HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater requirements for the fisheries resource of the nicola river B.C. 1982i Canadian Manuscipt Report of Fisheries and Aquat.ic Sciences 1680 September,1982 WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FISHERIES RESOURCE OF THE NICOLA RIVER,B.C. ·by G.T.Kosakoski 1 Roy E.Hamilton Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1090 West Pender Street Vancouver,B.C. lDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans 60 Front Street Nanaimo,B.C. ii @Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1982 -1 _.J Cat.No.Fs 97-4/1680 ISSN 0-706-6473 Correct citation for this publication:. Kosakoski,G.T.,and Roy E.Hamilton.1982.Water Requirements ··1 for the Fisheries Resource o"f the Nicola River,B.C.Can...... MS.Rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci.1680:x +127p. _I LJ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o D o B E C C [ [ [ [ b iii ABSTRACT KOSAKOSKI,G.T.,and HAMILTON,ROY,E.1982 "Water Require- ments for the Fisheries Resource of the Nicola River,B.C." Can.MS Rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci 1680. The hydrology of the Nicola River system is examined and low flows analysed.Data on the fisheries resource is summarized including distribution,timing,and escapements of salmon stocks utilizing the Nicola River and its principal tributaries,the Coldwater River and Spius Creek.-rnformat.-i6n-on--ffie -economic value of the fisheries resource is also provided.Spawning and rearing habitat was studied in detail using 6 transects on the Coldwater River and 16 transects on the Nicola River.Useable habitat area versus discharge curves were prepared,from which Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flow (FRMF)requirements were determined for these systems.Tentative FRMF recommendations are also given for the Upper Nicola River,Spius,and Guichon Creeks.Temperature data were collected at 7 sites on the Coldwater and Nicola Rivers in the summer of 1981,and suggest that high water temperatures may be limiting salmonid production in the Nicola River between Nicola Lake and the Coldwater confluence,and in the -lower reaches near its confluence with the Thompson River.Recommendations are made regarding regulation of storage on Nicola Lake for the benefit of the fisheries resource. KEY WORDS:Hydrology,Low Flows,Pacific Salmon,Fisheries Flows RESUME iv KOSAKOSKI,G.T.,and HAMI.LTON,Roy E.1982 "La qualite de l'eau requise pour les ressources poissonnieres de la riviere Nicola, Colombie Britannique".Canada.MS rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci.1680. Le present rapport porte sur l"hydrologie de la riviere Nicola et sur ses faibles debits.Les donnees presentees au sujet des res sources poissonnieres.y sont resumees,et cancernent la repartition,les particularites chronologiques et les remontees des populations de saumon dans la riviere Nicola et dans ses principaux affluents,dans la riviere Coldwater et dans Ie ruisseau Spuis.Des renseignements sur la valeur economique des ressources poissonnieres y sont egalement fournis.Les frayeres et les aires de croissance sont etudiees en details dans six zones de la riviere Coldwater et seize de la riviere Nicola.Des courbes de l'habitat utilizable en fonction du debit ont ete tracees,courbes ~partir desquelles les conditions requises par Ie programme de debits pour la preservation des ressources poissonnieres ont ete determinees pour les rivieres Coldwater et Nicola.Le programme de debits pour la preservation des ressources poissonnieres tente egalement de donner des conseils pour la riviere du Hau.t-Nicola,et les ruisseaux Spius et Guichon.Des renseignements concernant les temperatures ont ete receuillis dans sept zones des rivieres Coldwater et Nicola durant l'ete 1981,et suggerent qu'il serait possible que les hautes temperatures de I'eau limitent la production de saumons dans la riviere Nicola entre sa confluence avec la riviere Coldwater et Ie lac Nicola,et pres de 1 testuaire,pres de sa confluence avec la riviere Thompson.Des conseils sont egalement donnes ~propos des reglementations d'emmagasinnage sur la riviere Nicola pour Ie benefice des ressources poissonnieres. [ L [ , [ [: [ [ 6 C C [ C C C L [ L L L Hydrologie,faibles debits,saumon du Pacifique, debits pour la preservation des ressources poissonnieres. Mots-Clef: [ [ [ [ [ r' c B [J C 6 C [ L [ [ [; L l 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. v TABLE OF CONTENTS• INTRODUCTION WATERSHED DESCRIPTION AND HYDROLOGY 2.1 Optimum Flow Management FISHERIES RESOURCE 3.1 Spawning Distribution 3.2 Freshwater Timing 3.3 Rearing Distribution FISHERIES FLOW REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Transect Analysis 4.2 Habitat Suitability Criteria 4.3 Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flows TEMPERATURE STUDIES SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX A -Hydrograph APPENDIX B -Nicola Lake Management Order APPENDIX C -Salmon Catch and Values APPENDIX D -Substrate Scale APPENDIX E -Useable Width vs Q for Transects 14 -17 Page- 2 5 9 10 13 14 18 18' 20 21 27 30 33 83 112 114 121 123 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 6 C o ~ o c c [ L [ [ r vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1-NICOLA RIVER -Monthly Flows and deficits,1970,1971 35 2.NICOLA RIVER -Monthly Flows and deficits,1972,1974 36 3.NICOLA RIVER -Monthly Flows and deficits,1975,1976 37 4.NICOLA RIVER -Monthly Flows and deficits,1977,1978 38 5.FISHERIES FLOW REQUIREMENTS for the Nicola River and Major Tributaries 39 6.NICOLA RIVER -Deficits in CfS days (short of 110 cfs flow requirements)40 7.NICOLA RIVER SYSTEM -Average and maximum recorded escapements 41 8.NICOLA RIVER SYSTEM -Habitat suitability criteria 42 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ B o C 8 C C C L L [ C D vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.NICOLA RIVER STUDY AREA 44 2.NICOLA RIVER -Nicola Lake to Merrit 45 3.NICOLA RIVER -Merritt to Spius Creek 46 4.NICOLA RIVER -Spius Creek to Shakan Creek 47 5.NICOLA RIVER -Shakan Creek to Thompson River 48 6.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows April 15-20,1980 49 7.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows July 28-30,1980 50 8.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows Sept 15-16,1980 51 9.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows November 4-5,1980 52 10.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows April 7 -1 1 ,1 98 1 53 11.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows July 17-20,1981 54 12.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows August 19-22,1981 55 13.NICOLA RIVER -Transects and measured flows September 21-26,1981 56 14.NICOLA AND COLDWATER RIVERS -Relationships of flows as measured at transects,1980 57 15 •.NICOLA AND COLDWATER RIVERS -Relationships of flows asmeasured at transects,1981 58 16.NICOLA AND COLDWATER RIVERS -Flow profiles,1981 59 17.NICOLA RIVER -,Monthly hydrograph,1911-1963 60 18. 19 ~ 20. 21 • 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. viii NICOLA RIVER -Monthly hydrograph,1963-1969 NICOLA RIVER -Monthly hydrograph,1969-1980 COLDWATER RIVER -Monthly hydrograph,1970-1980 GUICHON CREEK -Monthly hydrograph SPIUS CREK -Mont,hly hydrograph,1973-.1980 NICOLA RIVER -Annual Escapements COLDWATER RIVER -Annual Escapements SPIUS CREEK -An.nual Escapements NICOLA RIVER -Spawning Distribution NICOLA RIVER - Freshwater timing for Nicola River salmon NICOLA RIVER - Coho and chinook rearing distribution NICOLA RIVER - Reach N2 Transects 8-13,useable area versus Q NICOLA RIVER -Reach N2,Transects 8-'3, Historical September flows and corresponding useable spawning areas NICOLA RIVER - Reach N3,Transects 1-5,useable area versus Q NICOLA RIVER - Reach N3,Transects 6-7,useable area versus Q COLDWATER RIVER - Transects 1-3l'useable area versus Q COLDWATER RIVER - Transects 4-6,useable area versusQ COLDWATER RIVER - Historical September flows and corresponding useable spawning areas Page 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 [ l~ [ L [ [' [ 6'---~ ---' [ C [ [ [ L [' r' l_. [ L [ L [ [ [ [ [ 6 C D 6~~.· .'.,- "' C [ C C [ [ L L 36. 37. 38. 39. ix PROBABILITY OF USE CURVE -Juvenile chinook 79 NICOLA LAKE -Water temperatures near outlet,1977 80 NICOLA AND COLDWATER RIVERS - Water temperatures,1981 81 NICOLA AND COLDWATER RIVERS -Relative water temperatures,1981 82 [ [ r [ [ [ [ U n•.u o ~ c u c [ b l L t~ x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank W.Field,R.A.McIndoe and J.Dobrazanski for technical support in the office and field.In addition,the ass istance of M.Hobbs,who prepared the economic analys is,is gratefully acknowledged. [ [ [ [ [~ [' [ G C C o.;B C [ C [ [ L L ~ - 1 - 1.INTRODUCTION The Nicola River system (Figure 1),including its principal tributaries,the Coldwater River and Spius Creek,is an important. producer of chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha),coho (0.kisutch),and pink salmon (Q.gorbuscha),as well as steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri).Located in the interior drybelt of B.C.,the system is sUbject to heavy irrigation demands during the late summer -~arly fall low flow period,.when instream flow requirements for salmon spawning and rearing are particularly critical. In 1977,in response to growing water use conflicts,a group of local ranchers formed a committee (the Nicola Valley Resource Management Working Committee)to represent their interests.The Working Committee was instrumental in promoting a major study by a consultant (Y.Bajard and Associates),with the objective of developing a comprehensive water management system for the basin.Responsibility for the project was subsequently assumed by the B.C.Ministry of Environment,CUlminating in 1980 in the M.O.E.Planning Branch's Nicola Basin Strategic Planning Study. Basic information requirements for this study included flow requirements for fisheries in each sub-basin,and,for purposes of economic analysis,data on present and potential fisheries - 2 - production. In response to this initiative ,cooperative fisheries studies were initiated on the Nicola River system in 1980 by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Habitat Management Division (instream flow requirements),Fraser River,Northern B.C.and Yukon Division (adult stock assessment),and by the M.O.E.Fish and Wildlife Branch,Fish Habitat Improvement Section, (enhancement opportunities). This report documents the results of bio-engineering studies conducted by the Habitat Management Division in 1980 and 1981 to determine fisheries flow requirements for the Nicola and Coldwater Rivers. 2.WATERSHED DESCRIPTION AND HYDROLOGY ~ The Nicola River system,draining a wa.tershed area of 7,280 square kilometres (above gage8LG6),is located in the Thompson River basin in south-central British Columbia (Figu,re 1).Nicola Lake,with an area of 2,500 hectares,is the largest lake in the watershed,and has been regulated in an irregular way for power and irrigation purposes since construction of the present darn.in 1927 (Smyth,1967).Power is no longer being generated and at the present time very little regulation of the darn is done. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 6 C F..·'..·..LJ C [ [ [ L [ L L l [ [ [ L [ [ [ t o [J 6 o C C L r~ b [ L L - 3 - Streamflows are recorded for the Nicola River below Merritt at stat ion 8LG7 and near the mouth at stat ion 8LG6,and for the Coldwater River entering the Nicola at Merritt at station 8LG10. These'stations have been operated continuously since 1957 al though records date back to 1911.Streamflow for the Nicola River between Nicola Lake and Merritt has not been recorded. Historical flows in this section have to be estimated by subtraction of the Coldwater flows from the flows recorded at 8LG7.Average monthly flows obtained in this way are shown in Tables 1 to 4,column 3. For the purposes of this study,the Nicola River was divided into several major reaches as shown in Figure 1.In 1980 and 1981 several representative study sites (Figure 1 and Figures 2 to 5)were chosen on the Nicola and Coldwater Rivers.Several transects were surveyed at each study site and the flows were metered several times.Figures 6 to 13 show schematically the position of the transects relative to the tributaries and hydrometric stations,the flows measured,and the dates.There was considerable variation between the meterings themselves and between the meterings and the flows as recorded at the hydrometric stations.This is illustrated in bar graph form in Figures 14 and 15. - 4 - Meterings on the Nicola above Merritt were usually less,with the exception of transect 6,than the difference between 8LG7 and 8LG10 indicated.The flow profiles in Figure 16 show transect 6 in the Nicola and transect C4 in the Coldwater always reading higher than adjacent transects.These various discrepancies in the Merritt area indicate variable interchange of flow between the channel and its gravel bed.This is a condition that seems to be favoured by spawning f ish and may explain in part the existence of the chinook spawning area just below Merritt. Table 5 is a summary of fisheries resource maintenance flows for the Nicola River and its tributaries.Details of the methods used to determine fisher ies flow requirements are prov ided in Section 4. Monthly hydrographs for a number of years of record for the Nicola (8LG7),Coldwater (8LG10),Guichon Creek,and Spius Creek are shown in Figures 17 to 22.Superimposed on the hydrographs are the fisheries resource maintenance flows.The shaded area represents the deficit,that is when monthly flows were less than the fisheries resource maintenance flows.It may be seen from these that the fisheries resource maintenance flows are sometimes greater than the monthly flows during very low months but still less than the average. [ [ [ [ [ r-" L, [-'. ----::/ 6 D C [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ L L r [ [ [ [ [ D C o G C C C [ [ [ b L - 5 - As monthly hydrographs do not always convey the correct low flow severity a number of daily hydrographs for the Nicola and Coldwater were prepared (Appendix A).Cross hatched areas represent the def ic i ts between the bas ic fishery flows and the recorded flow during those periods when the recorded flow was less. Low flows in the Coldwater,that is below 50 cfs,are rarely a problem until August.August 1 to September 30,or perhaps into October is a critical period because of irrigation demand.Tne average flow in August is 76 cfs and in September is 51 cfs.Low flows may however persist through the fall and winter and occasionally until April.See hydrographs in Appendix A. 2.1 Optimum Flow Management Using the Nicola River hydrographs in Appendix A the deficits (resulting from flows less than the FRMF of 110 cfs below Merritt)were calculated and tabulated for seven years of records,Table 6.The extra storage that would have been required to maintain the 110 cfs is represented by the totals. On the average,only one extra foot of regulation would have been necessary.In dry years 2 feet would have been necessary. - 6 - It should be kept in mind that these calculations include pr~sent irrigation use and.present dam regulation,such as it is.It is probable that with very little change to the operational rules of the rese~voir the one or two feet of extra regulation could be easily achieved. The present order issued in 1948 requires that the lake level.be kept to not more than 3.0 feet between April 1 and July 31,and then redl:lced to 2.0 feet and kept at that level until September 30th (Appendix B).A more beneficial reservoir management schedule using the existing structure but providing a low outlet is given in Appendix B.. For the per.iod October to April no regulation is required for irrigation.During this time of year the reservoir could be controlled for fisheries use.Inflows during this period could be beneficially controlled. Tables 1 to 4 show,in column 4,the releases from the dam which would have been required to maintain 110 cfs in the river below Merritt for the period 1970 -1978.In addition to this requirement there is a further requirement that flows below the dam are not less than 40 cfs December to July,and 60 cfs August to November.Column 5 shows the release required to satisfy both these requirements.In general the release over and above the [ [ [ [ [ [' r~ 6 E D L C [ C [ L [ L L L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ D C C B C U C [ L L L l - 7 - 40/60 requirement to satisfy the downstream requirement of 110 cfs is not great. Offsetting this release is the inflow to the reservoir.Assuming the reservoir is full at the end of July,which should be the case,releases out of storage are needed until the fol~owing freshet (May-July).Offsetting the release from storage is the net inflow to storage.The table shows an example for the average year.Net release from storage worked out to 3,661 cfs days or approximately 1.2 feet of storage between July 31 and the following April 30th. A high flow is needed once a year in June or July to clean the gravels in the river.This occurs naturally in the Coldwater and these high Coldwater flows will probably suffice for the Nicola below Merritt.If a new dam is built there will be some control of the runoff but it may be desirable to release the high flows at a certain time to be most beneficial for flushing and perhaps to better phase in with the Coldwater high flows. It is believed that the flow requirement in the lower Nicola can in general be met with the present irrigation use.A number of tributaries and irrigation return flows contribute to this. Histor ically,the qaqe at the mouth (8LG6)has recorded flows approximately double those at the gage near Merritt (8LG7). - 8 - 3.FISHERIES RESOURCE The Nicola River system supports populations of chinook,coho, and pink salmon,in addition to steelhead trout.Annual salmon escapement data for the Nicola River,Coldwater River,and Spius Creek are shown in Figures 23,,24,and 25,respectively.Average escapement data,including maximum recorded escapements,for the periods 1951-1960,1961-1970,and 1971-1980 are provided in Table 7.Al though comparable data is not available for steelhead,the spawning population for the Nicola River system is estimated to be about 1,000 fish. It is evident that chinook and coho stocks have declined significantly from historical levels.Although this decline can be largely attributed to excessive exploitation rates,it is likely that habitat problems related to water diversions for irrigation,channelization,municipal waste discharges,logging, and pipeline construction,have also contributed to a reduction in system productivity. The current economic value of the fisheries resource of the Nicola River system has been conservatively estimated at approximately $600,000 annually ($1982).This estimate does not include economic benefits associated with the popular Thompson River steelhead fishery,to which Nicola River stocks are thought [ [ [ [ [' l' L E o C [ C [ L~. J [ [ [ L L - 9 - Chinook NICOLA RIVER I The salmon spawning distributions shown in Figure 26,and discussed br iefly below,are based largely on reports by Starr (1976),and Elvidge (1971),and on surveys carried out by Fraser River,Northern B.C.and Yukon Division staff in 1980 and 1981. SPAWNING DISTRIBUTION 0(? 3.1 It has been estimated that up to 75%of chinook spawning in the Nicol"a River occurs in the 21 Km section between the Coldwater River and Spius Creek junctions (Reach N2,Figure 1).The remaining 25%is generally distributed equally between the section downstream of Spius Creek (Reach N1),and the section to contribute signif icantly.The total steelhead catch (f ish killed plus released)reported for the Thompson in 1980-81 was 2,645 (Ford 1982).A summary of current and potential salmon catch and values is provided in Appendix C.Potential production figures are based on historical escapement data,and preliminary estimates of system carrying capacity (Sebastian,1982).Best estimates of current and optimum catch/escapement ratios for Nicola stocks were provided by P.Starr (pers.comm.). [ [ [ [ [ [ [ D C o B C [ C [ [j [ L l -10 - between the Coldwater confluence and Nicola Lake (Reach N3). Although the upper Nicola River,above Nicola Lake (Reaches N4 and N5),appears to have considerable fisheries potential,recent escapements to this part of the system have been very low. Coho--- Although escapement records indicate coho spawning in the Nicola River,it is likely that the majority of coho spawn in the Coldwater River and Spius Creek (particularly Maka Creek). Elvidge (1971)reported a few coho spawners in the Nicola mainstem above and below the Coldwater confluence. Pink A significant population of odd-year pink salmon spawn in the lower reaches of the Nicola River.with the exception of the area immediately upstream of the Thompson River junction, utilization of this section appears to be limited by the availability of suitable spawning gravel. [ [ [, [ [ [ [ 6 G D C C [ lJ [ [ [ L L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E C o ~ c [" c [ L [ L L -11 - COLDWATER RIVER Chinook Spawning is scattered,largely between Brodie and Merritt, although a significant number of chinook spawn upstream of this section. Coho Coho spawn throughout the Coldwater system with the area upstream of Brodie being the most heavily utilized. SPIllS CREEK Pi Chinook Spawning is sparsely distributed throughout,with the vicinity of the bedrock canyon located approx imately 10 Km from the mouth being the most heavily utilized area.Suitable spawning habitat appears to be 1 imi ted,with substrates cons ist ihg pr imar ily of large cobble and boulders. -12 - Coho- The best coho spawning habitat in the Spius Creek system occurs in Maka Creek. 3.2 FRESHWATER TIMING Chinook t Upstream migration of chinook in the Nicola River normally begins in August,with the peak of spawning occurring in mid-September. In some years,however,an early July run,spawning in August, has been reported.Fry emerge from the gravel in April,and based on adult scale analysis,98%overwinter in fresh water (Starr 1976).Scale data collected in 1981 (Kalnin 1981)indicates that approximately 90%of Nicola River chinook return at age 42. Coho Coho first appear in the system in September with migration peaking in early October.Spawning occurs in late October and November.Fry emerge in Apr i1 and May,and spend one or two years rearing in fresh water before mig rat ing seaward in late spring as smolts.Adult scale data collected in 1981 (Kalnin 1982)indicates the following age composition for Nicola system coho: [ [ [~ [ [ [ r LJ E D C [ [ [ C [ [ [ [ [ L [ [ C [ [ C o o o 6 o C C [ C [ L [ -13 - 70%-32 30%-4 3 Pink ~ In odd years pink salmon arrive in September and spawn in late September and October.Fry begin their seaward migration shortly after emergence from March to early May. Steelhead Adult steelhead appear to hold in the Thompson River until ready to spawn in the Nicola River and various tributaries from April to June.Juveniles normally spend 2 years rearing in fresh water. The freshwater timing of salmon in the Nicola River system is summarized in Figure 27. 3.3 REARING DISTRIBUTION The following brief summary is based largely on Starr (1976)and Sebastian (1982).See Figure 28. -14 - NICOLA RIVER Chinook The highest densities of juvenile chinook are found in Reach 2 (Spius Creek to Coldwater River),contributing an estimated 40% of total Nicola River smolt carrying capacity.Reach N1 (Thompson River to Spius Creek)contributes another 40%,with the remaining 20%being distributed more or less equally between Reaches N3 (Coldwater River to Nicola Lake),N4 (Nicola Lake to Douglas Lake)and NS (upstream of Douglas Lake).The rear ing potential of Reach N3,and the lower section of Reach N1,may be limited by high summer water temperatures,particularly in August.Present production in Reaches N4 and NS is limited primarily by underseeding. Coho There seems to be very little mainstem rearing of coho in the Nicola River,although this may be partly a function of low fry recruitment,rather than an absence of suitable rearing habit~t. Coho pre-smolts were captured in side pools and side channels in Reaches N1 and N2 in April,1981. [ [ [ [ [' [' b 6 D C [ b C L [ L r- L L -15 - SPIUS CREEK COLDWATER RIVER Steelhead Shakan,Skuhun,and Guichon significantly to steelhead OTHER TRIBUTARIES The highest rearing densities of chinook and steelhead occur in the lower 8-10 Km,although inadequate fry recruitment may limit utilization of the upper reaches.Maka Creek appears to contribute the majority of juvenile coho production for the Spius system. Small tributaries such as Nuaitch, Creeks are thought to contribute Reaches N1 and N2 are the most important section of the mainstem for juvenile steelhead production. Populations of juvenile coho,chinook,and steelhead are widely distributed throughout the Coldwater system,with average densities for each species generally reflecting the spawning distribution.Considerable underutilized rearing habitat exists ~ in the upper reaches. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E C C o C C C [ [ [ L [ -16 - production in the Nicola River system.In some cases,where the available rearing habitat is limited,it is assumed that fry move downstream to rear in the mainstem Nicola or Thompson Rivers. [ [ [ [ [: L C 6 o [ [ [ [ L [ L L L L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E C C 6 C [ [ [ [j [ [ t -17 - 4.FISHERIES FLOW REQUIREMENTS, 4.1 TRANSECT ANALYSIS Bio-engineering studies were conducted on the Nicola River (downstream of Nicola Lake),and the Coldwater River in 1980 and 1981. On the Nicola River in 1980,three transects were established in Reach N3,and four in Reach N2.In addition,two transects were located on the Coldwater River near Merritt,and two more upstream of Kingsvale.In 1980,all study sites were selected primarily to represent chinook or coho spawning habitat. In 1981 several additional transects were established to more adequately represent all habitat types (i.e.pools,riffles and runs).Some of the transects used in 1980 were deleted due to changes in channel morphology which occurred during high flows in December,1980.In total,data from 16 transects on the Nicola River and 6 transects on the Coldwater River have been used in the present analysis.Transect locations are shown in Figure 1 and Figures 2 -5. -18 - Transects were establ ished normal to the flow and permanently marked at each end.Depths and velocities (at .6 the depth from the surface)were measured at intervals ranging from 4 to a ft. depending on the width of the transect.Using a modified Wentworth particle size scale (see Appendix D),dominant (>50%of area)and sub-dominant (if >25%of area)substrate types were recorded over a one square metre area at each vertical.Data was collected at each transect at several river discharge levels. Using habitat suitability criteria for each species (see Section 4.2),the useable width at each transect was calculated for a range of flows (see Appendix E for examples).For each flow,the average useable width for each habitat type in a reach (ie. pools,riffles,runs)was weighted according to the proportional length of stream consisting of similar habitat,using biophysical inventory data provided by Starr (1976).The resulting useable areas for each habitat type were then summed to give a composite curve of total useable area per unit length of stream,versus discharge,for each species and life history stage in the reach, as shown in Figures 29 to 35. Composite curves were not developed for Reach N1 of the Nicola River because the four transects selected in this 49 Km sect ion were not considered to be an adequate sample,or suff ic iently representative of certain habitat types (Le.deep pools and rJ I'L [ C [ [' C D G C n.iLj C C [j [ [ [ L L Chinook,Coho,and Steelhead Rearing Spawning The habitat suitability criteria used in the present analysis are provided in Table 8,and discussed below. The criteria used for rearing are based on the probability-of-use curves developed by the Cooperat~ve Instream Flow Group (IFG)of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (Bovee 1978).A typical 14-17,however, availability at -19 - Since steelhead spawning occurs during the normal freshet period, adequate spawning flows were not considered to be a problem,and habitat requirements were therefore not analyzed. Depth and velocity criteria for chinook spawning were taken from Thompson (1972).Since depth and velocity preferences for coho are generally similar,it is assumed that the suitability criteria used for chinook apply also to coho. 4.2 HABITAT_SUITABILITY CRITERIA runs)~The individual curves for transects (Appendix E)were used'as indices of habitat different flows. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c n r;6 G U [ C [ C [ L l -20 - example is shown in Figure 36.In the IFG methodology,specific depths,velocities,and substrates which occur over a given stream area at a particular flow,are weighted according to their probability-of-use (ie.suitability),in order to calculate the weighted useable area at that flow (Bovee and Milhaus,1978). In view of the generalized nature of the probabilty-of-use curves,and in the absence of race and size specific micro-habitat preference data for Nicola system salmon ids,we have selected optimum ranges of depth and velocity within the limits defined by the curves for each species,rather than attemtping to weight specific values of each parameter. The 0.5 level of probability,as shown in Figure 36,was used to set the upper and lower limits for velocity,and the lower limit for depth.With the exception of steelhead fry,it was assumed that there is nb maximum depth limit for rearing. Specific substrate or cover criteria were not used for rearing. Observations indicate that juvenile chinook in the Nicola River utilized a variety of substrate types ranging from very fine material in pools to large cobble and boulders in runs. Substrate preferences by rearing fish may be largely velocity related,reflecting the relationship between substrate size and cover value.For this reason,the data presented for juvenile [ [ r [ [ [' [ o n,,','tJ o [ [ c [j [ L [ L L c r [ [ [ [ [ 6 D o ~ c c [ [ l ' .-.--ij [ L L -21 - steelhead and chinook may tend to underestimate the useable habitat area at higher discharges as average velocities apparently become limiting.In reality,the curves may not drop off as steeply as indicated where the bed material of sufficient size to provide low velocity refugia. 4.3 FISHERIES RESOURCE MAINTENANCE FLOWS The Fisher ies Resource Maintenance Flow is def ined here as the discharge req ime required to maintain the fisher ies product ion potential of a stream.Determination of the Fisheries Maintenance Flow requires a consideration of the various habitat requirements for each species and life history stage,in the context of the hydrology of the system. No attempt has been made to relate streamflow directly to specific fish production levels.However,it is assumed that the useable habitat area,which is related to streamflow,determines production capability or potential. Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flows have been specified for the August to November salmon spawning ~nd rearing period,and for the December to April incubation and juvenile overwintering period (Table 5).Although specific incubation and overwintering requirements were not invest igated,it was assumed that flows -22 - from December-April shold be similar to the f,lows recommended for the August to November period,reflecting the natural hydro- graph.In addition,flushing flows which normally occur during the May-July freshet period are required to maintain system productivity. Nicola River Reach N1 (Thompson R.to Spius Cr.) Based on the useable width data for transects 14-17 (Appendix E), a minimum flow of 200 cfs (8LG006)is recommended from August to November in Reach N1 to satisfy the requirements for chinook spawning in the upper section (Skuhun Cr.to Spius Cr.),and for chinook and steelhead rearing throughout the reach. Reach N2 (Spius Cr~to Coldwater R.) We have assumed that Reach N2,comprising less than 25%by length of the river downstream of Nicola Lake,yet supporting 75%of the chinook spawn.ing,and 40%of chinook rearing populations,is the most critical section in terms of flow requirements.Flow requirements for Reach N2,therefore,dictate to some extent upstream flows in Reach N3 and downstream flows in N1. [ [ [ [ [j [' u [J D o o c C- j L [ L [ l l [ [ r [ [ [ [ o D C § D C C [ L [ b ~ -23 - Since flows in the Nicola River downstream of Nicola Lake are partially regulated (and may become increasingly so in future), our objective was to defjne a minimum guaranteed discharge for Reach N2 each month which was equivalent in terms of useable habitat area and fish production capability to the existing flow regime. As shown in Figure 29,the optimum flow for chinook spawning in Reach N2 is approximately 150 cfs.The optimum for both steelhead fry and parr is 100 cfs.For chinook rearing the useable habitat area curve peaks at 50 cfs (or less),and decreases fairly rapidly above 150 cfs. Since chinook spawning peaks in September,the lowest flow month, and has the highest flow requirements,it was assumed to be the most critical life history stage.It was also assumed that if chinook spawning requirements were met,requirements for chinook and steelhead rearing would also be satisfied. In order to determine the discharge required for the maintenance of chinook spawning habitat it is necessary to consider the natural variation in streamflow,and,therefore,the amount of spawning habitat that is available from year to year. Using Figure 29 and historical streamflow data (WSC aLGOO?)the useble spawning area was determined for each year of record based on the mean monthly discharge in September (Figure 30). -24 - The average useable area for the period of record was then calculated,and the corresponding discharge determined from Figure 29,ie.110 cfs.A discharge of 110 cfs,guaranteed every year during the spawning period,therefore,would be equivalent to the historical streamflow regime in terms of chinook spawning potential.From Fig~~e 29,it can be seen that 110 cfs also provides near optimum rearing conditions for chinook and steelhead. Accordingly,a minimum discharge of 110 cfs (measured at aLGOO?) has been specified from August to November in Reach N2.At times,the actual discharge might have to be higher than this depending on downstream inflow (i.e.Spius Creek and other tributaries),in order to meet the requirement of 200 cfs in N1. A minimum discharge of 110 cfs is also recommended from December to April in N2.This would generally be attainable in most years,based on average runoff during this period. Reach N3 (Coldwater R.to Nicola Lake) Section A -Nicola Lake outlet to silt boils (2.9 Km) [ [ c [ ['. [ [ 6 ntJ D D C [ C [ [; L L L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 6 D o B C C L [ l [ L L -25 - This section of Reach N3 is a productive chinook spawning area~ Although suitable rearing habitat exists (Figure 28),utilization appears to be limited by high water temperatures in summer.As shown in Figure 31,optimum spawning conditions for chinook occur at 60 cfs. Section B -Silt Boils to Coldwater R.(13.8 Km) Although much of this section consists of slow runs with fine substrates,chinook spawning occurs in sui table riffle areas. Rearing potential,however,is limited by sedimentation and high water temperatures in summer.As shown in Figure 32,the useable chinook spawning area does not change significantly over a fairly wide range of flows until about 80 cfs,at which point the spawnable.area appears to increase.This is due to velocities increasing in the runs to a point (1-2 ft ./sec.)where they become useable (if substrates are suitable).At normal flows in September,however,these areas are generally unsuitable for chinook spawning, In summary,for Reach N3,a minimum discharge of 60 cfs is recommended from August to November (a gauge would have to be established in this section of the river).When the Coldwater River discharge was less than 50 cfs,flows in N3 would have to be greater than 60 cfs in order to meet the fisheries requirements of 110 cfs in N2. -26 - Coldwater River A minimum flow of 40 cfs is recommended from December to April for incubat ion.(Flows in this sect ion are normally lower in .r winter than in the fall.) The relationship between useable area and·discharge is shown for the Coldwater River near Kingsvale,and near Merritt,in Figures 33 and 34,respectively. [ [ [ [ [ r' L 6 B o D C [ L [ [ [ [ L the Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flow is In a dry year,flows in August or September At the present time, not always attained. The corresponding Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flow was then determined from Figure 34,i.e.approximately 50 cfs.In addition to maintaining adequate spawning conditions,a discharge of 50 cfs in the Coldwater River at Merritt also provides good rearing conditions for all species.Below about 30 cfs,chinook spawning habitat is limited in the lower Coldwater.Optimum spawning conditions would occur at approximately 120 cfs. Using the data for the Coldwater at Merritt and historical streamflow records (WSC 8LGO lO),the average area of chinook spawning habitat available in September was calculated as shown in Figure 35. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o C D C C 6 C [ b [ l L -27 - may drop well below 50 cfs.Since flows are often critically low during this period,further diversions from the Coldwater River should not be permitted unless fully supported by storage. Upper Nicola,Seius Creek and Guichon Creek The Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flows determined for the Coldwater River and for the Nicola River downstream of Nicola Lake represent from 16-22%of the mean annual discharge.Using an average value of 20%of the mean annual discharge,fisheries flow requirements were estimated for the upper Nicola River (Reach N4),Spius Creek,and Guichon Creek (Table 5).Since field studies were not conducted in these sub-basins,these estimates must be considered provisional,but may be useful for preliminary resource planning purposes. 5.TEMPERATURE STUDIES Water temperatures were measured near the outlet of Nicola Lake from August to October in 1977 (Figure 37).The warmest day was August 14 with maximum and minimum temperatures of 83°and 80°F. There was a relatively small spread,not more than about 4°F between maximum and minimum daily temperatures during this period of record,which shows the moderating influence of the lake on water tempertures.On August the 25th (at 1400 hrs.)a spot -28 - temperture of 66°F taken in the NIcola River just above Merritt shows that the river temperature increased only one degree between the lake (at 65°F)and Merritt,a river distance of about 15 miles. Between June 22nd and the 24th 1981,seven thermographs were installed on the river at locat ions shown in Figures 2 to 5. Water temperatures recorded .for the period June to December are shown in Figure 38.As in 1977,maximum temperatures occurred in the middle of August.Comparison of .the Chutter and Jurett thermograph records shows,as in 1977,that very little change took place in water temperature between the lake and Merritt. The average Coldwater temperature was generally colder than the Nicola River above Merritt (Figure 39).However,the flow in the Coldwater during the summer was much less so its influence on reducing the temperature in the Nicola mainstem was slight,only one or two degrees cooler at Hannas than at Juretts (Figures 3 and 39).Below Merritt,the water continues to cool slightly as it travels downriver. Both.the 1977 and 1981 data show that average water temperatures in the critical month of August are high at the outlet of Nicola Lake.They tend to decrease slightly downstream of Merritt, being generally cooled by the Coldwater (the amount of cool ing [ [~ r~ r~l l-~ [ [ [j D C [ [ [ L [ [ [ L L [ L [ [ [ [~' [ C C C B C [ C [ [ [ [ lj -29 - being governed by the ratio of Coldwater to Nicola flows).Below Spius C~eek temperatures increased again down to the Curnow thermograph.There,temperatures exceeded those in the Nicqla at Merritt. Although the temperature regime in the Nicola will vary from year to year depending on the weather and the relative flows in the tributaries (in 1981 the August flow in the Nicola was higher than average),it appears that increased flows out of Nicola Lake durinq periods of hot weather (August)would not reduce "river temperature downstream and furthermore,whenever the Coldwater was colder,as it usually is,it would dilute the cooling effect at the Coldwater confluence.Due to the configuration of the Nicola Lake outlet,releasing cooler water from depth does not appear to be practical. Presently,high water temperatures appear to limit the salmoni~ rearing potential of the Nicola River between Nicola Lake and the Coldwater confluence,and possibly in the lower reaches near its confluence with the Thompson River,with mean daily temperatures in August 1981 exceeding 74°F (23°C)in both cases. -30 - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS• The current economic value of the fisheries resource of the "- Nicola River system is approximately $600,000 annually,.not including the contribution,believed to be significant,to the popular Thompson River steelhead fishery. Hydrological records and data collected during field studies in 1980-81 were used to determine Fisher ies Resource Maintenance Flows (flows required to maintain the production potential)for the Nicola and Coldwater Rivers.The results are shown in table 5.The val ues given for the upper Nicola (above Nicol a Lake) Spius and Guichon Creeks are based on 20%of the mean annual flow. Superposition of these flow requirements on the historic hydrographs (Appendix A)shows that the critical.low flow periods are in the late summer -fall,and winter.The extra storage (over that presently maintained in Nicola Lake)that would have been required for the years I isted is shown in table 6.For an average year this would have amounted to about one extra foot of storage~for a dry year,about two feet.Calculations included the effects of present water withdrawals from the system.Extra storage could effectively be obtained by better regulation of the pres~nt Nicola Lake dam. [ [ r, L __J [ [ I-I L, [ nO· C C C C [ b [ L L [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c o C Q C D L [ b [ [ h -31 - Release of more water from the Nicola Lake reservoir may not be beneficial because of high lake water temperatures particularly during low flow periods in very hot weather (usually August)~It is known that temperatures in the Nicola between the lake and Merritt become critical in July -August and may be limiting juvenile survival in that reach. In order to ensure that the salmonid production potential of the Nicola River·system is maintained,it is recommended that: 1.There be no increase in water diversion from the Nicola mainstem,Spius Creek,and Coldwater River during low flow periods,and no new water diversion licences unless·they are supported by storage. 2.Nicola Lake be better regulated to ensure optimum use of storage potential.This would be facilitated by upgrading the Nicola Lake Dam. 3.The Fisheries Resource Maintenance Flows as given in table 5 be·provided. 4.The fishway at the Nicola Lake dam be improved or replaced. -32 - An hydrometric station be established just downstream of Nicola Lake for monitoring flow releases out of the lake. 5. 6.The storage potential of Douglas Lake be increased flows in the Upper Nicola River considerable fisheries benefits. assessed,as would provide [ [ [ r-" [ [' [ G o '0 u c C 6 L b [ [ L -33 -- REFERENCES Smyth,Kennedy.1967.Report on Nicola Lake Inflow and RegUlation.Water Investigations Branch,Department of Lands,Forests,and Water Resources,B.C. Ford,B.S.1982.Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1980-81.Fisheries Technical Circular No.52.Fish and Wildlife Branch, Victoria,B.C. Distribution and Physical River System During the Fall Department of Fisheries and Probability-of-use Criteria for the Family Instream Flow Information Paper No.4. Instream Flow Service Group,Fort Collins, 1976.Nicola River Feasibility Study.Unpublished Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Vancouver,B.C.41 Thompson,K.1972.Determining Streamflows for Fish Life.In: Instream Flow Requirements Workshop Proceed ings.Pac iITc Northwest River Basins Commission.Portland,Oregon.March 15-16,1972.a5 pp. Starr,P. MS. pp. Bovee,K.D.and R.Milhaus.1978.Hydraul ic Simulation in Instream Flow Stud ies:Theory and Techniques.Instream Flow Information Paper No.5.Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group,Fort Collins,Colorado. EI vidge,R.1971.Spawning Characteristics of the Nicola of 1970.Draft Memorandum. Oceans,Vancouver,B.C. Kalnin,L.W.1982.NicolaRi~er project,1981.Memorandum to B.Pearce,Management Biologist,Fraser River,Northern B.C.and Yukon Division,Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver,B.C. Sebastian,D.C.1982.Nicola Fisheries Assessment:Interim Enhancement Opportunities and Recommendations based on 1980 and 1981 Investigations.Fish and Wildlife Branch,Ministry of Environment,Victoria,B.C.96 pp. Bovee,K.D.1978. Salmonidae. Cooperative Colorado. n [ [ n [ [ [ G D D C C C E E L L L 6 8 --T S318\11 -v£- ] 1 J J J J J U J a D o J J ] J J J J [ -36 -l~~ TABLE 2 [ NICOLA RIVER Monthly Flows and Deficits l~1972,1974 i , I ( 1)I (2)I (3)I (4 )I (5)I [,r ,r I I,I I I I ,Nicola Deficit*I Deficit*.:,I IINicolaIIaboveI above I below I, I Below I ,Merritt ,Merrit t I Merrit t I [~I 1972 ,Merritt I Coldwater :(1)-(2)I 40/60 -(3)I 110 -(1)II I I ,I ,f-28 ---iI<r JAN ,82 ,26 56 I -[, ,I I I FEB r 91 I 71 I 20 I 20 I 19 1, MAR I 529 r 404 I 125 ,I III-- APR I 813 ,470 I 343 I -I -I, MAY I 3090 I 2130 f 960 I -I -I 6, JUN I 3380 I 1950 I 1430 I -I -I I ,,I "-~ JUL I 1660 I 861 J 799 I -,-I AUG I 464 ,158 ,306 I -I -f DSEPI188I52I136,-I -I OCT I 103 I 54 ,50 ,10 ,7 I NOV I 30 I 35 ,0 f 60 ,80 , 0DECI67I14f53,-I 43 I I I I I 1 I I ,I I I , [1974 ,I I I I II JAN I 150 I 90 f 60 f -I -I FEB I 171 I 107 I 64 ,-,-I MAR I 224 I 177 ,47 ,-f -I [APR I 689 I 658 I 31 I 9 I -!MAY I 2190 I 1310 ,880 I -I JUN I 3210 I 1970 I 1240 I -I -I [JUL I 1470 I 814 I 656 I -I -I AUG I 368 I 154 ,214 ,-I I SEP I 146 I 34 ,112 ,-I OCT I 114 I 34 I 80 I -,-.j [NOV I 127 I 53 I 74 I -I -I DEC I 126 I 58 ,68 I -I,,,f ,,L *The Deficit is that additional release that would have been required l'.to maintt in the following Fisheries Maintenance Flow schedule: 110 cfs below Merritt .. 60 cfs above Merritt-Aug.to Nov. [,40 cfs above Merritt-Dec.to Apr. L L [ [-37 - [TABLE 3 NICOLA RIVER [Monthly Flows and Deficits 1975,1976 • [I ( 1)I (2 )I (3 )I (4)f (5)I I I I I I-• I I I -I I I ·l ,I Nicola I Deficit*I Deficit*III,Nicola I I above I above I below IIIIII [I Below I I Merritt I Merritt I Merritt III 1975 I Merritt I Coldwater I (1)-(2)I 40/60 -(3)I 110 -(1)II I I I I ~~I ,I " , JAN I 101 I 43 r 58 I -I 9 I[I FEB I 115 I 43 I 72 f -,-I MAR I 157 I 49 I 108 -I -, I APR I 307 I 179 I 128 -f -, 0 MAY , I 1430 I 1180 I 250 -I -l JUN I 2270 I 1620 I 650 -I -, JUL ,807 I 570 I 237 -I -I U AUG I 212 r 69 I 143 -I -I SEP I 117 I 40 I 77 -f -, OCT ,151 87 ,64 -I -I NOV ,426 341 I 85 -I -" 0 I DEC I 343 331 I 12 28 I -, I r , , I I I III,l Q 1976 I I III JAN ,230 197 I 33 7 I, FEB I 197 146 I 51 I -I I C MAR I 154 87 f 67 I -I APR I 300 I 247 I 53 I -I MAY I 1460 I 1230 I 230 I -I I r I JUN I 1630 ,1120 I 510 -, I C JUL I 863 I 788 I 105 -III AUG I 473 I 244 ,229 -Ir SEP I 435 I 90 r 345 -,-I E OCT I 199 I 37 I 162 -I -I t NOV I 185 I 66 I 119 -I -I DEC I 133 I 59 I 74 -I -rrIIItI, *The Deficit is that additional release that would have been required l to maintain the following Fisheries Maintenance Flow schedul..~: 110 cfs below Merritt 60 cfs above Merritt-Aug.to Nov. 40 cfs above Merritt-Dec.to Apr. [ L b [ -38 - [~ TABLE 4 [jNICOLARIVER Monthly Flows and Deficits [1977,1978 I ( 1) ,(2)I (3)I (4)t (5),,I r r ,Il-I ,I I l~,,r Nicola r Deficit*,Deficit*I, r Nicola r r above ,above ,below I,, J ,, Below ,Merritt r Merritt ,Merritt 1r,[~1977 I Merritt ,Coldwater ,(1)-(2)1 40/60 -(3)'110 -(1)1, r I oJ I ,,,,( I IJANf125,66 59 ,-I -, ,, ,I FEB I 190 I 115 .J 75 I -,-I [I , MAR 1 142 r 73 I 69 t I r,-,- APR ,327 I 280 J 47 -I -, r MAY 1 819 I 513 r 306 ,-I -, C, JUN I 705 I 497 ,208 J -I -1 JUL ,185 1 68 ,117 ,-,-, AUG ',77 I 15 r 62 J -I 33 I SEP I 72 J 23 I 49 I 11 I 38 I CI OCT ,88 f 39 J 48 r 12 ,22 , NOV J 166 .r 141 ·1 25 ,35 I -II DEC .f 137 ,125 ,12 ,28 I -I C, , ,.f ,r,I .(I I II, 1978 I ,.(I r I,r CJAN191I61I30I10I19I FEB 1 86 ,59 I 27 ,13 I 24 1 MAR 1 221 J 162 I 59 I -I -I APR f 529 1 469 I 60 I -I -I [MAY J 1630 ,961 ,669 I -I -I JUN ,1780 ,1010 I 770 J -I -, I JUL I 436 ,216 I 220 I -I -f [AUG ,138 1 41 f -97 J -J -I SEP I 181 I 83 I 98 1 -,-1 OCT ,169 I 76 J 93 J -I -Ir LNOV,265 J 176 ,89 I -I -1 DEC ,124 1 55 J 69 I -1 -I,I I ((I *The Deficit is that additional release that would have been required [ to maintain the following Fisheries Maintenance Flow schedule: 110 cfs below Merritt L60cfsaboveMerritt-Aug.to Nov. 40 cfs above Merritt-Dec.to Apr. [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ D Q B C C C [ [ L [ L L -39 - TABLE 5 FISHERIES RESOURCE MAINTENANCE FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NICOLA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES Stream/Reach Fisheries Resource Gage or Maintenance Flows Point Aug-Nov Dec-Apr of .cfs (M3/S )cfs (M3/S )Measure- ment Nicola R Nl Thompson R.to Spius Cr.200 1 (5.66)200 1 (5.66)SLG006 N2 Spius Cr.to Coldwater 1 10 1 (3.12)110 1 (3.12)SLG007 River N3 Coldwater R.to Nicola 60 1 ( 1 .69)40 1 (1.13)Dam Lake N4 Nicola L.to Douglas L.2S2 (.7S)2S 2 (.7S)SLG049 Coldwater R.(Brodie-Merritt)501 (1.42)50 (1.42)SLG010 Spius Creek 78 2 (2.22)7S 2 (2.22)SLGOOS Guichon Creek 7 2 (.2)7 2 (.2)SLG004 . l Minimum flows 2Estimates based on 20%of mean annual flow -40 - TABLE 6 NICOLA RIVER Deficits in CFS Days (Short of 110 cfs flow requirement) ,,..d i f 1970-71 i 1971-72 f 1972-75*,1975-76 ,1976-77 t 1977-78,, J ,l ., f'I , JUL 1 ,,,r ,,,r ,, AUG 1 1 ,1 1 1 930, SEP 1 400 I 450 ,,,,1200,r ,r OCT 1 750 ,125 I 720 ,0 ,0 ,1000r,I NOV ,1500 I 0 1 2400 1 0 ,0 1 300 DEC I 1860 I 360 1 1300 ,0 I 0 I 520 JAN I 1250 ,910 I 230 I 0 I·170 I 610 r 1 540 .,I 1 1 880FEB MAR 1 I 1 1 1 I 210 APR 1 1 1 I 1 ~ MAY 1 ,I I I I JUN 1 I I I I f I I r r ,Ir2,385 T 4,650 I ,I r 5,65015,760 I 000 170 'I I I I I I Average =(5760+2385+4650+0+170+5650)/6=3102 cfs days =6,204 acre feet *Data for 1973 -1974 missing Combining data for 1972 and 1975 was assumed valid , I t I I I I I I I I r 1 I I I [ [ [' rl [' [~ [ D nI=..~ G C U [ [ L L L L L [ [ [ [ [-, -~ [ [ c o D o 6 C C [ C [ [ b -41 - TABLE 7 NICOLA RIVER SYSTEM -AVERAGE AND MAXIMUM RECORDED ESCAPEMENTS .<,\ f ,Maximum , Average Escapements I Escapement IIII•J,..-I , r 1951-1960 ,1961-1970 t 1971-1980 i I I I -J,,, I ,I I INicola, I ,I Chinook I 6,567 I 2,950 I 2,950 7,500Ir, Coho I 1,230 I 1,108 I 367 3,500 Pink ,2,140 I 820 I 1,625 4,000, I I I IrIIIII Coldwat'er I I IIII Chinook I 780 251 I 611 1,500 I I Coho I 2,400 1,461 I 518 7,500 I,I II,I II Spius I I III Chinook·I 528 118 I 343 1,500 IIII Coho I 964 222 I 364 3,500 I L ,,, -42 - TABLE 8 HABITAT SUITABILITY CRITERIA ~- - t t .,Dominant , r Depth r Velocity ISubstrate Irr(ft.)1 (ft./sec.)I Type IrrII.JII Chinook spawning 0.8+fl.0 -3.0 r 4,5 I I r r I J I I Chinook juvenile 1.0+I .25 -1.25 r I I I I I I I I Coho juvenile I 1.2+I 0.2 -.75 I I I IrIII Steelhead fry r 0.2 -1.4 r .25 -1.5 r I I I I I I Ir Steelhead parr I 0.5+I .25 -2.25 I I I I f ,f I r-1 [ [, L [: [' [ R Q tJ C [ [ [ L l [ [ L 6£- T S3Mn9I~ -£v- 1 l J J J J ] J .9..~J 8 J ~ ] ] ] ] J J J ~ ~ Kill 5 0 5 10 15 Km Ie rl ' , , NICOLA RIVER STUDY AREA KEY b.HYDROMETRIC STATION ~STUDY SITE AND~~f'6~TRANSECT NUMBER ~-REACH BOUNDARIES CHAPPERON LAKE I I•.. I "-G') c: :0 fTI r----'c=r---'--r----'I 1[1 ~r=J c:J .t ..L.J [L ..~.J L..I.ltD c=J ~.~r--,c-l c----:J l ..,..,L .J L !'J' -45-FIGURE 2 b5 NOTE Moo mode from uncontrolled oor phOlO mOSO'C \ Dote flown _July 27.1975 I Q / o 1/4 1/2 3/4 I Kilometre .....""?"Z"?"Z"Z"I5'Z5.......'F"'......"".~"""""",",,"=....l! NICOLA RIVER NICOLA LAKE TO MERRITT ) \ \ "5 ,'- *WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDER' I TRANSECT 6 I FIGURE 3 *A_....,,_.,,_""'ltltl LI••lhlll.r dl. 46- RIVER i I*WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDER I l TRANSECT 12 NICOLA MERRITT TO •SPIUS CREEK LOWER NICOLA 1/2 )'4 o 2 Kilometres ...~""'..................._........--.................-.-=_ll 2mlles ...-,--..-_----.------........I-d o ~'------:::=::::::: ~~~~.-_...-~~­.-------_..-----_..'--_..--'._--------,.' NOT E Map mode from uncontrolled air photo mosaic Dale flown _July 27,1975 1 J I I -1 ]1>~ "9'0- 'S- 1 -z, " _J I ) J -j l -47-FIGURE 4 l ! NOTE:Map made from uncontrolled Qlr photo mosolc. Dale flown -July 27.1975. o 1/2 2miles ~b-..-.....,...............-.J--......-......==~! I 0 I Kilometre 151..;,.....-...............1&1 a....~~~kl~..J.',..."".""""==! NICOLA RIVER SPIUS CREEK TO SHAKAN CREEK -----~f}-I--REACH NI --~I ~I ~~~~i..I ~3Q/,-i\..liM<J~,~(I*WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDER CJ)l'. Rl1Ief _liS frOllll Hie••LOlli _lief 00111 FIGURE 5-48- RIVER •Iro"""'COllt La_.o."e,4C1f1l R.....m"..RECORDETEMPERATURE*WA~T_ER _ \ i NICOLA THOMPSON RIVERCREEKTOSHAKAN I \ \ TRANSECT) i ) 2mlles ---d I Kilometre I o I Lzz:__. 0, \ ) I ) mOSOICuncontrolledaIrphotoNOTE,Map made ~r~~y 27,1975,Dote flown I J J HAMIL TON CR. MERRITT COLDWATER R. FIGURE 6 NICOLA RIVER -49- SPIUS CR. '=::::8 LG 8 TRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS APRIL 15 -20,1980 (CFS) 8 9 10 II F 12 G'13 GU/CHO.v CR. 8L~ srU4fSlCS CR 8 LG;;.... 8LG'5 ~~2 25.2 Apr 72.A 24.0 '6Apr20,2.B '3 26.3 C 4 5 CLAPPERrON CR.' [ [ [ [ [ [ b B C 6 r b C E b [ L [ [ l [ [ [i [ [ r-'. l_~ [j R o C [ C [ L L.. [ L [ [ Co"o ~~~~ !Eo 'C SPIUS CR. COLDWATER R. CR. FIGURE 7 NICOLA RIVER ~.LG8 -50- .. lS9l July 29 ISOJ- - ,10 0\alTRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS ,,5 July2 ~,,2 I JULY 28 -30 I 1980 (CFS) MERRITT 6'UtClfo",C"i' 8~~ srU4I6'l.~s C"i'. 8L.G~OA -I .~CI. 8 9 10 II F 12 G 13 8 LG 15 CLAPPERrON C;•..... CJl UI .~•"0- SPIUS CR. 8LG 8 COLDWATER R. FIGURE 8 NICOLA RIVER TRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS SEPT.15-16,1980 (CFS) HAMILTON CR. 8lG '5~13~SePt. 2 ~2 ,\6.A 3 188 C 4 5 Gu/c.HOI\!~C)j>. 3 cfa ,Sept·/5 MERRITT ... -51- srU.ff8£CS C~ 8L~/R. .~Cf.Sept.IS 8 9 10 II :l-22~Sept.15 F 12 --l--23sf G 13 CLAPPERTON c,...... [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o (j c o c u c [ 6 [ [ t r~ L r-' l [ [ 6 C [ [ [ [ [ I' I. [ [ [ ~U1-~...z ~ UI FIGURE 9 161 efa COLDWATER R. NICOLA RIVER HAMILTON CR. MERRITT 8 9 10 "±~F 12 171 . Nov 4 G 1'3 185 6'UIC,yON CIi'. 8L.~ ·41 el, -52- 8l G 15 1~4~ITRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS •A '3 46 Nov 4 Be 45 I NOV.4-5,1980 (CFS) 4 5 sru"'e{~s CIi' ........,~ 8 L.G 19 ..."~ .~el, CLAPPERrON Q". SP/US CR. X:::::8 LG 8 L [ L L • cD _ cDO~:.."o~~rCD... .... FIGURE 10 RIVER 180 cfs ,A.pril II 8 LG 7 -256 cfs ,April 10 .....'"-:;.~."....~ .......0 '9..~ NICOLA -53- TRANSECT~a MEASURED FLOWS APRIL 7 -II t 19-8.(CFS) Apri I 10 SPIUS CR. • April 9 ~8lG 8 - HAMILTON CR.- 74.~April II 64.COLDWATER R. ?~~~~...~ G'CS) MERRITT -..-- 8 9 10 II F 12 G 13 6'(/ICIfON CIi'. 8L~2 ~Qr;1 10 Cf, srU4f81.cS "- 8 LG '9 ..~ ~Cf,~ 8lG 15 3cfa~ CLAPPERrON CF/. ...~. [ [ r [ c. [ [ D [j C fJ~ C C [ [ [ [ [ [j [ [ l~ [ [ [ [ D o [j u u C L L [ [ [ L I-I CD N· ..N N l...:-~~k Co.c '< RIVER FIGURE CAppro •.400 cfa ) 8LG10-268cfs SPIUS CR. COLDWATER.R.· July 19 NICOLA 798 cfs Riff Ie too swift 1145 Joe's BridgeY --8 l-G 8 1288 camp9roun~JUIY 20 Not located 8 9 10"fOO deep F 12 778 G 13 880 WICOLA LAKE ,'355~ 2 387 July ITRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS .~..'3 324 17 C 4 383l-July 191 JULY 17-20 t 1981 (CFS) 5 411J HAMILTON CR. MERRITT -S4~ GU/CHON C-9. 8L~ srU4f8lcS "-, 8 LG /9 ~2 Cfaz 8 LG 15 9 cfl %: Note:7 was best metering of sites 1-7. CLAPPERrON Q .....'------- -55- -..... ~.o""~.,..~ J>c: to SPIUS CR. 8 LG to 26.6 c15 8 LG7 -159 cfs ,Aug 19 CR. NICOLA RIVER ~8LG8 FIGURE 12 TRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS AUG.19 -22 t 1981 (CFS) Aug 21 173Criffle)}Au g 19 III COLDWATER R. Aug 19 )AuCJ 22 MERRITT 8 9 10 II F 12 . G 13 G'U/CNOI\!C-9~. srU4llJlcS '"....8 LG /9 8lG 15 2 Cfs t CLAPPERiON Q ................. [ [ [ [ [ [' [ B [J B G D C C [ b [ L U -56- HAMILTON CR. r-' L" [ CJ 8 C r:u [ L L [ [ L L L [ [ [ [ r~J l ; N O\NN~u.!'-0\ 0\'.~ (I) N .. -~- RIVER FIGURE 13 27.2 cfs t SeDt 25 150 c fs t SeDt 24 SPIUS CR. NICOLA TRANSECTS a MEASURED FLOWS SEPT.21-26.1981 (CFS) 105.~6 eDt 23 83.COLDWATER R. 149.3} 191.0 SeDt 24 180.8 } 176.4 SeDt 25 20 I..,. 8 9 10 II F 12 G 13 MERRITT GU/CItON CI9, 8L.~'8~Cf, , 8 L G 15 1 I Cfs t 2 .~-3--'" c 4 5 srU"'8l cS"......8 L.G '9 ..2 .,. Cf•... 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It having been established by survey that certain Crown Lands are flooded by the raising of the Nicola Lake water level above a certain elevation,and the crops on these said lands suffer if not drained by a certain date,and as the flooding of these lands has been aggravated in the past by the control exercised by the dam at the Nicola Lake outlet constructed under Conditional Water Licence 13594 and held by the Nicola Lake Stock Farms Ltd.: [ [ r-' [ l--~ [ [ D D C D C [ [j [ [ L L L April 21st,1948 -, 515 Columbia Street Ka~loops,B. C. itA.G.Hotton"by . Engineer for the Nicola Water District 1948. Original Signed (SEC.34) WATER ACT 1939 COpy DATED AT KAMLOOPS this 21st day of April 078766 489B THEREFORE I ORDER YOU,the Nicola Lake Stock Farms Ltd.to control,as closely as your operations allow,the water level of the Nicola Lake by adjusting the gates in the dam and canal so that the water level of the said lake is not above the 3.00'mark on the gauge established by the Water Rights Branch on the north shore of the said lake immediately East of the dam,and up to this 3.00'mark is allowed between April 1st and July 31st in any year. S3nlVA GNV HJIVJ NOWlVS J XIGN3ddV -vTT- J 1 l J J J J J B o a a J ~J ,~ J J ] J ] Spius S1:stem Canadian commercial1 2 567 1,506 9,635 28,551 Sport Tidal 466 1,284 13,539 37,306 Sport Fresh 2 25 90 2,701 9,722 Native FoodS 46 126 1,326 .4,161 U.S.Commercia1 7 173 396 2,586 6,494 Sport?28 48 813 1,395 1,305 3,450 $30,600 $87,629 Total Catch 4 Net Wholesale Va1ue 6 Nicola River"pieces $1982 Current Potential Current Potential Canadian commercial1 2 8,283 11,346 161,357 226,534 Sport Tidal 6,288 9,008 182,696 241,727 Sport Fresh;597 840 64,489 90,741 Native Food 627 897 24,375 34,525 U.S.Commercia1 7 2,064 2,716 31,366 46,780 Sport7 39 76 1,133 2,208 17,898 24,883 $465,416 $642,515 -115- TABLE 1:CURRENT AND OPTIMUM SALMONID CATCH AND ANNUAL VALUE FOR NICOLA,COLDWATER AND SPIUS SYSTEM 75,517 108,085 19,444 9,992 21,128 6,973 $241,139 32,535 42,274 11,126 4,744 7,319 1,.569 $99,567 4,560 3,720 180 360 1,440 240 10,500 1,708 1,455 103 143 446 54 3,909 Coldwater System Canadian Commercia1 1 Sport Tida1 2 Sport Fresh 2 Native FoodS U.S.Commercia1 7 Sport 7 Footnotes presented on page 119. [. [ [ [ [' [' [ [J[] [J D 6 C [ [ [ 6 [ L t TABLE 2: -116- ESTIMATE OF THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL SALMON CATCH AND VALUE ASSOCIATED WITH THE NICOLA RIVER l [ [ Estimated Catch 4 Pieces Chinook Average Potential Estimated Estimated Escapement (1976-80) Escapement Current Catch 14,940 Potential Catch 21,000 3,320 7,000 Current C/E Ratio 4.5:1 Potential C/E Ratio 3:1 Net Wholesale Va1ue 6 $1982 [ [ [" Footnotes presented on page 119. Escapement (1976-80)325 Escapement 950 Current Catch 975 Potential Catch 1,900 r IL f= U C LJ C D D C C L [ L [ L 209,574 244,062 90,741 33,643 Potential 35,211 $613,231 149,118 173,632 64,489 23,911 25,044 $436,194 7,268 4,121 $11,389 Current C/E Ratio 3:1 Potential C/E Ratio 2:1 9,240 8,400 840 840 1,680 21,000 Potential Current 817 4,971 9,692 608 9,064 17,665 57 464 882 342 2,201 4,·301 76 1,133 2,208 1";900 $17,833 $34,748 708 Current C/E Ratio 2:8 419 312 30 175 39 975 694 1,983 1,289 6,575 5,976 597 597 1,195 14,940 Current Canadian Commercia1 1 Canadian Commercia1 1 Sport,Tida1 2 NativeS U.S..7 Commercl.al Pink Average Escapement (1968-79) Potential same a.'average Estimated Current Catch 1,983 U.S. --Commercia1 7 Canadian Conunercia11 Sport Tida1~ Sport Fresh NativeS Coho Average Potential Estimated Estimated U.S. -COmmercia1 7 sport7 TABLE 3:ESTIMATE OF THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL SALMON CATCH AND VALUE ASSOCIATED WITH THE·COLDWATER SYSTEM -117- Footnotes presented on page 119. Coho Average Escapement (1976-80) Potential Escapement Estimated Current Catch Estimated Potential Catch Current C/E Ratio 3:1 Potential C/E Ratio 2:1 2,580 6,809 30,608 1,920 12,377 55,786 180 619 2,783 1,080 3,030 13,583 240 1,569 6,973 6,000 $24,404 $109,733 445 3,000 1,335 6",000 574 426 40 241 54 1,335 Canadian Commercia1 1 Sport Tida1 2 NativeS U.S. -Commercia1 7 sport 7 L [ [ [ [ L- [ ~ 6 o 6 C n [ [ [ [ I" b r: L Canadian Commercial 1 298 516 3,534 6,121 Sport Tida1 2 222 384 6,450 1,157 NativeS 21 36 325 557 U.S. ---Commercial 7 124 216 1,559 2,718 Sport7 28 48 813 1,395 bTI"l;zrro $12,68r $21,948 Estimated Catch4 Net Wholesale ValueP pieces $(1982) Current Potential Current Potential Canadian Commercial 1 269 -990 6,101 22,430 Sport Tida1 2 244 900 7,089 26'.,:149 Sport Fresh 2 25 90 2,701 9,722 NativeS 25 90 1,001 3,604 U.S. ---Commercia1 7 49 180 1,027 3,776 612 2,250 $17,919 ... $65,681 TABLE 4:ESTIMATE OF THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL SALMON CATCH AND VALUE ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPIUS SYSTEM 136 750 612 2#250 ~ [ ~ [ [ l' [ D C D C C [ b [ L [ [ L 4.5:1 3:1 Current C/E Ratio 3:1 Potential C/E .Ratio 2:1 Current C/E Ratio Potential C/E Ratio -118- Chinook Average Escapement (1976-80) Potential Escapement Estimated Current Catch Estimated Potential Catch Coho Average Escapement (1976-80)231 Potential Escapement 600 Estimated Current Catch 693 Estimated Potential Catch 1,200 Footnotes presented on page 119. -119- FOOTNOTES FOR TABLES 1 THROUGH 4 Salmon caught in U.S.are valued at Canadian prices. its and 1980-81 =12.5 1981-82 =10.5 (expected) 1979-80 =10.1 Net wholesale values are reported for commercially caught species.Harvesting and processing costs have been sub- tracted from the wholesale value of the salmon. Salmon caught in the native food fishery have been valued at the highest price associated with "net caught salmon". Salmonid Catch was allocated to the various fisheries using Production Distribution Tables developed for S.E.P. 1978-79 =9.1 The Consumer Price Index was used to adjust values to reflect current dollars. Recreational methodology outlined in Appendix 6 of the same report.Appendix 6.Evaluation of Incremental Recreational Benefits from Salmonid Enhancement.A day of salt water sport fiShing was valued at $15.00 (1976$)while a day of freshwater chinook fishing was valued at $25.00/day (1976$). One freshwater chinook is estimated to generate 2.5 angler days of effort. 6. 4. 5. 3. 7. 2. 1. l l [ [ [ [ [ G [ rd C.JB C [ [ [ [ [ L l -120- 3.It is assumed that 3,300 person days of processing employment are generated for every million pounds of salmon commercially caught.The multiplier is 2.45. 1.Methodology outlined in The Economic Rationale for Sa1monid Enhancement Program and Appendices.Appendix 15.Economic Impacts Associated with the Salmon Industry in B.C.Acres Consulting Services. TABLE 5:ESTIMATES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE HARVESTING AND PROCESSING SECTORS GENERATED AS A RESULT OF COMMERCIAL CATCH FROM THE NICOLA,COLDWATER AND SPIUS SYSTEMS 1 [ [ [ [ [ [~ [ o c [J [ [ [ b [ L [ L L 2.74 3.97 6.71 3.26 14.66 17.92 11.21 .52 10.69 3.64 1.77 7.98 1.49 2.15 .28 person years 5.83 II II 9075 6.11 '-"-. Person Years of Work at Person Years of'Work at Current Production Levels Optimum Production Levels 2.It is assumed that 630 person days of harvesting employment are generated for every million 1bs.of salmon commercially caught.The multiplier is 21.5.It is also assumed that there are 232 wOl~ing days in a person year. Total Employment Total Employment Total Employment Combined Processing &Harvesting Sectors Direct Employment Indirect Employment Harvesting Sector2 Direct Employment Indirect Employment Processing Sector3 Direct Employment Indirect Employment 31V:lS 31tmlSans o XIUN3ddV -TZT- J 1 J J J J J J ~ ~ u o ] J J ] J J J -122- APPENDIX D Example: a.Identify dominant material,ego small cobble (5) b.Identify subdominant material (if greater than 25%of substrate area),ego coarse gravel (4) c.Coding for this example would be 5/4 Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SUBSTRATE SCALE (MODIFIED WENTWORTH) Description Silt-clay Sand Pea Gravel Fine Gravel Medium Gravel Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Small Cobble Large Cobble Boulder Bedrock Size Range rom.(inches) 0.62 0.62-2 2-16 (.1-.6) 16-64 (.6-2.5) 64-125 (2.5-5) 125-250 (5-10) 250+(10+) [ [ , [ , [ [~ l~' [ o D D C C [ [ L L L [ L LI-hI SlJ3SN~1 ~O~~'SA HIGIM 31HV3Sn 3 XIGN3ddV -£zt- :l J l ] ] r] J J g o u o ] ] J J J J J 1 J ] '] ] J o J C] ] J J J ] i·--·-----·-------..--.....--------_._....----.--..-~..-._--_t.-~.-..-.-.-.-.------------.----- l~-=-~~==:~:-=~-~===-.::=±-=-===--=--=-j=---=:-f------=j==:=--..::-:=-==J::-~.:_=:_-_-~:=-:.::=t----==-===.:...--=:~-== i-------T---------------+---~I"'SnSJirA --Hl.OIAA--i~,IWri-;."Cn-----~------+---- 1:~:~~~:=1~~~~~~~~~~f;:-'-~F~2~3~-~~:+:~~= 13 3~n~l.:f ~31\1~\110~IN -vZT- .-------.---..-~~-==-~-~-::~~:~.:-:::~[:--.---..:-~.;_'~'(-s.-~.'.'.''.-.'~_')'~~.::~-O,..--:.·:.-ll.~..~.-_·::._._...1-.n !__..~.:.~::~:~j, ~-"._---_._-.---;----------..---_.-_..t-··--------.---..1--_·.··P.-.-'-',-------'..--~.----.r----··-.....-..---;----n··_-_-··------·····--f---:I I''.-.""n ••r o" -....._._.__._-! 05£'::::-.::OC):£::::=:=-~·:~:.::.--o~.·_:~_.:::~:riz :::::'.:::-:.:-~.sL.:_:·_:-:.:'~DiQ.L.::·:~:==:=L-:_=::.:::.:::::::~-.:J t:::~:.:::..:..-~.,=:-:.:.:-::-~:::~~..:-.:-.:L:.:-..:::-:...:-;-....:.:-:-.:-':-~:::::::::+::-=--:--.::'~=:-".L--".:":::~=.:::::~-:::..:.:-~:~:.:I .I I t I 0 ' ...."..- ;...... ! !-__--_!------~-'-'-'-._-. i ;"-._;·----···t 1---,..-.--I ----.--~-.-------~---..-....-.J-.--t-----+---.-1i.I I I,'-----_...:--...-.-_.-------.-,.-..-----..----.--r--..----.--.--i-----,t----,.---.~---.---.-----l------- ~-----;------:---h1-\-':=lm$:;Ja:Zr:::=aICITM ,-I -I W'~"''''11 :I '-szt- l ~l J :'/:Jr..·...: i'l; ~:"~l';;x :-=r-- -~~r- _'J {;.-(,.-:,..-J"," 8~ ;- J ~ )0 J B .to. 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