HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2771PROCESSED C {C DATA OCTOBER 1983 - DECEMBER 1984 VOLUME 5 (No, O@C Dscument No, 2771 Sitesitna File No, 4,2,2, f, PROCESSED CLfMATIC DATA OCTOBER 1983 -- DECmBSR 1981 Report by R6M CONSULTAWS, 1 WCB Under Contrace &o Harza-Eba scs Susitaa Jc int Venture Prep*g red for hlaska Power Atatlior.i~y ALASKA POWER IkUTHOR5TY SUSlTNPi HYDRCjELEf TW 1C PROJECT TAShC 4 - HYDROLOGY PROCESSED CLIMATIC DATA OCTOBER I983 - DECEMBER 1984 VOLUME INDEX VOLUME 1 : 0610 - SUS1TNA GLACIER STA-$!ON VOLUhtE 2: 8620 - IUENALI STATION VOkUkIE 3: 0640 - KOSINA CREEK STA7-ION VOLUME 4: 0650 - WATANA STATION VOLklh4E 5:: 0668 - DEVIL C44N1iON STAf-!ON VOLUME 6: 0665 - $HE%MAN S"T"A"TIe=.)iN VOk.C4ME 7: 8686-5 - Ei<LUTNA LAKE STATION PROCESSED CLIMATIC DATA - DEVi b CANYON STATION OCTOBER 1983 - BECEbIBEW 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS \,,of ut~e I t-tisiex List sf Takrles List of Figures Acknowledgments 1.1 Purpose 4.2 Station Description 1.3 Me-:hods of Data 921of lection '1 .4 Station liistos-~4 2.0 ANNUAL DATA Sklh4MARV A1 Description of Syrnbols Used ir Rnn~lal arid Monthly S a~mana vies 3.2 Data Cotnputation Standards ( Zlirnate) 4.0 INTERPtlETATlO'd OF DATA, 5983--84 4, 1 Ge~~ei*al C~~~nrjaei?ts 4.2 Colnlnclrts on Specific Pai-arnete:%s PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 5,0 k!Of\3THLY CI-IMAT'IC DATA SUMMARIES Devil Canyon Station, 1983-84 APPEND1)C - Conversion Factors LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Description Page Angular Elevations of Terrain Obstructions 1-4 Around Dekil Canyon Weather Station Description of Meteorologic Sensors 1-5 Inspection Dates and Maintenance, Devil 1-6 Canyon Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Explanation of Data Gaps, Devil Canyon Climate Station, October 1983 to Decenrber 3 984 Adjustments Made to Raw Data, Devil Canyon '11 -8 Climate Station, October- 1983 to Decetnber 1984 Estimated Missi~g Data, Devil Canyon Clilnate 1-9 Statio~, Octok3er 1983 to Decerwber 7984 Summary of Climate Data Recorded at Devil 2-2 Canyon Statisn (No. 0660), October* 7983 is Decembei* 1984 Percent af 1"ataI Possible Observalians Recor* Jed at Devil Cai1yo1.l Cl illlate Station, Qt:tot:qeib 1983 1s Dect:t;-~!~~!i* 1961t Figure %,I Description Location Map: Susitna Project Meteof-ologic Stations Page 1-21 Location Map, Devil Canyon Cliinate Station 1-22 Sequential Plat of Climatic Data, Devil 2-4 Canyon Station, October. 1983-Decerni~cr 1984 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These ctirrsatic data were cot lected under contract .to Harza- Ebasco Scrsitna! Joint Venture for the Alaska Power Authol-ity on the Susitna Hydraelectric Project. Field maintenancs and data collection were performed by the hydt-ology staff of RGM Cons~~lt~nts, Incorporated. Data 1-eduction and pt-ocessing were performed by Debbie Stephens, L5n Story, Blair Parker, Jim Nelson and Jeff Coffin, using computer pi-ograms developed by Mark Holmstr-and a~d revised by Bill Ashton. 1.1 Purpose The Devil Canyon climate station was installed near the Devil Canyon damsite to ubt,in environmental data for reset-voir, hydrology, and transmission line studies and design and planning of access roads and dam constructian. ~ 1 -2 Station Description The Devil Canyon station is located 1/8-mile south of the Susitna River at river mile 153. It is adjacent to the proposed Devil Canylon dam site at 62'48'50" M latitude and 149'18'50" W longitude. It lies ai approxi~nately 1500 feet above mean sea level (MSL) or! a ridge within the plateau region, yet is close to the actual walls of the canyon (see Figures 1.1 and 1.2 for location), The terrain rises gradually to the sou"i3, occasioi~aIIy for-ming nar-raw benches or plateaus. Elevations increase to 2,000 feet about 1 mile south of the ?+ation and to 3,900 feet withii~ 2 miles souti? 0-f the site. Ti~ese elevations OP contours are maintained in an east-west direction. SI~bding of the ststion f rorn dis-ect solar 1-adiation occurs thimot~ghoitt the day dul-ing Oece~rlber arid January and during the iqemainder of' the yeat* when sun angles drop below 9' above the horizontal (see -Table 1.1 for angular eievatic~ns of tert-ain obstructions). Some shading is also pi-ovided by the conideraus vegetation str rroundi~~g the station. 1-he die is located os~ ;a nai*row, barren ridgetop, ~ilcll ex~osed to winds fi-om the west, not-th and - ,- east. l hc site is \~~ell pr~iected tc the soutl-s. inc., now part of Belfot-t Instr-ument Company. The Weathe. ;"rl a measures, ~~*oc~ss~s, and records several weather par-ameters, wk~lch are described below. A 12-volt power supply powers the station and is kept char*ged by a solar panel. Data are recor-ded on a Iovv-temperature cassette tape at 30-minute intervals. Fifteen-minute recording intervals were used pr-ior to October 6, 1983. 7'he station is visited approximately once per month for mainiznance and repairs, and to retrii?ve the data tapes, Recorded data include instantaneous values of tempe~zture, relative humidity, solar radiation intensity, and battei-y voltage; th~e cumulative amount of precipitation measured since the last reset; and several wind parameters. Ltiind direction is sampled every 15 secorids and averaged over the recording interval. Wind speed is measut-ed by counting each revolution of the cup anelnometer- and averaging the speed over the recornding interval (15 or 30 minutes). The fastest 15-second average speed for* the interval is reported as the peak gust. The anemometer and wind vane 31-e part of a sensor* 3r.l-ay iv~ounted atop a 3.5-meter ti-ipod adjacent to the recordel* shelter- The sensor. a!-ray also contains a short boorn with a r-adiaiion shield for the tempel-atui-e and relative h~~inidity sensors. A rain gage and solar r*adicltion sensor are located on a sepat-ate platfar-nl 10 lneters fo the soutl~east fl-om the main platfor-m. Tile tipping-13ucket i-ain gage is rnvunted or3 a 0.6-meter post arid plumbed vertically. The solar. sensol* is installed facing vet-ticaily ~ipivard atop a 1 .5-meter- tripod. Table 1 .% descrik3es sailsor. types arid pet-fol*rr~ance chas-actet*istics for eacll ". pal-arneter. Ihe I cIlataaci:i!~*i~Pics WL'I*~ /JIQOV~~F:'~ by MRI. lza~lvers i~ar factors For the i! 1.i its are pi'ovided in the appcririi:c . The Devil Canyon Station was installed on July 17, 1980. This report covers the period from October 1983 to December 1984 only. There are three pr*evious data r-epor-ts for this station: Report 1 , Processed Clisnatic Data Volurwe 6 Devil Canyon Station (bio. 0660) March 1982 (R&M Csnsultants) 2 , Pi-scessed C3 itnatie Data Volume 6 Devil Canyon Station (No. 0660) December 1982 (REM Consultants) 3. Processed Climatic Data Vol~~ne V Devil Caryon Station (No. 0660) June 1984 [R&M Consilltants) October 1981 - September 1982 October 1982 -- Sept I983 ‘rabies 1.3 thrwough 1 -6 list tile inspectior? dates and maintenai2ce pet-formed Cor- the station, significant data gaF)s, adjusi~ncnts to sQaw data, and values tl~at have been estimated wl~erbe data are missing. Pei*inds wi"ilr tnot-e than one il~~lr of missing data ar*e shown on Table 1-4. Intel-mit~kent gaps in "l-1~3 wind data occl.Jr *ftaequentIy in the winter and arqe not identified indi~is~. ?I y . T Ire nr.llnbi?r* of missing days far t.lrese cases is appr.o~:ii~ated P by the total i~uir~bre- oj missins4 houi-s d~drirlg the j9eriod. "!-1213 b~?gii~nii~g and c5arding cidtc-s for- I-f~i: data gi3ps and "ror- the arijus'lirler.~ts tc s*abjl da-k,: co.%-s*elatt, witb the ir~spcction dfid rnainkei7anca cjates. Wela-iive il~~inidit\t il;is for irleast 2 s ~jiith wirld sl~ecd:; Eess Li~;irr 1 -0 ra/set: are \iillitl ;-PF~C~ !la:, !IO~ c~s(!c!/ ~FI tllc pcclbcciltn~j,? of !ct a\ cibs~i-vati<j~~~ $or- ~qlIt-l-1 i*kf.jl~i!\~ \vlli%-l~ *It*t-\ tcli3t4!63tflc! ill r~3!:~le [\*jy:<p bb+3::if>:j i:\i; "9 ,"l*jl\ik:*f; tJ(3 "(~~~~~iiI~i~(~ t,!Ji 3 y4q3:; in i {it*![? ll ,;I* TABLE: 1.1 * ANGULAR ELEVATIONS C)F TERRAIN OB%TR,UCII&SN% AROUND DEVl k G,&NYON WEATHER STASTION Obstruction ( 1) Mountain Moilanfain Knob T pee Tree Scattered "F 1-ees Trees on Ridge Nit. McKinley T r-ee Sensor Array Mountain Azimuth (2) (True) NOTES: (1) Points used are selected rnountain peaks and other- Features surrounding ti2e weather station. ,&!I measui-elnents are taken with r.espec"ito the solat* sensor.. (2) Mcasul-ed azim~ith angles alee in degt-ees f~~orn ir;agnetic nor*th. The cnr-r-c!ction to obtain degi-ees fl-om true north is 28°. (3) Vertical angles arc: ~~eas~~!*ed ah>o\ e the horiron*kal czfiih a hand level. TABLE 123. BIMSPECTIOt4 DATES AND FdAf NTENARDCE DEVIL CANYON CLElbdATE STATION OCTOBER 19m TO DEGEMbEW 19M I nspection Date Maintenance l0/6/133 Changed to 30 minute recording intervals 1/61? Reset date to 006 Station pulled out for inspection anrd maintenance Station re-installed RH sense? caliba-ated 5/30 Reconnected precipitaf ion gage Sensor array removed Scr- annual maintenance Rl-1 sensor repiaced Sensoi- array replaced RW sei7s~pr calibrated LVind sensors removed Sensor array r-econnected RH sensor calibrated iieplacetd solar setlsor desiccant Replaced wind sensors Repiaced Mt-l oscillator &eplaped sensor ar-ray C Q .- as; 3 C 3 L - fa E -a S, W i\? .- 3 b Q) E iJ cB a 3 a G tQ 'B $3 8) - .a L 33 a 3 P,! 7'ABLE 125. ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO RAW DATA DEVIL CANYON CLIMATE STATION OCTOBER 19s TO DECEMBER 19M Period asla -IOP~BB 10iG - 11/171B 11/17 - '&2/d4183 1214 - 1/1/84 ;/I - 1/27/484 2/22 - 5930/84 5/30 - 71 13/84 7/13 - 7/21/84 7/21 - 8/7/84 81% - 8/11/84 8/11 - 8/18/84 811 8 - 8/24/84 8/24 - 1061 6/84 I Of 1 6/84 loJl7 - 10/18/'84 10/19 - 10/20/84 18/21 -- ''i 0124184 10/25 - 1 7/2/84 *j 'f 92/84 1 $4:$/84 a/,fj - 1 j/j;l/g4 6 i/i$ - 1 ll'$4/8i{ ,.3/, i 1 /'!ji; %slap Radiation Adjustment RM Adjustment -28 RH Points -3 Nd 00 <'?a a'~") ("0 'k L.. *c*, CL? c:> t- ru ry) c.2) ..b\ Zll. '- --* ,--. v-. C\,i f" 5"- +., .."f ..f R? 03 '"a. -\, CY) ,:r p.. r<* * *-, k. $.- rh, c;.'! ( "'\ n r it" 0: v- u\ LnQa am q- D . .. 'a OrnCYq me-? N P PFF- PP F B BOB Bb d 2-0 ANNUAL DATA SUMMARY Tabie 2.1 presents a summary of the monthly averages or totals for each parameter for the full period covered by this report, Octokber* 1983 to December 1984. The symbols used in the table are explrined in Section 3, Report Preparation. Conversion factors are provided in the appendix. The data reported herein are also summarized in Figure 2.1, a s~quential plot of ali the measured parameters. Annual summaries for prior years are provided in the previous data report (RGM Consultants, 1984). With this report, a shift has beep made from presenting the ciima-tic data on a water year basis to presenting it for the caiendar year. The calendar year format matches that used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in reporting climatic data, and simplifies comparisons. Future reports wilt aiso be for calendar years. A summary of the percentage of usable data recover-ed for each climatic parameter by month during this reporting period is presented in Table 2.2. The cumulative percentage in this case applies for the whole 15-month period. I-' , -.. Xl '3. c: .- c I I at: :C P- * a a.: o- (!S Id I-. c:> . ,. ",.-, ..-- I-- (11 3.8 REPORT PREPARATION 3.1 Description of Symbols Used in Annual and Monthly Summaries 3.1.1 Annual Summary Blank entries For monthly values indicate the station had not yet been instailed at the site or that it had been removed prior to that month. Installation and reinoval dates are noted on the table as well, Insufficient or partial data. M follows average and/or total values if 1-9 daily values were !missing data for all or part of the day. M appears alone for the month if 10 or more daily values were missing or contained missing data. Parentheses surround the M where other letters may cause confusion (i. e. in prevailing direction). M follows average and/or total values for the yea, if any month was missing data. M appears alone for the year if any month avas missing enough data to require it to have an M alone or if tht-ee or more fnonths rivere missing any data. 3. 'I .2 Monthly Summaries &*** Erl-oneous or missii~g data (may be from 2 to 6 asterisks, d lending on nurnber of digits possible in the value). v AsieibisCcs appear. it? place of the value if all iaeadinys r..>qcdired Tor determination of il~e table valtls we!-e rnissing. A ddsl~ in the !louihly prc2cipita"rion table indicates the valt-~~ne -for that /30il4* is not kno\nlf.~~ but the CL~~I~~BI~$~~PC $t>taI of precipitatioe~ over the inteli-vi~P 08 c~nd;~ct~$i$;p <da$%P:ecj f,10&18"s is ii~c!~ht~ec~ if-B$O ti?:: nee:."%: hot~r~ bq~h~i-e? y,Brre it: 3,0 REPORT PREPARATION 3.1 Description of Symbols Used in Annual and Monthly Summaries 3.1.1 Annual Summary Blank entries for monthly values indicate the station had not yet been installed at the site or that it had been removed prior to tllat month. Installation and rtjrnoval dates are noted on the table as well. Insufficient or partial data. M Follows average and/or total values if 1-9 daily values were !missing data for all or pat-t of the day. M appears alone for the month if 10 or inore daily values were missing 01% contained missing data. Parentheses surround tlte iW where other- letters !nay cause confusion (i .e. in prevailing direction). M follows average and/or total values for the year- if any month was missi~g data. M appears alone for the year if any month was missing enough data to require it to have an M alone or if three or more months were missing any data. 3. '; .2 Monthly Summaries it&*g~ Erroneous or missing data (may be Cr-orn 2 to 6 aslei-isks, depending or3 numbel- ot digits possible in the value). t Asterisl<s appear* in place of the ~{alue if all s-eadings rerrjuit-ed for detei-inination of the tak~ie value wane missing. A dash irr the I~oui-Iy prerii~italion table inciicatis ttje volitlsnn *for that $^BCXJH- is t'ao-t !AL~z.:.wI,, [itit "rw rik:~ln>ot~-iLiijfi> -~cI-!J of - 3 k/f~ iijiii'~*~iiE I.>( <**>ijk5c*~f*\bj iif43 ci-h+;:/34..ttj I ii it in tile 1 4- r: \t51\li t la reported. Similarly, a dash for precipitation in the monthly summary table indicates the volume for that day is not known, but the cumulative total over the interval of consecutive dashed days is included in the next day where a value is reported. 3.2 Data Computation Standards (Climate) C~nvc+rsion factors for units are presented in the appendiix . Specific segments of the monthly reports are described below. 3.2.1 Graphical Data Plot The data plot is a graphical t-ppresentation of valid recorded and/or computed data. 3.2.2 Hourly Precipitation Summary Table Hourly pt-ecipitation values are calculated as the difference between valid (current and pt*eceding) consecutive hou t-ly readings. When either of these i.iou r-ly pt*ecipitatiijii readings a,-e invalid, no vallie is reported for the curl-ent I~oul*. No table is published for the win.le~- months (Octobei- tf>t*ough March) unless a heater is part of the tippiny buckqt installation. 3.2.3 Monthly Surninary labie '1 . Maxir~~nrr daily and inonfflly tzmperatur*es at-e de'ierrnined frwoir~ all val id i-ecoi*cic?d terrrperatu i-es . 3 dm- Minils~urrl daily and irioi3thiy tempeiaaiu r-es are detei-rninet:! i"i*oni 41% ~d$id g*i~.~e_,d"de$td 8~itiki~~t"cit~it'th~, 3, Mean daily and monthly temperatures are deitermined from all valid recorded temperatures. The mean daily temperature is determined from the mean of the maximum and minitnum temperatures. The mean monthl'y temperature is determined ft-om the mean of all reportetJ daily mean Pemperatu re%, 4 * Resultant daily and monthly wind directions and speeds are d summed vectorially from ali valid readings. 5. Average daily and rnonthly wind speeds are determined from all valid readi~gs (arithmetic mean). 6. Maximuin daily and monthly gust speeds are deterinined frorn ail valid readings. Associated directions are the resultant directions fl-om the recording intet-val in which the peak intei-val gust was observed. Prevailing daily and monthly directions are determined from all valid readings. The reported value is the most frequent direction observed. 8, Mean daily and monthly relative humidities a!-e determined fl*om all valid readings (arithmetic mean). When the wind speed is less than 1 m/sec, the RH value is ocnitted Ci-om the avei-aging (but is displayed in the yr-aphical data plot and in the .tf.sree-i.lour table). Mean rlail y and montliiy dewpnirt I!arnpt2r*a*i~i i*es are detei-,r~ined fronn all valid r ladings (as-ithn~etic mea~~). "f IIewl~oinks are oiliitted wlieu the wind speed rs ic2ss ti~an 1 ,n/s, wi~en the dekv~oiiit cdlctjI-tes to a value gtqeC:tcir it1313 the I-ecoi-dcd it?rnpc?r-;.7 iu r-cr, or when l-1-16! di?v!!r>cbi n t c:~/c:~~ \.-;ipq to less thar, min~s 47 degrees or more than 27 degrees Centigrade. 10. Daiiy and monthly precipitation values are determined from all valid readings. If. Daily and monthly solar energy values are determined from all valid i-eadings. Daily solar energy (in wa~tt-hours per square meter) is determined by averaging the recorded solar intensity (which is in milliwatts per square centimeter) and converting the units. The monthly value is the sum of the daily values. 3.2.4 Three-Hour Summary Tables II . The temperatu re reported is the temper-atu re recorded at the specified time. 2. The dewpoint temperature reported is the dewpoint calculated at the specified time. Dewpoints are olr~itted when the wfind speed is less than 1 m/s, when the dewpoint is calculated to a value greater ttlan the recorded temperature, or when the dewpoint calculates to less than rninus 47 degrees or mare than 27 degl-ees c~ntigrade, or when either the temperature or R. H. i-eading is invalid. 3 , I-he 1-elative humidity E i-epor-ted is the humidity recor-ded at the sper.i"fied time. 4 rn T wiirlcl di 1-ection i*eported is the three-hou I- vector-ia! resul.t.ant siirn of data r-ccoicied up to tire specified time. 5 T-irc wjiid r;p~cd i*e:g_.o!*i"i>d is the ti3r<2c?-bic>1~i;=~ \t~t~t~i-i~"~/ a oi ddta a.ec:oimci<?d rip to tP7~ ~k\i'i:if~i)iJ jLii-rp 61 The gust direction reported is the direction of the maximum gust recorded during the preceding three-hour g~eriod. 7. The gust reported is the maximum recorded during the th ree- hou r period. 81, The radiation reported is the solar radiation intensity recorded at the specified time. 3.2.5 Wind Frequency Summary Table Reported data are determined from all valid pairs of readings. Vatid pairs of wind data are composed of valid wind speed and wind direction data for the sane interval. 3.2.6 Hourly Solar Radiation Table An addition to this year's report series, hcu rly sola i- radiation values are averages of all valid readings recorded during the preceding hour. If any data are missing or invalid, the i*emaining values are arithmetically averaged for the hour. The daily average values are determined by summing the hciurly aver-ages for the day and dividing by 24. If all data are inissing for the !;our, no value is printed; asterisks (***) appear instead, and no ;palue is used for tine hour in computing the daily average. 3.2.7 144ind Rose Graphical Plot *- I he plot is a graphical c-epr-esei~tation of the b++!ind fr-eqciency sui-niriac-y table a Another addition to this year's report series is an observation suminzry. The nu.nber of usable obst rvations for each /parameter is determined by co~zting the number of valid readings for tf~e entire month * -8 I ne percentage cf totai observations is determined by dividing the number of usable observations by the numlber pc-sible for the month. Data adjustments and additional comments applicable to the marth are manually entered be!ow the suminary table. 1. The following are t!le data i-anges ass~~med valid, based on seasonabiz expectations for the parameters in south-central Ataska; data ou.tside these rar~ges are not used: Time: 0000 through 2400 hours - at specified time intervals. Wind Speed: 0 through 99.9 meters per second arid less than or ~qt.ial to GllST Girection: 9 through 360 Jegs-ees Preci~iiation: O throuyi: 93. S mm. Drr.ci;~itatic~n during r-ecora4irri interval (15 or 30 ,nint!i-esj sho~rld not sxceed 30 8%11R5 , Battery: 9 through 14.5 volts "8 1.. ACCC~~~CY OC the MRl (Meteorology Research, Ilnc.1 sensors and processor are as follows: Temperatu re: 2'1 'C Wind Speed: $0.5 ineters per second Wind Direction: tl%of fcl! scale (i.e., 23.6 degrees) Relative Humidity: r6"o Precipitation: 91% up to 76.2 mm/hr, 25% from 16.2 mmihr Tape Recorder Error Rate: 1 bit in 10 7 3. Tl~e following are the direction ranges used in the prevliling direction, wind frequency and wind rase North North-Northeast Northeast East-Kortheast East East--Southeast Southeast South-Southeast Setath South -Sout&bvest Southwest West- Southwest Vdest West- Not-thwest F!C rthwest North-Northwest 350 through 1'1 12 through 34 35 through 56 57 through 79 80 throug!? 10'1 102 through 124 125 through 116 147 through It39 170 through 191 192 through 214 215 through 236 237 through 259 260 ti~rough 281 282 thi-ough 304 305 through 326 327 thl-ough 349 4.0 INT'''Q9ETATIC)N OF DATA, 1983-84 4.1 .I Many of the sensors or the methods of measu~ring various parameters have peculiarities that affect k,o\~ the data shobld be interpreted. The user is encouraged to become familiar with the methods of summation for each parameter and each table. These at*@ described in Sec"tion 3.2 "Data Computatior~ Standards. " 4.1.2 As described in Section 2.0, a shift is being made fr-om presenting the climatic data on a water basis to presenting it for the calendar year. Thus, this t-eport includes fifteen months of data. All future reports will be for the calendar year-. 4.1.3 Changes made to the foi-mat of this year's report series include addition of an hoo r-iy solar r-adiation table and tabulation sf tl%e actual nurnbal- sf usable observations an a monthly basis for each par-ainetet-. Also, .the data-processing program was !modified slightly to pnrinit output of daily prevailing dii-ection when the wind speed sensor was not operational, and output of speed-o~~ly pat-ameter-s (peal< gust and daily aveiaage speed) when the wind direction sensor was not oper-ational . r 4.1 The I1.S. I)c~~:iz~~ln~ei~l of ri~aiisp~c~i*tL~iioil al*dei*eil a sipift irr the .itirne nuracs of cetrtr%al and St~set!i,:,.:~:? Aliaska in Ox."oL>~!3- -- '1983 * ! II~ oftic,iaJ tir?ile i1.a cr.t-rtt*al Ala:;l.ta vdas adi:ap?cad 01742 %IO~J j*, ;~i.biJ C~C Oifi~:ii1 S:sirkB~e:ast ,l\li-ss [;a 8iir.se avds s-k2Qaf*dd " - one laorait nr;al:il.s-.r the. tt4ro iX;j fi*ii- %i:~~p thjlp. \jli~ r t .>it- ii itiir 3: i 34 s;rvi riclc i :i,up :%irt it-&;? Ci,] $1 4 I) "1- it\ -1 I 1 I:I- :*', 1) ! I ))( the data is that one hour was "lost" between midnight and 0100 on October 30. There are thus no data at ai! for 0030 and 0100 on t!lat date, 4.1.5 Missing data values have been estimated wl?ei-e possible. Estimation, which was accomplished by manually editing the raw cotnputer data files, was generally litnited to data gaps of ar. hour or less, whet-e interpolation bletween the preceding and following valid data points could be used to estimate the missing points. Interpolation was performed in this manner for temperatui*e, relative humidity,, and solar radiation data. Solar data have been estimated only for clear or uniformly cloudy days and then only if not near the peak value of the day. Solar data are also estitnated at night wf1er.e zel-o minimum values should occur. Precipitation is estimated only if none at all occurr-ed during the interval or if the tips of the tipping bucket wer-e manually counted durii-rg a rainfall event. Wind speed and direction data have been estimated by interpoiation only if tl-ie preceding and following windq werE vet*!] unifoi-m. 4.1 .ti Intel-inittent gal-bled data due to a \\leatnei- II;;zs,rd malfunction at the Devil Canyon station caused gnariy data gaps from rnid-October 7'383 to the end of .fanua!-y 1964. It !&!as poisiblo to estiivatt leini>ei*atu re, rc?lative h ufnidity, and 2,olar- rad'6~tir,il :-lafa i~her43 thr gaps werue not mni-e than two or tl; ree iiori i-2 icng, -4 3ppr-ox iniai-el y -70 to 25 total days were lost fi om the recoi-d for* all pa:*al~~?teg*s cJr~rin9 ""ass pel-icssJ, as sltowiis ic-1 l'able 1 4, %s.gir-l~;ak:c~i val~ies as-e I-jot corlsidr!-ed as liricsing. Also, ail cia 'icj dajts /OFB wI~~:~IB \~/e;?tB?ei- \1/%7;.:rq.! ~V,IS e*t?l?lC,bL:iJ foL+ *) !/ p; -j / <-a t ~:bi-iit~jj t~~~t~ ~jjej~i~[~~~ic>~j~<> f'tb<\j>~ [/i?/'/t!$*{ ii) a i>tja The recording interval was changed prior to the winter of 1983-84 to permit recording of data for longer periods of time in the event monthly maintenance trips tab the station were delayed. The interval was changed from 115 minutes to 30 minutes, which increased the maximum recortJ length per data tape from approximately six weeks to alpproximately three months. The switch was made in N~ven~ber 1983 at a6h Susitna Basin stations and in Decenzber I ah tile Ekltskna bake Station. 4.2 Comments on Specific Parameters 4.2.1 Precipitation Precipitation data are generally reported for April through September only. The stations do not have heaters in their precipitation sensors (tipping buckets), so they are unable to record precipitation when the temperature is below freezing. The sensors are calibrated to tip for 0.2 mm of rainfall and not for sg?ll=awCaigI. The sub-f reezing tetnperatu1.e~ nay cause a loss or a delay of the recorded precipitation. Winds Ci-equently blow snow away from or out 3f (or occasionally into) the collector, and snow collected in the bucket may not be rnelted and r-ecorded until the next occurrence of war-m weather, possibly days ar weeks later. The rnonths of O-'ober thi-ough March very often have sub-I. eezing ter,ipel-atures on nearly eve#-y day of the moi2th. co their* pr~cipitation i-@cot-ds haale been omitted. It should be naked that ever, in the inantiis where precipitation data nre r-c:por-ted (i . c. April 4-hrocgh Septnmber) ; tile I t ocs:u~*rence of i~R~-fi-ee:~ting temper-attires cuuid affect 1.i3~ iiriiiray and the recor~ded arnuunt of pr-ecipitaiion. f!.;r usk.1- ;lj~aj!c! e~sk?~-cise rs:;~~.r$Eeir~ i1rlc3 fd.iakc? 8:tjt.e (4f .hlg;-s\ ~:~~(t:r~j~~~*~i~~~ 9* tEti: i>~c't:ip/i~i/~;~ij i~ni~~-~~+~ The tipping bucket precir~itation collector was nlot connected properiy at the Devil Cav2yon station in April and May 1984. As a result, precipit~tion was not recordetl for these months until 5/30/84 when the gage was reconnected. 4.2.2 Relative Humidity and Dewpoint The relative humidity (R.H.) sensors used are printed circuit elements which sense changes in R.H. by changes in impedance. The sensors, manufactured by Phys-Chem Research Corporation, have chemically -treatied surfaces which degrade with time, and are thus very difficult to keep in calibration. Many of the months throughout the year (and at all stations) therefore display significant variations in R. W. patterns. Theoretically, the maximum value an RH reading can attain is 99%. tlowever, when the sensor is not calibrated correctly, r*eadings may exceed 100% or they may be noticably too low. Adjustments are therefore made accordingly, as noted in Table 1.5. An additional consideratioil with respect to dewpoint is the fact tl~at it is not cornputed ivhen the reported wind speed falls below 1 m/sec, due to inadequate aspiration of the 13. H. sensor. 7-his typicaiiy causes elimination of at least one Jewpoini value on nearly evi y day of data-collection. The oscillatoi- for -the Devil Canyorl t-elative humidity sei-isoc- was bad in .Itriy and August, 1984; wilich caiised ei-I-atic i*epor-.kiny of the data in p1ncz:s. IInusp~L-~:e d, weiSe tli:lriteci il.om .IIJI~ 21 to At; !rrst 'i. The qt*iaIi.L-\f of the reirsaininy data is :;trspect, but the rccoi-d has bet7i~ ~4iliii:~Ercil siiice ii $>ener*aliy foiiohiis tile diul-nal cycle typical of ilrrj LliilliPei* ti-/-!. :i(j~):.eri~h~-r ~Jiita I k2 ~1i)isi:i -ioi* tLl~tp l~jp,;i 3 [:)iij 2 :;i.i!e r in : !.rtjd -3 jzi~ir-~is t~iut2 estimated where possible. The oscillatcr was replaced on October 16, 1984, after which the data are reiiable. 4,2,3 Solar Radiation Daily and monthly solar radiation values are thie cumulative total energy, computed from all valid readi,ngs for the period. Either the daily or monthly value car] be signifi- cantly above or below the true energy value if there are large segments of missing readinss (i.e. from the period of very low intensity at night or the pei-iod of very high intensity at mid-day]. A check should be madle, therefore, of the hourly solar radiation summary table to get a feel for the frequency and timing of lost solar radiation da-ia. Caution should be used when a significant amount of data is missing. Another frequent concern in the processing of soiar data is the preser:ce of non-zero minirnum values. Siil~e the 2 sensors have a stated accuracy of 25 mW/cm , they often record a reading of O (cjuring night) as 1 or even 2 2 mW/cm . This also caa bias tile daily or monthly totals, malcit~g the computed enet*gy much i7igher than the true Pt solar energy. An el-ror of +I m~/cm* on every reading will cause the computed daily total energy to b2- high by 21:0 2 watt- hr/cfn . aeadings during periods wl-]en this sensor offset was di:monstrated have been adjusted downward, as noted in -6abOe 1.5. 09" tile bvind vane OP' ane~~ometer. One or both 04: the sensors typically freezes and seizes up when the temperature drops after a rainstorm or freesin~g rain event and then stays stuck until the temperature rises above ODC or tinti1 a wind event occurs that is sufficiently strong to free it$, Ns grecipita.kion data for October (See XNmWE'jPATIOM OF DATA) , ..,.- 1 <.z ST !.;a $ ; i..! (j j f$ ::;, j pi $y <A i*. Q %'f F: (St $3 j.? j:; !>-.j :y 1 . 8) p.? ,I( $TI p..: bd i:;; fJ *; \..I I t. 1;: .:. q <:) i. .is Gf ,.[ :I; [<:i $,) i> & 7' A "; Mi.( i,: b! 1) \.j 3 :i: N f, i::! -q- 0 Q e y\ , -1 .. <> ~ a 3 ..'. ,:. dpgg - 9.. sitg $iNQ &\ST #AX, eOljR - r ii?!d UftiD @FhD PUS1 &IAX, ti0119 DEU wTV8 W?NB GUST RAX, NDi.i& YEW, $Oli?sl RM DTW fPD, Bfk, GUST gbQ KDii!f, TEA?, POiEl Rv QiR, SPD, DIR, GUST girt0 r!DNG 'FHP, FDIWT Rf."DiM, SPD, DIR, GUS'[ $A8 YCI" ki,ltt G DEG 6 ;a: ~EG, %,!s BEG wf~ ;.t~ DEC r DFL c ;i 1x6, i4is a~e, nis n~ DFG c DEG c E PSC, fils DEG* MS FUJI Y-~~~---~-------II~---~.---~------*--~------- --- --II.-----P-..I-*PU..4IU-^.---*--------~------'----- 03C(] -;[,) -14,2 '17 !I$& ,",@ 0"" #"{I j " -- . 1 i? i3j 3,P 030fl --i\.f] YX.N#:% is $?? 1,1 I?& ?I$ fi ~(~fl,,i -j0,(\ .-1d,? 73 06" '7 :" f!G3 ":".'i , .S 0 fli,~fl -.;';,Q -.!3,4 tj:$ {)$,I I , ii;i.jii -4,y -9,s - ;J tio& \,I 113 !,5 0 GY(i(1 -5,fi-15z4tj7 019 1,$ 88" jsfl e$[lyop -:(!,?-:a,252 3.2 {IS? 3#R 23 ijgfje -~4.,8 -7,681 075 1,zb 079 3,E d, , fi j 7 {] , , . , . [] ' 4 j? ij;rj --4,Q -?,d 7'7 fi?? I;? (369 -lir ; 5 g (1 --'3 , \ - : '5 5 3 8 ,I, ;> bB , 1 , ' , , '.a ( ':,\! {j "" 1 'J "' ' ", ? , a , \; J, $,S{ ' (' .' - \\ I,? Oil3 i,! 3 , fi 1 j ]'?; -* 3 ti j -,,:b I$ \,': j.f3 3,P 0 ltiiio --3$& -$)S@? Qofi 1,Q Be8 ;a,:, 8 [\ j , - 7 , 5; ' , 7 j ! , , ? 4 9 91) , I - "i , j 8, ,. A .*, *..s 41 l>Y i,y 11 ?t@(; --~,~,k##ki{.Qj (j97; , 11 ti ;:&bfi -.~i'i,y .-j(!,;"hs :") , "? i) ?cii>,O -.J2&3 -\i?.:i\$ , !34 2,b 2493 --t,4g;i..'.clt,a(?l :aj ,q VJ~ ;,tg 8 * If:: c:, p-4 ::; k.j I... "7' &*% 2-4 -"Y 5; , :i: iq t::: * 2 ". -.-- ."'. *,:> t ,..$ :t: ‘Y" p.-r;q (3 y@li f;? (:3 ii:: la:: C-, I 12 11: i::: it:"? #-::k ,-j- I:;; --f- k4BUR BEU v%SB UINB GiiST PRY, 3QUW 3EM WIND gIND GUS! HAX, eOUR BEk MIND &TWD GUST kAXa ~4D#6 VEYP. POT#? RH OM. $PO, UTF , f&$; Rht: HDNrq gQ~p, FOibf Rii DTR $PG, Dli?, GUST RAB biUN& fEhP, POIMT Rk ?1R SPD1 DI2 GUST Wbt PP! 3 BEG %r X PEG, B)$ DrG, f.tjS ?ad DEG C PEG C X DFG, Hi$ DFO, Hi$ MU PEG C D@G C E 2EG, HIS DEG, E!S H# -.LI-P.-~-~----~~- LPI^-Q."--.PL+..--......Q-- ---- ** ---- -Cll----I-I1--d--------- -----------.". ---a*---- -ICU-.-C.-."-"I---~-------------m.-~-----~-*------ ~ilil~~ DEU ~~tiij ~INX, GUST ~nx , i-gutl gxkjj~ JI-EP ~14~ AX, !ae~i~ DEU ~INB w:Ha cus~ h~x* kD#G T%&'. Pn1;hdT $3 d'T,R $PO, D'iR &ST W;'tb I":DfrG TEfiP. P[j'Z1!4T RI.~ DlR, SPtr, DlR, GisST QA? "'2:s PE+. PQZhT Ara E1R, 29, DIW, Gl5i WASj D15 L BEG C 1 BFZ, @?IS DFG, ~k.5 3w DF'C C PEG f X DEE, fliS DEG* Hi5 Hb DFE t, EG C X DE!:, #JS QEG, FfiS ----.m----e-*--e*--------------------------- -----------------%------------*------------- -----------------------------------.-------- Q3t\t ,I -,5 !b *$#a ww x#% .tv:kaP fi 938s -7,4 -a, 7 84 %.%hi ~4% %ng akk% 0 0300 -b,a -9,7 fB a%% wkgw %%% z%%% ij a$oO -, 3 -f,O 95 E*$ %#%% $#$ F:.?%% {t Qbl$ -9,j -: 1 z3 $4 %4# +%R,R$+ %an $.&%# 8 OAGI -&, Q -y,$ ?3 :%# #%a% ##a% -k$-w$ 0 69g0 - -1,s ?j "3% %-a:%# *.A& ,f:w$s 2 -$,$ -I% ,b gf w?h+ +*#%% z%u %a## 24 $319 -3,4 -9,s 76 %sag 14arb~ 5 1206 ,3 ar+&# $5 $15 5 fl7B 1.3 3 11OO -2,s -7 8 $7 457 ,7 !Db 1,9 25 1203 $7 -7,b 54 1.2 095 44 11 15$0 4-&*#-8 85 290 ,? 3$? 1.9 i 1560 -:,? -9 7 hf 132 1,: 152 3,z 3 1500 ,3 -F,? 53 103 105 4,4 5 i$j@fi -it? -3,9 85 :"? h4 1?4 t ,9 {I 1308 -4,F -Q,b b9 158 1 *4 159 2,s 8 18119 -1,o -R,Q 55 '138 !,7 109 J,8 fs -5,o -7,3 ~4 7.~ ~:jpi!";f~ri pj+k?i..k !I -O,D -- 4 RB ~xsi ttwf; u?i: RQ*C ii 2na0 -?,s -jo,x 5~ :i!p t,b 103 5,~ 0 ?ql{j -5,z -?,? flQ csw F,R#~ +W +M.Y $ 2440 -&,? -Q,b Qfl %#-X ~~PRT ~1~4 ,k+Hi 0 290fl -5,4 -11 $3 i59 106 ,s :0p 3,2 fi .SF. 5 \..{ @ F; +*{ cj \ 1 lj4 {I:, jj pt f4 kt v: (1 yq r) \:;. J 1 . f) 'y ;.: f+ p [:J y. ;..j i::; [J :.; 7 $3 '1. [:[ p,.i -.- 1) $3 "I & 'T A )< E: t.2 Ij t.1 R 'I: it" i, 6.6 c vc [I 1:) i> y , -1 9 $1 3 T) 'y i!:: ,... ._ i:\ i;: ,5 'i;, .* <.:. L.. <j $Ed g44"11#: DiiSV nfiX, HTjLiP " - e-rDkiR g.($:j)dlpir;jg:j5ii.1&x, .igii;i ~gg :iiji~4~eirf$n1;ijsrk~x, ~Dfj& JEHP, "jy,f!T Rr{ D!g, cjpi), tTg : Qj51 RAQ ~!T,I~!G TThp, F7'l+!7 RCJ 1:"; &, SpD. u'i; &lJ<T R&? $!@:{c TEflS, Ffjj,p!T kfl QzF, SSD, DXB, GUST RAD bEG C Dfs DEG, *$$ f)Ffl, qi::, f:~ i, ;?y, i" BFG, ~I;C $$; ha 9F.f; C '; QFG. ni$ DF;, diS #b ."__ .*-__.- ^ .----- -...-.* e-*.---.-w**.*-.*...*,s,--* ..,. 1 .".-l.w....Li-l *.~XIIL".Y-.-*LII-Y.-~--*l*l"--~-lll""lll ..-- - .^-XI-...%-"".-lY I-*.l-YI.XI".I*II...* *.,.,-m***l*-.--X.- -- ""*,"-_ .I.a-- "- n ,< j@(j ..$@:; -i? <? 54 jig 1 ! 16 :),3 3 $3$$ .-.q 4 $ng%x 21 :]gijI aa,g,dsd :$k.fi,g#hT 102 , ""' \. . . , 'is ,8 43? 1,z ,\ tJ 7 ! , '! i f 3 1'. , { 0 Cj (1 {I ." 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W - 5 . l. ? 1 4,3 ZE 3J 2 3 '4 P sd -1 -6 41 1 i" P -. - 2 2 .- 5, ."i ; L L' ' -1 ,el? *l i l Lr C - J 2 fj i i * 3? -2. rj 3 fi -- f , i'r 3k -'" #> J t1O~T""e .r ;, 7 E j\VCt fiAX, MAX $fiY2$ n13, kEAd ~rllB;D ~2kQ EilTS;iD GUST GtJSS FYK 1,ldiEkiil SFAE 5l)iAR i".iP, DXR, , $Po, 818. Split, DjR, at.;, p? i.lia,ECjP E%ESC'i DAY BT& f nE& t ~1s fl:S QEG kiS % DEG C W3iSG$ .--------------------~--------m----~*---------~.---.----*----*.-------------~--.-m--**--------- '3 ,7,0 >?@Y ,"' > -J , 144 3'8 k~b 64 I, 1 as%% 1 ? !*it lie .5, , i,l 8,s sf 3p -lQ,G %%%% !jog ; -e - - % .,! , k .? 083 1.: 1,8 Q?$ ?,& "E. 29 -32,7 %$#% 1~42 3 L - -P &a t I.s llg ,? , 045 9,$ 33 -15,s unw :b5$ 4 -I ,& ,3 Obb I u ,? 062 63 -7'3 %%%3: 4f:Zj 5 - -P,3 -5,g It? It,? 6,4 101 3,8 SF '75 -bt4 ##%% c lr- k43h 6 -loax? -h,b ~lt- r.6 I,? 191 st? E 55 -Is,? rwgs t,bgj 7 - - as9 I,& j,@ 4.4 5: 49 -~&,s *a#% 1550 S -2. -5,P 358 33F 33 ?Q -8Jj 3E3-F 2f3 - - 039 ,b ,5 o?b 2 E 39 -,b s+n* aia la , i 3.p ?oi . h . 5 . :354 &,3 5 8: *> "#$;-9: i I ji -3 - % * I,? IF? , J ,8 3,2 E ?+j -, I M~-M 595 12 -3,~ -?,I 334 ,: % ,5 30? a, ~je~ 01 - %&$& ;YO 15 -ZB,O -5,3 13i . 3.3 :3? Sa2 SSE 17 -7,s %%%a :?38 54 -7 -3.1 ~~0~~ : ,5 j '4 005 4," E5c bb -Q, @ gk~ jg 15 -RI9 -.I.? 3 ? 9 , 08'8 "0 E$F 57 - #+%$ 95s 16 -s I., r : 5, ;) i72 j ," t ";; 3 , 8 fit 541 - #*. ..,:g. 832 17 -i,f j! :,t $74 <,& F$E 61 -Sa? %%RQ C??s 18 -3,s ->.; 120 1 ",3 085 9,4 ?j -5,3 ash& 315 I? n- -33 -2' 1.5 :,I 5,j F. :> -5.4 ,E%%# 245 Ti! -"f I- A * f ?& 6 i,3 h,3 55 57 - A$Ws &"j 1 -5,s ,j I\ . F.4 899 " . F hfi 1 %#%$ 55s ;%3 ' 5 "5 Eh4 -$,4 &*us -8,? -5.9 liQ , 9;3 . "pj -- 3s - -13 ,: -!!it& jZ6 * i ,9 9?3 j,g S?E .a -?4,$ knfn li 4 !it3 24 --3?,5 118 {,I 1,3 212 4,h 52 -;s$y :ggg; $5 25 -fS,:i -5 1.1 it 114 5,s EST;. -lit; %##% 505 ?k - -4,h 123 , 89, , , - ;SF 5" -1 1, nag% '10 ~3 -5 -Ah !?3 i,l 105 "" , "" P ~3 -8, al#k :dj3. . -. --:!,fi --6,f~ 34iQ ,9 077 3,8 F 85 - #kit$- nd:t .-. _ S," I? '3 1?5? - t , X43 2,: ;$I;{,+! !fi --.-;5,7 #a:*% 1 4 1 3 {i -" - 7 1s: 3 8. ,, Ikl" I : J* f i4SU hl -5,R kit%? b.1 91 , -2 ? a< ail ,ri i ,T Li 3,; J FSF -g,3 %%?at# "" *" 70 h a.. . ./ . , 1 + 1.1 1;; 1 i,; 1:; ; # t.'>l '.[. p\ >* ' ;~;, ,. 1 !.;:, 7. p\ ,y 1.. , ?) ;::, 11' c.,) ,.{' p:' \? L~j (2; 1 Fi '"P ""I ,:I 8 t-:. ,. ... 1, Fi i;, $4 \>I 6: 1 [.r; ],j %[ (.j 1::. # {,:$ fJ1 6;; ;;, {l,) i. i -{ .!, p,i \,) :;> ;*, * * .. 1 . k i~." t:: \.> t ., ' :; 1' < : , f, ' p , % : \ ! ; * :: ,j :: : ~T {k') .(" j::, [$ t~) (\ 4 ,.*t 14 1 ,I ii , i , 0 . ,. . ( , 1' t : ,, ' , , 1 'f j '... .d 1 , - irn ,i% pd '1 '1::' 13 j.:) 1 \:> I ',:> . . (,I . . ";'.: @"?.< pjj ~~~;<~]f~~~~$~*j~-em~-(-$-~f\~+~-~~$ % :I: PJ t:: # $:$ ;j; p.~ $:% I-.! .--*- 3 :f$ I? ('1 $::: !-a- !!I1 f::: -"&is I? I[: (::: p 12 fI:t *-.. [I> -y* 2, rn -28 j3-I Points lO/l -10/6 -20 IS/6 -1OIp31 Mddi Gi~nzal cannlx~en ts an khi s man tfi ' s data : 1, Recoarding time ix;-t:crval was charaged an $0/6 from 15 minutes ta 30 ~tissutes, 2, One hour of d3t.a "l,ostgP bettqeen @QUO and OlOQ crn L0/30 due bL8 chmge of official tia"ime zone, See note iar section 4 sf text, 3, Bnteudttent wind speed and directi-an data lost due to frozen anemometer and 'b~girld vane, 4, MalEunctiorrx in werktl~er wizard (~31' )b:llern h~ith recrsrd(r>r) caused data to be Isst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y for all pn~:;bxrte"cers, Na precipitxtisn data for Xovember (See INmWmTATIQN QF DATA), i-E$ f R 7 &JjbAli? K\i$i Wdjf, HfiUk DEx #l;,'fi idji"i! r".:JS'f EiSX, POrif? DEL ~)!NQ cgs~ +!&x, 2fDkG TFflFlfP, yfij+#i $& b:R. SFIF), &ef!;T #fit kDWG TEhP, pfjQ4T Rd EXR, $Po. ??R, fyUST $&"V!8E& IEfii" ?POTKT /?ti ER, SPD, $I?, ?flni 2 $Es C E QF.G, $:5 BEG, 8;s 9% M-!~ - f BEG C 1 !KG, H!S WG, WfS H$ DxG f DSG t X DEG, BF3, fiiS fiU --.--rrm--.xlrh^--*-,7-~~-'~---* -urnr-+**,#-*nY--al -.., ,-r.--rrJp- *--.-".* ---.."---- ---- ------------- -"-"1--(.1I--.------.----.-n--- - - $390 -i@,5 +e%%u '12 !,5 3!5 J,? 9 034~ -?,>$,3 136 1.P "g 5,4 $ 0380 -y;B -li,Q 75 OF] 1,8 337 3,8 8 ij,iOO -:a,; s+#n+ I 22 t- ., % L ,! fiqf, >.5 ; $bfiO -!,: -P,L) 6; a.47 it? i5@ 2.5 4 -9,s -1?&2 83 $95 2,4 0845 3,A fl GPQO -?,? &%%w-x pz ,$ i .3 (j B?flO -! .O -a,# 57 lf3 1.5 ft!l 2,s a 0518 -9J -11 -8 30 iOO 1,9 104 4,4 1 -3.5 a%%%% ~i., .5 109 1 ,? 1.5 -#?,$ 52 ikU.2 f'jy 2,s H:Q$ -4,Q -Pad 7t7 094 !,h 8;-71 T; 9 8 1502 -j ,R +~h: {Pa$ , 5 $5 $1 js(i{j 1 ,h -1.2 5? 126 1.7 124 3,Q 5 1518 ,4 -R,l 53 !14 1,2 140 5,$ 6 smS* ,3gu -1.5 - %%@%a $5 155 ,$ 166 j P 3 -F,2 54 115 .?<flI% 3,P 8 fSO9 -4,2 -P,b bh 139 i,3 132 2,5 !! 2130 ,? -SI&b5 pyj 1,: 15~ 33 $T!o~ -?;$ -Plz5S 105 115 3cj Q.!gt -5,?-lo,T&s 132 :,7 1:: $,a 0 24~a -,y -&,267 16!4 131 3,: 1 ?Q$ -4.o-j0,35 116 "17 104 3,j Q 2480 -b,? -g,:bt 9~8 rza pa 4 a 6 Pi* *rr, .j' pj ti <: c I.,; (j iv j r+ i:> \ i +..) p\ $>I [+ y i:: ri ,, i" ,v; ,. i.1 ;[ j t; ,:.: p,$ y' i:'! jx.; 1::; [++ '7. \ i:: r+ ::; .-i' 3 (*.I fi st. 1 + 4. . i.J .+% I'! 1) ;:f "F' k ; it, i.4 "it $,! i;; '1: pi f; pj [> t" 5: t'"i l1-J 6: :' *I * $:f ' ..I i i-cii~-itji QE~ G~HD ~i~tft ti^^, hi7~ft D t43~~ ~TND GUST wnx, ~OQW arn gifia u.1~~ GUST AX a p4l)EG TE&P, PQ9;,biT Qk QTR, Si.'D, ,. GUST Ri\j) r:D?{G TEEI.IP, 30jkT Rt! ?JTR $?k ,Fir, Gtf5T RAD )jDNG TEW, i"Ol??*i $h 1194, SPD, GIR, &ST BAL ( CFG C X BEG, Mi$, BE!', q!F8 3~ DEG [ DFG C E DEG, fi!5 QiG, HM DFG C C ): BFG , HJS DFG, h!$ 8bj ---- e -- -.. w " -- - - -."..--.- ,..------."...---- . -L-----..- --L---I1--I------------------.------~------------ 93fiQ -St$ -",? 35 125 j,5 163 +,E 3 8300 -r ,? -iS,$l 34 157 1.c 2,s 8 0300 -&,? -1!3,2 40 !I4 2,? f?l S,f 8 B~BB -3,~ -!?,I 35 166 ?;,3 irk? 5,~ 8 -a!,h -I&,; 40 095 I,.! 3,~ o Oh80 -6,~ -17~9 91 116 ~6 115 a fiygg -:.g-jk,! 33 14,s I,$ :SL: 3,; 9 noto -y,p-t7,1 $8 ?,I 075 333 $?an -b,g-x&,B 47 112 ?,3 18% 4,4 Q 130 -.3 -j&7 28 i:: 2%~ a?: 9,4 5 pas -5,~ -f&,g 43 092 '5 OR? 2,s rtna -5,s -1S,S 45 112 2,s 118 %,4 2 I. $3 5 15QR -T,?-]@ 7 bS ?,I OFr ?%4 2 1590 -.3 -](1,8 29 !\5?2 ,b 135 $!,I\ ,? 151jO -5,g ::%~:4% 39 053 $5 180D -,1,fi ,&,3 55 j3? : ,"a03 $,I! 0 j$go --,? -:s,4 p\ Ira $813 s,t 0 raofi -4,s -rj,b 58 In4 1,s I?\?. 3,i3 8 ?$$@ -1*R -fF$T 34 :5! 3 ;3 155 3,B 'jQ0 -3,z -j$,fj ?Q 115 ?,'j 514 5$7 0 "08 -4,! -:!,? !jy 867 r:Q 0G3 3.5 24~~ -?'? -t3 ,3,5 53 156 !,5 117 5,~ 0 ?#;an -alp -a?, 4 57 job : ,s i\,s 8 2qje -5,~ -12,s 57 r ose ~~5 Q HOUR DE\J \ii?;Q idXND GtiST EfiX, kg\,!$ fiFU LlND UfHD GbSI HAS(, i4OllR Qlu g?FD 4IND GUST 8AX, ~Ddt; TE$p p~r;g.p ai: Q~E, ~pn, o~i;;, Gg$r ~.:Dk!i; TFkp. Di:i:dT ffi.i ti#, Spb, PiR. i&51 2kD r:iilit46 TcR?, GOI4T Rri DIR SPD, DiR, GUST WAi' 2fG C BEG C X DEG, M:S BE6; 3!$ ibl PEG 2 DEG [ x BEG, ~js BEG, is )\Q DfG C BEG [ 2 O-tG; 315 DEE. N:5 I?"...--^...--- .------P---U-l---Pm-w-----*- --....-- ". ".-,..-*m-- .--- ----... -.-.. t- ,.. ---- -----*-.-.--"..-----." ... ----*-----.-----t."---------"-------------------- 0540 -16,s -20,3 74 %#k ;t%n-k %*%% 5.2 fi $jQ$ -{(it? -17,Q 73 07'0 ?,? $52 3,8 1 Q$oB -z13 -8,z 57 if4 ;T \kQ 2,s 06Qfl -1i]i,4 -l?,y 74 095 I,$ $33 3{3 9 ObflQ -55,3 -;"ill$ 73 076 ?,b i73 3,8 @(\Ofi -t,Z -$,b 5'7 job 0';4 9,4 0 0940 -15,4 -wig 15 486 i.3 ->:$*? 5,3 @ fi300 -l@:fi -1 ,9 67 1%; 082 3,2 fl 09Q0 -,5 -7,P fe 141 jbl f$Q <:.J$ 0 12f;i) -13,P-:?,4 076 :,: i)?5 3.9 r>f.Ifi -7,3 -j.i;,l 58 089 I,! JIB 3 i!flo %,3 -6,$,54 ,9 094 9,4 2 1506 -i3,$ $*#R% 75 j$$ !,I ~fjh 4,: ? 1588 -:%.& -14,y 52 $R& &z $33 5,$ \ ,9 -6,q 58 199 ,$ #=K# 5,@ 1 jQBB -?4,& 77 : 4 fi , 9 1@b\i -I,? x;a%.iaa bJ 06% I,? 103 3,2 8 tfj08 $1 ##%%# 63 176 ,? 179 1 iy 2100 .-:S,b -:a,? :ib 109 :,3 06t.1 3,: 4 -5.9 -p,da blj 101 ,? 1;5!) 2,s 0 zl&j -,I $#bast 6.2 353 ,i3 j75 2404 -I&,? -;'B ,f 75 090 I,? 0q.t :,;a fi zqfifl -it,& .w.w.fi&n ,$? 157 h 30;: Z; ,? 3901;r -,,& $%%#s ?7 ,J 232 f,$ 9 DFlj I~XNB UJNE GUST oRXt 6OUR EM UfMD UISB 6LjST NAX, HOLR fiEg gFgB gjHB GUST EAX, ~836 TEP~~, :;I:JX~T 8~ ETR a ~pb, ~J;R I i;ijg R,-:Q tiokg y$=, pq~g~ grr I)IR, $PO, D~R, GUST R~Q HDMG IEHP, POXWT ll!f-i DIR, SPB, D~B, G~ST RAD 3EB C 3F.G C DEG, Hi$ UFG, YW BE6 B<g C ?; BE9, $js BEG, piis fiM BEG C D%G C 2 KG, t4iS BE, HS % ----------------~---IC-C*IO--YI-.~--------~- IPUI..LP-.I_ILIID--------w----~~----",",",",",",",",",", rr~-*aus"arn--",",",","",",",",",",",",",",",",",",-",",",",",",",",-",",",",",", $308 -2,~ -9,? 68 182 1,s 102 J?J 3 8500 ,? -&,a 56 161 1.1 165 2,s 8 ojoo I,? -14,s 28 154 ?,5 133 4:4 0 g&L gg u- -?:I -7.8 65 ft4 112 3,? fib60 2,j -?,h 42 Xhl f ,4 150 3,2 O $500 1,Z -IJ,? 32 130 1,& 136 5,R O ifWi0 .'8,4 -J13si$ 106 LO 132 x,? Y?,Q900 ?,tf-?0,348 14i I,? 137 s12 O$PflO ,3-f4,j;94 BY9 $,";?f39 4,4 1 L230 -,2 -7:Y 57 098 1-3 ifb2 3,2 S 1200 ?,3 -10,4 37 158 1,s 150 3,B ? 1289 ?,a -I2,4 34 Xitb 8,4 141 3,? 2 !51":fa ,? -&,? Sh OBI !!,;? I84 9,:j h3 1508 2,1 -11 ,? 37 13.; F, ,? !63 3,B ; iSUiJ ,3,0 -!1,7 36 i45 1.4 j?b 1 i~t~fi -,I -kt$ 50 SO$ I,% QTI a IP~O 2,~ -%icy 33 235 1,3 ti3 3,s a 1810 I,C -p,o ;Y: :ss 1,4 159 5,~ 0 21Tf6 ,5 -b,b 59 133 !,Z 162 2,5 4 ?No ;,$ -?5z0 31 131 \,P 113 3.8 fl ?jflG ,% -12;: $7 f ,d jq.7 3,Z Q 2409 ,> -h,bh~ 147 :,o 137 "5 t:-~4,732 348 I,& $73 3,g fizsaa ~,3-r~,3~~ 137 1,3 148 j18 8 i"\ i-J jy 'j" j. " i,Y y ; \ $) 'f : f 1) : i i"' r"'i fX i'i p*: i.ci 1:;' ;t , , "' " 1.., !'- 1.- "" ,% 1:""' .,., 1 $) "i" .i' I:" f .! 3) -7 $2 -1 4 < i ,.' - \ j j -1 ; j 'I q p.j , , 1 i;.' {? -4 H;:"7JC . QA'f TFHTJ, I?EG [ ----." .,.---.---- I 3 I.* 3 s SS ") I ,{ d D L 4 - 3 ,:I r .3. 3 t, -("is? P_ - ., $!. !, 8 t ri -7 :: 3 i."l_ I0 2 i i 11 , T ! 1 -f\ as L - 12 32 * - J*C 34 -P,4 i i= 1 i -1, i liii -3.4 17 ."E 5 18 ",fl 6 jp -&4 5 ij i l -4,b ?I lb,9 2-J -" , ? 3; E. ,i -3.h 24 , Ep -1 , h '3 E. 2, 2 -P,O 3 -."" " . - 8 $'I 7 .," 5 . ' 2 8 ,3 .in b 6 -1; , 5 j fi ""3 it tlijb[T~ "I," RE$, 9ES, AVG, kAS, HAX, jpp$j [; fiEfiR kT?]C j: gl$!D GUST EEAIi 4FPh: $Eiqh? -- TEfiF, , SF$, SPn, j)la a $?Dl DJ2, Rpl I?" PgEfjP Ff!c%C( BAY FI- ;:& G tag [ t>cC #." &'$ fi.i$i I Rfi &!-I *SDY -r----~rrur.-rn-L.----------~-~--%---~---*---~~w~--~---------."l-----"--.-l--------~<-----C1-C1C1-- r-- ="z -7 - - -11 ,? 1, 3 1-50 ,pl ,y 352 3,~ 555 75 - un~f. 8 1 -i& 115 . * : $7 !,8 130 5,4 fiE 59 --?$1 1'30 ? -3" ...5 :t ; 0 8; it!, s ' ; ,& 1 ,? 4,+ < ?$ 5 wwkY 3.q -- S -9,s -4,5 119 I,? !Pi\ OB4 5*7 SF 4P -~5,0 %%+x 42: 9 -e , 8 -it? 186 jitj 131 3,Q FSC 56 -5 ff.3i.94. 425 3 - - T - - -?,5 9 I :,j 114 5,? Ef{F $7 -:r\,4 mra *^F- 333 b "~$3 , 186 5 x , 2 ,g ijp? t; ,3 F$E 53 -)+,o $&%$< 3-30 y -5, -G , If9 I,? 1,s 102 l\,d ESE 47 -Sj.,% %#$i? . - " -* I! F -7,s - 1x5 , : ,iLf : ,? :.!: i: j.: t$E 29 -%?*b k.k*4* 249 y -S,9 - 14A 1,4 2,s 3,4 $SF 33 > #%.!4# 3a5 18 - -1, j IV 4.h 1,: 11" :,J ~$5 35 -I?,J m%+ 230 a1 -7~ -5," ?,a 3,; 50 -14,~ 9~5.s 1'5 p -f%,& -9,"Ri "1 , t83 51 5):: A9 -lztfi 230 f"j -12 -ld,5 185 2.1 ?,3 Ill - 3,: " F"" ,.zt- -.I$, 3 gsa+ I- gqn LI, 14 -.i;x,s -? -3 2 85 + j ,r qc- i,ji>,3 ESF 54 -.lb,b Wh%:6 , f 5 ',5 198 5 4 -3 -. %+ ?,Z Ii!,? 5,7 FSF hfi -~~~,~ ~3s.3 159 $6 FI -1, : -1 $93 3 , 071 , 4 -]5,9 #+#n ?!@ 17 -I&,(! -:",3 65; !,\;,I 184 bF -I&,? as#-% ??? 18 -3 r 7r -3 -4 ,,? ,? 9 1. id -18,; %k%+ I&";? , -0 ,,.,b a86 3 $93 5.7 f, j65 -JP;S QIPt 131 Ei! -4,4 - < 174 -. , r,Q QQ+ -7 4 5 58 -f,5 ##%$ 4 %c >&: tAJ -.? -6,"; 110 4 139 J,? ~5-y -4,4 a*ws - !hi c 22 -4,Q -6 7 ij& 1-3 Isr3 OF? 7,h f:$'E -9.R h8Mb ~5 23 - -q t~po 1, 1,5 08: 8 F :? - *+kg# $A\ -1Q," $8 1s: ? ,; 2, ,i Q3.j 5,7 "& -I&, q )QS -7, st - $5 3R"s $3 , ). :,4 j3f ';,R F~!E 01 -IJ\~~ 15fl I-"& -5,P -b,l ORB 1 ,ti 1 ,Q 13" 1,8 StfE '.:G -13,s % ri"i.9 :?5 2y 4 -. 1 ,R I$b ' * 1 r+ : ,r 1,; I? v! ,4 ESE $? -: 3 *&#u% 1"; 28 *- ; , i\ !'I $1 , 3 6 $5: 4i -i$.T +.X+$k 1:s 29 -1 '2 ;; ijg Y , 9 1, 3 4,4 SF ;4 -131 sn%s i;CI C<fi , ** *it.\ -it itst> :&I lq.i: FSC -13 ! -~$!t+ CL J t~\3 I- SOLAR WIND B9R "" eh ift: ij 1 "'* "' '"' " ? ..*b !pr4 (-1 f< ;:!: r< $Y \,j :: {$ f$ j , /!: 1::r 1::. 14 {y; i:: (-1 1; i::i C; 1:;: f+ tj '1' *i. [:j $:i ..:. ; [:) '1' $!\ f'j t: $:i (J '1. 'i: I:::i ,..a I... *- *'.. *I.. I.... "*, I. n 'l.. ."I .... .... .-. .- .... .... L... ..*. .... -.-. "... I.. I .... .... ..L. ..a. .... .... 1.1. -11. .O. I.. .I.* 1.". ...* .*.. .,.. ... L "... .... .... ... 1 .... .... I... .... .... ..., ..*. .... ... I ..I I .,I ..>. ,.., ..* ...I .... .I,.. .=.. ...I I, rn -20 m Points lndx - 1ajl"i" -15 ~a./i~~ - alr"c3s Additional comments on this masnthas data; 1, Malfunction in weaf.h~r wizard (problem with recorder) caused data to be I.ost iirlkermittan.atly ror a11 paraneters, No precipitation data for Dece~er (See XNmWNTATION OF DATA), hO\JW BKU b!lEn kIND GUST Ei\X, HOUR F blIHI) UIND i;lrST ffiAS, taOllR @Eb wl+!D UIgD GUST !!AX, kb#G TF~P, PQikiT Rt.i PTR, SFB, TJIR, GUS'$ RAQ hBNC TF:ptP, "13'-r TH QfR, $PC, DIR. rUST R4D hDN5 IE@, PCtTdWe FJW, SPD, DBS a GGSf RAG BE6 C BE6 C X DEG, ~3ifS %F"fi, idid5 39 8:; c DEG C x DEC, hj's $fG, fi/S &/ TIE& C BEG C 1 $EG, EfS DEG, Hi5 HU -19"-m>l)CI*C)--%,-mm*W----m,**.-- *..,.+--..,L>---"w-"--*m- .-.--at l-lsm---m--"*--*-w---*-*-----*---------- I"-, --I r--------.-..----------------------------- 03PO -14,s -24,8 41 11? I,? It8 3,5 9 O3OQ -9,s -$kt,? 55 It1 1,s g88 5,l O a300 -12,T -1b12 75 C83 !,4 101 3,2 Q ObRQ -f3,4 -23,4 4% 104 ?,% fQO 5,: O Q600 -10,5 -1P15 52 119 2',3 2fl0 5,7 O 0508 -13,4 -I&,& 97 $14 1,s 813 2.5 1 0700 -13~ -23,~ 45 !e3 fob 5,; D Byoa -1~4 6s 111 a,3 5,8 o uvoa -14,~ -17~3 78 t77 I,& 0h6 32 0 !ZOii -!?,a -15,B 73 195 1,9 009 4,4 1 1299 -8,b -25$6 66 127 "2 173 4,4 2 1203 -13,z -Ih,? 75 090 1.Q 881 23 2 1500 --:i*z -23,;s 515 ~QA ?,I 1~5 5,~ 1 1506 -72 -j;i,~ 59 In1 m,p lfta 4,4 ma -rii,3 -]?,a $4 rne ,y 094 3,~ i, 1810 -10~5 -~s,B 59 iu ;:,e om s,s s tsoo -7,s -:1:3 7s !ah 1,i-j ra~ 4,s o iaoc -12,~ ##w*g 71 141 ;7 139 2.5 D ?IBO -9,P -18,J 58 092 !,? 110 3,: P -?,a -:3,8 67 136 1,8 138 3,z 3 2100 -9,9 -1(5,3 55 r,3 1$4 3,z 0 ?400 -9,s -!?I7 50 !d? I,? os7 <,I t 2480 -!I,! -35,3 f15 1.3 142 3,3 0 2400 -9,s -16,? 56 a,$ 132 d.4 0 dQUR DEU 9ThD id:TNB GiiV Hr?X, qialsR DFU WI~R bTNB SUST kAX, dOUR DFk kTP4D g3WD GUST HAS. #DNG TgNF, PQ'NV R1.: 212, $19 a, B:R, GltsT RbFf WDHG TEkP , PQ4ttii RE QIR , SFD, 21R, SiiST RAf) k;DfisG KtP, PfrlPiT 2% EiR, SPb, D%W : SuSi Rk2 DE6 G OEC C Z DEE, M,IS EIFG, diS i%d DEG C ND C Z DFG, M/S BCG, HiS Hi4 DfG C BEG G 2 BFG B/S DE6, AIS -IC-------IY-L--."---~--~---q-----------'----- -----.I--------*------------------*--------- -.I---.--------.-------------------------,=- .-I- 0304 -9,3 -!5,8 57 1'5 :*P 123 3,z 1) 0380 -14,? -r8,3 71 132 I,? 133 3,P 0 0300 A%#%% ##### #+ %ntx %### ksw %a%% 3x3 QitfiQ -9,4 -is,? $8 ijf 1,; IF.3 5,: 0 fi6fla -.is1? -18,5 76 091 i3b z28 il Q$@O R%%n# #n%w% Y-+S b#s w%ww %%w R*.$## ~$3 U90& -9,3 -{5,8 59 109 i,8 101 5,? 0 0$80 -!h,4 -19,S 77 056 I,? Bb3 3,2 C DBQQ %%.%-## %%#-%a %-k SM un#s A*:% ~4~3 s%n 1280 -3,P n@%ku 72 123 9,3 3,T 5 1200 -]A,? -?8.9 76 074 !,3 fiSS 38f3 1 130 w-$#w# w%&%% u% s4n a%;$# -x## .t.g$a itd% 150Q -8,o .$%ka% 69 OBI ,? OR.4 5,; 0 1500 -16,P #n;$%n 74 OPE 1,5 3,8 $ j5$P #&.#x.x hkh#% 9'~ fh3 8%~ SIJ,W .XQ% IaQQ -10,Q -la,? 71 $?? 'I,{ 131 3,fl 8 18~0 -17,s -jl,O x#n.sa$ qa# ?,g Q 1830c.%3au #asap%-%$ sggu *$uga StgO -Idb$ -15,b hk '[,4 'it? 3,9 1 TIfjR -jB,fi -?j $4 79 Oh9 1,4 3,z 21Qfi %k*~%# ni##k% 38 t&n g%w# ax# axb3 2400 -11,8 -nh,? kx? 379 1'4 126 3,2 fi 2900 -I?,? -2,5 ?R 85O 1 5 04P 2.5 8 2430 n*%~%% %.kwxn *.k t.xw w:&#$ 4%~ +h.~* kg* fiEU $iND I$IWP CdST &fix, SOUR DEW U%ri3 aIHJI GiiST YAX, 6Ol!ii DCU :dIND glHD GUST WAX, WDHG TEfiP, POINT ijk B, !jp& QXW, &ST RAQ got\?& IEEp, Pg"C;flT F;1H WR, SPD, Ql2, GiST RAD HiiWi, TF89, PQl Nf Wt4 DIR , SPD, DIP, &6T i?A@ DEG C fiEG C X TiEG, i$iS $%G, ?!$ RM FE6 C DEC C X DFG, iVS DEG, WS hU D%G C gEG i .X DEG, HfS DEE, klS *- U--ID13--I.Ci-.-9m-I-I----...LI-.XT1111-l-..l-----~- .I-----L--l---.l--.l--.ll-O------*^-------~----- ----------.----I-------------------~--------- 5306 -IF,$ %%#%% ?$I $IF $8 145 3,? B 1300 -7.5 -5,r 54 106 3,1 115 %,a 11 03011 -3,s -5,b 8h 112 ?,a nafi 4,4 4 O&BO -?,3 -92,8 A4 5:3 1~7 i,$ d 0600 -h,P -14,h 54 116 ?,B 5,l 9 fib68 -4,l -9,8 95 14? ?,3 lo? 4,4 0 0900 -10~3 -a4,4 71 110 :?A 115 5,8 n oyan -@,a -is,$ 541 11; 2,r lay 4,4 4 RSBR -3,ti -5,~ 84 104 2,3 105 4~ D IZfiB -?,it -i9,2 5$ 189 fa; &?i 3,5 2 1?30 -5,: -L'3,2 54 111 2'7 112 5,l ? 5200 -3,z -6,: 99? ftP 195 3,? 2 1508 -s,6-15,9gi3 113 23 :&,B 6 1500 -5%~ -17~4 5~ ?,5 :34 5,r n ls~o -:,a -5,b ?h la1 2,0 093 3,z 1 1800 -8,s -16~~54 103 ?$9 101 f,i 9 l8Oa -~t,i -jj,s 53 119 2'4 lo8 5,1 0 1800 -4,? -a,4 75 499 a,? 095 5,1 0 Z~~IO -8,~ -i~.g 55 130 3,2 12~ 5,s 4 -3,~ -?,R b3 toe lip 4,4 a ?;no -5,7 -y,? '73 luz I,$ mu s,r a 2404 -8,~ -15~ 55 ::5 2,~ 111 5,7 2908 -9,s -?,$ 68 z,s 4,4 1 2480 --ha& .-jo,3 75 $79 alz $57 4.4 o - a::: t::i hw ::; 1-4 !..- -%- !i.1~ -y- , 3: hi 4:: t *~"H[~FF:' i.-\<~\~~~ !;~j~i,.i<~~~~f FY~R ~EV'J\,, ~~i~~~lit~ 14\,~;'.r\..jl::'~ 5 1' 'T :f I:] p4 rj&T& 'y&:(l:Lt-< $)tfRTMG iei::e;vgt:jf:?r% . :\f,"f.{.'3 'C t':, Noilk DEU b!lkD MIND GUST #fiX, HOL~R DEB tdiN0 gXNF OUST MAX, HOUR QEU $T&D MIND CtsST HAX, HbN6 YE14P, PGINT ilk! DtR, SPD, 818, GidS'T RAQ HD#G TEtlP, POX$!?' RW DTR, $PI), Df8, GUST RbD HBf!6 TE~P, PfJrlN'I' WH Ei2, $$"it bIR, GU5V RAB BEG C BE6 C. g DEG, hi$ BEG, S/$ %W PEG C DFG C % DEG, MIS PEG, Hi5 !la OEG C DEG C 2 DEG, Mi5 DEE, 8fS i4U PERX , BAY TEHP, TZFi; r, -..-- -l--^-sBI- 1 2'1 3 "T 3 -3,m 9 -:\,"j 5 -3'C jL 8 J b --;?#I 7 -3, R 8 -6,9 9 -10,o '30 -R,lB 2 ", -7,2 12 -8 ,'P . '7 4s -93 14 -1fB,i4 2 - 17 %%.35% I R %*X%%d% l'? kk%%% 18 un*gs I? -5,s 20 -A; a * 8 Zr -23 2;3 -9 iJ 'I" c .? -P,n 24 -h,tS ? 5 1, ! 2& -9,2 27 -8,9 33 ~g;.-lfdk ip :"ri.i?S?( 30 %he r34 ksa#i$ N0PTt-I ?,I RES, RFS, AUG: flAXI #AX, UiNB t4l.H.l) hT!lD GUST GUST' PYAL 8EAM Rf Aff DiR, SPD, SPQ, DSR, $?Dl R1-l 2P DF6 %!5 k85 DFG idi,t.S i bECC ------3------.------"-----------e--me-------a-------" $35 l,i I 2 135 4,Q 5E 51 -8,1 ti8 1 $9 1 097 3,2 ENE 80 -h,9 il rS5 h,t 'I1? 131 3,8 FNE 8? -?t? 114 f $7 iIT ILF 4,4 F5E $7 -' s t.3 " 106 X,3 I,5 131 3,8 EE 91 -5$4 OY3 2,s f ,b a85 3 F PB -5,3 119 i ,a 5 145 4-4 EX 84 -4l>Q 113 3, 3,s Q8R ?,a F.3 72 -'1P4!3 11h i,",t 5,1 EST 44 -23,8 194 l,WZ,fi 109 5,1 E$E 50 -?O15 : iiJ ~5t 1 ,Fj 2 ,H tQfj 5,7 F$E 64 -19#9 085 3 1,s 132 1, E 70 -it1,4 Ill i,4 1 t5 101 5'1 Fff $4 -1513 Q?K: I a,& 131 33 E 74 -19,8 k 9x3 %##% $i kkkt *E% &$ 3:E%%# * %##Y $ 3 && &)M.Xtl F 8% k Wk* ~Xfk if#.% 4 dWt%+i s-Rn 4?f422 s$&W - -XX*%*k x#Y 8 B%#M F - ! ?,? 2% 32f3 '~,r ESE 5$! -j4$b It0 ? 2, 115 5,1 E$? 57 -1?,9 1 !? 2 ,I 095 5,'j F 86 -7,? B h? ^L - , ,"f,li, Oh"J F#F: Ri -ib,t 1165 Ij,? , 76 3-15,R 179 :,(I 17,3 -%X8 :,$y RF 77 -rp,,3 ti3 I,? I,? 135 t:,3 E 43 -24,b B 83 3 3 4 QV? ?,El F bii -fi1,5 bi8; 7,: , 053 ' 5t% -I@$& 3% naRk t#X# %I*% PYR# Qk% &Z Y.k%k# :Z+ B-Rk? b%%3 $3 ##%Z Sa'RB 8% XIRZ4 4 % ?iR$d k 644% XBI 6& .$#t%k k . 3 A#*$. akh+ Z4t 98 R4k6' 101 2 ,? ?,9 DRR ?,a FSF t -?:jl\l Tlny'S SOi-Aii PREZIP EgFRBY DAY En U;;ii$Qn ,_---*_-_,---".l-.,.W..%,___ ###% 95 1 PH~P 110 rt X%%P y$ '% ##WW 45 4 RW~R 40 5 %WR% $0 b %#hU yj 7 S~ZJA. 80 8 f g9-R 80 %-$#c RSI SO #X%b;Y c;l 11 %$%# 70 12 .XI#R$ 4ii 13 tfE..N.;4 40 14 &3#4 :ttB%k If 3% ,8W%#%% 16 8% &%*gar u##w .t%&-X$% if4 %%an 55 19 St%% 55 ?$ %%#I s;l 21 QZ%W b5 2? %ka$ bid 2;s #KW~ 103 24 %*it% 25 WZ%# h5 ,3h m%4 bii 31 #fh$ r.Til#kl ?R Rkk %W+&k$ 29 %%&if it:$$i#h# Jg #%b$. $t?&#.kg 2 1 .g t .# XbPJ {*) ; {''{ (\ .[ .y ( ,'J <;.~ *. .. ..' .#.. . \.3 > ;:: *.' 1 . If A I 0 6* 0 '1 11 , ,d 5 , tj ::.? (1 , (1 .... *‘y I i"r .la fa[ '1' f.'i 'T' C? s t.! (:I l:! ,,.* .", .... 1:) '1; a t; I:: 'T' 'i: N ..,, .% :I , hS .'? ; ti 4s , I! ;[ [j f) i5, hl .:::; (j {I [; F! i:;. p\ -*(' c;. .lh (11 .y {:! !,." ................ 10. I. r ".. ............................ -0. ........................................ ,". .................... ,an ................................................................................ ,r. ......., ,"* .... ..r ...........*........ .rr ................-............... '"'t NMF: i ;.. . (1 , [I (I (1 a \:i 1.) dl i3 0 Cj t 0 0 0 , (1 [I {:I ji $ a j. Additional com~nts on this ~a~th~ s data: 1, KakFbanction in weather wizar2 (yrablem with recorder) caused data to be Post InkemittantBy far a11 parameters, Completely u~usable data f rsm 12/15 - 12/29 and 12/28 - 12\31, No precipitation data for Janua,y (See INTERPRETATIoN OF DATA). weu2 DE~ $T~F ~~JHD DUST M~IX, HOUR tjr.ar ;:+# $3~9 GUST HBN, HOUQ DEW ~TMD ~INB GUST fi~x, -%PI i k$D#E. YERP, POINT Rk DIR, :;pi), Q$g, GUST RAD #DWi; TEHP, pQ4hT Rf.l DlR, SPB, D?R, GUST RAB HDEtG TFk?, PQIbT RIsi Di2. SiiDi DIW, GUST BEG c DEG C l Dcr 4/$ QcS, 8:s $ie BEG C PEG C X @E6, His DEG, WS Pikd DFG DEG C Z QEGa Hi'$ DFSI klIS WU Is*9.~**---.or.r*larYur------rr . ---..*auurr-rra-.-.-*-.--------------------------- $308 ##%%485%8%#3 $jb+~+%-x% PW%%+%% $ 03$@ -if3 -$,558 110 2,n 112 4.4 I) EtJBB -6,5 -8,O 84 "i;%wsaw% u%% 3,2 O @Q09 -k,5-12,0h5 bob ,b 094 ,?,5 00604 -3,1 -5,683 Q95 2,2 802 5,1 00600 -T,2%%%3%8? 117 ,6 888 9,s D 4988 -5,3 -fn,h I?! ,9 105 2,s fl oyna -3,4 -?,I BP la& 2,; $88 4~ o as@a -6,a #*#%a 92 153 $4 85% 4.9 €4 1298 -2,2 %e%#% &? !43 f ,I 15fi 5,? : %:gn -5,4 -=a,? 91 186 :,9 104 3,8 1 1200 -5J a##%# 91 140 3 12% 23 3 1580 -!,S @##%% 63 129 ,6 115 !,$ D 1505 -?,8 -4,: Br 108 i,? SDG 3x? t !500 -4,Q -5,3 94 Ibl ,5 $63 ?;9 O $680 -8 -4 6 1 , 3 , 0 38QO -2'8 -5,5 82 117 t,f? 186 3,8 0 f8Qfl -4,l %%%%a 35 135 ,5 111 P.5 0 2eeO -,? -7,959 135 I,{ 145 5'2 9 ?!go -5,i -?,! 8h 896 2'5 OPO %,4 B 2:QO -5,1 -8,3?5 304 %9 D91 3,2 8 2400 -513 -8,s 59 ?9h j,,? ~3,s 0 -?,% -?,? gh 2,s gp$J s,? 0 zqfi0 -3'2 a$$nw 532 ?z? ,& 127 i,? 0 kO 031 a)b:"k \@P@ M'$dR 61'$1 T~X, i-+&# P% U:gg uI#B GilST KAX, ?.rO{JW DEW idigD UTWF GUST MAX tiDkG TEEn, FOFNV qi-i I!'ii"f, SPF, Dl$, GQS1 RAi! ~i?blL 'iEf.rij, Pr"l7n"l Th ?flR, SF"[?, EqR, GUST RGD ?tl!kiG TG-,MP, C;S1IilT RP! :iiIP. SPt8 EIR1 GUST 2A5 i DFG f' 7: DFS, tj;s {l", t:,iFl ".lb PEG r 6 X i'EiTs t4iS I)<$, B./S I$! DFG t G ri, plf:G, t\;$ DFG, !\$ -_*._* -"',-Y*-.."-Il~.,. .m_I----*-IP"IC--.~CI-~U"~---,-~-- "..e.-4LI--n FIIII""-I--*al"."e- QL-Ul- " -.I-- --*-*I -*--III***Utl----%~m~m.w.~-.-~--,e-----~ **--- "-* we.- OTOb -41 8 -!?,$ '75 $59 j,3 ::,? J O$[/I) +t.k#k% -%:?*k-$ %a %#% x+*kY OPh f,3 1 $300 -!3 4 -17,s 72 OP5 j,4 128 8,4 0 $bffQ -ii,T --15,3 n75 "51 :{,$ v flf3@0 t.b%k;.f k$qf+X.XX .k:E .P%Sb F8k ~@#W.$ 1 OhOfi -Y,3,9 -1@,3 39 v$44 ?,$ 8,4 Q i)!i6\1 -.1;1,[& -j5,8 77 $57 jJ,h Qifi P,ti ': flyflii r;$kii;.$ bt~k~ P$ +$t*31.F4'p: ir,.);.+.kh*# QYijii -12,fl -1Ko kh qish I,? 103 5,3 0 !~$0 43,6 -ih,3 7h {SfI$ 7,J 9" "JA $2 {,ai]fi -)",k --;o,d\ 73 OR? . 5 "8% a##% 1 :29O -Pt4-34.4 b1 is? !,a 101 :4,2 3 ;5$(! -1;",3 -i&,t Ti; 495 1 ,(, Q8.5 ,"15ij$ --jfaR ?.: &5 ! 3 CB.l(l 3,J 1 I?[\O -.':,b nc-+s$ 5l! 124 1,A tg;"I 1 t~B[1--;~,3--~~~~i& $&'.l j 3 i581 ?,? ~ritfl--a~Ja:J--i5,Q1J Q71; I,:, IQR 3,R fi 18fjfi -3,5~-14,4 44 152 i$,i; IS! 3,$ b ,:$pil -.is 9 -3R,7 y~, IT, ?,$ ~~"l,j , 0 ?luo -1" --i6,4 72 1 ,:; (151 ~$8 o 2nns -s,a -isba 45 123 ?,I 5,s q[(\ --lt1,4 $a.g.);.~i. ","(% it?O :,4 fif)r"xit jj;14t)~-a11,7f~?r,*.4r/!\ $7: j,? g&y 2,g [~;J$QO -.5,2-:9,95{\ 198 2-1 lo& 5,; 0 HOUR DEU $1 QD L!HD GUS7 gr\X, WOIIR DEid UIND UIH9 6I*!ST HAX, HOUR BEU UYNDkINBGUSF8AX. HQ$g ?F@, ti301NT RI.8 818, $?b, DIR, GuF;"I'&Ti f!DEatG TF#g ; FO'#T Rt3 DIW I SpD, DTR , i;t).SjT RAB ;\.:DNT\ TEHF , PUTR'T Ri.i t2R. SPD, Dx PEG @ DEG C X DEG, H/S BEG, 3!$ kbl DEE C FE@ C X DEG, WfS DFG, #IS fiU BEG c DE~ @ 2 PEG, DEG, E,i$ 8# I-_----*---^_--_Y.l----.----------------. I#- OIIIUI-~IIUUU-.l--~---~-~--"." ---i-.--------l.l-I.LI--.--------------------.-------- BZOB -5,1 -14,? 4P 198 ?,3 Ilf 5,? O Cti.$O $1 -7.;" 58 fl? Iz? 165 'ff,? 4 63UO -,a %#*%It 65 157 ,8 144 ?,5 B BbdiB -SzO-t9,94t61 5115 t,P ?Ut? 4,4 RBhr?O -,3 -7,Ibtl t21? 9,s 155 6,4 OOliiiO ,5 -5,516? ';50 f,0 134 ?,5 O 0989 -S,B -t4,2 52 lib I,? Ohlj 4,4 fi 1'308 -?:? i(i%.~r% gJ &4 f,4 :33 5,l 8 ipfig ,? -st:! 67 158 j,~ 136 32 8 12fi8 -3,b -IS,% 38 $93 1,4 aar 3,e 2 ~oo -2,p -4,a sa 288 ?,z 221 2,s 2 lzsa I, -4, 2 7 I rsoa -42 -1~9 51 ilso 992 5,: s ~soei -514 81 141 !,s 118 32 ! 1583 I,a J~.~CZ%+ 13 189 ,dt 199 ,,~a 1 a808 -52 -11,s b1 ray r ,9 ~19~~: !j IROQ -?,;? -?,9 65 156 1'1 135 2.5 0 1~ot3 $9 -J,Q 75 170 ,B :i38 1.9 ~f LlOO -92 -R,5 $2 138 ?,I 129 3,R 9 2loa -2,r -el? id 121 I,;! 112 5,7 !I 2108 1,4 -3,5 75 !h3 ,B 155 223 8 2480 ,5 -h,B 38 ',3P 1,s 384 5.7 tj, Z~Eflg -1 $3 -3,8 61 153 1 ,I 130 3,8 Q 2490 f ,DM%% '79 955 ,B 135 t ,? 0 HOUR BE$ ~:1#3 UIHfs Gel$? $&X. biQkIQ PFM UT#Q M%p LdSY hAf, rOU8 DEU UiNB UTND GUST EAK, 'TEgF, Fig!&' 315 D1;2, SPp, DIP, G!JSi RAD IICIPIG TqP, "IN7 #h D?R, 5P11, '3USI WAD MDkG YEki" PQi?:? 3i-0 Dl!?, SPD, hIW, @U5T RAP DEG C BEG C 2, SFG, Zi5 DZZI KtS 3W DEQ C DEG C X PF6, W/S PFB, hi$ Hid DFG C DEG C 'i DcG1 hi5 DFG, $15 3b -IIU-L-~L~~PII---D-lI-P----------*-~-------- .IlaY~I1XLL*-"I*~----"~---~---*----~-~-~--------. --.--II-----.=------------------~-."-*--~-.-*-- .."I*l- $308 :,bai%qr73 ?bP 9 47 ?, 8 U5BO -{!,P -5>29P PO 13 $81 3,P $ 030b -\,I %*%#@Pf IBh ,3 1% 83 D o&OC $7 -3.6 73 ?SP I,(! lh4 3,2 -4,j -5,s 92 069 I,? OR8 2.5 a -I,% 3n%%x QC l?h ,j 987 1,3 8 oyaa -,h -w~\,l $78 '125 1 ,I 115 3,? 0 04"tfl -3,5 -4,3 98 b98 it! 474 3:2 8 rS9i10 -j,$ %a#%% Q.4 !32 ,4 108 i,S Q \ ,5 XMR#-8 39 j?: 8 3, 3 129Q -1.4 +kt-%f 84 f3F ,a ;34 3,3 f a?Q9 -5,l %%%a% fly [147 $6 , 1 -iP -3,6 Ri? 148 ,F it88 3,P ;f, 15OO ,a !%%&I 97' 038 t? 133 I, J 0 15170 -5,R --?,I 91 123 I,& 1.25 3,8 0 XSQB -?,: -3i4Pf 091 1,; $83 9,? OlPOO ,3-ksa9:99R 243 $! '34 ,b 01880 -R,Q -Y,BR? 093 I,? 891 13 0 &$!j -3,z -3,379 9)YJ i,fi fly6 $,? i;?103 -c~F%#$.b&~Lj( 744 $7 250 z15 0 21f3fi -9,9-9.1Y,QW& $?@ 115 %%Q%#W-E $ 2468 -3,1#a#%#$5 EflP 2,"Of 3,? $3483 -pP&k#uv#Vh 243 ,:I \ , $ fl P 46 O ,h&*~.!!w %%ass 85 031 %%.s a#*$ fi 52 5 ?--I [:",$:afi$~;t,j~.-,‘"$~:~~\i~"~‘''" %:B -. :I FQ a "f.i f, Jt "I; "!- -"k;' ?.,6 $3 2.-$ 'v x) [I) b6-1 tti: (1: 'If' :I: 6::: j:, i:$ ("2 . w ;j- &,I: 6:; '1' HOE8 gpp MIND t;ln~~ ~RX, &40119 DElJ UJkD gXNfi. GCIST 4bXs HOUR DE~ $1~0 UZS~D GUS H~X* HDHG IEHP, PQTMT RB 0x2, SPD, oxa, cis? ~ltt Hnb~s renp, poi81 RB 01.2 ~PE, sag, sufr wab NBHG TE~P, PDTHT RH DTR , SP~ a DIR , GUST BAD QfG $ Di."C C 2 BEG, DSG, 8.iS y$ DF6 C DEG C X DEG, flCS DEG, fi/S kb DEG C DEG C 1 BFG, H?5 D!G: fiiS 444 ------------------ ,-I*YLY11---7n- -WCYPI4IC*~.rt~"UII-----*~-m~-%*-t--*----**P-*--+-- 49UR BEb dIHfi k~rnb t:ii$T Hhj, SOUR 9Eiii U1HP biNSt G/IST F.1I.ZX, b.iOiiR EEu JYflF wJ8E GUST ?A:,l NDigaC FEHP, PQIHV ai?! ED?, FbaT), Pal?, CUsT Rk:t !iOi.iC; TqP, FfrlRlt RY 81P, 5PD, DTR, GUST $AX? biDP!G if%?, ?Q!%T !!a DIE, SFO, BIR, &!/ST ?AD DEG C DEG C X DFG, hi$ 3F6, EiS Yii? tFS 2 DE6 C X DGG, niS EG, Hi5 HU DEG C C '?; QEG , DEG, p\rS ~4 ~---r*--~--l-slBII-m----~--~.--- ---.,-11-----1^.e-~---l_? - , . CIIIII*---*"-Ol-^--.----w --**- WOU2 DEB UIWD UbMD GUST MX, HtallW DEtd UlkD UINJ) G:%T HRX, HOtlR BFW UINDUINB6;USTMAXe NDHG TERP POf,M"fW!J 09R. SPB DlR GQS'T FahO HD~G TE~P, P19X~T RH BIR , $$I/!, BTR , GUST RAD W&jflG TEHP . PEJSWI' RH DIR, 5PD, DIR , GUST R4r3 DFG C DEG C 2 DEG, His DFG, Hi5 NU BEG F BFG C 1 DFG I ki5 BEG, H/S MU DES G BEG C Z DEG, 8,s DEG, Mss Mu --*(..-.r-IP.rP.--*----.**-*--w--'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I**'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*'I*w* .-"9U.*i.-P-Y111s.r-~-*---~~---~-~~.~~-"-~--~---* 91111*.1~***3"~~A%*-,--eh~~--*"~***~--"~999-*9999-9-9 HOUR DE9 VlPafl @INQ l;/l%T ETiX, kDNG IKgP, PO1Mt RH D%W, SPD, DIEi GUST RAP BEG C BEG S X DEGl HBS DEG, 3/S 5U Bls*.-_-VU.-ll%---_-~~~~---- -..IIYIII1P.I*......-^--.-..,.-- 030~ nggsa nB es# rg#E 9~ +:#nsg 53% OgOQ %#a%% n@w%# #& ~9% wmk #%# ?+%@a w%% gg@O an%w.B %%n+#% 4% .I;?$# #$%# #we wu% sw f2QO %#%a# w#n%# %% u%# #%#a #u# g#%k %#-$ 15~1 8gs#~% n#gw# H n++s as+% M-M $M 3860 #%%%R n#%$!& %# %%# ,##?M ~8 M##F %nk ZkBg %%n#% $%-x%u 8% %%# uw%% w~ r%#% %#$ 2408 MKbIA #P#WW 28 %%W 3t##t ##% %9&Q %F.;f.9 E RE$, AVG, ?!AXI CAN, I\AY ' S &AX. 1, kEAN UIND $S!iF UlNO GUST CUSP P'VAL MEA?i fiEA?! St7!,8!? DAY $E#P, TEHP, TENC, D39, SPD, SPP, 1 [;?D, OIR, RH BP PBECJI) FNFRGY DAY BEG c DEG c DEG c DEG ~VS DEE MJS X FEG C Hb Uk!SQ# 12% 1 ,1 12 137 4,4 ESE 62 304 ?,O ?,a 1 5,I ESE 82 1 ;?T I pt .? 155 F,? SE 9: 249 !,? 1,4 9% 6,s WSW 82 3% KhX5 32~8 %# t%H Phh kP $75 1,5 1,s 8 .?.%+xn EhiE 76 $0 1,: 1, fir? EKE 70 abP ! ,1 1,3 108 3,8 F8E 73 113 I ,k z18 107 52 E 5! l dl 4 "7 a. t 1,9 111 5,7 ESE 54 ,B 1,s 115 5,7 SE 7b hG ,Q a ,o nzb 3,~ SSF k~ F", + - ,? 1.0 164 Ja2 E 8: OYS t 3 &7 OR1 3,9 USU 93 ill ,? 7 423 3,9 8" 0 86 1 1,s 174 4,R E 83 476 i,7 j,S ~,8 < 36 879 ih6 i,? 098 3,B F 8 151 I,? 1, Ibi 4,& SSF 71 122 i i,S tSh 5,f FSF $8 tk3 9% 3% b >*tr >hk 75% %x#a -k#x# 4% $s%r #X,# PP 23 a&gs#. $.A#&% ukxtr &R$ karr $14~ bat XrAr Xgc ## #A%*b X&i@ @A#q%t :23 24 ~$'s$# $@#QR % 3% XEI* hb## $*I YF$R *$+# .kX #wrkq 8% g4?%%!4S ?4 25 ~r.x&* EX%#+ &%$%* it%% k$Re P 8 $. x it, bb$*h~ 25 SOLRR WUMXDPTY WINB DIR 52 & (1:: $3 izl.ig I:.; k.+) (..- -T' 8% jW ""$ "lt; .. 3: tP4 f:: c ::; 8.j $-is :c: ""a" '8 f:3@ ["-I -yg :[> iq [:I [-*. i:;: -$-- [q :4: t:; F3 $3 $:I %-j- $5;: t:: --f- 1 1, ti ; : ' y ( i'q P; $3 f :j , :::: .'P 1 , 0 .$ , 0 ,C-, , 0 10,O !:; 2 t:! .;? {:L 7' (1 , .. .. Yt' "% .a,. ..- I I) t i,r I t.i I 63 I' ("a [I t3 '? >av. .**- j [I I:.; it 1:;: ,fk, . .' '". .... 1) '1: b; a::: r:; 'y 2; [;I ixj 'r I II $\ 6 U r.> , i:) 'S s'l , 0 :I, ::.i , {I . , 1 z';i f' A I,,. .... ...a .'.* -8.. M'. -. Y, n.s* ,.., *.I* -. ..e. I... *a*, .I,. .,*r .".. .... ..,a ..a. ,a,. tr.. .. r. ...I ..,. ..&* .... ..\. .,.. *... .... ..., ..,, .,.+ .... ..., .,,. +... ..a, .... ..,. .I.. ...+ ..,. Mr. .... .'.. .tr* .+.. l*,, ..,, 1.r. .+.r rr.. r.., .r.r .... *rr re*. .... .... .... ..+* .r,, .,-* ."* -... .a- --. ,-- ... +.a. Cj , is 51 r.' f') , k:! 2 $3 $:ji 'j" [ :2 ;? '"* f'k l'.!s 2,: f :? *,'I ..*a ,:, , ;fi d?> , f:f 'Y i::""" ... i , ,s I ..*. .s , :5 f:! 'I *;,7 , i? ,<3 \ '1, I:$ I. 1 :j, I (,'I , (1 i-! l::$ it , ('a "I as? a: M g:: N e:; a.j I,., -1. if.*:, I\@ y- 5; . :I: P-J Q:: , $;; B,S $:;; -y4 fi? $-?> I--$ -y" I:? 4::- -... 1 +-- it,: 'Y" $:? 11: I:; i:r I;% f:] ,a3!- jsr: 6:; "T' B Or"ii3ofinnooIga1iiBaGt3ofigOa 2 D~~~QB~~~~~~Q~I~~QDOO~~ROO~ J tTt!BnaFoIiarta?rfot1OaiiBcoGI;i 4 0 fr 4 Q ij 6 0 rj ij b [) J. 1 f 6 C!knltc+~nx%%i$-#k~rkk#~#* b 5 *Q# daw $s% st#& -.F-M #M kwa #:a# ##% %a# eh* w%s ww ek* #an a%u as# w~ #%% %s% a%# R~W t%$ EH. 99% %.$r:p #a+ %+.if. ~kk #.w* gt;% 8%~ d~ SX~A %R% &#n ~35% ##+ $B:W.X xt+fi h"$i-.~. fi 8 #-8% -, i 00~0ioai!srz3z1oalir!aauea 8 @aei3Ok;jb]?jOae~~#fi$$o Y 00aiuocunoo1ri~aunijttaa 1 0 fS03ili)OijOO9i?i?2i?DOQF":OOOQU 11 aasa~ftr;tj~31aa~eo~oi?o~ 12 05Q4QQ610fiiI?ltQ3Q0tQQQt[ . - 13 0~0~(aoats1t2rt~10aoatto~ 1 *! r!Qnf~T)GEObti: ;13~i;i!$ijt3~0~ X S Cti!C1~~~t4O~Odii~i~OO~~O~~ 16 hQBOOP408Q0~?16!COQD13OQUO 1'7 giioiiot:r~i:a1;p~iialio~~ag 19 Qfl#~Q~~~~i;,r~3G\lOQ~DQ~~~ 19 onsatlannpt1oooilbotlil 2 0 hfi5COG$3d 2 1 .$k% .$:*.);. ?$;# f#k $%$ CXE %C% #X& @X% *kg:, dZ% *8k rl4 i%$ gd# #%k XX% ACA %X% w2$ ,~8% U%# 64% %*I 36% k#% SIR '.#3 539 B?%h %%a +%ek 13*Y- dRF bbk *#I+ k%% AX3 kk% &g& Bbk RWR A&> $it& X%k XfiS kh& %&h R+-% R#$. 23 MX-4t "~4 ,%$* $%# *X-## %8-R %RE 3Q# Pk5 t3.k 8k* +4% k%f ~ld %*%# %#W Q%% @i+k 6*q skk9 %%* k-#% ~39% 4 z(kff #k# ##?t W#> Hk %A% a#? %$?a kks h#h WR$ kt% R%R W%# %AY 9:s kkB LXx Kt% $Xk Q$:R nkw ~lx 25 % 9% : 3 k : 6% 38 2 % 8- Y k 2 9% 4 8% %& kk ! # :&$ 38.g 24 96% s#k #%k k#k %I$+ 9g.R 31% ~RP kRb %&.a 8%) #in c>s kka #Xa h&@ X9.b $23 3@+ c&x &&%*: h6-k wa* %A# &k& 29 u-x% a&& #nu $#% %:t *h# sxa %#a eqa o%n# #a# P-M kzd &n# dww ~w $38 c~ -wk gt* ahq& 2R %tnx x#k k%k kw n?,* 33~ %lka %&h @R% ago 44q k;tk atA kxt KG: %~h %x# k~k XAa kftx krh b~& g~t k*p h%~ 29 #t% %%44 4x3 Lb"?ai -t<X t%k #a## .k$"il Vt4k i## ga# kWI 3~3 tC% #%W 88% .kx& %&# +$#% $8~ y#,y 78 ##a ~s% M%% x%+ xsk& @%s ~$3 wk% #$g xgtt kw kx& gxk an h%k gksk akk x~ xa% kkt ha8 kx% hx+~ ~2% P & R A E 1:' 'f' ?+: R $!i,!pjDt_'f4 Of:' \,i<:;,-$Rj,,iT' x.. 1: R E':: N 'I' 0 1:' x. 3 r.1 \i<i :i; 1::: i.< 'J $+ -1' r.1 $1 :;; i -T' A i... [I l;{ 4j E: 0 A '1' '3; [:I N -.. .-1. .... .I. .a'. ."..I.. .*.. z*. ..I .." "..I_. ..*I ..I/. ...a a'.. .(It ..,. .-. I... ,*.. I*,. .... .I. ..C ...... I. ..*a ....,....... ,... ,... ,... ..., .,.. .,.a .... .".. .-. .... .... ...* I... *... ._. .... .... .... 4f.1 1.1). .I.. .... .... ,"*. .... ...... I. -1.1 9.. Weather wizard removed from site Ear inspection and maintenance on 1/27, No data following this date, 2, Data Last intexmittantly prior ta 1/27 for all parameters due to malf~mc- tion in weatlaer wizard (problem with recorder). Ma usable data from 1/20 - 1/27* No parecipitation data for Februaq (See XN~W~'PATI6N OF DATA) HOUR -. SSEU USHD U3MD GliST HAX, SOUR ,.,# MT8E WIND GUST HAX, HOUR DEU WTNC 8IND GUS1 MAX WBNG fENP - P0!RT RH DrE, sPD, @%R, GUST g&b k!BMt TEHP , PQTbjS %H Dl??, SPD, Df P , GUST RBD NDNG ff8P, PBtklT Rki SIR, SPF, @I2 I 60Sf 8AQ BEG C PEG 2 2 DEG, #iS BEG, #iS kU DEG C PEG C X DEG, fit's RFG, $15 MU DfG C DEG C X DEG, bf5 DEG, WiS Wd ~-.l--------~P------~----w--~---~-_PI-*-/I_UP~ l"^.lll.ll-.-.".-----...-.".-...I-b. -P--.-^(^-P.--IPII-~----w----~~0-..s--III-il---.I------ 03B1 #%a%# w%s%# %w +is* w%u% 83s s#cs #%# IJgo %u#%w %%#a% #a nw a##% wsg %$a% #ws ozg@ w#%w% #%w%k as %#+ u##u #%# #s%a a#* n&fi@ %@a%% %8%#% 9%- %%a ah89 bh3 fZaf 88% #Z#t** %%#W% 8# %&I Qb%% BAR FPIR #%Q @&@Q n#Q#R WY%%%* t-$- P#% %i%J #WB ##%# 88% t908 3RIII #S%%% 2% %%% %%%C %%Q S#%R t%S If900 %%%.rig %.x#%n u# -8%~ g-xww sien ###w %#$I tlyf$Q %%%a% #%wsn n% n#% #sf$ ~3% ##I# %%P 1208 %#5$% $%%%% 9% a%% @QB%f QK44 #i%f 9f.N %?flQ #S%%@ .$%.*%+? 9% %%# .##a!% 39% %%## %J;% f200 #%@%% ##fM# 39 ftfi.3 ?;W.IE%$ %%I #*##I #.$Q 6%su$ %%.$a# 8% ~9% w%%n %!-a #%#% +H 15fiB -ie%%%~ $.i?### a# #%w %%ss i;s#% a#@# $%# jijafi %wI%% %##%x SP;. I*.?$ fii:s *#f :le#~.~ 99% %#%%# *%#%# *i$ 33% %%%# n+a %%$# ##w 3805 n#w$.% nw#*$s 3% guw .k##-;z :t%# %a*# w%% 1800 ###-## %K%$% bf 83% %%t E 89% #Q#% %@a 21Qg #@%%% %*,rn% %% %%## %st %t%$ %#% 21Qif wcX$-Ew %gwfQ #E %#x- S8,ti.S +t%+t +$~i #.te;-X 2105 #E%#+: %#%a6# S% %#% #%ib i- %%% %I%% 44% 2108 s%*%% $%a$# w.2 %#? .#*%a 3% %%%# nit# ;t44e3 s%$a# %.It%#% $3 nwn c%## -.A mi% %%a 2988 %.)~#w% wnwga ~8 3%~ i.@zt 39% ~8% P#Q *y b\ y? - - 2-\ (3 /, j \? $, \, \ PI 6) f* T: c) f$ .;I ' 1:; . _. tVj :[ i (1. i? 8; a\< (+\ $! \d jr (4 'r 1-% $ %T &> -1' 1, c] bj :3 A 'T A -r & K E M 12 \ j ;: +Q & 1::' E? r:) p. (! :,I :" t' , :j '3 [:j q +2UR UIgD GUST $fix, HOUR "'8 .- UI%38IHDGU$i%BX, HOU9 3 bjb8 gjiND GUST HAX, WDH6 $E&P a PiSTtrl"fR1.i BTR, SPD, Df 8, GifST 292 b!"uNC fFkP, PGlfiT Rk DiR, SPB, $33 I;US"TAF b!DNC TfhF , POIPI Rri DTR I SP@, DIR , GgST WAD DEG 2 CKG C ?: DFG, MfS %is Mi BEG C D5D C % DEE, HIS EEG, E/S Ilk DF6 & DIG C % BEG, 415 DEG, $l5 Hkl UII---~IPO~-~~--IPF---ID--~-----...~-*~----- -.,--.-.O---.CI-P.I--~---~-~---------~-----*----- --IR--------1P---t--------------------------- 0384 wag#$ a%%%% ws 63% na#s 9% n3.a M$ Q3@ *%#%% %%*%# 2% ggii wx# 53% %#%% 8~4 93fiQ us%$% w%%c# 3.k 43% w#*u ww% #H% n%% Q&QQ n#g@% $%a%& wg a## *@a& $+#% u%$k as&% 44flQ #ww%9 gs&k.$ s+ M# $$+a% gn& z%r fi&Qa #%a%$ wa%%i, 8% %#% nk3n 62% #a%# #%% $980 %%%%# ?%%$# 4% $?@% %sf% $%% 4%% E3f KQ?+%-R %W%%* 9% $%$! #%%k 9%-K %t$% 448% 8yQ$ F%%MZ Qf.)F$;.# "Ih WW9 #%M% %%I %*#%# 123@ %w%*% %rw% en %c% M%E %n.% +%a+! EM 1?00 r%$$s %8n# if# %un aagg& %+I# %a#% %## :zQe %#%%I s%%#w a$ %a# #a%# %%a #a%$ 36% 1510 S&HQI Z%%fC 8% f%$ EIIE f%# %%,@# 4hQ $508 a%%-## ?-l!.kJ&# -3% ### %S#% 839% %%% lrOO %%%-R% %%@#& $$k %#?4 433-R %9% gBQ0 ###a% @%a%% 9% %a& gaga %a$ EH +F-?@ ,$gg %A$%% -wtn$ if# 8%~ %%%% aws g#nw #mi @fiO e%$.#$ %n##w %$ %a#% -%%* &x$% #n% 2nna sw8.a wgaa-E 9% %~g gee g.sgr .wt: zjfia ~~AIW .S+B~~N 3% ~8 .SQ-R~ SSP zf;! .X~WWW g#ggyb 3% +M CQRZ Q&@ -x##g 99% 2400 3%%%. %+@%a% w+! 3924 59aa a%? -?M? wr ZqQQ %*&#a a$%%% %% #%s %%%% ;$%.k %##% da# 2401 %%as# wn%%g g# s6% %%a% %w# %-X#E w%n ez? Y3 z; - --.d '"3 C 2.a Lrt 2%; -+ - x.3 ZD .*ts ZZ x: r;lser -4 yrn 25 $54 tLSL -a 2 > 5.. 3 "-- ---- 'Ti -*a. .at b-* CI^* =$ $ , ,-: '.d - - 3 -4 ?-+ r-J I.. IW B f k f :s=7-m L* L* ,?d. ". cl.. ra - t ,- rz g$ ******** :es+w .z3 r=p -43 G> c". Pe.2 *-" I> , -8 77 24s ;r"% y % * %% * * I-3~li"Z * * * * * B:+ Xr * I ;rlrze -.---..-- 8 3-L" zz- *rs.ap;i.A**.zp-.A ?a3 f+d cb.& -4 i3 '42 A% 1 -4 *z% ;Er :& 3W >X 2% %% .-. "' *X*w.*&a%**ic 8-: "L? "33 .-4 - .a 127t rn 33 5-2 :a 53 --J 35r- LO ,Q w .i;# f !p.? x> **:Ma+ +w f bzz :J# 1 -*t "g F4 ,"pl s..- .-2 C* *A r"' pL 6 "P. * 24: :.% %!c ..$ *< :* 2 g- -g ;s &: >;.: fg ;2; ; y2 *= 5 rL: g $ 2 g g 2 $ ; :-2 ;rn g . .L {x3 :& *zk****:** G" --B "-2 ril ra4 ry r,_r iu -.. -2- wa&*wr+zsrt:;rkstd* a?t;Iq:Z .,-'.".,""- a_p-- CZ1 Jm. & P*3 -1.3 Pel. i yb 7 g# * * * * *: * $42: s 1 69-3 h22 *L%%*w.*Lw.s:?;s 2&t' : * ; *s tz3 G3 -.-' "j C=, w cs -- ir- f :-Pf su* Cff_ t3 - w 23 :.A -3 sl I $7 -740 -3 st: " .1 r=li 2% --7 21 ;- - -4 I pG-43 ha ~$1 ' fi C~@19 r- 5.1 -^- +---- ; 82 %a t-z, "- - ,-. . -* :a .srr t -a - t ! 3 'C' rt" -A f 33-- 23 a+~rwicniCfl~t2c3C- 1 p.yj; -J 5-- c$.- jrj r-n 3 -,z? #-G -- . - - a , I:? hOU3 DEU td%HIP USWP GUST ~dtX, EOLIR BEU MIND UXWI) GUST HAX a HDi4G TEkP, $GIN? BH 312, SPD, BIB, GbST RAD W&tG TEtfP, $O?blT Rg 32, SPQ, FIR, GUST RAB BEG C DE6 C b DEf , hi5 DEG, WS i4g DEG C BE6 C L BEG, MtS BEG, hfS ~U 9: 9z $; FI: \- .[ f4 'J' \? P p @ r:"r $\; 'f" j: ("1 P.! (1 iT !:: A 'y i::' $! Q 1::' (3 $( "r !..! \ * Y R f:' 'ria '7' .% .x. *Aw i"$ 6:: if',:# t't! 5:; 1.91 if*,. "T' 8% N "-4.- $5 % 3: I:: * . . . $t$ h,J :j".y' b".$:% !*-I \-@ 1) Fq [:j Of!: B.,, 1::. '%:5 I? :C: 6::: i:' #;at {I] ,-J' 55,: If:: -1' RES, RES, nv~, . , nax, DBY 'S BfAX,, Hi KEAW @il?t"UlQi3 b'lND ELIST GUST P "'A\, f3EAM 14EAis' Sfl1,AR D&Y TEHP, TEflP, TEgf, D13, , $130. DM, SPD, 0x3, art DP PRECIF' EWERGUDAY BE6 C DE6 C DEG C hi5 9fS 5EG &jS X DEG C Wfi UWf fQfi SWQ =MW WH ~5s H++ ~t 3~ n#B nnii gw~ wgn H# ~s 8.Rn am 9~. snn %sc MS 93% #%# asc ~3 ~3 EZI BW #m w%% *AS QU~ tgk sw nsg #A# %a:? ~w #as ~.k ~k ~wc am w~ nxg gna %H- 43% as+: #%Z #B# %$M %B% %#% t%Q fgt %t& %%% sw% u#% %#A %%a #%n a%$ a#k Q%$ w%% %t# Q1# PI% $in% 99% .%k% f9Z W#k %%# KZ9 ### #%2 %hk ##tt %+PI #%R i+Sf MK WIW XW# $#k kt% %I#* ##% #%@ @%a %&% #nw gut%- #%a @## %f% RX% ##k 33% fC% Rkk b4M fhk 8@# #PI SQt #RX b%# kg% %YW WE# #WI XW+ $83: k&R %#k 8tW X#& %&& 4.~3 B*# +x#* $391 AM zns wg ~w% WR +iws gw* am quw gu# 93% MA wga wag sit-# $39 .swg u#a 2wa wt %%it MI+ ### ~3 #=ha 2ne gkk a%$ #@a c~h RM wga i~g~ gkx HA w3.x 6~ n#g wxk MY tgt #$kg a+% XM 44x4 683 t+% 4%~ x4:R %%$ $88 33% a%# $%# %#% #%% @ax %&3+ +!in% #u% RQW %A% ##W M4W 6%% %Q$ &## %#% RE% tAk %## b%# kt% k%h RM3 %%9 #kR NW% %St k$% ai+k %k# t%X %RL kPt %%% tM8 %kh khR hWk an9 waw $#a rga HE %#a a.ka wau %a$ m.9 ACS %#x s~~# #R*N ~SL 44.3 %#% WR~ R@R f## 38% PI# ~k #3th a#$ P#k kak %Fk 4A# tkk W&Q %kg Xi?% ##k W#-# %## RBI Xi$# fkW #CE ZkP k%% RAZ ZI% %RR MR XPX Xh# ##% 4444% IWI 83% ##% -Xt% MII gak WV 3~k-X a#& ~3-k PQ* #k4 #bk .SQ* %#Z fMW kPt -kg# %%& %a& Rxr a.## 8&;.% %t$ #:hi? Xwl kt3 PekS R13 KbX 4tkr". &kk hkR RB:~; qi(WZ kitib! W%% W4iX li;.%O Gr"i2d Xk$. RE%. xaa gw9. 13 % M i:: Q:l IW $3 k.J I,,, '"f' c:-% P-4 *If* 123 . 3: t:: ::: t.1 ::; :I: -T* pq 4-1 y ~3 [:I i,,. 1;:: (1: -r- 13 11: 6:: 8:~ 12 [:I ;J* B;:: Q:: --t* [:3 $$ 14 j"! j:,: 'i' F; 19 p< /..i pi 1.2 r; [3 1::' \,I $j $4 ." 1:: ,. p 1:: (: 1::; b! i: '(3 !:j F; {.j $$ '1; pi $;i '*.. 1 i.1 .\ . 1 .. (1 \.*. :;; 1;:: f2 iJ {I br '\l (1) ::i ... I I.. "^f s... I..' .... .". .. f. .*....>I .... .(I.* .... .... *... ...* .... ".. I".. .... (I*. "I. .... .... .* .... .... .I.* ,... .,., o... -1.1 *.a. ..,( ,." .,.. .... .... I,.. .*.. .... ..,a .." .D., .... .-, ,... .*. It.. ..a. .... .I.. ,... .... ...9 ..".........*.I .,.. -1.. :3 5 ,-ti I"' .a ;.j 4 3 1;j ..a 35.'& ,... ,,: I*;? <:> I... , . {i ..Y .... ..;, J 4 '" 9 W." Additional comments on is ~enth's data: k, Weather wizard reinstalled on 2/22, No data prior to is date, No precipitation data for @larch (See IN.m.WNTATXo"fl OF BPB$W). WDUR DEU UXD L:HD KUST M&X~ YOUR E uz~n MIND ~usr n~x, ~awa DF~ WYND UI~B CUSi +!AX, biD#G fFEP, POIbiT RH DKR. SPD, BTRx GCSI RAO NDHG TEHP, QQINT Rh OBR, SPD, DTR, GUST RAD NDHG fEkP, PDfMT RH BZR, SPD, BIBa GUST RdD PEG C PEG G Z BEG, kf:S DES, ?if$ EM DEB C BEG C X DEG, H1S DEG, HfS #$ PEG C DgG C K BEG, 3jS DKG: gJS %W I-~---*--_)I_C---~L---m--ls8119-.~411---~--PI--. ~1.Illl.--)PIII-l----.I-U1.---UI-----U---~----II----. --C-*---9--------..----*--------------------- 0300 -1~,5-15,6 h~ UPR I,P a93 3,s 8 ~3t.1~ -:,I -r3,t 62 1x1 K? i42 3,i D ajso -&,a -9,7 75 138 i~ 125 2,s a OSfiO *!0.8 -I$,% b? ?I8 ?,I 520 3,P 9 OhOO -6,3 -lYb 61 135 ZIP f92 5,f 0 ObB8 -2,5 -7'9 b? !56 f,3 654 3,8 O 890D -?6,9 -5k.,4 63 a08 ?,Q 115 5.8 3 Q900 -h,5 -12.8 bt 135 2.7 f33 3,7 2 C9QR -$,I -9,3 h7 144 I,? I42 3*8 3 fZ09 -3,4 -i3,2 41 ID? 3,T 119 h,5 18 1?UO -?,8 -11,i 53 102 2,9 a93 5,l 3h !iOO -,4 -7,8 53 105 1.A ti!? 4,4 $3 :S~B -EJ -12,~ 46 188 3,1 ina h,s \r Isba -?,I\ -?,a 57 as? 2,~ 071 s,~ ra I~DB 1,3 -it,$ 58 boa 2,i: 42fi 5,a 17 1886 -5,3 -13,b 52 !OR P,$ 108 h,3 i !ROO -3,1 -10.1 5P $93 3 ,P 089 4,4 1 18i!0 ,3 %&#@a ($9 128 l,S 126 3,8 1 2140 -7,: -14,1 5.8 118 2,h 119 3,; $ ?laO -5,R -11,s b5 p8 I,? 117 3,s tj 3108 -t,3 -?,% Q3 128 i,4 123 7Jl a 2900 -?,7 -!3,9 h,: 129 i2.6 i2~ F,! 8 2400 -b,g WXM 71 116 i,~ 142 3,~ 24a~ ,3 -3,4 75 i44 ?,I 13~ ?,Q 0 HQUB DFU U~NB ~INB 6ki5~ AX ; HCILIR M:N2 GPST MAX, ntlbla DFU MT@DglHBGQSTH4X, NDMG ~tfp, POIHI ~b OR, SPD, DIR G~ST ap!o t:tt!s TEMP, PGT#T DTR , SPD. DTR, GU~ RAB MS~G E~P, POINT RH ~IR, SPD, BZR, GET $a@ BEG G DEG r z BEG, 9)s 0~6, F~S HQ DEG c c x BEG M~S BEG, ws ~a DEG c DFG c E DFG, F~PS BEE, i%.& HU --~*Pe-~-r-.IU~rrl---prPlr----m----~~---~--~---,---w o~-r--~a~mt.rr---a-r*--~."-~---3^rr(."-i-a--rrc----- --rlr--r--.-rr-------~-~---~-~----------.-----*-.~ 3304 -2.6 -4,895 182 IS4 7'5 6 0304 ,4 cE#-$*E31 092 $9 FRY T,5 0 $job I,# -,!I 93 123 ,R 133 I,? Q O~DF -,I -3,h 77 150 r,2 127 ?,5 o obng -;,3 -?,o 95 118 e.3 152 3~ 8 O~OO ,I #aswgs 94 108 i,~ $92 z8,z 8 ~$06 -1%~ -33 ~2 141 1,s 132 3,~ 3 osaa -%; ~+#aa 8~ 135 ,p 137 2,s 7 ogno -,q -R,J $9 093 13 086 4,4 9 t200 1,4 #%#.k* 42 fl94 .b j38 3,: 1% tZQQ 4,S h? i2O 1,d 178 54 9 1203 ?,? -,h R? 1!8 1,E 119 5,! 31 1500 4,7 -,P hT 073 1.1 Oh? 5 ! !? 150a 1,: -? S 5G 105 ?,3 !I? 5.7 ?D I50Q 6.5 -,b 62 U71 6,4 075 5,2 17 iCQFr ?,4 *#@;ii$ Sb 556 ,5 39'9 3,,Z f 391313 5,7 -Jib 55 109 1,; BY& 4,B f 'L80Q 5,li -,b 61 121 2,1 121 5,; 2 2100 i ,I %:.u%wk Ydi i?h ,& !.?3 i .3 9 >Ifid ? - ? 74 t5? t ,;: itr5 2,s U 2151(1 : '8 -1 ,4 79 136 l ,ts I23 ,,7 i! 24flfi $44 : 4 $8 I ,P il 2410 ti,O ,j 88 143 is t 14A 2,s 6! 248P 2,O -1,4 '8 183 iz4 f.98 2,5 II '4- g.1 R Fr' F \-i (.:i i.4 R S t,j pi it.f {j R 'f f:' (.I R rj i::.' ;;,L :\; \ . f:': r.; i\! .y. (1 t,i k 3:' fi y i..\ E:' R -$; "f' 'f' 1 Q N ji) A 'r' A "6 A t( f< '7:i"t,f 1) {,.I @ '1: f'PI; ~4 p c:: !*\ , 2 (2 $1 4 HOUR E ~TND UZ~D GUST Hnx, 3oua DEU UIM MIND ~ttf;~ HAX, HOUR DEM UINB susr #flix, WDMG $EBP, PQlWT 28 018, $PO, UfR, GUST RAB BONG TEHP, PBTkjT RH DfR, SPB, DIR; GUST W4D MDWG TEHP, P03!!T R2 EiR, SPD, BfR, GUST BEG c BEG c 2 QE, W~S BEG, 3)~ 94 DEG c n~s c x n~.c, 81s ~s, #is nu QEG c DEG e %: QEG, nis BEE, H~S wu -*"--""-U-.-a.*.tr---~~"~-----w---**---~-w-~---- alr-rr-nrr.n--3-~~~---~*------*----m~-~-------- ----------------.---------------w------,--we- a306 2.2 %%%a% 7? 134 I,# 987 3,R O 0309 4,1 -,5 72 Ih5 Ill 1% 2,s D 0380 -3,2 -4,B 89 996 i,? 105 3,2 O O$$B 2,? -9,% 7b 188 f ,? 357 3,2 0 !ha8 ,? -?,3 7B 131 I1?i 138 3,2 !I OhOD -5,s -8,7 90 982 t '8 083 4,1 B 0960 4,k ,072 IS? I,,? 153 3,: ?fiYan i,s%%,~%%77 199 \,a 096 3,z pa?#$ -5,2 -),QB? $7'3 2,@ 673 3: %S 1209 7,l ,4 R2 130 l,f 114 3,3 19 1206 5,B -,9 &2 D7% 1,1 684 3,8 15 1209 1,3 -3,9 bO Q?3 2,B 073 XSP 34 1500 8,9 "0 57 !o? 2,d lil 5.1 t? tl,Y -(3 68 103 n,h 119 Ig8 18 lTOB 7,1 -2,7 48 IOB 114 165 3,8 13 1810 b,? -,3 A3 131 1,7 120 J,R 2 iROO 6,0 -,5 A3 103 1,P 117 3,2 3 18BO b,@ -3,7 50 144 1,s 154 3,: 3 ZPDO 3,~ -.3 74 1,4 tho I,$ a zauo ,g -2,~ 77 13s 1,4 1b3 3,? o 2100 2,~ -J,Y 62 13s 1,~ 179 a,2 B 2400 3,4 -:4 Tfj 146 f ,3 153 7,s 9 ?4QO -I,? -3,9 R5 118 ?39 3,2 9 2408 ,3 -4,7 69 ??2 2,J f74 3,8 HOUR DZW B1tat.D UIND GUS7 Eh'ii Yni18 DEN WIND gIWD SUST %&X, HOUR BFW ~IMB U~NR GUST EAX, TFHP, POINT R3 91R, SPB, bl,R * GUST $AD MBWC TQP, PCINf Wki I?;$ SPD, DIR, GUST RAO b!Q$'; TEW. POihT R6 DIh, SPD, DTR CdST R@E PEG C BEG C f DEG, HiS DFC, HIS Wb PEG C DEG C X DEG, YdS DEG, HIS HU @FG C BEG C L DCGx BiS BEG, #15 t@U -_UUYl-.V___~----~------------------~. ----PI-~~ll-----yYI~-*l-----------+-~-~---' --II---.P-IIIII--U---~----------------------.-- 0308 -1,4 -4'8 77 139 1,s 157 ?,? O 0305 -3,0 -%,? @8 tOh 1,3 i?P Zt5 B 030C -3,? -5,: RS 1% 232 5,B B @&OQ -3,O -4,G 86 112 !,4 I!! 3,P 3 IhQO -3,s -4,? P? 073 .,O 981 ?,5 0 -3,s -b,O 85 142 1,7 t5h 3,5 D @s@fl -4,) --?,$?% 127 1'3 $15 1? 3! 0900 -?,B -3,833 QhA ?.I 079 2,s 4 09Q8 -9.8 -?,5 8? 112 ?,4 631 3,$ 9 1206 3,+ -2,y 64 If? ?,,r 114 5,s 23 IZQfl $9 -P,? PO 84k ? 3 9hl 3,? 25 1238 ,I -st? b9 0is5 1,s IJO 3,d 35 y=jaB 4,~ -2,y sf+$ 113 ?,a ~?b ,5,3 ?I 3,: .@%n%s 74 B3P 1-1 '$42 2,s 16 1500 ?,b -53 53 if3 2,3 187 5,7 2b 1800 :!.s -;,& b,4 077 :,& oh9 d,4 3 IROO ?,I gi+w,%a 73 059 $3 107 3'2 3 1804 ,P -6,4 53 199 12 119 5,8 3 ZtQO -f,t -9,9 18 fft3 1,s 145 '5,? D ?lOfl -,a -?,Y 87' 154 ,? fi$8 2,s 8 21k0 -?,!I -7*3 78 $55 1,s 120 :tg O 2410 ->,a -5,4 80 147 i ,(Y 148 2,s 8 26\80 -I,@ -?,4 86 f3h 1,3 r33 i,5 8 2400 -2,6 -6,9 7% !58 i,C i7'0 2,s fi HOllk DEk taPIMD WSgD G/il;f RAi, dCUR $It49 QIMD GUST gAX, dOUR F d1k4D UIHD GUS? EAX WDbG ?EbP, POIHT Rk DT? I13D, D!R Gt!$;B RAB HFdt TEHP, "fi;l\iT 194 918, SPb, D?R, S1JF:T RBD ?!Ilk5 TEMP, PO?bIS A4 DSR, SPD, D1R G957 RkD PEG I". DEC C X DKG, *I/'$ OFG, E!S $4 FE6 C DfG f 2 DFG, fi/S $FR, fliS Bb DEG @ DEG C ?: DES, IIIS DEG, hJS MU u-r9Y-.anr ul--n-* t-m .B..B..B..B..B..B..B..B..B..B..B..B.,.B..B..B..B.-I.-rrt-.-.C-~ I-iac *------ Ira-----r--~-----~~--~~----~--~~ -I--- L+-------~---I---.B..B..B..B.-~--.B..B.-.B..B.--.B..B.~.B..B..B.~~~ -...C~-W 09151 -4,9 -.$I,: 76 102 j,1 1993 ?,5 9 gi13flQ --$,? .w-.~+6 8b 146 i \ !,?5 ?,5 i3 031?fl -C,2 -13,t 7:: 151 i?,? Xhfi 6,9 0 1jh0g -6,5 -9,s 79 ffFg i,? 999 13 9 fir100 -42 +~.~@%3; 88 139 7 119 ?,? FI 9r;iiFI -11-1 -14,3 $7 O?B 1,4 133 3,R 8704 -s,8-1\1<4?@ $'?& I,& ,?,; !?o$oB -?,5f.~%.t%?i f?~ ,Q ;IS 285 19J900 -3,8-14,6bR dR2 1,y ov? j,fj 14 1200 -#! -8,) f25 !,$ 075 7,s X !i'ufl -,i 53 0g1 ?tl 1!4 5,1 35 13OU -2,Q-lO,B5! 693 1,8 8.2 3,s 37 15ftn -yiij 49 i17 :i,:: 12~4 5: :r~ I,:, --K> ~19 "7 5,7 53 1310 t ,8 43 oyi ?,I 08? -\,s 24 itifin ,$I -8,z 51 ?,I 121 ",j ,V-" P 98 138 7 144 5,1 (i ik80 ,? -1#,6 43 ib2 i,y 10)' 4,4 fi 2160 -3,ij -f),t! &o jl\j [ ,$ J,? (I ?lot1 -5t;l -3il 5 h$ 45r' ',b 134 2,s ib 2:ljQ -5,z -it,; QQ 15: b,8 193 j P f? -5,7 -.9,,3 76 ax/*,.: ,? 1~" P,? fi ?tii\ii -'?,q --; 1 :I 77 157 \ ,P :178 3.2 a 24kB -O,O -I!+,;; b9 138 ?,3 154 j,~ 0 rc its- ' * 8 8 3w i t"mQ-Jw dZ !& pld. .& b: W 54 / $7 ,_i 3% - - - - - - *- I 7- aE PLr --.. %.-a Q m *FID c-2 -4 0 --a Bt ! -4 f f 1 I -% -- I "rr pxl fiJ w 5n Tz;r Tak.8 rJ*d m 8 r-3 - 1 i 11 8 8 ;---a .--. *-.. 8 I 4 u-. 9--. 4 yg I=) 'e rS.3 -a 43 aU, szs 2%. pa 1 ;;4 2-4 r"l -"..-"--_l I 2E s- 9 -43 t;21 La fsR ..% t 1-3 -6 3,. -4 *d - iT <tkj 2% A? TS -4 19 -9 : z@ " "&A 'LPI .@A Isr * -a "13 * $ p!: '3- 7. A+' -. 1- "...".." -- m T.2 213 * - *-a --Jrr r 3 rIJ 1 --A - ..I 1 1 b..i 43x3 t SX? + %,.p '--- --at ;-t -.A t 3s- * 3.4 ir.4 +.-& -2% ?=aCtz9*Uf;l*~~r'.e3a f c-.s 0 G2-0 "**a-;s 3 f = = e id, c- ?dC~4~-*r)*-nmc3r;.9 f ,x_B= --- -h*. --" -33 *-@I !'"o -a fa- PA ( .- -3 'd f3 zcC .+z :-2 rsct?c3c3";=iLg~~ ZECZ z: --' 'smr;-7@GYIUrr=)$ ;J3=ia -6.- r.. I -V 1 i t %s -4 <-. I I I I D L I -7'4 :Tg . i 33 -*o ') yr3 eZ2 ..d .g --..---. ; F3 --"-?&I z *.43-"*)"4 i G-3 -p' -7-6 -..*-."-" e;r 2 J; z5 cri i-, -. r,a -,n ..a3 i r3 - -4-3 53 vu =.d rm -a +=- -7 i q-1 - z tllbGlrl;vw B! I i $wma 4. ,.-- m* .-- A L-3 - ", *- t I I I it .-.+.--- -: G-9 -1_1 -- *-* --J --O -I- s>& P W- T-A '43 .4?3 -4 + + k --*- " - " -..---.._ - c-2 c" --a tir c=3 r';J 4 T&J 1 1-j --+ ,d cfl r~& -a es %5 -a -3 f -4 '7' ck. -3- ..& 9- --.I *--z I -nri '---- -% --a-.=acr-zn~uic*rg-+ a* -4 -7. --' -&*--L?Qr" %7 *L3 *.a -p i %--t! ---- -. a- flQZaf25Lfi-4.O.9 1 W *i 1 -3. E -tr T, -< ,.. . . -----C-6OO.fl~d @ -_ T.', I-DDOGS-O J* P;~.c Lrr z.,Yi GI 3- t63 ..a .& Ci :G Z -w-ri,m~i-r.s~mna :.. 44 . - 4% *.--*g, -Q--..i^B?r.-h%d I - - ""3 f.3 r2PtliC6 "~~EZS.W**~A - c:. - ...a - - V- i-- + 1ICI -*-I f ,.,a U 1 b-+ *-6 ,..a 7"s .A. 3- - * - " -*-*- . . I -.,r~ LT -2 I 'sez -.,+ ' 1 r3 --d .A m e.3 c...rg ~3 .A*: * -' %trr '-3 -4 9- -7 9- PA I " ?y i 1 %.-A - *-'A I ?r=ram t--* ca r2J <s 8 77 p-3 , C- .'/ -% C'rJ r=s "1 m 43 SO +a f G7 m ?S -4 a - ~-4 m n., C~ .Q r_n I - - -4 i x> W2 fd 51 C-l W W GI t 5 5 -: . - ;~En&&&Ja&;is $? .-': t f 0 P" *.- =- z IZ;Ss -4.y rd ~~-~-~Fli~LZt~ 1.3 fa Tz: P-" +-m ea cza ss ?r 2- w *% Lw r-0 a p I 3 & Vdf5-*1--*-.-asC1r^3 f ~~ rz3 & .ez, cr.. r.22 G7 0 1 -m I.-+- ?A rxr -.a 9- ra4 r zg a GZZ ~ *a -A .a c---. * - n o - .zzz ~3 1 G-8A-3 'mOF3rnTzZs3eYs&r~ =(=: cz3 t rt X' 1 i ; c> -4 6 11 I *-b - - F-*.J ( ** 1 .-a C3 c 2; :G d f I (.-I-, '--+ "-----I- I -u -I-,.-_ = '-..;:-wala3-a*G3 $ t * to - l"ir *t3, CT- m nll 4%. 1 01 1=' 9 1 I I Ie2-47 .---h It ) 8 C1)Cl"r.L 't5- 1 P 1 i t ...*.*~-~*e ( ma- s -63-4~*c;l.nd_tf& '*A $ m d- '...e.-..,.*- +i;=;-0m-azFt>va- / SZ% 'p t-- p,g rd ,-- w .-- TLQ j I - rr=-. C-LI. lrrC n "4 ,* j z: --..a -4 r-* $_it - ..a *+ !Lfl Ca n2 Sn Grd "4 --.a fW -.O ;=1 ) - - -4 I ; .:z G-+ "% I ' ' t.'"i L-1 f_fr fLp4 T*J bJ I ..1. c;;; > --^*"-* -rJ ,-$ .--.j ".;3 -.&r p.d cn m f rm 3 F 1 I "#a "& -- bJ. 52-4 iCId r-kZ 1 =iEm r;=. t_fi PO U r=1 8 r~ - ti) * ' w ,"": z z F? ?'7 c.' '.I '- B*i I rr**( 9 , 1,s . \1 f": '. Z -nJ, 2 x IV 6::: (:I ~4 1: 1-9 I-._ -I*- BP~ -r- 13 ,. IF: tv [:at $a * <"" ,:I?B H,.I ::S :I: --f- P-J $:% j--I --Y- x;* fq $:I 1::: I,,, ~4: t:: --I-- 12 :j: r:: 8:" 12 B:I -3- E t: t:: 3- HBUR BE# @%WD WIND 6LlST BAX, HOUR DE5E UIHF UIgD GtGT HRX, ~DGI4 DEW UXND U4HD 65ST HAX, 8DRG TEhP, PI%'rH"dRH B'W, SPB, BFW, Gi!55 fahb Kfi#G TEHF, PO3!T R!4 OTR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAD biBtjG TF#P, PBB8'T FWM DIR, SFB, $XR. GUS7 kh0 PEG C DEG G X DEG, H/S Df6, RfS 3M BEG C DEG C X DEG, SiS DEG, EfS i4V DEG G DEG C 2 BEG hi$ f EG, @PS ~U -o-9---9(.i.1-------------*---t-*m-----mm----m-- II(I-N---LI-LIU---~~--~-~~--~--~~~~--~~-~-~---~- -Ir--.-a-L----.--a-ee--Illlnl--~-~~-~--~~-.rra.rrrrrrru-~- g386 -3.8 -5,8 87 Ifif f12 $98 3,2 O 0306 -1,Y -1,4 66 179 Ill 189 I,9 f) 030Q -3,5 -4,1! 69 142 ,B 1-41 2,s 0 Ohfir8 -%,5 -%fl 1,s 0% 32 0 0606 -23 -8,b b3 182 LO $87 1.9 8 QPiOi3 -4,3 -6,ij $8 1,0 120 2&5 1 r?QgQ -%,a -it,$ 72 873 'a,? $79 33 21 0980 ?;I -b,y 55 143 I,$ 116 3~3 a? iivaa -2,s -~,i! 79 6912 L9 fig 1,~ 12 12R0 1 ,s -7,s 50 077 I,$ 182 .Is:! 1200 3,b -h,4 48 394 ;3,0 125 2,7 25 1290 3,b -3,(3 036 1,s Oh1 3,2 39 $$dab 4,s -7;4 4-2 148 2,Z 24% ?,I 40 !SO8 4,: -7,F 44 398 2,3 093 b,3 IF ;"J8 5,@ -4,050 132 ,i 882 J,8 24 1888 L,8 -8,441 $95 '$,P $20 5,1 14 tROD ?,,3 s#k*#b9 a94 2,O 097 6,3 lADB j,,7 -1,:778 286 I,& 324 5,7 :? ZfQO -2,b *8,9 62 144 f zh 109 5,7 O 2148 '4 -2,h 84 257 tR ?50 3,2 0 2188 -,4 ##%a! 3b 298 1,a 312 3,8 8 2400 -3,s -8,5 b? 188 f ,4 $92 ?,5 B ZltbO -!,2 -3,O 68 ,? ;?40 l,tja 8 ZSLSO -1,3 %$%%a 96 176 ,a 162 .its 8 -9'1 " J I.. 3 . -7 *? J If S-J --Fjt i -F28 "..% S irJ -.e 1 Jp T 1,: .c -.: 7 1di -R ' r * -5,o -3,8 -$"! -7,4 -1B*? -11 ,z -13.1 -R,{ -11 t$ -13t2 -j;,g -10,4 -8*! -3*,D l rri --. I -? ,6 -3.4 -5, J -" 3 E: / I -r3 ;"j -7,b 911 P13 E13 110 br3 ESF 58 -4 if9 * $2 lP3 3,7 $E 69 -1. . 5 138 1,5 1,? 525 ?,D E3-8 * 129 ,7 I,? Oh? ?,I 77 5, 421 j12 1,3 1 5,7 ESE ?I 3,4 k?? 6'1 !,6 IZI 5,7 FSE RB ij,"?? :,a 1, 1QFj 5,: SE ?? 5.4 130 :,# 1,: 5,1 FSF 75 5,P 138 I,? 9,b 11s b,3 SE 63 f!,l 143 f ,% 4 114 S,I SSF BF 2.7 1% 08q 5.8 fSF 72 7 <p *- 113 . t*P 087 d,l E$i 78 2 $?5 1, i,P 1% ki3 ESF. 12 - 083 -$ 1,' $;i? 3,7 $5 -1 ,i 130 : ,b i 197 5,:: C;E 72 - IOfI , 1,~ 124 ?,a F 65 -4,; i33 1 3 \ 14 ';? cp ,i*i S? P~Z -4, 113 , 1~8 ;ha 60 3 1 -4.3 iz: i 9 :ij" =?-\ ~~i - t bi - 03: , I ,h 895 ?,$ F & -" ,? 1 ,$ f '9 fZ7 5.1 SF 3" r 1'4 -3,n 123 i 0 !?B CrS *j, 4 fywt; -6,6 l'i? . - ! 6 089 4;3 F: 61 -a13 169 ". "" , t, h? -2 4 1 " - 1,; r,5 1 Y 5 ill ? fop 1,; r ,B $6 f ,: SF ~3 ",; i;": - - 1," I:$' 1 53: .' 4 -*J 119 ?,3 :,@ 5:?3 5'7 ;Sf. r4 * 12; 3 5 G$3 p,3 F b3 P - ,3 091 0 ' 3 1 " 1 'I, h ?;< , u?r;fl 2 49 F E3 -7 117 .: , SOLAR HUMIDITY WIND IDIR 2~:~/~t+ $33 a ~2 m t~ : 3 9311 32 ::a) p k! a a:: %q F~~ $43 m tn t*Q P3 J (TI idY* -4 t'Q IS3 i:,: -s $' A fi -1 '" j::' "F'F '$ t- t ; .. ,.. N \.i iy j.4 i.; c-j t.1 r:; [>, 0 t- {:> 1:: c: hj -y (3 1: f':i & cj e:: 8 {,J by\ '1 '! (-1 p! t:; ,'! (1 *I gj I... i.j :; 1::: bi \,j $$ -1 *[ (:j c> -.- -.f. .... .... I... /1.*.-.. I.-. -1.1 -*.I Y" .... .I.* *... f... ... I .. 1. .,. 1Y.1 -.. ...*... ... I ..*. -.. 111 ..I. ...a ..a* .... .... ..a. ..a, .... .... .." ."I .I.. ... " ,*.. .... .'.. ,.., ..-. ,... .... ",,. .... .... I... ...*.I., .*. .".. .... .... ,*.. /)*. -. ...n ..., '1 f:; p5 I., F:' @ f:-" 'r' i { "' *I .. $t,*~$\~::: 'j& "j; *{ $1 <; F:' f: i ya - *I: 14 T> 7:) .!. !< F!: F: -7. '1. f:) j\: p$ f! {\ [: [,j $; -y- ai.":.i.&'"f'j.(li::. i..ir,.jk'{,n)'['i 7 g:i ;{ f; (: 13 1 .r ,.?; -r ;[ p,l S CJ 1 ,. A la R fl f 3 '1; (?, ,'"i'3: ('1 t\.; 1) E- \-.j i.' ('j ,l' +,I 7' i :-? 8 . *.- $3 ~':i [~;ij I-,- '-fa- (3 p.‘~ -.$- c"*- 3 -- :i: P-4 [I;: w NUUR BEU UI$!$x b13t4P CBll%i HBX, HOlift DEN UXWD Uf ND GUST FAX, HOUR DEW WJHD $31ND GUST HBX, BONG TEHP , PBM'f fib $tSW, ?$PI) QfR GQST FaAQ fiDNG TEMP, POINT RH DIR, $PD, DIR , GUST RAE tiBMG TEkF, POINT RE 191R, 5PQ6 DIR , GUST RA'3 B"a 6 CEG t, X DEG, Plii? BFG PiJS RU DEG C DEG C X DFG, EPS DEE, H!S i4U BEG C BEG C K BEG, WS BEG. HfS 8U -C-----POl-s-ll-UI-p_uIII-I-.--~*~-~--~---~~~------- .~-L--DI--l.---~----~~------------%~---~----" ------.I----------.--------------------*----- 8388 -2,i -3,f 93 1&8 $,U 636 2,s $ $3bo -4,s -b,38A t20 1,I It4 3,2 B 0380 -7,s -9,s 89 1315 1,4 !?ti 3,2 4 ~$00 -.? -3t979 I"! t,h t?~ 3,2 DBCD -3,b #n*gn3# 95 898 ,$ 102 i,~ o ohan -8,~ -10,0 31 122 105 :,8 D 0?@0 I,2 -4,6h5 128 I.4 110 5,1 80908 -1,; ::4#%%88 356 ,O $26 1'3 18Q9OO -5,8 -5,277 ORB f,l Qh5 3,? 29 ISUO 4,s -55 98 $83 1,8 OP8 5,i 38 l?a9 ,8 -2.1 81 311 I&? ?9& s,? 25 12at 3,n -?,8 4s $34 ,9 8% T3,2 37 15@6 4,4 -7,2 43 156 ~3 i?3 353 28 1580 -1JI 92 319 j,B 349 4,s 9 1580 3,s -%,4 45 szb 3,3 851 7,6 34 1894 3,P -4,t 57 33-7 t ,& ??B 4,4 19 1800 ,9 &%%.%a 83 244 ,& 229 3,2 6 $888 ?,9 -9,4 4:3 031 3,~ 330 6,s 8 2180 -2,1 -4,5 84 229 :? 235 3,5 O 1100 -2-7 -4,; 88 IF6 .W i?3 I,? O 21DD 1,3 -5,6 fO OS? E,I 047 S,1 Q 240Q -4,1 %%#%% 85 13% ,? 364 2,5 fi 2900 -5,$ -7.1 139 f ,& !?B 3,z 0 2sQfi -,s %#$*># 72 i$$ 1.0 f49 1,8 O QQi5.3 3EU gI4B bbIMB GtOS"F&XX, SfOllW DEU UItiD L?NQ GUST &AX, E-li3UB DFU djb!~ ~1~5 ax, &BNG TEflF, POItjS RH QiRz 593, DtR, GUST Rhb tIDHG TEkP, POTbf Rd 03, %POa 918, GUST WAD FBW6 TEEP. POlg? R4 DIR, SPE DTR . LLl5i RBD 9EG C S)EG C: X DFG, a,:!$ BEG, hiS iitki DE2 C DF_G %, X BEG i?iS BE*;", )\IS BU DFG C DE6 C X DZG, HiS DZG, k:S dki -------*1*-S---_-----------------w--------- L---.)*L^-~---------*~-*----.*~-----~-----ew---m ---l----0..-i--------.---".CC.IF.r*.---F.3--*------- g309 -2,3-~*#%%#77 ?bh 1k83 ?,5 fj 0300 -,~~%%%u~~ 138 ,8 192 t,9 0 QJflQ -r,s%u%#w4P 199 ,P 217 ?,S 8 Oh89 -4,Y -*,97R 849 1,s 639 3,5 OOABO -b?,14v%R%#P3 313 ,.7 f!? j,P DOhOD -?,8#%#%$96 ??S ,P 3QY ",Z 8 0906 -2,9 --$,w: 199 i,l 191 3,~ 24~~0~ -A -~\,nn ash $98 2,s 17090s -t,bus#u~k89 33; ,3 ~6 I,? 7 l2OB 3.5 -4.7 55 093 1 5 131 5,i 49 l?oG 5s5 -3,i 62 43 4," 4'4 41 9206 ,J -4,7 &3 3B4 \,4 382 5,l 33 1536 5,4 -6,3 43 235 1,1 117 3,? 46 1560 3,9 -3,P 51 GR4 I,5 0L18 4*9 ?O %5U$'j I -5,S b& 234 284 5,~ 35 iaaa 5,; -6,4 43 2s~ 1,s 32 i9 ?B~B 5,5 -1,s 72 264 1 1 294 3,~ B Isad -1 ,z -3,9 P? 242 1, J ?hb 8 Z%Dt"r 1,s -4,9 h3 137 j,E! 173 3,2 J 21Br"r a-!,il -+i,& Ph 37 1.5 ?9i; 3#2 0 2 -3, 8% 3 ,5 2,5 Q 2400 ,4 -5,O 71 153 1,1 33P 32 D ?480 -12 -?,I Y? 314 I,? 318 3,8 6 246b -3,5%39#a y5 113 ,fj j,~ 2 ABUR ;,IE:,$ $i?dD U'ND LllST i%X, Jt.R UEk UihD 9IgP G1SST liiAX, Ht?i!!? BFU @ 1 %D W f#D GUST nAX , p{BB& TI_fiP, Pi]?,t+l" DTR, SPf!, 81'l.i;;", GUST R:\C firDfbtC, TFflP, POlk:l St+ DIR, SPD, PI!?, GId5'f RAO NDNG TEBF, f"O'tb!4 RI; Dig, SQIla OSR* GtjST 2AP BEG C G" 5 C ODE, HPS BEG, i4/$. @F& r C 1 B", kr5 iii-"G, f.liPr Pilg Rf G C DEG C X FG, HI5 DFG, ~~'5~ *U _~_._~-~--ll-l..I.--* CIUIIX" -IYU-L-- L-*.*-I-U-IWIIU<I--~.----U9..*~CIIIIX-------------*.-"- ------Y~I-~-~--*~---~--.---~-----~-~~h-.--~CII"II~-.I.Y 8300 -{I,& -~bkt# 95 $37 1,fi 173 5 0 0718 -5,2% -Red 79 #A# a4k.X -?*k% 4,4 8 a30$ -3,3 -?,4 73 "fl Pr,2 ?,5 @ 060Q -5,fi-*:4ng~ 97 j!p ,h f13 I,? fi OhOQ -kt,? -R,390 %ea+vt% 28% 4,4 O uh09 -3,Y -R,47: 188 f,% 685 I,? 1 Q9$4] --;,? -i"i,il P;i; \)?cs $953,? $ OYSii -.li,k -9'5 ;4h b75 5 3,3 fl 10930 -,2 %#.&.kg 5fi 917 111 3t5 ;y -.1,4 -~,F'J"";"'IB~ ~,5 1?3 tl ~2013 ,* -p,g 47' I,, .7 J 1113 ?I? 5, I?,, st, - I,,, 2, 02, I,, $59 3,~ j ,fi -7J i;4 3Ba i ,it '79 f:il :5$b ,R -9 9 42 tii \,3 l,?O 7,O 53 508 ;1,3 -17,; 16 i)P3 I,? ~4.4 5,i ~b lmfi -1 (3 -q,? hi. 1340 r ,A 257 3,; :' IQOQ -";1~$ 43 ;;,h ilb b,;~ 12 1881 5,j -15.5 21 QZ~, 049 :a,d y3 LJllij .-:{,$ k"lxlg;Y f$h fx.3 irk% %%,k ?,? f 3108 -a: b -ST,? 17? 1 ,? ig,q il 2igo -1 ,b -13,J 'i; \ 3& z$j Ju2 240fj -t+,L2 -A,,?iSh f~k I.:#$: CR< i82 /j ?clu{\ +-,3tt~ -7 i1'j 1 :, >,% 8 ?~3gfl -3,: ; 5~1 261 1,3 2,: 41 I 6 * J;;" ~3 t::: r:l ix4 21: k,fi I-.- if- s-:h '-f- f: :g: tq g:: . HOUR T5Eb 9X%B UlNF GUS% Hi%. HOUR DEb WigD t$d@Q I;tiST bAX, HG"L~%~ GEU 35gQ WiHB GUST R&X WDRG TFEP, POYET RH 9"L fil SPD, 81R, f;tiST RAD HDRT, TEHF , PQT9.19 RH oliz, 5?D, DIE, GUS1 RArS i"!UEG TEhLS, PQIr:T RH 319, SfD, 3)IR a GUST WAD DEF C DE6 C X BEG, #JS BEG, 3.5 39 BEG C PEG C X BEG, K15 BEG, H15 HU BEG & BEG 6 X DEG, DEG, EiS WQ -*IPll--p.-~ae--~~"~~-~~-~-~~-~-~-~--~---lr-rr r--r-r-a---a...P--r-*-r--r.rrc------u**----- -------------**-.*-----------------=--------- Q308 -sag-13,Q 57 653 t.4 163 2,s 8 0388 -$,7 -?0,4?2 13& r,5 If1 3*? !j 0300 -4,7 %kg%% Rf 145 I.! 131 4,4 O assa -3.8 -s,a 57 la? 1,s 149 .,s : jhao -s,> -ro,ksn 133 1,s 124 2,s r ohan -6,s -8~ ss tab 1%~ 183 4,4 I 09QC -3,? -f2,2 5Q 127 I,& 58 32 ?9 PFOQ -I,? -E@,Q 54 091 !,I 465 3,p 31 OPQO -1 3 -7,s 63 818 t,? QQ3 5'2 23 2288 aP-!2,33P 067 f,k 954 ZC9 511200 3,T -7,344 094 1,5 372 J,8 fOI2flR $,B -5,945 $,9 119 4,4 5B 15D@ 2'5 -f2&5 55 $44 ,J 307 a,& 3s 6500 5,: -6,S 43 126 3,s ?2& 4,4 42 1580 b,B -5,l 43 123 514 5,7 48 1800 -,2 -!t,4 43 310 2>3 525 5,? 1? 1808 $-7 -&,ti 44 $36 l,h 283 3.4 17 i8B5 5,B -3,s 44 889 1,7 682 4,4 Ib ziti0 -5,4 #%&nr 58 ?R7 I,? 3fi3 :,$I 3 -$,a -h,P 72 ?is I,? 334 3,2 8 %$oQ ,j -53 b4 :JS I,? Q9? 3J 2480 -5,g -R,873 578 I,@ $61 2,s # 2409 -3,Q -b,& 76 192 1.2 436 3,z iJ 2400 -2,v -&,3 74 143 Ir? $48 2,5 9 551~~ DE~ ~S%ZP ~JND FUS? 8hx, ~nua M~NF UJ~D G~ST EM, gptj~ DEI QTNBUFMII~~STWAX. PdDtiQ Tfh?, flJ:Eh Rq @lW $Pi?, DTRl GUST RAB EtDFtG VEHP, Pfilhi 2H DIR, $PCx DiR. GUS1 RAD blDM& TEhP, FaZk'T RH BIB, SPB, BfR EUSi BEG 2 BE; c 2 zafg BFF, gis 3~ $56 c ~EG c 2 ~;a, 3~s DEG, nis nb D:G c DEG z g5~, SF$, %is #$j -------I--------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- 83BQ -al? -A;$ '4 129 ?,I I?@ 33 9 8380 -!,r -5,? 77 124 :,b 3,~ a ss~s -,y ag#n.s 96 I;? ,6 09s a,? 8 960t -5%~ -8~ BB $37 33 095 3,s -5,g -7,~ 134 113 i,: 131 3.2 1 n~afi -:9 ngans 97 194 ,s 155 I,$ 8 uyna -I~$~~~~~AI QQ :,7 $98 ?,g zhoaoo -5,a -b,p7s 47s j,? 2agsgit ,I -1,s~~ 853 ,h as0 p,s 7 128D b,4 -4,7 45 187 I,! 114 4,4 99 1200 3,i -&,I 5f 033 5,s 84% 5.2 43 $?Q$ .? -1.9 87 338 :,I 3: 3,8 ?y 1508 h,3 -4,g 45 ?+F& ",3 c5? h,3 35 1SDa t,? -?,A 4k 363 1,s 3,fj 34 ISflQ -.5 -a,& 317 ?*Q 331 5,7 7 1886 -5,444 085 ?.3 OR1 ?,4 In1800 I,? -!,f@5 .?& L,I 326 3,$ 78ROV I,\ -J.?Tc """ sb8p ,fj 350 3,P 12 2100 :3 -a,o 7? 1,: osn R,B zfao ,t ~3%-:x 95 324 ,P 249 j,y 8 ?103 -:,y a+xgn# 02 336 ,5 848 3,g 0 24uC -2,2 -s,$W1 I?? I.? tb9 2.: h24lF -<3 -5,$97 105 I,$ :Dh I,? 1]2400 -5,5%%#&ntiP f:#k~$u$ $:%$ 2-5 fi 4rOIJA BEU i4XNO QJND GlrSi p?,ji,$ ;OiiR 1 g";$ $fkF P,:l$T HAX, n$!& BEU 3 @?.Nn GliSi kt#, s .' iiD/d@ PPOf 4f Wq ?"IB, SPQ, QPR, GjST BWI* ,OF!& TFHQ Pr";GW"IBH QiR , SPtj $!R, i;LiSV 24P ?!Ffiii TEE?, PPTit"f k4 9la;i , SPb, E"i Rc$S ?&p DEE c BFG c x KG, E/S BEG, nis $8 DEG r. 9EG Z 2 DEG, giS D5G, NiS i4% DFG i DFG C 7" PEG, MIS UFG, HJG h~ -_-UOU----L.L_-_---* -~--"-.",m."'.--...~-- ---- -- Li-l*-C -I)I-Il.III*-Cl-X.).~~-.--- *)*.".--..------. --.-.--.*-IC---- -.*-I*---.*- -I i-*1"^ l.----l^-l.- --..- - 1-1111 -*--- .. -" ---- 430g -d,$ -h,??j 1Qg f,? 193 3,i" :1 F300 -~.b %k"..%Ya 7 19; f 9 03fll; -1g,g -1tJj87 153 a,a 1x9 4,; flhi)$ -3,3 -5,z 87 M% Rita% 3f.k 3,? : Oh98 -1,9 .+M*% 95 131 ,; 13: 2,s 'I -7 -5 jq? 1,~ 174 2,~ 090$ -;?,g -4,F 85 fi?B ,B 197 S,P Q $?OF -3,! -5,? PS 077 it $h5 13 i? 0948 -4,s -f,; Dg? ,? 144 2.5 3s r200 -z,a -5'1 07 353 :,b 375 58 :& i~no -,3 -5,~i)e uz :a? 951 s,~ sa cua -,s--tj,e 4% 070 1,s 3,~.5~ i501 -7-i; -5,0 ~JR 13 j,4 3j0 53 1:40 ,5 -7.3 37f i ,: 31: 4,4 LSan 2,~ -r,,s 38 08s !,I 13h 9 5: 189fl -5,5 ..;ag8x p4 Zjf? j ,h l:F? ill*' 3 .;,fll $5 -7,3 5h 258 ?i33 4,4 >? lafig ?,A -11,1, 3b ?.3 181 3,3 24 ZffiQ -.:";,q #g#+, 89 075 ,7 072 !,? 0 "jiQ --,qc$.x+x.;-n $9 ?it4 i,"j?t:G "8 ij! 24fl$ -3,791&.~k ir ,g 276 """ 3 , ,:" ! L.4$8 -8,zI -5tR \/, 121 f$$ 13a tJs5 !j pi\Qb -?? Y?:x~~S 193 '87 j,8 Q 2909 -&,9 -tz,$ b? I~Y 9,3 -3.: 0 Roe58 $8 td78P NrNB GUST E&t, H$Ug DEkt USND 311"B BUST fShX, i.fOtiR DEb 8TNB dfHB GUST HAX, k!iiWG Tt5#P, FDfNT WN DZR. SFt, Dig, RAD nB#G fE%P, POIHT RH DIR, SPD, GUST RbD bjBWG TEW, POTNV 83 Mf?, sPe, DIR, GLtsr DEG 5 'f!FS C 2 PEG, B/S DgG, Hi$ PC6 C DEG C X PEG, BdS PEG, kiS HU DEG C BEG t Z 2EGr Hi5 DEG, hi5 Hki --...----.l-.l-----------w---------*=--------*-- -.l----*--l---..CI-Il---------------------------- BSDQ -3,6 -13,0 76 ?I8 4,3 $14 3,E @ 5300 -18 *R%*% 97 281 ,5 297 1,8 B 0308 3,@ -I,? 70 ?PG It2 1P3 E B B&O$ -4!;4 -I&,@ 81 085 j,4 889 3,? 2 -1,s %#%%# 91 265 ,I 96 ,b 4~08 2,l -3,0 b9 lb9 1,s 132 3,8 2 093fl -5,P -If,? he Uh@ :,7 878 3,2 33 D96G ,? %2%x% 89 Oft. ,T a42 1,s 11 0909 7,4 -3,R 45 ?37 ,!? la2 4,4 37 1268 -3,Q 43 065 ?,7 065 3,P 53 1228 5,2 -2,b 57 310 1.2 288 J 9 3'7 1?0R 5,2 -4,? 48 181 z13 111 h13 35 9568 St? -8,Y 41 fSR 2,2 129 5,5 56 1500 5,P -1,4 hi 398 I,P E9B 5,1 34 1580 8,s -4,b 37 186 3.4 113 54 $800 2,9 -8.0 $5 90: 9,s 528 3,s IS 1808 $,a -,9 hi 385 i2&? 3fih 4:4 18 1868 8,~ -53 36 402 2%~ $88 6.; ?a 2108 ,& a@#%% 59 129 ,? 050 2,s $ $%b -$,5 88 264 ,9 33fl J,z Q 2186 5,s -st$ 47 1.8 &,3 6 2480 -3,4 %an%% 85 5b1 ,h 177 3,? 8 2480 -,Z -2,7 83 182 j iZ 182 3,2 @ 240$ -2.2 -2,~ 76 214 1.1 228 7,Q 8 b- iz: is .a a&"" x: 5 b-w HkX t G t FT 9 YVRt #EA@ SPD, DIR, 8l-l hiis PI h ~..-.--*~*--...-~---*--- 5,1 S 68 4,4 tir"lil 84 3,& N2f 85 5,: $SF_ hl 4,4 &j& 77 5*7 Is"gu 75 4'4 5E 74 7, fi ESE 53 5.1 NNE 44 $1 E 50 q,q ESf 59 r" .~,i F 61 4 E h3 3,P ESE 70 5,: Ei1$ 83 9,4 WU 88 $,4 SE &? 9,4 $E 55 5,1 ENF sf! 53 UM3 68 7$ ,il ESE 52 8,9 bSb &0 6,3 ESE 49 g.3 -t.i t bG ?,9 hJ 57 $< I. FNF b7 i%3 FSE 63 &,3 W#$ 78 ~,7 ESE 67 5 t; $5 3,P E5E 84 g&y3$ HE AN SO!-I%W DP PRECfP ENFRGf DkY FEG C 83 UHISQ4 IU------*)*-rr3-L----*-------- -4,s anak I \ @%Hi r 37175 h 3 2 -?,& ;;%w '3280 3 -5,'if ##%% 3935 4 8 WZ%% 2830 5 ,3 +j*$tg -111- 3g:3 ,jj. -b;.7 g@&k Ir,9]5 7 -R,P w.)ix% 7- ,irSS P -1 L,S ##%xi 5885 F -t?rjl gsbili: 5675 18 -8,3 %@%a 4080 11 -6;7 ###50 3885 12 - gag? 44n5 33 -5 ,t .irasiu 398~4 -2 * "!M% Clf?gt 35 -5,1 $sag !54S ~h -&,? %%W-k 35"' 1x7 -11 .h ~ui? 51313 XR -f$,4 %#%.?s 4345 17 -j,5 wax# 395 21 -3,? #%%% ;as:,1 2: -\I?,& ua4% - -7-3c 33jd 22 *" -13,b %n4;.k 5450 d3 -$I,'? !4%m ";f@ 24 -3.g dX&X 4"-"85 2s - ME.4 <iQ-K- ,&.bd ?A -3,b %%%.h 5"" sg !1)1 ,O ?t%~ Qtd 28 - 7 f&.k.l: 4960 ?rr ,? a%+i:t 334 30 $3 Ygr . 11??50 i.1 y. 1:: ; $< 1;' 1 c; 1' lr i 'a*' * I 1~ { I ! jbp\ "? 1') ,j 'f" ,( iG 1::' j' 1 ,: F.! 1"; *~:zi $>{ 14 p 1 1 :.) 11: t a a i' k, \:" b~ I,,{ j:;' F,) \;a* ; p,j j.) t:i !;;I !.:, [::. c, f?i .. (;) *",+ !;\ . %;. .. iht ?I. [ :, : - : ; : : /: ' 1: ' 1; p 1,) i: i -" , ,.. '. , J s ,l {,; k.1 \'< :. , (:{ 11 1, j:.) &.:, ;..! f*:! $#i r' ; ,. (.'; ,.. '1 '* i.: ,'I , i,, l~.~ 1. ... , I i !, p< !.. . I'e. 1 1 1) !I., j. <ti .)' j+e/ 1:. j*;~ [;[ j, iL , ) ('1 ;4 pq (1 k,, 1' I,.! i ,\( j% 1::' f'b.i p,i f.1 !J 2 <: ; 1. y !, !;:. i,,! / ,, : 5.1 !' r;, ,\ j' "( )>: I + . 1 i,) ,[.$ .. !:: 1,d f> i,,l y r.j .[. . , , . ,. .. ,. 1. ' , i , ) i i ; , ; ! ., , j, : , ; :; . , [j E5 $; < $ (? t2-r :j- $,j ::; 1 23 $ GI -, '$ i- ;? y) y $,$I 7 ; . . fi I,< *{ f7\ )..I 14 $7 ; 3 7 ;..; LV *:: ..$ . t,x2 y -(' j- {I $1 f 16; 7 A 7 & i< .;.!I 3; 1:) 2.j ff -j: b: ;:, ; : x'; ;?% 1 1 . $ C' $Ii .<.' 5. -6: ,,*ij-j<<j::(< "Lt?' F$r \,lc&.>ii:{; $ $3 " :' $1. {'" 'Y' r'.; 'T" {-j F' 0 $ ize i,.i ;+ -1. '\. ri i\J "1 !": 7 G3 ... .i*t , . ,..: .,,% i:, .. !+ . lvi $.u -.. *. 1, /Cj fi a .*., 1 p.1 iE 1: {'I j t <j taj '\ pj f:; 1) iJ ' <:; '';. j ,; "1; ~f .'ii C"' i ' .. .< .r ' , ,-, . 3 @*. , , *, {*+ {:! {J !::* .g{ j: :::- f,) pi $*I 2,) Fy, .I. {:I -[ ki .I: :i j?! ..{' $.) 1. 1 AdCitional coimfients on thi s rno~~~ 's data: 1, Precipi tatisn gage nst connecked praperi~p~ NN~ precipitation data, 2, Iut,t~armi@ten% wind directian data lost dug 2 frozen wind vmte, b ATE ...----- 5 3 3 4 5 b * 8 9 10 If 12 13 14 t 5 I b I? n a 19 20 2 1 3 \. L 2% 2 4 ?5 24.3 2 7 98 :'p 3 31 .::,: q\;l:.'$. ff~{F:RF8gjr.T(\ff(rpf j~,)fi''f(;r;:t [.if' {;:51fi\ fir-' S\i'fid':j..i[ *f p"::iifli$ \I r $ :s8; HQER BE^ u~ua ~usi nftx, eoua DEU MT,~~D ~IBD GUST ~"i~x, RBUR DEU UIND MIND EUST BAX, NBNi, TERP . POIIT BH BIB, 5PD. DIR, GIJST RAP dDkG YE#;'. POIPIT RH DIE. SPD, DIR . GUST RAB &DHG IEfiP, POINT RH Df8. $Po. Blil. GUST Rfib PEG C BEG 6: Z DEE, #iS DEG, #)S Hi*! BEG E BEG C X DEG, HIS BEG, Wf$ HU DEG C DEG C X BEG, i\IS DEE, gPS ~R --b3--n-_-ll--P111___P---~~".*-~-~~-----+--~-- --.DI.I--LI-YIPU-B--*-~~-w~-~~---a--*--------- .^-11.-C-11-1-------.*------------------------me 3380 -1,2 87 135 ,7 12$ 3&? 0 0300 ,4 -3,T 74 153 !,7 I47 3,2 0 0300 -2'8 -13,7 43 J58 1,8 144 3,8 !I ObS8 .4 78 E08 ,S 117 3,3 l? 8508 f,2 -3,4 71 192 I,? 149 2,s k QhaG -2.1 #@#%% 44 148 t,O 172 2,s il $802 7,9 -f,7 51 098 i,5 OSt 2,s 12 8988 3,T -1,2 45 SIT f ,T XI$ 4,$ 3a a988 3,4 -13, t 29 ah5 t ,3 ?5$ 3,P 43 1200 $O,P -3,&38 ah$ 1,t 279 4,s 63 l208 s,l -lo,g36 048 3.0 041 6,3 h7 X200 ?,I -14,920 123 1,P 887 4,4 68 1508 %I,@ -4,833 256 1,9 232 5,1 $51SOfi 3,5-If2T2H 830 4,k 028 7,b 633509 ?,I-18,524 !?3 ,9 209 3,8 63 1800 fQ,4 -4.a iA 298 2,1 265 5,l 40 d86D 5'0 -13,fJ 26 633 J,9 034 7'6 33 IWOD 8,l -16'5 25 257 IBB 272 3,8 33 2180 7,9 kwgun 43 2% 5,s 292 3,W 2 2100 2,W -13,h 28 04k 2,T 029 7-0 3 2tOQ 6,7 -!o,? 28 218 1,s 283 3,2 4 2408 23 -3,4 b5 178 l,r 14s s,? a 2408 -1,s -ss,n 41 157 1,s i4h 5,s 0 2480 ,8 -b,s 58 164 3 QY8 3J 0 HQQR DEU WI~~B ~IHB CUST MAX, WCUR rl~b USN~ UX~D GL~ST nax, ~oug DEW ~IND UIRD GUST WIX, MBHC TE~P, POINT g& DIR, SPD, DfR, GUST Rk11 NDW& TEHB, PQ:ET RH BSR, SFb, DIR, GUST RAB MDWL TE#, POtHT BY DXR, SPF, BfR, GbSf khE DEG C DEG C X BEG, #S BEG, H%S HU BE6 C gEG G X OFG, E~S DEB, Bf5 BEG C BEG C X D5G ?lf S tEG, HJS flU _l-_lI-L-----e----~------m-------------- -9~1-~011----9--*--a---l----------------------- -----------------*--------------------m----- U3WB -t,3 69 103 ,P 945 3,Z O 0300 -,I -5'8 76 I?? 16 Iff ?,5 O 030R -,d -5,l 82 !45 1,0 $24 2,s O g6g8 -,3 -5,7~1 652 LO BSO Z,B 80e0a -.4 -4,176 ass n,? $95 3,a 1oa6oa ,~gdgs.kfiz ,T rn6 z,s a eaog ~$7 -s,i 43 04s ~4 asz 2,s li4o9oo 9,~ -LMI 052 1.4 856 52 435903 &,2 -3~3 039 ,9 o~i 23 28 1208 8,4 -5,6 33 132 ,9 094 5,7 67 1240 f0,4 -Y,8 39 126 l,% 115 3.R 58 X?OO iQ,3 -3,4 37 009 ,7 057 3,2 76 2508 8,8 -5,953 272 Is@ Z7b 5,l 83 150Q 12,? -5,030 162 if9 4,4 h3 1500 t2,S -5,528 236 h,8 228 4,4 49 $880 !t,l -5,s 31 2% t,6 265 53 32 is08 ;2,? -%?,a 16 189 93 156 3,8 34 1800 t3,2 @%snw 22 I94 i,? 221 3,? $4 -c pr. 93 -&,835 282 i,S 327 3,8 32196 9,1 -5,435 277 L5 2RR 3,8 42lOfl 9,04%%*%33 695 ,8 962 2.5 3 24@$) ,b 9%%%S 67 175 1'8 194 2,s 0 2408 Zr$ -9,2 615 169 1,i $75 2,s 4 ?4U$ 2,4 -4,$ 82 I&? I,? 15r 2,s 4 HOUR DEU UIWD urija GUST nax: HOUR DEU UIWB U~PR %ST HE~X, t401~~7 BEU MIND UTMn GUST rifiX. Bafie TE~P, P~IHT RH sag, s~g, ena, c~sr RAD WDMG TEHP, POIHT RH DSR, ~PB, GUST RAS ND~G TE~F, POIHT WH SIR, SPII, IIXR, GUST WRG BE6 G BEG G X BEG, RIS DEG, i4iS HU DFG C- DE6 G 2, BEG, RiS ftEA, HfS Kd B%S C DEG C I DEG, AIS OEG, i4,S P\U __^_U_~__*s_____-~*---*~-~-.s(.l-llltl9*-l-*~~~----~-~ I~BI*lr^l-LPI-~~--~~-------------^~-*--L--1--X-.I-1-.r -------- ---m---------m-----e--e--------.--- 03Q0 -,;#%%#% 98 !5& ,Q 199 3,2 8 a308 -,ti $*%@% 74 115 i20 li2 2iC2 O 0386 1,? ,4 7? 36 4&1 247 2,5 9 oboe -,? -.~,"a32 128 ,$ 105 2'5 9 Q~QO 1,2 -4.4 bh 181 1,1 117 3,i? 11 D605 4.9 #*a*# $9 :SS ,7 IPO I ,i~r" 5 0306 8,$ -2,3 &I8 051 1,s BBi 3,? 43 0980 9,4 -1 ,i 48 a41 3,4 033 2,5 4b 6988 b,O %##%% 79 1?? ,$ 295 ?,5 14 j?OO 12,2 -4,635 to5 2,6 116 ?fi LTas 15,s -4,525 038 it? 033 3,P 70 t?OB 8,& P09b7 $47 1,Q 069 3,3 55 1506 13,f -f3,6 15 029 3,J 023 7,O hh 1586 Ih,R -5.7 ?I 021 ?,4 036 5,1 51 1508 i?,S f,5 43 8% 1,s Qh7 4,4 73 iQB0 Is,$ -B,X?r Q?9 3,1 034 5,'i 48 "1308 Isi,k;l -AI"$? Q33 3,s 133 5,7 3R i863ti t3,2 ->9 %P 241 I,UEQ 33, 37 2886 fQ,j %-*4%## 33 030 1,; 822 ',I 4 ti?,! -&5 42 @$4 .S 032 5,i 1 2100 1%,9 -,4 93 382 I,& $23 5,fj 6 2difi0 3'5 -4,4 56 Ib4 1,i 153 2,s 0 2480 , ,t~ R4 ?47 1.3 266 4,4 0 243Q 4'4 4 1 184 l,fl 193 2,s 0 'I'bEREE' fJ[J\.IR Si,irLiHARy F131;h. :i?EVIk,, Gr.Jr'\iY$?N uF&Tt..tiyE 5-f'gq-f" XCfN 13MTk TAKEN IIUR XNG Pit? u , ;[ 9b3-4 HOU~ BEU NI~F~ UIWD GUST WAX, HQLIR DEW WTNB YTWP GUST SAX, %OUR BEU WINB MI P~D GUST tiidxZ &Q& TEBP, PRIn WH BXR, SPB, DEB, GUST RRD NBRG TEH?, POINT RH FIR, SPD, DIW, GUST RAB NDHG TE~P FOXNT R6 @IK, SPB, 143, GUST RAG BEG C BEG I: X BEG, &if DEGI t4lS HU DE17 G DEG C L DEG, HJS DL&, WfS #M BEG C BEG C 'X PEG, MIS PEG, Pi5 Bid "a----l--rs-*-w-w----*~---.mm~----*----------- .sl--.P-ra-a-^rr--~-~--~~----~----~.~-*e-~--- ua-ilrl.a-ruarr-l.----1.--------*-------------*-- 6300 3,4 %%@#% 78 164 ,8 tSJ 2,s 1 4300 1 ,? *s#nw% 93 143 t $2 f3B 3,2 5 0368 4, i %#ncn 88 545 ,? 144 8 %9 O Q~SO 3,4 n9~43 83 1~ ,a tbz 2,s 11 ebao 2,: ,& a6 ass 1os 23 14 asoP 4,4 sa 187 A 185 t DPOB Yet 3,9 &9 328 5:s 3ii3 4.4 47 OBQQ t1,2 4,2 $2 041 I,+ 034 2,s 47 8980 9.9 3%7 65 536 tTB 321 3,R 53 1208 t1,B 2,4 52 299 f,4 351 1,4 23 1280 Is:? .7 36 a26 1,; Ba2 9,9 25 1208 13,4 %,8 52 335 23 332 4,4 81 lSOO a4,7 ,a 39 321 1,7 09b 5,7 42 15QO 19,3 1,2 30 a08 f ,8 R49 5,7 79 h5Da 14'3 3,l 47 ?3f 1 ,$ 219 4,4 33 Is,& -,2 39 fin6 t,t tl4 5'1 IT 1800 P4,i ,B 40 212 1'7 259 $,3 33 lBtO 8*R 4,t 12 274 ?,B 297 6.3 4 268# 3?,2 ,b 45 f55 62 IS& 32 2 ?fa0 ID,2 B,! t$ 915 4,h 314 4,4 b 2104 5,8 3$8 87 300 1,3 333 5,1 2 2609 5,s ,B 72 551 t ,4 143 3*2 O 2405 5,R ga#h% 79 171 ,B 23% f $9 0 24QQ 5,1 3,4 843 153 ,4 2% S1? B HQUR DEN #lHD gIHQ GUST ~Ki, HOUR DEk UiHD UTND CUSS HAX, ~OL!R E UikD USNB GUST ~gi, gDt46 'SEhP, $Old? Rft DiB, SPB, QIR, GUST RAD HDH6 TEES?, P;31Hr Rg DIR, Spb, DTR, &US7 RAb B\lDNG TEkP. PQ38T &H PIA, SPD, BIR, GdSi B&D BEG C PEG E X 3fG8 Hi5 Df6, MS dB 3% f DFG C X DEG, HJS DEC, Hi5 W@ DFG G DEG C 2 DFG, Wf% DEE, BiS &A -----~-_._l~--~-~.C--------"----~--~~-~ ~ILPIII------.I-----,--C-----CIII-I--T..f ^-.DIIYI-L-OI---I-LI.I--------m------------------ 03QQ 3,6~%~~~BS 178 ,6 t4i ftP 04308 -,I -,43R 159 I,@ 146 2,s oo3oO 5,8ga@#aBI 182 ,9 IYt I,? O 080Q 5,b a%%#% pa 162 159 1 ,P 2 4600 -* i %,R%SC 97 1~1 ,R 169 2,s 7 06C0 6,8 #%gag 77 238 ,& 183 1,9 4 BBBQ 4,3 2,84..* 084 .B 085 2,s 330900 8,s 4,O2'4 043 t,3 054 3,2 55o3QQ 1,7 2,678 295 t,3 296 3,R !b 1280 5'3 3,$ 87 324 l,D 054 2iL2 6 1206 I;,! 3.5 52 332 t ,*I 31 3%f! 71 1?0# 2,; 59 319 115 338 3,8 ?5 1500 '7,9 4,7 80 29% ,$ 337 2,s 31 1506 153 1,1 38 287 13 218 5J 42 1540 122 ,2 44 299 2.2 308 5,s $1 rgog 8,~ 3,974 314 I,? 325 424 rs $Baa r3,1 47 139 k,4 f&"ii;,~ 41 IRBQ ta,~ -,7 48 284 132 511-2 38 2!08 4,1 95 308 2,s 332 5,7 7 d!QB file? 3,B hB 143 2'3 Ihl 4,4 2 2180 Pt9 -,I 50 352 I,f ?ib 5,l 8 2405 g,5%~33485 199 ,9 2% 23 92488 $,;%#%~~$\ 146 is@ i&R 3,s fl24Oi 72 ,962 J$? I,@ 261 5,i 8 HOUR DFU ?FIIEB MIND GUST AX, HOliR QEg L~NB gT#B CvL15T #&k, HG'IIR QEH~ diid$ n&x, HBi4G 4EHP. POIHI Wt=i blR, SPD, DIk, GUST WAC KBHG TEdP, POJkiT kW DTR , 5P3, 'BtR, GUST RAD NPH6 TEhF , POXl4; Rh FIR, SPB, &ik, GUST RAD BEG S DEG C X BEG, HJS DEQ, Hi5 hM DEG 1' DFG C 2. TlEe, a!r 5 Ds4f;, piiirj tlk DEG C DEG C Z DFG, DFC, ~b ---a...--__.- ~-I~~-I_--~LIIUllm~~--wH-~~-~--~ ----* .T-(fUIUI---L------I.-.m----------------------------- ------ -------.*------------.----*" -------.----- 0356 5,P ,P 78 284 1 ,h 2R3 5,7 il 0360 Lb ##%*# 87 210 $3 t 3 4 0306 1.8 f A? Bh ?54 ,6 133 1,P 0 dj~~g ~,?cI~BI~~T 274 I,@ 3'8 gbtrif :r,7*%~%9r; 221 ,4 296 I,? filaean 2.298~6a~5 ip ,J 13 jt,y 14 3,7 !,5 i4 316 I,? $30 3,? !4 OYOo 4,$ A3 84 $24 i,i 38 $2 32 F9ilB 43 1,9 83 345 ,6 3RS 2,5 ?3 i~@$ 8,s ,Z5h 288 1,8 322 4,4 45 1268 6, it? 73 368 ate 83 st? 27 l?oo 5,8 2 67 $I(? a,? $15 b,j 56 15QO j$,7 -i,i 44 214 2,d 27% $,I Bh 1508 h,? 2,; 76 302 ?tl 313 7'8 ?9 \SOB 4,8 ,5 h3 329 3,fi 327 A,3 71 lgDfi ?,a 277 ?,I 292 h,:; 13 1!3QQ 9.5 2,465 282 2.0 28it 7,U 48 1803 b,l .T $8 ifb 2,7 330 7-0 2900 3,b 2,B R? 29? 1,h 308 5,: 7 "$08 5,1 8 7 4 \ 5 51 5 I 2!82 6'9 ,8 155 5?1 1,4 jBJ 3'2 2480 2,P #%#a# 945 261 ,$ 348 3,fj D 28!@0 ?,(> q#~.*a 9h 3\15 i ,5 $03 4'4 9 2400 1'3 ,j 27 246 ,5 127 !,5 8 92 & if-$ 61: fC:3 P4 $1; 1-9 t,.* '6" irh 'T' $3 , 3: b! $3; r.j $3 :I: "Y' t-4 $3 1-4 -%f K)r $3 1::: t,., 115: C:: -r- I2 :Bi: ni:: I=% !? Yt:h:)r ,-..I- El: 9":: "'I-" 7'1-&RI<F' Mf'!tJi;: S\iiJj".SM&/?Y $'OR Db,(!:[\., ci$ta'\"ON WEfi*TI..II":R :':;'rfi$'T:[f.:iN DATA 7'hKEN DUR%NG May , 1 P84 i> 6\Y :!? 8 ,-2 'f zc! 49 J[j SOUR 8EU U%HD UIND 6651 HAX, #nu# DEU UlNn urND GUST HAX, HOUR DEU MIND UIND GUST RBX t NB#G IEBF, POINT WM BEW, SPD, DfR, GUST BAB MBWG TE#P, POINT RH DIR, SPD, DIR, GUST B&%) MDKG PER$, PblST RH BIB, SPB, DIR I GUST RBD BEG C BEG C Z DEG, HiS BEG, bdS HU DEE C DEO C X DEG, H/S BEG, Mi% #U DEG G DEG t' X DEG, MiS BEG, HIS HW HQUR DEU UlNB UiN8 GUST g&X, M3BG TERB, POTHT RH 312, SFB, BIB, GUST RAD BFG C DEE C 2 DEG, B/S BEG, Hi$ HW --*~-(/~~-s---s--P~--~.1_~.DII~-OI-~.L*---9~~a--.1~P- 0308 ,%*3g@gRfl 170 +B 159 f,9 0 0660 1,7 -+,2 81 188 ,7 110 3,2 T QYOB 8,3 ,859 057 fc5 033 3,P 49 1280 1%,8 -3,3 95 32? t,4 298 5,1 67 150E 13,s -8,0 22 BOh 1,9 026 7,O 70 189Q 132 -@,a 21 816 3~ $13 7:s 26 2108 if,B -5'3 36 022 %,I 028 1,6 5 2480 5.4 %@@## 59 163 ,C t91 2,s 8 a2 & M c:; c:r iQ el; r-3 a,,. -I- 1x-:?s -re $3 5 3: t-4 (2 * if"' ,:> i.2 $iB :i'. "r' $".ir &'%I 1--i 'f T) 92 K:] 1:;: f,., ti!: pi:: *"ft 5% :I: I:: 1:" 12 f;:] :j- f?3: g:: 'T' RES, WES, AVG, H&Xz HAX, 2AY * $ A HTN, REBN MIND UlWB UlND GUST GUS? P'VAL EbH HEAd SO!, AR D&Y TEEP, VEWP, SEfiP, DKR, SPQ, SPD, BIW, SPD, DTR, RW 9P PRECTP ENERGY BBY BEG C BE@ C BE6 C bEG HIS El5 BES h/S X BEG C 8 &giSQR -4"--~LS~P~**eW~~-"U-------~--~~-"*~*~~~---.....................*~*~~~~~---~~--~-~---~~-~-~---~--~~~---~-------------- 1 8,2 -:% 6,4 109 ,3 1,h 096 F 71 -,4 #%%* 5.470 1 3 + 5.3 -1 ?,I 292 ,8 1,s 251 4,4 NU 83 -I,! %%n# 3108 2 3 4,s -2 2,4 882 1,4 I,? 036 5,7 ESE 65 -3,7 5195 5 4 ?,P -!,a 3'5 255 ,5 3 281 5,? UNU b4 -3,l %%ng 4400 4 5 7,Q -I,? 2,9 $13 ,J 1 ,? zg& 5,j g -2, gnw2 b?B 5 b 7,9 -1, 3 lb4 7 t,4 045 5,f HE bT -4,f a6aa b935 6 7 P,? -3,7 2'8 952 f,Q 2,l 032 NHE 98 -6,7 8~9% bps 7 8 1O.B -2,8 4,6 059 1,s 2,2 041 T,B 8Ni 45 -btb Bg#g 6415 9 9 f2,9 -2, 5,4 101 ,% 6,4 824 5,' RE 49 -3@8 $%@@ 693 8 16 1%,7 -1,s 5,? 242 ,4 1,s 272 SIT U 51 -3,3 f %%w 0583 1; 1 l 5:9 -1,s 2,? 662 B,T 2,6 828 ?,6 4HE 45 -9-6 %%%@ 5175 ii 12 9,4 -3,P 2,9 156 ,h i,5 681 9,4 S 34 -l!,0 %+*% 6kfR 12 13 Il,i -3 43 248 ,2 1,5 09s 5,7 u 44 -5;3 #'x%$ 6415 63 14 13,3 -1,4 6,O 142 ,b 1,4 ti? 4,4 S 46 -5,~ #%#% 6475 14 i5 f3,2 -,8 b,2 160 ,h d ,? 2 4,4 SSE J -2 #a%% 5968 :S Ib Is,@ -1,t 6,s 059 2 I,? 023 ?,g KNE 41 -53 g-Xg8 e595 ti; 17 173 -,b 8,s 042 I ,a 1.7 938 5,9 H&C 4 -3,Y %%nn 5680 17 18 14,B 3.0 8,s 262 ,3 1,2 067 4,4 5 58 ,9 u%#w 5485 19 7 lS,B Ztb 8,8 309 2 1,4 046 5,1 SSE 51 I,? #@#* 538t 58 2# !$,3 ,8 tO,l OOP 4 1,s 239 b13 8E 58 1, %%a% bit8 20 21 8 32 9,9 285 ,? X,S 297 &,3 9MU 67 3,6 EW#M ai;BB: r3t 2 2 vE4 fP5 5 298 ,5 1,3 312 5,7 t4U 82 3,6 NMR~ 3326 22 2 16,3 -i,2 ?,6 131 ,3 f,b 169 SSE kf t.9 MM A465 23 24 5 5,s 9-5 289 1 t ,5 300 5,T Ut4U 57 6,1 483% 3955 2.9 25 li,k 7,? 284 1,s I,? ? 6,3 U 843 ,Q n&8& 4801 25 26 ?,B TI? 5,$ 292 t ,2 1,s 313 74 UMU 17 13 w$n# 4'7:s 2A 27 8,s 1,1 4,8 317 1,9 1,6 32% 5,3 NU 72 ,B ###a 4915 3) 2R t5,b -,5 h,b 291 $2 5,7 325 5,? U 51 -?,4 #SR~ 5125 28 2sj s,~ -,3 4,s OB:! ,a 1,3 345 5'7 ESE 79 ,o gagst 3545 20 20 8'5 %+4 5,6 $07 ,4 f ,2 352 4,4 N $3 1,3 3,R 3?40 30 3L 19,s a A ' 7,3 Q25 1,1 1,B 013 7.6 YNE 91 5 Q,fl 6436 3% na~rw my,^ -, 5,~ 815 ,2 ]A 327 9,3 SSE 58 -2, 3,s r71:2j5 c; \.j :; .I' $1 j.: 1 , [*hi '(' pj $3 , \.; { 1 ::; .:. j%,j -j' 1.j \".\ y: ;[ jq J' f: [4 k$i 1 $; 4,4 , : ' : . , * t , f:.) k.1 r? 'r p4 'kt) r .I '::l 1 :\ td '7 1:;: [< 4,J gk ;. c: ' , (1 [., l \ t:; 'I' 9 \a:. { , ' 1 f , t:: \ i tf; 'l' F' t [,S ::; t'd 1 i: - j,! 4) 1 a"' ;-i , '"#' i" ('.; t j t3 '7 t! 1 1 . t 'I' {T 6) k , iiJ i !:i "1' i8 !&,. \ ,! ?5 i.? Id '1 1:. 14 I... '.i i?. , x:! Zi43/~~ mm w m a m t3@51Et.h7t9 33a ;';." tqk 1.1 < ?;- if4 Q-1 $.dl ti'" T*l if> ** .=a {b) 1~~" 1j .7r re r-a w-4 11 1 .*% 1 2f3?sjcj ;-jiziaq~~ $ ,!* ; J HT~(J .i.sn:: -I~~~ 7 ffi:::\ iJC:f:'f.y ( f a&,. 0 I 2 1 , 0 .r> , 15 43 , b 1 Cl , 0 15 , ,D 20,Q TO 'T (5 .I- ft T 11 *I' n -7- (:I 13 R &TRFCTI:CIN lcO 3 % (1 6, , O 1 I) , II '(5,O f3jJ-j f:;Rf;&Tj,R -r$-j-r$ji*,- -.. I ..- - - rUI .... "., - .- rl ".. - -.. - - -... ..- - ..- -, -.. ..* "- -.. *.. ...* %.. .-. -.-. - -.. ..- .,.. rrr - .". ..., .- .". .+n +*. .- -.. -.. .-. ..+. .... -. .- r.. rr-. -r.- a 4- .ru 9-+ -+ -- -.- -* -r. .- - .- -- a*-. -* -.- I:, I '76 ->. .:) , .ti 61 , %. 't ? I), 061 t5,f~i3 11 , r! 0 I!, Q~S txi %.. % i2 tt) J \-f~g\j[~~,''r; C,:jc!J.,_&n R&~Xf+'~f~]M StJi"fH&RY f-[?R llff{l,lJ'f i:I&k4'f(fit,l uf::&'rf-j\"'i? ::;7'&'T':Z'IT)t*! DATA TAKE!%! ilUR TMr; bay , I P84 s $4 1:: 4:3 gv ti; e.~ I,.. -I-- f::k BV -re :i; cs: qw ?r:: $!$ \,Ji "y' $> I-.! h8 1) 13 4:3 13,: t,,, j5: [:: .r. t;h) 11: C:; 1" at:] $3" $f:: f:: "T" P AR AiYT;,"S'i?".R _.' I z ' 6'- . L . - =i' .: g F'EP(:f::MT OF' -It --::>** *-A: z :,st:\ . ..re! 2' 0 -F" A I,, r:) 8 4':; E R k) 'f' '1, (:I1 H", .- 111-1 *_ ._I "*........- l....-_L""?,....",..U.-"*, 9-......(n*.. " -,-...*.. ..- . .*.. ,.., .,.. .".. - ,.- .-, -. .- ..*...,. ..,. -. * .. .... ,... ."* .-= W". '*. a*- ,*.a ."* M .... .. -b. ..., - .... Addi tianal cam.:en ts on this month ' s data : 1. Precipitation gage not connected properly - Recanilected an 5 J3G, Nc data prior to ei;zis date, 2, Wi.nd direction data last an 5/5 due to frozen wind vane, Horn BE@ VXHP tBI#Q GUST &4X HOB@ BEU UIb3 UX&D GUST PfAX, H9UB BEM MIMB UBHD GUST HAX. W@dG TE#Pa PBIHT Ri4 DEW, IBB, BIB, GUST WAD 88WG TfWP a POINT RW @IR, SPF, DIRE giUSV RAD 8DWG TEWP* POfWT RM a$&, SPD, DIR a GgSP RAD BEE C BEE E X DE6, )iiS DE6, %iS $4U BEG C BEG C 2 BEG, HJf DEG , !US WW DEG C BEG C % 9EG I #iS E6, H!5 ~U --lr------o---------r*rr*rr*r--.------~-~* al\p-nrr-e.-s-rr------"r*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*rr*r era.-.n-r.-sms-rrPar*r,--,w--c*--a-- a368 2,6 -6,s 74 I, t $69 2,s a aJaB 1 ,B -:,I 19 ss~ -B $67 2,s e o3ao 3,s -32 61 $33 1,3 122 D 3,9 -~,z?D sa4 s,~ a91 3,2 ~s~hoa 2%~ -3,~bb 08~ x,? O~P 3~ 150g0a 4%~ -2,i iit 084 12 887 S,W 1~ 0994 %2,B -5,9 27 658 I,4 832 3,P 52 @BOB 13,3 -3,b 31 895 f,5 860 J,2 49 9800 43,6 -2,9 32 $98 1,7 044 5,2 38 1268 a3,1 -Lit E5 81@ 3.6 357 7,6 &2 1260 14,9 -8.b 19 338 2,2 325 b*J Bfl f2QD 16,s -7,3 19 018 f ,7 835 7,8 70 f580 i4,4 -7.7 21 Dl2 3,1 833 8,3 %I 1588 fh12 -8,7 66 028 d,7 398 5.7 27 ISDO dS,f -iD,h 15 012 3*8 123 8,B 65 f88g f4,S -3,8 2% 353 3,0 335 7,6 38 ?88Q 1T,B -Ilt7 63 ill3 2,4 096 6,3 40 68B4 f4,5 -7,b 21 @I2 3,3 @26 8.3 14 2168 f4,4 -Q,B $9 355 2,2 354 7,8 1C 2180 Is,@ -$4,8 15 @a8 2.5 00% 6,3 8 2300 52,$ -Sst ZB 536 1,1 888 5#1 2 2480 5,4 -2,B 55 213 c3 348 5,Z O 2484 b,& -%,4 49 199 ,8 305 2,s D 2400 b,7 -2,s 52 1-43 f ,3 123 4,4 D E.~OUW EEU ~IHD UXND GQST ng~x, ~aua BEU UIWB UIHD GUST H~X, HOUR DEN UTHD UIHD GUST AX, RDgG TEHP , POTgT W13r BIIR !sPB, DfR GUST RAQ NB"8f; T&#P POIg'F RH DfR . Sir'@, Bf R , GUST RbD NDMG TfESP, POXKT RH DSR , SPB , DIR , GUST RAD BE6 G DEE G f BEG, BiS DEZ, 8JS WU BEG C DEE C X DEE, Hi5 DEC, B15 BU BE6 C PEG C X DEG, lfIS DEG, RJ6 HU *OL-E1(_9U._C__UI-m---*-*m---m.m---**aw---*--~-~- .IBi.l^-.CI--(ll.----*--------w-------*-----*------- --81111--nl--~-~~-~.m-~~-----~~--~-IIl~WILC-O~-LFII-I 9304 2,h -2,3 70 131 1,4 637 9,8 4 8300 4,O -4,o %& 12b 1.2 189 3,? B 0300 8,2 .Z 57 213 E,B 208 P,5 0 8696 4,# -1,0h5 094 !,I 125 3,P kT0606 5,I -2,558 189 !,4 fZD 3,$ 138h84 8,3%an%s68 fSB ,$ I&? 1,9 3 Q9QB t4,l -4,3 28 841 f ,3 060 2,s 99 8908 14,s -+,9 ah 068 lab a?2 44 44 OYiB 7,7 3,1 79 291 1,6 2Pf 3:$ 10 i%QO 15,8 -1% ,7 !4 841 2,7 844 63 BB !%a8 tB,7 -i23 91 109 13 lo5 5,s 84 12ao 7.2 %@$%@ 80 388 13 382 4,4 7 Is$@ kP,b -iS,3 8 Oh7 2,B 862 b,3 59 050a 19.2 -17,6 7 898 t,P flR2 4,1 82 1588 72 2,3 82 305 ,9 3Qf 32 14 1800 17,$ -20,3 b ObS 2.b a&r 6,s 42 i815-.?Q,a 6 $39 13 $53 5,? 15 18bQ b,b 3,7 82 292 1,4 290 32 2 2108 itt,? -mb,a 9 e6a s,q ash 5,7 ?O 2180 97%~ s*isg~ 10 311 ,P 331 32 a Z~BO 6,~ *%wag a4 263 ,a 282 2,s 2 248! 7,T -5,858 %43 %,B 129 2,S 82400 1BB2 -1,046 233 I,Z 243 3,8 82400 517#~-~~B5 164 ,b 255 1,3 8 MBUB DEU UI~D UDMD GUST WBX, i.10~ta DEN USHD gi6D susr w~x, Houa BE^ viga MIND ~usr ?AX, NBHG Tf@, ?r%H#Y FM DTW EIPB, OIW 8 GlfS"BRA%r N8NG TEBP, F"O%hT WH DTR , SPE, DIR, GUST 4Ab PIBMS; TEHP POTPIT a+! DiR , $PDt BIB, LgSf BEG C OE6 C X DE9, t845 BEGm Hi5 ifU DEG @ DEG C X DEE;, HIS DlcG, iMJS 3% BE6 C BEG C X BEG, blI$ BEG, Hi$ NI.I.IU*a"**III-~---Il-~*w,.*X-_j~~~->~~.*~-1-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-7 ~.UWI*IIIII--..1-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-7.1-71-71-7-1-7--1-71-71-7---1-71-71-7-1-71-71-7 --;an- -rv-r-r--aruarc-1-7-1-71-7-1-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71-71 llllll,llllll.m 0380 5,@*@%4@84 187 ,5 226 f19 O 0348 4,58*%eHB3 $89 ,9 130 I.!? D 83t0 4,G b1886 1b8 f,t IS9 2,s 9 $60U 6,@4#%g#79 167 ,b t57 ,:~:5 27 0600 @,I gsnaa94 438 178 I,!? 19ObUO 5,79324sPI ISD ,3 489 :,9 osfla I@,@ 2,b ha ol4 $,2 316 3,7 28 OBOB 9,4 4*? 72 324 r ,O 331 2,s 25 CBRO 7,4 $,3 75 283 ,5 ??? 1,9 %ji 12f~3 $I,% 2,7 54 328 ?,9 326 5,5 PO 1260 X3,1 I,b 44 32: 2,0 311 5,& 49 ?2ficG 9,B 4,7 71 358 Z ,Q 308 3,2 27 %1,9 2,B 5i 323 3,3 322 9,6 37 1506 15,2 i,h 40 324 z73 320 5,7 51 1508 63 322 ?,3 $28 ?,I zg\ tgQ6 5') 56 281 ,3 3jO 8,F 38 l8flfl t3&6 ,244 312 ZBi1 277 5'7' 5 la08 a@,? 2,3&2 32b S,b 388 4,9 Q 21fi[l fill z14 55 29h 355 5,j [i ph4Q yz# J~%-BX% 438 1Ttt k ,9 056 7,8 & 3,2 %*%### (35 585 ,B 390 2,s I ~400 ~,74#%.iii&::3 2'bb ,fj 243 ?,5 fi2481 b,7 3s8S? dRf '5 it54 !,hd fl24f10 7a\$n#ai4Q8 ,Q 216 a HOUR BE^ gag^ ~KMB GU~T naxt ~nua DEN MI NB MIND LUST RBX, BUR BEY U~MD WIMB GUST HAX NDHG TEIIP t POINT RH 218. SPD. DIR, GUST PAD NDlC TEHP, POTHT RH DIR . SPD. DIR. GUST RAD NBNG IEI(P. POltdl~' Rt! DIR, SPt . DIR. GUST PPD BEG E BEG f: %f BEG, #,bS BEG, P"f95 EU DE6 C DEG & Z DEG, n/5 QFG, HJS HM BEG C BEG C Z BEG, d15 BEG, HtS RU NI1l-~s*Cwr?-~-~~~-~~~--~m~.~.bbbbbbbbbdddddddd ill-~---.-PB--l"-*--ddddddd"dddddddddd "-1"-4.--"-'111.'0----".----s).Id-~------------- @St1 SIP%%%H*'?2 153 ,7 1138 i,P a @3oQ 4,78%@#%35 110 .P !f\9 2.5 f B3CD lO,i #w%#6.#165 233 fi,B 239 35 8 0639 6'8 &@@@% 71 1Si ,3 184 X ,9 h 860B 6,s @#*@8A 73 214 ,3 180 "33 $2 62383 9.9 #n%st.ar8 70 298 -5 239 1 ,F 12 Q9t55 IPS? 3,t bi 365 La! SE 53, 231, 04181 %t3,10 3.Q 54 3313 f,r 313 33 97 OYQ8 12,7 3,41 53 30f 13 304 33 2b %2@9 i3,9 -,O 49 324 f,h 322 3,B 94 !2@8 t&.l -,3 33 387 2'1 320 4*4 "i 2200 15,s 2,2' 41 332 f,3 337 5,2 113 156B f4,8 -2,3 313. 3%S la& 542 3,A ZB b%lB lBIO -b18 19 399 2,s 30s b13 42 1508 18,2 3,2' 42 329 fz2 329 3.2 27 H8P8 36.1 -9,0 25 321 2,9 311 5,1 15 fBBO IP,Q -8,2 14 287 2,s 345 $,3 41 1838 la,& 2,236 314 f13 313 5,f 48 2188 13,s -5,s 28 2Y9 I ,8 311 4?4 7 31QB f4,h 1 ,I ail 287 2,s ZS5 5,7 5 21BD !S,O 3,9 97 292 f ,8 385 5,1 3 2406 7,8 ,8bl 189 ,8 2137 1,9 O290U dl,l 3,768 ?Sit !,I ?hi! 3,8 #?l%QB %1,1 9,41&3 278 1.6 384 3,8 8 HOUR 8 glM?r WiHD BUST g&X, gOUR DEB @1#B UINB GUST #AX, HOUR DEU UfNB UIRD GUST HAX, RM6 TERP, POSHT $I"i BIW , SPB, BIR, GUST RAG HDHG TEHP, PQIflT Rh tIR, $Pi;: DSR, GUST WBD NQNG TEHP , gJ0ZN.T RH DlR, SPD DIR, 695T BAD EES C BEG C Z BEGI #iS DEG, ~iS MU BEG C FEt C f DEF, fi!S BEG, %iS Bd BEG C BEG C X DEG, ~iS BEG, Eis .ra---n-UI----^Lll--~--~~~m,----m-*~--CbB^~~1-.iCI -*P-.C--~-Sr-CI-~-.sl-.-l-rXIIII1X1~~----~--~-------~-~~~ ------------------"----%----------------.- ~"so ~$9 '13 2br 5.2 B aSeB st~ -li2'i"3 $54 ,B 134 3,~ o OZB~ 6.5a3wg4s~~i 7356 I,I 28f 52 a] QBBO 7.8 4,8 82 265 ,9 303 3,2 1 ObOO 3,4 -,9 73 101 1,9 129 2,s 9 0608 $,I Fe9 88 386 'id 504 b,4 1 8380 7,9 %%gag 776 313 1,0 313 S,R 4 938B I2J 5% 838 t13 040 32 59 8900 b,6 ZI:T 76 307 2~ 323 5,l 8 4 R,h 3,7 71 288 ,8 268 2'5 23 $296 tS,B -=%,a 32 335 i,S 365 3:8 63 1280 ?,S 3,s $3 308 2,Q 307 9,3 t2 6508 9,s 9,5B& 380 lc2 $29 3*2 13 1508 f6,P XII 35 27: 5,5 309 5,i 14 15QO 8,s 4,2 14 320 ?,I 327 5,X $868 11,8 w*%%# 35 338 L2 312 3,3 23 1801 12. : b,5 67 279 2,0 252 7,6 7 BPBO 8.5 3,8 71 315 2.3 318 5,~ 5 2lBB ll,h %@%#ira 54 544 EleZ 348 S,? 8 2109 "-$.",; f%%%# 87 27% %#3 Z89 5,6 2 2160 8,0 4~ 76 205 I*:\ 31A 3.E 1 2400 5,2 ##@%* by 198 ,B 188 1 9 2480 7,2 3,s 77 260 4 2 2b2 3,2 O 2400 1,3 4,s 81 33 ,7 256 I,? 8 P.iOUR BEU dlND UXNR GUST bAX, MQUW DEJ UI#D UTgD GUST HKN, dDUR BE@ UlNDUJNDGUST8AX, #DHG TEBP, POIgB WH BiE, SPB QIW, GUST Rfib HDNC TERP, POINT 2Y BIR I SPD, FIR, CgSV RAE NDH6 TEhP, PQ%gT Rd BBR , SPB, PIR , GUST RkD DEG C BE6 C 5 BEG, Hj5 DE6, fii5 i!U DE6 G DfG C 2 BEG, Hli5 DE6, 8dS ~bl DEG C BEG C X DFG, RiS BEG, if/$ &i$ _l*~m~~*~--m-~-~-~---wm~*~-- - -es_1*_*-_1-. Q--~llla_l---~_.1_)-----~"-~~.--------- -------L--------=----*-------*--=---------Y-- b,T &%%%a83 $9 ZbQ 2,5 8309 6,4%%R%a88 245 4 ?? 7 8 3.2 ~i%%3%~~ 163 I,@ 164 1,9 Q QaJP 8$,3 *#a&% 87 $37 BS 281 i,9 1 OhO$ b,B sksw#a 88 28P 1b7 1,3 9 Da80 4,4 4,2 99 295 1 ,Q 129 3,? i? bPbg &,fj 5,993 293 i,B 309 $,? i)flP@O B,h b,7BB 552 0 OH9 1,9 t5OYDD 13,4 da$5? 079 1,2 031 2,s 51 12~~ 7,1 5,9 82 31~ t,4 3% 5,~ 7 !?a# 1~~5 x5 74 293 risk '?& 3,6 $2 I2oa a?,s -23 2s 38 r,4 3:s 3,a ?4 85QiI ?,5 b,7 1% 328 lsl 321 3,2 10 1500 $?,T 4,959 311 2,' 320 5,7 bh kS4jB ?0,3 -8,I 14 333 2,B 355 5,1 78 bW08 Yt5 6,8 97 5fl 305 2,s I1 IS86 t3,5 #la? 54 320 3,@ 3?b 5,f 15 1R8Q ?b,1 -P,5 13 308 2,s 328 5,: 40 2IOB b,9 6,1 BP 299 t,Z 299 2,s ? 2\80 t4.6 4,O 49 338 2,s 331 5,1 11 Zib0 39,s -1S81 IB 265 ?,a 588 5,7 i? 2400 b,5 $,I 99 271 ,8 297 t ,4 0 7480 6'2 99 ,? 8 1, 2400 9, 2 $5 3 8 1, fj "i'MRE~E HQttlR S~JH*IIMAR"F"F~'~R T.lEdt:[l,,. C~lNYtlN WT<kTt--Il<R I;,iS's37"ION BAT& TAKEN DURFNG June, IVY44 HQUR a~u ul~~ ur~~ GUST nkax, HOUR BEU MIND UIWB GUST 144~~ HOUR DE~ OSND UIND GUST N~X, HQ86 TEHP f 0187 BH BIB 5PB, BXR GUS"fBi31'0 #E)HI: %E$4P. POTN"fR).t BIB, SF&, 6IR, GUST RAT) MDNG RRP, POSNIT RH DIR , SPD, Dl# GUST WBD BE6 C BEG i= X KG, HIS DEE, HiS KU BEG D BEG C X DEGI H/S DEG, HbS HU DFG C BrS 6 % DEG, 8iS DFG, WJS J"EU ---m----B--Li3i----~~----~*~,~---~e--~*,*,*,*,.l)a* tr*l-rparrar-ars.-*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,-I.--a-.lurreir-r-.uP~-..rr ore-rrl.ra--nr.l.---~-.--a-r+a-rnaau-rr**-"-------mrr--- 8388 SJ ,3 7t IT1 ,P 182 23 O 0308 7,W ##w%% 75 182 ,R 178 2,s B 0308 74 S18 89 174 $9 165 13 D OkBG S,Sgnffwa58 216 ,3 1&7 13 19QhBB 94b3%%#ah5 $41 157 1,9 249h09 F,4~wu%w$P 131 ,a IPP 1,3 tb &?b8 12,4 3,t 53 31% r ,5 359 3,8 38 69Q0 t5,1 2,9 44 348 1'3 332 4,4 31 8905 ?4,3 4,? 53 332 1*1 326 49 12@6 88,2 -,2 29 33%' 23 328 Stf 12 52619 is,$ 3,3 44 32% %,5 318 4,4 1A 1480 18,7 4,7 48 312 2,B 344 4,4 7s" 2a.9 -,7%4 3:&1 2,7 310 5,7 64, 1308 f8,V 4,948 382 I,P 288 5.7 71 1500 21,6 2,23b 3f2 2,s 329 6,3 lB 18@0 2fx5 -%,8 21 3251 3,t 922 7.8 42 1800 16,0 8,P h3 286 f,b 328 5,? B 188B ZI,7 -,4 23 306 2'1 "316 b83 42 210% 18,? -1,7 28 297 P,P 329 5,T b230& lk,b 9,h 53 flh 1,: 199 5,2 3 2108 ?@,a 3.3 33 2Y9 2,3 285 %,I 7 24BB fE,7 3,557 15% X1O 186 2,s 02460 IB,Z b,R7S 862 159 2,s 02408 13,\ 7,468 248 9 23 2 b HOUR BEU UPND UJHD ~IST BRX, ~OIIW FEM UXND WIHD GUST HAX, E~OUR E WI~D UI~D GUST wax, #BNC "eX#P, POIBT Wi4 BTR, SPQ, Diki GUST RAD MDW: TEH!, PRIRT BH FIR, fPD, EIR, GUST @#ID NB#G TFfiF, PQftjT WM B28, SPD, BIBi GESI 2AD BEG C 3% C % BEG, RiS BEG, 8iS 8U BEG C DEG G X DEE, WfS BEG, HIS i:U DEG C BEG C X DEG, Hi$ BEG, #is Hi4 -Q%PI-D-lflPls-L---~---~---~-------=m----m-*~--~-~ -----4-i----------------------,"------------- 'D-*--l-Ln-*-Lq-.*-Ullp--e~*~P~-----------~w*.-e-~~--- 8308 8,2%8#8381 223 ,$ 249 3,2 0 Q3QO b,@ a%wa%I% f4Q l,i ??S 32 O 83b0 5,4n@a##$9 134 1,~ 148 2,s @ 0bQ0 16,0 71 152 ,5 t76 $3 I? QhOu 7,9 %#%#% 68 131 IBI 23 7 QkDB 8,t 3,1 71 687 t ,8 308 %,B 36 09t0 tl"oP2 4'5 52 35il a.3 343 4,4 48 89hl%f 113 b2 310 383 3.2 14 O"P0 04,8 4,s 50 8S? I,& Cia9 3,2 $8 fZQO k7,7 4,9 43 534 1,2 329 4-4 74 1280 13,s -4'9 5$ 313 tc3 518 3,8 29 t20R fb,O ?,7 41 31? f ,b 318 S,I P$ 1508 %Q,b -,b 25 32d1 ""s3 325 7.6 60 6580 l5,k 5,& 55 ^i2Q 35 5.7 38 1500 $4,"la8,5 65 30% I,& JI19 5,P 38 $808 28,B -5,818 295r 2,.$ 526 %,R 431BTOQ t4,b 5,755 325 2,2 313 5%) 9918DB I&,l 4,847 325 3,S 3ir 3,B 13 19,$ -4,o za 29s 2~ 273 5,j 1.1 araca is,e 43 50 ana 1,s 504 a,~ tl 2100 \15,"a4##~ 52 348 ,O 314 I,? 24o@ %0,2 -I,@ 4h 289 ,T 278 2,s O 2400 L3 3,0 14 205 3 IrO 23 O 2QBa 13*4 7,0 74 284 $7 238 <?,5 0 WObR S;EU UINFI UEMP GUST HAXI HDUR I)&$ VIlHn UI!JD GUST fiA%, HBtlR DEW UYND \jTP+D C,\ZST blhX, @D!46 TEMP, PQIHT R3i BIB, %PB, FIR, GOST WBD HfSNG TEHP, KlQfgT RN 818, SPD, OlR, GUST #AD E1l)btL TE%, POIFIT RH Bfsf , SPD, DDIR , GUST RAij DEG C BEG C X BEG, Hi5 DEG, fidS ?!Id BE6 C BEG C X BEG, WS BEG, nPS tfU BEG C DE6 C X BEG, kt15 BEG, Hi$ k\& Illr~.-arllll"l"li~~~~~-~--~*m~~~--,-~Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1 -U9-.-.II-"""-CP.Z1-Z1Z1Z1-Z1--Z1Z1ICI-------l)-----Z1--Z1Z1- L.-----.----.;1-----Z1Z1-Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1Z1".Z1Z1Z1Z1-Z1Z1Z1Z1- 0386 8,1 #%#a# fsf 228 7 ? 5 9 8384 r%,? p#gi\.s 75 213 ,R 217 2@b O 83GQ 8.4 83 595 ,1 172 1 ,"j" QbGO BB,8 S,Z 68 O7EB ,8 1D6 2,s 2I? 06Q$ S9,Q qg%gB 6b 184 203 183 15 Oh90 7;; 4*"i81 751 ,9 284 4,4 2 OS@O t4,B 1,B42 ah2 1.2 070 2'5 4883Qfi f@,B*#*a%&A 357 ,4 313 1'9 Ye908 7 d19 79 21% 1.4 P?? R,3 4 1298 %?,T -,929 052 5,7 062 3,1 81 12oo ii.6 b4 318 1'7 i?S t1,3 3% 1750 B,B 4 7 ?? 3 7 fl Y fi5QB 19,5 -1,724 32E3 %,3 296 4,4 ?k 1500 %4,2 8'5 fig 328 2,s '38 8'5 22 1500 3,s 5,1 75 318 l,"r32"f 3,e 14 1808 26,4 -f,5 23 J8B 2,h 304 T,k 44 lROQ It ,4 ?,!I 74 271 114 294 d14 9 18fiQ 10,3 4,s B& 334 R,5 314 j,8 10 2100 18,5+2%#$+a30 287 310 Sq$ rO2106 5,9?+%%#%98 ?SI ,R ?8S S1i? 12106 t6,2%gw*R$8 907 ,b 3L9 3.2 3 2908 12,s 4,553 249 ,g PflR 3,? fi zdjoo fl89*#n%%94 $93 ,5 194 f,9 Q 24oO 8,h*N$t#x%Ys p53 ,5 549 24s $ 3'PtREf: HI313R RtfHt4hRY FOR :i)FVX1, II";RNY CIN WE&'T"Wt::.:R $"FAT :tC)N DASSI"A IA1<EN D\.fR :I:NG S una , 't 984 WQUP UX~D GUST HAX, nfaua DEM gaga UZND GUST fihx, HOUR BEU u7g~ ~I#D GUST #~x, WM6 TFdP, PQ%HT WH BIB, %P8, B'liR, GUST RhF) NDNG EBP, POINT RW DXR, SPFr, BIW, GUGT RAD HBHC 'IENP, PQIR'T RH BIR, SPD, n$R, GUS1 RAD DEE G BEG C 21 BEE, g!S BEG, IS fiU DEG C DE6 C X Be".,G, HiS BEG, nis nu BEe C BE6 G % BE6 HPS BEG, N18 fiU "LI--IIIIQ.*IIl.-~*LIrC**-*-*-*-"*-*-~---~~~---~~~-~~j.1L*-lsB UUI.-~U~OI~I~~trtrtrtrtr-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ----- 9----i"--4---4e-------e-------------e---- OSQQ s,f %###%$5 Zi9 *7 236 S,0 O63696 il,t #w%%479 163 ,3928 2,s 80308 8,8%meuaie79 239 %,4 24b 32 8 0bhr8 9,i ugnwg E 519 %Z 207 z ,S 7 OBB~ t t a g*ggn 79 2kn ,a 292 a,3 3 aboie s,a grswgig 79 226 ,(is 227 ?i ,B s 0$@8 %1,0 3,8 lEft 287 ,"J%4$ 13 28 OPBl It,# .ftfg@# 89 710 ,? 310 3,2 12 0900 d1,4 5,:3 h$ 43Q 9,fE 328 ?,J 3ll 1289 14,8 4,8 58 326 llEP 361 4,4 81 128B 89,"1,3 51 356 I,J 353 %,2 2'1% 12083 B5,7 S,;! 50 319 I,? 322 4,4 Ea4 15B8 $b,Y 6$4 511 Slb 22 335 4,4 5t 1580 lSel 33 4b 8th 12 046 L,8 14 t5igD t7,7 33 39 >I? 2,3 314 4,4 36 1810 !4,Y 6,8 58 395 3,fi 329 5*7 28 t8Ubl 15,5 4,D 4"jr325 ,1 320 3,2 11 $880 lBa5 3,E1 38 Jlb 2,3 906 5,U%a 2180 %3,7 tiad 61 313 2,T" 3% 5,- ?Z$D&a $4'2 4*8 53 333 321 3,B 4 2"rQ lf5,8 7,b 58 353 2,2 325 5.7 7 2660 f%,5.$@@@#"% 215 ,% 313 3.2 02410 f8,5 5,571 263 1,2 281 3'2 82408 I2,7@%%43i12 316 ,I 830 3,2 O OI I;?" $3~ 1 t:",tC: 9 $3 k.J 6,.. 'Y' $4 N 'I" $3 1* 11: N 4:: . $3 1.3 2:; 3: "Ye 3-4 x:j f:] 1::: I,., 1":; 6:; -1- I? f:: 12 I:] :j" 0,:: BIZ *Y' HAX, HTH, REAR BhY TILW, TERP, TEi713, BlEG I: DE6 f: BEG C -A.P-eM4"1m-~-m~~~W-I--RS I 5, f $4 8,3 2 17,B ,8 3 16.8 2,8 P,Cs! 4 1R,$ 111 93 5 Z0.i 3,3 1n17 55 981 %%? 7,4 S 4 4,9 8,h 8 f7,0 4,2 fO,b 9 1C,7 4,O %,4 18 il,t Sll iS*S %I L9,5 d,D lilB %? r7,% 92 13,s 13 If *B 5,f $45 14 18,s 2.6 10,s 15 8,3 b,l 3,s ti3 7,8 $,3 7'1 I? 94,6 $,3 %9,5 68 21,3 Z1h f1,9 fP 2 4,s %3,Z aha f!fi!,5 7'1 !5+7 21 2 $,3 14,3 22 23,3 9*4 14 4 23 $b,3 5,4 $0,? 24 lb,7 4'9 ffi,W ZS it0,4 8,4 14,4 2 h5,5 7,? 15'9 21 la,; 1,s 8,P e8 $6,9 R,i 12'5 29 13.6 fB15 13,2 30 19,Q E,f 13,h ~OgTM 22,2 "8 iiI9,8 WfSL RE$, AVG, HBX, NAX, WK~B UINB UIMB GUST GGST plv~i neaH 838, SPB, SPB, DIR, $PO, DTW, RM BEG k?S #IS BE6 $(,IS 2 "-~-~~-~~PI"~CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC~~~~~~"-~- 017 1'9 2 053 8,3 NNU 46 022 1 ,I f ,8 325 b,3 ME 39 031 1,4 2 2 6,P NF 3% 011 X,h 1,9 044 B,J NE 52 104 ,P %,6 853 5,7 E 27 297 8 I,! 382 4,4 UHU I? 31 4 ,R i,b 310 8,3 Ki 00 "908 ,3 6,s 058 5,t 88 55 298 '4 1,2 928 5,1 NU &B 304 ,W 1,s 317 Sat NU 32 295 1,3 f,T 389 3 39 299 1.2 6,4 313 5,1 HW 47 301 ,a t ,a 31s %,a NU &a 2?9 ,$ 6,s 252 B.8 U 58 303 1.6 ti? 313 5,; HM 16 299 ,P 1;O 326 3,8 RU 95 310 1,s 326 ?,a wM 67' 328 1,6 328 5,T #NU 43 308 1,3 1,B 322 ?,B N@ 37 31 1 ,9 %,9 268 5,9 S 52 3&5 1,1 1%Q 42% 6,3 MU 43 3fl8 1 r3 118 325 7,& NU 35 31 9 ,8 1,5 34% 5,1 NU 58 544 ,6 X13 31? 5,1 Kd hO 329 ,6 ls5 504 7,b EWE 82 288 ,7 I,? 338 8,s S$U 86 284 9 I,? 279 h2 77 387 1,3 f,b 329 5,7 k4W 5P "4aP 1 ,I 196 3,9 8 $7 313 1,s P'b 30b st? NU 51 319 ,? ,W 027 8'9 t4U 51 SOLAR WUqIDIlY WINO l3IR V[!:l {:]C:E'fbW $$.it;:;) -.* 0 a i , 13 a3, 0 kj t tl 161 , f) 15,21 ;Z ff i) T 0 r" [:"I 'T 0 T 7' (3 'f' Cl 0 I? I.. BXfREC:7 '3:i,N ,t , O .:> , O 6 , If 1 fl , Oi 15,11 ,!.? [j , 0 G 17 3.j 'r E 'f' f'j I.,, n-a un rs. -r a m u- u Qrnrmr rrr tq*, -n ~n ~r ~CI -*c mr c rn rrr --- nn .rr. .-. ru -, ,- ru .", .m .... r.trm .- ,.* rri. A- -. - .,- - ui- .- ,... .-. ,.* .-. - - - - - .,,+. - ..- .. .r - - rr - a- b- **-a ESf: s 28 :" ,a 5 12 I Olb i) Van arOO if, 00 i3 ; ft C3 2 . 43 WNW a4 id $4 h! i"&I C; A I,", i.4 *. w ". ! 4.1 '7.61 1 ., IS. (. N (1) 'i' 89" ,I , r-. 1.8 f:" \,j f" :N Q": .f b.' 4; i\ 81 1:;' 1::: ;4; 1.' 1.4 1.: I.; r:; 8.:' {) [ 14 13 1::' f' fi{ 'f 1 4 4 (3 t) (-3 I.,, 1 8 bJ 'I, 1) '@ \::' R @J ct '4 '1, f3 bj 5: 1 1 C:; E::' TI '1 I^) 1:: i ) \ , f\ 1:) 1:' [$ (4 1 F pj C: \ r.> \-1 pi t$ 1% \f A$ d; (1 W 3" 'f) a 1 [{ $2t Ft' [a $j 'r :[ 6:) 1'4 $, \,j f "i \ i . {) f.-i fa\ !,I E:-X:r !-^ h! I:: ('5 14 @ 12 f: F' (1 R ;{ f', $7 ""1 [ [ "r 1: p a$ 'r si)r , .>." .& 9) \.:, .\; bj *T* i" fa \ 4 I-., -1 fi "j" '5 i") p,i i:] f I:: "., (3 [ j..: j.1 ip ( 1 f: kj dd'3 f.) '4 [..I 8 , y 6;' p': I:".] 14 'T" .;\ J* HOURk-Y Si3l, AR Rt-lilDXA"T'30N St.iM%&RY DI_:tf:ft, {:ir?tNyclid MEa'V'HEll 6'T'A'1"7 01N DATA TAKEN XIUR LNK; 3 una .. P 884 OE$ERvA'f :i OH y$\j;tr5HARY Fii')R X>E\S:CI, [:fiNYf')N WF:.bTI-il?R S'T'A'T" It3N DSiA*fh ThKI:ZH DUR XNG Ja,rr-te, -t ?84 PAW Ai'"iiETF8 iS!!.Ib!RER OF' bJSAl4f,.E:: PER f;1:NN'T [:'ff"-' 0BSEt;ZWA"f 'I1'3FfS l"i:ITAh., I'IBSER VAT "% C'lNS .?I mr rm.- "*. r... *I-- .... .r- *.*- rr ur ^u. -" -" - .". .- -r <t" -.. - .... .,.. M. .." .W L.. ..c r... n.... %,.. ,c rr r.r ..r rrr ..r -+* .n re. .-.I ru .xr nr -. ur lu ur ..r rr ,...a+" m mn a" r.. .- 9% I,,,,,,,, 1 aC=s~mCs~~r=Z3€~ c-m fT~d-G*.BfJ&"rs?1- - & I ~t?ar=ri4*--rcanJPI c32 . . WE^ i~~~rs9ei~~e-m Q* ~2z £zG-rs;,E=-3-mQ is- a 119&m.OljtSSm--=- . z I~c;=r~*-&--4sl, t- & NOUR BE U%HB kIidD GUST #a%, MOGR BEU MIND ~IHD GUST #AX, h9taa frE3 MTHD #I#@ Gb53F R&X d086 TERP P81NT BH BSW, 5PD, DXR, GU$"FhP HDNG TE#P, POIMf E;f4 DIR, SPD, DTB, GUST F&B 4DHG TEWP, PQMT iW h 4Fra BIR, GUST Rg~ BEG C 3EE 1: X BEG, iR1,E"S BEG, Ri9 DEB C DZG t Z DEG, Hi5 PEG, HU BEG C BEG C 2 Bf t?, $EG. 8%S ;"FB - - rr----r~--rrl-sa*~-.r--r-* rrr*r*rr**arrra*lr -*--*ru.l-***l- C388 7,9@2@%rP$" ?a8 ;7 243 %,a 88380 &,334aa#?~ 153 LT 933 2-5 B~SBO 4,23~#$+84 60 ,B 142 ?A 8 a606 IB,Z 86 174 a3 151 is9 16 b600 sgsgf 97 142 s& 132 ti$ 1 $600 4.3 *fff*g $8 118 145 3a2 b 0900 slab *s@sg 84 388 :8 289 23 8 OBBB 1?,P 3,8 St 448 f ,I 548 2,s 2: 0900 Y1f 5%7 73 159 1,2 957 32 38 1208 13-9 g%%%@70 065 1'0 9bI 3,2 J? 6280 IZ,Q 2,552 238 '7 29? 3.2 25 1200 t?,l 2*237 i33 t14 3!9 73 IS#@ 133 Trl SB 324 1.2 338 3,4 61 ISOR XS,S ,b 33 281 1,1 187 3,8 53 fSB0 f4,0 3.7 50 355 24 009 7,d 14 f880 10,3 @%%*f 98 284 fh 239 3,4 ? 1808 X3,9 ,8 41 318 r8b 332 5,k %X 4868 f4,Q 4,3 SF 33% 2*Q 338 6,3 24 ZtZD P14 @%%#@ 82 319 $5 Qt4 3,8 5 2100 f4,3 Z,i 44 316 1,b 34G 5'1 P 2108 t?,6 4,3 64 312 2*Q 323 5J 1 24@8 5,i3 5#\ BT fh4 ,B t~h 2,3 8 ?405 7,t 3,276 fBb ,8 238 I:$ 82408 8,5#@##9+* 237 ,5 367 2,s 6 HQUW BE& UXgFI GhtST HA#, HDUR DEU gSND WiNB GUST #AX, $OUR DEU rf i4D k3MB GUST RAX RBE6 TEgP, PQ%WI RH DlR, !SPD. DEW, &!SWAB HDNG TEHP", FRIST Ri4 DHR, SPD, BfB ~;ii WBD d3HF YFW' PljTNT RE.I JXR, SFB, DIR* GUS5 RA5 DEF G BEG G 2 BEG, 1995 DEC* Ni"S hM DEE C 9EG G t BEG, 3fS BEG, RdS RU DEE C BEG C % 3% WPS DFG, Hi5 #U -------=--------------+------------------ ------------------------------------------* ----------------..--=--w-------.---m*-m-e--- 8384 8,73#9@s%s $77 4 5 5 80388 &,3*~%9%82 163 .? lb9 I,$ 8 a384 9,7%#%%qp4 271 i,@ 285 ;,s 4 pz4=%9a%# 251 ,5 259 lap 5OBgB R,1 %%na#P* IPP ,4 181 f,$ 90680 ?,I ##%##?9 2613 .g 257 2-5 3 8780 P& *swsa +is 312 12 318 SIR 12 0990 12'1 2'8 53 324 I,! 343 32 42 893s 93 6A 79 ZPt ,b ?By 25 !it i28l $d,9 8'2 74 313 1,3 314 2:s 18 1280 t3.7 f ,S 43 333 2.5 3i9 5,9 31 !200 t2,8 2,Q SS 362 $,3 315 3$2 31 1538 $3 9 3'9 51 322 2,$ 338 ?,B 44 1509 14-4 %,2 3% 339 2,s 333 5.1 ZB 1500 1$,8 -,S 3% 358 B18 834 3,R 81 i~a~ i5,5 2,4 a 317 3~ 314 8,s 98 1880 14.3 2.8 3b 314 t ,5 322 5,1 na raoe ie,o -a ,e 2h ash r l2 o78 3,~ 44 2180 jt,3 2,1 53 307 I,8 315 5$? Z ?388 tl,2 4,s 63 384 1,8 383 9,d 1 2:OR i5,9 HS%*% 45 P4? ,B It4 9'9 3 2460 7,74%**%74 183 ,F 283 la? DZ48P fB529*24#98 293 309 3,8 02490 93,8 6,2@2 $59 ,8 155 3$2 O MQ~ if4 BE# ~~XHQ &ST tj;~x, HOUR EEL UTHD BI~~B G~SY KAX, HnUW PHU 1%~ U'J"HD GUST finx HB148; TEHP, BOi~48 Xi4 &IX, SPD, 912, GUST RkE ND36 TFHP a POTgT Rk! BlQ, $PI) b":, (",@ST RA3 dBf1TP "TFRP, P01PT kd 1 IR, SPD, BHR, t0ST RAE DEG C BEG C X BEG, 1SdS BE' , Hi$ @id DE& c DEG c z BEG, a!,:$; fii$~, ~i~ HU BEG G BEG @ Z 1 EG HJS DFG , #4$ fikj -"~rrrrrr-wr-rr--~-~~-~-----~---~-~ir"orraranr-r.-pr-~--~ --n-a~--~rrr-.lrPa------------ru"lrra---------------- ---rr-----a----a-rrrrsr-r*sr-m-r.rmuarr-~a*mrru*lr*r**aru"* 038% to,? &,I 73 145 '9 151 3,7 8 4366 9,s R.2 $2 383 L ,W 318 4-4 I @380 8,4 7 V ?"P 2 1,3 319 3*f! 8 - - ObQ!! #:.cs-@#& 84 %03 s9 113 ,Sail 4 ObOb ?#I Wab 93 388 : ,3 JOB 3*2 1 5606 8,3 7,8 9" ji78 IB: 341 3,? 1 bqgqz,f 1.8 sz $37 z~ 301 24 0905 9,9 5,~ QO 33 !.a 3~1 3,2 3 s?gn 9 a "9 67 ;j5 1~9 323 3,g t! 6208 15,3 4,$ 47 3N 33, 331 8 $ 2P "@! !gb,O ++%ar! d6 331 "18 SQ? ?-5 3 jzog iifl*? 5,2 If 187 311 St& 13 iSt]$ 14,S 4,j 5'? 515 4,; 313 a,; ?h iF"f,z 7,P 85 300 t6f ?9"as5 5 1500 8,8 5&!2 7sl: ",R ?,? 2!4 5,$ & 1830 32,s 4,s 58 35B 2,3 305 S,T 3 1BQ8 13,: 8,9 91 *!? 31% 3.2 2 dRD3 0,8 5.1 83 :WS 1-3 290 3 R 5 zla@ la, 4,3 72 302 I,@ 296 0 :iij~\ , 7.b 82 %n? ?,a -JQ? $,I c 3j~i.i 8,s ;mva 89 542 ,& 251 2,5 : ;;i)rjd 10,~ g,4 88 j,5 s~g s,$ 0 p$qo , ~h 2~4 !,P T@: 5$7 8 24~0 8,4 E, $56 94 $23 ,& jot ie9 fl H16W r -3- &!d? 2IlbB GUST RAX , M0iiR BE k;I~B UTMP. Ga33T #hX, HOUd BEU UI;"ID ula susr nax, t4BW2 TEP, P81b5 R# !Ilk, SFB, BIR, ldSS RAD PDWG TfgP, PQT8T RH @!ti. SPB, DIR, GUST RAB mNS fE#P, POIFF f3-l QZW, 5PG, EfW, NsT RWAD BE6 G BEG e % BEG, hi5 BEG1 H/5 %!4 DES PI BEG C X BEE, H/S BEC, MbS HU BEG C BEG C X BE%y, 865 B%GI giS NU ~9*-j**-*--."iC--rUU-w-rCIU*LI.ar-CLIIL-~~~*-w~~~* --U.-Pl*gaP-.P-------I L.I.II--I.III*CIP--~--I-II-.*--.*~"---~"---~"--~"~"---- @38$ S,Q %%%B% #% 247 ,T 2&3 ZES 8 0308 8 . %I#3@ 74 385 I *fl 3!2 2,s @ $380 8,Q %$#H PS 222 -5 255 !,5 8 a&@@ T,3 %Zf%% 35 252 ,& 336 2,s f 868B 8,1 %%%%a t4-g 323 ,B 325 1 0600 8,P #%%%I 78 ?$? $6 254 2,9 f 6890 8,& ,I 55 273 ,T ?$Z 2,s 2 8900 8,6 ##Wf $1 310 ,& 313 7,s 7 $786 8-3 -PIQ 37 287 270 2.5 5 1238 fP,f %Sfi%S 3% 283 $,3 3Q8 3 P tS f21& B,? -5,7 36 398 ! -2 319 3,2 18 t2QO 9,8 -8,4 a? 307 1,b 322 4,4 5 r3BB $O,2 %%a%% a% 234 I,? 28? 5,7 12 1580 y,3 -4,P 37 308 ~,b 317 33 9 1508 :I,# aH%% a% 3g7 2,$ 381 S,r 17 iBDZ $3 33 28s i,b 289 4,4 4 1609 9.3 44 38 30h f,6 297 3,8 3 1898 12 5 %as%% 4% 297 t,B 2s 4,4 15 2480 9,i ~~~@~ 58 382 1%2 313 3*? 1 2108 8,A QM#f bb 301 P,6 386 9.4 d 3100 ti,! s%#~ u# 271 ,B 216 3,: Q 2483 8,9 S%g9S 5B 266 ,B ?OA 2 ,F O 2480 6,s %##%a 86 258 ,A 293 Z ,? fj 2408 t@,Q ang#~ 8% zfls 4 , @ k!GGk DEU Sf i@ LfWD GUST R&X, dODR E JEND #IIH-i! g9ST %AX, llO~iW DEU @!ED GlN%i EGSB akX, SBHS TEW, PQIkT R# BIZ, 6P5, MR. GUST RAB FiQWG TERP, PQIt~S WH DR a SPD, $IIR, PiS"F"RBQ VD$iG TEA>- POI37 iWFI BER, 5BB, 818, GUST *kB BEG c BE@ c E ~EG, E~S DES, $IS CK c BEG c x BEG, wfs PEG, is w: BEG c EG c 3 ~$5, ~i~ BEG, ni5 fi~ __I--~-P_ID1CII._~----PII~Z--(.I-------II(I1-~~------ -t---I-ILIIIL-~--P1-L------1--~----DD-------11^----. -----------..-. -----XII-P--FI-----~------~---~- -$3@9 9,9~2cn*4r 195 ,S 1.2 3.2 8 03[18 9,4##sa#hx t53 ,! $37 2.5 8 @30C I?,L~s%s@%n 2BP ,7 223 f,? 0 Q&OC y,$"%S%@%% 19& :4 I?B 1,s I @&0! igrl 932Slt9 fzb ,4 124 2,5 9ODQg ll,S+##%>%# 2vq I,@ 312 3,R 3 ~~36 11,4 a@%%# wrt 297 ,Q 304 ~,5 :O oqaa ja,8 grsaa $6 g=p ; .u 44 oaac I;,? s#w#+ 354 ,4 257 I ,; B i2SO il,7 d###% %# 388 1,2 514 3,2 25 1289 \Pa% waca4 #% 390 1,3 321 3,z &S 1260 %5,8 a%#%% 3% $21 lab 33Q 4-43 37 15Cfl 17,8:rX-ri-P#*E 594 f,7 322 3,8 33 1534 ?3,89%*3#%# $15 1:5 3fl 3,8 33 1580 43,8*2#aZ#* 338 ?,I 323 5,1 21 r;8dB ;-r12 @%Z*%Q C% 312 $ ,7 350 433 15 f$Qg 21 #8 r*wss;? a3 367 1 ,F 31~5 5 1 45 1800 f5,4 .i~wk-x %@ T7fR 6 ,? 3174 4 91 i4tt9 "#%% Ztji '9 3,2 5 zffi# lR,B %##%a %% 333 4,F 336 5,I 3 31EO 33,7 CNQ~~ g4 1,; 3;7 5,g $ 2400 f&5 ersa#~~ 583 .$ 148 3,2 89400 33,7%4u%# wn 325 i,l 7373 3.2 O F96fi 13,) %#+as84 f?S ,5 149 I,? 8 THREE H"l?k!R SifHHRRtS' FOR PEVXI,., CANYE?N WEATE-IFR STfq"T:TGN DATA TAKEN DURXNG SuZu, 7989 80% BE& #9~1.3"8. 81ga~ GUST #AX, HR~R BEU WXHD UTN~ G~~ST #AX, RUUR a)~qi u~k~n ua*~ GUST ;..2~il, ai4G TEE?, PQ3BT WM B%R , SF$, FB:?, GUST HPAB RDE TEgP , Pa1;PaP RH DIR , 5PD, BIR , GUST 8AD #BEG TERP , PO1glT R@ SsIBk, SPP , Df a;E GUST PhD 9EG C BEG c X BEG,, HIS BEG, #15 #U BE6 C PEG C I DEG, H/S DEE, HIS 8@ DEG C BEG G X BEE* RPS BEG, klS fiU ~--q*a~-.II-U-ZLIIL~-(L"-.--~--* (Ill-~---.CCI1---CC~~~~-~~-~-------. P-----llilDI-...--P.I-CC------------------------ 6381 li,B%wa4&%a 2T:i I,@ 36& 3.2 06303 fQB2%~a9nna 232 .8 243 5,8 38310 8,"fa#a%% I25 ,8 134 $3 8 469B iG,3 -w Bll ,7 25.1% 2,s % r16@@ V9,3 9% ZM .& 27B 1,- 3DA8 B,B a%as@ 5% 193 ,4 088 t,3 4 8998 9t?s~;4tgf gg 26b t,B 287 32 tr OOOO 9,5*$3%81c.n 2b4 $7 270 I,? 5 OPOB P,b.n%nwk@.il 137 ,& OS"iz9 14 SZlQ fl,f sf@rlrtr! 2Ei $8 2$6 2.5 53 128B S),33~er3%s 283 1,0 290 2,s 5 $30 fl,yus%*a wn 303 1,4 293 3,8 .E"& 23Q# $2.1 aarrrt = 326 .9 313 32 11 1500 94 -fi%(tn ~r 303 l.2 2Pb 32 17 1500 l4.Q rrr* %a BS -9 291 3.8 23 I8Da 22,9%34@#+t J#1 ,3 ZR Ia9 %OIBO@ Ra?gg#%%%# 307 1,1 387 3%2 3lPM f4,5%ff9%1t%t?r $16 1,7 327 b,3 12 $188 12,g %=#r a% Btdl ,1 836 I,? 3 218e 11,4 arrmf nr 276 .7 315 2*5 1 218tl 123 %%%st 11 283 zB 382 3,2 2 24PB 10,8 iBr $7 2Sb 2,s 8 2990 8,2 %R#%% 3% %I& ,5 128 I,$' Q 2450 r%s*K a* 167 ,b 522 3,8 4E MDN'TfIL Y SSt2PtHAR"P"FtlR DEVX I_. E?AN'"GI$N WER'I'MER S'bh'TT ON BAT@$ TAKEN DURING Sufv , X9*34 RE$, RE$, AV6, Hexl RhX, BAtksS WdVdt HEh# uxHD #END KUST @ST P "4E HE8N HEhN 501AR D TEIRP, TEHP, TEMP, D3W, SPD, SPD, Q'XR, SPD, BIRt W)1 EP PRECEIP E#%RGh"B&Y i c BEG c BEG c E HI #is QE%; H/S 2 DEG c HH ~H,SQ~ 1 88,k- 7,g 13,9 305 4 $4 I,$ 31Q 7*0 NU &5 2 2 9,8 18,a 3~7 ;d ,B 319 3,F % h9 3 f7,B $,& 13,: 587 1,3 1,7 517 bk3 # 58 4 i!t,P B8,2 fh,6 312 ,6 I,? 3Z 7,O #U 37 5 39,s l8,2 %4,9 321 ,b 9,s 33Z %,I NNO $2 b I? P,7 i3,2 334 4 f ,3 329 78 5 65 3 18a1 s,P 62.5 859 ,6 1,4 2 5,7 HE 53 8 15,9 7,s 11,6 442 I,? f ,8 3 7,@ N&E 46 "$17~5 h,s 113 355 IT 1,2 825 5,? HR$ 50 89 95$3 5,li 16,5 292 ,3 f ,k! 338 4,4 S 78 11 17,f 9,s If ,3 294 ,B I,% 332 5,1 S 53 12 P%,9 3.7 El1& 343 ,F 1% 089 7,0 Kg h4 53 15,0 ?,7 flS4 4 1 ,? llS 330 7,D #M $9 14 15,0 6,7 9 318 f ,2 1,5 337 5'7 dWU 48 15 19,D 8,9 t4.0 302 2 8'1 114 4.4 UWU 59 16 16.6 8,$ f?,? 312 1,s ?,O 313 8,: Kid 64 43 10,s 8,9 P,7 300 1'3 1,4 383 5,T &NU 30 18 7-2 29s r ,z a,+ 5,7 MU 84 69 Ill,$ 7,7 F,S 2 1'8 d,l 22 5,7 U 5~ 2 0 9,s 8,f 8,W 366 1'1 1,1 3Bk 4 49 21 12,s 8,3 18,4 289 1,D I,? 307 5 &I 28 22 14,s 8,8 !2,2 292 ,7 f,O 322 3,8 $48 m 23 22.3 8,0 "i5. :Bli , t '3 316 5,% NU na 24 15~8 %1,3 t3,6 304 1%~ 1,3 320 s,a $4~ ~8 25 !2,5 9,P $9 285 ,P k ,I 317 33 #U 9% 2& i3,B 8.4 2 297 , a ,7 288 3,2 uN# wa 29 39,s 9,7 70? $,a 3 fj,% #& $3 28 65,2 BIT ;I,$ ??:J ,S ,El 30~ 52 IJ 3% 29 11,2 B12 8,9 299 ,P $3 3$$j ij N+ 3@ osll T38 2 305 $4 pi,0 327 ti$; [-ig~ ga 3i 1 S,S tl,l 361 ,y 51s 4,4 $9 gONT14 2,3 3$,7 !lsfi 3Q9 7 4 313 #3 33 VEi .oCx"l u(M JS 1 '4 1 ff .- 02 ..s , Q &,19 IQ,Q 15,411 I... 3 0 , ~3 -ra TO TO T F? -I-- \:a 0 2 ..a, D;.RE CT TON I Q .:st , a 6,~ IO,O IS, ir i.-.flz~ C;REATF~:IT .'fq~kl.,. pi lCl Uf 1. - -o m c-. -1 - - - .am. me - ,- - *.., .e+. -* mm - ,* ...a - ee. - ".. - - ". "8 ..U L* ...I ". w -. - .". - "C* .U 11 ",. - .- - - LI C .*)r ..* II. ..I - - ,,* ,- - rU .- I"* .- I1L "e. LI.- .-I I -.- .... - -.. E , ~7 , ha f? I) r~ ft , o 0 0 , G 0 a, 80 i~ , o i'j 1 ,2r:4 0, Of! il 8("slj IF ,00 0 , (1 [I ESE :k , 4 $3 1 , 5 5 O , t? C1 SE I , 41 2 v 2 2.? , i3i P 00 6) , if O fj, QQ i! , Q CS .a , tl->,S -9 $SF @:? i , cq8 II ,on s GQ e3 ,a0 {I ,on cs ,$[I LC , 1 S 3,83 1 ,OR 11 , tf fj f3 , I) I1 If, 00 0 , 0 0 0, ibQ *? , 4". S5W 4,89 a 0 in (5 , 0 0 O ,Of1 0 ,el0 U I ii f! p . fr 5 ,:;I PARAMETER N\INFEWOF' \.1$$11Rl,.E $rlyRCrf::N-[ {IF ClRfI.$bTR VA'T "I: I:)N9!; 'f'tITAi ... 13E6E:RVA'Tef 13NS - ---* -.. c -- lrr - pl m ar *rr - uc a u u tra - .rr rrs ^r +r- .rrr ~n. nn ~*-r hr - rw m. m u -rr -n. "r *.r. uu -us I... n.. nrr +n. ..., "+. - rr .+.r -. .,.. .I.. *. .* .- -*, .,.. ...* f EMP%::R&TtlRE i;hb:CND S13EE:rj WIND DSRECUON PEAfol GUST RE:E.,BT'S,VE: I-.!I,IMPDli,'TY PRFCJP P'f &'!'JON SOI,AR tan^ irl: (3-s 1: 13fl EEiri POXN'T' 1 bf Q '! 62. [3 xoa 1 Qt O d4 ;*:? 1 f3O 1 Q 13 81 ;? 2, Solar -1 ~I~/cM~ Additional camaents 01-3 ais naon t1-1 ' s data r I, Problems with M2 0.4i~ia.lBtor~ Data lost intermittsntly Eram 7/3 to 7/21, Eratic R-id data unus&le from 7/21 to 7/32., 2 6:: 6:5 @$ $I$ k,J t.,, "Y" B% IPL! "T" 43 . 3: $4 6:: , i $3 I--i "y" 13 $E;t Q:] 1:;: I,., 1::: *$- 83 11: 1'" I;?: if:] ,:J' IZI: g:Z *Ifv f.iQU8 DEb UINB UXND GUST %AX HOUR DEW UlND U3ND GUST HAX, HOUR DE# WIHD gf kB GUST MAX, HBH6 PERP, POISaT RM DIR, $PO, DIRE GUST RAt) NBNG TEMP, 1907,HT W1.f D18, SPC, DIR, GUST WAD NDNG TEFBP, POUT 8H DHR 5130. BIR, GOST BEG c DEG c x BEG, WJS DEG, MIS nM DFG c BEG e x ~EG, ws BFG, ~PS BU DEG c BEG e s DEE, nis n~c, 81s wg ""-LI-oCl-LDII9"-.-a--*--mm-m----*----*-------- ..~ia-n"lsllBal+3Y-~-~---~~-OOOOOOO~~~~-ld.-.P~~---9 I.^CP-*I---s.-.-.--*---"-C---"I-----------------b-- 2380 9359#w%%g% 210 ,2 213 1,3 00309 10,3%@%wa%# 167 2 !bB d,3 OB368 11,4#%%3~#* 203 ,2 188 1,3 O a680 Yx4*9g8@8% 2Jh ,1 238 1'3 2tAOB 10,h*399@%9# 184 ,Z 218 1,3 DhOO If,$ %#@%@## 812 ,3 158 f,3 2 0938 1OE2@g%@%8g 306 ,ti 314 1.9 8DBBO lf,3#*@%393 369 2Rh 1,8 509Dfl 12,3@r@#sn~ 808 ,3 14b 1.3 8 1248 ~I,Q~*~~~~~ 9B0 t,t 386 13 22e200 t2,zw9g9%s3 30~ I,R 275 2,s 1412ao 14,r anBwsws 306 ,R 29T 225 24 8500 lIat %$ 303 n'b 3BT 3,s ra b%QQ 13,s $#@%# rg 307 f,o 302 23 28 lsoa 15,8 a#%## 9% 901 1,4 380 32 20 ISDO %!A gwr*g 36% B 333 2'5 b tPDB 13,Y ~~~~~ gg 291 I,? 293 32 7 lR#O \5,% as%%# %a 3Q5 f $0 512 32 7 ZIBO $!,3~*99swa 245 $5 293 1,~ 021oa 1~,83*9@wu# 314 ,5 311 2,s I?IOO 14,b#w3*##3 269 255 t,9 I 2460 1BI9@8@%@@% 277 ,B 275 2;s B2908 1la9*2*#HB%% 195 ,S 185 1,s $2900 X3,1%8%%#%# 236 ,$ 238 I,? O HQBSW DE~ UIHB UI~~B G~~ST RBX, t.saua DEU UIND~~~:WI!GUSTWB'X, NCIIJC? DEU UINB HIND GUST N~X, HBN~ TE~P, FOSET RW D~R, SPD, DKW, GUST BAD NBNG TE~P, POBHT WH QTR, 5~8% BIR, eusf ~AB ~$11~ rE~p, Pornr ~q ETR, sPn, DrR I susr DEG C DE6 C 'X BEG, HPS BEG, NfS HU BEG C BEG C X DEG, #is DEG, ?!lS DFG G DEE C 3 DEI, MPS DEG, %/% NU It"r*B-.P..I-CI*a.R-~~w~~~mm~*~~-~~~~m-a*~~----*-~--- """UQB*.(J~o-IBI~-w-----~---*--m-------------- ------9-"-------------.--------------------- 0388 12,6n#%@%sx 223 ,2 211 1,s 0 03CB 13,9%8@w#%s 211 ,4 185 ?,9 8 0300 S%,B#@~@~#~ 288 ,4 306 13 G ObBB 12,B +kg%%% 9% %@8 ,% Zf7 : h 2 BbOa 63,P *%%n% nw 229 ,4 2b4 1,9 1 0690 92,s a%%*# w% 295 f t8 329 J,2 4 8986 k9,49%#3%39 33 348 2,s 11 0880 t3,8%wuns#s 230 B,O 271 2,s 2 0900 1315%a8ws#% 323 ,5 297 I,? 15 t2B6 th,$*a#a%%w 322 9'2 312 32 30 1208 13J %@#@a%# 37 $9 321 2,5 94 1?00 f6,4@g#s448@w 344 ,B 004 3,? bZ 8500 Iti,$s%%#w%@ 387 1.9 365 32 33154g 93,8 @%%%%#a 385 $9 284 ?,$ 12 9500 49,$%@w9~*3 310 1'3 3flP 3,9 38 IS@@ 2@,9a#%s%s% 305 1,k 3th 3,R 2P tROD 13,l *a%%%%n 3a5 ,9 2Pl 2,s 9 1808 Zl,f n##@n#w 394 ,8 032 4A $9 ~IUP 17,83au99s3 288 LA 300 5,1 2~180 11,~*~gn*8aw 278 ,& >64 13 OZIOB 1?,7%3wn43#a 048 1,5 624 S,I 2 2480 64,24%##84# ?34 ,9 221 1,9 B?4QB 12,7%c~wa~%% 2b3 ,f 271 t,3 02400 3U,Bw%gg%9% lb7 lea 142 2,s 8 HOUR DEkf UXSB Bld'SND GUST AX, HOUR 4 UKR3 NiND GUST RAX, HOUR DEB MIND UIND GUST $ir\X, NDNG TEtlP, Pr41I4'F Bb D%R, SPF, DIR, GUST RBi) BDMG ERP, POINT RH DTW, SPD, %)If?, GUST RAD BONG TEb!P, POIKT Ah D%R, SPTi?, DIR, GUST RAE DE6 C DEG C: X BEG, B!/S BEG, H/S BEG f BEG C M DEG, HbG BEG, HiS IN DEG C DEG C Z bEG, 8I"$ QEG, FVJS !\hi la-q(y~l_*m-~p~_-~~~-~~-~-~~-----~-~--~------ -Ol.u.(*.~.DII------~---.ILI----II-~----*------------ ------------------------I*.-------III--*m--*-u.-- 8300 8,0 -h,336 544 I,3 139 3,1 OQ3QI f2,8*fg%*%P? 209 ,4 37 1,J 00300 lN,lsR**N%h88 232 ,8 264 4,4 Q 8086 8,s %w%#% 48 158 ,? 142 23 3 8608 12,1 10,6 87 255 245 23 P 0640 9,6 %##%@ 84 643 ,? 139 ',5 2 QPOO 84'4 as%+#% 55 048 ,A 052 1 ,? 34 0900 lP,4 10,3 87 288 dz2 :!4R 2,s h 0908 IH19 #aR@s@ 39 P70 ,I OX4 3,2 25 12QlI 18,b 1,s 32 3B9 1,4 294 3,S 57 dP06 %4,9 Tt8 b2 302 f 3 710 32 15 12Q8 $kb 51 53 332 12 $16 3,? 20 1560 iJ0,3 ,6 21 318 ?,3 315 9,4 3Y 15QO %4,8 7' 5 61 31@ ?&Z 315 4#4 17 1508 94,b -,B 35 303 t,7 363 3,8 25 %BQQ 2!,Q I?,? 38 311 Zt& 315 5,9. 3O tBD8 'a4,"i" W,3 bS 309 2,7 305 4,4 7 188Q 13." S3,1 $8 3fitiB ,a 247 4$4 itt,9 1,6 54 792 l,b 309 4-4 f 2tBO 13,0 fg.@+~ 81 283 f,D 318 3,8 0 ZlQn ;%,b %#%@@ 141 ,9 225 3,2 1 2400 13,4 1#,9 82 ?bO l,i fBh %,9 O 2408 $2'4 **:::*R w* 1?9 ,5 :74 ?,7 O ?4FO 9,$ 4,4 73 158 !,I $55 3*2 Q 'I'$.tREiE HQlf R Sl,lHl"l$RY FOR '%SV:V:\'1.. CHctN'YClN UE'ATI-Ii<W S:;f'r-fT" TOM T3.A'"i" AWAKEN D\JR "f F46 f-lrcsf? usst , 1984 HOUR BEU USit%, 8IgD &US$ k!hX, MRUR FEU UIND MIND GUST %4X, HOUR DEU U3NS gSN2 GUST HAX, NQNG TE#P, PRji#S WII DfB, SPB, BSRI GQST WAB) NBNG TEWP; POINT 17H DIW , SPD, DlR, &SF RAB PlDNG TEBP, P0ftl"TF BIW, S$D* fill, BAfS BEG c BES G z DEG, is BEG, HIS #W DEG c DEG c x DEG, tvs DEG, nis nu DEE c DEG c x DEG, nls DEe, 8,s nu "9----------~-~~-~.pICICICICICICICICICIC"ICICICICICICICICICICIC IR~Blll~-~~.----ICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICICIC "---~.1..--11--*ICICICICIC"-""13.-.C~-P"--"ICIC----* DSBO 8&2 -64,8 !8 134 !,I 121 3,2 B B3DQ 9,5 %@%%# 99 188 ,5 152 1,3 B 6348 5, 2,O 88 812 1,s 813 3.8 8 QdQB 8,8 -3.3 45 127 3,2 %2f 2,s ? 0600 8,W %%%a# 89 262 ,4 217' 1,s 5 6608 3,s 1,7 BQ 108 2,2 110 5,S 6 ib9BB1 18s593ag9s3 658 5.1 6ih5 2,5 2209BfJ 92,8w*s+t#t°i"l"41 :h 065 t,9 36Q9B0 9,8 lels7B 883 2,fl 899 5,s 35 t?8a i3,8 3'1 49 Of8 f,O 031 3'2 22 1280 1$,3 7,342 007 1.0 847 5,t 68 I?QO d6,f -1,638 051 k,7 fib8 9,ff b3 1586 14'9 2,8 42 322 %,8 317 4,9 33 6508 1?,3 33 04R 2'2 048 5,7 59 1580 fS,O -4,1 22 639 3,P 824 b83 59 %830 f3s8 318 48 315 1.6 309 3s8 14 180t Iblb ,I 93 038 3x2 034 6,s 28 !ROO 1883 -5,f 26 035 286 099 b83 3? 2!0Q lt,2 %%%%% 78 298 ,h 299 3,B 1 Zl00 l3,b ,2 40 038 32 035 b,3 1 FIgfi 13,s -,7 38 O4Q 1,P 352 4,4 1 2488 P,6 ~~~~~ 93 $72 #b fY7 1.3 B 2480 P,h 3,1 bB 488 t B50 4:4 0 24@0 7,s 67 137 1,7 148 3*2 O 1 DAY 1'3 DAY 14% XIAY ;\5 HQUR DEM @END uxwn GUST ~nx, ~nua FEU UIP~D ~IMB GUST #fix, HOUR DFU UXHB ~~iii) GUST AX. ~~DHE TEBP, PQIMT WH DIR, SPD, DXR, eusv RA~) nDHc TEnp, Pafwr ~w oia, ~PD, bra, susr R~D W~ME TEHP, POINT ~fi BIB, SPD, BIR r GUST #AD BEG C EG C L BEG, #iS DEE, #iS Bid DEG C DE5 C X DEG. HJS DEG RiS HU BEG C DEG C X PFEt HIS BEG, BiS EM __I-Q-Ulle-P_--CY-_*---------*---*-m--m------" rCllllie---.Ol-m-e--em-----*~~m-~~----------~~-~ --- l-.----....RI.~-~--~--~-~-w~-~---~-~-~------- 0300 5,f %%%%%79 138 ,P 108 2,5 O 0506 $,3@####83 138 ,P 114 3,2 8 8300 &,7%$@@%97 !Sb ,8 169 2,s D 0600 5,1 3,1 91 145 ,7 128 3,~ 1 asOD 43 23 ss 116 ~1 lap 3,~ 4 aboa 8,~ 5,4 94 108 ,B 445 2,s 2 8900 9,1 4,771 078 i12 OB5 2,s 23OPBO 10,1 4,990 0515 1,4 833 St2 340900 iB,b 8,084 QA3 1.2 Ebl 3,2 28 1208 16,P ,433 048 2,8 895 5,1 61 1208 18,6 5,2 43 611 1,3 835 2,s 48 f20@ 18,s 5,943 348 ,9 033 i?,5 b0 5 2, ,3 28 130 2,8 637 5'9 58 1308 $3,3 3,7 36 383 1.6 ?82 3,2 38 1588 I?,? 6,T 43 30$ Is? 314 4,4 $9 $800 ?I,@ -I,& 22 189 l,h 120 4,4 ?9 lRO8 21,% 4$% 34 38f 2,0 318 S,d 11 1868 ?0,9 btZ 90 3@b ?,I 318 5,? 28 2ibQ 1Zl8 54 117 ,P 062 3,W 1 2100 %4,4 73 63 273 I,? 318 5,1 i 2lBO f5,8 9,6 64 ?$O ,7 2b2 23 1 24B9 8,1 3,8 '74 326 1,4 IS1 3,% 3 2400 9,s 6,8 84 687 t ,0 194 2,s O 2480 11,: 9,2 Q7 I&% ,9 I54 8.9 fl HOUR BE& UZHP bIMB GUSMhX, HQUR BEU UIRD UfND $LIST 8AX, HOUR DEU UTHD MHHb 61JSY PtAlt, HDNG EEP, PDfNi R& BfR, SPB, O'ER GUST WAD WBl4G TEWP, POiQSMIH ORB, SPD, DTR, GUSWRAD NDNE; ?EMF, POXET RW DJR, SPD, DIR, GBsl R&D DEG G DE6 C X DE6, %Ti BEG, HPS Hbi BEG C BEG G % DEG, i4bS QF6, HIS Nbi DEG G BEG C K BEG, HIS DEG, tl/S HB s._lU--wC--U__w_-~-~m-------*---~NI-II)Q--ILI.I--- --1 --IIIILllli)-------e--*-----------.------------- U-U----U.I1--------~~-~*~~------.~-~---. -----,--- 0380 8,4 94 134 as 141 23 fi 0300 923 !t $0 91 319 LO 333 5,1 B 0300 9,4 %a%%@ 94 ?OR ,4 2?3 1,s 8 QbBO 7.8 7.8 35 125 ,7 09R 3,2 -$ ObDa 99,4 Bb 284 TtT 295 3.8 1 DkOn 9,7 PtB $34 I42 ,B 154 I,? 1 0981 lo,? 8,388 054 !,2 @46 2,5 2083QO ta2P 10,598 309 fk3 316 3,8 h0308 36,3s%%%aFO 031 ,$ g93 I,? 10 1240 15,8 10,4 sa aol ,a 0x8 2,5 IZOO 11,1 P,P 82 301 I ,b 322 LB b 1380 11 2 as*{#-H 84 344 .5 034 12 1500 113 112 $b 309 1,5 307 9,1 ?b 1500 19,8 8B,D 80 320 I,? 301 33 18 1560 %8,8 8,7 87 279 $7 3?3 1,9 13 1,800 1Q,$ 9%,3 $2 312 23 $309 hi'; ?gi lRfl3 3%,9 10,O 9% 311 22 31b Sit b 1888 Yt8 #j4#g@ Y3 TBP $,I 359 2,s 2 ?ifla l5,5 !fi,974 %,4 2% 5,? 4 %9,7 Q,($93 ?Rb 18b 383 5,l O2%60 8,8 8,h94 293 ,7 266 2,5 t j.3,a 11,3 85 293 j,;? 796 3,8 tl 2408 j6,O %+?a## Y9 258 ,fl 2% 2,s 0 2490 7,$ %am% 264 1,fi ZhO g HQUR EM 8IMD MIND GUST EM, HOUR BEU UlWD NINB GUST AX, WOhtR DEB UiNB BIND GUST fiAX, NMG EBP . ~01%~ RW BIB, SPB, BIR . GUSMR~ HDHG EHP, PQIRT RW DIR , SPD, DIR, GUST WBD NBMG 'IEEP, POIHIT RH DIR , SPB, 8x1 eEsT RAB BEG C BEG C 2 BEG, HJS DEg, HIS MU BEG G DEG C X DEE, h%iS BEG, M/S #U @EG G BEG G Z DEG1 HIS DEG, B?5 HU q.alao--asa-*l.-l~-~------w-~-~--*-----IP1~B----s -9sss-.l*.l.a--.---------*=--*--"---"---------^-- -------------.--..------------a----------"----- BSOB 7,53grsu,w 259 s,e ass 1.9 a orre! B,I ns9ww 19s ,3 20b f,3 o a3aa 6,9~#f33i~f 186 J 1~hs 13 o @&Bid 7,0 %#$%% 8% 1199 $7 $98 1-9 f abDQ 7,1 tQQ%l 8% 384 $5 130 ft3 2 Oh00 b,3 %#%%#I a% l'i$ 'i?,Ep 155 I,? 1 098C PA a#~as -W 213 ,3 ~bn 1,3 IB QBOO 8,~ ngw39 sw 822 $2 144 1 ,j h OPon %%%%a wggg*; $3 a89 15~ II 1200 61 -3 %as%% #% 238 ,3 295 1,3 A 8250 9,s #%#%w #8 28~ I,! $65 3,5 8 r2aa agwaw %sw%gl n# wgs #nu% 94% *#-E% 38 ISOI f%,l %r*r% 8% 275 t ,? 351 2,s 23 15QB 1Q,2 %#%%a #w 312 1,s 320 3,z f4 f500 %n%%w w%~%#~ %% 33% u%%# #n% 17 189P I@&$ S#%f#W 82 2b8 5,b 258 4,4 11 \ROO !g13 a%%#% 3% 288 l,UB@ J12 18 1802 $#%%# %#%l$t# 8% #sf %@I% 38~s 8 2XgB 8,48%#%#%8 258 I,$ ?&4 3.2 O2laO 311##a%#8% 29k f,Q 293 3,2 g24@8saa%#%n###;%n %n%#%w# %%%a%%% 0 2409 8,7 %%a%% 98 195 ,4 241 5 $9 8 2400 8,s x#@## #a 22T '5 ??B f ,y 8 2460 #%%a# @gag#* #% ##% saaw %w a33s 8 DAY 22 1)AY 23 & y" i.:! 4 EiQU R D &XED BfRB GUST RM, HOUR DEM Mi#RUTsBGUSOWhX, HOUR DEU g3NB"aalNftGbST~AX, #QHG TERP, POIWT BH DTR, SPD, BfR, GtfSf RhD MOM& TEgP, Pfl"i1 RH Dl!? R, f;PB, DfR, GUST RAQ kDNG TEf;;?, P8MH 1"RH DTR, SPD, DHR GUST RAE DEG 5 BEG c x PEG, i41s DEC, M~S fiu DEL c BEG e 2 a~c, n~s DEE, HIS ~u DEC c DFG G z PEG, ~PS BEG, ~!s , ------o--.-----~-~---~-*-*-~m----~-~-------- $303 %%#r% #n%sw 9% %n# a### w%% #%%% 0 8308 #%#%# %%u%s , 898 %#ww 43% w%%# F 0360 @%%a# %w%%w #a w#% #wsa %#a A%%# 8 0654 212*% ZZIC# %# ##% %%w% #%3k %##f 1 D&Q@ ##ugn %%a#% 8% #w% %8~w xw %%#pi. 8 a640 #u%%w ww##w ## ##% nwws r#% @#%a 0 oy~fi #gsan w9 wgg s+sg ~31 asgw 11 8yoa us$wg g#sr# wt ~9 3x54 -xs.s gg%w 3 0908 s##s# 3n5~3 8% wcr ~9 %#an 7 t2nO %#%% %%#as %% 49% %a#$ 33% 499% %#a 1200 %%%%% saw%# 3% 33% www~ %## %#cr fj f:#O %%#n% %##%a +t# #a# 9ngu #as g%%s f3 350@ ca%%% w#%%# %a %w# -~##w 8%~ %wu% Ib 1580 :$#%## %%#@# wg -w6b! a%$# 38% nn%% 67 150D 8,4 a%#%g 4b 064 ,4 008 3,? 6 f 888 %*@sn %*%#% r% %w+: ##a# 3~8 4 fR@D gas%% %#@%a 9% ##% sgsw a%% %%#% $ f 840 8,3 #uaa#ib 44 337 ,4 33 1,s b 2180 w%%-gg *%%%% a33 w%%% w%# r#%# 0 2966 %%%$% ####w #% #%# an%% #E%! -s##% 0 23g0 73 %%#%a 93 298 ,? 316 ! ,y 2480 %$%#% @%a## #is #%M a%$# u#n %rwi 0 2480 %*%a% %%a%@ %# saw 96~~ $49 338% 9 2408 7,7 #%#Nu 45 195 ,2 143 1 ,S 8 HOUR DEg UXg8 UKNB GUST )\AX, HOUR BE# MIND gIHD GUST PjAX, #Qua DEW d1F3 klf8D 6gS% WAX, NDtjG X~B, POIHf R!f DIR, SPD, Dl#, GUST RkaO BDWG TEHP, POINT 28 DIR. $Pi?, DTW, GUST BAD HDtjG TWP, Pfj'fHT RE DIR, SPt, FIR, Gl.tST RfbD DEG C DEC & Z DEG, W4& BEG, E/S Hb ?EG C DEG c 1 PEG, MIS PEG, H/S i+ki DEG C DEZ C X DEG, RfS DEE, W'S flu ~Ill-e-,~CZ~~-~~.--~-~--~-~-~~~----~~---m-----~--- III-E-.-----*----~--~--~-.I*C)--------VI----I------ -----------gl---------U-LI,--MI**I**-7-LII..I-IXtItOlllLII- 8388 7,4 *a%39s 51 337 ,? 336 1.3 O 8308 ?,'I -2.6 hR 220 1,: 194 3,2 6 0390 -I,? -8,s 67 171 1.3 175 3,2 8 0608 7,2 %**#a 50 182 ,t 346 1,9 D 6608 5,6 -&,I 43 fb3 1.4 19U7,6 1 0b90 -2,R -5,3 83 144 1,s ffS 9,4 1 OPOB 7,4 %%#a# a# 291 ,A 283 1,9 2 OBQO 5$% -7,e 38 $27 4,1 037 91,4 19 0906 4,7 -7,5 41 111 I,] 075 :,I 27 1260 h,4 2,7 17 3%b ,B 281 5,7 ? 1290 ?:3 -7,3 33 017 4,9 026 d8.8 56 f?OO 7,J -?,3 35 9?4 3,9 033 ?,& 57 1588 6,CI I ,4 12 2Sk IrJ 2b"e9,% R 650R 7,8 -h,B 35 340 4,@ 341 8,s 51 1508 8,s -7,Q 33 $28 2,nFB 5,~ 43 i880 680 241 It IW& 89 $53 4e4 %BOU h,R -?,1 35 4tlS 1,? 033 B*P 22 1808 8,t -7,4 31 0?9 3,3 030 ?,b 2% 2104 4,h ,3 77 2hS I,h ?70 4,4 O 2106 2,: -h,P 55 358 1,3 39i3 8,3 O ?tQO 3,2 -P,3 43 032 3,B 023 fj,r 6 2401 3,6 993ll.x:; q! 24h 1,9 257 t;4,9 fl 2484 -,5 -",I "a4 j1.2 195 3,2 6 240$ -~1,5 -7,Q 66 153 $,"if5 0 5 8 *I'MI?f:E: SWEJR SlJHMARY FOR DFVX't,., CI.'?~NL"Q'P\! WEATt-IlTR S'f'&'P"EI1N DATR TAiCFN BtJRTNG Auqus~, lt?84 PAY 28 J1A"IcW.B DAY 30 ~gkq BE& ~IWBI GUST %AX, HOUR DEU UIMB ux~a stlsr #ax, ileua DE~ UIND WXBD GUST R~X, HBiDWG IEifP. POINT RH Bra a $Po, 9lR. casT RAD BOHC TEHP . POItlT RH DIR . SPD, DIR . GUST RAI) NDHG TEWP . POIMll RM DIE. SPD . DIR a GUST RAD PEG 9: DEG C X BEG, ~tS BEC, RPS 8& BE6 C DEG C X BEG, 8dS BEG, NiS Ed OEG G BEG C x BE@, 8,s OEG, #/S ipfU I-si.---~*C1-Qls-~-~~~~sl.lotr~~-rrrrrr~CICICICICICI(1(1(P -*..-.a-l^r*~lr-.--(P(P(P--a.-I.-uscr~u-rrrr a-l.----ra--r.r*rC--.(P----(P----(P--(P------------- 6301 -2,B g#+H 14 $45 ti,!, !34 Zl5 C OJDB ?? -6,? 6Q 172 1,2 178 2,s O 8388 f,8 -b,il 53 136 1,7 519 Sll 0 Qbnb -3,7 ~9~1 7T 151 f,2 3.2 1 O$PB -],I j.i%%##70 154 *9 I?? 2,s 1 ado8 -,83%%%1kfirB 165 1,s 162 3,B 1 6988 2,6ns3~e0 ili9ki #B 115 2,s 35osaa sag -5,946 $93 ,b ~$5 ~~aisliet 43 -.a,rrtlr 15s ,& 099 5,7 23 1289 8,s -7,8 3 BOW2 2,f 878 5,7 53 9200 8,6 -5,B 3A 118 22 198 4,4 49 f2#8 "7,b -bl? 36 3=2 873 7-0 SP IS60 11,l -8,824 087' 2,l 884 S,l $7 ISOB til,il -&,OD 128 ?+I 1% 5,t 43 1580 7.8 -6,1135 028 5,s $28 t6,2 42 1888 18,8 =$,6 23 185e 2,4 123 5,J tb t8DO t8,8 -6.7 29 If5 ?,2 t?T 5,f EQ 1880 T,b -.7,18 35 425 6,1 823 1Qa2 18 ?I#@ S,O -7'6 40 145 I,? 129 5,1 11 2XBB 5,1 -7,8 39 84% 3,s 661 "1,4 5 2100 5,@ 41 U2B 6.3 825 H.4 II 24OQ ;4 -$,7 58 18%: l,"s%fa7 2,s fi 28\lOQ 2.7 -5,4 55 163 I,! 172 Zai?. O 2400 3,3 -5,11 55 182 f ,O 164 0 MON"Tk-fl,Y StJNHAR's" FilW IIEVXI ... ChNYON i~lt:!:s~tTHFR SThTJ13N DA*f& TAKEN DI.)RTMG Auq:ru.rt, l9F39 HA!, BAY ih#P, DE2 C -..s"*III.S,*IIIIIFICIW '1 11,8 2 133 3 15,6 "st ,I 5 441~3 43 2l.4 7 91,2 49 15,4 9 rl~,? ID I4.i 91 17F,8 "$ 18,1 13 21, ,2 14 23'1 "n 223=8 16 19,2 17 fi3,;P 18 11.2 1 I?,l 28 10,$ 2 1 "TI $%$if# 23 ##$[#a 24 9,2 25 f$:@ 26 8*4 27 8,1;": 28 P1,3 29 drlf 3 tl T4,9 31 liis7 B8P;.1H 21- ,4 RES, RES, hVGS 6l.X' 3ilibX, BE&% t,d%ND Us0 #lHlC! GUST 61UST P'VhL gEAN TfBP, BIB, $PD, SPD, BlR, SPB, DJR RM BE6 C DEG b+?S #iS BEG HfS Z 289 ,6 *? 397 2,5 UNG 298 ,5 ,? 293 32 qd# 280 ,% ,7 308 3,2 gdU 294 ,P 1,O 300 S,i SSW 284 ,4 3 271 23 UHM 334 ,5 8,2 024 5,t H 295 ,? f ,5 315 5,t !lM 393 f,Q t,2 315 4,4 H# %$4 $2 1$1 2434 4,4 2HG oaa T * .2 2 313 4,4 NM 848 I,? tab 034 6,3 F$#E GBT I.? ?,1 923 b,J NNE 115 f ,? 1,4 095 5,1 ESE 322 $3 f ,4 3$6 5,i We 322 $3 f ,3 :tP 5.7 NU 3tb ,b 13 309 b,S gH# 303 1,5 I a& 3 s,l Rki 278 4 7 3 ?,5 U 293 .8 $9 258 ?,4 B5U 276 s b ,8 313 3,8 9NU 167 ,5 ,? IS& l,P S % 9% 3% 2## fQ%W 98% 9 8% #%#8 BZZ t&@% ### 325 a Lr 2 4 488 5.2 NU 254 .7 !, t ?ST 5,7 id nas 32 434 SS~ 446 1.h ?,5 023 83 NgE 117 !,3 t ,b 078 5,1 E 911 1.3 1,8 O$f If,& ESL 047 2 3,3 82. lj,4 xfiE 854 ,3 1-3 027 7,8 SF OOQ ,3 I, 031 :::j 814~ : : i:?;'~. HA:(, a:[i$;'~ PTJ~~L~Z~ ;;"y+t'rpfa6.,)gIj:; ~4,q .; 1, j ' \ " ' $j a"' 4.1 ;< , \ ' : q j r"l 'f ' ":I R 3 pj I, 'I. (1 , P$ ; + 1% I. : , H~:; x , f; \,I i3 -7 p 1 1) ~i 1 J f; 12 [,J 6) j, (1 , ;.? f;.; $ 1 $; J' \,) 1:; I,.. < ,#\\ -r ~ 4,) $ f; \,j !:; *I' i:) i-, Lj c; ;,;! 61 --[. T-- $*-. [I! ", \,J (.:; ;** ;/, ;\ , ;,:! * -r- ti- --- .+L il p-" !--4 " P La- % -9 Li, SQ&RFT WdHIIf%f TY WIND 3BIR -27 *& w *I Z 2 *? + = - L1* ill *. Fiq i; i 2 & 4:",:3 $.J $2; t&"j I,,. "f - 8% P4 '3- $3 .> 3: PW! t:: s $3 C.4 5:: :I: 'I' tv 8f"a i--I b* X2 13 [ig:] 8^:i",..,, 854: L:: "3'" 13 :I: B:: f:"" $2 I:) ,"1" %i: I:: "Y* k4033RLU SQI- A@ Wt?l>;tAT JON 5t.tHHAR'r' FOR DE14 11.. GfiNWM NEr3'C'WE":R'a"AT CI:i3N DATA TAKEN DURTNG Auqus~, I984 -f: M r"--- ;..$ ;, p. j' pi 7' F' si f:" '1. fi 1' ,:: f] b;a j.i (7 "l;' 1::' t; f?) *{. I; &I Cu!::' +I YI f.2 "f' 1.a { ";" x i:: 1q.r ~4 7. ,. .y; P&RAHE'$ER NtJHEE t% 13tr I.)SBF44.,E PERCENT OF ZfZIBSERRfinT 1: OPiS 'TCITA!,. (3BSEW VAT "C [:leNS -----+.-*---*-.-*-.-------- m---r-rr.nrrt*r*rrr.-~-rurr+.-.-.--~ +.rr..,.....rr...,^l.-.- -.........*-re-m* -.--,... "%--- la W -15 W Paints 817 - 8/11 4-8 8/13 - 8/18 -6 8/24 - 8/21 2, Solax -1 ~W/CH~ Additional comqents on thS s month" sdata: I. RW data suspected to be poor all month due to bad osc'llator, but have been p.e~b"?ished as indicative sf true 1%1* Adjusements have been macle where possible. Eratic data are not usabie from 8/1 to R/7 a:ld 8/19 to 8/2 1, 2, Ma ke~~perature, RH, or wind data 8/21 ti. 8/24 due ta anilml. maintenance. Solar radiation data lost for 3 hours on 8/22 when power was turned aif. Precipieztion da$..2 were estimated daring this 13eriad. 13:5AY ffl DAY 82 iI)A"r'(f 3 @UO -'tat 1 ZT~B MIWD GWSM~X, tseua DEU MIND UXWD GUST M~X, MOL~R DEW UIMD VEND CUSP #AX, iilTaal; TEgP, PDINY RH NR, S?? Dl@, GUST RAY) PtDNb; BERP, POINT RM BIB, SPB. QIB, GUST RhD HDH6 TEHP, PJ1kT RH DIR. SPD, BIR GUST" BEG C BEG C Z BEG, HIS DEG, HIS HU DEG C BEG C X DEG, HIS DEG, i4IS 8U DEG C DEG C X lEG, HIS DEE, Hi5 kU .Ilrr4--4r-C-~.-.-*--D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D.-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D -*..I-B~L--.I--.I.---D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D"-D-D"*"*"* -"Q-~-=C---CI---L.-L.--L.--."-P--""~Y Q381 f,Z -1,3 81 144 I,f 13% 3,2 1388 $,A -2,9 1% 132 t,5 127 3',2 B $308 ,B -1,8 83 125 1,s 114 3,2 Q $65$ -,9 -2'8 84 137 I? 1fl8 1*5 1 6686 0,s -3,Q la3 1,7 110 3,% t obO@ -3,a 84 119 Is& 118 s,i? I 8904 3-7 -f,4 69 080 1,s 104 3,2 26 4980 9,s -f,3 bb 092 1,s 081 3,2 25 a988 3,0 -I,? 78 090 1,s !2P 3,2 25 t?BO f2,5 -t,9 37 875 1,4 222 5,7 52 1200 f3,Q @%#%# 3$ 042 1 ,I 061 2,s 51 6200 13,0 -2,2 39 093 f ,3 053 3,2 64 8508 f4,% -2,8 30 137 1.8 1% 5,a 48 9500 IS,3 -3'2 28 287 t,4 291 3,@ 48 15Bg 13,8 -4,l 29 163 2,2 099 5,7 27 6800 t4,7 -Ps8 30 I81 ,6 353 3*4 20 5806 15.6 -3,8 29 2h3 1,s 244 3,2 19 fBOQ 13,h -9$? 29 0&9 f ,7 B51 5,8 8 ZtOO -2,45j 229 8,Q 225 2,s O220g f0,1 -d47 QY6 ,3 638 3,8 O 2100 10,b -4,136 a40 5,9 130 5'1 B 4 8 -2. 6 118 1% 3 3 O 2410 3,7 -,8 72 %90 t,3 116 3,8 D 2400 ##arw bi 132 ,P 116 3,2 il ~DUR DEU UI~D ~3g9 GUST HAX, HOUR DE UIND UZRP GUST HBX , HWR BEU ui~~ urNs susv AX Wk&G TEBP , PBIHT RM DTW, SPB, BIB, GUST RAf) HDNG TEgP, PQZHI RH DXR. SPD, BfR, GUST RAB NDWG TEYP, POi8T RH FIR, SPD, B%R a CUSP RAD bFG C DES C X BEG, #PS BEG, HfS WU BEG C DEC C Z DEG, His DEG, HIS Hu DEG C QEG C X BEG, Hf9 PFG, BiS H& a-rs*r-rcrll-rarnleprlO~rrr~-~~~~e~.-~~-~~~-~~--~-~~~- -.lrmms-..r^s,r.*------(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(B-*m-------*- -*a--.ra-.aa.l.ac--*-*m-------~--~---------.wIs--Is- 9388 5,5 s%sni$ 63 105 11 154 t ,B O 03tQ b,8 *F*%%w 76 158 1 ,I 1% 3'2 0 QZOn i$,4 *%%## Ph 124 ,5 f 24 7,s 0 DbOB 5s49g9@*72 $48 .4 144 13 OObQO 5,7@3###80 l?P ,4 fbP 13 QOhB9 5,8*@~%38P 118 ,b 692 2,s 0 QPQO 17t33@g@@Sd f5S ,5 153 1,9 160900 8,15*33#72 276 ,3 139 b,P 19 8. . P,4 4,2T5 068 ,7 076 2,s 30 f2Ba i3,9 -,338 i22 2,0 121 5,9 58 1208 f4,2 ?,I 44 B9? 1,3 10R Sll 25 t2tB fO.B##@8%69 Q4h 9,1 872 3,2 $9 15QO f5,6 ,3 37 a13 32 123 T1O 28 fSOO f5,h 1,& 38 095 1.9 055 3,4 23 1580 13.7 3,2 49 332 ,9 351 3,2 41 1806 14,s ,2 38 102 2,s 09% 5,1 7 $868 12,3 4,O 57' 291 1,3 320 5,7 8 !ROO 13,4 2,s 47 315 T,Z 338 5,1 14 7L4Q f1,2 1,4 59 $23 L,9 121 ii14 O 2100 10,2 3'5 b3 212 1,6 205 3'2 O 2500 1'2 9s-EM b61 t9b ,B 219 2,s 0 2400 5,8-#9@%471 %&A 1,2 145 2,5 02400 T,T****B72 193 ,7 588 t,B Q2380 1,2#N%#w75 148 \,Z i24 3,2 1 tBflli2 %d%M WI gF @B 6t15V fihX, HOUR 31Ek BIND #%#D GLIST HAX, HDtif2 BEN bjl;NP UiND CtlSaT bA)i,, t4DH& TEMP, POIEdT Rto BIR. SPB, QiR, rStd5T WhD HDHh", TEkiP, B%l"bb! 814 DTR . $86, DIR, GUST RAD NOR6 Y'FbP POI WT Rf-i BIR , 5PP1 GIR , GUS! R&D OEG & BE6 C X DEG, H/S DEG, i4JS kYb! BEG C BE6 C X BEG, nlS DE6, WS bfU DEG C BFF f Z BEG, lib$ DfG, fiiS fib4 -- * --..,I(--- *-XC-II)-S-.L-IYP-*------*----------e----.=-- --%--.I**-- --.-I*.---I-.-*----~--~*-~*~.--~-.m~-*-- grot A,$ 95 140 ,b 127 1,~ R 0300 3,4 %%#%a 84 133 i,! 1111 32 0 1388 -8 QC 148 ,9 fan 32 8 Bkoo IJ,O 4,699 ilb l,n no9 ?,s o Qh@O 2,h ,385 135 153 2,5 1 Ob09 -,S -,P91 169 ,R 183 2'5 asgia b,~ 4'4 @i7 ,s9 141 1,5 !O 89~0 4.4 ,7 37 "IQ~ :+b ~$2 24 0900 ?,a -,? 7s ,9 167 2,5 21 8206 3,s 5,; 7k 033 $8 Oh9 ! ,B id !Zoo tL3 1,e 4s 1,s 132 3,8 43 f?OD 432 2,4 98 143 f ,a Ohl ?:5 98 ~36Q fn,~ 3,1? 59 ?b5 m8 2%; 5 4 5 44 -,(I 36 job 1,R 110 4$4 94 f504 16'1 -bZIB >Q 708 334 47 $8dC 8.2cs~~w96 34 *8 289 8 18flo E4,r -,43$ $07 1.5 088 3,R 9 tROO 17,s -1,32P 30 1,: 2:q ~$2 jy 2%OQ 1,9 "s? $1 ~hf3 3 153 I 9 B i, -,; rls 15g ;.i is6 ?,s HI 8,s -,a 52 ,a 139 3,s E?l i4 $ tP ,it 1,8 80 136 1,2 va a a 2480 -,s 79 jsa I ,o 123 2,s o zsoo di,6? *-ttn9?a b+ 157 1,0 !3j t,? 6 2 2% P-3 r[:Z 43 P-4 ::; 1,) I,,, -3- E% ha -r "3 , :I: r4 t:: 3':; 1.3 I:"~:H;: -7- P-I 6% 1--8 h3 x) c:] 3::: I.,, B::: 4:: -IF* 1% :a: c::: rq [:I ,-J- 1::: ai:; -7- WDUR BE# UXHB @fEB GUS1 qbX HOUR DEu MIND UIWI) GVSf HbX, MOUW DEU U6M53 UIND 6DST #AX, NDNG TEWP POIHI WH BIW , SFB, DTW, GUST RAB H98G TEHP, POINT WH DIR , SBD, BIR, GUST RAD NDWG TEHP, POIHT WH BIR a SP8, BTR GUST Rhb BEG e BEG c x BEG, nis DEG, nss nu DFG c nee c x BEE, nis DEG, HJS BM PEG c BEG c x DFG, ~1 s OEE* HP$ HQ --~-mr-C-9EQ--~-~m~-~~~--~" - I---------*------------------*------------- 090D 33 +I 36 if*? ,Pi 185 3.2 8 8308 ,R $%### 82 150 ,7 i14 23 O 0300 4,4 -,? 9P 114 ,B 088 32 8 a660 ,8 -3 $3 Bb t2@ it@ 123 5&? BROa -,3 -2,3 88 138 t '2 131 3,2 8 BBO8 4,3 1,2 BO 081 I,4 QWP 3'8 8 @BOO 3,9 -110 70 481 I,? fBb 5'1 22fl90Q ?,a -2,1 73 486 1,2 189 3%2 21 0908 5,8%%%9%95 978 f,5 8% 3,2 17 12QO f3,3 1.2 44 $53 lab 050 2,s 4h 1200 I?,? ,4 43 661 1,b 857 ?i12 44 1200 8,0 3.7 70 359 ,P 053 2,s 22 f5QB fb,? -6,s 36 353 !,4 351 4,4 49 15DU 15,9 29 042 1,0 068 3*2 43 1508 10,5 3,5 82 383 2,9 322 9,4 ?S 1868 H9,3 -Is? 28 If2 I,% 630 5#f 14 fROO 13,4 -3,1 32 261 1,2 278 SIR 8 1800 IQ,O 3,b 64 395 f ,8 324 3,8 4 2100 B,4 -1,746 t%O It@ 884 4,9 02108 all -2,451 183 I,@ 210 1'9 821oQ 6,9 3,981 243 ,P 245 ?,5 D 2400 3.8 -t,3b9 938 $,3 $82 3,2 424BO bill -I,l 68 134 1,4 132 2,s O 2408 5z8%%@W91 168 1.1 196 5,8 8 HQUR DEU UIWD u18~ GUST WAX, HDUR DE@ WIHD ux~a ~usr nax, ~oua DEU UIND UIHB GUST BBX, RBhG VEgP, POIRT RH DIR, SPh), BIR, GUST WAD NDNG TEWP , POINT WM BlR, SPD, D1RI GtlST RAB W'DBG TEHB", POIHT RH BIB, $PO, DRW . @ST RBI? BEG G DEG C X 8EG, MiS BEG, R/S WU DEG C DEG C Z DEG, RiS DEC, BIS 8U DEE C BEG C X BEG, WbR DFG, flIS WU -*-*-----------------------------------"--- -~~-*-~--~~----~--*m-~---e-e--=---m----~--m -m------------B----**-e--mw-*--------'*----- 03P@ 52 Y3 134 ,h 163 I,$ O 8301 9.3 ,X 14 181 I,? fhS 32 O 0300 Pt9 1,0 54 159 f .3 121 3,P O 9600 5.2 2,784 bi? 1,0 125 3,2 OObBO b,2 -,I h4 168 153 3,2 O OklO 9,s 1,159 !28 f,9 135 5,7 6 ~960 5,6 8~ 099 ,? iz5 23 4 aynfi 9,s -2 51 I,r sf& s~ 13 usno toes 2.6 58 154 1.b 159 3,~ 11 tZbO 7,h #g%%% 79 R45 ,S 079 B,9 18 1288 13,f -9 $9 39 09% ?,4 119 S19 ?B 1206 13,4 2,P 48 fl9B 1,7 099 9'4 22 1588 B,c *%a@% 78 320 ,8 329 f $9 1$ 1586 14,s -*ti 3b B$h 2:R 18h 8.3 19 1500 15,fl f ,4 48 044 f ,O Oh8 3,1 18 1800 8,6 5,299 284 !,I 285 2'5 91888 .3,? -,B37 40b 23 123 ?A 21808 14,%*@~~~43 249 ,2 830 32 h 21BQ ~1,4 2,Y @% 189 ,$ ?b9 1,$ O 2100 fl,f -1,4 92 149 114 152 5,% Q 2l@O 8,6 s19 83 323 ,'? 322 3,2 U 2408 2,T s3 84 178 $9 168 2,s 8 2400 7,4 -$,; 94 1b9 lab $41 5,2 O 1400 b,S 9,s 8$ 135 ,9 106 2,s O HBUW DEM UEHD UZ~~D G~~SI ti~if, HDUR BEU UX~B UJHn SUSS HAX, ~a?ii~ DEU urntjn ~i~n GUST #ax, #Btii"; ;r"EWP, Pi"4;%BT RH DIR, SPE, BIR, GUST RAB NBN6 TEgP, POTtIT RH BIR, SPD, bFW, GUST RAIQ NDN& TEBP, POINT RH OIW, SPC, B1R, GUST RkD 3E6 6 DFG G X PEG, DEE, RIS HM DEG C DE6 C ,5 BEC, WiS DF6, BfS SfU DFC; C 61E6 C 1 IDF6, H/S DFG, HI$ l4U _al.__IC--CIL_-_P-~--.~m&--~~**.m*~*----- -----*---='. --------**------*--------------------------- -------------------e---------m------.--*---- 0300 4,b 2,P 88 122 T,B 118 4,4 O 03UO 45 *s*xw BT 188 .9 180 %,5 6 0308 5,1 a+**# 99 134 1,0 149 2,s 6 O&BO 5,2 6 $2 87 TBZ 1 ,$ 105 3t2 O 8k308 F.2 +n+*n 98 $71 ,h %hS 9,3 O BhOO 5,s B%sd+ RQ !3W ,8 130 3,3 0 0906 3,4 ,t 73 085 1,5 195 s,? ry 0980 92 42 $93 958 LD 22 5,8 3,1 PS 115 1,; 134 :{,? 3 1240 10,94nwa%h5 0x47 jet 864 5,T 2:2 12E8 g,d i!,??h 348 717 3.2 1912QO f,b 5,4Rh 044 1,8 081 3,3 8 $580 f4,4 2,2 44 $81 a,J 307 3,R 43 r508 83 5,s 79 306 t J 351 3,2 BQ 150B 8,s 42 74 317 1,1 357 3'8 9 BBfiB 60,2 Q+#fi% 68 ZRk j,J 307 $,q 3 180fi $,I 5,T 78 315 2*5 311 3.3 5 XWBR B,5 76 341 . 27 4, Z~Q&S :,E@#~R+:~I IPT $4 ~3 O~~OQ 727,n99 1~ $8 33 3'2 dz~a~ b,~ 2,377 138 %,4 3,~ o Zfjfle 5,k 87 I87 ,b i,9 fi 24@8 5 5.6 9ii I40 i ,i7 947 V G G4QO 5,s 2*8 83 142 1,b 1% 6,2 Q "I'HREE i-S'i"fEJb? t?tJT*lt'4n:S1RY F'QR XjFtJ I/ ... CAztN'u'ffN WEA'T'I-II"-'R $;''!''AT :?ON DBTA TAKEN fSi.lR :I: NG Saf, Y e~b er\ , 1989 WO~R DE~ UERD MIND GUST ~dtrx, HOUR DEN u~~n MIND BIIST wax, HO\\R DEW ~IINB OXND GUST WBX* HBNG TE~P, PQ~MT ww BIB, SPB, DIR , GUST WAD MBMG TEHP , PDX~T RH QIP, SPB, DIW , GUST RAD Ha#e TEna, POINT RH DIR , SPQ I DIR GUST R~B BEG 6: BEG C I BEG, ~i"S BEG, ~ziS HU PEG C DEG C # BEG, HiS BEG, Hi$ WU BEG C BEG 6 X BEG, Hi5 BEG Hff HU *-~------*-~~~~~~~~-*~---~~--~*~m-----~-e- --w~-~-----m-------w--~-*-**-~--~~--=-~---- -*"---a-----------------m----------ffb------ 8381 5,5 3,f 87 633 $9 642 2,s 0 03o8 ,9 HHggW 91 2Q1 ,4 33 9,B 0 830D -f,4 -2t9 90 XfO $9 OBS 31P O OQBb 4,s I,? BJ 149 $9 165 3,2 O 0$OD 2.0 ~~~~~ 88 Is8 ,P 198 3,s 8 Oh08 -2,4 %@%@# 32 153 146 P,5 O BPOQ 5,4 1,4 75 137 ,P 142 2,s 7 6908 3@4 ,8 83 198 1.8 210 3,8 3 OPOO ,I 75 lf9 ,& 126 3,2 12 12610 6,7 1,3 B8 30% l,il 287 5,9 57 1280 3",8 bgbt#% 58 261 211 5'2 39 1288 7.k -3,s 54 Q59 1,s o?tt 3,2 38 1500 b18 bB 304 1,4 299 Saf 10 1588 8,7 -2,9 42 038 3,B 051 7,Q 33 1504 11,9 -2,S 36 009 653 33 180@ 3,4 ,d 78 %SO 1,4 282 5,1 Sl8OQ W,R -3,243 @30 4,0 824 8,S P 1800 b1,5 -2.837 294 1.2 280 P,5 9 2380 2,R -,3 35 2k3 f ,R 254 3,8 8 2100 1,5 -3,2 ?! 133 ,h O?? S,9 O 2100 3,s -?,2 hb 186 I,? 218 2,s 8 2468 ,D @%#@@ 98 281 ,8 389 3,2 O 24QO -,S -3,2 82 115 5,2 128 3,E 8 2400 $5 -3,4 75 343 ,8 188 3'2 B DAY ;:?i?. :[) & .y ?.. .3 % \ YBA~ 24 HQUW DEH ~IMB ~x~a GBST H~X, HOUR DEB MIND WINP GLIST #AX, Maua E BIND uzian GUST w~x i40i46 TE#P, $01 #T Rk &%R , SPD, QIR, GUST BAO NDRG TE&P, PQXHi WH BXW , SPB, bf R BUST RAB HDN6 TEBP, POiMT BH D% SPD, QIR , GUST BAD DEE C DEG C % BEG, H/S DEG, HiS i4U BEG C PEG C Z BEG, Hi5 BFG, 8fS HU DEG C BEG C II 'EG, fliS BEG, PiJS HM *---~-m~---w~~-~~--~~---------mmm--~--*-*-- -------"-------m--Pm--*------------*m----F- ----------e*--------m*------------------*-- 9308 -3 -3'2 81 118 .9 ti9 3,2 O 0383 l.7 -22 74 It3 % ,4 lil 32 B osoa 3,b -2,3 b5 113 9,3 103 ?,5 0 -,b -3.3 82 a88 9,l if8 2,s B Ob00 ,7 -2,4 80 864 2'2 OBB 3,2 B @AOO +%@#% $4 $87 1,s 119 i,2 8 0980 ,3 -3,h 7% 094 2,0 098 3,2 t% B9BD 2,0 -1,9 75 893 9,8 865 3,8 12 0960 ?,? #%%@% 73 L22 ,9 105 I,? R !2QQ 7,8 -.4 56 881 1.b 088 3,? 7 6206 %0,1 -2'5 $0 073 1,2 093 4,4 ZA 1208 Ye? -2,9 42 698 $8 032 3.8 28 1509 13,6 -2,1 34 083 %,4 061 3'8 -i 158@ %%,5 -'2,3 3b @?O 1*3 R78 Stl dB 1500 f1,l -32 37 88: trP 079 3,8 11 IBCO It ,8 -4,6 33 851 I,@ 171 3,s JI !Boo tilt? -?,& 41 288 i,o 358 3,Z ? 1880 IB,f -3,4 39 885 ,5 044 2'5 2 2taQ 7,s -3*5 45 132 1,9 138 5.8 0 2140 A,4 #*%## 51 181 ,9 204 1,9 B 2\60 P,5 55 ?2P ,a 251 1,9 9 2480 3'2 a%aa# 68 123 1,6 I47 3,? 8 2400 5-3 ~fi#*B% 62 119 ,I3 i2B 2,s $ 2488 6,; cgawc bj 1 ,? kBO 1,J @ HOUR DEU ~~SNDBKNBGUST~~AX, HOL~R DF~ UrNn UIHB G~~SY gbx, MO~IR DEU ursn u~g~ cbsr ~i, ti~e$g "F~P. PFIIIZT RH BIII, SPD, BIB, eusf glan ~"IDHG TE&P, POI~T RH DIW, SPB, DIR GUST BAD ~IBNG TFYP, PBTNT ~4 FE~, SPD, DIR , G~ST RAD DEG C BE6 C X DEG I N/S DEC, BdS Hi4 BEG C OEG C X BEG, 815 BEG, NIS Wbl PEG S. BE6 C X yjtEG, i4iS BEG8, PI^ LIIUirU^r6n-iprXIA-~~~~~~~~nrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnr -BI-tli~--.roUI*U--pra--Onrnrnr-nr--------------.I---- --------.------nrnrnr-nrnrnrnr---nrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnr- OSOQ 6,Q #a### 13 189 ,7 139 1.9 C 03CC 4,O .1 19 811 B Ill 3'2 O 0300 8,3 Pk 093 1,4 185 5,? 6 9940 4,8 gr*i#fj 93 ls9 ,S 119 f,9 0 3bBO 2,5 -,4 84 fB3 %A 69b 9,2 O Ohan 1$5 -,4 87 88k $,b 1P! S,P @ OBOF 5;0 %?.*#% 84 128 ,? 135 1-9 4 0900 3,W ,3 17 894 1,3 031 2,s 19 8900 ?,Q -,9 84 687 1,7 ORB 3,z 5 13p ?,a ita#aa 71 053 ,8 889 1,9 33 5280 9.k a++w 5R 063 ! $8 0711 2,s 15 $2QO 9,3 1.0 56 oh8 I,? 01t j,3 3$ 1560 W,O 3.8hh 521 ,1 295 3,R j025PO 9'9 r,P57 634 ,5 09P 3,8 12 k50Q 1?,7 -,?40 87'0 &,2 074 :{,fj ?q lBOQ 8,~1%sEfi9~1bR ?W3 9,2 2R1 2,5 2 $B8Q B,l ,555 139 $5 Ill 2,s ?!ROB 16,7 -,546 Ti33 1,4 281 3,: 2 2\01 n,fl#%%#~$?? 908 ,? 262 O!%fia 4,8*%e#k7$ I,$ 2,s 4,3 -1,5&& tR 4,3 149 38 Q 2488 3,8 ga#i~ Rfi 157 $8 *151 i ,B ii ?*I08 ?#,9 -,$ 4Q NfiP *B 096 3,2 E) 2400 3 $8 .-2,7 '72 IsQ 1,;s 2,~ 0 Tt.Sf"aE HtIUR $.j;a_l%b%$~RY FOR XlEVXt,., C$)iZl)ell.(lN %fl:AIP1'tilER 5-T(A11[I:TOPtf Bi4TA TAKEN DklR IMG Sefi tenber , 19E14 !48U1 BE# MX#B RIND K#T ghx, HDUR %)EM UIND UHND GUST HAX, HfltlR DEU UIWD UIWD WST #fixc APS TdF, P0X#T RW BIR, $Pa, B$R, GET" RAB MBHG TEHP I POINT WH DEW. SPB, BIR, GUST RbB WBR6 TERP, Plt)fHT WH DTW, 5F9, B%R GUST RAD KG E DES C X BEG, HIS BEG1 HU BEG E DEfl C 2 DEG, BPS XIEG, BfS BU BEG h= BEG C X DEG* HPS BEGc fiJS WU *~-~B~~CRBI.C~LI-~~aII(II(II(II(II(II(~-*IOIOIO~~*-~~~~~~~ -*~---~~~~rn~~w~--*-~*~*~-m*~~*~"~~-m--*~~~ --**-m-*-****---=*---------------*---------- 1399 lcS .-%,B74 128 $,4 1143 3.2 O03QIS 7,B ,7b4 111 2'1 311 8,3 86388 b,fl 4,389 20Q 1.2 197 2,s O BBPR ,$ 82 IS3 ,9 $SB 2,s 0 0408 b,8 2,s 73 112 3,l 094 7.6 O ObRO B,B #sgg# P3 1B 110 293 fsB O 5,f %=@% 5E $59 ,B 175 a15 7 BY@@ 9,3 3,2 72 122 b,T 159 5,7 7 B9flB 7,4 3,2 1& IbJ 34 181 2,s 7 1288 18,B ~~~~~ 46 $38 ,3 IQR la!? 31 1200 P,B 3,8 kB 105 2,1 093 6,3 PI 1281 11,5 2,& 55 $07 1,2 $18 3,8 32 5568 12,4 -I*& 38 18% ZtS 124 7,8 54 S50B It ,3 4,1 bS 103 3.2 11R I,& 7 150t 11,R 1.4 49 123 2&B 124 5,7 15 0888 3fYC -2,s 39 E12 1'6 10$ 5,7 f 1860 ?I,$ 4,b B? If5 2,2 123 $,3 B IB00 11,8 -ls8 44 103 2,4 837 I 21OC 8.6 -,a 52 $89 Zsi 339 6,s B ZdBQ PI% 4'2 PO 134 ,B 098 3,8 O 2180 Q,? ,2 55 088 2,& 835 1'8 B 2466 7.2 $9 &3 8YB 282 W85 683 D 2460 8a4 4*1 74 181 I #I IA3 285 B 2908 886 sb 57 404 2,4 fIl &,S 8 MUX"F"L-jl..Y Sif fiMjr23R Y FOR DE"rlV:CI,. Cr?rP\'YON MEATHER SaY'A7'I ON DATA TAKEN DURXNG S~a%e~ber, :t984 WESd RES, AVG, %Xg RAXl @hY4$ BEAH UX#Ii) @I%b U%HD GUST GUST BWL #EA# #EAW 50tEbR EEP6Bl BIB* SFD, SPfli, DXR , SPfi, BIB, RH DB PRECIBr E#ERFV B6Y BEG f: E His R/S DEG 81s z BEG c nn u~iso4 ,"I"~PI~--r-~c.--~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~-~~--~-"--~--~~-ILILILIL,~-------~~CICICI 3,4 924 ,? 1,4 122 S,? SE 53 -2 44411 P 7 $9 185 ,4 f ,5 IfQ 5,1 ESE 55 -?,a CEO 375 2 6,s 087 1,s l,B QP3,7 ESF, 59 -8 0,0 %12@ 3 P,Z 525 I,? f,5 123 7,8 ESE 44 ,5 0'8 35?G 4 rea,i; 155 ,3 1,1 328 5,9 ssu 51 ~7 o,o 2330 5 9,9 t36 2 1,1 338 7 E 61 2,$ 0,O 23bSii b 8,B 141 ,5 I,@ 209 4,4 Sf 30 3,7 8,; 1855 7 8,6 115 1,3 1,4 EIO 9,9 ESE c i &4 2 3525 B 8.5 104 ,2 EII iSB 3,8 SE 35 -,5 0,0 3499 9 8,T 889 ,9 t,4 IOb 5.1 E5E 55 -,8 @,B -- & 3330 18 7,P ill ,b 1,3 279 3.R !E 56 -I,? a>% 3138 15: 7,4 358 2 1.3 312 4,4 E 72 2.5 2&0 21399 52 5,~ 147 2 *9 15 3,2 s 82 3,s 2,2 $243 13 8#7 627 6.5 t,0 98-h 8,3 S 19 - Ir 8113 f3"li 14 19,W 124 ,W f ,3 135 5.7 ESE 60 2,s 1,4 1988 15 8,2 105 ,3 t,3 3B7 7,B E 14 2,2 BnO 2TB"J16 5,s 236 ,2 .P 149 4,4 SSE 59 5.5 1,4 I!% 17 7,1 127 , 1'2 247 9,4 %E 83 3*6 8,R 1315 18 4,4 261 ,4 1,t 290 5.7 U 71 1.1 3,B 1145 $9 4n8 869 ,7' 1.8 824 8,s S b3 -3,9 3,2 2215 2B 5,2 125 ,3 %,a 065 3,8 SE 57 -2, D1@ 27b9 24, h,9 10B f ,3 S,S 857 3*R E 58 -2,9 Q,O 2608 22 6-3 095 9.4 Ea4 078 1 E 59 -2,2 @,a "t8B 23 6.3 114 $7 1,0 672 333 ESE 50 -2.7 0,0 134~29 6,1 193 a i "8 295 3,8 SSO 73 2.7 1'2 1265 25 1,2 984 ,8 trl 099 3,R ESF 73 8,O 1580 26 b,? 101 .7 5 @8f 3,8 E bW - Q,@ ?@35 27 6,4 117 4 , 134 7,0 ESF 53 -1 ,R O,Q 1520 28 8,9 118 1,P ;.I R$? 7,& ESC hP >,I ,2 648 2P 1 I%B st? I,P 897 ?.h ESF b3 1,R 8,0 I456 36 1,4 163 ,? E,3 Ibti E,i ESE A? 32.8 68330 NNE ,69 a 5VI % &3 0, OfS 0,OO f"i [I il [I, 'a'i 2 , 22 ME 3 g 2% 4,63 @ 21 fl, 00 fl , QO {I DO (1, QO 5 , ib t? E@E 11, Qs 5 sc?7 ,Q7 0,OO 0,QO ,OD if ,f30 ,~;p % ~$3 E :11.53 fQ,&B : 28 iZs80 0, OQ 8, (50 $1,00 $zfso EST* -.., 3,1Y ;"3,ht3 3 $37 O,QO -0, 630 ff , 0 f\ ;; , 8) i) "f ,2 i..~ $ &F AHFTFR N\JMRFR Ci:riz i.iSPT+"JiE PFWi:ENT GF OBSER{!<+f TOMS TOTAL QBSERVAT? QNS -lrrllril-rr*-n-----~-m---rxrrrrr*mb.r.lx-rrnrrrr-rt-~rr-l.r+lr---rrrr.lon"-l.-------------,--- 2, E3-l -6 EF Paints Adaitiur-~l comments on khis month" sattar 1. Tb~~ing and qxaqtity of gracipitatio81 are suspect an days vilnesce freezing teznpexatures occur, Ga%?ever, thawie3g temperatures on these days also occur, so daily totals should be accurage, $160 precipi%ati~a data fcr Ock~b;?lr (See IMWWmTATHOH OF D&Tk) -* r NREE MQljR 5ij~ipjARls' FOR I".FVff.. CeaibYCIN WEATHER LON D&fk "F&k;ES GURXP5G act aber IPRLI HGUR bE$ UISB UfSD CllSi B&:C. ;OUR EEW be'"-' f%nf &ST %&X1 HDOR BE# U~%D ~S#B sassy H&X, TEgp, pQf+iV WN b%g, SPB, BIR. gd57 W~ n3gii; TEBP, PDTHT WH BlR, SPt, tTk, GUST RAB 81"vG fEkP, POINT RB D18. SB8, B%Rb GUST WAD DEG C BEG C Z BEG, )SiS BEG, EPS KJ BEG C DEG C Z DPZ, %i% BEG, HdS Ki BEG C BEG G L BEG, HiS PEG. H/S Kd ._--9_OI----*-~(_I-----~--.m-~~------*~------ ------..*--cII-----l-ll------..------------- ----r---------.l--u.LI--------------------*----I*-X- @396 -,5+%*%%92 J45 ,9 551 i,? $3388 -4.9 -8,598 145 !a? 190 2,s 363QQ -3,$EK%#*T5 a87 ,3 $53 j13 fi 0668 -.? -1 $7 96 123 ,9 126 2,s B ObDD -5,8 -8.5 81 130 i35 2,s 8 -5,s -8.4 82 140 ,5 128 1 ,a fi 8986 -fJ@a$&%z93 118 b,2 389 3,z 4 @$00 -6,$ k%@%#W2 172 i,l i55 3,2 3 1803 -f,6 a%%#* $33 81% jsO ti6 3,2 2 j?@& 5,4 *%%6% 72 584 ,6 If9 2.5 35 1288 -E,b -7.5 63 2e9 .a 384 2,s 11 129D -2,8 -6*4 7'5 049 t,O 844 3,s 13 159fr 5,; -z,? 44 $28 2,E 832 5.7 14 $54$ "%%%a 43 288 ;S ,?Rj Bt6) 12 1%; ,4 -7-8 -" 53 311 ,$ $29 ?,5 10 $8 2,s -6,651 635 2,1 333 &,3 O 1B9G -is! -1G,$ 51 242 %*2 248 T,S 8 1889 -2.8 -8,362 238 !,I 275 7.5 8 [ -ah -6,y 65 f&3 jij ?=5 fl 2tfifi -4*j r%%%# 69 985 i ,$ 734 I,? 8 leilo -3,9 .&@%as 68 12 I,$ 189 2*5 O ?4@4 -3+4 34 144 9%1 138 3,2 0 2806 -3,: a%%*% 72 145 ,4 t49 3,5 D 2280 -4$1 -8 153 i,D lb2 2 5 F dObk ", - GZ+~I~ ~I~IB GUST ft&, HOL~P ~JNP u~gn GUST AX, izolig PE~ TAP ai~e 8&x, tzBWG TEsllP PQfbT 2ri big* SF@, 53, QJSi kAG tiBi$G IEt\P, PC?I.,IT Pi4 $PO, Erlk Gb5"rhI: $BMG TFHY POINT R+ Bik, 5PD, 18T;B G?jS? ?At BEG C BEG C 2 DEG; BiS BEG, 8% dU pi=- g;t ;;?:& i: : fil;cIC, 8;s PFF. gjS i;fiki DFG C DEG @ I KG. #/S GFG, fi$ .- ----XI-*Il-il-----------------------v------------ ----------ll------- -------------------------- 0300 -5,3 -7,bTZ 138 $9 165 3,? 4 8586 8,fi -!$.I S$ 094 9.1 7,B 0 $303 --3.'?-f&,d 32 !,A 132 >,Q fi -5,s -J14 74 $33 ta3 t3b 3,2 $ @o@$ -1 -4 -t<,3 29 680 2 -: 664 &*3 ij $b&Z ,& -1?,4 ?"LlQ ?,& ttP F,i $ I1 1F1 @?03 -3,s -6,tt 7$ iBP *9 B25 2,T 16900 -i.B-jT.h 28 158 18 1% 3*8 B QFiiil -,9 -97.9 5 113 15: 3 1 8 $ I,? -?,? 44 10) 7 f;R";:aA 4 f>bQ 2 b -??'3 14 147 : .& z98 $ !Z5Q g,? -!Rc3 ?9 110 1 3 Qi7 4 .4 - f"JiG &,3 -&,9 3@ 2Tx,t! 097 6,: 4 1580 5,8->~1,8 9 03,: ;c p92 8,; 9 ht@ -iRlj 118 5 !g$Q Zs: -41,8 i5 199 3.2 roS 7.4 I ';@lo 4.3 -?h,d ? 899 2 5 09i 4 3 $813 3,s -19,: 17 '12 ! ,? Iar 3.8 3 $2 -I:,")"$ 1;s 2nP 1219 5,: fi ">!$@ 2 4 -28,: f? 124 t,c? ~fl 4*3 2 -!,5 -I&,? 32 172 9 lsfib ,) -13,; 3i3 1898 2 "$8 8,; -2,:& 2a~sy $3 * $a j37 5 f 8 2,jCQ --\,a -15,b 53 j!" j,2 i,i 3 :I THREE MQ\jR SLrBiqARWFOR DEVIL CsPIN'f't?N IJEATHFi? STATDQN DATA TAMEN DEJW 'EP44"J i5c: a afas?;. , J P@Q hV& E 3fWB NZgD 6LSF MX,. Ma@$" BEh UIND #I#B GUST PmW, FaUR BE UTE3 UTHD GUST gAXL #B% fW, PQTgT Rki BXRI SPB, &lg, GUST BhB BaDRG TE#P, POIBT RH aZRI $PQ, b18, GUST RAB #BR6 TEMP, POIHT RH LlZk Spb, DER, GUST Rlf3B 3EG C BEG C E KC &b-S PE13"p8 HJS Hi4 BEG C FEG C Z BEG* WiS OE6, US ti# BEE 6: BE6 C X DEEGa ft/S BEG, 4PS p%W ---~--~-~-~-IIIIIIC-~~15^1-.I---U111. --m~.-~-------l-.*---a*-C--I~---QII.-----.L C--"--1-*-11--1-~~-CI-~4----I1----~-----.--.--- 05BB -5,2 eggs 3& 322 ,7 124 1.3 8 @308 -4,s *r@wu 45 f41 i.4 138 %,2 O 6308 ,I -83 51 134 24 141 ?A 8 8&0$ -3,1 -54,s 42 t98 "7 267 2,s 8 06WO -4,Q #%%@a 45 128 .8 Ilk f,P 8 0688 -,B %%a#% 7P $61 ,? 150 2,5 B 3388 -2,9*=45 1@$ E9 136 ZrS 6 09BB -3.&hRf%Q5Q 'bS7 ,b 427 fi3 1 DSbiQg 3,1 -7,845 163 2,B 193 Et?,? 2 124P -,8*%~9 41 k42 ,5 123 2,s $9 1288 -I,5 -IB,Y 49 198 ,b 1B8 3#2 e? I?Qb 5,1 -b,P $F 104 3.4 897 8,B IB 1580 2,i -11,2 37 2&9 1.8 267 3,% 13 1508 -,8 -!0,5 48 899 2,$ 879 5"7 5 fSDQ 5.1 -7,3 39 t0@ 2,9 ftg 7,0 tfl f8@Q --,I *%%3%42 23P Ie2 255 3*2 Q f8g0 -3,5**@##51 123 1*5 la5 9,4 B 1ROD 4'5 -8,439 BR9 2,s 891 5,7 1 2188 -23 -12~3 49 143 123 2,s 8 2100 -1.7 -?,I 51 %8$ 1.4 691 2,s 8 2100 33 -6,5 47 898 2,3 093 7.0 D .s! ;r- 24~~ -3,8 -14,1 45 841 I,? 149 3,2 & 2400 .? @c%@w $0 936 lfZ f3h 3@8 0 2400 9,f -5.7 49 631 1,s $23 4,f 8 MkR DEU @fig# VIED gk5V HkX, MdUW EEU uI8R Sl%D CQST #Ax. HOUR BEM dl4B MT%B GGT E4X tjDH6 TEbP, POlHf WH BiR, SPB, DiB, GiliSV 8;lnF i4QNG TEW, POINT 5% BIB, SPb, bER, &ST 886 tiB@G TEHP, POINT EH E93, SPr*, D;9, 6b53 FAP C BE2 f E BE@, fiJ$ BEG, ~iS $6 FEk; C DEC C- 2 BEC, US BEG, &/5 i4W DEG D BEG C X EE6, HIS DEG, diS kb B"-b*--o..l)-r-*-~~----~~---.m--~----~~~-~- "I*-*-XC--IIIIwm-*-------^- -tC*----d--rcl---~~.----"-"------w-*-~----~---- !33SrQ 3,4 -4,55k 582 ,P 096 3#fj B0386 -.39? 2$5 I,& 2S4 2,s BBSOta -3'"i:&,781 *#%@#H %%*uiFU# 0 G&Q$ 4,s -5,@ 91 $65 2.5 489 8,s $ -,7 -2,4 $5 278 I,$ 238 3.2 6 -9,d ?A +zJ& I$%* ,<$k t-CWR 8 BP@@ -4J 5f 183 2,3 107 T,& 1900 -1 ,: -?,$ 99 ugcs a#% 463% 1 $938 -8,4 -1% ,4j 3b En% %#n# a68 @~%#~x 1 ;?Q@ &,4 -3,$ 99 498 1 ,@ 897 5-1 i?oQ -1 z$ -3*5 87 SX% -%%*% &6% @ma 3 irQa -&#4 -14,3 69 %a% nws 4~3 wtza 3 3588 -3,8 47 163 2.h $04 &,3 3 1500 -5,g -4.4 84 nm wkr swt %%%a 1 t50B -2,z %#%i% 59 !0y ,2 195 3- ~SBO 4,s ,575 $28 1,~ !fig 4,4 a agog -?,T -5.sgn 33% wiw 33% 8 IRoo -b,o -lo,$ 7: 137 1,~ $29 ~,5 4 2135 3,2 ,9 83 232 ;9 228 3,1 O 21@0 -3,s -5,g 82 *c# $n*% sz$ U -8,o -11,3 77 ew #%%# RIE 9 5 8 2488 ?*5 e+%%% 88 271 1 ,@ 2&5 3,z 9 240g -3.b -&a 82 %%%, SM %#an 0 2980 -g,z ##kg# T? P@% 2~9 2,s 0 Ti<BEE bakfR SUMMARY FGR DEVIk- CANYOH WEATHER SVATI0N D&Tk TAkFti DURmlpiG Qc tnj2e~~ , 1 YE4 D&"u" "u"3 DAY 23 38 B@d% *-tl uk% #Iklb U%HB @Sf MAX HEGR BEU UiBD @iHB GUS1 FAX, Hr[lI# DEU UiBD UIND GUST" gAX, #&G Tm?, POINT Wki D7W,, SB, QXR, GU5"fhQ BB#G XqP, POINT RH LfiiI2, SPB, DIR, Wr5B HDHG llEi4Ps POZ#T Rh DER, SPBI DXBI GUST RAg &EG C BEG G 2 FEg, #ES KG, B$S %ii PEG C Kt^: C X DEE, HfS BEG, t.415 BU BEG G DEg C: X BEG, HiS BEG, %IS W# @3Be -i%:S -t7,% &5 8841 1,s fl&9 3,s 9 ts3@@ -1@,6 -?3,tt 34 128 1,s 128 2,s 8 @3@0 -t! ,4 -23,81 3b 198 2*2 110 1&4 9 $688 -52.9 -I?,? 67 a78 Zaf 8&5 4,4 33 8698 -"13 --221,9 51 "502 1,3 1XS" 3,2 Q ObaQ -fO,f?, -22,B1 37 18% 2,s 181 5,2 Q 691g -j%3,8 18,9 86 391 2,s $88 4,? B $808 -f2,O s%%a% 38 108 I,@ If3 2,s 8 45308 -9,T -22.4; 35 8% ZbR 887 52 O a285 -5-9 -18~3 38 185~ z,.? 1s 5,t 3 tzal -T,P -~,5 JB 691 I,@ 108 3,z 4 -7,9 -2~~81 35 883 2*4 987 $,I P l59@ -2,3 -I?,$ 33 2,8 fBI 8,: 2 15D@ -5'9 -14.8 21 888 f ,$ 1198 3,8 5 "hJBI -6,7 -26,41 "s 087 2*1 BgO 5,t 2 188C -5gB-"EB1332 &&9"%9 8bb 6,3 11848 -YS3-?$,4%8 1% I,? 187 3,8 25800 -&,9-?4,3,34 987 2.4 992 5&1 O ZlgS -6,5 -21,3 38 9931 23 89P 7,b D 2kCO -t1,3 -24,5 33 $19 I,? 557 3,S 1 21DI -bl% -19.81 35 398 2,s 086 5,l 8 240! -8A -?I1!? 33 929' Zxl I38 5*P B 2408 -S2@2 -24.3 36 917 Zal 627 3%8 8 2408 -7,4 -28,Q 36 '1103 2.2 fOB 4:4 B . -- *~up E UXgZI %IHD GUST #&4 @la6 TW, PO%kT RH B4W ,, SPBh, BZW, Gai%T kAD BEG E DES I Z 33, #IS DEB, 3fS ## 3RXs n%H. BAY TEHP, TEP? %Eg G BEG E --w---e--P+..-. f $!",3 %,8 t 9*& %&a 3 3",8 -%*Z 4 aa,5 5 81,a -, 1 d 9,1 , a 3 C t F,3 - ,7 8 7.3 a 4 B T,"s-'"t ,5 ra ?ti3 -5x2 11 4,e -$l& 62 ?.!-I ,! r 3 4,g -3.4 19 2,b -"&,3 i 3= lr li *? -&,2 $6 Li13 -xsy 17 t~,t -2.9 18 B*8 -3J 19 2.1 -4,s ZB ,3 -4,h 21 6~~0 -,? 22 ?,7 2,B 23 t,8 -3,b 14 -5 -8,6 -4 - 23 , -8,s 26 -*8 -9,5 27 -4,O -11,7 -2,? -13.9 28 -5,7 --I%,? 5 6 -h6b -j2,? 3-2 1.0 HobliH 1?,5 -i3s9 fiAX, GUST PYbt HEAW MEhH SPD, DEB, Ra FP PREClP gi5 2 BEG c nn --/___U__L.-I------------------- !D,Z 5 57 ,3 %%a% 3,8 SE 74 1'8 SWW# 3,z ESE 82 -1 $0 $#-&!t 3,fj E 88 -4,s 3#%% J,$ EsE 31 -4'4 %@En 3'8 S 55 -2.6 3,8 ESE 73 -1 %#@+ 6,3 SE 35 a,? 3,z SE 98 -,4 6%8% 6,4 5 78 -3,7 asza 0.3 ESE &B -23 nasr 2,s SE 82 -f ,& #%%* b.3 #HE 64 -$,9 ###n 3,a SSf g7 -R,$ %%%% %-, ." * 5 ? -8,g #an% 7 *fj ESE 51 -9,g %%k# 7 ,Q 21 -zB,~ ggag 5.3 ESE 24 -17,7 #@%a i,? ESE 92 -7 #%%& rm j,~ ESE 48 -!$s? %*%% 1Q.2 9 4b -7,3 M*P% 8,3 ESE 59 ->*B *%%% 3'2 fj& - %@a* T.5 SE 75 -9,7 @##% E,9 5; 48 -14.0 $5; 41 -if 3 B"-j - J. 49 -j7*7 %%E* 9,s E 97 -!8,3 saw* 3,8 FSE 33 -33. P~S 5,7 E 35 --12,5 %##% 5.3 EE 4h -lo,? wan : a,? ESE 56 -R,5 +x## P: iv iq E @F E $*J if - I2 ESE 55 5*5E P -3 SSU $3 &$bJ i.4 id;4 b ~4 Lj rl-1 iBI 01 C, b"~l t.. :" i f:t , 0 0 @*I%@ Q,OO Q ,[I@ 0 ,@hi 0 (1 If, cn 0, I10 b. 00 id . 43 $1 ir , f:iO 41 . rl I1 fj , 4.B 0 , rl tt rB , ;in rt , I) ir ... . t,j "( f; i, f , 1.. p. f: {i,j 1: iba{ r, ;f 6:. a. C> x ('*$ 1: $1~ j.: [j i4 F:' !:> !:; [:.' rb j' p.! $> UJ I I. (", \:' p.j i ... ,, I- n ..:L kJ - J~ t.1 i.'4 I.,. '{: lj 'i. g~.! 6 {'",@ !:; F:: V ii 'V' 1. i'$ r.: i , ; : F:, eY 1, 4 f 1 " C .. 1,) i.' . . j .- j'i . i.t F' 6; 1:; (2 f ) c ? (', ',!' C? \ ,, pj b) i.i 1;i * i "j i>t ;, 3 :; \:j ,[ .,:3, pi .y.) [."I y; {:;, 4:; \J i:+ ',!. "1 { ) (:$ i>j f !> f.! (.*) i,"j 1:. f.: i:' [" {*: I..) {2 v.2 \ , '-f $7 {"j 6; \,; i.1 \ .\ !. j\; 1 1 I::, 1.) .? ( ,; , . . ,k e2 i,: "' ., ~ ""' t" ~' :> :"" 'Y .' ,,, . ., !.. . ;, $1, 1 an 1, $, , 1 1, ( j jt~ pj f'j 1 1: <:; {4 .T !:.; p~! 1) ('1 i;' hj nl 7 !.j 4 ? iY> 17 /:j i-t F:, .,% - < Zit# SCtLA2 RADXdTJDi? V&t tiiSS MEf4SUP;FED ?N r"SSf l.1, %WATTS PER Sf2;ltEARFI CFNB%PlrlFTFR a%%f %i;-tg%T fBN 5tJd4MAEa Y FQW I'k$?i$KI,. r.f%tasNYflN fhSlEg>T14ER sTr;?lTXDH =*h~& '%a TAKE@$ QijRTNG Oc z ebsr , 1984 PARAMETER k, 533 -6 W Points aod3- - lOpl6 -1% lo/l6 - L0/3% 2, Solar -L ~X$/@M~ la/l - 1sj-a~ -2 lO/lG -- 4 lOfl7 - 1.0/18 -2 1@/i9 - 18/20 -2 noj~x - lot24 -2 SO/ZS - lOJ31 ~dCi tianal coracents on tki s n~ankb s data: 2. SoXztr radiation eracjal: ow several days, Adjuskrfiernts made to obtain minimax values (at niqk-5) r$f zero- 2, Int~:rlnitten"dwin3 rpeed and di.s.ec"ion data last dite ko f~:e>zr-.n acenlo- n~et~:~ and wind vaie, m$&Ljg - C. gig!: &fJi GifSI &$X. 3:!~9 $:upg:@;sgl,t.SyPA:, - - sru & 4@:E rrmu fjT?,& TEJ$; 9%+1 gd k\E $pp G$g QgT R$& dP$G TEWP, PQT&T WF bje, i=jPl,f- E:F f&$T Qkb a@$& f 5% PQT@"4 FF"? Qlf, SF, 2lk a &L~T 2a"*13 - ..m- - -- **c ." *-- trs .i_" 733 f f sips eS BEG @is &g @=a h Pf6 C 1 DEG, Pi;$ REG HIS hd g::* ,l 1 F'G, BdS BF&, ~~--lrr---^caar-~rra-~x.r-~a-.rrrrrr-~-alll --rur-^------rr-ur----ns-c*-ra*-rr;r.rrrrrrsarr-+r-*a~rr^-l*r -I-rr-r~c-rrr--a---iii----.------------**-*r--- a*"".": - - $2~: ->%j WS~ 53 135 1% 2,s 8 813gt3 -8.4 -27,s 32 119 6;,3 $9; 3,: 5 $?$$ -f@,f, -jB,ji 3; fg{ ?,3 fjb8 5,- -?,$ -fa,& $3 -5 jcz 6 8808 -ah,g -22.4 39 @34 2,j 392 3,z fj 5~84 -ti,% -38,431 55 ?PP f -9 $95 3,8 8 $$$? -5-4 --24,25$i ",3 I,? 154 S,i @~~@8-${,4-~~,44~ $78 Zs3 4g3 5.8 6 @?Q~-P~,&-!@,$I$> f.8 fg3 3,8 - *.. lzg@ -5 3 -I&,@ 52 ie$ 2-6 $45 4,4 2 fz@Q -Tqf -:ie7 35 ?,4 $5 SE1 f:g$ -P,4 --$&,I ?+ f ,b 162 5.R 2 jsgz . -fga~ 23 . ~4 z-5 a n.g3 a- * - - 3 $53~ -3.t -16,2 36 2,~ $13 ~~7 3 gSga -3.3 -j3.~1 43 Q87 ";z BS~~ 3,E 5 $ 5-73 -21 2-8 $48 5,: 3jRa@ -re? -nb.P3~ 151 33 f38 5*7 j 980E -5.7-$4*0 45 694 tR3 $BI 5,2 @ 2155 -3~ -?xJ~ ;,3 123 4.4 4 21s~ -5,f 39 12s 4-1 ~33 7,& fj :I@*$ -&,? -14,q f> ";f3 1 , 123 2-2 6 2938 -4.4 -25-2 3% 52 144 ?j,B 5 P%$& -8,o -37.7 66 CP3 $,.t$ !zB bzg $j 22496 -:&I -I&,$ bZ 89 1,; 320 i H@&4 S."' iscB @IgB @f&D QbsT #AX d8Ud BEd glH3 Ul26 GUS1 #AX, P3UR fjEB klifif* &I@$ @43T KAY 8Bg6 ihP, fOZgY $k &lP, SPb* BIB, @L%f R63 ti@&& YEHP, iirQ%gt RM DEB, SPP, DIP, GUSB PAD g$N& TppP, PDIgT RH Qik, SPB, E1Ri GgE? @i..8 $2; QEG ~13 BEG. ~5 gd BEG c T#EG c x BEG, IVE~:, ~15 DEG c PEG: c x ns, nrs QEG, BPS iw * -------a----------------em------------- 0360 -G,I -85,s ~2 $97 z,e $91 3,s 8 0300 -s,e -rr ,7 6; 23 a13 5,r a 83ne 2,s re r;s 1 ,j 476 p P&E@ -%4,5 -16,T %2 b71 2,4 g73 5,8 6 0808 -5,4 -1 1 ,S b? 115 t ,P l#l 5.1 8 @&@a -,s -1,s 91 159 ,B 117 2,s fl 0908-$$,8-fB,&81 fT? 2,s 875 5,8 0 PqOD -4,4-fD,E64 SQfi I,? 947 5.2 4 5PBB -,2 -*B75 756 I,@ 233 3,P O -@**IF1 1284 -13,h -f&,3 dB $77 ?,a @77 5,s 4 lzQ@ -43 -7.2 g4 102 I,? 381 5,f 1 1289 -,j un%wr 95 245 ,$ ?&S 2 $508 -fi*a -t4,5 79 873 2,4 634 4,4 f f58B -&,3 -6,b 88 $$7 ,Y 688 2,s 0 1506 -,7 -I,ig 44 2% 285 3,s f 9809 -$%,3 -14,F 8$ ti?# 2,4 &b 3,E 8 j88O -,5 -4,y 72 12% 1,5 Ibb 4 iBBP -2*8 wn@##, 93 253 .? n7 f P"- 218b -8,I -8:,7 45 37$ 1,; 07$ 3*ff 0 21@$ la$ -3,3 68 698 3'4 ID2 8.3 8 -zj& f%fM 32 I,; ,4 f52 1 9 G zt&@ -5,a -~8,9 && 162 2,F ji? 5,j 8 2400 t.3 -?,? 72 897 3,9 897 9,s # 2498 -2,T -3%; ?> Iff ,5 2,s 48u# J #IRF SXqD g&f fi3X, #kB g~g ~IBZ) gia3 gfi~, ~~:tg DE~ ~J$B kj~& f&$.y n&t', HDgG SEfiF, 3Q?k$T Rk GXR, SPD, BTR, CEjST RAB %Dg& $E@P, PCikf Rsd QjR. SFb* 512 GUS? Q&b Hitfic Ff 53 POTB;I? Fh bIR SPb, &IF, Gd65 8&l* FEG 6 2 3 BEG, BEG, fiiS fi~ BE2 C DEG f Z DEf-, +US $fF, HPS HM ljE$ C DEC C i PF*:, fits BcC, e:s kb O*___C-_I_))_I_II_-e---------~----------------C -IPCI-..--------I-FI---LI-----------------*----- -------------.----.--------------------------- 0368 -3z&+%k*a33 %& ,? jfB I,$ PD308-f2,dwn%w%R& f4g ,b $55 1-9 043fi$ -y,;%$%%r $3 $77 ,5 if? :,s fi ~bgg -4,2ssgrra~ $92 i,g 077 zS5 8 86@g-j2,1 3aswn87 158 4 4 e~hfip-~f,j ~*fggg7 117 ,b ~$4 j,? 694~ -h,b -g,j 89 $25 j,? !!y 2,s g a: * -it *B ah-s 8b 371 .3 is3 3,3 0 -9,7 ##s~* 86 128 ,p ~74 r 3 0 !2&3 -7,F -@;& 38 fZ2 f ,4 135 3,2 3 !," --1g,fi w-+% 86 237 ,f f32 3 !599 -9,Q %r%*# 87 PPb ,$ 471 !,3 1 ISgf! -8,: s%%s# 8% $91 hy Qb4 ?,5 f f50@ -8-b *$$%% $? $30 ,$ 937 I,? 1 !53fi -P,3 %&%a% BE Tit7 ,Z 839 !,3 1 18fji -P,& rs#%* &$ 553 ,B j2& 2.5 $ $888 -%,5 ?%a%% 88 075 .5 fPi 1,9 9 !GO$ -9.: St+%* $8 55 ,P 258 f,9 9 21Qg #%@%% 83 -8 147 !,g ij ?f&@ -9,Q ,@+ff# $8 083 ,3 $84 2,5 6 1160 -?,& H%%** k? 714 4 233 ; ~-1{,~r%g~aB5 148 ,& $43 t,9 $2909 e@,S%a$u488 917 3 !+P 1,3 O246ti-!@ j&+%u+k5 I&% 4 1"2 15 @ PE @HRB #4R2 GUS? #&X, H8itB EEH UfNB USNB GiET BAX, HeaU8 DE# VXMB WIHB KtST EAX, &D% 3E%Pg P07HT WE PIR, QDHR, &lJST $&Q BBHG E&P, POIRT RH DIEa %P@& ,BI Qf"3T RfiD MPNG TEdP, $@%&I RH BIR z SPQ, blR f;gST BEG E &EG G 2 Ffe, RiS EEL ki"S #U BEG C BEG C Z DEG, i4Pf BEG, Rt6 WU DEG C PEG 6 2 PEG. PI/$ DEG I Xf S Fd "---Q-r-v"b-P*--IDlrZI11v*"-r^rUI-* .L*---C----Lbl.IUI-Il--l-1L-IC---^~.LI-C.IC---~----- --lI-I^-----l--*--C-----------l.--.----X---- GES, RES, AVGt WAX, PfhSil, EAX, Betj, . %z~li~ WIHB glraB UWN D-ST GUST P~VB~- SFAN ~EA$ PBf TFflP, TEHP. TEfiP, DXR, Si"-I), SPEt, BIB, SP8, DTR. ItaY BF SLPln, un-r, t BEG C DE5 C DE& %i5 giS BEG R!!Y Z FFG C ------Utu*,U--a-L-*-rp-x--------a-*----------- I ,I -8.8 -sit 3 1 2.0 143 k.3 5E 35 -lBt? Z -2 -11,s -6,8 1QZ !p 2,7 f2T 7,C E 35 -tP,8 3 - -12,5 -7,& 081 r ,S f ,6 Qb8 5,i ESE 53 -36,1 4 -i4 -53,8 ..12a2 880 13 lab 182 4.4 ENE 4i.1 -iS,E $: I -T,9 4 580 Iz0 1,f 9E9 3,8 EMC 89 -Pb4 6 -3 -3.8 -%:,? I$& I I ,B 142 9'2 E5E 73 -5,F *1 I"O i - -53 -4 137 .3 ,4 144 2,s S Bi -6.? 8 -it,? - - 492 ,7 ,P C33 2.5 F R9 =-?zb D -7'5 -14,~ -112 %a@ 1,s 1,s sss 3,~ E as -1x-1 16 -41.~ -48~ -sag 103 4.8 ?,a 123 5-7 ESE TP -IRA 11 - - - 670 2,4 2,4 550 ?,I EgE 17 -?ass 12 -94,s - -jB,3 093 1,2 , $77 4,4 E 15 -33,4 33 -20,3 -15,5 186 I,? f ,6 109 5,: E5E 62 -?gz? 14 -Sbeb ---Eh,8 -13,2 bi9W 2%: 2-4 892 6,s ESE 56 -28.4 95 -5,4 -9,b -&.5 103 2, 2 108 5,"sESE b2 -I?*+ Ib -5,8 -Il,S -8,J Ill ?*2 2,s 123 5,f ESE 82 -1F,3 i? -%,3 -4 -lf,5 390 r ,P ?,0 183 4,4 EkF WP -I%? 3 -4 -82,9 -9.7 k1?3 1,4 :.$ $63 <,4 FgF Pfr -Tj,P 19 -5,4 -14,s -10,8 078 "i2 2*2 fly 5*? EgE 7 -34'5 2 0 2*9 -5 -1-8 104 2 2,3 G39 Q.5 ESE k9 -7.8 2 t la + 2'8 -3,0 - 190 $3 ,9 O?B 6,s 5 R"lv? 22 -2 1 -8,3 fZ1 9 ,9 13a 3*2 SE 89 -7,R 23 -8,t -12,4 -10.5 $11 ,"% 5 084 ?,5 $5: 53 -1~~1 23 -Ei,3 -11,1 --$#a $58 a k. ,5 jf? GB -iOi2 ZS -!ir,% -f2,4 -:t,3 191 -6 ? 113 5 F Rf -15.3 26 - -I?,& -=I 014 S,b i ,b 830 532 fgE R2 -!P,5 31 -13~7 -22.3 -lb,4 8 r,b I,3 283 3.1 EHE 80 -18,l 28 - -!I n" 140 1,3 j34 187 3,P ESE BO -14,g 29 -:,5 -j~,v -T),: rap ?,g 2,6 113 !,j $8 -I$ ," 30 - -0,s - 193 2.1 ?,I iig <‘I 5 81 -if,$! ON a@ -2~~3 -5 iyp a,4 I,& 897 q 555 71 -3,5 P$iYdS SOLAR PRECIP E:~!EQGI DAY g ghJ'SGP1 ,* "" p,;i,J 7.i: t f: 1, $$ j' !\;JF :jl. \rq ;y j*) .j' -j" ..,( *"# J,-' fj !) ,! ?<!! 'a::.t i~)l : g \ $ # j-;i !;- \#J l~tj y t,: j-) c. f> *--. ). ~ 8 *') ; 2- - I-".; j.t !;:.b i: 1 f" i-; i.; i' "..* "I ,,& i ;.( f'] 2: 1::; 151 1.. '1 $:.. 1:) ,\ p . f!;" 1:: f: t.1 pj ::> 9 { f'- j..; 1 > ;: l"t!? . 1 *ss,#) ; ! l- "" \._ ;; ,' ,' "a" ;.>$. ' 8 I.! :ij.*[: f't .-ih.u[; * "" l*f{.ij : , i pi (;! p,; y' I"*; I{ i*: f.. *v~*. .k,t ;:.' (7 I 2 { > 1:;' i*) 1. a. , . ' , y. ; ."; ," . -,' '. t.. ! , 4 d8i3 . ". , ,,j* '!.! ill i.35 rr, T' 1, $ . ,j j.. ' -4 , 1 !%"j k i ! asi -,.(. "ij:; ,-,, ':1. ,' " ' j, - &~?';r.ji"."i' >" .; -*t#,i->*,*t.*;ja4 473 rzj FJ rd 61 &# s *- a*. I__/ I" .- -- ". " "- d Ex*J 23 C3 :"?> , ' i* " .^..d . 5 tg a 48 6 ,~PD O,QQ EJ E $1 ;.I .g"; , I"? e ti IF ij li . 18 tj &, .*) 1, -12 PM Points 114': - rld2 1, Solar radiatiort eratic on several days, Adj~sstnrents made to obtain mir-*lisr,um values [at nigh?) of zero, Dcka fi~~r the second half of day 1 not valid si~ce non-zerc~ readings ozcar at night after adjustments az2 made, Se:~sor prab<*ly not calibr..atr>ti correctly No grecipitatian data fax Dece~~her (See INmWmT&TIO?J OF DATA) ., -------------------------------------- -----------*----,------------- -,3 -1,3 77 $35 I,? !dl 3,z 9 83@9 -say -s%%%n 878 1-4 -- * -a &,\i -f,j ?y i38 1,; 25 8 -7 2 -8.b ?fi $78 j+i !,I -yho7q fl2 I,$ 13~ 3,~ 6 ily@a -7s -9,s ps stis 1,: , t ~ZE-H 92 $3: *$! 3:1 3.2 -7,g -$,h 67 369 $1 j,T .ian%% 38 1$& $,P !& 3v2 8 1506 -7.5 -9,5 Pt.1 g*"; 1-2 -i 7 -3,4 - 85 $34 f ,I 2,s 9 -$!,,I 4f%bK B? 357 ,8 -- - -J,$ -3.2 78 123 1,3 !38 2,: @ 21\iC -5'5 3Qj ,? -4,~ -5,~ 78 893 ! ? g~3 3.2 g 2454 -2.s -13,: ~1 ::! ,a - -7 0384 -2,z -?,789 $5: V0"V 283flQ -";,!sp6~-5pl'; f35 3 -2l-a 13 [~<~"$~~ -jf,&sn%%rP# 160 4 >,"'$ 13 @ ~663 -?b.$%*$pTtt 555 a' $S$ i'G ?ehgg -6Ss*"l*spl 147 $5 gfih03-\!,ba%*~%cpg 139 , 5 f~~~2~ - - - 5 Q 0t9 1'2 e0.~;'4$ -i";;,nw?W$$O \3h s $Qyfi5-ISsg?4%+%%gg {if ,B pyj 8 -*- at~~ -$,7 $a~%-, 42 8;"- ,s Oh." 2 mS ; :;!fig -7 9 -~.&-?k.u $35 1Gz I 0 1 t?$Q -ib,a -I?.@ 86 582 a,$ 49: 3,r 1 j5i# -.?,5t#tgs;p? cs:$ J $71 1 ?iS$@ -Rq~.ta$.~4~ 2% p.9 237 2'5 gt5?@-??,2-!9,fl5 If1 f,t ~9g;~ -?,$ p.g-;b~ 72 lkig ,? fikb 1 ,"; EBQQ -?,?. ~r$k+ 94 233 ,? 279 ir9 5 G@iI -r?,T -19,p gH IFb I 5 "j 3 4 2100 -5 6 -7,; $5~ 1-& : Tm(]J -",' &$as; ."h 25; 5 34p 1 9 fj ,L:y3 -{G,3 -21 5 $1: ;19; 1'4 gb" !3 p 4 . V94REE @OUR 5BJtqHAR Y FOR X3EVf i.. C$\HY OR @WEA'r%ER ST[+"% XON DATA TAKE@: DUR TMG Bece~aer. 1 F84 &avg BE UiNIb GUST W&X, Hf*& DTg UIRF OlRD GBST 8M, 598R 3EU MfgB UXMB G3ST 841 HB&& JEW, POI@ 88 BIB,, %B; QiR, GUST Bhb RDi#G TEnP, PDIHT WH BIB, SPB, Dig, GUS3 RREi RBWG TER, PQIBT &k DIB* S?D. ,857 Tgk2 BE6 C BEG C X DEg, WfS BEG a W5 PE$ C DEG C X DEC, 815 REG, US @id BEG c 1~6 c % BEG* B~S DEE, #!s nu -*-m-*-*--*-=--m--e-----*- ---*-----------w------*m.-------*-- ------------*,---s---*---------------- 3OUR BFU @iHD MIm GtET #dX, #DM6 TEEP, rB%kT R% BTR, SPD, Dl#, QUS"4"hF BEG C DEG E X PEG, 4.f5 PE6, 94s #% --**-----waOll----------------------- 8368 -3,4 -4,3 94 095 ,3 846 2,s 9 Bbga -3,3 -4,338 121 4,: 11s 3,: 8 990Q -3,@3%%#%86 EDI ,& 343 $,P Q $208 -1,8%%H+y& 390 .5 152 fa? @ tSBJ -,P*%H%94 155 .$ 139 i.9 8 1830 -1 $8 -I,? $5 1&5 f ,B $74 !,? ! Z~PB ,e -.a94 rbs :,a I.? g 2488 .B -3 9 3 1 $4 5, d f EHPER&Ti,FRE MIND SPEED W3,NE DXRE:C'FXOg PE&i!.IK GUST gE$,fiT^[VE H!J3IB3iTY r""RET3kPITg-jTYON SOLAR R &El 3. &T F sJN QEW PQ:"tlqT B, Solar -3.. ~W~W/CM~ Ccifin, f. H. 1954. Solar and tongwave r-adiatiort data for i;outh-central Alaska. In: Proceedings, Alaska Section AIqRA Annual Canferencc?, dtyeska Resot-t, Alaska, Noveinbfr 1954. Published by institute of \gate#- Resources, Univer-sity of Alaska, iai rban ks, Aias ka, as Report t\VR--186. R&bI Consuitants, I. 1984. Processed cfimatic data, October 1982 - September 1953, Volume V, Devil Canyon Station (No. 0560). Prepared ~lnder contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint i7eaCure for Alaska Power Authority. Document No. f 092. June. APPENDIX TAB tE A, 7 CONBJ'ERSlON FACTORS millimeter fmm) 0,03937 centimeter (azm) 0,3937 square centimeter (cm2) 0,4550 meter (m) 3.281 square meter [m') 10.76 meter per second (m/s) 3-823 meter per sscond (m/s) 2.237 meter per second (m's) "6 944 degree Celsius ("C! CF= 9/'5(C) *32 5v~tt- hou r fC%/W 3-433 kvatt- hou r [IYM 3600 miliIwatt [mw) 0,0034f3 mi O.lib$tatt per square 0.3040 centimeter [rn$li,~!cm~] i~att-hour pet4 scr:ase 0,3173 wzter ( ti'S/m2 1 $%fa8t-iasa.ir per square 0,086fi meter <\qlH/m2] inch [in) inch (in) square inch (tin2) foot (ft) square foot (i'tZ) faot per secorid [fi/s) mile per hour [mph) A30b (kt) degree Fa hren hei (OF) British Therntaf Ur#it (Bau) joule (J) BTU fsacnr (BTZSJ~~K-] BiLi per hour per- squat-e f~oa [ sTu/i3r-ft2] BTQ per swara fuat ( BTu ?f-kZ 1 !angle$. (iy)