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ELECTRIC ' I i f J _j . . . f - ( User's Manual Optimized Generation Planning Program OGP-6 and OGP-6A (Proprietary) Gener,·tion Planning and Economics Electric Utility Systems Engineering Department General Electric Company Schenectady, New York 123~5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Topic Page PREFACE l GENERAL OVERVIEW • e • • • • • ~ . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • 1-1 2 REMOTE BATCH PROCESSING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LOAD MODEL PROGRAM (.LDMD6) • • • . . . .., . • • • • • • • • • • 3-1 GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM (.GNMD6) • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 4-1 5 OGP INPUT DATA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-l Introduction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-l Data Preparation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • 5-11 Generation Planning • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • 5-61 6 7 OGP OUTPUT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 6-1 Data Preparation • • • • • • • Generation Planning • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • 6-1 • • • • • • • 6-26 ERROR MESSAGES • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 System • • • • • • • • • Data Preparation • • • • Generation Planning • • • i • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 • ~ • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 7-10 • a o • • • • e • • • • • • • • • 7-12 PREFACE The Optimized Generation Planning ( OGP) program is being offered to the electric utility industry to assist planners in analyzing alternate patterns of generation additions. The General Electric Company warrants that it has exercised professional competence in writing this program and in testing it extensively. The Company does not assume responsibility· for specific results obtained from the program and will not be liable for direct, special or consequential damages arising from decisions based on these results. If a program error is discovered and is reported to the Company within 30 days, 1~he liability of the Company is restricted to the limitations of liability as stated in the License Agreement or in the Agreement for Computer Services signed with the Ger1eral Electric Information Services Company (GEISOQ). The General Electric Company will not assume liability for incorrect results obtained from incorrect input data. ii j r lt v · GENERAL OVERVIEW The Optimized Generation Planning Program (OGP) is a com-yuter program developed by the Electric Utility Systems Engineering Department '::lf the General Electric Company. The OGP program has the capability of performing system reliability, investment costing and production costing calculations. It is a generation expansion planning tool which enables system planners to readily analyze many alternative expansion strategies. System planners can evaluate the existing or commi t.ted generation system and also can automatically expand the system to meet a·prescribed reliability criterion or percent reserve goal. A maximum of six thermal types and three energy storage types may be defined for automatic expansion. In determining the lowest cost expansion plan, the OGP program will add the thennal and energy storage types alone and in combinations. The results of the various generation expansion strategies may be stored, and their financial impact on the company can be analyzed via execution of the Financial Simulation Program (FSP) • FSP is a post-OGP program which develops yearly balance sheets, income statements and cash reports for the OGP study period. The OGP program is a batch program written in FORTRAN and, as illustrated in Figure 1-1, it consists of two separate modules, the Data Preparation and the Generation Planning Programs. Before the Data Preparation Program can be executed, two auxiliary programs must first be accessed, the Load Model Program and the Ge.neration Model Prcgam. I:f a system consisting of more than one company is being studied, the Load Model Program should be run first, because it is the program in which the company designations are assigned. If only one company is being modeled, the Load Model Program and Generation Model Program can be run in any sequence. The Load .Model Program develops a Load Model which. becomes input to the Data Preparation Program. Tr.is Load Model will be used for production cost and reliability calculations. Input data required for the Load Model Program consists of per-u.ni t load shapes and annual MW peak loads. There are two types of output from the Load Model Program: printed output and binary output. The Load Model may be printed in MW and/or per unit for data checking. The MW model to be read by the Data Preparation Program is written in binary and stored on a permanent disc file. The scenarios that are to be studied will determine the number of different binary Load Models to be developed. Annual peak loads may be changed by inputting new peak load data to the Data Preparation Program. However, the load shapes will not be altered by the Data Preparation Program; the Load Mode 1 Program must be run if the shapes are to be modified. The Load Model Program is described in Section 3 of this manual. More detailed information on the OGP Load Model is found in Sections 3 and 4 of the Descriptive Handbook. The Generation Model Program also develops a binary model which becomes input to the Data Preparation Program. Input da~a for the Generation Model Prog:c-am consists of a list of existing artd committed generating units and their characteristics; e.g., station name, MW rating, heat rate, date of installation, etc. Any data not specific.ally defined as input data may subsequently be input at the Data PreparatJ.on level. All of the generator 1-1 I Load I I Generation 7 Model Model File 01 File 02 ~ '----t--------1 ,, ,, Data Preparation Program Report 06 Bulk Output I Transfer 7 File 03 '---'r-----1 ,, , Report 06 Bulk Output Generation Planning Program ,, Report 07 Summaries Report 08 Summaries Input Data File 15 ,, Report 07 Summaries Input Data File 15 ~-··------------~ ,, Figure l-1. Files Used by the OGP Program 1-2 , " . J M ' I J fl f1 f"\ l l ' f I. fl \ \_ ) r 'i ' j r l ,, 1 ~ l ' J .; ' ' L l i "' ' L J -H data supplied as input is printed in formatted form. The same data is also written in binary form on a permanent disc file, which will become input to the Data Preparation Program. Gen•erally, one binary Generation Model is used for an entire OGP study. The user may override and/ or add to the Generation Model data at the Data Preparation level. The Generation Model Program is described in Section 4 of this manual. Section 2 of the Descriptive Handbook provides more detailed information on the Generation Model. After the binary Load Model and Generation Model have been developed, the OGP program is run as one activity consisting of two parts: the Data Preparation Program and the Generation Planning Program. Each of the programs requires its own input data. Input data for the Data Preparation Program consists of study parameters; user-supplied standard tables describing heat rates, costs, inflation, and ftJel types; and units that are candidates for automatic expansion. The Data Preparation Program reaLds the binary Generation Model and makes whatever changes are necessary, based on the user's input to the program. At this point, units not previously defined on the Generation Model may be added through input data. Any attributes that have not been specifically assigned to the units are derived from user-supplied standard tables., All of the conventional hydro units are accumulated into one aggregate hydro plant. Likewise, the three different types of energy storage units are combined into three energy storage aggregates. A master list of all units and their characteristics is compiled. All of the data pertaining to thermal units, hydro, energy storage, loads, costs and inflation is processed and written to a binary file, which will be read by the Generation Planning Program. Two printed output reports are available from the Data Preparation Program. Report 06, which is the bulk output, contains the master list of units and the various cost and inflation tables. Optionally, the Generati0n Model and annual MW Load Model can also be printed. Report 07 is terminal output, which the user may examine via a terminal or CRT. This report provides a summary of the NAMELIST input data records that wer(~ successfully read and a listing of program and system error messages. Details pertaining to Data Preparation input are described in Section 5, and sample output is presented in Section 6 of this manual. Sections 5 and 6 of the Descriptive Handbook contain more information on study data and the Data Preparation Program. The Generation Planning Program reads system data from the binary transfer f:ile written by the Data Preparation Program. The program then reads a set of input data that defines the study parameters and may include overrides to the generation data transferred from the Data Preparation Program. The program then proceeds to perform the monthly and annual calculations. Depending on which user options are selected, the program will calculate the system reliability, determine the production costs, and expand the system based on a reliability criterion or percent reserve goal. There are two types of output available from the Generation planning Program: printed output and binary output. The printed output consists of three reports. Report 06, the bulk output, is generally printed on a high-speed printer. It consists of annual production cost output and 1-3 summaries of all of the reliability and expansion calculations through time • Reports 07 and 08 are abbreviated summat;;;ies of the expansion calculations and are usually examined via a terminal or CRT. The binary output is written to File 11 and File 12~ At the user's option, they can be stored permanently on disc files. File 11 serves as input data for the Financial Simulation Program. File 12 contains production cost and reliability output, which may become input data for a user-supplied FORTRAN program to process this information. Sample output from the Generation Planning Program is shown in Section 6 of this manual .. The dimensions of the OGP program are listed in Table 1-1. Quantity Number of study years TABLE 1-1 PROGRAM DIMENSIONS Number of thermal types of generation Number of conventional hydro types Number of energy storage types Number of companies Number of thermal units {including nuclear units) Number of nuclear units Number of manual maintenance patterns Number of fuel types Number of units added/retired each year 1-4 Dimension 30 6 1 3 25 250 100 25 20 100 ~ l ,J ,.. : I ' j ~. j n • i { ~J . ' ' ' l J i \. J REM01TE BATCH PROCESSING Section Index This section provides the information necessary to access afitl ug~ OGP on the MARK III Service. This information is disoussed in more detail in a set of notes entitled "MARK III and OGP," which is available from EUSED. Topic MARK III REl-iOTE BATCH PROCESSING DESCRIPTION.. • • • "' • ce • • a • • • • MARK III Service Description • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Preliminary Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MARK III Sign-On Procedure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • • Creating a Data Fil~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Saving a Data File • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Changing a Data File. • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Renaming a Data File • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INPUT FILE SETUP • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • Background Directives ............. . Job Control Cards • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Input Data • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • u • Sample Input Files • • • • • • • • • • • • o • Generation Model • • • • • • • • • • • • • Load Model • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • . . . . . . ~ ~ . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • G e • e e e e e e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Data Preparation and Generation Planning • • • • • • • • • • • OUTPUT OPTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ]i~()~~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~)(~(){]~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAPE· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RUNNING THE PROGRAM • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • JOB STATUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e LISTING THE SUMMARIES • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • • • • • • • SCANNING THE OUTPUT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PRINTING THE OUTPUT • • .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SUMMARY OF REPORT CODES AND DIRECTIVES FOR PRINTING OUTPUT •••••• BACKGROUND PERMANENT DISC FILES • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PROGRP.M LI.tvliTS • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REFERENCE MANUALS • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-i Page 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-5 2-10 2-11 2-11 2-lZ 2-ll~ 2-14 2-15 2-17 2-19 2-22 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-27 2-32 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-38 2-40 MARK Ill REMOTE BATCH PROCESSING DESCRIPTION Remote Batch Data Processing enables you to access the extensive resources of a large-scale computer in your work area through the use· of a keyboard terminal. Access to batch programs via a keyboard permits remote terminal control of the computer facility and resouroefS. The combination of batch processing and time-sharing enables you to benefit from the advantages of both, including: • Direct and immediate accessibility to the system • Optimum turnaround time • Computer power and plunning programs • Centralized file system. and multi -t;erminal acceos MARK Ill SERVICE DESCRiPTION MARK III is divided into two separate computer worlds--Foreground and Bacltg!"ound~ • Foreground is the real-t.i.me interactive service accessed from a terminal. • Background is the Remott~ Batch service implemented on a Honeywell-6000 series computer on which the programs actually run. The Foreground-Background ILterfane enables you to do the following: • Prepare, save, and retrieve input. files • Modify data • Submit jobs to Background • Check output status • Look at all or part of a job's output • Determine the next processing step PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENT'S Before running OGP on MARK III, you must first satisfy the following requirements: 1. Sign a MARK III Subscraiber Agreement with the General Electric Information Services Company (GEISCO). 2. Obtain your Background user identification number·. 3. Request secured tapes in the follow:Lng situations: • If multiple copies of output are required • If tapes are being used for Load and Generation Models • If output is being stored on tape 2-1 ~iARK Ill SIGN-ON PROCEDURE ACCESSING MARK Ill THROUGH NETWORK ~he NETWORK system provides nationwide access to GEISCO's MARK III Service. To connect your terminal to NETWORK, you need your access telephone number, user number, and password. Then follow the procedure listed below. 1. 4. Dial your access telephone number. If you receive a busy signal, wait two or three minutes and dial again. When your terminal is connected to NETWORK, there will be a five-second delay between connection and initiation of the conversational mode between NETWORK and you. For terminals with a transmission rate of ten characters per second (110 baud) , no action on your part is required. If 30 cps ( 300 baud) or 120 cps (1200 baud) is desired, type one or more "H" charactet•s immediately after connection. This action automatically adjusts the system to the terminal input speed. Afte~ gaining telephone access to NETWORK, you will receive the following three messages listed under the Computer column. You should also become familiar with the User Response and Explanation information listed below. Computer . User Response U#= LAQ43nnn,pword,pid SYSTEM-F77 OLD or NEW NEW ABCDEFGH OR OLD ABCDEFGH OR Return 2-2 Explanation Background user no.i password, and project ID Request FORTRAN 77 System Creating a new file. ABCDEFGH is file name. You are now ready to enter your file called ABCDEFGH (see section on Creating a Data File). Puts a copy of file ABCDEFGH into current worl<:space. You are now ready to make changes to the copy of AB CDEFGH in your workspace (see section on Changing a Data File). The system will wait for other instructions. "' ! j , J r ~ l \ L1 -, ! LJ ..I CREATING A DATA FILE After signing onto the NETWORK system, you are ready to enter the data file. 1. Each line must begin with a line number and a space. \~ 2. Then enter the data for that line. NOTE: 1. Use the "Control" key with the "X" key to delete the line being typed. 2. To correct. an error, retype the line number and enter a space. Then enter the correct data for that line. (The system will automatically sequence the lines for you, keeping the latest version of a line.) SAVING A DATA FILE After you have entered some of your data, enter SAVe filename to save what has been entered up to that point. Thereafter, enter ~LACE periodically. This will minimize the work lost in the event of a system failure or an unintentional system disoonnect. NOTE: Initiaiiy use S:AVf$ rather than REPlace, bfi!eause the SAVe command will -----. ---indicate whether the file name you nave chosen is a duplicate. In the event of file name duplication, you will have to rename your data file by entering REName and the new name of the file (see . section on Changing a Data File). The SAVe command permanently stores the contents of your workspace in a file with the name assigned by you. REPlace is similar to SAVe except that it replaces the existing contents of the permanent:f:fie with what is currently in your workspace. If a file name is not specified after the SAVe or REPlaaa command, the system will store the contents of your workspace in the permanent file whose n~me is associated with your workspace. If in doubt as to the name of the file, enter TTY and the carriage return. The system response will identify the name of the file in your workspace. Specification of the file name with the command assures you that the file will be stored properly. See the example on the following page. 2-3 REAI!Y NEW TEST REAI!Y 10 LINE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 SAV TEST READY 40 LINE 5 50 LINE 5 40 LINE 4 REP TEST REAIIY LIST TEST TEST 10 LINE 20 LINE 30 LINE 40 LINE 50 LINE READY NEW TEST REAitY 1 2 3 4 5 09:47EST 10 FIRST LINE 20 SECOND LINE 30 THIRD LINE SAV TEST 04/15/83 ItUPLICATE FILE NAME-REPLACE OR RENAME REAitY REN TEST2 READY SAV TEST2 READY NOTE: Underlined items indicate user's response. 2-4 ~ .j "' l . J , l j n ' I ' ) r, '· j M LJ ~ ~ l1 ~ n n L_i r-1 [ 1 L.1 [] r'l LJ r I LJ ( ., I I I LJ i I ·I L:1 ; 1 ' ~ l I CHANGING A DATA FILE If data or typographical errors occur, you will want to correct the portions of your data file in whi,ch the errors have occurred. 1. First, insert a copy of the file into your current workspace by using the command OLD filename. 2. To correct data or typographical errors in the file, use either of the following method.s: a. Retype the entire line in which the error exists. b. Change only that portion of the line in which the error exists. To change a portion of a line or lines., use CHA, CHA V or CHA VC. CHA CHAV CHAVC Make the change, but do not print the line (s) before or after the change. Use CHA with caution. Make the change and print the line(s) before and after the change. Make the change and print the line(s) after the change only. The for.mat for the above is: CHA nl/old string/new string/n2 CHAV nl/old string/new string/n2 CHAVC nl/old string/new string/n2 The three examples listed above will change all occurrences of "old string" to "new string" from line nl through line n2. If you want only one line to be changed, set n2 equal to nl (all occurrences in that line will be changed). If you want only the first occurrence of "old string" (in line nl or after) changed, omit n2. Omit nl and n2 if you want the first occurrence of "old string" changed anywhere in the file. NOTE: In the event that you incorrectly enter the CHAV or CHAVC delimeters and the system prompts you with MORE >, hit the "interrupt" (or "break") key and begin Step 2 again. See the examples on the following pages. 2-5 READY OLD TEST REAIIY LIST TEST 10 LINE 20 LINE 30 LINE 40 LINE 50 LINE REAllY 15:01EST 04/14/83 1 2 3 4 5 10 RETYPE ALL OF LINE 1 CHAVC 20/LINE/LINE NUMBER/30 20 LINE NUMBER 2 30 LINE NUMBER 3 READY CHAV ~0/LINE/LINE NUMBER/50 --· 40 LINE 4 40 LINE NUMBER 4 50 LINE 5 50 LINE NUMBER 5 READY REF' TEST REAIIY 2-6 I , I I -1 ~ I ' J n t 1 M • I L .,1 n a a ~ tJ f1 ~ j I . L r '\ LJ { ,~ I f Ll " i j bJ 1 i tJ r. ' ' t·'' ' ' , k f L [ r t' t ,, t. ~ [" ~. ~., ~ L~ . .. LIST TEST 15t03EST 10 RETYPE ALL OF 20 LINE NUMBER 2 30 LINE NUMBER 3 40 LINE NUMBER 4 50 LINE NUMBER 5 REAIIY CHAV 20/LINE/ROW MORE> I 20 LINE NUMBER 2 20 ROW READY LIST LINE TEST 15:34EST 1 10 RETYPE ALL OF LINE 1 20 ROW NUMBER 2 30 LINE NUMBER 3 40 LINE NUMBER 4 50 LINE NUMBER 5 READY 2-7 04/14/83 04/14/83 l { CHANGING A DATA FILE (Continued) There are two ways to delete lines from a file: a. Use the. ED I DEL command • The EDI DEL command is useful when many lines-must be deleted. Refer to the format provided below: To delete one particular line n, enter EDI DEL n OR To delete lines nn through nnn, inclusive, enter EDI DEL nn-nnn · OR To delete combinations of single and multiple sequential lines, enter EDI DEL followed by a blank and any combination of n or nn-nnn separated by commas (Example: EDI DEL lO,SQ-100,190,210,~00-500) b. Type the line number of the line to be deleted immediately followed by a carriage return. See the example on the following page. 2-8 . '" n j J L ;, r} ; I L J \ LJ ' 1 ! lJ LJ l•.L• ~ \' L; READY OLD TEST READY LIST TEST 10 LINE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE S 60 LINE 6 i 10 LINE 7 flO LINE B 90 LINE 9 READY 15:37EST EDI DEL 20,40 READ'( .LIST TEST 15~3BEST 10 LINE 1 30 LINE 3 50 LIHE 5 60 LINE 6 70 LINE 7 80 LINE B 90 LINE 9 READY EDI DEL 60-80 READY LIST TEST 10 LINE 1 30 LINE 3 50 LINE 5 90 LINE 9 READY 30 LIST TEST 10 LINE 1 50 LINE 5 90 LINE 9 REAllY REP TEST READY t5:38EST 15:39EST 2-9 04/14/83 04/14/83 04/14/83 04/14/83 • I RENAMING A DATA FILE To change your data file and keep the original file intact, use the REName command followed by the SAVe command. Use SAVe rather than REP since it will indicate whether a dupli"Cate file name wasused. Thereafter, enter REPLACE periodically. This will minimize the work lost in the event of a system failure or an unintentional system disconnect. See the example listed below. REAltY OLD TEST READY LIST TEST 10 LINE 1 .20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 REAltY REN NEWTEST READY SAV NEWTEST READY LIST NEWTEST 15:46EST NEWTEST 15:46EST 10 LlNE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 REAitY 04/14/83 04/14/83 60 FILE NEWTEST NEEDS A LINE 6 REP NEWTEST REAltY LIST NEWTEST NElHEST 15:47EST 04/14/83 10 LINE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 60 FILE NEWT EST NEEDS A LINE 6 READY 2-10 , l J n D r, LJ n lJ r;1 LJ il ' \ lJ ,, '1 l I I ' lJ RENAMING A DATA FILE To change your data file and keep the original file intact, use the ~ame command followed by the SAVe command. Use SAVe rather than REP since it will indicate whether a duplicate file name waSU'sed. Thel~eafter, enter REPLACE periodically. This will minimize the work lost in the event of a system failure or an unintentional system disconnect. See the example listed below. READY OLD TEST READY LIST TEST 15:46EST 04/14/83 10 LINE 1 .20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 REAitY REN NEWTEST REAltY SAV NEWTEST READY LIST NEWTE:ST NEW TEST 15:46EST 04/14/83 10 LlNE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 READY 60 FILE NEWTEST NEEDS A LINE 6 REP NEWTEST .·- REAIIY LIST NEWTEST NE~ITEST 15:47EST 04/14/83 10 LINE 1 20 LINE 2 30 LINE 3 40 LINE 4 50 LINE 5 60 FILE NEWTEST NEEDS A LINE 6 2-10 , .. '' ',') I i J , l J ,., L J , t J ~ ! l '-- ~ !I f.'-)· ~. ' L, r'\ lJ r 1 J 1 LJ . ! ~ Q .l··. ~\ '.,J L ~ H ~ l ·.· .. ;l ' 1) ~ INPUT FILE SETUP All .input files used to run the Generation Model, Load Model, Data Preparation, and Generation Planning Programs have the same general format requirements: • Backgroutnd Directives • Job Con.t.rol Cards • Input Da,ta BACKGROUND DIRECTIVES The Background Directives are commands entered from Foreground (either interactively or through a Foreground data file), which cause certain functions to be performed in Background. The available Background Directives include: BCR filename ;SIZE(l ,xx) • It is used to create file space in Background. • Filename i~ the name assigned by the user (8 characters maximum). • xx is the maximum number of blocks of 320 words to be reserved. The user will be charged only for the actual storage used. • A Background file can be created only once. If the user tries to create a file that already exists, the activity will be aborted by the system. BPU filename BCA; BRU * BEN • It is used to purge a Background file. • Lists the file names in the Background catalog. • Submits to Background for execution the Job Control Cards and data following the last Background Directive. • Indicates that all of the Background Directives have been entered. 2-11 JOB CONTROL CARDS Job Control Cards identify the proper programs for execution and control the output options for a run that has been submitted to Background ~or execution. All Job Control Cards always have a $ in column 1, the control card name in column 8, and the control card variables or options in column 16. Inclusion of ##NORM before the first Job Control Card allows the : to be used as a tabbing instruction, and eliminates the need to space to the location of specific columns. The variables and options must not have any embedded blanks, because a blank indicates the end of that control card .• The Job Control Cards used for the four programs are very similar. In this section we will discuss them in generai terms and explain the variables or options that are available. In the section on Sample Input Files, we will review the specific Job Control Cards required for each program. ,. \~ The available Job Control Cards include: t!#NORM Allows the : to be used as an automatic tab function and also transfers the line number ar1d one trailing blank (if one exists) from the 'Q~ginning of the line tt) column 73. $ :PROGRAM:RL.BS Causes the. program to be executed. $:LIMITS:time,storage l,storage 2,print lines time storage 1 storage 2 pr.int lines Maximum processor run time (in hundredths of an hour) Maximum core storage for running the program Amount of core storage that can be shared with COMMON during the loading of the program Maximum number of lines to be printed during the program execution $:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ43093/program name Tells the system which program is to be executed; the names of the various programs are listed below • • GNMD6 .LDMD6 .GP6DP .GP6AD .GP6GP .GP6AG Generation Model Load Model Data Preparation (OGP-6) Data Preparation (OGP-6A) Generation Planning (OGP-6) Generation Planning (OGP-6A) 2-12 ~ i I l . .I \ i ' J n L .. J l l L._. ,. ,., LJ Ll LJ JOB CONTROL CARDS (Continued) $PRMFL:file code,permit,mode,file string Used to define a permanent disc file. The file space must have been created earlier with the BCR Background Directive. file code permit mode file string A unique two-character designation assigned by the programmer to identify a given file within an activity. Requests permission for the operation to be performed: R -Read only W -Write only RIW -Read and/or Write Specifies whether the file is OR s R Linked, i.e., Sequential Random Definition in the file system descriptor includes the catalog, password (optional), and file name that describes the specific file. $:FILE:file code,LUD,access Used to define a temporary disc file • .file code LUD access A unique two-character designation assigned by the programmer to identify a given file within an activity. Logical Unit Designator The first portion consists of a two-or three-character identifier by which the file may be recognized in a subsequent activity. The second portion indicates the file disposition desired at the end of the activityo R -Release S -Save for subsequent activity File size in 3840-word links, followed by an L (for linked, i.e., sequential file). 2-13 l .. .. ~ , • JOB CONTROL CARDS (Continued) $:REMOTE:file code Assigns an output file to a Remote station for printing. fila code $:DATA:l5 A unique two-character designation assigned by the programmer to identify the given file within an activity. Assigns the user's input data file to a disc for input to the program. The specific Job Control Cards used in runni.ng the four different programs will be reviewed in more detail later in this section and also in the se.ctions on each specific program. Once the Job Control Cards are established for a specific program, it is unlikely that they will have to be changed. The only exception would be cards that define a permanent disc file which is read or written to by the program~ The input files used to run several different programs can be combined and submitted as a single job. In such situations the Background Directives and ##NORM would appear only at the beginning of the combined file. INPUT DATA The Input Data follows the Background Dire<~ti ves and Job Control Cards. The specific data will be discussed in the portions of this manual that describe the input data requirements for the individual programs. The Input Data consists of general data, which is required by the program, and optional override data that can modify previously input data. SAMPLE INPUT FILES The following pages contain sample input files for the individual programs. For each program, a typical file is shown with an explanation of the various Background Directives and Job Control Cards used for the specific program. 2-14 ' ~· Iii>., ·t' J ) [j n t~.J r __ -l 1 • \. J r , I ' \ I ,. I L} ,~ \ : t L J ( 1 I i LJ ,l ) I 1 l LJ r l ) . LJ r 1 ' i LJ ' \ I LJ "1 l l '. • f'·'' ·•. " ' ' • J l •· . .J GENER.c\TION MODEl Listed below is a typical file used to run the Generation Model Program. 100 BCR NEW GENERATION MODEL;SIZE(l,xx) 110 BRU * 120 BEN 130/U/NORM 140$:PROGRAM:RLHS 150$ :LIMITS: 02, 25K, , lOK 160$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ53093/.GNMD6 170$:PRMFL:Ol,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL GENERATION MODEL 180$:PRMFL:02,W,S,AQ43xxx/NEW GENERATION MODEL 190$:DATA:l5 200$: RE.M.OTE: 06 210$:REMOTE:07 220 Name 230 tddress 240 City, State, Zip 250 Additional Mailing 260 Information 270 User ID 300 $INPUT • Generation Model Data • 1000 Last input data must end with $ NOTE: If permanent space in Background had been created previously, DELETE 100 BCR NEW GENERATION MODEL;SIZE(l,xx) If the Generation Model is to be created from scratch, DELETE 170$:PRMFL;01,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL GENERATION MODEL 2-15 "";;:;:"'·~-~---~-~--~-~~--~-·----~·-·7r"···-~::-~-~-·-·><·-~--.. ··-··--···-------~·"·-··--···--:· ~ ~--............ -.• -.... ----· ----.. ~----··---·-·•»•·-"·-··-······-·····--·-·-·~·v--·-----.-·--·-·"'•"--~---.,.---·---,-,.,,. \2' ' 0 ' GENERATION MODEL (Continued) The following comments explain the function of specific lines in the file: line 100 line 150 line 160 line 170 line 180 Creates Background file space to which the new Generation Model will be written.. The maximum file size s:hould equal 12 times the number of records to be written. Delete this line if the file space already exists. Program limits recommended by EUSED • • GNMD6 (Generation Model Program) is to be executed. Read in the original Generation Model (File 01) to be modified. If the Generation Model is being created from scratch, this line would be omitted. Writes the new Generation Model (File 02) to the file created in line 100. lines 200-210 Output is to be printed remotely (see Output Options section). lines 220-270 Six lines of optional information that will be printed as a header on the first page of outputG line 300 Beginning of input data. 2-16 • ,, ; J n LJ r) ' I 1j' L r 1 ; I LJ f 1 ' l Ld LJ ~ . LOAD ~>\ODEL r"""' Listed below is a typical input file for the Load Model Program: > . ' t j 100 BCR NEW LOAD MODEL;SIZE(l,l50) 110 BRU * 1.20 BEN 130/UINORM 140$:PROGRAM:RLHS 150$ ·:LIMITS: 02, 32K,, lOK 160$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ~3093/.LDMD6 170$:PRMFL:Ol,W,S,AQ43xxx/NEW LOAD MODEL 180$:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL LOAD MODEL 190$:DATA:l5 200$:REMOTE:06 210$:REMOTE:07 220 .Name 230 Address 240 City, State, Zip 250 Additional Mailing 260 Instructions 270 User ID 300 $INPUT • Load Model Data .. 1000 Last input data must end with $ NOTE: If permanent space in Background had been created previously, DELETE 100 BCR NEW LOAD MODEL;SIZE(l,l50) If the Load Model is to be created from scratch, DELETE 180$:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL LOAD MODEL 2-17 - LOAD MODEL (Continued) The following comments explain the function of specific lines in the file: line 100 line 150 line 160 line 170 line 180 lines 200-210 lines 220-270 line 300 ' ,~_ Creates Background file space to which the new Load Model will be written. A maximum file size of 150 will be sufficient for a 40-year Load Model. If file space already exists, delete this line. Program limits recommended by EUSED. .LDMD6 (Load Model Program) is to be executed. Writes the new Load Model (File 01) to the file created in line 100. Reads in the original Load Model (File 02) to be modified. If creating a Load Model from scratch, this line would be omitted. Output is to be printed remotely (see Output Options section). Six lines of optional information that will be printed as a header on the first page of output. Beginning of input data. 2-18 ~ ' J ~ ~ ' J , '· J , i J ~ ~ " .. ~ .~ Lj f • t1 " L1 ti D r~, LJ rr tJ r -i ' ' LJ f ) . i LJ r ., I I i l :J LJ L.J I j A. t .. i L DATA PRE~~RATION AND GENERATION PLANNING Listed below is a typical input file setup for running OGP. This file enables the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Programs to be run in one job. 100 BRU * 110 BEN 120#/INORM 130$:PROGRAM:RLHS 140$:Ln~ITS:02,70K,,lOK 150$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ43093/.GP6DP 160$:PRMFL:Ol,R,S,AQ43xxx/LOAD MODEL 170$:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43xxx/GENERATION MODEL 18~ :FILE: 03, X3S, 20L 190$:DATA:l5 200$:REMOTE:06 210$:REMOTE:07 220 Name 230 Address 240 City, State, Zip 250 Additional Mailing 260 Instructions 270 User ID 300 $INPUT • Data Preparation Data • 1000 Last input data must end with $ 2000$:PROGRAM:RLHS 2010$:LIMITS:50,72K,8K,20K 2020$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ43093/ .. GP6GP 2030$:FILE:Ol,XlR,100L 2040$:FILE:02,X2R,lOL 2050$:FILE:03,X3R,20L 2060$:FILE:04,X4R,lOL 2070$:FILE:lO,XlOR,2L 2080$:FILE:ll,XllR,30L 2090$:FILE:l2,Xl2R,50L 2100$:FILE:l3,Xl3R,5L 2110$:FILE:l4,Xl4R,2L 2120$:FILE:l6,X16R,5L 2130$:DATA:l5 2140$:REMOTE:06 2150$:REMOTE:07 2160$:REMOTE:08 2170 $INPUT • Generation Planning Data • 3000 Last input data must end vlith $ 2-19 ~-·---·-"""~ ......... -.............. ,,,, ........... ---··;; .......... ~-------~---·-·-.-.-.. , ... ___ , ___ , ____ ... ,.,_.,, ... , ___ .. ________ ,_,_~"';""--~- ' l >' ir· .. ' i It ;J .' DATA PREPARATION AND GENERATION PLANNING (Continued) The following comments explain the function of some of the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Job Control Cards: line 140 line 1.50 line 160 l5:.ne 170 lin.e 180 lines 200-210, 2140-2160 lines 220-270 line 300 line 1000 line 2010 Program li.Illi ts for the Dat.a Preparation Program recommended by EUSED • • GP6DP (Data Preparation for OGP-6) is to be executed. Informs the system of the Load Model to be used. Informs the system of the Generation Model to be used. FILE:03 is the transfer file written by the Data Preparation Program and read in by the Generation Planning Program. If the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Programs were to be run as separate jobs, this line would be replaced by $:PP~L:03,W,S,AQ43xxx/filename. If a permanent file does not exist, file space must be created by the BCR directive. The output will be printed remotely (see section on Out- put Options). Six lines of optional information that will be printed as a header on the first page of output. Sixty characters per line are allowed. Do not use the character : in any of these six lines. Beginning of input data for Data Preparation Program. End of set of input data must end with $. If ending $ is input on a line by itself, must indent $ so that it is entered beyond column 3. Program limits for the C~neration Planning Program recommended by EUSED. 1i.ne 2020 • GP6GP (Generation P lanDing for OGP-6) is to be executed. line 2050 Transfer file written by the Data Preparation Program. If the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Programs are run s~r-·ai wr'tely, this line would be replaced by $ :PRMFL :03 ,~1 ,S$ ·.Q43xxx/filename. linea 2030,2040, Temporary working files needed by the program. 2060,2070, 2100,2120 2-20 J rl I 1 • I . .1 r 1 I t 3 r 1 i LJ ! } I l-: L J DATA PREPARATION AND GENERATION PLANNING (Continued) line 2080 line 2090 line 2110 line 2200 line 3000 File 11 is the transfer file to the Financial Simulation Program (FSP). To save this data on a permanent file, this line would become $:PRMFL:ll,W,S,AQ43xxx/filename. File 12 is the file to which the output is written to save it for further analysis with a user-supplied program. To permanently save these results, this line would be replaced by $: PRMFL: W, S, AQ43xxx /filename. File 14 is the file used to read or write the production cost maintenance schedule. To permanently sav 1 the maintenance schedule, this line would be replaced by: $:PRMFL:14,W,S,AQ43xxx/f'ilename if lMAINT=l, i.e., write production cost maintenance schedule for use in a future run. If permanent file does not exist, must create space with the BCR directive. $:PRMFL:l4,R,S,AQ43xxx/filename if LMAINT=-1, i.e., read production cost maintenance schedule written by a previous run. Beginning of Generation Planning input. End of set of input data must end with $. If ending $ is input on a line all by itself, must indent $ so that it is entered beyond column 3. If the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Programs are to separately, two changes must be made to the ·input file listed above. the transfer file (File 03) must be written to a permanent disc file. the Background Directives and ##NORM must also appear before the Job Cards for the Generation Planning Program. be run First, Second, Control 2-21 OUTPUT OPTIONS Several options are available for printing the output from the programs: • REMOTE e SYSOUT • TAPE They are discussed in this section. REMOTE The $:REMOTE control card assigns an output file to a Remote station for use by the Network Processing Supervisor. These files may be scanned on youl" terminal (see section on Scanning the tatput) or printed on your own high-speed printer (see section on Printing the Output). You can have Remote output printed at a nearby GEISCO installation through the Remote Media Service (RMS). Details on initiating an RMS session are included in the "MARK III and OGP" notes available from EUSED. The output files are stored at no charge for approximately 32 hours. There is, however, a printing charge. The use of the $:REMOTE cards is illustrated in the section on Input File Setup. SYSOUT If a remote printer is not available, the output can be printed on-line at a MARK III installation and mailed to you. In the preceding sample files, the $:REMOTE would be changed to $:SYSOUT. With this option, the output can be printed only once. NOTE: If you are using SYSOUT, you must include the mailing label information in your data file after the Job Control Cards and before the starting $INPUT (e.g., lines 220-270 on page 2-19). You may supply Uy to and including 6 lines, 60 characters per line, of mailing label information. You should include your name, mailing address and User ID. CAUTION: Do not use the character : in your mailing label. This mailing label information is printed on the first page of Report 06. Your User ID is required in order for GEISCO to allocate mailing charges. 2-22 n fl j i ; ; n ! } fl l J r l ! i L i -· j j l J L'·. j ·' L 1 \ j t OUTPUT OPTIONS (Continued) TAPE 1'he third option allows you to write the output to a secured tape (which was previously reserved by you through your GEISCO representative) and then print the contents of' that tape. The Job Control Cards used in running the Data Preparation and Generation Planning Programs as one job (see page 2-19) would be changed to include the rollowing control cards: 200$:PRMFL:06/X6SD,W,S,TAPE/AQ43xxx/tape name 2140$:TAPE9:06,X6SD 5000$: CONVER SOlOS :LIMITS: 05,lOK,, 25K 5020FILES 000002000001 503Q.<J :TAPE9:IN,X6D 5040$:PRINT:OT or $:REMOTE:0T The following comments explain the function of thes.e Job Control Cards: line 200 line 2140 line 5000 line 5010 line 5020 line 5030 line 5040 Writes the bulk output (Report 06) from the Data Preparation Program on a secured tape with the given tape name. The /X6SD ensures that the output f'rom the Generation Planning Program is t..rritten to the same tape. Writes the bulk output (Report 06) from the Generation Planning Program on the same tape as above. Begins an activity which reads this tape and prints the contents. Establishes limits, which are recommended by EUSED for the CONVER activity. Directs the system to print the contents of two riles on the tape (the output from the two programs), beginning with file 1. lbte that this line does not describe a JCL and, therefore, no $ is included. Specifies the input, in this case, a tape to be printed. Specifies the output option to be used in printing the tape. PRINT causes printing to be done on-line. To obtain multiple copies, include the following line: 5015$ :FORM:USE n PART PAPER AND DEOOLLATE, where n is the number of copies desi~ed. Information on using tapes to obtain micr.ofiche is found in the "MARK III and OGP 11 notes available from EUSED. 2-23 RUNNING THE PROGRAM 1. When a file is ready to be run, use the BACK command to send yot3r file from Foreground to Background for processing. The command is: BACK filename CAUTION: If more than one case is to be submitted at the same time, you must use the following commands to create a new file for each case: OLD filename REN new filename SAV new filename make changes as needed for the new case REP new filename BACK new filename (save changes in permanent storage) (run the case) 2. If you want to take advantage of the deferred priority processing option (which yields a 25 percent savings), specify the following: BACK filename;PRI(D) 3. To terminate a job be.fore it runs, enter BAB Lxxx (Job ID) in response to the READY indication from the system& 2-24 n \ 1 .ft .. LJ rl LJ r ~, tJ 1 LJ LJ L. JOB STATUS After a data file has been submitted to Background, you can periodically check its status. You can use the BST LIST command to obtain a list of the JOB ID's presently in the system within your catalog. To obtain job status information, enter the command BST Lxxx, where Lxxx is the Job ID. One of the following messages will be printed in response to this command: ~ssage Lxxx ANNOUNCED TO BACKGROUND Lxxx ABORTED--NOT KNOWN TO BACKGROUND Lxxx DOES NOT EXIST L.xxx WAITING Lxxx TRANSMITTED Lxxx WAITING-IN-HOLD Lxxx AWAITING ALLOCATION Lxxx AWAITING PERIPHERALS Lxxx AWAITING CORE ALLOCATION Lxxx WAITING--SIEVE EXCEEDED Lxxx EXECUTING Lxxx TERMINATING Lxxx STATUS UNAVAILABLE BACKGROUND AVAILABLE BACKGROUND UNAVAILABLE DescriEtion Recognition is given by Background that the job exists. Lowest level of status. NOTE: The file should not be changed, since 1 t has not yet been sent to Background. The user has not been correctly validated for Background. Job not in Background (check Job ID). In Foreground--waiting to be moved to Background. User should not change the file until it has been transmitted. Job is in Background, but execution has not started. MARK III operator has requested that the job not be executed at this time. In Background--awaiting allocation of core. In Background--awaiting required peripher- als. In Background--awaiting sufficient core to be run. Processed by preprocessor--but places exces- sive demands on Background system resources. Job is processing. Output is being written to Foreground. No response can be received from Background at present time. Background system cur~ently availableo Background system currently unavailable. 2-25 JOB s·rATUS (Continued) If the job has been completed, the system response to BST Lxxx is: Lxxx DONE OOnnn RETURNED OOnnn SUBMITTED SL~MITTED/PURGED FILES -NONE SYSOUT REPORTS l.JcxxOl$$-RET'D Lxxx0106-RET'D Ixxx0107-RET'D Lxxx0206-RET'D Ixxx0207-RET'D L..~xx0210-RET' D IxxxOO** -RET' D Disc pages transferred to Foreground. Disc pages transferred to Background. System Report Data Preparation Bulk Output Data Preparation Summary Output Generation Planning Bulk Output Gene~ation Planning Summary Output Additional Generation Planning Summary Output* System Accounting Report * Corresponds to REMOTE:08 (these are octal numbers). 2-26 ' I c 1 n l i r~ l.J .F' I ~ !. J ~ r ., LJ L j .. ' f i L II.. LISTI.NG THE SUMMARIES It is possible to locate both data and system level errors by printing the summaries or scanning the output on your terminal. Printing the summaries will be discussed first. $$REPORT This report (always in activity 01) will contain a NORMAL TERMINATION message or a system level ABORT message (see section on Error Messages--system in this manual for descriptions and probable solutions to the most common ABORT messages). This output can be printed on your terminal by issuing the following command: where: Lxxx 01 $$ B L ~LIST Lxxx01$$;B,L = Job ID = Activity Number = Report Code = Option--suppress multiple blanks = Option--suppress line numbers See the example on the following pages. 2-27 BST L5G7 L5G7 DONE 00197 RETURNED 00006 SUBMITTEit SUBMITTED/PURGED FILES -NONE SYSOUT REPORTS L5G701 $$-RET t II L5G70106-RET'D L5G70l.07-RET 'n L5G70206-RET'D L5G70207-RET'D L5G70210-RET'D L5G700**-RET'D READY BLIST L5G701$$;B,L BEGIN FILE -L5G701$$ $$ MLSG7 ENTERED S1l70A AT 13.953 FROM SPAWN 0-28-01 0001 $ SNUMB ML5G7 SPAWNED BY 1DJP1-01 0002 $ !DENT AU43005,ML5G7 0003 $$ USERID AR43005. RRMARK3 0004 A$ PROGRAM RLHS 00130 0005 $ LIMITS 02,75K,,10K 00140 0006 $$ PRMFL H*'ErR,AR43093/.GP6AD 00150 0007 $$ F'RMFL 01, R, S 'AQ43005/l.MU~i6A 00160 0008 $$ PRHFL 02'R'S,AQ43005/GMUM6A 00170 0009 $ FILE 03,X3S,20L. 00180 0010 $ REMOTE 06 00190 0011 $REMOTE 07 00200 0012 $ DATA 15 00210 0013 A$ PROGRAM RLHS 01930 0014 $ LIMlTS 30,89K,BK,20K 01940 0015 $$ PRMFL H*'E'R,AR43093/.BP6AG 01950 0036 $ FILE 01,X1R,100L. 01960 0017 $ FILE 02,X2R,10L 01970 0018 S FILE 03,X3R,20L 01980 0019 $ FILE 04,X4R,10L 01990 0020 $ FILE 10,X10~)2L 02000 0021 $FILE: 1.1,.XttR,tOL 02010 0022 $ FILE 12rX12R,5L 02020 0023 $ FILE 13,X13R,5l. 02030 0024 $ FILE 14,Xl4R,2L 02040 0025 $ FILE 16,X16R,10L 02050 0026 $ REMOTE 06 02060 0027 $ REMOTE 07 02070 0028 $ REMOTE 08 02080 0029 $ DATA 15 02090 0030 $ END .. JDB TOTAL CARD COUNT THIS JOB = 000262 * ACTY-01 scARD tooo4 .GP6AD Ol/12/83 sw~oooooooooooo 2-28 , 1 1 1 n n ~ n ~ ~ ;...-1 ' r 1 \ l l.J r 1 ! i I L J r ., I I I J . l l ,/ I ,. 1 f I LJ l l , I I l t L_ r '! I LJ l I * NORMAl. TERMINATION AT 025423 I~50QO SW=OOOOOOOOOOOO START 13.958 LINES 1450 PROC 0.0007 J/0 0.001 JlJ 5 MEMORY 75K STOP 1.3~962 tii'O:T 10240 l.INIT 0.0200 l"J:NJ:T CU 5 M*T 909 SWAP 0.000 PK MOUNT 0 LAPSE 0 • 003 FC D TYPE BUSY I P /AT FP /RT I S/=P;C M~;/:irF.. AIIDRE'SS T:J:/F'Kt H* R MSU500 F' 179 0 0 ,~00 ,300R 0-08-08 01 R ~iSU500 F' 277 () 12 37 37 0-08-03 02 R t1SIJ500 F' 160 0 9 9 9 0-08-03 03 s MSU500 * 384 0 35 240 240 0-28-04 06 SYOUT 07 SYOUT 15 R MSU500 * 384 0 9 9 9 0-28-07 P* SYOUT RC-06 1416 LINES AT STi~. Lt RC-07 3~ LINES AT STA. L:J: CRUS~ .0147 PRIORITY~ DEFERRED * ACTY-02 $CARD t0013 .GP6AG 01/12/83 sw~oooooooooooo * NORMAL TERMINATION AT 133373 I=5020 SW=OOOOOOOOOOOO START 13.963 LINES 2775 PROC 0.0128 I/0 0.005 IU 5 MEMORY 89K STOP 14.0:1.5 LlNIT 20480 LIMIT 0.3000 L1MJ.T GU 5 N*T 17072 SWAP 0.000 PK MOUNT 0 LAPSE 0.052 FC D TYPE BlJSY IP/Al FP/RT IS/IC MS/:J:E ADDRESS T•/PKt 03 R MSU500 * 565 35 19 240 240 0-28-04 H * R liS lJ 50 0 F' 11 0 t 0 0 50 4 50 4 R 1 -1. 0-0 6 01 R MSU500 * 10763 0 12 1200 l200 0-2B~14 02 R MSU500 * 2334 0 11 120 120 1-10-03 04 R MSUSOO * 565 0 13 120 120 1-10-05 10 R MSU500 * 234 0 1 24 24 t-10-07 11 R HSU500 * 1l 0 1 120 l20 1-10~09 12 R HSUSOO * 0 0 0 60 60 1-10-11 13 R MSU500 % 0 0 0 60 60 1-10-13 14 R MSUSOO * 0 0 0 24 24 1-10-15 16 R HSUSOO * 0 0 0 120 120 1-10-04 06 SYOUT 07 SYOUT 08 SYOUT 15 R MSU500 * 139 0 3 3 3 0-28-07 P* BYOUT RC-06 2479 LINES AT STA.· Li RC-07 194 LINES AT STA. L:J: RC-10 102 LINES AT STA. Lt CRUS~ ,2506 PRIORITY~ DEFERRED READY 2-29 LISTI~NG THE SUMJ\t1ARIES (Continued) ACT~VITY 01, REPORT07 Before printing the bulk output, print Report 07 on your terminal in order to verify that there were no fatal errors, i5e., system aborts. 1. To print Report 07 of Activity 01, enter the following: 2. BLIST Lxxx0107;L,W85 where: Lxxx = Job ID 0107 = Activity 01 and Report 07 L -Option--suppress line numbers W85 = Option--terminal width of 85 characters See the example on the following page. The following messages will be printed by Report 07 if the execution of the Data Preparation Program was successful: "NAMELIST DATA RECORD 1 HAS BEEN READ" "NAMELIST DATA RECORD 2 HAS BEEN READ" • • • • "****** END OF NAMELIST DATA CHECKING ******" "ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCESSED" a. If' the message "END OF NAMELIST DATA CHECKING" was not printed, it means there was an error in N.AMELJST data. The error would have occurred in reading that record which was not identified as having been read. For example, if the last message printed was "N.AMELIST DATA RECORD 3 HAS BEEN READ," the error would have occurred in NAMELIST record 4. You should refer to your data file and examine record 4. If you cannot find the error, you can scan Report 06 for errors, because the system prints N.AMELJS T error messages on Report 06. An example of scanning may be found on the page entitled Scanning the Output. b. If the message "END OF NAMELIST DATA CHECKING" was printed, but "ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCESSED" was not printed, it means that some type of system level error occurred. System level errors are printed on Report 06, and you can scan Report 06 for the error. 2-30 -j ' .J 1 1 J M l ' J rl l ' j F\ i i \ ' ·' r~ r ~ .j ~. } ' LJ n, ~ ~ lj -I ~=--~ D fj ~ I! r1 , LJ Jll ~ f "'\ ~ 1 c t l ~· r i : l f :'I i L 1 J l l LJ I. ) L.J BLIST L5G701Q7;L,W85 BEGIN FILE -L5G70107 SNUMB = ML5G7' ACT I VlTY t = 01' REPORT COJ.IE :: 07, RECORD COUNT :: 000034 GENERA' L ELECT R I C C 0 ~1 F' ANY , JJ AT A PREP T 0 PLAN N I N G P R 0 B I~(.~ N 0 B P ·-6 A V 6 • 2 0 01/12/,93 13.959 ,JOB NIJl1BER 1l1L5G7 COPYRIGHT, 1971, GENERAL ELECTRIC OGP-6A ELECTRIC SYSTEth FILE UNOOP6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE NAMELIST f.IATA RECORfl 1 HAS REEN REA It NAJ1ELIST t\ATA RECORT.I 2 HAS BEEN READ NAME'LIST DATA RECORll 3 HAS BEEN READ NAMELIST J:tATA RECORD 4 HAS BE: EN READ NANELIST DATA RECORD 5 HAS BEEN READ NA~1El.. I ST DATA RF.CORit 6 HAS BE: EN READ ****** END OF N(.HIEL I ST ftATA CHECKING ****** GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, DATA PREP TO PLANNING PROGRAM 0()P-6A V6.20 01/12/B3 13.959 .. JOB NIJl1BER 1HL5G7 COPYRIGHT, 1971, GENERAL ELECTRIC OGP-6A ELECTRIC SYSTEM, FILE UMOBP6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCESSED READY The BLIST command could also be used to list the summaries (Report 07 and Report 10) available from the Generation Planning Program (Activity 02). If the message· "PROGRAM MUST TERMINATE-ERROR IN DATA PREP" prints, you should refer to your Actvity 01, Report 07 and analyze the error message printed. 2-31 SCANNING THE OUTPUT The $$, 07 and 10 file codes can be printed, using the BLIS T command as , shown in the previous examples. However, when searching Report 06 for errors~ the BEDIT command is to be used, provided you used $ :REMOTE:06 in the data file. 1. To scan the output of Activity 01, use the BEDIT command as follows: BEDIT JOB:Lxxx0106 User's output format FORMAT > U CODE > EDIT > B Not used--hit carriage return Suppress blanks -CMD > PE Print errors 2. If you strike the "break" or ninterruptn key, the system will stop printing the file. 3. After all the errors are printed, the system will print CMD >. 4. Enter X to exit the BED IT mode. 5. If an Exponential Overflow or Divide Check occurred, you may use the BEDIT command as follows: BEDIT JOB:Lxxx0106 FORMAT > U CODE > Carriage Return ED!T > B CMD > L/EXPONENTIAL/ CMD > T,lO OR CMD > L/DIVIDE/ CMD > T,lO (Locate EXPONENTIAL) (Type 10 lines) (Locate DIVIDE) (Type 10 lines) The example on the following page shows how the BEDIT command is used to locate a data error in the Data Preparation input. 1 i. ~ I j , ! j M \ l Fl J , i ' .J n ~.J " ~J , .. ~'"1>' n; [j " I·• l! l• l" ; . ~ '' \I t I I n LJ t ,, D ,, l l 1 ! l l l r-l I l \ I LJ f'l ! I L.J '1 l ' 1 ! LJ !: ~ 1 r I I I ! LJ i 1 ' LJ L..J ' l L4 LJ I I I I BST L1Y7 L1Y7 DONE 00026 RETURNED 00006 SUBMITTED SUBMITTED/PURGEn FILES -NONE SYSOliT REPORTS L1Y701$$-RET'D Ll Y70106-RET I II L1 Y70 1 07-RET I II l1Y70206-RET'D L 1 \'70207-RET I II L1 Y7tl0**-RET I D READY BLIST L1Y70107;L,W85 BEGIN FILE -L.1Y70107 S N ll ~t B = M L 1 Y 7 ' ACT .I VI T Y t = 0 1 , REF' 0 R T C 0 T.t F. ::: 0 7 , R E C 0 R 11 C 0 UN T :: 0 0 0 0 :1 2 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, DATA PREP TO Pl.ANNING PROGRAM ORP-6A V6c20 01/10/83 t3., 166 ,JOB NIJt-1'BER 111L1 Y7 COPYRIGHT' 1971' GENERAL ELECTRIC OGP-bA ELECTRIC SYSTEH1 FILE UHOGP6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE NAMELIST nATA RECORD 1 HAS BEEH READ NAliEL tST DATA RECORfJ 2 HAS 8F.:EN REAII READY BEDIT JOBlL1Y70106 FORKAT > U -CODE > "END OF NAMELIST DATA CHOCKING" DID NOr PRINI', INDICATING A NAMELIST DATA ERROR. EIIIT > B CMD > PE -ERROR 143; TRACE OF CALLS IN REVERSE ORJ.IF.:R 237 230 239 240 CALLING III ABSOLUTE ARGli~IENT ARGlH1F.:NT ARGUMENT ROUTINE t l .. OCAT tON •t t2 «:3 14 t5 ARGUMENT ARGUI1ENT 24t 242 243 244 •• NHLI 410 027702 013067000053 Ol30700i0300 LISTIN J.81 067670 000000000017 314547646320 GPA 218 221320 000000000001 .FSETU 0 024057 li .. LEGAL VARIABLE NAKE BELOW 245 ERROR IN COLUNN 6 OF 246 KREAD=OS 01640 247 SKI F'F'lNG TO NEXT VARIARLE HAl1E CHD >.A. READY 2-33 ILLOOAL VARIABLE NAME ON LINE 1640 OF '!HE DATA FILE. KRFAD SHOULD BE NRFAD. PRINTING THE OUTPUT Any file declared as REMOTE (see section on Output Options) can be printed via the user's remote high-speed printer in the following way: PRINT JOB:Lxxxacrc;ltid;NONE where: PRINT JOB: --Command requesting High-Speed Service Job J.D OR Lxxx -- ac = rc -- ltid -- Activity code (01--Data Prep., 02--Generation Planning) Report code (06--Bulk Output, 07, 10--summaries) High-speed terminal ID (obtained from your local GEISCO representative) NONE --Options--none requested. May use COP(n) in this field to obtain multiple copies of your output (where n is the number of copies requested). PRINT JOB:Lxxx;ltid;NONE which pr.ints all REMOTE and system files associated. with Job Lxxx. NOTE: Any report code may be printed via the high-speed terminal. To obtain a listing of all jobs in the HSS (High-Speed Service) queue, enter: OLI - To purge a job from ·.;he queue, enter: OPU Lxxx To purge a selective report within a job from the queue, enter: 0 PU Lxxxacrc where: Lxxx = Job ID ac = Activity code 1~ = Report code NOTE: REMOTE files reside in Foreground, in an area called the Batch Output Library, for a period of about 32 hours. 2-34 f) i ' j ri i \ I J n I fi.r~ I·'\ J , LJ n LJ [] r l 1 ! Ll r l ' 1 I I r. j u i : t'.,j , I I u j' .l 'l i. 'l )j ;'~.·· . . . I s•JMMARY OF REPORT CODES Af\JD DIRECTIVES ~r' ffC~R PRINTING OUTPUT '!'he following sUIDmary applies to the Load and Generation Model Programs, the Data P.reparation Progx-am, and the Generation Planning Program. Reyort Code $$ 06 06 07 10 12 36 Description Accounting report Namelist errors Bu.lk output Summary output Summa.ry output (Generation Planning Program only) BCREATE output Background catalog ~r·-.,ei;·c~~"''""·-~··-. ~-··,~-.. ~w,, • ..,.....,.. . ...,,._...,._ •. ,.....~--"'"""'"'--:--~r·· ... ·· _..,,..,.. .......... ~ "'-~~'"·'"' ,.( 2-35 Directive BLIST Lxxxacrc;B,L l.ix:xx = Job number ac = Activity code rc = Report code B = Suppress blanks L = Suppress line numbers Use BEDIT directives (Refer to Scanning the Output section) Use high-speed printer BLIST Lxxxacrc ;L, W85· W85 = Width of line is 85 characters BLJ.ST LL"'Cacrc; L, W85 BLIST Lxxxacrc ;B, L BLIS 'r Lxxxacrc ;B 1 L . BACKGROUND PERMANENT DISC FILES Dat& may be written on a permanent disc file and subsequently accessed in the same activity, in a later activity or in a later job. The data resides in Background, in a permanent file until purged by the user. There is a Background storage charge of $0.15 per Data Storage Unit (DSU) pez• month. A Data Storage Unit is defined as 320 words. Any portion of a DSU used for storage is charged at the full DSU rate. A. Before you may access a permanent disc file, you must first create file space. A Load Model file requires about 4 blocks per year. A Generation Model file requires about 12 blocks per each record defined in the Generation Model. The BCREATE directive may be included as part of the Background. directives of a Foreground data file, or BCREATE may be entered interactively. OR BCR FILEA;SIZE(l,XX) FILEA of filename assigned by the user Maximum of 8 characters SIZE(l,X-~), where XX is maximum blocks of 320 words to be reserved. You will ba charged for actual storage used, and not for maximum storage reserved. BACK ENTER DIRECTIVES 01 BCR FILEA;SIZE(l,lOO) 02 BEN JOB ID = LA13 Yon may create file space only once. An FS abort wlll occur if you attempt to create a background file that already exists. B.. If you did not cre1ate file space for a Background file that will be written into, only the $$ report will be available, and the follot-ling message will print at the end of the $$ report .. INCORRECT CAT /]tiLE DESCRIPTION AT OUTPUT • • 02 2-36 0 Fl r" ' \ n ' ' l J fl Cl .I t ' J ,~l l .J r"t l i \J 1'"1 I , I ~ L.~~i 1 I L j .J . l \ .J "a a QO ~ !J- = BACKGROUND PERMANENT DISC FILES (Continued) C. If you did not create enough blocks for successful program execution, the following abort will occur: ABT 01/S-GR ABORTED BY GFRC ROUTINE GF275 CODE 01 FILE CODE XX You may increase the maximum storage by executing a FILSYS ACTIVITY 100 BRU * 110 BEN 120 /NINORM 130 $ :FILSYS 140 FMOD AQ43XXX/FILEA,BLOCKS/120/ OR You may purge the file from Background and create file space once again. BPU FILEA BCR FILEA;SIZE(l, 120) D. A BCATALOG will give a catalog of your Background permanent disc files. This is done by entering the following: BACK ENTER DIRECTIVES 01 BCA; 02 BEN The system will respond with a job number. JOB ID -LS33 Subsequently, print 36 rc'port BLIST LS330136;B,L B Suppress blanks L Suppress lines E. To purge a permanent disc file, enter BACK ENTER DIRECTIVES Ol BPU FILEA 02 BCA; 03 BEN 2-37 PROGRAM liMITS As a means of having the latest OGP program limits available at all times, the Foreground file EUSED* may be accessed. It is listed on the following page. Each time you run an OGP program, you should sign on your User ID and enter: OLD EUSED* READY (System response) EDI LIS 10010 If the last revised date does not correspond with the date of your last listing of file EUSED*, you should list the entire file, note the changes and modify your LIMITS JCL accordingly. 2-38 ·-··•••''' '''r"' , •• -.. /-·"'J''""''''"""'"'''-·~·-·--·•·-·"" ., .. ,, ......... ,.. --~----,-•·-~------, ---·-••••---~-----·-~·---:-··~='>•> G , ( jj '1 ~ ·~ ., j n \ J f1 I i J n ' ! l j 'l _._J fl l ' \ J Fl t 1 • ...> r1 ! . ;J ,. '·· L J ' : l' ' " i• l' .J ,_. -a a OQ .. &»· --= LIST EUSED+ EUSEII+ 14:17EST FILE EUSEI•• LAST REV I SEI• 11 /24....-82 1 (10(10+ 10010+ 1 (1020+ 1 0030• 1 0040+ 1 0051)+ 1 0060+ 1 0070+ 1 (I 08 0+ 1 (1090+ 1 01 o o• 1. 011 (loO> 1•:•120+ 1 0130+ 10140• 1 0150• 101€.0+ 1 0170• 1 0180• 1 0190• 10200• 1 021 (I+ 1 0220• 1 02:=:0• 1 OE'4(1+ 1 0250• 1 02E.O• INFORMATIO~ FILE FOR MARK III USERS OF OGP/FSP PROGRAMS WRITTEN BY EUSEII~ GENERAL ELEtTRIC CO., SCHEMECTAIIY, NY 1 OE?O• DftT!; OF LAST F.•E'.IS:ION ------------ 11/24/82 11 . .-'24/€:2 11 ·'24/8c' 11/c'4,··82 l1/c'4/82 11/24/:::2 11/24/82 11/24/82 l1/24/E:2 11/24/82 10280• 11/24/82 10290• 10320+ 11/24/82 1 o3:;:o• 1 o:;:4 o• 10350• TYPE OF ABORT .t o:;:e.•)• ------------- 1 o:=:7o• 10380• PROCESSOR TIME 10390• 1 0400+ 10410• 1 0420+ 1 (14:;:1)+ 10440+ 1 04'5 0+ 1 04€. (I+ 1 04~;}0• 10480+ CORE LIMITS 1 0490+ 1 05(11)+ 1051 O+ 10520+ 10530+ 10540+ LINES OF OUTPUT 1 0550+ 1 0560+ 1 0570• 10580+ PROGRA~1 • Gl'lNit3 • GNNI•6 • Lmm:;: • LDNI16 • GP5IIP .GP5GP .GP5AD • GP5A(5 .GP6DP .GP6GP • GPE.AII .GP6AG LIMITS 02,18f<,,10K 02,25t<:,,10K 02,25K,,151< 02, :;:2K,, 15K 02,621<,,10K so, E.sr..:, st:.:, 201<. 02, 65K' , 1 Ok 50,79K,8K,15K 02, 7 OK, , 1 Ot:: 50' 72~::, 8f<, 20K 02,75K~~lOK 50~ 89K' E:t-:.:~ 2(*~ TERMINAL MESSAGE RESPONSE TO QUERY $$ REPORT -------------------------- ABT 01/G-005 18 RUN TIME EXHAUSTEII 1. EXAMINE OUTPUT FDR POSSIBLE IIATA ERROR WHICH MAY HAVE CAUSEII PROGRAM TO LOOP 2. IF MANY OPTIONS USED~ MAY HAVE TO INCREASE PROCESSOR TIME LIMITS 3. IF IN IIOUBT~ CALL EUSED ABT 01/G-052 M4/N4-I/O LIM. 1. LIST EUSEI•+ FOR LATEST REVISION INCREASE CORE LIMITS ABT 01/G-077 )0 OUTPUT LINES EXCEEDED 2-39 1. INCREASE LINES OF OUTPUT LH1ITS 0 REFERENCE MANUALS Additional information is available in the following manuals, which may be obtained from. your GEISCO representative: MARK III GCOS Background User's Guide--2000,01 Illustrates Background job setup, submission, and processing. Describes the Foreground Interface to GCOS Background and provides instructions for editing the output returned to the Batch Output Library via BEDIT. Command System Reference Manual--3501.01 Introduction to the Foreground system, instructions in the use of system commands, listing of system error messages and their causes, and descriptions of TEDIT and EDIT, which are useful in changing files. Honeywell Level 66 Error Messages and Abort Codes--DC97A Abort codes, error codes, and error messages that may be issued to a user as a result of abnormal conditions detected during activity processing. 2-40 0 ..-() " J ' ~ n l ..... n ' l ! '·-' 1-··1 ) I L . .J r· 1 \, . l I L J. {J ' ' \ v ~lJ ;J ~I ~-1 *~' 1 ~ ~ r ~ ~ I I ! I •. W' ~' < J 'E.··: " : -f ) I) I J E' ' 1 ' "1 I; ~L • INTRODUCTION LOAD MODEL PROGRAM (.LDMD6) Section Index • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • e • • a • • • • • • • • • PROGRAM INPUT/OUTPUT . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ LOAD MODEL PROGRAM INPUT DATA • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • Alphabetic Listing of Input Variables • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • General Input • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • Program Logic Code. • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • J:SPEC=O • • • • • • • • • • (" • • • • • 0 G • • • • • • • • • • • • Options to Change Annual Pool Peak Loads • • • • • • • • • • • Options to Change Reliability P.U. Data •••••••••••• Options to Change Production Cost P.U. Data •••••••••• ISPEC=-1. Mode • " • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 'ISPEC=l Mode • • • • • .. • • a • • • • • • • • • tp • • • • ~ • • • Monthly Input. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J • • • • • o Monthly Energies. • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • Monthly Energy Growth Multipliers • • • • • • • • • • • • Monthly Load Factors. • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • Monthly Loads (MW or P. U.) • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. Monthly Load Growth Multipliers • • • • • • • • • • • • • Annual Loads. • • • • Monthly Modifications • • • • a • • • • • • • • • <.II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ilrlnuaJL InJ)tlt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company Peak Loads. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Modifying the Internal CaJLendar • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . Output Options. , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EXTENDING A LOAD MODEL • .. • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LOAD SHAPE MODIFICATION • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • f> JOB SETUP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • SAMPLE DATA FILBS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • ~ • S~1?~~ ()tJ~J?tJ~ • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MERGING TWO LOAD MODELS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-i Page 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-10 3-11 3-14 3-23 3-25 3-26 3-29 3-33 3-36 3-39 3-43 3-46 3-46 3-47 3-50 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-56 3-58 3-59 3-71 3-82 I ~ •. ;' ~:· 11 EJ I l I . . i ' ' ~ ; ' ' I li • • INTRODUCTION The • LDMD6 Load Model Program is an auxiliary program to OGP. It must be executed in :.)rder to develop a binary Load Model, whioh is stored permanently and will be input to the OGP program. Although OGP may study a maximum of 30 conseauti ve years, the Load Model may include up to 40 year·s of load data· Figure 3-1 shows the various files used by the Load Model Program. The .LDMD6 program is used either to create a Load Model from scratch or to modify an existing Load Hodel. Figure 3-2 shows the flow of logic in the Load Modeling Program. If the Load Modeling Program is being used to create a Load Model from scratch, the user must input the following: • Per-unit data describing the probability and production cost load shapes for one or more study years • Annual MW peak loads for all of the study years • Company identifications (maximum of 25 companies) (Optional) Existing Binary Load Model File 02 Binary Load Model for OGP File 01 Load Modeling Program .LDMD6 Repor-t 06 Bulk Output Input Data File 15 Report 07 Summary Figure 3-l. File StPU/.~~.ure for the Load Model Program (. LDMD6) 3-1 ,r; .. "_ ':::.• •',: ' h, I; I 1··· . . . ., . ,. ., • ' I ·[!.' I .:d ~ i I H INTRODUCTION The .LDMD6 Load Model Program is an auxiliary program to OGP. It must be executed in order to develop a binary Load Model, which is stored permanently and will be input to the OGP program. Although OGP may study a maximum of 30 consecutive years, the Load Model may include up to 40 years of load data. Figure 3-1 shows the various files used by ~he Load Model Program. The .LDMD6 program is used either to create a Load Model from scratch or to modify an existing Load Model.. Figure 3-2 shows the flow of logic in the Load Modeling Program. If the Load Modeling Program is being used to create a Load Model from scratch, the user must input the following: • Per-unit data describing the probability and production cost load shapes for one or more study years • Annual MW peak loads for all of the study years • Company identifications (maximum of 25 companies) (Optional) Existing Binary Load Model File 02 Binary Load Model for OGP File 01 Load Modeling Progr~am .LDMD6 Report 06 Bulk Output Input Data File 15 R<3port 07 Summary Figure 3-1. File Structure for the Load Model Program (.LDMD6) 3-1 j Read General Data l • . .------_,....----= 0 ... -------< !SPEC ;!O , ~----------~~----------Monthly Data Supplied Yes ~~ No 1 Given Monthly Data, using built-in calendar develop Given Annual Data, Monthly Loads Monthly Load Factors Monthly Energies Annual Loads using built-in calendar, develop Annual Loads Armual Load Factors Annual Energies Annual Load Factors Annual Energies -i Read Annual Data (Optional) :-<'IL ~---------~,--------~ If starting from an existing load model, read one year of binary load model (MW) from original load model Convert WN loads into p.u. loads 1. Month/annual, probability and production cost 2. Hour/peak hourt production cost ..-----= 0 !SPEC _/ ;1!0 I Recalculate p,u. load model j ~ Develop MW ~oad m~del . i + Print MW and/or p.u. load model (Optional) ' More years to study No Print Summary Output J Ye s- Fig~re 3-2. Logic Flow of OGP Load Model Program 3-2 ~ i i .l ~ i j ,., ' ' n l J t j r '1, J ', l lJ r 1 L .J L.-' \ I • I l f: ,. f;. J\ I . 1 ~ t 'l~ Optional input includes: • Monthly MW peak loads • Monthly or annual energies • Monthly or annual load factors If the optional input is supplied, the program will adjust the per-unit load shapes that were input so that the peaks, energies, and load factors are consistent with respect to each other. The method used by t.he program in making this adjustment is described in Section 4 of the Descriptive Handbook and on pages 3-56 and 3-57 of this manual. Using an existing Load Model as a base, the Load Modeling Program can be used to modify the load data and create a new Load Model. The original Load Model will not be altered by this procedure. The following modifications may be made: a. Change monthly p.u. loads for probability calculations by inputting the following information: 1) Month/annual peak load ratios 2} P.Uo ratios associated with the 0, 20, 40, and 100 percent points on the peak load duration curve b. Change monthly p.u. loads for production cost calculations by inputting the following information: 1) Month/annual peak load ratios 2) Weekday hour/peak hour load ratios 3) Weekend day hour/peak hour load ratios o,. Direct the program to alter p.u. load shapes by inputting: 1) Monthly energies, load factors, month/annual peak load ratios, and monthly peaks 2) Annual ener-gies~ load factors, and annual peaks d. Extend the existing Load Model by doing either of the following: 1) Starting the new Load Model before the first year of the existing model 2) Continuing the new Load Model after the last year of the existing model NOTE: Items 1) and 2) may not be done in the same run. -- t . To change the binary Load Model, th~ user must usually rerun the • LDMD6 program. However, there is one exception. If the user wishes to alter only the annual MW pool peaks, input to the Data Preparation Program of OGP will allow the annual peaks to be overridden for that case study only. All annual peaks or selective annual peaks may be changed. PROGRAM INPUT/OUTPUT The FORTRAN. .LDMD6 program (see Figure 3-1) is a batch program written in Input requirements for this program are as follows: 1. Data is supplied in the form of NAMELIST data. The NAMELIST name is INPUT. The program requires one set of general data. Optional sets of data can be input on an annual basis to override information that was supplied in the general data. File 15 is designated as the input data file. 2. If the user is modifying an existing Load Model, the existing Load Model in binary form is required as input. File 02 is designated as the input Load Model. Output capabilities of the Load Model Program {see Figure 3-1) are as follows: 1. File 01 is a binary Load Model which defines the monthly MW probability and production cost loads for each year to be studied. This binary Load Model will become input to the Data Preparation module of the OGP program. 2. Report 06 is bulk output. It is usually printed on a high-speed printei!t and is an annual printout of the monthly MW and/or p.u. probability and production cost load models.. The user may control the annual printing of these MW and p. u. models through input. System abort messages and all programmed error messages are written to Report 06. 3. Report 07 is summary output. It is usually printed via a terminal or CRT. It is a track of successful NAMELIST data reads and a summary of annual MW peak loads and annual MWh of energy. Selective programmed error messages are· written to Report 07. Report 07 provides the user with vel,i.fication of the successful execution of the run. 3-4 ' J n ' ' r1 \_ .1 ~ LJ M l J .fJ fj ' I \. j lJ , \ I t_J l 1 LJ w. l'l ' f, , , r r: f' L, LOAD MODEL PROGRAM INPUT DATA This sectj.on defines the actual NAMELIST input variables to be used with the Load Model Program. The variables to be used depend on the program options being utilized. The list on page 3-7 indicates the variables required when creating a Load ~4odel from scratch. If an existing Load Model is being modified, 'bhe user should use the Section Index to determine, based on the changes to be made, the variables to use. Below is an alphabetic listing of the NAMELIST input variables for the Load Model Program and the page where they are located. Some of the variables have a dimension of 40, thus allowing the user to input values for all the years to be studied. Other variables allow only one value to be input.. If this value is to be changed during the study period, the user must override it by using annual input. The variables that can be overridden on an annual basis are indicated with an asterisk (*). The paragraph on the following page explains bow annual overrides are input. ALPHABETIC LISTING OF INPUT VARIABLES Variable Page Variable Page AEMWH 3-47, 3-48 NEWR 3-11, 3-12 *CGROW 3=50 NEWWE 3-14, 3-19 COMW 3-50' 3-51 NEWWK 3-14, 3-15 *CRATIO 3-50 NSTART 3-8 EM GROW 3-26, 3-2'7 J 3-33 NTOTAL 3-8 EMONTH 3-26, 3-27, 3-29 *NUMWE 3-52 ENERGY 3-26, 3-27 J 3-32 *NUMWK 3-52 FMONTH 3-26, 3-27, 3-36 *MOD 3-24, 3-49 GRMW 3-10, 3-27' 3-46, *MODMON 3-24, 3-49 3-47, 3-48 *MODPK 3-24, 3-49 GRMWH 3-23, 3-47' 3-48 *MODPRB 3-24, 3-46, 3-49 *IDl 3-8 *MODR 3-11, 3-12 *ID2 3-8 *MODWEK 3-14, 3-15 ISPEC 3-9, 3-25, 3-56, *MODWEN 3-14, 3-19 3-57 *MODWK 3-24, 3-46, 3-49 *IYREAD 3-53 FMGRO\'l 3-27, 3-28, 3-43 KALEND 3-52 PMONTH 3-26, 3-27, 3-28, KPRINT 3-53 3-39 LPRINT 3-53 POOIMW 3-10, 3-27, 3-46, M7 3-53 3-47, 3-48 NEW 3-8 *PUANP 3-14, 3-15 NEWANP 3-10 *PUANR 3-11, 3-12 NEWC 3-8 *PUMON 3-24, 3-26, 3-27, NEWMOP 3-14, 3-15 3-49 *PUMR 3-11, 3-13 NEWMOR 3-ll, 3-12 *PUMWE 3-14, 3-20 NEWNUM 3-8 *PUMWK 3-14' 3-16 NEWP 3-8 XLF 3-23, 3-47, 3-48 * This variable can be overridden on an annual basis. 3-5 ~ I 1 1 ~ I ,. .I I r r f fj. ·.'.· . ' . -·~ •. "' f) .[. : . . , . .. ! c : 1/ . l-, : ..• ~ f., •! f N. : .. . The NAMELIST .input data begins with a NAMELIST input data set containing the general data. All of the variables input to the Load Model are supplied in the general data. In addition, many of these (see 1ist on page 3-5) can be overridden on an annual basis. This allows the user to change the values assigned to variables as a function of time. The variable IYREAD tells the Load Model Program the year in which the changes specified by the next NAMELIST data set become effective. These changes remain in effect until they are overridden by changes made later in the data file. The effective years of the changes must occur sequentially in the data file. The following is an example of the format of a NAMELIST input data file for the Load Model Program: $INPUT General Data IYREAD=l986$ $INPUT Override Data IYREAD=l987$ $INP\1T Override Data IYREAD=l990$ $INPUT Override Data IYREAD=O$ Each NAMELIST data set must begin with $INPUT and end with a closing $. (See pages 3-8 to 3-53.) Year in which the changes specified in the next data set become effective. Changes to general data to become effective in 1986 (see list on page 3-5 for variables that can be overridden). Changes to become effective in 1987. Changes to become effective in 1990. End of annual overrides. 3-6 fl j ·~ . ! .. I I J .n \_j 1\ \ ! ·~ J l L j f ~, I I I ~-J LJ I ,. . ,.,. « ,, ' Jlc I I~ ~ ,} f .r j I ,; ... 11 f' f· ... · ~ f! " I ' .. f1 £.1 ~~ ~ ' ~~ iJ To create a new Load Hodel from scratch., the user must input the following data: IDl ID2 NTOTAL NSTART NEW NEWNUM NEWP NEWC ** IYREAD * LPRINT * KPRINT M7 ** CRATIO ** CGROW * COMW PUANR PUMR PUANP PUMWK PUMWE ** KALEND ** NUMWK ** NUMWE ISPEC:O POOLMW * GRMW ANNUAL ISPEC:l POOI.MW GRMW XLF AEMWH GRMWH MOD MODWK MODPK MODMON ** PUMON * MODPRB MONTHLY ISPEC:l EMONTH EM GROW ENERGY FMONTH !MONTH PUMON POOLMW GRMW MODWK MODPRB ISPEC=-1 XLF GRMWH MOD MODWK MODPK MODMON ** PUMON * HODPRB * Optional input ** Optional input; data may also be input on annual basis NOTE: Whenever growth multipliers are input, the program multiplies last year's value by this year's multiplier to determine this year'S values. For example, POOLMW(N) = POOLMW(N-1) * GRMW(N). 3-7 . . . ·l :. ·~-0--.:~: .. :... t, • · · .• · .. -·X.] I .. F~ < >0 < t I I I Ill i > .J GENERAL INPUT $INPUT IDl = l"D2 -- or IDl -60H - .ID2 = 60H NTOTAL = NST.A.RT - li.TC!f.T : 1'U;,n NEWNUH :: NEWP = 6H or NEWP = NEWC :.-: .. or .. NE;wc :::: 60H 60H • • ' ' ,----------------------·----------------------------~-------' ' ------------------------------------·----------~-----------1 ~--------------------~------------------------~---------' 2 lines of identification MaximUIU of 60 characters per line ·---' ______ , _____ , ' Number of YE!ars to be included on the Load Model NTOTAL < 40. If ~J·roTAL > number of years on original Load Model, refer to page 3-54. First year of Load Model to write on new file. If' omit ted, program will start with first year on old file. If NSTART < first year~ on original Load Model, please turn to page 3-54. Option to create Load Model from scratch • 0 = Modify existing Load Model. 1 = Create new Load Model from scratch. Refer to page 3-7· Number of companies in pool. NEWNUM < 40 Mandatory input if: 1. Load Model is created from scratch. 2-~ Number of companies described in new Load Model differs from number of companies in original Load Model. Hollerith identification of pool, 6 characters maximum. Mandatory input if: 1. Load Model is created from scratch~ 2. User wishes to change pool name. t ' ----------------·------------------------~------------------D ' ' -----·------------------~-------------·----------------·-' -----------------·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' List of company names • Hollerith ~'.dentifica.tion, 6 characters per company. Mandatory input if: 1. Load Model is created from scratch. 2. User wishes, to change co~mpany names. 3-8 ! ' • l 1 fl ' ! ' \ I ,_,J rl 'LJ r \ i ~J \ lJ LJ i \ ""···~....l .. ,_;.};., n ,--r ~~ rjf j r r~_ i' [ ''1 f ' l " f -:.~ f' . j ,, k,i r ' l I .,_ l --~ PROGRAM LOGIC CODE The variable ISPEC tells the program the type of data to expect and whether or not the program is to automatically alter the load shapes. If the load shapes are being modified, the program will use the method described on pages 3-56 and 3-57. Listed below are the three possible options for ISPEC. ISPEC = ---------' 0 = Do not automatically alter load shapes. The user will specifically input all changes to the If input, the Load load shapes. Please refer to pages 3-10 through 3-22 • -1 = The program will use annual pool MW loads from the original Load Model. The user will input the desired load factor for the first year and the MWh growth rate for all years~ OR The user will input the desired load factors for all of the years. Given the above input, shapes accordingly. the program will alter load Please refer to pages 3-23 and 3-24. +1 = The user will input a combination of annual pool MW loads, energies and load factors. Model OR The user will input a combination of monthly MW loads, energies and load factors. Given the above input, the program will alter load shapes accordingly. If inputting monthly data, please refer to Ea~es 3-25 through 3-46. If inputting annual data, please refer to Eases 3-47 Ehrough 3-49. is being created from scratch, resardless of ISPEC the user must supply the following input: PUANR Pag~ 3-11, 3-12 PUMR 3-11, 3-13 PUANP 3-14, 3-15 PUMWK 3-14, 3-16 PUMWE 3-14, 3-20 3-9 r r r r r: r. .. ~. ,. f ~I 'f :.l ll tJ ISPEC = 0 MODE OPTIONS TO CHANGE ANNUAL POOL PEAK LOADS (ISPEC = 0) NEWANP(40) POOLMW(40) GRMW( 40) NEWANP POOI.MW GRMW -- = = Code to change annual peaks, by year. 0 = Use annual pool MW loads from original Load Model. 1 = New annual pool MW loads will be input. Associated input: POOLMW GRMW Annual pool peak load in MW, by year. Annual pool peak growth multiplier, by year. e.g., 1.05 for 5% growth. List initialized to 1.0. (See Note on page 3-7.) ' ' ' , ' , ' __ , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' , , ' ' p ' ' t ' ' ' _, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' t ' , , ' ' ' , ' , ' , ' ' ' , ' ' , , _, , , ·' ' ' ' ' ' ~ J ' , ' , ' ' ' _, 3-10 ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !i J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' 1 j R I f '_ J rt · IJ " I I ·. ·--" ) !t I I LJ t } ' ' \ t j LJ l ~ I-.. '"..t t..J '~r~ r i '1 ~ r~ r !'"""' i J " r. r' ~ ~' ,, r~ [i OPTIONS TO CHANGE RELIABIUTY P.U .. DATA (ISPEC = 0) 1. NEWHOR(40) PUANR(l2) 2. NEWR(40) MODR(12) PUMR(4,12) Code to change month/annual ratios, by year. 0 = Use original Load Model ratios. 1 = New month/annual ratios will be input~ Associated input: PUANR P.U. month/annual ratio, by month. (Must input 12 numbers.) Must be included in the annual override data for the first year it becomes effLotive. Code to change ratios at the 0, 20, 40, and 100 percent points, by year. NOTE: Four points refer to percent of weekdays when a load equal to or greater than amount shown may be expected. 0 = Use original u?ad Model ratios. 1 = New p.u. ratios will be input. Associated input.: MODR PUMR Code to supply PUMR input selectively on a month-by-month basis .. 0 = Use original Load Model ratios. 1 = PUMR input will be supplied. P. U. load ratios associated with the 0, 20, 40, and 100 percent points on peak load duration curve, by month. Mandatory input if NEW=l. Mandatory for months where NEWR(YEAR INDEX)=l, and MODR(MONTH)=l. NOTE: Four points refer to percent of weekdays when a load equal to or greater than amount shown may be expected. Data forms for these yariables are on pages 3-12 and 3-13. 3-11 OPTIONS TO CHANGE RELIABILITY P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) NEWMOR = _, .,.._, , ' ' ' ' ' J , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ~ i ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' PUANR -------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' NEWR -' -' ' ' ' , , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' MODR = ------' --~---' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -------' ------' ------' ------' 3-12 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' I " ';_ l ,.., I ' I ', J n tJ f) r'"'- l .j' t .. (! : I ' l l .. • J LJ l \ tJ l ' ,_j : l OPTIONS TO CHANGE RELIABILITY P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) . January PUMR(l,l) = Februar:x -~-~' PUMR(l,2) = ____ 1 ____ , ____ , ' -----' ' !Pril Ma1 PUMR(l,4) = July PUMR(l, 7) = October _.....- POMR(l,lO) = ____ , ____ , ____ , ____ , ' ' ' ' ' _, , PUMR(l,5) = August PUMR(l,8) = November PUMR(l,ll) ____ , = ____ , ____ , ·---' ' ' , _, ' ' ' ' 3-13 March PUMR(l,3) ; June PUMR(l,6) = September PUMR(l,9) = December PUMR(l,l2) --..----' ____ , ____ , ---~' ____ , ____ , ____ , ____ , ' ' J ' = t __ , ' f I ! ; 1 : ! . l i I . 1 I l 1 l I ·, 1 t .. I OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.lJ. DATA (ISPEC = 0) 1. NEWMOP(40) PUANP(l2) 2. NEWWK( 40) MODWEK(l2) PUMWK(24,12) ~Month Hour 3. NEWWE( 40) MODWEN(l2) PUMWE(24,12) I· LMonth L___Hour Code to change month/annual ratios, 0 = Use original Load Model ratios. 1 = New month/annual ratios will be Associated input: PUANP P.U. month/annual ratio, by month. (Must input 12 numbers.) by year .. input. Code to change weekday hour/peak hour ratios, by year. 0 = Use original Load Model ratios. 1 = New weekday hour/peak hour ratios will be input. Associated input: MODWEK PUMWK Code to supply PUMWK !!lput selectively on a monthly basis • 0 = Use original Load Model ratios. 1 = PUMWK input will be supplied. Weekday pGu. hourly ratios, by hour, by month. 24 p.u. loads must be in d2scending order. Code to change weekend hour/peak hour ratio, by year. 0 = Use original Load Model ratio:s. 1 = New weekend hour/peak hour ratios will be input. Associated input: MODWEN Pill-IWE Code to supply PUMWE input selectively on a monthly basis. 0 = Use original Load Model rati.os. 1 = PUMWE input will be supplied. Weekend p.u. hourly ratios, by hour, by month. 24 p.u. lo~ds must be in descending orde~. Data forms for these variables are on pages 3-15 through 3-22. 3-14 I 1 "1': ' . ! 1 ... r}· \. "' ~I t E [] . I ! ' fl \.] rt t.. • ..f F]. t" [J r" .., ! r ' l \ ! ' .J f • . \ . J LJ L) r. f. -r 1 ' ... 1 ~ ~ t \".,_.• ,i,:r I i • ~~!:'l J ~~'·1~ OPTIONS TO CHANG!; PRODUCTION COST P..U. t>AlA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) NEWl-iOP = PUANP = NEWWK = MODWEK = ' , ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ______ , ____ ...._._, ------' ------' ------' ------' , ' , ' ' ' , ·' , ' ' , , ' , , J ' , ' -· ' ' ' , ' J , , ' ' , , ' ' .~ ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' _, ' ' ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' , , 3-15 OPTIONS TO CHANCE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) January PUMWK(l,l) ::: ' ' , _, ' ' , , , ' , ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' -~ , _, ' ' February PUMWK(l,2) = J ' ' - ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' March PUMWK(l,3) = ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' J April PUMWK(l,4) = ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' J , ' ' , ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' 3-16 ~ j i r~ M ; ; \ ~ 11 J ! l F, i J , ' 4 '· .;; r' \ j r~ \., ,,;. n L. J fl '-~ "'1 r'l ' l ~ .J 'l I ' l ) ! ~1 i \_ J f i L ) ! ,l i ' j l:. 1 t 1 r ' < c ?111 \f' &..! fj-_'·_ -,· \ ~ r j T'r .j_; ·[_., ~~ -_' '-,< -~: ,~: ~ . . ; -{ r '- ~ ' ' -OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) !i~ PUMWK(l,5) = , ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , June PUMWK(l,6) = ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' J , , ' ' ' July PUMWK(l,7) = ~ ' ' ' , ' ' II , , , ' ' ' , , ' August PUMWK(l,8) = ' ' ' _, ' , , , ' J , ' ,!\· ' ' , , ' 3-17 ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ,. l j ' I ' , ' ' ~ , i ' , ' , ' , OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) September PUMWK{l,9) = October ------' ------' ------' ~-----' ------' ------' PUMWK(l,lO) = -----' ------' ----' ------' ------' November PUMWK(l,ll) = -----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' December PUMWK(l,l2) = -----' ______ , _____ ........ __ =, -------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ______ , ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ·------' ------' ------' ---·---' ------' ------' ------' ------' __, _____ , ------' ------' ______ ? 3-18 ------' -----' ------' -----' -----' -----' -----' ------' -----' ------' -----' ------~ ------' ------' ______ , -----' ------' ______ , _____ , -----' _____ , _____ , ______ , ------' ------' ______ , ______ ? ------' ------' .,;;;;;;;,. _____ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ......,....,..==----' ------' ' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' _____ , ------' ------' -l r:1 I l l fl ' \ j r··r i \ i .J .,, i f l \.. ) ! I t - r 1 ; 1 L .~ u \ i L/ If r . .Ill; Iii ' ; r ' r . f) ,.\ ~.~-.. --~~.~ £1 ~ ·' . I ' -, OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) NEWWE = ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' MODWEN = -----' -----' -----' ------' -----' -----' -----' --·---' ----~' -----' -----' -----' 3-19 OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) January PUMWE(l,l) = February PUMWE(l,2) = March PUMWE(l,3) = April PUMWE(l,4) = -----' -----' -----' --·---' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' _____ , -----' -----' _____ , -----' _____ , -----' -----' _____ , _____ , -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' _____ , _____ , 3-20 _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' _____ , _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , _____ , -----' _____ , _____ , -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' .J. f1 ' t I j rl 1 ( :~ I i. J 1 l j J ' t r, ' f 1 . ' • ~' l l ~ ' r ·~ ~ ' ! . f t OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) May PUMWE(l,5) = ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' June PUMWE(l, 6) = ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f ' , , ' ' , ' , ' July PUMWE(l, 7) = ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' j ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' August PUMWE(l,8) = -----' ·-' ' ' ' ' , ' ' _____ , ' ' ' ' ·-' -----' ' , ' 3-21 i i I r l I r ~ p OPTIONS TO CHANGE PRODUCTION COST P.U. DATA (ISPEC = 0) (Continued) September PUMWE(l,9) = -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' October PUMWE(l,IO) = -----' November PUMWE(l,ll) = December _____ ., -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' --~--' _____ , PUMWE(l,l2) = -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' ____ , -----' _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , -----' -----' _____ , -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' If ISPEC=O, proceed to page 3-50. 3-22 _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ 'I ·----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ $ -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , _____ , -----' _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , ' J ,., f-1 f I ·j \ n L) n LJ ,. .. ,_ i { t J lJ 1 j .1 ,~ ' j ' ~ 1'~ ' ' /' r-" Jl " ~ s ., ~ ' ~ ' ' ~ .r--..~ 1 •. oJ I ,.-·-. ~ l I ..# 1 I ·' ( i: ..... ~~1!' I . .. . i. . ._..J f .. ' .J l \...,.,; r ' q t,,.,, r ~ ,. ~~ ISPEC = -1 MODE When ISPEC=-1, the program wi.ll read the annual pool peaks from the origi- nal Load Model, and, using an i1:1t:ernal calendar, will automatically alter the p.u. load shapes to match the energies or load factors input by the user. The m.ethod used to alter the load shapes will be specified on the following page and is explained on pages 3-56 and 3-57 of this manual and Section 4 of the Descriptive Handbook. The user must input one of the following items: 1. Annual load factors 2. Annual load factor for the first year of study and energy growth multipliers for all years m-----------------·-----------~---------------~----------~---------------- XLF(40) GRMWH(40) XLF = GRMWH = Desired annual loed factors for each year. e.g.~ .60 for 60% annual load factor • &"lnual energy growth multipliers for each year. e.g., 1.04 for 4% growth. List is initialized to 1.0. ' ' ' ' ' ·' ' ' --_, _, ' _, J ' ·-"~ ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' _, __ , __ , ' ' ' ' _, _, , _, 3-23 ' _, ' ' , ' ' ~ -----' ·----' - -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' ' ' ' ' ' , ' _, ' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' .rt ISPEC = -1 MODE (Continued) MOD MODWK MODMON(l2) PUMON(l2) MODPRB MODPK 1\iOD = MODWK = MODPRB = MODPK -- Load shape modification code. 0 =Modify daily shapes (see page 3-56). 1 =Modify monthly/annual ratios (see page 3-57). 2 = Manually input new month/annual ratios, then modify daily shapes. Week modification code. 0 = Modify all days in week. 1 = Modify weekdays only. 2 = Modify weekend days only. Month modification code, by month. 0 = No modifications in month. 1 = Modify month. Initialized to 1. Month/annual peak ratios, p.u. Mandatory input if MOD=2. Probability model modification code~ 0 = Modify month/annual ratios. Program will set probability month/annual ratios equal to production cost month/annual ratios. 1 = Do not modify original month/annual ratios on probability model. Option to change annual pool peak in the event of a flat monthly load shape. 0 = Retain desired arnual peak. 1 = Modify desired annual peak. NOTE: If modifications to the Load Model result in flat loads, the annual peak, energy, and/or load factor may not match the input values~ MODMON = ·-' PUMON = ' : ' ' ' ' , , ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , ' ' If ISPEC=-1, proceed to page 3-50. 3-24 n 1 fl J ll . _} fl ~c I ' 1 l } t ' ' \ j t i -1, l J ' 1 f \ I ~ J LJ -. . • ~ ~· ; - ~ •J " •' ·~~ # f l ' t. ~ . i ISPEC = 1 MODE When ISPEC=l, the user must input on eithe.r a monthly or annual basis two of the following three items: peak load, energy, and load factorQ Using an internal calendar, the program will automatically alter the p.u. load shapes on the original Load Hodel to match the peak loads, energies, and load f'actors. The method used to alter the load shapes will be specified on the I'ollowing pages and is explained on pages 3-56 and 3-57 of this manual and in Section 4 of the Descriptive Handbook. If ~hl~ input is to be supplied, please proceed to page 3-26. If annual input is to be supplied, please proceed to page 3-47o 3-25 ;\iONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) Using an internal calendar and the monthly energies, monthly load factors and monthly loads that are input, the program will alter the original p.u. load shape. The user must input two of the following three sets of data. (The program will develop the third set of data.) 1. Desired monthly energies, MWh, for each year. 2. Desired monthly load factc,r, p.u .. , for each year. 3. Desired monthly loads, MW or p.u., for each year. a----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !:!,onthly Energies EMONTH(40,12) ENERGY(l2) EMGROW(40,12) Desired monthly energies, MWh, by year, by month. Desired monthly energy, MWh, for each month. May use as replacement for EMONTH if energy fo:P first year only and monthly energy growth multipliers are supplied. Monthly energy growth multipliers, by year, by month. e.g., 1.06 for 6% energy growth over same month of preceding year. Initialized to 1.0. (See note on page 3-7.) Monthly Load Factor FMONTH(40,12) · Desired monthly load factors, p.u., by year, by month. e.g., .75 for 75% monthly load factor. ~onthly Peak Loads PMONTH(40,12) PUMON(l2) Desired monthly loads, MW or p.u., by year, by month. If input ~ 1.0, value is in p.u. and user must also input annual peaks in MW. Desired monthly loads, MW or p.u., for each month. PUMON ~ 1.0 p.u. PUMON > 1.0 MW May use as replacement for PMONTH if month/annual ratios are same for all years of study. OR May use as replacement for PMONTH if MW loads for first year only and monthly MW growth multipliers are supplied. 3-26 l ) LJ L.J r r ... 1--· ' ' ' MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Peak Loads (Continued) PM GROW ( 40, 12) POOLMW(40) GRMW( 40) Monthly load gro~~h multipliers, by year, by month. e.g. , 1. 06 for 6% monthly load growth over same month of preceding year. Initialized to 1.0. Annual pool peaks, MW, by year. Annual pool peak growth multiplier, by year. e.g., 1.05 for 5% annual growth. Initialized to 1.0. (See note on page 3-7.) J£ the monthly loads were input in p.u., the user must input POOLMW and/or GRMW. Valid Combinations of Monthly Input The user must supply two of the following three sets of input data: r·-Energy r- f Desired monthly energies, MWh, for all years [EMONTH(40,l2)]. OR Desired monthly energies, MWh, first year of study [EMONTH(l,12) or ENERGY(l2)] and Monthly energy growth multipliers for all years [EMGROW(4'0,12)]. Load Factor Desired monthly load factors, p.u., for all years [FMONTH(40,12)]. 3-27 MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Peak Load Desired monthly loads in p.u. of annual peak, for all years [PUMON(l2) or PMONTH(40,12)] and Annual pool peaks, MW, for all years [POOLMW(40)] or annual pool peak, MW, f'or first year and annual pool peak growth multipliers for all years [POOLMW(l) and GRMW(40)]. OR Desired monthly loads, MW, for all years [PMONTH(40,12)] and Omit annual pool peaks for all years. OR Desired monthly loads, MW, for first year [PMONTH(l,l2)] and Monthly MW growth multipliers for all years [PMGROW(40,12)]. Data forms for these variables are on pages 3-29 through 3-46. 3-28 ; t ) M I [ ' J , i J n 1 1 ; :/ ~ I ! j n F I , I \__j r-, k -~ \ I J,., ,. n LJ r~ t 1 f' l \ ~ ) l i ,l l .:J LJ I L_i LJ 1 MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Energies (MWh) January EMONTH(l,l) ::: ' ' ' ' , , t , , ' ' , , ' ' _, ' , ' t ' ' I' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' , ' , _, , Februarl m EMONTH ( 1 , 2) ::: ' ' ' ' , ' t ' ' ' ' f , ! \ ' , , ' ' , ' ' ' , r ., ' ' ' ' f·ci , ' L; ' .... ' _, ' ' ·a r ' , , ' March £ EMOJJTH(l,3) = , ' ' ' !. ,J ' ' , , ' , ' ' I? , ' ' ' ' , , ' r ... .-'"* , , _, ' c ' , ' ' .., f ' _, ' "S' l"''' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ,. April '.4! I EMONTH(l,4) = , , ' ' ' ' , ,._Aifi ' _, ' _, ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' , ' , ' , ' ' ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' 3-29 MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) ,\~onthly Energies (MWh) (Continued) May EMONTH(l,5) = June EM.ONTH(l,6) = Ju!Y EMONTH(l,7) = August EMONTH(l,8) = ------' ------' ------' -------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ~-----' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ---·---' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' 3-30 ------' -----' -----' -----' ------' -----' ------' _____ , ------' -----' ------' ------' ------' ______ s ------' ------' ------' ------' ----' ------' -----' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' -~----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -----' ------' ----~' ------' ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ___ ......_ __ , ------' R i J n il \ J n L_ j r ' ·, \ .l l. . ' \ l J j L j LJ LJ L.J J J 1. .• f l-i r MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Energies (MWh) (Continued) September EMONTH(l,9) = ' , , _, __ , ' ' ' , ' ' , ______ , ' , ------' , , ------' ' ' ______ , ' ' ' ' 7 ' t ------' ' ' ------' ' ' ------' MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Energies (MVVh) (Continued) ENERGY :: ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' If ENERGY is used, the user must supply EMGROW data which appears on the following three pages. 3-32 11 .~ I J ..., I \ j ,, '-J n t __ J rl ' '1 r . L . .J (1 ' I t J l J ,. \ i '; LJ l 'l ! --~ I l.J LJ MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Energy Growth Multipliers (Continued) May EMGROW(l,5) ::: June -~ EM GROW (1, 6) = July EMGROW(l,7) = August EMGROW(l,8) = ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' __ ....,_ __ ,., ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ____ __,..,_, ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' _______ , -------' ------' ·----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ---·---' :--.-----' ------' -------' ------' ·--~....,.,~~ ------' -;-----' _,,·---~' ----' ----' ___ _.,,_, --' ____ , _____ , --------' ------' ------' ------' ______ ) ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' --~..----' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' 3-34 ------' -l ___ .,.,.., __ , --------' ------' ------' ------' """""'-------' ~ . .;..... ___ , ------' ______ i ------' _____ , ______ , ------' -----' ________ : ------' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' ------' ____ , ------' ---·--' ------' ===-----' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ----------' -----' ------' -----' ---~--' -----' ------' ·~---' ------' ------' ---==~--' ------' ------' ------' ------' ~ ........ -~--' -----' ------' -----' ------' ------' ------' ......... --.. ____ , 1 f" LJ f1 LJ rl i { ' ~ t J r-" l J ' ',! i L I ' ' ' r 1 I LJ ~ ~ ~ I -.e<.l ' J-\ \{ t [' r r· t .. , rr t.J __ ,,( ~~ I. ·/ r ,, ._ ,..4 r ' ' t .. _./ I t ·~.,t f \..,.;.4 J ~ ~ MONTHLY iNPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Energy Growth Multipliers (Continued) September EMGROW(l,9) = , ' , ' , , , ' October ,_ EMGROW(l,lO) : , ' , ' , t _, , ' November EMGROW(l,ll) --' t _, ' ' _, ' ' December EMGROW(l,l2) = ' ' ' t t ' ' 3-35 , ' ' , ' ' , , , _, ' ' , ' ,. ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' f -' ' t , , , , _, • , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' , ' p ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , , ' '; , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , _, ' _, t ' ,_, ' ' _, (. MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC-1) (Continued) Monthly Load Factors (P.U.) Januarr FMONTH(l,l) = ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' Februar-y FMONTH(1,2) = ------' ------' ------' ------' -------' ------' ---·-~-' ------' ------' March FMONTH(l,3) = ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -~----' ------' ------' April FMONTH(l,4) = ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ f ------' ·------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' -----' _____ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ---~-----' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ·~----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------·' ------' ______ , 3-36 ______ , ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ------' -----' ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------~ ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ----··-' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , -------' ------' -------' ----~-' ------' ------' ------' -----·--' ------' ------' ------' ------' ___ , ___ , ------' ------' ------' ------' __ __,_"""'·--' ------' 1 fl r1 ! ' ' } fl : J '· j r1 ! I, ' J ?l i ! ! I ) ~'") l . \ . .J r ) j l t L. J LJ LJ MONTHLY INPUT (ISP~C = 1) (Continued) Monthly Load Factors (P.U.) (Continued) May FMONTH(l,5) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' _, ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ju.ne FMONTH(l,6) = ' ' ' ' ' ' s ·-' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' tD ; :I ' ' ' ' tD .-a~ , ' ' J ·~ Dj ; d'. ' . ' ' ; "'t 0 .. ' Dj :I _, ' ' ' :=~. l , ' _, , &. tD Jul~ - I FMONTH(l,7) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 1 ,-' ' ' ' ;:J ti ' ' _, l,... ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ~ I ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' _, ' August FMONTH(l,8) = ' ' ' ------' ' ' ' ------' ' ------' ' ' ------' ' ' .,;- ' ' ------' ' ' ' ' ' ' ------' ,_:J:J ' ' ' ------' ' ' ' ------' 3-37 ~ j ~ ' ~ t MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Load Factors (P. U .) (Continued) , J j September ., 'j FMONTH(l, 9) = j , , J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r; ' ' ' ' \ j ' ' J ' , : n _, ' ' ' i L ,J ' ' , ' ' ' ' f1 ' ' ' , \ l LJ October f1 FMONTH(l,lO) = ' ' J ! l L ... J ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' n ' ' ' L) ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' n 'i ' , ' LJ ' ' ' ' ) ' ' ' n Novem~ LJ FMONTH(l,ll) = ' J ' r·( ' ' ··' t J ' ' ' ' ' ' r i ' ' ' _, ' l J ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' r 1 ' , ' ' l J ' , ' ' ' , ' ' r 1 l 't December L j FMONTH(l,l2) !' 1. :: ' ' ' ' } ' ' , ' LJ ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' _, LJ ' ' J ' ' ; ' ' , ' ' , ' ' l) , ' ' ' 3-38 uU ,J ,J., MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Loads (MW or P.U.) u If the monthly loads are input in p.u., the user must also input the annual peak loads using POOLMW and/or GRMW (see page 3-46) • .. Tanuarx FMON~rH(l, 1) = Februar~ PMONTH(1,2) = March PMONTH(l,3) = !E_ri_! PMONTH(1.1 4) = ------' ______ , -----' -----' ------' -----' ---·---' _, ------' --n.--' ·-----' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' --------' ------' ___ , ·----' ·----' -----' ______ , _____ , ·----' ·-----' -----' ------' ------' --------' -----' ------' ______ , ·---' _____ , _____ , ---~--' ·----' ·---' --·---' -----' -----' ______ , _____ , ___ , ----' ·----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ ? ------' _____ , -----' ------' ------' ______ :i ------' -----' ------' _____ , -----' ______ , ______ ,., ------' _____ , ____ , ----' ______ , ·----' ·---' -----' -----' ______ ? 3-39 ------' ------' ------' ------' ___ , -----' -----·-' -----·-' ------' -----' ------' -----' ------' _____ ,., -----' -----' ·-----' --.--.. ,...-P ·----' ----' ·----' -----' ------' -----' , ______ , ____ , ------' ·-----' ____ , ----·--' ---·--' ----' ----' -------' ____ , _t._, ------' ---~--' ------' ___ , -----' _______ , -----' ______ , _____ , ' ------' ·-----' -----' _____ , -----' ------' ____ 1 ------' -----' -··-----' -----' ------~ -----' ------' ------' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' -----' ------' ------' ------' -------' -----' .MONTHLY iNPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Loads (MW or P.U .) (Continued) May PMONTH(l,5) = , , _, , ' , _, ' ' ' ' r~ ' , , i ' ., ) ' ' ' , ' , ' ' s• , ' ' , , , ' ' , ' ' ' June FMONTH(l,6) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' t ' , ' ' ' ' _, ' fl I , _, ' ' L j ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' July PMONTH(l,7) = ~ , , ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' --' , _1' ' ! \ I ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' l J , ~ , ' August .EMONTH(l,8) = ' ' ' 1 ' ' ,J ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' ' ' 3-40 ' ' l< MONTHLY IN PUT (I SPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Loads (MW or P.U.) (Continued) September PMONTH(l,9) = ' ' j ' ' ' ' J , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , October PMONTH(l,lO) = ' ------' ' ------' ' ------' ' ' ------' ' ------' ' ------' ' ' ------' ' ------' November !MONTH(l,ll) = ' ------' ' ------' ' ------' ------' ' ------' , ------' ' ------' , ------' ' , December PMONTH(l,l2) -, -' , ' , ' , ' , ------' ' ------' ' ' ------' ' 3-41 ' 'I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -~----' ------' ______ 1 ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------·' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' --------' ------' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Loads (MW or P.Uo) (Continued) PUMON = ' ' , ' , J· ·' ' ' ' ' ' If PUMON ~ 1.0, the program will interpret the value as a p.u. of' the annual peak and will assume that the p. u. multipliers are the sam(~ for all years of the study. The program will set PMONTH(N,l)=PUMON(l) January, f'or N=l to NTOTAL PMONTH(N,2)=PUMON{2) February • • • • PMONTH(N,12)=PUMON(12) December If PUMON > 1.0, the program will interpret the value as the HW peak and will set the following for the first year of the study only o The user must also supply PMGROW data. PMONTH(l,l)=PUMON(l) January PMONTH(l,2)=PUMON(2) February • • • • PMONTH(l,12)=PUMON(l2) December PUMON must be input as general data only. If it is supplied as annual data, the program will read the data but will not use it. 3-42 f~ . j ,'l 1 fl rl tJ r··l l i I \.. .J r 1 : l ( L J L J l } ., ' L J I j !"'"' ~' MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Load Growth Multipliers rr~ January PMGROW(l 1 1) = ' ' ' ' ~:-""' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , .,...., ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ·~ ~ ' ' ' ' I .. , ' ' ' Febl"Ua!:l J PMGROW(l, 2) = ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .L , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' March t PMGROW(l,3) = ' ' ' ' , J ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ·I ' ' , , • -1 ' ' ' , ' ' s ' ,I) , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , 1.1 April FM GROW ( 1 , 4) = ' J ' , ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' -' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3-43 MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly Load Growth J\1ultipliers (Continued) R-1GROW(l,5) = June July IMGROW(l,7) = August FMGROW(l,8) = ------' ------' ------' -------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ______ , --------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ______ , ____ ......,_, ______ , ------' ------·~ ______ , ------' ------' -------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' --------' ------' ___ ,_ __ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ----·-' ------' ------' ------' ·----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' -------' j l ,r J .1 ' } r1 ' ' ' J n c, i 1 l . ... _l fl f f I I ' J r .., . I I }! t. \:. j L J t ) L...l L.j L . - L ~L l I) I. ,I) IJ . ~'' . J\10NTiiLY INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) Monthly load Growth Multipliers (Continued) September H1GROW(l,9) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ··' October PMGROW(l,10) = ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' November 1MGHOW(1 ,11) = ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' December PMGROW(l ,12) = ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' .---.... ...... ====: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3-45 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' _, ' ' ' ' ) ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' , ' , , ' , ? ' ' _, ' , ' ' ' ----·--, , _, _, _, ' ' ' ' MONTHLY INPUT (ISPEC = i) (Continued) Annual loads POOLMW = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' Monthly Modifications MODWK = ' MODPRB = -----' ' GRMW = ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Week modification code. 0 = Modify all days in week. 1 = Modify weekdays only. 2 = Modify weekend days only. Probability model modification code. 0 = Modify month/annual ratios. ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' Program will set probability month/annual ratios equal to production cost month/annual ratios that were input with PUMON. 1 = Do not modify original probability month/annual ratios. If ISPEC=l and monthly input was supplied, please proceed to page 3-50. 3-46 ,, I \ j r-, f' 1 : i \, .J n ~ I fl r·., i l [ ) \ } I ), L ; i i J ANNUAL INPUT (ISPEC = 1) Using an internal calendar and the annual loads, energies and load factors that are input, the program will alter the original p.u. load shape$ The user r~ must input a combination of the following: l , ... ,, ' r ' ' ' l ~ \ ( i I_ Annual pool peak load, MW, by year. POOLMW( 40) GRMrl(40) Annual pool peak growth multiplier, by year. ~.g., 1.05 for 5% growth. Initialized to 1.0. XLF( 40) AEMWH GRMWH{40) Annual load factor by yeara e.g., 0.60 for 60% load factor. Energy, MWh, for first year of study. Annual energy growth multiplier, by year. e.g., 1.05 for 5% growth. Initialized to 1.0. Valid combinations of input are listed below. 1. Desired annual pool peak, first year. Annual load growth multipliers, all years. Desired annual load factor, first year. Annual energy growth multipliers. 2. Desired annual pool peaks, all years. Desired annual load factors, all years. 3. Desired annual pool peak, first year. Annual load growth multipliers, all years. Desired annual load factors, all years. 4. Desired load factors, all years. Desired annual energy, MWh, first year. Annual energy growth multipliers. 5. Desired annual pool peak, first year. Annual load growth multipliers, all years. Desired annual energy, MWh, first year. Annual energy growth multipliers. Data forms for these variables are -On page 3-48. 3-47 POOLMW(l) GRMW(40) XLF{l) G&.\iWH( 40) POOLMW( 40) XLF(40) POOI.MW(l) GRMW( 40) XLF ( 40) XLF ( 40) AEMWH GRMWH( 40) POOI.MW(l) GRMW(40) AEMWH GRMWH( 40) ANNUAL INPUT (ISPEC -1) (Continued) AEMWH = POOLMW = -----~' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ·------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ·~----' ------' ·-----' ------' ------' ------' ------' --------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' GRMW = ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ________ , ------' ________ s-______ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ----~-' ------' ------' ------·' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , 3-48 XLF = ------' ------' ------' ----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ______ , ------' ------' ---~--' ------' -....-----' ------' ------' _,. _____ , ----=----' ___ .....,. __ , -"'"'-----' ------' ------' __ __, ___ , -·-----' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' GRMWH = ----------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' _____ , ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' --~---' ------' ------' ------' ____ __,__, --------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' ------' n f. J ~ ' I . ' 'l .. .J fl L) n . I L J r~ ' 1 L 1 r ~) i tJ t LJ l I J 1. l.l ANNUAL INPUT (ISPEC = 1) (Continued) MOD MODWK MODt-iON ( 12) PUMON(l2) MODPRB MODPK MOD = MODWK = MODPRB = MODPK = Load shape m~dification code. 0 = Modify dtiily shapes (see page 3 ... 56). 1 =Modify monthly/annual ratios (see page 3-57). 2 = Manually input new month/annual ratios, then modify daily shapes. Week modification code. 0 = Modify all days in week. 1 = Modify weekdays only~ 2 = Modify weekend days only. Month modification code, by month. 0 = No modifications in month. 1 = Modify month. Initialized to 1. Month/annual peak ratio~, p.u. Mandatory input if MOD=2. Probability model modification code. 0 = Modify month/annual ratios. Program will set probability month/annual ratios equal to production cost month/annual ratios. 1 = Do not modify original month/annual ratios. Option to change annual pool peak in the event of a flat monthly load shape. 0 = Retain desired annual peak. 1 = Modify desired annual peak. NOTE: If modifications to the Load Model result in flat loads, the annual peak, energy, and/or load factor may not match the input values. t MODMON= ' PUMON = ----~' , _____ , , -----' ' -----' ' ' -----' ' -----' , ' ' _____ , ' ' ' _....._ ___ , -----' 3-49 COMPANY PEAK lOADS If there is only one company represented on the Load Model, the program will set the annual company load equal to the annual pool load. If there is more than one company on the Load Model, data must be supplied to enable the program to calculate the peak load for each company. The following variables are used to input this data: CRATI0(25) CGROW(25) COHW(40,25) j L_Company ..._. __ Year P.U. ratio of company load to pool load, by company. (May change input on annual basis.) Load growth multiplier, by company. (May change input on annual basis.) e.g., 1.05 for 5% growth. Initialized to zero. Annual MW load, by year, by company. CRATIO or COMW are used to establish the company peaks for the first year on the Load Model. The program will use the following hierarchy to determine the company peaks for subsequent years: 1. Company/pool ratio 2. Load growth multiplier 3.. MW loads 4. Default: If none of the above input is supplied, the program will use the annual company /pool ratio as determined by data read from the original Load Model. ' ' ' ' ' CRATIO = ---- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' CGROW = ----, ' ' ' , ' J ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3-50 -~ • i i ~' J r~ ' ! \ ~ t1 ! ' ' ' \ ) fl I I \, .. 1 r~ I l L } r-- l l i_ J '''"a i~ ii rl f~ I i I» • , J ; a: ' l r 1 ! I I I I I t ' ) ,· ' . - COMPANY PEAK LOADS (Continued) '=" Company .'!. COMW(l,l) = ' ' ' ' r:;.:""'f ' ' J ' J ' ' _, ' J ' J ,,_J ' ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' f'~7-' ' , J ' ' ' ' ' ' CompanLg COMW(l, 2) = ' ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l \ J ' ' l J ' , ' ' ~~ ' ' ' ~· t _, ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ja l l J l Company 3 l COMW(1,3) = ' ' ' ' ' I. ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' f ' ' t, ' ' ' ·-' ' , ' : ' ' ' ' I ' , ' , , ' ' ' ' ' 1/ • .. 1,4 • 3-51 MODIFYING THE INTERNAL CALENDAR The program has an internal calendar for determining the number of weekdays and weekend days in each month. • If a new Load Model is being created from scratch, the program will use its internal calendar to determine the number of days of each type for each month and each year. • If a l.oad Model is being created from an existing .Load Model, the program will use the number of days read from the original Load Model. • If the number of years on a new Load Model will be greater than the number of years on the original one, the program will copy the number of days from the original Load Model and access the internal calendar logic to determine the number of days for years beyond the original Load Model. The user has the option to input the number of weekdays and weekend days, thereby bypassing the internal calendar logic. KALEND : ---' NUMWK(l2) NUMWE(l2) NUMWK = Option to bypass program logic to determine number of weekdays and weekend days from internal calendar. 0 = Use program logic. 1 = User will input number of days. ' ' Must input NUMWK and NUMWE. Number of weekdays per month. Number of weekend days and holidays per month. User may change NUMWK and NUHWE data annually by means of IYREAD input. ' NUMWE = , ' ' , , _____ , ' ' , , _____ , NOTE: The program always uses the internal calendar when it develops monthly and annual load factors when ISPEC;!!O. 3-52 ' \ J rl I j r1 I r ' } \. J i 't j r " ,, n i.·j '.l ) : ,, ' . ,. ; ' . OUTPUT OPTIONS LPRINT( 40) KPRINT(40) Code to print annual MW load model, by year. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print MW reliability and production cost load model. Initialized to 1. Code to print annual p.u. load model, by year. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print p.u. reliability and production cost load model. Initialized to o. M7 ·-----' Option to print remote summary output. 0 = Omit. 7 = Output will be written on Report 07. I~EAD = $ Year in which to read next set of data. ---- LPRINT = ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , KPRINT = , ---_, ___ , ___ , I) IYREAD=~ IYREAD=l985$ Current set is last set of input data. Next set of data will be read by program at beginning of 1985. ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' _, _,___, ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' __ , ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ___ , 3-53 ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ___ , ---' ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ---' ---' ___ , ---' ___ , ---' __ , ___ , ___ , ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ___ , ---' • r • ,: I I t· ~· I~.\.'· II l J\ J·!l I j Ex-fENDING A LOAD MODEL M The study period covered by a Load Model can be extended by including J additional years eit.her at the beginning .2.!'. end of the existing Load Model. Adding years to the beginning and end of the Load Model requires two separate 'i runs of the program(> In doing this, the user must remember that the maximum length of a Load Model is 40 years. ADDING YEARS TO THE BEGI~~NING OF THE LOAD MODEL If the starting year for the new Load Model is earlier than the first year on the existing Load Model, the user .may add years of load data to the beginning of the existing Load Model. The program will use the per-unit shapes from the first year of the existing Load Model for the additional years on the new Load Model. If ISFEC=l, the program will automatically alter these per-unit shapes to give the peaks, energies, and load factors requested for the additional years* The program will not make any changes to the data that was on the original Load Model. Example: The existing Load Model contained the years 1985 through 1987. The new Load Model is to begin in 1983. 1983 1984 Reguired Input NSTART = 1983, NTOTAL = 5, 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 POOLMW ~ goo, 950, (years 1983 and 1984 only) Original Load Model New Load Model May input ISPEC and associated data for years 1983 and 1984 O!!J~Y Program Logic Read 1985 MW model from original Load Model and devf~lop P• u. model. Build 1983 and 1984 model using 1985 p.u. shapes and input POOLMW data. Further modifications may be made to 1983 ~nd i984 lc;ads if ISPEC=l option was used. Write 1983 and 1984 load~ t.o the new Load Model. Copy 1985, 1986 and 1987 loads to ~he new Load Model. No modifications will :JI';1 ~ade to these loads. 3-54 F1 ) j f1 , I '-J n ~ J n i J )l {j r -, , 1. J ' l J L J LJ J f( ~ ! I ! 'J·.· " . ADDING YEARS TO THE END OF THE LOAD MODEL fu1 existing Load Model can also be extended by adding years of load shapes to the end of it. If this is to be done, the starting year of the new Load Model must already be on the existing Load Model. In developing the Load Model for the years beyond the last year of the original Load Model, the program will use the per-unit load shapes from the last year on the existing Load Model, whether it was read from the existing Load Model or supplied by the user through input data. The program will use its internal calendar to determine the number of weekdays and weekend dayse The user may override the above data by supplying input on an annual basis by means of the IYREAD option. 3-55 LOAD SHAPE MODIFICATION If ISPEC does not equal 0, the l.Dad Model Program torill automatically alter the load shapes to give the peaks, energies, and load factors specified by the user. The program can accomplish this change by modifying either the daily shapes or the month-to-annual ratios. The following examples outline the steps taken by the program in making these changes. This process is also described in Section 4 of the Descriptive Handbook. DAILY SHAPE MODIFICATION ISPEC#O and MOD:O option HOUR/MONTHLY PEAK RATIO 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 VALLEY DEPTH 0~----------------------------~--------------~ I HOUR 24 Figure 3-3. Example of Daily Shape Modification (a) Determine the change in the total energy to be included on the Load Model., {b) Allocate annual energy delta to months according to original monthly energies. Skip months as indicated by input. (c) Allocate monthly energy delta to day type according to original day type energies each month. Skip day types as indicated by input. (d) Raise hourly/month ratios according to "hourly load valleyn and the energy allocation from Step (c) above. 3-56 !~'1 ! ' ., ~ l ' J r-; i ·' ,, r ! ) ' t ; f"l : ! ,, J r, j ' ' .; f] rl l L j f1 I ! \ i tJ . fl I ' ~I ' j r 'l ' .j I t j r1 < .., ~-! \ I I ID! < j [ ' ' ' 1 j ~~ J ~· l L.J LJ LJ ~r MONTI-ILY PEAK MODIFICATION '"t ISPEC;lO and MOD=l option ~r -t I t .. J '1 ~~ f Lor~==::---,.----;:-=-:=:.-i::r--e::=:r--------., MODIFIED 1 ...---~--- 0 ----~ VALLEY L---, J-I DEP ----.___ ___ l ----L __ ~ 0.8J-----,_ _ 1 TH : I ~ 1 -------~ L.,___ ..J <[ ~ z 0.4~ z c::r ' :I: r- ~ 0.2 t- ::E iNITIAL Q I JANUARY -~ , t I I I J I I I MONTH Figure 3-4. Example of Monthly Peak Modification I DECEMBER (a) Determine the change in the total energy to be included on the Load Model. (b) Allooate annual energy delta to months according to "p~ak valley depth." Skip months as indicated by input. Delta 1.0 -(monthly ratio) Monthly Energy = 12 · * (Annual Delta) E (1.0 -monthly ratio) m=l (c) Raise month/annual ratio to increase monthly energy. 3-57 j f • f : ""' . i~ . ~. '·-I! ! !S' • ' iiiiJ 4l .. ~ ~ JOB SETUP Listed below is a typical input file for the Load Model Program~ An explanation of the function of specific lines in this file is found on page 2-18 of this manual. 100 BCR NEW LOAD MODEL;SIZE(l,l50) 110 BRU * 120 BEN 130fNiNORM 140$:PROGRAM:RLHS 150$:LIMITS:02,32K,,lOK 160$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ43093/.LDMD6 170$:PRMFL:Ol,W,S,AQ43xxx/NEW LOAD MODEL 180$:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL LOAD MODEL 1900 :DATA :15 200$:REMOTE:06 210$:REMOTE:07 220 Name 230 Address 240 City, State, Zip 250 Additional Mailing 260 Instructions 270 User ID 300 $INPUT • Load Model Data • 1000$:Last input data must end with$ NOTE: If permanent space in Background had been created previously, DELETE 100 BCR NEW LOAD MODEL;SIZE(l,l50) If the Load Model is to be created from scratch, .DELETE 180$:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL LOAD MODEL 3-58 fl l _, ll l J n l ' ~ !' J 11 l I ' J 1"1 , I i I_ } r 1 1 ~ 1 L J r l L J L.J LJ .. t • ·d • I • • • '"i ~· . ~: .. 'i i J SAMPLE DATA FILES The following pages contain six sample data files for the Load Model Program.. The first two create a Load Model from scratch and the last four modify an existing Load Model. The following comments apply to the specific files: CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH-GENERAL DATA ONLY 1. The new Load Model will be called LMFILEl. This file is created by line 100 and written to by line 170. 2. Lines 400 through 1480 contain the per-unit data used to determine the load shapes. 3a Lines 1490 through 1510 contain the desired annual peaks and load factors. Because ISPEC=l (line 390), the program will automatically alter the load shapes defined by the per-unit data to give the peaks, load factors, and energies that were requested. LMFILE1 04/07/83 100 BCR LMFILE1;SIZE<1,150) 110 BRLI * 120 BEN 130 ttNORM 140 ftPROGRAM:RLHS 150 $tLIMITS:01,32K,,lOK 160 $:PRMFL:H*rE,RrAQ43093/.LDMD6 170 t:PRMFL:01rW,SrAQ43005/LMFILE1 190 $!IIATA:15 200 $:REMOTE:06 210 $:F:EMOTE:07 220 SIX LINES OF USER NAMEr ADDRESS, 230 PHONE NUMBER, MARK III USER ID 240 250 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE 260 270 NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON 300 $INPUT 310 !D1='LMFILE1 CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH', 320 ID2='GENERAL DATA ONLY, ISPEC~l'r 330 NTOTAL=5r 340 NSTART=1985r 350 NEW=!, 360 NEWNUM=l, 370 NEWP='EDISON', 380 NEWC='EDISON', 390 ISPEC=l' 400 PUANF':::; 410 o.967o, o.95oo, o.91oo, o.a52o, o.a41o, l.oooo, o.963o~ o.994o, 420 0.9420, 0.8860, o.9630v 0.9770, 3-59 I F1 LMFILE1 04/07/83 r", 430 F'UMWK= 440 1.oooo, 0.9508, 0.9095, 0.9079t 0.8941, 0.8849, 0.8772t 0.8742, 450 0.8726, 0.8311t 0.8281, 0.7958, 0.7713, 0.7314, 0.6992'1 0.6531, rl 460 0.6117, 0.5733, 0.4627r 0.4398r 0.4137r 0.3906, 0.3614, 0.3400, 470 PUMWK(1,2>= 480 1.oooo~ 0.9608, o.9577r 0.8998, 0.8794, 0.8731, o.87oo, 0.8684, r·• 490 0.8606, 0.8480, 0.8183, 0.7791, 0.7619, 0.7322, 0.6883t 0.6555, 500 0.6069, 0.5850, 0.4691, 0.4472t 0.4127, 0.4018, 0.3641, 0.3531, 510 PUMWK(1,3>= 520 1.oooo, 0.9481, 0.9347, 0.9263, 0.9012, 0.8845, 0.8410, 0.8276, r--1 530 0.8208, 0.8175, 0.8142, 0.7790, 0.7706, 0.7204, 0.6752, 0.6685, 540 o.6o1s, o.5714' 0.4625, 0.4542t 0.4157, 0.4023, 0.3587, o~3354, 550 F'UMWK(1,4)= n 560 1.oooo, 0.9225, 0.9154, 0.9119, 0.8837, 0.8661, 0.8625, o.e343, 570 0.8185, o.7868r 0.7797, 0.7727, 0.7656, 0.7586, 0.6987, o.t634r J 580 0.5841, 0.5753, 0.4555, 0.4290, 0.3955, 0.3850, 0.3621, 0.3233'1 r 590 F'UMWK(1,5)= I j . ' ' 600 ' 1.oooo, 0.9430, 0.9095~ 0.8910, 0.8625, 0.8574, o.8541' 0.8374, !_ .J 610 0.8156, 0.7971, 0.7736, 0.7551, 0.7417, 0.7115, 0.6261, 0.5909, 620 0.5740, 0.5691"' 0.4147, 0.4030, 0 •. 3560' 0.3444t 0.3191, 0.3091, Pl 630 F'UMWK(1,6)= j . l 640 1.oooo, 0.9180, 0.9015, 0.8776, 0.8569, 0.8314, 0.8031, 0.7867, ' J 650 0.7807, 0.7644r 0.7331, 0.7122, 0.6897, 0.6718, 0.6063, 0.5466, rl 660 0.5227, 0.5048, 0.4272, 0.3706, 0.3512, 0.3199, 0.3050, 0.2826, ~· I'D 670 F'UMWK(1,7>= l .J = 680 1.oooo, 0.9083, 0.8951, 0.8936, 0.8773, 0.8434, 0.8345, 0.8048, ..,n> -.Dl 690 0.7887, 0.7680, 0.7413, 0.7191, 0.6984, 0.6926, 0.6053, 0.5625, r1 eli g-l 1 700 0.5092, 0.4797, 0.4161, 0.3969, 0.3615, 0.3229, 0.3068, 0.2949, ; l .Al = ' ~ =~ 710 PUMWK(1,8)= 720 1.oooo, 0.9166, 0.9017, 0.8868, 0.8644, 0.8436, 0.8257, 0.8093, r -1 8.. 730 0.7944, 0.7750, 0.75121 0.7259, 0.7155, 0,7139, 0.6007, 0.5546, J I n> 1 ; - 740 0.5158, 0.4875, 0.4086, 0.3847, 0.3639, 0.3192, 0.3028, 0.2954, .l 750 F'UMWK(1,9>= 760 1.oooo, 0.9285, 0.8944, 0.8912, 0.8652, 0.8523, 0.8458, 0.8409, r I 770 0.8295, 0.8100, 0.8003, 0.7922, 0.7678, 0.7646, 0.6005, 0.5860, t j 780 0.5649, 0.5405, 0.4040, 0.3798, 0.3407, 0.3262, 0.3131, 0.2969, 790 F'UMWK<1,10>= J 800 1.oooo, 0.9450, 0.9317, 0.9133, 0.8933, 0.8866, 0.8717, 0.8566, ' 0.8283, 0.8049, 0.7850, 0.7666, 0.6883, 0.6399,. t .! 810 0.8333, 0.8300, 820 0.5816, 0.5515, 0.4348, 0.3966, o.3582Y 0.3432, 0.3281, 0.2848, I ') I 830 PUMWt\(1,11)= 840 1.oooo, Ot9436, 0.9309, 0.8949, o.8855' o.8776, 0.8651, 0.8572, L j 850 0.8321, 0.8196, 0.7898, 0.7772, 0.7490, 0.7318, 0.6784, 0.6392, 860 0.5764, 0.5466, 0.4305, 0.4164, 0.3787, 0.3599, 0.3223, 0.3129, 870 F'UMWt\(1,12)= l j 880 1.oooo, 0.8855, 0.8447, 0.8447, 0.8381, 0.8355, 0.8263, 0.8013, 890 0.7842, 0.7710, 0.7276, 0.7211, o.7170r 0.7079, 0.6236, 0.5973, 900 0.5618, 0.5328, 0.4512, 0.4447, Oo ;·104; 0.3894, 0.3604, 0.3289, I t .. .J 910 F·UMWE= 920 o.8227, 0.8073, 0.7780, 0.7502, 0.7256, 0.6916, 0.6855, 0.6824, 930 0.6654, 0.6408, 0.6207, 0.6069, 0.5791, 0.5636, o.5436, 0.5297, 940 0.5251, 0.5097, 0.4696, 0.4234, 0.4110, 0.3864, 0.3693, 0.3031, l ... J 3-60 l j I I .. '··-·-w-~····~.,...-~ .. ...__. ... -.. ,.. ... ··-.. .., ... -.... --«--~-~~-----~-~---~-...-.···---~-· "" "'" ·~-"-N-•~-• ·------•-••-~.-.~-~"'""' e "''"'-,.. ( ·~.~:~ ! .. · l . ' , .. i··· i i .i .i i J. . J .l ·~ . . . . 'l-; .. ' LMFILE1 04/07/83 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400 1410 PUMWE(1,2>= 0.8183, 0.7599, 0.7461, 0.7169, 0.7077, 0.6786, 0.6571, 0.6479, 0.6341, 0.6295, 0.6095, 0.5788, 0.5650, 0.5557, 0.5481, 0.5205, 0.4959, 0.4713, 0.4498, 0.4437, 0.4390, 0.4207, 0.3608, 0.3331, F'UMWE(1,3)= 0.7900, 0.7457, 0.7406, 0.7201, 0.7049r 0.6776, 0.6537, 0.6333r 0.6230, 0.6061, o.5822r 0.5669, 0.5533, 0.5328, o.5175r 0.5124, 0.5021, 0.4783, 0.4545, 0.4391, 0.4085, 0.3983, 0.3864, 0.3080, PUMWE<1,4>= 0.7745, 0.7255, 0.7075, 0.6929, 0.6839, 0.6584, 0.6493, 0.6384, 0.6149, 0.6058, 0.5931, 0.5732, 0.5459, 0.52421 0.5188r 0.5169r 0.4988, 0.4643, 0.4407, 0.4172, 0.3845, 0.3664, 0.3464, 0.3083, PUMWE(1,5)= 0.7478, 0.6877, 0.6603, 0.6501, 0.6449, 0.6330r 0.6072, o.5918r 0.5781, 0.5557, 0.5352, 0.5232, 0.5044, 0.4854, 0.4838, 0.4804, 0.4580, 0.4341, 0.4169, 0.3963, 0.3620, 0.3414, 0.3226, 0.3019, F'UMWE(1,6)= 0.7352, 0.6734, 0.6456, 0.6240r 0.6162r 0.6023r 0.5838, 0.5730, 0.5591r 0.5405, 0.5297, 0.5097, 0.4988, 0.4819, 0.4556, 0.4371r 0.4231, 0.4031, 0.3907, 0.3753, 0.3397, 0.3166, 0.3057, 0.2748, f'UMWEC1r7)= 0.7842, 0.7075, 0.6691, 0.6514, 0.6189, 0.6056, 0.5982, 0.5894, 0.5775r 0.5524, 0.5362, 0.5258, 0.5200, 0.5067, 0.4890, 0.4801r 0.4343, o·.4151, 0.4018, 0.3827, 0.3501, o.3294r 0.2970, 0.2896, F'UMWE<1,8)= 0.7887, 0.7404, 0.6966, 0.6709r 0.6634, 0.6301r 0.6211, 0.6090r 0.59691 0.5788r 0.5531, 0.5259, 0.5169v 0.5063r 0.4942r 0.4836, 0.4353, 0.4156, 0.4035r 0~4005, 0.3476r 0.3432, 0.3069, 0.2932r F'UMWEC1r9)= 0.~859, 0.7322r 0.6899, 0.6802, 0.6525, 0.6395, 0.6362, 0.6281, o.6151, o.5858, 0.5533, 0.5494, o.5158, o.5045, o.4866, o.4719, 0.4638, 0.4395, 0.4183, 0.3939r 0.3695r 0.3418, o.3206r 0.3076, PUMWE<lrlO>= 0.7964, 0.7564, 0.7230, 0.7164r 0.6947r 0.6696• 0.6496, 0.6446r 066380, 0.6296, 0.6213r 0.5646r 0.5429, 0.5363, 0.5279r 0.5079, 0.4963, 0.4495, 0.42451 0.3979, 0.3678, 0.3612r 0.3311r 0.2962, F'UMWE(1,11)= 0.7812, 0.7763, 0.7405r 0.7110, 0.6996, 0.6752, 0.6686, Ot6442r 0.6442, 0.5936r 0.5855r 0.5855, 0.5545, 0.5349, 0.5153, 0.5006, 0.4859, 0.4696, 0.4272, 0.3881, 0.3864r 0.3684, 0.3472, 0.2836r F'UMWE<lr12)= 0.8240, 0.7954, 0.7302r 0.7195, 0.7018, 0.6705r 0.6556, o.6528r 0.6311r 0.6000r 0.5918, 0.5632, 0.5632, 0.5388, 0.5266, ·0.5198, 0.4980, 0.4927r 0.4601, 0.3976, 0;3908, 0.3BOOr 0.3650r 0.3230, F'UANR= 0.9670, o.9soo, o.9100, 0.8520, Ot8410, 1.oooo, 0.9630, 0.9940, 0.9420r O.BB60r 0.9630, 0.9770, 3-61 ..... --··~·---, ..... ~··-........ ·-·-~·-·-·· --·. -···-···-_ . ., .. ~···--.. ····--·-· ·c-··-··~·-·..---·-·-:--~ D LHFILE1 04/07/83 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 F'UMR= 1.oooo, o.99so, 1.oooo, o.93ao, 1.oooo, o .. 932o, 1.oooo, o.9150r 1.oooo, o.s9so, 1.oooo, o.96oo, F'00LMW=5000, GRMW=5*1.035r XLF=5*.60r KF'RINT=1'3*0r1r LF'RINT=5*1' M7=7r IYREAit=O$ 0.9140r 0.9340, 0.9310;. o.8770r 0.8750r 0.9200r 0.9140r 1.oooo, O.S570r 1.0000so 0.8780r 1.0000r 0.8760r 1.o.ooo, 0.8380r 1.oooo, 0.8780, 1.oooo, 3-62 0.9350r 0.9350r 0+9330r 0.9090r o.a9so, 0.8770r Oo9710r 0.8950, 0.9650r 0.9300r 0.9S80r 0.9150r 0.9160r o.7620r o.ssoo, o.8920r 0.8830r 0.8340r rn 'II If L t.t l'l ' i L:J ' '1 l ' . ·~ LJ LJ I L1 tj ·~.i .. ~· c .. 1 i .1 I ~ .. ,f .1 CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH-ANNUAL DATA CHANGES 1. The new Load Model will be called I.MFILE2. This file is created by line 100 and written to by line 170. 2. IYREAD=l988 (line 1540) tells the program that the next set of NAMELIST input data (lines 1560 through 1590) will apply beginning in 1988. 3. Because line 1550 is between an ending $ and the next $INPUT, it is not read by the system. This provides a convenient way to document data. 4. Lines 1560 through 1590 contain the annual overrides that take effect in 1988, changing the month-to-annual ratios that were input on lines 400 through 420 and 1390 through 1410. LMFILE2 04/07/83 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 390 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 BCR LMFILE2;SIZE<lr150) BRU * BEN ttNORM $tF'ROGRAM:HLHS S:LIMITS:Olr32K,,10K t:PRMFL:H*rErRrAG43093/.LDMD6 $:PRMFL:01,WrS,AG43005/LMFILE2 s:DATA:15 $:REMOTE:06 $1REMOTE:07 SIX LINES OF USER NAMEr ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBERr MARK III USER ID TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON $INPUT ID1='LMFILE2 ID2='ANNUAL DATA NTOTAL=5r NSTART=1985r NEW=lr CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH', CHANGESr ISPEC=O'r NEWNUM=lr NEWF'='EDISON'r NEWC='EitiSON'r ISF'EC=Or PUANP= 0.9670, o.9500r 0.9100, 0.8520r 0.8410, 1.oooo, o.9420r o.8860r Ot9630r 0.9770, F'UMWK= 1.oooo, 0.9508r '0.9095r o.9079r 0.8941r 0.8849r 0.8726r o.831lr o.8281r 0.7958r 0.7713r 0.7314r 0.6117r o.5733r o.4627r 0.4398, 0.4137r 0.3906, 3-63 0.9630, 0.9940, 0.87721 0.8742, 0.6992r o.6531r 0.3614, 0.3400, L11F ILE2 04/07/83 470 F'UMWK(1,2>= !"l 480 1.oooo, 0.9608, 0.95771 0.8998, 0.8794J 0.8731, 0.8700:t 0.8684, 4S')O o.s6o6, 0.8480, 0.8183, 0.7791, 0.7619, o.7322r 0.6883, 0.6555, 500 0.6069, 0.5850, 0.4691, 0.4472, 0.4127t 0.4018, 0.3641, 0.3531, f l 510 PUMWK(1,3)= :I 520 1.oooo, 0.9481, 0.9347, 0.9263, 0.9012, 0.8845, 0.8410, 0.8276, 530 0.8208, 0.8175, 0.8142, 0.7790, 0.7706, 0.7204, 0.6752, 0.6685, 540 0.6015, 0.5714, 0.4625, 0.4542, 0.4157, 0.4023, 0.3587, 0.3354, 550 F'UMWK(1,4)= 560 1.oooo, 0 9P)'")C" . ~~--·' 0.9154, 0.9119, 0.8837r 0.8661, 0.86251 0.8343, 570 0.8185, 0.7868, 0.7797, 0.7727, 0.7656, 0.7586, 0.6987, 0.6634, r·-~ 1 l 580 0.5841, 0.5753, 0.4555, 0.4290, 0.3955, 0.3850, 0.3621, .o. 3233' 590 PUMWK<1,5>= 600 1.oooo, 0.9430, 0.9095, 0.8910, 0.8625, 0.8574, 0.8541t Ot8374t r-1 61Q 0.815t.~f 0.7971, 0.7736, 0.7551, o.7417r 0.7115t o.6261, o.5909r 620 0.5740, o.569l., 0.4147r 0.4030, 0.3560, 0.3444, 0.3191t 0.3091, 630 F'UMWK(1,6)= 640 1.oooo, 0.9180, 0.9015t 0.8776, 0.8569, .0.8314, o.8031r o.7867r 650 0.7807, 0.7644r o.7331r 0.7122, 0.6897r 0.6718, 0.6063, 0.5466, 660 0.5227r 0.5048, 0.4272~, 0.3706, 0.3512, 0.3199, 0.3050, 0.2826r 670 F'UMWK<1,7>= i--1 680 1.oooo, 0~9083, 0.8951, 0.8936, 0.8773r 0.8434, 0.8345, 0.8048, l ( 690 0.7887, 0.7680r 0.7413r 0.7191r 0.6984r 0.6926, 0.6053r 0.5625, 700 0.5092, 0.4797r 0.4161, 0.3969, 0.3615, 0.3229, 0.3068r 0.29491 r·1 ~ 710 F'UMWK<1,8)= tr! = 720 1.oooo, 0.9166, 0.9017r 0.8868, 0.8644, 0.84361' 0.8257r o.S093r i ; ., tD .J 730 0.7944, o.7750r 0.7512r 0.7259r 0.7155r o.7139r o~6oo7, o.5546r 1ri Al ' ~ t -· 740 0.5158, 0.4875, o.4086, 0t3847P 0.3639, 0.3192, 0.3028, 0.2954, r~ o AJ:S 750 PUMWK(1,9>= :=~ 760 1.oooo, 0.9285, 0.8944r o .• B912, 0.8652r 0.8523, o.8458r 0.8409, &. 770 0.8295, 0.8100, 0.8003, o •. 7922, o.7678r 0.7646r 0.6005, 0.5860, ' -f tD -780 0.5649, o.5405r 0.4040\f 0.3798, 0.3407, o.3262r 0.3131, 0.2969r 790 F'UMt~K( 1, 10)= 800 1.oooo, 0.9450, 0.9317, 0.9133r 0~8933, 0.8866r 0.8717, 0.8566, f' l 810 0.8333, o.8300r 0.8283, 0.8049, 0~7850, 0.7666r 0.6883r 0.6399, 820 0.5816r 0.5515, 0.4348, 0.3966r 0.3582r o.3432r o.3281r r0.2848, 830 F'UMWK<lr11)= 840 1.oooo, 0.9436r o.9309r 0.8949, 0.8855r 0.8776r 0.8651, o.8572r '\ 850 0.8321r 0.8196r 0.7898, 0.7772, o.7490r 0.7318, o.6784r 0.6392, 860 o.576At, 0.5466, 0.4305, 0.4164r 0.3787r 0.3599, 0.3223, 0.3129r 870 F'UMWt\(1,12)= 880 1.oooo, o.s8ss, 0.8447r 0.8447, 0.8381, o.8355r 0.82635' 0.8013, 890 0.7842, 0.7710, 0.7276r o.7211r o.7170r 0.7079, 0.6236, 0.5973, 900 o.5618r o.5328r o.4512r 0.4447, o.4104r 0.38945' 0.3604, o.3289r 910 F'UHWE= 920 0.8227, 0.8073r 0.7780, 0.7502, o.7256r o.6916r o.6855r 0.6824, l j 930 0.6654, o.6408r 0.6207t 0.6069r 0.5791, 0.5636, 0.5436, 0.5297, 940 o.5251, 0.5097, o.4696r 0.4234, 0.4110r 0.3864, 0.3693, o.3031r \ j 3-64 \ ' .. ~\ ., ,., . i~ ·r LMFILE2 04/07/83 f'\ l, 950 F'UMWE<1,2)= 960 0.8183, 0.7599, 0.7461, 0.7169r 0.7077, 0.6786, o.6571r 0.6479r .r 970 o.6341r 0.6295, 0.6095, 0.5788, 0.5650r o.5557r 0.5481, 0.5205'1 980 0.4959, 0.4713r 0.4498r 0.4437, 0.4390, 0.42071 0.3608, 0.3331'1 990 F'UMWE<1r3)= 1000 o.7900r 0+7457r 0.7406r o.7201r o.7049r 0.6776'1 o.6537r o.6333r I' 1010 0.6230, 0.6061r o ~a~.., o.5669r 0.5533, o.5328r o.5175r o.5124r t.:.l ..:....:..1 1020 0.5021, 0.4783, 0.4545, 0.4391, 0.4085, o.3983r o.3864r 0.3080, 1030 F'UMWE<1r4)= i 1040 o.7745r 0.7255, 0.7075, 0.6929'1 0.6839, 0.6584, 0.6493, 0.6384, 1050 o.6149r 0.6058r 0.5931r 0.5732'1 0.5459, 0 ~.,4, o.5188r 0.5169r t,;J.:.. .:..J 1060 0.4988, 0.4643, 0.4407r 0.4172r 0.3845r o.3664r 0.3464, 0.30B3r .i 1070 F'UMWE<1r5)= 1080 o.7478r 0.6877., 0.6603'1 0.6501r 0.6449r 0.6330!1 0.6072, 0.591Br 1090 o~5781r 0.5557r o.5352r 0.5232r o.5044r 0.4854r 0.4838r 0.4804, 1100 0.45BOr 0.4341r 0+4169, 0.3963, o.3620r o.3414r 0.3226, o.3019r ft 1110 F'UMWE(1,6)= I 1120 o.7352r 0.6734r 0.6456r 0.6240r 0.6162, 0.6023, o.5838r 0.5730!' 1130 o.5591r 0.5405, 0.5297, o.5097r 0 .. 4988r o.4819r o.4556r 0.4371, i 1140 0.423lr 0.4031r Ot3907r 0.3753'1 0.3397r 0.3166r 0.3057r o.2748r 1150 f'UMWE<lr7>= ~ 1·160 o.7842r o.7075r o.6691r 0.6514r 0.6189, 0.6056, 0.5982, o.ss94, ftl :::1 1170 0.5775r o.5524r o.5362r 0.5259, o.5200r 0.5067r 0.4890r Ot4801r .,tt~ i iil 1180 0.4343r 0.4151, Ot4018r o.3827r 0.3501r 0.3294'1 0.2970'1 o.2896, d 1190 F'UMWE<1r8)= ... o. ~»= 1200 0.7887, 0.7404, 0.6966'1 o.6709r 0.6634, 0.6301r 0.6211, o.6090r =~ J 1210 0.5969, o.5788r o.5531r 0.5259, 0.5169, 0.5063, Oo4942'1 0.4836, § 1220 o.4353r 0.4156, o.4035r 0.4005r 0.3476r 0.3432, 0.3069, o.2932r iiiioi 1230 F'UMWE(lr9)= '~ I 1240 0.7859, 0.7322, o.6899, o.6802r 0.6525r 0.6395, 0.6362, 0.6281, 1250 o.6151r o.s8sa, o.5533r o.5484r 0.5158, o.5045r 0.4866r 0.4719J !8 1260 o.4638r o.4395r 0.4183, o.3939r 0.3695, Oo341Br o.3206r 0.3076r )., I 1270 F'UMWE<1r10>= 1- l ':I 1280 o.7964, 0.7564, o.7230r 0.7164r 0.6947r 0.6696, 0.6496, 0.6446, re lc 1290 0.6380, Oo6296r o.6213r o.5646r 0.5429r 0.5363, o.5279r 0.5079, !.,... ! 1300 0.4963, o.4495r 0.4245, 0.3979r 0.3678, o.3612r 0.3311, 0.2962, IC l~.t l 1310 F'UMWE(1r11>= IS" 1320 o.7812r o.7763r o.7405r 0.7110, 0.6996'1 o.6752r 0.6686r o.6442r 13.30 0.6442, o.5936r o.5855r o.5855, 0.5545, 0. 5348, 0.5153, o.5006r 1 1340 0.4859, o.4696, o.4272r 0.3881r 0.3864r 0.3684, 0.3472, 0.2836, 1350 F'UMWE < 1' 12 > = 1360 0.8240, o.7954r o.73o2, 0.7195, 0.7018, 0.6705, 0.6556, 0.6528, l.370 o.6311, o.6000r o.5918r o.5632r 0.5632, 0.5388, O.S266r o~5198r l 1380 o.4980r 0.4927, 0.4601, 0.3976r 0.3908, o.3800r o.3650r o.3230r 1390 F'UANR= 1400 0.9670, o.9soo, 0.9100, o.8520r o.8410r 1.oooo, 0.9630, 0.9940, 1410 0.9420, o.886o, o.9630r o.9770r 3-65 I. t • ~,,,.-,., .. """."""~·--··--''''"' ~·--=-·-·'"··'<·'~''"'""''"·"-"' ''""~""'-:-:-~~;..-,-;;:-·--::;:;;;....,...~-..,..~ ....... ,-.-·f>h<'""-""'•t"'"-""· .... -.....-.-·--·'M,.<;.--~ ..... -·-'""~-'\·-'•' ...... -...,. ....... ~,...,._""•' oJ ... "-1!:1_!1""......,., --I .if~~!:!~ 04/07/83 F'UMR= 1.oooo, 0.9980, 1.oooo, 0.9380, 1.oooo, 0.9320, 1.oooo, 0.9150, 1.0000? 0.8950, 1.oooo, 0.9600, POOLMW=5000r GRHW=5*1.035r KF'RINT=1r3*0'1' LF'RINT=5*1' M7=7, IYREAII=1988$ " 0.9140, 0.9140, 0.9340, 0.8570, 0.9310, 0.8780, 0.8770, 0.8760, 0.8750, 0.8380r 0.9200, 0.8780r 1.oooo, 0.9350, 0.9350, 0.9160, 1.oooo, 0.9330, 0.9090, 0.7620, 1.oooo, 0.8950, Ot8770P 0.8500, 1.oooo, 0.9710r 0.8950r 0.8920, 1.oooo, 0.9650, 0.9300r Ot8830r 1.oooo, 0.9S80r 0.9150, 0.8340, LtiFILE2 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 THE FOLLOWING OVERRIDES CAUSE AUGUST TO BECOME THE PEAK MONTH $INPUT PUANR=0~97r0.96,0.91J0t85r0.84r0.95,0.99,1.0r0.94r0.98r0.96,0.98' F'UANP=0~97r0.96r0.91rO.a5,o.s4r0.95,o.99,1.0,0.94,0.98r0.96,o.98, IYREAD=O$ 3-66 0 n J fl i J rl , l . l f j i t .. ~ I ·~ !a.: !"l • I ! 12 L j I! ! i fl , I ; i L . !. r 1 t .J LJ LJ LJ LJ .~~ MODIFY EXISTING LOAD MODEL-ANNUAL DATA r 1. The load data on the Load Model LMFILEl (read in on line 180) will be modi.fied. . " t l..' . ' r . r; Ll ,. r i 2.. The new Load Model will be called lMFILE3. 3.. Lines 370 through 420 contain the data describing the changes to be made to LMFILEl. 4. Lines 470 through 500 override the data in lines 410 and 420, beginning in 1989 • LMFILE3 15:49EST 04/07/83 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 BCR LMFILE3;SIZEC1r150) BRU * BEN ttNORM t:F'ROBRAMtRLHS t:LIMITS:01,32K,,10K t:PRMFL:H*'E'R,AQ43093/.LDMD6 $:PRMFL:01,w,s,AQ43005/LHFILE3 t:PRMFL:02,RrSrAG43005/LMFILE1 t:DATA:15 f:REMOTE:06 $1REMOTE:07 SIX LINES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, MARK III USER ID TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON $INPUT ID1='LMFILE3 MODIFY EXISTING LOAD MODEL', ID2='ANNUAL DATA CHANGES, ISPEC=O', NTOTAL=5, NSTART=1985, NEW=Or ISPEC=Or NEWANP=2*0'3*1' POOLMWC3)=5560,5765r5970, NEWMOR=2*0r3*1' NEWMOF'=2*0'3*1st PUANR=0.97,0.96,0.91r0.85r0.84r0.95rl.Or0.99r0.94r0•98r0.96r0.98r PUANP=0.97r0.96r0.91r0.85r0.84r0.95r1.0r0.99,0.94r0.9B,0.96,0.98, KF'RINT=l'3*0'1' LPRINT=5*1' M7=7r IYREAU=1989$ $INPUT PUANR=0.97,0.96r0.91ro.as,o.a4,o.9s,o.99,1.o,o.94,o.9a,o.96,o.9a, PUANP=0.97r0.96,0.91,o.as,o.a4,o.95r0.99,1.o,o~94r0.98,o.96,o.9a, IYREAII=O$ 3-67 MODIFY EXISTING LOAD MODEL-MONTHLY DATA 1.. The load data on LMFILEl will be modified and the new Load Model written to lMFILE4. 2. Because ISPEC=l, the program will alter the load data read from LMFILEl to give the monthly loads and energies specified on lines 360 through 410. LMFILE4 15:49EST 04/07/83 100 BCR LMFILE4;SIZE<1,150) 110 BRU * 120 BEN 130 itNORM 140 f:PROGRAM:RLHS 150 f:LIMITS:01,32K,,lOK 160 f:PRMFL:H*tErRrAQ43093/tLDMD6 170 $:PRMFLZ01rWrSrAQ43005/LMFILE4 180 $:PRMFL:02rRrSrAQ43005/LMFILE1 190 f:!IATA:15 200 f:REMOTE:06 210 S:REMOTE:07 220 SIX LINES OF USER NAMEr ADDRESS, 230 PHONE NUMBER, MARK III USER ID 240 250 260 270 300 310 320 330 340 350. 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON $INF'UT ID1='LMFILE4 MODIFY EXISTING LOAD HODEL', ID2='MONTHLY DATA, ISPEC=l', NTOTAL=Sr NSTART=1985, ISPEC=lr ENERGY=244+3r215+3r225+3r204+3r199+3r217t3r 222+3r230+3r214+3r219+3r226+3r232+3r EMGROW=40*1•04r40*1•038r40*1•036,160*1•035, 40*1.036r80*1.037r80*1.039r PUMON=0.97r0.96,0.91,o.as,o.a4r0.95r0.99r1.0r0.94r0.98r0.96r0.98r POOLMW=5000,5200r5400r5600r5800, KF'RINT=1'3*0'1' LPRINT=5*1' M7=7r IYREAD=O$ 3-68 Fl I l L J r1 LJ ( 1 I I ~ ) I .1 ! ' Lj ..,,.., r MODIFY EXISTING lOAD MODEL-ANNUAL DATA f lo LMFILE5 is the name of the new Load Model. 2. Because ISPEC=l, the program will modify the load data read from lMFILEl r . to give the annual peak loads and load factors specified on lines 360 ~ through 380. [, LMFILES 15:49EST 04/07/83 100 BCR LMFILE5;SlZE<lr150) llC1 BRU * 120 BEN 130 ttNORM 140 t:PROBRAM:RLHS 150 StLIMITS:01,32K,,lOK 160 $:PRHFLIH*'E'~'AG43093/.LDMD6 170 $:PRMFLt01,w,s,AG43005/LMFILE5 180 S:PRMFL:02,R,S,AQ43005/LMFILE1 190 $t!1ATA::!5 200 $:REMDTE~06 210 $:f::EMOTEt07 220 SIX LINES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, 230 PHONE NUMBER, MAR~ III USER ID 240 250 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE 260 270 NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON 300 $INPUT 310 ID1='LMFILE5 MODIFY EXISTING LGAD MODEL~, 320 ID2='~~~UAL DATA, ISPE~=l', 330 NTOTAL=5. 340 NSTART=1985, 350 !SPEC=l, 360 POOLMW=5000, 370 GRMW=1.04,1.037,~t1.036, 380 XLF=0.60r0.601,C.602r0.603,o.604, 390 KPRINT=1r 3*0' 1, 400 LF'F:INT=5*1, 410 M7=7r 420 I YREAil=O$ EXlT NG AN EXISTING lOAD MODEL 1. The existing Load Model (UvlFILEl) is five years long; the new one (LMFILE6) will be ten years long. 2. The program will use the last year of lMF ILEl as the basis for the five additional years. Because LSPEC=l, this per-unit data will be modified to give the peak loads and load factors specified on lines 360 and 370. 3. Lines 410 through 430 contain annual overrides that become effective in 1993. LIST LMFILE6 LMFILE6 15:50EST 04/07/83 10() 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 4t0 420 430 440 BCR LMFILE6;SIZEC1,150) BRU * BEN ttNORM t:F'ROGRAM:RLHS S:LIMITS:01,32K,,10K f:PRMFLSH*rErR,AG43093/.LDMD6 t:PRHFL:01,w,s,AQ43005/LMFILE6 $1PRMFLS02rRjS:AG43005/LMFILE1 s:!IATAt15 $:REMOTE:06 $:REMOTE:07 SIX LINES OF USER NAME' ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, MARK III USER ID TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON $INPUT ID1='LHFILE6 MODIFY EXISTING LOAD MODEL', ID2='EXTEND LOAD MODEL BY 5 YEARS, ISPEC=l', NTOTAL=lO, NSTART=1985, I SF'EC= 1: GRMW(6)=5*1.03!t XLFC6)=0.60r0.60l,0.602,0.603,0.604r KF'RINT=l'3*0'1' M7=7' !YREAD=19.93$ $INPUT PUANR=0.97,o.96,0.91,o.as,o.a4,o.95r0.99,1.o,o.94,o.98,o.96,o.9e, PUANP=0.~7,0.96~0.91,o.ss,o.a4,o.95,o.99,1.o,o.94r0.98,o.96r0.98, IYREAIJ=O$ 3-70 I .J . 1 I !1 r-:lt I ·, , ' ) -1< ! 1 ' \ [1 ' .J F'~ r 1 j' I ..; ,, .) I l ~.... ... .~ I I I t-'l l ' ) r [ r L -·~ ~~ SA,'v1PLE OUTPUT This section contains the bulk output (Report 06) and summary output (Report 07) from the Load Model Program for a run creating a Load Model from scratch using the input data file on page 3-58. The bulk output begins with a heading page that contains the six lines of input that was between the last control card and the first $INPUT. Following this is a listing of the NAMELIST input data. The monthly production cost and reliability load models are next. The variables KPRINT and LPRINT determine the years for which these load models are printed, and whether the MW or per-unit data is output. The last page of the bulk output is a summary of the annual peak loads, energies, and load factors. The next page is the summary output that can be received via the terminal if M7=7 was in the NAMELIST input file. This page lists the NAMELIST data records that were read and the annual summary of peak loads, energies, and load factors. If any errors occurred during the run, the error messages would also print on this page. 3-71 \'l (\ r 5 u :) 0 \' ;:~ -1/ •;'' _,, ~> ·.} .~ •'4 r l.,,. w I -..:3 1\) r l l... r 1-_. ·, , .. 0 I J:J .. -i I eJ ; > " 0 ~ .. :z i "' ft "" JL . = ~ 0 :t 06/01/63 1126NT .LDMD6 1..nr 1 1..1:. 1 ~;REA I E LOAD I~ODEL F ROI~ St!RA 1 1;11 GENERAL DATA ONLY, lSPEC=l r ., .. r- t_ .. - ************~********~··~········•******************~ *'*********************~··~······******************** liC:« ** ** COPYRIGHT 1971, GENERAL ELECTR I C cm1PAI'IY =** •:• .LDMD6 PROGRAM PUBLISHED ONLY IN A LIMITED, "''* ••• t!OPVRIGHI sE:NSE, AND ALL RWHis, INcLOOING ** :1::• TRADE SECRET RIGHTS, ARE ~ESERVED. ** •:« j(llt ****************«*****************'****************** ***************************~*************•••~········ [ MAILING LABEL-SEE SECTION 2 FOR INSTRUCTIONS ·I ****************************************************************************************** ***•***********'******************************************************~·······~·-~········ *'" ** "'* ** ** ** *ll: ** "'* ** "'* l"'A I L OUTPUT TO It* lltll< ll:* ** :uc. ** ** "'* SIX LINES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, ** ** ** ** PHONE NUMBER MARK Ill USER 10 ** •• ** ** TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE *"' •• • • *"' NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON ** ** *"' ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *"' ** ll<llt ** ··~·····················································································=· ···············~·-~····················································,.;.,.4'***'******* - ,.,~··¥ I ,--~~·· -""'1 c-''""~t ··--r ,_L. ·~·....! ~.,.. __ ~__} ,_.. ---r ~ ...... ~~ ("'-~ L _ _..~,Ml ;-·~ j__,._i-..( ~~ ._, __ ,..,.. ''1'!1 ... -~ 1, •••• ~:1 ~-::I J I I I ' I I I I I I I =d ""! ~ ·-,ot l "-~·-......,...t '"·* ' ~ 7 ' . /':::_ . / -. ~ ' ' "'· . ' ' -·' / -,-l ,;"_ -~st i .'.r.;,-'~~~-.. ·-1 n-·~~ , l . ~ ~ -l : ! ·-':l ,, r-' ,-j ! I l f ) p:··· . :, :.l w I -;J w r-;r--- I N 0 I .. • ... ;: I a .. "' > Ill ~ II-:z ;r A Ill u oC IL .J I ::r: I ~ ,......_.,,., j, -~ 1 2 3 4 !5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 2(5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42. 43 44 4l5 46 47 48 49 l50 151 ~~'# t--~ r---"1 -~ r--''"" .. ~.,~..-.,~ } ~.,, ·~ \ IL ) .... __ _; .t, " j f • J ~;;t:.NERAL ELECl K I C ..,.;, " .,,n , LDMDG, EUSED PROGRAM TO CREATE OR NODIFY A LOAD MODEL LISTING OF INPUT DATA DATE-o6701/83 TIM~:.-I"'. a II:' JOB NUMBER 1128NT SIX LINES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, f"HONE ·~ -· , MAKK. I I I U::>t:.R I U TYP~ OF MAIL SERVICE NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON SINPUT IDI='LMFILE1 CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH 1 ID2~'GENERAL DATA ONLY, ISPEt-·~ < . NTOTAL=5, NSTART=198l5, I'IEW=l, NEWNUM= 1, NEI.JP= 'ED I SON' , NE\oJC= 'ED I SON' , ISP!:.C=l, PUANP= 0.9670, o. 951)0, 0.9100, 0.8520, 0.8410, 1 • or>:;:). 0,9630, 0.9940, 0.9420, o.auso, 0,9630, 0.9770, PUMWK= 1 ,")000, o. 951)8, 0.9095, 0.9079, 0. 8941. 0.8849, 0.8772, o. 8742, 0,8726, 0.8311, 0,8281, o. 7958, 0.7713, 0.7314, 0.6992, 0.6531, 0.6117, o. 57:33, 0,4627, 0.4398, 0.4137, 0.3906, 0,3614, o. 3.:100! --· PUMWKC1,2>= 1. 0000, 0.9600, 0.9577, 0,8998, 0.8794, o. 8731 j 0,8700, 0,8684, 0.8606, o. 8480, 0.8183, o. 7791, 0.7619, 0.7322, 0,6883, 0.6555, 0.6069, 0.5850 0.469t, 0.4472 0.4127, 0.4018, 0.3641, 0.3531 PUMriK C 1 , 3 > :: 1. 0000, 0.9481' 0.9347, 0.9263, 0.9012, 0.8845, 0.8410, 0.8276, o. &208, 0.8175, 0.8142, o. 7790, o. 7706, 0.7204, 0.6752, 0.6665, 0.6015, 0.5714, o. 4625, 0.4542, 0.4157, 0.4023, 0.3587, 0.3354, PUMWKC1,4>= 1 .oooo, 0.9225, 0.9154, o. 9119, 0.8837, 0. 8661' 0.8625, 0. 8343, 0.8185, 0.7868, 0. 7797, o. 7727, 0.7656, 0.7586, 0.6987, 0,6634, o. 5841! 0.57!53! 0.45l55, o. 4290, 0.3955, 0,3650, 0.3621, 0.3233, PUMWKl1,5}: 1. 0000, 0.9430, 0.9095, 0,8910, 0.8625, 0.8574, o. 8541, 0.8374, 0.8156, 0,7971, 0.7736, o. 7551, o. 7417, o. 7115, 0.6261, 0.5909, 0.5740 0.5691 0.4147, 0.4030 0.3560, 0.3444, o. 3191' 0.3091, PUMWKll,6>= 1 • 0000, 0.9180, 0.9015, 0.8776, 0.8569, 0.8314, o. 8031, 0.7867, 0.7807, o. 76·~4. 0.7331, 0.7122, 0.6897, 0.6718, o. 6063, 0. !5466, 0.5227, 0.5048 0.4272, 0.3706, 0.3512, 0.3199, 0.3050, 0.28261 PUMWKC1,7l= 1. 0000, o.soa3, 0.8951, 0,8936, 0.8773, 0.8434, 0.8345, 0, 8048, 0.7887, 0.7660, 0.7413, o. 7191 J 0.6984, o. 6926, 0.6053, 0,5625, 0.5092, 0.4797. 0.4161, 0.3969, 0.3615, 0.3229, 0.3068, 0.2949 PUMWK(1,8)= 1 • 0000 J 0. 91 66. 0.9017, 0.8868, 0.8644, o. 8436, 0,8257, 0,8093, 0.7944, 0.7750, 0.7512, 0.7259, 0.7155, 0.7139, 0.6007, o. 5546, 0.5158, 0.4875, 0.4086, 0.3847, 0.3639, 0.3!92, 0.3028, 0.2954, PUMWK(J,9>= 1 .0000, 0.9285, 0,8944, 0.8912, 0.8652, 0,8523, 0.8458, 0. 8409, " ·--'C'pa-1frnar"tilrf''a~ -' w~~~d ~-~·~""~ , ., ~-"'1 ---.. 'i ---, ' J ') oi< 00000220 UUU1)(12;JO - 000()(1250 0000(1270 00001)300 0000(1310 00000320 00000330 0000(1340 00000350 00001)360 00000370 0000(·380 00000390 00000400 ooooo41o I oooo0420 GENERAL DATA-0RDER OF DATA 00001)430 WITHIN SET IS ARBITRARY I 00000440 - 00000450 00000460 0000(1470 00000480 00000490 00000500 00000510 00000520 00000530 00000540 OOOOrJ550 0000(1560 00001)570 00()()(1580 00000590 00001'1600 00000610 OOOOOG20 0000(1630 00000640 0000(1650 00001)660 ooci00670 ~ 0000flG80 00001.1690 0000!'1700 00000710 00000720 00000730 OOOOIJ740 O'J00Ct750 <.)0000760 .,. ·! _;. ., 6' l '.,_' t n,~lf~ ~ J i I :. l {;') ',__ yv :} w I -..::J J= I .. C' I ID :! a: ~ ~ > " ~ i= ;z i A. = o( a I ; : 52 0.6295, 0.8100, 53 0.5649, o. 541)5, 54 PU11WK C 1 , 1 0 l = 55 I. 0000, 0.9450, 56 0.8333, o.8~oo, 57 0.5816, 0.5515, ~6 PUI'1WK C 1 , I 1 ) = 59 1. 0000, 0. 9436, 60 0.8321, 0.8196, 61 0.5764, o. 5466, 62 PUMWKC1,12)= 63 1. 0000, 0,8655, 64 o. 7842, 0.7710, 65 0.5618, 0.5328, 66 PUMWE= 67 0.8227, 0,8073, 68 0.6654, 0.6408, 69 o. 5251, 0.5097! 70 PUMWECl,2>= 71 0.8183, 0.7599, 72 0. 6341' 0.6295, 73 0.4959, 0.4713 74 PUMWEC1,3l= 75 o. 7900, 0.7457, 76 0.6230, 0.6061, 77 0.5021, 0.4763, 78 PUMWEC1,4)= 79 0.7745, 0.72!55, eo 0.6149, 0.60!58, 81 0.4988 0.4643 82 PUMWEC1,5l= 83 o. 7478. 0.6877, 64 0.5781, 0.5557, 85 0.4580 0.4341 86 PUI1WE < 1 , 6 > = 87 0.7352, 0.6734, 88 o. 5591' 0.5405, 89 0.4231 0.4031 90 PU~1WE C 1 , 7 l = 91 o. 7842, 0.7075, 92 0.5775, 0.5524, 93 0.4343 0.41!51 94 PUI1WE( 1 I 8):. 95 o. 7887, 0,7404, 96 o.5969, o.57a8, 97 0.4353 0.41!56 98 PUMWEC1 1 9)= 99 0.7859, 0.7322, 100 0.6151, 0.5658, 101 0.4638, 0.4395, 102 PUMWE C 1 , I 0 > = 103 0.7964, 0.7564, 104 0.6380, 0.6296, 105 0.4963 0. 44~:15 106 PUMWEC1,11>= 107 0.7612, 0.7763, 108 0.6442, 0.5936, 109 0.4859 0.4696 110 PUMWEC1,12l= 1 t 1 0.8240, 0.79!54, 112 o. 3311' 0.6000, 113 0.4960 0.4927 114 PUANR= 115 0.9670, 0.9500, ' c... ~ .,_J Pll?n'·1nou1 d!.>O 0.8003, 0.7922, 0.7678, 0.7646, o. 6005, 0.4040, 0.3798, 0.3407, 0.3262, o, 31311 0,9317, 0.9133, 0.8933, 0.8866, 0.6717, 0.8283, 0. 8049, 0.7850, 0.7666, 0.61383, 0,4348, 0.3966, 0.3582, 0.3432, 0.3281' o. 9309, 0.8949, 0,8855, 0.8776, o. 81351. 0,7898, o. 7772, o. 7490, 0.7318, 0.6784, 0.4305, 0.4164, 0.3787, 0.3599, 0.3223, o. 8447. o. 8447, 0.8381, o. 8355, 0,8263, 0,7276, o. 7211, 0.7170, 0 .• ,079, 0.6236, 0.4512, o. 4447. 0.4104, 0.3894, 0.3604, 0.7780, 0,7502, 0.7256, 0.6916, 0.6855, 0.6207, 0,6069, 0.5791, 0.5636, o. 5436, 0 • .:1696, 0.4234, 0.4110, 0.3864, 0.3693, 0. 7461' 0,7169, 0.7077, o. 6786, o. 6571 J 0.6095, 0.5788, 0.5650, 0.5557, o. 5481' 0.4498, 0.4437, 0.4390, 0.4207, 0.3606, o. 7406, 0.7201, 0,7049, 0.6776, o. 6537, 0.5822, 0,5669, 0.5533, 0.5328, 0.5175, 0.4545, 0.43911 0.40851 0.3983, 0.313641 0.7075, 0.69.29, 0.6839, 0.6584, 0.6493, 0.593·1, 0.5732, o. 5459, o. 5242, 0.5188, 0.4407 0.4172 0.3845, 0.3664, o. 3464 0.6603, 0.6501, o. 6449, 0.6330, 0,6072, 0.5352, 0.5232, 0.5044, 0.4854, 0. 4838, 0.4169 0.3963,_ 0.3620. 0.3414 0.3226 o. 6456, o. 6240, 0.6162, 0.6023, 0.5838, 0.5297, 0.5097, 0. 4988, o. 4819, 0. 4556, 0.3907 0.3753 0.3397 0.3166 0.3057 o. 6691' 0.6514, 0,6189, 0. 6056, 0.5962, 0.5362, 0.5258, 0.5200, 0.5067, 0,4890, 0.4018 0.3827 0.3501 0.3294 0.2970 0,6966, 0.6709, 0.6634, o. 6301' 0.6211, 0 .• 5531, 0.5259, 0.5169, 0.5063, o. 4942, 0.4035 0.4005 0.3476 0.3432 0.3069 0.6899, 0.6602, 0 .• 6525, 0.6395, 0.6362, 0.5533, o. 5484, 0.5158, o. 5045, 0.4866, 0.4183, 0.3939, 0.3695, 0.3418, 0.3206, 0.7230, 0.7164, 0.6947, O.C696, 0.6496, 0,6213, o. 5646, 0,5429, 0.5363, 0.5279, 0.4245 0.3979 0.3678 0.3612 0.3311 o. 7405, 0.7110, o. 6996, 0.6752, 0,6686, 0.5855, 0.5855, o. 5545, 0.5348, 0.5153, 0.4272, 0.3861, 0.3664, 0.3664, o. 3•172, 0.7302, 0.7195, 0.7016, 0.6705, 0.6556, 0.5918, o. 5632, 0.5632, o. 5388, 0 .. 5266, 0.4601 0.3976 0.3908 0.3800 0.31)50 0.9100, o. 8520, o. 841 o, 1. 0000, o. 9630, - -.. ---"" --l -~.~.....J ''] l...,.;-J.-..,.. .. -·-· -·1 ----·-we:JBw~f-------· 1apow uO!JeJaua!) o. !5860, o. 2969, 0.8566, 0.13399, 0.2848, 0.8572, 0.6392, 0.3129, 0,6013, 0.5973, o. 3289! 0,6824, 0.5297, o. 3031! 0.6479, 0.5205, 0.3331 0.6333, 0.5l24, 0.30601 0.6384, o. 5169, 0.3083 0.5918, 0.4804, 0.30191 0.5730, 0.4371, o. 27481 0.5894, 0,4601, 0.:2896 o. 6090, 0.4836, 0.2932 o. 6281, 0.4719, 0.3076, 0,6446, 0.5079, 0.2962 o. 6442, 0.5006, 0.2636, 0.6528, 0.5198, 0.:3230 0. 9940, -J 00000770 OOCHJ0780 00000790 oooon800 0000fl810 OO(J•)U820 00000830 00001)840 00000850 OOOOiloGO OOOCJI:I870 00001)880 000011890 000011900 OOOIJ0910 00001)920 0000(1930 00000940 00000950 00()01)960 00000970 OOOOU980 0000(1990 00001000 00001010 00001020 00001030 00001040 00001050 00001060 00001070 00001080 00001090 00001 I 00 00001110 00001120 00001130 0000 I 140 00001150 00001160 00001170 00001180 00001190 00001200 00001210 00001220 00001230 00001240 00001250 00001260 00001270 00001280 00001290 00001300 00001310 00001320 00001330 00001340 00001350 00001360 00001370 00001380 00001390 00001400 ., I _...i -, _;..1 ,, .-.- . .., _j ,_ J ·1, . ,,_ . ., : ~- ~ L Jll!f1 -~ g ., ') i_) (< ru -~ w I -..:.J V1 .,_ ~­-' N 0 ·I .. • .... i I a ~ "' u c .. :z i A = I( II. .I ~ ~ -- --G ~ (.' ... ~ ., ~ .(1;£ ~ - < " • '0. t .... ~~r~ ..... , -~-,.. ... , Jlllll:-1: ... -.. ~~ 1)!!!!"'!.:1 ,.~ ~~ ...... \' -!~ ..,, ~ J'i ' i ' '· .. ;.! -·~ ~ j, ,_ -' --• j -.l ~· ' "· . '-., -· __ . 116 0.9420, o. aa•:>o, o. 9630, 0.9770, 00001410 117 PUMR= 00001420 118 1. 0000, 0,9980, 0.9140, 0,9140, 1. 0000, 0.9350, 0.9350, o. 91601 00001430 1 t 9 1. 0000, 0. 93i30, o. 9340, 0,8570, I , rooo, 0,9330, 0.9090, 0.7020, 00001440 120 t. 0000, 0.93:20, 0.9310, 0.8780, 1 • 0000 J 0 • 8950 1 0.8770, O.i3!500, 00001450 121 1 0 0000 1 0 o 91 !50 J o. 8770, 0.8760, 1.00~::'-0,9710, 0.6950, o. i3':l20, 00001400 I ,Ul!UU, U, t:l~:;.u, U, t:I/OU 1 U. t:I'-'St:IU 1 ) , 0000, 0, 905t)~ 0. 9:JU0, 'lJ.'"i3830, ood014tu ..:.\oo>- 14::i:::. 123 1.0000, 0.9600, 0.9200, 0.6780, 1.0000, 0.9580, 0.9150, o. 8340, 0001) 1480 124 PdOLMW=5000, 00001490 125 GRI'IW=5"' 1 . 035, 00001500 126 XLF=5=<,6o, ooool51o 127 KPRINT=1,3:~~0,1 1 00001520 I 128 LPRINT=5*1, 00001530 129 M7=7, 00001540 130 JYREAD=O$ 00001550 ,.. -------·--· -".·-··--·.,-------·-.. »··--~,, .. eJea,lndul dDO .l wea~So.ld ~ '· ~ ' ! • . . -~ • , ,,, ' . I . • " • • .. .. , I " "*'·.I ~rq· '·;.·,.~. ""' "'. : I ! I J '! t. ,~...._,_) -"~..,. Jl --··,; t I) ) I 0 ::, f i rrl \> , •• 1 l \l I ! I I I ~~ 01 ,.,, .. -.~'./ .-"h ·"'t•' '"v.;·"' '( .j ~~ ,_ ~-~~ ~ -~ w I -.:1 0"\ r ·~ "'- H 0 I • • --a. 1 a ~ > .., ! 1: A g "' .. I ~ I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY , LDMOG EUSED PROGRAM TO CI"IEATE OR MOD I FY A LOAD t10bEL LMFILEt CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH NUMBER OF WEEKDAYS AND WEEKEND GENERAL DATA ONLY, ISPEC=1 DAYS IN MONTH 1985 483!5. 3728. 3978. 2799. 1985 47!50. 3616. 3887. 2683. 198!5 45!50. 350!5. 339!5. 2517. 198!5 4260. 3261. 3299. 2325. 198!5 4205. 3118. 3144. 2120. 1985 !5000. 3448. 3676. 2493. r- 1,. ~ JAN. 22 9 483!5. 462!5. 4419. 4419 ... 4!597. 4397. 4389. 4323. 4278. 4241. 4226, 3535. 3380. 31!56. 2956. 2770. 2235. 2124. 3903. 3761. 3627. 3!508. 3343. )314. 3299. 2724. 2627. 2560. 2538. 2.463. 2269. 2046. MONTHLY I'IWH = 2428629. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR ~ 67.!514 FEB. 19 g 47!50. 4441. 4441. 4351. 4564. •H549, 4274. 4177. 4147. 4132. 4124. 3417. 3268. 3112. 2681. 2777. 2~' 2122. 3609. 3!544. 340!5. 3361. 3223, 3121. 3077. 2639. 2603. 2471. 2354. 2238. 2135. 2106. MONTHLY MWH = 21314:38. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR : 66,774 MARCH 21 10 45!50. 4268. 4250. 3899. 4314. 42!53. 4214. 4100. 4024. 3826. 3765, 3277. 3071. 3041. 2736, 2596, 2)03. 2065. 3393. 3370. 3276. 3207. 3083, 297.4. 2881. 2423. 2354. 23:30. 2284. 2175. 2067. 1997. MONTHLY MWH "' 2232969. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 65.963 APRiL 22 a 4260. 397!5. 3872. 3246. 3930. 3699. 3884. 3764. 3669. 3674. 3554. 3231. 2976. 2625. 2487. 2450. 1939, 1826. 3090, 3014. 29!51 • 2913. 2604. 2766. 2719. 2232. 2209. :':!201. 2124. 1977. 1676. 1776. MONTHLY MWH : 2020773. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 65.663 MAY 22 9 4205. ~919. 3915, 3692. 3965. 3824. 3746. i MW LOAD M;)DEL. 2991. 2632. 2484. -~ PRINTED FOR EACH 'YEAR 2892. 2776. 2733, THAT LPRINT(N)=l IS INPUT. 20.40. 2034. 2019. MONTHLY MWH = 197261)0. MONTHL'o' LOAD FACTOR = 63.052 JUI'IE 20 10 5000. 4475. 436!5. 4250. 4590. 4507. 4388. 4284. 4157. .4015. 3933. 3358. 3030. 2732. 2612. 2523. 213.4. 1651. 3367. 3228. 3~20. 3081. 3011. 2919. 2864. 2409. 2277. 2185. 2115. 2014. 1952. 1875. MONTHLY MWH = 2150497. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 59.736 - i~- (-__ :] --, '-"! ;~ __ =:J -·-" 4219. 1996, 3217. 1966. 4087. 1958, 3011. 2064. 3731.1, 1690, 2634. 1857. 3466, 1683. 2619. 1637. 3429. 1495. 2430. 1521. 3903. 1754. 2795. 1697. ~-. '\ L~ JOB l'lUf'IBER 11 geNT 06/01/83 -1 RELIABILITY. ~AD M:>DEL 1- 4018. 4003. 1886. 1745. 3098. 3000·. 1667, 1784. 4027. 3686. 1906, 1727. 2989. 269.4. 1997. 171'2, 3719. 3704. 1629. 1630. 27!57. 2648. 1811. 1757' 33!51 . 3321. 1638. 1541. 2580. 2526. 1560. 1474. 33!51 . 3252. 1446. 1340. 2335, 2250, 1434. 1355. 3621. 3665. 1598. 1!523, 2702. 2G48. 1582. 1527. ··,~ ~.-,..-~.:.-_...:..1, r·-·-y) ...... _...,., 3847. 1642. 2934. 1464. J 3700. 1675. 2748, 1!581. 3544. 1 !524. 2579. 1.400. 3291. 1375. 2441. 1312 . 3175. 1298 2199, 1268. 3560. 1411. 2548. 1373. ,·. :J PRODUCTION OOST WAD M:>DEL WEEKDAY WAD SHAPE WEEKEND DAY . LOAD SHAPE ~'9 \, ···~-.i:J ~-... -=:1 ' - I .I '---~ .,. ~ ·:~,·----~--~-·"·-···-~-,----=~-~ .. ''().~~-. , . ·;~·~;.; :;;.~;.~-~~~"-,. ,.,,. __ ,.,., __ .. _______ ... ,,.,~ > ... >. > > .. .. .. ••• • • ~ ------~----~~~ ' I ~\d _.,-,~., · .. n'.,l : " '4 i i J I I 1 I ! I 1 (j .rv '- - w I -:] -.:) ~ ---. ) . "'\ . ~ "' -----~ ... , --: ... "'i •. "" Jlr1 l!llr.J -"'1 -~ -1 Jill'"! -"':' ~_,j -~ !.!. -·;· ~::, I ~. ' i4 '-.<' • j .'""""'./'"-~-1 '"~..1.\ ') '···-:J ·-·· .-l ··) .. i--' -· ""-'- •. l ~ _, 1985 JULY 22 9 4815. 4406. 4223. 4218, 481!5. 4373. 4310. 4302. 4224. 4061. 4018. 3875. 3797. 3697. 3569. 3462. 3362. 3334. 2913. 2707. 2450. 2308, 2002. 1909. 1739, 1553. 1475. 1416. 3776. 3406. 3221. 3136. 2980, 2915. 2880. 2837. 2760. 2659. 2581. 2531. ~503. 2439. 2354. 2311. 2090. l996. 1934. 1842, l68!5, 1585. 1429. 1393, MONTHLY MWH = 2198193. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR c 61.362 1985 AUG. 22 9 4970. 4826, 4448. 4.133 4970. 4555. 4481. 441)7, 4296. 4192. 4i03. 4022. 3948. 3851. 3733, 3607. 3555. 3547. 2984. 2755, 2562. 2421. 2029. 1910. 1807. 1584. 1503. 1466. 3920; 3680. 3462. 3334, 3297. 3131. 3086, 3026. 2966, 2876. 2748. 2613. 2568. 251!5. 2455. 2403. 2162. 2064. 2004. 1989, 1726. 1704. 1524. 1456. 1'10NTHL Y MWH = 2286771. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR :: 6i. 843 1985 SEPT. 20 10 4710. 4215. 4121. 3947, 4710. 4373. 4212. 4197. 4075. 4014. 3983, 3960. 3906. 3815. 3769. 3731. ~ 3616. 3601. 2827. 2'•'59. 2059. 2544. 1901. 1787. 1603, 1534. 1473. 1396. 3702. 3449. 3249. 3::!03, 3073. 3012. 2996. 2958. 2897, 2759. 2605, 2582. 2429, 2375. 2291. 2222, 2184. 2069. 1969. 1854. 1739. 1609. 1509. 1447. MnNTHLY MWH = 213071)3. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 62.830 1985 OCT. 23 8 4430. 4275. 4120. 3912. 4430. 41a6. 4127. 4046. 3957. 3927. 3861. 3794. 3691. 3676. 3669. 3565, 3477. 3395. 3046. 2834. 2575. 2442. 1924. 1755, 1585, 1518. 1451. 1259. 3s2a. 3351. 3203. 3173. 3077. 2966, 2877. 2855, 2826. 2789. 2752. 2500. 2404. 2375. 2338. 2249. 2198. 1990. 1879. 1761. 1628. 1599. 1465. 1311. MONTHLY MWH : 2179237. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 66. 119 1985 NOV. 20 10 4815. 4622, 4430, 4226. 48HS. 4543. 4482. 431)9, -:il263. 4225. 4165, 4127. 4006. 3946. 3802. 3741. 3606 .. 3523. 3265. 3077. 2774. 2630. 2071. 2003, 1821. 1731. 1550. 1504. 3761. 3738. 3565. 3423. 3366. 3251. 3219. 3101. 3101. ~658. 2818. 2818. il 2669. 2574. 2480. 2409, 2339. 2260. 2056. 1867. 1859, 1772. 1670. 1364. MONTHLY MWH = 224~0:27. MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR = 64.700 • .. it 1985 DEC. 21 10 48£;5. 4690. 4470. 4074. 4885. 4325. 4126. 4126. 4094. 4081. 4036. 3914. 3830. 3766. 3554. 3522. 3502. 3457. 3045. 2917. 2743. 2601. 2202. 2171. 2003. 1900, 1759. 1605, 4025. 388$. 3567. 3514. 3426. 3275. 3202. 3168, 3082. 2930. 2890, 2750. 2750. 263'1, 2571. 2538. 2432. 2406. 2246. 1941. 1908. 1855. 1762, 1576. • 1-~~ ,, MONTHLY MWH :: 23051.64, MONTHLY LOAD FACTOR :: 63,426 il 1985 POOL PEAK EDISON 5000. L~~ CUANTITIES I COMPANY PEAKS EDISON 5000. ANNUAL MWH= 26280000. ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR= 60.000 eJea· weJSo.ld ................. ··-·-------- .:-. . . ·.,<>; fl nl~. .. l ; i I ru Oj ! I c I ~ I l I i I c ·.: ' ' ~ ' 0 ..... ; -• • • ~ , ~ •P ' I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY . LDMD6 EU!SED PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MOD I FY A LOAD MODEL LMFILEl CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH JOB NUMBER 1128NT GENERAL DATA ONLY, I SPEC= I OG/Ol/83 0. 914 0 I RELIABILITY WAD MODEL] 1985 JAN. 0,9670 1. 0000 0.9980 0.9140 o.t95oe w I -l ()) 0.9670 1. 0000 0.9094 0.9078 0.8940 0.8848 o. 771 ' 2 0.6990 l PRODUCTION COST IDAD MODEL 1623 I · MJNTH/ANNUAL RATIOS '3 0.7780 iB54 !4 0.!5434 0.5295 0,5249 0.5095 0.4693 198!5 FE£;1,, 0.9500 t. 0000 0,9350 0.9350 0,9160 0.9500 1. 0000 0.9608 0,9577 0.8997 0.8793 0.8730 0.8699 0.7617 0.7320 0,6881 0.6552 0.6066 0.5847 0.4687 -~ 0.8183 0.7599 0.7460 0.7168 0,7076 0,6785 0.6570 0.5648 0.5555 0.!5479 0.5203 0.4957 0.4711 0.4•195 1985 MARCH 0,9100 1. 0000 0.9360 0.9340 0,8570 0.9100 1. 0000 0.9481 0.9347 0.9262 0. 9011 0.8844 1!).8409 0.7704 0.7202 0.6750 0.6683 0.6012 o. 5711 0.4621 0.7900 0.7457 0,7406 0,7200 0.7048 0.6775 0.6536 0.5531 0.5326 0.!5173 0.5122 0.5019 0.4781 0.4542 1985 APRIL 0.8520 1. 0000 0,9330 0.9090 0,7620 0,8520 1.0000 0.922.4 0.9153 0.9118 0,8836 0,8660 0.8624 0.7654 0.7584 0 6985 0.6632 0 5838 0.5750 0.4551 0.7745 0.7255 0.7074 0,6928 0,6838 0.6583 0.6492 0.5457 0.5240 0.!5166 0,5167 0.4986 0.4641 0,4405 B 198!5 MAY 0.8410 1. 0000 0,9320 0.9310 0.8780 I ID • 0.8410 1.0000 0.9430 0.9094 0.8909 0.8524 0.8573 0.8540 .. ii: 0 7415 0 7113 0 6259 0 5906 0 57:17 0.568R 0.4143 ~ ' 0.747fl 0.6877 0,6602 0 ) '1 0.!5042 0.4852 0.4836 o P.U. IDAD MJDEL. :7 ~ PRINTED FOR EACH YEAR ~ 1985 JUNE 1. 0000 1 THAT KPRINT{N)=l IS INPUT. 10 .:z 1. 0000 1. 0000 0.9180 0,9014 0,8775 0.8568 0.6313 0.8030 i 0.6895 _Q Ji71.6 Q _6061 0 5463 0 5224 0 5045 0.4269 A t 0.7352 0.6734 0.6455 0,6239 0.6161 0.6022 0,5637 "' 0.49,87 0.4817 0,4554 0.4369 0.4229 0.4029 0.3!)05 II. ~ 1985 JULY 0.9630 1. 0000 0,9150 0.8770 0.8760 0.9630 1. 0000 0.9082 0.8950 0.8935 0.8772 0.8433 0.8344 0.6982 0.6924 0.6051 0.5622 0.5089 ·o. -'~79.11 0.4158 : I 0,7842 0.7075 0.6690 0.6513 0,6188 0.6055 0.5981 '--,_ ,,_ R .. .---,.. ... '""D,.~:J·.~~ .. 'IUt!JBWIJ' 0.8741 0.8725 0.8310 0.4394 0.4133 0.3901 0.6823 0.6653 0.6407 0.4231 0.4107 0.3861 0,8683 0.8605 0.8479 0.4468 0.4123 0.4014 0.6478 0.6340 0.6294 0.4434 0.4387 o. 4204 0.8275 0.8207 0.8174 0.4538 0.4153 0.4019 0.6332 0.6229 0.6060 0.4388 0.4082 0.3980 0.8342 0.8184 0.7867 0.4286 0.3951 0.3846 0,63d3 0,6148 0.6057 0.4169 0.3842 0.3661 0,8373 0.8155 0.7970 0.4026 0 3556 0.3440 0.5917 0.5780 0.5556 0.3961 0.3617 o. 3411 0.7866 0.7806 0.7643 0 3703 0 3508 0 3195 0.5729 0.5590 o. 5404 0.3751 0.3395 0,3163 0.8047 0.7886 0.7679 0.3966 0 3611 0 3225 0.5893 0.5774 0.5523 "'[ -~ ,__, ___. 0.8280 0.3609 0.6205 0,3690 0.8182 0,3636 0.6094 o·. 3605 0.8141 0.3582 0.5820 0.3861 0.7795 0 3617 0.5930 o. 3461 0.7735 o 3L8.7. 0.5351 0.3223 0.7330 0 3046 0.5296 0.3054 0.7412 0 3064 0,5361 '""1 •.... _ _.1 0.7956 0.3395 0.6067 0,3027 0.7789 0.3526 0.5786 0.3328 0.7788 0.3349 0,5667 0.3076 0.7725 0.~228 0.5730 0,3080 0.7549 _0_ .3..08Z. 0.5230 0.3016 0.7120 0 2822 0.5096 o. 2745 0.7189 0 2945 0.5257 ·~ ... -.JJ -~ \..._-_.st4fi I I I ! ~. "~,.;..-.~__.,,_.. ~ ... Ja ,. ( .: rv . w I ......, \0 P!/6---.p.~- ; -,., pl'i'"• pi"' P"' ~. 0.5198 0.5065 198!5 AUG. 0.9940 0.9940 1. 0000 0.9166 0.7153 0.7137 0.7887 0.7404 0.5167 0.5061 :nms $EF't. 6.9420 0.9420 1 .oooo 0 9285 0.7677 0.7645 0.7859 0,7322 0.5156 0.5043 1985 OCT. 0.6860 o.88CO 1. 0000 0.9450 0.7849 0.7664 0.7964 0.7!564 0.5427 0.5361 19'85 NOV. 0.9630 0.9630 1.0000 0.9436 0.7488 0.7316 0.7612 0.7763 0.5543 0.5346 1985 'i DEC. 0.9770 0,9770 1. 0000 0.8854 0.7168 0.7077 o. 8240 0.7954 0 .. 5630 0.5386 N -0 I .. .. -;: I a .. ., > " I c J). 1;1 v oC a. -!1- ~ e ~ r-~ ..... .., ~,. -?.4888 0.4799 1. 0000 0,9016 0,8867 0.6005 0.5543 0.13965 0.6708 0.·~940 0.4834 I .oooo 0.8943 0.8911 0.6002 0.5857 0.6898 0.6801 o. ·~864 0,4717 1.0000 0.9317 0.9132 0.6881 0.6396 0.7229 0.7163 0.5277 0,5077 1. 0000 0.9309 o. 894t~ 0.0782 0.6390 0.7405 0.7109 0.5151 0.5004 1. 0000 0.8446 0.6446 0.6234 0.5971 0.7301 0.7194 0.5264 0.5196 r-r·~ ,.,., 11--'' ... ,.-.r.""' ,...,....., ,...._..,."\ ~-,\ ~~ -,J ~1 -'-~ ,, I . • .:..iJ v <; tc,., ' ,,J ' 0,4341 0.4149 0.4016 0.3825 0.3499 0.3291 0.2967 0,2893 0.9710 0,8950 0.8920 0,8643 0.8435 0.82!56 0.8092 0.7943 0.7749 0 .• 7511 0.7257 0.5155 0.4872 0.4('1133 0.3843 0,3G35 0.3188 0 .• 3024 0,295'J 0.6633 0.6300 0.6210 0.6089 0,5968 0,5787 0,5530 0,5257 0.4351 0.4154 0.4033 0.4003 0.3473 0.3429 0,3066 0.2929 0.8950 0.8750 6.8380 t 0.8651 0.8522 0.8457 0.8408 0.8294 0.8099 0,6002 0,7921 0.5646 0.5402 0.4036 0.3794 0.3403 0.3258 0.3127 0.2965 0.6524 0.6394 0.6361 0.6280 0.6150 0.5857 0,5532 0,5482 \).4636 0.4393 0.4181 0.3937 0.3692 0.3415 0,3203 0.3tl73 0.96'50 0.9300 0.6830 0.8932 0 8865 0.8716 0.8565 0.8332 0.8299 0,8282 0.8048 0.5813 0.5512 0.4344 0.3962 0.3578 0.3427 0.3276 0.2843 0.6946 0,669!5 0.6495 0.6445 0.6379 0.6295 0.6212 0.!5644 0,4961 0.4493 0,4242 0.3976 0.3675 0.3609 0.3308 0.2959 0.9600 0.9200 0,8780 0.8854 0,8775 0.8650 0.8571 0.8320 0.8195 0.7897 0.7170 0.5761 0.5463 0.4301 0.4160 0.3783 0.3595 0.3218 0.3124 .. 0,699!5 0.67!51 O.GG85 0.6441 0,6441 0.593!5 0 .. \58l54 0.5654 0.4857 0.4694 0.4269 0.3878 0.3861 o.3sei 0.3469 0.2832 <l 0.9580 0,9150 o. 8340 0.&380 0.8354 0,8262 0.8012 0.7841 0.7709 0.7274 0.7209 0.5615 0.5325 0.4509 0.4444 0,4100 0.3890 0,3600 Q,;!~S~ , ... 0.7017 0,6704 0.6555 0.6527 0.6310 0.5999 0,!5916 0.5630 0.4978 0.4925 0.4599 0.3973 0.3905 0.3797 0.3647 0,3227 . we.aSo.id ; . ..~ ~ I • "' , -o, , ' . -.. ~ ~ .... ' -. ~ e -.s, "" ~ .. , ... -r-,. •l •· .rr ~, ., "'. 'l/ f f ' ~ • ~-Q ... ~ . » f'~ j I / I" • ; . " .,. i'r 0 ,-;::: i w I co 0 _. --' --·~ • -... GENERAL ELE'CTR I C COI1PANY . LDMD6 EUSED PROGRAM TO CREATE CJR MOD I F'Y A LOAD t1CJDEL ilMFILEl CREATE LOAD MODEL FROM SCRATCH JOB NUJ113ER 1126NT GENERAL DATA ONLY, ISPEC=t 06/01/$3 (MW> (MWH> YEAR POOL PEAK TOTAL ENERGY LOAD FACTOR 1985 5000. 26:260000. 60.00 1986 l5175. 27199800. 60.00 1967 53os. 281:51793, 6o.oo 1968 !5544. 29216934. 60.00 1989 ~738. 30!56905. 60.00 . ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCESSED N 0 I • • .. ... Ill I a .. • > .. ? .. :z i ~ ~ ; I( A .J I ~ , ,, ~ .. ·. ..._ r·· ., ., ' ' _,, --:1 j i --~J ,, '-· ~., ,,.. '·-·~ ··' """" ;~ """-.... "_.;1 ...... """~·· ~ ·--'"' ,• "' .. -'fiidltiJiww 3M' f:rt"":t --~--- ~ Rliflllill I I I I I I j l I I I J ~ .. JU - I r r J ~ " -' ' I ' ' fl l ' '· ,~~~ rn:-:~·, ' . REM::>TE TERMINAL OUTPUT REPORT 07 WILL PRINT IF M7=7 INPUT. GEf·tERAL ~LJ~D6, EUSED PROGRAM TQ CREATE OR MODIFY A LOAD MODEL 06/0L/83 END OF NAMELIST DATA WILL BE PRINTED IF 00 FATAL DATA ERROP.S OCCURRED. PROGRAM WILL CHECK ALL NAMELIST DATA FOR ERRORS PRIOR 'ro EX&."'UTION. EUSED PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY A LOAD ~DDEL 0:::/01/3:~ l MC'Tl t:""f .._ ... ~ .............. .., L:! E!: ~l E F~ f:l :_ ti;l T ¢1 1({'': '( 'J ..... ' . . '-' ~ .._ T c· t:· ~ ;-= 1 -. ~· ~ ..._ •I .Jt YEAr-: 1 ~j~· e: ..... ~ 'J-"' 1 ·;:·~~: 6 19E7 F'OGL F'EA~{ 5000. 1:: •I -, 1:": ...; J. , •. ..J ~ C: -;: r· • .! \..,• ·-· · .. ~-,j'" ,_..-, ~ r"\ ........ -· ~ .. "' ••• ..... r (t--ll,JH} TOi;::rL EN!:F~GY 2 t 2 2(; c···~(:·. ~ ., 1 ~ C.\ ·:. ('; •"i ~ f ~' '~·~ V T 281~1793. [INDICATEs PROGRl\M EXECUTED NDllMALLY. I 3-81 L 0 f:: I! F ~: ~ T [i r:. 60v00 6\).i)\) ) MERGING TWO LOAD MODELS The setup listed below can be used to merge two Load Model Background .files onto one. The two .files being merged must be seguential with no overlapping years. The Load Model Program can be used to get the Load Models into the necessary format't 100 BCR FILE3;SIZE(l,l50) 200 BEN 300 IUINORM 400 $:UTILITY 500 $ :FUTIL :Fl:F3,RWD/Fl ,F31 ,MCOPY /lF I, HOLD/F3/ 600 $:FUTIL :F2,F3, RWD/F2/ ,SKIPilRI ,MCOPY/lF I 700 $ :PRMFL:Fl,RIW,S,AQl.!JXXX/FILEl 800 $:PRMFL:F2,R/W,S,AQ43XXX/FILE2 900 S:PRMFL:F3,RIW:S,AQ43XXX/FILE3 The above file would be keyed into Foreground and submitted to Background with the BACK command. If FILEl contained the years 1983 through 1994 and FILE2 contained the years 1995 through 2000, FILE3 itiOuld have 1983 through 2000. 3-82 , • '· , ; ;. f' ) n I \ n f'1 1 ' 1 ) ('l ' ' .-, ' .} r -~ I I ') l [a _) i rl J ~~ i I J { j r ] i l I l I ' Ll \,, LJ M j \ .,,,.,,_.;; .I -1 I :I .I I I I I I --~t 1-,; ' i -.. ,;;; I ' I - I - ~~-.~ __ ' ' '11 ,, ~ ' ' 1 ~ j I.·_', i ,j L GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM (.GNMD6) Section Index INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • . . " • • • • • 0 • • • • -• • • • • • • PROGRAM INPUT/OUTPUT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i) • PROGRAM OPTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM INPUT DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . General Data • • • • • • e • • • • • • ~ e • • • • • • • • • • • • • Creating a Generation Model from Scratch • • • • .. • .. • • • • • • • Modifying an Existing Generation Model • • • • • • • • • • • JOB SETUP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SAMPLE DATA FILES • • • • • • 0 • • • • • SAMPLE OUTPUT ~ • $ • IF .' • • • 8 • • • • • • 4-i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • Page 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-12 4-15 4-16 4-20 ~~ -, 1 ~: ~ l i _, ;r ~ ~ " ' I '! l . ~~ ! 1': ~ I I'.' I I IT-.; [ ~~; I fJ I. r:r.:~ i ·~ o-f I r· '~ ~ l L: I i'JTRODUCTIOr'l The • GNMD6 Generation Model Program is an auxiliary program to OGP. It must be executed in order to develop a binary Generation t-1odel, which is stored permanently and will be input to the OGP Program.. Figure 4-1 shows the various files used by the Generation Model Program. The • Gr"lj:\1D6 program is used either to create a Generation Model from scratch or to modify an existing Generation Model. If a Generation Model is being oreated from scratch, the user must input all of the information necessary to de:scribe the units to be included on the Generation Model. The rrogram will read the input data and store it .in binary format on the Generation Model file. 'rhis file will be input to the Data Preparation Program. The .. GN11D6 program can alae be used to change an existing Generation Model. Characteristics of units on the existing Generation Model can be changed, and additional units can be appended to the Generation t1odel.. If the Generation Model .Program is being u.sed to modify an existing Generation Model, the user must input only the data to be chang.ed oro the characteristics of the additional units to be added. The program will read the existing Generation Model, make the requested changes, and store the entire new Generation Model in a new f::T..le.. The original Generation Model file will not be changed by this process. Normally only one binary Generation Model is required to evaluate many OGP scenarios, sinee all of the Generation Model data may be overridden by input to the Data Preparation Program. The • GNr"iD6 program is a batch program written in FORTRAN. Execution of' this program is the initial step in developing the thermal, conventional hydro and energy storage generation of the utility system to be studied by OGP. The user has the option of inputting the pres,ent and f'uture generating units and their characteri.stic.s in as much or as little detail as desired. Section 2 of the Descriptive Handbook discus:.ies the unit characteristics that can be input to the Gener•ation Model. .A..'I'ly data that is not defined may be added to or overridden in the OGP Data Preparation Program.. The Data Preparation Program will develop a complete list of generating units by reading the binary Generation Model and/or additional input data to the Data Preparation Program. Any characteristics that were not uniquely defined will then be assigned values from standard tables which the user inputs to the Data Preparation Program. The user will subsequently have the option of further overriding the chat'acteristics of the thermal units through input to the OGP Generation Planning Program. Each of the generating units on the system must be assigned to one of the ten unit types ava:Llable in OGP. Types 1 through 6 are used to model thermal units, Type 7 is used to model conventional hydro, and Types 8 through 10 are used to model energy storage. Some of the thermal types have been given features that make them suj.table for modeling specific types of generation. This is described 1.n more detail in Section 2 of the Descriptive Handbook and is summarized in Table 4-1. 4-1 (.: ' ' ' -J I I I I I. I ;I ,., ;~ ll ' j ' ' t: ( [ [ l; • TABLE 4-1 UNIT TYPE DESIGNATIONS IN OGP Unit Type No. Generation Category Types 1-6 Type 7 Types 8-10 Thermal units Type 1 is recommended for nuclear units Type 2 is reserved for fossil units subject to lumping by pool Type 3 is reserved for gas turbines subject to lumping by company Type 4 is free type Type 5 is free type (possible second type of nuclear unit) Type 6 is free type (possible second type of nuclear unit) Conventional hydro Energy storage PROGR..\M INPUT/OUTPUT The input requirements of the .GNMD6 Generation Model Program (see Figure 4-1) are as follows: 1. jData is supplied in the form of NAMELIST data. The NAMELIST name is INPUT. The program requires one set of general data and sets of genera':.ing unit data. The generating unit data sets contain data that describe the units to be included on the Generation Model or the changes to be made to the existing Generation Model. There is no limit to the number of sets of generating unit data. However, the maximum number of generating units defined per set is 25. File 15 is assigned to the input data fileo 2. If the user is modifying an existing Generation Model, Generation Model binary file is also required as input. assigned to the input Generation Model. the existing File 01 is The output capabilities of the .GNMD6 Generation Model Program (see Figure 4·-1) are as follows: 1. File 02 is the binary Generation Model which defines the generating units and their characteristics. This binar•y Gene:r•ation Model will become input to the Data Preparation Program. 2. Report 06 is the bulk output.. It is usually printed on a high-speed printer and is a formatted listing of all the generating units and their characteristics as defined by the user's input. If the user is modifying an existing Generation Model, both the original model and the modified model are printed. System abort messages and all programmed error messages are written to Report 06. Report 07 is summary output. It is usually printed via a terminal or' CRT. It is a list of NAM~LIST data sets that were successfully read by the program. Report 07 provides the user with verification of the successful execution of a run. 4-2 j (l } ( l l 'j ! t I \ ; ' ~ ' l. j l j L 1 ,. ' f r ' 1 J . f"" I' : ~'{ ; - ,. :l( p r c! ~ ~ I ,r-" !\ f¥ I f"'l f ' " i ,. I ' ~ l~i I r~ I ; ... ,... I f 11 tJ I j : ll t_J I f -: ld (Optional) Existing Binary Generation Model File 01 Generation Model Program .GNMD6 Binary Generation Model for OGP File 02 Report 06 Bulk Output Input Data File 15 Report 07 Summary Figure 4-1. File Structure for the Generation Model Program (.GNMD6) PROGRAM OPTIONS The Generation Model Program can be used to create a Generation Model from scratch or to modify an existing Generation Model. If a Generation Model is being created from scratch, the program will perform the following sequence: a. Read the general data (card image input) b. Read a set of data describing generating units (card image input) c. Write a record on the binary Generation Model file d. Repeat Steps b and c until a set of input data contains the variable KMORE=l, indicating that it is the last NAMELIST data set e. End the Generation Model file; rewind the file f. Read and print all of the records on the Generation Model file g. End If the Generation Model Program is being used to modify an existing Generation Model, the pr·•ogram will read the existing binary Generation Model file, read the data changes from the card image input file, and write a new~ updated binary Generation Model file. The original binary file will not be altered. To modify an existing Generation Model, the program will execute the following steps: a. Read the general data (card image input) b. Read one record from the binary Generation Model file c. Print the record 4-3 ·.·~ ! I I I I I I I L L L PROGRAM OPTIONS (Continued) d. If the current record is to be modified (as indicated by the NREAD variable in the last NAMELLST data set that had been read), read the next set of NAMELIST data (card image input) e. Write the modified record on the new binary Generation Model file f. Repeat Steps b through e until all of the records have been processed g. If new records are to be added (as indicated by MANUAL=l, in the general data), read the NAMELIST data set(~) (card image input) and write additional record(s) on the new binary file. (Each NAMELIST data set read will become a new record.) Data for the last new record to be added must contain the variable KMORE=l, h. End the new Generation Model file; rewind the new file i. Read and print all of the records on the new file j. End GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM INPUT DAfA This section defines the actual NAMELIST variables used to input data to the Generation Model Program. As shown below, the data required depends on whether the Generation Model is being created from scratch or whether an existing one is being modified. The NAMELIST data sets must be in the order shown below for the two options. The order of the variables within a data set is irrelevant. However, when an existing Generation Model is being modified, the records containing units to be changed must be modified in the same sequence as they appear on the existing Generation Model. 1. Create the Generation Model from scratch. • General Data • NAMELIST data sets describing the generating units - A maximum of 25 units may be included per set -Last set must contain KMORE=l, 2. Read the existing Generation Model and create a new Gene~ation Model. • General Data • Sets of override data (optional) • Sets of data describing additional generating units (optional) - A ~aximum of 25 units may be included per set -Last set must contain KMORE=l, NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the default value for all input data is zero. 4-4 fl ; .) ' Fl l ' ,) fl ' [ i, l .i ll LJ fl 1.. ••. ,.4" 0 rl; r . \ L, r ""· \ \ ' j L ,; L J I 'J l_J LJ :f ,, , ~;, ' ~ 'J , r~ '~ ·. 'l ~ I r~ ,, 1" i " I r"' ~ ' 4 " I ~·~ ~ ~ ., r· I ' .~ j1 4 I r~ ,. 'i/; l.:l I f" ·;t L;; I ·f ; " ll !; I l ' L ... f N t;; I. t~ [ R l\ L~ [ I l '"1! l i ~ t,. L { ' .JJ L I , iJ l ~ l: ' : ~ GENERAL DATA Six lines of information, which can include the user's name, address, user ID, mailing instructions, etc., can be supplied immediately before the $INPUT of the general data.. These six lines will print as a header page at the beginning of the bulk output. (Do not use a colon as one of the characters.) A maximum of 60 characters per line is allowable. $INPUT IDl = 60H ID2 = 60H or IDl = ' ID2 = ' ------------------------------------~-------------------- ----------------------------------------~---------------- ~ • I;" ' ' ' ' ' ' Two lines of identification. Maximum of 60 characters per line. NEW = NREAD = ---·-' MANUAL = M7 = ____ $ Option describing type of Generation Model to create. 0 = Modify an oxistiP~ Generation Model. 1 = Create a Generation Model from scratch, First Generation Model record to be modified. Omit if NEW=l. Option to add additional records when modifying an existing Generation Model. 0 = No new records will be added. 1 = Generating unit data for new reqords will be supplied. Omit if NEW=l. Option tc receive count of NAMELIST data records read by program. 0 = Omit. 7 = Print NAMELIS~ record count on Report 07. (Recommended Method: Always input M7=7$.) 4-5 p ' I ' ! I I, I I I I "~~,1 I I ' I I I I I t - CREATING A GENERATION MODEl FROI\t1 SCRATCH The NAMELIST input variables on the following three pages are used to input unit char3.cteristics to the Generation Model Program when creating a Generation Model from scratch. The Generation Model is stored in records containing a maximum of 25 units each. There is no limit to the number of records that can be stored on a Generation Model. Each NAMELIST data set, which includes everything from a $INPUT to the closing $, describes the units to be included on one record; therefore, each NAMELIST data set can describe a maximum of 25 units. The following notes pertain to the generating unit data input described on the following pages: a. All cost data must be relative to the year in which costs are quoted, i.e., value of NYCOST, input data to Data Preparation Program of OGP. b. Certain data is mandatory as indicated on the following pages. Remaining data that is not input defaults to zero, and the OGP Data Preparation Program will assign a value from the standard tables that were input by the user. c. If the user desires a value of zero to be assigned to a certain variable, a -1 must be input to inhibit the Data Preparation Program from assigning a value from the standard tables o This will alert the Data Preparation Program to store a zero. Data of this type is preceded by **· The NAMELIST input variables on the following pages have been grouped according to the unit types to which they refer. The number in parentheses is the dimension of the variable. All of ~.he variables have at least one dimension of 25, corresponding to the 25 unit8 that can appear on a Generation Model record. Some variables have a second di1.1ension when more than one value can be input fo~ each unito Unless otherwise stated, all input data defaults to zero. 4-6 0 ' 1 R ') r l n I J r1 '• ) n l_l n tJ f1 LJ l l J f 1 l ! I I I I I .~ . I, ' ' t~ JJ IJ td I; 1.~ • .• !! ~ t.; t..J I ~ I ~ lJ r i . RJ LJ I R ' L "~ t W, CREATING A GENERATION MODEl FROM SCRATCH (Continued) Following i.s the general format of a NAMELIST data set for cr•eating a C~neration Model from scratch: $INPUT IDl = ID2= NEW= ____ , M7 = ____ $ $INPUT IMAX = ____ , Unit Data KMORE = 0$ $INPU'r IMAX = ----' Unit Data KHORE = 0$ $INPUT .IMAX = ----' Unit Data KMORE = 1$ Each NAMELIST data set must begin with $INPUT and end with a closing $. See General Data, page 4-5. Beginning of the next NAMELIST input data set. Number of generating units being described by this data set. IMAX < 25. Generating unit data describing the units tQ be included on the first record of the Generation Model. 0 = More sets of generating unit data will be supplied. 1 = Current set is the last set of data. Generating unit data describing the units to be included on the second record of the Generation Model. Generating unit data describing the units to be included on the third record of the Generation Model. This format continues until all of the units to be included 011 the Generation Model have been described. Tbe last data set will end with KMORE=l$, informing the program that no additional data is to be read. 4-7 I ' f I I I l. I I I I I I I I ( I [ l L L l;j l.·'><')l! GENERAT!NG UNIT DA1A Mandatory Input for all Units (Types 1-lOl NAMEDB( 2, 25) INSTDB( 25) KINDB( 25) KCODB( 25) OPCTDB( 25) Ik.>llerith station identification, 12 characters per name .. Year of installation-1900 (2 or 3 digits). e.g., 85 if installed in 1985. Type of unit. Mar'datory - 2 = Fossil, subject to lumping. 3 = GT, subject to lumping. 7 = Conventional hydro. 8,9,10 = Energy storage. Suggested - 1 = First nuclear t~rpe. 5,6 =Second nuclear type. ~,5,6 = Fossil, combined cycle, etc. Company index in pool list. May omit if only one company in pool. (Order of pool list is set by Load Model.) Percent owned by company. e.gs, 25 if 25% owned. 0 defaults to 100% owned~ May omit if zero. Ma~~ory Input for Thermal Units (!Ypes l-6) CAPDB( 25) Maximum net output of unit, ~w. Mandatory Input for Conventional Hydro (7Ype 7) ENGYDB ( 12, 25) . GMAXDB(l2, 25) GMINDB(l2,25) Monthly energy, GWh (not MWh). Monthly maximum output, MW. Monthly minimum output, MW. Mandatory Input for Energy Sto~~ge (TYpes 8-10) GENES(l2,25) PONDES(l2,25) Monthly generator rating, MW. Replaces CAPDB that was used in OGP"!!5. Monthly storage, MWh. Replaces HRDB that was used in OGP-5. 4-8 ' I ' :i ' l ' fl i ) J n \.. j n ' i !, J ~.· .. ·1 j • • j t J n ' I L j fl J L J r ! 1 ---~- I ~ t!' N .... I "7 '{, I "r t I "1 . t I "fj . • ~' I . ., ! L I '11 -i L I ' .f) I r L I L• I r 'I f.' a.,' I L I u I I ~ ~ -:r _J.,.J & I I • .l.J. I ' ~ ~·~· l . ~ :j;:~ '1-•t •·":1 GENERATING UNIT DATA (Continued) Mandatory Input for Energy Storage (Types 8-10) (Continued) PUMPES(l2,25) Monthly pump rating, MW. Replaces POWlDB that was used in OGP-5 • Optional_Input for all Units (Types 1-10) ** DK"WDB( 25) KRETDB(25) MINTDB(25) MRETDB(25) Plant cost, $/kW • Year of retirement (4 digits). e.g., 1995. Month of installation. ecg., 5 if installed in May. Omit if installed in Janua1:-y. Month of retirement • e.g., 5 if retired at beginning of May. Omit if retired at beginning of January. Option.al Input for The.rmal Units (Types 1-6) ** FMAXDB ( 25) Fuel input at maximum ratings MBtu/hr. If FMAXDB < 1. 0, program will interpret the valae as per unit and the actual value used will b~ computed as FMAXDB*~eat Rate*MW*O.OOl. ff* FMINDB( 25) Fuel input at minimtm rating, MBtu/hr. HRDB(25) l?MAXDB( 25) If FMINDB < 1. 0, program will interpret the value as per unit and the actual value used will be computed as FMINDB*Heat Rate*MW*O.OOl. Net stat.ion heat rate, Btu/i<:Wh. Production cost Fating, ~i. Omit if same as GAPDB. If P~..AXDB < 1. 0, program will interpret the unit ar:d the actual value used will be PMAXDB* CAPDB .• value as pet'• computed as ~* PMINDB( 25) --MW output at minimum rating. NOTE: If PMINDB < 1 ~ 0, program will interpret the value as per unit and t.h~ actual value used will be computed as PMINDB~(Production cost rating). If the user qesires a value of zero to be assigned to a certain variable, a -1 must be ;i..np~:b to inhibit the Data Preparation Program from assigning a valu~ fr:oom the standard tab+es. This will alert the Data Preparation Pr•ogram to storf'~ a zero~ Data of this type is preceded by **. 4-9 ! -~ Iii I I ( I ( l [ r~ l I ~ t~ GENERATING UNIT DATA (Continued) _Optional Input for Thermal Units (Types 1-6) {Continued) KPLDB(25) INORDB(25) ** FORDB(25) ** PORDB(25) ** MPATDB(25) KFIDB(25) KFTDB(25) MRDB(25) ** OMDB( 25) ** OMVDB(25) Plant index. Assigns individual units to plants. Maximum value = 100. Original installation year of stretch units (4 digits). e.g., 1980. Mature forced outage rate, P.U. Mature planned outage rate, P.U. Manual maintenance pattern (Maximum value = 25). (Manual maint~~nance patterns are defined in Data Prep input.) Fuel cost inflation pattern (Maximum value = 20). (Fuel cost inflation patterns are defined by the Data Prep input.) Fuel type ID (Maximum value= 20). (Fuel types are defined by the Data Prep input.) Minimum uptime rule. Rule -1 Must run unit. Rule 1 If commit ted, must r•un all week. Rule 2 If committed for weekqay, must run for all weekdays. If committed for weekend, must run all weekend. Rule 3 If committed, must run all hours in commitment zone. Fixed O&M, $/kW/yr. Variable O&M. $/hr/MW or $/MWh. (See NDVOM variable in Generation Planning input.) Optional Input for Nuclear Units (Types 1 and 5 or 6) FUBCDB(5, 25) Nuclear fuel burn-up costs, sd/MBtu .. Must supply all 5 data entries if this variable is used. FUICDB( 5t 25) Nuclear fuel inventory costs, $/kW/yr. Must supply all 5 data entries if this variable is used. NOTE: If the user desires a value of zero to be assigned to a certain variable, a -1 must be input to inhibit the Data Preparation Program from assigning a value from the standard tablesG This will alert the Data Preparation Program to store a zero. Dat~ of this type is preceded by **· 4-10 ,, .......... i~','\"l'f'r-7'-~~···---,.-----~-1"'>--\_;'"--~--···-··---··-------~-------····---·-····---------------~------- f ':;, 'I I ,... . ...., '-\ rl r1 l c J n 1 I .J rl t I ~ J r{ ~ l 'i L J r , --I L ) .J ' ' 4. .,_ '~ ~-~. ~ M r,: m r;:} M r~ ! ~~: I i ~~ I r l ! ( ~ i 1 ( t tJ I~ 1 L. f f' L ,_, lj t# ( L; IJ f l~.; l t ~ ... [ L~ L I w.: t l L D k, GENERATING UNIT DATA (Continued) Q£tional Input for Non-Nuclear Thermal Units (!Ypes 1-6) CMBTU(25) Fuel cost, ~/MBtu. Replaces FPCTDB and F CDB that we1•e usnd ~n OGP-5. Optional Environmental Input, OGP-6A, for Thermal Units (Types 1-6) ** ELIMDB(25) Energy limit override of ELIMIT input in Data Prep. 0 = No limit. > 0 and ~ 1.0 = Capacity factor limit. < 1.0 = Actual MWh limit. ** HREJDB(25) Heat rejection into atmosphere, p .. u. Override of HREJ (Data Prep input). 1.0 -HREJDB rejected into water~ ** PREFDB(25) Precipitator efficiency, p.u. ** SOffi.IDB( 25) Sulfur removal, p .• u. ** CFWCDB(2,25) Water consumption coefficients. (1) = gals/hre (2) = gals/MWh. ** CFCODB(3,25) Carbon monoxide coefficients .. (1) = lbs/hr. (2) = lbs/MWh. (3) = scalar. ** CFNODB(3,25) Nitrogen oxide coefficients. (1) = lbs/hr. ( 2) = lbs/MWh. (3) = scalar. ** CFPTDB(3,25) Particulate coefficientse (1) = lbs/hr. (2) = lbs/MWh. (3) = scalar. NOTE: If the user desires a value of zero to be assigned to a certain variable, a -1 must be input to inhibit the Data Preparation Program from assigning a value from the standard tables. This will alert the Data Preparation Program to store a zero. Data of this type is preceded by **· 4-11 p < ' I I ( ( I ( L l l MODIFYING AN EXISTING GENERATION MODEL In addition to being used to create a Generation Model from scratch, the Generation Model Program can be used to modify an existing Generation Model by overriding characteristics of units on the Generation Model, and by including additional units on the Generation Model. The NAMELIST input variables used are the variables used to create a Generation Model from scratch and are listed on pages 4-8 through 4-11. When modifying the characteristics of units on an existing Generation Model, the variable NREAD indicates the record on the existing Generation Model to be modified by the next NAMELIST input data set. Because the program reads in a record from the existing Generation Model, makes the necessary changes to it, and writes it on the new Generation Model (refer to the steps listed on page 4-3), the records must be modified in the same order as they appear on the existing Generation Model. Within a record, specific units are referred to by their position among the 25 possible units. This position number (from 1 to 25) is the subscript used to indicate that a certain change applies to a certain unit. Examples of data entries if the unit to be modified is the 5th unit in the record follow: Single subscript Double subscript CAPDB(5)=1000, FUBCDB(l,5)=5*130, NAMEDB(l,5):1 FLAT STATION', If a record on the existing Generation Model contains less than the maximum of 25 units, additional units can be appended to that record by setting, in the override data f'or that record, IMAX equal to the new total number of units to be included on that recordp and by inputting the necessary unit characteristics. If IMAX=O, the entire record will be ignored and will not be included on the new Generation Model. To add records to an existing Generation Model, the variable MANUAL=l, must appear in the general data. The NAMELIST input data sets describing the additional units will appear in the data f'ile after the overrides to the existing units. The following is the general format of the NAMELIST input data file, consisting of several data sets, used to make changes to an existing Generation Model. $INPUT IDl = ID2= Each NAMELIST data set must begin with $INPUT and end with a closing $. See General Data, page 4-5. 4-12 n r'l i ' j r1 I ' ! ' 1 n rl L .J n ll L j r1 i l .. ~ ,-l l ! 1 l j \_ ) .~ ~ ~ ! I , J I ( ( l [ l l l . ,, ... _," ..,. l r r r L .14; Ji J..i, J\iODIFYINC .. ~N EXISTING GENERATION MODEL (Continued) NEW= NH.EAD = ____ , MANUAL = ----' l-17 = $INPUT ---- Override Data $ NREAD = $ $INPUT Override Data Nii:EAD = $ $INPUT Override Data NREAD = 0$ $INPUT IMA:X. = New Unit Data See General Data, page 4-5. Points to the Generation Model record to be modified by the next data set. 0 = No new records will be added. 1 = Generating unit data for new records will be supplied. See General Data, page 4-5. Beginning of the next NAMELIST input data set. Data containing changes to be made to generating units on the record pointed to by the value of NREAD from above .. Generation Model record to be modified by the next NAMELIST input data set. Data containing changes to be made to generating units on the record pointed to by the last value of NREAD that was read in. Generation Model record to be codified by the next NAMELIST input data set. Data containing changes to be made to generating units on the record pointed to by the last value of NREAD that was read in. Indicates the end of overrides to units on the existing Generation Model • Number of generating units being described by this data set. Generating unit data describing the units to be included on the first new record to be added to the Generation Model. 4-13 ' • J I I ( I f ''"' I l l L t l MODIFYING AN EXISTING GENERATION MODEL (Continued) KMORE = ~ $INPUT IMA.X = New Unit Data KMORE = 1$ 0 = More sets of generating unit data will be supplied. 1 = Current set is the last set of data. Generating unit data describing the units to be included on the next new record to be added to the Generation Model. 4-14 ~_~:;:::_~::;;;::::;:;,::::-.;::;:":"_-;-:.,. I - -\ ' ) ' J r1 r· ! l ' J f t l } r ., I i . I t ,1 I ' t j I ( ( ' I l [ ,1 t t L F !i I h l.L , u ~L , ~· 1..t:. f tt 1.. I ..., JOB SETUP Listed below is a typical input file for the Generation Model Program. An explanation of the function of specific lines in this file is found on page 2-16 of this manual. 100 BCR NEW GENERATION MODEL;SIZE(l,xx) 110 BRU * 120 BEN l30fJ/INOR..ll1 140$:PROGRAM:RLHS 150$:LIMITS:02,25K,,lOK 160$:PRMFL:H*,E,R,AQ53093/.GNMD6 170$:PRMFL:Ol,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL GENERATION MODEL 180$:PRMFL:02,W,S,AQ43xxx/NEW GENERATION MODEL 190$:DATA:15 20Q$:REMOTE:06 210$:REMOTE:07 220 Name 230 Address 240 City, State, Zip 250 Additional Mailing 260 Information 270 User ID 300 $INPUT • Data " 1000 Last input must end with $ NOTE: If permanent space in Background had been created previously, DELETE 100 BCR NEW GENERATION MODEL;SIZE(l,xx) If the Generation Model is to be created from scratch, DELETE 170$:PRMFL:Ol,R,S,AQ43xxx/ORIGINAL GENERATION MODEL 4-15 E 11 I I ( l L SAMPLE DATA FilES The following pages show data files used to cr~~ate a Generation Model from scratch and to modify an existing Generation Model.. The following comments apply to the specific files: CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH 1. The new Gener~tion Model is called tl-1FILE1.. This file is created by line 100 and written to by line 170e 2. The general data is on lines 300 through 3-40o 3. The first record of the Generation Model, d(:!scribed by lines 350 through 470 1 will contain 15 units. 4. The second record, described by lines 480 through 610, will contain three units. 4-16 fl n ' ( t J ("l ; 1 i , I l j f'l l '[ I j L • I i l ..f : I L, J L} I I I., ~ .l ' ' f I I I I I (' I ~~ ~ '<.r.;;t ... ~ t ri I ~~::::;.. (.!:: ... ~~- f, ii I. t ,;1' "J l l~ l Js~ l . ~'11 LIST GMFILEl GMFILE1 15:50EST 04/07/83 100 BCR GMFILE1;SIZE<1,200) 110 BRU * 120 BEN 130 ttNORM 140 $:PROGRAM:RLHS 150 t:LIMITS:02,25K,,10K 160 S:PRMFL:H*rE,RPAG43093/,GNMD6 170 $tPRHFL:02,w,s,AG43005/GMFILE1 180 f:IIATA: 15 190 f:REMOTE:06 200 .$:REMOTE: 07 210 SIX liNES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, 220 PHONE NUMBER, HARK III USER ID 230 240 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE 250 260 NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLDN 300 $INPUT 310 ID1='GMFILE1'r 320 ID2='CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH', 330 NEW=lr 340 M7=7$ 350 $INPUT 360 IMAX=15r 370 NAMEDB= 380 'SEASHORE 01SEASHORE 02HARBOR 01LINCOLN 01STATESIDE 01', 390 'HARBOR-BT 01HARBOR-GT 02RIVERSIDE 01RIVERSIDE 02NORTH SIDE01', 400 'BLUE LAKE 01MIDLINE OlMIDLINE 02FRONTIER 01BAY VIEW Ol'r 410 KINDB=2*1' 3*2' 4*3' 2*4' 2*5' 2*6' 420 KCODB=15*1' 430 INSTDB=70,78,48,50r75,60,65,75,a2,56r67,52r73,58,ao, 440 CAPDB=2*960,135,250,750,50,2*100,150r300r400,300,400,170r550r 450 HRDB<3>=12000, 460 FDRDB=.15r 470 KMDRE=O$ 480 $INPUT 490 IMAX=3, 500 NAMEDB= 510 'CONV.HYD OlCONV.HYD 020TTER PSH ', 520 INSTDB=50,65,7S, 530 KINDB=2*7'8' 540 KCOIIB=3*1, 550 GMINDB=3*30r6*40,3*20t12*10, 560 GMAXDB=3*50'6*60'3*50, 12*100, 570 ENGYDB=3*32'6*38r3*28, 12*60, 580 GENES(1,3)=12*300, 590 PUMPES<1,3>=12*320, 600 PONDESC1r3)=12*2400, 610 KMORE=1$ REAIIY 4-17 I . lf I i I ' ! I I I I I I I [ ( I t [ l l ""*"' MODIFY AN EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 1. The existing Generation Model is called GMFILEl, read in by line 170. 2. The new Generation Model is called GMFILE2. This file is created by line 100 and written to by line 180. 3. NREAD=l, (line 330) says that the next set of NAMELIST input data (lines 360 through 380) applies to record 1·. ~. MANUAL=l, (line 340) informs the program that data will be supplied for new records to be added to the Generation Modele 5. Line 37·0 overrides the installation year of the ninth unit in record 1. 6. Lines 390 through 410 apply to the second record on the existing Generation Model (because NREAD=.2, in line 380). 7. Lines 420 through 480 contain characteristics of the unit to be included on the new record to be appended to the existing Generation Model. l~-18 • fl l ! \_ J Fj J I j n J j L~ lf l .J I : ' ~ f I I -hi I ., ., ! I I ~· ... t ~ 'V·~'>; r~ I - r-"- 1 ' I r I ·c-- I . J I 4 [ ' ' 11 ! t,,,~) [ !) [ ~~ l l ·~'~ LIST GMFILE2 GMFILE2 15:51EST 04/07/83 100 BCR GMF!LE2;SIZE<1,200) 110 BRU * 120 BEN .130 ttNORM 140 s:PROGRAM:RLHS 150 s:LIHI!Sl02,25K,,lOK 160 $:PRMFLlH*'E'R,AG43093/.GNMD6 170 s:PRMFL:01,R,SrAG43005/GHFILE1 180 t:PRMFL:02rW,S,A943005/GHFILE2 190 s:I•ATAl15 200 s:REMOTE:06 210 s:REHOTE:07 220 SIX LINES OF USER NAMEr ADDRESS, 230 PHONE NUMBER' HARK III USER ID 240 250 TYPE OF HAIL SERVICE 260 270 NOTE -DO NOT USE CHARACTER COLON 300 $INF'UT 310 ID1='GHFILE2'' 320 ID2='MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL'r 330 NREAD=1r 340 HANUAL=1, 350 H7=7$ 360 $INPUT 370 INSTDBC9)=84, 380 NREAD=2$ 390 $INPUT 400 PUMPES(1,3>=12*325r 410 NREAit=O$ 420 $INPUT 430 IMAX=1r 440 NAMEDB=12HCOAL 87 ' 450 KINDB=2, CAPDB=400r 460 I NSTitB=B7, 470 HRDB=lOOOOr 480 KMORE=1.$ READY 4-19 I I I I I I I I I I t L L L SAMPLE OUTPUT late a Generation Model from Scratch The following pages contain the output from a run of the -Generation Model Program (.GNMD6), using the data file on page 4-17, to create a Generation Model from scratch. The bulk output (Report 06) begins with a heading page containing the information that was on lines 210 through 260 of the data file. This is followed by a listing of the NAMELIST input data that was useJ. The units stored on the Generation Model and their characteristics, as theY were input, are then listed. The units are grouped according to records with a maximum of 25 units to a record. Page 4-28 is the summary output (Report 07) that can be received via the terminal if M7=7 was in the NAJ.~ELIST input file. It lists the NAMELIST data records that were read. If any errors occurred during the run, the error messages toJould also print on this page • 4-20 ~-- ! r1 1 \ 1 tl ' { J f} ' ' i l L J f"l l 'l i ' ' ) rl L J / ) ... ..., .. .... ·--.,.. ~ .. • -t 111 .. • I ...- "' I' -~ .. , _ .. _~ .,., ,. 4 • ' z:. .:. !' _.,. ~ ,f) ~ ~ • .... "' r- f ., .J::" I 1\) 1-' r,._ r!""·~- t1 ~- n .. -. >. L l t- N 0 I .Ia .. -D. I ' ~· .. " ~ ; II: A g .. Jl ..I ~ ~ 0 :t .r--~ l ....... r-. !, ... · .• ~ l.~ ~ ~~ :.-. 11111 ;ra ~ _. "-l .., .~ ~1 ~ •. 0!'>•31 ta3 1 00111< T • GN!1[)G Ul'W I L.t:.l Cl~l! ATE GENE':RA 1' I ON I'IOflf::L FROI·1 SC'RA 'fCH ~•~••~w•~~~~•••••**'*****~**~*****~•••ww~c•~•-¥•#•t•• "''" ""'"~·~ ~"' "" .~·Jx:r. * "'"' "~,,..,, .~ * ><'J """"' :o" ~-*"'' "' ~"' *"'"''"~.:~·• *"'·•~: .. :~·•: t:o: ** *"' ** COP'fHIGHT 19?' 1 t GFNI:RAL El E'C:TRI C CONP1\I'IY "'* *"' • llN11fll) Pl•!(~t":l'tl\11 f'l 1131 I SHt'n (tl'fl '( iN J'-L I 11 I 'I I'::D , ** :!<:!: 1,;1,11• '(I (I "Gill Sl· fJ~il·, 1\tlb ALL R Jl.:lil I :i I I NGI J 11.•1 1-113 ~('« ·~ THADE S~:cw:; r HtnHTS, AI~E HF ::;I;[~'JEI). '* >.<:t "'* ~•••w~t•******'**'************•~••, ~•:o;Pw•~•T*"'*****>~* *"'**"~~·······~··············'**'kt••·~~·f··········· I MAILING LABEL-SEE SECTION 2 FOR INSTRUCTIONS. I ••~***************************&**************'***~*****••r•~******9**1******~1~••~~******* ******~**************~~***•*****$******#******~****'**~••••~•****~**********•trxw1•******* ** ** ** ** ** *"' ** ** ** ** ** MAIL OUTPUT TO *·"' ** "'* •• Jl(ll( ** ** ** SIX Ll NES OF USER NA1'1E, J!\001\ESS I ** ** Jllll< ·~· PHONE NUMBER, 11ARI<. Ill USER iD ** :ttlk ** li!JI: TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE ** ** *• ** NOTE -DO NOT USE CH£1RAGTER COLON ** ** >i<lOt ** ** ** ** ** ** *"' ** ** ** ** ** ***************************************•***********************************t~tT***"'******* **********ll:****'**lOt***********'********~···········~·-~·•t•••·~···~··,··~····~~··········¥ ',1 !.f ....... ~~:~ ] 4tl~ ~Hr #~t - 1iiliiiiiiill <!~ n ~......-.------· ---- n t ......... ~ ... , iliiiiiiiii -·--=-~ } . ,: ' . • ./ ,>. ) ~ • • .. y a £"": r r ..J:= I {\) {\) r ,.- l_ \,( .. c I ., • .. ii I ~ • ~ > " £ ~ a: .. ~ "' Jl i ~ ~ • Q GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL rROGRAM ,GNMD6 V6,20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MOD I FY AN OGP t::JENERAT I ON 110DEL. GMFILE1 CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH Ll S II NG OF INPOI OAIA 1 SIX LINES OF USER NAME, ADDRESS, 2 PHONE NUMBER, MARK Ill USER ID 3 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE q I'IU It:. -uu t'IIJ I U~E. -C:HARACTE.R C:OLON 5 SINPUT 6 ID1='Gr-1FILE1' I 7 ID2='CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH', ts Nt:.W= I I 9 M7=7S 10 $INPUT 11 IMAX=15, IC::: '"" ·~~~'" 13 'SEASHORE OJ SEASHORE 02HARBOR OJ LINCOLN OlSTATESJ DE 01 ', 14 'HARBOR-GT OIHARBOR-GT 02RIVERSIDE 01RIVERSIDE 02NORTH SIDEOl', 15 'BLUE LAKE OIMIDLINE 01MIDLINE 02FRONTIER OIBAY VIEW 01. J 1-16 KINDB=2xl, 3i2, 4x3, 2:~~4, 2:~~5, 2:~~6, 17 KCODB=15*1, 18 INSTDB=70,78 1 48,50,75,60,65,75,82,~6,67,52,73,58,80, 19 CAPDB=2*960, 135,250,750,50,2•100,150,300,400,300,400,170,550, c:::u NI'<Ut) I ;.j J -' I C:::UUIJ 1 21 FORDB=. 15, 22 KMORE=O$ 23 SINPUT 24 IMAX=:J 1 25 NAME DB= 26 'CONV.HYD 01CONV.HYD 020TTER PSH 27 INSTDB=50,65,78, ~~ Kl riUI::)=C:::ll:/1 ~. 29 KCODB=3•1, 30 GMINDB=3*30,6*40,3*20,12~10, 31 GMAXDB=3*50,6*60,3*50, 12"'100, ;s;;,:: l:.rll;ilUI::)~;sx;s;,:, o* <Hl, "'"' i:!~, 1 ~"' 60, 33 GENESt1,3J=J2•300, 34 PUMPESC1,3l=12•320, 35 PONDES<1,3J=l2*2400, 06 KMORt:.=l$ I CRFATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCB l ------· . r ~-r' . .. ---, 0---.., '-· ~~·; ...... "" ....... ,. ~~-IJ '-~,--4 "'-~~ .. .... ----...__ ~ - PAGE 1 JOB NUMBER tOOOKT 05/31/83 14. 159 00000210 00000220 00000240 UUliUI.I:.:!ou I GENERAL DATA J 00000300 00000310 00000320 00000330 --- 00000340 OOOD0350 00000360 u0CI00370 0000(1380 DATA FOR UNITS 00000390 ON RECORD 1 00000400 oOooolfTO 00000420 00000430 00000440 UUliVllLt :>U 00001)460 00000470 00000480 ooCJ0L•'49o 00000500 DATA FOR UNITS 00000510 00 RECORD 2 00000520 ooool•o3o 00000540 00000550 00000560 001iUl1::170 00000580 00000590 00000600 UUliUI.Iti 1 U I ------... _____ ... ,., ___ ·~·-·~-.. ---........ I ! 1 J l l • .--~ '-~ _, .. .J _,; ~ ~- -::-</ . --4 ~ r---~ [ il-....rj f" r--~ ~ ~ I~ L..., ~ Jlill ... ,.,. :¢c_FJi\! ~ ~tid 'iiiiiiiilill -~ .:1::' I f\) w " t g I • • ... ii a ~ ., ~ }-;; a: & ; " . I '· GENERAL ELF.CTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMD6 V6,20 PfiOGRAM TO CREATE OR MOD I FY AN OGP 13ENERA T I ON 110DEL GMFILEl CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH RECoRDS WRITTEN 10 NEw GENERA110N MOOEL c p RATING **** FUEL ***'* T 0 L HT RATE MW/P,U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I T ~ DIU/ r..wN \ t.:AI-') IF I XED J I'I:A 1 E Y N COST p I INSTL RETIRE PCT (FMAXl CPMAXJ <VARIBJ <PORl P F C/ S/KW/ ID STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN CFMINl (PMINl S/KW/YR CFORJ E L MBTU YEAR } -~ro-•~"-UJ l l u lO U u u u. u. !:lt>U,U u. u. 0 u u. u, o. o. o. o. 150 o. o. o. o. o. 0, 0, o. o. o. o. 2 SEASHORE_ 02 1 1 0 78 0 0 0 o. o. 960,0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. u. u. u. u. o. o. o. o. o. 3 .. ~ .. ~~ .. Ul Z ~ 0 46 u 0 u {j, 12UOO, 135.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 1 0 50 0 0 0 o_. o. 2!50.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 5 STATESIDE 01 2 1 0 75 0 0 0 .o. o. 750.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 6 HARBOR-GT 01 3 1 0 60 0 0 0 o. o. !50.0 o. o. 0 0 o. c. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. 7 HARBCJR~GT 02 3 i 0 6!5 0 0 0 o. 0. ioo.o o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 3 1 0 75 0 0 0 0. 0. 100.() o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. I INFORMATION WRITTEN ON NEW GENERA'l'~ON MODEL I -.. ----· . -= .. -· -. ---·· ~ -~ -· \ d PAGE 2 JOB NUMBER 05/31/83 'i J 1000KT i4. 159 ,,.., 1 uCOEFFI Ct ENTSu CARBON MC'INCJXIDE LIM I T S HI:.A 1 REJ N I I t<UI.:il::l'f OX I DE ( ENGY) S02 REM_. PART! CULATE CFUELl PREC EFF WATER CONSUM u. u. u. o. u. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. u. 0, o. o. 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0 . o. o. o. . o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. 0, o. o . 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0, o. o. 0. o. o. o. o . 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0, o. o. o. o. 1). o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. D. o. u. u. ------· ---. . -.. ... - , ~ e. e• ' -., u I (J Z' --------•. . .. -, '' __;..---. (I . _..--},• --- r-- I ·i i- .f,::' I 1\) .f,::' ! ~ !At ..... ~ !" .~ io ~ ~ L~ <-. ~ ~ ~ -~ ·~ k, -• ~~~~~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMD6 V6.20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION MODEL GMFILEl CREATE GENERATION MODEL FROM SCRATCH WKI I lt.N 10 Nt.W ·-• ·-· , I I ON MUUt.L c p RATING uc:u• FUEL * * * * T 0 L HT RATE MW/P,U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I T A t:IIU/1\WN \\,;1\t"} \1"11\t:.UI t'(Ait:. ~ ~ ~~;:; 1 $/lf,W/ p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT CFMAXl \PMAXl CVARIBl !PORI 10 STATION NAME E D T YEAR 110 YEAR MO OWN ( FM IN l CPMINJ $/KW/YR !FOR! E L MBTU YE/11R ~ r-.avc.n;;:,luc. u2 3 I (:} 82 0 0 0 0. o. 1:!50. 0 o. o. 0 0 o. - o. -o. o. 0, o. o. o. 10 Nr.JRTH SlDEOl 4 1 0 56 0 0 0 0. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. -· 11 BLUE LAKE 01 4 1 0 67 0 0 0 o. 0, 4.00.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. v. JJ, u, 12 MIDLINE 01 5 1 0 52 0 0 0 o. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o. U, u. u. u. o. o. o. lOS MIULINt. Ui:! "::> I u lOS U u u u. u. .quu.u u. u. u 0 IQ, o .• o. o. 0 .. o. o. o. .. 0 .J, 14 FRONTIER 01 6 1 0 518 0 0 0 o. o. 170.0 o. o. o· 101 o. = o. o. 0. 0. ii: o. o. o. I :I Ill ; 15 BAY VIEW 011 6 1 0 80 0 0 0 o. o. 550,0 0. o. 0 ~;) o. > o. o. o. o. ., ~ u. u. u. .. ,.. .. _:,. -·~· "'t- LIMl 1..- CENGYl CFUELl u. 0, o. o. 0. o. o. u. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. 'liillliiilll!f ~ ~-~ PAGE 3 JOB NUMBER 1000KT 05/31/83 14. 159 uCOEFFICIENTSU CARBON MONOXIDE Ht.l\ I t<I:,J N I I t'(UI.:H::.l'! Ul\ I Ui:. 502 REM. PARTICULATE PREC EFF WATER CONSUM u. o. 0, o. o. 0. 0. o. o. (), o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o . o. o. o. u. u. u. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. ~~. o. 0,, o. o. IJ • o. 0. ((), o. o. ID .• 0, 1,1,, u. o. 10. 0. o. 10 • 0. u. 11.1. u. 0. o . ~ ****•~••n*********•*********************a* END OF OUTPUT' RECCJRCI 1 **~*n**~~·*~**•****•**'***•*~*********~*** A t 1 CONV.HYD 01 7 1 50 0 0 0 o. o( Jl. 110NTHLY MIN. = 3(1. 30. 30. 40, 4". 40. 40. 40. 40. 20. 201. I'ILII'f I FlCY MAX. = 50. 50 .. 5o. so. 60. so. -60. 60. 60. 50. 501. ( 110NTIIIL Y ENERGY : 3~L 32. 32, 38 .. 38. 38. 3B. 38 38. 28. 281. :;; I . . ·-~---------------- , .. ,.,-~ ,<--·' <-"' -, ,--. -~~"1 ,.-~ ~.-""!; .-·--_....., r -·~ ,. -·~"'1 l -1 '11 " ---~-_,__j.. '--·-·-~J \,.., _ _j l ·---' '--·-.... ...1 .__ ___ ..... . .._ .... " ___ _....., .__ __ ...... -.... "" ..; 'liirlllilllll ,~, o. o. 0. o. ('). o. I o. 0. o. o. u . o. ~:1 o. I o. o. o. o. o. u. 20. ! ou. 28. J ~ ~~ l ---.. .i ... r- .J:= I 1\) U1 ~ ,._.. iii, ~ I .. • ... ii ~ .. .. > II ~ ~ .. = "' Jl. I ! ~ r--r---~ ... 0 ~ '-~ ~ :~ '~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM ,GNMD6 V6.20 PROGR.I\M TO CREATE OR MOD I FY AN OGP GENERATION 110DEL GMFI LEI CREATE GENERATiON MODEL FROM SCRATCH ,._ ~.-. Bill lJII Ylll .......... ,..- PAGE 4 JOB NUMBER 05/31/83 --...t. ~ 1000KT t 4. 1 !59 'li'lliiiiiiii ·~ RECOROS WRI liEN 10 NEw GENERAtiON MoDEL c p RATING *lit** FUEL ***"' 1UCOEFFI Cl ENTSu T 0 L HT RATE MW/P,U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE T ~ o 1 wr.wn ~~~~~) II" I J\l:oU I I~A I t::o ~ ~ ~~~I $/!(W/ L I f'll I o::> Nl:o/~ I t<t::o.J N I I K\JUtN Ul\ I Ut p I INSTL RETIR~ PCT CFMAXl {VARIBl (PORl (ENGYl S02 REM. PARTICULATE ID STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO 0\.JN CFMINl CPMINl ~S/KW/YR CFORl E L MBTU YEAR CFUELl PREC EFF WATER CCJNSUM <! GONV, HYU U<! f 1 oo u u u u. MONTHLY MIN. " 10. 1 o. to. 1 o. 1 o. 10. to. 10. 1 o. 10. 1 o. 1 o. MONTHLY MAX. .. 100. tOO. 1'00. 100. 100. 100. 100, too. 100. 100. 100, 1 oo. MONTHLY ENERGY = 60. 60. 60, 60. 60. ao. 60. 60. 60, 60, 60. 60. 3 OTTER PSH e 1 78 0 0 0 o. MONTHLY GEN. Jl 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300, 300. 300. 3\00. 300. 300. MONTHLY PUMP • 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320 . 320. f'IUNINI..T t::oNtKuT -i::."'UU. i::."'IJU. i::."lUU, 2400, 2400. 2400. 2400. 24(10. <:!4UU. 2400. 24(.1U, 2400. lltll'lltlltlltll'll'llt~*·········*llt****~**"'llt~····~······ END OF OUTPUT RECORD 2 *****~***"'"'***~llt&llrllt********"'**********~*** ../ ----• o. -~ --· ' ---.. -~ ~ --. ' --- !W ~ ~ "' ,• I I I f mM)TE TERMINAL OUTPUT REPORT 07 WILL PRINT IF M7•7 INPUT. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED CE~!ERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMD6 v6.20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION MODEL JOB NUMBER lOOOKT 05/31/83 roc•ypTGUT 11 .,._, I \. • •• I 1971, '"',...li,.. c:·.,. I tj--!•l .......... \ -EL,..rTRTr !:. W I • ..a. \.J' NAMEL!ST DATA Rr::-.roc•r, .~w 4\.._ 1 HAS BEEN F~EAD Nt~MELISi DATA I<:• C' ;-' 0 F' [! , H?~s :BEEN F~E?1D . , ...... .._. \. .- NAMELIST fiAT A F:E:COF~D 7 ..... HAS BEEN F~EAD ****** END OF NAMELIST DATA CHECKING ****** EtiD OF NAMELIS!-DA,;.t WILL BE PRINTED 'I IF 00 FATAL DATA ERRORS OCCURRED. _, __ ___, • • 1 " I I A. T I A .... , .... II J., T A H" ' I,... or,,...,... ~~ F' .-. 0'"' r: c,... C' 'rl f.::...._ 1-1., ....... ::•Lt:. ,fi I I"!Y:::. J::-t:.:::.:~ i\ !,.,.,_,_,.:::: ......... INDICATES PROGRAM EXEaJTED NORMALLY .f 4-26 I PROGRAM WILL CIIECK ALL Nlii!ELIST DATA J 1 FOR ERRORS PRIOR ro EXECUTION • I .1 rl ('1,1' ,, ~I l, I "' J I I . 1: ' '~ I . l ' 1 ~ I I I I '~ IJ t l~ L' L SAMPLE OUTPUT (Continued) SAMPLE OUTPUT FROM A RUN TO MODIFY AN EXISTING GENERATION 1\tODEl The following pages contain the bulk output from a run of the Generation Model Program ( .. GNMD6) using the data file on page 4-19, to modify an existing Generation Model. Unlike the case where the Generation Model was created from scratch, this output includes two listings of units: the first is the existing Generation Model as it was read in; the second is the new Generation Model with all of the changes and additions that were specified by the NAMELIST input data. 4-27 1";. !; :J I . . .. ~ r L~. ..t=' I f\) co GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMDG V6.20 PROGRA11 TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION 110DEL PAGE 1 GMF I LE2 JOB NUMBER 1 025K T MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 05/31/83 14.263 CISIING OF INPUt DAtA 1 sIX Ll NES OF USER NAf1E I ADDRESS I 00000220 2 PHONE NUMBER, MARK lit USER I D 00000230 3 TYPE OF MAIL SERVICE 00000250 ~ 1'11..111:. -UU I'IU I U::>t:. I,;HARACTE::.R COLON OOUv<.•GtV ~~ 5 SINPUT 00000300 J 6 I D 1:. GI1F I LE2 I • 0000031 0 GENERAL DATA 7 I 02: '1'100 l FY EX I STING GENERA Tl ON MODEL' 1 00000320 a NREAu~t. aoooo33o 9 MANUAL=!, 00000340 1o M7=7s ooooo3so [I"'U"'"V"ES ro UNITS I ll SINPUT 00000360 ~~ 12 INSIDB\9)=64 1 000003~ 00 RECORD 1- 13 NREAD=2S 00000380 ~ - 14 $INPUT 00000390 I I' 1 5 PUr1PEs ( 1 • 3,"' 1 2* 325 I ooooo4 oo CHANGES ro UNITS _ 1 b l'lt'<t:.Au=u:s; uuuvl.I<J 1 v CN RECORD 2 17 SlNPUT 00000420 te IMAX=l, 00000430 19 NAMEDB= 12HCOAL 67 J 00000440 ° I O<!v ~<.11'106=2, CAPDB=4DD, oOoou45o UNITS 'lQ BE ADDED 21 , NsToe=a71 ooooo46o ro GENERATION M:>DEL J 22 HRDB=IOOOO, 00000470 23 KMORE=lS 00000480 ------------------------------------------- 1 MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL I N~----------------------~================~------------------0 I .. • ... -nr----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ .. ~ ftr-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---~ § fr---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t "' II. ~ I ---·-, .. --·--·--·-. -----.. ·- ~-~ ... --, .;..._ ~-· __J ,-~··· ~- r---, '.__,.<,.,.-____t ., ..... __ ~ I ---, ""', ,., _j J ~ .. ~~ ""..-1 _; __ ,---,---~--·,--,~-----_,-~-·--~~---"--'~Jec:Jffiilufd50 ·-- '""'! .J 'I j l .J .· . J 1111"•.}•. . i i ' ; l .1 1 -::;:::' ! j r-- .t= I N \0 &- . - ' !Milt ~.-..... ·~ L~ 1..~ ~ 1.~ ..... lliiilil ~ JIT-r---c-~ ~ :J!Ii!ll!l ~ ~!l!lll!ll ~ . ~~ ~~ \ GENERAL ELECTRIC COI"'PANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .. GNMD6 VS, 20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION 110DEL PAGE 2 - JOB NUMBER 1025KT GMFILE2 MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 05/31/83 14.263 KI:.I.;UtWS READ FKUI"l UK I u I NAL GENI:.KA I I Ul'l ~10DEL c p RATING * li<Jt * FUEL *""u UCOEFFI Cl ENTS** T 0 L HT RATE. MW/P.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE y A BTU/KWH (CAPl lFIXEDJ RATE Y N COST Lll'll TS HEAT REJ Nl TROGEN OXIDE p l N lNSTL RETl RE PCT ( FMAX) ( PMA>O ( VAR I B) ( POR) P F C/ $/KW/ (ENG'() S02 REM, PART I CULATE 10 STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO 'fEAR MC1 OWN CFI11Nl CPMINl S/KW/YR CFCIRl E L MBTU YEAR CFUEL) PREC EFF WATER CONSUM 1 SEASHORI:. 01 1 I 0 70 0 0 0 o. o. 960,0 o. o. 0 0 u. o. o. o. ~. o. "(), o. o. o. 0.150 0. 0. o. o. •0. o, o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. '~:{ 0.·· ;' 2 SEASHORE 02 1 1 0 78 0 0 0 0, o. 960.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. . 0. o . o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. _ ;J HAm31:JR. 01 z T 0 46 u l) u o. 12000. 13::>,0 o. o. 0 0 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. 0 . o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 1 0 ~0 0 0 0 o. 0. 250.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0. 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. a. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ,,,,..._-o. 0. ''f -~ . ~- 5 STATESIDE 01 2 1 0 75 0 0 0 o. o. 750.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. N o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0 I 0. o. ,. ., .. i 6 HARBOR-GT 01 3 1 0 60 0 0 0 o. o. !50.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o . 0. o. o. o. ~ o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ~ o. .o. .. ~ 7 HARBOR-GT 02 3 1 0 65 0 0 0 o. o. 1001,0 o . o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, 0. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. £ o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. a .. ; B RIVERSIDE 01 3 1 0 75 0 0 0 o. o. 100.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. • o . o. o. o. o. o. o. .J o . o. ~ I ORIGINAL GENERATlON [>'()DEL READ IN I ~ EJea 1ndu1 d!X> ,_ ~.!;- i) r ..J:= I w 0 r:· k GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNM06 V6.20 PROGI"AM 10 CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION 110DEL PAGE 3 GMFlLE2 JOB NUMBER 1 02!5KT MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 05/31/83 14.263 RECIJRDs READ FRoM ORIGINAL GEI'IERAT I ON f1oOEL c p RATING ***·* FUEL **** UCCIEFFI Cl ENTSU T 0 L HT RATE MW/P.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE ~ ~ ~IU/1\WH fCA-pJ TFTXIWJ RATE Y N COST LIMITS HEAT REJ N I I KIJI.:i!:.N (JJ\ I Ut:. l INSTL RETIRE PCT (FMAXl (PMAX) CVARIB) (POR) P F C/ S/I<.W/ CENGYl 502 REM. PARTICULATE I D STA Tl ON NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN (FI11 N) CPMiN) S/KW/YR (FORl E L MBTU YEAR <FUEL) PREC EFF WATER COI'ISUM 9 RIVI:.K~IUI:. 02 3 1 u 62 u u u u. o. 150.0 0. o. 0 u u. u. u. u. u. o. 0. 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 10 NORTH SIDEOl 4 1 0 !56 0 0 0 o. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o. a. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 11 BLUE LAKE 01 4 1 0 67 0 0 0 o. o. 400.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. (), o. o. 0. o. o. o. o . 12 MIDLINE 01 !5 1 0 52 0 0 0 o. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 13 Ml OLI ~E 62 5 I 0 73 0 0 0 o. o. 400,0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. s I 14 FRClNTI ER 01 6 1 0 56 0 0 0 o. o. 170.0 o. 0. 0 0 0 . o. o. o. o. o. .. • o. o . o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. ... 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. I 0. o. ~ 15 BAY VIEW 01 6 1 0 80 0 0 0 o. o. 5!50.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. > o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. = ~ o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. J-~ ~~····*·~················~·········~······ END OF INPUT RECORD 1 *****************************-*********~·- A ,21 '0 : :X I ------------· -·-- " -·· --·· ~-· ~--'! r-"• --1 ,_ ····~1 -~~ ..... , \ i ] ..,., ··' ... J k.. .,_ ~-. ..__ -.~J ~~-.--1 '-· ·~ ...... ...,_ __ ...;.: c::::_-_:·-~ ~t-r-·-"-· ..J ~ ~-·- D'lDI'I. uufu1 _.nl"'l ··,.,, :·' .. , ...... ... • ·, .. :. ..• . 2;' ·,-./ .~ I I I I !'/' -· -~"1~ f.'\ • I ~ ... ~J j •::~ ~ ! t; r-"" .t:::;- 1 w 1-' r-&---r~ ... ~ ~ [~ [l!!!l!llil!ll ~ [~ '!!!!!l'J!!!l '· . 'l!!!l!fi!f ··~ :~ :,.. ~ ~ iP~ ~ GENERAL ELECT.R I C COr·tPANY, EUSED GENERAT I 01'1 MODEL PROGRAM . GNMD6 V6, ?.0 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MOO I FY AN OGP 13ENERAT I ON 110DEL GMF'ILE2 MODIFY EXIST:NG GENERATION MODEL RECORDS READ FRoM ORIGINAL GENERATION 1'10DEL- PAGE 4 JOB NUMBER 05/31/83 102~KT 14.263 c 0 p L ;.r: RATING :!t:I:U FUEL uu uCOEFFICIEN'rSu HT RATE MWJP.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE T y p E BID/KwH <CAP> CFIXED> RAIE y N CoSI LIMI Is HEAT REJ Nl IRdGEN oxJO~ RETIRE PCT CFMAX> CPMAX> CVARIB) (PORl P F C/ $/KW/ CENGY) S02 REM. ~'ARTICULATE YEAR MO OWN CFM!Nl (PMIN) $/KW/YR (FOR) E L MBTU YEAR CFUEL> PREC EFF WATER CONSUM ID STATION NAME I 0 N INSTL T YEAR MO 1 CONV.HVD 01 7 1 50 0 o v MONTHLY MIN. 2 30. 30. MONTHLY MAX. "' 50, 50, MONTHLY ENERGY = 32. 32. u. o. 30, 40. 40. 40. 50. 60. 60. 60. 32. 30. 36. 38. 2 CONV.HYD 02 7 1 65 0 0 0 MONTHLY MiN. "' 10. 10. 10. tO. 10, 10. I MONTHLY MAX. = 1 00. 1 00. 1 00 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. ~·IONIHLV ENERG'i' = Go. Go. 6o: 60. 60, Go. 40. 40. 40. 60. 60. 60. 36. 36. 36. 10.. 10. 10. 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 60. 60. 6lr. 20. 50. 28. 1 o. 100, -mr; 20. 50. 28, 10. 100. -so. 20. 50. 28. 10. 100, "1m: 3 OTTER PSH 8 1 MONTHLY GEN. • 78 0 300. 0 0 300. o. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300, 300. 300. 300, 300, 300. q 320. 320. 320. 320. ..o. ..o. 020. I l'!OI'rrm:Y -PUMP = MONTHLY ENERGY :s 320. 2400. 320. 2400. 320. 2400. 320. 2400 . ~. 2400. 2400. 2400, 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. ****************************************** END OF INPUT RECORD 2 ****:!:*********:!:***~:•********************* ~· I s ------------------~----------------------------------------------------~ J • -I ill--· ~ ~ ..... lz! II --.. -~ ----·---.. --· ---·· ----· -·· ----"·---···-·---.... ~ e1ea Jndul d~ iiii ~ ~-.:-. ~- \[:, () '!; ·/_;: f) l "" .t= I w 1\) '---· GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSEO GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM ,GNMDS V6.20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP 13ENERATION 110DEL PAGE !5 JOB NUMBER 1025KT GMFILE2 MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 05/31/83 14.263 REcORDS ADDEO To ORIGIAAL GENERATioN MODEL c p RATING **** FUC:L llllUlk **COEFFICIENTS** T 0 L HT RATE MW/P,U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON f'ICNOXIDE y 74 -erutK.WH TCAPl !FIXED) RATE Y NCOST Lll''ll TS 11EA'I ~ l'fliliOGEN OX rDE p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT tFMAX) (PMAX) !VARlB) !PORl P F C/ S/KW/ CENGYl S02 REM. PART! CUI.ATE 10 STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO 01>/N ( FM IN) !PM!Nl $/KW/YR !FOR) E L MBTU YEAR !FUEL) PREC EFF WATER CONSUM I -coAL CJ7 ~ 1 0 -87 0 ·o o o. roooo, 400.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. l:r. ·o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. END OF INPUT RECORD 3 **************~*************************** ············~·········*************~****** ... 0 J II> • ii I a .. ~ II i 2: I[ ; " "' II. l z ~ I --- ,--r-<- L,.;_. L~, \,.... eJea 1ndu1 d!X> (J'NITS 'ID BE ADDED TO GENERATION IIPDEL --~' ---'""" -~~ ~ ~ ---- .., - ... . ~ ··'I l •• l -, _j -.:> -~' --·"- :J -~ .. ....,.J ... l ._;_'..J n-~·:~.1 ; .,_ f _- / I I l 1 . ' I B ~ ~ " ._ '· • . ! • e f .t= I w w i . n a I .. = ii ~ .. .. > "' ~ .. ;% i A = .. .I ~ :t . u """''"-, ~"-'!:~ r~ r-~~ -~ ··--. ....... -~ --~ --~ -~ -~ -~ ~ ,. t k,. ~ L J -' GENERAL ELECTR I C COMPANY , EUSED GENERATION I10DEL PROGRAM . GNMDG V6 . 20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MOD I FY AN OGP GENERATION 110DEL PAGE 6 GMFILE2 JOB NUMBER 1025KT MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 05/31/83 14.263 RECORDS wRI1 lEN 10 NEw GENERAf!ON MoDEL c p RATING **** FUEL *•** UCOEFFI Cl ENTS** T 0 1-HT RATE MW/P.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE ~ ~ lj I U/1\WH llJAP) ( F I XED) RA IE Y N COSt LIMitS HEAl REJ Nl IROGEN 01\JUi:. I lNSTL RETIRE PCT CFMAXl CPMAXl CVARIBl <PORl P F C/ S/KW/ <ENG'fl S02 REM. PARTICULATE iD STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN (FMlN> CPMlN) $/KW/YR CFORl E L MBTU YEAR CFUELl PREC EFF WATER CONSUM l ~t.A~HORE 01 1 I U IU U u u u. u. ::!bU,U u. u, I) U u. u. u. u. u. u. u. o. o. 0. o. 150 0. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. u. o. 2 SEASHORE 02 1 1 0 78 0 0 0 o. o. 960.0 0. 0. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ;s M.U.~t101"( Ul <:: I 0 ar·o 0 0 o. 12000. 13!5.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. u. u. o. u. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o . o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 1 0 50 0 0 0 o. o. 250.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. u. u. 5 STATESIDE 01 2 I 0 75 0 0 0 o. o. 750.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o . o. 6 HARBOR·GT 01 3 1 0 60 0 0 0 o. o. 50.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. o. o. o. o. o. o. o . 0 . o. ( -!:;It u<:: a u bO U u u u. u. lUU,U u. u. IJ u u. u. u, u. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0 . o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. o. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 3 1 0 75 0 0 0 o. o. 100.0 o. o. 0 0 o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o . o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0 . o. I NEW GENERATION ~DEL WRITTm OUT I u. u. -- eJea JAdut d!X> i ~ .; .. , ..(,' '-'-::: ;-:' ~-- <~· . . ' -. . . . . . / ~ . ., . . . /" . . . l -. ,;:: .• . .. . / . / i' ~~-c.. -~ , ........ L ..t= I w ..t= r L. ,. ----:! ---, ---, -...., ---. ·~ GENERAL ELECTRIC C~MPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM ,GNMD6 V6,20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP GENERATION MODEL PAGE 7 GMFILE2 MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL JOB NUMBER 1 02!5KT 05/31/83 14.263 RECORDS wRI liEN 10 NEw I I I 01'1 I"IUUC.L. c p RATING •t*'llll' FUEL •••• **COEFFICIENTS•• T Cl L HT RATE MW/P,U. 0 • M OUTAGE ,. I CJ).RBON MONOX I DE A 1:11 U/ I'.WI1 {\.if\t"J ( F I /\C.U 1 I<A IE y"N COS! LtMIIS HEAl REJ Nl I ROGEN U/\ I Ut:.. p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT CFMAX) CPMAX> CVARI E\l (POR) P F C/ $/KW/ CENGY> SCI2 REM, PARTICULATE ID STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN CFMINJ CPMIN> $/KW/YR CFOR> E L MBTU YEAR CFUELl PREC E:FF HATER CONSUM ::1 KIVt:..K~IUt:.. Uc _, I u ""' u u u u. a. 150.0 o. o. 0 0 c. a. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 10 NORTH SIDE01 4 1 0 56 0 0 0 o. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. u. u. 11 BLUE LAKE 01 4 1 0 6'7 0 0 0 o. o. 400.0 o. 0. 0 0 o. o. 0. o. 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. a. o. o . o. cr.--~')-' o. o. 12 NIDLINE 01 5 1 0 52 0 0 0 o. o. 300.0 o. o. 0 0 o . o. o. o. o. o. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. U, u. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. -T3 Ml ULI Nt:.. u~ ::::o I u I:.J U u u u. u. 4UU,U u. u. u u U, u. u. u. u. u. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0, o . 0, o. ... c I 14 FRONTIER 01 6 1 0 58 0 0 0 0. o. 170.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0. o. o. o. lD !! o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. a: o. o. o. o. o. o. o. I o. o. ~ ; 15 BAY VIEW 01 6 1 0 80 0 0 0 o. o. 550.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0, o. o . o. > o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ... i U, o. 0. o. 0. U, u. o. o. I ·······•*•••··~····················~······ END OF OUTPUT RECORD 1 **********************'*'******************* A ·--- = I CONV.HYD 01 7 1 50 0 0 0 0. IC A MONTHLY MIN. = 30. :30, 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 20. 20. 20. ~ MUI'IHiL'r I'IP./\. = 50. 50. 50. so. 60, GO, so. 60. 60. 5o. :50. :20. MONTHLY ENERGY = 32. 32. 32. 38. 38, 38. 38. 38, 38, 28. 28. 28. ~ I ---·---·--··-·-~-·----~~·--'~-' -----· ,~ r '-... .. , '1 ....... -. .... . .., -........__ .. ---·-.. of= I w Ul f ~ g .£ • -II. ~ ; > VI 0 e .. c It .. ~ "' ll I ~ I n if k GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMDG V6.20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MOD I FY AN OGP C3ENERAT I ON MODEL GMFILE2 MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL ............, ----, ---'l ---, ....., PAGE 8 JOB NUMBER 1025KT 05/31/-63 14.263 RECORDS WRI tiEN tO NEW GENERATION MODEL c p RATING **** FUEL **** UCOEFFICIENTS*::t T t1 L HT RATE MW/P.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE y A BTU/KWH lCAP) lFIXEDl KATE: Y N cOst LIMI rs HEAT ·REJ NITRUGEI'I OXIDE p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT CFMAXl ( PMAX l C VAR I B) C POR l P F C/ S/KW/ CENGYl 502 REM. PARTICULATE 10 STATION NAME E 0 T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN CFMIN) CPMINl $/KW/YR !FORI E L MBTU YEAR CFUELl PREC EFF WATER CONSUM ~ I,;UfiiV,HYU Uc f 1 1;)0 0 0 u u. MONTHLY MIN. • 10, 1 o. 1 o. 1 o. 10. 1 o. 10, 1 o. 10. 1 o. 10. 10. MONTHLY MAX. = 100. 100, 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. too, 100, 100. MONTHLY ENERGY = 60, 60. 60. 60. 60, 60. 60. 60. 60. '30. 60. so. 3 OTTER PSH 8 1 78 0 0 0 o. MONTHLY GEN. • 300. 300. 300, 300. 300. 300, 300. 300, 300, 300. 300. 300 MONTHLY PUMP ,. 325. 325. 325. 325. 325. 325, 325. 325. 325. 325. 323. 325. l"lUN I HI.. Y t:.Nt:.KlH : 2'100. 2400. 2406. 24oo. 2400. 24oo. 2400, 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. ****************************************** END OF OUTPUT R8CORD 2 ****************************************** 1 CO'AL 87 2 1 0 87 0 0 0 0. 10000. 400,0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. 0, o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. *-·~~*******************************~*~**** END OF OUTPUT RECORD 3 n•~****~******~******~******************** I --__ j e)ealndllldDO --t ._.., ,, o.: ,c ,;r \) '~ 0 .:= I w \J1 t ~ r __., •1 -----. ........., ~ ...., GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION MODEL PROGRAM .GNMD6 V6.20 PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AN OGP t:JENERATI ON MODEL 1-· PAGE 8 GMFILE2 JOB NUMBER 102!SKT MODIFY EXISTING GENERATION MODEL 0513t/83 t4.263 nc.~,;vKIJS WR I rn::N TO NEW eENERAT I ON MODEL c p RATING **** FUEL **lll* u COEFF I C I ENTS u T 0 L HT RATE MW/P.U. 0 + M OUTAGE T I CARBON MONOXIDE "( A t:i I U/II.WH \~At"J \t-IXEDI RATE Y N COST LIMITS H~EJ NlTROGEN OXIDE p I N !NSTL RETIRE PCT <FMAX> <PMAXl (VARIB) (POR) P F C/ $/KW/ (ENGY> S02 REM. PARTICULATE ID STATION NAME E 0 T YEAR MO YEAR MO OWN <FMIN> CPMIN> $/KW/YR !FOR> E L MBTU YEAR (FUELl PREC EFF HAlER CONSUM 2 CONV.HYD 02 7 1 6~ 0 0 0 o. MONTHLY MIN. • 10. 1 o. 1 o. 10. 10. 1 o. 1 o. 1 o.' 1 o. 1 o. 10. 10. MONTHLY MAX. "' 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. too. 100. too. 100, too. too. 100. f'10NTHL Y ENERGY :: 60, 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 3 OTTER PSH 8 1 78 0 0 0 o. MONTHLY GEN. • 300, 300. 300 . 300, 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. ::mo. 1-lONTHL Y PU~IP .. 325. 325. 325. 325 . 325. 325. 325, 325, 325. 325. 325. 325. I"IIJI'II HL T l:.l'lt.KlH : i::"'UU. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400, 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400, ~~**************************************** END OF OUTPUT RECORD 2 ************$**~*****~·•****************** 1 COAL 87 2 1 0 87 0 0 0 o. 10000, 400.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0, 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. $**************~************************** END OF OUTPUT REC~RD 3 *********************W******************** s I .. • ... i ~ ~ f II: .. ~ >C ll ;i - ~ea1nduld~ ~ ......, ,, ! I I ·-. I . ' J I ~ ' ' J . . [ ij 11 .•:. IJ I OGP INPUT DATA Section index INTRODUCTION • • • It • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NAMELIST INPUT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . " • • DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM • • • • • • • • e G e e • 0 • • 0 • 0 . .. . ') Alphabetic Listing of Input Variables 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Annual Pool Peaks .. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • Available Automatic Thermal Units • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Available Automatic Energy Storage Units • • • • • .. • • • • • • • Design Criteria Options • • • • • o • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • Environmental Data (OGP-6A only) ••••••••••••••••• Energy Storage Data .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fixed Charge Rates • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Forced Outage Rates • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • Fuel and Energy Limits (OGP-6A only) .............. .. Fuel Type Data and Costs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • General Data • • • • • • • • • • • c .. • • • • • • • •. • • ., .. a • Generation Model Overrides and Manual Installations • • • • • • • Generation TYpe Data • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • o • • Manual Maintenance • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs •••••••••••••• Output Options • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • Planned Outage Rates • • • • • • .. o • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • Plant and Region Identification • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • Plant Costs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Retirement Policy • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thermal Characteristics • • • • .. • • • • • Thermal Unit Size Data • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • g • • • • • • • • GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ~ Alphabetic Listing of Input Variables • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Commitment and Dispatch Weighting Factors (OGP-6 only) •••••• Design Criteria • p • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Economic Overbuilding • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • Environmental Weighting Factors (OGP-6A only) •••••••••• Firm Contracts, Purchases and Sales ••••••••••••••• General Data • • • • • • .. • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hydro and Energy Storage Calculations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Load Forecast Uncertainty • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Maintenance Scheduling • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Optimization • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • 5-i -··-,~"¥~-··---~.--. .. -.,..,~~~·._~~--._,__._._ ...... ~·..-..-.~·'"'""'"'."'"'-'""··~·~----_..,. ~ . ; PAGE 5-l 5-l 5-8 5-11 5-12 5-53 5-17 5-19 5-52 5-45 5-16 5-25 5-38 5-48 5-28 5-13 5-55 5-14 5-40 5-33 5-54 5-39 5-43 5-20 5-37 5-42 5-15 5-61 5-62 5-69 5-78 5-82 5-70 5-76 5-63 5-74 5-81 5-67 5-79 OGP INPUT DATA Section Index (Continued) Outage Rate Immaturity Multipliers • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • Output Options • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Override Data • • u • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Program Options • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Retirement of Automatic Units • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Spinning Reserve • • • • • .. • • • • • • Thermal Unit Commitment and Dispatch • • Trim Logic • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . 5-ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . ~ . . " . • • • • • • • • • .. fl PAGE 5-65 5-86 5-89 5-84 5-83 5-64 5-68 5-81 fl J ,......., ; 1 ' \ ' i j f! i f t j r··- ' l . { l . .J r1 { \ ! r 1 t J ,. l I ' ' J L.; r' 1 ' r 11 ; ·('.! \ j li . r~ . ,, I} j INTRODUCTION The Optimized Generation Planning (OGP) Program consists of two linked segments--the Data Preparation (DP) Program and the Generation Planning (GP) Program. Because of increased core storage requirements~ certain capabilities are available only in a separate version of OGP designated as OGP-6A. Descriptions of the specific input items required for OGP-6A begin on pages 5-45 and 5-70. The general data input to the Data Preparation Program is used in setting up the standard tables which describe the six thermal types of units, conventional hydro units, and the three types of energy storage. Also, included are tables for plant, operation and maintenance (O&M) and fuel costs, inflation patterns, planned and forced outage rates, heat rates, m~n~mum loading points, and environmental data. These standard table characteristics are then assigned to the individual units by type. If a unit has unique characteristics with respect to other units of its type, it is possible to override the values calculated from the standard tables. This is done through use of the NREAD statement and the override variables described on page 5-55. The units being modified are referenced by their position within the Generation Model recorqs. NREAD identifies the next record to be modified. Since the records are modified as they are read, it is necessary to modify them sequentially • It is also possible to override data annually at the Generation Planning level through use of the IYREAD statement. IYREAD is set equal to the next year for which override data is to be read, and specific units are identified by their position in the master list of thermal units, which is printed at the end of the Data Preparation output and again at the beginning of the Generation Planning output. An overridden variable retains its new value until it is overridden again. The list on page 5-62 indicates which Generation Planning input variables may be overridden, and page 5-92 describes the variables used to override values that had been assigned by the Data Preparation Program. CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 Most of the data input to OGP can be overridden by the user at several points in the OGP process. This flexibility provides the user with the means to model the system in more detail and also simplifies the running of parametric sensitivities. To ensure that the data is being modified correctly: caution must be exercised. The characteristics of the individual units initially can be input in either of two ways: 1. On an individual unit basis in the Generation Model. 2. Through the standard tables input by unit type in the Data Preparation Program; characteristics not input in the Generation Model are assigned a value from the Data Preparation standard tables. 5-1 • CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 (Continued) This data on the ind:i.v:idyg,l, unit characteri~t:i.cs oan then be overridden either through use of the Generation Model overrides of the Data Preparation Program or through input to the Generation Planning Program in OGP. As mcmy of the desired overrides a~ possible should be made in the Data Preparati..:\1 Program. The two major reasons why this guideline should be followed are explained below. 1 .• 2. When overrides are supplied at the Data Preparation level, the units are referenced by their position within a specific record in the Generation Model. This position will not change unless a new Generatign Mggel is used~ ln the Generatign Planning rrogram, units are indexed by the:i.r lQcatign in a master list of thermal units. T}lis list can be affected by changes in instaiiation and retirement dates, unit lumping, and the starting year of the study. Therefores when changes are made at the Generation Planning level, it is possible for a unit's position to shift from one run to the next, causing the overrides to modify the wrong units. Unit overrides in the Data Preparation Program have an additional advantage because they change everythiog associated with an overridden variable, while at the Generation Planning level, only the particular variable is changed. For example, overriding a unit's fuel type at the Data Preparation level automatically changes its fuel cost, fuel inflation pattern, and environmental data assigned by ruel type. h similar override made at the Generation Planning level changes only the fuel type that is printed. Tberefore, the user must also override the necessary associated variables. Fuel costs input to Data Preparation a:re in t/MBtu, whereas fuel costs input to Generation Planning are in $/MBtu. Fixed charge rates input to Data Preparation are in percent; in Generation Planning, they are input in per unit (p.u.). Manual maintenance patterns must be input at the Data Preparation level. They may be overridden as input to Generation Planning, general data or annual data. Manual maintenance patterns are printed at th~ end of the annual production cost output. However, the program remembers the maximum number of patterns defined by input to the Data Preparation Program and will print only that number of patterns. Table 5-l is designed to serve as a guide in changing an OGP data file. It lists the variables used to change given input items and the associated variables that should also be checked. NOTE: If cost data is being overridden in the Data P~eparation Program or in the general aa.ts to the Generation Planning Program, it 1$ input rela- tive to the year in which costs are quoted (NYCOST). If the costs are input in annual overrides to Generation Planning, they must be deflated by one year, because OGP will inflate these costa after .reading them. 5-2 I r ·i f : \ j t I \ . i (; ~ o· -/ .. ,,· r r CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 (Continued) TABLE 5-l r; . ' ASSOCIATED ITEM PHOGRJU.1 INPUT VARIABLES PAGE INPUT PAGE f Fuel Costs DP Std,. Table: FUCOST 5-28 IPATFC 5-29 . ' FUICST 5-29 FUBCPU 5-30 [\ FCOPT 5-28 FUICPU 5-30 PATFC 5--32 Unit: CMBTU 5-57 IYRFC 5-32 .r FUICDB 5-57 FUBCDB 5-57 GP TEMPO 5-91 IFCPAT 5-91 11 FUCOST 5-91 UPFUEL s ... 8s ' '~ .) FUIC 5-91 I, O&M Costs DP Std. Table: OMDKW 5-33 OMMW 5-33 OMDHR 5-33 OMDF 5-33 ' .1 OMHYD 5-35 NDVOM (GP) 5-84 ~~ OMVHYD 5-35 PATot-1 5-33 IYROM 5-33 J Unit: OMDB 5-57 PAT HOM 5-35 OMVDB 5-57 IYRHOM 5-35 I~ •J GP O:t-1 5-91 OMV 5-91 IJ OMHYD 5-89 OMVHYD 5-89 1-: Plant Costs DP Std. Table: PLCDKW 5-20 PLCMW 5-20 ·. J PLCHYD 5-22 PLCDF 5-20 PL<l10D 5-23 PATPC 5-20 ~ IYRPC 5-20 ' Unit: DKWDB .5-57 PATHPC 5-22 IYRHPC 5-22 ·~ FIXCHG 5-25 ·' HYDFCR 5-27 GP CAP COS 5-91 (j Unit Rating DP CAPDB 5-56 HRDB 5-56 ~ PMINDB 5-56 FMINDB 5-56 FMAXDB 5-56 FMAXDB 5-56 GMINDB 5-57 ENGYDB 5-57 II I GMAXDB 5-57 ' .~ 5-3 a \ ,I .r-1 CHANGING INPUT 0;\TA IN OGP-6 (Continued) f~ TABLE 5-l (Continued) ---· -.. _, ......... ··- ASSOCIATED r·, ITEM PROGRAM INPUT V ARI.ABLES PAGE INPUT PAGE GENES 5-57 POI'.TDES 5-.57 PUMPES 5-57 (~i GP CAP 5-90 FINl 5-90 FOWl 5-90 FIN2 5-90 f"l POW2 5-90 t .J' Fuel Input DP Std. Table: XHRDB 5-42 XPOWl 5-42 HRES 5-16 XFINl 5-42 4 l .J Unit: HRDB 5-56 FMINDB 5-56 J"."l ' . ' . ' FMAXDB 5-56 ' ' J GP FIN2 5-90 FINl 5-90 r"' i 1 ;_ J Fuel Type DP Std. Table: IFT.AB 5-29 ITFOSS 5-29 fl I \ KFTES 5-29 \ ., l Unit: KF'rDB 5-57 fl \ ! ' \ GP IF TYPE 5-90 BTUNIT 5-90 . ·' FUCOST 5-91 f' l FUIC 5-91 ' i TEMPC 5-91 ~ j IFCPAT 5-91 UPFUEL 5-85 r ' i ' . i J Unit Type DP KINDB 5-56 GP KIND 5-90 All other inputs \l J associated with the unit should be checked. . j Outage Rates DP Std. Table: FORMW 5-38 NlMMOR (GP) 5-65 FORATE 5-38 SHKFOR (GP) 5-65 L. PORMW 5-39 SHKPOR (GP) 5-65 PO RATE 5-39 IMSTYP ( GP) 5-65 DERHYD 5-16 FORSHK (GP) 5-65 PORSHK (GP) 5-65 ':..._ .J \.: .... ! 5-4 [ . ! 'it t ~ r fr, I, r I ~ .. 1': IJ 1: ... , ' . I J 1: 11 j IJ il ,L ~ 11 IJ ~. r ) . I;: ~ ·~' '· CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 (Continued) ITEM PROGRAM GP Manual Main-DP tenance GP Cycling Rules DP GP Unit Service DP Period GP .. TABLE 5-l (Continued) INPUT VARIABLES Unit: Unit: Std. Table: Unit: Std. Table: Unit: FORDB PORDB FOR POR IPATRN MPATDB IPATRN MMPAT MRDB KCYCLE MSTRUN NYRET INSTDB MINTDB INORDB KRETDB MRETDB IYRAUT 5-5 PAGE 5-57 5-57 5-90 5-90 5-40 5-57 5-89 5-90 5-57 5-68 5-90 5-37 5-56 5-56 5-56 5-56 5-56 5-83 ASSOCIATED INPUT PAGE Overrides at GP will be modified by any applicable immaturi.ty multi- pliers. KZONE 5-68 KBREAK 5-68 KEYCMT 5-69 LCOHIT 5-68 NSICt,1T 5-85 MONAUT 5-79 IVCSUB 5-83 MONRET 5-83 [1 CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 (Continued) ·1 TABLE 5-l (Continued) ASSOCIATED cl ITEM PROGRAM INPUT VARIABLES PAGE INPUT PAGE 1 Optimization GP KOPT 5-79 MANFYR (DP) 5-17 Types NOKOPT 5-79 XSIZES (DP) 5-17 KOPOVR 5-82 NNMANY (DP) 5-15 ~1 NNAHED (DP) 5-15 .ESIZEG 5-89 ESIZEP 5-89 rl ESIZES 5-89 FAIL 5-79 ' ~ GRMLTI 5-80 r-1 GRMLTP 5-80 \ l . .J Economic GP NYPOVR 5-82 KOPT 5-79 r·i f ~ Overbuilding KOPOVR 5-82 ' ' L.J PROVER 5-82 LMBSES 5-82 .... -., i 1 L ..:: Environmental DP Std. Table: HREJ 5-45 KPLDB 5-56 Calculations SORM 5-45 IREGN 5-43 f"-:t l ! 5-44 ' ' PREFF 5-45 KPLANT i l t .. .,.1 SO TAB 5-45 KEYENV 5-45 PCSULF 5-45 HVTAB 5-28 r·l CFCTAB 5-45 i ! I ' . ' CFNTAB 5-45 L j CFPTAB 5-45 r·l CFWTAB 5-45 ' t l J Unit: HREJDB 5-60 SORMDB 5-60 ; ) PREFDB 5-60 i .. j CFCODB 5-60 CFNODB 5-60 CFPTDB 5-60 ' l J CFWCDB 5-60 GP COEFCO 5-92 KEYENV 5-84 COEFNO 5-92 KEYQvlT 5-69 t L. .. J OOEFPT 5-92 ECOMIT 5 ... 69, 5-70 COEFWC 5-92 EDISP 5-69, 5-72 PRECEF 5-92 B'l'UNIT 5-90 L..' PUHREJ 5-92 PUSORM 5-92 SOCONT 5-92 '.,.J 5-6 LJ 1 [ lf1 il,; f: [' ; I , ··~ I;;+ I . J f1 ' j I] IJ r: L JJ CHANGING INPUT DATA IN OGP-6 (Continued) TABLE 5-l (Continued) ASSOCIATED ITEM PROGRAM INPUT V 4.RIABLES PAGE INPUT PAGE Fuel/Energy DP Std. Table: ELIMIT 5-48 LIMIT 5-48 Limits FLIMIT 5-48 LIMCF 5-48 PUELIM 5-48 PUFLIM 5-48 Unit: ELIMDB 5-60 PUELIM 5-48 PUFLIM 5-48 GP ELIMIT 5··92 LIMIT 5-92 FLIMIT 5-92 LIMCF 5-92 PUELIM 5-92 PUFLIM 5-92 NOTE: If cost data is being overridden in the Data Preparation Program or in the general data to the Generation Planning Program, it is .input relative to the year in which costs are quoted (NYCOST). If the costs are input in annual overrides to Generation Planning, they must be deflated by one year, because OGP will inflate these costs after reading them. 5-7 Q r \ j \ \ ! ! fJ I I I I NAMELIST INPUT When a READ statement refers to a NAMELIST ~:~ame, the designated input device is readied by the system and input of data oan begin. The program searches the first input data record for a $, immediately followed by the NAMELIS T name and a comma, equal sign, or one or more blank characters. If the search fails, additional records are examined consflcutively until a successful match or end-of-file is encountered. When the NP~ELIST name on a data record and the NAMELIST name referred to in a READ statement are successfully matched, data items are read and placed into storage until the end of a data set is encountered. The end of a data set is indicated by a $. Data may be keyed in columns 1 through 72. ignore data in columns 73-80. The computer system will Data items must be separated by commas, i.e., each piece of data (including the last piece) must be followed by a comma. 'l'o indicate the end of a data set, use $, instead of a comma, following the last data item in the set. CAUTION: Do not indicate the end of a data set by entering a single $ in column 1 or 2. The software will interpret a single $ in column 1 or 2 as a control card. This may cause the program to loop until the processor limits are exhausted. Summarizing~ a set of NAMELIST data must begin with $ and the NAMELIST name and must end lvith a $. The NAMELIST name used in OGP programs is INPUT. The. following is a set of data: CAUTION: $INPUT ID1=9HTEST CASE, NTOTAL=l, CAPDB~l00,500, M3D=7$ The following combinations will cause an invalid word to be stored: =-, blank, ' ' e.g., NTOTAL=,l, e.g., NTOTAL=l , e.g., CAPDB:l00,1 $00 s ... a I I I I I I I :1 \I ~··I L l'i. ! J r ' ' ' I, 11 ... , I] IJ 1: [ [. j .,~: .' '" 4 ... ~ NAMELIST INPUT (Continued) However, leading blanks are valid: NTOTAL= 1, CAPDB= 100, 500, Data item2 may take one of the follovdng formats: lo 2. Constants Integer NTOTAL=lO, NTOTAL,lO, NTOTAL = 10, (The maximum number of digits allowed is ten.) Real FAIL=l, or FAIL=l.O, BIG=lOOOOO, or BIG=lOOOOO.O, or BIG:l+.S, or BIG=l.OES, SMALL;;~007, or SMALL=7.0E-3, (The maximum number of digits allowed is eight before and eight after the decimal point.) Arrays or lists Each data item must be followed by a comma. CAPDB=l000,1250,1300, An asterisk may be used to indicate repeated data. CAPDB=3*1000, If data does not fit on a line, con~~nue the data on the next line. Do not straddle data between two lines. The software may or may not detect an error if the number of data entries exc~eds a variable's dimensione PCTCAP is dimensioned PCTCAP(6) PCTCAP=.25,.25,0,.25,.25,.20,.20, PCTCAP=2* ... 25, 0 , 2* • 25, 2* • 20, Matrices MATRIX is dimensioned MATRIX(5,2) MATRIX=500,750,3*0,200,400, or MATRIX=500,750,MATRIX(6):200,400 (Error not detected) (Error detected) or MATRIX(l,l)=5C0,750,MATRIX(l,2)=200,400, 5-9 NAMELIST INPUT (Continued) 4. Hollerith or Alphabetic Hollerith data is indicated by XXH followed by data and a comma. XX is the count of Hollerith characters supplied in each line. Each word in core storage is six characters long. Quotation marks may be used before and after data to replace XXH. IDl is dimensioned IDl (10) A maximum of 60 characters m.ay be used to define data associated with IDl. (10 words, 6 characters each) ID1=60HREFERENCE CASE (54 spaces) or ID1:14HREFERENCE CASE, or IDl='REFERENCE CASE', NAMEDB is dimensioned NAMEDB(2,25) Two consecutive words, i.e., 12 characters are assigned to each of 25 units. To define the names of two units beginning with unit six: NAMEDB(l, 6):24HNORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE ' II r 1 ' j Cl . \ t . .1 r J. ! ' The EDit SEQuence command will prefix a line number and one blank space ; ) before each line of data. Subsequently, when a Foreground file is sent to Background for execution, the Interface will strip the line number and one blank space, if one exists. Foreground File 200 $ :DATA: 15 210 $INPUT 220 NTOTAL=l, 200$:DATA:l5 210 $INPUT 220 NTOTAL=l, After stripping line number and one blank space, if one exists $ appears in column 1 $INPUT starts in column 2 NTOTAL starts in column 2 $ appears in column 1 $INPUT starts in column 1 NTOTAL starts in column 1 Both examples listed above are valid because, after stripping, the following will occur: 1. 2. The $ associated with the control car•d appears in column 1, as required. The current software allows NAMELIST data to be entered in columns 1-72. 5-10 r 1 L J \ } J L.J LJ .IP! .. : -, -~ .•1 r . ' . ··r_: . ' l DATA PREPARATION PROGRA"'t For the Data Preparation Program, the following order of input data must be observed: 1. General data. 2. Override Generation Model data (optional). At this time, any characteristics not described in the Generation Model can also be input • 3. If this data is supplied, NREAD=X must be input in the general data, where X = the first Generation Model record to be modified. Manual additions (optional). If this data is supplied, MANUAL=l must be included in the general data. [ Unless otherwise stated, all values have been initialized to 0. [ .ln .. ,'_ . . , ·.' r~ '"-.4 I~· ' J U., .. ·, . .i !'1 lt . l . 5-11 l DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM r) l ALPHABETIC LISTING OF INPUT VARIABLES r1 j Variable Page Variable Page Variable Page rl - CAPDB 5-56 HYDFCR 5-27 NSTART 5-13 ! CAPMIN 5-15 IDl 5-13 NTOTAL 5-13 CEFFES 5-16 ID2 5-13 NUCBRK 5-30 f"l CEFFY 5-16 IDTONE 5-14 NUCSTP 5-30 CFCODB 5-60 IDTYPE 5-14 NUMSIZ 5-17 CFCTAB 5-45 IF TAB 5-29 NY COST 5-13 f'l CFNODB 5-60 TivlAX 5-55 NYPWTH 5-13 CFN'rAB 5-45 INSTDB 5-56 NYRET 5-37 CFPTAB 5-45 INORDB 5-56 OMDB 5-57 CFPTDB 5-60 IPATFC 5-29 OMDF 5-33 CFWCDB 5-60 IPATRN 5-40 OMDHR 5-33 CFWTAB 5-45 IF NAME 5-43 OMDKW 5-33 CMBTU 5-57 IREGN 5-43 OMHYD 5-35 r l. DERHYD 5-16 IRNAME 5-44 OMMW 5-33 DKWDB 5-57 ITFOSS 5-29 OHVDB 5-57 ELIMDB 5-60 IYRFC 5-32 OMVHYD 5-35 , .. l r i ELIMIT 5-48 IYRHOM 5-35 OPCTDB 5-56 ENGYDB 5-57 IYRHPC 5-22 PATFC 5-32 ESIZEG 5-19 IYROM 5-33 FATHOM 5-35 r··1, ESIZEP 5-19 IYRPC 5-20 PATHPC 5-22 f ESIZES 5-19 KCODB 5-56 PATOM 5-33 ; I EQVMAX 5-15 KEYENV 5-45 PATPC 5-20 FCDB 5-57 KFIDB 5-57 PCSULF 5-45 r \ FCOPT 5-28 KFTDB 5-57 PLCDF 5-20 j \ ) FIXCHG 5-25 KFTES 5-29 PLCDKW 5-20 FLIMIT 5-48 KINDB 5-56 PLCHYD 5-22 .. 1 FMAXDB 5-56 KMORE 5-55 PLCMOD 5-23 FMINDB 5-56 KPLANT 5-44 PLCMW 5-20 FORATE 5-38 KPLDB 5-56 PMAXDB 5-56 FORDB 5-57 KPRINT 5-54 PML~DB 5-56 FORMW .5-38 KRETDB 5-56 PONDES 5-57 L ' FPCTDB 5-57 KTTYPE 5-14 POOLMW 5-53 FUBCDB 5-57 LIMCF 5-48 PO RATE 5-39 FUBCPU 5-30 LIMIT 5-48 PORDB 5-57 ·, J l FUCOST 5-28 LPRINT 5-54 PORMW 5-39 l FUICDB 5-57 M3D 5-54 PRF.FDB 5-60 FUICPU 5-30 MANFYR 5-17 PREFF 5-45 I FUICST 5-29 MANUAL 5-13, 5-55 PUELIM 5-48 \. J GENES 5-57 MINTDB 5-56 PUFLIM 5-48 GMAXDB 5-57 MLOUT 5-54 PUMPES 5-57 GMINDB 5-57 MONPR 5-52 SORM 5-45 LJ GMOUT 5-54 MPATDB 5-57 SORMDB 5-60 GTIMES 5-15 MRDB 5--57 SO TAB 5-45 HRDB 5-56 MRETDB 5-56 STEP 5-52 HREJ 5-45 NAMEDB 5-55 XFINl 5-42 HRES 5 ... ~.6 NMFUEL 5-28 XHRDB 5-42 HREJDB 5--60 NNAHED 5-15, 5-8o, 5-89 XPOWl 5-42 HVTAB 5-28 NNMANY 5-15, 5-80, 5-89 XSIZES 5-17 NREAD 5-13, 5-55 .5-12 r \1 ·r···. ! : ilt .. ' ~ .J l ' GENERAL DATA Optional--6 lines available for User Name, Address, User Id and Mailing Instructions (Maximum of 60 charact.ers per line). $INPUT IDl = 60H ID2 = 60H or IDl = ' ID2 = ' NSTART = NTOTAL = NYCOST = NYPWTH = NREAD = MANUAL = ----------~------------------------~----------·------------' ------------------------------------------------------------' ' -------------------------------------------------------------' ------' -----' -----' ' ' Hollerith identification of case, line 1 and line 2. IDl < 60 characters. ID2 < 60 characters. First year to study. Four digits, e.g., 1985. Number of years in expansion study. NTOTAL < 30. Year in which costs are quoted. Four digits, e.g., 1982. All costs input must be relative to NYCOST. Year of reference for present worth. Four digits, e.g., 1982~ Option to override data read from Generation Model, or read in additional Generation Model data. 0 = Omit. X = Points to first generation model record to be modified. Option to add units manually. 0 = Omit. 1 = Manual addition data will be supplied. !,}..,.; NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, all values have been initializ~d to 0. Where inflation rates are used: Cost in Year (N) = [Cost in Year (N-1)] \~ *[Inflation Multiplier in Year (N)] 5-13 J I I I GENERATION TYPE DATA IDTYPE( 2, 10) IDTONE(lO) KTTYPE( 6) IDTYPE = 48H ' 48H , 12H ' Hollerith identification of thermal, conven- tional hydro, and energy storage types. 12 characters for each type. Hollerith identification of thermal, conventional hydro, and energy storage types. 6 characters for each type. Code to tag thermal types. Used by program to determine unit sizes for automatic addition. -1 = Nuclear (May tag maximum of 2 thermal types as nuclear. First nuclear is Type 1, second may be Type 5 or 6). 0 = Base load fossil. 1 = Intermediate (Mid-Range, Peaking Steam, Combined Cycle). 2 =Peaking (Gas Turbine). Default Default NUCLEAR IDTONE = 48H NUCL. FOSSIL FOSSIL GAS TURBINE G., T. MID-RANGE MRANGE CONV. HYDRO HYDRO PU~1PED HYDRO , PSH ENERGY ST0-2 12H ES-2 ENERGY ST0-3 , ES-3 Default KTTYPE = ' -1 ' 0 2 ' 1 , -1 ' 1 5-14 • fl ~ J I \, ) ' I I I t ,, L ) [ \ L ./ ... J LJ r r > I·' r i L, r L. { r-·LJ I r .i J I .L; I i . 1~ I t t ; w I t ~-il THERMAl UNIT SIZE DATA CAPMIN = -----' EQVMAX = -----' GTIMES = -----' NNMANY : -----' NNAHED = ----- Smallest unit size, in MW, of Unit !Ype 2 to consider. Units smaller than this .size will be lumped into equivalent units: Type 2 units added manually will not be lumped4 If omitted, program will compute: CAPMIN:Pool Peak*0.0036. To inhibit lumping of units, input CAPMIN=O.l, Unit size, in MW, of lumped fossil units. If omitted, program will compute: EQVMAX=Pool Peak*O.Ol2. Multiplier used to determine size of lumped gas turbines (Unit Type 3) to retrieve from Generation Modele Lumping is done by company. Type 3 units added manually will not be lumped. Gas turbine lump size=GTIMES*STEP, Initialized to 4.0. To inhibit lumping of gas turbines, input GTIMES=O, Unit size guide (nuclear and base fossil only). Add NNMANY units in NNAHED years. Unit size guide (nuclear and base fossil only). Add NNMANY units in NNAHED years. 5-15 I I I I I ENERGY STORAGE DATA CEF'FY = , ----- CEFFES(l2,3) I -Lstorage Type !__Month DERHYD( 4) HRES( 3) CEFFES(l ,1) = ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' DERHYD = ----' ----' \' ) Overall efficiency of energy storage plants (p.u.) (if same for all 3 types). Initialized to 0.7. Qycle efficiency of energy storage, by month ( p • u. ) • If zero, default is CEFFY. Deration multiplier and reliability calculations, for (1) -Conventional Hydro. Initialized to O.gg. (2-4) -Energy Storage. Initialized to DERHYD(l). Applies to pump, generator, and pond. Full load heat rate, Btu/kWh. Energy storage types. Use only for energy storage types such as compressed air storage. CEFFES(l, 2) = ' CEFFES (1 7 3) - ' ----' ----' ' ----' ' ----' ' ----' . . . _, ----' ' --~-' ' ' ----' ' ----' HRES = ----' ----' 5-16 ' l ' j i \ J f\ { ; ' 1 ' ' l J J \ .. J l r i ' r t ~ r L. I i -' i t - f r ~ ' ' L ... AVAILABLE AUTOMATIC THERMAL UNITS XSIZES(lO,t_ L.:=Type Size Index MANFYR(l0,6) I l Type Year Index I NUMSIZ( 6) XSIZES(l,l) = ----' ----' ____ , ____ , -=----' ____ , ----' XSIZES(l,2) = ----' ·----' ____ , ----' ____ , ----' ____ , ----' ----' . ----~ XSIZES(1,3) = ----' -------' ____ , ____ , ____ , ----' ____ , ----' ----' Lists of unit sizes, by type 1 to be considered for automatic addition in order to meet system reliability index or percent reserve goal. Within each type, unit sizes should be entered in ascending order. Lists of earliest service years associated with XSIZES matrix. Within each type, the years must be in ascending order. Option to allow more than 10 sizes per type. Sum of entries must equal 60. Initialized to NUMSIZ = 6*10, e.g.' NUMSIZ = 12,8,ll*lO, XSIZES (1,1) = Type 1 XSIZES (3,2) = Type 2 XSIZES (1,3) = Type 3 XSIZES (1,4) = Type 4 XSIZES (1,5) = Type 5 XSIZES (1, 6) = Type 6 MANFYR(l,l) = ----' ----' ----' ----' ----' ----' ____ , ----' MANFYR(l,2) = ----' ' ' ' ' ' MANFYR(l,3) = ' ' ' ' ' , ' J 5-17 I I I 't· I I .... I ' r ' t f I, f t ! { AVAILABLE AUTOMATIC THERlvtAL UNITS (Continued) XSIZES(1,4) = , MANFYR(l, 4) = , J , , ' J , ' ' ' ' ' _, , ' , ' ' ' XSIZES(l, 5) = , MANFYR(l, 5) = ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' , , , ' ' ' ll XSIZES(l, 6) = ' MANFYR(l, 6) = l' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' NUMSIZ = , , , ' ' , 5-18 I ,~, 1 ~-, 1 r] ,, rl J r....., , I L J r -1 L _; ,, ' ', J \. .I \. .J l I l I I I I I I """"" ~) ·• ' ! I r-~~"', ; ' .J r·~·· 1: ' \. ··~.' .<f r--, ·, I t ... .$ ··--" I i f - ' t -·' AVAILABLE AUTOMATIC ENERGY STORAGE UNITS ESIZEG( 3) ESIZEP( 3) ESIZES(3) ESIZEG = Size of MW block to add automatically. Generator rating, MW, of each of 3 different energy storage types. Relative to ESIZEP, ESIZES. May change through time at Generation Planning levela Size of M}l block of charging rating to add a~omatically. Relative to ESIZEG, ESIZES. May change through time at Generation Planning level. Size of MWh block of storage capacity to add automatically. Relative to ESIZEG, ESIZEP. May change through time at Generation .Planning level. ' ESIZEP = ESIZES = ' ' ' ' ' PLANT COSTS PLQ1W( 6) PLCDirvl( 6) PLCDF( 6) PATPC(l0,6) I-LType Linflation Multiplier IYRPC(lO, 6) L.:="Type Calendar Year PLCMW = ' ' _, _, , PLCDKW MW rating, set point, by thermal type. Plant cost, $/kW, set points· by thermal type .. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) D-factor, p.u., by thermal type¢ Plant cost inflation multipliers, by thermal type. Patterns may consist of up to 10 different multipliers each. 5% input as 1.05. Initialized by program to 1.0. Year inflation multiplier becomes effective (4 digits, e.g., 1982). If omitted, program will insert first year <::>f at.udy (for first entry only). See Note on page 5-13. = PLCDF = ' ' 1 ' 5-20 , ' ' , ' ' ; ' . 1 ' i l . ) r' ·; l r· .\ ' j l .! ; 1 l I '~ ,' ', .~"!..';:,:_. - '• y,> " :~· '•, ) !"""' ' PLANT COSTS (Continued) PATPC(l,l) ::: ' PATPC(l, 2) = , PATPC(1,3) = ' ' _, ' ' ' p=-J f' ~ ' , , I f ' , , ' , ~' . , , ' , ' l' ____ , , ' PATPC(l,4) = ' PATPC(l,5) = , PATPC(l,6) = _, ' ' ' r--~ .. ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' , f.,.. .. _ ' ' , ' , ' ' r· , ' ' IYRPC(l,l) = , IYRPC(l, 2) ::: , IYRPC(l, 3) = ' ' , , I ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' _, I r ' , ' ' , l .. A , ' , , , ' I t -I ' ' , IYRPC(l,4) = ' IYRPC(l,5) = , IYRPC(l, 6) = ' I I ' ' ' L ... ; ' ' ' ' ' I ' , ' ' ' ,_ ... ) ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' J I I L-•'11 I I 5-21 '\ft'qf f I PLANT COSTS (Continued) PLCHYD(4) . PATHPC(lO,t_ I · L_Type L___Inflation Multiplier IYRHPC(l0,4) I I Type Calendar Year PLCHYD = PATHPC(l,l) ' ' -' PA'rHPC(l, 3) = ' PATHPC(l, 4) ' , ' ' ' ' IYRHPC(l, 2) = ' IYRHPC(l,3) ' ' ' ' ' Plant cost for conventional hydro and energy storage, $/kWo (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) (1) -Conventional Hydro. (2)-(4) -Energy Storage. Plant cost inflation multiplier. 5% input as 1.05. Matrix initialized to 1.0. Year inflation multiplier becomes effective (4 digits, e.g., 1982). If omitted, program will insert first year of study (for first entry only). See Note on page 5-13. = PATHPC(1,2) = ' -' ' ' ' J ' = , IYRHPC(l,l) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' -:--' , ' = ' IYRHPC(l, 4) = ' ' s ' ' J , ' ' ' ' ' ' ·' 5-22 () I n fl fl ' ! r· ., ' \ f ') I l I l ! L_ ' ' l L; ( I f -.~~. PLANT COSTS (Continued) PLCMOD(25,6) ~Thermal Type Company Plant cost modifiere Multiplier is applied to all committed units and units added automatically. Matrix initialized to 1.0. ----~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- mel PLC.r-10D ( 1, 1) :: ---' 7 ,. ----' ----' ---' ---~-' ____ , -·----' __ _..._II ----' ---' ·----·-' ____ , ____ , ---' ----' ---' ----~ -·-' ----' ----' ----' T-tpe 2 PLCMOD(l,2) = ~---' ---·-' ----' ____ , __ , ____ , ___ , ___ , ----' ___ , ____ , ____ , , ___ , ___ :~ ----' ~---··-' --~-' ----' -··---' ·---' __ , ____ , ----' Type 3 PLCMOD(l,3) = ----' ----' ____ , ____ , -------~· ____ , ----' ----' ----' ----' ___ , ---' ____ , ----' ----·' ----' ----' ____ , ---' _.__._, __.,., __ ..,. __ , • PLANT COSTS (Continued) 4 Type.5 f\' Type Type 6 . \ i IJ PLCMOD(l, 4) = ' PLCMOD(l,S) = ' PLCMOD(l, 6) = ' f"1 ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' Ci ' ' ' , , ' ' r1 ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r~l ' ' ' ' ' t ' li ' ' , ' ' ' ' ~ r ! ' ~ -· ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r 1 ' , ' ' ' ____ , L ) \.. I J 5-24 .1 ...... \ ' j , I l et ' . '' '11 l ; • .J IJ IJ' .~. I I" ! ~ ) In IJ ~'' . ' . 1: .. L FIXED CHARGE RATES FIXCHG(25,6) I . L_ Thermal Type ~--Company Type 1 FIXCHG(l,l) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , Levelized annual fixed charge rate for thermal units, by company. (12-1/2% input as 12.5.) Initialized to 13. !lpe 2 Type FIXCHG(l, 2) = ' FIXCHG(l,3) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' /_, 5-25 3 = ..,... ____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' _____ , -----' _____ , I r·, FIXED CHARGE RATES (Continued) Type 4 1ll_e 5 Type 6 0 FIXCHG(l,4) = ' FIXCHG(l, 5) = ' FIXCHG(l, 6) = _, ' ' ' r,·· \ : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' G ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ) _, ' ' J r·-. t l ' _, ' I I i , _, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r-l ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ~-'I . I l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r· ~ t ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' 5-26 t.J f r . ·--;:--~··-c;-····--·--;:;-··----~-----.....-~....,.,----...., r-·'"'"~r.;:a-.. ·• ,--::::, Q ,-,, fJ" ~ -, \ J' FIXED CHARGE RATES (Continued) Jl\ I, l IJ t ' ' HYDFCR( 25 ~4) I L_Type Company Conventional Hydro HYDFCR(1, 1) = Energy Stora~ HYDFCR(1, 2) = Energy Storage 2 HYDFCR(1, 3) = Energy Storage 3 !-IYDF C.H ( 1 , 4) = , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' - ' ' Leve1ized annual fixed charge rate for hydro and energy storage types, by oompany. (12-1/2% input as 12.5.) Initialized to 13. ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' , , , ' ' -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' 5-27 , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' , ' ' ' ·-' -----' ' -----' J _____ ; 1 ·----' FUEL TYPE DATA AND COSTS NMFUEL( 2, 20) HVTAB(20) FCOPT = -----' FUCOST(20) ,, Hollerith identificatiori of fuel. 12 characters for each fuel type: First 6 characters, fuel name. Last 6 characters, unit of fuel (used in printing fuel consumption report). Heating value, Btu/unit of fuel (used for fuel consumption calculations). (See KEYENV, page 5-45e) Option to replace fuel costs read from Generation Model by fuel costs defined in OGP data. Applies only to units on Generation Model, not to units manually input in Data Preparation. 0 = Program will use fuel costs on Generation Model. If cost on Generation Model is o, program will assign costs from standard table (either FUCOST or ITFOSS)c 1 = Program will always use standard table values, ignoring all fuel cost overrides. Variable fuel cost, ¢/MBtu. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) Program will use these costs for: 1. All automatic unit additions. 2. Manual unit additions if variable fuel cost input is not supplied or if override fuel cost option is used (FCOPT). 3. Generation Model units if override fuel cost option (FCOPT) is used or if Generation Model fuel cost is o. NOTE: In the case of TYpe 2 units, pro- gram will examine ITFOSS matrix. 5-28 _...,'I 1 } I ' I [ ] J.r, ... ', ' 1 ! r: !I.) I '( .. \ { l I FUEL TYPE DATA AND COSTS (Continued) IPATFC{20) FUICST( 2) IFTAB( 6) ITFOSS(25,2) L.....cotlpany KFTES(3) Fuel cost inflation pattern associated with fuel types. Initialized to pattern 6. Fixed nuclear fuel inventory charge, $/kW/yr. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) Maximum of 2 nuclear thermal ty, ~s. Program will use these costs for: 1. All automatic nuclear unit additions. 2. Manual nuclear unit additions if variable fuel input is not supplied or if override fuel cost option is used (FCOPT). 3. Nuclear units described in Generation Model if override fuel cost option (FCOPT) is used or if Generation Model cost is 0. Fuel type assigned to each thermal unit type. (Maximum number of fuel types is 20.) Fuel inflation pattern associated with IF TAB( 2) will be used for lumped type 2 unitse Fuel inflation pattern associated with IFTAB(3) will be used for lumped type 3 units. Program will use ITFOSS matrj,x to assign fuel types by company to type 2 units. Fuel types may also be assigned unit by unit. (see page 5-55) • Fuel types assigned to type 2 units, by company. Initialized to IFTAE(2). ITFOSS(X,l) Automatic and manual unit additions. ITFOSS(X,2) Generation Model units. Fuel type number associated with energy .cstorage types. (Use for energy st~rage types such as compressed air storage.) 5-29 i r 11.· i :L .. i l I D· i: 1 ' I~ FUEl. TYPE DATA AND COSTS (Continued) NUCBRK = , ---- NUCSTP = -----' FUBCPU( 5, 2) L Nuclear Type (1 and 5 or 6) Variation FUICPU( 5, 2) Number of steps used to reflect nuclear fuel cost maturity. Initialized to 5. 1 ~ NUCBRK ~ 5. Number of years for which each nuclear fuel cost step will prevail. Initialized to 3. Multiplier on variable nuclear fuel costs to reflect maximum of five time variations. Multiplier on fixed nuclear fuel inventory charges to reflect maximum of five time variations. Default Default NMFUEL = 60H 0308 LB.U FUCOST = ' IPATFC = ' 6 COAL TON ' ' 6 GAS MCF ' ' 6 OIL BBL ' ' 6 ' ' ' 6 60H , 6 , 6 ' 6 ' ' 6 ' ' ' 6 60H ' t 6 , 6 , ' 6 ' 6 ' t ' 6 60H ' ' 6 t t 6 ' t 6 ' 6 , , ' 6 HVTAB = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' FUICST = 5-30 .. ----..~ ..... "..,._ ·~~ ......... ~·--. ''""<>--•••""'-'"-"• •·~""'-w ",..,_.--..,~,, • ···~·.,._,..,,_~·· "'-''" . ., .. , _ _, ... ~ ..... ,.,..~_..,_...,..,,.,,__, .. ,~--~r~-' j:; c;:; c \ ' ' .. ,r :.:: II r. 'l \ ' r 1 I r ' I ,_ ~ \ J ' ! .... _ ,.• l t j I LJ ~ C' f l. I """ ,, i ! r L.-1 ' f f ,, ' LJ I r ' . ·~ f'" t, FUEL TYPE DATA AND COSTS (Continued) L L L L L L L L. L Default IF TAB = ' 1 KFTES = 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 6 Automatic and Manual Units ITFOSS(1,1) = -----' ------' -----' -----' ----------' ' ------' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' Generation Model Units ' ' ' _____ , ---------' ----------' ----------' --------' ---------~ ' ----------' ---------' ITFOSS(1,2) = --------------' --------' --------------' _____ , -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' Default FUBCPU(l, 1) = f 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' l.O FUBCPU(1, 2) = ----' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 , 1.0 -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' _____ , Default FUICPU(1,1) = ----' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 ' 1.0 FUICPU(l, 2) = ---~---' 1.0 'J 1.0 ' 1.0 , 1.0 ' 1.0 5-31 FUEL TYPE DATA AND COSTS (Continued) PATFC(lO, 20) l L-Pattern Index Inflation Multiplier IYRFC(lO, 20) L L___Pattern Index Calendar Yea~ -.,. ·- PATFC(l,l) = __ , __ , ==~? __ , ---' PATFC(l, 2) ___ , PATFC(l,3) = ___ , ---' ' ___ , --·~' ___ , ___ , ___ , PATFC(l,4) = ___ , ---' ---' ·---' ---' ---' ---' ---' ----' ---' ---' __ , ·--' --' -------' --·-· -' ___ , ' PATFC(l,5) = ---___ , ---' ___ , ---' PATFC(l, 6) = ---' ___ , ---' ---' ---' ___ , --·-~ ----' _____ , ---' ---' ---' Fuel cost inflation multipliers. Twenty patterns possible; each pattern may have up to 10 entries. 5% input as 1.05. Initialized to 1.0. Year inflation multipliers become effective (4 digits, e.g., 1982). If omitted, program will insert first year of study (for first entry only). IYRFC(l,l) = ---' . ' ---' IYRFC(l,2) = , ---___ , ---' ---' ---' IYRFC{l, 3) = --- IYRFC(l,4) = ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' ·---' ___ , ---' ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ·---' ---' ___ , ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ___ , ---' __ , ___ , _______ , ---' IYRFC(l,5) ~-__ , ---' IYRFC(l, 6) = ---' ---' ___ , _____ , ---' ___ , ---' . ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' ------' Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5 Pattern 6 NOTE: The user may define a maximum of 20 different fuel cost inflation patterns. 5-32 • r ., i 1 r 1 \ - L.J l. I . ""' IJ l l I~ l OPERATION AND MAINTEN.~NCE (O&M) COSTS OMMW(6) OMDKW(6) OMDF( 6) OMDHR( 6) PATOM(l0,6) L' Type Inflation Multiplier IYROM(lO, 6) L L~-Type Cal·endar Year OMMW = ' OMDKW = ' -·-' ' ' , ' ' t ' ' MW rating, set point, by thermal type, for fixed O&M. Fixed O&M, $/kW/yr, by thermal type. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) D-factor, p. u .. , by thermal type, for fixed O&M. Variable costs, $/Fired Houl"•/MW or $/MWh .. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted .. ) (See NDVOM, page 5~84.) O&M in.flation multiplier, by thermal type. 5% input as 1.05. Initialized to 1.0. Year inflation multiplier becomes effective (4 digits, e.g., 1982). If omitted, program will use first year of study (for first entry only). O~illF = ' OMDHR = ' ' ' ' ' ~rr-J ' ' ' ' 5-33 1) - r~ OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) COSTS (Continued) \ \ PATOM(l,l) = , PATOM(l,2) = ' PATOM(l,3) = ' f'l ' t __ , , ' ' ' ' 1"-1 t ' ' ' ' ' ' J ' , J ' ' ' ' ' ' PATOM(l,4) = PATOM(l,5) = PATOM(l,6) = r·l ' __ , ' \ ' ' ' I ' ' ' , (:'\ ' ' , ' ll ' ' ' f ' ' ·-' ' ' , !'l , ' J I j ' ' , ' ' ' r· l IYROM(l,l} = ' IYROM(l,2) = ' IYROM(l,3) = p ' ' ' !' , ' ' ' _...__, ' ' _, ' ' r ' ' ' __ , ' ' J ' ' ' ' t ] IYROM(l,4) = ' IYROM(l,5) = 'I IYROM(l,6) = ' ' ' ' J --' ' , ___ , ' ' _, , ' _, ' , , ... I ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' \,.I ~ ., ' ' c ..t..-·~' c 5-34 I I. r· I. l l I. I_ (, I. I. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) COSTS (Continued) OMHYD(4) OMVHYD(4) PATHOM(l0,4) Fixed O&M for conyentional hydro and energy storage, $/kW/yr. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) (1) -Conventional Hydro. (2)-(4) -Energy Storage. May not input OMDB to override on individual unit basis. Variable O&M for conventional hydro and energy storage, $/MWh of generation. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) {1) -Conventional Hydro. (2)-(4) -Energy Storage. May not input OMVDB to override on individual unit basis. I . '-Type L__Inflation Multiplier O&M inflation multiplier. 5% input as 1.05. Initialized to 1.0. IYRHOM(l0,4) L L-Tyoe Calendar Year OMHYD = ---' ___ , ___ , ---' OMVHYD = Year inflation multiplier becomes effective (4 digits, e.g., 1982). If omitted, program will insert first year of study (for first year only). ___ , ___ , ---' ___ , 5-35 Conventional Hydro Energy Storage 1 Energy Storage 2 Energy Storage 3 I ,..,., OPERATION AND 1\f\AINTENANCE (O&M) COSTS (Continued) PATHOM(l,l) = IYRHOM(l,l) ::; Conv. Hydro r~i ' _, '-, ' ' ' , , ' ' , f, , ,-' ' ' l"'~l , ' ' ' PATHOM(l, 2) = ' IYRHOM ( 1 , 2) = ' , Energy Storage ,-1 , ' , ' ' , ' ' Type l ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' r·1 PATHOM(l, 3) -' , IYRHOM(l, 3) = ' ' Energy ' ' ' ' Storage ("\ ' ' ' ' Type 2 , ' ' ' , ' ' , r,<:~, • J PATHOI-1( 1, 4) ~ ' IYRHOM(l,4) = ' ' Energy : ' 1 ' ' Storage , ' , ' Type 3 r "· ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' 5-36 RETIREMENT POLICY NYRET(lO) Default NYRET = ' 40 ' 40 ' 40 ) 40 ___ , 40 _, 40 ~ 1000 ' 1000 , 1000 ' 1000 i· .,. Unit life, in years, by type for Generation Model and manually installed units. Also see IYRAUT, page 5-83, and NSICMT, page 5-85. Thermal Type 1 Thermal Type 2 Thermal Type 3 Thermal Type 4 Thermal Type 5 Thermal Type 6 Conventional Hydro Energy Storage Type 1 Energy Storage Type 2 Energy Storage Type 3 5-37 1 i ~ .. ~ i I f I l tr· fORCED OUTAGE RATES FORM\tl( 3, 6) F'ORATE(3,6) MW ratings for mature forced outage rate standard tabl~ .• Three Mlv ratings for each of the six thermal types. Mature forced outage rate, p.u • ., associated with the MW ratings. 5% input as 0.05. Mature forced outage rate is calculated by linear interpolation betweek ratings. It is assumed constant below the minimum and above the maximum ratings. .. _. ------- FOBMW{l:l) .... -----~-' FORATE(l,l) = ----, Type l c~;·":_,. M __ , -' ________ } ' FG&'-fi'l(l, 2) = ' l)rpe 2 FORATE(1,2) = -.-~-.. ..__,, , ' , FORMW(l, 3) = _, FORP..'l'E(1,3) = ----, Type 3 _, -.::----, ' FORMW(1~4) --· ' ~-~ --FORATE(1,4) = ----Type 4 _, -· 1 ' FQ.RMW ( 1, 5) = , FORATE(l, 5) -· Type 5 ' ,_, ' ---, ' FORHW(l,6) .., ~ F0RATE(l,6) = _, Type 6 ' ~' ... ~---~---' -~:.-: 5-38 i ' t ·. 1 ' J r· ' ' J ' ' I \. J l ' L ' ~ = I \:.~) J'!'l l t i l l.J j r~ r r·· r r I I I I I I I l ..,;' f.:., ';: i PLANNED OUTAGE RATES PORHW(3,6) MW ratings, for mature planned o~tage rate standard table. Three MW ra't~ings f'or each of the six thermal types .. PORATE(3,6) Mature planned outage rate, p.u., associated with the MW ratings. 5% input as 0.05. Mature planned outage rate is calculated by linear interpolation between ratings. It is assumed constant below the minimum and above the maximum ratings. PORHW(l,l) = ----POR.ATE(l,l) Type .. ' = .J. ' ' ' PORMV/{1,2) = ----, PORATE(l, 2) = Type 2 ' J ' PORMW(l,3) = ----' PORATE(l,3) = Type 3 ' , ' PORMW(l,4) = ----, PORATE(l,4) = J Type 4 ' ' ' ' PORMW(l,5) = ----' PORATE(l,5) = ' Type 5 ' ' ' ' PORMW(l,6) = ----' PORATE(l, 6) = J Type 6 ' , ' ' 5-39 r r I I MANUAL MAINTENANCE If manual maintenance is not used, the program will automatically schedule planned maintenance for production costing and reliability calculations. IPATRN(l2,25) ~Pattern Index Month Manual maintenance patterns. Maximum of 25 patterns. 0 = Unit not on maintenance in that month. 1 = Unit on maintenance in that month. Initialized to 0. (See MPATDB, page 5-57.) NOTE: The number of manual maintenance patterns input to the Data Preparation Program is the maximum number af patterns that will be printed by the Generation Planning Pr'ogram. IPATRN(l,l) = ' IPATRN(l,2) = , IPATRN(1,3) = ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IPATRN(l, 4) = IPATRN (1, 5) = IPATRN (1, 6) = ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' --' ' ' ' 5-40 I ;--, r-., r--. .,.1 r ' f I, ,, I ·~ l , ' i l,~ I I I MANUAL MAINTENANCE (Continued) I IPATRN(l,7) = ' IPATRN(l,8) = IPATRN(l,9) = ' ' ' ' , , ' I , ' . ' ' ' , ' I ' ' ' ' _ _,_, ' ' ' ' , ' ' I ' ' , ' IPATRN(l,lO) = ' IPATRN(l,ll) = IPATRN(l,l2) = ' I ' ' ' ' , ' I J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' _, , ' ' ' ' , ' ' I ' ' ' IPATRN(l,l3) = ' IPATRN(l,l4) = ' IPATRN(l ,15) = J ' , J ' ' ' , ' _, ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' I, ' , l::lil ' ' ' ' ' ' ' NOTE: The user may define a maximum of 25 maintenance patterns. 5-41 ~·· THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS XHRDB( 6) XPOWl( 6) XFINl( 6) XHRDB = ·-----' ·----' ---...--' ·---' Net station heat rate, Btu/kWh, at production cost maximum rating. Applied to units considered £or automatic additions. Also applied to manual additions and Generation Model units if heat rate data not supplied for individual units. Minimum load output in p. u. of production cost full load output. Applied to units considered for automatic addit~ons. AJ so applied to manual additions and Generation Model units if minimum load data not supplied for individual units. Fuel input at mn~mum rating in p. u. of production cost full load fuel input. Applied to units considered £or automatic additions • . Also applied to manual additions and Generation Medel units if minimum load fuel input data not supplied for individual units. Example: 25% of full load output requires 28% of full load fuel input. XPOWl = _____ , _____ , -----' -----' _____ , -----' XFINl = __ ..,... __ , -, _____ , _____ , -----' _____ , fl ~ •. _,· .. · . > . ' ! I . > . ' I I I I I ...__, .1;' • > I 1-. I PLANT AND REGION IDENTIFICATION IPNAME( 2,100) IREGN(lOO) Plant ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12-Character Plant Name - IPNAME = 60H 60H 60H 60H 60H ' ' ' ' Region ID IREGN = ' f , ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' , J ··' ' Plant name, 12 characters each • Region number for each plant (1 ~ IREGN ~ 25). Default is 25. Plant ID 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 12-Character Plant Name 60H ~---- 60H-;..._ ___ _ -----' 60H ----- Region ID -- ---' ---' ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ---' ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' ----.-' ___ , 60H ____ , , -----' 60H ~---- ___ , ___ , ---' ---' ---' ___ , ---' ___ , -----' ___ , NOTE: A maximum of 100 plants can be defined. 5-43 PLANT AND REGION IDENTIFICATION (Continued) KPLANT( 6) IRNAME( 2, 25) KPLANT = Region ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' ., ' ' ' Plant index for assigning individual units to plants by unit type .. May be overridden unit by unit. Region name, 12 characters each. 12-Character Region NamEL_ IRNAME = 60H -------- ~ ' 60H ~~ ' 60H ------' 5-44 < J ' ' , l fl ) i ' J r1 r ' ' l. \ ; L.i LJ i.il-J.Itl ... l!l II [; ~ ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (OGP-6A only) . . • r: ~ I ' I I ' I IJ I!J ., 11 I E • ID ., IJ. kl L ' KEYENV = , -- Thermal type data: HREJ ( 6) SORM (6) PREFF ( 6) HREJ .. .. Fuel type data: SOTAB (20) PCSULF ( 20) CFCTAB ( 3' 20) CFNTAB ( 3, 20) CFPTAB ( 3, 20) CFWTAB ( 2, 20) ' ' ' ' ' , Option to perform f'uel consumption and environmental discharge calculations. 0 = Omit • 1 =Calculate fuel consumption and emissions (OGP-6A). -1 =Calculate fuel consumption only (OGP-6). Atmospheric allocation of waste heat rejection, (p.u.). (1-HREJ rejected to water.) SuJ,fur removal efficien:~y, (p.u.). Precipitator efficiency: (p.u.). SORM = ' PREFF = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,_, , t Sulfur content, lbs/unit fuel. Percent sulfur (for printing purposes only). Carbon monoxide coefficients (lbs/hr, lbs/MWh, Scalar). Nitrogen oxide coefficients (lbs/hr, lbs/MWh, Scalar). Particulate coefficients (lbs/hr, lbs/MWh, Scalar). Water consumption coefficients (gals/hr, gals/MWh). l I~ l ., ·C lc ,,. \1:: li: jl"' f 1 ! J r I .. ' ' r~ ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (OGP-6A only) (Continued) f"l Fuel type data (continued) : ( ' 1 SO TAB = J PCSULF = ' ' f?'l I 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " : ' 7 ' ' ' ' f"'l ' ' ' ·• ' j ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r··· l 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' CFCTAB(l,l) = r·1 , ' -' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ,_l ' , ' ; ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' r" • 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . .. • t r·r·"t ,, ' _, ' ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' ' CFNTAB(l,l) = -' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' .! -. ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' J, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '""' ' _.,~'i. ' ' , i 1 ' ' _, ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' LJ L~j 5-46 .f;:.~ .· ' ' 'j ~ . .. ' .. · ' ·; ~, J tn. IW ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (OGP-6A only) (Continued) Fuel type data (continued) : CFPTAB(l,l) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J , J ' J ' J ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' ' J J ' J ' ' ' ' CFWTAB ( l, 1) = ----, ' , ----' ' ' ____ ,., ' ' ' ' ----' ' ' ----' ' ' ' ' ----' J J 5-47 J J ' ' J J ' J ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' J ' ____ , _, ---' ' ----' ' ----' ' ' ----' ' ------' ' ----' FUEL AND ENERGY LIMITS (OGP-6A only) LIMIT = --------' LIMCF = ----' ELIMIT( 6) PUELIM(l2,6) ~ Thermal Type Month FLIMIT(20) PUFLIM(l2, 20) I · LFuel Type L_Month ELIMIT = -----' -----' -----' 0 = No limiting factors. 1 = Fuel and energy limits apply. -1 = Only the energy limits apply. -2 = Only the fuel limits apply. 0 = Carry-over of unused energy or fuel not allowed. 1 = Carry over the unused portion of the '· 1 limit for energy or fuel consumption into the next month (carry-over into 11 next year is not allowed). Energy limiting factor by thermal unit type (assigned to each unit of the type). 0 = No limit. ¥ >0 and <1.0 = Capacity factor limit. >1.0 = Actual ~Ih limit. Monthly p.u. multiplier for Limit will be multiplied by establish actual energy particular month. Initialized to 1.0. energy limits. this factor to limit for Fuel consumption limit by fuel type in units of fuel usage. Associated input HVTAB, page 5-28. a Monthly p.u. multiplier for fuel limits. Limit will be multiplied by this factor to establish actual fuel limit for a particular month. Initialized to 1.0. 5-48 Fl ,...., . ' r 1 ' J [ ' ' J . ' ' .. I ) r rr ~ ~ ~ ~ n D n E B B I ·' fJ lj• 11 ,. I ;, !; at . . _, t: ij l I li II ;t ~! ' ' :t j l ,1 • i u d li ·~ i r 1 1M I i I ', . :, . (4 ··~· FUEL AND ENERGY LIMITS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) PUELIM(l,l) = , PUELTivl{l, 2) = _, ' , , ' , ' , , ' , ' ! ' , ' ' ' ' , , ' , PUELIM(l,4) = PUELIM(l, 5) = ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' ' J FLIMIT = PUFLIM(l,l) = ' ' ' , ' __ , ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' , ' , , ' ' ------' ------' 5-49 PUELIM(1,3) :: PUELIM(l, 6) = PUFLIM(l,2) = , , ' ' ' , , ' ' , ' , ' J , , J , ' ' , ' ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -. "' . ·,. ~i/·:. :~~--:·_:.:-_ ~-:_:·: r i - f"' ff1 " ~ FUEL AND ENERGY LIMITS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) j1 , PUFLIM(1,3) = ' PUFLIM (1, 4) = ' PUFLIM(1, 5) = ' !'fl· I 1 ' ' ' · .. ] ' , ' J'( ' ' , ~'TI l 'i ' , ' J J ' ' ' f ' ' r"' ' , \! i ' ' w _, ' ' ' ' r~ , I ,. u ' ' PUFLIM(l, 6) = ' PUFLIM(1, 7) = PUFLIM(1,8) = ' ,r I ' ' ' f , ' ' ' r· ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PUFLIM(l, 9) = , PUF LIM ( 1 , 10) = ' PUFLIM(1,11) :: , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ~' , ' ' ' ' , I. ..• ' ' ' ' PUFLIM(l,12) = ' PUFLIM(1,13) = ' PUFLIM (1, 14) :: ' t J ' ' ' ' J ' J L.~ • .J ' J ' ' , ' ' ,, ' ' 't ' ' ~~ ' l' , ' .1 I r i 5-50 i {I j :·; -· l t.~'~ ~ ' ., n ~. j. rl f : ~ n 1 FUEL AND ENERGY LIMITS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) PUFLIM.(l, 15) = PUFLIM(l,l6) = ' PUFLIM(l, 17) = ' J ' J f1 :1 ' ' ' ' ' ' J ' : ~, ' ' ' ' ' fl )'• ' J ' J J _, , ' ' fl ~ _..t ' ' ' ' ' ' fl ~ ) PUFLIM(l,l8) = PUFLIM(l, 19) = PUFLIM(l, 20) = ' ' J ' ' fl '\; ,,/ J t ' ' ' ' ' !I ! \ ' ' ' ' ' , ~ ~ ' J _, ·-' ~ I ' ' ' v l ..f ' ' [I l .. ,J '~ ,J ; ~ ! i1 lj ; Ji tl ,, !, ~ i j, [: ( i' ~ ' •,J l;• ~ ''l IJ' r! :1 t,4 !I •, t· ,., ) lj ;j Ll1 ' ·t! I. ,; 4 ~,;ij J 5-51 ,_. ' .,J..) l-.. I r- l ' t f ,, f''" l ' ' I r ~ r• DESIGN CRITERIA OPTIONS MONPR = ____ , STEP = ____ , Option to identify month to be used for percent reserve calculations. Program will use installed capacity, hydro and contracts. relative to MONPR. 0 = Program will set MONPR equal to month associated with annual peak load. X = Program will use MONPR specified by user. ~v step of probability table (optional). If inputted, program will use user-supplied step size thJ;"oughout study; may change annually at Generation Planning level. Default (recommended): Program will determine MW step each year, based on the following table: Annual Peak Step Size >MW MW - 0 5 2 000 10 10 000 25 50 000 50 100 000 100 200 000 200 5-52 1 l l J \, ~ LJ L.i [ I \ 1 ! i I m J ~t ' Jj I !t J ~: tl f :I '[ . I • t r I • J 1 I r , 't ' -- l\ ' t l t ., { J i \ t j -~ ·~ jl!j,,"}> J ~ ~JI<l:t>;".lt ANNUAL POOL PEAKS POOLMW ( 30) Option ~.~; override annual pool peaks read from the Load Model file, for each year of OGP study. POOI.MW = -----' -----' -----' _____ ., _____ , ------' ___ , --·--' -----' ·----' ' I 0 = Use MW loads from original Load Model~ X = Use new MW annual pool peak. May override all annual peaks or selected years only. If Load Model contains more than 1 company, program 1-l'il.l use company/pool ratios as defined on original Lc.,ad Hodel.. --..---' -----' --·--' -----' ---~' _____ , ______ , _, --------_____ , ___ , ----' -----' -----' -----·' 5-53 \ ' ' ~ ll ~ 1 '" I .~ ,, ~ ij L I; 'i ·~: I \' I OUTPUT OPTIONS M3D = ----' GMOUT = ____ , MLOUT = ----' KPRINT(30) LPRINT(30) KPRINT -- J _, ' LPRINT = , Ending $ Option to receive case identification, program error messages and end of calculation message over terminal. 0 = Omit. 7 = Output file to be printed at terminal. Initialized to 7. Option to print Generation Model file that was read. 0 = Do not print. 1 = Prir.:.~~. Initialized to 1. Option to print master list of units. 0 = Do not print. 1 = Print. Initialized to 1. Option to print Generation Model, by year. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print. Option to print Load Model, by year. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print. Initialized to LPRINT(l) = 1. ' ' _, ' ' __ , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , _, ' , End of General Data. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' _, (REPLACE COMMA FOLLOWING LAST PIECE OF DATA WITH $) 5-54 r-., j j j '-" • r I " I r I r _;; ~s· < r . f~ ' . "~ r: . , f~· r· .. ~ r·. .. fJ r: f .. . -·" ~ f J ~ I ... ~· '! lj f . l1 H L~· GENERATION 1\riODEl OVERRIDES AND MANUAL INSTALLATIONS It is possible to override, on a unit-by-unit basis, unit characteristics read from the Generation Model as well as those assigned fpom the standard tables by the Data Preparation Program. It is also possible to specify additional units to be included in the system. In either case, the original Generation Model will not be changed. The Generation Model overrides are done sequentially by record. Each unit is referenced by its position within the record, which can have a maximum of 25 units. The manually installed units, which are input with a maximum of 25 units per record, follow the Generation Model overrides. Any unit characteristics not input will be assigned from the standard tables. As with the Generation Model, manually installed units are referenced by their position in the record • Each record of input data, whether it is an override or a manual installation, must begin with a $INPUT and must close with an ending $a NOTE: All costs are input relative to the year in which costs are quoted. The variables used for the Generation Model overrides and manually installed units are the same variables used to input data to the Generation Model Program (page 4-5). They are also listed below: NREAD MANUAL KMORE $INPUT IMAX = ___ , NAMEIDB( 2, 25) In general data, it indicates the first Generation Model record to be modified. In override data, it indicates the next Generation Model record to be modified. Option to add units manually. Input in general data. 0 = No manual additions. 1 = Manual additions data will be supplied. Input with manual additions data. 0 = More sets of manual additions data wi11. be x-ead. 1 = Current set is last set of manual data. Each record of input data begins with $INPUTa Number of units described in record. Input only if IMAXnew ¢ IMAXold• IMAX < 25. If IMAX=O, entire record will be ignored. Station identification (12 characters). 5-55 GENERATION MODEL OVERRIDES AND MANUAL INSTALLATIONS (Continued) KINDB(25) KCODB(25) *KPLDB( 25) INSTDB(25) MINTDB(25) KRETDB(25) MRETDB(25) *INORDB( 25) OPCTDB(25) *CAPDB( 25) *HRDB(25) *PMINDB(25) *FMINDB ( 25) *FMAXDB(25) *FMAXDB ( 25) Types 1-6 = Thermal. Type 7 = Conventio,nal Hydro. Types 8-10 = Energy Storage. Company index in pool list. Plant ID. Year of installation -1900. e.g., input 72 if the unit was installed in 1972. Mont.h of installation, e.g., input 5 if May. Omit if January. Retirement year (4 digits). Month of retirement, e.g., input 5 if May. Omit if January. Original installation year (4 digits). Input only for units that are installed as direct replacements for other units on the system. Percent owned by company. 0 ::; 100% owned. 25 = 25% owned. Maximum net output (MW). Net station heat rate (Btu/kWh). P.U. MW output at minimum rating. If < 1, computed as PMINDB*MW (MW is production cost rating. Fuel input at minimum rating (p.u.). If < 1, computed as Fl4INDB*HR*MW*0.001 (MW is productio11 cost rating). Production cost rating. If < 1, computed as PMAXDB*CAPDB •. Fuel input at maximum rating. If < 1, computed as FMAXDB*HR*MW*O.OOl (MW is production cost rating). NOTE: If partially owned units are described in more than one r~cord, the user must override the information in all pertinent records. * Indicates variables that are input only for thermal units, Types 1-6. 5-56 r 1 r . '~···1 I ~ ,.; f ! . I ~ . f r, • 1 ~ ~ ~ ,, !\ " J.! .I I n \~ . , ~ I I I l . r ' l ' ~J ~: "'""'-~ .... ~~ n~i .... ··"' J: '·4 l.f I: , .. "' . .) f .. · J . ........ 4\{ GENERATION MODEL OVERRIDES l\ND MANUAL IN.STALLATIONS (Continued) *KFTDB( 25) *KFIDB(25) *FPCTDB( 3~ 25) *FCDB(3, 25) *CMBTU(25) f:FUICDB( 5, 25) *FUBCDB( 5, 25) *OMDB( 25) *OMVDB(25) DKWDB(25) *FORDB(25) *PORDB( 25) *MPATDB(25) *MRDB( 25) CMINDB(l2, 25) GMAXDB ( 12, 25) ENGYDB(l2,25) PONDES(l2,25) PUMPES ( 12, 25) GENES(l2, 25) Fuel type ID. Fuel cost inflation pattern number • Percent of time for 3 fuel types, e.g., 60, 40, o. Sum of the 3 must equal 100. Cost (c!MBtu) for 3 fuel types. NOTE: FPCTDB and FCDB can be replaced by CNB'IU. Fuel cost (c/iMBtu), non-nuclear thermal units only. NOTE: CMBTU replaces FPCTDB and FCDB. Fuel inventory cost ($/yr/kW). Fuel burnup cost (¢/MBtu). Fixed O&M ($/kW/yr). Variable O&M ($/hr/1-iW or $/MWh). Plant cost ($/kW). Mature forced outage rate (p.uu). Mature planned outage rate (p.u.). ID of manual maintenance pattern. Unit minimum uptime rule. Monthly minimum output (MW), conventional hydro. Monthly maximum output (MW), conventional hydra. Monthly energy (GWh), conventional hydros Monthly pond size or storage capacity (MWh), energy storage. Monthly pump or charging rating (MW), energy storage. Monthly maximum net output (MW), energy storage~ NOTE: If partially owned units are dt?scribed in more than one record, the user must override the information in all pertinent records. * Indicates variables that are input only for thermal units, T;rpes 1-6~ 5-57 GENERATION MODEL OVERRIDES AND M.\NUALINSTALLATIONS (Continued) If an input variable is omitted, the program will assign the following standard table values: NAMEDB KPLDB KRETDB INORDB HRDB *PMINDB *FMINDB *PMAXDB *FMAXDB KFTDB KFIDB CMBTU COMMITTED n, where n = 1 through 84. Plant ID defined in KPLANT by unit type. Retirement policy in years, defined in NYRET, by unit type. INSTDB for unit. Net station heat rate Btu/kWh, defined in XHRDB, by unit type. MW output at minimum rating, defined in XPOWl, by unit type. Fuel input at minimum rating, defined in XFINl, by unit type. CAPDB for unit. (Heat rate)*(rating)*(O.OOl), where heat rate is Btu/kWh as defined by XHRDB or HRDB. Fuel type defined in IFTAB, by unit type. If type 2 unit, program will examine ITFOSS(K,N), where K is company index and N=l, if automatic or manual addition unit, and N=2 if Generation Model unit. Fuel inflation pattern associated with the fuel type assigned to the !,lnit by user input, IFTAB or ITFOSS (see KFTDB). Fuel cost associated with the fuel type assigned to the unit by user input, IFTAB or ITFOSS (see KFTDB). * Denotes variabl~s for which the user must input -1 in order t.o have the program assign a 0 rather than the standard table value. 5-58 . ··~ I ,-1 " ·' ~-·l ('1 '.l . 'I -~ , .• '-~ ~t :'~ .1+ t.,;_;, c " . i ·' GENERATION MO'::"'JEL OVERRIDES AND 1\1ANUAliNSTAllATIONS (Continued) FUICDB FUBCDB *OMDB *OMVDB *DKWDB *FORDB *PORDB MRDB Ending $ $/yr/kW defined in FUICST{N) where N=l, if .first nuclear type and ~r~2, if second nuclear type. Time variat1ons defined by FUICPU(I,N) will also be applied. tS/MBtu defined in FUCOST(K), where K refers to unit fuel type. Time variations defined in FUBCPU(I,N) where I=time variation, N=l, if first nuclear type and N=2, if second nuclear type. NOTE: Must input as many values for FUICDB and FUBCDB as required by NUCBRK (page 5-30). Standard table, fixed O&M, by unit type. Standard table, variable O&M, by unit type. Standard table plant cost, by unit type. Standard table, forced outage rate, by unit type. Standard table, planned outage rate, by unit type. KCYCLE rule associated with unit type. (See Generation Planning input.) End of record. (REPLACE COMMA FOLLOWING LAST PIECE OF DATA IN RECORD WITH $) * Denotes variables for which the user must input -1 in order to have the program assign a 0 ra·ther than the standard table value. 5-59 ,, W' I I I I I I I I I I I I f ,, ii ) ' !1 L .,_J .~. -d l!Q ' GENERATION MODEL OVERRIDES AND MANUAL INSTALLATIONS (Continued) ENVIRONMENTAl DISCHARGE ClVERRIDES (OGP-6A ONLY) The following variables are available only in OGP-6A: HREJDB(25) SORMDB(25) PREFDB(25) CFCODB( 3, 25) CFNODB( 3, 25) CFPTDB( 3, 25) CFWCDB(2, 25) ELIMDB(25) Atmospheric heat rejection, (p.u~). Sulfur removal, (p.u.). .Precipitator efficiency, (p. u.). Carbon monoxide coefficients. {1) -lbs/hr (2) -lbs/MWh {3) scalar. Nitrogen oxide coefficients. (1) lbs/hr (2) -lbs!MWh (3) scalar. Particulate coefficientse (1) -lbs/hr (2) lbs/MWh (3) scalar. Water consumption coefficients. (1) -gals/hr (2) gals/MWh. Energy limit override input. P.U. multipliers associated with unit still apply. If an input variable is omitted, the program will assign the following standard table values: *HREJDB *SORMDB *PREFDB *CFCODB 4 CFNODB *CFPTDB *CFWCDB *ELIMDB P. U. heat rejection defined in HREJ(K), where K refers to unit thermal type, 1-6. P. U. sulfur removal defined in SORM(K), where K refers to unit thermal type, 1-6. P.U. precipitator efficiency defined in PREFF(K), where K refers to unit thermal type, 1-6. Carbon monoxide coefficients defined in CFCTAB(N,K), where K refers to unit fuel type, 1-20. Nitrogen oxide coefficients defined in CFNTAB(N,K), where K refers to unit fuel type, 1-20. Particulate coefficient defined in CPFTAB(N,K), where K refers to unit fuel type, 1~20. Water consumption coefficient defined in CFWTAB(N,K), where K refers to unit fuel type, 1-20. Energy limit associated with assigned thermal type. * Denotes variables for which the user must input -1 in order to have the program assign a 0 rather than the standard table value. 5-60 - fl r ··;.. ' \ ' ' I I ~· l ' ' ' t I. 1 •"""'"" I I I : I ~ e• I j r· I l - I I I l I · I I . J ' I · 1 ! I I GENERATION PlANNING PROGRAM For the Generation Planning Program, the following order of input data must be observed: la General data. 2. Annual data (optional). Annual data for year XXXX will be read by the program only if the previous set of data contained IYREAD=XXXX. Unless otherwise stated, all values have been initialized to 0. 5-61 0 (\ '<: '' }:· ,\ • ••• _· • ··~~·~~ I t·--. I GENERfl~TIOf'J PLANNING 7<'' I ALPHABETIC LISTING OF INPLJT VARJABLES Variable Page Variable Page Variable Page Variable Page r· ., • I ADJPSH 5 .,h ID2 5-89 KSPARE(4) 5-88 *NTOTAL 5-89 -"'f BTUNIT 5-90 IDCTRT 5-76 KWHERE 5-74 *NTRIM 5-81 CAP 5-90 IFCPAT 5-91 KZONE 5-6.8 NUMZON 5-68 r -·, I CAP COS 5-91 *IFSP 5-84 LCOMIT 5-68 NYPOVR 5-82 CEFFES 5-89 IF TYPE 5-90 LIMCF 5-92 *NYPWTH 5-89 COEFCO 5-92 D1STYP 5-65 LIMIT 5-92 NWUSER 5-87 r -l COEFNO 5-92 *IMSYRS 5-65 IMAINT 5-67 OM 5-91 II COEFPT 5-92 INHMNT 5-67 LMBSES 5-82 OMHYD 5-89 I COEFWC 5-92 IPATRN 5-89 LPLOLP 5-87 OMV 5-91 r· ., CSTENG 5-63 IPLANT 5-90 LSPARE(l) 5-87 OMVHYD 5-89 I CTRINC 5-76 IREGN 5-90 LSPARE( 4) 5-68 PC TRIM 5-81 CTRTMW 5-76 IVCSUB 5-83 *M3D 5-87 POR 5-90 DKWYCT 5-76 IYRAUT 5-83 *M4D 5-88 PORSHK 5-65 I DMWHCT 5-76 IYREAD 5-84 MATOR 5-79 FOWl 5-90 ECOMIT 5-69,5-70 KBREAK 5-68 MIX 5-79 POW2 5-90 I EDISP 5-69,5-72 KCALCL 5-84 MMPAT 5-90 PRBMIN 5-85 EERATE 5-63 KCTRT 5-76 MNTPKM 5-67 PRECEF 5-92 I EEPRNT 5-88 KCYCLE 5-68 MONAUT 5-79 PRGOAL 5-78 ELIMIT 5-92 KEYCMT 5-69 MONRET 5-83 PROVER 5-82 ESIZEG 5-89 KEYENV 5-84 MPRINT 5-86 PUELIM 5-92 I ESIZEP 5-89 KEYPRC 5-78 MSTRUN 5-90 Pli'FLIM 5-92 ESIZES 5-89 KEYPSH 5-74 MYRAUT 5-80 PUHREJ 5-92 EULIM 5-92 *KEY SUM 5-87 MYREXT 5-67 PUSORM 5-92 I EXCHYD 5-74 KIND 5-90 NALLOC 5-85 PWRATE 5-63 EXCMAX 5""74 KLOLP 5-78 NATRIM 5-81 RANFOR 5-68 ;jj EXPh"WH 5-63 *KODE2 5-86 NDVOM 5-84 PATEIC 5-76 EXMXPU 5-63 *KODE3 5-86 NENTRY 5-78 RATEPC 5-76 I EXRATE 5-63 KODE( 6) 5-87 *NFIRST 5-85 RELENG 5-74 FAIL 5-79 KODE( 7) 5-84 NHCTRT 5-76 SHKFOR 5-65 FINl !>-90 KODE( 9) 5-88 NIMMOR 5-65 SHKPOR 5-65 FIN2 ~)-90 KOPT 5-79 NKODE(l) 5-84 SO CO NT 5-92 FIXCHG 5-89 KOPOVR 5-82 NKODE(2) 5-81 SPRES 5-64 FLIMIT 5-92 KORDER 5-74 NKODE(4) 5-85 SRCRDT 5-64 FOR 5-90 KOSTPC 5-84 NKODE( 5) 5-80 SRMULT 5-64 FORSHK 5-65 *KPCUMT 5-87 NKODE(7) 5-85 STEP 5-84 ,. FUCOST 5-91 KPRENV 5-86 NKODE(8) 5-65 TEMPC 5-91 FUIC 5-91 KPRES 5-88 NKODE(lO) 5-87 *TYCST 5-84 GRMLTI 5-80 KPRSMY 5-88 NLPW 5-79 UNCLL 5-81 GRMLTP 5-80 KPRSUM 5-87 NNAHED 5-89 UNCLM 5-81 GSTART 5-75 *KPSUM2 5-87 NNMANY 5-89 UPFUEL 5-85 'li HRINMX 5-78 *KPSUM4 5-88 NOKOPT 5-79 YRINMX 5-78 ~~ HYDFCR 5-89 KPVIOL 5-88 NSBASE 5-80 IDl 5-89 KRMAX 5-80 NSICMT 5-85 Ji r; i'r i,l l NOTE: All data input in Generation Planning, except those indicated by *, may be overriden annually through the use of IYREAD. .. _ _, 5-62 1 r 1 r 1 n 1 r 1 r I ~ 1 r I I r~~ I :\ :I I r; {_J I [1 tl I ,-j ~ _j I f4 ~ - ! l~J I ' ,~ liJ ,, : ,;, . : I$ .., ! l i ~~ u f! -: ' "[ -! l f l_; -~~---_--i i_ 't 1 . " 1 GENERAL DATA $INPUT PWRATE = ___ , EXMXPU = ___ , EXDMWH = ___ , EXRATE = ___ , CSTENG = ___ , EERATE = ___ , Present worth interest rate. Initialized to 1.06. Option to sell off-peak excess energy when sum of minimum generation exceeds load. 0 = Do not sell. Program will print err•,or message, summarize and step .. X.XX = Maximum sell limit, percent of sum of minimum loadings. e.g., 0. 25 is 25 percent. Cost associated with sale of off-peak excess energy ($/MWh). (Rel:tiv~ to year in which costs are quoted.) Inflation rate associated with off-peak excess sale. 6% input as 1.06. Initialized to 1.0. Cost of emergency tie assistance in production costing calculations, $/MWh. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) Initialized to 10. Emergency energy cost inflation rate. Initialized to 1.0. 5-63 I I I I 1: I I I SPINNING RESERVE SPRES = SRMULT = ----' SRCRDT = ----' ---' ----' If SPR&~ < 0.0, program calculates: Spinning reserve = SPRES*MW rating of largest unit in system and not on maintenance in month being studied. If 0.0 < SPRES < 1.0, program calculates: Spinning reserve = SPRES*monthly peak load in MW. If SPRES > 1. 0, spinning reserve = SPRES in MW. Minimum spinning reserve (MW). If inputted, program will compute spinning reserve using SPRES rules and will use larger of SRMULT or calculated spinning reserve. Maximum unused energy storage capacity to take as spinning reserve credit (p.u. of total energy storage generating capacity). 5-64 1 -r I .1 I :~r I 1 _,r 1 ,,r 1 ,,r I ~T. I [ I ( I I ~ ' j:. ·!; '" ~1 ,n 1:1 [/ ''! r (J c r~ ' 1 :,,JJ fi I . • ~~ M~ OUTAGE RATE IMMATURITY MULTIPLIERS NKODE( 8) = ___ , or NIMMOR = SHKFOR( 6) SHKPOR( 6) IMSTYP( 6) or IMSYRS = ----' FORSHK(l0,6) J 1 , Thermal Type Step PORSHK(l0,6) I ·1--Thermal Type L-step SHKFOR = ---SHKPOR = ___ , ___ , ___ , Outage rate immaturity multipliers to use. 0 = Use single-step multipliers .. 1 = Use multi-step multipliers. Single-step immaturity multipliers on forced outage rate, by type. 10% increase input as 1.10. Initialized to 1.0. Single-step immaturity multipliers planned outage rate, by type.· 15% increase input as 1.15. Initialized to 1.0. on Number of years for which single-step imma- ture forced and planned outage rates apply. Per-unit immaturity multiplier for forced outage rate. 15% increase input as 1.15. Each step remains in effect for one year. Per-unit immaturity multiplier for planned outage rate input. 15% increase input as 1.15. Each step remains in effect for one year. ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ---' IMSTYP = --- 5-65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I ,_ ', l ~ jl <' ~~ ii i: . ' • < ! I. 'I OUTAG·E RATE IMMATURITY MULTIPLIERS (Continued) FORSHK(l,l) = , FORSHK(l,2) = FORSHK(l,3) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , __ , , ' FORSHK(l,4) = ' FORSHK(l,5) = ' FORSHK(l,6) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PORSHK(l,l) = ~ PORSHK(l, 2) = ' PORSHK(l,3) , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' PORSHK(l,4) = PORSHK(.:,~ 5) = PORSHK(l,6) ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , 5-66 M< ...... f:"'"'' r-,, 1 = ' ' ' r1 ' , ' I '1 ' ' ' ("l ' I = ' ' ' r·1 ' ' ' ,. '"\ ' ' ' ' = ' ' , ' ' ' = 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' I I 1 r 1 r 1 r~, I f~ 1 r~ I I f-1 t J I r~ ~ J I {l ~ _j I ~-; "'· 'f l.J I f1 :l '" I {! ~ t~ i fl 1i J,l ~! ~ r-1 ~I 1"1 ~ l ; I ~ f ; { u I ' r'l: LJ MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING MNTPKM = ------' INHMNT = ___ , ---' --:..--' • 3 ___ , LMAINT = ___ , MYREXT = , Option to inhibit program frcm scheduling planned maintenance during peak load month. 0 = Normal maintenance scheduling. 1 = Do not maintain units in peak load month. -XX = Do not maintain units in Month XX. Option to define maximum of 5 months in which to inhibit scheduling of planned maintenance. 0 = Normal maintenance scheduling. N = Do not schedule maintenance in month Ne -1 = Do not schedule maintenance in peak load month. Initialized to INfMNT = 5* 0. If INHMNT data is not supplied, program will use MNTPKM data. Option to save/read production cost maintenance schedule on File 14. 0 = Omit. 1 : Save annual maintenance schedule on File 14. Must provide appropriate control card. -1 = Read annual maintenance schedule from File 14, which had been written to by a previous OGP execution; must provide appropriate control card. NOTE: This option may be used only on fixed, i.e., manual expansion runs, not on automatic expansion runs. Option to schedule planned maintenance for units installed/retired in mid-year. 0 = Do not schedule planned maintenance. 1 = Schedule prorated planned maintenance or pertinent manual maintenance pattern. Initialized to 0. 5-67 .. ·--..~~~--. .. . ' . I l ' [ c ~ l l 1 L - THERMAL UNIT COMMITJ\1ENT AND DISPATC~i Default -· KCYCLE :: ' 1 2 _,_, 3 ' 3 3 ' 3 NUMZON = Default KZONE ::= ' 4 } ' 4 ' 4 ----1 12 12 } ' 12 KBREAK = 1 4 5 ' 6 LCOMIT :: ___ , or LSPARE(4) = ' RANFOR = ___ , ~linimum uptime rule for each thermal type. r· Rule -1 -Must run unit. Rule 1 -If committed, must run all week. Rule 2 -If committed fot• weekday, must. run all f <-'' 1-1eekdays. If committed for weekend, must run all weekend. Hule 3 -If committ.ed, must run all hours in r , commitment zone period~ Number of commitment zones (maximum of 6). Initialized to 6. Number of hours in each commitment zone. Weekday. Weekend. Index in KZONE list which points to first and last zone in weekday and first and last zone in weekend day. Optional treatment of must-run units in determining num- ber of units committed to mmet load plus spinning reserve. 0 = Use maximum rating of mwst-run units. 1 = Use minimum rating of must-run units and then delta sections, if economical. Initialized to Oo Option to consider rcmdom forced outage.s in production costing calculationso 0 ~ Do not use random forced outages; extend maintenance by amount of forced outage rate. +1 = Use random forced outages in decision passes and -1 = optimum pass. Use random forced outages in optimum pass only. In decision passes, program will extend maintenance by amount of forced outage rate. 5-68 I F ~ i~ f F t f ", { --,~ #""' • l . 'I ;:..; .~ lt f ; .. 1 F 1 1 I I ( r L~ r r~ l. [ r-:· Lj r ' ~ l. L.-~· [ [~ I ( r~ ,, J t.A r f ; ~ L • L~ l q u t_"' j. L· ... ~ f . . t~ THERMAL UNIT COMMITMENT AND DISPATCH (Continued) KEYCMT = ----Option to use in determining commitment list. 0 = Order unit commitment by full load operating cost (regular production cost priority). 1 = 'Use weighted costs (see ECOMIT). In OGP-6A, all environmental characteristics are considered (see ECOMIT, page 5-70). ~1 = Order unit commitment by uptime rules and then by cost. Costs will include ECOMIT factors. COMMITMENT AND DISPATCH WEIGHTRNG FACTORS (OGP-6 only) ECOMIT( 25) EDISP(25) - ECOMIT = _____ 1 -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' ---·-' -----' -----' -----' ------' -----' -----' -----' -----' Regional weighting coefficients for full load $/M"wh used i.n unit commitment. Regional weighting coefficients for incremental $/MWh used in unit dispatch5 EDISP = ---·-' -----' -----' _____ , _____ , -----' -----' --·---' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' 5-69 r-r ' ; ~ r r 0 I lf.., n { t l'l J L r- --~ . - r , l ~- r L f A t ( b "'··'·-~ r L ~'-.J ,-_ t L r ·;:,s .... ; r f.--, -l. ...... ""'~ t ~ ~ ~~ l ENVIRONMENTAL WEIGHTING FACTORS (0GP-6A only) ECOMIT( 25, 8) I . L__Emission Factor L___Region Weighting coefficients, by region and emission factor, for determining unit commitment. Heat Rejection Heat Rejecli.2!1 into Atmos:ehere into Water Full Load 1 $/MWh HBtu/MWh MBtu/MWh so 2 , Toris/MWh ECOMIT(l,l) = ' ECOMIT( 1, 2) = , ECOMIT(l,3) = ECOMIT(l,4) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' J ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' 'i ' J ' ' NOTE: Full load $/MWh matrix initialized to 1.0. All other matrices are initialized to zero. ':, ~. (Input data for region 25 if there are lumped fossils and gas turbines, i.eo, lumped Unit Types 2 or 3, in study.) 5-70 5-71 = ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' g __ , ._.-:--, ' ' ' ,., l- -, """"' il [ """""" ~ ;, l -t' r r": 4 t ,, ' > ~ #.::~.~ .. . ..,., ( ll l ~-<I t i r • t "' F"" r---. • r . ~ . ' ' 1\, ' f'.7r'""• r r::"" 'I I lJ ;-"':- r ;-' { I L I ·-~ r '!-'l I L r r-· L t - 1? r~·· t . '· I r ~--, [ \J L--.~ I r r··-- ' L [ <__. __ r _) ~ 'l L r t iL.·-~) k '. l::~~ r• •. , L ~ ~;.::.; L ENVIRONMENTAL WEIGHTING FACTORS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) NOX' Tons/MWh CO, Tons/MWh ECOMIT(l, 5) = ~ ECOMIT(l,6) = ' ' ' ' __ , ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' # ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' ' , ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' __ , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 5-71 Particulate, Tons/~1Wh ECOMIT(l, 7) = ' ' -' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' __ , ' ' ' ' ' Water Consumptiqn, 1000 gal/MWh ECOMIT(l,8) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' ' ' ' ' ' I ,'"'" ENVIRONMENTAL WEIGHTING FACTORS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) EDISP( 25, 8) j 1----Emission Factor ~---Region Weighting coerficients, by region and by emission ractor, ror detenaining unit dispatch. Heat Reje.,ction Heat Rejection into Atmos2here into Water so 2 , Tons/MWh Incrementall $/MWh MBtu/Mv~'h_ MBtu/MWh EDISP(l,l) = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' , , ' EDISP(l, 2) = __ , EDISP(l,3) = , EDISP(l,4) ' ' ' ' __ , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , ' ' » _, ' ,_,_, ' __ , , ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' NOTE: Incremental $/MWh matrix initialized to 1.0. All other matrices are initialized to zero. (Input data ror region 25 ir there are lumped rossils and gas turbines, i.e., lumped Unit Types 2 or 3, in study.) 5-72 = r:--,~ f"l ' \. " ' r---: ' . r ' 1 ' ' ' 7 f ., , f J ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' . ' - - - ENVIRONMENTAL WEIGHTING FACTORS (OGP-6A only) (Continued) Water Consumption+ 1000 gal/MWh NOX, Tons /MWh EDISP(l, 5) = __ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , _, ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , CO, Tons/MWh Particulate'- Tons/MWh EDISP(l,6) = __ EDISP(l, 7) = ___ , ___ , _, ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , 5-73 \) _, ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ---~ ___ , ___ , ....----' ___ , ___ , ___ ; ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , EDISP(l,8) = __ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , _, ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , ___ , HYDRO AND ENERGY STORAGE CALCULATIONS KWHERE :: ---' EXCHYD = ---' EXCMAX = ___ , RELENG(l2) ADJPSH = ___ , ___ , ---~ KEYPSH = ___ , ___ , ___ , KORDER= ___ , :;;. ,-, Default 1 2 3 Conventional hydro scheduling mode (produ~tion cost calculations). 0 = All weeko 1 = Weekdays only. Option to spill or carry forward excess hydro energy. -1 = Carry forward from month to month, including into the following year. 0 = Carry forward from month to month but not from year to yeara 1 = Spill excess each month. Maximum amount of con'lentional hydro excess, in MWh, to be carried forward. excess over this amount will be spilled. energy Energy Conventional hydro energy for reliability calculation only. MWh of energy, by month, which can be used to shave hourly loads which had been modified for non-zero hourly contracts and resorted. If not supplied, program will use production cost energy (ENGYDB) with run-of-river portion derated. Adjustment on pumping or charging cost, by energy storage typea Pumping cost is multiplied by ADJPSH before being compared with generating cost .• Initialized to l.O. Option to evaluate certain pumping/generating periods for energy storage types. 0 = Weekday pump, weekday generate. Weekend pump, weekday generate. 1 = Weekday pump, weekday generate. Weekend pump, weekday generate. Weekend pump, weekend generate. -1 = Daily cycle only. Weekday pump, weekday generate. Weekend pump, weekend generate. Order of energy storage dispatch. 5-74 1/ I I [ > r r < r~: t r-, ~ u < " t;!t HYDRO AND ENERGY STORAGE CALCULATIONS (Continued) GSTART(l2,3) GSTART(l, 1) = t ' ' ' t t ' t ' GSTART(l, 3) = t ' ' ' -----' -----' _____ , -----' Free energy input, MWh, energy storage by month. 5-75 GSTART(l,2) = -----' RELENG = -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' _____ , -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' -----' ~---' -----' _____ , -----' -----' --~--' -----' _____ , _____ , ~ ~ ~ ~ FIRM CONTRACTS,. PURCHASES AND SALES (J:.iaximum of 10 contracts) IDCTRT(lO) NHCTRT(lO) KCTRT(lO) DKWYCT(lO) RATEIC(lO) DMWHCT(lO) RATEPC(J.O) CTRTHW(l2, 10) CTRINC(lO) Hollerith identification of contract. 6 characters/contract. Number of hours each day the contract will modify the load. NOTE: If NHCTRT:O, contract will modify the loads for reliability calculations only .. . Code for application of contract. 0 = All week. 1 = Weekdays only. Demand charge, $/krl/yr. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) Investment cost calculations. Demand charge inflation multiplier. Initialized to 1.0. Energy charge, $/MWh. (Relative to year in which costs are quoted.) Production costing calculations. Energy charge inflati.on multiplier. Initialized to 1.0. Contract in MW, by month. 12 entries for each contract. Positive entry is a purchase, i.e. , a load reducer. Negative entry is a sale, i.e., a load adder. Difference between 12-month contract and actual MW used or sold (MW). Added to CTRn~w in investment cost calculations •. 5-76 _,-I f ', :' J .-_._ ....~ ~J ~~ l f" ·t=-FIRM CONTRACTS, PURCHASES AND SALES (Continued) t IDCTRT = 60H ' NHCTRT = , ' , ' , , ' , ' ' ~>o-,~ t KCTRT ... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , DKWYCT = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , F-:<"· RATEIC ~~ = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' DMWHCT = ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' •t--:-RATEPC t_ ~ ' ' -' ~---' ' ' ' __ , ' CTRINC = ' ' ' ' -· ---· ~' 7 7 ·-' ' , }'"'",..... t' L CTRTMW(l,l) = CTRTMW(l, 2) = CTRTMW(l, 3) = CTRTM"W(l, 4) = ' , -, _, ' ' ' ' \"· l u ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ___ , ' ' L. ' , ' , ' ' ' , J J ""~·· r-' , , , f, ' , , t.~. ' ' ' , J r· CTRTMW(l, 5) = ' CTRTMW(l, 6) = j CTRTMW(l, 7) = ' CTRTMW(l, 8) :: ' --.L ' , ' ' ' ' , t" ; } ' ' ~ . t" ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , r - t~-' ' , . " -.' 7 ' , , f ' , ' ' --!-' l ... ' ' , ' CTRTMW(l, 9) = ' , CTRTMW(l, 10) = , , ~ ll' j ~ ' ' ' f ' ' J _, ' ' 6 , , , f t.; ' r ' 1 , L ,L. iF -5-77 DESIGN CRITERIA PRGOAL = ---·' KEYPRC = ---' l'RINMX = ---' HRTIR-lX = KLOLP(l) = --- KLOLP( 2) = ---' KLOLP(4) = --·-' NENTRY(24) NENTRY = ' _, ' ' Percent reserve goal. e.g., 25.0 = 25 percent reserve goale If not input, program will expand system to meet LOLP. If input, program will expand system to meet PRGOAL. Option to compute percent reserve as 0 = (Capacity + contracts -load)/load. 1 = ((Capacity + other contracts) -(load -con- tracts at 0 hrs)]/(load -contracts at 0 hrs) .. -1 = (Capacity (load contracts)]/(loed contracts). Risk index, days/year, used in system reliability calculations. Initialized to 0.1. Risk index, hours/year, used in system reliability calculations. Initialized to l.Oo Option to design system to hourly risk. 0 = Design to daily risk. 1 = Design to hourly risk. Initialized to G. Option to calculat~ hourly risk if designing to daily risk. 0 = Do not calculate hourly risk. 1 = Calculate hourly risk in all passes. -1 = Calculate hourly risk in optimum pass only. Initialized to 0. Option to schedule hydro and energy storage units when calculating risk. 0 = Use derated values. 1 = Do actual scheduling of units. Hourly reliability calculation. Hours to be evaluated. Initialized to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. ;:"·· J _, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' 5-78 ' j 1,,,- l r· f " r L OPTIMIZATION FAIL = ___ , KOPT = , Type 1 , Type 2 ' Type 3 , Type 4 ' Type 5 , Type 6 ' Type 7 , ES-1 , ES-2 , ES-3 MIX = NOKOPT = ' ' ' __ , ' ' ' ' ' MA'l'OR = ' NLP\-1 = MONAUT = ---' .. Type of expansion. 0 = Automatic, i.e., add units until system reliability index is met. l =Manual, i.e., add committed units only. NOTE: Even if FAIL=l, KOPT list must contain at least one zero entry. Code to define types to be e·valuated in the optimization. 0 = Evaluate. l = Do not evaluate (list is initialized to 1). NOTE: Program requires at least one zero entry in list. Program sets KOPT(7)=l each year. Check unit availability matrix for years of installation (XSIZES and MANFYR, see page 5-17). Option to mix types of automatic units added in any one year. 0 = Add only one type in one year. 1 = Allow multiple unit types in one year. Code to define types to be optimized on only in the mix logic. 0 = Evaluate type alone and in the mix logic. l = Evaluate only in the mix logic. Option to select minimum cost expansion based on mature forced and planned outage rates of units added automatically in study year. 0 = Use immature rates in decision passes. l = Use mature rates in decision passes. Initialized to 1. NUmber of years over which to levelize fuel costs and O&M costs of all units in the decision passes to select minimum cost expansion. (If NLPW < 1, use actual fuel costs and O&M costs.) - NLFW ~ 30. Initialized to 10. Option to install all automatic units in month other than January. e.g., MONAUT = 3, Install units in March. Omit if units are to be installed in January. CAUTION: Do not install units after month in which peak load occurs. 5-79 OPTIMIZ~TION (Continued) MYRAUT = KRMAX = NNMANY = -----' NNAHED = -------' GRMLTI = ----' GRMLTP = NKODE(5)= --- or NSBASE = Option relative to installation of mid-year automatic additions. 0 = Original logic. Install units as designated by MONAUT in decision passes and optimum pass. 1 = Decision passes--Install j_n January for production and investment calculations. Install in MONAUT for reliability and percent reserve calculations. Optimum pass--Install in MONAUT for all calculations. Initialized to 0. Maximum number of passes through reliability calculations for each type of unit to be evaluated in the optimization. If exceeded, program will print summary and terminate. Initialized to 20. Unit size guide (nuclear and base fossil only). Add NNMANY units in NNAHED years. Unit size guide (nuclear and base fossil only). Add NNMANY units in NNAHED years. Multiplier for choosing size of intermediate units on which to optimize. Size chosen wlll be closest size to GRMLTI times current year's load growth. Initialized to 1.0 .. Multiplier for choosing size of peaking units on which to optimize. Size chosen will be closest size to GRMLTP times system capacity. Initialized to 0.01. Option to alter logic used in choosing size of base load units on which to optimize. 0 = May not choose a size smaller than already used in previous year (default). 1 = lvlay choose optimum size even if smaller than what was used previously. 5-80 fl I i i,. '! L j .. L_. ;; ' L.~ Led TRIM LOGIC PCTRIM = NTRIM = ----' ----' ____ , ----' ·---' ----' NKODE(2) = ----' or NATRIM = ____ , Percent trim code, (p.u. by type). Option to meet minor MW deficiency by installing trim units instead of unit type being evaluated. Used only when evaluating thermal units (Types 1-6). If MW deficiency is less than PCTRIM for the unit type times the size of the unit being evaluated, the program will add trim units. 0 = Do not trim. X.XX = Use trim logic. e.g., 25% = 0.25. Thermal type to use for percent trim option. Initialized to Unit Type 3. Option to alter trim logic. 0 = Default logic. 1 = Do not trim unless at least 1 unit of the type being optimized on has been added. LOAD FORECAST UNCERTAINTY UNCLM(lO) UNCLL(lO) P. U. multipliers on peak load forecast read from load model. Omit if load forecast uncertainty option not used. Likelihood of load level occurring (i.e. , weighting multipliers for load variations). Sum of entries must equal 1.0. Omit if load forecast uncertainty option not used. NOTE: Load forecast uncertainty used only in reliability calculations. UNCLM = ' UNCLL = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _, ' _, _, ' 5-81 ij ~ .. [ ~;) '-0,,. ,·:',• a·~ '>;:-·~-i ECONOMIC OVERBUILDING NYROVR(30) KOPOVR(lO) PROVER = --- LMBSES = --- NYROVR = ' ' ' , , , , ' ' , , , Option to perform economic ov·erbuilding for each year of study. 0 = Do not overbuild in given year. 1 = Overbuild in given year, if economical. Initialized to 0. Code to tag thermal or energy storage type as candidate for overbuilding. 0 = Overbuild with type, if economical. 1 = Do not overbuild with type. Initialized to 1. Associated input: KOPT and NOKOPT. Maximum installed percent reserve to expand the system to, if economical. After enough units have been added automatically to meet desired risk index or percent reserve goal, program will continue adding units that are candidates for overbuilding as long as it is economical to do so, or until maximum installed percent goal is reached. e.g., 50.0 = 50 percent maximum percent goal. Initialized to 0. If maximum installed percent reserve has not been reached when overbuilding with each type above, option to mix best base load type with best energy storage type before entering MIX logic. 0 = Do not mix best base load with best energy storage. 1 = Mix best base load with best energy storage prior to entering MIX logic. Initialized to o. NYROVR(l6) = ___ , ___ , ---' --- ---' __ , ___ , ___ , 5-82 KOPOVR :: --- ___ , I _," J r :t - < j ( ,I t ...... d i jl 'l .J ! RETIREMENT OF AUTOMATIC UNITS Option to retire units added automatically by the program. In the Data Preparation Programt reti1 .. ement of existing units or IYRAUT defines the number of automatically: NYRET defined the number of years before committed unit.s. In Generation Planning, years before retirement of units added IYRAUT(lO) IVC'..SUB(lO) MONRET = --- IYRAUT = , ' , , J , ' Number of years before units added automatically are retired, by type. Initialized to 100. Option to subtract investment cost of units added automatically, upon their retirement, by type. 0 = Do not subtract. 1 :: Subtract. Initialized to 0. Refer to NSICMT, i.e, NKODE( 4) for retirement of units committed manually. Month of retirement for units added automatically. e.g., MONRET=3, retire unit at beginning of March. Omit if units are to be ,retired at beginning of January. IVCSUB = , ' , ' , ' ' 5-83 PROGRAM OrTtONS KEYENV = KODE( 7) = or KCALCL = KOSTPC = IFSP = TYCST = NKODE(l) = or NDVOM = IYREAD = STEP = ---' ___ , ___ , ---' ' ___ , --- ---' ___ , ___ , Option to perform fuel consumption environmental discharge calculations. 0 = Omit. 1 = Calculate fuel consumption and emissions {OGP-6A). -1 = Calculate fuel ct:msumption only (OGP-6). Option to bypass probability calculations. 0 = Compute probabil~ty calculations. 1 = Bypass probability calculations. Initialized to 0. If KODE(7)=1, must input FAIL=l, or plan to meet a percent reserve goal. Option to bypass production cost calculations. 0 = Bypass production cost calculations. 1 = Compute production cost calculations. Initialized to 1. Option to develop data to be used Financial Simulation Program. Data by will the be stored on File 11, which must be saved permanently on tape or permanent file by the use of an appropriate control carda 0 = Do not develop file. 1 = Develop file without printing. -1 = Develop file and print on Report 06. Annual carrying charges for generation capacity installed prior to start of study (in million $). Option to redefine variable O&M. 0 = $/fired hr/.MW. 1 = $/MWh. Option to read annual data. 0 = No annual data to be reade N = Year in which next set of data will be read (4 digits). Option to allow user to input step size of probability table instead of allowing program to determine step size based on annual peak load. (Refer to page 5-52. ) 5-84 I -r~. ,,..., r-, ' ' T"'': r ' I ,, Lu L.> ll..,_;;,;,ii b;) i :: PROGRAM OPTIONS (Continued) NKODE(4)= or NSICMT = PRBMIN = NFIRST = NKODE(7) or NALLOC = = UPFUEL(20) UPFUEL = ___ , ___ , ' ' ' , , ' , , ' Option to alter investment costing logic. 0 = Default logic. 1 = When a thermal unit is retired from the system, subtract its investment cost from the total investment cost. (Applies only to those committed units added during the study. Refer to IVCSUB for retirement of units added automatically.) Probability tal:le cutoff point. Initialized to l.OE-15. 1 = Each year's costs occur in December. 0 = Each year's costs occur in January. Initialized to 1. Option to alter allocation of units among companies. 0 = Siting allowed in all companies (default). 1 = Do not add units to companies which have load but no capacity. Switch to tell program how to assign fuel costs to units, by fuel type. 0 = Use TEMPC data, indexed on master list. User may override TEMPC at general data level or annually. 1 = Use FUCOST data, indexed on fuel type. User may override FUCOST at general data level or annually. Initialized to =dro. NOTE: Gene raJ. data--costs are input relative to year in which costs are quoted. , ' , ' ' Annual data--must deflate by current year fuel inflation multiplier, since program reads data first and then multiplies by appropriate fuel inflation multiplier. 5-85 ! ) ] I OUTPUT OPTIONS KODE2(30) J I KODE3( 30) I I MPRINT(l2) KPRENV(4) KODE2 = ~ ' , ' , ' , , ' ' , , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' J ' ' , ' , , Option to print annual production cost output, by year. 0 :: Omit. 1 = Print annual production cost output for all decision passes. -1 = Print annual production cost output for optimum pass only. Option to print monthly production cost output by year. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print monthly output in addition to annual output. Associated input: KODE2 and MPRINT. Option to print production cost output for selected months. Must input KODE3 data to initiate monthly print. 0 = Do not print monthly output. 1 = Print monthly output. List initialized to 1. Option to print fuel consumption report or environmental emission report (OGP-6A only) by the following categories: Unit, Plant, Region, or Fuel type. 0 = Print. 1 = Omit. Associated input: KODE2 and KEYENV. KODE3 = ' ' MPRINT ' ' , ' , , ' ' ' , ' ' , , ' ' _, , , , , ' , , KPRENV , 5-86 = _, _, _, ·' ' ~· , ' , , ' ' = ' , _) l 'i ,, ' ~ ~ I '·"'\ ~"It I r'"~ I fr.t"' r...-~~ I . ' ..-, I ,- L.J ' .~ OUTPUT OPTIONS (Continued) NKODE(lO) = , or NWUSER = LSPARE(l) = ' or LPLOLP = ' KODE(6): ' or KPRSUM = KPCUMT = ---' KPSUM2 = M3D = ---' KEYSUM = Option to save production cost and reliab~lity results for subsequent use by user-written program. Will write output to File 12. This file must also be saved on tape or permanent .file by the use o.f an appropriate control card. 0 = Do not save production cost results. 1 = Save results. NOTE: Associated input KODE2 and KODE3.. A production costing pass will be saved .i.f and only i.f it is printed. Option to print monthly LOLP on Reports 06 and 07. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print on Reports 06 and 07. Option to print Summary 1 output. (Detailed summary o.f decision passes in the optimization.) 0 = Omit. 1 = Pr:Lnt. Initialized to 1. Option to print components of cumulative present worth o.f annual charges in Summary 1. 0 = Omit. 1 = Print cumulative .fuel, O&M and investment costs in Summary 1. Initialized to 0. Option to print Summary 2~ (Summary o.f unit additions by unit type and company.) 0 = Do not print. 1 = Print. Initialized to 0. Option to receive messages and end o.f (Summary of unit reliability. ) Summary 3 output, program error calculations message via terminal. additions, annual costs, and bulk output. 0 = Printed only as part of 7 = Write output on Report terminal. Will also be Initialized to 7. 07 and receive output via printed on hard copy. NOTE: M3D input to Data Preparation Program carry through to Generation Planning Each is an independent input item. does not Program. Option to print summary of yearly cost and present worth values. 1 = Omit. 0 = Print one-page summary following Summary 2 and two additional summaries on Summary 3. 5-87 I I I _, I I OUTPUT OPTIONS (Continued) KPRSMY = or KSPARE(4) M4D = KPSUH4 = KPRES = or KODE(9) = EEPRNT = KPVIOL = Ending $ ' = ' ' ---' ___ , ___ , Referring to KEYSUM input, option to print summary on Report 07 or 08. 0 = Do not print on Report 07 or 08. 7 = Print on Report 07. 8 = Print on Report 08. Initialized to KPRSMY=O. Option to receive Summary 4 output. (Summary of 10 best decision passes each year.) 0 = Printed only as part of bulk output. 8 = Write output on Report 08 and receive output via terminal. Will also be printed on hard copy. Option to print an additional line of output in Summary 4. Reprint annual component costs of minimum cost expansion in XXX.XXX millions of dollars. 0 = Omit. l = Print additional line of component cost output. Option to print energy storage calculations output. 0 = Do not print. 1 = Print hourly loads for each month, before and after energy storage modification. (Not recommended to print if run is an automatic expansion type run because output will be printed every time energy storage calculation module is accessed.) Initialized to KPRES=O. MWh cutoff for printing trEMERGENCY TIE ASSISTANCE" message. Refers to "SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS 11 output, which is printed following "CASE TOTALS 11 output on hard copy output. Initialized to 5~0. Also refer to KPVIOL. Number of "SPINNING RESERVE" and "EMERGENCY ENERGY" violations to print. 0 = Do not print. N = Print N number of violations. Initialized to KPVIOL=250. End of Data. (REPLACE COMMA FOLLOWING LAST PIECE OF DATA WITH $) 5-88 f' , I I 1 J l ..... _ ... .1! • J t ... l L .. t 't;;. ~; ..... OVERRIDE DATA The following variables were input to the Data Preparation Program or created by Data Preparation and are stored on a transfer file, which is read in the Generation Planning Program. They may be overridden in the general data or annually. IDl ID2 NNMANY NNAHED NTOTAL NYPWTH IPATRN(l2, 25) FIXCHG( 25, 6) HYDFCR ( 25,4) CMHYD( 4) OMVHYD( 4) CEFFES ( 12, 3) ESIZEG( 3) ESIZEP( 3) ESIZES( 3) Hollerith identification, 60 characters. Hollerith identification, 60 characters. Unit size goal, number of units. Unit size goal, span of years. Number of years to study. Must be < number of years studied in Data Preparation Program (general data override only). Year of reference for present worth. Manual maintenance patterns. Annual fixed charge rate, 6 thermal types for each company. (Input 0.125 for 12.5%.) Annual fixed charge rate, conventional hydro and energy storage types, for each company. (Input 0.125 for 12.5%.) O&M cost, fixed. Conventional hydro and energy storage. (See note in Cost Data, page 5-91.) O&M cost, variable, $/IMWh. Conventional hydro and energy storage. (See note in Cost Data, page 5-91.) Cycle efficiency of energy storage, by month. Overrides Data Preparation input. Size of MW block of generator to add automatically, energy storage types. Size of MW block of numping or charging rating to add automatically, energy storage types. Size of MWh blocks of storage capacity to add automatically, energy storage types. 5-89 ; ·.;, OVERRIDE DATA (Continued) UNIT CHARACTERISTICS q The following variables may override the data describing the individual units. Index k in each list I'efers to the Unit ID assigned to each unit by r1 the Data Preparation Program. CAP(k) FINl(ld FIN2(k) IFTYPE(k) FOR(k) POR(k) POWl(k) POW2(k) KIND(k) MSTRUN(k) MMPAT(k) BTUNIT(k) IPLANT(k) Maximum rating, MW. List used in probability calculations. Review all associated input, i~es, POW2, FINl, etc. - Fuel input, MBtu/hr at minimum production cost rating. Fuel input, MBtu/hr at maximum production cost rating. Fuel type. Review all associated input, i.e., TEMPC, BTUNIT, etc • ...- Mature forced outage rate, (p.u.). Mature planned outage rate, (p.u.). Output at minimum rating, (MW). List used in production cost calculations. Output at maximum rating, (MW). List used in production cost calculations. Rev.iew CAP(k). Unit type. Review all associated input. KCYCLE Rule. Manual maintenance pattern. Heating value, Btu/unit fuel. Plant index assigned to unit k. 1 < Plant index < 100. - PLANT CHARACTERISTICS IREGN(I)* Region index assigned to plant I. 1 ~ Region index < 25. * Index I refers to plant index. 5-90 ~~~~~~:-~·:;:::--~,-------·-•·"·---··-···--------~·--·--·~--~----~-:·-.. ·------"~·--·--·..,...., ....... ~-~----,..-,..,..~.----,.. ___ .,.,,. -~--·.._.,.,..,_....,_.,~ .. ~,. OVERRIDE DATA (Continued) COST DATA NOTE: If cost data is input at the general data level, the data must be relative to the year in which costs are quoted. If the data is read in annual data, it must be deflated by the amount of the inflation multiplier, because at the beginning of each year, the program reads in all costs and then modifies them by the corresponding inflation multiplier. Index k in each list refers to the Unit ID assigned to each unit by the Data Preparation Program. CAPCOS(k) FUCOST(I) FUIC(l,L) IFCPAT(k) OM(k) OMV(k) TEMPC(k) Plant cost, $/kW. Fuel cost, $/MBtu, input by fuel type. Index I points to fuel type. (See UPFUEL on page 5-85.) NOTE~ Dollars, not cents. Nuclear fuel inventory cost, $/yr/kW. L is index which points to nuclear identification. Input one entry per unit, $/yr/kW associated with first step of inventory cost. Fuel cost inflation pattern. Fixed O&M costs, $/kW/yr. Variable O&M costs, $/MW/fired hour or $/MWh. Fuel cost, $/MBtu, input by unit. (See UPFUEL on page 5-85.) NOTE: Dollars, not cents. 5-91 OVERRIDE DATA (Continued) The following variables were input to the Data Preparation Program for OGP-6A or created by Data Preparation and are stored on a transfer file, which is read in the Generation Planning Program. They may be. overridden in the general data or annually. LIMIT LIMCF FLIMIT(20) ELIMIT( 6) PUELIM(l2,6) 0 UFLD1 ( 12, 20) Option to use fuel and/or energy limits. Option to allow carry-forward. Fuel consumption limit, by fuel type. Energy limit factor, by thermal type. Monthly p.u. multiplier for energy limits. Monthly p.u. multiplier for fuel limits. The following may override the data describing the individual units. Index k in each list refers to the Unit ID assigned to each unit by the Data Preparation Program. EULlM(k) COEFCO(k,l) COEFCO(k, 2) COEF CO (k, 3) <DEFNO(k, 1) COEFNO (k, 2) COEFNO(k,3) COEFPT(k,l) COEF PT (k, 2) COEFPT(k, 3) OOEFWC(k,l) COEFWC(k, 2) PRECEF (k) PUHREJ(k) PUSORM(k) SOCONT(k) Energy limits. P.U. multipliers associated with unit still apply. Carbon monoxide coefficient, lbs/hr. Carbon monoxide coefficient, lbs/MWh. Carbon monoxide coefficient, scalar. Nitrogen oxide coefficient, lbs/hr. · Nitrogen oxide coefficient, lbs/MWh. Nitrogen oxide coefficient, scalar. Particulate coefficient, lbs/hr. Particulate coefficient, lbs/MWh. Particulate coefficient, scalar. Water consumption coefficient, gals/hr. Water consumption coefficient, gals~h. Precipitator efficiency, p.u. Atmospheric waste heat rejection allocation, p.u. Sulfur removal efficiency, p.u. Sulfur content, lbs/unit fuel. 5-92 () I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . '~ ," OGPOUTPUl. Section Index BULK OUTPUT FROM DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM • Listing of Data Preparation Unit Type Identification • Generation Model • • • • • Standard Tables • • • o • • Input • Outage Rates • • • .. • Thermal Characteristics Fuel Data • • • • • • O&M Costs • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Manual Maintenance Patterns Plant Costs • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • • Fixed Charge Rates • • • • • 5 • Units Available for Automatic Addition Energy Storage Data • • • • • • • • ~ Master List of Units • • • • • • • • Fuel/Energy Limits • • • • • • • • • Environmental Characteristics • • • • Plant Information • • • • • • • • • • Nuclear Data • • • • • • • • • • • • Generation System Data • • • • • • • Load Model • • • • • & • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . " • .. • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 0 • .. .. • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • " . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 G • • SUMMARY OUTPUT FROM DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM • • • • • • • • • • • • • BULK OUTPUT FROM GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM Listing of Generation Planning Input Master List of Units • • • o • • • Outage Rate Immaturity Multipliers Load Uncertainty • • • • • • • , • Cycling Rules • • • • • • • • • • Regional Environmental Coefficients • Production Cost Summaries • • • • • • • • • • June 1985 • • • • • • • • • • Annual 1985 • • • • • • • • • Annual 1989 • • • • • • • • • • • • Contracts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Optimization Decision Passes (Summary System Mix through Time (Summary 2) • Annual Costs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • 1) • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • " • • • • • • 5 • SUMMARY OUTPUT FROM GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM • Yearly Additions--Thermal (Summary 3) •••• Yearly Additions--Hydro and Energy Storage Annual Costs and Reliability ~ • • • • • • • • Monthly LOLP • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • Costs in $/MWh • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Percent Mix • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Optimization Decision Passes (Summary 4) • • Remote Terminal Summary • • • • • • • • & • • 6-i • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page • 6-1 • 6-2 • 6-5 • 6-6 • 6-9 e 6-9 • 6-9 • 6-10 • 6-13 • 6-13 • 6-14 .. 6-14 • 6-15 • 6-15 • 6-16 " 6-17 • 6-18 • 6-19 • 6-20 • 6-21 • 6-23 • 6-25 • 6-26 • 6-27 • 6-28 • 6-29 • 6-31 • 6-31 • 6-32 .. 6-33 • 6-33 • 6-38 • 6-43 • 6-46 • 6-47 • 6-50 • 6-52 • 6-53 • 6-53 • 6-54 • 6-55 • 6-56 • 6-57 • 6-58 • 6-59 • 6-60 ~ } 1 I l 1 ! I f I . j t ~j l ~ 0'1 I }-J &! saiessaw JOJJ:t Ia!! N ? 1D ! ii: I :l Ill ~ > r. Cl ~ 1- 7 a: 0. ~ ~ ll J ~ > ~ :I L. ~ . ~ . . j ..1 Ia! 1111'! ~ .. .. .. .. .. 1111 .. .. - 04/0B/63 1872XIJ OGP-6A 0!3? • GA USERS Mi\NLIAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A B1\SE CASE ········~················~··•********~··············· **************~*************************••··~········ *"' *"' ** COPYRIGHT 1971 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ** :t:t< OGI~-Go. PIWI.~Ri\!1 rUB I. I SllrD ONLY I N A Ll 111 'I ED, "'* :t:k COPYRIGHT SE~I:>E, 1\ND 1\LL R!GIHS, INCLUDING ** li<JI( TR/\J:IE BECRI:T R I (;I ITS, 1\RE RFSf~RVFO. "'* ** *"" ******"'***********•··············•******************* *****************************************~*********** I MAILING LABEL-SEE SEcriON 2 FOR INS'IRUCTIONS. I *****************************************************:~************************'************ **************'***'*********"'***************~~··••t•••··············~···············'***** ** ** ~· ** ** ** ** ** . ** ** "'* MAIL ~UTPUT TO ** ** •• ll<llt ** ** ** ll<ll "'* *"' ** -ll<ll INPUT UP TO AND INCLUDING 6 LJ NES OF ** ** •:t: ** USER NAI1E AND MA I L I NG ADDRESS, USER ID ** ** ll<:t: ** ** "'* ** ** DO NOT USE HIE CHJ\R/\CTER COLON ** ** ** -** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *************************=******************************************"'********************"' ***"'*"'**"'*****************************$************"'************************************** --·------"--------·---~ -- .. ## ## ## - - - ~. ~ ~·.· ~i I) f/ ", ~., c ~ · ' -· -( ~ ~ I I ' • C, • • .. ~::.: ~ j :"'j.~ }'} ',~> 1 ,"iJ'~,,,J ~H ~ .. r -W ~ I " t , I • ! ( ' (' I I ! l l J r ·I l 0\ I 1\) GENERAL ELECTR C COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 OGP-6A IJSERS MA NUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A DASE CASE LISTINO OF INPUT CARDS 1 2 INPUT ,1Jp TO AND INCLUDING 6 LINES OF 3 USE:R NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS, USER ID 4 15 DO NOT USE THE CHARACTER COLON 6 7 $IMPUT 8 ID1~'0GP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A', -9 ID2~'BASE CASE ' 10 NSTART=-19135, 11 NTOTAL=5, 12 NYCOST:::J982, 13 NYPWT1i=1982, 14 I DTYf'E=' Nl•CLEAR FOSSIL-OIL GAS TURBINE C-CYCLE . J 115 'F-COAL-HS F-COAL-LS CONV, HYDRO PUMPED HYDRO', 16 'COI"IPR. AIR ENERGY ST0-3 ', 17 IDTeJNE='NUCL. F-OIL G.T. CCYGLEHSCOALLSCOALHYDRO.PSH CII.ES ES-3 18 KTTYPE=-1,0,2, 1,0,0, 19 CAPI11 N::O. 1, 20 GTII1ES=O, 21 NNI11\NY= 1, 22 NI'I/'IHED= 1, 23 CErFESC1, 1)=12~0.7, 24 CEFrES ( 1 , 2) =< 1 2* 1 • 33, 25 DEmWD=2*0.99,0.925,0.99, """ Unr::"~-n A'f-- 1 --_,.,,_ • ..._.__' • '·~ 1 -vv • ""-~_j __ L...,V • Nr------------------~ m G ~ > Ill z :tj II 30 XSIZES( I ,4)!:€15, I 15, 31 XSIZ~SCJ,5J~200,400,600, 32 XSI7.ESC1,61=200,400,600, 33 MANFYRCI,1l=l990, . 34 MAtiFYRt I, 2) =2:t 1985, 35 M/\I'IFYRC 1, 3 l =31< 1985, 36 MANFYRCI,4l=2:t1985, 37 MANFYRCI,5l=2:t1985,1994, 38 MI\I'IFYRCI,&l=2rl905, 1994, 39 PLCMW=2*1000,2~l00,2*1000, 40 PLCDKW=IOOO, 65~, 200, 390, 925, 900, 41 ?LCDF=.16 1 .09, 2*.0001, 2*.09, ..... r'I.~A""'"'--1· .. "'··-. --· -~ _,_,-, ~ • ., .. ,~. ... vv.J 45 PATPCC 1 ,4)=1-'_07,1.05, 46 PATPCCI,51=1.07,1.05, 47 PATPC(l,Rl=I.07,1.05, 48 IYAPC(1,1l~1982,1905, 49 fYRPCCt,_gl=198~, 1985, 50 IYAPCCI,3l=l9A2, 1985, 51 1Ynrcc1.4J~I992,1905, 52 IYAPCCI,5l=1982, 1985, 53 IYRPC!I,nl=l982,1985, 54 PLCIJV0:7nO, 720,670, 515 PATHPCCI, ll=I.07,1,05, . ' -~ PAGE 1 04/06/63 11.741 JOB NUMBER l872XU - 00000220 00000230 00000240 00000250 00000260 00000270 00000280 000002!:10 00000300 00000310 00000320 00000~30 00000340 00000350 00000360 GENERAL DATA--00000370 000003fllt_ ORDER OF DATA WimiN 00000390 00000400 000001110 00000420 00000430 00000440 00000450 00000460 00000470 00000480 00000490 00000500 00000510 00000520 00000530 00000540 00000550 00000!360 00000570 00000580 0000(1590 00000600 00000610 00000620 00000630 00000640 00000650 00000660 00000670 00000680 00000690 00000700 00000710 00000720 00000730 00000740 00000750 00000760 __..,.J SE:r IS ARBITRARY c ' ' -_,..J 'W/I!.'!fll('l~ 1- II II ~ ..._.;; - ' } - --- - ,• r,o:. '· I; ·t :·· J 1 ! r v . / . . .... . . - 0'\ I w --..... I .. 1 ., ! ii: I ::E Ill ~ > ., ! 1-z i D. ~ ~ D. .J ~ ~ Ill z :r '-· ~ ===-fi!IIIIWIIlll -------· 56 PATI-IPCC 1,21= I. 07,1. 05, 57 PATI-trC(1,3J=I.01,1.05, 56 1YAHPCl1,1J=l982 1 1985, 59 IYRUPCll,2l:I9B2,1985, 60 1YRHPCCI,31•1982,1985, 61 FIX~HG( 1 I l =16 62 F I XCHG ( 1 , 2 I= 16, 63 F f XCHG ( 1 , 3 I= 17, 64 FIXCHGC 1, 4 I= 16, 65 F.IXCHGC 1 5)=16 66 FIXCHG( I I 6)= 16, 67 HvorcRc 1,11=i6, 68 HYOFCR( I, 21=16, 69 H\'OFCRC I 31=16 70 FCOPT=O, 71 N~lfUEL= • U308 LB. CIIL 6 BBL OIL 2 BI3L HSCOALTON LSCOALTCIN 72 FUCOST=57,700,830,150,185, 73 IPATFC=I 2 2 I 1 74 NUCBRK=5, 75 NIJCSTP= 1, 76 FUBCf'U: I . 06, I. 0, • 97, 2:ti.O, 77 HVTAB;:J2.2+8 6+6 5.9+6 2.4+7 1. 76+7 78 FUICST=5.85, 79 IFfAB=1,2,3,3,4,5, 80 KFTES=0,3,0 1 81 PATFCC I t ) = 1 • OS 1 , 05 82 PATFCCI,21=1.065,1.055, 63 IYRFCCI, 11=1962,1985, 84 IYRFCli,21=1P8~. 1985, 85 oMrtw-= 1 ooo l"OO I 1 oo I 1 oo 1 sop soo 66 OMDKW=?9,1,7,.3,.3,16, 15, 67 OMOF=.2,.15,2*.0001,2*.15, 66 OMOIIP.::-I.I:t:C),.:!, 3, 89 PATOI1l 1 I 1 ) = 1 • 07 I 1 • 05 90 PA'Iot1~ 1, 2):1.07,1.05, 91 PAT0!1C 1,31=1.07, 1.05, 92 PATOI"l( 1, 4) = 1. 07, 1. 05, 93 PA'rOM( 1 5>=1.07 1.05 94 PAfUMC1,GJ=I.07, 1.05, 95 IYROI1C l 1 1 >=1962 1 1985, 96 IYP.OIH 1, 2.1 = 1932, 1985, 97 IYA011ll 3J:19132 1965 96 IYP.OIH !,4)=19132, 1935, 99 IYROIH 1, 5): 1913?, 1985, 100 IYROI1( 1,1;):190.2, 1985, 101 OMUY0=1 1 1 4 I 102 PA l'HOM ( 1 • 1 I= 1 • 07 I 1 . 05. 103 PATHOMC 1,?.>=1.07, 1.05, 104 PATHOMC 1. 3) =I. 07 I 1. 05, 105 IYAHOI"'C 1 1 ) : 1 982 1 1 985 1 106 I YP.IIOI-H 1 , 2 I-1 9'1?., 19n5, 107 IYRIIOI'IC 1 ,3)=19Cll?, 1985, 106 NYRET~6*40,2•1000,30,1000, 109 FOI:I'JH,-1 00 !500 800 I 100150018001 50 1 1 00 1 2001 110 l?OO, --1 on, 6!JO, 100,500,1\nn, 100,!300,800, 111 FOnATE=.08,.03, .09, • 03 •• 05 J • l 0 • . 07,. 06,. 05, 112 3:t:.05, .111.12,.12, • 07 •• 09' • 1 0. 113 POJ'U11-1= 1 00 I 500 I 000 I 100 1500 1DOO, 50 1 1 00 1 200 1 114 :?00. ·1 00, t;Ot), 100,5(10,800, 100,500,800, 115 PORATE,.3=-.17G, • 05, • I 1 , • I 5, 3t,04, 1 16 3:t:, II, .05, .12, .176, .05, .12, .176, 117 IPATRNll 1 )::2:1(0 2*1 8:t0 118 lPiHR~IC 1,2.)-:-S·ro, 2>t 1' 2*0, 119 XHJmo= 1 03no, t:~noo, 12000. 8070, 9!550, 9400, ' . ' ' " ---,-~ . ' ~ ' ~ il!l!llllllll!! ------ 00000770 00000780 00000790 000008(10 00000810 00000820 -00000830 00000840 00000650 00000860 -00000870 00000680 00000690 00000900 00000910 ' 00000920 ' 00000930 00000940 00000950 I J 00000960 GENERAL DATA 00000970 00000980 -~ 00000990 00001000 00001010 /.''--,r}t.~ t.r__..J 000010~0 000(11030 00001040 0001)1050 OOOOIOGO 00001070 00001080 00001090 00001100 00001110 00001120 00001130 00001140 00001150 00001160 00001170 00001160 00001190 00001200 00001210 00001220 00001230 00001240 00001250 00001260 00001270 00001280 ; 00001290 I 00001300 00001310 00001320 00001330 0000i340 00001350 000013GO 00001370 00001380 ,;; 00001390 000011100 ·---"--- 'l i I ~ ! ~ l f I .l 1 ,.l ~1 j I I 0\ I -'= ![:----, . ---' rr:.~ 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 136 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 156 159 160 161 .... 162 1 .. 163 ! 16.<1 i 165 I 166 Ill 167 ~ ~68 tf---. 169 0 170 ; 171 1-172 z i 173 IL 174 .Ill 175 0 "' 176 n. 177 ·~ ~ 1 " ~ .. - XPOWt:,25,.20,.05,.20,.25,.25, 00001410 XFIN1=.3,.25,.26, .25,.28,.28, 00001420 KEYENV=l, 00001430 HREJ~t,.22, 1,.45,.22,.22, 00001440 SCRM=0,.9,4:t0, 00001450 PREFF=4:t0 .85 .93 00001460 -SOTAB=0,70,20,3.78,1.26, 00001470 PCSULF=0,3.5, 1~1,5,.5, 00001480 POOU1W( 11 1=7018, 7229, 7445, 7669, 7900, 00001490 LI111T=1 0000i500 LINCF=1, 00001510 ELit11 T(3) =I.), 2, 00001520 I PI'IJ\!1E=!lGHCOASTAL CENTRAL HILtS! DE J 00001530 I RliAt1E"'24HNORTH SOUTH 00001540 IREGN=l,2,2, 00001550 KPLANT= I, 2, 3, 2, 3,3, 00001560 l M3D=7, (10001570 MAiiUAL= 1, 00001580 KP.Rli'IT= 1, 00001590 LPRII'IT=t, 00001600 NREAD=I$ 00001610 $lliPUT 00001620 CAPDB~2W830, CAPDB(5):500, 00001630 [ OVERRIDE DATA I MPATDB-:: 1, 2, 00001640 MP.DBC3l=-1, MRDBC15l=-1, 00001650 KPLOB=1 1 1 3 3 1 t 2 2 2 2 3 a 3 1 00001§QO :. NREAD=O$ 00001670 $1 lfPUT 00001680 ? IMAX=3, 00001690 NAtiEDB= 'HARBOR-GT 03CONV. HYD 03COMPRESS A I R' 00001700 INSTDB=84,85,88, 00001710 KlliDI3=3, 7, 9, 00001720 KCOOB-:3:r1, 00001730 CAPDB=100 000017.<10 GMI~DBC1,21~12*10, 00001750 GMAXDBfl,2J=I2*100, 00001760 ENGYDBC 1 ,2J:J2·lH30, 00001770 GEMESC1.3>=12*220 00001780 PUI1F'ES C 1 , 3 J = 12*250, 00001790 I MANUAL ADDITIONS I POHDESC1,3J=12:J2200, 00001800 KPLOB=l, 00001810 I K110RE=O$ 00001820 r~ '-' $lliPUT 000016:30 IMAX=1, 00001840 NAiiEDB= 'PURCHASE I 00001850 ' INSTDB=85 000018GO KRETDB=198G, 00001870 KlliDB=6, KCODB=l, CAPDB=100, 00001880 FOROB=~t, PORDB=-1, CMBTU=200, HRDB=lOOOO, 00001890 KPLDB=3 00001900 Kt101~E=O$ 00001910 $li•!PUT 00001920 1'1AX=1, 00001930 I NAilF.DB= 'BAY VIEW 02' 000019.<10 INSTDB=67, MINTDB=6, 00001950 KINDB=G, KCCliJB::: 1, CAPDB=50, 00001900 KPLD13=1, 00001970 Kt101~E= l$ 00001()80 ·---·------- -- - - ----------- ,. ~., (l f -:=' -·''1' ·.r' -: .i""'J·f ~-"': ~\ P1'"'-...J I~[, ! . l } d./c"-~''' l 1.-t i I -:1 •Jil';i ·;· <;:; r r ;; j I ! i ' ; i l ' i f 'i i j ~.: ·,( J I l l I i 1 ! ~ I i ()) I U1 GENEHAL ELECTRIC C011PANY, EUSEO, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING flROGRAM CIGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 2 I OGP·6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE SASE CASE -- t-'f' ~ l ~ ' i f .I-= : N 1 "' .. 0. ~. w 1-' ,! > t'l c: ~· 1- !i c: o., w· u "' 0. '· ~ ,__ - . Fl LE UI"I6A 04/0a/83 11 • ·;41 JOB NL.NSER 1 8 ;'2XU --- EDISON COMPANY COMPANY INDEX NAME POOL AND lX.t1PANY NAMES-- 1 EDISON m:AD ERG! IJ:lr!..U MJDEL -· TYPE OF GENERATION CODE NUCLEAR 1 FOf;S!L-OIL 2 GA'.) TURSI NE 3 THEao!AL, lf'!DRO, AND ENERGY S'roRJ\GE __ ~-CYCLE 4 TYPES OF UN!m IN THIS RUN .. F-COAL-HS 5 F-COAL-LS 6 CONI/, HYDRe 7 STP.NDARD TABLES EOR ALL TYPES SI:IXJLD PUMPED IWDRG 8 3E PROVIDED. CONPR. AIR 9 ENERGY ST0-3 10 KIND CIF THERNAL TYPE TYPE rUEL TYPE GENERATION . NUCLIO:AR 1 t NUCLEAR Fos::: 1 L -cJ~ 2 2 BASE LOAD FOSSIL GAS .vRBI w: 3 3 PEAKINO C-CYCLE 4 3 iNTERMEDIATE F-COAL-HS 5 4 SASE LOAD FOSSIL F-COP.L-LS 6 5 BASE LOAD FOSSIL COI'IV. HYDRO 7 HYDRO PIJNPEI.! HYDRO a 0 STORAGE COMPR. AI.R 9 3 STORAGE -ENERGY ST0-3 10 0 STOI~AGE FUEL TYPES ASSIGNED ro UNIT TYPES -KIND OF GENERATION tJ'"SED IN -- BY E~t-1. lllDIVIDUAL tJNIW MAY DETERMINOO SIZE OF tJNIW ON ' HAVE UNIQUE Fti'EL TYPES. (20 FUEL WHICH 'ro OPTIMIZE. -I TYPES M.1\XlMU·H. L -· -----II __ . ___ __., _ _ _ __ . __ .. __ ____ .. __ II ~~--.. ~ ~·-.o:;.$~·~--.-~~: .... :.-. .:l_:_·;·~~ ,.. ~-..,~ ~~'":..' ,.--, ·'""'""'·;.-•,·-~• ·;>·;:•,... ~4f': ... r·.,;. . .w; .• :,; ;-. __ ·.,. ... ·~.:-.:•-• 0 "' c: 0 ~~· ,-;;· , j ... i~~·:· •· .• • '(' •. ~"· lt." --. ~ ' l / ; ;,. __. r_ ~ I ·"' .,. ''"' ~ ·"' . ll--~ -~ r--/ I ., ,. , ' • -• ; •' ,~;}'j{. "-"' ~#''"-_;;_ -• ~ -' / • \ · .. ' -. ' ?1 . :1 ... • , ....... ·~ > _._..: • • _, ._.. ' ' . '-y ., . . .:. " ~ .. ' ~<I? ~tel ~r-~ r ~'It • .(.. ~../-' II • '~ ,., , .,_ ~. ~ ~ f• j' --.. ':3.. ~ cr ~ ~; ~ ~ (' I J ~1 j ! l oj j ; [JIIil ~ I ~ 8!:3 .. ~ [J!a ~~ ~ lll'l ~~ .!I ~~~~~ ..... -~ ~ .. r: ~GENERAL ""ECTRIC COMPANY. EUSED, 0\TA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 OCP-6A I.ISERS 11/\Hli.O.L EXAMPLE FILE U!16A BM€: CASE ei::NER/\ Tl ON f•IODEL .. -1!!1 ·-~ - PAGE 3 04/06/tJ3 11.741 JOB NUMBER 1872XU - c p RATING **** FUEL **** **COEFFICIENTS** T Cl L liT '>A,TE MW/1-'. U. OUTAGE T I 1982 CARBON MONOXIDE y A BD!LKWH ( ~.O.P J 0 + M RATE Y N COST NUCL LIMITS ATMCI NITROGEN OXIDE p I N INSTL HETIRE PCT Cl'lA'f) CPOW2> (FIXED> !POR) P F C/ $/KW/ I ENG'() HEAT S02 PREC PARTICULATE ID STATION 1\'.'I.ME E D T YEAR MO YEAR 110 01-11'1 O'liNJ {POW1J !VARIB> !FOR) E L MBTU YEAR IFliEL> REJ REM. EFF WATER CONSUM 1 SEASHORE 01 1 1 1 197"0 0 2010 0 o. _, o. 830.0 o. o. 0 0 0. o. o. o. 0. 0. 0. o. 0 o. o. 0. 0.150 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. I o. o. o. 0. 0. 0. 2 SEASHORE 02 1 ' 1 1978 0 2018 0 o. 0. 830.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. r-----· 0. o. 0. 0. 0 o. _,.Q.._ o. o. o. o. o. 0, 1~ .. HARB:JR 01 2 1 1 1948 0 19tl8 0 0. 12000. 135.0 o. 0. 0 0 o. o. '0. 0 0. 0 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. I 0. 0', o. o. o. o. o. r--lLINCOLN 01 2 1 3 1950 0 1990 0 o. 0. ~50.0 o. 0. 0 0 o. o. 0 ... o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. o. ,, __ .. 0 o. ~-STA1ESIDE 01 2 1 3 1975 0 20.5 0 o. o. 500.0 0. o. 0 0 o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. o. 0. I ~ HARBOR-GT 01 3 1 I 1960 0 2000 0 0. o. 50.0 0. o. 0 0 o. "). o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. 0 0. 0. ... o. o . o. o. o. ~ "' o. o,. : ii: 7 HARBOR-GT ~3 1 1 1965 0 2005 0 o. 0. 100.0 0. o. 0 0 0. o. o. o. o.___ o. o. 0 I o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. :; o. o. o. o. o. >tJ ~ o. o. ... ., 8 RIVERSIDE,01 \l 3 1 2 1975 0 2015 0 0. o. 100.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. ~ 0. 0. o. 0 0. o. o. o. 1-o. o. 0. 0. 0. z it 0. 0. lL Ill A LISTING OF ALL UNI'l'S RmRIEVED FRCM " GENEPATION MODEL, FOLIOOED BY ALL UNIW < II. _, __ ADDED MANUALLY. OUTPUT SHClm IOCLUDES ·~ 3: OVERRIDE DATA. ~ OPTIONAL OUTPUT (GfJUT}. z I ;.: ]I ---. ~-·--.. -_.,_ --·--T -' --·--~·-::t ·-' ~-- I I I I ... .. 81 ---.. ... ~ -I~ -.. -- .. - C< ,;;, .-!:- " ">"" -- ..... • f • -, l j < ~ " ;j / . /' . :·~, ~ ' . . . ~ ~ .,. -· ·., . . ' . ' ... 1 '!!!ll!llo j " . ~" 't • -,.. ~ . rl ., ' 1 t • -.• ·.L'·._d.fi rr .. ~) J ~-j r , i{ l r ,, I,·) ., 01 ' 1 ! I ~ 0'\ I -4 ~ ·~ .~ ~~ ~ ..wr~1 LJII!5 ·Jill .. .1111 .. ... IIIII .. 1!11 !Ira liD .. GEN:t::RAL ELECTRIC CClf'lPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP Tel GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 4 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE U116A 04/08/83 11. 741 BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 1672XU -GfNERATION MODEL c p RATING **** FUEL **** **COEFFICIENTS** T 0 L HT H,•.Tr:.. M\Up,U. OUTAGE T I 1962 CARBON MONOXIDE y A BTU/KWH (CAP! 0 + M RATE Y N COST NUCL LIMITS ATMO NITROGEN OXIDE p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT !t'1AXl !P0\./2) (FIXED) (PORI P F C/ $/KW/ CENGY) HEAT S02 PREC PARTICULATE l D STATION NAME E 0 T YEAR MO YEAR 1'10 OWN (!'liN> (P0\-11) !VARIB) !FORI E L NBTU YEAR !FUEL! REJ REM. EFF WATER CONSUM .9 RIVERSIDE 02 3 l 2 1982 0 2022 0 o. o. 150.0 o. o. 0 0 o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. (), o. 10 NORTH S~OEOl 4 1 2 1956 0 1996 0 o. 0. 300.0 0. o. 0 0 o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. i 11 BLUE LAKE 01 o. o. o. o. o. •' 0. ..Q_,_ 4 1 2 1967 0 2007 0 0, 0. 400.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. l o. o. o. o. 0. , o. o. 0. o. 0. 0 0. 0. o. o. 12 MIDLINE 01 5 1 3 1952 0 1992 0 o. o. 300.-~ o. o. 0 0 o. 0. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. 13 MIDLINE 02 5 1 3 1973 0 2013 0 o. 0. 400.0 0. 0. 0 0 o. 0. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 14 FRONTIER 01 6 1 3 1958 0 1998 0 o. o. 170.0 0. 0. 0 0 o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. 0. I o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. 0. o. o. o. 0. 0. N I ! 15 BAY VIEW 01 6 1 1 1980 0 2020 0 o. 0. 550.0 o. o. 0 0 o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. Cl o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. 0. I n._., o. o. o. o. 0. I o. o. i ::; Ill t; ** END OF RECORD 1 ** (GENERATION MODEL TAPEj ~· ., " 1 CONV.HYD 01 7 1 0 1950 0 2950 0 0. z ·r10NTHL. Y MIN. 1: 30. 30. 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40, 20. 20. 20. E MON'fHL Y 11AX. !: 50. 50. 50. 60. 60, 60, 60. 60. 60. 50, 50. 50. z it 110NTI-IL Y ENERGY : 32000. 32000. 32000. 38000. 36000. 38000. 38000. 38000. 38000. 28000. 28000. 28000. D. ~ <I 1 ll .J- ~ I ~ z :I I --·""'-' -... --..... --- ~ ... ,\ ~ : ~ ~· \::-. ,I! (' '! .I ,, -c: a c 11@-:J ~ ~..5 0\ I (X) r::; ~ lie'] fi1C IX! ~ aJ ~. <\!:..;....:.>...¥ ·~ e.~ ~ !£121 ~ ~ ,,.. ~ ~ ~ G:[NERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE !5 Ot:'\P-GA IJSERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/08/83 11. 741 BA>gE CASE JOB NUMBER 1G72XU -GENF.RJ\TlON MODEL c p RATING **** FUEL **:~<* **COEFFICIENTS** T 0 L HT RATE 11W/P,U, OUTAGE T I 1982 CARBON MONOXIDE y A BTU/KWH CCAPl 0 + M RATE Y N COST NUCL LIMITS ATMO NITROGEN OXIDE p I N INSTL RETIRE PCT UlAXl CPOW2) CFIXEDJ CPORl P F C/ $/KW/ CENGYl HEAT S02 PREC PARTICULATE 10 :STATION NAME E D T YEAR MO YEAR 110 OWN CMJNl CPOI-/1) CVARIBJ CFORJ E L MBTU YEAR CFUELl REJ REM. EFF WATER CONSUM ~_f.ONV.HYD 02 7 1 0 1965 0 2965 D o. I10NTHLY MIN. ,. 10. 1D. lD. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 1 o. 1 o. 10. 10. 110NTH'-Y MAX. "' 100. too. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. too. 100. too. 100. 110NTHI_ Y ENERGY = 60000, 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000, 60000 . 60000, . 3 OTTER PSH 8 1 0 1978 0 2978 0 o. f10NTHL Y GEN. a 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. l10NTHLY PUMP "' 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 11 ,f/ l10~:THL Y ENERGY : 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. 2400. __ ?400. 'u 'END OF RECORD 2 •• (GENERATION MODEL TAPE) 1 HARBCIR-GT D3 3 1 1 1984 0 2024 D o. o. 10D.O 0. D. 0 D D. 0. ~0. D. D. 0 0. o. D. D. o. o. o. o. o. D. o. D .. o. o. o. o. o. h~'· 11110 03 7 1 D 1985 D 2985 D D. l~i!lTiiLI' MIN. ,. 1 o. 10 .. 10. 10. 10. 1 o. l o. 1 o. 1 o. 10. 1 o. 1 o. n IITHLY MAX, "' 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. tOD. 100. __ j_'f..JNTI-IL Y ENERGY : 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 60000. 150000. 60000. ·~ CC!I1PRFSS A I R 9 1 0 1988 0 2018 0 o. MOl'ITHLY GEN. • 220. 220. 220. 220. 220 . 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. 220. l10NTHL Y PUI1P "' 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 250. 110NTI-!L Y ENERGY = 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 0 ** END OF RECORD 3 *• CMANUAL INPUTJ ~ "' l PURCI-IASE 6 1 3 1985 0 1986 0 o. 10000. 100.0 o. -1,000 0 0 200. o. 0. 0. D. o. o. o. 1 ., 0. 0. o. -1.000 o • o. 0. o. :: o. o. o. 0, o. ii 0. 0 ,, ' {-"' I ~ ** END OF RECORD 4 ** C t1ANUAL I NPUT J " ., )' 1 BAY IJ)EW 02 a 1 1 1987 6 2027 0 o. 0 . 50.0 0. o. 0 0 0. o. o. '-'· o. c. o. 0 ., " o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. z o. o. o. o. 0. E o. o. z II: o. :i:JIC END OF RECORD 5 ** CMANIJAL INPUTJ Ill . " ~ 0. ~ ~ .:t I ---~ -~ .. '' " r.~ -.. ... ----.... ... .. ---.. .. - <i ' ill / • • •• l€ ·c. > ~ ' • • I "'···· . ·"" ... ····.. "I ~"''f!/4-.. --. -1 )-~._,t:";~' ,} J ~~·"'··!I -'¥@ '"''1 ~ r r, ., ~ :.j l 1 I I I l ! t l i <•i I l 1 l ' f I ' I ! I l l l I ! l 1 I i l l ' ! f I I I t •~lj ·~ 0'1 I \.0 ~ ~.··.·· ~~ tlr1J ~ ~ em ~ aa tfd!J ~ ~ ~ !:'!!! ~ ~ e;:;::~ l!!liililll!lil !!~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COI'IPANY, EUSED, l'ATA PREP TCJ GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM CIGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 6 OGP-GA USERS MANUAl~ EXAIMPLE FILE UMGA 04/06/83 11.741 B!~SE CASE JOB NUMBER 1672XU -STANDARD T/\BI_ES I FORCED OUTAGE RATE NUCLEAR FOSSIL-OaL GAS TURBINE C-CYCLE F-COAL-HS F-COAL-LS RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. CMW) RATE CMI·D RATE CMW) RATE <MW> RATE CMW> RATE Cf>1W > RATE 100. 0.060 100. 0,030 50. 0.070 200. 0.050 100. 0.110 100. 0.070 500, 0,080 500. 0.050 100. 0.060 400. 0.050 500. 0.120 500, 0.090 800. 0,090 800. 0.100 200. 0.050 600. 0.050 .. ,..,.. n 1,.,n ann n 1nn 1- FORCED AND PLANNED QU'l'..AGE RATES WILL I PLANNED ... ,._ ?.1\GE RATE BE ASSIGNED F.RI:l>l STANDARD TABLE IF USER DID NCJl' SUPPLY DATA '10 INDIVIDUAL -NUCLEAR FOSSIL-OIL GAS TURBaNE C-CYCLE UNITS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN BY INPUT 'ro RATING P.U. RATING P.U, RATING P.U. RATING P.U. GENERATION PIANNING PROORAM. Cl1Wi RATE CMW> RATE CMW) RATE CMW> RATE ·- 100, 0.176 100. 0.050 50. 0,040 200. o. 110 100. o.oso 1 oo. 0.050 500. 0.176 500. o. 110 100. 0.040 400. 0.110 500. o. 120 500, 0. 120 800. 0.176 800. 0.150 200. 0.040 60~. 0. 110 800. 0.176 800. 0. 176 CONSTANTS USED TO COMPUTE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT F'UEL INPUT NET STATION ATMOSPHERIC AT AT HEAT RATE RET I RF.:i"'ENT Ll M I T1 NG HEAT S02 MIN. RATING MIN. RATING PLANT POLICY ENERGY REJECTION REMOVAL PRECIPITATOR I'IUL T I PL I ER MULTIPLIER BTU/K\~H 10 YEARS FACTOR COEFFICIENT COEFFICIENT EFFICIENCY NUCLEAR 0.250 0.300 10300. 1 40 o. 1. 00 o. o. I FOSSIL-OIL 0.200. 0.250 9600. 2 40 o. ~ ~,.. ~ ....... ... lj GAS TURBINE 0.050 0.260 12000. 3 40 0.200 r-, "' C-CYCLE 0.200 0.250 8070. 2 40 o. OOl-ETliNTS ARE ASSIGNED F.OC.M STANDARD e F-COAL-1-JS 0.250 0.280 9550. 3 40 0. TABLE IF USER D!D NJT SUPPLY DATA 'IO ii F-COAL-LS 0.250 0.280 9400. 3 40 o. INDIVIDUAL UNITS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN 1-_i CONV. HYDRO 1000 1~ Plll·tPI::D HYDRO 1000 (EXCEPT REriruMENT YFAR) IN GENERATION ; COI1PR. J\ I R 30 PLANNING P:RCX;RAM. ~ ENERGY ST0-3 1000 ,_ 1:1 z MONTHLY PER UNIT 11ULTIPLIERS FOR ENERGY LIMITS 1-JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. z it NUCLEA~ 1. 000 1.000 1. 0.00 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 ).000 1. 000 I n FOSSIL-OIL 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I ~ GL\S TUm~ l NE 1.000 1.0(10 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 « C ·CYCLE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1 • 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 ; .000 ~ F-COAL-HS 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ~ F-COAL-LS 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 3: ; z 0 :a: I ____ .. ... --." -. __ ,.,_ . ---c•-·~-- ~ ~ ~=·~ n.~:d ,·, ., f _; ' 'i 1 c.·. () I 0'\ I \0 :·~ k.?--~4 f ~ l--.. :?~ ~:~ ·~~ :.!!~ :~ -~ itt""""" ~.'!':~ -~ ~ ]!§) !WI ~ lJII "JR. ·~ ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COI1PANY 1 EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENEI1ATION PlANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 6 j OGP-6A USERS MANUAl. EXAMPLE FILE UMGA 04/08/03 11 . 741 B!\SE CASE JOB NUI'IBER 1872XU STANDARD TABLES I r-aRCED OUTAGE RATE NUCLEAR FOSSIL-OIL GAS TIJRB I'NE C-CYCLE F-COAL-HS F-COAL-LS RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U, RATING P.U. CMWl RATE CM\.11 RATE CMW) RATE CMW> RATE C!':!Wl RATE CMW> R.li!E 100. 0.060· 100. 0.030 50, 0.070 200. 0.05C 100. o. 110 100. 0.070 500, 0,080 500. 0.050 100. 0.060 400. 0.050 500. 0.120 500. 0.090 800. 0.090 800. o. 100 200. 0.050 600, 0.050 on" n 1,..,n ann n 1rtn - FORCED AND PLANNED OUTAGE RATES WILL PLANNED O>UTAGE RATE BE ASSIGNED FRCM STANDARD TABLE IF USER DID tV!' SUPPLY DATA ro INDIVIDUAL 1-NUCLEAR FOSSIL-OIL GAS TURBINE C-CYCLE UNI'IS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN BY INPUT 'lO RATING p,u, RATING P.U. RATING P.U. RATING P.U. GENERATION PLANNING P)aooRJl.M. ,. C Ml·l.l RATE CMW> RATE CMW> _8ATE CMW> RATE -,_ 100. 0.176 1 oo. 0,050 50. 0.040 200. 0.110 too. 0.050 1 oo. o.oao 500. 0.176 500. 0, i 10 too. 0. C:40 400. 0.110 500. 0.120 500. 0 120 800. 0.176 800. 0.150 200 .• 0.040 600. 0. 110 800. 0.176 800. \), 176 CONSTANTS .USED TO COMPUTE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT FUEL INPUT NET STATION ATMOSPHERIC AT AT HEAT RATE RETIREMENT LIMITING HEAT S02 MIN. RATING MIN. RATING PLANT POLICY ENERGY REJECTION REMOVJI~L PRECIPITATOR /1UL T I PLI ER MULTIPLIER BTU/KWH ID YEARS FACTOR COEFFICIENT COEFFIGIENT EFFICIENCY NUCLEAR 0.250 0.300 10300, I 40 o. 1. 00 Cl. o. FOSSIL-OIL 0.200 0.250 9800. 2 40 o. ,.. ........ "' ........ ,.. tf GAS TIJHBINE 0.050 0.260 12000. 3 40 0.200 ·-I ., C-CYCLE 0.200 0.250 8070. 2 40 0. <X>NSTAN'IS ARE ASSIGNED FRCM STANDARD :! F-COAL-HS 0.250 0.280 9550. 3 40 o. TABLE IF USER DID OOT SUPPLY DATA 'lO ii F-COAL-LS -0.250 0.280 9400. 3 40 o. INDIVIDUAL UNI'IS. f.!AY BE OVERRIDDEN 1-j CONV. ;-JYDRO 1000 1~ PUI·trr::o HYDRO 1000 (EXCEPT REI'IREMENT YEAR) IN GENERATION ~ C0f1PR. A I R 30 PLANNING PROGRAM. ~ ENERGY ST0-3 1000 1- u z MONTHLY PER IJNIT MULTIPLIF.RS FOR ENERGY LIMITS 1-JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. OEC. z i NUCLEAR 1. 000 1.000 I. 000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.060 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 n FOSSil--OIL 1. 000 1.000 I .000 1 • 000 I .000 1.000 1 . 000 1.000 l .000 I .000 1.000 1. 000 ~ GI\S TIJRI31 NE I .000 l. 000 1.000 1. 000 I. 000 1. 000 1. 000 t.ooo 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 ~ C·CYCLE 1.000 t .000 1. 000 1,000 I. 000 1 • 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I .I F-COAL-HS I. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 I. 000 I, 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 l ~ F-COAL-LS 1. 000 1.000 I. 000 l. 000 1 • C'OO 1,000 1. ooo l. 000 I. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 3: > bf j z :r I_ _,_ ~ --··--'----~ -~-·-~ --.------·- /' ~\ ~ (/) ,; 0\ I 1-' 0 ~.... - \ ., -. . . ,_ .:1-~·, ' . ~ ... :liBll!!lli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNIJI;~ PROGRAM CJGP-6A V6.20 OGP-SA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE liN13A 7 PAGE 04/08/83 11 • 741 BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 1872XU • • * * * * * * * FUEl-TYPE TABL.ES * * * * * * * * * TYPE COSTS INFLATION HEAT! NG VALUE LIMITING SULFUR CONTENTS CARBON NITROGEN PARTICULATE WATER 10 Nl\ME UNITS C/11BTU PJ\TTEHN BTU/liN IT FUEL UNITS LBS/UNIT PERCENT MONOXInE OXIDE CClEFF. CONSUMP. COEFF, U308 LB. 57. 1 0. 122000E 10 0. o. o. 0. o. o. 2 OIL 6 BBL 700. 2 0.600000E 07 o. 70.000 3.50 o. o. 0. 3 OIL 2 .!lli..L 830. 2 0. 59C. "JOOE 07 o. 20.000 1. 00 0. o. o. 4 HSCCJAL TON 150. 1 0. 240000E 08 o. 3.780 1. 50 o. 0. 0. 5 LSCOAL TON 185. 1 0. 176000E 08 o. 1. 260 0.50 o. o. o. MONTHLY PER UNIT MU~TIPLIERS FOR FUEL LIMITS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL NAY JUNE U308 LB. 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 . ........... 1 """"' 1 ......... ' nnn ' nnn t nnn OIL 6 8BL loVVV loVVV loVVV OoVVV oovv~ OoVVV J .vvv •• vvv f •'-'VV I •'~'JV I •Vl.IV 1 .v•Jv OIL 2 BBL 1 nnn 1 nnn 1 nnn 1 nnn 1 nnn 1 nnn HSCOALTON ~oo~roN 1 .ooo 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1 .000 1. 000 1.000 Nr------------------------------------------------------------------~ a c 0..1------- 1 ~~ Ill' 1 . C!)O 1. 000 1. 00') 1. 000 JULY 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 ~L! ________________________________________ I >' ., u z FUEL DATA .ASSIGNED FRCM STANDARD TABLE IF OOT SUPPLIED FOR. INDIVIDUAL AUG. 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1 .ooo 1.000 UN I 'IS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN IN GENERATION :r----------------------------------IPLMm~P~. :r I COEFF. COEFF. o. o. 0. 0, o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. __ .Q.. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1 .000 1 .ooo 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 11-__ _ _ . -·------·· .. -· I c 1 'I ' --·--..... .... .... -....... -1 .... ,.-i - - .... --- ~ .... ., ') " -;:'· . ' '' •.-:. \:) () J 0'\ ~ ..., ~~ -~--~ j·_prr_:~~ :E!i ~ ~ .::~::::~ Z'!~ ,':~ :~ _:~.~:_···~ :,'''1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY., EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRM'I OGP·6A V6. 20 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A NUCLFAR FUEL BURNUP 1rnD INVEN'IORY I BASE Ct\SE O:::STS ASSIGNED FRCM S'l'ANDAIID TABLE IF NOT SUPPLIED roR INDIVIDUAL UNI'lS NUCLEAR COSTS ( 2 NUCLFAR TYPES MAXIMtM) • FUEL FUEL SERVICE BURNUP COST INVENTORY COST SERVICE BURNIJP COST YEAR C/MBTV CP. U.) $/KW/YR CP. U.) YEAR C/MBTU 1 57.00 1.06 5.85 1.00 1 o. ~ 1.00 1. 00 2 3 0,97 1.00 3 4 1 .00 1.00 4 15 1.00 1.00 5 FUEL COSTS, FOSSIL UNITS * COMPANY * MANUAL + AUTOMATIC GENERA Tl ON FILE INDEX NAME F\l"~L TYPE FUEL TYPE 1 EDISON 2 2 NOTE -PROGRAM WILL USE FUEL COSTS STORED IN GENERATION MODEL FILE (J r-FUEL TYPES EOR TYPE 2 UNI'IS ARE - TRFATED ON A O...."""iPANY BASIS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN BY INPUT ro GENER..l\TION ..... PlANNING PROGRAM • - .. 'l .. ! ii I :t Ill a. Ill u ,. a. -w ?: > z 0 ;J: ~~ (P. U.) 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 i ----~· -··-~----------•• , -._.. ___ r_ -----«• lW =- PAGE 8 (;'1/08/83 11.741 ,JOB NUMBER 1 872XU COSTS FUEL INVENTORY COST $/KW/YR a. ----.........-------- ~ ::!1 \I ,, I (P. U.) 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 I -~-~ ---- - 1:11 ~ '0 ~i:; "- f' '"' ,'! 0'\ I f-1 1\) ""'""-,-~ '""' ... , ~· ~' ei: F~: ,..~ Cili ~.., ~)i] !!18. ~ -~ .. ~ ' ~ ~; . Jo . .J ' .. ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSE'D, DATA PREP l'CI GENERATION PLANNING PR CIGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 9 OGP-GA USERS I'IANL'AL EXAMPLE FILE I.IN6A 04/08/83 11 . 741 BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 1872XU r-· FUEL COST INFLATION PATTERNS YEAR 1 2 3 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1964* 1.oso t.oo~ 1.~oo 1.aoo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1 .ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1,ooo 1965 1.050 1.055 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1986 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 1987 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ~.000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00Q .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1986 1,o5o 1.o5s 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1989 1.050 1.055 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.eoo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1 .ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1990 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.0DO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.coo 1991 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.0DO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1 .ooo t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1992 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 ).000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1993 I . 050 1 • 055 I . 000 1 • 0!00 1 • ooo I . 000 1 • 000 1 . ooo 1 • 000 ; 1 • 000 1 .ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1.000 1.ooo 1994 1. 050 L 055 1. 000 1. 0(00 1. 000 I . 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 'I. 000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.QOO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1995 I . 050 1 , 055 1 . 000 1 . Of•)O I .. 000 I . 000 1 . 000 1 . 000 I . 000 11 . 000 1 .ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1996 1 . 050 l . 055 1 • 000 1 • 000 I , 000 1 • 000 1 • 000 1 . 000 I • 000 11 • 000 1 .ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1997 I • 050 1 . 055 1 • 000 1 • 000 I "000 1 • QOO 1 , 000 I . 000 1 • 000 II . 000 I .ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1996 t.o5o 1.055 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooo n.ooo t .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.QOO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1999 t.oso 1.055 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo ~.ooo 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2000 1.o5o 1.055 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1 .ooa t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 2001 1.oso 1,055 t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.oo~ 1.ooo 1.ooo 1 .ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 2002 1.oso 1.05~ 1.ooo 1.ooo J.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooo 1 .ooo 1.ooo 1.000 1.000 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.000 1.noo t.ooo 2003 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 J.DOO 1.000 I .ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 2004 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .ooo 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 200!3 ).050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 !.DOD 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .ooo 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2006 1.050 t.055 t.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo.1.ooo 1.aoo t.ooo t .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2007 t.oso t.055 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooa 1.aoo t.oon t .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 201)6 1.o5o t.o55 t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo t.ooa t.ooo 1.aoo t.ooo 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2009 l.o5o 1.055 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.aoo 1.ooo 1 .ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 2010 1.050 1.055 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.aoo 1.ooo 1 .ooo t.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 1.ooo 2011 1.050 1,05D 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2012 I. 050 1. 055 l. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I. 000 l.IOC·v 1. 000 I. 000 1. 000 1 .ooo 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2013 f • 050 I . 055 t . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1 ,1000 I . 000 1. 000 1 . 000 I .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2014 .. 1.050 1.055 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.~00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 "' COI'IPOS I TE I NFLAT I ON MIJL 'f; •?L I i::RS lQ ~ IJSED l F COSTS QUO TEO ar:;·CIRE START OF STUDY a: I :1 ' Ill 1-., EUEL <.X:GT INFLATIOO MULTIPLIER > .., PA'!TERNS USED IN STUDY. 0 z j: z O:X1POSITE APPLIES IF ~'IS QOOTEO i lL PRIOR 'ro STARr OF STti'DY. ~ c lL .I ~ ~ > ~ ------------------------------~--·-,,,,- :c I ~., "' ~~ ..., .. ~ ~~·~ . . ·I . . . . ' .. • 0. 1 ..-; ·~ • 0 • • / • t. .. -"> ,. • • 0 ' • • • -;} 0 • J '. • j • • • • -. <:, : • . . . ' .• . Ill ' . . l pM:.· ;~ ·t "<. ~-,..-". 'J ~··. ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ " ':--. ; t • ~ (( -~! ., <l 1" 1 j I I ! :-J \~ "'"c-·--"' 0'\ ! 1-' w .......... ~~ l ..........,. l~' .~~ ~~'~t, R:!_, .. .~: ~' -~ ,~· r:"""""'1 ------~ ~--~·;:~. ~·· (~_~:."~,.-\1! ~'" ~-' ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAf1 OGP-6A V6.20 CGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A f:Jil ~\ !.'.,.,...., PAGE 04/08/63 f!:ill 10 11.741 BASE CiJlSE JOB NUMBER l672XU I OPERA Tl Ne + MAINTENANCE COSTS 0 + M COST INFLATION u SET POl NT u (MWl $/KW/YR D FACTOR $/1-lRII"rrr YEAR NUCL. F-OIL G.T. CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL HYDRO PSH 191:14* 1.070 1. 070 1. 070 1. 070 1. 070 1.070 1.070 1.070 NllCLEAR 1000. 29.00 0.20 o. 1965 1.050 1.050 I ,050 1.050 1.050 1.050 }.05Q 1.050 FOSSIL-OIL 500. 1 :1o 0.15 o. 1986 1. 050 1. 050 1.050 1. 050 1. 050 1.050 1.050 1.050 G,I\S TURBI !167 1. 05C 0 1. 050 C-CYCLE O&M Ol3TS ARE ASSIGNED F'RCM STA&."'DARD !108 1. 050 O&M INFLATION MULTIPLIER PATTERN.S, 0 1 .050 F-COAL-H!: TABLE UNLESS INPUT FOR INDIVIDUAL 389 1. 05C BY 't'n'Ey USED IN STUDY. 0 1. 050 F-COAL-U: UNITS. MAY BE OVERRIDDEN BY INPUT a::ro\.~ITE APPLIES IF CUS~S Qtm'ED I CONV, 1-IY[ PUNPED H'l 'IO GENERATION PlANNING PRCGRAM. PRIOR 10 START OF SWDY. COI"'PR. AI ENFI~GY ST0-3 1. uu u. * COMPOSITE INFLATION MULTIPLIERS USED IF COSTS QUOTED BEFORE START OF STUDY * * * *l"iANUAL MAINTENANCE PATTER~IS* * * * PTRN J F M A M J J A s 0 N D 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 I NOTE WHEN USED PATTERNS OVERRIDE THE COMPUTED P.O.R.-A 1 INDICATES SCHIWULEO MA I NTENAi'JCE, L MANUAL MAINmlil\IOl PATTERRJ -~EFINED BY USER., I N ~ " : a: I ~ 1-.., > " " ~ ~ 0: II. w " ~ 1l. ~ ~ z -I l '-.. ,..._ ' -···-~ ·-----··-~ ~ ---- ·~.···"jjl . . '"-~;;. A CAES 1.070 1.050 1.050 1.050 1. 050 1 .050 ~i C .• IIIII) - ES-3 I. 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. QOO -- J ~"/'! ~--J ~ii -._ . ·"u (1 ·~ \i i t I I l t ; 0\ I 1-' -+= GENERAL ELECTRIC COI1PANY, EUSED, DATA PREP' TO GENERATION PL/\NNI NG PROGRAM OGP-6A VG, 20 PAGE 11 o;)P-E!A USERS MA!~UAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/08/83 11. 741 eASE C/\SE JOB NUMBER 1872XU PLANT COSTS PLANT COST INFLATION ** SET POl NT ** CMWl S/KW 0 FACTOR YEAR NUCL. F-OIL G.T •. CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL HYDRO. PSH 198'1* 1. 070 1. 070 1 > 070 1. 070 1.070 1. 070 1.070 ].070 NUC:..EAR 1000. 1000. o. 1600 1985 1. 050 1 .Ol:'O 1.050 1. 050 1. 050 1.050 1,050 1.050 FOSS I' ..... tnf"''ln C:Do:< n nnnn 1986 1.050 1.050 1.050 1. 050 1.050 1.050 1.050 1.050 GAS T PLAl'IT' c:.a3TS ASSIGNED FRCM STANDARD 1987 1. 050 1. I 1 .050 c~cyc 1968 1. 050 1. PLl\NT COST INF"'J.A'riON MULTIPLIER I 1. 050 .F-COA TABLE IF NOI' SUPPLIED FOR INDIVIDUAL 1989 1. 050 1. PATI'ERNS, BY TYPE, USED IN STUDY. I 1. 050 F-COA UNITS-USED ONLY FOR UNITS ADDED AFlER ca1PQ3ITE APPLIES IF cn3TS QUOTED CONIJ. ~ STJl..RT OF THE STUDY. MAY BE OVER-PRIOR TO START OF STUDY. PUI1PE COI1PR RIDDEN IN GENERATION P.I..ANNING PBOGRAM. EN ERG * COI1POS I TE I NFLA T I CJN MULTI PL I ~='RS USEIJ IF COSTS (JIJOTF.D BEFORE START OF STUDY PLANT COST MODIFIER FIXED CHARGE RATE * COMPt\NY * INDEX NAME NUCL, F-OIL G.T, CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL NUCL. F-OIL G.T. CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL HYDRO PSH 1 EDISON 1.000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1 .000 1. 000 o. 160 0.160 0.170 0.160 0.160 0. lGO o. 160 o. 160 PIANT c:.a3T MODIFIERS AND FIXED CHARGE l RATES, DEFINED BY a:MPANY AND TYPE. ~ I .. 1 .. : ii l ~ Ill 1-., > ., " ~ 1- ~ 0: 0. Ill 1!1 -·- ... 0-... _. ~ ~ -----------~-------., -~ ----~-----------·--··---·-~--· -------- I. - CAES ES-3 1,070 1. 000 1. 050 1. 000 1.050 1. 000 1. 050 1 .000 ],050 1.000 1.050 ] • 000 CAES ES-3 Q 0.160 0,130 -· G I y·l';. "· I j ",;~ ....,_ ·1 '· ~ I ... "' I f-J U1 P'1. ~ i;~ Itt~ ~·~-~ r""""-' :: :;,"'1: e:~; ~\ ;. . . '"' F.~:~J L..~ ..1 \.;.,.·_J· l ,_. \....,..1!: -.--..J GENERAL ELECTRIC COI1PANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 12 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM~A 04/08/83 11.741 BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 1872XU -LIST OF UNIT SELECTIONS NUCLEAR FOSSIL-OIL GAS TURBINE EARliEST EAt~Ll EST EARL! EST UNIT RATING SERVICE UNIT RATING SEf~VI CE UNIT RATING SERVICE TYPE 10 MW YEAR TYPE 10 MW YEAR TYPE .10 MW YEAR 1 19 250 1990 2 G.O 80, ]985 3 2~· 50 1985 0 0 o. 0 3 23 75. 1985 0 0 o. 0 UNIT SIZES AVAILABLE FOR A~""'!ATIC 3 24 150. 1985 C-CYCLE ADDITION BY GENERATION PLANNING P.ROGIW-1 F-COAL-LS EARLl EST WHEN PlANNING CRITERION (RISK INDEX OR EARLIEST UNIT RATING SERVICE PERCENT RESERVE GOAL) HAS lPl' BEEN UNIT RATING SERVICE TYFE ID MW YEAR SATISFIED. TYPE 10 MW YEAR 4 25 85. 1985 5 27 200. 1985 6 30 200. 1985 4 26 1 15. 1985 5 28 400. 1965 6 31 400. 1965 0 0 o. 0 5 29 600. 1994 G 32 600. 1994 E N E R G Y S T 0 R A G E D A T A ES FUEL HEAT RATE DERATION I DENT TYPE TYPE BTU/KWH 11ULTI PL I ER "'******:tl(:t MONTHLY CYCLE EFFICIENCY CPU> JcliCliC:tll:*"'*** PSH 1 0 o. 0.99 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0,700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0,700 0.700 _I CAES 2 3 4100. 0.92 1.330 1. 330 1.330 1. 330 1. 330 1. 330 1 . ~ ES-3 3 0 o. 0.99 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 o. j CHARACTERISTICS ASSIGNED 'ID ENERGY S'IORAGE UNI'IS. DERATION MULTIPLIER 1965 FIRST YEAR OF STUDY USED IN RELIABILITY CALCUIATIONS. -,_ 1982 YEAR COSTS ARE QUOTED 10. MW PROBABILITY TABLE STEP SIZE N ~ 0. MW MINIMUM UNIT SIZE TO CONSIDER EOOSIL UNITS (TYPE 2) SMALLER THAN 10 ! 0. 003 T II'IES TOTAL CAPACITY INDICATID RATING WILL BE IJJ.1PED INTO ii OR INPUT OVERRIDE !RATING IN MW> B;JUIVALENT UNITS OF "BJVMAX" f.fi. i- GAS WRBINES (TYPE 3) SMALLER THAN 0. MW LUMPED GAS TURBINE UNIT SIZE, BY C0f1PJ\NY USER MAY INHIBIT LtMPING. INDIC.JITED SIZE WILL BE LtMPFD BY O.T!MES STEP SIZE exl1PANY JNIO UNI'IS OF APPROXIMATELY APPLIES TO Dl\TA RETRIEVED FROM DAJA FILE ONLY - THIS SIZE. 0.99 DERATION MULTIPLIER, CONVENTIONAL HYDRO USER MAY INHIBIT IWPING. D. Ill u .0: II. - ~ ~ j :z 0 X I_ . --< ·-·----.. -~ .. " --•··--·---···-- ~!I I -. "" ~:;;;~ij .-:;-. ") .-. f~~ 1 i J • 0'\ I ..... 0'\ --· ""-'1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP~6A V6.20 PAGE 13 OGP-SA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UI16A 04/08/63 11.741 BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 1872XU UNIT CHARACTERISTICS USED IN THE GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM RATING FUEL INPUT MATURE MATURE 1962 1982 1982 FUEL POOL MW MEGA BTU/I-IR FO~CED PLANNED CHM 'PLANT FUEL COST UNIT co. INSTALLATION PCT, CMIN, l CMIN.) NUCLEJI.R CIUTAGE OUTAr.E COST COST COST INFT ID. STATION NAME TYPE 10. YEAR MONTI-I ( PUl U1/\X-PCl (MAX.> IDENT. RATE RATE $/K\-1/YR $/KW $/MBTU PTRN CMAX-R) 1 SEASHORE 01 1 1 1970 1 1 .'00 206. 2565. 1 0.150 0.176 30.793 o. 0,604 1 8~0. 6549. 830. 2 SEASHORE 02 1 1 1978 1 1.00 208. 2565. 2 0.090 0.176 30.793 o. 0.604 1 830, 8549. 830. 3 HARBOR 01 2 1 1948 1 1.00 2.7. 405. 0 0.032 0.055 2.311 0. 7,000 2 135, 1620. 135. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 1 1950 1 1.00 2.000 o. 7.000 2 MASTER LIST OF UNI'IS '!0 BE ST®IED: GJ!EERATIOO M)DEL UNITS tiJ:r RE:riRED PRIOR 5 STATESIDE 01 2 1 1975 1 1. 00 '!0 STUDY, MANUAL ADDITICN, II AD'ICMATIC" 1. 700 o. 7.000 2 UNI'!S, AND LtMPED FOOSILS (Lt.MPED Gl\S 'IU$INES mRO!nDUT LIST) • 6 HARBOR-GT 01 3 1 1960 1 1. 00 0,300 0. 8.300 2 CHARlCI'ERISTICS 001.' PRENIOtELY INPUT EUR INDIVIDUAL UNITS HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED F.RCJii 7 HARBOR-GT 02 3 1 1965 1 1.00 STANDARD TABLES. 0.300 0. 8.300 2 OPTIONAL a:JTPUT (MI:a1l') • N a RIVEf<SJ DE Ot 3 1 1975 1 1. 00 0.300 o. 8,300 2 I .. IVU, IGVV • :! lOC, a: I 9 RIVERSIDE 02 3 1 1982 1 1.00 e. 468. 0 0.055 0.040 0.300 o. 8.300 2 :E 150. 1600. t 150 • ., >-., c 10 NORTH SJDEOI 4 1 1956 1 1.00 60. 605. 0 0.050 o. 110 0.300 0. 8,300 2 z 300 • 2421. ... 300. z 0: ll 11 BLUE LAKE 01 4 1 1967 1 1. 00 80. 607. 0 0.050 0. 110 0.300 o. 8.300 2 t 400. 32?.8 • <( .tlOO. ll .J ~ ~ z - :1: 1----··~·---~ ---~~ .. ~ --' --·-___. .._..... ...,..... ..... .J -~,; ~u - HEATING BTU/ UNIT FUEL 0, 1.22000E 10 0. l 22000E 1 0 0.600000E 07 0.600000E 07 0,600000E 07 0.590000E 07 0.590000E 07 0.590000E 07 0,590000E 07 0.590000E 07 0.590000E 07 I -~-·--·" - ..-~ ~' " ----..ill (, / :: 0 ' 0 , ' . , -·-. . , ' -~ . . ~ • ; ~ ' ' -~ , • > . c,, •• ., -;'Me:' 'J. ~ 2 "' ·:! Jl. i :; 1 ( ~ ,fl •! -J l ' f i I I I ~ ~ I 1-' ......:J ~""\ ~ ·~~ ... ~ ~-~ t:.._!!i ,____, w..,, ....... ~ :::~~ f:*:-:il ~ _ .. ; ....... .:..l ~-~ ~ · ...• '~Jl GENERAL ELECTRIC CO~IPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A VS.20 PAGE 16 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/06/83 11 • 741 BASE CASE JOB NU~IDER 1872XU TYPE • • * * *OPERATIN~ LIMITATIONS BY MONTH• (CARR'( OVER TO NEXT MONTH IS ALLOWED)* UNIT CUNIT> :e * ,.. "' * * * * * ROW 1 -F""!!::RGY L1 M I TS I N MWH * * * * * ID. STATION NANE (FUEU ~ • * • * * • * * ROH :Z-FUEL Llf11TS IN UNITS OF FUEL * * * * * 1 SEASHORE 01 1 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 1 o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. 2 SEASHORE 02 1 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 1 o. o. o. o. lr .. 0, o. o. o. o. ~ HARBOR 01 2 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. 2 o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o .. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 o. o. o. o. 0, 0. o. o. o. o. 2 o. o. o. 0, o. o. 0. 0. o. o. 5 STATESIDE 01 2 0. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. 2 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 6 HARBOR-GT 01 3 7440. 6720. 7440. 7200. 7440. 7200. 7440. 7440. 1200. 7440. 3 0. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. 7 HARBCJR-GT 02 3 14660. 13440. 14 '[ EUEL AND ...m:;y IJMITS FOR UNITS IN I 14680, 14400. 14660. 3 0. o. o. o. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 3 14860. 13440. 146 THE MASTER LIST. 14660. 14400. 14660. 3 o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. i· 9 RIVERSIDE 02 3 22320. 20160. 22320. 21600. 22320. 21600. 22320. 22320. 21600. 22320. 3 o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. 10 NORTH SIDE01 4 0. 0. o. 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. 3 o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 11 BLIJE LAKE 01 4 o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 3 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0 . o. o. .. "t 12 MIDLINE 01 5 o. o. o. o. o .. 0. 0. 0. o. 0 . .. ! 4 o. o. o. o. o. 0 .. 0. o. 0. o. ii: I 13 111DLI NE 02 5 o. 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. ~ . Ill 4 o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. ... .. > 14 FRONTIER 01 6 0. o. 0 0. 0. o. 0. 0. o. 0. .. 0 5 o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ~ ... 15 B/\Y VIEW 01 6 o. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0, 0. o. o. z It 5 0. o. 0. o. o. 0. 0. 0. o. 0. D. Ill " • D. ~ t 2 ~ . .. ----~-· ·-··· -------.... --' _ ... ~~1 ~1 ~ ~-. ,-f'~j ~·1 -ij #,.., .. " * * * --;- * * * * * * * * o. o. o. o. 0 0 o. o. o. 0. o. 0 o. o. o. o. o. o. 0, o. 7201). 7440. 0, o. 14400. 14660. o. o. 14400. 14680. o. o. 21600. 22320 . 0. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o._ 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o . o. o. I o. o. o. o. 0. o. I .;..- •. _,?\ '1 )· . ·;:,·1 ".· Sn;.. · .. ·.' ~::~ .. ~ .f' \ . -o'_, /•':-'l .. ·: ~· -~1 .. >. I J •) ·~ ~ .} 1 '• (: i; )I ;j 1 1 j ·-.r l +~· I I [ J 1 f 1 l i 1 f I I f 1 i 1:; / 1' /I' Cl , ~\. I·· . / / ~ .. . ,. . 0"1 I f-' (X) -. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6,20 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CP.SE ENVIRONMENTAL DISCHARGE UNIT CHARACTERISTICS P.U. P.U, HEATING SULFUR ****** UNIT UNIT FUEL PLANT HEAT 502 PREC BTU/ CONTENT/ CARBON ID STATIO:I NAME TYPE TYPE I D. REJ. REM. EFF. UNIT FUEL UNIT FUEL MONOXIDE 1 SEASHORE 01 1 1 1 1.000 o. o. 0,122000E 10 o. 0. o. 0. 2 SEASHORE 02 1 1 1 1 .ooo o. o. 0.122000E 10 o. o. o. o. 3 HARBOR 01 2 2 1 0.:220 0.90 o. 0.600000E 07 70.00 o. o. o. 4 LINCOLN 01 2 2 3 0.220 0.90 0. 0.600000E 07 70.00 o. 0. o. 5 STATESIDE 01 2 2 3 0.220 0.90 o. O.GOOOOOE 07 70.00 o. o. l ENVIRCNmNTAL CHARACTERISTICS roR J o. I J 6 HARBOR-GT 01 3 3 1 1.000 o · ~ UNI'I'S IN THE MASTER LIST. • o. o. o. 7 HARBOR-GT 02 3 3 1 1. 000 o. 0, 0.59000\0E 07 20.00 o. 0. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 3 3 2 1. 000 o. o. 0.590000E 07 20.00 o. o. . N ~ o. .. .. 9 RIVERSIDE 02 3 3 2 1.000 o. o. o.59ooooE 01 20.00 0. ~· a: o. I 0. ~ lll ... 10 NORTH SIDE01 4 3 2 0.450 o. o. 0.590000E 07 20.00 o. "' > 0. "' " o. 2 j: 1 I BLllr LAKE 01 4 3 2 0.450 o . o. 0.590000E 07 20.00 o. .2 a: o. D. o. w " ~ 12 Mil' HIE 01 5 4 3 0.220 o. 0.85 0.240000E 08 3.78 o. 0. ·~ 0. 3: ~ z ~ ... ". ... -·~~ ~·~---~ -.--·-· / . / PAGE 19 04/08/83 11.741 JOB NUMBER 1872XU -- C 0 E F F I C I E N T S ****** NITROGEN WATER OXIDE PARTiCULATE CONSUMP, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. c. o. o. o. 0 o. . o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0, o. o. a. o. 0. 0. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. 0. I o. 0. o, o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. (l o. o. . , 1 • " j l '.1 ~' l\ ll i t f f 1 m I 1-' \0 "'-'~~~," ~" ~.;:_ i!J-'·~.:::r' ....: ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~ ~ "'"'"-; .,:_,. _j .(: • .:•>< "j ~"""'', ~ '~< ..... ~ .. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSf:IJ, DATA PREP iCJ ~ENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM CJGP-6A V6,20 OOP-GA USERS !1ANUAL E}{AMPLE FILE U116A I SASE CASE --- PLANT li:l PLANT NAME REGION JO RfGitlN NAME 1 COASTAL 1 NCJnTH 2· CENTRAL 2 SOUTH 3 JiiLLGIDE 2 SOUTH 100 UNSITED 25 UNSITED --- ~~ REG~ON IDENTiP.ICATlON.] ~-- - I N ? "' ~ ii I _., -~-, ~ Ill 1-., > .. " ~ .. z It II. Ill " o( II. '" _,_. -, .. ~ . --, --_.,. ---·~-·----~ --··-· -~ ~ -~ !:~'*'5 ·~~ ~~ ~" :·"-,'{ ~ ' .. ,...,.,~·. ,6 """~--·-' ~ ~ -. ~ :...' '- rAGE 22 £14/08/8$ 11.741 JOE\ NUMBER 167?.XU - . ]r -- -~ I I I .1 ";jl { c ~ ·.· f n.~_ ... -~ ~; . .., .:::~· ' . r " . . . ' .:,. j i I r )t !· 11 ~ t I ~ -· . , · ' . '. . · . . . '• • · • I . ..· J ' • -r . ~ • _... ' . I I 0'\ I 1\) 0 N ~ 11 ~ a: I a ... ., > ., " z i= 2 0: 0. w " <( 0. .J ~ !t > w z 0 :r I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP Tel GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAf1 OGP-6A V6.20 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CASE NUCLEAR DATA FUEL FUEL NUCLEAR UNIT RAriNG BURNLIP COST INVENTORY COST I DENT ID STATION NAME MW $/I'IBTU $II<WIYR 1 1 SEASHORE 01 830. 0.604 5.85 0.570 5.85 0.553 5.85 0.570 5.85 0.570 5.85 2 2 SEASHORE 02 830. 0.604 5,85 0,570 5.85 0.553 5.85 0.570 5.85 0,570 5.85 3 19 NUCLEAR 250. 0.604 5.85 0.570 5.85 0.553 5.85 0.570 5. 85 0.570 5.85 LISTING OF EXISTING M'D CCM4I'ITED Nl.JCLFAR UNI'IS AND THOSE AVAilABLE FOR AU'IG1ATIC ADDITION. ----- . . / PAGE 23 0<:1/08/83 11.741 JOB NUMBER 1672XU SERVICE YEAR 1 2 3 4 !5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 - -- -1 ! I I -I I I ! I . , .p • ,· ') .:; (• '•~ \ ~ Ct\ I 1\) ....... ~:--;:~ ..:if·.;.,'"'"'- '~ :-rr-:, ..,.;;~ _..,_, ,......,..~·~ ·'"' '1 ~--·.r -o-.~ ~-~ . .:.--..·.1 -.;-,.._ ~ .41,..-·.,;,::~ J ~ ~.::·:·; ·~::} ·~ " "! ~="~-j .__ ~:·;wd :~-~~3 .-.-"•..;;_,' -~.· GENERAL. ELECTRIC CCWIPANY, EUSED 1 DATA PREP TO GENERATION PI~ANNING PROGRAI1 OGP~6A V6.20 OGP-BA USERS MANLIAL EXAMPLE F"ILE UM6A BASE CASE 1985 SYSTEM UNIT COMPANY RAriNG FUEl COST 10 STA Tl ON NAME TYPE I DENT. MW $/I1BTU 1 SEASHORE 01 1 EDISON 830, 0.570 2 SEASI-Ir)RE 02 1 EDISON 830. 0.570 3 HARBOR 01 2 EDISON 135. 7.000 4 LINCOLN 01 2 EDISON 250. 7.000 5 STATESIDE 01 2 EDISON 500. 7.000 --6 HARI:'OR-GT 01 3 EDISON 50. 8.300 7 HAI~I30R~GT 0:?. 3 EDISON 100. 8.300 6 RIVEI?SII"lf:: 01 3 EDISON 100, 8.300 9 RIVERSIDE 02 3 EDISON 150. 8.300 10 NORTH SIDE01 4 EDISON 300. "'-· 300 __ 1 1 BLUE LAKE 01 4 ANNUAL PRIN'IOUT OF ALL GENERATION ON 12 MIDLINE 01 5 13 Ml DLI NE 02 c '!HE SYSTEM. OPTIONAL OUTPUT (KPRINT) • 14 FRONTIER 01 6 15 BAY VIEW 01 6 EIJISON 550. 1. 850 16 HARBOR-GT 03 3 EDISON 100. 8.300 17 PUI~CHASE 6 EDISON 100. 2.000 CONV. 1-!YDRO 260. PU!1PED HYDRO 300. C011PR. AIR o. ENERGY ST0-3 0. ****** 5825. TOTAL MW EDISON 5825. ltltltll:liCliC ~~---5825 . .. : ii DERATED I CAPACITY ~ w MW 1-., > ., " CCINV. HYDRO 257. z PU11F'ED HYDRO 297. 1-C011PR. AIR 0. z it ENERGY ST0-3 0 II. w 0 "' II. .J t--~-·-.... . __.__.,_ . - ~ ~' ~ ~ ..... .,,""- PAGE 04/08/83 :~c~~ 24 11.741 JOB NUMBER 1872XU FUEL INV. $/KWIYR 5.85 5.85 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. ,...._ 0. o. 0, -~---· ·~'· " ~ z;:";!. --~ ' ~~~ I -- I i - I I I ~ :.~~~--_ _..J. ~·~ i&s"3 ~ 0\ I f\) 1\) lr--"--~ - 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED, DATA PREP TO GF.NERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OOP-SA V6.20 OGP-GA IJSERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UI'16A BASE CASE 1965 SYSTEM CONV. HYDRO M.!\X. GENERATION MIN.GENERATION ENERGY GEN.RATING BY MONTH BY 110NTH BY MONTi-1 BY MONTI-I 230.00 50.00 152000.00 300.00 250.00 50.00 152000.00 300,00 250.00 50.00 152000.00 300.00 260.00 60.00 158000-00 300.00 260.00 60.00 toaooo.oo 300.00 260,00 60.00 158000.00 300.00 260.00 60.00 150000.00 300,00 260.00 60.00 100000.00 300.00 260.00 60.00 156000.00 300.00 250.00 40.00 1413000.00 300,00 I 250.00 40.00 148000.00 300.00 250. OC· 40.00 148000,00 300.00 I COMPR. AIR GEN.RATING PUMP RATING STORAGE GEN.RATING BY MONTH BY 110NTH BY MONTH BY MONTH 0. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. ... o. o. o. o. 'l I> o. 0. 0. o. : o. o. o. o. ii o. o. ~. o. I :t bl 1-., HYDRO AND ENERGY S'lORAGE UNITS AS > ., IS Ia1PED BY THE P.RCJGRM4. z 1-z a: 0. w .., o{ 0. .J w ~ > w z 0 :r '--- .. ... -.. .. -.. -.. ------~-~---~.~~ -- -~ .................. ------------- PAGE 25 04/oo/e3 11. 741 JOB NUMBER l672XU - PUMPED HYDRO PUMP RATING STORAGE BY MONTH BY MONr'f-1 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400,00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 32Q..&9 2400.00 320.00 2400.00 ENERGY ST0-3 PUMP RATING STORAGE I BY MONTH BV MONTH 0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. -o. o. 0. o. 0, o. o. o. --·- I I .. -"" .. " -· ~ -, ~ ----.. .. - ._;:.;-_..;.;:;=;::· \) 0\ I 1\) w I n I I I N 'l .. ! ii I :l Ill 1-., )-., u ? 1-z a: 0. ld u <( "'- .J ~ ~ ,. ~ ;I I GENERAL ELECTRIC C0!1PANY, EUSEO, DATA PREP TO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE BASE CASE ~ -.. .. . . -- - Fl LE 1Jt16A . -· LOAD MODEL FOR YEAR 1985 POOL PEAK IN MW 5000. EDISON 5000. TOTAL MWH 26280000. I OPTIONAL OU'TI?UT <r..:RINT) • _J ANNUAL PRIN'IOUT OF lOAD MODELJ . .. . .. .. --~· --~ --· ~ ~~-·-----,_ • w-. -- PAGE 26 04/08/83 11.741 JOB NUMBER 1872XU - - -- . lj ~ c' ·- I - ~ I - t' ,·,, "' I 1\j -l:: ~ i:'"~ I GENERAL ELECTR I C COMPANY , EUSED, DATA PREP TO GENERA Tl ON PLANN I NG PROGRAM OGP-6A V6. 20 PAGE 29 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE IJM6A 04/08/83 11 • 741 j .BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 187.2XU ~ l i985 SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. PROBABILITY PROGRAM LOADS PROBABILITY PROGRAM LOADS PROBABILITY PROGRAM LOADS PROBABILITY PROGRAM LOADS DURATION MW P.U. DIA"ATION MW P.U. DURATION MW P.U. DURATION MW P.U. o. 4710. 1.000 o. 4430. 1. 000 o. 4815. 1. 000 o. 4685. 1. 000 0.2 42)~. 0.895 0.2 4275. 0.965 0.2 4622. 0.900 0.2 4680. 0.958 0.4 4121. 0.875 0,4 4120. 0.930 0.4 4430. 0.920 0.4 4470. 0.915 f./ 1.0 3947. 0,83B 1.0 3912. 0.883 1. 0 4228. 0.878 1 .o 4074. 0.834 I-IOURLY HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY WEEKDAY WEEI<END WEEKDAY WEfi~END WEEKDAY \o/EEKEND WEEKDAY ~EEKEND MW LOAD MW LOAD MW LOAD NW LOAD f1W LOAD MW LOAD MW LOAD MW LOAD 20 DAYS 10 DAYS 23 DAYS 8 DAYS 20 DA.YS 10 DAYS 21 DAYS 10 DAYS 0 4710. 3702.· 4430. 3528. 4815. 3761. 4885. 4025. 4373. 3449. 4186. 3351. 4543. 3738. 4325. 3885. I 4212. 3249. 4127. 3203. 4482. 3565. 4126. 3567. 4197. 3203. 4046. 3173. 4309, 3423. 4126. 3514. 4075, 3073, 3957, 3077. 4263. 3368. 4094. 3428. 4014. 3012. 3927. 2966. 4225. 3251. 4081. 3275. I 3983. 2~96, 3861. 2877. 4165·. 3219. 4036. 3202. 3960. 2958. 3794. 285u. 4127. 3101. 3914. 3188. 3906. 2897. 3691. 2826. 4006. 3101. 3830. 3082. 3815. 27S9. 3676. 2789. 3946. 2858. 3766, 2930. 3769. 2605. 3669. 2752. 3802. 2818. 3554. 2890. 3731. 2582'. 3565. 2500. 3741. 2818. 3522. 2750. 3616, 2429. 3477. 2404. 3606. 2669. 3502. 2750. 3601. 2375. 3395. 2375. 3523. 2574. 3457. 2631. Q 2827. 2291. 3048. 2338 . 3265. 2480. 3045. 2571. . N 2759. 2834. 2917. 2536. I 'i 2222, 2249. 3077. 2409. .. 2659. 2184. 2575. 2198 . 2774. 2339. 2743. 2432. :! 2544. 2069. 2442. 1990. 2630. 2260. 2601. 2406. a: H~Ol. 1969. 1924. 1879. 2071. 2056. 2202. 22<16. ' 1787. 1854. 1755. 1761. 2003. 1867. 2171. 1941. I ::E Ill 1603. 1739. 1585. 1628. 1621. 1859. 2003. 1908. 1-1534. 1609. 1518. 1599. 1731 . 1772. 1900, 1855, ., >-1473. 1509. 1451. 1465. 1550. 1670. 1759. 1762. "' " 1396. 1447. 1259. 1311. 1504. 1364. 1605. 1576. z 1-2130703. MWH 2179237. MWH 2243027. MWH 2305164, MWH z I II: D. 1905 LOAD FACTOR = 60.0 Ill " " D. RELIABILITY AND PRODOCTION ro>T I .J IDAD MODEI.S, BY MONTH. ~ 3: RELIABILITY AND PRODOCTION ro>T I IDAD MODEI.S, BY MONTH. II ll v ED ~ ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCE.<;SED z ~ - I. - -... ... ... .. ... .... -... -g·g -.... "' ........ " ~ REMC7I'E TERMINAL OUTPUT : REr J.RT 07 WILL PRINT 1F M3D=7 INPU'J~. ------------------~----------=-- BLIST L5G70107;L,WS5 BEGIN FILE -"L5G70107 SNUMB = HLSG7, ACTIVITY t = Olr REPORT CriDE = 07, ~ECORD COUNT~ 000034 GENERAL ELECTRIC COHPANY, DATA PREP TO PLANNING PRORR~H OBP-6A V6.20 01/12/83 13.959 .JOB NIJiiBER 1l1LSG7 COPYRIGHT, 1971' GENERAL ELECTRIC OGP-6A ELECTRIC SYSTEHr FILE UMOGP6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE NAHELIST DATA RECORI'l 1 HAS FIE EN READ NAHELIST DATA RECORJ) 2 HAS BEEN READ NAHE"LIST DATA RECORtt 3 HAS BEEN READ NAMELtST DATA RECORD 4 HAS BE: EN READ NMIELIST J:tATA RECORD 5 HAS FIE EN READ NAMELIST IIA'fA RECORit 6 HAS BE: EN READ ****** ENit OF NAHELIST fiAT A CHECK!NG ***t** PROORNl WILL CHECK .1-'.LL NAMEr~IST DATA 110R ERRORS PRIOR 'IO EXOCUTI0.N. ~------~·--------------------END OF NAMELIST DATA WILL BE PRINTED IF 00 FATAL DATA ERHORS CCCUREU!D. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, DATA PREP TO PLANNING PROGRAM OOP-6A V6.20 01/12/83 13.959 JOB NUiiBER 11iL5G7 COPYRIGHT, 1971, GENERAL ELECTRIC OGP-6A ELECTRIC SYST£M, FILE UMOGP6A USERS MAHUAL EXAMPLE ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE BEEN PROCESSED READY [ INDICATES PROGRAM EXOCUTED NORMALLY. 6-25 0 ~-::..::-.!- c "' I 1\) "' -, N ~ "' : ii: I l w 1- "' > ., " z 1- ~ 0: 0. ld " <( II. .J ~ > w z 0 l: I - 04/08/83 2872XU OGP-6A ·--.. --.. ## #~ ## -- ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ** ** ** COPYRIGHT 1971, GENEhAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ** --** OGP-61\ PROGRAM PUBLISHED ONLY IN A LIMITED, ** "'* COPYRIGHT SENSE, AND ALL R I GI·ITS, INCLliDING ** ** TRADE SECRET R I GI·ITS, ARE RESERVED. ** ** ** ****************************"'************************ **!k************************************************** - ,;. ! i .. --' -· '' -,.. ~·< -··---·~~----....'"~--=--~~o-- ----.. .. •• ---.. ---_,: ---~"'----·--- \} l 'j f ' O-l i N --J ~ .. :on»,, tcv.•:r· COMPANY, OQP-Gfl GENERA T1 ON PLANN I Nc> PROGRAM V6. 20 JOB INUI-1BER 2672XU Otl/08/83 I I. 803 BASED ON OP.TA PREP JOB 1872XU OArEil 04/08/83 COPYRI~HT, 1971, GENERAL ELECTRI~ ' 3 P~TRIM=2~.25, 2:t0, 2*,25, 4 SPilES=. 15, 5 MIX=1, 7 8 I EXIiXPU= I, EXD11WH=20, 10 RMII-OR=-,, 11 C~TENG=~!5, 12 ~ERATE=I,O?, (1,61=1.5, 2*1.2, 7* 23 POilSIII<.CI,Il=1.2, 1.1, 6*1, 24 PORSHK( I, 2).:3:~<1.2, 7*1.0, Ll S Tl NG 'OF I NPUT D.ATA 00002)70 00002180 00002190 00002200 00002230 00002240 00002350 00002360 60 00002390 00002400 [ GENERAL DATA J 25 . PORSHI<C I. 3 h• 26 POllS HI< ( 1 , 4 J =;j;; j : 1, 7*-1, :::· .. ~:.:::::-: '::: I 27 POt! Sill{( 1, 5 > :::J~:t: I • 2, 7:~~. 1, 28 POilSIIK ~ ~, 6 > =::ll:tt 1. 2, 7* 1, 1 29 PRGO/,L=20', 30 YRII'If1X= I 0, 31 IDCTRT::: '/\BCl'f!EXYZTIE' I 32 NHCTRf=O,l2, 35 36 37 38 39 40 ' RATE I C=2:tc 1 • Oi:, DMHHCT=20,25, RATEPC::: 2* I • Oi,', CTI1Tf'IW(I,ll=li2*50, CTRTI1\UI,2l=::Jt:t25, 6*35, 3*25, UNCLM=.95, I, 1,05, ' 43 KODE3=1, MPRI~T=5lk0,1,2*0,1,3*0, 44 KPnE:NV=4·to, 47 48 51 52 56 57 se 59 60 63 64 =I' KPS".IM2= 1 , M31J=7, J L00J·JI'r'=l, NI<ODt=:C4J=1, :~ $IUPUT ~TRTMWCI,21=12*0• KOPT=2:tl,2:t0,6:t1, KE'fENV=O, I YllEAD= I 9139$ $I ttPUT T=., KEYENV=-1, KPRENV= 1 , 1 , 1 , 0, *** 00002470 00002480 00002510 00002520 00002530 00002540 00002550 00002:560 00 00002630 OOOO?.G40 00002070 00002G80 00002720 00002730 00002740 00002750 00002760 00002790 00002800 00002810 00002820 -·~ -~ -..... ·~--~---~ ~.... -...ft (i -~:.,;;,·; '.". ·-·~ . . ... ' • • f 0 .... ' • • • ,.1 : • • ' • \ )I:' • ' • 'f • •., • ' .-• • I • ' ' ._" 0'\ t (\) co '. .. . . . .I I .. ~ 1D : ii I ~ .., ~ > .. " ~ 1- 2 It ll. ~ ~ ll. ' GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED <;lEi'IER.t\TION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 1 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE liM6A 04/08/G3 11.803 BASE CASE 2872XU PRESENT AND FUTURE SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS ·-· MW INPUT MATURE MATURE 1962 RATING (MEGA BTIJ/HR> FORCED'ri:" MINF.D O+M COSTS UN1T INST. UNIT FUEL PLANT REGN. U11 N. > (I'll N. ) OUTAGE OUTAGE FIXED VARIABLE ID YEAR STATION NAME TYPE TYPF.: ID ID CMAX. -PC> CMAX. 1 RATE RATE !i/KW/YR $/MW/HR CMAX.-R) 1 1970 SEASHORE 01 1 1 1 1 208. 2565. 0.150 o. 176 30.793 o. -< 830. 630. 8549. 2 1978 SEASHORE 02 1 1 1 1 208. 2565. 0.090 o. 176 30.793 o. 830. 8549. 830. 3 J94U HARBOR 01 2 2 1 1 27. 405. 0.032 0.055 2. 311 o. 135. 1620. I MASTER LIST OF UNUS TO BEM STUDIED. - 4 1950 LINCOLN 01 2 2 3 2.000 o. D.'\TA GENERATED BY DATA PREP PROGRl\M TRANSFERRED VIA FILE 03. 5 1975 STATESIDE 01 2 2 INCLUDES OVERRIDE DATA FRCM GENERATION 3 PLANNING GENERAL DATA. 1. 700 o. ---. 6 1960 HARBOR-GT 01 3 3 1 1 3. 156. 0.070 0.040 0.300 o. 50. 600. 50. 7 1965 HARBOR-GT 02 3 3 1 1 5. 312. 0.060 0.040 0.300 o. 100. 1200. too . 8 1975 RIVERSIDE 01 3 3 2 2 5. 312. 0.060 0.040 0.300 0, 100. 1200, 100. 9 1982 RIVERSIDE 02 3 3 2 2 8. 466. 0.055 0.040 0.300 o. 150. 1800 . 150, 10 1956 NORTH SIDE01 4 3 2 2 60, 605. 0.050 0.110 0.300 o. 300. 2421. 300. 11 1967 BLUE LAKE 01 4 3 2 2 60. 807. 0.050 0, 110 0.300 0. 400. 3228. 400. -· '-. • ,_ ~· "---• w•----' . -·-..-- ·-- 1982 FUEL 1982 FUEL COST PLANT COST INFLAT. COST $/MBTU PATTERN S/KW 0.604 1 0. 0.604 1 o. 7.000 2 o. I 7.000 2 o. 7.000 2 o. 8.30(') 2 o. 8. ::~100 2 0. -· Q 8,300 2 o. ., 8.300 2 o. I 8.300 2 o. I 8.300 2 o. .::z:::::::. " " ~ -:."''t_...&f~t...;_-~£, ................. ~ ~ I w 0 r ~ N 1 "' ! ii I ~ ~ ., > ., u ~ .. ~ u: 0. Ill u ~ 0. ~ ~ J: ·---- ( F-COAL-HS F-COAL-LS ·- ("" l 1 1.500 1.200 27 2 1. 200 1.200 28 3 1.200 1.200 29 4 1 ,ooo 1 .000 5 1. 000 1.000 G 1.000 1. 000 7 1. 000 1.000 6 1. 000 1. 000 9 1. 000 1 .ooo 10 1. 000 1. 000 1 1.500 1.200 30 2 1. 200 1.200 31 3 1.200 1.200 32 4 1. 000 1. 000 5 1.000 1,000 6 1.000 1. 000 7 1. 000 1.000 8 1 .ooo 1. 000 9 1. 000 1. 000 10 1,000 1. 000 -siblessaw·JOJJ 3 ··~··-·· IS CUI .II --·--... ;. · .. -.. -· ~· .... ." •... ,.~ 200. 1985 400. 1985 600. 1994 - 200. 1965 400. 1965 600. 1994 ~ _j . . -..,_ -···-~ . .. -... --= -- ~ p.,. ' ,. ()"\ I w 1-' .~~ :~~ N 'i .. : il I ~ g " " ~ .. z it D. bl u < lL -l E ~ 2 :t I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ··~ 2·~ ~ ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION PI.ANtHNG PROGRAM CIGP-6A V6.20 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UI'I6A BASE CASE ;~ ___ ....... _ ... ""~--··'"~-~ ~~·~ ~ -~:' ~--"?J !~'!I _,...;,~~--- ~ PAGE 5 04/08/83 11.803 2872XU .. :~ ~ -.~-.--"~-~ -- 1982 PRESENT 'WORTH AT 12.00 PERCENT INTEREST RATE TARGET RISK INDEX = 10.000 DAYS/YEAR TARGET PERCENT RESERVE = 20.00 EMERGF.NCY ENERGY COST 35.00 DOLLARS PER MWH Ef1ER<~ENCY ENI:RGY COST I NI"LA Tl ON FACTOR = 1. 070 LOAD UNCERTAINTY LOAD L I KEL I HOC:iD MULTIPLIER OF LOAD -' ~ ... 0.95 o. 10 OOAD UNCERTAINTY DATA APPLIES ONLY 1.00 0.80 '!') RELIABILITY CAICUIATIONS. 1.05 0.10 -----,-' WEEKDAY WEEKEND CXM-!I'IMENT ZONES USED IN COI1M I TTMENT ZONES 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRODUCTION CCST CAI.CULATIONS. NUf1BER OF HOURS 4 4 4 12 12 12 -.. ~ .. MINII'IUM UP TIME POLl,;. 1 :: NO SliUTDO\o/N 2 = SHUTDOHN ON HEEKEND ONLY 3 = SHUTOO~/N ANYTIME NUCLEAR 1 FOSSIL-OIL 3 MINIMW UPTlME RULES, BY UNIT TYPE. GAS TURBINE 3 USER MAY OVERRIDE FOR INDIVIDUAL C·CYCLE 3 F-COAL-HS 2 UNI'IS (MSTRIJN) • F-COAL-LS 2 ·- --~ -~ -,.-----·~----~---~ --· - ----sase5Qw.lw.13 ---~-a_;£. a U$!&4JJJJ a ... _.._ __ ·,~•-· ~ ::. I I ~ -~·~···" ..,.0'· ~·~· ,.,-"'" '·~-·4---=;;-...:;._ ·---•••• ,, •• '-····~ ..... __ .+··.; • ·~-., r 0'1 I w 1\) sai~'OlU~-~·· ( t I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY., EliSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-GA V6.20 PAGE 6 OGP-GA IJSERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMGA 04/08/83 11.803 BASE CASE 2872XU EMISSION COEFFICIENTS -UNIT COMMITTMENT - HEAT REJECTION PARTIC-WATER REGION S/f'IWii ATMOS. WATER S02 NOX co ULATE CONSUMP 1 NORTH 1. 0000 0. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 2 SCI LIT I-f 1. 0000 o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. 25 UNSITED 1 .oooo o. o. -0. o. o. o. o. EMISSION COEFFICIENTS -UNIT DISPATCH HEAT REJECTION PART! C-WATER REGION S/MWH ATMOS. WATER S02 NOX co ULATE CONSUMP 1 NORTH 1. 0000 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. --2 SOUTH 1. 0000 o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 25 'N'31 TED 1.0000 o. o. o. o. o. o. o. -ROOIONAL ENVIR<NomN'.rAL <X>EEFICIENTS FOR UNIT CCM1I'IMENT AND DISPAC'ICH. ... 1 II II 0 !! ii: I ~: 111 1-.. >-., c' ,, i=l z 0: D. 111 c -< D. I I li ... -. -.... . . ----··----·. ... . .. . .. ----· . ----- ., ... ~ ,;~--~ :<.'.'~ ~~-- ·, ~- •.................. 11111111111111111111~111111~~~~ ...... ---................ ~ ........ ,.ll~~ .. ~~ ............ ~~~~~~~~~~~~--,-,--. ' ~~---... c .... ~ ... -,....:_,..~ .... ~.:.....;;.,=-...~~~--..... -~--~ -~ ... .....,.._.,_---...--~·'"""'~-------....-...<-...:.::~~~------......... ~--"'-.-..., ___ ............__,__~.-------~---~--~---+ -~···--,_.,_-------,_..,--... .;).-~~~- ;Jift;;'\ "' I w w >t-~!'J saSessaw JOJJ~ 7!_:1Ic·{ p,.~ ~ il'::':. c; ·• ~ ~"·-~~ ·--· ~ '-··-·:J ~ ~ ~-...... ,_ 1 ~ c_ . ~ :: __ , _:_'! ~ ~ ................... : ~---~ ~ :. ........ ,.,_ .-:..' z·~. "1t ~~ ;: __ ~ ,"!} ! GENER.AL ELECTRIC COMPAN'I, EUSED GEN~RATION PLANNIN:"' PROGRAM OGP-SA V6.20 PAGE 7 OGP-GA USERS MANU~' EXAMPLE Fl LE UM6A [ MONJ.HLY c:xm?UT J 04/08/83 11.803 BASE CASE _ _ 2872XU OPT I MIJi-1 _ M:>NTHLY FDROCAST J?CX)L PEAK SPINNI~ G T I RESERVE, Ac; SPECIFIED BY INPUT. 1985 JUNE • • PRODI,ICTION COST SUM MJNTHLY PFAK REDOCED BY HYDOO & OJNl'MCTS. I COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOl LA~S __ ~-------------------------------------11 TERRITORY PEAK ~000. MW THERMAL PEAK 4410. MW SPINNING RESERVE 750. MW UNIT STATION NAME CO, UNIT FUEL RATING MAINTENANCE MIN. ENERGY HRS. CAPACTY FUEL OPER.+ FUEL FORCED PLANNED FUEL 1 I D I DENT.. T'(PE TYPE MW PTRN. MONTHS UP OUTPUT ON FACTOR COST MA INT. I NVT. OUTAGE OUTAGE PRICE RULE M~IH L1 NE COSTS COSTS RATE RATE $/f"lBTU 15 BAY VIEW 01 EDISCH 6 5 550.0 OMAINT. -1 0. 0. 0. 0. 797. 0. 0.092 0,129 2.183 3 HARBOR 01 EDISO~ 2 2 135.0 0 -1 21335. 697. 0.219 2602. 31. 0. 0,032 0.055 8.376 1 SEASHORE 01 EDISO~ 1 1 830.0 1 1 507960, 612. 0.850 3518. 2525. 471. 0.\50 0.176 0.672 2 SEASHORE 02 EDISON 1 1 830.0 2 1 518590. 655. 0, 868 3604. 2525. 471, 0. 090 0. 17..§__ O. 672 13 MIDLINE 02 EDISON 5 4 400.0 0 2 204314. 635. 0.709 3487. 1888. 0. 0.118 0.103 1.770 I 1 .0 0 2 140386. 637. 0.650 2407. 1426. o. 0.115 0.085 1.770 UNIT ID CORRESPONDS TO MASTER LIST •. o o 2 78743. 667. o.643 1644. 733. o. o.o74 o.o62 2,183 _, _.o o 2 46511. 120. 0.646 1122. 47S. o. o. o 2.360 11 BLIJE LAKE 01 EDISOI'I 4 3 400.0 0 3 157980, 684. 0.549 13241. 12. 0. 0.050 0.110 9,932 10 NORTH SIDE01 EDISON 4 3 300.0 0 3 95978. 642. 0.444 8177. 9. 0. 0.050 0.110 9.9~2 5 STATESIDE 01 EDISON 2 2 500.0 0 3 137040. 598. 0.381 12080, 84. 0, 0.050 0.110 8.376 4 LINCOLN 01 EDISON 2 2 250.0 0 3 51989. 578. 0.289 4742. 49. 0. 0 038 0.073 8.376 9 RIVERSIDE 02 EDISON 3 3 .134 2870. 4. 0, 0.055 0.040 9.932 7 HARBOI~·GT 02 EDISON 3 3 UNITS ARE LISTED IN THE ORDER IN W'diCH .097 1665, 3. o. 0.060 0.040 9.932 8 RIVERSIDE 01 EDISOM 3 3 THEY~~ COMMITTED. .073 1212. 3. 0. 0,060 0.040 9.932 16 HARBIJR-GT 03 EDISml 3 3 .082 1221. :; 0 0-060 0.040 9.932 6 HARBOR·GT 01 EDISON 3 3 50.0 0 3 1892. 208. 0.053 450. 1. 0. 0,070 0.040 9.932 22 GAS TUimiNE EDISO~ 3 3 50,0 0 3 ]699. 183. 0.047 398. 1. 0. 0.070 0,040 9.932 22 GAS TURBINE EDISON 3 3 50.0 0 3 1234. 154. 0.034 318. 1. 0, 0,070 0.040 9.932 TIE ENERGY 3118 134. 1!----:T-:::O:TA-='L THERr1AL 5365.0 Z'J{JI400. 64891, 10573. 942. CONV. HYDRO 260.0 158000. 26. PUI1PED HYDRO 300. 0 ·1 7259 0. 30. ~ COI~PR. AIR 0. 0. 0. 0. :l ENLRGY ST0-3 0, 0. 0, 0, ii: PURCHASE + SALES 85.0 8400. 257 I ~ SYSTE!1 TOTALS 6010. 0 2150541 • 65148. t 0628, 942, 1- " > :r--------------------~T=Y~P~E=---~R~A~T~17.N~G--E=~~~E=R~G~Y~O~U~T~P~U~T~~C~A~P~A~C-=-IT=Y~~F~U~E~L~C~O~S~T~---O=-+~M~-~T~H~E~R7.M~A~L--------------------·----! l1W MWH FACTOR, THOUSAND $ THOUSAND $ $/MWH ~ t NUCL. 1660. 1026550. 0.8569 7122. 5051. 11.86 ' I o. 2 F·OIL 885. 210':1G4. 0.3301 191123. 164, 93,11 . ~ 3 G.T. 600, 37406. 0.0067 8134. 18, 217,65 ~ 4 CCYCLE 700, 253957. 0.5039 21418. 21. 84.42 .J 5 liS COAL 700. 341700 I 0 6fl:J9 5~93. 3314. 26' 71 ::: 6 LSGOAL 820. 125254. 0. 2122 2705, 2006. 38. 10 ~ TIENG 3118. 134. 42.88 > ~ TOTAl 5365. 2001400 64891 10523~ _;rr._z-'--1---------------ll .J: I______ ·---·------------------------------------1\ • "' * *MANUAL MAINTENANCE PATTERNS* * * * PTRN J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 VARIABLES KODE2 AND KODE3 DE".l'ERMINE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PAT!'ERNS ASSIGNED ffimUENCY OF THIS OUTPUT. (CAN BE '10 SPECIFIC UNITS BY USER. __ _ noT.'"TNEIJ MON'l'HL':T OR ANNID'"TTY ~ NOTE WI·IEN USED, PATTERNS OVERRIDE THE '"""'n..~. .L nJA.t I s:v COMPUTED P.O.R.-A 1 INDICATES I ALL PASSES OR JUST THE OPTIMUM) • SCHFDULED 111\ I NTENAI<ICE. -FW'F~,W )f!W!f>4R,,..W¥F •• I. ~·""""'-1-*$44$ CCNXJQQ . 4@11Ul42 7 "" ~· '..-:-:._ .. . ~:~ J ! I L !' t < r-~- l l l ? i l '::.":'.::..: {J ,. _ _, __ 4_ ~.v-~-_, • 0'\ I w ~ ;e... ~ ~ --, -~--~ • -~" .,,.. ._,~. -,~~-4~ -.,--,-~=--·-..--------::- "" "' ::. .;:-- GENERft,L ELECTRIC COMPI\NY, EUSED GENERATION PLAN I'! I NG PROGRAM OGP-GA V6. 20 PAGE e OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/0.13/83 11 '803 BASE CASE 2872XU -ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ll<ll<li<:I:JtJt:K'Jk GENERATING UNIT SUMMARY :1: Jt lt lit JIUI: 1k ~ . 1985 JUNE AVG. HEAT REJECTION PARTICU-WATER UNIT OPER. FUEL !MBTU X 1000) S02 NOX co LATES CONSUMP ' 10 UNIT EFF. CONSUMPTION ATI•IOS. .WATER CTONS) (TONS) !TONS) CTONS) CGX1 0001· 15 BAY VIEW 01 o. 0. TON o. o. o. o. 0. 0. o. 3 HARBOR 01 0.234 51764. BBL 52. 185. 362.3 o. o. o. o. 1 SEASHORE Ol 0.331 4289. LB. 3498. o. o. o. o. o. 0. 2 SEASIIORE 02 0.330 4392. LB. 3589. o. o. o. o. o. o. 13 MIDLINE 02 0.354 82091. TON 280. 993. 310.3 0. o. o. o. 12 MIDLINE 01 0.352 56670. TON 194. 687. 214.2 o. o. o. o. 14 FRONTIER 01 0,357 42795. TON 107. 378. 53.9 o. o. 0. o. 17 PURCHASE 0.334 2700G. TON 70. 247. 34.0 o. o. o. o. 11 BLUE LAKE 01 0,404 2259136. BBL 357. 437. 4519.4 o. 0. 0. o. 10 NORTH SIOE01 0.398 139539. BBL 223. 273. ~790.8 o. 0. o. 0. 5 ST1HESI DE 01 0.324 240:JG9. BBL 214. 760. 1682.6 o. o. o. o. 4 LINCOLN 01 0.313 94347. BBL 86. 303. 660.4 o. 0. o. o. 9 RIVERSIDE 02 0.171 48983. BBL 240. o. 979.7 o. 0. o. o. 7 HARBOR-GT 02 0.143 28411. BBL 144. 0. 568.2 o. o. o. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 o. 146 20679. BBL 104. o. 413.6 o. 0. o. o. 16 HARBOR-aT 03 0.163 20€145. BBL 103. o. 416.9 o. o. o. o. 6 HARBOR-GT 01 0.143 7673. BBL 39, 0. 153.5 0, o. o. o. 22 GAS TURBINE 0.145 6799. BBL 34. o. 136.0 o. 0. o. o. 22 GAS TURBINE 0,132 5427. BBL 28. o. 108.5 o. o. o. o. TOTAL SYSTEM 0.334 9361, 4263. 13404.3 0. o. o. o. I FUEL CX>NStMPTION AND ENVIH:>~ REPOR'lS ... (OPTIONAt) .. ~US OUTPtrr OBTAINED BY INPUTI'ING 'i "' KEYENV=l AND KPRENV=O (OGP-6A ONLY} • RJEL : ii CDNSI:MPTION REPORT AVAILABLE IN OOP-6 BY .!. INPU'IT.nl,; KEYENV=-1 • i.- _: .. • ~ ,. ., I ENVIROz.MENTAL REPORT BY UNIT. I " ' KPRENV (1) =0. E z • L---· .. ~. -~ ------~-~--~ --. ~ ...--~---------------.-- ~ l ;.- ,P£:~4 ~ I w \J1 ~~· t:~:-:::3 sa.Sessaw JOJJ3 J!'it:"i1 ::--, .,.,.-,_ -..- ~ 1::':::.::;';:$1 ··~;;: '"' ......::~-~-... ~ ~-~:~':1 ,...._ , ___ :.,.,:-:'\ ~ ~ "'~~·····.J ~"''~ -"-'~....,"'1' ~ s--~,-·_.; .... ~ -~ ., ~ --.... ,.,. __ ;._.-t""!] ~,_" ~ ~ _,,_.,.o.r-... ''lf'• GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EllSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A VS. 20 PAGE 9 OGP-GA U~ERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMSA 04/06/63 11.803 BASE CASE 2872XU EI'!I!IRONMENTAL REPORT ***ll:lll~Jtli: rLANT SUMMARY ****·**** . 1985 JUNE T AVG. y HEAT REJECTION PART! CU- PLANT ·OPER. p FUEL !118 TIJ X 1 000) S02 NOX co LATES ID PLANT EFF. E CCN:'IUMPTION ATi-iOS. WATER CTONSJ CTONS> CTONS> (TONS) 1 COASTAL 0,323 1 8681. LB, 7425. 185. 1500.9 o. o. o. 2 51764. BBL 3 56930. BBL 2 CENTRAL 0.364 3 435169, BBL 924. 709. 8703.4 o. 0, o. 3 HILLSIDE 0,340 2 334715. BBL 1012. 3368. 3200 ~ 0. 0. 0. 3 12221J. BBL 4 1387GI. TON 5 6980i. TON TOTAL SYSTEM 0.334 9361. 4263. 13404.3 o. o . o. . [ ~ REroRr BY PIJ\Nr.l KP.RENV (2) =0. " ... -1 D !'! ii I :l: Ill 1-.. > ., " z j: z zr D. Ill u "' D. g > Ill z l: I --. -..-. -.. ~ ------~ .... --- ~:.: .. 1 ~IJ ~...::.:,_. ,,,_,... ,..~ - WATER Ct'INSUMP CGX1000l 0. o. -·--o. o. j ~ ~ ' .. ......~ I ~ (:_::._. ~,. 0 ·(:, --. ~"' .. ·-.:;-~ ' l\ '() ~ 0\ I w 0\ [ --===-·· ~ -=~~~"~ ~---. .., ___ , _,.__~ ~.....,.,.~ _, " .... --- GENERAL ELECTRIC COf·1PANY, EUSEO GENERATION PLANI'II NG PROGRAM OGP-6A VG. 20 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMSA 13ASE CASE REGION ID REGION 1 NORTH 2 SOUTH TOTAL SYSTEM l N ~ ., ~ ii_ I :t Ill 1-., > ., " z 1- !. II ll Ill " '( ll .J ~ ~ > Ill z 0 :r I { lite::::;;. . . . ~. AVG. OPER. EFF. 0.323 0.347 0,334 . . . . --" --' - ' L_ l.......... •"0 -. -~~-'!"-'" .--"'.~ ~ .... .,..~,?<- ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ******!It* REGIONAL SUMMARY ll<ll<ll:ll<ll<ll:ll<ll< ,, -1985 JUNE HEAT REJE'Ci!ON CMBTU X 1000) SCI2 NOX ATI10S, WATER CTONS) CTONS) 7425. 185, 1500.9 o. 1936. 4077. 11903.4 o. 9361. 4263. 13404.3 o. I ENVl:llCN!ENTAL REPORT BY RffiiON. I KPRENV (3) =0. .. -.. --. -. ., ' ·--~ - " • ..,..._.. • .-. ~ f)• ,.. ~--~ PAGE 10 04/08/83 11. 8(13 2872XU - . PARTI CU-WATER eo LATES CONSUMP (TONS> CTONS} CGX1 000) 0. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. ? ,/ ' c. 'l., ~ I . "•"•• l ·J .,_, ~ 0'1 I w ~ .~ sa.Sessaw JOJJ3 E-~~,1 ~ 1!:'"'.:-:;;':,_1 ~ -.!:::~.:;? l:~~~~ ~ L:~::;:.. _::J ~ c.~·~·~~ ~~ ~~~«-""""'"J __, L.. __ ~.J ~ ~:J ~ l....--------'"' I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EIISED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-GA V6.20 I OGP-13A USERS .MANIJAL EXAMPLE FILE UMSA BASE CASE ENV I RON~1ENTAL REPORT ******** FUEL Sllr-'IMARY ******** 1985 JUNE AVG. HEO.T REJECTION TYPE OPER. FUEL CMBTU X 1000) S02 NOX 10 TYPE EFF. CONSUMPTION ATMOS. WATER CTONS> (TONS) 1 U30S 0.331 8681. LB. 7087. o. o. o. 2 OIL 6 0.310 386,!179. BBL 352. 1249. 2705.4 o. 3 OIL 2 0.334 50·'1 !32fJ. BBL 1272. 709. 10086.5 o. 4 HSCOAL 0.353 1387Gl, TON 474. 1600. 524.5 o. 0 LSCOAL 0.348 69801. TON 176. 625. 87.9 o. [TAL SYSTEM 0.334 9361. 4263. 13404.3 0. I I ~ REPORT BY FUEL TYPE. I KPRENV(4)=0. N y " ! ii -I ~ lrl 1- " .> ., u ~ 1-:z 0: a. w u ..., a. .J ~ ~ ; 2 X -~ ' ' ------- ~ ' .· ' i -·---·-.. - .~ k_.;.;::.-. .::.~ ~'==~ ~ L.,.~· .. ll PAGE 11 04/08/83 11.803 2872XU PARTICU-WATER co LATES CONSUMP ( :ONS) CTONS) (GX1000) o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. a. 0. o. 0. o. o. . ~ <;.;;_ - I _j I - I A.J[j]J : li$U4 i tJ!IStlbl$ J!UIW%42 A SZ OJ 6 IlL IE WIIA2i! 2 il 3i £X. t ua;za;: :a ll£! W lliiWA ,~~~,~-~····-·'"·'·"··· ··· ~~ ~ t. r ·,f.?. ·· < cr~. ( 7 (, >1:! . ~ ~/ H'•'', ; , J ~: l · .. f ; f I I } \ ot I I .l -'· lt:·S:i'1 C\ I w (X) fir:: ', !.UilJIIWI;'Ii S:~!;:J t:::.:~ . . ' ------_.,.,,,..._-""'--·~·--'6:: .~;:, ~ ~ ~ --•,.,1. ~ ~ ~ - GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM 'JGP-SA V6.20 PAGE 17 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAI1PLE FILE UMGA [ANNUAL OUTPur I 04/06/63 11.803 BASE '::ASE 2872XU ,,•: OPT1!1UM '--- ANNUAL ~T POOL PEAK SPINNIOO G.T, ANNUAL PEAK REDUCED BY HYDRO & RESERVE, AS SPECIFIED SY INPtJl'. 1985 YEARLY PRODUCTION COST SUMMARY <X>NTRI'C'lS. COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS - TERRITORY PEAK 5000. MW THERMAL PEAK 4410. MW "' SPINNING RESERVE 750. MW UN IT STA T1 ON NAI1E co. UNIT FUEL RATING MAINTENANCE MIN. ENERGY HRS. CAPACTY FUEL OPER.+ FUEL FORCED PLANNED FUEL 10 !DENT. TYPE TYI"E MW PTRN. MONTHS UP OUTPUT ON FACTOR COST MAINT. INVT. OIJTAGE OUTAGE PRICE RULE MWH LINE COSTS COSTS RATE RATE $/MBTU 15 BAY VIEW 01 EOISOtl () 5 550.0 0 MAY JUNE -1 2772077. 6625. 0.575 57586. 22725. o. 0.092 0.129 2.183 3 HARBOR 01 ED I SOli 2 2 135.0 0 AUG. -1 236395. 7759. 0.200 28857. 375. o. 0.032 0.055 8.376 1 SEASHORE 01 EDISON I 1 830.0 1 1 5074555. 6202. 0.698 35182. 30724. 5728. 0. 150 o. 176 0.6?2 2 SEASHORE 02 EDISON 1 1 830.0 2 1 5411716. 6639. 0.744 37530. 30724. 5728. 0.090 ...Qd76 0.672 13 MIDLINE 02 ED I SOli 5 4 400.0 0 FEB. 2 2545732. 7134. 0.727 43232. 21828. o. o. 118 0. 103 1. 770 12 MIDLINE 01 EO! SOli 5 4 300.0 0 NOV. 2 1740393. 7115. 0.662 29680. 164~7. 0. o. 115 0.085 1. 770 14 FRONTIER 01 ED I SOH 6 5 170.0 0 2 950122. 8112. 0.638 19845. 8921. o. 0.074 0.062 2. 183 17 PURCHASE EDISml 6 5 100.0 0 2 569597. 8760. 0.650 13729. 57.89. 0. o. 0. 2.360 11 BLIJE LAKE 01 EDISON 4 3 '100.0 0 JULY 3 17631108. 7535. 0.505 147977. 144. 0. 0.050 0.110 9.932 10 NORTH SIDEOl EDlSOI'I 4 3 300.0 0 JJ\N. 3 1066236. 7381. 0.406 91210. 108. o. 0.050 0.110 9.932 5. STATESIDE 01 EDISOI'I 2 2 500.0 o MJ\Y 3 1 51 69133. 71 1 I . 0.346 134984. 1022. o. 0.050 0.110 8.376 4 LINCOLN 01 EDISOtl 2 2 250.0 0 DEC. 3 547026. 6170. 0.250 50012. 601. 0. 0.036 0.073 8.376 9 RIVERSIDE 02 EDI SO~I 3 3 150.0 0 3 1~4355. 5070. o. 117 311366, 54. o. 0.055 0.040 9.932 7 HARBOR-GT 02 ED I SOli 3 3 100.0 0 APRIL 3 59871. 3945. 0,068 15950. 36. o. 0.060 0.040 9.932 e RIVERSIDE 01 EDlSOtl 3 3 100.0 0 AIJG. 3 54952. 33<15. 0.063 13913. 36. 0. 0.060 0.040 9.932 16 HARBOR-GT 03 F.:OISOI'C 3 3 100.0 0 3 4 1 006. 2971 . 0.047 11635. 36. 0. 0.060 0.040 9.932 6 H/\Jmor~-GT 01 EDISOtl 3 3 50.0 0 NOV. 3 136,17. ?.288. 0.031 4?80. 18. o. 0.070 0.040 9.932 22 G/\S TIJRB I NE ED I SOli 3 3 50.0 0 3 1 31 94 . 21 64 . 0.030 4076. 18. o. 0.070 0.040 9.932 I 22 GAS TURBINE EDISOtl 3 3 50.0 0 3 10459, 1922. 0.024 3503. 18. o. 0.070 0.040 9.932 TIE ENERGY 15114. 648. TOTAL TIIER1·1AL 5365.0 24561841. 778198. 139635. 11457. CC1NV. HYDRO 260,0 1848000. 307. PUI1PED HYDRO 300.0 -221223. 0. 361. N COI1PR. AIR o. o. o. o. ~ ... ENERG'( ST0-3 0. 0. 0 . o. ! ii PURCHASE + SALES 85.0 91560. 2804. ----I :a: SYSTEI1 TOTALS 6010.0 26280178. 781002. 140302. '11457. Ill 1-., )' ., " TYPE RATING ENERGY OUTPUT CAPACITY FUEL COST 0 + M THERMAL I ~ MW MWI-I FACTOR, THOIJS/\ND $ THOUSAND $ $/MWH 1-z I it 1 NUCL. 1660. 10486271. o. 7211 72712. 61449. 12.79 a. 2 F-OIL 885. 2300404, 0.:?967 213852. 1998. 93.83 IlL 3 G.T. 600. 347465. O.OG61 8.7724. 216, ?.53.08 " o( 4 CCYCLE 700. 2634643. 0.4G23 239187. 252. 84.47 a. I .J 5 HSCO<\L 700. 4206126. o. (\1190 7291g. 38285. 25.94 w 6 LSGOAL S20. 429179G. O.r;il:l75 91162. 37435. 29.96 3: TIENG 15114. 648. 42.88 )' ==] w TOTAL z 5365. 24561841 776198. 13963~. 3?.37 0 J: -· • :t "' >~<MANUAL MAINTE~IANCE PATTERNS* "' * * PTRN J F M A M J J A s 0 N D 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 -NOTE WHEN USED, PATTERNS OVERRIDE THE I COMPUTED P.O.R,-A 1 INDICATES SCHEOIJLFD M.l\ I NTFNMICE. -- 1:::~ .. .. --.... ~ ........... ......_... ~ ..._~ p~ ~ I w \0 T;~;':'f. -...... ----.... _..,. ~ .... __ ,._,_._. ... .,...-~-~.,...,..,..--~...,~;~,...,.__ .... ,._. . ....,.._..___,_ ... ~,_.,.,._~---~~-· ---_,...,.'"",.._ ----· _,.._,_______ """---.-~---. ~ .... -~~-;,.,., ••. ~,~~~ ... ""..._.,.,&""': ~ ' ' -~ f::.:::; ~~) ~.*'~ -'" "" ~ ~ ~«~-. ,'-.. •r ~ .... ,...,..,.~,f. •.. ,...., ~ ~ ~ ,_...,.., L..~.... .. .......... 4.·--.d·--) L-.·--' L~:..-1 GENl:RAL ELECTRIC COI1PJ\NY, EUSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6. 20 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE BASE CASE AVO. FILE IJM6A ******** ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT GEN~RATING UNIT SUMMARY 1985 YEARLY ~ ·' --·-o~ *****•** ~ ~ ~ " ~-~ t. ~~ ...... _;,~·-.·:A -....l.:._ .. -.-._:-c;I """'"·-~-· PAGE 18 04/08/63 11.803 2872XU ~--~ PARTICU-WATER UNIT OPER. FUEL HEAT REJECTION CMBTU X lOOOl S02 NOK _ _ __ ~ C_O ~~--LATES CON~ ID UNIT EFF. CONSUMPTION A TI10S. WATER CTONS) CTONS) C TONS> <TONS) C GX 1 000) 15 BAY VIEW 01 0.359 1499161. TON 3723. 13201. 1888.9 ----__ ........... ~~· ~~~ --~" 3 HARBOR 01 u.c::~q vf"'IOI. 001-iJOVo GVv<>o 4019.3 u .. "~~ ~GOQ&..f. '-0• ..,~:::,.:::~u. v. u. 1 SEASHORE 01 ~ ~~· A~~~A I~ ~A~~~ ~ ~ 2 SEI\SHORE 02 13 MIDLINE 02 0.331 0.356 45745. LB. 1017887. TON 37330. 0. 0. 3463. 12276. 3847.6 o. 0 o . o. o. -,.., .... A _,.....,,..l""!t,... ,._ ... "''")1'~3. 81148. 2641.5 Q_. I GO('. 4563. 650.9 o. 1 2 fll OL I NE 01 ". ~"" """'~"'""". -::' '::''J~··•:-----~"''::'"~"'~';.:---........;~:::;.::-'----"'-'~~~----'=""'-14 FRONTIER 01 ~ ~~-~· ~~' • ~~·· '~~- 1 7 PUI~CHASE 11 BUIE LAKE 01 10 NmnH SIDEO 5 STATESIDE 01 4 LII•ICOLN 01 9 R "IERS I DE 02 7 H,\RBOR-Gl' 02 8 HIVERSIDE 01 1 6 l·li\lli30R • GT 03 6 1·1/\HEIOP. ·Gj' 0 I 22 GAS TliRBfNE 22 GAS TURB II !F.. TOTAL SYSTEM u . ..,ur 0.334 0.405 0.396 0.321 0.313 0.152 0.127 o. 134 0.119 o. 108 o. 110 o. 101 0.336 .._,I IJU 1"-il • rvn 330599. TON 652. 2525304. BBL 3989. 1556538. BBL 2495. 2685133B. BBL 2406. 99!.'\1 I 0. BBL 903. 586478. BBL 2933, 272198. BBL 1402. 2::17 134 • .BBL 1213. 1 90502. 'BBL 1032. 73047. BBL 384. 69!5!3~. BBL 365, 597131. BBL 317. 102065. Nr---------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ m 11.1-------1 :li Ill .. ., > 3022. 416.6 4875, 50506.1 3049. 31130,8 8531. 18800.9 3201. 6905.6 o. 11729.6 0 5444.0 o. 4748.7 0, 3971.2 0. 1460.9 o, ]39],2 o. 1195.6 63226. 150809.4 .,,r--------------------------------------·-----------------0 z 0, 0. 0, o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. 0. 0, o. 0. o. o. o. 0 o, o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. _,0_ •. 0 ____Q_,_ __ 0. o. o . 0, o. o. o. o. o. 0, ..._ Q, Q, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0 n o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. o. 0, Q, Q, o. o. o. o. o. o. ~ ,_ . ~ II I ~~~ I ~ ~ I Ill 3: ;.. Ill ~1--___. II J:i I ,:_, .[5 1) .) \:: ·;, c~~~ ~:::1 e! tJ <;> ~ ~ ~:~""$,;! 0'\ I .t:' 0 !=..-, ... r::~-- ~ ~ -~ _J J:<,_, :!'J!' "'*-1 ~ . .. ~ ~.,..._..,~-· .,."-"-· ·--~~,~~,..,.:..,.-.-.. .. ~-· -~~-~~~--">-l--...,,,,.,.li",_.f'*'--~~~-·---~~--~-~-~-" ~ ·~--., ..... ;;,. ............ ~.-.,;h......,"uut...~ ~ ~ ~ 1!:"'--·~ ~ -.,;;;, .---,"""' ~ ~ ~ ~ I GENERAL ELECTRIC CO~"'PANY, EIJSEO GENE'RATION PLANI'HNG PROGRAM OGP-6/\ V6. 20 PAGE 19 OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMGA 04/08/63 11.803 BASE CASE 2872XU .. --ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ***>t**** PLANT SUMMARY *****"'¥* 1985 YEARLY T AWl, y HEAT REJECTION PARTI CU-WATER PLANT OPER. p FUEL CMBTU X 1000) S02 NOX co LATES CONSUMP ID PLANT EFF. E CONSUNPliON ATI10S. WATER CTONS) CTONS> (TONS> CTONS) CGX1000) 1 COASTAL 0.329 1 68628. LB. 79456. 15259. 16784.4 o. o. o. o. 2 574181. BBL I 3 543808. BOL 5 1499161. TON 2 CENTRAL 0.359 3 4905754. BBL 10630. 7925. 98115.1 0. 0. o. 0. 3 HILLSIDE 0.341 . 2 36809-18. BBL 11977 • 400«13, 35910.0 o. o. o. o. 3 129339. BBL 4 1716693. TON 5 a.-17212. TON TOTAL S1(STEM 0.336 1020'85. 63226. 150809.4 o. (), 0. o. I, N . ~ .. ,. ii: I :! IIJ 1-., > ., . u ~ 1- 2 I a: D. IIJ u ~ D. -l ~ ~ > IIJ 2 :r i d ~-·-----· ~ ·--· ----·--·-. -· . . ' ----~· .. --·· -~-------- ~ ~ .... ,-~ ... ..., -j' -' -... ... r --...... .. ...... ...... ----......J !.;' <j i) ~:~~ "' I -1::" I-' 'i~~~~ 4-..-"- sa82ssaw JOJ.I:f fr"""'1 ·~-~~~7j l;~~!t~ --:::··~--_· ~ } '-t ~_:_ .... -<-~ ~ __.,..,..,., ,;..:: ... _:.._...:"'~--· ~ 2 ' ~ \..,~._,_,~ .,., .. -~ ~~~-J ~ ' ...... ~ ----' I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EIJSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CASE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT :k**"'***"' REGIONAL SUNr-1ARY **"'***** I 1985 YEARLY AVG. HEAT REJECTION REGION OPER. CMBTU X 1000) S02 NOX ID REGION EFF. ATMOS. WATER I TONS) CTONSl 1 NORTH 0.329 79458. 15259. 16784.4 o. 2 SOUTH 0.346 22607. 47968. !34025.1 0. TOTAL SYSTEM 0.336 102065. 63226. 15061Jl9.4 o. I I N 'i ., !! ii I ::li Ill 1-., > ., " z j: 2 a: Q, Ill " "' Q, .J g ~ ~ 2 ;[ I ___ -------· -- -"""' -~ ~----'--.. 4 PAGE 20 04/08/63 11.803 2872XU PARTI CU- co LATES CTONSl I TONS) o. o. 0. 0. o. o. • -n -""' --- :.~ ~ ' -~ ~ ·-.-!I' WATER CONSUMP CGXlOOOl o. o. o. ----- ~ 't....,.l·. ~--~ ,-i}. -!£ #-•. ~.ru:__, - ~ ~--.:J!l. J' (;. ·.lj '•' D ;j --:;_- __...., ,--.--,, . . .,,., ........ ~.._...:___.,_,_,_~_,_,,_,..,..._._ -· tf'L"-'.,J ~ ,...-_. "-' ~;·~~-.l r;:....-:; ,... . ; GENERAL ELECTRIC CCJMPJ\NY, ~ l ~ . -· ~··l r-; ~ !;,.., :..-:~ :t .~r;--, r~: ~'!l EUSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 L" MIJ::;J r::--"-'' _.l OGP-OA IJSERS MANUAL EXAMPL.E FILE UM6A ~ I .f= 1\) I ,. ~ " ~ ii: I :t lsi 1-., > .. " z 1-z a: 0. Ill " .. 0. ~ > lsi z ~ I BASE CASE AVfJ. TYPE OPER. 10 TYPE EFF. 1 U308 0.331 2 OIL 6 0.308 3 OIL 2 0.330 4 HSCOAL 0.355 5 LSCOAL 0.355 TOTAL SYSTEM 0.336 .... --~--------·~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ******** FUEL SUMMARY ***lk**ll<* 1985 YEARLY HEAT REJECTION FUEL . 01BTU X 1 000) 802 NOX CONSUMPTION ATMOS. WATER !TONS) CTONS) 88628. LB. 72337, o. o. o. 4255729. BBL 3889. 13790. 29785.9 o. 55713901 . BBL 14130. 7925. 111578.0 o. 1716693. TON 5846. 20726. 6489. 1 o. 2346373. TON 5863. 20786. 2956.4 0. 102065, 63226. 150809.4 o. - ------~--------- - """' ~.,.. """" c-~ ~ PAGE 21 04/08/83 11.803 2872XU PART! CU- co LATES CTONS) (TONS) o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. o. o. 0. o. o. IS sal lUi-.. ----.. -IIIII IIIII .. .. llllfl: - ~ ~ ~ ~ - WATER CONSUf1P (GX1000) o. o. o. o. o. o. <::\ • .!.· - -.. .... - !t J l: I pt~,;_._.'t 0\ I -1::' w "~,'!."] saSessaw JOJJ.i .. 1 II .. _, ii: I :;L Ill 1-: ~ .. " z E z it 0. Ill " ... ''~,,~-!;,; ,,~.!,:') -'*'""" ,,; ~ '~ ~ ~ ... ~: ~ ! - '--~-·--..--·-~--' , _ ,_..... r, ______ .,._ _....,_, ~~!'. ~ ' . ' ,, ~ ;:'~~-::·~ ~ ,...,_,.., .. _ GENER.AL ELECTRIC CONPANY, EllS ED GENE RAT I ON PLANNING PROGRAM 01GP-6A V6. 20 PAGE 29 OGP-6J\ USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE I"ILE UM6A 041/00/83 11 .1ao3 BASE C!ASE 2S:•72XU OPTIMUM LSCCJAL 1989 YEARLY PRODUCTION COST SUMMARY COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TERRl'TORY PEAK 5738, MW THERMAL PEAK SP I NN I! NG RESERVIE 861. MW UNitT STATHlN NAME co. UNIT FUEL RATING MAINTENANCE MIN. ENERGY HRS. CAPACTV FUEL OPER.+ F:UEL ll) liiDEN"I' . TYPE TYPE MW PTRN. MOI'ITIIS UP OUTPUT ON FACTOR :cosr 1'1AINT. l:tNT. RULE MWH LINE COSTS COSTS 15' BAY \'ii'EW~ EDISON 6 5 550.0 0 APRIL MAY -1 3t085e1. G625. 0.645 718055. 27761. o. 1 SEAS I-lORE 01 EDISON 1 1 830,0 1 1 51471.::8. 6202. 0.708 4:3336. 37346, 6963. 2 SE'ASI/ir.lRE 02 EDISOI'I 1 1 830.0 2 1 545Ei 39. 6639. 0.751 4:5972. 37346, 6963. 13 MIDLINE 02 EDISON 5 4 400.0 0 JULY 2 271~796. 7070. 0.774 til5803. 26384. 0. 12 MIDLINE 01 ED I SOli 5 4 300.0 0 JAN. 2 1898699. 7094. 0.722 :319193. 19967. o. 30 F-COAL-LS ED I SOli 6 ~ 200.0 0 2 1242618. 7775. 0.709 :311300, 12250. o. 30 F-COAL-LS EDISOtl 6 .. ,) 200.0 0 JUiNE 2 1101760. 7136. 0.629 2~7800. 11690. 0. 14 FRONTIER 01 EDISON 6 5 170.0 0 2 996094. 8112. 0.669 2.5222. 10844. 0. 18 BAY VIEW 02 EDISml 6 5 50.0 0 JUINE .!JULY 2 2349110. 6683, 0.536 5958. 332:9. o. 1 I BLUE LAKE 01 EIDISOii 4 ~J 400.0 0 FEB. 3 169rJ566. 7648. 0.541 195343. 175. o. 10 NCIRTI-f SIDE01 EIDISOii 4 3 300.0 0 NOV. DEC. 3 1170420. 6837. 0.445 1<!1678. 131. o. 26 C-CYCLE EIDISmC 4 3 115.0 0 FEB. 3 437192. 7335. 0.434 .<:(5931. 50. o. 26 C-CYCLE EIDISOI'I 4 3 115.0 0 I'JCIV. 3 40.11531. 7180. 0,40£ 42780. 50. o. 26 C-CYCLE EIDISON 4 3 115.0 0 JIJ)IN, 3 363317. 7147. 0.361 3f.l920. 50. o. 5 STATESW DE 01 EDISON 2 2 500.0 0 !"JAY 3 1423360. 7014. 0,325 157986. 1242. o. 4 LltiCOLN 01 ED I SOli 2 2 250.0 0 JI.\UG. 3 487256. 6266. 0.222 56410. 731. o. 9 RliJERSI:OE 02 EDISOI'I 3 3 150.0 0 3tt I 12579. <1'574. 0.086 35339, 66. o. 7 HAHBOR-GT 02 EO I SON 3 3 100,0 0 MAY 3~1 50838. 3741. 0.058 18058. 44. o. 8 RIVERSIDE 01 EIDISON 3 3 100.0 0 J:!EC. 3>1 40640. 3411. 0,046 15807. 44. o. 16 HARBOB.:§T 0:3 EIDISO~I 3 3 100.0 0 3it 32651. 3262. 0.037 14402. 44. 0. 6 1-fp;nf'IOR-GT 01 EID I Sl)~l 3 3 50.0 0 CJCT. 3il I I 633. 2634. 0.027 5636. 22. o. 22 GAS TURBINE EDISOtl 3 3 50,0 0 3:11 .1 I 514 . 2602 .. 0.026 5570. 22. o. :22 GA:S TURBINE EJDISOI'I 3 3 50.0 0 NOV. 3* 9361. 2209. 0.021 4683. :22. 0. 22 GAS TURBINE ED I SOH 3 '3 50.0 0 3~1 8664. 2353. 0.020 . 4836. 22. o. 22 GAlS TURB I NE EDISOI'I 3 3 50.0 0 ~\UG. 3* 7531. 2202. 0.017 4460. 22. o. 22 GAS TURBINE ED I SOU 3 3 50,0 0 3>11 7293. 2150. 0.017 4347. 22. o. :22 GA!> TURB I NE ED I SOli 3 3 50.0 0 JIAN. 3•1 6226. 1905. 0.014 3824. 22. o. 22 GAS TURBINE ED I SOli 3 3 50.0 0 3lll 5608. 18•1G. 0.013 3658. 22. o. 22 GAs TUHBINE ED I SOli 3 3 50,0 0 3ll< 5117. 1743. 0,012 3433. 22. o. TIE ENERGY 13869, 779. TOTAL THER11AL 0225.0 28402740. 113G520. 189741. 13926, CONV. HYDRO 260.0 1848000. 373. Plll·lPED 1-!YDRO 300.0 -23~093. o. 438, C011PR. AIR ~20.0 138174. 27942. 1286. ENERGY ST0-3 0. 0. o. o. PURCHASE + SALES 50,0 o. o. ·~ ~~ ~_SYSTEM TOTALS ~----··~-- ~ _7055. 0 ___ ~--:.lPJ596.21 '---~------~116A462.~ 1_9_18_38,_ 1_39_2!3. ~ ~,.... ____ ~""'--' ,...,...,..~, . .. J !.•-,, ~ ~~ '\.;:: ~~ - 4960. ,NW F(CJRCED PLANNED FUEL OUTAGE OUTAGE PRICE RATE RATE $/MBTU 0.092 o. 1:29 2.653 0. 1 50 (). 176 0.817 0. 090 (). 1716 0.817 0.118 0.103 2. 151 0.115 0.085 2. 151 0.113 0.082 2.653 0.113 0.082 2.653 0.07:4 0.062 2.653 o. 084 01.060 2.653 0.050 01.110 12.304 0.050 0,110 12.304 0.060 o. 121 12.304 0.060 0.121 12.304 0.060 0.121 }2.304 0.050 0.110 10.377 0.038 0.073 10.377 0.055 0.040 12.304 0.060 0.040 12.304 0.060 0.040 12.304 0.060 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 . 12.3C4_ 0.070 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12,304 0.070 0 .. 040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12.304 0.070 0.040 12.304 -II ~ ~--,e.,~~-.. 1 ~~:~~~ ,, /:.. .:T ~ ~" .. ' ---::-----0 ~ ~ ~:'~ 0\ I ..t:: ..t:: t~ (~~- ~~. ~~ _,..,.,~--~-----"' ·• .... ---.,..~_ ... __ , ______ ~ ___ ......__~ -----... t~ ..... --........... ______ ·~----~. ~-...,..--,..,...~~,...,-.,.,.,_rw:;;,_~ ..... -..;,~ ~ ~-:;J ~ 3: ~ I:"""":; c;:-"~ ~ ~-, -~A -I_ .l r--""1 ~ ~ TYP~ RATING ENERGY OUTPUT CAPACITY FUEL COST 11W MWH FACTOR THOUSAND $ 1 NUCL. 1660. 10604067, 0.7292 89308. 2 F-OIL 750. 1910617. 0.2908 214396, 3 G.T. 900. 309673. 0,0393 124055. 4 CCYCLE 1045. -4270027. 0.4665 444652. 5 HSCOAL 700. 4610495, 0.7519 94995. 6 LSCOAL 1170. 6663992. 0.6521 168335. TIENG 13869. 779. TOTAL 6225. 28402740. 1136520. * * * *MANUAL MAINTENANCE PATTERNS* * * * PTRN J F M A M J J A s 0 N D 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 NOTE WHEN USED, PATTERNS OVERRIDE THE COMPUTED P.O.R.-A 1 INDICATES SCIIEDIJLED MAINTENANCE. ~ ~ ~· ~ ~ 0 + M THERMAL THOUSAND $ $/MWH 74691. Hi.47 1973. 113.25 395. 401.87 458. 104.24 46351. 30.66 65874. 35.04 56.20 189741. 46.69 ~-- * THIS UNIT IS ENERGY OUTPUT AND/OR FUEL USAGE LIMI~T~E~D~--------------------- I I Nr---------------------------------------------------------------------7 a • I I t __ ,._, -------~·-----.., -..,,,. __ '+ + • -' ~ n • • ~ + .. ... ... -.. --... iiiBi .. .... ... ... --- ~ ~ ~ .... ~~~ n -:: ·:t"··--"',_.,.,.."1: ~ "' I ,J:::- Ul """"'"""'":"'"~ ~ GENERAL EtECTRIC COMPANY, EIJSEO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 30 ~ OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/06/83 11 .803 BASE CASE 2872XU - 1989 YEARLY SUI'1MARY OF GENF.RA Tl NG UN I TS WIT I-I OUTPUT Ll M I TAT IONS ENERGY ENERGY FUEL USAGE FUEL FULL LOAD MAXIMUM ACTUAL UNIT co. UNIT FUEL LIMIT Gf.NERATED LIMIT UNITS HOURS HOURS CAPACITY CAPACITY 10 STATION NAME I D. TYPE TYPE cr1WH> CMWJ-1) UNITS FUEL USED AVAJ tABl-E ON LINE FACTOR FACTOR 9 RIVERSIDE 02 1 3 3 262800. 112579. 486819. 1752. 4574. 0.200 0.086 7 HARBOR-13T 02 1 3 3 175200. 50838. 24375'1. 1752. 3741. 0.200 0.058 8 RIVERSIDE 01 1 3 3 175200. 40640. 217748. 1752. 3411. 0.200 0.046 16 Hil.RBOR-GT 03 1 3 3 175200, 3:?.651. 198392. 1752. 3262. 0.200 0.037 6 HARBOR-GT 01 1 3 ~ 87600. 11633. 77644. 1752. 2634. 0.200 0.027 .22 BAS TURBINE 1 3 3 87600. 11514. 76734. 1752. 2602. 0.200 0.026 22 (:li\S TURBINE 1 3 3 87600. 9381. 64514. 1752, 2209, 0.200 0.021 22 Gt\S TURal NE 1 3 3 87600. 8664. 66622. 1752. 2353. 0.200 0.020 22 GAS TURB I'NE 1 3 3 87600. 7531. 61433. 1752. 2202. 0.200 O.Oll- 22 GAS TURBINE 1 3 3 87600. 7293. 59882. 1752. 2150. 0.200 0.017 22 G1\S TURP. I NE 1 3 3 87600. 6226. 52684. 1752. 1905. 0.200 0.1)14 I 22 GAS TURBINE 1 3 3 87600. 5608. 50393. 1752. 1846. 0.200 0.013 ·' 22 GAS TURBINE 1 3 3 82928. 5117. 47298. 1752. 1743. 0.189 0.012 I StDIARY OF 1989 FUEL I AND ENERGY LlMITS. --· "' . y " .. II. I :1 Ill 1- ~ " 13 z ~ z II: ~-II. Ill " c II. .J ~ ~ -·- X I ·---·--. ,. -. -·~-' -~--~ --·-· -· • ~-> ------·· ,,...,.. ~ .. ~ --· ~-..-, -. ~:.J -~~ "':r·--··-.:"·1 ~ I ·.= : ._...-... ·• ~ ~ /<. ' ~ ~ r -~ ·~·\ ~ · •. i ~ ;;.,~ .. ';.1 .. Q··:;;~' •.. , ~:it ~ , __ ,.,,_ ,'!'J, ~-=II' ,;~ Error Messages -_., :::·;-i)i ... !.:~;:S 1 it I l.; . .. ' ~.J.J· ~ ~ ; l!i} __ - 0"\ I -'= 0"\ _;•',""'"'J·'"";~ ~ - f''::.""."':'""'""=<'~ ~ -.. -.. ------.. ---_.."-..,,...,. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM C:GP~6A V6.20 PAGE 33 OGP·BA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE BASE CASE CONTRACT HOURS YEAR WITH /DAY PERIOD 1985 ABCTlE XYZTIE 0 12 WEEKDAYS WEEKDAYS 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 TOTAL MW TOTAl. MWH X I 000 1/C CMlLLION SO) PIC cr11 LLI ON S) ABCTIE XYZTIE TOTAL MW 0 12 TOTAL MI·Jii X 1 000 1/C (MILLION$) PIC !MILLION S) ABCTIE 0 TOTAL MW TOTAL MWH >4 1000 IIC CMI LUON $) PIC CMILLION $) ABCTIE 0 TOTAL MW TOTAL MWH X 1000 H 1988 l/C !MILLION $) PIC CMII.LION $) 1989 ABCTIE 0 ~ TOTAL MW "' TOTAL MWii X 1 000 ! 1989 1/C CMILLION $) ~ P/C CMILLJON $) I :E. IIJI ~~ > 1. 250 2.804 WEEKDAYS WEEI<DAYS 1. 337 3.000 WEEKDAYS 0.842 o. WEEKDAYS 0.9UO -0-.- \.lEEK DAYS 0.963 0. FILE UM6A JAN. 50. 25. :tr:t:tr11C11C 75. 7. 0.202 FEB, 50. 25. *"'*** 75. 6. 0.170 04/08183 11.803 2872XU MONTHLY CONTRACTS IN MW ( PUf~CHASES +, SALES -J MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 50. ?.5. **'"'** 75. 6. 50, 35. ***"'* 85. 9. 50. 35, ***** 85. 9. 50, 35, **"'** 85. e. 50. 35. **11C*'* 85. 9. 50. 35. ***** 85. 9. 50. 35. "'**** 85. 8. 50. 25. **'*"'* 75. 7. 0.193 0.283 0,283 0.257 0.283 0,283 0.257 0.211 50. 50. 50. 50, 50. 50. 50. 50, 50. 50. 25. 25, 25, 35. 35. 35. 35. 35. 35. 25. ***"'"' ***** ***** ***** ••*** ***** ***** "'*"'** ***** ***** NOV. 50. 25. *•**'* 75. 6. 0.184 50. 25. *'"'**11C 75. 75. 75. 85. 85. 85. 85. 85. 85. 75. 75. 7. 6. 6, 9, 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 7. 6. 0.216 50. 11C11C1IC:I:11C 50, o. o. 50. 11C11C1IC11C11C 50. o. o. 0.187 50. *"'*** 50. o. o. 50. ***** 50. 0. o. 0.206 50. ***** 50. (,, 0. 50. ****ll: 50. o. o. 0,303 50, 11CliCliC:i<liC 50. o. o. 50. ***:1:* 50. o. 0, 0.289 50. ***** 50. 0. o. 50. ***** 50. 0, o. 0.289 50. ****'* 50. o. o. 50. **lJ(:I:ll: 50. o. o. 0.303 50. *"'*** 50. o. o. 50. ****"' 50. o. o. 0.289 50, **"'*"' 50. 0. o. 50. **""** 50. 0. o. 0.289 50. ****"' 50. o. o. 50. ****:t< 50. o. o. 0.226 50. **ll:"'* 50. o. o. 50. "'**"'* 50. o. a. 0.187 50. ***"'* 50. o. o. 50. **"'** 50. 0. a. DEC. 50. 25. **'*** 75. 6, 0.193 50. 25. 11CliC*""<11C 75. 7. 0.216 50. ***** 50. o. o. 50. *"'*"""' 50. o. a. 50. 50. ***** 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50, 50. 50, 50. ***** 50, ----oo-: ***** ***** ***** ****"' *"'*** *"'*** ***** *"'*** "'**** ****• ----50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50, 7 -- 0, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 0. o. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. o. I ~r--------------------------------------------------------~1 REXDRD OF CONTRACI'ED PURCHASES AND SP..LES. I/C IS '.IO"'...AL DEMAND CHARGE FOR FACH YFAR. P/1: IS 'lOTAL ENERGY CHARGE EOR FACH YFAR. "' z: j:! z i·~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ll Ill " "( D. t">""-'-""'""' ~ rc::::: ~ --~ .. ----,. ! .. ~ r"~~--", ~ ~=~ ;... -""''!., ~ ~:. . .:J ' :1 ........_...... ~ ~ f" ."',! -~ ., ........... ~ ----, -c:;:,.:.:,J :.::;:~ ;;.;;..·~-:J ~~ ........ ,~.""h-·~;a '*'*· ,%, ..,__....,_.,.. ____ ~_,.....,_,_,.._.~__....~--~-.. --~~-~ --....,._.,...,._.__,,..~ ... ---.. .. ,_. ___ -· ----~ ~-- =-~ :--, C:::Ji . . ~z::;w -;f J :.r-'~'-"""''1 ~ 0\ I -'= ~ f"'"'=~ ~ ~ 'ita, m .,...; .. ,. rum * -• nra rrn P' P'"AR mtrtenJsrrr•tc , -R r hi r 'lAd 1 W GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EIJSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM 0Gf'>-6A VE:t.20 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE BASE CASE FILE UM6A UNIT SIZE GUIDE -INSTALL 1 BASE LOAD UNITS IN 1 YEARS FUEL + O+M COSTS LEVELIZED OVER 10 YEARS SYSTEM WAS PLANNED TO A 20.0 PERCENT RESERVE GOAL II 1 982 PRESENT W!)RTH AT 12. 000 PERCENT INTEREST RATE * UNITS ADDED OR RETIRED * PEAK TOTAL CAPAB., f1W *'*'* 10.00 DAYS/YEAR *'** ***' PAGE 34 04/00/83 11.803 2872XU Sll1MARY 1 RECORD OF ALL DOCISION PASSES AND ASS<X!IATED RELIABILITY 1 INVES~T AND PRODOCTION COST CAWJIA,TIONS. KPRS'£1-1=0 INHmi'I'S PRINTm3. 1 • 0 HOURS/YEAR "'*'* UNIT RATING UHIT LOAD YEAR TIME EXCESS CAPABIL. EXCESS CAPABIL. PERCENT MW YEAR RUN ID MW T& MONTH Co. MW END OF PK. LOAD-MH DAYS/YEAR LOAD-MW LOAD-MW HOURS/YEAR LOAD-MW RESERVE SLOPE 198~ CD H® 0. 4®® G) ® ® @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ,_ .. , , 198~ 1 17 100. 6 1 t 5000. 5615. 5825. -351. 26.312226 4649. 0. o. 0. 18.2 333. 1985 2 22 50. 3 0 I 5000. 5865, 5875. -306. 2:,l.379555 4694, o. o. o. 19.2 333-: 1985 3 22 50. 3 0 1 @5000. 5915. 5925. -26 I. 20.679205 4739. o. o. 0, 20,2 333. 976.8@ 1985 ALTERNATIVE 1 liW ADDED= 300. COSTS, INVEST= 44.0 FUF:L= 781.0 O+M= 140.3 INVTRY= 11.5 TOTAL= CUMULATIVE P.W. INVEST= 28.0 FUEL= 496.3 O+M= 89.2 INVTRY= 7.3 198~ OPTIMUM = ALTERNATIVE 1 TOTAL COST IN MILLION DOLLARS :: 976.8 CUNULATIVE COST :: 976.6 PRESENT WORTH TOTAL : 620.8 CUMULATIVE P.W. = 620.6 *******~**************************'****** PLEASE REFER ro P}.GE 6-49 roR EXPIJ.l.NATICNS. • *************"'***"'*"'**********'*****'***'** 1989 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 6605. -363. 26.644613 5375. 1989 2 23 7~. 3 0 1 1989 2' 23 75. 3 0 1 1989 2 23 75. 3 0 1 5738, sago, 6630. -]6], J5,898Z5Z 5576, 1989 3 23 75. 3 0 1 5738. 6695. 6905. -97. 13. 176594 5641. I 1989 ALTERNATIVE 1 I'IW ADDED= 300, COSTS, f NVEST= 124.0 FUEL: 1676.8 O+M= 1969 1 0 o. ··o--0 0 5738. ---6i:;"95:"' 6605, -363. 26.64'4613 5375. 1989 2 26 11~. 4 0 1 1989 2 26 115. 4 0 I 5738. 6825. 6835. -169. 16.242025 5568. 1989 3 26 115. 4 0 1 5738. 6940. 6950. -74. 12.348618 5664. 1989 ALTERNATIVE 2 liW ADDED= 345, COSTS, INVEST= 140.6 FUEL= 1630.9 O+M"' 1989 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 660~. -363. 26.644613 5375. 1969 2 27 200. 5 0 1 5738. 6795. 6805, -203. 17.630!589 5535. 1989 3 27 200. 5 0 1 5738. 6995. 7005. -42. 11.297843 5696, ,P:"·:~--~-~ ~ ~.~-.~-' ~~ c ... '·~~~--··,l ~ .....__ ~ ~ .........__; ~ ........_._.,.. ****'**********'~***'********'**'***"'"'"'"'**"'"'* ****"'"'"'*"'******"'***'******"'******"'******"' o. 0 o. 202.6 0. o. 0. 202.7 0. o. 0. ~ o. o. 16.0 Q, ]9,9 0. o. 21.2 INVTRY= 16.7 TOTAL: . -·--o-.----·-1 o. 16.0 0. 0. INVTRY= 0. 0. 0. ., ~ 0. 20.0 o. 22.0 16.7 TOTAL= 0. 0. o. !>·-::1 ~ 16.0 19.5 23.0 :.;, .. ~ 326. 3 325. 2020,2 328. 325. 3~ 1990,8 32e. 325. 328. .. · .. '"" ~ ---~"-'"'""c:<lf'"~·,-·~-""""'~~,.,-..,.,--------,·--~.~---·----~·""'-'·~--~-·-~---·--·:._.,. _____ , ____ ~_ ··'~-··---··~· ........ -,. .... . Error Messages ::..,~-~-~ec···:;J 1 1 I I I l l l l i I I ~ lUll; t. l,, ;~ Lt' f'" :. » <,I ,, 1\ ~ :;;:; ' Ill ~ m I 4= (X) ,,.,---~ ... ~.-•. -..... -.• f,.-.• ~-:!~:-·;;_;:*' ~ !J "''Iii .......... ... -;:... _;...,...,._. -.........._ ~ ~ ~ ~ \..,_ 111989 AL TI::RNAT I VE 3 ~IW ADDED= 400. COSTS,INVEST= 216.8 FUEL= 1412.0 CI+M= 236.7 INVTRY= 16.7 TOTAL= 1882.3 ~I 1989 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5736. 6595. 6605, -363. 26.644613 5375. o. a. o. 16.0 328. 1989 :2 30 200. 6 0 1 5738. 6795. 6805. -192. 17.249100 5545. o. 0. a. 19.5 325. 1989 3 30 20a. 6 0 1 5738. 6995. 7005. -28. 10.778770 5710. 0. 0. a. 23.0 333. .. 1969 ALTERNATIVE 4 NW ADDED= 400. COSTS, I NV EST= 213.9 FUEL= 1420. 1 O+M= 231.4 INVTRY= 16.7 TOTAL= 1882.2 1969 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 6605. -363. 26.644613 5375. 0. 0. 0. 16.0 328. 19139 2 30 200, 6 0 1 5738. 6795. 6805, -192. 1'7. 249100 5545. o. o. c. 19.5 325. 1989 3 27 200. 5 0 1 5738, 6995. 7005. -36. 11 .064334 5702. o. o. o. 23.0 333. 1989 ALTERNATIVE 5 NW ADDED= 400. COSTS 1 I NV EST= 215.3 FUEL:: 1417.7 O+M= 234.1 INVTRY= 16.7 TOTAL= 1863.9 1989 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 6605, -363, 26.644613 5375. o. o. o. 16.0 328. 1969 2 30 200. 6 0 1 5738. 6795. 6805. -192. 17.249100 5545. o. o. 0. 19.5 325. 1969 3 26 115. 4 0 1 5736. 6910. 6920. -98. 13.203121 5640. 0. o. 0. 21.5 325. 1989 ALTERNATIVE 6 NW ADDED= 315. COSTS, INVEST= 172.0 FUEL= 1525.7 O+M= 217.0 INVTRY= 16.7 TO TALc 1931.4 . 1969 1 0 o. 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 6605. -363. 26.644613 5375. o. 0. o. 16.0 326. 1989 2 30 200. 6 0 1 5736. 6795. 6805. -192. 17.249100 5545. o. o. o. 19,5 325. 1989 3 23 75. 3 0 1 5738. 6870. 686a. -128. 14.340683 56ta. 0. o. o. 20.6 325. 1969 AL TERNA T1 VE 7 1'11-1 ADDEO= 275. COSTS 1 INVEST= 165.2 FUEL= 1539.6 CI+M= 217.0 INVTRY= 16.7 TOTAL=-1936.5 1969 1 0 0, 0 0 0 5738. 6595. 6605, -363, 26.644613 5375. o. 0, a. 16.0 326. 1989 2 30 200. 6 0 1 1989 2 30 200. 6 0 1 5738. 6995. 7005, -46. 1 1 .420022 ~'392. o. o. o. 23.0 328. N 1 ****************************** ****************************~* .. :: iL I 1969 ALTERNATIVE 4 NI.J ADDED= 400. COSTS, I NV EST= 213.9 FUEL= 1 164.5 O+M=-191.8 INVTRY= 13.9 TOTAL=-(584, 1 l ill ~ 1-@ CUMUI.A Tl VE P. W. INVEST= 213.1 FUEL==-2614.2 O+M:-395.4 INVTRY=-32.1 111 > 111 " 1989 OPTIMUM = ALTERNATIVE 4 TOTAL COST IN MILLION DOI.LARS = 1584. 1 CUMULATIVE COST = 6518.9 z i= PRESENT WORTH TOTAL = 639.8 CUMULATIVE P.W. : 3254.8 z ~ *****************-*:!<**************************************:l:***"':l:*:l:********'*'******'*'*******"'********'*'***'*'******"''*'"'ll'***"'*"'*'*"'***'*'**'~ : I .J l . ........__.....,_ --~---~~~-~----~~· il "" -~ ~ :--~ '""! --, "'' ~ ~ <'·.,...,-...·,.~-~,...,_..... __ -. -~~ ~ ;:,~':aJ' :'--: ,'tl_ _.. II·· :CI) ~ ·~· .~ ;ia ''1-'1~ .' ·s . L~ . 1 ... ~' ~.,, ' \ EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY 1 OUTPQ! 1. Pass through reliability or percent reserve calculations. 2. Unit ID from Master list. 3. Rating of units added (positive) or retired (negative). 4. T,ype of unit (nuclear, gas turbine, etc.). 5. Month of installation or re.tirement. 6. Company to which unit was assigned. If hydro or lumped fossil, no company identification will be printed. 7. Forecast annual peak for pool and individual companies (if more than one company is present). 8. Total installed generating capacity, at year end, for pool and individual companies. g. Total installed capacity of pool at time of peak. 10. Difference between load-carrying capability at specified loss-of-load probability of 10.0 days/year (12) and po~l peak (7). 11. Daily loss-of-load probability (LOLP). 12. Load-carrying capability of system at specified daily LOLP. 13. Difference between load-carrying capability at specified hourly LOLP of 1.0 hours/year (15) and pool peak (7) (calculated if KLOLP(2)~0). 14 .. Hourly LOLP (calculated if KLOLP(2)~0). 15. Load-carrying capability of system at specified hourly LOLP (calculated if KLOLP(2)~0). 16. Percent reserve calculated according to KEYPRC. 17. Slope-m of capacity outage table. Load change in MW that will increase daily LOLP by factor of e (base of natural logarithms). 18. Total MW added by this decision pass (including manual installations). 19. Summary of investment and production costs for this alternative. 20. Components of cumulative present worth of annual charges (optional output; to print, set KPCUMT:l)o 6-49 '"- , ~, ... ;; 1 ' <'1':1 : Fl . • • I"''J ., I ~1 ..-1 ·""·;·· ' t r. 'J .. ' . ' l ··J. .• '} ' l .J :··.·1 . ' .. -~·. J "'l bd ' ~~ ~c'' 'l• ' }. ., ~:. :J.· • I ~.,- I 1 I I I ! f ( l l t I l f,,' ~ . ( ·I 1 " " .. '). 0\ I IJl 0 ":· ~~ II I. ,.., r " :! a: I ::f Ill 1- Ill >-Ill " 2 j: :.: p: 0. w " "' a. ,J ~ )- Ill :z ~ 1.. :I .. ~-C •\}#· ~~~ ..... ' ....... ,. ·.,,. • .... -...... -·- GENERAL. ELECTRIC COMPANY, EUSED GENERATION PLAI'INII'IG PRr.lGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 ClGP-6A USERS M.C.NlJAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CASE TOTAL COMPANY CAP. 5625. ?OOL 5525. SI.MMARY 2 RECDIID OF S~STEM o::MPOSITION Hl YEAR BEE'ORE STUDY. OPTIONAI., Q! .... !'TPUT OBTAINED BY KPSlM2=1. . . ---· ~ 0 R I G I N A L NUCL. F-OIL 1660. 885. 1§60._ 885. - TYPE NUCL. F-t'!l L O.T. CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL HYDRO PSH CAES ES-3 - G.T. 500. 500. SYSTEM CCYCLE 700, 700. TYPE ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - .-.....-~ :A ~'--~-~~ --- -~~~._,...,. ___ ......,.,., ,. _ _..-< ....... ,.__.,,.,.__._~~---.. ~---~-~.-~------.;:,....,~__; ________ -____ ----~----·--·-_____ ,_" ... -"~--.._....--~'-.~ . ..-.. ~-. -----. ------·------- - HSCOAL 700, 700. ~ .. -.. -- PAGE '35 04/08/63 11.603 2872XU LSCOAL HYDRO PSH ____ CAES ES-3 720. 160. 300, o. 0, 720. 160. 30G. o. o. J ~-----~~ \ ~~ .... - -.......J .~, ~ -:1 ~ '·~ ._... II ' ,~q J:Th '' _$ I 1 r l I I I I I f i I [ I I i j --~~· ~:J·'~ ·; r i ; ~t_ '2t}'',,, ' )!:-, ' .~=~~:.-~ ~ ~ ~ -· ~ .. -l ~~ ,:.,. '--\ ~ 0'1 I U1 1-' '[ . .,.--.-:-!.~';:~·.., ~..1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, EIJSEO GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 08P-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE BASE CASE YEAR 1989 FILE UM6A ' DECISION COSTS WERE COMPUTED USING 1) LEVELl ZED FUEL AND O+M COSTS (10 YEARS> 2) f>IA TURE OUT AGE RA TF.:S OF NE\.J UN I' T-S TIME OF PEAK PAGE 40 04/08/83 11.803 2872XU CAP. ****>~<******* CUMULATIVE ADDITIONS BY TYPE (LINE 1) **!*':!<';(***"'*** RETIREMENTS ADDITIONS MW TOTAL INCL PCT co. Mlo/ TYPE M MW TYPE M LOAD CAP. CRTC RES NUCL. o. 0 0 200, 6 0 D. 0 0 200. 6 0 o. 5738. 7005. 1660. POOL o. o. 400. 5738. 7005. 16GO. 7055. 23.0 ENERGY SOURCE CMWH> THERMAL GEN. HYDRO GEN, TOTAL GEN. F-OIL -270. 615. -270. 615. TOTAL CAPACITY BY TYPE CLINE 2> G. T. CCYCLE l-IS COAL LSCOAL HYDRO PSH CAES 400. 345. IJ. 350. 100. 0. 220. 900. 1045. 700. 1070. 260. 300. 220, 400, 345. o. 350. 100. o. 220. 900. 1045. 700. 1070. 250. 300. 220. ENERGY DISPOSITION CMWH> *** ENERGY PUMP TQT.Gl':N. STORAGE xu NET TO LOAD POOL LeJAD TOTAL LOAD 1 PSH -773321. 541.228. -232093. CAES -415720, 553894. 138174. ES-3 0. 0. 0, ES-3 o. o. o. 0. I~ 28402742. 1a48ooo. 30156821. -1189041. 1095122. -93919. 30250740. 30156821. H I· ' LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY AT 10.000 DAYS/YEAR I -- = 5692. MW LOLP AT 5738. MW POOL PEAK= 11 . 420 DAYS/YEAR 9 SU>1MARY OF UNIT ADDITIONS AND RET~l.F1\"TS :1 BY CG!PANY'; ENERGY ACCOUNTING; AND :: RELIABILITY CAICUIATIONS. 1 S£M.fARY 2 (CXJNTINUED) :J D. .~---------------------------------------------- :1 Ill 1- 0l > on'r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1 U, z ;:, ~t= I w I ~ I! Ill ~l· ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------------~ 0 iL-~ .. ~."'~.~--~----~-.. ~-~~--~-~--~----~--~--=--····~----~---~ .. -=.----~--=---·~---=--~-=--~-~== i~ --~ r:" ... ~ -r ..• , ... \it· .•. ) ! :::;:: . ...., ~_, ...i.--~ ............_ ~ '1 ......._ --.....J ~ ·1 ... ~ ,:·':1 ~ . -~~i' ·~ ' '""l. ~ Error Messages '"t; ~~-, ~ i:;~~~r.:_~'N>i'·~~'-""'f"""'~·e..."t-......,_,...~~~--.......... --. -------..~.~~"-'-"""'--.. --~-~-~----~-.-....----~-~«•--·N--_____ ..,.__,~,-,.,.....,~ _ _..._ ___ < . -.--·~ ---·---<p.---~ """'"""" ---- ' ~-. ~ ) • / • • • ,.. / .. i ~ .:..-·-,, ____ 't<l -~--~.-::-~ •• -•<I . . ~ .. . .. ._ ~-., . ~ ~ . . . ' . ... . . . . -. • r . -· . . '·· -. -. . c < '" • •• ~----·.-"· . . --- •:) "" IIIII m I U1 1\) r~~,_ r,:J .. -------------... -'':~ ~ N ~ " ~ ii: I l 11! 1-., >- " " z ;:: z ii: D. Ill " o( D. .J ~ ~ >-w z c ::r I ?ta.,.J I GENERAL EI-ECTRI C COI1PANY, EIJSED GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 PAGE 41 OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A 04/08/83 11.803 BASE CASE 2872XU -POOL TOTAL YEARI_Y COSTS CMI LLION $) YEARLY COSTS C$/MWH) PEAK ENERGY LOAD ***********************~*~****************** **************************************** YEAR CMW> CGWH> FACTOR INVEST. FUEL O+M **** ****** ********* ******* ******* ******* ******" 1985 5000. 26280.2 60.00 44.0 761.0 140.3 1986 517!5. 27199.8 60.00 33.3 967,5 141.4 1987 5356. 28151.7 60.00 60.2 1085.3 150.4 1988 5!544. 29216.8 60.00 109.0 1213.0 160.0 1969 5736, 30156.8 60.00 213.9 1164.5 191 .8 CUI1ULAT I VE PRESENT WORTH CMILLIOI'I $) ****************•*************************** YEAR INVEST, FUEL O+M NUC INV TOTAL **** *"'*:~··· ******* ***"'*** *"'***** *****"'** 1985 28.0 496.3 89.2 7.3 620.8 19B6 46.9 1045.3 169.4 14. 1 1275.7 1967 77.4 1595.2 245.6 20.5 1938.6 19B8 126.7 2143.9 317.9 26.5 2615,0 1989 213. 1 2614.2 395,4 32.1 3254.8 -.-~ ... ~~ .. .. . .. -. . .. ----·· ·--~-· .. -~·-·-· -'-·---- ~~ i,... ' ~· ~ i ~ . --~l .-....... --! ...........__: -, w.--J .,. NUC INV ******* 11 .5 12.0 12.6 13.3 13.9 -- ·~ TOTAL I NV. FUEL O+M *****"** ****** "'***** ****** 976.6 1.7 29.7 5.3 1154.2 1.2 35.6 5,2 1308.6 2. 1 38.6 5,3 1495.3 3.7 41.5 5.5 1564.1 7. 1 38.6 6,4 SIJ.1MARY OF OOS'IS. ID INHIBIT PRINTING, --. INPUT KEYStM=l. ., . N. I • *!**** 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 ''") -·~ 1 li.io--...-.-.:t -~~..._,._...,~---....,........,_.,. __ , TOTAL *'******' 37.2 42.4 46.5 51.2 52.5 I -.J . ~w~~ ~iiSII ·~ ~ ---... , __ ......__ --·::":'<·.1<--'_ ... •""J' ~ ~--'"t ........... ~ ' . ~ . ~ /" --. _,.,~ . s Q •J . 0\ I Ul w ft....,~ i" ·~.... .., ~ ••= .:aowwtiiii?IJ Utt'lM1errn&··.. • .. ...., ;;. ·•·• ·' ~-•• • tcnerss .,,.., rrrrmrats 7'sb :'ttd' ; m SS:tnart GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ClG~-6A GENERA Tl ON PLANNING PRCII3RAM V6. 20 -SUMMARY OUTPUT *******************~************************************** OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMGA BASE CASE •. Jr.JB NIJI"IBER 2872XU 04/06/83 11.603 BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 1872XU DATED 04/08/83 ****:~······················································· GENERATION SYSTEM NUCL. F-OIL CJ.T. CCYCLE HSCOAL LSCOAL TYPES TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-10 OPTMZING 0 0 1985 1987 1989 1989 *** PCT TRII1 25 25 0 0 0 0 1984 11\<i 1660 885 500 700 700 720 460 SUM= 5625 *********************************************************************** TO_TAL CAPAB. YR Y E A R L Y M W A D 0 I T I 0 N S + TIES lf<:!l ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ***** ****** **** 85 2X 50 100• 100* 6010 86 6X 50 6::'110 87 2X 115 50• {;455 88 IX 115 220• 6655 89 2X 20Q zos5 *********************************************************************** ***********************************~*********************************#* MW ADD 0 0 400 34!5 0 550 320 SIJM:: 1615 MW RET 0 -135 0 0 0 -100 0 SIJM= -235 ****** **:It*** :tcll:l*** ****** ****** ****** ****** **** *********** 1989 1660 ?50 900 1045 700 1170 780 SIJM= 7005 PCT TOT 23.7 10.7 12,8 14.9 10.0 16.7 11.1 SUM=lOO PCT ***********************~*********'************************************* AUTO 0 0 400 345 0 400 0 SUM= 1145 PCT TOT o. o. 34.9 30. I 0. 34.9 o. SIJM=lOO PCT * COMMITTED MW N . y " ~ il I :1 Ill 1- Ill )o ., ~ z 1- if " II. ,J w il: )o w z II . ........... , . .., __ ........ ., __ ,.. .. ,-........ -. ~~ ·.--~ ~~:.~:.~ ~ ........... ·-·. --- 1 :-.-. ' -- .. ~ - -...... +~ .. -· ... ~ ~ l ........_._. ._.,.._~--._...._,_"""'-'""---~ StlfoiARY 3 6-PAGE St.H!ARY AIWAYS PRINTED M PART OF 06 BUU< OOI'PUT. IF M3D=7 I tULL AIOO PRINr 00 REMl'lE TERMINAL. - PAGE 1: TABULATION OF MW OF THERMAL ADDITIONS, AND 'lOTAL MW OF CAPACITY AND CDN'lRACTS AT TIME OF PFAK. .. ·7.) ---·-~ ~ • ~ 1 """"~ ~ ~ < '~ ~ Error Messages .:.. : ~rJ .. '::'"' .. ~ 0 ' r < ;;. 0\ I U1 -'== :L;:J GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OGP-6A GENERA T1 ON PI..I\NN I NG PROGRAI1 V6. 20 -SUMMARY OUTPUT ~·······~················································· OGP-6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 2872XU 04/08/83 11.803 BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 1672XU DATED 04/08/63 *******************************•**************************** GENERATION SYSTEM I THERMAL HYDRO PSH CAES ES-3 TYPE 1-6 7 6 9 10 OPTHZING 0 0 0 *** PCT TRIM 0 0 0 1964 11W !5165 160 300 0 0 SUM= 5625 ***********************•*********************************************** TOTAL CAPAB. LOAD LOLP YR YEARLY M W A D D I T I 0 N S +TIES MW DIY ** **** .. * ****** ****** ***:!'** liCliC:f<:it:IC* l;l<liC*** liCilkllll ******* as 200 1001 6010 5000 20.6792 86 300 6210 5175 19.7996 87 280 6455 5356 16.5531 66 11!5 220• 6655 5544 17.2476 89 400 7055 5738 11 .4200 *******:k*************************************************************** *******~************************~···~·······~·······•••**************** MW ADD 1295 100 0 220 0 SUM= 1615 M\ol RET -23~ 0 0 0 0 SUM= -235 ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** **:l:*** ************ 622!5 300 220 0 1989 260 SUM= 7005 J PCT TCIT 88.9 3.7 4.3 3. l o. SUM= 100 PCT *******•**************~********.*************************************** AUTO 114l5 PCT TOT 100.0 * C011M I TTED MW N ~ " :! a: I :t Ill .. Ill )o en ~ ~ .. z 0:1--· II. w ~ o( a. ~ 3:: )o IIi 2 0 X I. ~ .L-.. ~--,.3 0. " ~ 0 0 o. o·t I <) ~ 0 o. ......__ SUM:: 1 !45 SUf1::: 100 PCT I -..._ _ _...,' ................. ---~ PAGE 2: TABULATION OF HYDRO AND ENERGY S'IORAGE ADDITIONS, 'IUTAL MW OF CAPACITY AND CDNTRACI'S AT TJJ.1.E OF PFAK, PEAK IDADS, AND DAILY IDLP. ~ ... ~ -... --- 'I ~ ~ ·--- ,~ ,1 ~ - ··- ~ - -- - ~ . -~ tl~ ges rj ~~' v I 1 l I 1 I I 1 I I I l l. f I I ~ i i t ;· .-r:,.!'~·-~·r-· .... ...,~ .. ~~~~ ...... -·--,----:---,~ ---.... ~-~ ..... --"'1:~~~-~ ..... ~~-................... _.,....._ ... _,__ ................ , ...,.........~--~--· -~ ;,,_~~ ·.,' "j)' ~ Lilf,, , ;··. ·• ' "'~ y~~}f\.':·.· :ti.:\1"·~ . --~---..-. -~~--~~,.,.....__,.._,~ ., .............. ,.,.,._".~----,-..... ..... " . 1 •.· I -·e , '; • , ' • , • • ' -• ~ ' • ~ t ... ... • .. ·:.. .. -- :;, r. l :~ ... 0'\ I Ul Ul If \1 ~ ... ~ "' : ii I :l Ill .. ., > Ill IS z j: z !t a. Ill " c a. .J w J: > w z 0 J: I ~~ ... . · .. ·':'( '·;;:~ ----.-.. ....... • ·-~ •• • .. ··~.~· ·">. " ' ''" GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OGP-6A GENERATION PLANN I NG PHOI~RAM VG . 20 -SUM11ARY OUTPUT ***********~*************r************************~******* OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE Ur16A BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 2672XU 04/08/83 11.803 BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 1872XU DATED 04/06/83 m**************************r**********'********************* TOTAL CAPABILITY . ' C I NCLUD I NG Tl ES) LOSS OF LOAD COST IN MILLION $ YEAR TIME OF PCT. PROBABILITY YEARI_Y CUM. PW YEAR LOAD END PEAK RES. DIY H/Y COST TOTAL **** ***** ***** ***** **** '~"'**** ****** ll<:l<:lt:tll<** ******lf: 1985 5000 5990 6010 20.2 20.679 0. 976.8 620.8 1986 5175 6190 6.210 20.0 19,800 o. 1154.2 1275.7 1987 5356 6445 6455 20.5 18.553 0. 1308.6 1938.6 1988 5544 6645 6655 20.0 17.248 o. 1495.3 2615.0 198!) 5738 7045 7055 23.0 11.420 o. 1584. 1 3254.8 - (': ~«" ---"~· -· •• -·•* -· ... ~·· .... --.. ' -····-.. ··-~. . -~-·-·~ .-·-.,···-~-..... .... . .... -------"" -· .. " .... ~ .. ~ < [': • ·~~... \ ~ " ' ................ l .-.....i ..........__ ........__.. ............_ .__ --...;...: ~~...,...._._,~--·~'"'""'"""'>~,,,, . .._..._,, .. ,,r,...,.--.... ~-.... ------~---~ .. ----..-.<--.... ............... :.---~~~--""'-·------,.._,_~.._._.._,M,.__......._ ~-----·~-__ .... __ . -·~ '~ ~~........._.~...-.A.). Q ··~-... ~·-·-... .<) 0 PAGE 3: TABUIATION OF IOADS 1 CAPACITY 1 PERCENT RESERVE, DAILY AND HOURLY IDLP.., AND 'l.OTAL COS 'IS. .. - ~ ~ ..__J ~ ~ ~ - - ~ Error Messages ~ ,,, ....... ~ <'J ··~ ··~ . . . . . . ·. . ' . .. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . ': . . . . . J " 1,: ~ - - 0\ I U1 0\ -----.. .. ----.. --- GENERAl. E:LECTR I C COMPANY OGP-GA GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM V6.20 -SUMMARY OUTPUT ********************************************************** OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UM6A BASE CASE JOB NU.0MB~E!::.R ___ 2_8_7_2_X"'"'U ______ 0_4_/0...,..8,..../.,...8-3--1-1-.-803=---------------------------- BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 1872XIJ DATED 04/08/83 ************************************************************ I ·---- YEAR **** 19815 !986 1987 1988 1989 ll w l! "( II. EXCESS CMWl ****** -261. ************ LOSS OF LOAD PROBABILITY JAN. FEB. !1ARCH APRIL DAYS/YEAR JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. ************ MAY JUNE NOV. DEC. ******~* *********************************************** 20.6792 1.81GB 1.G652 1.7229 1.7937 1.8129 1.6134 1 .. 6050 1. 6696 1. 6202 1,. 8498 1. 6248 I. 6650 -G~~. 19,7996 1,6769 1.5248 1,6714 1,7346 1,7245 1,5886 ~·~ -223. -194. -46, 1.7223 1.5798 1.5825 1.8182 1.4893 1.6868 18.5531 1.5298 1,4231 1.6395 1.5681 1.5061 1.5527 1.6177 1.5228 1,4805 1.6466 1.4771 1.5892 17.2476 1.3481 1.3833 1.5778 1.3R94 1.4680 1.4390 1.3732 1.5555 1.4191 1.4413 1.4407 1.4122 11.4200 0.9598 0.8620 1.0350 0.8632 1.0284 0,9664 0,8931 1.0264 0.8685 1,0284 0.9739 0.8930 PAGE 4: TABULATION OF DAILY WLP, BY MONTH. (OPTIONAL OUTPUT OBTAINED BY LPOOLI: =-1. ) - r I r .J .... !:1 ii: > w z 0 :I:• I,_ 1-------~-=j :.._,;..;;; ~ ~ l~ ~ i=--,r..._ 4-....r.... ............... 1 ·;; ....._ ~ -~ Jr.,;;,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ~,wv.__..~~~·"ffll¥r•·~~--~~ ,,..,.,..,. (, ·~-~~~ .. ......,_-.-..-.--..,...,.,....~--~ .... ..,.....,_?..,..,.>+-~-... .,.-~~--·---1';"~'"~ ... -~ ... ,,"""i""' ___ , ____ ... ..,....., .. ,.. .,.. ""'--~·•-~ --r--~~----~.._.,,_, ___.._, . , Jj fMSI es , .. _ . .¢ ~ ,,. ~ ~ 4'" ~ I Ul ~ lt>. ' ~ /. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OGP-6A GENERA Tl ON PLANNING PROGR1\M V6. 20 -SIJMI1ARY OUTPUT ******************************~*************************** OGP-GA USERS MANUAL EXAMPLE FILE UMGA BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 2872XU 04/08/63 11.603 BASED Otl DATA PREP JOB 1672XU DATF.D 04/06/63 **********~**********************~************************~* POOL TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY $/MWH PEAK ENERGY LOAD COSTS *****************~**************** YR CM\·1) CGI-IH> FACTOR (MIL.$) iNV. FUEL o+M N. I. TOTAL ** ***'K*:!< ******* **''"''** ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** 65 51)00 26280 60.00 977 1. 66 29.72 5.34 0.44 37. 17 66 5175 27200 60.00 1154 1.22 35.57 5.20 0.44 42.43 87 5356 26152 60.00 1309 2.14 38.55 5.34 0.45 46.48 88 5544 29217 60.00 1495 3.73 41.52 5.48 0.45 51.18 89 5738 30157 60.00 1564 7.09 38.61 6.36 0.46 52,53 N ~ "' : n: I :::! Ill .. ., > ., u 2 j: 2 ~ 1!. Ill u o( a. .J g J:, > Ill 2 0 X I -~. " --*-~~ ,-__ ...,_ --.. ·-. -.... --~ -.. . ~-..' . . --.. -~· ... --· ~-... . . .b...:.. :~::::~; f.-- ,,, :; ~ ~u J....-..- 'i l......-.~ ~ ~) PAGE 5: TABUIATION OF POOL PFAK, ENERGY 1 IDAD FACIOR, 'IOTAL CQSTS AND mn?ONEN'IS. KEYSIJ.i=l INHIBITS PRTh'TING. -- ·' --- . .,, -....... ·~'IJ ' ' ~· , ~ ~ - I I J . ~'I ~ Error Messages '\'1. ~ ~---zei ~ -.. -,~--,........._.... ----"'"" -~-__ .,._~ .,.._,. _ . .._.,_ ">-~.~---~. ,._...,...,, ~. ·--· .,.... ,_ ~ . . ' ,. ~ .. :-.~ - 0\ I U1 (X) ~~ ~~ .. .. --.. .. -I -- GENERI\L ELECTRIC COMPANY OISP-6A GENERATIION PI-ANN I NG PROGRAM V6. 20 -~iUMMARY OUTPUT ·~~****~*****~•~~••••••~*~****~**'**w********************* OGP-!6A USERS MANUAL EXAMPILE Fli_E UM6A BASE CASE JCCIB 'Nllf~BER 2872XU 04/08/83 11.803 BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 18172XU DATED 04/08/83 ***•*********************~······'*************************** GENERATION SYSTEM TYPE 1 2 3 4 t5 6 7 .a 9 10 SUM 84 1660 88:5 500 700 700 720 150 300 0 0 5615 ***~**•**************~*****~*****************Z**~********************* TOTAL I CAPAB. YR Y E A R L Y P E R C E N T M I X ******•************************•***************~*********'************ 85 28 .. 1 1 5. 0 1 0. 1 11 • 8 11 . 8 1 3. 9 4 . 2 5' 1 0. 0. 591 5 86 27.1 14.5 14.7 11.4 11 . 4 11.8 4.1 4.9 o. o. 6115 87 26.0 13.6 14. 1 14.15 10.9 12.0 3.9 4.7 o. o. 6395 88 25.2 11 . 4 13.6 15.6 10.6 11.7 3.8 4.5 3.3 o. 6595 89 23.7 10.7 12.9 14.9 10.0 16.7 3.6 4!!,3 3. 1 o. 6995 ******•******•*******************************************~********r*** •••~•w~******•*******'***************•*******~*~********************** ADD 0 :o 400 345 0 550 100 0 220 0 1615 RET 0 -135 0 0 0 -100 0 0 0 0 -2:_l5 89 1616.0 7!510 900 1045 700 1170 250 3100 220 0 6995 .. . ~ "' = ii: I :=: Ill ... 01 > Ill " 2 j: :z il 0. Ill " ~ .J ~ ~ > Ill :z 0 J: I . . --,-~ ~ . -~ .... •.. --. ,.... ______ .,__,_,., ~ ..... -.. --·~" ·-'. ..,,._ -- ., 4 L--L::-. t,; '. ~ r ~ ~ '• f.. ~ k........... ~ :_..__ "' -- --.. --~ .,&1 ~ - - Pl!GE 6: TABULATIOO OF YF.J\R-END PERCEN:r MIX BY TYPE. KEYSlM=l INHmrrs PRINTIOO. -- ~ -.... --~· ._,.__ , ___ ) ~----D _J ._it -~,~..1 . . ~ s " ·w ~ &._.-·, ~~ .~ 0'1 I Ul \0 ~- \\ GENERAL ELECTH I C COI1PANY OGP-6A GENERATION PLANNING PROGr..r'\M V6, 20 -SUMMARY OUTPUT *****~*******~*****••************T************************ OGP-6A ~JSERS MANUAL EXAMPLE Fl LE UMGA BASE CASE JOB NUMBER 2872XU 04/08/63 11.603 BASED ON DATA PREP JOB 1 872XU DATED O•U08/63 ************~*********************************************** *10.00 DAYS/YR * RETIRED PEAK TOTAL * 1.0 HlliJRS/YR• UNIT RATING UNIT LOAD CAPABIL EXCESS RISK PCT. YEAR RUN 10 MW TYPE MO. MW MW LOAD-MW DAYS/YR RES. HYD ,too. o 7 198!5 1 17 100.0 6 1 5000. 5625. -351. 26.3122 1 e. 0. 0. 1985 2 22 50.0 3 0 5000, 5875. -306. 23,3796 19. o. o. 198!5 3 22 50.0 3 0 5000. 5925. -261. 20.6792 20. 0. 0. ALT 1 MW= 300,0 J::r 44.0 F= 761.0 0= t .... \ 3 N= 11. 5 YO TAL COST M!_ 976.8 '"' 44.020 F= 78t.oo2 a= 140.302 Nl= 11 .457 976.781 llt985 CUM CaST, M$= 976,8 CUM PW TOTAL= 620,8 ***************~******************************************************* --.._ ____.. I' 9A9 s I ZES ( MW) 0 I 0 I 7!5, 115, 200, 200,, ... o, c.__ o \LT MW INV FUEL O+M Nl TOTAL I 4 0 o 0 0 o 2 0 0 0 400.0 214. 1420. I 231.4 16.7 1882.2 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 400.0 217. 1412.0 236.7 16.7 1882.3 I !5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 400.0 215. 1417.7 234. 1 16.7 1883.9 : 6 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 315.0 172. 1525.7 217.0 16.7 1931,4 7 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 275.0 165. 1539.6 217.0 16.7 1938,5 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 345.0 141. 1630.9 202.7 16.7 1990.8 i-,1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.0 124. 1676.8 202.6 16.7 2020.2 .., v. 1989 1 o-o. 0 0 5738, Gl305. -363. 26.6446 16. o. o. 30 200.0 6 0 j 1989 2 30 200.0 6 0 5738. 7005. -46. 11.4200 23. n 0. o. : ALT 4 11W:t 400.0 I= 213.9 F= i 1164.5 0= 191.8 N= 13.9 1584. 1 I I= 213.873 F= 1164.462 0= 191.838 I'll= 13.926 1584.099 I a ;; 1989 CUM COST, M$= 6518.9 CUM PW TOTAL= · 3254.8 ~ ····~·~******************************************************~********* ' ~ CASE TOTALS z TOTAL INVESTMENT AND PRODUCT! ClN COST IN MILLION DOU_ARS r 1962 PRI?:SENT HORTH AT 1 2. 00 PERCENT INTEREST RATE l II ' ( l J ~ ~ Jl z n r I -" ., ___ -- L.-:.. ~· . ' - ~\ ~· .~ ~ --~~. <A• l......_' I !...;~ -----· ~ 6518.9 3254.8 -·--·- L ~ .... - ~· ~----"------~~··~-------~-·-~··• _,.-...-......--M'-o~ .,. ~ ~ --- S'CMiARY 4 ABBREVIATED REXXlRD OF 10 BEST D~ISION PASSES WITH DE:I'AII.S ON OP"i'mtM PASS. OPTIONAL Otrl'POT M4D=O NO OOTPOT M4D=6 BULK OOTPOT ONLY M4D=7 BULK AND REM:Yl'E TERMINAL OUTPOT M4D=8 BULK AND REMOTE TERMINAL OUTPOT .•. SIZES OPTlMIZED ON EUR FACH TYPE -II (6 P<lSSIBLE THERMAL AND 3 POSSIBLE ----ENERGY S'IORAGE) IN GIVEN YFAR. I ~ASSOCIATED WIT!! GIVEN DEX:ISION I Nl.MBER OF UNITS OF EACH TYPE ADDED IN GIVEN D~ISION PASS. I :" " --......... ........................ ,/ ~~. __ ; ~ .__,_~_,~ .,__.,j --·-c--~~----..,·· -~ Error Messages --~-Ji . . ~~l r-~ 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I IJ .. ~ EJ II fj I REMO!E TERMINAL OUTPUT REI?ORT 07 WILL PRINT IF M3D=7 INl:-'i.tT. BLIST L5G70207;L,W85 BEGIN FILE -L5G70207 SNUKB = HL5G7, ACTIVITY t = 02r REPORT CODE = 07r RECORD COUNT ~ 000l94 GEHERAL ELECTRIC COHPANY• OGP-6A GFNERAlJON PLANNING PROGRAH V6.20 JOB NUMBER 2HL5G7 01/12/83 13,963 BASED ON DATA PREP .JOB 1ML3G7 DATED 01/12/83 COPYRIGHT, 1971r GENERAL ELECTRIC NAHELIST DATA RECORD NAHELIST DATA RECORD NAMELIST DATA RECORD 1 HAS ~EEH READ 2 HAS BEEN REAn 3 HAS BEEN READ PROGRAM WILL CH:EX:K ALL NAMELIST DATA FOR ERRORS PRIOR '10 EXEX::UTION. ****** END OF NAHELIST DATA CHECKING ***~** END OF NAMELIST DATA WILL BE PRINTED rF NO .FATAL DATA ERRORS occ:tmRED. ALL AVAILABLE DATA HAVE ~EEN PROCESSED READY I INDICATES PR.CGRM-1 EXEO.lTED OOFMALLY. 6-60 ,-,', "(, ''· \.•' ;:, C• ~ ~ ._j r'l 1 ~l . l 1 1 ~ r I fr, h l I" I . 1.~ I j r-'~ ' ' (: r l L I [ ERROR MESSAGES Section Index SYSTEM ERRORS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • System Error Message Codes • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • c • • 0 • • JCL Errors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NAMELIST Data Errors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 ERROR .MESSAGES PRINTED BY DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM • • 0 • • • • • • • ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM • • • • • • • • • 7-i ; 'D[J.~-~-~~~~7-~~~-----, .. ·----------~--~--·-~ ~~-----~-~-----·~--·-----~·--'-·+<·~·--:------,............,_~· . --~·--· . •• IJ' 'J Page 7-1 7-1 7-7 7-8 7-10 7-12 .J ~-~ . r r [ L [ [ SYSTEM ERRORS This section reviews th~ system errors most commonly encountered when OGP is run. These errors are detected by the system rather than the program, and usually indicate a problem with either the JCL or the data file. Listed below are the abort codes that appear in response to a job status request and the error messages that appear on the $$ Report. Suggested solutions to the problems are also listed. The last portion of this section deals with locating errors in the NAMELIST input data. SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGE CODES Terminal Message Response to BST ABT 01/G-005 01 refers to Activ- ity 01 02 refers to Activity 02, etc. ABT 01/G-022 ' ' $$ Report I8 Run Time Exhausted F 0 Memory Address Fault 7-1 Solution 1. Examine output, Report 06, for possible data error which may have caused program to loop. 2. If using many program options, may need to increase processor time limit on $:LIMITS JCL. Very serious. Recommend contact EUSED in Schenec- tady. Program tried to address a location beyond limits assigr.ed to current pro- gram. Usually caused by a data error. Contact EUSED in Schenec- tady. ~J I , . !I I \-.: '•" ' SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGE CODES (Continued) Terminal Message Response to BST ABT 01/G-031 ABT Ol/G-040 ABT 01/G-052 (see sample, page 7-4) ABT 01/G-060 ABT 01/G-063 ABT 01/G-077 ABT 03/S-B4 $$ Report Solution F7 -Undefined Op Code Program tried to access an instruction consisting of all zeros .. I7 -Access Beyond File M4/N4 -I/0 LlM M6 -Call/RSTR CHECKSUM M2/M3 -Call Name Missing > 0 Output Lines Exceeded Usually caused by data error. Contact EUSED in Schenec- tady. Examine JCL 9 s for possi- ble error. Especially check $:PRMFL:H*, E, R, etc. Program core limits as defined on $:LIMITS JCL too low. List Foreground file EUSED* for latest program limits. HI Program may have been destroyed. Check $:PROGRAM:RLHS for misspellingo Increase lines .of output parameter on $:LIMITS JCLo Review available output and review output options defined by data .. In CONVER activity, used 06 Report Code instead of IN. e.g., $:REMOTE:IN, not $:REMOTE:06 $:FILE:IN, not $:FILE:06 I L ' l ~·· ) \~ " ,, . r r r [ l r ~- ~ t. ~ ·J ~, ~ u. u __ f1 U. -.,~ u~ ~, SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGE CODES (Continued) Terminal Message --~R~e~ponse to BST ABT 01/S-FS ABT 01/S-GR (see sample, page 7-5) ABT Ol/S-Q6 (see sample, page 7-6) $$ Report Users FS MME GEBORT Aborted by GFRC Routine GF200 or GF275 Code 01 File Code 01 Users Q6 Solution Creating Background file space that alr<·eady exists. Delete BCR directive from data file. Maximum size of block size created in BCR is too low. Increase maxi- mum size. (Must first purge file. ) BPU BG file and then BCR BG file; SIZE(l,XX). Scan Report 06 using BEDIT search for TRACE, print 20 lines, Error message is usually self explanatory. I : {i. l :.~ 1 :0 ' \. J ! \ j j \ ,,. . ~ f ":::· I I \.f-I l ~· ~ I l 'I t ' i 1 t "! ·,, I ' l I I I I ' l t 1-,-,~~ -pno~ tAE~~H-rE .:r-_ ·-• c. t:. ... rr.. rr., ., • .;: •• .::. ::J. -----.. ""'..-.~---:---------- F.'EAII'·f' 'r•·:::·T L-r.,-."::' L•·-· L• -'"I LBC7 DON~ ABT 01/G-052 0 0 0 07 F.·ETUF.'NED 0 0 0 0 1 S:U:E:t1 I TTEII SUBMITTED/PURGED FILES ··NONE ·::-·• .. •·:::·OJIT r:•E!:•Ot:•T·:::· ._;. I ._,. -r;. ' f. ...... L:E:C7 01 $$-F.·ET ··· D LE:C7 0 j 74-F.'ET ... II LBC7 0 0++-F.'ET ···II F.'EAD'/ BLIST LBC701$$;B~L BEGIN FILE -LBC701$$ $$ MLBC7 ENTFRED S1170A AT 14.168 FROM SPAWN 1-10-12 0001 $ S:NUtotE: NL :.E:C7 S:PAI.r.INEII E····' I I 1 II IF' 1-01 OOOf· $ IItENT - - 4 .-. · ·,c:-tr !' -.~ H 1,:.1 • .;.. U I.· ._t ' • L . L r oon:~: ·I··J· • 1.-I US:EF.· I It Afl4 ·-:-· r-fiC"'i' :.· --..:• .. r -.. _ •• ' F.' F,· to1 A F,· V ·-=· " ..... _. 0004 A$ PF.'OI::iF.'Ai·1 F.'LH·:::· ·-· 00120 0005 ·~-:. Lit~IT:S: 1"11 ·=· ffK • !' 1-• !' :t 1 OK 001:~:(1 (:006 $$ F'F.·t~FL H E F.' --4 .-,no:,·-· · ,-tH1D ·· + !' !' • :o H J.:.l • ·.:• • -· -.:•,... • .:r . ' t:• 00140 0(.07 $ FILE 02 !' ::·::2F.' !' 1 OL 00150 ooo::: $ DATA 15 00160 0009 $ F.'Et~DTE 06 00170 0010 $ F.'Ett1DTE 07 00180 0011 $ Et·~Ir.JO!: TOTAL CAF.'Ir COUNT TH I :5: ._lOB -. --f4C" u u IJ -'. ·-' + RCT'·f'-01 $CAF.'I1 ~~ 0 0 04 • l::it·1t·1I16 11...-·2 0.···'82 .S:l•.l= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M4/N4-1/0 LJ~~ CALL/SAVE AT 000120 1=1000 SW=OOOOOOOOOOOO .-.T-r:·T 14 1 .• -tJE·-· • - F r:·o -. --~ -,-I ·o ,--,-,,-I I I ~ ·t1Ett~or:·· ' .-, ·rt·· .:::. Hr: · • t•'!::' ._ i. '1 .:::. .:.,.•;,~ 'r:. L U. U IJ IJ) . .••. J ._ U • .I _ ·-• ., r:. 'f c. I_ r'· STOP 14.169 LIMIT 10240 LIMI1' 0.0100 LIMIT CU 5 M+T 15 SWAP 0.000 PK MOUNT 0 LH. F··::-·E ,-, ,-,,-,,-, F,-. It r· .. ·F·E -r:., r·::-·~,.· IF· ... H-T FF' .. ·r::·T 1· ·~· ..... ~,-· ...... :: ...... ~E H-Irr,r:·E·::: ·::· ~..;. • • • .. • -· ' J:•-·-=· .,. •' ,..,::. ._ . ., ..... -· IT I·.:·,. ... rr.. ·-··..:~ 7-~ • T .. ~ "'F•l··· .. .. .,,. •• f'· .. .. ; C- ·J f . t. r r ~~ u. M' W~~ ! ~ l G ~~~ n u I I n I D. ~ ~~ E~no~ t~E~~--E ·~·-..:tr:. r:.r:. r:. ., .::: .. ::::Hb ------------------ F.:EAit\' L783 DONE ABT 01/S-GR 0 0 0:~:::: RETUF.'NED 0 0 0 OtS :S:UE:t1 I TTED SUBMITTED/PUPGED FILES -NONE :S:'-r'S:OUT F.'FF'ORT:S: L 78:::: 0 1 $$-F.'ET ... II L 78:3 0 1 OE.-F.'ET ···II L 7::::::::0.1 74-F.'ET ···II L 78:~: 0 0++-F.'ET ··· D F.'EAD .... ' BLIST L78301$$;B~L BEGIN FILE -L78301$$ $$ ML783 ENTERED S1170A AT 12.824 FROM SPAWN 0001 $ SNUMB ML783 ~PAWNED BY 1IIIP2-01 0002 $ !DENT AQ43005,ML783 0003 $$ USERID AQ43005$ RRMARK3 0004 A$ PROGRAM RLHS 00140 0005 $LIMITS 02~25K~~10k 00150 0006 $$ PRMFL H•~E,R~AQ43093/"LIIMD3 00160 0007 $$ PRMFL 01~w~s~AQ43005/LLSAMPLE 00170 0008 $ DATA 15 00190 0009 $ F.'EMDTE 06 00200 0010 $REMOTE 07 00210 0011 $ Et~Ir.JOB TOTAL CARD COUNT THIS JOB = 000142 0-28-0'31 + ACT'r'-01 $CAF.'I1 ~~ 0 0 04 • LDt·1D:3 11 /26 .. ··'82 Sl .• l= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ABORTED BY GFRC ROUTINE GF200 CODE 1 FILE CODE 01 + USERS GR MME GEBORT AT 017660 1=1020 SW=OOOOOOOOOOOO • 1.\IF.'APUP BE(:iUN ABORTED BY GFRC ROUTINE CLOSE CODE 1 FILE CODE 01 + USERS GF MME GEBDRT AT 017660 I=1000 SW=OOOOOOOOOOOO STRPT 12.826 LINES 694 PROC 0.0005 I/0 0.001 IU 5 MEMORY 25K STOP 12.828 LIMIT 10240 LIMIT Oe0200 LIMIT CU 5 M+T 108 SWAP 0.000 PK MOUNT 0 LAPS:E 0. 0 01 FC D T'r'PE BUS:'·( I P.···'AT FP .. ···F.:T I.s: . ...-~~c t·1:S: .. ···~~E ADIJF.:E:S::S: T~~/F'K~~ 7-5 I i . i l I l I f I I l I I r I 'I l ,,, " -~~~-='sr~-w~·--~~ t:··~·T L""-::o .... , .. .C••..:• I I L777 DONE ABT 01/S-Q6 0 0 0&~ 0 F.'ETUF.'NED 0 0 0 06 SUBt·1 I TTED SUBMITTED/PUF.'GED FILES -t-~Ot-~E :S:'lSDUT F.:EPOF.·T:S: L 777 01 $$-F.'FT -··II L77701 06-F.'ET···D L 777 01 74-F.'ET ··· D L 777 0 1 07-F.'ET ··· D L 777 0 0++-F.'ET ··· D F.'EAD'·t' BEDIT JOB:L7770106 FDF.'NAT > Jd. COilE > Carriage Return EDIT > B Ct•1D > L'"/TF.•ACE.···· --~ E000° tAE~~H-rE ::::: -1.,:.! t• r:. r:. r:. ., .::, .. :;. ·' 1'31E. EF.·~·op ~~::::5; TF.'ACE OF CALLS IN F.:E'·/EF.:SE OF:DEF.' 19E. 1'~7 199 200 201 ;:·o;:· EF.'F.'OP ~~::::5; TF.'ACE OF CALLS I t-1 F.:E'VEF.:S'E DF.'DEF.' CALLING ID ABSOLUTE AF.'GUMENT ARGUMENT APGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT F.· OUT I NE ~~ L DCAT I ON ~~ 1 ~~E· ~~:;: ~~4 ~~5 .FEFT. 137 036204 000000000043 •••••• 210 053103 000000000002 REQUEST TO F.'EWIND ON 02 hiA:S: I 13NDF.'ED ;:·o:::: <•> <•> <+> ·(+> -::'+> <•> <'+> <'+> <•> -::'~> <•> <•> <+> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <.+> <•> <• > <'+) <•> <•> <'+> <+> <'+> {+) -::'+} <•> <•> <•> <•> <.+> <•> <•> <+> <•> <.+> <+> 204 <•><+)-::'+)<+><'+)<'+><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•><•>~•><-•><• > ·::'•> (+) ·:"+> <'+> <'+} <•> ·::"+> <'+> <•> <•> <•> <•> -::.+> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> 2 05 EF.:F.'OF.· ~~::::7; TF.:ACE OF CALLS IN F.:E'···'EF.·:s.E DF.:DEF.· 206 CALLING ID ABSOLUTE ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT APGUMENT f• 07 F.· OUT I NE ~~ LOCATION ~~ 1 ~~2 ~~:;: ::~4 ~~5 208 .FDPEN 320 032332 000000000045 209 .FRDB. 291 043262 000000777777 210 ••••a• 213 053114 000000000002 E'11 FC (If• 212 DOES NOT EXIST I I j ,] J J I I I ., .~ ' ,, " . c " ~L 1: :_, ! I. I, ,,!.. ·'l l I '" . I '! I 0 I I 'j ( ., ~ [ cr a n· Lt. G a M u Q Q 0 ' c ' 0 JCL ERRORS Sometimes the system detects a JCL error before program execution beginso In the example shown below, no abort code was provided in response to the BST. However, the 00002 RETURl~ED (see Line 4) line tells us that only two pages (two blocks of 320 words) of output were returned, thus indicating that an error has occurred. To find the problem, print the $$ Report (see below). In this case, the error message that printed was: INCORRECT CAT/FILE DESCRIPTION at MLSAMPLE •• Ol To detect the cause of the error, check MLSAMPLE for a misspelling or check the possibility that permanent file space never was created in Background. F.'EAD'·f' F::S:T L791 L791 DOt·1E 0 0 0 02 F.'ETUF.'t"1ED 0 0 0 OE. :S:UE:t'l I TTEII SUBMITTED/PURGED FILES -t·10t·~E s··,.·s:OUT F.'EPOF.'TS L 7'31 0 1 $$-F.:ET ··· D L 791 0 C1++-F.'ET ··· D F.'EAD'r' BLIST L79101$$;B,L BEGIN FILE -L79101$$ $$ ML791 ENTERED S1170A AT 13.007 FROM SPAWN 0-08-10 0001 $ :s:r·~Ut<t'E: ML 7'31 :S:PAI .• Jt·~ED B'·;' lDIPl-01 0002 $ !DENT AQ4300S,ML791 0003 $$ USERID AQ43005$ PRMAF.'k3 0004 A$ PROGRAM RLHS 00140 0005 $LIMITS 02,25V,,10K 00150 0006 $$ PRMFL H+,E,R,AQ43093/.LDMD3 00160 0007 $$ PRMFL 01,w,s,AQ43005/MLSAMPLE 00170 0008 $ DATA 15 00190 0009 $ REMOTE 06 00200 0010 $ REMOTE 07 00210 0 011 $ Et~IUOB TOTAL CARD COUNT THIS JOB = 000142 INCORRECT CAT/FILE DESCRIPTION -AT-MLSAMPLE w.01 F.'EAD''f' 7-7 NAMELIST DATA ERRORS If a NAMELIST data error is encountered (e.g., a misspelled variable name or a missing comma), an error message will not print in response to the BST or on the $$ Report. The only error• indication that would be received is a small numbet' of pages of output RETURNED in response to the BST~ Listing Report 07 will indicate the number of NAMELIST data records successfully read. It will print up to the record with the problem data. Editing Report 06 will give the specif'ic NAMELIST data error message. Below is an example of.the process that should be followed when the pages RETURNED in response to the BST indicate an error, but the BST response or $$ Report contain no abort codes or error messages. BLISTing Report 07 shows the NAMELIST records read. In this case, the error occurred in the first record. BLIST LV45010?;L~W85 BEGIN FILE-LV450107 SNUMB = MLV45~ ACTIVITY # = 01~ REPORT CODE = 07~ RECORD COUNT-000010 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY~ DATA PREP TO PLANNING PROGRAM OGP-6A V6.20 12/07/82 10.021 JOB NUMBER 1MLV45 COPYRIGHT~ 1971, GENERAL ELECTRIC 0J3P6FI US:EF:· r"'R~iUAL E::<At•1PLE, BASE CA:S:E F.'FAII'.,.. When a BEDIT is done on Report 06 (see sample), the actual NAMELIST error message will be printed. In the example shown, a variable was misspelled' on line 320. 7-8 • n ' c J n l ' t "I L., ' ·' '. ~: ... ~· ' ':':'~>'· '• ,.~ :,j. .. -· Q 0 ' n w c 0 BEDIT JOB:LV450106 FOt;.·t·1AT > U . -CODE > Carriage Return EDIT > E:!!L -Ct'fit ·> ... F.:E -. ERROR ~43; TRACE OF CALLS IN REVERSE ORDER CALLING ID ABSOLUTE ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT t;.'OUT I NE ·~~ LOCAT I Ot·~ ~~ 1 ~~2 ~~:::: ~~4 ~~5 t~t·1LI 41n n~77 n~ n1~7 1~nnnn~~ r.J1P~,~t~.~r_t1f.IP1_11 a • 1 • -1-.-I f -L • L I -• .. -·-• ·-·-• -- LISTIN 155 067460 000000000017 314547646320 034524701000 OJOOOOOOOOOO GPA 218 221320 000000000000 .. FS:ETU 0 0c'4057 ILLEGAL VARIABLE NAME BELOW ERROR IN COLUMN 7 OF NSTJ;.•AT= 1 '3:=:~, !1 0 0:3E' 0 ERROR SKIPPING TO NEXT VAPIABLE NAME EPF.'OF.' ~~4::::; TF.'ACE" OF CALLS IN RE'·.·'EF.·SE OF.·DEP CALLING ID ABSOLUTE ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT ARGUMENT F.~ OUT I NE" ~~ LOCAT I Dt"~ ~~ 1 ~~2 ~~:::: ~~4 ~~5 .. NMLI 410 027702 012716000053 012717010201 LISTIN 181 067670 000000000017 314547646320 GPA 218 221320 000000000001 • FSETU 0 Oc'4 057 ILLEGAL VARIABLE NAME BELOW ERROR IN COLUMN 7 OF ~STRAT~1985!1 00320 ~KIPPING TO NEXT VARIABLE NAME CtiiD > ;:~: .;.j I ',1 • r '> -;; ,:·~ 0 • ·. _f .. J .· .... _, I ~ .. ' ' . ' ,. ' ' i ·:·I ,, ' ·.·. ·l ,., t f· . ~ ! I I . ' i ... • "l t t-= ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY DATA PREPARATION PROGRAJ\t 1. XX COMPANIES IN POOL COMPANY LISTS DIMENSIONED XX Number of companies in pool exceeds program limit. Number of companies must be ~ 25. 2. ERROR AAAAAA INSTALLED IN XXXX RETIRED IN XXXX 3. Check installation year and retirement year of unit AAAAAA. ERROR IN CONV. HYDRO YEAR MONTH MAX. MW MIN. MW ENERGY MWH XXXX XX XXX XX XXXXXX Check conventional hydro. Cumulative totals for hydro in year XXXX, month XX are not within bounds: Min. MW x Hours < Energy MWh < Max. MW x Hours 4. ERROR -COMPANY IS ZERO Company identification of unit is zero. Check manual additions. 5. ERROR IN GENERAT~ON RETRIEVAL DATA 6. ERROR 7. ERROR Generation Model file has a data error or some missing data. Create new Generation Model file. -STUDY YEAR = XX:XX FIRST YEAR ON LOAD MODEL TAPE = XXXX First year to be studied by Generation Planning Program is earlier than first year of Load Model; or $INPUT is missing. -TOO HANY UNITS Number of units in present and future system exceeds program limits. Total number must be < 250 • 8. ERROR -TYPE IS ZERO Type of unit, i.e., 1 through 10, is zero. Check Generation Model and maaual additions. 7-10 I ' . ... -~ .J I I I 1 .j ' j I I ~ c U ·ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM {Continued) g. PROGRAM HALT -MORE THAN XX UNITS ADDED AND RETIRED IN YEAR XXXX Sum of unit additions and retirements exceeds program limits. Sum must be < 100. n 10 .. PROGRAM HALT -MORE THAN XX NUCLEAR UNITS rJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' r-; u 0 0 C. c "'~ Number of nuclear units exceeded program limit~. Total number must be < 100. 11. DOUBLE COMMAS DETECTED IN INPUT DATA -CASE TERMINATED Two consecutive commas or two consecutive commas separated by a blank is invalid. 7-11 0 (_\ ,. ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM 1. ERROR IN NAMELIST DATA CHECK FOR MISSPELLED OR INCORRECTLY DIMENSIONED VARIABLES Use BEDIT to scan Report 06 for NAMELIST error messages. Reply to CMD query is PE. 2. ERROR !N DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM CHECK OUTPUT FROM DATA PREPARATION PROGRAM FOR ERRORS Check Report 07, Data Preparatiov. Program for error message. Scan Report 06, Data Preparation Program for NAMELIST errors. 3. PROGRAM TRIED TO READ NAMELIST DATA -NONE AVAILABLE CHECK DATA FOR MISSING $INPUT OR ENDING $ Review Foreground data file. Must include $INPUT and ending $e 4. YEARLY OVERRIDES INDICATED BEFORE START OF STUDY CHECK DATA FOR IYREADS LT NSTART -INCLUDE IN GENERAL DATA Review Foreground file. IYREAD input to general data of Generation Planning Program must be equal to or greater than NSTART, first year of OGP study. 5. A SYSTEM ERROR HAS OCCURRED CHECK HARD COPY OUTPUT FOR ERROR MESSAGE Scan Report 06 for "EXPONENTIAL" or "DIVIDE" or "TRACE." Message, including location of error, will be printed. Please ~all OGP personnel in Schenectady for diagnosis of message. 6. NTOTAL OF DATA PREP LT NTOTAL USED IN GENERATION PLANNING INCREASE NTOTAL IN DATA PREP INPUT (MAXIMUM OF 30 YEARS) Check NTOTAL of Data Preparation Program. Change NTOTAL of Generation Planning Program to be less than or equal to NTOTAL of Data Preparation Program. 7. DATA ERROR -NO ZEROS FOUND IN KOPT LIST CHECK VARIABLE KOPT -MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE ZERO ENTRY Review KOPT input. Program requires at least one type to be available for optimization even if FAIL=l (manual expansion). 7-12 : I ,_J J ~J '· ''-"~-.~·-.-........-·,~->>'><::-~-.. ·--· ·-----·"':"~,.,~~....-~--"''-~•·-·-"""<' •oO~q~··--~--~---.......r~.,.............,. -~· ~ ,, ,... ;.l-1 ,... """ __ ;:... __ ~:-,,:~---.· ----~ --,j 7}---- .:~' \\: • rr.:', .. I·'',, ~ n w 0 - , ' n w n I l w 0 n f I !....! 0 0 0 0 \:, !}, ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM (Continued) 8. TOO MUCH HYDRO ENERGY AND/OR INVALID LOADS DECREASE AVAILABLE HYDRO AND/OR CHECK LOAD MODEL Review conventional hydro data. Also revie'-r off-peak hourly loads. g. ERROR IN SHAVING LOADS FOR RELENG CALCULATIONS TOO MUCH ENERGY AVAILABLE Review energy data associated with conventional hydro. 10. THERMAL UNIT IS MISSING KIND DATA CHECK SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS OR ANNUAL OVERRIDES Type of unit was not defined. Check Data Preparation Program for zero in type identification. Especially check units added manually. 11. (ERROR MESSAGE 11 NOT USED IN OGP-6) 12. PROBABILITY OR XTABLE EXCEEDED INCREASE STEP SIZE (STEP) OR VALUE OF MINIMUM ENTRY (PRBMIN) Maximum number of entries in probability table is 2500. 13. TOO MANY UNITS IN SYSTEM INCREASE SIZE OF LUMPED UNITS AND/OR AUTOMATIC ADDITIONS Number of units on system may not exceed 250. 14. SYSTEM TOO SMALL FOR VALID RELIABILITY CALCULATIONS INPUT KODE(7)=1, PRGOAL:DESIRED PERCENT RESERVE GOAL 15. Probability table is too short for valid calculations. Input KODE(7)=1 to bypass probability calculations. If optimizing, must also input PRGOAL. NOft OF PASSES THRU LOLP CALCULATIONS HAS EXCEEDED LIMIT REVIEW VALUE OF KRMAX ( INIT., TO 20) AND SUMMARY 1 Check MONAUT; month of installation of automatic units. Units must be installed prior to month in which peak load occurred. Also check size of automatically added units. 7-13 '· ' l ., l $ I . ~ ! 1 l ; I ; %1 ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM (Continued) 16. ERROR IN ENERGY STORAGE RELIABILITY CALCULATIONS UNABLE TO EQUALIZE PUMP AND GENERATE 17. 18. 19. 20 .. Review data associated with energy storag~ units. UNITS TO BE ADDED AUTOMATICALLY ARE NOT IDENTIFIED CHECK KOPT LIST, MANFYR, XSIZES AND/OR AUTOMATIC ES UNITS Review shopping list of units to be addsd automatically. These are input to the Data Preparation Program. The years that different unit types become available must be consistent with the KOPT input. ADDING ADDITIONAL UNITS DOES NOT REDUCE RISK CHECK F.O.R. ON THERMAL UNITS AND MONTH ADDING AUTO UNITS Review forced outage rates of units available for automatic addition. Also review MONAUT, month of installation of automatic units. If the new units are installed too late in the year, they may not be available during enough of the year to significantly reduce the risk or to contribute to the installed percent reserves at time of peak. SUM OF UNIT ADDITIONS AND RETIREMENTS EXCEED PROGRAM LIMITS INCREASE SIZE OF AVAILABLE AUTOMATIC UNITS Number of units added/retired each year may not exceed 100. ERROR IN SITING LOGIC -ALL COMPANIES EXCEED RESERVE LIMIT COMPANIES WITH CAPACITY MUST ALSO HAVE LOADS Review KCODB input data to the Generation Model Program and the Data Preparation Program. Also review company data on the Load Model. Each company that has capacity must also have loads assigned to it. 21. SUM OF MINIMUM LOADING UNITS COMMITTED IS GREATER THAN LOAD REDUCE MIN. RATING OF UNITS OR SELL EXCESS (EXMXPU) Review minimum ratings of units. If ratings are correct, program will have to sell excess energy. Therefore, input EXMXPU and related data. 7-14 ~--· .) I f I ! j !.' 0 1> " \\ I t~'l<"'-"" ·~-'~'-'--~-"~--" ________ :_~--~ ,\ ,.. ;u "f 1 I 0 I J 1 n " I """"' ·~ 0 n I u 0 I ' J ' t 0 j I n u I 0 1 1 I I r-"1 l : u , I n l u 'l 1 n ' ! I j LJ . " ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM (Continued) 22. LOOPING IN PUMPLINE CALCULATIONS -ENERGY STORAGE CALCULATIONS CHECK HARD COPY OUTPUT FOR DEBUGGING INFORMATION Problem with energy storage calculations. Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady .. 23. PUMP AND GENLINES NOT HOVING -ENERGY STORAGE CALCULATIONS CHECK HARD COPY OUTPUT FOR DEBUGGING INFORMATION Problem with energy storage calculations. Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady. 24. COMPUTED CYCLING EFFICIENCY DOES NOT HATCH INPUT EFFICIENCY COMPARISON EXCEEDS ALLOWED TOLERANCE Problem with energy storage calculations. Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady. 25. TOO MANY ITERATIONS IN ENERGY STORAGE CALCULATIONS CHECK HARD COPY OUTPUT FOR DEBUGGING INFORMATION Problem with energy storage calculations. Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady. 26. RANDOM FOR -MIN. RATINGS OF UNITS BEYOND COMMITMENT TOO HIGH REDUCE MINIMUM RATINGS OF UNITS 27. NTOTAL:O Too much energy committed in random FOR calculationso Reduce minimum ratings of units. Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady. REVIEW INPUT DATA, GENERATION PLANNING Review general data of Generation Planning Program. May not input NTOTAL:O. 28. END OF FILE READING MAINTENANCE FILE 14 REVIEW LMAINT AND FAIL INPUT DATA, AND FILE 14 JCL Study parameters such as first year of study, type of run, units added, etc., do nott agree with data of the case in which the maintenance schedule was saved on File 14 • I l ! I I ' ! 1 i ,,j I •, ' ERROR MESSAGES PRINTED BY GENERATION PLANNING PROGRAM (Continued) 29. ERROR -DATA PREP FILE 03 NOT COMPATIBLE WITH GEN PLNG PRGM CHECK TRANSFER FILE 03 File 03 input to Generation Planning Program was written by OGP-5. Rerun using OGP-6 version of Data Preparation Progl"am, 30. ERROR -FORCED OR PLANNED OUTAGE RATE DATA INVALID REVIEW GENERAL AND ANNUAL OVERRIDE DATA AND RESUBMIT Planned or forced outage rates of units greater than 1.0. Outage rates mugt be less than or equal to 1.0. 31. END OF FILE READING ON FILE 13 ENCOUNTERED ECONOMIC OVERBUILD LOGIC Please call OGP personnel in Schenectady. 32. FORMAT OF FILE 14, SAVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE, DOES NOT AGREE WITH PROGRAMMED RECORD. PLEASE REVIEW. Maintenance schedule saved on File 14 is not compatible with current version of program. Please rerun case in which maintenance schedule was saved. 7-16 J~ ..:, r1 l l ~...J fl r , i,....J D D r-1 u D D 0 n u n LJ I n LJ 0 i"": lJ ,_, l ! I ..• l.....l 0 n I ! l i I i "~~ r: I ! L..J fi • I ' l u ' .. ~ l I J I ' ~- I I • I l I l l l l f l I l 1 I ! I ! I I I l '