HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2512. ; [}{]£~~& 0 ~@£@©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL SUS!TNA HYDROELECTR-IC PRO"iECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 1114 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR§TY RESPOW~SE TO FEDERAL ENERGY F~IEGULATORY COMMISSION DATA REQtJEST OF OC~1~0BER 11, 1984 [X]ffi:l(Fa~~c::l(g@3~®©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE DAM BREAK ANALYSIS W AT ANA AND DEVIL CANYON NOVEMBER 1984 ..___ __ ALASKA POWE.R AUTHORITY _ ____, ·--.J . ,.; I i . . . ~ . . ' · ..... 1 • L FERC INQUIRY DATED OCTOBER 11, 1984 OGC PROJECT NO. 7114, ALASKA POWER AU!HORITY QUESTION Provide a breach analysis of Watana and Devi~ Canyon Dams assuming they would fail under scenarios of normal sunny day, flood and earthquake co11ditions • RESPONSE The following scenarios of hypo£hetical failures of Watana and Devil Canyon dams have been analysed. A brief description of the procedures and assumptions used in the analysis and the results of the analysis are provided. 1. Sunny day failure of Watana dam assuming no downstream <. ~tn; 2. Sunny day failure of Devil Canyon dam assuming no upstream dam; 3. Failure of Watana dam under probable maximum flood (PMF) conditions, assuming no downstream dam; 4. Failure of Devil Canyon dam under PMF conditions assuming no upstream dam; 5. Sunny day failures of \Vatana and Devil Canyo11 dams assuming that Watana dam failure triggers the failure of Devil Canyon dam; and 6. Failures of 'vatana and Devil Canyon d~ms under PMF conditions assum- ing that Watana dam failure triggers the failure of Devil Canyon dam • -1- ... l -~-.---' - r ,. l ,. l t f The above postulated scenarios have an extreme remote probability of occur- rence. The floods resulting from these hypothetical failures will create ex- treme flood conditions in the downstream river reach. Dambreak Mod'elling Procedures The National Weather Service dambreak flood forecasting model, "DAMBRK," devel- oped by Dr. D.L. Fread was selected to simulate the hypothetical dam failures. The model generates dambreak flood hydrograph based on specified geometry of the breach and the time t0 reach final shape of the breach. The generated hydrograph is routed downstream using a dynamic flood routing program which solves the Saint-Venant flow equations by implicit finite difference tech- nique. Initial Conditions The following conditions were assumed at the beginning of the failure of the dams: 1. Watana Sunny Day Failure: The reservoir was at normal pool elevation of 2185 feet above mean sea level (ft, msl) with about 31,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) passing through the cone valves and turbines; 2. Devil Canyon Sunny Day Failure: The reservoir was at normal pool elevation of 145~ ft, msl with about 31,600 cfs passing through the cone valves and turbines; 3. Watana PMF Failure: The reservoir was at the maximum pool elevation of 2199.~1 ft, msl when the inflow was about 326,000 cfs; 4. Devil Canyon PMF Failure: The reservoir was at the maximum poo1. elevation of 1463.5 ft, msl when the PMF inflow was about 345,000 cfs. -2- r· ,._._-.-.-..::::_·--- ' ' \l · ... ... v i s. lfatana-Devil Canyon Sunny Day Failure: Watana dam was assumed to fail under the conditions assumed in (1) above. The failure of Devil Canyon dam was initiated 1:o1hen the dam was overtopped by 3 feet of water; 6. Watana-Devil Canyon P11F Failurt..': Watana was assumed to fail under the conditions assumed in (3) ab0ve. The failure of Devil Canyon was initiated when the dam was overtopped by 3 feet of water. Breach Dimensions and Time of Failure The "DAl1BRKn model requires the final 'bottom width, bottom elevation and side slopes of the breach to be specified. For Watana dam, natural channel width (about 460 feet) a, , elevation (about 1460 ft, msl), and side slopes of one horizontal to one vertical were assuned. This amounts to about 44 million cubic yards of material to be eroded. The peaks of dambreak flood hydrographs at the damsite and at cross secti0ns some distance downstream from the dam are sensitive to the time of failure. Further downstream, the total volume released controls the peaks because of channel storage effects. No definite criteria are available to select the time of breach. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CORPS) recommends a time of failure of 0.5 to 4.0 hours (Flood Emergency Plans, Guidelines for Corps Dams, Hydrologic Engiueering Center, June 1980) without reference to amount of material eroded during the failure. A recent paper (Breaching Characteristics of Dam Failures by T.C. MacDonald and Jennifer Langridge-Monopolis, Attachment A) published in ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 5, May 1984, provides data on breach characteristics of some historic failures of dams. The largest dam reported in the paper is the Teton dam. About 4 million cubic yards of material was eroded in about 6-hour period. From Figure 2 of the paper (Attachment A), the breach development time for Watana ~·las above 10 hours assuming that about 44 million cubic yards of material would be removed. Therefore, a time of failure of 10 hours \V'as selected for Watana. A -3- ·r ; f l. · ... . ' .. ~ . L lc .. .. ' ' sensitivity analysis was made using 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours as times of failure. Results of the analysis indicated that river stages at locations nera Talkeetna and Sunshine (see Exhibit 1) would be about 3 feet lower for 10 hours than for 4 hours. The selected 10-hour time of failure for Watana is considered to be conserva- tive because Figure 2 of Attachment A provides time for earthfill dams. A rockfill dam will take longer time to erode. Secondly, in the case of Teton dam, about 4 million cubic yard of material, about 1/10 of the volume of· the material assumed to be eroded during failure of Watana was eroded in 6-hour period. By this proportion, the time of failure for Watana should be much longer than 10 hours. For Devil Canyon, the arch dam was assumed to breach in 0.5 hours. The breach width was assumed to be the entire dam width. Tne side slopes of the valley wall were assumed to be the side slopes of the breach. consistent with the CORPS guidelines. Intervening Flows These assumptions are For sunny day failure cases, the intervening flows betweeil the Wata.na and Devil Canyon dam sites, and between the Devil Canyon and Gold Creek were estimated based on maximum mean monthly intervening flow between Cantwell and C~ld Creek stream gaging stations. The intervening flows for the river reach between Gold Creek and Cook Inlet were estimated using maximum mean monthly intervening flow between Gold Creek and Susitna Station gages. In case of Pl1F failure, 50-year flood peaks were estimated for the intervening areas between the dam site(s) and Gold Creek, between Gold Creek and upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna, between the confluence and Sunshine, and between Sunshine and Susitna stations (~ee Exhibit 1 for locations). -4- l·---- 1 - ' d \' i 0 r l i . f L L The above estimated flows were added, at appropriate loc~tions, to the floods resulting from the failures. Channel Geometric Data For. dynamic routing of flood waves using the "DAUBRK'' model, river cross sec- tions each defined by 8 elevations and corresponding valley widths, are requir- ed. Seventy-one river cross sections, shown on Exhibit 2, were used in the analysis. Tne cross sections Nos. 1 to 62 were surveyed by R&M Consultants Inc., during 1981 and 1982 up to river banks. The overbank profiles of these cross sections were estimated from U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps of 1:63,360 scale with 100 foot or 50 foot contour interva.l. 'TI1e cross sections Nos. 63 to 71 were estimated from the topographic maps. Results and Conclusion Table 1 shows a summary of the results of the hypothetical dams failure analysis~ The maximum river stages and discharges are shown both for failure and non-failure cases at the selected locations. The times to maximum stages since failure also are given. The analysis indicates that at Talkeetna: 1. The hypothetical failures of the Watana dam under sunny day and PMF condition would respectively produce maximum flood stages which are about 66 and 57 feet higher than those under non-failure cases. 2. The hypothetical failures of the Devil Canyon dam under sunny day and PMF conditions would respectively produce maximum stages which are about 35 and 24 feet higher than those under non-failure conditions. 3. The hypothetical fc...:.-~res of the Watana-Devil Canyon under sunny day and PHF conditions would respectively produce maximum stages which -5- I ; I . ~ ~ \ '.· ,, ' ~ ·-' t ·l l I f r ' l f . t I t ~ ;1 l .. .. ·., · ..... . . ' ] ·n s c are about 63 and 58 feet higher than those under non-failure conditions. Below Talkeetna, the flood wave would be significantly attenuated in magnitude because of channel storage. Table 1 indicates that at Susitna Station (Exhibit 1), the maximum river stages for Watana -Devil Canyon sunny day and .PMF failure cases are about 47 and 36 feet respectively higher than those under non-failure co:1di tions. Exhibits 3 through 38 show the discharge hydrographs for various failure cases at Gold Creek, Curry, Talkeetna, Sunshine, Susitna Station and Alexander (Exhibit 1). The exhibits also show river stages. -6- .. T····· - T''-- 1 r . Jl .. . 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' l -~ 1 I -I~ Exhibit 4 ' I I I IJISCHARGE HYDKUGRAPH FOI-\ SUSJTf\A R 1 v E ~~ SlATlON NUMBER 8 l • • • I _,~ BFLUW l)f:Vll CANYllh Al ~~:I L E 1.17,60 I I i GAGE ZERO -670.00 MAX ELE:.VAT!L.JI'J HE ACHED BY FLUOD WAVE b67.lb f J -,_ l FLOUD Sl~GF.. f'IIOT AVA!LAdLE f l 1 1 1-il A X STAGE = 197.1o AT T I flj f ; 1. 22 HOURS r.1 A X FlflW -1312U42~ Al T l~'E -1.07 HOURS --I I I' HR STAGE FL('Y~ 0 ~UuOUOl' 10000000 15000000 200o00UU 25000lJ00 -. j o.o 48,6 345000 I* 1 I I 1 I -Q.(.;! 4~.9 ~463lu I"' l I I I l I c j -I~ 0.4 49.3 3462bQ I* I I 1 1 I ' 016 53.6 567796 I* I I I 1 1 f 0.8 104.1 5929554 I I * 1 ] I I t 1,0 180,4 1275~041 1 T I * 1 I I I I -r I '·. 2 197,1 12611155 I I I ~ 1 I I I I. 114 1 a • 4 10399111 l l r * I I 1 ! # .t I ! 1,6 177,7 796q934 I I * I 1 1 I I -J~ 1.8 162.3 603b386 I I * I l I I l 2.0 147.4 461()255 J *1 I 1 1 I •• 2.2 134.8 3580655 1 * I I 1 I I . j ~~ 2.4 123.0 2832008 I * NOTE: f 2.6 112.6 227lb43 I * STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 670.0 I l -~ 2.8 l03.o 184~464 I * I DISCHARGE IN I t l~ CFS 1 3.0 95.7 15~09'18 I * I 1 \ J. 3.2 o8.8 1273633 I * I I I I I I I ! 3.4 82,9 1085519 I * I I 1 I I 3.6 77,9 942b87 1 * I I I I 1 -t 3.8 73.8 835173 I 1t I 1 I I 1 4,0 7U.~ 747686 T* I I I I 1 1 4.2 o7.2 677096 I* I I 1 I 1 4.4 64,6 621517 I* J I 1 I I I -t 4.6 62.4 578297 l* I I I I 1 I 4.8 60.6 545326 1* J J l I I r s.o 59 .. 2 520786 1* I 1 I I I l _Jl 5.2 ~8.0 ~U~H38 I* I I I I 1 5.4 57,2 490016 I* I I 1 I I I I 5.6 56.6 Lll::\1148 I* I 1 1 I I I ! -fi 5.8 56.1 475188 I* I 1 1 I I l 6.0 55.~ ~71351 1* I I I I ~ 1 l 6.2 55.6 46'1054 l* I 1 1 I 1 I 6.4 55.5 4o7b29 I* I I I I I I -r b.b 55.4 467337 1* I I I I 1 6 .• 8 55.3 46734H I* I I I I I l j 7.{) 55,3 4o7b79 I* 1 I r I 1 l I 55.3 .~ r 7.2 4oe214 I* J I DEVIL CANYON DAf·1 I ! 7.4 55.4 46~869 I* 1 I I '"'1 'l -t ----~· .. - I 7.6 5S,4 469310 I* I J 7.8 55.4 471560 PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I I* I -r--8.0 55.4 4o7300 I~ I I ! ), 8,2 55.1 LJ5782o I* I AT RM 136.4 NEAR GOLD CREEK 8.4 54.7 4~5cH 7 --~ j I* 1 1 J 1 1 -J;~ e .• b 5£4.2 433~62 I* I I J 1 I (- ~ I 8.8 53.7 422312 I* ] I I I J l 9.0 53.1 412672 I* J I I I I I ~ I _[' 9.2 52,7 404695 I* I I ] 1 I I I q,4 52.3 39~313 I* I 1 I I I I ( ' .;l r-r·--~~ .............. ~ .. ·----~---· ~ ... .,-.... ~·····-·::-............. -... t" ~ f j l ! ~·I I I I ! 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Exhibit 5 DISCHARGE HYORflGRAPH FOR SUSITNA R1VE"R ••• STATION Ntll.JiRER BELOW OU~lNO FAILURE Al MILE 47.o0 GAGE ZERO: 670.00 MAX ELEVAl!ON R~~ChE0 ~y FLOUD WAVE : 907.80 FLOPD STAGE NOT AVAILAKLE -----------------~--~--~-~--~~~~~~----~~~~-----------------------MAX SlA~E = 237.80 AT TIME : 11.22 HOURS r.t A X F L U w = 1 8 1 1 9 3 53 A T T I t·1 E : 1 1 • o 5 H 0 U R S ----- H R S "fAG E F L 0 ~'II 0 :, 0 0 0 (t 0 0 1 0 0 0 \) u 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----=.3-.__,0--~-9-.-=2,.----__,...!1._4:-;:9:-:-o::-::8::-::9:--::-::I:--*-----=I------"-'----=-I-----I 3.5 49.2 iOQ71o I* I 1 l 4.0 4~.3 351719 I* 1 I I 4.5 ~3.6 ~59141 T* I 1 1 5.0 197v4 l405dd42 J I I * I 5.5 ]QO.S 99743R5 I 1 * J b.O lo3.5 oh04oo0 1 I * I I 6.5 152.7 ~938669 J I * I 1 7.0 157.5 b8U8bH9 ] l * l 7.5 169.7 B35LJb6M 1 I * I 1 R.O lb3.1 1017178~ I I * I 8.5 196.2 12U717o2 I I I * l 9.0 2uh.l 13848734 I I I * I 9.5 218.2 15404043 1 I I i* Io.o 22b.B 1o752u94 1 1 I 1 10.5 233.5 177152~1 I I I 1 11.0 ~37.2 18110021 I I I 1 11.5 237.1 17746263 I I I I 2uOOOOuO I I * I I 1 1 I I I l 1 1 J * 1 * I * I 12.o ?32.6 16645064 I I I I * I I 12.5 224.2 15013791 I I I * 13.o 213.0 13119065 1 1 I * I - 13.5 200ol 11194ti89 I I I * I I 14.0 1d6.9 9437499 1 t *I I lLJ.S 173.9 7666990 1 I * I I I 15.0 1~1.2 6440448 1 I * I I 1 2~00000 15.5 149.2 5292415 1 I* I I I ------·17b-.~u--~1~3~o~.~s--~4~3~b~s~s~u~i--~I~------~*~I~------~r~------~l~--------~I--------~~ I 16.5 127.9 3547747 I ·* I I 1 1 J' 17.0 115.4 2o78o0~ I * I I I --------,1.-------., 1 17.5 lOl.Q 1913541 1 * I I I 1 J l ia.o d~.o 13494o4 I 18.5 77.5 948005 I * * -----~~~9-.~a--~6~e-.~I--~o~&~9~3-2~1----1~----- 19.5 oO.b 52B9b4 I* 20.0 55.7 436/04 I 20.5 52.H 3~8674 I* NOTE: 1 l I J I STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 670.0 1 I DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 ~ l I l 1 -1z 22.o 50.1 3o3951 I* 1 1 1 I I .11 22.5 49.4 3bOH7tj I* I I I I 1. 10 -----.2-r3-."""o---;"!4...,.,CJ,.--• ..,..,8-----y3 5 q I 58 I* I 1 I I ! 1 \ .. · _ 9 2.3 • 5 4 q • 7 3 5 ~ 1 7 S J * I I I 1 1 .. -a a ----r2 arr-.-ro.----arnq~ • ..,,-~31""'1::5~7 -r':'"'5 ~20:-r---......... t-=-* ---WATANA - D EV I L CANYON DA~lS ---- 1 : 7 24.5 49.ao 357064 I* ---------.. 1 _ s------,2~s-.~o--~4~9r.~6---,3~~~6~,~~~4---I~*~--------t 1 s 25.5 LJ9.6 356453 I* Pf~F FAILURE HYDROGRAPH 1 l·· 4 ----;;,-z'"r:6-.no---rr4nq-o-=o----:r3-e5-r:-6"""'~2-:"':'u"'T3--_...,.,--------------.. -· _ 3 26.5 49.6 355973 I* AT RM 136.4 NEAR GOLD CREEK 1 I -t ----'72~7-.-rru---..~"'C]9-.~o----:r3~s~s~7~s~u---l~*~---r · --·r -·~-. r ~ ........ ...... ,, .. / I I ! I . I I j I 'il' ! -l, I " I I 1 I ..., j , . .""' l J-------------~------------------------------------------------------E_x_h_i_b_i_t __ 6 ______ ___ OISCrlARGE HYD~OGRAPH F0~ SUSI1~4 kiV~P ••• SlAlltlN ~UMB~~ 25 SELO~ ~ATANP OAM Al ~llE q7.60 GAGE-ZE~(J : b]O.Oo 9vU.24 tr -------------------E..-I._jto.l.llf..,.l ;...,) _S~l ~4 .~,;a,I;.~,;.F__...f\;;.:_jf't._.T----e:A~V~A:...~I..,.l"""'A:....~~I-.~F _ _,_ _____________ _ 1.~ ,J, A X S 1 /~ G f : 2 3 \) .. 2 r4 A T T 1 f··'l t : 1 1 • '' ll H 0 U k S •": A J.. F u i w = 1 h 9 q s b b e to. r 1 1 i-'~ E ::: 1 o • ~ v H n u t< s r-1 ':> 0 0 0 \) IJ 0 25000UU(J i I ~ -----~-~~~~----~~--~~----~----~~~----------------HR ST Al:.~E F LUI-.: v soououo lOOOOOUu 20vuuuuu 0 16.2 315o0 * I I 1 1 ] 1 16 3 .31>-\jl * I ---J --· 1 I 1 2 16.3 31<}67 * NOTE: STAGE IN FT~ MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 670.0 3 16.3 3l~d3 * Q lb.3 31'-lvu * 1 I DISCHARGE IN CFS 5 lb.,S .3.32b3 ~it J l 0 72.9 14':>S'1~U 1 * J 1 I l 1 t 7 145.0 541t\t\42 I 1 * I 1 I I 8 1~1.7"10VQ564U 1 I * I I I r-* I 4 207.'-1 13t',lj45':)~ r I I I I 10 225.2 1o472173 l I I I * I j ; ------~---=~~~~~~~~~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~~--- 1 1 230.2 1b7797lb I l 1 J "* I l 12 218 .. 8 14319~21 I I I *I I l 13 197.0 tvt)tt7t\44 1 I I * r 1 I 14 172.5 7768249 I 1 * I 1 I 1 15 149.5 5.S57U35 I J * I J l 1 lb 12"1.0 3682}j52 I * 1 l J ] 1 17 112.3 2b16Ll04 I * I 1 ] I l 1_ lti 99.1 L92.$u41 I * I I I I 1 19 8R .. l 143936~ I * 1 1 I 1 1 20 79.0 1100711 I * I 1 J I 1 21 71. 1 85u~71 1 * I 1 I I I 22 64.0 b5bbt!5 1* 1 1 I I 1 23 57.o 509977 I* I I 1 I J 24 52.1 £101913 I* I 1 1 l J T 25 47.5 32278'4 I* I 1 1 1 .I 26 43.6 2o5737 l* 1 1 1 I 1 i·------~~----~~--~~~~~--------~---------~~--------~--------~--------~---- 1 p ,.. 27 28 40.5 38.0 22:4710 * 194Q3b * I I I I 1 I I I I 1 29 3o.O 173002 * J I J J I 30 34.4 156345 1 I J•------~----~~--~~~~------------~--------~--------~--------~--------~~--- * 1 ] l 31 33.1 143076 * I I 1 I I 32 32.0 132023 * I I l 33 30 .. 9 122545 * I 1 'WATANA DArv1 l 30.0 114289 * I ! t l /:· I ! I, l l r l 34 I I SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH 35 29.2 107203 * l 1 -I 3o 2d.4 100773 * I 37 27.6 9::,033 * I AT RM 136.4 NEAR GOLD CREEK 38 2b.9 b993o * I I J I I .... -·-~:---~.;.....;..-:::----:--=-:::~;...._~------;..------::------------~---------......__ 39 26.3 6550b * I 1 I I J 40 25.7 b177a * I 1 I I I L l l I -·-=---------------------------------- ! l I '~ .... ,~-·~-~~··-~--~:-.-·.·:---.·-.-:·---. -·--.·-.·-· .. ----··· ·. , .. ··.····-· ···--·' .. , .. ----·--. () .JJi'MIIMiMel~--~liJII.If ftt\,70 . r,, I I I 1 ! I ! l I I r I I I I I l c I li fl------------------------------------------------------------~------E_x_h_i_b_i_t __ 7 ________ _ DISCHARGE HYIJKOGRAPH FU~ SUSJlNA HI VER ••• STA110N NUr-tiREF-1 8 li----------------------~-:E_.L_C_lv_~ _____ o_E_V_I_L __ C_A_N_Y_o_N _______ A_T __ M __ IL_E ______ 4_7_._b_O ________________ __ GAGE ZEHU : b7U.Uu MA~ ELEVAT!Cl~ REACHED ~y fLOOD WAVE = ~62.64 FLUUD SlA~E ~OT A~AILAkLE M A X S T A G E = 1 q 2 • 6 9 A T l I r•, E -· 1 • 2 1 H U U R S ~AX FLOw: 12464193 AT liME: 1.04 HOU~S t H R s 1 AGE F L P ~~~ __ o __ ~s_o_;;..o_o_;;..o_o...;..o __ ....;;;;l'-"o;....;::o'-'o'-o'-'o'-o'--o"--_l;;;;_~;;;,....l.:.....h.:.....> _n """"o ,.;.._;;;o o r; o u o o o o u 2 sou o o u o !L1 0 • 0 S 4 .. 3 4 7 4 1 7 S l * I I I I 7 r~, r-. ------=~:...::~:=--___..;~:::...-~...;...:_: 7..:...~ _--.::;.~..:..~~;~~·;=..:::~--=~~:-----!'-------.... ~ ----~ ....... ~------._~ ____ ____,.,_~-t ----~o-= • ....:;8~--:l_;;O:....;;L!:;:._:.=-:7::----j-7=:-:-1 ...:...b .::....1 ..:...b -0--=I--------~I'--*---------=-I ------~1------------~:!:-.--------~1-t 1.0 177.1 12159013 1 I I· * I I I e c· i:~ ;:~:-~, 1 ~~~~~~~ i ~ *i * i i i r ------~1~.~6--1~7~2~.~4---~7~3~3~2~6~3~o---~I~--------I~-----*----~I--------~I----------=I--------~l~ f ~~-·-----=l~s-=-d---:;1-=-~-:::7....:;•-:-:2--=-C.,:-=:5~1-::0~4.....::3.....:.8_.....:.1:...._ ____ __:1:._* ____ _:I=-------'J=-------=-I ------=-1 tt L 2.u 142.8 4189110 1 * I I I 1 1 . 2.2 130.2 329709~ I * I I I I I 1 2 • 4 11 9 • 3 2 6 7 1 0 9 2 I * NOTE TA., ~----~2~·~6 __ 1_1~0_.~1-~2?1_5~b~q-O __ ~I ___ * ____ r-~S-~WTI,~-~WSU~+670.0 r·. 2 9 102.4 1869611 I * 1 DISCHARGE IN CF 1 I 3:0 95.9 1ou7149 I * 1 S I I I. r·l_ 3.2 90.4 14108o8 I * I I I I 1 . 3.4 85.9 1265232 I * I 1 1 I 1 ----~~---~~-~=-~~~-----~~------=-----~------~----_.....::---3.6 82.2 1159733 I * I I I 1 I 3.8 79.3 1069b31 J * I 1 I I I 4.0 76.5 985583 I * I I 1 I I 4.2 74.0 912181 I * I I I I 1 tr •-' , ________ _ 4.4 71.8 851395 1 * 1 I I I 1 f~------~4_._o ____ 6_Q_.8~-=8_U_2~7~9_1_~1--* _____ ~I~----~I _______ __;;I~-------I~---~--.....::l ___ Ju~ 4.8 6H.2 7b49b8 I * I I 1 I I 5.0 o6.9 736116 I* I I I I I ~· 5.2 b5.8 714421 I* I I 1 I I JJ! ____ --=S=-._4_ 1,)~. 0 6Q8341 I* I I I I I 5.6 64.4 686568 1* I I I I 1 5.8 63.9 678021 I* 1 I I I 1 b.O 63.6 671864 I* I I I I . 1 6.2 o3.3 667458 I* I I I I I 6.4 63.1 664322 I* I I I I I t!'! ------:-6_.-::-6~---::-6-:::3...::.•-::::U--~6_6...::;2:...:0::-::q::-:q:---:l:-*------::-l ___ I 1 I I b.B 62.9 6o0530 I* I I I I I 1.0 62.~ 659426 I* I I ! I I ~ ~~~7~.~2--~6~2~.~~~~6~5~~6~~s~l~I~*~~~~~~~~-I DEVIL CANYON DAM 1 !r -----=7~._4 __ 6-:2:.-.--:7=---6~5~8 =1· -.-1 ~1-~I-*-----~I~--I 1 7.o b2.7 657703 I* 1 ,,, · 7.8 62.7 o585of3 I* I t 8.0 b?.b 648H8h I* 1 f.! 8.2 62.1 631245 I* I AT RM 136.4 NEAR GOLD CREEK SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH ta Bc4 o1.4 610612 I* I I I I 1 r-"' 8.6 60.7 590~97 1* I ! I ! 1 i( -------~8~~~8-~5~9:.-.~q~~s=7=2~9~7~0~I~*--------~I~--------~I---------~I--------~~~--------~I-- • :> 9.0 59.2 55830H I* I I I I 1 • 9.2 SB.b 546~6~ I* I I I I I It· 9.4 58.1 537415 I* I I I 1 I ~. -----~q~_-h---r~=7'.~7.-~~~~~~~la~~~,~~~l*---------~T-------~T~------~T-------~T~------- .. ,. --f.• .. - ..... ........,,.. I ' ,., ,, r r Exhibit 8 ta DISCH/.I~GF H 1 U ti :"t G ~ 1\ 1-l h F {IIi SLI~>J T I" A H!VER • • • S TAl I 111~ Nllr-,BFk' d 11 •\':lli•v I} OM T hi L• FAlLUr<E. 111 rvlLE t.~7.60 • GAGE /.F.HlJ = h 7 v. tJ u I•', A X E:.lc VAT J Ot\1 HEACHf·l' nY FLIIU{) wAVE = c:.csd:.cb rr f-LDUO ~n AGE 1\1 u 1 AVAILA.~LE ,,,A X AlAhr = 212.21-1 AT 1 J1vT = l i). I..J 0 rl0Uk5 -:.• ,,, A X t-. L ~1 ~-. :: 1q05q7o6 /1. l 1 p., 1:. = 1 (I e 4b HIJUHS \ \\ '\ \\ f\ HR STAGE FL1h'i u i_:, 0 u \llltl \) ltldOOlluH 1 :::>t. I ~) {) V (J lJ 20UU000u c? ~ (I V l) V IJ 1, j\ s.o ':lb.9 514.:;ts3 I* 1 I I 1 1 :,.s 56.4 ~~1£.17~ I* 1 I I I 1 [~ 6. \) I.) 0 • '1 llJC:659Q I * T 1 J I j ./I 6.5 t:,~.o b4..$9V3~ I I * I I 1 l 7.0 2Ul.?. 127M)~U7 l I J * l I 1 r, 7.S l4U.7 11) 4 ~ 4 {I~ 7 I J 1* I I 1 -~.o lP.c:.n lf ":> 4 4 7 Lj ,. I I *I .. I l l a.~ lbS.4 9 71:...-7 1 I * I I l ~ -.5':) 9.0 lb~.~ lv/ll..S~? .. I 1 :Ill 1. 1 1 l f~ q.s lqb.l 11 h 2 2 1) ~ l~ I T T ~ l 1 J 10.0 ~\).$.0 12~<.J~..S52 1 1 1 * 1 1 J ::~-lU.~ 204.1 137..$41tH:\ 1 I J * 1 T J , 11.0 ~12o3 140~7'-/ol r 1 1 'll I I l~ 11.5 21 1. f l~o47clld I 1 I * I { 12.0 2v7.R 1 r.449Hbi~ 1 I I * J l J , 12.5 202.7 1212':>~Ci(\ I I J * I I J It 13. l) 19';.4 )0'1737311 1 I J -,It 1 J I 13.5 18bob 9746_!,1P. I I *1 j 1 I , 14.0 177.S d~3q~bl I I * J ] I J t_r 14.5 16~.<-1 75:J9711 I I 'fr I I I 15.0 1 td. 7 o74C1~'44 I 1 * I I I l , 1~.5 l~Lt.7 ou~C\bC.S 1 I * J 1 1 ) t\ 16.0 147.3 ':)300~5.~ I J * 1 1 I J 16.5 l:S9.7 460~1S7 1 'It I 1 1 1 j 17.() 131.7 3941522 I * 1 1 .r 1 J 17.5 lc:'3.3 331~~c:l9 I * I 1 I 1 I J ,~, ·-18.0 114.4 27 2 t~lj~ q 1 * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 670.0 j 18.5 1lJ5.c 21b2907 I "({ 19.0 q ~). 1 looo7t:s!J I * l I 19.5 bLI .• o 122H3eS I * 1 I DISCHARGE IN CFS t( -, J 20.0 75.14 4!J02714 1 * I 1 J .. f" 20.5 64.1 772212 I * 1 1 J I 21.0 b~.l ohP.755 I* I I I T .l ~ ,_, 21.~ 62.4 64b~';>/ 1* 1 1 1 1 22.0 b 1 • t\ oC:o6b9 I* J I J 1 22.5 ol.2 bl6v2Li. J * 1 1 J I l .~ 23e0 c0.4 6'J4oLJ2 T* i J 1 I .r 2,3.5 60.6 bv504K 1* ] j 1 I 12 24.0 0 (J • ':> b 11 LS c 1.1 l * J J I I , 11 24.5 oU • ..S :,q7Bhb I* I I ] I L 10 25.0 bOo2 ~~4oll·~ I* 1 WATANA DEVIL CANYON DAMS 25.5 54l41.Jl -9 bu. lJ 1* I ~ . ____ ..,...,._,.. ...... +• 8 26.0 ~9.0 ~bbjlllj 1 * SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH (•-7 26.5 ':>Yoti ~oS.!IL.Jo J ~ r~ t 6 27.0 ':>9 .. 6 5ti2494 1* " 5 27.5 5<;J.5 579o4? r~ AT RM 136.4 NEAR GOLD CREEK !l 4 2~.0 5t.J.4 57oct~2 l 'A I 1 -,- t; 3 28.5 S9.~ S7L4199 I* 1 ] 1 I ~ 1-----~-----.-·-·· ~ .. , ·~ ... ~ .. ~ ....... -~· .. .-..,---~~-=-------~::~l •' ;~' -_dll'ff.P!Jfii I AI b lit.l!tBatU\tU•I•J 7 l 'h• ( ! 'I' ~~ ~r.--------------------------·---------- -, j Exhibit 9 1 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 DISCHARGE HYD~OGRAPH FOR SUSITNA RIVER ••• STATION NUMBER 40 I r:l _____________________ s_E_L_L_'_w ______ w_A_T_A_N_A __ D_A_M ________ A_T __ ~_I_L_E~--6-3--.3-4--~--~~--~---- l G A G E Z E R 0 = 5 0 7 • u U M A X E L E v A T I 0 I~ k E ACHE D tj Y F L U U D W A V E = 7 9 4 • 4 6 r FlU 0 D STAG F.: N 01 A \1 A I LA B,;::::.L..:;.E __ ~-~---~---------11 ~AX STAGE : 287.46 AT TIM~ : 11.50 HOURS MAX FLflw : 17398611 AT Tlf.IIE = 11.50 Hl.JURS --------------------~~~~--------~~--~--~~~----~----~~-------------- 1 (,1 HR STAGE FLOW u 5UU0000 lOOOOOOu l~OOUOOO 2000000u 25000000 I ------~~--~~;~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~i-=--------~i--~--~~~--------~i~~------i--------~i--- 1 1."' ~ ~:: ~ ~~~~~~ i: NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 507.0 i I -----~4~--~5~6~.~0~~3~b-b~l~l~R--~I-*--------~I-------~~----~ DISC~~WCFS ~~~ II (' ; ~~:~ ~~i~~~ 1 i: i i 1 I 1 i 7 lOl.o 2169495 * I I I I ' I 8 172.2 62901~3 I 1 * I I I 1 ' ~~ q 2 t!. 7. 3 1 0 9 6 5 ~ b 4 I l J * I I I l ~ 10 264.7 l4938v7~ 1 I I * I 1 ',~! 11 284.7 17247203 I l I l * I I I 12 285.3 lb8274~4 I I I I * I I I l" 1 3 2 7 Q • 0 l q 3 2 0 0 4 b I I I * 1 I I ' r 14 247.2 11324376 1 I 1 * I 1 I :. ~ 1 5 2 2 1 • 7 B b 0 8 2 4 7 I I * I I 1 I 1 r, ~; !;~:~ ~~~~~~~ i *i * i i i i ----18 150.9 3530150 I * I I I I I 19 133.4 26673~5 I * I I I I I t.l 20 118.6 2054237 1 * T I 1 I l 21 1Ub.2 1606~15 I * 1 I I I I 22 95.9 1273222 I * I I 1 I I l 1 1 ______ ~2~3~--~d~7~·~1 ___ 1~0~3~1~6~o~2--~I-c*------~1 ________ ~I ________ ~I~------~I~------~l __ _ l 24 79.6 848~20 I * I 1 1 I I 25 73.5 713689 1* I I I I I ------~----~~~--~~~~~------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--11 2o o8.6 614521 I* I 1 I I I 11.~--~?.~,7~---o~4~·~9----..Sn4n5~34~0~~I~*~------~I ________ ~I ______ ~~I ________ ~I ________ ~l~- 28 b2.4 499b~8 I* I 1 l I I 29 60.7 471462 I* I I 1 I 1 30 59.7 455113 I* l I I I .. ·1 31 59c1 446207 I* I I I I I 32 58.8 441596 I* I 1 I I 1 H,,---------:3~3;:-----;:So-;8=--·-:-7--~4:-::::3:-:-:9~3-:-:0-:::;0;----=I-:-*--------=-I ------I J I I t 34 58.6 4381~7 I* I I 35 58.6 437b5H 1* I WATANA DAM I ------=--:------;:::;-~-:---~~:-:::----:::-:--------=--------------·--' "·• " ---··----· l ,1··~----·~3~6~--~5~b~·~b--~~~3~7~4~1~0--~I~*--------~I--------I .-37 5t3.5 437295 I* I Pfv1F FAILURE HYDROGRP,PH 1 , 3tj 58.,5 4372'42 I* I I 11 • 3 9 58 • 5 4 3 7 2 1 8 1 * I AT RM 12 0 " 7 NEAR CURRY I r .--. -------:4,-,:0:------,.~-.~-.-s~---,4-..$-=7"""'2'""""v-o---=I...,..*--------=-J ------I I f~.-. I ; . t ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f I (, I , I t I . ~,-I " 1 l l J I I ol 2 '1 r~ DISCHARGE HY).LRfH7hA.Ph FO~ SuSITtvA HIVF~ dELON DEVIL CANYllf•J Al ;,.,._. • • • S 'f A 1 U Jl,, r~~ l J l'' k E f'J h:.).34 23 GAG t: l E R U : ~ U I • ll v 1"'1 A X E L E. V A 1 I 0 N k E A C H F 0 rl Y F L i I D 1: w l.l V t = b b .3 • 1 7 f'-r00!.' SlA.GE I'J01 AV~JLAI::!lt r., A X S T A b t. : 1 7 b , 1 7 A T r I !'-~ E : C. .. 2 7 H U I) 1-< S <v, A X F L 0 ;v : b o A 5 7 2 0 • A T r l ""IE : 1 • 9 2 11 U U R S f 'l ~ H R S 1 A (., t. F l 0 v~ l.J 0,00 5~.4 3o7:~H.I(J I* 2000()(lt} I 1 4000000 1 I bllVLHJflU 8llUIJ0l)0 lUUlJUO(HJ ,...;;;;...,;..~--~~~~~~~~~--- } l I 0,2~5~~5~~~-~4~~3~7~6~0~1~7--~I~*------I I I [ -1· 0,50 ~5.~ 376dbt I * __ -.:;..0.=-'..;_7 .:::..5 _--=:;..~~:,-=-·-4 _ __::;.3 ...;..7 ...;;;;b . ...;;;;b_4 _;_')_..::..I_* ____ . NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN_S_T~GE + 507.0 1, 0 u ~5 ,ti 57 b'-Jb2 I 11: I I DISCHARGE IN CFS I 1.25 5';,,b 393':>32 I * I I I lcSO '-12,2 C.4!Jvo9:, I r * 1 J I 1 1.75 1~3.~ 6~~~U5b I 1 1 J* I 1 2.UU 170,9 ~~b3J13 1 1 1 l * I 1 f,'11 . 2.25 l7b,l 5979717 1 I I * I J -~-=~~~~~-~~~~~-----~-------~~------------------~---------~--2.50 174,0 ~43Ulu~ I I I * l l l 2.7~ 164.1 ~b44477 1 I I * 1 I 1 ~.oo 1e2.~ 42b2n34 I r I* I I 1 U----~3~·~2~5--~1~~~6~·~2~~!J~7~o~l~4~u~O--~I ________ ~I~-------*~I~------~~~---------l~--------·l~--- 3.~0 149.3 33S9S97 I I * 1 I 1 1 3.75 142.4 2957267 l I * I I 1 1 4.00 135,H 2629236 1 1 * I I l l 4.2~ 129,4 2342901 I I * l I I 1 . I 4.50 123.3 2u44237 I * J I 1 1 'r----~4~·~7~s--~t_1~7~·~e--~1~_7~7~4~3~u--~I~-------*~I~------~J ________ ~J ________ ~r ________ ~I ____ .,1 5. 0 0 1 12. 2 16 8 b {J ~ 1 I * I I J 1 J. ~.25 107.1 1522122 l * 1 I 1 1 I q 5.50 102.4 137449t\ I * J 1 l J 1 J(~--~5~·~7~5--~9~~~-~0--~1~2~4~4~4~0~5~~~~· -----*--~I~------~1~------~J~--------~r--------~~---b.oo 43.9 1131357 I * I I 1 I I --~b~e~2~5~ __ 9_0~,~~--~10~3~·5~/b~U--~I----*----~I--------~I---------~l--------~l--------~1. ___ :r;-b.~u bo.o 95lo99 I * I I l I 1 t. o~7~ 83.3 878300 I * I I I I 1 l • 7,00 80.4 ~15132 I * I I J I ·7.25 77.7 7b094U I * I 1 1 T 1 7.50 75.3 714222 I * l J 1 I I 7.75 73,1 b74302 1 * 1 I 1 ~1--------~1 8.00 71.~ 640~79 I * 1 I I I I lJ He25 69,5 6123':>5 I * I I l I 1 -----78~.~5~0--~b~b~.~l--~~~~~4~U~O~O~~~~~~------~l~------~~~------~~~--------I~--------~l· 8.75 66.9 569884 I * I I J I ~• Q,OO bS.a 5S~226 I * I I ~~~~9~·~2~S~~o~s~·~v~~s~4~l~10~~~4 ~1~.~~~~~~~~~-1 DEVIL CANYON DAM 9.5u 6~.2 5 2 8 444 I *-I PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I 1 I 9.75 6j.S 5173~4 I * I o,, 1 0 • U u t) 2 • ~ ':l 0 ~ 7 o _-h __ :;_I __ * _______ !;:...__ ~ -AT RM 120.7 NEAR CURRY 9 10.25 b2.~ 494l~V I * I e----~1~o~.~s...;;;;o_ el~o ~h2624~I~*------~J~--------~l--------~I--------~~--------~~--- 7f __ 10.75 61,0 471522 1 -*------~1--------~~--------~1~------~I~------~~~. 6 11.00 60.4 ~.+oluts7 I),. I I I 1 ~ s 11.25 5Q.9 45152o I * T I I 1 I ------~~---r~~--~~~--~~-------~--------~--------~--------~--------~ 4:l 11 • 50 59. 4 4 ~ 2 q 7 1 I * I I I I 1 3 11.75 59.0 ~3~1.180 I * J I I I 1 ...... mmmliln nh 2", -terr ........ I f I I •· f.· r• 1-~· ~~ r~ e J.r, tre ,,~. t"• DISCHARGE HYD~OGRAPH FUR SUSITNA RIVER ••• BELOW DOMINO lAILURF AT MILE Exhibit 11 S T A T I 0 ~~ N lJ M BE F< 63.34 23 GAGf ZERO = 507.00 MAX ELEVATION REACHEU BY FLOOD WAVE : 794.54 FLOOP STAGE NOT AVAILARLE 1-1 A X S T AI;;; F: = 2 8 "7 • ~ ~ A T TtM E --= MAX FLO~ : 17408562 Al TIME : 11.7q HOURS 11.79 HOURS _, __ H;...:..:.R...;.__--=S:;....:T....:..AGs FLOW 0 5000000 10000000 15000000 20000000 2500~0(}1 4.0 55.4 3764467 I* I 1 1 I · 1 ------~"~·~5--~5~.-5~.4~~3~7~6~5~3~5~~1~*---------I~------~~--------~I ________ _.I ________ ~; l 5.0 55.:, 37Y515 I* I 1 I I . t 5.5 133.3 5522525 I I* I I I 6.0 lo7.9 74~0133 I I * I I I 6.5 190.8 6~24uvl I I * I I i --------~----~~~~--~~~~------~~------~~------~---------=---------7.0 187.9 o392~o8 1 I * I I I J 1 • 5 18 9 e 4 0 0 3 4 67,_;.4_..;:.1 _____ --:..I __ * ____ .::;..! ____ ....,jl:.,.,_.c"-.' ___ _;:I;....._. ____ ! 8.0 197.8 7572~·19 I I * I 1 1 1 8.5 211.5 qoOSbOl I I * I 1 I J 9.0 226.0 106~~813 I I I* I I 1 9.5 244.5 1243~713 1 I I * I 1 J 10.0 25~.1 14094661 I I I * I I J 10.5 271.4 155b89b2 I I I I* 1 J 11.0 280.7 16719188 I I I I * I J 11.5 286.3 17349672 J I I I * I J 1~s0 287.3 17281313 I I I I * 1 l 12.5 284.2 16614555 1 1 1 I * I J ------~~--~~~~~~~~~------~~------~-------~~--------~---------13.0 277.3 15434116 I I I I* I 1 13.5 267.5 139~1280 I I I * I I J 14.0 255.8 12357200 I I I ~ I I J 14.5 243.0 10810719 I I I * 1 I j ------~~--~~~~~~~~~------~--------~·----·--· --~--------~------~ 15.0 229.b 9359118 I I *I I 1 J 15.5 215.9 80U5153 I I * I I I 1 ------~~--~~~~~~~~~------~~------~----1bo0 . 202.3 b899U71 I I * I 1 I J 16.5 189.4 5900529 I I * I I I J ;"'' 17.0 176.8 5027155 I * 1 I I 17.5 164.2 4209612 I * I I I 1 18.0 151.5 3471901 I * J I 1 I 18.5 139.2 2824b72 I * I I I I 19.0 127.5 2298260 I 19.5 11o.7 18b7639 I * * ------~~--~·~~~~~~--------20.0 106.7 1521041 I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL =GIVEN STAGE+ 507.0 I I 1 J ~ l I. (. 2 0 • 5 9 1 • 9 1 2 4 4 11 8 I * t 21.0 89.9 1025364 I * 21.5 82.8 858875 I ~ I I DISCHARGE IN CFS I I I I j ] ] ) 1.-~-· 22.0 76.6 72o873 I* 22.5 71.5 627022 I* .r 12 23.0 67.1 550109 I* I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I -"'r ·~-"·--- ., 23.5 63.7 494614 I* I t· 1o 24.0 61.1 45S2bb I* I ----=j WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DA~1S l t 9 24.s 59.2 427877 I* I P~1F FAILURE HYDROGRAPH 1 a 25.0 se.o 410347 I* I I J ~-~-, ~· ~l:~-§r:; ~~e1 o1 o1 ~ I* I AT RM 120.7 NEAR CURRY I l 1 --~;.:~~·~L:.5 __ s_~·-· ~ __ i_&~s::-:1=s:--.;;;.i::: ____ ___.,;i;-___ ---:!i:...... __ ....__~~--·--..2.i,__ ___ _;.i j I ! I ! i ,., I I 1 ~ I -t j J -··-I -~ l j l (1 titLO~ ~AlANA OA~ Al ~lLE 63.3~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G A (, f Z E R ( I = ') 1) 7 • (J v ;,, A X F L F. V A T 11 1 t·.: H F A L H F I J H Y F L 0 U D w A V E : 7 H 5 .. 2 ~ FLIJIJu STAGF-•\JUT 1\V/.lJLArlE (1 .. : 4" <:; T I\ t~ ._: = 2 7 H • i:! if L\ l T It ... ~: : 1 1 • 50 li U U R 5 "All ~ll'!•'' = 16U7b9Ci2 l.\1 TII~~'E = ll.';)lJ tiOLJt<~ f'------~H~R--~s~·T~A~~~~E~------~r~L~O~'~--~l~,---~5~-~~>~U~U~tl~l~~lu __ ~l~O~l)~O~\~I{~)l~lf~,I) __ ~l~~~~~~U~O~(J~\J~ll~l~2~u~'~t~O~U~U~u~UI __ ~~~5~0~U~l~)U~U~vl ___ o ~7.~ 527vv * 1 d 7 , S 5?. 9 i~ 4 * 1 _ __::.I ____ ____:I!:-.. ______ ·-I 1 1.. 2 27 • b 5 ~044 * STAGE IN FT, MSL I 3 27, b ..S31 ti4 * t'lOTE: = GIVEN STAGE + 507.0 I --------=---~~~----~~---------------------------4 27.o 3323ii * I I l DISCHARGE IN CFS 5 27,6 33db4 * T 1 l 6 27.6 532~~ * 1 I 1 J 1 7 46.7 2ba2~9 1* J 1 I I 1 8 l44,b 55151'::10 I I* 1 I J i. F-----:--9-~2~1~5~-~V-~9~'7~4.;;;_5-:-9..;;..2_'-l_.....:l ________ -::-1 ____ ~*~----...::.1 _____ ~1 ______ 1:;...__ ,. 10 2':)4.4 137v19dH l I 1 * l 1 1 11 27~.2 1Sb42';)35 I 1 1 1 * 1 l 1 J.t-------~1~2--~2~7~b~·~S~1~5~S~9~1~~~l~-~~--T~--------~1--------~~~--------~1-* ______ ~-~r~--------·~r---~-13 262.2 1~522nl2 T I I * 1 I I 14 239.7 lU44974o 1 I 1* J 1 1 15 214,3 743~204 I 1 * 1 J 1 1 II lb l~b.Q ~b40UbU l I * 1 l 1 1 17 165oti 437023b J *I I 1 I 1 1~ 14~.4 32b~lbS 1 * I I l 1 l ~ ~ ~t. ____ ....,.1_,9 __ 1_2_,9~·-2 __ 2.-4_!~ 3 t1 u ~ I * I I J I I 1. 20 115.0 14ld445 I * I I 1 I I 21 lo3.v 14<.J755~ J * I I 1 I J ~j·-----=2~2---~Y~~~--~e~-1~1-7_q_o_~74-~I~*--------~~--------~1~-------~l--------~l--------~~l---• 23 83.7 93~S54 1 * I 1 J 1 1 24 75.7 7"'dob~ I* T T 1 I I 25 b~.b 5~7791 I* 1 I T l 1 !--,---_;2;;;,.6;;._ _ __,..o-!.::2....;;;.~5~-;4 7 9 4 CJ 2. I * I { J I 1 if 27 ',7.3 3bbo/2. I* 1 I I I I 2b ~3.1 320104 I* I I 1 I 1 29 49.8 26b~ll I* I 1 I 1 1 ~,--------~3~o~--.~4~7~.~3--~2~3~1~27471--~.--------~r~~------~~~------~~--------~I-----------~r-·--- 3 1 4 5 • 3 2 0 2 r{ b tj * T I I __ 1 1 32 43.7 lti 1 }q7~ * I I I ~ 3 3 4 2 • t.1 l o 3 '~ s ~ * 1 1 WA TAN A D Arvl 1 -------~~--~~~--~~~=-~-----.. 3q 41.3 1SU417 * l 55 40.4 13919h * I ., 3b 39.5 12~o4~ ~ 1 37 3~.8 1214uc * I 38 ~~-~ ll4j~b * T ·39 37.o lv~l77 * l A 1 ' J!. l'llll 40 57.u 1V2S74 * 3 r· J 1 1 SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH AT RM 120.7 NEAR CURRY 1 I , , l I 1 I I 1 l ~------------------...--------------------.._._ ____ _._._ ____________________________________ .._._ ______ .._ 5 -· J~------------------------------------------------------------.--.------__..-------____.------------------- f r I I I -·-fl • I ~I I. ~ I• . ' 0 '! ·' J t ~j I ,~ ' l 1 ~ ~ 'l ( i ·I r• ,. • I • ,, • I( • ~~ r. 1·.• r,• I • "f • ,_. • Exhibit 13 DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPH FOR SUSITNA kiVEk .... STATIO~ NUMBER 23 J H E L 0 i!J D E V I L C A N Y 0 N A 1 t·· l L E. 6 ~ .. 3 4 l X T Y '-~16.'.J7 l! M~ ELEVA !Or~ REACHf.D H FLOUO w>,!AVE = .... c;. FLOOD STAGE t~OT A\fA!LAr~LE ------··-------~ t1AX STAGF. = 171.27 Al TIME : 2 .. 2i HOURS i 1•1 A X F L !1 w = b 2 5 1 0 1 6 A T T I ME = 1 • q 2 1-~ iJ U Fi S r GAGF ZE-.RU = ~:>u7 .. 0u I 00000(1~ I, ] I NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL =GIVEN STAGE+ 507.0 I I I * I I I I .l I 1 I I * 1 * I * I * I* * *I * I * I ~ j{ ;It * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * II I' \ ; I l . I ··k j • • • • • • '! I ,, ,c!! ' .~~ ....................... --·· ~-~•~~~-.:..,__.__..,~c • ,.~_.. ..... .._~ .•• ,L, i . l I Exnibit 14 IJISChARr .. t; HYIIK(JI;I"I'APH Fllh-SlJSJTtJA ~JVEi~ ••• STAlilll~ NlJMHEk 23 GAG~ ZE:.h'O : ~v7.llv r-· II x E L t V A 1 I 0 f: HE ACHE 0 ~ '( r L i J l11.1 ~·~AVE = 7 o 5 • ~ tl F L ti ( 11·1 S T t.. G F l'llJl A V A 1 L A t"i L f ,,: A X !-1 T Ali F : (> ~ M • 3 b A T 11 !Vo ~ : 1 1 • ~ t1 H U lJ ~~ S riAX F'LiiN: l.$.!Jh7Qql AI TIMt: 11.r..n 1-.!lllJPS ------~H~R--~S~T~A~G~E ___ ~F~~.fJ~v~1~'~'--~~~·l~l(~•l~10~l~J0~'--~l~O~u~0~(J~0~0~0-~1~~~o-~o~O~(l~C'~(' __ ~2~0~~~'U~U~U~U~L~' ~2~5~U~U~l~Ju~t~;• s.o 62.,-1 ~r!274 1.1 I* J J I J It S.> o2 •. 9 ?c2nii'J I* J I ' r b.O o2.~ ~c3u~l J~ I I 1 I f -----~6:...:~:·~s~---=-t>~L4.:...11,t..::2::___---=s~7'-"2=-=:,~''"-7'----__,1..___· *. 1 1 I ~ 7.0 lUl.o ~~~S319 1 ~ I I 1 1 7.5 17M,U 77oo21~ I J * J l 8,1.1 2u~.h dbuv:,l9 I I * 1 1 I 8.5 213,2 4U274~H I I * I I 9,U 219.1 94~~~3~ J J ~1 1 I 9,5 226.5 1UlcQ~17 I I * 1 I 10,0 235.2 llu~2297 1 J I * 1 I 10,5 ~44.1 12vcYb~l I J 1 * J I ~.: l I 1• ~ 11.0 2S2.o 12e.9b82tl T 1 I * I I li.S 257.u 13349oU7 J J I * J I 12.0 258.3 13330977 I 1 1 * 1 1 1 • .. r I • r I· ~~ ' . .. 1 t. r. 12.5 2~6.8 1299&9bti I I 1 * I 1 13,0 252.7 12374~9H I I 1 * I I 13.5 246.3 11515501 ! I I * I I 14,0 23b,2 10531220 I I I* J I 14~5 229.0 951~452 I I *I 1 I ·=---__,;;::,_ _____ .=.-____ ~----c,·<~.••·- 15.0 219.5 B587ul3 I J * I I I 15,5 210.1 7773621 I I * I I I 16,0 201~1 7020U34 1 I * I 1 I 16,5 192,1 63u2dU1 I I * I I J 17,0 lb3.u 5625~33 1 I* I I 1 17.5 173.8 49~6u43 I ~ I 1 1 18.0 lb4.5 437h2bu I *I I I I 18.5 155.1 379963e I * I I I I 19.U 145.ti ~268172 I * I I 1--------~I------- ----~1~o_,~5~~1-~3~6~·~3--~2~7~7~o~6~3~o~~I~----*--I I I l 20,0 12ogb 2331l3o I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL =GIVEN STAGE+ 507.0 ---~~~0~·~5~~1~1~7~-~~~-1-9~~~7~(~J~2~h--~l----*----------------- 21.u 10~.~ loc~I32 I * 1 I DISCHAR 2 1 , 5 1 () 0 • t\ 1 3 b 7 !> ~ ~..J I * 1 I GE IN CFS 22.0 93,9 11ooo87 I * I I I I ------~2=2~·~5--~b~7~·~9~_1_U~l3_h_9~_b __ =l--* ______ ~I~------~l~--------=1-1 . l 1 .. ---------~~~-~~)--~~~~~:~~--~~~~~i~~~;-~--~i~=~----~i~--------~i _____________ ~i~------~i~------~~ ll ""' 12 24,0 75.3 7qbvlH 1* T T I 1 J ·l .11 24 .. ', 72,d 7v2u2v I* I I J I t~ ... ,~-2 25 5 ••5° 70 ·c.t 609 c 52 I* I WATANA-DEVIL CANYON DA~1S JJ ! 1 , b~o5 64~~41 1* I • 8 2o • 0 61). 5 62944~ I* I SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH ·~;.~ 7 2 6 • 5 6 7 • 7 o 1 7 3 3 3 1 * I '. 6 27o0 67.2 oiJt;S3Li I* T t AT RM 120.7 NEAR CURRY • 5 27.5 bb.7 6Ulo4'5 I* I 'f~ 4 28.0 oo.Li 51.Jb07o I* .l I I I ,J._: 3 2 8 • s 6 6 _. ~ .,_...;;;.5~9...;:;.1...;;;..':>..;;;..3..;;..3_...;;,t_* _____ _::.r ______ ___;;r~--------=I=----·-~I=-------- .. ,. --" . ····-·~·····-·····--~······· ...... ~. -..... .. ·" "'' ,. ' f, ,, . . . : .~ ·~M.~· .... ~ •.. ~~ .. ( . I . -~·---~lllfllllille.tllil.'!idi!CWdiiJ.;.,~ .. ;.·-t·?tU!!!.-~~"li..1$-h~~-:-~. ~~.I!Jii'';k:6:~~~~~ ··~-;-!"·\\) ·---~- ! l tl ,.-------- Ex .t.bJ.t 15 1 1 •t _________________ h_'_ . ------- l t D 1 SCHAR G E H Y [J K 0 GRAPH F LJ R SUS I T ~~A RIVE k • • • b T A 1 I 0 N N lJ rv1 HE H o l j I ----~,--------=~,.......,.---=K=E=L-U~w---w-A:--T-:-A-N-::::A:---::U:::-A-M:-=-:~~~-A _1 ~r-~ __ I_L_f:~--:----:b-o_._b_9_~---::--:--=--=-:--- l GAGE ZERU = 325.UU MAX ELEVATION Rf:ACHED HY FLOUD WAVE : Q0S.34 l ~ FLUUO STAGf NOT AVAILAHLI:" !! (·----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~---------r-·=1\X STAGE= ti0.39 AT liME: 13.~u hUURS 1 ~ MAX FLUW : ~b6477b4 AT llMt : 12.50 HOURS ! ------------------------------------ 1 / J ___ ~H~R~_s=T=A_G~E-~~~F~L~O_w_·_o~_s_u_o_o_o_(>~o ___ t_o_u_o_u_o_u~v~tJ'IOuuuo 200ooouo 2sououuo l , • 0 22.8 3782Uu 1* I 1 I I 1 1 22.b 3o2t.l51 I*· I I I I 1 'I .1 ____ --:7~---..::~,-:-:~~:"'~=------~r--:_!,..~""~:-:-~:----=-i =~-NO_T_E_: _S_T_A_G_E_I_N_F_T_,-}-1SL = GIVEN STAGE + 325_. _o _ __,~~ .) 4 22.Q 367780 I* I I 1 l DISCHARGE IN CFS ·:· ll ··-~.'.· ___ ~ 2 2 • 9 3d B 7 7 4 1 * 1 I I 1 1; b ~ 3 • o 3 cf9 ...,3 -.-1 ...-4 ____,1;-*.,.---I I I I 1 7 23o0 3904~o l* I 1 I I l 8 ~~-~ 4531Sb l* 1 1 J l F I • ,, ------..1 ...... ~--.,-~......,~-:-i-! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i * ~ * i i ~ d 11 97!!5 l2v.)~194 I I 1 I I l j •J 12 7o.o 1~oQ9334 I 1 1 1 * 1 ! 'j ,~ 1 3 d 0 • 3 1 b b 2 7 0 ~ 6 I l I 1 * I I l ------~r~4r---~,9~.6r-~I~s~1~o~4~;~~~b----~1----------r----------~r-----------· --~··~----------r~--------1~ ~1~ .. 15 76.1 127729f:33 I 1 I * I I 1 . •1\ 1 6 7 1 • 2 1 o II r;, OS 4 7 1 I 1 * I ~ 17 65.7 o443820 1 I * I ! , 18 59.7 o4ts5933 1 I * I~ j t lq 53.5 48h5~5o I * I 1 I I 1 I l 21 44.0 297541q I * I 1 1 I I II 20 qtl.3 31b0013 I * 1 .. J1.·-22 4u.4 2380231 I * I --------~-----~----·------~--------~ 23 37.o lq32917 I * J 1 1 J 1 • 24 35.2 1594232 I 2S 33o3 1334S80 I I I I 1 1 f 2o 31.6 1132~24 1 * 1 I I .,-________ 2~7 __ ~3~u~·~1~~9~o~4~1~l~2~~I~*----~l~----~~I~------~1~--------I, ____ . _______ l_ 28 2e.7 81893u I * 1 1 I I I ~ ------~2~9~---~2~7~.2r----~b~7~4~5~9~0--~I~*·--------~l~--------~J __________ I~---------~I--------~l--•· 3 0 2 o. 1 S ~ 8 4 25 I* I I f I 31 25.4 54423~ I* I I I I 1 ·~ 32 24.8 SoSoS3 I* 1 r ~-33 24.4 478q83 I* 1 1 I ~--~-~~~~~~~~:-:~~~-:~~~.~~!~~~;~~~~:~~~~~~~-WATANA DAM 1 I . I ~-~* ~~:~ ~~{~~~ r:------------p~-1F-F~AILURE HYDROGRAPH 3ti ~2~j-.~o--~4~3~9nl~j~o--~r~~~------ 39 23.7 438lo5 1* I t~ 40 23.7 437b7l 1* I I I AT RM 97.3 NEAR TALKEETNA I I- 1 I 1 i I 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1 'r~.· ~ l p; ~-------------------------------------------- 1 f -----------------~--'-------------- (. ~ I f. ~~ .. ·~. . .· · .. ~..,..;rx-. .-..,.-··~---·---. ---:"-~. -·••··-----~··-----1 .. --~. ••:>-·----·-··--·--···--··• ........ ~ ... . -:."'-~:~~";'!")f""i'f.~~:··."::.~ t"" ,' ~........ -. ~ : • _._..._ ' ~ ~ •' '· l) .• •• t ra.~~,rem ··,-•• ". 1 • ' ' ~ c·,.,.-...... I ;/ \ I l I ! j ) I I \ I .~~-::.,_..,_:,...,.._, .. _~~__:u.:.~::.rf'",..'?:·~·!hrl-i·ilil•t .. t.<i'l••t•~ "j t ~-., --- 1 -- r i -rJ Exhibit 16 r D 1 S C r-i A R G E H Y IJ k 0 G R A P tl F (J R S U S I T N :\ t< 1 V f.:P • • • S T A T I 0 I~ N I J ;4 H E k 4 Q BELO~ DEVIL CA~YON AT 0ILE 86.69 6 A G E. Z E ~~ 0 = 3 2 5 • 1J U t"'i A X E L E V A T I 0 N R ~-A C H f.lJ tj 'r' F l 0 U D Vv A V t: = 3 7 2 • l 2 , FL00l) STA.GE NOT AVAILABLf ~-rr------------------~~-··A~X~S~T~A~G~E~_~:~~4~7~.~12~~~A~T~~~~l!~vJ~t~=----~4-.~7~1--H~D~U=R~S----------------- H A X F 1_!1 w : 4 2 '::> b 8 3o A T 1 J ME. : Ll • 4 8 H f.l U f< S :J H R S T A G E F L lJ ~·1 U 1 u 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 \1 u 0 0 0 u 4 0 0 v 0 0 0 5 u u 0 u 0 u -------------------------~~----~~~------------~---------1.0 22.8 3b0267 I * l I 1 I I 1~5 d2.8 380342 I * I I I I l ------------~~------~~------~~------~~---2 .• 0 22.d 3ti04bl I _ 2 • 5 2 2 • ~ 3 1j Gel rJ l * NOTE~ STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 325.0 ----=~-------::~~----~~-;:::-~-==-----~----·-····--3.0 23.0 ~96U5~ I * I 1 I I I * 3 5 L 1 3· 13 •"'l c. DISCHARGE IN CFS • _ .J • o c.., J o I T __ * _________ I=-------------------------=1-- 4.0 43.3 ~oo92v2 1 I 1 I * I 1 4.5 46.9 q25b6o~ I I I I I * I 5 • 0 4 b • 7 3 9 9 ti 8 l) 2 1 I I 1 * I -----~5~·~5--~4~5~~~u~~3~5~1~3~1~9~2~~I~------~I~------~l~------~I~·----*----~l ________ ~l __ __ 6.0 43.0 30138Sl 1 I I * I I 6.5 41.0 2574246 I 1 l * I I l 7.0 34.1 2203867 J I I * l 1 1 7.5 37.3 189b097 I 1 I 1 1 -~~----~~~--~~~~~~~--~--------~--~----*~--------=--------~--------~1 __ __ 8.0 35.7 lo47474 I I * J I I l 8.5 34,2 1441894 I I * I I I I q.o 32.9 127248U I I * I I I I ...1 9.5 31.7 1131487 I I* I 1 I I 10.0 3o.c 100o094 I * I I I I ._ 10.5 29.7 90q512 I *I I I I I -l--~~~~--~~--~~~--~----~~~------~--------~------~--------~~----11.0 28.5 78bo27 I * I 1 I 1 11.5 27.4 691794 I * I I I I 1 12.0 2o.7 o32148 I * I I J I 1 _J~ __ 71~2~·~5--~26~.1~-.5~8~9~8~8~5~~1----~*--~I ________ ~I~------~1~------~1~------~I __ __ 13.0 25.6 556553 1 * J I I I I 13.5 25.2 528593 I * I 1 I I I ~ I 14.0 24.6 503913 I * 1 -I= I I I 14.5 24.5 4828~9 I * I I 1 I 1 ---15.0 24.2 464999 I * I I l 1 1 -..1 15.5 24.,0 450123 I * I I 1 I 1 ----~1~6-.~o---=2~3-.~8--~4~3~7955 I * I I I 1 I 16.5 23.o 42~27U I * 1 I 1 I I 17.0 23.5 4207bR I * I I 1 I I ..., 17.S. 23.4 415085 I * I J I I· I ----,1~8'.'or-~2~3'.~3r--.4~l~o~e~lr7r-~I~~*~--~l~--------~I--------~l---------~I--~----~---- 18.5 23.3 4075:,14 'I * J I I I i9~0 23.2 40493d 1 * I 19.5 23.2 402o7~ 1 * 1 DEVIL CANYON DAM I 1 1 --29.0 23.1 4UOo15 I * I .. __ 2-::;-o.-·,s~· _-=)2 3-r·,l.------r-3'?\9 8~6"~"'2.--. ~I --.*-_ __:;rr--___ __:_P.:..:M.:__F FAILURE HY_D_R_O_G R_A_P_H_~--- 2t.u 23.1 39o752 1 * J ..J 21.5 23.1 3949u:, 1 * I AT RM 97.3 NEAR TALKEETNA 22.u 23;o 393111 I * 1 I I I I 1-22.5 23.0 391366 I * I I I I I -j~--~2~3r.~o~~2~3r.1o~~3~~~9~o~o~7r-·~I~~*----~I--------~~---------1~------~!~------~1~--- 23.5 22.9 388011 1 * I I I I I --.----2~4~.o~-~2r2r.cqr--;3n6~o~4~1r7r-~rr-~*~----rr---------xr---------rr---------~I--------~l---- ?4.5 22.9 384953 1 * I I I I I -._ fj I I I . l I I I l ! J ' r~- n r r ~· l 1• • --. • • Exhibit 17 DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPH FUR SUSllNA RIVER ••• STATION NUMHER 44 GAGE ZE'RO = dELOW DOMINO FAILUkE AT MILE 86.69 325.uu t" A X E L f V A T 1 0 1-1 R E A C H E () B 't' F L 0 0 D vJ A V E = FLOUD STAGE NOT AVAILABLE MAX STAGE = B1.28 AT TIME : MAX FLOW : lb85621~ AT TIME = 13.70 HOURS 13.Ub HOURS -- 406.2!1 r r HH STAGE FLU~ u 5.0 22.8 380~21 I* 500000(.: 1 I 10000000 lSOOUOOU 20000000 I I I 2SOOOU0t i l ~.5 22.d 3~U941 I* 6.0 22.~ 3o12ol I* 6.5 22.ti 3dl7q1 I* I I I NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE+ 325.0 1 7.0 2.3.'~ LJ~0353 1* I I DISCHARGE IN CFS l 7.5 39.2 30003bb 1 * I I 1 -------~8~.~0---~5~o~.~l---~~-~~l9b-8~3~~I~--------~I~*----------~I~---------I------------~---------~l 8.5 S3.6 o227710 I I * I 1 I 1 9.0 · 55.0 6b256t;~ I I * l J I J 9.5 56.9 7304lo8 I 1 * I I I I 10.0 59.6 d279~13 1 I * I I I J 10.5 63.4 9H43203 I J * 1 I 1 11.0 68.1 1lbo09~9 I I I * I I 1 11~5 72.b 13804422 I J I * I I l 12.0 76.3 15390537 I I I I* I 1 12.5 79.1 lo4452Q7 I l I I * I 1 13~0 80o7 l6ti333u8 I 1 I I * I 1 13.5 81.3 loo01145 1 I I I * I I 14.0 80.9 1591U771 I I I I * I I 14.5 79.7 14868338 I I 1 * I I 15.0 78.0 136bB338 I 1 I * I I 1 15.5 75.7 12408579 I I I * I I I 16.0 73.1 11193357 I 1 I * I I I lb.S 70.4 10038343 I I * I I l 17.0 67.5 89b830~ I I * I I I J 17.5 b4.b 7974921 I I * I I I , I 18.0. 6l.q o94120l I J * I 1 I l 18.5 58.1 ~9o279t~ I I * I I I I 19.0 54.~ 508Qti27 I * I I 1 l 19.5 Sl.b 43b2984 I *1 I I 1 I 20.0 48.7 ~75185b I * I 1 I I 1 20.5 45.9 321b702 I * I I I 1 1 21.0 43.3 2753~Ufl 1 * I I 1 1 I 21.5 40.9 23bb768 I * I I I I 1 22.0 38.8 2037418 I * I I l I 1 22.5 3b.9 1767221 1 * I 1 I I 1 2 3. 0-3 ~ • .c:! 15 3 9 b 2 5 . I * I I I I l 23.5 33.7 1352054 I * I I 1 I 1 12 24.0 32.4 l1~434e I * 1 I 1 -------~1~------~1 • 1, _ _.;;.._.,...2,....4_ • ...,..5-~3 ,_1_. 2~--:1 u,._~..,....,1,.,....,t:.,..·.., 7,......1...------=I~*-~--___,1 I I I I l 10 25.o 3 u.u 9 ~Btta? I * WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DA~1S 1 . 9 25.5 28.R t\13275 I * I 1 ~-• a ---2-r-r-6 -. ?ro --2 ...... 1.,.......,. s---:b.....,9"'""'1 ..... 7 ..... 3,....,9..---=I,....,.*-----=r--r I I' , 2oes 2o.s 61174~ I* 1 PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I 1 . I· 6 -----'1111."2...,.7 -. '~'~""o ---2oons .......... 7-___,s...,.s-s--6--:lir""':'ao:----::r:-:*----""';I------..,.....1 1 1 J : ----"'5"~"li"~-: 7'\~ --~..,..~711: ~c:------.~r.-~n~"i'r~-r~':'"'"l~r----..i.-.:::::-------i--A-T_RM __ 9,..l 7_._3_N_E_A_R_T....-l A_L_K_E_.E_T_N_A_l.,.--------..-i l " 3 28.5 24~1 4539~0 I* I I I I I ! " -.. --------I -~ ! i -" - .• .. ~" I ... -il._.-~:_~---~........-..--. ~~---·_.,___,_._·--~~.....---':----l,........r\..\..,.;. -~ ·~ ., . .. 1 l l F-I l ' l r Exhibit 18 l I i l I DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPH FUR SUSilf'.lA RIVEK STAliON NUMHt.F.' bl l • • • l L Bt.LO~"I WATANA DAtiiJ AT MILE Hb.69 l l GAGE. ZERO = :!>2~.nu t"'A X ELEVATION kEACHED HY ~LUOD VII AVE = 402.54 G l r FLOOD SlAGE. NOT AVAlLAHLE r-,A X STAbE = 77.54 AT T I 1V\E = l3o50 HOUt~S 1'-~A X FLU~"! = 15370o62 Af r 1 t-'1E = 13.00 HCJuRS 'j [J~ 5CJOOouo lOOOOOlJO 1SOU000(J 2ou0ovoo 25Uuoooo l HR STAGE FLON I) 0 11. ~ 327uu 'A I I I I I j 1 11.3 324oti * I I I 1 l I f:( .,._..., ---~---- 2 11 • .5 .)29qb * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 325.0 l E' 3 11 • 3 33045 * 4 l 1. 3 ~3u95 -····-1 * I I 5 11.3 3~12'.:> * I I DISCHARGE IN CFS I ~~ 6 11.3 _; 3 }1),!4 * I I I I I 7 11 .. 3 33157 * 1 I I I l 8 11.3 33171 1'; I I I I 1 u. q 14.~ e ~o 1 o * I 1 1 I 1 l1 I -10 41.9 357H~3a 1 * 1 I I 1 I .; ~\ 1 1 63.o 1U493180 I I I* I I I l l F 12 73.0 144113ti4 I 1 I *I I I 13 77.2 1537Uo62 I I I I* I I I 14 7o.CJ 14104.;17 I I 1 * I l 1 I c 15 73.b 11992723 I I I * I I I I 16 oo.8 9817530 I I * 1 I I L 17 63.4 786o394 I I * 1 I I I ltS ':J1.Lt 59e2524 I I * I l 1 I r: 19 51.6 4522782 I *1 I J I I ~' 20 ~b.ti 353o2o9 I * I 1 I 21 42.8 2796416 I * I I I 1 I 1 22 39.5 22£45377 I * I I I 1 1 I . 23 ~6.8 182717& I * I I l I I i -34.5 15070ts9 I 24 1 * 1 I ] I I l I 25 32.6 1257bo6 I * I I 1 I I I. 26 30.9 105417.5 I * I I 1 1 I . 27 2C}.3 879985 I * 1 I I I I -l 25 2'7.L4 bt189b4 I* I 1 1 1 I I ; -29 25.b 565~81 I* I I I I I l 30 24.5 47o32u I* I I 1 1 l 31 23.4 40~47S I* I I I l I 32 22.4 348869 I* I r .. 33 21.5 3U39le I* I I WATANA DAM l . 34 2U.b 2o7tt13 I* I l 35 20.1 2L~Q068 * I SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH 36 19.'=> 215740 * I -\ ~-:..;: 194634 AT RM 97.3 NEAR TALKEETNA r I ·. 37 14.U * 1 ! )e lt..S 177u3c. * 1 I 1 I 1 I 39 lB.O lb2~ti9 ~ I I I 1 I I 40 1 7 • 7 15064o * I I 1 I I ' I 1'-l I t:io., 1 1 . ; ! l. ! ; l l • • I \-1 I ! • J I I II ll ~ ' ' I .. --... ~-~-........... ,,.,__, .. .,...., -·"-"'··-· --...-· "~ "~·"' •--·· __ ,. ___ .,~ -·-·-"•••.,._ ·-·-" ••-m -T····· ·-~··-· ········--··--·-.. ······-·······-----.. -.--··----=~~---·-r -· 'J .. f '; ·~ i I <: ,, Ll~,·~~z~ (-". -' ... ~!.\ i ,') ., ;l '• .... ~ .... ,'.J~.l~,.wx~::'p«.:m.....~\ ·-··~ L ~· .l 'l 'F I ! 1 t, I I r Exhibit 19 t I ·t DISCHARGE HYOkOGRAPH FUR SUSITf\JA RIVE:R 51A110N NUMBER 44 • • • L. J I~ BELOW DEVIL C A 1\1 Y 0 1': AT MILE 8o.o9 ! } r GAGE ZERLl -32S~Ov MAX ELEVATION REAChED BY FLOOD WAVE = 371.26 - j ,!. FLOOD SlAGE NOT AVAILABLE ' I r<tA X STAGE = 46.26 Al liME -4.71 HOURS 1 -' I 4026263 4.~1 HOURS [ ~ •liAX FLOti -AT TIME ---'] l (! f 30uOOOU sooooou ' . HR SlAGE FLO~ {J 1000000 2000000 4000000 , . r 1.0 2£4.6 495U57 I * 1 I I I I ! 1.5 2L4.6 495386 1 * I I I I I l ft 2.0 24.6 496169 1 * I 1 I I I I 2.5 24.b 44oolb I * I I I I I f I 3.0 c4.8 5170o7 T * I I I J I ! I 3.5 .31.6 ltl0577B I I I J I 1 I * I r~~ 4.0 42.5 3455J58 I I I I * I 1 ' 4.5 ~6.0 ~024ots8 I J I 1 * I (!I 5.0 46.0 3~206tl2 i I I I * I I ; l f'1 s.s 44.5 3393051 I I I I * I I l ! ' 6.0 42.6 2946308 I I I *1 I 1 ··j "• 6.5 40.8 2549642 I 1 I * I I I ! ·r_ 7.0 39.0 2211469 I 1 I * I I 1 7.5 37.4 1929398 I I *I I I l ~ 8.0 35~9 1696342 I I * I I I 1 ;, 'r. 8.5 34.6 1503981 1 I * I 1 I 1 q.o 33.4 1345308 I I * I I I I 9.5 32.4 1214436 I I * I I I I I J 10.0 31.4 1104531 "T I* I 1 1 ~--r- I_ J. [ 10.5 30.5 10U63U2 I * 1 I I l .. i 1 (J 29.8 933451 I *I I 1 1 l ........ ! 11.5 29.2 874379 I *I I I I I I 12.0 2t;.4 743498 I * I I I I I L-12.5 27.8 732238 1 * I I I I I 1 i 13.\.1 27.3 6~0213 I -* 13.5 2b.9 657100 I * NOTE: .,TAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 325.0 ! l ,L lt.~.O 26.5 ~8473 I * I I DISCHARGE IN CFS I 1 I 14.5 26.2 603741 I * 1 I I i 15.0 25.9 582748 I * I I l ~ I r-15.5 25.6 565496 I * I 1 I I I F Jt 16.0 25.4 551677 I * 1 I I I 1 !, l 16.5 25.3 540927 T * I I I I 1 .1. l 17.0 25.2 532770 I * I 1 1 1 1 ! I •f ._ 17.5 25.1 526656 I * I I I I I 18.0 25.0 521952 I * I I I l 18.5 24.9 518090 I * I I I I I t~ 19.0 2'4.9 514781 I * J DEVIL CANYON DAf\1 r ~ ·. 19.5 24.8 511681 I * I I 12 20.0 2l4.8 508657 I * I .( 20.5 24.8 505692 I * 1 SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH 21.0 24.7 502815 I * I ! 21.5 24.7 500156 I * I AT RM 97.3 NEAR TALKEETNA • 8 22.0 24.b 497974 t * I ----y r- t~'• I 22.5 24.o 4Qo685 I * I I I I I l l ~ ; 23.0 24.6 4 95 i 18 I *' 1 l I I I 23.5 24.b 495087 I * I I I I I r-L. [ ' ~-! -• ,, __ . ~•-·~, •~··.> --.. ·-·•H~~c~".,--~,-. .. ----·-~---"~ -~-~ "'1 ··---~--~-·'lr ··-~---··~----~-...................... , ...... ~·-···c··""···, .. ,,...-···-,--·~- ~ --f z:ia ··" . ' •'•-·.-"" ""-.,, .. ::>·' .,--~~·· j ·;" ~ (! .;,~ ·~ (j .. I ·~\ ,, (1 ,~ R . : , .. Exhibit 20 DISCHARGE HYDkOGRAPH F u~~ SU~IT~~A RIVER e • • STATION NL.JMI'3ER ql! I' t1 E L (JI'IJ DOMINI) FAILURE AT tvi I L E o6.69 I, ~~ GAG£ ZERO -.325.00 HAX E. L E V A T I 0 !~ REACHfiJ H't' FLOU[) wAvE = 39ti .. 29 -r: FL.OOn ~TA~E NOT AVAll.,AtjLE r-~A X STAl;F -73.29 AT T I i"' E:. -1..).9(, hUlJt~ S ---· 1~1 Ax: FLO~ = ).29bU2b1 AT 1 J tv\ E = 13.36 HOURS fi H~ STAGE F L 0 v-; 0 5 () 0 0 0 0 u 1U00f)000 150\JOOOO 20000000 2500000\.1 6.0 25.1 ~32297 I~ l I I I ] "-2.5 251:1 531744 I* I I I I _l. It 7.0 25.1 ~314.5b I* NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 325.0 1 7.5 25.1 553v45 1-,; 1 B.O 2~.4 5So~c9 I* I I DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 "' fl~ 8.5 27.8 b15454 I * 1 I I 9.0 37.4 .26t..,~Jc2 I * I 1 I 1 1 9.~ 501:t> o021o91 I 1 * I I 1 1 10.0 57.4 774tt o2 0 I I * I I J 1 f11 10.5 bO.b H764.352 I 1 * J I I 1 11. 0 63.1 '!6702.07 I I *1 1 I 1 . ., 1 Ob59ou.~ 11.5 65.7 I I I* I I 1 r. 12.0 68.q llh43n47 I I I * I I J 12.5 7u.7 12443567 I I I * I l 1 13.0 72.3 1~8b5.3b7 I I I * I I 1 13.5 73.1 12949l~Q I I l * I I I L 14.0 73.3 127tJ276Q I I I * I I I 14.5 72.7 12l432olP I I I * 1 I I 15.0 71.7 11:,10709 J 1 I * I I 1 t~ 15.5 70.2 1073h047 I I }'A" J I I 16.0 68.4 9Cj44943 1 I * I I 1 16.5 bb.b 9198039 I 1 * I I I I L- 17.0 b4.6 8494524 I I * I I 1 J 17.5 b2 .. 5 7753261 I I * I 1 I 1 18.0 o0.2 7004591 I I * I I I I 18.5 57. G, o279923 I I * I I I 1 l: 19.0 55. LJ, s:,tiso7b I I* I I I I 19.5 ~3.0 4961482 I * J I I 1 20.0 50.7 441643~ I *I I I I 1 r· 20.5 48 .. 5 ~932h2.7 I * J I I I 1 .. ~6.3 ,... 21.0 347901.0 1 * I 1 I ! I 21.5 44.2 ~0591C:2 I * I J 1 1 1 f ·. 22.0 42.2 2ob59~5 I * 1 I I I 1 22.5 lJ0.3 2353590 1 * I I I . I 1 23.0 3ts.6 20647blj t * I I I 1 l 23.5 36.9 1817':174. l * 1 I I I I ~----- l·. 24.0 35.5 160b.!d9 I * I 1 1 I 1 24.5 34.2 1432944 I ... I 1 I ! l .. 12 25.0 33.0 12o~99'4 l * I ~~AT ANA DEVIL CANYON DAr~s l -f. 1 1 2~.5 32.LI llb2U4~ ] * 1 1 10 26.0 31.,0 l(Jj5l40 l * 1 9 26.5 30.1 963345 J * SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I ----27.0 29.4 ti913f.!2 1 t·· 8 I * NEAR TALKEETNA ] 7 27.5 28.6 bi2999 I * I AT RM 97.3 r 6 28.0 27.9 739009 I I I I 1 " I* f ( 5 28.5 27.3 695~37 I* 1 1 I I 1 t~-4 29.0 27.0 666909 l* 1 I I I 1 3 29.5 26.7 6L4o204 I* I 1 I I I 4.. •··-..-~~·~-,,.,. ..... .---............ ~·"···- T -. ~ ........... , ... --·-· -·-·-·· ......... -........... ·-····-···------·•• ................ ' ··-.......... _ ... ,.. ....... -~~~---···:1 ' ,fl ~ I ··-----------------------------------------------------_______ P_x_h_i~b_i_t, __ 2_1 __________ __ 1,. DISC~tARGE HYUKOGRAPH FOw SUSllNA RIVER ••a SlATlO~ NUM6EH 69 I RfLOw Vv~TANA DAM AT MILE lUO.ll) ·l .. ~.·--~--:::--:----::-::---------~- ; GAGE ZERO: 264.00 MAX ELEVATION REACtlEIJ bY FLPOD WAVE: 361.70 1 -----~-------------=-F-=l~O;..;:.O n S T A G F N 0 r A V A I LA H L E il. _t_·; ____________________ M~A~X~S~f~A~G~E--=~~9~7~·~7~lJ~--~A~l~I~J~~~~£~=--~1~5~·~0~G~'~H~O~l~IR~·s ~AX FLn~ : 14b4HU1b Al liMt : 14.50 HOUkS .-..,...----------·- I Ji ,_..:..;H~R:..__--=S:...!T....:::::A:....::G~F __ __.:_F-=L~O:....~;;.__::C~l __ _:5:...:0:...:0:...:0:...:0:...:0:...:U::.___:l~O::.....::O::.....::t::....:> (::.....:! O::....:O::._:U:::__~l:....:S::...:O:..:...:O~t:..:...:l il:..:...:O::...:' 0:::...· ___!2::...;0::...:0::...:0::...:' u:;:,;: _O::...:U~o_ 2 5 0 U 0 u ~~ (l 0 17 u 524200 I • I* I I I 1 I I J' 1 17.2 526Slti I* J I T l.~ 2 17.2 528711 I* "2 2 52 23 NOTE: STAGE IN .FT, ~ 17. q~ I* 4 17.2 53U4U9 1* I 1 1-1SL = GIVEN STAGE + 264. 6 1 ·l DISCHARGE IN CFS 5 17.2 530948 I* I I _____ J._ __ _ o 17.3 531&12 I* I I I 1 1 7 17.3 532~52 1* I 1 1 I I 8 17.3 533873 !"A 1 I I 1 l l l, _______ 9~---1~7~.u----~~3~7~7~3~7--~I_* ________ ~l ________ ~.r ________ ~l ________ ~I ________ ~l __ __ lu lb .. o o40946 !* r I 1 1 1 11 36.7 2709431 I * I 1 I I l -13 85.3 12464994 I 1 I * 1 I 1 ! .. !·----~1~2~--~b~5~-·~9~~8~0~o~1b~2~·s~~I--------~I------*--~l--------~J--------~I--------~I-- ~ 14 95.3 l44e-ll::HH I I I *I I l ~ 15 97.7 14452346 I 1 I *1 I 1 !l,f l'·---~---~~~~~------~---~------~----~-----~--16 95.4 153~1801 I I 1 * I I 17 90.7 11783130 I I I * J I I 18 84.7 10079426 I I * l I I l 1. 19 77.8 ~40o886 I I * J 1 I I l -~--~2~0~---~7~0~.~4~~b~8~4~5~9~-8~.7~~I~------~l~---~·----~l--------~l--------~I--------~I---- -• 21 b3o2 5535485 1 I~ 1 I I I 22 56.8 4487782 I *1 I I I I I 23 51.0 3673074 1 * I l I I I -;~--~2~4~--~4~5~.~8~~3~0~2~7~8~-q~q~~l~----*----I~--------~I--------~I--------~I--------~I---- 25 4!.1 2532147 I * I I I I I I 26 3o.b 2143688 I * I 1 I I 1 _ -~--~2~7 _____ ~3~3~·~0~~1~7~8~0~2~2~9--~I--~*----~I ________ ~I~------~J~·------~I ________ ~I __ __ 28 30.4 1522080 I * I 1 I 1 I ·r· 29 28.0 1318785 I * I I I I I 30 25.9 114o674 I * I I I I I 31 24.1 1002054 I * I I 1 I I 32 22.5 887858 I * I 1 I I I l.··----~3~3~--~2~1~o~4~~8~0~1~i~~l~O~~I~*--------l~--------~I-------I I I 3~ 20.5 736313 I* I I I ~~--~l~S~~~~~~-~8~~~~h~8~2~o~6~~~~*~·--~~~~-~I WATANA DAM I l 36 19.3 653l~88 I* I P~lF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH 1 . ··----~3~7~--~~~b~-~9~~6~2~8~<.~~9~3~~~~*~-------~I~-----I 38 18.7 612259 I* I I •7 9 1 5 L 5 AT RM 83.9 NEAR SUNSHINE .~ b. 601:8 J* I I :[ qo -18.4 59408U I* I I I I I ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :t··---------------------- i ~>"· ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jl; _____________________ _ 1 ----~~--~---........ .,~A;!':~-:::::~~-.....llii J I· l - l L -,.) ~ ' ('! -1\ . . -~; .'/',-,c.:. '.'< ••• • . Iii.\:;: '~~-ir$\.~ · ,~ )' , ., · · ,~ -... ;._o·•-~-illlle!ll.!liii~\--!ft!!!!ll~3 -~-·-~'~-~--Gill!, ~:-.,.-t~~i~u.;;~:"t-~~-~~r·"ll""·;;;-·.·~::.,:;; r.·. . , ~-~ ·· . , _... ~ -..... .......,...-.'1'--~-.-..-,..,.___,,__._., ....... ,___~- ' j -.r..__,__~ "! Jl --<·--------------·-----------------' ,lj J -~~--------------------------·--------E_x_h_l_· b_1_· t __ 2_2 ______ _ .o.:.'j OISCH.Ak'GE HYDh'OGf.APf! Fllr-< SllSilNA RliJC:R ••• STATJUf\J f\JUf·JiHEr< 52 >I -I" ~ E L th~ I) E v 1 L c A I'J y lii'J AT tvjJ L E 1 u u. lll J .• -----------------'-----------------------------'---GAGE z 1:. "' (J 26~ .. ou MAX ELE VATIOI-1 RtACiiF.D t3Y ~ L u 0 fJ \\AVE 3Uo.2lt J = - F L C HllL ... )~ 1 td~ E r, o-r AV~li.AiiLE 1• AX SiAGE = ~4.29 A1 1 I jvi f = 7.42 H OIA< S -;1 ' 1 J ~.1, t __;-...;__• _, ________ __,;_;_~'--=-~--..:;;;....;;...,:;.;...:.;-=--=-=---___:_~~:::.......;.!:;._. __ ___:_-=-=.._;;;___.:.__..;:::..;._-=----------li-· ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '·iiA X FUJlr·• = 3l~"l5721 AT TIMf: = 7.lb hilUHS l"iR STAGE F L L1N (: 1 (! () (I [• () (l 2l!U\Jti(!O 3 il 0 0 u () <J 4UllUO!JO 5 {I 0 0 0 (i I) 3.0 17.u :,2J25>J I * T 1 1 1 l I .h5. l 7 I' v . 52~66:) I 1t l 1 J J I ·1 -"11~....::.....:::;---=.....:__::_:._____;;-:...::...:.,..~-----4.0 17.v 5.216:,1 1 4.5 1 7 • 1 S23ttbl J s.o lo.s 6714:,~ J * STAGE + 264. NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN * 11 I 1 l CFS ., l '~ j l 5.5 6.0 29.0 3'l. 3 17320'19 J 1 2Sull<?U5 l I DISCHARGE IN * 1 I I * 1 J I I Jt I ~---~~---~~~~~~~~-------~-------~~-------~--------~--------~----b •. 5 4l.ti 24u773':!1 J 7.0 43.9 3049S!47 I 7.5 ~4.3 3022h22 I I I *1 1 1 1 I * I l I I * I 1 J -~· J-l i • ! ~.o 3.5 9.0 43.7 42.Q 40.7 2e4tio4fi I l 27270iJL! I I 2~3:.3<:~6 I I I *I I I I * I J I 1 * l l l .L ,, j I! I l ~ -----~~---~~~~~~~~~--------~------~~------~--------~------~----9.5 38.H 233447'-1 I I 1 * 1 l l ~:~ 1 ; I 10.0 36.b 2151295 I I I * I 1 1 1-,--~~~--~~----~----~--------~·--~-- 1 J ~~:-=-=-=---.:~~~----=---____:::;___ _ ___::__ _ _____::;__ _ ___:;___ 1-0.5 .34.5 1935'127 I 11 e 0 ~2.7 1749~91 ] I *I I I l I * I 1 I I 11.5 31.2 15o9b82 J 1 * I T I 1 .. l I ~~ f t '·-J 12.0 29.7 14~0447 I 12.5 2t1.2 132126Q ] 13.0 t~b. b 1204300 I I * I I I 1 I * 1 1 I I I * I I I l I ·J----~~-~~~-~~~~~-------~--------~~--------=---------~--------~---- 1 ~I 13.5 2S.S 1101o9c\ I 14.0 24 .. .5 1U1372b ] 14.5 23.3 9~8Q43 I 1~.0 22.4 o74o7o I I* I I I I * I 1 I I *1 I I 1 l *I I I I I _____ .......;;;.....;;..;:;; 15 ·-~ 21.7 8211ltl I * I I 1 I I ~~-· ~~~~-~----=-----____:_-~---=--­ ! ,--~~--~~~~~~------~------~----~------~------~--- 1 -'·--~~~~--~~~----~--------~----~-------~----~--- 1 b f. 0 21.0 775o29 I 16.~ 20.5 73o4~o I 17.0 ?.o.o 704114 I 17.5 19.6 676170 I 18.0 14.3 652477 I 18.5 lQ.O 6324l.i4 * I I I I 1 ). * I I l I 1 * I I I 1 J * I I J 1 I * 1 I l I ~ 1 I I J I * I I 19.0 1B.7 o1~715 I * I 1 1 I 1 1~~~~~--~~--~--~~-19.5 lH.') 601742 J 2u.o lb.S 54U27~ I ". 2u.5 llj.2 So0f149 I * I J 1 I I * 1 J 1 I 1 * T I I I 1 21.u lli. 1 ~73161 I ~1.5 la.o 5t,73ll7 I 22.0 17.9 5o2o43 T ·' 22.5 17.M SS83tiS I * 1 1 DEVIL CANYON DA~1 * I 1 * I J HYDROGRAPH * J l PMF FAILURE ~~----~~~--~~~~~~----~--------~---------~--------------------------- 2 3. l) 1 7 .. 7 ~j462b r ...... --....... ~ ~.,. * I I 23.5 11.0 5:;.133Q I * J 'T .L AT RM 83.9 NEAR SUNSHINE 24.{) 17.6 ~4b4C!2 I * I I 1 I I 2LI. S 17.~ Sll5tilll.l 1 * I I I I 1 25 .·o 17.5 5i.i3'-1~4 I 'lit I I I I I 25.5 17.4 541234 1 * I 1 1 1 I 26.0 17.4 539202 I * I I 1 l l 2b.S. 17 .. 3 537315 1 * I I I I I " ~ I l f I I I ! l I T ·---"-·-· --·-. .... ~--~-· -· .. ,,.., ____ ·---" ~ """~. ------·----"--:-----d ~ ~ ., U4t»444¥44¥ 4114 i Exhibit 23 DISCHARGE HYOROGk~PH FUR SUSITNA RI~~R ••o STATION NUMAEH --------~~~------~b~E~L7U~W--~~~f~)(~1~~J~_N~(~J~F~;A~l~l~U~R~.E~-~-~A~l~~~IL~E~--~l~O(~l-.~1~0------=------- S2 GAGE ZERO = 363.6" FLPUD SlAGE NOT AVAILABLE MAX STAGE : 99$h4 AT TIME = 14.Q7 HOUHS !-1AX FLOV4 = 1523137S AT Tltv~E = 14.65 HOURS -------------------------- I It HR SlAGE Q u 20000000 I I 250uOuOt [ ~·' 16.8 1* 1 16.8 I* [• 2 16~~ !* NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 264. I l ,. I . I J• •• :1. !!'!. I·• I ~. il. fie 3 ~ 5 b 7 8 9 Io 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 lo.9 lb.9 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.1 25.9 so.i 63.0 75.9 88.6 ~ 7. 0 9<;1. b 97.7 93.0 8t~.,Q 79.9 72.2 64.4 57.0 50.3 44.2 38.4 33.3 29.b 26.3 23.7 21.6 20.2 19.2 lfj.s 18.0 17.7 519834 52Uo35 15>21973 523CJ'16 535431 1480426- 14955073 I* I* I* r~ I* 1* I I I I I I * I I I 1 I I *I I I 1 15110794 I I 14079476 I I 12469904 1 I 106o26bl I 1 8891811 I I 7185258 1 1 570o54o I I* 44982~0 I *I 3554487 I * I 2819736 I * I 22o7334 I * I 1787546 I * I 1432112 I * I 11o2312 I * I 960908 I * I 815302 I * 1 714565 1* I 645373 I* 1 - 599471 I* I 570338 I* 553473 I* ~ 36 17.4 54216e I* I I 37 17.3 535201 I* 1 , ,2 ------~3~a----·TI~,-.~2--~s~3~I~I~2~3--~!~*--------~r I I DISCHARGE IN CFS I I I ! I I I I . 1 I I I I I I * I I I *I I I I * I I I * I I ~ I I * I I I * 1 I I* * i I I * I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I r I 1 ] " I I I I WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DAMS PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I .. ~,.,., -·--"' --,, ... __ . ___ , _ _.....,.. AT RM 83.9 NEAR SUNSHINE •tt -39 17.1 528760 I* I 'f' 10---------------------------------------~----- ) 9 ~. 8------------------------------------------------------·--------------- 7 I t:.:--------··---~----- l I; : I } I i ... ,. ~-7=·==.··==-.~ .. 1-._ --.. ~ a M14p - l I 1 l ' : r f ! (' t I I r j l I I l ·I I I "'·,~ .1~-· -=-.. ___ __L.__~---' -~~-·-· .. ~·---·--·-~--~-~-., I r.:::;:; i -~i... I ~( ~ I ,. t I t. I l I ! f ' Exhibit 24 I ; .. I I f; l ~ DIS(;HARGE HYf>hOG~/\1-'rl F I) t<' SllS 1 Ti\A klVt-1~ ·~ SlAT ION NUtv.BEk 69 I ~fl(lll: t~i A 1 A r\! A [)A 1"1 A r ~~ J LE 1 d (J • ltl l + . l ~ GAGE ZERO = 2 64 • I) 0 ,v:AX ELEVA! ION kEACnt.i.J BY FLUUD v~ AVE -,.',51.78 -I Fl (t(Jfl SlAGF 1'-<0 T AVA I bJHiLF l I I·~ fl. X ST I·GE = b7 .. 7b AT l 1 IVJI:. = 15.00 HOlJkS .I • ;.: A X F L lfi'Y ·-lj579o9v AT flrltt = } LJ • ~(I t-tuur·~ I HR S 1 A l~ t F L r 1 ., l• ~; 0 tl 0 0 IJ 0 1 0 0 0 (J lHJl) 1 :, lhJ () u () u iOOOuOOO .2':>U00U0ll l J 0 b.b 7~UUO * ] I 1 1 1 l 1 b.t! 72b':J2 * I l 1 I 1 ) j J. 7S673 -2 o.b * I I NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 264. 3 b.e 74ovS 1( 1 " I ~ 4 b.~ 7q1u.S * 1 1 j '1 5 6.6 7ul30 .... I DISCHARGE IN CFS I " I b o.ti 7 L.j 1 -~ ·':S * J I ] I 1 l I , I 7 b.o 741t~2 * 1 I 1 l I I :• 8 b.ti 741LIS * l I J I I I :1 9 b.~ 73514t!. * I I I I j ""' 10 o.b 73'-)7g * 1 1 T I l 1 1 11.9 275o5o I* 1 I J I J 12 s 1 (. ~ 5lbeu~:, l '1C I 1 1 i I ~ 13 75. (i 1 0 7 t\ 5 \1 ti 14 I I 1 * 1 J I . c 14 b4tl9 l.lt!7bc:,91 I I 1 * 1 1 I l ! 1~ 87.b 1342/j~.J~l 1 l l * I l I I 16 86.b 1229ti140b 1 r ] * I I 1 I 17 1:)3.&.1 lU7oU~53 I l ) * 1 1 I f I 18 781#8 9129949 I ] * 1 1 I I l I 19 73.4 75257u7 I I * 1 1 j 1 Jl 20 b7,7 6123192 1 T * 1 l 1 1 21 b2. () 4993C:bo I * I 1 I I 22 S6.,2 4101426 I .,. I 1 1 J 1 23 ~{}.4 339·1099 I * 1 T I 1 I 24 4LI.7 27'-Jbl:· 71 I * 1 I 1 J I .25 39.6 2322461 1 * l l 1 I I 26 34 .. 9 191!.7722 I * J 1 1 I l 27 31.2 15b9374 1 * ] T 1 I I -· 28 2tJ.3 133b223 1 * 1 1 1 1 I 29 2~.b 1129ts2li 1 * J I 1 I 1 30 23.5 949d7':> 1 * J 1 1 1 I 31 21.4 79'1~3!> I * 1 I I I 1 .. 32 1~.o ooU240 1* I 1 1 33 ld.LJ S cP·I ':J d 1 I* I I WATANA DAr~ . ' 1 l 34 17.0 51Ltlo2 I* -... ~........,._---· J I 35 1~.6 4~1!.'::>.53 r-.; I SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH I_j 36 14.2 393tH:\~ I* I I 37 1~._1, 3S032':l I* 1 AT RM 83.9 NEAR SUNSHINE 12 38 12.6 316lbU 1 * I I I I 1 l l . , 39 11.'-J 2H71~1 l* 1 J 1 I I 40 11 • 4 2o1754 I* l J I I I 1 -9 ! I I 8 ! I ,;; 5 4 l l • 3 1 ,"'.' J: ~~ ~ ; -~....,....._,._....._,.,.._-..-,--..<'_,_~-~·-~,.,~-.~ ......... ~-..._;;,....,;_. ~ ,; *' ... ;..' • . .. --~ '~ ; l -·---I : I j l l •• t 1 Exhibit 25 I I r I. I ' . I ' DISCHARGE HYORth:;RAPH FOR SLISITt\IA HIVER STATION NUMHER :,2 I • • • l I tH:LOW DtVIL CANYON AT 1-·il LE lOO.lu t i -~ .. GAG F. ZEf.'O = 2.64.00 t...; AX E.LEVAliUN REACHf:IJ HY FLOUt> ~"t A \t E -.306.72 I - F!.,;OOO STAGF. NUl AV8Il.A8l.f ,~ I 0:0 1·1 A X STAGE = ~2.72 AT iiME -7.42 HOURS .. - ! • •.11A X FLOW = 2d692o~ AT TIME -7.22 KOUKS f - ' HR S1AFE FLUv. u 1000000 20li00UU 3000000 4uOUOUO sououou ... 3.0 17 .. u S24u30 I * 1 1 T 1 1 3.5 17.1 S2717':> I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 264. 4.0 17.1 5296~0 I * • ~-. 5 17.1 5222t'>S I * I I DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 : - J s.u lb.S bbVh':Jll I * I I 1 l 5.5 27.b 15Q46,1j9 1 I * I 1 I 1 I I r1 6.0 .ss.c; 23UQ2uS l 1 I ~ ] I 1 6.5 4U.l 2714o3f1 I I I * I l l I ! 7.0 !!2.2 2c3St\b:,3 J 1 I *1 I I I [' ~. 7.5 1.~2. 7 2h47.qqs I I I * I I T rl l I. ! 8.0 42.2 2743out4 I I I * J l 1 l 8~5 41 .. 1 2541~94 J I 1 * I I I I <t ., I • 9.0 39.', 24U:I07ti I 1 1 * I I 1 ' .. '• 9.5 37.6 22!>t3979 I I I * I I 1 ! I 10.0 35.5 20J~9bo5 I I 1C I T l ~ • 10.5 33.7 1~jt.l<:1361 I J * 1 I I I w·:/ , 11.0 32.1 ).oo247rl I I 11: I 1 I 1 (1 11.5 30.6 1~!>72~6 I I * I I 1 1 I • 12.0 29.2 1£+09437 I I * I l I 1 I 12.5 27.b 1296524 I 1 * I 1 I 1 11 r 13.0 2b.6 119 6 1)ti 6 I I * I 1 I 1 I L-13.S 25 t-110S977 T I* I I I 1 I . . :) ll.l.U 24.4 10244C::7 I * I 1 1 I 14.5 23.4 95(~~14 1 * I I I I t• 15.0 22.o 8i19995 I *I I I 1 1 1 ! 15.5 21 .. 9 E;359v2 I * I 1 I 1 I [ lo.O L I 21.2 7b43dq I * 1 1 I I 1 .\ ~· 16.5 20.7 749!>0Q 1 J I ] I I r' l * I 17.0 2U.2 714bl7 1 * I I I 1 I 17.5 14.7 6oi;:,25~ r * I I I J I I 18~0 19.4 bo00~2 I I I 1 I 1 II f t4 * l 18.5 1 4. 1 638b20 1 * I I I r 1 tl I 19.0 18.8 621Ud7 1 11 I I l I I I ~ 19.5 15.6 6063H!:> I * I I .., 1 1 r 1. 20.(1 16.4 5942b5 1 l 1 I I * I I l 20.5 lt\.2 5b4400 . I * I I J 1 I >j -~ ____,_..... 21 .. 0 1~.1 57622~ . 1 * I 1 l DEVIL C~.NYON DA~1 .l 21.5 ltl .. U 5o9~73 T I 1 'I .. * I ~ 12 22.0 17.9 5ol.!5S9 I * I 1 1 .11 22.5 17.8 559~45 I * J. SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH I I l I . 10 23.0 17.7 SS5~·d 2 I * l I 9 23.5 !7.6 S51590 I * AT RM 83.9 NEAR SUNSHINE ( I es 24.0 1 ,,.. • 0 54ell9 I * I I I I I l 7 2q.s 17 ;•5 54512S I * I I I I I G 25.0 17.4 54.260 3 I * I I 1 I 1 . ., 5 25.5 17.4 540515 I * I I I I I 4 2b.O 17.4 S~e.H10 I * I I 1 I 1 3 26.5 17.3 537LI3S 1 * I I I I I l . 4 ..,.., ('\ 1 ..., 'Z C:'Zt..7."Z.ll T ... T T l 1 -l I l [ r ., l I, r ~, ------:-: --.. ~----......... , --~~-~ ·~··u~ -··•"--"~"~=···--·-]' - ._L:·~:·:.;, ~-·"' ; . . .l: --1 t·"' -:--·· --'"•••··-''"'-"''"'"•·· ''=''-': ~ - ' } I . -----~ . f Exhibit 26 f.- DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPH FOR SUSITNA RIVER ••• STATION ~U~BEk 52 1 [ I r I II Lf .. ·. I i . ! f1 'J J GAG£ ZERO : BELOW DOMINO FAILGRE AT MILE 10U.10 MAX ELEVATION R~ACHEU tlY FLOOD STAGE NOl AVAILABLE MAX STAGf = 8g.s1 Af TIME = ~AX FLOW : 1190~726 Al TIME : FLuOD WAVE = 1:,.,~6 HUURS l~.lb HOUkS. ___ __:...H~R::__---:S:....:T...:..A.:..:.f.,::..::. E:_.. -~~F-=L~(I;...;..~\;_t ---=0::.__---=~~U~O:....:O~t;;...:> O::...:C.:_J ---.:1:...:0~0. 0 () (J (llJ o 17.6 552o7~ I* I ' 1 1501J000(l ] I 2uOuOOOU I I 1 17.7 5S4116 I* 1 l 352.51 2~ o o .lt. 1 STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 264. 2 17.7 556541 I* 3 17.8 558bU7 l* NOTE: -I I 4 5 b 7 17.6 5o0/o~ I* I DISCHARGE IN CFS 17.8 So3349 I* _J ____________________________________ __ 17.9 5o59Ut> I* I I I I 17.9 ~679~9 I* I I I 1 I 1 I I I r 1 1---~-I '· I I 1 J -I I 4 J t. c • I r· I • I 1 *I 1 J }\" J I * I J * 1 I* 1 *I J * 1 I t· • l 1 l 1 1 1 ~. I I 1 I 1 I -I• 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 f• I 1 1 l ~· • c:- 1 " ., f 1~ 9 ea -8 .... t.: 4 7 6 5 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------J. 3 c::-3 _________________________________ _, _______ . __ _ ~r~----------~-----. 't a l -.'--- " I ,, . c-?4 •. -. I Exhibit 27 DISCHARGE ril'Dr<CJGi~APH FO~ SUSITNA RivEr< • • • STAT I (IN NUII.iBER <.J':> BE L(H'I WAlAI\J/1 JAM Al l"il LE 157.8u GAGE: lE~O = 3u.Ol' MAX ELEVATION tH:ACHEU 6Y FLUOO ~~AVE -97.2rl - FLfJ(lf"' STAGE NOT AVAILAHLE r~,A X STAGE : 67.2~ AT 1 1 f'-1 f. -23 • U {I t-iOURS - j\' A X. FLOw = 10S~5334 AT T I fl.it: -22.0u HOUHS - tik SlAGE FLUW u ~OOO(t00 1 0 t) (i 0 (J ll 0 150\JVI.dJO 2oooouou 2'.:>000lJ(.JlJ 0 .53.1 7739Ul.l I * I 1 1 I 1 1 33.1 7 7 !J t, u l) I 'Jit 1 1 I I I 2 33 .. 1 77~127 I * l 3 33 .. 2 7-loL!J'-1 1 * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN ST~GE + 30.0 1 ..... ~·--<-··-«7-ffl• 4 32>.2 776446 I " I 1 1 5 ,5j.2 777v12 I * I I DISCHARGE IN CFS l 33.2 __ ., b 77bl93 I * 1 I I I 1 7 .S3.2 77~7US I * I I I I l r=---- ' ~ ..$3.~ 779lbl I * I I 1 I 1 q 53.2 779':>7~ l * I I 1 I 1 10 33".2 779952 l * I I I I 1 (---.---=-::=--· 1 1 33.2 7B03vl I * I I I 1 I 12 33.2 7oUo23 I * I I I l 1 13 33.2 7o04c!l 1 * 1 1 I I l 14 33 .. 2 7bl3U3 I lc J 1 I I 1 I . f---~-~-::-:-~--=------,..----=------::----=-----=------=--, r-~-::;--;:---o:-~~--=-15 7.3 ~ -. ~ 7tJ77u7 J * I J, 1 I l lb ~4.2 92911~ 1 * 1 I 1 1 1 17 40.1 2053149 I * 1 1 1 t 1 18 u4.8 Lf7 34.142 I *I I I I 1 19 57.]l 73623/jl I I * 1 1 I 1 2o 62.2 ~c2!~e8 I I * I I I l 21 65.2 1Uc28Ubl J l ii. 1 l 1 22 oo.o 1 u5S~33t.t 1 I 1* 1 I 1 23 b7.3 1036471Q J I I* ] 1 1 24 67.0 9797527 I I * ] I I [--~~~~---=------:---=-------=------=---~ . l----:::::-:---·"'--:-::::;;---;.~=:---::-------:------:-----::------:;;------::- 25 bo,.u H997~75 1 I * I 1 1 1 2b 64.,6 8111.39~ I J * I l I I 27 o2.9 7232236 I I * I 1 I I r~ 28 61.1 b411!:>U3 -------=~--~~~--~~-I I * I I I 1 -24 54.1 5674771 I 1* I I I I 30 57o2 5 u23{1o9 I * 1 1 I 1' 1 31 55.3 L~4:,5967 I *I 1 I I .L [--~~~~----~--~~~--~ 32 5.3. 5 .59~5620 I * J. 1 WATANA DA~l 1 33 51.~ 3~4u3ou I * I l I 34 Su.I--rt7tv8o I * I 35 4~ .. b 2~49979 l. * I Pf~F FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I- 3b IJ7.1 2576244-I * 'l 37 LJ5.b 2321.1732 1 * .l AT RM 26.8 NEAR SUSITNA STATION .)B 44.5 21oo2lo I * I 1 1 ·~-y-·-~·"· I I . L -:----.-:::--~~~~-...,.--- ! , 2 39 43.3 141~~9d I * I I I I ( 4U 4 c:, • c.-·· t757'4ot;~ I * 1 1 I I l e ~ ------------~~---8 . r------------------------------------------------------ 5 ----------------------------~----------------------------------------------------[-----------~------ J - J '!1~ ., 1 l l I , Exhibit 28 '-1,-------------~-----~-- J ·'jj DISCHAkGf rlYDROGRAPh FG~ &USilNA PlVE~ ••• S 1 A T l 0 N N U 1"1 HER 78 nELuw i)FVIL CANYON AT tliLE 157.b0 :;j ; ' li~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 GAG t: l E P U : 3 u • (J U F L O ~ ~l X S ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ N A~~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ed Y F L t~ 0 D w'v A V E : ·.·j1 ·•1AX STAGE= 142.71 AT TiwlE = l~o-3_ti_ti_O_lJ_R_S _______ _ 72.71 '"! ""A X F L 0 L1J = 2 u 58., 1 4 AT 1 I (Ill t = 1 7 • 6 b H 0 u R s I l -~----~H~R~.--~s~-~'A~G~~E~--~F~L~U·~·~~·--'~'--~5~·u~·t~1 0~l~10~--1~U~O~C~It~JO~'O~--i~S~u~t-ll~)0~0~~2~U~O~u~U_O_(I ___ ~~~5~0~U~u~O~U----, 1 -~ 1 0 • 0 3 3 .. 1 7 7 1 7 .:-; 6 T I NOTE: ,, o! 1 0 • 5 3 3 • 1 7 71 7 4 t; I ~. l J 11.0 33.1 772o8tl 1 I * I STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 30.0 j 1t 11_" 5 33.2 7 ~ 4 (I 7 3 I I * I 1 u----~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~---------~~~----~------------------- DISC .. :ARGE IN CFS · -,r l ·~ 12.0 33.4 82247~ I I * 1 I I 1 12.5 34.0 901blY I I * I T I 1 13.0 34.4 lo25u77 I I 1* I I I 13.~ ~6.1 11H5059 I I I * J I 1 14.0 37.4 1365~70 I I I * 1 I ! -~--~1~4~·~s~~3~8~-~o~~1~5~4~3~6~5~9~~I~------~r~------~r~------~l_* ________ .~I1 ________ ~r~--- ~ 15.u 39.7 17u3774 1 1 I 1 * I 15.5 40.o 1834~!9 I I I 1 * 1 I I 16.0 41.4 1G34122 I I I 1 *I I .I ~ 16.5 41.9 2002454 I I 1 T * 1 ' -i;-~~:....:;:;--~:-=--::---~~~~~~---____;~----____;~~---·:-----~-----;--ai · 17.0 42.3 20422oS I I I I I* I Q 17.5 .q2.6 2057967 I I I 1 I* 1 '-~ .. --~1~8~0---~4~2.7--2~05~4~~~2~4~-~~--------~I----------I~--------~---------~l~*--------~1----.! ·. • I !8.5 42.7 2035235 I 1 I I I* I 19.0 42.7 2004614 I I l 1 ~ l -l--~1_9~·~s __ 4_2~·-s~-1~9~o_s_~_c~2--~I _________ r~-----I ! -----~----.----~I __ __ ~ 20.0 42s4 1919o70 I I I I ~ I I 20.5 42.1 l8b97u~ I I I I * I I ~ 21.0 41g9 1816979 I I I J ------*--~1~--------~I----- 1 -~--~2~1~8~5--~4~1~·~6--~1~7o2hl~o--~I ________ ~I~------~I~--------I~-----*----~I _________ ~I __ __ j 22.0 41.3 17uh179 I I I I * I I i 22~=5 ____ 4~l~·~O--~l~o~5~3~8_4~b--~J--------~~~------~~-------~I---*------•I--------~l----~ _.._ --~~~~~:~~~~:~~~;:~·~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~i~~~~i~-------~i~------~; _______ ~~i~*-* _______ ~i~------~i ___ __ 24QO 4U.U 1497H84 I I I * I I -r":'---=2_:4...:::.•~5-~3-.:..q-=..•...:..7 _ _14 4 9 3 4 1 I I I *! I I _ 25.0 39.3 1402H42 I 1 I * 1 I ' I ~-· ' ____ 2;,;;5~ .. ..::;;5 ___ ,~ • 0 13 58 ~Q..?. _ _;:;I..__~------::1;.... __ ---=-! ----*-..::;:.1 ____ ,_..-:::.I_._.. ______ ..:;.I_. 26.0 38.7 13163b0 I I I * I I I _1:·. 26.5 38.3 1276461 I I I -:.: I I ,: 27.0 ~8.0 1238757 I J I * 1 I T ,L l 27.5 37.7 1203245 I I I * I I 1 . 28.0 37.~ 9 7~ I I I * I 1 I - •.· 11 b ci . ~--~2~8~·-5--~3_7~·~2--~1~1~~~-h~l~H--~I--------~~--------~~---*--J ~--~I __________ l__ __ 29.0 3o.9 llU9492 I I I * 29~5 36.b 1082~16 I I I * DEVIL CANYON DAM --·-·------.--___:__. 1 -~--~~:~ ~~:~ ~~~}~-.~~:~~:i~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~-~-_. i: PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH l 31.0 35.9 101. ·EL -; I ~ . -1--.=-~ =-~ .;;....: ~=---____;;~;...:;;...;:~~-f; ~ ~ ~ ~--~i -------=-i-··"' ~r ...... ,.,.. *; _ AT ffi.1 2 ~ . 8 REAR : 32.5 .35.4 95~94t: I 1 *l I i I" 33.0 ~5.2 940102 I I *I I 1-· 3.S.5 35.i! 925015 I I *I l l·· c;· , ... ·- SUSITNA I I 1 I STATION 1 I I I -· ' ' ! '.-· I . ~ ~~ ':~:.~~ ,, ~'' 1, -.; !ri•rt _,.,,~.,_..., 0_l;;~r,.~"""1~~-~'~ w,_;t .. z:; ... ~R-"""'" -~·.·,_:,· ~~~ . ......._~\ .• .,_,~, ... _.._,__..,_,......,......-....~~··~·-.... ~--,...,.-.-----------~-__, ,__ __ 4 _,_ .. ,,,..__~"'~.......-:-~........._.~.~~~'"--. '•j .. I I· --·-·------· ·-... -. .. -···-·-----....,---------------- J.· I . :. I I l •t• ) Exhibit 29 DISCHARGE HYDHOG~APH FOR SUSI1NA RIVER ••• STATION NUMRER tiELOw POMJNO FAILLHH:. Af lv'IILE:. 157.~0 GAGE ZERO = 3u.ou MAX ELEVATION kfACHEO tiY FLOOO wAVE : FLUUD STAGE NUT AVAILAHLE r~~-. 7b l ~AX STAGE : b9.13 AT liME : MAX FLOW : 114~0115 AT TI~E : 22.70 HOURS 21.68 HOUkS I ! I I I I '· ~ I fJ ' l l . I l I I ;l f-• E~ r• • n-• JG ~ l. HR 0 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 tO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SlAGE FLOw () ~000000 lUOOOOOO 15000U(IO 20000000 250UOU0t 33.0 7o300U I * J I I I l l 33.0 763UOO I * I I I 1. .~..J l 3 3 • O 7 0 .3 ° 2 b I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT MSL GIV 0 l 1 3 3 " 0 7 6 4 2 b 3 I * " = EN STAGE_+ __ 3_. o_--=)1 ~~ 33 • 0 7 o541 0 I * 1 DISCHARGE IN CFS 33c0 7672~1~7--~I-*------~J~------------------------------------·I I 3 3 • 1 7 6 ti 5 .~ ~ I * I I 1 I 1 \ 33.1 7bQ~~7 I * I I 1 I J I 33.1 77027r:, I * J I I l 1 I ~~: ~ g ~ ~~~ ; : ~ i ~ ~ : I 33.1 771~26 I * 1 I 1 I J ~~ 33.1 772134 I * 1 I I I 1 33.1 771974 I * 1 1 I I 1 33.1 774642 I * I I I I l 33.8 890272 I * I I I I 1 39.5 1944386 I * I I 1 I 1 4d.7 437b110 I *I I I I 1 56.3 6q82769~~~---------~I-----*----~I--------~I-----·-----I~------~I 61.8 q114827 I I * I I I 1 r,·-.. ··---2201 65.5 10570479 I I I* I I 1 I ., 67.7 11325745 I I I * I 1 l J ·~22~---6~&~.~~97-.1~1~4~7~9~4~9~1--~I--------~I~------~l---*----~I~------~I----·----~I ! 23 69a~l 11154427 I 1 I * I I 1 l ------~2~4-----b~b··~.o~·~l0-4~7~.~73~7~7--~I~------~I~------~l-*--------~1----------I~--------I i 25 67.5 956~132 I I ~I I I 1 26 65.9 85o392o I I * I 1 I I 27 64a~O 7570942 I I * l I I 1 1 28 62.0 oo45243 I l ~ I I I I l -------~29~--~5~9~-~~~J~5~8~i~b~.~~S~l~~i~------~l.--*----·---7J ________ ~I ________ ~I~------~I I 30 57.7 50~6392 I ~ I I I I I ------~3~1 _______ 5~5~·~6~-4~4_5~8~.6~b~h--~l~-------*~I ________ -=I ____________ l~-------~1~------------~l l 32 53.6 391772o I * I I I I 1 • 33 51.7 3453489 I * I I l I 1 34 49 • 9 30549 ~4 T * 1 WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DAMS 1 35 48.1 2711180 I * I 1 [ e ~.~ -......,~....,.~-:-==-~--2-=--~ ~,......,~,......,: j-=~,....,...!...,.,..~--;;;_i --*-*--}--PMF FAILURE HYD ROG RAPH ----~ 1 1 ,. [ ~ f2 -·-·-----,3:;-8~-~4;:-:3,_;.~b--::1~4~~~2~1~U~2~~1--*-J II 4f 11 39 42.3 1744b7u I * AT RM 26.8 NEAR SUSITNA STATIO_N ___ l · 1 !, 10 r·-9 1 I :JI ~ ---II' t··· :-t 4 ~-----------------------------------------------~--l f. .- 3 '1 j. ~ ------------- ! l I 1 \\ l '"I I l l : l I I . ~ ex ,_:\ I ,. ,, .................... ~ ..... ·"-· _, -:"" .........:~-----==-~" """'" ',_,.,.. .. _..,..~· ·,.,.,:.. :.-:·~·· -~-=-~~-,.,........_.._,~--....,...._.,_ .... __ ,_~~-~-· , __ ..__~.....:~.--......___-:.-......-.---.~--~ ~~l } '~ ~·· ,'· '• ~ t. ~ ·I ----l I Exhibit 30 DISCHAt->GE HYOROG~APh FUR SUSJTI\iA klvER ••• S1ATIUf\t NllMnER 45 I ' ' ~ E L 0 w th A 1 A I'· A D A r.t· A T !1-i I L E 1 ~ 7 • 8 0 GAGE: i.ERO : 3U.Ou ~AX ELEVATlUN RtACHED clY FLOUD WAV~ = F l 0 n D S 1 AGE N U 1 A v A I L A h L f:. J· ~AX STAGE : 63893 ~T TIME = 24.00 HOUkS j -----------'.:..:.."1 A:..:..' .:..:..X __;_F=L.:....u_w_:.:_...:..b_<-~.:..:..9....::.8-=2:....4-=2:.___....:.A.:....I=--T:...;I=-~"...:.:'I E~=--=-2=-3.!:.." ..::..O...:::..O__:_:H.:::.O..:::U..:.:R...:::S:.__________I l I C!OOOOOO 4UOOOOO oOUOOOO 8000000 ----~~--~~~---~~~~-~~~~:.__--~~~~-...:.._~.~~~ FLU~·~ 0 lOOOUOOv I k' ·I ' ( J I I 1 J429o9 I* 14~002 I* I I -·--. _] __ ~~-_1____ _ . 1 --J 14 3 (l ~ £J 11< l4301Q 1* NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL + GIVEN STAGE + 30.0 ---150QC;O I* I I r 31.5.S1H 1 * DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 ----~~~--==~--~~~~~~------~~--------~----------------------------~1 __ __ I I 1222401 1 * I I I 1 l * ~ 2871795 I 4542CH:'4 I ';)9Q9f:)7Q 1 71u354o I I I 1 I 1 * I I I T I I ----~~~--~~--~~~--~~------~=----------~---------1 --________ i~---------~1 _____ [ ------~~~~~~--~~~~.-~--------~--------~--------~--------~1----------~~----[ * 1 * l . J . I ,.- fi . . 31.0 44.2 37.5 43 .. 6 38e0 42.9 38.5 42~3 7922587 847q725 8822104 ti9t;49L47 8'198242 8891265 86H7tiL19 ftLil4bUS 8091227 773·661 0 13b3715 698£1162 oov6033 6235764 f-;877829 _. __ :,:..._,3130 52080lb 4897596 4606993 4335452 40b0807 3842600 3619634 3411022 3215b9~ .)033.$72 ~~b26.)b 2702t\80 25:,3.550 2413327 22tilll15 21~344~ 2036744 l '1.28544 18~7715 17'~3749 1b·A60liQ 1 -~q_· "'-~ _ 4..;..1...;;; • ...,o _ _;_;;~- I ] I ] I I I I I I 1 I J I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I J I I I I I I ~ .1. I I I I T J. 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T j ~~~ ' • i : 0 ! l I ·111\------------------- 1 ''l lr-~-----------~-----------------E_x_h_i_b_i_t_3_o _______ _ DISCHA~GE HYOROGRAP~ FUR SUSITNA klVER ••• 45 l l ~~LOw ~AlA~A OA~ AT MILE Sl ATillf\t NllMDEF< t-:,7.e.U j J: ) '------~~~~~----~~~----~~~~~~--~----~------1 GAGt LERU : 3U.OU ~AX ELEVATION R~ACHED dY FLOUD WAV~ : · F L 00 I> STAG f N U 1 AVAIL A hI i:. 9 L., "9·-.;J _ _:, l J ·1AX STAGE= 63.93 AT llfvlE = j i"l A X FLU~ : t\ 4 9 8 2 4 2 A l T I il-1 E : 24.00 HOURS 23.00 HOURS td I HR STAl'E FUN I) ~ll()Q\)00 4'JOU('O~ bilUOOflO 8000000 lOOOUOO_L __ ~~~--~~~~~~~i~-~~~!~~~~-~~~~~i~~~~~~-~~~~------J-I __ N_m_E_: __ s_~_G_E_I_N_·~~~-+-G-RD~~~~._O_l ___ I 1 7 • 5 1 B • 1 1 50 q i:: t) I * l I 1 I lb.O 23.(.{ 313 . .!,1H 1 * I 1 DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 r ~8.5 33.0 1222401 1 * I I I I l 19.0 42.0 2671795 I I * I I 1 l __ __ 19.5 4h.4 4542CH~4 I T 1 * J I 1 IJ.·----2~0~·~0---75=j~a~l--~~~9_Q~9~B~7_q __ ~l~-------l~-----~I-------·~*--------I~------~1--~ 20.5 Sh.5 71u354o I I I 1 * 1 1 -----~2~1~·~o-~5~9~·~u __ 7_9~~~-2=~~t~7--=I ___ ---~J~------~r ______ ~1 ________ * ________ ~l __ __ I 21.5 6U.'t 847Q725 I ] I 1 l * I 'Jl~ 22.0 o2.2 8822104 I I I I I * l ~ : 22.5 o3.1 ti9~4947 I I I I I * I ~ 23.0 63.7 8998242 I 1 I 1 I * 1 1 ,-----~~~~:~~--~~~~~:~z--~~~:~~~;~~-~~~--~~--------~i--------~i--------~i--------~}---*-*----~i·----- 2Q.5 o3.7 ftQ14ouS I I 1 I I * I 25.0 o39~ 8091227 I I I I * l 25.5 62.9 7736610 I I 1 1 *1 I 26.0 62.3 7363715 I I I I * I I J- 26.5 61.6 69ti4162 I I I 1 * I 1 27.0 60.9 bbub033 I I J I * 1 1 27.5 60.0 6235764 I I 1 I* I I 28.0 59~2 5877829 I I J *I I I -· I 28.5 58.3 5535130 I I I * 1 I 1 ,: ----:::2~9...:;.•-:=0--;::5~7-="'~4:----.;;5~2:;-:0:-:8:-:0:-:1:-:ts:_. ---=1=--------=-1 ------;I:.__ ___ ·~t----:I:------.;.I _____ _;I~- 29.5 56.5 4897596 I I I * I I I J ~~:~ ~~:~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ' ~ 31 .. 0 5~.ts 40b0807 I I * I 1 I [ 31.5 S2.~ 3842600 1 I *I 1 I _;I;;.__ __ _ J. 32.0 52. i 36 1963~ I I * 1 l I 1 I ~~:~ ~~:: ~::~::: ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 33.S 49 0 ~ ~033j72 J I * I 1 J J I !----~3~4~·~u--~~~8~·~7--~2~~~a~2~o~3~)--~J~----~--1~---*----~I--I I I I 34.5 47 q 2702dHU 1 I * I 1 3 5 • 0 4 7 : 2 2 5 ';, 3 ..s 5 0 I J * I WA TAN A D A~~ 1 ---li ~-------=3,...,5=-.--=5=---~4-o-• .,.--.....,2,_,4 1 3 3 2 7 1 1 * -L r' 36 ~ v 4~. 7 22tH; 1 t 5 1 I* SUNNY DAY FAILURE: HYDROGRAPH 36.5 4~.9 21534~~1---------I~*---- Il .. -3 7 ~ 0 4 4 • 2 2 0 3 6 7 4 4_~1 ______ ! _____ ";"'A_T_RM __ 2_6_ .. _8-::-N_E_A_R_SUSITNA STATION ~ l7 • 5 . 4 3 • b 1 4 2 8 54 4 I * I I ~T-1 3s.o 42.9 1Ba7715 I *I I 1 1 I j 3 8 • 5 4 2. 3 1 7 ~ 3 7 4 9 I *I I 1 --.-:·r=-· -----~---::1=----,!. ~. __ 3 9_._0 _ 4 t • b 1 o !~ 6 u 0 0 I * I t I ! 1 I T ! 1 f is ; 4 - 'J ;:~ i' ,, I 1 " I. ,• l I I ~ l .I 1 l I I ~I I I .-! I 1 t I j I 1 I i -\ j .I " -, ·:,.' t I t .. I II l u .. ' -l a I I ! I I , I c l I l f. I tr I i ; ·l I ! J ~ ::.!j '}t 'l ): ' I I f -;.;.-. ' 12 I; -t 1 ~·--=-~ 10 t 9 ' 8 ' 7 6 I· t::' 5 4 3 I :· . • Exhibit 31 DISCHARGE HYD!-<OGRAPH FO~ SliS!T!\:A RIVER .... STATION NUMBER 7~ HELOw DEVIL CANYON Al MILE 157.80 GAGE ZEPU : 30.00 MAX ELEVAllON HEACHED HY FLOUD WAVE : 7U. 9· HR S1AGE 0 .50.5 1 30.5 2 30.5 3 30.5 4 30.5 5 3u.s b 30.5 7 30.5 8 3U.~ q .$0.5 10 30.5 1 1 30.5 12 30.o 13 31.b 14 34.2 15 36.ti 16 3b.a 17 4u.,l 18 40.8 19 41.0 20 40.8 21 4v.4 22 39.9 23 39.4 24 3o.7 25 38.1 26 37.4 27 3b.B 28 3o.1 29 35.5 30 35.0 31 34.5 32 34.0 33 33.6 3ll 33.2 35 32.8 36 32.5 37 32.2 38 32.0 39 31.8 40 rn ~1.6 41 31.4 42 31.3 43 31.2 44 31 .I 45 31 .1 46 31.0 47 30.9 . FLOOD STAGE NOT AVA!LAHLE MAX STAGE : 40.46 AT TII'..,F : 19.00 HuURS t-1 A X F L 0 ~ : 1 7 5 7 q 2 2 A l T ll.t: E : 1 H • 2 7 H 0 U R S FL0\1'1 u 5o~215 I Sh4215 I 5H4~U9 I 585676 1 5~o:S3ti 1 5bb755 I 5b7002 1 ~~7182 I 5137263 I ';Jb7472 1 '='o7791 I 5Bou2o I 6UlhUO 1 72b673 I 976~03 I 12b8579 I 1548686 I 1700310 I 1755589"' 1 1~42513 I ;--;86 '4 71 I loUo935 I 1516257 I 1422452 I 1330410 I 1.243021 I ll619Ub I 10d783c I 10210011 9o162b I 908932 I 8o2b83 1 822832 1 7H8249 I 758828 I 732558 1 708084 I 688v15 i t>717!;5 I 658670 I b47ooo I 638995 I b315Aq 1 o25~82 I o2o7u9 I b1b7ob I o1359A I 611050 I ~uuouu I tc I * NOTE: I .,_ I * I * I * 1 * I * I * I * I * I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I . I I I I I I 1 I I * I * I * I * * * * * * * 10VOOOO 1soouoo 2uooooo 250v I I I I ___ L. -------· ___ _,_! ____ _ STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 30.0 DISCHARGE IN CFS I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I * 1 1 I * I T J. I * I I I I* I I l * I I I * I I I * I I I * T J. I ] * I I * I I * I I I * I I 1 * 1 I I ftc I I I * I I * I I ~I I I * I I I * I I I - * I I " I * I I I * I I I * I I I ftc· DEVIL CANYON DAM * SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDROGRAPH AT RM 26.8 NEAR SUSITNA STATION J. I I I I I I I 1 I I I l. I I I I l I l l r II ! I I I I I I 1' ,, I I '"-·-..... -.... ,_.;, ....... ~, ........ --~·---:····-~ ..... -~-.... ... , .. ~--..... """"'.~---.... -··-\r-·--};·~-~ ... -~.--.~--~---.......,.,....-·----·~-· ----.1.·· .... -·= --·--······-.... ··-········--··· . ·---·~-~· ...... -·--·-·-:.·;::: j ~ ,J. ~ . '~--- ;,f 0 ~ .. .' ~t. I ) Exhibit 32 ------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- 0 I S C b A R r.; E. H Y D K U G R A P rl F () h S II S T T t\J A H 1 v !:. w • • • S T A 1 J L) 1\J N U t..r. B E k 7 e. H E L U IN I l n J,., l 1\J n F A l L U H E f. 1 t•; ll F: 1 ':> 7 • ~ 0 G p. G E Z E H 0 = .3 0 • 0 u i"' A X E l E 1J A T I u i'J k E A C H r f > b Y F L Ll U D ~·, A V t. = 4 4 • 4 b f L fH ll \ S. LA(; E N !,1 l AVA I l I\~ L t MAX STAGE : 64.4b AT li~t : 23,41 HOURS ___________ __.{II~' :;;;_A :...!.x ~F !.&.1.. .;..:.n=\"·-::._-!.9 o q 2 6 4 l.i A 1 1 I 1·' f = 2 t! • ~ 3 H o LH< t> 1 i ~ ~ ! IJ I -~ l ;I J· J. I I 'j ,.: 1 ; 12 11 1l' 9 8 7 6 5 l '1·_. .( 3 --· ..... I t ~··--·~--~,.-.·----· .• ,_, .. __ -~-./-- :' I ~ ;} HR 15.0 15,5 lb.O lb.S 17oV 17.S 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.~ 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.v 24.5 25.0 25.5 261[1(} 26.5 27.0 27.5 28e0 28.S 29.0 29.5 3030 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 32.5 33.0 33,5 34.0 34.5 35.0 .3~o5 36.0 36.5 37.0 37.5 38.0 '38.S -~-.. STAGE. FLOv: u 31.? bC.b677 J 31,2 6)27b1 I * 31.~ 66910'1 I * 32.7 e.41u~3 I .55.~ 131Hq23 1 t.tU,/1 23LJ 2'13o I 45.7 3S2lJ21 u 1 s (I I u 47bl9Yb I 53.~ :,~b~l~j 1 5o.3 b7tj4(j4b I ~b.b 753~';)01~ I oU.3 bll675b I t>1.7 HS48t>03 T b2,.8 8852.!>71 l z o3.5 9024~70 I b4.1 9092v2o I 0~.4 '/O~ol(J.) I 64.5 b<129U2Y I 64.4 ~726306 I 6 4 ~· 1 846416~ I b3~8 B1S9221 1 63.3 7826501 I o2.7 747472.9 J 62.0 7114464 .,. .l 61.3 b7~2249 1 60,5 6394062 1 59.7 6044157 1 58.~ 5707833 1 58.0 53t~4~44 I 57.1 ~07~ltj6 l 56.2 4779777 I ~5.3 4503576 I 54.4 4242461 I 53.5 399blUO I 52.6 376~.S41 1 Sl.b 3514 8 65 fj I 51). 9 ~344914 J ~0.1 3153580 I 49.3 2974087 1 t.ltl.4 zeosess I 47.7 2oLl9301 1 46 .. 9 ~5o272o 1 4o.1 2,~64'107 I 45.4 2233?99 I 44.7 211U9tiY I 44.0 1998u49 I 43.3 1893616 I 42.7 t7qoqos I 20000Q.O 400UOOO b (I\.} 0 (j 0 0 oUOOOUO lO_QIJ~)_!JU NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 30.0 I 1 DISCHARGE IN CFS ~ I I * I I I 1 I * J l 1 I * 1 1 I J J 1 l .1 *I T ~ I I l I * I J I I * 1 l I r I* I I I 1 * T r I I * I l 1 l * 1 1 1 I 1( I 1 1 1 * I l 1 1 ·* I I 1 I * l I I J * I I I I* ] I 1 *I I I J * I 1 1 1 ~ I J I ] * 1 I I I * I I 1 * 1 I 1 *l I 1 I * 1 1 1 I A 1 1 I I * I , I I I * I I I I* I I I * I . I I *I 1 1 1 * J 1 I ---. I * I 1 I 1 * J ] I ~ 1 * I J 1 I * I I I 1 * I I 1 I * I I l WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DAMS I ~ T* 1* SUNNY DAY F.t1:.:LURE HYDROGRAPH * *1 ~ AT RM 26.8 NEAR SUSITNA STATION - .) I I l' l i I I i J ! l- [ k f I I ' l I I L r ~ l J-.,---------------------~~---------------- ! -------·----------------------------------- 1-I-------------·------------------E-x_h_i_b_i_t_3_3 ______ . _ DISCHARGE HYD~OGRAPH FUR SUSJTNA HIVtR ••• SfATllJN NUMbER 1U3 II ~ELJW ~AlANA DAM Al MILE 174.40 . j l !1 I i GAG t l E R 0 : 2 u • 0 u l'-11.\ )( E l E V A T I 0 N REA C HE 0 H '( F L Ll U r, w A V E : o2.0~ FLOUO STAGE NOT AVAILA~LE ~~X ~TAGE : 42.04 AT TIME : 26.00 HUURS f•! A ;( F L U w : Q 1 1 6 1 1 b A T 1 1M f:. : 2 6 • {IIJ H 0 d 1-1 S ----·-·----- 1 ift----~1 ~~-~~~---s~i·~~-:~~-71 ~~~~~~~~--~~--~~_o_v_l,_O_o~~----4-o_o_o_o_o~~-- ! 16.0 10.9 7t.HJU49 l * 1 I * b 0 0 0 lJ l' 0 I I aoooouo I I lOOUlJOOU I 1 NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 20.0 J -~--,_.,...1...,..6-.-=s---..,..1...,...1-.. ..,..u--=7-o o:, o c I ] J 17.0 11.0 7o2i..l/3 1 ! 1 7 • 5 11 • 0 7 t5 7 2 9 o I * 1 I DISCHARGE IN CFS ! • 1a.o 11.1 eo3~qo I * I 1 1 t~t 1 8 • 5 1 1 • .!> ~ ~ 1 2 b d I -*--J----------..,1=---I 1 I 19.0 12.0 972~49 I * I I 1 I I 19.5 13.~ 1242812 1 * 1 I I 1 l E 20.0 lo.u 1742137 I *I I 1 I 1 lii--..... 2-...0-.-=s---=-l-:-c9:--.-o,-----=2..-:4.,......o--;b~3 .... ...,o,....,S~--=1 1 * I 1 I 1 21.0 23.7 3470167 I l * I 1 I 1 J 21.5 27.3 4~03035 I I l * I I I j ~). 22.u ~0.6 54bU~74 ! 1 I * 1 1 l ~ ----~2~2r.~s--~3~3~.~s--~o-3~a~r~~s~~~,~1--~1----------I--------~1~--------~I~*--------l--------~r~--- g 23.0 3So9 7080471 I I I I ~ I I 1li. 23.5 38.0 /o91498 1 * . 24.0 39.6 8176o92 1 l I I 1* 1 24.5 40.7 8590326 1 I I I I * 1 Jl:_----~2~5_.~0--~4~1_.~5--~8~8-8~3-1~5-l __ ~I __________ r __________ I ________ ~I __________ r ____ *~----I __ ___ ~ 25.5 41.~ 9051393 I ! 1 1 1 * 1 26.u 42.u 9llo11o I I I I I * I 26.5 42.0 9093422 1 * ~'~-~2~7_.~0-~4~1_.~7.-~b~9~~~7~o~1~1~_-rl ________ ~I--------~l~--------lr----------~I--~:--*---~I~---27.S 41~4 6841593 I I I 1 1 * I 28.0 40o8 8637020 I I 1 1 1 * I 11 ~~:~ ;~:~ ~{~6~~~ ~ i i ~ ~** i ----~2""'9.-.'""1':'5-~3,.....8. 7 78952 7 0 I I I 1 * 1 1 ~-.' 30.0 37.7 7olo897 I l 1 I * 1 I ~ 3v~S 36.7 7324048 I 1 I t * I 1 31~0 35.7 10225q5 I I I I * I I ------~3~1-:·~s--~3n4'.-7r-~c~7r17~4r.2~1--~I----------I--------~I----------r!---~-.--------------~~---- -l i~:~ ~~:; ~~~~~~; i i i i~* I I 53.0 31.7 5~17011 1 I I *I I I I 33.5 30.6 ~53lOU7 I I * ~ J 34.0 29 8 5254o91 I I I * I I I ·, -~---...3r-r:2J:--• ..,.s--..,2 r.q-: ~a-"iTal"'iq-::rg..,7"":'o~S71o;----.;r------r...--------..,.1---"'::':*---"""'I'-----,.----------, 35.0 2d.l 4732b33 I I I * I -~ 35.5 27.3 4490957 1 1 1 * 1 ··: 3o.O 26_.5 42ol682 I I I* J ------~3~6-.~s--~2~s-.~d--~u~~95o 1 r I I I ~-,-----:;!'""''fr:-r·~-__,..~ 'i!'"~ -: 4,.. 1 ---:~n~::-~::;:-~n~:-:-7!/T~-.. -......i ----...,.i---~*r-*...,~~-----WAT AN A DAM I I I 1 3e.o 23.8 3475773 I I * I PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH J ~~:~ -~-~-:-~--~-f-~_;_!_~_~ __ i _____ i __ --.-1':* i AT RM 10.0 NEAR ALEXANDER I I L l I, I I I I '! '! I ·• J ----------------------------------------,----------~----Exhibit 34 l ~~-------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~-------- 1 D I S C H A R G C. H Y D R 0 G 1-( A P H f 0 h' S u S J T N A R 1 V E R • • • b 1 A T 1 t I i\J I'H J !'-'1 1-\ f K b o K ~ L 1.1 ~1\J I) E: V I L C A t·l Y 0 N A 1 111t 1 l E 1 7 4 r. 4 0 G A (:, f l F: I·' U : 2 0 • u 1) JoJI A X E L E V A 1 I 0 hi ~ l A r. rl f.. D d Y F L 0 0 D ~~ A V E = ..lb.bl FLOOD SlAGE NUT AVAILAHLE t.~ /J. X S 1 At; E = 1 b • b 1 fJ T T I 1•1 t = 2 2 • Y 9 b 0 lJ R S ! 1 , A X F l 0 v, :: 1 ~ 5 b 5 9 t\ A T T J i•l E :: t!. 2 • q 9 H tl U 1--' S ----------------------~~~~~--~~~~~-I ~------~H~~--~s~~-~~,~~·~~----7~0 ~~=~~~-~---~-----s_u_u~·u~o~~--~1~~~o~u~u_o_~~l--~1~~-~0_0~0.~u~~--~2~o~o~l_Jo~u~~~--~~~s~o_u~o~<-'~-' ___ i II, i E:~ ;~~~E ~ } : -~-----!-1 ~ 11~,· II ~-I ~ l 0 • 9 i 04 b~c I NOTE: STAGE IN FT ~ MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 20.0 I J ~ lu.9 7o4q3<J T J li 6 1 I j '1 7 0 s q 6 (j I I ____ 'JII _____ l I c· --~------~~~~----7~~~-~:~~~~~~~~~~-~~~->;~. --~i--------~i~--~:----~i------D_I_S_CHA~I~R_G_~E_._I_N __ CF_S~[~--------~i---- 1 9 1 v. 9 7 b I '136 I 1 ~ 1 1 I 1 _ ·!------:-1 =o----~1....,u:--.-=-"1---7::;-b--M -.;-7 -r-s-:-~--=l---------=-r---..,.*----=I:--------~l---------l=---------=r,..--- 11 lv.4 769476 1 I * I 1 J 1 --------~-----~~~~~~~-=---------~----~--~,..----------~-------~--------·-·----12 10.~ 77U0b4 I I * I 1 1 l ~ ~~----~i~~----~~-~-}:~~~--7~7~~~~~;--~~~--~i----------~i----~:----~i~--------~l------~---1~1----------~i~--- a 15 ll.u 79ob32 I I ~ I 1 I I 1 1· lb 11 Ll ~7v' 4l1 4 I I * I J I 1· I ~! ______ ~1A7 _____ ~1~2_:~2.---,1~~~~~-i~-~~-~b~:--71 ______ ~1~--------~*----~----~J _______ ~l~--------~~I __ __ 18 1~.3 123574~ I 1 J * I I I 19 14.~ 1~5B7v0 I I I *J I 1 I 2U lS.~ 1644430 1 1 J J * 1 l 2 1 1 o • 2 1 7 7 {I 111 l 1 1 I J * I I 2 2 1 6 • 5 U:S 3 7 (j U Y ---=I=-----------=-1--------:-I -------=1-------,-* --=-1---------1,.,__ -- 23 lb.o lb5b5~6 T l J I • J 1 I 24 lo.S 18j70~3 l 1 J J * 1 I 25 16.3 179V77U l 1 ] ] * 1 I I 26 15.9 17~S94U 1 I I 1 * 1 l _·-----~2~7 ____ ~lrs_·.~s~-.1o~4~9~q7S~IJ--~1 ________ ~l----------=l~--------~l~-*~----~I~--------~l----- 28 ·lS.l 15o94ld I I I I* I 1 29 14.7 148o67Q I I I ~ I 1 30 14.3 l41V~/S 1 I I * 1 I I 31 13.~ 133o3o4 I I 1 * I I i I 32 13.5 12bb~v2 I I I * l l I I 33 l j g ~ 12 v 1 b l17 T I I * J I I . ~-, ----::3;-;4-:----.1 "'2 -. ~9--::-1-.1~~,_.5,....7.-o""""l,....---I=----------~l--------..;..J -...,..*-l 1 3~ 12.6 10~~24~ I I I ~ I I 1 II 3b ·. 12.t.t Iuqbt\'-+ll T T J * ·~EVIL CANYON DAM I ~.l~--~.5~7 _____ ~l~2~·~1 ___ 1-.v~u~'7_v_7~q~~I~--------~l--------~*-------v 1 3h 12.0 97~4v7 1 l *l ~9 tl.d ~~231~ 1 1 *I PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I ' ~0 11.7 4164t.:f; I l * 1 ! 41 11.5 ~~37o2 J I * 1 AT RM 10.0 NEAR ALEXANDER 42 11.4 674ui.J7 I I * I I 43 lle4 A57loU I 1 * 1 ] I 1 ."_---i7'4"4----;'l'l-.~3.,---o:::-J."'4 ""2":7~-:-c-:c?.___,_-.;-1------..-y ---~*-...,I----,\·---.-----....------------ . ~5 11.2 83U877 J I * I I 1 1 46 ll.~ 62VM45 1 l I ~7 11.1 812~~2 I I * I I I I .-----=-------=----=------=-----=--______:_-* I . (,.:, Ct ·· .... ·~~ _-,,_/ ' ~\J ,, ~-~ ··.~~~ -'·' \_\ ~-~--... _,_.....,_,__.._,~ ... ---·-' ~-.. ·---...~ ~:;.--· . l l f, I 'I .J = t ! I ) Exhibit 35 r I l l I l DISCHARGE HYDROGkAPH FOR SUSITNA RIVER • • • STATION NUt·H:~ER 86 l I BELOW DOMINO FAILURE AT iVIl LE 174.40 r l GAGE ZERU -2u.oo MAX E L E V A T I 0 I'<~ HE AChED BY FLOOD WAVE -64.44 l --! FLOOD STAGE 1'10 T AVAILABLE I -· ! f.., A X STAGE :: 44.44 AT TIME = 25.~8 HOURS .J I r-1AX F Lfl~~ -10076032 AT TIME -25.58 HOURS --l ,B HR STAGE FLOv~ 0 sooooou 100000{)0 15000000 20UOUOOO 25000000 \ ) 15.2 10.9 770910 I * r 1 I 1 I l l 15.7 10.9 771193 I * I ,. l I .L_ l .L -· . J •-16.2 10.'1 771999 I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSt = GIVEN STAGE + 20.0 l l lb.7 10.9 77569';, I * I I 0! 17.2 11.0 7fi8764 I * I DISCHARGE IN CFS I 17.7 11.2 834784 I * I I (l 18.2 ll.q 952997 I * I I I I 1 18.7 13.4 1244140 I * I I I I 1 19.2 lo.l 1760990 I * I I 1 I 1 I 19.7 20.0 2522872 I * I 1 ! I I 20.2 23.9 3~285o1 I * 1 I 1 I I 20.7 27.7 qS<t7354 I *I I I I 1 IJ 21.2 31.1 So17557 I I* I I I I I 21 .. 7 34.2 6550991 I I 1 I 1 l I * ~ 22.2 36.9 7368500 I I * I 1 I 1 22.7 39.2 8074111 I I * I l I 1 l ·-23.2 41.0 8718.l;21 I I * T 1 I I t 23.7 42.4 9247383 I I * I I I I : ) 24.2 43.3 9631708 I I *I I I I ~ r ~ t i I· 2"'.7 44.0 9582441 I I * I I I ! ., i 25.2 44.3 10029744 I I * 1 I 1 I t 25.7 44.4 10072834 I 1 * I I I l I 26.2 44.3 10027769 I I * I I 1 ! ~ 26.7 44.0 9911305 I I * 1 1 I \ ! 27c2 43.6 9728686 I I *I I I I ,, I ' 27.7 43.0 9490715 I I *I I I 1 ! 1''·-28.2 42.3 9212202 I I * I I I I ~ 28.7 41.5 8901553 I I * 1 I I I 29.2 40.7 8565089 I I * I I I I • 29.7 39.8 8227983 I I * I I I I 30.2 38.7 7915411 I I 1c 1 1 I , I 30.7 37.6 7585388 I I * I 1 I I 31 .. 2 36.5 7245446 I I * I I I I IJII-31.7 35.3 6901794 I I * I I I . I I , 32.2 ~4.2 t>559t372 I I * l I 1 I 32.7 . 33.1 6223562 l I * I I I I ,, 33.2 32.0 5895784 I l * I I I I 33.7 30.9 5578779 I I* I I I 1 ! . I -, 2. 34.2 29.9 5273471 I I* I I I 1 1 ~~ 34.7 28.9 ,. '. 'j 0 3 7 9 I * I I I I I 35.2 28.0 4fU l 487 I *I WATANA I l -9 35.7 27.1 4437781 I *I -DEVIL CANYON DAMS l l -36.2 l ~-26.3 4189053 I * I I ..,, 8 17 36.7 25.5 3953961 I * I PMF FAILURE HYDROGRAPH I t ·s 37. t;" 24.8 3735667 I * I ·-· "\ 7:.1.7 24.0 3537763 T * I AT RM 10 .. 0 NEAR ALEXANDER l w;: ... .. 38.2 23.3 3348006 I * I I I I I l 13 38.7 22.6 3168308 I it I I I I I i l r . ··--. --~----.... ·-------·-~-·····-.. ~---·-··-----.... ,, --·---····--·--~·---··---·-.. ·-......... _ .. ,_ --..... ,. -~-..... ~. ""''-'~ -~·--·---• +¥~··M··~• • ~ ---\"" _, ••V'-·-· -----~----·-·-:·.~--·--·-·----.-·------·-··-·····--~ ~ -• J J 'j '4 ',~ ·~ ·<>·· , j \_:,"?)-•'' ~ P:" -" -.; ,__, *~··l!I\C{? _ _,_ _ _..;·........._. __ ....... ..,~ . ...._.._--~to.-),' "" ~ --IIIIi..-. ·-}1'---...:.--~~.,..,...-.. _.__~ --. t ;cj ·-·' l .. in \I "1 tl Exhibit 36 'l! C· i I • D!SCt1ARt;E t-lYD~flGr~APH FUH ~!I~ J T ~;A RJVt:H s·l ATifll\l I'JUMHE:K 1u3 I • • • .I ~ELOIJ\• v· A 1 A r-~ A 0 AfJi A J !,'I LF 174.40 I GAGE: ZEkO 2 0. 0 {J ~!f.~ Flf VAT I Ot .. . h'r_ACHFI; H't FLC1U() INA vE ~ (. 41 = = I FLUOO S1AGE rvor AVl\lLAKLE I ! li·1AX STAGE = .!>7.41 AT-lirv;F = t!.7.00 HUUH8 ,_ ' ' I•IA X FL•li'v = 7~24t!ll0 A '1 l 1 111 E = t:!.7.0v HtlvRS I I ·I HR STAGE F LOY~ 0 200!l(Jl)lJ £l t) 0 0 U \J I) b li 0 () 0 ll I) 80fHHHJ(l 1 0 ll lHIIJ U lJ !! .. , 15.5 o.O l427bd I k 1 1 1 1 1 l 16.0 b.U 142745 I* J 1 1 l 1 ! ----I ·I 16.5 o.u lt•2~~(J 1 *' NOTE: STAGE IN FT, MSL = GIVEN STAGE + 20.0 I 17.0 6.u l42b44 I* l -·····-17.5 b.U l42t~bb .I* I I l 18.0 b.U l4~tH:o7 T* I I DISCHARGE IN CFS 1 11 18.5 6.0 l42t}(J7 lA--j-I ] 1 l ~ I 19.0 6.0 142.92o 1* I 1 1 l l 19.S 6.U 142452 1* I I J j l I 20.0 6.U 143u91 1* I I I 1 1 d0.5 6.0 1447~'1 1 * I I l .~ ' "] 21.0 6.2 lb7~1~ J 11 [ I l ] J ,. l ll 21.5 8.3 4115~6 1 * 1 1 .1 _, 22.0 13.~ 1304772 I * J I l I I ~ !1: 22.5 18.9 ~Li99tj3l l I * I 1 I 1 23.0 24.0 35oo~77 I 1 * 1 1 1 1 ! I 23.5 ~7.B 4od6..;o7 1 1 1 * J 24.0 .30.6 5LI8565~ J l I * l I l . 24.S 32.9 bl55577 1 I I l* l 1 .I~ 25.0 34.b 66b8577 I I T I * I I ... 25.5 35.ti 7u4545n 1 l l l 11: 1 1 26.0 36.7 73U2451 I I 1 I * I 1 26 .. 5 !J7.2 7456952 I I J l "' I 1 1---~~:~ 37.4 7524U40 I I I 1 * I 1 ~7.4 7517b42 T T I J * 1 j .• 2t).O 37.2 7449957 1 1 I I * J l I 28.5 36.~ 7331~ou I I 1 1 * 1 29.0 3b.2 7173~J79 l r l l * I 1 29.5 ~s.o 69o19'15 I I l * ·I 30.0 34.9 b7b6U76 I I I I * I I 30.5 34-.1 b5.llol,j I 1 ] 1 * .1 31.0 33.3 o2~4ot)7 I I I I* I 1 31.5 .!>2.4 ou3o2oo 1 I 1 * l ., 32.0 31.6 :,7721S4 I J J *] 1 I 32.5 3o.7 SS14u49 I I I * I I I 33.0 29.Q ~2~{1365 I· I I * 1 1 l II 33.5 t!.'-1.0 ~Ull5b711 I J I * 34.0 dts.2 4760418 1 I T 11 1 I 12 . 34.5 2 7. 4 L452.5So•l 1 J ] 1. l 1' 11 35.u t!.o.7 4245cl~6 ] T l* WATANA DAM ' r II J l .~ 35.5 t:::5.9 IJ,O//o57 J ~ 36.0 25.2 ..$~67532 T T ~T SUNNY DAY FAILURE HYDRO GRAPH ' 8 36.5 24.5 .Sbt>//Sd 1 1 * I II I 37.0 23.7 351Bq13 1 I * 1 .AT RM 10.0 1-'!SAR ALEXANDER 37.5 22.9 ~349ob0 1 'lil' ,..._ 38.0 22.1 3185311 !:i I 1 * I I I 1 l-· 38.5 21.4 302563/ I I * 1 1 3q.o 20.6 2f57109b I I * I T T 1 '.::: I ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ,:::-; ' 't ', ' I -J I ~· I I I I .r ~ 1: -t ~ I l I ' I I I ll I ---~-- I'-12 l·'i ------~~--~~~--~~~~ 8 I ~------~~--~.r~--~~~~~----~--~--~~--~~--------r---------~--------~ 4f 5 ------~----MI~--~rrm~~--------~~----~--------~--~---~~------~ ,: ________________ _ .. • • , ..,. • ' f 1 • .. . . Exhibit. 38 DISChARGE HYORnG~APH FOR S0SIT~A RIVER ••• STATIUN NUMHEk Hb t:s E L 0 l\ D 0 M I N U F A 1 Lilt< E A 1 f-'~ J L E 1 7 4 .. 4 0 GAGE ZERO : 20.00 MAX ELEVATION HEACH~D tlY FLOOn WAVE = 5o.7~ FLOOD STAGE NUT AVAILABLE MAX STAGE : 38.75 AT TIME : 2o.8H HOURS MAX FLOW : 7925251 AT TIME : 2o.M8 HOURS HR SlAGE FLOw 0 2000000 4000000 6UYOUOO bOUUOOU 1UllUOulitJ 15.1 10.1 625888 I * T I 1 ------~1~5~·~6___j~0~·~1~~6~2~6~0~3~6~-I---*------~l~------~I~ _______ l I I 16.1 10.1 626199 I * NOTE: STAGE IN FT~ MSL =GIVEN STAGE+ 20.0 1o.6 10.1 62o~83 I * 17.1 lU.l 626637 I * I 17.b lU.l 627320 I * I DISCHARGE IN CFS 18.1 10.2 o3~Q30 I * I 1 I 1 J ~ I I ------~1~8~·~b~~~1~0~·~2~~6~4~~~2~4~o~~I---*-------I~------~I~------~I~-------~~--~----~ 19.1 10.5 695413 1 * I I I I 19.6 11.3 841188 1 * 1 I I 1 20.1 13.1 1185746 1 * 1 I I I 2G~b 16.1 1757olb ~I~-------*~~~------~I~------~1~--------~1 --------- ~ 21.1 20.0 251q066 I I * I J I I ldJ 21.6 23.6 3425311 I I * ] 1 II ~ 22.1 26,7 4321174 1 I 1 * I Q ~ 22.6 29,4 5123o3U I J I * I 1 ) ~ 23.1 3L.7 5824539 I l I *I I 23.6 3~3~·~7~~o_4~1~1~0~9~1~~1~------~I~------~I~----~~1~· -*~~--~!~~------- , 24.1 35,3 6897o67 I I I 1 * I 24.6 36.6 7276851 I I I I * I . 25.1 37.o 75oo436 1 1 I I * I 4t ------~2~5~·~6~~3~8~·~2~~7~7~5~9~5~4~2~~1~------~I~------~1~----~~l~-------*1-~---~--- • 26.1 38.6 7879611 I I I I *I ~ 26,6 38.7 792332b I I I I * ijt 27.1 38,7 7906436 I I I 1 * R ------~2~7-·~6~~3~8-·~5~-7~8~3~8~4~2~6~~I ________ ~!~ ________ I ________ ~l _________ *~I~--;~~--~ ~ 28.1 3~.1 7719047 1 I I J *1 ,..., 28~6 37.5 756366 I I I 1 J * I 29.1 3o.9 737797,--~I--------~I--------~I--------~1-------*---~I--------- ft 29.6 36.2 7164135 1 I 1 1 * I ~~ 30.1 35.4 69~ 157o --=-J-------~1---~ I 1 * ~I 30.6 34,6 6685124 I I ,I 1 * I 31.1 33.8 6428794 I I I I * I g. ~-----=3~1~·....;;;6~__;;3-=2;..:;._9_....;;;b...;:;;l....;..6...;:;;6...:;.0~7-=2--=I-----------=I------___;;.!_.,_. _____ ...;;:I;....,*---------=1~----- 32.1 3240 59Ul439 1 J I * 1 32.6 31.1 5637t?~~~i _________ J~-----~~r ________ *~I~·--------I~--- ~.·• 33.1 3o.3 5376937 r 1 1 * 1 1 ~ 33.6 29.4 51196Q9 I I I X I I 12 34.1 28.6 4bo927U I I I * 1 I 1 .. ,, ______ ~3~4~·~6--~2~7~._8 ___ 4~6~2~7~5~2~0--~I ________ ~I. ________ .~I---*------~I----~-----=I _______ __ 1~ 35.1 27,0 4394h63 I I 1 * I I 35.6 26.2 4171~13 I 1 I* 1 1 ------~~--~~~~~~--~--~--------~--------~ _,.a 36.1 25.~ 3q5743c:4 I I * I : ~~:~ ~~:~ ~~~~;~i ~ i *!I su:.:~~¥L-:A~~~~c~~~~~~~~~ tts ____ ~3~7~·~6~~2~3~·~4--~37379~02~4~3~~r~------~I _________ *------------------------------- I-: _____ ~3~8~-~1--·-=2=2~~~8--~3~2~1~8~1~9~6~~1--------~I----~*--38.6 22.1 305}585 I l * AT RM 10.0 NEAR ALEXANDER ~ . "' Ql -..... \ ,.._ • Cf 'i • ~ I ~ ,..-.. • ~ .!! .. ' '* • ' w>" • '-· ,_,:. e • ,.,. ' • • ' r -.. . ,... ,.. . . . , ,1 0 t .... I \. J ! J, ~ -# ... ~,_ q· ·~ l:filU!'#Jhltr~ ' -,, · · ---------------"·-·~---···------···--"""·-----.......... ~-.. '''" "" ______ Q_..J;__~~-·-·----------~ ' ''J; ~ l 1 lit' r" i (\ ·ii j ·\<'~' '!';! :( if J r I r •·f this paper and information on other dam fa1l~.ues is continuing. Thus, the studies presented herein and their results should be considered pre- liminary in nature. GENERAL BREACHING CHARACT£RIS11CS The breaching characteristics that are needed as input to 2xisting com- puter programs are: The ultimate size of the danl breach; the shape of the dam breach; the time that is required for the breach to develop; and the reservoir water surface elevation at which breaching begins. These characteristics are dependent, to a large extent, on the breach forming mechanism. Breach forming mechanisms can be classified into two gen- eral categories: {1) Breaches formed by the sudden removal of a portion or all of the embankment structure as a result of overstressing forces on the structure; and (2) breaches fonned by erosion of the embankment II'aterial. The ?redominant mechanism of breach formation is, to a la'rge extent, dependent nn the typ1e of dam. Examination of the literature on historical failures indicates that con- crete arch and gravity dams breach by the sudder. collapse, overturning or sliding away of the structure due to overstresses caused by inade- quate de.;ign or excessive forces that may result from overtopping of flood flows, earthquakes, and deterioration of the abutment or foun- dation materiaL In many cases the entire dam is breached by this mech- anism. Examples of such failures are St. Francis Dam, Lake Gleno Dam, and Austin Dam (3). Thus, in the safety analyses of these types of dams~ it is prudent and common practice, that the engineer assume the breac.:t will develop rapidly (on the order of ten minutes) and that the size and shape o! the breach will be equal to the entire dam in the case of an arch dam, or a reasonable maximum number of dam sections in the case of a gravity dam. The studies presented in this paper do not deal. with this t"jpe of breaching mechanism. The predominant mechanism of breaching for earthfill dams is by ero- sion of the embankment material by the flow of water either over or through the dam. Causes that can initiate erosion type breaches include overtopping of the embankment by flood flows and seepage or piping through the embankment, foundation, ~r c:::ibutments of the dam. In this type of dam failure, the breach size continuously grows as material is removed by outflows from storage and stormwater runoff. Thus, the size, shape, and time required for development of the breach is depen- dent on the erodability of the embankment material and the character- istics of the flow forming the breach. Breaches of this type can occur fairly rapidly or can take several hours to develop. Also, the size of the breach is often significantly less than the entire dam. The studies pre- sented in this paper deal mainly with the erosion type of breaching mechanism. Not all dam breaches are formed solely by one of the two mechanisms described, some breaches are formed by a com~ination of the two mech- anisms. For example, an erosion type breach could undermine an ad- jacent concrete secti.on or core wall of a dam and cause it to suddenly collapse. Another e>cample is rockfill dams that may become highly un- stable after a relatively small portion of the embankment is eroded away. i ~ I ' ' I I ' I ,. I I I ' I ! f I f j ·~ ·~ ·~ ',t':)l ·~ '.7::·· .. #Jil BREACHING CHARACTERISTICS OF DAM FAILURES By Thomas C. MacDo~ald' and Jennifer lar•grldge-Mon~polis1 AaiTRAct: Computer programs developed for dam safety analyses are Umited by the accuracy of the input dat.'l for the geometric and temporal darn breach characteristics. Data on a number of hisfonca! dam failures were collected and Ulalyzed and graphical relationships f'or prediding breach characteristics were developed for erosion type breaches. The data provides a basis for selecting a breach shape and caJcuiatir•g the breach size and the time for breach devel· opment. A relationship is also de"eloped for estemating peak outflows from dam failures. This relationship can be used to verify the methodology and the results of dam safety sh.,dies. IHTROOUCT10N 'DMI In recent years significant effort has been directed at determining the safety of dams in the United States and abroad. One ?' :ped of dam safety is the potentia~ for loss of lif~ and damages in the downstream flood- plain that w~uld result in the event of a dam failure. To assess the po- tential hazards of dam failures~ sophisticated computer programs have been deve~oped that simulate dam break nydrographs, and route these hydrographs downstream so that mundated areas, flow depths, and flow velocities can be estimated. Two of the commonly used computer pro· grams for dam break analyses are the U.S. Anny Cor'Ps of Engineers' HEC-1 program and the U.S. National Weather Service's program en- titled DAMBPJ<. AJthough the available computer programs utilize state-of-the-art hy- drograph development and routing techniques, they are dependent on certain inputs regarding the geometric and temporal characteristics of the dam breach. The state~of-the-art in estimating these breach charac- teristks is not as advanced as the computer techniques they are used with and, therefore, they arP limiting factors in dam safety analyses. The purpose of this paper is to present the resalts of studies that were made to develop a methodology -lor estimating breadt characteristics for certain types of dams. The results of these initial studies are promising and, with further research, may provide a sound basis for estimating dam breach characteristics. The studies presented in this paper dre based on reported case his- tories of dams that have failed. The limited number of case histories that were studied represent only a small portion of the dams that have failed and for which data are availab~e. The data presented in the case histories were limited and, in some cnses, needed interpretation before they could be used. Collection of additional data on the dam failures presented in 'Principal Engr.~ Leedsh~l-Herkenhoff, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 1275 ~;{;;: ~~ ket St., San Franasco, Calif. 94103. ·.-.. lEngr., Leedshill-Herkenhoff, me., Consulting Engineers, 1275 Market St., San ~ Francisco, Calif. 94103. • ::J' Note.-Discussion ope.'l until October 1, 1S84. To ~xtend the dosing date one ~ month, <I! wriHen reques~ must be filed with the ASCE Manager .<Jf Technical and ~ Professional Publications. The manuscript for this ·p.ape!i' \o',f'"'S submitted for re-rt view and possible publication on November 5, 1982. This paper is part of .the tl> foumal of Hydraulic Enginuring, Vol. l?IJ, No.5, May, 1984. «:>ASCE, ISSN 0733· 9429/84/0005-0567/$01.00. Paper No. -~8795. i 11 7 w __ . __________________ -----·------------~,.~-~--------~~--~---------------~----~. ---568 t 567 tl> 1-' ..... ,_. _____ ~.~-.--·------... ~---·~ _j f I j J Dam Dnm name number (1) (2) ---~ l:.pishapa 1 Baldv.'in Hills 2 Buffalo Creek 3 Bullock Draw bike 4 Castlewood 5 Chea!m Creek 6 Davis Reservoir 7 Euclides da Cunha 8 Franl-Jurt 9 French Landing 10 Frenchman Creek 11 Goose Creek 12 Jl.atchtown 13 Hebron I 14 Hell Hole 15 Horse Cteek 16 Johnston City 17 johnstown (South 18 Fork Dam) Kelly Barnes 19 Lake Frances 20 Laurel Run 21 Uttle Deer Creek 22 l.cwer Otay 23 Lower Two Medicine 24 Lyman 25 Lynde Brook 26 Melville 27 North Branch Tributary 28 Oros 29 Otto Run 30 Rito Manzanares 31 Salles Otiveim 32 Sandy Run 33 Schaeffer 34 Sheep Creek 35 Sinker Creek 36 South Fork Tributary 37 Spring Lake 38 Swift 39 Teton 40 Wheatland No. 1 41 ... ,., c!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!,_!!'o~~~.,o!!!-~~~---!'!!!"-~4~-----~~--_;;_;_ _______ .;__ _______ ~ TABLE 1.-Reported Ch&ractsrlstlce Breaches of this type can have widely varying characteristics that would be difficult to predict for dam safety analyses. Some of the dam failures presented in this paper may have failed by a combination cf the two breaching mechanisms. Separ;:-te analyses are presented for these dams. . Date Reference constructed (3) (4) 3,15,17,34d 1920 3,9,30,32,38,49,54d 1951 11,53d 19n b. 1971 3,8, 18,21,28d _:oQ() 51 1970 3,34,41 1914 5,50 1958 23 1975 3,55 1925 3,6c 1952 3,34,39 1903 3,34,~ 1908 3,7 1913 3,26,35,45,52d 1964 3,24,27,34 1911 • 1921 3,22,40" 1853 10,43<1.« 1948 3,34,44 1899 33d - 3,4ld 1962 3,34,47 1897 3,4d 1913 3,16,34 1913 3,13 1870 3,34,36 1907 d - 3_,31,3~ 19'.,0 d - I - 5,50 1966 33d - 3,2cf - 515 1%9 3,12,46 1910 d --:) 14 • 1887 . 3,4d 1914 2gd 19n 51,50 1893 570 Dam Date height, failed in feet ~5) (6) 1933 112 1963 160 19~ 46 1971 19 1933 70 1970 23 1914 39 1977 174 1977 32 1925 40 1952 41 1916 20 1914 63 1914 38 1964 220 1914 40 1981 14 1889 75 1977 38 1899 50 1977 42 1963 86 1916 135 1964 37 1915 65 1876 41 1909 36 ~977 - 1960 116 1977 - 1975 24 1977 115 1977 28 1921 100 1970 56 1943 70 1977 - 1889 18 1964 189 1976 305 1969 45 DATA ON EROSION BREACHES General-Forty-two case historie~ of dam failures were ... -..~died. Many of these case histories are of dam failures that occurred around the tum of the century. In general, only a minimtlm amount of data en the fail- ures are reported, thereby limiting the ~tud5es m quantitative and qual- itative ass!essment of only a few variables. In some cases, the variables of jnterest were not reported but were estimated from general descrip- tions and other data that were reported. Table 1 is a list and general description of the dams that were used in the studies. The variables used in these studies are described in the following para- graphs and are classified into three gen~ral categories; the variables as- sociated with the embankment characteristics, f he variables associated with the characteristics of the flow forming .the breach, and the char- acteristics of the breaches that w~re formed. The methods used to es- timate quantitative values of the variables are also described. Embankment Characteristics.-The variables associated with em- bankment characteristics that influence the size, shape, and develop- ment time of a breach include: size and shape of the embankment; size, gradation and cohesion of the embankment material; the number, size, and types of zones within the embankment; and the methods of material placement. Quantitative vab.:-c; for most of these variables are not avail- able for the historical da.m failures analyzed in these studies. Even if available, it is doubtful !hat relatioatships between these variables and breach characteristics could be detennined for the limited number of dam failures that were studied. Thus, embankment characteristics -were treated qualitatively in these studies by classifying the dams as either ''earthfill'' dams or "non-earthfill dams." Thirty of the forty-two dams that were studied are classified as "earth- fill" dams. The embankment materials of the "earthfill" dams are rela- tively fine grained and, within a range, the embankment would be uni- formly stable and erodable. During formation of a breach through this type of embankment, the rate of removal of material would be co.~tin­ uous and the predominant mechanism forming the breach would be ero- sion. Most of the dam failures that were studied are of this type; pri- marily bec ... use this is the more common type of dam and, therefore, there are more incidents of failur~e for which data are available. Twelve of the dams that were studied are dassified as "non-earthfill'" dams. These .dams include rockfill embai<tkments, embankments with protective concrete surface layers and embankments with core walls. During breaching of this type of embankmer.t1 removal of the material may be somewhat ·erratic due to nonuniform i:'t"$istance to· erosion within and among the vatious zones of the emba:r.:kment. The mechanism of breach formation for this embankment type may be a combination vf the two mechanisms described previously, There are fewer "non-earth- fill'' embankments included in the studie~., primarily because data on 569 tl> "' I -----...,~-<>-----e~~--...._-......__...... ---~--- --------------------------------------------------------------------- " -----,,~jij· -------~---• I '.,J ~¥1i'~;t $[ft'ltli!ti!l'f4Jtl;) 1 '' ~, • •" •O<<n">c ~~~·---· ~-h-·"'·----·--------"'-·-----~---'·----------·----lw "-. ..... ...:~------------.. ---.. I \ i ! "' ·I\ ... i· ~ ~; I I t i "-----••••• ., ~ \R j .'r:l '1['!1 ~ ~~··-~ -;.. ... ·. ..-~-- r ·• . ·t· ~ TABLE 1.----~ (t} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) -Winston 42 1,3,iM 19M 1912 24' _j Unpublished Ref~.~~. .... 'Data sheets, Dam Safety Secilun, Division of Water Resources, Illinois Department of bData sheets, Dam Safety Section, Water Rights Division, Natural Resources and Energy, tData sheets, Dam Safety Section, Water Resources Division, Department of Natural dGuidelines for Defining ]nundated Areas Downstream From Bureau of Reclawation Salt Uike City, Utah. 'Report of Failure of Kelly .Barnes Dam and Findings by Federal lnvestigati•.,e Board, 1Report on Dam Failure of Rito Manzanares by A. T. Watson, New Mexico Sta~e £:ngineer 'Travel Report~lns~ction of Sheep Creek Dam, North Dakota State Water Commission, 1970. Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 acre-ft = 1.7~3 m 1~ 1 acre = 0.405 ha. the failure of this type of embankment are less abundant. Flow Characteristics.-· Only ;a limited number of variables of flow characteristics were repo.rted or ':mdd be estimated fmm the information presented in the literature. The char~cteristics that were available fre- quently enough to be of use in the studies are presented in Table 2 and are; outflow volume in acre-feet, the difference in elevation between the base of the ultimate breach and the peak reservoir pool during the breach in feet, and peak rate of outflow in cubic feet per second. The outflow volumes presented in Table 2 are the estimated volumes of water that were released by the breaches. For failures caused by over- topping, the outflow volumes include stormwater runoff and water re- leased from reservoir storage. The, estimates of water volumes for breaches caused by overtopping are based on estimates of reservoir surcharge storage and information in the literature on predpitation preceding the breach and outflow discharges during breaching. In estimating these volumes, an attempt was made to exclude the lower rates of runoff that occur during the receding limb ir>f the inflow hydrograph because this water would ttot be effective in increasing the size of !he breach. Estimates of the differences in elevation between peak reservoir pool:; and low points of the final breaches are included in Table 2 because they are measures 10£ the potential energy of the outflows. In general, peak reservoir elevations and the bottom elevations of the breaches were re- ported in the literature. Estimated peak rates of outflow from 23 historical dam breache>s ?.:te presented in Table 2. These estimates were taken from the lit~ratuF!C and are based on slope-area measurements, changes in reservoir storage:, or other measurements not reported. No attempt was made in these stud- ies to verify the peak outflow estimates. Breach Chancteristics.-Breach characteristics reportt:>d. c-r estimated from information in the literature are also presented in Table 2. T11ese characteristics are~ The breach shape, size, and side siopes; the -volume of material removed to form the breach; and the maximum tlme that it could have taken for the breach to develop. The breach geometry data presented in Table 2 are approximations that, in general .. a"-? b~!!e:! ~" p!.uiiu~rapits ami reported brea,ch widths 572 l]_l =·-=-=.:::--~~--~-:--r ---~------7~-------------------- rJ!f ~ . . ~ J:":S .e::ll ~lJR '---.2!.~·~--!iiiil - of Dams lm::luded In Study Embankment Slopes I Ri:i~aivuir Surface Crest stor~e area ul width, Vertical: Horizontal capacity, in reseNoir, Embankment Cause of in feet Upstream Downstm~m acre-feet in acres material failure (7) (8) (9~ (10) (11) (12) ,13) 16 1:3 l;:i! 18,500 640 Fine sand Pjping 63 1:2 1:1.8 897 19 EarthfiU Seepage 420 1:1.6 1:1.3 392 13 Coal waste Seepage 14 1:2 1:3 918 -E,~rthfill Piping 16 1:3 1:! 3,430 200 l<ock wiHt Overtopping I masonry wall 14 1:3 1:2.5 56 -Zoned earthfill Overtopping 20 1:2 1:2 47,000 3,200 Earth with Piping concrete faci:"g -- 1 -11,000 -Earth fill Overtopping ---285 -Earth fill Seepage 8 1:2 1:2.5 --Earthfill Seepage 20 1:~ 1:2 17,·;00 -Earth fill Piping 10 1:~.5 1:1.5 8,590 -Earth fill Overtopping 20 1:2 1:2.5 12,000 -Earth fill Seepage 12 1:3 1:1.5 -· -Earth fill Piping 70 1:1.5 1:1.5 --Rockfill Overtopping 16 1:1.5 1:2 17,000 1,200 Earth with !Jeep age conL:ete facing (, 1:4.75 1:'2.75 466 -Earth fill Seepage 11,) 1:2 1:1.5 15,340 4.07 Earth and Overtopping gravel fill 2tn 1:1 1:1 410 41 Earth fill Piping 16 1:3 1:2 700 43 Earthnt~ Piping ---3:07 --'Earth fill Overtopping ---1,400 -Earthfill Pipkag i!2 1:1 1:1 --·Rockfill Overtopping ---16,000 -, Earth fill Overtopping 12 1:2 1:2 40,000 -Earth with Seepage clay core mllf r I( - r r.. l ~ ~ t ::I ~-re • • ~- If f-.· .• ~ eo f : ~ ~Ill I 50 1:2 1:2.3 2,010 132 Earth wHh Seepage core wall 10 1:3 1:1.5 --Earth with Seepage clay core -----· Earthfill - ---527,000 -Earth fill Overtopping -----Earth fill - 12 1:1.34 1:1 34 20 -Earth fill Seepage ---21,000 -Earth fill Overtopping -· --46 -Earthfill Overtopping 1'5 1:3 1:2 3,190 -Earth with Overtopping ~·- concrete :core 20 1:3 1:2 1,160 85 Earth fill Seepage ---2,700 -Earth fill Seepage -----Earth fill - 8 1:0.75 1:0.75 110 18 Clay and gravel Pipi11g ---30,000 -Rock with Overtopping ,, concrete facing 35 1:3 1:2.5-288,250 -Zoned earthfill Piping 20 -----Earthfi.U Piping :> 571- -----------~------~· ·--)!1!!!111 ti(~:;t}jiWJUI[i .tt:l!t1'iiff)lt.ll?§ J; ·at \ \ 1 l I --~--~----~-· ...... -~ --------..-------·_,_ _ __,~---·-----~------"'-"'·--~ ..... ----~'-·--· .. ~~.·~~.J:l_;J; . ~·'·> .-fIt •~· rc' TABLE 2.-Fiow and Flow Characteristics During Breach Outflow Difference Breach formation volume in elevil-factor V., x 11, Dam v.,,ln tionsb h, in acre-feet Dam name number acre-feel in feet x feet !1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Apishapa 1 18,000 91 1,638,000 Baldwin Hills 2 738 60 44,300 Buffalo Creek 3 392 46 18,000 Bullock Draw Dike 4 600 10 6,000 Castlewood 5 7,500 71 532,500 Cheaha Creek 6 - -- Davis Reservoir 7 -38 - Euclides da Cuntha 8 47,()(J()l 191 9,000' ()(J() Frankfutt 9 285 27 7,700 French Landing 10 3,14W 26 87,920 Frenchman Creek 11 13,000 35.5 461,500 Goose Creek 12 47Ql 4.5 2,120 Hatch town 13 13,600 52 707,200 Hebron 14 -40 - Hell Hole 15 24,800 100 2,480,000 Horse Creek 16 6,000 27 162,000 johnston City 17 466 10 4,660 Johnstown (South Fork Dam) 18 15,340 . 73 1,119,820 Kelly Barnes 19 630 31.. 21,420 Lake Frances 20 640 40 25,600 Laurel Run 21 310 42 13,020 little Deer Creek 22 1,000 55 55,000 LowerOtay 23 - --- Lower Two Medicine 24 20,930 36 753,500 Lyman 25 29,000 53 1,540,000 Lynde Brook 26 2,330 40 93,200 Melville 27 20-30,000 30 750,000 North Branch Tributary 28 18 18 324 Oros 29 527,000 116 61,132,000 Otto Run 30 6 19 114 Rito Manzanares 31 20 15 300 Salles Oliveira 32 58,oo& 126 7,310,000 Sandy Run 33 46 28 1,288 Schaeffer 34 3,600 90 32,400 Sheep Creek 35 2,36<P 46 108,600 Sinker Creek 36 2,7~ 70 189,000 South Fork Tributary 37 3 6 18 Spring Lake 38 uo« 18 1,980 Swift 39 30,000 157 4,710,000 Teton 40 251,000 220 55,200,000 Wheatland No .. 1 41 9,400 40 376,000 Winston 42 537 25 13,400 ;Assumed values. blnitial water surface elevation minus base elevation of breach. tCalculated values. 1Highly resistant core material. 574 Peak rate of outflow Qp, in cubic feet per second (6) 242,000 35-40,000 50,000 - 126,000 - 18,000 -- 32,800 50,000 20,000 110-247,000 - 260,000 - - 200-300,000 24,000 - 37,000 17,000 - 63,500 --- 1,040 340-480,000 2,120 -- 15,300 153-174,000 - - 4,300 - 831,000 2,300,()QO - - :~-· . C..; -~J'~~j!i~ ContlnutHI (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) I (12) (13) -C> . 7 1:1 1:1 - - -!Earth, with . rubble core Ovll!rtopping Transportation, 1981. 1 J f) Utah, 1931. . I Resources, Mon ana, 1952. . \.~::; Dams, Internal Document of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Draft, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, submitted to Governor of Georgia, December 21, 1977. Office, May, 1975. memorandum to Chief Engineer, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, June 11, and depths. For some of the dam failures, data on the breach side slopes were not available and, for these dams, the breach side slopes were as- sumed to be two vertical on one horizontal (2V:1H). This assumption is consistent with observed side slopes of breaches for which data are available. For many of the dam failures, the volumes presented in Table 2 of material removed to form the breach had to be calculated using the cross- sectional geometry of the embankmen~ ... nd breach. For the case histmies that did not report embankment geometry the breach volume was cal- culated using the assumption that the upstream and downstream em- bankment slopes were 1 V: 2H and the crest widths were 20 ft. The last column in Table 2 lists estimates of the maximum times that it could have taken for th~ breaches to develop. In all cases, these data had to be inferred from general information reported in the literature and, therefore, should be considered less reliable than the other data on breach characteristics. Many of the times listed in Table 2 were reported as the time to drain the reservoir. These times could be considerably larger than the actual breach development time. Although the last flows draining through a breach may, in some cases, be washing away some embankment material, it is unlikely that in all cases these flows are sig- nificantly increasing the breach size. A few of the times listed in Tab)e 2 were reported as the time for breach dev.::Jopmeni but were reported in such a manner that they must be construed as a maximum time for breach development. For example, the development time for the breach through Goose Creek Dam is reported as, "within half an hour." The breaches through Frankfurt and Swjft D:ims were reported to have oc- curred very rapidly, on the order of a few minutes. For these two dams, a breach development time of 15 min was, assumed. ANALYSES AND RESULTS Analyses of the variables described in thP. preceding section were made to develop a methodology for predicting the shape, size, and develop- ment time of erosion type breaches for use in existing computer pro- grams for dam safety studies. Analyses were also made to develop an 573 ~ ---------.-~~~·~---------+~~ 1r;:--' f~ I . _j . I ·Jrtfttiif•i'tl'l?$i,.Jil!&:'ll"i ~"'"'~ ~· ··"·"'"' -~-··-~-~ -----------------------------~--------~-~--........ , -------~.-..._J:l~.. --~-----.. ---------~-----·· ------------~-----------·---~.~---~" i I I I independent relationship that can be used to verify the methodology and to verify the results of dam safety studies. These analyses and their results are described in the following paragraphs. Breach Shape.-With the exception of Baldwin Hills Dam, all of the data indicate an approximate trapezoidal breach shape with the bottom of th~ breach at the base of the embankment. The breach through Bz .d- win Hills Dam was triangular in shape .and extended down to the t'ase of the embankment. These data suggest the following sequence of development for bn "t:hes caused by overtopping. The breach is initiated at a low or weak point in the embankment. Water flowing over the embankment at this point causes downcutting at the embankment crest and erosion of material from the downstream slope of the embankment. After sufficient down- cutting and erosion has occ:urred a weak section is formed in the ciam. The dam may 'rburst" at this weak section or the downcutti.ng may con- tinue until the breach reaches the base of the embankment. When the breach reaches the natural ground, which is l.~ss erodable and large in extent, further downcutting is pr~vented. Subsequent outflows attack the sides of the breach and cause it to grow !aterally uritil the abutments of the embankment are reached. Generally, the abutments prevent fur- ther growth of the breach because they are less erodable and large in extent. For breaches caused by piping, material is first eroded from the down- stream slope .:\t the point where the piping flows exit the embankment. A cavity is formed in the embankment at this point. As the cavity grows adjacent embankment material sloughs into the cavity and is washed away. Eventually material from the embankment crest sloughs into the cavity and forms a low point where water can flow ove~ the embank- ment. During this process the dam may ''burst" at the weak section of the dam to form the breach or the breach may form by downcutting. Subsequent development of a piping breach is similar to a breach formed by overtopping. The methodology developed in these studies assumes these sequences of breach development. Thus, depending on the amount of material re- moved during the breach and the geometry of the embankment, the breach would be either triangular or trapezoidal in shape. To fully define breach shape, an estimate of the most likely breach side slope is needed. The data presented in Table 2 indicate a range of side slopes with the most common slope being about 2V: lH. This side slope is assumed in the metho~ology that is developed. Breach Size.-As already mentioned, the maximum size of a breach is limited by the abutments of the embankment and the natural ground. Therefore, the following methodology for estimating breach size only applied to breaches where les~ than the total em:.~nkment is washed away. H the methodology estimates a breach size that is greater than the entire embankment, then the size and shape of the actual embank- ment should be used in the dam s~.fety analysis. Adopting the breach shape described, the breach size can be calcu- lated from the embankment gec. •• tetry, if the volume of embankment material that would be washed away during breaching can be predicted. Thus, a relationship to predict bre~ch volume is needed. ~ ~ Breach Characterlatlca Breach Characteristics Top width, Dei)th, Side slope Shape In feet in feet vertical: horizontal (7) (8) (9) (10) trapezoid 320 100 6.7:1 & 2.9:1 triangular 75 90 2.4:1 &: 2.4:1 l:r!lpezoid 435 46 0.5:1 &: 0.5:1 trt'-pezoid 45 19 4.75:1 & 4.75:1 trapezoid 180 70 ----- trapezoid 70 39 vert. & 2:1" trapezoid -1741 - trapezoid 31 321 2.5:1 & 2.5:1 trapezoid 135 46.5 - trapezoid 220 41 2:1 & 2:11 trapezoid 100 13.5 2:1 & 2:1" trapezoid 590 65 1:1 & 1:1 trapezoid 200 50 2:1 & 2:1 1 trapezoid -220" - trapezoid 250 40 1:1 & 1:1 trapezoid 44 17 1:1 ~ 1:1 trapezoid 420 50-200 - trapezoid 115 38 1:1 & 1:0.5 trapezoid 98 50 1.6:1 & 1.6:1 ----- trapezoid 75 70 - trapezoid -135" - trapezoid ----trapezoid 3!)0 65 2:1 &: 2:1 trapezoid 150 40 1:1.3 & 1:1.3 trapezoid 130 36 1:3.6 & 1:3.6 ----- trapezoid 6(i0 116 ----- trapezoid 62 24 1.3:1 & 'I 3:} trapezoid -us· ----- trapezoid 690 90 - trapezoid 100 56 2:1 & 2:1 trapezoid 300 70 2:1 & 2:t(•) ---- trapezoid 65 18 2:1 & 2:1 1 trapezoid -189" - trapezoid -220 - trapezoid 150 45 2:1 &: 2:11 trapezoid 70 24 5:1 & 5:1 2Breach restrictect by concrete structure. 30utflow vclume very approximate. •Reservoir fuU at time of failure. Material Maximum removed, in development cubic yards time, in hours (11) (12) 291,000' 2.5 29,0()(1 1.3 417,000 0.5 1,77Cf - 72,800'" 0.33 20,300 5 to 61 8,460' 7 94 9, 000" 7.3 1,690" 0.25" 18,000 0.58 37,10<1 - 1,40Cf 0.5 210,000' 3 40,300' 1 to 3.5 726, ()()()< 5 - 26,8()(1 - 880" - 90,000 3.5 13,000 - 16,200 1 ----0.33 140,000 0.33 -- 94,000 --- 20,000' 3 13,890 --- 1,000,000 - -- 1,690" - 576,000' 2 -- 296,90()< 0.5 23,900 - 110,000' 2 -- 800'" - 270,000 0.25• 4,000,000 6 19,10<1 1.5 1,940" 5 Note: 1 acre-.ft = 1,233 m3; 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 cfs = 0.0283 m3/!;; 1 yd3 = 0.765 m 3• ~ •; ~!lilii.~~!'if'"~!~ll'\lii! f L ·i· L- f I I [1 I I I I I ., • ' ~ 576 --~·---~---5~5-~~"r----~~-,-~~------~---~--~' _j ' . ......,....__.. ______ ~-......... '"-' -~ ------.....-.-~-.._.,_--...~~ --"-"-~----.....___.p,_ _ _, __ ~----------~ _._, ~~-----~ -------·-- I 1 _; • .10 ··;:::_-,·::: ----~~'!!!!!'!!!'!!''!!!'!!'!!--!!'!--!!'!. !!!"'!!'!!'!!!"-~------.D'""---',' ______ _~:: .. :~:::C:L-...:::=---~--------------------= ~ ~. ~--~"--~ .. ~--.... &iii fliii!iii k~:j 1:~:1 E~ Ej IE::3 ~I 1[:,-,ij e~ (_JI ~ L..__...::tll! ~ -~ E:il •• ·------·~··-~:~~~lfoi!.~;;i~j!l~ ~?'34) tmrn'\vou1aoe prect1cte from the data for the other "ear~hfdl ~ dams. The liter<lture indicates that the embankment material of Rio Man- zanares Dam was "highly susceptible to erosion." Buffalo Creek Dam was a coal waste embankment. The material was coh·$ionless, had a low specific gravity, and minimum compaction. Schaeffer Dam was ini- tially constructed by hydraulic fill but when it was observed that the placed material was more nearly liquid than solid, the liquid material was replaced. If some of the hydraulic fill had not been replaced, it could have acted as a thixotropic lens that suddenly liquefied due to the high hydraulic Joading conditions. Two least squares best fit curves are shown in Fig. 1, one for the "non- earthfill" dams and one for aU of the "earthfill" dams except Rio Man- zanan::s, Buffalo Creek, and Schaeffer Dams. This latter curve may be appropriate for "earthfill" dams whose embankment materials have av- erage structural properties but may not be appropriate for easily erod- able embankments or embankments with thixotropic characteristics. Breach Deve]opment Time.-Analyses of the data in Table 2 indicate that, except for Buffalo Creek and Schaeffer Dams, the maximum breach development times of "earthfill" dams varied in a consistent Jllf.lnner with the volumes of maicrial removed during the breach. Plots of the maximum breach developrne11! times versus breach volumes are pre- sented in Fig. 2 along with an envelope curve that includes all"earthfill" dams except Buffalo Creek and Schaeffer Dams. This curve is probably more indicative of actual breach development times but, because it is an envelope of maximums, may still give high estimates of actual devel- opment times. The data for Buffalo Creek and Schaeffer Dams are not included in the envelope curve because it is suspected that these dams failed unusually fast for the reasons presented in the preceding section. Plots of the maximum breach development times for the "non-earth- fill" dams are also shown in Fig. 2. These plots do not vary in a con- -.. .<: 101 t:o ... Eorf"'t.fldom• 1-4i Non• tofthftU doms - ._ Oam nuft'lbtU tndttated - ~ nut to do•o P':)lnla - "~·. --~~---.-... ... I ~ ro 1 j: ... ---- I:= ··~ -r-7 44/ _.. z ILl :E D. 9 ILl > ILl c 100 :r u <t ILl a:: m f--- f--- 1---· - f-r- r--t-1~ - _,.,:- 4Z , ____ ~· ---.::.:: .:;. ... .:3i .. -.. _,9 ~~ - -I !_ ~;I L> 26 14 .:-;;;;; 41c 36 1--~ 20. ( 2 [_...-.._ (nytlo~ Cur.-t fot = F &eDCh Ot~loPftltnt Tunea -( Eorthhll dom1 onl1) ~ : ~ ~-~. ··-·-~~ ·--··I-~~ ---~ --1-i •o· 10 1 d ~ ~ ~ VOLUME OF M/,TERIAL REMOVED DURING BREACH-v,. (yds3) I I yd' • O.liSn\1 I FIG. 2.-Breach Size veraua Breach Development Time 578 ----------~ -·--- I 101 •o•~:aP.:~SGAl~~~~f;lfRf:==f=f~~~~~:l~~fHr;~F;~93~~ •o·~~~§f~~~~~~lf:M~ • != ~ ---~-~~ .. ~ltl .. • ~ ~ ·I .I! .J I ! -Ei " f---t-++HHH :E·-11·1 cr. 10 -· lt .... ,,._. .... 0 -=-= ' .. -.· •• c;... .. ... :11.. . " ..,. -. , .... , ... o--~: .. ~ ~. ·- :.=.J::l.: ~---~· ;.:z oo•lL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d VOLUME OF MATERIAL REMOVED DURING BREACH-VM (yds3) I I ft. • D.)OSrn: I acre•IL. • 1,2JJrn 1 : I yd 1 • 0,16Sn\1 I FIG. 1.-0utflow Characteristics versus Brea~h Size Various combinations of the variables presented in Table 2 that de- scribe flow characteristics during the breach were plotted against the estimated volume of breach material that was removed. It was found that the product of the outflow volume of water and the difference in elevation of the peak r12o:>2rvoir water surface and breach base (V w x h), when plotted against the volume of breach material removed, resulted in a minimum amount of scatter of the data and is a reasonably consis- tent variable for predicting breach volume. Hereinafter this variable for predicting breach volume is called the Breach Formation Factor (BFF). A plot of the BFF versus breach volume, is presented in Fig. 1 for both the "earthfill" and "non-earthfill" dams. As shown in Fig. 1, the breach volumes for "non-earthfill" dams are, in general, less than "earthfill" dams. This can be explained by the more erosion resistant nature of the "non-earthfill" types of dams that are included in the analyses . There is a large amount of scatter in the data plotted in Fig .. 1. A large amount of scatter is not surprising, considering the number of factors not considered in the variable used to predict breach volume. Probably one of the more important variables not considered is the structural properties of the embankment material. For example, easily erodable embankment materials may be the explanation of why more materia] 1AT:u: 1Al::lC.h.ori "' .. ,,.., ..:a .. ..: ... g ,.,.,1 .... .,. ,.,.r o: ..... J.x--,.,anares Dam (darn number .,.., __ ••-..,.••'-....., WWTf.AJ \-e.U&&•• &c:i&.lt.A&"" ""'& &UV &YJQl ~ 31), Buffalo Creek Darn (dam number 3)1 and Schaeffer Dam (dam nurn- sn ~ IJ· :~ I) !•( ,, '11 ; I i I L -::'~_:, ( ·;( I I e t. I l h· .. ' tn lJ l e; 0 t' t ~· :I ) ' It tl II t I i c i \· \ ~ ' ) c I ll i ; ! I l I l t l i ' l 1 t j- ! \:.J I ~ . . . \ _. l . . ... ' ~ . - ------" ------··-~-o •-.---~--------·-"-•-., ~ ~-~: 't.ilo!!M"'' . . ''"' •. ' - 1 ~ -=== -== ~ ~ E.:} -~ ..J:L~"---------- rl 1 I "· ::~; I : JIII!!W:Ill1 ~ .. -~~ i • reserv_ oir shape and other factors influencing outflow may have resulted I · in peak outflows that are only half of what were estimated, which would J I\i still be well within the scatter of data. However, the literature on Buffalo I ~Miilw. l t I ll Creek Dam provides an additional explanation for a lower peak outflow. The dam crest was about 450 ft wide and, although a large amount of material washed out very rapidly, the cross-sectional area of the breach was relatively small and restricted the rute of outflow. A1so plotted in Fig. 3 are estimate::! peak outflows from "non-earthfill" dams. In general, peak rates of outflow from the "non-earthfill" dam failures are higher than would be predicted from the data on "earthfill" dam failures. This would be expected if the breaches were formed partly by erosion and partJy by the sudden collapse of a section of the em- bankment. A least squares best fit curve for "non-earthfill" dams is not presented in Fig. 3 because of the limited amount of data. APPUCATtON OF RESULTS ·----~ i The breach parameters required as input to computer programs that analyze dam failures are: the width and elevation of the base vf the breach, the breach side slopes, the time for breach development, and the res- ervoir water surface elevation ~t which failure begins. Figs. 1 and 2 are used to predict aU of these parameters except the reservoir water surface elevation at the beginning of failure. Reasonable assumptions for the reservoir water surface elevation at the beginning of failure are the dam crest elevation for dams assumed to fail by overtopping, and the spill- way crest, or maximum normal pool elevation, for dams that are as- sumed to fail by piping, seepage, or other causes. I To use Fig. 1, the volume of water tha~ will be released by the breach (Vro) must first be estimated. This volume of water is the change in res- ervoir storage for assumed nonovertopping failures. For failures c~used by overtopping, the outflow volume is ~c;timated as the change in res- ervoir storage during the breach, plus inflo\t~'S into the reservoir that oc- cur after breaching begins and continue until the reservoir water surface is essentially ?t the base of the breach. It may be necessary to estimate this outflow volume by trial-and-error routings of the inflow hydrograph through the reservoir and breach. The trial-and-error estimate of outflow volume is made by first assuming the outflow volume, calculating the breach characteristics as described previously, routing the inflow hydro- g;aph through the reservoir and trial breach, and comparing the as- sumed outflow volume \\.ith the volume that is determined from the calculated outflow and storage hydrographs. The difference in elevation b2tween the peak reservoir water surface during the breach and the base of the ultimate breach (h) is also needed to use Fig. 1. The peak reservoir water surface elevation can usually be assumed to be the water surface elevation at which breaching begins. For breaches caused by overtopping the validity of this assumption can be confirmed by the trial-and-error routings described previously. These estimates of outflow volume, and the elevation difference be- tween the breach base and the maximum reservoir water surface, are used to calculate the BFF. This calculated BFF is then used in Fig. 1 to obtain the breach volume. I~owing the breach volume and geometry 580 ~­ !!:.~ ,_. e=J L_:::il ~ E-jj sistent manner with breach volumes. One explanation for this is that the breaching mechanism may have been only partially due to erosion and partially due to structural instabilities that developed in the embank- ment during breaching. Peak Outflowa.-Analyses of the estimated peak outflows from dam failures presented in Table 2 were made to develop a relationship that can be used to verify the methodology and to verify results of dam safety studies. Studies by Hagen (24) found that there is a good correlation between the peak rate of outflow from a dam breach and a variable very similar to the BFF. The data in Table 2 were used to develop the rela- tionship between peak outflow and the BFF presented in Fig. 3. This relationship is essentially identical to that developed by Hagen. The estimated peak outflows from Buffalo Creek and Schaeffer Dams are plotted in Fig. 3 but are not included in the calculated least squares best fit curve for 11earthfill" dams. As previously reviewed, these two dams apparently failed very quickly, and washed out unusually large amounts of embankment material. Thus, it would be reasonable to ex- pect unusually large peak outflows from these dam failures but, the data indicate that these outflows are only on the high side of the scatter of data. This could probably be explained by the large scatter of the data, i.e., had the breaches been smaller and developed at a slower rate, fue ~ .; .. • :! I j I a: ~ u ~ z 0 s :IE a: ~ :I: u <( w a: Ill 10" ~ -·~ 1--0 I••'"'.... "' Hlr-=f =F· r-6 ............ ._.. -=:: :":.: =:_, HT :-T 1: 7 1-11111 11111 _ ... , ......... .,. I i rw • 'E_:.:;:;~t , ' ~-- -"t- ' -+-I~._..._ .. ]~lJ: .J I II 111111 I ll'fflllll I IIII!IDJJTITIII=rJJilllll d d ~ ~ ~ d PEAK RATE OF OUTFLOW FROM BREACH -Op(ch) 11 ft. • o.l05m: 1 ocre-ft. • 1,2llon': I cro • O.Oleln'tol ~l-/1t!i!.:'~)\oi$1JI\l!r~~J;"'"'·~ . . ·>: I t t f l I . ~I,J! 1$ \Wls i!d ·to\!:fii>W.~M-.""'~~ I . . I, I ! I ' l i ' FIG. 3.-0utflow Cheracterlatlc:;a veraua Peak Rate of Outflow 579 ~ r_l: _j-J. ·--,...__...~ ' : '~ :. :JI ~ ~ n Analyses were made of two hypothetical failures of the Tongue River Dam in Big Hom County, Montana. This zoned earthfill dam was se- lected for analysis because the dam and reservoir are large and, there- fore, the results will provide a measure of how accurately the method- ology predicts dam failure peak outt1ows near the upper limits of the relationships presented in Figs. 1 and 2. One assumed cause of failure of Tongue River Dam was overtopping by a flood inflow hydrograph that would overtop the embankment by 0.5 It. In the second analysis, failure was asstin:u~d to be caused by piping when the reservoir water surface is at the spillway crest elevation. A hypothetica] dam failure analysis was also made of Henningson Dam, trotted in Sanpete County,, Utah, assuming failure occurs by piping when the reservoir water su~face is af the spillway crest. An analysis of this earthfill dam was made because the dam and reservoir are relatively small and would provide a measure of how accurately the methodology pre- dicts dam failure peak outflows near the lower limits of the relationships ~P!esented in Figs. 1 and 2. · -.r:~~Qent data used in the analyses of Tongue River Dam and Hen- ningsen ~=-tn along with the results of the HEC-1 analyses are presented in Table 3. Ca!rulated peak outflows from the assumed breaches are the last item listed in Table 3. These outflows are plotted in Fig. 3 for com- parison with peak outflows from historical dam failures. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ... The increasing importancP of the evaluation of dam safety has led to the development of sop!tisticated computer programs that can estimate the potential hazards of dam failures. One limitation on the use of these programs is the accuracy of the input data for the geometric and tem- poral characteristics of the dam breach. Data on a number of historical dam failures were collected. These data were analyzed to develop relationships which would form the basis of a methodology for estimating the geometric and temporal cha;. acteristics of breaches. Both "earthfill" dams, in which breaches are formed by ero- sion of the embankment materiat and "non-earthfill11 dams, that may have failed partly due to erosion and partly due to sudden collapses caused by instabilities, were studied. The breach characteristics of the two types of dams were ~i .. &y~.~~d to determine whether there are any consistent differences. From analyses of the data on historical dam failures it is concluded that: 1. For both uearthfill" and "non-earthfill" embankments~ the breach ~·hape can be assumed to be triangular with 2V: lH side slopes if the breach does not extend to the base of the embankment and trapezoidal with 2V:1H side slopes if additi~mal material is washed away after the breach reaches the base of the embankment. This breach shape should only be assumed if the breach size is less than the embankment size. 2. For both "earthfill" and unon-earthfill" embankments, the volume of embankment material removed during a dam failure can be estimated usirtg the BFF and the relationship presented in Fig. 1. If the breach 582 of the dam being analyzed, and assuming a triangular or trapezoidal breach shape with 2V: lH side slopes, the parameters lilf breach geom- etry needed as input to the computer programs can be calculated. The remaining variable needed ~s input for the computer analysis is the development time of the breach. This development time is estimated using the breach volume determined from Fig. 1 and the envelope curve shown in Fig. 2. VERIFICATION OF METHODOLOGY The relationships presented in Figs. 1 and 2 for predicting breach char- acteristics were used with the HEC-1 computer program to calculate out- flow hydrographs for three hypothetical failures of two .dams and res- ervoirs. The peak outflows of the calculated hydrographs are shown on Fig. 3 for comparison with the peak outflows of historical dam ::,iJures. These comparisons indicate that the methodology that was &::.,eloped provides reasonable estimates of dam failure flood hydrographs. The analyses and results of these verification studies are described in the following paragraphs. TABLE 3.-Hypothetlcel Dam Failure ~~nelyaea Henningsen Tongue River Dam Dam Reservoir, breach and ouif!ow ·Overtopping Piping Piping characteristics failure failure failure (1) (2) (3) (4) Spillway crest elevation, feet 3,424.4 3,424.4 10,014 Dam crest elevation, feet 3,442.4 3,442.2 10,017.6 Base elevation of dam. !:;~l 3,364.4 3,364.4 9,988.6 Assumed WSEL at beginning of breach, feet I 3,442.91 3,424.4 1 10,014 Reservoir storage at beginning of breach, acre-feet 156,500 69,440 469 Inflow during breach, acre-feet 30,000 0 0 Outflow volume (5 + 6), acre-feet 186,500 f,.(l An,n 469 _ _,,-z-vv Base elevation of ultimate breach, feet 3,364.4 3,364.4 9,988.6 Maximum water surface height above breach (4-8), feet I 78.5! 60.0 I 25.4 Breach formation factor, (7 x 9) acre-feet 1.5 X 107 4.2 X 1Qii 1.2 X lot Breach volume (from Fig. 1), cubic yards 1.5 X 1Qii 5.5 X lOS 1.5 X )Ql Brea~h base width, feet 1,375 555 33 Breach side slopes, vertical: horizontal 1:2.88• 2:1 2:1 Breach development time {from Fig. 2), hours I 3.0 I 2.0 I 0.35 HEC-1 calculated peak outflow, cubic feet per second 11,285,500 I 622,800 I 10,979 :l '~ ..... --: . '·" ~:,• - I !· !·· ,, j 1' ' l I' t f I I· I ~--.. ! l II } i l l I i ' 'Abutment side slopes used because breach volume = volume of entire d;f.m. j ll, Note: l ft = 0.305 m; 1 acre-ft = 1,233 m 3; 1 yd3 = 0.765 m 3; 1 cfs =-~.0283 3 m 3 /s. 1 _j ll> ' oo 1 I 581 1 "' I I ,I ---~----·~-:-----~----~-...:-: __ _.. --" 6. Breeding, S. D., and Montgomery, J. H., "Floods of April 1952 In the Mis- souri Ri•.··er Dasin," USGS Water-Supply Paper 1260-B, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington,. D.C., 1955, pp. 74-75. 7. Case, C. El., "Hebron Earth Dam Washed Out/' Engineering Record, Vol. 69, No. 22, May 30, 1914, pp. 629-630. 8. "Castlewood Dam Failure Floods Denver/' Engineering Nws-Record, VoL 101, No. 32, Aug. 10, 1933, pp. 174-17.5. 9. "Darn Fails in Los Angeles," Western Construction, Vol. 39, No. 1, Jan., 1964, pp. 55-58. 10. "Dam Failure Report: Lack of Maintenance Doomed Nonengineered Dam in Georgia," Engineering News-Record, Vol. 200, No. 1, Jan. 5, 1978, p. 13. 11. Davies, W. E., Bailey, J. F., and Kelly, D. B., "West Virginia's Buffalo Creek Flood: A Study of the Hydrology and Engineering Geology," USGS CircuPnr 667, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1972, 32 pp. 12. "Earthfill Dam in Idaho Fails in Sudden Slump/' Engineering News-Record, Vol. 136_, No. 27, july 8, 1943, p. 3. 13. Ellis, T. G., Greene, D. M., and Wilson, W. W., "On the Failure of the Worcester Dam/' Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 5, 1876, pp. 244-250. 14. "Engineering News," Engineerir~g News, Vo\1. 22, No. 35, 1889, p. 193. 15. "Failure of Apishapa Earth Dam in Southem Colorado," Engineering News- Rtcord, Vol. 91, No. 35, Aug. 30, 1923, pp. 357-358. 16. "Failure of Lyman Dam, Arizona/' Engineering News-Record, Vol. 73, No. 16, Apr. 22, 1915, p. 794. 17. Field, J. E., "Failure of Apishapa Earth Dam in Colorado-11," Engineering- News Record, Vol. 91, No. 37, Sept. 13, 1923, pp. 418-424. 18. Field, J. E., "Data on Castlewood Dam Failure and Flood," Engineering News- Record, Vol. 101, No. 36, Sept. 7, 1933, pp. 279-280. 19. 11Floods Down Dam, Prize Bridge/' Engineering News-Record, Vol. 171, No. 25, June 18, 1964, p. 63. 20. Follansbee, R., and )ones, E. E., "The Arkansas River Flood of June 3-5, 1921," USGS Water-Supply Paper 487, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1922, pp. 16-19. 21. Follansbee, R., and Sawyer, L. R._, "Floods in Color<1do," USGS Water-Supply Paper 997, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1948, pp. 66-67. 22. Frances, J. B., et al., "On the Cause of the Failure of the South Fork Dam," Trans~dions, ASCE, VoL 24, No. 477, june, 1891, pp. 439-469. 23. ''German Earthfill Fails; No Casualties," Engineering Neu.s-Record, Vol. 199, No. 9, Sept. 1, 1977, p. 13. 24. Hagen, V. K., "Re-evaluation of Design Floods and Dam Safety," Transac- iions, International Commission on Large Dams, Voi. i, May, 1982, pp. 475- 491. 25. Hall, N. L., and Field, J. E., "Failure of Horse Crt>ek Dam in Colorado," Engineering Record, Vol. 69, No. 7, Feb. 14, 1914, pp. 205-208. 26. "Hell Hole Dam Isn't a Complete Washout," Engineering Neu,s-Record, Vol. 174, No. 10, Mar. 11, 1965, pp. 28-29. 27. Hinderlider, M. C., "Failure of Horse Creek Earth Dam," Engineering News, Vol. 71, No. 16, Apr. 16, 1914, pp. 828-830. 28. Houk, 1. E., ''Failure of Castlewood Rock-Fill Dam," Western Construction News ana Highways Builder, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept., 1933, pp. 373-375. 29. Independent Panel to Review Cause of Teton Dam Failure, Re110rt to U.S. Department of the Interior and State of Idnho on Failure of Teton Dam, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo., Dec., 1976, 580 pp. 30. "Investigation of Failure of Baldwin Hills Reservoir," Cnlifornia Department of Water Reso11rces, Sacramento, Calif., Apr., 1964, 64 pp. 31. Jansen, R. B., Dams and Public Safety, U.S. Water and Power Resources Ser- vice, Denver, Colo., 1980, pp. 166-168. 32. Jessup, W. E., "Baldwin Hills Dam Failure," Civil Engineering, V.-9l. 34, No. 2, Feb., 1%4, PF· 62-64. · 33. "Johnstown is inundated Again by a Record, 500-year Flood," Engineering LLe-----·-· 584 .~"; ·-~-·-~~....,~~~-·---·-... -----------""~··,_...__....,.,....,._.... ... .,....._,.,,_~-~-----..:-,.., . .,....-----·· volume given by Fig. 1 is greater .than the actual volume of the. em- bankment, the embankment volume should be used to estimate the breach outflow hydrograph. 3. For "earthfill" embankments, the time for breach development can be estimated using the relationship presented in Fig. 2 and the estimated breach volume. Using these conclusions, a methodology was deve~oped for estimating the geometric and temporal characteristics of breaches m "earthfill". dams. These characteristics and methodology are compatible with existing computer programs and can be used in dam safety studies to estimate outflows from hypothetical dam failures. A third independent rel&~tions!'-ip was developed that relates the BFF and the peak rate of ouhlow from historic dam breaches. This relation- ship is presented in Fig. 3 and was developed for use in verifying that the methodology gives reasonable estimates of peak outflows from the- oretical dam breaches that are analyzed in dam safety studies. Analyses of hypothetical failures of large and small "eartnfill" dams were made using the relationships presented in Figs. 1 and 2, the meth- odology that was developed, and the Corps of Engineers' computer pro- gram HEC-1. The calculated peak outflows from these hypothetical fail- ures are consistent with the independent relationship for peak outflows presented in Fig. 3, thereby indicating that the methodology for analysis of "earthfill" dam failures gives reasonable results. Analyses of the possible cause of some of the data scatter in Figs. 1 and 2 suggest that the relationships that were developed are only ap- plicable to earthfill embankments whose material properties and cross- sectional dimensions fall within some average range, i.e., these rela- tionships may not be be appropriate for dam safety analyses of highly erodable embankments, embankments that may be subject to liquefac- tion, extremely wide or narrow embankments, or embankments that have other unique: characteristics that influence its breaching characteristics. The results and conclusions of the studies presented in this paper are based on a limited number of (ase histories of dam failures. The data presented in the literature are limited and, in some cases, had to be inferred from general descriptions. Thus, the results and conclusions of the studies should be considered as preliminary until additional data. are collected and analyzed. APPENDIX I.-REFERENCES 1. Ambler, J. N., "The Fait ~and Repair of the Winston (N.C.) Wat~r Works Dam," Engineering News, vol. 67, Na. 15, Apr. 11, 1912, pp. 667-669. 2. Arthuf, H. G., "Teton Dam Failure," Proceedings, Engineering Foundation, Nov., 1976, pp. 61-68. 3. Babb, A. 0., and Mermel, T. W., Catalog of Dam Disasters, Faihlres and Ac- cidents, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D.C., 1963, 211 pp. 4. Boner, F. C., and Stermitz, F., ''Floods of June 1964 in Northwestern Mon- tana," USGS Water-Supply Paper 1840-B, U.S. Geological Survey, Washing- ton, D.C., 1967, 242 pp. 5. "Brazil Blames Earth Dam Collapses on Failure to Open Spillway Gate~,'' Engineering News-Record, Vol. 200, No. 5, Feb. 2, 1978, p. 11. 583 ~ \0 0 ~ r r ~ .. - 1 I I I I i l I i __ J I ~ ' I j i ~.~~"""'~~ ~ I I I ! \) ... --·~----·-·"---------· ·--------~-----·-·--.. -........................ ____ .. ___ ... _~-·-·----... -... -. _________ .. ______ .... ft~e_ _______ _ BFF - h - Qp - T = VM -v·l.,. = the Breach Formation Factor (V w x h); maxh ·urn reservoir water surface elevation minus base ele- vation of breach; peak rate of outflow; time for breach to develop; volume of material removed during the breach; and volume of outflow that formed the breach. ' News-Record, Vol. 199, No. 4, July 28, 1977, p. 9. 34. Justin, J. D., Earth Dam Projects, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1932, 345 pp. 35. Leps, T. M., "Flow Through Rockfill/' in Embankment Dam Engineering, Cas-agrJ~nde Volume, R. C. Hirschfield and S. J. Paulos, eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y., 1973, pp. 98-103. 36. Lyman, R. R., "The Failure of an Irrigation Dam," Engineering Record, Vol. 60, No. 12, Sept. 18, 1909, pp. 324-326. 37. Maksoud, H., Cabaral, P. C. L., and Occhipinti, A. G., "Hydrology of Spill~ way De:>ign Floods for Brazilian River Basins with Limited Data," Transac- tions, International Commission on Large Dams, Vol. 2, Sept., 1967, pp. 199-226. 38. "Multiple Probes Start on Dam Failure," Engineering News-Record, Vol. 172, No. 1, Jan. 2, 1964, p. 15. 39. "Overtopped Earth Dam Fails," Engineering News, Vol. 76, No. 5, Aug. 3, 1916, pp. 232-233. 40. Pagan, A. F., "The Johnstown FJood Revisited," Civil Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 8, Aug., 1974, pp. 61-62. 41. "Reservoir Embankment Failure .. Turlock Irrigation District, Califomi~," En- gineering News, Vol. 72, No. 2, July 9 .. 1914, pp. 106-107. 42. Rostvedt, J. 0., et al., "Swnmary of Floods in the United States during 1963," USGS Wqter-Supply Paper 1830-B, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1968, pp. B84-B87. 43. Sanders, C. L., Jr., and Sauer, V. B., "Kelly Barnes Dam Flood of November 6, 1977, Near Toccoa, Geor~a," Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-613, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1979, Scale 1:12,000, 2 sheets. 44. Schuyler, J. D., "Recent Practice in Hydraulic-Fill Dam Construction," Trans- actions, ASCE, Vol. 58, 1893, pp. 198-215. 45. Scotl, K. M., and Gravlee, G. C., Jr., "Flood Surge on tlae Rubicon River~ California-Hydrology, Hydraulics and Boulder Transport," USGS Profes- sional Paper 422-M, U.S. Gf:?ological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1968, 38 pp. 46. Sherard, J. L., et al., "Failures and Damages .. " Earth and Earth-Rock Dams, 1st ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1963, pp. 130-131. 47. Silent, R. A., "failure of the Lower Otay Dam," Engineering News, Vol. 75, No. 7, Feb. 17, 1916, pp. 334-336. 48. Sterling, G., "Analysis of the Failure of an Earth-Fill Dam/' Eng~neering News, Vol. 75, No. 2, Jan. 13, 1916, pp. 56-61. 49. "Subsidence biamed in Earth Dam Failure," Engineering News-Record, Vol. 171, No. 25, Dec. 19, 1963, p. 50. 50. "10,000-Year Rainfall-Wipes Out Two Brazilian Dams," Engineering News-Rec- ord, Vol. 198, No. 5, feb. 3, 1963, p. 11. 51. The Committee on Failures and Accidents to Large Dams of the United States Committee on Large Dams (USCOLD), Lessons from Dam Incidents, U.S.A., ASCE"USCOLD, New York, N.Y., 1975, 387 pp. 52. "The Failure of Hell Hole Dam," Western Construction, Vol. 40, No. 4, Apr., 1965, pp. 65-70. 53. Wahler, W. A., and Associates, "Analysis of Coal Refuse Dam Failure, Mid- dle Fork Buffalo Creek, Sanders, West Virginia, Volume 1," USBM-OFR-10(1)- 73, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C., Feb., 1973, 268 pp. 54. Warne, W. E ... "The Baldwin Hi!ls Dam Failure," Western Construction, Vol. 39, No, 2, Feb., 1964, pp. 78-80. 55. Williams, G. S., "Undermining Causes Failure of French Landing Dam," E11- gineering News-Record, Vol. 83, No. 4, Apr. 30, 1925, pp. 735-736. 56. "Wyoming Dam Fails," Engineering News-Record, Vol. 183, No. 3, July 17, 1969, p. 16. <)· \'. .::- .. ,_. r 1 1 l APPEt4DIX 11.-NOTATION l 0 e: I r·. ""~'•...__ 586 ------··---------~.......,-- ··-- The following symbols are w.;ed in this paper: 585 ·~---~---~ 0 ~-J