HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2719SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PIDIIIA&. INIII8Y III.U&.A101lY COMMI881011 No.-cT ••· 'u• LOWER SUSITNA RIVER AGGRADATION STUDY: R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. ·-·---··· ~---·- UNDIII CONTRACT TO ~oo~~~~~~ IUSITNA JOINT VENTURE FIELD DATA FINAL REPORT JUNE 1185 DOCUMENT No. 2711 .____ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY__ ___. :3USXTk<& BVDROELEGTRXC PROJECT LOmR 9U6ITE8& RIVER AGCRADATIBM BYUDU FSELD DATA Prep:s red fez* Alaaka Poueir Authority TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List af T~bbleg List of Figures L.ist of Phobographs A~~<~owI~dgrn~~t~ 1.0 Executive Sumrnary 2.0 Scopeof: Study 3.0 Bed Material Sampling 3,1 Sampling Muthuds 3.2 Sample Site Desrsriptions 3,2.? River Mile 97,l 3-2.2 River fdils 95,9 3.2.3 River Mile 93.1 3,2,4 Ri.lii.eth &1?'2ila 91 .$ 3,2,5 River Mile 90,6 3,2,8 River k4He 87,7 3.2.7 River fk4ile 86,3 3,2,8 River f\fi$t2 84* 6 3.3 Summary Cortrmon'l-5 4 (1 Lowtsr+ River Surt~eys 4.1 S~irvci-y Descriptions 4.2 River ~~*o~s-:iettion fbrc>fii~ 13\c3t5i 5 1 Refere%tce,.s LIST GF TABLES Discharge of the Susitna Rives at Sunshine for dates of Survey and Bed Material Sampling Pags 9 Stags-Discharge Measurements for Surveyed 10 Cross-Sections on the Lower Susitna River, 1984 location map of cross-sections of the Bow@$" susi"%Ia River Bed Material Sample Site Locatiorrs LRX 97.1 Parti~le Sias Distributisras LRX 97,9 Samples 7, 2 and 3 Pa~ticle Sire Distribution LWX 97,1 Sanlplcs 4, 5 and 6 Bed bhaterial Sample Site Locations LRX 95,9 Particls Size Dist~ibutisns LR>< 95,, 9 Samples 1, 4, and 7 Particle Size Distributiotw E-RX 95,9 Samples 3, 5 and 6 Bed Material S;lmple Site Locations LRX 93.1 Particla Sixa Distrittitisras LRX 93.1 Sarclples 1 amd 2 Particle Size C~is~kg.ib~.~tio~~s LFiX 93,l Samples 3, 4, and 5 Pat-ttiche Size Distributions I,+KSC 9'1 .8 %;trn:,le; 1, 2, 3 arid 6 w*; .I i* . p7j:-iii;iay a";Ixc; ~j~~~g";i~iukr%,aa:~. idf#t)< :j/, 7 't rs p- i i, i., 3; ctili.! C) Page 4 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure NP$~~BF Deecription Page Bed Material Sample Site Locations LRX 86.3 I08 Particle Siss DistribuQi~ns LRX 86,3 Sample 1 and 2 Partkcls Size Distributions LRX 86.3 Samples 3, 4 and 5 Bed Material Sample Site Loeations LRX 84.6 118 Particle Size Dbtributbns LRX 84,6 Samples I, 2 and 3 Particle Sire Uistributian for Armor Layer 122 Samples LRN 97,1, 95.9 and 93.1 P-lr*ticIe Size Dist~ibutisn for Armor Layer 1 23 Samples LRX 91 3, 90,6, 87.7 and 86.3 Papticle Size Distribution For the East Bat.ak 124 of the Main Channel Samples LRX 97.1, 94.1 aud 9'l ,8 Parti~ls Size Distributiar~ for tile East Baerk 125 of thc Main East Cliannel Sanlples LRX 90.6, 87,7, 88-3 md 84,G Particis Size f2iskributiors for the P".ist Sank 126 of tlm lvlain East Cllarr bid Samples LRX 97.1, 93,9 93- 1 armid 91,8 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) D~scriprti~n Ri%~er Gros~ Section LR,X 3, I, 1982 t9 River Cross Section LRX 3,0, 1980 River Cross Section LRX 3.0, 1982 Rivet* Cross Section LRX 2.3, 1982 River* Gross Sartii~n L.RX 2,2, 1982 River Crboss Sectian L.RX 2.1, 1982 River Cross Section LRX 2.D, 1980 River Cross Section LRX 2.0, 1Y82 River Cross Section LRX 2.0(95.0), 1984 Rivet- Cross Section L.RX 1.2, ?992 River. Cross Ea-rir;n LR>( 1.5, 1SF" s% River Cross Section LKX 1 .Of 4990 River C~oss Section h,WX 1,0, 1982 Rivet- Cross Section LBX ;i,0(97,1), 1984 dtivar. Gross Section E.F%X 15,9, 1882 Hives. Cross Seciion i.1-tX 11.8, i!j8% X (i RiveF* Cpos.f;, bsckion LFQ:( [),'I, '19&2 r{isygep cpnsq i;~ti~j.~ iR)< C$.7[95.5)), 198 i I jlitJr; - gft2SS d*--stq sGcs:p:>u.a I.,f.<i";jb,G, -'i *, 1$fjI:; "bf'2)~ Vefx %.,i'~.~r:k 58:g;ki~gki;~ trit,%: (3, $,rut, iiji/eF* Cr-ass :,a~:,rl6;g+~ Qw.k{:< c1.4, $-{is/gr 6:7rjq9 "c.--L;-* h 3 ,053 ? p,\"j yj, It>$': i" ;-c*~~~r7~ (( E $; "1: .- 5 q.fat! .d Page 132 1133 134 1 i35 136 7337 138 139 9 I -.su 141 742 I43 'i 44 145 "1 so e 9j { 1 48 '1 2$!-j 1 5(1 qE f* 1 *j *! *-f> i ,i,* LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Description River Cross Section LRX 91.8, 1984 River Cross Seetion LRX 90.6, 1984 Rivar Cross Section &RJ( 87,7, 19W River Cross Section LRX 86.3, 1984 River Cross Section LRX 84.6, 1984 Photo Number 3,1 3,2 3*3 34 33 386 3-7 33 3-9 3. '$0 3,%1 3**i2 3, t3 a- * %..b. ;4 3- 'IS -4 s"t *5* .lo 3* t? 3- 38 :$ * 9 :$ * 20 :,$ * ! ""Y? b2 " * '.* Ground view looking upstream a7t Sample 1 RM 97.1 Aerial view looking upstream at Sanlple 1 RM 97.1 Ground view looking tlpstream at Sample 2 RM 97. I" Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 2 RM 97,1 Ground view loisking upstream at Sample 3 RM 97.1 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 3 RM 97.1 Ground view looking upsbeam at: Sample 4 RM 97.1 Aer.ial view looking upstream at Sample 4 RFII 07.1 alsd Sample 6 RM 97.1 Grorritrf vievd looking upstream at Sample 5 F(W1 97.1 Aer'ial view looking upstream at. Salnple 5 KFdl 97.1 Gr-ounci view of armor layer, Sdtr~pir? G RIW 97.1 Gr4uund view looking upstrearn iil Sample 1 RM 95.9 Atsrial vietv loolcirrg upstreanr a!: Sampiz 1 F%M 95.9 Ground view looking ap.;luseam at Sample 3 RM 95.9 Aer;al vievi loci<i~g ups trcam ;~t Sample ?' RM 95.9 i;taotind view iool:ing upstream at Sarnplt~ 4 RM 95.9 iieriai vieitd iookiriy uf~sir~edrrt at Sample 4 RM 95.9 ~;trd Sarnpit? I RM C3"J,9 ifW bdro~i~~ci! a %ii#+?bkt 10$3!<ij13 kig~skreairj at 5;1n313i:3 5 @hi! 953 4 1 har*iai looi:irly ~g;strc;ii ;it 3a;iipf:: 5 f{1$4 95.9 ilro?.i:~.tE vi~*~it iviooltia~lj upsii9ea$n ai Sample 6 T",M 35.9 i-kL:3{-i3i kjit~~y lcjokivkg t~k>strearil at f<zt~~ple 6 F!lt4 $Eiv9 {;i*q,i:f*iij \:itis;' ;jg-rnurs Ssinpit? 7 liM 95, $ "i *> id ;: -3 p: > pa"rM $33. 1 . .J -5, < ;a(?rfrjt -3;!pj:g icL>j(J41f-3 u$:i24:g-G:5ri! ai !;*3i]3ik!f$ 1 k(1$4 o+> "3 w7s-a , F 4 r r" ' J:jr utijkai tqp*2i f:.;ii;Jv8sl . kj?;j~~p'~:~'j:~ ,$la ':;;:fii2i~r 2 :Igiidj ?3:'3 " C lli d ~~"lp,;*:*i~;I &ajr:r~;,*~ jbc3+g*i,qa 8 ,-, ~1,1$ $,$"fije'dl" 21 "' j* 3: 1 -1 6-)iilj Y&CI 4 %* 2 Tvl~q% 72 * i Page 43 13 1% 15 3 7 9 7 19 19 21 21 , 23 29 2e 3 *I 3 '1 33 33 35 35 39 37 "n%q *3 9 /*j 5 L; :> A *7 *** l LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (Continued) Description Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 3 RM 93.1 and Sample 4 RM 93,1 Gro~lr~el view loalting upstream at Samplo 4 RM 93.1 ;.round view looking upstream at Sample 5 RM 93.1 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 5 RM 93.1 tjround view leaking upstream at Sample 1 RM 91' .8 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 1 RM 91.8 Graund vi@w looking upstream at Sample 2 RM 91 .R Aerial tris?w iciuking upftrcslrir at Sanlplc 2 RM 91 .8 Ground view looking kipstream at Sample 3 RM 31 -8 and Sample G RM 91.8 Aerial view looking upstream at Samplo 3 RM 91 , b and Sample 6 RM 91.8 Gruund view looltiny uprtrearrr at Santple 4 I\M (3 1 . U Aerial view loakii~r upstream at Sample 4 RM 91.8 Gt-ound view !ooking upstream at Sarnplc: 5 Ft.b'i 91 $8 Aerial vii.v; iookirry irps8r.e;rin at Sample 5 El?'! 3'1 -8 Grutjnd view of armor layer, Sam~~le 6 RFA 93.1 G~*:.run~i view looking t~r~streatn at Sarnple 1 R!v: 90.6 Aea*i:jl view iool:inrj irfj.;4*rsi:d1tfi ;it S,rl:l~~ic 1 iiiVl "3:. -6 Gi*ound view icjokiiig u;zs"li.c:;itn rrl: Saiijplc 2 RM 90.6 i" Aerial ltir~ loo!iinij ilp-rr-;.;jm at s:a~mplg :? 9L3it44 :I[')- 6 # e- ;*tr&Q ~*&rgkp!42 5 Pf94 $ltI*G t?rt3tj:lsj %jif$*p$ {0f4bb:ii>:;j ~lg~~trei~jt~i a'f ::~$lgp{e d$ Fliijj <j()j(: 4 a 4 $ii;i*iai view ioaicrrjy !~p:~?i~aia at :$a:rip\e L! k$;[ $Jtq * -. - f 4: ' i..ly&u*, 5 gp$j g[jJ; 19#-r;i~*icf .si#svg jookirag rr:,;s&r.eatn c?t .Iqlnpfe 1 f4l~j 8i-'7 '" t $4 P ~/ir.*~j 4 I , 2, .I-* ;"?-iyc', 2" : """)/7 QJ Photo Number 3,5% 3*33 3,54 3,55 3 56 J,57 * ,$. 58 3*59 3-60 3 61 ?,$2 3 * $33 :j, 64 3-65 p$ 3A6 3*{57 "" ;;p4 -.5# kc* -='> "?&:(I d*3 . bf 4 3 A 10 ;%$ - 7 1 "' -3 1. I i" &- Pg re? -3, i 2 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (Continuad) Description Ground view looking upstream at Sarn~3lc: 2 RM 81.7 and Samp!e 6 RM 87,7 Ground vigw looking upstrtzarn at San~plct 3 RM 07.7 Aerial view looking upstream at Sample 3 RM 87.7 a$,d Sit#-nple 4 87.7 Ground vi&# looking upstream at Sample 4 RM 87.7 Ground view loolting upstream at Sample 5 RM 87.7 Aerial view fooking upstream at Sample 5 RM 87.7 Grounr! viow iuoking upstrcarrr at Sample 1 RM 86.3 Aer-ial view looking upstream at Sanrple 1 RM 86.3 Grijutrd view looking upstr'e:irrr at Sarrlpfu 2 RM 86.3 Rer-ial view looking upstream at Sanlple 2 RFA 86.3 Gt-ficinrl visw looking kipstrean1 at Ssmplr 3 RM OE.3 Acri;~I view iool<ir-jy ilpsttwc*arr4 st Salilpie 3 RM 86.3 Ground view looking upstroam at Saniplc 4 RM 86.3 A v;evi lookir~g upstteaan at sample 4 itM 86 3 (;r.aitncl V~FW of at-rncir layer, Sarraple I; '4 811.3 Aerial view looitirig upstrcacri at Siagriple 5 RM 8t;.3 Gf-ourlri vicrv lookirrij upstwirl at Sagnyic? T fX&i 84*6 j"iilaj3j &<i~~~jf !Q<J!\~I~~J ~frjzi~?i!~$iii t<L~!f!["=~[c$ 1 ftf~l 8'- ri C; YUL~ rid vievg lot>l:*iiig r,pi;tr*i?dnl ai ;aiqnpl~ L Kid 84.6 p%Z(*idl \jrew loo!/lr2g ups] --xm at Cs;~mp~s I) fi:/4 44 Ci cg-L>i*{#jc: f&it*-p{ i!.2t3!<.ifidJ iv#~js~fLt:;4gri ~&~~f~~~~ 3 ~~~~~ g; i?%J7;;$j \;jt2%&J jfJf)~pc~~]$j qJ!>$i=[*6>;!$1-; i&Jt ~;{~g~;?~Q 3 & ki Page 87 89 89 91 93 93 9g 99 101 I Ot "503 1 03 '1 05 105 '1 $7 107 t 13 f i3 I 15 1 'i 5 1'8 s a7 Th!, study was conducted under contract to the Harta-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. Funding was provided by the Alaska Power Akrthority in P cunjunction with studies pertaining to the continuing en\tironmental impact assessment for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Carl Schoch (REM) located all the 1984 cross-sections and colligcted most of the stage-discharge data. Bob Butera and Dave Bjerkiie,, both of REM collected tll~ retnaining stage-discharge data. Chip Grelen (XEM) ~issisted in collecting tbre bed material samples. TFI~ river cross-sections were surveyed by L. Nicholson. W. Rice and R. Sousa (all of RGM). h'liko Sch0dt4r (RE@) reduced the field data notes, computer plotted the cross-sccliuns and wrote Section 4. The pilots i Logistics were very helpful and to4,k in gijod I~umor havirlg their helicopters turned into dunrp trucks. Granville Cotley (F~ank Monlirl 1; Astiucia4;es) was helpful in s~hsduling s heli~opter on stiost nutics, My if3ani:s to Steve Bredihgrrer and Chip Grcer~, both of RI;M, for '* w r-.=-viewing ;nci esdrting this repart, to Barb kZstc;s for typirrg and Orla0 f%3tg"3c83rj to$ ~f$--~ dr?ing tkie fiy~ii-e- for tlic? r.epor9t. 4% .O EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The data presernked herein were collected for use in construction and calibration of the sediment transfer model being developed to analyze potential with-proje~t aggr-adation downstream of the Chuli.tna-Susitna* TaB keetna it~r~~ixafl uenee. River cross-sections, stage-discharge measurement and bed material were collrj~ted at nine, nine anlJ eight lower i cross-sejctiol.\s, respectively. The cross-sections between the Ch~litna-Susitna-Tallcestwa Rivers ~snflueace and the t2arks Highway bridge were surveyed during September 19841, the stage-discharge measurements were measured June through October 1984 and tho? becJ mate-trial samples were ~ollccted duping October 19814. Tbre change in channel geometry at River Mile (RM) 98.0 and RM 97.1 is iflcrstrasked by comparing river cross-section surveys in 1980, 1982 and 9 984, The lateral arjd langitudina! variation of bed nrate~ial particle size di~trik~ia~tcun wi khin this sezticsn of the river is relatively tinifarm, with soroe variation at the downstream side 3f gravel bars and at freshly exposed gravel bars. Five of sayen armor layer- sarnplg?~ are biased towards the [arger* particic sires because tire suriace was fr*ozerr duriirg sampling, tlrerei>y rnaicin~j it difficcrli: Lo sample the complete armor layer. Two lanfi*nrer~ ~~*n~or j~yt?~ sa;np\ns are r,en:;jrSered r*~-presentativli of i.I~s: iri-rnor layer. 2.0 SCOPE OF %TOBY Approximaftely 80 percent of the total sediment load in the: Susltna River below Talkeetna originates in the Chul' a and Talkeetna Rivers. Regulation of flood and high flows by the Susitna Hydroelectric Pf~oject wi!l reduce the sediment discharge capacity of the latvt5r Susitna Rive Th@ tats! sediment Soad will not bg reduced proportionately arld agg radation of sediments i rt tlie lower: Sclsitna River is expested to occuv. Potential impaets resulting fp-om "chis aggradatiora waul$ be elevation of water* levels near the town ogf Talkeetz~is, at *tributary mouths and at the upstream end of side channel complexes. The results of tl?e sediment study (FV8.2) presented in "Susitna i.iyd#voelect~*ic P~oject Reservoir and River Sedimentation" identified the potential for. aggrada'cion but did no% sufficiently define the temporal and spatial distribution sf the aggradation . Modelling studies are being conducted to provide a better estimate of tha potcntirrl impact of the with-project Flow regirne on the sedimer~t transport below the Chulitna-Susitna- "- - la Rive$$ conB%i~encs, This report ps-esent,~ the stage-dis~ltiirqe, bed nl:rtcri;ll and cross-section clata collcctecl for ~-=~rrstr.uclion arad ca8ihratiof2 of th~ sediraent ti-ansf~r rnjodef, Ti~Fil C;jnsuttanls conducted I~ydi-oyraphic surveys of the Snsitna I- in 19843 aild 'IYl32 [RcM, 1991 and R&M, 8 Those c,r*oss- sc+:~ii~riz W!L"IE) pibilnarily c;ollectr:rf for conrpq+!tes. mod~lling ;lcf water $81 t*fcice i; usirly il:e l)ICT,*-2 pt.oq~arn ,.- ar7J cu~nptjtct. rr:cir?elling uk ~it/~--~)i.~je~t: it:@ cot~c!iti~ris iisirlg the II;ES!M pi*ogf*arn. T:")~ bB . ril: i-!38[; ;qljcf ?$li$? su r*vei/-, r.ivccs clmnjs--se!:.iiorls \N@r-c? givc,i? the -4 i. " r"C=ts; jb5~\;+4$i~~l 2j , !3ti~er Cr-i~ss ;i:t.:rroi, v~itIi a be i.i?., i.R,U f)*(* -fllf; ~!~~m~bpf*if~~~ s'!ark<:cf !{yiitl (I%:i! fio~~~n~-,~t*f~;3rci 4:i; -yalf*;f:i:~tpf]aA *Jilt$ ' I fd r; cii*: ~rp:;tf-earr~ *; ti-ie $3 :: i:tlc. .. #,: i v*%i rr): :l;-~ ~~<IF:J*; kri jre~+jic:~tj-f.if {rrt.pe"k k-Is~;lfb rr<3ck~;- s*isT~'t~(jb~;~~ ;li)ryd I(\+? '>: fa!i/p@ * I'e) /a i, 3 j /i~: J ~i i.!~,? i JL>%~ * * fe+{iett~~,jf*ij *mit8ji\$i{ iij~"il$t4 jf-tLdlkbr):> la!-),<j survey therefore? the LRX numbor does not necessarily cor respofld to the actual river mile. LRX 38.C, 97.5 and VEi.9 a PC? apprc ... imately the same location as LWX 2.0, 1 .O arid 0,7/ ~espzctively (Figure 2.1). Calibration data included water su riace elevations for selected croso-sections at different ft3w rates and bed material and armor layer samples at eight cross-sections. 3.0 BED b4ATEWIAL SAMPLING 3.1 Sampling Msthads Sample sitas were initially selected on "re e~~tember 116, 1983 aerial photography, with a discharge at Sunshine of 21,100 cfs, at or near* eight cross-sections surveyed by REM Consultants in 1984. The.;,@ cross-sections are approximately at River Mile (Rig) 97.1, 95.9, 93.1, 91.8, 90.6, 87.7, 86.3 and 84.6. Sample sit:es were seiscled across the river as well as down the river ts dletesmina the spatial variation in bed material particle size distribution. Sample sites were selected to be represent~tive of the gravel bar or bank in t!?e iocat avea 04 tlqe ~ro~s-~e~tion Durirly sanlpling wo flgw along *the cross-section tl~ice at approximately 200 feet above the ground surface to confirm the sample site selection or. to select new sites. At some cross~~sectiitsws there wa1~6 TX~Y ekannels w/.aich weee fsrrnsd *klris year and at other cross-sections thc shapes of the bai*s had chariyed sirlce the 1983 aerial photography. No samples were taken underwater due to freezing temperatures prior to and during the sanjpting period. We selcctecl Foilr to seven si~mple sites pet* cr*oss-~,ecticsn, at the waters edge of each major cilannel, in dry ci~asinels, dncl oti cjrav~l bars to provide sarnples across the river. - #"a Each :,~jecii~tc i;asrijiling site was selected a4 tzr wall<irlg the area to r?n-,kire ti:@ ier>r~>(;t:yi'lal jV@ natur-e uf "ckie sample site. After an area was selected it was marked off, photographed and the material within the area collected For gradation analyses, For each cross *section one surface sample was taken of a well developed armor layer. The surface material was frozen due to I freezing temperatures prior tu and during the sampling period. A pry bar was used to loosen :he surface material for e:ollection. Depending on the sample lacation and the tktickness clf Frozen surface material, bed material samples were taken from 0.4 feet to 2.0 feet t>e[low the bed surface* At five of the seven armor layer site$ the surface wafi frozen, precluding the measu~emenl: of the armor layer thickness and the ernbedmisnt coefficient as described by Ettema (1984). For the two unfrozen armor layer samples, the armor layer thickrresf was sampled, but the embedment: coefficient was not sneasur4:d. The frozen armor layer samples are biased towards the larger particle sires due to the sampling methods. lkre par"cicle sire anaiys~s were ~onducted in accordance with ASTM specification 0-422. The sample weights ranged forrn 42 ibs. to 190 ibs. depending on particlc sizes in the saunyle. The discl~arye was 10,700 cfs at Sunslrisic durbiny the bed material s;r~nf,j/i rcg ("T~blc. 5 W3kci.r su g-fack? el@vil*i-ions at selecl.$?.rd cruss~+sc.ctions art: pi.egenes?d in Table 3.2 and tlie lotatiirr~ oi wabet* surSacr? readirrf~js atbe :;hewn in Figure 2.1. Aiil discfrarges iistccl in v' k 3 ~nq! 3.;! are pg*ovi:jinnsi USGS data. B Table 3.1 Discharge of the Susitna River at Sunshine for dates of Survey and Bed Material Sampling Mean Daily Dats Discharge (ds) 1 I Ali discharge values ar*e provdisional USGS records and are subje~ct to 3.2 Sample Site Descriptions Sample descriptions are presented by river mile in downstrkeam order. The sarnple locations are, identified in Figure 2.1 end on the river I cross-seetian prcifile plots. Generally the sampling sta~J:ed on the east bank and progressed to the west bank. Usually the alrmor layer sample has the highest sample number for the crass-section. For some cross-sections sample sites were skipped because of time constraints. For RM 90.6, 85.7 and 84.6 no west bank saintples were taken because there was no place to land the helicopter. For each sample site there is a description of the site based srni field obser- vations and particle size analyses, and two photos showing the sample site from the ground and air, At the end of the description of each river mile section are the ;~al-fir,le gradation curves and the river ct-50~s-s-?ciiioras showing thr sarnple site locations. The river cross-sections are piottcd looking downstream with thg east bank on Phc. left. 7'he deptlts (feet) given in the sampl.3 descriptions Miore rnessured from the st~rfac~: ciobvn into the sanlple hola. Pbrmor* layer sar~ples are piotted tog~-th~r with the bed material sample ~i:s1:s~~ butow it or rrei, =by. Tables witl-1 the resrrlts of pz+;+tic;fe size ijnalyses and a d@scr*iption 0; file Unified Soil Glassif ica'iion System are incl tided in Apperjdig A. Sample 1 The sample site was on the east bank of the east ~hannel just down- stream GF the Susitna-Talkeetna confluence (Photo 3.1, 3,2 ik~d Figure 3.1). The gravel was frozen from the ourface to 0.4 feel:, sampled from 0.5 feet ta 1.6 feet and there was ns water in the lhs~le, The sand is csairissr tf.ea~ at the west bank sitss due trs the influenss of the bed material iram the lalkeelna River. The sample is a well graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is represerntative of the local avea (Figure 3.2). PHOTO 3,"f I " r-ca,i~rrr;l iJPSTl't?AiYl zt Sz~sitnz-'Falkeetna confluence Sample 1 9. I is on +. t,7e t cast bank of thci east ci~annei, The Susttna River- enter-s fr-om the left and ti:^ Taiketna Rn er enters from the right. f I 1 \. PHOTO 3.2 i 3 I \ ievi. !~;t2Llr;g c?s:i=~.ain at S jsltna-~aikp?tn~ ccnf\:jef;cz. 1 ?,'\1Cj;. , i ioca;sd in :ne i(:;t.ar. i?':: CCJ/-/~~!- Q!. the pj3,3:c>j;;~j?h. Tiis S~J;;. -72 Ri\, et' 1 Sample 2 Ths? sample site was on the west bank of the east channel just down- stream of the Susitna-Tal keetna confluenee (Photo 3.3, 3,4 and Figtlre 3.1). The gravel was frozen from the surface to 0.4 feet, sampled f rsm 0,s feet to 1,4 feet and watar was at 22 feetd The sand is finer than at: sample 1, the influence of the bad material from the +'Talkeetr:a River is probably less. There was a well devell~ped armos- layer with coarse gravel and ~obbler, Bascrf an field olbscrvations the sarnple is representative of the armor* layer minus the fines, This sample is a well graded gravel-sand mixture with few fifves and is representative of the local arbea (Figure 3.2) . PHOTO 3.3 Lookir-iy up the Susitna River adjacent to the Susitna-TalAeetna confiurrice. Sarnpie 2 Rhl 97.1 is located on the west bank of tiie 3ast channel. Notice coal-se rut-face inater-iat. PHOTO 3.4 \ iew ii?cLing upsti-earn at Susitna-TalLeetna c~~niluence. ST 2, Kt1 9;. I. is loc,?t:~i! in the iokwt- left corner of photoi;raph. The St~_;s!tna River- en:?,-s tt-oiri rile left and the Taikeetna River ezter-s ?!-om the risht. 1'i1c Chui,tna-Susiti"ta conf!uence is in the upper left of phstogr-api~ Sample 3 The saaple site was in a hig1.r water channel near the middle of the river which has water at flows of 37,500 cfs at Sunshine and higher (Photo 3,5, 3.6 and Figure 3.1). The gravel was frozer~ from the surface to 0,4 feet, sampled from 0.4 feet to 1.4 feet and there was no water in the hole. There was a well developed armor liayer. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines, is not rep-a~sentative of the armor layer Rut is repres$ntative oiF the local area (Figure 3.2). PHOTO 3.5 Looking upstream in a dry channel at Salnpie 3, Rbl 97.1. The channel has a kvell developed armor layer. PHOTO 3.6 L'ic?\.i locking up the dry channel. Sample 3, Rhl 97.1, is located in the 1 idwet- iiliddie of ti72 photograph. The Chuiitns-Susitna confiuenze is ti?;? 1 I uppet middie of photograph. Sample 4 Tho sample sib ewas on the sast bank of the west channel !:Photo 3.9, 3,8 and Figure 3,l). The river bed was frozen from the surface ic 0.4 feet, the sample was taken frcm 0.4 feet to 1.3 feet and Chert. was water at 1,2 feet. There was a well developed at-mar layer Based on field observations the sample is represefitative of the armoip layer minus the fines. The sample is a poorly-graded sjravel-santi nlxtuf*e with few Fines and is representative of the local area (Figure! 3.3). PHOTO 3.7 Looking up the west channel at Sample -1, R11 97.1, on tl7e east bank. The barik has a we\! deveioped arnmot- layer. PkfOTO 3.8 View looking up the !vest channel. - Sample 4, R?rl 97. I. is located in tile lower- ;n;cidie sf the photograph. I he armor !a)er- sample, Sample 6, ?#as I I ; coiiected 20 feet upstream of Sampi? 4. ~ Sample 5 The sample %it@ was on the west bank of the west channel (Photo 3.9, 3.10 and Fighire 3.7) 'The bank material was frozerr from l:he surface to 0.3 feet, sancpled from 0.4 feet to 1.0 feet and water was at 1.0 feet. *The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture witlr few fines and is reprerentative of the local area (Figure 3.31, Sample 6 The armor layer sample for this cross-section was collected near sample 4 on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.13, 3.11 and Figure 3.1). The gravel was frozen therefore some gravel was lost in chipping it free. Some frozen sand in tha armor layer wsls collected. However the sample is biased because of the low amov~nt of fines coliected. The sample is a poorly -graded gravel and is representative of the local arc?? (Figure 3.3). IV "" SU S i l ~·J A HY D ROGf~APHI C SURVE YS 1 9 8 4 cross section LAX 9 7.1 (\ rrrrrr I I 1''''1'''·.-rrrrrrn-, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rrrr~~~ _ ... ~"-'-___ .... !. , 1 1 1 ' 'I • r~~= --! ---· . ·-"""{ • I I I r: ---------------I ...... ,.,.£ ....... P~f I jl ~ ?-1----a - . ----·--------------· ----------·------·-------~ I "' • .. ~-----~ -. -----·-------.. -----. ---------. --~--------=r--Pyt l~-) r~~t/V -~ JJ'rv~~----t ------- -\ ...... ~' -~-v --t .... \=.,.,..;.----·11'1.1. ___ . --- \ --. .. -----. --. ----______ ,_ : ----------------~ -------------------~-,_ --··----.. ---1 0 - .._Lf;· I ~.u. ~ 'tf:P r , ,.,~o r:,O o ------. --_l: .I i'LI) I ~-~-'\) '\)0 I 0 . I !q~ t l'!!~o I '!l'ooo oo o 1 ~0 I • 1,0 00 () --:; I'' I 1•'11 I '-;,'!,() I " ·~ I'IHPAREO FOR rr r T1T T rrrrrrr --:-p l =....::...... . ~-~!':"!. C:.~r;'t~!:'~T~~.:S!~.!.~!?,; FIQURE 1 .1 8(0 MATtiiiA L IAIWL£ SITl LOCATIONS catau~ll§J ·tEID!Al~@® SUSIT/JA JOINT VE"' runE 100 ... r. Ul 90 80 70 : 60 :. >- D ~50 c: .. II. ... ~ ~0 u '-• 0... 30 20 10 I r 0 100 U.S. Inches 1'1 ....... .. • 1'1 CD I ......_ ......_......_ "'1'1 ...... .., ... .., ~~ I I I\ I\ ' ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ I\ r\ ~ ~ ~ !\\ \ 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine 1\~ ~'-r--. '' 0 ... U.S. Sleve Slua 0 0 ... I 0 0 1'1 I'-~ ~ ~ t\ ~~ ~ a- 1 .1 Grain Size 1n M1111 .. tera SAND Coarsej Medium I Fine Hydr'o.uter 0 10 20 30 ., .. .., n • 40 ::J ... n 0 • ., 50 • • .., ~ '< 60 :a: " .. Cl :s ... 70 80 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY Sa~le Ident1f1cat1on Cla881f 1cat1on Data Unified sy,. Hole Sa!IIJ) Depth cu cz • 17.1 l .!-l.& 31 l.2 0 97.1 2 .5-1.~ 46 1.2 0 97 .1 3 . 4-t. 4 49 5.6 _[ OWN R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •NO•N···· G•OLOGI•'Ye •t.A"'-N••• e LJ•v •v o•• SCALE LL PI s org Cl .. e SN GW GP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRAD~TION STUDY 25 RIVER MILE 97.1 Re111arks F8. GRIO. PROJ.NO. OWGNO 3.2 tOO 4 I 90 80 70 41 s::. Cll ; 60 ll ""' D I; 50 ~ ... I&. ... ~ • 40 u L • Q. 30 20 tO 0 100 COl u.s. Inch .. N ' ... ~ NID I ' '' N., ... ., .... ., II I I ' l '· . \ ~ '. \ \ \ ' \ !\ \ ' ~ 10 GRAVEL Coarse I Fine u.s. Steeve Stz .. ·=--! 0 0 0 Ci 0 ·.:::~ 0 (0 0 ~ .. N ., ~ In ... (\1 II l I ' ~~ 1'\ ~ ~ ~ " \. ~~ ~ -. 1 .1 Grain Size 1n M1111aetera SAND Coar-••1 Med1UID 1 F1na SaiiPl• Ident1f1cat1on Cleaa1f1cat1on Data HydroHter 0 10 20 30 '11 .. ., n • 40 ;, ,. 0 Cl • ., 50 • .. .., D' ...: 60 Jt .. .. Cl =s ,. 70 80 90 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .oat SILT OR CLAY unHtad Claae Re•arka SyiD Hole Satllp Depth cu cz • 97.1 .. . .C-1.3 38 .9 D 97.1 !S .4-t 41 t.t 0 97.1 6 Armor 3 1.1 OWN CONSULTANTS, INC. •Ho•...,.•••• o•O\.Oat••• •-.aiiiiiiN••• ev•v••o•• SCAlE ll 26 PI I Org SP 6W SP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE 87.1 F8 GRID. PROJ.NO --:- OWG NO 3. 3 This page loft intentionally blank, Rher Mile 95,9 The sample site was on the west bank of the east charrnel (Photo 3.12, 3.13 and Figure 3.4). The gravel was frozen from the surface to 0.4 feet, samplsd Pram 0.8 feet ta 1.5 feet deep and wa4:er wer 1.2 feet below the surface. The armor layer was well develo&~e?d, Based on Field observatians the sample is representative of the irrnor layer minus the fines. The sand in this sample is coarse, sinjilar to the sand in Sample 1 RM 97.1. ~h'e sample is a pot3rly-graded gravel-sand mixture with no fines and is representative d the local area [Figure 3.5). Sample 2 No sample was taken due to time constraints. PHOTO 3.12 c icoi\i!iy ~;,st:*.?orn ai.~ng tile west bank af ti;e east ci~diii~ei at ACI~T~~~P i, Rll The sample site was on the west bank of the rnain wtrst channel (Photo 3.14, 3.15 and Figure 3.4). Iha gravel was frorein from the surface! to 0.4 feet, the sample was taken from 0.6 to 1.5 Feet arid there wiis no water in the hole, Rased an field obserfvatians the sample is repr*esentative of the armor layer minus the f'ines. The surface in the arBa was well armored (Photo 3.141, The sarnple is a well-graded graveid-sand rnixture with few firies and is representative of the local area (Figure 3.6). PHOTO 3.14 ! L.i:h:ns ilpstr-earn along \-vest bank of main \;est cl:,ini-iei at Sali1i2le 3, R?-i t-3 ..I. r -@ e su r-facc. has a :veil dt?~.~!opei! ai*:~iov . Sampit? :;I!P 1s iocated on i-igilt sidz of the p3ruson. River Mile 95.9 Sample 4 Tho sample site was on the east bank of an island in a nninor east channel (Photo 3.16, 3.17 and Figure 3.4). -The material vvas frozen froc-n the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample was taken from 0,,4 feet to 1,4 feet and water was at 1.3 Feet. The armor layer was moderately "developed (Photo 3.716). The sample is a well-graded gimavel-sand mixtiare with ietv fins% and is representative of the loca! art?a (Figure 3.5) * I I Pt-liOTO 3, fG I 1 i-*~~~~k,iii~> upst;-i.ai:2 alc?ng cast bank of isia,id lo iriii>c::- east iil,ii?n;.\ J t i;.-iin;~lt. i -r -i, 1 5 iht. sui-face has a inct-!pi*atLsiy i?~\~?itipc.d r 2. Tile I itqinpiTz is it.c.!i;.<! on \eft side of tiie pe!-son. 1 I I I PHOTO 3.17 i L ' I > I . , : ,JSr-r& ;>;;a,?tt3 ii;.~;.;; 3%: u~fir-~am. Saigpi;;. 4; i{*,vj 35 . (-) .-a :-" i . + - 1s li~;catprj sfi ~;?.ft - ,,,\::% S. t ,-' 7 p,13 "I i , - - - \ -JdiF:g? i, , 3.5 13 ;s~:.;,.~:F<": tf-i T;~::<:::c czf-j+.ere, ."i i River Mile 95.9 The szrnple site Was on the east bank of a minor wes-t channel (Phcto 3.18, 3,1Y and Figure 3.41, The gravelly sand was frozaln frorn surface to 11.2 Feet. The sample was taken Frorn 1.4 feet to 23 fce.t. Tk~is is B depositional a!-ea rrzrtsistiitg roairily of sands and fine gr*avet. ""+ I hc sampie is a paoriy-graded gravel-sand mixture with v^eS;;l fin~s and is: representjtive of the local are;. [Figure 3.6). i f PHOTO 3.19 i ;.. 1 - [-3 : i$-,,-$r,[;J<< ot~-><.y~-:A>;-;? -4 >: -* 2; ~.~;y?;-;~;~ ;>, i7\*<*! !y3.:2, ;:.:.;-::: ->;<st ! *,<3 l-i!.< 4Cf r - ., . ~ ) *\*I;": "--- i .; > <- ; -. i- ,-: \?. j ! 1.; ;. j-; 2 ;-- * (7: <-4 ; * Lj; ;- *?i . 5 ;:;:;;. i .+ 5 :: -3 J i- .-. r-\ .I f- * ;> ;? .;*; ;; ; :- -; ;- !I , jj12*r<.4 . . I ., . P River Mile 95,9 Sample 6 The area sampled was orc the west bank of a minor we!st channel (Photo 3.20, 3.21 and Figu~e 3.4). The gravel was frozen from the surface ta 0.3 feet, sampled from 0.7 Feet to 1.5 feet, and there was no gv,vater in the hale. Ths surface area was armored (Photo 3,201. The sample is a well graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is represerrtative of the local are3 (Figure 3.6). Sample 7 Collected the armor layer sample near sample 4 on an iisliind in a minor east channel (Photo 3.17, 3.22 and Figure 3.41, 'The sc~rface was frozen, therefore same gravel was lost in chipping it free. The sample is biased because of the low amount of fines colllectt?d, The sample is a well-graded gravel with few sands and no fines and is representa2ive of the armor layer in, this area (Figure 3.5). Based on field observatioas sample 4, minus the fines, appeared representative of the armor layer. PHOTO 3.22 Ai-imor layer, Sainpie 7, R'L1 95.9. Fioiv is from left to r-ight. Flag9ir.g d$!ineates sample ;I rea. Fi3otogr-aph taken after sampling beca~jse of iovd iii;ht [eveis during samplins. ~'''I '' i' I'''' I ''''!'''~·--· i' '''~[''I'''' I'''' I''''!.''' I'''' I'''' I ~~-il l ~-~--,----:----,~~)-.I I . ~~~~ I. t ! ' I I ::lo~,. L-t I ' !..~ . . ~~ ~ ~ t • . ' s ~ ~~ ~? ~ ~ = . f :.._ ... ~ ~:! t;; 1-:-l o.-t ------~-: j t ; i( 'M~ I .. .. .. ... :I! .. .. 4 0 " • .. a:: :I S! ... • • 0 ; c .. 0 ... • .. • .. ... a c • .. c & ... .. c ll 0 .. • tOO go 10 70 30 20 10 0 tOO .., u.s . Jnchea N ...... .. • N• I ...... ...... ...... C\1.0 .. .., .. .., • I I p ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 1\ ~\ ~ ' 1\ ' "r--- ·~ ' ~ to IRA VEL SIIIPll ldanttttcatlon u.s. Sleve Slz•• Hydra.ter ._~ 8 0 0 2 i 0 0 0 .. • 1ft .. N I I 0 to 20 30 ~ !50 eo 70 f\ 10 r-.... ~ 'l~ go r\~ ~ ~ ..__ tOO t .t .02 .01 .005 .002 .OOt 8r1tn S1ze tn Mlllt .. t•r• Sll. T OR CLAY Claaalftcatton Oat• l)'ttf led Cllll AeHI"kl sy• Hale Sup Depth cu cz LL PI I Dl"g • ••• 1 .1-1 .5 41 3.1 • a ••• • .s-t.2 47 t .l • ~ - 0 15.9 7 A rill or 2 t • OWN. CKO. 1-----"- 0AT£. t 1-84 ~ 8USITNA I" I. R&M CONSULTANT&, INC. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GltiO. e..e•,..•••• ea-..a•••T• -. ....... _ •v•v••••• AGGRADATIOM 8TUOY 'ltOJ.NO SCAI.l 41 RIVER UILEII.I DWG.NO 3.5 l , " • ~ ,... n a • , • • , ~ 'C IE • -• ~ ,... 100 90 80 70 ... i .. 10 I >o .D fi!IO c .. ~ ... i 40 f~ l 30 u.s. Inch .. N ' .. I N .... "' .. ., p... ~ I I ~ 1\ 1\ ~ ' 1\ ~ ~ ~ \ ' ~\ r\ 1\ ~\ \ U.S. Steve Slzee Hydr'o•ter 2 8 • .. .. I I 0 10 20 30 '11 • ., n 40 ! .. n a • .., !SO • • .., cr ooc so 1 .. 1"1 ~ 1\ ............ f\ ! .. 70 r--.1\ ~ f\ r. ~ 80 """ ~ 20 so 0 tOO &RAVEL Coer•• I tO Fine sa.p1e ldentlftcetion Sy• Hole S.IIP Depth • ••• 3 .e-t.!l a ••• ! 1 . .-1.! ~- 0 ••• I .7-1 .5 OWN. CKO. r----- OATE. 11-84 Co.,.•el cu .. • 30 go r-r-.,. \ ~ 100 1 .s .02 .OS .00!5 .002 .001 aretn Size in Ml lll•tere SAND 1 SILT CIA CLAY Medtu• Fine Cleeetficetton Deta unttted Cleee Ae•erka Cz LL 1 .1 .s 1.4 42 PI I Org • • • SU$1TNA HYDROELECTR~ PRO~ECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE 11.1 1'1. GRID. ~ftO.I.NO. OWG.NO 3.6 River Mile 93,4 Iha sample site was on the east bank of !he east ~hannel (Photo 3.23, 4.24 and Figure 3.7). The site was frozen from the surface to 0.3 feet, was Frozen, the3 area sampled was from 0.5 feet ibo 1.5 feet and there was no water in t7he hole. These was a well d~?veIoped armar layer (Photo 3,231. The sample is a paorly-graded giravei-sand mixture with few finas and is representative of the local apbea (Figure! 3,8), PHOTO 3.23 Looking upstream aisng east bank of east channel. Sainple 1, Khl 93.1, is located in the lower left corner of the photog!-aph. PHQTO 3.23 ~iekv ici&ing u?st,-eam along east bank c?f east channel. Sam~l . . 1, 1s 1oc~:ed in th2 /ewer left c~i-ner of the pi~ntcgr-aph. Sample 2 The sample site was sn the west bank of the east channel (Photo 3.25, 3.26 and Figure 3,7). The digging was e2sy bd$caust? the surface material was not frozen. The sample was taken 1.0 feet to 1.5 feet below the surface at the middle of the hole, wit17 water at 1.5 feet, Several test jrits dug in the area indicated thzbt this site was representative of the local area. The sample is a poorly-graded glaauelly sand with no Cines (Figure 3.8). PHOTO 3-25 L~oking upsti-earn siorls west hank of east channel at Sar~19ie 7, Rhl 93.1. Height from water sut-face to top of ~r.av21 bar- is four feet. PHOTO 3,26 I \zieik~ {CJQL~~~ i~pstf-eam along i;-es: Sank of past chan~el. Sample 2. R'\1 c. I ?ci :+J is iocat2d in ;h2 left center 0~ -i;at;2s:-zr;!7. P i I Cc~llectod the armoi* layer sample 70 feet east of Sample 4, on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.21, 3.26, and Figure 3.7). Illis sample is representative of the armor layer and is not biixij towards the Iargttr sizes, as the surface layer was riot fro~en during sampling. Tile sample is a wei[-yriid4$d gr*avel with sand and a Few fines {Figure 3.9). PHOTO 3-27 At-~no:. layer Sainpie 3, Rk1 93.1. bctict? iar*l;er gravel on the surface ~vith few hnes a!-ound them. The direction of flow is fr-om the bottom to the I PHOTG 3,215 f i I - toosing upstream along the . ast bank of the viest channel. Sarnpie 3, Rhl i -- I 52.1. Is !iaca:eJ in t!-gt! midd!e center of the ?hotoy-aph and Sai~pie 4 1s feca t.2.j ,, rc thz left of Sample 3. I Sample 4 The sample sits was on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.28, 3.29 and Figure 3.7). The surface material was tl.lawed, the $ample was taken from 0.4 feet to 1.3 feet and water was at '1.3 Feet. The area was well armored. The sampie is a well-graded glravel-sand n:i*ture with few fines (Figure 5.91, and is representative of the local area * PHOTO 3.29 Looking upstr*eam along the east bank of west channel at Sample 4. RM 93. I. River bl"r8e 93,l Sample 5 The sample site was on the west bank of the west channc.1 (Photo 3,30, 3.31 and Figure 3.7). The surface maternial was not frl~zen, the satnplc was taken from 0.5 Feet to 1.2 feet and therg was no water in the hole. Tile area was well armored, ar~d the sample was representative of the local area. The sainple is a pooriy-graded gravel-sand mixture with 1-ew fines (Figure 3.9). I -qde-~503oijc!aii$~o~lpp!w$+si u! paqmi?i s! 1 I LP~V '5 "~~WPS .fauue~p JsaM ay$ $0 yueq $sahj ayl Suole wcai~sdn 6u!.jool bE"E OLOHd 1 ' L'E6 'C aidurr~ Je jauue~jr, Jsah4 aq$ jo yueq isah4 ay3 Guoje wea.rlsdn Guiyoo; OE'F OLBHd .. .. ... • c .. 54 - 100 U.S. Inch•• ~ .. I ., Cll .. ~~ \ I I " " a .. U.S. Sl•v• Sh•• 0 a ... .I g cu 10 '~ ' 70 .., f. ... 10 I ,.. A ~!50 c ... IL .., i 40 u l 30 20 tO 0 tOO \ ~ \ \ \ so &RAVEL Coer•• I Ftn• hlllll• ld•nU r lc.Uon "' :\ i'-, ~ 1\ ............... ~ jll ' ~ ...... ... -t .t aretn Slz• ln Mllll .. t•~• SAND I Coer•• I Mlldlu• I Fln• I Cl•••lflcltlon Dete 0 10 20 30 ., , n • 40 :::J .. n a • , !50 • • , "' "C IOf -.. ~ .. 70 10 !JO tOO .02 .ot .00!!1 .002 .oos SILT DR CLAY ~lfled Cleee Ae•erk• Sy• Hole a.. Depth cu cz A 13.1 t .!5-S .II • 5.3 a u.s I 1-t.l J· t OWN. -- CKO. - DATE.11-14 A&M CCNBULTANTB, INC. e...-• .. •••• o•OLo••••• ..._.,. ... _ •u•v•.,.-• SCALE: LL 55 PI I Drg .. • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE8S.1 - F. I . G"'D. PftO.I.HQ DWG.HQ 3.8 u.s. Inchft N ...... ... I 4ft N .o ~00 ~ 1:. • 10 70 .. 80 I ~50 I: .. IL ~ i.a u L l 30 so l ' 0 tOO I I ' 1\ ~' ' ~ \ \\ Ill ' ' ~ ~ 1\ ~ 1\ ' so &RAVEL Cor•• Fine t-.r' r-.. ~ I' a. U.S. Steve Slze• 0 ... ~ ~ ......., ...... l ., ~~ r-o:: ~ 8 .. I ...... .s &rain SUe ln MU UMt•r• leo ... J SAND Me diU. nne SaiiPll JdenttflceUon Claaalflcatlon Date I 0 10 20 30 : "1 n .a ! .. n D • ., 50 • • "1 cr oc IOf .. • :z .. 70 10 to soo .02 .Ot .oe .002 .oos SILT OR CLAY ~lfled Clue ..... ,.k. Sy• Hole 5allp Depth cu Cz .. a.s 3 A rift or u 2.1 1:1 U.t .. .4-t.3 IS 1.1 ~ 0 e.t 5 .5-t.l 54 3.1 OW It ·- CKO. ·-DATE . 11-84 RAM CONSULTANT., INC. ..._,,..•••• ... ~•••••• ...,.,.,.._ •w•v••-- seALl LL 56 PI s Of'g • h • SUSITNA HYDROELECTR~ PRO~ECT AGGRADATIOi' STUDY RIVER MILE ta. t ,., G.-.o ~RO.I.NO OWl. NO 3.9 This page left intentiorbally tilank. River Mile 9'1 *The sample sit@ was on the east bank of the east charvriel (Photo 3.32, 3.33 and Figure 3.10). The material was frozen from the surface to 0,8 feet, the saniple was taken from 0.8 feet Lo 1.6 feet and water war; at 1,0 feet. : ne armor layer was well developed (Photo 3.32). The sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sanld mixture with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3,. 1 I). PHOTO 3,32 Looking upstr-eacn along east bank of the east ci7annel at Sample 1 Rbl '31 -8. The sut-f~ce has a well developed ai-mot- layer-. PHOTO 3.33 Aerial photo iooking upstream Sample 1, R'il 91 -3 is iccated in the cgnter of photogr-apt?. Rive!* Mile BL.8 Tlte saq~ple site was orp the west bank of the east chan~nel (Photo 3.34, 3.35 and Figure 3.10). The material was frozen from the $: scii-face to 0.4 ~e@t, the sample was taken from 3,0 feet to 1.9 feet and water was at 1.9 feat. The sample is a poorly-graded grave[-sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the local arqea [Figut-e 3.11). PHOTO 334 Looking upsti-eain along west bank of the east channel at Sample 2, Rh! 91 .3. The surface has a moderately developed at-mor layer-. PHOTO 3.35 t ,A,er-iai photq2 \>~oki;ig upstr-earn Sarnpie 2. RLI 91 .8 is incated in left center i i of ~i.ic~;i~~-~~b. The sample site was in a high water chanoel near the middle of the el-oss-section (Photo 1.36, 3.37, and Figure 3.10). The material was frozen from the surfate ta 0.4 feet, the sample was taken from 0.6 feet to 1.4 feet, and water was at 1.3 feot. The armor iizyer was well deb~eloped [Photo 3.36). The armor layer sample for this cross-section. Sanrk~le 6, was takan above; Sarnple 3. The rcample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixtur~ with few fines and is reprer;enStative of the ig~al area [Figure 3.11). PHOTO 3.36 Looking upstream in the high water channel near the middle of the cr-ass-section at Sample 3, Rhl 91.8. The surface has a well developed armor layer. The sample site is located in the area mar-ked by si~o~els, Sample 6, the arnlor layer sample, was taken prior to taking Sample 3. I PHOTO 3.37 / -?s?-lal photo I upstream Salriple 3. Rh1 91 -3 is located in the center I Gf thP p~~f~~tf3cj~~~3~~~?w Sample 4 The sainple site was on the west bank of the third channel from westerrr limit of river channel (Photo 3.38, 3.39, and Ficlure 3.10). *The rnaterial was frozen from the stirface to 0.3 feet, the sample was taken from 0.7 feet to 3.3 feet, and water was at 1.1 feet. The armor layer was well developed (Photo 3.38). Based on field observations the sample minus the fines is repliesentativ~ of tile local arrrlQr layer. The sarnplo is a poorly-graded gravetl-sand mixture with few fines and is representa.tive of the local area (Figure 3.12]1. PHOTO 3.38 Looking upstream along west bank of third channel from westet-n lirnit of river channel at Sarl~ple 5, RM 91 .S. The surface has a deveioped ar-mar* PHOTO 3.39 I Aerial photc loeking upstre2m Sample -1, RL! 91 -8 is located in !eft center I 1 of phctcc,r3p/1. I I River Mite 91 -6 The sample site was on the west bank of the second ckiannel from western limit of river channel (Photo 3.40, 3.41 and Fisgure 3,10). The material was Frozen from the surface to 0,3 feet, the sample was taken from 0,8 feet ta 1.6 feet, and water was at '1.0 feet. The armol* layer was moderatety dovelopcd (Photo 3,40). Tha sample material was loosely packed relative to other samples at this G~OSS-S~C~~QB"I, Alaska FiSk & Game l nstroam FBsw Ie.esrel-rael-rtal Methodeiogy Study Site, Trapper Greek side channel, ils 1000 feet downstream of this san~ple site. 'The sarnpie is a well-graded gravel-sand mixtu~e with few fines and is representative {of 'the local area (Figure 3.121. PHOTO 3.40 Looking upsti-earn along west bank of second channel from western iirriit of v ci?annel at Sample 5, RM 91.5. The surface has a moderately developed a,-mor layer-. PHOTO 3.41 Aerial phots ioukifig upsti-earn, Sarnpie Rhi 91 .E is located in lefx of photog!-apb . Riirrerr. P4ile 91 .% Sample 6 Collected the armor layer sarnple over Sample 3 in a high water channel near the middle of the cross-section (Photo 3,37, 3.42 and Figure 3.10). The surface was frozen, therefore some g~ravel was lost in chipping it frce, Bfir,ause of the low amount of fines collected, the sample is biased towards the larger sizes, T'he sampe is a ysootsly-gtwaded gravel with few sands and no fines:, and is represehitative of. the armcy layer in this area (Figure 3,11'). Based an field observations, sample 3 minus the fines appeared repr-esentative of #the arrnor layer. ..) ) SUSITNA HYDROGRAPH IC SURVEYS ----·-•• ,._OH• -··- rrTTT,.~,rroroT,,,,,~.~~~~Tj,,,,~.~,rTjTj,,,,~,rrjTjTj,,,,~.rrjTf,,,,,,~,rr~~~ ~rl~,,l,l~lri~JTI,I,i~lrrJTITI,i,f~~rriTITi,l,,,.!~iTITI,j,lrlrTITITj,l,jrjrTITjTI,I,OrlrTjTITI,I,IrjrTiTiTI,I~irT rr l iifliiifii i I SAM .. Ll I SIIMPLE 2 I JSAMPL[S , •• ·--.1, __ : -~,~~-_~[-~-- ~· i " ·-- ~! 'I \II r I -----!----·--·I '" 1------1 I. ---l ----·1·----+------·---·---·" -·~---__ .... __ -- ----~------1 ---1---~ ~ (:-· I r.Clo I '1''-l :.~'-I OJu-I ,.~'-I ()\.)-I r.\.)" I ~u-J ,;v-I •)~' I. ,: ~&-Lu..L~U I ., •• I I •_l-1-u...J 't t 4.' I I 1 •.1-• I I'·. I .1 . I I I I I I ,,, u...Lu....··~, I •• I I I I r. I I I I I I I t· I I Ia ''I c.~, I I(,, i I (?• I If I I I .tl.l!J.. D If · ~;.:.-;·_;;.rr .. r.o ··-·· ----· _... ------- = ~-~-~-. c:.~~~~L.!~~-;~;.!~.~;-= FIOURE 1 .10 lEO IIATliliU IAIII'LE tift: LOCATID'It Cil~~u~~m· miD~~® SUSITNA JO/f;T VENTURE tOO ., ~ .. ao 70 ~10 :a > a fi!IO c .. ~ ., ti 40 1';1 l 30 20 to 4 I ' u.s. Inch .. ~ .... ' "' '" .. I I I ~ " ~ , 1\ I' ~ ' ~ ~ :\ ~\ 1\ \ 'I \ :\ ~ ~~ ~ 1\ I\ ~ ....... I U.S. Sleve Slz•• Cl ... ~ ~ ~ r---..; ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ g .. .I 0 so -~ 20 30 : ., " ' 40 • ~ ,.. n 0 • ., !10 • • ., 0 oc 60 a • .. .. :6 ,.. 70 80 90 -tOO 0 100 to t .t .02 .Dt .00!5 .002 .OOt &rain S1z• In Ml111 .. tera &RAVEL SAND SILT DR CLAY Caarae I Fin• Caar••l Med1u• I F1n• SIIIPla Sy• Hale .t. 111.11 a lt.l 0 11.1 + it. I OWN. -- CICO. ·- DATE: 11-14 SCALE: Idanu ucauan Claaa1f1cat1an Data ~lf1ad Sop Depth cu cz I .1-t.l 18 3.2 2 t-1.1 43 •• 3 .6-1. .. 45 S.l 6 Armor 3 1.3 RS.M car,,SULTANTB, INC. •'-••-•••• o•o"ett-.'•••• ~..,,...... •u•v••••• LL 71 PI sora Claaa • SIP sw liP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUD~ RIVER MILE 11.1 ..... ,.k. F.l. Gf'IO. lttt()J.NQ ~----·- OWG.NQ 3.11 tOO 90 10 70 ~ 'i 1:10 :a ~ A fi!50 c .. 11. ~ fi 40 u : 30 20 tO 4 0 tOO U.S. J:ncll .. ~ .. I "' N .o I I ~I'\ ~ \ 1\ ll ~ 1\ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ' 10 &RAVEL I' !\ i\ ~r-.. u.s. Sieve Slze• 0 .. 1\ ~ ~ t ' ~ ....... ~ ........ g g .. N .I .__ .t &r•ln Slze ln Mlllt .. ter• SAND 0 tO 20 30 40 ' 50 . &0 ,, 70 80 90 tOO .02 .Ot .005 .002 .OOt .,. • , " • ~ ,.. n 0 • , • • , a' oc IE • -.. :z ,.. I Ca•r••l 1 SJ:LT OR CLAY Coer•• Flne Med1u• Flne SIIIPllt J:denu flc•Uon Sy• Hole S•IIP Depth cu A 11.1 4 . 7-1.3 11 a 11.1 5 .1-1.& 32 OWN. CKO ·-DATE. tt-84 SCAL[ Cls••1f1Cit1an D•t• \)'11 rt.ed Cz LL I 1.1 PJ: I Or'g Cl••• &P .. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUD.Y 72 RIVJ:,.R MILE .1.8 Re .. ,.k. F. I. G"ID. PIIIO.LNO. DWG.NO 3.12 ., f I pagd laft intentior~ally blank. Sample 1 The sample? site war on the east bank of the east chanriel (Photo 3.43, 3.44 and Figure 3,131. The-river bed was fraren from the surface to 0.4 feet, the sample was taken from 0.5 feert to 1.0 feet, and water was at 0.4 feet, This is an astivet cutbarsk at higher flows. There is 3.5 feet nf silty-sand overlaying tkte gravel layer. The top of the bank is 4.5 feet above the top of the saimple hole. The sample was taken 150 feet upsl~eanr 04: the cross-section because the silt-$and deposits at the erosr-section were not represerntativo nf the gravel in thc river bottom. The sample is a weii-graded gravel-sand mixture with few large, grav~irls and few fines, %lid is represerrtative of tho gravel undeelyitag the silt-sand ban'k i l iglr rt? 3.14), The sample site was on the west bank of the east chanriel (Photo 3.45, 3.45 and Figure 3.13). The materiai was frozen from the ~urface to 0.4 feet, tha samplo was taken from 0.6 feet to 4.4 feet and water was at 0.8 feet. The ai9mor layer was well developed IPho*co 3.451, 'The armor layer sample, sample 5, was calllectod 30 feet west of Sample 2. The sample is a poorly-graded giravel-sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the llocal area (Figjure 3% 14). Sample 3 Sample 3 was not ~otlected due to time constraints- PHOTO 3*45 in upstiQeam along west bank of the east cliannei at Sarnpie 2 Rhl 90.6 i-i-tt. surface has a iveil developed ar-mor layer. PHOTO 3.46 Aerial photo ic.akinc~ upstream Szmpie 2 R\1 90.5 is located in left center- of -. phctccjraph. The arinm- la5.r-r sample, Sample 3, 15 I~cdted 30 i~et to the left, or west of Sarnpie 2. River Mile 90,6 Thtt sample site was on the east bank of the west chaninel (Photo 3.47, 3.38 and Figure J.'13). The river bed was frozen from the surface to 0.4 feet, the sample was taken froni 0,4 feet: tn 1.0 feet, and water waa at 0.7 feet. The armor layer was moderabely developed. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sai:d mixture with few fines, arid is representative of the local area (Figure 3.14). Pt4070 3.47 ionking upstr-earn along the east bank of the west channel at Sampi~ 4, Rh1 9. The surface has a nnder-ately developed ar-mor layel-. PHOTO 3.48 I i / \'iew in up the west channel Sdinple 1, RL1 90.6, is ic,c;rted in the !i?~\er !eft of :he ~~~~~~~~~aph. ! River Mile 90.6 Sample 5 The armor layer sample was collected 30 feet west of Samplle 2 on the west bank of the east channel (Photo 3.46, 3.49 and Ficrure 3.13). The surface was frozen "therefore sofne gravel was lost in ichipping it free. The sample is bias because of the low amoun3t of fines collected. The sample is a poorly-graded gravel with few sands artd no fines and is representative of the armor layer in this area (Figure 3.14). Based on field observations Sample 2, minus the fines, rappeared representativa of the armor layer, Y PHOTO 3,49 b4r.inor- layer., Sampie 5, Rhl 90.8. Flow is from right to left. Fiagcjiny deiiceakes sainpte area. I i - 00 ~ - ~0 "'~ .. • 0 .: -c .. 00 0 _. ~ ~ "' ~ .. • .. ... _. -c ... 00.»- :I • 0 c ; • ~ ~ • .. .. -c • 00 .. .. '"'.~ • 82 ... c. al 100 90 80 70 -; 60 31: > .a ~50 c: .... u.. .... i 40 u L ~ 30 20 10 ( ~ I U.S. Inchel '~, I r--~ I I\ I I~ ~I ~ ' \ ~ \ \ \ ~ \ \ ~ I ~\ I ' \ \ ~ \ \ 1\ \ ~ ' [\ \ \ ['.. r'-, r---i'> ~ . I U.S. Steve Slze• 0 .. ' ' r---. "" ~-- "" ~ ' ~ I .... \ \ 1~ ~ I ~- 0 0 N HydroHter . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eo 90 100 0 100 10 1 .1 .02 .Ot .005 .002 .001 Grain Size 1n M1ll1metera GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY Coarse I F1ne Coar-se I Medium I F1ne OWN 1-- ::t<O Sample Sym Hole t. 90.6 0 90.6 0 90.6 + 90.6 ------ DATE 11-84 Idant1flcatlon ClessH 1cat 1on Data Un 1t 111d Sillllll Depth CIJ Cz 1 !!5-· . . 36 .2 2 .6-1.4 57 6.5 4 . 4-1 47 1.2 5 Armor 2 1.1 R &M CONSULTANTS, INC. 8f'WCI•""'•••• oeoLco••T• ........ .._.... •'"'•""•vo•• LL PI I Or-g Class GP b"P GW G? susnNA HYDROELECTRJC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY Remarks FB GRID PROJ NO 'tJ ~ .., n $ ~ .... n a • .., • ~ .., ICI' ..: ::E ~ ~ 0 ::1 ,. 83 RIVER MILE 90.8 1------- SCAL.E [~ 3.14 River Mile 87,7 Sample 1 7%e sarnplc site $#as on the east bank of the east channel (Photo 3-30, 3,trl artd Figure 3.15). The gravel was frozen Crom the surface to 9=:3 fcet, the sample was taken from LtA5 Feet to 2.0 feet and there YJ~ no water in the hole. The armor layer was well developed (Photo * -1 lire sample is a poorly-graded gravel-sand mixture with few .ies and is r*ept.e~efjtstive of the local area [Figure 3.16). ~ River MiDe 87,7 Sample 2 The sample site was on the west bank of the east channel (Photo 3.51, 3.52 and Figure 3.15). The material was frozen from the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample was taken from 0.5 feet .to 1.0 feet and there was no water in the hole. The armor layer was marginally developed. The: sample is a poorly -graded gravel-sand mixtu ro! with few fines and is representative of th~ local area (Figure 3.1611. River I"4iBs 87,7 '*bhe sample site was in a high water channel approximately 100 feet east of the west charinel (Photo 3.53, J,54 and Figure 3.15). The material was frozen from the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample was taken fram 0.6 feet to 2,0 feet and water was at 0'8 feet, 7"he armor layer was poorly devcioped, in the field the sample looked %!ell mixed and did not appear to b~ in i: depositional area. The sanaple is a poorly-graded gravelly sand with few fines and is represerttative of the local area (kigcrre 3,17), 5 I VkfOTO 3"%3 1-[3t3ix [fig ~pst:.ed!n in a <!i-y channel app. shiiil;jiriy 100 f?et e~st :I? ~IIP i%~>5t .I at S:jmpiz 3, i?>1 87, i. The salnple site is iocc)ied ;:I t iit? t-~t;l-~t ~i(>ca i-ij ~jje p.=.ft;a2rl. PHOTO 334 ci -\ -- -- !' f upjt.;*r.aa Sapoie 3, [?~~~v~ . / is la:c>tr:~,:: lr~ :, ;q*e;2~s (:;--r- + -.,}- ,.$ 2 ! -, I a / i-) Z? t ,- i .I;_- I\, i y , =- I it. I r- ,-;t ;?i2i.to.:l-,+pil. -I Saiyjp'c -1 il+cste:j ti; tile \zit tr: b;::>;:.ie 3. The sample site was on the east bank of the west channel (Photo 3.54, 3.55 and Figure 3.15). The gravel was frozen from !the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample wais taken from 0.5 feet to 1.5 feet and water was at 0.6 feet, The sample site is at the downstream factr ci: a dune face. The sample is a poorly-graded gravelly sand with few fines and is representative of the local area (Figure 3.17). PHOTO 3,55 Lo-~k!:vq .- at Sample 4. Rhi 37.7, on the east bank of tiit. tt.esr r_har~??i. The sample site was i~ the middle of SunsRirte Slokjgh (Photo 3.56, 3.57 and Figut-e ? 75). The gravel was fraten from the surface to .5 feet, the sample was taken from 0.5 feet to I. 5 feeoand there was no water in the hole, f he armor layer was modt.~ztely developed (Photo 3.56). The saanple is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is represei2talive QP tht: iocal area (Figure 3.16). Sample 6 The armor layer sample wi;s collected near Sample 2 on the west bank BI the east channel (Photo 3.51, 3.52 and Figure 5.15). T'he surface was, frozen, therefore some gravel was lost in chippin19 it free. Because of the low amount uf fines collected, the sample- is biased tuwards the larger sizes. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is representative of the armor layer in this area (Figure 3.16). Basad an field observations Sample 2, minus the fines, appeared vepresentative of ttle arnlor layer. 1.0 1ft .. ------· ··---------------·-·------------ SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1984 cross section LA X 87.7 SAIIPL IE -... -· ---------.. ----·--··--~-· -·-· . - ·---------------. -~ --· ·---···-·· ··----- -. '· --"() f-~ ~- l' ------------- ~ ------. --. --------~ ., J PA£PAMEO HY PAtP&IItO F Oil • ~;r~ ... -.-=::-:=:-=-= R&M CONS ULTANTS, INC. ............ ..... ........... ... ........... . .......... ~-· fiGURE 1.11 IIEO IIATEIIIAL SAIIPL[ liTE UJCAliOIII oo~mllfl · cma;e SUS I fNA J OII'IT 'IIENri.JIIf u.s . Inchee 100 90 l"1r-. ~ I I 1\ 80 70 M ~ a ; 60 s ,. .a L 50 • c: ... LL. ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ \ ~~ ~ ~\ ~ ~ ~ c: 40 • u L • Q. 30 ; 20 so 0 100 10 GRAVEL caarae I Flne r-, r--.. ~~ "\ ~ ~ u.s. Steve Slzee 0 .. 1\ ~ .......... ~ ~ 1 8 .. 1 I ~~ 1\. ~~ill=: . s 0 0 C\1 Grein Size in Millimeter• SAND Coarse I Me diu• I nne SBIIIPle Ident1 t teat 1on Clesa1 t1cat1an Date 0 10 20 30 ., • .., n • 40 :J .. n 0 • .., 50 • • .., I:J 'C 60 lll: • -ID ::r .. 70 eo 90 100 .02 .OS .005 .002 .oos SILT OR CLAY Untfted Cle .. Re11erks Sy• Hale Se11p Depth cu Cz .A. 87.7 1 .6-2 ~ 1 D 87.7 2 .5-1 31 .4 0 87.7 !5 .!5-1 .!5 40 1 .4 + 87.7 6 Armor !52 1 9 OWN. t------·- CKO I------ OATE .11-84 R&M CCfoiSULTANTS. INC. • .,..,""•••• oeo"cJo••"' ....... ,..,..... •""""~~•"'o•• SCAL.E LL 96 PI 1 org &P &P GN GW SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADAT10N STUDY RIVER MILE 87.7 Fll. GRID. PROJ.NQ OWG .NO. 3.16 100 90 80 u.s. Inches ~ .... I Ill N .. ~~ I I ~ \ \ p 0 .. u.s. Steve Size• I 0 0 ... .I r-.~ r-. ~ 70 4J i i: &0 :.: >o Q ~50 c ... II. 4J i .. o u L l. 30 20 so 0 100 10 &RAVEL Co•r•• I Flne S•IIPle ldenU flc•Uon r--.. ~ ~ ........ ~ '\ ~ ~ k' s .s &rain Size in M1111 .. tara SAND Coar••l Medlu• I nne Cl•••1f1cetlon D•t• 0 10 20 30 ., • , n • .. 0 :I ,. n a 50 • , • • .., 0 -c 80 f .. .. '::1 ,. 70 eo 90 100 .02 .OS .005 .002 .001 SILT OA CLAY ~1tled Claaa Aa•arka Sy• Hole S.IIP Depth a. C% 4 17.7 3 .1-2 • .a g r/.7 .. .!5-t.!S .. •• OWk CKO r-----·-OAT£.11-84 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ..... ,.•••• a•g .. a•••""• ~,. ... ..,._ •u•w••-- SCALE LL 97 PI I Qrog .. SP SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY RIVER MILE I 7. 7 Fl. GltiO. PftOoi.NO. OWG.NO 3.17 I Sample I Tha sample sits was on the east bank of the east chann~el (Photo 3.58, 3.59 and Figure 3.18). The surface was nat Frozen, the sample Mfas taken from 0.7 feet to 1,3 feet and there was na water in the hole. The armor layer was well dt?veloped (Photo 3.58). The sample is a well-gt%aded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is rr;-praaentativrr of thc local area (Figure 3.19). PHOTO 3.58 Looking upstream along east bank of the east channel at Sample I K'Li 86.3. I PHOTO 3.59 I ,Alier-ial phot~ looking vpstrearn Sample 1, Rhl 86.3 is located in rnidc!ie I center of phijtcg r-aph. i i I River Mils 88*3 ~ Sample 2 The sample site was on the west bank of the east charlnel (Photo 3.60, 3.61 and Figure 3.181. The surface was not frozen, the sampl~? was taken from 0.7 feet ta 1.3 feet below the surface andl there was no water in the hole. The surface appeared to be a depoaitioniai area of sand, wit11 no silt, on top of the gravel-sand mixture. The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few finis$ and is representative of the local area (~i~ur6 3.19). PHOTO 3,60 iockii~g upstream aiony west bank of the east ci~annel at Sarnple 3, Khl 56.3. PHOTO 3.61 Aerial photo looking upstreail?. Sarnple 2, Rh! 86.3 is located in lower left of the photosraplj. i River* e%"ijile 86.3 The sample site was on the eact bank cpf the west chann~el (Photo 3.62, 3,63 and Figure 3.18). The surface was not frozen, the sample was taksa frot$"c 6*5 feet ts 1,3 fee$ below %he surface and bvater was at 1.5 feet. The ar4mor layer was moderately developed (Photo 3.62). The sample is a well-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fin.@$ arid is representative of the local arqca f Figure 3.20). PHOTO 3.62 kg upstream along east bank of the i%est channel at Sample 3, Rh1 86.3. The surface has a rnnderately deveiopzd artnor layer. i t PHOTO 3-63 i F photo looking upstt-earn. Sample 3, Rhl 66.3 is iccated in lowel- 1 !-igi:t of the photoyr-aph. I River Mils 86,3 Sample 4 The sample site was on the west bank of the west channel (Photo 3.64, 3.65 and Figure 3.78). The surface was not frszen, tlqe sample wag taken fram 0.6 feet to 14 feet beisw the surface arrd there was no ~vatajr in the hole. 'There was a well developed armor layer. Basgd i field observations the sample, minus the fines, is representative aF the armor layer. The sample is a poarly-graded grac/el-sand mixture with no fines and is representative of the local area (Figiire 3.19). Sample 5 Armor layer sample was eoliected in a high water channeli nc:ar the middle of the crass-section (Photo 3.66, 3.67 and Figure 3.18'). This sample is r~presentative of the armor layer and is nat biasl?i lsecause the sanipie was not frozen during sampling. The sample is a paorly-graded gravel with few sands and fines (Figure 3.20). PHOTO 3.66 Armor layer, Sample 5, RXI 56.3. Floiv is fr*orn ril;ht to left. Sii~vel and flaggin9 deliceate sample ar-za. I .... 0 00 ~· I , I " • "''1'' ... I·•·• 'I '. - (> IAIIIi't,.l I L_. --- f- 'b~ ~--· ----- .~ ~ -' ':» ~~'\ -t:;? ~·-- :-----'\~ ~· 1--· - 0~ l ~ ---· r-~--. -·· v f- L - "'}~? --· -~ ~ ''-~ 0 0 ~ /'!. I IQ, I '~ I lp I -------- ---sr!JF'.,~~---·---·-· ---···-- =;&;~n~c:oNSULTANTS~ -,NC,-= ... G•.,•••• te•o~u· ..... , .... .,. ...... , .,. • ..,, ....... ,. • SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LAX 86.3 -- I'·•· 'I I' • . 'I '' , • • 'I • '•·. " 'I ,, " ' '····-·· ' ... I" 'I"" I • • ' ' I'·' ' •· ''·. '·I •. "" • 1•'·"'·1' ,, " 'I' !'· '.. . ... -· IAII"-1 I IAIIPLI I IAitl'\11 I~II.LI 4 -...... ---~--"----~ .. --·-·-·---·-··--.. -.____,' . . .._, -. "'//! / -,,._ 't! / . t -----___ ;. ~Q --, / __ ;-v....------;.--b-----------• -~ -----r -----------J ......__ J - / --·---· _______ ... ·--·------. ..: ' .. -.. - ' i ~ ··----- - ~~ ~0 0~ ~0 r:P 0 0 0 00 ~~~0 I 't>orv I , o0 ·~c;, r -~ h o I -.'~ I I~~ .I ,o ,I l"ltJ I '1-':. I • i~:. .lu..u. 'J.,.du ~~~ I -.,tlfP-Aii£-6 -F-Oh IIOURE 5 ,1& BEO IIAYEIWIL SAMPI.t SIT&: lOCATIONS CU.?.\GJ?£~1· PZfBOl~a:® SUStriiA JO!Nr VENfUIIE u.s . lnctlee tOO I I 10 " ~~ 70 ~ I' 'I\ ' ~ \ ~ i -ao I \ ' ~ 0 .. U.S. Sleve Slzee ( 8 .. .I ' .. ~ ao tO 0 tOO so MAVEL Cor•• I Fine S.~~~tle tt.ent1 f1c•Uon 'i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ...... ' .s lreln Slz• tn Mllll .. tere SAND Coer••f MedlLm I nne Cl•••lf1cet1Dn Dete 0 10 20 30 .,. • ., " • .0 ~ ,.. n D • ., 50 • • ., cr oc 80 • • -' ,. 70 80 SIO tOO .02 .os .005 .002 .ocu SILT OR Q..AY ~lfled Cleee Ae .. ,.k. Sy• Hol• s.p Depth cu cz lo •. 3 I .7-1.3 ., 1.5 D •• 3 I .7-1.1 11 1.2 DWM. CKD --~ATE . 11-14 R&M CONSULTANT., INC. .... ,,..•••• ••o .. o•••T• ... ,.._ ... _ •w•~tt~••••• SCAli: LL PI 1 ore .. • SUSIT·NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION 81'UDY 109 RIVER MILE 88 •. S ~·· G"IO. PRCUNO OWG.NO 3.19 tOO 10 70 30 20 to 0 100 u.s. Jncb .. I I ~ 1\ 1\ ~ !\ ~ ~ '' ~ ~\ \ '\ 1\ ~ roo.~ 1\. "' ~--~--- so &RAVEL Co.r.. Ftne SaiiPl• Jdent1flc8tton ~. !-- 0 .. ~ u.s. Sleve Slz .. 8 .. .I f'.- ~ r-.~ ~ ~ :..... 1 .t &r•ln Slze ln Mtllt .. tera nne Cl .. atftcatton D•t• 0 10 20 30 ;: .., " .0 ! .. n 0 !I 50 • • .., cr oc eo • • -• ':1 .. 70 10 go 100 .02 .Ot .00!5 .002 .001 SILT OR CLAY ~Uted Cla .. Ae•rka Sy• Hal a S8llp !lepth cu Cz LL PI sora A •. 3 3 .!1-1 .3 12 2 • Cl •• 1 4 .1-1.4 • I • 0 18.3 !S Ar•or 4 !.5 • OWM. 8USITNA n . HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT G"'D AGGRADATION STUDY fiiiO.tNO. 110 RIVER MILEif.S DWG.NO 3.20 CKO. 1-----·- 0ATE 11-84 seALE R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .... , ... •••• •aa~.e•••T• •'-•...,.-•w•v•¥••• This page left intentionally blank. The sample site wzs in+ the middle of the Sunshine Sloulgh (Photo 3.88, 3,69 and Figlire 3.21). The river bed was frozen from the surface ta 11.6 feet, the sample was taken From 0.6 feet 1:o 1.2 fast and there was no water in the hole. There was a well developed armor layer with some sill covering it. Based on field observations the sample, minus the fines, is representative of the arlnor layer. The: sample is a wall-graded gravel-sand mixture with few fines and is repre;.serr"ttiue of tka local area [ Figure 3-22], I PHOTO 3.69 t Axial photo looking upstream. Samplz 1, Rhl El.6 is located in lower left center of photsgraph. Sample 2 The sample site was in a high water channel (Photo 3.70, 3.71 and Figure 3.21). *The river bed was Crozan from the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample was taken from 1.0 feet to 1.7 feet, and there was no water in the hale. This is a depositional area with sand on the surface with same gr*avol. 'Test: pits in the area showed that Sample 2 is representative of the lccal area. 'The sample is a ell-graded grqvel-sand mixture with few fines (~ibure 3.22). PHOTO 3-70 Looking upstream in a high water channel at Sample 2, RlGI 34.6. PHOTO 3.71 Ae:-ial phota locking ~pstr-am. Sample 2, R!il E4.S is located ir: Isit center of photo~raph. River Mi58 84.6 Sample 3 The sample sit^ was a0 the east bank of the west chanrlel (Photo 3.72, 3.73 and Figure 3.21). The river bed war frozen from the surface to 0.3 feet, the sample was talqen from 1.2 feet to 1,8 feet, and there was no water in the hole. The site is OD the dlownsfrean~ side of a gravel bar. The surface material is sand with some silt over a gravel-sand mixture (Figure 3.22). PT-IOTO 3,72 Lcoking upstream along east bank of west ci~annel at Sdlnple 3, Khl E4.G. The sainpie site is on the downsti-earn side of a bar- wit/? sand and some silt tuttnr-e. over-lying a sr-avel-sand m:. i PHOTO 3.73 I i 1 .Aerial photo looking upstream. Sample 3, Rl! e4.G is incated in icft I 1 ! 1 ; center of photograph. 1 I ~ ~ CD __ .>;.~-. ~ Fi&iVIco.NsUL.TANn~: ·,Nc:-= ••••• .. •••• ... ,hu•u••• .. , ·-•·• .... .., •• ._. •• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LAX 84.6 MD IIAfiiiiiAL SAIIPLf liT£ LOGATIOiil r n fi1 1li)~1 m. ~n:'4' fil~lfil UU:n .. IJ\!Ib~~w bilJ!Nt.9J4JDlYJ SUS/ Til A JD/N T VEN TUftE u.s·. Inch .. r u.s. Steve Slz•• HydraMter N ...... 8 0 ... • N• I ...... -:;-.; 0 0 a ~ -~ 0 ., N ... ... ., • .. N .. N tOO .. -~~ I I ~ .I 0 .. it ... &0 I i\ ~ 4 \ \\ \ \ \ \ ' ' ~ 90 eo 70 so 20 30 ' ~ ~ • 40 :I .. n D II 50 • ~ ., oc ' \ 1\l\ IOf 30 20 tO 0 tOO 10 i\ ~ ~'-r--. r--. ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ i' ~ ~ ll.iL .s 70 10 90 . 100 .02 .OS .005 .002 .OOS &rain Slze ln M1111 .. tera &RAVEL SAND I Caerael I SILT OR Ct.AY ca.,. .. Flne Medlu• Flne Sa~le tdentlflcatlon Claaalftcetlan Data lk'lh'l•d Sy• Hale • ..... a 14 .1 0 14.1 OWN. CKO. ._. _____ _ OATE .U-14 SCALE SMp Depth "' cz 1 .I-S.2 It I. I I S-1.7 ., 1.1 3 1.2-S.I a 1.!1 A&M CON8ULTANTII1 INC • .,..,._,•••• ••a"o••••• ~.,.,.._ ew•v••-• LL PI 1 ore Cla .. 8W • • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO.IECT AGGRADATION STUD:V 119 RIVER MILE 14 .I AeArka .. ' ,. 3,3 SUMMARY COMMENTS U~B~S 6f the bad material a should ba aware sf the dilVicealties encountered in obtaining representative armor layer samples. 0 Representative samples coltid not be collected at five st the bevein ar.mor layer sample sites because <:he surface material wr;s frozen. Th~ese five sampler are biased towards the larger sizas. The two unfpozen samples, Sample 3 RM 93.1 and Sample 5 RM 86.3, sampled the complete armer layer and are representative. The armor layer at RM 87.7 was miarginally developed, which would explain why it has a high percentage of fines. Ihe armor layer samples are plotted together for comparison (Figure 3.23 and 3.24). The samples are grouped toge"teep- in the sampl~ descriptions to examine the lateral variation in sedin?znt size, For comparison of the longitudinal variation along the uviv~~, sarnples ape grouped in the dawnstream direction according to the east bank of the main east'ckannel; the west banlc of the main east channai; ktie east bank of the main west channel: 2nd the west LanEc maio zsf thje west channel. FOP crcj$-.seclions where there is only one main ehalpr'iel, hha samples wetwe: plotted with botkt groups, Tv~o of the samples ,Fr*orn *the east bank of the main east chanrie! do not forlow tha gene!-zl trend (Figures 3.25 and 3,261. S3rnpl.e 1 RNI 91.8 is coarser thari tile rest of the group. The sarnple had cobbles and coarse gravel artd appeared reprg!serbtative of the srnrfacc mato-ial. Sample 1 RM 90.6 has the largest percentasje aP fines in the grotlp.. 711is ~i~rraple w2s &- R jrj 2 2~~~3 with SC~ active ~akballk. it a~>peaved tijilt thf? I-~v~P. had * k.$rlJ a 6i3212gF: WWQ~!~. tile !11a-keria$ arid rrw~ve hive srgallas snatc:t*iaj fjf35;i:$3$t 1'"!:< 1 , 67,7 alga has mare fines than the general trend. Like Sample 2, 'JIM 93.1, at is in a depositionaf area on the dowcstream t;nd of a gravel bar. Cane of th~ samples from the east bank of the main west channel doer not follow the generai trend (Figur*es 3.29 and 3.30). Sample 4 RM 87.4 has the largest per~entage of fine?$ in the group. Ths ;ample site is in a depositional area on the downstr3am end nf a gravel bar. It is iteteresting~ Po note that Santple 4, RM 93.1 also in ;D depositional area oa the c"-w~s&reraan side of a gravel bar, follows the genet*~l trend, Ali of the west bank west main channel ramples follow the genc:ral t~~nd (Figure 3.311. w i he trefid in gradation is fairly close for most of the sample site!^. '$hers is some variation of tho samples based on position of tha g~iivol bass and for the coarser gravels 693"). So~ne sites have: no 93" gravais but da mahh the trend for the fine gravel and sands. I u.s. l'nch•• I U.S. Slave Slzea I HydraMter I ~ 0 0 ... ... cu• I ..... '' 0 2 0 ~ 0 0 0 .. N..o .. .. ..... ... ... .. 1ft .. N lOO I I .I 0 10 10 10 20 70 .10 ~ l ~. .., n • • ... 10 40 ~ : ,. ""' n A a • li!O .., !0 • r.: i\ • -.., ... tl' ~ \ "" i 40 IOf u l\ r.. ... :. • :z ,. 30 \\ \ 70 20 10 \' ' 10 ' ... 90 '~ ......... ...._ i .,.I'-r::--... 0 i 100 100 10 1 .1 .02 .01 .00!5 .002 .001 &rain Size In MUU•tara &RAVEL SAND I S!L T OR CLAY caarae Flne C:aarae Med1u• nne SaiiPle Identl f 1cat1an ClaaaHicauan Data ~tUed Claaa ..... ,.k. Sy• Hale s.tlll Depth cu Cz LL PI s Clrg • 17. s II Armor 3 1.1 • a ••• 7 Armor 2 s IP 0 13.1 3 Armor u 2.1 IN OWM ~ SUSITNA F.l. CKD. RAM CDNBULTANTB, INC. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Gill D. ·- DATE 11-84 .,..,~~~~~t•••• ••o"'a•••-r• .'"..,,.,.._ eu•v••••• AGG.,~~-~TION STUDY PI'O.I.NO. SCALE 122 ARMOR LAYER SAMPLES 1 OF 2 OW G. NO 3.23 100 ,.. A 10 70 30 20 tO 4 ' U.S. Inchea ~ .. I .. N .o r-- \ \ ~ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ ~ ' ,, S: 1\ [\ J\ r- u.s . Slave Slzea 8 .. I .I 0 ,. 10 20 ', ' 30 'l .., n • «) ~ .. n 0 • .., 50 • • .., 0 oc 10 I --'! .. 70 "" ,__ 10 r-. ~'-r--.. 90 -[\ ..... tOO 0 100 to .s .02 .01 .00! .002 .OC.\1 lraln Size ln M1111 .. tere &RAVEL SAHO SILT OA CLAY Coer•• I ''ne Coer•• I Mad1W I Fine SIIIPla Sye Hole • lt.l a • •• 0 111.1 + 18.3 OWN. CKD. t-----·- OAT£. 11•84l SCAlE Idant1f1cat1on Claaa1f1cat1on Data ~ltlad 5allp Depth cu Cz I Ar•or 3 1.3 s Ar•or 2 l.l I Armor 52 1.1 ~ Armor c 1.:1 R&M CONSULTANT., INC. .,.. •. ,..•••• e•a~a••••• •-.•• ... -eu•.,••••• 123 LL Cl .. a Aaurkl PI 1 ort • • GN GP 8USITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION .STUDY ARMOR LA YEA SAMPLES I OF 2 I" I . GittO. "ltO.I.NO OWG.NO 3 .24 100 ... I! • !10 10 70 .. 10 I 20 10 0 100 U.S. Inch•• I I \ ~~\ ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ ·' \ ~ ~ :' l\ \ 10 &RAVEL caar•• I Ftne "\ '\, " ........ ~ \ •r--- U.S . Slave Slzaa 0 .. ~ ~ ......... ~ 1 .~ ·~ 8 .. I ~ ~ -.t lreln Slza ln Mllll .. tera SAND Coer•• I Medlu• I nne Supla ldent1f~cat1an Cleaalfl~atlan Deta 0 tO 20 '0 'l , " • ~ ~ ,. n 0 !J !10 • • , fit 'C IOf .. • :3 ,. 70 10 SIO 100 .02 .01 .005 .002 .oos SILT OA CLAY ~ltlad Cleaa Aa .. rke Sy• Hale s.. Depth cu Cz LL PI I Drg 6 17.1 I .5-S.& 31 1.2 IN G a.t l .5-t.S .. 1.3 • 0 11.1 1 .1-1.& 15 ~.2 &P SAMPLES FROM THE EAST BANK OF THE MAIN EAST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) DWft SUSITNA n . HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CJitiD. AGGRADATION STUDY ll'ltOJ.NQ ., ... t .. • .:· : ... ~ OWG.NO 3.25 CKO. ..._ ___ ._ OATE. 11-84 AS.M CCNBULTANT8, INC • ....... •••• ••o"'a••• ... • .......... _ •u•v••-• . StALl 124 U.S. J:nc:hee ~ .. I til N .. &AAV!L co .. ". 1 Flne S.~le J:dentlflc:etlon core•( U.S. Sleve Slzea HydraMter g .. 0 2 arein Slze ln Mllll .. tera SAND l Sll. T OA Cl.A Y Medlu• F1ne Claaalficatlon Data ~Uled Cleaa Aeurica Sy• Hole SMip Depth cu Cz LL PI 1 or-e 6 80 .1 t .s-t • .2 .. D 17.7 t .1-2 •I 1 GP 0 11 .3 t . 7-t. 3 ,, 1.5 GW + .... 3 1.2-t .l 93 1.!5 6P SAMPLES FROM THE EAST aANK OF THE MA .. EAST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) OWN. CICO. .,__ ____ _ OATe:.11-84 SC&L£ R&.M CCJNBULTANTB1 INC • ..... fill•••• 11•0Lo ... ,.. ............. •w•v••••• 125 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY F. .. GittO ~ltO.I.NO. DWG.NO. J.26 tOO I 10 10 70 ., i .. 10 I 30 20 tO 0 tOO u.s. lnchea ~" I I ~ ' :' ' i\~ r\1~ \ ..... ~ 1\ ~ \ I' ~ ~ ' '~ ':-.. r\ 1'- so IRA VEL Coer'ee trtne Sl~l• Ident1f1cet1an u.s . 11••• Slz .. 0 .. ~l \ ~ ~ ...... ~ 1\ 8 .. I .I ll~ ~~ ~ .. nne .t Claee1f1catton Data .02 .Ot .00!5 .002 !ILT OR CLAY unsued Cla .. ..... ,.k. .,. Hole 5allp Depth Q,J Cz LL PI I O!"g A 97.1 2 .!5-1. .. ..a 1.2 GN D ~-9 t .1-t.!S 43 3 .9 6P 0 93.1 2 1-t.5 3 1 SP + tit •• 2 t-t .tl G •• 8P 8AMPLE8 FROM THE WEST •ANK OF THE MA .. lAST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) OWM -- :KO. ·-OAT£.11•14 RAM CONSULTANT., INC. .............. ••oLoe•••• --. ....... -•w•w••-• SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AGGRADATION STUDY I I GltiO. 0 Ut 20 30 ., ., n • .tO ~ .. n a • ., 50 • • ., II' oc 101 .- ~ .. 70 10 to tOO .DOt scau 126 .•. ,_ . . L '-==============!J ---------·--------' OWO.NQ 3.27 tOO 80 70 ~ f. .. 10 I "" A ~!SO c ... ... ~ i 40 u L l. 30 20 so u.s. lnchaa ,.._ I ~ I \ 1\ ' :\1\ ' ·~~\~ ~ ~ 1\ \ ~ \ ~ 1\ f\ \ I' I' I' I'\ ['. 1'.. u.s. Slave S1zea D ... 1\ ~ .......... 1'\ f",_ .............. ~ 8 .. I .I I' l't\ t'l~ Jla; 1 0 tO 20 I 30 l , n : • 40 ::11 ,. n 0 • , 50 • • , ~ oc IOf ... • ~ ,. 70 80 !10 tOO 0 tOO so s .s .02 .OS .005 .002 .OOt &RAVEl. SAND I coar••l I SILT aA CLAY coarae F1ne Med1u• F1ne S•IIPle IdentUlceuon Cleaalflcat1on Deta l.ftlflact -Ae .. rka Sy• Hole s.p Depth cu cz l.l. PI I Org Cl•aa A 90.8 2 .8-S.4 !17 8.!5 GP D 17.7 2 .!5-t 31 .4 GP 0 86.3 2 .7-1.3 76 2.2 GM SAMPLES FROM THE WEST BANK OF THE MAIN EAST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) OW It SUSITNA Iii. HYDRO"iLECTRIC PRO.JECT GRID. AGGR~DATION STUDY P'IIO.I.HQ '(' .,..,l.- CICD. ·- OAT[. 11-84 R&M CCNBULTANTB, INC. • ... •••••• caeo .. a•••-r• •L.•.,...-• ., • .., ... _ 127 . .... . ., ~ DWG.NO 3.28 ........ SCALE I I I tOO 10 c 10 70 .... it ... I ,.. • L!IO ! .. ~ .... i 40 ., l 30 20 tO 0 too u.s . Jnchea I I ~· ~ ~ '~ ' \ ~ ~ I\ ~ \ " \ so IAAV!L eo.,-u Fine S.~le Jdentiflcatlon ' " '-, " .. r---. U.S. Steve Slzea 0 .. ~ ~ "" ............ ......., '-.. t I ~ '~ lrein Size 8 .. .I ~ ~ .t ln MUH•teroa lco .... J SAND ... diUII I nne C1eaa1ftcatlon Date 0 tO 20 30 J , n • • ~ .. n 0 • , !50 • • , cr oc 80f ~ • ~ .. 70 10 !10 tOO .02 .ot .00!5 .002 .OOt SILT OA CLAY IA"Ilflld Claaa ..... ,.k. Sya Hole SUD Depth cu cz LL PI I Drg 6 97.1 4 .4-1.3 38 .9 GP a 13.1 .. .4-1.3 !51 2 .!5 GW 0 lt.l I .1-t.IS e 3.i GP SAMPLE8 FROM THE EA8T BANK Of THE MAire WEST CHANNEL (1 OF 2) DWM CKO. ·-DATl. 1'l-14 ~J.L~ ·---... 8USITNA ~--HYDROELECTR~ PROJECT R'!VaM CONBULTANT81 1NC. • ..,....,•••• ......... ,.. • ........ -euev••-AGGRADATION STUDY .. ~ .. .... , .. G"ID. II'..OolNQ SCALl 128 . ~Jt~~~.· . .. DWG.NQ 3.29 soo 10 10 70 .... ~ ... I 20 so u.s. 1nct111 N ...... .. I ... N .o 1"1 ... ~ ~·' ~ \. ~ I I [1\ ~ ~ ~~ ~- '~\ \ ~'-, ~l\ ""r--. ~ U.S. Steve Stz•• 0 .. ~ "'· ~ ~ "" \ \ 1\ \ ~~ )~ g ... .I 1\ ~ ~ ! 0 so 20 30 l , <10 n ! ,. 50 n D ~ • ~ D' oc IOf .. ! ,. 70 10 10 ·JOO 0 soo so s .s .02 .OS .005 .002 .oos ... tn sue ln MUUMter• IRA VEt. l ...... j SAND CarH F1ne Medlu. nne SILT Ill CLAY J sa•l• ld•nU ucauan Claaelflcettan Date ~Ul•d Cl••• ..... ,.h Sye Hale seep Depth Ql cz LL PI s Or"g 6 10.1 " .4-1 47 1 .2 6~ a 17.7 " .5-t.! " .I SP 0 11.3 3 .!t-1.3 82 2 &w + 14.1 3 1.2-t.l 13 1.! • 8AMPLEI FROM THE I!AIT BANK OF THE MAIN WEST CHANNEL (2 OF 2) CKO. ~---·-OATE.11-14 ~ IUIITNA , .. IUS.M CCIN&ULTANT., INC. HYOROELECTR~ PROJECT GittO. ........... eeOLo••••• ...... --..-•"•~~~~'•"'-AGGRADATION STUDY ~M)J.NO SCALl 129 f '"• .. OWG.NQ 3.30 .. ,_ .. .. tOO 10 70 ... t. ;10 s >o AI ~50 c ... L ... i40 u l 30 20 tO 0 ~ tOO u.s. Jnctlea I I ~ 1\ I~ ~ r-. ' ~\ \~\ ~ ~ \~ ' so &RAVEL co .... Flne ~ t-' ~~ I' ~ U.S. Slave Stz•• 0 .. ' ~ ~ ~ t ~~ ~ 8 .. .I .t ... sn Size ln M1111Mt8f'a I c-.. I SAND Madtu• nne Sa~~~tl• Jdentlflcatton CJ•••lflc•tton Data 0 tO ! ' 20 ~0 ~ n • 40 ~ ,.. n 0 • ., 50 • • ., cr oc 10 a • .. D ::1 ,.. 70 10 90 tOO .02 .Ot .005 .002 .oot SILT OR CLAY l)'llfted Clae• ,.. .. rka Sy• Hole a.. Depth Ql Cz LL PJ I Dr'll • 97.1 5 .4-t 41 1.1 6W D "·' 3 .8-1 .!1 48 1 .6 &w 0 13.1 5 .5-1 .2 54 3.9 6P + 11 .1 2 1-1.1 43 •• SP )( 86.3 4 .&-1 .4 4!5 3 6P SAMPLES FROM THE WEST BANK OF THE MAIN WEST CHANNEL Ct OF t) OWN. 8l8SITNA n . CKO. ·- OAT£.11-14 SCALIE RAM CONSULTANTS, INC. .,..,,.•••• ••o"o•••"'• ._..,,...._ eu•v• .. -• HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GRID. AGGRADATION STUDY PRO.lNO .• ·flo •• ,_ ........... -.~· •. :~~ ~1 ~ OWG.NQ 3.31 1 ·- 4,0 LGY4ER RtVER SURVEYS 4.1 Survey Descrqiptinns B Nine survey cr.ossag,eetions of the Susitna River channel at i*iver miles l8.C, 47.1, 95.11, 93.1, 91.8, 90.6, 87.7, 86.3, and Ej4.6 were obtained in Septembet- 1984. These cross-sections are ident:ified by a prefix of LRX, i.e., LRX 84,6. The plarr V~BW of the craiss-section locations are shown in Figure 2.1. Profiles are shown in Section 4.2 wiiich foliows, Sunlmarized field notes are presented in Appondix B, with a glossary of terms, and list of benchmarks. - r hc survey observations were obbained using conventional survejy teckniqijes on the banks and exposed bars, ihtilizing an automatil: level and rod. A combination of tile same techniqijes and use of ;a calibrated weighted line were ured in the river. chqnnels* f:nd points and cross-section angle points were mnnumented with a :i/8" x 30" rebar with a 2" alurnirum cap niarkod with the LRX designation and barlk side (e$tample, "LRX 84.6 LB" is crboss-section at river. lnile 84,6 left C~~t-llr encl puirro). All cross-sections werwe tied vc?rtiealli/ t,vitl.~ tbria+d-oi*r.Ber differential Btzvs%s to Qhs N, G, 5, M, S, tw dab!-lm network (sarr~c: vertical dailrrrr as previous Stlsitna Rivet- cross-sections) . +* * I itis section corr~tiiles a sumrrsary of plots tor each ci-ass-sectiort ~ili~fl were :;ti iev5yp.d in 4 i ncltidcd 9 in i,tlis .;kdciiult ar8e seit:ctcd lower. 1" J fi t ' ' t*tf--j~iOttFid in if~taitrat iris tito 1984 *,,L: I*I/P:YS. /'he ';.;rnss -coc"(io, 1s ijrcf p!oiec:d ]oolcin!j ~*ii.~:ir~str-:>;~.1:1 -, Mtk.i &ino t2w~k j;;~~\[cU ~ij k[3e [eft, hhp ysjot~ arc: ndi2;tkfcj *? * "$" & 6; fcgin fi.3~. a!: -yi.it:r i,:i :l:;sa.sec:iiurj [vmf-\)( !$+*f,j ~~~y;~:~~~~~:~~~~~*~ tc> j~i/~t~ re %a 4 X .ifi~i , fI-.:rq I'lg(P fir *[$334 j 3 P :-r3iC";---~~-f*s . ,-dijfji7 i2zi~iif point::, e1+:jf3o o~\ic:r;!e$.~~i~~i :irltj ti.alpr r-f;3cei.P ;1 ,*Q -a " p-$ P 'C 8 j:::2*; $&,3bL?!*-: * I .E 5 I ~· I I' I' ''I I' I r- ~~~ r- ~~a f-I I 'r'}.~ I l \, r-I I I ~·'() \ I \ ,J \ -___ ,/ ~"J., ,_ r- ~"JQ r- ~"'~ f- ... "J,aaQ t. ;'.t l!i_ '· 'C) 'C) ..... I I ·.·. l PREPAR(O BY ~~~~~~~~~ R&M CCNSUL.TANTS,INC. • .,..,, ... , •• o•o~uu•••• ., • .,...,. ••• l w•"'•"'o"" , SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I . I I ......... -·· ~\ \ ... '- Qa ~a -~~ ,j I' I ''' .It 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 3.1 'I 'I I ~'----r----------- I a :'t~ _t, l~~Q I 11°0 I DIITANCI fiiOM Un eANIC IN fEET fiOUIII 4.t 'I I ' I L,-, f '"' _),.-....... .... _ I ) ... I ... I a • ~ I I'll ao l\0 I , ' " I ' , ' ,_.--- a a 1\'1 I 'I . I,, j . . . . . . . . -. . . . - I . -I I . / : ," . - - : : - - - a a ao 1-."' . \ 'S I ' ' PREPI.oicll FOR M if-f 7i~.r:ma--. IIUll-... ~w I;~V sus:;:.~ ;OINt VEIIItUifE " " I ' ' 'I ,, I' 'I - ~\)0 - ~~f) \ ----r ~ I I ~.,o " I ' '"' I -,, l .s ~ .. ~ .... ';.; .. 0 I 1:- ~~~ - ~~0 ~~ ~~0 I oo Ll lo. 1 : .. o ,, .• PR!PAII[D BY ' -~ R&M CON~ULTA~Ts, iNc-: '""O•~~oJC•et~ ---·••c. .......... ,.. • ....... ... 'I 1 I I I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 980 cross section LAX 3 I ,, I I' "I" f I' I 1~---- I I --~~I --- 1: u oo I\ fJ I oo 11.~. ,I r-------,,,.,., --.;.. ... I I I I I \ I \ V\f ' oo 0 0 0 11.~ 1 ... l'l~ I ~~~0 I .. ~0 . 'I DIITANC E FROM LE,T .ANII IN FEET FIOUIII 4 .1 , / I J I I I ' !) .i1.0 1 'I . I ... , 'I •. - -. . • .. . l v-----• r- I /-, I . I -. .. -~---. : v~ : . . -. . . . . . : -. . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . -0 0 0 . oo : l'i~0,.t • ,'i~o .r ~~~0 • I ~~ l.. ; --------- OOL4fil1!Al·aa=l SUSirNA JOINr VENnllfE ~· ' ,, ' ' I ''' ,, 'I 1- 't"Jio., 1- ~~oo f- rt't l ' I \ 1- ~.,o I • .5 \ I t:. I \ I ~'!1., \ / -~ I \ ,' \ / -\ , ?'J,.,o \ / \ \/ 1- ?>J"'Io f-,ooo l.,oo I ;~~Q I '!1,~ I I'.'.' I ••~••aiE'n •• ~~~- R&M CON SULTANTS, INC. ••••.,.•••• cu n.n•·•'-~"' •••-•• •u•..,••o•• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I,, ,, 'I' ' /- ,' I ,~ v' ·ll 1t00 1 1 982 cross section LAX 3 " , , I' I' ,, I ' .,1 j_ , .. -:-, ~-----.r . oo I\~ I oo \'!; I ')0 I\.. I OlaTANCI f"OM LEfT lANK IN fliT FIOUIII 4 .1 I I oo oo 1\ti I .. 1\, ,I I I ·- I I 0 . .,oo I 0 1'1-~o I 'I ''I ': ..: I - - - ~ _, . - I I I - - -0 I'll~ I 0 1'1-~o I PIIE PAII E O F(Ui> M 'fo U<l"i16,\ •I'!!IJJa ... IIUL!J ii\l~w G......,.WI $USITNA JOINr VENTI/I" l Ji I I I 'I - ~~~ - ~~() t- ~~~ " _,. -~~' ,, -i~ I I I I l -' , 'J)~I, \ I ' I ' I -\ ~~() I \ I . v - ~,~ -,oflo " ~:~,'!I 1 lo. 1 c-'!· . I 'lt£PAII£0 8T ' ;2~ ·t===- R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •--•••• ••ot.o•••'• ...,,._... · .......... u_ 'I I ' \.\ I I \J t)~fl I I ,.~, •r SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 982 cross section LAX 2.3 " "I •T 'I r-.-r-.-r-.-r-p-[T 'I ' :.----' 'I r .........__ ----\.,~ ~~~1 v-\ r --, ,~,, ( ~:v T '{ .. I : v ' ~ I \}" lf~l • ~~~0 I a 1 .. "' 0 1 I . 0 1\~~ I a 1 .. • 0 1 a '1.~0 I DI ITAIICI r110111 &.lrT IAIIK Ill n!IT riGUill •• 4 a .. ~o I a i\~0 I ' 'I .. 'I ''I ~ . -. . . . . . . . ---: ---/ --~ -I ~/ ~----..,. -- "-' '-. __ / ' I -I I . v . -. - - - - 0 oO . oo a •l1 I ~~~ I •. • ~~~ ,...1_.._.._._ l,,o 1 PR(liiii[OFOII • G~DlW·f!M.~ff,'YJ SUSITNA JOI NT VENTU RE I I 'I,, ' I,, - ~~f) . - ~·~ ,_ I /' ,,,) 1- ~ , I ! I -\ i i;"~ I I .s \ I I I -' ~,o I \ j\ ' I \_t ' \ ( ;... ,, ~,_~ - ~,_a 1-~ , .... oa 0 0 ,,'!i I 19, I ,')~ , I i\)~ , I l'll[f'AR£0 8Y - ~.fiy)i R&M CONSULTANTS, INC, .... , .. ,, ... U I (U O CI•a•a ............ eve .. e .. o•& SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS ''I' , ' I ' " I 'v',..r-... '\ r" ,, ' 0 It~ . .1 ca l\1 I • 1 982 cross section LAX 2.! '. '.,.,..,.. I' ''I ., r ·,, ,' ", r~, I I v ' rJ " \.) \ .I - aO oa 0 1\"J '" I\~ I 11.~0 I OIITANCI IIIOif LEFT lANK IN PIIT , .. u11e •·• I ""-, .I v ... a a ,,.~ I 'I' \ \ \ \ ' \ ,.., ,, 0 ,.,\o I I I I ,, 'I' •. ... .. .. .. .. I ~ ... : ! ., .. .. I -~~,; . . . .. ~ -. . . . . . . . -. . . . -. .. .. .. .. .. ~ -. .. .. .. I ~ f)OQ Clf) -:. () !) .. l,~o ,, l,~o [')~ I. I')' I 1 ,, I PII£1'AII[D fOil DUU!A\·rE!MICI SUSITNA JOI NI' VEIWT11U ~· I I '''I I r- ~fJfJ r- rll ~ r,.l J 1-i'' \ 't-l \ .s I I ', I I I \ -I " ~~., I I ~-, ,__ _ _} I '-- -\: ~~0 r- f"'"'., r-~~~0 t••i;, I 0 '!) "· r. /;. 1 t9J .I ~0 11 ;a,A F'P 6.Aift •w ; . =~ ='"' ~~~-~~~~~~~ti~!!!! ... ~~=: SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 982 cross section LRX 2.1 'I ., 'I I I I 'I I ' I. '. I. " f'-, I ; / /1 I ..... .----' I\ I \..1 oo It~ .t _._,, oo I\' ,.t, ,, \ r ---, ' ' {\-• \ .. \ \i \ \ ~ ' \ ;' ' \,/~"" .... .' oo I\~ ,d. 1 oo t\' 'l '1 ,. oo oo L~"' .. l't~1J. OIITANC:I fiiOM LEfT .Alii( IN FEET PIOUIII 4.1 oo • l'l-1 .I ,j'\,/ ,11 I I I \ ~· : I ! oo h~ •. J_._ ' I I I - - - I I I \ i - I I '\J - I I - - -oo 0 0 ~,o ' ~~~0 I ~-·' 1' r•n.ra1n::o .-o•: DO~Mll!· ImJbls=l SUSI TNA JOINT VENTUIIE J rrrr ~~ ~~0 ( .. ~ [~o (,~ 1-o "J\0 !-.Jill 'I ~''" nO h~ ..• .. I \ I I l, 'R[PAIII[ D iT ' 'T -, I I ( I I oO l\~ .. t ~--=~ R&M CONS U :...7 ANTS, INC. ·--· ... D.DLOG •-.· • .__ ............. _. SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 'I 'I , .. ,.......,, rl -..........,, ' I oO l\~ .. t -~ oO l\~ .. t , I \ \ 'tt oO 1'1.~ ... ,, , I 1 980 cross section LAX 2 'I 'I , I r I , I , , ,/ v' , /·--r\ +Pl ' I \ I I 4 I oo 1'1.~ ... oO 1'1.~ ... oO It~ ... • DIITAIICI '110M LIJT eAIIIC Ill niT JIOUIII •• f I I ~ I J ' ' oo 1,~ .,, oo I')~ ... rp••• oO Ito~ .. , r I ; r:,O I ; • .t fTTTTfTTT ~ - - - - .... - - - I oO r oO ti ~ "I I Il l •• ' I ". I .1_._ ,II[I'AIItD -F•.fi C~OU:·~&.uta SUSITNA J:J/fiT VEffnJM I .e I I .I I " "I''" " "I " 1-I ~\0 I 1- ~ .. ~ I /1 r- I \ :' ~·i ~.,o :-I _.-- 1\ I ~~~ I I 1-v ~~0 1- --l - ~;,;o -,\o '!> .. :~ I lo. 1 PR[f'loii[O "' =>~ j , I ' I "-' .. t t R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •--.••• ••a.._..,. .. ,. •to •-•• ........ ,.o•• !I I ~ \. .~0 I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS " I 'I /' I ' :-----;'-.J •• ~0 0 \'1,0 I I ' 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 2 'In "l '' 'I __..... .... "\ \ I \ I I , ' I I I \ ' / -........, , .. I 0 1\fJO I 0 .... () I 0 ~ .. ~0 r DIITANCE FIIOM LIFT eAIIIC IN FEET FIIUIII 4 ,1 '' 'I l I I I l I I I i ,t; /\ I I I I \J ' I I 0 oO I'I.~O I ' 'J.~ I " • I I' 'I ,, I " 'J 'I '.--.. I - I ---·------,----- - I I .. • ... • . • . • 1 • • • ... • . • . . . . -I . . . . .., ~ • - • 0 oo 0 oO ~ ,~o 1')~, I •l, ,~ .. . I • . f'K(f'lolltO FOil DrlblW·Sit~~i SIJSITNA JOINT lll lfTIJIH ! Ji I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 984 cross section LRX 98.0 I 'I' ! I ., I I I I I 'I I I' I' I 'I I I' ''· ~ I - ~ ; -~ ~ : : . -~ ~ : ~ . : ~ - .~ : ? • . ~ N ~ ~ ~~0 I f\-/ r-r-'-~ r--'V_L\ r I , ~ VI~U VJ l '"---I vv ~ --: \:0 \ = _).. ~-----l.!\ ~ ~~ 1\f~ . v " y :~0 v ~J - v --~~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-1 1. I ~~I I\'C j_ t~ I 1\'j; I I\~ I \ti I t,~ I i'lo~ I, i'lo~ I '~~ ',. .~'? I 'ti I ,I,~ I I'REP•IItEO q r ~r .. IITANCl FROM LIPT .Atilt tel PIET ,.GUill 4.1 I'IIEPA R!O FOil • .f&liii ._i:_:::iNs:::·::"U~L.;:':~:A~N~T:::S~,==:-:,N~C:".~ .......... ~. L. YO. ............ • ....... o •• mlbJf~~tt!·!llaiCI WSITfiA JOINr VIIIWII. 'I 'I I I - ~,a - 1) .. ~ ~ ~.,a I r--, I ,_ \ '\ I , -'\ ,r,./ ~'o,f) I I I I .!: \ ' I I- 'i•l "" .. I I .._ ~,., - ~,a -~ ~ ... !.)() I.~O I lt~0 I ,.t: 1~. ,I ~·~· P'it[iiiiltD-iiY ;=~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .... ~ .. •••• eto,oo•••• ~ ............. ., .. .,••o•• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I' , I " ---- ~~ i•:< I 1 9 8 2 cross section lRX 1.2 ,, 'I ,, " I"· • • I' . I ' " "'""" I I \ ~ ': \ ' a a \ fO I --1', ~ I I I v I I v ............ \} _,.., .. .. ' v' ctl 1'1-c t • ao 1'&.~ I , ao 1'/,~ I , DISTANCE F"OIII LEFT •ANIC IN FilET FIOU"I 4.10 I I ~... I I i vv " '\ I \ I I • '. \ I , I I I ll a 1~"'0 1 a ~~~0 I I I I -\! I I 1""4 a it-~0 ' I I I 'I 1 . ~ ~ . : : - : - - - - -ao oa ao ..~', I • It-~ ,l u ~~~u_l • ----·------- 1111118918 R~Dii\r-:.l'iol~ IIIJWtilliW·~~Il.'Jil!/ SU:S,NA JOINT VENTUif£ SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 1.1 ryrr '"P' 'J r J r .. , 'ITT 'I '• r J , .... , '1''''1''''1 'T I\ It"'\. /1---l-.. ,~ 1'1 1.. , r--l-/ "--{------\ I I TT I I I \ /\,( ! ~I\ 1.; ' I I 11' ,, I --_...... I" \' ,j I-... ~()0 ~~ F.·"· .I lo .. o~ .... h~~ .. "I[PAREO 8Y ~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. ..... 10o•• • .,. C'if o, uo•••• • .. •-•-e u•w••u•e \ I \ ,' '1'-1 ,, 1/ I I 0 l 0 f:Jl 0o .,o ~o 1~ •••••••. t ••• l ••• , \ •••••••• , ..... ao h~ ... oO l ao h.~ .. I LLLL ~ .. I DIITANCI PltOII LEFT •ANI! IN PIIT fiGURE •• t t ao 1 .. 1 ... \/ 1'"''--, ao b~ ... oo h~ ... fTTTTT I • ' I • I ''· - - - I t-r\ J- I I I ' I oO h~ ... 1 I : I -~t - - - .. ~oo ~~~······· ~II[I'ARtD FOil • C~!m1ZA\·- sus/TNA JOIN1 VlN1Uitl J E I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS ' "I " ' I " I' ,, "'I ,., "I " I , • ,• 'I ,, - ~ .. ~ I 1- ~.l 1-\ ~~' ... ~, I " 1 ,/ 1-I " I ~~Q \ / I / I I \ I -I / ~,, I I I \ , I 1-I ~,a l I I I ~ [/ 1- ~--~ -"() () . ()() ()() ()() ~ .,a ' -~~i) I " I .. , 1~, L It~ 1. " I\,;, I l\ti I ___ .., .. ·•~ r ..., ... , -c5"t~'"'" -= . - R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ........ ~ • ""' v• o,oa•••• ~·-••• ........... , ... 1 9 8 0 cross section LAX 1 " I • • I,, '"I' , ... ~/ , _, ( \... .......... ..... " I ' i ': l, : I ', ()() .... ~ .. a a al\-~..( LLL aO li!-, ••• DIIToUICa FIIOM LEFT aAMit .. naT FIOUIIa 4 . t I ,, I • ,• 'I ,, ''I r----..1 :'--, I -J I ...... , l.. .... \) ' : q ., ,, \ ()() () "() _,tf_ ')~ I '-'·-cl. I . :, .. I .• 'I"" ·' 'I '' ''''I''''· - I - , -I I I / . -. , , .. -. -: - . - -() ()() () .. ~(J I l(e"0 1 p\1 I .· PR~PAIIED .-0111 [~Jl--~~i SUS ITNA JOINT IIJJtrl/ltf. l SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 2 cross section LAX 1 , 1 • • 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Trrp • • • • 1 1 1 1 • 1 • • 1 1 1 • 1 • • ' .-~, • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 , 1 1 1 ,~ 1 , , I 1 1 1 , ~ , 1 , 1 1 1 1 , , I' , 1 , I I I I I -: ~ l ~--------~----------~--------~----------+---------~----------~--------~----------~----------+---------~.----------4----------1 -------------:----------------------i I [.~ (~\ ;''\ ~ rr-~,~ ,. \• (''"' ,,.........., ·~ ,.----' I I ,..---"1 I b, :rr \/ IN;: 1 ,r I - l 'i I I I - s~ 1 II I ~ I I + "~i I I -t : ~,) I I L;f .. •I r--rv ' I I \/ c .. il ~rt K~~ t,~ I-,f:l()t, ~ ~ 1~ .. d , l f llt' .. ,IEPARED e v ~. I II ' L I I I I v uL I I / ofl tlud ~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC~ .... ,.,.... ••o\OG•••• •• .......... • ........ •u•• oo 'I"•~" I f:l~ h~ .. l oa .1'1-~ .. 1 ~f) h~lll I I L oo h~Ltl_ OIST-'MC E ffiOM LEFT 8-'NIC IN f'EET FIOURIE 4 .13 oo lif_L_d \ : I I t ·I II ~ oo h~ ... oo ~~~ ... ao I~~ 1 LlLu - - - - ... a I ~o tl" r • l~LL>L .... 1;',.! I PREPARED FO R l'.n li\lfi}~ e.. {;;7 •.~~11\lA U IILAIW~ f,.::.l; .. '""l·,a,~IJ SVStrNA JOirt T \'fl> TURE l = .. 0 ~ .!! w ~· I I I I r- f":,"o 1- 'F"l 1- ~~0 r- F"J..,., rJ\ \ ~----1 ~")0 1-\ I ~~ r- \v ~,o -'., ~' oo ~~0 I ~~0 I )i I lo, I . - ==~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC, , ... "',.._•••• o•a ~atn•'• ~ .... .,, ... ., •t.~••••o•• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I I'\. 1\ v ~ oo i\1: I 1 984 cross section LAX 97.1 , I /:1 I ~:P I\~ I " "I ' I I fv ~ vv ~ ()() () 0 l•c;) l.,~o 1 1'1-~ I , 1',. I DIITANCE FROM LEFT aANIC IN FEET FIOUIIE 4 .14 I ~ v ()0 I ':>~ I I ~ oO 1 '>~ I I I I I ·. - -. - - I {)! - \ - \j - - - 0 0 0 () t t l .. ~() I :~'1,0 I . I ,- PRE i"AREO f'OII • 00!4Wlll·!MM® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE f.' I I I I r r-... ~ ~· f- ~ .. () f- P'J~~ .E \ ~ r-If\ I ~~() I ~ /1 II • I ~ l v I I \ / ,;-J I -I I ~,_~ \ I i w :._ I ~,o r- ~,~ f-() ~,.,.ao ~~() I lt~0 I t._" I 10, I PRtPAREO 8 Y ~ ~~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ..... •-•••• ~·o~oo•·.• ... ·-•• •'"'•"' .... u•• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 982 cross section LAX 0 .9 .. I • ''I I I I ! I I I I /'\, . .,..,... ... ' ,' ... _ r-~ ., )\ / \r,, \"~' v I ' I ~I ' \ I I .....,.. 1\ /\/\!I \.,/ I \/ '( I I I I I I I I I I I -· ()() 0() ao oO 0 0 aO !\,_: I i'l~ I I 1'1-~" I , ... ~ I I l'l,~fj , I ~~~() I .. r:.b .a -. --. -----. ------·---· ---- FtGUIII 4.11 . I ' I ' I' I I - -. - I I I ! ~ t [I~ - rf' f', I I I -\j I I ' --• . ' I . I I j I -. i I I I I - -oo oo () oO to~. I I~~ I ~a I .~~ I .u" PR£PAREO f OR ' OObJffllLr~· !lli.U~D SUSI TN A. JOINT VENrU#IE ~· I I I I I f- ~ .. fj f- ~ .. o - ~,..,~ -I -1 {\ ~"Jo , .. , I r---I .r .5 I IIi ) I I II I IJ r-I / \I I ~,fj \ I I \ I , I -\I ~,o I - Jt;'fj -0 0 r;§l "J\0 ~~ll C.U:· 1 I • It 1 ()~ I • 0 1~0 1 PR[PARE-0 BY 0 ~-== R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ..... ,....... C>IO...OG •Ifl -··-·· I OI•"'t ~U"' I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 982 cross section LAX 0.8 , I 'I I I I rr I I '-11 (' .. /I r-----' \ -·· \ I I I I \ I I I 1 I ~ ofl !) . i'l.~0 1 \~ I I I ( I I~ I I I \ : I I V\ I--\ f I k,l I ' I I 1\ 1 I I : I I \1 \!I \ I ~ I . ~~ I I I \ J' ,_ I I I !) 1,~o 1 0 .,~o • 0 ~~0 I DleTAitCE FIIOM LEFT lANK IN FEET FIQUIIE 4,te 0 .. "?~ I 0 ~~0 I I "' / ~ ,.. .. ~. oo (p~. I l I I 'I I I I •. - I I - I I I ' I - I I ------:.-f - I ~ I I II - li I : I ' -' i i l I - -~Q() ~r:::O 0 .~~ I ~~, I , 1', 00 0 I Pl'i ~I'.\R£0 fOii (c r-fij)'fM\ ~rma~ ,_-~-J~lJ·~t'JJAJ·J;IIJMNIWe' ~i.'~l TNA JOINT VINTIItlf ~· I I I I I I r r, .. fl ,_ I ~~ I I - ~~Q ----· t / 1 - ~,~ , L' I I I .E ,J:', ! 1/ ' , ' I I -\_ I ~,,,fl I I I \ I I I r-\ r,' ... [\,' 1- ~,a r-a\:F' . ~~0 I 0 . ~ .. t-,; I I~ I ~~~ I I'R[PAREO BY ~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. •-.o•""•• •11 AI Eh Or••• •• ·~ ............ ..,.,_,. •Da11 SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURV E YS I (/ l I I / I \ \{" oo l\'1, I 1 982 cross section LAX 0.7 I I I I I I I r "' 1,)"' ,/ ~ I ', ,' ' ' / \ v 1 ', I 1'----'' I I / I v aO I • 0 oO I\~ I co .I ' I i.,~o 1 1 '1-~ I DISTANCE F'AOM LEFT IIANK IN FEET FtOUAE 4 .H I \ \ \ _, \ \ I \ ' Q I"J~O I I ' I I : I I I 1 ,J 1,) t~~o 1 I I ' I I - - - -i J ', ' --\ /\ { ' I ""'' I I \ t \ I \~ I \ I 1. \......_ I - - - - 0 Q a a ,~~0 I . .,.~o I t-~0 I ~~'I,O I ,· __ ,..,.,_ .... .-.... no . DfiO~·!mJ~® SUl ·:N~ JOINT VENTUitE l s g ::0 D ~ iii I I r- ?10 - ~">'> - ~,._,o - ~'1-'J 1i I I~ 1-lr ~--- ~'1-!;j r-v\ ~,'> - ~to;,'o 1-'> () ".1\0 () / _l .~ .1 PREPARED BY · ~7 ~-~ ' I iVl '\...--" ~ I 0 I \>0 I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •-•,..•••.. c.•~oo •• r• ..... -•• ......... •t~•• I Al1 ~ v~ L./ oo i•/~ I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I I ~hi lj \j y oo 1\10 I r:P l'l_'b .l 1 9 8 4 cross section LAX 9 5 . 9 ) v I I I I !\--IV\) w ~~ "'J 0 0 oo l'l-~() I ltt-~0 I i')~ •• DISTANCE fiiON LEFT •ANIC IN fEET fiQUIIE ..... \ ~0 I :·.·, I I I __ (\ ~~~ lJ v 0 oo i"t _l t (: I I I I - I - ~ ..-{n II: r---1 ~ v v - I - I I I - I - 0 , oo 0 t_l I'Lo 1 ~~--0 I ,· ~ REP•RE --- ootllm·t:•;~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~ t~~ [~o t~~ l ~ =~ fr~ iil ~' (,o to~ rr '"'T rr f, 1.1\ n 1 ~ :\;( \ A I I ): I 1 \ I ',I v 'I I 1 I h ; 1'0 ~ r~~~~~ .... loll ,J,,, I I -~~ I I I '111,~~0.! ''" :,1~0.1 ,R(PAI'ED IT ~ -~·="7:'~­R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. •••CU.._.... o•oLOOo••• •• .... .._, t • ... .,..., ...... 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'I I oo l~~. d 'I 'I - - . - I - I - I - I I - -1~~0~. L_._u 1t~~0• 1 , , , ,· PR[PAIUO f'Oii ; DUA\~!A\·fE~® SfJSirNA JOINT VENTU,.E SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 4 cross section LAX 91.8 '' ' '' I'' ' ': '.''I '' ''I' .. ' I'' '' I "''1 '=1=1"""" r .~,TTrf r I rrnl lrTT'Tif JTTT"I r I rT'T101'. "T" .. , ••• 'I' 'T"' ... ' , ... ' i i ! _ _L _ _L I I I' _I _ I 1__.-----i I : : LJ I ' I I ,., ; ~ : /'\ ~ ..-.'· ·--I -! T !' I)-J --T-~LYLJL\1 ~3._ ·-ch~lgL I ~ I I ~~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC, ..... ,....... '~~'~'0 L U'I 1 .,_ f • -~ ......... ~. • .... 'W .'Ioll•e I I ·-+-· ·· 1 + , _ _L___j __ .._l ---t I I I I DISTANCE FROM LEfT 8ANK IN fEET FICIUIIE 4 .H I I I I I I I ---1-I I I I . DDbllfJ7lljJ·~O SUSITNA JOINT VENTUifE -I . . T , I -. ! .. t., t-.ro\o ,. '!I .. ·.,I lo .. ,, PREPAii(.O e'i·i ~ oo ,['} ... 1 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC • ..... G•-.••-•••'-a• .. •• •• ........... .~,~ • .., ...... . I oo ~.'.I I I oo ~ .... SUSITN.A. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I '' I oO I oo I oO J oo I oo -t: '.) " ' ·~ l\tttlttlt \tttltttl ... ,..t •••• , ..... ; .. l'l-.... 1 DIITAMCI fiiiiOII LIFT 8AMK IN tEET ,IOUIIIII 4 .11 -! T I ~ - I I I I I - I I I ' I - o<> o0 o0 1 o0 · o0 I I ' ' '\ ~ ~ v ~ I"J.. I I I 't I I 'ill I' t. II I I 1~. I I I I I I I J'). I I(. I I I 1'} ... I -I'II[P&IIEO FOil • CU~·ff&.UU SIJSITNA JOINT VENJVIfE I .I I SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 0 8 4 cross section LAX 8 7. 7 I I I 'I I 'I fTT"1 I 1''''1''''• ''I . '"T'" - f/~ 1," ···-- -LIJ ~0 - fi.'fo nn A ~ --f----·--vv I -~.-r~ ...,,o I ·--1 • 1'\ / ~ lrv v i-~/' .... ~ - ~~ v - I r I. 1---t-~'\() ~ rtfo ·---·-·- -.,ooo oo oo ,.;,,; I I ~ ... I r\~ 1 .II t! .I I'R€1'AIIIEO 8 . ~-· A&M CC I\JSULTANT&, tNC. ·-··.. s.•. . . ., ........... ._ .... _. I ~~--7 '~I ·- ---· .I lt~0 I rt~0 1 --+- . -----· ao I\C'i· . '• cl oO \,; I oO \tl I DIITANCE ffiOM LEfT .AMil 1M fElT fiGUIII 4.11 - ---·· --·- oo I\~ I oo 1\ •. l Cll I I I ' I" J . . . -. --r---·--: I . . . I -. . _1._. __ . . ·- - : - RB .. 11..: •= I __ ,_.; ·----,·-·--I : N~ ·----'--------I I : r--· w~, f-·--·- --L---- -oo 0 oo 0 l~~-J , , r?,"r 0 1 l1,~ t l.,,o 1 ,: PREPAHED f'O • OO§'jff~~~-~~ SUS / TIN>. JO tNr V ENfUifE " , I • ''I ,, ,, 'I '' " " I !- if.'., -LB ~,a ~ ~ ~ ~'\41 1 I l v !- ~~0 ~--- ~' .s - s,•~ \ I -v ~·0 - 'J,fJ41 -~ot;a 0 D '!.,,; t, 0, I , '1,~ I • ~~-.. l I'IIIE I'AIIE D 1Y ' ~--· R&M CONSULTANTS, INC • ... ,. ... •••• •••~•d•••• •L Ill!""._'"' au•"'' •o•• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1 9 8 4 cross section LAX 8 6.3 I 'I -! ----r v- / / Itt I D It~. I , I I I I ~ ~ :,__ ___ ~ 0 li I 0 1'1. 'J,fi I. D ... .. ~ I DIITANCE FIIOM LIFT OAIIIC Ill reET FICIIUIII 4.11 'I 'I ------; ""' 0 0 ()0 ... •o • \ ti I • 'I 'I I ,, 'I - - ... 4 RB Jl I ---------...... """ ~ -~ ~ l • - - - - - ··- - D 0 0 0 .,~o ' 1"-'r0 1 .,~o ,,o I • I I'IIEI'AIIi:O fOIII Dflblm·IE~!!l , SUS/TNA JOINF IIENTVII£ ~· I . 'I I I I"" Jl,'\~ -LB (\[ 1-"0 L"l. v ~ -I ...,,~ I l 0 v - "" 1..>4 .s ~ I"" 11 ~fJ~ I r- ~a - ~ .. ~ 1-.,o~a I .. ~O I. a '1.,11 I 0, I ~·~ I . l'tllEI'&UD li ~ A&M CONSULTANTS, INC • ._._.... ••~ou•••'\ .... _... •w•o,;••••• SUSITNA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS I 1'--:t~ u ao \'1. I,, 1 984 cross section LAX 84.6 I • /\tJ I 0 l•lt 'I ,, I ,, , ' ' I " ~AI-v / u " I t I .AI 7 oO 0 . oa !1,~ I "• [1.~0 , I i'l-' ,1. DIITAMCI il'ltOM LEH BAN. IN FliT ,..u ... 4 .21 " I ' /"~ IJ ao li~ I I'" I'" ~ ~ II oO itft ........ " I ' , ' ''I •" I " I' I ''• - RB - ~I/ h - v ------ \ \ ) - 1\ - - -0 0 a ao .. ~~ I .. ~a I .. ~a I :"~ • I , • •. ,..[I'&•E D FO I ~{lbllfJ~·~D SUSI TNA JOINT V£Nrurtf Incfigded in this appendix are summarized field noZas for th~e 1984 cross-section surveys, a glossary of abbreviated terms, and a: list of vertical b~~~~lwasks estabii~t~ed at each cvs~$-sectSon AtCAP 2" Aluminum Gap set on a 518" rebar with erossl-section identif icatiatl marking. 0 ANGk PT - Angle poislt in hori~ontai alignment marked by a 5/8" reba ii* . BRK -B~*eak in slope F. VEG - Edge of vegetation ~s -.. Ground shot cn even slope R~V B~3-f' -Eieva"l~n in strbnrergud channel R20/7a 103 R&M CONSULTANTS TEMPORARY BENCIIMARI<S ESTABLIStiED FOR 1984 LOWER RIVER CROSS-SECTIONS Honyment Description I dent if icat ion H&H Reb~r Bt Afcap, left b~nk ~ RM 84.6 LRX 811.6 1.8 R&M Rebar & Atcap, right bank @ RM 84 .6 LRX 84.6 RB R&H Rebar & Afcap, left bank@ RH 86.3 LBX 86.3 LB R&H ~ebar & Atcap , right bank@ RM 86 .3 LRX 86.3 RB R&M ~ebar & Alcap, l ef t bank@ RM 87.7 LRX 67 .7 LB B&M Rebar & Alcap , r•ght bank@ RM 87.7 LRX 6 'f. 7 RB R&M Rebar & Alc~p. l e ft bank @ RM 90.6 LRX 90.6 LB R&H Rebar & Alcap, right bank@ RM 90.6 LRX 90.fi RB R~H Rebar & Alcap, left bank@ RM 91.8 LRX 91.8 1.8 R&M ~ebar & Alcap, right bank@ RM 91.8 LRX 91.8 RB R&M Rebar & Alcap, left bank@ RM 93.1 LHX 93.1 LB R&H Rebar & Alcap, ri~ht bank@ RM 93.1 LRX 93.1 R8 R&M Rebar & Alcap , left bank @ RH 95.9 LRX 13 R&H Reba r & Alcap, right ba nk@ RH 95.9 LRX 95.9 RB R&H Rebar & Alcap, ieft bank Q RM 97.1 LRX -1 R&M Rebar & Alcap, right bank@ RM 97.1 LRX 97.1 RB R&H Rebar & Alcap, left bank @ RM 98.u LRX 98.0 LB R&M Rebar & Alcap, right ban~@ RM 96.0 LRX 98.0 RB E tevat ion 270.56 269.69 279.83 21'f.09 290.85 283 .67 296 .93 293.96 305.34 3011.47 313.96 316.79 330.54 333.27 3 36. 33 3110.97 3114 .07 343.57 :::OiNT 1··-···· .. 1··:···>''''"• . . '\ ,···, < .. I. :~.) . 4 .. ··.::· ·--·' f. . .... ·17 . 8 'i 1 0 111 12 1 :,•, ~~~ 16 ·It·~ : :J. B 1,. '/ ' . 0 ·I··· :~1 . ·:;•:; ( ... ( ... ·::•t.. '·-'-' 1 :.~·/ :-. ':) ~:.( '-· ·- . ·:)C• ··-.' 40 1.,., · ... -.! •••• . ·;.:.:.:.) ::nyn Ti'IA HYlHi: ()C;.:r~•f'HI C :::U!:O '--'F: 'f \:; c~nss section LRX 08 .U Date oF ~uruev: SEPTE MBER 28. 1Y84 , X'. 0. (iii() '':'1:;;. :::; 0 II r::.4, () tl ll '/4. OOll '7!3. ()(I (l (;>;,:;. 1}0 () 1 t :~.~ . () (J 0 142.000 1.60.000 1?4.00() tBO.OOO ·I~n. oor: tBH.OO\l c:2:?. (I!)() 3o?;.ono j!:i'/. l.i 1) 0 4()'/ 0 () (J 4'/l.O!J(r ~;;!.'!. n ;J o ~-'.: ~; ::~: • I) (l i) ~:j'lb. 000 600 .!)01.) .-:,;:?.o . o !l o l .. ! ~~ '.~) . 0 (I iJ -~14:.'!. 0 () ll 6'7'/.llCIO .. ,~_:_~,_~ . o u n '?6'1..1)0('1 ?9·t .. onn B~.:;·:;. !i lJ ;J 'fo::;. no o <iil ;;;: . (! 0 0 100 ~3.000 tOH).OOO tiJ -~5. 0 () 0 1076 .000 1' 1 2::~ , !:Pi 0 tt 60. OOH 11. ·:,;o;;~ ' 0 I) 0 1. ;;:· ;::: :~~ 0 1) 0 1::.:::,:;? !!00 1 ?41 . 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GOO. 4?4.000 503.000 540.000 56t.nno ~99.000 626.000 631.000 6l?.oon. b?5,000 721.000 738.000 ??6.000 812.000 a2J.ooo 849.ll00 812.000 903.800 940.00Q 980.000 103~.00ft 1080.000 1"110.800 111~.000 1117 .000 1123.900 1132 .000 113:';;.000 tt~9.00fJ 1209 .000 1213.000 12/,0.000 CROSS-SECTlON PtOT SUStTN'A HYDROCRAPH1C SlJRO(Y~ 19~4 cross· se.-: t ion l.RX 90 . .t, 'Y' --------·--------------·-"'-·- 241'f, . 9 (I 0 ALCAr LP.X Rl't 90.6 29.~.b00 TOP 294. :!11.0 TOE 295 ,:too 9RK 29J.?Qf) L EOW 29t.slo fUV £io1· 28~.~·, RTV BOT 284.51'0 RIV POT 281.1,00 ~IV BOT 287.60. RJV BOT 290.500 RiV tcOT 291.510 RIV fCOT 2?1.700 RIV (lOT 292 .. 400 RIV tfOT 29:!.7()0 RJV BOT 29~.600 R EOW 294.~00 GS 295;400 f.t'Rt< 296.300 GS 295. too TOP 293.300 L .-:ow 290 .6011 R-IV 8QT 290.41)0 Ri:V tOT 291.580 RJtJ ICOT 291.200 P.lV BOT 290.200 RIV EcOT 291.200 RTV fiOT 2 .92.600 RlV BOT 293.200 Rl'J BOT 29J. :~on P. 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RJV BOT 290.500 RiV tcOT 291.510 RIV fCOT 2?1.700 RIV (lOT 292 .. 400 RIV tfOT 29:!.7()0 RJV BOT 29~.600 R EOW 294.~00 GS 295;400 f.t'Rt< 296.300 GS 295. too TOP 293.300 L .-:ow 290 .6011 R-IV 8QT 290.41)0 Ri:V tOT 291.580 RJtJ ICOT 291.200 P.lV BOT 290.200 RIV EcOT 291.200 RTV fiOT 2 .92.600 RlV BOT 293.200 Rl'J BOT 29J. :~on P. EOW 293.900 f''l:'· ·•·> & 1.. £()1..1 292 .611Q RltJ 90T 290.10(1 RJV fCOT 299.100 RlV BOT 266. 7JU) RJ~ SOT 290.900 RJV BOT 29i.60B R r::ot.~ 29'7.200 TOF) 296.900 Afi'G PT 1 296 . Mtn TOP 295.?00 TO F.: 295.f'on GS 29~.980 TO F.: 296.~t00 n1P 297.:?.00 f;!l tOb 3:!7 f .. o IJ n ;~~5. 'iOJ P iV BOl 4n t29EL 000 29~.4(ln cc .. ... ., 1329 .000 2~b.9no l;!l •e 1162.1 on 2.9':'. 10 0 POl.. 1 49 13?1.000 297.000 TO.P ""IJ tJ75.nnn 293.680 l. EllW ·~·· St 1'383. 000 291.5Jl0 RtV BOT 52 t .392. eon ;:~91 . ~1)0 RIIJ f:COT .5:s 1412.000 291.1'100 PTV BOT .·54 1431LOOO ?.9~.~100 IH'J BOT " .. 1443 .001 293.60(\ F .:nw 5~ 5t. 1469.000 2Q4,410 liP. I' •si' t54b .OOO 295.000 r.s 5S 1'599.000 ::~~~s . ~.n n [cFIK 59 tbJt.oon 295.100 TOP 61) tNS9. noll ::!9 ']' '51 f) l r:ow .61 16?0.000 293.000 I..W PT b2 1~?9.f)QQ 29~. Sftf.\ P. £OW . l?J 1'726 .. 0.08 i!?4.70il ftRK .. 64 t"Jb.4. 000 ~93.5011 L r:ow 65 1800.000 :?.92.'?00 I.,.W PT 66 !Ill~' 000 293.510 tt ,f-:OW .6'7 1845.000 294 .501) TO"P ~8 1861.000 ;~91. !500 ~RK 69 t899.000 294, ?flO r;s •'~ 1933.000 294.100 ItRK ?t 1958.000 294 .700 ltRK ?2 1986.800 29~.'700 f(RK ?J 2810.000 294 .300 BP.K •:-'4 2021. f)"Qfl 293.800 GS ?~; ?.0]1.000 292.'?00 8RK ?b 20A1.nnn 295.21}1) (.~S e77 2119.000 29,; ~)00 TOP ~f3 2tl8.ROI) 29~.?1)0 TOE ?9 2162.00tJ 293.900 Gf.; .on 2109 .. 000 293.t.on H1E ,.,91 2202.000 294.b00 1'0•' 92 22~3.bftl) ?.~ .. 'anr. POl .. 2 ~3 2285.000 29:J ' 9(t0 TOP •A4 22~"'.008 ::.!9::! ',..,, TflE !)':) 2323.000 292.40(l l!.Rt< St. 2343 ,'0()0 i.!91 ',,f) f) TOE WJ? 235(t.00P 294. o••o ·rrw 9ft 2469.000 2915 .000 f{[~l( 3(;1 24?9.0110 294.000 r.n 90 2590.000 294 . '!Oil TOP ~t 2602.l'll0 ~92. ;:,oo TOF. 92 263/, . on, 29~ .200 (.~~~ 9 :J 2&80.0CJO 292.1tl0 [cRK ., .. 2?t?.OQD ~?91 . 400 TOE Qc:· ' ,J 2?51.000 292.40fl TOP ~b 291'5. IHlO :.'!92, ~ llO ,.., .. • .'l '\.1 c>? 2912 .000 290.'700 f;S •• 98 29b8.400 ~~~·n. 7nn POL ::; 99 2995.000 2~?. ~;oo L EOW 100 30t:.1.0f)n 2Bfl. t~O 0 RPJ Htn ~-Ot 3042.000 ;~H9. 400 ~PJ ltOT tO?. 3078.000 :.?98' (ll)f) Rl'.' ~OT 1 o :.1 3112.01)0 289' 100 PJV ~OT •104 3161.000 ~~A?. 21)0 Rl'J (tOT 105 1215 .000 ~~,:)7. eon R l\) BOT • t'29~. 00,0 ... -· '. '"• 4n ;~·~. -4fl0 cc ... -~:~ 1329.000 29b .qoo •;s 1162.1110 ~9':'. tt, POl.. t 49 13?1.000 2~1. oon TOP .. 51) t375.1lf)n :.!9 '3 i 60fl l. F0'-1 1s1 1383.000 291.51l0 RIV BOT ·52 1392.10., 2 91 .?.1)1) RIV rmT 5 :~ 1412 .008 291. fl0 -0 Pl\J tcOT ~~~ 14:,l0.110 ::!92.'. :100 ~:[•J BOT t443.noa 293. !:;1)(\ F EOW 5 b 14~9.000 2'~4 . 410 f.IRK 15'7 15'46. ono 29~.nno GS ·-se 1599.01)0 ~·?s . .t.on (C~K 59 t6Jt.Oon 29~.tlt0 TOP 60 1659.01)1t ~-9 ~1. 51ft L r :ow lb:t 16?0 .000 2 93.000 t.W PT 62 u.19. f)QQ 29~ .su P. EClW ~3 1726.000 i!-94 .7011 tcRK 164 17lt4.800 ~93 .501) L EOW ~~-1800 .000 ~92.701 t,.W; PT t:.n un~·. ooo 29J.sto. • EOW b'7 18~!;.000 294 .500 TOP l6e 1861.008 ;.~9l. !50 n 9RK . 69 1899.000 294. ?ll'R GS 70 1933.000 2C?4 .1 00 F.eRi< . I'• 19~8.&00 294.?00 tcR~ . 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HOT teLl Jt12.000 2ea .1 oo P l V BOT 104 3161.000 ~~A7, 200 Rl• .. • FQT .Jo5 3 ~15 .000 ~~e7 .eon RIV 80T ·I '32?t;;oon - J3t9.flOO 33-6?. onn J~Ob, OltO 3·~2.1JOG 348l.eio ~SII .OfJtt 3SI7.000 3St6.401 surf'~c• d•t•: 65.000 503.00ft bJL 800 631.00.0 8?2.000 911 -~. 000 ?0].000 1114.000 137!;,000 J.~?5.010 t~~J ... OO 1659.080 1659.00t'l 1679. eo·o 1?b4.000 176~.,,0 1835.000 ~99'5.080 2995.000 3507 ;000 0. OOiO 3516.40\0 -l•xi"u" 'X' seal•·: 1" = ~02 "••i"u" 'Y' sc•l• : tM ~ ~ --~~~.'7(1J :?.8~.800 294.1)00 2?9 .60(1 ~79.200 2e..-.~lln :!8?.?00 289 . "~'lf'l ~q4.110't 29~ .?-on 29'1.600 n .OOII ~9 ~3 .3.0 293 .31)0 o.nno 2.91 . J,cro 293.600 11 .1)0" 293.61)0 293.bl0 _ t). ttOI 293.~08 ~3 .51Q 11.000 29"3.581) 29~.500 O.BOI 299 .~00 289.?01 2'18 .:1.00 29?.:?0, i'lV BOJ R!V lOT P. 1'-J Jiot RJV I:COT RtV IfOT RJV BOT RIV tcOT R ~ow At. CAP l p ·:< L. E:OW R £OW l t:::ow R EOW I. ~::ow R f.GW l EOW R EOW L EOW P. F. OW l EOW ' EOW I. EOW (fGr 8.5 by 11 for"~t) (for 1L~'i b., tt ftr-.. itt) P-H 9f),(; '32?t;;oon - J3t9.flOO 33-6?. onn J~Ob, OltO 3·~2.1JOG 348l.eio ~SII .OfJtt 3SI7.000 3St6.401 surf'~c• d•t•: 65.000 503.00ft bJL 800 631.00.0 8?2.000 911 -~. 000 ?0].000 1114.000 137!;,000 J.~?5.010 t~~J ... OO 1659.080 1659.00t'l 1679. eo·o 1?b4.000 176~.,,0 1835.000 ~99'5.080 2995.000 3507 ;000 0. OOiO 3516.40\0 -l•xi"u" 'X' seal•·: 1" = ~02 "••i"u" 'Y' sc•l• : tM ~ ~ --~~~.'7(1J :?.8~.800 294.1)00 2?9 .60(1 ~79.200 2e..-.~lln :!8?.?00 289 . "~'lf'l ~q4.110't 29~ .?-on 29'1.600 n .OOII ~9 ~3 .3.0 293 .31)0 o.nno 2.91 . J,cro 293.600 11 .1)0" 293.61)0 293.bl0 _ t). ttOI 293.~08 ~3 .51Q 11.000 29"3.581) 29~.500 O.BOI 299 .~00 289.?01 2'18 .:1.00 29?.:?0, i'lV BOJ R!V lOT P. 1'-J Jiot RJV I:COT RtV IfOT RJV BOT RIV tcOT R ~ow At. CAP l p ·:< L. E:OW R £OW l t:::ow R EOW I. ~::ow R f.GW l EOW R EOW L EOW P. F. OW l EOW ' EOW I. EOW (fGr 8.5 by 11 for"~t) (for 1L~'i b., tt ftr-.. itt) P-H 9f),(; ·t· ········~--»~·········~·****~* I I .1 .......... .. ~~;:~ o ~=;s ... , ~) ·--::~ 1 .. ' '~ .. · l ' . ' .I :1~ ·: .1· ~--. ... 16 .1·· :_::~ "! . .~ • .•• 1. ';.' -~:~:·! •.;.r·. ' '···'· l .. c:_,.:~ ..... .::.: ·~· :::.t::. Jfl .131 ,"l J"''• .... •I ••. ·::r··, ,) .. I · 'X' I}, fl (i!) ;_; • I) 0 f) -~ 6. (l.() 0 ;,:l. !. . !! " 0 ;~~B. no o 2~?. I) 0 !l 3b.ir00 46.001) l:.J.UOO 1'.1~!,.(100 14:1 •• 000 :1 ~ .• n. 1) Oli 1 8(:~ . o on :i:i\::'.1)00 :~ :i-~: ,-~-::;~T:~::·;~ f ,, ::.!;::•a. ontl ::\ :,~ip:: . ()() 0 :2 ~; :.·:: ' li (I (i ;?.64 oon :!.En . oo o '3L'P.OOO 361). l)l)(l ·::;;:;f:,. 0 !) 0 ~:: ~J' ,) . !)I_) !) ~-~·.;··~:~ . 0 0 0 -'l 0 ;~:· . v !) 0 :q'-'. OIJU 4.:~·:;. no (I 461:•. 0 Oil 4a::.::. ooo 4~tB. 000 49~;. :7i00 53:·~. 0(10 ~)71:;.0!)1) 60(/, 000 63B, 60{) b7::~.oon T:>:~, :~-..0 II 74;:i,()l l!J 'l4H. I)!_! I) 'J f:·. ·.t ' \1 0 0 '??'!..000 Bo .·~.ooo B4~>. 000 :~B9. n no SUSITNA ~YOROGRAPHIC SURVEYS 1984 cross ~~ct1on LRX 8~.7 :!.<-! () ' [:, 0 0 ;~91), '?()I) 2~P .1()0 ;_:?.H1., 7()1l 2:lB.OOn 2'// '600 ;=:~~~ ' {:.(I() 2'7~!. 600 2/'?. :?0 (I ?BO . 0 0 0 27t~' 000 2?'/, 000 27'/' ''/!10 ;_:_~:lO . 2 0 0 ::.t~5. :7.•1l (l ;~~n6 . 1 on ~~1:~~-J ... ;.'e-o ·.:~::$4 'f.:. 0 0 ~-~ 1.3 ~-~ ' ~.:.~ 0 0 :-.-.~H6 . ;;:·t_:; 0 :~~Uf.,,I)Ot! ;,:.:~ 1~2~ , 6 1.) I) ::~tjt ... ' -~ ~~ 0 ,?:~ :.:., t .(~ l) '_l :,:~!:l:5 .. '·, 0 'I ;.:.~~~1 ! :~.I) 0 :~:;n. -~ ::1 o 2B1 .;.~oo :,:a:-=::. uno ;~n4. :.'.'no ;-~!:>,4 ' :'.:i I) 0 :2H4. '/il(l ;:~04 . f·;.l) () ::.:n:~~ . u o o zc·-~. 40 o :28'5 ·:'no 2:::!-~':.i' {)() () ;;_~!:; 4 , B (I II ;,->~:), 1 ' 6 0 0 ;:! '? '7 . ~:.• (i (l ?'/5, (IIJ 0 ~??:.::.I'? 0 0 ;·_:::::-:~ • '.1. 0 0 :2? -:4 , 8 (I (l AI.CAP I'(IP t-:<~1( 'f.: I~ I< TOt::: L r:~ow 'fCOT ~~ EUI,.j G~:: HI< I< Fe~ i( I...W PT Al·(K TOE TC!P Bt:w TCI··' TOE tnf: TI'W -i~l<' j( 'fl:? 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EOt.l "' Lti W L ::::nw- R nHII O.OiiO 2'?~:·0 ''/00 26o .e oo 2 90 .7fl 0 (~n r B.S bu ll ~~r~at) (for 8 .5 h~ 11 foP Ma t) , 1-....... -.· .-.-.·.· .. -............. ·.· .................... ,.. ··-.... ··-......... ·uno.···-.·.· ..... ·.· ................ -· ..................... -.· ............ ·.· .·.· ..... ·.· ...... · .·.· .·.· ....... ·.· ........ ········ ..................................... · .·.· .. -.·.-....•.. -·· .....••.. ·.· I .I ·I ·I :I :I I I I I :I. J , :··1·. .. PU1NT -~-------·-· :~-~ross ; .1 ~~ -r I~ \.,• :1 ·;~ ·-·~ . ? . , 0 :1·.1-i. ·. 1 ;;_:· l ,~·. ~~~ 1 6 ,;1'1.'7 · .. ·· .. , . • •• f..! ,.. -~·· . ' ~ •, ., ·-~· •·124 ;. .~ .. '· ~ ·::. ··' 1 .:~·/ .. '"•(."• .·.·: ·~:- . :.:~ ~~· I ·~? .. ~.:. '7. , •• •... •t- 4 0 1:11 ;.•-:; , .tr ... :.:1US .i.TNA H'Y:OROG:':~PHTC ~;u !;:·•:.:Fy ~:: er o s ~ S~ct1on LRX 8&.~ Date of S urv~v: S EPT E MBER 18. 1984 'VI " dat <.~: n.ono ~~~~.1JOO -l !.7j' 000 8( .. , I) 1J 0 L~4. OHO 1.6 1. ono 1 ::'4 ' (J ()fl :.~I)~~.:; 0 ll 237 . 0 ()f} ~:::m. ooo :.~ 0,0 . PO 0 ]:·:)6 . 0!) 0 :rr:, .. oo o 41~.000 42f.!. !}(liJ 4 3 4.ilfl0 45 ~~. 00 0 4':>1~' 00. ·::i:::i e . o o 611 . l) f) 7: .. :~~1.0 0 '7 4 1,,00 ?9~), I)!){) 1:~7 1 .. f) 00 '?4 t::·' (10(1 1 u;~:n. •.i •J o 1. ft B 1 . :·50 i) 1, !)?il . 0 0 0 1 1)9:~·. 0 0 0 1 •.)•,;-•,;•. 1_1 0 0 1 '.1.0 1..(1(!1) 11.69.00 0 1261?.000 l32l-,. 000 1]';;6.01)0 J .:l;~3. 0 0 0 1450. 1)()1) 141?8 .090 1 5 5 :1. (I 0 f! 1 f., l ::~ . f) 0 ij 1666.000 1, 'i' :.::: i.:· . 0 0 !) 1 7'? i; . !) I) () 1 B1J.OOO 1B?2,00tl 1900.000 1 '7'4 l.(!I}{J 1 '1~53 . 0 0 0 1 9(:.4. (I 0 0 ., "( I z:.,(}. 8 o o i?.'/~:l. ?0 0 ;_:.:'7:~. 1/ (l (I ;·_::73. ~-~ 0 0 ~!.?3. '?0 0 ;:~74 .~?Oil ::::·::· 4 . ;_•() 0 :~:T?. 1 0 0 277.400 ;::7B. 301) 278. ';'IHl 2?B.400 ;~'77 . f, () l) :·~76. 50 0 271 .~-'n~l 2 69.600 ~..!65.600 ~~ .'::_. ;;: . ~:) t! 0 :.:~63 ' (l(l 0 ;>64' (100 2~:;:-. nn o ;,?_6?.'?00 ;~',7;~, 0 (l (I 2'7;_·) 'il-0 () ::~73. 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EUW , ... o·~ EUI.·,I EC!I..._I C liW {·-···············································································-·.-.-.·.·····························-········· ..... ·.············· ..... ·.·············•······· ..... ·.········· .................... ·.···· ............... •.•.·.·.•.-.-.. ·.·.·.-····· ........ ························•·· I :i .. R20/7 179 RIVER CROSS SECTION NOTES FOR 1980 arid 1982 The following computer files wu used in HEC-2 and ICESIM modelling ( R&M, 1981; Rt.M, 1982). The file starts at LRX 0.3 and progresses upstream. The LRX n1.1mber is in the second column of the Xl card. LISTING OF RIVER. CROSS SECTIONS EXPLANATION OF LISTING Xl Card: Field 1: Field 2: Field 3: Field 4: Field 5: Field 6: Field 7: X2 Card: X3 Card: NC Card: Field 1: Field 2: Field 3: Specified cross sectiOn se0111atry Cross section identification Total D1Dber of stations on next CR cards Station, left bank of channel Statioo1 risht bank of channel Len&th of reach left over b.t, between current cross section and oext downstream cross section Lensth of reach right over bank L.asth of reach main channel Specifies chanse in discharse Artificial levees at specified station "a" values ud contraction aad e.xpauiOD coefficients Specifies elevation and station of each point iD a cross section used to describe the ground profile Elevation of cross section point 1 at station 1 Station of cross section poiot i Elevation cross section point 2 at station 2 ••• contioued usiliS up to 100 points For more detailed explanation. refer to HEC-2 Users Manual. ·~:."'' -lr.:. FILE FOR J:CESII'I 'T1 SUSITi~A H'ffH:~OELECTR IC PROJECT t SUBlASI( 3 .. 06 HYDRAULIC ANii ICE STUDIES SUSITNA RlVF.R-I_OWER REACH <DEVIL CANYON TO TALKEETNA> XI 0 .3 ~0 02 4726 00 00 00 00 00 00 E 3Zl.8 , z 3l8.8 7 ~17.3 1S 31~.0 23 310 .5 43 l06 .1 93 304.0 142 ;1'05.1 190 308.7 24:;; 311 .9 29•+ 314.0 34S 312.5 395 310.8 43'5 312.1 •72 317.2 492 ·E 318.3 498 321.~ ~0& 320.4 '588 318.8 ~90 319 .6 '599 319 .8 6&0 317.3 719 319.0 802 316 .7 S7S 319 .7 1 06 ~) J1a.a 107& 319.5 1198 319.5 1298 320.4 1308 319.4 1J76 ~ 32~.4 1475 319.8 1571 318.8 1&07 316.7 1682 320.& 1739 I 3 .19.9 1790 318. 1 194& 320.3 1962 3~0.9 1991 320 .0 ao36 313.7 2040 311.7 204'5 309 .7 2061 308.'5 2098 308 .1 2138 ~-308 .7 2188 309.7 2222 311.4 2246 Jl2.8 2267 313.7 22~)0 I I 315.3 2~10 31~.e 2361 313.3 248'5 312.8 2:,03 313 .3 2S l 6 319.4 2639 319 .'5 2731 31-9.6 28'58 3t? .1 2958 315.4 2 ·971 313.1 2999 313.0 302~ 313.4 30_66 315.0 J104 313 .6 3188 'I 313 .6 320'5 31'5.8 3219 314.8 3360 317.2 34'51 318 .0 3562 Jta.s 3900 31~.5 3910 313.2 3920 311.8 3942 313 .8 4029 315.'5 4074 317.3 4147 317.'5 4280 314.~ 4334 31~.3 4338 GR 3 .14.3 4-\10. 314.4 .o\491 31'5.5 4'526 31b.2 4~41 318.0 46013 -1 .313.7 4680 315.3 4687 311 .1 4704 313 .. 1 4714 319 .s 4720 0.4 100 04 4727 1700 1100 1700 00 00 00 (;R 338.2 4 330.8 16 3 !-9.3 30 312.3 77 314 .1 120 I 31.3 . 0 17'5 312.8 225 Ji3.4 277 313.0 32'5 312.8 379 . . ' 312 .'5 430 311 .0 487 311.0 ~3'5 313 .0 '586 313.3 613 31~.2 632 319.2 6~0 322.3 691 321.9 796 320 .6 921 GR 319.& 855 319.2 882 318.'5 94'5 317 .8 1021 31.7 .3 toea I 318.2 1124 318.4 1130 .318.4 1148 317.9 11'51 315.3 1168 311.8 1201 311.5 1233 315.9 1261 313 .9 1301 313.6 1333 GR 316 .3 1380 318 .3 1417 321.0 1467 321.7 1'518 321.5 158'5 ,I 321.4 16'50 322.4 1879 319.3 1910 318.5 1957 321.9 2063 322 .1 2215 319.0 2265 321.0 2292 322. 0· 235& 321 .2 2402 &A · 319.9 2407 322.4 2488 321.8 2548 320.3 2554 320.2 2570 ·I 322.2 2618 3a1.7 2777 319.1 2857 316.5 2864 310 .. 9 2894 311.2 2927 313.2 29'58 315.3 2992 316.'5 3015 317 .4 3029 320.7 3144 319.4 3252 318.0 3285 317.9 3363 31&.5 3378 ,c;R 321 .a 3398 321.7 3433 325.0 3'503 321.3 3626 31~. 0 3b4t I 313.5 3650 31'5 .1 3665 31'5.9 3703 318 .4 3831 317 .8 3956 316.5 3983 314.7 4030 313 .5 4084 312.8 41J 6 312 .4 4146 i 312.5 4180 312 .7 4211 316.5 4221 320.5 4271 320 .3 43&5 31.8.0 4402 317.3 4537 31'5.4 4S'52 312.4 4562 310 .9 4668 312.9 4673 Jt5.S 4674 316.5 4699 320 .1 4720 323 .0 4720 0 .5 100 OJ '5241 1900 1200 1920 00 00 0() CR 331 .5 3 320.1 l7 304.5 48 304 .1 9'5 304.1 134 I J07.a 187 311. 1 248 312.0 290 3'10.9 326 309.9 372 .,. 312 .8 412 317.1 428 320 .3 440 32$.3 452 32'5 .7 49 '1 GR 325 .2 728 324 .5 732 321 .8 734 320.1 743 323 .1 753 I -.,., -812 324.8 879 323.4 977 324.3 tQ7a 322.0 ttao .lo-o.../ 325 .1 1201 321.5 1225 323.7 1387 323.5 tots 320 .0 '1 70;:! t;R 318 .3 1813 316.8 1840 319.5 1872 318.13 1879 325.3 1895 I 32:5.3 1984 324.2 2058 324.8 2177 324 .6 2240 323.1 ;~245 323 .3 2301 321.4 2305 323.8 2342 323 .4 ~-·c·c-320.1 2~91 '"'.,)'"",J 32~.2 2447 324.7 2~31 32S.O 2641 324 .9 26oo 321.3 26o3 GR 320.1 2667 321 .7 2696 317.5 2751 317 .2 2783 314 .4 2908 :I 31&.4 2864 317.4 2905 321.6 2975 322.9 3101 323 .3 3137 322.6 3153 321 .5 3178 JlB.O 3,191 :11s .o 3199 313 .'5 3208 ~ 311 .3 323'2 3L1. 0 3260 31'5.1 3288 316.2 3310 318.0 3331 I 318.3 3345 319.0 3436 3~0.4 3484 319 .3 3~29 319.2 3563 -1 -~I ·. ·cR ,3l'i. 1 360& 317.9 3648 318.2 36'14 321 .3 3816 323.0 39~5 E 322 .3 3952 323.4 ~075 322.3 4230 320.7 439;! 321.1 4622 ~21 .a 4665 320.8 4764 319.8 4767 320.4 4871 319.9. 4934 319 .:5 4906 319.4 5116 317.7 5169 315 .. 9 5181 315.3 5199 :Gtt 314.4 :5207 314.3 :5229 31:5.9 5332 31S.o :5237 323 .1 5241 ·~~:: 0 .6 98 02 6362 22:50 3200 2390 00 00 00 328 .3 .,. 323.5 7 .321.8 12 322.2 62 322.:5 109 .. Cit 323 .4 12:5 :$26.8 129 327.2 1~9 326.5 201 323.7 2 .06 ': 320 .7 212 316.4 250 313.6 299 31.5. 2 356 316.& 413 318 .0 461 318.& 525 321 •• :571 32.4. 1 597 326.a &06 ~R 3a3.c:. 784 322.4 788 320 .0 808 322.4 824 328.5 82'? .. -~· 328.$ 840 32t..2 861 324.4 894 329.1 1121 326 .? 118~ 323 .4 1239 324.1 1247 323.3 1251 320.3 t256 319 .3 1275 .-~ 320.6 1305 323.3 1318 32~.6 1351 32:5 .,4 1436 323 .8 1 445 . t;R 323.6 1465 323.0 1492 318.5 1499 314.6 1550 314.0 1605 ~e 31J.6 16~7 31$.2 1724 319.3 1785 321.6 1830 323.0 19b0 323.4 1900 323.8 1981 323.4 19.82 321 .4 2002 323.4 2025 GR ~28.6 2139 328.2 2154 323.2 2428 327 .6 2635 325.4 272~ _-;f: 327.2 3127 324'.7 3214 322.5 3219 319.3 3234 320.3 3274 321.7 3330 322.4 3366 325.3 3486 321.8 3591 321.2 3601 321.9 3609 325 .2 3&17 327.1 4204 327.4 4228 32c.t 4248 :,, 323 .3 4253 321 .9 4259 321 .4 4287 323.4 43i6 32S.2 4358 325.4 4657 327.9 5053 324.2 5~30 327.'5 55?7 324.4 5705 -:~a 322.4 '5745 321.4 :l'762 321.0 579'7' 322.5 '5806 323.6 ~886 _GR 32'5.4 6078 320.8 6246 318.8 6255 313.8 6279 312.8 6301 I 314 .2 63~5 320.? 63'!;6 32?,,8 6362 0.7 99 05 ~578 1?00 2200 2050 00 00 00 GR 329.2 5 3 _25.4 t4 323.3 20 324.0 44 323.4 69 E 325 .4 ?t 329.4 16 328.4 at 32?.2 8'5 325.3 86 'i~~:: 89 322.3 9~ 324 .1 100 325.6 111 325.8 11 ~ 118 32'5 .2 125 323.8 147 322 .8 159 321.6 199 '~ 321 .4 284 317.6 353 31?.0 ~04 31S.& 459 316.6 504 317.0 52'5 322 .8 548 325.2 552 325 .7 593 329.0 815 --R 328 .9 9'!it 329.2 1096 325.0 1109 323.0 111& 324 .0 11?4 GR 324.7 1206 328.3 1300 330 .0 143? 328.7 1478 325.5 1494 :I: 324.0 15.02 322.9 1516 325.2 1538 324.1 15&0 325 .a 15136 328.5 1619 32&.8 1770 325 .1 1776 322 .7 1809 322.1 18b9 ... ~ GR 322.1 1919 323.1 1963 323.6 1972 319 .1 2D08 3ao.7 2063 IR 321 .5 2112 323.1 2153 323.9 2167 325.3 2201 329.5 2300 .· .R 329.6 24:i2 327.6 2600 327 .0 2668 325.6 2691 327.0 2718 \;R 328 .6 2847 330.0 2872 327.9 -3061 329.9 3203 327 .7 32?~ ,f: 326.2 3319 326.3 3390 32'5 .2 3440 322.3 3500 320 .3 :~5S f:l 319.1 3612 319.? 3660 322.6 36~6 327.8 3725 329.7 374 ~3 -f'VR 330.1 3845 326 .9 4136 326.6 4137 325.4 4143 324.8 420'? GR 325 .0 4283 326 .6 ~324 330.4 4396 329 .3 4906 32~'5. 7 5007 -I: 323 .4 5054 322.4 5119 321..8 5259 322.1 5279 325.8 !:i 340 328.0 5377 329.0 54'16 324.5 5563 333.0 '5578 '\» Xt 0 .8 100 05 6226 2700 2000 1950 00 00 Oil ~= 340.4 5 329.7 27 327.7 30 324.8 118 321 .1 ~8 4 :324 .3 41& 329.5 490 331 .? 530 330.9 &81 328 .6 721 325 .9 ?44 326.7 780 328 .7 799 332.2 8?8 329 .6 1087 GR 327 .7 1 1l 0 327.0 1136 327.7 1156 330 .8 1166 330.7 1454 1: 331.4 1980 329 .9 20~3 327 .8 2092 325.6 2133 324.2 2 163 321 .9 2213 321.9 2233 324.2 2249 32?.9 2259 332 .0 2263 GR 330 .6 2 664 332.4 2 '724 327.4 2746 324.'1 a7&B 3 '22,.b 2787 -I: 326 .3 2931 326.0 2871 32'5.1 28115 325.1 2C119 324.6 295El 321.3 3049 323 .6 3085 32?.9 3 .117 330.4 3138 330.4 3347 ,.R 328.8 3353 328.1 3361 326.8 3388 326.6 3411 325.4 3422 ; :;: 327.5 3440 328.9 3445 329.4 3449 331.7 3614 329.5 3622 328.1 3642 327.5 3688 326.2 3733 322.7 3830 321 ~s 3930 ... -.. 1· 3980 326.5 GR 321.7 321.7 4030. 323.9 4085 4120 327.7 4167 .·,;. 328.7 4199 329.4 42t'l 329.9 .228 329.2 4447 328 .~ 4453 327.3 4473 327.7 4500 327.6 4530 328.3 4577 328 .6 --~8b uR 327.9 4600 32?.2 4634 325.7 4649 ;'$26 .3 4685 ~26.4 47'46 CR 32~.9 4770 324.2 478S 325 .1 4'797 327 .9 4804 328.4 4805 'fR 328.0 5022 32?.4 503~ 325.6 5058 326.6 ~074 325.0 5097 · . ...,R 32'1.5 5109 327.9 5110 331.4 58o2 330.6 5804 32?.8 5816 GR 324.0 5829 325.8 5859 330.6 5878 332.6 6096 334.5 6226 .It 0.9 99 01 4531 240.0 1450 2550 00 00 00 -~R 338.0 1 332.2 8 ;3;U .4 13 331·.2 31 329 ,5 3'1 "'~· 329 .2 53 329.7 70 33~.5 81 332.5 104 33.0.9 109 1: 331.t 136 328.2 182 329.0 230 328.9 275 330.5 318 332.5· 356 332.7 J88 333.2 393 333.7 480 332 .7 497 .. R 330.7 5i3 325.9 540 32~ .• 3 568 325.0 603 325.9 655 GR 328.2 760 329.0 810 329.4 846 329.7 895 330.4 9ei2 .1: 330.1 999 329.8 1044 330.? 1113 331 •. 2 1163 JJ3.7 11 '71 332.4 12,8 331.9 1216 330 •. 8 t23o 333.·6 1300 334.4 1390 GR 3Jl•·,3 1456 ~32.8 tS32 333.0 1~92 332.0 1626 330.8 1655 ~R· 333.0 1662 332.6 1860 331.0 1988 3Ji.6 2060 333.4 2072 .·. R 332.3 2156 329.8 2280 329.4 233? 33!).1 2417 328.9 2458 ~R 327 .0 2524 330.3 2605 328.8 2668 329 .3 2700 329.9 2750 cit 327 .4 2805 331.6 2892 330 .3 2915 328.4 3005 329.8 3110 IR 330.2 3131 332.3 3172 333.0 3t9t 332.1 3257 330.0 3292 :.. R 332.1 3311 333.8 3684 331 .8 3728 330.9 3'783 331.8 3797 _; ___ GR 332.2 3924 332.0 3939 330 .6 3971 329.5 3 .984 329.3 4006 I 32'7.'7 4063 326.3 4111 324 •. 3 41'71 325.3 4209 J27.3 4253 327.9 4295 328.9 4340 329.9 4389 330.3 44.2 .0 332.6 4438 r'R 333.2 4455 332.1 4460 330 .3 4468 :J31.5 ~480 329.1 4494 ~~ 330.1 4505 332.1 ~509 333. '7 -4510 336.2 .t531 1 100 OJ 3851 1380 1300 2180 00 00 00 .. R 336.3 3 333.7 11 3~2.7 24 331.7 30 333.7 39 J;R 334.7 43 335.3 63 336.2 86 336.5 150 33t-.9 19~ IR 336.0 229 334.5 255 333.8 295 332.6 32'4 332.4 330 .,.R 333.8 359 335.8 385 333.9 ~00 332 .. 0 425 330 .9 453 GR 330 .6 472 330.7 ~89 330.2 504 329 .8 524 329 .1 54? 'I: 323.9 560 328',0 582 321.9 598 320.4 630 323 .8 707 327.0 867 329.8 910 332 .5 933 334.0 912 334.6 1029 'CR 334.1 1070 333.0 1150 333 .7 1288 333.3 1368 332.9 1457 .1: 332.0 1505 332 .4 154.6 332 .1 1611 332.7 161'8 332 .7 1648 326.3 1668 327.2 1696 326 .9 1728 326.1 1768 327.4 1810 .:.;.;R l33.8 1829 336.5 2288 333.8 2298 332.6 2314 333.8 2340 GR 333.6 23'76 334.6 2416 334 .3 2472 332.9 2503 332.8 2520 1: 334.3 2541 336.1 2562 334.4 2602 331.0 2614 330.~ 2622 334.2 2634 334.3 2643 335.3 2645 335.3 2656 334.4 2657 GR 332.4 2677 334.9 2693 334.3 2696 330.3 271 l 332 .1 2714 j: 334.1 2748 324.5 2'776 328.3 2829 330.3 2902 329. l ~974 331.6 3031 332.1 3174 332.6 3226 331.1 3254 332.7 3304 ~R 333.8 3371 J33.a 3425 334.4 3438 334.4 3~93' 333 .9 3529 GR 3.3 .3.8 3597 332 .9 3624 330 .3 36o5 330 .3 3704 330.2 3751 I! J23 .a 3795 320.1 3817 322.3 3828 330.4 3845 337.9 3851 .. "'1 1 • 1 92 03 4132 1620 1110 1540 00 00 00 GR 339.6 3 335.t. 10 334 .9 23 333.1 28 330.0 ' 3 8 _, 331 .2 69 332.2 114 330 .1 164 331.5 214 330.8 189 326.9 239 333.9 2'77 334.1 314 334.9 316 33S .B 317 .GR ;36.9 389 33!:;.4 472 334.7 481 333 .5 503 J33.o 529 a: 332.8 551 334.8 571 335.0 581 334.? 589 333.9 61 /' 332.6 647 331 .5 o64 329.3 674 327.4 689 327.9 700 '\,;R 325.9 712 326.7 ?43 325.4 767 325.5 '797 326.3 824 CR 327.6 865 328.8 886 330.5 923 332.5 951 332 .0 96·6 .r -333 .5 1018 335.2 1082 338 .1 1146 336.8 1'666 33~. 6 1785 -,,_ ~R 330\.8 .17~0 332.0\ 1802 333.6 tBi~ 33i.2 1BJ9 335.3 18~4 ' 337.7 1894 339.3 2195 335.0 2205 338.6 2425 336.1 2'724 338.1 2970 336.2 2975 335 ... 2980 335.0 2985 335.6 2993. R 335.8 3000 334.6 30.08 332 ... 3028 331 ... 3056 3J1.8 3096 GR 332.6 3136 332.4 3186 332 ... 3232 332.6 3271 332.0 330~ 1: 331.4 33 .. 6 331.8 3386 331.0 3i32 331).8 3 .. 91 330 ·b 3541 330.2 3~99 329.8 3664 331.0 3704 333.0 3729 337.1 3756 ~GR 337.8 3793 337.5 3885 336.0 3939 33~.4 3974 334.1 3990 I 330.7 4003 330.1 4028 3.31 .1 4049 331.0 40'70 334.1 4097 335.9 4120 339.6 4132 1.2 96 12 4249 2150 1380 1590 00 00 00 GR 342.2 12 340.6 16 338.6 25 335.6 40 334.3 43 I 331.3 69 332.1 1CJ6 331.6 145 331.4 180 333.2 222 334.3 265 334.6 287 335,·~ 314 335.6 336 336.8 359 GR 337.9 384 338.3 398 338 ... 410 339.8 423 339.8 671 'I 336.5 81'7 334.7 e:;o 335.7 875 336.6 901 336.6 956 3:15.7 983 335,5 tOtS 336.6 t044 338.8 1130 338.0 1~94 338.2 1673 338.8 t722 338.4 1786 337.4 1802 335.7 1816 I 335.t 1825 333.6 1856 333.9 1816 335.0 t898 335·.3 1927 J3'5.0 19~2 333.4 2005 332.6 2049 332.9 2082 333.6 2118· 334.2 2149 334.5 2192 335.1 2227 335.4 2260 335.4 2297 GR 3JS.9 2322 335.9 2J33 336.0 2360 336.4 2397 338.4 242S I ~39.5 2457 339.9 2622 339.t 263'5 339.2 2646 331.8 ~657 336.9 2692 336.9 2727 340.4 2811 337.0 2890 339.2 2917 GR 338.7 2937 337.8 JOot 340.2 3359 339.9 3392 337.8 3395 I 33S.o 3400 331.0 3426 332.3 3445 334.8 3472 333.4 3'5'59 334.1 3603 334.0 3641 333.0 3713 331.7 3749 330.3 3789 327.5 3829 32'5.2 3859 325.0 3899 327.8 3934 330.8 3959 :E 334.3 ~98, 338.0 4001 3~9.8 40U 339.7 4077 337.4 4159 336.3 4179 "336.1 4196 336.4 4210 336.1 .. 22? 335.8 4238 341.4 4249 Xl 2 73 03 2762 1460 1090 1&80 00 00 00 ·I 343.7 3 340.3 10 335.8 18 33a.7 43 335.3 90 337.3 130 337.9 177 337.9 230 337.7 255 337.& 3a4 GR 33o.o 397 335.5 456 335.7 500 337.3 530. 340.9 559 ·I 343.2 '570 342.0 621 340.0 649 337.2 658 337.4 obS 340.0 671 341.1 673 342.2 703 343.4 '772 343.1 792 341.3 793 340.9 80& 342.5 814 342.2 83t 341.1 832 GR 338.9 83? 337.4 879 337.6 917 337.7 952 337.8 987 t 337.8 1022 ~3·7.8 1067 337.6 1122 337.6 1172 337.7 1227 338.0 1272 337.5 13l7 338.8 135? 340.6 139& 341 .4 1419 GR 340.7 1494 340.9 1588 342.1 1724 339.8 1830 338.3 1867 I 337.1 1890 335.5 1932 331.1 1972 329.3 2022 329.1 2069 327.9 2130 328.1 2180 330.8 2281 334.4 2324 3:35,9 2382 337.6 2429 338.5 24&7 338.& 2502 336.5 2521 335.6 2S6·t I 337.3 2581 339.3 2631 335.3 26b1 334.6 2711 334.8 2731 33o.1 27SO 338·.1 2756 342.8 2762 A'l 2.1 100 10 3399 540 1675 515 00 00 00 .,; GR 340.4. 10 337.8 14 333.2 '1 331.4 46 333.4 68 t 334.7 lOS 334.6 145 333.9 195 333.6 245 333.4 295 333.8 345 333.6 395 333.8 435 335.3 466 336.3 48 ~1 GR 341.2 496 342.2 so a 341.8 ... -wO.) 343.1 bOS 341.4. o4t I 339.8 668 339.2 700 33e.o 745 337.2 795 336.6 935 .336.2 ass 336.2 930 336.4 985 336.4 1035 336.6 1095 337.4 1135 337.8 1180 334.2 1235 334.2 1280 337. •l 1310 ·I 338.8 135'3 340.7 13'76 343.4 1383 342.9 1402 342.3· 1412 342.5 1544 3·\1,5 1580 340.7 1623 339.9 1652 338.4 1&73 336.5 1712 335.2 1735 338.1 17'50 341,4 1756 341.8 ),757 GR l .. 2.1 t858 342.0 2032 341.8 2040 340.7 2101 339.9 2134 r 339.8 2l7tl 340.4 2201 340.5 2227 341.7 2239 341 .i 2247 -4 ~R 330\.8 .17~0 332.0\ 1802 333.6 tBi~ 33i.2 1BJ9 335.3 18~4 ' 337.7 1894 339.3 2195 335.0 2205 338.6 2425 336.1 2'724 338.1 2970 336.2 2975 335 ... 2980 335.0 2985 335.6 2993. R 335.8 3000 334.6 30.08 332 ... 3028 331 ... 3056 3J1.8 3096 GR 332.6 3136 332.4 3186 332 ... 3232 332.6 3271 332.0 330~ 1: 331.4 33 .. 6 331.8 3386 331.0 3i32 331).8 3 .. 91 330 ·b 3541 330.2 3~99 329.8 3664 331.0 3704 333.0 3729 337.1 3756 ~GR 337.8 3793 337.5 3885 336.0 3939 33~.4 3974 334.1 3990 I 330.7 4003 330.1 4028 3.31 .1 4049 331.0 40'70 334.1 4097 335.9 4120 339.6 4132 1.2 96 12 4249 2150 1380 1590 00 00 00 GR 342.2 12 340.6 16 338.6 25 335.6 40 334.3 43 I 331.3 69 332.1 1CJ6 331.6 145 331.4 180 333.2 222 334.3 265 334.6 287 335,·~ 314 335.6 336 336.8 359 GR 337.9 384 338.3 398 338 ... 410 339.8 423 339.8 671 'I 336.5 81'7 334.7 e:;o 335.7 875 336.6 901 336.6 956 3:15.7 983 335,5 tOtS 336.6 t044 338.8 1130 338.0 1~94 338.2 1673 338.8 t722 338.4 1786 337.4 1802 335.7 1816 I 335.t 1825 333.6 1856 333.9 1816 335.0 t898 335·.3 1927 J3'5.0 19~2 333.4 2005 332.6 2049 332.9 2082 333.6 2118· 334.2 2149 334.5 2192 335.1 2227 335.4 2260 335.4 2297 GR 3JS.9 2322 335.9 2J33 336.0 2360 336.4 2397 338.4 242S I ~39.5 2457 339.9 2622 339.t 263'5 339.2 2646 331.8 ~657 336.9 2692 336.9 2727 340.4 2811 337.0 2890 339.2 2917 GR 338.7 2937 337.8 JOot 340.2 3359 339.9 3392 337.8 3395 I 33S.o 3400 331.0 3426 332.3 3445 334.8 3472 333.4 3'5'59 334.1 3603 334.0 3641 333.0 3713 331.7 3749 330.3 3789 327.5 3829 32'5.2 3859 325.0 3899 327.8 3934 330.8 3959 :E 334.3 ~98, 338.0 4001 3~9.8 40U 339.7 4077 337.4 4159 336.3 4179 "336.1 4196 336.4 4210 336.1 .. 22? 335.8 4238 341.4 4249 Xl 2 73 03 2762 1460 1090 1&80 00 00 00 ·I 343.7 3 340.3 10 335.8 18 33a.7 43 335.3 90 337.3 130 337.9 177 337.9 230 337.7 255 337.& 3a4 GR 33o.o 397 335.5 456 335.7 500 337.3 530. 340.9 559 ·I 343.2 '570 342.0 621 340.0 649 337.2 658 337.4 obS 340.0 671 341.1 673 342.2 703 343.4 '772 343.1 792 341.3 793 340.9 80& 342.5 814 342.2 83t 341.1 832 GR 338.9 83? 337.4 879 337.6 917 337.7 952 337.8 987 t 337.8 1022 ~3·7.8 1067 337.6 1122 337.6 1172 337.7 1227 338.0 1272 337.5 13l7 338.8 135? 340.6 139& 341 .4 1419 GR 340.7 1494 340.9 1588 342.1 1724 339.8 1830 338.3 1867 I 337.1 1890 335.5 1932 331.1 1972 329.3 2022 329.1 2069 327.9 2130 328.1 2180 330.8 2281 334.4 2324 3:35,9 2382 337.6 2429 338.5 24&7 338.& 2502 336.5 2521 335.6 2S6·t I 337.3 2581 339.3 2631 335.3 26b1 334.6 2711 334.8 2731 33o.1 27SO 338·.1 2756 342.8 2762 A'l 2.1 100 10 3399 540 1675 515 00 00 00 .,; GR 340.4. 10 337.8 14 333.2 '1 331.4 46 333.4 68 t 334.7 lOS 334.6 145 333.9 195 333.6 245 333.4 295 333.8 345 333.6 395 333.8 435 335.3 466 336.3 48 ~1 GR 341.2 496 342.2 so a 341.8 ... -wO.) 343.1 bOS 341.4. o4t I 339.8 668 339.2 700 33e.o 745 337.2 795 336.6 935 .336.2 ass 336.2 930 336.4 985 336.4 1035 336.6 1095 337.4 1135 337.8 1180 334.2 1235 334.2 1280 337. •l 1310 ·I 338.8 135'3 340.7 13'76 343.4 1383 342.9 1402 342.3· 1412 342.5 1544 3·\1,5 1580 340.7 1623 339.9 1652 338.4 1&73 336.5 1712 335.2 1735 338.1 17'50 341,4 1756 341.8 ),757 GR l .. 2.1 t858 342.0 2032 341.8 2040 340.7 2101 339.9 2134 r 339.8 2l7tl 340.4 2201 340.5 2227 341.7 2239 341 .i 2247 -4 .a· 341 .. , .·c;R 336.4 ·a ~it: ;kGa 343.2 ·' .•.. · 342.1 . 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'7 8 349 .1 15 346.7 22 343.8 72 liR 342.9 115 342.9 1()0 344.4 210 34~.1 2 'b2 346.0 344 ;j: 347.6 -401 34B.o 452 348.5 479 348.9 507 350.0 538 349 .1 &05 348.5 610 346.7 630 346.0 o .oa 346.7 695 .-R 348.6 716 350.1 1'79 350.5 856 349.3 884 348.0 913 GR 347.0 941 348.0 974 350.8 986 353.1 1012 352.7 1054 1: 35t.S 1059 352.6 11)&5 3'51.9 10?6 351.4 1109 351.0 1116 350.5 112~ 353 .1 1147 Xt 4 68 00 2722 1325 1350 1020 00 00 00 -.iC 352.3 0 349 .9 '7 347.5 15 347.1 40 346.7 6'1 347.3 88 34:7 .3 127 346 .4 170 34b .6 217 345.2 ., . --&;.Q~ ~R 3'46 .6 303 346.6 333 348 .2 3'36 349.8 3?3 350.2 393 GR 351.4 419 351.4 437 3'52.0 443 353.6 479 3'54.6 509 :JR :354.'7 718 3S3.8 724 352 .1 730 351.4 733 348.8 754 . -~R 346.7 778 345.6 823 345.2 868 344.9 918 344.9 966 GR 348.2 1005 351.5 1018 352 .7 lOSS 353.0 1098 352.3 1167 a: 350.8 1199 350.1 1243 348 .. 8 1273 349. t 1319 . 349.2 13~0 351.0 1378 352.5 1404 350.5 1452 348.3 1466 350.2 14'7·1 GR 354.2 147b 354.2 1483 354.2 2148 352.7 2163 350.9 2166 j: 350.4 2173 350.9 2184 353.3 2221 352.7 ~294 353.4 2315 352.0 23513 350.8 2387 34a.3 2401 346.0 2468 3 .. 6.7 2SOS o.iR 348 .4 2535 346.8 256o 344.0 2595 343.6 2647 344.3 269'1 GR 341.2 2710 350.8 2717 354 .9 2722 1·1 4.1 100 00 2568 1605 950 1270 00 00 00 ., R 355.0 19 351.8 2.1 352.7 50 352 .5 74 355.3 81 GR 355.3 92 ~53.3 121 351.4 147 3.50 .1 172 348.9 19 .5 1: 348.1 233 348.1 275 349 .2 315 349.1 324· 351 .3 352 351.7 382 351 .4 412 350'. 1 438 349.8 460 35'1 .3 519 .. 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I 11----------------------1-----------l I I TO T ~L .644 I lr~J ec t I ············~··················· SIEUE ANAI_YSI~ ·~····~···········-~············ ··-· '31 EUE I CUMULAT I U£ I % I :''"· SIZE I WEIGHT I PA·~SING I ---------1--------------1-----------· cur·11.1LAT! l.J£ I SIZE hi£: (;1-H P--.·~. 1 i-Ii, 1--------i--------------1-----------i I 4 I 4.6·~c; I 9} I 3 I 1 0 . '2 ~ c; :~ 4 ·") 16 :; ' ~. '"-/~ 1-1 . ··• ., i) 5 !):;; . 'J . -'-. -":l•.J l '2~ 23~ 60 3/4 ~~ :-3 96'? ':?4 I· I 1-·"'2 34. 18'::-4t; I ~~.::. I I I ;~:1 ~~ ! I) . l ::i l ':J t ·o ~:: IJ .2'?4 !.:.:; j~ : I) ~~..:. !) 3"-'~ liJ ~~'? 0 .... I) 1~:-; I) .48 .-, ., ~ • L .• =~: i ; 7~ ~~: i ~~ 1---------1--------------1-----------11 tilll) .49" 1.-+ i I . t 0 TAL I 6 3 . ~ 5 I I I '# 2 U I) • 15 "l • 5 I Large size material I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 5 I I f(fi ~L . ';·2 I I 0 100 ::o~IJe<::t 4;·.:~42.::.., Ho~f! ::i6.3, :=.-=!mpi~ 3. .. · ' j 2.445 :.6 I 2 8.52 86 I l-1 •"'2 ~· 14.84 ,•'6 I t 25 335 59 I 3/4 H. 72 :~9 l/2 ?8.3? _; ·:. I _.,_.a 41 . ::P)i? ·.; 3 I S [E. 1E I •=: I Zt 1.·ur1UU-1T i •.J£ 1.•11-. r ;_;H·i 1--------1--------------i-----------i I ~t~ I I I I :~::3 I j~ ' u 1 ?1 2U 1~ Lr:: W,'IJ 3~4 1 ';• I ~~ 5 ~) I ~~'-!! i 6 '.2 1 6 6 t~"5> i) I :~4 46. 9I3 2-.; I I . Pf-1r-l I l '3 • 46 I J~<":' u 1F!~ 0 :3 U'? i 2 1---------1--------------1-----------tt ;~ : !i O 8 16 ' I T•:\ T;.:;L I ~~2 ; 0 . 8 3 :3 . 2 tl~-------1--------------1 -----------i II 'r CJi>4L I .:346 I ~.:.·· .. ··, ·r.· .. ·l· ···. ,;. ,-r .. ·· '• :~ ~ ~~ ... . :·.::-.-. '· .. :~:,.:; .. , I I ·:·••••·••••••••***********•••***'"** SIEUE AI'IAI.YSI'~ ••·••••••,.,••••••••••••••••••••••• I.. S I P.1E I CUMULAT [ UE I "' I I ·:;I E'.1E SIZE I WEIGHT t PASSING I I SIZE I---------1--------------1-----------I 1-------- bit I GHT p,;..,..:,·; IN(· --------------1-----------1 4 0 I 1 0 0 I I t~4 I 3 It 7. 33 87 1~8 ;_ __ .-, .:.. 10. 89 I 16 10'5 •")•") ... .:... .83 ·). _I:) 445 31 57'5 -; , -". 73'5 ,4.jJ . 43'5 811 I I 1~ : il ?1 ~L6 "~ ~v !.1 ~·-· . .:.. ~~ -5 I) -·~ "+. t41'1 38 1~~ I) 27 .O~l 1:?4 .344 18 ---I 2 1.? • "J I -----------1 Pr-IJeCt 4'5'2424., Hro!e :36.3, ·:::.:~mple l. I I I I. 3 .-. "' I 1-1/2 I 1 I 3/4 1/2 3 /:3 I ~~4 .· PAN 1---------1. TiJTAL '··;·:;" CUt1UL ~ T I :..rE S l r.:uE AN<-+L YS ! '-:· % I I '-3IE•.•E CUMUL.:.4T!U£ ... •'I l..dE I GHT PASS I Nt; I I S I ?E-:-l.,lf lt:;HT I P;::.:.::,·:;! Nb --------------t-----~-----1 1--------1--------------1-----------i .1) I 1 0 0 I I 1~4 I I I 4.92? I :-39 II 1~:3 11.14" '" I I t~ t u .158 14.:36? 67 I I ~n6 19.73 c;.:. I I ~r:/ n .221 1 7 22.84 4'? I I ~LHJ 21? .99c; 41 I I ~pi) .386 l '!. ·:~8.2 1 1; , -0 I I ~~ '5 I) 32.83 26 I I 4t-· iJ 11. ~ ?':. I I 1 ~~8 0 . '587 ·;:_. 6 --------------1-----------1 I 1100 I .604 4 4 . 4 US I i I 1~ '2 i J I) I , 6 3 '? I . -::' I t---~----1-----------~--1--~------~-1 II TOTAL I .6?3 I I .•• ,~ ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• SIE1..1E ...... IAl _··,'S[S ·········••t••···················· S I E l.J E CUMULAT 1'-JE i % I I S I E•.;E CUt·1UL~T I u E. i ·~ I. SI'ZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SlZE t l-J E l GH T I ~-..... ·~·~!•·.1(:-I ~--------1--------~-----1-----------1 1--------1--------------1----·------1 : 4 I ---I ---I I 4.:. I ---I -- -I ~ I 0 I 1 0 0 I I *:3 I 2 I 1.?1 I 96 II t!.O .13 '-3 :::..:. 1-1 ·· 2 5 . 14 :3 6 I I t l o I 1 1 0 • 26 73 I I ~r2 U 18'3 ~·~ I ~/4 13.97 ~3 ; I a3~ ·. l /2 18.04~ S2 I I *40 I 3 /'-3 20. '~4'5 I 4~ 1 i t'5t) .36-. u ' t.:. I 26.2?'5 I 31 II toU 1: P.::tN I l 1 • ?6 I I I t:~ I) I ---------I ----------... ---I -----------I I • ·~ IJ 0 .otll 2 .3 .6H~ l.? I TOT.-1L I 37.8LS I I I t21)1) .637 .o I : :-;~;~~--:----~-----~~;-:-----------: I I ' "I ··i.;· I :~: I I I I I ·I .. I '·· .·.'\•, I ··I····~ .......... ~···· ....................... s I E 1..J E At'i AL ''r'S i 3 ............................................. . SfE,_J E I CU~1ULATI •.J E I ~-I I SlE•.•E O..!~liJLATl •.•E ""i 1 S ! ZE I WE I GHT I P ASS ll'lG I I SiZE I 1.11;:.;· l GH :-I p ..... ; .. ~ ! l'a_;. I 1---------1--------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-------·---1 · ., 4 I ---I ---I i l~.:.o I ---I ---i I 3 I 0 I L 0 0 I :~::3 I I I 2 .'3~~ 98 I t '!J .1]'2::' -:,.- 1 -l /2 1.41 96 ~16 I .-, .. "" 3 /4 -~ 1 ... -, ·.:.. 6 4 7 '? ' 94 :~a IJ c; "· B2 4".'.:'1 t~ :·O ~~.:.(I . 0 Co : .. . 311 3 -;~ :-'.28 '5 7·;< I #~·I) I .4 I 11). 1 'L '-" I 7 0 II ~~ lj I F'.:.ir-1 1. 23. 8 I I j #:i I) • 4 :3 . 6 ,---------1--------------1-----------1 I #lU O .68 ~ .! I TOTAL 33.'::.25 I II W200 1 .4:3 4 I I) I I I 1--------1--------------t -----------1 I i TO f.:.i L .484 I u ~ -, •..1 1" ••• ' ·-:.~mp le 4. I i I --~~····························· SlfVE AN~L Y SiS ..................................... ~ ...... . . . '3 1£''£ I CUMUL~T[•,;E % II '3IE'.',::: •:::u~1Ul.>4T!t.;E ~, '=; ! ZE I I,IE l GH r ~~----:---:------------~- 1 3 I l. :39 I 2 I 3.7? 1-1 ~2 I ?.2 l 3/4 l --·2 7.'56 9.64 11.91 13.73? 1 7. '50"· I. PAH I ·~. 17 . ---------1-------------- i TOT~L I 26.&7 ? • ·. ,:. I PASSING I I SIZE WE!GH T P~~S!NG -----------I!--------!--------------1-----------i 11) I) I I ;~-- 93 I I :~8 86 I ~~· : ;j . 2 '3· l :::n I I #16 _,., •'.:.. I I i~ ~·· 0 .3?.:- 6 4 j~;. I) "" I I #~0 49 I I ~t~ I) 34 I I ~~f., I) ~t:~ ;) ....,.-, . ~· .:_ -----------1 ~~ .L U 0 .74 I ~~'2 ;JI) .:-:-8 1 I 1--------1-------------- i I TOl~L I .80'5 ,: ... ,. •.,,·:. :-.:· ..... ·i ·~ ~ • IJ l -----------! t. · .. ~ • ; . : . , : ' ... ·,,. •. •:.r ..... :, ,.: I ··I···············*············· S[£t lE Ati.,.;I_Y S!S ...................... ,., •••••••••• S !El.lE I CUMULAT l UE % I I :5 I E • •F.: t C.! H'1UUH ! '.IE "-o 1--~~~~---:----~~~~~~----:--~~~~~~~--: :-~~~~---:----~~~~~~ ____ ; __ ::~~~~~--: I 4 I ---I ---I I ~·.,. I ---i ---~ 3 I 0 I 1 0 0 I I ;:8 2 I • 89 9 '? I I ~: U } .· 1-1 /2 I 2. ! 13 '? 7 I I ~L t. 1 9.62 8 5 I I ... " -·-· 2 1.1:·~ .-,- L. ~ 3-'4 16.2'3 .,4 I l/2 2~.24~ 60 I I I ~~ :. I) #O.:.i) 4:~; t l ;. 3···8 3 0.?35 I ~2 1 1 3'::-1) ~~ 14 I 3 ·:. I 3 8 I I I • PAN I 2 .3 • 9 7? I I .~--------1--------------1-----------1 46 i! ~;~I) 04 L '2 * LUI) 64 .:' .. · I TOTAL I 62 .97? I ~t ·2 t j I) . 6'7? .. !-I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I .66 I ;../ll ec t l 4~2424, Hole 87.7, S~mple 2. I I I · •t:· .. • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • •"" • • • • • S I F.t..JE . S ! E '.•E ! CUI'1ULAT 1 '.l E I % I ::.IE •E •::.Ur1t _rt ,:..,T t •.rE ~:, I SIZE I WEIGHT I P~SSING I S I ::E l i!E ; GH i P •···-:.·;:, I til; ·----~---1----.----------1-----------1 ~ I ---I --- 1--------1--------------1-----------i I *"' I I 3 I I ;~:3 2 0 I 100 1-1/2 .?•)? ·:;,9 1 3.62~ 94 I ' l~ l tj 1)4 '~ :. ; ~~ ! 6 j~ ·::! n L: ~-, .. -··· I 3 /4 ;-. 3 :3 ::: '? i~ ;. i) l /2 ... 6 8 80 }/:~ 16 . 0 6 -.·c. I ~~4 i; 4 1!'-" -,._: ,;;;.:; i) 14 21.40C. 0 ' :#61) l---::~--:-------~~~~~~-: __________ _ ~~:3 1) .• 7 1 ...:. Or.:>·-' ~~ . !) !) 6 7'::; i ·~ f TOTAL I 64.77 j~'.? U I) 694 !::; 1--------1--------------!-----------; I fOTAL . 69-;. I ·I. .'f. '~.'. I ., • -·~·· •••••••-••••.-•••·••••*•••••••• ~~ [ E 1 • .1E ~r·I~L.Y'~ i ·-: •••¥•• • ·~···•.,• ••••• ••••• •••••• • '::ilE'.'E CU1'1ULATl'JE % I ·:,IE·.•E C:lr11JLAT '.'E " 1 ~~ ::.I ZE I W£ I GHT I PASS I i"i(; I I S l ZE i !.dF. • :;H :" I ~· •. ~·.:::;.iN!·, I 1---------1--------------1-----------1 1--------l--------------t-----------1 4 I 2. 71 I .:. 7 I I ~~.... I I 3 ; ·) Q I 't} ; I ·:;~ I I I -~ I f, 2 1 2 .3~~ 1-1 ·"2 l 27. 70~ '4.107 41.1'2 ..:.~:, .. 1 i;" ~3~93":; 24.?::. 84 I ?6 ~s .-..., ., ,44 48 4 i. 3 ! !---------1--------------!-----------1 TOTAL I ?8.~?S I I 'Large size material ' I t· ' ' 5 0 4~2~24, ~ole 87.7, ·;-.:··.; '• .•.v ·,-.• 100 '::"'!lm pll!: 1 . ·. : ,-: ;.-:-··· . . . :. ~ ·.: .... :-.: .. '· .... :; ,: .. :~ I ~~ t) 1 o:.:. 2~ ~~ l 0:. ~r: •J 2fJ4 ... .1 ·~ ~ f) l.l..:. il 4 1:-3 9 ..:; ~":-1) t-.q ~1-::1 () '5?2 '! ., • l l! I) • ?66 1. l::l *.'L ·I I) .S:~6 I .7 I --------1--------------1-----------1 f01.::.L . 6 :,··· .... • •• ·~~•~••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SI£UE AN~LYSIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ·.;IE'.JE CUr1ULATli..!E % II Slt'_;E CUt-1UL~T •' . .It ~ ' SIZE WEIGHT PASSING II SIZt t.l~iGH! p,.·~o..:;[rH~ ·-----------------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-----------i I 4 1 . 75 '?? I I ~~4 I I I a "?> 3 . 66 ·~ 4 I !:;:l I ~ 2 10.70S 82 I I • !-l "2 1 ! " . ~~9 22.68~ ··'4 I I 63 I I 3-··4 27.11? "6 II l.-··.;: 3'2.61 471i ~ 3~d ~6.23 41 I! I #4 42.63~ 30 I I PAN 18. 3~'5 I I 1----------------------------------1 I ~~ ; 'I tn6 w.: l! ~~ .~ i) t~-.. 1·1 !~..; IJ ..... !) ~:j I) #I •) !) 11.~ ., ., .. 2:2 .L l8 4(10:. 8 .';;33 J. 1 .541 7 • TIJTAL i I ~r.?u 0 . 5 48 I . 3 I • 'r J~r:t 4;;;'24'24 _, Hol~ 90.6, S."lmpl~ 4 . • ' • I ,. • .1. I 1--------r--------------1-----------1 I I TOT~L I .5~3 ·~••••••••~••••**************** SIEVE AN~LYSl~ ••·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·::,! E1..1E T ·=·IZE cur·lUL>-tT 1 '-'E !.<IE !I;HT ~---------1-------------- 4 3.r:;4 t ·:, 9.88? .-, 31.73? .:.. L-1 · .···J 40.6'2 "' I 1 47.76 j 3"4 '30.2.:\? I l .-"'2 ?1.1'5 I 3/:3 '?1.285 ) 1~4 ?1 38""· Pt-oN .4!?8 % I •:; IE •£ ( Uf1UI. AT l UE '!-,; PASS 1 NG I S I ~:E I ·IE ; GHT P•·~·~· :i [ t·l:_; -----------1--------1--------------1-------~---i 9 3 I 1~4 I l ---i :31 :~:~ 3'4 ~~llj 'L'2 ~H6 7.9 3.1 1.3 1.1 . ~ W/IJ ~~ :. (I ~~4!! ~~';> IJ ~~6 ii . 8 ' . 7 I 1:, .6 ---I ---I t~:' u . ·rn . 4 r !---------1--------------1-----------I ~~IUtJ .2~4 .4 ' + !i]T"'iL I '?l,:-=;43 I 'Large size material 5 0 100 • I 1~ '.? ii •j . '2 9 8 I . ;. I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 II rl]l~L ,4':>::1 I ·.,· ... . r .... ~-·•••************************** SIEVE ANA LYSIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! SIEVE CUMULATIVE % I I SIEVE CUMULRT!0E % h SIZE I WEIGHT I PASSING I I SIZE WElGHf I PHSSI N~ I ·---------1--------------1-----------1--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I I t~ I I 3 I 0 10 I) ~~8 2 2.71 9? -~0 1 ?1 •"")-:" L ·' 1-l/2 ?.7? 90 116 J 1 13.?75 77 #~U 29 :~ 2 i 3/4 19 .81 67 #jO l /2 27 .?7 "~ .40 "3 ~~ 1 U 3/8 31.~9? 47 tSO i4 3 9 . 23 I 3 4 16 U PAN 20.64? I 080 733 1 ..:;; 1---------1--------------1-----------tlOO . 744 1 . L TOTAL I 59 .. 875 I t200 .7'56 I .5 --------------1-----------1 TOTAL .767 I I ?r )ect 4'52424, Hole 84.6, Sample 2. •~i******"'***************"'****** SIEUE ANALYS IS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :3 I E 1 • .i E CUMULAT I 1)E % I I ~;I E•.JE CUMIJLAT ['.IE 'l-8 J SIZE WEIGHT PASSING I I SIZE I WEIG HT P~~S!NG ;-----~---1--------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-----------i 4 1 0 I 1 0 0 I I 14 I 3 1. 0 4? I 9 8 I I ~~:3 2 10.19? I 83 II #10 .04:3 2'1 I 1-l/2 19. 7?? 69 I I ~tlo I 1 28 .6? ?311 #'20 .081 2U 3/4 34.32 44 I I #30 1 /2 39.90? 3? I I #40 .209 13 3/8 42.67? 30 I i t~O 04 46.2 24 I I 06 0 PAt-~ 14.99 I II t ::JO .3'?6 ... 3 !---------1--------------1-----------1 I tlUO .376 3.2 1 TOTAL I 61.19 I II t2 tjlj .4 0 8 I 1.4 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I .432 I ·p~e)ect 4?2424, Hole 84 .6, Sample 3 . (. I I 36 .10'3 43 I I ~?.06'5 '29 I I .147 2.4 I I '53.19 ·16 I I ?6 .13 11 I I .17.:; ---I 923.7 1.8 I I .I ·~:I•••••••••••***'*""'**"''*"'*••••••• SIEUE At'IAL.Y'~[·; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . I S I E ~.!E I CUr·1UL ~T I 1 'E I % I I S [ E' 'E CUl'1IJ L.~T l 'J E ~~ I I SIZE ! WEIGHT I PASSING I 1 SIZE I WEIGHT I P~~S!NG I 1---------1--------------1-----------t 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I ---I ---I I ~~~ I ---I ---I I 3 I tJ I 10 0 I I ;~;j I I ll-l;'2 ~:~~I :~ :: ::~~ .196 23 1 6.17? 67 II ·~:l) .29 'i' 1 •::: I 3 /4 7.66? 59 I I ~30 l/2 9 .2'5 51 I I -~~ ~ ... • ~ 0~ 14 3 /3 11). 26? '-40 i i l~~' I) II ~~4 I 12.67'3 I 33 II t 60 PAI'I I 6. 2 I I I ~::ll) . ? 3 8 I 7. ~ • .---------t--------------1-----------1 I ~lUI) .?64 4.1 TOTAL I 18.87~ I I I #2 00 I .61S 1.S I I 1--------1--------------1-----------1 ! I TO TA L .644 I I .I '• 4'52424~ Hal~ ~4.6, S ~mple 1. I ••••••************************** SIEUE ANAI_YSIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~I EUE CUMULAT IUE % I I S I£:_:£ C1Jr11JLAT! 1.1£ ~i SIZE l.JE I GHT PASSING I I 51 ZE '-•iE I GHT I F•,:...·..:,s I Nl~ 1---------1~-------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-----------1 4 I 4.6'~'5 I 93 II '44 I I 3 10.:?C:'5 8411 1~H 2 16 . ? 7 7 4 I I t I lj . 1 ;:, 1 '1 1-l/2 ~0.3Q:; 68 I I #L6 ---I 1 2~.23~ 60 I I t1U .2~4 l~ 3/4 ',2::3. '?6'? '?4 I I ~-~0 l/2 34. 18'::' 46 I I t..-1) • 3~-:9 10 3/8 'P.72? 41 II ~~'50 t4 4'3. 49 28 I I tr:.ll I PAN l8 . 1}6 I I 1~:-; I) . 48 2 . 2 . ---------1--------------1-----------1 I t Ll.ll) . 49" 1.,. TOTAL I 6 3. ?? I I I ~~'21} I) • 51 I . ? I Large size material 11--------1--------------1-----------1 I I TOTAL I • ?2 I I 5 0 100 PrvJ~~t 4'?2424, Hole 86.3, Sampl~ 3. ·• •••••••••••••••••••••*********** StEVE AN~L YSi~ •••••••••******•••••~·••~·••·••• ·:; [ EUE CUtlULAT I '.'E % I I ':3 I E.')£ 1: UMIJLAT J '..JE "li S IZE I I•IE [ GHT I PASS I ~~G I l SIZE I i;JE! GH T I PHS':?! !·il:; 1 1---------1--------------1-----------11--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I I) I 10 I) I I ~~_. I I 3 '2 . 44? 9 6 I I ~~8 2 8.?2 86 I I 1-l /2 1 3 /4 l/2 3/:3 14.84 27.33? 31.72 38.3 '3 41. :~I)~ '::'6 I I '59 I I 49 I I 39 I I -~ 3 I I 44 46.98 I 2~ I I I· PAH I i. '3 • 46 I I I 1---------1--------------1-----------1 I ~H o ~~ 16 ~r.> n ~~51) ~~;;.i} ~~., I) ~~..; u ~;~ 0 ~n uo 1 7 1 .3<44 . 6"21 • ;31)? .8l6 2 1J l '? 6.6 L. '2 ~ ! TOTAL I I ~~2 ;j i) • :3 3 8 . 2 I I 1--------1--------------1-----------i I I [()f~L I .:346 I JF!Ct: 4?2424, Ho ie !:::16. 3, "3i3mp le 4. - • • • ./.,. * * • • * .. • • • • • • • •• • • * • * • • * * •,. * * S I E~JE ANALYS i ~ ....................................... . :3! E 11E CUMIJLAT! 1 .lE % I :-:; l E>.'E C!JMULAT i ·.JE .. , SIZE WEIGHT PASSING I S I z~: l.,ii:.! GHT PH..:,·-:. [ r·,Ji - ~---------1--------------1-----------1 1--------1--------------1-----------1 I 4 I 0 I 100 I I ~~4 I I 3 I 4.9·;n; :.j9 .-, 11.145 '"?c;; I • ... ' -I l-1 /2 14.!:16? 07 I I l 19.73 56 I I 3 /4 22.84 4'? I I ,• l/2 2?. 9';1? 41 I 3 /8 28.11 36 I ~4 3 2 .83 26 I I • PAN 11.5 7 ~ I I! 1---------1--------~-----1-----------1 I 1~:3 ~~: u ~no w.·u 1~.HI ~~41) 1~S 0 ~k.U ~~8 0 i~ ; IJ I] .138 . 2'2 l '>;.:'. . -'-'~ .604 l ~· '.:!. 6 TOTAL i I l~'d iJ 0 . 6 3 '3 ,. • ~~ JeGt 4~2 424, Hole 8 6.3 , Sampl~ 2 . • ·····.'····· I 1--------l--------------1-----------1 I I T I]-; AL I . 6 '? 3 I . ..... ' ~· .... :. I I .~ ·•••••*********#*.************ SIEVE AN~LYSIS ••••••••*******••••••••••••••••• I Sl E ~.i E I CUMULATlUE I % II SlE'.tE I CUt1ULATI 1JE I % l 1 SIZE 1 WEIGHT 1 PA ~3S II'IG 11 SIZE 1 L·lElGHT 1 p,: .. ,-.:,srr·ii:: 1 . ---------1--------------1-----------! 1--------1--------------1-----------1 4 I I I I '*4 I 100 I I 1~8 96 II !~lO .. 138 ~4 I 3 0 ·¥ 1.?1 .... l-l/2 ?. 14 :3o I I ~16 73 I I ~r..?fl .. 18'? .;:::: ..:, 3 I I ~t 3 li '32 I I ~4U . 364 l :. I 1 10.2.:. I 3/4 13. '?7 l/2 18 . 1)4? 3 /:3 20.94~ 4? li t?l) I . #4 26.2?~ 31 II ioU PAN I 11 .. ':> 6 I I I #::ll) . 6 01 2. 3 1---------1--------------1-----------IJ tlOcr .618 l,? i TOTAL 37.817 I II #200 .637 .6 I 1--------1-----------~--!-----------1 I I TOTAL .65 I I -'I '-'r. ) ec t: 452424, Ho l e 87.7, S~mple 6. I I I I I I I I I .... . . . . . . ... ~ '· .. -::· . .:-:.--. ~ • 'I -~-~-~-•• • • • • -. ~·,· ... ,; ••• • ~ .y •' -~-•• •• ::.-·.· ...... ,. ... ~'it .......................... ~.······ s-tE~J.E A~iHL 'T~-s·.t" ·3 ... • .. • • .-. ............. ___ ~ .. ··4t.··•··· • • ..... ~ • · ··• :• .............. • '! $JEOE I CUMULAJ[tJE % 1 I. :=. !EtJE GiJ ~lUUH l i_tE olli · .. ··.-.·.·.-.·.··.•.·1· ·.·····.-.:. ... -··~--·-1.---.·E_. --·.·-· ll---·.-.w_E_ .•..• _fG_·. H--.•_r_· .. -··.·,..· ·,.. PASS lNG II SLZE 1.<11': I GH : 1 p •.. ;:,.~ f.N I; . .. . ~~~~----·-~11---~~---t--•-----------1-~-----~~--1 .... . 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