HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2655.....-------=---~----- ,SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY'REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT -.No.7114 SURVEY OF EXPERIENCE IN OPERATING HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS IN COLD RE'GIONS VOLUME 2-APPENDIXC RESPONSES TO QUEST10NNAIRE FINAL REPORT JUNE 1985 DOCUMENT No ..2655 Document No. Susitna file No. 2655 42.2.5 -rl?<\ Il.-\~S •S-~ ..... - F l-R-:L no l r.v s::;: SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SURVEY OF EXPERIENCE IN OPERATING HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS IN COLD REGIONS VOLUME 2 -APPENDIX C RESPONSES TO CUESTIONNAIRE Prepared by Harza-Ebasco SusitnaJoint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Final Report June 1985 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Anchorage.Alaska -~--------------"'"'.--------------------- - ..... - NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE ,~ ,..~, I II i ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES Fish &Wildlife Division File No. Telephone:403~27-6749 Ma~ling Add~ess:M~in Floor,North Tower,Petroleum Plaza,9945 -108 Street,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada T5K 2G6 Office Location:Assistant Deputy Minister's Office,lOth Floor,South Tower,Petroleum Plaza,9915 -108 Street,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada T5K 2G8 November 8,1984 'Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company '150 South Wacker Drive CHICAGO,Illinois l'-:60606 u.S.A. Dear Or.Louie: -- ..... - ·In response to your October 16.1984 letter requesting information on matters relating to ice-control-engineering.there are no personnel employed by the Fish :and Wildlife Division with state-of~the-art expertise in ice-control-engineering which affects the environment. All policies and dam operating procedures are the responsibility of the .Alberta Department of the Environment.By copy of this letter I am forwarding your request to: Mr.Peter G.Melnychuk Assi stant Dl:!puty Mi ni ster Water Resources Management Services A"I berta Env'i ronnment 14th Floor,Oxbridge Place 9820 -106 Street EDMONTON,Alberta T5K 2J6 (Telephone:427-6252) .They may have some additional comments they may wish to make.In the Province of Alberta there has been limited documentation of problems between reservoirs/ reservoir operations and ungulates.Most of the documentation deals with habitat loss and management following reservoir construction.The existing reservoirs in Alberta are not in the path of any major ungulate migrations which minimize the likelihood for problems although some local problems may exist which we are not documented by us . .The Fish and Wildlife Division is presently developing water quality criteria for the protection of fish and other aquatic life.Suspended sediment will be one parameter for which criteria will be developed.All potential man related sources of sediment will be expected to comply with the criteria.However, .../2 - 2 - until we develop our own criteria we intend to use criteria established by the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada which is 25 mg.l-1 • I trust the foregoing has been of use to you. d::~ Dennis C.Surrendi Assistant Deputy Minister cc:K.Ambrock ..A.Locke ,-P.G.Mel nychuk ·v (") (") '"co (") ooo .1.0 1.0 '"(") (") ..... ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information SerVices .~chorage,AJaska - - !i ra ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 2 d Floor,Pacific Plaza,10909 JasperAvenue,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada TSJ 3M8 Telex 037-3676 File No. October 31,1984. Dr.]I.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4l76U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: With reference to your letter of October 16,1984, the Department does not have an extensive program in the area of ice control engineering.However,there are some activities underway related to ice formation in culverts, free:~e-up in settling ponds and protection of decant structures in settling ponds. If you wish further information on these topics you may 'wish to contact Mr.D.T.Sneddon,Forest Research Branch, Alberta Forest Service,Spruce Grove,Alberta.Alternatively, you may wish to contact Mr.E.J.Barry,Vice President Planning,TransAlta Utilities Corporation,110 12 Ave S.W.,Calgary,Alberta T2R OG7. Yours truly, ( - R.D.McDonald Executive Director RDM:df cc:T.D.Sneddon E.J.Barry ta ",.,.. ""'" .... ~. - ENVIRONMENT Environmental Evaluation Services Environmental Assessment Division 11th Floor,Oxbridge Place,98:~-106 Street,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada T5K 2J6 403/427-6209 Telex 037-2006,TWX 61Q..831-2636 November 16,1984 Dr.David Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your letter of October 16,1984,inquiring $about the state-of-the~art in ice control engineering which affects the environment . Mr.M.E.Quazi,P.Eng.,Branch Head of the River Engineering Branch, Alberta Environment and his staff have compiled a list of contacts specifically related to items 1,3,and 4 of your request.Mr.Quazi may be contacted at (403-427-6280)or by writing to him at the above address, c/o the Technical Services Division,10th Floor,Oxbridge Place. We are unable to respond directly to item 2.I trust the attached information is of assistance to you. Yours sincerely, R.L.Stone,MCIP Head EIA Review Branch RLS/cn Att'd - - - - .~ - State-of-the-Art In Ice Control Engineering Which Affects the Environment Concerning procedures and/or operating policies to minimize the formation of ice jams,there are a large number of Canadian contacts who are deeply involved in the subject.The contacts which this Branch has made in its own field studies and efforts along these lines include:British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (Vancouver);the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment (Victoria);TransAlta Utilities (Calgary);Acres Consulting Services ltd.(Niagara Falls),and a host of Research Engineers in the field such as Dr.R.A.Harrington (Alberta Research Council,Edmonton),Dr.R. Gerard (the University of Alberta),Mr.C.R.Neill (Northwest Hydraulic Consultants ltd.,Edmonton),Dr.B.Michel (laval University),as well as a few Research Engineers at the U.S.Army Corps of Engineer's 'Cold Regions Research and Engineering laboratory'at Hanover,New Hampshire,which we are certain that Harza would be aware of as well. As well as the above mentioned,our own staff have been involved in studying the operating procedures of two major hydro projects for purposes of minimizing the formation of ice jams at either freezeup or breakup of the Peace,North Saskatchewan and Bow Rivers in Alberta.Mr.Harold Cameron of Hydroelectric Branch may also be a useful source of information. Concerning reservoir management to control crack formation for animal passage across the frozen reservoir,we do not get involved in that sort of study directly,however,we can suggest a few contacts who may have.These would include B.C.Hydro,the Canadian.Electrical Association (CEA),perhaps TransAlta Utilities,definitely Acres Consulting Engineering Services (they have conducted a study for the CEA on ice 'hinging'action along river banks in response to fluctuations from the W.A.C.Bennett Dam on the Peace River). Again,r·1r.Harold Cameron may also be of use to you in formulating your response to Harza. Concerning bank erosion caused by breakup'of ice and its movement,any of the contacts for Point 1 would be of assistance for this topic as well.These contacts may not be able to address the particular aspect of allowable turbidity,however,they should be able to address the mechanical processes. The turbidity aspects as related to fish may be able to be addressed by the two Hydro companies,B.C.Hydro and TransAlta,and additional information may be obtainable from the personnel of Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Energy and Natural Resources.A further source of information along thi s specific line may be ~1r.Chris Katopodis,P.Eng.of the federal Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg (located on the University of Manitoba campus)• ..../2 !I -2- Hhile thinking of persons in '1anitoba who may be of use to Harza,the staff of Manitoba Hydro comes to mind,as does their chief consultants •••. ,-Crippen-Acres Engineering in Winnipeg.As it has been a while since the undersigned had any direct involvement in Manitoba,names (unfortunately) escape me at the present,except for an R.(Rick)Carson at Crippen-Acres. -- ..... - - ...", Regarding Harza's Point 2,on environmental impact on terrestrial animals,we do not get involved in that type of study,so have no direct contacts we could name.The two hydro companies might be of use to Harza,as might Mr.Harold Cameron,in terms of the multi-disciplinary aspects of hydro projects. Specific contacts with some of the above agencies who have not already been named include: Mr.L.J.(Les)Parmley,P.Eng.-B.C.Hydro; Mr.H.M..(Hugh)Hunt,P.Eng.-B.C.Environment Mr.P.J.(Pat)Doyle,P.Eng.-TransAlta Utilities ~1r.T.{Tom)Lavender,P.Eng.-Acres Consulting Engineering Services, Niagara Falls;and Mr.Gordon D.Fonstad,P.Eng.,Head,River Studies Section,Technical Services Division,Alberta Environment I~ra ENVIRONMENT Water Resources Management Services Technical Service!.Division Floor,Oxbridge Place,9820 -106 Street.Edmonton,Alberta,Canada T5K 2J6 Telex 037-2006 TWX 610-831-2636 November 19,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois U.S.A. 60606 Dear Dr.Louie, / Office of the Director - ..... Your 1etter of October 16,1984 addressed to Dr.D.C.Surrendi, Assistant Deputy Minister,Fish and Wildlife,Alberta Energy and Natural Resources regarding ice control engineering,was forwarded to Mr.P.G.Melnychuk,Assistant Deputy Minister,Water Resources Management Services,Al bert a Environment.I understand that Mr.R.L. Stone of the Environmental Assessment Division,Environmental Protect i on Serv ices,has already rep 1i ed to a simi 1ar 1etter.Mr. Stone1s reply will have included information from the River Engineering Branch of the Technical Services Division,and contains the most up-to-date information in this Department. We would be keenly interested in the result of the extensive survey which you are presently undertaking.Will this information be made available to interested agencies? Yours truly,r-, f)I /V-L ,-,.k ..1~··~Aj .Q.t2/"t,/L-t;--"f5-.__ R.K.Deeprose,P.Eng. DIRECTOR cc:P.G.Melnychuk R.L.Stone D.C ..Surrendi December 5,1984 Our Reference: File Number 42040 010-6.0 - - Harza Engineering Co. 150 South HCleker Drive Chicago,III ino is USA 60606 Attention:Mr.David S.Louie Dear Sir: In response to your enquiry dated October 16,1984,I regret that we do not have any expertise within our organisation relevant to large reservoir operation since all our generation is by thermal means. You may wish to contact Dr.John Rai1ton,Manager of Environmental Planning, TransAlta Utilities Corporation,Box 1900,Calgary,Alberta,T2P 2Ml for infor- mation on this s.ubject since TransAlta operates several hydro reservoirs.You may also wish to contact B.C.Hydro in Vancouver,British Columbia,who are virtually all hydro powered.You may also wish to contact Quebec Hydro whose experiences in this connection you will no doubt have recently heard about. Regarding sediment levels in waters flowing from hydro reservoirs,neither the Alberta nor Canadian Federal Governments have definitive levels and rely on motherhood clauses based on possible impacts.Water quality from mine drainage settling impoundments are required to meet a 50 mg/l or 10 mg/l above natural background (whichever ii]the grt::at~r )requirement for suspended solids in both Alberta and British Columbia. Yours truly, ;'/ /' /"\ L:M.Johnston,P.Eng., Environmental Manager LMJ/pr ,I ,ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS A fewmonthli ago,we sent to your office a letter soliciting information on the environmental impact cause by various ice conditions on reservoir and river.Also'information on the operating procedures,if.any,taken to control ()r minimize any adverse impact.For your convenient reference,~l copy of the letter is enclosed. .- - //U/ Prof.R.GerardJ\Chai~a," Department of C~Y ,ineering University of A~rta Edmonton,Alb~a T6G 2G7 Gentlemen: January 16,1985 - ..... I .I Presently,lIe are still in the process of tabulating comments offered by various org~lnizations contacted.We look forward to including your appraisal of the impact of ice control engineering on the environment in order that the final analysis will cover a broad range of knowledgeable participantI".' Anticipatini~your reply,we appreciate your contribution in this effort • .•Louie Hydraulic Engineer Enclosure DSL/mmg 2. - - - n-ansAlta Utilities Corporation 110 -12th ,4venue S•.-Y.,Box 1900,Calgary,Alberta T2P 2M1 Telephone:{403}267-7110 19th February,1985. HARZA Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois, 60606-4176, U.S.A. Attention:David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Dear Si r', Re:Ice Control -Hydro electric Plants Your letter January 15,1985 We offer-the following comments on the points raised in your letter: 1.RE:CONTROL OF ICE LEVELS IN RIVERS DOWNSTREAM OF OUR DAMS.We do monitor ice levels at certain points and adjust plant operations to a degree to try to maintain ice/water levels below critical elevations.This is particularly true at our Bighorn operation on the!North Saskatchewan River where problems ad se as the ice pack is building past sensitive reaches of the river downstream of our development.The adjustments to plant operations are to the total daily flowby and the variation of the flow during the day. RE::FORMATION OF ICE ON RESERVOIR BANKS.Not a problem for us, therefore no procedures in this regard. 3.RE:RESERVOIR FLUCTUATION MANAGEMENT.Not a problem for us, therefore no procedures in this regard. - - 4.RE:BANK EROSION.Gradual ice erosion rather than break-up occurs so this is not a problem either. Please advise if you have any questions on these comments -tel:(403) 267-3614·. Yours tr'uly, R.W.Way,P.Eng. IVlanager,Generati on Schedul ing. RWW/bp/2:a .8 Serving Albertans Since 1911 .....i" Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment File:0322380-F November 8,1984 Water Management Branch Parliament BUildings Victoria British Columbia vav 1X5 Dr.David S.Louie, Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, CHICAGO,Illinois 60606, u.s.A. Dear Dr.Louie: Re:state-of-the-art in ice control. Thank you for your letter of October 16,1984 addressed to Mr.A.Murray,Assistant Deputy Minister. This Ministry has been involved in developing procedures to reduce ice flooding at the Town of Peace River (located on the Peace River in Alberta).B.C.Hydro operates two dams,the W.A.C.Bennett Dam and Peace Canyon Dam,at upstream locations.Operations of these two dams are being studied to minimize ice formation/ice break-up flood damage. Two other agencies working on this project are B.C.Hydro and Ministry of Environment,Alberta. I understand that B.C.Hydro has already responded to your inquiry giving details of this project activity. Your~very truly,/;---' .---..,/~i '\l.i·"i ~. -H.M.Hunt,Head, Power &Special Projects. c.c.Mr.A.Murray Mr.P.M.Brady i ~ - For Personal Contact JJiaj------- Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois, 60606,U.S.A. Attention:Dr.David S.Louie. Dear Sirs: @BC.Hydro Box 12121 .555 West Hastings Street VancouverB.C.V6B4T6 Cable Addres>"Interpow" Telex ()4..54456 9 November 1984 Your letter of 16 October asked for information on four topics related to reservoir fce problems.B.C.Hydro experience is outlined on the attached information sheet (listed in same order as your topics).You may also be interested in Report G138 "Behaviour of Ice Covers Subject to Large Daily Flow and Level Fluctuations"by the Canadian Electrical Association.We would appreciate receiving a copy of the results of your search and survey. Yours very truly, d , '.•/:-OJ Attachment -'0 \W.M.Walker, Vice-President and Chief Engineer. ~- For per.;ona!ConL3d. Harza Engineering Company,' 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois, 60606,U.S.A. Attention:Dr.David S.Louie. Dear Si rs: Iff ®BCHydro ~'..=-_-=::~~:'~:.:y '_::,,,q 7 Box 12121·555 W~J;I~~_~:,;.l .j 2-/~.l?'£__ VancouverB.C.V$,4T9 ~,.' ~.",~..~_.~:.;~-----CabJeAddrcss"lntdW~'~;-"0'rjb'~;h _ Telcx~.54456 ·u~':fl":J~;~~.3.~~:+~r:.~~~"c: 9 November 1984 Your letter of 16 October asked for information on four topics related to reservoir ice problems.B.C.Hydro experience is outlined on the attached information sheet (listed in same order as your topics).You may also be interested in Report 6138 "Behaviour of Ice Covers Subject to Large Daily Flow and Level Fluctuations"by the Canadian E"lectrical Association.We would appreciate receiving a copy of the results of your search and survey. '\ .-. Yours very truly, ORIGINAL StGl'lED BY A DWYER!'" ~'I\..W.M.Walker, ~wVice-President and Chief Engineer. .AD/ja.\ Attachment bee:Mr.F.J.Patterson,Attn:G.Salmon Mr.J.e.Stevens,Attn:H.M.Etter Mr.W.M.Philip Z,.No v.19 ~Y. ~~,'Le..-1 BCHPA HE Goo Proj.0;.... In Sequ.10 In~Ditt, I NI ~'/'1-y. .::2 i,J'c ~t{.(I,, ~;/).--,P12 /4 1-t.r71 (lAo.It; ~/r v/"-:cJ'A U,. If.."'}))-?/?':"'~"~"(i I -\-. ,?~rl1J"""l13fit ""tion /'!'I Fnlt i L~Copie-s To .l~;~~;:r:{.J-mJ,. ,...)14xiC'Y' I "'... 1. '+/ ICE CONTROL ENGINEERING INFORMATION REQUESTED BY HARIA ENGINEERING .Procedures and Operating Policies Used in the Control of Ice Levels At present,winter operation procedures for the control of ice/water levels are required only on the Peace River downstream of B.C. Hydro's two hydroelectric developments:Portage Mountain and Peace Canyon.The upstream Portage Mountain project consists of the W.A.C.Bennett Dam,Williston Lake reservoir and G.M.Shrum gener'ati ng station.The insta 11 ed generation capacity is 2416 MW. At normal fun pool level (el.672 m)the reservoir surfage jrea is 1740 sq.km and the live storage is approximately 24 x 10 m with a drawdown of 17 m.Flow releases from the Portage Mountain project discharge into the Peace Canyon reservoir.The installed generation capac:ity at Peace Canyon is 700 MW,and the reservoir surface area is 94,sq.km.Drawdown of the Peace Canyon reservoir is usually less than 2 m to provide pondage for the daily or weekly re- regulation of releases from Portage Mountain. No special winter operation procedures for either the Portage Mountain or the Peace Canyon reservoirs have been required for ice conty'ol upstream of the dams.However,downstream of the Peace Canyon project high river stages during the winter have been experienced and are the cause of concern at flood prone areas.Two areas where the winter flood hazard is of particular concern are at the Town of Peace River,Alberta,approximately 370 km downstream of Peace Canyon,and just upstream of Taylor,B.C.approximately 100 km downstream of Peace Canyon.As a result,a joint B.C.-Alberta Peace River Ice Task Force was formed in 1975 to monitor ice conditions and to recommend and co-ordinate operating procedures to minimize the flood hazard. Winter operating procedures for Peace River projects,in general, emphasize power operation over ice-control,especially during December-February when the energy demand is relatively great. Nevertheless,we have been,in the past,able to provide an adequate degrE:e of ice-related flood control,at critical times.During freeze-up,when the ice front is progressing upstream through the river reach at the Town of Peace River,relatively high,relatively constant turbine discharges at Peace Canyon are maintained,subject to limitations imposed on B.C.Hydro's integrated system by energy , demands,are maintained.Because of the distance downstream from the Peace Canyon project (approximately 2 days flow travel time) hourly load/discharge fluctuations are almost completely attenuated at Town of Peace River,but daily average turbine flows are kept as constant as possible to reduce ice shoves at the leading edge of the ice cover and thereby minimize stage increase and backwater associated --~---------,- - ..... ..... tfJ! - 2 - with ice cover fonllation.Relatively constant discharges are maintained from the time backwater from the advancing ice cover affects river stage at Town of Peace River,until the ice front moves upstream of the area of concern.Depending on the river discharge and the severity of the weather,the time required for an ice cover to form on the 50 km long reach could vary from a few days to 2 or 3 weeks. During this period it is important that discharges remain relatively high so the ice cover is formed at a high enough stage and of sufficient thickness and strength to allow full flexibility of turbine discharge throughout the winter.Discharges should not exceed the formation discharge until the ice cover has had a chance to strengthen as a result of thermal penetration and consolidation of the ice blocks forming the initial cover. The same procedure is adopted if the ice front approaches the upstream flood hazard area near Taylor.Usually,the maximum upstream advance of the ice front is downstream of Taylor,and only during severe winters is the open water reach downstream of Peace Canyon less than 100 km in length.If the ice front does reach Taylor,the hourly discharge fluctuations are not completely attenuated at this point on the river,and turbine operation may be varied to moderate shoving and stage increase at the leading edge of the ice cover. Prior to break-up at the Town of Peace River,turbine discharges are maintained relatively high to erode and weaken the ice as much as possible.Ideally,break-up of the Peace River ice at Town of Peace River should occur before break-up of the Smoky River,a major tribl1tarywhich joins the Peace River just upstream of the town. However,the time and rate of break-up depend primarily on prevailing weather conditions and spring freshet flood peaks from downstream tributaries,and cannot be controlled by increased turbine discharges. When break-up of the Smoky River appears imminent,turbine releases at Peace Canyon (as permitted by system energy demands)are reduced to maintain peak river discharges downstream of the Smoky/Peace River confluence below flood hazard levels. 2/3 Environmental Impact on Terrestrial Animals/Method of Reservoir Fluctuation Management B.C.Hydro presently takes no specific actions on its reservoirs to alter the state of the ice cover for wildlife safety reasons. Sporadic cases of deer drowning within ice-covered drawdown zones occur but we have no quantitative information on them.Routes for migratory species such as caribou do not cross any of B.C.Hydro·s existing reservoirs. ..... ..... .- - 3 - 4.Problems of Bank Erosion The existing practice in B.C.is to enhance and manage fisheries in reservoirs which have suitable basic characteristics and minimal fluctuation in water levels,e.g.run-of-river reservoirs such as Peace Canyon.Both B.C.Hydro and the resource agencies accept that reservoirs with erodible banks,large draw-down zones and high sediment levels have limitations for fishery management. AD/ja 41 ~£OO~&o@lID&®@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Anchorage !lOCATION Apri 1 23,1985 DATE TO ~UBJECT Files R.Fairbanks ~~ Susitna Hydroelectric Project Meeting with Richard Bonar Regarding the Revelstoke,B.C.Hydro Project NUMBER _ Page 1 of 5 - During my attendance at the 21st North American Moose Conference in Jackson,Wyoming I met Richard L.Bonar of Revelstoke,British Columbia. Richard,who was a former employee of B.C.Hydro and Power Authority, presently is a biologist for the Wildlife Branch of the B.C.Ministry of Environment.He has conducted impact assessment studies on moose ,black bear,and other species relative to the Reve lstoke Dam on the Columbia River for about eight years.On April 18,1985 I met with Richard and we discussed hili!observations and data that were relevant to the Susitna Project.Bill Steigers of LGL,who also participated in this meeting, tape-recorded most of it.A summary of our discussion is provided·be10w. Also providedl is Richard's address and phone number and the phone number of Keith Simpson,who was and still is the principal investigator for caribou and grizzly bear on the Reve1stoke Project. Addresses/Phone Numbers Richard L.Bonar Box 2624 Revelstoke,B.C.VOE 250 (604)837-3285 in Reve 1stoke on week"ends (604)374-9717 in Kamloops during the week Keith Simpson Reve1stoke,B.C. (604)837-3723 Summary of Meeting RevelstokeProject and Study Area (partially from Bonar 1983) B.C.Hydro began construction of the Revelstoke Project in southeastern B.C.in 1977.The 25 mi 2 reservoir is about 85 mi.in length and stretches between two other Columbia River reservoirs including the very large Mica Reservoir at the upstream end.Reservoir clearing took place 424911/4 I IGD&OO~&.o~®&®©@ SUSIT~~JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM -LOCATION TO Anchorage Files DATE NUMBER April 23,1985 Reservoir Clearing Clearing took place over a 6-7 year period.First,commercial harvest took place and then the remaining vegetat ion was cleared.Essentially all vegetation was removed including shrubs and herbs.Vegetation was piled and burned or buried.Some tracts of vegetation that would be well-submerged after filling were not totally cleared.Also,about a dozen tracts of high quality habitats.from a few to several hundred acres in size,were reserved from clearing until just prior to impoundment.Clearing had no measurable effect on the moose popu lat ion largely because animals still utilized cleared areas,that rapidly regenerated browse,and the reserved tracts.Moose did not appear to be significantly disturbed by the clearing operation either.Radio-collared moose were often located wtihin a few hundred yards of clearing operations.Debris did not become a problem after filling because of the degree of clE!aring and the efforts B.C.Hydro went to after filling to clean-up floating debris with booms and boom boats with metal rakes, which were used to clean up stranded debris. Page 2 of 5R.Fairbanks Susitna Hydroelectric Project Meeting with Richard Bonar Regarding the Revelstoke,B.C.Hydro Project .,r t,;..1 r 0·.-&-~ I w""""U"'-"('J~O 30 M~~~ between 1977 and 1983 and filling was completed 10 fall 1983.Water level fluctuations are slight because the project is operated as a run- of-the-river project (max.fluctuation equals 15 ft.).The reservoir is in mountainous terrain and is generally steep-sided.Terraces.alluvia 1 fans.and riparian floodplains were present within the mainstem valley and larger tributaries.and represented the only areas of shallow slope. Annual snowfall is heavy with snow depths on moose winter range usually exceeding 40 in.and occasionally surpassing 75 in for short periods • Snow often develops a hard crust (since winter temperatures can vary widely)sufficient to support a moose.The average January temperature at Revelstoke at the downstream end of the reservoir is 21.4°F while at Mica Creek at the upstream end the average is 13.3 of.Most of the area is covered by mature coniferous forests with seral stages present on extensive logged and burned areas as well as avalanche paths and along wat~rcourses in riparian associations.The moose population in the study area was about 250-300 animals with about two-thirds of those utilizing the impoundment zone during winter prior to impoundment. FROM i Sl:JBJECT ..... 424911/4 ~&OO~&CI ~OO&®©©SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM i i i LOCATION , iTo r iFROM ! ~UBJECT ! Anchorage Files R.Fairbanks Susitna Hydroelectric Project Meeting with Richard Bonar Regarding the Revel stoke ,B.C.Hydro Project DATE NUMBER Apri 1 23,1985 Page 3 of 5 - .... Open Water in Winter Richard noted that moose showed no reluctance to cross the river in winter,prior to inundation,even though Mica Dam produced 4°C water all winter and kept the river open downstream.He noted that they crossed the open reservoir readily when it was cold,also.He said temperatures ranged down to -20°F in winter and even at these temperatures they would readily cross the river which had a winter flow of 25-30,000 cfs. Richard thought that aside from possible habitat changes resulting from f low regulation,open water in winter downstream from a dam would not be detrimental to moose.He said that in his study area when snows get very deep,moose will often concentrate along the river or reservoir shoreline which is often snow-free due to slight water level fluctuations,and will. use this zone as a travel corridor,browsing on adjacent vegetation,and staying there for several days or·more unti 1 travel becomes easier ·in adjacent forests.Richard also noted that open water in winter caused by upstream impoundment may increase river otter densities.Although he had no baseline data prior to filling Mica Dam,he felt that river otter densities were unusually high in the stretch downstream of the Dam because of the open water in winter. Ice-related Problems Richard said the reservoir often develops a complete ice cover in winter but that open water and partial ice covers occur as well,depending on the quite variable air temperature.Maximum ice thickness is about 1 ft. He said that moose readily and easily cross the reservoir on ice when it is stable and generally avoid crossing when it is not.Often the reservoir is mostly ice-covered except for along the shoreline.Moose avoid crossing at that time unless they can find an ice-bridge to the floating ice.As noted above,they also cross when the reservoir is mostly ice-free and they must swim.Richard noted that he has observed signs of about 20 instances where a moose had ventured onto the ice and fallen through,in the two winters since the reservoir was fi lled.He felt that these 20 instances represented the majority of these cases.He noted that only 2 mortalities occurred out of these 20 cases,and one was associated with the moose getting tangled in debris after breaking through.He said that,in most cases,as long as ice is strong enough, 424911/4 ----------------------_.---.:>+>-"'--=--------------------- Q{l&OO~&C1~OO&®@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM i i li-OCATION i i to ~ROM Anchorage Files R.Fairbanks DATE NUMBER April 23,1985 Page 4 of 5 r -i Susitna Hydroelectric Project $u BJECT ---'lin>.1i"F'~"-'~FW-"''''''!'nI"'i'''i't-'lt..............-lt'z:n7."...,..-rH-TnrMeetingwithRichardBonarRegarditlg the Revelstoke,B.C.Hydro Project the moose can climb back out of the water onto the ice after he has broken through,even without any solid footing under the water.He s~id he's watched them do it and it's a slow process,but they manage./He stated that more deer mortalities have been noted (about 10 or so?f but that deer tend to venture out into thinner ice than moose and when th~y break through they cart't get back out because the ice is too thin •He noted that the woodland caribou in the area readily cross the reservoir during the winter,when ice conditions permit,in groups of 1 to 20 animals.He said that no ice-related caribou m.ortalit ies have been noted.Richard noted that the fractured ice which settles in the large drawdown zone (on the order of 100 ft.)of the Mica Reservoir presents no problems,that he is aware of,to moose or other ungulates.The surface of the ice is generally rough and the cracks and fissures do not seem to cause these critters any problems.He also noted that he is not aware of any problems related to snowdrifting resulting from winds blowing snow along or fr~n impoundm.ent zone ice. Summer Reservoir-Crossings Moose,bear (both species),and caribou readily cross the reservoir in summer.Moose _crossings were noted in areas where the reservoir 1S anywhere from 300 yds.to 1 mi.wide.Although these species readily cross the reservoir,their crossing frequency appears to be less than prior to reservoir fillings.This is particularly the case for the bears.No problems have been noted relative to ungulates and mud-flats (although most soil materials in the area are course).Erosion and sluffing of areas along the steep-sided reservoir are common. Population-level Effects Two winters after reservoir filling,population-level effects have not been noted for moose or other large ma1lllDals.The 1983-84 winter was relatively mild and the 1984-85 winter was a little more severe than normal.Ri.chard is somewhat puzzled that moose numbers have not yet declined.In addition,he has not seen a reduction in cow:calf ratios or any prob lems related to bu 11:cow ratios.He st'i 11 expects to see a population-level effect,but wonders why it has not yet occurred. 424911/4 OOL~,[~~£Q§®£®©@ SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM - iLOCATION , ITO I !FROM SUBJECT Anchorage Files R.Fairbanks Susitna Hydroelectric Project Meeting with Richard Bouar Regarding the Reve1stoke,B.C.Hydro Project DATE NUMBER April 23,1985 Page 5 of 5 .- .- .- .- -- Miscellaneous Richard noted that beavers seem to have increased along the shoreline since inundation,but he's not sure how long that will last.He also noted that transmission line corridors in the area are relatively heavily used by moose for foraging as are clearcuts.He noted that aside from the paper he presented at the 19th North American Moose Conference,no reports have been published in the last several years on his studies.He did note,however,that Keith Simpson had a few draft reports prepared on caribou and brown bear and that Simpson gave a paper at a Caribou Conference in Montreal last year regarding his studies. cc:J.Thrall,HE C.Elliott,HE R.Lindsay,HE G.Gemperline,HE M.Bruin,HE R.Densmore,HE J.Durst,HE P.Ames,HE R.Bonar,B.C.Ministry of Env ironment J Wildlife Branch w.Steigers,LGL R•Sener,LGL 424911/4 Manitoba Environment and Workplace safety and Health Environmental Management P.O.Box 7 Building 2 139 Tuxedo Avenue Winnipeg,Manitoba,CANADA R3N OH6 November 13,1984 .... ..- - - Mr.David S.Louie, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Harza Engineering Company, Consulting Engineers, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois, U.S.A.60606 Dear Mr.Louie: In response to your letter of October 16,1984,I can advise that this Department does not have experiences with ice control engineering. You may,however,wish to contact the following persons who may have information they can share with you: (1)Mr.Lynn Poyser, Manager, Environmental Services Department, Corporate Planning, Manitoba Hydro, 820 Taylor Avenue, WINNIPEG,Manitoba. R3M 3Tl 2.Gene Bossenmaier, Director,Resource Allocation, Department of Natural Resources, Room 200, 1495 St.James Street, WINNIPEG,Manitoba. R3C OV8 I am also providing you with a copy of this Department's Water Quali ty Objectives which should answer your questions regarding permissible levels of turbidity etcetera. ~~.,---_.---_... l"~··Ll(J"~_/'~'0C ~ ,Carl Orcutt,Director', Environmental Control Services. CBO*ccb Attachment. cc:Norm Brandson,Director, Environmental Management Services. .- - - - MANIT~BA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Water Resources Branch 1577 Dublin Avenue Winnipeg,Manitoba R3E 335 November 27,1984 File:10.5.1 91.2 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wicker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: We are one of the agencies that your letter of October 16,1984 to the Manitoba Department of Energy and Mines has been referred to for attention. We have no information to offer on items 3 and 4 of your letter. We expect that other agencies of our department,which have also received a 'copy of your letter,might be able to provide you with that information. This Branch operates three major flood control works;two of them have a reservoir.The reservoirs are operated for flood control during the spring and for water supply and recreation during the other seasons. Portage Reservoir and Diversion: When not needed for flood control,the Portage Reservoir is main- tained near its full supply elevation of 869 feet.In October,the reservoir is drawn down to its winter level of about 853 feet.This takes about three weeks.The changes in water levels during the winter are very minimal and therefore the ice cover is quite stable. We are not aware of any problems with terrestrial animals. During the spring break up period,the flows downstream in the river are controlled between 2500 and 5000 cfs.If the inflow exceeds these figures,the remainder is put into storage or is diverted out of the reservoir into Lake Manitoba via the Portage Diversion.A flow of 5000 cfs before ice in the channel has cleared out can result in ice jams.Thus to prevent ice jams which could cause overbank flows to occur flows through the spill- way control structure are limited to 5000 c.f.s.Under open water conditions,the minimum channel capacity of the river in this reach is about 10,000 c.f.s. • • • • 2 Dr.David S.Louie She11mouth Reservoir: 2 - During the summer,the reservoir is operated to maintain a level of between 1400.0 to 1402.5 feet.From October to April,the reservoir is gradually drawn down to elevation 1391±3 feet de- pending on the estimated inflow during the spring period.The ice cover is stable ,and we are not aware of any problems with terrestrial animals. During the runoff period in the spring,most of the inflow goes into storage.The release downstream in the case of ordinary floods is not great enough to cause ice jams or flood problems. However,if and when the reservoir rises above the spillway crest discharges from the reservoir exceed the channel capacity down- stream,the extent of which will depend on the magnitude of the flood. Red River F1oodway: The RedRiverF100dway is an excavated channel which diverts flood waters of the Red River around the City of Winnipeg.At the point of diversion the river bed elevation is about 728 feet.The F100dway Inlet elevation is 750 feet.The amount of water to be diverted is controlled by the Inlet Control Structure located in the river down- stream of the F100dway Inlet.During the break up period,the water level in the river is a11ow~d to rise naturally to elevation 750 feet.At this point,if the ice is moving in the river then the water level is raised to at least elevation 751 feet.This is to prevent erosion at the entrance of the F100dway Inlet.However, if the ice in the river is stationary,we would delay raising the water level upstream of the Inlet Control Structure until the ice begins to move freely in the river.The objective here is to pre- vent ice flowing into the F100dway which could form ice jams at bridges across the F100dway and thus reduce the carrying capacity of the F1oodway.Our experience to date has shown that as long as the ice is moving in the river it will not flow into the F1oodway. In addition to the above works,we also operate numerous in channel water supply dams.During freeze up,we increase the outflow from all water supply dams until a solid ice cover forms in the river.Then the outflow is reduced as required.This action permits the water to flow freely under the ice cover.Increasing outflows beyond the original release rate at freeze-up tends to lift the ice cover which causes ice build up resulting in increased backwater over the rest of the winter and ice jams during break up. I trust that the above information will be of some assistance to you.I am also enclosing a brochure entitled "Flood Control"which describes our flood control works. Yours truly c.c.T.E.Weber N.Mudry,P.Eng. Chief of Water Management Fnc-1QB1'l:2 -------,---------, - '2/ 47.... MANITOBA HYDRO ElOX SIS·WINNIPEG,MANITOElA R3C 2.P4 February 12,1985 Harza Engineering Company Consulting Engineers 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 Attention:Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Dear Sir: This will reply to your letters of October 16,1984 to Engineers in Manitoba Hydro requesting information on the State-of-the-Art in ice engineering which affects the environment. 1.Each of our plants has associated with it a unique set of restrictions or operating policies.These restrictions are usually established by licence constraints which restrict such things as range of fluctuation,maximum draw down,maximum rate of discharge,etc.These are usually established out of concern for the environment,but also with recognition of a preferred mode of operation for power production purposes.In one instance these restrictions are related to the formation of slush ice on a lake immediately downstream which is travelled in winter by local inhabitants. We attempt to mitigate the effects of flooding during the initial creation of reservoirs and compensate for damage when this occurs. 2.We have no regulation constraints established particularly for the protection of terrestrial animals.Furthermore,we are unaware of any significant impact that has occurred as the result of -reservoir or river flow fluctuations.Most reservoir banks are gradual in slope and rates of change are slow.Because losses are minimal,it is our policy to compensate for such damages if and when they are shown to have occurred. 3.We have no operating restrictions designed to control the width or pattern of crack development in reservoirs.On occasion, we utilized ice booms to accelerate the formation of ice covers where velocities are critical in the formation of natural ice covers.In one location special operative techniques (controlled velocities)are utilized during the fall freeze up period to MANITOBA HYDRO Dr.David S.Louie February 12,1985 Page 2 enhance the orderly formation of an ice cover.The prime consideration is to minimize the formation of hanging dams, etc.in order to maximize winter discharge capacity. We have no knowledge of terrestrial animals being injured or drowning due to crack patterns created by reservoir operations. 4.Bank erosion problems created by ice movement associated with development work are not considered to be particularly serious. Many of our northern rivers experience considerable erosion due to ice formation created in their natural state.Most bank erosion problems result from the inundation of new land with newly created reservoirs.In one instance this is further aggravated by the presence of permafrost which recedes,in time, after inundation. We trust this information will assist you in your search for infor- mation on ice control engineering. K.J.Fallis Executive Engineer Corporate Planning KJF/hl - THE NEW BRUNSWICK ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION LA COMMISSION O'ENERGIE ELECTRIQUE OU NOUVEAU·BRUNSWICK 1984-10-25 51!!RUE KING STREET FREDERICTON,N.B. ESB 4Xl FILE: Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 USA Dear Mr.Louie: 6-000 .... - - I have your letter of October 16 and have asked Mr.MacLoon,Assistant General Manager of Engineering and Operations to review our position and respond if we can be helpful. Yours very truly, ~~4~f~ General Manager AJO/sb cc:Frank MacLoon oom ---_._--~---------- :I EPARTIVIEI\lT OF NATURAL RESOURCES .0.Box 6000 redericton,NoB. 3B 5Hl :~i MINISTERE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES I t "/Ill \Ji&~ NEW BRUNSWICK NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK CANADA -- - ~- - FISH AND WILDLIFE BRANCH 25 October 1984 Dr.David J..Jouie Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Ill. 60606-4176 Dear Dr.Louie: At the present time,the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources is not involved in any ice control engineering activities.Our Province's Department of Environment and the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission are more liable to be involved in such studies and your request for information has been forwarded to these agencies. Sincerely, ~'"\.\\\;:,._- ":-_.J.j,J~~ ;0 n Gilbert Fish Habitat Biologist fmem ..... - ~-~::, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES Dr.David S.Louie H~rza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606, U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: MINISTERE DES P£CHES November 5,1984 "... - - Reference is made to your letter dated October 16,1984 in which you are.seeking information on iCSCdhttolsngf~S~rirtg WhiCh affStts theSnviron- ment to contribute to your literature search on the SLiDJect. We regret to inform you that New Brunswick Department of Fisheries is not involved in the above referred subject,therefore,no information can be forwarded to you.If you have not requested already, The National Research Council of Canada,Ottawa,Canada, K1A OR6,Telephone No.(613)993-0357,may be helpful in your literature search. Very truly yours, M.Nihat Ozerdem Director Technical Services MNO/mml -- - ,i THE NEW BRUNSWICK ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION LAC 0 M MIS S ION D'~N ERG I E ~L E C T R I QUE DUN 0 U V EA U - B RUN S W I C K 515 Ki ng Street Fredericton,N.B. E3B 4X1 1984-11-20 r.David S.Louise hief Hydraulic Engineer arza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 0606,U.S .A. ear Dr.Louise: I have been asked to respond to your letter of October 16,1984 to . ur General Manager,Mr.A.J.O'Connor regarding state-of-the-art in ice ontro1 engineering which affects the environment .. I will try to answer each of your points as directly as I can although in some cases they do not directly apply to N.B.Power operation f our reservoirs along the Saint John,Tobique and Saint Croix Rivers. - 1.The three major hydro developments in our system are located 011 the main stem of.the Saint John River.Storage capacities of the head- ponds are very small and water level fluctuation in them is insignif- icant.These conditions allow for the estaBlishment of stable solid ice covers over most of the length of the headponds.However peaking operating schemes of the plants could have some effects on the formation of thei ce cover in areas immedi ate1y downstream of the tai 1 races. In order to discourage frequent breakup during the initial freeze up process,discharges from the hydro plants are held constant,whenever possible,during this period until stable ice cover is formed~ During break up season,efforts are made not to accelerate the breakup process and let the ice covers disintegrate in place whenever possible. This will normally reduce the possibility of ice jam formation in the upper end of the headponds.However,if flow and weather conditions cause the ice covers to break prematurely ice jams could form causing some flooding to the extreme low lying areas in the upper reach of the headpond. The effects of the water level at the dam on the formation and releases of ice jams in these areas had been studied by "Acres Consulting Services Ltd.",of Niagara Falls,using the "ICESIM"mathematical model.Results of these studies has been used to formulate our operation strategy when an ice jam is formed in the headpond.For further information about the .'13 0a (\J r784-984 I~ - - 2 - ltICESIWmodel you may contact Mr.S.T.Lavender of Acres;telephone No.(416)-354-3831. Analysis of ice and flow records show that the construction and the operation of our reservoirs system on the Saint John River has resulted in significant reduction in ice related floods downstream of the hydro plants.It is of interest to note that since the construction of the Mactaquac dam in 1966,ice jams and ice related floods have been eliminated completely in the downstream reach;an area subjected to frequent ice jam flooding before the construction of the Mactaquac development, We have generally very small reservoir draw down in all of our reservoirs and most of them are in areas where wild animals do not seem to travel, therefore we have no known problems with animal injuries or drowning as a result of draw down. Similar to #2 above we have no known problems with animals falling in cracks or openings along our reservoirs. We have some bank erosion along our reservoirs,however,sediment in our reservoirs and river downstream is not identified as a problem. There is no known permissible degree of turbidity in the Saint John, Tobique or Saint Croix River systems. I trust this information will assist you and if you are in the area at reeze up or break up time any year,we would be happy to.give you a tour,and et you see our reports that are prepared by our field observers each year. Yours sincerely, THE NEW BRUNSWICK ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION /)/./h/J/;• y1 _.~';/.,,r'......... U'./;":"--//i .//Gl'en McCrea ~Assistant Manager Plant Operations (Hydro) M/sja -ENVIRONMENT NEW BRUNSWICK ENVIRONNEMENT NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK November 23,1984 - .... - ,jiWiW, Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Ave. Chicago,Illinois U.S.A.,60606-4176 Dear Mr.Louie RE:ICE COVER REGULATION IN RESERVOIRS In your letters of October 16th to: Mr.H.Haswell,Director,Fish and Wildlife,Department of Natural Resources; Mr.G.N.Hill,Coordinator of Information,Department of the Environment; you requested information on procedures and operating policies used in the control of ice levels in rivers downstream and upstream of hydroelectric power plants. You were interested in how ice cover changes,due to reservoir regulation,affects terrestial animals and aquatic life. I regret to inform you that neither of the above departments has any policies or regulations with respect to the environmental management of ice cover growth and formation in reservoirs. The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission (NBEPC) operates several hydroelectric power dams in the Saint John River Basin.You may wish to write to the NBEPC CAS ER POSTAL I P.O.BOX 6000,FREDERICTON,N.B.,CANADA E3B 5H1.TELEX:014·46230_____J ~~ 1784-1984 .- - - Page 2 for information on their policies regarding reservoir regulation.A possible contact person is Dr.Sayed Ismail whose address is as follows: Dr.Sayed Ismail Systems Planning Division New Brunswick Electric Power Commission P.O.Box 2000 Fredericton,NB E3B 4Xl Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Yours truly Brian C.Burrell Surface Water Section Water Resources Branch BCB/dcp i~ - GOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE,RECREATION AND YOUTH Wi I dl ife Division Bui I ding 810,Pleasantvi [Ie P.O.Box 4750 AIC 5T7 1984 I I 06 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,I I I inois USA 60606 Dea r Dr.Lou i e : 43 ST.JOHN'S ~' I am afraid that we have no information to offer concerning, teo control and the environment.We certainly.have had concerns in this area,especially with hydroelectric develop- ments in sensitive wildlife areas.In this regard [would suggest you contact Mr.David Kei II,Manager,Environmental Services,Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro,Prince Phi I ip Building,Elizabeth Avenue,St.John's,Newfoundland. Another good contact might be John Greer,Emergency Measures Organization,St.John's,Newfoundland.Finally,Hugh Sain, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,White Hi lis,St.John's, Newfoundl and.I hope these resource people wi II be of assistance to you. All the best, JB:jc DIVI IONS -Cultural Affairs •Historic Resources •Parks •Wildlife •Community Recreation;Sport &Fitness •Youth Services =~ ,.- .- .... ..... Deer Lake Power Company Limited P.o.Box 2000 Deer Lake.Newfoundland AUK 2EO Canada January 29,1985 File D 1-1-1 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: We hereby acknowledge your inquiry re ice control engineering which affects the environment.I must advise you that we have nothing to offer which would provide meaningful input to your study. Please note that our company has recently changed ownership and is now operating as the Deer Lake Power Company Limited. Yours truly, DEER LAKE POWER COMPANY LIMITED \1\t\'k:,,.;\J\.---2!.VS .¥Stratton Chief Engineer CSS/rw roeh>ghnne 17091 §~5-?125_":U!i'l!Jilel.ll.¥-'Q1.11.a,6-.4<~4U1.2:?1L-•_ I have been asked to reply to your request for information on the environ- mental impact of various ice conditions on reservoirs and rivers.My com- ments follow the same order as the questions posed in your letter. FILE:2-00-0 There have be no reports of injuries or mortalities of large mammals in Newfoundland resulting from ice conditions on reservoirs.This hazard is not considered in Hydro1s reservoir management program. Same as (2) There are no regulations or guidelines in Newfoundland which stipulate a permissible degree of turbidity for aquatic fauna. There are water quality regulations governing the levels of suspended solids (30 ppm above ambient)and total dissolved solids (1000 ppm)in water for human use. 1.The only ice condition that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro)attempts to control is the formation of frazil ice on trashracks.The formation of frazil ice is prevented by maintaining an ice cover on the power canal •Wind speed, air and water temperatures and head loss across the trash- racks are monitored,and if frazil ice formation begins, water velocity in the power canal is reduced by shifting the load from the affected unit.Reducing water velocity facilitates formation of an ice cover. Head Office:5t John··s.Newfoundland A1A 2)(8 •Telephone (709)737-1400 •Telex.016-4503 NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR HYDRO Dear Or.Louie: February 14,1985 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacher Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 HY1)RO 2. ,... 3. ""'" 4. ~ - If you should have any questions regarding my comments,please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, D.J.Kiell,Manager Environmental Services DJK/l b ------------------------------- l\Jova Scotia ~~"......,'V~ Department of the Environment 320-1 PO Box 2107 Halifax,Nova Scotia B3J 387 October 31,1984 "..,. Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company Consulting Engineer 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 Re:ICE EFFECTS CONTROL ENGINEERING Dear Dr.Louie: Your letter of 16 October was referred to me since I am involved with flood damage in this Province.Your specific questions are not answered very precisely for reasons that will be apparent. In Nova Scotia we have very few rivers that would pose a drowning threat to large mammals.Most of our rivers can be waded by a man by choosing a site within a mile of where he finds himself.These shallow rivers do not form smooth continuous ice covers such as you seem to have in mind.We do have several hydroelectric power reservoirs,but these are modified lakes, not drowned river valleys.Water levels are not regulated with effects on wildlife in mind,but only with the intent of maximum economic benefit from the power generation,or adequate water supplies for the users. In response to your questions: 1.No attempts,that I know of,have been made to control ice levels to affect ice jamming or flooding.Reservoirs generally do not discharge ice and this,to some degree,reduces ice jams downstream. 2.No procedures,that we know of,have been taken to protect large animals from ice hazards.The hazards are not perceived to be significant. 3.No procedures are used to control cracks in reservoir ice that might be a hazard to animals. 4.There is considerable bank erosion,due in part to ice movement and freezing and thawing.It is a concern to landowners,and a lesser concern to fisheries managers,in the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.The principal concern by Fisheries with turbidity is the blanketing effect of silt on spawning beds.Erosion of stream banks is controlled to some extent by placement of large quarried rocks or boulders,on stream banks.Proposals to bulldoze gravel bars out of mid stream in rivers are viewed with disfavour by Fisheries and Environment departments staff.Removal of such bars is seen by others as an answer to ice jam problems,since the bars apparently initiate ice jams. . . ./2 Dr.David S.Louie 2 October 31,1984 .... _. ,..... _. A call to Mr.Don Cox,of Canada Fisheries and Oceans, P.O.Box 550,Halifax,N.S.,B3J 2S7,indicates they consider turbidity above 10 mg/L may be detrimental.Effluents regulations for the mining industry specify not more than 25 mg/L in effluent.Hatchery experience indicates 15 mg/L causes some mortality among small fry.You could contact Mr.Cox or his colleague Mr.David Morantz for further discussion on turbidity effects on salmon and trout. A brief conversation with the Manager,Wildlife Resources in Nova Scoti a Lands and Forests Department,Mr.Arthur Patton,fa il ed to eli ci t concern about the effects of ice on wildlife,or atleast any concern about reservoir management and its effects on large animals.You might wish to contact Mr. Patton or his supervisor,Merril Prime at P.O.Box 516,Kentville,N.S., B4N 3X3. To summarize then,it appears we do not have any practices in reservoir operation that are affected by environmental protection concerns. Even this rather negative response may be of some help to you in your project I suppose. HTD/rg c.c ..Don Cox Art Patton R.Hand C.L.Li 1f1,P.Eng. ova scotia p~wer corporation _. 1984.11.12 HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY, 150 South Wacker Dr., Chicago,Illinois 60606,U.S.A. Attention:Mr.David S.Louie Gentlemen: I acknowledge your letter of 1984.10.16 forwarded to Mr.L.R.Comeau, President &Chief Executive Officer regarding a request .for information on the state-of-the-art in ice control engineering which affects the environment. The Nova Scotia Power Corporation does not have a written operating policy for the control of ice levels in rivers where Hydro installations exist.The problem has never been a serious one due mainly to the fact that we have a maritime climate greatly affected by the close proximity of the North Atlantic.Ice covers in moving water such as canals and forebays have caused us very little problem.Anchor ice from spring backup does retard flow to one of our installations but a bypass sluice permits us to dispose of this ice in qUick fashion. Probably of more concern in Nova Scotia is a phenomenon which occurs when turbulant waters reach the freezing point,millions of ice needles form which are referred to as Frazi1 Ice.This ice has on occassin plugged intakes and scroll cases and has to be dislodged by maintenance crews and flushed through the turbines.It does shut several of our units down for short periods of time.To my knowledge no one has come up with a sure and fast solution to preventing it. 0095F/WAS nseau Zone,Bo.40,Port Hawke.bury BOE 2VO /Easlern Zone,Bo.1070,Stellarlon BOK 1SO I Halilax elro Zone,Box 910.Halilax B3J 2WS/Norlhern Zone,Box 70,Amherst B4H 3Y&I Syelney Metro Zone,BOll 0,Sydney B1P 6H8 /Weslern ZOlI'le,80lf 1268,Liverpool BOT 1KO /Cenlral Zone,Box 910.Halilax B3.I 2WS. >' "'- -- - ,.,., _-~-----'-- -2- Bubblers are used to a fair extent upstream of spillways to keep areas clear of thick ice which might interfere with spilling or bypassing water. I would suggest a contact with the Canadian Electric Association who presently have a research project proposal under consideration entitled "Hydro-Power Station Operations under Conditions of Supercooled water Supply Anchor Ice". A copy of the proposal is enclosed for your consideration. Water fluctations in reservoirs and headponds are the standard for operation practise and do not cause us problems. I can only recall one instance where a moose went through a thin cover of flowage ice but we managed to rescue the animal. Bank erosions has to be watched and rock rip rap repaired or replaced on occasion.This is not a serious problem nd can be classed as nonnal maintenance. I trust the enclosed comments will be of some assistance, Yours truly, L.R.Feetham, Manager, Hydro Production Department. LRF:hp C:Mr.L.R.Comeau C.L.F. Fil e 0095F/WAS ®Ministry of !,~Natural '13 Resources Ontario """" 1~84 II 02 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: Re:Ice Control Engineering This is in reply to your letter of 1984 10 16,addressed to Mr.W.T•Foster, the former Deputy Minister,in which you request information on ice control engineering which affects the environment. To our knowledge,very little information,if any,exists on the items listed in your letter.However,we are enclosing one set of the reports prepared by this Ministry which describe what we in Ontario have done in ice control.These are: I.Ice Management Manual,November 1982 (This edition is out of print and a second edition is being printed). 2.Ice Management Seminar Proceedings,January 1980,London, Ontario. -3.Proceedings of the Ice Jam Seminar,June 2,1982,Queen's Park, Toronto. - The names and affi liations of the authors or speakers listed in the Tables of Contents of the latter two reports may serve as a list of resource persons for further information.In addition,we suggest that you contact Mr •Tom Wigle,Hiver Control Engineer,Ontario Hydro,700 University Ave., Toronto,Ontario M5G IX6 for information on operating procedures for their hydro-power plants. We trust the information outlined above will be of help to you in compiling the literature on this important but little-known subject.We wish you success in your endeavours and would appreciate receiving a copy of your report when it is available. Should further information be required,please do not hesitate to contact Mr.John Ding,Head,Model Development Unit of the Conservation Authorities and Water Management Branch at (416)965-1271. Yours truly, H.•Clarke Executive Co-ordinator Lands and Waters-------------------------------.-~._--------- "'" .~ ® Ontario Ministry of Energy October 30,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 u.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: ~"'''''~~'fff!~~jl\{ Energy Ontario Queen's Park Toronto,Ontario M7A 287 Telex-06217880 965-3041 .....Thank you for your letter of October 16th requesting information on the day-to-day operations at hydro power plants in the winter.These include the control of ice levels and the methods of minJ.mJ.zing the associated problems due to ice formation. Ontario Hydro operates the province's large-scale hydraulic plants.I have,therefore,forwarded your lett.er to Mr.J.S.Pengelly,Manager of Government Relations,Ontario Hydro,Hl9Al4,700 Uni versi ty Avenue,Toronto,ontario,Canada M5G lX6,for response. The attached Micro-Hydro Power --Energy From Ontario Streams explains ontario's approval process in developing pri vately-owned smaller plants.An environmental impact review to protect our natural resources precedes the approval system.I have also enclosed a copy of the Small Hydro Workshop proceedings held November 30,1983 which you may find usefUl. I hope the above is satisfactory.If you require further assistance,please contact me. Yours truly, Olga Carmen Manager,Information Services Communications Group _II ~i~~.iO~ 1"0 700 University Avenue,Toronto,Ontario M5G 1X6 ,~'<1;'"'~HJ~·1,S:;:~:~'(l:~j :.J'>it h!1:A5-H4 (416)592-4258 Mr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Compa~ 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Oear Mr.Louie: This letter is in reply to your letter to me dated November 13,1984 regarding ice control engineering. We were forwarded a copy of your previous 1etter to Ontario Hydro dated OCtober 16.1984 and have provided our comments to someone in the Corporation who will be co-ordinatinga reply from several other departments. Thank-you for your interest. Yours truly, /' :sim H.M.Steckl ey Manager -Civil Works : I 700 University Avenue,Toronto,Ontario M5G 1X6 - December 4,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive CHICAGO,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: We are pleased to reply to your letter of October 16,1984 in respect to ice control engineering and the related effects on the environment. In respect to questions 1 and 4,we have the following comments: The objective of ice control is to maintain the capability of channels to carry the prescribed releases from reservoirs. Ontario Hydro utilizes a number of strategies to handle ice conditions on a site specific basis. Two types of river systems are generally encountered.They are described as follows: 1.The river velocity creates a situation not conducive to ice cover formation either through structural or procedural means. 2.River velocity creates a marginal situation for ice cover formation and where structural and procedural efforts can contribute significantly to the establishment of a smooth stable ice cover. In the first case all effort is focused toward keeping the ice moving past critical intake areas.This assumes that there is infinite storage capability downstream where the ice can be flushed,such as a large deep lake that does not freeze over in the winter season. Excavations,channels,control works,special design intakes have been constructed to facilitate this.Ice breaking boats have been commissioned.Procedures have been established to cover: December 4,1984 - 2 - - - - - ,~ 1.Fundffinental principles which must be applied to circumstances as they occur in each unique combination. 2.Detailed procedures and step-by-step methods of handling a particular circumstance. Great effort is spent in programs for observing,recording and reporting ice conditions so that: 1.Operational decisions are based on current data. 2.Management can be kept up-to-date. 3.Government agencies can be supplied with required information. 4.Future operations may be improved. In the second case,all efforts (physical and procedural)are directed towards forming an ice cover (eg,St.Lawrence River). Velocities are controlled to encourage the formation of a smooth stable ice cover.Depending on climatic conditions,once the cover has formed,higher flows can be scheduled.Generally,short-term power needs are sacrificed in order to ensure greater long~term production.During the ice breakup period,flows can be further adjusted to assist in wearing away the ice cover in a controlled fashion. with respect to problems of such erosion caused by the breakup and movement of ice,little information is available.While some evidence of earth breaking away from the shore as the ice breaks up has been noticed,there is no formal documentation. In respect to question 2,we do not have major concerns with caribou at our facilities in Ontario.The question,however,is addressed in the attached paper,in particular Mr.G.Doucet and Mr.P.Lamothe of McGill University and Hydro Quebec respectively.Contact with these two gentlemen may be of value.We also suggest that you contact Mr.David Kiell of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (709)753-8990 for additional information on this subject. In respect to turbidity changes as result of bank erosion,etc,a rough rule of thumb is to restrict a change of no greater than 10% beyond existing conditions for protection of aquatic life. -----------_......_------_._------------~._--------- December 4,1984 - 3 - - ..... I hope these brief comments are of some value to you in your literature search on ice control engineering. Yours truly, W.G.Morison Vice President Design and Construction Branch Attach. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ENERGY CORPORATION CHAR LOTTETOWN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND C1A 7N8 October 3l,1984 P.O.BOX 2000 PHONE:892 ·1051 - - .- Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company Consulting Engineers 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 Dear Mr.Louie: I wish to-acknowledge with thanks your letter of October 16, 1984 relating to a survey of state-of-the-art in ice control engineering. Please be advised that the P.E.I.Energy Corporation is involved in renewable energy projects and that our local electric utility is Maritime Electric Company Ltd.,a privately owned electric utility,and I have listed the name and telephone number of the General Manager at the bottom of this letter. As far as P.E.I.is concerned,we do not have any hydro-electric power developments.Ninety-five percent of our electricity requirements is purchased from the province of New Brunswick and the balance is generated in thermal generation using oil. Therefore,we are not in a position to comment on the questions raised in your letter. Sincerely yours, A.J .~HISCOCK GENERAL MANAGER mrh Mr.Paul Newcombe General Manager Maritime Electric Co.Ltd. P.O.Box 1328 Charlottet:own,P.E.I.CIA 7N2 Phone:(902)892-6531 --~~---,--------- - - - MARITIME ELECTRIC COMPANY r LIMITED (Incorporated 1917) CHARLOTIETOWN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 15 November,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Sir: Re your inquiry of 8 November,1984,Maritime Electric does not have any reservoirs and is not involved in erosion problems due to ice. Yours very truly, MARITIME ELECTRIC COMPANY,LIMITED P.H.Newcombe General Manager PHN:jm P.O.BOX 1328 C1A7N2 ---~----------- ..... Gouvernement du Quebec Ministere du Loisir, de la Chasse et de la Peche Direction generale de la faune November 21,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Ha rza Eng i neeri ng Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A • Dear Si r: I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the October 16 inquiring about information on state-of-the-art in ice control engineering which affects the environment. Although we have no information of this kind,we send your letter on his way to Hydro-Quebec and the Bay James Energy Society for ulterior answer. Here is the name and address of these contacts for your reference file: Mr.Marcel Laperle Societe d'Energie de la Baie James Direction de lilngenierie et de 1 I Environnement 800,boule de Maisonneuve est Montreal,Quebec,Canada H2L 4N8 Mrs.Denise Therrien Hydro-Quebec Direction de 1 'Environnement Les Atriums 870,boule de Maisonneuve est Montreal,Quebec,Canada H2L 4S8 RB/lld c.c.M.Christian Potvin 150 est,boul.Saint-Cyril Ie Quebec,QC G1R 4Y1 Yours sincerely, Q~-~~.... Rodrigue BOU~'adjoint au Directeur de la faune terrestre -----'------~-~--~------------------ i I I - UNIVERSITE LA VAL FACULTE DES SCIENCES ET DE GENIE CITI:UNIVERSITAIRE aUI:BEC G1K 7P4 CANADA i i Department of 9iVil Engineering November 27,1984 r.David S.Louie arza Engineering Company !50South Wacker Drive 'hicago,Illinois 60606 •S.A. 1 -Hydro power operations.No firm would admit it is causing any jam r modifying the i.ce cover.Example (New Brunswick ?ower Commission -Case in ourt -flooding by ice jams in the Mattakwac reservoir -B.C.Hydro -flooding lownstream of Peace River). t 2-3 -Environment Canada has given many contracts to study the effects f the ice on aninml crossings in ship's tracks. I 4 -J.C.Dionne,one of my colleague at Laval is studying very seriously his question.Included is a copy of one of his recent paper to set you on the way. t!I consider this work that you are undertaking very important and I would ppreciate very much getting a copy of your report. I ' I Yours truly,,.~)~'/~7 / / [Ju,v.~J "/[~.tv-/ .'/1 jear David: It is a.very great pleasure for me to hear about you and see that you re doing well and that you are still interested in ice problems. I I have received your letter concerning the survey you are making on 1tate-of-the-art i.n ice control engineering which affects the environment. I It is extremely difficult to get information in this field.Here are orne comments. I Bernard Michel,Dr.Eng. M/dd .~nclosure I , - March 19,1985 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraul ic Engineer Harza Engineering Company Consulting Engineers 150,south Wacker Drive Ch i cago,I I I I no is 60606 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Lou i E3 : I apologize for the delay in answering toyourletterofJanuary 16, 1985 to my predecessor,Mr.J.-G.Dussault,regarding information on the environmental impact cause by various ice conditions on reservoir and river. After reviewing your questionnaire with my staff,I feel that proper information would be available through the experts from the Environment Directorate and from the Operations Group of Hydro-Qu~bec,and also from the original designers of the James Bay project. Therefore,I have forwarded your questionnaire to the aforemention- ned authority which wi I I answer directly to you. If I can be of further assistance to you,please contact with me again. Very truly yours, =- I jh c.c.:MM.M.Drouin (SEBJl J.C.Rassam D.Therrien Place Dupuis J.-P.LARDEAU,ing. Chef de service int~rimaire Hydrau I i que 14e ~tage 855 est.rue Sainte-Catherine.Montreal.Quebec H 2L 4P5 .'I-,..c Ou//.//.ef-e//.ence ..99-05-42-07 1985 ..- D//..DavLd 5.LouLe ChLef-Hy.d//.au)Lc cn~Lnee//. Ha//.Ja cn~Lnee//.Ln~Company. Con~u)~Ln~cn~Lnee//.~ 150,~ou~h Wacke//.D//.Lve ChLca~o,J))LnoL~60606 U.5.A. In //.e~pon~e ~o Y.OU//.)e~~e//.da~ed Janua//.y.16,1985 ~o M//..J.~.Du~~au)~,and whLch wa~f-o//.wa//.ded ~o u~on Ma//.ch 19,we a//.e p)ea~ed ~o p//.ovLde y.ou wL))~wo examp)e~ wL~h Lce mana~emen~ca~e~~ha~af-f-ec~~~he envL//.onmen~. 1.In ~he ca~e of-~he ca~~maLn -OpLnaca dLve//.~Lon of-~he La ~//.ande ~y.~~em (Jame~Bay.P//.oiec~),~he )eve)of-Lake 5akamL L~maLn~aLned a~L~~hL~he~~)eve)f-//.om ~he be~LnnLn~ of-~he wLn~e//.Ln o//.de//.~o a))ow f-//.ee acce~~of-~he beave//.~~o ~heL//.hu~~.Mo//.e de~aL)~on ~he ~ubiec~cou)d be f-ound Ln ~he c.O.L.dLve//.~Lon //.epo//.~whLch L~~o be //.eque~~ed f-//.om M//..Ma//.c D//.ouLn of-~he 50cLi~i d'cne//.~Le de )a BaLe Jame~,850 e~~de MaL~onneuve,Mon~//.ia),Quibec. 2.In ~he ca~e of-~he )owe//.La ~//.ande RLve//.,a mL- nLma)ou~f-)ow of-200 m-3/~L~maLn;taLned a~L~2 powe//.p)an;t Ln o//.de/l.;to avoLd ~a)Lne Ln~//.u~Lon unde//.Lee condL;tLon~,Ln ;the e~;tua//.y.whLch nL~h;t af-f-ec;t ;the munLcLpa)wa;te//.Lniake. In Lce-f-//.ee condL~Lon~;the mLnLma)ou;tf-)ow L~900 mJ/~.Fo//. mo//.e de;taL)~,p)ea~e f-Lnd he//.eLn enc)o~ed a pape//.d//.awn f-//.om ;the p//.oceedLn~~of-;the 1981 JAHR In;te//.na~Lona)5y.mpo~Lum on Lce Ln Quebec • .../ 2 Hydro-Quebec,75.boulevard Dorchester ouest.Montreal,Quebec H2Z 1A4 - / 2 Hopin9 ~ha~~he4e Ca4e4 wi~~be ot any he~p in you~p~e4en~4ea~ch,J ~emain. 5ince~e~y YOU~4, :;,-C'~'/9d enc~. C.C.:Me44~4 M.D~ouin (5eB:;) :;.-7>.La~deau 5.~obe~~ ean-C a e ~a44am,in9' Chet de divi4ion ~e4~ion de4 4Y4~eme4 hyd~ique4 5e~vice 7>~evi4ion4 e~ 5Y4~eme4 hyd~ique4 Societe d'energie de 10 Baie James 800,boul.de Mai50nneu.e est,Montreal (Quebec)H2l4M8 Tel.:(514)844·3141 May 2nd,1985 ~..r.David S.Louie Chief Hydrauli.c Engineer 150,South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Sir: To answer your information request on the environmental impact of ice conditions in reservoirs and dowstream river,Hydro-Quebec requested that:SEBJ answers your questions mostly concerning obser- vations carriE!d out at the La Grande Complex. As soon as it began its activities,SEBJ formed an environmental team that had J•among other things I as a mandate to monitor and evaluate the Emvironmental impacts following the building and exploi tat ion of the La Grande Complex.Actually,with the end of building works in site l the SEBJ environmental group is preparing a synthesis of environmental studies and works carried out at the La Grande Complex,but this document will not be available before 1986. Nevertheless,on one hand,we will briefly describe the principal observations and measures that we carried out at the La Grande F'"Complex and,on the other hand,we will give a specific answer to your questions. But first,we believe that to understand our answers,it is necessary to ~:rive you some information concerning the technical description of the Complex. The first phase of works of this Complex,which will end this year, is formed by three powerhouses on the La Grande River which are from downstream to upstream LG 2,LG 3 and LG 4.The building of this hydroelectric Complex also includes the diversion to the La Grande River of the upstream water basins of the Eastmain River in the south, and the Caniapiscau in the east.As a matter of factI Opinaca reservoir on the Eastmain River and Caniapiscau reservoir on the Caniapiscau River allaY by raising the water level,water transfer from their water- shed to the La Grande River basin.At maximum flow,the contribution .../2 1-3623 ___1_- -- - - Societe d'energie de 10 Baie James BOO est,boul,de Maisonneuve,Montreal,Que.H2L 4MB Tel.:(514)844-3741 of the two diversions nearly doubles at the mouth,the flow of the La Grande River (see here attached map)• Furthermore,during the interruption of flow in the La Grande River to allow the filling of the LG 2 Reservoir,the temporary diversion works were done at the future LG 1 site. Impacts related to ice action Since the operation of the La Grande Complex reservoirs has begun,so~~impacts related to ice action have been observed and measured either along the shores of the reservoirs or either along the La Grande River downstream from the LG 2 powerhouse. Reservoirs In the reservoirs,the operation mode,that generally requests a drawdavn during winter,favours,in the drawdown zone,ice action as a natural wood clearing agent.La Grande Complex reservoirs wood clearing plan was planified,taking into account said effect. La Grande River downstream from LG 2------------------------------------ During the filling of LG 2,while the river flow was interrupted, the ice-cover allowed to maintain the saltwater wedge near the mouth of the river,this also allowed to protect the fish population. As a matter of fact,the site of the future LG 1 works (km 37),an important rapid,forms an impassable obstacle for fish.Thus,the fish population living downstream from this site is a very important resource for the Chisasibi crees whose village is situated near the mouth of the River (km 15);their annual catch for food in the region being some 50 000 kg of fish.A model study showed that if the flow was cut to fill the LG 2 reservoir in open water,the saltwater wedge would climb up to the LG 1 site and would endanger the fish population in that part of the River.However,that study also showed that with an ice-cover,the saltwater wedge was kept suffi- ciently downriver to keep a freshwater portion of the river suffi- ciently vast to accommodate the fish that swim up the river pushed by the saltwater wedge.It is consequently for environmental reasons that the filling of the LG 2 reservoir was begun in winter in order to take advantage of the conditions offered by the presence of an ice- cover in the downstream part of the river. .../3 Societe d'energiE~de 10 Baie James BOO.bou!.de Melsonneuve est,Montreat (Quebe<:)H2L 4M8 Tel.:(514)844-3741 pecific answers.to 'your questions n the La Grande Complex,the 'formation o£the ice-cover or the breakage f the ice-covE:r due to the drawdown effect has caused no impact on the arious animal population such as caribou,moose,wolf,etc.The animal he most liable to use the bare reservoir zones are caribous.Even if aribou is found in the Caniapiscau,Laforge diversion,LG 4 and LG 3 egions,the reservoirs are not used as a migration zone.On the other and,in some sectors,the edge of the reservoir forms an ecotone zone hat is used by small mammals or by predators. rom a technical point of view,the La Grande Complex works operating odalities have been optimized to reduce all inconvenients related o the ice-covE:r instability or to the formation o£frasil ice.Never- theless,in particular for the diversion zone,some environmental riteria have been included in the optimization of operating modalities f the La Sarcelle (discharge o£Opinaca reservoir)and Brisay (discharge f Caniapiscau Reservoir)regulation works in order that the ice condition n the path of diverted waters be stable enough to stop the formation of 'ce jams and consequently stop supplementary inundation due to the increase of water levels.Furthermore,in these areas,some environmental orks (canalization,construction of protection dykes and bunds)were arried out to control the water flow and by doing so reduce the inundated urfaces . owever,this winter £low increase causes ice-cover instability in front o£the dlisasibi community.This is the most important repercussion since some Chisasibi cree trappers cross the River on the ice-cover -to get to their hunting territories.The unstable ice- cover,at that spot,reduces the period while trappers can safely cross the river.Nevertheless,to counteract this problem,SEBJ.built t the site of the future LG I powerhouse,a bridge that allows cree trappers to cross safely the river. Since the LG :2 powerhouse and other works of the Complex have been ut in operation,the downstream part o£the La Grande River presents an increase and a regularized flow and since the electric demand is ore important in winter the £low is also more important in winter. In general,this flow increase does not cause ice jams downstream from LG 2 powerhouse but has a tendency to increase water levels that, ue to the steE:pness of the river banks,do not cause inundation. .- ~, .../4 47-3623 - - - Societe d'energie de 1a Baie James BOO,bou!.de Maisonneuve est.Montreal (QuebeC)H2L 4MB Tel.:(514)844-3741 ~!h99_9~_f~~§'EY9!E_~1~~~~~!!9~_~~~~9~~~~! Since the reservoirs are not used by the fauna and since they are not used as mi.gration path,no precaution or reservoir fluctuation management is needed to control the width of opening and pattern of crack development in the ice sheet. On the shores of the La Grande Complex reservoirs,bank erosion is a minor phenomenon and in general the principal erosion agent is not ice action bu1:the combined effect of wind and waves. On the other hand,downstream from LG 2,La Grande River bank erosion is much more important since the combined effect of level variation resulting from flow control and waves form the principal erosion agent. As far as turbidity in the reservoir is concerned,it can increase by a few parts per million during the first.few years of operation. ,...In the La Grande River,the active shores give more sediments to the river and turbidity can increase by some 10 ppm mostly during summer and fall but these turbidity conditions do not affect the fish population characteristics of this northern milieu (whitefish,walley, pike,etc.). In conclusion,we have to recall that the integration.of environmental consideration in the conception of works in La Grande Complex allowed to benefit from,to reduce or minimize the ice effect on the environment . ..... We hope to have answered your questions. Yours truly, .,.-,."~..--•....."..'. / e •.c ..:Mr.•Jacques Perreault Mr.•Jean-Pierre Lardeau (H.Q.) l J ]l ,J I J i 1 I 1 ]I J ,Complexe hydroelectrique de La Grande Riviere 75'72" -Kuujjuarapik ' Poste-de-Ia-Balelne ,Bassin de La Grande riviere de la Baleine Reservoir Reservoir additionnel envisage en phase II Cheminement des eaux a la sortie des detournements Centrale Centrale additionnelle envisagee en phase II Ouvrage regulateur J51' Digue Bassin versant compris dans Ie Complexe La Grande Route permanente 54' 55' 53' 52' A Ii Schefierville _ 6n75 o 20 100km ...."!! 78 SE BJ.direction de I"Environnemenl juillet1983 51' 53' 54' ~i SaskatchElwan Environment Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois U.S.A.60606 Dear Dr.Louie: Saskatchewan Walter Scott Building 3085 Albert Street Regina,Canada S~~x S4S OB1 File:M2-1 October 30,1984 ..... I State of the Art Survey -Ice Control Engineering I am in receipt of your letter dated October 16,1984,in which you requested information about ice control engineering and its environmental effects.Unfortunately,I am unable to provide you with much information on this topic. A review of the limited number of environmental impact assessments which have beEm carried out for reservoir development in Saskatchewan revealed that duration of ice cover and timing and amount of winter drawdown were the major concerns.These concerns related more to the fisheries resource than to terrestrial animals.Bank erosion was a recognized problem not only with ice break-up and movement in the spring,but also with wave action during the summer months.Some studies suggested that sediment levels downstream of the dam might even be reduced from that which naturally occurs . With respect to other organizations/persons that might be able to help you with your survey,I suggest you contact the following individuals: 1.Ray B.Richards President Corporate Affairs Saskatchewan Water Corporation 3rd Floor,2121 Saskatchewan Drive Regina,Saskatchewan S4P 4A7 2.G.W.Pepper Acting Director Wildlife Branch Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources 3211 Albert Street Regina,Saskatchewan S4S 5W6 .- '""" ,- Dr.David S.Louie 3.Pau"'Nafte1 Chief of Fisheries Operations Fisheries Branch Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources 3211 Albert Street Reg'j na,Saskatchewan S4S 5W6 4.R.J.Stedwil1 Manager,Environmental Studies Saskatchewan Power Corporation 2025 Victoria Avenue Regina,Saskatchewan S4P OSl October 30,1984 I trust the above information will be of some assistance to you and I wish you success with your survey. Yours/1ii ncerely, /~~ /'H.S.Maliepaard Executive Director Environmental Information,Co-ordination and Assessment Service Phone:{306)565-6131 2 ..... - SASKATCHE'WAN POWER CORPORATION 2025 Vi ctof'i a Avenue, Regi na,Sas katche\'Jan , S4P OSl 1984-November 07 . Dr.David S.Louie, Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Waker Drive, Chicago,Illinois.60606 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: Re:State of the Art Survey -Ice Control Engineering QUR FIL.E NO. E4.1.11 - - .... I~ In response to your letter of 1984 October 16 regarding ice control engineering,the following is provided. Point No.1 Procedures or operating policies used in control of ice upstream and downstream of hydroelectric facilities is normally facility specific; and in the case of Saskatchewan Power Corporation operations,these are worked out on an annual basis with the Saskatchewan t~ater Corporation.These procedures are also dependent on existing water conditions and forecasts. A contact person within the Saskatchewan Water Corporation is: D.Richards, Saskatchewan Water Corporation, 3rd Floor, 2121 Saskatchewan Drive, Regina,Saskatchewan. S4P 4A7 Point No.2 At this point in time,injuries or drownings of animals due to poor ice conditions has never been a problem to my knowledge.However,a principle which has been used to ensure proper ice development is to stabilize water levels during ice formation,and thereby reduce broken ice at the.shoreline by creating a hinge at the shoreline in which the ice surface can move. - - .- - ..... .Dr.David S.Louie, Page 2, 1984 November 07. Point No.2: The procedure outline.above may be applied here as well.Additionally, a slow drawdown during the winter is recommended. Point No.4 In response to this particular question,I believe the actual impact of turbidity in the water on fish directly is not as severe as the impact which affects the fish indirectly.SHtin_g of fish rearing grounds and feeding areas are far more significant than direct exposure . Cole (1941),Van Oosten (1945),and t·lallen (1951)suggest that fish could be harmed in exceptionally turbid waters under very unusual conditions:;however,Pentelow (1949)has noted that sea trout regularly pass up a river through china clay with no apparent harm. It should also be noted that scouring of river edges and increased turbidity 'is a natural phenomenon and reservoirs upstream of dams do,in fact,reduce turbidity levels during the spring run-off as well as at other times of the year. Should you require any further elaboration on these points,feel free to contact this office. Yours truly, e1FJU"...J 1 (....---r 'Ul~\.\l I___I .V '.I V".-A,,_/ R.J.Stedwill, Manager,Environmental Studies, Environmental Programs. RJS/bjf Saskatchewan Parks and Renewablll! Resources Fisheries Branch Saskatchewan Box 3003 Prince Albert,SK S6V 6Gl,Canada .- NovernbE~r 16,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 USA Dear Dr.Louie: Your File: Our File: '""" - .- A copy of your letter requesting information on the environmental effects of fluctuating ice levels related to hydroelectric power production has been forwarded to me for response. Saskatchewan currently has only two major hydro- electric generating stations;a third is scheduled to come on stream toward the end of 1985.Although both the existing hydroelectric reservoirs are subject to winter drawdowns,we are not aware of any adverse environmental effects caused by fluctuating ice levels or formation of ice jams downstream. You may be able to obtain better information regarding the effect of these reservoirs by contacting Mr.R.W. Nordquist,Director of Environmental Programs,with Saskatchewan Power Corporation,the public utility which operates the hydroelectric stations.He may be reached at the following address: ~tr.R.W.Nordquist Director,Environmental Programs Saskatchewan Power Corporation 2025 Victoria Avenue Regina,Saskatchewan,Canada S4P OSl Yours sincerely, LcL-L~ B.L.Christensen Fish 12bitat Protection Coordinator BLC :pE:lb .- ,~ •11I1\\ Saskatche!wan Parks and Renewabh! Resources November 28,1984 Mr.David S.Louie, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Harza Engineering Co., 150 South Wacker Drive, CHICAGO,illinois,60606 Dear Mr.Loui e: Saskatchewan 3211 Albert Street Regina,Canada S4S 5W6 Your File: Our File: .- -- I am sorry that I can offer little assistance in your ice research.We have not done any work on ice problems on reservoirs• Yours si ncere1y, ------> //,,--/"," /__r-.>./ /~~.~;).;~,,-.:->,;;/-" G.W.Pepper, A/Director, Wildlife Branch •i I. ...l"J.aberi••BraDch~~,,--~_:,-,"; Rovembel~16,1984 Box 3003 Pr.1Dce Albert,SIt S6V 6Gl,can.da-· ~.. •:1 -- Dr.DavjLd S.Lou1e :-.'.Harza Erlqineer!nq Company 150 South Wacker Drive ChicAgO,Ill1noJ.s 60606 USA- Dear Dr "Louie: A copy of your letter requestJ.ng informat..t.on on the environJDeDtal effecta of fluctuatJ.nq J.ce levels relat.ed to hydroelectr1c pover product.ion bas been forwarcJ.!d to me for response. Saskatchewan currently has only t.wo major hydro- electric:::qeneratinq stations,a third is scheduled to come on 8treaJll toward the end of 1985.Although both tlu.exi.t1.ng-hydroelectric reservoirs are subject to wint.,r drawdoWDs,we are Dot ••are of any adverse en~ironmentaleffectacauaed by-fluctuatinq ice levels orforJlilllt1on of ice jallB downstream. You may be able to obta1nbetter information reqard1n9 the effect of thea.reaervo.1rs by contacting-Mr.R.W. Nordquist,Director of Environmental Programs,with SAskatchewan Power Corporat.t.on,the public utlJ.ity which operates the hydroelectric stations.aemay be reached at the follow1n9 address: Mr.R.If.Nordquist Dlrecto:r,Environmental Proqralls Saskatchewan Power Corporation 2025 Victoria Avenue Reqina,Saskatchewan,Canada S4P OS1 Yours sincerely, L~=-______ D.L.Chrietensen Fish Habitat Protection CoordL~ator BLC:peb b.e.c.p.e.Naftel •,lIm\ Saskatchewan Parks and Renewablle Resources January 29,1985 Mr.David S.Louie, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois, 60606. Dear Mir.Louie: This is in response to your letter requesting information ice levels. (fp~) Saskatchewan 3211 Albert Street Regina,Canada S4S 5W6 Your File: Our File: January 16,1985 on fluctuating - Attached for your information is our earlier reply to you on this subject.As noted therein, further information can be obtained from Mr. R.W.Nordquist of the Saskatchewan Power Corpora- tion. Future correspondence should be directed to Mr. Nordqu.ist. Yours truly, 't1 (l,'~,/,-0,'t-l'J.J..-"'-~" \,..../,., P.C.Naftel,Director, Fisheries Branch. Att. 1+ l:3 National Research Council Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada Division of Building Research Ottawa,Canada K1A DRS Division des recherches en batiment File Reference M43-3-212 84 11 01 ..... .,... Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois,60606-4176 U.S.A. Dear Mr.Louie: Your letter to Dr.E.P.Cockshutt,Director,Division of Energy of the National Research Council of Canada,requesting information concerning ice control engineering,has been brought to my attention for reply.The organizations with the greatest practical experience in this area are the provincial power utilities.Following are the addresses of the principal ones that have extensive experience with respect to ice control,and names of individuals that you might contact. 1.Mr.J-G.Dusseault Chef de service hydraulique Hydro Quebec 855 Ste Catherine East Montreal (Quebec),H2L 4P7 2.Mr.Steckley Manager,Civil Works,AS H4 Ontari 0 Hydro 700 University Avenue Toronto,Ontario,MSG lZS 3.Mr.Peter M.Abel Reservoir &Energy Resources Engineer Manitoba Hydro P.O.Box 815 Winnipeg,Manitoba,R3C 2P4 4•.Mr.U.Sporns Hydrol ogi st B. C.Hydro, c/o 970 Burrard Street Vancouver,B.C.,V6Z lY3 •.•2/ C d·+·ana a ~I .... - -2- Some university professors have extensive experience in this area and I suggest that you contact the following: 1.Prof.B.Michel Faculte des Sciences Universite Laval Quebec (Quebec),GIK 7P4 2.Prof.R.Gerard (Chairman) Department of Civil Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton,Alberta,T6G 2G7 3,.Prof.K.Davar Dept.of Civil Engineering University of New Brunswick P.O.Box 4400 Fredericton,N.B.,E3B 5A3 Sl:!veral Canadian companies have extensive experience in ice control engineering.Foll owing are some that you may wi sh to contact. L Mr.C.H.Atkinson, Manager,Environmental &Special Studies Acres Consulting Seryices Ltd. 5259 Dorchester Road Niagara Falls,Ontario,L2E 6Wl, 2.Mr.F.E.Parkinson LaSalle Hydraulic Laboratory Ltd., 0250 St.Patrick Street, LaSalle (Quebec),H8R lR8 3.Mr.A.E.Richard,President Montreal Engineering Co.Ltd. P.O.Box 6086,Station nAn Montreal (Quebec),H3C 329 4.Mr.R.J.Cooper,President Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 4823-99 Street Edmonton,Alberta,T6E 4Yl 5.Mr.K.M.Adam Interdisciplinary Engineering Co. 966 Waverley Street Winnipeg,Manitoba,R3C 221 ••.•3/ """ .... -3- Some work on the formation of ice on lakes and rivers has been carried out at the National Water Research Institute of the Federal Department of the Environment.You can check on the current situation by writing or'call ing Dr.G.Tsang,Hydrau1 ics Laboratory,National Water Research Institute,P.O.Box 5050,Burlington,Ontario,l7R 4A6.The telephone number for the Institute is 416-637-4303.I suggest you write to Mr.Charles Lawrie,Canadian Coast Guard,6th Floor,Tower "A",Place de Ville,Ottawa,Ontario,KIA ON7 for information with respect to ice control for power generation on the St.Lawrence River. I hope the above information will be of assistance to you. Yours sincerely, L.W.Gold Associate Director LWG/EB 84-00-1100 I.Energy,MinEls and Resources Canada Ottawa,Ontario K1A OE4 Energie,Mines et Ressources Canada Ottawa (Ontario) K1A OF..1 Your file Volre ,,~ference Our file Noire reference CN 3605-1 November 6,1984 Dr.David S.Louie, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Harza.Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois 60606, U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: This is in reply to your letter of October 16,1984, addressed to my predecessor,Mr.A.R.Scott. It was my intention to refer you to the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada,among others,but I understand you have already made enquiries in that direction and that they have suggested that you also contact a number of Canadian electric utilities. In addition to these contacts,I suggest that you write to: Dr.E.Ezer, Director, Research and Development, Canadian Electrical Association, Suite 580, 1 Westmount Square, Montreal,P.Q. H3Z 2P9 Dr.Ezer will be able to provide you with R&D related references in connection to the above field. Yours sincerely, Charles Marriott, Director General, Electrical Energy Branch. C d·+·an<l a The St.Lawrence Seaway Transport Canada La Voie maritime du Saint-Laurent Transports Canada P.O.Box 97 St.Lambert,Quebec J4P 3N7 File:7-1-1-3- November 7,1984. Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Sir: This letter is written in response to your literature search on ice control engineering and its environmental effects, which request was addressed to our Chief Engineer. The ice control measures we exercise within our system are innocuous to the environment,and moreover are not put into effect as a consequence of environmental dictates but rather to facilitate the flow of shipping. Water levels,hence ice levels are essentially controlled by the IJC .and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.These entities have a broader perspective relevant to the environmentally orientated questions you have raised.Our interests as a maritime agency are conveyed to the IJC through various committees and boards in the person of Mr.C.J.R. Lawrie,P.Eng.who is with the Canadian Coast Guard in Ottawa.His address is: Aids ~Waterways Coast Guard, Tower A,Transport Canada Building, 320 Queen st., Ottawa,Ontario,KIR 5A3. The effects of ice jams on power generation and water levels in the upper reaches of the Seaway are very well addressed by Mr.David Witherspoon,P.Eng.Mr.D.Witherspoon's address is: Great Lakes -St.Lawrence Study Environment Canada,Suite 235, 111 Water Street East, Cornwall,Ontario,K6H 6S2. C d ·...·ancl:a Office, ••./2 ~I /2 File:7-1-1-3 November 8,1984. Reservoir sedimentation resulting from bank erosion is not a problem in our system mainly because the two major generating stations are essentially run of the river types. In regards to the references about animal and aquatic life, Hydro Quebec may be helpful.The person to contact is: M.Roger Lariviere,ing.,MSc, Administrateur dfingenierie, Avant projet archipel, Direction equipement de production, Place Dupuis,lleetage, 855 rue Ste-Catherine est, Montreal,H2L 4P5. We hope ithis letter will provide some guidance for you,and should your client allow the dissemination of your findings we would like to share them with you. Yours truly, THE ST.I,AWRENCE SEAWAY AUTHORITY E.Dumalo,P.Eng. Engineering Services Branch EDlcr c.c.Mr.M.A.Hanson -Cornwall - i I INTERNATIONAL ,JOINT COMMISSION Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 USA Dear Dr.Louie: November 1,1984 COMMISSION MIXTE INTERN ATION ALE 100,RUE METCALFE STREET OTTAWA,ONTARIO K1P 5Ml In reply to your letter of October 16 concerning your state-of-the-art survey in ice control engineering which affects the environment,I suggest contacting the following individuals: - 1. 2. 3. Mr.Doug Cuthbert and Mr.G.Tsang Canada Center for Inland Waters Environment Canada P.O.Box 5050 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington,Ontario,L7R 4A6 (416)637-4531 Mr.David Witherspoon Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Study Office Environment Canada Suite 235,New Federal Building III Water Street East Cornwall,Ontario K6B 682 (613)932-4325 Mr.Derek Foulds R.R.#4 UXbridge,Ontario LOC lKO (416)852-6416 4.Mr.Tom Wigle Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue Toronto,Ontario M5G lX6 (416)592-4475 - - -- - ~. - 2 - 5.~lr.Ren~Hausser I.aSalle Hydraulic Laboratory 0250 St.Patrick Street I.aSalle,Qu~bec (514)366-2970 6.Dr.R.W.Newbury Department of Fisheries and Oceans Freshwater Institute 501 University Crescent Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 2N6 (204)269-7379 As you can see I have restricted my list to Canadian names,as I assume you are or will be informed of U.S.experts. I would appreciate seeing the results of your work,if that is possible. Sincerely, Dr.Murray Clamen,P.Eng. Engineering Adviser International Joint Commission 1+Environment Canada Environnement Canada 1 National Water Research Institute Canada Centre for Inland Waters 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O.Box 5050 Burlington,Ontario L7R 4A6 CANADA October 29,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer HARZA Engineering Company Consulting Engineers 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,IL 60606-4176 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: Your file VOlre reference Our file NoIre reference 1202-2 {l632a} - - - Your letter of October 16,1984,has been brought to my attention. The Hydraulics Division,National Water Research Institute,has been conducting research on the mechanics of ice jams fora number of years.Dr.Spyros Beltaos is the primary researcher in this area and I am enclosing several of his reports on ice jam theory which you may find useful. Because of the complexity of the phenomenon,a complete understanding of ice jam behaviour is still not available. Therefor'e,many of the operati ona1 procedures at dams and hydro power plants are sti 11 ba sed on opera tors I experi ence.The engi neers at Ontario Hydro and Hydro-Quebec may be abl e to provi de you with some of this operating information.They may also be able to help you with information concerning animal control. I am forwardi ng a copy of your 1etter to the Department of Fi sheries and Oceans here at the Centre.Thei r sci enti sts may be able to provide you with information concerning the effects of turbidity on various species of fish. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish further information. Yours sincerely, lwtL~~.--- T.Milne Dick,Chief Hydraulics Division Encl. cc:Dr.P.V.Hodson,DFO Canad~In older to conserve energy end rBSOUlCes,ft1js paper contails pos/-consumer fibre. A des Ins de conservaOOn de renergie et des ressources ce papier contient des fibres racyclE!es. · I Environment Canada Environnement Canada Ie -~ -- Environmental Conservation de Conservation ·I'environnement Water Planning and Management Branch Ottawa,Ontari 0 K1A OE7 November 13,1984 Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Attention:Dr.David S.Louie Your lite Votre reference Our li!e Notre reference 3668-1 _. r - - ..... .... Dear Sir': This is in response to your enquiry of October 16,seeking information on ice control engineering which affects the environment.Comments are offe!red ina numbered sequence correspondi ng to the poi nts rai sed in your 1etter. 1.Private and public utilities would be useful sources to investigate for information of this type.We are not aware of any specific lI env ironmental water releases"that cause ice problems and therefore require appropriate operating policies.However there are certainly control dams and power plants in this country which have operating procedures designed to discourage the formation of ice jams and minimize flooding.For example,generating flows through power plants on the St.Lawrence River,at times of ice formation,take into account the need to establish,as quickly as possible,a firm and smooth ice cover that will permit winter discharges sufficient to regulate the level of Lake Ontario as prescribed by the International Joint Commission.Hydro Quebec, Ontclrio Hydro and the New York State Power Authority would be the agencies to contact for information on this practice.It is also believed that the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission has well defined operating policies on some plants related to control of ice conditions. 2.Again we can suggest provincial and private power utilities and other commissions and corporations,particularly those in the northern areas such as the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The Canadian Electrical Association,of which most utilities are members,may also be a useful source.Provincial energy and environmental agencies should be able to provide information too. 3.The only sources we can suggest for information on this subject, aside from power utilities,are the authors of liThe Western ResE!rvoir and Stream Habitat Improvement Handbook ll in Fort Collins, Colorado. i'J Older to conserve energy md reSOUfCBS,this """'"contam posI-<XlIISWIer fibre. A des Ii1s de oonsetvalbn de fenergie et des ressources ce papier conlient des fibres <9CYcJees. - - - - - - - 2 - 4.A suggested source for information on bank erosion is Volume 41, Number 4,Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Services.The authors -Newburg,Hecky and others -could be contacted personally at the Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg,Manitoba.Another person to contact would be Or.R.Baxter at the National Water Research Institute in Burlington,Ontario.Power agencies may also have information on the subject. Permissible levels of turbidity are difficult to define and vary in this country from province to province.They can either be absolute or defined as a permissible degree of change.Usually they are given for drinking water standards and seldom for aquatic life.The province of Manitoba,however,has attempted stream classifications applicable to fish,i.e.: Class 2A -warm and cold water sport and commerci al fish -limit =10 JTU Cl ass 28 -warm and cold water sport and commercial fish -limit =25 JTU Class 2C ':"rough fish -limit =25 JTU The province of Ontario,for instance does not permit Secchi disc readings to change by more than 10%.Alberta's objectives suggest changes be less than 25 JTU's over natural turbidity.Saskatchewan a1so sug~lests 1ess than 25 JTU's over naturaL The problem of erosion is much more complex than just turbidity;for example,the raising of South Indian Lake in Manitoba elevated natural mercury levels.The nature or cause of the turbidity is also important.Large colloidal particles causing the turbidity may also cause an abrasive effect on fish gills,etc. For specific limits for particular fish,it is best to contact provincial environmental departments and federal and provincial fisheries agencies. Hopefully some of the above information may be of help to you. Addresses for the agencies referred to are attached,as well as some reference material. Yours sincerely, :."n ..i J.Bathurst Chief Engineering and Development Division Attachment 1+Government of Ganada Fisheries and Oceans Gouvernement duCanada paches etOceans Your file Volte reMrence /10 ~, - December 4,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive· Chicago,ILlinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Dr.Louie: Our file Nolte reMrence - ,~ - - PLease find enclosed severaL reprints of recent articLes dealing with the erosion of permafrost shoreLines in large northern reservoirs.We are not directLy involved in river ice studies at the Institute but have some peripheraL involvement with LitigaticJn arising from drownings of fishermen caused by rapid fluctuations in reservoirs and tailraces and subsequent deterioration of competent ice covers.If you wish to pursue these cl<:lims you could contact Mr.Joe Keeper,Northern FLood Committee,310-260 St.Mary Avenue,Winnipeg,Manitoba R3C OM6. PLease write if you require further information. Yours truly, C)\ \/~\./IJ~~ R.W.Newbury Hydrologic Studies RWN/sr EncL. cc:Dr.R.E.Hecky Project Leader Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Institute C.L.Dominy Fish Habitat Management Branch Ottawa Freshwater Institute 501 University Crescent Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 2N6 (204)949-eiOOO Institut des eaux douces 501 University Crescent Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3T 2N6 (204)949-5000 1+Environment Canada Environnement Canada ..... Environmental Conseryation de Conservation I'environnement December 4,1984 Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 U.S.A. Dear Mr.Louie: Your file VOlfe reference OUI fr'e Norre reference I wish to acknowledge your letter of October 16 in which you request information about ice control engineering that affects the environment. I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry. I do not know specifically any persons who could be helpful to you, but I suggest that the following people might be helpful. - - .-.. 1. 2. For information on water levels and control: J.E.Slater Director Water Resources Branch Inland Waters Directorate Environment Canada Ottawa,Ontario KIA OE7 Environmental impact on terrestrial animals due to the formation of iee on reservoir banks: Dr.V.Geist Professor of Environmental Management University of Calgary 2500 University Drive,N.W. Calgary,Alberta T2N lN4 ..•/2 Cancldtl National Parks Centtmnial Cenlenaire des pares nationaux ..... 3. - 2 - Effect:of turbidity on fish: Dr.N.J.Campbell Director Marine Sciences and Information Directorate Department of Fisheries and Oceans Ottawa,Ontario KIA OE6 - .... - - Yours sincerely, .>//)",/ "',/,/-'~',//';//'j ,;1;;-~~·q;~~e~.//'-{,.-".- -f -A.W.Rathwell Head Communications Section Canadian Jili1dlife Service Ottawa,Ontario KIA OE7 ·I I Environment Canada Environmental Management Environnement Canada Gestion de I'environnement Your file Volre reference Our file .NoIre reference Suite 235,Lionel Chevrier Bldg., 111 Water Street,East, CornwaJ.l,Ontario,K6H 6S2, 10 December 1S84. /() I ..... Mr.David S.Louis, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Harza·Engineering Ccmpany, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois,60606. Dear Mr.Louis: In reply to your enquiry of 20 November 1984 concerning state-of-the-art ice control engineering \'/hich affects the envirorment,I would suggest you contact MI'.T.Wigle, River Control Engineer, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue,AS HS, Toronto,Ontario,MSG lX6. Quebec Hydro, 75 West Dorchester Blvd., Montreal,P.O.,H2Z 1A4. Yours sincerely, ~ ,~;;//:::{<.:'7 J.R.Robinson, A/Engineer-in-Charge, Great Lakes-St.LaWTence Study Office EM5-1004 1+Environment Canada Environnement Canada Environmental Conservation de Conservation I'environnement Water Planning and Management Branch Ottawa,Ontario K1A OE7 December 4,1984 Harza En9ineering Company 150 Sound Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Attention:Dr.David S.Louie Dear Sir: Your file Votre relt!"ence Our lJIe Notre reference ,.... .- This is in response to your letter of November 8,requesting information on ice control engineering which affects the envi ronmemt. Mr.J.Bathurst,Chief of Engineering and Development Division which is a component of this Branch,has already replied to your enquiry Linder date of November 13.I cannot add anything to the information he has already supplied. Yours :Icerely, Ifl !J ~.,I I j /")~c./I~L{lLlCc/l;\0~ R.L.Pentl and Director Canada .,Older to CllrlSllMI energy 1Di_thi9 paper contam post-ron&ll!lfJ( IfJre. A des Ins d&CClIlS6MIIbn d&rflnetgie 81 des ressourr:es C9 pepI&r rontietlt des ,.,....recvdiles. 1+Canadian Coast Guard Garde c6tiere canadienne at tawa,On tc!r io KIA ON7 Your file VOlre reference .MAR 13 1985 Dr.David Sot Louie, Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,III inois 60606 Dear Sir: Our File NOire reference - Thank you for your letter of 16 January 1985 concerning your survey on the state-of-the-art in ice control engineering as it affects the environment of reservoirs and rivers,and operating procedures taken to minimize any adverse impact. ThE~Canadian Coast Guard has traditionally undertaken ice breaking operations in the St.Lawrence River below Montr~al,partly to keep the navigation channel to Montr~al open,but mainly for the control of flooding.Before the commencement of this service, flooding and shore property damage was a serious problem in the reach between Montr~al and Qu~bec City.Flooding would occur during the winter and spring due to the formation of ice jams caused by collapse of the river ice cover,and the blockage of the river by ice during the spring freshet.Today,the reach between Qu~bec and Trois-Rivi~res is kept open with ice breaker assistance throughout the winter.From Trois-Rivi~res to Montr~al, however,the situation is more complex and additional ice control works are employed to control the ice problem. .../2 C d ·+·ana a .... I ,.,., - 2 - Between Trois-Rivieres and Montreal it has been necessary to install floating ice booms and permanent ice control islands at several locations,to aid in the formation and stability of the ice cover.Ice booms have been installed annually at Lavaltrie since 1969 and at l'Ile St-Ours (Lanoraie)since 1971.These booms have proven to be very effective in fostering the formation of an early cover and retaining the cover so that the incidence of large ice sheets breaking loose and blocking the channel is now rare. In addition to the ice booms described above, seven artificial ice control islands have been construc- ted in Lac St-Pierre,since 1967.The purpose of these islands is to assist the formation of an ice cover on the lake and retain it to the north and south of the navigation channel which runs through the lake.The islands,which are about 140 ft.x 140 ft.on the surface,are constructed of material dredged from the river channel and are covered with stone rip-rap. Further brief descriptions of the ice breaking operations and the composition and operation of the ice booms and artificial islands described above,are contained in the attached papers,namely "Ice Control Measures on the St.Lawrence River",1972 and excerpts from "Le Controle des Glaces dans Ie secteur de Montreal a Notre-Dame de Portneuf de 1966 a 1973 11 , 1973.The latter is an internal report prepared in French only. Since 1975 Coast Guard has also provided ice breaking services in the mouths of eight or nine tributaries of the St.Lawrence River below Montreal during spring freshet.The purpose of this work,which is done by a small air cushion vehicle,is to assist in the efficient flushing of the river systems,thereby avoiding jamming and flooding.Although ice breaking of this nature is,speaking,the responsibility of the provincial government,and is outside mandate of the federal government,the service is provided gratuitously to the Province whenever the ACV can be made available. Since 1972,the Coast Guard's air cushion vehicle fleet on the West Coast has provided occasional ice breaking in the lower Fraser River at Vancouver. Ice formation in that system is infrequent,and ice greater than 2 to 3 inches in thickness forms only during sever winters. .../3 /0-"2.- ,~ - .- - 3 - Coast Guard also provides ice breaking services in the Great Lakes and their connecting channels,in support of commercial shipping.The service,which has been going on since the early 1960s,is aimed at keeping shipping lanes open towards the end of the navigation season and re-opening them as early as possible in the spring.Most of the icebreaking activity has occurred at Lakehead Harbour (Thunder Bay),Midland,(Georgian Bay)and the Detroit and St.Clair Rivers. In addition to the above-mentioned Coast Guard ice control measures on the St.Lawrence River,several power entities also undertake control of ice cover formation and stabilization in connection with major power installations on the river.Quebec Hydro have operated ice booms and controled current velocities to maintain a stable ice cover upstream of their Beauharnois generating station above Montreal,since 1949-50.Likewise,since 1959 Ontario Hydro and the New York Power Authority have jointly operated several ice booms above the Saunders-Moses generating plant at Cornwall to form and stabilize the ice cover above the dam.The latter two power authorities have also jointly operated an ice boom across the entrance to the Niagara River each winter since 1946-65.The main purpose of this boom is to restrict the entry of floes of lake ice into the river,in order to reduce the serious losses to the hydro-power generating stations on the river which occurred frequently before installation of the boom. Should you wish to contact the above-mentioned power entities to obtain further information on their ice control engineering,you may write to the following addresses: Mr.F.Santerre Head,Resources and Load Division, Quebec Hydro -Electric Commission, 75 Dorchester Boulevard,West, Montreal,Qu~bec, H2Z 1A4 Mr.T.E.Wigle, River Control Engineer, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue H7-A22, Toronto,Ontario M5G 1X6 •.•/4 ,.... - 4 - Mr.J.Bartholemew, Ne~r York Power Authority, P.O.Box 700, Massena,N.Y.13662 The foregoing is a brief summary of the nature and extent of the Canadian Coast Guard's main involve- ment in ice control measures which have an effect on the environment.Certain of these measures have as one of their goals,the amelioration of the adverse effects of flooding in river systems used as principal commercial shipping routes.Most of the measures are undertaken to control ice for commercial shipping,either by helping to form and hold a stable ice cover to keep ice sheets out of the main channels,or by breaking channels through the ice to allow ships to pass.Although I feel this type of ice control exercised by the Canadian Coast Guard is not,o'f the nature of ice control II eng ineer ing" in which you are partiCUlarly interested,I have provided this overview for your understanding of our involvement in the matter.The ice control measures exercised by the above-named power entities may be of more interest to you in this regard. If you feel this office can be of any further assistance to you on this matter,please write again, and we will endeavour to provide answers to your specific questions,or direct your inquiries to the appropriate branch for response. C.J.R.Lawrie Encl. /0'7/ 1+Fisheries and Oceans Peches et Oceans Ottawa,Ontario K1A OE6 March 19,1985 5300-1-9 - Dr.0.5.Louie Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 USA Dear Dr.Louie, In the event that a copy of the enclosed information was not sent directly to you by our people in Vancouver,I am enclosing a copy for your use. Y1\rs truly,i,~~...~, I C.L.Dominy Chief Freshwater Habitat Division Fish Habitat Management Branch Encl. C d ···ana:a ;overnment Gouvernement f Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM NOTE DE SERVICE SECURITY -CLASSIF1CA nON -DE SECURI~ OUR FilE/NOTRE REFERENCE YOUR F1LEIVOTRE REFERENCE 5300-1-9 r- DATE 20 Februarv 191'5 su JECT ,"'"OB ET INFORMATION REQUEST FROM HARIA ENGINEERING CO. With reference to your 22 November 1984 request to O.E.Langer for selected technical references,please find attached our response. G.L.Ennis GLE/dl En c1. cc:F.C.Boyd O.E.Langer - ..... SELECTED REFERENCES REGARDING: BANK EROSION CAUSED BY RREAKUP AND MOVEMENT OF ICE; -RESI1LTING SEnIMENT INCREASES IN RESERVOIR AND DO~JNSTREAM, SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS AND IMPACTS ON AQUATIC LIFE ========================================================== Acres Consu'lting Services Ltd.1980.Rehaviour of ice covers subject to large daily flow and level fluctuations.Report to Canadian Electrical Association,Montreal PO 121pp. Anon y.m 0 us.1 9 83 • A rat ion ale for s tan dar ds re 1 a tin 9 tot he discharge of sediments into Yukon streams from placer mines.nept.of Fish.and Oceans and Environment Can.New Westminster,R.C.February,1983.24 p. Rirtwell,1.1(.,I1.F.Hartman,B.Anderson,D.J.McLeay,and J.G. Malick.1984.A brief investigation of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus)and aquatic invertebrates in the Minto Creek d""'F'aTnage,Mayo,Yukon Territory;An area subjected to pal ce r mi ni n 9 •Can.Tec h.Rep.F ish.Aqu at c Sci.1 2 87 : 57 P• Bulatov,S.N.,R.M.GinZburg and LV.Balashova.1972. Calculation of thawing ice cover strength and freeze-up and break-up periods in reservoirs.International Association of Hydraulic Research Symposium on Ice Problems.Leningrad lISSR.1972. Croadsale,Ie.R.,Metge,M.and governing ice-ride-up on Symposium on Ice Problems. P.H.Verity.1978. sloping beaches. Part I.Lulea Sweden. Factors LA.H.R. p405. Donchenko,R.V.1973.Pecularities of reservoi rs.Rol e of.ice and snow International Association of Publication #107.P.564-574. ice cover formation on in hydrology symposium. Scientific Hydrology Keenhan,T,U.S.Panu and V.C.Kartha.1982.Analysis of freez-up ice jams on the Peace River near Taylor,A.C. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,Vol.9,p.176-188. Lloyd,D.S.1985.Turbidity in freshwater habitats of Alaska. A review of published and unpublished literature relevant to the use of turbidity as a water quality standard.Alaska Dept.Fish and Game,Juneau,Alaska.Report No.85-1 January 1985.101 p. McLeay,n.J.,A.J.Knox,J.G.Malick,LK.Birtwell,G.F. Hartman and G.L.Ennis.1983.Effects on Arctic grayling (Thymall~s arcticus)of short term enposure to Yukon placer mlnlng seaiments,laboratory and field studies.Can.Tech. Rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci.1171:xvii and 134 pages. McLeay,D.J.,G.L.Ennis,LK.Rirtwell,and G.F.Hartman. 1Q84.Effefcts on Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus)of prolonged exposure to Yukon placer mining sediment:A laboratory study.Can.-Tech.Rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci 1241: xiii +q6 p. Shea,Mary and Mathers,J.S.1978.An annotated bibliography on the effects of roads on aquatic systems.Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Toronto,Ontario.55 p. -This annotated bibliography summarizes the physical, chemical and biological effects of roads on aquatic systems.Roads have the greatest effect on the aquatic environment through suspended sediments and sediment deposition and this bibliography contains extensive (cross-indexed)references on this subject. Smith,D.h.1979.Effects of channel processl:!s on bankful discharge. Research.Vol 15 #2. enl argement by Alberta Water river ice Resources Sokolov,LN.lQ70.Ice conditions in reservoirs of pumped storage power plants.LA.H.R.Symposium on Ice Problems. Paper 49.Reykjavik,Iceland. Tsang h.1974.Ice piling on lakeshores with special reference to the occurrences on Lake Simcoe in the spring of 1973. Environment Canada Scientific Series #35. Turkheim,R.J.1Q75.Riophysical impacts of Arctic hydroelectric developments.Renewable Resource Project Report Vol.5.Inuit Tapirisat of Canada.I).of Waterloo and Western Ontario.199 pp. Some Suggested Contacts: Otto Langer,Senior Habitat Biologist,Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Pacific Region,Habitat Management,New Westminster, R.C.604-524-7147. Terry Keenham,Hydrology Section,British Columbia Hydro and Po werA u tho r "i t y,Van c 0 uve r,Can ada (f 1 ow r e 1e as e son the Pea ce River to maintain stable downstream ice). Fred Parkinson,Lasalle Hydraulic laboratories Montreal,Quehec, Canada (consultant to B.C.Hydro on Peace and Liard River ice studies). February 1R,1985 nER/dl d12ice .... I C~£OO~&~§OO&~©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHOPiIE LOG Bob Cornelius TASK NUMBER 4PRSONCONTACTED AI:Fill A TI ON Acting Chief Ranger DATE February 4,19~5 H~RZA.EBASCOREPRESENTATIVE Bob Lindsay PHONE NUMBER (303)6lj·1-2337 CbPIES TO Chuck Elliott,Randy Fairbanks,Gene Gemperline SUBJECT Loss of elk/mule deer on the Blue Mesa Reservoir NbTES Mr.Cornelius indicated that generally losses of big game of the reservoir are restricted to a few lone animals.About 1978 there was a mass drmming of about 60 elk.There was no indication of the exact time of the break through of the herd as they lY'ere found under sheets of ice as th.e reservoir t,ras heing drawn down.He mentioned that some ice thinning occurs along the reservoir margins as a result of drawdown.The herd was found very near shore.There was another mass drowning several years ago but Mr.Cornelius was not sure aB to when and had no details.Another problem they encounter is animals getting out on the ice,falling down and being unable to get up.They have actually had to stage a few rescues where they would go out and drag the animal hack to shore.Thev have no idea why the 60 elk went out onto the ice jn 1978 There was a spe~cial hunt going on at the time and although they had closed hunting in a buffer zone around the reservoir,several vi.olations were recorded.There was also a greclt number of people taking pictures of the herd during this severe winter (978).Either one of these situations could have spooked the lead cow onto the reservoir ice'. I - I a~£OOl6£=~I:ID£~(~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHONE LOG P RSON CONTACTED Bob Cornelius TASK NUMBER 42 A FILIATION Acting Chief Ranger DATE February 6,1985 H ~RZA-EBASCO REPRESENlrATIVE E.J.Gemperline PHONE NUMBER 307-641-2337 CPPIESTO B.Lindsay,R.Fairbanks,C.Elliott,D.S.Louie,Files S ~BJECT Loss of elk/mule deer on the Blue Hesa Reservoir NJTES I called Mr.Cornelius to follow-up on a conversation of his with Bob Lindsay (copy attached). Mr.Cornelius indicated that when the Blue Hesa Reservoir freezes over,it freezes first at the upstream end and proceeds downstream.There are a lot of shallow areas at the upstream end.In some years the reservoir doesn't completel v freeze over.Freeze-u.p normally begins in mid to late December and is complete hv mid Januarv.This year a recent cold spell caused freeze-up later than normal. The ice thickness is normally 30 to 36 inches and.in the year that the elk were drowned it was particularly cold.However.he did not know ice thickness that year. He confirmed that year the animals were under a lot of stress.There had heen a lot of snow and a feeding program had been instituted.The elk had apparently crossed the reservoir from the north side and travelled a mile or more to the south shore where it appears they fell through the ice.Mr.Cornelius speculated that the elkm~I.Y have fallen through near the edge of the reservoir ~vhere the cracks resulting from drawdown occur. The drowned elk were found above the water level in the spring.It appea.rs they had been hidden from view by 20 inch ice.It is not knmvn hO\v or why 60 elk all perishl:d.Hr.Cornelius is sending us an incident report and some infor- mation on Blue }lesa. ._---,_..'-----I - ..... - - I ~~OO~£a [gm&~I©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Page 2 PHOI\IE lOG Bob Cornelius 42PRSONCONTACTEDTASKNUMBER AFFILIATION Ac.ting Chief Ranger DATE February 6,1985 Ho..RZA·EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE E.J.Gemperline PHONE NUMBER (307)641-2337 CPPIES TO B.Lindsay,R.Fairbanks,C.Elliott,DS.Louie,Files S~BJECT Loss of elk/mule deer on the Blue 11esa Reservoir NOTES I asked Mr.Cornelius some more questins about Blue NeSB.Apparently it is the stora.ge reservoir for the Morrow Point and Crystal Projects.It reaches its maximum level in August and may he down between 40 and 100 feet in \vinter. It is on the Gunnison River a tributary of the Colorado and dratvdown is dependent on forecasted inflows in the spring.This year (or last year)th.ere was a big drawdown.He didn't know offhand the drawdown in 1978. He said there is an effort made to keep the elk from crossing Highway 50 on the north side of the reservoir to prevent highway kills .This also ~1inimizes the number of elk crossin~the reservoir from the north.Prior to Blue Nesa conl'lrrucrion rhe elk normally crossed the Gunnison at this site and Blue ~'lesa ->->rhp habitat area.Howeyer,the elk now are normally able to fepd ~11 t-hp'\1'."p ..il nn the north side of the resen70i r and don't Deed to cross .The ..11r rlnn't-nn..-m"'lly swim across thp rpspryoir in summer jn ]arge numbers but !:>n ~~~~~~nn!:>1 c,]k Will swim across I ----~~---------- rO.* I Gn£OO~£a [!OO£~@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHONIE LOG P RSON CONTACTED _Bob Rosette TASK NUMBER 4 A FILIATION Former Regional Director of USFWS DATE February 18.1985 Hp,RZA·EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE Bob Lindsay PHONE NUMBER (303)249-7615 CPPIES TO C.Elliott.G.Gemperline,Files S~BJECT Big game accidents -ice related NlpTES Hr.Rosette told me again of the drowning of 69 elk on the Blue Hesa reservoi He also recalled an earlier incident of 20 elk being lost as a reslut of breaking through on the ice.He said the elk are following a traditional migration route. Most drownings occur in spring.After crossing all ..rinter elk look at the ice and think it is solid and venture out.A mitigation plan was being developed as he was leaving the USFWS by Jim Olterman the senior biologist in the reqion. I plan to conta.ct him as soon as possible to see what progress has been made Another problem Mr.Rosette mentioned was shelf ice.Elk attempting to cross the Colorado River sometimes run into the shelf ice vhen they're trying to exit on the opposite side.The animals will literally wear themselves out trying to climb out and eventually drown. 1)')~See phone log of February 4.1985 to Bob Cornelius NPS Corecantj offjce I I I G~£OO~£=~oo£~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHONIE LOG P RSON CONTACTED Jim Olterman TASK NUMBER 4 USFWS S~'l Region February 25,1985AFILIATIONDATE H ~RZA·EBASCO REPRESENlrATIVE Bob Lindsay PHONE NUMBER (303)249-3431 CbPIES TO Chuck Elliott,Gene Gemperline S ~BJECT Reservoir ice and shelf ice impacts to big game. NbTES Mr.Olterman indicated that there is mitigation being undertaken for the Blue Mesa Reservoir.It consists of acquisition of lands near the reservoir and enhancement of habitat for elk.Much of this land is currently used for cattle grazing. Hr.Olterman knows of no other cases of elk drowning in reservoirs or in rivers due to shelf ic:e.He mentioned the tll10 elk drownings which happened at Blue Mesa.(See phone log of 2/4/85 w/Bob Cornelius NPS Curecanti office).He sug- gested I call the north western regional office at (03)248-7175 and ask about ice shelf probJLems on the Colorado River. Apparently there have been problems in Hr.Olterman's region with deer drowning in concrete lined canals. - . I .-. Handwritten Memorandum from Bob Cornelius to E.J.Gemperline Mr.Gemperline: In addition to information on this case incident report,it should also be noted that: 1)78 -79 was a severe winter with heavy snow accumulations and cold temperatures.A feeding program by the Division of Wild- life lIiras instituted but thousands of animals died in the vici- nity of the lake. 2) 3) According to Perry Thompson.Blue Mesa District Ranger,there was a poaching incident near Big Game Hill on the north side of the reservoir in early winter. A special hunting s~ason was in progress in late fall east of Stueba.n Creek,however some hunters drifted west along the lake shore. - 4)There were problems with travelers on U.S.Highway 50 stopping to view and photograph animals. 5)Twelve (12)elk were known to have fallen through ice on the Soap Creek arm around 1975. 6)Individual animals on occasion get in trouble crossing ice by losing their footing but it appears it is the weight of large herds that can break through. edt I I l}{~OO~Lt.\Q §OO&~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHONE lOG PE RSON CONTACTED Jack l~itman TASK NUMBER 4 AF FILIATION ADF&G DATE Harch 4.1985 H~RZA.EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE Bob Lindsay PHONE NUMBER 822-3461 CC PIES TO C.Elloitt.Files su BJECT Moose Calf Hortality N(TES No formal write-up of the recent moose calf mortality studies has been compJet ack indicated tha.t 2 and possibly 3 calves were drowned (out of approx;matelylequaJ .14 mortalities)in the river or its tributaries.1 in mainstream.1 in TSJ1sena end 1 Questionable drowning in Watana creek (not known if other;factors e g caui ed 1 y preditor entered into the accidentl.The age s .of the 2 confirmed dro!JT);ngs !Jerp ~bout 6 davs for one calf and 2 weeks for the other. -I - I .... - il GPI.i.\Ilil;glAa@!~'U"TNA JOINT VENTURE I PHONE LOG 4 March 6,1985 TASK NUMBER DATE PHONENUMBER(Z08)885-7120 Professor of Wildlife &Range ScienceAFILIATION--==---_ HtRZA.EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE Bob Lindsay C(~PIESTO Gene Gemperline,Chuck.Elliott Dr.James PeakPRSONCONTACTED _ ,- _1 -.J2gEr~e~a:.!:t:,;;€':..:x:......:c~o~n~c..!:e~r2n~.~-:....__ Hoose Calf Mortality -Drowning,moose and ice mortalitySlBJECT N)TES Peak doesn't think that moose calf drownings are a major mortality factor. It is more a function of the individual animals overall condition. Weakened calves would be subject to drowning because of Door Dhvsical condition because of waves on a reservoir or swiftness of a river current.Peak pointed out that moose cows often use islands for calving as a predator avoidance strategy and he has ohserved cables as young as Z davs old crossing swift rivers. Peak also gave me a very good Dersonal observation concerninQ:caribou. lIe observed a calf swimming in a lake 12 miles wide.The main body- of a caribou herd had iust crossed the lake and the calf and irR mother had been seDarated.The cow was also out in rh",tJ<:Ij-pr 1~~1.~_~- for its calf.Both animals were 'i m;1,::,,::,-F..-,."m eh,."..-o Finallv.Peak indicared rh.qr "'''"eo ..:I_~T.'_~_~-F..-,."m b .1 •,~rhrnl1p-h the ice was not a major mortali ty factor OD natural bodies of water He indicated h t-h",t-if cracks and nolvP'ons of :ice on the- shore lines were encountered (such as in Susitna)it could hI"nf- ~- - ..- ~~------ ~~------ I !l'I'~BE K CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Cor orate He~dquarters ~Eigth Floor Loyalty Bldg. 317 ..W.Alder Port and.Oregon 97204 ....Tel phone 503/248-9507 March 27,1985 .... .- ,..., ,.... Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacher Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Loui e: I was interested to see your ad in the Fisheries Journal (Jan-Feb 1985). I have been working with this type of problem for years.My work has included studies on big game in Alaska and Canada,as well as the lower 48.The ques- tions you ask are good ones but there seems.to be very little llhard data"on which to base mitigation.One of the worst "killers"that I'm aware of is Lucky Peak Reservoir near Boise.The reservoir is in prime deer winter range and many deer (no accurate estimates are avail able to my knowledge)are lost through the ice each year.When talking to the Idaho game folk,they are not aware of any feasible ways to reduce this impact. As with many of these problems,the actual events are either relatively rare or not well documented.I would encourage you to first assess the 1 ikeli- hood that a signi.ficant problem exists.For example,if the reservoir is not in a wintering area there is probably not going to be a problem.Second,and most important,if there is a case made for such an impact,try to determine if mor- talityon a population level with and without the ice problem is likely to be significantly different.To my way of thinking the icing problem is not likely to be very important on a population level,considering the usual high mortality during winter.If you do determine that there is a significant increase in winter mortality,which is less expensive:fix the icing problem,or increase survival of the remaining animals via mitigation?I suspect the standard winter mitigation measures will be called for.If you give them good water and cover away from the reservoir,perhaps they won1t be drawn close to the dangerous con- diti ons. In summary,good questions,good luck,and please send me a copy of your report when it goes public. Sincerely yours, ?~wOXy Paul H.Whitney,Ph.D. Proj ect Manager BEAK CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED PHW:KH &OOi6&c §OO,&@@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM LOCATION TO Chicago Office Files DATE _....:A:...:.p=r-=i-=1:...---,,5"-.L...'----=.1~9--'=8'-=5"--_ NUMBER - FROM D.S.Louie SUBJECT __.....SL\oU....S;z..l""-·t...n.........a...........P--'r~Q.....,J,}-'·e....,..c.....t----'1~5....,6""-'3.....-1..:;o4"""'2~__ Winter Operation Record of Telephone Conversation I made a follow-up on the information provided in Dr.Paul Whitney of Beak Consultants,Inc.1 s letter regarding Lucky Peak Reservoir. Person contacted: Mr.Daniel Brownell,Manager Lucky Peak Project Office Corps of Enginers,Walla Walla District HC-33,Box 1020 Boise,Idaho 83706 Phone (208)343-0671 Lucky Peak Dam is located on the Boise River near the City of Boise,Idaho.It was completed in 1956.Structural height is 340 ftwith a reservoir capacity of 306,000 ac ft.At normal reservoir level the lake surface is 2800 aCt The project is for irrigation and flood control. The lake is on a number of major deer migration routes.As late as 12 to 15 years ago the loss was as much as 150 to 175 deer a year.However,in recent years,by maintaining the reservoir level constant during freeze-up supporting the forming ice sheet the casualty has been held to 5 or 6 per year. Originally the greatest casualty occurs just after ice cover formation when the ice thickness is thin and weak.Thereafter, the reservoir was allowed to be drawn down soon after cover formation.This leaves an air-pocket or void between the weak ice and the water surface.Cracks may even develop.At this stage the strength of the thin ice alone is inadequate to support the animals.. The width of the reservoir is in the order of 1500 ft.It was found that if the reservoir level is kept fairly constant supporting the forming ice even with a thin sheet a small herd of animals eQuId cross the lake (or river)safely. £oo~£c §IID£®©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-O F FleE MEMORANDUM LOCATION TO FROM Chicago Office Files D.S.Louie DATE __A-..,p,-r_l_·1__5...:..,_1_9_8_5 _ NUMBEfl Page Two SUBJECT __.!:::S~u:.::s~i~t=..:n~a=--.:.p-=rc..::o~jL:e~c=t~1,-,=5~6:..::3::....---=-1..:.4=2 _ Winter Operation Record of Telephone Conversation The current practice at Lucky Peak reservoir is to maintain the water surface at a constant level during ice cover formation.This water level is kept until the ice cover has develop adequate thickness and strenght before lake drawdown is permissible. Return migration is virtually completed by spring ice-break-up at Lucky Peak.There has been no drawing in recent years during this period • David S.Louie DSL/mmg 11 HJWA-fl1181:0 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHONE LOG Jerry Scholten TASK NUMBER 4PERSONCONTACTED AFFILIATION Idaho Fish and Game DATE April 17,1985 HARZA-EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE Bob Lindsay PHONE NUMBER (208)344-9790 COPIES TO Files,Gene Gemperline.Chuck Elliott,Randy Fairbanks Deer Mortality at Lucky Peak Reservoir,IdahoSUBJECT NOTES The large mortalities of deer at Lucky Peak occurred before Jerry joined the department.He indicated that he had heard about them and had actually read some field reports on the mortalities.He said the 150-175 animals per year was a good estimate for that period of time (late '60's early '70's). currently,they lose only 30-35 animals per year to the reservoir.Most accidents occur during peak migration and the condition of the reservoir greatly affects the magnitude of the accidents.The types of accidents include: 1)falling on the ice and pulling ligaments (usually results in mortality), 2)breaking through the ice and drowning. 3)being unable to exit the reservoir on the opposite shore due to ice sheets on the reservoir banks, 4)becoming mired in the mud around the reservoir perimeter. Jerry indicated that some animals are strong enough to get to the opposite shore after breaking through the ice by continued breaking of ice to form a path through all the way to the bank. Again.it should be noted that differences in types of accidents and numbers of accidents depend upon the reservoir conditions at the time of migration which in the case of Lucky Peak are apparently quite variable. --fiASCO PHONE SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE LOG ERSON CONTACTED __M...::;i;,;;,;k...::;e~P..;;.a...;;;s...::;s...::;m;.;;o...;;;r...::;e~_ I ARZA·EBASCO REPRESENTATIVE- FFILlAT10N Corps of Engineers,walla Walla District Bob Lindsay .TASK NUMBER DATE Apr;l 10.1985 PHONE NUMBER (509)522-6624 .- ... OPIESTO R Fairbanks.E.El1iott,G.Gemperl;ne ,UBJECT ...!:D!Se;ose;ur.....J,M:.Ioloo,urut...sa....l&...11oJ·to.,;yiL-!o.unb!.-t!o.!h~e:.......:D~w~o~r~s!2,;h~a==k~R~e!:.s2.e==-rv~o~i=-r __-....:_ OTES I called Passmore to obtain information on lucky Peak.He referred me to Jerry Scholter,Idaho Fish and Game (208)344-9790.He did mention that significant deer mortality was observed on the Dworshak reservoir in Northern Idaho.The reservoir was filled in 1972.The reservoir was not cleared however and slash.trees.etc.were left in the impoundment zone.This vegetative debris floated to the surface and was frozen into the impoundment surface.When deer came onto the ice to browse on the vegetation.they were either killed by predators or fell through the ice.This mortality tailed off in a couple of years and currently few mortalities are observed among local deer • DEPARTMENT OF 284 STATE STREET STATE HOUSE STATION 4; AUGUSTA.MAINE 04333 October 25,1984 'Q ;1'll_·~-"~:remI ~;~~a ;~~: ''.lCRMAr~E.TFt~SK """'Pu,y CO,'AMiSSIONER I I i II, Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: Copies of your letter requesting information about ice-control engineering have been sent to the following individuals/agencies for their possible response to your questions in item No.1. (1)Dana Murch,Hydropower Coord.,Maine DEP,State House Station #17,Augusta,Maine 04333 (2)Fred Michaud,Maine Dept.of Defense,Civil Emergency Preparedness, State House Station #72,Augusta,Maine 04333 Our Department's response to items No.2 and 3 are that we apparently experience few problems with animals slipping into reservoirs or through cracks in the ice.At least to the best of my knowledge at this time it has not been identified as a problem so no policies or measures have been developed to deal with it. ..... i V Item No.4 regarding turbidity is also best answered by the Dept.of Environmental Protection pursuant to their overall jurisdiction under State Water Quality Classification.Again,our Department has no established accepted or "permissible"degree of turbidity for waters containing salmonids. -~~'Z-#~~J7.~) Frederick B.HurleY,~. Director,Bureau of Resource Management FEH:SAT:jmk cc:D.Murch F.Michaud STATE OF MAINE Department of Environmental Protection MAIN OFFICE:RAY BUILDING,HOSPITAL STREET,AUGUSTA MAIL ADDRESS:State House Station 17,Augusta,04333 JOSEPH E.BRENNAN GOVERNOR October 30,1984 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Co. 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Loui e: HENRY E.WARREN COMMISSIONER. (4) Your recent request for information on state-of-the-art ice control engineering was forwarded to me by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The Department has no regulations or policies with respect to the control of ice levels in Maine's rivers.Your best source of information will probably be the major hydropower development interests in the State.I suggest that you contact the following companies: (1)Central Maine Power Co. ATTN:John Arnold,Environmental Effects Coordinator Edison Drive Augusta,Mai ne 04336 (2)Union Water Power Co. ATTN:William Grove,Agent and Engineer 150 Mai n Street Lewiston,Maine 04240 (3)Kennebec Water Power Co, ATTN:Alan Corson,Chief Engineer 8 Water Street Waterville,Maine 04901 Great Northern Paper Co. ATTN:Paul Firlotte,Power Systems Manager Millinocket,Maine 04462 (5)Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. ATTN:Doug Morrell,Hydraulic Engineer 33 State Street Bangor,Mai ne 04401 (6)Georgia-Pacific Corp. ATTN:Kenneth Gordon Woodl an d,Mai ne 04694 •Portland • REGIONAL OFFICES •Bangor.•Presque Isle • - - - - Dr.David S.Louie October 30 t 1984 Page -2- In response to your question on turbiditYt I am enclosing a copy of the State Laws classifying inland and tidal waters.BasicallYt there are five classifications of inland waters:At B-1 t B-2 t Ct and D.Class A standards specify that IIthere shall be no disposal of any matter or substance in these waters which would impart •••turbidity •••other than that which naturally occurs in said waters.II The standards for all other classifications specify that IIthere shall be no disposal of any matter or substance in these waters which imparts •••turbidity •••which would impair the usages ascribed to"these classifications. Please feel free to call me at 207-289-2111 if I can be of any further assi stance. SincerelYt DANA PAUL MURCH Hydropower Coordinator Bureau of Land Quality Control DPM/jp Enclosure cc:Steve Timpano t IF&W Fred Michaud t SPO r t';MP ~_til' Central Maine Power Company GENERAL OFFICE,EDISON DRIVE,AUGUSTA,MAINE 04336 (TWX NUMBER,CMP-AGUA 710-226-0195) February 20,1985 (207)623-3521 - - Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,IL 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: Having reviewed your request regarding information on state-of-the art ice control engineering,I must inform you that there is little we can contribute to your survey. To date this company has not experienced any continuing recognizable environmental or flood control problems for which specific ice control measures have had to be adopted or developed •. Normally after ice has formed,we attempt to maintain reser- voir water levels below full pond to minimize surface stress, which is the primary cause of surface cracking. Tubidity resulting from movement of suspended solids is generally not a problem in this area.The soils in this region are largely of glacial origin,primarily rock,gravel and coarse sand.After years of natural scouring,the characteristics and weight of the remaining soils inhibit extended suspension or movement.We have never experienced any water quality deterioration due to excessive turbidity at any of our hydro facili·ties,which has been obviously detrimental to resident aquatic life. I hope that we have been of some assistance in this matter. Sincerely yours, f }/lj!.,/:J /-;,;~/./?!ti£.--tH<'-,11 l.J>-y-A[_A: William B.Campbell Environmental Specialist Environmental Studies Department WBC!gss if(ennebet Water 'ower <!to. Established 1893 Allen J.Corson River Engineer January 31,1985 Mr.David s.Louie Harza Engineering Co. 150 So.Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Nr.Louie: I will attempt to respond to the information you recently requested,relative to ice control: 1.We control only the headwaters of the Kennebec River, therefore the operating policies of Central Maine Power Company on downstream plants might shed some light on your request. In Maine,most large animals stay off the ice as they are unable to maintain mobility-especiaily the hooved animals. I am not aware of any environmental impacts as a result of reservoir drawdowns. We have had erosion of embankments due t'o spring break-up,but attempt to keep reservoir levels below full pond at break-up to minimize impacts.The Maine Department of Environmental Protection maintains standards for water quality classifications. 2. 3.- 4. ~ I trust these comments have been of some assistance. Sincerely, 8:;;:orson AJC/rl P.O.BOX 103 •WATERVILLE,MAINE 04901 •(207)872-6624 ROBERT S.HOWE Treasurer SINCE .1878 150 MAIN STREET LEWISTON,MAINE 04240 PHONE 207 784-4501 WILLIAM M.GROVE Agent and Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,III 60606-4176 Atten:David F.Louie Sir: February 19,1985 - .... ,~. - In response to your questionnaire regarding state-of-the-art in ice control, please accept my apology for not responding more promptly.In general we find little natural peril for terrestrial animals and in fact can find some benefit from reservoir drawdown.More on this later.Specifically I will answer the survey in order of presentation. 1.The winter operating procedure on the Androscoggin River is one of run-of-river at all hydro power stations.This allows a steady formation of ice both above and below the station.Above the station of course,the slowed velocity of water freezes more quickly and to a greater depth than below the station where the velocity is inherently greater.We have a greater problem ·of ice jamming that is created more from natural causes than from power station operation.This river has several natural constrictions in the form of 'doubling bends'that restrict river flows and act as gathering areas for tributary ice discharges created by unseasonable freshets.Power stations on this river are well separated from these problem areas and cannot be considered to be a contributing factor to flooding. 2.The nature of reservoir freezing during drawdown does not allow wet reservoir banks to exist.The drawdown is gradual thus allowing solid freezing of the water.There are no exposed areas where an animal would become entrapped in a combination of wet mire and reservoir ice.At the time of freezing,the reservoir ice has formed sufficiently to support the weight of animals.Our experience of over 100 years of operation is that we do not have migratory animals in the true sense of the word.Never have my people reported seeing moose or deer on the reservoir surface of their own accord. The deer especially are at far greater hazard fTom packs of predator coy-dogs that drive them on to the ice where they lose their footing and become easy prey.Bears hibernate in the winter. 3.The formation of ice cracks/ridges is far more severe on natural lakes where the only relief for ice pressure is the formation of ridges.The very nature of reservoir operation relieves these pressures as the reservoir is drawn.The formation of these ridges is practically non existent on our reservoirs.Our reservoirs do not fluctuate as such.The draw is continually downward and does not reverse itself until the spring fill period has started.Reservoir fluctuation is annual in that the reservoirs are filled once in the spring and drawn over the rest of the year reaching their lowest level on the last day of March (average). .... - - - .- 4.The reverse is true at so called break-up time.This period is marked by a closing of the reservoir discharge gates thereby stilling the reservoir waters from any flow.As the reservoir rises the ice that was formed during the drawdown period and which is still in place along the shore,merely falls into place with the rising water level.This prevents movement from wind and restricts any subsequent shore line damage.While there are years that late melting ice fields can create problems when the wind blows,this is no different from natural lakes that have problems annually and can create severe shore line damage.Therefore there is virtually no problem beyond what occurs naturally in the way of turbidity.My biologists tell me that this is a non problem and therefore has not been worthy of study.Downstream of the reservoir is much the same as above.Since the gates have been closed except for minimum flow requirements,there is insufficient flow to create river bank erosion.Any shore ice melts rather uneventfully as nature takes its course. In addition to the above there are advantages to reservoir shore ice formation.It shields the reservoir surface from freezing temperatures thus allowing open water to the many wildlife who depend upon water for their very existence.We have otter and muskrat and mink who could not exist without the formation of ice shelves for access.These shelves provide protection against their natural enemies and the harsh New England weather that is their habitat. This reservoir system has been in operation continuously for over 100 years and we have not observed any calamity to wildlife that has not occurred in non reservoir conditions. In the case of migrating caribou where thousands of animals constituting tons of hoof striking force on any questionably frozen surface,it is a lot to expect that the ice surface will always support them under all conditions or that some interruption in the ice surface will not create some hazard.Wind blown ice gives little if any traction to cloven hooved animals.Similarly hazardous conditions exist in drifted snow fields and concealed brooks and ··streams. Having observed winter conditions first hand,it seems somewhat facetious'to consider that any manipulation of reservoir levels could or would affect ice formation or ridges or cracks that would be any more or less hazardous than naturally frozen lakes. I will appreciate the results of your survey,which you may send to the above address. Sincerely, / !. !t:.(//.,(t t.1...!....J;:.-'. William M.Grove Agent and Engineer WMG:sr I 0020E HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY PHONE LOG Called Person CORtictid H.Harriniton Project~s~u~sui~t~n~a~__ Div.of Land &Resources Develop. Affiliation Dept.of Natural Resources Project #1563-142 P.O.Box 30028 Harza Rep.D.S.Louie Lansini'HI 48909 Date Oct.31,1984 -Copies To _ Subject Ice Control Engineering -Susitna Project Phone #(517)373-0133 .- Notes The department has no policy on questions 1,2 and 3. Regarding question 4 -permissible increase in turbidity due to bank erosion by ice break-up and movement: 1. 2. Cold water rivers 10%above back ground turbidity level in mg/l Warm water rivers 20%-25%above back ground turbidity level in wS/l. ,~ - Backiround turbidity leyel is the turbidity of water during __________---normal flOW conditions for the month in question. .- 3.Maximum water surface fluctuation is 8"-10"per day for cold water riyers (salmon.char.trout etc.) 12"-18"per day for warm water rivers (bass,walleyes etc.) David 5.Louie STATE OF MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNCIL STATE CAPITOL HELENA.MONTANA 59620 (406)444-3742 Deborah B.Schmidt,Executive Director GOV.TED SCHWINDEN Designated Representalive: John F.North HOUSE MEMBERS Dennis tverson,Chairman Dave Brown Hal Harper Eari C.Lory SENATE MEMBERS Mike Halligan,Vice Chairman Domthy Eck James Shaw Larry Tveit CX:tober 23,1984 PUBLIC MEMBERS Tad Daie Warren Harding W.Leslie Pengelly Frank S.Stock Dr.David S.IDuie Harza Engineering Conpany 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.louie: Thank you for your letter requesting infonnation on ice-control engineering and related enviro11.l1'eIltal problems in M:mtana.Although ice jams and flooding are concerns in the lower Yellowstone River basin,I am not aware of specific concerns or work related to irrpacts on terrestrial animals. The following persons may have useful infonnation: Richard Bondy,Chief Engineering Bureau Department of Natural Resources &Conservation Helena,MI'59620 James A.Posewitz,Leader Resource Assessment Unit Department of Fish,Wildlife &Parks Helena,MI'59620 Mr.Robert Periman Manager,Hydro-Engineering M::mtana Power Conpany 40 East Broadway Butte,MI'59701 Mr.Don Willems Enviro11.l1'eIltal Sciences Division DepartIrent of Health &Enviro11.l1'eIltal Sciences Helena,t<fi'59620 HEJ/nf Sincerely,;' /..-/./_--f,':';,;//(//;.'~<-et./a?d~~.....~/rZ~-v Howard E.Johnson Environrrental Scientist WATER2/Louie 10/23/84 ,... ,~ cMOfltcuta~~ of Fisft,'lflfJdlife <;&~ November 7,1984 Mr.David S.Louie Chief,Hydrolic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker DrLve Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Sir: 1420 East Sixth Avenue Helena,Montana 59620 .- - - The Montana Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks has not investigated any of the issues associated with ice impacts on wildlife mentioned in your October 29th letter.I am also not aware of any studies that address these issues;consequently, I regret we are unable to be of any assistance to you. Sincerely, .; -I James A.Posewitz Leader Resource Assessment Unit JAP/bfs DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES --STATE OF iV10NTAN;6\------ - .-, TED SCHWINDEN,GOVERNOR Dr.David S.Lowe Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Re:Ice Control COGSWELL BUILDING HELENA,MONTANA 39620 January 30,1985 "-/'-',-\- -:~."'-,....~-~--... >:;~\.u .~:'~~.__",,[~~ ...~..,.... -::::!1 I,;......~.'_._-,..._._-- ------- ......._--...._---~ - - - - - Dear Dr.Lowe: In response to your letter dated January 17,1985, I am recommending that you contact Dr.Donald R. Reichmuth at: Dr.Donald R.Reichmuth Geomax 622 South Sixth Avenue Bozeman,Montana 59715 Please do not hesitate in contacting me,if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Ken Chrest Agricultural Specialist Water Quality Bureau Environmental Sciences Division KC:ls r"r '.'~'..() .- - Nebraska Public Power District January 29,1985 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: liS- GENERAL OFFICE P.O.BOX 499.COLUMBUS,NEBRASKA 68601-0499 TELEPHONE (402)564-8561 - - - .- In response to your request for information on environmental impact caused by various ice conditions on reservoirs and rivers,the following information is supplied: 1.At Gentleman Station,a 1300 MW total coal fired steam electric generating station on the south shore of Sutherland Reservoir, warm water recirculation to the water intake structure occurs during the winter months to minimize icing conditions.Other than that we have no procedures or operating policies used in the control of ice levels in rivers downstream and upstream of dams and hydro- plants in our system. 2.We have no procedures to m1n1m1ze the hazard of animals falling into the reservoir due to slippage on ice on wet reservoir banks. 3.We have no procedures to reduce hazards of animals falling into or being trapped in cracks which may develop from reservoir fluctuation managemen t . 4.The Nebraska Water Quality Standards state that turbidity caused by human activity shall not import more than a 10 percent increase in turbidity,as measured in Jackson Turbidity Units,to the receiving water. Sincerely, ~~~ Eric N.Sloth,Ph.D. Division Manager Environmental Affairs ENS/cl ~_PAC Ie POWER &LIGHT COMPANY i '920 S.W SIXTH AVENUE.PORTLAND.OREGON 97204.(5031243·1122 \ n January 31,1985 1 Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive1Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 .I Dear Dr.Louie: Your letter of January 17,1985,requested information about control of ice levels in rivers upstream and downstream of dams and hydropower plants.Pacific does not operate.any project at which ice formation in the river is of any consequence.There is one small reservoir within Pacific's system that periodically freezes over,but no special procedures are required for operation during such occasions. Very truly yours, xad~ S.A.deSousa Manager,Civil Engineering.· deS:sh T I TELECOPIER 243·4774.TWX 910-464-1594 JOHN SELLMAN Gov mor FRANK LOCKARD Director -I STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GAME 600 North Capitol Way,Gj-11 •Olympia,Washington 98504-0091 •(206)753-5700 November 8,1984 David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Walker Drive . Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Mr.Louie: If your letter of October 16,you asked several questions about ICE control engineering.I talked to several biologists and our engineering division and could find no one who could provide you the information you requested. Sincerely, THE DEPARTMENT OF G~1EJ!'-';'-if---a=:':.':'nto:/'.Y,.. Major Projects Coordinator Habitat Management Division JGF:ks 3 ..... Booth Gardner1~)fi ocmGAIl4X ••Gov mar STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 77 W1LLlAM R.WILKERSON Director 115 General Administration Building •Olympia,Washington 98504 •(206)753-6600 •(SCAN)234-6600 February 4,1985 Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company Consulting Engineers 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606-4176 Dear Mr.Louie: Please excuse my tardy response to your recent inquiry re ice control engineering. We don't really have a lot of expertise in this f~eld.However,it might be worthwhile for you to contact Russ Webb;the Chief of our Engineering Division at (206)753-6610 and Ken Bates Habitat Management Division Engineer at (206)753-3632.'.'._~ fh J/eUis i ... Additionally,we suggest you contact the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering Research Center in Denver,Colorado and Hosey and Associates in Bellevue,Washington. Sincerely, <L,..q •~J.r-- William R.Wilkerson, Director .,b.r.....0l!iciU.i It{r:I'O~.1+8cJe£t bel p.hG~le..~""-H-ave!_.y '" .1-./0 0 fe'Y~1-+ln,5 f''''/i't!ij Nt If.<{'o.~Va {I d L;Q, ..i " CJ)dVu.!liiW,<-- 'i I REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Executive Office DEPARTMe:NT OF THE ARMY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION,CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O.BOX 631 VICKSBURG,MISSISSIPPI 39180-0631 November 14,1984 ~I I I I Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dave: I have forwarded your letter of November 1 to the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover,New Hampshire,for reply.I believe they should have the answers to most of the questions you raised.Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. It was good to hear from you.Why don't you come to see us sometime? Sincerely, F.R.Brown Engineer Technical Director Enclosure HYDRAULICS LABORATORY GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY STRUCTURES LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER 1 I REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION.CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O.BOX 631 VICKSBURG,MISSISSIPPI 39160-0631 November 14,1984 ,, -i-,i Executive Office /' Dr.Lloyd R.Bres1au Technical Director USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 72 Lyme Road Hanover,New Hampshire 03755-1290 Dear Lloyd: Inclosed is a copy of some correspondence which I think is self- explanatory.Dave Louie is a good friend and I hope you can supply him with the information sought. Thanks. Sincerely, d~~( F.R.Brmffi Engineer Technical Director Enclosure HYDRAULICS LABORATORY GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY STRUCTURES LABORATORY ENVI RONMENTAL LABORATORY COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER REPLY TO ....TTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY D£TAOIT DISTRICT,CORPS OF ENGINEERS ,80111027 DETROIT,MICHIGAN 41231 December 6~1984 - i I ""F I I I T r I I .... Planning Division -PF Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 SOuth Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: This is in res:POnse to your letter of November 1,1984,concerning your literature search on the state-of-the-art in ice control engineering which affects the enviromnent. Concerning the control of ice in rivers downstream and upstream .of dams and power plants,we have both studies and practical ',experience in stabilizing ice cover to allow passage of vessels and still maintain a stable flow of water for hydro)?OWer and prevent the formation of ice jams, through the use of floating log ice booms.Work in this area has been done primarily on the St.Marys River at Sault Ste.Marie,Michigan,on the Niagara River at Buffalo,New York,and along the st.lawrence ,River. Activities on the st.Marys River included a model study followed by a demonstration program to test an ice boan's effectiveness at the head of the Little Rapids Cut just downstream of the SOO Locks and Govermnent and private hydropower facilities at Sault Ste.Marie,Michigan.This work was done during the Congressionally authorized Great Lakes -St.lawrence Seaway Navigation season Extension Program which was concluded in September of 1979.A photocow of the Little Rapids CUt model study is available at a cost of $52.00.The boan proved so successful that it is now part of our normal operations a:ctivities.However,the effects of the boan on water levels,flows,and ice cover continue to be analyzed and a report is released annually by our Great Lakes Hydraulics and Hydrology Branch. Should you desire specific details on operating procedures or :policies associated with the ice·boan,please contact Mr.Jim Bray,SOO Area Engineer,u.S.Army Corps of Engineers,St.Marys Falls Canal,Sault Ste. Marie,Michigan 44783;telephone number (906)632-3311. In an effort to control ice problems on the St.Marys River,the present Lake Superior regulation plan,Plan 1977,contains a requirement limiting the discharge through the Lake Superior control structures (three power plants,navigation locks,and canpensating works)into the st.Marys River to 85,000 cfs from December through April.This limitation was set as a IIsafe"maximum as a result of past experiences with flooding due to ice janming in the sao Harbor and the lower St.Marys River,caused in part when higher flows are discharged. 1 ! """!' ! ! T ! "'l"'" I , i r -2- There is also an ice boan placed annually at the head of the Niagara River by permission of the International Joint Cormnission.The ice boom accelerates the formation of,and stabilizes the natural ice arch that forms near the head of the Niagara River every winter.The boan reduces the severity and duration of ice runs from Lake Erie into the Niagara River,and lessens the probability of large-scale ice blockages in the river which can cause reductions in hydropower generation and flooding of shoreline property along the Niagara River.Additional information on this ice boan can be obtained from Colonel Robert R.Hardiman,Buffalo District Engineer and Chairman of the International Niagara Working camnittee of the Internatonal Niagara Board of Control.Colonel Hardiman can be reached at this address: u.s.Ar1I¥Engineer District,Buffalo 1776 Niagara street Buffalo,New York 14207 Ice related studies performed by the Corps of Engineers are conducted by our Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover,New Hampshire.Activities conducted on the St.Lawrence River have been conducted by the two operating entities;the st.lawrence Seaway Authority in Canada and the St.lawrence seaway Developnent Corporation in the United States.Representatives of these organizations can be contacted at the following addresses: Cormnander u.S.A.rIt¥Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory P.o.Box 282 Hanover,New Hampshire 03755 President St.Lawrence Seaway Authority Place de Ville ottawa,Ontario,Canada KlR 5A3 Honorable James L.Emery,Administrator St.Lawrence Seaway Developnent Corporation 800 Independence Ave.,.S.W. Washington,D.C.20591 The Detroit District is involved in the operation of only one reservoiq the Lake Winnebago Pool on the Fox River in Wisconsin.This reservoir is operated primarily for floOO control and to provide consistent water levels for navigation.As such,the reservoir does not experience frequent fluctuations,but is drawn down gradually beginning in late fall to -3- provide for spring runoff fran the surrounding watershed.Under the plan of operation,the pool is not drawn down until a substantial ice cover has been established.Thus the banks are not exposed when the pool level is drawn down.With this method of operation,we do not experience adverse effects on wildlife using the pool for watering;nor are we aware of problems for wildlife relating to cracks in the ice cover.The Cold Regions Lab in New !Hampshire may have done sane studies relating to the size and p:lttern of crack developnent in ice cover in relation to ship movement.Other possible points of contact for these issues might be the Corps of Engineers I Water Resources SUpport center,the u.s.Fish and Wildlife service,and the Canadian Ministry of the Environment.Addresses for these agencies are provided below. u.s ..ArIt¥Engineers Water Resources SUpport center casey Building Fort Belvoir,Virginia 22060 Regional Director U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Roan 642 Federal Building,Fort snelling Twin Cities,Minnesota 55111 Mr.R.E.Moore,Director SOutheast Region Ministry of the Environment 153 Dalton Street Kingston,Ontario,Canada K7L 4X6 The Detroit District does not have any studies on the problems of bank erosion caused by break-up and movement of ice and increased sediment in reservoirs.However,during the Great Lakes and St~Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Program,a study on "Shoreline Conditions and Bank Recession along the u.S.Shoreline of the St.Marys,St.Clair, Detroit,and St.Lawrence Rivers"was conducted as p:lrt of an investigation of the effects of ice caused erosion on these rivers.The Environmental Protection Agency has also funded sane research on sedimentation in the Winnebago Pool in Wisconsin.For infonnation on turbidity effects on aquatic life,you may wish to contact the u.s.Fish and Wildlife service and Region 5 of the Environmental Protection Agency.The EPA's address is shown below. rr ! i - -i, -4- Regional Administrator Region 5,EPA 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago,Illinois 60604 I hO};:e this information is helpful to you.If I can be of any further assistance,please feel free to contact me at (313)226-6768. Sincerely, c.Argiroff,P.E. Chief,Planning Division ."""1' I i DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY,CORPS OF ENGINEERS HANOVER,NEW HAMPSHIRE 03755 December 5,1984 ..,.. I I "f" I I I Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dave: I'm afraid that we can't help you much regarding environmental studies but can supply the names of other organizations who should be able to help you.They are: Planning Division u.S.Army Engineer District,Detroit P.O.Box 1027 Detroit,Michigan 48231 Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.Dept.of Interior Federal Building,Fort Snelling Twin Cities,Minnesota 55111 Resident Manager Power Authority of The State of New York P.O.Box 700 Massena,New York 13662 Operations Division U.S.Army Engineer Division,Missouri River P.O.Box 103,Downtown Station Omaha,Nebraska 68101 U.S.Forestry Service Rocky Mountain Extension Service 316 Eas t Myrtle Boise,Idaho 83702 L.Bi11fa1k Swedish State Power Board The Hydraulic Laboratory S-870 71 A1vkar1eby SWEDEN f'f" i i T ! - 2 - Our library may have foreign articles or reports that ;am not aware of.You may want to have s,omeone visit CRREL to review the reports that may be in our library. I'm sorry that I could not supply what you were looking for.There is still "a lot to be done in this field. Have a ve~happy holiday season. Sincerely, Guenther E.Frankenstein Chief,Ice Engineering Resea;l;ch.B,;I;anch 'l I i"""" I United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WASHINGTON,D.C.20240 Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Dear Dr.Louie: NOV I 6 /984 i T I "i"" I I I Thank you for your letter requesting information on the effects of ice control engineering on the environment.The following comments are in response to your concerns. 1."Procedures and operating policies used in the control of.ice levels and methods of reservoi r fl uctuat i on management used to control crack development in ice.1I The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service does not have the expertise to establish operating policies for reservoirs.A good source of information are Federal reservoir managers,such as the U.S.Army Corps of Engineer (U.S.Army Corp of Engineer,Chief,Construction Operations Division,Room 6233,Pulaski Building,20 Massachusetts Avenue,Washington,D.C.20314,(202)272-0196)and the Bureau of Reclamation (Department of Interior,Bureau of Reclamation,Chief, Division of Land and Water,18th and C Streets,N.W.,Washington, D.C.20240,(202)343-5471). 2.IIEnvironmental impact on terrestial animals due to the formation of ice on wet reservoir banks.1I There is the potential,if reservoirs freeze,for terrestial animals to become stranded on ice and become easy prey to predators.Animal loss can be prevented by predator control,fencing of reservoirs and providing access to winter feeding areas away from iced surfaces. 3.IIProblem of bank erosion caused by the break-up and movement of ice resulting in an increase in sediment.1I Biologically,salmon and trout are very sensitive to stream turbidity.Sensitivity varies with life stage,time of year,water temperature and other factors.For a detailed description of suitable habitat for salmon and trout,please refer to the enclosed habitat suitability models.Additional inf~JP~&~~~J~iJ8~ Date Received Routed To ~:~)~~;~'~ir~~·:!~~~~:\1 r:·by _ CLg<£i'::i '.;,-:~ Snhi~("'~r~"'.''';r-:-,__~~_ Or.David S.Louie 2 -- can be obtained from:Director,USFWS,National Fisheries Center Leetown,P.O.Box 700,Kearneysville,West Virginia,25430, (304)725-8461 and the Director,USFWS,Seattle National Fisheries Research Center,Building 204,Naval Station,Seattle,Washington, 98115,(206)527-6282. If we can be of further assistance,please let us know. Sincerely, I Associat~ Director Enclosures .- l HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY PHONE LOG Phone #_ Project #_ Project /.670'3 -/¢'2--Person Contacted i)eaJl ,Vc;r.ntJJ1,S Affiliation I'la/l l2»dl ;L/dn~e fti#Cf"1 Jbrv. V(I;J.A ,..'5 ~ Harza Rep.V -S".Lc;C/.)~.I r ./ Copies To _ ,.,I,Date re~.~,· I/:)/r.or..~J ---... I 42-0//) -cq, .J' Note s_--'-...:J1_.:..r-=e:.:~_:...;:_,tJ....:;O;....1 J1..:...,;;;,S'....;e~..J..ID...:::::...-=CJ:...;q::..._r~/...:e=_-I....:r:_1-e~r_..:::t!)..:.,,~...:.St;_=_..=.s:..!./"r...;/PJ..:..·...:.ct:::....J---.:../...;Cz....:;;.'J=--_ Sl fl.ldv;,Nr.De&J1 ~JrS-l)J1 s ,/.I O.d)//·?d. ~! f J J.......,.. I T / -1~2/ -, S:::i-Jt?~~'1')/uJ;J e .'..-c~,':~j.~:~-;l<:..~'":-, -HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY PHONE LOG Person Contacted Project --Affiliation Project # Harza Rep.Date Copies To Phone # Subject - - Notes Iv/y-.I3el#ldl s.f~';e5 fl;cI1l there I:S-M hJJrc/d11t/-fd'S/' rtIIe s !hrftlr iUd/I:!s-fOHcldJrc(J'fe"-'f?t~It -<rcvt er C )//t;' d/,4ereJf/-Ie-r e-dJCi,~f~fe.IvI()S't/~!j,.;9SG ~.p/T!{//'vC/s ,I c:~~ f -/O ~/ .//) .- tI .... EPUBLIK OSTERREICH BUN DESMI N ISTER IU M FOR LAND-UND FORSTWIRTSCHAFT 71.42.013/01-IV 2/84 ,achbearbeiter:DiDl.-Ing.Flicker Tel.:7500/6965 DW WIEN, 19B!l 1121 -\ Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Comoany 150 South Wacker Drive -I rh',_.lcago ,Illinois 60606 U.S.A. _I - .~ ..... Gegenstand:Ma~nahmen,urn sch~dliche Umweltbeeinflussungen durch Eisbildung in Fllissen und Staur~u~en hintanzuhalten. Sehr ~eehrte Ferren! In Beantwortung Ihres Schreibens vom 16.10.1984 geben ~ir beka-nnt: ad1)Bei den 5sterreichischen schiffharen Fllissen ist es nicht notwendig,flir Zwecke der Schiffahrt stets eine befahrbare Rinne in der sonst geschlossenen Eisdecke offen zu halten, da ffir diese kurzen Zeitr~ume extremen Frostes die Schtff- fahrt eingestellt werden kann.Jaraus ergibt sich,da~das Aufbrechen der Risdecke nur dann in ~rage kommt,wenn es die Gefahr von Uberschwemmungen reduziert.Sin laufendes !-\uf'brechen der Eisclecke in Staur~l1men und Ahdriften der Schollen liber ein einziFes Wehrfeld erfolgt nicht,da d1esB Vorgan~sweise das Problem des Fisganges und even- tuellen Fissto(2,es nur 'Gum fJnterlier;er verschieht,T,reiter.s im Vergleich zu einer geschlossenen Eisdecke ~u vermehrter Risbildung filhrt und Uherdies die Erosion der ~lu~sohle im TTl1terHasser nicht toleriert r-Jerjen leann.:rn ·jer "e,:-;el ./. ..... - r I ! - 3 - das Hoehgebirge insbesonders im Winter wenig Tieren Le- bensraum bietet und uberdies ~ro~raumirr,e Wanderungen der Tiere nieht stattfinden,ist von Problemen,Hie unter Punkt 2 und 3 Ihres Sehreibens gesehildert,hierorts niehts bekannt . ad 4)Rin nl6tzliehes Driften von Rissehollen,die sieh im Stau- raurn angesammelt haben,findet nieht statt,urn Sohlerosio- nen zu verrneiden,es sei denn eine akute Hoehwassersitua- tion rnaeht diesen Sehritt erforderlieh.Der kontinuier- liehe natUrliehe Abgang von F.issehollen fUhrt zu keiner nennenswerten Sohl-und R5sehungserosion und kann aueh die Lebensbedingungen der Wassertiere nieht naehhaltig negativ beeinflussen.Allfallige lokale Uferbeseha.di.gungen sind naeh der Frostperiode,so wie andere Frostsehaden aueh,zu beheben.Da in den natUrliehen Eisabgang kaum eingegriffen wird,1st es aueh nieht ublieh,in diesem Zusammenhang besondere Auflagen bzgl.des zulassigen Sehv.rebstoff-und Gesehiebegehalts zu erteilen. Bei Eingriffen,die zu nennenswertem Gesehiebe-und Sehwebstoffanfall fuhren,wird fallweise ein oberer Grenz- wert fur nieht im Wasser l6sbare Stoffe von ~O fiG!l vorge- geben bzw.eine ~indestsiehttiefe von 1 m verlangt,oder der Zeitpunkt des vermehrten Gesehiebeanfalls wird so ge- wahlt,da~im Unterwasser gunstige Abflu~verhaltnisse, d.h.hohe Wasserstande (uber Mittelwasser),vorliegen. An Stellen,die von den angesehnittenen Problemen un~ittelbar betroffen sind,und deshalb weitere Angaben machen k6nnen,w~ren zu nennen: 1)Do ,(1,,),Parkring 12,1010 :"Tfen 2)GD'(,KohldorferstraBe 98~9010 Klagenfurt ;Translation by H.A.Wagner Subject: Gentlemen: Preventive measures to avoid harmful influences on the environment by formation of ice in rivers and reservoirs. Re:Your letter dated October 16 t 1984 freea-j)fl 1)The rivers in Au s tria are ~open for navigat ion during the "- short periods of extreme frost.The navigation can be halted.~ Therefore t ice will be broken up only if it reduces the danger~ of flooding.The surface ice of the reservoirs will not be , broken up continuously and released over a singleweir t --fZ because this procedure will shift the problem of ice jams ~ downstream only and will lead to a heavier ice formation.~ Besides t the erosion of the downstream riverbed can not be .~ tolerated.As a rule the water level is low during extreme /~ low temperatures t so t-hat the banking--=up-oT-The river t due- to higher friction and reduced cross-section by the ice covert can be tolerated.When the banking-up of the river threatens flooding t the ice cover will be broken up by means of ice- ploughs,ice-breakers or blasting.In case water from powerhouses discharges into the river (temp.approx.3°e)a reduction of ice formation will be caused. The dams of powerhouses in high mountains are often protected from the ice cover by a curtain of air bubbles t which bring the warmer water up.This measure is necessary to protect the jointins and cementing from the ice cover and furthermore t the pressure from the ice cover on the dam will be prevented. 2) 4) and 3)It appears that the influence of the ice formation on the animal kingdom in Austria cannot be compared with the one in Northamerica. The water levels do not fluctuate noteworthYt so that the reservoir banks will not be covered unduly with ice.Also t extreme periods of frost do not occui in Austria.However t the reservoirs in the high mountains are regularly covered with ice and the river banks are partly covered with heavy ice t due to often changing water levels.No problems t as mentioned under paragraph 2 and 3 of your letter t are known in Austria t due to the fact that few animals live in the high mountains especially during the winter.Besides t migrations don't occur. A sudden drift of ice t which collected on the reservoir does not occur.Measures to avoid bank erosion will be taken only in extreme flooding situations.The continuous natural exit of the ice does not cause bed or bank erosion and does not influence the living conditions of the animals.Possible local damages of the banks after periods of frost have to be repaired. Repairs which will cause noteworthy water pollution will be performed during favorable high downstream water levels (above middle water).The upper limit for insoluble matter in water is 30 mg/l or a minimum visibility of 1 m. For further references see: 3.Reservoir fluctuation management 1.Operating policies 2.Environmental impact on terrestia1 animals 1 (2) Telegram 1702/85 Telelax Our relerence Telex Dale January 16,1985 Telephone The crack development is not a problem in our country.Warm water flowing from a reservoir has weakened the ice cover in Northern Finland. Slreel address Imatran Volma Oy We have successfully tested the maintaining of steady discharge in a river in Northern Finland to obtain early ice formation.The early ice formation is essential to minimize the formation of frazi1 ice.The steady discharge was obtained with a hydro power plant which has a large reservoir.This method is promising,but its application in practice is rather difficult.The electricity production requirements are often opposite to the ice formation operating policy. According to my knowledge hazards you mention are not common in our country. Unfortunately we do not have any written reports in English,but in the following I try to answer your questions. We forwarded a copy of your letter to Mr.Tapio Kova- nen,who is the chief hydrologist of our parent company Imatran Voima Oy.His answer is here: From your letter of November 8,1985 we note that you are conducting a literature search concerning the ice control engineering. ILLINOIS 60606 U.S.A. Mailing address Dear Dr.Louie, ICE CONTROL ENGINEERING CHICAGO Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive H.Partanen IVO -Consulting Engineers Ltd IVO CoDBUlting Engineers Ltd 4.Bank erosion 1702/85 2 """ Bank erosion is not usually a problem in big rivers.We have no regulations or norms for turbidity. The above was Mr.T.Kovanen's answer to your inquiry. If you wish further clarification you may contact Mr.Kovanen directly. We also forwarded a copy of your letter to our sister companies Kemijoki Oy and Oulujoki Oy,who have designed and are operating hydro power plants in Northern Finland.Unfortunately even they did not have any particular reports on this subject. We hope the above information,even if short,will beof some help to you. Yours very truly, for IVO CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD Sune Norrback Executive Vice President -INSTITUT PUR WASSERBAU UND KULTURTECHNIK VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR WASSERBAU "Theodor-Rehbock-Laboratorium" UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE Leiter:o.Prof.Dr.Techn.Peter Larsen Postanschrift: U niversitat Karlsruhe Institut f~r Wasserbau Kaiserstr.12 0-7500 Karlsruhe 1 Telefon:(0721)60821 94 Telex:07-826 521 uni d Mr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 USA Ihr Zeichen: Unser Zeichen: Sachbearbeiter: Karlsruhe,den PL!IB Prof.Larsen October 19,1984 - -- ..... - Dear Dave: In answer to your telegram,directed to Prof.Mosony~I would like to suggest that you contact the Swedish State Power Board (SPB),where you might get some useful information.Their major hydro power developments are situated in northern Sweden and in several cases involved reindeer country.Moose are also abundant in some areas and of course ice during about 5 months of winter- time.My successor at the XlvkarlebyLaboratory,SPB,Dr.L.BiDfalk, Director,Xlvkarleby Laboratory,S-81070 Xlvkarleby,Sweden,has specialized in ice problems. Being an IAHR member you of course are aware of the Section on Ice Problems and its numerous symposia proceedings.Also POAC is a source of information.Your Canadian neighbors you probably know better than I do. I take this opporturiity to announce the change of directorship of the Theodor RehbockLaboratory,that took place April 1,1983. Prof.Mosonyi enjoys a status of emeritus and still has an office at the institute. Yours sincerely, (Prof.Dr.Techn.Peter Larsen) '- DERBUNDESMINISTER DES INN ERN Geschaftszeichen (beiAntwort bitte angeben) U fl14 -520 080 II.. .............................-.0-.",,-0_.. Der Bundesministerdes Innern,Postfach 170290,5300 Bonn 1 Herrn Dr.Da v id S.Lo ui e Harza Engineerin~Company 15D $outh Wacker Drive Chicago Illinois 60606,USA _(0228) 681-3465 Dienstgebaude Nr. Datum 8.November 1984 ...... - .-r Bet r.:I nformat i onsmiateri a 1; hier:Stand'der Technik auf dem Gebiet desSchutzes gegen Ei ss.chaden Bezug:J hr'Tel egramm vom24 .10.1984 Sehr geehrter Herr Dr.Louie~ fOr ,Ihr Schrei ben v 0'm 24.10•1984 s o'w ie Ihr In t ere sse fOr die Belange des Umweltschutzes danke ich'Ihnen. Zustandigk~itshalber habe ich Ihr Schreiben an den.Deutschen Verband fOr Wasserwirtschaft.und Kul~urbau e.V.weitergeleitet.Von dort erhalten Sie weitere Nachricht. Mitfreundlichen GrOBen 1m Auf trag > Malek CD-0 3: ~~i '"e. ~ "iii Dienstgebiude . 5 Nr.1 Graurheindorfer StraBs 198 Nr.3 Graurheindorfer StraBe 35 Nr.6 Karl-Legien-SlraBe 156,'Jl'Vemiilllung Telex Teletex Telefax~(Hauptgebaucle)Nr,4 HusarenstraBe30 Nr.7 HoheStraBe67 Nr.1-6:681-1.·886B96 228341 =BMI 681-4665 ~Nr.2 DielkjrchenstraBe 28 Nr.5 Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9 Nr.8 Hohe StraBe?3 Nr.7.8:66 84-1 ~K__dun""n:Bundeskaslle 80nn.;Landeszenlralbank Bonn 38001060 (8LZ38000000I'Postgirokonto KOin 119.00-505 (BLZ 37010050) DDVWK Deutscher Verband fOr Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau e.V, DVWK·GluckstraBe 2·0·5300 Bonn 1.Tel,(02 28)63 14 46THEMANAGINGDIRECTOR ~~----------~~----......~~-------------- "~ Dr.David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606/USA Ref.No. Bonn,October 31,1984 Subject:-Ice Control .Engineering Dear Dr.Louie, - Thank you very much for your cable of 24th October,1984, requesting information and detailed literature on the above- me~tioned subject. The enclosed text of your cable was sent to the relevant experts of our Association,namely: Prof.Dr.-Ing.Hans Blind 'Technische Universitat Arcisstr.21 D-8000 MUnchen 2 and Prof.Dr.-Ing.Karl Heinz Idel Potthoffs Borde 15 D-4300 Essen 1. I am sure,you will hear from our specialists in due course. For your information I enclose in English a pamphlet on the structure,tasks and activities of our organization. """With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, -Dr.-Ing.W.Dirksen Secretary,ICID National Committee of the Federal Republic of Germany .-.c.c.Prof.Dr.-Ing.H.Blind;Prof.Dr.-Ing.K.H.Idel Konten:Sparkasse Bonn 31 023211 (BU 380 500 00),Postscheckamt K6'n 145006-500 (BU 370 10050) -- --- Cable 24th October,1984 from:Dr.David S.Louie,Harza Engineering Company, 150 South Wacker Drive,Chicago,Illinois 60606/USA Text: Attn.:Dr.-Ing.W.Dirksen,DVWK,Gluckstr.2,5300 Bonn 1 Gentlemen: We are conducting a literature search and writing to various agencies and specialists to survey the state-of-the-art in ice control engineering which affects the environment.We would appreciate any information you and/or your organization could offer or suggest names of persons and organizations which we __~ might contact on the following: One -Procedures or operating polic'ies used in the control of ice levels in rivers downstream and upstream of dams and hydropower plants caused by environmental water releases and power generating flow fluctuations in order to minimize the formation of ice jams and more importantly to minimize the associated flooding. Two -Envi.ronmental impact on terrestrial animals such as caribou,elk,bear,moose,etc.Due to the formation of ice on wet reservoir banks exposed by reservoir drawdown or due to reservoir surface ice which has broken up at the banks. This ice may cause the animals to lose their footing and slip into the reservoir,resulting in injuries or drownings. What procedures,if any,have been adopted to minimize this hazard? Three-The method of reservoir fluctuation management or precautions used in order to control the width of opening and pattern of crack development in the ice sheet such that after snowfall with cracks covered,the traversing animals would not fall into and be trapped in the cracks. -2- - - 2 - Four -Problems of bank erosion caused by break-up and movement of ice resulting in increase of sediment in the reservoir and in the river downstream.What is the permissible degree of turbidity in parts per million or its equivalent that is acceptable for aquatic life such as salmon,trout,etc.? Please send reply to the attention of Dr.David S.Louie, Harza Engineering Company,150 South Wacker Drive, Chicago,Illinois 60606/USA VITUKI -VfZGAZDALKOoAsl TUOOMANYOS KUTATOKOZPONT HAY4HO-I-1CCnE.QOBATEnbCKI-1Ii1 llEHTP BO.QHOrO X03RIiICTBA •RESEARCH CENTRE FOR WATER RESOURCES DEVElOPMENT CENTRE DE RECHEIKHES DES RESSOURCES HYORAUUOUES •FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FOR WASSERWIRTSCHAFT ':"z.....; ESPlORA CENfRO POR AKVOMASTRUMADO •CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES PARA El DESARROllO DE RECURSOS HiDRICOS BUDAPEST -BEHrPHA •HONGRIE •HUNGARIO •HUNGARY •UNGARN •HUNGRIA Ref.: Budapest,19 26 Nov 1984 HA1Z.~ENGINEERING CO. -. ( HARZA ENGINEERING 151 South Wacher Drive Chicago II 60606 USj\ Dear Sirs, Referring to your cable no contact in relation to question Date R~ceived 'Qf,·,~,~-l T,..r~.\:· :I,.U'~J.~....'l v -"Q~'I f ri'·1-.trt'';;l~:{~d..i)f di\lg &If fn,j;.:d N!J~l!ber Cl1~~ifir~aticn Suhject De!i~nation 244.21 1659 I suggest 1 and 2 to -Dr.G.D.Ashton,U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,Hanover,New Hampshire 03755 (Editor of IAHR r'lanual on Faver and Lake Ice ;":ngineering)- --Mr.G.E.Frankenstein at Section on Ice Problems the same address President ) .- -Prof.J.F.Kennedy,Director,Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research University of Iowa,Iowa City,Iowa 52240 In relation to question 2 I have no strong feeling. You may try to contact -Mr.S.Angelin,Chief Engineer,Swedish State ro~er Board,Civil Engineering,8-162 87 Val1ingby. -Mr.E.V.Kanavin,Ice Office,~ater Resources and ~lectricity Board,Middelttrani gt 29,Oslo 3. Yours sincerely l,I }!,, ..1,.,1-..>1 ·u';C~t'ar,-'So'1 S.,.I,.,....,.,v _L.4,....j U_:I.VITII,1l1 L1._......c........D .....L..._..DI .,7_..__'LJar..J,,..,,,••_~"_"l."A.1ln.T6'6,..'''....0 v:••,.;..RI,,.I __.I!lIL.....T.a.lavo ..,?....OCO_... .."m- SCHWEIZERISCHES NATIONALKOMITEE FOR GROSSE TALSPERREN COMITE NATIONAL SUISSE DES GRANDS BARRAGES SWISS NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS Prasident:G.Lombardi Via A.Ciseri 3 CH-6601 Locarno Tel.(093)316041 r~ Sekretariat:c/o Ingenieurburo fUr bauliche Anlagen der Stadt Zurich Postfach 6936 CH-B023 Zurich Tel.(01)435 2603 Ice control engineering Dear Sirs, Dr.David S.Louie Harza Engi neeri ng Company 150 South Wacker Drive CHICAGO III inois 60606 USA Zurich,12th december 1984 Bf/mb The Secretary: .... ..... - ,.... according to the distribution of your questionnaire inside Switzerland we admit,that question Nr.1 wi II be answered by ETH-Zurich. Concerning Nr.2 and Nr.3 we have never heard of accidents with animals due to ice covered reservoir banks.Normally the ice on the reservoir banks is covered with snow,which avoids animals to slip down.Hunters too,did not report on such kind of accidents • Also your question Nr.4 seems to make no important problems in our country,since we have had a three days symposium on reservoir sedimentation in october 1981 at the Swiss Federal Institut of Technology in Zurich and nobody reported on increase of sedimentat ion in the reservoir due to ice action. Very trou Iy yours SWISS NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS R.Bischof I Pn-e:.tchpdckonto: Schweizerischer Bankverein Postfach ________---.....:.:17..;;:;.Ol:,..:F.:.:;rib::.::o:;;:.:ur.ll..8------........j ~V~d.CONSULTING ENGINEERS Armuli 4,105 Reykjavik,Iceland Tel:(91)84499 Telex:2040 vst is r Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 u.S.A. L Your ref. I Your leller ..J Our ref Date November 6,1984 Attention:David S.Louie Chief Hydraulic Engineer .~ Subject:Ice Control Engineering Your telegram of oc·t.31 . .~ - ,- Dear dr.Louie, Environmental impact due to ic,e formations at dams and hydropower plants is very limited here in Iceland and lam not aware of any Icelandic literature on the subject. There have been some problems due to increased winter discharge after construction of power plants and reservoirs and minor remedial works (levees) have been carried out.However I think that the operation is solely governed by the power demand. We do not know of problems in connection with cracks or broken up ice at reservoir banks.In most cases the ice cover follows the water level fluctuations without opening up. Problems with turbidity due to erosion by ice are irrelevant compared to other sediment problems. ,...Verknr.Oag5 November 6,1984 2 - ..... - - ~ I .- For further information I suggest that you contact The National Power Company (Landsvirkjun,Haaleitis- braut 68,108 Reykjavik)and The Nature Preservation Council (Natturuverndarrao,Hverfisgata 26,101 Reykja- vik). Very truly yours, 5k(Wt~~~Wrrvt Sigmundur Freysteinsson. - ..... ..... .~ - O INSTITUTE C:~FRESHWAT:R FISHERIES t-:OU\R i :-:JA:'Y;'.IJ,'\L551S';~~~:~~G~;(L;R.~! ----~,''-1 9/11 1984 Dr.David S.Louie Chief hydraulic engineer Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Dear Sir. In reference to your telegram dated 17/10 1984,I am afraid there is little I can do to help.I have contacted several indi- viduals and agencies in Iceland in connection with your request . The questions you ask have been little studied in Iceland as these have not become problem areas in our hydraulic management.It might be more profitable for you to hunt for information in Norway and Sweden where reservoir management has been and still is an issue of major concern. Sincerely yours, Tumi Tomasson PS I am sorry about the late reply,but your telegram got delayed by a strike by city and state employees in Iceland. ..... -I BW INSTYTUT BUDOWNICTWA WODNEGO INSTITUTE OF HYDROENGINEERING POL SKI E J A K A D EM I I N AUK OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 80·953 GDANSK·5,CYSTERSOW ".Tel.52·20·', Telex 0512845 IBWPL o f J/3:)C6/d94.ur re •.......,l~..••••••••...•••••'".?••••••••••••••••, dr David S.LOUIE Harza:Eng:i:-neering Company 150 South Wacker Drive CIITCAGO,Ill.nois 60606 USA Dear Sir,_ A.nswering to your tele:~.dated Oct.19,1984 l,[e "t-vould like to inform you that the Institute does not carry the Scientific research in the four mentioned problems.Some o£the problems concerning the topics you are interested in could be found in the follo1nng publications: 1/Kolodko J.,Jackowski B.: \Jamming tendency of floating ice in rivers and reservoirs, IAHH Ice SymPOSi'Lillt 1984;Hamburg,August 27-31, Proceedings,Vol.I.,pp 251~254. 2/1-!aj el'1s1ti 1'1 •.= Back\~ter profiles on hydroe~ectric reservoir with ice cover IAHR Ice'Synlposium 19&4,Hamburg,August 27-31, Proceedings,Vol.I.,pp 255-264. 3/Kolodko J.,Jacko~ski E.: Ice floods caused by '"lind action.Proceedings of the International Conferen·ce 011.Hydraulic Design in llater Resources Engineering:'C~ll~elsand Channel Control Struct~u~est Southampton,11-13 April 1984. Your telex.r..as been sent to Hydroprojekt:in 1'Iloclaw"el:whei~e . some of the above mentioned subjects are investigated. With kind regards, Yours sincerelly, ,'.'. Professor Piotr Wilde Directo~~of the Illsti tute of' Hydroengineering of'the Polish Academy of Sciences Referee L Bill fa 1k Our dare 1984-10-30 Your date Our reference UL-LB/gp-023 four r~kr(;'ncc .~ - ..... Dr David S Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive .chicago III i noi s 60606 USA Dear Dr Louie, I have received your cable regarding various ice problems affecting the environment and will try go give some answers to your questions. Regarding question no one I can refer to experience from recent tests in Sweden on "Controlled ice cover formation". The result of these tests are summarized in the enclosed paper from the recent IAHR-Symposium in Hamburg. Regarding questions two and three I have contacted the Environment and Concession department within our company. As far as they know there are no injuries or drownings of animals reported as a result of icing of banks or shore cracks in the ice covers.Some potential problems related to the need for reindeers to pass regulated rivers have been discussed when planning for new hydro power stations and in some cases the Power Board has constructed special reindeer bridges where "natural crossings ll cannot be used any more . Regarding your fourth question I have asked the Environment and Concession departement to prepare an answer.There paper will be sent to you as soon as I get it. Sincerely yours .' ,/'7',',_;!2~;7../"d'/Z-'7 .A~)(_.e~£(' Dr Lennart Billfalk Director ~~LVKARLEB)'LABORATORY ~'ha··n·.'e"-l1~-ro1Mlt 11V~c •~.;..lJ.CLU.. Referee L Billfa1k Our date 1984-12-14 Your da.re Our rei'erenl:c LB/gp-023 Your referel1\.'e !L ,~ I Dear Dr Louie, Dr David S Louie Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Ch.i cago III i no;s 60606 USA ,.... Pl ease fi nd enclosed our answer to the remai ni ng fourth questi on in your October cable. Sincerely yours ;;. /---'.:-'~·~~~,,:/ft~~C{ Dr Lennart Billfalk Director ..~ - Request from Harza Engineering Company Referring to the request,dated oct 18 1984,concerning some potential effects of water regulation,the followin~ comments may be given: The formation of ice on the reservoir banks is not con- sidered a problem for reindeer and moose in northern Sweden.One has distinguished the risk but inquiries and observations have indicated that it must be of minor importance as a mortality factor.This conclusion is also applicable to the question of crack formation due to water regulation • Bank erosion in connection with the movement of ice is a common phenomenon i North Swedish rivers.Normally the load of suspended particles is far below the amount causing damage to fish.The kind of'soil,dominating in northern Scandinavia,consists of comparatively coarse particles,and problems only arise in connection with construction work. I have not been able to trace any publications on the Swedish experiences in the above fields.The work most f'requently referred to with respect to the last topic is a report by the Euro1pean Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC).The English title is unknown to me,but the Swedish translation indicates that it is an interim report dealing with fine particulate solids and fishery. I hope the above information may be of some use. Bjorn Svensson ecologist at the hydro power department