HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2564TK. 1425 .58 F471 no.2564 ALASKA POWER AUtHORITY B!SFO~SI 10 AGENCY C088!H~S CH LICENSE l~PLICATIOH;SEllBBle!TO CC811£IT CS ):"I.346,I.542,1.552 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RIVER STAGE FLUCTUATION RESULTING FROM ALTERNATIVE OPERATIONS WATANA DEVELOPMENT Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for AlcoE'ka Power Authority Final Report January 1984 twt 8 lSSi\!l\ ALASKA RESOURCES U~T),,.)YQS 1l.a.1l~gJE ~Oh.S «( ...TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION/TITLE ~ LIST OF TABLES i1 LIST OF EXHIB ITS iii 1.0 SUMMARY 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 1 3.0 METHODOLOGY 1 4.0 BASIC DATA 3 5.0 ROUTING AND RESULTS 3 References Tables Exhibits fk\1\ I A I I II I I I NO. I 1 I 2 3 I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES TITLE Near Extreme Power Peaking Operation Hourly Release Pattern for One Day Estimated Intervening Flows Range of River Stage Fluctuation from Devil Canyon Damsite to the Confluence with Chulitna River Range of River Stage Fluctuation from the ~onf1~ence with Chulitna River to Sunshine Gage Station .-i1 - - 1 ..----,._~--_._-..,.-------------:;;:------.-_.,---~----.--._--.._.._~_._.".,.,,:. NO. 1-5 ..- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I~n 17 18I' "19 I ..,20 21 "22II "23 I ~I "I LIST OF EXHIBITS TITLE ~ River Cross Sections Used inD,*a~jc Wave Routing Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 68 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 55 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 44 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 30 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Bydrograph at Section 18 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 3 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 68 for Winter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 55 for Winter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 44 for Winter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 30 for Winter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 18 for Winter Operation . Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 3 for Winter Operation Rcuted Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 1 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 0.3 for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Sunshine Gage for Summer Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 1 for Wiuter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Section 0.3 for Winter Operation Routed Discharge and Riverstage Hydrograph at Sunshine Gage for Winter Operation -iii - 1.0 SUMMARY River stage fluctuations due to alternative operations of the Watana development were estimated for the Susitna River from the Devil Canyon damsite to the Sunshine gage station.The estimation was made by routing two discharge patterns assumed to represent near extreme summer and winter power peaking operations for Watana.Results of the routing are given in Tables 3 and 4.The ranges of river stage fluctuation upstream of the confluence with Chulitna River are 0.9 to 1.9 feet for summer operation,depending on loca- tion,and 1.6 to 4.2 feet,for winter operation,depending on location.From the confluence with the Chulitna River to Sunshine gage,the corresponding fluctuations are reduced to 0.1 to 0.5 foot for summer operation and to about 1.4 feet for winter operation.The discharge and stage hydro graphs at 9 selected locations along the river are shown on Exhibits 6 through 23. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Operation of the Watana development requires adjustments of release from the reservior for energy production according to load requirements.There could be considerable fluctuation of reservior releases within short time intervals if the de- velopment is "operated to meet consumption requirements.A brief study was made in late November 1983 to evaluate attenu- ation of discharge and river stage fluctuations in the reach -1-.. ] 1 1, :t 1":",;~G l l between Devil Canyon to Talkeetna upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River.This study extends the analysis to the Sunshine gage located about 14 miles downstream of the confluence. 3.0 METHODOLOGY To estimate river stage fluctuation due to alternative operation of Watana,the dynamic wave routing model (DAMBRK) developed by Dr.D.L.Fread of National Weather Service el) was used to route the reservior release for energy production from Watana Dam to Sunshine. The model is based on the Saint-Venant unsteady flow equations.The Saint-Venant unsteady flow equations consist of a conservation of mass equation,i.e., +-a (A+Aq)_q =0 at and a conservation of momentum equation,·i.e., ~h+gA(~+Sf +S )=0voXe 1 1 l where Q is the discharge,A is the active cross-sectional area of flow,Ao is the inactive (off-channel storage) cross-sectional area,x is the longitudinal distance along the channel (valley),t is the time,q is the lateral inflow or outflow per linear distance along the channel (inflow is positive and·outflow is negative in sign),g is the accelera- tion due to gravity,Sf is the friction slope,Se is the expansion-contraction slope,and h is the water depth. In order to solve the unsteady flow equations,the initial conditions of the flow at all cross sections must be known. -2- The initial flow at each cross section is computed to be: Ql =Ql.'-l +ql.'_l~x i =2,3,-N where Ql is the known discharge (assumed to be steady)at the upstream end,and q.Ax is any lateral inflow from trib-l. utaries existing between the cross sections spaced at intervals of ~x along the reach. The water surface elevations associated with the initial flows are internally determined by solving the following equation: ..Q..(Q2/A)+gA Ox (oh +Sf)=0ox where Q is the flow (assumed to be steady),A is the active cross-sectional area of flow,x is the longitudinal distance along the channel,h is the water depth,gis the accelera- tion due to the gravity,and Sf is the friction slope. In addition to the initial condition,boundary conditions at the upstream and downstream sections of the .reach must be specified.At the upstream boundary,the reservoir release pattern provides the necessary boundary condition.The down- stream boundary condition may be,and was,specified by the stage-discharge rating curve for the downstream end of the reach. 4.0 BASIC DATA Two release patterns assumed to represent near extreme summer and winter power peaking operations for Watana were used in the analysis,assuming no downstream project (Devil Canyon dam)and open water flow conditions.These release patterns are shown in Table 1. The drainage area downstream from Watana also contributes -3- """i i i ~r 1I 1 ~r runoff to the Susitna River.This runoff,termed herein as II intervening flow,~~was estimated based on the drainage area ratio using natural streamflow at Gold Creek.The streamflows selected are those typical of summer (represented by August) and winter (represented by December)in an average year.Table 2 shows the estimated intervening flows for each sub-reach of the river between \vatana and Sunshine. Exhibits 1 through 5 show various sub-reaches of the river and the locations of cross sections used in the analysis. The cross section data used in the analysis were used in the Instream Hydraulics Study (2). 5.0 ROUTING AND RESULTS Attenuation of discharge and river stage by the reach between Watana and Devil Canyon is insignificant because of the steep slope of the river and the narrow canyon confining the river. Therefore,the routing was carried out for the reach between Devil Canyon and the Sunshine gage,with the reach divided into two sub-reaches as described below: 1.Devil Canyon damsite to Talkeetna upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River (52 miles). Cross-section data at the 6.3 locations shown on Exhibits 1 through 4 were used.The values of Manning's "n"used in the analysis were those obtained from the Instream Hydraulics Study (2).The reservoir release patterns provided the upstream boundary conditions.At the downstream boundary,the stage-discharge rating curve at crOss section 3 just upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River - 4 was used to define the boundary condition.The rating curve was obtained from the Instream Hydraulics Study (2). Exhibits 6 through 17 show the routed discharge and stage hydrographs at six locations along the sub-reach.Table 3 summarizes the daily stage fluctuations at each of the six locations for each discharge pattern. 2.Downstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River to the Sunshine gage (14 miles). Cross-section data at the 11 locations shown on Exhibit 5 were used.The cross-section data and channel roughness were also obtained from the Instream Hydraulics Study (2).The routed hydrographs at cross section 3 in the first sub-reach were used to define the upstream boundary condition.The downstream boundary condition was defined by the stage-discharge rating curve at the Sunshine gage. Exhibits 18 through 23 show the routed discharge and stage hydro graphs at three locations along the sub-reach. Table 4 summarizes the daily stage fluctuations at each of the three locations for each discharge pattern. The result of the dynamic flow routing as presented in Tables 3 and 4 indicate that attenuation of the discharge and stage fluctuations by the channel storage downstream from the project is relatively small for the sub-reach upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River.Thus considerable -5 - - - - ~ I n '1 I 1 1 fluctuations remain in that sub-reach.However,the fluctuations are significantly smaller for the sub-reach idownstream from the confluence with the Chulitna River to the Sunshine gage.The fluctuations downstream from Sunshine would be even smaller because of the wider channel and additional intervening flows. _ 6 _ ~-------~----~,.~ NO. 1 2 REFERENCES TITLE Fread,D.L.,liThe NWS DAM-BREAK Flood Forecasting Model"National Weather Service,NOAA,January,.1982. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Instream Hydraulic Study,lILower Susitna River,Water Survace Profiles and Discharge Rating Curves,11 Preliminary Report, October 1983. Il!>'[' I - - - IIIItMllII,1IIIlIIIII ....._=====-=---=--=-=--=--o----_ j~~ ..-:.-.. 'i .-'IABLE 1 I Near Extreme Power Peaking Operation ·1 Hourly Release Pattern for One Day~(cfs)..-....- TIME SUMMER OPERATION WINTER OPERATION (hr.)Watana Watana 2185 2185 (1)(2) 1 8.602 6,090 2 8,062 5,360 1 3 7,561 4,710 4 7,407 4.345 '1 5 7,291 5,035 6 7,561 7,-2.65I 7 8,718 9,500 8 11,978 11,285 9 11,843 12,890 10 12 ,171 13,195 11 12 ,884 13,155 12 13,019 13,095 13 12,826 12,990 14 12,634 12,890 15 12,634 13,135 16 12,691 14,050 17 12,846 14,050 18 12 ,961 14,050 19 12,441 14,050 20 12,036 13,745 1 21 11,843 12,665 22 12,036 11,285 23 12,961 9,380 24 9,895 7,045 Reach .. TABLE 2 Estimated Intervening Flows During Swmner Qperation_{August) (cfs) During Winter Operation (December) Cds) ..... -- -Between Watana -x-sect.68 1,600 110 (Represe.nted at x-sect.68)- Between x-sect.68-50 700 80 (Represented at x-sect.58) Between .,r,~ x-sect.50-24 300 40 (Represented at x-sect.35) Between x-sect.24-3 500 60 (Represented at x-sect.11) Between x-sect.3-2 22,200 1,460 (Represented at x-sect.22) ""~. Between x-sect.2-0.001 9,270 840 (Represented at x-sect.1.1)~ ___________________________1· -.I i ..., I TABLE 3..- Range of River Stage Fluctuation (ft) Devil Canyon Damsite to the Confluence with Chulitna River ...,. 1-.- I Location River Mile from Mouth (mi) Watana 2185 SUMMER OPERATION WINTER OPERATIO~I 'I I i -r I r-r I..I i ""'f ! x-sect.68 150.2 1.9 4.2 x-sect.55 141.6 0.9 ·2.1 x-sect.44 136.4 1.5 3.0 x-sect.30 127.5 0.7 1.6 x-sect.18 113.0 1.1 .2.4 x-sect.3 98.6 1.6 3.1 1/Assuming open water condition. F ....TABLE 4 .--~.~_... Range of River Stage Fluctuation (ft) Confluence with Chulitna River to Sunshine Station Location x-sect.1 x-sect.0.3 River Mile from Mouth (mi) 97.02 94.23 Watana 2185 SUMMER OPERATION WINTER OPERATION~/ 1 0.1 0.2 - - Sunshine gage station 83.9 0.5 1.4 2/.-Assuming open water condition. - .. - l •I I I 1 1 I 1 1 In In •u 11 ,1 ,1 V"":-:-J1'I'---_.-\j , ,-f !2 't• .I ,. ,- :. 33 '-.-.... '-~-,. LEGEND· ---River en.Slctioa. ------Riwr ero.SIction Far Which DiIcNrvt .. StIIIII Hvdrowtphs we PrtIpInd HARZA -EBASCO Susitna Jokit VIM ...•JInuIry '814 RIVER CROSS SECTIONS USED IN DYNAMiC FLOOD ROUTING EXHIIIT2 I r I I [ I [ I I I I I -• ,., 1 ! t t i! i .II is'i !iI'tilt>&..'E...Ii!5 -~jll I!i ~al ~_. lit iiiID11:11:'"'"i I~I« N...II:.,...«..:I:-,,j -------l -~--l --------1 ~--J ---~]~-,'2 i '7 LEGEND _River Clo..Section _._•••River CrOll Section FOI'Which DI."...."""III 51...Hydrographlafe ,,_od .- ,.If·..·..·..··,.,., ;("t'· ->':i ./''," :It~,"I ./.. ~,·1'-~/'\.'.,'.1.:' ,,0:-J1f~ -')~"".,.-..., ;---...~'~: :~ RIVI!A CROSS SECTION' USEb IN bVNAMIC FLOOD ROUTING HARZA-EBASCO Sulil'".kJlnl Vonlure •Jan_v 11lB4 ----_._---- I I I I I I I I I I ~ I f - - - -, 1 ,.>-t ~~ c i ~i l;II i~ 15 .,:> "i l;i!~t .~. si~t ~ O<'J=~L~l-e a:m:ciS III .... 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C7IIf [3 1/501)0 .. 0 .....J LL 0 42 45 48 512730JJ363991215182124 TIME.-(HOURS), ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY NOTES'I.WINTER SIMULATION 2.SECTION NUMBER J.O SUSI'N~~ROJECT I J.STAGE DATUM ELEVATION AT 332.70 FT.MSL •SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER STAGE FLUCTUATION '\ HARZA-EBA·SCO JO I Nj'VENTURE , ClllUIO.IUl101S I"J ..,••1, • J I ••.1 !•J J ,I »I I J ~,J .~I 1 1 1 })~}»-)1 ~1 J 1 ] _.__._"-co· I' -- .... to- IJJ IJJ I.L , -- I II V ......",", IJJ "'"..... Ct r-~, <to-rn ".... -......./ .-- ~"" .......~......7 - ....../......:--... ........ ...,......"- ....7 -""" UJ I.L J' 0....,..... =-0 ...J I.L JlIClOO MODI •IS II I'33 31 45 51 S,n "rs II It tJ ..••IU' TIME -(HOURS)~- NOTES-J.lunMEN SI~ATIO" ALASKA POWER AUTHO~IT' 2.SECTiON NUMBER '.0 ~•'fIM_'I ----=--. 3.STAGE DAM ELEVATlllIt AT'no."n.• -SUS1THA InVER RI'E"IT~GE FLUCTUATION ,", : ."ARIA-I'••CO JOU"Yl.'1III1; , .__IIJ,I_"\0 -..\ - ,j . ,j ; j 1,,'• - - - - .£XHIBIT 19 .,; ...--_.-~--- ••_r •__•. . ._..~. .1 I ~a lit ...----.. ...-!!~..~i".... 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UJ C)J«(....If(I), I' IOtllO . -/:-....J1 ...... f ....... ............ 41000 ....-......"'"....... ....... ....J .JI' CI'J ;' LL /' ----..----_.------f--~-.- U ....-.- .., t 4GClCIO :a C -J U.,... --.. HlIOO - ••II ZI U 3J '31 4''I "13 II rs II IF 13 II I'" TtHE -(HOURS)-- "OTU I I.S~ft SIHUlATION ALASKA'PO\l£lt AUTI~Olt I T1r 2.SECTION AT SUNSHINE GAGE STATION ;,.STMlE """..nUATIOIl liT 211:1.110 n.MSL ..."..,.."I • SUS1TNA linER.R1YER STAGE FLUCTUAT10N--- ,.. IlAAllI-EIII'C"JOII'nlf""! I .. ..., ..._""...T.-..T .......... ~. -, ""'" "I - - - oa•I ,~--~_.~-.-.-....- I (S.:i::ii -nOi.:i II ~-_.......~..~~". (133.:1)-3$'9'1S EXHIBIT 21 ..'"-;)l>'~a .....0..-.-!~~lie ... "0 C a V I .%.lie;:'III.......~~ i >u 51&L.... -;:, 1Ie~ I"lie ~C ...;mJ•~)•a.w· 0 ~_0 I • -CL c •Jen-::iC.;:,.'" X UJ ~ill \UJ I lie i 'jC~... •=..~'"'II•C lie -~ ,,~"".....'".. ro..• 1\~ .J /i'; V LI 1/1.- J .. LI .. V I ~ I •.-., 1""'-0 ~""r-......."-'"-VJ 0:: \.~ ~0 V ~.....-. I ...... .. 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