HomeMy WebLinkAboutCultural resources investigations 1979 to 1985 Vol 2 Appendix B and CSUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT .FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No.71141 MAY 1985 DOCUMENT No.2713 .VOLUMEJ[ APPENDICES Band C CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 1979-1985 ~. SITY Of ALASKA .~ /~\LASiKA POWER AUTHORITY ----& TK 1425 .58 F472 no.2713 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT D:>CUlDent No.2713 TK .\YdS PROPERTY OF THE' .}Aerge NAlPARK SERVICE ,S ZAtR'i!l!A(ESOUR~£S UBFt'AF<YA~CHORAGE,ALA~~KA REGION FL\-:td Est.1997 ,I no.a:t13 DEC &.LASKA u.s,DEPT. CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGAT~ONS 1979 -1985 VOLUME I I r:APPENDICES BAND C Report by University of Alaska Museum r,-o E.James Dixon,Ph.D. Principal Investigator William Andrefsky,Ph.D. Arc~haeologist George S.Smith,M.A. Project Supervisor Becky M.Saleeby,Ph.D. Archaeologist Ch~lrles J.Utennohle,Ph.D. Ar(~haeologi st ,.... i Prepared for Alaska Power Authority May 1985 ARLIS L"b Alaska Resources 1 rary &InfonnatlOn Serv Ancho iCesrage,Alaska . _._---_•._-- r APPENDIX B-SURVEY LOCALE FORM,SITE SURVEY FORM, FIELD NOTEBOOK GUIDES, AND SITE DATA FORM ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &InfonnatlOn ServlCes Anchorage,Alaska Page TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.••.•••••B-i i i B.1 -Survey Locale Form •.••.••...•...•..••.•••......•..•.....8-1 B.2 -SitE!Survey Form •...••.•..•..••.•..•..••...••......•••••B-5 B.3 -Field Notebook Guidelines Section B-13 8.4 -Site!Data Coding Form •.•.••.••..•..••••••..••..•..••..•B-41 B-i LIST OF FIGURES Page Fi gu re B.3.l. Figure B.3.2. Figure B.3.3. Fi gu re B.3 .4. Figure B.3.5. Figure 8.3.6. Figure.B.3.7. Figure 8.3.8. Figure B.3.9. Figure B.3.10. Figure B.3.11. F;gu re B.3.12 . Figure B.3.13. Figure 8.3.14. Figure 8.3.15. Figure 8.3.16. Figure 8.3.17. Figure 8.3.18. Figure 8.3.19. Figure 8.3.20. Figure 8.3.21. Figure 8.3.22. Figure 8.3.23. Figure 8.3.24. Figure 8.3.25. Figure 8.3.26. Figure 8.3.27. Example of Index in Field Notebooks . Example of Narrative Format Page . Example of Shovel Test Expansion with Single Shovel Test with Cultural Material . Example of Shovel Test Expansion with Multiple Shovel Tests with Cultural Material Format for Test Pit Profile .. Symbols Used for Survey Site Map . Mapping Notes Format . Mappi ng Notes Symbo 1s . Example of Mapping Notes .......•.............. Square Placement and Elevations Format . Plan Map Format . Symbols Used on Plan Map . Artifact Description Format . Artifact Description Guidelines . Artifact Description Guidelines Cant i n·ue·d . C-14 Sample Recording Format . C-14 Sample Recording Guidelines . Soil/Sediment Description Format . Symbols Used for Wall Profiles . Soil/Sediment Description Guidel ines . Soil/Sediment Description Guidelines Continued . Photo Log Format . Checklist for Survey Locale Data Sheets . Checklist for Site Data Sheets (Survey Testing)..•..0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Checklist for Site Data Sheets (Systematic Testing). Checklist for Test Square Data Sheets . Checklist for Profiles and Soil/Sediment Descri pti ons . 8-i i 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25 8-26 8-27 8-28 8-29 8-30 8-31 8-32 8-33 8-34 8-35 8-36 8-37 8-38 8-39 8-40 - B.1 -SURVEY LOCALE FORM B-1 SURVEY LOCALE:--------_l!I'l!i Museum Archeology University of Alaska Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 SUSITNA HYDROPOWER PROJECT SURVEY LOCALE EVALUATION FORM CHECKED BY DAL' ~, -This form is intended to insure that three kinds of data for each locale are recorded. These data will guide additional survey,evaluation of areas that may need no further work,and document areas surveyed and tested on-the-ground.If supplementary information to this form is included in fieldnotes,please note this on the form along with your name(s)and field book page number(s). I.A field description of the locale is needed.The fieJd description of the locale should include the uniformity and variability of surface morphology.The information which you record will be used to compare this locale with other locales to determine similarity and aid in future locale selection and testing. a.Describe the surface morphology noting topographic features,drainage,soils, variation in surface slope,etc. """i I ---------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------------_. ---------------------------------------~ B-? b.What,if any,are the discrepancies between the definition of the geological unit (based on air photo interpretation)and the field observation of the unit?Would you characterize the total area as a single unit based on the homogeneity of surface morphology? ,'i""" II.Identify areas within the locale that potentially may be eliminated from further archeological survey.Please provide objective criteria in your evaluation such as: 1)areas where testing is not feasible using standard archeological field techniques (areas of standing water,talus rubble);2)areas where the substrata have been removed by natural erosion (indicate whether these areas have been surface examined forarcheo- logical materials);and 3)overly steep slopes.This would include slopes of greater than 15 0 to horizontal ~Ihich you deem unlikely for site occurrence (describe and measure slope angle). B-3 III.Identify areas within the locale which may have high archeological potential,based on known site locales from other areas and your field experience,including overlooks, river terrace and bluff edges,lake and stream margins,etc.Describe the location, extent,salient features,and tests (if applicable)for these locales,record these locations on USGS maps. ------------------------------.;.-----------,- High archeological potential areas that should be investigated -------------------------------------------:~ IV.Locate on maps where the survey team actually went on-the-ground,and location, number,size,and depth of test pits excavated and natural exposures examined.Describe the topographic setting,and relation to other physical features,such as lakes,streams, rivers,bluff,edges,nearby hills,elevation,etc.,for sterile test pits. ------------------------------------------:. _S_i_t.....es_f_o_u_n_d_i_n_l_o_c_a_l....;.e_:~ Number of shovel tests ---NAMES OF FIELD TEAM:(include relevant pages in fieldbook) Date-----------------____________Date _ Date----------------- Date------------------____________Date _ ____________Date _ Date-----------------, Date------------------ Date ~,----------------- Date------------------ Date .~----------------...-...,_Date _ 8-4 B.2 -SITE SURVEY FORM B-5 ARCHEOLOGY UNIVERSITY MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AHRS NO.:-------- SURVEY LOCALE NO.:-------- UA NO.:-------- SUSITNA HYDROPOWER PROJECT CHECKED BY DATE --------.- IIo SITE LOCATION A.USGS QUAD:Talkeetna Mountains Scale:1:63,360 B.AIR PHOTO REFERENCE:Roll Frames ___ C.TWP ,RNG ,Seward Meridian !of the !of the of Section-----------D.UTM:Zone 6 Easting Northing """. Eo LATITUDE:0 II LONGITUDE: F.GEOLOGICAL UNIT:No._ G.REGION:Devi 1 Canyon Watana Other:---------------- I. II.ENVIRONMENT: A.Site morphology.(See back of form for information required.) - -------------------------------------~ _____________________________________iom B.Surrounding terrain morphology.(See back of form for information required.)- ------------------------------------~ ---------------------.;.----------------""'"' B-6 AHRS NO.:--------- Ecosystem. Other:--- Upland spruce-hardwood--- (See back of sheet for descriptions.) _______Moist Tundra High Brush _______Lowland spruce-hardwood 1. c. 2.Site vegetation and surface description: 3.Vegetation in surrounding area and surface description: ...,. B-7 II 1.SITE: A.Descr"iption: 1.Characteristics. AHRS NO.:--------- (lithic scatter,stratified site,cabin,etc.) ______________________________________-"""l1! number of shovel tests 2. number of test pits (indicate on map) Number,size and spatial relationship of features,etc. ... ---------------------------------------,iIl'"" ~.--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------,., 3.Stratigraphy (if relevant): ---------------------------------------_., 8-8 B.Artifact inventory. 1.Surface: a.Artifacts collected: b.Artifacts observed but not collected: 2.Systematically excavated artifacts: c.Period:Unknown-- Historic:-- Precontact-- Native Non-Native -- ",.... ", r,, " D.Size: 1.Observed Size:x meters Justification for boundaries: 2.Estimated Size:x meters Justification for boundaries: E.Site disturbance (current and anticipated).Indicate expected effect of the hydroelectric project on the site. 1.Natural:------------------------------- 2.Human:------------~----------------- 8-9 AHRS NO.---------F.What prompted you to survey this location? G.Draw and attach map(s)of site with location of tests and surface features;soi' profile(s);and general location and vegetation map. IV.PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD: Frame #Direction Roll#-- Content Site 10 with date and Crew - --------------------------'~ -----------------------------:- --------------------------~. CREW: A. v.(include relevant pages in fieldbook) Names:- B.Date(s)visited:---------------------------- VI.Field Recommendation for further testing: ---------------------------------------- ---------------------B--I-0------------------~· 1. I1.A. 11.B. Site morphology. 1.What terrain feature is the site on:flat plain,sloping plain,continuous ridge,hill,point,shoreline,terrace,valley,etc. 2.What is the topographic context: a.no topographic relief relative to surrounding terrain,higher topo- graphic relief than surrounding terrain,lower topographic relief than surrounding terrain. b.give elevation:1)above sea level;2)Relative to surrounding terrain. 3.Is the terrain feature continuous or discrete? 4.What is the size,shape and direction of this feature? 5.What is the relative position of the site on this feature? 6.Field of view: a.direction and range of view; b.what is in view? c.would a change in the present vegetation increase or decrease view? How? 7.Describe any special attributes that make this site location unique. 8.Are there other settings similar to that of this site in the unit?Where? Surrounding terrain morphology. Describe surrounding landforms and water features'in relation to the site.What is the direction,distance and difference in elevation of surrounding features? The following characteristics should provide a guide: Streams and rivers: a.proximity to site b.access from site c.are any in view from site? d.has downcutting created valley wall constriction in this area? e.is stream or river (I)shallow with rapids and sandbars,or (2)deep and smooth in this vicinity,etc:. f.is water clear or turbid? g.what is the general width in this vicinity? h.is terracing present? i.in this area is the river course: 1.straight; 2.bending; 3.serpentine. j.are confluences with other streams or rivers nearby?How far? k.what kind of terrain does this stream or river drain?(lakes,hills, marsh) 2.Lakes: a.size in hectares using template. b.inlet present?outlet present? c.single lake or part of lake system? d.characterize terrain surrounding lake (low,wet,steep,etc.) e.is there any evidence that lake size is changing (vegetation overgrowth, old shorelines,etc.). f.cha;acteristics of shoreline.Old shorelines present? B-l1 - ECOSYSTEMS LIKELY TO BE ENCOUNTERED IN PROJECT AREA MOIST TUNDRA:Moist tundra ecosystems usually form a complete ground cover and are extremely productive during the growing season.They vary from almost continuous a~ uniformly developed cottongrass tussocks with sparse growth of other sedges and dwa~ shrubs to stands where tussocks are scarce or lacking and dwarf shrubs are dominant. Associated species are arctagrostis,bluejoint,tufted hairgrass,mosses,alpine azalea,wood rush,mountain-avens,bistort,low-growing willows,dwarf birch, Labrador tea,green alder,Lapland rosebay,blueberry and mountain cranberry. HIGH BRUSH:These are dense to open deciduous brush systems.Floodplain thickets:The~ subsystem is similar from the rivers of the southern coastal areas to the broad-braided rivers north of the Brooks Range.It develops quickly on newly exposed alluvial deposits that are periodically flooded.The dominant shrubs are willows a~. alders.Associated shrubs are dogwood,prickly rose,raspberry,buffaloberry and high bush cranberry.Birch-alder-willow thickets:This subsystem is found near timberline in interior Alaska.It consists of resin birch,American green alder,~. thinleaf alder and several willow species.Thickets may be extremely dense,or oper· and interspersed with reindeer lichens,low heath type shrubs,or patches of alpine tundra ecosystems.Other associated species are Sitka alder,bearberry,crowberry, Labrador tea,spirea,blueberry and mountain cranberry.~ UPLAND SPRUCE-HARDWOOD FOREST:This ecosystem is a fairly dense interior forest composed of white spruce,birch,aspen and poplar.Black spruce typically grows on north ~ slopes and poorly drained flat areas.Root depths are shallow.Fire scars are COlruTIOn.Wh ite spruce averagi ng 40 to 80 feet in hei ght and up to 16 inches in diameter occurs in mixed stands on south facing slopes and well drained soils;forms~ pure stands near streams.Aspen and birch average 50 feet in height.Poplar averaging 80 feet in height and 24 inches in diameter occurs in scattered stands along streams.Undergrowth cons i sts of mosses with grasses on dri er sites and wi th - brush on moist slopes.Typical plants are willow,alder,ferns,rose,high and low bush cranberry,raspberry,current and horsetail. LOWLAND SPRUCE-HARDWOOD FOREST:This ecosystem is a dense to open interior lowland fore~ of evergreen and deciduous trees,including extensive pure stands of black spruce. Black spruce are slow growing and seldom exceed 8 inches in diameter or 50 feet in height.Cones of this tree open after fire and spread abundant seed,enabling black_ spruce to quickly invade burned areas.The slow-growing stunted tamarack is ~ associated with black spruce in the wet lowlands.It seldom reaches a diameter of more than 6 inches.Rolling basins and knolls in the lowlands have a varied mixture of white spruce,black spruce,paper birch,aspen and poplar.Small bogs and muske~j are found in the depressions.Undergrowth species include willow,dwarf birch,low· bush cranberry,blueberry,Labrador tea,crowberry,bearberry,cottongrass,ferns, horsetail,lichens and a thick cover of sphagnum and other mosses.Large areas burned since 1900 are covered by willow brush and very dense black spruce sapling stands. AFTER:Major Ecosystems of Alaska.Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission fa Alaska.July 1973. B-12 B.3 -FIELD NOTEBOOK GUIDELINES SECTION B-13 D Locale/ Site: Topic: Uame: i Test:i level:I ~, P"I """!.I I I·i \}J~';~-~~Oi-teurwn--ow--+I-----:-l-f3---{--1 z 3 4-5 I ;I 1__1__- 1 ___I d4/2.~j t.<J~f 121!I I I I I !o o o o ~....;.I_O_IIJId2i2AnJc'1;uovk..'1esrs I I I i I 'I IIi I T~M uA I I I o 11 12 8-1" Figure 8.3.1.Example of Index in Field Notebooks 8-14 Locale''5.L .I,;~I Site: o Hame:"'5 ..s~q Level:I I - o o I o !I I I I·I I ___....;l~'------~--------l I I I i,1!I o Figure 8.3.2.Example of Narrative Format Page 8-15 o 1_,.. !InISI,I i 1 I I I 'T,11.., I n_•••_ , I , ! I I I I I I , I I , I 1 I I , , I , I I I 1 , I i''I I I j I I I I I I 1 I ,ft....a-..i 1 I I:::a:: I. , I PIlUtl i 1 I I , 1 I I 1 I I I I - D I I I I 1 1 I I ' I I I I , I 1 i'!.;J.Il.l..4 I'£. j ,I-.I 1"'11 ,""""l'";'. ur;j-'h'......+-F ..,..iO"" , I o I ! ,; I , , J I ' :' I I ~t i I !I I ,I I I 'i I ' I I ! !I I r !; I !,1lI!'ll\ D .1:).UJ..... "..::I'.-'1., ':I j-pq1-'wi fh ..,...+;-F~,..+-,", --. 0 ~ U 0 - 1---+--1---$=--~~~.~ Figure 8.3.3.Example of Shovel Test Expansion with Single Shovel Test with Cultural Material 8-16 Mu It ip1e ShovelwithTestExpansion Material Shovel Cu ltura 1 Example of Tests with 8.3.4.Figure B-17 I I I I I i I I I I ..... I I I I !I ,I I I o o !I •.-:1 , i I I . I I l ! I I i I .-. I 10'1: it! • I 1 I I 1 I I I , f 1 I J I I , ! I I I !:I I I I ~"'I"'.'I 1 I 1 j I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I , I I •. I • I 'I I l I I :' !i I I I 1.!A,w I' I , , :;, I I ,!I o I I 1 1 , I I I : I -..... I • I i I I , I . , I j :'w';""II; - o 1 :+I I , UkJ :r , - D o ,\ 11 ..,'("2:: I , I U.11"0:;" , I I I Figure B.3.5.Format for Test Pit Profile B-18 - - I ~IIiii I I- MAP SYMBOLS 0-- -Surface Artifact +- -Depression "- 1-Test Pit 0 -0 -Shovel Test 0 - -Grid Test:wi Artifacts •- -Grid Test:Sterile 0 ~D --spruce Tree -'*~ --Birch Tree @ r- -Dwarf Birch 0 - \ -Marsh *~ -Stream,Creek -",/- -Deadfall,Down Tree V - Trail ....~-::...--Game ~~....'- ,..-... I--Deflated Area ,\-0....._-" Boulders,Rocks,outcrop §~-- -Intermediate Contour ........- -Survey Monument ~-0--- -- --0, i I I , I I i, ,i : Figure B.3.6.Symbols Used for Survey Site Map 8-19 I locale/ Site:Test:I - o Topic:II1A17/N4 Alcre-S Name:Date: lovell I o ! o ~TA.- I !:I I I !Iii o ___I I I~;__...;..1__----:-1 1 1 I :I i I i o i I !I 1 I I i I I I I : -__11- 1 ------~I---i----....:.I----I I !!Io Figure B.3.7.Mapping Notes Format 8-20 o o I i I ---+-1 __-+1__--+[_Ir----~---I I tJ-nuE~~:--~III-'i ..r~~1--.......I----J !41 A !GIl.ID Nkd I I o- I : I -__-:-1__-.:-1_----'1_i j -r.O.S.i-=__--1I_1(_OP_--:.O_F-=~;..;.:;1...;.::::_--.;..-1 1 I 0.£.1.I:::oJJ GR.o,JIfo/'D ! I i I I I ___+-1.=E.:.:.O;.;.:.c=.:.-+I=__--.!.!.=..ei.-..::'1.()i..CIF!Cl.C$rU ee.I :5TA.i.~-.-(N~.~---l.SI--_1 ;R.r.~-I H£!~HT ~IIJSrn,JtH€foJ'T" \I ____'--=E=L:.::e:..:..:v.:...--:..i=_----+I-=~:..;.,.;:L.e vA nJ,.:....N__.-;..i----I i i ['I I---;--1---I---+1-1---+-1 ----I I ,I o o - - - Figure B.3.8.Mapping Notes Symbols B-21 l~caial , I Site:TLM 32.1 Test:i Topic:ffJA/JPIJJt.tJures Lavel: 0 N::une:Date:fe e: c,uW . 0 I 'P,~¢:C.ure.eA~OUl.E.Iii\!~:H.MA:5c~eL ! i I i I-fEM'p~UU.I I IDA:M' i C·I 0 !I I ~.Arj N100 etta ~AIL jN ~U8 I I G~/6 .vdtW =-r4E N~.trJ./jI I I I I I Ii! Sm.I i H.I.i I ELlEY.I NOTES+I -I I N!a>clCO I I I i of!!.1)ATU"1I I {E-i I I{~! I tJ [(::0 EIOO I I I (1ft i -o~II C.G. I I I I 3C"i ~I0N8SclOO:1-t-O.G. tJqD ElOOI i I ~-I U IIj2~1:0.5.I I I "HD eICJQ i 1 I z'e i-I'£!I 0.6.i I I i In !-oQ.!I0NiOOe.fOO!I I J)ATtlnt I I I I I 01,e.D.<-.:=·0-t I I i I 1 !I i :; !!I I i0III i t [i IIi !I I j t I I !I I I It I I i Figure 8.3.9.Example of Mapping Notes 8-22 - - I I I I ,10''v.,. I I !I I I I '.."_,'..-,I ,I !I I i I f I )I j j , I I I ,1 I-I ,...,,-' \I Tallie I'~ 0 I '..'I , I i ,I /'''''''I I I , I J I I I ,I I , I I I I i I I I i,-0 ,I I I ;I , I , I I I I : I I I , I , I I .- D o o I I I , I , I ' I , .-'.., ;, , I I I I I • I , I I , i I '!I '•.G .... I I , I I ...- o ,-- eX Figure 8.3.10 Square Placement and Elevations Format B-23 I t ~:I I I , I I , I I I : 1'-',", If.,,....I tl.o,If\. 0 ,I ,1 I , '....an_,,I,I I ,, I I I I II I ~, , I I r j I I I I I ! I I , I - l 1 J Io, I , I 1 I I I I J I,,..'.., , I I I I I ' , I I I I I .•: '..I' o I I I I I I I !I ) I I I I I !I !I I , ,,-I I :! !I , I I I I , I ,...,. , I J ' o o , I , I I I I , - - -.-- = -- .. /'t.NoI fH:;"'I VI"__. _r-:::~===t===-----:.-------+--- o --I- Figure B.3.11.Plan Map Format B-24 '''''''' - - o !f I I f--~----+---------.-----+-------~ t~__+___t-_-·-,~- Figure 8.3.12.Symbols Used on Plan Map 8-25 Localel !-t-- Site:Test: Topic:AP:ntAa ~UPi 7()1J Level: D~Name:Date:~aiie : 0 1J~f/1.WIENa.~MA'1UJA1.,~iupnOA1 I i I i! 0 I I I I, I I! I I i I i I i I i I I I 0 I I , I i I Ii i II D :I ! I I III I !\D : i i I !I I I Figure 8.3.13.Artifact Description Format 8-26 - - - I Ae:nFAC.~~4iP'rltJ1J EAAfMAr1cN I o--I------l----+-------+-_f----l PaoveiJletJt€.(fAl 1:ItI) o D !!~iop A£'T1~I I ~=I ~t ~-·AT-lT5--';-'BAs-e..--1 --_I I I \--+1--1 RAW AtMUIAL I j--;J)t.nPa !I I WCXJD i i ~.Mf4 Po,krrs iii LeM ~I.(~hl,N1"S I !I LkN&oLAre A,f,.tJT"S o o ...... Figure B.3.14.Artifact Description Guidelines B-27 I !-ro<-rlfPe.i L -rRJAN ~uLAt2..Po tJrS tK~.-~J1."'"Co ~e.0 ,"IGAD &1tU '7?1 Bte:r I i:&AOe.C(;i2.E.. :~Jv'E-v A170A11 ;:u..~E-DIIII~~E- I ; UM1M~AJeS !MMoE 2-$!0I :I P£PJ&.Es..N~ I I I I 1 I ,III I ~NA-L ~~£I4L.i ! -I i WJ8U/uJEl>MA1tfMM,...COMta-te I ~M~I I I I I 'f,f/U)t;N..t,lAJ~l> I r i T:if;4 !I 11.EAV1U-f &1W~1:JI UIJ16EJJ TI ;;(~Bl€.I 1 !) I 0II!I i I i I I I ;,I , I ,I i :0 I ;:I I t i I I I i : t 0Ii,, \I ,I :j i :!I I ,, i I,I, I,I Figure 8.3.15.Artifact Description Guidelines (Continued) 8-28 - - ~I - Locale/I I ISite:I Test: / Topic C-f4 ~~J}le -Level: 0 Name:Date:Pa~~: I ~'edJ -JI.!~le ~...;'''''0''" 0 C·$.!II 1 I I I I iI I I 0 i I I ,i,I I I : I I ~I i I I II !I I I !: I I i II, i !I 0 I i i 1 i I IIIi I I I I IIiI I I I I0! I )II i I --J I ! i 1 I I III 0 I i II, I I I I I I I I I I II:Ii IiI Figure 8.3.16.C-14 Sample Recording Format 8-29 ~W~N 0 A)f.i2tJVF.uI8XC.·'"e D (At~Pu.~01J p.UdJ ~j)) 'aJ ,.....1\. i 0 -I'.: i I ! I~IAJ70d WrTJl/~~U~(II"~e.e.,I 1 I i INJ~'BoAllE U(.,t.:>7§?.ere.)1 i c) - - I I I I ! ! -I I----..:.::.{.:;.:.~._I_l .....:tl:..:..:.A....:....~::::=iI......:L::.:./.:....'"....:....'n.:...:.:.-IJ':;.:..;..::fJ:.:..ATE.:.=...=..-:..A:tl..-='....:....~~.:..:J.f,=PA....:.......::/Jar:Js:::.;:'::..:::.::.:..''''-"",,_D 'Ptrres UP/fE£~to~€JJI,e'{Z.. 1-----....:....-1 __---;i -:.!....:.i --D i j :I ,I!D1__-----I.!'Bu~~~uJ~,....:.:::.ert-~._-,-I__..:...1 _ 1-----;---1 !!I FJ hCH€Du.xJ.t.AL A1JtJ!(Ji ~~ttAL S<'iJ/;:flA1J4! Figure B.3.17.C-14 Sample Recording Guidelines B-30 I Locale/ I I i Site:Test:I Topic:~u..1)E S(fUPnOAl Level: 0 Name:Datel Pag'l UNIT tl:Mu»seu.(,iA.rr f)F3!:1:./J.~fJTlotJ 0 I III I I I I I I I I I D I i ! i -I I !i !! I i I I I I .III I I II I II : i I 1 i 0 ! I , !: I I I I I I \ D I I I I )!I I I I i I I I IDi~II I ! I I i I I I I \I Figure 8.3.18.Soil/Sediment Description Format 8-31 , I ,,, I ,A ,II.......1,..~...' _.-.I_ i ,"'.....1."""':J... I~'I....,.....""--.......l-r........"-~,'~--"I I I I 1 I I I I I I !,I !,I :I !I I I I I I ,!,,I I I !I---I :I ,,I I I I ,I I I ,,,....,I .....,;;,1 I I I 1 ,I : !I ,,I I I ,,,I :,,!0.,,I ,,I,,I ::,,,I I I ,1 , I~I I I I ,,I ,,I , I~I w:~D .!,--,Vt::lf/IIAJIf ';"I I I ,-;o:::p I I ,, I :II I :,I ,:I .... '-.=::::st I I I I I ;I I I ;i' III I ,I I ,I ,I I I I I ,,I ;n 0,'r,/NeLU I ,I I I I I :,.I I :I , I 1 ,I ,I I I I , , I .,I I ,,I 1 ""'",,I I I I I :I I !, I ,I !I I ,!... ....."Y.,.1 I ,I I -,0A'I ,I I :I I I I I I !I I I ,,I ..... I.""...:i ,i ,I I I I :IX"'l.I !fl'I ! f",-.~"'-I ,n .{LDlfJIf:. ~.I I...,•I 1 :,,_. ,1"..1- ..~..'"".....-.....::'"'::;'1'1'~1'fN J ~AN,-1"""'-'-.....(~""0~.....,...-..1 : I.I ,,..::;1''~.-' V _V Iv""! ..!M 0...,........I ,.., 0",0 , I N ''In V IN 'I(~':7r r;....t"J".~,.....,11't{.e.c:J lUU '1!7'>lJ...j...I ....0.I , 1.1",-";1'"i,-i ,-,A ,II ,,I ¥=(j I IIr-I - - - Figure 8.3.19.Symbols Used for Wall Profiles 8-32 - ..- " - .-. I 1 I I~'L.'1 est:.D.(/!-no/J CoJ(I)EL wes j 0 VARIA fHUS SDu.1'~p J)~"WeT L/Gf.JTIlJiI :OVUl/'lS.I-$UJJ~'1 up/)U--n ~ 0 I Ii !I I (}1t(IJ~!I f{ut,\i II 0 I vALUe JC/{/k)MA I -I I!I C()UJ(L I De~fjT7MJ i I i I ! "De!.t ~(P7lC:A1 I !~I! I pftfLncLe I~ee :I -t I CLAit I \I !I~I~.003.,,.... I i i PnJe ~I .125't"'" I I I~$wb II .25 1\<...; IIii~NUtl.I ·s I\<...0 I I I I i ~~"8(..el I 2 ""...; I I I I (,5,.....I i f9&3t-.f;:.i I I ~UU)eJ II 250 ......0 I i I I IIII I L_I II~(,.MolS(Z.(i!.£t,i I IiTEn-wiE-!0 I I !i 'DE~o.c ~l2..nAJG !1 , I i I I [I I ; IIt t I t Figure B.3.20.Soil/Sediment Description Guidelines B-33 ;: o D 1 I I i I iE-'f""ffCHf *!.F U,lJ rrS I :CO",,...jI\JU'Ous /f~/SLOAJ71';"."~1----+-1-------+I-_+_~-'--,-i-DF~r ~-u~s:1 P~ESEJr I Ae;SICJJT ! 1_......:e.:..::..U-=-"TlAJZ.'--".---,-At:>c...:_M:....:........:~'-'-=.J-".:...oAt...=-:_-'-PD-:-"f=5f....,;J(.'-=t-'--I-,1 :flr:fA""""",,=€.ve=~::-.",-1___0 ·1 IN fTtT~(,~Stt/e.. ..... ,------'--_1_:-'-'-0 1_--;.....-1 -....:.:_-----:-_D - Figure 8.3.21.Soil/Sediment Description Guidelines (Continued) 8-34 Locale! Site:Teth I o Tocic:'P#lrrO L PCI t~ame:I Lavels I IOates Pa~es I I I ;i I ---"'-!----..;..:-----'-;-=j---+-----l ---.;-..-.--I---.;-!-----':---.;-\----I '1Jf/lECTlolJ ___-4-1__~!+I I .;...i I I I ·1 !I i-----i----:---I~:I=====:1=======: __1-,--,_--.:....1 _----:.1 __1__-;-\I I i I i D D I I'!I i I !Io D ! 'i I I __"'-I__:---l-I-----J~---.Ii___--t !I I -Figure 8.3.22.Photo Log Format 8-35 , Localel I Site:Test:I ~Jl.LI~Ft/L c;r-".'N£J*Level:Topic:I 0 Namo:Date:Par e: I ~~e;,.rl?£r -I £k.~e.aEJJte I i0<In 'I!~f)At~ I i -! ! I I I I 0 I i t I , ! <"Jl,J~L-o/~t:a:>Af I --.sf iJ;~UJutt-e1-Mff I I'I III I !I AU/(.5 !,l./UM~~(s"J : I !I II JI I I I I i0IIi; ,I I I ! I , :i I I i I IDI )!I !I ,I '!i t".frCDI:;/"}'P1II, I I }JlfO-f-.b B~I 0 i I iI, \ I"I I! i II I Figure 8.3.23.Checklist for Survey Locale Data Sheets 8-36 -. - - ,..... ~, .~., I~ ,~ - Locale'I ISite:Test: Topic:!C/(fLUI;~,;"'"'5f1i;L:o'F'"~,rc;.1 ~Level:IJAVE.Y 0 Namel I ~.M'Pc ~.: ~fUT .~~2ClJa; 0 I I~~vf-jJAu&i:,t; I I Ii .. I- I I I 0 I I I I I, ~,~c bj2fif SirE f1.t!A-P I - &Fltl i I I I !,-I1)A.A:Pr IHArUAT1I/E. I I I III; I 1 j III $4.~n~:1 UTM j I 0 t\(~ffil.MAP! I 1 orn,-~AtA-PS I 1 j.I Ir I I I I0II I I II I I !III I I !~.urF,2..W 13'10i I I r/tPnQ b B'1I !I I j,I II I I I I Figure 8.3.24.Checklist for Site Data Sheets (Survey Testing) B-37 - Locale' Site:Test: IUt~/.1";>(/'Of/:-...,....'''''j'~~~I'Laval:Topic 11'''- I Date:Pa ~.:D Name. 7)~>#.eet'~I!£J.}C£ 0 "f1/~t:lA eur ;f.Uv'M1oN ~-rt3sr S6"u~ FIELtJ ~1A.,..auc.((J(AM 1Jl.~' 0 ]:tUD !Julff2tUS (r~I~/{") c:rnr£12. I I I D 0 .~t3tfD(j{.fZk:.E..b '~'1 I Figure B.3.25.Checklist for Site Data Sheets (Systematic Testing) 8-38 - - - - 1!!'i!;I. i ,- - Locale/I I Site:Test:I Toplcz '"~(~T_1~11::r Lavel:15#iW'S (.Art! 0 .Hamlt Da",'tiD.If 'ST,!1.Ar.-puw NNlRAf71tf!.".......''''~-I"t OT"He/J...(,I.N ,.,.MAP 7>f:S£RJ ~171()N 1)A7Jl 0 0 I I i I I , 0 I I I I 0 E I I I I I F~a ~410Ic~ I Figure 8.3.26.Checklist for Test Square Data Sheets 8-39 Locale/ Site:Test: -. : I I=I i o_N:.:::;am:.:..:.::e::.....j..++-_D_ate:_.+P_C-j-1 e:-11 o o - o o o - Figure 8.3.27.Checklist for Profiles and Soil/Sediment Descriptions 8-40 ....I - 8.4 -SITE DATA COOING FORM 8-41 - SITE DATA COD I NG FOR~l -caRo.It.CQ1.lJ1:11iS.URJ...aliU CQ.Qf.S o.f.SCRl.E.Il..Q1f QUAD 1 Talkeetna r...fou nt a Ins (TU·') 2 Healy (HEA) 3 Fairbanks (FA I ) 4 Tyonek (TY 0) 5 Anchorage (ANC) 2-4 A.HRS #N Three digits 5 Locus N One digit ( 1 =A,2 =8,'I'••) ~, 6 Quad Letter 1 A 2 8 3 C -4 D 7 Quad Number N (e.g.,0-2.) 8-13 UTM Easting N Six digits 14-20 UTM Northing N Seven digits 21 Testing Level 0 AHRS f i I es (highest)1 Survey 2 Survey &grid 3 Systematic 4 Systematic &grid 22-25 Elevation N Feet 26 ~·let hod a ;.Iap 1 Altimeter 27-31 Observed N Square meters Site Size 32 i·let hod a Other than grid testin'] 1 Grid testing 33-36 Estimated ~J Square meters Site Size B-42 - - CARD.Ii. 37-38 YARl&SJ•.f.. Terrain Unit B-43 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o or 25 Q.E.~B.l.e.liQtl Bxu -Unweathered, consolIdated bedrock C -CQI luvial deposits CI -landsl Ide deposits Cs-f -Sol ifluctlon deposits Ffg -Granular alluvial fan FP -Floodplain deposits Fpt -Terrace GFo -Outwash deposits GFe -Esker deposits ~Fk -Kame deposits Gta Ab I at jon t I I I Gtb-f -Basal till (frozen) o -OrganIc deposits l-f -lacustrines (frozen) l/Gta-f -lacustrine sediments over ablation till (frozen) L/Gtb-f -lacustrine deposits over basal ti II (frozen) Cs-f/Gtb-f -Solifluction deposits (frozen)over basal till (frozen) Cs-f/Gta -So!ifluction deposits (frozen)over ablation till Cs-f/Fpt -Solifluction deposits (frozen)over terrace sediments Cs-f/8xu -Solifluction deposits (frozen)over bedrock Gtb-f/3xu -Frozen basal ti I lover bedrock Gta/8xu -Ablation till over unweathered bedroCK C/8xu +Bxu -Co I I UIJ i U,l1 over bedrock and bedrock exposures C/8xw +Gxw -Col luviu~ over weathered,poorly canso j i dated bed rock Unkno\~n CARU fi.y..8.RUaL.E.G..QU.E..s.Q..E..s.C.Rl.E.Il.Qtl ~i 39-40 41-42 Vegetation (After UA Experimental Station) Landform 1 R -Rock 2 ~~CT -Mat and cushion -tundra 3 SGT -Sedge grass tundra 4 \'ISG -Wet sedge grass -5 ass -Open black spruce 6 \'ISS -~/ood I and black sp r uce' 7 OS\"-Open white spruce 8 wsw \'Iood I and white ~;-spruc 9 CBF -Closed birch forest 10 OSF -Open birch forest 11 CP -Closed balsam poplar ~ 12 'OP -Open balsam poplar 1 3 CM -Closed mixed forest 14 OM -Open mixed forest 1 5 CTS -Closed ta I I shrub 16 OTS -Open ta I I shrub 1 7 B -Birch shrub 1 8 \-,-\'1 i I low shrub 19 LS -Low shrub 20 G -Grassland 0 or 21 Unknown 1 Plain -flat 2 Plain -sloping -3 rIo un t a In,hill ,etc. 4 Crag and ta i I 5 Kame 6 Esker 7 Kettle 8 :lor a I ne 9 Terrace -river -10 Terrace -kame 11 Ridge 12 Saddle 13 Valley 14 Lake shore 15 Stream margin 16 Stream confluence 17 Lake outlet/inlet 18 Floodplain - 8-44 Y.aRlaaJ..£.~Q.Q..E..s.Q..E.~B.le.I1Q.tl 43 44 45 46 47 48-50 e..t:Qx.lmil~ Terrain features within 1 km Lakes Streams Rivers and major TributarIes \vet I and s 1,1 i nera I I I c ks 1::H1I ll.s.E.D. o Absent 1 Present N N N N N -51-52 Land Status o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U -Unknown PR -Private VSI-Vii/age Section VS-Ch -Village Selection Chickaloon VS-Kn -Village Selection Knik VS-Ty -Village Selection Tyone BA -Borough Approved or Patented SP -State Patented SS -State Selected SSS -State Selected Suspended F- GL ~,1 -SL :,1 F-USAF -U.S.Airforee F-USAR -U.S.Ar~y AK -Alaska Railroad .- 53-54 55 56-58 59-60 Survey Shove I Tests Test pits Grid shovel Tests Test Squares 8-45 N caRD.Ii.CQLUMN5.YARll.6lE.C.OOE..s.llE..s.C.RIEIIQtl ...., Accession Number ( 3 digits) <Access ion Number ( 3 digits Acces::;ion Number (3 digits Accession Number ( 3 digitsl Accession Number ( 3 digits - IIlO\!\ 61 62-64 65 66-68 69 70-72 73 74-76 77 78-80 0 1 2 3 4 1980 Testing Level UA80-N 1 981 Testing Level UA81-N 1982 Testing Level UA82-N 1983 Testing Level UA83-N 1984 Testing Level UA84-N B-46 I~tlla..g,l~~l Not tested Survey only Survey &/Grid Sustematlc (+/-survey) Systematic &Grid (+or -survey) -. - CaBo.I c.o..L.U.t:U:!S y.aRla.6.lE.C'clUE.S D.E..5..CRlE.I1Qli 2 Card number 2 ~~~ llr.lll~.a.A.h.L~. .u.o.~e.~~a.lli 0 Absent 1 Present ..... - .... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Unknown Surface Surface Organics (current) Organic silt (current) Eo I I an or other OrganIcs (burled) OrganIc silt (buried) Devi I tephra Eo I i an sand or other Watana tephra (oxidized or unknown) Watana tephra (unoxldized) Paleosol.eolian.or other Oshetna tephra Eolian sand Paleosol or other Eol ian sand Drift Bedrock Unknown subsurface STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION Note:use same code in both positions if not a contact. ...... 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 llAAar.l..lm1.I Unit code /unit code LQ.1i~r.l..lmlI Unit code /unit code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 Unknown Surface Surface Organics (current) Organic silt (current) Eo I i an sand or other Organics (buried) Organic silt (buried) Devil tephra Eol ian sand or other Watana tephra (oxidized) Watana tephra (unoxidized) Paleosol.eolian.or other Oshetna tephra Eol ian sand Paleosol or other Eol ian sand Drift Bedrock Unknown subsurface B-47 ~8.B..ll 11. 2 GOLUMt;lS.yftRlAfiJ...E.CQUE..5.QE.S.~B...LE.Il.QN """ 29-32 33-35 Upper Limiting Date B.P. S.D. Unit Date 36-39 B.P. 40-42 S.D. Lower Limiting Date 43-46 47-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-65 65-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-77 78-79 B.P. S.D. Skull -burned/calcined "unburned Axial -burned/calcIned "unburned Other identIfied elements -burned/calcIned " ""unburned Unidentified elements -burned/calcined ""-unburned Total number of bones burned/calcined "II ""unburned Total number of bones burned/calcined "" " n unburned Tota I number of bones - - 80 El~~t ~~~~~~iQ~~lt~a 1 8-48 No Yes 3 ~LUMNS.y.JiRl&a.l..E. Card Number 3 UE..s.C.RIEI1.Q!i 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 -1 1 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40 -41 Skull &antler Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined n -unburned Axial (ribs &vertebrae) Positive -burned/calcined 11 -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined " -unburned Shoulder &pelvic girdles Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined " -unburned Limbs Positive -burned/calcined "-unburned Tentative -burned/calcined " -unburne(j Extremities Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined " -unburned B-49 c.aM Ii. 3 COLUMNS UE.5.C.R1EI1.Q.H 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63-64 65 Skull &antler Positive -burned/calcined tr _unburned Tentative -burned/calcined If -unburned Axial (ribs &vertebrae) Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcl~ed tr -unburned Shoulder &pelvic girdles Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined " -unburned Limbs Positive -burned/calcined If -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined If -unburned Extremities Positive -burned/calcined " -unburned Tentative -burned/calcined If -unburned OlliE-E lQ.E.llI1El&a~E.M&MtlaL5. Number of species Number of bones E.LQ.8.& o None 1 Seeds 2 r~ac r 0 f 0 s s i I s 3 Seeds &macrofossils 4 Charred seeds 5 Charred macrofoss i 'S (charcoal) 6 Charred seeds & macrofossi Is B-50 '""" - 8-51 4 Y.&BI ABI..E. Card Number QQUE..5. 4 llf..5.QEIEIIQl:L 2-6 7 -1 1 1 2-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-34 35 36 37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54 55 56 57-58 59-60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70' 71 -72 73 74 75 QQ~~t~~llth~&Ltl~~t~~~Ra~M~t~~l~l (Greater than t/8") Argillite Basalt Chalcedony Chert Obsidian Quartz Quartzite Rh yo lite Igneous ~~etamorphic Sedimentary MQ.d.lil~.l1 El~li~~ Argillite Basalt Chalcedony Chert Obsidian Quartz Quartzite Rh yo J i te Igneous Hetamorphic Sedimentary Argi II ite Basalt Chalcedony Chert Obsidian QU3rtz Quartzite Rhyo!ite Igneous :let3:T1orp hi c Sedinentary B-52 - ~Q.fl.~l...UMH£.Y.bB.l.8..6Lf.COo.E..5.Q.E..5.CRIE.Il.Qt:i ~. 5 Card Number 5 a~~ 2-3 Arg I I lite 4-5 Basalt 6-7 Chalcedony 8-9 Chert 1 0-11 Obsidian 12-13 Quartz 14-15 Quartzite 16-17 Rhyolite 18 Igneous 19 ~·fetamorph Ic 20 Sedimentary Ml..\;.LQ.b.l.aJ1.e.s. 21-22 Arg I I lite 23 Basalt 24-25 Chalcedony 26-28 Chert 29-30 Obsidian 31 Qu artz 32 Quartzite 33 Rhyolite 34 Igneous "...,35 ~,eta m0 r phi c 36 Sedimentary B..l,u:.l.ns. 37 Arg I I I I te 38 Basalt 39 Cha lcedony . 40 Chert 41 Obsidian 42 Quartz 43 Quartzite 44 Rhyol ite,-45 Igneous 46 1'1etamorphlc 47 Sedimentary 8-53 """! c.aRll L c.m..u.t:1H.S.yaRlaau.C.UllE.S Q.E..5.C.RIJ:.IIUli 5 au.r:.ln Su.allJi 48 Arg i I I I te 49 Basalt 50 Chalcedony 51 Chert' 52 Obsidian 53 Quartz 54 Quartzite 55 Rhyo I I te 56 Igneous 57 Metamorphic 58 Sed j'mentary ~ al.i~~ 59-60 Arg i I I I te 61-62 Basalt 63-64 Chalcedony 65-66 Chert 67-68 Obsidian 69-70 Quartz 71-72 Quartzite 73-74 Rhyol ite """175IgneousII 76 r-oletamorph i c I 77 Sedimentary 8-54 - ~c.aRQ.i ~llMNS.URl.8.B..LE.CQJl.E..s.Q.E..s.CRlfIlQ.tl 6· -Card Number 6 e..c..aiQr:..m~ ""'"2 Arg I'I I I te 3 Ba$alt 4 Chalcedony 5 Chert 6 Obsidian 7 Quartz 8 Quartzite 9 Rhyolite 10 Igneous 11 Metamorphic 12 Sedimentary tl.QJ:~.b..e..d.fQln.1~ """ 13-14 Arg I I I I te 15-16 Basalt 17 -1 8 Chalcedony 19-20 Chert 21-22 Obsidian 23-24 Quartz 25-26 Quartzite 27-28 Rhyolite 29 Igneous 30 r·l eta m0 r phi c 31 Sedimentary ""'".s..1.e.mm.e.~E.Q.ln.1~ 32 Argl J lite 33 Basalt 34 Chalcedony 35 Chert 36 Obsidian 37 Quartz 38 Quartzite 39 Rhyol ite 40 Igneous 41 Metamorphic 42 Sedir.lentary -I B-55 ~&.RQ.Il ~!J1lli.S.YAR1&.6.L.E.~.Q.Q..E..s.Q..E..s.~lEI1.Q..t:!'~ 6 J....a.ll=.5..h.a..Il~.i E.QJ.1l1.:i 43 Argillite 44 Basalt 45 Chalcedony 46 Chert 47 Obsidian 48 Quartz 49 Quartzite 50 Rhyolite 51 Igneous 52 Metamorphic 53 Sedimentary ~ .L.a.ll~SlQ.l.a.1~E.Ql1l1.:i 54 Argi II ite 55 Basalt 56 Chalcedony 57 Chert 58 Obsidian ~ 59 Quartz 60 Quartzite 61 Rh yo lite 62 Igneous 63 t·1e t a mo r phi c 64 Sedimentary IL:.l.a.ll~JJ..1..a.L:.E.Ql1l1.:i 65 Argi Ilite 66 Basalt 67 Chalcedony 68 Chert 69 Obsld,ian 70 Quartz 71 Quartzite 72 Rhyol ite ~ 73 Igneous 74 1·1 eta m0 r phi c 75 Sedimentary B-56 .c.ARQ.l CQL.UM~.s.Y~Rl~a.LE..c..Q:Q.E..s.Q.E..s..c.R1EI1UN I~ 7 ~Card Number 7 M..L~2ti.a.d.~.c..Q.J:.~~ ..- 2 Arg I I I I te 3 Basalt 4 Chalcedony 5 Chert 6 Obsidian 7 Quartz r,~8 Quartzite 9 Rhyolite 10 Igneous 1 1 Metamorphic 12 Sed I mentar y M~.b.l..a.d.~Ia..b.tih-13 Arg ill I te 1 4 Basalt -~15 Chalcedony 16 Chert 17 Obsidian 18 Quartz 19 Quartzite 20 Rh yo I I te 21 Igneous 22 :.letamorphic 23 Sedimentary al..~.~.c..Q.c.~~ 24 Arg i I lite 25 Basalt 26 Chalcedony 27 Chert 28 Obsidian 29 Quartz 30 Quartzite 31 Rhyol ite 32 Igneous 33 i1 eta m0 r phi c 34 Sedimentary 6-57 .c..aaD./I.. 7 C..QJ..llMH.s.Q.E..S.CR1E.Il.Qli 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 S4 55 56 57 58 59 60 61-63 64-66 Reju~~natlQfi E~ka~ Arg t I I I te Basalt Chalcedony Chert Obsidian Quartz Quartzite Rh yo I I te Igneous MetamorphIc SedImentary Arg I I I I te Basalt Chalcedony Chert Obsidian Quartz Quartzite Rhyol ita Igneous r,let amo rp hi c Sedimentary Hammerstones Abraders Tel thos Notched pebbles Thermally altered rocks Ochre 8-58 - 8-59 CARLl /L Ilf.-S.CR1EI1UU 9 - 2 3 ReservoIr Proximity Reservoir Zone o 1 2 o 1 2 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A Dev I I Watana N/A Immediate Adjacent N/A 1 a 1b 2 3 4 5 4-8 9-13 Vertical Distance from Reservoir # Horizontal Distance from Reservoir # Feet (else blank) Feet (else blank) 14 15 16 E.~~1~.d.lm.Q.~1 Type Category Level B-60 o 1 2 3 4 o 1 2 3 o 1 2 3 N/A Direct Impact Indirect Impact Potent i a I I rr.pact No Impact N/A l~echan i ca I Biological Human &.other N/A Large Scale :,1e diu m Sc a I e Smale Scale - - C.8.RD.Jl Y..8.Rl.8.51.f. 9 IM.E..8..CI .8.~f.~MElil E.QR QI.l::if.B fB..Q.J.E..cI EE..8..I.U.Ef..s.aND.EaC.L1..lIl..E..S. Ef..8.IURE .8..llil aBf..8. 4 3 5 a - 1 2 Access Route (AR) a -(Not required) Access Route Borrow (ARB) a -(Note required) Borrow (6) 1 -Borrow Area C 2 Borrow Area E 3 Borrow Area F 4 Borrow Area H 5 Borrow Area I 6 Borrow Area J 2 o Other NonE:! Found by nonarcheologists Found In association with fac Illty,feature,or area which wasw subsequently modIfied,relocated,or delE:!ted Found prior to project commencement Found during geoarcheology studies Found by archeologist but not within 1/2 mile of project faci llties or features 3- ..... - 4 Geotechnical Area a -(Not Required) 5 Recreation Area (RA) 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rec r-eat jon Recreation Recreation Recr-eation Recreation Recr-eation Recr-eat ion Area 0 Area H Area I Area J Area K Area L Area Q 8-61 .cARD.II. 9 UR.L8.a.Lf.C.QQ.f..s.Uf..s.C.Rle.Il.QH 6 Ra I I road a -(Not required) 7 8 Transmission Route 1 -Healy to Fairbanks 2 -Wi I low to Anchorage 3 -Watana Dam to Intertie Watana Construction Area 1 -Permanent Airstrip 2 -Watana Construction Camp 3 -Watana Construction Village 4 -Watana Dam ~, -. ProximIty VertIcal Distance from Faci I ity or Feature a 1 2 /I N/A Immediate Adjacent Feet (else blank) - HorIzontal Distance from Faci I ity or II Feature Feet (else blank) Type Category Level B-62 a 1 2 3 4 a 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 N/A Direct Impact Indirect Impact Potential Impact No Impact N/A ~·1echan Ica I Biological Human &other N/A Large Scale >1e diu m Sc a J e Smale Scale 1!!Ol>l: ~~ ~BO.fl CQLUM~.s.Y.8.B1Aalf.C.QU.E..s.UE..s.C.Ble.I1Qtl 9 .uta.I.llJ:Ji QL:fac jiLt,¥.1 17 Feature 18 Area 19 Proximity 20-24 Vertical Distance 25-29 Horizontal Distance .-.30 Type 31 Category 32 Leve I f..e..a.t.llJ:Ji QL:E~lll.t,¥..2. 33 Feature 34 Area 35 Proximity 36-40 Vertical Distance 41-45 Horizontal Distance 46 Type 47 Category 48 Level f..e..aI.llL:.e.QL:E.atiJ..lt,¥.l 49 Feature 50 Area 51 Proximity 52-56 Vertical Distance 57-61 Horizontal Distance 62 Type 63 Category,-..64 Level f..e..aI.lLJ:Ji QL:E.a~llLt,¥.1-65 Feature 66 Area 67 Proximity ~68-72 Vertical Distance 72-77 Horizontal Distance 78 Type ~79 Category 80 Level B-63 - .... - APPENDIX C -TEPHRA ANALYSIS APPENDIX C -TEPHRA ANALYSIS C.1 -Introduction Tephra (volcanic ash)layers were identified at most of the sites found during the cultural resources survey.At 1E~ast three,and possibly four,tephras were identified in the field and samples were collected from various sites within the study area.Analysis was conducted on samples taken from terrestrial settings.TE!phr~s found in lacustrine settings are discussed in Chapter 8. The petrographic study discussed here was conducted to:1)determine whether the soil/sediments identified in the field as tephra were,in fact,tephra;2)characterize the mineralogy and glass shard morphology of the tephra;and 3)determine the number of tephras present. Successful discrimination of the tephras provided a method to correlate and date archeological components within the Susitna River valley. The 29 samples analyzed were selected from ten systematically tested sites,distributed across 48 km adjacent to the Susitna River (Figure C.l).These specimens provided a representative suite of samples,both stratigraphically and geographically within the project area.(Table C.1).Analysis of these samples should accurately characterize the tephras present in the valley. C.2 -Analytical Methods The samples were prepared following the procedure suggested by Steen-McIntyre (1977).The volume of material used and the color of each sample (when moistened)were recorded.The samples were then rinsed several times in distilled water,and the suspended fines and floating organic material were decanted off.Three to five times the sample's volume of sodium hypochlorite (household bleach)was then added to each sample and the mixture heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes to remove any organic cementing agents (Steen-McIntyre 1977). C-1 en g:............ ::I 0 I/)-' UI --':..:I :::E 0 ZM ~0 ~ <-0 u 0 ...0 ~...I W ...I -In 0 Q. ::i: < 1Il 0 0 <J - Figure C.l.Sample location Map C-2 .....-z-- - ..... - - ..... I Table C.1 Stratigraphic Location of Samples from the Susitna Tephras Strati- graph ic Location Sample Sites TLM TLM TLM TLM TLM TLM TLM TLM TLM TlM 039 040 042 043 046 062 069 128 130 143 Devil X X X X X X X.X ~ Oxidized ~)atana X X X X X- Unoxidized Watana X X X X X X ,"""Oshetna X X X X X X X X X .- .....C-3 The liquid was then decanted off and the sample was rinsed once w{th distilled water.Suspended fines were again decanted off.A solution of 6 N hydrochloric acid was then added to the samples to dissolve iron oxide cement.After the acid was decanted off,the sample was rinsed twice with distilled water and air dried.After drying,the samples were sieved using 16 mesh (1 mm),32 mesh (0.5 mm),60 mesh (0.25 mm), and 250 mesh (0.062 mm)sieves.The volume of each size fraction was recorded.The sample size used in the petrographic analysis consisted of grains between 60 and 250 mesh (0.25 and 0.063 mm).This fraction was washed in distilled water in a sonic cleaner for 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure was then repeated using acetone,and,then the sample was air dried.Once dry,this fraction was again screened using a 250 mesh sieve.The -250 mesh fraction was discarded,while the +250 mesh fraction was stored for analysis. Grain mounts were made by mixing a small portion of each sample with several drops of histoclad on a glass slide,and allowing the histoclad to set.Each sample was mixed thoroughly before a small scoop of it was taken in an attempt to get a representative split. Each sample was examined under binocular and petrographic microscopes. Four hundred to six hundred grain counts were made of 16 samples using Galehouse's (1969)area method.All grains within the field of view at 100x magnification were counted,and each sample had four fields of view counted.The percentage of mineral grains in each sample was then calculated. Nineteen samples from the Devil,Oxidized Watana,and Unoxidized Watana tephras had 98 to 160 grain counts of their glass fraction to characterize the glass shard morphology of the tephras.Three samples were counted three times to test the reproducibility of the grain counts~The results are listed in Table C.2 and suggest that the grain counts are accurate to within ±6 percent. C-4 - - -I Table C.2 Reproducibil ity of Glass Shard Counts Count 1 Count 2 Count 3 %% % % % %Standard F'"Sample Scoria Vesic.Scoria Vesic.Scoda Vesic.Mean Deviation ~ ATC- 0006 28.8 71.1 43.8 56.2 42.2 57.8 38.3 6.7 ATC- 0015 28.7 71.3 50.5 49.5 51.5 48.5 43.6 10.5 -ATC- 0019 86.6 13.4 91.1 8.9 89.4 10.6 89.04 1.8 Where %scoria =percent scoriaceous glass shards;%vesic.=percent vesicular glass shards. ,~ I C-5 Eight samples were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to make a high magnification study of glass shard morphology.The eight samples were glued to aluminum stubs using a thinned carbon adhesive,and then coated with a thin layer of gold using an SPI sputter coater.The coater was run for eight minutes to reduce the amount of sample charging.Samples were scanned at lOOx and then photographs were taken at higher magnification (220x to lOOOx). C.3 -Granulometric Analysis Granulometric analyses were conducted on 15 samples.Many of the samples were too small (less than 5 milliliters)to conduct acceptable analyses.The results are listed in Table C.3 and are shown graphically in Figure C.2.The small standard deviation of the Oxidized Watana tephra is due to the small number of samples,and not to high precision of the data.The analyses indicate that the tephras are dominated by the fine silt and clay-sized fraction (-250 mesh).The coarse sand fraction generally represented an insignificant portion of the sample. C.4 -Appearance Under Binocular Microscope Glass appears as white grains under a binocular microscope.Transparent and translucent grains exhibit both cleavage surfaces and conchoidal fracture,suggesting that a portion of the transparent grains are feldspar. (a)Devil Tephra This tephra is dominated by white angular grains,followed in decreasing abundance by transparent and translucent grains,green laths,and opaque minerals.The white glass commonly mantles the green laths. (b)Oxidized Watana Tephra White glass shards are the dominant grain followed by transparent and translucent grains,green laths,and opaque minerals.White glass C-6 - - - - - Table C.3. Grain Size Analysis for 15 Susitna Tephras ..,... Sample # Vol.% +60 mesh Vol.% -60 +250 mesh C-7 Vol.% -250 mesh Stratigraphic Location Table C.3.(Continued) - - Sample # ATC-0019 ATC-0025 ATC-0028 Vol.% +60 mesh 0.0 4.3 3 Vol.% -60 +250 mesh 36.9 30.2 19.8 C-8 Vol.% -250 mesh 63.1 65.5 77.2 Stratigraphic Location u.Watana Devi 1 Devil ""'" Devil I •I Oxidized Watana I •I Unoxldlzed Watana I •I Oshetna r-•I I I I I ,I 10 15 20 25 30 35 ,~" Volume %-60+250 Mesh SIeve Fraction Figure C.2.Granulometric Analysis of Susitna Tephras C-9 (c)Unoxidized Watana Tephra The Unoxidized Watana appears quite similar to the Oxidized Watana. Biotite is also a minor constituent of this tephra. (d)Oshetna Tephra Transparent and translucent fragments are the dominant grains,followed by green crystal fragments,and opaque minerals.White glass is a rare constituent of the tephra.The green crystals are generally short angular flakes without glass mantles.Biotite is more abundant in this tephra than in the others. C.s -Mineralogy (a)Hornb 1ende Two varieties are present:1)euhedral to subhedral laths having green to olive green,or dark green pleochroism,and 2)subhedral to anhedral fragments with green to blue-green pleochroism.The euhedral to subhedral green laths are the dominant type in the Devil,Oxidized Watana,and Unoxidized Watana tephras,while the blue-green variety is common only in the Oshetna tephra.The green laths are commonly mantled by glass and usually contain inclusions of opaque minerals.The blue-green variety lacks attached glass,and is generally free of opaque inclusions.Both amphiboles are biaxial negative and exhibit some twinning. (b)Orthopyroxene Orthopyroxene occurs as biaxial negative hypersthene.The hypersthene is subhedral to euhedral and is commonly mantled by glass.This is true even in the glass-poor Oshetna tephra.The phenocrysts range between 0.02 and 0.3 mm in length,are length slow,and have either pale green to pink,or pale green to yellow,pleochroism.The hypersthene commonly occurs as interpenetration twins.Inclusions in the phenocrysts include C-10 - .~ opaque minerals and smaller crystals of orttlOpyroxene.The mineral is uncommon in the three upper tephras,and only reaches relatively abundant levels in the Oshetna tephra. (c)Plagioclase Two populations of the mineral are present.The most abundant variety consists of anhedral,angular to subangular,grains lacking attached glass.The birefringence increases towards the center of these grains indicating a platy habit which is thickest at the middle.Zoning is common,while twinning is .not.The lack of albite twins made it impossible to estimate anorthite composition. The second variety is less common and is characterized by low birefringent euhedral to subhedral grains,mantled by glass,and having a1bite and carl sbad twi ns.Concentri c and asci 11 atory zoni ng are common in this variety of plagioclase.Compositional estimates,using the Michel-Levy method (Kerr 1977),ranged between An 25 and An 41 for the Devil tephra,An 25 and An 49 for the Oxidized Watana,An 23 and An 30 for the Unoxidized Watana,and between An 30 and An 32 for the Oshetna tephra. (d)Opaque Minerals These minerals generally occur as subhedral to anhedral grains less than 0.2 mm in diameter.Opaque minerals are common inclusions in glass, plagioclase,orthopyroxene,and hornblende.The cubic shape of the grains suggests that they are magnetite. (e)Quartz Quartz is present in the tephra in unknown quantities and is recognized by its conchoidal fracture,low birefringence,low relief,and uniaxial positive interference.It appears as anhedral angular grains lacking glass mantles.The similarity in appearance between quartz and the plagioclase lacking glass mantles resulted in the two grains being lumped together in the grain counts. C-11 (f)Minor Accessory Minerals Biotite occurs as anhedral,subangular to subrounded,red-brown to yellow-brown pleochroic grains.It is a rare mineral in the Oxidized Watana,Unoxidized Watana,and Oshetna tephras.None of the grains seen had any attached glass.Clinopyroxene,zircon,and apatite are also present in trace amounts in the four tephras.The clinopyroxene is characterized by its pale green nonpleochroic color in plane light,its biaxial positive interference and inclined extinction.It is subhedral to anhedral and is most common in the Oshetna tephra.Zircon is present as anhedral to euhedral grains.It is recognized ?y its very high relief and birefringence,parallel extinction,and its uniaxial positive interference.None of the zircon has any attached glass.Apatite occurs as small inclusions in plagioclase phenocry~ts. C.6 -Grain Count Analyses Sixteen samples had between 350 and 700 grains counted to get an accurate estimate of the percentage of different minerals in each sample.The samples were grouped according to stratigraphic position and the mean and standard deviation for each mineral were calculated. The mean values are listed in Table C.4.Figures C.3, C.4,and C.5 compare the mean and deviation for each mineral in all four tephras. The only case where the mineralogy is different is in the Oshetna tephra,where the percentage of glass shards is much lower,and the percentages of plagioclase and quartz much higher,than in the other tephras. C.7 -Glass Shard Morphology The glass shards in these tephras have morphological characteristics typical of rhyolitic glasses (Heiken 1972).They are vesicular,with the shape of the vesicles controlling the shape of the shards.Two types of glass shards were observed:1)grains with relativPly few vesicles resulting in the glass appearing transparent and angular in plane light,and 2)scoriaceous grains with subangular to subrounded C-12 - - ..... - Table C.4 Mean Percentage Values for Grain Counts of Susitna Tephras Tephra Hb Bio Opx Cpx Opq P1/Q Pl/G Zirc Gl Lith ,Devil 14.0 0.1 0.6 0.0 2.5 26.4 7.2 0.2 48.4 0.5 Oxidized.- Watana 11.4 0.4 0.6 0.1 2.9 41.1 8.5 0.3 34.2 0.5 ~Unoxidized Watana 15.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 3.1 21.9 12.9 0.0 46.3 0.3 Oshetna 9.4 0.3 2.8 0.3 4.2 75.6 2.3 0.6 3.1 1.3 -, Hb =Hornblender- !Bio =Bi otite Opx =Orthoproxene Cpx =Cl i nopyroxene Opq =Opaque minerals P1/Q =Plagioclase an~quartz lacking glass mantles Pl/G =Plagioclase with glass mantles Zirc =Zircon G1 =Glass Lith =Li thi c fragments r""'" I C-13 Hornblende Opq.Minerai.Plag.w/gl888 - -10510 I •t I--e-4 I-e-1 I-e1 ~ l--e-1 ~ I •I ~ I •I I •I ~ IIIIIIIII Devil Oshetna Oxidized Watana Unoxldlzed Watana Percent of grains Figure C.3.Percentages of Minerals in the Susitna Tephras C-14 -c CD u.. CD C. .,., a:I CD CD C-.:II: U a:I -C a:I E o M o U) o co o 'I"'" H-.. eao::: ~0 "C C a:I CD CD "ca U Q CD= C. ., c o ea 10 .. " , -r- I- 0 I-_.... to- -- r- 4~l- t t- ea-.c Ieaea c -a:I a:I t--::a:I::"C CD "C H =CD -C"CN--I---)(CD-"C>-0 .c CD ><C ., C 0 ::;)0 ,..., .- Figure C.4.Percentage of Plagioclase and Quartz Grains Lacking Glass Mantles in the Susitna Tephras -C-15 - -5040302010 DeYIl I •I Oxidized Watana 1 •I Unoxidlzed Watana I •I Oshetna re-i t I I I I Percent Glass Shards Figure C.5.Percentage of Glass Shards in the Susitna Tephras C-16 I"'" I I ,~ ~ I, ~ I ;- I shapes.This second type of glass shard appears brownish in plane light because the numerous small vesicles tend to refract the light rather than allowing it to pass through relatively undisturbed.Vesicle shapes range from tubelike to spherical. Point counts of the two glass shard types were conducted on 19 grain mounts and the results are shown in Table C.5.The means and standard deviations for each of the three tephras were calculated,and are listed in Table C.6,and shown in Figure C.6. The Oshetna tephra was not counted because of the low'abundance of glass shards. Two cases are shown for both Oxidized and Unoxidized Watana tephras.In each group one sample had very low counts of scoriaceous glass,which resulted in the large standard deviations seen in case 1.Removal of these samples resulted in the higher mean values and smaller standard deviations seen in case 2.It is unclear why these samples had such low counts.Examination of the grain mounts does not suggest that they are in any other way unusual. C.8 -Discussion The presence of individual glass shards and glass shards adhering to minerals in all 29 samples indicates that the four layers seen in the field are tephras.The tephras are very fine grained,with only a minute portion of the sample coarser than 60 mesh (0.25 mm).The large standard deviations for the sieve analyses do not allow for discrimination of any of the tephras.The mineralogy of the tephras is remarkably uniform and consists of plagioclase,hornblende,opaque minerals,orthopyroxene,quartz,biotite,clinopyroxene,zircon,and apatite in decreasing order of abundance.Two types of plagioclase and hornblende are present in the tephras.Those phenocrysts that have attached glass can be attributed to the tephras,however the origin for the blue-green variety of hornblende and the plagioclase lacking glass mantles is uncertain.The angular shapes of these latter grains do not C-17 Table C.5 Scoriaceous VS.Vesicular Glass Shards Sample %Scod aceous %Vesicular Stratigraphic Location ""'" ATC-OOI 41.9 59.1 Devi 1 ATC-0002 58.8 41.2 0'.Watana ATC-0003 88.8 11.2 U.Watana ATC-0005 43.9 56.1 Devil ATC-0006 40.0 60.0 O.Watana ATe-ODD?88.2 11.8 U.Watana ATC-0008 54.3 45.?U.Watana -. ATC-OOIO 14.4 84.6 Devil ATC-OOll 49.5 50.5 O.Watana ATC-0012 28.0 72.0 U.Watana ATC-0015 40.0 60.0 Devil l!I!"\ATC-OOl?63.11 36.9 U.Watana I I ATC-0018 22.2 77 .8 Devil ""'"J """ C-18 Table C.5.(Continued) ..... Sample %Scoriaceous %Vesicular Stratigraphic Location ~ ATC-0019 83.0 17.0 u.Watana ATC-0021 28.4 71.6 Devil ;~ ATC-0022 21.3 78.7 O.Watana ATC-0023 58.4 41.6 U.Watana ATC-0025 28.9 71.1 Devi 1 ATC-0027 56.4 43.6 o.Watana - - ""'" C-19 Table C.6 Means and Standard Deviations for Devil,Oxidized Watana,and Unoxidized Watana Tephra Glass Shard Counts Tephra No.of Samples Used Mean Standard Deviation Devil 7 31.5 10.0 O.Watana (1)5 45.2 13.6 O.Watana (2)4 51.2 7.3 U.Watana (1)7 66.3 20.5 U.Watana (2 )6 72.6 14.4 C-20 - -.... 0 -0 to- N 0-~ CD«a (J -0 •-....-J_CQ •-,... a::l 0 'P"'•N ~,~0 ~ '-0~•10 4)•«a u«a (J _.... 0 (J __«J... ..-Q i --U I -0 en'P"'~-~cca~ «J U..(J __.. 0 4) "'"0.M 110 Ie: ~«J 111:1 -'-C .... a::l IlI:l -0-;;:N ca .-:='c III ~IN ~-- N -C ...0----'P"'r'-~:lI( ~-10 i •~C C 0 :~ Figure C.6.Percentage of Scoriaceous Glass in the Devil and Watana Tephras C-21 indicate much,if any,transport,yet the differences between them and the phenocrysts which do have glass mantles suggest a different origin. Similar problems arise in interpreting the origin of the quartz,zircon, and biotite.Without attached glass it is unclear whether these minerals represent detrital contaminants or primary volcanic material. Of the four tephras,only the Oshetna can be distinguished on the basis of mi nera logy.Fi gures C.3 and C.4 show that it has a much hi gher percentage of plagioclase and quartz,and a much lower percentage of glass shards,than any of the other tephras. Baseq on glass morphology,the Devil and Unoxidized Watana tephras can be distinguished with a fair degree of confidence.Table C.4 shows that all of the Devil tephra samples have less than 50%scoriaceous glass shards,while 57%of the Unoxidized Watana tephra have greater than 60% soriaceous glass shards,and 86%have greater than 50%soriaceous glass shards.The Oxidized Watana tephra has percentages of scoriaceous glass shards which overlap the fields of the two other tephras. C.9 -Conclusions Three out of the four tephras can be distinguished based on this petrographic study.While stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Oxidized Watana tephra is a separate unit from the Unoxidized Watana and the Devil tephras,the petrographic evidence is unclear.The remarkable mineralogic similarities between the three upper tephras suggest that they are derived from the same volcanic vent.If this is the case, geochemical studies of the glass shards and phenocrysts will probably be needed to clarify the distinctions between the three upper tephras.The Oshetna tephra is clearly distinguishable from the other tephras due to the differences in mineralogy and the proportion of glass shards.These differences may be due to its greater age or a different source.It is generally agreed that tephra correlation must be based upon several criteria,and not on a single criterion (Westgate and Gorton 1981). Stratigraphic and petrographic data are now available for the Susitna tephras,and geochemical studies of the tephras would aid in clarifying C-22 '""", ~, -, - ~ , .... - the distinctions between tephra units.Numerous authors have used geochemistry to distinguish between tephras,as well as identifying several tephras in a layer which was thought to be a single unit (Smith and Westgate 1969;Izett 1970 et al.;Westgate 1977;Scheidegger et al. 1978;Westgate and Evans 1978;and Larsen 1981). In addition to the geochemical analyses~detailed petrographic work would probably reduce the variance in the analyses that have been conducted and may clarify the distinctions between the three upper tephras. C.10 -Archeological Significance The petrographic analysis largely agrees with the field evidence that there are three~and probably four~tephra units in the Susitna River valley.This corroborating evidence should give a high degree of confidence to the correlation of components from different sites which are found between the same tephra units.These analyses may also aid correlation of components associated with tephra in other parts of south-central Alaska,where the tephras can be shown to be identical to the Susitna tephras. C-23