HomeMy WebLinkAboutTask 36 Hydro investigation at selected lower susitna river study sites est 1984- .- :"'!" .",... I ':lIlIIIIIII ~.. TASK 36 SUPPORT TECHNICAL REPORT HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT SELECTED LOWER SUSITNA RIVER STUDY SITES by:Tim Quane,Pat Morrow,and Isaac Queral Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT SERIES r ~ I ..... - ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES TASK 36 SUPPORT TECHNICAL REPORT HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT SELECTED LOWER SUSITNA RIVER STUDY SITES by:Tim Quane,Pat Morrow,and Isaac Queral Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project Prepared for: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 W.FFTH AVE. ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services AncbJmge,l\:.4ska ".,. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 OBJECTIVES OF STUDy..........................................1 2.0 METHODS......................................................2 2.1 Site Selection...............................................2 2.2 Field Data Collection......................................2 2.2.1 Stage....4 2.2.2 Streamflow..............................................4 2.2.3 Channel Geometry !1............................................................5 Thalweg Profile "III" Cross Section Profile . 5 6 2.3 Data Analysis ~....................6 2.3.1 Stage and Streamflow...................................6 2.3.2 Initial Breaching and Controlling Discharges...........8 Initial Breaching Discharges :............8 Controlling Breaching Discharge....................8 2.3.3 Backwater...............................................9 2.3.4 Cha-nnel Geometry.................................................10 2.3 .4.1 Thalweg Profi 1e.. ....... .... . . . . . .. . ....... . . . ......10 Cross Section Profile..............................11 3.0 RESU LTS III • • • •..• • •.. ..••12 3.1 Island Side Channel (RM 63.3)..............................12 3.1.1 Site Description....12 3.1.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship....15 3.1.3 Mainstem Cont~olling and Breaching Discharges..........20 3.104 Channel Geometry II II II •••e....23 """'I ...... o M C'\I ~ ooo lD lD I""'- M M Thalweg Profile .......•....•....................... Cross Section Profile ...•.......•.................. 3.1.5 Backwater _. 3.2 Mainstem West Bank Side Channel (RM 74.4).....•............ 3.2.1 Site Description .•................•.................... 3.2.2 Stage/Discharge Re1ationship ~. 3.2.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges . 3.2.4 Channel·Geometry . i 23 25 25 27 27 30 33 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Thalweg Profile....................35 Cross Section Profile..............................36 3.2.5 Backwater.... . . . . . .... . .... . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .36 3.3 Circular Side Channel (RM 75.3)............................39 3.3.1 Site Description.......................................39 3.3.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship...........................41 3.3.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges..........41 3.3.4 Channel Geometry.....................................•.48 Thalweg Profile....................................48 ' Cross Section Profile..............................48 3.3.5 Backwater.......48 3.4 Sauna Side Channel (RM 79.8)...............................51 3.4.1 Site Description.......................................51 3.4.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship...........................52 3.4.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges..........57 3.4.4 Channel Geometry.......................................58 Thalweg Profile...58 Cross Section Profile..............................58 3.4.5 Backwater ...•...•.•4l ••••••!Il<ll.O.O ••IIII •••O ••<!l.~".8.CIl •••••e 60 3.5 Sunset Side Channel (RM 86.9)..............................60 3.5.1 Site Description.......................................60 3.5.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship...........................67 3.5.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges..........67 3.5.4 Channel Geometry .....,'.................................69 Thalweg Profile....................................69 Cross Section Profile..............................69 3.5.5 Backwater..........•....•..•.......69 3.6 Trapper Creek Side Channel (RM 91.6).......................72 3.6.1 Site Description.......................................72 3.6.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship...........................75 3.6.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges..........78 3.6.4 Channel Geometry...80 i i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Thalweg Profile . Cross Section Profile .. 80 80 3.6.5 Backwater .81 - 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GLOSSARY .•••••••••••••••.••••••••••-•••••. CONTR I BUTORS •••••e-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AC KNOWL EDGEMENTS . LITERATURE CITED .... ATTACHMENTS •••.•••.•...._••.••..•••.•••..•••.•••.•••.•••••••.•~ iii 84 91 96 97 98 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Task 36 study sites supported by the Physical Description Support Program . A comparison of 1984 observations used to determine the initial breaching mainstem discharge at Task 36 study sites ;.. A comparison of flow estimates determined from equations developed from rating curves for controlling mainstem discharges . A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Island Side Channel . A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Mainstem West Bank Side Channel .. A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Circular Side Channel . 2 21 24 26 37 49 Table 7.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Sauna Side Channel........................................61 Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Sunset Side Channel.:. A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Trapper Creek Side Channel . Summary of monthly mean,maximum and mlnlmum discharges at Sunshine (USGS 15292780). 70 82 86 Table 11.Initial breaching discharge,controlling discharges and the corresponding streamflows for the 1984 Task 36 study sites 88 Table 12.Summary of the extent of backwater and the corresponding ranges of mainstem discharge . iv 90 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Task 36 study site locations •..•••••••.•.•••.••.•.•• Overview of Island Side Channel (RM 63.2).•.•..••.•• Location of Island Side Channel study site (RM 63.2). Island Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (Q Site). Island Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 6 (0 Site)••••.••••.••••.••.•••..•••.....•• Island Side Channel transect 1 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)...•••....••.•.•.•.. Is1 and Si de Channel transect 6 (Q Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)..••••..•..•.•....•• Comparison of rating curves for Island Side Channel transect 6 (Q Site)••.•..•..••••.•.•••.•..•• Overview of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel (RM 74.4)and Circular Side Channel (RM 75.3). Location of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel study site (RM 74.4)•.••••••.•.••.•••••••.•••..••••• Mainstem West Bank Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (Q Site)••••..••••••.••....•.. Mainstem West Bank transect 1 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)••••••••••.••••.•••• Cornpari son of rating curves from Ma instem West Bank Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site)•••...•••. Location of Circular Side Channel study site (RM 75 ..3)~. Circular Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (0 Site)••••....••.••.•.•....••••••..•••• Circular Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)•••••••••••••••••••• v 3 13 14 16 17 18 19 22 28 29 31 32 34 40 42 43 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Fi gure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Fi gure 32. Circular Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 4 (Q Site).................................44 Circular Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (15292780).........................45 Comparison of rating curves from Circular Side Channel transect 4.............................47 Overview of Sauna Side Channel (RM 79.8)............53 Location of Sauna Side Channel study site transects (RM 79.8)...~.............................54 Sauna Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 2 (Q Site).................................55 Sauna Side Channel transect 2 (Q Site) streamflow vs Illainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)...56 Comparison of rating curves from Sauna Side Channel transect 2..................................59 Overview of Sunset Side Channel (RM 86.9)...........62 Location of Sunset Side Channel study site (RM 86.9)....Gl ••ill ()•••ill oil III ...0 •'lI'"l)•S Cl ~.'0 ...,ill I e oil D •G •ill D II!Cl • ••63 Sunset Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (Q Site).................................65 Sunset Si de Channel transect .1 (0 Si te) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)..••....66 Comparison of rating curves from Sunset Side Channel transect 1.............................68 Overview of Trapper Creek Side Channel (RM 91.6).l)•"•.II II oil ..,'"III ill 1!D Go 0 0 41 Ill'I!I .."'!'II II •73 Location of Trappers Creek Side Channel stu dy site (RM 91.6)~..............74 Trapper Creek Si de Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 4 (Q Site).........................76 vi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) .... Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Trapper Creek Si de Channel transect 4 (Q Site)streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)...•......• Compa ri son of rati ng curves from Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 . Susitna River hydrograph for May -October 1981,1982,1983 and 1984 at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780)....•........................ vii 77 79 85 LIST OF ATTACHMENT TABLES Table A-I Table B-1 Table C-1 Table C-2 Table C-3 Table C-4 Table C-5 Table C-6 Table C-7 Table 0-1 Table 0-2 Table 0-3 Table D-4 Table 0-5 Table D-6 Table 0-7 Oi stance in mil es that a flood wave of a g~ven magnitude will travel in a given tlme A-4 Comparison of water surface elevations and streamflow,measured at Task 36 study sites,to mean daily mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine {USGS 15292780)...................B-1 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Island Side Channel..............................C-1 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel {main channel)o •••••••••••e •••••••••••••••••••••C-2 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Mainstem \<Jest Bank {east channel)................C-3 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Circular Side Channel............................C-4 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Sauna Side Channel .......•............~..........C-6 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Sunset Side Channel..............................C-7 Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Trapper Creek Si de ChanneL......................C-9 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 1......................0-1 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 1A.....................0-3 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 2......................0-5 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 3......................0-7 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4......................D-9 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel tranSect 4A 0-11 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 5 0-13 viii LIST OF ATTACHMENT TABLES (Continued) .- - - - Table 0-8 Table 0-9 Table 0-10 Table 0-11 Table 0-12 Table 0-13 Table 0-14 Table 0-15 Table 0-16 Table 0-17 Table 0-18 Table 0-19 Table 0-20 Table 0-21 Table D-22 Table 0-23 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 6 ........•.............0-15 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1 0-17 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2 0-19 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2A Cl • • • •D-21 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3 0-22 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Si de Channel transect 3A.••••••. ••••••••••••. •••••••. ••••••••. •. ••••••. . ••0-24 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect3B..................................................0-25 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 4 .•........0-26 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 1 •.•.•.........••••..0-28 Cros s sect i ona 1 profi 1e da ta obta i ned at Circular Side Channel transect 2....................0-29 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 2A ....•......•.......0-31 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 3 .....•..••......•..•0-33 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Ci rcul ar Si de Channel transect 4....................0-35 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 5....................0-37 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 1 ...........•............0-39 Cross sectional profi le data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 2..0-40 ix LIST OF ATTACHMENT TABLES (Continued) Table 0-24 Table 0-25 Table 0-26 Table 0-27 Table 0-28 Table 0-29 Table 0-30 Table 0-31 Table 0-32 Table 0-33 Table 0-34 Table 0-35 Table 0-36 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 3.......................0-41 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 4 0-42 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 0......................0-43 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 1 0-45 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Si de Channel transect 2......................0-47 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 3 0-49 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 4......................0-51 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 5 0-53 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 6......................0-55 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1 ......•........0-57 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek_Si de Channe 1 transect 2...............0-59 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3 0-61 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 ......•........0-63 x LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES - Figure A-I Figure C-1 Figure C-2 Figure C-3 Figure C-4 Figure C-5 Figure C-6 Figure 0-1 Figure D-2 Figure 0-3 Figure 0-4 Figure 0-5 Lower Susitna River Basin lag times referenced to Sunshi ne Stati on...•..•.•.. . ...•. .... .A-5 Thalweg profile of Island Side Channel study site..........................................C-10 Thalweg profile of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel study site..................................C-l1 Thalweg profile of Circular Side Channel study site..........................................C-12 Thalweg profile of Sauna Side Channel study. site.. ..... . . . ......... ......... . . . .... . . .... . . . .....C-13 Thalweg profile of Sunset Side Channel study site..........................................C-14 Thalweg profile of Trapper Creek Side Channel.............................................C-15 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Si de Channel transect 1.............................0-65 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 1A............................0-66 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 2.............................0-67 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 3 ............•.......•........0-68 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4 ....·........................•0-69 Figure 0-6.Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4A............................0-70 Figure 0-7 Figure 0-8 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 5 •...•.........•••............0-71 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 6 .........•...................0-72 Figure 0-9 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1 0-73 Figure 0-10 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2 .....•....0-74 xi LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES (Continued) Figure 0-11 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem vlest Bank Side Channel transect 2A ..o "IIlOli ••••••••••,.••IP •••••••••••••••••••••0-75 Figure 0-12 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3 0-76 Figure 0-13 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3A ...D ..." ".."..." •"oil .."....." "oil".." " • " " ".." "......"....."•••" " "oil..0-77 Figure 0-14 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 38 0 0-78 Figure 0-15 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 4 0-79 Figure 0-16 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 1.0-80 Figure 0-17 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 2....................0-81 Figure 0-18 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 2A...................0-82 Figure 0-19 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 3....................0-83 Figure 0-20 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 4....................0-84 Figure 0-21 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 5 0 •••••••••••••0-85 Figure 0-22 Cross sectional profile obta"ined at Sauna Side Channel transect 1.......•.....................0-86 Figure 0-23 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 2 0-87 Figure 0-24 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 3 0-88 Figure 0-25 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 4 0-89 Figure 0-26 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 0 0-90 xii - ..... LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES (Continued) Figure 0-27 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 1.............................0-91 Figure 0-28 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 2..............•..............0-92 Figure 0-29 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Si de Channel transect 3.............................0-93 Figure 0-30 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Si de Channel transect 4.............................0-94 Figure 0-31 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 5 ..•..............•...........0-95 Figure 0-32 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 6.............................0-96 Figure 0-33 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1.......•.......•.......0-97 Figure 0-34 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Si de Channel transect 2.......................0-98 Figure 0-35 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3.......................0-99 Figure 0-36 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 0-100 - Figure E-1 Figure E-2 Figure E-3 Figure E-4 Figure E-5 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site)'....... ....... . . . . . .... . . .E-1 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect lA(QSite)E-2 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 2 (Q S;te ).... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-3 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 3 (0 Site).......E-4 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site)..E-5 xiii LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES (Continued) Figure E-6 Figure E-7 Fi gure E-8 Figure E-9 Figure E-10 Figure E-11 Figure E-12 Figure E-13 Fi gure E-14 Fi gure E-15 Figure E-16 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 4A (Q Site)e •••••••••••••••••e E-6 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 5 (Q Site)............................................E-7 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 6 (Q Site)............................................E-8 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channe 1 transect 1..................................E-9 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2 E-10 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2A E-l1 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Ma i nstem West Bank Si de Channel transect 3 .....•........•...................E-12 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Ma i nstem West Bank Si de Channel transect 3A E-13 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at I~ainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3B .........•.......................E-14 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 4 ..........••......................E-15 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site).........•................................E-16 Figure E-17 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 2...................................................E-17 Figure E-18 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 2A .,.."..ill E-18 xiv - LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES (Continued) Figure E-19 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 3 ....""•".."""".."""""......"""...""""""""•""".."""..""".."""""E-19 Figure E-20 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site)"""....""..........""""""""".."""..""...."".."..""""...."E-20 Fi gure E-21 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 5.. .. . . . .. .. •.. .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..E-21 ,...,Figure E-22 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel head E-22 Figure E-23 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 1 E-23 Figure E-24 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 2 (Q Site)"E-24 Figure E-25 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 3 E-25 Figure E-26 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 4 E-26 Figure E-27 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel 'transect O.. .. . .•. .•. . . . .. .•. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .•.. E-27 Figure E-28 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site)00 ••••••••••E-28 Figure E-29 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 2...................................................E-29 .... Figure E-30 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Si de Channel transect 3"" " " """• " " " ".." " "..".."• " "..".." "• "" " " " " "" " " " ".." " " "" " ".."E-30 Figure E-31 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 4".."""""""".."..""..""" """ ".."".." ".."""" "".."...." ""•"..".."""E-31 xv LIST OF ATTACHMENT FIGURES (Continued) Figure E-32 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Si de Channel transect 5.. . .. . . . .•. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .E-32 Figure E-33 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Si de Channel transect 6 ...............................•........."E-33 Figure E-34 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1..........................................E-34 Figure E-35 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 2..........................................E-35 Figure E-36 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3..........................................E-36 Figure E-37 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site)E-37 xvi ,- - - - - 1.0 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The primary objective of this study was to provide hydraulic support to the Task 36 lower river Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFI~t) rearing habitat modelling study.Correspondingly,the specific objectives of the study were:1)to evaluate the response of stage and streamflow at Task 36 study sites to changes in mainstem discharge,2) eto describe the general characteristics of each Task 36 study site,3) to describe the ifilitial and controlling breaching discharges for each Task 36 study site,and 4)to describe the backwater conditions present within each Task 36 study site as a function of mainstem discharge. The information presented in thi s study wi 11 then be used by Task 36 personnel to quantify,via an IFIM habitat modelling approach,changes in rearing habitat as a function of changes in discharge. 1 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Site Selection The Task 36 study sites are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1.These sites were selected by Task 36 study personnel to meet the specific study objectives of Task 36.Refer to the Task 36 summary report for the criteria used to select these study sites. Table 1.Task 36 study sites supported by the Physical Description Support Program. Study Site Island Side Channel Mainstem West Bank Side Channel Circular Side Channel Sauna Side Channel Sunset Side Channel Trapper CreekSide Channel 2.2 Field Data Collection River Mile 63.2 74.4 75.3 79.8 86~9 91.6 Stage.discharge.and channel geometry data were collected at each study site to evaluate the effect that mainstem discharge has on stage, streamflow,and backwater.Specific methods used in the field collection of these data are described below: 2 - ALASKA o 10 LI__...,.,..__...J1 miles ....._.. INLET TRAPPER CREEK SlOE CHANNEL SUNSET SlOE CHANNEL -I j -I ! - Figure _1._,Task 36 study site locations. - 3 2.2.1 Stage Stage (water surface elevations)data were obtained from staff gage measurements and surveyed water surface elevations.The specific procedures for obtaining stage data are presented in the ADF&G procedures manual (ADF&G 1984).~Iater surface elevations (WSEL)were determined from staff gage observations and are relative to the temporary bench mark (TBM)established for each study site.Because each TBM was assigned an elevation of 100.00 (feet),the resultant water surface elevations are relative to 100.00 feet and are not "true water surface elevations"tied into project datum. 2.2.2 Streamflow Streamflow measurements were co 11 ected from streamflow stati ons located within 'each of the study sites.These streamflow stations were located on selected IFIM habitat modelling transects.Standard USGS streamflow techniques employing either Price AA or Pygmy flow meters were used to obtain the streamflow (discharge)measurements.In order to develop rating curves,stage measurements were also obtained at the time of each streamflow measurement.Specific procedures utilized in obtaining discharge measurements are described in the ADF&G procedures manual (ADF&G 1984). 4 - - - - - .... - - 2.2.3 Channel Geometry Thalweg and cross section profiles were determined at each Task 36 study site. Thalweg Profile Tha 1weg profil es were determi ned for each of the Ta sk 36 study sites. These thalweg profiles represent the "best"determination of the channel thalweg by the visual assessment of field crews.Surveying for the development of the thalweg profile began at either the mouth of the side channel or the first hydraulic control downstream of the study site !ii after which the survey continued upstream to the first hydraulic control above the study site or to the head of the side channel.Thalweg data were collected using the standard surveying techniques of differential leveling with significant morphological features selected as thalweg points (i.e.~riffles~pools).At each of the thalweg points (or stations)~the streambed elevation~water surface elevation~and distance between thalweg points was determined.All thalweg elevations are relative to the assigned elevation of the TBM established at each study site (100.00 ft). When applicable,cross section profile data were also used to develop the thalweg profiles.The lowest elevation obtained from a cross section profile was compared to the thalweg elevation obtained at the cross section.When a difference in elevation occurred between the 5 thalweg and cross section profile,the elevation from the cross section was used.The greatest difference in elevation detected was 0.3 ft. Specific procedures for the collection of thalweg survey data are presented in the ADF&G procedures manual (ADF&G 1984). Cross Section Profile Cross seCtional profiles were determined for each staff gage location within every Task 36 study site using the standard surveying techniques of differential leveling.Streambed elevations,water surface ele- vations,and horizontal distances from bank headpins were obtained for each cross sectional profile.Specific survey techniques and procedures IJsed in the collection of cross sectional data are presented in the ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G,1984). 2.3 Data Analysis 2.3.1 Stage and Streamflow Water surface elevation (WSEL)data obtained at each staff gage location were plotted against corresponding mean daily Susitna River discharge as determined by the United States Geological Survey (USGS)from their Sunshine gaging station (USGS 15292780).Due to the distance of the Island Side Channel study site from the Sunshine gaging station, mainstem discharge values for the plot for the site were determined from a time lag analysis provided by E.W.Trihey &Associates (see Attachment A)• 6 For each plot,a least squares regression equation was calculated when sufficient data were available.At several gage sites,more than one function was evident on a plot as illustrated by a change in the slope of the line drawn between the data points.For these cases,separate regression equations were calculated for each function.These - -, - - regression equations enable estimates of water surface elevation to be determined from the range of USGS mai~stem discharge values included in the plots. Water surface elevations 04SEL)obtained from staff gages located at each streamflow measurement station were also plotted against the corresponding measured study site streamflow data (Osc)'Several of the plots have more than one function as illustrated by a change in the slope of the line drawn between the data points.Under these cases,a least squares equation is included for each function when sufficient data was available.These regression equations enable an estimate of streamflow from observed water surface elevation data. Plots of measured streamflow (Qsc)versus mean daily mainstem discharge (Oms)at the USGS Sunshine gaging station (USGS 15292780)were also developed.These plots include a least squares regression equation for each function.These equations enable site streamflow to be estimated from mean,daily mainstem discharge values (USGS 15292780). 7 2.3.2 Initial Breaching and Controlling Discharges The breaching phenomenon has been partitioned into two discharge events; an initial breaching discharge and controlling breaching discharge events. Initial Breaching Discharges The mainstem discharge at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)required to initially overtop the head portions of each Task 36 study site is referred to as the tlinitial breaching discharge".This discharge was determined by field observations and aerial photographs and is referenced to mean daily discharges as recorded at Sunshine. Controlling Breaching Discharge As progressively higher levels of mainstem discharge overtop the head portion of the study site the hydraulic conditions of the site become governed by mainstem discharge.The mainstem discharge at which the hydra~lics become governed by mainstem discharge is referred to as the controlling breaching discharge. To determine the controlling breaching discharge of each study site,the WSEL vs Oms plots were evaluated to identify changes in the relationship between stage and mainstem discharge from base flow conditions (unbreached conditi on)to the controll ed breached conditi on.The base 8 - ~ I - - - flow or unbreached condition is generally characterized in these plots as having minimal change in stage (WSEL)over a relatively large range of mainstem discharge whereas the controlled breached condition is generally characterized by larger changes in stage (WSEL)over corresponding increases in mainstem discharges.The initial point where stage begins to increase in proportion to corresponding increases in mainstem discharge is the controlling discharge. Stage data is not always available at the point that the hydraulic condition is initially controlled by mainstem discharge.Therefore,a combined interpretation of stage data from each staff gage location in the study site,as well as a knowledge o'f the initial breaching dis- charge,are used to arrive at controlling breaching discharges. 2.3.3 Backwater A generic analysis of backwater was performed for each study site util i zi ng avai 1abl e stage and channel geometry data.For the purposes of this report,a backwater area is defined as a water surface having the same or very similar water surface elevation between two or more points of measurement.Backwater was not strictly evaluated on the basis of water velocity. To determine backwater conditions,a table of the 1984 stage data for each study site was formatted to all ow compari sons of water surface elevations oVer corresponding mainstem discharges for each of the staff 9 gage locations in the study site.The thalweg profile for the study site was also used to estimate the 1 inear extent of the backwater at each study site. 2.3.4 Channel Geometry Channel geometry data collected in support of Task 36 included both thalweg and cross sectional profile data. Thalweg Profile Thalweg profiles consist of a series of streambed and water surface elevations determined for the deepest part of the stream channel,at the time of the survey,traversing the length of the study site.\lJater surface elevations were determined by adding the water depth at the thalweg point to the elevation surveyed for the thalweg point.Water was not always present at the time of the thalweg survey,and therefore may be absent from the thalweg profile.When available,streamflow were measured on the same date as the thalweg survey.In some instances, streamflow measurements could not be obtained due to low flow conditions and the flow was estimated.In either case,base flows are indicated on the thalweg profile. Streambed gradients were determined for each thalweg by dividing the difference between the thalweg elevation of the downstream portion of the thalweg profile"and the thalweg'elevation of the upstream portion, by the distance between these two points. 10 - r i - - Thalweg profiles are used in hydraulic simulation modeling of Task 36 study sites to determine the point of zero flow (PZF)for each transect selected for the model and to evaluate backwater effects. Cross Section Profile Cross section profiles consist of a series of elevations perpendicular to the stream channel,beginning from the left bank (looking upstream) and continuing to the right bank,including all major changes in channel topography.As such,cross section data -collected in this study were graphed as streambed elevations versus horizontal distance. Cross sectional profiles are used to support modelling studies and to assist in determining the hydraulic conditions governing the study site. They were also used to assist in determination of the lowest channel elevation in developing thalweg profiles. 11 3.0 RESULTS The results of these studies are presented below by study site.For each study site a general description is presented along with a di scussi on of the hydraul ic and channel geometry conditi ons that were observed at the study site during the 1984 open water field season (May -October,1984). 3.1 Island Side Channel (RM 63.2) 3.1.1 Site Description Island Side Channel is located on the east bank of the main channel,of the Susitna River at river mile (RM)63.2 (Figure 2).This side channel is located downstream of a braided,vegetated floodplain and is not directly connected to the main channel Susitna River.It is approxi- mately 0.7 miles in length with both the mouth and head portions adjoin- ing side channel networks.Breaching flows in this side channel result from overtopping of the head by an adjoining larger sideochannel.Prior to breaching,side channel flow is greatly reduced with a series of pools remaining. During the 1984 open water field season,the study site selected for Island Side Channel was approximately 750 feet in length and was located in the lower portion of the side channel (Figure 3).Stage was monitored at eight locations in the side channel with streamflow being 12 13 a;&L!I·~"""·1E9RiverMile, 0...,__~~2 ....0JOO ~1 ~,.J Figure 3. 0 0 10 ~ CJl -lIS 0C'~-(0-C lIS as-.. (/)... <J :;,-.0 \ Location of Island Side Channel study site (RM 63.2). 14 measured at two of these stage monitoring stations.Cross section survey data were obtained at each stage monitoring station (staff gage site).Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected for that portion of the side channel beginning at the confluence of the adjoining side channel and terminating at the first hydraulic control above the study site. 3.1.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Measurements of water surface elevations obtained at each stage moni- toring station located in Island Side Channel along with the mean daily mai nstem di scharges at Sunshi ne (USGS 15292780)correspondi ng to the date of the stage measurements are presented in Attachment Table 8-1. Plots of these water surface elevations versus mainstem discharges are presented in Attachment Figures E-1 to E-8. Measurements of streamflow were obtained at two stage monitoring stations located on modelling transects 1 and 6.These measurements of streamflow and the corresponding water surface elevations and mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)are presented in Attachment Table 8-1.Plots of these streamflows versus water surface elevations developed as rating curves are presented in Figures 4 and 5.In addition,the streamflow data was plotted against mean daily mainstem discharge as rating curves (Figures and ). 15 ~I SlRNO SICE (J-lMNNEL TR 1 (Q SITE:) RM 63.2 GPGE 06:3.2S I ~10-0.2225 (WSEL _89)4.3246 °sc r 2 =0.82 '" WSC:L.(+6'3 f~T) Figure 4.Is 1and Si de Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (Q Site). 16 ~ I ---.{ ~ISLAND SIDE CHRNNCL TR 6 (Q SITE) RN 63.2 GFCE:061.256 Q •10.0.2435 (WSEl _89)4.2232sc r 2 •0.99 ~5EL (+Ir3 ra;n La - Figure 5.Island Side Channel streamflow YS WSEL at transect 6 (Q Site). 17 ~ISl-flf£l SHE 0i'1NNU.TR 1 (0 SLIT) ~63.2 GFGl:06'3.2S 1 O~16.2201 Q 3.9630Qsc..1 illS r 2 ..0.89 lOOMRINSTEMQISCH~~~RT SUNSHr~(lQOOCr5) 18 -I ~, f""" I - - ~lSl.fI~SIrE rHlNNEL TR 6 (Q SITEJ RN 63.2 EiFGE CE3.2S6 -15.6019 n 3.8379 Q =10 ""InSSC r 2 '"0.94 10Cl:l - Figure 7.Island Side Channel transect 6 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 19 3.1.3 Mainstem Breaching and Controlling O"ischarges Breaching of Island Side Channel is the result of overtopping of the head by an adjoining side channel.Based on aerial photograph interpretation (Table 2),the lowest mainstem discharge that has been observed to breach this side channel is 36,600 cfs (USGS 15292780). Based on a review of Attachment Figure E-8,it has been determined that at mainstem discharges exceeding 35,000 cfs the hydraulics within this side channel are directly controlled by mainstem discharge.Following 35,000 cfs the water surface elevation at transect 6 increases dramatically with corresponding increases in mainstem discharge.The controlling discharge of 35,000 cfs is lower than the observed breaching discharge of 36,600 cfs as determined from aerial photography indicating that this side channel initially breaches below a mainstem discharge of 35,000 cfs.Insufficient field data is available to determine precisely the initial breaching discharge for Island Side Channel.The initial breaching discharge for this side channel has been estimated as occurring approximately 1,000 cfs below the controlling discharge,or at 34,000 cfs.To evaluate the influence mainstem discharge has on the hydraulic conditions of this side channel,a comparison of the rating curves for transect 6 (Figure 8)was performed.Transect 6 is one of the two streamflow stations located at this side channel with the other being transect 1.Trans~ct 6 was used for this comparison as the stage versus streamflow relationship is better defined for this transect than it is at transect 1 under both the breached and unbreached conditions. 20 Table 2.A comparison of 1984 observations used to determine the initial breaching mainstem discharage at Task 36 study sites. Location Is 1and Side Channel Mainstem West Bank Side Channel Circular Side Channel Sauna Side Channel Sunset Side Channel Trapper Side Channel RM 63.2 74.4 75.3 79.8 86.9 91.6 Date 840915' 840831 830906 840930 840926 830916 841001 840830 840902 830906 830916 840830 840914 830906 840902 830906 B30916 840822 840911 830906 830916 Head Condition Dry Breached Barely Breached Dry Barely Breached Breached Dry Breached Dry Breached Dry Barely Breached Dry Almost Breached Barely Breached~ Breached Dry Breached Dry Breached Dry USGS Mean,Dai ly Discharge at Sunshine (cfs) 22,300 38,000136,600 17,800 19,000122,100 18,700 40,800 32,00°1 36,600 122,100 40,800 24,00°1 36,600 32,00°1 36,6°°1 22,100 54,300 23,5°°1 36,6°°1 22,100 Source of Observation Field observation Field observation Aerial photograph Field observation Field observation Aerial photograph Field observation Field observation Field observation Aerial photograph Aerial photograph Field observation Field observation Aerial photograph Field observation Aerial photograph Aerial photograph Field observation Field observation Aerial photograph Aerial photograph !~ Mean,daily discharge at Sunshine during this period of aerial photography (R &M Consultants 1/28/85). 21 t I len,... Ic;i I~ I~ I~ 0=43.5 cfs 0cc •10-0.20)5 (lISEL •89)'.un rl a O~99 -,- Q •10.15 •6019 0..).a)79 .c .2 •0.94 I I-E Ig 'I~ I~ 1° I -.. t COtllROlLED lS.ooO ~0 :!:66.700 cr. WSEL •10'0."S4 ol.CI8n •89 ,,2 ..o.~ ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL TR6 GAGE 63.2S6 11.800 ~Q :!:)5./100 of< ~Et •10.0.07910°.11<2.19 .2 •0.99 -,=-.---..-.......-.-~.........-.-:::,,"':------.....-.........-............":'. "~!~n"or:lC""OGt "T 'iXl"I'-C 1l000tT'i1 Fi gure 8 Comparison af rating curves for Island Side Channel transect 6 (0 Site). 22 r ..... A side channel streamflow estimate of 43.5 cfs has been estimated to occur at the controlling discharge of 35,000 cfs at transect 6 as determined from the stage versus streamflow rating curve (Figure 5). This estimated flow is lower than the streamflow estimate derived from the Transect 6 streamflow versus mainstem discharge rating curve (68.8 cfs)presented in Figure 7 for the mainstem discharge of 35,000 cfs.A similar comparison between flow estimates at transect 1 shows the stage versus streamflow rating curve to yield 47.3 cfs and the streamflow versus mainstem discharge rating to yield 61.4 cfs.Measurements of streamflow in the 30,000-41,000 cfs range of mainstem discharge are necessary to validate this relationship. Table 3 summarizes the estimates of flow as determined from the rating curves for controlling mainstem discharges. 3.1.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were obtained at Island Side Channel during a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 17,800 cfs when the side channel flow was estimated to be less than 1.0 cfs. The survey data are presented in Attachment Table C-1 with the resultant thalweg profile being presented in Attachment Figure 1.The thalweg profile extends from the mouth of the side channel to a point approximately 100 feet beyond the first hydraul ic control upstream of 23 Table 3.A comparison of flow estimates developed from rating curves discharges. determined from equations for controlling mainstem Rating Curve Flow Estimate (cfs) Controlling 1 WSEL vs.Flow vs. Site Discharge Flow MSQ Island Side Channel (TR1 )35,000 47.3 61.4 Island Side Channel (TR6)35,000 43.5 68.8 Mainstem West Bank 5.7 2 5.7 2SideChannel(TR 1)19,600 Circular Side Channel (TR1)36,000 23.6 25.4 Circular Side Channel (TR4)36,000 26.8 26.8 Sauna Side Channel (TR 2)38,000 22.5 19.8 Sunset Side Channel (TR 1)32,000 45.8 41.1 Trapper Creek Side Channel 44,000 31.42 31.4 2 (TR 4) 1 The controlling discharge is the mean,daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)required to govern the hydraul ic characteristics of side channel and side slough habitats. 2 These stream flow values are actual measurements of discharge and are not estimated values. 24 """' - --- the study site,approximately 1,500 feet 'upstream of the mouth of the side channel.Based on the thalweg profile,the gradient \'Jithin the thalweg profile is 15.6 feet/mile. Cross Section Profile Cross sectional data were recorded at each of the eight transects located in Island Side Channel during the 1984 open water season.The cross sectional data are presented in Attachment Table D-1'with the resulting cross section profiles presented in Attachment Figures 0-1 to 0-8. 3.1.5 Backwater Based on a comparison of available 1984 stage (Table 4)and channel geometry data (Attachment Figure ),an area of backwater extends through the study site to a point at least 1,100 feet upstream from the mouth of Island Side Channel at a mainstem discharge of 35,000 cfs. During mainstem discharges of 38,000 to 66,700 cfs.a large area of backwater occurs throughout the study site as evidenced by similar water surface elevations ·over transects 1 to 3 and 4A to 6.This area of backwater effect results from a hydraulic plug formed by the large side channel located at the mouth of Island Side Channel. 25 .._------------.-.,---,.,....--------------------- Table 4.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Island Side Channel. Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 1A TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 TR 4A TR 5 TR 6 Di scha rge 840930 90.86 90.93 90.88 91.23 91.56 91.56 91.57 91.54 17,800 840927 ------------------91.57 91.56 18,300 840915 ------------------91.59 91.62 22,300 840919 ---91.37 91.33 ---------------28,400 840901 ---91.69 91.68 91.70 91.71 91.77 91.73 91.75 35,000 840831 91.90 91.93 91.89 91.90 91.90 91.94 91.94 91.95 38,000 840719 93.13 ------.------------93.36 51,600 N 840712 93.33 ------------------93.67 54,100 m 840725 93.33 93.46 93.41 93.44 93.62 93.52 93.56 93.55 56,100 840725 93.54 93.56 93.52 93.48 ---93.66 ---93.61 56,100 840725 ---------93.55 ---------93.70 56,100 840704 93.55 ------------------93.84 58,600 840811 93.77 ------------------94.08 60,000 840811 ---------------------94.08 60,000 840801 93.73 93.75 93.74 93.79 93.89 93.93 93.98 94.00 60,300 840626 93.95 ------------ ------94.30 64,800 840626 ---------------------94.31 64,800 840807 94.17 94.16 94.16 94.24 94.34 94.31 94.44 94.40 66,700 3.2 Mainstem West Bank Side Channel (RM 74.4) 3.2.1 Site Description Mainstem West Bank Side Channel is located on the west bank of the main channel Susitna River at river mile 74.4 (Figure 9).This side channel is approximately 2.2 miles in length with both the mouth and head of the side channel directly connected to the Susitna River.Two heads are located approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the study site which connect this side channel to the mainstem.At the study site,th~side channel is confi ned on the west by a steep bank and on the east by a well vegetated island which separates it from the mainstem.The upper portion of the side channel above the study site is separated from the mainstem by a network of side channels and well vegetated islands. Within the study site,a minor channel is located on the east bank of the side channel.During nonbreached conditions,the side channel primarily consists of series of pools and small riffles.Groundwater provides the.major contribution of flow prior to breaching of-the head. During the 1984 open water field season,the study site within this side channel was approximately 950 feet in length and was located in the lower portion of the side channel.Stage was monitored at seven locations,with streamflow measurements collected at only one of these stage monitoring stations (Figure 10).Cross section survey data were collected at each stage monitoring station.In addition,survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected from the first 27 _:.:-- Figure 9. ,~.... ,•...." .•1,....i"r' ," Overview of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel (RM 74.4)and Circular Side Channel (RM 28 - \Figure 10", 0 10 CD CN Q -a:I ()(!)4)t-~-(Q ';C Wa:I a:I we-..I,L- (J)t-)( "'0.. <J Q, 0 Q, <- Location of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel study site (RM 74.4). 29 hydraulic control downstream of the study site to the first hydraulic control above the study site and through a portion of a minor channel on the east bank. 3.2.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Measurements of water surface elevation obtained at each stage moni- toring station located in Mainstem West Bank Side Channel along with the mean daily mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)corresponding to the date of the stage measurements are presented in Attachment Table 8-1.Plots of these water surface elevations versus mainstem discharge are pre- sented in Attachment Figures E-9 to E-15. Measurements of streamflow were obtained at one stage monitoring station located on transect 1.The streamflow measurements and corresponding water surface elevations and mainstem discharges at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)are presented in Attachment Table B-1. A rating curve of the streamflow measurements and water surface" elevations is presented in Figure 11.A rating curve of the streamflow data plotted against mean daily mainstem discharge is presented in Figure 12. 30 .... r .... .- i r ~l'""""---------------------------_MAIN5TEN W·B.S.CHAM.TRl fa SllEl RM 7'9:.1 GRi£07'.'9:51 Q •10-2.8739 sc r 2 •0.99 .... Figure 11.Mainstem West Bank Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (0 Site). 31 10 ~-32.6565 n 7.8491.--------Qsc.10 "$' ,,2 •0.89 ~MAINSTEM w.e.s.CHAN.rRl tQ SITE) RM 74:.1 GfGE:011.4,51 1:lO ,.,,,[~tr;rI 0 (SCHRf«if:"T 5UN511 (Nf.:[1 oooen)leal Fi gure 12.Mainstem West Bank transect 1 (Q Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 32 3.2.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges Breaching of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel occurs as the result of the mainstem Susitna River overtopping at least one of the two side channel heads located approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the study site.Based on field observations,the side channel has been observed to be barely breached at a mainstem discharge of 19,000 cfs and dry at 18,700 cfs (Table .2).Based on these field observations an initial breaching discharge of 19,000 cfs has been selected for this side channel. To evaluate the influence mainstem discharge has on the hydraulic condition of this side channel,a comparison of the rating curves for transect 1 was performed (Figure 13).Based on a review of the stage versus mainstem discharge rating curve presented in Figure 11,it has been determined that at mainstem discharges greater than 19,600 cfs the hydraulics within this side channel are directly controlled by mainstem discharge.This results from the breaching of one of the two heads of the side channel.The site flow that occurs at 19,600 cfs was measured to be 5.7 cfs (Attachment Table B-1).Table 3 summarizes the comparison of flow estimates determined from rating curve equations for the controlling mainstem discharge of 19,600 cfs. At mainstem discharges of both 22,000 cfs and 32,000 cfs,the stage versus streamflow relationship for transect 1 and several of the remaining transects was determined to change.These changes ·are illustrated by changes in the slope of the line in each of the stage 33 °.10-O,SOZ'(\/SEt.901 '.9951--., « r Z •0.99 O.t •10-6 •3745 0..Z.OOZI .Z •0.99 Q;,5.7 cfs O,t •10·Z.87J9 {\/SEt·90\8.0018- .Z •0.99 t-+-Q;,19,600 <:15 I I~ I~ _"~.__--J\-__""",_"",_~,,,=-__,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,___-;1-1 --...-IL~:;..----__...-_ "'l""l~~DI:lCHl'IIlOC liT 3~~1e (l11OOl:nJ 8... !il t -NO EOU4TION OEHlOPEO Nor cr.,UOlL[O 1'.100 oS:0 So 19.600 t'\ '0 (O""lCN "HElOpro WSEL;,92.85 MAINSTEM WEST BANK SIC TRI GAGE 74.451 -'o ':lO""[~T(~O['<:"~O<X "!,~~t'<:'IOOOcn, Figure 13 Comparison of rating curves from Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site). 34 ..... - versus mainstem discharge rating curves for these transects (Attachment Figures E-9 to E-15).Based on field observations these changes are assumed to result from channel geometry and the diversion of flow through a small side channel,located upstream of transect 4,away from Mainstem West Bank side channel. 3.2.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile The thalweg profile of Mainstem West Bank was surveyed during a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 14,700 cfs while the site flow was measured to be less.than 1.0 cfs.Two channels were surveyed;the main side channel and a smaller channel located on the east bank near the upper portion of the study site.The thalweg of the main channel was surveyed from a pool located approximately 329 ft downstream of transect 1 and continued thro~gh the study site to a point approximately 210 ft above transect 4.The survey data for the main channel thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-2 with the resultant thalweg prafile being presented in Attachment Figure C-2.The gradient within the thalweg profile was 12.3 feet/mile. The smaller channel thalweg survey began on transect 2 and continued upstream appr~ximately 600 (ft)including transects 2A,3,and 3B.The survey data for this thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-3 with the resultant thalweg profile presented in Attachment Figure C-2. 35 Cross Section Profile Cross sectional profiles were determined at each of the seven staff gage locations in Mainstem West Bank Side Channel.Four of these cross sections extended across the entire study -site (transects 1,2,3 and 4) whereas two of the transects (transects 2A and 3B)crossed only the east bank minor channel and one (transect 3A)crossed only the main channel of the study site.The data obtained for these cross sections are presented in Attachment Tables 0-9 to 0-15.These resultant cross section profiles are presented in Attachment Figures 0-9 to 0-15. 3.2.5 Backwater Based on Table 5 and field observations,backwater did not occur in the main channel of the study site throughout the 1984 sampling period. From field observation and a review of the water surface elevations presented in Table 5,it was determined that a backwater area of approximately 350 feet was observed in a minor channel adjacent to the east bank over rnai nstem di scharges rangi ng from 29,000 to 32,000 cfs (USGS 15292780).The upstream end of this backwater was separated from the main channel by a gravel bar,whereas the downstream end was separated from the main channel by an eddy.Water surface elevations in this backwater area were obtained at transects 2A and 38. 36 c 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 ··1 1 -·1 ...·1 J 1 Table 5.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Mainstem West Bank Side Channel. Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 2A TR 3 TR 3A TR 3B TR 4 Discharge 841010 92.64 92.63 ---93.03 93.05 ---94.63 14,700 841001 ------------93.37 ------18,700 840925 92.85 ---------93.51 ------19,600 840915 93.90 93.74 ---93.80 94.04 ------22,300 840914 94.12 94.13 ---94.18 94.44 ---95.83 24,000 840903 ------94.90 94.97 95.21 .95.06 96.39 29,000 840920 94.62 94.64 94.67 94.70 94.93 ---96.16 30,500 w 840902 94.94 94.98 94.99 95.04 95.29 ---96.46 32,000'-J 840902 94.97 95.00 ---95.08 95.32 ---96.54 32,000 840817 95.49 95.60 --------- --- 97.22 42,500 840815 .95.56 95.64 ---95.92 ------97.30 46,000 840724 96.02 --------- --- ------55,200 840723 95.98 96.07 ---96.36 ------97.67 56,100 840712 95.96 ------------------54,100 840711 96.01 96.06 ---96.39 ------97.50 55,100 840711 96.08 96.09 ------------97.70 55,100 840721 96.02 96.09 ---96.44 ------97.62 57,700 840721 96.03 96.14 --------- ------57,700 Table 5 (Continued). Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 2A TR 3 TR 3A TR 38 TR 4 Discharge 840801 96.22 96.31 ---96.67 ------97.90 60,300 840801 96.24 96.32 ---------------60,300 840810 96.49 96.54 ---96.81 --- --- 97.86 66,400 840810 96.54 96.62 ---96.94 ------98.19 66,400 840807 96.49 96.51----96.81 ------97.97 66,700 840827 97.14 ------------------79,700 840827 97.19 ------------------79,700 ==-"'~~". wco - 3.3 Circular Side Channel (RM 75.3) 3.3.1 Site Description Circular Side Channel is located on the west bank of the Susitna River at river mile 75.3 (Figure 9).It is approximately 0.9 miles long and is separated from the mainstem by a large well vegetated island.Both the mouth and head of this side channel are connected to the mainstem Susitna River.An extensive backwater area has been observed to occur in the lower portion of the study site.A network of small channels at the head provide mainstem flow into the site after breaching.Prior to breaching,flow is greatly reduced and the channel is composed of large pools connected by small riffles. During the 1984 open water field season,the study site within Circular Side Channel was approximately 850 feet in length and was located in the upper half of the side channel.Stage was monitored at six locations within the study site with streamflow measurements being collected at two of these stage moni toring stati ons (Fi gure 14).Stage was a 1so monitored at the head of the side channel.Cross section survey data were collected at each of the stage monitoring stations except the stage monitoring station at the head.Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected beginning at the first hydraulic control located downstream of the study site and was continued to the head of the side channel. 39 it- Figure ~"":~-- \.~. -":~--.f eireu1arLocatlon03) 5 i te (RM 75.. 40 Side .~-- Y,'-::i:;:lf: o~ I ._~ .1""" [ """ 3.3.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Measurements of water surface elevations at each stage monitoring station located in Circular Side Channel along with the mean daily mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)corresponding to the date of the stage measurements are presented in Attachment Table B-1.Plots of these water surface elevations versus mainstem discharges are presented in Attachment Figures E-16 to E-22.For transect 4 a gap exists between the lines depicting the nonbreached and breached condition.This gap is assumed to be the resul t of channel scour from the August 26 flood event. Measurements of streamflow in Circular Side Channel were obtained at two stage monitoring stations located on transects 1 and 4 (Figure 14). These measurements of streamflows and the corresponding water surface elevations and mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)are presented in --[Attachment Table B-1.Plots of streamflows versus water surface elevations developed as rating curves are presented in Figures 15 and 17.Rating curves of the streamflow data plotted against mainstem discharge are presented in Figures 16 and 18. 3.3.~Mainstem Breaching and Controlling Discharge Breaching of Circular Side Channel is the result of direct overtopping of the head by the mainstem Susitna River.Insufficient field data is available to determine precisely the initial breaching and controll ing discharge for Circular Side Channel.Field observatins and a review of 41 -CIRCULAR SlOE CHAN.tR I {Q SITE] ~7S.::3 GR'iE 07S.35 1 - Q ~10-2.1169 (WSEl -85)6.0188 sc r 2 ~0.99 10-'I,"-------,.......-----------...,.-..,...--~ Figure 15 Circular Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (0 Site). 42 - ""'", , ~CIRCU-~R SlOE CHA~~L TR 4 IQ SITE) RM 7'5.3 e:G~075.354 Q •10-5.3943 (WSEl _85)9.5838 sc r 2 •0.98 :zo ,-J-- -1'4--------------------------'10 Fi gure 16 Circular Side Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 4 (0 Site). 43 ~CiRCULAR SlOe CHAN.rR 1 (Q SITE) P.M i"S.J GFliE G7~.35 1 Q a 10-18.9993 n 4.4782 sc "'lIS r 2 a 0.97 Figure 17 Circular Side Channel transect 1 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 44 10lD C_'l"---------------------------.....CIRCU-~R SIDE CHA!~L TR i (Q SIT~J RM 75.3 rifGE:075.3S~ Q •10-19.1044 n 4.5065 sc "'InS r 2 •0.99 leal Figure 18 Circular Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (15292780). 45 aerial photographs indicate the head of the side channel to be breached at 36,600 cfs and dry at 32,000 cfs (Table 2).A field observation at 35,000 cfs found the side channel flowing clear indicating a nonbreached condition although the side channel head was not observed at the time. Upon close inspection of the aerial photograph at a breaching discharge of 36,600 cfs the side channel was observed flowing turbid (Pers.Comm. 1984 Bi 11 Ashton;R&M Consultants)indi cati ng a controll ed hydraul ic condition.Based on this information a controlling discharge of 36,000 cfs is estimated for Circular Side Channel.The initial breaching discharge of the site is estimated to al so be 36,000 cfs based on the field observations. To evaluate the influence mainstem discharge has on the hydraulic condition of this side channel,a comparison of the rating curves for transect 4 was performed (Figure 19).Although two streamflow stations were located in Ci rcul ar Si de Channel (transects 1 and 4),transect 4 was selected for this comparison as it had a greater range of stage observations than transect 1 and was a better defined rating curve. The site flow that occurs at a mainstem discharge of 36,000 cfs has been estimated to be 26.8 cfs based on stage versus streamflow rating curve for transect 4 (Figure 17).The estimate of 26.8 cfs is the same as the estimate of streamflow derived from the transect 4 streamflow versus mainstem discharge rating curve (Figure 18).Table 3 summarizes a comparison of streamflow estimates determined from equations developed from both rating curves for controlling mainstem discharges for transects 1 and 4. 46 Q::26.8 cfs Q.e.10·19.IOU Q".4.5065 .2 •0." O.e •10.5.]94](II5El •&51 9.58]8 .2 •0.98 Q::26.8 cfs--------t I 13 I?: I~ 13= ,. CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL TR4 GAGE 75.354 r I Iyr-cnNtllOl.LEG J l6.QlV'~C ~1'.100 ,f, W5EL::90.15 v5£L·10.1.]61'0°.4551.85__1 ~•·0.98 \lOOt CONTROLlEO P.roo ~°~16.000 ef. V\El •10~·ZI0]0°·1055 •A5 .2 •0.'1 _,,!-.-----..r....---~,Z::----------_,4------.....---..--~-_.l-___._......".rtOI~Gl~"1 :S~ltC U000Ct11 ... G.. - -,!;-,---...-......_-......._-,...::---...--......--....................- 1lt'[~T~~0[:1:",",,%'IT ,.,eH(t<lloooo;r-,J ..., Fi gure 19.Comparison of rating eu-rves from Circular Side Channel transect 4. 4·7 3.3.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile Survey data for the development of the thalweg profile of Circular Side Channel was determined during a mainstem discharge of 14,700 cfs (USGS 15292780)when the side channel flow was measured to be 1ess than 1.a cfs.The thalweg survey extended approximately 2,800 feet beginning from the confluence of Circular Side Channel with another side channel and continuing to the head of the side channel (Figure 14).Survey data used to develop the thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-4 with the resultant thalweg profile being presented in Attachment Figure C-3.The gradient within the thalweg profile is 14.3 feet/mile. Cross Section Profile Cross section data were obtained at each of the six transect locations within the study site.Survey data from these cross sections are presented in Attachment Table 0-16 to D-21 with the resultant cross sectional profiles being presented in Attachment Figures 0-16 to 0-21. 3.3.5 Backwater Based on available stage data (Table 6)and a review of the thahJeg profile for Circular Side Channel,backwater has not been observed to occur during non-breaching mainstem discharges. 48 "1 "1 "I 1 1 "J -"""~}l ]]I 1 Table 6.A comparison of water surface elevations.from Task 36 transects located within Circular Side Channel. Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 2A TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 Discharge 841010 ------88.06 ------89.04 14,700 841009 ---------------89.10 15,000 840928 ------------89.54 89.55 17,700 840914 --- ------89.45 89.72 89.73 24,000 840903 ------88.69 89.55 89.85 89.84 29,000 940920 87.87 ---88.67 89.50 89.77 89.76 30,500 940902 ------88.70 89.56 89.84 ---32,000 840830 89.10 89.27 89.33 90.06 90.40 ---40,800 840817 89.25 89.27 89.41 90.17 90.57 ---42,500 .f.::> U)840817 89.28 89.30 ---90.20 90.60 ---42,500 840724 90.26 90.26 90.28 90.60 91.25 91.32 55,200 840724 90.26 ---90.31 90.67 91.26 91.32 55,200 840724 90.29 ---------91.26 ---55,200 840724 90.30 ------ --- 91.29 ---55,200 840124 90.30 ---------91.30 ---55,200 840710 ------ --- 90.51 91.13 ---52,500 840803 90.23 90.21 90.26 90.62 91.24 ---54,700 840803 90.24 ---------------54,700 840723 90.31 ------90.64 91.26 ---56,100 840811 90.81 90.77 ---91.01 91.58 ---60,000 840811 ------------91.59 ---60,000 Table 6 (Continued). Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 2A TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 Di scharge 840706 90.70 ------90.92 ------63,600 840706 90.70 ---------------63,600 840706 90.72 ---------------63,600 840824 90.78 90.80 90.81 91.03 91.54 ---64,800 840824 90.78 ---------91.56 ---64,800 840626 90.99 --- --- 91.15 ------64,800 840626 91.00 ------91.21 ------64,800 840807 91.24 91.19 91.18 91.32 91.83 ---66,700 840827 91.75 ---------92.43 ---79,700 (J1 840827 91.82 ---------92.49 ---79,700 0 At breaching mainstem discharges of 55,200 to 66,700 cfs,an area of backwater was found to occur upstream to a point approximately 90 feet above transect 2A.Insufficient stage data is available to describe the extent of backwater for mainstem discharges exceeding 66,700 cfs.At a mainstem discharge of 42,500 cfs,backwater has been determined to extend slightly past transect 2. 3.4 Sauna Side Channel (RM-79.8) 3.4.1 Site Description Sauna Side Channel is located on the west bank of the Susitna River at river mile 79.8 (Figure 20).It is approximately 0.2 mil€s long.Both the mouth and head of the side channel are connected to a larger side channel of the mainstem Susitna River.For the most part,the side channel is confined on the west by a high bank and on the east by a large sparsely vegetated gravel bar.A smaller side channel enters just below the head of Sauna Si de Channel on its west bank.Thi s si de channel conducts flow to the study site during high mainstem discharges, but dewaters before the head of Sauna Side Channel becomes unbreached. Breaching flows result from overtopping of the side channel that adjoins the head on the east bank of Sauna Si de Channel ..Pri or to breachi ng, the channel is composed of two large interconnected pools whose water levels "are maintained from ground water seepage originating from the vicinity of the head.An extensive log jam exists at the head of Sauna Side Channel that likely influences the flow into this side channel. 51 During the 1984 open water field season,the study site within this side channel was approximately 500 feet in length and was located approximately 2,000 feet from where the mouth of the side channel confluences with the mainstem.Stage was monitored at four locations with streamflow being measured at one of these stage monitoring stations (Figure 21).Cross section survey data were coll ected at each of the stage monitoring stations.Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected beginning at the mouth and ending at the head of the side channel. 3.4.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Water surface elevations obtained at each of the stage monitoring stations located in Sauna Side Channel along with the mean daily mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)corresponding to the date of the stage measurement are presented in Attachment Table B-1.Plots of these water surface el evati ons versus ma i nstem di scharges are presented in Attachment Figures E-23 to E-26. Measurements of streamflow in Sauna Side Channel were obtained at one stage monitori ng stati on located on transect 2 (Fi gure 21).These measurements of streamflow and the correspondi ng water surface elevations and mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)are presented in Attachment Table B-1.A plot of these streamflows versus water surface elevations was developed as a rating curve and is presented in Figure 22.In addition,the streamflow data plotted against mainstem discharge is presented in Figure 23. 52 FEET (Approximate Scale) Figure 20.Overview of ~':~1~: ~-'f~i'{..,;..~ •1 :....,;:""."_r",1'j",.•i <':.;;,.,./~. r·".".r .:.''-.-.-, .\l ,I"'N'i -",,'.;I;...,..;,. Sauna Side Channel (RM 79.8). 500 I River Mile o t 53 FEET (Approximate Scale)"'r<;., Figurp 21.Location.of Sauna Side Channel study site transects (RM7908)o 54 - ~SA.JNA SHE CIfllNEL !P.2 (11 5 IrE) Rl1 79.9 GFliE 079.852 Fi gure 22 Q •100.1219 (WSEL _85)2.0592 sc r 2 •0.92 a Sauna Si de Channel streamflow vs WSEL at transect 2 (Q Site). 55 10 el Sfl.lNA 5 ICE CtR'iN£L TR 2 fa sltE:1 Rr1 79.6 GFCE:079.852 Fi gure 23 Q E IO~9.1284 0 2.2766sc~s ,,2 '"0.90 100 Mf'lINS'!CM 0 rSCHARGf:RT ':lJ'r.lHlNE U OOOCl'J) Sauna Side Channel Transect 2 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 56 ...... - - 3.4.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges Breaching of Sauna Side Channel is the result of overtopping of the head by the adjoining side channel.Insufficient field data is available to determine precisely the initial breaching and controlling discharges for Sauna Side Channel.Field observations and a review of aerial photographs indicate the head of the side channel to be Itbarely" breached at 40,800 cfsand "almost"breached at 36,600 cfs (Table 2). Although the lowest discharge at which the mainstem was observed to breach Sauna Side Channel was 40,800 cfs,a controlling discharge of 38,000 cfs is estimated for this channel.This controlling discharge was estimated by·assuming that the stage/discharge relationship (Attachment Figure 24)for the nonbreached condition was nearly horizontal.This assumption is made because of the lack of nonbreached stage observations (l observation only)and is considered reasonable based on observations and data collected at this site.The controlling discharge is scaled from the curve as the point of intersection (38,000 cfs)of thenonbreached limb of the stage/discharge relationship.The initial breaching discharge is estimated to occur at 37,000 cfs based on field observations and assuming the site initially breaches within 1,000-2,000 cfs of the controlling discharge as observed at other side channel sites. To evaluate the influence mainstem discharge has on the hydraul ics of Sauna Side Channel,a comparison of the rating curves for the streamflow 57 station at transect 2 was performed (Figure 24).A side channel flow of 22.5 cfs has been estimated to occur at the controlling discharge of 38,000 cfs as deri ved from the stage versus streamflow rati ng curve. This compares to a streamflow estimate of 19.9 cfs determined from the streamflow versus mainstem discharge rating curve.Table 3 summarizes compari sons of streamflow estimates determi ned from transect 2 rati ng curves for controlling mainstem discharges of Sauna Side Channel. 3.4.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected at Sauna Side Channel during a mainstem discharge at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)of 15,000 cfs when the flow within the study site was estimated to be 1ess .than 1.0 cfs.The thalweg survey extended approximately 1,450 feet beginning at the mouth of the side channel conti nui ng upstream through the study site termi nati ng at the head of the side channel.The survey data used to develop the thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-5 with the resultant thalweg profile being presented in Attachment Figure C-4.A gradient of 10.4 ft/mi was determined for the thalweg profile. Cross Section Profile Survey data for the development of cross sectional profiles were obtained at each of the four transects located in Sauna Side Channel. 58 - '!!!! I. Q,c •100.IU9 (IISE~•85)Z.D59Z r Z •O.JZ Q =22.5 cfs SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL TR2 GAGE 79.8S2 --. Q,c •10·9.IZlI4 0..Z.Z7" r Z •0.90 r---CONUOlLED JlI.OOO ~Q :5:17.100 ch IISE~•10.3•71106 Q.9SSt •as r Z o.n lilT ClIITIOlLED 15.000 ~Q ~38.000 cfs III EllIJlTHlIl DEvnop£o I' ~-!:l III .:. -l lIJ r"r !: % Cl .:~ 1:7~ I:! - - ,~,-----------:...::----------~ !"I"'I~~I!'"orx"l"t~"t '1,1-.'1'"'l<IIOO~1 Figure 24 Comparison of rating curves from Sauna Side Channel transect 2. -59 The survey data are presented in Attachment Tables 0-22 to 0-25 with the resultant cross sectional profiles being presented in Attachment Figures 0-22 to 0-25. 3.4.5 Backwater Based on a revi ew of the 1984 stage data (Table 7)and the thalweg figure for Sauna Side Channel (Attachment Figure C-4),it has determined that backwater does not occur in Sauna Side Channel during non-breaching mainstem discharges. During breaching discharges of 54,600 to 56,700 cfs,an area of backwater was observed to occur throughout the Sauna Side Channel study site.At mainstem discharges exceeding 56,700 cfs,insufficient stage data is available to determine the extent of backwater. 3.5 Sunset Side Channel (RM 86.9) 3.5.1 Site Description Sunset Side Channel is located on the east bank of the Susitna River at river mile 86.9 (Figure 25).It is approximately 1.1 miles in length and is separated from the main channel Susitna River on the west by a network of vegetated islands and side channels.The channel is confin~d on the east by a high cut bank.Prior to breaching,the side channel is composed of a sequence of pools and riffles.During this period, 60 }-j )} Table 7.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Sauna Side Channel. Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 Discharge 841009 88.75 89.00 88.90 89.02 15,000 840928 ---------89.02 17,700 840914 ---------89.02 24,000 840830 ---------89.39 40,800 840817 89.15 ------89.29 42,500 840710 ---90.24 ------52,500 840823 90.63 90.61 90.64 90.65 54,600 0'1 840723 ---90.71 90.66 90.69 56,100 ~ 840723 90.70 90.73 90.72 90.69 .56,100 840723 90.72 90.73 90.75 ---56,100 840802 90.73 90.75 90.75 90.79 56,700 840721 ---90.91 ------57,700 840828 ---91.09 ------59,900 840828 ---91.13 ------59,900 840706 ---91.18 ------63,600 840810 ---91.83 ------66,400 840810 ---91.85 ------66,400 840807 ---91.26 ------66,700 840625 ---91.82 ------67,100 840625 ---91.86 ------67,100 Fi gure 25. -0 .!0 as4)CD 0 (J0)-...r.nas(J ~~4)~~-en ..-c 4)wasasas>wE-..~1.1.- f/)~)( 0.. <l EB c. 0 c.<- Overview of Sunset Side Channel (RM 86s4) and Sunrise Side Channel (RM 87.0). 62 Sunset Side -Channel study site 63 flow is maintained by groundwater seepage and upwelling.Subsequent to breaching,flows up to 3,900 cfs have been measured. During the 1984 open water field season,the study site within Sunset Side Channel was located in the lower portion of the side channel and was approximately 1,500 feet in length.Stage was monitored at seven locations with streamflow measurements being obtained at one of these stage monitoring stations (Figure 26).Cross section survey data were collected at all stage monitoring stations whereas survey data for the development of a thalweg profile were collected from the first control below the study site to the first control above the study site. 3.5.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Measurements of water surface elevations obtained at each stage monitor- ing station located in Sunset Side Channel along with the mean daily mainstem discharges at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)corresponding to the date of the stage measurements a re presented in Attachment Tab 1e B-1. Plots of these water surface elevations versus mainstem discharges are presented in Attachment Figures E-27 to E-33. Measurements of streamflow in Sunset Side Channel were obtained at one stage monitoring station which was located on transect 1 (Figure 26). These measurements of streamflow and the correspond;ng water surface e 1evati ons and m-a i nstem di scha rges a re presented in Attachment Tab 1e B-1.A plot of these streamflows and water surface elevations developed 64 ~Si.I~scr SI~O'flNNE:L r~1 <Q SITE' P.M B6.S SRjE C8S.951 Q =10-0.5735 (WSEL _90)4.3094 sc r 2 •0.99 - - Figure 27 a Sunset Si de Cha nne 1 streamflow vs WSEL at transect 1 (Q Site). 65 10 ~SUiSET S£OC:D-flNNEl..lR 1 (Q SIT£) R!'1 86.9 GRiE G85.95 1 Q ~10-17.7598 n 4.3004 sc "Ins r 2 ..0.99 IlXlO Figure 28-Sunset Side Channel transect 1 (0 Site) streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 66 .- f -, as a rating curve is presented in Figure 27.These streamflow data plotted against mainstem discharge as a rating curve are presented in Figure 28. 3.5.3 Mainstem Breaching and Controlling Discharges Breaching of Sunset Side Channel results from the direct overtopping of the head of the side channel by the mainstem Susitna River.Based on field observations and aerial photography this side channel was found to be "barely"breached at 32,000 cfs and dry at 22,000 cfs.A review of the stage data presented in the transect 1 (streamflow station)WSEL versus mainstem discharge plot (Attachment Figure E-28)indicates that the hydraulics of Sunset Side Channel be~ome controlled by the mainstem at a discharge of 32,000 cfs.Based on this controlling discharge and the limited field observations an initial breaching discharge of 31,000 cfs has been estimated for this side channel. A comparison of the transect 1 rating curves (Figure 29)has been developed to evaluate the.influence mainstem discharge has on the hydraulics of Sunset Side Channel.At the controlling discharge of 32,000 cfs,flow in this side channel has been estimated to be 45.7 cfs. This compaares to an estimated flow of 41.4 cfs derived from the flow versus mainstem discharge rating curve.Table 3 summarizes the "'"'" comparisons of flow estimates determined from equations developed from rating curves for controlling mainstem discharges for transect 1. 67 --------._;0;['11__.._._ / / t I 10 l::i (JlI.. ...J I~(~ 0«•10.0.5735 (W5EL -90)•.J09' r 2 •D.99 Q =45.8 cfs SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL TRI GAGE 86.951 n.ooo 5 q i 10C.000 cr, WSEL •10.3 .7766 ~D.9533 •90 r 2 •D.99 "01 CO"T~OLLED 17,COO So os.32.000 c f , W5EL •lOD.U91 00.D155 •'!O ,<•0.57 0"•10.17.7598 0",'.300C .2 •0.99 t ~Igl ~I ;\ I Q=41.1 cfs Fi gure 29 Comparison of rating curves from Sunset Side Channel transect 1. - .... ,i - i' - - - 3.5.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile Survey data for the development of a thalweg profil e were obtained ;n Sunset Side Channel at a mainstem discharge of 17,400 cfs whi le site flow was measured to be 1.0 cfs.The thalweg profile extended upstream from approximately 400 feet below the mouth of the side channel through the study site to a point 2,500 feet into the side channel.The survey data used to develop the thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-6 with the resultant thalweg profile being presented in Attachment Figure C-5.Based on this thalweg profile,a gradient of 9.5 feet/mile was determined for the Sunset Side Channel. Cross Section Profile Cross section survey data were obtained at each of the seven transects located in Sunset Side Channel.The survey data are presented in Attach~ent Table 0-26 to 0-32 with the resultant cross section profiles being presented in Attachment Figures 0-26 to 0-32. 3.5.5 Backwater Based on available stage data (Table 8)·and channel geometry data (Attachment"Figure C-5),a backwater area does not occur in the side channel during unbreached conditions. 69 Table 8.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Sunset Side Channel. ~-1 Mainstem4 Date TR 0 TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 TR 6 Discharge 841005 ---------93.74 ---94.75 94.74 16,500 840929 92.70 93.27 93.81 --- --- 94.76 94.75 17,400 840930 ---93.27 93.79 93.69 94.11 94.75 94.75 17,800 840916 ---93.29 93.81 93.87 94.11 94.76 94.76 21,000 840912 ---93.29 93.81 93.78 94.29 94.78 ---22,700 840913 ---93.30 ---------------22,700 840914 ------93.81 93.87 94.31 ------24,000 -.....J 840919 ---93.29 93.80 93.87 94.31 94.76 94.76 28,400 0 840902 --------------- --- 94.88 32,000 840817 ---94.34 ---94.93 95.01 95.99 95.97 42,500 840816 ---------95.02 95.10 96.06 96.05 44,000 840822 95.54 95.53 95.71 95.86 95.93 96.66 96.62 54,300 840803 95.60 95.58 95.68 95.95 95.93 96.72 96.69 54,700 840709 ---95.59 ------95.92 ------55,400 840709 ---95.69 95.94 96.01 96.08 96.79 ---55,400 840723 ---95.58 --- --- ---------56,100 840723 95.58 95.58 95.64 95.85 95.95 96.65 ---56,100 840721 ---95.45 ------.---------57,700 840722 95.09 95.67 95.76 95.86 95.96 96.68 96.64 57,800 840722 95.62 ---.95.78 95.94 95.98 96.68 96.65 57,800 Table.8 (Continued). 1 1,J ··1 J l'l J ............. ~1ainstem Date TR 0 TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 TR 6 Discharge 840808 ---96.63 --- --- --- ------65,900 840808 96.67 96.67 ---96.86 96.89 97.31 97.21 65,900 840807 96.68 96.69 ---96.89 96.96 97.36 97.29 66,700 840825 ---99.42 --- --- --- --- --- 93,300 840826 ---99.88 ---------------104,000 At breaching mainstem discharges ranging from 56,000-66,700 cfs,an area of backwater was observed to extend upstream to approximately 1,100 feet to a point between transects 1 and 2.Above 66,700 cfs,insufficient stage data is available to determine the extent of backwater in Sunset Side Channel. 3.6 Trapper Creek Side Channel (RM 91.6) 3~6.1 Site Description Trapper Creek Side Channel is located on the west bank of the Susitna River and is approximately 5.0 miles in length.It is separated from the mainstem Susitna River by a complex of sand bars,small channels, and vegetated islands.The head portion of this side channel is located in a complex of small channels and vegetated islands making it difficult to identify the origin of breaching flows<Depending upon mainstem discharge,the mouth of Trapper Creek Side Channel is also difficult to identify due to the presence of several intersecting small channels.At low mainstem discharges,the mouth of Trapper Creek Side Channel appears to extend downstream to river mile 90<3 (Figure 30).Breaching flows in Trapper Creek Side Channel result from the overtopping of several overflow channels located throughout the upper portion of the side channel.Prior to breaching,flows into Trapper Creek Side Channel,are principally due to Cache Creek and ground water occurring in the upper reach of the side channel. 72 e.River Mile o I Fi gure 30.Overv;ew of Trapper Creek Si de Channel 91.6). 73 2000 I o o 10 '" <] CD Q -CIS U CJ CD-.._ c CIS CIS -a-m I- ~--.:~ \~l:m \,t~i}~'~~.~...' -':~~'~\,~5,i, ~('~~ ~! ".".,'t! , i i~wwa:o .-trIUa.a. '<.~ ~j:---"- .~..; .~., ,~. ~ t...:ff t f·;61~~~-:,_;--__-"':"': :~:l1 \/ f~j~·- •<0«' ~. Fi gure 31.Location of Trapper Creek Side Channel study site (RM 91.6). 74 During the 1984 open water field season,the study site selected for Trapper Creek Side Channel was approximately 800 feet in length and was located in the lower portion of·the side channel (Figure 31).Stage was monitored at four locations and streamflow was measured at one of these stage monitoring stations.Survey data for the development of cross section profiles was obtained from each stage monitoring station. Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile was obtained for only that portion of the side channel that included the study site. 3.6.2 Stage/Discharge Relationship Measurements of water surface elevations obtained at each stage monitor- ing station located in Trapper Creek Side Channel along with mean daily mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780)corresponding to the date of the stage measurements are presented in Attachment Table 8-1.Plots of these water surface elevations versus mainstem discharge are presented in Attachment Figures E-34 to E-37. Measurements of streamflow in Trapper Creek Side Channel were obtained at one stage monitoring station located on transect 4 (Figure 31). Measurements of streamflow and corresponding water surface elevations and mainstem discharges (USGS 15292780")are presented in Attachment Table 8-1.A plot of these streamflows and water surface elevations develo~ed as a rating curve is presented in Figure 32.The streamflow data was also plotted against mainstem discharge as a rating curve and is presented in Figure 33. 75 ~rRAPPER CREEK SIC IF!i:Ul SITEI RM 91.6 GASE 091.55 1 Q '"100.6037 (WSEL -90)3.6448~sc r 2 ,"0.98 sco -r Q ..10-2.0521 (WSEL -90)8.2433 ____-=sc -..,... :%,,2 '"0.99o -Ie.r...;2 aw ~ <J'l,a::: 't! ~Q •lO-3.55Z5 (WSEL =90)11.6511 sc r 2 ..0.84 -l-+--~--------------------------'"10 Figure 32 Tra ppe r Creek Side Cha nne 1 WSEL nt transect 4 (0 Site). 76 streamflow vs e rRRPPER CREEK SIC TR 'l (Q 51 TE) RN 91.6 GAGE:091.65 1 ---........Q •10.42.5803 n 9.4931sc'......s r Z •0.99 I-+----QSC.10.15.9591 ~S3.9158 r 2 •0.99 ~Q.•10.2.8293 0 .0.9316 sc '......s r Z •0.99 :cc ""INS Tf:11 0 [~HflRGE RT ::ltJll5H [Nt:(I oooen I IOCD "... Figure 33 Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 (0 Site)streamflow vs mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780). 77 3.6.3 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges Breaching of Trapper Creek Side Channel is the result of the direct overtopping of the head of the side channel by the mainstem Susitna River.Based on aerial photography (Table 2),this side channel has been observed to be breached at a mainstem discharge as low as 36,600 cfs.The controlling mainstem discharge has been estimated from inspection of the stage versus mainstem discharge rating curve for transect 4 (Figure 9)to be 44,000 cfs.The mainstem discharge of 44,000 cfs was chosen because it is the point of intersection of the 1 i nes depi cti ng the base flow unbreached conditi on and the breached conditi on observed at the streamflow stati on (Fi gure 9).Thi s relationship is also presented in the WSEL versus MS q plots for transects 2 and 3 (Attachment Fi gures E-35 and E-36).Thi s rna i nstem discharge corresponds to·a streamflow measurement of 31.4 cfs. The substanti a 1 differences in rna i nstem di scha rge between the lowest observed breaching discharge (36,600 cfs)and the estimated controlling discharge (44,000 cfs)is suspect.Based on observations from other sites the initial breaching and controlling discharge are usually similar.The breaching observation corresponding to 36,600 cfs was determined from a 1983 aerial photograph.Based on the stage/discharge rel ati onshi ps for the nonbreached and breached conditi on presented in Attachment Fi gures E-34 to E-37 the i niti a 1 breachi ng and contl~ol1 i ng discharges for this side channel appear to be similar.Assuming the initial breaching discharge is less than and occasionally equal to the 78 ""'"I 0te'10.2 •8293 llo..0,9316 .2 •0.99 Q =31.4 cfs ° .100.60]1 [WSfl.•901 3.6"8 ~ SC ~ .2 •0.98 0sc •10.2.0521 (WSEt..90)8.2433 ___ .2 •0.99 _osc·IO·IS,9S911l",.3.9IS8 .2.0.99 if .. ~~.."c:0 ~I it~..=> !:...-aI'"'"'"'t'~ i!-D------..........-.....~...~-------...............~__,...------..--.....JI-.--__-.....- -__ I'JIttetCl'DIXtlftIlGt 1fT 3~1IC:llooccnJ "'tL .+'10 FEt!l 10 or=-' r- g... !il ~ .... ~ 44,000 $Q $93,300 <f, WSEI.•10·~·9~SS ql.IS6S •90 p2.0.95 "'-.OT (QIlUOUfO 15.000.5:q ~<C.OOO <,_ WSf\.•10°·0801 QO.07S6 •90 .2 •0.83 TRAPPER CREEK SIC TR4 GAGE 91.6S1 -,T------------'"':,..::---......-----.............'"!_ ""l,.,tt"o:x""~1fT 31.1'O"1Nt IIOO~' Fi gure 34 Comparison of rating curves from Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4. 79 controlling discharge,therefore at this site initial breaching is estimated to be 43,000 cfs. 3.6.4 Channel Geometry Thalweg Profile Survey data for the development of a thalweg profile was obtained from Trapper Creek Side Channel during a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 22,700 cfs and a measured side channel flow of 16.4 cfs.The thalweg profile was initiated approximately 150 feet downstream of the first control below the study site and extended upstream,through the study site,approximately 1,600 feet.The survey data used to construct the thalweg profile are presented in Attachment Table C-7 with the resultant thalweg profile being presented in Attachment Figure C-6.Based on this thalweg profile,a streambed gradient of of 12.1 feet/mile was determined. Cross Section Profile Cross secti on survey data was obtained at each of the four transects located in Trapper Creek Side Channel.The survey data used to con- struct these cross sections are presented in Attachment Tables 0-33 to 0-36.The resultant cross section profiles are presented in Attachment Figures 0-33 to 0-36. 80 - - - - 3.6.5 Backwater Based on stage (Table 9)and channel geometry (Attachment Figure C-6) data!an area of backwater has not been observed during nonbreaching mainstem discharges. At mainstem discharges ranging from 15!700 to 22,700 cfs,pooling was observed at transects I!2 and 3 resulting from the control located approximately 373 feet downstream from transect 1.During breached ma i nstem di scha rges,a backwater a rea was not observed to occur in Trapper Side Channel. 81 Table 9.A comparison of water surface elevations from Task 36 transects located within Trapper Creek Side Channel. Mainstem Date TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 Di scha rge 841009 ------92.12 92.50 15,000 841006 91.92 91.90 92.14 92.51 15,700 840930 91.93 91.92 92.14 92.47 17,800 840917 91.95 91.93 92.19 92.53 20,400 840924 91.94 91.93 92.17 92.55 20,400 840918 91.95 91.95 92.18 92.60 20,900 840913 91.97 91.95 92.16 92.56 22,700 840911 ------92.14 92.56 23,500 (Xl 840911 92.58 23,500N--------- 840816 92.34 92.00 92.15 92.70 44,000 840822 92.76 92.51 92.82 93.27 54,300 840803 92.93 92.69 93.02 93.18 54,700 840803 ---------93.42 54,700 840708 ---------93.78 57,100 840819 92.90 92.69 93.04 93.23 57,200 840721 93.11 92.96 93.22 93.63 57,700 840721 93.15 93.00 93.32 94.08 57,700 840722 93.06 92.89 93.26 93.61 57,800 840722 ---------93.62 57,800 i I .Table 9 (Continued). 1 ]-'J 1 )'-'--1 ---1 J 4.0 SUMMARY The stage,discharge,and channel geometry data presented in this technical memorandum is the result of field investigations conducted from May to October,1984.During this period,mean daily Susitna River discharge at the USGS Sunshine gaging station (USGS 15292780)ranged from a low of 6,000 cfs in May to a high of 104,000 cfs in August.A review of the hydrograph developed from mean daily discharges recorded at Sunshine for the period of record (Figure 35)shows that daily flow during the 1984 open water field season generally followed previous years trends with the exception that September were somewhat drier than previous years when the monthly means are compared (Table 10). Based on evaluation of stage data collected at each study site during both the nonbreached and breached hydraulic conditions mainstem discharge was found to influence the hydraulic conditions of each of the Task 36 side channel study sites.At Island,Circular,Sunset,and Trapper Creek Side Channels sufficient data were obtained for the development of rating curves describing the relationship between mai nstem di scharge and study site water surface el evati ons duri ng the unbreached hydraulic condition.This portion of the WSEL versus mainstem discharge rating curve is characterized by a regression line having little or no sope over incremental increases of mainstem discharge.Due to limited data,however,this portion of the rating curve has not been firmly established for any of these sites. 84 ) ~5HIt£-1981 .....~.. OCTSEPAUGJUL j.., J !; t ~..::" :II :'\::U ..1'..I ,.(.,, '"•I .:I \:'.'' : I I I I,:i~:..~.V'\:~ :f (;~J':"-:'\::I::,:'.:.:I, :~\I,f.~:\J \i)~1"::~'..",,'\,.,:i :'~j ~f :.:'\=\ :~.•.••.t ..7\./.:t!:.:.,\.I..,.'-,"",,:....~....J\".'":.,.\(':',':\f\·~""",•...~~;'.,\ v V "~.'"., '"-'~"t:i'~I \f::"'..,\'., \",f';.'......,.f..J ...... I ~ "n.:;i;~:t .'...,':".l'...'"...''.':..:l~";':,It.":j't' JUNMAY SLN5Hlr£-1982 ~5Hlt£-1983 SLN5"1Nt::-1981 I ~r.xn) 1,!',(Xl} 11£lXl) IJSIXIl 130ClD 12SCOJ 1200D II scm IUXD) IOsroJ IOCOXl gsnu 90C0J 115lDJ 800)) 75{'0) 0:>7COl) 01 IiSlDl 6oca:J SSOOJ 500:D 1S1llJ 10C0J J5(XXJ 3lDD 25COl 200XJ I scm 100)) sm:J Figure 35,Susitna River hydrograph for May-October 1981,1982,1983 and 1984 at Sunshine Station (USGS 15292780), Table 10.Summary of monthly mean,maximum and minimum discharges at Sunshine (USGS 15292780). 1981 1982 1983 1984* June Mean 50,890 62,820 58,100 59,280 Max 74,000 78,600 80,800 93,000 Min 40,200 46,400 40,800 32,000 July Mean 85,600 63,030 55,380 59,140 Max 150,000 99,300 72,800 84,500 Min 41,000 46,100 43,500 47,900 Aug Mean 84,940 45,590 60,580 58,720 Max 126,000 73,500 100,000 104,000 Min 60,200 34,900 43,000 38,000 Sept Mean 32,460 48,830 30,010 23,950 Max 58,800 91,300 65,200 35,000 ~1i n 19,000 32,500 18,000 17,400 Oct Mean 16,450 16,180 21,340 12,350 Max 22,000 30,600 43,300 18,600 Min 10,000 7,800 12,800 7,800 *Provisional USGS Data. 86 - .... .... - The determination of initial breach"ing discharges for each study site proved to be difficult as only limited observations were available which could be used to determine when study site breaching initially occurred. The range of mainstem discharge which afforded these observations only occurred during a brief period in late August and early September during which time mainstem discharge decreased rapidly.As a result~ the initial breaching discharges presented in this memorandum are a compilation of field observations and reviews of available aerial photographs.Aeri a1 photography t however ~does not always allow the resolution necessary for determining when the head of a study site is initially breached.A summary of the initial breaching discharges determined for the Task 36 study sites is presented in Table 11. As progressively higher mainstem discharges overtop the head of the study site,the hydraulic conditions of the study site become controlled by mainstem discharge.The point at which this initially occurs is termed the controlling breaching discharge and is reflected on the WSEL versus mainstem discharge rating curves as a dgfinite change in slope of the regressi on 1i nee The nonbreached conditions are usually ref1 ected in these curves as having regression lines which are nearly horizontal or in some instances~having a slight slope.Once the hydraulics of the study site become directly controlled by mainstem discharge the slope of the line dramatically by changes due to the influence of mainstem discharge. 87 Table 11.Initial breaching discharges,controlling discharges and the corresponding streamflows for the 1984 Task 36 study sites. Estimated Initial Controlling Streamflow (cfs) Breaching Mainstem Discharge Discharge WSEL vs Flow vs Location RM (cfs)(cfs)Flow Oms Is 1and Side Channel 63.2 34,000 35,000 43.5 68.8 Mainstem West Bank 5.71 5.71SideChannel74.4 19,000 19,600 Circular Side Channel 75.3 36,000 36,000 26.8 26.8 Sauna Si de Channel 79.8 37,000 38,000 22.5 19.8 Sunset Side Channel 86.9 31,000 32,000 45.8 41.1 Trapper 31.41 31.41SideChannel91.6 43,000 44,000 These stream flow values are actual measurements of discharge and are not estimated values. 88 ----'lTFf'TT----1--------- In most WSEL versus mainstem discharge rating curves,the lines defining the nonbreached and breached controlled conditions intersect.Several gage sites,however,exhibited a gap in elevation between the nonbreached and controlled conditi ons.Thi sis specul ated to result from changes in channel geometry.A hi9h flow event (l04,OOO cfs) occurred on August 26 which could have caused such channel movement. Field observations have noted that the character of the side channel morphology (gravel substrate)at each study site is susceptible to movement. The information derived from the rating curves and the initial breaching information were used to determine the controlling discharges presented in Table n.The controlling discharges presented in Table 11 are the best determination of the controlling mainstem discharges for sites based on available data collected to date. Because of the distances between the Sunshine gaging station and certain r lower river study sites,a lag time curve was developed to analyze the travel time of a flood wave to move from Sunshine gaging station to the Susitna gaging station.Using this analysis,it was determined that it took 7 hours for the leading edge of a peak event to be experienced at Island Side Channel at a mainstem discharge of approximately 57,000 cfs (Attachment Fi gure A-I).A further di scussi on of the 1ag time curve development is found in Attachment A. 89 Mainstem discharge was found to influence the extent of backwater found at the Task 36 study sites.Table 12 provides a summary of the extent of backwater as well as the range of mainstem discharges during which backwater was determined to exist.Backwater areas controlled directly by mainstem discharge were found to exist at all sites with the excep- tion of Mainstem West Bank Side Channel and Trapper Side Channel.Field observations,however,show an area of backwater was found to exist in the minor channel of Mainstem West Bank. 90 Table 12.Summary of the extent of backwater and the correspondi ng ranges of mai nstern discharge. Extent of Range of Backwater Mainstem Discharge Location RM (ftl (cfsl Head Condition Island 63.2 1,100 35,000 Unbreached Side Channel 1,100 38,000 -66,700 Breached Mainstem 74.4 I sol ated to 24,000 -54,100 Breached West Bank minor channel F Side Channel Circular 75.3 1,200 55,000 -66,700 Breached Side Channel Sauna 79.8 1,400 56,000 -56,700 Breached Side Channel Sunset 86.9 1,100 56,000 -66,700 Breached Side Channel Trapper 91.6 None N/A N/A Side Channel 91 5.0 GLOSSARY Backwater Area - A reach of stream with reduced or no velocity and a rise in stage resulting from a hydraulic or physical barrier. Backwater areas in habitats adjacent to the Susitna River usually are due to an increase in mainstem discharge and occur at the mouth of or within a side channel or slough. Breaching -The overtopping of the head of a side channel or side slough by the mainstem river. Controlling Discharge -The mainstem discharge at Sunshine (USGS 15292780)required to breach the upstream end of the side channel or side slough and govern the hydraulic characteristics within a side channel or side slough . .Cross Section Profile - A survey of the vertical section of a channel bottom taken at right angles to a survey line resulting in a ground/streambed profile. Discharge -Discharge is defined as the volume rate of flow of water passing a specific location at a specific period in time,expressed as cubi c feet per second (cfs).For the purpose of thi s report "discharge"will refer specifically to mainstem flow. Flow -The movement of a volume of water from place to place.See Discharge and Streamflow. 92 I""" [ r -[ Gaging Station - A location which has been established for monitoring stage,flow and/or discharge. Gradient -Rate of change in vertical elevation per unit horizontal distance. Head -The upstream end or point of origin of a lotic water body. Initial Breaching Discharge -The mainstem discharge at Gold Creek which represents the initial point when mainstem water begins to enter the head of a side channel/side slough. Mainstem -Consists of those portions of the Susitna River that normally convey water throughout the year.Both single and multiple channel reaches are included in this habitat category.Groundwater and tributary inflow appear to be inconsequential contributors to the overall characteristics of mainstem habitat.Mainstem habitat is typically characterized by high water velocities and well armored streambeds.Substrates generally cons i st of boul der and cobb 1e size materials with interstitial spaces filled with a grout-like mixture of small gravels and glacial sands.Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity are high during summer due to the influence of glacial melt-water.Discharges recede in early fall and the mainstem clears appreciably in October.An ice cover forms on the river in late November or December~ 93 Mean Daily Discharge -The computed mean mainstem discharge per 24 hour period for a USGS gaging station. Mouth -The downstream confl uence of a loti c water body with another water body. Observed Data -Values derived through a visual estimate or evaluation. Rating Curve - A curve representing a simple relation between two variables to be used to determine values of the dependent variable as a function of the independent variable.The rating curves developed using project measurements of stage and discharge consist of discharge rating curves and stage rating curves.The discharge rating curves are used to determine streamflow as a function of mainstem discharge and streamflow as a function of water surface elevation.The stage rating curves are used to determine stage, water surface elevation,as a function of mainstem discharge. Side Channel -Consists of those portions of the Susitna River that normally convey water duri ng the open water season but become appreci ab ly dewatered duri ng peri ods of low ma instem di scharge. Side channels may exist either in well defined overflow channels or in poorly defined water courses flowing through partially submerged gravel bars and islands along the margins of the mainstem river. Side channel streambed elevations are typically lower than the mean monthly water surface elevations of the mainstem Susitna River observed during June,July,and August.Side channels are 94 I"'" I I i ,..., characterized by shallower depths,lower velocities and smaller streambed materials than the adjacent mainstem river. Side Slough -Those channels located between the edge of the floodplain and the mainstem and side channels of the Susitna River.It is usually separated from the mainstem and/or side channels by well vegetated bars.An exposed alluvial berm often separates the head of the slough from mainstem discharge or side channel flows.The contro 11 i ng streambed/bank e1evati ons at the upstream end of the side sloughs are slightly less than the water surface elevations of the mean monthly discharges of the mainstem Susitna River observed for June,July,and August.At intermedi ate and 1ow-di scha rge periods,the side sloughs convey clear water from small tributaries and/or upwelling groundwater.These clearwater inflows are ""..essential contributors to the existence of this habitat type.The water surface elevation of the Susitna River generally causes a backwater to extend well up into the slough from its lower end. Even though this substantial backwater exists,the sloughs function hydraulically·very much like small stream systems and several hundred feet of the slough channel often conveys water independent of mainstem backwater effects.At high discharges the water surface elevations of the mainstem river is sufficient to overtop the upper end of the slough.Surface water temperatures in the side s.loughs duri.ng summer months are principally a function of air temperature,solar radiation,and the temperature of the local runoff. 95 Staff Gage - A non-recording staff,marked in graduations of hundredths of feet,used to monitor stage through observation. Stage -The height of the water surface above an establ ished datum plane.Stage can be converted to true water surface elevation if the observations are converted into project datum. Streamflow -Same as discharge but refers specifically to side channel, slough and tributary flow whereas discharge denotes in the mainstem.See Discharge. Thalweg Profile - A longitudinal profile that describes the streambed elevation of the deepest portion of mainstem,tributary,slough or other riverine habitats. WSEL -Abbreviation for water surface elevation. 96 ..... 6.0 CONTRIBUTORS PROcJECT LEADER Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project Leader PRIMARY AUTHORS REPORT COORDINATORS EDITORS DATA PROCESSING DATA COLLECTION DRAFTING TYPING 97 Douglas Vincent-Lang Tim Quane Pat Morrow Isaac Queral Tim Quane Douglas Vincent-Lang Teri Kekl ak A11 en Bi nghalll Alice Freeman Donna Bucholz Pat Morrow Tommy Withrow Isaac Queral Glen Freeman Doug Sonnerholm Chri s Kent Sharie Methvin Carol Hepler Roxanne Peterson Camille Stephens Skeers Word Processing 7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Bob Aaserude ad Diane Hilliard of E.W.Trihey &Associates for providing their assistance with the study design,data reduction,and editing associated with this report.Special thanks to Larry Leveen of the U.S.Geological Survey for his effort in producing numerous instantaneous discharges in support of the time lag analysis. Funding for this study was provided by the State of Alaska,Alaska Power Authority. 98 ~ I r- I 8.0 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G).1984.Su Hydro Aquatic Studies (May 1983 -June 1984)Procedures Manual.Final Draft. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Anchorage,Alaska. u.s.Geological Survey (USGS).1978.Surface water records of Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska,through September 1975.Open-file Report 78-498 (basic data). 1982.Water Resources Data for Alaska:Water Year 1981.USGS Water Data Report AK-81-1.Anchorage,Alaska. 1983.Water Resources Data for Alaska:Water Year 1982.USGS Water Data Report AK-82-1.Anchorage,Alaska. 1984.Water Provisional Summary of 1984 Water Resources Data for Alaska. 99 ,-. i I -i. AT T AC H MEN T A - TIME LAG ANALYSIS FOR THE LOWER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Stage and discharge values in the lower Susitna River can range considerably during a 24 hour period as evidenced by inspection of the Sunshine Station hydrograph (USGS 15292780).This is particularly true for peaking discharge periods resulting from storm events.To develop correlations for rating curves of stage and streamflow data between specific side channels and the mainstem during peaking mainstem discharge events the use of instantaneous mainstem discharge values is necessa ry. To obtain instantaneous mainstem discharge values at sites that are some distance downstream from the reference gaging station requires an assessment of the basin lag time.Lag time is the time required for a flood wave to move down a drainage basin from the gaging station to the study site. To evaluate instantaneous site specific measurements of stage and discharge at study sites during high flow events"it is necessary to determine the magnitude of the flood wave and the time of day the wave infl uenced the site specifi c measurements.To determi ne the di scharge represented by the flood wave requires an assessment of the velocity (v) of the wave; A-I v =x/t where x =distance from reference gage to site t =time required for flood wave to travel from the reference gage to the site. To assess the velocity of several flood waves,the hydrographs for Sunshine and Susitna Stations were analyzed (USGS 15292780 and 15294350, respectively).Four peak events of varying magnitude that could be clearly distinguished in both hydrographs were selected for analysis. The objective was to determine the time it took for each flood wave to travel the 58.1 miles between gaging stations.The following values were obtained from the USGS (Larry Leveen,pers.COlTlm.,1/31/85). Type of Sunshine Susitna Date Event Discharge Time Discharge Time July 27 Peak 86,900 0900 135,000 2330 August 19-20 Peak 64,000 2300 150,000 1600 August 26 Peak 114,000 0300 171,000 1400 September 14-15 Peak 24,500 1030 54,500 2400 From these values,flood wave velocities were calculated. Time VelocitY Sunshine Date (hrs)(ft/sec)Q (cfs) July 27 14.5 5.88 86,900 August 19-20 17.0 5.01 64,000 August 26 11.0 7.75 114,000 September 14-15 37.5 2.27 24,500 A-2 A logarithmic regression relationship was developed between flood wave velocity and discharge at Sunshine Station.This equation is as follows: v =10-3 •086 0°·785,r 2 =0.996. Attachment Table A-I provides a tabulation of the distance in miles that a flood wave of a given magnitude will travel in a given time interval for the lower Susitna River.Attachment Figure A-I provides a graphic representation of the data presented in Attachment Table A-I.To determi ne the instantaneous rna instem di scharge occurri ng at a study site,the following procedure was used: 1)the instantaneous mainstem -discharge at Sunshine determined corresponding to the time of day for a specific stage observation; was site - - 2)the distance of the study site from the Sunshine station was determined; 3)the instantaneous mainstem discharge and the distance were plotted in Attachment Figure A-I to determine the lag time of the flood wave; A-3 Attachment Table A-1.Distance in miles that a flood wave of a given magnitude will travel in a given time. Lag Time Magnitude of Flood Wave (cfs) (Hours)15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 150,000 4 4.2 5.3 7.3 9.1 12.5 15.7 17.2 18.7 25.7 6 6.4 7.9 10.8 13.7 18.8 23.5 25.8 28.1 38.6 8 8.5 10.6 14.5 18.2 25.0 31.4 34.4 37.4 51.4 10 10.6 13.2 18.2 22.8 31.3 39.2 43.0 46.8 64.3 12 12.7 15.9 21.8 27.3 37.6 47.1 51.6 56.1 77 .1 14 14.9 18.5 25.4 31.9 43.8 54.9 60.3 65.5 90.0 16 17.0 21.2 29.1 36.4 50.1 62.8 68.9 74.8 102.8 18 19.1 23.8 32.7 41.0 56.4 70.6 77 .5 84.2 115.7 20 21.2 26.4 36.4 45.6 62.6 78.5 86.1 93.5 128.5 24 25.5 31.7 43.6 54.7 75.1 94.2 103.3 112.2 154.2 28 29.7 37.0 50.9 63.8 87.7 109.9 120.5 130.9 179.9 32 34.0 42.3 58.2 72.9 100.2 125.6 137.7 149.6 205.0 36 38.2 47.6 65.4 82.0 112.7 141.3 154.9 168.3 231.3 40 42.5 52.9 72.7 91.1 125.2 157.0 172.2 187.0 257.1 44 46.7 58.2 80.8 100.2 137.8 172.7 189.4 205.7 282.8 A-4 ,....-.-..~...-.."__-:-__~....:...:-:.:...:..:..:..:..:.:..=:..:.:----.--L _ <-..~ ~---~----- 10Q ._ gal---:•---••-2.~_ 80~::.__:-..:...::....:.~---. Z io'~---.:.-~=~;+.:::.:.:..;:::.:.::.:/..~6~7t:~§~~~*~~b~-=+~.-~~ - .~. "."__._.L--~__:.-.. '"7 ~. ---~------------...._-- 100,000 LowER CSuS»ITNA REFt~E.NC.~1)To 1<I\lER.'BAsIN LAC1 \\T'-'E.S ~uNS~'NE S-rP\.,.'ON. Attachment Figure A-I. A-5 4)the lag time was subtracted from the time of the stage observation to yield the time of day the flow wave was measurd at the Sunshine station.The instantaneous mainstem discharge at Sunshine station for this revised time is the discharge corresponding to the site specific stage measurement. A-6 r ..... A T T AC H MEN T B iOJJ4,f 1 -}--~J ---l }-} Attachment Table B-1.Comparison of water surface elevations and streamflow)measured at Task 36 study'sites)to mean daily mainstem discharge (cfs)at Sunshine (USGS 15292780). o:l I...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs )Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Island Side Channel TR 1 (Q Site)840930 90.86 17 )800 (063.2S1 at RM 63.2)840831 1300 91.90 38)000 840719 1215 93.13 51 )600 840712 1530 93.33 379.0 54)100 840725 1300 93.33 303.0 53)500aJ 840725 2010 93.54 56)100 840704 1150 93.55 58 )600 840811 1630 93.77 515.0 60)000 840801 1430 93.73 60)300 840626 1500 93.95 64)800 840807 1325 94.17 66)700 a/Discharge value is instantaneous and was determined using a time lag evaluation. Attachment Table B-1.continued CD I N WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(cfs)Discharge (cfs) -----------------------------------------....._-------- Island Side Channel TR lA 840930 90.93 17 ,800 (063.257 at RM 63.2)840919 1200 91.37 28,400 840901 1330 91.69 35,000 840831 91.93 38,000 840725 1745 '93.46 56,100 840725 1940 93.56 56,100 840801 93.75 60,300 840807 1325 94.16 66 1700 i 1 r--)1 ----1 J 1 o:J I W Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- r'sland Side Channel TR 2 840930 90.88 17 ,800 (063.2S2 at RM 63.2)840919 1210 91.33 28,400 840901 91.68 35,000 840831 91.89 38,000 840725 1710 93.41 56,100 840725 1935 93.52 56,100 840801 93.74 60,300 840807 1325 94.16 66,700 Attachment Table B-1.continued co i -Po W,SEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(efs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Island Side Channel TR 3 840930 91.23 l7,BOO (063.2S3 at RM 63.2)840901 91.70 35,000 840831 91.90 38,000 840725 1550 93.44 56,100 840725 1500 93.48 56,100 840725 1900 93.55 56,100 840801 93.79 60,300 840807 1325 94.24 66,700 )]1 l -1 7·}~....-1 1 c:o I Ul Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Island Side Channel TR 4 840930 91.56 17 ,800 (063.2S4 at RM 63.2)840901 1500 91.71 35,000 840831 91.90 38,000 840725 1850 93.62 56,100 840801 93.89 60,300 840807 1325 94.34 66,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-I.continued co I (J) WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Island Side Channel TR 4A 840930 91.56 17 ,800 (063.2S8 at RM 63.2)840901 91.77 35,000 840831 91.94 38,000 840125 1400 93.52 56,100 840125 1830 93.66 56,100 .840801 93.93 60,300 840801 1325 94.31 66,700 OJ I ""-J 1 -,,~-J '}\)}}-,i 1 1 1 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Island Side Channel TR 5 840930 91.57 17 ,800 (063.2S5 at RM 63.2)840927 91.57 18,300 840915 91.59 22,300 840901 91.73 35,000 840831 91.94 38,000 840725 1300 93.56 56,100 840801 93.98 60,300 840807 1325 94.44 66,700 Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(dB)Discharge (ds) --------------------------------------------------- I~land 8ide Channel TR 6 (Q Site)840930 91.54 17,800 (063.286 at RM 63.2)840927 1400 91.56 18,300 840915 91.62 22,300 840901 1300 91.75 35,000 840831 1230 91.95 38,000 840719 93.36 51,600 840712 1130 93.67 394.9 54,100 a/ 840725 1220 93.55 337.7 53,600 a/ 840725 1620 93.61 359.5 54,200 840725 1915 93.70 56,100 840704 93.84 58,600 840811 1150 94.08 543.0 60,000 840811 1425 94.08 60,000 840801 94.00 60,300 840626 1520 94.30 64,800 840626 1520 94.31 64,800 OJ 840807 94.40 66,700I 00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a/Discharge value is instantaneous and was determi~ed using a"time lag evaluation. 1 ".~)~1 ;-0''''')'--j '),-l "'1 1 ) Attachment Table B-1.continued ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Mainstem W\B S.Chan.TRI (Q Site)841010 1430 92.64 .5 14.700 (074.481 at RM 74.4)840925 1005 92.85 5.7 19.600 840915 1110 93.90 73.1 22.300 840914 94.12 24.000 840920 1450 94.62 309.9 30.500 840902 94.94 32.000 840902 1231 94.97 449.6 32.000 840817 95.49 42.500 840815 95.56 .46.000 840712 1050 95.96 1260.0 54.100 840711 1130 96.01 55.100 840711 1130 96.08 55.100 840724 1600 96.02 1267.0 55.200 t:O 840723 1950 95.98 56.100I l.O 840721 96.02 57.700 840721 96.03 57 .700 840801 96.22 60.300 840801 96.24 60.300 840810 1745 96.49 66.400 840810 1445 96.54 1910.0 66.400 840807 1205 96.49 66.700 840827 1240 97.14 79.700 840827 1010 97.19 2814.1 79.700 -----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OJ I I-'o Attachment Table B-1.continued ------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 2 841010 92.63 14,700 (074.482 at RM 74.4)840915 93.74 22,300 840914 94.13 24,000 840920 1535 94.64 30,500 840902 94.98 32,000 840902 1503 95.00 .32,000 840817 95.60 42,500 840815 95.64 46,,000 840711 1215 96.06 55,100 840711 1215 96.09 55.100 840723 1950 96.02 56,100 840723 1950 96.07 56,100 840721 96.09 57,700 840721 96.14 57,700 840801 96.31 60,300 840801 96.32 60,300 840810 1805 96.54 66,400 840810 1805 96.62 66,400 840807 1205 96.51 66,700 • 1 •'--1 Attachment Table B-1. J --1 continued --j 1 ec,.......... WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 2A 840903 1230 94.90 29,000 (074.485 at RM 74.4)840920 94.67 30,500 840902 94.99 32,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) ---------------.......----------------------------------- Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 3 841010 93.03 14,700 (074.483 at RM 74.4)840915 93.80 22,300 840914 94.18 24,000 840903 94.97 29,000 840920 1323 94.70 30,500 840902 1604 95.04 32,000 840902 95.08 32,000 840815 95.92 46,000 840711 1300 96.39 55,100 840723 1950 96.36 56,100 840721 96.44 57,700 840801 96.67 60,300 840810 1805 96.81 66,400 OJ 840810 1805 96.94 66,400I 1-1 840807 1205 96.81 66,700N 'I ,..)'~--'l "',_,0 1 Attachment Table B-1.continued '1 '1 p--,] cc I ~ W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (it)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 3A 841010 93.05 14,700 (074.456 at RM 74.4)841001 1120 93.37 18,700 840925 1210 93.51 19,600 840915 94.04 22,300 840914 94.44 24,000 840903 1100 95.21 29,000 840920 1248 94.93 30,500 840902 1628 95.29 32,000 840902 95.32 32,000 Attachment Table B-1. Location continued Date Time WSEL (ft ) Streamflow (cfs) Mainstem Discharge (cfs) OJ, I-' -Po Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 3B (074.4S7 at RM 74.4) 840903 95.06 29,000 1 1 l f:J 1 Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Mainstem West Bank Side Chan.TR 4 841010 1430 94.63 14,700 (074.4S4 at RM 74.4)840914 1145 95.83 24,000 840903 96.39 .29,000 840920 1239 96.16 30,500 840902 1845 96.49 32,000 840902 1715 96.54 32:,000 840817 97.22 42,500 840815 97.30 46,000 840711 1400 97.50 55,100 840711 1400 97.70 55,100 840723 1950 97.67 56,100 840721 1215 97.62 57,700 840801 1601 97.90 60,300 1;0 840810 1810 97.86 66,400I I-'840810 181'0 98.19 66,400U1 840807 1205 97.97 66,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-1.continued --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Circular Side Chan.TR 1 (Q Site)840920 0855 87.87 .5 30,500 (075.3S1 at RM 75.3)840830 1700 89.10 40,800 840817 1700 89.25 42,500 840817 1740 89.28 43.1 42,500 840803 90.23 54,700 840803 90.24 54,700 840724 1855 90.26 55,200 840724 1855 90.26 55,200 840724 1140 90.29 204.2 55,200 840724 1225 90.30 191.0 55,200 QJ 840724 1330 90.30 55,200 I 840723 90.31 56,100f-' '"840811 1250 90.81 281.4 60,000 840706 90.70 60,400 840706 90.70 60,400 840706 90.72 60,400 840824 1235 90.78 64,800 840824 1235 90.78 64,800 840626 1045 90.99 64,800 840626 1045 91.00 64,800 840807 1245 91.24 66,700 840827 1800 91.75 79,700 840827 1615 91.82 745.5 79,700 )····~i Attachment Table B-1.continued ·1 i -, OJ I....... -....I. WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (ds) --------------------------------------------------- Circular Side Channel TR 2 840830 89.27 40,800 (075.382 at RM 75.3)840817 89.27 42,500 840817 1830 89.30 42,500 840803 90.21 54,700 840724 1905 90.26 55,200 840811 1225 90.77 60,000 840824 1230 90.80 64,800 840807 1245 91.19 66,700 -----------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- o:J I...... 00 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------- Circular Side Channel TR 2A 841010 88.06 14,700 (075.386 at RM 75.3)840903 88.69 29,000 840920 0930 88.67 30,500 840902 88.70 32,000 840830 89.33 40,800 840817 1940 89.41 42,500 840803 90.26 54,700 840724 1905 90.28 55,200 840724 1600 90.31 55,200 840824 1230 90.81 64,800 840807 1245 91.18 66,700 -~ ""' -1 -,-"],-J Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(cfs)Discharge (cfs)--------------------------------------------------- Circular Side Channel TR 3 840914 1330 89.45 24,000 (075.383 at RM 75.3)-840903 89.55 29,000 840920 0946 89.50 '30,500 840902 1904 89.56 32,000 840830 1445 90.06 40,800 840817 1545 90.17 42,500 840817 1923 90.20 42,500 840710 1455 90.51 52,500 840803 1105 90.62 54,700 840724 1200 90.67 55,200 840724 1910 90.60 55,200 840723 1645 90.64-56,100 840811 1225 91.01 60,000 c:o 840706 1100 90.92 60,400I I-'840824 1225 91.03 64,800l.O 840626 1040 91.15 64,800 840626 1040 91.21 64,800 840807 1245 91.32 66,700 Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Circular 8ide Channel TR 4 (Q Site)840928 1610 89.54 17,700 (075.384 at RM 75.3)840914 89.72 24,000 840903 89.85 29,000 840920 1010 89.77 .5 30,500 840902 89.84 32,000 840830 90.40 40,800 840817 90.57 42,500 840817 1740 90.60 49.6 42,500 840710 1415 91.13 150.0 52,500 840803 91.24 54,700 840724 1330 91.25 200.2 55,200 840724 1910 91.26 55,200 840724 1015 91.29 192.5 55,200 OJ 840724 1105 91.30 55,200I N 840723 91.26 56,1000 840811 1220 91.58 60,000 840811 1105 91.59 295.0 60,000 840824 1220 91.54 64,800 840824 1220 91.56 64,800 840807 1245 91.83 66,700 840827 1555 92.43 79,700 840827 1425 92.49 860.0 79,700 "~~~} Attachment Table B-1.continued ! OJ I N- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Circular Side Channel TR 5 841010 89.04 14,700 (075.3S5 at RM 75.3)841009 89.10 15,000 840928 89.55 17 ,700 840914 89.73 24,000 840903 89.84 29,000 840920 1020 89.76 30,500 840724 1500 91.32 55,200 840724 1915 91.32 55,200 Attachment Table B-1.continued OJ I N N WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------...._----------------------------------- Circular Side Channel Head 840710 1600 91.81 52,500 (075.3H3 at RM 75.3)840723 1520 92.00 56,100 840624 ··1515 92.99 70,100 -:'\ 1 Attachment Table B-1.continued ))}1 OJ I N W WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sauna Side Channel TR 1 841009 88.75 .15,000 (079.8S1 at RM 79.8)840817 1030 89.15 42,500 840823 1550 90.63 54,600 840723 90.70 54.0 56 t 100 840723 1300 90.72 56,100 840802 90.73 56,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs-)Discharge (cfs) I ---------------------------------------------------~ '1 Sauna Side Channel TR 2 (Q Site)841009 89.00 15,000"I j (079.8S2 at RM 79.8)840710 1040 90.24 37.8 52,500 i 840823 1500 90.61 54,600 840723 1200 90.71 52.0 56,100 840723 1215 90.73 50.0 56,100 840723 1220 90.73 56,100 840802 1645 90.75 56,700 840721 1545 90.91 57,700 840828 1055 91.09 59,900 840828 0925 91.13 57.6 59,900 840706 1515 91.18 60,400 840810 1350 91.83 66,400 840810 1255 91.85 67.5 66,400 o:J 840807 91.26 66,700I N 840625 1600 91.82 67,100+:> 840625 1600 91.86 67,100 } Attachment Table B-1.continued 1 OJ I N (J1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft).(cfs)Discharge (cfs) -------------------------------------------------- Sauna Side Channel TR 3 841009 88.90 15,000 (079.883 at RM 79.8)840823 1510 90.64 54,600 840723 1540 90.66 56,100 840723 90.72 55.0 56,100 840723 1414 90.75 56,100 840802 90.75 56,700 Attachment Table B-1.continued OJ I N 0'\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W8EL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sauna Side Channel TR 4 841009 89.02 15,000 (079.884 at RM 79.8)840928 1045 89.02 17 ,700 840914 1700 89.02 24,000 840830 89.39 40,800 840817 89.29 42)500 840823 1510 90.65 54,600 840723 90.69 45.0 56,100 840723 1625 90.69 56)100 840802 1510 90.79 56,700 }1 -).--_.'.1 1 ,.._)-11. J '-~1 OJ I N -...J Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sunset Side Channel TR 0 840929 92.70 17,400 (086.980 at RM 86.9)840822 1600 95.54 54,300 840803 1535 95.60 54,700 840723 1230 95.58 56,100 840722 1225 95.09 57,800 840722 1650 95.62 57,800 840808 1655 96.67 65,900 840807 1450 96.68 66,700 Attachment Table B-1.continued ---------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfa) ------------------.--------------------------------- Sunaet Side Channel TR 1 (Q Site)840929 1440 93.27 1.0 17,400 (086.951 at RM 86.9)840930 93.27 17,800 840916 93.29 21,000 840912 1305 93.29 1.4 22,700 840913 1440 93.30 22,700 840919 0915 93.29 28,400 840817 94.34 127.0 42,500 840822 1600 95.53 54,300 840803 1540 95.58 54,700 840709 1705 95.59 533.0 55,400 840709 1200 95.69 55,400 840723 0940 95.58 446.0 56,100 840723 1040 95.58 56,100 OJ 840721 1205 95.45 57,700I840722121095.67 496.0 57,800Nco840808162596.63 65,900 840808 1240 96.67 944.7 65,900 840801 1450 96.69 66,700 840825 1500 99.42 3895.0 93,300 840826 0910 99.88 104,000 -i 1 I I 1 ]--~-1 '_.--'1 I OJ I N 1.0 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sunset Side Channel TR 2 840929 1140 93.81 17,400 (086.9S2 at RM 86.9)840930 93.79 17,800 840916 93.81 21,000 840912 1510 93.81 22,700 840914 1500 93.81 24,000 840919 0925 93.80 28,400 840822 1510 95.71 54,300 840803 1555 95.68 54,700 840709 1300 95.94 55,400 840723 1415 95.64 56,100 . 840722 1450 95.76 57,800 840722 1235 95.78 57,800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(ds)Discharge (ds) -------------.".-------------------------------------. Sunset Side Channel TR 3 841005 93.74 16,500 (086.9S3 at RM 86.9)840930 93.69 .17,800 840916 ,93.87 21,000 840912 1510 93.78 22,700 840914 1525 93.87 24,000 840919 0939 93.87 28,400 840817 1530 94.93 42,500 840816 95.02 44,000 840822 1440 95.86 54,300 840803 1450 95.95 54,700 840709 1415 96.01 55,400 840723 1210 95.85 56,100 840722 1950 95.86 57,800 co 840722 1315 95.94 57,800Iw840808165596.86 65,9000 840807 1450 96.89 66,700 J ...-_.]-1 ~-l )1 -----1 --1 ~~.~~-) Attachment Table B-1.continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sunset Side Channel TR 4 840930 94.11 17,800 (086.954 at RM 86.9)840916 94.11 21,000 840912 1505 94.29 22,700 840914 1615 94.31 24,000 840919 0948 94.31 28,400 840817 1530 95.01 42,500 840816 95.10 44,000 840822 95.93 54,300 840822 1440 95.93 54,300 840803 1502 95.92 54,700 840709 1500 96.08 55.400 840723 1140 95.95 56.100 840722 1820 95.96 57,800 OJ 840722 1455 95.98 57,800Iw840808165096.89 65,900..... 840807 1450 96.96 66,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs )Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Sunset Side Channel TR 5 841005 94.75 16.500 (086.9S5 at RM 86.9)840929 1140 94.76 17.400 840930 1444 94.75 17 .800 840916 1830 94.76 21.000 840912 1500 94.78 22.700 840919 1000 94.76 28.400 840817 1430 95.99 42.500 840816 1345 96.06 44.000 840822 1435 96.66 54.300 840803 1545 96.72 54.700 840709 1600 96.79 55.400 840723 1115 96.65 56.100 840722 1520 96.68 57.800 to 840722 1930 96.68 57 .800I w 840808 1650 97.31 65.900N 840807 1450 97.36 66.700 1-··1 1 ..-1 1 J ---I ._--~-1 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(ds)Discharge (cf.s) --------------------------------------------------- Sunset Side Channel TR 6 841005 94.74 16,500 (086.9s6 at RM 86.9)840929 1140 94.75 17 ,400 840930 94.75 17 ,800 840916 94.76 21,000 840919 1030 94.76 28,400 840902 1520 94.88 32,000 840817 1330 95.97 42,500 840816 96.05 44,000 840822 1435 96.62 54,300 840803 1545 96.69 54,700 840722 1830 96.64 57,800 840722 1605 96.65 57,800 840808 1650 97.21 65,900 to 840807 1450 97.29 66,700 Iw W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ro i W -Po Attachment Table B-1.continued ----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Trapper Creek sIc TR 1 841006 91.92 15,700 (091.682 at RM 91.6)840930 91.93 17,800 840924 91.94 20,400 840917 91.95 20,400 840918 1710 91.95 20,900 840913 1000 91.97 22,700 840816 1735 92.34 44,000 840822 1210 92.76 54,300 840803 1600 92.93 54,700 840819 1110 92.90 57,200 840721 1650 93.11 57,700 840721 1510 93.15 57,700 840722 1135 93.06 57,800 840807 93.75 66,700 840807 1255 93.76 66,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~1 1 1 1 ]~1 J J ~~1 1 Attachment Table B-1.continued WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs) --------------------------------------------------- Trapper Creek sIc TR 2 841006 91.90 15,700 (091.6S3 at RM 91.6)840930 91.92 17 ,800 840917 91.93 20,400 840924 91.93 20,400 840918 1635 91.95 20,900 840913 1000 91.95 22,700 840816 1715 92.00 44,000 840822 1210 92.51 54,300 840803 1600 92.69 54,700 840819 92.69 57,200 840721 1445 92.96 57,700 840721 1710 93.00 57,700 840722 1135 92.89 57,800 co 840807 93.66 66,700 I w 840807 1255 93.68 66,700 (J'l -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Table B-1.continued ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft )(cfs)Discharge (cfs) '-------------.,.,------------------------------------- Trapper Creek sIc TR 3 841009 92.12 15,000 (091.6S4 at RM 91.6)841006 92.14 15,700 840930 92.14 17 ,800 840924 92.17 20,400 840917 92.19 20,400 840918 1600 92.18 20,900 840913 1000 92.16 22,700 840911 1510 92.14 23,500 840816 1625 92.15 44,000 840822 1205 92.82 54,300 840803 1600 93.02 54,700 840819 93.04 57,200 840721 1220 93.22 57 ,700 co 840721 1530 93.32 57,700Iw840722113593.26 57,800en 840807 94.06 66,700 840807 1255 94.08 66,700 "I 1 --]1 ~l 1 J --~,---1 -1 J --1 ]1 Attachment Table B-1.continued --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSEL Streamflow Mainstem Location Date Time (ft)(cfs)Discharge (cfs)--------------------------------------------------- Trapper Creek sIc TR 4 (Q Site)841009 92.50 15,000 (091.681 at RM 91.6)841006 92.51 15,700 840930 92.47 17 ,800 840917 92.53 20,400 840924 92 .55 20,400 840918 1625 92.60 15.9 20,900 840913 1000 92.56 16.4 22,700 840911 1150 92.56 17 .8 23,500 840911 1400 92.58 23,500 840816 1445 92.70 31.4 44,000 . 840822 0950 93.27 54,300 840803 93.18 54,700 840803 1500 93.42 54,700c;o 840708 1130 93.78 459.0 57 ,100Iw84081993.23 57,200....., 840721 1310 93.63 389.0 57,700 840721 1530 94.08 57,700 840722 0935 93.61 372.0 57,800 840722 1020 93.62 57,800 840707 1530 93.89 58,800 840707 1600 93.89 58,800 840807 94.18 66,700 840807 1115 94.21 867.8 66,700 840624 1120 94.41 70,100 840624 1500 94.75 70,100 840825 1000 96.28 3158.8 93,300 840825 1230 96.42 93,300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ,..... ! ..... ..... AT T AC H MEN T C """ Attachment Table C-1.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Island Side Channel. LOCATION OF THALWEG:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL (RM 63.2) GAGE NO:63.2S68 DATE:84 09 30 SITE FLOW:1.0 (cfs)1/ USGS DISCHARGE:17,800 (cfs)2/ GAGE READING START:DRY END:DRY TIME(24 HR.)START:1000 END:1115 T8M IO:ADF&G ISLAND T8M R8 1984 STATION THALWEG WSEL 3/ (ft )ELEVATION (ft)(ft)DESCRIPTION 00+00 88.47 90.22 00+73 90.27 90.73 01+38 90.30 90.75 02+34 90.70 90.82 02+90 89.10 90.86 TRANSECT I-STAFF GAGE 63.2S1 03+15 87.97 90.89 03+54 87.30 90.93 TRANSECT lA-STAFF GAGE 63.2S7 04+22 89.00 90.88 TRANSECT 2-STAfF GAGE 63.2S2 04+90 89.79 90.89r-05+20 90.80 90.87 05+67 90.30 91.23 TRANSECT 3-STAFF GAGE 63.2S3 06+50 91.40 91.56 TRANSECT 4-STAFF GAGE 63.2S4 07+38 90.91 91.56 TRANSECT 4A-STAFF GAGE 63.2S8 07+97 89.22 91.56 08+64 88.60 91.57 TRANSECT 5-STAFF GAGE 63.2S5 09+37 88.72 91.55 10+37 89.02 91.54 TRANSECT 6-STAFF GAGE 63.2S6-11+94 91.22 91.54 13+15 92.65 DRY 14+13 92.64 DRY 15+18 91.07 92.22 "'"" 1/Estimated streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. f¥'< 2/Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshirie USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg-measurement. 3/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point ~ during survey of thalweg profile. C-1 Attachment Table C-2.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Main- stem West Bank Side Channel (Main Channel). LOCATION OF THALWEG:MAINSTEM WEST BANK SIDE CHANNEL {MAIN CHANNEL,RM 74.4} GAGE NO:REMOVED DATE:84 10 10 SITE FLOW:1.0 (cfs)l/ USGS DISCHARGE:14,700 (cfs)2/ GAGE READING START:DRY END:DRY TIME(24 HR.)START:1235 END:1415 TBM 10:ADF&G MAINSTEM WESTBANK T8M RB 840915 1/ 2/ 3/ STATION THALWEG WSEL 3/ (ft)ELEVATION (ft)(ft)DESCRIPTION 00+00 91.73 92.43 00+64 91.71 92.44 01+18 91.59 92.46 01+46 92.43 92.61 02+18 91.99 92.62 03+29 91.10 92.64 TRANSECT 1 STAFF GAGE 74.4S1 03+98 91.25 92.62 04+95 91.60 92.63 TRANSECT 2 STAFF GAGE 74.4S2 05+74 91.88 92.63 06+58 92.25 92.62 07+00 92.50 92.76 07+38 92.37 92.79 07+90 92.51 92.78 08+06 92.78 93.04 08+64 92.71 93.03 TRANSECT 3 STAFF GAGE 74.4S3 09+07 93.00 93.05 TRANSECT 3A ST.GAGE 74.4S6 09+84 93.08 93.29 10+44 93.10 93.46 11+18 93.90 94.10 11+78 94.12 94.34 12+19 93.74 94.34 12+52 94.09 94.32 12+87 94.52 94.63 TRANSECT 4 STAFF GAGE 74.4S4 13+56 94.90 95.15 14+17 95.04 95.25 14+97 94.32 95.28 Measured streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement. Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg pointduringsurveyofthalwegprofile. C-2 Attachment Table C-3.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Mainstem West Bank (East Channel). LOCATION OF THALWEG:MAINSTEM WESTBANK SIDE CHANNEL (EAST CHANNEL,RM 74.4) TIME(24 HR.)START:1235 END:1415 TBM 10:ADF&G MAINSTEM \~ESTBANK TBM RB 840915 GAGE NO:REMOVED DATE:84 10 10 SITE FLOW:1.0 (cfs)l/ USGS DISCHARGE:14,700 (cfs)2/ GAGE READING START:DRY END:DRY i" I - - ,... STATION THALWEG WSEL 3/ (ft )ELEVATION (ft)(ft)DESCRI PTION 04+95 92.64 DRY 06+14 93.16 DRY 07+36 94.50 DRY TRANSECT 2A STAFF GAGE 74.4S5 07+82 94.63 DRY 08+33 93.90 DRY TRANSECT 3 08+56 93.86 DRY 08+84 93.28 DRY 09+24 93.90 DRY TRANSECT 38 STAFF GAGE 74.4S7 09+61 94.60 DRY 10+19 95.36 DRY 11+02 97.16 DRY 1/Measured streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement .. 2/Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement. 3/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point during survey of thalweg profile. c C-3 Attachment Table C-4.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Circular Side Channel. LOCATION OF THALWEG:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL (RM 75.3) GAGE NO:REMOVED GAGE READING START:DRY END:DRY DATE:84 10 10 TIME(24 HR.)START:0900 END:1140 SITE FLOW:0.0 (cfs)l/ (cfs)2/ TBM ID:ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 USGS DISCHARGE:14,500 STATION THALWEG WSEL 3/ (ft)ELEVATION (ft)(ft )DESCRIPTION 00+00 82.57 85.52 00+53 82.52 85.51 01+54 84.44 85.54 02+35 83.36 85.52 04+02 85.17 85.50 04+50 85.64 85.66 05+21 86.87 DRY 06+80 87.15 DRY 07+26 83.46 87.16 07+97 85.12 87.16 08+70 85.10 87.14 09+39 87.30 DRY TRANSECT 1 STAFF GAGE 75.3S1 10+34 87.86 DRY 11+41 88.32 DRY TRANSECT 2 STAFF GAGE 75.3S2 12+10 87.52 88.06 TRANSECT 2A STAFF GAGE 75.3S6 13+29 87.88 88.08 13+95 89.30 DRY TRANSECT 3 STAFF GAGE 75.3S3 14+90 89.48 DRY 16+33 89.13 DRY TRANSECT 4 STAFF GAGE 75.3S4 16+70 89.04 DRY 17+20 88.04 89.04 18+00 86.90 89.04 TRANSECT 5 STAFF GAGE 75.3S5 19+37 88.61 89.05 20+65 88.00 89.17 1/Measured streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. 2/Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement. 3/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point during survey of thalweg profile. C-4 - Attachment Table C-4 (Continued). STATION THALWEG WSEL 11 (ft)ELEVATION (ft)(ft )DESCRIPTION 21+14 88.63 89.14 21+51 89.35 DRY 21+82 88.85 89.06 22+49 88.13 89.07 f!'""22+98 88.62 89.04 23+34 89.08 DRY 23+84 88.53 88.93 24+17 88.93 DRY 24+70 87.47 88.90 25+00 86.64 88.90 ~.25+32 88.84 88.94 25+95 88.86 DRY 26+62 88.76 DRY 27+56 90.06 DRY ,.- I '1 1/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point .-during survey of thalweg profile . ,~ -C-5 "41,f Attachment Table C-5.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Sauna Side Channel. LOCATION OF THALWEG:SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL (RM 79.8) GAGE NO:79.8S28 DATE:84 10 09 SITE FLOW:1.0 (cfs)l/ USGS DISCHARGE:15,000 (cfs)2/ GAGE READING START:DRY END:DRY TIME(24 HR.)START:1320 END:1500 TBM 10:ADF&G SAUNA TBM LB 840823 STATION (ft) THALWEG ELEVATION (ft) WSEL 3/ (ft)DESCRIPTION 00+00 00+79 01+43 02+09 03+05 03+99 05+16 06+21 06+99 07+68 08+54 09+09 09+68 10+27 10+80 11+76 . 12+59 13+25 13+69 14+06 14+28 14+45 14+57 87.49 87.68 84.44 87.43 88.06 88.31 88.60 88.70 88.83 88.87 84.79 87.48 88.57 87.50 88.94 89.20 89.74 90.00 88.98 87.01 87.56 90.33 87.79 87.67 87.87 87.84 87.86 88.28 88.51 88.75 88.90 89.00 89.00 88.99 88.90 88.92 89.02 89.00 DRY DRY DRY DRY 89.16 89.02 DRY 88.84 TRANSECT 1 STAFF GAGE 79.8S1 TRANSECT 2 STAFF GAGE 79.8S2 TRANSECT 3 STAFF GAGE 79.8S3 TRANSECT 4 STAFF GAGE 79.8S4 JUNCTION WITH SIDE CHANNEL 1/Estimated .streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. 2/Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement. 3/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point during survey of thalweg profile. C-6 - Attachment Table C-6.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Sunset Side Channel. LOCATION OF THALWEG:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL (RM 86.9) GAGE NO:86.9S1C DATE:84 09 29 SITE FLOW:1.01 (cfs)l/2/ USGS DISCHARGE:17,400 (cfs) GAGE READING START:0.47 END:0.47 TIME(24 HR.)START:1140 END:1430 TBM 10:ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 STATION (ft) THALWEG ELEVATION (ft) ~JSEL3/ (ft)DESCRIPTION 00+00 00+52 01+41 02+81 03+70 04+43 05+37 .06+13 06+95 07+48 09+12 09+89 11+34 12+18 12+39 13+91 15+24 15+90 16+45 91.59 91.99 90.92 91.92 91.98 92.15 91.67 90.65 92.15 4/ 92.30 92.92 4/ 92.60 93.08 93.604/ 93.40 92.97 92.01 93.60 94.34 92.08 92.31 92.31 92.29 92.39 92.57 92.61 92.53 92.58 92.70 93.18 93.26 93.34 93.85 93.79 93.85 93.83 93.86 94.60 TRANSECT O-STAFF GAGE 86.9S0 TRANSECT I-STAFF GAGE 86.9S1 TRANSECT 2-STAFF GAGE 86.9S2 TRANSECT 3-STAFF GAGE 86.9S3 ~1/ 2/ .- 3/,.... 4/ '""" Measured streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement.. Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point dur;'ng survey of thalweg profile. Thalweg elevation determined at each thalweg point from cross section profiles from the hydraulic model rather than from the original thalweg survey. C-7 Attachment Table C-6 (Continued). 1/ STATION THALWEG WSEL 1/ (ft )ELEVATION (ft )(ft )DESCRT PTION 17+40 94.20 4/94.62 TRANSECT 4-STAFF GAGE 86.9S4 18+06 94.40 94.69 19+78 92.30 94.71 TRANSECT 5-STAFF GAGE 86.9S5 21+34 92.20 4/94.72 22+38 90.60 94.82 TRANSECT 6-STAFF GAGE 86.9S6 23+72 92.07 94.73 24+88 93.33 94.73 25+21 94.57 94.74 26+45 95.04 95.20 28+31 95.75 95.91 29+64 96.32 96.48 Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point during survey of thalweg profile. 4/Thalweg elevation determined at each thalweg point from cross section profiles from the hydraulic model rather than from the original thalweg survey. C-8 - Attachment Table C-7.Data used in plotting the thalweg profile of Trapper Creek Side Channel. LOCATION OF THALWEG:TRAPPER CREEK SIDE CHANNEL (RM 91.6) I"'"I GAGE NO:91.6SIC GAGE READING START:0.72 END:0.72 DATE:84 09 13 TIME(24 HR.)START:1000 END:1224 SITE FLOW:16.4 (cfs)l/TBM 10:ADF&G TRAPPER TBM RB 840822 USGS DISCHARGE:22,700 (cfs)2/ STATION THALWEG WSEL 3/ (ft)ELEVATION (ft )(ft)DESCRIPTION 0+00 89.36 90.29 0+55 90.07 90.62 1+08 90.61 91.09 1+66 91.49 91.94 2+44 90.71 91.96 3+32 90.39 91.96r4+10 90.11 91.95 I 4+82 89.79 91.96 5+39 90.00 91.96 TRANSECT I-STAFF GAGE 91.6S2 6+23 90.21 91.96 7+23 90.42 91.95 8+25 90.60 91.98 TRANSECT 2-STAFF GAGE I""".91.6S3 9+29 90.79 91.98 10+42 91.47 91.981-11+42 91.70 92.15 TRANSECT 3-STAFF GAGE 91.6S4 12+08 92.04 92.43 13+17 91.80 92.54 TRANSECT 4-STAFF GAGE 91.6S1 14+01 92.25 92.62 15+81 92.98 93.31 -1/Measured streamflow at time of the thalweg measurement. 2/Mean daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine USGS gaging station (15292780)corresponding to date of thalweg measurement. 3/Water surface elevation determined at each thalweg point during survey of thalweg profile. C-9 . ; .. z !:!....:;; u 0... 0 .. 0 ::I oJ .... W ~... "'z ..;.;:~.. zw w ...,'-... ..z E oct =c.,._..... :x::1L a_:r-. O~~~~.; >-=';:1iD!1.oa:v ..-.-) We:>:~~~:Qw ozglZ:;cn~"'016.~W ....J ~~~~~O<l:z:::C ~~iiiQ~,q'"0;:)02" g oJ >U)~~w : ~Wa::oc(w~ >w::Ez-' ~!C~c~cn.w2 .... ; Attachment Fi gure C-1 Thalweg profile of Island Side Channel study site. C-I0 1 ~l 1 J 't )-1 -) TI'l.lHSlc1 " 10+00 10"00 1"'111---1 TIIl.l'UI[Cl 5 lIU.NlEeT JA I--- U.l"UCT:u.1_A",sECT :I ,U"'I[CT n '+00 TU".tc:,Z STREAMBED STATION I '..tl ---"'--_..._--------------_..._-_.._-_...~-----_...-.--=....~:::.....===:::; .100'.''.lat 74 .•U EAST BANI<MINOR CHANN£ls SURVEY DATE,841010 WATER SURFACE ON SURVEY DATE,---- MEASURED SITE FLOW,<1.0 .1. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE ISUNSHINH 14.aDD .ra THALWEG GRADIENT:12.5 '""mill STREAMBED STATION!h.,1 " MAINSTEM WEST BANK SIDE CHANNEL THALWEG PROFILE ! z .. S! 0-..>"I 0"'".J '"'">;:.. .J '".... UANuet I ;" o "0~ I"-I)a !~gl.l ..'INSTfM WEST BANK Sltl:~(:HANN£.l ., .. .,I I...lUll '1"--------{ 0+00 ;i (t i 1 iii , •Iii 1 1 iii \, \ , , ,iii iii tit' » M'..... PI () ::T 3 III :J M' "...... l.O C "'1 III n I N Vl-l M'::T CPIa........ '<~ III Vlt.O...... .....-0 III "'1 n .0 I ..... I--'...... I--'...... III 0..... 3:. PI z......":J 0 Vl ;:.......> III '".J 3 '"'">:e:;: III .. .J Vl '".....'" OJ PI :J 7<:" U"I...... a.. III n ::T PI :J ;:l III...... YIlANII[CT ~VIIIAJIlUC,IIu,t,..,IlCV i CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL THALWEG PROFILE SURVEY DATE,841010 WATER SURFACE ON SURVEY DATE, IlUSURED SITE fLOW,0.0 ch IlAINSTEIl DISCHARGE «SUNSHINH 14,500 cia THALWEG GRADIENT;14.3 'til/mil, ifll6Ji:1S!lCT I /' o "'"'-----''h'l .....,..oas.c-.l STREAIlBED STATION «".11 I ':."...,---J '.i ,ii,iii iii iii iii iii iii,,50 i 00 0"1'"00 IHO(!IQ+OO 111""1'"00 110.00 li!!I+OO + 00 ,. ., .. .. :t:> rt rt QI n::::r 3ro ~ rt "Tl...... I.CI C.. I'D n I w -l::::r QI-:.E I'D I.CI -0.. 0n-nI......~-'N ro .0 .-n ~n 0 >=..........>..n -'c ..........QI > >=.... -'Vl .. 0:...... CL I'D n ::::r QI ~ ~ I'D -' Vl rte CL '< Vl...... rt I'D 1 l 1 1 ])>~J )) TlIII.ltlUCT 4 10+00 TIiI.lNUCT :sTUN,rCf I 1+00 JUIIUCT I STREAYBED STATION (hotl SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL THALWEG PROFILE SURVEY DATE,B~IOOB WATER SURFACE 011 SURVEY DATE, ESTI .....TED SITE fLOW:"1.0 ." ..AINSTEY DISCHARGE fSUNSNINE"I~.BDO <to THALWEG GRADIENT,10.~,••lImll• ·1 i tI'",..,.I I ''''.00':i ,i 'i '.iiiIi',i , ,'I 'iii ii"i '0+00 00 .. .. .. ..L;;;;:=r ''''~- .. :t> H- H-c:un::r ffi::s H-.,.,...... 1.0 C ~co n I .j::o ---i::rc:u --' ~co 1.0 "0 ~ 0n--+,I ............ --'w co ..0 -+,z 0 t/'l i=..c:u >c ~:::l '"c:u '"I :- t/'l ;:..........J 0-....co n::rc:u :::l::sco --' Ul H-e: 0- '< Ul....... H-co 1 1)-1 1 1 )1 )1 J -..]) AOf.,GAG[ '165. 10+00 ADf!)G GAGE 1115' .--------_..._----.._--_.......__....-_..._..--------_.-... ------_....._-------- STREAMBED STATION ('ul) SU~YEY DATE,8.0~JS WATE~SURFACE ON SURVEY DATE,--__ MUSU~ED SITE FLOW,18 ••,It MAIN STEM DISCHARGE (SUNSHINE),22,100 ,., THALWEG GRADIENT:12.1 'ul/mil. TRAPPER CREEK SIDE CHANNEL THALWEG PROFILE I L~l ~'.~ 1 4 ....."..•~!~...J 111 fttt ''fAWner J ftll""SECT 4·1 s+oo -----_..-..... ~50 huIA n ..1 » rt rt' l:lJn:::r 3 (ll :::J M- Ol -0. lO C ""'S ftl n I 0'1 ..,r; :::r Q.I-:e: ftl lO n "tJ I ""'S.....0 U1 -t,............. l'tI z 0 0 ;: -t,..:-... -l -J... ""'S ... PI :- "tJ ;:.. -0 -J l'tI ... ""'S '" n ""'S ftl ftl .. 7":" 0+00 VI..... e. ftl n:::r OJ :::J :::J It>...... AT T ACH MEN T 0 r- I - - ---......--------------------,,-.--......---...-------------------------- ATTACHMENT Table 0-1 Cross secti ona 1 profi 1e data obtai ned at Island Side Channel transect 1. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 1. GAGE NO:63.2S1A DATE:84 09 01 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:91.69 TIME:1300 TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 LBHP ID ADF&G TR1 LB 840725 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR1 RB 840725 TBM ELEVATION LBHP ELEVATION RBHP ELEVATION 100.00 95.99 98.81 - - STATION 00 00 02 12 14 16 20 30 40 48 52 54 60 70 80 88 92 102 112 120 126 128 134 138 142 150 156 162 168 172 176 RELATIVE ELEVATION /1 96.00 95.7 95.6 95.1 94.8 94.4 94.2 94.2 94.0 93.6 93.8 93.9 93.5 93.3 93.4 93.0 93.0 92.8 92.7 92.4 91.9 91.69 91.0 90.4 90.3 90.7 90.6 90.1 89.1 89.1 89.1 0-1 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-1 continued 180 89.4 182 89.6 186 90.6 187 91.69 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 187.1 95.3 UNDERCUT 192 97.6 194 98.2 196.5 98.4 GB RBHP /3 196.5 98.81 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-2 ATTACHMENT Table 0-2 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect lA. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT.1A. ,- GAGE NO:63.2S7B DATE:84 09 01 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 LBHP ID ADF&G TRIA LB 840725 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TRIA RB 840725 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.25 00 95.9 02 95.9 10 95.3 18 94.6 28 94.3 32 94.4 34 94.3 44 94.3 50 93.6 52 93.3 62 93.1 68 93.5 78 93.7 84 93.6 86 93.6 96 93.3 106 92.9 116 92.6 126 92.2 132 91.9 134 91.69 140 91.0 146 90.5 150 90.3 154 90.0 160 89.8 164 89.2 168 88.5 D-3 GAGE READING:0.75 WSEL:91.69 TIME:1330 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 96.23 RBHP ELEVATION 98.74 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-2,cent inued 170 174 176 180 184 186 188 190 192 193 194 196 200 202 204 206 207 210 220 220.5 220.5 88.3 87.6 87.3 87.3 87.6 88.1 88.8 89.7 90.7 91.69 92.1 92.6 93.4 93.6 94.3 94.6 96.6 98.1 98.2 98.2 98.74 RIGHT WATER SURFACE CUTBANK GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-4 ATTACHMENT Table D-3 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 2. .-LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2• -. r - GAGE NO:63.2S2B DATE:84 09 01 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 LBHP ID ADF&G TR2 LB 840725 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR2 RB 840725 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 95.94 00 95.5 02 95.5 08 95.0 12 94.1 14 93.3 22 93.4 26 93.5 36 93.7 46 93.6 56 93.7 66 94.3 68 94.3 78 94.1 88 93.4 98 93.0 108 92.8 118 92.5 128 92.1 132 91.8 134 91.70 138 91.3 142 90.7 146 90.2 150 90.0 154 89.7 160 89.6 164 89.4 168 89.0 172 89.2 0-5 GAGE READING:0.46 WSEL:91.70 TIME:1400 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 95.94 RBHP ELEVATION 99.05 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-3.cont inued 176 89.8 178 90.2 180 90.8 183 91.7 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 184 94.9 ROOT MASS 186 96.3 188 97.5 190 98,3 193.2 98.5 GB RBHP /3 193.2 99,05 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft,assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-6 ATTACHMENT Table D-4 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 3. ,.... - - GAGE NO:63.2S3B DATE:84 09 01 yr.mo.day rBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 LBHP ID ADF&G TR3 LB 840725 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR3 RB 840725 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.26 00 95.7 02 95.6 05 95.3 06 94.9 14 94.3 20 94.3 30 94.4 40 94.3 50 94.3 58 94.3 68 93.8 72 93.7 82 93.2 92 93.0 102 92.9 112 92.7 122 92.4 132 92.0 141 91.68 144 91.4 154 91.2 160 91.2 164 91.3 172 91.4 182 91.4 188 90.8 190 90.3 0-7 GAGE READING:0.26 WSEL:91.68 TIME:1430 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 96.26 RBHP ELEVATION 99.15 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE~.continued 194 19£ 199 200 202 204 208 208 90.5 90.9 91.68 92.3 94.6 97.6 98.9 99.15 RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP 13 RBHP 11 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. 12 Ground besides left bank headpin. 13 Ground besides right bank headpin. D-8 ATTACHMENT Table 0-5 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL TRANSECT 4. GAGE NO:63.2S4B DATE:84 01 yr.day GAGE READING:0.29 WSEL:91.68 TIME:1500 TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR4 LB 840725 LBHP ELEVATION 97.16 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR4 RB 840725 .RBHP ELEVATION 100.02 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE 0-9 ATTACHMENT TABLE~.continued 186 92.5 188 97.3 190 97.5 192 98.6 196 99.5 198.2 99.5 GB RBHP /3 198.2 100.01 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-10 ATTACijMENT Tabl e 0-6 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4A. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 4A. GAGE NO:63.2S8B DATE:84 09 19 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:91.56 TIME:1340 ,.''-. ~, TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR4A LB 840725 LBHP ELEVATION 97.77 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR4A RB 840725 RBHP ELEVATION 99.04 -I - .~, RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 97.77 00 97.3 05 97.1 11 95.3 14 95.1 15 95.1 25 94.1 28 93.7 29 93.7 39 93.1 49 92.7 53 92.5 54 92.4 64 91.9 71 91.56 72 91.5 76 91.3 80 91.1 84 91.0 88 90.9 92 90.9 96 91.0 100 91.2 104 91.3 108 91.3 112 91.0 114 91.1 118 91.0 122 91.0 126 91.2 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE t;;.. I D-l1 ATTACHMENT TABLE~.continued 130 91.3 133.5 91.56 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 144 91.9 146 92.5 147 92.8 152 93.8 162 93.6 172 93.5 176 93.0 178 93.3 BOTTOM RB 184 9409 TOP RB 194 94.8 200 95.2 201 95.2 215 98.0 217 98.4 GB RBHP /3 217 99.04 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-12 ATTACHMENT Table 0-7 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 5. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL TRANSECT 5. GAGE NO:63.2S5B DATE:84 09 19 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:91.57 TIME:1400 ~. TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR 5 LB 840725 LBHP ELEVATION 96.82 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR5 RB 840725 RBHP ELEVATION 99.68 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.82 00 96.3 10 96.0 16 96.0 19 95.0 22 93.8 23 93.6 24 93.5 25 93.5 35 92.6 45 91.8 50 91.57 54 91.2 58 91.1 62 90.9 66 90.7 70 90.4 74 90.1 78 89.8 82 89.7 86 89.4 90 88.9 94 88.6 98 89.0 102 89.3 106 90.0 110 90.9 112.5 91.57 113 91.7 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE 0-13 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-7.continued 117 92.9 118 93.2 119 93.7 BOTTOM RB 125 98.6 TOP RB 133 99.1 GB RBHP /3 133 99.69 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to lOO.DO ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside Left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-14 ATTACHMENT Table 0-8 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Island Side Channel transect 6. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:ISLAND SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 6. GAGE NO:63.2S6B DATE:84 09 19 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:91.57 TIME:1425 TBM ID ADF&G ISLAND TBM RB 1984 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR 6 LB 840725 LBHP ELEVATION 97.25 RBHP ID ADF&G ISLAND S.C.TR 6 RB 840725 RBHP ELEVATION 99.41 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 97.25 00 96.4 10·96.3 20 95.9 26 95.6 27 95.5 28 95.7 29 95.8 34 95.0 ~35 94.9 45 94.3 55 93.7 56 93.5 66 '92.9 715 92.4 86 92.3 96 91.9 97 91.8 102 91.59 104 91.4 108 9i.1 112 90.6 116 90.0 120 89.3 124 89.1 125 89.2 128 89.0 132 89.3 136 89.8 _c' DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE 0-15 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-8.continued 140 90.7 143 91.54 RIGHT WATER SUFACE 144 91.9 148 93.7 BOTTOM RB 152 98.5 TOP RB 161 98.8 GB RBHP /3 161 99.42 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-16 ATTACHMENT Table D-9 -Cross sectional profi 1e data obtai ned at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 1. - GAGE NO:74.4S1C DATE:84 09 02 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM w/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID ADF&G 74.4S1 TR1 RB 840711 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION II 00 99.47 00 99.3 01 99.0 03 98.2 05 98.4 06 97.9 08 96.9 10 96.0 12 94.93 16 94.2 20 93.8 23 93.2 26 92.8 28 92.2 32 91.8 37 91.5 47 91.1 57 91.5 67 92.0 77 92.2 87 92.3 97 92.4 107 92.4 114 92.6 124 93.1 132 93.7 136 94.0 142 94.5 D-17 GAGE READING:1.50 WSEL:94.96 TIME:1230 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 99.47 RBHP ELEVATION 99.96 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE~.continued 147 94.6 152.5 94.93 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 157 95.1 167 95.5 171 95.6 175 96.0 178 96.1 186 96.7 193 97.5 200 97.8 206 98.4 HIGH WATER MARK 211 99.0 217 98.5 219 98.0 221 97.7 226 98.2 233 98.6 235 99.7 236 99.7 GB RBHP /3 236 99.97 RBHP " /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. 13 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-18 ATTACHMENT Table 0-10 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 2. - GAGE NO:74.4S2C DATE:84 09 02 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID ADF&G 74.4S2 TR2 RB 840711 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 100.65 00 100.3 01 100.3 03 99.3 04 98.7 05 95.6 08 94.97 12 94.4 19 93.8 27 93.3 37 92.4 47 91.6 57 91.7 67 92.0 77 92.5 87 92.6 97 92.8 107 92.7 117 93.1 127 94.0 137 94.7 142.5 94.97 147 95.2 157 96.0 167 96.7 171 96.9 173 97.1 0-19 GAGE READING:1.46 WSEL:94.99 TIME:1500 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 100.65 RBHP ELEVATION 100.03 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-10.continued 180 97.8 187 98.3 192 98.5 HIGH WATER MARK 197 99.1 200 98.6 204 98.2 212 98.9 216 99.8 217 99.9 GB RBHP /3 217 100.04 RBHP TR 2 /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-20 ATTACHMENT Table 0-11 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2A. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 2A. ""'"I GAGE NO:74.4S5C DATE:84 09 03 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:0.56 WSEL:94.90 TIME:1230 TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID REBAR TBM ELEVATION LBHP ELEVATION RBHP ELEVATION 100.00 96.53 99.38 - RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.53 00 96.1 01 96.1 04 96.1 08 95.9 18 95.5 28 95.4 34 94.85 36 94.7 38 94.5 40 94.5 42 94.5 44 94.5 46 94.6 48 94.6 50 94.9 60 95.5 70 95.3 80 95.9 88 96.4 89 96.5 90 96.6 94 98.4 96 98.5 99 99.1 99 99.37 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /21 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-21 ATTACHMENT Table 0-12 Cross secti ana 1 profil e data obtai ned at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 30 GAGE NO:74.4S3C DATE:84 09 02 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID ADF&G 74.4S3 TR3 RB 840711 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 101.16 00 10009 01 100.8 03 10L2 04 97.6 07 97.3 08 96.5 11 95.18 15 94.4 18 93.8 25 93.1 32 9301 42 92.7 52 92.8 62 92.9 72 9303 82 93.7 92 94.7 98 95.18 102 95.5 112 96.1 122 96.3 126 96.4 134 96.6 138 96.99 140 96.7 150 96.5 160 96.5 165 96.7 GAGE READING:1.50 WSEL:95.18 TIME:1600 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 101.16 RBHP ELEVATION 101003 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE MIDDLE.GRAVEL BAR 0-22 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-12.continued 170 171 181 191 201 211 217 219 220 225 229 229.5 229.5 96.3 96.2 95.5 94.89 94.4 93.9 94.3 94.9 99.5 100.6 100.9 101.0 101.04 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURF.BOTTOM RB GB RBHP /3 RBHP - - /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. " D-23 ATTACHMENT Table 0-13 Cros~obtained from Task' Mainstelll .984 field season. 3A. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 3A. GAGE NO:74.4S6C GAGE READING:1.82 DATE:84 09 03 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID NO REBAR RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 101.15 00 100.8 01 100.7 03 100.4 04 97.7 as 98.6 08 98.1 10 96.9 11 95.8 12 95.09 14 94.2 24 94.0 25 93.4 26 93.4 32 93.2 35 93.3 40 93.3 50 93.2 60 93.0 66 93.0 76 93.2 86 93.8 96 94.8 100.5 95.2 110 95.8 120 96.2 130 96.4 140 96.6 145 96.7 146 96.8 146 96.93 WSEL:95.20 TIME:1100 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 101.15 RBHP ELEVATION 96.92 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-24 - ATTACHMENT Table 0-14 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3B. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 3B. GAGE NO:74.4S7C DATE:84 09 03 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:1.20 WSEL:95.06 TIME:1220 TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID REBAR LBHP ELEVATION 97.91 RBHP ID REBAR RBHP ELEVATION 102.02 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 97.91 00 97.6....01 97.5 08 97.2 11 97.0 19 97.1 20 97.0 30 96.7 40 95.9 46 95.4 49 94.84 51 94.6 53 94.3 55 94.1 57 93.9 59 94.0 61 94.4 62 94.5 66 101.0 67.5 101.6 67.5 102.02 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP /3 RBHP """I r r /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-25 ATTACHMENT Table D-15 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 4. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:MAINSTEM WEST BANK AT TRANSECT 4. GAGE NO:74.4S4C DATE:84 09 02 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G MAINSTEM W/B TBM RB 840915 LBHP ID REBAR RBHP ID ADF&G 74.4S4 TR4 RB 840711 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION II 00 100.03 00 99.7 01 99.7 06 99.5 10 99.1 20 98.8 30 98.5 33 98.3 35 96.7 35.5 96.44 38 95.3 41 95.0 51 94.7 61 94.7 71 95.0 81 95.0 91 95.0 101 95.1 III 95.4 121 95.6 131 95.7 141 95.9 144 96.1 148 96.0 156 96.3 161 96.1 163 96.2 168.5 96.5 GAGE READING:0.83 WSEL:96.53 TIME:1715 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 100.03 RBHP ELEVATION 100.99 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP 12 TOP LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE D-26 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-15.continued 173 96.9 183 97.0 193 96.8 203 97.1-213 97.4 223 97.6 233 98.3 I"""237 98.3 246 98.5 248 98.3 252 98.2-254 97.3 256 96.9 261 96.8 ..-265 98.6 268 98.7 269 99.2 271 99.5 278 99.4 286 99.3 288 99.3 297 99.1 313 98.8 331 100.9 GB RBHP /3 331 100.99 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. ""'"/3 Ground beside right bank headpin. .... -0-27 ATTACHMENT Table D-16 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 1~ LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 1. GAGE NO:75.3S1 GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN DATE:84 09 05 WSEL:87.67 yr.mo.day TIME:0900 IBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR IBM RB 840824 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TRI LB 840724 LBHP ELEVATION 94.06 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TRI RB 1984 RBHP ELEVATION 94.06 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /l 00 94.06 00 93.7 07 94.1 13 91.7 15 91.3 26 91.0 36 90.5 46 89.9 56 89.3 63 88.9 72 88.4 74 88.3 84 87.9 94 87.6 101 87.64 104 87.6 114 87.4 124 87.3 134 87.5 142 87.69 146 88.1 150 89.2 154 89.6 156 90.2 159 91.8 160.6 93.7 160.6 94.06 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-28 ..-..-.._---_.__.------"--'--'~~'----~'~-'-.-------_._..- -ATTACHMENT Table D-17 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 2•. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2. GAGE NO:75.3S2 DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN WSEL:88.45 TIME:0930 TBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR2 LB 840724 .LBHP ELEVATION 96.50 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TR2 RB 840724 RBHP ELEVATION 99.Q6 -RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.50 00 96.1 04 95.9 10 90.8 13 89.6 23 89.3 24 89.4 34 89.5 44 89.5 54 89.6 64 89.9 70 89.7 71 89.6 81 89.5 90 89.3 91 89.3 101 88.8 111 88.5 114 88.45 124 88.4 126 88.3 131 88.5 136 88.7 145 88.7 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE D-29 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-17.continued 146 88.6 153 88.8 154 89.0 158 90.8 BOTTOM RB 159 93.3 166 99.0 TOP RB 169 99.2 GB RBHP /3 169 99.66 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-30 ATTACHMENT Table 0-18 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 2A. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2A. ,.... I GAGE NO:75.3S6 DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN WSEL:88.65 TIME:1000 TBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR2A LB 840724 LBHP ELEVATION 99.46 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TR2A RB 840724 RBHP ELEVATION 99.68 ..- I'""" I STATION 00 00 07 12 14 16 17 19 20 25 27 28 38 45 56 57 67 77 87 97 107 113 114 124 125 135 137 148 149 RELATIVE ELEVATION /1 99.46 98.9 98.3 94.6 90.2 89.5 89.02 88.6 88.7 89.02 89.1 89.3 89.2 89.9 89.9 90.0 90.5 90.3 90.3 90.2 90.3 90.3 90.2 90.0 90.0 89.3 89.1 88.65 88.4 D-31 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB UNDERCUT INUNDATED LOGS LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE LEFT WATER SURF.MAIN CHANNEL ATTACHMENT TABLE D-18.continued 159 169 170 172 173 175 176 181 184 187 188 190 192.5 192.5 87.6 88.6 88.65 88.8 89.1 89.6 89.8 92.6 94.2 95.5 98.2 99.2 99.4 99.70 RIGHT WATER SURF.MAIN CHANNEL BOTTOM OF CUT BANK TOP RB GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-32 '""' f"'" I., ATTACHMENT Table 0-19 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 3. - GAGE NO:75.3S3 DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 LBHP ID ADF&G TR3 LB 840724 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TR3 RB 1984 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 99.08 00 98.6 01 98.6 06 97.8 11 93.0 13 91.2 16 90.4· 27 90.3 28 90.3 38 90.7 48 90.7 58 90.8 59 90.9 69 90.8 79 90.6 89 90.5 99 90.1 109 90.0 119 89.9 125 89.9 126 89.9 136 89.7 139 89.51 149 89.1 159 89.3 163 89.49 174 91.0 178 90.9 179 90.9 GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN WSEL:89.50 TIME:1030 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 99.08 RBHP ELEVATION 96.09 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE D-33 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-19.continued 189 91.3 199 91.7 204 92.5 211 93.9 HIGH WATER MARK 213 95.1 214.5 95.8 GB RBHP /3 214.5 96.10 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-34 - - ATTACHMENT Table D-20 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 4. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 4. -- - GAGE NO:75.3S4 DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 LBHP ID ADF&G TR4 LB 840724 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TR4 840710 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 97.56 00 97.1 01 96.8 08 95.6 10 94.4 14 92.2 15 91.9 16 91.8 22 91.7 24 91.7 34 91.5 44 91.3 45 91.4 55 90.9 65 90.5 75 90.0 78 89.80 88 89.4 98 89.2 108 89.1 118 89.3 122 89.5 123 89.5 132 89.4 133 89.4 142 89.81 152 90.9 153 91.0 163 91.5 GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN WSEL:89.81 TIME:1100 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 97.56 RBHP ELEVATION 97.85 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE 0-35 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-20.continued 168 91.6 169 91.7 173 92.3 BOTTOM RB 177 93.9 178 94.01 188 93.7 198 93.7 202 94.3 209 96.5 212 97.7 GB RBHP /3 212 97.84 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-36 ATTACHMENT Tab 1e D-21 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 5. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 5. GAGE NO:75.3S5 DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G CIRCULAR TBM RB 840824 LBHP ID ADF&G TRS LB 840724 RBHP ID ADF&G CIRCULAR S.C.TRS RB 840724 GAGE READING:NO READING TAKEN WSEL:89.77 TIME:1130 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 98.00 RBHP ELEVATION 96.59 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 DESCRIPTION 00 98.00 LBHP 00 97.4 GB LBHP /2 01 97.3 04.5 96.9 TOP LB 06 93.8 BOTTOM LB 10 91.9 14.5 89.76 LEFT WATER SURFACE 24 89.2 29 89.8 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 35 90.3 TOP OF GRAVEL BAR 40 89.78 LEFT WATER SURFACE 50 89.0 60 88.1 68 87.0 70 86.9 80 88.3 90 89.6 95 89.7 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 105 90.7 115 91.5 125 91.4 135 91.4 145 92.8 155 93.5 165 93.7 175 93.1 185 92.0 195 92.4 0-37 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-21.continued 205 211 214 219 226 226.5 226.5 91.5 90.7 93.9 95.1 95.8 96.2 96.57 BOTTOM OF CUT BANK,OVERHANGING TOP OF CUT BANK GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-38 ",... ATTACHMENT Tab 1e 0-22 Cross sect;ana 1 profil e data obtai ned at Sauna Side Channel transect 1. - RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 96.33 00 95.9 03 93.9 06 92.9 07 90.3 17 89.1 22 88.75 23 88.6 24 88.75 34 89.1 44 89.2 54 89.3 64 89.6 74 91.2 84 91.6 94 91.9 95 91.9 105 92.0 115 93.4 123.3 94.1 123.3 94.46 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2.MID-BANK BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE THALWEG RIGHT WATER SURFACE BOTTOM RB TOP RB BOTTOM OF RB GB RBHP /3 RBHP ,rr-/1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. -0-39 ATTACHMENT Table 0-23 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 2. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2. GAGE NO:79.8S2C DATE:84 09 15 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:89.00 TIME:1430 TBM ID ADF&G SAUNA TBM LB 840823 LBHP ID ADF&G SAUNA S.C.TR2 LB 1984 RBHP ID ADF&G TR2 RB 840723 TBM ELEVATION LBHP ELEVATION RBHP ELEVATION 100.00 92.94 95.38 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 92.94 00 92.6 01.5 91.2 10 89.6 17 89.00 19 88.9 23 89.00 33 89.2 43 89.4 51 89.7 59 91.2 69 9105 79 92.0 81 92.1 91 93.5 96 94.4 97.3 94.5 97.3 95.40 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBRP /2 BOTTOM LB . LEFT WATER SURFACE THALWEG RIGHT WATER SURFACE BOTTOM RB RB-TOP GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-40 ATTACHMENT.Tab 1e 0-24 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 3. GAGE NO:79.8S3C DATE:84 09 05 yr.mo.day GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:88.97 TIME:1300 TBM ID ADF&G SAUNA TBM LB 840823 LBHP ID ADF&GSAUNA S.C.TR3 LB 840723 RBHP ID ADF&G TR3 RB 840723 TBM ELEVATION LBHP ELEVATION RBHP ELEVATION 100.00 99.33 93.84 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 99.33 00 98.8 01 98.9 03 98.8 04 96.6 07 95.1 08 94.7 18 91.5 28 89.2 3'0.5 88.97 40 87.5 50 87.4 60 88.2 63.5 88.6 73 91.4 83 91.8 93 92.0 103 92.3 108 92.2 118 92.2 128 92.4 138 92.8 148 93.0 158 93.2 168 93.1 178 93.1 188 93.2 192.5 93.1 192.5 93.87 DESCRIPTION LBHP' GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE RB GB RBHP /3 RBHP .... /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin • 0-41 ATTACHMENT Table D-25 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 4. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 4. GAGE NO:79.8S4C GAGE READING:1.36 DATE:84 09 05 WSEL:88.99 yr.mo.day TIME:1330 TBM ID ADF&G SAUNA TBM LB 840823 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G SAUNA S.C.TR4 LB 840723 LBHP ELEVATION 100.57 RBHP ID ADF&G TR4 RB 840723 RBHP ELEVATION 93.82 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 100.57 00 100.0 07 99.8 08 95.4 10 93.7 13 91.9 18 89.6 21 88.99 22 88.0 24 87.5 27 87.8 31 88.8 .35 90.1 45 90.5 55 90.6 65 91.3 75 91.3 85 91.9 95 92.5 98 92.3 101 91.9 111 91.9 116 92.3 117 92.4 127 92.9 137 93.6 139 93.6 141 93.5 141 93.83 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-42 -ATTACHMENT Table 0-26 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect O. -LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT O. - GAGE NO:86.9S0C DATE:84 09 14 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TRO LB 840722 RBHP ID ADF&G 86.9S0 TRO 840722 GAGE READING:DRY WSEL:92.81 TIME:1400 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 101.66 RBHP ELEVATION 100.47 - ..... I STATION 00 00 07 10 14 24 26 29 39 49 55 58 68 73 74 84 91 92 102 112 122 132 133 143 153 163 173 183 193 203 RELATIVE ELEVATION /1 101.66 101.0 100.4 96.7 95.2 94.5 94.4 92.8 93.2 93.5 92.80 92.2 92.7 92.6 92.6 92.81 93.3 93.4 94.0 94.2 94.4 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.7 94.6 94.5 94.6 94.7 94.8 0-43 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP OF CUT BANK BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE THALWEG RIGHT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-26.continued 213 94.9 223 95.1 233 95.3 243 95.5 244 95.5 254 95.8 264 96.1 274 96.5 284 96.6 285 96.8 295 97.2 305 97.3 315 97.5 317 97.9 BOTTOM RB 320 98.4 TOP RB 330 99.5 340 99.4 341 99.4 GB RBHP /3 341 100.46 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-44 -ATTACHMENT Table D-27 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 1. - - ....., ..... - - -, LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CH&~NEL AT TRANSECT 1. GAGE NO:86.9S1C GAGE READING:0.49 DATE:84 09 13 WSEL:93.27 yr.mo.day TIME:1440 TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP 10 ADF&G TR1 LB 840722 LBHP ELEVATION 100.36 RBHP ID ADF&G 86.9S1 TR1 840709 RBHP ELEVATION 99.43 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 DESCRIPTION 00 100.36 LBHP 00 100.0 GB LBHP /2 03 100.0 TOP LB 06 98.7 07 98.6 17 96.5 18 96.2 BOTTOM LB 28 95.1 38 94.8 48 94.2 58 93.5 62.5 93.28 LEFT WATER SURFACE 67 92.9 THALWEG 68 93.0 78 93.2 88 93.3 98 93.2 102 93.26 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 110 93.6 112 93.19 BACKWATER POOL LEFT WATER SURF. 122 93.17 BACKWATER POOL RIGHT WATER SURF. 132 93.9 142 94.1 152 94.3 162 94.6 172 94.8 182 95.2 192 95.5 202 95.7 0-45 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-27.continued 212 96.0 222 96.1 223 96.2 233 96.3 243 96.5 253 96.8 263 97.4 273 97.7 283 98.2 293 98.7 303 99.3 304 99.4 GB RBHP /3 304 99.45 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-46 ATTACHMENT Tab 1e D-28 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 2. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2. GAGE NO:86.9S2B GAGE READING:0.32 DATE:84 09 14 WSEL:93.83 yr.mo.day TIME:1500 f""'. TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ID ADF&G TR2 LB 840722 LBHP ELEVATION 100.49..-RBHP ID ADF&G 86.9S2 TR2 840709 RBHP ELEVATION 99.88 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 DESCRIPTION 00 100.49 LBHP 00 100.0 GB LBHP /2 03 99.9 TOP LB 08 96.7 BOTTOM LB 15 97.2 16 97.3 26 96.4 r'36 96.2 46 96.4 56 96.1 66 95.7.-76 95.4 77 95.3 87 95.1 90 95.0 91 95.0 95 94.7 96 94.7 106 94.6 116 94.2 126 94.0 136 93.8 139 93.81 LEFT WATER SURFACE 149 93.6 THALWEG r""159 93.7 164 93.8 165 93.8-170 93.84 RIGHT WATER SURFACE -0-47 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-28.continued 180 94.0 190 94.4 191 94.4 201 94.8 211 95.1 221 95,6 231 95,8 233 95.8 238 96.1 BOTTOM RB 242 97.2 247.5 99.7 GB RBHP /3 247.5 99.88 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-48 ATTACHMENT Table 0-29 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 3. GAGE NO:86.9S3B DATE:84 09 14 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TR3 LB 840722 RBHP 1D ADF&G 86.954 TR4 840709 GAGE READING:1.12 WSEL:93.85 TIME:1525 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 100.32 RBHP ELEVATION 104.29 -I r STATION 00 00 05 08 11 12 14 18 23 28 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 90 100 110 111 121 122 132 142 152 162 165.5 RELATIVE ELEVATION /1 100.32 100.0 100.0 99.1 97.6 97.1 96.3 95.6 96.1 95.6 95.5 95.6 95.7 95.8 95.9 95.8 95.5 95.4 95~2 ·95.1 95.1 94.8 94.8 94.6 94.5 ·94.5 94.3 93.86 D-49 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE D-29.continued 175 92.8 176 92.7 185 92.0 THALWEG 195 92.5 204 93.84 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 208 95.5 BOTTOM RB 217 104.2 219 104.2 GB RBHP /3 219 104.28 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-50 .- i ATTACHMENT Table D-30 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 4.. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 4. .- ...... GAGE NO:86.9S4B DATE:84 09 14 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 LBHP In ADF&G TR4 LB 840722 RBHP In ADF&G 86.9S~TR4 840709 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 101.62 00 101.3 06 100.5 10 98.1 12 96.4 14 95.9 18 95.5 28 95.6 31 95.5 32 95.5 42 95.8 52 96.0 62 96.0 67 96.0 68 96.0 78 95.8 83 95.6 93 95.2 103 94.9 113 94.57 120 94.4 123 94.4 124 94.4 134 94.4 137 94.53 142 94.7 143 94.8 153 95.3 163 95.4 173 95.4 GAGE READING:0.74 WSEL:94.55 TIME:1615 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 101.62 RBHP ELEVATION 104.26 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE THALWEG RIGHT WATER SURFACE D-51 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-30.continued 183 193 200 201 204 205 207 208 212 213 218 221 222 224 229 230 231 234 238 243 243 95.4 95.1 94.9 94.8 94.9 94.8 94.7 95.0 95.0 94.7 94.7 94.4 94.4 94.28 93.8 94.27 94.6 95.9 102.3 103.9 104.26 LEFT WATER SURFACE BOTTOM RB TOP RB GB RBHP /3 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Grountl beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-52 -I I ATTACHMENT Table 0-31 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 5. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 5. r I - - - GAGE NO:86.9S5B DATE:84 09 14 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TR5 LB 840722 RBHP ID ADF&G 86.955 TR5 840709 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 100.61 00 100.1 03 99.7 08 98.7 11 97.7 13 98.0 23 97.6 30 96.8 31 96.7 35 96.6 36 96.6 37 96.6 38 96.5 39 96.6 45 96.5 46 96.4 51 96.4 52 96.4 62 96.3 72 96.0 79 95.7 80 95.6 90 95.3 100 94.8 102 94.74 112 94.2 .122 93.6 132 93.1 137 92.8 138 92.8 GAGE READING:1.14 WSEL:94.74 TIME:1710 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 100.61 RBHP ELEVATION 102.42 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE 0-53 ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-31.continued 148 92.6 157 92.4 158 92.3 162 92.3 THALWEG 165 92.4 166 92.4 172 93.0 175 92.8 176 92.8 181 93,5 182 93,6 186 93.7 187 94.1 191 94.73 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 195 95.3 196 95.7 201 96.9 BOTTOM RB 202 100,0 TOP RB 205 101.7 210 102.3 GB RBHP /3 210 RBHP ELEVATION NOT SHOT /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-54 ATTACHMENT Table D-32 Cross sectional profile data obtained at ' Sunset Side Channel transect 6. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:,SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 6. - GAGE NO:86.9S6C DATE:84 09 14 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G SUNSET TBM LB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TR6 LB 840722 RBHP ID ADF&G 86.956 TR6 840722 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 100.71 00 100.5 02 99.8 09 100.3 11 99.6 12 99.1 21 98.7 22 98.6 32 98.2 42 97.7 52 96.9 62 96.1 72 95.3 80 94.74 90 93.9 100 93.2 110 92.5 113 92.3 114 92.2 118 91.9 124 91.7 130 91.2 131 91.1 134 90.8 139 90.7 145 90.9 GAGE READING:0.45 WSEL:94.77 TIME:1800 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 100.71 RBHP ELEVATION 103.13 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 TOP LB BOTTOM LB LEFT WATER SURFACE THALW.EG D-55 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-32.continued 150 91.2 156 91.5 160 92.1 164 92.7 BOTTOM RB 165 94.75 RIGHT WATER SURFACE 166 95.2 169 96.1 171 99.2 177 102.6 GB RBHP /3 177 103.14 RBHP /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-56 ATTACH.."1ENT Table D-33 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:TRAPPER SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 1. GAGE NO:91.6S2D DATE:84 09 04 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G TRAPPER TBM RB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TR1 LB 840721 RBHP ID ADF&G TR1 RB 84 07 21 GAGE READING:NOT READ WSEL:91.98 TIME:1300 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 96.74 RBHP ELEVATION 99.02 - STATION 00 ·00 01 10 20 30 40 50 54 55 64 65 75 76 86 89 90 100 110 118 119 123.5 132 133 143 150 151 161 168 169 RELATIVE ELEVATION /1 96.74 96.2 96.1 96.0 96.2 96.3 96.0 95.6 95.5 95.4 95.0 94.9 94.0 93.9 93.2 93.1 93.0 92.6 92.4 92.2 92.1 91.99 91.5 91.4 91.0 90.8 90.7 90.5 90.4 90.4 0-57 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-33.continued 179 184 185 193 194 204 205 213 214 222 223 226 234 235 245 247 253 263 273 274 284 294 298 301 309 310 314 315 317 318 318 90.1 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.1 90.2 90.5 90.5 91.4 91.6 91.97 92.93 93.2 94.7 95.1 95.6 96.0 96.1 96.1 96.4 96.5 96.9 97.8 97.2 97.3 97.5 97.8 98.1 99.02 98.2 RIGHT WATER SURFACE RBHP GB RBHP /3 /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-58 ATTACHMENT Table D-34 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 2. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:TRAPPER SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 2. GAGE NO:91.6S3C DATE:84 09 04 yr.mo.day TBM In ADF&G TRAPPER TBM RB 840822 LBHP In ADF&G TR2 LB 840721 RBHP In ADF&G TR2 RB 8407 21 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /l 00 97.21 00 96.7 01 96.6 10 96.2 20 95.7 30 95.9 39 96.3 40 96.4 50 96.5 60 96.7 70 96.8 80 96.8 90 96.6 99 96.4 100 96.3 110 96.0 120 95.5 130 95.1 131 95.1 137 94.8 138 94.7 148 94.1 158 93.6 168 93.2 178 92.8 179 92.7 189 92.4 198 92.00 208 91.6 218 91.1 GAGE READING:NOT READ WSEL:92.00 TIME:1330 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 97.21 RBHP ELEVATION 97.21 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE 0-59 ......... ATTACHMENT TABLE 0-34.continued 228 238 248 258 267 268 276 277 287 293 303 312 313 322 323 333 343 344 344 90.8 90.7 90.6 90.7 90.9 91.0 91.3 91.4 91.7 91.99 92.4 93.2 93.5 94.8 94.9 95.6 96.5 97.21 96.7 RIGHT WATER SURFACE RBHP GB RBHP /3 /1 Etevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-60 . ATTACHMENT Table 0-35 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:TRAPPER SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 3. - GAGE NO:91.6540 DATE:84 09 04 yr.mo.day IBM ID ADF&G TRAPPER TBM RB 840822 LBHP 10 ADF&G TR3 LB 840721 RBHP 10 .ADF&G TR3 RB 840721 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 98.21 00 97.9 01 98.0 11 98.2 18 97.6 19 97.2 26 96.5 27 96.4 37 96.1 47 95~8 52 95.8 53 95.8 63 95.7 73 95.2 83 94.6 93 94.2 103 94.1 113 93.8 123 93.5 133 93.2 134 93.2 144 92.8 154 92.5 164 92.3 171 92.18 178 92.1 GAGE READING:NOT READ WSEL:92.18 TIME:1400 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 98.21 RBHP ELEVATION 98.51 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE 0-61 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-35.continued 179 189 199 209 219 231 232 238.5 248 251 252 259 260 265 274 275 285 294 295 305 308 318 328 338 343 344 354 364 374 375 377 .5 377.5 92.0 91.8 91.8 91.7 91.8 92.0 92.0 92.17 92,3 92.3 92.2 92.2 92.1 92.1 92.6 92.6 93.5 94.4 94.5 95.5 95.8 96.4 97.1 97.5 98.0 98.0 98.4 98.6 98.2 98.1 98.52 98.2 RIGHT WATER SURFACE RBHP GB RBHP /3 /1'---- /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. D-62 -----,-_._----~---------------------.----------.----~--- ATTACHMENT Table 0-36 Cross sectional profile data obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4. LOCATION OF CROSS SECTION:TRAPPER SIDE CHANNEL AT TRANSECT 4. - GAGE NO:91.6S1D DATE:84 09 04 yr.mo.day TBM ID ADF&G TRAPPER TBM RB 840822 LBHP ID ADF&G TR4 LB 840721 RBHP ID ADF&G TR4 RB 840721 RELATIVE STATION ELEVATION /1 00 98.21 00 97.8 01 97.9 03 97.6 04 97.3 10 95.7 12 95.4 13 95.0 14 95.0 24 94.7 34 94.5 44 94.3 51 94.2 52 94.2 62 94.1 70 93.9 71 93.9 81 93.6 91 93.4 101 93.0 110.5 92.61 114 92.6 124 92.3 129 92.0 139 91.9 149 91.8 157 91.8 167 92.3 175 92.61 182 92.7 GAGE READING:NOT READ WSEL:92.61 TIME:1430 TBM ELEVATION 100.00 LBHP ELEVATION 98.21 RBHP ELEVATION 96.64 DESCRIPTION LBHP GB LBHP /2 LEFT WATER SURFACE RIGHT WATER SURFACE 0-63 ATTACHMENT TABLE D-36.continued 183 92.9 193 92.9 203 93.1 213 93.1 223 93.4 233 94.6 243 95.4 253 95.7 263 96,2 273 96,2 278 96.0 279 95.8 282 95,3 283 96.64 RBHP 283 96.4 GB RBHP /3 /1 Elevation relative to 100.00 ft.assigned to the study site TBM. /2 Ground beside left bank headpin. /3 Ground beside right bank headpin. 0-64 !llIll!ml t I iJ}~t<'j N ...-0 a~CO j .... ~0 121-C·0 1~0 r:})m V) I t - ('( ~ (/) ( •...1;C'..~ ··...a_j ;-.'~) /..-...-....."..,."-•... ..---.lJJ \(1'":,..... ~.~~~ .L.-....;.) -::-·r~-'';-1 -' -',,--- li i f /' / I / I I I (~I.f)V 1"1 N j::J V)...... r:})Ol 0)m 0)Q)(j)OJ I j I ~0 lfJIC···JI i ~ II ~0+ (..~.~...-.~I f- i LJ.. ''''-'''r z ~0 0.... 00-<:( I (,~w.,... ~ ~~III Zi'-'.-:1"" f-.... (0 n.....·i...i..,; I ...- 1 I:'"'1 .... f WJ~ ~ i ,,,...,:2L~__i (-..!.::;, I ...-n::: I l.J..II-w I l \ I .~., ~.L.. l-0 .:t" OJ r-.: I (f) L w I i i ,.~. I "--:-+ ~ I I L0I OJ !"(C-t..") OJ OJ OC}OJ Fi gure 0-1 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 1. 0-65 w::-L,-,'__J z 0...o«w ! .,r--, l- LL o OJ o N 0- i i I 0 l~ I I j- ~,~I N Ir <c. I~ f- I~'_i r I i I \L..------ w ../..,~. <I; (I""'i ,I ...../,J <f .~ i i \ ! I I I I I l[)V r---1 i-'(=J Ci--'..- N.,....c-0) ()000) r-- t j ~ f j ,/ I (/ I I I I I i I I OJ ,.....<D LD +r.f')N ~0 Ch (jJ r--~<Dm0)C?~(j)Ch G'>0)(]),,j)OJ OJ ,x)OJ Figure 0-2 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect lAc 0-56 ..... [ .- - r t r r ,'~"II,. :...'"1 (...-.1 C0 c..)(,..J r--,,:\ ",~'.-........~., '"i (~/-),,,"",\i .~'!Z I .~...-.......w I!I l f\, '---''-'I ~<IL(.!> ~I-=.~ I I t~ I('r't U l I !, I II \ ~ 1I I I ! I I[) 0 I I I V 1';N ~0 C,OJ 1"..... ()0 0 0 0 0).~0) ~~ I I I V t'"1 N Wi (j)0) I I ~aCho.Ji'<D Q}m OJ OJ (0 (0 ! '0I(0·r r>.J I~I~o-.l- c-:J .,.-..... I- ~u..'-.-'z I e-eL ~0 0«I N W~:r: ::.::zlo-< (C OJ I .,..... t=:Ir w -l lo -..c. N 0 ~0r-o::: lJ.. W 1\ I '..... l z 0 ~OJ (f) 0 I ~c·+ to I[} ()J I L Figure 0-3 (lj)I"'iOllV(\3l3 3/\ll~tI3d Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 2. 0-67 o W ..J :2oer:: lL. w (,"-' r- I. 0..o«w I ! I 0 l-!):JI('-..JI \r- I I 0L+I (-..JI ~ a 0 N I c'~!.!) I .,..... I L. i i i .-.~'-'(-../ I ..- I I0r-OJ II; ~ ! I L .--" \-1 I + ~~0 I[) ro I I o 0,(jJ \"-<0 (/)<XJ co co co I I I co r.......<0 l,r)...r 1"1 N .,.... 0)6'>r,j}0)0)0)0)Ch ------------------.."".( ) j/_. / ! i/1 / I I Jic;I I I I.D ..q-n (--.\.,....0 u, 0 ()0 0 0 0 a,.,....,.....,.... i"r""', I ~.' t-L./ LL ~• t'<1 C0 ('-..\,>J "..--,t"l '-'-.~:c. •......F~ ......... f (D"\i ,""-, U ;'.~ z ,--..w LJ -'\,- r(./...... -=r:(:> <f".., -l t /1\.1 ) Figure 0-4 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 3. D-68 0...o .:( W J: :::.-:: z-<OJ -L.. ,----,".0 z '.,_.... o oo N I ~~ ~j ~('•.,j l- I I 9"r:: r i !0t~ J 1 0r·CD L I !.•-.'.-.;+ I [ OJ ~-.<0 l.l'J fJJ <0 .'£1 OJ ""') I,.r' I \ \. t/ ! ( / / ,.....,..f .I 1/ c--' I I I I ( ,Xi r......CO i,n v !"')N ~0 (j) rJ)u)(/)Ch 0)<j)a>u)Ch ro I c·-.,/"0 0> I:::'0 0 0) .,.... LD V t::;"0.,.....,.... r ~ I r- I ! (!~.,';r'-J n IJ.."'i//\313 .::;1\i 1'\7'13 d'.,-'--',.._..,-'I .._.. Figure 0-5 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4. 0-69 ~ (\../LL... L- I I iJ.)+1'<'.,".-,C·0'-..I I I I 0 f-ro 1 (...JI I I f-! II ~0+ I C-~~J "'---"l- L LL '.--.' --... f z~0 0.... ,..,0 I...J <()('".,J W...,--:>...... ~:::::LI(I Z /I ....... ,~~/I '~ t-(C.w..J i.I .,..., "'""-----..,I C \L w \I ....J "i\. \~,.....2'.-/ (-..J t-q ,......' (......a:.: )1.L W I '\._) I Z 0 ~ I OJ t-= /(,f)r:-, I - !I 0 I I /r- i./, J I}r-. f l-'-' /I + //IrlI ~.III!I I I 0 ('--..1 .,....r"""\u)'Xl 1---\0 i[)+1'1"}N .,....,......c)OJ r.....(0 ID'-''-" I;:)0 0 ,~r~)0)C>(j)0)0)(j)C)(J)OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ 3/\11'9'13 d Figure 0-6 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 4A. 0-70 z w,.\ '-' «I- (/) o ...-...r- w..... "---z ...... c o c· I 0r-(J:. Ir- ltl~~(-.J ~ ~~ r~ ~ i iLa+ ..•/ /// ..-......, W L..-a (!) --;7 ·:t .w"~-.?'.(:.." .....1......._..J..... ---l (II,j ) i /--'1 ~j r~,/ LL ~ .- - I 0 lJ)-.;j-I')C°..,J ".-0 G)co r.....<C'L1i +t""}t"-l ...-l~n··(JJ I .....<0 LD'..u 0 el-I:=';.f~,.-...0 G),~eli (j)ffi a~a,a,(j).;y,OJ O'J (0 (()'iXJ~. ..- (1.=i)!\j 0 11''1/\313 3;\11v13 d Figure 0-7 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 5. D-71 • o 0...o -::r:w:r: o o CD c· Q o C-....i o+ (0°-1 ~',vl- L a fJJ C···j I; I I, l- I i ~ I I ~ I~ I I ! I- ! I Ir I I;r Ir I f- j ! r r~ ro !"'\.0 1.0 OJ OJ ('0 0.:' I L[)V »':"-.i ~0 (j)CO 0 r'I::}()I::)0 <.J)I:J)~. ~ ...--""'.W I i I r"J.-...--.j ....... .=t (2) C[) '--0,,/ LL ~ r ..... l/J ("\C·o.J ...._..,....t"'; .....m ••_~~ -.....••....v ....~ .'.... I· "'II'i j-'I·'I··ri i\'1-'....._.,:j,.:!'\,.~,_,1 ..-)(f ).~.1..:::J:3/\i.L'J'l3 d Figure 0-8 Cross sectional profile obtained at Island Side Channel transect 6. D-72 o,....-----------------------"-------r-O-+ -\-i- I('('I ""--'-IL--I j I L ...-.... 0 t- O u.... I f·).........,... \"..':':~'Z D.. ~0~./J"«.«w I .,-...... ....,r,..- W (.,l.....}----I ::L-+~>I z L--+-={ I 1-·'<~OJ ...r-\~.~0U)J~0 t i I I '.._0<I NZ WLLl,--!;:i L.Li '\I (!)2 -:{\\0 0 a::::--=--\lJ.............. L..~W wu f--)z (j)0 ~a (f) ---,.......-~......."II 0 J"""!.-"\.~~, -~-..J....'~""I---=--1.\.~~:>"I•..0:-J>I o 8+~N .....cmoo~~~+nN-OOOO~~~ ocoooc~~~mm~m~~~rororororo (u)!',.J 0 il'v/<:Jl3 3/\11'113 d Figure 0-9 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1. 0-73 w ("'-'z ~ (f) il.o«w.......... "..-... f- LL.---.... Z I i I I II ,~, '_IrC}I ('-4 I I I .~ I I Lao I i I I I 0 .,.....G 0)rt:.'r--~CD ID c"t';,C,OJ (JJ OJ '::c'co I t.r)N 0)c) I I 0- o o ,----------------------------.....(0 1+I i I ! ! I l- I "'F1 I .ID ..q-1"-1 (,..J .,.....0 c,OJ I .....\0 I~Cl 0 I:.':}I~'::i ..=,:,ell (j;.c, ~.....\.-.•~.,/ ....,;,.... ----'7' ./ « "-('(""~ I I V;,L.L.l + i--+ I 1-' r r\j ~..j'.)r-~! I I "--"ii ' ,L..!L.-i..J-.i ~":r W I~=:>D I .::(I0...,.-I.......... .....,JfD~-IiIIUJ ~i !, r n~/)i ...o~o.··I ! I I_~"'·1·-· "-oJ--. ~~-~-.;~ (-"'"I 1.-'-/ Figure D-10 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2. D-74 - ,...,. ('.! t..'\~ ,;-,/"i ro - ~ ....."...~( ----:7L« (II w....J L-,, "5 W t- el) 7 0- j I 0 j I v I I II )I1 I I l- I I II i I ,,-'........r I '-....1 r- i r-.:::>w... I I "'-}'o__JO" l Z II 0...I I I I r, I L-l I « I W I .... LD I ...... to ::.:::: "=:1-I I I Z-! of-,6I.... j---i OJ i 0 ,--,I r 0 rI....., I ('-.J l..l.. Z l.lJ I I ...J W ;r~I :2t...:.J--I ,,,",, ~~"---"<!)I L.U::: I [ l.L W I \ I "--'z 0 «~ ~\0 (f) I ..--0 I 1ii I !I i \~i \',"",i I II I I I j I I I I ~I I I I I 1-0jIII 1,.1')V to/)(-.J .,....0 W>CO r....<0 I[)+t"1 N .,....0-a~CO r....<D I[) .:::>0 0 0 0 0 0>J~0)0.,0>W>0>(j)(j)(j)CO CO OJ CO CO .,-.,-...............- (u)1"-..)0 Li.',¥,/\313 3/\11'9''13 d Figure 0-11 Cross sectional profile obtained at ~1ainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2A. 0-75 f-- I o 0 ! .-, '-.J' I -+i i I I I, i- I I I i I !0 'i='I-0 l.L, I t"')-.._." -:r I -<--,.,w... Cl ~~: UJ --r- !~ i ZI.=:(i !CD i 0 t-O r I ('"~~....... W i --.J II I :2 I r~-"".v L 0::: I l.J... W l " l ...' '"7-<-- 0 ~ 0 (f) I .......0I ! i LI i l.r).-<~Wi OJ i·-·CD (3)(J)OJ fl.:'(:c'(£. \. \ ,.....<D LD -.:t .~('..J '""'.4 fj)':..;.,.(~)(j"j {).,{)) 5! :.0")I r'j ("...~0 W)O.'J....~ !=:.':=1 ;-,0 -21 l-i',.::,~)~, ../... ..,..r.... ,, l.J.j LJ I-,..- icn (r·\· ',.J1'1-""...... .L l..~--.i.....J 'i.-' Fi gurc 0-12 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3. 0-76 0-w -::( W I :2r..... ...." 0:: ll.. W () Z 0 ~ 0 C0 .--0 a oo l I I ir I I~ I i- I I I I I r~ \ ro l'(,0 lD 'OJ-n N ..--0 (l)ro r--~-<D t.D C)(I)(j)0)(I)(j)Q)Q)Q)ro OJ 0Ci OC)CO I -I i I i '"I I IJ.j ,1")(\J 0-CiV..- 0 0 0 C),.-,0 Q)'-J ..-..-..-..- ---,--- -~.....j --. ~ i (0.V ) l-- I t....r"""\i .) --=:;::- .? i 'iW-..& ,.... I - - Fi gure 0-13 Cross sectional profile obtained at MainstemWest Bank Side Channel transect 3A. D-77 ((-'\ oo1'+ I I L j 1 oo 1''')z w (\ '-' Z ~ (f) o ::..:.: z -=:( OJ Il.o -=tw I I i I I I fl. I '-' t-O I (,~JI I I Ir I ~0 0 !..- I i (/ ,I I I I 0II o:J r.....\0 lD V-i....,)N ..-0 Ch W r.....(.D i.1"') 0)(3)0)0)(J;.(J)0.,,0)Ch OJ ro !]J (}J O'J I 1.1")V 1''1 (-..J ..-C'Cfj ()Ci CJ C}0 12-rj) ..-.-- .ow::r ,,w w---=-"r,:S-.~ <2 r ,'-"t'''','"j)"....z Fi gu re 0-14 Cross sect i ana 1 profil e obta i ned at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3B. 0-78 1 Ul -.:l-"''1 F-a c-o 0- j 0- I + I ! i II L i II I I i ..'--..,. f c-~r 0 LL. !"')-"'--'"- Z II 0...I 0-<~W I ~I z i .=t: I \~"...... i o· l-e-t=i ('..~ i LJ I -.J I :2~0 ~ l.J... I WI I (\ I -'z 0 ~L 0 1.0 j "....0 I, ) \ Ir, I I I I I I ~0 -.:l-1"'1 N ..-C-O)OJ i ....<c.I[) r~)(j)(j)0)(j}OJ CO OJ OC'OJ --"...-., 1 \ I J,---J I~I I N ..-0 a>co I....<D i.Doc-0 (j,(j}(j)(j)(j) ~n-,/ L- I \.,-(' ~~,.-.' .::-.. « +OJ (/;. + .,...j.. l----, i"~· (r\ J "I.....I J r::l,,, I 'r Z:.-..LJ --::;.WS:-(:) ,-", """<!-. > I IiIIU-..l t- Ul ---,..../..:::....- -:--1--- ~-...;! ~, -..;:-- 'C-::> - - (i -1-"r-·JOi i ''1/\:3-I'..::l'3/\!l'v'13d'..,,--..:-.--...-... Figure 0-15 Cross sectional profile obtained at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 4. D-79 • A',.."..; c' 2: !" ",-./" 0:: LL Z -:1' cD z "0_.- ....-....r- LL. I ()re- I (-.I !r- i j .-~ij :.;;.;' 0 1 j,, L ir~ i I f- ------------"0._--- --,-.) i, \ ~\- z (·v·- LL "-:..w<f. j (3) -=:i::---1 (~) (~l// I- i ('\(/) ,,__)1"") "'---u;-'~-....._-r; (jj o _._0 I z / / I i.D ,i.....j (--oJ 0-U)W ;......<Co iDV..- (.:i C)0 0 C)0 I:J)I,:J)f=t,v)(J) ~~ V j.'1 C~..J ~0 Ch (0 i~·CO L.r:;1 (5)I,:J)C')Cb OJ OJ ijJ CO ()J 0:J Figure 0-16 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 1. D-80 z ~ (I) o Q... o .=! W J: 2.--.v U::: l.L. W l '\--. o (•..,j o OJ oo (-..j o+ ('.~: t.._) f .~..... ;J '-'-- _f-· =...J --j --l ~ ,'"'\l.)4 __• I I II:o J~OJ("~..J i ~ I ~I ~ .......-...~.i.f)I -'--.....I 0 '~I --~~~~CF:i .I ---.....i ..-01 \ Z I ( i \ IwI'~I~I <!i J I I I !~ \ 1 ----'----------- 1-1---rj-~-r----r----'-""-"'I-""'--;ir-'------r(-'I'""l---rl-rl---r-.,..--r---:----..,I~~_I~0 ~vnN..-o~ro~~~vnN..-O~ro~~~ oooooo~~~~~~~~~~rororororo r r-. ! ! ' 3/\11':713 d Figure 0-17 Cross sectional profile obtained Circular Side Channel transect 2. at 0-81 -.....,.... ---•.L.... Ir- -"",....,tf} -"~--~ -'1' _.0 ........ j ) ··o~·' ••0 ~ 1.,",-) ----....._-- \. \. i l........ I ) ~.-~~---- o '0_0' Z ,,".x. z.=t CD ::2,--.v Ci. I..J... W (\....,. I I L'l ..q-t-)..=~0 Ci I~I j I ('-.J ~o·ell OJ I'<0 l.f)...:-t-j (,'-.J ~0 0)(fJ 1"'--.(0. I::J C)l~(J)m '(."J)f~!G;efi ,'j)m 0)(j)OJ OJ ro OJ I•."') OJ (.;....""I'.;"-',f '.;'..i\-':~'..J....j),'..11,-,1.1.7.,>..::J ;~ Figure 0-18 Cross sectional profile obtained Circular Side Channel transect 2A. D-82 at -'( r....k··..... W- ("'I {,.{) i......_)"""'"j-'-..""....l[}........ ~-.-. {/~i ,_..! 1"""",....," -L {\...".-" ~W.--r-.:r"'=-J _.... r-~...... 0 --"--,' ,..'~i l.J._---cr: (~." .•_.... P"" LD +j..'1 (~.,~0 I I I~ I I ~ l I I Ir- Ir I ~ Ir i I L l~ ~ I~ I i I~ I Jr I l- eo i'"~<c.iD ro IJ]OJ OJ a CC, C".J c'+ N oo (".,j ~. o N o co o z D...a«w I z .=! oj :2ou:: LL W 1\....., z ~ (f) o Figure 0-19 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 3. D-83 -I .w... o c:[- LJ I z ocr. l.L W () Z ~ (0 o o o OJ ~. c·..J (J:! C···J o+ (~..:'.--'. i- I. ~ I iI i l-, ! ! i ~, i i L I I ! l- fr i ir i i ! L i Ir I ~ ~ I I I j i l- I I Ir L I OJ r-.....CD I,{') OJ co if:..OJ ( \ ) / i I // / ./ ~ "i I /~ .".- C-.J .,....0 c} 0 Cl c-(j';...... iD ...f't.."} I~l=.:i 0 .-.., ...."'"m, L- I ,Figure 0-20 Cross sectional profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 4. D-84 -\ r- .I i~"/L L- i ;-.."._' (-·v~···Z l...1..--w,::::.T (T\ ._j ~< ---L (5) -.'\ -.,I C_) "l""-LL (-"..~., i..li I r~)"V 0 '2 C I..D OJ 1'''.I '." - o N z G- O« W -r-...... Figure 0-21 Cross sectiona~profile obtained at Circular Side Channel transect 5. D-85 .---------------------------.,-0-I ('-J L I i n~c;: .,..... o L w ..J z Q... o « W I w () z«I- (f) j, r- IOi::: r- I ~~ 10f-('-J I ~ -\- rv'L.l.- L- I .,..... (.1".' ~.......,. ""'\\J...I t,.-_/ I f:J) ....~.j--.-'"~""'"" ,-"~-'.."""I !)".~' '-_.'L <::(w (;)-....-A-" "'7 '"L-<.) -.... J ----" ""<J--r /\ \,•..J l t"I ,...,t'I .-.I ''---1 ,.-,--.--.--.".1\,..'--",~,~.:j,.II'··i U .l.V/\..:j !.::i .:j/\L...)I !..:J d Figure 0-22 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 1. D-86 z-<OJ o z ,..w-e:.<!. W J: ::2 "....,.....". Ct:u.. W U Z ~ef) o o -+ oo oro o-+ o ':,0. ..- o N o N I I I-~ ! l- I I l- I I-~ I l- I L 1 f.. I Il-I r ~ l- I I>- Ir- I I I I l- I I l- eo r---.t.D I..G 0:',):)OJ (1) ,,,,.......! "-\.J r~r/ ~ ~ i :.D I j-"')(...J 0 I~j OJ r-~.((i~v .,....-C.l I~l~i'1:::(~-:j)U)(J)'--i "-'.,... - - -(..L.:J "j NO 11'\1/\-=1i-=f 3/\!1'~'l3 d";.,",',.._.- Figure 0-23 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Si de Channel transect 2. D-87 ("v/ W- L- I ...\~ ,.p'~.......'J·..l i...__j en ....:----..~-...........",... ,.'..-....1'"~...... t_./.)'0_"z ~-=:---,---(r:, .....1--.~--;;r .~L (..;..) -."\ --'-","""<...j -~ ('/-', V'I 1-"':.0 i[)-+l')C-...l ..-a o~(jJa>t.j)0>a~0)(j)(j;.())ro co I i l- I ! I I i I i- I! L tr I I l- I I ~ I I l- I I I I I ir- L I~ i I l- I I II, f L I ! j- I I L ~ ~ i-..(C,l,[} OJ (jJ OJ ,~, '-.J .-~-'-.J c- 1'.,....,........ o+ o N o o (0 C) -.+ o N o z \."..' ~ o Figure 0-24 Cross sectional profile-obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 3. 0-88 z D....o <[- W I o (JJ a (.0 ..... e-.---------------------------.,-0IN I I- 1 0~;:o I It- Ie-~,~ 10:- 1r- jo,+ ~oL('~ Ir 0 t-1:':;. 10:- L ~o1+ ~ ;---. w<]_.-(!.> ;;-::( L:-() -.., I -' -~<:1..... i ..-.,U} ....1..... "'-\/...,' !". l.._.l ;j':, .......J ("V"---- ~ L. I --.-. ........~ ..... o c.n +i<'j000 c.n (Q Figure D-25 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sauna Side Channel transect 4. D-89 -<OJ z l.-I.w.. z .............. I 0+i I I j, 1L j I II I 0. I I"0 !!''1 r 0i I-0 i N, I I I~ II I 0L0I..,- I I II ~ I l 0 ..-0 0)Ch I G'J OJ j.....<D U'1 -.::i-r·'1 Nu)(J)(J)Cfj 0'1 Oi 0)C) i '~.......... \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \\ ) .~\.. h N .....C} C)0 0 ..--.,......,..... i i .....':.0 i,f}I 1''1"Q"' ,;:}0 0 ,;::1 0-..... o t:h OJ.....()() 7 Figure 0-26 Cross sectional profi1e obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect O. D-90 -, -I .-,' 0rO.'¢ I Ir- I I~",-, 0 f- ......,0 I . l.1--',----t"}'--.--.': ......./''',i Z I ~-'\ I ,CL""'""-\~\W, \\«I Wr"T'"'..-,-'- lj1 \ C_)0;.\I ~z ................ ,.£}I -=:(()J m......\~",(I','-' i I 0 \,0 L___'J Z \N W i-----\\I ....J W I;:2I!I (!)\I 0--...........=:(\L(t"i:!$u:, I),I.J....~,/ 1~\w./.::..-")I (J-.., ..--J z ("j 0 « ~j J \L l- I 0 (f) I ..-I 0 \I l ...;r I .'..-i /! //r, f ---/ o Owro~~~~~N-Owro~w~~~N-O oooOOOOOOOffi~ffiw~~w~~~ ..... Figul'e Q-27 Cross sectional profi7e obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 1. D-91 ............., I e ! -+ I~ I1 I I .,.-',(""c , i r- C"1 r 0 LL -"..!")'.....,.' (\,/Z I .D............- !--0 !~~W ~..)! lji ---------I ~(",cJ"I '\i..~j Z ""-.(,JJ.\.~' ........"'9.....CO \,I ..... r~'*'I,........'.'.0;':I~\.'f .I 0 l-e t10_) Z \i N\~W I ....J i--"<.L \i ,:2Wr..;..}\'-"'i<['...." ...'-,<..5 ~U;I l.L 7 f I w"'--/0-." j Z~> f ,n /~!~0 \-.';0 (f) I .....-0 /I,..I /!/',I J \ 0 0 UI (IJ r.....rf~if)V t.:')N ':::J Ci VJ 1---(,0 LD ,t-')N 0...-T'""""'T ..- ~C C C·0 0 ,~0 0 0 C}Ci 0)C,(J,~,(J,(j)0',0:,l~, .....-.-.- (J...:j)I',·j 0 il''1/\-313 3/\i1 \7'13 d ". Figure 0-28 Cross sect'ional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 2. 0-92 - - - r·r1 -'r-v'"L..- t- :--- !W !fW~(.n C:5 ~.)) l'~~. I i I·L.i l 1.....----------.,--..... '.\ ../ .../ ./.... f I II j I ,I \ \ \ j I I I r;:;;; 0 0)!JJ r--..to l.D V J'I')(,.J -.-0 0)ro r---CO I.D -.;f-n N -.- ..,....(J 0 0 .::>0 a 0 C}c-o 0>.0)0)01-0)0)0),;:j)a~..,......-..,....0:- (I .J '"1 ',\·J-n i ['\li'\'I:::i -=i ./\.',_I 't<.'~l'-::J....J >-J.....J..-J .~.._ ....L......:J .--l._:.-I Figure 0-29 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 3. D-93 c- O+ Ir f C- O l'<") I I IL 1 I l C- O I N I I j I~ c- O 0:- j \ i ir I t 0I 0 0-, ."'-'~. z CL Q <t:w I z ~ (f) o f'"'\........" D::: LL W U Z ~ (J) o <:w I z ....-... l- LL o oo T~ o· -+i ! I i i l I I I -IIr I L ! I J i I !-- I I II i I ~ I ~ I I I i I I ~ I i ~ !"")N .--0 d)(j)U-;.U') --~7 .-'~r / r I I i / / \ ..-J-----y:;::;I '-.Q')iJ.i V i"1 (,~.,.-0 (h ro i~~CO LD + Cl C}0 C}a 0 0 0 0)0),,j>,~,(j)(]) .,.-.,.-.,- o C)(JJ DO f .i~-' '-./) '._'" f i~'\ t.)) z , !--jJ \!;,~ .:::r' (j «J (l/ '--- ~ /I I "'j 'n'"".;I ,~-,--r ....",I '-',"",l,J..:l/I""j,..."ll.",i\.:i !.=i ..:i/\I..:..V l.::ld Figure 0-30 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 4. D-94 0 I 0-+III I / L I.-.I 0i },t-",,\r 0 i..j.)1'<1....,,.-Ifr~ LL- L-I ~---.------.....-----....... ~.~ '.......') ) / / / z "':( OJ z Q..o -::( w..,......... 2:o 0::: 1L.. Wo Z -::( l-- (f) o .'""--~. .--. oo o c·o N r I l- I iI I~ I. II I I, I I j Jr I~ N .-0- ~c>(J) / ) l~I I t.fj N .--.0 (j~OJ !'""\IJJ V 1'1~. 0 0 0 0 0-,~~c~(j,0)0)..,......,.... I i ."""Ch tJJ f-..."(0 lD V'....I.....()0 0 0 .;:)0..,...........-.......,.... t--I., I ,w..:!.:~>i I j..............-::((ji t'..!) ) 7 ""-- ---." -.J ((OJ l.."l l 1-\ I,.)j () Z ~'J (.'~I ('~-..C)· Figure 0-31 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 5. D-95 o o I i i I L w (\-' Z ~ (f) 0...o-<W I '._~z --,l- LL o I 1 j I Irg f I I I I L,!!g('--..I I I ~ I ~g .,,-- ] ! j I ~ 0 0 (1)OJ r......{,O l[)..,;-t.f'}c-·~.,,--0 Ch VJ I .....<.0 I.,i")..,;-l")N ...-0 l:=t C}0 1~0 0 (}0 0 ,;:}0';,m (i>(i>(i>(5)0;,Q')(i>(5) .,-.,-.,.... p~"/ir'-'-- !~, (-0 if) (")(}') '..-"......\1;. "'.~I):]"~·-....o Figure 0-32 Cross sectional profile obtained at Sunset Side Channel transect 6. 0-96 - fk''- ~; tw ....J W 1\'-' Z ~ (.1) o 0....o ~w -~- I-u..----Z oo 0 I C I + I i Irr II ---Zl ,0 t-O I t<) \ \I I \i \.I \'-I- / / ( \ I ) I iI (\J ....-·21 ,~,(0 j-.....<0 lJ."')+i'l'"j N -0 Ch O'J I .....<0 t~·C)0 0}<J)<J)<J)<J)0)0)(J)0)(J)OJ CO CO OJ \ I l.Q V 1"1 0 0 0 ....-....-....- (/)(--.J (/) ',""'".....L <-1..... ~".... /--'1._-/-_ r Ll- t- I ,I w.....J !,!C,) L..U z f....'\, '-./-....., ........... Ii"'" I (.i..j)NO 11"1/\313 3/\Lt~;r'13tJ Figure 0-33 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1. D-97 o z ~ (f) 2:oer:: I.J... w (\ '-' z C- O ~ W I "••_J" !I OJ 1"-.co I[) OJ ro co OJ -",........., " ",. .....--"-... ~\ \. ) l // / I" ( \ i \~, ) I I I I /1 I I I II ('-,J ..-0 C'J co 1".....<0 U'}-+t<"'}N .,...C w) C)C 0 W>OJ (5)(j)a:.a)Cl>(j)Ch (i')OJ .,.-.,- r----------------------------T""!C ,T.t- I I ! II 0rOIn I r,.'......r C I I i I I ~ I 19 ! 1 I i i,[)-+V) 000 (\ LL ",-'(" --p;-~ (-·L.·p.F~ Li- t- ("',,1 '....",-./ ('(,'uJn ,...') t...-' '~..........,- (/1 ~,'J'J' (fi (0,.-y'"...... ~;{5) I ~\ :......J.-..l I I ·(-~·I Ll..J '-"zu::: "...•LL i..,.:.,--.," -'4:'el') (u)1\l 0 1.1'1/\313 3/\!1''713 t! Figure 0-34 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 2. D-98 f""" I c· i-,.u... l.JJ ...J a-u <{w:r: oo oon o I~ "'?(I , " \.\'...\',-"".",~,-'"\ ,) / //' I· j ~ I ! o 0>o C/J ...----------------------------r-j 0 1"':- l i I t~ l I I l[)V r·")N - 00000 f ~ i l"'l---') '" (\/ LL (v··· L..I- Wn r\ !..J..... -=~'1.........!-. !,- i I I I ()I .,...,....jl .....(n .v+; /(/)I <-0 ! I~c>I W I !10'Wz - (u)t-J 0 1l""t/\313 .3/\l.fv'l3d Figure 0-35 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3. 0-99 (....\",.J' LL o r~ I I I l- I Ir-.,.-',o f-a Li...1'<1 '..-/ Z ~r- (f) o o CL:. l..L. W U a I L ILg IN I i I I ~ I 01-'0 I~ I ~ I I I I i V t.f)N ~0 0;(jJ !'<C.I,() Q)(}')(j)0)(t.,OJ OJ CO OJ ((j \ '~ \ / I I C/ (-,\../ LL I t--- j I I () ;i I L.......I.-I Z "'-·v·L W CL CL Figure 0-36 Cross sectional profile obtained at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4. D-100 - AT T ACH MEN T E r r :!:----------------------------..,ISLAtlC SIDE:[)flNNE:L TR 1 (Q SITE) RM 63.2 GPGE:063.2S 1 ..- P- ltl ~ ~ ""'".-...., J ~ - ~NOT CONTROLLED 17.800 <Q <35,000 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPEO IQ:l M"tN5T~M DrSCM~Rj 51J'~H[t-l:(lOOO~)ICIClD Attachment Figure £-1 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site). E-1 :!r~~~~~~~~--------------------ISLAf(]SrCE Q-ftNNQ..TR lA RI'1 63.2 SFGE:063.257 CONTROLLED!/35,000 ~0 ~66,700 cfs~WSEL "10-4.3011 Ql.0416 +89 r.2 "0.99 ~NOT CONTROLLED 17 ,flOO ?0 So 35,000 cfs WSEL"10-1.7670 0°·4824 +89 r 2 "0.99 :oa MfUN5TEM O[~HRR'Z lIT 5l.NSHlfIt:(I000t:n) IIXD Attachment Figure E-2 ~ISEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 1A (0 Site). E-2 r - • 5!!1"'""---------------------------.ISLANJ SIC£~NNEl.TR 2 Rt1 63.2 GFm:063.252 CONTROLLED V35.000:S:Q ~66,700 cfs WSEL =10-4.3432 01.0499 +89 /,.0.99 _-----NOT CONTROLLED 17,ROO 5.Q ~35,noo cIs WSEL ,.10-1•9108 QO.5134 +89 I /=0.99 Attachment Figure E-3 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 2 (Q Site). E-3 !:!r':~~"":":'::"~~~~~-----------------'"ISL.At(]SLOE CHANNEl.!R :3 RM 63.2 SFUE 06'3.2S 3 -t- Or... + CONTROllED 35,000 S 'l S 66,700 cfs WSEL ~10-4.4007 Ql.0631 +89 /~0.99 ~NOT CONTROLLED <:<:17,ROO _Q _35,000 cfs NO EohATrON DEVELOPED Attachment Fi gure E-4 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 3 (0 Site). E-4 F'" I I .... .... .... .... I9...ANJ 5 HE ()flNNEL fR 'I RM 63.2 GroE 053.25'" COHTROLLEO ,U 35,000 $Q ~66,700 cfs .WSEl"10-4.5279 Ql.0911 +89 r 2 =0.99 .'-HOT CONTROLLED 17 ,800 ~Q ~35,000 cfs NO E0UATIOH DEVELOPED IOQI Attachment Figure E-5 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site). E-5 !:!~T"""---------------------------ISlANO S [I:E D-fiNf'lEl.tR iA RM 63.2 EmE 06:3,2SB CONTROLLEDU35'OOO 5.Q 5.66,700 cfs WSEL =10-4.3758 01.0595 ~89 r 2 =0.99 ~HOT CONTROLLED <:<:17 ,800 _Q _35,000 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED .00 MRtN5T£:M OISCHf'lftGE:!'IT :5UN5ttI"f:(lOaoers) 10m Attachment Figure E-6 WSEl versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 4A (0 Site). E-6 2,...--------------------------_Is..fV(J SUE O'flNNo..TR S Rf'I 63.2 GA3E 061.2SS -.... ~w. en ~CD !. ....l ~...., ..... ia CONTROLLED [/35,000 ~Q ~66,700 cfs WSEL =10 -4.5414 Ql.0948 +89 r 2 =0.99 ~NOT·CONTROLLED <<17 ,800 -Q -35,000 cfs WSEL =10°·0199 0°·0913 +89 r 2 =0.96 Attachment Figure E-7 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 5 (0 Site). E-7 2r-......~~~-----~----------------..,ISLAf()SUE ~NNEl..fR 6 (Q SrTE). RI'1 63.2 ~E 063.256 "NOT CONTROLLED 17 ,800 ~Q ~35,000 cfs WSEL"10-0.079100,1142 +89 1'2 ..0.99 CONTROLLED 35,000 ~Q ~66,700.cfs WSEL •10-4.4954 Ql.0873 +89 1'2 "0.98 'ia lao "'H~!tM OISCHl'lftGf;IlT Sl.fIOHIlIf:(1000175) IlllXl Attachment Figure E-8 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Island Side Channel transect 6 (0 Site). E-8 CONTROLLEDJ32,OOO S 0 So 79,700 cfs •WSEL •10-1•0817 QO.3929 +90 r 2 •0.98 CONTROLLED 22,3ooS.0 S.32,000 cfs WSEL •]0-2.1290 0°·6257 +90 r 2 '"0.98 ~CONTROLLED 19,600 S Q ~22,300 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED \IKIT CONTROLLED . 14,700 oS Q S.19,600 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED 2!T""':==~:-:--:-~~~~~~------------"'"/'AI HSTEN W.E!.S.CHFW.TR 1 (Q S ITEl RM 7'1.4 SF3E 07 4.'IS 1 f"'" i I I - io IClCXl Attachment Fig~re E-9 WSEL versus mainstem di scharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 1. -E-9 !::.,...~~~.......~~---~------------------I"iAINSrErI WEST BANK sroc C~.TR 2 Rr1 74.4 HC 074.452 • CONTROLLED 32,000 $Q $.66,700 cfs WSEL ~10-0.9484 0°·3653 +90 r 2 =0.99 ~----CONTROLLED 22,300 S.Q ~32,000 cfs WSEl ~10-2.5547 QO.7211 •90 ,,2 =0.97 lOW Attachment Fi gure E-lOWSEL versus rna i nstem discharge.(USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2. E-IO r ..... 10 I'f'lINSTEJ'l "£sr BANK SUE ~.TR 2Ft RI'1 7'\." SffiE 071.'\5S NO EQUATION DEVELOPED 1111 II lOG "I'H~ltt1 DISCt1fn~Gt rrr 5lMH[tt:ClOOO~J 1011I Attachment Figure E-llWSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 2A. E-ll 2:r-~~~.............__~~-""-----------------.I't=lINSTEM ~ST BANk SIC£:CHAN.T'R J RM 71:.1 ~E 071.1:S3 CONTROLLED~32.000 ~Q ~66.100 of, WSEl B 10-1.1693 0°·4160 +90 r Z ..0.99 ~~~-------CONTROLLED 22 ,300 ~Q S 32,000 cfs WSEl ~10-2.6141 QO.7368 ~90 r Z ~0.92 Attachment Figure E-12 WSEL versus rna instem di scharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3. E-12 5!~r:=::::;:~:::::~~==-:~~~~-----------"'"/'ftINSTEf'I \o£sr BANK SIrE Ctf=W.TR 3R Rf1 7'\.1 SFGE:071.'\56 ~NOT CONTROLLED 14,700 S Q ~19,600 cfs WSEL ..10-1.4511 QO.4642 +90 ,.2 ..0.98 CONTROllED <19,600 - Q ~32,000 cfs WSEL ..10-2.8455 QO.7934 +90 ,.2 ..0.95 - ia Attachment Figure E-13 vlSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3A. E-13 2r-I'fI......JN....STE~M~loE~s"""'r-e~AH~K·~S ..[..rE~Ctffl--.-TR-38--------------... RI'1 7~.4 Grot:071.451 NO EQUATION DEVELOPED 10lXl Attachment Figure E-14 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channel transect 3B. E-14 g!..----------------------------- CONTROLLED 32.000 ~Q ~66.700 cfs WSEL •10-0.4285 QO.2764 +90 r 2 •0.97 a ~CONTROL LEO 24.000 .s Q ~32,000 cfs WSEL •10-0.7964 QO.3568 +90 r 2 ..0.81 IflINSTEM PES!BRNK SHE CHAN.TR 1 RI't 74.1 ;AGE:07.-4.151 0 -....,.. !oJWr... Sl ~ ~ ~ 10lXl Attachment Figure E-15 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Mainstem West Bank Side Channe1 transect 4. E-15 CIRCULAR sloe CHAN.TR 1 IQ SITE} Rl1 7'5.3 l;f'l;(075.3S 1 ,~---HOT CONTROLLED Q ~36.000 cfs "0 EQUATION DEVELOPED CONTROlLED < <036,000 -0 -79.700 cfs WSEl •10.2.8775 0.7589 +85 r 2 0.98 10 100 MI'HN5Il:M IHSCHRRGt:lIT S\.N5t1["l;ClOOOCf"5! 10lXl Attachment Fi gure E-16 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 1 (0 Site). E-16 2~~~~~~~~..........~------------------_CIRCULAR SlOt CHANNEL TR 2 RM 75.3 ~E 075.352 .. - CONTROLLED 36,000 ~Q ~66,700 cfs WSEL •10-2.8910 0°·7621 •85 r 2 "0.99 -ltD-------------~lOC~-------------IIOCXl :'I"[NS1CM O[~Hf'l~"'1 ~lt:5!1rllf.:([OOOen] -1 ....., Attachment Figure E-17 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 2. E-17 ~r-----------------------------CIRCLUIR SlOE CHF;:-H:L TFl 2A RJ1 7S.J GftJE:075.356 NOT Cm:T!lOLLEO 14,700 S Q ~36.000 cfs WSEl "1~-O.5670 QO.2528 +85 ,.'l ..0.99 CONTROLLED 36.000 $.0 s:66,700 cfs WSEL "10-2.5572 0°·6921 +85 r Z "0.99 IllCIl Attachment Figure E-18 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 2A. E-18 - o CIRCULAR SIDE C~ANNEL TR 3 RN ?S.J GFCE:075.3SJ C/CONTROLLED ..< <36.000 - Q -66.700 cfs .WSEL &10-1.2837 Q.4305 +85 r 2 =0.95~NOT COO.OlLED < <24,000 - 0 -36,000 cfs WSEL K 10.3224 Q.0745 +85 r 2 =0.70 100 MRINS1CM O[5CMR~RT 5UNSHr~(IOOOorsl 10lD Attachment Figure E-19 WSEL versus ma i nstem di scharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 3. .E-19 9:-r----------------------------...CIRCULAR SIDE C~ANNEL TR 1 lQ SITEJ P.M 75.3 GI'ii£07S.351 .. /~~~------CONTROllEG 36,0011 ~C ~79,700 cfs WSEL "10-1.3619 QO.4551 +85 /=0.98~~'OT CO.TROllED 17 ,700 :s Q ~36,000 cfs WSfL =100.2103 QO.10~5 +85 r?"0.91 Itm Attachment Figure E-20 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 1~292780)at Circular Side Channel transect 4 (0 Site). E-20 - - ~-----------------------------.,CIRCll.,P.R SIDE CHRNN£L TR 5 Rf1 75.J GFGE:075.355 NOT CONTROLLED 14,700 ~ei~17,700 cfs WSEL ~10-2.0432 0°·6359 +85 r Z ~0.99 CONTROLLEDU36,000 ~Q S;55,200 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED ---NOT CONTROLLED 17 .700 ~0 ~36,000 cfs WSEL ~10°·2401 0°·0987 +85 r 2 ~0.86 100 M~[~"T!:M OrXHRRGt fIT Sl1'4SHr~C1000tnJ Attachment Fi gure E-21 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channe1 transect 5. E-21 :!~~......--~.....----------------------CIRCULAR SlOE CH"~~L HERO RM 75.J 8FGE O7S.:Y-I3 CONTROLLED 36,000:S.Q ~70,100 cfs ~WSEL ~10-8.0227 Q1.7531i ~90 1"2 0.99 10lXl Attachment Figure E-22 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Circular Side Channel head., E-22 SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL TR I RN 79.8 GFCE:079.851 !:!~----------------------------..., + CONTROLLED 38,000 ~Q ~56,700 cfs W~EL =10-4.6960 Q~.1483 +85 /=0.99 ~NOT CONTROLLED 15.000 S 0 ~38.000 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPE~ leo MI'HN5Tf:M 0 [SCHRftGC /'IT 5tMI1II'f:(lOOOen) ICllXl Attachment Figure E-23 WSEL versus mainstem"discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 1. E-23 ''-""-..;..,..-------------------~--------_._- -,.... ww '- + 2 ......---------------------------, I,,'---CONTROLLED < <. 38.000 -Q -67,100 cfs WSEL •10-3•1806 Q.9554 +85 r 2 0.93 HOT CONTROlLED 15.000 <Q ~38,000 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED 10 100 MINSID'i DrSCHfl~flT SLN5H[f'C r lODDCf"'.i1 Attachment Figure E-24 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292789)at Sauna Side Channel transect 2 (Q Site). E-24 -- - SAUNA SlOE CHANNEL IR J RI'1 79.B GFGE:079.853 NO EQUATION DEVELOPED D I~O l'InlNSICM Ot 5CHA~l'IT 5I..MH{f'l:fJOoocnJ 10CIl Attachment Figure E-25 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 3. E-25 ~!~SFlJ;;NR;;-;;S~H:;;:-:E~C:Ifll:;;::~r;:;L--:;!;R"'.:4:------------------......- Rl'1 79.8 ~E 079.651 CONTROLLEDV38.000 S Q ~56.7(10 cfs WSEL :10-3.5984 QO.9172 +85 r 2 "D.98 io ~MOT COMTROll" 15.000 S Q ~38.000 cfs NO EQUATION DEVELOPED I~ "fHN51t:11 OI5CHflrQ:FIT StJlr.iN [Iof.:C1 oooen I IO!XI Attachment Figure E-26 WSEL versus mainstem di scharge (USGS 15292780)at Sauna Side Channel transect 4. E-26 ..... I 2T""::~="":"':'::-~~~~~-----------------'"~5E:T SICE CHANNEl...rR 0 Rr1 86.9 GFGE 095.950 Q CONTROLLED 32,000 :s.Q ~66,700 cfs wSEL =10-4.148201.0297 +90 r 2 "0.74 a itt---------.,.---...,.~ICD~----------""I""i-...IOCD "''HN5TCI1 DISCHI'IMZ I'IT ~~Ii[!'£rtOOO~1 - Attachment Fi gure E-27 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect O. E-27 _______........_......"__.......;..-11'~~_~1"_.._ 2r:':~~:"::':::':::--::-~::=:'--,e-------­SlJoISET SlOC ~NN£l..tR 1 ((15I1£:1 RM 86.9 GffiE 086.9S 1 NOT CDNTROll ED 17,400 S (]$.32.000 cfs WSEL ~10°·4493 0°·0155 +90 1"'2 g 0.57 '*-__--CONHOllED 32,000 5 Q $.104,000 cfs WSEL =10-3.7766 0°·9533 +90 1'"2 g 0.99 -Lto-------------""':t~!lO~------------,.J MflJIN5Yl:11 Qt 5CHflRGf:fiT 5l.N5H [I'l;(I aaotr.5)ItlUl Attachment Fi gure E-28 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 1 (Q Site). E-28 - - :.,.....------------------------.USET SIOE Ct:fINN£L TR 2 RM 86.9 SAGE:086.952 CONTROLLED 32.000 ~Q ~57.800 cfs WSEL •100.3170 0°.0933 +90 r Z ~0.02 ~---------NOT CONTROLLED 17.400 ~Q ~32.000 cfs WSEL ..10°·5732 0°·0017 +90 r 2 ..0.02 to ICQ MAINS!!:M CI5CHfI~m'SOOHIItt:(1000en! lOCI) I~ Attachment Figure E-29 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 2. E-29 21""""---------------------------...SUlscr S [[E CHRNNO-IR 3 RM 86.9 eRGE 086.9SJ I CONTROLLED 32.000 5.Q ~66.700 cfs WSEL :10-2.6801 QO.7278 +90 1"2 :0.96 :III g -------NOT CONTROLLED 16.500 ~Q S 32,000 cfs WSEL :100.2278 0°·0814 +90 /:0.61 100 n"INSTEM DI5CH~RGf RT 5~HINE rIODO~l lOll: -Attachment Fi gure E-30 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 3. E-30 'r~~~~------__c --_----~~-7---.----~--------~~--~-----------------------.- - --------~---__----------------- !:------------------------------SU'IScr SIOC D"flNflEL TR 4 P.M 86.9 GfGE:086.95'" CONTROLLED <32,000 -Q ~66,700 cfs WSEl =10-2.5875 QD.7092 +90 r 2 =0.97 r- I + -r gOg C_,__ NOT CONTROLLED 17,800 ~0 ~32.000 cfs WSEL =100.094200.1221 +90 r 2 =0.69 100 MI'l [~TCM OrSCHflfl'Gf;fiT 5l.MHI~(Ioooen I IlXJl Attachment Fi gure E-31 l'ISEL versus mainstem discharge (~SGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 4. E-31 S!T""":~=-=~~~~~"""'~-------------------S~SET SIDE CHflNNQ..TR 5 RM 86.9 ~E 086.955 ./~__---CONTROLLED 32.000 ~0 5.66,700 cfs WSEl =10-1.2739 0°·4427 +90 r 2 =0.96••0 n c;~HOT COHTROlLED 16.500·~0 So 32.000 cfs WSEL =10°·6534 0°·0056 ~90 r 2 =0.25 1000 Attachment Figure E-32 \~SEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 5. E-32 SlMSE:T 5 IDE ~NNQ.!R 6 1'1.,86.9 GAGE:oa6~956 CONTROLLED 32,000 5 Q ~66,700 cfs WSEL :10 -1.1890 QO.4242 +90 r2 =0.97 A ..C NOT CONTROLLED 16,500 5 Q ~32,000 cfs WSEL :10°.54560°.0308 +90 r 2 :0.61 - \0 100 I1'HNSTCM OI5(:HflRGE RT SLN'3Hltf:(I OC017S 1 Attachment Fi gure E-33 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Sunset Side Channel transect 6, E-33 'TRAPPER ~E:K SIC TR ilM 91.5 (H;E 091.652 2.__----------------------------, +--CONTROLLED 44,000 .5 Q ~66,700 cfs WSEL ..10-500573 01.1653 +90 ..2 ..0.95 ~T CONTROLLED 15,700 ~Q ~44.000 cfs WSEL ..10°·0117 0°.0645 +90 ..2 ..0.90 lOW Attachment Figure E-34 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 1. E-34 TRAPPER CREEl(SIC TR 2 RM 91.6 GF\GE:09 t.653 o ~COHTROLLED 44.000 ~Q 50 66.700 cfs WSEl"10-6.6532 Q1.4946 +90 r Z •0.96 -HOT CONTROLLED 15.700 ~Q-~44,000 cfs WSEL =10°·0819 QO.0474 +90 /0.93 100 M"rNST~M D[SC~RRGt "T SUNSHINe (loaOer5)10CXl Attachment Figure E-35 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 2. E-35 ~l'"":==:-:=~~-::~------------------""TRAPPE:R CREEK SIt:TR 3 RN 91.6 GAGE OSI.6S1 CI'"e - r CONTROLLED ~< <44.000 -Q -66,100 cfs WSEL z 10-6•8814 01.5521 +90 r 2 ..0.98 ~NOT CONTROLLED 15.000 :s.Q So 44.000 cfs WSEL z 100.3023 0°·0012 +90 r 2 ..0.05 -I~O-------------"'!'!OO------------........IICXII ""IN51'EM OISCHRRGt fIT ~~Hr~(lOOO~) Attachment Figure E-36 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 3. E-36 -------------------- Slr~~~~~"""":,,,~-~-~~------------__....TRfIPPER CREE/C sic TR "t fa SITE) RM 91.6 r;FV;£091.65 1 ..... + • 44.000.$Q oS:93.300 cfs WSEL =10-4.9455 Ql.1565 +90 r Z =0.95 ~NOT CONTROLLED 15,000 ~Q ~44.000 cfs WSEL =100.0801 QO.0756 +90 r Z •0.83· loa MfH~lCl'l Ot5CH"~"'~UNSHIlC (IOOOen! Attachment Figure E-37 WSEL versus mainstem discharge (USGS 15292780)at Trapper Creek Side Channel transect 4 (Q Site). E-37 --------------~----------------------------_......._------