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Dosumnk No, 2976 Susitne File go, 4,2,2,1 PROCESSBB a%HATZC D&TA OCTOBER 1983 - DECmBER 1984 Under Csweraet ta lla~za=Ebasc~ Sus i tna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Pia~al Re1~0rt June 19G5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSBTCdA HYDWOELEGTR$C PROJECT TASK 4 - HYDROLOGY PROCESSED CLIMATIC DATA OCTtOE3ER 19a - DECEMBER 1984 VOLUhdE '1 ; 0610 - SUSITNA GLACIER STATION VOLUME 2: 0628 - DENALl STAT:ON VOLURAE 3: 0640 - KOSINA CREEK STATHON VOkME 4: 8650 - WATANA STATlDN VOLCIME 5: 68660 - BEVl b CANYON STATION VOLUME 6: 0665 - SHERMAN STATION VOLUME 7: 0686.5 - EMLUTNA LAKE STAT90N ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROCESSED CLiMATHC DATA - WATANA STATION * OCTOBER 1983 - DECEMBER I984 TABLE OF CZONTENTS Volume Index [,is.$ of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgments 1.1 Purpose 4 .2 Station Description 1.3 Methods of Data Coilection l Station History 2.0 ,ANNUAL DATA SLJMMARY 3,0 REPOr[%T PREPARATION 3.; Description of Sy~mb~ls Used in Annual ar~d Monthly Sunarnaries 3.2 Data Colnp~itation Standar-ds (Climate) 4, "i3eir1et-al Corrsiineir~ $3 4. 2 Col~irn znts on Specific Pa rametei-s PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) - 5.0 MONTHLY CLlMATlGDATASUMMARlES Watana Station, 1983-84 6.0 REFERENCES APPENDICES Cos~version Factors Wyoming Gage Precipitation Measurements Watana Climate Station, 1983-1985 Evaporation Data Watana Camp, 1984 PAGE 5-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 .I Description Angular Elevations of Terrain Obstructions Around Watana Weather Station Description of Meteorologic Sensors Inspection Dates and Maintenance, Watana Climate Station, October 1983 to Deeenqbes 1984 Explanation of Data Gaps, Watana Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Page 1-4 Adjustments Made to Raw Data, Watana 1-8 Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1954 Estimated Missing Data, iyatana Climate 1-9 Stttion, October 1983 to December 1984 Summary of Climate Data Recorded at Watana 2-2 Station [No. 0650), October 1983 to De~ember 'I 984 FBera,ent of Total Possible Obse~*vations Rer:orded at badatana Glif~ate Station, Oc$;abcr 1983 40 Dece~nbet* 1984 Ct3nver5 iii~l"i9 F~C~OP-R A,.- 1 \/~/yoiiming Gnqe i3i-ecipitaiiora @at;! Watana Cllinat! R-- I Skakias~, 'i98:3-15185 ~cri W;ll<*ri;t Cair~p, "!$38ii +I LIST OF FIGURES Description Page Location Map: Susitna Project Meteorologic 1-10 Stations Location Map, Watana Clirnate Station Sequential Plot of Climatic Data, Watana Station, October 1983- December 1984 Thee climatic data were collected under contract to Harza-Ebasco Slssitna Joint Venture for the Alaska Power Authority on the Susitna I-lydroelectric Project. Field maintenance and data collection were perfot*lned by the hydrology staff of RGM Consultants, Incorporated. Data reduction and processing were performed by Debbie Stephens, Len Story, Ellair Parker, Jim Nelson and Jeff Coffin, using computer programs develcped by Mark Holmstt-and and revised by Bill Ashton. 1 .O BACKGROUND 1.1 Purpose The Watana climate station was installed as the initial site for meteorologic data collection by RGM in the usitna Basin because of its location near the Watana base camp. The data will be used as input to tlhe DYRESM computer model, which predicts cthe temperature and sediment regimes of the proposed Watana Reservoir. 1 .2 Station Description The Watana climate station is located about 100 yards from the Idatana base camp at 62'50'20" N latitude and '148°J0'50" W longitude. It lies in an open, gradually sloping area at Susitna River Mile 184. Its estimated elevation is 2,300 feet above mean sea level (MSL). See Figures 1.1 and 1 -2 .For location. The weather station is situated ;In the high plateau north of the river, characterized by open tundra with occasionai black spruce groves. W slight rise or knoll to the i~orth and west of the site may shelter the instruments ftworn the prevailing wind direction. High mountains to the south shade the stati\$~n for most of the day durirlg December and January. These features rise to nvcr 6,000 feet at a distance of 15 to 20 miles From the site and shade the instrument at sun angles below 3' from the horimon*tal (see Table 1.1 for angular elevations of terl-ain obstructions). s%- * I /PO ~;lil~s;~"ti~ da1.a at Wat,an;r are collt?cted using a kilodel 5100 Weatlrel* Wizai-d !:j:)igi ial bV~.if i~~sr i; t;rtiu,-1, in;ns~c~l,jci in i42il thy IVic?kuor*c;l~sjg/ R~S~-~~F*GEI, i 4-1 110\~ pave of 1SeIfos*8: 1 rmstrcament Company. The Wetl-thei* Wixar-c:! rnedsr.r rest pr~l:~s.;~~::, i-i;-it-j re ~i~a/i?i-al wr?;~li-let* pil ~*~~~~lelt+~~s, wlr icls a iv: tjctsci-jk>ei a I 2.1c?loky. 1 :! i/c3i i powj~~i~ si!pi~I\/ pow':?rs Z~P sidrEicajia nrld i:; kep? clja r*s2~-d i.71 a solar panel. Dat~ are recorded on a low-temperature casslette tape at 30-minute intervals. Fifteen -minute recording intervals were used prior to October 5, 1983. The station is visited approximately once per month for b m3intenance and repairs, and to retrieve the data tapes. Recorded data include instantaneous values of temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation intensity, longwave rzdiation intensity, and battery voltage; the cumulative amount of precipitation measured since the last reset; and several wind parameters. Wind dir-ection is sampled every If. seconds and averaged over the recording interval. Wi~d speed is rneasured by counting each !*evolution of the cup anemometer and averaging the speed over the i*ecording interval (15 or 30 ininutcs). The fastest 15-second average speed for the interval is reported as the peak gust. The anemornetel- and wind vane are pal-t of a sensor art-ay mounted atop a 3.5-meter tripod adjacent to the recorder shelter. The sensor array also contains a short boom with a radiation shield for the temperature arid relative humidity sensors. A solar t-adiati~n sensor and longwave radiation sensor are located on a separate p!atforwm 10 metetas to the not-thwest fr*om the main piatfor-m. *The solar sensor is installed facing vertically upwai-d atop a I .5-meter tripod. .The tipping-bucket r~ain gage is mounted on a 0.6-meter post and pluirrbed vertically. It is installed within a Wyoming gage "r oreduce the effects of wind on the catch of rain and snow. Prior to December 1983, an electric heater was added as part of the gage to permit winter precipitation rneasuremenl. In recent v/inter*s, howeljet-, the power supply has not been a~aila~ie, sa an accumul,lting gage has bccn insiaiied through the wilites-. 'Table 1 -2 bi.sct*ilses sensor types and pes*for.mance clPar*acter.istics for eacf~ ' ,C ~wasaineter. (he performanct: ckar%ar1~i*I":Eirs pi*ui.iJetJ Ly YJriai* Cainve~-sior~ I~E~*IuI*s For the ~lili-ts are provided in the t3ppendi~c. I..or\gw;jve sc-.r.t:;.rjr r;F~iis-~-scC.ri*isticz; we?i'e s!>~cific.cd by BI~>i>ley Labol*at~i*~, inc. 1 1 .4 Station History The Watana Station was installed on April 8, 1380. It was chosen as the *r initial experimental site for the Weather Wizar-ds due to its proximity to the Watana base camp. This report covers the period from October 1983 to December 1984 only. There are three previous data reports for this station : Report Period Covered Processed Climatic Data April 1.380 - September 1981 Volua-ste 5 October 1981 - September 1982 Watana Station (No, 0650) March 198% [RGM Consultantr) 2. Processed C%imatic Data Vslusne 5 Vddarwa Station [No. 0650) Decelmber 1982 (R&M Cansuftants) 3. Processed Cl isnatic Data October 1982 - September 1983 Voluine I\! W~$ana Sta.tion IN(>. 0650) June 1984 4 R&M Cc~nsultants) Tables 1.3 through 1.6 list the inspection dates and maintenance perfor-med for the station, significant data gaps, adjustments to raw data, and values that have been estim-+od where data are missing. Pel-iods with more than one I~OUP of missing data are shown on :'able 1.4. Intel-mittent gaps in tile wind da-tz occut- ft*eyuently in the ~vinter an3 are not identified -- indivirlualiy. i lit. fillinher of issi sing days for* t!-@?se cases is appi*oximated by the iota! niin~bk*r of missing hoi-irs dur-in<] the period. 'I'he L~eyitlnirrg arid encBir~g dates For- tile data gaps and for khe adjustments to I-aw data cor-t*elate! \tviutla the inspection and maintenance dates. Relative humidity data Cos trter;sst.a(r-cit~ei-its vvitir a/!r>d speeds less tleaaj sn/sekr, are not v;:aOid aiid iitr~:; not tisec8 is.$ caiculatrr~g tlie ye~-ceiltage or' "cotal ohsct*\iations f~l* a I whicii ar-e iak~;.llatetj in Isable 2.2. ~ozr;ievc~trn, *ilrc?c ~llis~ii-lg it[-{ v;lEirt!r, c.S:-8 i?;tS i.iiiic;F.itiiti- ilihk1 s;j;i13s ill "1 1 I :I. TABLE I. 1. ANGULAR ELEVATIONS OF TERRAIN OBSTRUICTBONS AROUND WATANA WEATHER STATION Azimuth (1 ) (True) Elevation (2) (ft, MSL) NOTES: (1) Azirnc~th angles are in cllegrees fl-om true north. (2) Elevatio13s were cjbtained fronl U. S. G . S 1 : 250,000 stale nlaps. Points used were selec:ted mountain pealts land other features su rrqotinding the igzlcalljer station. Elevation differences 1Ci.oi.n the \%leaf her s'tation a*t 2300 Si, I, i! /lug-iroiital distalices wes6e used to :i-i;lng~~i,ate tire <:/~~r~tiirwI ;3n531@5. "xi? trr i", O TABLE 3.3. INSPECTION DATES AND MAIINTENANCiE WATANA 6' ,@!ATE STATION OCTOBER 19m TO DECEMBER 99W i nspectiorl Date Maintenance Re-installed station. Connected precip- iation, solar, atld longwave sensors. WH S~QSQV" calibrated. Precipitation gage disconnected. Longwave amp. removed. RH sensor calibrated. None. Rzplaced longwave amp. Connected precipitation gag, . Norle. None. Replaced RH sensor. Sensor array dis- connected for 4 !-hours for annual maintenance. RS4 sensor calibrated. Solar sensor re" 10ved " ?done. Removed preciptitatian gage. BnstzBOed ne~f soear. sensor,, R~I~Bv~ 4 longwa! e sensol-. l nstalled new WeaII~es. '$iViaat3d, None, 3i4 seci-9sor caiiibrii.a$ed, P solar papel disconnected. ra Y EEE @JOtQsL .b,+d-a6 TABLE 1.5. ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO RAW DATA WATANA CLIMATE STATSON OCTOBER 1983 TO DECEMBER 19&1 Period %O/l - 10131 1111 - 11/'16 al/%s - "814 12/4 - 1/6 416 - 4/9 419 - 5/24 5/24 - 7/13 7/13 - 8/27 8/27 - 1015 10,818 Solar Radiation Adjustment -12 RH Points TABLE 1.5. ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO RAW DATA WATANA CLIMATE STATION OCTOBER 19a TO DECEMBER 19M Solar Radiation Adjustment RH Adjustment -12 RH Points N.k !OINI C t (Us ;!/:I 2,0 ANNUAL DAT,"",SUMMARY Table 2.1 presents a summary of the monthly averages or ttrtals for each parameter for the full period covered by this report,. October 1983 to December 1984. The symbols used in the table are explained in Section 3, Report Preparation. Conversion factors are provided in the appendix. The data reported herein are also summarized in Figure 2.1, a sequential plot of all the measured parameters except longwave radiat:ion. Annual summaries for prior years are provided in the previous data report (R&M Consultants, 1984). With this report, a shift has been made from presenting the climatic data on a water year basis to presenting it for the calendar year. The calendar year format matches that used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in reporting ct inlatic data, and simplifies comparisons. Future reports will also be for calendar years. A summary of the percentage of usable data recovered for each climatic parameter by month durins this reporting period is presented in Table 2.2. The cumulative percentage in this case applies for the whole 15-month period. n c: (1) U ill L. 3 2 I". d fY1 LJ,. d. ' IS,+ id. 1 i ' h ,d 4' ?it A"#\"& - (!*qq~~ 3,0 REPORT PREPARATBON 3,1 Des~~ription of Symbols Used in Annual and Monthly Summaries 3.1.1 Annual Summary BIan k entries for monthly values indicate the station had not yet been installed at the site or that it had been removed prior to that month. Installation and removal dates are noted on the table as wel!. Insufficient or partial data. M follows averagie and/or total values if 1-9 daily values were missing data *for 2II or part of the day. M appears alone for the month if 10 or mot4e daily values were missing or contained ;missing data. Parentheses surround the M where other letters may cause confusion (i. e. in prevailing direction). M follows average and/or total values for the yeat. if any month was missing data. M appears alone for t!je year if any month was lnissing enough data to reqaire it to have an M alone or if three or more months were missing any data. 3.1.2 Monthly S~fisr~maries *~*,..jrk Erroneous or missing data (may be from 2 to 6 asterisks, depentling on n~imber* of digits possible in the value:.?). Asterislis appear. in place of t93e V~III~ if I sscadinys i*equick:L! ft~r Jetermil~ation of the fable valtle itjei-e supissing. A d3.R in the \iuu~*!y pk e~ip~lalion table indicates the voluene far ti7a.t hgaeii r is not knc~b~~n, but the ctatnkj9ativc tot:qf uf ~-'~~*cci~>i(:dti~ts over the ii~tervcli of collsccu! ivc !Jas\-l~?(j I* i:, ii~i;ll.lr!~~E ill kiw r~c~rh ilnirer* ~ller*~? :-i vid\kfp repor-ted. Similarly, a dash for precipitation in the monthly summary table indicates the volume for that dall is not known, but the cumulative total over the interval of consecutive dashed days is included in the next day where a value is r-epurted. 3.2 Data Computation Standards [Climate) Conver-sion factors for units are presented in the appendix. Specific segments oif the monthly reports are described below. 3.2.1 Graphical Data Plot The data plot is a graphical representation of valid recorded and/or computed data. 3.2.2 Hourly Pi-ecipitation Summary Table Hourly precipitation values are calculated as the difference between valid (current and preceding) consecutive hourly I-eadings. When either of tllese hourty precipitation readings are invalicl, no value is reported for* the curt-ent houl No table is published for the winter months (October thi-ough March) unless a heater is art of the tipping bucket installation. 3.2.3 Msn-thly Summary Table *I . Maxisnu~gi daily aid rrron thly telr-iper-ati~r*es at-e determined frcjrn ;rlJ valid r-ecot-dc?d temper-atun'es. 2 , i!hinimenrr~ daily and inonti~i y t~mpcir-attr r-es i~-c deIcr-mii~od -fo*orn dl1 va%id i-ecorded %ei~~pt?ka.t:u~-es 3. Mean dail-# and monthly temperatures are deitermired from all valid recorded temperatures. The mean daily tempei-ature is determined from the mean of the maximum and minimum temperatures. The mean monthly temperature is determined from the mear, of all reportekd daily mean temperatures . Resultant daily and monthly wind directions an4 sybeeds are summed vectorially from ail valid readings. 5. Average daily and monthly wind speeds are determined from ail valid readings (arithmetic mean). 6. Maximum daily and monthly gust speeds are determined from all valid readings. Associated directions are the i-esultant directions from the recordivg interval in which the peak interval gust was obsi;rved. 7, Prevailing daily and moathly dii-ections are deterinined from a, * all valid readings. I he reported valt.~e is the mast fr-eqtJ,-nt di rectisn obset-ved, 8. Mean daily and monthly rela-tive i~urnidities are detet*rriir,ed Frotn ali valid readings (ar-ithri~ciic mean). Whet, the ~vind speed is less than 1 m/sec, the RH vaitr~ is omitted fvom the averaging (but is disy;%ayed in the graphical data plot and in the three-irour table). 9 IWvlean daily and rr~onthl y devdpoint ten~pesatu i9es dete~*rilis~ecl fr\am 311 \it>lid t*eacfii)gli (;irit!-~i-b*~~:$~it:; gj~~~j~a~]4 Dewpoiirk. are omi-lted wi~en Pba3 wind speed i.; Ie-s~ i\iaiq & nr/s, wE~<~:, 'tiad de\h/yoi;zt calct!lates to a vaiuc (31*(?3i~i' tjlat) ihc: ruecoi*dc:.d tcl~spel*ature, oi* wlaer~ tile ~dr:\~~~zc.i!-r~i. cc2/cctPrrte3 to less tbn minus 47 degrees or more than 27 degrees Centigrade. 10. Daily and montl~ly precipitation values are det:ermined f rofn all valid readings. 77. Daily and monthly solar energy values are determined from all \lalid readings. Daily solar energy (in w,att-hours per square meter) is determined by averaging the recorded solar intensity (vdhich is in rr,llliwat-s per sqliar.e centimeter) and converting the units. Thi? monthly value is the sGm of the dalibe j/a!ues. 3.2.4 Three-Hour Summary Tables 1 , The temperature reported is the temperature recorwded at the specified time. 2, The dewpcint tc n9ei-ature reported is the dewpaint calculated at the specified time. Dewpoints re omitted wherr the wind speed is less than 1 m/s, when tj~e det:!?oint is calculated to a vall;e yreaier than the recorded temperature, r when the dewpoint calculates to less than minus 47 dejibees or m01-e thaa 27 degrees centigrade, or vvhen eiilier the temperature or R. I-l. reading is invalid. 3, She relative humidity rep~rted is, the k;umidity recorded 21 the speci~ied time. "%* a 4 e t ne iv;nrJ direction r-epor~tcd is the 31ai'ee- !lout. vec*toria/ s-(asuitant stma of dab t-ecst-ded up to the r,pecifieqj iig.ra@, 6. The gust direction reported is the direction of t:he maximum gust recorded during the preceding three- hour period. 7. T!=e gust reported is the maximum recorded during the three-hour pericd. 8. The radiation reported is the solar radiation intensity recorded at the specified time. 3.2.5 Wind Frequency Summary Table Reported d.9 are determined from all valid pairs oi readings. Valid pairs of wind data are composed of valid wind speed and wind direction data far the same interval. 3.2.6 Hourly Sslai. Radiation Table An addi"iol-, to this year's i-eport series, hourly solar radiation values are averages of all valid r~eadings recorded during the preceding hour. If any data are missing or invalid, the r*emaininy values are arithc~etically averaged for the hour. The daily avet-age vaiues are determined by summing the hourly avel-ages for the day and dividing by 24. If all data are missing for the houi*, no value is printed; asterisks (***) appear instead, and na value is used 401. the hour in computing the daily average. 3.2.7 Hourly Longwave Radiation Table (Wakana and %k!utna S$atir>ns $nly) Anoilasa. addition ta this )/ear's report series, Rot~l-iy longwave r adia.tiorl values are averages of all valid readings i-ecor-ded clu !-in9 the pi-ccediilg hc>ui-. If a data are inissing oi* invaIitl, the rc.l;3ai13ing values are a!-iiErn;etic:aiiy avei-zrged tor the irou r- . The c{,aiiy pi iira(3~~3 are CP9te:.~nirit>~3 !*:if stli\l(~lit~y i!w E~ntri*!y n\je;*.:!Jc+:s ft~r- 0 * a +i-it~2 -- ~ {j;3\1 ~i-~tj t-ji\fi<jir~~:j /:3y 811{se If &-iiI cjij$:h iL2i* i.11~ i-i~pi!!tf ji8+j value is printed; asterisks (***) appear instead, and no ~talue is used for the hour in computing the daily average. 3.2.8 Wind Rose Graphical Plot The plot is a graphical representation of the wind frequeincy summary table. 3.2.9 Observation Summary Table Another addition to this year's report series is an observation summaky. The number of usable observations for each parameter is determined by counting the number of valid readings for the entire month. The percentage of total observations is de*termined by dividing the number of usable observations by the number possible for the month. Data adjustments and additional comments applicable ts the month are manually entered below the summary table. 1 , The following at-e the data ranges assumed valid, based on reasonable expectations for "the pat-ameters in soiltl.r-central Alaska; data outside these ra;:cfiq are not used: 1-1 1 #me: 0000 thro~igh 2400 hotit-s - at specified time it~tervz~ls Wind Speed: 0 through 99.1" meters pel- secotld arrcd less than 01% cqear.aE to GUST Relative Humidity: 0 through 99 percent Precipitation: 0 through 99.8 mm. Precipitation during recording interval (15 or 30 minutes) should not exceed 30 mm. Solar: O through 150 milliwatts/cm 2 Gust: Othrough99.9m/sec Battery: 9 through 14.5 volts 21 , Accuracy of the MRI (Meteorology Research, Inc. ) sensors and processor are as follows: Temperature: tl°C Wind Speed: 20.5 metei-s. per second Wind Direction: +l%of full scale (i.e., 23.6 degrees) Relative Humidity: 56% Precipitatkian: +I% up to 76.2 mm/h~, 25% from 76.2 mm/hr Tape Recorder Error Rate: 1 bi't in 10 7 3, The following ar-e tl~e direction ranges used in the pt*evaiIiilg di t9eciioil, wirld I f*equency and wind i-ose sutnma ries : North North- Northeast Northeast East- N0t-f beast East East-Southeast Southeast Stauth -Southeast South Sacti? -Soutkkvest Southwest htest-Southwest West West- Northwest Northwest Ncs~tk: - Northwest COMPASS HEADING 350 through 11 12 through 34 35 through 56 57 through 79 80 through 101 102 through 1241 125 through 146 147 through 169 170 thl*ough 191 192 through 234 215 tht-ough 236 237 through 259 260 through 281 282 through 304 305 through 326 327 through 349 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA, 1983-&1 4, I Geinerata Comments 4.1 .I Many of the sensors or the methods of measuring various paranteters have peculiarities that affect how the data should be interpreted. The user is encouragecl to become familiar with the methods of summation for each parameter and each table. These arc described in Sectiorr 3.2 "Data Computation Standards. " 4.1.2 As described in Section 2.0, a shift is being made from pres~nting the climatic data on a water year basis to presenting it for the calendar year. Thus, this report includes fifteen months of data. All future reports will be for the calendar year. 4.1.3 Changes made to the format of this year's report series include addition of hourly tables of solar radiation and longwave radiation values and tabulation of the actual raumber of usable observations on a rnonthiy basis Far each parameter. " Iso, the data-processing prograrn was modified slightly to pel-mit output of daily prevailing direction when the wind speed sensor was not operational, and output of speed-only parameters (peak gust and daily average speed) wtlen the wind direction sensor was not operational. /I. l ..I I'he U. S. Department of Transportation ordered a shift in tB7e tit~~e -;tiol.lies a$ central ai~d Sautb.~east Alaska in 0cstt2ber 1983, Thp (7fficial time is1 contrqal Alc~sk;~ was advs;;rr;.lced one [lour, and the oQficaP Southeast Alaslta time was I-etardecl cne bout-, mskirlg the two areas ora tI~e same time. 7 his i-rmr~sition occu i*rse.d when day liglit savi rlgl: time ended, C>II !s<tanrla\j, b?rtt117c?i- 30, -19fl3. 1-1~: effect ~oni (lie rbul>oi*iir~g oi; the data is that one hour was "lostti between midnight and 0100 on October 30. Tl~ere are thus no data at all for 0030 and 0100 on that date, 4.1.5 Missing data values have been estimated whekre possible. Estimation, which was accomplished by manuall\/ editing the raw computer data files, was generally limited to data gaps of an hour or less, whese interpolation between the preceding and following valid data points r;iruldl be used to estimate the missing points. Interpolation was performed in this manner for temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and longwave radiation da"c a. Solar data have been estimated only for clear or uniformly cloudy days and then only if not near the peak value of the day. Precipitation is estimated only if none at all occurred during the interval or if the tips of the tipping bucket were manually counted during a rainfall event. Wind speed and direction data have been estimated by interpolation only if the preceding and following winds were very uniform. Peak gust speeds have not been estimated at all. 4.1.6 The recording interval was changed pi-ior to the winter of 1983-84 to permit recording of data for. longer periods of time in the evetnt monthlpj maintenance trips to the statiol? were delayed. Yhe interval was changed fratrl 15 minutes to 30 minutes, which increased tile maximum r-ecord length per dats tap$& f rorn approximately six weeks to appr-oximateiy .$h.~rt+e 1.1109.3t8'15, 'The S~VB~CIT was 117ade in N~vcn~L~er '8453 at all Susitna Basin stations and Zn December 1983 at tl~e E kl utraa lake Statiiar~ averages of samples taken within the recording in~terval (the previous 30 minutes). The original Weather Wizards record instantaneous values sf all parameters except \vind speed and direction. Also, the new model takes samples every 10 seconds, rather than every 15 seconds, for wind speed and direction. The new Weather Wizard also reports sigma theta, the standard deviation of the wind directiton salnples over the recording interval. The sigma theta di3ta are not summarized in the current t*eport, but it is expected that they will be included in futtrre summary reports. 4.1.8 Data for all parameters were lost from 7/14 to 7/21, 7/26 to 3/30, and 811 to 816 because of electrical problfems in the Weather Wizard. Also, data for all parameters were lost from 12/10 to 12/13, 12/14 to 12/17, and 12/19 to 12/31 in 1984 due to power failures. These gaps are noted on Table 1.4 and are shown graphically on Figure 2.1. 4.2 Comments on Spacif 'ic Parameters 4.2.1 Precipitation Precipitation data are genet-ally reported for April thr*ough September only. The stations do not have heaters in their precipitation sensors (tipping buckets), so they are unable to record pi-ecipitation when the terr~pei*atus-e is beiow freezing. The serlsors are calibt-ated to tip for 0.2 mm of r-aiiafaiil and umt for snowifajZl a Ihe sub-freezing temperatures may cause a loss 01. delay of the P-ecor-ded precipitation. Winds f r-equentl?~ L)!ow snovq away fr-om or out nl (or occasionally into) the coiiectur, and salow coliected in the buclctet ma)[ not be melted and 1-ecorded iintii tilo next cj(;cui*k-e?n~t? of was-nr wentiler, possibly ys or* hvco2$;?s 1;33~, . -['Ii+ ~i-~oi~tt~:; of C)ct.ober i.l~l*o~~?gi-i 4 vt*bial/ ofi~r.t {j;jjivk sub-freezing temperatures on nearly every clay of the month, so their precipitation records have been omitted. It should be noted that even in the months where ljrecipitation data are reported (i.e. April through September), the occurrence of sub-f reezing temperatures could affect the timing and the recorded amount of precipitation. The timing within the day may not be accurate, but the daily total should be reasonable, The user should exercise caution and make note of the concurrent temperatures in interpreting the precipitation records. An exception to the normal system of recording winter precipitation data is at the Watana station. An AC-powered heater was installed in the tipping-bucket rain gage for October and November 1983. Thus, the liming and quantity of precipitation data are correct and not affected by subfreezing temperatures for tllese months. Data are not reported after 12/2/83 when the gage was rerstoved. Watana data at-e not i-ecorded for April and May through 5/23/84. The tipping-bucket r-ain gage was 1701: in~talled until this date. The precipitation gage was removed again on 9/25/84. Tl~erefo~e, data for the last five days of September are missing also. 4.2.2 Relative i-llmmidity and Dewpoint "The ~*el;.iiive irunnidity (R. W. ) sensors used are printed ~ir'eait elements which S(?RS~ cl~anges ii3 R. Id. by changes in - a- impcdarlco. I he sensol-s, manelfactu red by Phys-Chew Reso,j eta 201~yut-d Iioti, have clrenrica? l y -treaCed s4.r rfaces whicl~ degrade wit11 tiiure, arrcl are thus .era/ clifficult to Io~i:t.~ in calibration. Pgiai~y of the r~lorptips *kl~i~a~~~;!~t>~~~~: k13e) " 6 tqa:;ifb i 1: ill1 i i-116:i*~fol+~ k!i::pj;~*~f ~i~\~rjific:~~~[ variations in R. H. patterns. Theoretically, the maximum value an RH reading can attain is 99%. H~wever, when the sensor is not calibrated csrrecly, readings may exceed 100% or they may be noticably too low. Adjurstments are therefore made accordingly. An additional consideration with respect to dewpoint is the fact that it is not computed when the reported wind speed falls below 1 m/sec, due to inadequate aspiration nf the R. H, sensor. This typically causes elimination1 of at least one dewpoint value on nearly every day of data-collection. 4.2,3 Solar Radiation Daily and monthly solar radiation values are the cumulative total energy, computed frsom all valid readings for tile period. Either the daily or monthly value can be signifi- cantly above or below the true energy value if there are large segrnents of missing readings (i .e. from the period of very low intensity at nigllt or* the pe~ioc! of very high in-kensi5tcy at mid-day). A check should be tnade, the!-efore, of the hourly solar radiation surncnary table to get - feel for the freqt~ency and timing of lost solar radiation data. Caution should be used when a significant alnount 04 data are missing. Another freclt.la.nC conccr'fi in the pi-ocessing uf solat- data is tlw pl*~ sencr: of ilon-sev-o minimuin values. Sinca ti-~e 3 :sensors have a stateil accrlracy of r5 mk\i/cinaa*, they often rec~iad a reading of 0 (during niglpt) as I or even 2 = \/ E his also can bias the daily or monthly -iotais, snaking the con~plnted ener-gy 11719~01 higher- lkar-i fl*aic.. 9 sclbilr. t2i:ei-g3/. An error OF +"I m~/rm" ojt cvei*\i i~e.;cijpl~;~ 'P 4 P crii~so illc conoyukec! daily total itn-.rQgy to be? 3 kiy vi\l 2 watt-hr/cm . Readings during periods when this sensor offset was demonstrated have been adjusted downward, as noted in Table 13, The solar radiation sensor was removed from the Watana station on August 26, 1984 tecause of a broken wire. It was not replaced until October 5, 1984. Thus, 40 days of data are missing during August, September and October, as noted on Table I .4, 4.2.4 Wind Speed and Direction Occasionally inter.mitten"cfreezing of the hind vane or anemometer occul-s during the winter months. One or both of the sensors typically freezes and seizes up when the temperature drops after a rainstot*m or freezing rain event. They will generally remain "stuck" until the temperature rises above O'C or until a wind ever~f occurs %!'sat is sufficiently strong to free it. knlatana wind data are genelaally very good, however. Oilly a few hours of wind dii~ection data were lost intermittently in October 1583 and in May 1984. 4.2.5 Longwave Radiation - * !' !I$? Don ywave sensor was rei-i~oved f rqom 7 2/5/8:3 to 5/72/84 because! the i/llntalSla base calnp slli~t down for winter [the amplifier requil-es A63 powel- to operate). Tire sensor and a!; pi i-kier were recon i2ertcf*l wEuc?lr iiii. ~rlljl~~ I t\ot>ijtl(?c:! iii I\:f;3qie trollowing re-installation, data ai-c I-eported ulatil 9/%:3/84 wlren the Watana base casllp again closed dowi? foi- wintei-. The longwave radiation sensor from the Elrlutn~a Lake site was brought to Watana far a comparison tesit with the Watana sensor in May 1984. They were within '7.5% of each sther. 5-0 MoN-mey CLIMATIC DATA SUMMARIES WATikBNA STATION OCT43BER "%B - DECEMBER 49M Each inontk's clii~latic data summary report consists of the following 12 pages : Hourly Precipitation Summary Table (or note page) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 1-9) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 10-18) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 19-27) Ttpree-H~ur Summary Table (Days 28-31) Monthly Summary Table Monthly Graphical Plot Wind Frequency Sutnrnary Table Wind Wssa Pilot Ho~i rly Solar Radiation Sumlnary Table Hou riy tongwave Radiatiotl Sulntnary Table Qj~servation Surnrnary and Note Page . . . I). . , . . , , . /"~l~f:'Xf-'~''ff~~~'~~fCtN V&\ [.ji::::; $)gl< :i'N pi:f\,i. ij~j{.: fk;t~i 2 9;fi:x 6::: (13 p.4 6:; t.,j P.,, 'T' 6% iP-4 '"f' 5,; , 3: b4 (2 * HObk DEP %IWB ~3fd~ C~~ST nhxt YQ~R BEU MIND kIFD &LIST HgX, Hob3 DEtdI UfWD UIHD Gus% HAX, HBNG TEHP , POIHT RM Dl!? , $Pa, BIR , GUS$ RBB NDWG TEYP POI HT RH QlW 3$D, DIR ; GUST RAB MBHG Y EHP , POI klT RH DIR a SPD, DIR : GEISflhD QEG C BEG C I DEG, IVS 3EG, 3fS 3b BEC C DEG Z X BEG, ?US DEG, Ed5 HU DEG C PEG C X DEG, HfS BEG PSIS NU -.--------~--IPII--.~---~--~---~*~CICINDIIII--UII-."- *rII----.~----~~----~----~.r-r-p-r-r*-irrrs---..i*P-.--.l-r -rr"r.lrll.-u-.-~s--w.--*-*----------------------- 0388 %a%.E% wz%## 9# #%w cwz# %an e3aa 39% fiJfi0 en%u-x %%?is, a# %a# MM %#% #as% H%.B #n-kg# ax### 3% w+s #%a% 443% %kg% 93% QQQO #n8#% %z9%s% 9% wwk %w%n xk8 %?+%a MA Q$@Q #nun& i,nnFwk 8% ~95.: nwm %rag M@ fibfig #;u;zr.n% w8%i4a #% w## a#%-% +is% 3-w @98$ @zxa a%%$% %% 83% s~s asa saw% 93% 5908 +%#%% %%M@ 9~ %HZ %n+i+ g#+s @M Jyfl0 ###Ys %%$#+ WE %w% ##%% ~9 *#%% s#% 1205 %%@%% #%a%# E# #%-# .%##% %%e .ka%# 9290 w%%#% %s#n3 $8 #a# z%#% ~9% #%%% &:+i f?ofi w%sg% was## ## 88% #%u% #w# hextx% %%a 1580 9493% %x%n# 3% 93% $&*@a 98% I?%#$ em 35& %%#a" %%a#w 8% #-$% a%%% -gw# ###% 3%~ 15fl0 %#rug %#%## a% .x#w gq%s a%@ %n# 1808 s%n;- a#%@# #@ ~9 $s$% an% #a%% a%# fBfiQ ww%%% snugs %% %%gk %#w #%#% %%a IRflfi g%+wu %$##a m 99% $%%@ mw *#w# a%% %%a%% :rs%% %u %a% <%%%.A $w %%r# %:H 3$9 %##a% gu$%k uw aww #%%% 39% w%#w sgg gsmn s#x#& 92 $%# w%%% *n% %a$& a%% 2488 %%a%% %#%%% 9% #%% *%%%a f%k +X$%tf 5UQ ?4$@ %*%3%% +XQ*23C %W #Kg $#%I ~cfZ Kf## QZQ 2408 a#%#% a%#%+ 44% W94 %%#f 99% @%MI 9.M t.iauR BE& RD VX kD GUST #t\X, k!RL:R DEW d?.@ %:NW ZEST HhX, BUR BEU &IWR gfNR GUST 8AX, dDMG TEHp PObM1 WH DTR, SPB, BIB, GUST 3i3D WDblE', TF@. PQVkT At$ DtR SPO, DSR, GI1ST BAD NOH6 TE;"IL PFOXgY RH NR, SPD, B%k, GUST 3AB QEg C BEG C Z DEG, 2FE, qU KG C C X DEG, HfS DFS, HtS hbi DEG C DEG C Z DEG, MiS GEL hi5 HU --s-.-.*--- ----_I--~---_O--Yl-sWUUU~----**--- L--*-F-Ptell)l--------._UI.^IV1-P-I_I^---B.r-----~--.- --.111-.1I.--.I--P-~I%~I---.~----.-.DY--UI---.-L--.i3--*I-.Un-.l U3PQ @$n%* %%@%n 8% E%% 433% #r# hR%qza %++% 4380 %$%us H&%# e% %%# a@%% 43% a%%% SH%~ 0308 :x%uas @#%sn a# #%% %%#% %.~u #:$#a +N% 8600 &&%a# &%$+5h R?+%%+ %<gPfi #%@ #*@% @%# 0680 #%h%# %k#*#$: #%% R#%+ Rb9 RKIF b&R @bog %%%%% %@##Q 9% fit% #WII #I% S#%f *hWB 09QQ -#u&+%# k~%%u *% 5%~ EW #@.# .R#%# EM $908 #q%&# su+:; 3% #$# agy~ *$% wsu 83% ay$Q %un%# %%%&# 8% wgn r-xw xa-gn gug 1203 %%a:@u %%#a2 %% nzes &"#a %a%% %a,y %wn.E% *s%n% w% a@% ~4% %%% #%#w %%k f26Q $r%%a a@%%% sg **% g%r% sew nasa nws 1580 &n*#w r#a#+k n% ++s %as5 %n$ ~ww %n% g500 E* ng% #c#w 8% #xu %:w* ggw n#%$ 63% 13fln w%### #raws a# $c% #%%$ cgs a+g# ang%% a###% 8% %%s swc +%.$ws %%n lfi@a #n##* 453~ 8% R+W ~18~8 +it% m%t 3%~ 1800 #%a%% %#### %n ~3 awa# %.## a$%# 2100 n**$% %#%M# 3% %M z### %%# %%11 .%&B z!&O #%C*~X #+n#a 4% 348 .$w@ #+IS% kw# JiDQ &%$%% aafcgk sr s## 33%~ u%x #.#w# 49% 2400 .$&+#% w#n#% 3% ?!c% %n%# 34% e?%u '+&% 24$@ a.x%a* %* %%r &-%&a srw s##n uw% ?40B Avaaa #%n%% aa e%g s~%a ##:%*x .$-. i..{ fa i_ i-$ t"i { 8 i;2 <; i ! p-1 fq i-?; R y F' i') fi (\ '1' AN $$ W i{: (3 .f' i..{ i::: f< ci 7 gj -j. ;j' {:I I> '1; 3 "y & I( F, h! \j 3 '1: fii c% t") f, -t a t:j g 1 9 8 :s HQN BEU g3NB UIHG GUST n&X, Sous DE$ MIND U1RD GUS? fiAX, HBUR DEg @6NDUfNBCUSTEhXt kDk46 TEHP, 'FQIHT Rtt bEW, SP0, BIR, GtSST li4D HiHG TERP, POINT Wtf DfR, SPD, ISIF!, GUST WAD HEKP, PQfti;' BH DIA, SPD, DIR Gus% 8619 DEB i: 3LG C X $EG n,/S 056, f.f is ifu DEG C DEG C 1 BEG, t4fS QS, #bS HU DEG C DEG C K BEG, HIS DEE, Hi5 l% -~-----"-~~CB-~-~--T.------~-----~-~~~-. I^~--OB--P-----~...i*-PBII--.*lO--.----~----*-~---- -~-"-.-..-IOl"----"a---*---.~--~----------..------ f)fi-y :[ 4 .(\ q .I' . t::' j> (3 -y 'j ;.< .' , a ,,.t HOUR BE8 WJtiD @!@D GUST ~&X, $OUR FEW M9MD UfHF] GUST fiAX, HGUR DEU %!%B UEHB GzS1 hbX, k~#$; TEW, POI~T ~h DXP , SPB , 2r1.5~ RA'I! NX)~G TE~P, PP!IR"TH a~a , SPQ, DTW GUST RAI) nciai; P~BP, ~01~i WH BIR , SPD , DIR , G~~ST ~rsre DEG C DEG c ?: GEG, $15 DEG, his Bbi DEG C- PEG C 1 BEG, HfS 3E6, WiS HU GEE C DEG C I DZG, HiS DEG: kiS RU -- rsr*rrr*.rr~-------~,,~--*~-----~--~~-------.* ua-rrsa.llnrl-rr.p.-~~~-~--~------------------------ -*.----------*-----------------------%-------- . .. f t.i f+ [{ 1::' FJt i'f !, 1 R f:; t i"9 R y F' ('1 t'q W A I"" A A [#J v;: A 'T' \..\ a:" [+ E,'< .*{' & -7 :f i'] M FIA'Y'A 'YAKEN Dl)t,lM?:l".ti"'; C::ic=t~t:jer. , J9ff:3 1464R BEU UXHB UXHD &LIST NAX, HOtIR $EM git4B UIND GUST RAN, WDUR DEW U:HD UIHD GUST HAX, #@N6 TEMP I POINT RH D?R, SPD, DiR , GijSf RAB NDNG TE~P, POINT RH QHR , SPD, DIR , GUST BAD NDHG TEHF , PBlt!f WH DZR , SPD. DfR 6gST D"G G DEE C X PEG, HiS BEG, HJS KU DE6 C DEG G % DEG, EfS DEF, W/S DEG C DEG C X DEE, eJS DEE, fi!S 3U -a---l-~~-P----~--~--~~--~"--*--~"-- -__d,".m_..---P_-__--____ *-PDP--1_*_1~1_e-_9~Wp-- --I-OII--Dt--m-e----------------------=------ 93WO -5,s -8,J 67 08% I,? ORB 3,R O 83B0 -4,6 -8,O TP BhB 9,0 flBk~ 7,O fl a380 -2,b -4,B Bs 051 4,D 058 6,s B d&BQ -3,3 -8,7 bb 07% 3,6 Oh3 5,7 0 QiiQO -3,n -7,3 84 073 4,3 073 9,Q 8 OhOO -2,s -4,t3 84 059 $,2 Oh5 h,3 B BVBB -4,8 -Tt582 853 rPi4 059 65,3 f a980 -St@ .-all 78 070 5,1 $71 9,$ 3 0380 -1,Q -%,I& 80 "9fi 3,P 8t4P A,3 4 lZO4 -' Z -9,4 JZ OSB 2,s 0&5 5,f fB 12011 -4,5 -€I,? 13 872 5,? a71 8,fj ti, -,2 -9,b 72 ORQ 3,7 655 7,b 17 $503 i"-3 74 fib& ?,4 07ft 4,4 -!2 l5Ba -3,s -7;b 92 iff1 $,2 080 9,s 15 1501 f,B -5,13 57 888 3,4 094 5:? 12 1808 -kIB --P,2 72 $55 2,2 if33 3,8 D 1888 -XIR -h14 82 871 5,4 082 8,s ti f@aft -,2 -?,a 59 flbl g84 5,l 0 2146 -,1,9-30,3 ?! 038 2,0 02'1 6,3 ii 2%i$a7 -3,9 -5,s 85 Obij 4,3 059 7-0 4 ,3300 8.9 -*2,15 5'9 050 3,3 Q?0 %,Gi i6 2400 -4,s -8,2 35 053 2,s $40 6,3 0 2400 -2,Y -9,Y 85 049 3,4 050 5&1 tf 2408 -f18 -7,3 66 071 %,8 895 9,s Ii H9idB DEU gX3'i) EitLiSi WAX, HR?*IR IEU BIND uIt.\iD GiiSI HAX, hOliR 8 &SYD$TNDGUSTHAX, NDNG TEMP, PO%t{S i# D%R, $PO, Bra, GUST WAQ NDWC IEWP, POtWT kfi B?W, SPQ, BIR. %ST Rag r!DgL TE?iP, POIbjy Rg EIR $PO, ErR, GUST RA2 LEG C DF6 C Y QFG, l4iS DEG, Hi5 i"lU QF6 C DEG G X DFG, RfS DEG, RiS kb BFG C DFG C Z EX, H/S DFG, t+"S ffi4 I-*-__II*-_P*e--m--*ewe*-mw----*----------"- -D--(XI--UI~----~->-*---s-s- ---.)--P---------------------------------wm--- 8308 -?,ti -7,S A7 063 1c8 Oh6 9,s D B3OQ -5,C -8'2 94 815 2'2 BOI 5,1 0 0305 -8,3 -ID,Q PR 948 L19 013 5,F B Qt,Bfl -2,6 -7,7 68 C5P 4,8 Oh4 k2J 3 0610 -5,z -7 2 8P 035 a,? 685 6,3 2 fib80 -P,2 -lO,fi 89 @b4 1,s 067 3:g Q 39nO -2,3 -7PP bW 07fl 9,s fi58 13,s ? $900 -9,P -8,575 072 3,t 055 5,T A a358 -3t4-%2,%8Q 885 1,s 3,2 2 b20Q -*,8 -7$4 A1 070 4,8 875 E,3 29 1200 -2,B -P,R 59 a63 4,k US9 4,b 29 12$0 -5,O -3f,8 53 3% 2<2 f@9 5.i 25 ,- - %5g0 -,W -bp? &4 fi78 3,b 674 7,O 7 '506 -L,$ -?,I 59 883 b16 685 Stp? 9 1580 -2,7 -1?e5 47 t2B 2,O 105 S,? $2 1808 -2,3u@%%#PT OEb !,S 647 3,:: O 1880 -4,2 -P,b?1 075 4,4 079 a,$ D IPQG -5,d-t2,h5h 218 ,& 251 3,8 8 2100 -3,2 -3,~ 97 874. *9 OBS I,? O 13\00 -ti,! -7,' 9.l 055 2,P IZhS 5,I (B ?XB$ -&,9 -14,'? 54 879 2,$ ir53 4,4 8 3488 -4,$ -569Y1 943 1.3 $82 I,B B230Q -6,9 -Ba?l? DER 5'3 008 3,2 $2408 -9,1-1S,B55 $51 3,2 047 5,1 0 rr 'ti ;:! e; p (b ,\$.' ;;j c:, 7) [.+ y .;:a . B.;' . I... C M81jk Bf k dl$!It IdIk13 GliST Mfd, , HOUiS UTHF UI~P GUST $\AX, HDU~ 3EJ b4iMD k1gB GUST b\&(, MQ~~G TEfiP, PQXt4T Re UlR, 5PD, b?k, GUST RnD b!?~blL TEBp, POI !IT RH 3114, SPt, @iR , WsT M4Q b!? ': !En?. POINT RH Dik , SP, , bit, 5d51 RAG DEE C DEC C Z BFC, Y/S DFG, Hi5 !%A DEL C D% C. X DFC, HI5 8FC, %5 tiw DK C DEG C' :L D;G, k1i'S BEG, n:"S kjti~ * IUI., LIY Y(IU."'DILI*XII-mm#*, '. **a-...*- "*we... ---*-a- -..-.(DI-.X .,*I I* --wUI1.- Il*.*t-l.t---"---"--*---*-- *.-U---.I*.-)-----%*-- --- ---I"-...-------------* .*-a*--w ------.**- ",. --- 8300 -8,S -tb,9 53 (149 4J 4 5 0 0308 -7,4 -jl7*h 6h Oh6 73 058 i4*0 if la3lik -8,7 -tit,? 99 c42 I,? ~$4 ;,r $ laiiil -.y,.:-.f7,% 53 045 43 @4!5 $I,? 0 06DIr -Q,h-t3,86h 0";;' '7,R 0'79 l?,J 9 s?bi?Ft -b,R-N,l 77 $5: 3,s esa sSt7 0 rieflfi -3,l -17~0 '$3 ab\ii iil(1 7 :I 5 -H,*J --1,',5 75 {I73 21'2 OR7 11,4 2 GNfj -5,G -C$,? 7'; fl47 J,h gsy be;:, 1 n>@fl -),:$ - li),'? 11,~ pi@ st$ 9,: ?b 1200 --A,@ -10,7 t;9 075 5 4 995 7,k 3 :?an -3,s -9,)~ c;:s $54 3,h 054 5,r ,"p '~(iiji -?,I 48 055 s,,: [lrf$ 11 5 i? *'.I ,I,/ "' -1It3 h$.l 805 4,tt Ot9d laO '7 15;16 -1,4 -lR,O kd 1158 4.8 53 88{]!) -:i 7 ,uls,k'53 $*!\I ?? 75% P,:L {I l9DU -hti +-1!I,P $? O'f7 ;? 9 $iR"kt3 0 i;lijfi 3 -A -4,y 3,r$ QSb ;a,; ;!",&$ -:I,fi-.1F12&t, ',iS 9,"1j7l"j. -?:( -8591 ,p0 $y\q 5,l ?iQl -4'5 --P 47 121 2,: jiij 3,s biinfl m.?,: -I*I~?,~ r.7 t5s $,,5 077 iS,9 \ ''4 , , 1 :,$ 3fi3 3-c fi -4,d ~X.XP~ 00 391 2.j fi"8 &,,;I jj 1% **% 3 4:: <:3 p-4 tf,; B,.a I*,, -y- $3 $e4Q .If" $3 5 :is: Q:; m $3 k.1 5:; I$: -y 3 *- T 3 ! 3 1: . :: t: -1 3 1: : 1" " 4x3 2- 8,: c:: -af- ~OBJR BEU UIHD USHD GUST HRX, HOUR BEU USNB UXND BUST nax, ~aua DEB MIND UIHD GUST MAX, W6NG TE~~P, POINT RH SIR, SS)~~ BIB, ~UST ~rrf~ ~DMG TEHP, Pnxwr R# QrR, SPD, BIR, I",~JS"BWRD SONG TE~F", POINT RRH DIR SP~, BIB, GUST BAD DE6 C BE@ C 2 BEG: #is BIG, hdS i4b BEG C DEG C X DFt:, WIS KG, HbS HN REG C DIG G 2 DEG, B19 QEG: EiS HB --~~--.-sl~*D.l~-~~CC-CC-CCC.o.oPILsl~~~--.CI~U.o~~ D-LIIIPlllln.I.-w*--~-~~-~--~UU~)IPI--II-.-I.P-~-- O.-P....CI.III-~---w.~-~,---~----a------*----------- Q3,.if -3,a -9,3 h2 883 2,3 873 5,7 i3 6300 -8,s %##g% B9 (142 1,s 028 J16 B 6300 -5,2 -:.,2 93 89Y ,P 048 2,s O ObOR -5,B -7,682 BBS 4,3 Oh% b,3 8 Q$UQ -8,4 -90,883 455 f,5 065 3,2 0 ObOC -5,s -h,0 95 +++%gag% 3,; 0 UYBD -3,9 -7,s 77 $A& 5,7 Oh6 8,8 f 0906 -3,3 -5,6 84 884 I,? 073 %,I I o?to -5,s -gal Y? ?8? 2,8 294 4,4 8 $290 -3,s -7,$ ?? 082 6,b 084 1t19 18 1280 -?,I -4,s 84 Oh7 3,8 0$3 8,3 B I290 -4,9 -5,5 Bb 2BP f,8 298 3,2 9 $586 -3,B -5,787 a94 4,s 078 8,3 7f58B -1,3 -3,784 072 3'3 879 8,s 10 dsun -2,3%@nna74 a?? ,7 275 52 If 1888 -4,2 -4,5 97 247 ,& 595 3,R B iRBO -2,s -3,9 96 0?8 9,G 078 7,B O %@DO -4,9 -6'1 9Q la7 t ,R 131 23 8 2186 -9,R -R,7 81 flP8 %,2 107 3,8 O 2100 -2,2 -3,l 94 86b 2,1 059 4,4 D 2tO8 -5,5 %*%%# 94 068 ,3 882 I,? 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SC a: * c: zit @ St w 2% as tk- rj *' --mii.;.r.-...3-,raz7- wa.12~;g*r IMw~~i;r 1 X i-. s*w.&***~xa**~*-&.** $-& ..A ihb *A C! --a .fi3 TO TO -+Y :.t~ -43 r.2 1931 ZP w w %X * s ib x$ LA a* e % a& 3% * % * ssc rn P" &?f-r.- --p.q-zJI* ;r3".i?-.Jm.-Z;r&s7 *. F% ir: * .'*= w 'A ,$az .a m * * a:. * 3% * * 1 - I rRLSllfXXIIXLXIIXL~ f& &A 62 ra I-&, PV., PO &2 F3.3 jY.3 4-Q P,S * & * * 3% * ?fi * & & * * %% * 2E w. 3% C' Lv--~--dtcJR*.*r41-.Lflla.--;119* 31: * %K w * $C w * 2% *: * & * * * * ! DATE -..-_LC-- i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5' 10 I I I P 1 %z ta 3 4 4 f '43 1 e 17 r $9 19 2 b 2 1 2 2 2: 24 2 '5 2 ir 2 7 28 29 3 h~ f'EHP F:R &;l'rijR 5:. W ;r' N 15 f' ". --' " ,2$ 1.. i?. 29 a&.! 'I g X) 1) 1: la it: C': 7"i: it! $JF~J]( G\,ff;"r E \ ,&I 'r 'i: {j 1::: I..! {,I S.1 "1: *::: ';x )' "" g i_" t': :[ j3 'f' 'l' c; -q' i\J I r% I $i{:]t.,kR R$jl)'t&'Y'\.r"]N 1.) E \tj p r;l :j- p! 'S' i .. $':j N t"; \,$! & {j F: fi) & 1) 3; A '1 -1, i'] N Additional comen~ts on this m0~i7,th" daJ:a: 1, Station was reinstalled on LrZP3.7, No data prior to this date, 2, One hour sf data "lostg9etween 0OC0 and 0100 on %9/'30 due to a:Efi.cial time zone, See note in seet.i~n 4 af text, 3. Precil?il;a tion data are reported for October since the tipping bucket gage was heated. The timing and quantity of precipita- tion ;:i:al:c e.:a~*&*u.ect~, 4, wi.rrad di.recti.iJ1.n data lost due to fri1~~~11 vane, :i> $4 ""I't ;$ D A "if :;:i 1) $!, *-( 6 ::". HDUR QFU MxNn ~IIHO GUST #fix. HOUR DE~ u;~n u~g~ susr n~x, 3oua DFU UIND OXN~ GUST HAX, hBMG lF&P, POSH? RH D%R SPD, 018 t GIJSU3AD #QHC TEgI" 2 POfHf WH DfP,, SFffi, B'fR GUST RAO EiD#L TEW F, PD'EW11 Rk DTR 8 SPD, DIR . CUSY WAQ BE6 i: DE.2 G X DEC, $I/$ DEGz HIS Wd DEG C DEG C X DEG, HtS FEG, #dS WU DEG C BEG C X DEGI IS BEG, 8/S Eld ".-3P.sll-i.ola-rl------*-*--~w~*m---*-~e~~--~--~-~ Ps-----.P-"*--l---m--.-I-- L"'"LLIPIE.DII."-.C--~,---------~=---------------- 030Q-12,b-!315Y3 035 %,7 039 5,8 D 8300 -4,s -7,579 QeB OR810,8 O B3OO-10,6-It,l 96 081 Iz8 04h 3*2 4 -12,l;r -%3,3 St% 072 f,tS 083 3*2 il Oh00 -4,P -R,4 78 Bh5 6,l it&? 9,s li 0680 -9,i -9,S 97 OB? lI,R 081 3,8 B BPOO -7,3 -It,3 73 8b5 4,b 048 8%5 9 -4[8 -B,t 78 059 b,3 470 9.5 Q BY60 -6.4 -5,:' 84 453 Z81 dSI 8 S2OB -94 -8,875 #5"95, 456 R13 40 120(i -2,9 -7,Q 33 048 4'3 DA9 'i,B 4 12lfO -5,5 -9,ftl71 040 2,0 080 5,b 24 1500 -2,S -6,X '596 Oh? 5,@ 064 P,O 14 15Q0 -2,s -7,D 71 k73 b,5 857 d4,4 If 150i -%,El -7,fi b5 033 3,3 987 55,7 ?1? l8Ol -?,7 -&,3 9h 865 4,Q 058 7,$ 0 %ROO -4,s -8,B °i? 885 7,;? 0134 30,2 O 1380 -5.Q -8,4114 8?D 3,2 103 5,i 8 2%@0 -3,s -6,679 OY5 2,5 6% &,3 12186 -6,;s -8,bW6 054 9,li Oh3 b,3 D 2fBa -5,B -R,irBO 073 I,& Dbl "s8 Q 248@ -3,Q -6,5 79 873 9,P 059 7,h O 2930 -3.5 -il,l 99 O2h ?,O $36 4,4 8 -18.3 -13,il 82 $42 %,? a3Q 3,2 6 fiOUR DEJ UIP~D MIND e~"tirs~ ~nx. ~atrw 3 WTMD UINB GUST HAX, BUR DEW 9: ND UIP~D GUST #AX, NDEL TFBP, POINT RH OX@, SPO, PTR, GU", TAD HDNG TEHP Pt?lHT BH DIR, $Pa, Biz, f,ijS"Ti",AD 4DWG TFHF, PQlt47 Ri.i QfR, SPD, CTR, GUST RBP BEG C DEG i I REG, !4iS DEG, HiS %# DEG C DZG O X DEG, Hi5 BFG, Bf% Kd BEG c BEG c f BEGl H~S BEG, R~S k3 -xl*ltus*IIllllrr~--~----~~..- ~*-."---C..--".u-rlr--.---r -.la-. -ra----".,-...o.rr -r.-ss.--a-.m--rr-----, - ~--rru--rc-a----v'*----- -uaulramrrr\ .-..*-rrra.-.--^-urr ~ZOQ -8~ -12~5 80 ah3 OBB 4,4 o 0300 -8,9 -11~9 76 ~2b 23 $32 d A D 0388 -I%,; -as,a 92 079 1,s n8li 2,s o QbOO -12.9 -lat,5 83 058 3,Q 859 4'4 O i\h#Cj -?,L-!%,I 78 032 ?,P 041 3,p ii Bit80 -?2,7 %%#%ti 95 @ti;? 1.1 05% 2.5 $?eta -$o,? -13,g '78 052 ?,a tfi~h 3 owfi -7,~ -5,b F; n!? r ,a ast 2. B 5"3li -14,: -is3 B'Z~ ..I; 1,: QQ~ 2 o 1200 -d12 -*j ,(I 59 $86 3,@ fl5W 13 -5<9 ii~.t.ja 74 42193 1,tq 3FR 3,*\ 9 titf0 i?,? \:5,': i:? QGS 1.d t7"q 4,2 28 1500 -3,3 -9-3 A3 Ohs 5,b 088 R,3 4 1508 -?,I *@%%4.# $4 $7 098 I,? f? 95bd -3,f ~13~2 P? t,3 614 4,P 16 18@0 -5,a -36,@ $8 ORb 5,b 065 YtS 3 BRDO -h,? -Q'? 78 357 1,; 094 3,Z 3 %&!D -F,5-1%,0 82 073 F,6 871 " 3 21011 -5,J -c;$T Ti fth4 Bib5 7 h ?fO$ -10~1 -11,s 8' 855 2,: 081 3*3 ti 2490 -iB,@ -12,7 8@ OhJ 4,? 874 ?,e 0 2480 -k,3 -18,3 73 653 4,! bh5 6,s O F4JO -11,P -?,?,9 92 OTf a,? 068 4,s a 24!3 -8,Y -11,b 85 $66 6.7 ~74- 10,E J i.iOtlR ]I d7-%3 \dxltNP gliS1) ?\t?X , ~0% F g1NB \dIND QiST fikk, '",3iiR DEU JIH! UTND PtiST ;4ii.sk, HDNG TEfiP, $nB,WT 8b.s QIR, S'+B. CTR, Gt!Si RAI) NI~NG TEh? POINT RH FT.2, SPD, DFB GUST 98D WQMG IEl"nP, F."BIMT 8!4 DI! , SPD, BI#, GUST DEG C BEG C Z DEG, N/S PFF, M/S ML PEG C DEC C X DEG, MIS MG, B15 b\& DEG C DFG 2 Z BEG, i46$ DEG, t!iS &s ___- ---** * U--e---E.m-w-.m-~-----~~-~*.m -.I----- I-IC*P%"11..-W-l-*-~-----.---~*~*---------~---- *----I- -------N*---.---*---~-----~-*"~~-~ --.- -, )* 834i0 -ZB,$ -I?,& 85 Sl&b b,"d74 %,5 0 QlShIO -5,P -9,n 79 05~ h.3 Obi 8'9 8 ':3Ofl -1.0 -9.6 5? 081 2,?? t?5 ?,a 0 oi3jifl -jl,l) -13,p f?? :,s? 470 3,: 11 flAfi0 -:,$ -\3,9 711 G?B:J f,R OIifi 8." ! {iit;aU -2,4 -qjO,Y 5;; :#,;a @&;i 8,j 8 0~00 -~0~g-j3,2 8:j 063 art lo,? o aqno -5~ -~,7 15 051 5,4 $50 7,b D 0380 -2,~ -I*,D ij 07b 5,3 376 3,9 0 1209 --aia,p -13,7 $0 478 b,> fiQa".? $200 ~~,;1,9 --9,s 69 052 5.4 452 7,6 1?50 t,h -12,) 4E; 0'7b ,$,J a,: 15Qfi -.Y1b d-\E,B 77 @\Ih(j &,h O;ih Y8'. '? 1588 -:,I -P,3 b? 9313 9,fl Obi 7,6 ";."!la -2, t -d3,9 4? fl?g 31y Gfi1 18,: 84 jbbr'; -9,o ,-!2,3 ,? 05"f" ?!I O"; AZ,! O 180~ -!,A -P,E 61 $27 1,2 068 ?,b 6 IIl~Id -b,4 -64,8 59 fE7h 7,Q 078 1 \B r210il .-R,;J -i 1 ,? '77 '"9 , \r JfliQ --,I3 -P,;J55 fiA2 4 5 034 7,h J diGb -?,ti -12,U h5 fir):' 6,5 078 M3,H 0 :!4$)13 -7,R-j],37& 'J?$> @ksi ReC' 3 I'4SlO -*''it -i?d64 [/PO ?$II 9'31 5,T 2 2400 -+#,Q .-1~1,4b$i 0414 &,9 el[) \2,\ vPnO?zj# D%J 8fMD ~18a'l GtlSJ ?hX, nCI!IW IiFw UIED MIMI? h;iEf WhX, IJriljR 8F33 UiWD LiiST @AX, fjD&r*, TED", POlgf ft5 BXR, SPD, DTR. GUST IAIE RTfiiii", 1EBP PFS'PPiT ia# DIR, SFZB, DTR, GUST PAD UDtfG T5RP. kQ'nil3T RH BJR, SPD DIR RhD BEG C BFG i, :$ OFG, $J$ FF6, 5,s $13 DE6 " %f% 6 CX BEG, Hi$ 3E6, MIS RU OF6 C DF6 2 X DEE, H/S DFG, ttiS Hk , .--- ---------*---------*-*----d--" $368 -1?,5 -rkR ?@ QRQ I,? Oh9 S,? D 0308 -r4,5 -15,s 9? 089 1,; $79 3,P U 0305 -5,2 -7,6 83 OAO 8,0 182 1!,4 0 3883 -1S,S %%%r# BI OR? 1,: 192 2,s O ijhDO -13,3 -i4,3 92 fiJI dh9 8'9 i! QhQO -4,i -&,a Rr 082 8,4 887 Z?,I O 2988 -XL~ -12,~ ~3 $49 ,6 355 i,? e Gsoa -1~2 -1~9 91 87~ &,P 074 ~,2 D ayon -r,r -~a ea 087 9'4 094 1~0 e 1268 -a?,% -13$S 92 334 ?,f 329 3,F 5 1288 -t0,9 85 015 P,3 675 12,7 5 1240 -,h -3,8 79 073 8,7 094 t4,O 2 f530-:j84er%wu82 358 ,P 355 !,F hlS~O-f&~5-i2,PBf 078 ?,7 08012,l I1580 ,5 -2,580 618 93 977 F53 9 r80Q -14,: -13-9 83 022 1,: $04 3 n dRnn -:k,? -!2,7 as ~h4 6,j 875 10,2 o ?#a0 ,5 -2,s 83 879 5,6 884 03 O 2166 -37.3 -.fit% 0P tl,?$ "$4 8)J ?,5 8 2tQD -9,a -!I,! 86 gb4 &,3 Oh4 t8,2 B 2fOO -,3 -?,ti 83 079 5.3 085 Fj.3 0 2461F -9j.8 -19:; 96 r4k3.A !,+ O7j 2,s 8 2480 -h,7 -pq8 89 7,? i196 30,2 B 2400 -,b -3,t 83 $5~ 5,B 13f?t- 8.9 O 4B"rUW DCU tiIHb USgD GlIST flax, HDi.!R OEg MIND UIWD GLTST HAX, WOUR DEW U5ND gTNP GUST HBX* !.hbH& TEflP, PDXHT @I.; fbX@ 8 $POo %)TR, GUST @AD NBHG TEWP I PQMT QH DIE a SPD, Digs GE-IST SAW !423b!115 TFRP. POXIgP RM BIR* SPD* DIB * GUST BE6 C BEG C 1 BEGg HIS BE$, diS NU DEG f DFG C X DEG, 8)s BFG* k!I$ HW EE6 C BEG C L BFGI BlS DEG, HIS fig IXI'XL-*arU-.s-"mr.ar-allUIII\XI1~-*-la--~-~~~--~".*U1U1U1U1U1U1U1* -1CLXII-.D--r~I-U1U1~~U1U1~CCCCCCCCCC-~-Ulm-IIC.PI.I IC----a*--.------+*---------*--*-~------------- G300 -&,7 -8,7 Pb $62 5,9 865 8'7 0 Q3Do 1,3 -4,V A5 oh8 5,i$ 8~3 8$3 B F388 -,3 -W1,5 54 080 7,6 OH? I! .d 0 ObOo -6,z -W,% Bb Oh5 5 9 Q7B 8,8 C DbO4 ,? -5.1 hi 074 h,? 876 tt,4 8 $680 -,9 -Rib 5b 881 K3 083 i?<! 8 8980 -9.T -;s,ZSl"p 070 h,"77b:!i,i°i BDBglI ,f.i -.a,jbI 879 7,3 OQ?lQ,8 80908 -I,? -R,$bO 477 4,P $79 G23 Q 1200 -3 3 -5,8 83 883 8,s 883 14*Q 5 I?OC : ,5 -b,1 57 ah9 n,7 073 3 1?Cd -i,O -7,s 61 B54 3,8 %by 1 15bb -1.3 -4,T Rj $78 h,9 8Bh i0,8 2 f5RO ,B -b,T 59 099 7.3 635 13,3 11548 -!,? -R,,2 2? 853 4,E 068 '$9 f 1800 -9 Gb -43 99 456 ?,7 890 tp.s fi 1830 -.,f -?+I 5e O?X 6~3 to,? o lsea -1 $9 -a,,z s? osh s,o osa b13 o 2160 -A -9'3 3"illigA ?,I 078 19," 13 ?I00 -LO -3.8 blli Oh5 52 078 9,s Q 2108 -?,I -R,,4 62 070 5,s '*!fl ""5 il 2480 h -4,O '71 675 5'6 084 R,;? 3 3400 ,9 -",h Sf; Oh0 ill*< 1975 St? lj ?$a0 -!,I -7,F be 4kB 4.g bi. * 8 M P! '1 S: I I "I"\ i j lry\ M f\ i;2 y 1::" i'l W g $j [j Q f) k.4 Fgf f) \-i i,: (4 ;:, 1. 1 1 4.1 $,a 7 s:j 3-1 fi 't" 6% '"I & r+ 11 \,J -1, f.) t":! (1 4, F' i"q h "1 " 1 '2 *: 4 . k it? WE1;& AVG, hAX AAX, DAY'S ~$ND UIHD GIJSNUUT PVAL ~~~ar! tj~~t: SOLAR SPD, SPB, B3W, 5PD, DIR, RH DP PRECIP EgERGY 86Y 5 Hi5 DEG ni6 2 EE6 t Et4 ghP'SOg .--~U*II*l~l--*-n---~--~-*-*~~--e~~*----*-------~-e---------------- *t (L 3,~ 3,8 Oh8 5,3 Ef!E 8b -9,: b30 f 5,3 5,h 057 I!,+ EME 19 -7 ? Pfiltd 435 2 1 ?,3 031 5,7 f 93 -9 R 8 1335 5 S9q h9C OCgO R,S ENF 73 -f"t,b O,B b":e iid 4 I,? I,h 852 4," ERD -10,F 010 r.*c C $4 J 25 ?,h 074 Id.) EdF fin -3 0,0 !ORB 8 h,h 6,b OS~ 12-a [RE RO I Q,C 1 'ii 4,g 5,R Bhf P,9 FtJF h9 -9 O,D 338 $3 5,P "i9 $98 I!, E 54 B,CI 9x3 "i% S,\ 5'2 BP9 I?,'! FIiE 55 -13~9 Q.8 49Q 1Q 3,3 3,4 OTb b,9 E?!E 39 -3 6,: 44fi 1% a $5 I,? 05b &,3 E ?P -13,~ 0*0 ;33s I;! 2,o 3 b 046 ?,6 F R2 -t3,9 8,9 $30 23 3,3 3,; agw 8,s F 03 4 050 eisa r 4 8.9 5,o aha 9,; F 73 -13,~ F,O 32"~ 15 ,;,w P,W $80 SG,? WF "I -4 ,h 450 IB * >,I st+: ~tih rtieR EMF BR -54," n,a 31 17 n ,? 1,3 BPs 1$,4 K Rb -tk3 B,tl 435 tR i,o 1'3 328 9,8 F~E sa I o,o 415 $9 A,! h,% 475 19 4 F%F 87 -3 4,fl 1% 30 7,il 7,fi 8 f4,b E S2 -4,4 G,Q iQ$ 21 3,3 ? 3 #pa3 f $q3 -7 T n,~ 234 32 ? P ?,O OF? 5 F Q9 -9,s Q,b t4D 23 5,9 3*h 8 :".I F 85 -%3,1 4,$ l$p~ ,tvh 4,? 874 9,s Ep!: 87 -19'4 bat iQO 25 ~\,7 JeM Stb{ FMF 78 -1>.3 fit@ 15% 76 "$1 3,s ~55 :,b ENF 8h - 0,g 115 2";" i~,7 &,{I 8% 14,0 EPIF P? -4 188 TR b,ir 6," QQS "3,? Ebif A! -b,? 8 ,B 110 29 1 T,3 OR3 1-9 FKN6 59 -2 tl,d 180 30 3 9 4'9 096 EijF 18 -ilaL ,h 19F36 $67:- BI$O 0380 0300 ot!fifi 0506 akoa n7na 0889 09flg roaa t !a@ t?a!i 133G 1488 25Bt ieija 1708 rr8no as00 2isats 43aiO 230B 2300 24@Q AVG l-~-l(.i)~silrrl-r~~Maaaaaaaaaaa-Igrtu.ir~a---rpraaaaaaaaa- -it--%-* ---**,.rnclraanaaa ri-----crr-dr--r.--~~-*r~--e.--*r*-- --~UUC-LU*IXI w--r -r--- *-llru---*-*-*aa--*aa--ff* I ~@oet~tla~ I~!B~Q~~I~"~~X~I~OODS~O~ a BOO8BOOFO34?fiBT3OO9Dfi$? 3 b B 3 o B B c o !T?P??F?B?~~: 5 i a 8 o 3 6 4 QOOOttObSJiIQ8??D8008? n - 5 gaa~~~a~a:o~?no8@On? $2 an~neo IQIR;:~?TI~I~I $OBOD~ F $5 I ~a0dir0tl32hv0?iia!tattoil: i-; rjJB~OOOB"i&SJB5~3?QOOObI? 9 o i o 9 a s n o t art14rh1~1t1 I B n B n a 3 4 6 ~b$riOOPD91251995~0D9DO2 t 4 ~as~aeoeasi195~noc;: 12 FtGfjGi'iO#C17:0&P,- "::0niiri1 ! 3 I e 6 g e a a t,;t~rl~a~? i 5 w a 0 B o 4 1 4 P 0 JQ 6 F Q 0 6 fI~iQ~fiI%l~~ 04 0 0 0 13 \ 5 00~t;is~~ar7~"bii~i3aistl~~irt pl gl;rk~$tfj BOO t5111$:151 GOO u2 i? rl~itncttq.i?bhrao~~~g~~~ 4 8 8o8i6f~~!3~iQ"QQ@O$~~~ p; 00~~351~i$1~naoons~ ;~CI ~0arrot!nrt~3^*4n~ns~1t?00~. 71 wn iiaii~~~~ni,g,~s:~goi~fifi~~~t~. 73 ~8bi:O$01,vB~$fiiiij~#~ 23 0130\2(CI~r!P3~?tf"i~t";Bil$~fifi I :"$ 25 d~a&os?o~a~~t ?b Q$PP!@t:Qi)i3d"3OIt~$O~f)Q~1 3 *( - " b. i 1;8tiPii!1?OEli*l3?iit~!D!DC1Q4fr$fi 3 8 8R8iiQi!OQ41~e:5JI!~\i!QfiQQbg4 2 9 01brrflfiiC01t?3332!lfifi$flg[1$g~ 3 ir3 FBQQObO301!!?:!0fj0~{!fi8~$[~ $ATE fillr@ fi2Di.l B3r'aO Bd\$\1 QSOD Bt,izO 830 8300 6900 1iSi.j' tllO 1208 t~hitfl 1480 t5Jt3 th4O tQQ 1880 1?08 ZOO0 ?%alB Z?Ofl 2300 24fle au%, UU -u*x"*i*ru - --u;r-iw-C* * 'C'C.'C'C'C'C~ PP LwV----*m- * ,----*-- C.. r+*rrr~slc~~rsr*r-rrC..CCCCCCCC~BBBBBBBB-BBBBB*BBBBBBB-B *-------l..--.BB--" .*--=-*-_**@---*CC-C -*YU-*---- t OAOODBOO r 9181~1113rlO0 OOfl 83 5 OQOFQQBQJ4U310110000FO~ ".. 4 ii 8 0 $ js i"t & i\ jtl>@FPB2513 5 t 0 0 0 0 i3i r3 & ;i 9~ri$]acti;0$5~bf898?3~0i)~0~3? 5 809B5OODOP2P!O~?1371bfl80Oa2 .SS e fJ Q 8 4 Q I Qla?sm:sjbfl 9 0 a o 8 t 4 5 7 o~o~~B~?BDB~~~""~B??\ooDo~!R~ 8 ~aai:faon@o;&ri5~o11B3@2 9 0~00naooala1~nhts1~~ooau9a~ f Ei t I 0~~00noa71r9~,+oasu~or i 2 SS$t.OQi.:hOfiO134ra63GOlaEFSO1 ; 3 ~a~uanua~>awa;a~x?~ao oaa 04 14 4 a 4 a B 8 a fi I~~?IQ a o s a a a 3 I? OQiltrf:OODD78(,p,4:170001ff 16 - 963~a tfi81 51tid11 ";rbij~~0j2 2 7 aOQrtir4Od~"i64ifiDt"i3tjO8fi$ 18 &~QfifiQ'f~@i;Pi~Q~EjG@~t~~,X 19 OoObRaoaasri~oaaanaa? 26 &OiiiibBO"::2"1=:O@EOOjIi3.j 2 q LC r 0#fi1178~11fl~fl;9?33tnflf~.~fi~~ij~ 34 QQFf?rjijrjij3q8~3Fi:.3iibFS.3id13] 9" L ,4 3 4 ~~~FF~~~~?~~~BQ~o~QQ~ 25 $~aoaai~ d~!?1~~3~ao;! 3gt b$On9$ii$fi3:1c,I;,j(j!1QD,.1fi$~ 27 630CQtlifl?3T3?DOijOO$f100fl 29 ObQFEOF4fi(iif.".n53ij'iQQ8Qo$j 2 9' $dO18QlFg3?333?!!1$Qt':Uflfijo 30 obsJQ13Br!bbI%",fiQ$Qb#C;O I**. 1;" *$;e pq (;ya[::l<\#$:;tejj*-* 4 f:=>p%d-T-::; .* 39: k.4 r::: .. G:" a -1 c; *ye pj b-f X> ti? (14 lE5: I.., ZfI: I::: "T" $2 11: [I:: FIB I:? f:] ,je c-1: 'r* I. RE1 -4 RIii Points l?/l. - ll/l6 -t 4 %2/16 - 11/38 2 Solar -1 RIN/CM~ Additisx%al cnnxq.nenCs om? this %::,nth s da%;a: I. Precipitation clata are? rcported for Novcnthe~: since thz tippin51 bucket (~;:ge was heated, The timin(4 and quailti ty of preci.pi.ta*- ti.an are rzorrcct, No px-ec%~itatiorr data for TSesefnk4er (See INTEWRf2*JE'TION OF Dhtm) . ,+cck a;i4@ bj"D gik@ $ii$f ki\X, pCOi)$ C + - $.* LS brj;l?rii 1;3.&B [&$'i gAX, HtZkiR 9rNQ bI#D GUST MAX, &i;t#G :ESP, POX#; Rlt ETR, $PO, filg* CUS,T WAP ?!DI.:G T&nP, "ti:" !ti QfR, 5PD, 31.qS &US? RBfj NDIdG fEB9, PBlk:' Rh Dl?, SPB, IjXRI 6d5ST 8hE $LCs ( DFG C X DE6, h!$ DEt, ?/$ ?L OFft [ D$C f' X IsFS,, DCG, P/S $:G C DFG C 2 DCG, bdS DfG, MU ~-*-X14~~W~~II~~~----.---ll ---we.. I.-I^---L-.IICI"-~-~~---- I*-IX--L----I9----91 .^C-a-*-CI---91--*---.-----------------~---~~-b--- 538B -?,I -$.! bP 058 9 1 O1"tJf 7,t.i. 0 8301? -i,3 -4,! $4 05R ? B 051 4,4 D RIG0 -7,s W9.9b.k"R 98 271 1,fl sB$ 2,s C~&@ii -3'1 -8,j 13?3 8bf 3.0 887 3,h h thbF -$,'I -q,Sfr'R 065 i,h DSA 3.2 E iBbBB -8,: -FS,1b95 i58h ,8 l2#? it? 0 BYOQ -!*% -S,B P? OFA ;,P 084 8,~ n aaan -4 2 -4\~:3"t.i asv. $31 2,s fi 0%~ -b,~ -7t;~?? lii~ ),a or;s I,? ij 12f"aO 3 -5%";4 $86 S,? $82 f3,3 3 !>8@ -5,O -S;,t$'Pk 556 .P ir?? '$3 ":Q$ -8,; -Q,ll $3 $83 1'9 688 2-5 b i56$ -is@ -t?,":hS $58 4.8 $94 7.6 ' 1508 -h,8na;a~#$3 087 , 9 21580 -8,Q -P,'?E3;$ ;,B 1,9 3,2 1 1$@43 -I 4b-4,5 "s gt?S 33 1355 5.7 O fRtN -5,,9 -kt,; ?? 394 I,& 35"t,5 5 !EBb -Ifr,9 -!15,33 9.1 094 t,3 IQR 3,8 0 %;a@ -5,.i$s $6: atg 477 7,:r 1 -5 , j? 1, fl?lQb -e3ty-rfi,i)t;i? 1388 1,;f 093 2,s 0 24Q$ -j,R -j,2 94 064 :i,y 867 $1~3 0 >p?b@ -17,3 -?,q 343 1; 129 ?,5 0 ?SEff\ -9,3 -9,)t 93 084 "13 Qg3 J,? 6 ks~u~ pfid tTi:iifji ~J~JI gij51 44;~ &+&i@ 4 kIk6 M1NFl GirST 8AX, iiOtia DEW $ikP LSND GUS'! ?AX, frbgg $6kp, ?$:!if ftk bIk, sPD, Q:Pa f;jSS BAT' riDl,iG '"p P;;I:N~ F:h bTR 5PP, 83, GUY! TAD t.t[!$i:P i$?Ip. POIk? RP: 3:W SPD, QI9+ GaST 9iSBD E.5 C QEG C X PEG, B/S SFG* Bi% 4k PEG i IliF& i: 2 DEG, dii; OEC, hjS H@ CE6 G DFxg G 1 DFG, Mi$ gFG, EiS WQ -LP.%.-rxoarxxluN rii.w-ae-le.bl rrlr-rr---rl*~-*..*rlrrrr*~-**=~----*- rrrP-rprr~.ru-r.--rpllr)nxa^-t*nnnrrrr- *--I-rr* ...--ur-+*arrrruri.+r --a*. C-..""--~^.-~a~~-~-----r9;*n'L-I-llll.-**-~*~II*U~"*lr-1Y) 9304 -A,? -8+9BS 09P !,4 fig? 2,S 3 QjRQ -")8P -8,595 094 !,3 9?i? 3,R $ 076ti -4,R --5,195fS I$& ,$ BbS ?,5 0 8QtjP --7,3 -8,595 SP"i,5 584 "I-; dUbi)B =-',A -$,&"a4 Oh? 1 qbhb 3,;" $UbQ!'r --5,8 -5:;BB 888 l4 $26 !.? 0 OBfiTi -ytg --Fj12 95 071 3.3 079 5 " $ (;:Qfl -5'1 -";,? gh 673 1.4 355 4,4 fi GaQfl -3,;s -5,h RQs I,! {lo t ,? $ :z{jo -7*4 -8,2 94 27: :*,B 343 7,h "2 f>bO -,I,? -~g3Ei)$~ Q39 ?'5 $$:! iip4 2 t?fl@ *b'f -hlZ QQ 805 ,P 115 3t5 2 -7-2 .-fj*d Q-: 9;;~ Yi,,ai 878 " 5 ? {Safi ---5.3 -Sap ?Pi ;,c$ $76 4.9 4 15Qtr -5#2 -33 95 49 a,p fir4$ 3,5 -Yt2 -7*@9h {165 4,: O[$* 7,s 8 i?oo -%\,? -:,I 94 010 ! 3 ;,? 0 L99d -S,\ -=5,994 $R7 2,s 693 0.3 4 2m$o -7.1 -7.7 9t; 474 3'8 013 h,? 9 ;i:bt! -; i; -4.983 "352 ! -" ijk$ $,,J fi 3ji'jQ -5,fj -i\,S9f fa4? 4,51 189 ",A I'; 4406 -Y.O -?,p$4 275 !,s A,? :?[a4gn -a\,i: -qtp~b il?h 13 qi";~ 1,3 o:+nr, -6,384 482 s,h p,~ 0 $2 *ex PS [:",iC:lg\~$*:ik,J!~..'T"$%P4**f'I%‘% , 3: N ih"-3 . 5;; a ,j 5:; : 1: 'ye p%f $:> t..) xre-" X) f:2 (13 g,,, $5:: e:; -3 - [q 11: 6"- -if 15 12 i:) -3" $:": :f:; "I" ~QUR BEY BIND ~XHB CkriT 3nx .. ~~iw PE~ u~~n urha F~~ST t"t~tb~3 DFM GIHD bi r susr fihx, HDL TEftP. POIRT RRH DIR. SPB, BE. G!Jsi RAD 89kiL TEBP, POlNi PH DIR. SPD, D!R, GUST RAP NDNG iiHP. POikl BH OIR. SPD. DlR. &US? Rho hEf; C BEG C X DFG* 4i$ PEG, hi$ 3M PEG C BEG C X BEG, flfS BEG, WP6 WM DZG C DEG C X DEG, W65 BFG, d/S -PCII)"X1..rsr-~~~*-~~*~IfLIWMlr"blBI~~~~~lrlrlrlrlrlr*lrlrlr ~13lrllllll~~lrlrlrlrlrlr-lrc**.**.**.**.*""r"r"rbibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibi~ ~-~~-m--~*-----aw-*----*-wm-~---*am-*--**---* 0398 -9,5-1$,""84 Qlii ?,3 171 8,s B 8:0&1 -Y,Q-i?,~75 BgD 3,s 878 k,3 8 a380 -?,I -3'79h 1134 4,s fl88 7,Q 0 3bR4 4?,2 -Il,? 82 078 he? 881 ria,iT D EitzOiF -9-3 -12.1 8R 883 ',f 875 f,? 0 8brta -ti,? -?,it 95 OSb 4,s 05";"*3 8 OBBV -8,8-b"? 75 1"9 b,4 07tI R,? D o9l;fi -@+3-!2.l RO 0954 ?ci OR4 5,$ O 09(f$l -h,h -a,:$ 95 S9b 3*9i,b ObGI 3,0 bt s28e -1~~4 -t$,h ~7 a79 s,3 ilsa a.9 ? jzoa -12 -ra,7 891 r ,a 091 5,n a -6.0 -?,I) 73 060 b,% 1 lS8fi-3ia?-t9,37P i;BP h.2 976 6*5 0 1306 -hsS -Tk377 0141 3.6 $93 5,i il 1580 -5,8 -7,1386 856 4,Q @SE$ 5,7 8 $880 -i~i -13,~ 80 8~3 4,~ 179 8~ a reao -h,b -a,s sr ah? 3.5 kxsa 6~ t taoa -a,l -IB,(~ sp gss s,4 oag sSl o 2188 --11,2 -19~3 78 688 &,I #fib 9 ti a~tlil -h6,7 -wa8 Rs 875 3.5 $31 6,s B ?fog .-10,3 -ra,r% 9h $68 04h 3,8 8 24RQ -9.3 -%2,7 7b 863 3,2 073 5,'): 0 2491f -7,g *%&4 97 $31 3,b $91 5&31 O 2406 *fZ,.$ ~f3~'E $3 tk5 2,@ 889 J,? D HBU~ ~EB gxbia us~s @is? HIP~X, i.1~i.l:~ BT b u ~MD b4 ."N PIIS HAX, HQ~~R wtg~ UTWD GUST .I&$. ADji& TSWF, PQ"!($ @Id DIR 6PD, BlR, GUST RkD hitbk; "iFF"s3, %TI" TH 3%. SPD, bf G , i"a4lST WAD #8&& f ESP. PRFPXY Pi4 D9R , SPF, DlR , GUST a&P DEE C BEG G 1 BEGI His BEG, kJS fib J"56 MPEC iCI X DFG. liJ$ KC, Bi"S lib 9;~ c BEG c 2 D<G* H~S BFG, fig U*rslrrrranxnr-vli~~-BPBPBPL*~~~***-~*~.m~*s"*~s-*tPIw~ ZII..--S-arl Crr~-*sr-.l-lrrr~~-*~~*~~---~~--~~-~~--*~,*-%~~----~ Irrrracr--rclrr-*m-*r rr-r-r --rrrrrrr -r--rr..#--- *- Q38@ -13,B -13,g 36 079 ?,8 \I78 Z+? f! B3OB -f4,? -15,3 PS 896 l.7 885 3,? O 0308 -13,Y -14,9 85 088 2,1 391 3,R Q 46@B -!3,7 -t4,4 Y5 B71 E,8 678 ZCS 9 DhOa -14,R -!?,h 94 RR3 P,"?? 3,8 0 GhOs -13,9 -Is,? 84 3@3 ?,3 3,R @ D9dB -Isla -95,? 95 @a& I,% @78 3,? 3 6308 -iss? -?h,O 94 0h5 I,? 884 3,8 O CIB98 -1PJ -E$?,'? 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BlR, GUS1 b)D#I; IEkP POINT RW DlR , SPb, D%R a GUST 841) 84DNg TERP, PQINli Re BiR, SPD, BriR, GUST RBD BEG C DFF C Y $EG, #iS DFF, M!$ hk DEG f DEG C X DFG, R/S BEG, HIS HM DEG C DEG C X DEG, 865 BEC, d!? Wid -=--llratrX"-*---~-~LFLFLFLFLF*~f-f-****************************** 1L-.a---,%IBe*C--*,**********LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.LLL*~*~--~~ tl*lb"~C-~II.-.b~~~~~~"~~~~C-CCCC*CCC.*.*P----- -Y*-- C3bB -17,1 -18.6 BX I/P Z,B $I& 6,3 8 !KO8 -;%!,I -23,Q 85 Oh8 2%"! 072 231 8 ti300 -2,D -?3,1' 86 $79 2B5 8hT 4?s% Q 8&@Qm18,9-20,983 Oh8 ?,3 178 3.8 0866fi-34,R-;12,1BS 1372 ?,h OB? 4.4 IfrBQ9-32,7-24,4186 Oh5 2'1 851 3&2 Q BY08 -19,4 -21 *3 8b EfV ?Z, U09 9,R O I908 -2X,? -?$,A 86 8$3W3,9 B"i" 4A B O98@# -59,4 -3%,g! 85 S1S 2.0 864 3,8 O 1208 -2&,? -29*$ P? 13;7& 2,$ QB"f8 3'8 5 tZBQ -;48,2 -2F.5 82 b7$ Z,T 8% R3,8 k 1208 -?2Iib -2Sr$i 89 078 1,9 095 3,? l560-?R82-%0,8W8 $87 2,4 083 3,R 1h$bO-?Olbr-2?,183 085 f,5 08% 2,s f, tSOSt-2hbl -28,380 tf92 I,$ l"r8f 3,? 1 lea0 *tR,S -%O,W W2 071 2,b G78 4,4 0 1800 -20,l -??+#a ah o7B ;l,8 47;P 3,2 0 1808 -?$,8 -25,IF 84 878 f ?3 Oh9 Zt5 ti 2%BQ-?5t1-23,284 198$ ?,fa 683 9,4 t? ?1QO-i"1,3-?3,~8~ 073 ?,I 884 3,8 02100 -2J,?-3%,:i85 OW8 1,4 lOsl J13 B L4QO -?Ox? -22,8 83 643 2,4 871 5.8 R 2400 -22,1 -?5,9 86 014 ?,5 :~63 4,4 O 24QO -22,s -24,:; 85 Or? Is& @94 J12 0 D6J k?#b WIND Ri8T #AX, j4BnG TEE" ?POIE:T RH BXR I SPD GUST RAP DFE C BFC C X KC, ti,$ DF6, RdS #bi IrG*U*-pr4--~-L-*--~~~-~.--**rtl"*-Cl--* -UIU-blsl-.YIUg-" -21 .; -ii2f% 8% 105 t,4 212 3,9 Q 6b@B -173 -fB13 88 100 It$ la4 3>2 d o?O@ -I?J -I@,? WP I04 T,O ifi% 3#8 3 Izbl -la,& -f11,4 89 188 2,3 fb5 5,: 1 1508 -Xk,4 -I?,$ 89 !Qi 2,: 899 3,8 O J@Q6 -\h,3-X7,7i$9 690 I,i 095 3.? " 2130 -!;:A -14~8 85 104 ~4 lie 6,~ o Z~BB -ai.s-r4,h?? 014 5.0 aka ? e a nhak 5 DA'T BEE\?, DEfS $ "I*-W-*-ra-sl,-.Culi\F 4 ,3 2 -;j,#$ 3 -&,f 4 =-:FUD 5 -:3, P b -A\,? i- eR? ' 1 8 -.El, b a -t:s,lcl 18 -tes,? li -"I11*3 12 -ttS,I I3 --I;!,& ilLE -iFS,3 a5 -17 ,? 15 -tia,4 I3 -1!sJ,8 18 -43,? n-k 8 20 -O,J "1 -#P Jr.3 c 22 rn't:a'i3 27 -9:; $5 24 -'? r r/ :" "J -7'6 :& -.8,3 PI u e 27 -? e 9 ZR -I",\ "9 --;?I$,[" 3$ -?<! L\ 71 -lo,? f\[atjil4 J PthX I GU5T Pi VVL fi%Abl SFID, BFW, BH kt! S Z ~UI~I...9d~ell-DX*-- 8,R EdF 72 9'4 ii.: 05 7,B F Ql 9,s Es?fE id4 4'21 c. 95 8'9 f; Pb 9,s FE-iE 82 tO,W ENE 91 II*Q E ciB I?,! FHF 70 te,B i""r;"E 78 F ?P 1s 8 EHE 84 4,? F 09 10 2 EblE k4 7 i5 NME PB ra,3 5%. g8 I$,$ F QO 10,8 Et2E 7c h83 FNE at ?,i, $f"u"F FJ :4,R f 94 4,4 FkE YZ P,3 F Af;. 5'";" 7' 0';"; FNF 7G 5,; i: 78 hr, J F# 82 [ 84 "4 F $4 FS[ 8";" i?r 1 FrtG 85 PhT85 SQr*Ag FHFASY DAY uH/gQn ..x. P*---*U-C 105 r 135 2 205 3 bfl 4 bS 5 "19 h 238 1 235 8 110 B bO 10 US li 90 12 45 ZJ 728 14 25s 15 105 5A MB 32 hE 118 ',tg c55 20 "4 21 255 2P 285 23 3?j4 $1 218 25 1 :'5 Zlr 13s 2": 235 %R 235 335 38 JS 41 4 755 ". .,. .*I t. pJ \$"! ; p.j (\i i:; 1;) 1": 1.;. .i', >:$ , 1 . fq : 1 ' \ , 1, " \ , f' I ' , [) , ! " $ ' , ' \ 1: f (-4 . i ,"* "1 ! I" : : . 1 j.,3i:'.i3\ 1 \. i 8 c j 1 a ! \" t".:j ;:: 7 1;' );i !;"):: 1:: !:; 1: 1' i'i h% i '" t. al I % , i.1 ' t:i 1 1 {, 1 # 1;; i:, {,',\ lj 1, f!! I".) s:$ 1. , ;,\ 4~. pj ( \;i 1' 1:. ',.I ~1 F) (" i,, \, 11' 1;) .;, ttl 7 p! i.~ ,. . ~(j ~L !,;{ 'i 1 1 ;.j 1; p,; ) l'.r 'j p? ""i"~ ti. ("p":. f"? ;i 12 .' 1 ;:) ,! i' " !..I ; i " j') \ .f { {.%< ;* 11') j,j i. {#,"j, 1.3 a I \. p3 7 * I:' " 'I, 1 R 1" "l;i K -7 c 1 'j "1, (':! p? i *I !:. .:) 'i B I i j 1: 1.1 j \ . ' . , 1.3 , ' :i , 111 2 , SOL@@ HUMIDITY WXND CIR ijz? $ sC:: f:l pZ,l 5;; k,J I.,* 'Y" $r"e\4 'T' If3 , 111 I\@ (2 . gs .b:r .. e,j z; -y %B ch !--I x:> I-., ff:: $1; -ym iq !? KIi C: -Ifm (,j *:? ..r 2 1 I... r . a:"q t:3 ,"I' I,:,: c:: "f6" "Ci; 1-9 $; "$"' s\a g-:% 0.-f y Y) (:I 1::: I.,, It" ::l:: "r" 1% 3: f"' F w#* ##A In+ ~$5 #i+r ~$3 qrg xkc 8c4 ptk BB~ t53 khk t~# r&j RE $2~ rza g&n rtkp #,$ kur !+#a f S%" 88% $484 CR4 tS4 e#" *%t $1~ $X$ st$ 4#f #9k **X ftt #%d !4+W +!iX #%# UP$ dkb W!4 9RB #Z* 4Y1 NLQ bB a$* r$@ kg! r+t* #ak $%P ?x$ tw ~$1 $31 bk? ?m x%% hga ah& EPP ~#r P~B st+ #R-% #%B ki~# *#+ 11 t!M #%# -4% L#X 8f.4 "Bh 8%% R%W tPt +## Sf$ rs# +#tk fk# !4*R bsh 4f# Q#Z Xkh Zki t%#$ tYI 4#W 1" PRS $B$ +AS W3i ~RP ~YF +&?t K&* PR~ ~RB ~XF wc tik~ %kc pg.2 ~x% z~n a*~ %$it ~k* SKP g~$ sgr #&a 13 fxn %#I "da @+w %nu +a# +r# ##k 49% *w *#a #%a a%$ x~ ~~2% rqz R@& ~$9 *%# BW~ 31% ax) XM j4 a*% %9:6 #a@ tip$ -'$* %~,h (EC M%% RR* sRA t#*? M%+ ah! kkt 24% SEb kn* %a& tR8 &%+ 86% ?3-%% 1RQ \5 aqsc-% #kg 5~ t~ w# gey R%@ #BZ 4.t~ &bit C#W ##$i +ff +g;~ +i#k #kg ;.s# mga a#-Y( +t% *#a -rik% ie4~ #%I 15 lbk *#@# 751 #na b.M R$% W.rF?+#P 828 $if$* %#W Lf A C#k $q# #a4 X%* &A# RRR klt 4K9 #XX %Rh 1" EZI #*w ~4 $*% st# r#n s*+t CW~ $41 wc $I# t%~ tgk %~h H% ~#h tg~ #@a keg a4a %#a t-tc ngg tm 18 %?4k *" *MF? kt% %#x I%" hh* fWb XRP %#R 48% k%% &RE 319 *&k &%R PRX #KF B%k 23% $88 F!t# ?%R R#R 28 *Kt CW ?kt 4x9 -#*+ gtf *Pf 133 WX e*: #us #*a FK~ *%$ akw %ax A#* abw ##A- a%# xaa ~xk t42f *kt! ns# * * %#% @BR t8B bi? R%# hS% 4RR !4k+ #ti8 $8~ M+ #+$ RkS k#k R+i+ AX$ BRR #%@ Alk #!#k %k4i &&$ %R* #X$, i,~ F i:; i", {j 61 1- j 1 i\{ :f~ t, i ["fj g "ply Q a i) 1' di; lq 6:: \d 1: i? 1' j..j f-' i;;: ::; i' p, *'[ f i i 211 1) 7 & "1 fi 1.i F. 113 1) \,E 'j ril 1 I $1 i.. p 19 (.I E? j~ , \ !;qF:. '*:$ 1, RH +4 RM Points 12/01 12/04 +5 12/04 - 12/31 2, Solax. -1 ~W/CN~ ArlditionaS c:arnments on this m~liltk*s data: 1, Prec:ipitation gage Lfisconneclsed on 12/17. A storage gtiqe was i-nstillled in the lqyunlinq gage in its place. ?. No l.oray%~avo r%ata aftir 1-2/05. Wcli.olh,~ l~:iut? ~:ill~q) shut: down lax winter, Mo precipitation data far Janun~j (Sea ENmWwTi;'nlE"XCjtkS OF DArI1'A) , n&~8 Ttfk &l$!D silKD Gtl$"fl&X, k&i~ ?+ b glgf) btb~j i-l15"1~11, OUR jjEU ~1Nn USHD qAX. HDBG TEhP, PclrIBf 8tr GYk SPE bit, GI!$'V WAF? ~lbi"E$ T$.:i"iP PilT~i B~ 018, %PD. Dl!?, CldSi" RAE1 NDNG TEhi;, POIqT TWd 0l"risPl~~ FlR. 6357 oG c B~G e x FIEG, ~gti~ itlgg, n3 icah OEC e o;ft c x DEG, ~/s wa, n/s nb BEG G DFK z : ZCG, i~fs DSG* kiS ""UaRIP~le(rUU-~m~I"I",drrirrrWrb(.-\.Ll(lr,ul-**XLL.-III.IIU"I*--~~-DLFrXI -Ut-..CIIeU -'L-WD1xl--*I^I-XI -.-i.ll**l-CI1.-%I"I".I"I"I"-I"I"I"I"I"I" * YII--*----.--C-I"I"-I"I"--I"I"I"--I"I"I"I"-I"I"I"*I"--' "'-*"*----*1- 0308 -R,A*f$,@84 015 %,5 Q?Q 8,7 ti 0368 -h,f -8,4 84 Oh3 S,e 177 9.5 D 0340 -I,$ -3,f 89 065 5+3 473 IS-2 Q dnOQ -R,o -9,498 Oh7 5,4 ah3 a,? RPhBQ -b,! -7,491 Oh$ 5,,3 ah? ?*O 8BhBB -2p -4*396 $382 4,s B9? ?,6 0 8908 -&,7 -8,S 97 flbB 5,3 OJP 5,3 8 fi9flQ -nil{ -?*I 94 n58 4,0 855 7,6 0 fl?Dfl -;,2 -3,s 31 4'7 a?? 3 IZ@B -5,r -7+38S $71 4,P ",t 2 fzbfi -5 7 -&,4 95 fi55' q,! ah4 ha3 3 f?@fl -i,4 -?,4 93 3@5 5*7 2 1583 -6.3 -s,? 98 076 a,y 873 ?,I 1 !son -:,a -6.0 93 nk7 5,s obs ~b t lsae -!,a -?,5 sB a32 s,3 082 R13 ? 5808 -?,I -~,f BA ~h? 5*6 ass ?,k 0 isoa -5,:) -5,894 06s 5,s 074 7% a rsan -2,s -5,494 079 32 OBI h83 O 2188 -4,T -4*1 90 085 5,s Q?? 8,j 9 ?I#@ -9,b -e.h93 @At 3,9 t?O ?*a 0 2301 -?,a -3,l Q3 857 2,s 857 5,7 0 2400 -5,~ -8,r 84 37? AA n7h )\I,? 9 2908 -3,3 -tt,k PI as? 3's n95 5,~ o zstia -3,3 -4,~ 99 ass 3,~ a59 Q 3 - ?-dicijk DE~ ~,.!ND t3if"~n KI~SV Enx, youiia FF,~ b~w~j JIHP G~ST ax, Y~L!R ar"u id! nk w MB ~usr ~+AA NDkI; i%t!P, D;""i3?kI F1:: nlRs SPD, O"r, C2!59 $At ki")bj6 TEHB, PBtMv Wh UTR, SPD* DT!, S1351 RAD NBMI; TEflP, PefiWM~n PfA, SPD, DIA, %dST iid'ab DEG C DEO C X DEE. "5 DEG, +dS 3U 3EC C NG C X DEh, fiiS 3FG, fl/S ~& FEG C DFC C 2 PEG PI/$ DFC , BiS R& "*cl*-**r--rlug)d.nnn luCXIII*ICI1~*.cXInnnnnnn~-*~b* -*llr--.m- I4n)mlrsl9r~nrrrs-~-*~**.-~"~~-~----.---~~---~-=------ --~-"b..----~---v.-~ -----"------------- ----"%.---*...- 0300 -5,; -3,4 09 070 4 2 Ill$ h,3 O 0380 -E,? -3-5 89 t?h d,S 901 3,8 B 3306 -17,3 -1P84 9: 101 f $ OR6 4,4 8 $660 -PA -8.4~3 44% 93 $34 8,~ 1 nAGo -X~~-PSZP~ 992 f,: 053 32 0 0600 -1~.7-20,a34 9.39 an 32 o fi."fiQ -jZ,1 -12,y 94 023 4,4 842 8,3 9 tlh3\B8 -?' 6 RA 860 f ,B 164 5,7 0 OQOIi -i9$3 -fiPtS ian 869 1.5 330 2%: 0 iZ$f\ -f?,8 -bhit 90 QQP ?,3 QO? h83 ! I%Ui -'!I4\ 81 071 3 S 019 7*h I !2$n -28,8 -21,s 98 @h? 1,) 087 2,s Z f5BB -is,& -lTt? 84 01% 3,d 002 2'8 1 \SO0 -!T F! -31.5 73 OkbR 5.5 876 Rt3 2 150O -I?,$ -?6,0 83 OR4 3,R 881 "e2 0 9880 -\bs5 a@##% 92 k15 ,R 357 5*! k 1808 -f$,7 -PD,h TB Oh2 4&5 968 $,3 O 1G00 -%,5 -18,~ 84 896 2.3 103 3,; R 2163 -1??5 -18~4 93 248 1,9 3% 4,: O 3100 -!?,I -4f4,4 88 B5h 4.E $54 'I,$ 0 &?I38 -t5,8 -I?,$' 84 QYB 2,J GBQ 3 8 lj 2480 -x,? -21 ,$ yn 3oh I $8 TP~ 32 o ?aao -il z -1~~s &?I oss ghs 4~ a LQ~~P -:4,s -rb,~ lo! r ,R oss :,z o EM bfZib;tD \4%H3 Gli5T khX, HOUR FF3 bUISil;F, g'lNir GUST WA8, @OliR BFU kf gD MJp3 GUST fiAX, 8Iji@& GE$B, POINT Wid BTR. !??Do DTR. GUST P&B WBN6 TEBP POINT 2k BIB, SPD. Rn!4, AAD NDNG TEnF PO%HT Re BIR a S" t DEC t BFG e x DEG, ?itit.; DFG, #if; B"~W BFG c DEC c x DEG, ni~ BFC, nss $I& “ip- btt C DFG G Z DFG Nls BEG, kiS HU e.L"Ull~*l~*rl*lq~-pII,II,e~e-----*-*,w------~---~~~-~- I.(rXTBU~"-.b-l~~~--*-*~--*~~*-~~*--------m-m.-- --a*----*--------**----------*---=-----.*--*-- 63f"i ---IOi~ -%5,@ 78 ir?? 5,7 671 "a5 0 0300 -4,k -",3 18 (374 h,5 OE 5fO,P 0 0368 -1,8 -4,A 81 Obi: 9,1 bk? fQ;? 0 o&fifi-!fl,% -$q,SPO O75 h,3 Bi14 tB,R OBbQD -3,s -~,h19 @5? 4,8 $69 9,s O OR08 -,9 -3,086 OPh S,8 893 10.8 0 BBBfi -9,S -13,P 78 oh4 7,4 d7R O@,A D $!DO -9,fi PS 0:)s 1,s B?l B,3 0 Bog6 ,? -3,4 86 OR3 7,8 DRb I3+3 fl L23Q -R,b -tZ,Y 19 870 ?,3 OkR 5P V IfPOfi -4,s -h,S R5 $80 f ,U 283 b,3 7 f200 1,9 -1,i 79 QB1 7,s 094 it ,4 ? L500 -9.g -13,1 73 09h ?,7 077 !?,I 3 15@0 -5'4 86 F6P 3'4 695 b,3 11500 f,P -.? 83 085 &,3 UWS 1 t808 -7,4 -iQ,B R? OIi? n.9 Oh? 9 5 0 \@Ow -&,I -?+I PO 672 5.WjstT IO,P 0 1800 if,& -,a 89 080 7,s 079 :I 0 ZiOD -S,3 -7*"%8 207ri S,E 1363 iO ? O ?\&8 -3,s -5,s 88 092 R,3 071 13,3 0 ?!Or! 3,b -ti ,t ''4 682 7,s 08s llGd 0 240Q -3.3 -h,$I? OR? W,5 075'?,1 32400 -?.6 -5,383 OR8 Pi$ CBb li,? 02400 2,8 -1c934 $71 0,s a96 iO,P B 4DtbR gINP (#?Mi5 GttST tdb\r)i. iiQllR DEtd MJfiD @IhD GUST g&X, 4f:rrR TrEb gfNB UIgP (;US7 ;.ii%x RBMG ERB, PO!#T Rh VDSR a '9PD, D!R ;ijV Rk%, MQMC iEhi"", Pil'iNl RI.i D?R , $PD, DIES, (i1IST WAlt WD#IXI;":BQ, PfJ\&i RW Djk , 5P6, DHk , td51 @AD QEG G DF& r. % DE6, RiS PFG, #/5 3U DEG f DFi C X DEG, $45 Df.6, B/S HJ DF6 C BFG C X DEG, MI"$ DFG, flrS Bib -I-,_*--il-_Cr_llY**s-~~ee"~-~--m.mm--*-~~--~-~- -.A -Id-----~LIIX~--~--..------- III*--\F-L)-*II-X-(l-L -II)IILUII-I(-111-~~---~-e"%---*e-~-d--- 0300 ?,3 -r,O 39 ORS 53 OFV In 2 9 0308 -5~ +,5 es 017 -,r oss 3.8 8 ojnn -2~ -3,b ss 28s I,& 177 2,s a J$OQ t 8 -*3 Rh la83 5,7 88:' If 4 Fi llbtifi -4,4 -5'4 93 874 I, t Blda 3,1 0 Oh08 -i?it"b -3,5 "t" 288 S,? 279 ,;,Z 0 0940 B,G -1,391 OR& 3,~ 091 "0 D 8300 -,k -1 R?? 059 2,e 849 3,4 9 03GO -P,3 -qs49i2 Z59 I,? 300 2r5 O 1280 -9@@*%R92 649 I,$ 040 '$5 1 t?aO -,3 -?.393 ah5 i,o 098 3,P I i,?d$ -7,s -P,59"28 1,4 031 ?,5 5 15$d -,5 %#*$% 96 323 ,R 349 I,? i 1500 i -*9 93 074 ?,2 fl7j 5.1 O 150? -?,9 -!0,8 P5 fib7 f,3 04R 3,s 4 ;BO[~ -LF -2,s 95 05: s e8au --J ?*%%* as a19 OW^ a,4 o xs~o -P,B -g,~ YP n9b 113 52 a 2130 -s,r -4,Y $34 843 '8 007 7,s ?!!I0 -1 ,h -?,3 95 ;??3 ? 2 2htj 4,s 1 ?log -5,5 --?,? 88 ro3 2,s 092 5,s 0 2480 -5,0 -h,P 83 089 ? ! iriitl 5,H O 2400 -r,F -!,5 BS ?YO 2,4 790 4,~s: i 248f -4,4 -4,s 87 889 4,"S087 3,b 8 GCJUP t k/~t~r# 't~ TY~~ST nb9x kntia :i~i~: U1Nb UX~~;I) MAX, q0ij2 I; uTi\au UJND GL~ST MAX, =$# Pa;kl R9 .rrTR, $Po IS'$ i",rlS"fWglC SDkJi, TitlBY 2"i;l~sjl k~ big, SPt DIR, it161 gSAb t4tiHC SER13, t""O23b"i WP E?iR $?D, QIR, G:JS: WAp BEG c fa c z DG, ~5 DDFG, fl!~~ BEE C KG C i QTG, Hi5 O%L. PI/$ h$ DifG C PFC C "b D%, WiS DiT, hdS ~b -*--ea-e---.m**--*--,m*m% --*- ---- *w-**-.w ***----**-.--*----- -"--m--".--" ------- *v-------.-- - -- *-=------m---*#-.w--"---*m.-----a*-e-. -*.*-*-- 434\0 -4,R -(j,@@h 091 1*3 flQ:4 TaO R388-12,0 -14*?BB 099 ?.I 191 .3,9 if 9 $1 !,$I 104 3,R $[*6{6 -5 8 -7,!1 87 084 ?.5 fj84 8,9 9 OAOR -!\,? -!?i 90 OPh 1 '4 899 >,a DPQO -all.? -,f?,3 93 I,\ j13 ?,5 8 ij9da -7,s -a,W $3 n??r 5,s 87R R,Q il IEOIIO -1.: mi?? 90 fi"3 P:,: 8Q5 Lfi 0 i19fi3 -li,i3.+13,0 B1 ,liQP j,e t.194 3,~ 12tiil -7,; -0.5 07 i19{\ n,ii di?O <i,i. 3 ??*lii -'I,? -!?,i;"F' i95 is5 106 2,% 1 i?Q0 -!I,& -13%1 R9 {ftil \.4 993 2,s 2 ?$fifj -il,>etO,oAfle?Q ?,,T E!,? I :5;10-iij,Q-13,1!flr$ !OR 1% dL15 a5,5 I !E.iBil-I1,43-!?,98;cd tic >,o $?2 1 ~BB;! .-%,I -11 ,I 055 ~,t o:~";-~,~ a zofia vt I 3 99 IC.~ i [i 1li5 5 1 F li"iii~ -32,5 .-j:;,b 92 .\,d 1205 -$,,@ -bfj 5 fibs {rriv 7.7 0% 5 7 l\fifl -)I fi --I,? Qi O$'# 1 ,Et Jfld 3,;E \ -4, 5 9 fl , g cdt\fi -!if 9 -I?,! $f $$h iJ \)j3i; ;,* \I ;J%bfl -P:\lmY mi1 7gJ 086 $8 , 11 ,IhQ[i -i$,p"E -]ijfj,j39 $12 2.8 jf",tl~ HOalB Bfd d:Hli &ZND GUSWkrtX. HDUR DEd JTWD MlF#F GUS1 MKg, 14OtfB b JINBWTWDGUST~~X, kBNS IfBB, POI#I 4M BlB, SPb, DIP, GUST RAD NDWI; iF3P; c"DtST WY OtR, SPD. DIR, GUST RAO tzlDgl", TEHP, PUNT Rfi Dl$, SFB, DfR, EUgS Rr;D BEG c DEG c x DFG, M~S DEC, %is DEG c DFG t r PEG, W~S BEG, H~S fiu WG c DEC c x DEE, HIS ace. nrs nu "*--~IQ~re_C~-RiRiRiRiRiRiRi~CCCCCCCCCcCWWWWWWW "WWW~*OIOI -nl~m.~*C~U*~blirrlnls--OIOIOIOIOI".OIOI OIOIOIOI. m~C*~C14CII;".r.010101 OIOIOIOI we9\*l^^a41n~11+9)-OIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI*rlrl-il*il-ilil-ilil*C*CUI61- -I-* 8304 .*15,8 -1T5 B? lflt 2'6 398 $,I i n308 -if -f4,h 1f3 077 4'5 877 ?,b 0 O:!Qd -23,h -25,8 'B? 1162 ?,3 OB"a3, @ 8600 -~~h-r3,~73 088 p,~ 085 5~ ~ohso-t?,~-l5.t 78 080 4,s 034 TO n ahon-ro,r -v,t IR~ 982 I,? as3 3'7 B 0908 -"iS,3 -14,% RR OBI ?,h QB? 4,4 O ir9Ofl -i?,4 -I5,4 '78 ti84 ;$,? OR5 fit? Q BeDfi -18,Y -21,C 94 093 4,8 @7l S,h 1 t200 -P$,? -!1$,8?8 041 6<4 073 ?,P T 1208 -12 9 -ik,T ?b BPA 3,9 687 7,h !O \?On -i9.4-23,0 ?3 Q?3 3*b QQl 6,s 14 1SOB -!0,4 -13h 77 Oh9 ?,a Q?? 8'9 3 dSB0 -19,3 -ii,W '74 @93 3,: BRb 5,7 6 lSfiO -!8,0 -20f7 ?9 108 3,8 111 7 d 3 1806 -tOb? -14.8 78 O5R h,6 Oh4 8,3 O i80R -tR,B -3*b 86' 074 ?,! g5b $,a O fRDt1 -1B.5 -?!,S 64 114 3,) Xi4 5,1 C -iP,3 -!4,4 78 057 53 857 8,:4 O pig8 -31,: -?3,? 85 059 2'1 643 J,? 8 ?!a0 -)?,a -zO,Y '73 ti6 3J dl7 7.6 O 2408 -1!,5 -!4,4 9% 177 4'9 Oh$ 7,~ O ?403 -??,p -34,7 P3 Okfi ?,$ 953 382 0 2491 -1i3,5 $0 ?Q? ?,? I27 4,a I".;" & P? at::: (:I P3 $3 kmj I,,, "Y" &$ @\a "3" he 1. :I: fW $1; . "i; t,JB 1:: 'Y" fi9 r;‘\ I.-$ *y8 X) 13 f4:] if;: I,,, fZ3: (:"I- :#: 6::: 8:"q f'j .- ,"j- ti;: <:"T' r-iMjf:f' pjfi\JR $:ijhM$)f4y F("rP \ik$l~'fifi$r~~~fl.IT~t{~R E::;'Y'AVJ* [{'IN D k 'I A "T A ac ~i, iv ';t> t.f R "1, PI I:; 3 ;I r t t.t ;-I ;n v . t ciB !:I 4 HOUR EM gXNB UIMD GUST #AX, YCUR BEN U~ND MIWD %AX, ~fltf~ BEU #HND JIMD GUST AX, gD#G "f&P + Pf"a3T RH UIR. S,aD, BIW, CtfGT Rfib WDNG "FBI"", POT87 RH D1RS SPD, OTR, GbSI Rho MDhaC TEI.46, POSWT BH D9R. SPD, DIB GUYS RAD DEG c EG c x BEG, di~ DFG, H,ZR NU RFG r i~e; c x a~rr;~ nis BEG, ~ft; DEG 6 ~EB c x DKG* gt~ DEG, RJ~ Iri.-nal*an;aa*a4~--~--~~--m~-~~~~UIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUI RipEI-IPI-9-TX41)I. ~BIDllrl**JCllai*-~--UIUIUIUIUIUIUI.UIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUI --*blll-QICICL-IIUI-UI--UI---UI----UIUI----~~----.~~--UI- @3$8 -2@,0 *2?;4 8) 3ts 1'9 38b 3,$ 8 6308 -812 1 -?%,a AB Oh6 7,5 67i liIt,4 0 fl3BO -5,b -6'4 94 a93 ?*$ 091% 4,4 6 b5$0 -20.3 *22,9 PB Oil3 f ,P 348 3': R DbtQ -9,T -11.4 84 fib3 6,9 Of3 42,1 O 0680 -R,U 4#s%a 93 ?OT 1?3 ljZ 6,s 4 BYBB-30.1 -27,3:28 ax 17 689 oasaa -sat -ta,?~s $76 ess on Ip,r $8~~1 -h,9 -8~ IP res ;A at8 3~ !2e@-??,k-?%,?~k @Wx: $3 e3! r,? \51?Q$ -ttt@ t.?,;37~ 890 bl.% eiR?jora ~7fT0fl -5,iga4~9~~3 0?? 3 $64 4,4 ;t3 1588 -?1,3-26,1 b?R 1:7 OR1 5 !SOB -?,? -9,981 08% 3,~ fly5 74 h 1500 -5,8#%#%8 SO 898 ,3 rl? rt9 t XSDd -17,: -23.3 59 07% 2&2 1389 4 4 8 fROI -&,S -1,9 83 0h9 2,Ct Oh? S,f B ~RftttI -3,a -6,? $7 !@!I i,lj 8% 23 O ~~lO~~tS,3~18,795 079 4,P 031 9$? 83100 -Qt$ dk,O90 fib4 <I,? 862 4,o U?lOfl -stR4#Rd~ 077 ,b 094 1, 0 2480 -14,5 -17,3 39 dh4 ~,fi 0&5 !I,? 0 2408 -5,: -h,? 93 087 3,J 075 ?,[I @ 2480 -5,s -8,s 94 108 1.1 13s 3,2 0 : > :a:wr:: : *"$ <:;4,:&h~tijk.jt,.."v"tf%w-T-'-"' $:$ I,J $:I?; :r: "T* 62 $:% !.=I y -g> I? (:I If: I.** !4: t::: *I** 1% 3: Yi:: 3:~3 ["J ,-j- 4:: 6:; -7- 8, RE$, AVG, 84X. EAX, FI&Y j S FAX, 8, #IAR &TND UiHD J1H0 GUST GUST PYht 8EAH gEAH SOCAR TCBPI TERP, TE3"aP DIP, $PD, . BIR, 5?B, fi98, Rt.t 3P PRECIP IMEPC'I DkY DFG 1:: DEG c DEC c OFT; 8:s his DEG riJifj 4 ag~ c n~ u~ssa~ --li*ee-- ~~~~-~~~*~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~-LI~II~~~~~~~**:**:**:~~~~~XIXI~~~~~~I*~~I*IIIIIIIIIIIIII~~ rxrrU1*srrtraa-rsnr-d*(d*(d*(d*(d*(d*(d*(d*(r*lr*lw*.*.*.*.*.*.-~~~ms* 1 -3,f -7 , 075 T,9 5, 876 26,fiTWE R? -6,l @##% 3- 9 a 5,; A -h,~ 3, 083 9,8 4,9 077 9,s ENE 91 -6,~ #~gg TQB 2 "a -8 -3,h -2 075 4,3 4'4 031 fn,r E o? -323 #ass 145 3 4 -3,O -20,7 -1 021 2,3 3,X 034 8,9 #hF 93 -63,5 45 4 S -5 -5 -8 $52 ?,Q $1 096 R,3 EFiF Wf -21,A R##% l&l S b -14'5 -?0%6 7 085 1,9 i,9 8Rb 4.4 E 87 -19,2 #%%* tltQ 5 7 -R,% -I&,? -t?*4 094 3,; 3'4 g8Q 5<9 F $2 -96,? a#%# 165 7 8 -P,f -lb,B -?Z,T OPMsO he% 683 I?,? F 71 -15,4 #%#@ 190 8 9 -B,B -ah,? -lt,R ORB 5,W 53 812 11,4 FnE 45 -5 w%@u 405 B 19 -3,6 -tbe9 -",3 3 b,$ 6'9 ah8 12.7 ENE 14 -tT,1 #### 100 IB 11 m9*4 -&.A -a,$ 878 4,: 5,4 oY7 13~3 FkF W? -6,5 %@%E 150 If 12 5,4 7 483 3,8 P,1 $94 17,3 E 811 -2,h %%%@ ~4 I? 13 3,a -5,9 -a ,k 675 :,: 2.7 0:); 11 ,a F 88 --?*a MH 55 23 14 ,3 , 3 838 !.I 2, 82'; 5,i FtiE 93 -2,9 %%%% 5Q 14 15 -f,W 9 -5 070 l+f ?,2 087 !,Q F 92 -h,B #### !36 15 ~b -4 -ti,( -PA 179 I ana 93 F ~8 -9.4 gggg 125 te 17 -9.P -f?,?-ll ,I t98 i ,l I,? 183 3,9 F5-0 -12.3 ti&%# ?$ 1: 18 -I0,2 -BS13 -12,R Is7 ?,@ 4,Q If0 4.3 ESF 81 -tl" 3 g311 85 18 19 -4 -95,R , 071 4,> 4,3 72 k,B KFJE 3 -14~3 k~#e 1% p 88 -tS,S -23*8 -!ha? 896 3,S 3,5 OW5 6,s CNF OD -\7*Q ws6# 445 PO 21 -In,? -4 ->a,$ tPVB,Q 3,; 071 7.0 ESE 80 -22'4 %#a# 419 21 -4. - - 633 I + , 5 i14 642 5,1 B!;F 54 2, #*I& 485 22 3 -Zi,R -$$,B -34,8 8$% ?,,3 33 108 ?,a ii -327 wau 59~ 23 24 *?2,3 & -P%,P $9: :,k 3,7 10: 9,s F 58 -33,? #w!+g .iflo 29 F$- -3 -3,,5 83 ~~-3 k,4 Q*Bf fl,q :)iE bQ -32,? k~~tb. a35 $5 Zh -t5,h -223 -?9,3 Y 3,4 5 a?& 5,5 E 73 -2 3aan FQ(] ~h 2 4, -73,,7 -iB,A 973 "y 7 Oh3 "5 FdE 74 -?%J fi*%b~ MI I!? 28 -!n,S --E3,.$ -$4,0 $55 1,3 ?,9 fie1 E)iE 77 - a-w# 525 ZR 7, -i%! -Far? 7 4.1 5,P 7 l?,"i#E 8% - kw#tt "88 2:s 38 -4 5 -7,b -b,l 09G I ,i 1'3 084 t,4 93 , wssa 85 38 3% -4 5 &, -3,y 25'5 '7 ij 255 5,': &$d Pi -9Q +&*?,? Xi$ 31 6$%HTl? $la -'3in8 -5 OP7 ""a,? I";,? 097 l3.3 -L.I,9 74135 I;? . I:: [:I N El:: $,J I... *$' t% hi "T" 5% . 18: P4 113: k.1 5:; -y $".J fi @.-pa-"-" X) iq $11 #if: f,,. I::: 6:; *r' I;.;?" :t: (1: t:l 133 c:]e ,-"I' 0::: f:," V[. L (jf::\.'l "fr" ii*l./:; ) , -:: -E . FI 3 , u ti> , 0 1 a el I , 0 i:: 0 % fi '1' [-I ab n -aS Int -1" 1'5 -5' t:~ '1"" t:"r R raaeFv~r I~:]H 2\;i 0 :7 fj h , IIrA I 3 , 0 f:? I: , 0 hi; L: i\ 4% "i" E, ia -la l3 *T 61 I... .'*. 11. "*3 '1.. *rr r+.r rr* "rn irrr rm nrr .W .a, nt. ...+ .rr "mr ...* .".. l,.. c" re. ..I. -1 .rt .I.' ,p, rr, ." 6rn ,.,1 ,r.r .n. rC. trr ,..* r... r+i .r. ..rr I..4 ..rt rru rue rrr ** .... ru r... 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' ,, 8.S e., +" '*+ *.. *.,a '.C* .... *.*, n.+, st, ,*' '*.. ***, ..,a t*,z ,.** ..*. ... 1.". .... ..*a a,., .a*, .*., .#., '6". ,,.' 6.'. .k.. .'$. .'" ,", ,,** ,,,* *,+a <.a, .*., <.." 9 , W +5 RH Paints 1/01 --. 1/06 2, Solar -1 mw/ezr~2 Additional, esrm~~ents on **;;",his mantkb data: 1. Mo longv~ave data. Watana base camp sklut down for winter. Na pxeeipitatisn data for Pabwuary (See XNTZ,WETATIQPS OF DATA), g~d~ E M~*D MI NB B~~ST AX, sauw DEU ~1~11, BIMD G~JSV R~X, HDU"~~ BE US~B USWB GUSJ HAX, MBt4G fEBP, P61flT Rh BTR I SPD* DIB, &US? QAB NBHG TFHP, POiNf R# UTR, 5PD, DTW, GUST AAD HQHG IEBP, FOTHT RA! 018, SPD, PPe + 6EG C DEE C E BEG, KJS DEA, 8fS !U BEG f D$O G X QEGs Hi5 DEO, W$ RU BEG G DEG G b BEG, dl5 BEGI !IN -------*-m--*-m-.*-----*-m------*---*--*---- --*m-*-**~*~--*w--se-~-*~~~~--*e----~*&*-+~-- ------------*---*---*--------*-----------*- 9386 -fh,5 -!7sP 59 923 154 Of9 2,s $ 8300 -9,s wi1i3 8% 105 ?,? 074 918 O 0300 -14t9 -2684 56 458 5.1 069 "Ib 0 QdOQ -lY,S ~11~1 PT 36% f ,3 8Rl 2,s 0 Bhoo -!I,? -t3,4 84 Q94 2,7 088 5,1 0 QhQB -t4,5 -dR,6 71 DRG 6,i 072 fO+W D 3905 4a,3 -15~1 w9 rol LO 091 32 4 0900 -~,h 45,b 78 n~h 3,~ ~56 1,i~ o ason -i3,a -aa,o rt oss 6,s a7o st5 4 Z2UB -11*6 -14~ RZ 101 t,5 09? 3'8 3 l?Ofi -13,! -I?*? 71 OR3 4,6 053 S,7 4 t280 413,8 -1Pt2 bJ R74 5.3 013 9)s I 15@8 -9,3 -tt,P 8A 19A ?,7 $96 5,f 7 1588 -f3,5 -?B,R 59 104 F,l 303 5,1 5 150D -13,2 -t7*2 73 Oh4 1,5 0&9 10,8 5 1800 -!I,$ -l?rS 98 f08 3,4 095 5.7 5 lRaD -1?,3 -?5,T 98 Oh0 f 4 Bh7 3,2 0 !sob -13,B !a,? 87 $80 Q,4 Oh8 8.9 8 2iRO -I&,? -G,P 89 f98 2.6 1% 4.9 O ?tQO -I?,$ -??A 42 $68 3,0 OR4 T,O $ i?aflb -11,s -lak& %I 098 4,7 043 0 Z48Q -t2,8 -f3,1 R7 ?It ';,I flR 5, t R 3480 -t4,9 -25,3 41 01? ! 0B5 4,0 O 2480 -!$,I -f5,5 1/32 018 5,2 089 13,: O HQU~ QEL ~r~ib UTNB G~~ST R~X, HOUR FEU kiND U~ND &\ST #AX, OUR BFU U~ND NIND GUST ijax NDNG TfnP, POfWP Rn DW SPD. DIR, GUST Wh31 MBNG TERP* "OTbiT W4 DTW, SPB, DiA, GUST RAB NDHS TEED, PDIf!T RH Bral SPD, DgR, GUST PBD BfC 6 BEG C X DEF, $?IS DEG, YU iSEC 1IEG i: X bEG, !!ii; 0. ,>. f4fS Wk DFZ C DEG C 2 BEG, flBS BEG, M!S HM -~QL~~.I_-UII-~~-~~------~---~--~~~-~----~C--O --CII-lll-ll*1)C1--*----.)-OC1----w--~---~~-~-C11II--- PIDIILIIIIP---YI-PI.IYUUIIILI--~%~~-~--~-~~-~~e~~~ 0380 -.1;3.0 -/4,3 83 i"n'?ri Rt9 Q14 I?-1 ti (1300 -1 1.7 .-!?,El "a 3345 $? a17 1,"9$ 0303 -13,7 wu#%@ 91 3RB 1,8 292 3,8 O $600 -tl,l -12,8 89 $73 !I,! fl?? $1,,4 B fi68fl -15,~ -fh,P $1 032 i,l 632 2,s f! if688 -15'3 -lh,5 91 343 f,! 283 0 OBOQ -8,3 -SO,? RA 073 R,5 07% ih?,? ii 6980 -16,9 -51,3 BO 032 Z,O 307 3,8 8 oYQ0 -t5,8 n*#%a 8B 054 ,7 if3 I,? 0 lZOD -8'1 -10,2 R8 t77 Ref 081 91,s A I?BO -IJ!+@ -iS,2 91 038 1 *5 333 3.8 5 I28Q -I&,@ **.kkR PI 933 I,@ 613 !$9 14 1509 -7,~ -9,3~"i3"77 075 t~,;3 3 aSob-!1~9-!ii,%~fi 033 ,3 OP~ 3.5 $3 ZSBO -13~1 ..ZBJI 7~ 061 I,J 081 25 jb LBB~ -8,~ -o,a ~4 35s .B to? &,R a IPes -j3,e -9~2 91 8hh a,4 ah3 s,~ 8 seat -17,s -aa*u es oba zta 095 "$9 8 2596 -$,W -!I1? 90 P5t 4,l R,3 8 ?I80 -43,4 -i4,A 9$ 085 I,$ 3hZ 3,EI O -12,2 -f5,4 14 067 4,7 BQ4 3,5 U 2468 -10,4 sc*## 95 293 !A Pb4 S,i B ?9R@ -IS,? -:k3 92 lo5 33R 5,: O 2400 -12,4 -145 ?$ 859 5,3 0g4 8'9 R a-i@Ud BF9 3l~nkl3l~C";~%":fihli;, diitlW 8 Ji!*D MTNB C~JS? #AX, HOUR K&3 tdERDMS&&)GI?ISTtP&#, N&HG IERP, PO!&T RH DIR , %i$. DtR, &;lJS1 #AD HFiibll; 7VF;, PQllfT Ra" El$, 5PB. $;l!P, GtJSt 9AB kt)~ji; TEhP , PblNS k;tY DDiR, SPD' Dl#, GUST Z;iAlb QEG G QEG C X BEG* 3IS BEG, Hi$ PEG C Df.5 C Z BEG, RiS !IF$, RJS k!& DFG G DFE a4: 1 DEG, tti'S DfG, HJS 8M ** -*mula*-. ,,.-dr---,i*i*i*i* i*i*i*i*i*i*a."---*#-.m-'*.v ~.~Omiar--L)rrxhr~-- a.--*MITIIYILI-*e---w*----**-*-4**---* .*"a=-%. .-UllslY.IIXI LLY *I.-*-UIw- -- Ll...ll.r-*III- - --am.- *rl. g.;QB -31 3 -:3.R 73 649 51 DhO 7,ir 8 8980 -%7,9 -]"a t8 3bS 1 5 297 4,4 P 035i -?4,7 -??,a 8! $93 r,b #@4 2,s 4 QbO8 -Q,7-.jd!,Wi';b Oilrkt 4,8 053 '?b OOi~Q$-*!8,?-!9,98? a48 '5 !33 ZtS D06@fi-23,3-?5,68f 071 ?,? 4,4 1); hlqfib -8,3 -12.9 72 C14P 31,S fihQ 7 b 9 ssfial 5 -1??&4 85 Oia"i8 293 ;?,S O IlQQi3i -*22,2 -24,G 82 07: i!,g Q?@ ;la,? Q ~fla -in,\ -\2,997 21Q ,"J6)13 fD,R 4 \?Oil -mZC.9-s,:;~,4W";"Ik)3iij, :,4 ufq 2,s 11 1200 --2rJ,?-15,26j. 678 d,O 658 I,? 22 rSQ@ -19,o -I;,? 87 ,2Te 3Y"h3,:.: 5 15180 -18 p:sa%# ?B tfi8 \? G:j4 3.3 1300 -4,5 t-r#%k :$? 4B2 1,'~ 2,5 ;!2 rB3fi -j,q,r --34,pp #y#l , I- 3 4 I, 3 ,[{ altl 2,s fi 21QQ --\(I,) -\Fj,b RJ O50 E,P "{ k $ *:Pa" -'9,6 f43 Q:b? i 7 34h 3,2 0 ;"oil. -54,+-.76sJ &,5 j,? 8 ,:Jr$Q$-.~$1,;3-~fi,?F? t17 3nrs8 $,~Ji399-~*:3,"--j~~,?R? 1,i.i Ot$& ~;la$b(~~-$&,f -2-jtbaj0 @&b ir9 3*1) 0 *2b# frEU $IND UK#D GL\ST 3"3RXI &OUR I;EU UXND MFHD G116ri HAX, aQiiR BFW $?NB UTMB GUST nAX, H$IjG VERP, POf#f WW DIW, %Pb, DTR, GtlST Rho NDkG TE#P, POtNO RH DIR. $PO, DIN, GUS1 RAD NBNG TEWP , POIRT Rk D4R SPD, DIR, GUST khD BEG e DEG c x PEG, BFG, R~S ~b DEC c DEG c x DFG, ws PCG, HIS HU DFG e BEG c r acs, is BEG, MIS fig ---"~~--m-~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~--~~*~*~~~"--~-- ~*.--~"~--w--~---*-~-~L-~---*m--6*~--~--*---- ------e-------=--------e-*--=*-w*-----------" 030i ~22~4 -2S,2 78 Oh1 9,1 063 8,; 9 0368 -63*4 -16,B 75 Oh7 6,z d61 R,? O QJQfl -132 -I?,@ 73 $64 5,s 071 8,Y B 460Q -?a,? -23,2 RE 698 4,b 05h 8,; 0 ohb0 -11,9 -15,h 14 ah5 5,0 059 R,3 0 QbQg -tl,R -!5,6 73 074 6'2 072 8*3 O 0968 -21,3-Z4,0 7? Oh3 5,R 031 W13 B flBlS8 -1$,0 *-18,1 77 VR3 3,1 08R 7,O U 8900 -11,s -t5,2 "3 985 4,8 884 ?,f! D 1288 -20,4 -24,8 13 O71 k,5 8?1 RIF 13 1200 -f9,8 ncs## 43 101 886 5,t 10 1200 -tf,4 ##### 70 DBb t,W Oh6 $,3 14 1588 -18,s 7'9 010 072 !OtR fO fSOU -il,B -!R,h 51 ti0 ?,I nos 5,7 fh l%OQ -?,2 -13.8 69 10% 32 113 SIP 15 rBQ8 -17,4 -20+8 95 8kl A,6 ah3 ?al? 8 1B90 -tJi3 -SR,2 66 879 2'5 la5 4,4 6 1810 -totZ -\$,I 79 fig2 3,3 tQ5 fi TISO -fk,5 -19,9 15 059 h25 Ohl BiB O 2tQO -14,S -18,B 69 349 3.9 057 b,3 0 2108 -IO,8 -\sil f? a90 L4 a78 Bb3 8 2404 -48,5 74 Dhl 6,2 859 8,3 0 2404 -!3,4 -I?,? 73 874 h,B 077 8,9 8 2409 -jl,l -t4,3 '77 619 7,4 081 8,5 O ~aua u~tdn ~THD stis1 nni, HOUR DEU ux~n u~wo GUST whx, doua DEB ~IMD UIWD GUST KAX, NDN6 TEEP, POPHf Rw DIW, SPD, DSR. GgSS khD t40FI6 TEflP, PBtNT Rh BTW, SPC* DIR, GUST BAD MDNG TEflP, BOIHT Bb DIN, SPD, Dl#, GUST %AD BEG c BEG c x KG, #/s BEG, ~i5 8~ BEG c DEG c x nis DFG, nrs flu DEG c DEG e x DCG, tt.is DEG nis ~u *r.r*.CDI(.UllbWIIIIL.-------*---"----.m---m---wm------- OIll--l-*-md.114C-~~~-~-~-~~.-----*----.~~~*---D -*Y-~lF--B.ll~-~-~-~---~----~-DILII--ll-rY-*I-~~--~m- t306 -rpsn -t~,g 75 070 ~4 obi? IQ,? 9 $300 -a~t,9 -:5~ 71 ~79 "72 il:74 10~8 o 03190 -12~1 -14,to ti11 4814 t~ 6194 2,s ES 4900 -1~5 -15~0 ?S 075 ~,e 078 92 B O~WO -ra,s -14,5 72 ah2 6,s a55 8,s 0 uhoa -tsix -15,s s> sea LO as? 1,~ u aano -:s4a-~sss 74 oss s14 sss a,> a o9oo -tats -14~473 062 bft oht 1a,2 o DYOQ -15~1 -17~2 8s 108 n,P 10h 3,~ e 3289 -It ,f -f5,h $g 075 h.:; 090 9 5 E 1308 -68,7 -!3,9 74 fl7h ?,b 014 t4,h tl 9290 -11,8 -17,9 b3 884 r,9 882 3,! 21 tSdQ -9,4-&5,! h3 $78 he& ORE 9,5 ?b fSB6 -Y,h-13,7 72 @RO bC4 $79 9,s 15 1303 -?,I -15,8 SS 981 1,s $62 3,2 26 lQba -s,7 -143 sc (188 i~bi\ o&w at,? a tat0 -qt6 -ijtt 75 ~4 BRI 44 a IRBB -1~~3 -13~3 TP DQZ ~7 08% ~2 o 2500 -10,h -IS,@ 90 093 ",P Oh7 10.P O ?lo8 -!3,3 -l5,F 8i 883 I,? 097 3,2 kl 2f30 -$,8 -PI,b 74 071 4,6 Qk7 8,3 4 E40Ci -$0,9 -15,3 76 070 7,J 081 3U,P O P90B -t3,0 -15,4 Bi? OR? tb4 [I19 Ih8 O 2400 -3,3 -10,8 7& 068 bi3 Obb 8.Y Q 140lJR EM s: ft4~ ~'[ND G~~ST knk , :+~ij~ $4 kX%h uigD Gi3Sf Md, ~OlrR DFw d'igDUTHDiliiS1 fag, HBgG TE4P POEN% RB.6 &I@, $35, DM, IitjfJ QAB W4EZ IFtP %-"O:$$'i b4 Dl2, $Pr:, bIR, GGST RAD NDRG !I;.",g P1Sisji R4 GiR SQG, b1R, GUST $Ah EEG C DPG C ;( BEGa djs DFC, !!is ?@ BE[, f [IEG C ii DfG, DF$ IIIS BU *-" * Ot-L C DFG C % DFG, kl/S nrS ttg *PLnl)ll-*- Ullil)_ld-YIIIIII~e~-w-.M~--*~ ,--- **--.----** 9Y*%,.-41-XI*Q^XII.- *-I -.m--.ICI(I ".-~*--VI~-Q*---------P--- -IU1 (U.U----I*YT---I-.,------- L--IYLI-.-.%.---I)L* LI..I."-C-LIX,,..a\ I,1I Q3P8 -8,3-11,471 i)?? 6'9 fi?l!G.P ti0380 -ct,,: -9,491 Oh4 4,:? 094Il,4 O130ia -55 -&,I% i;IR"s1,3 093 3:8 068fi -9 fi -12.5 81 078 f$,$ CSG5 i?,7 B irhOO -43 -z"i,b 88 073 i?#e 082 %Q,8 0 hiha0 -6,3 -7,s Y! 0b6 2'7 obY 5,7 8 Q~QCI -ina@-1q,j8:: $79 A~:~ fiflg ?fit? B aBBa -3,: -53 83 Oh9 5.5 07\ 35,2 8 4908 -7,s -9,s 81 $h3 4,Q 064 4,b 1 n2ilo -~,$-l;d,,! 74 Bi$9 5;,9 Ok? iJ,?2"I12itn -,I,: -5.PS2 OWk ~$3 Cf43 8'8 11 1?BB -t,9 -93 7'J 450 4,a r34g p,J 14 1500 -~,j;"-50 9 73 ilRO i"t5 b83 Fi,6 7 15iIfl -,3,#! -4,9 $i: BRU*" 083 8,3 h$ilrl -ti,& *W,7 'r: (l?dj k,Q 090 03 ~3 1gRQ -~~,>-j{j,t~ 74 ox ;it;,! 077 E fi IPdO -3,5 ~.:"~,~Ri~ O$.i"i3,($ flRh t"f $8611 -3,8 *R,4 $b 082 6,0 Q,? fi ,214~) -#I,? -7,g 74 ow4 *"i? 0s.t ;,t.: Q rano -.~5 --5.s QO d54 ~$8 o ;;i~ui~ -..;,b -9'0 -1"; (I$Q 4,3 e,,~ 0 -g%flfi -+(,B -iz,Z 9ir [{:If$ ir {k g$)s i? it ii ?"iOal -r,,? --7 5 95 sL?flB P,yt Gq(~fl -b, - 7 j , $ "1 k-l i"$ I':' i, r..r {j i j t4 $ Pj pq $j fa )' (3 14 W A f 121 A E; $, I' i-j f ' la $; f::i I* j liA'FA 'T'AKEPt l)ISli'.NG F'~br.\j;;t;%v , 'tt4M.i) Hob@ DEg dXHB UXHD GUST RBX , HOtiR BEW UiNB UlWP GliGT WAX, M13tlR DFk UTxlD BIND GUST RAX + NBNG TENP, POF.E.?t WH 818, SPD, OTB , GUST RRD 4DHG PFRP , PDTXT W)i BIW , SPD, OIW, GUS1 Wall &D#G TEeitP , P91NI Rti %Ia?, SPh, D'fR, BE6 G BEG C X BEG, ~bS BEG, MIS Wg DE6 C BEG C X BEG, M/S QEG iYJS HU DEG t BEG C X BEG, Mi$ DEG, 8,s Kg .XV--).-1CIIXIII~~~~~--~*~~~~~*~*--~--UUUUUUUUUUUUU ll"lO~*el~~~--P~~C~"".-~s~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ~*41-~~B~-"~^..L~UUU*UUU--U--UU*----r*--r*-r*-r*r*r*- C384 -Stb -X0,4 69 Oh2 3,8 474 b,3 8 0308 -1?,0 -?l,S 11 045 5,0 038 8,s O U39C -23,z -?6,1 77 097 2,8 095 4,4 D 0660 -8,h -tSt9 ?9 Oh2 3,1 658 5,! O ObBO -t9,7 -70,3 71 042 4,7 647 8,9 8 otdil -?3,0 -?5,9 73 001 2,R 879 JtB D QBB4 -R,4 -32'2 79 015 f ,C1 Q75 3,9 f OPOO -1'3,8 -22,O 1D 1141 5'3 043 10,2 1 (i9BO --14.1 -t'S,? 77 875 2,s 355 4,7 3 i28Q -R,B #a@$@ 56 660 1'1 ffiR 3,R !.S l?OB -t&,3 -?0,5 7fl 546 S,t 844 8'3 18 51300 -t2,2 -!b,iO 'PI 858 S,1. 068 3,h 24 l~@~-fTlB-t4,671 !T4 5,7 627 !0,8 t4 I5B@-Iti,EP-?lP4Bh a$! 4,9 Odst Q,J 15 fSaU-t!,J-15,0 91 058 5,3 065 7,0 1 ~sRo-:s~s-zw,~~~ 039 $,B 033 rot? o 1886 -17~4-21,t 93 071 2,~ O~J 3,1 a ason -ta,s-t4,6 ?R ah4 5,9 877 93 g 2104 -17,ib -2QS5 74 Q44 &1,3 84'1 9,5 1 -jgL3 -21,s ?k 093 1,s 108 3,8 0 -I1,5 -14,b '78 062 5,8 Q68 219 0 2498 -I?,@ -2i,7 78 841";5, 5839 8,s O 2400 -71.9 -29,5 3h 894 a,? 093 13,8 O 2400 -10,Y zl3,,t3 'JB 059 &,O 078 ?,5 0 43~~ FE~ UT~D YIND GUST ~fik, ~PUR FE~ MIND ~S%D GLIST nctt~, HPL~R BEU U~ND MIWD GUST fi~~~ gD#& 'fEHP. PUSKfl~ DtR, SPfi, TjiB, GilSi RF?ID fitbNG Tf4P POS,I?T FrH DIR, SPD, DiR , GUST PAD NDNG 'ERF, POlF!gi 8.1 31R. SPD, BIR , GUST AAB DEG c OEG c I ~$2, ws n~c, %rs ~k DEG c DEC c x BEG, #is DFG, HIS &U DFG e ~ss c z ~~6, 3,s RFG R/S nu ~'*iQIQ..f+rUlssBo~w~~-*-~1)IC-.III--**-P--e---~--*~~. -4----illlll*.L--~**w--+~------~--~-~--.---e~---- --------L---I---------C---I--U-~"------~-LO 0300 -10,9 -13,B 79 053 5,3 053 7,O 0 8300 -I?,& -tL? 90 101 1.2 ik91 23 0 830l -13.4 -14,b $1 985 2,3 9hB J,4 F Q~Q# -IQJ -la,% sb 059 153 037 s,~ okan -14~7 -1s 6 fi~ tns x,4 ra? 2,s a ohon -rs,t -ts,z et ~3 2,s 070 s,4 o BBtiO --II,5 -14,A 18 055 if,b 051 ?,h 2 DPQFI -17 P ##.)i.g*a 8B $95 I,\ 485 ?,5 9 tFO; --"a,J -15.1 8Q OW3 1,2 080 4,4 3 izng -9,s -i3~ 7s 071 1'3 87% 5'7 i? aPnn -tn,s -15~3 I? as1 z,? 116 ~5 2~4 1210 -ru,z -15,~ kh ia3 I,? 481 4,4 35 1560 -Q,2 -12,;s 72 064 2,4 a?? 1J 18 ISiiF -R.5 -rLB 70 It1 !,4 1152 3,"5t"k iVO -9 I -I%,? '74 R.78 I,? fig? s,? 16 1880 -q,S -I'll? 87 Bi3O 1,5 837 ?,5 0 dRlfB -8tX -!la? ?f9 044 l,i r"ri;"?,S 0 889 -iO,O -1?,4 83 0117 J,2 35tj 5,i 61 -lo,! #%a## ?I o59 1,s $58 I,!? 0 2100 -!¶ % -S?h RS QA5 :',$ OR4 3,P D 2100 -IO,f -12,6 82 892 3,0 085 5,1 Q 2409 -!?A -13,h 9s 603 1,0 883 1 ,'? 8 ?ltn! -lai! -!Je63 71 085 -1.0 897 ti,3 0 240ii -llt7' -Is,? 62 890 2,3 091 5.1 d HD\~N DfW \$gNB k4ta;iD G!rST H4li, nOllR P~HD~~J~!~G\~ST~&X, NOP:I DFJ E4j'NZ*iM;ikDGUS1 !$As;, tjB@fy Tgf~p, P01HP 8% OiR, 5PB, DIW, b1JqO &AT? k!DllI; fFkP iSQT*:\lf W1-i BJR, SPD, 'ill2 GtisT RAr? NDHr"", i!ttb*. PQlha'f RY 1)1Q, SPIS?, Dl#, GdS7 SWAP BEG i: OF:; f: :t DEG ws BEG, qiq WM i~~t", r B$.G r x ~rt; ~i"l 5 ~2.;, tjlrs fib we r: DFG c 97 n~c pi/s r)~t;, RS!; ~IQ$ a.mYIIII OIX-~I-LIIU~-LCIU-~-m1611-I.IIY( LLDII.-IC..^-~I-- Ill*a-~**----IIUUI---m--~ --CI--^I-*--X-LI-------e -LII.-IX---- ..*~"-~-~-.~---"~--~~~--*-UI-CU-WIC---~~--~~- ICN 63Eia -9,$ -:3,2 82 fib4 ,?,3 di";b S,? O 0308 --Q,O -i13 5 ?? ilk7 bB,t= RrB b iljBli -iO,f -f4,5 70 315 &,7 $72 18,; 0 i&Ql"l-9,;1 -.lj.h84 $52 4,h 05j 6,: \I t3hO$ -$,,?-!?4?8 87: 3 7 5'5 4 F5OO-ll,i4-26'0 7: ili-t~ h,9 Qh7 b\j,i) ff Q3@0 -8.b -i]~ 8? g5h 4 8 0% ?,8 7 9900 -R,$ -!?,I ?k 07& 7,s 474 ?,a 3 QQfitl -r?,4 -i!t,n QA4 h,~ 663 8 5 jzfi~ -'i,5 -la,? 72 $it@ i'r,4 Q5h ?,:I ?a !?@O -t\,? -!I4? h5 038 4,; 1C1? b,3 ?4 42eitI --11,3 -is,? "I\ 472 'J 13: ?$ \?fig -bee -51~7 f$R 011 ~!,4 05P 5,s ?? 3540 --A,; -r:> h2 094 55 110 7,h 23 !SOB -20,~ -13,9 '1 377 h,? 079 :0,? i$jo$ -?,o -i;LF 7:"i\rt."" ;! f4 fi7h 5,i 1? XfRO -8 9 -x? 4 70 kiBT it,[i 163 4,0 0 It480 -9,b -!,!+,5 73 44~4 k,4 O:i: "5 0 ZyOfi -7,:-.bn,S 73 (!""ifl -,a! *j,ii 3 741 k: ""II 084 !,? d58 ?,@ il ?!fill -10 % ->i:i7""j t]kjs ti,? ki,4 0 ,fi?,nl(j .-;.,,g .ff ,? ?i % r" 4 ,+I biEf] 4.1 ii ,~~031111 -0 ly -I ?: 4 hfi 07h 0-2 (179 E;; i: i+aa{~ a?,; 13, 4 OQS I 1 a 0 1 9 0 HOUR DE~ VIHP UXHB GUST wnx, ~aua DE NXHQ UXNR GUST #AX, RD~G TENP, POINT WM DII, SPB, Bsa, ~bsu waa WBMG TERP, POTHI RN DIR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAB DEG G BEG C 2 DEG, His QEG, His flu BE9 C BE6 C % BIG, HIS DEG, MIS -~~~B-~~~~~~~*~~*I*I~~~II~DI~DI~~~~*I*I~I~II~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-.-.-.~+ LI~RU~~~~C*~~~~CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC~~~~~- 0309 -6.4 -az,2 74 b,a gsa 8'3 a 030s -0,~ -13~4 7a o~s 5,5 ebb st% o DBOO -12~4 -tS,3 79 475 4,O 832 ?,A O 0&DB -8,8 -IB,? 78 b98 6*S 956 W,9 O 0901 -I%,$ -15,f 78 672 4,3 BWI 13,s h 0900 -6,W ~14~4 $9 $61 hb7 Oh3 9,s 7 1288 ~-7,rfr *15,2 52 083 2,6 853 5,: 37 32BQ ~8,4 -*lrt,& Ql 670 1,2 074 10%? 34 4500 -7,3 -84,257 093 S,B 088 91A ?B 1585 -8,O -14'4 he 060 b,5 3b2 89 44 !8QO -8,9 -13,b 68 075 5,A OWh R,3 1 lRBO -$0,0 -IS,5 h4 QbB 5.5 OkJ 8,3 1 2388 -PI $2 -15,4 91 a71 3,2 Ob2 7,h 0 ?Iflo -9,s -I5,o 54 OAR 5,9 065 8,s 0 2488 -f3,6 -Bh,B 72 082 3,; Obl Tlb B P40B -fZ,9 ###*% 72 071 4.9 877 8,s 8 RE$, RE$, AVG, WBX, HAXI 9&Y8S HAk . #I&, E"rEkH UIWO UiHb @IND GUST &!{ST P "AL HWLt! HE4k SBI-A# DBY TE~P, "IHI", FHP, DJQ, san, sen, s~ls, nla, RH BP PREcra ~w~sgi DAY BFG F DE5 C DEG C DEG Wi5 8 DFG W!S % DEG E & @M!SBR ~~-&*t.*~-~~-~+-*~----*--------*-~m--~~w------"m~*~~---**~----------~---------*------------*h---=-=------ I -9,r -19~3 -14,b 199 z,? 2,4 065 52 ESE QR -IS,I #gsg 118 a 2 -9,5 -I@,\ -13,C 078 ?,P 3,b 094 ?,o ENE b5 -19.2 @@%# ??D 2 3 -t0,7 -15,s -13,3 QT7 k,3 5'9 087 13.3 EN5 33 -I?,& @@@& 295 3 4 -73 -1~9 -IO,? 074 4,3 5,9 077 t?,7 EHE R@ -!I,% 250 4 -5-c~~~ -11,7 -13,; I,B I,? 338 "JI E 90 --IS,\ 288 s B 4 -19,S -!9.4 051 X,B 2,4 ah4 R,B ENE 84 -lb37 155 A 3 -9,3 -R,3 -3, 839 1.7 3,? 099 JD,8 NWF ell -15*8 %%%% +ZBF! 7 8 -4f,$ -23*F -7 091 '9 1,s 9 4,4 MHE 89 -23,3 %##% 9:s 8 6 -If,? -%&,I -204? 070 1,s 1, Fb3 4,4 CNE 78 -25*? @@#% 4 P t8 -I4,9 -24.1 -t9,5 Qk4 S,? S,B 812 l0,b EgE 77 -22,3 @### b15 10 11 -14,9 -lb,3 -I$,& 079 T,7 3,9 067 8,9 ERE 7: -17,8 ~8% $28 13 12 -8,B -Is,? -??,3 081 4,k 4,7 OR! 9,s FHE 74 -15~2 %nag "fQ 12 13 -8,t -14,s -11*8 675 b,P 6,6 Oh9 I9,B ENF 71 -?5,1 645 13 id -8 -14,3 -!I,$ @?I 4,? 5,o 074 14,b ERE 74 -t3,9 @@%% 705 $4 15 -7'3 -%5,2 ? OR9 4 ?,6 O$b 9.9 E 74 -14.b %*%% l!bS 15 beg %IPS 1?,";$~ 718 -;!,a #nu# 16 -7 -11 R -3 QJh " 6k9 !& 4 - t! -3'3 -A,4 4 093 $,3 4,a 894 1114 ERE 84 -6.3 %*@# $60 j7 18 4 -7,h -. 071 7 4'3 080 9-3 FNF 62 -P,5 B#%S lis% 58 LP -S,T -l?,h I na4 4, 4. sz? leis t!~ 72 -5 aw@+ 838 Po 23 -Ik,2 -?9,4 -18,P fi54 Z,? 3,9 043 i8,z n% ?? -5 ###a tfl6Q ?R 91 -I#,? -23,R -17.4 DA? 4,4 4 877 9,: EPJE 94 -iB,b ~a%a yf5 21 22 -R,2 4 -5 859 >,a 3 a57 , E 19 -3, ua%a 11319 22 zf -7,9 ==tq,a -11,~ I"FBFI r,5 x,~ 9 , F 8-3 -!4,0 k~h+ 989 23 24 -8,2 4, -?I,R Og? , ?,b 087 5.1 ENE 82 -!$,a 42~ 1P"r" 224 95 - - -4 Okf a,? 4,4 868 P,3 GgF 7h -12,s awa ITlD ?5 ?b -6 -%0*9 -5 OR3 4.4 9,s $h5 R,9 T 31 -t2,3 nhuc log& 28 2? -3 5 -IT?.? 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' ..., ,'*. *". .',* ,*., .-. ..., .," *,.*.... a*,. 2, Solar -1 RW/CM~ Addimtianal eamnents errs, this manth" slata: I. No longwave data. Watana base camp shut down for winter. No precipitation data for March (See INmWmTRTEON OF DATA), 7 i.*j g: F f'i itla 5 \ J {vl t?.lr$ (3 )' j:. 1'1 R :d i.3 '1 i J {:: fi?r [' f*, $ '1 f.$ '4' \ (3 hi "p) 'f &;sa I r-q tr f, ff? f) i.) [S 1: pi S'; i"i4 p z*' ".r . !, {S $3 4 HOUR BEN U9KD !ilND MST HBX, WflldR DEN UI#D UfHfr GUS7 HAX, hl9lfR DEb MYND &TND BUST HBX, NDH6 TEHP I POINT RH BTR , !$PO. DIR, GUS1 RAIZ KOHL TEBP . BOTHP R# BIR, SPR, DM, GIJST WAD kBNG TENP , Pals7 IH DIW I SPF, DIR GUST DEC t DEG c 2 BEG, t4i~ DEG, EI~; nu DEG c DEG c x BEG, H/S ~EG, ~YIS RM BEG c BEG c x DEGt H/S DEC, fils 8~ ------P-ew-COa*--~~*~*m-~-.b~~-*~~~-~-~~-~"*~ .Ilb.sUI*I-C-1-*----m*-B-e"*-------*-.----*----- --'"--"""-IC-I--I---~~---~-------C"----C"C"-C"C"C"C"- 6306 -13.4 -t7,4TF Oh4 ?,3 Oh2 5,1 O 0380 -?,3 -!?,h 70 079 3,s 076 h,3 O OSOQ -h,B -LOt! Pk 858 S12 OSJ 7 E 9 @BOO -If,B-IAt3 70 081 3,1 091 7,B B 0bQo -Rag -13,3 78 ah7 4,s 072 ?,B 0 @&a@ -5,h -9,I ?h 074 7,2 ObR 2!&4 0 8968 -18,5 -!St? b8 08k 5,h o?s 9,S h B9QB -?,? -t3,8 68 O?h 3,b 014 7,O 4 Q9Ofi -5,4 -9,3 74 083 5,8 060 f0,2 Y 1200 -8.4 -t6,8 hO 070 ?,? 072 lo,? 39 l?Ofi *?,? -I?,& 65 Oh4 3,8 078 7,6 42 1206 -3,b -7'8 71 077' 5,s OW4 3? 15BQ -8,E -14,1 58 bRh 7,s DW? tF,B 26 3580 -Q,3 -'3,8 6% QbB 4.8 07h 8 3 TS 4580 -2,3 -h,B lf 071 5,2 633 21 !8d0-SC,S -15,Q69 R73 4,7 08R R,P B tRRO -R,1 -13,273 Oh3 4,5 076 8,3 t lBDa -2,s -5,89R BAQ 4'4 9(*5 O 2180 -11 4 -15,W 16 648 ?,B 04R 9,4 B ?IaO -s,8 -t?,a 75 056 5,3 058 7,8 D 3t40 -4,6 -4,f BJ 062 1,8 010 9,B O 2408 -9,3-?3,9AB @94 3&8 059 S,! 0?4ofi -h,7~-\$,276 033 5,5 851 I,@ 02980 -I,& -3,885 083 3,1 093 X8,Z 0 Hdlksk BEN UTNC ad!ND GUST nAX, HOUR BEU dI~D MIND Kif ST #AX, H013W PFU UJHD &FND GUST BAX. HBWG TE%P Polfir RH BIR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAP NDNG TE~P, IJDZG? RW DXR, %PO, FIR, &USI RBB NB~I~; TE~P, r" ,T ad DIR, SPS, DIR, eusr me BEG t DEB C X PEG, HIS DFR , t!fS #W DEG f DEG C X BEG, ?!15 DEG, hi3 B3 8FG C DCG C X DFC, i4JS BEG1 W/S Mbi UDl-a.IIBIII.rCUw--m-m~-~mmw-*,------*---~**----- OIIILIIIm~.--*-**~"------~*--ma-----*---~-*--- Illl-..-sl-eil-LPd---**-----*--**---*-e----"*----* 0300 -1-3 -3,883 871 5'7 083 R,? O 6380 -,B -?.R81 R5F X,6 048 3,R O 03OB -,5#%9#*?7 297 1.0 233 2,s O 0$8Q -6 -2,589 045 5,0 Oh8 ti,? fl 0608 -!,I -3,097 Q53 3'8 048 5'7 O Ohbg -1,6 -2,h93 95% ,R 007 2,s 0989 -I,! -3,0 P? ORB 3'8 Wkt 7,0 5 @YO0 ,3 -?,? 81 fib4 4,h Oh8 7,h ? OoPO -3,? -4,9 93 023 K,h OIH 2,s P 5260 ,P -5,5 84 Oh4 3.h OR? ?,b 3 91260 f,?S -1 6 Pt O?& 7,e 884 IDx@ 18 I2OB -,2 -I,? YO 041 J,9 847 3,2 $5 1505 ?,? -1#3 75- Oh& 3,fl fl63 5,I ?5 1568 5,3 -6$P 69 OR2 7 " "83 1B,R 33 1584 3,8 -*7 73 a48 2,b @s? 4,4 34 1886 ? -4 -1,s Rf 878 ?,? 081 3,R ! SWOR ?,! -I,& 7P 075 5,4 OR2 R,9 i 1R00 f %3 -1,4 82 058 4,4 850 ?,a 3 2 %4 -!,2 W9 b26 1,3 $59 2,5 8 ?I00 ?,B -i,h 77 B0"73 9,t 075 7,~ B ?ffSQ ,P -P,H 83 659 dl$% 067 ";,d 0 2490 -,? -I,? 9? 037 1,O BOW t,9 O ?4OD -1'4 R9 Ohh $9 0% 3,R 4 2408 1,4 -X+O 82 083 5,3 B7V.5 O 44CI~k nfEi4 kip@ ilri&R 6Li51 el"?. YOiiR i\%j dl30 ulm $1651 WAX, MOIJJ? If;& ?sf+@ U3h11 GUST !Bfi,d, nD$J;G !&firat a$gkf;l ~b D@, !;Pit, DfR, i'2~5.i gfio P~DP!Z lQgP ?BI:IYT &I.( BIB, 5Pb DIP LUG7 @A@ tilldl; TWj, POIS" RH DiR SPD, DIl;i, GltSi RAG kg f $IF{; r ?; DEf., !!is DfL, ~BS ~k? GFG i Fr$"i; f: Z DFG bit OF&, #IS fsb lFf, i OF6 t '! WC, "rliS BFG, H!?"; PBW ^*C-L*nnw UwIU &*m-lla-F" """ #eY-lwsm * "L,r, "I~*~~em",mvwmsit~II "IliVl- I -9,nslUYX**i, IXDIY-Ul"l-*-i--_L.l* - --I*Y IrXIX-)"h-bb-"",.%- WIT L..C-L1^I_* -1. \UIPllltl---I..."-*--m.#.lPli -*-b-*U *** -L*WIII -*.a,rnle*,U 19 ..,7g4 jj?i .3,4 &: t 0348 ,; -1 ee.1 cr4:4 1 r i1i.q ~~5 g n36ii 3'3 ,3~4 489 h,) -40 q,9 (1 y -a?$.f'* filing8$ 4-1 0449 ?,$I $$kg$ -7 -aii.?il fl5P (11 oil;! $7 OOPQO 26 -,?82 b,g #Rb;?l?,] 8 qt)bia -.,,lfig 1 878 " ii Qt?lfi h 1 - $ 4 ". \I97 3,R (1 $gir!J - :, 1Vii4J 9,9 $77 :o,? If ~ifi(f :, ,!ad (~i7" illt$ Qtd *:& yPIlbOg ?,li >%I 071 , (3 , 3 t3,&?; -+,i;) ;"I\ \\$!$ 4,fi Il,d$ A? !e;~i ('9 iE\i?p fihfl fljy 3, ;"; "v &?fl -:$ 074 7,& 24 ti83 $1 -371 484 &,4 Q(I4 I:),? 4!G jbirda , ,\ti$; obi] {,() 086 ?lQdt$ id ', . 4 1 ' 1 i60 -\ijj$ il5aj 5,R olt Q7f9 5 1. , ~1 - F (jh i\$Q ;\ yb \\'ij -*i it cJ 1 ?$ i VQ;, 49 " "4 $7 4 P",Q ?,{I -lab^" 1~2,s ,i,$ $45g3 ;),; p +p\\t~ f - paj 0.S ( o > s 43 kSf!! :$ I !O 4 {t i: i 3Vn;;i J t , 11 t*dl)ti -6 \ it! iin" ,$,6 06% :: . I I L * &S#eS--i L r fa; -4 I ll : .=., -4 : a --..-Ad -r?r- *s I * 211 I I I* I f ;f3f4 --- ce~; se -#A c*? rir3 4% awr3 1 rr~--91rr=sm t r;3r$: ...-- *- ..& -- o,., &" r;s .A, t.7- 2% : 3 2 : -3% -J -m Cp.i E-J'~CS -STI 66 & # CII - -4h3Lq.-$;u-a*r%3C=SM I r%- :a&(ro-&&Igak;69 : n-? t t 1da3kirf%WT3 I P t Z3"m t WT am-. -- # ---. -. ---- *-. --c 1 c* e3 tItE$tILImee=;9 & -A ->,' & c4 3- CX-. LSi 8 X;-i r- rq - - - " *-." *1R*W'-3--dCnlr*. 1 mpr.*rPP ..-*- t 3z tiE .r:. F;e? es ',,-A cl. -2 - .,ra * -: -4 d - mm-"GPeaa)&@ f, ?--4 4 &bLbi&Lhjn5" -- \ Lil r-ti -S -& 'm I -a -i -ZS -4 a- ;ra- g- -4 -i;~ 20 lf m - r&j -4 w YY ~.m rzi=t .* *c;) i rjt~r :+-- - %. 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I .I' ; ... UL*r ' - :*: I e ' d - $25 f"": * *. YP '-d ,-. r: ;-..: 2'. L. > e err X gz $2 "P- ; g2 i; -9 a I= ;; xil;:";L: z3 zz t --. .-- 9-- -A rS52 "Is -"- =a ,-* ;".= "Z bQ 2*& "& -a* *+-J 2-: G-* -- e:- 2: < 3 &-a *-2 --.w x*i "I' $=a* "2 2 & $4 t:3 P-4 $3 t.j L. -T- 6% N *If- $3 3 3: N c:: @ $3 t,J $3 :f: *'f" &a g% 1-4 X:) Bq (I:] 8::: i.,. Ei: 6:; 'Y' I2 11: I:: 3:Vq a:] ;Y !:I: r:; kaua DE~ VI~D MIIND %;UST MX, HBHR DEN urHa urNs nusr nstx, ~tsuw DFJ MI HF; UTHB Gus: iffix, ND&6 TERP, P83fOiiI RM DEW + FIPI), BTR , GUST RAQ f\iMF; TEfiP, Prlifa"i8 DIR, SPB, D"r B, GUST WAD Mf3r"lE; TEPSP , POINT l2H BIR, SPQ, DiR, GUST RbD BEF G BEG C X DFG, OE6, fiiS EN DFG C DEG C X DEG, HiS BEG, HIS Wg RE6 t BE6 C X DEG, b/S BEG, fi/S MU *.-YIII*--.-aD-*IC~~-mIrIr-r.-*~m~"t~~~~iB.iB.iB.L1L1L1L1L1"L1L1L1 P~~*I-II.*LL-s1(11(11(11(11(11(11(11(1***-*---rlrl*b--ILB--.--II -s-t~L~*CII"-.n-~~~*,CItItItItItItItItItItIt---ItIt--------- QJBB -i0,2 99 874 %,4 093 2,s 8 0340 -9,s -P,3 tr9 668 4,3 011 B,S 0380 -6,5 -R,9 139 031i I,$ 089 3,2 iZ U6lgQ -1%,? 89 a55 1'8 OSR 3,? 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") 1 1; 4 :;R 3$r ?; "6 ?Q ;i I" 35 i; 21 -j19 ,*; .,J 3: 4 dl; Q[ ;R $+.s X41. 41 9; A:/ *;4 5 9 9; 1; ; sr 6; nl . - 4"; ;5 qi; , \ 93 39 3P ;h :",4 45 ,:&c 41 ,1.4 I "a "a .. 3e 39 *! 1 1 t\ 1; 4; $3 4 2*ek ;d 7-4 j& 3~ 4 35 Jr Jq Jq _ 1 -?, C !ti 3-8 %,-, t, 3-Q 41 $, 11 .ii .{ 78 PV 7': -19 7: "1 15 .ti j s3bq Z 6- .," - - ", Sv I {i , 3 6 7 T f" - a -* I, *.,. *- -- : ii *'! * ;":, :4: :a\ 3s -8 ?s -. $',I : " 41 ,a~? .; 18 3) . 8 1"- ,t,i '.- - T 8 sJ pt3 1). J$: 7 i 144; 7; $j 24 j_; *;L; -+- 31 :G 42 , , 45 3rl 3' 35 3" :" ,:a 23 S rS -- '*1 - -$ 3; , 4' 4~ 41 41 *1 -, -, :&,4 -;I :t; 4r *- qfi Yrt 29 3; 41 ,j: 5.: -" "" .. rr -a 7- -6 -- mi il -; $1; I," 5- it a* +* ii , j- .4 7; ?T, 7:s 3 ",3 ?" "" 1- - - %I. "5 ! $ I i ,i . -32 * 1 ii &"' 377 pi; *": t) jb 7 i " ;* t1 "' ;d ; E 3! jr ;h 33 7: !7 31 Additional cs:Dmcnts on this month" ddat;a, I. Lcnpave radi.ation data beqins on 5/22. Wa"cai3a base cainp had been reopened, and ihc sensor and an~pl i fi-er wexe reconnected. 2. Intermitten:: wind ciirect-ion data lost due to frozen wind Lranc, 3, Slrecipi tatiara. data bcgil-ts oil 512 3,, d$s.m $:::(::i1V$t$t,j2.,,".$"1q%i".r"T'5:i . :I; i-4 {:: I 8-j 5% - - +.-i *y* Y:) I:? 9-f Ei: I,,- 8,:: Q': 'T' I=Z ::a: i::: $3 I;? I19 J- I::: $1; "'if MJijP EM gI#Xh dlgfi GUST l!hk r-iOUR PFt3 @*P:YD dTN9 ftiiST HhX, Wlillff DEU MTS9gIWRGUSf 8kX. NDMG TEHP. POt#I RY DIP. 6Pt. BIR. !;US? Xltt FiQHC TEHP. PQIN! Wh Q19. SPG. BIR, GUST RkD hBNG ?En?, POI@! Rii PIi. SPb. BIR. GUST RAE KG c DFG c x ~96% #is iL;, iv5 ~fi$ PEG I OF& c x DEG, ~1% KG, his #d DEG e DEC c : BEG* xis DEG, 81s HM ge'cCA E #X#PrUJPaDGii$TPfiX, k.IErUB I"??# B"np PTHB f,g$"f318>(, 8QtiR DFJ dY 86 U:'N@ GUST #AX RBtIG TEBP POST W& BIR, SPB, BIW, GdST RAE !!D$.iT, TF#P, POINT Rh BTR a SPF& ER, GUST 8AD &DRG TE#P, "OfN: Rt.: $18 a SIIB, BIR GQST RA! BEG Z BE6 C L BEG, $15 BEG1 @iS +!!id DEG C DEG C Z DFG, M!S Df G, H/S kb DFG I= DFG C ? DEGI Hi'$ DfC r"i/S EM -*U-I-U-l-?lo-l-l~~.~~~~*"4"4"4"4"4"4"4"4 arr-rrl-.e.i-ue-rrsl.am-.. -u^.rrCcr-r-^--n.-"4"4"4--.*rr----"4""4"4,,"4"4"4"4".lr--rrXI-.(-. -Clsl--r~i-F----.--~----"4"4"4"4"4"4"4"4"4"4--"4-"4---"4*D--- 0389 5,,1 i!,? R4 783;; ! ,7 283 S.? !I b3Q4 ".Q -1 $5 b3 336 1,7297 3,2 ir 0308 8,Ir 3,13 3b5 Ii,8 264 5,1 fi Qt9Q k,R a@-%#% 74 24b 1 318 'ts9 fihb3ril 4,3 ,3 95 558 f ,P 354 3,2 tf O$Q9 8,: X,2 67 272 C?T"a;*? 267 5$! 9 8$0@ 9,: 2,3 h3 2?3 1,4 2?:? 5,1 25 0780 103 ?A 57 305 8'5 ?W5 3,2 47 69$0 tQ,7 2,& 58 ?&I ?,9 258 5'7 23 lZ88 37-3 -,7 41 ,%J? f,E 3:.-t3 !C19 9209 14,8 -!,!I 37 262 ?,? 298 5,'I h9 t?t, 4?,h 2,4 50 ?bD l"i,B 234 st? 75 1590 t3,7 -4A 29 $56 1.4 288 4 3 ?h 15DO tS,4 -f,4 22 Th? 23 ?h3 I,Q 17 1508 ?4,1 ?,9 47 962 2,8 257 S,X 39 IBBQ 15,P -5,3 24 2% ?t? 235 5,1 93 lRDQ Eh,3 -6.9 ?$ 251 3,4 ??8 6,s 20 1880 f5,3 1,3 39 ?%2 3 9 341 8+3 35 Z%!iB -4,3 26 ?75 "6 293 $,I 3 1!$3 49 ?59 :,P ?ht 10,2 8 2509 9,0 $,b 85 143 t.7 ?nk 7,O 2 24RF 8,4 -?52 !9k S,B 281 3+? 8?400 3,s 2,469 713 4,8 293 ?,I O?900 8,i bV2U 276 .B 253 5,: d BiOUH QE~ ~FPJD r;i~t{a G~~SS nnx, ttalia fif~ gr iedfi 3;lrg~ QJST wax, %Q;J$ i?~b * 3 Q!~B ciij5: dDg8g Iffi?, PQ$T F;;Y QIs: $pQ P:R, GUST RRD HDNi", TFhP, PO:!:T R# BIP, SPD B 3, tdST BAD NDNi; TLfiP. PtjlBT 4br bi?, SPD, Dig, GUST 8BD ' - -, i+itb C tEK 2 X BfG, Y!S D%$, !f/S $3~ BEG C DFG C X BEG, DFG, fib$ #k DFG C 0% C :i PC& a nlS DFG, f4:i p"r4 Pl-ar*ip..rn~ur+**~~*~--~*XIU.* i.Cll-Voi"lla"l""~ue~~*-~~-~ UI-*UPI^-~Q3Q--C~~.~---~~~~-~.-~----------~~~*- -c-rXI-_-r)l--*l*r^-I"---l--r-W--~-~-~m --*.-YI*F-- -*\I- UIIIII GSno 7,t s,b 8.4 4 i ?ah , a33o s,? 4 a? 0th 2,: aoa 3,e o 0308 5'3 3,3 87 2hb 5,~ 265 S,P o $bQP h,R 5 3 93 31 2.5 272 3,9 ? QhaO ?,Z *2%*-% R@ 814 ,7 SBO 2,s 14 BhBR 5*f ?,8 8F Z?f $,a 258 14'2 i $906 il,E 4'6 R$ 2'7; ,ap$ 284 84 4 33 $960 9 9 '8 53 302 ,? 3*? 6" OBBD 5Ji ?,? SF 752 5,fs. 251 9 3 7 !zfi@ 7,4 3,7 79 a55 ?*? 757 5,: PR I208 f5,1 -i 3 33 251 1.7 ?bi 7.9 94 !PO0 5$9 3,1 B? !48 5,0 251 Pt3 24 iS4Q 8,s 3.8 71 ?52 ?,I ?&3 4,4 t4 fS8O 15,5 -*P 33 345 : 1 t302 sot bt f%O@ 6,? 3,483 ?55 SIQ 752 ",O 15 i@@Q C 1 4,; 72 242 2,: ?33 4,4\ ?? iB@C P,b ~,3 79 35R 2,P 35 8.3 8 1800 6,B 4,2 85 "55 5,s 352 !:,a 6 280 ge,9 4"rl 71 !31 lr? 232 3,? b i,rlBD 7,9 4,5 79 351 h,Q ?55 8'9 ? ?:Oil 5, ?,4 $4 32 4,B 2:?3 ?j,; 2880 5,:; {,5PCi ?Py f,! 0:a ?,5 fi34019 fi T5oT$" 34,' 5,; Pb4 !,5 $29@$ 5: 4,335 ?"', 5,j ik&\",,.$ , "::"'.l." j"#\5.i:*.f?#l'!?,;';'p?'i I., . :'({,,t ,*.I;{.:$, ,,# I,, f ,' F""'"'; .. ' : ,\ " . a , i ' -t"cg-*-aB"P5mo*651 1 =zE I wim%Crx* I-- - - WlrrbP>PderrJPUS~--. B I ,>- f d 2c Pa? I P- p-. (=P .t-* -dj EZ p. p3 G = a r-ep+-atex?,rme-z tk.; La k FJ; r=3 #@5 Us r*; B 9" -a G=4tljlillti II CLe P 6 P -42 9 rZ4f'.-P.*&-*rr7 LkJ 4A.i 1 -a i3e Lh t==- fl-9 a B Q c3 c3 2 t ~tz3~e=i~b~rz3 ~r"e.*Ei*PUL&3r;4;c.;D- =JCar, il zzsrjf5e-r^-CT~Jr.l C 1 rz=s~~st-~~-*-.dcfZ!#rrtt a-39 = f #% w# "13 Efi *a-- r ~4~V--.Q1"~-~~ *)=TrrnI -----1-- <"3--. i F43.~V"3~--fPW.FPF4 ~Lrt3~ 6 z 23 i--J ts: I r-4 D"4 0, cc* 0, m.4 PS r+s , - C&u=sP;, 5 I -- ..-# 8 $34 L-- P.- trd tfls e3 CZ* n -.--.--- ?-- 5 q: - J d e - - 1 -sa w, r-' U-Z tn P.+ ni :- Lr; 1 JC= ZW P FUT~~WJ?Z%C~ e*3La$(li e; 7--. -% f m Ec, 4 ua -=z? 4" u-1 r-. ;gr - - 8-G! 1 c-.4w-$-srro:lfXi-- sx j ----- ..- 6A.@ c.L I .a LI-, .er r-rx r- *-r C",. I*TS tY- L- krl I P a- t -G i 5;- - -ems 1 w-G P.-&(J;=a-t3FJ I..--- *-- 3 4if_-5 I oh- 0- .cb 9-) PI; e- 16 *. u"tb2 Y Y"AF.-*Ir--* -6 i < -w rxl CBdLn t Gs~t=a~rzS~U.z3 i*, '"- ZznJPC B szseL3eIr=rCSCI+=*rh=t &-= g GW> 1 -y "'""i - ." 833 *--"- P- 13, 7 1 (-I -G i-ll *- cs.: era e- ye> -=wz - sz - -@ : zgzgFKG;q r-." b-4 Is2 L P*: r": )7. r*l 0. nl Ipr. 2-r, %.:gi1, @ * .. L.3-z 2 W$GC G%%- ez%c - ; ex4 .-s 4 ZF" 4 WWa f.% ,,%"" : ""m yI=Lj*TIt%-& - " YA r- g~ I tea P", ~q pl- - P-I t- 463 g==c3L%J I I --*=."-... W- f-3 8 u-3 r-. cb 2 PL err- czz ta9 P *MI a- - 2 I 8 rn~~~SS~2k~~ 5% l ~~g~$;gzz ~"a-arz=rrul, -=-~t'%Jng RESt tFS, AVG, bAX, H&X, BAY 5 WAX, 1 fiE11H h$V,F!D Q1NF UlMD GUST GUST ? "AB, NEAk r"ltF,ht: SDt A! DAY TERP, KEPI% K~P, Df8, SPB, SPD, DJR, 5PD, OSB, 8I.t DP PRECXF' fHF3GY DAY Df6 Tt BEG f DE6 C Ei.; rfr5 hfS BEG $SJS Z BE6 C $8 dMiSO8 -*mB-A%_--_-e-*~l-~e~--~~--m~~-~m~-~~-~*-*-~*-m----~m----M~--~--------*----------~ 13,0 4'1 3,s 351 $0 2,$ 339 9,; N -5.3 O,D tie?,7 ~,7 4 I ,R 22 02 ?,h H Fe -ssp oxo fb,9 2,5 9,7 819 2,s 2$9 823 8,3 NME 32 I 0,0 flbh2 1+8 B,B 93h !,? 2,9 2 R,9 HME ?? -0 o,Q 18,s I,? lo,? 658 i ,a $4 098 8,s ENE ?ti 0 Q,8 R,9 4,B 6,3 261 t ,n ?,9 095 R,9 U 69 1,4 i,b 3 4,3 8,1 214 ?,8 3,3 *?99 12t9 U Sl $2 OO,dj 15,3 3,P Q,6 214 3,9 3,5 357 9,s &NU 64 1.8 1 IP 32,h 4,' B,' 2hh 2,h ?,? 259 8,9 U 4 3,4 4,8 5.3 4,s ?,9 281 ! 6 l,R ?a2 S,l gNU 47 -I,? 0,B 18 9,: 1 974 ?,A 3'1 261 10#2 d 47 -,9 O,d !* 8% 1 5 2 5,s 241 F,?i b h0 3,s 4,4 Yt4 7,T 7,5 28b ?,? 4 ?fb ?,O YO 3,9 5,6 15,8 K! 7.O 265 ?,I 3,0 ?h4 BtS d h? 1 '8 I,? bsh 9,9 5$8 262 5,9 S,! 31 13,s U R6 !,4 7'8 ?? -4,9 h,3 ?89 ?,I 3,2 T8k n,J J 87 4.2 l#,4 19,5 5,1 8," '71 ,? 3 ?,4 "3 1 @ 02 2.1 '4 ?0,2 ?,7 !tS !R3 i,P ?.5 288 3,s 3@ -8.4 0,0 25~ ~3 I TI ~$0 3,3 237 8,s UMU EJ -6,a 8,o IR,5 7'0 !?,R 304 $3 0 ?a? 8.3 UHU 50 2 ?,a 26,"JB,F 3 3 I ,Q ?+"bt"lll 1,:UJS 45 3 B,Or ?fizz 7,9 ?4,0 ?YO ? P ;,X ?R6\ Q,S WNk$ 44 ,5 0?0 4, b,~ 10.7 ??s 71 2, 250 R,P b 56 , 2,~ 4 2ir4 !B 9 PAR 6 P,R 279 3,5 kSg 53 I,? R,l !O 3 $2 :, 496 r ,? 093 8.3 F 37 -d,f fi $0 9 rs ! ,3"? 3 9,p 34 fi q bj 71 it~g )#,P 9,i 5,R 7, >?& ?,Q 4,F ?'>I I. QV4,3 P,4 - PI :R,2 S,R 62 fj 3 P ?,9 fl~: $I,$ UtjU 60 3,s 0,@ 15,; 9,; I?,: Ph4 27 3,4 :.*y4 "P(t USQ bb 3, fJ,Eil , 7 1 3,0 j"7P 1 7,:: i)h4 6.5 MNkj 5E3 2.8 I,@ -i: b ,a, 10 i ?Q! !.q "4 y") ;r;3%: @ 5~ -,a e12,4 ' \ . [. I , :: , { fq ie""'., % % \ 1 $, .!' ps :' [ ' 8 I:, '.:. \ !\j y, i::. !+ ,~#! [pg c.1 .I., I , . ,/ < 4-h .. . ., .; j J # 'j $1 [: , ?.* !,; !.\ 1 I . I pi "1 "; I;.1 ij $.\ i,' t":? , .."r ; , :: 'i .#I : ' ," ' " ; i ! : f : : 1 ( {q *[, 1:: ;J i,J { &. 1.1 ,E3 r';;/,jj.,f ".". , , {,"i i.#l.,.i? , I.. ' ... \pt''f~aattl\>l[> ;;) i , ;,> '3 j I* :I 1 ' s.. 3 , a#v 3 1 ., (7 ty , ;:,! $13 ii .rfit"l t I 4 7 i I '? $:i '3 j I ... "-1 . J r 9s is- ' * ,2 0 i 2 -5 P~TF ~IBB 0208 0300 o4un o5nn ahfio n?oo oaoa aann Iton liao t2an i3oo !deo fsao s68a ties gsoa 1308 2iinn 2100 5~08 2300 2900 ~-*~---~-~**----*-~--~--em~-~--****~~e-w-m~--~~--~-*--~-~e~----e~---+**--w-*.-----*---------------------------------------------- I 0 9 0 i 4 IA 30 SO 7 27 ? 2B 3 It 2L 8s Ill 53 38 ?4 11 3 1 9 2 & B 8 i 8 rh 2P 34 59 50 83 116 2! 147 30 21 26 02 41 24 1 3 3 0 3 0 0 16 ?5 SO h3 RI 85 8b 9h 61 55 58 ah 54 33 IR 5 2 1 0 6 8 D 6 t 5 17 29 4% 49 $1 h! 80 88 84 YO 81 6" 63 47 29 15 3 i o 5 0 8 0 i ? lb 44 57 '71 hi 79 !a4 43 41 I8 ha 33 23 20 1:) 9 1 6 b O 0 8 1 5 3 2 I? 32 17 I? 3 JO 13 It 15 23 14 9 h 1 G 6 7 B 1 % 8 ? F! 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Ti Q!; hy 35 73 45 72 i5 39 14 14 13 1 -4 y pt la -. -8 -2 .(111 Z - 8-8 4 ; "1 $ *',,J F -7 n r# 4s. f"r if: s 'dl & ,". f" '"4 - e P"" "" .d.u ..' e; .I v ' r". "'., . . % P ."" 2 "t;" , /- rri v=: I ' rr2. -C- " .. '3.8 f": r ' .* W33ibiR BEU "196~4~ WR$D G~~?ST H~X, ~DUW nFU ktSlMD bib$ G!j$T BAX, E.rOllR BFU g3ND UlNb GidSI 8BXI ND~F", TFHP, aQfHT ag Pra, s~o, Brat sus? asiD t.ss8s TEWP, PDXWT RH DTR, SPB, BIB GZST RAD ~ki3fj TE~P, POIWH RP DLR, sPn, ora r G~ST 34~ DEG E" BEG C X BEG, IVJS BE@, %/"S HlSJ DEC r BEC C Z DEC, fils TIEL, HJS HW IFG C BFG C X DEG, #/5 BEG, 8JS NU l-+-"*ce-r*l-***---~-***,---"-~-,*~ewe-*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L*m ePB*llp.rrrroC"--e--*--~-~*~**---e=*------QQ-Q-- "--rra-.-----*lQ-Q---a-------------------.*---*-- 3 7.7 5,2 84 382 ?,I 292 7,R 0 h,P 3,9 82 ?&4 Jh3 ?h9 5.9 O 0310 1,s 4,3 80 285 2,s 268 '3#8 $680 P,5 4'9 73 346 !,kt 321 ,?,5 23 8b0t b,R 4 4 85 286 ?,T 3'7 ' T Oh60 R,? 4,1 29 985 Zt7 279 4,4 5 OBb8 13,t 5%3 59 P?7 liP 294 3,8 A5 QBBB 8,s 4,? 74 295 a,& 4,4 30 DPOO 11,3 5,2 bh 265 4*J 267 3,0 53 !200 18,8 3,k 34 ?t3 t,9 ?he 9,4 70 f2Qn 9:s 5,9 hR T61 4,1 Xi4 8,3 33 \?DO 14,J 5,7 Sb 262 5,2 259 8,3 kB 1588 f?,? 6,5 56 ?32 1,7 TSB 10,R 3b a580 11,1 ?,4 63 256 4,6 ?A2 7,O 5;: 15b0 \4,9 5? 2b3 h,B Zkl R+B 110 i8@8 !Ic? n,5h$ 3Rf P,5 736 td,? 28XRDB tX,1 4,865 253 4,6 255 33 I7 18QO 15,R 4?84R ?K7 5,s 215 R19 28 2100 ?,7 82 258 b,d 253 ?D,P 5 ?10P 9)6 4,6 10 254 4+C ?RJ h,3 3 2taa t4,i %,a 54 274 4,4 294 Tt6 9 2408 P*4 3,4 81 759 3,R 2h3 7-d O 2906 8,5 6#9 78 259 3'2 i34q5,1 b 24Qu Ii,f 6,5 83 231 4,4 271 ',B 0 ~QUB DEB :~INR'~~~~NDG~~sT~~x, ~ftti~ it. b32vn ulan cars7 nilx, DEU JIMDUPNPGUSTndXi a 9m WDMG "TfiP, POINT WH 0x9, b?PD, DmR, GtiSi WkD WDHG TERP, PBX#? RW DIR, SPD, DlR, GUST 96D MDft't TERP , Fgfi""1 Rd B"!, %PB, D!R , GUS1 WAfi BE6 @ DEC C 2 DFG, fib$ DFC, @r$ %i DEG fi BEE c x DFG, HI$ DEG, H~S fig DfE C BEG C X EGG, firs DFG, fii? ~U err*-ar-sr**roar--*-~m-h~%--a-a.*d--.e--~,**~m~--* .r"-..Crrc--rrplml-- "-C-LI-4-C""~~-IY~~~-~~~~CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 0308 to,? all aa 2s~ 3,s za9 7,n o osaa #?.s 4~ 71 007 !,F n24 3,~ n asoo v14 4,7 77 888 1,3 145 32 u dB00 Q,9 7,e 82 i75 1,5 ??B 4,? R OhQB 11,1 5,s bP OQ3 i,5 555 2,5 ?D OhOO 3!,3 3,b 59 077 t ,a 082 ?,5 22 0980 13+% 7,3 b? 232 3,? ?&I k,3 ?8 @BBQ id,? h,b b0 IYR ,B 874 2,s 3R OYOa 14,s 5 5 5 ,8 1'76 2,s 44 lZQO Y3,? 9,6 bR ?57 4,s 20fl 7*8 ?O ?PO@ 19,? ?tO 32 9b3 I,h 251 5,: a? th,? ?,9 4h 26s 2,h 253 ?,G 74 IS90 SF3 5,&4l ?bb 3,b ?kD k,3 Sh 15aD 17,1 k,J49 ?h9 QJ 2% 3,6 34 1500 !A,? 38 385 4,4 280 $,3 43 i808 Is,& 4,3 47 537 $3 34W 9'5 tT 1860 t5,G 9,$ 70 247 ?,7 !SS 5,T 2 589@ 14,4 4,4 51 296 $,9 zyp 9,5 ?5 ZIOQ !5,4 3 5 4 ? 3 5 ? ?I@$ I! $1 80 142 ?,I fh2 5,? 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Lost data for nLI parameters from 7/14 to 7/21 and 7/26 to 7/30 due to electrical problems in the weather wizard. ksd Q v+?B;pq*~~193r"-.&d3)~~~Cid2Q1+ta74g%~@~ w~~J@~*b7~ F- 3hIi".---' ?.-- '/ F+ c p-r ,,@ + c4. -P.J Cu,,m Lp.J 0.H P*PJ P@T;JPi: 8-3 $5 II = T; *.,---* a : r - r +m,~mYoaom~-oy~-~c~y~.~i=36t*-di~iC3-cf;,e~~ 1=:s**z** -"-"-*---'-- -, -.c--_-* =arnam~iClr~-m$=fP -pL1 m,-e--G-a kf8 I *m*J$:skr:-w *1C;39 .ri e==-@e@c=,rA 0.4 8 m**** d ! %@ x&~ x U ~~~~~+~~~~aarne~~~GQQ~C;:~-4~dcsC~~~c~*=:~ sf *d$*** - - - - - --..=- _-----*---- - 8 xx *am= clr.c=,aacser",zo= ~qil~r=rc3- ~~;1?1"330esc~+~, 8% l ***abs:=w a f mxr ~a~o~~r?aFI=.r&f4=jCt=,~5=er~~~~~<~m~~~~~~ s&*****--+Pr' ---- ---'------------- ~D~#~Sqb#SE~~~69gU=iroc3~~I-~csii Ci;SWeea=mr3.-.r="t'C; 6% B zpr**&i$t w p *tar ;qiCtba; *"Sk~C3C"S1;QQLi3agitaae~egX,183r115.CS-T;3--AS--m--CT;7.- *g***-ig:*---------*-----"---------- ?Z+ D ** sx* 5BkkJricsCa=+=sG--C3-a r-rS=+ ~&Z~C3~Sz~~ e8 w=s*=#s -* A. -c - - 4 4 **wb$,'Pis-& - : +3f b: % *as,c3+ecaar=:meeuar-le;7.-o-ar=.I=;scl-;.woeds~r=;j C>g**e:**-.-w--.*-------"--*"- *---- lr, t ~WSSS ma-- -csre.=;c=c=,~~.o~~ g3a~am- -e---=a= 5- 4 1 a***-* Lq M *. . & - - i-- I- P - ' .Am 2- 3 0 i sjl~~' ~~Qa.ea~.&=Lc=~4=~~~~d=~tr"a~ae~h+-:~a;~-e~m~~ G L? -8 ** *---"-""'"'-'"-'-"-"-'."-- P"J I O* ** a&~eZs6-~.CI=ccler=1&=s.Q.c=tC317"O BG"ac2rr=es i'~.~-~m~m~ Z L .Z -8 am** 2. -* - 4 ,, : ,* * ~~c5ce?,~c;;~Oe;sr=r41Cc=r~ &=3mcl~crtcs.~l-2~~~~=3c;; 5- - a"**** M ..- - - - -* - ---- -- --"I -- --- - - :*. - . . -9 8 0% ZpL ;$I *CI"2Ga.cTC1Lft.~u~c=&-~ Gd3'=;eG#e;r-ma*3c,d%=rC, c ,, "L 11)t *iCa=* 3 x 'j: c@ -****-------*-*-*---*---------- r=3i~*?+**ea~~C=L-Q.C3~~e3~t=EI Cia- ui=3e6;;exZGzd :%' - rU - -8 **** - - - 5 q il CCr a x > c-' - .- z- L - .- ~~~ezc3.GzzeS G Z - I ,x., r y-q-qu.rocor-orc-c-he~~~.-~<-~eeC;--Ca 9 r2;I -**&*--% **-_-_l_*,.*_-_..*** -*- - ,% I c=;* as, s *: &z L=iw if=3~-LI=Le=.r=-;isrzrs&*-w yll %-- c- *=j 522 s -C- PI 5: r&- c=" 8 %+2 -*. * w+ w. E C' w.. 3 c a : a& * * & ~s=-,~c=,~z;k3.~g=;.ct+t=9ii"ii"ii"~t",:~Ar~Z"; .x2-5=dI?Os~cS-~S U- V ** .. - - - - - - - - - * - . * -, .. - - - " - - * - :& 2 Lre ~s;:~*~*~wG-&--Qt=ke~-m m m -Gz-.6;r3ezz.G3%; -I *m*** -5 &- +-. )r d I-.*Q~sz%i==.i54-;5 +c c2 ;+ +A 2 . 4 2 Lr +- ..* fz ,If :-" -L? c +- a +; f -* m wXecl+eWege v~e~qq~~f=.~;;;l:-g;;-cja~t,=.=? p-* & -*;$z*sdff* .. -- -- - -- "'W *..----- *- fi a*** * a=- -rr.cp;C;fSr~-.~~~~Gi==1.6=r%p;l=4 -w .r=iIc=.-r=;ee - $4 es): *=**$;age Q [&j r 5,: 2 II @ a :&- a& a &- B ZC & a a,.rsill~~~~~~~~~~Y.@f~d*'~d*~~~~*.-fL""4.~1 **T-A&&@+%=V e 8 F= c4 r* - .rr c4 la** - -a +..+ c* &?nJ EX* PZP p.J Pa pd r"If c-rj rgq $+ HOUR OBU b41Titb 1dIIND GUST EnX, HROR PEU UItJD uEgD GLiST HAX, HOUR BE@ JiND gI~B GUST #AX, NDNG 5E$r;P I POINT RH D"E SPbP CiTR GUST Rfiq WBk6 "i$ftOa, POINT WH DSR , SPD, DFR , GUST RAD cEaflPSG TEBP , POIMT 1!H DIW a SPD, BlFa GUST 881) DEG C BEG C Z PFG, FIBS BEG, i4iS P4U DFG C BFG C X BEG, Mi$ BF,G, RIS DF6 C BE6 C X DEG, htS QEG, 8,s ~*.I*----*L-II--P~C-CCC-CCCC-CC.-IIIIIIUUUUUUUUUU~ Bjr*l1-BEIIII"ll*s*s*s*4"~~UUU11~.*(I)F1.F1.~ril9ss~C~~~nnnnnnnn *.1UC111*4*-4.BilCPnLLLIII,*P,P,P,P,P,P,P,~-~~"PIPIPI.c.cCCCCCCCCI*IIII 0300 9,3 b,? 84 325 t ,$ 318 2,s D +%##a %w#w# aw #w* ##w$ a%# %a%# as# fisefl %new# ##### icw ~48 a%## g## ad#$ %uu PO1? &,b ';PR $58 1 ,% 358 23 3 8AF90 #%### g#wc% #a a#% #%a% c#a gkru QaOfl wg~#d c#### ~t# as# r#%# R.B# na#a #%% 0980 13,8 '7,s h5 291 ,9 245 3,fs 26 0306 a*#%% a##%# *a agr w@wa a## as## f~4.a 09flO ##%I# *a%%# it% 43% r%#% ##a ##%v r## 1280 17,9 6,4 47 ?75 P ,4 293 3,P 79 1280 a###@ #%#a# #*% a#r #### %## uwwv #u@ 1zflQ w#### ###$% 1% s## a### u## nwgu #*% 15B6 acsw# #%#En w8 ll? 1,3 877 2,s @#w 1500 4###% #&%#a a# #wu nwwa #w# r### @w# jSfl0 a#%## wu@%# 41~ #wu #%## raw aa#s w#n a880 9~ .%@a rt.es## #a* lit#%# ~n8 lBRE3 ##%%.sr %n##% n# t~$ *%#w %n# ###f a## fPO@ an### %#4sr% ~IW %#at g~llt t### c## 2%RB %@### *Baa* kg %it% $## +t~1 %w# 2100 9i.~.)~t* %*#ft$ w %## #.ft#$ wcs w+rr #uu s~ix#ss rlw f#t rflg ~YW ~$ur# tls 2400 ##%#% M%#W# f.# @#a diw34 #U?4 d%# tPttW ftC#l-?s# C# St# ###a n#w %%## ##a 7468 "gi##u %#a%# at# ##fa nl#% g## s4u.w: bioua DEN ~ian UPND I"S~~ST dh5r, ~t~in~ new uxwn i~rwfi srbsr #AX, HOLIR DFU blaNa WIND GUST fax, FjDWi", KHP, P0:H"fRW UIR, FSPb, BM, GUST ESAD b!QPLdG VEHP, POMY RH DtR, SPB, DZW, GUST RAD NShG VEHP, PffT#l iPH DIR, SPb, DfR, GUS1 RAD DEG C DFG C Z Of$, I"!/$ DEG, IVb S!d PEG r DFF C X DEG, HIS PFG, h/S HU PFC C BEG C X DEG, ~/$ BEGI HIS KU ~in*li~~~il~~~~_r~~-~~~~-~~~-~~~.*r.*rs*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s* -rrr--r*r-nr--urr~-a1--rr-3---s*s*---s*-s*-s*--s*-s*s*-s*a-a-aa aarr-rra~-a*r*aaaaa-a~vr.----~~w~~~~*~~--~-~-~w~~-- 0301 %#.&#t at%#% 64 %V-ld #r#q:# I%# B#%S RzOtO fS.ta9t x#%## #f 34% %Ntl %Kg @#%K #i# QJOB *4PQ4 #k.#@.Sa 16f "151-% Y#t# 3itd 3#8# &## Q&Q$ us%## #wag# %#t &B% *&#a #w3 #%a@ n#!t 8600 &#BE% #n#wa c# @#a #a#k cgw ###@ ##a QhQQ #$n## rn#a%R w% .%##I awwa %#a #x&u w+tw ggQi %##a# ###%a #d %an a### $%# ,fa%*% cw# 0980 u#r%# $##%# as *#% %w%# %c# %n#u us3 0900 12~3 nag%# R7 349 ,z 347 3,a 23 i200 w#%;b'h4# ###*# 248 at##% ~RI *P%#S~ ~ts ttsfl %%#w# #.$%a.;e #% 98% z##w @%# An%@ ##a eaoo t7,7 5,h 45 279 1 ,b &R 5f4 1508 nag%# nww83 #c +!#a ?!c#w #u# *#a& %r# 1501 ###kg &%an% 8% aR# ~tKf .R## .%#kg I%# 1500 31,5 -I4? TZ 135 ,3 134 91 aenn I##%# 44+4 MX WI~R gt+ i419~ CM awna qsg## eugna s8 ~441 ##3u $48 #### w#a lago 18,s -,? 38 fis? 3.e 044 ~,3 34 2160 %%r#& Raw## r% #6# #[%#a sru @%w# %%! ?fO{\ #n#w# s~$%w% aa sw ##%% s%r #%a# ### a400 15,3 ,z 36 033 3,3 033 ~,3 1 24g@ *##+# ##*@c 8# E## #I%## nsk %#&n +%% ?so0 #%### wftava #$ #a# A### %#a %a## ##% paan 1s ,9 ,? 47 058 1 ,q adll s,l i-~a~itl;t D% ail~w~t ux~~ GIIST HP,X, H~^IU~ DFU UJN~ b~~$iln {:~JS"TWAX, HOrlR BE& UIND ~18~ GIJST AX, NO!$& 1F#Q, POtbiZ Rti DIR, SPQt D%R, CU6"iRBIls MDlwT, f?Hp + i7fIIia;l DIR, %POa DtW, GUST WAD HM~F, TEeF, PFS1NI BIZ, SPD, DIR, CCGT RAG DEG c DFF I": z DEL ki?~ DEC, R/S #@ DFG C DFG r X DEG, Bag, Hi's HM BF6 C BFG C X DFG, f4i$ BEG, t\iS BU **rrr-*a&meM6(b- (b-(b-(b-1W1W~*1Qrl.rl.rlrlrlQ1Q1UU'i'i'i'i'i'i-'i'i'i1*-1*-1*- iPVIBAlrrlnOns a, *Fll"lrllUL*-Rlt-p-*s--* I_rpisltlllh~l*r--~*m~----~~-*-~----~~-- I~IQ--LIII.L-*.-*--=-*-*~UIUIUI--UIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUI1*1*1*1* ..ICPLIIII. 0500 18,"11% 48 034 I,? Oh4 it? 0 aj3Eib 8, 77 325 fJ4 ?89 3,2 8 031311 93 43 71 fi3"JIl,h 039 44 0 1 1, !,9 53 045 1,9 031 3,? ,4 Ohgo "-l,t"f h,T 78 354 i,3 Orid 3%: 7 Oblfg @,it 5,s 84 $11 tlB O3R 5*,1 (4 6904 153 ns### 48 ?37 .B &?BJ ?,5 52 BY04 it\,? 7,4 63 371 ?,3 364 4'4 5? BBRD t9,7 *n##6 h7 %49 ,b p94 3,z 24 &zfi@ jR,5 9 ,4 $2 262 1,s 289 4,*$ $0 l?DO lb 1 h-0 51 744 l:,l ,373 ?,D 44 1700 !3,? , E 41 191 ,@ 153 I,? Tb 1SQO 7@,4 "n,7 E!9 748 a,? 2414 ?,I hi 1506 IS,? 4,4 43 29tt 5,tf ,;?? 7,b 44 1500 14,3 -,? ?b ?';a4 $9 233 Ftg 18fi0 20,5 22 38 9,lpii 4,3 253 7.8 *:? 1840 15,; ?,O 58 27'5 5,4 ?% 83 Itl Ieil$ I?,{ 4,ir hi! !r39 leg 3pS 5,t 8 ZBOO IS,? R,S51 4,3 ?418 7.b I3,00 !?$A 7,1 419 8?7h J,4 '"A9 5,1 O ??OU g,% 5,? ?t? ?71 3,z 261 t~,j Zqtl$ jl,S b,qi.!g i3,!i :-lhQ 3,fi $ i'.?Qi\ !!,I k*;k.i#8? 188 !,O ?A? SbP 4 7400 @,h 5.4bQ 287 j,2 Ji3 !rH 1 HOUR DEU ~IHD IJIRB GLIST RRX, HOL~Q DFU ~IMD WIND GUST HAA, HOUR DEM JIHD ~FNB GUST N~X, HDMG TENF", PO'IH"IR# DIRE !$PO, B%, CIJST RAO NbgR SEHP, PQlHT RtJ DIR, 6PD, OH, GUST WhYs N3HG TEI.IP, POPMT RH DHR, SPBi D78, GUST BEG c DFF c z nfc, 19,s BEG, kr""f"if"t~ DEG p, DFCP c x DEG, ~$IS n~:c, nis nt?i DER c DFG c z n~, MIS DEG, ~f~ ng "~--~*~*~~lbat~9~.~11111~~111-aaaar~rs..rar-~ss-caa~a-a-aa raaur--rr.lr~aa-rnncr+rrrrorrrrrar-rrar-..rrar~*.-aa--a --aar--~----*rr--r*-rs--rar--rrucr-r-r~mrr-r*r-crtrtsr 0380 R+1 *#@&a78 848 ,P 355 ?,5 Q 8380 R,O 4,373 284 t,4 270 2,s 4 0300 5,0 -4,s 49 091 1'8 B4b J83 0 QkOO B,? R3 023 f ,O 866 ?,5 5 Oh00 7,8 SIP 67 305 , ,5 209 ?,5 3 0680 5.2 -S,5 46 024 ?*P 833 3$8 3 OBOO 9'2 #%@@* 6% IT1 ,h 174 5 31 0960 Xf ,I 3,2 SP 2kR l,(i ;?98 2,s lifl 8?00 l0,4 -B,4 ;?h 078 !,I 107 3,P 47 1208 i3,F -,h 31 ?46 %,7 ?52 t1,3 84 f2QQ 13,9 -6,1 23 333 f,b 543 7,k 83 1200 tS,O -E4,? 5 215 1,s I83 6,3 79 1560 I3*R -H,B 34 2A9 9,Q 21fl 9,; 40 iS#O 15,4 -I?,fl f4 or7 2.1 345 Sil 70 1506 17,fl -77,6 3 QZr 3,% 027 7#0 74 :880 1?,7 -1'4 38 ?hl 5,2 2h2 8,3 13 1Rfl0 $4.3 -7$P 26 350 J,P 359 7.8 23 hB@t th,3 -25,j 4 65R 3,s 025 8'9 34 ZfOQ 8,9 2,s b0 39 ZIP 281 5,7 O 210R 9,4 -k,h 32 355 3,b 399 $,O ! ?It0 la,? -?Q,l 23 948 2.b 054 3,i 0 2460 8,s 3,b ?t 289 .ds4 ZgC, 2,s O 240tl 7,b -5,3 90 035 li9 OQb 4,4 O 2480 8,0 -6,7 $5 058 2,0 Ob5 3#8 O gQdA DEW $iP#%'r ldlNP GUS7 HrlX, HOUR PF4 UIND UEgD GirST ~F\X, HOUR Df# WIND UTHB GOST HAX HBt4t", TEHB , TRH Of 8, sPB, DIR , G1157 R1%b &OH& TErSP, PQ%t?f Rti DFR , $PO, bIR GtjST Rh8 NDkG 1E#P, POItiS Wkr DIR SPD, DIR, GUST 34TI DEE C. DEG c x DR. 1~55 DFC, y/s H$ n~c c DEC c x DFA, ~15 nice n~s gu DEF 6: DFE f: x QFG, fils DEG, !4i ' HW Ysll*LII.BbUIIIUIB"*rC1C1C1"*"*~*~-b*******CrCrCrCrCrCrCrCr*CrCrBB ~BC1I**JI811"1~*BBBB~~~I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*CICICICICICICICICI~- t-B.PI.*III-*I~LI-.---~-~m~~~~*~~-~*~*~~*~~.. h""--*l a3aa sS7 -s,4 48 why I,? as6 3,~ a is3oa 4'8 -2,~ 59 04r;a 1,7 043 3,~ o 0303 &,E! 11 BnF ~$5 804 ~8 a gbbfl 4,7 -3,655 855 %,5 ORP 3,3 ?8600 3,s -3,3Qd 01% 1'4 068 2,s 5thBO 5,i ,X?G 008 7,s 003 St? 5 0960 II,~ -4,7 JZ 994 1'1 ~4 5~ ~9nt 11,k -4,7 37 IZR 1,s 675 2,5 48 nssn 12,s wfts~s 42 aoh t,a a7h I,? 37 12gR 49'8 -12,4 14 921 5,6 lih 75 12Dg IT,& -R,h bh 238 1,4 230 4,$ 51 t2BO 17,4 -1,9 '?3 193 ,9 2&? 4*4 75 1500 !?,b -14,h I0 fR7 3,A TCR 7,8 hi3 fSO$ 19,2-lfii$ $3 256 3.3 263 A,3 71 lSOO t9,f -3,Z 22 Zb2 3,s 2bf ?*I 58 h8QO t7,B -26.4 h 121 3,1 101 5,7 32 1880 fg,? -:?,I fi Th? 4,1 ?hi ?,O 67 l8aO t9.Q -?,? 33 295 3:1 a88 7,o lb 2180 13,4 -iZIR 15 018 1,7 125 n zlas 14,; -2,4 an 293 z~ ?ye s,~ n 2jaa 14,s -,B 3s ?yz 3,s 28;: ?,o o 4 h,b -4,8 44 0!4 ?,5 063 3,W O ?410 9,J 1,s 38 322 1 ,O 282 2,5 8 2480 11, t 3 ,b b2 838 2,s 2hb b, l 8 WllUW i i$lNB \1El4B GitSV HhX , WOiiP PEW UXMD kdlNb ?!{ST gAX, i.tDtI9 EiFU W 3 ND ki TNB GUST iS'IAX, MGHC iE#P PritlHT WH DTRi !GPO+ DM &bSS TRAD WD&G "I"~Pt POINT Wk DTR, SPQ, DkWt GUS1 RAll !iD3"11; ?EMF, PUWT Rt.2 &IRt SPD, D$R, LUST RfiQ EjFG C DEG C I i"tEK, IjB5 Kc, ~\/5 PI$) DEI", F %$R C t BEG, HlS Sl%cG, HIS BU DFC @ DFG I" X B&, RtS BFG, P~IS fl~ -*r-ll)*nwllll*B-m-e,s--e *.m~d**,~~~~"~~~-blblblblblbl.blblblblblblblbl ~*.-UUII.LI-YrCI4~blblblblblblblblbl"blCDs)lOl*I~XllmIII1.C~m.111XE*~-blbl-I* LZIXUI*.*~~~ICLPUII*I*I**WWW~U~.PII-~.Ml^rU,~~LIWWWWWWWWWW~*.jX IjiS(\g !,I 3,4p'll 313 13 301 3,s Ob341il lit$ A,9II 269 la 9hO 4,4 GOT%rRI? R,Z h,287 Tb? ,9 L745 I,? @&OF 8,R 7,1 A9 015 1,9 063 3,:: 9 OhllO 9,9 h, i! 1"9tIt ! ,5 ?Bf 3,Q ? UkOO B,3 ar*git ;52? 1344 ,5 172 1,9 1 6900 I?,% *:$ib#s 9% 115 ,P 103 ?,? 35 890fl l2,d 5,O hh 343 1,C2%t 3,R 28 #?UP 9,s ht& R? ft97 1,1 fOO !,s as 120ir 3E;r,4 3'0 41 771 17 28;"" 3,Cs 75 12?11:! b4,f *$,858 "lL3h6 5,1 4i"t "iB0 TB,8 5,0 h4 OR9 3,Q fl8R [t13 3(7 17#6 ?,b 37 ?l$ Xl? 31t 7,8 !ti 1ShaO %7&3 3,5 55 ;57$ ' '' 2hR ?,h 1R 1Sflji lf ,9 h,f? b7 079 1,s 089 14 I&,? P,? 411 TRR I\,? 291 ~7 3 !ROO $I,$ 3-g &I ~RP ;4,4 ?BR 5,7 n agnn 9,s 3,~ P? 056 I,@ as*? 5,1 5 ,:iO(i j7,A 3,$ 53 284 :16;";~? 7,0 9 ;j,EiO 4?,9 4,s [I$' 27b 1,5 :IQB 5 1 il ?!:26 8.5 4,2 7"? !it15 d,S 9,'7 0 ,6481n 1j~9 fi$Rn::,h;ii >7fJ $8 ;!74 1,C O ?jZiiO Q81 !I,! 7X Th5 I,i ?7;1 3,2 b 24Ba Q,47 ;?,;bO $63 3,5 Q7tb 1 42 & P?4 <:: c:3 8\l $3 tJ i..* *Ye & hl *I-" 5:; % 3: b! $2 * $15 \,j 5": "$"" pq $3 )--a y ~3 e;E: [:I ri:: I-,. ,I:: t:: 'v' tlq :I: t::: il:a C? $3 .:?Fa B:: C:: *T" WVdP BFM MIND UIWD GUST HbX, HflUR OFtrE UXNP MXHD 6iit3"T HAX, HBtlR BEU JIB8 U3NB 61637 t!hXr NBNG TERP, POIgT Rg DIR , SFQ, BIR , GUST RhD NBNG TE#F, POIHI RH DIR , SPD , DTR , GUGV Rhb #BBG TE#P, POl%i RH Dl!, 5PD. DIR GUST RAD BEG t BEG c x DFB, H/? DFC , HJS ~8 DEG c DFG c x BEC, ~t$ PEG, 81s HM DEG c DEC c x PEG, nts BEG, n/s ~u ---i--*=*-------P-~(.-=-*l I*..I-C.~~(*~**IPI~~~*~nnnn*C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1,C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1hCC .IIC~"~-CIPlll~DICCCCCCCp*y.*y."*y.rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*rl*CC~-~ 03P8 9,3 181 9.9 BPL 8'5 g0300 8,1 7,093 312 ,3 305 1,9 00306 5,84#%a%Bt 374 1,3 214 3,8 0 DBBG 9,4 ?,I 60 088 54 087 ?,5 0 Oh00 8,5@fi~n494 074 $3 095 13 1 Oh00 bt2#a@a#71 288 ,b 2P6 13 1 0960 90,1 t ,5 $3 039 S,P 08b ?,S 53 0906 V1l P,Q 93 351 ,B 247 3,2 12 0406 8,3 2'4 bh 199 $5 338 ?t5 1% 1206 13,1 ,b 45 686 5,4 QRB 9,5 21 1200 II,g 5,O 6h 267 3.3 281 5,7 21 l?IQ 9,1 ,a 51 178 1,s 204 F15 21 ISBa 9343 4,s 55 854 2,b BSB S19 24 ISDR 10,9 3t0 58 2RP a,? 7,6 17 1508 ;I,% -3 45 370 112 2bQ 3,2 21 taac u,a ?,F 74 35? t,4 ojb 5~ 7 t~oo ~7 3,s 6s 2~s 4.3 293 ~,o a tsoe ia,e ,a 50 rss 1.4 28s 2,s 5 2108 9,i 7,8 82 2R8 2,s 285 4,4 8 ?tOP R,h 3,9 72 25h %,9 ?55 4,4 0 2108 1,8 3,9 ?b 285 1,8 278 3 2 D 246(! 6,4 7,9 97 388 t ,l 288 2#5 fi 2406 7,3 4.3 81 283 ?,4 301 4,4 244Q b,8 uwgBa 8; 318 ,3 241 t63 D HOtJW DEU MIND b idD GtiST #fixt Hlil,if4 3EIzf UIHD GTHQ GUST MAX, Moil? I)F# USNB UIND GLlSI BtAX, NBktC TEkP , POXHI RM bfii4, SPB, 85R, G!lSS RRB tlDHG TFmF9, I"OTb!T WH 'i;IP, $PO, IS%R, GltriT RAQ N'lftii; TEMP, f OI?!T Rd QTR, SPD, biR , G6iST RAB BEG i DFG G ;fh DEG, #is DEG, His Ht4 5i tp c IIEC c x DEG, fils BEG, H/S H@ DF6 C DEG C X BEG, flIS DE6, Ht5 HM ""--"-*lscroll*--~w~*.---*m----.-----------~e------ .II-BPIIZ------C-=--~----*~~~---~~Iltl.~-IP-.L-PIIIUUI -llC"OI~I*II*II*U-IIW~li"li"~X"X"X"X"UU*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*IrCrCrCrC"rC*r*r*r*r+t 0305 b,3 %#%#3 79 031 ,? 081 r ,3 Q OJla 7,J 3-9 79 a73 ?,I ?b4 4,B fl Q3oe 3,6 ,R 8? U83 I,? 121 9'8 B 06-;~0 h,b 3,982 $34 ,4 nh~ ft? 1 ahbn h,~sa~axe~ 271 I,? 255 4,4 ~Q~DG 9,4 ,300 $40 1,s @a2 3,~ o QBOb 8,s 9,4 98 $78 t ,$ 038 3,s 30 0950 4,h :,9 79 249 ,Q 253 2,5 11 BYOD 5,8 9,6 Ik 3b4 fa$ 502 4,4 11 1200 1~7 r,h so azs t,b 3,s 35 i?ao 4 i\,~ 73 ?,I sss 3,8 sb tzuo 1,s 3,s 7s oh8 33 a?? 7,b 14 tsDa 13,a n ,h 46 23s 1'1 267 za isno 9,7 #:,? 7% 25s s,4 3 Ison v,2 4,~ 74 085 J,B ows TO 14 k866 I@,;? h,4 77 TI9 1,4 249 5,1 S 1AOO 11.1 ?,9 5% 255 3,P 284 Tlh 12 1880 8,1 4,4 71 $90 zl'? 097 st? 6 218B 8'1 #%%#a 83 774 I,R 279 4,4 O 2190 Ti3 ,?A 71 ?32 7,s 37 5,7 O ?IQO 7,? 4,3 ??J CR1 34 077 5,7 O 24Rfr R,3 43 1V75 2,f 296 9,4 il ?ltofl 5,s 4 R 34 I .? 4 4 0 240b 3,s 3,B 76 057 2,2 063 3-b O HOUR DfU k!,IHP kiTN8 GiiSf KAx, klltlR DEu UIRD Ul!iSt GUST RBX, DEU MJHDUlMD6k1$"1kAt rdDN& TEHP, POlilT RM 1118, SPB, 098, GitST Rhr~ $~llHit 4F."hP, PD?hT 88 b"i, TPD, DIR, Gus? RAD @BNG IF?!$, P1318f RH Dig, SF'. DIW, GUST Q4W Bfe: 1: DFG 6: :i BfT, i*EIF; DF""$, E4?5 ks BFG C DFC r Z OFG, RrS DFG, Rig Mu DEF C DFG C L DFG, l-! b3 BE[:, t!$S RQ or*.lirlY*I~UUI*.I'-~-~~--~-~~-~~~~~*"~~ bs'C- 'WCi CI1U *ill*1111*-X *PIII^UI-II~*~L---a-e---~~~*n .-*lll-XII*(*l=b------w-----*. -4rwII--6-U.P-*-BI1-w--.*m~----- ~-~-e---~-~m.w~wm~s~ CJ3tlfi ";7,0 %s$k+~f f43 O;40 j 7 Bl!iJ, 0 fl$Ofj *' 4 *) ,9 75 302 f ;??it StR 0 O;ICltgi ,h *t~~s 59 054 1,s Q57 5,7 Olt@fi t;,8 %#*)3n% 92 010 ,;94 0081 i 9 Oh@Q 4,X -?,4 $8 335 i 3fih 8,s 0 OhBt ,4 -5,8 hl 038 ,g Oh[- 3,? MC 098G 7,7 a,5 9? ??IJ I*? 12J "4,P 3 4900 4.7 -5.3 43 373 3,: Jd 7,b 54 03\16 $3 -4,9 41 $51 I,? 819 3,j uaa !?fib *sag% ~4$ CIFB +?fig CELR 5 lPfl0 5,I -5,p 4th 3\39 4,:; :S@ 9.5 ?h k?OP 6,5 -5'3 1$? $33 031 h,3 !3iig 5,ii ,{,?I"% fl3~ i.i 219 7 1 16 !?a910 5,1 -?a,& 4h 356 4.3 358 W,9 22 15Oii 7,3 -5,a 39 027 ?,9 @pa r,fi .)I;%% X@fi[r ?lib$ i,h 5,l 51806 4,b -h,445 353 4.4 35~332,ft~%W18(16 6,9 -.Rr83? Qlg ?*fj 8th 5,7~4gg ,ia{ie j,? ,b $3 Till ;,:{ ?ar'h (q*?) I ftO$ F?ii! -7, f 5f 353 4,5 $!C 8,8 fix 2,3ltiil \,7 -tij,q 49 &fh A,i$ $05 h,3 ,%i.#g L4Qfi 2,Q I+#%$-A $33 ,;@*% ?,4 !;"'i 9 I $0 1,9 -0,: 'SB Dab ?,b 35) st? fi%# 2408 ~$4 -9,g 4Y bba @31 41if .lg'g BE$, 2 AVCI 8% WB1, PhYtS kgnn ~FHD I MX~B r",uSr GUST i%"qiit~ 1~4ari ~EAN SS:-~R TFRP PZP, GpB, Dl8 $Pa, BIR, RH hP 518ECSP fgE196Y H)&Y Up6 I BFG N!% 8% DEG RkS k DFS C ffi LHt6Q8 ~".m~*""~,~4~11~1*~01c~~~~~~~CCCCC~~~~~"~~~*)~~~~~~~~~~~*-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-*~-~~--~~~~*~ k9,R 3i\ 1,3 1.4 294 3.8 6 39 O,B 45@W 3 h%ttd BtE tE%* A %# RYt+ #b% $B @I#%# fCtR ##Ed#% 2 LIPtk Rlt ZWtf @&&a ZfP RIRb &Rt 4th fbl&L PIIi RRB#Z@ 3 gaf~~ ~BC an$$ agqw R#% *as# BR t%%% dU#@ft# 4 $k#&& AIW *&#A bRFR BL% SCIL 4#$ @ gW%%B 9% %%*##I $ lh,7 $33 !,& 5 644 0,s PaC 58 ,B Pbgb b 153 33 f $0 7 ?48 4-4 2,~ i.Lb "35 ? 3, 283 ?,9 $2 174 P,P M 64 kt% ?%b $745 8 tt," 330: be a3 ,?&I 3 id P$ 4$1 4x4 54°C P& 6$ !0&4 38 I,? ?,3 t~$ Rt3 U 54 113 1,6 sse= $34 ;ae 33 18 it,,@ 344 1.7 --% $4~ 7,6 f4 45 .3,1 a;@ buU5 11 f0.1 647 1 3 P.3 035 8'9 Mf 25 3 0'8 8970 12 1;,4 3 9 ",h 11 :,5 F5C 28 0,B ka645 9 3 in.? 2~ ZP 2,421 39 -7,p 0'0 ~kf$ I* I?,? $7 tap, ~1.~4 ?,o H 43 -,& ij e :!y:!s $5 39$ 1 ,8 2,3 pi B.3 U9d 51 ?,B B,Q 44q3 ~li., 11.9 973 2.3 2,s ?Q8 4,~ U 4 5 7 3,b 2465 13 1 674 1, 2 1 6RP 3 73 2 %,R 1633 $8 iy - ff,n $72 ?,a : %Pi 5,s i k? "" J "'48 $9 95 219 A? 23 39 @id 79 4-8 32~iIjj 20 ' . $7 1 ,% !'" 3.8 g 60 1,s , 3 "1;s 21 24R , 4 348 51 & ha 3.9 2 ,& 3@45 22 8,: ??I !,5 ? ?h{ ?,h $ 7? S,k 1B,@ 2@@Bb 24 6~ b9L3 2,~ {tg: 7 F 9 30.8 :.;"lto 24 9,O &??a, ,B ?fi :%I ii $1 :-., 1 2:!,$ 140 2s 5 tt $it? 4'; 3 359 iL:.a M -qe$ p*h 4,39r, Pb * m 931 , 5,5 $28 46 T 8,s *;sd$& ?y ?,4 073 ?$ 3.9 (jhk h,.4 F \ -9,4 6.6 cssnla 29 4,' 3h3 3,h 4 p 485 3 FkF 43 - $,Q $aat+tn 24 x. .m , 032 Q 7 tj;: 43 -p, I , fsskflRb 30 5 (3 $4) [$" $ ;,$ sf - 4 q&#yh$ " 3 I 9 4 $03 ,Fa ,"b,:i 3 gj 54 -,ir t@fi,o 33326 (,J .*!' * [A. 1 i . pi { y 4,) i..! / # 1 j.1 4 'f f \. j~) * 1. * * , [ *; ;o ! 1 ! i%J !> :. ; 1' $ ' {-{ ; \ , !$j ,\ 1 , f,! i',,, {" p; f., \'; ,J" i,> 1, i, 4 j j I"' ':.. 1 'i' ("l,! . > I:)(.; ::' fi{:!: 'f 6. 6:) I"? j;i <';i:' i, f fii \ I f' 1.; be . f*i ;,( s,~(: i \ u la ) ,{, it( yl.ii:i 'i *$;i,~ 1.' :! 1 1 . ' , I : ? j 1 , !:: {,'+ a .I' I 1' . . {,a[? P";(1p,S $" : ' , ' . ,% ;"".I i {i i\i*! ij tf 1.. i.,a 1" l r.' i j d T "i:> y i 1;; !" y " .'; 1') ! "+ -; 1: '. f 'I ," .' w 4" ,-r , I? r I I ,g 4 $1. +\ ' \ 3 , , \ 3 B 0 1 0 2 7 11 33 63 64 arg $## ##$ 8au aatw #a# wu9 #a# #a# #$a %n# *a# 8 2 sf@ %CR r~g 346 RWW t~x gcft #a% 1~k Y#X %#% IK~ rh3 8%~ raw uftg #n# g#w grn~ #@@ an& #n% ##@ %@# g ~WR IS# tfa *WK ~~fi R1I dg# BS~ HO ~~CI a## 46% #@# swu ##% ### ##% 48% ass %aft 999 #na #ua 4 @@f ~CW RRF 6#a %#L ~QC ~KI #R# CBB #A% ttlk MA #c# WR% ##k ##t %f% &WE an# #a@ kwh @a% %x# wwa a%# g +Q# ~11 n## #st ##I ##% r~f kuw 8## 63~ LAY Q#B ##c ad# %## ##a Rxr %6# #%# #n+ u@# r#w naa ##u a## h ### #I5 %kt %t@ $f@ RBf LKS $2 fib 4A 46 84 95 BB 64 50 24 !4 13 0 & 25 7 R 8 O O t Xt 33 33 45 RO hk 7R 1P h9 A4 51 42 61 31 13 T 1 e 8 38 8 B O $ 0 O 5 1 $9 33 39 59 83 51 93 37 53 28 20 15 5 1 5 O 8 22 9 P 0 ? O O R 7 21 23 7 46 39 39 5? 48 14 iW il h Z O O O D 14 10 4 D B 9 4 4 8 tl 5 30 38 83 59 74 44 $6 3? 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'a11 *lY '... 1.11 1s.. 11.1 ,a,, .,.,..I. 't." il., '*I, 1.). ,.li ill, be, ,,,, ..I. .L' "I" .it, ,111 ',ti i.,' (*. .,,, dl*, .,I ,rtt 4l.l r*., r*, 1.1, 0.1. "$1.. I.'. S". ',(. I.,' $,t, ,i.l 1.1' 1.11 .*&*I** re. '.I)*'+.' ,UI It'. .I'* 3.W Fa F:: R rf;\ "j^(,j F$ f:: bd:fNJ, {~[&f?~~> uI:,.taD r>*rRE:f;;"f"'i:fnfN F' F C t.3 S 'T % J:: 1 ,, T '1: 1::: t-s t,j fill 7. 1) 11 T' 'f k' (4 1"" [': p 3: "r" $7 ('5' :1' fJ N G 4'1 a,, tj w B n $1: n '5. I, 1.1 ~;1 haPiib4 li3U.I:n' !' I,,, dl bl f; W A v 6":: B? 6tX) '1: k 7 'I I:? P: 1, Nl -3 Wi Paints 8/01, -- 8/27 40 8/27 - 8/31 2, Solax -1. ~W/CM~ Additianal eommnants an this mnt"~%nth % sdata: 1. Lost data for ark$ parzrt~lnekers frc~na 811 kc il,I6 due ta olsct~:~-Leal problems in tht? weather tvi znrcl, 2. Missi.ncj tampcrature, nri, wind s&,c+~il, agind direction, c~nti gust data on 8/26. Serlsor array wn:; discul3nected for 4 hoilrs for ansraiua l ~naitl.tennnc~, 3, Ssli:~~. radinl. ion? st:lPsor renasved tan 8/26, ifS3UI DM MIND 'ealK#D GUST t4Rbi, HOUR DEU USMnUXNDCtIS"IAA)(, HOUR BEU UIND UI#B GUST RAX HBgF 'f&,"i~, POI~T RH ~1st~ !;Po, exR, GUST o\&b Paanr; fEnfi, eo.r#T al-i nxR, $PO, DTR, 6usv RAO HDNG TEHP, PaiMV WH BIW sPDt DfR GUST :;AD BE6 C QEG C Z PFG, !if$ BEG #IS fibi BEG C Df6 C Z BEG, H/S DEG, 8i$ HM BEG C DEG C PEG, Hi5 DE6, fiJS WN Pl~~P.1-PI~Ullll~~~~CCCCCCcC*CCCCr"r"r"PLIII4*~~~UI-UII E~"I-.I.*.CIUlssl919191--"w~"--*---*---~*"e*--*-----* III-~U*II"*C-UPIP91"9191*~~m~---m----------*--*-- 0300 '8 -$,bh1 819 ?,3 028 5,1:*#%03Di) ,9 -14+769 g28 1,s fll8 3,2zr#n0388 ,b -5,libb Ob9 1'7' 1364 2,5##@ ObBQ ,3 *StI,Q9 024 ?,7 405 3,AffgqOADEl ,$ -4,369 Q53 t,4 051 2,5&wk@hS36 -,8 -5,dii"l 048 !,9 B61 3,L@%@ @?OD 5'8 *Z,B $UQ, l,bs 041 3,Z a@# g9B0 3,R -3,P $0 lfaO E9 $hi? X,9 tgt R"38 4,3 -?,% ibl 088 177 @Sb #%# 6296 91v4 -31) 35 XBS 2,R BPh b,3 g@g 1200 16q3 -?,3 39 190 1 .W 123 JIB 1200 IltO -484 34 %?3 7th 119 4t4 SSQB 1?,9 -4,B 23 OR3 ?,2 Bk2 5,1 %%% 1588 11,R -J,? 34 229 I ,f 333 R,3 ##% 1508 X1,B -62 128 f23 3,4 139 6,3 1808 Illh -h,4 28 123 i,l 162 3,B +in# lRi10 11,P -4,1 33 045 1,5 359 5,99@* t80b I%,& -5,530 OR2 3&1 885 %,a#$# 2%@0 7,Q -31b 97 03% ?,I 8x4 #a# 21Ott h,S -2,3 59 033 1,9 099 7,B #a% ;."!I0 8'1 -5,5 '38 07% 2,3 181 4,4 ##@ 2409 4,4 -3,9 55 flee 1,1 076 3,3 as#% 2468 3$Q 1 5b 031 It@ 045 3,2 sQuv 290U ?,El -4,s; 142 046 2,3 838 3'8 Bg* HOUR bKb UIND ldTN8 GUST WRX , hOUB DEb MIND ulNB GUST RAX, piOtiR DFU BIND UTNb GUST tlBX, I4DBC EFRP, POTiMV Rk3 QBW. iiPD, BZR, GUST Wkan ~BBG TERP, PI"E!HT R# 'I')"r, $PO, BtR, GUST BAQ NDWG TS*, P0lN"fRPt B1R, SPD, QI@, GdST R&B DEL I: .a~a c x DEG, tt~s ~~iz, iqrs DEG r. ~EG rs x DEG- WIS DEG, fl4~ t4~ DEG c DEF c x DEG, nrs DEe, wts nu UILIC~~~~C~*~~U~~~~~~~~I*)I*)*~.~~~~~~M~~~C~C~CPPPP~~UU.U~~~~P~P~P~P~ ~~~~~~U~~~~~~~~~~~~*r~L~~~~c1.c1.c1.~c1.c1.c1.c1.c1.c1.c1.c1.c1.c1."i"i"i ~CIIIQ~~CI~B(*I"~"~"~"~"~"~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~PLPLPLPLPL~~~TV~~~WI~~ 0308 $3 -LO 53 075 1'7 070 3iP#4a 6306 b,O ###*# 69 a79 1,s la0 23 @@+I 83QO 5,3 Pi! WO 1% ,P 190 34 @a@ Qb90 4,9 @aBrk A0 $90 5*4 893 2,s #nw Oh00 ?,F ,7 73 OAS 1,s 039 93 a#@ Oh40 43 2,4 64 OSJ t ,3 Oh5 53 @*r 09@tt 8'6 -S ,fl 55 Ilt 1,7 I$? 3+P +eB g940 IBt? f *it 55 155 t ,O t?f z15 bBPO b10 3.5 84 071 ,P 8% t +9 44R# 1289 11,s -i,1 1194 3.7 089 3,o M# voa ra~ ,4 44 lob 2.8 la7 h,3 saa 1208 Y,T ~7 ~9 11s I,B 1%~ J,B 944 1500 I?,? -\.7 37 069 3,? 078 k,P *%3 1588 f3*S -1,6 31 134 3.5 Xfh 9,h Brn IS041 13'5 2'0 5? 139 I,? I?? 3,P #a& h@@O ER,9 -,1 49 !%B 3,Q 897 S1l "@$ 1R06 Id,% .3 47 1% ICY OYh At$ @I+@ 1080 PIP 1,3 bt lflt ?,I I@? 5,f 46% 2iQo 3,s (7 SR 090 i,l 118 J.2 eR1 ?18Q 3,f +*#B% 58 074 1,9 091 3,W @*ti ?do0 7,T 1'8 be 049 1,4 Oh9 5,1 2900 h,4 I,ZbP n7f 1,s ah5 3,?+*3?4Pa h,R#a*b~b? 149 ,4 05@ ;>.3a#*;>4fl;! , 2,9wa 44:~ 2,i 097 5,sugg OUR bfg ~IP~D i(sfND Gts$% n4"14(, , a4ntiB FFu uTND &2kP CaisT XAX, ki;OilQ DFL bTND LfHD GliG'i" athi, nD:ig; ~RP, $;Ql$d"t"~r;i D3 R, !iPD, D", 61tST W!\Q t!Dtlh TEBP, PfIlMT RH IIPW. $PI:, DFR, GU51 BAD tiD~l"rFfdSg2, ByD&Wl ki.1 D3R, SPB, Dl62 + GUST WAD ffig~ c BFI; F" x PFG, tw: DFC, #,ti; nd i$t+f: r" !~FF c z DF~:, @is ?a%, R~S I DFG c i D~:G HJS DFG, fiki *** L"IBn*ir~~~~~~~~~~~UiUiUiir.ir.UIUIUI.UIUIUIUIUIUIC,C,,,C,C,. * -**-* m**r-*nl,rur;ir. * .**-~,**wd*xi*************.**** **...**- ********.-**** * w-*A--**-. *a*-**- r~-.l.~-r**11-11*1-.-***-~ --*-*-++..* a"**-.%"*-*gg"gggdg 83616 slj g.;8 $95 1 ,$ 11 i;l,R rsc t":jSfl I ,*f - #r 05 053 1'7 1\13 3,T a#* a300 ?, t -a;$,? 73 \I89 3,1 OBg ,3,2 O~QQ 4,1 %P 865 ,8 tP5 1'9 ts* 61k11Q P,et -- 7 7p Bh5 i 1155 3,8 14~ 8608 -,ti .-:,5 79 8tR 1.7 013 3,p !I*# " 852 h,Ja#wlQSO 1,48##2~65 679 i,) 840 2,5&#b b,$ 3,3 60 oa(1 I,[% 88s G .+a Opfit , J h3 053 12~0 ;I,& p,fl kj fly! 5,~ #P+ n;>nn lo 6 ,o s9 a% 4.9 kl?? et3 sac l?otj 12,; -1,Q 39 Is1 141 "5 ~4 i5b~ j -,a 46 ?,? 5*7 .fiu is00 I?,'? -1.7 37 4,3 ilYf fi,8 w~ UfjtjQ HS83 -14,s ?? 14b t,S 18il 3,(7 #a8 rg@~ g1,j ,? 47 ~RQI %,3 t3o ir,! t.~% lRQt If,? -.?,% 35 OR3 3,3 B03 5 i #%$ :PO@ 15,U -?I,@ ?5 $43 906 J,P RZIA ,?11\0 5,h !,a 7; oij[$ 2,il 0d;"S 111~3 .dq~ 3iIj0 , -2" $9 OJR / >B \1li':?i 3#3 t!~ IiilO h,P -3,3 37 d?b 6,s Q77 ?.,i g$w ;:.$GO -n4 ?g 013 >.a + ;I ~,"r 4 ~PJ C:~O ra,:i :i,w 8~s ,>d"rlai?" ~,il -qt% >A d33 1.7 (~43 d,; C+b HOUR AEM ~XND U'ERB $11~~ ~nx, ~aua DEU ~l~fi MIND C~~SV HAL HW~~L~R OEM MIND MIND Cf3%Y RAX 8 H'fB'ri)G TERB, Pol#l RH SiR Ri SPg, BTR, &ST Rho MOM6 TKWP, POlbT RH BIR, SPD, BIR, GUST W61D gDNG TEMP P0119f RN BIB 5 SPB e BIR t GtlR WAD BEG e D~G c x BEC, nts DEG, nis nu BEE c QEC c x DEG* HIS DEG, nis nu DFG c PFG c x DEG, MJS DEC, H/S HU * " "~"~""~"~C-ICma~,*rl-~-F*F*F*F*F*-----=-*.-c**.*1*-- 8388 l+b -3,1 71 Oh! 1,4 825 223 #@# 0300 1 -3,5 72 osa r ~43 3,2 as# OJnD $,7 -3,8 12 012 !,0 635 2,s ggu OBGQ l,! -%,Bias Oh0 1'3 Q4a 2,5%~9*0BbQD -12 -4,4"3 97Cr 3,9; tS?"S.2ar@Bbntt ,8 -1,689 059 C,4 a49 3,gu#9 Q9BO 3,7 42,O h6 890 f,3 102 3,?fgM 0908 a,? -2,5$b 875 ?,I 852 J,Bg*# BY00 4,b -'6 b9 693 t,l 115 3+2&@3 2200 fPg8 -i,b i4B t31 f,9 928 2,5 a#* 6209 -i?,R 36 lo8 2,8 120 5,7 I?@@ !#,I -la! 46 !30 nth 118 Jt8 ##@ 6560 !3,8 -4,5 29 143 IS0 4,4 *%a ISON 14,4 3,5 25 086 3'5 183 6,3 ##@ 1508 fi,8 -,I 41 ?3f 1,7 28b S1l ##s PBBO 1J14 -J19 31 322 X,5 358 7,k*5$ 800 10,5 -St? 33 OR7 t,t 099 5,f %@# 6800 8,s .? 54 PA2 Zib 243 S,f 2100 8,0 -3,P SB Q63 2,7 889 hc5 2286 5,8 -3,T 52 211 ,& 239 3,2 wnw ?lo@ 9,9 2,8 85 217 ,2 184 7,6 2400 Rq4 -3,h $1 054 $,h 078 324%*29QO 9,f -1,865 011 l,O 358 5,1 a%% 2400 4,1 1,885 018 1'3 005 2,5$#@ 8.ln"GR BFW #IN8 U!ND GklSt" w&X + dObiR DE U%NP UIWD fi119;i HAX, Hfttlg DEU W1P4D UTND GUST i"SdX VEHP, PQI#"$RW 014 I S$D, DIR, GU.5T QAF WBHG TERP, POHHT Rk DIR, RPD, QfR, t.[!S2 WAF t.tBgP, "IEPSP, PQXHT Flbi BBR, SPD, DIR , GUST 8kB DEG c OFG c x BFC, n~s DE, n/s ng PEG c DEE c x DFG, His DEC, N/S NU DFG c DEG c x BEG, W~S DFG, MI$ %U .CI*Qmtsr+C-NI~*1*1*1*1B-B-B-L1L1XI*XIXIXI444444r" rWI*aXIIIU C--0 PII*-wU-PIIIPU-l4"4--'L P.JIL*UIIIOIIIIQ".)44baaaaa-aaaaUUUUUU-IB_UI.--.-III*U*W, Q300 93 ?,liWP 8194 1'5 356 %,,il. {t306 S,i -1,BBI 838 St? 835 5,74#8f)'1(00 17,8 ,4413 f17% 5$4 076 8,9%g@ 0608 3*A 1,989 054 ,8 OBR ?,5#%@ ,00 3'4 -?,3hh 037 TI? 044 4i4s4@bSOP 7,s tr?bS Q90 5,8 074 8,3%#9 0 4&9 2,9 89 Oh9 !,I 868 2,5 *H+F+ 0900 B1O -1,8 $3 85P 3 5 661 4.8 r@w C9O[j 8*4 tsb tb? o?l 4'5 Ok3 *r# izaa 7,s 3,~ 70 863 2,4 069 5~ $us 9200 IO,B -P,? 39 QTR PA OR& eo,s us+ izco jabs 1,: sl a83 5,~ 079 8,3 #$a SSOQ P,? 2,3 64 076 3,4 075 5'7 8~ tSOb 12-5 -2,3 36 OR8 t4.3 091 If $4 1500 k2,8 ,5 43 0g0 4,3 885 7$M %zjg 1800 92 t,257 059 3,n R4h 5,5 *%# f8nB tl,i! -?,939 Q7R 42 090 RtJs#a !Ran 10,s t,! 51 093 4.2 oaz t%,sik#a 6!$Q0 4,B -,3 69 Fr48 ?,h 030 S,1 *M TIF~J 8'4 4,6 4kt 04? ?A :rt45 5,7 %I# 7$R Z13 79 C\5b 9;,6 287 5,'7 @%a $4 4,b -1,4 k5 $51 ?,B 050 Sir +*R 2400 R81 -?tQ 49 858 3*4 BST 9,U #@# 2408 S,3 J*Q 89 282 9,4 282 5,2 tiah ~ndli I)F~{ ls{4~a cit4n ciisr ngjx , 14naia F UIWD UIND GrlS'f H~X, ~oti~ DFU JTND uyP* fij",13sq" RAX, rtggf, fFk!P. POINT Rh BIW, SPD, 05fi, GifqT PlV'l WBPli; VEriP' FOTMT 8kI DfaR $Piit f)Ik GzJ~V RAD &BaiG 9EkP. PfflRl RW FIR SPP, DXQ, 6t;S'P kdai, BFK c DFG c a DFC, ws D~G* nis p.3~ nc~ r n~c r z his QEG, W/S W& BFG c BFG r 3 F~G, fi$$ DEG, fits rrCN~I"CIIm*CBrlCI~*ll"*gU*&~~~m~~*?*~m~~~*UUUn*wxrc;rrm"s-a -**a ~~un--r9m~~islUUUUUUUXI~XIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIrxr*r-rr-urrnr"a-XIXIXI*"*"- -aM-lu rxx-r-r-x rs Irn ur.-m~rrirlla4CR**"*"*"*"*"*"*"",*" lli.e\*L.U-.*L- 0 $,3 ,? 33 OF0 t $4 013 3,$ "%a T,P '7 84 325 1,h P94 3,2 k~ 830C i,? ?,8 97 076 e,n &2l agw $&#[I ,B -,P 89 155 ! ,3 Oh9 p.5 k:?~ OhsV t -1 3' Ph 31 9 $9 opt 4,4 *+I% fi4joP 2 3 $t 095 1.3 ;&I ;?.s caa (jYo0 3'2 84 07s 1,0 OYfi +nk 0900 1 Q $7 R4 355 ",f QQI 3,P OBOt 3,4 I,& [qfl 038 f,3 11% $3,~ g.nw 12[jit i8,fl ?,B 58 33 a 963 ?,B *t!r !?(la 9,Q 3,? 63 369 i ?Ti 3,2 %kw \?Od 7,3 J,d :?h ips n ,o 1 ,q %qr isfia lJ,P -.,"$I 317 771 %I fba, 1510 102 33 (t? ThZ 2,-? ?tu10 5.1 ~ar: 1508 7.l 3,5 PA 239 ,9 9 ,$ * ?91 r,? 340 ~,i t+~ r830 i3,? *!,J ~7 3.3 ?Y RQS abgo 5,s 3,~ ~2 p:ja j-3 ;?hd 7~ 1889 ill,? 48 diJiG (.s,(> 2,i 73 319 1 ,jt 283 4$++~ <":118 5,4 >,it 8P 1"s 5 ia'o j,ib i'lfiii $,R ?,it b;) ,5Rq i5 279 2466 5 4,175 314 1,:"; TQl? 3,9@ri~?COO , 3,gBn OR4 9.7 3ftQ ?,5nx%,:43Q J,o l,b";'~ Q$J \,,3 11s \,a; r:,?* HQUB DEU UXND kI#D GUST BbX, HO$IR DEU WIN@ UJNB 61lST #AXI h0UR BE# &IN0 UTBD GUST WOWG "FEWP, PQIkV" 'WH BIB, $PD, DIR, GU8-f Rho iilOMf", TEPBP, POIHT RH BTW, SPB. DfR, GUST PakB W@N6 TEsdlP, BB%NT WM QlR, SPD, DZR, GtJ%i' RQbD DEG G DFG c x DEG, fl/~ BEG, H~S ng ~FG c OEG G x DEG, DFG, w~s hu DEG e DEE c x DRG, n/s BEG, nis wu --t04*wllB*-.---*--*--m~s-ss~~~~L1w~C"~~~* ~Il-~BI*r*~OIl-~3.3.p.p..n.n.n*1*1ItItUUUUI~~m1"1"1"1"1""P1;*r*r*r-dl-dl ~sll~r*I~S*DI*~U(*ICICICIC*~~LILILILILILILILILIrUrUrUrUrUrU11-----1-- 8306 3,Q B ,W 82 095 111 088 2,5 %%% OSDQ t,8 -,% 8s 030 Gs Uh9 3,2 a389 -i18 -4.6 81 031 %,2 017 2,s @*@ 0b8R 211 ,589 897 1,O 088 2,54kn~BbUQ z14 ,185 g35 3,O 034 k,3%%BflhOO -1'6 -4,392 060 1,s 093 3,2&9# QPOO ?+1*69*#92 09? ,B 10B ?,5#8#09OB 3,4 ,B82 088 3,4 015 7,6@%*09OD -,ti -4,575 lR5 1,4 887 318@8a 62$8 3'6 $,8 88 195 1,6 118 5,f ~8 f3QO 5,i ?,3 R2 321 1 ,!I OaY 3,8 @%# l?Oo ?,b -2,2 50 143 1 ,% 153 3,2 is@@ 6,8 2,8 7h 119 $,3 ti5 3,s 3%~ l50N 8,O ->,a 4d 325 2,s 352 7,t f50fl il10 -4,O 35 $43 I,$ 130 3,2 fi*# 5860 4,1 ,S 14 OW7 2,h 113 4,9 dROO ?,? -3,b $5 352 3,6 349 h,3 ### 1880 I4,4 gaga% 27 231 ,? 284 3'2 ggg 2lO6 3J -A 79 @55 ?,k 950 5,t %c% 2103 ?,h #waft# bb 017 1'7 OQR 9'4 aau ?tBO 2.0 -32 bB OOB 2'4 @I3 4,4 sgg 2488 OS6 -1 +O 83 284 116 065 919 %%# 2308 -,5 -4,? ?h 804 1,S on8 3,2 #an 2406 1,s -?,5 7% B%& 1,8 359 ?ih2 %@# +~wu# BFU ~INB aaa~n sus~ nnx , a;a~i\r~ BEN UM~D UJNP K~~ST &&xi HDL~R BFU UIND UIND GUST tt~x, MBMG VEgP, PflfblY 82 DXR, SPDt DM' GUS9 WAfi halid; Tr".EPI Pr%IklT kh BtW, SPD, DIW, GUST RfbD F;C"9$.r6 TEPtPt POtiP?I RN DlkB %FFI b1Ra GOST RAD BEG 6 DE6 r X BFG, flIS DEC, Ei$ HW BEG f DFG C X BEG, BIS DFF, 8:s ku DEG C DEG C X DEG, BIS DEG, H16 Htd V"*MII--DU*III*UIm*mt*t*t*t*t*t*t*t*1*1*1*1*1**-*-w-*--*ri*L*L*L UII.XIIC**IIICIIP-nnnnnnn"nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnni*1c.c. ~.*CUUIIII.C*UIP*gc.c.c.c.,IIIIIIIII~it*lit*lit*l.c.c~~II0*0*.0*40*0*0*0*0*0** Q3RO -,7 -Jig 3P U41 t,P 853 3,8 ~3 $308 ,8 -3,4 St 043 ! ,3 058 2,s @JOB 3+3 -5,b 52 IS4 T,8 874 ?,3 @*% QBQO -Z,S -e,?~b $75 I,? OR^ ?,~a~:*0600 ,4 -3,575 046 I,? 034 21soug~6a6 3,a -b,s$n a43 3,n 056 slt~-~# &PO0 ?,W -I,? 7? t75 f,h 849 ;R;,;"r** 66900 5'5 54 853 3,ii dSP d4,3 lR3 OBOO 4,4 -h,O 41 048 2,9 ESb$ S,d R*# 1200 9,s -,& ss ae7 st& 883 7,b 9~ 1209 9,o -9,~ 4~ 014 s,? ~78 ~,3 #an 1280 7,3 -3,~ 40 a7a 4,s a?& 8,s 156R 113 -fy939 ef!A !,h BRS R,?c%% 15t10 93 -h,333 889 2,s QRA ?th#u# 15BJ dJ3 -4,539 DPX 4,s 099 7,6*-#8 i~os( 9,4 -3,3 94 ORJ 3,s 042 el;,> CM tag0 1%~ -h,~ 3s OW^ ;i,~ 089 5,1 #ul fasa P,P -4,4 41 094 2,~ ON $+t# ZlOQ 9,4 -43.9 5U41 3,3 818 4,4 #dC 2lBO 5,s -4,h 19 il4? I,e\ 05j1 3,F 4mw ?BfiQ k,% -33,s 49 038 ,",@ 1\48 3,B as@ 24fiB 3,r -$,Is bb 813 ?,\ Qi%fi >,? bFR ?988 ?k,> -;I.? 48 O?9 2,) $38 3.8 Jfna 2400 da,Q -2*4 53 054 J,t !rkT 5,: a*# #OUk FEU dybjb ~Plial"b GIiST hnx, v(itaR PFbr 1.7 VIO",~~ QFu ulgD uSND GiiS3 hax, NBHG %CRP, PTsXPBMRH 6!4, SPb, D"Ek, GUST RAib Nrltir*, TFHP, Pt"*l:f!: R!1 BIW, $"I, IjTk, 61f5"Y&X? MDBf? TFPP, Fserlk'f DIR, SPR, Ulr.R, RAQ BFC C BFE C X DFt, 3/$ DFC, flis YU PF?", I Pet, t. 2 DfG, hi5 QfG, hi$ Da"K C 4:!: C 1: DIPGz BFGt fii$ ~3bj IrxDrrulr*.IUUu~.rs.nurr-*-ria*xnnrU-*-an rxnan al*rXllr-rr~irri."r~...*.-~ ""*C^r.XII.l-Ml.*.',<mm"- ".y**(llllll'na h-l,a-V1 **Y .i-Xbm.rl*e *4""*))n*,riW.b Ic.*X IIIIUIII*X$*BXL *I Inlln*-#l*,. .ii-*lrZ' . n*UIXr*-*imLtlr*ir*I - *** ** fiJO@ sSL? -?#o $9 056 5 3 @~IP ?, ? rw 8:4@8 i,"~*#k 71 Or4R ,\I $41 1,9 sma (l30fl -2 .Q -2,P 07 032 1 @d? 3,;J jtsg [jbgd 4,fi --,? 74 Oh"?' 3 fi79 *',d @hiio ,l,Q ~cbtx 79 146 ! G !Le ?!,5 i4t Ohdo **iJ -3,P 97 8b3 I,& :a,$;; @~g [ISO~ 4,2 1,s fl,7 0413 P.4 oh? 8,4 itgtlg 4 *-,,I 77 6\17 3 i!lG ii5 ~kk a"agOb -3%: fl7 OR9 Q$lh :4,, Bi2x gij; ;$,9 ,?($ OSR ?,D gAh T,? r~"",&14I\i *: 11 ,' 7: it 9 5; 1 , t,QjhQ I:!? \,4 140 ISC& g,9 -,P 4R 675 ?,a 85t f; "7 !fi+b* -1 ,l 45 648 j<ri $1 4, 3 a>lfj 33 :I"$,? 109 j,j ~<ag aB@(i R,! .-I $3 5? ifif 7*9 $87 4,: 'd~ fW$B ti," - "1;,: >F,J l .,S a9tl W~R g\?@\'i I(),? -5,i 34 100 j,? i\:";,b w;lr~ 21 fir1 5, @ %##b~ 1 $3 BPh4 ?, Yt nza T ${l , , *. 3 79 TV ,,, fro4 ,?,? Bad ,?,? -4 6 55 fnfgi< i,:,;J Q{>$ >,I; ;s+~ >,"481 ej ,s 74 u3P i]!ti,4 3 5 zf* ?iEfi{] i *:,a i\;B ;$:F j,b bpj ,)q\iI/ i ,? -,:,Y&t:"!187 2.3 (128 >,{4 ra,a 3 % 6:: gi:3 bd ZIi k.b ti,,. "Y" B% N "'f" 4f3 . :I: DW 6:: $5; Ii,S SIi -38"' P%B $3 1-1 Y #$ P2 a;:) (il: 'If* (3 3: d:: !:> 12 I:) %.J' $5: I:: "T* MBa8 BE@ UlPaR MIilN GGE%S"F&RX, HD$1R DFU UXND UXND GUST BiiaX, HOUR DEN ~IRD UJND GUST #AX H"dhG "lFnP, POINT RRH bI&, BPD, BTR, CU67 BhQ NOH6 $E#P, POIEFT RH BIR, SPQ, DIR, GUST RAD idli$~G TEHFS, PQ%NIF RH BXR SPO, DfR a Gb$S RA@ BEG C DEC C X DFG, HI8 PEG, WtF KU DFC C DF6 C % DEG, NIS DEG, R 3 HU DFG & DEE C X BEG, 8bS DEG, MIS HU ~LP~CIIPi.ir~~-~~CICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICIN.N..s.s.s.s0c1C14*4*4*4*4*4*4* ~I"IIBII*s~UPI~PI4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*.C-.*rX.lsll*.II-rl4*4*4*4*4*~*.*~ .e*1.)~--I---I*-~=-s(.--(.-(.(.II-II----II----=-----C~- 6388 -'13,4&8 039 z,? 037 3,8%@%0300 9,3 ,576 8bB 4,9 892 8,9*@#03fiit 5.5 Ie$7s OBI 4,9 092 81f@gg 8618 -3t3 b5 BSB 264 051 484 WMgZ Q$@O 312 $7 84 670 S,Q 874 8*3 #ff@ Oh00 S,$j f +?I ?? 081 4rS g7h Yak ##* IB90 h,? -2,753 ftbb 3,s l81 A,5@*36900 4,9 2,182 Q?fi 5,s 0"929,8@k%QPQO 5'6 i,iFT"a9 09"1"$7 @7W B8P#g# 11288 P,3 -3,8 42 016 9,3 8% b?,fCa@B 1200 3,3 TNQ13 F54 4@9 07512,% %a% 120$ 8,8 1,060 QB4 6,4 684 lt,2#@3 1585 I8,Q -3'1% 38 883 4,8 Bbtr 7,Ct *a@ 1508 R,7 3,b 7(5 818 4,? 082 l,6 @## 1500 1@,4 -2,l 97 095 h,B 0% lP, a808 8,P -3,6 42 Oh3 2,7 867 5,7 *@* IROB 9,4 4,1 bB Ob? 3,4 685 ?,a %H% 1880 B,b -3,tl 44 883 A,O OR9 9,s 2108 %,B -!,$ $9 BB% 4,4 ORB 8,9 aug 2180 R,b 3,s ?D a44 1,8 063 A,3 21QB h,W ,3 62 084 1,2 088 f2a! #@@ 2400 4'6 ,4 77 771 5,9 Q7"J8,9 ##* 2400 7,s 2,? la BBfl Oh7 9,6 %RE 2408 %,9 #ti 68 069 5,2 a73 !tl',b 9~ WE$, WES, AUE BAX, HAX, #BX, HI!(, HEr%H $S%N"BIhk UIhO GUST GU6f PqkL LhEIctN HEhN DAY TERIJ, TFfif, TFH!, DXR, $PDT SPE?, D1R, 5F"XF, BIR, RH PIP PRFCIP BEG 2 DF& G DFG C DEG Ri6 n/s oEt 81% Z %jpG C NN ~CIL~a)9r4*W(-".*~~~-~~~~~~~~--m~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~-~~~*~.~*ddddCiCiCiCiCiCi.Cit-t-t-*UU~~~aa~a--)I)I---)I)I9191919191R8R8R8 1 I$,? ,I 3,2 063 5 2, 095 b,J NkE 98 -4,5 B,O 2 l3,5 B,O h,8 DSQ $9 118 332 9,s NMF 5% .-3'b !l10 3 I?,@ -I,& %,6 085 1 2,4 139 b,J RE 43 -4.8 8,0 4 3 4,s 8,8 W? 1 ?,3 084 7,O E 50 -4 0,0 5 4 4 9,3 Se4 i,b 1,B Ilk 7,a ESE 55 B lr,8 4,s 8,? 094 th3 1,7 nh9 S,1 FSF 9? 2,4 3,4 1 11.9 3,1 ?,5 01% lib 2&1 136 b13 E b? 1,S ,B 8 3, -,3 6,s 063 ?,k 3,f 091 R,9 F RO -3 8.8 9 IS,S -*I 3,7 n5a ,9 1,6 077 5,1 t 53 -2,3 at$ 'I0 "1,4 *3 P,F t,i I,? 358 7,6 FNE 53 -2,9 ilB 11 t4,4 !? b,b ?7R 1'5 2,1 iQ3 h,3 FQE 35 -5,8 a,< 12 52,s ,8 h,l fly a f 1,7 fP4 ?,6 F b5 -2 ,2 13 9,T %,? 2 434 ?tl $3 875 $,$ KS TI 1'5 1,Q $4 f3,d 3,F P,? 171 4 a91 !l,4 Eb4F 48 -4 0,o I5 I, 5,3 9.7 676 3,6 4,1 876 5+8 59 1,; fl,O 16 13,9 -*,I 8.9 303 '8 7 23ia !d 7C .I B,Q 17 :t,fb 4 5,$ 345 1'4 ?73 3,6 1 79 Ec8 4,8 In ~,,4 1'9 4,~ 093 ‘3 1 4 r79 ~,h E 88 2,s 0,~ r B 6,s O,Q 08% tea sr~ h:~ 84 ,1 7,2 72 0 W,,S -.- ,n 4,s o ?,o 2,s ois 7, N 71 -1.3 a,? E ' TI 4 3, I,! $77 ,3 1 01"3,4 ti b4 -3.8 0,8 22 ~9 -7 4, 840 ~5 3%~ RWS A,$ F &P -, n,o ?3 lo? -,3 "J.i 4425 ?,1 Z."a03";5+3 Fi* 5% 44 0,U 24 3,2 IgP 5 Oh5 , 3,T @?R 6,3 Mi 4h -4,7 OsiI 75 $0, , ~k,q Oh4 , 15,s fit543 7 ti kt, *.& . g, "8 %A 364 4 0Tf1 ~~41 ,I94 T,I R b7 -,5 -BB&~ 27 1: '9 -1 ,T 4 B 077 - 7.0 F b; -3 3 SAII 28 19,s 5, Q4[\ "" -9 0.- ar QFB 9,9 FNF 5k -?,$ R~#B 7 9 $4 J h,3 fjhh 41 , BT";I:"\ "r:c T'i 2s LRPp! go 4,? f '8 go,? t 5,s I.;)," (33 4 #### !fQfi"a It1: -S,i* !,,I \.A fC'1 hiS! la>? ggt:C -, 38*Q " >- ads ma-" fix ALD $1 I;'" i, \:I 1,: 3. .'/' y ( C"j .i :3 :\ II , :I 1 , ij Y?j 3 i) P:r , 1"; I. ff , fS *\%, 0 i~! (+j , (1 I. r lr f :E -f yi %" t'i 'I' [;I 'r' tlS 1" f? hF <?, $3 -1, & F I" 'r 1, OF:' -.. t . ij 9 .:a fi3 , 53 I 0 , :i5,o ;t {I . 1) G F? F: '1 E R L~ i.1 '1 (.:\ 1 , t-.. .-.a '-- -r* V"-" r rt.. "S. *..= tx* r,r .*,a .r-ll r.. .err -, .ir. .... ..u rrl* ..* a". r+r. r .., .- .. \ .... ... r .r.. rr -.- ,ti ..r mr n. *.. ,,." ,*. .- ..., .. ... .... -., r... r... artr -,.* .^* r.,. .r. .%rr .I* rwr rm rr ...* .c' .,r. rr.4 3'. .nr ..rr r*.. I.*. w- *.,.q *..m ... .ex- .-- $* $8. ... -* 2,: , [ r; ;,., 2, # 3 bzy !'. " . t,, , i;? ;a 0,110 r,i , art 19 , O r\ t3 , if I'r (5 fl 65 , il 0 !I , \I 65 , I! (1 rr ,IIti c.1 ti {; la , il ti t: * [I , Oir ti , 1) is " i(iI.1 (7 1, &. R R $$ r) :r $2 fyf ('i & 4J f$ i {,I i::: & i": $; \,I R \:3 :I' 'j' 1 I. J' $$ 'I"{" ";" 4::) F: M S [a [,j A 19 [f:: f:' N '1' 3' lfi 1: ' f::' ft I aug **a iug rgB rEg ~CR #@# #s$ ~t w#+ C~R ~9% 3~4 tgt ~48 gt# ~wi ~hg wt f%# ~9% 2 b#f %~b ##% #XI ~fg WX# 6#& %f$ xti ~9 $8~ %#& ##L ~t# kit #t# @a# kwh %w% a%# @#& h## $#a f#% $I@ 91% 8%~ ##M %kg f*% sf+ 833 %%8 69% %%# 8~t XXb $83 gat d#k A## %@% $86 R#t PIC 4 tffs f## RE* gks aft3 ss+t awe km nrg wwk &w% ung 6%~ %RR ##k ##@ g#s ##k #@R wng w&% kwe %*a w#@ 5 $## ru# #@w a%# n#@ %*a a#$$ a## %%# %wu %#a sw# %w@ H# ##g %%# xd# &an #an c%% 8448 99% n%# 4%4 & KWI ~CB RZ~ h#t# #c+ ~RI itta wkw a## tug sra ask 6%~ ww+ &g# %&K !&& #r% +i%$ gag n%k #ha @Lit 8@8 7 %w% w&# 9444 "3 68% %$# YE$$ K$& 4%# EM %#W %kY #&# 844 Kg# a%# 4## a#% 4tW %## #%% #%-& ### %## nns #BP t%k sWL bWY tdt s~f &PI +%a keX $@t ##k $%k k#fi a&M %#t a%$. ##a &#f ##a t2k %gX 88% RH ### 9 %#% #k# $%4 ##if 4:, ##% WIU %@% 3458 14% #T&# ### %$4& %Q1 "34 #KA 4tS ##* %Ha %## a*&# #%# a%% 18 pa* ww %*n AR~ *$4 it#* ~t% MX ~fft AM R~Z $## a#k kR& tak $ZW# XA~ aRk x-#g kK1 ~SR d~ f! %s# @%n $44 a%# sw %w# %#+I $$% xfi% a## a#% %w% KW~ t#t *Q# 91% %w# %%% CPB +BY A## *~g x#+! *$B 12 %a% Eac w~z H* gwa gx9 %ha $a% &a# ##a ww cd~ gfk ~WI RM k~t ~8% %#x ~SR- ggk BE^- krnk XI# j3 a$% #%a ~d a4+1 gww r~ wn# an% %$a &a% ~3 sku 6%~ guw $82 ~k ~1 ##i i#~ t+~ ~WB %FL AIW ~ZI 14 ~RB x#~ U~R k~t R& tk~ $%z ~PX &%a &#k @#a ,k# gas a## #R# kws $49 w~q 2~s rkt * WXB miia xk@ 1% ~tt gas +M GW ~MR B~Y sgg "p;it fi~#?r: MR $49 *%k *%+i ~ift 83% MX gss .path 94% ~3% as g## tt9 W%s gfx ffeh ~lt xna #a$ ~ts 4%1 k#s rwh a&% tag %#R ~#w n%k w%n kwr R$V ~fd AX& R%+& k#k ne.2 a%* f? st$ t4l $28 k&% 4444% ### ens 32% &+$# *#% r%+ r$C ?i$$ 4tx aCI ##% tQI #Ct at8 a#R )dkw ?bb x$% #A9 kg3 ZBY b#P %A# kA$ %!kf #*A $k# #&3 R#& RE$ W$f$ K$k %XI kBk #3P R#X i?RR gY2 ''n b#~ BLR 3X-W b%% ~l4-8. 19 aQI #M t38 %%I nx% 63% $81 ~$8 tRA 3%~ bftr rag fist wi# $t# t48 ~WI IN% XXR En# RA# 25 84% kae get gaff A## *t+% *.H xaw AM 4~3 WR k~$ it* %kt &%A kkf %## ##a X~B R~S kfi~ MR gt~k %q 431 kg# XBY d#t kg% t~ x#* X## k~t wbg %f% *ad %%+ tw% 434% ##8 ### %I# Q1P +&x *&a gsb~ 2? Rag sga gas axR %a# NM~ ~RR akb ~6% rga &P*% BX~ kxx $8~ ~CA RIR RSX at XBQ X$A #Y& R&R XS~ *Y% - .lg 4Rk 49% 62% -X$M %At bWb +4& uBt4 #Y& aXt R@W t%M :a% a%# +n% wag 4~4 kaw c%# yika ~z% wcc sg* #e% +.b 24 @%a siw #a# ~89 &#% gag P~R RBP #td RCR AZX gd~ WBR k#% #kh a&& @%$ Bnx A~P WXI *st x~9 fit* %@@ ##X R*C w9a #a% ##a #4h 'ant k#X %@a at^ RaX *%a $kr Bbx hh* $98 94% ghk 4~g & Zli% RfK BR2 xi%% %FtS XW k!t: cB% ##ti $AM #Bf LIL kg& bXk %86 RIB a%& &#it &&B 23R #t# #Bx RE-h kX1 gp& 37 t~ MR ~bt #gt g~1 @#+I ~ih HI ~RB a%b x~ A%% %&t a#% 4g.k x~# s+~s ##r A%$ ~4% bj2# 28 ngb #a? kh4 ~1 PB# gga *hat tft~ KIR S~P RW~ RIX AK~ kik rnk SRA X~B XRS sgk KRA XXI ~BX gat gsx 29 #i+% wxw aaa 4#k x## XC% xffk #-ta %b% gaw n&a .*kx 4%~ >&DS xlft #%it #%w ##a aaa asx "3 ii &A# 8$# R48 r##, wCi4 QkR *a# B%% tdk 8x8 Ikb Xkk Bgs RIR kl% lgx R8.B tA& kk; RIX s&X k~1 a&$ c~x (.$13i%i:':RVfi'flCf@ F3\,tHjiP.lr$AY F'fjR tt;lf:.,'TAN& WFf$"'f-.{irR S'ThaT:T[:fN DQ'TA 'f' AKEbt D\,SR ZNG Ssr) P eml:t ert , 1 PF.3-4 pr$RANF'wR N[,iyyjF:[$ (Jf: \,j::;fiEi- O, f;:' Jb;: 1;":, N 'T (3 1; F'3 E4 $; 1:: $1 w 4 '7' '1, I:) N S "7 C) '1 61 r . [:a It :rS E: R U 'F :I, f /3 rtt !;j -*. cur *rr. .rr .- *- uw .ur rm .-r rn- .I+.. -r.r +I., -*rr .r.r r-rr eni rsrr .*r .rt ..., ..,I r.. ..I+ N,, ,.n rlr* .+., ..., ..., .*r ..,. ..a. ..,* itt. ,- *.+ ,,.. .-. .n ,+n ..a .... .... .,.+ .WI .+.r ,lr +... .+p *re, 'Y" F; l"*t F) F', O;i 7* i,f W 4: W:\"i\?'J> y<PE:F:lj %i"i:24$) ilS'I,RECT'I:rZN 1' E r.Zl f< (1; [,'I $? "f' i;r"F::\,h'"l":Lir", E..:l*ffiy'rl'Sj'[yh' p j-p j-fim, 5';~ [;~F,I Sn':fr,f:>f4 R&1X):b4""C'16")f.?tl~? x3gIJi pS,:):fi"!'T' j,.. C1 N G t : tb Ft. R A 1) I. A -i. 3. i:! t.! Additional comments on this month% data:: 1, No solar radiatian data, Sensor not instalbed, 2. No longwave radiation data after 9/23. Watana base camp shut down far winter, 3, Precipitation tipping bucket.: 5qacje removed, so na data after 3/25. Storage precipitation gage in;talled in its place. No precipitation dat~ for Qc~o'kreaf {See XNmRPmTATION OF DAkPAb. t.40lfiff bEJ UJdP tJlMIl f\i\ST "atr?Y, hR1R r5tu M'rrtD UINB LUST f3AX, HOUR DEQ ki f t4P LTMD GUST nAX , * C NDWG Tgb?, PfiSgT RB if:,g, fjptj. Dig, aT RAb HDUI; TEHP, PDTrg Rb DTR, $iJ[r, DXR, GUST NhB h'l)pjG TEHk POINT 82 i)lR, SpD. DIRq 61157 Rb2 DEG C DEG C 2 BEG, NiS BEG, diS kU BFC C 143 Ck X DfG, PS5 DEG, Hi5 HU DEG f QFE C S @KG, hfS D%GI ~iS 4U h----me-*-%e--*--*e--*e-m.-------------*---- w----e--*=-*------,>--*-------m---e--------- -----------------%.--*-----------------*-*--*- .. - u3$0 5.5 -3 h~ 849 3,s 471 !,ti btsn 0300 5,; -3 74 855 ?$9 059 5,~ 94% $300 -,I -2,o 81 a18 r14 020 2.5 ObBO 4,s -,1 77 Oh! 5.T FA5 k,3t4# -17h 035 035 4t4#*3$6$$ -i,? -3,i Y,? 034 t,S 084 ?+5*%4 BSQB 9 ,& Ah Oh3 3.6 Oh8 7,6 M% OPQO 3,U -A hR 049 2,4 947 J18 4%# $900 -2.3 -3,$ 91 0% If14 091 23 *+& iZQO ftd5 ,? 56 D77 b,S 074 qi?i *%r lzafl 7,3 -,? 3 a86 3,7 882 &$3 #%# 1280 5,t 78 Oh3 7'2 673 5,? 4u* t$fln lc,? ,449 O+O h,7 092:0,2*#%1500 7,7 -*,('I54 4\0 ?*3 DPG 5*f E##tSEB P,1 -4,243 OPf 0,3 084 bb3g'gg 18RB A,9 -is@ 58 594 4,s 896 R,Q 9.g.k \Rob 4,6 t,R 82 657 ?,I $35 4,9 kg# 1800 5,5 -4,? 49 fQf 2,4 1Qt dn9 2300 h,b -*? 65 @%& s,! 8f;j 9,7 ~34 ?l&B I,? -,b P5 813 $,5 357 3,2 %#@% -,1 -3#4 ?$ $23 ?,a 456 d12 *%* 2$@8 qZ& -1.7 &s 971 4,s 07'3 7,h +A* 24~0 6 -,? 31 1,s 002 3,? ~u -?,s -~2 $2 olg i!,@ 002 112 I-IBU!~ P%b Uf*4P SaPlbP GttST ahX, HOUR TsCw g7dDd!WDi:IIST6AX, c"llfc2 DEa glk'D NT Wfl GbSi !4AlS HB#& IEgP PQT#T 8i.i QbW, SPst, EtR, GUSf Pi49 kBMFt 7f8F, pf?'ihf tt-l FIR. $PI/, DIR . FdS1 RAD #DNL TEHP, POINT Srf DIk, SPB, DfR GUS7 RAE DEC C Df6 C X KG, MfS PEG, ?iS rU D% G ClEG I :i PEG, 3'5 DEE, ttiS f BEG C E DEG, #f$ DE6. H/S MU -I1l_LI~~-~VI)--I--~---. ' *-b-llOl-l--~l~a-W-~----~--r -.-11.--11."09-1--1---..YI ---l--~--I11--------.*^---UII-L----"---I1--. ill---- ajbfi *$.I -&,3 @5 849 ! ,5 $59 3,? 4%~ i!39@ '4 -5,366 @ti! 3*5 fJf13 bsS 4 $300 2*3 -3,4 bh {MP 4'9 tb9 13.7 Q - - -5,3 -?,la7 355 4,7 uJ7 "5"~#ahQB .? -r,$b3 054 054 9,3 ODhDD I,? -4,364 3h7 4~ OhP YR O 09fig -7,s --5,s fl$ f~kg 2,Q OhR ;,? PI.J~*BP@O f,h -3*dS 63 3,9 062 7,ii X 8Ql)fi 2 ," -3,s kth $32 $,R 079 P,Z 2 1204 -2,3 55 092 3,8 166 7,Q !?on 3,$ -?,9 bl Qhh 4,; $?F l,R 21 !2QO 5,6 -,ah3 fir7 4*b 073 *'+d ZP 1500 ?,$ -5,3 46 988 5,2 $so 9,: qsft rsao h,! -2,; 55 OQB 5'7 P?h g1~5 ?S 150D h,? ,5 h? 081 4,~ fit?@ %A s5 3'2 -h,Z 44 9P3 4,T ORB ?,,A 1RpO 4.O -I,!; 65 039 7,P $91 8,1 1 8880 h,B .d 61 878 3,t 088 & 9 3 ,, 2\08 3'3 -u7.?s $9:. :,2 a43 5,: 0 rjQ$ ,Q -5,j i.r4 p53 3,fi 879 5,7 %a$ ill[pJ ?,if -1 967 0% S,j Wj $ rl. 24bfi .I -s,sk& fib4 ',? $52 Tt:btn34n$ ?9 -tL672 fib!? 3,4 G74 8,7 4 -1%599 $29 2,; $48 S,j o r"i0tlR E UXND UXNB GtlctiST HAX. HIIEiR DEU gi~D UTNB LUST WAX. 8OUR DEd U3WD WJgD GUST HAY + NDkG TEBP, 9H OIR, SPk, brR, GUST RAD t!O#G TEkP* @Ofpi Wd D%, SPD, DIW, GUST RAD kBNL TEdP, POL!+? Ah DIR, SPOT Dl$ Gus? DEG G BE6 C 1 DEF, HIS BE$, RiUM DE6 C DFC C X BEG, fi/S OF6. Hk BEG C DFG c x DFG, HJS F<&* 8~s flu ULLr*-^--.----r---~--~~--- -l-L---*.)q----l-----~-----"--*ll~~l-UI .IIl-lb--Clli--*l---I.I.------I------~--------*-- 5308 -lg9 -?,3 93 a79 1,6 kkl ?,? fi a3dg -4,a -4,b 5% 074 2,0 319 3,7 0 0500 -,9 .kg%%# 75 265 t .2 ?7h ?+9 D bb#fi -4~ -4,9?? 85s r,J &?$ 3.2 aokda -4,~ ~?6 ?,3 bb~ 4.6 8 ah80 -i,Tn*n%r95 31 ,b 250 O CEPOO -5.8 -4,4 ~h 652 1.h 037 32 8 OQDO -5,3 93 077 1 n99 e,t :1 area -I,? ~g-kgrg oh 52s ,5 353 tt8 3 6200 3,f -s?7$ 085 2,7 685 7.4 33 r20O "4 -tJ 74 101 ?,! 115 S,1 15 r2SB -2 -i.l 84 ?83 i,4 292 3J i8 ifon 53 -1 $3 ~PQ 43 osa h,? ?4 1st~ 8b.s -n,r $73 b,? 07s 8;s i3 ISDB ~$4 -A 8: 263 3'5 261 b1o 25 r8BQ 2,: -LR 71 181 32 BBB h,~ 1 tPoa , -,5 P? $86 3,4 093 LO ti 1eBt ,P -\,5 89 ~77 32 27~ 5,s 1 Zlofl $, t -2,s 77 043 2,P 653 4,: O 2180 $9 -,5 92 877 3.1 982 6,9 O ?f0fi ,I **%#% 91 241 1,1 ??B 3,? D 24na -1,~ -5,991 nh? I,? $56 37 9 34fi3 -.5~3ncu93 245 id4 >fq5 4,b ~2dg0 - 2 ,3 zbg i18 g ~.rOuft - * ~t:t~ g:~n g5 ,D ~lej~a ~[5ix, HOUR E UI ~fr UI~B G~~S;X MAX, wiitr~ PEB MTMD UJNB GUST %ax, Now& 33f~ POIMI RH SPE, BlR, GUST F!QMG TEMP, POttiT Ri-i big, 5PB DTR, Gb59 RkD gDNG TER? POINT R? DFR SPF, OiR a 6951 RAD DEG o DEG C L BEG, Hi$ D% 6, #iS #k BEG DgG C 7 DFk, FVF PFG, #is HW OFG C DEG C BEG, HIS DFG, HdS iYb *,", ---.* "w*m---*..m ---* ,,--*m--ee------w m*~-~--~~*~*-~---------*.--*..d-- ------..%-...--**- -"-+,- --m--*--m----.--w---------- --*-----rmm-*--- 3S00 -1 ,z -jtB VS 353 1'1 359 3,R D g306 -3,4 -8,Q 6R 055 2-9 847 P,$ 4 -5,4 g#S%% !I 079 '4 PPB l>d 040fl -,? a&$%% 9: 35P *7 3F8 38 D tlhflB -4,6 -9 T 78 054 2,P fi58 6,O Q 0680 -b,4 -?,$ 9h C59 ,7 Olb 1-8 0 09~0 ,~f~4cgg~ai 686 ,O 359 t,~ '409~0 -3,~ -.8+~g~ 061 2,! 054 3.1 :$ii~on -7,3g9awh9ig $47 ,e;, ~9 7 j24f: 3,s ##n#& 559 23 $7 IqrR 2,:" ?R lZO0 -,;Z -7,4 SF" $48 ?,'d 044 6,$ P 1280 -4,? -53 Q8 126 ,6 114 3,6 12 1500 4-2 -4,553 aJa 3'3 ssa 2~ 1500 ,>? -tixi? osa 3'0 h\s~ 8,~ 15 r5ue -3 -5,569 ?,a 283 :.,7 25 t803 ,I -5,7 65 631 $#3 044 b fi 1 lRB0 -1 ,f -7'R bh a34 $48 4-7 ndOO -I,? -6,S bP "6 3?,4 268 S,l O El(r{i -?,is; -h,plsJ 956 1,9 025 $,j 9 -T,; 194*##73 081 $4 9F2 18 32d:fl9 -3,Z -'?;":)la ZQC~ ,? 236 23 $ ZhOQ -?,? -7,4 7'1 $75 ?,S 083 h,4 $ 2488 -4, l #%%,$a 78 QD? $ 32 ij 2466 -4,Q aknra 343 ,7 L:)'j 1 la fl nUlbi1 Dfd $!do UlHB $\IS'S fiT'tX, 1.ifiUR CEu bdjHD u:%F Cbk$T Y4d, b;O:!R ? gf4D U'WP MQX, sl~~& ~;~fip, p~?P!j 8t-t DJg, $Pf: 'fj?R &UST 843 HDN:, TF8fs, P";:lifdS Rh 9",i, SPX,, !IT!?, G3r31 RAFI ih!D?di; TEMP, P0iit.T Rb-t I'CP SPib, DIR, $AD -il CP' 1)EG C DEa"; C 1 DI"",FS, $iS DFfk, "IS YG flBG : KEi; f 4 DF6, ?iJ5 :3st;, ni$ nd k2ter C DFG 2 t i:lc*G, fM;iS DFL, s!# ICIT-IIU*l ~IXm,~IIYI.Im--a*.~,~~-*~*,*- a-"%-m'm--*-*we. CI.,.--Xrlll)- L* -- ~*~-CXTIIII^~*IIU1~~.,~-.-~"~--~*~- ----.I1_*+-1 -*---i.O -I%-LI--I1I1."II-4,."- -1II*li-.-.m...--IC~~~~~~.. P*.*lll Ilml)l*)tW 5-80 -dtb?###~d "i 3h3 9 Q?I;. ?,R fl 0380 -R,$ -11, $76 Oh9 ?,4 $461 6'4 il C708 "9,t3-jS',554 1114 LJ,V Oh:" 6,P 0 6680 -4.4 -t$,19R fih3 1'5 #\,a oflhi\fl -~,f+11!~7? 07? !," ~IG? 4,6 oobgfi -3'7-ittQ5+< 036 3,2 087 "p 8 ~949 -.,:,I -3,5%5 083 $Qf" ,I? *uydD -",.9-!",37; t?$?i ?,I 97$ 4,i 'IQ9(!fi -2,7-l2,Q~\'J flu 7,J ah7 7,4 1 :~Q{I 9 -q,Si7? jjd :'7 E$ 44t?Ot *l,!**!lGh4s jlJ rJbl If? h,4 g!fij;'fl'~ s*s\180?$' 8118 31T! $.j? P*; iS;rQfb I,? -;"$? sf ;1PA 9 3 091 i-a 0 33 IFflit 3: 951.19. ";:I cia$ $I,.? 1yQfi -i,U,y 34 4,s QQpa! 8 3 1:: ~~~10 3 -7,a bh 7,3 fi7! 8, bjrj? :\ Q -siej4fi 3$ fijR ,i 4,;: L~s.: Si5 ! lR{l\j fir! --11,63k fig0 ?,$I 47i-i ttq 0 00fi .-0,7hY ,*rs;: ;,a fsbAj 54 ci "03 --t\;."-1'3<9 'I*? 1.:: ";I i - ] , 4) ,,jdod ..I,' -10 0 (idjti 'ip (I -.:i)fi --h :s -a;,; 34 #64? ," iti.\il r,? ),i:; .-a,$ 0 at,. J~V j,] y 9 a%! - j %:: r:r ::; a. J- !,., -7- -a"&% 'Xr- $93 % 3: lP-4 t:; * .# * *= *** ::a I,.! 43 :I: 'T- ix$ 6.3 $-4 ".i" X:3 Ft? f :_? 44::: I.,.. 8::. ?C:: 'T' 19 I!: C:3 #:> 12 $3 ti:: $:: "Y" HOUR DE~ MIND aT@B GliST NAX. 9OUR DEU MIND kIND GUST MAX, 8OLIR DFU UJMa U5N0 GUST hAX, HEW& ffB@, GQIEI Re DIR, fPD, BiR, GUST RfiF fkb#G 4EHPI POTgT RW D!W, SPD* BIB, GUST BhD $iDWG TERP, POSBT R4 DIR, SfD* D%Rr GOST RAD DEE C BEG C X BEG, #I$ BfL PI5 W@ BE6 C DEG 6 I DFG, RfS DE6, MIS 0~6 c DEG c x DEG, H~S DEG, 9:s R@ -.l-IC.wUBi-a(r*~~*~~m-~=-~~~laPllaLr-*lrrrUUQlmrrCr**aau irr*au~l-+*fi~*u~r)ra-rm~r~al.rr---rr-rra-a-ri-a---Ir- -"-nrC.a---.r-r*--~I----*-ll*-~----**-lr-l---.*--**r-*- Cs31bO -13,t -1Q,Q "3 973 3,? a75 3,? 0 0308 -14,5-*>ti,? 62 QR3 2,B r3?4 4,b U 8380 -13,2-?8,fi;%3 ti62 3,l 876 63 B -!?'J -15,2 80 t17"?"*5 flR5 5'1 R Ohfig -15,Er -TO,$ tt? 882 a,? O?B fj15 il ObOtl -1S,5 -?O,tJr 55 975 4,ia 018 7,P Q 0908 -i3,R -k62 82 $91 2.3 103 4,a 5 0940 -ic3,,? -?la,s 3 079 4,4 877 7,4 2 0906 43,t -Zfr,91 54 OF! 4,h BPf 1 1286 -S,J -t211 59 OF2 4,s 086 8,3 Zb f?OO -"a& -.19,"i"4 491 5,s OR3 9,9 26 r?@O -Ili,S -19,7' 51 183 15'3 980 Yt9 1% eSbQ -4,) -r?,i 48 0"jt 5'2 934 9,? 12 1588 -R,J -?0,3 39 BY3 4,$ ORB "P4 P2 158fl -38,l -!8,8 49 087 5,2 092 !Q81 3 39831 -9,3 -tB,R 57 a631 3:P Q"i" ?$c7 Utala -12,s -??,I 98 d?? 3,s 873 6,4 0 SBifB -9,9 -1Sz4i 50 188 5,"1091" R,3 i? 2300 -9,R -!?,B 53 846 3,7 05N h,9 O ?ID0 -:5,? -2?,3 55 054 ?,4 083 5,s D ??On -?,4 -18-41 48 O?l 4,b OBQ Y 4 U 2409 -13,8-f8,5 62 OR8 2,: ObP h,$ Q 2451 -th,O-??,b 59 a38 2,s 0?8 5,s 6 2406 -t4,Y -69'1 51 011 4'9 084 8+3 fi , %:' \$* 1;:' 1: t f' !q. 1. .:,' r;t !> f( 7' rt) :; ['I t\t i.2 ('i !' \.:' !ti rr 'f' i.' P! \ i (-' ;tE "[ 1. \ 1." 1 " j 1 x RE5, RF5, &VC, H&i 6Ax, kAX, 3f8h &I @ZNB UIND CjjS9 GUS1 PigALW%kg Gfi'r" IFNIP, 4fHP, EB?. DIR, SPB, SPB* sfst, $PP.P, Rd DEG C DKG C KG t DEG 5 n15 DEG 2 --------------m*----.*--e*---*--mmmw--*-.T -.*------".-*------*- -".*-~-".!.--=%~'"~.- 'I 141~3 2, B,A 0% 4,5 4,3 $92 In.? ERE $2 4 r*. M~,P 15 f1i7 nsP a,o 5 aa? b.5 #F: 72 "F +'* ..P ?ria -?,w,Y BO~: $7 089 br3 i;- 54 4 1',R -5,P t,O 013 2,Y 3,0 098 8,: E oh ?I &I, t -1,i ?,"irih? 4, 4,s 478 I:,S EKE 64 b k,3 , .L 5,s OPT 3,7 3,S 869 R,? EN5 bR I r I SF "; ?,$ fjh7 1,: , @$I 51' ? &kc 83 B ,;4 ,: 3,4 O?? ! 3,: 073 R,J EHF 98 9 2 -2,4 ,5 Oh3 ,B I,! 097 3'1 92 1 0 5 -LO , 073 2, ?,9 t85 7,4 E 83 1 l , -hi5 4 881 2,? 6 634 8,3 EK 85 12 +?,B -1,9 $3 271 1,1 1,s ?hi b,G 89 7 3 $12 -3,? ,S 038 r,f i,9 049 8.4 I! 72 X 4 2 -5,5 -7 OSI t $9 ?,G G9F b13 HF bb 15 ,5 -W,4-414, 81 SF 2 ZhP hi 34 1 s J',Q -5,8 -ft5 070 P,h ?,W fist19 ?,@ HE 14 1: 7,5 -~l~r -3,8 ah4 2.4 7.7 0 8,3 t:E sb 13 4,~ , - 077 3 3,P a77 P,J EtdE 46 19 ?,T -kwh , 075 ,E % ,h 082 4.0 E 59 20 -3 , 3 -7,s -?t9 ea: 3 ;s,4 a~a Y,? 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G afjse~ IQ, isf4ISbGb$fl 05 P ft 6 $ 8 3 1 li]l$?-+ ?s@ 4 Q" 6 ij 3 4 6 * - ijQ$f~ 5;:F13j:I~~iflQo$4 3 as~~f ~y1fi2fit7!s4i0~~na a a 16 8 q 5 t 274 .- 54 71 ?b 18 16 3 e eap$fj E 4 8 $3 8 5 j1:??3?*2":75:~ 4 f 8 0 ; $ R 6 p.: $$Q@bf~$*? r; f: 3? 27 !F h 1 fi Q f 3 0 c 9 9 1jrl.'ts~$>~70~i;i~~j7 1 a fi 6 0 8 14 8 3 6 8 2 i 7 2?;<~!3 P 1% G b 8 5 Q 6 8 $1: 17 1$t?t~3;53 P 1 @ 0 G 3 3 * 7 3fi 2- QiJ@kfj@.; 5 6 y \+j 32 52 e 1 j F 2 I? f d 8 6 $ 5 1~?Q;355"&q h 11 B 3 8 i 8 $1 0 8 253?;251sj?: 9 fi 2 1 Y flb$@$$fJ 1 {4:--f?h?f fj a$ 26 5 4 6 5 8 n 3 , q IP .jj -3 1: 3 :+bosd > 4 6a a 8 4 9 ::~?s~$a3~~ I Q Q e i~ 5 L? f Ci$tl r 2\trq1aj32 XI-^ $ 3 $B#;.ifi PJ 1 ~:fij> 7 g 4 4 fi a i p4 $8 {: t 4 ]b " .:i";. 19 1.j 3 q I 6 ir fj 0 :", **V' 3 d 6 3 3 ib ?? 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ZR* eF? $R4 Pa* st%# -%*A #rk btY 48R tlR kt* CFk *YM k4~ l*h &9R ih eft9 48" kip Kq-P Tit4 9t4 $f* 9kR IBt bp3 +&$ $9* S*i bt% kSk. 2St $95 @R@ Fk? 3s) &k4 $*X h*? :k$ :? -wt% fi35 atq I++ +kg I*R c RA~ %%x t~% %$x ti9 *T* sta ttn ~RB ~BB $R# t~e R~E B&# %#b RRI f*+ qtt 5 AP~ $*8 FM K&R FF" #)% ~5% asa pre $kt kt4 gixr ckt q%t **FB Btn sk~ nn* $49 zfr ~RX gixs hta n19 kkt 1-7 *!$* dfX Qe+ 84% *+$ frn Fs* Y~W PRF +*.1 @K$ *fift **i C<B ~(8 ~SR *SE $RI R&# #-zwk 4~$ tt* XPB 25 qPg. 4k;X P%+ PEZ i?#.SI PO XKib 9&$ SAP tk- ia(bh ahFt #.be nYA x#*; krx 4bZ B*x a%:# k-fir nba dyx 11kk ?f <a4 9gir *d% $#P PF? trS EXX $55 ~t# ~P;E ~CR $4~ *%w q~ii &#R *"r~: PRX "8 lq~ RE)* - YJ i.0 EESR ).#P I$+* #83. *.44 FR+ It+ PXP 089 Piri Rk% #-At kkk P6F 4A# BFS 4X3 IXM kkx t*): iif-f kk& &f# 4~4 kg# %%% K&% fjff 34-4 $A? *:L Vf !RY AA4 ~fr YEA @!.b **t +x& +a* r&& iSa b5X #$B tar trt PX$ id% Q$-$ 7 a b#x j:%? iftqx* are ~ns $6~ $P* lkt as% tgx $4~ t%? kM4 ~$8 rkt 4#? ~bk 9%) ~XS XPX 8x4 5s~ 27 YE# W* 9% #rift -9 e:7 ~5% ~tx 8.g~ tax ~PX r~t rik tea 4#A ~*x RCI ~3% ;fl r&# Fx* it* *t 4 5 * . r+ BXf 3kp :tr XT* #4t ekq *z? $19 sb* QrP t*b fa3 5pr sh% Pks Ria @*: *XP Bb2 3aF A*+ #kp Lax lgg ,tk+ * irri ct %zk a4X -8r.e rr~ *kt ~FP p:c x*?, ":r ~rr a?* *a* if* 3%@ 5~4 *ec %!4* t$i c4a 4+9 ~4% edw 14n cffs "> i- d#$ ps@ &a* I+k stk Ttr *t* :$* ?Pa lk: )4* ts% irP BRI 988 S~F 2%~ ;PI $Rd PI* RB: JBF vbb* 29 %rd $#n t,c* :$+ *UX ~t4 'XL +ar 4%~ 3-2 6x4 "3 "g~ ~*4 $4~ tqi %+% $48 ixr 8%~ %R$ ;r; 1.r ttg 7 f S-R* ~$8 #a$ a:p s z FT~ %x* r9n sbd +at r%s ?#k ;%I ~2% rSp 8;) t&i nrr 4%~ dp~ T * f t 4%) SW~ $%* Y*<i "ws r+b <*t -tB' +" YPPd kt$ 9rS *aS B$W C*t rlr <*& trn dts x&% J. . 1 t ~3 i, s.:~r:$x f ), "i ;$.,, ,-!; f , s 8 : 4. -1 0 1 p, i.! i ,% 6 '~ 1. M -10 RH Pqints ttz,i8l - 1_Or'005 2, Scalar -1 pnWlC~$&~ 1 0 1 I.. 8 Wddikional 1=;.amn1ents on t:ilis monthD s data: 1. New solar sensor install.ed on 1.0/5. No rl8t.a priox to this date. 2, No longwave radiation ilata. iqatnna base camp shut down for winter, 3, New weakhc:r wi-za~rd model instal l~d 10:'5, Differcrl~~cs in re- col-tiiny me thtorls wi th i.h ii:i iiiutit. l , cnii~f.>ar-cbc! wi th thr? oric~i!li;i. VCJ rs i CIII : A, ?;"%~C~S"C-I~C~ data are avcracjrs of sampl.c?s takci? witkin tirill.? * - * m-**,."--=."--'. *-*a - rec01:dillc~ i n tc.~-va L (prcvi c?us 30 mint.i:cs) , Or-i.iri.12ril No psrecipi tation data for E%ovel~er (See XNmRPWTATfON OF DWTA) , ~$3 U"i DES JTHB MTgD GUS f TRX . $OUR PF.w MXIdD UIMD CUSI #AX, Hot19 k brND WjND GUST RiX4 %b#E FgP, POTgT PH Elk SPD, DFR, GUST gkD b!DMG I%$, PQTbT PH DfR, SPD, D!R, GUST MhD IjBi!G TERP, FBlb!f RH DIP a SPD. BIR, GUST i3AE DE6 i BEG C 1 B$G, fi/S BEG, MI$ HV DEC I: DEG c x DEG, HJ"S ZIFG, fplf~ ha 1)FG E: BEG C % fr8cL, #l"i;'f3FG, FCJS #U --%xb*-*)--*ru."~*-*~-----%-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a-a--rrrra-urrrrr-reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .r..r,rr-rrrr-r*rr-ee---~.---------*-----------lf---*~- 0300 -?,D -Id,O 79 067 3,f Qhh h,4 8 0300 -t3,9 -18,b bS UBO 1,8 IRA 3,3 0 6360 -12,9 -f?,4 5P 059 t ,8 Bh! 3-7 fi ObCB -9,?-12s3?# R?! 3,s 090 k,9 R DAB! -!3.5 -IS,Rb4 OR5 ?,.: OBf 4,t 0 0600 -X2,2-1R,65P 471 1,s Q69 !,7 ti GYP0 -IB,R -16.4 P8 995 ?,P BQ4 5,: 2 0908 -19,t ef2.2 65 079 C .4 OTb 4,h f ~900 -i3,1 -f8,4 b6 OR5 1,s 889 3$3 1 1206 -7'5 -t?,2 kg 40R 2,: 503 d,i ?fl j238 -a,? -I@,@ Si 119 !,J 121 5,l 17 IZQd -b,l -16,247 Ill Sz9 toe 4,i fb 1500 -1.6 -i4,5 37 $93 j,2 lfl9 n,a! to rsoo -5,9 -l?,a 41 rta iJ,P 119 4,h rl j5oB -3,O -I&Z 42 r:? 1,s 135 32 8 i@f!Q -5,? -Ik,B 48 Q74 9,4 080 ?,4 1 18flB -3,7 -lR,3 4h 107 3,b $99 5,5 f 1888 -A,B -!4,9 57 07% 1,3 073 3 ? S 2ron -9+~ -jht,9 gh 083 ? 3 OR! :,% a also -la,? -te.a 52 oss 1,s lo? 4,b a rtoa -s,~ -1t~z 53 463 835 32 u 2400 -1t,"i-X7,3 hlf B"it ,,';a Oh3 ,4,3 !I ?4B@ -I?,? a!?,? 515 050 t+? 039 4,1 B 240.11 -fO,k -16,9 $0 $42 1,3 03'7 Jt2 O i-tGE3W BFU kdKRD #TNB C;i.IST Hr\X + #tKlR 5 @!NP U%ND Fd54 HAV, YBUR DFU LTND JIHD GET F4Xz PIDNGJ TEttP, ?OIHT 88 DIR, SPB. DiR, CtbST Bisff $DFjfs 4ERP, PBllbrT Rt* f)lR, SPD, T:IR, GUS1 BAC tibBG TFHP PQTNT RM DR, SPD, Pi@, G2S"ifiki"b DEG @ BFG f E BEG, 3iS DFG, nl: 5L DEG C 8F.S C. 2 BF6, PiS 9EGe MJS 14% DFG C DFG C X OE&, kt'$ BEG, f4is 3k -. I ---. f 2 rJ--$ O"~S-WPO;P.PP S- 33 r C%;"-a3f;P3.4b-3CPX'33"3CP 1 -33 -J x2 w - "I* 'ad &i -id -4 ra 4 g ;-? 7. -&'-4'%3%2'-a'-4?33Q--dccj 8 -. SZ --- %r '4 -Li brl a* i a4 .r;% I 1 &"* ^r -- 3 i -3 m a 4- =ZZ--%c3I==ie~.bE;,= T*,-L-r C~DQC~~~.~-C=;LS=~ # wa *s c I zr?-+ r a I-L?" sr -'" < c=.a=;se;J-B.C5G3- r mr_^(c--& 5i. -4 3- 2 9- -3 \r.J -4 "a 5 i-! Z. ~~~I-.--C)Wic~~ 2 -ZZZ% -4 .- -# - -et I-. L-acpg f - - XI * 2; ??gi ,- Ps3"d"-3"4d_CB9-nL3jzsr 1 - - 23 I I r": - f ,..??3 a%. -- -r -2- --M a&. -d es* *- + 8 \ -m -* em 6 *-r& ~i'! LP? r-r3 ""9"- 7- "p 3 "*- "w a -% F, $ - f ~,~ - 13 "., ..-=- - *I ,* .- +--. ( %., -4-t -< -7 - i -3: .* 2 *"'.-;sf;F t *3SQZE -- . - $). tad 8 -2: "- *x 9 "2- : . 7.3 - & g- ca %a rl.2 cs #,--. r - W .- I-;. "..B c3 --5 *& A" 1 - "3 i w 2 - . cj 5 :s3 y ?? z> ~1 Gi *-'. f rz;r 2-1 -2 gi r=, --& c%? -d tZz% FA r "ym .-1 C=: 7 -- -~~~+3%!zxc..c=.~ r rrt4c "7-- + -z z2 &J &z& #Z x; ;;> ; ?> m x3 4 3" --a 9- S". 3- 3 3- w 4 Gi Fez "a *a Ca -33 cl- -a ;r 3- Lo I Lz-3 3a "29 -4 4s. 33 4%- rSJ rJ". -+ igir bi f - - --4 t-'-**Jlf&?irglr6rQ".-.63 t - + -4 Z t 2EG'*X 3 d -xa -9 3 -4 -4 -4 3- r-*i 8 -, s=: s -f-m--21~e~Ri~-h3 i 2gG5 ;arm;r: 27 --- .*-- -".-"--- dcJ *-f Cr.8 'm *& thi -6.a 8"G 1 N- tT: P i -s* rx w- -7 -..3-%2"sfj laJrd* ;f?: =Z,m r 4 - G *a "Pi 'a3 "c.1 --..a 4 P'3 I -4 - ,;,&J;,;.,;,ZcJ& 1" =521"1 L mwl-rz i i - 9 xm i $ 2z x> i ZCm -h f 1"$:-;gLs ~a~c :*F&es= : =z - - G3e=?..=*s*s n9-Yzrca I a 1 =m -1 G' c3 p .-.-- c- cs>. o t I i 883 titea !C2---3 t t l 3 8 4 Il jC7Q ti" _I ^U _^_n - ;II r- -. TI zp ~3 LP--.li3--^I.-..-- *L4d 3 -v7z;?=It.=9 p.3 rj ?o -lja XW r-a rU t ir :zJI";; r-i.: =h ii- WI ---i 14 -;=+ ""x 8 r;^> -4 33 --"--*-- -- *3 -i. PQ &a Li'T .It 3- g Cd' -i 7k -*-*-*-- tn&s~Act.hu:ep.p J.. ZZZ 1 -2 SZ I 2- s A<"----- =* "22- rs4i .53 ,& tfi 43 4%. : 61 - ;w etJ -k, -4 PA Ga rz ., % -> 4 i zEa?K i - -7 5 -. =+Ct;r=r*t$ZSQICJ-ou s c-34 ;=-"C:-a7-33"i CcaCx? 8 'T "" **a 9- P;r- m- a- 2;3 -4 X3 f - " a --2 -9 CP T- v a- -.a i SW - .A C-, c -3 5- 43 -a -* 8 *-.F E. ;r* @ -43 8; -.ii -. ..Z '23 "33 - f ;< x + r2 "S,% 3- %3 93 $ 1 -2 3 ; =3 175 sz -: *pw% -: -- - c. SS ^" r,. C- *;-L "-. . -Ti d * - - -- cs c23 C-P SZP r=r Gi 5.3 ( '*t E.4 *--. : w v e Q.saGs---rs=3- 6 "f(7;- F3 *.g 2 2 3.1 $1 ;z 3 r ZP -& - - 123 .- 4L7- --I --Jr2-* ;8-%C-) I ?-*Z& s-- -0 ;tr= .& -4'8 A &b * *,el -4 i_r-I r;?S .\o 4 w f k7f -33 zz ,.,. '*'oCrcf-L*grg-uiT* I - - a F-' 1 71%: t-p; +E" a- :Fills 2" t y* + a- - r~ '-1 A id LJ-~ 9 +-% - *-* ---:-~3karpi~3- ~p-i_~g i -, -0- * trr* P~J T-J n..~ -0 C-L I zicrS5i~ .'-,- ------- r ~13~3~~ -------- 5 -3'3 .2=1 2 --.-*-*..* i "4-egc-r ~>iSxr~*-I,~"==.nri*~ i - P-Jaa/.&WC?P*-+=.33~ 3 f ts i C331 e;l %'z JCrCpfA-QW-Oglm f . *a : WWbZ-3 zsyj-mt=rS-O p IrY$c*r t -s,,r="3 C=;lE!J----eC3cr~ 6 ;TLwc ~IJ -4 3 -37 -1 -3 -.a f -ci 2W Cfi a i-i.l" ?&a -& ~."t 24 -+G 1 - - --i * 3- :ps --.* -4 i a2 srj &.f? P..." P,d m- * *- & 9-*-4 p113~rlPf=;ie3Ct-&u3a- 1mmeS) fLIJ'l G- i38 a rs ~k ~n ;----i : 7z cs -3 : rjpcq-= I *+- S.V x"- -J 0- a- t -I L- 3 --<A*"- ' .> * f.25 --'.A 93 0 . 0 ex> 1 -& ;FG g> -.....-- 1 L'i ;w -+.&"--- -z~-T Gs..ag-i=r .&.= , --4- w -- *-'~~;r-dmr;r-j j -d -a rl; -4 a;- rLr- a- ,g 5 F t i 1 8 3t 9 ZL .%* : z .-- 8 3.m -ziC=e3X-k3~GZ2~53 (r=l GZ3.E=r9.=3 f,yAc?aCE3 We3 f cg aCSes%?p%3&71*Z.rQ i e? tlOtlW BE% giiiB @XkD Il!fSM&X, P9UW Bfb MXfib Id'lNii fqltST BAR, r-iOUR DEB Uf UP 3%NB GUST MAX I hb#iE lEnP, Prl3lhT Rlf CIRZ 5PDt DIR, Gl!S'f R&B $iD;iG TFBFC. FfOUiT Rij BXR, $PD, QIR, Glitili REbD HBING IEHP, PDINUizfl DZR, SPD, OSB, GUST $iPo BEG C. DFB C 3 DFG, Mi5 BEG, hiS 2U BEG 6 DEC C Z QEC, MIS DF6, HIS WQ QEG G PEG C X BEG, fltS PEG I Hf5 i4iQ -"-c-"-n*irry.*l~-~~-~--"rirm)a4*-Car---nr~m-*-*-*~*. *rar&rrrrrrrt-wtr**--~~-m~~~,-"-~~-*w----~--*h--*tr -nr"l---al^-P-c-tr-tr~----~-*--~--w--~----*-.--~XI*-"~ 13389 -15d -1'7,l 90 883 13 873 3,T 8 n380 -iB,Sf *j3,5 @I g7? 7,b il?A I?,$) O 8388 l,d -l,B (\b 1386 $3 It4 9,7 D ObSl8 -t%,,k -Ih,R 91 9% P1,5 084 ? 17 a7 DbOO -if ,9 -P9,'? 83 065 7'6 8h3 11,' G 4blrO It,O -,? F17 flP6 $,I OR1 tfi'l O 0900 -1bl2 -!lilt% RO OW? OR7 a,l B $939 - SsO -x?,P R! 079 Pa@ rlP3 !ib9 0 8980 -1,S -2A $15 078 3,2 $80 7,4 0 12QO -14,ti -Ik,'9 Bt tR5 tOP 4,) 1% 1300 -9 1 -1t,8 8) a84 at73 \1,5 2 l2Qo -t,o -?,b 4b3 ??B 2'3 296 Ssb 3 1580-!2t5 -13J a? "m9P '1,d It72 ?,R R 1500 -h,l -8,583 062 ea,7 BR7 I0,k t 1540 -1,P -?,2S;r? 2% 6*$ PBI 4,"i 1808 -11 s -13~4 83 OPP 3,s 060 7,4 IPOQ -9,i -h,b RJ 485 ~$5 09g 113 ratla -s,l -s,a $19 ??a ,>,a 287 o hfBD-fl,Z -13,1 62 Ub! h,4 8h3 Y,? O -3 -?,4 Yit 094 1?*3 183 14,3 G 2140 -9,T -S=g 4k8 292 1,7 269 ?,a B 2480-lt,4*-!3,9P? 86; &,a iihrc"1fQ tFTlBQ @4 -1,2539 098 8,: C18b12,B D248B -4,9 -5*?"?'b 34b ,S 343 1'8 b ~t3bk flfw @I431 d$ktil QUS"PprSX, fli"lllR llEJ YTHF UiND M$T' 8&X, MOtirt DFQ k?KP k5B.dD Grjsl YAA, N0;4r3 fEbF, Pfj!MMb bf$l SFD DTS , GUS"iRCi;"MtMG TE?P, COlkT Rbi D!R, SP'I. Pa$, i;i15T RAD F,QN.i; TFRP, POi~ir Ct~s DIF , SPD, Dig. LgST 4Afl' bEC C DFB r R PEG, 3)s DFG, EiS qU D4G O PEG T ?# QEG, ~4 OF$, q/$ H$i P% G GDEI G 7, Dfdt hJS DsG, q/5 ----*- **-.s----- r-l--."-"-w----------a------*---- --ll-----ltl--C--*--------*-m--.&--e---------- *- -I-I.CIC9-^W-llll----*"---m*~ -."I...II^.-* -PII --- "..*.l-t-. ,--- @3G$ -5d -&,I ?? 831 I ,I gill >*"I 0T00 -9J ?w%r 92 3-47 t+ 351 f A 0 6168 -tfl,z +nfia+ 4; i39 ,& 294 I,$ 3600 -3,h -7,~ es nab 1,s 81% 2.2 o -aqg 443tR 93 5 349 j,.4 0 ~&GP -rusa M#.E~S 9: 341 3 4 Q 09fi8 -9,7 -fQe8 P2 OI~ 1 ,? Rt? ? P O OBOR -\fist -\0*7 75 Dd? !.! fig3 I,(? 6 0909 -tQ,? d#waw 95 335 ,,f 394 1*4 8 iZOQ -8,I -1L3 R? Q$P 72 @GJ? 3,? 4 t?P -?.? -ro,? 93 015 r.? 8~ 2,:j 4 r?Q;l --ja,4 4w~ws ?$ 2% .3 299 1,4 1 1540 -7,3 M+%% RZ 1,; 33h ",R 7. 15Qfi -e%f\ -lo,{\ 93 Qzs l,fi 005 k.3 a --lQ,fi -1fj,7 95 351 , 1 bHq5 -3,3 -10,4 92 Jib 3,0 :44h ?,P -tn,? i~+#+i 93 413 1 3 027 3,s Q jf?gP -In84 *xR*$ Qy 338 ,b 164 &i!O -9,; %#k#?~ 91 356 f ,; 393 ! ,3 fl 13113ti -J,4 -14.2 94 $hS : +: $5" 3,4 8 ,al$f~ -12~9 -jli,h 9: $*:d r,4 @fib :;;,? p tl;r{! -3,r --1giB q? 38 ,,h 341.1 ! ,@ 8 ,?4Ofl -jOs? -:: ,k; G4 300 ,q $55 4,1 $ -, , * 1 , j : fj Y ~IUR DE~ ~TNP ~EI~D GUST ~nx, wokla SF@ bl#n UXN~ GUS! ~BX, kiif,iR fi;~ g~gi;l b~~fi GUST R~\x, HBW6 %a?, PDIBP WW DIP, SPB, DtR, CC5T Bh& 6B!iG T3P a PO!N? RH b45 SBD, BIR, CESI RAD ti3HG TEaP, POIMI 88 BIR, SP9. DIR GUST RAP BEG c DEG e x DEP, wis DEG, nis nk DEG c DFC c x DFC, !US DEG, fit5 i% PEG c BEG II I BEG, 815 BEG, I!!$ HM -"~-.*-----~s~~~----**C*C*C*CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~- ,=-*--*--mm-*e*--"**--*wm----- mwm*wme*---.--w ~~**-~m-*~----**-m-*-*----------*--------=-- ~JVI -14~0 -I~A RI $82 a,~ $98 B a3aa -12,4 -1s~ 79 ohb n~ "r4 14) ~i:fdo -13,~ -14,~ '87 ir~ 1,7 BIP 2,o ai Obti! -14~ -2h.5 e? ssa 4,b st2 &,a 9 aha8 -ia,? -rk,8 81 @b3 4,0 ~b? 63 {I ~bad -13 % -15~ 105 1.7 113 I 0908 43'3 -15~7 82 087 s,n ~hfi ngoo -IIJ -rs,l 7a oh6 abs 6,s a Qyar -13,d -15~3 IB~ rap n,6 laa >.a 0 120Q-!3t?-15,683 467 4,9 @sf 7,S 3629t-19,?-15,R19 flhb *1,3 IF2 7,s Z 1?@$-l?,b -45,7BO 093 1,3 a99 2,3 4 i508 *iS*I BP dhB ql? 07t T18 1 1SDFI -9,? -53s8 72 070 3,4 $76 6,9 3 f5l2b -I?,@ -Td,lS 'E33 2&0 l,fi 879 '$3 f iaalii -1~7 -15~0 $3 a:;& 4,s ss~ 7,~ 8 t~t3il -IT,? -I(L~ 84 899 ~2 ni~4 3,s 3 IRQ~ -9,i -11~8 $1 np;gl; t,~ en 4~ a ZIQB -!2,A*65,5 82 068 3,R 876 8,4 12988 -!4,9 -?4,5 08 114 I,R 1;4 3,2 G ZfEG -R,5 -tt,S 19 OAS 3,7 tb5 6,9 Q 2400 -1?,6 -I4*9 R? Qh? 4,4 072 :,4 O 2908 -t3,3 -84,9 88 Ill 1.7 10? 2'8 D 2486 -B,J -it,$ ';Y 064 9,0 069 6,U d flfi:,, n7k, [\A3 ?*EfP, TFkP , Thp tr ~r, c xr, r 1--* -~6w.*--e-111-"-3---*-.***"*. 1 -1 '5 -la,? -Q,P 7: kr .' -\isa; -!$,I 3 ; -2 -4'4 4 --6I1t -Iil,b -It,4 5-3 -9.3 -h*, $ -0 4,Fi -3*4 S %."3 ..7 ,";1=j " tJ 8 - -?*Q -5,1 " .-s,h -7 -If ,Q ti -113, 8 -;?],?I *i7k! II -11h,R 3' -?O*; 12 -15,~ -25.0 --PB,5 E3 -35 -2?,8 -IRaS -13,s -?Q,7 -ty,! 16 -l*fu* -j?ej -1OSff lb - -14'3 -1:1,y 17 -18.7 -5 -13,i 18 -R,5 -\4!9 -!I ,? I9 -sQ,5 -ih,T ? Q $4 -t?,Q '-5*g "J '.'t I, -4 -r #ti 3 -$,b -?I,? -7,? w * ." 6 , $8 -\I,$ -9 3 C I q -gag -I?,? Y - 'i)? , 1 -I Z f" ?& - -'$,P ?J , ,'37,3 -.;'7*= 'yl -)! ,7 -1A-7 -J5*2 ': P Q.4 -]j41 -$I *. K- e 3g '3 -t3#1 - g " flQ!i'r i,? -Y4,3 --!$ ,? WES, Bf'. NG, BAN, HM, DAl S %$bib #If4 b:kD GtiS.1. GtlfTPttiAtMEAti MEAN SQ:..lF BIB, , SFD, i, GV, DIR, 4W BP PWE~~VEEEG~ DAY But i!$ r\iS D&S 'x, DEC i: HtPI UHi'SQai 4-.r*aC*"U1.- ul- "nrB-rC1l*C.wr*lu^.---~-*,-*~**-~-*-w---w"---* ,.--- .,...*~QQQQQQQQQQQ". ORT 7, , 180 7,~ E 65 -14,a :do8 r IPX 3 n 017 5,s , 55 -9~~4 gg$% 1325 ? 1j 77 1," 3*h j68 9,) Et4E 5h -:b,fJ #a##; '785 .J 0 % ,? 13 031 5 ; kE 30 -15,5 rrxr h35 4 Ohij 41 4,1 a65 ;,3 Ejjs Ti -?O(t 215 b; 158 3 I,? ~~4 EWE 7s -6-5 wwas a3 6 0: I( . - ,W 097 3,2 U 98 -61 k#n" $15 ;; 094 1 ,! 1,3 ORfi P ,& f 84 -&,: ,a?$ fi 04:" 15 1*8 IYS 4,b ERE 93 -!3,3 ##%% T C id ia 644 \ 9 1Q7 4'~ . 8); -1 w#sn 5hi.I iO k i.5 I,$ 049 3,1 5 80 -297 """i ~dr 11 882 ?,O 105 5,s F ?t -24,fi tff~R 570 1% i*?h 3,' 3,3 07MB,S E bb -?;$+ %$&%* L-"C JQd !J titI[, pa 3, 4'8 flh4 IX,~ fNf $'I -2%,t cwaw $05 1.3 0?? 4'3 $,I 031 8,2 Fpe ?? -14,Q &%k& 335 13 UP4 ?,j 2.4 07b 6,s F 85 -11 ,h n##c Vra ,?r5 1h 6 4,l 4 7 6,7 87 -3 r+b% "$5 1 "i Dh2 3,: 3,Z 078 7.8 EgF PP -1239 a@## IiQlr 18 471 3,t 3,? IIhf . $ -*if-,& ~ww 5Afl lQ 081 ?,? 9 :h,3 F 83 -",5 #s#n 910 TO hl3 ,n 1,8 06: !0,t dNk "3 -2, I 'is :;I i104 13 i 3 onr 3,7 w $3 -9 3 &ax* ,;tt 0 ,Y :" 41" Q 1, i 455 4,1 $4 -1[jtt ~xxs 194 23 349 ? zR QbJ 3 Q3 -: swd b?~ :ad ijA l w I ,R 6' -i5,5 h#~>~ aQ5 T5 I%? y ;1,4 1" ?tea F ,..;^i .-a1 .l I ,p,egN :$;I 21; - * ,% rr " 0 O 9, -:b 1 a#ng I I- naia ' b:t ,:/ 4": l ,h 00 $,3 ;&4F 92 -q7 0 *k** ?.:o zp 7 7 , $1 114 " '* 4 Fb!E 81 -4 4 krxb , je 2.2 rj 8" " 9 V @peS ~$9 f" $3 -.,s,g ~ri~r: 36 {i ? {! 5; ib 10" :4, \ KNC 7c - tqa* !:Ta3$ * t::j .'is "7 '3 t {I 0 j , d\ ;., t. \I:.-' 0 , li it -1 ' ; "'" ? p\ , t\ ;;*> : " [ !:? 1 i 1 I 's*, s"f 1 t-) , 2) s,,J 3 ,L? F*2 .I g "' ' ?. , \ 1, 5s i.: ' , ,! , ,:j (" i".', # , a et i.i , , q 6,) ' k" 1 , { j y-; 7: ir fix; i# , *[ ;! il , $"I rf :: ti , f: t) , it (a 6 j. %4 I? 11 I! ii d !r t*;) <,>i,) 1: j*B$J \? \ C 1) & b-b ! ;5 4 . i, 4 f"' t, -1 , <,,v . j 1 {J * 4 1;:; i h , <:3 , ,j l 8 I! * 143 B~OQ 3200 0300 fia\0t\ g5t~ $6~3 07~0 ORaa 0900 i\I{/B 1180 1~ijg 13Bd 1500 l?au iani; rvao Toea 2:dt ;?&a 3380 i#\OO hvF , ,-ro--*v-snlr --",*-- --..-.. ...---- sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl, .r.rla*"lr*-.r^~~sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,sl,--* sl, --sl,sl,--.sl,------sl,--------sl,-------sl,~*-- --'--*---a rAX 4$t t#% a4U 4## 29% -?it!. %%% W1* six %I% 4KK X+x $48 %## tX4 43% #9V dck 4x8 Ikft 439 tffw gBg g#a k&k R%+ tk:% ~RZ t#B 214 Sk* #2R Y3i5 %t~ a? r#$ kkf ~dk #At XRq xzt WYX r#A Xra #@R BRh WZ "*kx %** %%% r%a %%=4 n9w kY-a +st. #a3 pas rxc bks ~3% *6% (#a #g.g 9x1 f#4 %b# 8~3 14% %%a ##L 443 s%k QAk i+%t A$& t*$$ %%% W~P xw ~$3 h9 RRP 8~ ~$3 %#% xxx F#R RKw xxs BPX s~p ks+ nna ax* ~3% PX~ *a% ~t 948 ~4% f%< 921 $E% *>L) +t-N 444 ss# 48% @#% 4Y1 3~ k#% %%fi 8tt #$k 44% %r% %#+$ #XI Wk st4 KL# #%h ~3% n#% itkit ah* 8%) 9#+ Hf ?&k kkk kfx tW-x n#t xg$ #kg ~kb kx# RW~ nnn #A# Ar"pk9 kC+ ski fX4 R#t 4X3 set% %E% tQI Q%+ %%#I ~%k i4t 4#% 9hX *fit X+& *## 4agk %-&k %KW &%if 1ah h$C #R# 1$tk %k% Q$% R#k Xfi6 #i* 5RflA9 *P?- A3F %Bb iRk PR*I %lq* bXP b+& kaB Ad9 kf$ Skk kkP APE &lft SIF B&* kkk 83% aQr rl? $+%? Q%# ?w\ af.k 39% ~k-3 qd% %r% ?+r rkw Mkf %EA :+a iwxt twd SF?+^ +Cr %a% hYx *E# X%$ $#F flv 3%" tbS tb? >,'@t t%T kk? XY? R%R R*s $i?? ##*% k14 XB$ $#+ %?a %2R &%4 kb*.k %%# $!ti tZ# *#1 fft2 fir++ F%# XZ~ ~PR 644 6%X *bt Y#& *## Pkn ~48 f#t ?+kg 4.46 PCI #%#. xga -+nk -04R% XPP Y~P i4kr C*P RIP a#a g3-3 qf! +#? nra *rL r%X KTB *-R> $:sX k~& &k$ a+K tnt %&a f~3 4k9 4>k& RRR r%4 Zet "5 d%# !$t, e#f ~$4 *:6~ at* %%t %+in h6#k r3.p &%a 48% 5t.k RUI #%# 4$$ 4x1 838 #,%# t;k kiwi 8k5 $PR %a? #?+SF 935 Y!t? ##a kc* qkk Xs*R Bb* #gx h#F Rw> $#% k#3 kbk bkk kk5 A8.Y kXF kkR $98 x3+ 3b4 rfk *br f%h 4%-x %X# %Xn ask %#@ 45% qX& kB% 6~4 !+%+ Alk w1 %4$ A+# q43. rs& 4gf Rbk krri.s: %t* 1.3' ~3% $$I kk* khii g7.V~ .pk* %Xt bk~ XR~ ~PRX ~x.X XI? ktr Xtk &it? Bkk pks. Ytr %kit +ttk %2# w6 +E# +i-# eth trt ~tf AIc ~3% ka# #c+ *H sts,f "B~T x~kn +t#a +ah -9% ~w cw 6.8 nwr tit* LEY A&$ #*F #$h Tek ak4 xRR %#.P 93% ik"?W? d%R eA* bH adz a@& xkd a#$ kbk +%R $&x $kX P%P abs ##if XV$4 b+k i@.$ 4XX Itt tdP ~AR $54 %+A Blk %#W t#k *<# Q%$ t&X tRP ~4% gk# f:* #V% Skb! IXP ?+t@ *xX X#+% L&R kd$ #3k kt!! kg% i9k dkP *P$ xFC Bgi kbk Wt &th 4-93 RZP 6#3 &%a kk3 t?2\ Rh8 $3~ kk# fxe ##% -264 Cnff kgz~ 2*% krff MR sd% %#r w#$ qnx -~~r+ *$x tX% SF$ x%$ %xR R%X PRg LA% tlr MR 3kx %t~ k*?~ %A% L~x t$f it&> ?$* $ax xts &@d c%~ a&* Z#t sXX &SY k%k $2~ x%k #wt aXn as,? %#3 .$%% ?:$k -s.\i+? x#d *** +Xa% 1,4$. 8SX 2gs% i?lX R*k bgh 494 *ice Xxj #AI Yk* ?4% ACB "14W 4XX -E#g 819 P#% 4" f?23 Rk3 9%) X!th *Sf th$ Xkt RX? Asa $19 tp% a48 ixt kPx :,sr nxl YXF XXX Xts s:n rsz bsX 3t4g kni &fk C#r %K K9A kW# kt4 kg# %3$ *%% **'% #$la l5$ r:* %a& :pk 4YY %%a xK% b14 #,#d rrx #w$ 4k# &x% #&,a, gpr ~$7 IKW ghi.~ XXF PZ- Y~X ~RQ x~ie a$+ Z~Y RJX k~: XRZ $ir;b ~5% ra* sce'l: $34 *a% kEY MY< #*n If:* SF: k#r ad* %++ +F$ *4t -s$C $x% 266 -28 bffX 8th ~8% VX~ Q24 XXB rQ7 %.gg YhR t#j #Pi 4hR $%k @Pr %*k 4k* kW 2-?x A59 tpr itkF a41 ,Pk #I, F&F bkb r~9 Z$I "tg CIC xY* V~R *g# PXS. %&iP 1s8p P.+P ask ~tk +tt #w% "o?( ~I$X ~bj: 44t QA~ XPL ~C-F RWR ird PAk &r* &B"+o?B$ fFX r*h tpb $R1 2-& q2) t$$ #cP :zx #*a RXL k~,: %#I k#? %nf xxh A:~ *r I": '-** '-' 'Z 1, Na ltowgwawe radiation data, iqatana base camp sFut 3cwn fcr &@ir~Z,er, No precipitation da-ca for December (See INTEHPWTP.TION OF DATA) . '"! ?{ Y: \ *' " i*-5 { *! { ) (4 <:) { { ;%\ $3 rf 'f $' fj f< ): 1 ;! 1 $) ~v f,'\ jd $: !'\ '[ *-\ Y!. r2 $, fA 1 \ ! ,'] ?.I 0 6 ; A $q 1) \ 1 R 'i @) [ .; 1) ,:.! c. r~ci tV3 r. $2 $1 -1: ~GCP R p ti gfqD UINP GUST BBX, HOUR BEb! UxbD kiND GUST BhX, gPJR k78D U3Nb GUST $AX, MDNG SE#P, POZgi RH b1R, 5Pt. DTR-. GUS'! BAD ki"3Mg "VESiaiP, $(STFLT 8h fiXR, SFU, DIk, GUST WAD bIDNG TEhP, POIHI' 8% Dl?, 5Bt, DER, GUST WAD DE& C DEG C X DEG, #IS DfO, Hi% i4U DEG C DFG C X BEG, HIS nEGl MIS WW DE$ C OF6 E '< BtGl ttJS BEG, 8JS dU E-IQUa DfQ gXrizB dlHpl CtlST YAX, 3RCiB BE U3gD &IWB GUST HAX, HOUR DFU ~i$lB U4NB GUST MAX, MDRG TEBB, POINT RW ti^, SPD, DEW, i7~53 WAQ 145~5 TEW, POIIIT RE BTR, seg, brR, GUST gab ~latjc rynp, ~o~bi:~ wk DrR* sPn, usk, cusr s~s KG e DE~ e x KG, n~s BEG, !!G 3b p~r: DEC i. ): DEC, +?pis DKG, itis gu DFC c DEG c x DFG, ~1s DFG, his ~t4 luawll-*~n.lll*ull--~-~~~~~~~~~.~I*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C*C'C'C'C 9.r.rlrxltru-irarrr'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C"'C-.'C'C"-lln.3urrrrr.- rr~.--r-n.n-.r---,-r*ur-r--c-'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C'C-'C'C'C 8308 -?A -5,875 WS 4,s Oh? L,P iiP3bC -;"I,! -5,987 U73 &!,,a $83 8$"1GnjOO -8tBabn*(liB:l iihS 1,s 11172 2.8 O SbOB -:,D -5,f373 65'7 3,b O55 9,3 3 -?,a -5,o Ebh 855 4,0 068 l.4 iis -8,%3@*bsb88 0% $2 840 ?,8 B 6SBBa"r $,t? -4,472 O5tj "13 fi4$ 3,7 fi 0906 -I,b -5,883 Oh3 5,3 Fkfz 9,? 0 8906 -8,8.-llii,RHh Bhl 9,1 03$i ? 6 3*E 1203 -\.I -5,333 ili.'",? O?@ Q,? ? f?rfB -l,$ -3,: 83 874 d,S 1195 T,4 4 1,9rll -9,1 -Il,il Rh 0?4 l,f9 1\93 &?,3 4 i5Ba , -4 7 06 5 9 1 -1 d -:,I3 R4 n?il 4,i I)'>? 7,B 2 1504 -R,9 .pi#%#.;t 841 3b1 I,@ OF? !*j 1 1880 -,k -4,873 $71 3'6 094 P,? Olson -I,4 -4,685 B5B 3,k @5S 5'5 O IRb9 -9,B-lfli5 i?h a82 075 ?,3 4 2/00 -I,& -4,~ MI 17h 5,k Q~P IY,~ 8 210~ -!$,? -h,~ $h nsa 2,b O-Y 4,1 o -9,i RS~SR ah as3 ,7 871 ?,a 0 24[?04 -?,5 -4,5R$ ?O;? S,h OR4 ?,? !\;="%OF -h,7 -F,45R 4?3 t.h 195 3,7 $2400 -8,l nk;-a@j!8Ua$sT ,9 Q65 \,S fi HCgbd DFtg g?FSl; &!@9 OlfST ks\X , .IfilrR I'Q &i@F dF,&4? CqkrS"t&AX, ca,Okl$ F kI%G &TNB GUST :tR$, fiDg& {Eljs, PDTH1 Rt.: DIR, SPQ, BiW, GUSr WAh WDttG TES.IP, P~SIP:~ Rri DIR, 5PU 2:" GU5T RAP FID&G 7EhP, PO'ii'i?T P~J bIS, SP&. DSB, &j51 4&b \)EG % DFG t" f QFG, %6f; BGC:, PIIS t453 !IF[ C t: I fit[:, niS DFG, tjiS WU DFG C DFG G C1 DFG, hi6 DqG. M/5 tiU X1 ^_-- XIL--.Ul-m **mm-"UI-XIIII*N** -*--I** Ld- .--*.YI*URI*IYICI1 --*I1 I"L**U-l1~",.---...-*.*".-- *---I^- -U*--.LI-I--- -l)".--L^--lD ------1*1--- ---l-.----I-"II--*."~.Vlb~ "*t. _I -, j?AY bfj IlAY I I jt ! 2 4.IIFljR 4 UIND gZHD GLfSV RhX, HflUR FEk MIND UJND GUST 8b%, kOUR DEU USNDMINDGUSTWAX, NDNG IgRP, Parka RW 018, RPD, DIR 6bST 2AO b!DNG TEHP, PQ!#i RH DIR SPD, DlR, GUST RhD W5M6 TEHP. POIgT RH @IR, SPD, NN8 GUS! RAP BE6 I 8EG C X PEG, 5/$ DFG, His 3u DEI C REG C 2 DEG, HIS PFG, BiS Hb BEG C BFG C 7; BEG, HIS DFG MfS flM --"-"*--*"s*--C*49-m--e~-e*~~mw~m~-~m--- * ---------------3-P----------------*-------- 0360 -17 ,? -?6 ,P "3 9079 2,t 084 4, k 0 03Qfl auPraa n###r 98 r#% aufu #s~# %Y#P$ #M# @30f)6) 'b~%ht f* MI ~#**t *4# fBBg B%98 --I?,? -21 ,f 96 078 2,3 544 h,4 0 0608 $%?%% %tE*X%# 3% %%% $,N$n a*# ###% ### &#### ####% $3 -W@ ##k# #:*% %*%g ##@ 8984 -f5,R -19,5 73 884 5,fl 880 Tl? 8 fiYt0 #%#w# *%w%# 8% %%c 3aB.k +ns$ w#aa #an 47fio #%*8% ##%a% @a #ah #%#w r*r *n%% RR% 32QP -17,T -21,3 72 5,5 877 la, i : izQQ s#aak& %*an# -3% r*w #%a% #%w w%## u## 12afi ###a& #ie 3%~ ar&# 34% a##* .Ru $568 -!R,3 -21 ,g 79 Ok9 5,s 078 g,7 f an#&# +$#%r *% k#w #%#% ##a w#*&# $a# !5Qt #c%aa 4838% %% b## 49%~ #%u a#%* 38% I@Q@ -I?,b -20.9 45 5,s 057 0 1888 s%#*x% #a+## w# %#x q%w# r%# @### #a* IRfiQ a#%## r#w.k? .A 3%~ w#*u @m ?Mas *rx 2100 -lh,3 -20,O 73 159 3,s BSq R,3 1 ?\fin %*%#a #%*u* 43 #u9 w%uw #ua aucr wmw 2130 aaaun #wsc% ac 8uff enax an# as%% grs 2440 ###a4 #%%%a a@ 853 $,I 859 ?,(I Qbi.4 I)d\flQ *%Mf% #t ff~ R#%# fQ# ##I# ggt di%E.ft## #$##t .k.# f~ft Qt#Q gt* *If* %*t t)(!'y i $1 ibthii ': P t) \ j ! rt\_lU W BIB g?Nrl gSk4D GiiS'i' ;kiZ?tX, kC\UR t\?~ b4i~D u ~ND Gli$l Ri\Z;, 4OtsR DE& wig13 biFNf! GUST %\Kt MDMG :Eiq?, PfslNMP DTE 5pgl OiQ, r,tJ$T RAP MDMlt YE!@, POiki 88 014, 5PE 018 GI?ST EiAD PtO~l5 TW', P61!!7 Pi4 D;k. SPD, 131R, kg51 iAP DEG C DEC C X BEG, Y/S DFC, H. $ fib W'G r DFC & X DFG$ hi5 DF6, kiS Wbl FTG C DFG C 1 DCf:, BIS DFGe M/? ~g I iprt:.ti. f' \..~<l{j{\", $;:!p\hfi!$Y f:'UR kr";(jl%d(& kr:f?*i,f4i"'[+ $'('Ai'i'flri\! 1, A 'f 'j & I::, jq \) 1.2 &! I. pJ i;; 1) l:? r., (:I? fy ~SJ it.! :" , 't cs2 2 i 4 ~OCIW DE~ un~n M~ND susr #[\xi ~nua n~g UZHD MINI! GIJST BAX, MQ~IR iitred WTNDUTHDI;UST~AX~ hDNG TEWB POINT 2M bZR , SPO, GOST RAb NfNs TEHP, POiWT WW UIR , SPB, DIR, GUST RBD NDNC iEHP, POINT RK QIR , $Pa, BIR , GUST RAE DZG C BEG C X DFc, Hjs DIG, His 9g DF6 C DEG C % DFG, H/S DEG, Hi5 KU DE@ & QEG C X DEG, His DEC, HI5 #U 8300 -3,1 -4,B 92 234 ,3 739 4,I 0 fiJ#a ##%%# a#aac #s n** uaa# %#g ###u u#% 0301 g~wwu &u#~# 3.k a## w##% w#n #%#% %#% CbB~ -7,7 -38,h 80 356 j,g aoe 5,r n #s*sa r+ 849 wn#g %u# srgu 8%~ QhnU u~w~u a#g#n #+i guft @%s# *#% OPBO -I$,? -14,T 70 826 ?,4 079 8,9 C 0300 %#### %#### ## -#%a $6MI d#B #%#$ US* Q9$# Y1I## X#I&% 6# i*HR Y### 4f# WQ*4 BgQ izcn -i t '4 -18,~ 57 osa s ,J 07s 7,q 1200 +#a#% %%#An +H UH a$#+ &#a# K~Q# #%# lzna #wsw# ggg~w -P$ #&# aaB3 #ma w-gs* #w~ f%8$ -!8,6 -?3,9 46 093 4,9 087 1,P 1 5500 a###@ %a### ## %#a *Raw ah# a%## %ww 1588 &u#u# a##*# wa #wu u#uw $nu gu9.k %B# hBb8 *###a ##as% %k eaq n#4% 39h e, 3 %$# 58@fi #*a%# %#AS# w# a%% ngu# ud# #%a# ### 1800 u%www a###% ## a## #a%# #%a arng 2100 s#n%w a##%# #a 43% %#u# ##a @*#% %w% ?j$fi #agar qw#@$ a# &#n q### *x## a### w~ IlDfl g#a.#a a# %wu #a#-% wg# ##*kg ### 2400 -#ax%* %#a## w? q#$ *#%a uu# ~4% +#E 2480 Sgrar a#<$w# #-3 a%# wx#w %%s #ns# ##* 3900 ##n#q #%R#% $4 *a# #w%w ### wu%4 *a# HOUR DEi4 UJMn kTND GUST WAX, dOUR JUffdD U7NI, I:USf MAX, I.bUtiR DFw uT WtS UlND 61)ST iur\k NBtdG TEHP, POIt4V RM 918, SPD, OT8, GUST WAD f!Db!6 TEWY "Qrt!T 2N DIR, SPD, DtB, GUST R4b NDkj6 TEHP. POikj' WH DfK, SPD, BiR GU$T kwt DEG E DFG C X Df6, E15 BEG, hl5 3U PEG C PF6 C X PEG, hi$ ":G, HIS RU DFG c DFG 1: DF6, kf~ llfi;, kiq t\~ HOUR EF~ UJI~D w X~D GUST wnx, qoua FEU WIND MXHQ GUST WBX, HOUR OEM ur~a susr fi~x, NDS TEHP, PB~HP cw BTR, SP~, BXW, GUST RAO NDHG YFRP, POT~~T RW DTW, ~PB, DIR, GUST BAQ ND~IC TE~P, PQI#P ~8 axR, sen, QIR, Gusr 3ba BEG c o~c c 2 o[cl ~1s DEG, n/s PW DEC c DES c % BEG, nrs DFG, ~ts NU BFS c DFG c x BEG, HIS DEG, n~s nu *.i-I)11-U(--OII*---*~~~~m~~*(*.(*.,IIIIInnnnnnnnnnnnnnn -.II*.Tsl.ZXI.YIIIBnnnnnnnnn Bh""C II---.ILIe nnnnnnnnnnn - *.-9.1...Im-C-C1--nn--l- 8308 aw%a2 #%%&w ## rau gaga ##a *a# 0310 $##an wgnws u# ##g sgw #w#w sar 8380 wa##u r#gR3 +M ngft as## wgw aw#u gun Oh88 ##%#& #a%*% 6% ~ww a$#% %a8 a*,## QAOR arn#g% ##sag m ww* %#F gggw R## QbQQ %##cs w#g~~ as a&n ###s w+i *+~k w%% OBBO uusss @##u# u% nag sa+# w~ %%#a %us OgOO an### un ggg uwga 5%~ 64%~ aw# 0908 ##a%% agawg #s wag uw## ug8 n#%s %%$ 1200 *##a% w#%#% 8% #&+I *wu# #u% *a#% Rna 1200 %###a w##*# w~ 9%~ asu n##a Baw l2g0 w##g# aru#a ~M 49% ###n 8%~ #sw% #r% 1508 #&#a3 %E#%#B a: 68s %@#% %@# ##u# aww 1500 %#%an %wau# aw #uc %a## %#w #o%u a@# f50fl ##uuag %a*** 9% %%# w#$s 494 %A## sun 1800 gauaa #s#n# #@ #%# ##%a %a# #%s$ n%% lRhO #%#a# w*#%k a# @+M w#bu #a% *a# tgog ##sn# #r#wk ug uag gqwa %## *#a# ##% 2180 @,E4#4 %#@#% +!a a## $#gu rwg %*an -E%# ?Iflo r%a#5 us### 9% fia* #fig# x$# ##a ?fob w#rs# #ww#% wo cg# %#a& a##* **# 2400 %ass# %##a# #% sw% %%%# uuh ax#% +c# 2400 &##-$a %#### ## r## a#&# a## uww~ ggu p4g4 wngug #%nnN wn d~s~ #### ##s #am# #M# HOUR EM UJRBUINDGllSTMt\X, TShP a PQXNT RE DiR , SPD, FIR, GUST EAE BEG G DFG C X DEG, HIS DEG, RiS YU u+,*,*-%% *&a *.-Me ****e-**w*--**----w**+a*m***---*-" 0308 -&@@%a a%### ## augu #%# %@%# ka# @&QQ ##@#R Raw#% ac %kw #ma #it3 wg#a %#k QB0Q %@##% n#s%w #a +@# n#qc a%# $ww@ #a% izQ@ ##kc8 #%an# n@! %#a ###a BE% w+%w& %k& 1500 $$*#a a#### %a ##c r%## &rs c%#h ituq 18QB %##a# #c#w$ #ta #it*# k&wc ##% g#a$ %#s 2104 ###@% %rn@# 9% a## %##a %%w a### wa3 &@%&K t#t@k #I ~$4 XBR~ %a& &%OW $kg !& +< f: (n' 1 J 7' 1';: {.;s fh $) 1:: '{' \ a;' ,a. ('1 t.4 , 2 -y \:: 5 (4 f' F: p! ;, ('1 $*' f"'f 1'1 114 \-{ i "( \q i, iq 1' .& '*, REG, RE$, BVG, b\AX, EAX, TIRY x$ flhk, 7.. 3FAh u!ND kidlN;D MSWr) GUST GUST P'VAL HEAP: BEAk! Sf?l,Ad ~ilk'of TFH~), PFriP, TFRF, nm, SPD, spa, Drt, s~n, iirrR, aw DP FWFCIP ~NFRCYB$~Y DFC C BE6 2 UEC C OF6 H$S hi5 DEG #/5 X DECG H 2HISQ8 .-.-n\.TQ*~sr*C.LILILILILILILI---~--~**~-----"-~--,~91)9-1*."9*-~~--..LILILILILILI LILILILILILI.LI LILILILILILILILILILI* LILILILILILILILILI LILI.LILILILILILILILILILILILI -5,9 -93 -7 0% 3,6 3*3 050 8.4 HE 18 -N,? a%#& 12; 1 -9,l -A,? -h,4 057 4 4 4,5 QSP 7,8 MF 75 -15,3 #%@h !35 2 - -4 -3 Qbl a,? 4,3 610 7'4 FWE ?5 -7,Q r### 11% 3 0,8 --Ts9 -5 BAR 4,R 4,3 ORN EE 75 -5,2 105 9 -1,O -n,? -3,s OAf 3'7 3,R 0$8 9,: f\lF 85 -4,8 wk#* i'& " --h,? -16*1 8, Rb? t ,B 3 ,I 073 ?,B F 87 --18,& %*%# 126 h -ha?' -9,5 -R,I OTQ 1'5 17 4% ht4 FkS 88 -9, a@#% 80 T .+b,? -9,s - 1378 3 ?:ah jfiQl !gl t)? -B,J nx%a RS 8 -?,t -!?,-! -14,4 332 ,? 1 ,S 2h:V7,% it! 85 -16% T" #R*#. 255 ";1 -155 -, -tR,1 013 3,s 4,h 059 rs,n FNF 7s -?0,9 wwnr 117 10 tt%d~ *%#%a a#a awF krlc 9% gagr ahs wn akgk* ksn8 wgkgwr 11 83 - P1 I:: I:$ ha SF1 C.4 0,., "7- 8% $4 *IC Tfi C1 11: N it:; 1, $:$ 8.1 4:; :f: 'T "3 gFT% I--! k* V> 12 613 tTZ: I,,, i,I: Q: ""Y G? 3: rl:": I:B 13 If:] I]' 9;:: fB:> "If" r4 p[ Pj F' ix! F, i:. ;"4? f::' *., I- K;: ;:; f:; 5 1::: ts !; 3:. Ci 43 !I> bl $4 LfJ w ::I 14 W (JNta r.1 Or: t"j ly t)d r'"iar, fa 1' I i'f it? PATE tifoe 0208 oaa@ o40a 8500 8660 on@ 883~. 8980 fnfrti srae n;loc\ 1300 I~\RO 15100 lh~ll 17~~ lwOa mrpOB B~IBQ 2100 2208 lit38 2400 4VG I113(~UII~.xIR.~~UUUU9CCC~~~~CCC*C~CICICICICICI13.13.13.13., ..1B.~"""~.Clll~l~"VVVVVV"VNNNNNNNNNNNXll-Xll-XllXllXllXll..~~~~~-~-~----U-U----**------ 'a 0000BBQ001%93?2t000D6OB0*f 2 Q~0Q~~Q~8~2344~100000OD6t 3 A8060FOBOIi?4321008QDaOO0 w OCOG~BQ~~~~Z~~~IO~~OO~~OO 5 ODFB~OR~~~~~~~TI$@BOQOOQ~ h OBD0090QOb1143110G~OFOObi 7 00000RO90812??1106flrlIi8fiOO 8 OF06@FRB@OiF3?~lF00OI1CIilG~ 9 n4~~?~0~1~s1arnecooaor 10 8 8 fj @ $ C 4 g 8 4 i 3ie 7 B 6 0 fi~%~@#kw+c O 19 #C# ##I %%# 8% Pb## %%+I %E?i $## -8t.ri. C#Q 4t## iffin?! +I## .?a%# %M@ %i?w *## ##$ JiM sna a## %-%# *sn %ww 1P #En #@# ##% #r% %%a *#it ##a $93 n#:4 n#a ra* gas gak gaff r#@ #RP s## wt KW ngg ~RR t#& ~r* ~8% 13 %+?C ### #it% Ma a%% 99% #g# a## ##a %6# a## %@a %h% a## t 1 0 fl 5 13 fi O 8 14 fl Q 8 8 8 F D 4 0 t 3? 2 19 @ D##a#kk&akxn# I f5 #tQ e## $#I ##Z XI# $#a b3# #%L #+%-I4 *@I 4%C %#t #tY @%C #%f YZ4 fgf #w% ;k% #fa 9UC #%# M~B ##a 96 a%# @## &&a @a% a%# &-#k %%# a%& s@%. aps s%H wwn #s~ aga Mr %a# &E# RM @a& EM a&# 311 w@& kMt Whk $7 444% tfg cw 148 czw t%# t%% #a$ su* A%# %+k #u# 4~#qx 1 0 0 fl 8 0 4 Q 19 ~i00840Q04fllff?lbBa81iORqiiQ 19 0 0 il 8 4 6 0 0 fi 1 ? 8 8 1 a*# ++%u ar# I#$ fig* #RW QIR wt ; 26 ~3% tek ~gg MW WP ~8% MY W~B ~ZP t+tb WM tgk MA ~UI ~k gas #~k 4k.w it~k us% rax %nu gr# !f *kt M% t%@ t*# #%C %#c 66% %%& %n@ ,xra kwg ~u @a# #+in a&# &u# m+t w*u ssn 4~ RBW ww %%L 4~ a~&g ar; MX WI~ MA gig8 ttft +I# $8-t. q?r~ g#t AH g~ g~ YM t#t gil.~ a~8.t~ #w# @ti+ IRZ BRS 8144 ~RX 8.xi.t~ 23 #a* mn RR~ gas agn kxn srh u~ s3a 3%~ @+in rhs *R*% 8~ uw wga s~u aac kaw #+tit +tg% aae #*a w9w 24 &-#I F## C%% %R#+ #%a fig* %I% W%Q BwX kt4 tkR t#t XKL kAI #Wb Wlk &!4+ XCR R@R %%X W#Z C$B g4k9 #@2 25 t#@ LB# t#M MbC $is#! 99% C1I Q11 ##% 4$t ##I $%A fa3 %#I #SW 43k &@I *$#@ CIB 94% Hi &t# 24 #%# kW* W&C &%A kW5 X19 li% A#s k&t 6#% K%X 18f4 R&X @lg #Q% kBk k4@ kk% #%P RZI &ZR Bit$+ 27 t## %PC &#a ##!4 %#u #*a $45 ara EX+$ t#r #!41 3%~ $x4 %I# 8~ RM nsx 9x1 %## wl# r%# CXB MI gs* KC CIC ?#k# A#* MC #w& XM A&* *kf &B& SC~ eft# #@k kbk Ca& C#B Ckk BR:~ 18% Z~C it%% #3# ##*k XX# %A% #* x -6 w .M ~yg~~~~~g**~*wWman=~~~~*w~r$:;54 XR L -- "it * a% M x llc. ZZZ2auwsw*rwm~w*sma gz2m*X1m1m*Z2:Z %*w*ya=r*sr*t?~2 8 , I -- 7"- A"". Z z -. 22 -2 '"q c-: *- - .- 5 - 2 9 A. - t . s*; Q.r It. e. %#a .=% Y * tr f "r h*. .I.. .,rr .*.r .."a .t.l el*. 7.t. rrt. *rr. re.* In. r... ..a* ..n .,r. ,rrt *,rt ,a,. .is r.*r c.3. ,.ir r... ,,.I. .".. .rr* ..', *.it ,., '.., I=.. ...a ..,. .rc .". ."" "... -"a ..a. .... .... ..-. .... .r, I".. .... -0.. rt.. i... I... ..a. ..l .n. .. .*- .... C.." s.3, *~F:,MF 8: R &isrr letfr idJt413 ${:k$:'j: is) kd 't. N f) 11 'f R E. ES 'i' '1. rl P4 63 1;: f$ ('; [*j $:; .'fm R i.' . l A 'T 1. t+l I"': ib.t \,J k4 3, 13 1 'T '1: b" R r::': j' p .t' T" sf", "f' :3' {3 N ":iff[ ,&B R&Z">'l. 6.1 ').i;jn" Y; f, b,j FYI '[ k," i , rj f-v! r , id ,':\ {,/ F, it $3 1) {:{ 'Y +!; ['I !\$ 1. Data lost for all parameters from 1211.0 to 1.2/13, 12/14 to 12/17, and 12/13 to 12/21 due to power source failure. 2. No long%~ave radiation data. Watana base camp shut down for wir~ter, MI9134 J8 6-0 REFERENCES Coffin, J. 14. 1984. Solar and longwave radiation data for iioutll-central Alaska. In: Proceedings, Alaska Section AWRA Annual confer en^^, Alyeska Resort, Alaska, Novelnber 1984. Published by l nstitute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks;, Alaski9, as Report IWR-106. (EM Consultants, Inc. 1384. Processed climatic data, October 1982 - September 1983, ','olume IV, Watana Station (No. 0651111. Prepared unrh* cointr*act to Haeta-Ebasco Stssitna Joint Ve,;ture! fat* Alaska Power Authority, Docuitlont No. 1091. June. TABLE A*B CONVERSION FACTORS millime2rjr (mm) 0,03937 centimeter (cm) 8.3937 square centimeter (em2) 0,1558 meter (m) 3.281 square meter (m') 10.76 meter per second (m/s) 3.821 meter per second fm/s) 2,237 meter per second (m/s) L 944 degree Celsius ('C) OF= 9/5(63) +32 \vat$-hour [WH) 3.413 watt-. h~ur (kEH) 3600 milliwatt (mw) 0% 003413 mi!fiwath per s~;+tare 0.1040 centimeter (rn%t/crn2] watt- B2out. per square 0,3171 n:etere (WH/ma) wa'.t-hour per* square 3,0860 meter (\bii-I8/rn2 1 inct~ (in) inch (in) square inch (in2) foot f ft% square foot (ft') foot per second (ft/s) mils per hour (mph) knot [kt) degr-ee Fahrenheit (OF) Britist? Tkserraal Unit (STU) joule (J) BTU per !lour (BTU/hr) 8 :'U pei* hau r per sqt4al.a foot [BTUP"O..er-dt") BTU per square foot ( t3TU/ft2) !angley (ly) WYOMING CAGE PWEC IPETATION MEASUREMENT iS \VATANA CLIMATE STATtON 19a- IS85 Cumutativs Precipitation (inches) 4.0 (Start) 4.4 5.3 5.6 7,O 7.5