:: X1 2.2 MJGit 345.1 W GR 328.9 GR 329.3 m&R 342,7 ~-tR 34·2 .1 GR 345,5 GR 34·0 .6 rz1GR 344 .5 IDleR 342.9 GR '343.2 !IIGR 343,5 lljGR 3·43. 9 GR 339.7 GR 345.9 mGR 343.9 GR 341 .6 ~~ 343.4 m:: ;:~ :g Xt ~.3 ra:: ~~~:: CR 339.4 J;R 342 .6 tlr.rc 342.2 11GR 340.7 r.A 344.2 o~= ;:~:: GR 346.4 CR 347 ,3 I 'GR 344.4 GR 344.4 GR 344 .5 mg: ~:! :~ GR 345.0 m~: ~:~:~ GR 343.5 Xl 3 IGR 346 .7 -GR 330 .9 CR 3·33 .9 I .. GGRR 341.0 34S .t GR 346.~ I GR 346.7 Xt 3,1 GR 349. 1 tR 336.6 I 2251 2392 2602 282'7 2943 3035 3197 3374 95 4 134 333 4913 698 850 1027 1257 1·544 1798 1912 2016 2143 2241 2434 2601 2717 2936 3091 tOO 7 138 152 482 651 838 916 1008 1074 1409 1820 2018 2099 2344 2539 2670 2867 3142 3301 3B21 34 6 182 408 619 8113 ~!85 l307 40 12 116 341 .1 335.7 331 .6 334.2 343.5 342.0 343 .5 338.5 04 341.7 331 .3 332 .'7 343.4 342.7 345 .2 341.8 343.4 344.0 341.7 343.5 343 .5 342.8 346.0 343 .9 34"~.4 342.0 339.2 341 .0 07 342.3 329.1 342 .6 .543.6 342.7 343.5 342 .4 340,6 344.2 346 .8 346.5 344 .6 345.9 346 .2 342 2 3•l5. 9 343.6 344 . c. 346.0 344.'7 06 344.1 328 .1 334 .7 342.1 345. '1 346.5 347.4 12 344 .2 336.9 2261 2441 2652 2847 2963 3051 3259 3391) 314'9 7 182 373 552 721 926 1053 1345 1573 1828 1950 2038 2150 23-31 2447 2629 2760 2974 3110 4101 11 191 357 482 700 851 920 lu20 1098 1679 1963 2024 2105 2354 25?9 2682 2881 31'52 33311 3(135 1661 13 2.29 454 664 8BO 1246 1366 1246 l7 158 341.6 333 .2 332 .2 334 .2 341.4 341 .6 344.4 341.9 83:5 337.8 330.0 337 .0 343.~ 342.2 344 .1 341 .9 344.3 344.9 341.4 342.9 341.4 341 .6 345 .3 343.7 341.5 340.~ 340.4 341.6 945 337.7 329.6 342.4 342.2 339 .5 344.1 342.9 344 .1 344.5 345.4 344.5 344 .4 346.6 346 .7 34:3 .2 346.4 344.0 343.9 346 .() 343.2 740 340.9 330.1 338.0 342.9 346 .0 345 .7 347.~ 885 341 .1 338 .0 -5- 2276 2469 2701 2858 2968 3075 3319 3395 690 13 237 393 573 754 930 1096 1368 1637 1857 1976 2088 2178 2391 2459 2651 27B3 300() 3129 1500 16 224 395 S35 764 875 945 1036 1127 1755 1968 2029 2255 2505 2'592. 2700 2901 3180 3529 3 1?60 1550 24 273 499 677 965 1250 1406 740 30 2.00 341.'7 331 .4 331.7 335.1 340.0 342.1 342.0 345.4 1055 333 .2 328.1 341 .0 343 .3 342 .3 '343.6 343.0 344.2 343.7 341.2 343 .5 340 .3 3·42 .1 343 .7 343 .2 343 .3 336.2 341.3 343 .5 1 Ol·S 334.5 337 .3 341 .9 343.3 338 .6 344.7 341 .8 344.4 34&.6 344.5 34.2.9 344.3 344 .5 345 .7 342 .6 345.9 346.0 ::;44. J 343.4 342 .5 a so 338.Cl 331.9 339 .9 342 .5 346 .1 345.4 347 .0 860 338.7 339.0 2313 2512 2752 2887 2989 3092 3352 3399 00 49 288 413 645 '779 975 1104 1459 1722 1879 1964 2111 2204 2394 2508 2678 2861 3026 3142 00 50 268 430 570 799 896 974 1044 1155 1763 1989 2052 2292 2506 2629 2824 292& 3208 3690 3970 00 C:'> i;J .... 314 540 7~0 1016 1263 1467 00 59 2'50 337.3 330', 7 33'2 7 34t .a 341.3 344.0 339.7 345.6 00 330.1 327 .2 341 .B 342 .6 343.0 341.6 34~~ '5 343.8 341 .5 341.7 344.6 339 .7 34-3 .5 342.7 343.2 343.6 339.3 341.6 34b.b 00 331 .~ 339.1 342 .1 343.4 J3B .8 344.7 3-12' 1 344. l 347.5 34'5 .5 343 .6 342.7 344 .3 343.7 344.9 345.1 346.5 345.5 343 .2 347.4 00 334 .6 332.4 340.1 344 .5 346. l 346.7 00 3Jt..7 341 .7 23•l9 2 557 2797 2916 3009 3140 3359 3403 00 90 348 461 687 905 1014 t 162 1498 1751 1897 1986 2131 2236 2406 2562 2704 2903 3056 3149 00 94 325 456 614 81'7 915 993 1054 129-4 1714 2309 2077 2316 250? 2640 2844 2969 3278 3763 411l1 00 118 360 '576 770 109-4 1268 00 88 Z70 -·h•'S GR 343.'5 294 3·44.4 306 344.4 348 346.1 31,1 3.45. -~ 39\l .... C.R 344.5 4.21 342.4 444 341.5 475 340.8 530 l40. 4 ::;·a..-. CR 340.4 650 340.4 695 340.5 755 341.0 817 341.~ B2, GR 344.6 83& 346.1 865 346.2 889 345.2 89'7 342.9 91 : l c;R 34t.S 942 341.2 965 342.9 988 344.2 1022 343.2. 1074 G~ 34'3,9 1134 344,1 1200 345 .0 1231 345 .8 1243 349.7 1 2•\M-t X.l 3.2 42 ll 1467 970 750 950 00 00 0: . GR 350.0· 11 347.9 1'5 345.7 26 342 .8 44 342.3 t,'t/ t;R 342.5 tlJ 341.8 159 341.8 204 341.9 259 341.9 307.:-CR 3'42.4 362 344 .4 450 345 .2 493 344.7 '569 3-4:--s. 5 62.:::~ c·R 341.3 67o 340,3 723 338.9 763 338.9 797 '340.9 B2 i~ GR 343.1 939 345 .4 847 348.5 858 349 .6 939 349.9 10013 GR 349.7 1040 3'50.4 1059 350,0 1104 348.1 1107 346.4 lt ~~ CR 345.2 1121 345 .2 1152 343.8 1203 342.7 1232 34:~ .B 125 GR 344.2 1273 345 .1 1319 344.8 1370 345 .3 1415 342.8 1448 Gat 34o,3 1459 351.0 1467 I)'\} liC.t 3.3 36 09 1258 90'5 890 890 00 0() GR 352.6 9 348.7 12 347.3 18 345.1 27 342.7 6 § c·R 3 ·41. 0 105 340.5 15'5 34t .a 210 343 .4 257 344.5 273 GR 347.0 291 347.2 306 347.3 311 347.2 316 346.0 36'~ GR 34~.8 41! 344.4 446 344.S 462 344.2 500 343.9 55? GR 345,1 610 343.9 bbS 343.7 ?18 344.0 760 345.8 BO 'i GR 344.8 855 346.9 909 345.8 937 346 .7 963 345.6 1 03·'- GR 343.9 1058 345.2 1091 346.0 1136 346 .7 1166 34'7.3 116 t; GR 350.6 1258 X1 3.4 37 05 1634 113-5 450 1100 00 00 on CR 360.4 5 351.7 8 349.1 15 346 .7 22 343.8 70 r.! GR 342.8 115 342.9 tbO 344.4 210 345.1 262 346.0 344 GR 347.6 401 348.6 452 348,5 479 348.9 507 350 .0 ~38 GR 349.7 605 348.5 610 346.? 630 346.0 668 346.7 69 :; GR 348.6 716 350.1 719 350.5 856 349 .3 884 348.0 91 ~ GR 347.0 941 348.0 974 350.8 9 86 353 .1 1012 352.7 1 05•\ GR 351 .5 1059 352.6 tOoS 351.9 1076 351.4 1109 3S1 .0 111 ~ GR 350.5 1122 353.1 1147 X1 4 68 00 2722 1325 1350 1020 00 00 o{J GR 352.3 0 349.8 7 3•\7. 5 lS 347.1 40 346.7 6 '-5 CR 347 .3 BB 347.3 127 3·~i •. 4 170 346.6 21'/ 345.2 26,. 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