HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2658.... - '.J •••••• REPORT NO.5 WINTER AQUATIC INVESTIGATIONS (SEPTEMBER 1983-MAY 1984) Volume 1:An Evaluation o~the Incubation Life-Phase of Chum Salmon In the Middle Susltna Rlver,Alaska ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT SERIES ,.".l~ 14?:-5-~S '2? A-&~ jIl{J,'2-b ,.". ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT NO.5 WINTER AQUATIC INVESTIGATIONS (SEPTEMBER 1983-MAY 1984) - Volume 1:An Evaluation 0'the Incubation Life-Phase of Chum Salmon In the Middle Susltna Rlver.Alaska Prepared for. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 W.FFTH AVE. ANCHORAGE.ALASKA 99501 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &InformatIOn ServIces Anchorage,Alaska PREFACE This report is one of a series of reports prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA)by the Al aska Department of Fi sh and Game (ADF&G)to provide information to be used in evaluating the feasibility of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies program was initiated in November 1980.The five year study program was divided into three study sections:Adult Anadromous Fish Studies (AA),Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Studies (RJ),and Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH).Reports prepared by the ADF&G on this subject are available from the APA. Beginning with the 1983 reports,all reports were sequentially numbered as part of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Report Series. TITLES IN THE ADF&G REPORT SERIES - Report Number 1 2 3 4 5 Title Adult Anadromous Fish Investigations: May -October 1983 Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Investigations:May -October 1983 Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations:May -October 1983 Access and Transmission Corridor Aquatic Investigations:May -October 1983 Winter Aquatic Investigations: September,1983 -May,1984 Publication Date April 1984 July 1984 Sept.1984 Sept.1984 March 1985 .- co o Ico C'J "d" "d" ooo LO LO....... M M ___..__1: This report (report number 5)provides results of the 1983-1984 winter studies conducted by the ADF&G to evaluate and compare existing chum salmon incubation conditions in selected slough,side channel, tributary,and mainstem habitats of the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (River Miles 98-152).The types of data presented in this report include development and survival data for chum salmon embryos,surface and intragravel water quality data (pH,conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen),and substrate composition data. This report is composed of two separately bound volumes.Volume 1 (presented here)presents an evaluation of the incubation life-phase of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River.Volume 2 (Appendix F)presents an independent evaluation of the surface and intragravel water temperature conditions for incubation study sites identified in Volume 1 as well as additional water temperature monitoring sites located within the middle Susitna River. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &InfonnatIoll SeIVlces Anchorage.,Alaska .... ..... ".... r I HI NTER AQUATIC INVESTIGATIONS: SEPTEMBER,1983 -MAY,1984 REPORT NUMBER 5 VOLUME 1 AN EVALUATION OF THE INCUBATION LIFE-PHASE OF CHUM SALMON IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA By: Leonard_J.Vining, Jeffery S.Blakely, and Glenn M.Freeman 1985 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 620 E.10th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 ABSTRACT An evaluation of the pattern of survival and development of chum salmon embryos incubated in artificial redds in slough,side channel, tributary,and mainstem habitats of the middle Susitna River was conducted in conjunction with an assessment of the currently available chum salmon incubation habitat conditions within these habitat types. Chum salmon eggs obtained from local stocks were artificially fertilized,placed within modified Whitlock-Vibert Boxes (WVBs)and then implanted in artificial redds in the streambed at selected study sites.At each of these sites,a polyvinyl chloride standpipe was also installed to obtain instantaneous intragravel water quality measurements of temperature,dissolved oxygen,pH,and conductivity which were later correlated to the percent survival of embryos (100%hatched)at each site.In addition,representative substrate samples were obtained at selected study sites using a modified McNeil substrate sampler to characterize the substrate conditions present at incubation study sites. i The survival rates of embryos in slough,side channel and tributary habitats were 17,9,and 11 percent,respectively.Survival of embryos in mainstem habitat was 19 percent but did not reflect the effects of dewateri ng and freez i ng due to a di fference in the method of site location.Thus,estimates of percent survival for this habitat type are probably higher than would be expected for natural conditions. The largest demonstrated cause of embryo mortal ity at study sites was due to dewatering and subsequent freezing of the streambed.Greater than 47%of the total number of WVBs used to estimate survival became frozen.This effect was greatest in side channels and least in sloughs, and was observed to be directly related to the presence and quantity of upwelling water.Areas particularly vulnerable to the effects of dewatering and freezing include large portions of side channel habitats as well as the mouth areas of slough and tributary habitats which may lack sources of upwelling water. A quantitative analysis of the effect of each variable on survival was hampered by the high embryo mortality due to dewatering and subsequent freezing of substrate.When frozen embryos were removed from the survival data base,no significant correlations were obtained between measured water quality variables and percent'survival of embryos (p<0.05).However,the correlation between dissolved oxygen (mg/l)and percent survival of embryos decreased to zero at dissolved oxygen concentrations below 3.0 mg/l.The percent survival of embryos was also correlated to the percent of fine substrate particles «0.08 in. diameter)contained within WVBs.Although there was no significant correlation,the percent survival of embryos decreased to zero when the percent of fines exceeded 18%. The rate of embryoni c development at study sites was found to be strong1y influenced by the degree of upwelling present.Chum salmon embryos which were fertilized on August 26,1983,and incubated in an upwelling area in a side channel,reached the 100%hatch in late December,whereas those incubated in a non-upwelling area in the mainstem Susitna River experienced delayed development and did not reach 100%hatch unti1 mid-April.Therefore,the presence of upwelling water in middle Susitna River habitats appears to be a key component which maintains the integrity of chum salmon incubation habitats by preventing substrate from dewatering and freezing and by maintaining suitable incubation temperatures which a1low embryos to develop properly. A comparison of the rates of in situ embryo development observed in this study to those observed in the laboratory study of Wangaard and Burger (1983)was hampered by problems encountered with temperature recorders installed at each site.Incomplete temperature records were obtained at study sites used to compare thermal unit requirements for development. However,based on a quantitative assessment of development data collected in these study sites and a previous ADF&G study (ADF&G 1983), it is the opinion of the authors that the predictive equation of Wangaard and Burger are an adequate model to use in predicting rates of chum salmon development of the middle Susitna River. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 Page ABSTRACT....... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..•.. ... .. .. i TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................iii LIST OF FIGURES...............................................vi LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES......................................xiii LIST OF TABLES................................................xvi LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES . LIST 0F PLATES .. xvi i xviii 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................1 r-, 1.1 Background .. 1.2 Objectives .. 1 5 2.0 METHODS......................................................................................................7 2.1 Selection of Study Sites •..~..•..........•.......•.~...7 2.2 Procedures for Evaluating Physical and Chemical Variables...............................................10 2.2.1 Physical Variables.................................14 ~la ter Temperature .. Substrate Compos iti on •..•..•....•.....•.•...... Water Depth and Velocity ...........•..•.•...... Turbi di ty .. 14 14 16 16 2.2.2 Chemical Variables.................................16 Dissolved Oxygen...............................16 pH..........18 Conductivity...................................18 2.3 Salmon Embryo Development and Survival.~...............18 2.3.1 Whitlock-Vibert Incubation Boxes .•.................18 F"'" i 2.3.2 Analysis of Development and Survival of Embryos.........................................21 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Embryonic Development..........................21 Embryonic Survival.............................29 Handling Mortality.........................30 Flatworms ft....................30 2.4 Interpretation of Figures..............................30 3.0 RESULTS..................................................33 3.1 Comparison of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Study Sites and Habitat Types.......................33 3.1.1 Physical Characteristics...........................33 Water Temperature..............................33 Instantaneous Intragravel Water Temperatures.... . . .... .. ..•.. . ..... . . . .....33 Comparison of Instantaneous Surface and Intragravel Water Temperatures.............33 Continuous Intragravel Water Temperatures..41 Substrate Composition..........................41 3.1.2 Chemi ca 1 Cha racteri st i cs.. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .58 Dissolved Oxygen...............................58 pH '"..,Co • • • • • • • • • • • • • •58 Co ndu ct i vi ty.. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . ..70 3.2 Comparison of Embryo Survival and Development at Study Sites and Habitat Types.......................70 3.2.1 Embryo Survival....................................78 Accumulation of Fine Substrate Particles.......78 Survival Estimates.............................78 3.2.2 Emb ryo Deve 1opment.. . .. .. . ... .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .83 3.3 Effects of Physical.Chemical and Biological Habitat Variables on Embryo Survival at Study Sites and Ha b;ta ts ....G •0 ••III ••••'"II ••e Ie.,•0 CI ••e (l III Co • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••85 3.3.1 Physi cal Variables.................................85 3.3.2 Chemical Variables.................................89 3.3.3 Biological Variables...............................95 iv 99 - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.0 DISCUSSION.............................................................................................96 4.1 Assumptions and Limitations............................96 4.2 Physical,Chemical,and Biological Habitat Conditions Associated with Chum Salmon Development and Survival •••••.••••••••••••••.••• 4 ..2 ..1 Upwe 11 i ng . 4.2.2 Dewatering and Freezing ••••.••••.•••••••••••.•••••. 4 ..2 ..3 Substrate .. 4.2.4 Water Temperature .. 4.2.5 Dissolved Oxyge.n . 4.2.6 pH ~. 4.2 ..7 Conductivi ty . 4.2.8 Turbidity ,. 4 ..2 ..9 Fl atwo rms -., 99 100 101 105 110 111 114 115 115 4.3 Conclusions/Recommendations............................116 4.3.1 Conclusions........................................116 4.3.2 Recommendations '....................118 5.0 CONTRIBUTORS ;...................................120 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ••.••••.••••••.••••••.•.•.••~............121 7.0 LITERATURE CITED.........................................122 8.0 APPENDIC'ES...............................................131 - Appendix A.Embryo Development and Survival Data •..•••••• Appendix B.Study Site Maps •••••••••••••.•••.•.••.••••••. Appendix C.Water Quality Data •••••••.•••••••••••••••.••• Appendix D.Substrate Data •••.•••••••.•••.••••••.•.•••••• Appendix E.Additional Habitat Data •.•••...•••••••••.•••• VOLUME 2 Appendix F.Winter Temperature Data v A-I B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 LIST OF FIGURES Fi gure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Map of the Susitna River Basin,with deline- ations of the basin drainage area and the middle reach of river . Genera 1i zed 1i fe cycle of a chum salmon indigenous to the middle Susitna River,Alaska . Locations of study sites within the middle reach of the Susitna River (RM 98-152). Diagram of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC)standpipe used to evaluate intragravel water conditions in streambeds of salmon spawning habitats in the middle Susitna River,Alaska . A modified McNeil substrate sampler used to evaluate substrate conditions of salmon spawning habitats in the middle Susitna River, Alaska.Sampler not drawn to scale . Summary of methods used to evaluate substrate conditions obtained with a modified McNeil substrate sampler ...•........•..................•... Flow di agram depi cti ng the sequence of events which occurred during the artificial fertili- zation of salmon eggs and the subsequent installation of artificial incubation chambers (Whitlock -Vibert Boxes)in the streambed . Definitions of symbols used in boxplots which summarize water temperature,dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity data . Summary,by habitat type,of the intragravel water temperature data (OC)periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols).......•.............. Summary,by study site,of the intragravel water temperature data (OC)periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). vi 2 3 8 11 15 17 20 32 35 36 - LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Fi gure Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (ec) recorded duri ng the 1983-84 wi nter peri od at Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8),middle Susitna River,Alaska ......•.............i..................45 r .... : ! r I, r i - 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (ec)measured at standpipes within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River~Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)..........•.• Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (OC)measured at standpipes within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River~Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols).•....•...... Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (ec)measured at standpipes within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River~Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)...•.••.•...• Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (ec)measured at standpipes within slough~side channel~and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River~Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of fi gu re symbo 15).. Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (ec) recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 10 (RM 133.8)~middle Susitna River~ Alaska .. Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (ec) recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 11 (RM 135.3)~middle Susitna River~ Alaska . Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (ec) recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 21 (RM 141.8)~middle Susitna River~ A1as ka 41 .. Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (ec) recorded duri ng the 1983-84 wi nter peri od at Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.1),middle Susitna River~Alaska ...........•..•................ vii 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 46 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 20.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC) recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Side Channel 21 (RM 141.0),middle Susitna River,Alaska .47 21.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC) recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1),middle Susitna River,Alaska.......................................48 22.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC) recorded du ri ng the 1983-84 wi nter peri od at Mainstem (RM 136.1),middle Susitna River, Alaska...........................................................................................49 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Percent size composition of McNeil substrate samples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska .......•.....•................. Percent size composition of McNeil samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska ................••.••... Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)in McNeil samples col- lected at study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska .. Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)of McNeil samples col- lected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska .........................•..... Percent si ze compositi on of McNei 1 substrate samples collected at chum salmon redds during May 1984,in the middle Susitna River,Alaska . Percent size composition of McNeil substrate samples collected at chum salmon redds during May 1984,in various habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska .......•....................... Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)in McNeil samples col- lected at chum salmon redds during May 1984 in study sites of middle Susitna River,Alaska ........• viii 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Fi gure r i. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Relationship between intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/l) measured at standpipes within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbol s).. Relationship between intragrave1 and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/l) measured at standpipes within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Rel ationshi p between i ntragrave1 and surface water di ssol ved oxygen concentrati ons (mg/l) measured at standpipes within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbol s).. Relationship between intragrave1 and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/1) measured at standpipes within slough,side channel,and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)....•....•... Summary,by study site,of the intragrave1 di ssol ved oxygen data (mg/l)peri od;ca lly measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska {refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)••....•..••.•••..•.•.. Summary,by habitat type,of the intragrave1 dissolved oxygen data (mg/l)periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)..•••....•...•..•.•... Relationship between intragravel and surface water pH levels measured within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symb 0 1s).. ix 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Relationship between intragravel and surface water pH levels measured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbol s). Relationship between intragravel and surface water pH levels measured within slough and side channel habitats of the middle Susitna River, Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Summary,by study site,of the intragravel pH data periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Summary,by habitat type,of the intragravel pH data periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)..........•.. Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity 1evel s (umhos/cm)measured within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Relationship between intra~ravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)measured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity level s (umhos/cm)measured within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)measured within slough,side channel.and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols)..........•.........•............. x 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure - I'""> i i - 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Summary,by study site,of the intragravel conductivity data (umhos/cm)periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska {refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols).....•................ Summary,by habitat type,of the intragravel conductivity data (umhos/cm)periodically measured within standpi pes duri ng the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River, Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols).....•................ Comparison of the dry weights (g)of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers .......•..•........•.... Comparison of percent dry weights of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)obtained from pa ired samp 1es co 11 ected wi th McNe i 1 and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers ....••..•............... Comparison of percent survival of salmon embryos removed from artificial redds in study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska •.......... Comparison of percent survival of salmon embryos removed from artificial redds in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska ,. Comparison of the timing of development of chum salmon embryos placed within slough,side channel and mainstem habitats ..•.............•...... Comparison of the timing of development of chum salmon in two types of side channels;one strongly i nfl uenced by upwell;ng (Upper Side Channe 1 11)and one where upwell i ng wa s not observed (Side Channel 21)••.••.•..•.•••.••••.•.•.•. Comparison between the percent survival of embryos for all samples collected within a habitat type (frozen and unfrozen)to the percent survival after frozen sarnpl es are removed .. xi 75 76 79 80 81 82 84 86 87 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Fi gure Paae-~- 54.Comparison between the percent survival of embryos for all samples collected within a study site (frozen and unfrozen)to the percent survival after frozen samples are removed .88 55.Relationship between percent survival of salmon embryos and the percent of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter)within Whitlock-Vibert Boxes removed from artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River, Alaska...............................................90 56.Relationship between percent survival of salmon embryos and intragravel water temperatures determined at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska .91 57.Relationship between survival of salmon embryos and concentration of intragravel dissolved oxygen (mg/l)measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska.......................................92 58. 59. Relationship between survival of salmon embryos and intragravel pH levels measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska . Relationship between survival of salmon embryos and intragravel conductivity levels (umhos/cm) measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska . xii 93 94 i""'" ! LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES APPENDIX B Figure B-1.Study site location at Mainstem LRX 9 (RM 103.2).8-4 B-2.Study site location at Deadhorse Creek (RM 120.9).8-5 B-I0.Study site location at Indian River (RM 138.6). B-ll.Study site location at Slough 17 (RM 138.9)and Mainstem sites (RM 138.7 and RM 138.9).•............ B-12.Study site location at Side Channel 21 (RM 141.0)~Slough 21 and Mainstem LRX 57 (RM 142.2).....................•........................ B-8 B-9 8-6 B-7 B-I0 B-11 B-12 B-13 8-14 8-15 Study site location at Slough 8A (RM 125.9)and Mainstem LRX 29 (RM 126.1)........•.•......••...•... Study site location a Slough 9 (RM 128.3). Study site location at Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1). B-6. B-7. B-3. B-8. Study site location at Slough 9A (RM 133.6). Study site location at Slough 10 and Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)..............•..•............. Study site at Slough 11 (R~1 135.3)~Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.1)and Mainstem (RM 136.1). B-9.Study site location at Mainstem (RM 136.8)....•.•••. 8-4. B-5. ..... I - - xiii Fi gure C-1. C-2. C-3. APPENDIX C Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen measured within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River.Alaska . Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen measured within side -channel habitat of the middle Susitna River.Alaska . Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen measured within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River.Alaska . C-19 C-20 C-21 C-4.Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen measured within slough.side channel.and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River. Al aska..............................................C-22 xiv "... I l r I I r - -I - Figure 0-1. 0-2. 0-3. 0-4. 0-5. 0-6. 0-7. APPENDIX 0 Comparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate (0.08-0.02 in.diameter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock- Vibert Box samplers ..•..•..•..•..•......~. Comparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate (0.02-0.002 in.diameter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock- VibertBox samplers .•...........•.......•........... Comparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate (<0.002 in.diameter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock- Vibert Box samplers . Percent composition t by size class t of Whitlock-Vibert Box samples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River t Alaska ••••..•.•.. Percent substrate composition t by size class t of fine substrate (<0.08 in.diameter)in Whitlock-Vibert Box samples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River t Alaska •••..•...•• Percent substrate composition t by size class t of Whitlock-Vibert Box samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska .......•................•.............. Percent substrate composition t by size class t of fine substrate (<0.08 in.diameter)in Whitlock-Vibert Box samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River t Alaska . xv 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reference list of study sites providing rela- tive site priority,river mile location and type of data collected . Stages of embryonic development for chum salmon identified for use in this study.Stages correspond to information reported for sockeye sa 1mon by Vel sen (1980). Summary of physical and chemical water quality data collected during the 1983-84 incubation study presented by study site and habitat type . Summary of the timing of events for installing and removi ng Whitlock-Vi bert Boxes (WVBs)for analyses of embryonic development and survival . Documented effects of sediment and substrate size on salmonids,based on a review of selected literature ~. Observed temperature ranges for embryo/alevin 1 ife-phases of Pacific salmon [table derived from AEIDC (1984)J .. Documented effects of low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels on incubating salmonids,based on a review of selected literature . xvi 9 25 34 77 103 106 112 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table APPENDIX A .... A-I.Stages of development of live chum salmon embryos and alevins removed from middle Susitna River habitats,Alaska .......•..•..•.......•....•...A-3 A-2.Percent embryos placed Susitna survival of hatched and unhatched recovered from Whitlock-Vibert Boxes in selected habitats of the middle River,Alaska ..........•.........•...•...... APPENDIX B A-7 r r ..... - - - 8-1. C-l. C-2. 0-1. 0-2. E-1. E-2. E-3. List of study sites used to evaluate the incubation life-phase of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River .........•...•.................. APPENDIX C Surface water quality data collected from August 1983 to May 1984,Susitna River,Alaska . Intragravel and surface water quality data collected at standpipes from September to December 1983,Susitna River,Alaska •.......••...... APPENDIX 0 Substrate composition of samples collected with a modified McNeil substrate sampler in spring 1984,Susitna River,Alaska .......•...........•..... Substrate composition inside Whitlock-Vibert Boxes placed in,and retrieved from artificial redds,August 1983 to May 1984,Susitna River, Alaska .. APPENDIX E Physical data collected at pr"imary and secon- dary sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska . Substrate classification code used to assess general substrate conditions at standpipe locations (Vincent-Lang et al.1984). Criteria used to assign a rank for the relative degree of embeddedness of substrate . xvii B-3 C-3 C-8 0-10 D-11 E-3 E-17 E-18 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Method for installing polyvinyl chloride standpipes in the streambed using a sledge- hammer and driving rod . Ice plug removed from a standpipe in Fourth of July Creek ........•............•.................... Whitlock-Vibert Boxes each containing sorted gravels and 50 chum salmon embryos,wrapped with a nylon cord.The nylon cords were later used to remove boxes from the substrate . Various stages of embryonic development of chum salmon from fertilization to complete yolk-sac absorption .•.............................•........•. Chum salmon embryo late in the cleavage stage •...... Chum salmon embryo at late gastrulation ...•.....•... Head (A)and body (B)of a chum salmon embryo at late organogenesis •.......•...•..•............... xviii 12 13 22 26 27 27 28 r"" II I""'" i I - 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The pr"imary purpose of this report is to compare development and sur- vival of incubating chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)embryos within selected slough,side channel,tributary,and mainstem habitats of the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (RM 98-152;Figure 1). The report is based on the results of field studies conducted from August,1983 to May,1984. The middle reach of the Susitna River was selected for study because the most significant changes in existing physical characteristics of fish habitats are expected to occur within this reach due to development of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (Acres 1982).Within this reach of river,slough and side channel habitats were selected as the primary focus of study because they (primarily sloughs)are used by several species of salmon for spawning and are likely to be directly influenced by project construction and operation.Chum salmon were selected as the target species for this study for two reasons.First,they are the numerically dominant species of salmon which utilize slough and side channel ha~itats for spawning and incubation in this reach of the Susitna River.Secondly,their habitat requirements are similar to those of adult sockeye salmon,the other salmon species of significance which also utilize these habitats for spawning and incubation. There are four basic life-phases in the life cycle of chum salmon:adult migration,spawning,incubation,and rearing.The freshwater period of the life cycle includes all four life-phases,\'thereas the saltwater period includes only portions of the rearing and migration life phases. In general,chum salmon spend approximately 20%of their life in freshwater (Figure 2). In the middle reach of the Susitna River system,upstream passage of adult chum salmon generally peaks during the last two weeks of August and the first two weeks of September (ADF&G 1983b:Appendix B;Sautner et al.1984).During this time,the salmon migrate into a variety of aquati c habitat types (mainstem,slough,si de channel,tributary,and tributary mouth)within this reach of the river to spawn.Major concentrations occur in slough and tributary habitats. Once on the spawning grounds,female chum salmon select a suitable spawning site,often in areas of upwelling (ADF&G 1983b:Appendix B; Vincent-Lang et al.1984).The female normally excavates a depression in the streambed (i.e.,redd)by turning on her side and rapidly flexing her body,creati ng strong water currents with the caudal fi n.Once a depression is completed,the female and one or more attending males simultaneously release eggs and milt into the depression.The eggs are then fertilized,thus beginning a new generation of chum salmon.After fertilization,the female swims immediately upstream of the depression to begin excavation of another depression.In this way,the fertilized eggs deposited in the previously attended depression are covered with 1 N o •••••,..,# I I J ,./ .", / I I I / / / / ,./ ",---..-._~.....~ I. I I I I, I \, '...... ......., '............., ". \.l ", "....... ......................, \ \ \, I,, I I I ~J / /,--......./ ,,;'"'-----.." SUSITNA RIVER • MIDDLE RIVER .STUDY AREA t»RIVER MILE (RM) - -DRAINAGE BOUNDARY o 25,. MILES (Appro •.Scole) Figure 1.Map of the Susitna River Basin,with delineations of the basin drainage area and the middle reach of river. r \ \, i \ substrate materials that are excavated from the new depression.This process is successively repeated until the female has released all her eggs and covered them with gravel,thus completing the formation of the redd.After spawning,both sexes usually die within a few days (Morrow 1980). The fertilized eggs (embryos)remain in the substrate and incubate for several months.The length of this period is highly variable depending upon environmental conditions,particularly water temperature. Generally,this period of time from fertilization of the egg until active feeding by fry,is referred to as the incubation period (McNeil and Bailey 1975). While in the gravel,the embryos undergo a developmental process v/hich can be divided into three phases:cleavage,gastrulation,and organo- genesis (Velsen 1980).During cleavage,the embryo undergoes a period of prolific cell division and ends as a flattened multicellular disc called a blastodisc.During gastrulation,the cells formed during cleavage develop into recognizable tissues which form the basic struc- ture of the embryo.Thi s phase ends when the yol k becomes completely enveloped by a thin sheet of cells,resulting in the closure of the blastopore (external opening in the main cavity of an embryo during gastrulation phase).During the organogenesis phase,fins and internal organs are formed and the circulatory system becomes developed.It is during this phase that embryos be.come "eye dll •The organogenesis phase ends when the embryo hatches out of the protective egg shell.At this point,embryos are called alevins,pre-emergent fry,or sac-fry. Newly hatched alevins (post hatching)remain in the gravel until spring. During this time they obtain nutrients by absorbtion of their large yolk sac.When yolk sac absorbtion is nearly complete,the alevins emerge from the gravel and begin to actively feed thus beginning their rearing 1ife-phase.Upon emergence from the gravel s,they are referred to as fry.After spending only 1-2 months rearing in freshwater,the seaward migration and smoltification process begins.Once at sea,they grow rapidly,generally reaching adult size in three to five years.Upon reaching this stage,they return to freshwater,cease feeding,and migrate upstream to their place of origin to spawn and die,thus com- pleting their life cycle (Figure 2). During much of the incubation period,chum salmon embryos remain within the streambed and are unable to move actively to other areas or away from unfavorable conditions.This immobility results in a close dependence of the embryos to the multitude of environmental (i .e., physical,chemical,and biological)conditions in the immediate area. The result is that this life-phase would be particularly vulnerable to changes in physical,chemical,and biological conditions which may occur from the construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Environmental changes which may impact incubating chum salmon in slough and side channels of the middle reach of the Susitna River include decreased and stabilized flows during the open water periods,increased flows in the winter (Acres 1982),and a marked change in seasonal water 4 l""" I I r I r ! - terlperatu res and ice processes (AEIDC 1984).In additi on,seasonal reductions in upwell ing and increases in the frequency of overtopping during winter,which are anticipated in sloughs and side channels,could impact incubating salmon embryos (Woodward-Clyde 1984).Changes such as lower or higher intragravel water temperatures and changes in the concentration of dissolved gases could have secondary effects on the development and/or survival rates of pre-emergent fry (Combs 1965; Baxter and Glaude 1980;Velsen 1980;Heming 1982;Chevalier et al. 1984),as well as affecting the timing of fry emergence (e.g.,Koski 1966)• Present environmental conditions within the middle reach of the Susitna River are characterized by a high degree of environmental variability. Seasonal discharge levels in the mainstem river often drop sharply in the fall shortly after chum salmon complete their spawning.This results in the exposure of relatively large areas of potential incu- bation habitat to the harsh subarctic temperature conditions which persist during much of the incubation period.Much of this newly exposed habitat later becomes frozen.Areas that remain unfrozen appear to be restricted to localized areas around upwelling vents or areas located downstream of upwell ing water.In addition to the beneficial effects of preventing the dewatering and subsequent freezing of embryos, upwelling increases the rate of replenishment of water to incubating embryos and provides a relatively stable thermal environment (Lister et al.1980). The extent to which upwelling is required for successful incubation of chum salmon embryos in the middle Susitna River is presently unknown. However,it is known that chum salmon frequently choose upwelling areas in the middle Susitna River for spawning (ADF&G 1983b:Appendices C,0; Vincent-Lang et al.1984).That is,they appear to actively select areas where upwelling water is present over similar available habitat where it is absent for spawning.This characteristic fea.ture of chum salmon spawning has been reported for other locations in Alaska (Sheridan 1962;Kogl 1965;Francisco 1977;Wilson et al.1981;~1erritt and Raymond 1982),as well as for the Amur River in Russia (Sano 1966), several river systems in southern British Columbia (Lister et al.1980) and in the Columbia River (Burner 1951). 1.2 Obj ect i ves The most complete sources of information on the incubation life-phase of chum salmon specific to the middle Susitna River are reported in ADF&G 1983c and Wangaard and Burger 1983.The studies conducted by ADF&G provided good information on the general timing of embryonic development in natural redds in selected Susitna River habitats,but did not include a thorough record of associated water quality conditions during the incubation period.Also,the precision of the timing information was limited because it \'/as based on an assumed date of initial fertili- zation.The laboratory study conducted by Wangaard and Burger provided specific information on the timing of embryonic development at four different thermal regimes.The results of these two studies were basically consistent. 5 The objectives of the present study were formulated to compliment the perceived gaps in the existing data base.The primary focus of this study was therefore placed on estimating embryonic survival rather than development,by collecting a more extensive record of existing water quality conditions present in various habitat types used for chum salmon incubation,and by supplementing the in situ estimates of embryonic survival previously reported by ADF&G by obtaining survival estimates from artificially fertilized eggs for which the specific time of fertilization was known. Therefore,this study was designed to address the following two objectives: 1)~'onitor selected physical and chemical conditions at chum salmon incubation sites in selected slough,side channel, tributary,and mainstem habitats of the middle Susitna River; and, 2)Evaluate the influence of selected physical,chemical,and biological variables on the survival and development of chum salmon embryos placed in artificial redds in slough,side channel,tributary,and mainstem habitats of the middle Susitna River. 6 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Selection of Study Sites Sixteen sites were selected for study in slough,side channel,tribu- tary,and mainstem habitats within the middle reach of the Susitna River (Figure 3,Table 1,Appendix Figures B-1 to B-12).Each study site was classified as either primary or secondary based on the type and quantity of data that were collected.In general,greater effort was expended for data collection purposes at primary study sites. Primary Sites Data collected at primary study sites included water quality,substrate compositi on,continuous water temperature,and embryoni c survival and development.The data provide a basis for comparing the rate of devel- opment and percent survival of chum salmon embryos among habitats types and the factors that affect these differences.Of the ei ght primary study sites selected,seven were used to evaluate embryo survival, and five were used to evaluate embryo development (Table 1). In general,primary sites were selected to: 1)represent a wide range of chum salmon spawning densities (i.e.,in high and low density areas); 2)ensure that side slough,upland slough,side channel, mainstem,and tributary (including mouth)habitats were repre- sented; 3)represent a wide range of upwelling conditions; 4)depict areas differing in patterns of seasonal intragravel water temperatures (i.e.,areas with and without upwelling); 5)represent a wide range in the substrates (0.08 in.diameter) gravels;and, relative amount present in the of fine spawning 6)include locations that were previously used for the incre- mental spawning habitat analyses in sloughs and side channels (Vincent-Lang et al.1984). Secondary Sites Secondary sites were selected to provide additional winter water quality data in selected habitats used for chum salmon incubation.A limited amount of water qual ity,substrate composition,and conti nuous water temperature measurements were call ected at these study sites.In the selection of these secondary sites,priority was given to sites which were known to be used as spawning sites and/or sites used as water qual ity stations during the previous winter (as reported in ADF&G 7 SUSITNA RIVER WINTER STUDY SITES 1983 -1984 o ~ ...1 ----:M':7'7'-L£;:-;5:-------" (Appro •.Scale) ~SLOUGH 21 SIDE CHANNEL 21 ~~=~=MAINSTEM (RM 136.8J(j\is'GOLD CREEK STATION ,.0 ...0"CO,••". SLOUGH II,UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II, MAINSTEM (RM 136.0) SLOUGH 9A v....-----SLOUGH 9 2/.~--SLOUGH SA 4th OF JULY CREEK ..y~7"'" Figure 3.Locations of study sites within the middle reach of the Susitna River (RM 98-152). 8 1 ~J 1 j ]1 1 Table 1.Reference list of study sites providing relative site priority.river mile location,and type of data collected. TYPE OF DATA Rivera Water b Continuous Site Substrate Water Embryo Embryo Site Mile Priority Quality Composition Temperature Survival Development Fourth of July Creek 131.1 Primary X X X X X Slough 10 133.8 Primary X X X X X Side Channel 10 133.8 Primary X X X X X Slough 11 135.3 Primary X X X X X Upper Side Channel 11 136.1 Primary X X X X Mainstem (RM 136.1)136.1 Primary X X X X Si de Channe I 21 141.0 Primary X X X X X \.0 Slough 21 141.8 Primary X X X X X Slough 8A 125.9 Secondary X X Slough 9 128.3 Secondary X X Slough 9A 133.6 Secondary X Mainstem (RM 136.8)136.8 Secondary X Indian River 138.6 Secondary X X Mainstem (RM 138.7)138.7 Secondary X Slough 17 138.9 Secondary X Mainstem (RM 138.9)138.9 Secondary X a Source:R&M Consultants (1982) b Water quality variables include pH,conductivity,dissolved oxygen and temperature. 1983c).Secondary sites include Sloughs 8A,9,9A,and 17,three mainstem sites at RM 136.8,RM 138.7 and RM 138.9,and Indian River. 2.2 Procedures for Evaluating Physical and Chemical Variables Methods presented in the following section are a summary of those presented in the FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984).Specific details are provided only for methods which differed slightly from those presented in the ADF&G Procedures Manual (1984).. The development and survival of salmon embryos is influenced by a variety of interacting physical and chemical variables of the intragravel incubation environment.For the purposes of this study data \vere collected for selected physical and chemical variables to establish baseline conditions in the intragravel and nearby surface water environment,and to provide information for evaluating development and survival of chum salmon embryos.These variables include water temperature,dissolved oxygen,pH,conductivity,turbidity,water velocity,and substrate composition. The measurement of physical and chemical variables (ather than continu- ous intragravel water temperature data)of intragravel water required the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)standpipes installed into the streambed.Standpipes designed for this study had 40 perforations 0.3 mm (one eighth inch)in diameter,located within a 7.6 cm (3.0 inch) band at one end of the standpipe.When the standpipe was installed within the streambed,the perforations allowed intragravel water to pass through the standpipe allowing water quality measurements to be obtained.Construction of the driving rod and standpipe were modified from designs presented in Gangmark and Bakkala (1958)and McNeil (1962) and had the advantages of being inexpensive and easy to install (Figure 4). Standpipes were driven in the substrate using a driving rod and sledge hammer (Plate 1).Each standpipe was pounded into the substrate to a depth of approximately 37 cm (14.5 inches)centering the perforations approximately 25 cm (10 inches)below the substrate surface.This is the average depth at which chum salmon place their eggs in some Alaskan and British Columbian stream systems (Kogl 1965;Merritt and Raymond 1982). After a standpipe was properly installed,a cork/wei ght assembly \'las placed inside each standpipe to aid in removal of ice plugs formed during freezing weather conditions.This assembly was suspended inside each standpipe from a nylon cord attached to the standpipe cap (Figure 4).Ice plugs were removed by gently heating a small metal heat shield attached to the exteri or of the standpi pe at the water surface.The metal shield was heated with a propane torch while exerting upward pressure on the pipe cap.After a few minutes of heating,the ice plug partially melted and allowed the cork/weight assembly with attached ice plug to be withdrawn (Plate 2),thereby allowing intragravel water quality measurements to be obtained. 10 pEBEORATI ON S:Allows inflow of intragravel water. I.Total of 4.hal •• (1/.·d lo",.t.r). Z.lIour rin,.(12 hoi.. •Slcll)of "01 •••paced I a parf. •z •~• ~PVCCAP: CORI<~WEIGHTASSEBLY: TEN INCHES: EXTENS ION: Prevents debris Qnd s"ow from enter In~pIpe. Aids in removal of ice plugs and red uc..the surface area at the air / water interface. Estimated mean depth of chum and sockeye salmon embryoL Allows for settling if fine materials ar.present. Figure 4.Diagram of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC)standpipe used to evaluate intragravel water conditions in streambeds of salmon spawning habitats in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. 11 Method for installing polyvinyl chloride standpipes in streambed using a sledgehammer and driving rod. 12 Plate 2.Ice plug removed from a standpipe in Fourth of July Creek. 13 2.2.1 Physical Variables Water Temperature Instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperatures were measured at all primary and secondary study sites using a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI)dissolved oxygen/temperature meter (Model 57)and a YSI conductivity/temperature meter.Water temperatures were measured both inside and outside the PVC standpipes at all water quality study sites. On each sampling day,each YSI meter was calibrated with a Hydrolab Model 4041 water quality meter which was calibrated before and after field sampling trips following the procedures outlined in the ADF&G Procedures Manual (1984)~ Continuous water temperature data were collected at selected primary study sites using either Olllnidata datapod recorders (Model No.2321)and thermister probes (Model No.2321),or Ryan (Model J90)thermographs. Due to the limited number of continuous temperature recorders available they were not used at all sites.·Specific methods pertaining to these instruments and their use are presented in Appendix A of this report. Substrate Composition The freeze-core sampler and the McNeil core sampler (McNeil 1966)are two of the primary methods that have previously been used for collecting substrate data in streams (Platts et al.1983)which were considered for· the collection of substrate samples in this study.In a review of the two sampling methods,Platts etal.(1983)concluded that when time and money are considered,the McNeil sampler is the most economical method available to obtain estimates of channel substrate particle size distributions in water up to 12 inches in depth.In this review,he also discussed a laboratory study (Walkotten 1976)in which substrate samples were obtained with both methods (McNeil and single-core methods) which showed that both devices provided representative samples of known sediment mixtures.In addition,freeze-core substrate sampl ers al so involve the use of more costly and elaborate equipment (e.g.,CO bottles,hoses,manifolds,probes and sample extractors)than the McNeif sampler and are therefore more expensive and difficult to operate in the field.In contrast,the McNeil sampler is a relatively simple piece of equipment which can be more easily transported in the field and is not subject to as many mechanical and operational problems as is freeze core sampling equipment.Considering these factors,the McNeil sampler was selected for use as it was determined to be best suited towards meeting the study objectives,and for reasons previously mentioned was a more practical sampler for evaluating substrate composition in this study. Substrate samples were collected at selected study sites using a mod- ified McNeil substrate sampler (Figure 5).At each site,the sampler was pushed down into the substrate to an approximate depth of 20-25 cm (8-10 inches).Substrate materials were then removed with a small shovel and placed into plastic five gallon buckets for storage.After 14 MODIFIED McNEIL SAMPLER /ANOLE -------------------~ I"<~----24..-----+)1 AIR Figure 5.A modified McNeil substrate sampler used to evaluate substrate conditions of salmon spawning habitats in the middle Susitna River,Alaska.Sampler not drawn to scale. 15 - - - - ..... r I .... the non-suspended porti on of the substrate materi a1s was removed "from the sampler,the remaining water (containing the suspended sediments) was agitated to bring additional fines into suspension taking care to avoid formation of a vortex.After thoroughly agitating the water column,a one liter aliquot was removed.placed in plastic containers and returned to the laboratory for further processing.The non-suspended and suspended portions of each substrate sample were subsequently analyzed for size class distributions. At the laboratory.the non-suspended portion of the substrate samples were dried in an oven for approximately 24 hours at a uniform tempera- ture of 110 a C.Once dried.samples were gravimetrically analyzed using a series of six sieves of the following mesh sizes: 0.0062 cm (5.0,3.0, 0.0025 in. respectively).Sieve size selection was based upon recommendations of Platts et ale (1983)and those previously used by ADF&G personnel for assessment of substrate materials in spawning areas (Vincent-Lang et ale 1984).After sieving,the dry weight of each size class of non- suspended sediment was measured to the nearest gram and expressed on a percentage basis. The amount of suspended sediment in each sample was determined by estimating the amount of suspended sediment in the one liter aliquot of water taken at the time of sampling.This amount was then extrapolated to the entire volume of water inside the McNeil sampler.This quantity was added to the quantity of substrate which passed through the smallest sieve size to determine total weight for this sieve size. The procedure for determining the amount of non-suspended and suspended material in each substrate sample is summarized in Figure 6. Water Depth and Velocity Water depth and velocity were periodically measured to provide addi- tional information on the physical characteristics influencing incu- bation conditions at each study site.Water depths were obtained using a top-setting wading rod;water velocities were obtained with a Marsh-McBirney (Model 201)flow meter using procedures described in AOF&G (1984). Turbidity Turbidity samples were collected in clean 250 ml Nalgene bottles. Bottles were filled approximately two-thirds full and stored in a cool environment until analysis could be completed.Samples were analyzed using an HF Instruments (Model 2100A)turbidimeter. 2.2.2 Chemical Variables Dissolved Oxygen It was necessary to measure intragravel DO values directly within the PVC standpipe to obtain the most accurate values.Therefore. intragravel dissolved oxygen (DO)measurements were obtained inside the 16 McNEIL SUBSTRATE SAMPLE ~~ NON-SUSPENDED PORTION SUSPENDED PORTION SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM SEDIMENT REMAINING SUSPENDED SAMPLER VIA SMALL SHOVEL.IN WATER INSIDE SAMPLER. ~It ,It TRANSPORT SAMPLE TO LAB-DETERMINE TOTAL VOLUME OF WATER INSIDE SAMPLER:REMOVEORATORYiOVENDRYAT1I0·C I LITER fl TRANSPORT TO LAB- FOR 24 h OR UNTIL DRY.ORATORY. .j,It WHILE CONTINUOUSLY SHAKING OVEN DRY SAMPLE AT 93·C FOR SAMPLE,SIEVE THROUGH 48 h OR UNTIL DRY.WEIGH TO VARIOUS NESTED SIEVES.NEAREST GRAM. ~~'Ir DETERMINE DRY DETERMINE DRY EXPAND RESULTS OF I LITERWT.&.OJ.OF WT.OF MATERIAL SUBSAMPLE FOR TOTAL VOLUMETOTALSAMPLEPASSINGTHROUGHWITHINMcNEILSAMPLERATFOREACHSIZESMALLESTSIEVETIMEOFSAMPLEREMOVAL.CLASS OF NON-(0.0062 cm).SUSPENDED SED- IMENT. ~Ir CALCULATE TOTAL DRY WT.Et.%-OF TOTAL SAMPLE COMPRISED BY SUSPENDED SEDIMEN~ Figure 6.Sumnary of methoos used to evaluate substrate conditions obtained with a rrodified McN'eil substrate sampler. 17 ..... ~, - - - .... I PVC standpipes using a YSI (Model 57)dissolved oxygen/temperature meter because this meter has a probe that is the proper diameter to fit inside the standpipes used in this study.Dissolved oxygen measurements were obtained by lowering the probe to a depth of 85 cm (33.5 inches)inside the standpipe,whi ch pl aced the probe in near proximity of the per- forations in the standpipe (refer to Figure 4).The probe was then gently agitated to circulate water over the DO membrane and measurements were recorded when the reading stabilized.The meter was calibrated at each sampling site by adjusting the observed reading to match that of a calibr~ted Hydrolab (Model 4140)water quality meter. A Hydrolab was used to collect surface water DO measurements of surface water outside the standpipe at each site following procedures described in ADF&G (1984). 2.2.2:2 B!!. Surface water measurements of pH outs ide standpi pes,and i ntragravel measurements,were obtained at each site with a Hydrolab (Model 4041) water quality meter following procedures described in ADF&G (1984). Intragravel measurements were obtained by withdrawing a water sample from inside a PVC standpipe with a Geofilter peristaltic pump (Geotech Environmental Equipment)and then measuring pH with the Hydrolab meter. Conductivity Intragravel and surface water measurements of conductivity were obtained inside of,and outside of standpipes at each site using a YSI specific conductance/temperature meter (Model 33)accordi ng to procedures pre- sented in ADF&G (1984).A calibration curve was developed by comparing conductivity values obtained with the YSI meter to those obtained with a calibrated Hydrolab meter over the range of temperatures encountered in the field.All values measured in the field were then adjusted on the basis of the calibration curve. 2.3 Salmon Embryo Development and Survival 2.3.1 Whitlock-Vibert Incubation Boxes Whitlock-Vibert Boxes (WVBs)have been used in previous studies as experimental incubation chambers for evaluating the effects of environmental variables in survival of salmon embryos (e.g.,Reiser and Wesche 1977;Reiser 1981;Reiser and White 1981a).As originally designed,each WVB is constructed from molded polypropylene which is 145 x 90 x 60 mOl in size and contains two chambers.The upper chamber used for egg incubation is separated by a grid-like partition from the lower nursery chamber.This two-chambered design has been found to result in an excess accumulation of fine sediment inside the boxes (D.Reiser and R.White,personal communication).For this reason,the two-chambered design was structurally modified to form a single incubation/nursery chamber. 18 The modified WVBs were also filled with spawning gravel (1.35-2.5 cm; 0.5-1.0 in.diameter)as an additional measure to reduce the accumu- lation of fine substrate particles in the boxes and also to simulate near-natural conditions favorable for embryo incubation.The size range of gravel selected provided interstitial spaces large enough to separate eggs and allow free movement of intragravel flow,and yet was small enough to pack conveniently into the WVB's.Fifty fertilized eggs were placed between alternating layers of gravel within each WVB. To evaluate the degree to which these modifications were successful in reducing the accumulation of fines,a comparision was made between the composition of fine substrates obtained within WVBs (resident in the streambed for a period of 3-5 months)to substrate samples obtained with a McNeil sampler at the same location.Each Whitlock-Vibert Box sample was analyzed in the same manner as the non-suspended sediment portion of the McNeil substrate samples (refer to Section the suspended portion of the substrate sample being taken as the sediment portion passing through the smallest substrate sieve.The dry weights of fine substrate particles less than 0.2 cm (0.08 in.)were compared to dry weights of this size class obtained with the McNeil substrate sampler to determine if the two sampling methods were providing comparable data on substrate fines to insure that the WVBs were not accumulating excess fines that might affect survival of incubating embryos. Modified WVB's were used as experimental embryo incubation chambers to assess development and survival of chum salmon embryos at the eight primary study sites.Methods used to obtain and ferti1izechum salmon eggs for implantation in the WVBs followed those presented in Smoker and Kerns (1977)and are generally consistent with those presented in McNeil and Bailey (1975)and Leitritz and Lewis (1976).A flow chart depicting the general procedure for obtaining and artificially fertilizing eggs is presented in Figure 7.Details of these methods are presented in ADF&G (l984)• Care was taken to protect the fertilized eggs from exposure to light and mechanical shock prior to,during,and after the time they were placed in ~JVBs.Embryos were allowed to water-harden for two hours and were gently transferred from a large container to the WVBs.The entire process of placing embryos and sifted gravel within the WVBs was conducted inside a dome tent to shield the eggs from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun (Smoker and Kerns 1977).Embryos were kept in a water bath maintained at local ,water temperatures. The WVBs charged with fertilized eggs and gravel were placed in artificial redds at each of the eight primary study sites.Six of the primary study sites were used to evaluate embryo survival.In these sites,WVBs were placed within the streambed based on a random selection of grid coordinates on a site map.Such areas represented a range of environmental conditions present at each site.At the other two sites, WVBs were primarily used to evaluate embryo development.At these sites,WVBs were placed at a single location in the streambed to allow embryos in all WVBs to be exposed to similar environmental conditions. One additional site used to assess embryo development was physically 19 - - - - - Artificial Fertilization Proced u re STAItT Capture Mature Fi.II al Two Male. b)Three Female. Verify Rlpene..of Fi.h Kill and Bleed FI.h Oft Rack Fertilize Egg. Bucket I First Female and BothMaln Fertilize EiV' Sucnl2 Second Female and Botll Male. Fertilize Egp Bucket 3 Third Fema~ and Both Male. .- .- P'ool Embryos and Mix Gentl y in Coleman Cooler Fill Each Whitlocll:-Vibert Bl*With Miature of 50 Embryos and 1/2,"-I-Grovel In.tall Boxe.in Substrate .- .- I FINISH Figure 7.Flow diagram depicting the sequence of events which occurred during the artificial fertilization of salmon eggs and the subsequent installation of arti- ficial incubation chambers (~hitlock-Vibert Boxes) in the streambed. 20 located within the same site used to evaluate embryo survival in Slough 11.For specific details on the site selection procedures,refer to Section 2.1. At each study site,streambed materials were loosened with a high pressure jet of water generated by a Homel ite gas-powered water pump. After thoroughly loosening the substrate,a plastic bottomless bucket (l9 liter;5 gallon capacity)was forced into the loosened substrate while the contents were extracted by hand to a depth of 20 to 25 cm (8 to 10 in.).The bucket prevented substrate fromcollapsing into the excavated hole and allowed holes to be excavated for several locations on the day prior to installing WVBs.Two WVBs and one PVC standpipe were placed in each excavated hole;the holes were subsequently refilled with the surrounding gravel.A nylon cord marked with orange flagging was attached to each WVB and to a large steel spike (30 cm;12 in.) for future reference.The location of each WVB was al so determined using standard survey techniques. Whitlock-Vi bert boxes were 1ater removed by 1ocati ng each metal spi ke and nylon cord and tracing the nylon cord to the point where the cord entered the substrate (Plate 3).Gentle upward pressure on the cord and simultaneous removal of surface substrate materials allowed the box to be withdrawn from the substrate.Upon withdrawal,each box was immediately placed inside a plastic container to retain fine materials and placed inside a large cooler with water which kept boxes and embryos from freezing.After all boxes were removed at a site,the cooler was transported to a heated work space,at which time the embryos present in each box were removed and preserved.Substrate and fine materials from the boxes were bagged,frozen,and stored for late,!analysis.All unhatched embryos were preserved in Stockard 1 s Solution.An unbuffered solution of 10%formalin was used to preserve alevins. 2.3.2 Analysis of Development and Survival of Embryos Embryonic Development Embryonic development data collected during this study focused on comparing the rate of embryonic development between slough,side channel,and mainstem habitats.For the purposes of this study,embryo development only included the period of development from fertilization to hatching and did not include the alevin yolk sac absorption period. Embryonic development was evaluated in this study using both artificially fertilized and naturally fertilized embryos.Because of the advantage of knowing the exact date of fertilization,the majority of the evaluation was devoted towards assessing development of artificially fertilized embryos. Artificially fertilized embryos were placed in four selected study sites (Slough 11,Upper Side Channel 11,Side Channel 21,and Mainstem RM 136.1)considered representative of embryonic development conditions in 1 One liter of solution is comprised of 50 ml formalin,40 ml glacial acetic acid,60 ml glycerin and 850 ml distilled water. 21 - - - - '"'" ...... N N Plate 3.Whitlock-Vibert Boxes each containing sorted gravels and 50 chum salmon embryos, wrapped with a nylon cord.The nylon cords were later used to remove boxes from the substrate.. , \, ,... I - ..- slough~side channel,and mainstem habitat types.Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 were selected to represent slough and side channel habitats which are strongly influenced by upwelling water that have previously been used by chum salmon for spawning.Side Channel 21 was selected as a comparative side channel site to provide a contrast to Side Channel 11.These two side channel sites are of the same habitat type,yet differ markedly in hydrological characteristics.The site where embryos were installed in Upper Side Channel 11 was strongly influenced by upwelling water,whereas the site in Side Channel 21 did not have observable upwelling vents.The site at Mainstem,RM 136.1~ was selected to represent a typical mainstem habitat which was not influenced by upwelling water. Embryos were implanted in WVBs at three of the above mentioned sites (Slough 11,Upper Side Channel 11,and Mainstem RM 136.1).Embryos for implantation into these sites were obtained from adult chum salmon captured on August 26~1983 in Slough 11.Embryos were artificially fertilized,placed in WVBs,then temporarily stored in streamside incubators in a small tributary at Slough 9.This temporary storage measure -was necessary for two reasons:(1)to allow the stage at Mainstem (RM 136.1)to become low enough to enable WVBs to be properly installed at a location which would not later become dewatered;and (2) to ensure that embryos had developed beyond the stage where they would be adversely affected by near-zero mainstem water temperatures.Since this temporary measure was required in order to implant embryos in the mainstem site,embryos intended for implantation in the other two sites were exposed to identical conditions in order to maintain a uniform experimental design. The streamside incubators consisted of plastic 30 gallon garbage cans which were modified by cutting numerous vertical openings in the sides to allow ample circulation of water.These incubators were then secured in a deep pool in the tributary at Slough 9 along with a Ryan-Peabody thermograph which was used to obtain a continuous temperature record. The WVBs placed inside the two incubators were left until 1 October,at which time the stage in the mainstem decreased sufficiently by October 1,1983 to allow field personnel to install WVBs at the Mainstem RM 136.1 site.Also~by this time,embryos had developed past the point where they would be adversely affected by low mainstem temperatures.At this time the WVBs were transported by boat to each of the three study sites.At each site at least 15 WVB were placed in a trench approximately five feet in length.Boxes were placed at an approximate depth of 10 in.(25 cm)and covered with surrounding substrate.Three polyVinyl chloride standpipes were installed at the upstream side of the trench to allow intragravel water quality variables to be measured. Temperature data was collected at each site with continuous temperature recorders.Ryan-Peabody thermographs were buri ed in the substrate at Slough 11 and Mainstem (RM 136.1)sites whereas,a datapod temperature recorder was used at Upper Side Channel 11.Procedures for the installation and maintenance of these continuous temperature recorders are summarized in Appendix F. 23 The WVBs at these sites were removed throughout the embryo incubation period.At this time,embryos were removed from WVBs and preserved in the same manner described above. Embryos were then transported to a laboratory where the stage of embryonic development was determined.Embryos for implantation into Side Channel 21 were obtained on September 13,1983 from adult fish captured in Slough 21.Artificially fertil ized embryos were placed without using WVBs in two artificial redds dug with a shovel in a portion of the channel which was not expected to dewater.Two standpipes were located in each redd.Embryos were later removed by digging in the redd with a shovel and capturing the dislodged embryos with a small hand net.Embryos were preserved and returned to the laboratory in the manner described above in order to determine other stages of embryonic development. The stage of development of embryos was determined by observing pre- served embryos under a dissecting microscope at 3X magnification. Stockard1s solution wa~selected as a preservative because of its reported excellent clearing properties of the outer egg membrane (Vel sen 1980).In this study,however,the solution did not adequately clear the outer egg membrane.Therefore,it was necessary to remove the outer membrane of the majority of preserved embryos to determine the stage of development. The four basic periods of embryonic development (cleavage,gastrulation, organogenesis,and post-hatching)were further subdivided into twelve distinct stages as identified by laboratory examination of preserved chum salmon embryos (Table 2).These particular stages were selected to establish a basis for comparisons between sites.The first eleven stages correspond to the period prior to hatching.Stage 12 is a general category which includes all post-hatching alevins.Plates 4 through 7 show chum salmon embryos at selected stages of development. It was intended that comparisons of embryonic development between sites would includj a presentation of the rate of accumulation of temperature units (TUs).However,the temperature data which was collected at many sites was fragmentary which eliminated this approach as a viable option. As an alternative,comparisons of embryonic development between sites were made by plotting the stage of development at each site on the Y axis and date of collection on the X axis.In cases where several samples were obtained at a site on the same day,the number of embryos at a ,particular stage were summed and the stage having the largest number of embryos assigned to it was the only stage which was plotted. Embryo development was also assessed at Fourth of July Creek,Slough 10, Side Channel 10,and Slough 21.Data obtained at these sites,however, did not provide a consistent record of development because data obtained a Temperature units are derived for a specified period of time by calculating and summing the differences of the mean daily temperature above O°C for each day in the specified period. 24 - "'"" - - - )J Table 2.Stages of embryonic development for chum salmon,identified for use in this study.Stages correspond to information reported for sockeye salmon by Vel sen (1980). Developmental Period Stage Number Brief Description Start Characteristics of Stage End N U1 Cleavage Gastrulation Organogenesis (early) (1 ate) A1evin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 all of cleavage embryo formation blastopore formation blastopore closed caudal bud free initial yolk vascul ari zati on eyed anal fin formation dorsal fin formation pelvic bud formation body pigmented alevin ferti 1 hed egg terminal caudal bud present 1/2 epiboly blastopore closed caudal bud free from yolk surface initial vascular- ization eye pigment visible through egg membrane anal fin faintly visible dorsal fin faintly v;sible pelvic buds faintly visible pigment present on dorsum of head just hatched blastula embryo c1 early visible 3/4 epiboly blastopore closed parts of brain visible 2/3 yolk vascular- ization 3/4 yolk vascular- ization anal fin distinct dorsal fin distinct pelvic buds distinct pigment present on dorsum of head and body yolk sac completely absorbed;ventral suture remaining EYED-LATE ALEVIN ALEVIN Plate 4.Various stages of embryonic development of chum salmon from fertilization to complete yolk-sac absorption. 26 MUL TICELLULAR DISC STAGE 1 Plate 5.Chum salmon embryo late in the cleavage stage. LOCATION OF DEVELOPING EYES STAGE 4 LOCATION OF CLOSED BLASTOPORE Plate 6.Chum salmon embryo at late gastrulation. 27 HEAD OF EMBRYO WITH. WELL DEVELOPED EYES YOLK VASCULARIZATION WELL DEVELOPED STAGE 10 A STAGE 10 B DEVELOPING PELVIC FIN Plate 7.Head (A)and body (B)of a chum salmon embryo at late organogenesis. 28 ,r;:;r;lQ at these sites was primarily used to evaluate survival.Because of this,the time of removal of WVBs from these sites did not conform to a uniform pattern.For this reason,development data from these sites are not used in further analyses but are reported in Appendix A. Embryonic Survival Embryonic survival data collected during this study focused on (1) comparing differences in the survival of embryos in slough,side channel,tributary,and mainstem habitats and (2)evaluating the influence of selected physical,chemical,and water quality variables on the survival of chum salmon embryos.Variables evaluated included substrate fines,pH,conductivity,dissolved oxygen,and temperature. The survival of chum salmon embryos for this evaluation was determined at all primary sites except upper Side Channel 11.At each site, artificially fertilized chum salmon embryos were placed in WVBs and buried in artificial reddsfollowing procedures outlined in Section 2.3.1.At estimated 100%hatch,WVBs containing embryos were removed, placed in a cooler,and transported to a heated field station where embryos were removed from the boxes.Embryos were placed in Stockard1s solution and returned to the laboratory for analyses.In the laboratory,live and dead embryos were distinguished by visual inspection and enumerated.In most cases,live embryos were easily disti ngui shed from dead ones by appearance.Live embryos were rather .trans 1ucent and free from fungus whereas dead embryos were often opaque and colonized by fungus.Missing embryos were considered to be dead since field observations indicated that it would be unlikely for hatched alevins to escape the WVB with any portion of the yolk-sac attached. At many of the study sites,the water level dropped significantly during September and October,resulting in the dewatering and subsequent freezing of many locations where WVBs were installed.Because it was observed that all embryos died in areas that became dewatered and subsequently frozen,the analysis of embryo survival data was separated into two parts to distinguish between the deleterious effects of dewatering and freezing and effects of other habitat variables on embryo surviva 1.The two ana lyses performed were:(l)one in which the percent survival of chum salmon embryos were determined for all WVB samples;and (2)another in which the percent survival of embryos was determined after all "dewatered and frozen"WVBs were removed from the analysis.Determination of the "dewatered and frozen"condition of WVBs was made by visual observations while in the field. To compare differences in the survival of embryos at study sites and habitats,histograms of embryo survival at individual study sites and at study sites grouped by habitat were constructed.Equal weight was given to each study site in the development of these histograms regardless of the number of WVBs at a study site.Separate histograms were constructed for both the "complete"and "frozen eliminated"data groups discussed above. 29 .J!l'itW, that percent substrate fines,pH,con- and temperature have on embryo survival, versus these habitat variables were data from the unfrozen data group were a coefficient of linear regression was described in Snedecor and Cochran (1980). To evaluate the influence ductivity,dissolved oxygen, plots of embryo survival constructed.Only survival plotted.For each plot, calculated using procedures Handling Mortality To assess embryo mortality due to handling,three additional WVBs from each incubation study site were charged with fertilized eggs and handled in the same manner at each study site.These WVBs were placed in Slough 11 in an area that appeared to represent highly favorable incubation condit;ons.After two to ten days,one of the three WVBs from each study site was removed and assessed in the same manner as that pre- viously presented for assessing percent fertilization.Any differences in percent fertil ization between eggs not handled (i .e.,in stream incubation trays)and those handled during placement of WVBs (i.e.,the first control box removed)were attributed to handling mortality.One of the remaining two WVBs was removed at eye-up stage and the other at 100 percent hatch stage.These survival estimates were assumed to represent survival under optimal incubation conditions. - Flatworms During the course of the field sampling program,it was noticed that rel atively 1arge numbers of embryos were mi ss i ng from Whitlock-Vi bert Boxes retrieved from several study sites.Based on visual assessments at the time of retrieval,an abundance of flatworms (Turbellaria) appeared to coincide with the absence of embryos within the ~JVBs.In 1ight of these observations,an effort was made to determine if there was a relationship between the presence of flatworms and the absence of embryos within WVBs. To determine whether the presence of flatworms could be correlated to the absence of embryos in WVBs the abundance of flatworms in each retrieved WVB was visually assessed in the field and subjectively assigned a rank from one to four (one =highest abundance).This rank was later correlated to the number of missing embryos using a Spearman rank correlation coefficient (Snedecor and Cochran 1980). 2.4 Interpretation of Figures Results in this section are shown in several types of figures of which three warrant a description of symbols used.These are referred to as box-and-whiskers plots (or boxplots),scatter number plots,and scatter box plots. - Boxplots are used in this report to summarize water temperature,dis- solved oxygen,pH,and conductivity data.The format basically follows that used by Velleman and Hoaglin (1981).The boxplots,as presented 30 - r Ii - ,.... Ii""'" here.were computer generated by the microcomputer program SYSTAT (1984).Measured values (i.e .•dissolved oxygen.water temperature. etc.)from each study site comprise a data batch.which is ordered from lowest value to highest.Specific symbols used in the boxplot figures of this report are explained in Figure 8. Scatter number plots are used in a number of figures in this report to summarize water temperature,dissolved oxygen.pH.and conductivity data.Each number in a figure represents the number of occurrences in single integers (1-9)at that point.Letters are used to denote 10 or more occurrences,beginning with nAn (A=10,8=11,C=12,etc.). Scatter box plots are used in several figures in this report to sum- marize survival data.Each box represents one occurrence at that point. 31 outside value (outside of the adjacent values) lower and upper hinges (about 25 percent of the way in from each end of an ordered batch) notches (represent approximately a 95 percent confidence limit about the median): median :t 1.58 x (H-spread)/vrr -,o*" lower hinge -(3 x H-spread) upper hinge +(3 x H-spread) far outside value-outside of the following range: H-spread (the difference between the hinges; middle half of the data batch) median (middle value of the batch) maxi.Itun adjacent value [upper hinge +(1.5 x H-spread)] minimum adjacent value [lower hinge -(1.5 x H-spread)J Representative Term ----+------__________1 (+)1 _ t /---...-----~~\ d a ~b e c c * o e d + ( ) *" a,b Symbol - Figure 8.Definitions of syrrbols used in boxplots which sUIlll'arize water temperature,dissolved oxygen,pH and conductivity data. 32 r - - 3.0 RESULTS This section is divided into three parts:(1)a description of selected physical and chemical characteristics of individual study sites and various habitat types evaluated (i.e.,slough,side channel,tributary and mainstem);(2)a summary of embryo survival and development data collected at individual study sites and habitat types evaluated;and (3) an evaluation of the influence of selected physical,chemical and biological characteristics on the survival of chum salmon embryos at study sites and among habitat types. 3.1 Comparison of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Study Sites and Habitat Types Detailed results of the physical and chemical characteristics of study sites are presented in this section.A summary of these data are presented in Table 3. 3.1.1 Physical Characteristics Water Temperature Water temperature data presented in the following sections include instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperatures measured at both primary and secondary sites,and continuous intragravel water temperatures measured only at prima ry sites. Instantaneous Intragravel Water Temperatures Comparisons of instantaneous intragravel water temperatures (OC) measured within standpipes,grouped by habitat type and study site,are presented in Figures 9 and 10,respectively.Because temperatures undergo marked variations over time,median values presented for study sites and habitat types are strongly influenced by the time of year at which individual temperature measurements were recorded (refer to Appendix C).For this reason,comparisons between median values have not been made.The figures can be used~however,to show differences in the range of intragravel water temperature variations associated with individual study sites and habitat types. Generally,the data show that instantaneous intragravel water tempera- tures were least variable in mainstem and slough habitats and most variable in tributary and side channel habitats. Comparison of Instantaneous Surface and Intragravel Water Temperatures A comparison of instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperatures measured at standpipe locations in slough~side channel,and tributary habitat study sites are presented in Figures 11-13,respectively.The combined data from the three habitat types are presented in Figure 14. Data used to develop these figures are presented in Appendix C (Table C-2)• 33 Table 3.SUlmIary of physical and chemical water aual ity data collected during the 1983-84 incubation study p,-esent"d by study site and habitat type. RanTe of Surface Water Variables Range of I ntragrave 1 Water Vorl ab 1eso5501veaoissolvea Study Site Temperature Ooygcn Conductivity Temperature Ooygen Conduct I vi ty or Habi tat Type Sampling Period (OC)(mg/l )pH (umha/cm)(OC)(mg/l )pH (umho/cm) Fourth of Jul y Creek 09/14/84 -12/03/84 -0.3 -11.1 9.3 -14.8 6.3 -7.6 19 -162 0.0 -8.2 9.6 -13.8 6.3 -7.2 24 -150 Slough 10 09/15/84 -12/06/84 0.1 -9.1 8.1 -10.9 6.6 -7.4 106 -226 0.2 -7.0 0.4 -8.3 6.2 -7.5 134 -659 Side Channel 10 09/15/84 -12/06/84 0.1 -12.7 4.0 -13.4 6.6 -7.8 217 -269 0.0 -12.5 3.3 -13.4 6.9 -7.9 160 -290 Slough 11 09/15/84 -12/05/84 0.1 -8.6 10.5 -12.8 6.9'7.6 226 -244 0.2 -7.0 3.8 -13.5 6.8 -7.6 195 -259 Upper Si de Channel 11 11/09/84 -12/08/84 0.2 -12.0 8.5 -11.3 7.3 -7.8 138 -203 2.0 -3.0 5.5 -5.7 7.2 -7.6 116 -143 Hainstem (RH 136.1)11/09/84 -12/08/84 -0.3 -0.8 13.5-14.1 7.2 -8.4 138 -268 0.3 -1,0 7,,9 -12.8 8.1 -8.3 185 -226 Side Channel 21 09/14/84 -12/03/84 -0.3 •11.0 10.8 -14.9 7.3 -7.9 119 •194 0.0 -7.2 6.5 -14.7 6.6 -7.5 54 -184 Slough 21 09/13/84 -12/02/84 0.8 -11.9 6.2 -11.6 6.6 -7.8 122 -213 0.9 -7.0 1.4 -10.7 6.9 -7.5 100 •237 (.oJ Sloughs 09/14/84 -12/06/84 -0.3 -11,9 6.2 -12.8 6.6 -7.8 75 -244 0.2 -7.0 0.4 -13.5 6.2 -7.6 100 -659 .J::> Side Channels 09/14/84 -12/08/84 -0.3 -12.7 4.0 -14.9 6.6 -7.9 119 -269 0.0 -12.5 3.3 -14.7 6.6 -7.9 54 -290 Mainstem 11/09/84 -12/08/84 -0.3 -7.0 5.7 -14.3 6.7 -8.4 80 •268 0.3 -1.0 7.9 -12.8 8.1 -8.3 185 -226 Tributaries 09/14/84 -12/03/84 -0.3 -11,1 9.3 -14.8 6.3 -7.6 19 -162 0.0 -8.2 9.6 -13.8 6.3 •7.2 24 -150 a Only primary study sites are presented. ].)l J J J )),J 1 J I )J J _J --1 -1 )..~--~l -~) • • ..-........-r-------:I • I :0-__•••_-d ~c:..:::;;"""'"--~....~ • . b \ o •a-LOWER HINGE b-UPPER HINGE: C-H-SPREAD d-MINIMUM ADJACENT VALUE ••MAXIMUM ADJACENT VALUE +-MEDIAN I ,-'SOf.C.I.ABOUT THE MEDIAN*-OUTSIDE VALUE 0-FAR OUTSIDE VALUE MAINSTEM (n::;4) TAIBUT AAY (n =28) (n=228) w CJ1 SLOUGH SIDE CH.(n=88) -----+-----------------------------------1 (+I 1-------------------- -----t-------------------------------------------------t------------------------1 (t I:----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------t--------------------------------------------------------------------t-------I (t :--------- l :-~==----------------------------------------------------t---- H+1-- -t-- I -r---r-----.----'-_·_--·-----T-..-....."f------, o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE ee) Figure 9.surrmary,by habitat type,of the intragravel water temperature data (OC) periodically rreasured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). ••---+..._- ,---_••_-:f •I 'd .('6';::::-----\....~ G b. Q'LOWEII HINGE II.UPPER HINGE C·H·SPII£AD I d.IUHIMUM ADJACENT VALUE ••MAXIMUM ADJACENT VAI.UE +.MEDIAN I ).111"1.C.I.ABOUT THE M£DIAN ....OUTSIDE VALUE O'FAil OUTSIDE VAI.UE SLOUGH 10 (n =55) SLOUGH 11 (n =105) SLOUGH 21 (n =68) SIDE CH 10 (n =39) w CI"I U.SIDE CH 11 (n =1) SIDE CH 21 (n =53) 4TH OF JULY CR (n::28 ) MAINSTEU 136.1 (n::4) ----t---------------- ---------------------(+):-----------------------+---------------- -----t---------------------------------:It)1---------------------- -----t------------------t---------------------------------(--It )1----------------- -t-----------------------------------------------t--------------------------------- -------:(t )1-------------------------------------------- -------------------------t---.-----------------------------t--- ( t I:i t--- --------------------------------------f-------------1 (tl------)---- --------------------------------------t-----.--------------------------------------------------t---- ---:(+1--------- -------------------------------------------------------t-----t-- (-:t )-- -t-- _.,--------,I .,--.-----. o 2 4 6 8 -_._-,---- 10 ,--I 12 14 INTRAGRA VEL WATER TEMPERATURE CC) Figure 10.St:ntU:Iary,by study site,of the intragravel water temperature data (Q C) periodically maasured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure syrrrols). .)I J J )1,-~]-J >1 I -I _.)J c ..J .I J -) WATER TEMPERATURE {SLOUGH] INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 4.000 2.000 .00(1 5.000 7.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 8.000 n =208 r =0.93 P <0.0 I I l I I 22 I I , .~IQI)+/" 4.000 +,,, , ·,·· ,, 2.000 +,,,·,,,,,, 1.000 + 3.000 +,,,,·,,, .000 1.000 2.000 3.0UO 4.000 5.000 11.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 a.000 ~+----------+----------+---------+----------+----------+----------+---------7+----------+---------+-~·',.,',,,,,,,,,,,.,, 7.000~/1 II r,,,,,,·,:/: 11.000 ~,'/ 2 ~ 2 I 1 ONE TO ONE I /i REFERENCELINE~Y 5.000 +yl ~I 2 3 I 2171:i 1 12 L I Il/ II #22 5 I I 5 .41 I I 2 21 51 ~2 'I12711233I~"l I 1511 11 I I 2 I 154212 II Lt II I I I /1 1 1 1/ 122K 11/ IX a:w I--<(,) ~•-..J W W a: >::) <I- a:< "a: <w a:a. I-:EzW I- r- , -+----------+----------+---------+--------..._+---------..+----------..----------+...-------....+----------+-- _,),,0 1.000 2.0UO 3.000 4.iJOO 5,000 ~.OOO 7.000 8.')00 9.000 SURFACE WATER TEMPERA TURE (Oe) Figure 11.Relationship bebveen intragravel and surface water temperatures (0 C)rreasured at standpipes within slough habitat of the middle Susitna Ri.ver,Alaska (refer to section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure syrrOOls). 37 - WATER TEMPERATURE (SIDE CHANNEll "IHTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 1 /Io>!\ 1 +8.000:,,,, 1 ,,-2 1 ,,, 1 1 +b.(li)O 8.000 +,, o.t)OO +,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.0.00 + - - ~.ooo 2.000 .000 12.NrCI 10.600 14,0')0 I 1/ :_~.,.~11 11 I /"n _-7 8 2.0(1)+1 / :Iii /,r =0.93:'1 ' ;2.(-P <0.0 I : t 1."3 : :IV 1 : .000 +Al + f :--+-------------+-------------+-------------+----------+------------+-------------+------------+-- •(1)0 2.&00 4.OliO b.(lOO 8.fIiJO 10.000 12.000 14.000 ,LiVV 2.000 ~.(l00 1>.000 8.000 10.000 12.0QO 14.000 14.000 r-+-------------+------------.-------------·-------------+-------------+----------+-/------------+-~ ,,,,,,,,., :I :,,,, 12.0(10 .../... I "I ;t/~ i ~I i 10.000 ~ONE TO ONE + :REFERENCE LINE ~ , ce W,.. ~gO;:...... W...Ice W::J>1-«cece <!'w<Q. ce:::E I-Wzl- SURF ACE WATER TEMPERATURE (eC) Figure 12.Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (OC)measured at standpipes within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 38 WATER TEMPERATURE (TRIBUTARY] INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE .')00 1.000 2.000 ~.OOO 4.000 S.OOO 0.000 7.000 8.00(;---.-----------.-----------+-----------.-----------+----------+-----------+---------.----------+--- 9.(10('•+9.0vO 6.001i +,, ,,,,, 7.iJVV + :,,. 0.(;01)~ a:w .....;I-0 5,;,JO')t'<•-3:"w ..J a: W :)4.(ll)~+>I- <<a:a:, "W , <a.3.(i'.!)+ a::E ~W I-,. 2.(10(;+,, ,,,,, ~.i)w + :2 :1 // r 1 j ...... .O(oi;•X J V ONE TO ONE REFERENCE LONEY n =23 r =1.00 p<0.0 I 7.000 b.O(IO 5.00(; 4.000,···,,,,. +3.000 2.000 1.0(;0 .000 ,, -i.vNt.,+-I.O(~O ---+----------+----------+-----------+--_....._-----.;.-----------.....---------+----------.,...----------+--- .vO i)1.00(;2.0(4)~.OOO 4.(;0(1 S.(;O(I iI.OOO 7.000 8.000 SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 13.Relationship between mtragravel and surface water terrperatures (OC)measured at standpipes within tributal:y habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 39 -- ~, WATER TEMPERATURE [COMBINED HABITATS] INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE .000 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 l2.000 14.000--+------------+-------------+----------+------------+------------+------------+-------------+-14.000 ++ I,,,,,,,,, 12.000 ~ 14.000 :2.000 .000 S.OOO ';'.000 .......,.. I..y;.i"n =309 r =0.93 p<0.0 I I I l 1 I 2 I 2 21 III 222 12 3 l2 I l2 I I I I I 4.000 +I I I I 25 L 17 2 2 351 14 1 128225 4 1 1 S 1l 2 2.i)00 +=176122 ., l 2li 223'3 2 6.000 + a.ooo + ::,1)00 + ONE TO ONE REFERENCE LINE ,,--+-----------_...+--_.....-------+------------+_.._----------+-------------+-------"!"-----+-------------+-- •000 2.000 4.000 6.000 a.ooo 10.000 l2.000 14.000 c:w_ ....0 0:(•;:; -l CC W :)>.... 0:(0:( CC c: CJ w 0:(a. CC :::E....wz.... Figure 14. SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE (GC) Relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures (OC)measured at standpipes within slough,side channel,and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). - 40 """ ,..." - ,.. In each figure,there appears to be a direct relationship between surface and intragravel water temperatures.The effect appears most pronounced in slough habitats (Figure 11)which is likely related to the relatively greater influence of upwelling in this habitat type. Continuous Intragravel Water Temperatures Continuous intragravel water temperatures were measured at 18 sites in the middle Susitna River during the period from September 1983 to June 1984.A complete presentation of these data is included in Appendix F (Volume 2 of this report).This section is limited to a summary of a portion of these data,focusing only on intragravel water temperature data collected at the primary study sites in slough,side channel, tributary,and mainstem habitats used to evaluate chum salmon embryo survival and/or development. Figures 15 through 17 present the intragravel water temperature data collected at primary slough habitat study sites.From these data,it is apparent that intragravel water temperatures in slough habitats remain relatively stable from October to May,typically ranging from 3-4°C. These relatively warm temperatures indicate that the source of the intragravel water is likely upwelling. Figures 18 through 20 present the intragravel water temperature record collected at primary side channel habitat study sites.These data show that although intragravel water temperatures in side channel study sites remain relatively stable from October to May,they undergo greater variability over time c~mpared to slough habitats. In Figure 21,intragravel water temperatures measured at three sites located in Fourth of July Creek are presented.Although the data record contains several gaps,the pattern of seasonal temperature variation is evident.Intragravel water temperatures are relatively high in early September (6-8°C),decrease rapidly to near O°C in late October,and remain at or below laC for several months before increasing in March and April.The gradual increase in March and April is followed by a rela- tively sharp rise in temperature in early May.This indicates that the source of the intragravel flow at Fourth of July Creek is likely subsur- face flow originating from surface waters rather than upwelling. The intragravel water temperature record collected at the primary study site at Mainstem RM 136.1 is shown in Figure 22.Although the record is di scontinuous,the seasonal temperature pattern is evi dent.In 1ate September and early October,intragravel water temperatures decrease to near O°C and remain relatively constant until early May when they begin to rise.This indicates that the source of the intragravel flow at this mainstem site is likely subsurface flow originating from surface waters rather than from upwelling. Substrate Composition The percent dry weight,by size class,of substrate samples obtained with the McNeil sampler over the range of substrate conditions observed 41 15 14 13 12-IIu 0 10-9 LLI 0::8 ::t ~7<t 0::6 .;::.LLI N Q.~ 2 LLI 4.... 0: I&J l- e( ~ 10 5LnG"Ie -~RTt£ftST 10 5LlUlH Ie -~Rttt£51 ~.,~-_....._-...,.--.~~.................~.,-...-..",...-..-... SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Figure 15.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 10 (RM 133.8),middle Susitna River,Alaska. ~'-J J )•J J }))J I -1 J .!I J J ! ---)-1 l --]I -~-1 J J J 1 1 1 ....... ...A. ~~ I I' ,iii iii i t I JAN 'FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 10 5LOUOH II -51Tt 2•15- 14- 13- 12--11- u 0 10--9-w 0::::8- :J ~7-et 0::::6-w +:>Q..5-w :::E w 4- ~ 3-. 0:: W 2- ~l-et ~0- -1-1 -2- -3-,, SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 16.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 11 (RM 135.3),middle Susitna River,Alaska. 4 _.,,-'1 _..'.._,,-_..,_~-,.,."",_, ___,.,.._.._,._1""'.'."',·"".,,,_""__"'.,"'__",__ __,_,. IQ LOH[R 3LOUBH 21 -51TE 2 -0 0- W 0: ~ l- e{ 0: W.j::>a...1::0 :E W I- 0:: LLI l- e{ :t 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 !5 3 2 1 o -1.' -2· I SEP -. OCT I NOV I. DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR I APR I MAY I JUN Figure 17.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Slough 21 (RM 141.8),middle Susitna River,Alaska. J I I J )].1 J j J J I ••I J ])I J )i -,,"~---"--'\-_"'",,. ; IG 510[CHANNCL 10 -SITt I I~i IG 510[OHA"NCL 10 -'ITt 2----_.....------... 14 13 12-II 0 0 10- l1J Q: j t-7ct Q:6 w -1::0 D-Sc.n ~ l1J 4.... 3 Q: 1&1 2 t-1ct ~0,~-I j -2 •i SEP OCT NOV DEC ~,;'- I.I",,......',. \'.- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Figure 18.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (DC)recorded durlng the 1983-84 w~'nter period at Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8),middle Susitna River,Alaska. 1&urPDR SIDC DHnNNCL II -SIIE I 10 urf'tR :5IDC OflIINU.II -Silt 2 15 14 13 12-II 0 0 10.-9w 0:8 ':::l t- '!':>oct 0'1 0: W Q.. ~ w t- 1&urfER SlDC DflttNn.II -,m:] ,'.," ."..'..".,:...'....'..",,,..,...,....,,-..(. "",,,,',,._••••'._'.'~I,,..It ,.L-/".• ".,'"".'.'..'"'"-.,,",."~'..",'"'" ,.,,:v..~.,".....""rJ··1 - "--.~"".1..._'_./......,......•J,---_#-;',"-:".-:,:" MAYAPRMARfEBJANDECNOVOCTSEP 3 2 I 1 o .',JIJNiI I I -ILICi-2 0:: L&J t- oct :it .Figure 19.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.1),middle Susitna River,Alaska. )),!I I )I J J I J 1 !I 1 J ~ 1 -1 -1 ----J ---1 ~-~--~1 --~--~--1 1 1 19 51DE CHRNNCL 2\-SITt I 19 51DE CHANNeL 21 -SITt 2 19 51DE 01""PC.21 -5IT[J \',- V"\: I, I .., •, •,,.. .,._-.,."~'.'II .,'",.,".",'--.',.. -.I , JUN 1\I : .~I ~ :\ J :: II:yt I MAY I APRMARFEB .......... JAN f DECNOVOCTSEP 15· 14- 13· 12-II 0 0 10-9w a:8 ::;)....7 cta:6 W Q.5 -Po ~'-I W 4.... 3 0: W 2....Ic;( ~0., -I, -2· Figure 20.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Side Channel 21 (RM 141.0)~middle Susitna River~Alaska. 15 14 13 12 -IIu o 10- IA 1TH or JULT PLUMC -sire J 10 iTH or JULT CR[[k -'Ire 1 fUURTH or JULT CR[[k -'ITC 2 .f:>o ::tJ W 0:: ::> l- e:( 0:: W Q. ::IEw I- 0:: I&J l- e:( ~ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I o -I -2 ,, '.,.] ".,-.'\,,'I ,-~,~"_.,,-,,._'( ,.._--- .'-,..',..-.-.,_..,-....-"..• _••_,.__""""_...~....--../'...".....,.v r'...--..-/,-.,---)~ SEP OCT NOV DEC f JAN I FEB r MAR APR I MAY I JUN Figure 21.Hean daily intragravel water temperatures (OC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Fburth of July Creek (Rr·l 131.1),middle Susitna River, Alaska. J .1 J I ..1 ))_l .....J I J J I J ]]J '-J ~-~C'>-l 1 '1 ]j 15-1 14 13 12 -II 0 0 10-9w 0::8 ~ I-7cr 0::6 .1==0 W \.0 Q.5 ::IEw 4 I- 3 0:: W 2 l-Icr ~0 -I -2 IG MAIN STEM (RM 18S.1)-8ITE 1 I~_~~!~!J:r~_~_(~8S.1)-MEAN ,,, I,,,,_.'.,."~-'..'__...,-''-_-,-,-:'.:,---.-_......___---J,/ SEP OCT NOV I . DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR I APR I MAY JUN Figure 22.Mean daily intragravel water temperatures (DC)recorded during the 1983-84 winter period at Mainstem (RM 136.1),middle Susitna River,Alaska. at the nine primary study sites [with the exception of Mainstem (RM 136.1)],are presented,by study site and habitat type in Figures 23 and 24,respectively.The data used to construct these figures are provided in Appendix D (Table 0-1).Data for the Mainstem (RM 136.1)site are not available because the excessively large substrate particles at this site prevented proper use of the rkNeil sampler.Two McNeil samples, however,were obtained at an alternative mainstem location (RM 138.9) which had substrate similar to that typically selected by chum salmon for spawning.These two samples have been included in the Figure 23 presentation for comparative purposes.In addition,the percentage of substrate materials in each of the three smallest substrate size classes (hencefoY1'la rd termed II fi nes ")for each of the above nine prima ry study sites,grouped by study site and habitat type,are presented in Figures 25 and 26,respectively.The total height of each bar represents the combined percent of fines,whereas the internal bar divisions correspond to individual size classes. In general,these data illustrate that slough habitat study sites contain smaller substrate materials and greater amounts of fines than other habitat types.Thi s is 1i kely the result of lower water vel DC- ities allowing for the accumulation of fines within these habitat types. The mainstem habitat study site had the largest substrate materials and least amount of fines present whereas the side channel and tributary habitat study sites contained intermediate amounts. The percent composition of substrate materials collected using the McNeil sampler in areas utilized for spawning by chum salmon at study sites and grouped by habitat type,are presented in Figures 27 and 28, respectively.In addition,the percent substrate composition of fine substrates collected US"j ng the McNei 1 sarnpl er at study sites uti 1i zed for spawning by chum salmon are presented in Figure 29.In all cases, except the site at Mainstem (RM 138.9),the substrate samples were collected within approximately 5.0 feet of a natural chum salmon redd. The data for Mainstem (RM 138.9)were not collected at a chum salmon redd,but rather,at a site that appeared to have a similar substrate composition to that in areas util ized for spawning by chum salmon.It is included for comparative purposes. The variation in substrate composition at salmon redds is relatively greater for the three 1argest substrate categori es than for the three smallest (Figure 27).For example,for substrates 1.0-0.08 in.dia- meter,the percent composition varies from a low of 23%for the mainstem site to a high of 47%for Slough 10.This represents a difference of 24%.In contrast,for the three finer substrate categories,the greatest variability between the sites in each category is 3.0%,6.0% and 15.0%,respectively. Substrate composition for the three smallest size categories are compared between study sites in Figure 29.Of all sites evaluated,two sites [Fourth of July Creek and Slough l1(Subsite B)J contained less than 10%total fines.Three additional sites [Slough 10,Mainstem (RM 138.9),and Slough 21J contained less than 15%fines,and one site (Upper Side Channel 11)contained greater than 20%fines.It is 50 - ~I 1 ..]'~1 _....•)'1 1 "--')····1 "'~··"1 I "~1 ·,,······1 i '1 ~"]'.') SUBSTRATE McNEIL ::'.":., F [.... -•.J,... j-:::, t.·: i';.... i·....·1(1 t··, f~~ ,n f" f't,· .J .1,.,\ SL 11 (8)UPPER SIDE MAINSTE.. CH 11 (RM 1....) (J1 I-' I- Z W U II: W D. .'.:", ..1'-',...\'I 1:1 .[' '.",-I r ,·1 ",1 ...fJI ·1"1 It1 ..~n ..1 fl .•j'_.-1 I t ..fT:, .j II+L11)·1,.1'1·H[·.;I'"'1'+"::1 o Jllth FOURTH Of JULY CREEK SIDE CH 10 SL 10 rj ~-....i ~"'j r~ t"l,-.1 t) i A [1 I~(:4 ,..11,Llf·l.·.I ..i jr ttl;+1 fElt'l:l !'Y1i'"i....j ..ftl.fj r··!Ilt,; ,l kTt.l J..,VlLI-~:1 ,~·t::l I SL 11 (A) ['1,.j fli:Jt.,f.j I I V'jI:lti '..r .,·1 ·t+j :It·:LII':! t:j::!:I:\.:.., ;") l:...l ,"i :···i r···~.r ~"t C·~!~.1 [l'r:tll" ,..v SIDE CH 21 I. SL 21 .1 >'.0 '.0-1.0 ;>Lo-o.ol 0.01-0.02 .[": 0.02-0.002L.<0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure 23.Percent size composition of McNeil substrate samples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River, Alaska. SUBSTRATE McNEIL ..!.-:'=r . F·;·:j r..·····":·l"'.,".: l)il. I ../t """,·····/·1.•...'."of'.'~," :__\..L:J:.:.1;·....1·..".:........",.,.]I....\'"j/....1·.·,1.·~···""":.:J i /.....r.i.·'·'·,:-'-I/··!c""!....I·····.t'-"'\,,:'-:1 :<k -:J_iii. c.)_. ?.~) '·;n I-Z ,','W ;:.~.J oa: ~?CJ· U1 N SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARY MAINSTEM ..:>8.0 8.0-1.0 1.0-0.08 E;;:~:;::~j 0.08-0.02 -, SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) 0.02-0.002 l;']:;:,<1 <0.002 Figure 24.Percent size composition of McNeil samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River, Alaska. J J J J ]J J ..J J ]J .]]J .I :~.J J -1 1 ~)1 ~-l -1 SUBSTRATE McNEIL 1 -)··~l j )~j t.n W I- Z W Ua::w D. ~--.~'; .:1-t-,- .".I . :1')"-J....--- CI I.,"i I/!L I I !~I.·!I .."....j i I l.~'f ~ FOURTH OF SIDE JULY CREEK CH 10 SL 10 SL 11 (A)SL 11 (8)UPPER SIDE MAINSTEM 81DE CH 11 (RM 138.8)CH 21 8L 21 i 0.011-0.02 0.02-0.002'·',';<0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure 25.Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in. diameter)in McNeil samples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. (J"I ~ I- Z U.io It U.ia.- .:1 Sfi SUBSTRATE McNEIL SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARY MAIN STEM 0.08-0.02 0.02-0.002'<0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure 26.Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in. diameter)of McNeil samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. ]J J }J I J -]J J I J J j .,.~I I '))-1 1 "1 -~1 1 '-"j '1 "'1 -1 SUBSTRATE IREDDI McNEIL .'.:: n l~il ii!'>~--.!_."! IV ".11 lJI·,.·j f·1 I,J·j'L I I k;..).l .!:f "'1 1 Iv..·.·l j...i·.·.,.;fl.··.·..,J "I ,·'I 't··t ,.,I.,t'".:'·.Ll /1".:..'[,I\J.::[···....r•.J.·l't 1.~l~:ltc:11 !!tl'+::1'[..'.t'jl::1 1':1 +::.1'j-1'1 '(.f:,:, ')"r:f\I:~tt ItJ I.1 PI'f,"f .".j I'j',1 ···I·j t l .,....." [,_'t ,,-j .._I 1,'"F;'~':1 11 'j'++,!"r,-,>r'l t""k!';ITi):'.~ :)'..".,!::l-r':"'J~bi I.,r-il·ll,1:.t.1:1.:,t rlfj-l:I..t 1,'"'" 1 D .::~~.~~l ~~c!- 4··1."!. 2~,_. .'~"j...zw (J a:w 0. U1 U1 FOURTH OF JULY CREEK SL 10 8L 11 (8)UPPER SIDE MAINSTE'" CH 11 (RM 138.•) SIDE CH 21 SL 21 L""j ;>8.0 8.0-1.0 t.0-0.08 ",0.08-0.02 f 0.02-0.002"<0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure 27.Percent size composition of McNeil substrate samples collected at chum salmon redds during May 1984,in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. " '.) ;1'! SUBSTRATE IREDDI McNEIL Ul 0\ I- Z W Ua:wa.. ':1 >:~'::1 . ::iJ ' .~F~ ;.... 1 Ct . :.,,! SLOUGH,SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARV ._.,',i )8.0 8.0-1.0 'I 1.0-0.08 ;,0.08-0.02 0.02-0.002 <:0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In)' Figure 28.Percent siz~corrposition of McNeil substrate sarrples collected at chum sal.rron redds during May 1984,in various habitats of the middle susitna River,Alaska. 'J ~]I J )J ~.3 c_.J J )~~j J I !J I J ] 1 I J -1 --)~--l J )]1 SUBSTRATE IREDDI McNEIL I SL 21 k, SIDE CH 21 <;0.002 SL 11 (B)UPPER SIDE MAINSTEY CH 11 (AM 181.8).,,. .~!0.08-0.02 >0.02-0.002 i SL 10 ::~ "--:~ FO'-'RTH OF JULY CREEK 'o.t ,:3 - j -_: !7 . L). 1 .::1.- t- Z W Ua:w D. U1 --J SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure 29.Percent size composition of fine substrate «0.08 in. diameter)in McNeil samples collected at chum salmon redds during May 1984 in study sites of middle Susitna River,Alaska. noteworthy that both of the sites with the greatest amounts of fines (Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21)also contain extensive areas of upwelling.These upwellings undoubtedly act to reduce the deleterious effects of increased amounts of fines in the streambed. The substrate composition of chum salmon redds is compared between samples collected in different habitat types in Figure 28.In general, slough and side channel sites contained greater amounts of fine sub- strate materials and lesser amounts of large substrate materials com- pared to tr"ibutary sites.However,the areas where salmon established redds (Figure 28)contained fewer fines than the range of substrate materials available in each habitat type (Figure 24).This is likely due to the sorting of gravels by salmon during the digging of th~redd. 3.1.2 Chemical Characteristics Dissolved Oxygen Comparisons of dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/l)measured in surface and intragravel waters in slough,side channel,and tributary habitat study sites are presented in Figures 30-32,respectively.The same data,grouped for all study sites,are presented in Figure 33. Similar plots for dissolved oxygen,expressed as percent saturation,are included in Appendix C.Raw data used to construct both sets of plots are also included in Appendix C. In each figure,there is a general relationship between surface and intragravel dissolved oxygen levels indicating a relat.ionship between upwelling water and surface waters.The relationship appears strongest for tributary sites (Figure 32)and weakest for slough sites (Figure 30).The relationship for slough habitat sites does not appear uniform over the entire range of concentrations,being much weaker (i.e.,wider scatter of points)at low and intermediate values than at higher values. Summary data on intragravel DO concentrations show that median levels are generally lowest for slough habitat study sites,intermediate for side channel and mainstem habitat study sites,and greatest for tributary habitat study sites (Figures 34 and 35). .E.!! Comparisons of pH levels measured in surface and intragravel waters in slough and side channel habitat study sites are presented in Figures 36 and 37,respectively.These data grouped for all study sites are presented in Figure 38.Because this variable was not measured at all standpipe locations,there were insufficient data for comparable plots for tributary and mainstem habitat study sites.In general,these data show that there is a relationship between pH values measured in surface and intragravel waters in each of these habitat types,with the rela- tionship being weakest for side channel habitats (Figure 37). A summa ry of i ntragrave 1 pH 1eve 1sis presented by study site and habitat type in Figures 39 and 40,respectively.These data show that, 58 - - - - - - ,..,. I DISSOLVED OXYGEN (SLOUGHI INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 0.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000---+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+--+14.000:,, :,, I 0, ONE TO ONE ,+12.000 REFERENCE LINE ~ 1 1 12 2 1 1 41 11 1 1 1 .+10.000 11 1 11 1 , 1 1 1 112 , I 11 1 2 3 I 1 ,, 1 21 343 12 211 ,, I 1 2 3 11 1 I II ., 1 11 12 1 I ,,, 11 1 1 I I 11 1 +8.000 1 I 1 I I 11 I 1 1 1 111 3 2 , 1 2 I I 2 1 11 1 I 1 1 : 1 1 ,, 1 1 1 +0.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I 4.000 1 I 1 2.000 1 I 1 n =2081II 1 r =0.52I11 I 1 p<O.OI .000 ,, .000 +,,,,---+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+----------+--- 1>.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.(100 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 SURFACE WATER DISSOLVEO OXYGEN (mg/J) 14.000 +::,, I,,, : 12.000 + 0 0,,,,,··,, 10.(100 + ~:...., Cl , 0:Ie·, W ,-, I-, Z ,<· == W 8.000 + C': ...J >:, w X ·, >0 ,,,<, C , 0:0.000 +I 1 C'W>, <: 0:...J , 0 , I-, C/) , Z , C/) ,,, C 4.000 +,·,··,,,,,, 2.000 + r - Figure 30.Relationship between intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (m~/l) measured at standpipes within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 59 DISSOLVED OXYGEN (SIDE CHANNELl INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 6.000 7.000 a.ooo 9.1j00 lG.OOO 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.Q00 15.000 10.000-t---------t---------t---------+--------+--------t--------t---------t--------+---------t---------t- 16.000 t 1/>.000 1 2 I t 8.000 I ·, I ·,·,-, 1 1 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 I I +11.000 II 1 - - 4.000 2.000 14.000 10.000 12.000 ONE TO ONE REFERENCE LINE ,,,,, 10.000 +,, ,·.,·,·,·, 8.000 +I,··,,·,,,,,, 0.000 +I;.·,,,,, :: 4.000 ++ l I:n =74 :,, ~r =0.80 t ;p <0.01 I 2.000 t +,,,, -+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+-------+---------+--_.....__..+--------+- a.iliiO .7.ilOO a.iloo 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 SURFACE WATER DISSOLVED OXYGEN (mg/l) ,,, ,··,,,, 14.000 t:,,,·,·,,,, 12.000 + ~....a:CDwe I--<Z3:w ...J 0w>>X<0 a:c c:I w<>a:...J I-0Zen !Ec Figure 31.Relationship between intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/1) measured at standpipes within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River.Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). - 60 - - I"'" I DISSOLVED OXYGEN (TRIBUTARY] INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 13.VOO 13.500 14.000 +,,,,,,,, +,,,,,,,, +12.500 +12.000,,,,,,,, +II.500 11.000 lO.500 10.000 n=23 r =0.88 +9.500 P <0.0 I :,,,,,, 1. ONE TO ONE REFERENCE LINe ~ ,,,,,, 10.500 +:,,,,,, Hi.OOO +,,,.,,, 9.500 +,,,,,,, 12.000 +,,,, , 11.500'~,, ;,,,,,, 13.000 +,,,,,., I~.500 + 1l.0VO 11.500 12.000 12.500 13.000 13.500 14.000---+--------------+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-- 14.000 ++,,,,,,,, 13.500 + -....a:CDwE J--<Z ~W CJ ...J >W x>0<a:0o..w<>a:...J J-0 Z en-rn o f."'" I !""" ! 9.;100 ++9.00(1---+---------------+--------------+---------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+--- 11.0(1)11.500 12.000 12.500 13.000 13.500 14.000 SURFACE WATER DISSOLVED OXYGEN (mg/l) Figure 32.Relationship between intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen concentratiOns (rng/l) measured at standpipes within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). -61 .... - DISSOLVED OXYGEN ICOMBINED HABITATSI INTRAGRAVEl VS SURFACE a.OOO 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 IS.OOO 16.000-+---------+--------+-------+--------+---------+---------+--------.---------+---------+---------+- 16.000 +16.000 - - 8.JOO ~ 6,jOO ,-;, ..-,..,,~ 1".'~'.".J - :.(il)!}-. .01)0 - 10.000 n =305 r =0.69 p<0.01 I 1 lIll I -1 I 112 I 13 I I I I 2 5231 I I 11 II 1 I 2 22 II I 1m 11 2 21 311m I 22 I 2 11 I 2 2 22 2 2 21 I 2 I II 12 11 I 2 I 112 I I 2 I 111 I I 2111 I I I I I II 2 2 I 1111112111 I I 2 I Il I I 2 I I 2 I I I I I I I 12 I 11 I I I I .ONETO ONE REFERENce LINE I I I I I I 11 I 1 I 2 I I I I I I III 2.000 +,,,, :,,, .000 +,,,,,-+-----_...--+-----_.._-.,.--......._--....+--..._..._-..-+---------+-----.....--+---------+--------+--------+---------+- 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 IS.OOO 16.000 b.OOO + , ~2.0C;)+ 4.;)00 +' SURFACE WATER DISSOLVED OXYGEN (mgfl) Figure 33.Relationship between intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/l) measured at standpipes within slough,side channel.and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River.Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). l~.OOO r 14.000 ,,,, 10.000 ~,,,.,,,, B.000 ~I ~ "- a:Ol w E......., <Z ~w ~ ...J > W x>0<0a: ~w <> a:...J ....o· ~U) U)c -62 }J 1 ~1 C)....]1 ))) •• -1 ---t---......._...._..., , • I •J :'c::;:i~b------\ c • ) ,•t I I) I o~LOWER HINGE b.UPPER HINGE C'H-SPREAD d.MINIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE ••MAXIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE +.MEDIAN (I'95"10 C.I.AIOUT THE MEDIAN ....OUTSIDE VALUE O'FAR OUTSIDE VALUE ----------------------------t----------------1 (t 11-------------- ----------------------------t------- SLOUGH 10 (n=IU5) SLOUGH 11 (n =105)· SLOUGH 21 (n =88) SIDE CH.10 (n =39) 0"1 U.SIDE CH.11 (n:8)w SIDE CH.21 (n =49) 4TH OF JUL V CR.(n =28) MAIN STEM 13e.1 (n =4) o ---~-t---------1 f 1---------------------1 (t)1---------------------I -----t--------------t--- I I II -------------1 (t)1------------- -----t--------t-------------------------------------(1 t)1----------------------------------------t-------------------t- t) t- --------t-------------------------------------1 (t)1---------------------------t------------------------t----------------..:-1 (t 1--- ------------t--------------------t-----------------(-1 t 1--- ----------------t------ 'r I I ",r I i --Io248810121416 INTRAGRAVEL OISSOL VEO OXYGEN (mg/l) Figure 34.sumnary,by study site,of the intragravel dissolved oxygen data (rrg/l) periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure syrrbols). ••..--t...--... ,-----••:I I)•n---'-.".-~';'::':'··---·-~• "I !l d •~\ C ". Q'LOWER HINGE b-UPPER HINGE C-H-SPREAD d-MINIMUM ADJACENT VALUE .-MAXIMUM ADJACENT VALUE +.MEDIAN (I-15%c.I.A'OUT THE MED'AN • -OUTSIDE VALUE 0-FAR OUnlDE VALUE 0' ~ SLOUGH (n=228) SIDE CH.(n:::94) TRIBUTARY (n=21) MAINSTEM (n=4) ---------------+-----~- II III II -------------------------------1 (+):--------------------------f ---------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------1 (+)1--------------------------- -------------------+------------------------------+------------------1 (+)---------------+---- ----------------+-----------------(-1 +:--- ----------------+------ o 2 4 T 6 r ---------,----T------.-, 8 10 12 14 16 INTRAGRA VEL DISSOLVED OXYGEN (mgll) Figure 35.Summary,by habitat type,of the intragravel dissolved oxygen data (mg/1) periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). ».I ,j J .1 )J I )}I ))I J I ,.... pH [SLOUGHI INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 7.300 7.000 7,400 7.600 7.700 +7.200 l,,,,,,,, +7.100 5 2 n =32 r =0.71 p<0.01 2 ,,,, i,,,, +,,, ---+---------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+-------------+--~ 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.600 7.700 SURFACE WATER pH 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.600 7.700---+-------------4-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+- i.700 +,,, I, I, I,, 6.900 + 7.500 +,,,,··,·~, I Q.7."00 +J,,,·a:··W , 1 I-,, <7.300 + ~ ...J , W ,,>, 4(7.200 +, a:··CJ ·,,<,,a:, I-7.1W + ~,·, ,,,, 7.000 +I - f"" ! -- -Figure 36.Relationship between mtragravel and surface water pH levels rreasured within slough habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 65 pH [SIDE CHANNEll INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE - -+7.400 I,, I, I I ~, :, I I I +7.200 - a:w I-< 3= ~w><a:: "<a: I- ~ 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.bOO 7.700 7.800---+---------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--- 7.800 +,,,, I,,, :.ONE TO ONE 7.60\0'REFERENCE LIN~ 1 7.200 + f,, l,, I I, I, : 7.000 +, I,, I I,,,, I,, I 6.800 + 7.900----------+--- ,+7.81)0 7.bOO 7.000 b.800 - n=9 r =-0.02 6.000 +P >O.I0 + ,l I I I , I ,---+--------------+---------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+--- i.300 7.400 7.500 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 SURFACE WATER pH Figure 37.Relationship between intragravel and surface water pH levels measured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explana- tion of figure symbols). 66 b.bOO ..... - - pH {COMBINED HABITATSI INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE i.BOO 7.ovO 7.ZOO 7.000 2 2 ,, 7.400 : , oo, o,, o,, i .200 + , J 7.600 + 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.1100 7.700 7.800 7.~00•__+__..__..__...__+-__. +++-.._...__++_......<fo__-------+-.... 7.Boo ++ o i,,,, o. 1 7.000 + a:w I-<~ -oJ W><a: ~a: I- Z 6.800 + n =41 r =0.24 p>O.IO 6.1100 +: oo---.-----------+---------+---------+-----------..._--------+---------+----------+-----------+-...... 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.1100 7.700 7.800 7.900 SURFACE WATER pH Figure 38.Relationship between intragravel and surface water pH levels measured within slough and side channel habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 67 • • --- ..-------••:I • I '--J (""c;.0~-----\.....0) C b. -----------t----------------I t 11-------------------- -----------t---------------------------------------------t------------------1 I t I -----------------------------t----- O'l .:0 8LOUGH 10 (n =17) 8LOUGH 11 (n ::115) 8LOUGH 21 (n =9) 81DE OH.10 (n =9) U.81DE OH.11 (n =4) 81DE OH.21 (n =8) 4TH OF JULY OR.(n =8) MAIN8TEM 138.1 (n =3) f CI'LOWER lUNGE b-UPPER HINGE C-H.8PREAD d-MINIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE. •-MAXIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE -----------t----------I (t I 1------ -----------t----------t------------- I ------I----t I 1-------- t----------------------------t-----------1 I t------I ---------------t-----t-------------------------------1-----1 t )r----------- -----t------------------------t---------I:t 1--- --------t-- +.MEDIAN I I'95"10 C.I.ABOUT THE MEDIAN ••OUTSIDE VALUE O'FAR OUTSIDE VALUE --t--- I --I t :-) --+--- 8.0 ~I I I 1 -----I·--···---~ 8.5 7.0 7.5 INTRA GRAVEL pH 1 -... 8.0 ~ Figure 39.Surrmary,by study site,of the intragrave1 pH data periodically neasured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure synbo1s). ,)I .I I .,J 1 ••,)J j J j 1 " 1 }))1 1 ~-~1 1 -)1 1 1 , ••---+••_-. ,••__..._-:I t J :-_......_...1"4--.....:•••-...,,I I I I ~ II •'-..-'\o b. Qo LOWER HINGE ba UPI'ER HINGE CaH.SPREAD d a llINI.IIUII AD~ACENT VALUE •aliAXIliOll'AD~ACENT VALUE +.MEDIAN ('a '5%C.I.AIIOUT THE MEDIAN ••OUTSIDE VALUE Oa FAil OUTSIDE VALUE TRIBUT ARY (n:;8) O'l ~ SLOUGH 81DE CHo (n =41) (n =18) ----------+----- t -------.--.-----,(+Il----------- ----------t---------------------t--------------------------------1 (t 11--------------------- ----------------+-------------------------.-.------------+------------------1 (+I -----------------------------+----- MAINSTEM (n=3) --t--- (--I +H--t--- 8.0 r------I -- 6.5 ,.-----~--·-"·~·----·-I------·_,__---____r_~-·--,--. 100 705 8.0 INTRAGRA VEL pH ~----. 8.5 Figure 40.Surrma.ry,by habitat type,of the intragravel pH data periodically ffi::!asured within standpipes duririg the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure syrrbols). Jf.J!,.....----- with the exception of Side Channel 21,slough and side channel habitat study sites exhibit relatively similar median pH values which are intermediate between the lower tributary habitat study site levels and the higher mainstem habitat study site levels.Slightly lower pH values were recorded in Side Channel 21 compared with other sites. Conductivity The rel ati onshi ps between conductivity 1evel s (umhos/cm)measured in surface and intragravel water in slough,side channel,and tributary habitat study sites are presented in Figures 41-43,respectively.These data are also-grouped for all study sites and presented in Figure 44. In general,the relationship between conductivity levels measured in surface and intragravel water appears to be well defined for all habitat types except sloughs.In sloughs,the relationship appears to be "'Jell defined for surface water conductivity values greater than approximately 200 umhos/cm.but is less defined for values below this point (Figure 41),indicating that surface water conductivities in these habitat types are influenced by intragravel conductivities to a higher degree in areas of upwell i ng. A summary of intragravel conductivity data (umhos/cm)is presented by study site and habitat type in Figures 45 and 46,respectively.Slough, side channel,and mainstem habitat study sites have similar conductivity ranges in contrast to the tr"ibutary habitat study site,which exhibits distinctly lower conductivity values. 3.2 Comparison of Embryo Survival and Development at Study Sites and Habitat Types Table 4 provides a summary of the timing of events for installing ar.d removing WVBs used for determinations of embryonic survival and/or development at each study site.A total of 308 WVBs were installed,of which 285 were successfully retrieved.Of the 295 WVBs retrieved,220 were used to evaluate embryo survival and 111 WVBs were used to evaluate embryo development. Embryo survival data for the seven primary study sites previously identified in Table 2 are presented in Appendix Table A-I.Embryonic development data is presented for each of the above mentioned sites as well as for Upper Side Channel 11 and a small number of natural redds located in Fourth of July Creek,Slough 21 and Side Channel 21 are presented in Appendix Table A-2.Data presented in this table may include data presented in Appendix Table A-I since embryos at a specific used to calculate development may also have been used for determining survival.With the exception of data obtained at two sites,all data reported in Appendix Table A-2 were derived from embryos removed from WVBs.Data reported for natural redds were obtained from embryos placed naturally in redds by the adult salmon.Data obtained at Side Channel 21 (subsite C)was obtained from embryos which were artificially fertilized and placed in an artificial redd and then later removed to evaluate development. 70 - - - - - CONDUCTIVliY ISLOUGHI INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 12MOO I~O.OOO 16MOO IBO.OOO 200.000 220.000 240.000 2bO.000 --+-----------+----------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-~ SURFACE WATER CONDUCTIVITY (umhos/cm) 2b~.000 aO.OGO ...'!'.',',j".': ,.,~,.,\",', I.........'...,.... 280.000 200.000 140.00,) 180.000 13l 3 ',.. n =206 r =0.67 p<0.01 I I 100.000 +,, o,··, ~.:+--+-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+-- 120.000 140.000 160.000 lBO.OOO 200.000 220.000 240.000 2bO.000 2BO.000 +, 0,, i 0 0 260.000 r 0 0 0 0, 240.000 + 11 ,, 2 I220.000 +1 I-0 I, E , 0 U 0 Ia::,....0 If""'"W en 0 I-0 20il.000 +I <oJ::I I I E 0 3:, :::J i 1 0 I-0..J >180.ilOO +IW0III-0>, :>,<,I 1 I I 1 ,a::i=0 2 1 I , CJ IbO.OOO +I 121 I <(,)0 1 I II 1 I~0 a::i I I I0,1 I 2I-0Z,I IZ0 0 140.000 +12 (,),I0,III0·I I,,1 11, 120.000 +II ONE TO ONE 1 1 1 I REFERENCE LINE I I II I I - ...... t Figure 41.Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)measured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 71 - CONDUCTIVITY (SIDE CHANNEll INTRA GRAVEL VS SURFACE 50.000 100.000 150.000 200.000 250.000 300.00(1-t------------------+----------------+------------------+-----------------+------------------+- - - 50.000 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 300.000 ,,,, : +,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, + 11 1 I 1 I 11 3 111 1 1 1 I I 21 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ONE TO ONE ~ REFERENCE LINE''I "'" 1 / 1 1 1 n=72 11 12 \/~r =0.90 /'p<O.OI //1 :/1 ; 50.000 Y'+-+------------------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+- 50.000 100.000 150.000 200.000 250.000 300.000 100.000 +, 300.000 •:,,,,,,,,,·,,,,, 250.000 •,, :,,, ,-, e l, U , cc .....i l'I), W .,...0 200.000 •.:,<e , ~, .3-,,, -I ·, W >·, >...,, <, ~, a:,, C'..., (.)150.000 +<a:~...C Z Z 0 (.) SURFACE WATER CONDUCTIVITY (}Jmhos/cm) Figure 42.Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)rreasured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure synbols). - - 72 CONDUCTIVITY ITRIBUTARYJ INTRA GRAVEL VS SURFACE 20.0':11)40.000 60,000 80.000 100.0(11)120.000 140.000 160.000--+-------------t------------...+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+_ i~0.(;Oi);.16(;.OOu ,,, ,, -I 140.0(;0 •,140.01)0 120.(;00 +ONE TO ONE, REFERENCE LIN~-ex:Ew() I-.... CD<0 tOO.OOO +/3:.c E ..J 3 /r-w>><I-0, a::s:80.000 • ~j::I, <, 0 , ex:0 :::)0 I-0 0 0 ~, Z , 0 0 Oi).OOO + 0 120.00(' 100.000 8(1.000 60.000 ,,,, 4(1.00(1 +n =23 r =I.00 p<0.01 20.(i(~(i +,..-20.(;00 (, -....------------+...------------+-------------+--..----------+-------------+-------------t-------------+-- 20.')01)40.000 100.OM 120.000 140.000 100.000 SURFACE WATER CONDUCTIVITY (prnhos/cm) Figure 43.Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)rreasured within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). 73 CONDUCTIVITY [COMBINED HABITATSI INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE - .000 lSO.000 300,000 2S0.000 n =30 I r =0.89 p<0.0 I 1 21 I 1 I L 1 1 1 11 1 1 11.) I L 393"11 I 1 m lL2 L 231 3"22 32 III I L2 L 1 11 1 1 I LU111 21 12 1 221 L 2 II 11 121 11 22 1 2 1 1 1 111 L 121 1 1113 I I 2 I I 11 1 L l 1 1 I 12 I I . .11 1 I 3 2 221 1112 11 I I 11 1 I I 1 1 ONE TO ONE . REFERENCE LIN~ 200.000 t ··,, 1,·,·,, 150.000 t ,,,, i,,·, , :l0.000 t ,, i,,,,,,,, 50.000 t ,,,·,,,·,·,·.000 +, .000 50.000 100.000 150.000 20MOO 250.000 300.000---+------------+------------+--------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---~r ·,·1·, i,,,, 250.000 + -Ea:()w .... J-II'J<,g ~E3..J W >>t:<> a:~CJ (,)<:Ja:cJ-~~ (,) , ~--+---------------+-----------+--------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+--- .000 50.000 lOO.OOO 150.000 200.000 250.000 300.000 SURFACE·WATER CONDUCTIVITY (umhos/cm) Figure 44.Relationship between intragravel and surface water conductivity levels (umhos/cm)measured within slough, side channel,and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna Rivers Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). ...... - 74 J ))J 1 1 1 --1 j J t t ---t..._•• .,----...........:I •I 'd r""\.-•••.•~._;.;.:::------\t",U.~\a b. ....... (Jl SLOUGH 10 ("=I') SLOUGH 11 (n=10l) SLOUGH 21 (n =17) SIDE CH.10 (n =,,) U.SIDE CH.11 (n=l) SIDE CH.21 (n =10) 4TH OF JULY CR.(n=21) MAIN8TEM 138.1 (n =4) + +- + ----+-- --------1 (+)/-----------+-- -+- If---(+I---I -+-----+-------I (t)1-----f----+--- ------+-----------:( + )1----- ------+--------+-- ( +I)---+-- ------+---------1 (+)1------- ------+---- o 0 --+--- (I +II--+--- Q'LOWER HINGE b.UPPE"HINGE CIH-SPREAD dl MINIMUM ADJACENT VALUE • I MAXIMUM ADJACENT VALUE o +.MEDIAN I ).95"/0 C.I.ABOUT THE MEDIAN ••OUTSIDE VALUE O'I"A"OUTSIDE VALUE o o 100 r-- 200 --,------------_.[.... 300 400 r---'~.-....--.I"I 500 600 700 INTRAGRAVEL CONDUCTIVITY (umhos/cm) Figure 45.Summary,by study site,of the intragravel conductivity data (umhos/cm) periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure/symbols). f f ..-....-.._- l·-·?Q~~m-.\ a • ,•I t I) MAINSTEM (n :::4) TRIBUT ARY en:::21)-....J O'l SLOUGH SIDE CH. en:227) en ~81) + t- + --------t--------------1 (t),----- --------t---------t-------------------1 (t)1--------------- ------t--------- o 0 --t---n t I) --+--- Q'LOWER HINGE b.UPPER HINGE C·H.!PREAD d·MINIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE ••MAXIMUM AD~ACENT VALUE o +.MEDIAN II'lISoto C.I.AIOUT THE MEDIAN ••OUTSIDE VALUE O'FAR OUTSIDE VALUE o o 100 "---- 200 r-----~,.-._r___..,------'-_r_-.....--..--r 300 400 500 600 I 700 INTRAGRAVEL CONDUCTIVITY (umhos/cm) Figure 46.Summary,by habitat type,of the intragravel conductivity data (umhos/cm) periodically measured within standpipes during the 1983-84 winter period in the middle Susitna River,Alaska (refer to Section 2.4 for detailed explanation of figure symbols). J J I I I I 1 .~)I }1"J J l i I I,~ 1 "~--]-1 -}T '.,--1 '---~]1 J Table 4.SUlMIary of the Hmlng of events for I,nstalling and removing Whltlock-Vlbert Boxes (WVBs)for analyses of embryonic survival and development. InsUllatlon and Removal of WBs Removal of WBs for Evaluation of Survival and Development Total Total WBs NOt Survival aDateofWVBsWBsAccounted Number Deve I opment Number Site Subslte Egg Source Instol htlon Instelled Removed For Remove I Period Removed Remova I Period __Removed Fourth of July Creek A Fourth of 08128/83 30 2.8 2d 03/30/84 -05/10/84 22 10/09/83 -11/02/84 6 July Creek Slough 10 A Fourth of 09/09/83 40 40 0 02/08/84 -0~/25/84 34 10/29/83 -02/29/84 6 July Creek Side Channel 10 A Fourth of 09/09/83 38 38 0 03/01/84 -05/10/84 34 10/09/83 -03/02/84 10 July Creek Slough 11 A Slough 11 08126/8~40 40 0 01/18/84 -03/28/84 34 10/09/83 -02/09/84 9 B Varlede Varied 30 30 Of 02/01/84 10 08128/83 -02/01/84 27 C Slough 11 08126/83 10 8 2 ----10/09/83 •12/30/84 8 Upper SI de Channel 11 A Slough 11 08126/83 10 6 4 f ----10/24/83 -01/19/84 6 ......Halnstem (RH 136.1)A Slough 11 08/26/83 20 19 If 03/30/84 -04/17/84 8 10/09/83 -04/25/84 19...... Side Channel 21 A Slough 21 08/24/83 40 38 2g 03129/84 -06/01/84 34 10/09/83 -10/27/83 4 B Slough 21 09/13/83 20 20 0 03129/84 •06/01/84 20 3/28/84 -4/19/84 l~hCSlough2109/13/83 --------_.10/25/83 •5/10/84 Slough 21 A Slough 21 08128/83 30 28 29 01/17/84 24 10/26/83 -01/17/84 10 Natural Redds -Aug-Sept Aug-Sept ------..--09121/83 -04/13/84 gh ~Data provided In Appendix A (Table A-2) Data provided In Appendix A (Table A-I) ~Some WVBs used to evaluate development were also used to evaluate survival (refer to Appendix A,Tables Al and A2l. \IIVBs were sli 11 frozen I nto the substrate on 05/10/84.Embryos were presumed to be dead. e Embryos from FOurth of Ju 1y Creek,Slough 11 and Slough 21 were I nsta II ed at this subsl te.Oates of I nsta 11 at Ion correspond to those presented In the above table for each Individual site. f Excess WVBs not requl red for anal yses. g Became burled In silt and lost. h This number refers to the number of times embryos were collected rather than the number of \IIVBs removed,and Is not Included In the column total. 3.2.1 Embryo Survival Accumulation of Fine Substrate Particles In order to properly estimate embryo survival at study sites,the following two hypotheses had to first be proven:(1)that WVBs did not accumulate fine substrate particles in excess of that of the surrounding substrates;and (2)that the disappearance of embryos from withn \NBs between times of installation and removal was not attributable to alevins leaving the WVBs.·Data supporting the first hypotheses are presented below.A complete presentation of the rational supporting the second hypotheses is presented in Section 4.1. To determine whether WVBs accumulated fine s.ubstrate particles in excess of that present in the surrounding substrates,the dry weights and percentage of substrate particles less than 0.2 cm (0.08 in)in diameter collected using the McNeil sampler were compared to the dry weights and percentage of substrate particles less than 0.2 cm (0.08 in)in diameter observed in the WVBs at the time of their removal (Figures 47 and 48, respectively).In both cases,there appears to be relatively good correlations (0.81 and 0.76,respectively)indicating WVBs did not accumulate excess fine particles compared to quantities of fines found in the surrounding substrates. Survival Estimates The percent survival of chum salmon embryos at individual study sites is presented in Figure 49.Two estimates of survival are provided for subsites A and B in Side Channel 21 and SloU9h 11.Subsites A and B in Si de Channel 21 are di stingui shed from each other because WVBs con- taining fertilized eggs were installed at two different times on August 24,1983 !ind September 13,1983,respectively.Subsites A and B in Slou9h 11 are di sti ngui shed from each other because they represent two distinct areas within this slough,and contained embryos originating from different parental sources.Subsite A contained embryos from salmon captured in Slough 11,whereas subsite B served as a control site and contained embryos originating from salmon captured at Slough 21, Side Channel 21,Fourth of July Creek,and Slough 11. Four of the eight study sites evaluated [Side Channel 10,Slough 11 (Subsites A and B),and Fourth of July CreekJ had survival rates between 10%and 15%.Of the remaining sites,two [Side Channel 21 (Subsite A) and Slough 10J had survival rates lower than 10%and two [Side Channel 21 (Subsite B)and Slough 21]had survival rates greater than 15%. Survival of embryos in Slough 21 was more than twice that in any other site. Differences in percent survival of chum salmon embryos and alevins within slough,side channel and tributary habitat types are presented in Figure 50.Equal weight was given to each study site,regardless of the number of WVBs within each site.Slough,side channel and tributary habitats had survival rates of 17%,9%and 11%,respectively. 78 - - -. - l 1 --r 1 "1----l }---1 1 ~ "~~.} .::..~-, ,.~.,1..::"..- .......,....,-'~o <'C .,C oo ~:'J ~ )C 1 ::3 SUBSTRATE McNEIL VS WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX CATEGORY:<0.08 In ~:.! .": !1 L1 -.....I l..O ...Qiii-1(':,z ... ~;1.4., W 1 r,~,,;-;. >-11J II: Q 8-L lJ o [] [J [} L1 1:.1 L.~L'; t J ~J []fJ [] °DC']~:! 4·· 2 [1 u UJ [J L1 tJ [j[] [~m [J u [J C~,_.r D r, r-l-"': '-~ !"]Ui._.! ;'-1 CJ I 1 i]D 2 uri r-11 i J WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX DRY WEIGHT (g) Figure 47.corrparison of the dry weights (g)of fine substrate «0.08 in.dianeter)obtained from paired samples collected with ,McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers. SUBSTRATE McNEIL VS WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX CATEGORY:<0.08 In ,.~-_-~._.-,.---,-.-._.~,",.._.~._"·.._~M_,.._-~..~__._~---.-,__,_._._I_'..~------"""'"f t I ,1..) i,:i.J em r::~lJ ;JO o ... I-.JzWWzoua: ::lEw 11.-- :"'.I 2 fJ - 1 :.:.1 . 1.1 []] ,, I...; [J !.J ~.,LL)'~]rJ u c!n r :J LJ Lf i L~1 [J t}:...J ~_J.J ~.... ["1 [j [~: ,....i ..·... L-',.~> I:.' I;; Cl fJ c:L.', j.!"I !.,!.-~.i "f ;·'1 WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX (PERCENT) Figure 48.Comparison of percent dry weights of fine substrate (<D.DB in.diameter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers. ,l ~)I }.J I )).1 !,..~1 ]I ),J 1 ·--1 '..",')~l SURVIVAL .,"")"')J co...... -I «( > >a: ;:)en I-z Woa:w Do l '"J......~' "'"1 !t.: ,,-."., , SIDE CH 10 SIDE SIDE SL 10 CH 21 (A)CH 21(8) SL 11 (A)SL 11 (8)SL 21 FOI,IRTH OF MAINSTEY ,JULY CREEK (RM 181.1) Figure 49.Comparison of percent survival of salmon embryos removed from artificial redds in study sit~s in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. 00 N -J c( 2:>a: :J UJ t- Z Woa:w Q. ..."::.:;; ~:::'::) ~L ~~~iJ "1 (3 .,J. ;)..:.. ;.::: SURVIVAL I I SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARY MAINSTEM Figure 50.Comparison of percent survival of salmon embryos removed from artificial redds in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. .1 --I ,_...1 I .t .,.'t :J 1 ).1 J )I cl j J ) - Survival data for the mainstem habitat study site (Mainstem RM 136.1) are presented in Appendix Table A-2.Although these data show that the mainstem site had a survival rate of approximately 19%these resul ts should not be.compared with survival rates from other habitats and therefore are not presented in Figures 49 and 50.The primary objective of this study emphasized the comparison between slough and side channel habitats.As such,mainstem sites were not specifically selected to evaluate embryo survival.The mainstem site was selected to compare the progression of embryo development between a mainstem,slough,and side channel site.Because of this,the mainstem site was specifically selected to avoid problems of dewatering and freezing and WVBs containing embryos were therefore placed in a carefully selected area (i.e.,not randomly placed).For this reason,the higher survival rates observed in the mainstem habitat study site may be an artifact of the study methodology. 3.2.2 Embryo Development A comparison of the pattern of accumulation of temperature units (TUs) at each embryonic development study site could not be presented (refer to Appendix F for temperature data)here because of problems encountered with the continuous temperature recorders.The recorder placed in Slough 11 malfunctioned and no data was obtained at this site until December 30,1983,at which time a second thermograph was installed.At the mainstem site,the river staged in early January and completely submerged all visual location markers at this site.This prevented the repl acement of the thermograph unit or from 1ocati ng the embryos and installing another thermograph. An alternative analysis,a progression of the rate of development of embryos placed in Slough 11 (Subsite C)Upper Side Channel 11 (Subsite A)and Mainstem (RM 136.1)(Subsite A),however,is presented in Figure 51.Eggs were fertilized on August 26,1983 and then temporarily incubated in a tributary at Slough 9 until October 1,1983 after which the embryos were incubated separately in each of the three habitat types. Based on the data in this figure,the pattern of embryonic development in Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 was similar.The pattern in both of these sites,however,differed substantially from that of the mainstem site.Completion of hatching (100%)appears to have occurred in Upper Side Channel 11 and Slough 11 by late December 1983 and late January 1984,respectively (Figure 51).In contrast to these sites,the rate of development in the mainstem site was much slower.Hatching at the mainstem site was not completed until mid-April.This is more than a three month delay in development at this site as compared to Upper Side Channel 11 and a two month delay compared to Slough 11. Such differences in development rates are undoubtedly related to the differences in thermal regimes at these sites.Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 both contain significant upwelling water,whereas no upwell ing was detected at the mainstem site.Since upwell ing water provides significantly warmer winter water temperatures,it provides an increase in the rate of accumulation of temperature units (TUs)which would accelerate the rate of development of embryos. 83 ESTIMATED 100% HATCHED / ~ / ~ / / / STAGE II STAGE 12 STAGE 10 STAGE 7 +-EYED STAGE r:p-f.~--t."'-~---:::::>'":::>""'"--frttr:-:.-_-----------~------------- STAGE 5 STAGE 9 STAGE 8 STAGE 6 zo :>l::i= .J n- O 0: >-£ m ~~«I HATCHING BEGINS :;»-""'=:..7":..7" fI) fI)w:zw (!)oz« (!) 0:o co :z BLASTOPORE .j::o O-STAGE 4 CLOSED I...«I o SLOUGH II (SUBSITE CI.J STAGE 3 ::>I ~UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II0:...STAGE 2 /•MAINSTEM (RM 136.11fI)--w-«I(!)(!)- -EMBRYOS TEMPORARILYgSTAGEI/INCUBATED AT SLOUGH 9«IN SMALL TRIBUTARYw--d-FERTILIZATION 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 29 10 20 30 10 20 30 AUG I SEP I OCT I NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR I APR I Figure 51.Comparison of the timing of development of chum salmon embryos placed within slough,side channel and mainstem habitats. J .~J t D t :e ~..~I .J J •)J )},J ..... - - - l"""I ! A comparison of the rate of embryonic development between Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21 is presented in Figure 52.Upper Side Channel 11 represents a side channel which is strongly influenced by upwelling water whereas,Side Channel 21 is not strongly influenced by upwelling water in the area where embryos were placed.Although the dates of fertilization were separated by 18 days,the difference in the time of hatching differed by more than 100 days. rhis large difference in time of hatching is undoubtedly related to two factors:(1)the difference in the relative influence of upwelling;and (2)the difference in the seasonal pattern of TU accumulation.However, it is not possible to clearly distinguish between these two effects. Upwelling not only provides a more uniform pattern of TU accumulation, but it also provides a faster rate of TU accumulation during the winter months.This factor probably accounts for much of the 100 day difference in hatching between the sites.In the fall,during the time when embryos were implanted,water temperatures were warmer -in Side Channel 21 than they were later in the season.Because of this,the accumulation of TUs and development of embryos would be expected to be more rapid for a given period of time.Thus,if embryos were installed 18 days earlier at Side Channel 21 they would have received a substanti ally greater number of TUs over thi s 18 day peri od than they would later in the winter.This probably would have reduced the 100 day delay in hatching by more than 18 days. 3.3 Effects of Physical,Chemical,and Biological Habitat Variables on Embryo Survival at Study Sites and Habitat Types The effects of selected physical,chemical,and biological habitat variables on embryo survival at study sites and habitat types is addressed in this section.A quantitative evaluation of the effects of selected physical and chemical habitat variables on embryo survival in this study was limited as large numbers of WVBs at study sites dewatered and froze resulting in the total mortality of embryos in the affected WVB's.Therefore,in order to discern the differences between effects on survival due to dewatering and freezing versus other habitat vari- ables,dewatered and frozen WVBs were removed from further analyses. This resulted in reduced embryo survival data to analyze the effects of other physical and chemical variables on embryo survival. 3.3.1 Physical Variables The effects of dewatering and freezing on embryo survival within habitat types and at individual study sites are depicted in Figures 53 and 54, respectively.In each figure,the estimate of the total percent sur- vival of embryos in study sites and habitat types are presented as the left bar,and the percent estimate of survival of embryos at the same study site or habitat type after eliminating dewatered and frozen samples as the right bar.The difference between the left and right bars within a study site or habitat type represents the proportion of the embryo mortality attributable to dewatering and freezing.The mainstem study site (Mainstem RM 136.1)is not discussed here because this site was not specifically selected to make these types of comparisons (see Section 3.2). 85 30 10 20 30IAPRI ...UPPER SIDE CHANNEL \I •SIDE CHANNEL 21 - -EMBRYOS TEMPORARILY INCUBATED AT SLOUGH 9 IN SMALL TRIBUTARY Figure 52.Comparison of the timing of development of chum salmon in two types of side channels; one strongly influenced by upwelling (Upper Side Channel 11)and one where upwelling was not observed (Side Channel 21). I J I I i ..J I -I -""~...~.I J J I 1 J ]--)])1 -J -1 J J )-1 -I 0( >:;;a: :J U) ....z [.."',w 0a:w co Q. -....l .- '::i .") I SLOUGH SURVIVAL , SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARV COMBINED [~~_:J UNFROZEN ONLY FROZEN AND UNFROZEN Figure 53.Comparison between the percent survival of embryos for all samples collected within a habitat type (frozen and unfrozen)to the percent survival after frozen samples are removed. SURVIVAL I:, I 8L 21.FOIJRTH OF JULY CREEK 8L 11 (B)8L 11 (A) .,1 8L 10 (' 81DE OH 21(1) 81DE CH 21(A) SIDE OH 10 u --j \ .J : ~.. < t >:> ~ a: :::) en II- Z .; w "i 0 J:::'i ! '., f a:w :JJ Q. co i 'J UNFROZEN ONL Vl..•.-.~OOMBINED FROZEN AND UNFROZEN Figure 54.Comparison between the percent survival of embryos for all samples collected within a study site (frozen and unfrozen)to the percent survival after frozen samples are removed. J I I J I j I J I I J 1 I J -J ~~~i - r The data in Figure 53 show that when dewatered and frozen samples are taken into account,survival is highest in slough habitats and lowest in tributary and side channel study sites.However,when dewatered and frozen samples are excluded from the survival estimates,side channel habitat study sites exhibit the highest survival rates followed by slough and tributary habitats.Such differences are likely attributable to differences in the degree of influence upwelling has in each of these habitat types. The data also show the variable nature that dewatering and freezing effects had on embryo survival at individual study sites ofa particular habitat type.The absence of any bars associated with Side Channel 21 (Subsite A)indicates that all implanted embryos at this site dewatered and froze.The study sites least affected by dewatering and freezing included Sloughs 11 (Subsite B)and 21.Lack of freezing in the two slough study sites was largely due to the influence of upwelling which served to keep the sites buffered from both dewateri ng and freezi ng. Of the remaining study sites,Side Channels 10 and 21 (Subsite B)were influenced most by dewatering and freezing,followed in decreasing order by Slough 11 (Subsite A),Fourth of July Creek,and Slough 10. The relationship between survival of embryos and the percent of fine substrates (0.08 in.diameter)within ~JVBs removed from artificial redds within study sites is presented in Figure 55.In general,embryo survival decreases with increasing amounts of fines in the substrate. The four points in the upper right hand portion of this figure which appear to contradict this trend were located in areas of major concen- tration of upwelling.It is likely that the relatively high survival at these sites,which have high concentrations of fines,is related to a relatively higher rate of intragravel flow at these sites. The relationship between survival of embryos and intragravel water temperature at the study sites is presented in Figure 56.Over the limited range of data presented in this figure,there does not appear to be a relationship between these variables. 3.3.2 Chemical Variables The relationships between selected water quality variables (dissolved oxygen,pH,and conductivity)and embryo survival at all study sites are depicted in Figures 57-59.Plots in each figure are derived from data presented in Appendices C,D,and F.In cases where multiple measure- ments of water quality variables were present,the lowest measured value was used in the plot because this value was considered to be most limiting to survival of embryos. There was no strong correlation identified between any of the water quality variables evaluated and the percent survival of embryos.For this reason,plots grouping study sites by habitat types were not constructed.In the plot for conductivity,no correlation was evident (r=0.08).The plot for pH contained too few data points to enable any firm conclusions to be made.However,the absence of high survival 89 SURVIVAL SURVIVAL VS SUBSTRATE FINES [J 1.J [J 1.0a 9r-1 ;;;!J ..oj ..J (,D --c( ~ >a:~5D -I C]:::) en I- 4-C)-z UJ 0a: ~2,!J - 2~~!.-. 1 !]-- D --, 4 iJ [] [J p I c_ 8 tJ '-1 o c....I 1 ~~ lJ I "j 6 r-P 20 I "'I 24- r1 =1 I-......J 2e [] .~~l :.~ Figure 55. SUBS TRA TE FINES ("<0.08 In) Relationship between percent survival of salmon embryos and the percent of fine substrate «0.08 in.diameter) within Whitlock-Vibert Boxes removed from artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. )J 1 I I .J J )I I ]]J J !,1 J 1..~1 -.)J J SURVIVAL J I J 1 .~J I )1 1.0..... t'~(-, hCl .,f] ..J<.:·f·,>'. >0:::;:)~.,IJ .CI)_. I-Z _ UJ 4·u-o 0::: UJ ~3!] 2ei o b [] r···' L~ o LJ D [1 [] o SURVIVAL VS WATER TEMPERATURE [J [] []0 [] C 0 [] [] o o [] o [J 1 '·I.P [J o f.J [J D [j Ci .+-lJ c [J c f.:!n5f.,£$::~3]EJ ~'ip .-,...::.. T '~.. T ~3 I e WA TER TEMPERATURE (Ge)' Figure 56.Relationship between percent survival of salmon embryos and intragravel water temperatures determined at artificial redds within selected habitat~of the middle Susitna River, Alaska. SURVIVAL SURVIVAL VS DISSOLVED OXYGEN (~(-I L.: 1,0 N f.~(_~!- 7U _. -J (=.n··0(-- >>§5 f::,. en... Z 4.:J-woa: ~5!J- 20 - L1 o [.1 [) o o C.i IJ [) o ~] o 0 [] IJ U D o [1 0 o [l 1 Ci . CJ o [] [J 0° -,"~ CI r I T r",.:.:. fJ T---"--" ~:.. ",L"I'lrP [] F-E:I Ll!::Ill Li I..l..\ ~::; (J fl [J ["J I b I ti ~:I ~ L"[I CI I 1-I 1 0 1 2 DISSOLVED OXYGEN (mgll) Figure 57.Relationship between percent survival of salmon embryos and concentration of intragravel dissolved oxygen (mg/l) measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. J j I I J !-]•J a J __J ...J J i )J a I --1 --~--1---~-1 '-----1 1 SURVIVAL SURVIVAL'VS pH 9 C)"I [J I [] f~CJ .., 7:) 4iJ - ~~,;]- ..0 W ~i3D ~>a: :::) (/) t- Z Woa:w··--a.~lU [] o ,~ 2D 'itJ - o ,[J o Cl 13',j8,17,~:t/./ ...+r-'1:..1 fel ,Ii U ILJ-,i i i 'jJ :4'ttl (11 I ~j I I I iii 6,3 6.5 G.7 6,9 7,1 "73 :1,5 pH Figure 58.Relationship between survival of salmon embryos and intragravel pH levels measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. SURVIVAL SURVIVAL VS CONDUCTIVITY ,-, '_J ~:::("l 4·i J .. ';J .. l.D -I::> i! -'c( ~> §':,'CJ CI) I- Zwoa:wa.. L1 Li L , fJ L.; L'''\ [-:: CJ t."_J [] Lj [J L1 ::,,1 I] [1 ,, l ..: ::J ...'J !L~~L.J u u CJ u [','.I c "!..,.: D [J "!.,,!i !i c,lJ ~':;r,1)_~;i;~f,E{i;'d6 I ! '''-,'',."i ~.t.'I iii;1'1 Ci i [:0 ~~:~':2 C\;"-'~.::!."1 Figure 59. CONDUCTIVITY (pmhos/cm) Relationship between survival of salmon embryos and intragravel conductivity levels (umhos/cm)measured at artificial redds within selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. j ;1 J I J J I ..1 ,_.1 .)I J J - - .~, I - i r values at low pH indicates that pH may affect embryo survival at low pH values.A similar pattern is evident with dissolved oxygen.No strong relationship is evident between embryo survival and dissolved oxygen (DO)at DO concentrations greater than 2.5 mg/l,whereas at DO concen- trations less than 2.5 mg/l survival rates are near zero. 3.3.3 Biological Variables During the course of the field sampling program a problem was encountered which involved the disappearance of salmon embryos from WVBs used to determine survival estimates at study sites.Originally, each WVB contained 50 fert i1i zed eggs.After mi d-November,when WVBs were retrieved from the streambed,a relatively large proportion of embryos were missing.The number of embryos missing from each of these WVBs is reported in Table A-2 of Appendix A.The mean number of embryos missing at each site expressed as a percent of the total for each site is as follows:Fourth of July Creek (22%);Side Channel 10 (1.2%); Slough 10 (35%);Mainstem (RM 136.1)(9%);Upper Side Channel 11 (80%); Slough 11;Subsite A (32%);Slough 11,Subsite B (73%);Side Channel 21, Subsite A (1%);Side Channel 21,Subsite B (8%),and Slough 21 (9%). At the time when embryos were removed from WVBs,it was cons i stently observed that 1arge numbers of fl atworms were present in boxes where large numbers of embryos were missing.Therefore,the relative number of flatworms present in each WVB was ranked at the time of removal and correl ated to the number of mi ssing embryos in the box.With a sampl e size of 207,the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was significant at the p<0.01 level with an r of -0.64.Although this does not necessarily indicate that flatworms consumed dead embryos,it is strong evidence which supports that conclusion. 95 4.0 DISCUSSION A discussion of selected physical t chemical,and biological habitat conditions affecting chum salmon incubation in habitats of the middle Susitna River is presented in this section.Incubating chum salmon embryos require a supply of water which is of suitable temperature, contains an ample concentration of dissolved oxygen t and is free of toxic substances.In addition,the supply of water which reaches the embryo must be replenished at a rate sufficient to remove metabolic waste products.Therefore t the successful development and survival of embryos is directly related to both the physical and chemical charac- teristics of the source of water surrounding the developing embryos. The following sections within this chapter describe those variables required for the survival and development of incubating chum salmon embryos including the assumptions and limitations from which the analyses are derived. 4.1 Assumptions and Limitations Several assumptions were ma.de in this study to evaluate the influence that selected environmental variables have on the rate of development and survival of chum salmon embryos placed within WVBs in selected habitats in the middle Susitna River.These assumptions are: 1.The hydraulic characteristics at artificial redds were similar to those encountered at natural redds. 2.Intragravel water quality data measured within PVC standpipes was representative of the intragravel water quality conditions encountered by embryos within the WVBs installed near that .standpipe. 3.Embryos were removed from each site at 100%hatch enabling estimates of embryo survival to be made between all sites. 4.Embryos missing from within WVBs at the time of retrieval were consumed by egg predators or scavengers (primarily fl atworms). 5.The composition of fine substrates «0.08 in.diameter) withi n WVBs was representative of that of the surroundi ng streambed during the incubation period. 6.There is no significant difference between the rate of development and the percent survival between pink and chum salmon embryos installed in WVBs in Fourth of July Creek. The first assumption is difficult to evaluate since there are numerous factors which may influence the flow of water through a salmon redd (Burner 1951 t Vaux 1962).The most obvious differences between artificial redds and natural redds involve the way in which the substrate materials are disturbed during the process of egg deposition. However t the methods used for preparation and placement of the WVBs 96 '""" p!Ji - 1fPJt· ~. r within the substrate were designed to simulate natural incubation conditions as closely as possible.Therefore,this assumption appears justified. The second assumption is difficult to evaluate because of the absence of alternative available methods for confidently obtaining true water quality values.The methods used in this study were derived from the methods employed by other researchers (e.g.,Wickett 1954,Gangmark and Bakkala 1958)and represent methods which are currently accepted. However,we believe that the data obtained using standpipes may be biased to some extent by surface water contamination.The extent to which this bias may have occurred,however,is not known. The third assumption was violated in that embryo mortality occurs throughout the process of embryoni c development.Therefore,1n order for valid comparisons of survival to be made between various study sites or habitat types,embryos must be removed from various sites at the same point in their development.In this study,we attempted to remove embryos at the point of 100%hatch.However,this was not always possible.Thus,estimates of survival are probably somewhat higher for sites removed before 100%hatch,and lower for sites removed after 100% hatch. Since an estimate of percent survival of embryos at each site was the central focus of this study the fourth assumption,accurately accounting for embryos missing from WVBs,is an important task.For the purpose of this study,missing embryos were presumed dead.The following account pre~ents the evidence which provided the basis for the assumption that embryos were missing from WVBs primarily because dead embryos were being scavenged by invertebrates (primarily flatworms).Four potential means of embryo loss were hypothes i zed:(l)1i ve embryos were consumed by predators (vertebrate and/or invertebrate);(2)embryos hatched and escaped from the WVBs;(3)embryos died within the boxes and were subsequently consumed by vertebrate (scul pins)or invertebrate scavengers;or (4)a combination of the above factors. Loss of live embryos due to predation by vertebrate and/or invertebrate predators was eliminated as the primary factor accounting for the missing embryos because the pattern of loss of embryos over time did not support this hypothesis.If live embryos were being consumed by predators,one would expect the magnitude of loss to progressively increase over time.This,however,did not occur.Instead,the pattern of loss of embryos from WVBs was characterized by an abrupt change from few or no missing embryos during the incubation period from late August to mid-November,to a relatively large number of missing embryos by mid January (based on field observations at the time of removal of WVBs). Also,large numbers of potential vertebrate or macroinvertebrate predators were not consistently associated with WVBs from which embryos were missing during this period.Although the absence of potential predators does not preclude their involvement,it supports the idea that they are not of primary importance.Thus,it was concluded that predation by vertebrate and invertebrate predators was not the primary mechanism accounting for the loss of embryos within WVBs. 97 Alternatively,the relatively abrupt increase in the loss of embryos from WVBs could potentially result from either the hatching and subsequent escape of embryos from WVBs or from decompositi on and/or scavenging of dead embryos within WVBs by saprovoric organisms. Hatching and subsequent escape of embryos from WVBs was eliminated from consi~eration for the following reasons. 1)Generally,WVBs were removed from sites during the period when embryos were beginning to hatch (prior to 50%hatch)with the exception of Fourth of July Creek and Slough 11 (Subsite B). 2)Hand digging with a shovel in the gravel which immediately surrounded the WVB did not consistently result in locating alevins indicating that they were not escaping from the WVBs. The large yolk-sac of these newly hatched alevins probably prevented the movements of alevins out of the boxes until a substantial portion of yolk was absorbed.This assumption is consistent with our field observations. For the purposes of this study,embryos missing from WVBs were assumed to have died from unknown causes and were later consumed by flatworms. Decomposition of dead embryos by microorganisms was undoubtedly occurring at each site as documented by the large number of flatworms observed in WVBs where 1a rge numbers of embryos were mi ss i ng.The significant correlation between the rank abundance of flatworms in WVBs and the number of missing embryos is the most direct evidence suggesting that flatworms may be consuming dead embryos (refer to Section 3.3). The fifth assumption was dependent upon the degree of confidence in the substrate sampling technique which was used.Although the McNeil sampler was determined to be the best sampler for use in this study, Platts (1983)identified the following disadvantages and limitations of this device,(1)it is limited in particle size diameter to the size the coring tube can trap;(2)it completely mixes the core materials so no interpretation can be made of vertical and horizontal differences in particle size distribution;(3)it is limited to the depth the core can enter the channel substrate,a factor controlled by the water depth, length of the collector's arm,and the depth the core sampler can be pushed into the channel;(4)it is biased if the core tube pushes larger particle sizes out of the collecting area;(5)it allows suspended sediments in the core to be lost;and (6)it cannot be used if the particle sizes are too big or the channel substrate too hard or cemented that the core cannot be pushed to the required depth.Despite these limitations,the results of substrate samples (particularly fines) collected with the McNeil sampler and from WVBs showed that the substrates from each were comparable,indicating that this assumption is justified. 98 - - -, - - ,- Application of assumption six is restricted to the study site at Fourth of July Creek.At this site,pink salmon embryos were placed in five of the fifteen artificial redds.Although this assumption may not be entirely valid,the fact that the ranges of environmental conditions affecting incubation which are selected by Pacific salmon broadly overlap (Reiser and Bjornn 1979)suggests that requirements for successful incubation are also similar indicating assumption six is valid. 4.2 Physical,Chemical,and Biological Habitat Conditions Associated with Chum Salmon Development and Survival 4.2.1 Upwell i ng In the middle Susitna River,adult chum salmon have been observed to favor upwelling areas as sites for spawning (ADF&G 1983b:Appendix C,0; Vincent-Lang et al.1984).This characteristic of chum salmon has also been reported elsewhere (e.g.,Kogl 1965;Lister et al.1980),indi- cating that upwelling is a key environmental factor affecting the ultimate survival and development of embryos.The importance of upwelling to incubating embryos is due to several reasons: 1) 2) 3) it reduces the likelihood of dewatering and freezing of incubating embryos; it provides a relatively stable incubation environment (espe- cially temperature)insuring that developing embryos are less affected by variations in local climatic conditions;and it increases the rate of exchange of water over the developing embryos,enhancing replenishment of dissolved oxygen and removal of metabolic wastes. "'"'I - The relationship between surface and intragravel water,and upwelling is not clearly understood in habitats of the middle Susitna River. Interchange between the surface and intragravel water is highly vari- able,depending on the turbulence of water in the stream and physical characteristics of the streambed (Vaux 1968).Factors \'/hich enhance high levels of dissolved oxygen in intragravel environments include high streamflow,high streambed gradient,uneven streambed surface,and coarse bed material (McNeil 1969).In addition to these factors,the composition of the substrate also affects the rate of exchange of water to incubating embryos based on the permeability of the substrate (Pollard 1955). In general,slough habitats in the middle Susitna River appear to be affected by upwelling to a greater extent than are other habitat types. Upwelling areas are also evident in side channel,tributary,and rna i nstem habitats,but due to the hi gher flows in these habitats the effects of upwelling are less evident.As a result,the beneficial effects of reduced dewatering and freezing of substrate,relatively stable intragravel temperatures,and increased intragravel flow to incubating embryos is afforded to incubating embryos within slough habitats over other habitat types. 99 4.2.2 Dewatering and Freezing Freezi ng of artifi ci a1 redds associ ated with surface dewateri ng was determined to be the most important factor contributing to the high mortality of chum salmon embryos in this study.However,it was observed that upwell i ng water prevented substrates from freezi ng in areas where upwelling was active,as well as adjacent downstream areas which were hydrologically influenced by water originating from upwelling vents.Changes in natural Susitna River discharge conditions may affect the presence,absence,or rate of upwelling and may therefore have an influence on dewatering and freezing of habitats.,Higher than normal flows during the winter may reduce areas normally affected by dewatering and freezing resulting in increased incubation habitat while lower than normal flows may decrease incubation habitat,due to increased dewatering and freezing of habitats. Dewatering of the intragravel water environment of a salmon redd results in significant changes in the incubation environment within which embryos develop (Reiser and White 1981a,b;Neitzel and Becker 1983; Neitzel et al.1984).Two primary effects of these changes are the direct exposure of the embryos to desiccation of respiratory structures and to increased temperature fluctuations,especially freezing (Neitzel and Becker 1983). The effects of desiccation on embryo survival varies with the stage of embryonic development (Becker et al.1982).Experimental studies indicate that incubating embryos are more tolerant of dewatering than alevins,primarily because of the differences in their respective means of respiration (Neitzel and Becker 1983).,Alevin respiration involves delicate gill structures that cannot function without a water medium; whereas,respiration of pre-hatched embryos involves a transfer of oxygen across the egg membrane,requi ri ng only that the membrane remain moist. The deleterious effects of temperature fluctuations,especially freez- ing,to embryos resulting from dewatered salmon redds in the mi ddl e Susitna River involve cold and/or freezing temperatures during the ice- covered season.Cold,but nonfreezing temperature conditions,can contribute to embryo mortality in dewatered redds if the conditions occur prior to the embryonic stage when the blastopore closes (this is further discussed in Section 4.2.3).In comparison,freezing tempera- tures cause embryo mortality regardless of the stage of embryonic development prior to hatching.The ability of alevins to transport themselves through gravels to favorable environments,however,reduces the effects of localized freezing relative to unhatched embryos. Although the length of time from initial dewatering of an area which is lacking upwelling to the time when the substrate was frozen to a depth of 8-10 in.(depth at which WVBs were placed)is unknown,it undoubtedly depends upon site specific features such as ambient ai r temperatures, proximity to thermal influences of upwelling,and the depth of the snow cover. 100 - - - - ~: - - I""" j i r-' ) ,... [ The areas which were observed as being the most susceptible to high embryo mortality due to surface dewatering and freezing in this study were those most directly influenced by mainstem stage at the time when fish were actively spawning (mid August -mid September)and which lacked an upwelling water source.These areas include the mouths of sloughs and tributaries,major portions of side channels,and peripheral areas in the mainstem river.In each of these areas,water levels were significantly higher during the spawning period when fertilized eggs were deposited.However,as the mainstem stage decreased with winter flows,these areas progressi vely became dewatered and were exposed to freezing ambient temperatures.This ultimately resulted in freezing of the substrate environment and the salmon embryos deposited within the dewatered redds.Areas which are thermally influenced by strong upwell ing sources (e ..g.,mouth area of Slough 11)or dewatered areas adjacent to areas of flowing water (e.g.,Side Channel 21)were protected from the winter surface dewatering and associated freezing conditions. The effects of dewatering and freezing of embryos on survival was clearly evident in the progression of seasonal events which occurred in Side Channel 21.Forty Whitlock-Vibert Boxes containing chum salmon embryos were initially placed in this.side channel at the end of the spawning season in late August.These WVBs were buried approximately 8-10 inches in the substrate outside the deeper section (thalweg)of the site.At this time,the mainstem discharge was approximately 27,000cfs at Gold Creek causing this side channel to be breached.Approximately two weeks later,the discharge in the mainstem dropped to 11,100 cfs resulting in the side channel being no longer breached and the local flow in this side channel being significantly reduced.The majority of the locations lacking an upwelling source ,where WVBs had been implanted two weeks earlier had dewatered.Therefore,twenty additional WVBs were installed in the remaining wetted area of the channel in the same manner as during the high flows.As the flow continued to decrease throughout the winter,the majority of locations at which these additional WVBs had been installed remained wetted.All the embryos in the forty WVBs which were initially installed during the earlier period (August 26)died due to dewatering and freezing whereas,in the latter set of 20 WVBs in- stalled after the water level dropped,11 WVBs contained living embryos at the time of sampling.This example clearly indicates that the water level at the time when fish are spawning is important in determining the amount of wetted habitat available for spawning,but that the effective area in which embryos survive depends upon either water levels which occur after the spawning period or the presence and persistence of upwell ing. 4.2.3 Substrate The composition of substrate is of critical importance in determining the survival of embryos to emergence.Substrate provides the physical structure within which embryos are placed and thus is the medium through whi ch the i ntragravel water must flow in order to supply embryos with necessary oxygen and to transport waste metabolites away from the 101 embryos.These two processes occur simultaneously and are both depen- dent upon a variety of physical factors such as the composition of the substrate~gradi ent of the streambed ~rate of exchange between surface and intragrave1 water,relative importance of upwelling,depth and permeability of the grave1~and the configuration of the surface of the streambed (Vaux 1962).Although each of these factors may influence the rate of intragrave1 flow to various degrees,the composition of the substrate has received the most attention by researchers.In general ~ researchers agree that the amount of fine substrate particles in the spawning gravels is a primary factor affecting mortality of embryos and a1evins (Table 5).High levels of fines reduce the intragrave1 flow whi ch may result in oxygen deprivati on and toxi c buil d-up of waste metabo 1ites.However ~despite the general consensus that "1 arge" amounts of "fine sediments"are detrimental to survival of salmon embryos,there is much variation in the literature in defining what constitutes 111 arge"amounts and what parti c1e sizes shou1 d be regarded as "fines". In addition to restricting the intragravel flow of water~large amounts of fines also restrict fry from emerging from the substrate (e.g.,Dill and Northcote 1970a).Fi ne substrate reduces the i nterstiti a1 spaces between larger substrate particles.This results in entrapment of emerging fry,especially large fry (Wells and McNeil 1970). The composition of substrate varies extensively between habitat types in the midd1eSusitna River.This characteristic is evident in the amount of fines reported for McNeil samples collected in each habitat type (refer to Figure 26).Based on the small number of samples co11ected~ slough habitats contained more than twice the percent of fines as tributary and mainstem habitats.Side channel habitat contained intermediate amounts of fines.However,spawning salmon within each habitat type apparently succeed in selecting redd 1ocati ons with substantially less fines.For examp1e~even though slough habitats contained more than 35%fines for combined slough samples (Figure 26), the percent of fines present in chum salmon redds obtained at various sites did not exceed 16%(refer to Figure 29)in five of the six sites evaluated.(Samples from the mainstem site were not obtained at redds). Substrate data obtained with Whitlock-Vibert Boxes revealed similar results.With the exception of four out1 ier points~the data repre- sented in Figure 55 indicate that embryo survival approaches zero when fines exceed 16%. Of the four middle Susitna River habitats eva1uated~the greatest risk for adverse effects involving substrate/dissolved oxygen interactions exist for slough habitats.Slough habitats are used extensively by chum and pink salmon for spawning;yet~they contain the highest levels of fine substrates and lowest levels of intragrave1 dissolved oxygen. This apparent contradiction is best explained in terms of the amelior- ating effects of the upwelling systems which apparently maintain an adequate flow of water through the gravels even though the DO levels are relatively low.In addition,as stated previously,the upwelling water prevents the substrate materials from dewatering and freezing.Thus~it 102 - - 1 1 1 1 1 , Table 5.Documented effects of sediment and substrate size on solmonlds,based on a review of selected literature. .....ow Species Chum Autumn Chum I PI nk Pink Sockeye Chinook Method of Substrate Collection/Evaluation VI bert Boxes not specifi ed acetone/dry I ce frozen core technl que;5 sieves, percent of total wei ght grab samples,scoop/ 5:creens McNeil cores/coefficient of permeabi 11 ty hydrauli c sampl er for embryo and alevin collection sieves sieves/percent of total sample (weight) low (test)vs.high (control) flows particle size distribution plotted on log -probability paper (linear) Substrate/Sedi ment Si ze.Cl asses large gravel (5.1-10.2 em) small gravel (1.0-3.8 em) sand 5 classes:<0.074-9.55 mm 11 size classes: 0.05 nrn -)100 om <0.833 ... not specified -upper to lower creek (3 stream segments) <3.36 om 15 size classes:<0.007~­ <10.16 Cm <0.84 mm 0.42 -9.5 mm Results Survival to emergence was less in small gravel (31\)than large gravel (100'); lower survival due to entrapment of alevins,siltation-not reduced DO levels Survival to emergence significantl.y decreased with increasing proportions of fine sands Survival to fry stage was negatively affected by fl nes accumulated from logging Survival of embryos decreased with increasing proportions of sand Potenti al fry producti on of a spawni ng bed was di rect 1y related to its permeability (high permeability when substrate contal ns <5'materi als <0.833 1IlIII)fry emergence was Inversely related to percent substrate 0.833 om Highest survival to hatching,largest embryos and alevins were produced in coarsest gravels studied (with high intragravel water DO) Survival of embryos was negatively affected by silt deposition on spawning gravels and fine substrate «10\ survival when particles <3.36 om comprised 2.35\of substrate)gravel uniformity reduced embryo surv;val, except possibly coarse gravels Survival of eyed embryos was negatively correlated with percentage of particles finer than 0.336 em Survival from "green"embryo to hatchi ng was most negatively affected during low flows at the sediment level 7\<0.84 mm Survi va 1 of eyed embryos to emergence was negatively correlated with percentage of particles 0.85 to 9.50 mm in di ameter,predicted embryo survival approached "0"when>20\of substrate ..as <0.85 mm Reference Di 11 and Northcote (197Da) Koski (1975)a Scrivener and Brownlee (1981) Rukhlov (1969) McNeil and Ahnel1 (1964) Wells and McNeil (1970) Cooper (1965) Pyper b Rei ser and \'/hi te (1981) Tappel and Bjornn (1983) I-'o.r-:- Table 5 (Continued). Spec!es Chi nook,Steel head Coho Steel head Method of Substrate Collection/Evaluation not specifi ed not specifi ed concentri c ri ng traps/ VI bert Boxes McNeil cores/si eves/nylon nettl ng fry traps sieves/percent of total sample (volume) not specified experimental troughs simulating hatching condi tl ons not specified not speel fi ed particle size distributions plotted on 1og-probabi 1ity paper (linear) Substrate/Sedi ment Size Cl asses <6.4 "'" <0.B5 11m large gravel (3.2-6.3 cm) small gravel 11.9-3.2 em) <0.83 11m,I-311m <3.327 11m 4 size classes;0.64- 3.18 cm 8 sand and gravel mixtures <0.85 11m 4 size classes:0.64 - 3.18 em 0.42 -9.50 mm Results RecOlM1ended 1 imit <25\fines for success- ful incubation of salmonld embryos: Survival of embryos to emergence rapidly decreased when \fine substrate «0.85 11m) exceeded natural levels of 10\. Emergence WllS significantly delayed by small gravel;downward movement was more marked In large than small gravel Success of fry emergence was inversely proportional to concentrations of sediment I-311m;survival to emergence apprOached "0"when >30\of substrate waS <0.83 mm Survival to emergence decreased with Increasing proportions of fines In gravel,particularly fines <3.327 11m Emergence was restricted at gravel sizes smaller than 1.91 •2.54 em Survival to emergence was Inversely related to quantity of sand and fines «3.3 "",);premature fry emergence was related to higher concentrations of fi nes Survival from embryo deposition to emergence decreased in natural redds when>20'11 of substrate was 0.85 ifill Emergence was restricted at gravel sizes<1.27 •1.91 cm;only smaller steel head emerged from 0.64 -1.27 em gravel Survi val of embryos to emergence was negatively correlated with percent substrate <0.85 mm Reference Rei ser and Bjornn (1979) Cederholm et al.(19Bl) 0111 and Northcote (1970b) Hall and Lantz (1969) Koski (1966) Phillips (1964)a Phillips et a1.(1975) Tagart (1976)a Phillips (1964)a Tappel and Bjornn (1983) a cited in literature review paper by Iwamoto et a1.(1978) b cited in paper by Cooper (1965) J J J I I ).1.,I J ;t l !»,J J r I \ appears that the single most important feature which maintains the integrity of the incubation habitat in sloughs (and localized areas in side channel and mainstem habitats)is upwelling.If there is an alteration in the quality or quantity of water supplied to sloughs via the upwell ing system,it will undoubtedly result in alterations in the quality of the habitat for incubation of chum salmon embryos.In particular,if the quantity of water is reduced,the rate of exchange of intragravel DO may also be reduced. Another factor,although not considered in this report,is the effects of flushing flows necessary to provide suitable substrate composition for spawning.Estes (1984)and Reiser and Ramey (1985)discuss flushing flows and methods for determining them.It is suggested that the need, or lack of need,for flushing flows be considered in future preproject evaluations of substrate and associated incubation survival. 4.2.4 Water Temperature Two primary effects of water temperature on the development and/or survival of salmon embryos involve the effects of temperature on the rate of embryo metabol ism and the effects of temperature as a stress factor.The water temperature of the intragravel environment in which embryos are incubated is a primary determinant of the rate of basic embryonic metabolism within the tolerance limits of a given species of fish.A rise in temperature will result in a corresponding rise in the fish's metabolic rate.This development is more rapid at higher temperatures.However,the ecological effects of an altered rate of development is varied.For example,if the average daily intragravel water temperature is increased in mai nstem-affected habitats it woul d undoubtedly result·in a corresponding increase in the rate of development of incubating embryos in these habitats. Another direct effect of water temperature is its role as a stress factor.Thermal stress resulting from excessively high or low tempera- tures may result in increased mortality of embryos.These effects are most pronounced in salmon during the period of development before the closing of the blastopore (Combs 1965;Barns 1967;Vel sen 1980).For chum and sockeye salmon from the middle Susitna River,3.4°C was reported as the temperature below which mortalities were observed to increase (Wangaard and Burger 1983).[In chum salmon,blastopore closure is compl ete when embryos have accumul ated approximately 140 thermal units (TUs)(Combs 1965)J.For pink salmon,Bailey and Evans (1971)defined a lower threshold temperature of 4.5°C (Table 6).Below this temperature,mortality of embryos is increased. In addition to dewatering and freezing of salmon embryos,thermal stress in incubating habitats in the middle Susitna River is likely to result from the occurrence of "overtopping"or "breaching"of the upstream end of slough and side channel habitats with cold water from the mainstem. The inundation of these habitats with water from the mainstem Susitna River may result in a rapid and significant reduction in the intragravel water temperature.Such an event would alter the timing of develop- 105 ~ Table 6.Observed temperature ranges for embryo/alevin life stages of Pacific salmon [(table derived from AEIDC (1984)J. ... Incubation Species Reference Location Temperatures (OC)a '""': Chum McNei 1 (1966 )Southeast Alaska 0-15.0 Merritt &Raymond (1982)Noatak River,Alaska 0.2-9.0 -, Sano (1966)Japan 4 McNeil &Bailey (1975)Southeast Alaska 4.4 Kogl (1965)Chena River,Alaska 0.5-4.5 Francisco (1977)Delta River,Alaska 0.4-6.7 Raymond (1981)Clear,Alaska 2.0-4.5 AOF&G (l983c)Susitna River.Alaska 0-7.4 Wangaard &Burger (1983)laboratory 0.5-8.0 Pink Bell (l973)4.4-13.3 Bailey &Evans (1971)Southeast Alaska 4.5 -Combs &Burrows (1957)Laboratory 0.5-5.5 McNeil et ale (1964)Southeast Alaska 1.0-8.0 Godin (1980).Laboratory 3.4-15.0 .." Sockeye Bell (1973)4.4-13.3 b Combs (l965)Laboratory 4.5-14.3,1.5 ADF&G (l983c)Susitna River,Alaska 2.9-7.4 -Waangard &.Burger (1983)Laboratory 2.0-6.5 Chinook Bell (l973)5.0-1~.4 Combs (l965)laboratory 1.5 Alderdice &Vel sen (l978)2.5-16.0 Coho Bell (l973)4.4-13.3 c -\ McMahon (1983)4-14,4-10 ,..,. a Single temperature values are lower observed thresholds. b After eggs had developed to the 128-cell or early blastula stage at 5.5°C. c Optimum range. 106 - - ...., '"" .-i r, I mental processes and could be lethal to embryos if overtopping occurred before embryos have developed past the point of blastopore closure. Thus,the deleterious effects of overtopping will be greater during the early weeks of the incubation period.For example,if chum salmon eggs were fertilized on September 1,and are incubated at 4°C,closure of the blastopore would occur during the first week of October (approximately 35 days later).If overtopping occurred after the first week of October,and affected the temperature of intragravel water of a redd site,the likelihood of mortality due to thermal stress would be greatly reduced. Temperature may also affect embryos indirectly through its influence on other variables such as dissolved oxygen.In addition to increasing the metabolic demand for oxygen by embryos,an increase in temperature reduces the saturation level of oxygen in water.Thus,there is less oxygen available and the demand is greater.Since oxygen concentrations can also affect a large variety of developmental factors (see Section 4.1.5)this relationship to water temperature could be critical,partic- ularly in areas where dissolved oxygen values are near threshold levels. If incubation temperatures are hi gher,the increased metabol ic demand for dissolved oxygen may result in higher embryonic mortality in sub- optimal habitat where the intragravel flow of water is restricted.This effect would be expected to be greatest in incubation habitats contain- ing relatively large amounts of fine particles and also in areas lacking upwelling.Such areas include the mouth areas of slough,side channel and tributary habitats.. The seasonal pattern of variation of intragravel water temperature varies distinctly between habitat types in the middle Susitna River. Differences appear to be linked to the relative contribution and source of the upwelling water system supply in each habitat type.Areas heavily influenced by upwelling water which exhibit a high degree of thenna 1 stabi 1ity are buffered from the hazards of surface dewateri ng and freezing (previously discussed).Sloughs such as 10, 11,and 21 fit this pattern.Salmon embryos incubating in these areas accumulate TUs at a relatively uniform rate. In contrast,the intragravel thermal regime of tributary habitats and probably most of the mainstem habitats is influenced primarily by surface water.In these habitats,the seasonal variation in intragravel temperatures is much greater.Tributaries typically have relatively high intragravel water temperatures during the fall when spawning occurs.These intragravel temperatures seem to be nearly identical to the surface water temperatures which decline sharply in late October to near freezing levels.Temperatures remain near freezing levels until warming spring waters cause a sharp rise in temperature.The pattern of accumulation of TUs for developing embryos is thus very much dependent upon the time when spawning occurs and the ambient temperatures which control the surface and intragravel water temperatures. In early September,during the chum salmon spawning season,temperatures in Fourth of July Creek were nearly BOC (refer to Figure 21).However, by early October,intragravel water temperatures dropped to less than 107 2°C.Temperatures in this range may result in mortality of embryos if blastopore closure is not completed.This pattern of rapid decrease in water temperature during September may account for the observed differ- ences in the timing of the arrival of chum salmon which spawn in slough and tributary habitats.Although the difference in time of arrival is not large,it appears that fish which spawn in tributaries arrive earlier than fish which spawn in sloughs. The thermal regime in the mainstem is similar in pattern to that of a tributary.However,the water temperatures in fall and spring are not as high.As a result,this habitat type is not used extensively by spawning chum,presumably because they cannot acquire an adequate number of TUs to complete their development. Areas in the mainstem which are presently used by chum salmon for spawning appear to be restricted to areas where upwelling occurs. Presumably these areas afford a more favorable thermal regime and enable development to be completed.An increase in the water temperature in this habitat type may be beneficial to the incubation of chum salmon in that a greater amount of habitat may be thermally suitable for complet- ing development.This increase in area is likely to be closely linked to areas of upwelling. Side channel habitats are characterized by a high degree of thermal variability.They typically undergo extensive dewatering,which is generally followed by the freezing of the substrate.The primary areas which provide suitable habitat for spawning chum salmon are relatively small"localized areas of upwelling (e.g.,areas in Side Channel 10), and the relatively narrow,unfrozen channel'which flows throughout the winter (e.g.,Side Channel 21).In general,this habitat type provides poor incubation conditions. An attempt was made in this study to compare in situ estimates of embryonic development rates recorded in slough,side channel,tributary and mainstem habitats with rates predicted in a laboratory study conducted on Susitna River chum salmon by Wangaard and Burger.In order to make this comparison,it was necessary to obtain a complete record of water temperatures at the locations where salmon incubation chambers were i nsta 11 ed.However,due to techn i ca 1 problems wi th temperature recorders and problems of freez"j rig of temperature probes,these data were not obtained.Because of these problems,comparisons of the results of this study to those presented by Wangaard and Burger (1983) can only be done on a qualitative basis. Wangaard and Burger (1983)compared development rates of chum salmon embryos at four different temperature regimes.These regimes were designed to simulate winter incubation conditions encountered in selected middle Susitna River habitats.Average incubation temperatures ranged from 2.1°C (representing mainstem habitats)to 4.0°C (representing slough habitat strongly influenced by upwelling water). The average temperatures of the two intermediate temperature regimes were 2.9 and 3.9°C.From these and other results derived from available 108 - -, ~" f""\ i t -, 1 iterature,Wangaard and Berger concl uded that the rate of embryoni c development to 50%hatch and to complete yol k sac absorbtion were predictable from the average incubation temperature.They computed regression equations according to the model Y=mx+6 where the rate of development is expressed as (lOOO/days)and X equals the average incubation temperature.In each equation,r equals 0.99 and is statistically significant at P =O.OOt. 1)Rate of development to 50%hatch =1.4X +3.23 2)Rate of development to complete yo"lk sac absorbtion =0.59X + 2.25. From these relationships,it is possible to calculate the number of days required to reach 50%hatch or complete yolk-sac absorbtion for a given average incubation temperature.For example,at an average incubation temperature of 4.0°C the number of days required for embryos to reach to 50%hatch may be computed by using the proper regression equation given above.If X=4.O°C,the rate of development is computed to be 8.83 (1000/days).By dividing 1000 by 8.83,the estimated number of days to 50%hatch is derived as 113 days. The data presented in thi s report are not of suffi ci ent reso 1uti on to quantitatively evaluate the predictive equations developed by Wangaard and Burger 1983.However,in light of the fact that no data·collected during this study conflicted with data presented by Wangaard and Burger, and that their data was generally consistent with embryonic development data obtained from natural redds reported in ADF&G 1983,it is the opinion of the authors that Wangaard and Burger's predictive equations are an adequate model to use in predicting rates of development of chum salmon under present environmental conditions.This study did not involve the period of yolk absorbtion,and therefore it is not possible to formulate opinions regarding this equation.There are,however, certain limitations in the application of both equations when attempting to predict rates of embryonic development in middle Susitna River habitats. Water temperature conditions in middle Susitna River habitats during \llinter do not conform to a conceptual model of a thermal regime as described in Wangaard and Burger 1983.Thermal conditions at most sites evaluated in this study could be more accurately described as a IIcompositell or IImosaicll of thermal conditions.For example,the presence of upwelling spring areas formed localized areas which had distinctly different thermal characteristics than nearby areas.This resulted in a high degree of variability in intragravel water temperatures which varied from a condition of frozen substrate to intragravel temperatures of 2-4°C.This variability was not quantified in this study and is not obvious when only one or two continuous temperature recorders are placed at each site.Thus,use of the equations in predicting rates of development at particular sites must be accompanied by a quantification of the variability in intragravel temperature conditions within the given site or habitat. 109 4.2.5 Dissolved Oxygen Although researchers generally agree that low concentrati ons of di s- solved oxygen (DO)result in deleterious effects in the development and the survival of salmon embryos,there is considerable question as to the precise level of DO which may be considered harmful.A summary of documented effects of low dissolved oxygen on incubating salmon embryos is presented in Table 6.Numerous studies have shown that low,but non-lethal concentrations of DO may result in a decrease in the rate of embryonic development (Garside 1959),an abnormal progression of tissue differentiation (Hayes 1949),a reduction in size of a1evins at hatching (Silver et a1.1963;Shumway et a1.1964),premature hatching (Alderdice et a1.1958),and increased mortality (Wickett 1954,1958;Alderdice et a1.1958;Coble 1961;Phill"ips and Campbell 1961;McNeil 1962;Koski 1975). Consumption of dissolved oxygen by salmon embryos progressively increases from the time of fertilization to hatching,with lower thresh- old levels ranging from 1.0 -7.0 mgj1,respectively (Alderdice et a1. 1958).There are two stages of embryonic development which are particu- larly sensitive to DO levels.These include the period just prior to the development of a functional circulatory sYstem [approximately 200 Thermal Units (TUs)for chum salmon]and the period just prior to hatching (Alderdice et a1.1958).Of these two periods,the latter appears to be most sensitive to low dissolved oxygen-levels.The. reasons for increased sensitivity to low DO levels during these two periods is related to the physiology and the timing of development of the circulatory system in relation to changes in the biological demand for oxygen in developing tissues. During the first of the two sensitive periods,DO consumption for basal metabolism is lower and embryos possess a physiological plasticity which enables them to compensate for hypoxia1 conditions by delaying develop- ment.This compensatory ability,however,is apparently lost after embryos have acqui red 200 TUs and developed a functi ona 1 ci rcu1 atory system (Alderdice et a1.1958).Thus,the increased sensitivity of the second sensitive period (just before hatch"ing)results primarily from its relatively higher DO requirement for basal metabolism compounded by the loss of ability to compensate for increased DO consumption by delaying embryonic development (Alderdice et a1.1958). The respiratory exchange at the surface of pre-hatched fish embryos is influenced by the processes of diffusion and convection (Daykin 1965; O'Brien et a1.1978).As the respiring embryo acts as an oxygen sink by removi ng DO from the diffus i on 1ayer surroundi ng the outer surface of the egg capsule,oxygen is replenished to the diffusion layer via convection (O'Brien et a1.1978).In turn,the rate of replenishment of DO to the surface of the egg capsule membrane is influenced by a variety of other environmental factors,including the concentration of DO in the intragrave1 water,the gradient of the stream surface profile,per- meability of the gravel,and interchange of oxygenated surface water. 110 - -- - - .... - Both the concentration and the rate of exchange of dissolved oxygen are important characteristics which determine the suitability of the habitat for successful incubation of salmon (Coble 1961).However,recommended levels for both criteria differ.For example,McNeil and Bailey (1975) recommend threshold DO levels of 6.0 mg/l whereas Reiser and Bjornn (1979)recommend 5.0 mg/l.Similarly,the recommended rate of intra- gravel flow proposed by Reiser and Bjornn was 20 cm/h whereas Bell (1973)recommends a rate of 110 cm/h.It is 1 ikely that these differ- ences in estimates arise from differences in experimental conditions. However,the criteria provided by Reiser and Bjornn seem to be a bit low when compared to the experimental results performed on chum salmon by Alderdice et al.(1958).In these tests,7.19 mg/l DO at an intragravel flow rate of 85 cm/h was established as the critical oxygen level,below which the respiratory demand would not be adequately met (refer to Table 7).These threshold criteria were developed for embryos nearly ready to hatch (452 TUs)and thus are estimates at the time when the demand for dissolved oxygen is greatest. The concentration of DO in the intragravel environment is a result of the relative contribution of DO from surface and ground'l,ater sources. In the middle Susitna River,the relative contribution of these two sources of water vari es between two extremes.In general,upwell i ng apparently dominates as the primary intragravel water supply of slough habitats whereas surface water dominates in tributary habitats (mainstem and side channel habitats seem to vary between these two extremes). In general,the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO)in intragravel water was consistently lower than surface water concentrations in each habitat evaluated.However,the difference between intragravel and surface water DO levels was greatest for slough habitat and least for tributary and mainstem habitats.Differences were intermediate in side channel habitats.Thus,with the possible exception of sloughs,the DO levels in most of the incubation habitat evaluated appear to be above the recommended levels of 7.19 mg/l established by Alderdice et al. (1958).However,in sloughs,the potentially adverse effects of lower DO levels are undoubtedly ameliorated by the possible influence of in providing a relatively consistent intragravel flow.In turn,the rate of intragravel flow is intimately related to the permeability of the substrate and is therefore discussed more fully in section 4.1.3. 4.2.6 E!:!. A relatively broad range of pH values are considered acceptable for successful "incubation of salmon embryos.Leitritz and Lewis (1976) report that values between 6.7 and 8.2 are acceptable,and that values outside this range should be regarded with suspicion.They note, however,that this range of values does not account for varying degrees of sensitivity to pH between species and/or species life-phases. Rombough (1982)evaluated the sensitivity of pacific salmon embryos to low pH levels (3.5 to 6.0)and found that sensitivity to pH varied with species and developmental stage.He compared the sensitivity of each 111 la~'.-7.Doc"mented .ftech of 10 ..dluolved o'ygon IDOl lev.h on Inc"b.tlng uhlOnld••b..ed on •revl ...01 .elected IIter.t"r •• Ooy.A,"oc- Appro.lmne At lor Itted St.ge of Fertlll-Tetllper-Te~~~~:iure 00 v.lu••A..oel.ted Speele.Loc.t 10nlH.bi tit Develo_nt utlon .ture I"CI Img/II He5ul ts.Cnndt tt on,~e't".ncf' Ch...Nile Creek,pre-eyed 8 ~Thre.hold to Ju.t m.lnt.ln tull .pp.rent velocfty WI ckett Brltl.h Columblt ....t.boli.m 2Smm/hr;n<IO (19S~I eltlbryol Nile Creek,pre-eyed 0 3.7-5.2 0.72 Crltlce'velu••at DO,bolo..apparent velocity WI ek.tt Brl t I.h Columbl.pre-eyed 5 8.0-8.2 1.67 ..hlch b"lc metabolism I.not .vereg.d 5 to 36 (19S~I pre-eyed 12 0.1-0.7 I.I~met.00 level.belo..the.e mm/hr ..rly eyed 85 1.6--.9 1.70 volue,cOl\tributlt to ',",creased O1Ortoli ty. (I.boratory Ib N.n.lmo Stttiun.12 10 121.2 3.96 Critic.1 0'Y9.n l.vel,(tho.e .pp.rent v.loclty AI derdl ce British Columblt 10 268.2 5.66 •t whl d,respl ratory d.m.nd I,•8S0 """/hr el .1 . 10 353.0 6.60 jUlt .otlsfi.d):•me"Ufe of (19581 ~8 10 ~52.~7.19 00 requl r .....nt.tor .ucc...tul lncob.tion. (l.boratory lb N.n.I01O St.tlon,12'~8 10 121.2·~52.~O.~·I .~H.dlen leth.l DO lev.l,wh.n .pp.rent velocity Ald.rdlce Brltl.h Colubml.e.po ••d to the.e condition.tor •850 """/hr et ".7 d.y ••(1958 J (1 iboratory ,b Chen.RI v.r,.mbryo.2 Cood ,urvlv.1 ret",strong I ntr.·Kog](1965) Alnk.gravel ...aler flo.. I-'hrMJr R'ver I post-h.tch 0.28 O.yg.n threshold:.1evln.s.trong intrd·Le ....dnidO\i I-'Siberlt I.orlyl ,-"rv'ved gr.ve'water 1195.) N flo.. Not .pec i t ted pre-.y.d 3.0 Timing of emeroenc~was )(o:.ld to emergence dr.layed;surviva)dacredsed 11915 )c rapidly bela..3.0 mgll DO Sockeye Swe1ti.r Cr ••k n...l y ha tch.d 8 1.200 3.0-11.9 Crowth and developn,ent w.-:re .ppar.nt veloci ty Or a(tnon (l.borttory)b Field St.tlon,.levlns r.t.rded .t low DO •'800 cm/hr 11?6S) Br I thh Col u.,bl.conc.ntratlon,. Chinook Oregon State fertlll ..tlon 11 1.6-11.7 Cood httching (nur 91',)bot apparent velocity 5i )ver et .1.t ,.borHorylb Unlveral ty to h.tchl ng del.y.d .-5 d.y,..h.n re.r.d in •82-1310 cm/h'(1963 ) Corv.llis ,2.5 mg/l 00 ...ter,"0"h.tching Oregon .t 1.6 109/I DO. Chinook,not specl tied tertl1l ..tlon varioul R.duced '.vel,ot 00 or al known water 5i I ver d Steelhe.d to try "oloelty deloyed h.tchlng,velocltie,(1%01 produced .m.Iler fry. Coho Oregon St.te fortillut.;on 9-11 3.0-11.0 Hypo.i.l .tr..,.t the lOwer 00 dpparenl velocity MHO"(1969) (loborttory lb Unlv.rslty,to fry r.ng.res"lted In •.,.ller fry,•223 c ../t., Corv.llIs.higher O1Ort.lI ty. Or.gon Coho,AI,••RI v.r e ..bryo.-3.5'10 Intr.grav.l DO mu,t .v.r.ge 8 Phi lIip.,nd Ste.l he.d 6,,1 n,Or.gon "'911 for high .ur-iv.l,Campb·l' positive correl.tlon b.t....n (19G1) percent Iu,rvfval .nd lI'Iean 00. J !I 1 ,I )J t J J ,I }J ) (laboratory)b Orego~St.t.tertlli zat ton 9.5 1.6-2.6 u~t ....,ty,to h.tcht ng Cor ••llll. Oregon At Ian'\;ic Not speclfi.d .y.d 25 10 ).1 S.lmon h.tcht nv SO 10 7.1 .............. W L.ke Trout O~tlrlo,teNd.terttllzatton 2.5-10 2.5-10.5(l.boratury)b to h.tcht ng A"oclolcd Condl lion.Re f erellce Phllli p ••nd Ca"'Pbel' (1961 ) .ppar.nt velocity Sh""""y •)-SOO cm/hr et "I. (1964 ) apparent velocity (oble •S.S-IOS.S cm/hr (1961 ) hble 7 (Co~ll~ued). Appro.tm.to Stage ot Spect ..Loc.t t o~/H.b I t.t Dev.'opment CohO,~ot .p~c If led embryos R.t~_Trout Coho,O.k Cr ••k,tertt 1 i zatlo~ Su.lhead Or.go~to try (laboratory)b Ste.lhe.d AI ...RIver tertt 1t ..tto~ On t ~,Orego~to h.tchlng D.y. Atter fertIli- zation Auoc- "ted lemper- .tur.I'C) 9.0-10.S 5.6-12.2 Temperasur. Unit. DO ••lu.. (mv/Il (7 (••g.) 2.5-11.2 2.6-9.2 Ruult. Sur....l to h.tchl~V ....(25\ Hedt.n h.tchlng time . del.y.d 1-'ks .t 10 r DO; •he I ncr d ..I th DO conC'f'ntr.tion. EMbryonic sur.I ••1 (rang •• 16-62\)....posltl.ely corre- l.t.d ..Ith DO concentr.tion; ettect.trom Intr.gravel velocity and DO ...r.Inter- depe~dent. Good h.tchlng (ne.r 60\)but d".yed )-4 d.y ...hen re.r.d In 2.6 mg/1 DO ...ter;"0"h.tchlng .t 1.6 109/I. Crltlc.1 DO ,•••1•• R.tarded vrowth .nd de.elopment,delaY'd h.tchlng, he.d .nd trunk .bnorm.lltles at 10..DO le'els (2.5-4.5 mgl1); tot.1 mort.,lty Ju.t prior to h.tchlng .t 2.5-4.2 109/I DO .nd 10·C. apparenl velocity •6-750 cm/hr In.e.tlgated developme~t (IS n.ge.) 5 i loyer et ,I. (1963) Haye:!lo et "I. (1951 )9 C.,r '"i dr (1959) S.lmontd.Not .p.clfled embryos 5.0 Lo...r thr ••ho 1d (r,cOlmlended Itmlt) at or near uturatlon Re f $e"r 4nd BJor"" (1979) T...peroture (ther...I)U~ft ••I degree C/24 hr (e.g.,6 d.y,tncub.tton .t S'C.)0 TU',) b A laboratory tncludes artlftcl.l or stmulated co~dlttons c Cited In p.per by 1II1ckett (1954) d Ctted I~p.per by Coble (1961). Cited t~revte..p.per by Reher .nd BJor~~(1979) Cited In p.per by HeNen (1966) 9 Cited In p.per by lIIickett (1954) species at three specific developmental stages (eyed embryos,newly hatched alevins,and buttoned-up alevins),and found that the sensi- tivity to low pH levels increased for each species with increasing stage of development,but that the relative sensitivity of each species varied depending on developmental stages.For example,chum and pink salmon were the most sensitive during the eyed and buttoned-up alevin stages, but were less sensitive than coho,chinook or sockeye salmon during the stage of nearly hatched alevins.In each of the three developmental stages tested,pH levels were below 6.0.However,Rombough (1982)also reported that he observed aberrant behavior in buttoned-up alevins of pink and chum salmon at pH levels of 6.0-6.1. Levels of pH in the 6.0 to 6.5 range are not typical of habitats in the mainstem of the middle Susitna River.Natural pH levels in the mainstem Susitna River typically vary between 7 and 8 during the winter,occa- sionally dropping below 7 (Acres,1982).However,adjacent slough,side channel,and tributary habitats generally have lower pH values,often ranging below 7,with occasional values below 6.5.In this study,low survival rates occurred with low pH values,indicating that pH may have an effect on embryo survival at lower pH values. In the.spring,a drop in the pH levels in the mainstem river coincides with increased runoff from the Susitna Basin (Acres 1982).This phenom- enon is common to Al askan streams where tundra runoff is typi ca lly acidic.If mainstem flows in .the Susitna River are reduced during the spring runoff period during project operations,a relatively greater proportion of the flow in the mainstem will originate from acidic tundra runoff.This relationship is likely to result in pH values which are lower than present and historical values. The effect of lowered pH values in the mainstem may be indirectly harmful to embryos or pre-emergent fry,depending upon the levels of other variables.For example,Bell (1973)reports that low levels of pH affect the tolerance of fish to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen and that the sensitivity of fish to toxic levels of sodium sulfide, cyanide,ammonia,and various metallic salts increases with decreases in pH.Also,the synergistic effects of two or more elements (particularly metallic ions)may have adverse effects at much lower levels than either one individually (Bell 1973).Thus,the effects of lowered pH values cannot be evaluated independently,but must be cons i dered in concert with anticipated changes in the overall ionic composition of the water in each habitat where embryos are present. 4.2.7 Conductivity Conductivity is a measure of the capacity of water to conduct an elec- tric current.As such,it is an indication of the total concentration of dissolved ionic matter in the water and is also directly related with both water hardness and alkalinity (Lind 1974).However,this variable is not of di rect consequence to fi sh,but rather is a general water quality indicator which is intricately related to the variables above. 114 - - """ Below Devil Canyon,winter conductivity values in the mainstem river range from 160-300 umhos (micro-mhos)while corresponding values of total hardness and total alkalinity range from 60-120 mg/l and 45-145 mg/l,respectively (Acres 1982).These values are at the lower end of the suggested 1I 0p timal range ll for fish (120-400 111g/1)provided by Piper et al.(1982).This is significant,because at very low alkalinities water loses its ability to buffer against changes in acidity and may result in wide fluctuations in pH values which in turn may be detri- mental to fish.In this study,however,there does not appear to be any relationship between observed conductivity values and embryo survival (Figure 54). 4.2.8 Turbidity The specific effects of various turbidity levels on the incubation life-phase of salmon in the middle Susitna River are presently unknown. However,excessive turbidity levels can have adverse effects on the i ncuba t ion 1ife-phase by smotheri ng fi sh embryos (Pi per et a 1.1982). This problem is treated as part of a larger problem involving the evaluation of the role of fine substrate composition on the availability of dissolved oxygen to developing embryos. 4.2.9 Flatworms There are many biological variables which could potentially affect the development and survival of incubating salmon embryos.Among these are effects due to vertebrate egg predators such as sculpins,and invertebrate egg predators such as caddisfly and stonefly larvae.In addition,loss or death of embryos can occur due to bacterial,viral, protozoan,or fungal agents.This section is limited to a discussion on flatworms,which appeared to be associated with a decrease in the number of salmon embryos implanted in WVBs at some study sites.Evaluation of other biological variables was outside the scope of this study and therefore are not discussed in this report. Relatively large numbers of embryos were discovered to be missing from WVBs used to assess survival at the time of removal.Missing embryos were assumed dead for the purposes of this study;but the actual cause of their disappearance remains undetermined.Because relatively large numbers of flatworms were present in WVBs in which embryos were missing, it was suspected that they were scavenging on dead embryos.Field observations indicated that a several week period was required for flatworms to remove dead embryos from WVBs. The role of planarians in the removal of embryos from Vibert Boxes was previously investigated by Heard (1978)in a stream in southeast Alaska. After conducting tests with various combinations of planarians and live and dead salmon eggs and alevins,he concluded that the test planarians did not prey on and were not toxic to live embryos,and did not feed on dead eggs unless the chorion was broken and egg contents exposed.Based on the field observations made during this study and the conclusions presented by Heard (1978),the following hypothesis is proposed as a plausible explanation for the disappearance of embryos. 115 The most familiar type of feeding pattern followed by planarians in- volves the protrusion of a muscular pharynx out through the mouth where soft and disintegrating animal tissues are sucked up into the gastro- vascular cavity (Pennak 1978).Thus,if the egg capsule is intact,it is likely that planarians are not able to utilize them as a food source. This is consistent with Heard's conclusion that planarians did not feed on dead eggs unless the chorion was broken or egg contents exposed. Additional evi dence from observati ons made dur"j ng thi s study suggests that colonization of dead eggs with fungi may be a necessary "con - ditioning process"which must occur before planarians can successfully scavenge dead eggs.Presumably,the fungal hyphae penetrate the egg capsule and cause the egg to "break apart.1I After this occurs,the egg contents would be exposed and suitable for successful scavenging by planarians.Although the initial "processingll of the egg capsule by fungi appears to require at least five weeks,it is suspected that complete removal of the egg contents by planarians would be a much more rapid process in areas where planarian densities are high. 4.3 Conclusions/Recommendations - -- - 4.3.1 Conclusions 1.Dewatering and freezing of salmon redds were identified as the most important factors contributing to the high level s of embryo mortality found in habitats used for chum salmon incubation in the middle Susitna River.In general,these factors were most pronounced in side channel habitats and least pronounced in slough habitats which were protected from cold surface water overtopping and where upwelling was more prevalent. 2.Upwelling was the most significant physical variable affecting the development and survival of salmon embryos incubating in slough and side channel habitats of the middle Susitna River. The importance of upwell i ng to incubati ng embryos is due to the following reasons: a)It eliminates or reduces the likelihood of dewatering or freezing of the substrate environment from occurring; b)It provides a relatively stable intragravel incubation environment,buffering it from variations in local surface water and climatic conditions;and, c) 3. It increases the rate of exchange of intragravel water over the embryos whi ch enhances the rep 1eni shment of dissolved oxygen and the removal of metabolic wastes. Because of the effects of dewatering and freezing,the amount of available habitat at the time when adult chum salmon are spawning is a poor indicator of the amount of actual habitat 116 - - - ~ I r"" I I i that is available as potential incubation habitat.Estimates of available incubation habitat must take into account the differential effects of dewatering and freezing in various habitat types. 4.The pattern of accumulation of thermal units for developing salmon embryos varies between spawning habitat types for the middle Susitna River.A general thermal regime describing the incubation period for each habitat type can be stated as foll ows: a)Tributary habitats typically have intragravel water temperatures whi ch are strongly i nfl uenced by surface water temperatures.This results in relatively high intragravel water temperatures during the fall and spring months with near freezing water temperatures during the intervening winter months; b)Slough habitats generally have relatively high,and more stable intragravel water temperatures during most of the incubation period due to the influence of suitable upwelling sources; c)Mainstem habitats are similar to tributary habitats; havi ng wi nter intragravel water temperatures whi ch are strongly i nfl uenced by surface water temperatures. However,they differ from tributary habitats by having co 1der water temperatures duri ng the fall and spri ng peri ods;and, d)In general,winter intragravel water temperatures in side channel habitats are quite variable and may reflect any of the'patterns exhibited by the other habitat types depending upon the relative influences of and relationships between upwelling and surface water sources. 5.Significant mortalities of salmon embryos due to thermal stress are anticipated if altered discharges increase the incidence of cold mainstem water overtopping slough and side channel habitats having insufficient sources of warmer upwelling or local surface waters in the middle Susitna River during fall and winter.If post-project mainstem water temperatures are·substantially warmer than existing winter temperatures,this thermal problem associated with overtopping may be ameliorated. 6.Embryos fertilized on August 26,1983 and placed in slough, side channel and mainstem habitats reached 100 percent hatch at approximately late January,late December and mid-April, respectively.Embryos in slough and side channel habitats were influenced by warmer upwelling water,whereas embryos in the mainstem were not. 117 7.In general,slough habitats of the middle Susitna River contain greater amounts of fine substrate (38%)compared to side channel,tributary and mainstem habitats (19%,13%,and 12%respectively).However,the substrate composition of established salmon redds in each habitat type contained fewer fi nes than the range of substrate materi a1s present in each habitat type of the middle Susitna River. 8.~lith the exception of slough habitats,dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in most incubation habitats of the middle Susitna River during the winter period are generally above the recommended levels of 7.19 mg/l established by Alderdice et al.(1958). Although DO levels in intragravel water of slough habitats are generally lower (0.4 to 13.5 mg/l),the potential adverse effects of low DO are most likely buffered by the influence of upwelling,depending upon site specific conditions. 9.The pH levels present in incubation habitats of the middle Susitna River (6.2 to 8.3)do not appear to be detrimental to embryo survival and development. 10.Conductivity values in incubation habitats of the middle Susitna River (24 to 290 umhos)do not appear to have any direct adverse effects on incubation embryos. 4.3.2 Recommendations The results of this study have provided some preliminary conclusions describing the environmental conditions affecting the incubation life- phase of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River.The recommendations outlined below are designed to strengthen and expand these conclusions. One area requiring additional investigation is an evaluation of the lI effective spawning ll area.Mil hous (1982)defines this concept as the spawning area that does not dewater during the following incubation period.Previous studies have developed weighted useable area curves describing the spawning habitat area available over a range of natural discharge conditions for habitats in the middle Susitna River (Vincent- lang et al.1984).However,spawning habitats will not produce salmon fry if the intragravel environment becomes dewatered and frozen during the incubation period.Consequently,the survival of salmon should not be based only on the spawning habitat evaluations previously mentioned. Spawning areas must also be evaluated based on the effects of mainstem discharge on dewatering and freezing of redd sites during the winter months.With the present understandi ng of the del eteri ous effects of freezing on dewatered spawning habitat,the need to fully evaluate the lI e ffective spawning area ll becomes more apparent. In addition to evaluating the lI effective spawning area ll ,the effect of t1power peaking or load following ll on incubating salmon embryos in the middle Susitna River requires investigation.The concept of power peaking refers to the change in stage of mainstem flows throughout the \l/inter as a function of energy demand during project operations.Of 118 - - ,~ r -i - particular interest,is the extent to which the proposed winter flows will \<Jaterjdewater incubating embryos based on fl uctuating flows from power peaking.Since the results of this study indicate that dewatered areas invariably freeze,power peaking effects may increase the propor- tion of embryo mortalities caused by freezing. Insufficient data are available to project the influence of mainstem discharge on sources of local flow such as upwelling during unbreached conditions.An evaluation of the significance of flushing flows to Susitna River habitat suitability for incubation and other life-phases is also recommended.If determined to be a significant factor for habitat suitability,an understanding of the duration and magnitude of flushing flows and their relationships to mainstem discharge is required.This information will be required to refine these analyses and is essential for evaluating the impacts of altered temperature and flow regimes of the Susitna River. 119 - r t':; r I 5.0 CONTRIBUTORS Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH)Project Leader and Principal Contact Data Processing Project Leader Graphics Typing Staff Editors Data Collection Data Analysis Text 120 Christopher Estes Allen Bingham Carol Hepler Roxann Peterson Peggy Skeers Christopher Estes Joseph Sautner Doug Vincent-Lang Jeff Blakely Christopher Estes Andy Hoffmann Theresa Kekl ak tarol Kerkvliet Isaac Queral Craig Richards Sheryl Salas ky Gene Sandone Don Seagren Kathy Sheehan Rick Sinnot Kim Syl vester Len Vining Tommy Wi throw Allen Bingham Alice Freeman Len Vining Kathrin Zosel Jeff Blakely Glenn Freeman Len Vining - -I - - 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special appreciation is extended to the following people for their contributions to this study. D.Reiser,Bechtel Group Inc.,and R.White,~lontana State University,for their valuable technical advice on matters involving the use of Whitlock-Vibert Boxes and options for measuring variables of theintragravel environment. R.Uberuaga,U.S.Forest Service,Thorne Bay Ranger District, Tongass National Forest,for his advice and information regarding the use of the McNeil substrate sampler. State of Alaska,Department of Transportation,for assistance in analyzing substrate samples at their laboratory facility. Funding for this study was provided by the State of Alaska,Alaska Power Authori ty. 121 - - ~ ) \ -Ii 11"'"\,1 - 7.0 LITERATURE CITED Acres American,Inc.(Acres).1982.Susitna hydroelectric project: FERC license application.Exhibit E,Volume 1,Chapter 2.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development.Buffalo,New York,USA.. 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Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska,USA. 130 8.0 APPENDICES Page Appendix A.Embryo Development and Survival Data A-I Appendix B.Study Site Maps B-1 Appendix C.Water Quality Data C-l Appendix D.Substrate Data 0-1 Appendix E.Additional Habitat Data E-l Appendix F.Winter Temperature Data (presented in Volume 2) 131 "'"'I ~ I ;;. i AP PEN DI X A EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT AND SURVIVAL DATA A-I APPENDIX A EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT AND SURVIVAL DATA This appendix presents information on embryo development and survival obtained from selected Susitna River habitats.Appendix Table A-I presents the stages of development of chum salmon embryos in middle Susitna River habitats.Percent survival of embryos is presented in Appendix Table A-2.Data is reported for eight study sites:Fourth of July Creek,Sloughs 10,11,and 21,Side Channels 10,21 and Upper Side Channel 11,and Mainstem (RM 136.1). A-2 ~\ /Mil Appendix Table A-I.Stages of development of live chum salmon embryos and alevins removed from middle Susitna River habitats,Alaska. Staaes of Development )')-) Site (River mile) I Sampling IStand ISub I Date I pipe Isitel y/m/d I No. Box I No.I Number of I Cleavage I Gastrulation I Organogenesis I"Alevin • Embryos I I I Early I Late I Evaluated I 1 I 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 I 12 Fourth of July Creek (131.1) A 831009 A 831009 A 831102 A 831102 A 831102 A 831102 003 003 007 007 012 012 1 2 1 2 1° 2 12 14 40 42 39 .38 12 14 07 33 15 27 21 18 38 :P- I W Side Channel 10 A (133.8)A A A A A A A A A 831009 831009 831031 831031 840301 840301 840301 840301 840301 840302 001 001 011 011 002 002 005 005 009 013 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 42 44 40 39 40 41 8 44 9 1 07 03 32 44 40 39 01 31 08 10 31 01 07 02 42 01 09 Slough 10 (133.8) Slough llb (135.3) A 831029 A 831031 A 831031 A 840208 A 840229 A 840229 A 831009 A 831009 A 831031 A 831031 A 831031 A 831031 A 840209 A 840209 A 840210 002 017 017 015 013 013 005 005 002 002 015 015 001 001 012 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 26 43 4 7 17 49 53 35 8 46 48 46 44 3 01 03 10 04 19 11 22 02 05 06 49 53 07 28 03 05 10 36 06 42 04 07 46 44 02 01 04 Appendix Table A-I.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------- Stages of Development 18amplingl8tand I Number of I Cleavage I Gastrulation I Organogenesis I Alevin Site ISub I Date I pipe I Box I Embryos I I Early I Late (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I No.I Evaluated I 1 I 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 I 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slough 11 b B 830828 511 1 25 25 (continued)B 830828 511 2 25 25 B 830828 821 1 25 25 B 830828 84 1 2 25 25 B 830901 4TH 1 25 25 B 830901 4TH 2 25 25 B 830915 810 1 25 25 B 830915 510 2 23 23 B 830922 C21 1 21 21 B 830922 C21 2 23 23 B 831031 4TH 1 37 37 B 831031 4TH 2 37 37 ):>0 B 831031 510 1 45 02 27 16 I B 831031 810 2 37 03 22 12.p.B 831031 511 1 47 16 31 B 831031 811 1 47 16 31 B 831031 C21 1 21 02 19 B 831031 C21 2 20 03 17 B 831031 821 1 42 42 B 831031 521 2 41 01 40 B 840201 C21 1 1 01 B 840201 C21 2 2 01 01 B 840201 821 1 3 01 02 B 840201 521 2 4 02 02 B 840201 510 1 28 02 02 03 21 B 840201 510 2 18 01 01 16 B 840201 511 2 1 01 C 831009 DEV 1 44 10 34 C 831009 DEV 2 47 23 24 C 831024 DEV 1 52 44 08 C 831024 DEV 2 39 30 09 C 831110 DEV 1 44 01 17 26 C 831122 DEV 1 38 04 01 33 C 831204 DEV 1 36 26 10 C 831230 DEV 1 34 34 c~JI.~t J .'I j t>t ~~.1 -l ------;\ .V ~~l i.\1 Appendix Table A-I.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stages of Development ISamplinglStand I Number of I Cleavage I Gastrulation I Organogenesis I A1evin Site ISub I Date I pipe I Box I Embryos I I Early I Late (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I No.I Evaluated I 1 I 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 I 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mainstem A 831009 DEV 1 32 19 13 (136.1)A 831009 DEV 2 44 22 22 A 831025 DEV 1 6 06 A 831025 DEV 2 29 01 28 A 831025 DEV 3 21 04 17 A 831110 DEV 1 26 26 A 831122 DEV 1 17 01 13 03 A 831204 DEV 1 34 12 22 A 831229 DEV 1 26 02 21 03 A 840330 DEV 1 17 13 04 A 840330 DEV 2 15 09 06 A 840330 DEV 3 14 09 OS A 840410 DEV 1 1 01 :l:>A 840410 DEV 2 16 04 12 I A 840417 DEV 1 10 10Ll1 A 840417 DEV 2 2 02 A 840417 DEV 3 4 04 A 840425 DEV 1 5 05 A 840425 DEV 2 6 06 Upper Side A 831024 DEV 1 47 33 14 Channel 11 A 831024 DEV 2 49 25 24 (136.0 A 831110 DEV 1 41 02 39 A 831122 DEV 1 42 42 A 831204 DEV 1 43 16 27 A 831230 DEV 1 48 02 46 Side Channe 1 21 A 831009 002 1 11 01 10 (141.0)A 831009 002 2 24 01 10 13 A 831027 014 1 42 01 38 03 A 831027 014 2 38 20 18 B 840328 OOC 1 28 02 26 B 840328 OOC 2 19 19 B 840329 OOD 1 10 10 B 840329 OOD 2 11 11 B 840419 OOA 1 12 12 B 840419 OOA 2 2 02 Appendix Table A-I.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stages of Development ISamplinglStand I Number of I Cleavage I Gastrulation I Organogenesis I A1evin Site ISub I Date I pipe I Box I Embryos I I Early I Late (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I No.I Evaluated I 1 I 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 I 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Side Channel 21 C 831025 DEV 2 19 04 08 07 (continued)C 831110 DEV 1 14 07 07 C 831122 DEV 1 12 01 11 C 831204 DEV 2 20 20 C 840119 DEV 1 3 03 C 840329 DEV 2 17 14 03 C 840329 DEV 2 10 10 C 840411 DEV 1 8 08 C 840417 DEV 1 12 09 03 C 840426 DEV 1 11 11 C 840502 DEV 1 14 14 C 840510 DEV 1 14 14 Slough 21 A 831026 001 1 38 03 35 ~'::o 041.8)A 831026 001 2 39 39 I A 831229 014 1 41 41O'l A 840113 014 2 13 01 01 11 A 840117 003 1 40 11 29 A 840117 005 1 42 30 12 A 840117 005 2 43 38 05 A 840117 008 1 5 01 01 02 01 A 840117 008 2 26 05 14 07 A 840117 010 1 1 01 Natural Redds 831002 S21 1 4 04 831025 S21 2 6 06 831026 S21 3 10 03 07 831202 S21 3 10 02 08 840413 S21 4 8 08 831024 S11 1 7 02 05 831024 Sl1 2 8 07 01 831025 C21 1 11 11 831102 4TH 1 4 03 01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a Boxes noted with an asterisk contained pink salmon embryos. bBoxes removed from Subsite B during 830828 to 831031 were used to evaluate embryo handling mortality. Twenty-five embryos were inspected from each box,only the number of living is reported. J .l 1t ,1 J I>}I J),cl I J =····1 -1 Appendix Table A-2.Percent survival of hatched and unhatched embryos recovered from Whitlock-Vibert Boxes placed in selected habitats of the middle Susitna River,'Alaska. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hatched a I Unhatched a I I F1at-I Total O IFrozen I --------------------------------------------1 I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand I I Live I Dead I Live I Dead I Missingbl Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion 1 Site ISub I Date 1 pipe I Box --------------------------------------------1---------I dance 1------------------1 of I (River mile)ISitel y/m/d I No.1 No.1 No.1 %I No.I %1 No.I %1 No.I %I No.1 %I Rank 1 %I %I WVBsCI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth of July A 840330 015 1 24 48 13 26 0 0 13 26 0 0 04 48 52 1 (131.1)'A 840330 015 2 22 44 13 26 1 2 13 26 1 2 04 46 54 1 A 840419 010 1 0 0 33 66 0 0 11 22 6 12 04 0 100 1 A 840419 010 2d 8 16 10 20 0 0 15 30 17 34 04 16 84 1 A 840419 013 1 16 32 2 4 0 0 10 20 22 44 03 32 68 1 A 840419 013 2 15 30 5 10 0 0 10 20 20 40 03 30 70 1 A 840419 014 1 12 24 2 4 0 0 26 52 10 20 04 24 76 1 A 840419 014 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 A 840426 006 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840426 006 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 >A 840426 008 1d 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 40 80 03 0 100 1 ~A 840426 008 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 25 50 24 48 03 2 98 1 A 840426 009 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 40 80 01 0 100 1 A 840426 009 2 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 42 29 58 04 0 100 1 A 840502 005 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 005 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840510 001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840510 001 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 004 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 004 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 011 1 12 24 7 14 0 0 21 42 10 20 04 24 76 1 A 840510 011 2 d 11 22 5 10 0 0 18 36 16 32 03 22 78 1 Side Channel 10 A 840301 002 1 0 0 0 0 40 80 10 20 0 0 04 80 20 1 (133.8)A 840301 002 2 0 0 0 0 41 82 9 18 0 0 04 82 18 1 A 840301 003 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840301 003 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840301 005 1 0 0 0 0 8 16 42 84 0 0 04 16 84 1 A 840301 005 2 0 0 0 0 45 88 6 12 0 0 04 88 12 1 A 840301 006 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840301 006 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840301 007 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840301 007 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840301 008 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 2 A 840301 008 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 -------------------------~--------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Hatched O I Unhatched Q !I F1at-1 Tota1°IFrozenl --------------------------------------------1 I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand 1 1 Live I Dead I Live I Dead 1 Missingbl Abun-ISurviva1!Mortalityl tion 1 Site ISub I Date 1 pipe I Box --------------------------------------------1---------I dance 1------------------1 of I (River mile)ISitel y/m/d 1 No.1 No.1 No.I %I No.I %I No.1 %1 No.I %I No.1 %I Rank 1 %I %I WVBscl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Side Channel 10 A 840301 009 1 9 18 16 32 0 0 14 28 11 22 04 18 82 1 (continued)A 840301 009 2 8 16 26 52 0 0 8 16 8 16 04 16 84 1 A 840301 010 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840301 010 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840301 012 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840301 012 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840302 013 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 49 98 0 0 04 2 98 1 A 840302 013 2 0 0 0 0 39 78 11 22 0 0 04 78 22 1 A 840302 014 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840302 014 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 :~A 840302 018 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 ~o A 840302 018 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840330 004 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840330 004 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 015 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 015 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 019 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 019 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 016 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 016 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 017 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840510 017 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 Slough 10 A 840208 015 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 4 8 43 86 01 6 94 1 (133.8)A 840228 014 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 45 90 04 0 100 1 A 840228 015 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 48 96 04 0 100 1 A 840228 018 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 47 94 02 0 100 1 A 840229 006 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840229 006 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840229 008 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840229 008 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840229 009 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 A 840229 009 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 A 840229 010 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 12 44 88 03 0 100 1 A 840229 010 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 7 14 41 82 03 0 100 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J i )).-~).._l J .~}•J J.) 1 )"1 ""~)~""~1 c'C"c~]ec cc ),c c']1 "CC) Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hatched °I Unhatched °I I Flat-I TotalO lFrozenl --------------------------------------------1 I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand I I Live I Dead I Live I Dead I Missingbl Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Box --------~-----------------------------------I---------I dance 1------------------1 of I (River mile)ISitel y/m/d I No.I No.I No.I %I No.I %I No.I %I No.I %I No.1 %I Rank I %I %I WVBs C I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slough 10 A 840229 011 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 (continued)A 840229 011 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 A 840229 012 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 40 80 01 0 100 1 A 840229 012 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 18 41 82 02 0 100 1 A 840229 013 1 0 0 0 0 6 12 41 82 3 6 03 12 88 1 A 840229 013 2 4 8 0 0 13 26 25 50 8 16 02 34 66 1 A 840229 014 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 56 22 44 03 0 100 1 A 840229 016 1 0 0 32 64 0 0 11 22 7 14 04 0 100 1 A 840229 016 2 0 0 36 72 0 0 10 20 4 8 03 0 100 1 A 840229 018 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 45 90 03 0 100 1 A 840229 019 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 47 94 03 0 100 1:>A 840229 019 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 26 37 74 01 0 100 1I 1.0 A 840229 020 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 28 36 72 02 0 100 1 A 840229 020 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 26 37 74 02 0 100 1 A 840301 003 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 . 0 100 3 A 840301 003 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840330 005 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840330 005 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840410 001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840410 001 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840425 004 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840425 004 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 Slough 11 A 840118 010 1 0 0 0 0 45 90 2 4 3 6 02 90 10 1 035.3}A 840201 010 2 2 4 1 2 25 50 3 6 19 38 01 54 46 1 A 840209 001 1 0 0 0 0 46 92 3 6 1 2 03 92 8 1 A 840209 001 2 0 0 0 0 44 88 3 6 3 6 03 88 12 1 A 840209 003 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 02 0 100 3 A 840209 003 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 03 0 100 3 A 840209 004 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 03 0 100 3 A 840209 004 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 96 2 4 01 0 100 3 A 840209 006 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 03 0 100 3 A 840209 006 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 03 0 100 3 A 840209 007 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 94 3 6 02 0 100 3 A 840209 007 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 01 0 100 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------~------------------------------- Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Hatched Q I Unhatched Q I I Flat-1 Tota1 Q IFrozenl ------~-------------------------------------I I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand I 1 Live 1 Dead I Live I Dead !Missingbl Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion I Site ISub 1 Date I pipe 1 Box --------------------------------------------1---------I dance 1------------------1 of I (River mile)ISitel y/m/d I No.I No.I No.I %1 No.1 %I No.I %I No.I %I No.1 %I Rank 1 %1 %I WVBsCI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slough 11 A 840209 008 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 82 9 18 02 0 100 2 (continued)A 840209 008 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 03 0 100 2 A 840210 009 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 94 3 6 01 0 100 2 A 840210 009 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 01 0 100 2 A 840210 011 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 1 2 47 94 02 4 96 1 A 840210 011 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 14 42 84 02 2 98 1 A 840210 012 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 41 82 6 12 01 6 94 1 A 840210 012 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 94 3 6 02 0 100 1 A 840210 013 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 01 0 100 1 A 840210 013 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 47 94 02 0 100 1 ):>0 A 840210 014 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 49 98 2 98 1I84021001420 0 0 1 1 2 48 96 98......A 0 2 02 2 1 0 A 840210 016 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 15 30 34 68 01 2 98 1 A 840210 016 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 48 96 01 4 96 1 A 840210 017 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 49 98 01 0 100 1 A 840210 017 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 45 90 02 0 100 1 A 840210 020 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 90 5 10 02 0 100 1 A 840210 020 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 88 6 12 03 0 100 1 A 840301 018 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 74 13 26 03 0 100 3 A 840328 018 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 86 7 14 0 100 3 A 840328 019 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 94 3 6 01 0 100 3 A 840328 019 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 01 0 100 3 B 840201 4TH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 48 96 03 0 100 1 B 840201 4TH 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 46 92 02 0 100 1 B 840201 S10 1 21 42 0 0 8 16 3 6 18 36 02 58 42 1 B 840201 S10 2 16 32 2 4 3 6 6 12 23 46 01 38 62 1 B 840201 811 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 45 90 02 0 100 1 B 840201 811 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 48 96 02 2 98 1 B 840201 e21 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 10 44 88 02 2 98 1 B 840201 e21 2 1 2 O.0 0 0 13 26 36 72 01 2 98 1 B 840201 S21 1 2 4 0 0 1 2 25 50 22 44 01 6 94 1 B 840201 821 2 2 4 0 0 2 4 11 22 35 70 01 8 92 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J J J J 01 .t I J ,I I J I 1 ]1 -1 1 1 I ·"t J J Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hatched O 1 Unhatched Q I I Flat-1 Total °IFrozenl ---------------------------------~----------I I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand I 1 Live !Dead I Live I Dead !Mi6sing b l Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion I Site ISub 1 Date I pipe I Box --------------------------------------------1---------I dance 1------------------1 of 1 (River mile)ISitel y/m/d I No.I No.I No.1 %1 No.1 %1 No.1 %I No.I %1 No.1 %1 Rank 1 %I %I WVBs C I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mainstem A 840330 DVA 1 4 8 0 0 13 26 33 66 0 0 04 34 66 1 (136.1)A 840330 DVA 2 6 12 1 2 9 18 22 44 12 24 04 30 70 1 A 840330 DVA 3 5 10 0 0 9 18 28 56 8 16 04 28 72 1 A 840410 DV1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 44 88 5 10 04 2 98 1 A 840410 DV1 2 12 24 2 4 4 8 34 68 0 0 04 31 69 1 A 840417 DV1 1 10 20 1 2 0 0 33 66 6 12 04 20 80 1 A 840417 DV1 2 2 4 1 2 0 0 51 100 0 0 04 4 96 1 A 840417 DV1 3 4 8 14 28 0 0 27 54 5 10 04 8 92 1 ~Side Channel 21 A 840329 012 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 I (141.0)A 840329 012 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 ~A 840329 013 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840329 013 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 96 2 4 04 0 100 2 A 840329 015 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840329 015 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840329 OS4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840329 OS4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840329 OS5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840329 OS5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840417 003 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840417 003 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840417 OS2 1 0 0 0 0 '0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840417 OS2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 a 100 3 A 840417 OS3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840417 OS3 2 0 a 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840502 007 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 a 04 0 100 2 A 840502 007 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 2 A 840502 008 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840502 008 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 2 A 840502 OSl 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 A 840502 OSl 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hatched a 1 Unhatched a 1 1 Flat-1 Total a IFrozenl --------------------------------------------1 1 worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand 1 1 Live 1 Dead 1 Live !Dead 1 Hissingbl Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion 1 Site ISub 1 Date 1 pipe 1 Box --------------------------------------------1---------1 dance 1------------------1 of 1 (River mile)ISitel y/m/d 1 No.1 No.1 No.1 %1 No.1 %1 No.1 %I No.I %1 No.1 %1 Rank 1 %1 %1 WVBs c 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Side Channel 21 A 840510 005 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 (continued)A 840510 005 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 A 840601 004 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840601 004 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840601 006 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 92 4 8 0 100 3 A 840601 006 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 94 3 6 0 100 3 A 840601 009 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 0 100 3 A 840601 009 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 0 100 3 A 840601 010 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840601 010 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840601 011 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3 A 840601 011 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 100 3»B 840329 OOB 1 0 0 0 0 5 10 41 82 4 8 03 10 90 1i I-'B 840329 OOB 2 0 0 0 0 32 64 16 32 2 4 03 64 36 1 1',,)B 840329 OOC 1 0 0 0 0 27 54 21 42 2 4 03 54 46 1 B 840329 OOC 2 0 0 0 0 19 38 25 50 6 12 03 38 62 1 B 840329 OOD 1 0 0 0 0 10 20 40 80 0 0 03 20 80 1 B 840329 OOD 2 0 0 0 0 17 34 33 66 0 0 03 34 66 1 B 840329 OOF 1 0 0 0 0 26 35 48 65 0 0 03 35 65 1 B 840329 OOF 2 0 0 0 0 15 30 35 70 0 0 03 30 70 1 B 840419 OOA 1 12 24 0 0 0 0 11 22 27 54 03 24 76 1 B 840419 OOA 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 15 30 33 66 02 4 96 1 B 840419 OOH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100 0 0 03 0 100 1 B 840419 OOH 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 48 96 0 0 03 4 96 1 B 840502 OOG 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 B 840502 OOG 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 04 0 100 3 B 840510 OOE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 B 840510 OOE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 B 840510 OSA 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 B 840510 OSA 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 3 B 840601 OSB 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 1 2 0 100 3 B 840601 OSB 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 98 I 2 0 100 3 Slough 21 A 840117 002 1 27 54 0 0 0 0 11 22 12 24 01 54 46 042.0)A 840117 002 2 6 12 1 2 11 22 14 28 18 36 04 34 66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~!i J )1 I il ~]I !~,I ,.!J I J ]-·~1 -1 ]1 ~--l ~-~l ----1 ---1 ]1 Appendix Table A-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hatched a 1 Unhatched 0 !1 Flat-I TotalO IFrozenl --------------------------------------------1 I worm I------------------Icondi-I ISamplinglStand 1 1 Live I Dead I Live 1 Dead 1 Missingbl Abun-ISurvivallMortalityl tion 1 Site ISub I Date 1 pipe 1 aox --------------------------------------------1---------1 dance 1------------------1 of 1 (River mile)ISitel y/m/d I No.1 No.1 No.I %1 No.I %1 No.I %I No.1 %I No.1 %I Rank I %I %1 WVBs c 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slough 21 A 840117 003 1 29 58 0 0 11 22 5 10 5 10 02 80 20 1 (continued)A 840117 003 2 21 42 2 4 12 24 9 18 6 12 02 66 34 1 A 840117 004 1 17 34 1 2 19 38 11 22 2 4 03 72 28 1 A 840117 004 2 13 26 1 2 12 24 16 32 8 16 01 50 50 1 A 840117 005 1 12 24 0 0 31 62 8 16 0 0 02 84 16 1 A 840117 005 2 5 10 1.2 38 76 6 12 0 0 03 86 14 1 A 840117 006 1 32 64 5 10 2 4 11 22 0 0 03 68 32 1 A 840117 006 2 22 44 3 6 7 14 17 34 1 2 02 58 42 1 A 840117 007 1 16 32 3 6 2 4 3 6 26 52 03 36 64 1 A 840117 007 2 35 70 1 2 8 16 4 8 2 4 04 86 14 1 :l:>A 840117 008 1 1 2 0 0 4 8 45 90 0 0 03 10 90 1 I A 840117 008 2 7 14 0 0 18 36 25 50 0 0 04 so SO 1 t-'A 840117 009 1 0 0 28 56 0 0 9 18 13 26 04 0 100 1w·A 840117 009 2 14 28 23 46 2 4 9 18 2 4 03 32 68 1 A 840117 010 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 49 98 0 0 03 2 98 1 A 840117 010 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 04 0 100 1 A 840117 011 1 5 10 13 26 2 4 28 56 2 4 01 14 86 1 A 840117 011 2 33 66 5 10 1 2 8 16 3 6 03 68 32 1 A 840117 012 1 1 2 26 52 0 0 20 40 3 6 03 2 98 1 A 840117 012 2 0 0 33 66 0 0 16 32 1 2 04 0 100 1 A 840117 013 1 20 40 10 20 0 0 18 36 2 4 40 60 1 A 840117 013 2 24 48 9 18 0 0 17 34 0 0 04 48 52 1 o Percentages are calculated based on an initial total of 50 embryos placed in each WVB. b Missing embryos are assumed to be dead. C 1 =unfrozenj 2 =pcesumed frozenj 3 =verified frozen. d Boxes contained p ink sa Imon embryos. ..... f"" i, AP PEN D I X B STUDY SITE LOCATIONS B-1 APPENDIX B STUDY SITE LOCATIONS Appendix B includes a table of study site locations and site maps identifying all study areas presented in this report.Appendix Table B-1 provides a list of all study sites,arranged by incrementing river mil e 1ocati on,and i ncl udes the primary study conducted at each site. Detailed maps of each study site are presented in Figures B-1 to B-12. B-2 - - - ~I Appendix Table 8-1.List of study sites used to evaluate the incubation life-phase of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River. r .... Site Mainstem LRX 9 Deadhorse Creek Slough 8A (lower) Mainstem LRX 29 Slough 9 Fourth of July Creek Slough 9A Slough 10 Side Channel 10 Slough 11 Upper Side Channel 11 Mainstem (RM 136.1) Mainstem (RM 136.8) Indian River Mainstem (RM 138.7) Slough 17 Mainstem (RM 138.9) Side Channel 21 Slough 21 (lower) Mainstem LRX 57 River Mile 103.2 120.9 125.9 126.1 128.3 131.1 133.6 133.8 133.8 135.3 136.1 136.1 136.8 138.6 138.7 138.9 138.9 141.0 141.8 142.2 B-3 Primary Purpose Winter Temperature Study Preliminary Mitigation Study Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Winter Temperature Study Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation Study Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation Study Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation Study Incubation Study Incubation Study Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Incubation and Winter Temperature Studies Winter Temperature Study Appendix Figure Number 8-1 B-2 B-3 B-3 8-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 8-7 8-8 B-8 8-8 B-9 8-10 B-11 B-11 8-11 B-12 8-12 B-12 - - - o 500 I I FEET (Appro_.Seal.) SUSITNA RIVER AT LRX 9 ail OATAPOD TEMPERATURE RECORDER A LRX 9 -Site I B LRX 9 -Sit.2 C LRX 9 -Site 3 :eAOF&G' ;CAMP - EBRM 103 I Q::o !I.I.~~. ""Q::o t LRX 9 I ~. :. ..' Figure B-l.Study site location at Mainstem LRX 9 (PM 103.2)• """I ! B-4 - ..... P'" I E9RM 121 DEADHORSE CREEK T RYAN TEMPERATURE RECORDER o 500 FEET (Appro•.Scale) Figure B-2.Study site location at Deadhorse Creek (RM 120.9). B-S to I O'l SLOUGH SA a rnJ DATAPOD TEMPERATURE RECORDER A Lower S10uQh lA-Sit.3 8 Main.tem at LRX 29-Sit.2 C Maln.t.m at LRX 29 -Sit.I D Upper SlouQh IA.Slt.2 E Upp.r SlauQh IA·SIt.3 o 2009 I I J FEET (ApprOL Scal.) IrN4 NIVeN / Figure B-3.Study site location at Slough 8A (RM 125.9)and Mainsteni.LRX 29 (RM 126.1). )I J J J ]J I I 1 I J J I )t J I 1 -)--1 1 SLOUGH 9 CD RYAN nWPUATUIU REC~D[R A 8IoUIlII.I/lcubatloll 811. mJ DATAPOD nw P£RATUR[ RECORDER •1I01lt"t.51 ..3 o 750 I I I 'EET lA",...'..'e) ED RM 129--RiVER '-'.! 5 -i,I ••\.~••;:.V;I'~(.~'S:!....,;,..~...•:.-;.... ;:" ~.......~~..:....;../.".'~·I··'··· ~ fB RW ...~..'... OJ I-.. Figure B-4.Study site location at Slough 9 (RM 128.3). .ctt onne '.... f JulY Side ....---4f t'lO ,....-~..'pi'........ It'--i ..."...-.~ '::-:!:,J.'::'1i\~"••~""''''''·''~·.'''.;i I ....._._i I ~~~~jo-... Ell RM 131.1 I ___~.nn'.-....."'/I 0'.JUly S,d,Clio ,~ •-:·..~o ..-~.~r ..·. \J\c:. '"-:...-z. ""P' ~...."""~~ '- \ 4th OF JULY CREEK MOUTH •Embryo Survival Sit. lID Datapod Temp.ratur.Recorder A 4th of Jut,Plume·Site t B 4th of Jul,Crllll •Sit,I C 4th of Jut,Cr,,11 •Sit,Z ?3f O FEET (Appro ••Scal') CD I 00 Figure B-5.Study site location at Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1). ..._J .J J J .J J J I -),I ]]J .J J ~I .,J 1 1 1 1 --1 ]J •• ~.-.--J )J ··:W(t1'i1~}~~~1~·i: .-:.,~••~':.,.:1'::· SLOUGH 9A ~~ () 6Sl20.::;-~ .•'••'t ,";••:.~•••;;/V ALASKA RIVER s ,rNA. K ...- OJ I l.O o 500 I I FEET (Appro •.Scale) Figure B-6.Study site location at Slough 9A (RM 133.6). o::J I I-' a '- / ,""--, ~SUS/TNA R/VER-- Ql RM 134 ,-.. SLOUGH 10 8 SI DE CHANNEL 10 tIJ Embryo Su'rvivol Site [Q]Oatapod Temperature Recorder A SIou9h 10 Norlhwu' B SIou9h 10 North,oll C Sid,Chonn,'10·Site 3 (Inlton ton 'OUI) o Sid,Chann,1 10.Sit,2 E Sid,Chonn,1 10.Sit,I o 500 l t FEET (Approx.Scol,) ~;{hJ(r)··b·i·"""~'''J.J,..:. ,-,....... Figure B-7.Study site location at Slough 10 and Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8). .J J I J ~~D I J J J I I I J J i J , 1 1 ----)-)1 1 1 -J ~I ~-·-1 co I...... I--' ..----,f N ~ S ()S " e:R R' / SLOUGH II,UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II a MAINSTE M (RM 136.1 RYAN TEMPERATURE RECORDER A SlouVh II Incubolion SileoMolnstem(RM 136.11 ID DATAPOD TEMPERATURE RECORDER 8 SIoU9h 1\-SU,2 C Molnet,m (RM 136.11 E Upper Side Channel 1\-Site 3 F Upper Side Chonnel II -Site 2 G Upper Side Chonnel II -Slit I .EM8RYO SURVIVAL liTE m!CONTROL SITE o ~o t .11.1 Figure B-8.Study site at Slough 11 (RM 135.3)I Upper Side Charmel 11 (RM 136.1)and Mainstem (RM 136.1). OJ I..... N Figure B-9.Study site location at Mainstem (RM 136.8). MAINSTEM SITE (RM 136.8) o 7~O,. FEET (Approll.Scale) J J I ].1 )J ~I .I I J J I J 1 -j 1 '-~~1 1 ~-1 j .~J -~]-,-~~, 1:0 I ~ W .........." '-'-Standplp. Figure B-lO.Study site location at Indian River (RM 138.6). INDIAN RIVER (Q]DATAPOD TEMPERATURE RECORDER A Sit.3 a sao I I I FEET (Approl.Sea I.) ~,"""""" ,.'4 y.,,~.'".. o::J I f-' ..j:::> ED Mainstem Site (RM 138.7) ED RM 139.0 "'~t-U"/j. ""'4 /f'/y ~.;p------ SLOUGH 17 a MAINSTEM SITES RM 138.7 a RM 138.9 o 500 I I FEET (ApprOlt.Seole) Figure B-1!.Smdy site location at Slough 17 (RM 138.9)and Mainstem sites (RM 138.7 and RM 138.9). J J J _J .J I I J J .J -]]J -J J I --1 -1 J 1 --~·-I 1 -.------)----)J W I...... <..11 :...;.-..·.·f.;,•..,,'.·4 ~i;"..iW.:. eRM 141 SLOUGH 21.SIDE CHANNEL 21 a LRX 57 [Q)DATAPOD UMP(ftATUftE RECORDER A Sid,Chonn,1 21·Sit,4 (lnatonton,oull B SI d,Chonn,1 21-Sit,2 C Sidl Cha"",'21·Sit,I D Sid'Chonn,1 21·Sit,3 E Lower SlouOh 21-Sit,2 F Upper SlouO h Z I·Sit,I G Malnlt,m at LRX 51·Sit,I H Mainlt,m at LRX 51.Sit,2 •EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT ~TE ElliliJ EMBRYO SURVIVAL s,no 1000 I I 'Iif (""roo.hall' Figure B-12.Study site location at Side Channel 21 (RM 141.0),Slough 21 and Mainstem LRX 57 (RM 142.2). ,..,. I r I i - A P PEN D I X C WATER QUALITY DATA C-I APPENDIX C WATER QUALITY DATA Water quality data presented in Appendix C consist of surface and intragravel measurements of water temperature.di sso1ved oxygen concentrations,pH,conductivity and turbidity.Surface water quality data collected at all study sites are presented in Appendix Table C-l. Intragravel water quality measurements are presented in Appendix Table C-2. C-2 - - - -. - -- ..... - ..... - ""'" - - C-3 -Appendix Table C-1.Contl.nued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sampling Temperature Dissolved Oxygen ---------------------Site Date Time Air Water pH Conduetl.vity Turbidity (River mile)(y/m/d)(OC)(OC)(mg/i)%Sat.(umbos/em)(NTU) ---------------------------------------------------------, --------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE CHANNEL 10 830915 8.6 9.8 085 7.4 217 .0 (133.8)830923 1108 2.2 4.1 10.4 083 7.2 255.0 0.3 ~ 831009 1215 0.2 0.8 9.4 067 7.1 256 .0 0.6 831028 1300 0.4 0.7 10.0 072 7.5 268.0 0.3 831207 1130 -14.0 0.1 4.0 028 6.9 218.0 0.8 840228 1255 0.1 0.7 9.4 068 7.3 265.0 ~ 840228 1315 1.0 0.2 13.4 095 7.8 269.0 840330 1245 8.3 3.8 9.9 078 7.3 251.0 840411 1630 10.6 9.7 10.1 091 7.4 260.0 840425 1220 5.4 11.6 9.5 088 6.6 251.0 0.6 840502 0940 4.2 4.7 11.0 089 7.2 251.0 840511 1545 8.2 12.7 7.2 253.0 0.3 SLOUGH 10 830909 1227 9.1 10.5 093 178.0 ~ (133.8)830909 1240 5.2 10.4 084 209.0 830909 1250 5.7 8.9 072 172.0 830915 5.4 8.4 068 6.7 172.0 830915 5.0 9.7 077 7.0 223 .0 830923 1047 1.0 2.6 10.9 083 6.7 187.0 0.3 831009 1230 0.2 0.8 9.1 065 226.0 831028 1330 0.9 7.3 220.0 0.3 831028 1345·0.5 7.3 167.0 0.4 831110 0.3 831110 ----0.2 831110 1.8 1.8 9.3 068 7.4 170.0 831206 1130 0.4 1.9 9.0 065 7.1 178.0 831206 1555 0.0 1.8 9.5 069 7.3 219.0 0.3 831206 1610 0.0 2.2 8.5 063 7.1 169.0 0.3 840120 1125 0.2 10.7 075 7.2 187.0 840208 1530 -16.0 0.9 9.9 072 7.1 177 .0 -840228 1230 -4.5 1.6 9.5 071 7.4 221.0 840228 1245 -2.4 2.0 8.4 063 7.•2 171.0 840330 1135 8.8 3.8 9.0 070 7.2 172.0 0.2 840330 1140 7.8 3.4 9.9 077 7.4 221.0 0.3 ~ 840330 1150 7.2 4.0 9.9 078 7.3 183.0 0.3 840411 5.0 3.7 9.1 070 6.7 176.0 840411 5.1 2.4 9.6 072 7.2 217.0 840411 0950 1.8 2.8 9.8 074 7.1 180.0 ..... 840412 0915 0.3 1.3 8.1 059 6.6 106.0 840425 1310 7.2 10.0 083 6.9 181.0 0.4 840425 1415 6.0 8.8 072 6.9 223 .0 0.5 840425 1420 6.1 7.0 9.1 075 6.7 172.0 0.4 -840511 1550 8.0 6.7 6.9 148.0 0.4 840511 1555 1.0 0.1 6.9 219.0 0.5 840511 1600 8.1 6.9 6.7 152.0 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ C-4 - .... I ! -Appendix Table C-l.Cont1.nued. -------------------------------------------------- Sampling Temperature Dissolved Oxygen ----------------- Site Date time Air Water pH Conduet1.vity Turbidity (River miLe)(y/m/d)(8C)C·C)(mg/})%Sat.(wOOs/em)(NTU)-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 830811 1115 14.8 6.1 6.0 050 7.0 232.0 <135.3)830816 1430 17 .6 8.6 14.6 126 7.0 238.0 830827 16.6 8.6 10.7 095 7.3 230.0 0.3 830915 0840 4.8 4.3 10.8 085 7.2 244.0 830922 1035 7.3 4.7 11.6 094 6.9 242.0 0.7 r 831009 1250 1.1 0.5 12.8 091 231.0 0.3 831101 1105 -2.1 1.2 11.2 081 7.3 241.0 0.8!831109 2.2 1.2 11.4 080 7.6 233.0 0.4 831205 1200 -5.0 1.3 10.5 075 7.6 241.0 0.3 l""'"831230 -18.0 0.4 10.6 077 7.4 243.0! \840201 1310 -7.0 0.7 10.9 079 7.5 239.0 \840209 1550 -26.0 0.1 11.4 082 7.5 240.0 840328 1440 10 ..9 4.1 12.5 098 7.5 232.0 0.2 .~840410 1520 7.8 4.7 12.5 100 7.5 227.0 840412 1425 9.7 4.9 11.7 094 7.2 226.0 840427 1510 10.0 .6.3 10.9 090 7.2 232.0 0.3 840503 1035 7.2 4.9 11.4 092 7.3 229.0 840511 1530 8.7 8.5 7.1 238.0 0.2 MAINSTEH 831027 1.0 -0.3 14.1 098 8.0 190.0 036.0 831109 1300 -0.2 14.0 098 8.4 235.0 0.718312071620-8.0 -0.2 13.5 093 7.7 242.0 831208 1400 -12.0 -0.3 13.5 095 8.1 251.0 0.8 840331 1015 11.4 0.1 14.0 098 8.0 268.0 840410 3.0 0.2 13.6 095 7.9 260.0 840417 1415 8.2 0.1 7.8 'JiJ7.0 840425 1605 5.2 0.2 13.5 093 7.9 257.0 0.5 840511 1520 7.3 0.8 7.2 138.0 17.0 r UPPER SIDE 830823 1530 14.2 8.9 11.1 098 7.8 138.0 CHANNEL 11 831109 0.7 11.3 081 7.8 182.0 0.7 (136.0 841208 1315 -13.0 0.2 8.5 060 7.3 235.0 0.4 r-840328 1630 6.4 4.7 10.6 085 7.7 179.0 ,840427 1500 11.0 8.3 9.4 081 7.3 194.0 0.3 840503 1400 10.0 9.9 9.7 089 7.3 197.0 840511 1522 9.3 12.0 7.3 203.0 0.4 HAINSTEK 831025 1300 -2.0 1.2 10.8 077 7.0 198.0 0.5 (136.8)831025 1330 -2.0 2.1 5.7 042 6.7 209.0 0.8 831108 -1.2 2.5 8.5 063 7.0 197.0 0.2 831214 1415 -20.6 0.2 10.8 074 7.3 200.0 0.4 840427 1440 0.8 6.1 8.8 072 6.7 159.0 0.3 840427 1445 0.8 2.3 12.2 090 7.4 216.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-5 - Appendix Table C-l.ContLnued...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sampling Temperature Dissolved Oxygen-------------------------- Site Date Time Air Water pH ConductLvity Turbidity (River mile)(y/m/d)(oe)(aC)(mg/L>%Sat.(umhos/c:m)(NTU) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 840511 1515 7.0 7.0 6.7 150.0 3.2 - INDIAN RIVER 830727 1200 23.6 9.6 11.4 103 6.8 44.7 (138.6)8307 '1.7 1340 21.8 9.9 11.3 103 6.8 45.7 830727 1449 23 .8 10.5 11.3 104 6.9 46 .6 ~ 830727 1540 24.0 11.0 11.1 105 6.6 45.7 830728 1035 20.9 11.1 11.0 103 7.1 47.6 830728 1225 24.5 10.1 11.3 6.8 64.0 830728 1445 26 .2 11.3 10.6 6.8 63.0 -830728 1645 22.4 12.0 10.9 6.9 63.0 830728 2000 14.1 10.5 105 7.0 48.6 830729 1945 17.0 10.0 10.5 096 7.2 54.4 831025 1130 -2.8 0.1 14.2 098 7.1 57.0 0.8 831108 0.3 11.9 083 6.8 59.0 0.3 831213 1420 -5.2 -0.3 14.3 097 7.1 69.0 0.3 840427 1420 8.4 3.0 12.1 091 7.1 72.0 0.4 -840511 1415 8.2 4.3 12.1 095 6.9 54.0 0.9 MAINSTEM 831025 1100 -3.8 0.1 14.3 099 7.5 176.0 1.3 (138.7)831108 -5.0 0.5 11.9 083 7.4 164.0 0.3 831213 1300 -6.8 1.6 12.1 088 6.7 80.0 0.8 840427 1405 7.2 3.8 10.9 085 6.8 125.0 0.6 840511 1505 6.9 1.9 6.8 123 .0 16.0 SLOUGH 17 830820 1440 10.2 4.5 5.7 77.0 (138.9)830901 0920 9.1 4.7 75.0 831025 ·1030 -3.8 1.8 11.0 080 6.6 84.0 1.2 831108 -2.4 1.9 11.8 086 6.8 79.0 0.3 831213 14SO -6.0 1.3 11.1 080 6.8 86.0 0.6 840427 1355 9.2 7.8 10.7 092 6.8 86.0 0.4 840511 1455 8.0 6.0 6.4 86.0 0.3 SIDE CRANNEL 21 830825 1400 12.0 8.1 10.8 094 7.5 119.0 75.0 (141.0)830911 1600 8.3 13.3 113 7.5 164.0 830914 1525 6.9 11.6 094 1SO.0 830923 1200 2.8 5.1 13.2 106 7.3 152.0 23.0 ""'"831009 1405 0.2 0.4 14.4 101 149.0 1.7 ! 831027 1350 1.0 0.2 14.9 103 7.7 161.0 0.2 831108 1330 0.2 -0.3 154.0 0.2 831204 1305 -3.4 0.0 12.8 088 7.6 156 .0 0.4 _. 840329 1105 5.2 0.7 13.0 093 7.9 0.4 840417 1535 9.2 6.7 7.4 172.0 840427 1340 9.6 6.5 11.9 098 7.4 172.0 0.5 840502 1335 7.6 2.6 12.4 095 7.6 194.0 840511 1445 7.4 11.0 11.1 103 7.5 169.0 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... C-6 - Appendix Table C-l.Contl.nued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sampling Temperature Dissolved Oxygen----------------------------------- She Date 'lime Air Water pH Conduetl.vity Turbidity (River mile)(y/m/d)(OC)(oC)(mg/l)%Sat.(umbos/em)(NTU) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 21 830819 1500 18.0 9.6 9.9 087 6.8 201.0 (141.8)830825 1200 7.7 11.9 10.9 103 7.8 122.0 85.0 830831 1315 12.0 5.1 6.2 050 196.0 830831 1546 12.0 5.0 8.2 066 196.0 830913 1345 6.0 9.8 081 6.9 194.0 830913 1345 6.1 9.3 077 184.0 830913 1500 6.1 9.8 080 184.0 830921 1130 8.7 4.7 11.6 094 6.6 199.0 0.4-831009 1340 0.2 1.8 8.9 066 190.0 0.3 831026 1300 -0.4 2.3 10.7 078 7.2 201.0 0.3 831108 1230 -0.6 2.0 10.5 077 7.6 193.0 0.3 831202 1115 -5.0 1.4 9.4 067 7.3 200.0 0.4 831229 1320 -16.0 0.8 9.9 071 7.8 204.0 840117 1210 -3.0 1.4 10.9 079 7.2 199.0 840413 0945 2.4 1.9 10.5 078 7.2 201.0 840426 0915 .3.6 3.2 10.5 079 7.3 206.0 0.2 840511 1435 10.0 9.6 9.0 082 6.9 213.0 0.3 ----_.-.--------------------------------------------------- C-7 Appendix table C-2.lntragravel and .urface vater quality dat.·collected .t .tandpipea trom Sept~ber to Dec~ber 1983,Su.itna River,Ala.ka. ---------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------- lntragravel Water Surtace Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SampUng DO DO Site Sub Standpipe ------------tup.------------Conductlvity temp.------------ConoucLlvity (River mile)Site No.Date ti_(DC)(mg/l>%Sat.pH (umbo./cm)(OC)(-g/O %Sat.pH (umbo./cm) (y/./d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 8A A 001 831109 1610 2.0 3.8 ·28 7.2 214 <125.9)A 002 831109 '1610 3.0 5.1 39 7.4 159 1.5 8.8 65 7.2 203 A 003 831109 1610 4.0 4.1 32 7.3 154 2.0 8.2 61 7.2 223 A 001 831214 1205 0.8 6.2 44 7.5 283 ------------------A 003 831214 1205 1.9 4.3 31 7.3 274 0.9 6.8 48 7.1 265 SLOUGH 9 A 001 831109 1535 3.0 6.5 50 7.1 147 1.5 10.4 76 1.3 100 (128.3)A 002 831109 1535 3.0 6.2 47 1.2 171 1.5 10.4 76 7.3 118 A 003 831109 1535 3.0 6.4 49 7.0 171 1.5 9.6 70 7.3 127 A 003 831214 1310 2.2 6.3 46 ----181 0.1 9.3 64 7.3 193 roullm or JULY A 001 830914 1840 8.0 9.8 85 ----37 7.8 11.3 97 ----33 CREEl A 002 830914 1840 8.2 10.4 90 ----37 7.8 11.4 98 ----33 (131.1)A 003 830914 .1840 7.8 10.9 94 ----33 n A 004 830914 1840 7.0 12.0 100 ---134 I A 005 830914 1840 6.8 12.9 108 ----150 6.8 13.0 108 7.5 150 00 A 006 830914 1840 7.2 12.0 100 33 7.2 11.8 99 7.5 33 A 007 830914 1840 7.2 11.6 91 ----33 7.2 11.7 98 ----33 A 008 830914 1840 7.2 11.4 96 ----33 7.2 12.3 104 ----33 A 009 830914 1840 7.2 11.7 98 ----33 7.2 11.7 98 ----33 A 010 830914 1840 7.2 11.5 97 ---33 7.2 11.8 99 ---33 A 011 830914 ·1840 7.2 11.4 96 ----33 7.2 12.0 100 ----33 A 012 830914 1840 7.2 11.3 95 ----33 7.2 12.2 102 ----33 A 013 830914 1840 7.2 10.8 91 ----33 7.2 12.3 104 ----33 A 014 830914 1840 7.2 12.2 102 ---33 7.2 12.0 100 ----33 A 015 830914 1840 7.2 9.6 81 ----33 7.2 12.2 102 ----33 A 002 831102 1100 0.5 13.3 96 6.6 26 0.2 13.0 92 7.0 25 A 004 831102 1100 0.5 13.7 99 6.3 24 A 005 831102 1100 0.5 13.1 95 ----34 A 007 831102 1100 0.8 13.7 99 ----24 0.2 13.7 98 7.0 25 A 008 831102 1100 0.2 13.7 98 6.5 29 0.2 13.8 99 7.0 27 A 009 831102 1100 0.8 13.8 100 .----26 0.2 13.7 98 7.0 23 A 012 831102 1100 0.8 13.8 100 ----28 0.8 13.8 100 7.0 28 A 014 831102 1100 0.8 13.8 100 ----28 0.6 13.9 100 7.0 28 A 002 831109 1500 0.0 13.4 93 7.2 29 A 007 831109 1500 0.0 13.6 95 7.2 29 A 012 831109 1500 0.0 13.5 94 7.0 29 0.0 13.5 94 7.2 29 A 012 831203 1415 0.1 13.3 93 7.2 32 0.0 13.3 93 7.0 34 A 014 831203 1415 0.0 13.2 92 7.2 34 0.0 13.3 93 7.0 34 A 015 831203 1415 0.0 13.3 93 ----34 0.2 13.3 93 7.0 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J ~]I I .1 J I J J .]..1 i J .~I 1 ~-]'---1 1 -1 1 --1 --.-1 1 J 1 ---:1 Appendix Table C-2.(Contlnued)• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intragravel Water Surface Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------Sampling DO DOSiteSubStandpipe-----------Te.p.------...-----Conductivity T..,p.------------Conduet>vity (River .ile)Site 110.Date Ti_(OC)(.g/l)ISat.pH (ualloale.)(OC)(ag/l)ISat.-pH (uabo./ea) b/a/d) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOUGH 9A A 001 831109 ---4.0 6.3 49 7.1 259 3.0 10.0 76 6.8 155 (133.6)A 002 831109 ---3.5 9.9 76 7.0 255 2.5 6.4 48 6.8 193 A 003 831109 ----3.5 10.0 77 7.0 127 2.5 10.0 75 6.8 184 A 001 831214 1345 2.9 9.4 70 ----317 1.2 9.4 67 7.3 261 A 002 831214 1345 3.0 7.6 57 ----316 1.3 11.2 80 7.3 260 A 003 831214 1345 SIDE CHANNEL 10 A 001 830915 ----7.2 9.1 76 7.3 235 (133.8)A 002 830915 ----8.0 7.7 66 ----264 10.2 9.9 89 7.4 216 A 003 830915 --8.2 5.9 51 ---287 11.0 9.7 89 7.4 246 A 004 830915 ----5.2 7.4 59 ----266 10.0 10.0 89 7.4 238 A 005 830915 --~-6.0 6.0 49 ......-264 10.5 9.9 90 7.4 234 A 006 830915 ---7.0 6.7 56 ----244 10.8 9.8 89 7.4 223 A 007 830915 ----7.0 5.1 43 ----290 11.8 9.4 88 7.4 228nA008830915----5.8 5.5 45 6.9 269 10.0 8.4 75 7.4 234IA009830915----6.5 6.3 52 ----148 10.0 9.4 84 7.4 210(,0 A 010 830915 ----5.5 6.5 52 ----231 9.5 10.1 90 7.4 196 A 011 830915 ---6.5 7.7 64 ----232 8.8 7.8 68 7.4 204 A 012 830915 ---9.5 9.3 82 ----186 9.5 10.1 90 7.4 192 A 013 830915 ----12.5 10.9 103 ----163 12.0 11.1 104 7.4 161 A 014 830915 ----9.2 7.9 70 ---.172 11.2 10.1 9J 7.4 149 A 015 830915 --.-11.1 10.9 100 ----160 11.5 11.0 102 7.4 155 A 016 830915 ---11.0 10.7 98 ----161 11.5 11.0 102 7.4 159 A 017 830915 ---10.5 10.6 96 ----163 11.0 11.0 100 7.4 161 A 018 830915 ----11.8 10.8 100 ----161 12.0 11.0 103 7.4 153 A 019 830915 ----8.2 4.2 36 7.1 191 10.0 10.3 92 7.4 156 A 001 831028 _1330 0.5 6.6 47 A 002 831028 1330 0.5 3.3 24 A 003 831028 1330 0.5 3.3 24 7.4 A 005 831028 1330 2.2 4.8 36 -------1.5 8.2 60 7.5 250 A 006 831028 1330 2.5 5.3 40 ----228 2.0 8.0 60 7.5 246 A 007 831028 1330 1.8 7.9 59 ----261 0.5 6.2 44 7.5 273 A 008 831028 1330 3.1 5.8 45 7.3 241 3.0 7.3 56 7.5 2lJ A 009 831028 1330 3.8 6.0 47 ----202 2.4 8.0 61 7.5 194 A 010 831028 1330 3.0 6.2 48 ----216 1.2 10.2 75 7.5 220 A 011 831028 1330 2.2 6.5 49 ----222 1.2 11.2 82 7.5 239 A 013 831028 1330 1.0 6.3 46 ----203 A 014 831028 1330 0.3 6.5 46 ----199 A 016 831028 1330 0.3 9.6 68 ----193 0.3 8.8 63 7.5 -------------------------------------------------_~_--------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table C-2.(Continued). -----------------------------------------------------------------------..------------------------------------------------- Intragravel Water Surface Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sampling DO DO Site Sub Standpipe ------------Temp.--------.----Conductivity Temp.------------Conductivity (River mile)Site No .•nate Time ("C)(mgl1)%Sat.pH (umhol/cm)(OC)(111&11)%Sat.pH (umhol/cm) (y/rJd) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------ SlD!CIIANNEL 10 A 017 831028 1330 0.5 8.8 63 .---169 0.8 8.2 59 1.5 (cont1nued)A 019 831028 1330 1.5 3.1 21 1.5 221 0.8 1.6 55 1.5 186 A 004 831110 1340 0.5 8.2 58 1.9 263 ---- -------------- A 005 831110 1340 1.0 6.0 43 1.9 ,259.1.0 6.3 46 ----233 A 006 831110 1340 1.0 5.1 41 1.1 255 A 013 831206 1315 0.6 13.4 94 ----210 A 016 831206 1315 0.0 10.8 14 ----215 SLOUGH 10 A 001 830915 ----5.5 1.3 11 ----242 8.2 9.5 82 ----203 (133.8)A 002 830915 ---6.2 4.8 39 ----233 ------------------ A 003 830915 ----1.0 6.8 51 .---206 1.5 8.8 14 ----211 A 004 830915 ----6.0 3.4 28 ----243 ------------------ A 005 830915 ---5.0 1.8 14 6.2 202 5.5 9.2 14 ----191 A 006 830915 .--.5.5 0.1 6 6.3 231 1.0 9.2 71 ----152 A 001 830915 ---5.0 2.3 18 ----202 6.5 9.0 14 ----155nA008830915---.5.2 2.1 22 .---211 6.5 9.0 14 ----155IA0098309155.0 1.1 14 186 6.2 8.6 10 156I-'------------ a A 010 830915 ---4.8 6.1 48 ----195 6.2 8.6 10 ----156 A 011 830915 --5.0 4.5 36 ----118 6.0 8.5 69 ----157 A 012 830915 ----4.8 1.2 52 ----119 4.0 1.2 55 ----116 A 013 830915 ----4.8 4.6 36 ----182 6.2 8.4 69 ----155 A 014 830915 ----4.8 4.4 35 ----161 6.0 8.6 10 ----130 A 015 830915 ---4.2 5.8 45 6.3 166 6.0 8.6 10 --.-130 A 016 830915 ----4.5 8.3 65 1.1 211 5.8 9.6 18 ----191 A 011 830915 ---4.5 4.6 36 ----214 5.5 9.8 19 ----191 A 018 830915 ----5.0 5.4 43 ----218 5.5 9.6 11 ----199 A 019 830915 ----4.5 5.8 45 ----222 5.5 9.9 80 ----191 A 020 830915 ---4.5 5.4 42 ----214 5.5 9.9 80 ----199 A 004 831029 1150 1.1 1.6 12 ----501 ------------------ A 005 831029 1150 2.5 0.8 6 7.5 156 3.0 10.1 11 1.3 195 A 006 831029 1150 2.8 0.1 5 ----195 2.8 9.5 12 1.3 150 A 001 831029 1150 2.8 0.8 6 ----211 3.0 9.6 13 1.3 149 A 008 831029 1150 2.8 1.1 8 7.3 114 3.0 9.5 12 1.3 150 A 009 831029 1150 2.9 0.4 3 ----194 3.1 8.9 68 1.3 148 A 010 831029 1150 3.1 6.3 48 ----198 3.1 8.9 68 7.3 151 A 011 831029 1150 3.0 0.5 4 ----201 3.1 8.6 66 1.3 151 A 012 831029 1150 3.0 1.1 54 ----181 3.2 7.4 51 1.3 180 A 013 831029 1150 3.0 3.1 28 ----154 2.9 8.8 61 1.3 140 A 014 831029 1150 3.2 6.3 48 ----146 2.8 8.1 66 1.3 132 A 015 831029 1150 3.5 6.5 50 1.4 146 2.8 8.1 66 1.3 121 ----------------~----------------------~~-~~---------------~-~--~~~---~-------------------------------------------------- ~..__t J J J J lr J ~l t )J I J J I --1 1 ]._--,1 -J --,I Appendix Table C-2.(Continued)• ---------------------------------------------------------------..-------------------------------------------.------------ Intra&ra~e1 Water Surface Wlter ------------------------------------------------------------------------SalDpling DO DOSiteSubStandpipe----.-------t_p.----------.-Conductivity TelDp.-----------.Conductlvity (linr .ite)Site 110.nate Tille ("C)(-a/1>%Sat.pH (umhollelD)("C)(./1>%Sat.pH (UlDbOl/clD) (,I./d) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------~--------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 10 A 016 831029 11 SO 3.0 6.8 S2 ----211 2.9 10.3 78 7.3 194 (cant luued)A 017 831029 11 SO 3.0 S.9 4S ----207 3.0 10.3 78 7.3 197 A 018 831029 11 SO 3.4 6.2 48 7.2 208 3.0 10.4 79 7.3 19S A 019 831029 11 SO 3.2 6.S SO ----209 3.0 10.8 82 7.3 19S A 020 831029 11 SO 1.2 6.7 SI 7.2 204 3.0 10.8 82 7.3 193 A 007 831110 ----2.0 1.3 10 7.S 22S 2.0 9.4 70 7.4 IS9 A 008 831110 ----2.0 1.6 12 7.S 229 2.S 9.3 70 7.4 lSI A 018 831110 --3.0 6.1 47 7.4 214 2.S 9.7 73 7.4 204 A 019 831110 --2.S 6.3 48 7.4 218 2.0 10.0 7S 7.4 204 A 004 831206 130S 0.2 3.S 24 ----660 ------------------ A 008 831206 HOS 1.S 2.7 20 ---211 2.S 10.1 7S 7.1 163 A 009 831206 HOS 2.4 1.7 13 ---261 2.S 8.4 63 7.1 209 A 010 831206 HOS 2.3 S.9 43 7.0 23S 2.8 8.4 63 7.1 US A 011 831206 1305 2.6 1.2 9 ----206 2.8 8.3 62 7.1 179 A 012 831206 130S 2.8 6.9 S2 7.0 184 ----------------~- "A 013 831206 130S 2.4 6.4 47 ----173 2.S 8.1 60 7.1 lSI I A 014 831206 1305 2.9 4.7 3S ----1S3 2.S 7.8 S8 7.1 144......A 015 831206 1305 2.8 6.1 46 ----1~2.S 7.7 S7 7.1 137......A 017 831206 130S 1.2 6.S 47 ----218 1.9 9.2 6S 7.3 211 A 018 831206 130S 2.2 6.6 49 7.3 232 1.9 9.8 70 7.3 211 A 019 831206 130S 1.8 6.6 48 ----218 1.9 10.0 71 7.3 206 A 020 831206 130S 1.9 6.8 48 7.2 217 1.9 10.1 72 7.3 203 A 011 831206 130S 2.2 S.8 43 ----13S 1.8 6.S 48 7.1 128 SLOUCH 11 A 001 83091S ----S.O 11.7 93 7.2 222 S.O 11.6 92 ----223 (US.3)A 002 83091S ----S.O S.3 42 .---230 A 003 8309lS ----4.8 10.2 80 ----212 A 004 83091S ---S.O 8.S 67 ----212 A OOS 8309lS ----S.O 10.9 86 ----231 A 006 83091S ---S.O 6.S S4 ----199 A 007 8309lS ----4.8 9.2 73 ----212 A 008 83091S ----4.S 10.2 80 ----214 S.2 12.0 9S ----224 A 009 83091S ----S.O 8.9 70 ----218 ------------------ A 010 830915 ----4.8 6.3 SO ----2S2 5.0 10.5 83 ----223 A 011 83091 S ----S.8 8.2 66 ----204 S.8 10.7 87 --....-21S A 012 83091S ----4.8 S.3 42 ----19S ------------------A 013 83091S ----7.0 11.1 92 ----213 S.8 10.6 86 ----2U A 014 83091S ----S.8 S.6 46 7.0 213 S.S I1.S 9S ----212 A 01S 83091S ----S.8 3.8 31 ----213 S.2 U.S 91 ----217 A 016 83091S ----S.S 3.8 31 ----217 S.2 11.7 93 ----217 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table C-2.(CQlltu,ued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Intragravel Water Surface Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------SampU"g DO DO Site Sub Staftllpipe ------------Tep.------------Con4uctivity TlI1IIp.------------Conductivity (River _He)Site No.Date Ti...("C)(-g/O %Sat.pH (umho_/,,_)(·C)(-s/1)ISat.pH (umho_/cm) (.,/_/d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 A 017 830915 ----5.2 5.1 41 ----222 5.2 11.5 91 ----222 ("onunued)A 018 830915 ----5.0 9.4 75 ----223 5.2 U.7 100 ----225 A 019 830915 ----5.2 U.2 97 ----222 5.2 U.2 97 ----222 A 020 830915 ----5.8 5.7 46 6.8 2U 5.2 11.2 89 ----219 A 001 831101 U25 1.2 U.4 90 ----220 1.2 U.4 90 7.3 220 A 003 831101 1225 0.2 U.3 87 ----224 A 004 831101 U25 0.3 8.8 63 ----218 A 007 831101 1225 0.9 11.0 81 7.4 224 A 008 831101 U25 1.9 9.9 74 ----226 1.2 11.8 86 7.3 226 A,009 831101 1225 1.4 10.7 79 ----226 0.9 11.3 82 7.3 226 A 010 831101 1225 1.9 9.8 73 ----219 1.6 10.8 80 7.3 228 A 011 831101 1225 2.4 6.5 49 ----217 1.5 12.0 88 7.3 229 A 012 831101 1225 1.2 10.0 73 ----224 ---- -------------- A 013 831101 1225 3.4 6.5 50 ----213 1.6 11.2 83 7.3 224 A 014 831101 1225 1.2 U.S 91 ----222 1.4 U.S 92 7.3 222 "A 015 831101 1225 2.9 6.3 48 ----211 1.4 12.3 90 7.3 226 I A 016 83UOl 1225 2.3 4.7 36 7.1 223 1.3 U.S 91 7.3 227,.....A 017 831101 1225 2.9 7.2 55 ----222 1.4 12.2 89 7.3 222NA018831101U251.3 11.0 80 ----230 1.2 13.4 97 7.3 226 A 019 831101 1225 1.2 13.5 98 ----228 1.3 13.3 97 7.3 223 A 020 831101 1225 2.4 8.4 64 --...-208 1.5 U.O 88 7.3 223 A 001 831205 1400 1.0 11.0 78 7.5 237 1.0 10.8 77 7.6 238 A 003 831205 1400 0.9 10.8 77 -_...-226 ------------------ A 008 83U05 1400 1.3 8.8 63 ----241 1.0 10.0 71 7.6 368 A 009 831205 1400 1.1 9.8 70 ----.239 0.9 10.0 71 7.6 232 A 010 831205 1400 1.1 8.9 64 ----241 1.0 9.0 64 7.6 240 A 011 831205 1400 2.0 6.6 48 ----230 1.0 10.3 74 7.6 238 A 012 83U05 1400 0.6 9.4 66 ----238 ------------------ A 013 831205 1400 2.0 7.9 58 ----225 1.5 10.3 74 7.6 232 A 014 831205 1400 1.2 9.3 67 ----233 1.0 10.7 76 7.6 237 A 015 831205 1400 2.5 7.3 54 ----225 1.0 10.8 77 7.6 238 A 016 831205 1400 1.2 8.5 61 ----239 0.9 10.8 77 7.6 241 A 017 831205 1400 2.2 8.4 62 ----234 1.2 10.6 76 7.6 239 A 018 831205 1400 0.3 10.4 73 ----233 1.0 11.3 80 7.6 240 A 020 831205 1400 1.9 7.5 54 7.2 228 1.1 10.3 74 7.6 239 I 04A 830915 --..-4.2 10.2 79 ----229 5.5 8.0 64 7.2 223 I 04.830915 ----4.2 8.0 62 ----226 5.5 10.8 87 7.2 223 II 04C 830915 ----4.2 8.5 66 ----224 5.5 10.4 83 7.2 222 I lOA 830915 ----4.2 9.7 75 ----228 5.5 11.3 91 7.2 215 B 101 830915 ----4.0 9.0 70 ----226 5.5 10.4 83 7.2 215 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .;~I J I I _I }J I I J -~2B m I J 1 ...·1 ....)--I ._-)1 1 ---~1 1 AppendiK Table C-2.(Continued)• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intralravel Vater Surface Vater ------------------------------------------------------------------------a..plinl DO DOSiteSubStandpipe------------TllIIp.------------Conductivity Temp.------------.COndUCtiVity (River lIile)Site 110.Date Time (OC).(ml/l)nat.pH (ullholle.)(IC)(11&/0 %Sat.pH (umhol/ell) (,1m/d) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 •IOC 830915 ---5.0 8.8 70 ---.218 5.5 10.6 85 7.2 220 (continued)•IlA 830915 ---4.2 8.0 62 ----226 5.5 11.4 91 7.2 223 8 118 8.30915 ----4.2 8.0 62 ----224 5.5 11.2 90 7.2 223 II 11C 830915 ---4.5 7.8 61 ----227 5.5 11.3 91 7.2 223 II 21A 830915 ---4.5 5.6 44 ----227 5.5 11.0 88 7.2 223 8 211 830915 ----4.5 8.2 64 ----227 5.5 11.3 91 7.2 223•21C 830915 ----4.5 8.3 65 ----227 5.5 11.3 91 7.2 223•21D 830915 ----4.8 10.0 79 ----220 5.5 11.1 89 7.2 215•21£830915 ----4.8 10.1 80 ----220 5.2 11.2 89 7.2 217 II 21F 830915 --·4.0 9.8 76 ----226 5.5 11.2 90 7.2 215 II 04A 831101 1400 2.6 9.3 71 ----238 1.6 11.5 85 7.3 235•0411 831101 1400 2.9 9.2 71 7.2 231 1.6 11.4 84 7.3 235 8 04c 831101 1400 2.9 8.8 67 ----229 1.6 11.4 84 7.3 235 II lOA -831101 1400 2.6 10.5 80 ----231 1.7 11.4 85 7.3 231 8 10.831101 1400 2.9 10.0 77 ---234 1.6 11.4 84 7.3 233 .n II 10C 831101 1400 2.5 10.0 76 ----237 1.6 11.3 84 7.3 233IIIllA83110114002.4 8.6 65 ----231 1.6 12.0 89 7.3 235...... w II 118 831101 1400 2.9 8.9 68 7.3 229 1.6 11.9 88 7.3 235 llC 831101 1400 3.0 8.8 68 ----225 1.6 11.9 88 7.3 235 21A 831101 1400 2.5 8.7 66 ----237 1.6 11.8 87 7.3 235 211 831101 1400 2.6 8.7 66 ----233 1.6 11.8 87 7.3 235 21C 831101 1400 2.6 9.2 70 ----234 1.6 11.6 85 7.3 235 21D 831101 1400 2.6 9.6 73 7.2 227 1.4 11.7 86 7.3 228 211 831101 1400 2.6 9.6 '73 ----234 1.6 11.6 85 7.3 231 21r 831101 1400 2.6 10.5 80 ----229 1.6 11.4 84 7.3 231 04A 831205 1610 2.0 8.6 63 ----243 1.0 9.6 69 ----246 048 831205 1610 2.1 8.5 62 ----246 1.2 9.6 69 ----242 04C 831205 1610 2.5 8.7 64 ----240 1.2 9.8 70 ----240 lOA 831205 1610 2.0 9.4 69 ----243 0.9 9.8 70 -......-245 108 831205 1610 1.9 9.0 65 ----246 1.0 9.7 69 ----242 10C 831205 1610 2.5 9.2 68 ----244 1.0 9.7 69 ----244 11A 831205 1610 2.0 8.4 62 ----246 1.4 10.1 73 ----240 1111 831205 1610 2.0 8.2 60 ----246 1.3 10.1 73 ----241 11c 831205 1610 2.2 8.0 59 ..---236 1.2 10.1 73 ----242 21A 831205 1610 2.0 8.1 59 ----241 1.1 10.2 73 ----245 211 831205 1610 2.0 8.2 60 ----246 1.1 9.6 69 ----243 2lC 831205 1610 2.0 8.3 61 ----241 1.4 9.3 67 ----242 21D 831205 1610 2.1 9.0 66 ----242 1.2 10.0 72 ----240 21!831205 1610 1.8 8.6 62 ----241 1.0 10.0 71 ----246 21r 831205 1610 1.9 9.2 67 ----242 1.1 9.7 69 ----245 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table C-2.(Continued)• ----------------------------------._-------------------------------------------------------.----------------------------- Intraaravel Water Surfae..Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sampling DO DO Site Sub Standpipe ------------T....p.------------Conductivity T....p.------------Conduet lV ity (River ..ile)Site No.Date Tille (oC)("all>%Sat.pH (umhol/c.)(OC)("all>%Sat.pH (umhollem) (y/./d) ------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------- SLOUCH 11 C DVA 831101 122~2.3 8.4 63 ----230 1.4 12.4 91 7.3 230 (eont lDued)C Dva 831101 122~2.4 8.~64 7.2 232 1.4 12.~92 7.3 228 C DVC 831101 122~2.6 ~.3 40 ---2~9 1.4 12.~92 7.3 226 C DVA 831109 ----3.0 8.6 66 7.6 22~2.0 11,~8~7.6 223 C OVI 831109 ---2.5 8.6 65 7.5 228 2.0 11,5 8~7.6 223 C DVC 831109 ----3.5 6.4 ~o 7.~221 2.0 11,~8~7.6 223 C DVA 83120~1400 2.0 7.7 ~----241 1.0 10.8 77 7.6 237 C OVII 831205 1400 2.0 7.6 ~~7.4 241 1,0 11.0 78 7.6 235 C DVC 83120~1400 2.2 6.4 47 ----234 1.1 10.9 78 7.6 239 HAINSTIlH A DVA 831109 --1.0 7.9 ~7 8.3 18~O.~12.6 90 8.4 226 036.l>A OVI 831109 ----O.~11.2 80 8.2 226 o.~12.6 90 8.4 226 A OVC 831109 ---O.~12.0 8~8.1 197 O.~12.6 90 8.4 226 A OVA 831208 1400 0.3 12.8 90 ---208 0.0 13.~94 8.1 272 n SIDE CIIAllIlEL 11 A OVA 831109 ----2.0 ~.~41 7.~116 I 036.1>A OVB 831109 ----2.0 ~.6 42 7.~116~A OVC 831109 ----2.0 ~.~41 7.6 12~1.0 11.0 80 7.8 129-Po A DVA 831208 131~2.3 5.7 43 ----143 0.1 7.~~3 7.3 170 A DVII 831208 131~2.0 5.5 41 7.2 143 0.1 7.6 53 7.3 185 A DVC 831208 131~3.0 5.6 43 ----142 0.2 9.6 68 7.3 202 HAINSTEIf A HIA 831108 155~3.0 7.1 ~4 7.1 233 3.0 7.0 ~3 7.0 173 036.8)A HlI 831108 15~~4.0 7.4 ~8 7.2 2~1 3.0 7.6 ~7 7.0 190 A HIC 831108 155~4.0 7.~59 7.1 251 3.0 8.4 64 7.0 173 A Hlc 831214 1415 ------------------0.9 10.8 76 7.3 221 INDlAN RIVER A 001 831108 151~4.0 9.9 77 6.6 ~O 4.~9.9 78 6.8 49 038.6)A 002 831108 1~1~1.0 13.0 93 6.9 ~~O.~13.2 93 6.8 ~ A 003 831108 151~1.0 12.2 88 7.0 55 0.5 12.4 88 6.8 56 A 001 831213 130~0.3 13.8 96 7.0 ~7 0.2 13.8 9~7.1 ~3 A 002 831213 130~0.0 14.2 97 7.0 48 A 003 831213 130~0.2 14.0 97 ----~7 HAINSTIlH A 001 831108 ----3.0 8.9 68 6.5 119 038.7>A 002 831108 ----1.0 9.3 67 6.9 129 A 003 831108 ----2.0 8.~63 6.9 116 A 002 831213 1340 2.8 10.8 81 6.6 64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------.--- _I I I I J I I I ~I ]I .1 I I ),I I I J' )1 ~I ---I -C--l ce-l 1 1 1 eCl Appendix Table C-2.(Contlnued)• --------------------------------------------------------------_.--------------------------------------------------------- Intragravel Water Surface Water-------------------------------.----------------------------------------Sampling DO DO Site Sub Staodpipe ------------Teap.------------Conductivity Tetllp.-----------Conductivity (River mUe)Site 110.Date ti..(OC)(ag/O %Sat.pH (umboa/em)(OC)(ag/l)%Sat.pH (umho./c,.) (y/a/d) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-- SLOUCH 17 A 001 831108 ---2.0 2.3 17 6.8 375 2.5 11.7 87 6.8 2116 (138.9)A 002 831108 ---1.0 8.9 64 6.8 166 --------.--------A 003 831108 ----2.0 9.0 66 6.7 170 3.0 11.5 87 6.8 155 A 001 831213 1350 1.3 1.6.12 7.2 210 1.5 11.8 85 6.8 78 A 003 831213 1350 1.9 3.4 25 6.9 81 1.5 11.2 81 6.8 78 SIDE CBAtlllEL 21 A 001 830914 1525 5.8 6.5 63 ----158 7.0 11.6 98 ----152 (141.0)A 004 830914 1525 6.5 9.7 81 ----155 6.8 9.4 79 ----146 A 005 830914 1525 6.0 12.3 101 ----144 6.0 12.4 101 ----149 A 006 830914 1525 7.2 12.6 106 ----132 7.5 12.7 108 ----131 A 007 830914 1525 7.0 9.8 83 ----76 ----.,..------------- A 008 830914 1525 6.0 12.1 100 ----144 6.0 12.3 100 .---149 A 009 830914 1525 7.0 12.0 100 ----122 ------------------ A 010 830914 1525 6.5 6.9 58 ----170 7.2 11.0 93 ----139 A 011 830914 1525 6.8 6.5 55 ----184 7.0 6.2 52 ----191 A 012 830914 1525 6.0 10.1 83 -_....-96 ------------------n A 013 830914 1525 6.0 10.1 83 ---71 6.0 13.0 106 ----127I.....A 014 830914 1525 7.0 8.8 74 ----133 ------------------ U1 A 015 830914 1525 5.8 11.6 95 ---100 5.8 13.0 106 ----128 A 081 830914 1525 6.5 10.0 84 6.6 77 6.8 10.5 88 ----77 A 082 830914 1525 6.0 8.0 60 ----113 A OS3 830914 1525 5.0 10.3 83 ----121 A 084 830914 1525 5.2 7.6 61 ----113 A 085 830914 1525 6.0 10.3 85 ----86 A 001 831027 1345 2.8 8.3 106 ---139 0.8 14.4 101 7.7 145 A 005 831027 1345 0.2 14.3 99 ----124 0.9 14.8 104 7.7 121 A 013 831027 1345 2.2 11.2 82 ----71 1.4 12.0 86 7.7 73 A 015 831027 1345 0.4 -----------94 l.S 14.6 104 7.7 91 OOA 830914 1525 5.2 7.5 61 6.7 129 6.5 12.1 101 ----155 008 830914 1525 6.0 11.2 92 ----149 6.0 12.4 102 ----149 OOC 830914 1525 5.8 10.7 88 ----118 5.8 12.4 101 ----142 OOD 830914 1525 6.0 10.7 88 ----144 6.0 12.2 100 ----152 OOE 830914 1525 6.5 10.9 91 ----155 6.5 12.4 103 ----155oor83091415256.0 11.2 '92 ----149 6.0 12.1 100 ----157 OOC 830914 1525 6.5 9.7 81 ---.113 6.5 12.0 100 ----155 OOH 830914 1525 6.5 10.6 88 7.5 139 6.5 12.0 100 ----139 OSA 830914 1525 7.0 10.0 84 ----76 7.0 10.8 91 ----.76 osa 830914 1525 7.0 8.8 74 ----79 7.0 12.2 102 ----76 OOA 831027 1345 3.2 10.4 79 6.9 89 0.5 14.9 104 7.7 147 OOC 831027 1345 1.2 13.6 97 ----114 1.8 14.8 107 7.7 126 00l>831027 1345 1.4 14.3 102 ----118 1.5 14.8 106 7.7 136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table C-2.(CoRtinued)• ----------_.-----_.------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intrasravel Water Surface Water -----------------------------------------------------------------------. Samplins DO DO Site Sub Standpipe ------------Tnp.....----.------Conduct 1V ity Temp.-------_....---ConductiVity (River mile)81te 110.Date Time (OC)(ms/I>ISat.pH (umbo./cm)(OC)(mg/I>%S.t.pH (ulDbol/c..) (11m/d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDI CIWtH"EL 21 II 001 831027 1345 '0.5 14.6 102 ----150 0.8 15.0 106 7.7 149 (conhnued)II oor 831027 1345 1.3 14.5 104 ----133 1.8 14.8 107 7.7 144 II OOG 831027 1345 0.5 14.4 100 ---.132 0.8 15.0 106 7.7 149 II OOH 831027 1345 0.9 14.3 100 1.1 148 1.0 14.8 104 7.7 148 II OSA 831027 1345 1.0 12.1 86 6.6 70 1.2 12.5 90 7.7 55 II OSII 831027 1345 0.2 14.7 101 ---..80 0.2 14.5 100 7.7 57 I OOr 831203 1305 0.0 13.2 92 ----130 0.0 13.2 92 7.6 169 C DIA 830914 1525 6.0 8.4 69 ..---78 6.0 12.4 101 ---....141 C D2A 830914 1525 6.0 8.3 69 ----78 6.0 12.4 101 ----141 C D211 830914 1525 6.0 8.0 66 ----82 6.0 12.1 100 ---...141 C Dvl 831027 1345 1.5 12.2 88 ----54 1.2 14.1 100 7.7 92 C DV2 831027 1345 2.6 12;6 94 ----87 0.8 14.6 102 7.7 121 C DV3 831027 1345 2.2 12.6 93 ----89 0.9 14.8 '104 7.7 130 C DV1 831108 ----2.5 --------------0.5 -------------- ('")C DV2 831108 ----2.0 ---'----------0.5 I C DYJ 831108 ----1.5 ----------...---0.5 t-'C DYt 831203 1305 0.2 12.2 85 ----158 0.0 13.2 92 7.6 149 C'I C DV3 831203 1305 0.0 12.2 85 ..-..-157 0.1 13.1 92 7.6 149 SLOUCH 21 A 001 830913 1500 5.0 8.8 70 ---100 7.0 10.6 90 ----184 (141.8)A 002 830913 1500 4.7 8.7 69 ----113 7.0 10.7 90 ----178 A 003 830913 1500 5.2 8.0 64 ----III 6.7 11.0 92 ---..180 A 004 830913 1500 5.2 8.9 72 ..---122 6.8 10.6 89 ----184 A 005 830913 1500 7.0 9.4 79 ----146 7.6 10.3 88 .---180 A 006 830913 1500 5.2 9.1 73 ----101 6.7 10.8 ·90 ----175 A 007 830913 1500 6.8 8.7 73 ----141 7.0 10.3 87 ----183 A 008 830913 1500 5.5 8.9 12 ----153 7.2 10.3 87 ----182 A 009 830913 1500 5.0 9.1 73 ----146 7.0 10.0 84 ----180 A OOA 830913 1500 5.2 8.3 67 ----121 6.8 10.8 90 ----175 A 0011 830913 1500 4.5 8.3 65 ---122 6.5 11.0 92 ----181 A OOC 830913 1500 4.8 8.5 68 ----127 6.5 11.1 92 ----178 A OOD 830913 1500 5.8 6.4 52 ----175 6.8 8.5 71 ----183 A 001 830913 1500 5.0 6.6 53 ---..181 7.5 8.3 71 ----183 A OOF 830913 1500 5.5 6.0 49 ----177 7.5 6.3 54 ----179 A 010 830913 1500 5.0 6.3 50 ----152 6.8 10.0 84 ----183 A 011 830913 1500 6.0 8.6 71 ----160 6.5 11.0 92 ----181 A 012 830913 1500 5.8 8.9 73 ----125 6.8 11.0 92 ---164 A 013 8309l.3 1500 5.0 9.3 74 ----167 6.5 10.0 83 ---..181 A 014 8309l.3 1500 6.0 8.8 73 ----162 6.5 8.7 73 ----181 A 015 830913 1500 5.0 7.8 63 ..---155 6.5 10.0 80 ----186 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ~i I I ,..1 ]I I I ])J !I j J 1 -l 1 1 ]-J ~--1 1 ~-~l Appendiz Table C-2.(Contlnued). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intragravel Water Surface Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------Sampling DO DO Site Sub Standpipe -----------Temp.------_._----Conductivity Temp.------------Conducttvity (River mile)Site RD.Date Tilll!(·C)(mg/l)%Sat.'pH (umboe/cm)(·C)(mg/O %Sat.pH (umboe/cm) (y/m/d) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 21 A 016 S30913 1500 5.0 9.0 72 ----163 6.2 11.0 91 ----189 (contlllued)A 001 831026 1230 2.5 9.7 73 7.1 105 2.3 11.1 83 7.2 1S6 A 002 831026 1230 2.6 9.9 74 ....--105 2.4 11.1 84 7.2 185 A 003 831026 1230 2.5 9.8 74 ----105 2.4 11,1 84 7.2 181 A 004 831026 1230 2.6 9.9 74 ----114 2.4 11.1 84 7.2 190 A 005 831026 1230 2.2 8.4 62 ----142 2.2 10.8 80 7.2 181 A 006 831026 1230 2.5 9.7 73 ----105 2.5 11.2 84 7.2 179 A 007 831026 1230 2.0 6.8 50 ----182 2.4 10.8 80 7.2 190 A 008 831026 1230 2.2 8.7 64 ----174 2.4 10.9 81 7.2 185 A 009 831026 1230 2.4 6.7 50 ----185 2.0 10.3 76 7.2 182 A OOA 831026 1230 2.9 9.1 69 ----130 2.4 11.3 85 7.2 180 A 0011 831026 1230 2.3 9.3 70 ---133 2.4 11.6 87 7.2 185 A OOC 831026 1230 2.5 9.6 72 7.0 132 2.4 11.9 89 7.2 185 A OOD 831026 1230 3.1 7.4 56 6.9 188 2.4 10.2 77 7.2 185 A OOE 831026 1230 3.2 7.4 56 ---187 2.4 10.1 76 7.2 194 n A 010 831026 1230 2.4 4.8 36 ----173 2.5 10.9 82 7.2 175IA01183102612302.3 7.9 59 ----182 2.4 11.6 87 7.2 185I-' -...J A 012 831026 1230 2.0 10.7 79 ----139 2.3 11.6 86 7.2 173 A 013 831026 1230 2.1 9.6 71 ----151 2.5 10.4 78 7.2 184 A 014 831026 1230 2.4 9.1 68 ----158 2.4 10.1 76 7.2 192 A 015 831026 1230 2.8 8.5 64 ----157 2.4 10.6 79 7.2 194 A 016 831026 1230 3.1 8.6 66 ----146 2.3 11.1 83 7.2 194 A OOC 831108 1230 3.0 9.8 74 -------2.5 13.0 96 7.6 A 014 831108 1230 3.0 10.0 75 7.5 164 2.5 12.7 94 7.6 193 A 015 831108 1230 3.0 10.3 77 7.4 159 2.5 13.0 96 7.6 193 A 016 831108 1230 3.0 10.4 78 7.5 155 3.0 13.0 98 7.6 188 A 001 831202 1200 1.6 9.0 65 ----114 1.0 10.8 77 7.3 185 A 002 831202 120P 2.4 9.2 68 ----118 1.2 11.1 79 7.3 187 A 003 831202 1200 2.2 8.8 64 ----117 1.2 11.1 79 7.3 189 A 004 831202 1200 2.3 8.6 63 ----140 1.2 11.0 79 7.3 196 A 005 831202 1200 0.9 8.2 58 7.4 148 0.8 10.4 74 7.3 190 A 006 831202 1200 2.6 8.8 65 ----124 1.2 10.9 78 7.3 187 A 007 831202 1200 2.4 7.7 57 ----157 0.9 10.5 75 7.3 200 A 008 831202 1200 1.7 7.6 55 ----i66 •0.8 10.0 71 7.3 192 A 009 831202 1200 2.4 8.4 62 ----148 ------------------ A OOA 831202 1200 2.4 8.8 65 ----137 1.2 11.0 79 7.3 187 A 0011 831202 1200 2.4 8.9 66 ----137 1.2 11.0 79 7.3 189 A .OOC 831202 1200 2.6 8.7 64 ----140 1.2 11.1 79 7.3 189 A OOD 831202 1200 2.6 5.9 44 ----196 2.3 9.4 69 7.3 194 A OOE 831202 1200 2.4 6.9 51 ----195 1.2 10.0 72 7.3 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table C-2.(Continued). Intragravel Water Surtace Water Site (River .ile) Sub Site Sampling Standpipe ------------ 110.Date Time (y/ra/d) DO Terap.------------Conductivity (OC)(rag/I)ISat.pH (urahoa/c.) DO Temp.------------Conduct1vity ("C)(rag/I)ISat.pH (urahoa/cra) n I...... CO SLOUGH 21 A OOr 831202 1200 2.6 5.7 42 ----191 1.4 8.0 57 7.3 209 (continued)A 010 831202 1200 1.4 1.4 10 ----237 1.2 10.6 76 7.3 198 A 011 8312().2 1200 2.2 8.7 64 7.4 158 1.2 10.9 78 7.3 185 A 012 831202 1200 2.4 8.8 65 ----129 1.2 11.0 79 7.3 183 A 013 831202 1200 1.9 8.1 59 ----167 1.2 10.5 75 7.3 196 A 014 831202 1200 2.5 8.1 60 7.3 165 1.3 9.8 70 7.3 199 A 015 831202 1200 2.4 8.2 60 ----165 1.2 10.5 75 7.3 202 _I j ]I )I .j J !I I I I I ))1 - DISSOLVED OXYGEN lSLOUGHl INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE .000 20.000 30.000 10.000 HO.OOO--------+--+100.000 +90.000,,,,,,,,+80.000 70.000 +60.000,,,,,,,,+50.000,,,,.,,,,+40.000 2 I I 1 1 11 I I ,,,,,,,, 20.000 +,,,,,,, 10.000 +,,, ,, .001)•• --+----_..._------+-------------+-------------+----------+-------------+----------+-------------+-- 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 ao.ooo 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000--+-----------+------------+----------+---------+----------+------------+-- 100.000 +,,.,, :ONE TO ONE 90.000 +REFERENCE LINE,,,-,,,,, 80.000 r I 111 1 2 I I 1 I I,I 11 1,....,2 2 512 I I I . I Z , a::,I 11 I 2 I 1 W 0 70.000 ~I 3 I 2 i=,2 I I 2 I II-,,123 2 2 3 I I I<<,,I 411 I 22~a::,,1 I I I I 12:l , 60.000 +11 3 2 I-'I-31W<,,1 1 21>, UJ ,I I 1<,,1 I I 1a::I-, Z 50.000 +I I 1 I 12 11 10W1111111111 I I<0 I I I Ia::I I I I-a::I I ~·W 40.000 +Il1......,,21 I I ,,,,1 I, 30.000 + SURFACE WATER (PERCENT SATURATION) Figure C-l.Felationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen measured within slouth habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. C-19 DISSOLVED OXYGEN [SIDE CHANNELl INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE - - 20.000 40.000 50.000 30.000 10.000 70.000 60.000 ao.ooo 90.000 100,000 2 1 1 1 1 I I 1 11 31 o·,, o 30.(jOO 1 ,·o, o 20.000 +, o o o o, o 10.000 ++ --+.....----------+-----------i---------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-- 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.DOll 100.000 110.000 40.000 50-000 60.001l 70.000 80.000 '10.000 100.000 !lO.OOO--+------------+-----------+----------_..+-----------+--------+-------------.------------+-- 110.000 ++110.000,,·,,,·, 100.000 + 90.000 + ONE TO ONE 80.000 + REFERENCE LIN~1 0:.... ZW0I-<.I-70.000 +, 3:<,, 0:', 0 ...I ~0 0 W I-0 60.000 +> < 0 <0 ,, 0 0:I-0, c:J 0 11Z, <W 50.000 +1 0:0l-e:~wa.40.000 +-- SURFACE WATER (PERCENT SATURATION) 1IMll!i'. Figure C-2.Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen neasured within side channel habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska.- C-20 .... DISSOLVED OXYGEN (TRIBUTARY} INTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE 92.000 94.000 96.000 98.000 100.000 102.000 104.000 lQ6.000 108.000 110.000-+----------+----------+---------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--------+-------_.._+-- 110.000 ••llO.OOO .- a:zw0 ~~<<~a:' ..J :::)w ~><<UJ a:~ C'Z<wa:u ~a: ~wa...... 105.000 •,,,,,,,, ,,,, 100,000 • 95.0(;0 +,,,,, , 90.000 •, 85.000 • BO.OOO + ONE TO ONE REFERENCE LIN~+!05.000 100.000 95.000 90.000 85.000 80.000 -+-------_._-+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+----------+----------+-- 92.000 94.000 96.000 98.000 100.000 102.000 104.000 106.000 108.000 llO.OOO SURFACE WATER (PERCENT SATURATION) Figure C-3.Relationship ootween percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen rreasured within tributary habitat of the middle Susitna River,Alaska. C-21 DISSOLVED OXYGEN ICOMBINED HABITATSJ IHTRAGRAVEL VS SURFACE - - 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 lIO.OOO----+I -+-I .-_--__+----f__ 120.000 ++120.000 0 , 0 -,~I0, 0 ,·,·,·,··0 ,·,,1 :0·21 2 0 LOO.OOO ; 0 21 2 1 +100.000 ...,. I ONE TO ONE 1 1 1 2 1 1·REFERENCE LIN~1 1 11 1·,1 31, :~'t;I1·t·1··1 1 1-80.000 ;1 111 1 21 1 11 80.000a:Z 0 2 1 100 W 0 2 2 512 1 11 1 1 1 1 1i=0 I-0 1 11 1 2 1 10<<I 1 1 1 3 12 2 11 2 3:a:,1 1 1 1 2 11 3 It 1·::;)·1211 13 .11 1 1 1 3 3 ,....t-:1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 W <60.1l00 !11 322 1 1 1 +60.000 >1112 11 ,en , <·2 1 It I ·~0 , a:I-0 1 1 1 1 1 11 :0 "Z 0 2 1 21 1 121 11 2211 1 2 ·0 0 W I 1 1 1 1 ·<·0 ;1 11 1 11 1 2 0a:·a:I 2 1 :l-I ~W 40.000 +1 +40.000 ~ 2 1 1 1 1 0a-·0·1 0~I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0:1 0·:,·I ·~·I 1 ··20.000 +11 +20.000:,, I 1 1 1 ··I 1 :·1 1 1 1 ,·,,1 2 :0·1 1 1 , I ·,·,0 .000 ++.000 I 0 0,0 ~·I -T -"I +-+---------I - 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 liD.000 SURFACE WATER ~ (PERCENT SATURAnON) Figure C-4.Relationship between percent saturation of intragravel and surface water dissolved oxygen neasured within slough,side channel, and tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River. C-22 --! ..- ! AP PEN DI X D SUBSTRATE DATA 0-1 APPENDIX 0 SUBSTRATE DATA Appendix 0 presents information on the size composition of substrate in various middle Susitna River habitats.Substrate data presented in Appendix Table 0-1 were collected with a modified McNeil Sampler. Substrate data presented in Appendix Table 0-2 were collected with Whitlock-Vibert Boxes.Figures 0-1 to 0-7 present comparisons of the two sampling devices for individual substrate size classes. D-2 ""'" - - - ~-~l 1'--'1 ]1 ] SUBSTRATE McNEil VB WHITlOCK-VIBERT BOX CATEGORY:0.08-0.02 In c':1.1 !]~.J . I . . ;'•.J 1..-'u f' ~.. r·~.:~t-··1 LJ ~'] CJ [.1 fJ rtJ C-l LJ ["';...-u ,-,.i ..... 0 0 0,.. .J )( ~~~ W 01 Z ...... c::::J U ... I :e :E:I w <:J Li .~:~ W ~ >- 0: Q, ['U U Ci ;~,uu~"J LJ L~ U L...! r...! ','"I I -----.--.--i I I r -t-'!'iii .-:', ~:'::l:!!:::i ~_.'"1 C"(~:l '1 ?I:i WHITlOCK-VIBERT BOX DRY WEIGHT (g) Figure 0-1.Corrparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate (0.08- o.02 in.diarreter)obtained from paired samples collected vvith McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers. SUBSTRATE McNEIL VS WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX CATEGORY:0.02-0.002 In '.1 i .1 , '"'!o ::.~L ij L..... eLJ DU L i.:i[J u c CJ::.1 f::-~.... ,+ ~3 ':.~"ij'~'."'"!J l~; !I.I ..... 0 0 0..- ::!K W 0 Z Q I U ... .j::o ~I- :J: C' w ~ >-a: Q r"0 ~'..,i.··'l ':~-:1:".1 Ci ::;!:~;c!A~,f i i.} WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX DRY WEIGHT (g) Figure 0-2.Comparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate (0.02- 0.002 in.diarreter)obtained from paired samples collected with McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box samplers . .~J •J I B ,J J -I J I ]J J I J J ]-J -~-D --)-1 1 J SUBSTRATE McNEIL VS WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX CATEGORY:<0.002 In 6 I • Cl I U1 ..... 0 0 0... >< Q:!-w ...Z ::J:()~::i:w ~ >-a: 0 ~~~1 .~" ',! -;..:.:. '"!-- [LJ LI.i] uC] 1,-', .~~I ,] CJ ;] Cl 0 [J 0 C1 Ir;j~M en 'I [)'1 Co,,C1 .,; Ci "::~.r~i "'l·'J .61:~~1 f;CJ 1 Ci i] WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX DRY WEIGHT (g) Figure D-3.Comparison of dry weights (g)of fine substrate «0.02 in.dicureter)obtained from paired sanples collected with McNeil and Whitlock-Vibert Box sanplers. SUBSTRATE VYHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX ii ..-------....'---i I ;t·- i o I 0\ I- Z Woa: UJa. ,-1 ..'~. ':,.'-., ."1 J ."- ":'(-'I ," - I!.! 1,1 ,1,1 I,] L"II'~1l~ I It····'~ I ~ VI1,1I~~ 1 1','1-~I-,Jr1 t,'lI,- 1.1 [.It .:.1 FOURTH OF JULY CREEK SIDE CH 10 Sl 10 Sl 11 (A)Sl 11 (B)UPPER SIDE MAINS lEW SIDE CH11 (RW188.e)CH21 >8.0 J.."0.08-0.02 '_,' 'OJ 0.02-0.002,,',:<0.002 SUBSTRA TE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure D-4.Percent coIIpJsition,by size class,of WhiUock-Vi.bert Box sanples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. ~-,'~]1 J '~_.l ~J 1 J J J J I J 1 .'~ I 1 )1 )1 I ]1 1 ] SUBSTRATE WHITlOCK-VIBf:RT BOX ,)' UPPER SIDE MIt'NaTEM S'DE CH 11 (RM 138.')CH 21 I SL 10 SL 11 (It)SL 11 (B)SIDE CH 10 FOURTH OF JULY CREEK ...i, '",~ 4· ~'-'1 ~"-' ":~-. .~-"~, t- Z Woa:w 0..'-'I "'-J 0.08-0.02 [0.02-0.002 ,j .<0.002 SUBSTRA TE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure D-5.Percent substrate composition,by size class,of fine substrate «0.08 in.diarreter)in Whitlock-Vibert Box sarrples collected at study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. SUBSTRATE WHITlOCK-VIBERT BOX ~.-•._"'.....~••..,_••_.,,~~--~---~-~----_.........__._.~-~-._._..--J ! !~.. !~i 1 ! it ..L· I t !I j I II !-..) J .~n )1,fJ f/1/I'l',: "~;:~\ ~~1.) 4 'J I- Z Wocr W Q.o I 00 SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARY >'.0 i 0.08-0.02 [:.0.02-0.002'·<0.002 SUBSTRATE SIZE CATEGORY (In) Figure D-6.Percent corrposition,by size class,of Whitlock-Vibert Box samples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. J J J )J J I J }))i I J 1 I J '~-)1 t "1 "'-"'}]1 1 1 J ]1 SUBSTRATE WHITLOCK-VIBERT BOX H' 1 ~~;:I:';;,,;0 :Ij{"2: 7 -I·. -"-....."'.'0 ~.... \>.,::. .;.:~.~'~;::~~>...;-.:;-~.,_:::"i.~-;.._~;_. .-."",'.... f'-'.,........ I:::~:::>:.;::::~~:~~'::~>~. ",...~. ~.-''I. " >:2~,:<",:-~~~~~~~ ...."'. -". C".1_: ::) ~3 ~5 .~J'.!:~) i .• 1 :: ~"1 -..'. ,J 1 ,~- to- Z W () a:w D.. C1 I 1.0 /.,' ../- '" ..•...~•••~:••,0·"·•••• ...'.':::>":',""::~:,,," •...•... '. £, ", .~~ ~ \]I·i {.,'..t t'I 1/'-;./.././I !/./-,..-,/l SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL TRIBUTARY i?~../J 0.01-0.01 r's~:],0.01-0.001'.t;a <.o.Oot SUBSTRATE SIZE_CATEGORY (In) Figure 0-7.Percent substrate carposition,by size class,of fine substrate «0.08 in.diarreter)in.Whitlock-Vi.bert Box sanples collected in various habitat types in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. Appendiz Table 0-1.8ub_trate co.poaition of aa.ple.collected with a aodified McReil aubatrate aa.pler in .prin.1984;Suaitna liver,Alaaka. Subatrate Size Claaaea <c.) Itotal<tot.)1 >12.7 112.7 -7.61 7.6 -2.51 2.5 -0.21 0.2 -0.0510.05 -0.0061 <0.006 1 Site Sub-Standpipe S..plin.I Dry <River .Ue)Bite Ro.Date I lit. y/./d I <.) I Dry I I Dry "I 1 Dry I 1 Dry I I Dry Z I Dry I I Dry Z I I lit.tot.1 lit.tot.1 lit.tot.1 lit.tot.1 lit.tot.1 lit.tot.1 lit.tot.' I C.>1 <.)I C.)I <.)I <.)1 C.)1 <.)I BIDE CHURL 10 A CI33.8)A A A FOURTH or JULY A CREEk A CI31.1)A A SLOUGH 11 A <135.3)A A A a a SIDE CBAHRL 21 A CI41.0)a a a C o I I--' <:) BLOUGH 10 CI33.8) UPP!Il BIDE CRAIIRL 11 <136.1) lIAIRStl!M (138.9) SLOUGH 21 041.8) A A A A A A A A A A A A A 001 004 009 013 001 003 019 020 Olll 002 005 013 014 003 004 016 020 lOa lU DVI 000 000 OS2 OOA 001 ODD OVI 001 004 009 010 015 840511 840511 840511 840511 840411 840411 840411 840411 840412 840411 840411 840502 840502 840405 840405 840405 840405 840412 840412 840503 840503 840503 840419 840419 840419 840419 840419 840413 840413 840413 840413 840413 24157 27783 33514 24122 29466 23849 36137 36973 41507 35458 35866 38642 37451 33545 34712 32963 29600 31130 36740 33678 40199 37636 34883 31896 37726 38317 35275 35208 38223 27479 28551 39761 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 04557 18.9 13569 56.204471 18.5 01322 5.5 00138 1.0 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 09001 32.4 14680 52.8 03496 12.6 00555 2.0 00051 0.2 08968 26.8 00929 2.8 11998 35.8 09662 28.8 01472 4.4 00171 0.5 00314 0.9 00000 0.0 06959 28.8 09718 40.3 05688 23.6 01421 5.9 00265 1.1 00071 0.3 00000 0.000000 0.000085 0.300115 0.400428 1.5 2370280.4 05136 17.4 00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 00000 0.000239 1.0 19556 82.0 04054 17.0 05096 14.1 07199 19.9 06097 16.9 01907 5.3 01411 3.9 11073 30.6 03354 9.3 14120 38.2 05743 15.5 04537 12.3 02191 5.9 00529 1.4 06167 16.7 03686 10.0 00000 0.0 01607 3.9 14321 34.5 19650 47.3 01846 4.4 03281 7.9 00802 1.9 00000 0.0 01026 2.909644 27.2 12582 35.506441 18.205521 15.6 00244 0.7 00000 0.0 01247 3.5 12536 35.0 09092 25.3 03202 8.9 09251 25.8 00538 1.5 00000 0.0 03755 9.7 14121 36.5 14458 37.4 03667 9.502470 6.4 00171 0.4 07123 19.007679 20.5 10161 27.1 08015 21.401266 3.402742 7.3 00465 1.2 00000 0.0 04011 12.007811 23.3 17893 53.3 02438 7.3 01035 3.1 00357 1.1 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 10589 30.5 21341 61.5 01414 4.1 00862 2.5 00506 1.5 00000 0.003112 9.4 10343 31.4 14384 43.6 01279 3.9 02110 6.4 01735 5.3 00000 0.000000 0.004420 14.9"15950 53.903005 10.205426 18.3 00799 2.7 02488 8.0 07074 22.7 09528 30.6 10677 34.3 00830 2.7 00429 1.4 00104 0.3 08988 24.5 01044 2.8 12801 34.8 08360 22.8 03251 8.8 01956 5.3 00340 0.9 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 10495 31.2 14819 44.0 04905 14.6 02936 8.7 00523 1.6 1909847.501252 3.1 08702 21.6 07553 18.801638 4.1 01697 4.2 00259 0.6 07711 20.5 01879 5.0 12227 32.5 09969 26.5 03337 8.902294 6.1 00219 0.6 06226 17.804708 13.507536 21.6 10505 30.1 02301 6.6 03069 8.8 00538 1.5 00000 0.007836 24.6 1041532.7 08786 27.501898 6.002436 7.6 00525 1.6 05872 15.6 05172 13.7 10425 27.6 10983 29.1 02629 7.002281 6.0 00364 1.0 00000 0.0 09605 25.1 11910 31.1 13120 34.2 01743 4.5 01288 3.4 00651 1.7 00000 0.0 14730 41.8 05129 14.5 10121 28.7 02217 6.3 02815 8.0 00263 0.7 01792 5.1 1200434.1 07284 20.7 09532 27.1 02499 7.1 01866 5.3 00231 0.7 09162 24.0 01437 3.8 10859 28.4 12519 32.8 02031 5.3 02002 5.2 00213 0.6 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 00967 3.5 23818 86.7 02694 9.8 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 00000 0.0 03375 11.8 22779 79.8 02397 8.4 05803 14.6 05620 14.1 1645541.406085 15.3 00793 2.002114 5.3 02891 7.3 !,-_J I )].J .1 I -]1 )).1 I )J --)---}}~~]1 Appendia Table D-2.Subatrate co.poaition ina ide Whitloct-Vibert Boa placed in,and retrieved from artificial redda;Auguat 1983 to May 1984,Suaitna liver,Alaata. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subatrate aize claaaea (cm) -------------------------------------------------------------- •Total •2.5 -0.2 •0.2 -0.05 •0.05 -0.006 •<0.006 I -------------------------------------------------------------- Sampling'Dry •Dry •Dry •Dry •Dry •Site Sub Standpipe Box Date •wt.•wt.I •wt.I •wt.%•wt.%•(liver mile)Site 110.110.(y/./d)•(g)•(g)Tot.'(g)Tot ••(g)Tot.'(g)Tot.'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------~---------------------~--------------------------------- FOURTH OF JULY A 001 1 840510 1169.2 1071.1 92 70.9 6 25.7 2 1.5 0 CREEl(A 001 2 840510 1175.1 1061.4 90 78.8 7 32.8 3 2.1 0 (131.0 A 004 1 840510 1282.6 1073.3 84 137.5 11 59.8 5 12.0 1 A 004 2 840510 1156 .3 1030.0 89 63.5 5 33.3 3 29.5 3 A 008 1 840426 1024.4 917 .8 90 66.2 6 37.2 4 3.2 0 A 009 1 840326 1120.2 991.0 88 88.2 8 36.7 3 4.3 0 A 009 ·2 840326 1280.3 1140.6 89 93 .5 7 40.9 3 5.3 0 A 013 1 840420 1156.2 981.0 85 90.5 8 75.6 7 9.1 1 A 013 2 840420 1181.2 1027.4 87 83.9 7 61.9·5 8.0 1 CI I SIDE CHANNEL 10 A 002 1 840411 1207.2 982.6 81 19.4 2 203.9 17 1.3 0I-'(133.8)A 002 2 840411 1280.9 975.6 76 28.2 2 274.2 21 2.9 0I-' A 005 1 840411 1331.5 975.0 73 91.7 7 262.3 20 2.5 0 A 005 2 840411 1382.5 1037.6 75 88.2 6 254.3 18 2.4 0 A 013 1 840502 1095.3 1012.7 92 40.1 4 41.3 4 1.2 0 A 013 2 840502 1106.3 978.3 88 50.0 5 77 .0 7 1.0 0 A 014 1 840502 1031.3 1013.2 98 7.2 1 10.4 1 0.5 0 A 014 2 840502 1190.9 1006 .8 85 59.9 5 118.4 10 5.8 0 SLOUGH 10 A 001 1 840411 1353.0 946 .1 70 3.7 0 299.0 22 104.2 8 (133.8)A 001 2 840411 1352.3 943.0 70 5.9 0 325.4 24 78.0 6 A 003 1 840411 1384.9 947.9 68 1.5 0 379.2 27 56.3 4 A 003 2 840411 1392.0 962.1 69 1.3 0 366.5 26 62.1 4 A 019 1 8~0411 1319.3 973.6 74 8.7 1 255.7 19 81.3 6 A 019 2 840411 1300.4 974.1 75 5.1 0 261.4 20 59.8 5 A 020 1 840411 1286.8 954.9 74 10.1 1 293.0 23 28.8 2 A 020 2 840411 1377 .8 940.8 68 7.2 1 365.5 27 64.3 5 SLOUGH 11 A 003 1 840405 1055.9 960.5 91 61.3 6 29.5 3 4.6 0 (135.3)A 003 2 840405 1057.1 964.8 91 54.1 5 32.8 3 5.4 1 A 004 1 .840405 1007.2 971.4 96 19.3 2 14.6 1 1.9 0 A 004 2 840405 1019.4 984.9 97 16.9 2 14.2 1 3.4 0 A 016 1 840405 \151.8 950.4 83 63.7 6 116.6 10 21.1 2 A 020 1 840405 1295.6 1035.6 80 42.9 3 197.9 15 19.2 1 A 020 2 840405 1168.0 853.2 73 50.8 4 246.4 21 17 .6 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table D-2.(Continued). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subltrate 11ze clallel (em) -------------------------------------------------------------- I Total I 2.5 -0.2 I 0.2 -0.05 I 0.05 -0.006 I <0.006 I -------------------------------------------------------------- SlI1IIpUng I Dry I Dry I Dry I Dry •Dry I Site Sub Standpipe Box Date I .t.••t.I •vt.I •vt.%I "t.%I (River ..ile)Site Ho.Ho.(y/./d)I (g)I (g)Tot.1 (g)Tot.1 (g)Tot.'(g)Tot.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------- SLOUGR 11 a 108 1 840412 1017 .4 950.0 93 34.0 3 30.8 3 2.6 0 (continued)a 108 2 840412 1042.2 990.1 95 20.6 2 28.6 3 2.9 0 8 118 1 -840412 1119.7 913.0 82 90.0 8 113.2 10 3.5 0 a 118 2 840412 1094.0 920.4 84 66.4 6 103.2 9 4.0 0 UPPER SIDE A DVI 1 840118 1053.1 925.0 88 74.4 7 52.0 5 1.7 0 CHANNEL 11 A DVI 2 831204 1094.5 933.0 85 85.7 8 71.9 7 3.9 0 (136.1)A DVI 3 831230 996.7 906.6 91 47.5 5 38.1 4 4.5 0 SIDE CRAIiMEL 21 8 OOA 1 840419 1009.3 917 .7 91 42.6 4 47.1 5 1.9 0 (141.0)8 OOA 2 840419 1130.5 975.5 86 70.1 6 83.3 7 1.6 0 0 a 008 1 840419 1041.1 939.7 90 72.8 7 26.2 3 2.4 0I t-'8 008 2 840419 985.2 940.6 95 34.5 4 8.8 1 1.3 0 N 8 OOD 1 840419 1076.0 988.2 92 71.7 7 14.7 1 1.4 0 8 OOD 2 840419 1016.2 951.4 94 54.6 5 8.5 1 1.7 0 8 oor 2 840329 1063.4 969.0 91 67.0 6 20.2 2 7.2 1 SLOUGH 21 A 001 1 840413 1125.7 987.0 88 39.2 3 77 .8 7 21.7 2 (141,8)A 001 2 840413 1067.4 928.0 87 52.3 5 57.0 5 30.1 3 A 004 1 840413 1295.7 1032.1 80 83.2 6 143.8 11 36.6 3 A 004 2 840413 1212.7 957.5 79 54.6 5 150.1 12 50.5 4 A 009 1 840413 1300.6 914.3 70 2.8 0 367.3 28 16.2 1 A 009 2 840413 1401.0 933.5 67 6.2 0 445.6 32 15.7 1 A 010 1 840413 1289.0 960.5 75 30.7 2 282.5 22 15.3 1 A 010 2 840413 1258.7 947.0 75 18.0 1 279.0 22 14.7 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]I •J J •J J I I J _J J J }-)J , - r-- I A P PEN D I X E ADDITIONAL HABITAT DATA E-1 APPENDIX E ADDITIONAL HABITAT DATA This appendix presents data relating to the physical placement of standpipes t water depths and velocities at standpipe locations t and vi sua 1 assessments of general substrate conditi ons at standpi pe locations (Appendix Table E-l).Appendix Table E-2 provides a list of symbols used for substrate categories and corresponding size classes. These substrate data were collected according to procedures presented in Vincent-Lang et al.(1984).Appendix Table E-2 provides a description of the criteria used to rank the degree of embeddedness of substrate. E-2 - ,..., - l ~····1 }~···l -1 ···1 ······1 ~···1 .....~_..J ---1 ···~·1 --·1 Appendix Table E-l.Physical data collected at primary and secondary study sites in the middle Susitna River,Alaska. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sampling'Stand ,'Location',Water , Site 'Sub ,Date ,pipe ,Habitat ,within ,,Depth 'Velocity'Sub-'Embeddedness' (River mile)'site'y/m/d ,No.,Zone ,·Zone I Bank I (ft)Hft/sec)!strate I rank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 8A A 831109 002 0.10 0.00 (125.9)A 831109 003 0.20 0.05 A 831214 003 Riffle Head Left 0.25 0.00 SLOUGH 9 A 831109 001 Riffle Head Left 0.40 0.05 (128.3)A 831109 002 Riffle Head Left 0.90 0.20 A 831109 003 Riffle Head Left 0.10 0.00 A 831214 003 Riffle Middle Left 0.35 0.00 FOURTH OF JULY A 830828 001 Riffle Middle Left 2.10 0.15 CREEK A 830914 001 Riffle Middle Left 0.70 0.00 (131.1)A 840511 001 Pool Middle Left SG LG 3 rrl A 830828 002 Pool Middle Left 1.80 0.15 I A 830914 002 Pool Middle Left.0.40 0.10wA840511002PoolMiddleLeft SG LG 3 A 830828 003 Pool Middle Left 1.40 1.20 A 830914 003 Pool Middle Left 0.00 0.00 A 840511 003 Pool Middle Left LG SG 4 A 830828 004 Pool Middle Left 1.20 1.70 A 830914 004 Pool Middle Left 0.00 0.00 A 840511 004 Riffle Base Right LG RU 5 A 830828 005 Riffle Base Right 1.50 0.85 A 830914 005 Riffle Base Right 0.10 0.00 A 840511 005 Pool Middle Left LG SG 2 A 830828 006 Pool Middle Left 1.60 0.50 A 830914 006 Pool Middle Left 0.60 2.00 A 840511 006 Riffle Middle Left RU LG 5 A 830828 007 Riffle Middle Left 1.90 0.20 A 830914 007 Riffle Middle.Left 0.50 0.95 A 840511 007 Riffle Middle Left LG RU 5 A 830828 008 Riffle Middle Left 1.10 1.40 A 830914 008 Riffle Middle Left 0.80 3.10 A 831102 008 Riffle Middle Left 1.20 0.00 A 840511 008 Riffle Middle Right RU LG 5 A 830828 009 Riffle Middle Right 0.90 0.10 -----------._------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Appendix Table E-l.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISamplingl Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)l(ft/sec)J strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH OF JULY A 830914 009 Riffle Middle Right 0.40 1.20 CREEK A 831102 009 Riffle Middle Right 0.90 0.05 (continued)A 840511 009 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 5 A 830828 010 Riffle Middle Right 0.40 2.50 A 830914 010 Riffle Middle Right 0.40 2.30 A 840511 010 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 5 A 830828 011 Riffle Middle Right 1.50 2.40 A 830914 011 Riffle Middle Right 1.40 2.20 A 840511 011 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 5 A 830828 012 Riffle Middle Right 0.80 1.50 A 830914 012 Riffle Middle Right 0.90 2.10 rr1 A 831102 012 Riffle Middle Left 0.70 2.70 i A 831203 012 Riffle Middle Left 0.50 0.10 .po A 840511 012 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 5 A 830828 013 Riffle Middle Left 0.80 1.70 A 830914 013 Riffle Middle·Left 1.00 1.30 A 840511 013 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 5 A 830828 014 Riffle Middle Right 1.10 0.80 A 830914 014 Riffle Middle Right 1.10 0.95 A 831102 014 Riffle Middle Right 0.90 1.40 A 831203 014 Riffle Base Right 0.50 0.60 A 840511 014 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 5 A 830828 015 Riffle Middle Right 1.40 1.60 A 830914 015 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 1.30 A 831203 015 Riffle Base Right 0.80 0.30 A 840511 015 Riffle Middle'Right CO RU 5 SLOUGH 9A A 831109 001 Riffle Middle Right 0.60 0.50 033.6)A 831214 001 Pool Middle Left 1.10 0.00 A 831109 002 Pool Middle Left 1.00 0.00 A 831214 002 Pool Middle Left 0.90 0.00 A 831109 003 Pool .Middle Left 1.50 0.00 A 831214 003 Pool Middle Left 0.60 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J )••J J I 1 ),J _J J I , --1 ~-1 ---1 '-~---~1 ---~)1 ]}1 )J Appendix Table E-I.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Sampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-I EmbeddednessI (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)t(ft/sec)I strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE CHANNEL 10 A 830910 DOl Pool Base Left SA I (133.8)A 830910 002 Pool Base Left 0.30 0.00 SA I A 830910 003 Pool Middle Left 0.10 0.00 SA LG 2 A 830910 004 Pool Middle Right 0.70 0.00 SA 1 A 830910 005 Pool Middle Right 0.80 0.00 SA LG I A 831028 005 Pool Middie Right 0.40 0.00 A 830910 006 Pool Middle-Right 0.80 0.00 LG SA 4 A 831028 006 Pool Middle Right 0.60 0.00 A 830910 007 Pool Middle Right 0.55 0.00 SA I A 831028 007 Pool Middle Right 0.30 0.00 A 830910 008 Pool Middle Right 0.50 0.00 LG SA 3 A 831028 008 Pool Middle Right 0.20 0.00 I"T1 A 830910 009 Pool Head Left 0.65 0.00 SA I I A 831028 009 Pool Head Left 0.20 0.00 U"1 A 830910 DID Pool Head Left 0.40 0.10 LG RU 4 A 831028 OlD Pool Head Left 0.10 0.00 A 830910 011 Riffle Base Right 0.10 0.00 LG SG 4 A 830910 012 Riffle Middle Left 0.20 0.20 LG SG 4 A 830910 013 Pool Middle Right 0.25 0.00 LG SG 4 A 830910 014 Riffle Base Right 0.30 0.05 RU LG 4 A 830910 015 Riffle Head Left 0.30 0.00 RU LG 3 A 830910 016 Pool·Middle Right 0.40 0.00 SA RU 2 A 830910 017 Pool Middle Right 0.50 0.00 SA RU 2 A 830910 018 Pool Middle Left 0.20 0.00 RU LG 3 A 830910 019 Pool Middle Left 1.00 0.00 CO RU 4 SLOUGH 10 A 830910 001 Backwater Middle Right 0.60 0.00 51 1 (133.8)A 830915 001 Backwater Middle Right 0.30 0.00 A 830910 002 Backwater Middle Right SI 1 A 830915 002 Backwater Middle Right 0.00 0.00 A 830910 003 Backwater Middle Right 0.50 0.00 SI I A 830915 003 Backwster Middle Right 0.20 0.00 A 830910 004 Backwater Middle Right 0.20 0.00 SI I A 830915 004 Backwater Middle Right 0.00 0.00 A 830910 005 Backwater Middle Right 0.80 0.00 SI I A 830915 005 Backwater Middle Right 0.50 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-l.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessI (River mile)lsitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/sec)!strate I rank I ------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 10 A 831028 005 Backwater Middle Right 0.10 0.00 (continued)A 830910 006 Backwater Middle Left 1.10 0.00 SI 1 A 830915 006 Backwater Middle Left 0.75 0.00 A 831028 006 Backwater Middle·Left 0.40 0.10 A 830910 007 Backwater Middle Left 1.10 0.00 SI 1 A 830915 007 Backwater Middle Left 0.60 0.10 A 831028 007 Backwater ~iddle Left 0.40 0.10 A 831110 007 Backwater Middle Left 0.20 0.00 A 830910 008 Backwater Middle Left 1.10 0.00 SI 1 A 830915 008 Backwater Middle Left 0.70 0.10 A 831028 008 Backwater Middle Left 0.50 0.20 A 831110 008 Backwater Middle Left 0.20 0.15 A 830910 009 Backwater Middle Left 1.40 0.00 BO SI 3 1TI A 830915 009 Backwater Middle Left 1.00 0.30 I m A 831028 009 Backwater Middle Left 0.50 0.70 A 831206 009 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.00 A 830910 010 Backwater Middle Right 1.30 0.00 CO SI 3 A 830915 010 Backwater Middle Right 1.00 0.15 A 831028 010 Backwater Middle Right 0.60 0.25 A 831206 010 Pool Base Right 0.40 0.20 A 830910 011 Backwater Middle Right 1.00 0.00 BO SI 3 A 830915 011 Backwater Middle Right 0.90 0.10 A 831028 011 Backwater Middle Right 0.70 0.15 A 831206 011 Pool Middle Right 0.40 0.00 A 830910 012 Backwater Head Right 0.50 0.00 SI CO 3 A 830915 012 ·Backwater Head Right 0.20 0.00 A 830910 013 Pool Base Right 1.65 0.00 SI RU 4 A 830915 013 Pool Base Right 1.10 0.05 A 831028 013 Pool Base·Right 1.10 0.00 A 831206 013 Pool Middle Right 1.00 0.00 A 830910 014 Pool Head Left 0.90 0.00 CO SI 4 A 830915 014 Pool Head Left 0.80 0.01 A 831028 014 Pool Head Left 0.70 0.05 A 831206 014 Pool MidJ,ile Left 0.60 0.00 A 830910 015 Riffle Base Left 0.90 0.60 CO SI 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !1 )I •J I I I )J J I J B »]1 1 1 -])1 j Appendix Table E-1.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocity'IEmbeddedness' (River mile)lsitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)'(ft/sec)ISubstratel rank •---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGR 10 A 830915 015 Riffle Base Left 1.00 0.20 (continued)A 831028 015 Riffle Base Left 0.90 0.05 A 831206 015 Riffle Base Left 0.60 0.30 A 830910 016 Backwater Middle Left 0.80 0.05 SI CO 1 A 830915 016 Backwater Middle Left 0.35 0.10 A 831028 016 Backwater Middle Left 0.05 0.00 A 830910 017 Backwater Middle Left 0.60 0.15 SI 1 A 830915 017 Backwater Middle Left 0.40 0.60 A 831028 017 Backwater Middle Left 0.30 0.55 A 831206 017 Riffle Middle Left 0.30 0.10 A 830910 018 Backwater Head Right 0.70 0.32 SI CO 3 A 830915 018 Backwater Head Right 0.60 0.50 A 831028 018 Backwater Read Right 0.30 0.20 I"A 831110 018 Backwater Head Right 0.40 0.35I -...I A 831206 018 Riffle Middle Right 0.30 0.00 A 830910 019 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.75 SI BO 3 A 830915 019 Riffle Middle Right 0.70 0.40 A 831028 019 Riffle Middle Right 0.60 0.05 A 831110 019 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.40 A 831206 019 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.30 A 830910 020 Riffle Middle Left 0.55 0.45 SI BO 3 A 830915 020 .Riffle Middle Left 0.50 0.55 A 831028 020 Riffle Middle Left 0.40 0.45 A 831206 020 Riffle Middle Left 0.50 0.10 A 831206 ORI Pool Head Right 0.80 0.00 SLOUGH 11 A 830827 001 Pool Head Right 1.85 0.00 (135.3)A 830915 001 Pool Read Right 0.30 0.40 A 831024 001 Riffle Read Right LG SG 5 A 831101 001 Riffle Head Right 0.20 0.35 A 831207 001 Riffle Head Right 0.20 0.10 A 830827 002 Riffle Head Right 1.80 0.00 A 830915 002 Riffle Head Right A 831024 002 Riffle Head Right RU SG 5 A 830827 003 Riffle Head Right 1.40 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-I.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISamplingl Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Ieitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/aec)!strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH II A 830915 003 Riffle Head Right (continued)A 831024 003 Riffle Head Right RU SG 5 A 830827 004 Riffle Head Right 1.30 0.00 A 830915 004 Riffle Head Right A 831024 004 Riffle Head Right LG SG 4 A 830827 005 Riffle Head Right 1.25 0.00 A 830915 005 Riffle Head Right A 831024 005 Riffle Head Right CO LG 3 A 830827 006 Riffle Bead Right 1.25 0.00 A 830915 006 Riffle Head Right A 831024 006 Riffle Head,Right LG SG 3 A 830827 007 Riffle Head Right 1.30 0.00 ITI A 830915 007 Riffle Head Right I A 831024 007 Riffle Middle Right LG SG 5COA831101007RiffleMiddleRight0.05 A 830827 008 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 0.00 A 830915 008 Riffle Middle Right 0.30 0.00 A 831024 008 Pool Middle Right LG RU 4 A 831101 008 Pool Middle Right 0.25 0.00 A 831207 008 Pool Base Right 0.05 A 830827 009 Pool Base Right 1.25 0.00 A 830915 009 Pool Base Right A 831024 009 Pool Middle Right RU LG 4 A 831101 009 Pool Middle Right 0.05 A 831207 009 Pool Middle Right A 830827 010 Pool Middle Right 1.30 0.00 A 830915 010 Pool Middle Right 0.20 0.00 A 831024 010 Riffle Middle Left RU CO 4 A 831101 010 Riffle Middle Left 0.15 0.20 A 831207 010 Riffle Base Right 0.05 A 830827 011 Riffle Base Right 1.40 0.00 A 830915 011 Riffle Baae Right 0.20 0.00 A 831024 011 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 2 A 831207 011 Riffle Middle Left 0.25 0.00 A 830827 012 Riffle Middle Left 1.00 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J I .J I I )J J J ])I I ~.J J )! ~J 1 1 } Appendix Table E-l.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocation I I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel ylmld I Ro.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/sec)l strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 A 830915 012 Riffle Middle Left (continued)A 831024 012 .Riffle Middle Left LG RU 4 A 831101 012 Riffle Middle Left 0.25 0.00 A 830827 013 Riffle Middle Left 1.10 0.00 A 830915 013 Riffle Middle·Left 0.20 0.10 A 831024 013 Riffle Base Left RU LG 4 A 831101 013 Riffle Base Left 0.05 A 831207 013 Riffle Milidle Left 0.05 A 830827 014 Riffle Middle Left 0.70 0.35 A 830915 014 Riffle Middle Left 0.20 0.20 A 831024 014 Pool Middle Left RU LG 4 A 831101 014 Pool Middle Left 0.05 rrl A 831207 014 Riffle Middle Right 0.05 I A 830827 015 Riffle Middle Right 1.00 0.40 \.0 A 830915 015 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.30 A 831024 015 Pool Middle Left RU LG 2 A 831101 015 Pool Middle Left 0.40 0.25 A 831207 015 Pool Middle Left 0.40 0.15 A 830827 016 Pool Middle Left 0.90 0.45 A 830915 016 Pool Middle Left 0.50 0.25 A 831024 016 Pool Iofiddle Left RU LG 1 A 831101 016 Pool Middle Left 0.40 0.30 A 831207 016 Pool Middle Left 0.40 0.15 A 830827 017 Pool Middle Left 0.90 0.45 A 830915 017 Pool Middle Left 0.50 0.30· A 831024 017 Pool Head Left LG RU 2 A 831101 017 Pool Head Left 0.30 0.50 A 831207 017 Pool Middle Left 0.35 0.35 A 830827 018 Pool Middle Left 0.50 0.50 A 830915 018 Pool Middle Left 0.30 0.10 A 831024 018 Riffle Base Right LG RU 4 A 831101 018 Riffle Base Right 0.30 0.15 A 831207 018 Riffle Base Right 0.30 0.10 A 830827 019 Riffle Base Right 0.30 0.55 A 830915 019 Riffle Base Right 0.10 0.35 . ....-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-1.(Continued)• . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat 'I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/sec)l strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 A 831024 019 Riffle Head Right RU LG 4 (continued)A 831101 019 Riffle Head Right 0.05 A 830827 020 Riffle Head Right 0.70 0.60 A 830915 020 Riffle Head Right 0.35 0.40 A 831024 020 Pool Middle Left SG SA 1 A 831101 020 Pool Middle Left 0.30 0.50 A 831207 020 Pool Head Left 0.30 0.30 B 830915 04A Pool Head Left 1.25 0.05 B 831024 04A Pool Middle Left RU LG 3 B 831101 04A Pool Middle Left 1.05 0.05 B 830915 04B Pool Middle Left 1.10 0.00 B 831024 04B Pool Middle Left LG RU 4 m B 831101 04B Pool Middle Left 1.10 0.05 I B 830915 04C Pool Middle Left 1.30 0.00...... a B 831024 04C Pool Middle Left RU LG 4 B 831101 04C Pool Middle Left 1.15 0.05 B 830915 lOA Pool Middle Left 1.50 0.10 B 831024 lOA Pool Middle Left CO RU 5 B 831101 lOA Pool Middle Left 1.35 0.05 B 830915 lOB Pool Middle Left 1.20 0.00 B 831024 lOB Pool Middle Left RU LG 5 B 831101 lOB Pool Middle Left 1.20 0.05 B 830915 10C Pool Middle Left 1.50 0.05 B 831024 10C Pool Middle Left RU LG 4 B 831101 10C Pool Middle Left 1.40 0.05 B 830827 11A Pool Middle Left 1.00 0.05 B 830915 11A Pool Middle Left 0.80 0.05 B 831024 11A Pool Middle Left RU LG 2 B 831101 11A Pool Middle Left 0.75 0.15 B 831207 11A Pool Middle Right 1.30 0.00 B 830827 11B Pool Middle Right 0.85 0.05 B 830915 11B Pool Middle Right 0.70 0.10 B 831024 11B Pool Middle Left CO RU 4 B 831101 11B Pool Middle Left 0.70 0.05 B 831207 11B Pool Middl~Right 1.10 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I 3 I 'I D ~.)J )J J ..1 ,J I '--1 1 -1 J ~i 1 --,j J Appendix Table E-l.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocation I I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I Bo.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft>IUt/sec)l strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 B 830827 llC Pool Middle Right 1.00 0.05 (continued)B 830915 llC Pool Middle Right 0.80 0.10 B 831024 llC Pool Middle Left RU LG 4 B 831101 HC Pool Middle Left 0.85 0.10 B 831207 llC Pool Middle Right 1.30 0.00 B 830827 21A Pool Middle Right 0.85 0.05 B 830915 21A Pool Middle Right 0.80 0.00 B .831024 21A Pool Middle Left RU LG 4 B 83'1101 21A Pool Middle Left 0.90 0.05 B 830827 21B Pool Middle Left 1.20 0.05 B 830915 218 Pool Middle Left 1.00 0.00 tTl B 831024 21B Pool Middle Left RU LG 3 I B 831101 21B Pool Middle'Left 1.00 0.05t-' t-'B 831207 21B Pool Middle Right 1.50 0.00 B 830827 21C Pool Middle Right 1.20 0.05 B 830915 21C Pool Middle Right 1.00 0.00 B 831024 21C Pool Middle Left RU LG '4 B 831101 21C Pool.Middle Left 1.10 0.05 B 830915 21D Pool Middle Left 1.40 0.00 B 831024 21D Pool Middle Left CO RU 5 B 831101 21D Pool Middle Left 1.25 0.05 B 830915 211 Pool Middle Left 1.35 0.00 B 831024 211 Pool Middle Left CO au 5 B 831101 21E Pool Middle Left 1.05 0.05 B 830915 2lF Pool Middle Left 1.30 0.05 B 831024 2lF Pool Middle Left RU LG 5 B 831101 21F Pool Middle Left 1.25 0.05 C 831024 DVA Pool Head Left RU CO 4 C 831101 DVA Pool Head Left 0.65 0.20 C 831109 DVA Pool Head Left 0.70 0.10 C 831207 DVA Pool Head Right 0.70 0.15 RU CO 4 C 831024 DVB Pool Head Left CO RU 4 C 831101 DVB Pool Head Left 0.70 0.20 C 831109 DVB Pool Head Left 0.90 0.15 C 831207 DVB Pool Head Left 0.80 0.15 CO RU 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-l.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/sec)l strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 11 e 831024 Dve Pool Head Right CO RU 4 (continued)e 831101 Dve Pool Head 'Right 0.50 0.25 C 831109 Dve Pool Head Right 0.70 0.15 e 831207 Dve Pool Head Left 0.60 0.20 CO RU 4 HAl NSTEM A 831108 MIA Pool Head Left 0.10 0.00 (136.8)A ·831108 MlB Pool Head Left 0.40 0.00 A 831108 Mle Pool Head Left 0.20 0.20 INDIAN RIVER A 831108 001 Pool Head Right 0.20 0.00 (138.6)A 831213 001 Pool Head Right 0.65 0.00 A 831108 003 Pool Head Left 1.00 0.50 rr1 SLOUGH 17 A 831108 001 Pool Head Left 0.20 0.45I ~(138.9)A 831213 001 Pool Head Left 0.25 0.401'0 A 831108 003 Pool Head Left 0.30 0.65 A 831213 003 Pool Head Left 0.35 0.40 SIDE CHANNEL 21 A 830825 001 Riffle Middle Left 2.30 2.10 (141.0)A 830911 001 Pool Head Left BO CO I A 830914 001 Pool Head Left 0.60 0.05 A 831027 001 Pool Head Left 0.40 0.20 A 830825 002 Riffle Middle Right 1.90 1.90 A 830911 002 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 3 A 830825 003 Riffle Middle Right 2.10 5.80 A 830911 003 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 4 A 830825 004 Riffle Middle Left 1.80 3.20 A 830911 004 Riffle 'Middle Left CO RU 2 A 830825 005 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 3.10 A 830911 005 Riffle Base Right CO RU 2 A 830914 005 Riffle Base Right 0.20 0.10 A 830825 006 Riffle Middle Left 1.60 2.75 A 830911 006 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 4 A 830914 006 Riffle Middle Left 0.20 0.00 A 830825 007 Riffle Middle Right 1.50 2.25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t J I ••J J -'J J J I I I )I I 1 J ----1 -y ----_I OJ } Appendix Table E-1.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand 1 lLocationl I Water 1 Site ISub 1 Date I pipe 1 Habitat 1 within I 1 Depth lVelocityl Sub-lEmbeddednessl (River mile)leitel ylmld 1 No.1 Zone 1 Zone I Bank 1 (ft)I(ft/sec)l strate I rank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE CHANNEL 21 A 830911 007 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 5 (continued)A 830825 008 Riffle Middle Right 1.10 2.80 A 830911 008 Riffle Base Right CO RU 5 A 830914 008 Riffle Base Right 0.20 0.15 A 830825 009 Riffle Middle Left 1.40 2.70 A 830911 009 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 5 A 830825 010 Riffle Middle Left 1.50 3.35 A 830911 010 Riffle Middle Left BO RU 3 A 830914 010 Riffle Middle Left 0.20 0.00 A 830825 011 Riffle Middle Left 1.70 2.25 A 830911 011 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 3 A 830914 011 Riffle Middle Left 0.20 0.00 A 830825 012 Riffle Middle Right 1.30 3.00 fT1 I A 830911 012 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 4 I-'A 830825 013 Riffle Middle Right 1.80 3.10wA830911013RiffleMiddleRight CO BO 5 A 830914 013 Riffle Middle Right 0.30 0.10 A 830825 014 Riffle Middle Left 1.40 2.25 A 830911 014 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 1 A 830825 015 Riffle Middle Right 1.80 3.10 A 830911 015 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 5 A 830914 015 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.30 A 831027 015 Riffle Middle Right 0.10 0.00 A 830825 OSl Riffle Middle Right 1.40 1.75 A 830911 OSl Pool Base Right RU LG 1 A 830825 OS2 Riffle Middle Right 1.00 2.10 A 830911 OS2 Pool Head Right CO RU 1 A 830914 OS2 Pool Head Right 0.10 0.00 A 830825 OS3 Riffle Middle Right 1.20 3.10 A 830911 OS3 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 4 A 830825 OS4 Riffle Middle Right 1.00 4.30 A 830911 OS4 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 4 A 830825 OS5 Riffle Middle Right 0.80 3.50 A 830911 OS5 Riffle Middle Right RU CO 4 B 830914 OOA 'Poo1 Head Left 1.10 0.50 CO SG 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-l.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessI (River mile)!site I y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ftl Hft/sec)J strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE CHANNEL 21 B 830914 OOB Riffle Middle Right l.00 0.75 CO RU 5 (continued)B 831027 OOB Riffle Middle Right 0.70 0.30 B 830914 OOC Riffle Middle Right 0.90 0.35 CO RU 5 B 831027 OOC Riffle Middle Right 0.70 0.20 B 830914 OOD Riffle Middle Right 0.85 0.60 CO RU 5 B 831027 OOD Riffle Middle Right 0.80 0.20 B 830914 OOE Riffle Middle Right 0.55 0.50 CO RU 4 B 831027 OOE Riffle Middle Right 0.20 0.00 B 830914 OOF Riffle Middle Right 0.70 0.60 CO DO 5 B 83i027 OOF Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.70 B 830914 OOG Riffle Middle Right 0.50 1.25 CO RU 5 B 831027 OOG Riffle Middle Right 0.20 0.20 IT!B 830914 OOR Riffle Middle Right 0.70 0.70 CO RU 5 I B 831027 OOR Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.40f-I .1=:-B 830914 OSA Pool Base Right 0.70 0.05 RU LG 1 B 831027 OSA Pool Base Right 0.30 0.00 B 830914 OSB Pool Middle Right 0.50 0.00 RU LG 2 C 830914 DVI Pool Head Right 0.80 0.40 CO RU 5 C 830914 DV2 Pool Head Right 0.70 0.50 CO RU 5 C 831027 DV2 Pool Head Right 0.50 0.15 C 830914 DV3 Pool Head Right 1.00 0.60 CO RU 5 C 831027 DV3 Pool Head .Right 0.50 0.30 SLOUGH 21 A 830825 001 Riffle Middle Left 1.60 2.60 (141.8)A 830910 001 Riffle Middle Left CO RU 2 A 830913 001 Riffle Middle Left 0.70 0.60 A 831026 001 Riffle Middle Left 0.60 0.70 A 830825 002 Riffle Middle Left 1.50 2.10 A 830910 002 Riffle Middle Right CO RU 2 A 830913 002 Riffle Middle Right 0.60 0.00 A 831026 002 Riffle Middle Right 0.50 0.00 A 830825 003 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 1.90 A 830910 003 Riffle Head Right co RU 2 A 830913 003 Riffle Head Right 0.60 0.35 A 831026 003 Riffle Head Right 0.70 0.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f I it I _"1 I 11 "I 1 •I J ~I I ,~")'~~1 '-1 --J --'-1 Appendix Table E-l.(Continued)• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISamplingl Stand I ILocationl I Watel" Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-I EmbeddednessI (Rivel"mile)!sitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)\{ft/sec}\stl"ate I l"ank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 21 A 830825 004 Riffle Middle Left 1.80 2.00 (continued)A 830910 004 Riffle Head Left CO RU 2 A 830913 004 Riffle Head Left 0.80 0.15 A 831026 004 Riffle Head Left 0.90 0.20 A 830825 005 Riffle Middle Left 1.50 2.35 A 830910 005 Riffle Head Left CO RU 2 A 830913 005 Riffle Head Left 0.60 0.05 A 831026 005 Riffle Head Left 0.80 0.10 A 830825 006 Riffle Middle Right L80 '2.20 A 830910 006 Pool Base Right SI 1 A 830913 006 Pool Base Right 0.70 0.05 A 831026 006 Pool Base Right 0.60 0.10 fTl A 830825 007 Riffle Middle Left 1.70 2.25 I A 830910 007 Pool Base Left SI 1.....A 830913 007 Pool Base Left 0.60 0.05c.n A 831026 007 Pool Base Left 0.60 0.35 A 830825 008 Riffle Middle Left 1.50 2.30 A 830910 008 Pool Base Left 51 1 A 830913 008 Pool Base Left 0.30 0.00 A 831026 008 Pool Base Left 0.30 0.00 A 830825 009 Riffle Middle Left 1.10 2.55 A 830910 009 Pool Bead Left SI 1 A 830913 009 Pool Head Left 0.20 0.00 A 831026 009 Pool Head Left 0.10 0.00 A 830913 OOA Pool Middle Right 1.10 0.00 80 CO 1 A 831026 OOA Pool Middle Right 1.00 0.00 A 830913 OOB Pool Head Right 0.70 0.05 BO CO 2 A 831026 OOB Pool Head Right 0.70 0.10 A 830913 OOC Pool Head Right 0.80 '0.00 BO CO 3 A 831026 OOC Pool Head Right 0.70 0.00 A 830913 OOD Pool Middle Left 0.50 0.00 LG RU 2 A 831026 OOD Pool Middle Left 0.40 0.20 A 830913 OOE Pool Middle Left 1.80 0.00 SG LG 1 A 831026 OOE Pool Middle Left 1.60 0.00 A 830913 OOF Pool Head Left 0.70 0.00 RU LG 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix Table E-1.(Continued). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISampling I Stand I ILocationl I Water I I Site ISub I Date I pipe I Habitat I within I I Depth IVelocityl Sub-IEmbeddednessl (River mile)Isitel y/m/d I No.I Zone I Zone I Bank I (ft)I(ft/sec)l strate I rank I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOUGH 21 A 830825 010 Riffle Middle Left 1.90 2.25 (continued)A 830910 010 Pool Head Left SI 1 A 830913 010 Pool Head Left 0.40 0.10 A 831026 010 Pool Head Left 0.40 0.05 A 830825 011 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 2.15 A 830910 011 Pool Head Right BO CO 1 A 830913 011 Pool Head Right 0.80 0.00 A 831026 011 Pool Head Right 1.10 1.50 A 830825 012 Riffle Middle Right 1.40 2.00 A 830910 012 Pool Head Right BO CO 2 A 830913 012 Pool Head Right 0.80 0.00 A 831026 012 Pool Head Right 0.90 0.00 IT1 A 830825 013 Riffle Middle Left 1.50 2.59 I A 830910 013'Riffle Base Left SI 1.....A 830913 013 Riffle Base Left 0.40 0.300"1 A 831026 013 Riffle Base Left 0.40 0.30 A.830825 014 Riffle Middle Right 1.30 2.80 A.830910 014 Pool Base Left LG RU 2 A.830913 014 Pool Base Left 0.50 0.15 A.831026 014 Pool Base Left 0.50 0.20 A.831108 014 Pool Base Left 0.50 0.10 A.830825 015 Riffle Middle Right 1.60 2.80 A.830910 015 Pool Base Left LG RU 2 A 830913 015 Pool Base Left 1.00 0.15 A.831026 015 Pool Base Left 1.00 0.20 A.831108 015 Pool Base Left 0.95 0.10 A 830825 016 Riffle Middle Right 1.10 2.45 A.830910 016 Riffle Base Right SI 1 A.830913 016 Riffle Base Right 0.30 0.40 A.831026 016 Riffle Base Right 0.10 0.00 A.831108 016 Riffle Base Right 0.10 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t •..1 l it J ,,I J !I )_J Appendix Table E-2.Substrate classification code used to assess general substrate conditions at standpipe locations (adapted from Vincent-Lang et al.1984).· Substrate Type Symbol Size Class- silt 51 sma 11 fi nes sand 5A 1arge fi nes small gravel SM 1/4-1 11 large gravel LG 1-3 11 rubb 1e RU 3-5" cobble CO 5-10" boulder BO 1011 - !I"'" .- r E-17 Appendix Table E-3.Criteria used to assign a rank for the relative degree of embedded ness of substrate. Embeddedness a Rank Criteria 5 Gravel,rubble,and boulder particles have less than 5 percent of their surface covered by fine sediment. 4 Gravel,rubble,and boulder particles have between 5 to 25 percent of their surface covered by fine sediment. 3 Gravel,rubble,and boulder particles have between 25 and 50 percent of their surface covered by fine sediment. - -Gravel,rubble,and boulder particles have between 50 and 75 percent of their surface covered by fine sediment. Gravel,rubble,and boulder particles have over 75 percent of their surface covered by fine sediment. 2 1 a Embeddedness is defined as the percentage of the larger sized substrate particles in a streambed which are covered by fine sediment (Platts et al.1983). - - E-18