HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2769SUSIVNdk MVOROELECTROC PROJECT PROCESSED CL C DATA OCTOBER 1983 = DECEMBER 1984 VOLUME 3 No* 064& SUSXTMA HIDRQB$ECTR%C PROJECT PROCESSED CLfMATXe DATa OCTOBER 1983 - DBCEHBER 2384 tPOLU&E 3 K08IHA CREEK STaTPOH (No,06103 Report by XbM CONSULTAWS, I WC, Under Gawerac:t to Harzae-Ebaaco Susitaa Joint 'Venture ALd4SKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 4 - HYDROLOGY PROCESSED CLIMATIC DATA OCTOBER 1983 - DECEMBER 1984 VOBLUME INDEX VOLUME 1: 0610 - SUSIVNA GLACIER STATION llBLUME 2: 0620 - DENALI STATION VOLUME 3: 0640 - KOSlNA CREEK STATION V3LUME 4: 0650 - WATANA STATS-ION VOLUME 5: 0660 - DEVIL CANYON STATION VOLUME 6:: 0665 - SHERMAN STATION VOb.UME 7: 0686.5 - EICLUTNA LW16.E STATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSUMA HYDROELECT RiC PROJECT PROCESSED CLIMATIC DATA - KOSlNA STATION OCTOBER 1983 - DECEMBER 1984 Volume Index List QF Tables List of Figures Acknowledgments 1.1 Purpose 1 .2 Station Description 1.3 Metl-pods of Data Collection 1.4 Station History 2.0 ANNUAL DATA SUMMARY 3 REPO!:IT PREPARATION 3 Descri~~tior of Symbols Used in Ani~laaB and hdonthB\l S tAr onana vii es 3 ? 13a"h Coropu"ratiun Standards (Clinnate) PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 5.0 MONTHLY CLIMATIC DATA SUMMARIES Kosina Station, 1983-84 APPENDIX - Conversion Factors PAGE 5- 1 LtLST OF TABLES Bes~ription Page Angular Elevations of Terrain Obstructions 1-5 Araerrnd Kosina h!eat&er Station Description of Meteorologic Sensors 1-6 l nspection Dates and Maintenance, Kosina 3 -7 Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Explanation af Data Gaps, Kosina Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Adjustments h4ade to Raw Data, Kosina 1-9 Climate Station, October 1983 Pa December 1983 Estimated Missing Data, Kosina Climate 4 -'SO Station, October 1983 ts Decembei- 1984 Slammgi-y of Climate Data Reeoidecded at Kopl-ins 2-2 f ,ation (No. 0640), October 1383 to [lecember 1984 LIST OF FIGURES Description F age Location Map: Susitna Project Meteorologic 4 -12 Stations Location Map, Kosina Climate Station Sequential Plot of Climatic Data, Kosina October "883- December 21 984 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These climatic data were collected under cantract to Ida rza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture for the Alaska Power Authority on the Slssitrta Hydroelectric Project. Field maintenance and data collection were performled by the hydrology staff of R&M Consuitants, Incorporated. Data retfuction and processing were performed by Debbie Stephens, Len Story, Blair Parker, Jim Nelson, and Jeff Coffin, usii~g computer programs deveiopt~d by Mark Holmstrand and revised by Bill Ashton. 1.8 BACKGROUND The Mosina climate station was installed to aid the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFEG) with their caribou studies in the ai-ea, and to satisfy hydrology data requirements for the area south of the Susitna River in the -Fa! keetna Mountain drainages. 1 .2 Stztiost Description The iqosina weather station is situated on a bluff at elevation 2,700 feet, abou"e omiles south of the Susitna River, and approximately -& mile south aF the Kosina Creek and Gilbee*t Creek confluence at latitude 62'41'40"N arid longitude 147'58'20"W (refer tu Figures 1 .I and 1.2 for location). T!3e terrain tc the south of this site rises gradually and is charac"ceristically rol!ing tundra with patches aC dense willcw and a few isslated spe*u~k~ trees. The elevation increases to 3,500 feet within 10 miles of the station, -r C" and the i alkeelna mountains rise ts over 6,000 feet about 8 t31iSes south of the si*e. Tk~ese shade tD~c illstrument at sun angles less t12a~: 3-a.3' above h~risor~taf (see ?-able 1.1 for. angular elevations af herrain obstt~uctions). Mt. Watana to tho west to 6,255 ie@*i: less td~an G ir.uilL:s Yrar~a Cij@ station. This fernt~~t-r7 is significant in that it sl-iades the instrt~nienf froor, a westerr3 sun throughout the year, particularly in tl~e summer. Winds i:? tcfris area are variable depea~ding upon *kl~u n~uvrlnenh of storsn :;YF~Q~~S. S~~tsthv+!es% bvinds are lyl,is.al cBtr ving the stjnlcilcr wl~o!fs $tbcsiqr:s C > " ~9 ! d:>v,: i b 4 tile Gult 0-f Alaska, and rro~kir oia t?;s:ih wii~~i:; ~~cirau a t*~!~jt.ia:~i~~/y sjri tw4ircj ~ik~t? -?4ji:lt(a~-. part of Belfort Instrument Company. The Weather Wizard measures, processes, and records several weather parameters, which are described below. A 12-volt power supply powers the station and is kept charged by a solar panel. Data are recorded on a low-temperature casisette tape at 30-minute intervals. The station is visited approximately once per month fot* maintenance and repairs, and to retrieve the data tapes. Recorded data include instantaneous values of temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation int~~nsity, and battery voltage; the cumulative amount af ppracipitation tneajured since the last reset; and several wind pak-ameters . Vlind dl roction is sampled every 15 seconds and averaged over the recording interval. Wid speed is measured by counting each revolution of the cup anetnc..rc@ter averaging the speed over the recordircg intelkval 5 or 3t? minutes'). The fastest 15-second average speed for rhe intertral is reported as the peak g~.i.,P. The inrrs;rtmo~!etc>r. and wind vane aro pa~t of a rjai\SLitb k~4~ri.i~ i~tc>(.lr>ted atop a 3.5-mc:ter tripod adjacent to the recor-der sheltef*. 'The sensot* spray also ~ot~tains a SIICPI'~~ ~OO~TP it t3 i*adiation shield Car 11 tet~perature and ral~ tivo i.itlmidity sensorq5, A rairr gay@ dnd solrpl* rqacliatio~~ serlsos. at-e locat~d wrr a soparate platform 10 meter-s ts tl2e southlszst fr*om the nrain piat.fhprt~. The tipping-buckat rain gaga is snaunte~i ran a O..G-rnk;.t,~.cjs. past ancf plrarnboc! vertica18y. T"i2e solar* sensap is ir!~taElecP facing vc;rPicalGbi ilpward atop a 1.5-meter tripad. 1 .4 Station History The Kosina Station was installed on August 25, 1980. This ireport covers the period from October 1983 to December 1384 only. There are three previous data reports for this station: Report 1 o Processed Climatic Data vorume 4" Kosina Creek Station (No. 0640) March 1982 (R&M Consultants) 2 , Pracsssed Climatic Data jloiume 4 Kosinai Creek S+ation (No. 0640) December. 1382 (REM Consultants) 3 a Procerssed Glienatic Data "bfslunae 3 Kosina Creek Station [No. 0640) June '1984 (RGM Consu!stants) Period Covered August 1980 - Septeinber 1981 October 1981 - September 1982 October 1982 - September 1983 Tibies 1.3 through I. 6 t ist the iraspection dates and maintenance performed for the statioi~, sigr3ificant data gaps, adjustments to ra\q data, and ltaiues that have been es"pima.te$ where data are missing. Periods wit17 lnorli -than rrcp. t>i.nc ij~iu a* of tiliissiilg data JI*F? SI?OW~I 011 ! able '9 ..4. I nte~mittejat gaps in ), @ no 9 cf;ti.a uzcu c* i't*~ilt~eneiy i k ka~iilte!' and a re no-k ideratifig:d - t !lit lia!rrlise.;* 0.: issi sir^^^ rhyr; foi- "I afi~sc cases i,. appr:,::iriiaf:ed 9 by 4.)~- i-c:i.ai rit~rnkc?r OX; rni~sill:2 houir:; iik~i*iny the PCE~~OC!, \~IL: k~e~>it1riiz7lg 2jngj : jj<iic,4** k J ir;! it:!;:Sa s;inps ioa. -isfl;$ a~j,Slj:;4;~jj~t-~(r to j*a\~ dg2i;+ t" r " - Y P 0 i4 xtviig" !i?:;/it:~kioru &~aici bijt,~it~3nci~t-ji,tt~: ti:4 I>+ I\c:-.%n >;?i,*ej 51 1j141jit-1i{,7,,# r];i:6d figin iric;;$:i~ 1 &+fneii is pviliii $r>el?i-?b {~"i.;:: ( fliv:xi 'i ["! bit/'zhc~~t EI-~~I { ijla ;.*t.Ii4.6,d;ji l~SicC9 i ti(:? ")I each month, which are tabulated in Tab!e 2.2. However, these missing RH values do not canstitute data gaps in Ta!;ale I s4e TABLE Isle ANGULAR ELEVATIONS OF TERRAIN OBSTRUiCTlONS AROUND KBSDNA WEATHER STATION Azimuth (1) (trerej Vertica I Angle (3) NOTES :: [I) Azi arth angles are in degrees from tt-ue North. (2) Elevations were obtained from U. S.G. S. 1:63,630 scale maps. P~ints used were selected mountain peaks and ather features surroirnding the weathe#. station. Elevation diffes-ences from the weather station at 2700 St, bl%i and horizorital distances were used ta triangulaie the vertical aragles. 3 Veir'tEcial angles are measut-ed above the horizontal. e:> EJ r a "a. >:;aFzl J . --" T-J TABLE 1.3. !MSPECTlOhl DATES AND MAINTENAbICE KOSlNA CLIMATE STA%'ION OCTOBER 19a TO DECEMBER 19M inspection Date Weather Wizard reinstalled RH sensor calibrated Reset date to 006 RH seirPsor caaibrated None None Weather bVizard removed for maintenance Weather Wizard reinstalled Anemometer CUPS and krdind vane exchanged with damaged ones iron; Eklutna station RH sensor calibrated Replaced anemometer cups and wind vane Sensor array disconnected *For annual rtmintenance Sensor as-rsay reconnected RM sensae* catibs-ated W H aosci ilator replaced None FtI-4 sensor cea9ib~ated C -@a r Q O BCco 63 .- 2 2 "e3 - hci .- mo 0 .- LC Z Lm ctg C OL a, =%: a LdJ z 2 a6C G 6R *- "ha cPI cm m @ 3,E m 3 en Solar Radiation Adjustment *i5 RH points TABLE 1.5. ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO RAW DATA KOSINA CLIMATE STATION OCTOBER 19a TO DKEMBER 19M RH Adjustment NOTE: No Rk data Cram 6/15 to 1C/5 due to a bad P.H sensor osciifa"rer. The oscillator was replaced on 10/5/84. .- .- 4J-a a) f& @ f- a\ !uU ccr 0) t L 0) ea 0 c: CL c3 *"~,- <bJ LC) 4.i .&~? .:, > PM E'S! (Q :"a "C$ *(:, " ** ?\\~ QY m .".- f-4) . .. C,) 0) . . <I* J'" -$ 5.. ", -2 <$ 80888 O 080 QOO 2.0 ANNUAL DATA SUMMARY Table 2.1 presents a summary of tht? monthly averages or totals for each parameter for the? full period covered by this report, October 1983 to December 1984. The symbols used in the table are explained in Section 3, Report Preparation. Conversion factors are provided in thle appendix. 'The data reported herein are also summarized in Figure 2.1, ia sequential plot of ail the measured parameters. Annual summaries for prior years are provided ira the previous. data ~eport (REM Consultants, 1984). With this report, a ~hift has been rnade from presenting the climatic -it3 an a wiiter year basis lo presenting it for the calendar year. The calendar year format matches that used by the National Oceanic and Atrcrospherie Administration (NOAA) in reporting climatic data, and sitnpligiee ~onparisons. Future reports will asso be for calendar yeaps. A skiminary of the psrcentage of usable data recove@-ed for each clitnrstic pararni~ter by mentln during this: reporting period is presented in Table 2.2, Tl~e cumulative percentage in this case applies for the whole 15-montl., period. - + a < > rn cz py.. WE 825 81--M 4E w+w Am0 mu -UO mi- me0 0ZI-n - dm I-= - J mm4 >@a- @?? 0 8 coca 2 m 2 "0 a3 0) 0) 4-3 to ib3 C 4-3 Q id CJ @ QS 60 1- 4.2 "a C " ..* GI c k>-! a C'J O *--. $2 'iz &? il;. tu 6?> > 4-9 O 3, --- a, b3 -v Q m f" .- b Y *"l A" L >\"k 0, I- " lo jd 611 ': 4 .ica - C11 <I", 01 2s c , U *- ~r 0 f- Y I*) ('-! 1 r i; 2 ":- .. - ara $14 (.J r: F .-- il> 9 - a) ? " ~:"q (1: tr 3 i ir i i ! ii )d *a (* (2 01 *, ti) i-i 7 h 1'1 kj (1" .) Si 3 {J i - *1 i ih i' 5" 0-7 i 0 i 3-0 REPORT PqREPARATION 3.1 Description of Symbols Used in Annual and Monthly Sumnnaries 3.1.1 Ansltral Summary Blank entries for monthly values indicate thle station had not yet been installed at "ihe site or that it had been removed prior to that month. installation and removal dates are noted on the table as well. Insufficient or partial data. M follows average and/or tota! values if 1-9 daily values were missing data fcr all or part of the day. M appears alone for the morlth if 10 or more daily values were missing or contained rnissing daqta. Parentheses surround the M where other letters may cause confusion (i . e. in pi evailing direction). M fallows average and/or total values for the )!ear if any month was missing data. M appears alone far the year if any sp~onth was missing enough data "t orequire it to have an M alone or iG three or more months wer-e missing any data. 3.1 .2 QLcilanthBy Summaries rrroneous or missing dak ((may be from 2 to 6 asteris[i:;,* depending on numb@,* of digits possible in the vatu~:). Asterisks appr"iur i place nf She value if readings i Irlt* ,8i:ii?r%ininatioci of :tii. i:abk value bvcrc. missing. reported. Similarly, a dash for precipitation in the m~rjthly surnmary table indicates the volume far that day is not known, but the cumulative total over the i~terval of consecutive dashed days is includrd in the nelrt day where a value is reported. 3.2 Data t;smgutation Standards (Climate) Conversion factors for units are presented in the appead~ix . Specific segments of the monthly reports are described below. 3.2.1 Graphical Data Plot The dac- plot is a graphical representation of valid recorded and/or ~omputed data. 9.2.2 Hourly Precipitation Summary Table Iloui ly pre~ipitation values are calcu!ated as the difference bztween valid (current and preceding) consecu*tive hotr rty readings a Whet2 either of these hourly precipitation readings are in\jdlid, no btalue is reported f-31- the current i3our. 140 'cable is published for the winter months (October Circaigh I\/larch) unless a heater is part of tile tipping bucket installation. 3.2.3 bduratl2ly Summary -rsi4;6i: * 1, t~liaj~irntiria daily and ~non-thiy tcmperatil i-cs are dcter*mi;~ed ; j recol+decj :omk3.,ei*;.tmui*e:. 3. Mean daily and monthly temperatures are detrermined from ail valid recorded temperatures. The mean daily temperat~re is determined from the mean of the maximum and minimum temperatures. The mean nionthi y temperature ie determined from the mean of all reported1 daily mean temperatu res . 4 e Resultant daily and monthly wind directions antl speeds are summed vectorialiy from all valid readings. 5. Average daily irad nonthly wind speeds are determined from all valid readings (arithmetic mean). 6. Maximum daily and monthiy gust speeds are determined from all valid readings. Asscr,iat?d directions are the resultanst directions from the recording interval in whi~ch the peak irrtervai ~ust was observed. Prevailing alaily and monthly directions are datermined fr om ali valid readings. The i-eported value is the most freq~ent di r6:ction observed, 8 a Mean daily and m~n*hiy relahiwe burnidities are: determines4 fro812 all valid readings <3rith;netic mean!. When the wind speed is less than 1 m/sec, the RH vaieme is on~itted Cram the sves-aging (but is displa~~~ci in the gs-aphinal data plot ;5nd in $Ira th a.~:e-hss.~r taii-.die) , P to less than minus 47 degrees or more than 27 degrees 10. Daily and monthly precipitation values are detc?rmined from a;] valid readings. 11. Daily and monthly solar energy values are detcsrmined from all valid readings. Daily solar energy (in watt-hours per square meter) is determined by averaging the recorded solar intensity (which is in milliwatts per squarc2 centimeter) and converting the units. The monthly value is the sum of the daily values. 3.2.4 Thre@-Pour Summary Tables 1. The temperature reported is the temperaturz recorded at the specified time. 2. The dewpaint temperature reported is the: deavpoi~~t calculated at the specified time. Dewpoints are omitted pihen the wind speed is less than 1 n3/s, when the de14tyoint is calculated to a value greater than the recot-ded :empersture, or when the dewpoint caicuiates to less than minus 47 degrees or more than 27 degrees centigrade, or wlsen ei.klrer the t~mperatu re or K. tl . reading is invalid. 9 I%) a 1'hc relative Rua~iidity repoabted is the hutnidiig, recorded at 0 !:he s ycicif ied tirile. 6. The gust direction reported is the direction of the maximum gust :8ecorded during the preceding three-hour period. 7. The gust reparted is the maximum record4:d during the three-hour period. 8, The radiation repor-ted is the solar radialtion intensity recorded at the specified time. 3.2.5 Wind Frequency Summary Table Reported data are determined from all valid pairs of r~radings. Valid pairs of wind data are composed of valid wind speed and wind dilmection data for the same interval, 3.2.6 Hcssrrly Solar Wadiaticw Table Ww addition to this year's report seri 3s, hourly solar radiation values are averages of all valid readings recorded during the preceding hhtu~. If arly data are missi,qg of4 invalid, the remaining values are arithmetically averaged for the hour. Thet daily avet-age values are determined by surmming the hourly averages for the day and diilidirag by 24- if all data are missing for* the kout*, 170 value is printed; asterisks a***) appear instead, and no value is used For the hour in corrrputii'ig %i>e daily aver3ge. Another addition to this year's report series is en observation summary. The number sf usabiz observations for each parameter is determined by counting tile number of valid readings FOP the entire month. The percentage of total observations is tjetermined by dividing the numhk?r uf tlijri!~lft nhservaticrns by the nlumber po:gsible for the month. Data adjustments and additional comments applicable to 'the month are manually entered below the summary table. I. The following are the data ranges assumed valid, based on reasonable expectations for the parameters in south --central Alaska; data outride these ranges are not used: Time: QOOO through 2400 hours - at specified intervais. Temperature: -50 through +35 'C: Wind Speed: O through 99.9 ineters per second and less than or equal *to GUST 13i rection : O ti3 rough 350 degrees Battery: 9 through 14.5 volts 2 , Accuracy of the WlRl (Meteorology Research, I nc. ) sensors and processor are as follows: Temperatu re: r 1 'C Wind Speed: 20.5 meters per second Wind Direction: 23%sffujll scale [i,e., 23.6 degrees) Relative Humidity: 26% Precipitation: 21% up to 76.2 mm/lar, 25% from 76.2 mm/hr Solar Radiation: 25mw cm -2 Tape Recorder Error Rate: 1 bit in 10 7 3. The following are the dir,~ction ranges used in the ~3s-evailing direc"cion, wind frequency and wind g*ose s tr r81ma pies : North North-Northeast Northeast East- Northeast East East-Southeast Southeast South-Southeast South South--Southwest Southwest "%r/sst-%~~thwest West West- No~thwest Northi~est North- Northwest CBMPASS HEADING 350 through 11 12 through 34 35 through 56 57 through 79 80 through 101 102 through 124 125 through 14ti 147 through 1651 170 through 191 192 through 2141 215 through 236 237 through 259 260 through 281 282 through 304 305 ti~rough 326 327 through 349 4.0 ltdTERPWETATIOPI OF DATA, 1983-M 4,,1 General Comments 4.1.4 Many sf the sensors or the mett~ods of measuring various parameters have peculiarities that affect how the data should be interpreted. The user is encouraged to become fanti liar with the methods of summation for each parameter and each table, These are described in Secticn 3.2 "Data Computation Standards. " 4 As described in Section 2.0, a shift is brling made from presenting the climatic data on a water year basis to presenting it for the calendar year. Thus, this report includes fifteen months of data. All future reports will be for the calendar year-. 4.7 *3 Changes made to the format of this year's repapt series include addition of an bout-ly solar r-adiation tar ie andl tabulation of the actual fl~mb6k of usable obsei~-vations an a monthly basis for each parameter. As t17e data-processing ~~rogi-nm ifidpias msdi*Fied slightly to permit outp~ii- of daily pt-evailing direction when the tvind speed .-nsor was not operational, and outpu-k ~f speed-only pal-ametci-s. (peak gust ar?d daiilf aa,ei*Eige speed) ~j!lrrp ~IIE bvind direc.tian sensor \ci~as not of>eratisi%al, the data is that one hour was "lost" between rrjidnight and O'tOO gltn October 30. T here are thus no data at all for 0030 ar-ed 0100 on that date. 4.1.5 Missing data values have been estimated wher~e possible. Estimation, which was accomplished by manually editing the raw computsr data files, was generally limited to data gaps of an hour or less, where interpolation between the preceding and following valid data points could be used to estimate tite missing points. Interpolation was performed in this manner for temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation data, Solar data have been estimated only for clear or uniformly cloudy days and then only if not near the peak value of the day Solair data are also estimated at night where zero nrinimum values should uccu r. Precipitat;~ is estimated only if norPe at all occurred during the inrerval or if the tips of the tipping bucket were manually counted during a 8-ainfald event. Wind speed and directior~ data have beer! es"liriiated by interpolation only if the preceding and followiaig wincfs were vei-y irniform. Peak 9us.t speeds have not been estimated at all, kL'i.6 The recoi-ding inberal was changed prior to the winter* of 1983-8sc4 to pesr~it recording of data *for Isnyrsjm periods of .tirisp ih-? ;~.j8a e.jej7-C: moniQ~l y mi~i nter.ea:~ce? ti*ips ,the s8a"iion **. . + ii2tc.i--+ta.fik was @IsanCqejrJ fj*om '1:j ruiir;jtcs to cq b (3t-j fUiga I; in; rea.;cci tE1c2 4 -I ~~~oi*~~~ Pennt[,l ypr -J 4~ji31t;a ;; -f ~~~~p~-~:)~j~-~~~~P~l\~ 1.0 ;;~J~~~~~~~~~~.~~;~-~;~~~~ t 3>f;(;b '.\.+\*J-- -#- # a "#*\ , I rr jb , ,, I. (--- $ P~J~ tt $ -3 + , , p+,i (3 \",".pfi~ i* a u2 i- (c? T 4 - 1 :2 j,j:j Q\ S 9 y? 5 . , 3 $ 3 2% ";j rh ~~%~.~~C~~ke<~,k~J~, '-? -* ,',.,)~3fX <",@ M f P the data is that one hour was "lost" between midnight and 0,100 on October 30. There are thus no data at all for 0030 and 0400 on that date. 4.1.5 Missing data values have been estimated whet-e possible. Estimation, which was accomplished by manually editing the raw cornputer data files, was generally limited Po data gaps of an hour or less, where interpolation bletween f:I~e preceding and foilowing valid data points could be used to estimate the missing points. l nterpolation was performed in this manner for temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation data. Solar data have been estimated only far clear up. uniformly cloudy days and then only if not near the peak waiue of the day. Solar data are alsn estimated at night where zero lplinimum values shot~ld occur. Precipitation is estimated only if none at all occurred during the interval or if the tips of the tipping bucket were manually counted dharir~g a rainfall eiient. Wind speed and dii-ec~lion data [save been estimated iatei-polation only if the precedir~g and Pollowir-tg winds weeae very ur7iform. Peak yus"ci~eeecls lsa\te not been estimated at a!!, b4.l .G 'e'hc 1-ecoi-ding interval was changed pi*iot* to the winter of 198C3-84 to perini3; rea:os.ding of data for longer* perioas: of dl r:me a in tire event snontiri\~ maintenance trips tn +". as\t< tstatio~~ t;q,13 9- *-- .-!j q; p.-j i hc in'ic.~-val was clza~~gcd from 15 irfniatrtes t4~ 3 p *tfii~[~:rf-b ialc:-i.ac:>cj I-h:~ --J i(-i~q(F~ ~2" - :^,pi: , I f jr) ;j;jf")d(j;~~jf~*,]~;~~*i 1 bP !f"i :"""> bJqj 6% *I 5 11 * r q )4;\qC' ~~t~(*~f: [ fdtm)z9~Cajh[ $,-ae p Q 9,: t i. . , I+ .;.~~~EC~F\C; #J;Y)~ ibw** ~>c~;c-~~~t,~p;~* I- Y , ., * 4% ,. 1 ; 7, i , h-4 3px31", * 4.4.7 The Kosina Weatlmer Wizard was removed from 4:ke site an June 14, 1983 to l;se as a replacement for 0th~:~ stations. It was not reinstalled until November 17, 19133. Thus, there are no data for October and the first haif of November 1983 in this report. 4.1.8 The station was removed for maintenance on May 24, 1984 because of an increasing amount of garbled data. It stopped functioning completely on May 19. Tkie Weather hjiaard was reinstalled a.t the sits on June 14, Howeverm! following reinstallation, all data were lost from .lane 20 to July 13 due to a power failure. A total of 49 days of data are missing during May, June, and July (see Table 1.4). 4.2 Ccmmersts so Specific Parameters Precipitation data are generally reported for Apl-il th l*oilgl> September only. The stations do net (lave heaters in their precipitation sensors (tippir~g buckets), so they ?ire unable to record pi-ecipiiai,~n whei~ tl~c tei~peratui-e is ke1cp:2 .it treezing. The sensors are calilsr-ated to tip far 0.2 mm or" i-ai51faiI and not for si~av~fail* The stab-f reexin9 temperatir~fis inay cause s loss 01. a delay of the recorded ~jk*ectyitatiai~. lii.:ii3ds frequeni-ipt blciv snow a\May froin oo- out of (138% OCC;~S~CP~~~IJ!\~ ir~Ce2 tile collector, and si~nvl cnlli-.cted in i-i,c. I I~E-!., .; iild> ~mt be n-iieite?d and rk?cc7r*dc>d 1417-t-il $ha caej<"a", a~.;b~-::i){:~ ryf i&fs4Ten'i #f?a.iher* $~.ik>ii~?{\i p:. 1!~/'(3*~-''[<s lat::[* -?an , i3it149ii3L: (1% e.~CF(>~~a~w >'ts , ($ j.21iirji i 1813-fpr8k%-33t.;".1 ~~,;ff"~$~{ +.:~~'ji.'~: -;ii I ' . . [ ;~t h;aZj-ir-"';[" .,,P"#2=i.-,ig>i';;i*;i*iILpi ,"X",c;i 1 ki occurrence of sub-f reezing temperatures coult-d affect the timing and the recorded amount of precipitation. The tim;qg within the day may not be accurate, blue the daily total should be reasonable. The user should exercise caution and make note of the concurrent temperatures in interpreting the precipitation records. 4.2.2 Relative Humidity and Dewpoint The relative humidity (R. H.) sensors used are printed circuit etements which sense changes in R.W. by changes in impedance. The sensors, manufactured by Phys-Chem Research Corporation, have chemically -treated surfaces which degrade with time, and are thus very difficult to keep in calibration. Many of %he months throughout the year (and at all stations) therefore display significant variations in R. H. patterns. Theoretically, the rs~aximum value an Rib reading can attain is 99%. However, when the sensor is QO~ calibrated correctly, readings may exceed 100%, or they may be noticably too 101~. Adjustments are therefore made accordingly, as indicated in Table 1.5. An additional consideration with respect to dewpoint is the fact tl.aat it is not computed tiher! the reported wind s13eed falls below i n~/sec, due to inadequate aspiration of the W. I!. set-isot*. This ?%x:,ically causes e?in~ina.;ioi? of at %past onuc-; tAe+wpoirlt value osr \early ever-y day cjli data-co!Beciiort. Daily and monthly solar radiation values are the cumulative total energy, computed from all valid reacfings for the period. Either the daily or monthly value can be signifi- cantly above or below the true energy valua if there are large segments of missing readings (i .e. from the period of very low intensity at night or the period of very high intensity at mid-day). A check shorrld be made, therefore, of the hourly solar radiation summary table to get a feel for the frequency and timing of lost solar ~(acfiation data. Caution should be used when a significant arnount of data are missing. Another frequent concern in the processing of solar data is the presence of non-mst*o minimum values. Since the 2 sensors have a stated accuracy of 15 mW/cm , they often record a reading of 0 (during night) as 1 or even 2 2 mW/cm . This also can bias the daily or monthly "ioials, !making the computed energy much higher than the true 2 sola;- energy. An error of +I mW/cm on every reading will cause the computed daily total energy to be high by 240 2 watt-l~r-/crn . Readings during periods when this sensor offset was demonstrate d have been adjusted downward, as temperature rises above O'C or until a wind event occurs that is sufficiently strong to free it. 5.0 MONTHLY CLIMATIC DATA SUMMARIES KObSiNA CREEK STATEON OCTOBER 1983 - DECEMBER 19M Each month's climatic data suinmary report consists of the folfowing 11 pages : Hourly Precipitation Summary Table (or note page) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 1-9) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 10-18) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 19-27) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 28-31) Monthly Summary Table Monthly Graphical 210.1; Vdind Fre :uency Summary Table VJind Rose Pist dotrrly Solar Radiation Suw-nat-y Pabie Observation Summary anJ Nr' Page No data far Qetober 3.983 [see XN~PB~TWTXON OF DATA) Ha pxecip%ta$ion data for No%~e?&er $See XN~WmTWTXON OF DATA) r THREE bIC)1IR 5"zJigtPli$RY F'QR \IO:5:FNA Wt?A'Y*t-\ER S'T'A1' :C DN DAa'P"A TAKEN Dt,)&t 'It bCPIG Fla ueagsbt:?~ .. 1 883 DAY 155 DAY 02 ]MAY 03 ~~89 9 UI~~B UIFIB RIST i%~%, HOUR DEU u~~~~~~a~usrn~re, ~uua DF UTHB @lid& GUST AX^ MBNC TEBP, BOHHV RH 018, SPB, BIR, 69ST RAQ #BHG TENP, PQIWT WH Q1R, %PD, Elit, GUST WAD NDKG TEBP, PQIHIr RW QIW, SPB, BSRt GUST 'FAD BEG @ BE6 G Z BF6, hi5 BEG, d/S Hki BEG E BEG C z DEG, 34s DEG, BJ~ NU DF6 C BEG C 1: DEs, BEG3 RJS Ifid rI"u)*Bilrt)~I"~~m---~~*~-----~m~*---~e-~~~--~~~~- inClar--iaSl--m----~ee--m--*~w-m~~-~~**me~*a~~~~~* LlsrsarrilrPIII1.rr.*~-*~-~.m-~~~~~~-~~-~~Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is*Is* ";~tjg BE& U3NB UIHD 6bST #A#, HOUR BEN UXtJilb EiIHD GUST HAX, HDUW BF~ UIBIB UlewB GUST t14X8 HllHG REP, POItiT RN 12R, SPD, D$W , GUST RIB i4BH@ TEHP , POINT WH BIR PB, B18, GUST' RAD NDN6 "fs,R, POINT RH QIR, SPiif a Bigz BEG C BEG C Z BEG1 H6S BEG, HIS #U BEE C BEG G X BEG, B%S BEG, 8iS HU BEG C BEG O Z BEG, ~PS BEG, 8dS HU *P;~(P-IIPIDI~~Y~~-~~~~P"*UP"*UP"*UP"*ULB)~-MI~I~~L~~IB~~U~~~~~P?B~CCC~C~C~ ~~~BL~~~D"D~.DI*B)LC~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~~~~~C,~C,~C,~C,~C,--~D-A-~~--- -*l.(~~--~m-rc,~ma-aa--(~--~~l--~~WS.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b#3 QIIC I%% ##f tQ*# +4%t #t# #%2% #*% 4%K 328% %I% %MI Wt#E Q#% %%I #Cf% %#I f%# 23441% aaa ##% #%%3 @#% DAY f3 MA "dl Y$A"r". 5 rrn~ 1t3 JI~+Y 17 DAY 18 w a$! BEU ~JY~D UIRB GL~ST nnx , ~ou9 EM ~INB UI~~D GUST $\AX, Hnua BEU ~JTMQ ~I~JI) GUS"! PI~\X, !iDi*IG TEBP, POXbJT RW DIE, SPB, DIW, GUST RAD NQt46 GERP, POIRr RW D$R, %PD, D%R, GUST WbB MDHG TEHP, POINT 88 BiW, %PO, BIR, GUS2 B&D I!Ec G X$%6 @ X DfG, b1/6 BEG, ff!S tfki BEG C DEG c x DEC, 14d~ DEG~ fils nk4 BEG G BEG C a B:6, #4S QE6, HIS t4U -U-UU.l,Xq *** MllO- ~"d"d"d"dLULULULULULULULULU'9('9('9('9(**"Ir"Ir*"m-~NININININININI IP-*--e-II".NINININININININI I6il-LTLLLLIUl-NINI-NINININININI-NININI -----4l--tx -D-~-LII*-ICIUBNININI-NINININININININI~.--CI~**^NINININI~~NINI.NINI~".NI--- Q3P@ +jgaa# %a#%q n# %+iji {$ng# nw# a$jti# a%# BSgg ##%aqs tf%%i$a a4 s%# $+### %%$I #+%#a #a% @3QB -fb,z -17,J 98 $95 2.8 4,4 fii2O# $%$%a %$jass a# a## .:acrna a## $++:I.aa 4iaa @&a@ %##a# 9~39% R# %-kit #%un+! %#% ###.:o $${in O&@B -.I&, 0 -.j7,4. 89 208 J,@ 784 5,1 fl by(l@ a+jj4#n aa s##:j #i~ {!#w$$ ?!#-x @?@@ u%;i;a#;$ .N##aa aa $98 w%s #a# :;3.j6asz ##.%. 590# -15.9 --I$,@ yg 313 3,~ 211 9,4 j?@[j {{%an;: g#jf4gb 43 gaa.9 :jS:;$ ::#c% 12@@ QQC~E ###I# g% $#+I CQQ# #@8 A889 .#E~.I -jd,g ..%b,y &\4 ?tf$ zQz 232 4 ,dl $5 flfi$ n td a @#a;$!$ :$a+j~tg +j$$<E 3#E$ #### Qlai Is@{] -li!,\ -.I>.? 4% 146 2 -7 $54 5a7 3 --13,4 -$h,q 'Jb ?,$ 28'7 3,fl 7 ig@C E$:a#si %%r{;!? 4% 9x3 .i;.#g$ +ij3.3: ?438L! ~$-3!(8 jgfi@-.~~,~~~-f~,~ 71 1/48 3,(;;1 Ilaf k,J 8 11Ib1+ *-il;,,;-\;J,U@9 !94 :$",; 174 4 Q ;yq ndli;~~; %# gdji$ 2+ia$ +:g,$ jj;~:~ qg~ -.I( 7 ..]Y,B 91 ;yg 190 $,4 '4 *S,L 3 -1hI? DS 294 2,[$ ;?I$$ 3,8 9 ~~s~61 .,Q::;$: g:%B+; bgi;~ :$#,# ;{%Q 3,.~2", :p+t"-"**$ I I, - $7 Q4 2, 1 3, 8 ?"iji? -15,~) --!?,I 182 Pl& iqj .;;,is 8 3 & M 6:; 4:) P4 IT3 8-1 B,-, "Y" 8% N '3" 3:; . :I: N %i &,$ 53 :!E 'T" fif 0 I-I ".d8 X3 0q QX bE%: 8, ... 4:; 'T" Dq 11: C2 13 R 3' %Sf: C:: *If* WREF Mt34JR F$\SMM&I;?S,"$F8R KI\$:%'NA WFA'TI-4ER S"TA'I'X ON DATA TAKEN DURING Ptas~smbar, 19B3 ~oua BEU ~EWB IUIHD GUS~~AX, HOUR DEU UTHD UJP~R GGST RAX, HOUR BEU UIRB #%HE eusv #fix, RNtG fEBP, PUXli.17 RW DIP, SPb, QHP , GUST WhB HBHG TEHP , POINT RH D'BR , SPD, DM, GUST WAD IiBNG TEaB, POINT RH B%W, SBBI BPR GUST WAB BEG C BEG G I BEG, iVs BEG His #H DEG C BEG C Z DE6, 8PS QEG, Hf % BU DEE C BEG G X BEG& HdS BEG* HIS K@ OTll~P~~~sl-Ba~W~E*'4a~Vd"LltW~~rCilrilr~~I1RerW~Bhil.W~~PR~(aLnlBn~B P.gCiUEPtis~mlll~~~-~~~EI~mm.D)~O~-bibiwm~~)?)?)?~~~~-4.1eP-.e-.e~e I.~UPIP1PIP--e(B-IUIIPII*LIII1.YI*~~~U-CgcgB~~II**DIII-*D*L10.--0101- B3BO -93,8 -fS,3 86 182 %,9 $QB 5,f O 8388 -%7,4 -69,8 89 I85 3,4 138 Q,3 8 8311 -";is -9,3 83 $32 3,b t3B 8,3 8 86@8 -1bD2 -f2,@ 84 20% I,? 198 3,2 B Oh00 -lBtS -18,8 90 IbS 2,7 175 b,3 0 oboe -9,Q -7,b 93 196 1,s 183 5,l B lPIO -I@,& -%1,3 95 TYQ f ,7 204 2,% O 1961 -%8,2 -%7,5 90 243 3,9 238 B,% O #BOB -4,2 -5,b 46 @& ,6 038 5,9 B $288 -12.3 emf3,h 91 39Q 2,8 176 5,2 b 12QO -W2,7 *03*8 92 228 3,% 233 ?,Q 4 liJB@ -3,2 -4,p 38 Is2 I,! 144 Za8 3 8568 -%8,4 #%%#g 79 W# 4k@%% %@# $,!I 5 1386 -%3,4 -la1& Bf 149 3,6 127 2 8500 -1,2 -3,4 85 i9B 1,4 193 b,3 2 -14,s -13~8 90 224 t,~ 222 a,? a taee -s$,o -14~3 9fl ess 3,3 141 a,$ 0 1888 -I,& -3,n 90 15s I,& 121 4,4 8 2298 -17,2 -1918 8b 212 !,8 187 3&2 B 218b -f2,2 -13#4 83 211 2,2 179 5$7 O 2180 -%,9 -9#5 89 13h Z,B 113 5,7 Q ?4CO -98'1 -%9,Y @ IBB 3,B PBb beJ 8 2480 -18,2 -12,0 87 878 Z.$ 215 1,$ O 2400 -3,l -4,8 88 149 %,3 453 b,3 fi HOUR B%g U%#D !dKHB GUST IiAX, HOUR BEN UIND @END GUST #&X, HOUR BE@ U%MD&PHDGUSlP"EAIlt, k4Bk46 EFT, POINT RM BfP I SPD, bXW, GUST RhD HQNC TEEP a FONT RW DTR , SP"?) BTW, &US7 R4B H8$!6 TE~P, P83fb!7 RH BIR a SPQ, BHW GUST 8hD DE6 E BEG C X BEG, II$S BE@, HPS HM DEG @ BEG C X gE6. Mi% BEG, #16 tfld DEE C DE6 C X DEG, i"i,"S DEG, %$S 9fU "IIIIOI-BUUIIIII---~~~~SY~~--~~~~~----~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~ w--~e91~~~~~a~~e~~~~~~~~~-~-w--iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1iQ1m -IIOIBIP.IP-.I*-~BI~BIPCZI~LIY-~~IQIIQIIQIIQIIQIIQIIQIIQIIQI~~~~-CCCCCC~B~B~B~B~B~B~~~~~~~~ 0308 -42 -5,9 89 :BP d $5 131 s5,4 8 03888 -9,? -9Q,3 82 195 25 183 4'4 O 830Q .-i%$5 -!I,B Bb 2B3 I,? 183 5,8 0 @be# -bib -7,693 995 2,8 198 5,% O 9hBO -7.8 -8,902 182 2,s 184 4,4 O @ltfll -1318-t3,8 94 285 1,s 183 3,s 4 Oven -7~ -7,7 YB zoa 2~ 204 4,4 D 1980 -9~ -10~2 91 194 2'3 186 3~ e aydo -sallj-~~,4 as :DS 218 3,~ D 1$$0 -E6,3 -ft,9 87 219 2,9 15b 4'4 5 1288 -7,9 -9,4 81 872 2,b 1$8 4,4 b k?BD -13'2 -%4,8 87 223 f ,7 228 3,2 13 $500 -8,4 -8*P 9h 212 2,3 208 3,8 2 1548 *8,7 -P,B 9% $72 f ,B a83 3,2 2 is68 -13,3 -f6,2 79 ?29 2,4 B9 4,4 7 1800 -8,3 -9,T 08 288 2,8 2B% 444 B 1800 -1g,5 -12,3 $4 BB7 2,0 Ib5 %,8 0 180B -15,s -lh,5 Y% 227 2,8 227 3,8 8 2\08 -8,2 -18,$ 93 184 2,s $86 S18 8 %it[ -1B,1 YT 289 $77 3,8 B 1180 -14~8 -fb,a 91 223 2,f 234 3,8 O 24400 --W,9-lfi,d 91 288 2,9 192 4,9 fl2308-f2,5-93,584 1V? 2,9 138 3,8 D 2408-%tlB -12,793 241 I,& i:? 3,8 11 WOilQ DEM UEItB IdTHB GUST IIAX, I40LIR QEU bi%HD UfHB GUSm; MAX, k4OUR BEU U9gb H5#ij GUST HAX, %.38ii6 "B"R il PQItl'BY RW BIR , 6PQ, Dl!!, GIdST RAB M0!46 TEI4P POXB4"fWBt D%R, SBD, DTR , GUS1 R%aB B10H6 TEBB, POINT RW D$R, $PO, B1E GUST RhB BEG C DEEG C X DK, tiB"S BEG, H/% #kib BE6 i.' BEG C X %%G, l4.G lIES, Nb$ Eb! DEG C BEG C X PEG, HIS DFG, k!iS i1W ~~~~UIURL~~*PIs~~~"~w~~.~~4"4"4"4"4"4"CUCUCUCUCUCU'CUCUCU'.CU4CUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCU'CUCU~-~~~~*~ BII(I"(3LUI**-UFe-*-~-.---4=-~~~------*-~--~*~-- I. ".O ----ILilDI--* -I)--.--g)l-am------?------------ PIIU*U(IIU-~W-Oa*-~~~--~ - *% .,&kil" --1214 -13,5 92 3,f 116 5,7' fl 8386 -15,2 -I&,? 3: 19O 3,s 2Qi $,1 8 0308 -11,6 -I?,? 9? h7b 2,7 153 $,I B 8b0P-14,0--14,399 PR6 I,? 238 *"W 806QW~%3,5-34,Wtl~ !El9 ?,tJ I@% &,3 El @i.sBO-i0,9-!1,893 ?BR "9 21Q 5,j 8 89tQ -.):*,5 "*16,14 $43 298 3,2 295 :i 4 BB(?i@ -.ld,~\ -13#3 89 2CS 62,; Is7 5,1 Q QBlO .-10,6 -dsl,? 90 9?8 2,5 208 4,4 8 6208 -ltjL3 -%5,2 93 z93 3 3 284 5il J 12ttQ -jiSO ,-\?,6 [!8 :TJ 2'7 1532 4,4 J %30i) -9,B --18,3 R[> 18% 2,@ 175 tsii:; -j~,@ --jh,~ 92 287 5,~ 219 3,t 1 jsgfl 4j,."r ~13,; 8~p-j ?,I job! 3,~ ~sa~a ii -j@,ij 87 183 3'1 ~"wg $5,1/ ; $@;1 --i7,tj -.jfi,$ yz 314 3, a pi$ i b j,ljij@ --$*$,b 89 FWi4 3,3 jb3 4# 1 ii40U -ahs? -1~1~9 71 3 173 j! 1 fj ?!Q@ -r-rB,@ -17~ y;! ~,g$ 3';: pa[3 so*! ~c-jfi --42,5 -.$a,? \Yj 1914 ?',3 193 4,4 0 - - ' lag 2,s tt 4 u ?#nf; -."a7/, -gy,b$;! h'~ 3,s ?iff 7488 --gg,] -.l?,aBfj 2Q,dl. jrts 305 5,gi ::l~@e --~:*b -il~,j c:2 is ail;! I ;!t:r 1:~ 8,;; fi HQP4TldS..Y 583MH$$RY FDR K IXS J: NA 84aH:ATTh-\FZ\S S ?'A'"I':I" ON D#4T& A AKER "II"*bR TiPIG Na ue~.Ebf:?sh \ X 983 RES, WES, , nhx* n~x, BBY' "S HAX, 1 XFAM BIND UIHD b%&b GUST GUST PVVA LEAAW HEAhI 60P1hR BAY %%&!< TE#P IpEBP %SIB SPB, P BIR I GPD, D%R RH DP PRECIP EERGY bhY 8 C BEG C BEG C BE6 8PS #SS Df6 #/S Z BEG C B kHB6QN ("~~~LI*IB~~(~"II"II"II~APPPP~*~~~*~~.~DODO-POPOPOPO~..RI~)I~IJ~~~~)~~P~.&~~)~)YB~~~~CII.~D~F~~~~~~~~~.LI~~~~~~Q~~C-LB)P.P.~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~.~~~LBL #Q@ 33312% t%i% it% *$aid% %*1 449 99% *%l% 9 % gtirst BW% 34% #G# #tgE$ 9% f%# %#I #I 4 @ Q@W% % WZ%% %%# 9i# 3% %$%t 9% ##I 9% 8% BQ %h #)P@ i-Hl# @tR @%I% %Z1 #44 QII 9 3% 9% $%%I %HZ 9% 184 2,b 3'1 IBI 6'3 SSE 92 292 %,4 2,s 209 5,$ SS3 86 193 2,9 2,ft 1Bb 6,3 9 BP 18% 2,5 3a3 129 8.3 SSP 80 249 I,? 2'3 138 8.3 SSE 88 201 2,3 2,4 138 5;9 SSU 84 %Bb ?,I 2,2 183 4,4 S 9% 22J 3 P,D 223 9,4 S!i $1 I$? 2,Q 3'2 %At 7,8 SS& 82 191 2,h 2,s I@ bs3 89 9 1 "9 159 8,s S $0 188 2,7 3,4 123 9'5 $kg 96. 228 2,6 7 333 8'3 SkI 8% 225 2,8 2,9 248 $,I SU 7R ;39 2,s 7 $23 9,s 5% 89 td 1.1 *,, 'a*" 6.: ma : f? 1" "" fl "f"f I"' 1.4 i,! p$ j' I?'$ :'I' "{ fJ t:!' 13 b2 (:: FE; fi {+ /:., (,I N R F" \ $\ j;-i 1 , $"'$J \..$ $1' P! 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MI IU ulr - l(-- m - - *n ra I...* m M1. rau u, r- %.+a ,a. rm nr. ru *," rwr ra, - *m ur. un nr r.rn ..r. .... .... ..r uu. .m na) rr* rrr rr. .M -6,. "" .," acr r.n .m nn, nn rm ns I,.. .w rrr ,.- nr rra ..w .I*. .*a I". "ar .*r ru* rr. uu ru .on - -- -.*. - Cfi ,0Q 0 8 %I 419 Q , F; 83 8,OO O fl rb 0 06 61 , 13 R b'$ 5 %b Q 13 , I) 0 i', "OR 0, 00 0 , 0 8'4 0 , li Il Q) , r! Q 13 , it 6 0 t 0 0 ..,. . . .-. .- ~-. 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LI .*.* ** - L rar - .ens r- .*- .st. +nr nr re rr rr* - U~I .... ala ..-. +.I* .- .m nw L-. *U +a era .rr, .". .- +- .r. .C - ru un en. t-r an. .*rr .w -. ~r rr. qe -* .-. 7HR:RE: &R!< 14491 Pf)~l~j:[~i,.~~ $."]BSE:Ru&'r'/:[]bJ$j; 'rtfx!i; Pj4:)M'Tl.J t"'F:)R EAf::\*i ji"$BAME'TER, -f vi +; DA'TA REI2Ot'.PIITb$G XN'P'ERVAAf.., 1':; 30 MINt.!"T'E:::$, 'T ti% B:: F Q:) I,,, B,, (3 @ T Id t% tf% 1) ,'S !,J 5 7" M FII N 'T .%ti I4 A 1:: R Ff: F. N 4 I) El 'f' Cl '1' 1.4 11: S t3 f:) Pi 7' ' S I> fi 'lyq : $, WI 4-5 Points 2, so la:^ -1 R~W~CM~ Addi. tisnal colrm~ents sn chis monph h data: 3.- Weather %$:izard xeinstalled on B%/97/83, 2, X few hours af wind direction data %cast on 11/19 dl-? to fraean wind vme, Mo precipitation d8ta for DecerPrber (See INmRPP&TA'I.ION OF DATA) . fUg BE@ dJNb idlPD &&t BAX , fafk9UW DEN uiND #!Ha GUST WkX, HPbR DEY UINB gIBD GUST @AX, N8K TEh? F"30IHI RM NTP, %PB, BIR, GUST IAQ HBHC VEflP, POINT RH DIR , SPD, Df R, GUST BAD BIYDBG VEgP, BOTMMWM DZR, SPD, DIW, G"l$ST ghf;a DEG C BEG C X BS6, $PIS BEG, ~rPS Hli DE6 C BEG C X BEG. BbS BEG, Hi$ flU DEG S Re C X BEE, #/s BEG, HIS HQUO EM UIMP Li3NB GUS' i"$i\X, H@3R BEU UfMD gHWB GUST gAX, 32UW DEB aSYB U%HB CUSP RhXI P9H6 ff:@, i"QT4T IH @I&, SPb, b88, GUST BA6 ,"ID#& TERP, P07,WV WM DIR SPD, Cad, SUS"aAD NDHG TEMP, PilSIHT RW DIR, 5PB, BI9, GUST 3AD BE6 6 aE6 G X DE6, !I!$ DEE, HrS $34 BEG C PEG C X BEG, t4PS BEG, 865 %U BEG C BEG C X BEG, ~jS BEG, H/S RU -a~-CP-BBI*4L--*~~-.*~~--rXI-.RI9j~~.V~T))~a--~~~OZ~air~~~y*~ ~LU3BIP-.ICIo~-Ll-sZTU~.n.*).B~~.8881LI0~O1~-...L-UIV(-LI-.DIII~-.Plerl. ~~-SnCPIP~-~..l~a~---UI~-~~-~-~~~-LPLPLPLPLPLPLP*LPLPLPLPLPRl--Cf 6381 -I?,? -f4,4 88 222 3,l 228 Fa% 8 6358 -9,? -!8,k 9s 177 ?,5 fk7 4,9 @ 0300 -&,6 -%,3 95 IBl 2,s I& 4,s @. Ob@0--%2,,,--%4,t @b 28 2#S 22t! 4,4 8 8&@g -8,h -"iS;BYfi 151 ?,@ SRS 3,% 8 i3h$t? -&,2 *"%@ 94 $55 2,Q 192 3,8 Q P309-Xt,B -!1,9?~? 225 ?,I 212 %,2 Q 1Y80 -7,3 -8,496 219 it& 184 2,s Q QYBQ -1'3 --9*$Bh 202 %,4 214 3,2 8 12BQ -iHQ$ =*13,'$ BY 281 2*2 191 4@4 4 tZOC -k,3 -3,6 95 193 1,s 261 2,s 3 IF88 -7,s --9*2 88 190 %,3 160 3,2 B 1588 -8,B -96,2 PI $68 2,4 %35 SIP 1150tj -5.8 -6.694 18h f,9 IRS 3>8 11588 -8,4 $5 184 ?,3 lbb 5,; 2 1881 -9,2 -Qb$ 87 i53 !,B IBI 5,1 % IF;; -b,B -k4B P4 203 5.8 132 %,2 O 1900 -bB,b -fep5 P9 l.79 5,s 169 iis3 0 2888 -$B09 -91,6 93 593 2,9 289 .,4 W 2f99 .5,4 *n,2 94 179 2,? 175 St8 b 2109 -12$,8 -.13,3 3b 201 2,8 361 3a7 8 4 2 2 8 2, 1 3 il 2488 -6,4 -?,2 94 187 %,8 138 3,2 0 2400 -!2,7 ~13~2 5% 227 2,4 214 3,8 8 QE4 dlN5t td9HD GUSWIAX, q2UW Pi #%Mb !d%N9 GUST RAX, t4QlfR "I I" H?kiE ~tek! -3 kjE$3D GUS'IS i+&X , MDk"&G IFW, PQXIiT Rti DIR, 6?B, U!R, GUS7 WAC )43#1", HEkjP, PO%li"i"H BER, SP8, BfR, GUGT RhD NbHG "FHP, "r"" e,d t1R. SPD, DTR, {$US! 2kfi $IEG C BEG C X DEG, 3445 DEG, Y9p 5 SIC 9% C DEL C PEG, ndq IIFG, Hi: F~U rrEC L Z KG, t;als DEi;, %!$ "*<w*Ul)m--*I**I**I**I**I**I**I** ,e~IUDCII4LISUI1Ieeee*am**--m~~*em~----.in.in.in.in- --mAaUI-.in.in***--"--.-- XII--.-----~*-G---b*---%-- -"..**- *V.m...NCn. -L*,(iUPI*h.*"YI"#-mm,m= m*61*O( .U..~(LL~eIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,II *, 8?89 -12,4 -13,1 35 225 217 4.81 G 0308 -lbb4 -IT3 93 217 3,W ?lt 5,1 O 4798 -TB,B --??.I 90 719 1,4 219 J,z Q 3bfi~-j7,1-14,$95 232 3,g 227 5% aobg: 1~,kq-ua,s~3 zna 2,~ 299 s,n 8 8i349-;~,k-24,: sa my m,4 18s s,? @F%O -t:,j -:l,B 95 23% 2,8 2% 7"3 0 8904 48,3 -I?,$ 81 210 ?A ?I? 4.4 I Bf?QO -23,4 +5,0 ~7 321 r9a 23s 4,a 8 F2flo *.tI,5 -.%3,:$ $4 22'2 2,& 231 f!ea .-13,5 --1q,fj 95 182 eb&fl8$ &,J 9 l2gg -22,7 -24#'7 84 243 f,5 2Q 3'8 8 e5nr, -9,2 -i9 Q9ii r""P4 ?atj 1 -*~,~I-~5e,~~~~ 2,Q !42 4,4 lvq$ -23,$ -?%,I 03 ;'n lab 232 i,:, ~lj;jfi -..4@,3 --jtb,8 gb 2gj 3'3 211 5,- jsg -15,~ ..it3,f 9: ~LJ :,4 S(J"~ ",..I 8 :t::kg .-FW,~ -:ta '1 fip b ~14 d 1,q lfi2 3~ ~j Pi 28,jti..j;~,a.g-,v3,~y5 I- ~QY ~~4 718 5,~ 0 ;l~~-ry,p 31 ~PQ 1.d 17: 4 a L\!$Q -qJ,;;->pq,i? B? ~RQ z,? 258 ,J,;- *"\ii i4,tj . {515 94 213 5ed: 21c 5,f 8 y43Q -21, 1 -3 3 95 2242 YB fi ;)?? * ] , i t 8 3ilkfi BLd kT%BkFMSgo$y~c"l,~ ijKQ2 UIND gfttB 7U51 MBX, +OkiR DEU 81 k? g"s'B Gtj$T @AX Q!!g#E\, I@!?, ?Q!#r #N $ID[$, BIB. GUS? RAP 8F)Fai; TEHFt. PQTMT 08 $iRX; 5Pt* B!R, G@T RAQ HDHrj XHP, 9GlR"MH D12. SPk, B$R, @ST RAE %I; 3, PEG C 5 \F$, "EX, BEG f PEG c x BEG, F:F PEG, H/$ K& FFG C BEG C Z D?G, hi5 DFC, Hi5 ?ik -----=" --*----=**=**=--- *--."-*-"-.--e%.. .-". .--- -...m- ----+...m -----*.&--* .-..-- --------------*---****--= -*-*w+-*-w~---a~-*-~~-----------*em-*---m--- 334% *wtfi.8 -?I,\ 84 ?,I *l..;i 8 4388 41$3 ? 78 159 4 2 150 #,3 !j #3Q@ -14,i) -Ib.@ 'RP 657 5,9 157 7 tt 6 Q668 -fYA -,?I-$ 78 rhr -3v14s,3 ;I+ 83 i? OkOU -iS,t, -?i,~ 89 175 73 !&I 53 0 Q$dO -n5,3 -IS,: 133 !SQ s,? 159 RaE;I R J+?Q# -29.3 -:22.9 8t *3,7 [la ij.6 9 -$?.I -ty,? 84 :Q2 3 4 13; ,,j " O CqB ~-f4,3 -1h,? 1% \hB 4 r% taf gh3 a j38R -:?J -2S,2 8$ ~44 I,$ 222 T,? 5 138 -lq,y -38,~ 84 140 4 4 ?,{I 7 pen -\&,I -ig, 1 I$$ 983 3,7 jyp $ i5$6 -!<#A -35,s 38 155 ?,a p!$ :,$ 1 tS@$ -15.3 -17 g as 4,b rhs t 8:@8 -17'7 -iQ,4 3.5 223 3,1 1 t@B@ -1$",3 -19,s 8h IS5 2,t. I"." 9, i 8 1Fi18 -:5,5 --{?*I @@ 1139 4,; ';i it 13 f839 -I?,? -18,9 l$f ,5$e $,7 20: 6.3 8 2lB6 -18~5 -%"it So ,?I :I,& thl 5,~ o ?]OD -153 -17,l 88 157 5,s 7,~ o -iij,2 -fq,e !$b 94 3.8 ";: 3 g 2408 *h8,2 -?#,1 Bf. \?? ik,3 ! $4 $,> 3 2460 -ib 3 -fp,g P? 158 5,3 156 ?,Q 4 2446 -r?,i -tQeg 87 158 A,? t$fj t,@ 8 gQg4 9 UIgB BIND GUST $fix, HOUR 2 #i ND k$ Inn Gltt;% HRX , HOkiQ E UINb UTHB GUS"f&X; kBH$ ifWP, POI#? Z;tk QiR, SPfs, 8j!t4 GtfSMRR #&G PE#P, PI3":Pt"T WH FIB, $$D, Dl!?, GUST RAD MDPtG YF? PiilBIiiT PH DEW .. SPb DXR , GUS7 B&9 2fG C BEG % X DEG, BfS BEG, MIS HU DE6 & PEG C 2 DFG, %is BEG, RIS DFG C BEG E k DEC, RI$ BFG, BPS 8U ~m~*--***---*-**--~~----*~-*~m-w~~*~mw~w-*- -*a~-~---*---*---*-----~----~----v----m--~m* -*-~---------*~--~-m----=-----*----~*------- 1388 -t6,9 -I?,+ q2 5BB 3.5 5b4 6#3 8 8308 -If ,$ -I3.$ 87 178 3,P lh9 6,s 8 QZOB -9,s -fO,b 96 168 3*8 264 YiO O -26.8 -tP,B 91 thb 4,3 156 7,b 0 OhQO -lBl& -;?a& 85 171 3,P f6? 6,3 0 0680 -El,? -9,s 94 t3P 2,9 t5$ h,3 B QFOfi -t3,1 -ls,3 91 tRA 42 99: a,3 B 0988 -fQJ -I?,& 86 068 33 34 h.3 8 5960 -R,B -%a !?& 98s ?,? !?It $3 IZ~B -!PA -IB,~ 90 ah9 4,h ass sle 2 1~38 -9,? -ca ea ~ss s,r t~ 6,s 3 t:?s~ -3.9 -B,Y VJ 33 2,4 173 4'3 iSCu -5b.3 -i8+3 89 lb6 5,t 17b ?.n i !SO0 -9,h -tl,? 85 088 3,s iP8 5,7 ! lSUB -RIP -I@,! 91 199 1+9 199 32 1 1839 -fa,S -i%,B BQ IF! %*S 163 ? B O f8OO -fI,4 -13,3 8h I53 h,P 15P 7,D 6 lRB0 -12,s -t3,3 39 ?it 2,3 675 3,s Q 2188 -13~7 -f$,i 88 tBS 4,0 I95 6,s 3 ZXB8 -?,a -lo,R 92 5,1 153 7'4 4 ?tfJo -t2,6 -f9,3 "5 199 1,8 168 i,?! O - i . 48 -.IZ,d -14.3 Ah 178 3,8 fF;rS 0.3 W 24OQ -9,P -18 i? 89 130 52 !;$6 8,3 G 24bO -!;9,2 -83J P3 2ilS 2,3 2?3 3$8 n kBuQ DFU JTEB ulWD GUST n&k, 4OttR BEU gIHB JI#B Qi6f $AX, 9OiiR K b94P ESND GUST fls?.X, !iQNG Tgfl"BQ"T RH D$RI Spi?, Bfft GUST t"iaBB HEW& TFfP, PQiP?V8 FSP, SPD* Dig, GUST RBD NDbtG SFSP, PrSlNl ti? FIF. SPG, Till?+ 13451 84rl bEf C BEG C X Ff6, BFG, !4iS DFG C DEC : ?q PEG, HJS PFG, 815 HM DFG i DiF e 2 FEG. 8iS EFB, nJS fi4 ^.arrr~~xr-P.rrryu~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~CCCCCCCCC~~ -e---------w-e-*----e----e--------e-*-e-*--- -----*-------------*--*>---*-----*---------- ~;fig -12~5 -15.9 94 211 2 t 208 s,? a $>a@ -13,; -~a si 124 st~ :as 6,~ u -9,~ -12,~ 70 t97 $,I IRJ ?A o \ 36$C -11,9 -I?.z 94 214 ;?,I :8? 4,t fi $&fig -iij,B -f3 0 Qt 18; 5,f &,3 17 ifrb0ili -8,y -13.7 ?fj 3.5 166 T,Q E) 7 3 -4 4 3 4 0 @BOG -r(2,~ -33,; P: 170 .:A rq 7,a 0 neon -B,$ -I"@ 7~ 21: 2.4 igh 5,s 0 1204 --fS,3 -63,3 85 198 ?,B $83 3,@ 9 1206 -13 5 -fS.9 RO 16A 4,q i?? 9,0 IR -4,s -It ,5 58 Is& ?,7 197 5,t ? {Sufi -I?,$ -13&2 82 2BB 1,P 182 3,? 1 1506 -f3,8 -'9,1 93 13 4$F ih9 7*% 1 !SQB -5,1 -4 t .G n3 190 ?,$ 186 5,1 t h89C 9-%I,B -t?%9 $3 203 1,3 fq? 5,t. fl !ROO -!T,b -!a,? Q? 113 4'3 173 7,B 0 \8QR -6,3 -113,,2 k3 208 2,b 187 5*\ 3 ?!Eft -I?,& -13~4 9.5 37h 4,i Thy 1,b 6 -fk"S,-tl"i,~ 8? l8t 3,? r'% BJ D 2tN -t5,1 -12 fi bS" ?It 2,s 134 ki 5 rsefi --!fa% -g,b 03 178 S~,S 7 ri 8 ?4tg -~QJ -15," $5 \s& 4 3 jhh ?,a 8 24~~ -l~,y -H,; .* - 742 * 2,5 189 3 8 o 9? % M c:: e:s $I r; k,j 1,,, *r- 6% P%B ""if 5% * 3: hi (1: * ~:5 a,j :m; :t: -T- i--q cab !--I -p++ x, p~m [:I 1st:. j,., I::: (1: -r- tq :I: 6:: P R ,-J- !at: c:: *I-* Mk%Q 8 MIND UlNb GUS1 H8X , HOUR DEW U~HD ~l~t G~~ST WAX, zfint~~i DE&ad WXSD MfflXa GlfSZ 9AX, 140% IfRP, POI#Y WH DfR, S?D, DSR, GgSf RRB iIDM6 fEHP, POINT WH Blft, SPD, BEE, GUS1 RAB MDNG TEHP, P8IMf 2t4 D%R, SPD, DTB, GUST 9WF DEG G BE6 E X DFG, h/S BEG, #IS EM PEG C DFO Z DEG, 8/5 DFG, BfS EM Of@ C BEG C 2 DFG, RPS D%6 Hi5 Fd Il-.r-*s-~Fll(sl~-~~~-~~-"~-"*-,~~-~~~~-~-~-~--~-~~ .*LR-s--LIII*.II-*r*r--L ...pl*r..r*)-*-~*r*r*r*r*r*r.*r, bbbbbbbb-b.bbbb--bbb~~-*--V-- 03Dt --\hi# -19~2 ";$ 199 ~3 IBO 5,i D 6300 -IP,"~~?,J 80 179 4,~ i~r4 ?,a o -.rs,? -21~1s a 18s ;,a $?s fils a OblQ -19,3 -22,3 Sh 184 2.6 1'74 h,: 0 ti608 -"3,! -??,9 79 17% 3,r) 182 &,3 ir -1q3 -EL,'? RI f9";i",Z 203 4,4 0 Q30@ -I?,? -2Q,7 77 29;" ?,B 153% 5,i 1 0888 -fY.4 -2B'ft 80 915 2,9 Iht. b,S It OPfiR -21,3 -P3,'7 Wir 1PS ?-9 Ill "iy O 12lTB -:6,@ -.?Q,8 71 182 3,s 1% 7,G 5 f?iC -18.5 -?1,5 T'B 5,0 thO "i,D C; f150Q -21.1 -23,'P 78 199 !74 7,O 8 ISRO -15~3 -I%E.P 74 581. 3'5 177 ?,a E rSQe -t7,4 -21,~ 85 lt~~ ~,EI 159 1,6 a tsaa -71,s -a4,:3 81 i?B IS,? $64 "jib i" !8i1ba-I7,&%-?0*87b 179 3,3 kS2 5,1 ri 1B"ii-?fl,4-22,583 1% 3.0 ir;4 6,3 O 1808-23,?-25,1?8d 170 3A fS1 "s? 0 ZIiSl -18~8 -22'4 7A 193 2,7 188 51 R -29,5 -.3i19 85 579 5.5 fP2 5,7 17 21811 -20,8 -23;b 78 240 %,B 191 "J? 0 2400 -%8,h -21 ,S 98 I?? 4,fi 172 7,h 8 2400 -?I,? -?3,5 82 i?4 i,Q IYfi 4,4 fl 2400 -18,s -2Q,1 83 %?a t,5 14T 3,8 O NaUw bfU ~JHDLSQ~IGUST~~~X, NBM6 TEBP, POtHT 88 DTR, SPB, Dl@, GUST WBE BEG C PEG C X PEG, 845 DEE, RbS RM .C-*U--.*~-----~--*~--**I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*~~~~~- -I(---- n360 -Sb,b -%Re? 84 t?l 1 c9 149 5,t 9 $608 -16,s -as,? a; 158 4,~ tss 5.7 u DBO% -tSaf3 83 151 %,4 Bhl 6,s W 1280 -16'4 -1W.6 83 159 S,% 169 4,h S IZSQ -tk83 -k8,7 P2 161 %,B Ikl ',B % ;806 -%?,I -I?,$ 83 EhQ 4,4 IbJ Q 2n$B -:h.l -18~5 PP i39 4,P 175 ?,O B 241Q-t3,8-l0,48n 189 32 185 5,? it RFS, RF5, AVG, h&X, bAX, EAf S WFAN &TWO UBtIF kfHi 6i~Sf GUST P* VAL fiF"dF! 8FBt! SOl-i%F TE#P + 818, 9PD, SFB DFR, &;Pa' DdW, RN 3P PWFCXIb 5NFRC"I Erk\t" DFG $ DEC HIS HIS 046 R/S l, DF,ft C 8 &EJSQ$ -~*-e---*--*--%*,ee--*--**-*~---~----*---------~~-~-*--~--m----"----",~------------ -&,a 225 ?,O ?,3 Sc? SU 83 -R,3 ###* 1st 1 -1,s 5 ?,9 ?,5 Tf% 5'7 SSg 87 -8,B #%x$ 385 3 -P,9 ?81 ?,% 2,8 194 7,; SSQ 85 - %%#a 2:"O 3 -IIA i93 :1 2'9 228 5-1 su 91 -s?~ #gqw 190 4 -R,4 190 1,Q 2, bh7 94 5 33 8, !a@ 3 -iBiO bP2 ?,2 ?,4 nh9 h,3 S$b 73 -9,s #an# 0 h 2 218 3,b 3\1 219 5J SQ 9$ -jzt? #&*%& $1 7 -67~ 199 ,?,3 2,6 208 k,3 $$M 93 -!h,B %#*# 318 $%I -34 ,? A ! ,? 1.8 235 4'4 $M Pq -Z$,ii #%%% 28% 9 -21~1 163 3.2 ft,* ~se kt -3 $8 gggg ?a la -17 O Ih? 4,3 4,4 150 ti,3 SSE 84 -18 4 @##$ 125 11 - 115 -1 1,5 159 8,9 SCF f47 -7 %n#% 14s 12 -fh,8 d7B ?*3 ",R 134 , > 81 -17,h *a## 75 13 * "C1 .i?$t3 1% k,i ?,3 5 5.7 F 88 -1, #%%* 53 14 -2 19h ?,$ 3-9 3 3 $ Q? -"?3.9 PC#R+. 185 15 -;3,R fR7 ?,5 26 r75 ~~3 SSM 86 -?5,3 #%#k 2iiS 16 *fso$f: 4,"69 1&'u9,?j !j$E 87 .*?O.Q R%#?P 146 1'1 -1.3 16Yt ?,d 4 151 8,: $Sf 81 -I?,? #k%~ 198 18 -15,~ 178 4.3 a,? 1% 8,~ s a0 - gww q 19 -'tQ,h 169 ? 4.3 3% P,3 SSE Pk -1?,3 fgbs 90 20 -71 t?!fW8 "4 2 16~ 7,8 SSU Q4 --ls,l ung~ 11% ?f *13,6 135 T*h 2, 169 7'0 SSU 93 -I;,&\ g~%% ?PS 37 -I?,! t73 9'1 4.1 164 7,n 5 t$b -$J,Q #&'%% 355 23 -4 183 ?,P 9 1R3 h$ 6SSb 73 -4 ##wn 7~5 ,q -8,3 I?? "6 5,8 IBt h,3 k7 -13 3 &#k+ ivc1 % zg -4 193 ?.? 3,s f75 8,s $&i =-94,4 ~w#% 185 26 -Ene.+ 178 2 5 3,-5 17" , 5 7"$---1W,$ u#r+ 16 27 - 183 3% , t?? ?,e 5 7h -Xi, i &#%# \TO 38 -19 4 \?,{ 5 3,k 7 k $ 84 - %*%a ??O ,J? -,41*~ I@i I,? 3'9 4b4 k $ $1 - +%%a 308 30 -\?,a it& $,fi 4, i61 ',n %5! fl"\"R H%* 150 @r -14in l83 ?,f3 3,% Ilh !1,4 S BT"r '4 BRB* 5?4 8 December, 1983 '$ l:' r If t.: :l 1' Y ( m +' :I :p, IQ , 2" 1 , I) 3 t-5 @ 1 iz , cx i .,?, i? ::jl [;I . 4~ 4 1"' I' (1 7'0 rl*f'l 7% f'i 3. [I 'Tr! I'l p t~ I. I4 F, f';^i 1; f:f N i , 61 :'Us, li 4, fj '\ (1 i) 1 g [I (1 f-; ~t 1:; f$ *-f !+* p5 y- c;i -J ct !., .".' -.". *n rrr r- rr I** rr.. ,rr. '...... r.. I*. .i..r.*i P-r -. 5.'. rr. r. re. trir ,*a. .w ..a' .X .... .r- r-rr ."l. ir t n 6%' -3" nr. ... r n.. ..rt r-r. .rrr rrrr r?.. ,.." .,. .'.. ."r .-.. *.r ." .... .. i. - ".. %-r* x,. r... rrr r.. r ,..a rr-. 9- r-.. I.. r.., I*.. (li-- r- * . ..* .we .-.. fl , il c 0 , Bi 0 rr , ci ij % (1 ' 2 O , tf (1 t:.; /! r\ 1 '3 ::,s d .* I I,.. x. 'j , ~:: j ",Sitr ' ,r "," r-j 3 -= t:; , : A- > 3 ,ibb '1" f! , {J j ,T * (1 =': , #, , 1. '< \E " \'I , (! {-i il , t !I ,,.. '..' .. ' .*,. ... j It it , ~1 ti rrtr rr. 1.r. Cll nr -.r. i.. .*** r" "I.. r... -n. .rr ..,r i,r .ur I.". ".&. I," r... r. r sa- rn* r... .." .^ ur* ,.. ir*, Mr. .... ,h ... l , 1 rrt .*-. .+* r.r, .m ,r. ,err "- ,.>. uy ul. "., ,11* ,.,. ..., ^ -4,. .*., --, nrr -... ,..* r.., ,*tr .... m '7 F-t $: R , . d;x R F:, t ,> p{ i:j i.3 5; Cs 'i i f:' i') 1) F; 1:' i;! k,f ; 1 'r "l, 'j' pi '1, 5; f"i ['I ) 'i pi f: 1 3 1%; F (:I [t !..I P $2 $ l$ i.s f'* '1 Ei: , j kt$.' xJA'4'r.\ t.;fir;'<i,3Pl) tlr": j ~~~'F"$~r.)] rvi :$(\ btmr+,l\,i 7 a': ";; , -1 i9 {::- 1: f:j *- ss 14 '( ('t i t . t ri a r, '1 i.j Ci '7 p-1 ji: p{ J' ${ IJ 1;: 1.'; r: bj &\ 1) i:: *I {:) '7 Is.! I 5 bi [ j 4;; 17 7 ~; ! 1. W 4-5 R8 Poiwe9 2, Soliar -$ IS~%/C"W~ No precipitation data for January (See ZNTEE@ETAT%(ieN OF DATA). @id4 DEU L6BP RIMF? @US"FiciiaX AflOR nEitl Uls\lD LlkD &\{ST HhX, HOllP BEM U~ED gTND GUS1 h&X, B4DHG TcgSD, PBIBF Rpt FIR, SP8, 35Qt GUS7 Rht WD#L YEHP, PCf%N! RH BlR, $38, Dtl, GUST SdaD WOMt TEMP, POtHT Rti fiI8, SPD, QIR, 61tS"4i+It Or"& G BF6 C X fl%B, PIIS bfS, iYjdS St(? BE6 L DEG C X DEG a H!S FTC , WJ% BM DFG C DEB C 2 BEG, His BEG, #S HU --"-U--LC-1"---"4*"----*-*.--"------------ -l-)~-en-9C------mC-"~~-~---*--~--m-~*-e -----"--*--w-UCU----w-----------------*---- 83EEg -?3s4-~%."Z"83 257 3,1 ?I? 8.3 O fi340 -Q+?-jO,CISV 155 48 IS? ZI1,Z fl) D308 -8,9 -8,197 lVt2 T,9 229 i?,4 O OBhE -fl,8 -13,8 bO 194 2,4 ZDB 3,R 9 fib00 -9,O -I0,5 89 179 3,$ 197 5.1 a Ohoo -Y,l 95 218 3,1 ?TO 5,: 4 0700 -iR+3 -la,# 89 189 ?,ij 197 5,1 @ oYBc -9,B -10.9 ?? 158 i4i3 $52 ?,B O 890B -?,a -8,s 5'5 ?95 ?*b 2% 4 4 0 1200 -R,G -9,g BB PJ ?,v~s s,! 2 52at -~,5 --lo,? 95 177 5-7 185 5'7 5 -9 7 -&,s 94 1375 i,2 2h7 ?,D -- i500 -R,% -P,O 93 ~59 3.6 160 5,1 11500 -ao,a -ia,epj pas 2,r 178 %&I 11513 -,&,a -?A ~3 228 3,: ?A$ 5,: 3 -6,~ -8, I<$ ? 4 ?,I 0 1808 -11,; -If,? 9? 2113 3,8 ?!I ~8~4 8 S8ilg -6,% -?,6 sd! 310 209 $,? 8 2:?5 -T,f -8,3 Qi 534 3,5 f32 h,3 Q ?to0 -9,R -10,5 7s 208 2,: 204 5,l B ?iflo -5,s -6,3 04 ?OF 2,0 223 4,J Q -" - i4iia"l -6,? -Ill+'? 8"-153. 5,8 I53 t;"+5 r? ?Iff@ -Ri4 -Qbl PS 2tk ~$1 i3?6 blJ 8 2dQB -~*8 -~?~4 '96 32 t,8 211 i18 8 HOCR DEg #uIRD UiN8 CltST 823X. i~OlfR Ed MI#B NlkV GI15T HAX, i+DUR DEw Ql#Ii? U!f!B ZliST Hb\X, HBHF 9;i*r.i""4P, POIHI RH 01RX SPb, DIR GOST RAG MDkG TEHP, FOJrJP" @ti CIB, SPB, btR a GUST #fib rlotif; EhP, POINT 2M DIR, SP8, 318, Ef6 C DEO C 2 aEG, fi/s DFC, NIS Hb DEG G DFG C X DF6, HIS DEG, i4JS 8% @KG & BFG G T OFZ, R;S BEG. +us --r4-rrllrCa-Csl----~--*~~*-m~9mmm*--~-*~--mm-I-- .I.Lal**..I(-C"--"U~-~*~--m----***-~-e--"--.m.-~---x-" I-*I-~.~~-R----I-.-~~--.-------~.--~~**--~'------*--- azuO -tb,e -~,4 82 $as 3,6 I~B h,3 o Djao -7,b -R,r 92 n3s ,: BIT 5,a o RXBB -3,3 -43 83 $43 r $7 on& ~$7 a 068B -I?,? -t9,0 86 203 2&5 IhP 5,7 0 OhaO -9 -10,i 67 265 3 R 390 4,4 D Oh00 -2,3 -3,? 94 114 5,? 112 l?.f 0 Q?br"b -19.0 -fW38db ??";,t ?3% 5,7 13 0908 -k,O -?,4 Bi? ?33 it? ?5? 5'7 G OPQO -4,s -?*3 83 113 8,Q fBP 0 1208 -%Zab -14,6 85 189 3,S i,3 3 13CQ -5,f -h,9 91 172 ",1 14F 5, t 4 1?0Q ,8 -k,3 Ph i31 St@ I32 !as? 5 150k -i2,6 -f4,3 87 Ihil h,R it55 9,Q 2 1560 -!a,r -xa,a 93 lhb ?,5 r5Y &,s ? 1508 $,a 4 8 5 7 4 68 r 1800 -13,; -14.8 Be) !";a J5,6 fi,? R,3 O 18QB -5,P -7 3 PO lR"IBj 137 7,t 0 1938 1'3 -,2 3 13 434 I;",? $ %iIo -Yz8 -9 7 7s 3W 3*2 282 5,3 8 2tO8 -ht? *?,b 40 ?:I$ 1.7 101 $,I R TfO$ $,8 -1.: Ft ISO J,B 193 k,Y 0 %sgn -7,0 -8+490 113 $3 DE~! '+,&I $2404 -4,:.r4+aaj 137 ?I#: s~ o~zjno ,4 -?,QB~ 143 3,s 133 a.3 0 n6UR DEb UlHP wS&B GtiST k&X. kilt!R IlEb ki Mat dlND i:LiST hbX, rOtlR DF& %?HP Wi#B GUST YAA, fJ8#6 TEgP, POINT ilk DIH, SPb, 6Q57 RljP ND8G SEHP, POINT Rh QIF, SPb, bl2, GUST RA6 klDm6 TEfiP, POikir RE DiR, SPFI DIW, 6UST P6C DEE 6 BEG C X REG, Mi5 BEG, nk$ t4k PIG c DEG c z DEG, H~S 8F8, H~S 8~ PFC c DFG i 2 PEG, nt5 DFG, ku **-*--*-------*-----*-*--"----------*--*--- ----~-a--..-"--~-m--.---~-*~-~m---*--*~--,a~- --m----~6---w-m*.--ti----"~-~-M-~-em-~-*-*---- c-4 Y9 QI ie, CG *--. rq ". "-*A- - f-, fii s-.' - C*i @- "-- -0 "*" "a- e -z- -s ;", a- re ---- f% rari re, r; r?, rpg e*- r74 %----xorl.rarPx~---- -/ C- *- - - PI -4 /- - rl .- "c 3'. -4' "s- KL :% ". -. - -, - - r - yc - -*- -- 3 c.- CC/ -2." 3 -# t; 9 -, - SI"I - -" "I- S, - rs" 2 ?' 14 -, - t .F -- ...-~ 'B- rr* CZ% P. f7.d 115 prr (.n, $5 -----".* pri Car Crr - Pa p* .-. r-.-; 'q- - -a P3 * " - -- ".a* s ; -a re, s *; ~4% * g- (IXfW* * *: Xrr - "-U .)-* ir^r .J^4 -- P*ilf rig MObC DEd WJND ffiiSf E"IAX, He?iik Tifd gIND JEkii GliS'f aizfit;, -iO:tY P.Fu tiXtr.!l dl#!] CVST h ki8gi IEflP, POINT Wirl 018, ?Fbq;l, BI4, G{jSM&B !jONG TF,qP, POi$i PI.i IJ'ilR SPP, a7R, I;\J$i RAP pytBf.,C fE$, POINT 8; biR, SPb, I!"!?, &us; Rerii! DFG @ BFF f X PFC, h/5 DFG, H:S kb: BEG r QFG r % DsG, PiZ FFC, g!S e& SF& 2 DFC C X DEC, !ti$ CF&. ~bj -*r-rruxc""l*-m------e*--m "aYirr,llarsrrsa-i.Crr*x-----w- r-rrr^-lerrr+-.rrurr^rr----*----~~--~-~v"----~--~~-~--~- --".--------*-=-a --.-------*m-w----s*--.-*- ----em- 8304 -a?,e -:9~ e: 34s s,a 329 :e,o a o3un -ps,s -,x~ @$ 743 :,> 4,4 E fl3nfi -33,o -35*6 76 '?? s,~ 231 5.1 a Q&aO -i8Jj -21.2 81 '3h h,7 33 :Q,R 9 -?4,9 45,3 bb 305 3 r8 f$fl 4,4 0 oh04 -38,~ -33,a "0 -y~& n94 ?,I 0 osoa -?z,p -zs,o sj 382 4,a 309 9'3 6 sya~ -pa,p -35,p ?la >,a IRA 5,r o csftn -?s,s -33-6 "n ?n3 24 5-1 c i20@ -23,o -31~8 7: IPb 2,f1 179 flBr Vj\208 -27,- -3> 9 hi z08 ?,$ 3YsC 4,.4 + 1798 -2R.7 -33,s ??I 2,b 5.1 0 -24,9 -34.4 bf? i3?1 ;,I Tf3 5,: 3 150C *!7.9 -34,1 55 200 ! 9 ?94 3,8 3 ffOP -!? 2 -32,P 5F 1" 3\5 $73 9,4 4 $808 -35,0-?8,Wl 248 ?,3 226 qtl,! i! \ROD-31 ! -i5,?h? ?07 ?+.T 1?? 3,B Rj fR$2-23,8-33,Y 64 !34 Tij \R! :;,I >I#@ -25.1 -?pas 67 I?? 2,5 179 5,! f! -:&, fj p? TI& ?,3 3% 3,W TlQ4 -3#,3 -54,? hfl 185 3,fj %mir 5*3 1 Zd$R -:7,4 -3j,& b1 ia1.s Z-5 215 5-1 6 ?440 -3T,f -:t3,$ 3 22111 ?!,b 4tb4 8 2489 -32,fl *a1$ 74 :&T; 9 " 0 &.u$i F at^^ gxtj~ PJST gbx ( got18 F UI~D uswa srisr wnx, t.~nrta BEU UX~Q NINB GUST ~RX, k##& TEl@, PQIBI WH @I@, 5FBe Gii%f 849 h9t4G VEBP, PD'bkT RH BIW, SPB, DIX, 6U5T R&8 #BNS IFqP. PQt#"f~al OfW, SPBi BBR. GkJSS WAD F?!; C OEG @ X BE5, @/S BEG, B/S BEG C BE6 C X DEE, 8/S QFG. RiS #B DFG C BE6 E Z DFL, ~iS BEC. dfi *I 4UIP-4.lqP.m.. =*~-~~l"rte*4"4"r*r~-91141-~~*~-~Zl-~C?Jl(r" --em-- m,,,rr-rsr;.~UIIIqrU1)1~*LLU*IIICIY*Plr-.-UUI-.---li--~CIB- ..--CI-C)CII-41I11--*%m--w**-*- O-------l--------- - 6388 -1fbs5 -2819 bl 022 I 4! 334 3s@ O ,1384 -17,; -%R,? 87 287 3,$ ?34 S,\ B @38B -8,s -9,l Q4 ?9b 1,s 286 3,2 Q 868Q -3!,P -?3,3 88 254 I,! 21% 2.5 6 if.98 -ts,h -I$,? 98 204 3'4 !ipf @ 8bQQ -8,2 -9,T 93 183 7.4 Ih8 4,4 8 88gQ-.2it,$-25e98b ??3 1,3 227 $# 8(dOfl-t318-fS,58T 20? ?,R 283 5,1 bo9sB -Q,d -11,391 192 2,7 163 3.7 O i2BO-31,8-?5,%?2 33 t,Q 296 3.2 2 t%E#9-1!,2-16,fl84 2% ?,4 713 $,I $4 f360 -5,l -6,rJftY 195 2-t 733 3*? 6 -:a! @7 *?5,2 13 189 .?-3 139 5.1 4 1$8@ -13.5 -IS*? 87 ?lo ?,B PB~ 4,9 5 t58q -5,6 -7,; 88 199 I,? 223 ~8 !$ 1883 -It<& *23,3 39 573 3.2 138 bs3 8 S16Q -8,1 -Ir,S 87 208 2'8 726 4,$ 8 3800 -1.3 -8,3 93 187 T 189 32 0 210% -L.s -lP,-! C6 t&? 3,& 154 b13 B ,"log -9,3 -1o.e gp 217 ?.? %,I 8 2laj0 -),I -8,s "0 186 2,2 184 3-13 2408 -lir*a -1BS5B3 I?? t,b 133 5,? 12119t -R,9 -"B 5% 213 ?4 fi 2$flFf -7.8 -fj& "3 189 1.5 fQ3 3.8 9 BfS, tES, , #AX ElrX, X WINI &%At4 W%NB WIND MIND @US1 GUST PYVL nEAN Y Ten?, $EBB, TEW3, QXR, EPD q3Q, DTR. $98, BXW, Rb BE& 2 BF6 C gfG C BEG 815 8IS DEG HdS X l--.-.l*~1"1*l~~111)*m.-ll*~~~l~'*1~--~--~~-~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~a~aa~aaaaaaaaaaaaa*r=~ f -14,7 -PB,k, fir9 2,8 3'3 153 8,s SSE 88 2 -Alj/b a11&3 -B,W SWkf 3.1 ft5 159 !fl,T %M 83 3 -3,6a -9fEprJ -a,Q 21s ?,A ?,R 4 s,o su 95 Q alSl3j@ %&%%# # ##a$ w%%# #wu %#il# t## 88 #%@I@ I@UQ% % 825 ARC3 gM#R ##W ##Pk WtR kt lii -14.2 -as,b -4 res a,a alsl ra3 st? s 7 -13,lR -I&,$ 2 6 2, 19-rj, 3 54 -13~8 -~Q,--%I,F 181 3,9 da,% 153 9,s s 9 -9,i 1 er4,O 1 8 3,s 114 t%A ssu 83 -%s;,l? -I@,? ? 188 ?,& 9,4 'rbS Bert' SW 8d; fl -3-18 -10-4 -?,a 189 I,? 2,5 116 ?,b 6$M BZ 12 I -4,4 1, 2 5'1 $5 187 \4,6 ESE PB 13 2? -S1O -3,9 147 ?,3 3,1 fhn 1TXP5%E 91 I"a -4.3 -?,@ 2Bh %,7 204 4,4 $SU 97 15 '5 -.t4,4 -8.3 198 8 P8Z 184 4,"tSU 91 i& -9,IR -15,8 -.12+4 191 ;Jsh 2 ih9 5,'7 SSU 95 XP -7 -I?,? -14.9 Iba ?,B 3,1 155 A,3 SSF $35 18 -if,r$ -f5.2 -15~5 13 ? 4 4%,6 f3R 5,7 S 93 19 4, 15 -13,: 984 I, i I,? 122 8,3 ssu 8P 20 I 34 -i@,3 t95 2,s 2,h Ihh h,3 SSW 89 23 8 -?Bet -??,I 169 P,7 3,b 155 3*h SSF 89 22 I. -23,4 -2P15 282 3,8 3,6 326 !5,P 55% 74 3 -2T,7 -32,Q -2 ?08 2,P 3.3 184 5<1 55M bA 74 -2. -33,P -38,7 197 3,0 3,2 159 R,9 98M 68 $3 -4 -JS,A -2P,3 iYb i,~ 3,h $58 9'9 55# a3 2b -t5,'5 -3k1! -'"SQ,g th? S,! 3,3 35k> 9.5 $8; ?? -14,h *?3,9 IBa 3,1 3,3 ISR 2.B $54 89 ?ti -ici,3 -~9,ia -=a$,? n8h t .? T,S tsa ~,3 s R? ;+B -8 7 -13,r 1 :>,Y ?,a ?,a ssg 87 $0 -5 -tf 4 -1 19R ?, 1 Ib3 S,? 9 9t 3I --7'?; -16,fi -li,h IB? ,T 3.9 4 5,; 8% 93 fiQNTF) ",P633g8 -!4,4! 162 2.4 5,O t4h !5,3 S$g pbj; 1 ,1 1";; 1 ""3'1 , rl i Mi*: yt , r, 4 4:; 1' I*.\ j ilit it; ,'J \ tj 7 f<bk)f+i <*, % ir , ," I,!j$ ;1 dqi:! 0'1 B('t), , irl(j"i "fdi i st,!" i I4rj 'f F: F{k,j(~!.~ E *"r z:., f,, I, i !' Cl i*." , tf? (' M r) X , (3 1"; 1' (.$ I J r G j f 1'4 I f . it{ 1,) c\, t 3" pPi j , ' { f$\jiutl ij":\ *"{p/i{:\*l".,Jrj\ \i8,i C-sE it ,g{i , flt3 1 , Qh X , 43 h a ..* ,% G fl , tl $3 a, ttn .& %% ,"i .I aa M\ t;i.rRI:l[$ CiF \ii!S&R\ F' p 1:: p 1:; 1:: ~4 --j' 111 F' E'] Fi $i f:: W V fi 'f "f I"), b! i:, 'T -1 fi I be r114 $i [4 *I' 3" (:.I b! 9,- -.n re.- .- ...+ rrr *r..* r,x .'a* l.' ..," nw' ilrr un-l na .rr I'.. nn .re I*.. re.. urr n.l. rr. *..i ll.. .r.. r... rrr. rrr* .r.. ... ' 6.". rrr* r.n rur dl.. ..*a nx .r. **.. ..r. -. r^-,r.. rr.. .,.. ... r -*. .r. .-. .r. n+* .,* rr.. .*r , r rrr I- Additional .:omman ts an thi s mon&!3's data: 2 Tntcu~~ltt;cn& wQaad direction dz~ka Post dtlc '?"a ~~OZCBI wind &rcu~e, No procipitatisn data for February (See XNTEWWTATXON OF DATA) . tau1 BEU gf4D UTgB GUST dAX, HOkift kEU UIHB USNb I;trSJ HAX, .~OL!R BEY btJ#BUf@DDu$THnjt?nk, !iBMG TE&&, PDFtiT RH DIR SPb, PIR. GUST BAB NidnC fEM , POINT WH 018, %Pb, DSW, GUST RBB NO% f&hP, POfNl RN Dl.:, SPf?. DIR GtjsT Rhf' @FG @ BEG C Z DE9, W$ VEG, W!S dU PEC r BEG C Z BEE, 8fS PEG, 8IS HU BE6 C BEG C X PEG, HbS DEE, Hj5 1% "LbP.-rnl"""---- orc09+.,,-l.-rl(.-C-b ----- -*-m*m---mI*II*I.I*I I OIICI".-"- "--*- III"".a*.C"--LII--I*II*II*II*II*II*II*II*II*II*II*I- "LI--~I*r~~e-L69I*II*I44~C.CCCcc-~-~-----~-.f..f.----.f.-.f. t130Q-lbtZ-n7,73B 196 ?.2 f75 ?,a 00300-1?*5-!3.?83 ?YO ,h 283 32 60390-1?,5-2R,3?Q 165 ?,$ 133 3,0 8 ib98 -I&.R -!8,3 BB 298 ?, t f78 5'1 8 WhOO -f2kh -13,9 BA 8138 1.1 028 1,B D 0600 -I?,& d29*4 85 183 ?,P fk2 5,1 O O?OB -fS,? -iFq5 Bh ?14 1:9 213 Sf? O 04u$ -t3, t -13,R 95 028 1.0 842 3,8 @ 898t -18,s -20,l 87 ??o 2,T 209 8 i?fl8 93 ??I !,2 298 J,8 5 HZ00 -f3,9 -$4*9 8Y 815 1.5 029 5,8 5 1210 -1&,7 -!?,I 82 296 2*$ ?Sh 5,1 $0 tSno -t?,b -%3,5 89 ?it 2,7 20F 3,R 5 1508 -12,P -\5.1 83 333 113 868 5,1 S 1560 -I&,& -1?,4 86 P!? ?,b 207 4,4 5 1800 -13h -19.6 9? I83 7-3 Ib4 4,4 R 1BgB -fb,R -?2*9 58 032 $9 a29 3,3 0 iFB9 -15,~ -1&,2 92 190 3,f 208 SJ 8 ZICB -33+4 -13,R 88 iSQ 3,5 ibB 9,: D ?do8 -iS,9 -??,I 76 B43 $9 tRf 3,2 O ?I89 -14,0 -fS13 ?O 169 3,s 1Qfj S,? " ?SIB@ -t*?#5 -14,P 88 261 2,3 185 5,i 0 -17'3 -?f ,3 71 f6i 1,5 i?5 5,l 0 24@0 -Isas -t?.b 88 Bay 4>9 001 !Z6l G HOUR BEM %ikB &TNB GtilSil RdX, dOit8 REU UTkfl #IMP GifSF RAX, @EM k4%D MYgD Gi~5i #A$, MD~C VSHP, POIBT ~h D:R+ SBD~ BIR, GUST WAO nod6 TEHP, PQ~T PH DXR, ~PF~ K~TR GG~IST R$~Q k~~filb"a WP, POI~~I P~ PIR, SP~, ~!t, LEST AD BEG 2 BFG C X DFG, 8;s bEG, Hi$ Pt9 DE6 C DEG C 3 PEG, n/S DFG, #is flu DEG C BEG C 5 BEG, WS BPC, $5 hk IleE*mrPUrB~..~~---*~--**--,"-*,~-m~~--w~*~-m-&-~~ ~asrrrurrana*-,%~-w-*-~-*--w*------~--------*e U.7--.m*=n*rL*-~- 1Clr*l-~-*.-"--*-----*.--*.-*.*.*.*.*.-*.-*.*.*.- 65$0 -15,4 -3R.? 98 !%I ?*A 112 8,9 O 6300 -15'3 -id.fl 95 $9 ,,B tai 4.4 O SAB$ -15'9 *$#** $5 Q31 ,7 971 3 2 8 Bb68 *f4,3 -15-7 89 2Ok ik.5 ?DR P,fi 8 QhQQ -64,s -1~1~9 95 1b5 %,? iSR 4 4 O @RQO -tb,3 -I?,? 91 ?I9 ,b 9743 3,? 0 -!2,l -!3A Y3 273 4,9 E?B iB,? B 6?08 -13,3 -i4 B 95 t$R ?'5 ?f9 3*4 0 Q888 -Sh,J -IQ,:t 03 ?I8 1,s 283 3,? fi !&I$ -ti,? -13i4 89 ??k 1,s 231 6.3 7 f2Q6 -t4,R -f5*h 94 39 3,R ?Db 9.t t f?C3 ti$,$ -19,4 89 212 !,1 &?04 3 d If ~500 -11~5 -!$,a 89 244 ?,B ,?45 5,$ :I 15~@ -12,; -r3,4 92 tt'5 ?.h 35 4'4 5 r5On -14,s -rR s 69 ass t,@ zu? ?,$ 1 XB88 -.i1,4 -t%,6 Pf 35 t '7 ??J 4,r?i O 1888 -1?$a -sly 4 9% t66 ?,S !h3 4,4 O tPBO **1!,5 .*2t18 8:' 33 3 3 192 4 $ 4 Eh8B -.!0,5 -I!,@ Yf ah4 ,% %Bh 5,r 6 ?14Q --I L,F -I?,$ 95 T@$ 1 ,_5 ?I"! ?,5 4 ZlOi -18,ti -?O 5. 84 a98 Z,d fQ$ 5.a 9 248@-11,$*!c%nwB5 OI~ I,> $21 3,":?400-lt,! -f?Q93 ?P? ?3 33 4,$ $?40C -13,:-1s*f "a 229 \,I 23: 3,1 @ I~OQM sad uign glr~7 $-dOilW l1aa:~ ua tie 9 C~,B$T nnx , ~~i~t+) DFg tt~itin bftia ~g$r &$a ~jfitjt; 7E#, PQTtiT RE Dl@, $f;D, DfR, F;ij$V R$b FjDHE; fr&P, PflT$T WH Qi9, SPP, 9!Bs GUST ntS&C i-cg."; 8~~ltilhV itad Irlk, $Pi?, Pjk, GLJST r"lAli rr -* ti^ C BEG f t BF6, E/S DEF, #,9 3td pi.$ S, D$r: "2 :; afc Pr$ PFL r4!$ XG C %1rC 6 t DUB ~!,p"!'i BEG;, F~ZS ~-~---**-~*~-,~.e---~-~*%---,~~~*-w.- --,"II--CX*IUXII- ".?mIXXX..LII-L1-,~~ ..#.-am- --*-- .C*II(.-e-C-III *-.XI -.L-em--IX.-.I-I-~* I*XS*.X 1 .I-." UI-IIIIY*..*(I --I- .XX%U*I -I-*-- @:(jB -15.3 -lb,j 94 179 2.1 183 3,@ fi 0309 -48,"1,-1Q,3] \93 3 0 !Q9 4,4 ii 8483 --?4,$ ::$ :J$B ?*$ 14lP 9.9 0 ob@$ &:%RW 95 199 !+ii 9 $h#B -:%> 3 --!3 Q 87 ?Dl ?? !*?7 4,4 (3 Ohb6 -19 8 -?I,? 71 ?,3 ;95 3.6 8 nqfifi -iu,o -a?,@ ~b 133 1 j 9 0900 -31.p a8 a? 1.e ??ti :,2 a do^^ -39,~ -PS,B 77 S,S po l:~,:? g -i:!,7 -ia,7 2 8 358 ?,Q 5 \?ofi *>1,0 -,?$$ ;? 79 ?I? 4 ?Jb i,5 5 1306 -I9,$ -?3,8 b(j "62 s4,0 i:fg ~1,s $5@&8 -t?J --jd,3 8F :";5ib ,; 183 ?,I 5 9598 -:9,P -73 4 "9 4'97 1, 62,4 "gfS00 -Ui",8 -P?t,! 5gp ?$Qb 4,fi ti,$ 14 [ - , 3 ,7 +,*$ 0 {$@# .-:J3,E $13 f98 ? 7 iQt'a 5 q Fi !ROO -,33,3 -!ir,5 ?VQj 3 5 194 ~$8 g zbf~ii -jy,F -23, 4 Yfj $8;) ajbj 5,: 0 .'l,\\fl *??,& ""'-I,[% 09 ;Q1 ." it!;' 5,j 0 ,"$fi *.;";,b -zb,p '73 .'.,IQ() 2,\ 189 d\*~j ij 248~ -12 -19.4 71 j1;19 ,y 189 .\ 4 81 a.!fi$ --?{ ,$? -J;J,i? fr4 :.A grjJ j,O u *:l~{;tj - b:~,S -&:itti fj,i 2rj i ;I 1, ~,tjd b 3 li WQU~ BEL ~XWB UTNB G~I~T fi~~, HOUR PC# UIND ~XNB GUST HAX, HOUR DEB gi~o ui~w cdsr RA~. klB% %ESP, POINT Rd 818, SPD, DIR, G@T RAB !tMG d$3P, POIRT RH DXR, SPD, BTR, GUST RAE NBMG IEhP, POINT RH BIR, SPF. Dig+ GLtST Rhb E6 C QEg C X BEG, fir"$ BEG, BtS MU DEC C BEG C X DC6, W/S DF6, ~JS qM BEG C DFG C 4 BFG, MiS @EG, Mi$ #U -QLIUC"-B*)----*-~..----~~~-a-RII~aC~-UrZ.m-*m-*-~* ol~11119----.UIIII*r*~-*~--*~~-------m*-*----~~~~~- ""-'L1PII--C11111-"r"rpPI-IIIIIIC4CIIIICIIXPPPPP*~~-~-~---- 0389 -?3,2-23*382 ?2% ?,2 236 4'4 0 0360 -iR,O 5 81 194 3,P ?a? 9,s 8 a308 *b?,5-2013 88 ??a 3,4 221 3,: 0 8688 -I&,& -28,b 8% 220 4,s 215 5,7 0 ah@@ -lR63 -2,,! 80 195 3,1 I?? 5.1 0 ObQo -Is,% -17,2 83 287 s8i a81 5,7 @ 6998 -2?,b -29,fi 83 215 2.8 239 4.4 B 649@ -17,b -?i1,4 79 1Bh 5,4 190 5,7 1 8960 -t3,4 -95.3 8b 179 3*!3 192 ?,B 1 1260-23,1 ~25~2 $2 ?If ?,S 223 4,iS ? -15,5 -!B,B 69 fE? 5'1 Iff? 6,3 3; 1288 -tf83 -t3,21'6 ita9 3,8 IS8 6,3 2b 1506 -?2,0 -?4,b 19 288 2'4 it47 4.4 5 !5Oi -1b,! -?8,8 73 114 3'0 4h3 5,1 t3 f5Qa -t2,6 -f4,2 88 I@ 4:3 174 s4? 14 18BQ -22+4 -24,9 88 218 2,8 316 sit G lR@O -18,9 -20,b 83 lh4 5,3 157 ?,b O 1880 -14,8 -\&,I 90 lea seB 1% E,? a 2tOB -222 -24-8 RI $!9 I,!? 195 3.2 B 2180 -17.6 -I$,? 84 fP9 3,P 168 8,3 u 2100 -15J -IT,4 "0 16r b,l $56 83 B 2880 -fB,? -21,4 83 2C? 3,8 103 4,4 8 2400 -13,O -20,8 85 23? 3,7 2?? 5,1 O E4OB -15,s -18#8 98 359 5,4 168 Q13 0 nobR DEbl GIRD UX#B GtrST KhX, &OOW DEk UXNG Uiefn SltSt WAX bdiir8 BEU #S&D uT&S GUST BAX , &BgG TEMP, POXHV WH DIR $PDi DIR GUST RAB YEW, PII%P{T kr4 g": SPt, BIR, GUS; RAD MDHG TFHP, POINT RH D!B SPB, Bit. GGIISMWAB BEG c DEC c z a~a, n~s DFG, nrs P+Q BEG P PEG c x PCG, #:'s IIFG, 1115 XU PEG r_: BFG c x DKG* H/S DF~, rris p"i3 C.*'lvlZI1-*IB~~m-~*~w*~~-~.*~"h--m~*-e-~--~---*"". iCII-*I*ICIIILILXLB-UUUUUUUUUU- rreb*llll*ll~l,UUUUUU- --irx.x. .-LIIIVllraWUI--CI11)11)11)11)11)11)11)11)L*L*L*L*-**~~&~e*--~m*.~m-**- Q35B-!b,~ -E9,3 YO 199 32 21s 52 O t30Q -IS,$ -IS,! 85 ?i28 3.3 219 5,; O 0386 -10,8 -f?,B WS a85 1,9 I?? 3,~ 8 aB@@ -t7,A -BP,2 89 tRi 3'2 Ikh 5-7 0 Oh00 -12*9 -34?9 85 195 155 7,h O Oh@@ -32*6 -54,5 @R b73 3,1 9&4 5.7 Q 89@Q -18'5 -!9,R 98 39 2,4 298 4,4 I 19901 -ef2,! -'a4,4 RB $87 32 125 St9 "EBB0 -15~3 *-fk,B 88 110 3,3 573 5,7 2 1280 -MA -17,) R~I 2as ~~i.3 IYA 9.7 Z& t30~ -13,a -t5,~ 84 154 52 FZS P,S 95 IPBB -13,~ *jb,? 99 SR~ 2,~ 17~ 5,1 FZ -14,; -I&,$ 81 35 T,P 263 5." if 1586 -13,~ -15,9 84 139 3,T t54 7,@ t 1504 -I3,7 -86,5 Wk IRI 2,P lh6 5,? t3 be08 -562 -518,it gb ins 3,a 1~4 5-7 B IROD -t4~ -142 84 POI . 33 "xoa : 9 o ascaa -I?,? -14~3 PB 182 ?,B ZR~ g,~ li 2iBa"s -+15,t; -13 3 81 264 5,Q 193 5,T t! 3100 -t$,B -t4,0 64 tYil 3 Z tR4 S,l 6ii ?lttO -dS,B .-\?,$ Qb 191 $,4 183 5,; 1 EACO -1k3 -I#,? 89 a9& 9-1 48R 8,+: 0 24Qa -lo.! -17'3 84 !Y$ 2.6 193 4.4 0 ~400 --Q,B -!l,5 8b 218 1,s 219 5 , a HOUR dfeaBk!M061a$Taf'":Y, i.tPil8 PEk gi#D d!@D i4$f Hr'!i, .iTJ!iB ~IEU tdiHD il~I#f~ Gli6$"i39xh ^fE&P* 96a"bNT Rb* DFR, SPb, DIO, GUST RAU Bat46 iE9, PO:Nr RM osa, $POg klR, GS% WAD HDMG fFB!*, PUltJT Ea"i BIB, SBb, D7R G"JSBi PAD DV* e BEG c x BEG, is n~a, fiis ~:~j R;G c ~EG r E: DEG~ !4!5 PEG, ?US HU PFG c I>FG f ;# VG, is :pig, flb~ id "r-r*-n rr.-s*~nr~~~~~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUs)s)-s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s) *^lxsr.ne-~ln-.-s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s)---~s)s)---.s)s)-s)s)-s).-s)s)s) --s) s) n*-arra---(N-u *-s)---s)-----s)s)s) s)s)-*s)s)-s)s)s)s)s)s)s) s)s)s)s)s)s) 330g -in,$ -$?$5 89 $?7 2,4 898 k,3 E 0:4bO -&,I -@,2 8% 15.4 13 18? ?A 4 4360 -k,6 $#n@:~ Q? i?5 Eel !?R ;,$ 0 ~bsfl -r35V 44,s 89 xs;t r ,I tth a.3 0 Ohno -R,Q -8,? 93 1%9 ?.ti b,3 i'i fle@D -93 -10,t 96.\ ??W f 7 $:$ 9 Q~fi~-~jPi$-.~9,~9B j?$ ?,9 j.73 5 1 I -8.14 wa,j $h Z+S ?PB 3$8 i tIY@B *I4?,9 --12,B Bkt I&? 3.3 158 ?,I 1 pfi~ --kvi,j -15,y 88 286 4,~ 5-i p3 -:<,$ -b,9 9.5 ?#~k 3,~ 11 ,pg~ -11.5 -IT,?Q~ J 393 2~ E?Y? 4.4 12 -j"&] -.It$,$ hb 2 7 *t,ei :I \sfib -h,l -",4 99 $90 ? 5 bt3 80 l$$O -9,3.*19,3 81 J?3 ?7 2,":s d4q 5 jjI$fi -$let -fP,Z $3 ?l$'s ?,I 7'37 $,R 0 {RfiQ -.t.ae5 .*1,3 94 ! 4 7:34 5'1 1 a880 -5,y *-8!3 RT 140 ,y t":S, lfl,? 6 -$),? -lase$ 9s !!3 E.8 202 ,!,&I fi '3106) -6,7 @%kg% 9s 186 3 "1 1@0 3,z 0 PlgQ 4*8,4 -*%@.C RE $4& E,P l'e6 !$,z 0 I, p 9 , 0 i:p~i~~ -.P~,s a:) 1:" 3: 3.;" a 24no -0,~ -$,),?$!{? jbt4j lifi 14: 0 F, Q-+ :^; G --. f- w* ez. c3L a> yd $ 2 gG:, j "":a '"" 15 "*"-"- *--: a- '2 E (?* dl, P, r"B+ @-* v. P** 0". 3&mzc fi .-. "C- c * 0% *-- - * A, C-F #C -"- $$- a-9- *** --. *< *r", id" "v- - - I m=*92,mPJ:*ehB- ,= ac o;;a e o- 63- ej., rz 9- 9X.. %% e-. =G& ; 4--*--*Irr* dm- ?-- ' I2 & awl it::: f:) DW $% &,I I.,, '3"- $3 1q -T' $3 *, 3: b$ C.": * $55 1,1 ZT; :f: 'I"" h! $3 B-! y r> fjq rf:j 8:;: I,., E::: f::: "y" 03 ::i :e: :.:> $3 f:3 ,;i* 4::: C:: "1' HOUR fib grn~ WB~R GUST +ax #BUR DEU uxwa ur~n ~~~!sr ax, WBNG TEhP. BQXqT WH &I@, SBB, BR 81 GiJS? IAO NBNC BEBP, POINT RH BIB, 5PD, Dl&, GUST RAD @KG c BEC C x BEG, ~H!S BEG, H~"S BU BEG r D5G r Z DEG, wig PEG, Hf5 8k -*-1I*i.*lU.IPBlr-s--l*IC.m4L.4L I.lm--..**W-14L4L4L-I"liI"liI"liI"liI"liI"liI"li*I"liI"li -rllartrl~l-r-8Lrr*-lllrC1".Cn6lld--I"li"I"li1*.1*.1*.1*.1*.~~-~~OI~-- 03~~ -t3~ -I~~B ey gsa 2,s sol slf o bJeo -13,s -13~4 s3 t3s 3,~ 153 ~6 o BQBQ *Is1% *16,7 90 385 147 S,f 9 Q&QP -14,9 -67,8 84 113 4,b 155 ?,B 8 $?s@ -l%a9 -%htS 85 fSQ 3,4 172 7&6 11 OYBo -14'5 -17'3 TB 198 f17 $32 S80 f0 I?(\@ -Eb4 -tSiB 95 174 3,1 189 hex 5% 1?10 -14'1 -?0,4 59 283 2'5 205 5,6 33 I%b9 -~~*%-13,! 80 ahr 4,~ as2 a,o 9 fsta -12,~ -17,z 7n 28s 21s s,~ 27 1880 -12,1 -B4*9 94 !k9 54% $,P 1 lRBQ -15,9 -f@,3 WZ tT1 2,Q 231 5,7 d 2188 -14,4 -Ihi4 85 f83 P'9 192 5,1 B ?fa0 -11.3 -19.9 80 ?0? ?,8 207 6,$ O 2400 -13.4 -lh83 199 145 13,F !42 6,s it 24Bb -i4,5 -1h,9 Rj! XW5 2,Cs IRA 4,3 O RE$, RF5, aB,Vb;, EAX1 kPt'fC, MY "5 qt4~ n~bt"$* h~~g ~IWD ~XB~Q MI~D GUST ~slsr P YAL HE!+# n~b~ st! -cae EAY E#3, TEWP, VINP DFR, SPD, SPD, DXR SPP, PXR, @W DP PBEGTF F@?AGY %A1 BE& C DEf C bEG C FEG Kb? DEG X FKGC MpiSRh -0.161-"~--*rii---~-~~---~---ll~----.*-..~--~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-CC*CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCL*rL*rL*rL*r*L*rL*rL*r** S -1. -!8*3 -If t fvP 2.3 2,4 178 $,I $50 89 -!3,8 a##+ $8 1 2 -4 -59~ IS,^ 020 + 1'3 ORP 5,? NNF -i7,4 SB%~ T"QO 2 3 -I?,? -?!I,? -16,VgO ?,? 3,3 091 12,1 %SE 86 -18.8 R#%P 375 3 4 -lPil -5 -13,0 195 r ,h TeP 170 10#3 RSU 8B -t3,7 %was SlSf 4 5 -10,9 *IS,$ -17,! 191 ?,V,5 5206 5,t SSU 94 -!3,7 @%#a 275 5 G -.IQ,? -~P*s -~SJ rsaa it,? is& 197 41~3 SSN ~7 -~R,o 5445 hr -na,s 2 -15,R 176 LB 95~ ~.b F FD -IBA 3 7 $9 -fh.19 -?4J -fO,S f?W ? ? h,3 19i; 52 5S& P3 -73,P +@am 35% 8 s;J -%X,'? -?3c,Q -'5,6,$ 282 ?,9 "9 21 It;*P S$U 73 -25,t; ti+$ 9 !1 -9 -29,5 4 210 ?$7 ;J,8 Ti5 5,1 SSU 83 -36'3 sn$i 3hQ 18 IT 44,3 -19,~ -17,: ea? 3,5 3,7 968 R,S $ 78 gau~ n245 a: 19 -11,;s -IBs@ !?5 Sag? 43 159 I,? SSF 88 -tk22 aaaa 184~ J? 13 -13,f -%.h -1 1% 5,: 3 lbk Q,3 55g & -i6,3 %%#* fog$ fJ 14 -10, h bEb,8 113,s 5 3'0 3,6 115 "5 5SU 8s -35,7 ~&%a 695 14 35 -9.3 --i913 -3 tB3 ,?,$ 2,7 160 5;1 $ 84 -I$,? pi@#% ;gas is la - -t8,? --1?~5 195 2.6 ?,A 11tt 8*3 $fu 9fi -3 awxs 815 Sh 17 -4 , , !,j 2'2 30s , 92 -8 @W+B %It@ I? f,R -$,I$ -2 *QsR 173 1,7 5,4 137 iD,? SSE 91 -fTj I I@#% &!I8 I$$ 1? -?,$ -I& R 1 099 4 3,O 697 WF 86 -!.I @#@- 8bif !P 20 - -24.6 - nbq ,V?,"JIJq h,; B~+$E 83 --?I .3 gg#g 1308 28 21 -93,n 1?9,B -tQ,4 200 ?@ 5,8 184 t~-3 558 8b -tQ w+* ?up{ 2 -:O,R -13.7 -3 IRP Q 3,O TBi 5s1 $ -{r.f a046 ?? ?*i -?,'I -dP,r -14,""lyB ",5 2,;) ';,*: 5 85 -1S&Q @#%k :305 ?d 4 -4 -$&*!I 2PA ?,S 2,3 t?R ?,I SSJ PO -47,9 ?. l ",PO 24 25 - --it -rl,o 19% 2-5 ?,7 5.1 82 , ~WP jdfg 25 ?h -%.it -131" -!is' !?A 3,' ?,& 205 5 5 -j7$ 4 140 ,a& 7 5 -li~,C$ *.iqr,S BWQ ? 5 j,"lf!$ r 0 SSU 84 -I&,? %#%6 1 ;?;" 2G -11!,3 -$ha5 -?3$~ 133 3, 3, 5 $,Q 5 841: -ay,a g.teq 7035 BS ?? - -7, -4, ~&h 4 t ? 153 a,& 5-7 -176 *#*+? kd35 JP i809i5d -*"t"7 -:9,f; , IR$l ?,I 0 $9 ? $4 $45 -Ih,? #*#% %ti rQ 8 SOLAR HUMHDITY WIND RXFt 42 & w f:: b":b P-4 $k% a,3 I,,. -7- &% #V "1" $5 , 11: H B:: , ::: I.) $3 :%: ""i* A! $3 - 'Y 3 ! i: .* :; $2 -1- 2 : f I;.$! (11 ;jc !ST: at:) "I* ~ fia-8:: I:f r":) t., ! ,, f) W "i: i'q f'; fi 1) J i,j!:j 'j" r< bil 'T 4 1.4 4 V I::, 1j:cF. F Pi k ";A P P'. 3 If:) 7 \.;i 'r. 5 i"z i:! r! 1' a , lj I) & 1 $b : Additional com~nts on this marpatla% ddakal: 1, Malfgmcti~n in weather wizard caused data to be lost intermittantly from 2/26 to 2/23 for all parameters, Missing temperattxre, M.8, and solar radiation values eslimat~d v~hex-e poss i blc, No precipitation data fax March (Sea IHmRPWTA"Si""I9M OF DATA: a 3 &, i+f d:: d13 i\t 5% t ,j k,. "3.' a;"% 5Q "T' 5;; . :!:tWg:; % ~ii t,j 5:: :t: -T- N $*=% 8-1 >I w:9 $13 ti;: I... ti:: e:: -I-- 13 1s: ct: f:~? g:] J* ~f:: -y- i$GBR QEU B%ilD UfMB G\lSV HhX, HOUR bEU MIND UXHD GUST #A%, HOUR DEb YhjXD GUST %"la &%NG TEBP. POXWT WH 5XR I 5mP, DXR, GUST RBF NDMG T%"",#P, POINT WH DIW , SPD, EtffR, GUST RbB M$ic$G TF#P , POIMi R8.b B3PD DIR GUST RkD BE6 G P C X BEG* WBS E6, N/S gU BEG D BFG C' X BEG, Wifi BEG, H/S WM DEE G BE6 C X BEG, 815 DEG, fits Hu eX.-rr"CIIIII1~IP"LILILILILILIPI~*C~~*.L1.L1qTIITIITIIIIIPPPPPPPPL1L1L1L1 IUIIO-B-~IIIICL1L1L1L1U~-~~-~~-~~~~**w~-"rb**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- IrC"laWII*IICIIIII"*L191YL.*U\B-*-*-*--=--*------*--*-*-*-*-*-- 0380 -f4,1 -%?,I 82 161 4,& ;A8 7,0 B 0300-!5,5-17,585 215 ?*2 201 9%8 d SJfiO-E1,5-!3,3R7 185 3,t 195 3t7 O 4bAe -!3& -a5,3 83 lks s,9 ss4 8,~ a aboe -13,~ -ts,~ as tbs i!&a rba %,I 6 aben -!aJ -15,o 87 198 3,t P2B hh3 D QB88 -14,s -I?,# 81 162 3,Q 457 7;0 B QPOQ -14,5 -I?,? 75 IBO 2,3 220 5'1 dl OPBO -12,4 -15,6 91 228 2,4 230 5*7 13 1260 -i3,9 -I?*% b0 221 217 241 h,9 14 92QQ -91,1 -11,3 63 169 3,8 159 7,s 33 1200 -9,b *!2,8 79 187 1,8 111 st% 25 1590 -!2,3-%he1 73 382 2,s 164 7,O 19 1500 -8,7-13,5hP 210 2,3 180 4.4 34 1500 -?,h-1019 83 282 3,8 1$9 7,kI t5 $@a%@ -!2,%% -1s12 82 %Y7 2'9 189 Ss? 1 lB8O **13,1 -15,4 B3 285 2,8 199 6,3 2 OW86 -7,s -?,? 89 199 3,P 20) 5,h 1 210@ -13,b -ISI? 84 281 1,B 28D %,4 0 2160 -14,s -1b18 87 Is5 2,s 197 4.4 fl 210! -4,1 -5,4 a! 212 2$0 268 5,1 B 2906-%3,4-1S.P BO 198 2,f 151 5*1 O 2480-!3,4 -15.1 87' BSB I.? 3,s 82408 -2,a -3,893 ?Is ,b 243 8,3 0 HOUR DEM gINB g!MB GiiSP MX, HOUB fiEU WINO UlHD GUST #AX, HOUR BE& $iSHBUfPtTiaGU81HkX, #Bti& TERP , POZHT Rki BfR , SF%), DIR GUST RAQ ES)NC IEBP , Pri)%M$ RM BIB, SFlbs bTR, CUST BAt k%fE\tG TEdB, POIKT RP1 D%R , SPD, DIR I %US? WAD BEG C BEG C W PEG, #65 DEAl HIS fiU 3FG f DFG C X BEP, HiS BEG, 8JS Hk DEG e DEG 6 X BEG, BiS BEG, HJS Hb -L-r-~*1.--%-~~~-~~-~~~~~-il)il),il)UUQ9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9 l.-I.-"~Bt-LI*-Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9*Q9*Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9Q9 ~(D*IUII.L(~.XIQ9Q9Q9Q9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCrCrCrCr-CrCrCrCrCr 8390 -2,s -3,s 93 Is@ 3,9 13h ?,B O Q300 -4'3 -5,t 84 994 3'8 201 4,4 6 03gO -1 ,? $8 IAB I,? 165 3,8 1 9800 -flD -2#b BB 157 bba 7,tt B 6605 -4,4 -5,s 9? 2Q1 2'5 201 4,4 F 0600 -2,4 -3,0 4% 168 1,s 157 3,2 0 @YO0 -d,8 -2'7 94 048 3,b a48 9,s 6 QBBn -3,s -4,B 90 181 2,s 19P 54 6 @Pa0 -,4 -2'8 84 ?25 5,3 211 2'5 96 1286 -1,i -3,~ 81 2x0 ~~3 235 5,5 24 1200 R,O -2~ 04 t31 3,s ISS e,s 2o r2oo -!,I -3,981 Ike 2'0 is? :I,% sg ISBB $1 -3,179 ?25 2,0 228 3,R $81308 1,4 -2.376 f8R 1,s IS? 3,8 T93500 -,$ -3,578 1% 2,3 $87 4,s 37 1800 -2,4 -4,l 89 208 2'2 221 3,8 ? !BOB 0$0 -2,4 89 215 3,1 218 3#8 1lPOG -4,6 -2,s 94 272 2,4 222 3,8 2 ?8BQ -i8B -3,1 82 396 It? 199 3,3 O 210a -%P -P,B 86 204 1,g 218 3,2 O 2106 -3,3 -4,1 95 2fS 2,2 217 3,8 O ~4110 -2#5 -ale 99 84% @c%B 3,W 8 Pb\B8 -?,1 -5,8 8B 188 2,s $65 3,8 O 2400 -I,! -2,: 92 233 2,2 234 5,B 0 O.lu$?lk BfU bjlMD bXND GUST &AX, WOtlR g1gD U.:NQ GUST H&X, WBtrA DPbJ UItiB UXdB $LIST HAX * k4Dkg TEMP, PO%biT WH DIW, $90, Dill, GUST BAB MBi431, PEBF, POXWT !It4 DtR, 5P01 318, GUS1 RA&r t!BDl!%a IFhP, POINT RH DIR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAD DEG C BE6 C X tiif, dl5 DEG, HJS btd BE6 C DFF e X DEG, kJ5 DFG, d/$ ~bi DF@ C DFG C X PFG, itiS PEG, fii$ kB --mrsr~lir*~~~4rIr.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir. Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir..Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.Ir.III* """M.U--^3-4rLIIB4III"IIIIIIII-III-------I-I-I.-I--I ------~--1-."-----I-I-*---III1".1".-1".1".1".1".-.1".1".---1".1".1".1".1". 8 -,3 -1 ,;F 92 2?9 1,9 258 Sat 0 8308 -.P -B ,fl 93 193 J,4 183 5,3 O t%3&! $1 sb 91 133 &,S 143 1Q,P B .-j,P -2,3?7 f&$ 2,i $25 7,O ir BhQB -*;$,S -4,O 95 995 193 Q,3 OS fib89 fi,B -It? 9? 071 1,B 848 3,R 0 aqaa -2,~ -2,~ 99 223 ?,1 224 5,1 9 090ti -A 98 ?OI ba,$ 1% ~900 -,I -1,:: PY ?98 ,% 741 5.1 01 1260 -,f -1,b 90 F,fi 207 3,R 70 12QB 1,3 -1,388 383 3,3 ih7 5,1 34 $200 -,? -mi,$ 81 IhS 2,9 IS2 8,3 21 15iiti 1,3 -#5 fie ;jzS 1'8 217 ,79 f:lGO ?,:I , 8h P56 1.1 1'71's 3,0 ?1 1560 t 5 -114 01 1;s 3,4 075 !I,? $3 j$dib ,! *-1,u9:. 283 4,3 21% 4,4 3 If318 ,* I,t B1 201 *7 191 3,2 ? lt3Okl -uT,5 -3,5 93 TI'? 2,4 215 5,1 4 i!jGb -q,l -1,B 95 281 5,B 305 S,? 6 6 i3,8 ,5 96 639 2,O L3? St? O 3kQB 3,7 -$3,2 ',23 ty@ q,j 2fj1j ?,gy. ' 24fjfj -j,j -2,"13 4ZB$ 4.b Tijt 6,; 8 2480 ,o 94 12% t1,9 11'18 !6,2 O 2408 -~2,2 -3,2 9J 2\15 2,4 180 ~,SE u w OUR BEW UXRB UI~P ~usf nhx , ~arsa DEN MIND UTND G~~ST H~X, HOUR DEN UXHa U~ND GUST RAX, i)i)N& ?EBP, POINT RH BIR. SPB. OIR. GUST RAD NDNG TEHP . POINT RH BiR . SPO, DIR, GUST RAD tlDNG TEBP. POINT RH DIR, SPD. DIR . GUST KG C DEG C 2 DEG, B/S BEG, Hi"S 591U DFG C PEG C X DEG, Hr"S BE:&, fils Nu DEG C DEE C X BFG, W/S BEG, 814 BM CI**bCI**CLMILIIP~~6-~4FIFIly)ly)ly)ly)ly)I,II*I*I*I*I~"4~~~~~~~~~~ ""-"8-11.-~-.1--*-7*-*~---*w~-~-*-a---**-~~~m-* ""-""CIUYI.nl~PI-JirMc.LILILILILILI-L-L-LslW1W1W1W1R1C1C-1C--~--U- 03@@ -ft9 -2,9 93 tSP 2,9 323 S,? O 63RO -4'4 -5,2 94 Zlh ZsQ 221 4,4 B 03QB -5,s -A,B 90 204 2,: 190 3,8 0 Q5BB -cP -2,0 Pf 2gS 1,s 2$2 3,8 8 ah08 -h,I -h,8 95 ?I@ ?,I 205 4,4 8 0600 -5,2 -&,9 88 399 2,B 198 8 04@6 -aB -2,t 91 202 2163 177 5$1 8 QPOO -b,B -R,4 W3 PBS 2$J 191 3,8 2% 4900 -4,2 -7,5 79 283 2,7 285 4%4 56 fzoo 1,~ -,B BS $97 2,4 158 ?,a ss izaa -r ,a -s,p ax 183 2'9 xhi %,I ss lpoo -,3 -b,2 65 rss 2.4 187 5,7 so BSQg Z,ba@a@@86 89h z16 886 7:h 22 1500 1,9 -3.311 998 1,4 169 2,S 31 1588 1,6 -4,163 283 1,s 183 ?i8i! 35 5688 2,2 83 18b 5'4 499 8,3 5 l88a -I,? -3,? 8? 1RR 2,b 199 3&8 5 Pa00 -1,3 -5,a 76 195 ?,3 186 St@ 5 2208 -2'3 -3-8 OP 124 3,0 I02 7,b B 2106 -3,b -4,9 91 187 2,s IS0 3,8 0 2100 -4,8 -6,s 88 195 2,s 261 4,4 9 2408 -,P -?,2 91 181 6,O t7T 9,4 O 2400 -5,B -6*3 91 fBJ 2.3 184 4,4 8 24a0 -4,s -6,O 88 198 2,4 185 5,1 8 HOUR bfU UINB MlHtr GCtSI kAX, HOliiR DFd.4 M%HD UJBB I:UfiT EStlX, HOtJR BEU bXNn #IN3 GUST @fig, HBtfG VEgP, POti"i."TWk BIB, SPD, BIB, GUST RhB IMP, POINT RH DIR, SP8, Dlff, GUST RAG NDHG 'Figs", POTP7 R# BlR, SPPt BIR , GJST WAB DEG C DE6 C Z BE[;, #SS BEG, R15 Hk BEG C PEG C X BEG, $IJS DFG, #bS gM BEG C DFF & X bF6, Wi5 BF6, Hi5 d!d -Ctl.I(.X.DDairO"*l-***-~*~-~~~*~*n-m*--m~*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(**r( ~~-CI"I*.-rCIIIIIII-IX"laE*)-"g--*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r( UIL~lCI*CIX~-C*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(.*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(*r(,*r(.*I*IisrWrr.l--UI*- 8390 -k,~ -B,~RV 202 ~,b 193 4'9 a 0380 -st& -.lj2s4 eox 3~ jeB st? n o3sa -aa,r -nrtva7 197 z,b rss 4,4 B OdQP -?,3 -9,393 282 2.8 189 6,; 0 OhOB -h,? -B,B 95 264 3'6 26'': ti,! 0 0hOo -lie,? -I?$$ .JQ 196 2,2 t93 S,I 0 BFBD -8,0 -P,O 93 221 2,b 2x5 4'4 8 0968 -h,O -9,0 79 184 1,7 130 3,8 29 OPBO -7,R -1P.G 84 FO? 2,P 283 5,1 9 f2$5 *4,? -6'7 8h 215 2'8 222 3,A 28 1280 -4,s -7,b P77 1'8 l3fl 4,4 4T I?tO -4,b -8,? 78 !a7 $,a 246 5,'7 sB 1%8C -,2 -4,1 15 130 ?,a 098 8,s 34 15P6 -?*% -7,570 233 E,3 1V 4,9 38f5Q0 -3,: -W,?ikP ?fY 1,6 201 3.2 38 &Be# -4,R -5,490 138 2,1 207 SC3 3 8808 -%,5 -7,1 83 288 2,3 184 5'9 4 1R%8 -7,8-t0,2 83 ?I4 2,s 225 3,fl 4 2188 -S,J -6,2 95 ?a3 9,: 196 s,? n atoa -s,2 -9~ 85 188 333 la8 5,7 9 zjfio -to,& 84 203 3,4 i6'8 5~ a 2460 -5,9 -k,l 94 20t a1,B ?06 3 240o -a,? -l8#4 84 tR5 3,h iR4 5.1 8 2480 *9,9 -31*1 BT 382 3,2 5,I I !40UR B6U &I#$, UI@B kAX , HD~lhl BFU UXkB U3NP s""itiST kIAX, 4OidR BFk Dltie3DUT&RGTJS$WAX# ij@NC TffktP, $01 HUH Dl@, $PB, DIR, GldffMWRD HDNt IEBP, PG1Bz"lRf.t DTW . SPD DZW , GUST RAI) E4B)NG IEtjP, POINT RM FIR RI SPD , DSR , 611Si" RBD DE6 C DEF C Z [#EGG Bi5 DEG, IiiS R!4 DFC C BFG @ X BEG, kit$ DF6, Pit$ MU DFC C DF6 e 2 DFG, k41"6 BFI:, k,"$ HU rrlhrr, C-~CI~-n*rr-~~~~-~-r191r191UIUI*U*rU*rU*rCCCCCCCCCC *mame-*---- L4tU(IIeIPUP-UIe-w--- "-~-~slCl"*-*-#~--"-*m-*----4s----- *e(lP--*a----arar-----------"i."i."i."i.-----m*-*.- W*I.WXIYI*L****) Q>BR -I?,? -%3,9 $5 19% T31 182 3'8 O 8300 -13,O -14,5 89 203 2,B la9 5,1 8 0300 -14.3 -fb,4 89 185 2,4 I79 4,4 O 0~~0 -$3,@ -M.? 793 "t? 2,13 jhb 421 il (In80 -12,W -f4,0 83 199 ?,5 T41? 4,4 B gk@O -:4,8 -.It43 85 185 ?,b "bh"T5,? 0 8900 -qfi,S --13~5 ~o 6t3$ T,6 17% 9'1 ?5 OQnO -hn,3 -ihtat ek kah 23 a79 4,4 21 aPs8 -12,s -sh,fl 70 ?as I,? 2u7 s,! a4 8266 -"Js -.93,5 61 iRB 2,4 TO! 5,: 46 1200 -R,9 -i4,41 h4 939 ,%a*\ 1Rt i.$,l$ 44 f2QO -8'2 -t5,0 58 ?Is 7,2 210 4,s 4& $s@O -4,s -d;,T&u% 212 2'2 ??l 3$T 58 1510 0~5,P -1T,l b! %OR Zz4 ?93 3,fi 3P 5510 -5,g IRO T,W 1&\ jli\ 4g $808 -73 -;I,$ 73 217 i\g $,{I '/B IWfl{\ -W,4 -kT,B 73 I"." It,# ?OVT,5 9 1RBP -i:t$ .-f13,4 3fi 1,9 Pi)[$ 3,:) 8 zlbt -t:2,0 ..13,9 06 ~"8 212) ?,[I P yijn -1;~s -!%,XI RP HP 'a,~ 4 o 7ibd -a?,Y .-~,j rjj 2, (1 24dQ *-14,8 -Ih,Q 215 2'5 Bjh 9 4 O ?$Bit -.14,& -!her:" 8R 198 5 ,3 JR8 ni2 O 2400 *11,4 --I$,B 81 282 ?,,4 19) 4,4 $ 'I'MR LS' t.Jfll.f i7, !3\.lr"iir*iifiR Y FT1R I< 1'113 6 HA WI'r:\, T'\-II::'R t3'TA.T .1' 1:l'li! DATA TAKE::FI I)iIH 'hNG f."i.ilr%clt.~ , 198~\ HOUR DfU UXPSD UX~ES CUSNAX, MllktR DEW g%HD @l#D 61t$;T #&XI HOUR PEg MIND MIND GUST flAX, HBRG SEgQ, PifSlibdT Rk D"E RI SPD, GUST RhO RBNG TEWP, POINT RH FIR, SPD, DiR, 1;635"rM NDHG TFiltOP, PQJiN'T Pi4 frllF4, $PDs DI%R I GUSMRAfi BEG C BE6 C X BEG, His BEG I gPS ~U DFG C BEG C t DEE, fldS DF6, His fig BEG C BFG C f DE6, H/S DEE, HJS HU *XIBIIEB~~~B-BIP~~~-~-~~~~SCIII~~~"~~"~-~"~(~(~(S(~(S(I~~~.*~C~ -~*t)~.~~~~~~~~~-~~s(s(uxlrx,r*a-rla,rrr*r~l*rr-rraur.r*r-r-ert-- r~sr-rrarr*xrr-ac-iacrr-nnrr-ua*r~cb.(~(C(~~U*~U-.r~-*".~" bSBO -ib,Q -08,$ 84 2'12 2,s 705 4,4 Q 41304 -1R3 ial 217 a '8 I87 3,s 8 !I360 -lo,$ -12,'t 83 185 T18 160 4,4 Q 8bBO *16,9 -xf9,3 8% 222 2,3 235 4'4 a ah80 -li'f,A -fb,9 $3 195 2,3 213 4,4 O 06!8 -12,4 -14,15 8A ?I7 203 3'2 O 0901 -f4,1 -19,4 Q4 218 2,4 211 3,4 Zt 898t -12,4 -I$,? 62 203 2,? 282 4,4 33 0900 -lo,9 -P5,45 b9 282 I,$ 243 3,% 24 120g -%6,4 *%b,5 bh 2%5 2.2 212 3,2 46 1?BO -7,9 -X4,8 58 283 P,2 183 5,$ 4% t?QB -7,s -14,1 SB 201 leg 177 4+4 47 1581 -R,f -53,Y 83 219 2,6 223 3,P 46 1501 -4,k -t1,4 58 f7P P,3 %!a 3,8 32 IsOa -5.3 -Ib,ltr hZ 222 flB 185 3,2 42 "a@@ -P19 -13,3 76 195 2.3 215 3'8 3 1RBB -?,Z -f8,5 V 979 1,s 1% 8,Z h lBa8 -El,% -11.4s 76 23B lt9 214 3,? 9 2l$ihr -9~~8 -~h,g"i 82 264 ?,a zlra~ s,e o znae -7,9 ID,^ 89 186 I,? S~S 3,~ e ZaeB -t3,1 -rsto s~ 20s 2,4 01n~4 c 2480 -t3,5 -jcti10 8% 203 ?,3 218 9,4 B 2988 -8,8 -1!,5 W1 185 ?,R 179 3,8 8 2408 -13,1 -f4,8 &7 193 h,4 f9R 5,8 Q ~~OUE DE ~:WP XED CUSP EAX, HOUR fr~~ U~HD WTRD t:cr~t HAX. i"illits4 nfw BIND ur~n cusa nhx , $4686 PEBP PQIHF RH BIB, SP8, DXR, f;flS% RAD !iBWl: TEnP PO%N"fR).j DIR, SPB, 33"rlcr, GUST BAD gXlkr"J %EnP, P0ZH"T WM 1318. SPD, BIR, GUST WRD BEG C BFC %: X DEG* R/S DEG, i"i16 PEE O DEC C X BEG, PEG, 8dS au BE6 C PEG C Z 3fG, W/S D5G, fliS nM -*--~~--C;---------U---UUU--UU---U--U--U------ -~l--*l--IC-l-.C-U-UUU-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -l.-~-~l--llaUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~*~~~~VVVVVVVVVVVVVV~ 6384 -I4,f -15,788 184 2'4 173 5,"s $13386 -I3,4 -~b,ei 8% 289 221 4,4 0 Q348-."a;[3,3-85t131ii;S 266 2,Q 329 3;8 U 0&88 -Pi,? -I&,$ 9A 193 2.5 197 4,4 B 0600 -65,4 -17,h 83 486 3#8 IbB S,7 O 0608 -19,5 -16,5 85 ?I@ ?,2 216 9,s 0 6900 -*11i13-iiSe,4 bh 179 2,9 165 S,1 T9 -13.1 *+!5,8 63 993 2'5 1% S,f 25 05100 -13,$ -321,3 58 190 3.3 %ti$ 3'9 ;"ih I?OG -&,I -13~1 55 1~3 z,~ 2'14 a,i\ sn taoe -7,~ -1s~ss7 $97 17s s,w 48 1240 -?,a -Is,$ 33 ~$3 21~ 4,s lvi~ lS8fi -5,7 -i1,4 h% 2iI 2'8 185 3,8 42 b5fl0 -5,R -i3,9 53 298 l.5 102 3,s 43 1500 -A,6 -12,8 hi? a09 3,0 2@8 4,s 44 h8QF -8,2 -12,l 7O PO3 3,fl 281 5,J $0 1890 -8,l -t?,R 69 278 I,g POfl J1? 9 1850 -8,s -63,l bR 2Bf J15 ?B9 5,1 9 2laO -1S12 -!3,5 Bs 3'7 204 5'7 0 ?Iflo -s5,t 82 185 184 S,a B 31B0 -11,0 -t3,3 63 187 3,& IBQ S,f 0 2410 -13'4 -j5,? 83 198 2*9 185 $&I 6) ?dB0 -f4,4 -Oh,? 83 184 212 i"S 09,4 O 2400 -IT),f -12,s 85 189 3,4 I9l S17 6 WBUW OF@ U%HB OZMD GldST fiAX, i.nr"lit8 ItEb kXWO gFtjD GUST BkX, dOu@ BFkd WTtiD g$M8 GkiST #AX, BDk:G TEgP, POTBiiT WH DTB, SPifr, FM, GUST RAB ~1886 TFfiP, P0"rlf PM DWW + SPG, BIR, 6\1S3 RBb HDkfJ TFPP, FOUNT RH DPR, SP?, BIR, GlfSWAD ]IF6 C DEG C X DEC, F"r/IPi BEGi Mi$ Oi$k DFG C DFF C K PFE, BiS TIFF, fiJS R\d PEG C PEG C x DFG, IViS BEG, hi6 flu _L_U____X___U____-1~~*-~-~-%C111111rr91--.E*I)(XCII*IXIII -^t*--I.L1_I--(PYI-)--*-*-------.---------3-C-------- *I------------~--~~~*-*----~~..PYI1I~"--~**II.L_IYU-lr*Ulr) @3$3 -9,5--%118 89 IB.2 2-9 !Rh 5,: 9 OJBo -e,7 -82 19 \?3 $4 0 0380 --PER -83 BP ?97 3,b ?a2 5,1 8 ObnA -rfi,j --ra,a 93 19% ret3 is4 4,a 9 fihoa -h,5 -7.8 99 $79 7'6 157 5,l o akog -PJ -lo,? 83 :I$ 2,6 215 5,1 I\ --ia,! -is,n ss la? %,P 174 La ?a o9ca -6.7 -atl,s 87 2.7 !?5 4,s 15 ai?oa -b,s -14,s 77 222 s,e 222 rs jz[)6 94.2 -8,$ $5 180 2,s 196 5,$ 4A $308 ~4~5 -*Re& 73 2te ?,R ?ZB 4*4 59 tie0 -4,a -7,875 ?3@ 2,s 208 5,7 j%o{\ -2,y -7,g &@ ,\b 187 3,R lfl \:ISsl@ --,4,9 --b,B 73 $Re !,? 155 5' 1TflkI -3,3 --it,? '?ES ?,"5 :!,3 2?h s{\ f@fl$ -4,s --7,48fl ;:O"p",O 229 5,;; '513 --,Lli -b,9 19 ;!ID 2,6 :?Iri", 4 4 "a 911840 -43 --L,B Rp? IPS 3,P %9C"r;,q 5 iilfiir -9,4 -mj@,fi 90 1 ,fi 17% 5,R $ 2\88 -7'4 -43,ii 91 9iiI 3,4' ?8B 4,4 d -8,4 -AU,S lr"drP3 3,;9 i~ii\ I), 1 0 E~Q,@# -Q,J~ -8,q 13"r;iOy '9 3,i4 fj ):jfle -?,T -11,P kT"I:;j07 ;>$? 287 4.4 8 2408 -8,9 -11 ,B j9g %,Q %$&? 4 Gh ii ~0% BE^ HI NR UXHB ckigr fihx, HO~~R PEW MIND ung~ cuss nsx , HOUR DEN UXHR ~IWC GUST R~X, : 148~~ TEB~P, POINT RH BIB, SPQ, Da%al GUST aao btagr, rtHP, Pwraag RH DIR, ~$8, OZW, GUST RRB #MBNG TFHP, POIN'S RH BXW, SPD, DER # GUST RAD I i BEG C BE6 C X BE&, H/S BEG, DEG C BEG G X DEA, IS BEG, #IS HU BE6 C BEG C Z BEG3 HIS BEG, HtS NU I .r.lll*%..~llen~ae-~~~~IliIliIliIli~(Irr"-~~~~~~x.~'CL'CL'CL~~~~~~~~1c. C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~IIIIBQII.~I~-------W---~ ~-~ib---.---~~~~~1m~-1*1~obobqra**~*r~1~ilil""~-.x1.~1.~1~------ 1 $30@ -Ptb-12,6r13 lW 2,b $71 9830tf -ir15 -8&983 238 213 226 4'4 fig388 -9,?-Ia,iB%'1 209 2,cB 380 1,4 iE Ob618 -S9,6 -14~9 83 nse 2,s .rat 4,4 o 0604 -ntr,9 86 2rl 93 289 4,4 slecrt -sly -g,r,~ 175 22 287 3,~ 8 090W -7*5 -X3,5 bE iftb 2J t?S 5,f 27 8988 -S,P -B.9 19 210 2,9 210 S,T 21 0868 -2,9 -ht4 77 135 22 d9f 3,8 27 I 1280 -1,2 -1l.8 60 206 1.9 199 3,R 51 1200 -2.1 -h,3 16 236 2.9 29b 6.3 35 1200 1.7 -&.dl SS 203 2,s 207 4.4 57 ! 1SO@ -IE@ -9.6 52 238 1,s 231 2.5 4h lSBO -1.2 -5,4 73 194 2.? 19h 3,8 ?3 9SOC 1.2 Jb 177 2.1 157 3.8 59 "so8 -2,3 -.B,bQ2 %a8 it& tBB 3,2 It 1R@e -3,3 -9,Q 95 226 ,R 1'72 I*P k 1800 -,1,";9'-5*41 84 333 2,8 21tA $,I 18 2108 -7b6 %##@#$$ 220 1,B $85 4'4 O ?~GJ -3,3 -4,h P"PaBg 02,5 t54 6$+4 O 2100 -4t$ -&(:j 8b 198 2$7 2@8 3tjB 3 2449 -Ps4 -fi,S 65 213 2,"5269 3,8 8 249a -"is -8,3 $34 22b be? 28b 4,4 8 2400 -6'7 -Bill; 91 19;S X,B 2123 4,4 O RE$ #Axa 8x8, BEhtI UIH; %ihUTEHbt TEHP. XRP, DKW, t&t C DEG C DEG t DFG 4lt"sCla*1119L**rr-CCg~~----~m~*~~~~d~~I*16r-J~ t -fQ63 -I&,? -13,5 186 2 -Rb9 -t7,? -I$,? 187 3 -2,1 -fB,S -$,4 ZDQ 4 ,I -3,g -1,8 118 5 1 ,b -A,2 !I 1BB 6 ,3 -k,2 -3,0 1 97 ";% i,4 -2 -,b iB? 8 bfQ 3 5,4 167 9 fsl $2 -1'1 1Al ra 3,~ 3 -,5 153 11 r * r ,i -B,R -2 199 t 2 flh -7,8 -3,1 I?& 13 -, -8,l -d,9 184 14 -Ilh -W,S -5,B 195 15 -9 2 -7,s 200 16 -BIZ -f4,5 -93 260 $3 5 -1$,9 1 189 18 -5119 -It!,? -1 194 19 -7,5 -13,5 5 2g2 20 -4,5 .-Lhr,3 -.I#,@ 183 21 -sla -~s,s -nQBs 247 22 -=9,,9 -th,O -f0,5 J92 33 -5,R -%St? -18.5' tBb 24 5 -17,:. -32,Q tBB 25 -8 -10,8 -b98 t88 2h -?,5 -8,9 -bcZ 203 21 -*3,1"4 -9,"$8,5 209 2@ -,P 4-12,h -h,R 293 29 -J -13,0 -h,9 212 3 8 ?,O 9 3 201 21 43 -Rap 4 208 !4O#l'8 el,@ -j7i"8"hb i9IPA RAX, WCa'r;, DhY S GUST GUST PYVL MEAH gEA~ SQI,AR 1, SPb, BIR, RH DP PRECIP ENERGY 94V DEG Hi5 X DFG t HN MH/S& arrha(=a~-r*ra.amor-arr*arld*lullrP~-~*~e~-LLI(DS(DSD1****99~~--(ll*CIII~~~* 054 8,3%SE 18 -16,Q %%#& 14BI "r 354 7,s SSW RI -tQ,3 2530 2 243 8'3 $58 86 -5 @@@@ 19% 3 848 B B5 SSU 90 -3,A I&?@ 4 139 R,3 $SU BT -3,9 #:tgg '1495 5 $59 5,1 SU 89 -3,s ##%# 3885 B 125 3,0 SSU 93 -1 7 awgk S;YSQ 7 POB IB,T s 91 -r,~ i~ss 8 643 la,% 5sM 90 -I,? fsas 2385 B 089 8,s SU PP -1,8 wwws 1385 I! 161 5,f SSU Rb -5'0 w*M@ ??&I 11 187 5,? S9U 81 -6, a@#& ZRSEt 12 898 8.3 SSM P& -6,e ~~gsa %?be 13 198 5,7 S A3 -7,s #*%# 385 14 $99 5,7 s5b aa -to,& uwg~ ,4970 85 578 5,1 S$M 8P -I?,? #%&# 34?B fA IF9 S,X SSU 78 -4, #%M# 33Q3 17 169 5,7 SSB 7% -25,t n%#s 34190 $8 205 4,4 SU 73 -98,Q #an# 3450 19 183 5,1SSb 13 -14,3 38I% ?ti 169 4,4 SSU 35 -15,3 aka# 3801 21 ih5 5,% S ?ti 7 gaaa 3855 22 fbb T,7 SSU 7? -15,7 %R#% 3b78 23 131 f5,7 SSU 73 -15,D #n#h 3838 24 130 5#1 ; 81 -9,~ ,5738 24 %SXL l SSkd 85 -8,5 unhr 3S4B 2h 208 5-7 SSk 82 -9,X ##an ?a80 ?1 175 5$! S 7 -t1,4 amn t\lW5 28 2% rs,3 S6U 81 -?,e 2528 2Y 208 5,1 S5B 79 -?,I #a## at390 36 931 n,3 5~ 88 -?,I MM 4140 31 143 f0,8 SSbJ P? -9,4 99353 ti? & W I::: C:%a h4 $3 \,% I,., "V" fi N *If' I,$ . 3; gV f;:; 8%- 5:s : *- N ~.-t y X) rq e:, 1::: I.,. it:: a:: -rw 12 :i: r:: 1:" raa ~E:B -*ja !I:: E:: #@* 'I* wars .l t3iintdk CIIX~C~LOTZ data lase oar1 3J.I and SJS due to frcc~ze~a tt=k~~d vasae, MO@ BEg #ta~B Vl#E WAX kOU@ BE# V!&B UZlD Gii$T %X, H$U%t DEW @fHF UIMB GUST RhX . TfkP, P6%&3 6$~ Bi@ $Phi DIP, SbSI R&Q Pa$@& TE9P, P$%!NT 89 Dl@, $PI!, PIR, GUST RAb NBrt-6 VERP, P@lt.$'l 8P B!Pt GUS; $fit DEC c sga c x BEG, &IS BEG, ?US tiit DEG r BEG c r BEG* nts BEG, wis ng B~G e DE~ c !: DEG, ~fs DFG, 3,s a@ ~~~~-~a.r~l-~~~nrnrnrnrnrnrnr~e~e*,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~p~p~p *-~XIIPIIIIIII~--X~IIIIIII*~*~*~-*~*~-*~--*~*~-*~*~.%~-.%~-.%~- --IIC-~-----J~IILIC--~*I~~~*~U*~--LII**IUII"-~~*-*.~*I"*"I 03BC --31% -S,B84 172 tail 1% 4*4 8 8308 -4,? -4,BW 898$ !,4 203 2.5 0 030tt -3,J: -R,1$8P ?$I P,4 219 4.4 0 Qb98 -4t13 -&+B 83 IR! ?,S 1":71 ? 6 Q 8688 -3,'i -3,I ?3 Tb? r *A 113 7,Q O 8600 -8,C -?$I8 87 !T38 Z12 2O"S,1 Q @P@6 -3*3 -7:8 ?I it8 9a3 I3 ?B $BOB -3A3 -5ai 41 144 fag "18 b63 ti DTQEi -683 Tb 280 6$4 22% 285 23 !2@a -.,z *g*W@ 54 fbh 'f *s 1% s,? "% 8200 -1"s -5,9 72 936 2&0 134 3,1 ""s 71200 -2,4 -8,:F b4 222 f $1 225 E,P 99 650@ 24 -tti9,4 bQ 168 Zi@ 955 5,? 53 1508 -I,4 -5,b 13 f88 l .b 113 3,8 49 1508 -,& -6,?1 65 214 t,p Zib 3,2 38 $838 -2,B -b47 ?E'i 240 2*3 945 4,d 153 tR34 -""YR -b,t 83 %I3 Pat I91 3,8 $5 $800 -I,@ -4,$ @S;" ?if ?,a 28s 9,$ j1 2188 -4,8 -A,SE 287 2,s ?08 3,8 8211ErQ -S,? -10.2B0 195 ?.b 214 4,4 0 21tsfi -2,4 -eI,:i31;;. 293 2,4 288 4.4 8 * - 24QE *S,O -3-1 99 222 lag 2,aB ?,3 G ?40d -7,T -%5 83 154 3,3 261 5,1 ti 2401 -3,s -9119 81 185 8,2 213 2 3 & %$k Gf gX!hF &fb;3 GGST B&;% a kO\% BFu it 4 $1 88 HQija OF# gS#D kI%D GOO1 8&t. ft$$4kb EHP * POT#T %i4 B:R, SPB B!P MST RfiB N$Pg& EeP, P05kT Rk BfR, SPB DIR GUST WAB HDHG TEMP, PO"r4.f il-bdi DIE, 5PBs 319. GUST RAE1 BFG 6 KG t X BEG, B!S BEG #is t!ki DEG C DEC C X 3EC, B!F DFS, #iS ~M DFt C BFG C 1 F5G, klS QFG, Hi6 #W -srirX*nrrYl(rrBrm-*-~~-*------*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L~**nr*rllr----r nrUL**~CI-rr-rlaC~*~-Xarsl-rau*luX-*r-as*.rrrrXXXXXXX.XX-XXX.- rr~rr-~x--labr~X-X.X-X-XXXXXXXXXX-XX------Xx*~- B303 -4,9 -b83 98 182 7*4 158 5.2 O 9300 -B,! -?'7 92 ts? 2.5 ?%Q 4,4 0 0380 -4,8 -9,9 99 147 I,\ $36 s.3 $ @&DO -+,4 -ll,b?t 2b6 4*B 2Gh h,3 D Oh69 P+h -8.1 86 993 7.5 ?$$ 4,4 1 dhBB -St@ -P,O $3 318 @?& 8,8 1 @98Q *-?,l -!$,9 74 222 F.9 225 5,: s! 0908 -5-2 e"T5 Bd ?iJ ?,??I5 s3,8 3369$Q -3,4 -1,s 79 fl0B 2'2 078 5.j 4fi 12B8 -i,5 -fs2 85 227 Z 6 233 4"fi 57 1280 - 7 -7.5 %B 195 5 ! 1:1 3,e 58 1280 -3,z -?,a b4 153 I,! IkP 5a? 53 1508 * 9 -5,8 d9 229 2,3 273 4,4 $$ 1588 1,s -&,P 54 211 !-3 fQ5 44, 53 130 -2,t -1@,7 5? 177 2 f 154 3,8 $2 :8$6 -3,P -5,8 8) 3Q@ 3.5 203 5,: !I IRQO -+?? -4,f 83 230 I," 25 3.3 15 $801 -$,6-1%,Q hf 205 282 B,% 17 zgefi -5,: -533 85 191 2~ 931 $1'4 o ~IQB .-f b -7,~ 91, 199 3,~ PBX 3,- ~i~li? -11 ,>\4,9 P? 3809 8 $9 3,b 0 24510 -3-5 -8,s 93 $a9 :,9 f92 fi $ 3 34fi -h,," .-h,fi 9& 19y 1 ,a".g? 3,2 0 26QB -1 1,s -j4,d: 78 I$?& 2,Z 4,4 8 HQgR BE% 9XMO 6ITMFi GUST #AX, %OUR PC3 UiNB gikD GtiST HbX, HOUR BEd #f#D @5QD GUST hbX %'$j% ERP, POMI Rk Bfi?, !iPP, &"I P, GUS7 RhSB NOH6 TMP . PR!ki RH DIR, 5BB, 818, GUST BAD EIDgG f FXP . POINT Wk! Blff SPFr + DiRn Bfib BEG c EG c x BEG PI/$ BEG, #5s MM PZC c PEG c x DEG, 61s DEE, nis nu BFC e BEG c z a~c, &is BEG his nb I"l*.8.^arra--r~---~-~*-m~-~~*.*.*.*.FIFIrrr-nr4alrrsrrslrn--* ur~---**rrr*I1Plrr-----FIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIC1C1C1C1C1C1C1-- ---.-*--**-.*--*-----*--**--*----------------- @3Po -3,3 *5*5 84 i?Z 1,0 1% 4.d 0 QJOR -63 -4,8 99 ?oh i,4 ?05 2,s 0 o3Qo -?,I -8,B 88 ?Go 2,4 259 4#4 8 BQ#Q -4,: -b,% $3 18x2, 374 ?,;"l B @&Ob -3,i -3.4 Be I6"ji".t"r 113 3,0 O Q6QO -B,B -9,$ %? ?O9 2,2 207 3,2 0 03eR -33 -.Le ?s :t-8 4.2 129 9,s ?t aYoo -a,R -?#I 91 !44 1-8 !is b83 rfl ao@n -6,s -?.6 70 Fsa 1,s 22s 2,s as "a280 .-.?a~%sa5~l ~8 lSb S,7 358 52ba -r,3 -5,112 '83~ ?.o 1?4 5,: 3? %aaD -r,4 -8,$bs ?22 I,{ $25 "9 ~a 1598 ,4 -a,4 60 5htt 2,O 135 3,353 lSOa -1 ,A -5,8 93 IPB f .5 t43 33 49 1580 -,O -he? 63 214 13 2lb 3'2 38 1898 -?,0 -&+7 70 ?4# 2,3 ?45 9,4 !5 d9OB -5,e -~,3 83 242 ? t 194 3*B $5 1808 -1,8 -4,3 87 ?I! 2,R 208 4,4 ft etfia -klr -&,~Bs 297 r,~ 20s 3,e Q ?loo -s,?-~o,zss 19s 214 4,e s zlen -2,4 -4,3 s7 203 2,4 208 has B 2486 -5A -5.6 99 222 l,a 238 2.5 5 ?400 -?,? -925 87 199 33 31 5 7 o 2408 -3,s -sue .t is3 r,2 2#3 2,s 0 HGQR BfJ glRD ~iihEl GIiST RhX, t4BUB DEJ U&HD U!HP GUST #AN. i.lhltt8 BFU 3JHB MlMn CkzS'i; HKX, #%D6G TFHP. "INT Rb! DIR SBt, DXB, GUST Rf+D WbHg ?Ed?, aPjllM"f% DTR, SPD, BIR. GUST kh"fr4DNG TEflP, 34411sT WH DXR, SPD, B%R. bblS? WAIt 3F6 E BEG C X 3EG, 8,s BEG. #is Bti DEE C i?E& G Z fEG, Mi$ DfG, #/s flu DFG C DFB C Y D<G< 8,s BEG fi;$ t4U B-me-.I*FIIL. i. Irle*BIIIBI*~-~-~*--~mb*m~~e--~~*~-~m-~~ -(l~~*C*---~~~*--.e-------~---*~--- L1-- -.a--L-*.-e(. --*41)1--IIII--L*.'.-*E /*1~11)-*-bLIIUD.I-~~*~~-~-~*~~~~~~~~-- 8384 -A,? -6,398 182 ?,9 158 5,: 08508 -6,; -?,?YE 192 2.5 218 9*4 $0386 -4,8 -9,898 197 lat 1;58 12,3 tj @636 -3.4 -18t59i 260 4,O 286 n.3 9 sb@O -?A -Q 176 193 3.5 b?h 4,4 1 BPOO -5,0 -h,O 93 3f9 ,B 031 $,$ l, 8985 -7.1 -tB,B 74 222 ?'9 225 5,\ ?1 0980 -5.2 -" S 61 213 22 ?bS 3.8 23 BBF8 -%,4 -3,1 74 Oh9 ?,? 8$8 S,\ 40 $2DO -1,5 -?,255 227 26 333 4,t 59 1200 -,? -F,57B 19s 2.3 l?t 3.8 5R 1200 -3.2 -BtO h4 133 3,8 tk2 %,P 53 r '" is~fi -,P -?,fib? 224 23 4x4 4,4 3 ri.;oil 1'5 -8,;~s 291 :,Y 195 a,b bn t5~i~ -,?,I -.la.Y t97 2.1 154 3.8 3d :830 -5,Z -5,g 82 308 5,s 203 5,: ?I !PO@ -?,a -I.,,? R3 250 I,? ?25 3,7 15 Iti<L-4:h .-I!,$ hF 205 2*5 202 4.4 I7 2160 -3,? -5'8 87 177 2*7 2fl; 9.1 @ 2500 -5 3 -7'0 PD 199 T,? 78% 5,E 0 2180 -,:,? -34'9 "? 284 1.9 1s: 3,8 a 44Gn"a -7,s -8,s 93 TQ5 ?,B !$2 -3 1 Ei li"?iEb -h,? -ti,@ 6h $39 t .*" ?a? 3,2 63 2400 -11,s *-ld,, 78 !9Cr 2,2 182 4 $ $ WOU~ uS @D 9i t k4B C!.lS% @+)X , HOUR ~fw ~ftdb uf':) h;ljs9" n&x, wou@ DEb siTk4D \dik: Gtjsl f$hh. $;B!G ?E#J, POTPiV 51R. sPb, DTR. 6U5T WA9 NBISb", 'SEflP, PDf!tYa $9;- 918 a 6Pb, i!g GtiV TWA tFEbk4G fFv,P, PO'iR'F Ptd ."14, SPD, BIR 645" 2&bi Q-C* c nl;ls c "I,DFG, ~i/s BEG, ws EU DFC c DCG i E DFG* hts DFG, HIS i+d PFG II BEG c E 1'61; kt% DCG +?/is itrj CLnrCIV*aU7n)- *,* r-C-~~*'IU*F~*-s*~-*~mr-~*~~~-~--------- rr-N RIPLBLIIIOI-~i-^mtl)l(La*r~-^l" Am-*-*- lrU- aVI*r--4..--------- m.illt-ID-(* - -IQIYLI(D.--_P-LIYIII--*-~"-~-b~"--.~~---~~ -- -* - *e*--. - 8: 1@8 2.1 !A7 3,: 0 8580 -I? 4 -1.4 5 $3 ? 0 4*A 9 50 - , 209 ?,3 171 -!,g $ @?>"i i)si364 -iS,d R3 183 :.5 "a2 4," f BbR6 -14,4 -105 86 20'; J,??5 kt 1 OkBO -9,3 -%Lo 8; 38 2,7 a':z 1 iJii@2 +,b -14,g &".5\PT 2,b 179 5,i $6 -?1,$3 -iz3,R &"ir ?I4 P a 458 3,8 ?q5 3940 -";! -9 3 :Q3 2,9 f~3 5,r 2" .?GO .-ha? -lz,P 57 206 2.j @9 3'9 58 R42:\@ ~-7~ii -I? 953 237 ?,D 219 5,l i..\ 13ia -4 -9'5 52 ?,4 170 .i,q t;b a" - E:(j& -k,i: -I),@",? 223 1'8 227 h7il> 52 !go@ -5,$ -13,: 59 7?P '? 3,fj 47 \5#\: !,? .-:<3,0 :4? 184 1,~ )$,: 54 18fg -&*A -.lwei] f2 ?.3 pfi2 4.4 IF liafjQ -n,3 -1k h '74 i36'7 ?,@ 3'7 15 )fjQO -2,3 -.IB,l 95 C I "1:) 2,3 115 k,i t iiJ ;8tgi; -as,; 8-79 1" 73,g !:i ?u3 4,," -1; ,; rj;J ;d"i5, 2 i;$i4 5 1 ;nu$ -7,g -.I$ 4 yk~ 1,6 18" "1 ii A* :t 4) , ,~,t; .iel,{iij4: 133 ),? jkh 5.1 $$r"$i --$i-i",f~ IQ~ $11 3$ 5 ,';rir8 -", -1; ""1 "Ti IS ",;, 4 HOUR DEB UIHD MI80 6t;tlST ;.%AX HgUR bED MfHb @ZNQ CtIST gAX, FOBR DFQ WlblZlr UJNB GLISIP WAX, 81BRG YE~P a POI#$ RH BIW, SPB, BE#, G~ST WAD ND~IG T~HP, POII~T aH DIR, oaa , Gusr RAD WDNG rfnP. POINT ~1.t DTR, s~E;.I~, DIR GUST R~D DEG G BEG e i wc, nrs QFG, ~{s nu PEG c PEG c x BEG, MIS DEG, fils HU PEG c BEG G x BEG, 8)s BEG, HJS fig -------*r------~*~~~L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*PPPPP .F..~--.UC--"LIOllr~*.*.*.rararara*~--~-~~~p~~~ I*~IIP.lr-.~.~-I~~~~*(*(*(*(*((*1(*1(*1(*1(*1(*1bbbbbbc.c.c.c.c.c.**c.-c.rC(~- F3Qt -18 ,S 59 153 ,? I@$ 3, a 8 83Q0 %#%a# ##$R%# #a as@ #.$#% %%u Err# 9 -9,8 #u#&# w6 aun %#a% w## 4444 0 $&@B-!8,3-i5,466 151 5,2 b47 23 00600a##aus%uuw r# w## #%## w#@uwu# 8 QbBO-n8,7-fB,OFO 150 I,! 244 3,$ 3 B9BB -7.3 -E3,8 60 BB ?,5 111 2'5 43 0900 -S,T -1?,0 59 200 1.7 ?30 3?1 39 0900 d%#@n #nw## hf Ib2 2,7 *#a *## 2298 -S,D -13,4 52 135 I,% 154 3,1 48 B3BB -3,! -*9,' bZ 138 1,s 154 3-4 50 1280 -,4 -P,3 5% 1?3 5,9 123 St4 56 4580 -t ,a -la, t 49 is$ \,h lhs 3,? 58 I5nn -1 (3 -R,O eo 154 I,$ Baa 3,8 54 lSBO ,B -S,b 83 179 3,~ 124 h,3 54 888@ -8$,4-tl,W 6@ 190 f,? tSI 3,? I? 9968 -*Tt4 -9,557 20d F.2 ?Of z18 10 1800 -3,t -7,P7J ?I3 3,1 217 9,4 4 ?LO$ -9,3-1$,4 85 175 ,A ?0? ?,5 1 -5,s -?,!I B5 I41 2,4 154 5,l 0 2180 -5,4 -8,3 80 !I9 2,9 081 5.1 O l40l~ls85@%%%@%% Is0 f,3 191 b,t O2900%#%%% a*%#*%# Ibl Fs6 f41 4,4 fl244fl -7,3 -9,586 138 2,4 143 Sal il kOU8 BE\$ dSBP Uf Bfa GUST HAX , 4OUR FEU VIIiB QXIlTs GUST falb?(, HaiiiR DFU b%HB MI#%$ GUST PIAX, HBt46 TEHP , FD1HT Rk! DIP, SPD, DtB , SUSP RAD HDHC TERP + POX@ RH Dlk , $PB a BtR , GUST RAD @ID@& TERP, POft!T Wl-4 014, SPD a DfR , GUST BbD BEG c BEG c x BEG, nis DEG, $95 nu c DEG ?iat z ass, H~S nis nu BEG c BEG c x DEG, fii~ PFG, IVS FU .I*~-O.ir~l)Oll*--w~~-=w--~~~~~,me-~--a~e-w-~~----~ B.~.---~-~~*.I-~-~---~~~W~-~~~-~-*I"~~~.CI_--~L~W----~- saa~r*llarrrwasrr~~~*~~s~-~-~~~~m-~~-~-~-~-~~~r*r sxr--r-r Q300 -8,?-tl,SR8 \41 I,? 144 4,4 B 8380 -5'0 -he! 92 168 1,3 fR8 3,d B 8300 -8,0 -3,5 9h 172 Z,T t55 5,7 B Q6Q0 -9,7 -fO,h 93 139 1 9 17% 4'9 5 ah09 -TI? -8'9 19 145 t '9 ;8! 4,4 2 8600 -5,s -h,b 92 147 9,2 Is7 5'4 2 OBO~ -3,s -su 59 131 t51 3,w 39 OYBB -3'4 -~,5 5~ 104 1,s 585 3,4 31 8983 -4,~ -59 ~8 f?~ I,? ~BJ 9,4 $8 I%c~I ,B -5,6k3 14a 2+Q IS& 5,3 $9I:?OQ -25 -?u@$2 ~lf@*%g 13 3?!240 -.9 -apt5W 17? 3,R l9032,fl 52 j59g -,3 -+,% k8 138 3,3 f91 ?,a 32 1580 ,k e*%#g 62 a@# 3,2 40 1304 -1,B -?,a 6'2 la4 Its 166 3,? 5h 1800 ,5 -5#1 h9 141 4,f 146 ?,Q 15 1808 -1,2 -Zt3 86 gB@ 494% I,? 1i3 t80Q -2,s ek.5 4% ?39 2,O 236 ?,% 25 2tQf -4,9 -h,8 87 19: ?$B 201 9,4 il ?18# -3.2 *#@@$ 99 4~ +sbsw %@* f,9 0 -4~~7 -8,2 @g 182 I,? 1'73 3,s 0 t4OB -b,l -9,5 86 188 2$3 !99 4,4 O 19Qg -5.1 -5,B 95 152 t,5 t54 %,9 B 2400 -&,a -8,8 82 1h7 1,7 169 4,3 O HBUk B%\4 CSIMD g4"NSf Gi%r51 WhX, WFBklR 1 UlNDUfNBGUSTRAX, WOU2 bFU U!@B k43tiT~ GUST MAX, i$Dt4G TEhP, FOlrtl i4k DXR, SPb, bbTR, GU6"ifil;l ND+!6 rcrq:'6 PPOIHMRH %)IW, SPB, DIR, G1JV VRA B$.$DM&", Tr-"tlP, P."O%tlil WH DiE, SPD, BXI;L, 1;tJST ,<AD DE6 C BEG C 8 BEG, :"is DE6, R/S !IU DFC C BSCF C X BF6, PliS OF$, k3JS !lU DFG f BfG CI 1 BEG, ?!9S GFG a i1lS !$t~ Wlmxr^li* w"ura*.**re* re*irU-r-li-IV.~--~~*--*w,--~m~m~*a*-+.--* -s-** LI..BI*IIZILXlr)UI~-----~*--m-u*--~--~~*-----*--.--.-- -----I ...--we--- ---* i.----*LII-.s4Y-"~.~~.m~-.~~*.~. -1* - 0300 -8,3 -fi,9 97 175 X,O 738 5 4 fi O3BO -Q,O -9.5 9b %b3 1.1 194 PB5 fl 0500 -B,? -1O,? 8h 23% 1,? 2i32 ! '5 4 -9 2 -93 38 142 I ,S 555 ~$1 3 I"J~.Io\~ -~.ik, -Q 9'1 TM r pns 'i~5 T O~DD -9,s -~w,B ~5 268 D 195 3~~0 3 ugfifi -5'0 -9,; 72 if4J 6 6 168 3*$ 31 0908 -5.8 -Yo 18 879 3,P Ihf! 2,s 29 BC?&fl -7,2 -f0,9 73 3$9 5,t ll i d %di8ij -a,$ .I$,! $7 P23 2,fl z3j ?,@ f,4 1109 -,8 #PQ#~ 44 1Rl1 ,P 15b ?,5 92' 1?0O -3,B-IbV; 58 ??g 250 i,fl &7 igiifl -",? -.jQ,$ S"r"!$ ?,! 315 3, % ";p ji"lQffr -3,h -$ 6 $3 ;34p 1 ,f ?38 2,s 33 $500 -"&g -9,s t.lii 2'!{\ Z,? ZIP. 3,fl 3s": i[jan "4.7 -%,? [;q b,i !$=j a;;,? :l;a jR$%Q -4 n'l 7 Ti-3 1.5 3,2 12 18$;3 --3*6 -.$$R bj >\! :Jt2 zfl? ~,';> +:d 2tgfi -gvs$ ($6 834 4,3 iial*Y,; 0 i~g -5.b."; e i~3? "i 035 4'4 0 rnipl -9,s -.g~ 4 ~(6 :(11": y:"g- 0 i,$q# a?st 6. ti a .r.S"3zG yfl $;\#" " -"" /@ 44 024Of) -Yt$! -ii,;!djy $"a\ *"I b;)i %,S f4,::I!$-i$J,~l-1{.~r" 2,;i tpJ> ),I f"b*rb",C';, WO\j@ ";\JP$M,r$RV F("\$ KnFi:fNf.1 MiL:'fiTl..lt"'R Ei'l'fis1',F011*\t Ja h "I' A '1 A k Fi. N D 1.1 R 'I. @I :fll cb i.+- a 'I. . 1 FZ 4 H.~QB DE~ MIMB g1~0 GUST nnx, i.tou~ DFU uagn ~rwn ~usr n~x, OUR BE# ~XND ~XND GUST NAX, HDMG fE~P, BQIRT WW OIRt %PO, BII, 51661 Rfat t!QNG TEPtP, PrSltjT RH BTW, %PB, D"r, GUST R&Q MDMG TEI?IP, POlIYT R81.I DIR, SPD. DlR9 GUST Rho BEG & BE6 C X DFG, RiS DEG , +!I$ HU bEG C BFG C X BEG. W45 DEF, #/s EG C BEG (1 Z DF6, HIS DE6, 8J5 O~~~C*CI~IIII~~~~~~P~~~-~~~.~C.~C.~PCI*~~IX~~~~"~~"~~,~~R~~-NNN~~ ."-~'C-C*~~XII*~~~~~I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"~I"I"C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~C~~~~~~~ ~*1-~.--1"114.~1*4**ill~~~**--~~'~~--*~*-~"~""""**~~~~ 8301 -l2,95 -14#$ 88 11-18 X,4 177 9.4 0 B3b3 -5,8 -3."45 2208 1'5 1763 32 0 0308 -1*3 -4,fi 99 I&@ 12 207 k-4 8 DbgO -13,7 -16,8 83 ?rJiB IIW 216 3,P 3 ObOQ -5,4 -h,1 33, 292 ?,2 233 4,6 3 ObOO -1,s -5.ib % 6tl 1'5 221 3,? 7 @98Q -R,4-ffet b9 215 2,2 202 3'8 &?YO908 ,$ -%$33? 183 1,5 !1Y S,1 36OPQO 4,3 -7,fl94 194 3,f 216 4&9 56 5288 -1,l -10,898 2t$ 2,? 204 5*8 k5 1209 '9 -%,3 POI 1,9 208 5,1 34 1200 "st -S,h 53 105 4,P 118 1f,4 R7 -A -gl? 55 723 'P E2 ;ISST ilk !SO0 72 +##*@ 91 228 1 ,B 289 4,4 bl 1300 5,2 -b,tf 43 140 t 43 91% ?A &i -5.2 -7~ 75 t6~ zr4 4,4 "i l;arRno 42 saw## $1 237 1,3 ZTB 3,2 sa isea 3.4 -s,tii 55 iez 23 rse ti-3 :I ?'a00 -t,$ -),I 81 28U3,2 ?TI 4'4 02100 ?,5 -4,462 IbFS ?,8 140 8,3 0 ,5100 .3 -3,Ll?S 161 2-0 $88 4,4 O 2480 -4,E -6,i 83 $64 It# 1R3 3,@ rl 2408 ,I -4,"sZ 12";PtS 162 4,4 8 2406 , t -241 81 13% 1.5 tfQ b,H WOM BEU UXPB ~MND C~ISS: MAX, kintt~ BFU UI~~D UINTE GCIST ~BX, BOUW DEU u!wa usno cusr s"l~\~, NOH6 TERP, BOIM'Z" Rk OiW . SPD, DTR , GUST RfiB BDNG TEMP , POIPIHI RH Dl R , SPD , DI W , GUST 8BD HDN@ f ERP, PBlkal RH DIR , $P6 D!R I 8AB DEG C BEG C % BEG1 RfS BEG, fliS Fb DEG C QEG r f GfA, YJ5 DF6, #/S RU BEG 6 DF6 C X BEG, RJS BEG, ttI5 f4U ~~__~_~__laJ_'-U**~~~~-~-~~~~~~~-YIIII*C-PIII.P.~- LI-*IIP*ICI-C**---w*----------- --l..l---*lll-----*----------k----n------------- 0300 -4,9 -6,2 Bb $82 5,9 118 I%,? 8 6300 -It,? -h910 b2 498 3,2 ?I3 Se1 O 0380 -9,9 -34,l 71 IBB $,I 184 4,4 8 OtlBB -b,? -Qa$ BB 298 3'9 278 f3,3 5 @k80 -5O'k -f?,l 5h iRB 3.3 194 A,3 7 0600 -8,0 -X4,7' 63 1st 2?9 !ah 924 P QBDB -5,b -$I,? 62 299 3,3 219 iB,R 43 OQRB -7,h -f?,3 4th 281 1,0 3, ;,4 43 0906 -9.9 -13.3 53 174 2,s tB1 4'4 44 1200 -33 -93,6 43 OiP 2,B 339 6'3 eb IT08 -3+b-IA.4 34 192 6,4 119 ?,S b1 1200 $1 34 188 1,9 20i2 3,s bS fSG& -4,la ~14~2 4h 289 db4 281 Wt3 49 1540 +,hS ~84~2 31 ih3 2,? !49 3'8 60 1580 ibll -12,2 37 194 t $7 fbR 1880 -dt,t -t%,b 44 2b2 ?,8 276 ?,B 25 1808 -2 P -11.8 50 14h 2,9 143 9,! ?A IS38 -f14 -f0'8 48 198 $,4 ?38 :~,2 12 !I$[! -C,$ -%5,7 58 141 ,% 259 5.f O 2100 -h,T -&0.5 74 884 !,B 147 J,8 8 2180 -S,O -7,3 84 233 2,0 244 5,1 0 2409 -30,2 -15,3 hS 195 2'7 242 5,7 O 2400 -9,I ~13~7 72 PO8 2 4 195 4,4 O 2450 -5.8 -8,4 82 i7Q 2'3 193 4,4 a bl'iJQ6 DFU kt%t4D I~I~TI GkiST a"ia":,d, , i.sOliR BFW UIHD Ui!jB &[?ST WAX, HOUR DEM \JI#B UTk4D GUST HAX , rjBti& "TiqP, P06pi"$$1 DTR, SPD + D"I R, GI5S"BRAD ?t"$b+iG IEHP, FOiFiT Rh DiR , "ill. PIR, GGSV RAO MDr~fa TEBP, POTHI Bh DIG' SPD, DIR , GbST 2AD BEG C Q%.G FS x DFG, nd~ BEG, %is 8g DEC C CFG t: % 9f6, h/$ IIFG, f4r'S Rk DFG @ BF6 C 2 DfC, ?ti$ OF&, Hi$ Nkj **-* *rrm*mmw--ee- * * ~-"Usun.rr-m~*+.-~~-.~-*~--~mm-~~~--~.~.---~~-*~--~w --eJI.*XII--C--------=----=-*-*---"<z-*---*a--- OX-. 43#8 -9'1 -18,2 !$5 17b 3,9 itit n'3 Q 0360 -26,4 -?1,3 91 B7R ?,d 191 5,; 0 fi3BiI -7,9 -8,5 8': 172 3,O 163 5,1 Q Ob#ar -8,h -11 4 83 199 a,? 194 6Ie4 8 BAOO -f61,1 -17.3 $6 187 7B? ah7 st! 7 -5,6 -7,s 30 t,R 7 Uqttii -.?,I -\3 3 hi ?B,S) "i9 216 3,& 1.3 OQOil -F,1 -I?,& Sb 188 ? 4 305 4,4 31 a909 -2,s -5,2 81 I.!& dl,? $65 9,," 37 1?9\\ d),q -jfj,9 53 331.1 d,Q T;"b9 X8"b h95 -I3,0 27 159 \ 5 5,s ""r" i1"8 -,4 -5,? 70 fl9W h,4 100 jfl,? 70 f5#$ -s81\ -*Q,"J$I% I'4B 3,s i\*jf.938 kR(9 1,; 9k5 J,? 341588 3'5 -.$,?%i 114 d,@ l(\(t QF;b s:{ \8ijrt -!,? -84 a,o ?5P ?,I ?5U " t", if400 -,I , 4 2 1 "$:i:j ;9 3fROD j,b &a$$## 55 \)'lfl i#j J ti \t? ;tl#fi -.:! .-a,",:;S p: ? n 3 135 l,\ ig ii31ijir -a I" -si,5 78 iJ73 .TiJ'",3 111 - 1 -.?,I 0': 2-d ! 4 ?2?1 \I L_s R* trB$~$ *U?,51.;k2,(~?fi ~Q$J 7q ;ty:; j) :dsi[jn .?,*j 1 7 7 q,4 8 ?L$[j[t - i.1 -1 5@3; 214 2,~ ~$2 3)~ e mu$ BE# HlRB UlHB GUST @fix, N6tB DEB UXND UXWB GUST HBX, HOUR DEU UXWBUlHBGUST#AX# WBK f E#P, PQlHl RH blR, 5PB, BIB I GU6T YDH6 TEBP, POINT RH BIR , $PD, BIB, 6U$T 840 HDNC f EBB, PQf NT RW B%W I SPD, BIW . 840 BE6 C EG G X DEG, 85s BEG, flis nu DEG C PEG G % BEG, HdS BEE, Hi5 Hu DFC 6 BEG C % PEG, RbS DFG, NfS R& M(ICIIP~~)~~"~ID~~~~~O~~~O~~~~LOILI~~~~~III~~ZP~MM*~*~~~~QQ~J.J. B~---(I--~J.~--IIIIIIIIH(H(H(H(H(H(H(H(.+~-~D-.LLBBBBI)II-*.~-.* ~~P~~B-(*CIIQ.I)BU)R~~.L~~-~~;~(;~(..~~-.I~I)I)(X~*CC~(-L.~L.~II~I~-.*I.*I~,**~ 0384 -f83 -2#894 20t 13 287 32 at388 -?,? -4109f 173 3,; 167 4,4 O&306 ,8 -%,3@b 286 2,$ 193 Sal O BAgF -t+B -2.390 18& 175 3,s 30b@a -2,a -5,383 198 I,? Z1Q 3,@ 13Oh80 -.I -2,683 $84 2,fl S4h S,1 9 OYBQ 2,6 -S1l BY 187 1.5 191 3,R SO 8988 ,5 -5,8 62 220 2,b 217 4,4 52 OPOQ 2.8 -t,3 74 Ib9 Z,b 172 b,3 43 1280 4,% -3,5 37 t80 8 1 5 3 8 t18 -4>5 83 dB1 2.0 147 5.7 49 l?OO 3,4 -2,Y 55 166 1,9 142 4'4 71 1SaO 3,% -5,? 53 PJ2 1,7 758 3,? 81 a5041 3,P -3,338 221 Z64 246 59 fr500 4'5 -i!,% bl ?3if 2,8 227 4,4 49 %GQO 2,8 -,% 99 329 f,h 328 4,4 21 1880 ?,O -3,2 68 22W ?,? 23% 3*8 $9 1800 4,8 -T,S SR %44 1.6 238 3,8 $1 2188 ,9 -,I 93 014 ,? 415 2,s 8 4188 1,9 -1,9 61 2Qh 2*3 TI? 3,? 1 2180 ,3 -I1? 83 23 la% 249 2,s 1 248Q -,9 *2,4 70 183 1,s 172 3,8 O 240fi -,S -3*Q 83 2'3 183 3,B 2408 -2,5 -3,5 PQ 255 239 2,s 8 83 & W C:: (3 N I23 t.$ I,,. ""a' fi N -1" $3; , 3: N fKZ a O,J 3"; 1:1 3' fi 8--9 Y X) 1q f:l 1::: $.,, at:: c:: *If- I2 3: f:> 89 t:) -3' tSI: f:: *lf5 NO@ DEU &EN& DIRB GLlgT MAX HDLSW DIM MIND uIND GU6T ax, HOUR BEU UTN8 #FWD GUST H&X. H8tG Tapt BOIHPP WW bIRi SFQ, BIR* GUST RA@ N@HG TEWP' POIWT RW D1R, SPB, DIW, CU$T RAB NDHG TEHP, POIM'F WH DIR, SBD* @%Pa 6U%I RAD BE6 C BE& E % BEG, R/S BEG, WJS fig DEG C DEG C X BEGs 8IS QEG, H:$ HW BF6 @ BE6 C X PEGt #f8 'ESFS 8 #JS BU ~*l*s**l~rXan"spIII~"BI-~BB1~I;I*Irmm~bUgr*a1Bi~IS*~~li.s~**a14.11(. I~~~~*PIQICDIB.~(.~C~CI~I~~~~~~LILILI~~I~~~QQOOCC~~II~~~~*ILI~)(~.~.LIII P~~~~~~~~~UIU~D~~B~*CII~PIOIIC*I~CW.XI-~-L~~L~~~~~(*I*L~~~-U*~*~----*I~ 1388 -lgf -2,664 261 L5 EQ7 3,2 Q8;48@ -2#7 -4,09% 173 2,3 hb? 4,4 1B308 ,8 -$,11BB ?fib 2,2 $99 5,? D Oh10 -L& -2*5PB 18b "i"TS3,2 34608 -2,8 -5,384 !98 1,T 2tB 3,6 13lAll -,I -2,{183 380 2,1 194b 5*5 3 1986 -3,i 183 1,s 19% 3,P 39 6YO@ ,S -5-9 62 220 2,1 211 4,4 52 OOBB 2,8 -t,tl 14 fbB 2,$ 172 6,s 45 2 4,2 -3;s 37 $88 9bl 2,5 b3 1201 t ,8 -4,s B% 188 PIP 147 S,S 48 X?46 5,4 -2,V 155 lhb 1.9 $42 4$4 71 9516 3,f -3,1 53 T52 I,? 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It" ,. brra * ,a* I hiL : -4 e a ~2~2 GE~ kig~ ur~i sus~ nnx. ~nua BE^ MIND rf $9 GUST AX, HOUR BE^ WYND MIND GUST MAX* BDWC TFBP, PaT#'O Rq DIA, $PO. DIP. GUST RhFi NaNIN'i", TE@P ' PB"e4T RH 8EB, Spa, DTR, 6U5T RbB iiBHG TERP, FrQitlMPH E$IE 3Pt, DIk Rbb BE$ C BEG G X DEG, HIS BEG, lf$S HU PfC C DGS C X DfG #iS BF6, &iS HU DfG G BEG iC 2 b&6% ndS PEG hiS &# * *-*a---ur--*----------*-*-----------*-+---- ---e----m---*--e=-m--------------*---------- #%go -?.% -4,3 8b I?$ lP 182 3,8 4 8313 -"?? -4*X 84 840 1.4 831 5J 5 0380 -bet -hi 49, ib8 22 "x63 3,W d 8488 -3 5 -5.8 8*"a8V43 381 3'3 P Oh86 -?>f -2,? %'A FP3 t .a ,"#h S,T 3 PBA90 -4,s -?,lei. 79 f82 1 178 5,F 84 BTgG -1 -5J 13 22R 2.0 242 3,P 3R @9aQ -12 -3J 83 149 %,I i52 32 $5 aY8O -A -5,lk;l b8 182 it? 27 3*8 -4,s 58 23:: f,3 131 5,8 5t !2@8 1 <A d%MC# 58 134 .8 1648 ztg 49 1280 1.9 -&,4 54 I?? Zi& t38 6,; $2 SOB -4~ 233 2,; 252 44 44 1500 .% -2,s "9 835 1.4 ?sa 3,a sk 1500 LEI -61i5 47 1-55 3,~ 1st. 6,; 5:" i868 S,7 -3+4$6 ?59 ,B 394 T*? 34 1880 I*? -5,O 63 328 It? $IT 3-2 3;i 18$3 $,DB#@*K 4Q ?fh 1.9 1&0 2&5 23 atfie n4a -;,J a! soh 13 625 ass I 2108 -2-1 -?,I 8k 251 ZS~ z18 E P~OQ -,4 -3,4 83 146 ?,I 115 TA t 33O8 --4 -423 75 5% ?$Q Iz"h >,7 fl ?4@@ -3,s *4,9 90 1'78 1.3 EP& 2.3 2488 -&4 -3,ls 88 212 is& 211 3.2 4 ~3~2 BE# b!'$&D UJgB Skis?: #hX, #Oil$ PEM UX%B U%HB GUST HBK, nOUR BEU gTHD UIqB GUST AX, MVXs fE&P PQftiT kH DXR, SPB, B"iR, GUST RAB RB?+G TEWF", fbB:NI RH DIR, SPD, DIR, GU5f @&D MbWG XEp, POTHMRM 818 ' EPB1 BERe GUST WAD DEG i 3EG C 2 PEG, #/F BEG, Ws"S ,;* DfS I: DEG I: X BEG, Hr'S DEG, Hi,* ~@ DEG C BEG IC ?! BEGt 815 DEG* BiS 3U *IILIUliX--**"1).*4r*4rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr-*-IClb-CIQlln.*-*arrrsriraraarrJ Bar*.6PIc*~CICXla-qrlb~grgrgr*.u.u.u.-rr*lwrlr**Urrp--*larrr.rr.r-* CI(.blll*-l--.1)-*ld-*---01-(*---.*.e1llIn*-rr.*s*.*-**-r**a-rrr DJaD -.8 -S12 72 190 ?,I i84 5,8 $ $389 -t.@ -5,2 73 082 2$9 33g 7,6 8 0386 -7,b -14&6 bQ 197 2@2 218 3,8 l- 3bB8 ,3 -bet hP 209 is; 235 2,s 4 BhQD -,B -7:5 hf 32b %,3 328 8,3 $3 8688 -4,B -13,Q 5? 189 1*9 9178 5$,2 is $V3$ ~~9 @~q@@ 43 i39 #5 357 2.5 49 $808 ,3 -8,"if$3 338 4*P 348 8,s 48 Q9BO ,ti -13,'F 33 178 1,3 178 3.2 49 t?Q@ P13 -5.3 38 353 1,4 336 3,R 7; !?SO 1'4 -10*% 43 334 $,O 53fl BIS 68 1280 3*7 -:4,1b 25 125 182 12 "aG19 8,5 -S,Q 37 317 2,9 317 5'3 6% f56@ 1,2 -18,lr $1 338 e,Q 349 65 r$ON 5,? -.fZ,lB Zh 198 2,4 $56 5&1 $5 SBBQ 7,s -9,4 39 215 $,9 270 9.Q 33 IS@@ ,7 -I?$% 38 339 &,B 339 8,3 25 1808 -12s1 2& 207 2:3 153 5*T 33 tlafi &? -3,95b 2R 2%,S 293 5,1 221483 -1,s-$it,437 3?8 52 335 8,3 22100 2,s -PI:; 41 %6% Pb$ 259 ,i,8 2 2480 ,I -d4@ 74 1548 V '"429 4,4 8 2880 -3,? -"t& 839 311 3,t 32Q 7,6 F 2BDO -1$6 -7%3 65 284 118 211) 1.8 tk QQLI~ BE^ g5~~ br# GL~ST MX, HQGR DEB 31t4~ ~IND GUST nax, gagt~a US~D ~fgn GOST PI):. gD36 1E8PS POBWP BM Dl#, 5?D, BIB, 6dST RRB d9hG TEEP, PCTNVH TdR, 5") BBR, GLkST PAD H3biE %Ei~l;, PQIer"! i!H 5lR. SPb, Big, GUST PhD 3E6 C BEG E I BEG, &iS BEG, 3f3 $id DEF C DEE C Z DfG, FP~ BEG, 8rS nd DFi C DF6 I VcG4 BbS BEG, niS i$& * --(II-IFm--lll( -=*..lll--tDI*l I*IIIIII-*---CIIILe*-------II ~blCTPIITIIIClOlt^C--~ .II1WYIUIYL1111*111 ***rU*.ImCd**I.U*~* I**I(I.U a-(l*ldli*l-.UIXIL *-I. -PC-* 8598 -?,Z --he$+ 7g 16% ?,I 28? 1.4 8 $330 -In4 -5*T 71 189 ?,4 136 4,I 4 ljDG ,3 -$,B 75 35 196 J12 4 oaoo -3 -%,h3. 63 489 2.4 189 s6r 9 O~BO - -~4 AS "no !73 4,4 14 gifh~~ --,Z -3,;? aa ~r t ,Y 293 32 9 bs.$Oi Gi? -7#2 42 156 ,8 fib 4,4 49 OQBB 4,s -4.5 46 2161 t3 332 2,s 48 6969 5,3 -Sag -8. ah4 lkS 131 5,; 38 +-"' &,$ -?,% 36 333 2Bh &,4 Y Q12gC 3,7 -5"s 39 138 3,4 258 4,0 72 1288 8,0 -7.1 34 13b 3,F 133 5,7 74 1SOd ?,? -%,7 :5 2A2 2,b ?14 h,3 b? 1588 9.7 -6,3 32 fS? 3,7 1x2 8:9 A6 tsQ0 !@,3 -$l,t 21 t7U 3,4 147 b,5 70 1804 i,i -Bs% 33 215 ?,9 ?A2 5.7 33 I&@@ Q.6 27 152 L,h Zh9 7,8 55 $809 %bS7 -IB3F 22 253 A,? 259 RF 36 2 ;$a +,c; 54 273 ~BP s,? 2 2roa -5"s 49 not? 2*9 DP? h.3 3 2101.1 Q,? -.A,? 34 252 2,~ 2256 5,9 3 E~BQ ,f -5,s 67 iP6 ?J ?4% 3*1 B d4QQ ,3 -3,4 ?a 213 1.5 185 3,? D 2488 -,8 -b,S $5 2\3 2,Q 264 .$,$ 0 I2 4% (1:: t:3 N 5% B 4 I,,, '3" $3 N '3" $3 , 3: $q 82 * !t;6U@ #$i glb40 UTWB 69i$T WAX, !+OUR DEU gXHQ GibiD GUST EAX, H$tiiR DEW U!ND gI#B GkiST RAX I X%d& TEN% PPCSIWT WH BIB, SPB, DlR I GOST RtfQ HBiaaG TE3P PI1TM"lIH DIR, SPD, BTR, GUST RPQ #BME "IHP, Polt!'r Wr RTl?, 5Pb* PIW. GUR BE6 C DEG C % BFG, H!$ BEG I #f S Hid VED C DE6 C X BEG, H/S BEK, ~iS RM BFC C BEG C X DFG* HJS DF@, HJS #k ~*)r~*~*.~DI~CCCCCCC*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*L*L*L*L*L*L*L "IXl~q*r-l)l-B*CIIC*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L"*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L-*L- *(L- *-C.--4LI----I-**L*LL---------I*I*--I*-*------------ @3$$ f ,9 -?,I @a 200 f,l 193 3,p 8 @3QO %%a#% ###a# ## 884 %a%# .i#k n5nr 8308 #fit#@ #%R#qS( #ib. %#a Pt%4 i.ai gR38 *HI 8b@8 Z,b -1 *"i.74 6 "r, 1983 3'8 0668 a#RaE %aa%E it@ Ibl$& M%i W#%& #kW ObQQ Fin&#%& W%fl.ih #O kt# I%&% P## IAPEZ. %%?.k @98f 7-3 --,P 55 334 1 & 418 3,g 59 OQBQ a%%ai +a%## w~ #a% cgrn #+A #%n# *a% 1900 sag%# ~#~u8t 696 84% h1#4 H16 t2fl0 93 5.2.3 43 832 F, 3 OPg 5 I 193 {PQQ g%ra;.x ##.as## #a %%a HIS# isigl~ w#t ~RQ~J~I 44 %#HI ~NP~JJ f## 1584°F 7,Q 1'6 81 132 2,2 Q91"E: p.5 i! 1508 ###%I +@PUE sf *r# #%#* #$i# ##s# 31% fsOR #~%#,LI %$lbrl #I ib~i &IWI sq# k&%4 #x& 389li YP,f f e3 58 226 3,? 2,%4 n,3 31 $888 ga%q# #*### Q% UK% %Q@f gal %#I# #lt 1880 %lid% fff3CSi Yf 6%t .#Wf% s4& 4Rl# dig 2888 #%%a% %a%%% #a %oh V%% %ha %#a% k%k 2386 awn#% %w3%% a% A%% #%wk 4R9 PRIg %@% ?Ego #%%&@ PR%@#I #3 ##I* %&% %*19 E4% 2486 %s~% #%nwr @+I ccu @%an s%w %a#% +a% 24gO agwsr +#wkd a k~g gars %n# auuu SB~ ?4a$ #$#an ###a% &# tah as&* #kg# x%# HOUR BE& #IRB @XHB GUST 9AX, ADtSR BFb #IkD JXWD GbrfT dAX+ 4%!2 DFk !$lftD MIND GJSf fiRX, ::3;kG "f$=RP, PijlG7c QH QIR qP8, BTO Cll$? Q&D k!DHf, TEMP PO!ti'T RH BiR, S$b. OiR* GUST W&D HDtksG TEEFY, PQZNMRY DTR, SPD, $18, GIJS! RAB BEG t BE$ c 2 025, ~15 8,s wi4 BEG C DE6 r 2 BFG, ks$ PEC, @sS BU Dk& G DFG C 1- DFG, RIS DEG, 8iS ti9 *% l-et.rrlilc lll**~~~~*-*~-"*"*"*"*"*"*"**~-~*444444ntntntntnt . 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GUST R&D MBWE TE#P. PB31NV 8ki DIR, SPQ. 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R&p &lila:, f i;_sa, FOijiT 4r pip, 555, D:Q, &l$SY RhD n~ - i Bf6 C Z BE6, DE&, 345 3$j PEG C PEG 6 X BEG, kiF [a , tYdS Hu DFGGDFgC :FCC bi$ fj?c4 kt; fib *-- " . ----"" r 8560 +%as% &#*a% 3% 4#4 &%nc ~3% 3x65 B3OQ &,7 "a%Fr %+ 129 2,s J,Z Q 6309 &,b ~#gea rk 043 2,& $33 9,4 4 i!hQ$ suzsa sxa&&* %.+t arsa tM+ ~$4 na, %$ +ra~r sr 1.3 $$? 3 2 P&$P 6,4 s%w*~ #r 54; ;3 841 2 & $96; %#$%& 2#a#? %a 9944 &Mi !4%@ ct# ggflg 64g)k a9 @sh 1.5 444 5.7 "P 5g4[m @,3 $%%#* El Q?g 3-> 027 4,4 ;24f ifi,$ *kg@# 4% 686 5,9 $sh $,3 3f i2fifi fj,y f%*Wf 4A $pS 7-h f53 ?,& T-$ i130 I@,? tktka kff 4T$ 3,X *\,Q 39 tSiIa7 !1,$*i~~% A% lilt3 3,2 103 19,: 81 1503 I?~~~SXII 8s $$fi 4,j Ij?& 6,J 21 i?,? *st#$ 43 923 ?,? 003 5; r!i\ 183is 13& ebt%d# *b IT1 1-5 fftt 4,: at; xb80 113 *&*a$ ws 04% 1.3 $16 5,: 13 1fi$p ld.0 4siEQaa a* 138 .a 356 <*,4 2186 ID3 x*tws *k 344 .? 351 8.3 3 2laG 9,s hawtt wx $68 z,? 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' g X2 $3 4-j 8:;; 1, < if:::. 'T' $2 3, o*; 5) ifZ*? $13 ,-$' I";.. d::: *Ye &OQk E H3#1% kiWD GUS1 fiRX, HOUR P6U 3IY3 dl#n GtIST WhX, qobR f &F#D k6HD RjST $A$. i@#& IF&?. ?fil#T 9pi Bii, SPh, 812, $l@#G ?Epl;P PoI#j";'8i.i DfR, $Po. DXB I;gST I&t tlkQTt TYMF;. POl~i'l $4 bifi SPk, DIP, &!JSf RA~J 3FZ G @5":6 E X DEG, P@ BEG, k4S t9b BE: f DFG C I DFG, Pi5 Be$, R/S M@ DE~ f B$G c x WG. fi/~ D'G* fib -U16U.i*r-*r.li*X114iT)aCIIB*(IIm*h-*""% -*li-lBWI""-B-*B* ----- --**I--r_llall - -.'.-*. -6*CI-"-lle.llUI.*-a--**-*e- --.B"~-*.L--*rp-*"I-".4CrC*FI-&--- rCI.-*U*""-'TI-)----*-*--- $388 Sag .";;aaan n* 56. 4.4 lfi4 9-5 fi gF21;O ?,O cg 337 ,& 13% 2.5 g 83D$ &,I %#,ma! ar ?7 gPh 5,: 8 Bb${% 7 7 z%#sg ks ill"? 3,y $89 8.F 1 BAOQ q#%sw sa 455 a .p 173 ?,5 BkBO $3 angwu a* 348 1 .@ 045 Ci,P 3 4PBG Id 4 s*%%s +!# 8811 3*$ 090 7 8 ?4 6906 13 Ib ft%*#w YC $34 ,P 184 2.5 53 89BQ 1.3 *g%s.ta r a; 792 ,4 351 3*2 21 it@ I:,$ g@@ms @a -$$if 92 166 7-3 PS H2OB ?l,W *#%PSI #f JhB 3,J 348 7,G Pe .r?86 .:8.2aannrc aw 359 &fi 354 4-4 33 1338 :4*4 *%c@.s~ *s IOii 3.3 Q89 IF,? IT 358B B': ,"9iro*%a as 014 5,: QT@ 7,& 38 1558 21,z s#%~si aa DRZ 33 Qp1 5,7 14 BBBd 64a5a%&w8a$t $aBieS 7,$ f$@:L,",f! {8W@ 9,i asa+ur* @f 5,7 63: 8.3 7gg@$ 1';.3x*a%it,a 334 2,s 894 PI+; 13 Zt$O f$*#1#~%&83 fi#!$ 4,9 $Oh 9,3 QziQ@ ?,59%99r#r Qzb 4*4 43p gS3 @pa3 34g#r~ria~~ 684 3.8 $51 5,j 8 ZBbfi g,> anrss m& 803 2.5 804 A,d g 34Qii A,B %a#*# #% @:S P,? 321 S,j 4 &,& r%caib si 556 f ? 612 3.5 !! f? ew el t:; tv 23 4J #*** *xs @f% f-4 -x= $3 > 3: #V t:: a 5;g 31 .j 5:; 31: -r- hf g% 9-4 38 ~3 $2 4:3 8::: I,,, f::: E:: -1- %% :r a::: k:qq $3 ,*j* IF=: c-; "3" wes, ass* ~VE, 3 #F8# MS#2 @lBB bl#D TEgP, T pig, 5 5?iSiln BE% C bE@ C BEG R/5 g65 -"-------*.%. ----*-- -**a--=----*w--m--- ?,ti 9,B 3fb 1-9 ?*2 8-8 !t,b gC9 2-0 3.P 9.7 P3,S $11 3 2,4 7,3 94*4 $9 1,2 2.0 4 3. 026 2'4 3,il !B,L 5 359 .'3 ,s I 5*7 713+ k X9A .? ?,S ?,B 13.4 $15 1,O 2,ii 7,8 1.9 324 Fee 3,3 I- " 23 8 232 .4 ?,1 ~,5 4 325 'I*? t-4 8*1 334 t "C ?*8 $3 9*1 145 ,"a 8 2*4 %I*# 8Cl4 .% ii,4 ~,b a!,~ a ?,a 5 in%@ 817 ! ."'5 ha.{ %0,4 82 i?,.S 2A 7*h ?,8 085 7 3,B 7,5 :t,3 OS@ 4'2 4.7 h,9 9 P aan ;,t 9.6 " $926 1 $4 2$9 7c 5,2 233 C I * t ,3 4,5 ?*R 944 ; ** ?,$ 3,9 5-8 tfb 2,? 3-2 ?,I 5-3 728 3.3 32 3 ' 33; 3 i $8 7,: i ei --a , 3 a, i 7"~ -h , b f 130 ?a 3,Y --be ,5 ill"" ?I J,? -,8 ?,& 1?4 3 S3,1 -,4 3‘7 206 4 a,3 --&,PI 8'7 $25 : 1 2-8 Pa% s Bfi%* &ST Gij%V 'V&l, Ehil BTR. SPb, D3R, RH * SV 5aE RiS 3 --*d=sm---*?-w=, ew*e-e*-*-**e c3n s,3 gsle w% tab 5*7 ad Bas 355 7,Q ME #@ ODs k,3 MNJ Bit 938 9.5 #Ni aa 3 BB3 nnF Bg 183 R,o 5 ua ole R,3 #P 9% 315 73 ti& 2hS 0,s 8% *s BI ? 8 $4 Ck 321 h*mSSB #& 8% h,3 $7~ &rs g4p 5,7 8 *k 327 g,3 :"ftj[ n, 8% #NF ** j3k Rs1 4% *A OPfi i8*8 f ra la%& 12*f f wq 631 8 IF bn $34 5,3 4 b3 ").& =*5 $id @P $39 9 il;n 119 Rs3 FBF *@ 3 T4,6 N%% 1s 349 i33 N!& #* *"i 3.17 Pa:$& pa ?.$ fSF 9% 143 FCE s FQ"8 " - *, :b tz &*> $re rb (-t - $3 4.5 pfif- %< .",-a* -a .---rri -^ * ----. -rurr*r*r--.*r.*L **% r - rrr-n-nu---- d .*-+. "*-- -r..-rr- nr. ircnrrr Irs*.i*rrrr .err ..* *--.- r---rih. ir*mr*lr, "- ^--* -I . o'tir: o "4 t $,I >u 5 ti * '4 Q * t: 8 q~xi-:~ e,#~ U I 0 "L 0 1 1 A 0% n 91 l. a v9" f) *- * s ** * g 2 q "841 ! 9 .. fa sf$/&) ,d,l."["T""$'sfi Addit Hanal c~a-en 2s sn eh i s riwncq k da-~a ; 1, Recorded RK dz4.a invalid due to Sad osck%Xator, 2, >jnss% array biscnnncr zb d on @f22 and 8,f2 3 for annual nnai-ntt?nanzce : lhj~ LcEperntraz-e, Rid, or tsl-. ::" data recsrded, %j~a L~WB g9~9 KCS~ fi~i, HOUR ~IE% OT~~F BT~D 5~5% WAX, katia DE~ BTNP ~IKD ~ii~r %3~, $0~6 im*~, eDih% ~k ?'a, SPB, BXW, ~25- BAD ~!BHS TEBP. PQT~T RM DIR, SPIG, @:a a2-us; RB ~8~5, raBp, eorHs w~ 2ia SPD, DIR, GU~T gpp DEG G BES C 1 956, xiS Df6, PiS 4% BEi; @ 8EC C L BEG, H4 BEG, &,~5 #U IP B" CI it!.as C BFG 6 Y DES, Y/S BfG, NSS MU --L~"^ljl~-~~~~~"*"*"*"*"*."*"*"*"*"*111111111111-111111111111111111 r- ~BIXXB*I*~"~--*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111*11111111--111111111111 -~~B---~--ll*1111111111111111ICICICICICICICICICICICICICIC--IC.ICIC-ICIC- 13$@ 5,j 5% 29 1,s 212 3,9 3 F3## "9 **%a%%% $83 g,: fP7 2.3 8 B3Q8 4,T #8%ab &i~ ?!@ ?,I 2!3 :,f! fi b&a# 4.&rc+@ae4 999 ; 4 22b ?: #ha8 ~,@M**B%C~ I$! I b !8$ I,? It d,)f*f*% *X 93 a,g 279 :,z fi @ P,Pss+&a ss 193 ..: 197 2*5 45 B986 R,?*%%%a ## !75 ! 4 392 3.3 15 OPBn 5-1 @#a%@ an 290 1~3 $45 3,2 5 izQ6 15 2 *%%+% e% ]l$& 1.4 114 S,T 3: j363 ti,S %%PI% %d ff8 ?*i !Qf3 6,3 2h i?eB $,g &!!St% LC 872 vb #?3 J,$j $5 hfi.~%*g%**~ 137 2,; g.! t~asg@ jn,qaHrkgn !!E 36 $99 ?*$ IB~~BO 8,9&##c%** 1:3 p,~ j?~ h: ?3 :@QQ 8-6 a& tyo :,8 855 q," 7taO B,Q ass#@ ~3 136 3.5 to? 0,s 5 !4RB o,Z g#r#a aa 054 ,5 136 5,f 1; 2fgg 5,~ $*w+ ** :yg 22; 5.7 6 aig; W1Q8 3~$ :~3 3,~ 5,b 344~ 6% fiqz ,J ?,g 4 3,7 %*s&s %a :?ij 5,7 !A9 3-7 ! 3464 5-5 ~:%+i# c* 306 : $ ?Sy 3.9 231!4 SS,3 c@n+tyi $3 ?I4 g ,@ 234 ?,S 6 ~"IDR $4Eg UfND OI51 eAX, @U8 PEL UIwO bSNB GO%$ fid%, HOUR @EU df4DkjHBCU$T#$X, R@#$& Tc#P, BQIHT @W PI@, SPB, QiR, &ST @;rig Mb&G SEHP, 3Qli:T RH fg1R SFID, BtR, GaST 4RB Ps"D#h TERP, PB)I#T @N DiR, SPi@r, QIP, GubT gfib 8E6 Z DEG i@: X BEG, Bl5 RE&. B/S #b DE6 C DEG C X DEG, 8tS BEG RBS 4% IFG c BEG c 3 PEE* &k$ ~$6 R~S k~ -~Plll*ir-I1prr~~-I*(I*(*r*r**r*(91iCI-***,*ee-*--**-----~*~- ~*I.3--PII~ILIIICiCIiCIiCIiCIiCIiCIiCIiCIiCIiCI--.cI1- II-l--lb-ll--IILI----I.-----I**--------------m--- 8338 .8e@gsaa 217 H,8 2fB 3J 00389 -,8as#s#@* ?1B ?,I iWf 4,$ 80384 l,8%~arn@@ !9F 1,s E2flb2 0 B&B& -f,%%%an%*% 905 kQ 22P 32 aOAOa -na2*n~a#r@ 199 2.4 ?as 4,4 @ob@o ,n#a@is*a 188 22 tb8 4.4 0 8908 ba8~~~@a~t d!0 rA 198 ?,5 ?W 8908 h,kara*g ~4 !BY 2.B ?8h 32 PPfiBBQ Qe29*##~ @% I89 Z,b 184 4.4 28 1288 52,g34a#n 835 ,S 819 32 52 !2@8 1B.Q t&%@n H 134 I,? Z?i 7*8 sf 1258 IQ,Bns#a@#q l&P 1,2 633 3,8 49 151e r$2*3 **I@ @* 85? 2.5 951 ?,b 28 I$B@ !2,8 a*%*q *a $38 ?,Pi 630 b,3 & 1SQO 8,3 a%%## sss $90 3,z 33 :& 3,3 8% $55 883 83 5 $880 ?,4 *re%* 119 ?,b XXt 6'9 5 t8OQ %,3 %%#%* ~3 $A4 2,6 D$? h13 7 L$@I 5,4%4%>s@%s 255 ,4 803 5,1 O21gg 5,3#~44#a# ZB3 3,? 219 9.3 8?\@8 s.Q#~a&a#a e23 2,fj 823 s,4 8 2408 a@$%&%# 188 2,3 179 4,e $2400 :,&*s~a##s 178 1.6 f?5 3,2 DZ498 2*5#n3#sl#a 304 ,8 341 &5 0 8Eis ~fgg uih8 GbST ~Bx, MO~~R DEb #ItdB uSNP GQSf WX* H@UR - - glj4B UT#i GUST 8AX I 8BkG TE3P, PBFET gs; @I@. 5%. BIB, 6U3"laAF dD#G TEgP, POTMT Rt.4 FIR, SPb, IrlR, GdSf @hF WDHg 7E.h" 3"O&1 WH DER, CPB, BZR a P&5T BAB BEG C XG C X DfG, #/S BEG, HIS hw BEG C PEG 2 ? DEG, #EgF 191ZG + #/S hi4 BEG 8: DEG i X Of6 kt:'$ OF;$, hi5 MU ~r(CU*-QL~rC.~-+~~--~~~~~~~--~~----~ClrClrClrClrClrClr"ClrClrClrClrClr "*"Ca*Cl~ry"~ClrClrClrClrClrClrClrClrClrCICICICICICI* ~liIBI-IIIIFIIPI-CCICICICICICICICICICICICI -(PUII (PmIIIIIFICI,d"dddddd*ddddddddd-m* *m4.-mPPPPPX"X"II II -.-* &300 2,864@a%@s t33 4,; 159 5,? 9 tgSGQ f,%#%3~9 tf $78 3*9 !RO 3,R 0 8389 6,0aa~a%%a ti31 !,g 4,~ 8 D$D6 Zbl gn%n##s 1.2 172 2.5 @ Oh08 9,Saaaaw sa $58 1.7 139 4'4 0 Ohfin 5,3~%9#4#* Syb j,3 135 4 4 0 $Pi13 4 4 *%@%$ *& f32 ,R 185 1 .!? 8 0980 3,s ra+s*# %# 152 2*6 137 ii,z "4 41998 &,B naaaa M 843 ,& 334 3,a f$ i2@ b,S%*S@84% 122 ,ti 893 4*9 !6%16@ 8,69&8%4%% 118 4&b f$l 95 23 jz$fi jQ2 ~~#QR@S 186 4,s i@j 4*b $3 88 lm&%%aa*tcr i04 2.8 jig 6,s 14 13 3**d%aa3 125 $29 10,~ ~sjsgfi ic,~~~+~gg~ 114 s,l H,$ 3b 1880 3,6 *@*gg 29 !33 $3 197 a,? s? 18ee 10,s u##@# 8% 126 p,? I?? 18 8 4 ?,& ~br#w ~a 4,s 8 5 4 ?&%"ail 4,3 *%a%g es f93 3,"a98 5,1 C ?to@ ti,# si~ 138 5 tP3 7,R Q 5,~ q9s1a* +r lay 1.2 4 41 Z40& 3,G **a39 5% 1-79 2.9 158 %A B 3488 42 aa 133 ~g Q3 3,f B 2400 .& M :75 1 6 173 4 4 41 HOUR Big JT$rR hIt4P GaaST EAX , ttGai;W BCt4 MUIS$# &I&fi GUS! F~AX, &CUR BEN tii?$$ttStiBtiu!.IVhA~, tjhgz", TEEP, BOIET 9~ ti9 a SPG, D~R. G~JST 88~ tibij~ TEBP f, FOJMV m DR R, SPB ER GQSI BAD ~~BKI; TF~P, Pt";rtjT ~t.l ijib pft, D~R but;! aa BE6 t BEG C X BEG. #65 BEG, WFi i4M nf6 r PEG q OFF, &iS 9% ti!$ ;~FG c BEG c x DFG, H~S DFG, nl~ PY~; * *-ern. *UIII*~rCIYllt~IIICI-alL-LI*BRII-19--ll_Ci.-.-^iX-X* yl-*Y ".-- -85eS'III"I-P -LLITII-Y--=.XI-O.-1)1I-----(n .-*(XI*. .-.sa.**IUI *lllbYlr- *in- .--* **.XIYII . !;.a" % 3 $I:: 6:) 24 IEi 1.4 i,,, 'T" 1'5% ib-4 "I" $3 -43 -f4:", $5 4 ,J $5 :+: "T- " f% i--f "ia:& X> $3 g:) 6: 1-,, ft,: f:: -"$ 43 :i: $13 1;) 94 IIT &-I- 8%: sE-; "V" QOkiR DEM UIgEt #lHF% Fa%$! g&X, MOua PEM MT%B USgD GUST RAW, ka3rtlR BFU JiMD Mit4D GlJ57 *Ax, &@@ YE*, PDTkT RH DTR A 9PBs BiR, CU$I WAD MBHG YEdF, POSkl WH 518, SBD, B"4, GUST R4D PjDW6 TEfiB, PbitgT 8% frlg;?, ,pEs PZR, GlJS"i:kb 5PG S BEG G X BEG, RtS BEG, WiS Wi PEG r BEG C X DF6, RdS REG, #IS nu DEG C 3%C C :Ir$, DE6, #iS #M LLIII~XI~---~-~~~~~~~.-~-~~*~~~CICI-~-~-~~~---~--CICI- ~-~---~~--'~-CICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICI-~~~~~---~~~~~~ -------------a- - U-_-_-_-_-_m-*__--UI 8388 18R+%*#%4* 2&1 -6 $95 f,B @fiJgQ ,34%%#~#R 828 2.3 $29 5.1 e039'Ee -3,4##~~d 4 I I 7 fSb 3,2 B @A#@ 2% ?hJi $9 k&S 23 P ObQ8 4,7 4rugg a9 Bb8 2.3 $;a 3.B Q 0 4 @ 284 1.9 212 L2 4 D9AB 3% @ 3 ,? 252 f "9 1 Of64 2,s #bar@ r# 623 2*3 024 4,d h 8988 3,4 @n%u% uu ?OS t 225 3,? St 2 a,$ snsa%@k 228 ,i? 257 1.8 13 1300 b,B #w##% %% 417 3 P 019 ~,3 32 lfaG @,I #s### na 145 219 23 4A t900 5,3n%aars% 843' ,t QR4 2-5 ZJ%SIEg &,3a@@@r4r 330 3,7 539 8,9 3A15fkll 13,ba#ra@#g $99 L,l QYb 3$%$ 38 tQ00 $,743B#B%;ia 245 ,4 227 ?,5 3l%"ilI R,E. *@%%%%# 343 4,fl 34b 8,3 7 "IM t*l&,b*@%t3.C**4 685 Is? 082 3,8 7 2i18 ?,Bscn%r@% #5B lee $98 333 OZ"E@ t"17qg;%.*#%# 971% 1-3 1711 3,3 a?l$O 7,68*aa~3# PI7 5,s 288 3,8 b 2449 t,3da%&@a4# $87 1.7 820 %A $7400 -?,3as#*d#r 182 3,2 178 3'2 O 2469 l+#af%ws *a 196 2,t 195 Jd 6 kOUR BE MZ#~~#T~D@F~.~ST~AX, ".~uF$ BF# UI WB UiND GibST PBldX , %aka9 DEU ~1kD @JMTs GifT R~AX, #D#6 iE@P, P01bi1 Wk D!W SPB, Dig, GUST W&D tiDgE TEHP, PTSiIiaT RM 018, $BE, biR, GUST WElB NPH6 TEHB, BOIhl Bi-. DIP, SPD, BTR LlYSi RkP GEF c BEG c r D~G, ~5 DEG, ~5 ~i BEG P PEG c x DEG. DFG. R~S EU KG c DFG c x ~ee, nis DFG, r4/5 W# w-_*j_*--cruea---p---*e--------------,"-*e--w---- -rr--xrrrrrrp-rrr-r~~------*-------"**-*-----*-*~- -.rris----rxllr~r--~~--------~~-----~-----w-~.--- D%%Bb -i ,8 %$&#a =%u 199 ?,I IQB 3,F 4 @380 , i 44r## ~3 2lB I ,R 2P2 ?,2 il g3BC 5,4 w%@c *% ?of3 I,? t75 3,7 0 @bg@ *]xy4A@%21% PO? 2%; ?OW 3,FB QOAII~ -jlb>2tt@P%# 197 1.7 232 3.) OR&Q$ ,9.%QBUW%# '11 1,t.k 2?4 44 8 $80!1 L,gra#s*n% ?19 h,Z 728 3,P ?9B9DB 3.1 r##*##* 217 ??I 33 !Jog69 1,@ee@@&@r 34 a,# 222 4,4 :4 ic~, 8.4 w'?# 8% $28 2,$ 1Q1 T,h 40 fXQ8 W.3 @#@@# #a ti4 5,1 Id6 R,3 $7 12$8 & h fiF4#@+ Me !kki 1.5 136 i!,d 40 1560 :B,F%@Hw# eK.8" 145 b.3 %@;f 4-5 ?$ 1,560 8,",###&#% 898 4,4 OBB ";9b ,7h 15flB 7,2a#li$ns~% 1,713 3,3 115 jr,j !@ l@QB 9,9 s%*w# *# FBfi 5,s 185 k,$ 4 kBo@ 5.8 ad%%# 9% 122 ?,f !BS 4,4 ? t809 p,8 %#%s* *a 155 ,$! j33 5 1 2 2bOB *%s@# a@ Pf4h !,9 133 S,? 0 31fi0 3.A *%%rb a.6 176 3,3 187 3,2 8 2100 4,z rraan wa 182 14 218 3,z 24ft$ $3 #$#w@ cc 215 ?,E 235 3,2 O 2438 :,f **n%# sa ?I@ t,3 tS1 3,5 $ TdOl 2,6 &awn# N* ?F7 213 3,g 0 ^f"Mf?F'F Hf"ftaQ,IR 5\3NP.lnrv%i&RY FF?h'"n RKOSSNrc'r WFAT\-{FR t?17A"G'f,f.N Ej&T& TAKEN QURING Sea~a&ber , 4 884 ~0~8 nr~ grrt~ 81~n sas na, HOUR DEN UBMB ux#n cusr nax, iili"~~ BEU UINB UIRB GUS! FAX* " TERg a POigT BN 83kd BPD, DlR GUS% Rhb HDHG YEHB, POIHS' RW BT3, SBD, BTR , GUS1 RAP jhdDNrJ TERP , POINT RH BIR , S$IFbl DIk, 6USY BAD @E6 C DE6 C E DEG, H/S DEG, 8ss Kg BE6 O DEG C x BEG, b-S DEG, abS BM BE6 k: BE%; C P D'% i;t fit$ BEG, fit!? "FII~~~IYILIIFU~~=II-~.~~~~*"~~*I~Q~~~~*.~LTCCCCC~C~C~C~C~-C~C~C~C~C~~- r,nrrrrrrar,arrrrraw-m~a-~(9(~(9((9(~e~~~~~~*I~~~~e~-+~13 rrr-.ararr-rrrrrr~13*~~~~~~b~~--la~-~~-*----"-- 53@@ -1 ,h 98 231 2,? 297 3.8 @ o380 z13 @Baa4 @% 8:37 I ,2 101 3.8 tl 83ec 4,J CR ttg 2,3 133 5,1 0 8 -,4 Hag83 Q1 2B4 %,I 21 8 fl 0568 2,s 364 1-3 357 3,8 8 4bOB 3*4 w~~~~ a* 178 I,? 134 h,3 8 9 2 9% 226 23 226 9,B 14 8388 2,6 aa 125 ?,I f&2 R,3 3 8988 4,9 Gag@% a# 330 1.9 891 @,J 24 1909 8,z@gaBB+@ 314 f*l ZQ@ s,? 29 1288 5,8~@*%%#n fb8 I,? 834 b,3 df20Q 6,5%a@%@#w i33 5,6 898 8,3 JS 3516 83 135 2,2 i@y " 1 4: ISt8 h19 R%P#I #% 238 X,f 263 3*3 9 1509 P17 %#a## a% 3.4 $22 7,5 13 %986 4525 awg@g 627 2,2 $17 &,9 3 1808 ?,3 %#%%a %@ 283 f ,B 246 44 I !BOO 74 gr##g 9~ 131 5'8 119 10,2 f Zl@@ 2B$%g@a36c 102 3.4 fii9 7.0 O2184 &,76%g##48 $75 1,s 191 5.1 @?Id$ 9,&a49%#a* gqb 3,s r2&f41g $ i 2463 $65 .B 121 3.P B2480 5,3aacirrr* l59 1.5 13R 5,s @??#O 3.74rrxr~~ 129 3.2 122j:.& 8 I (," 45 a,.. i? .. .". ... ." *.. -.. .,.. ". .".. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . ' . . ." .. . ~. . ,. - .. '.. . . .- ';f 8" ', , (I {'! f f~'] (+t a-1 , I:! i 'i i., , P, id I . b-5 d: 11 , (1 fi ai i 2 5 M ac:: c:, $\@ $IS g,j I,,, "T' 84% " -If- $3 , 3: N $2 f:; g ,j $53 "T" p%J $fa #-.i -yff 13 $2 $13 1:: $*,- 1:;: <:; 'V" #q a":; 1:s 33 (1) ,'j- g:: *T' -ye- %q t::: (:] $,$ 4.4 %,,, s rf53 @$ "T" $3 , If: fi3 f:T s $fr C,J $tj -7" fi$ $:> -* $3 f 'J - j 3'"'2 $11 ;ad fE: (I: 1.2 Ap$p TFR ia,&i?HFF ~2 {IF I I$&%; p~g[:~q~* OF [\)r 5 f H Q ;% 'i "?I pj 9- 7fJ"fAk r"lfjsERV&"6'5 /jlij\"j 1- Y". - *L_ --. - - " _I. "-I .I_ I- I* * -. I_ -* C. - "I.. -l -I _- - *_1 d -"" _C - XI .-. .- -. .- _I* - a-. l..* - .- -. * - - _l %"." -_ -.. .- m I_ -X "- - -- II -1-1 - -- 1, Recs~ded RW data invalid due to bzd asci f iator, 2, Timing and quar~lity of prssipitatfo~% are SUSPC :t since Preazirag ter~~~r- eratures occured f reqasentfy - However, 1r;hav~irng tsmpei:atnrrs also OCCG~X~~C~, ss dai3v tf~tals should be accurate d?# t$- e vw?& $8 '#$$$@ ?gu%T + p$ *@ Pgk~j ~~&~~~#$~~&~fl&~. ~3@ %@ $$~~#~@~~b%~$&~a t@&tg YEP, 9$2&T -f& @$$, @J G&$T &@ &a @& +fF&@ Wjf #T $b Mf. sP5 ?TR, Rae &WQ> fsB6, PPT#$ 61., &zP , 5PIt1 NR &I:$' #&k &$ g g+% g P E$d 88"s %Sr hi$ qb wjrm aakh E 11% 5 1 PEG1 3iS 2FG, i!#$i %% $Sf C Eg 6 X Em;, aIS RES R# "C"n;-lrXBal*-IBi-l*ZII*-WI**p(I+ri+rir**R*~* " -9 *.)lllCamUiR*R***Cm*1-*r-****B"d. *b* C---EII*-.IY"d."d.~"d."d."d."d."d."d."d."d."d."d.*"d.~.*"1II1Irtlra-.-llb.*i"L~~~QIIITtr rCImO"ILIill-.CT1IIICITIII*I***" 1 U** I- ----------'--------*- $3$$ --2,4$ =$,g f& Midk a&&& #*ljh 4*4 -&,$ -l$,2 77 1% 3,s $$@ 5,s @ -3.6 %&$%q q7 $43 ,s 128 1.9 8 $685 ...",o 3% 4MI +&a~ 7 ft @ a&$s -B*s -;fl,a 36 $$? 2,r -285 Q,$ fj $&@Q -$,g PS*#&.S~; 3? $ i81 lwQ $ $$& && wtdj war Q~B i& 4916 -33 -.a,? g- 238 5 4,4 5 g@@ -a,? -b,4 69 19: : 1 2299 2.5 3 -94 ,? -5.8 &: 34$ h,$ L$? 3,3 12 &*R -5*b 45 274 $,s 32 3.2 42 $286 *B -4x8 kb %B2 ,I3 I&: 32 %$ 1515 f ,f 8,a $4 331 !,$ j#$ 3* f ?& !$;@ ? @ --n 2 53 3.1 $25 3,@ 15 $914 2.2 ea.5 4$ 278 2,# 233 62 27 iB#Q 9 *&I&?@ k%b ?\ 3,8 $$@I)@ -3 136 fZ ";63 @$gQ$ "4 -S*4Q5 ?kf zb5 P5& jk3 @ 2:%~ -3,s -7.r 7: 8~s 8 3,; -J -t ,B 9g 14;k : 7 123 5,~ g 2389 -,a -.:*s 79 $:& 1 *~33 2'2 2 24@$ --$*I -$,$ T3 i$$x 255 3,; 3 ?@@ -I,? *.s#a fl .$ 278 &S 5 24$$ -g,a -4.2 79 275 eg 325 5 7 1 ~i$g& Eu MZ%3! @%&3 5US'i RbX HWR SF8 UInD k3gB Gg$Y MX, Dgu ogTblB @r#B 94i3, ~yql* ,.. .S --*a st~s. FQB&F $0-8 blR. SF$, BR, @&I R&P #@p& %We. PQXRT && B!9, pB @W ggsT QRD @g& IZBF * FBIk1 $4 IfiZf. $?B, @I@, %b5' %i@ *l** - **l*-hr Sb I awl- ; 2 ejs %ge 8~ DE- c BEG t x BEGI n" SFS, tiis gu B-FG c BEG c z nqs a A~"S ~6~ R~S Y**r~-*m.T*l-*l-r--~---**~~rirrirrir-- *-.----d-. )flrrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrirrir*rirrirrirrirrir "--a*i*xll--.*-iriririririr1--11---------- 1- ---I* *--IC I- $36 -+&% -14,3 48 14$k S,!? !4b 6-5 8 8388 -9.1 -1F"B && 288 ,!? 155 S*? 8 bBBB -4,2 -7,s 79 3-43 .8 844 $,! 6 $&&$ -&& -12*7 54 189 2,2 153 4,d 4 Q&SI -7,d -10,7 76 298 8 142 3+8 Q ti&@& -3,3 -g15 b3 ##If 1,3 7 8 839$ -4&8-1:.461 :?qP 4?5 I,? 21988 -7A -tO,7?5 224 A 116 4,4 f @9## -%,2 -81;99b $19 "k2 jX17 EI a:@$ -.25-%nsgi9 $3 -3 282 2,s -ha! -?,; 79 499 :,s $9~ 5,~ 5 1293 9-6 -533 96 293 s2 258 ?,a jf I$$$ -,8 *it,& 44 553 i19 @I{:, 5.8 !5 1538 -sag -@,4 $2 104 4.5 509 7,e 4 IS$@ ,a -8,s 51 184 3,@ $gb 7,D 7 :BIE -c,4 -%g,s 33 $rijR j,? 819 4,4 8 -5,~ -$I,? gfj $39 1 9 338 s,? (I - 2 5! $1 33 142 7.6 Q 2!3$ -8$3 -\I3 45 1-5 145 4,$ [# -q13 &q%r@ Tk 295 ?+? 3-3 3 - 2 -8-2 5% 139 ~,s jjZ 7 @ i434 -3a&*.1ZnS75 2B11 1.J 1% Z,5 &2186 *~8&2 -P13P3 875 *5 $43 j13 @zs$B -7*4gB ljj 2,9 f14 6,: 4 ; i ti- >. BE$. BE$. AVG, @AX, Ql@D &'i$Eb U3HO G%f EF5T BqVL HBH DfB, PD SPB. BIB, SFB, D%R, RH 88 R/&: W,"% EE$; 8iS w' e---**---*--mm-e-----*--m---*-*em**--+*-*- -**me ra? 3,s 3.8 696 1 E a* 179 r *r I,B SA s gg :&? te9 2,2 141 5&X 5 @t 4 3%2 164 R,O 5 g* 1s: 1.r ?J 088 %*3 SB 81 3hB !,b 2,s 893 ? S 65 157 9.9 2.4 197 9-3 5 &i 121 1,s P.5 IZ? 7#8E$E Pi? E S5 $5 Ia4 14th 3,8 %SE 85 1P3 n ,& ?,? 109 5,f $SB 68 Ilf 2,t I25 ?,O SSk 71 348 . f,b 3 S b8 255 ,S % ,P 318 4.3 $id 59 178 E,? 1.6 f5I 4.4 S b5 194 .! lee 0?8 S,! S$g kh 155 ?,I t,4 235 5,7 %E 5B lP t8? f 5 Zlb 187 5.7 $ 179 3'7 ?,$ !44 SSE 37 I 44 a I*" :4b b% qse 5s i31 !,i Q i#9 38 %Sf '77 17 kt? 8 132 ?A ESE 58 !ZP I? 2*4 b.?l 3,s Sf 59 489 1, 2,s 83Q 7*& IjE 84 23pI I ; " 3-8 318 3,s s 58 263 2 2&3 ii,? !did 48 f%P lUaf 153 5% B 45 115 :,> 2.6 \34 5,1 5 45 $9 ?.5 2,s 123 3,B $SF h4 $84 2.5 4 "--jva 55g 43 I *- : ""v5 "is7 *IUI i 63 ;rb 4; n QS J s "44 ti"" lim G,C $$if 52 3 bI: '* :I ?*4 Qq(3 tg*? 5 y4 SOLAR WUMIDI[%"V %4XhlD DIR ijil a t10 * a r)ti it 11 o -1 I." tt a ti ?' !.! 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U5F RAE BEG C PEG C X DE@, 44,s BF6, B/S fig BEG C DEG C A SEG* tiiS g48, WiS IlEG C f?E6; I: I: BEG, DFG* 6PS 8M hnlF-~^11UI~l"*~-I*I*I**e"*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e 19--1111*-~B(Ts.-*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e*e**e*e*e*e*e*e-*e-*e*e*e*Il*.*-- -----.X-UI(I-I-*e*e*e*e*e*e*I-Y-II--------*e*e-------*e*e-- "a * * -:?,B -f8,5 57 I*% 3#3 f4B Q,3 B 8386 -1%,8 -)8,6 5% f79 ?,? 183 3,8 0 4300 -8,4 -11.9' 7h 147 3,s f?dk %,I 8 @Q~B --.a3,% -~B,P 62 188 t,9 jay 3.9 t? aheo -a,& -iis.? bs rgo ;'G -~,4 -IJJ 75 $85 i~1~ 186 4,4 D 09Gtt -f3,4 -=?@,I 57 1'17 3,4 2h4 2 3380 -8,? -15,1 ti7 9" 185 3.:> B 0803 -6.8 -IiIeB 73 IP4 ?,3 FRS 4.4 1 tz~o -e,4 -18~7 17 PI^ ;,q 150 5,: to 1280 -83 -~s,t s3 1st 5.4 152 s.~ 1268 -4,d -9,b ~9 -33 LO 19: 3-2 5 5589 -Ye& -19,4 $5 135 4.2 I36 6,: P 454% -1,7 -11,O 77 153 2,d f37 b*3 3 SS8g -4,1 *%a*# 85 470 f&B 2.5 2 -1~3 -TW 49 i44 3,r $43 5,j 9 1889 -S.P -!].I 7% 21s 1.2 ns 2,s u is80 -43 MMP~ 97 !TO 9 155 1-9 8 2lBO -12 3 -88,T 58 tB6 5.3 8% 5,: B 2386 -B,B -!I ~5 3% 1Sb ?,T 162 3.8 D 23BF -4,b %#kwa 68 172 i *Q $59 1 ,F fj 2498 -19~4 57 i18 ~1 16~ 32 D 2san -?,9 -in 4 76 19: ~2 1435 4-4 B ~400 -4,9 ##B~E IPB 225 .3 8 ++Gu& b df ~1i4B GUST ?!Ax afielR uf :;$ 8lnF: i1biS7 #Ad, 40t@ DEM bj t HS UBNB GUST kIhaX, k~k~ ~~p;p, P@f~r #n Spii,:, ei3, F&.>; $hb M@(& &F&P, E"fi""t4i- Rh FIR, SPb a D":, ilRg.,%~ MB~G TErlP POINT ?".:as$. SPQ, 812, &L$'F w&b [IEE C zEg @ Z f@;. fiiS QFf , k f:U PEG i" B66 C X 8;" $?$a <4/S fai,ld bff- f BF6 %": "i $:PC, $$I5 BEG, 815 hs r - ' dm-**b- *- ---.--*-- --*----- rr-usaarmar~urr*~*~.---~~--*~~~-~------"----------m- ----- ----.*----------------*---.*----- ---------- 6358 -5,~ agaaxs 37 jna 3 sib , Q 0380 -2.$j -pad 73 88s 2,: IQ~ 33 0 3 4 , PI I , 0 Qb." -5,g eXg%* 93 233 ,q $3?? 1 fj -9.: -!Qs3 P4 2iQ i .?$ 13? 3 8 3 OkQQ -$,2 -12 0 $8 1,9 15s 3'1 8 pjn; -ts,$i -1,~ ys 198 a9 205 1 ,Q 0 ~qja": -73 -1; .3 ?% 280 3.r r~b 3,9 o 8%~ -?,A -13~4 $0 \;;& 2,! jbd ?,a 8 --$,$ x:;gaa tT ?iP 4[13 1.Q 7 1Zfl$ -7 2 7B {gh ") fQq 3.p 3 jP@ -9.;: -13.3 ::"$ 2,b 175 4.44 :: I%@$ m-\,h *%.tqt* at ob; 351 ,: 354 2c s b 7 :5$@ -5.d -9 4 ?c 5{i6 ? ,' "38 3.8 1 6520 -9,b -13,9 7: J5$ 7 121 3 5 1 i~$F-tR~~-I~~,(W~3 19% tfj; 9 Q~flj~~ -b,7 -0182 fj$J " iiQ4 ? i;R$b-.$$,G -fS 1 *"mzg ?,"?I:, 3 I (4 I " " ?I$:; -i5,*>-*!$,Q73 :@4 2 I*?; " f 3 $* I -$>f i r '395 I&& if> 31 ?# v 2153 *qb 7 -,\$a? **** 3 ~:"JJ 1,s $73 d 11 b&:P$ .,DO ..;\] $*; 395 ? 7 1; i ;) -3 ar .-i: 74 ,'d 1"; 58 y ~J*)FI iJ,F, "*;s ":l+l 3 nzv, I-' J +i&; @h"w Q$HD GUST RhX, ~OBR Dfu Dl#BM?WPaitSiHAX, dO:%UB DEU glIRB @j#B ai;USi %AX I +t9*~ 1m3, POS~~ P& 318 SF';"%, DXR, S~ST ~hb HWG VFBP, POTKT RW BIR ,. SPB, DXR, cgsa +a& $BS~ PE~Q, PGIHI ~4 QIR, SPD, DI~, GU~T RAD EC C EE G f E&, 6IS BEG, R%S 88 BEg C DF6 C X BEG, @J$ II"sEG, 61s #d BEG f BEG C 2 BEG, Ea"5 DFC, 815 F& YYUXn~*~-UP-**1IX1*i1*i1*i1*i*1*i1*i1*i1*iibCCC*ererBBBB~~~~hXIC*****~~-"II"II"II -p.i-i+*l*141*r-dr"II"II"II"II"II-rl**I-IIIICI*m-ILIII-1*i--LCII.LI*IIII-.II*I)- ..',,,C9'"" *IX**-I*(*FIFIcC-CIICIIILll"r)*I1U*Ir+lnn**ll*ClU-I P395 *L%,B -I@*$ 38 284 3*8 ?ah 5,t Q 8380 -31 .m *2S,t 38 $85 1,T tR3 4,4 8 #SO0 -?2,3 -278P b? 302 $,fj 274 5,1 I 46BQ-8&,4-$Q4577 $92 3,s 186 5,j 3Bh03-38,7-24,PbP 217 1.3 791 %%S BQhQQ-ZS,t -3B.bh4 3SP I,$ 205 5,Z 3 #PB@ -48-5 -21'8 ?f is 3,? $91 5,1 B @PO@ -?I,& -25,? kQ iP5 B?j z18 1 $988 -?2,f -28.5 BO 191 2,2 172 dB$ $ 8203 -is8? -l%t 76 214 ?,g 203 3,8 14 1208 -1b.Q -28.5 63 197 t ,3 2!8 2.5 13 5280 -17.b -25,i 52 I97 f ,P 19h 3,9 14 1586 *8!i1? -59,: 12 139 ?%8 *?A 9 1546 -14.3 -2Qa4 88 !83 *Q 316 2*5 9 tf86 -h7,1 -?4.0 55 !?2 d,9 lb@ 3,2 P I&@% -k8,9 -2d,5 73 i4P 3,s 844 5,: 3 1800 -IT,? -?9,b bB !72 2,P itif 3*8 8 lBD@ -a?,& -2R,8 57 170 2,h I57 4,$ B 21B9 -2#,2 -24,2 PB 1St 3,t 146 3,1 O 3188 -??,? -?1,8 $3 ?t3 lpb ?I? SSP 9 2104 -22,3 -28,9 56 286 2,4 !?& 5.1 6 24QB-2$,8-25a678 175 !,B 187 k4 o?s@8-?3$-??,9b? 117 2,s !&z s,r 8240$-2t.8-27,658 183 2J 1&t 5#% B t4SZUP 3 g%dB JJgD gU%T #OUR MJ @IWDUIH%:~U$f@AX, $DUB BE& 39ND MlHB GhiSl RAX, #BR& TEEF, POlgT #% Dlt SPD, OIB, W%T RkB 3BRG TEfiB, POINT RH PBR, fPt, $18, GUST RAB !iDR6 "$BPS POIHT 8H GfR, SBD, 3i9, GUST RAE BE<* c BEG c 2 BES DEG, fids itk BEG e a~c c x WG, nis r~c, his nu DEG e DEG c : ksc, ~15 BEG, nta EM ds*IPI-"C~lb**L1'8"'8"LILILILIlilililili*lilililililililililililililililililili IIII(I-*.UIII~li*lililililililiC~~-CI*-UI"o.PICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 4-~--*"--F*-I.1CCCIIII*IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- D3fi$-2ia? -282 57 184 2,e rb? 5~ 8 $388 -23J -.?s,? 82 ?is 2.7 4,~ 0 0380 -15.3-26,9 h? fb? ?,3 iSS 4-4 8 h686 mS?t,P -?%,a 5T 179 2-k 482 5,: B Oh89 -24-& -29-8 52 $71 4,s 148 6-9 0 Oh00 -I3,9 -28.2 59 1% 2,8 202 4,B 8 fi$~g -z2r 8 -26,; 59 i$P 3+t :b6 TsT 8 8903 -14.8 -30.2 81 1% 7.9 174 5 1 % $990 -14,7 -T9,9 68 SB8 2*2 I@? 3,P b 1208 -r3at +3,9 43 ?I$$ 1,s fPf 3,4 fB IF88 -2j19 -2T,7 53 193 2.8 IR? 5.1 5 %24J@ -Ii,R -18./* 57 jTS 2'5 tR? 9,4 5 f5i18 -16~3 -24,f 51 179 kY 173 4-5 8 !SO0 -f9*5 -?$#$b? 853 2*8 85? Sat i f580 -9.5 -$ha? 55 875 2'3 fmmi 4,4 1 tau -z~-I -78,4 59 T~P 3,7 762 5,~ e ISOQ -i83 -2a~ 59 195 3.3 599 4~ o n8gP -it*e -mzs s7 157 3,s asr s,a 0 21 tB -?I,& -21,9 65 $86 3,t 566 5.7 G ?dB8 -t7*7 -P3,! bfl fR5 2,: 231 Ssl Q 2199 -If -IB,E tsB 154 3,8 lb6 b.3 O 2-410 --z%,? sr 2,R 14b 5,7 D 2108 -35,~~ -2n~ st a@& 32 19s 33 O 2400 -la,S -45A 75 146 4,0 li4fr ";3 a & W (2 t;I",b 934 %T3 t, J I,,, ""zx" 4% W "T" f iS ,, 3: P-4 4:: . "":j*j 2;; "T" fi-4 $3 1-*) ?f Y) 13 <> 3g:4 gt,-, $5: "l'" 4% 11: (:> 6:3 **je $9:: E:: *T gmg %u G$&D bi#b Gi551 edlX BLiR 9Eg U%NDgIWFtGHsSSMX. ktgUR bFu !d IgD a f 3B @JST bA& R@$t% E@P - F61@ @I f4 a 53B Dl$, 6U5$ @DdG 5EgP POIhT WN Bf k2 %PDr BIB, RAD HBB;J TE%B. BQENI RY BIN, SPD, DIE. GVR RAE g~g ;GG c BE$-* 3,s ~EG, PEG e are t r n~g, nis o~c, 8x5 BFG c BEG c r DFG~ [US BEG, RrS rag -c*--rn*srrp-uC.~~--*V)ZUZU-~-U~^*~-IIFIIIBl.*I.LbXIC"IIVIUU-rr urad~b)l~-S(O""~~-XIFOII*r~lZUZUZUZUZU~-CLe*UIIUIISli*-O~l~*I*-III1*UQ..LY U-l.Illr(-*~UU-~1II~--*,,**XIIIIII-LIICILIl~-XI*UI------.*II-*IU- 9350 -15.8 -19.2 TS lE3 Zh2 494 3#t3 o @36@ -%4,6 -I?,? 7b $hi? 2,2 $2& 8,3 1 8388 ,? -3,s 73 :!I? 9,s 162 85.3 Q 8hO6 -f4*4 --iiil$ 74 t8? 2,; tB4 ?*P 6 ObQ8 -3$*Z -I8,8 73 117 f,4 IE7 9,s 8 8600 -,2 -?,1 83 t2t 5*7 134 t9,6 8 4988 *lS,S --E?UE 53 iQ% 2,3 IF? ;,B 0 8990 -35.5 -fS.P 33 191 2,9 tJB 7,8 t 0389 -,3 -2&5 85 115 3%6 328 P13 O nZs2;4 -122 -17-2 be $48 23 tb7 5; t9 t2~g -523 -I&,! 77 2s 3,4 IT? 5~ ZZBQ -1,~ -2,5 93 DZB .y f~3 4~ 3 $598-f4,1 -f73 ?3 152 kQ 1% 7,B rS 15CO -35.1 PR 338 ?*a 34 J$ n t5oO -rA -sir 83 6?t $3 @?I 3,R 2 f983 -I$,$ ~23~2 7-52 '.A t46 R,? a InfiQ -&,a -$'$I 82 21s t %@ 238 4#4j 8 $$SO -3,% -5,7 Bb lQ3 1,4 @87 5n1 8 2:5b -!he$ -2k3 75 !$? 4-6 14fi 8,3 a ?re0 -! b -r,a 9r 156 n.8 r$2 13,3 @ ?EBB -9,4 -5~ 03 j,~ 102 @ zsga -15,s +s,s ah 574 3,2 ts~ 7*~ o 2480 -*@ -;.s 82 108 1:,2 143 IS-5 8 2430 -5,0 -5,~ 93 867 1.4 $58 5,2 9 $&Ell- +a -* ,- g ssr r " i;i p r 3' %*$$ L: + 1 -* .' + ?,I ; :;- ";"ST- f : "* $*@) 5; :' $$d& I, 1 i - 3:s i 5 I*!* ,* *X rnL a"b st< -a ,- cwZh S. 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W. 1984. Solar and langkvave radiation data For south-ce;.t~al Alaska. In: Proceedings, Alaska Section AWRA Annual Conference, Alyeska Resort, Alaska, November 1984. Published by lilstitute of Water Reso~lrces, Univet*sity of Alaska, Fait-banks. Alaska, as Repo8.t IkVR-106. RCM Consultants, Inc. 198.4. Processed clilnatic data, October. 1982 - September 1983, Volurne lil, Kosina Creek Station (No. 0640). P~~epai-ed under cooti-act to Hal-za-Ebz ,co Susitna Joint Vienture foi* Alaska Power Autl~ority . Docutrlent No. 1090. June. APPENDIX TABLE A* I CONVERSlOFd FACTORS mifEitr~ete!r (1-m) 43,03937 centiinetes* (cm) 0.3g37 squat-e centimeter- (ctn2) 0,1550 meter (m) 3,281 sqlrar*e rneter' (m2) 10.7% meter. per second bn.aJsd 3.821 meter. per second (misl 2,237 meter* per* second (rn/s) 1 ,944 degm*ee Celsius ("Cf 9151C) 932. bitratt-hour (WH) 3,413 watt-krot~r QWl4) 3 GOtti mi I l iwatt (cniv] 0,0034 13 tnil%Iwatt pet* square 0, 1030 eantitr-tate~* i rr~w/ciln' ) watt- hot~t* per sqcra tne 0,:3171 r~~eteo. $WE-firnS 1 watt.-D~ocarr- pea- squa t*e 0 ,08t;O ~~~ehcer* [Wkl/tv2 1 itwt-~ (in) Enclr (in) squal-e inch [in2) root bft) square foot (ftf ] foot per second Cft/"sS inife per- f~our (mpts) knot (kt) de~t*ee Fahc-eni~eit (OF) Britistj Tliet-nrsal Llf~it (Brulr joule Q) BTU pet' Qltour QBTUBh t.1 B"rU pet. I~oti t- pal* sqit3r.e foot [ BTUJl~rq--ft" BTU pesn sqt4at.e fast f BT8d/Ctb) Sanglcy f t y 1