HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2735' . � . ' � 1-t. �· -J' .. lp ';.�' --�· .... ,. . .)' ·..-� '' t ' .. l.,) [}{J£(ffi�£c�@fA\@@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PERSONAL COMMD�ICATION REPORT PERSONCONTACTED St erling Miller� Big Game Biologist AFFILIATION Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game , Anchorage. HARZA-EBASCO R EPR ESE NT AT IV E Chuck E ll iott COPIES TO R. Fairbanks, R. Sut tle , R. Lindsay TASK NUMBER 4 DATE Ap ril 19, 1985 PHONE NUMBER exts 318 SUBJECT --�B�e _a�r __ h_a�r_v_e�s _t __ i_n __ t_h_e�p_r_o�j�e_c_t __ a_r_e_a_. ____________________________________________ ___ NOTES I spoke with Sterling Miller over the phone concerning black and brown bear harvest in the project area. I commented that in his 1982 report (see footnote) he stated that the average harvest of black and brown bears-in Game Management Un i t 13 w as 66 and 38 bears, respectively. I asked h im if this had changed. He replied yes, that in 1980 -AbF&G instituted a spring brown bear hunt and that there had been changes in the regulations. He provided the data given below. Miller fel t the rise in brow� bear harvest in 1983 and 1984 was due to changing the hunting regulations from allowing one brown bear per person every four years to one brown bear per year. He also felt the increase iti. 1984 black bear harvest was due to a regulation change; hunters in 1984 were allowed to bait-in bla ck bears. ------------�------------------------- HARVEST OF BROWN AND BLACK BEARS IN GMU 13 FROM 1980 TO 1984 G=:J&rru�& c rn:oo&®©© Year Brown Bears Black Bears Susitna Joint Venture Document Number �75S_ 1980 84 87 1981 81 93 Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL 1982 80 73 ....,._. 1983 119 57 1984 124 102 AVERAGE gu 0 83 Miller also CQF".;�iented that the current harvest level (since 1980) can not be considered "well below :...ne sustainable harve s t level n for brQW'l bears .. Thj s j s contra_ry to whal'" was stated in the 1982 re p or t, bu t with the change in hunting season and regulations there has been a change in.the average harvest. Report re f erred to: Hiller, S .D ., and D.C. NcAllister. 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Phase I Final Report, Big Game St \tdies, Vol. VI, Black bear and brown bear. Alaska Dept. Fish ari1 Game, Anchorage. 233pp. ..