HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2773HYDROELECT RBC PROJECT FEQlRAL, EMORQV REBULAmRV CQMMB@@bZ@M P@@dEC1" No* 3 'I %4 OCTOBER 1983-DECEMBER 1984 7 PREB&aeE& @V --- F 1 b4 A lm Ft 0 12; #J@q6"1"3%W C@t4Tf4AGT 93 I $sg$$g$&A Jf>$,$jyf IJE@dT"&IR@I ~)~~~~~J$4$~~@q~ @+;*A, >yr7yra i .:+ 1 i h t i I j i D~cuwnt No, 2773 Susitna Fife Ne, 4,2,2.1 PROCESSED =%HATI@ DATA OCTOBEB %983 - DECmBER 1981 Under Contract $e Harza-Ebasco Susitw Joint Venture Prepared for Alasb Power Aathori tg "9+ PIW~ Re+~rt June 1985 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYPWOELECTW !C PROJECT TASK 4 - HYDROLOGY PSOCESS'ED CLIMATIC DATA OCTOBEFL "5983 -- DEGEhqBER 1984 VOLUME INDEX VOLUME 1 : 0610 -. SUSITNA GLACIER STATION vOkU&4E 2:: 0626 - BENALf STATION VOLUME 3: 0640 - KBSiNA CREEK STATEON VOLUME 4: 8658 - WATAE4A STATION VOLUME 5: 3660 - DEVIL CANYON STATION VOLUh4E 6: 0665 - SHERMAN STATION "IJO"k&IE Ear 0686.5 - EMLUTNA LAKE STATfON TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 5.0 kIONTHbY CLIMATIC DATA SUMMARIES Eklutna Lake Station, 1983-84 6 REFERENCES APPENDIX - Conversion Factors LIST OF TABLES Description Angular Elevations of Terrain Obstructions Arsut7d Eklutna Bake Weather Station Description of Meteorologic Sensors inspection Gates and Maintenance, Eklutna Lab Ciimate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Expla~sation of Data Gaps, Eklutna take Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Page 1-5 Adjustments Made to Raw Data, Eklutna Lake 1-9 Climate Station, October 1983 to December 1984 Estimated Missing Data, Ekiutna Lakc Climate 1-10 Station, Bctoiser I983 to December 1984 Summary of Climate Data Recorded at Eklutna 2-2 Lake Station (No. 0686.53, Octobei- 1983 to December 1984 Pet-cent of Total Possible Observations Record~d at Eltlutna Lake Climate Stati~i~, OC t~b(:t* 1983 $0 Decernber 1984 L%ST OF FIGURES Descriptim Page Location Map: Susitna Project Meteorologic 1-11 Stations Location Map, Ekliltna Lake Climate Station 1-12 Site Sketch, Ekfuha h~ke Climate Station 1-13 Sequential Plot of Climatic Data, Eklutna 2-4 Lake Station, October 1983-December 1984 LIST OF PHOTOS Eklutrra Lake Climate Station Site, Looking NW Toward Eklutna Lake ESktatna Lake Climate Station Site, Looking SE Toward Upper Basin Sensor Array and Solar Pane!, Eklutna Lake Climate Station Auxiliary Sensor Platform, Eklutna take Cli:.nate Station Page 1-34 These cli~matic data were esf lected under contract to Marra-Ebasco SusPtna Joint ifeilturt.. for tile Alaska Power Authority on the Susitna I4ydroelectric Project. Special permission was granted by Zhugach State Park for installation and operation of the recording climate station at Eklutna Lake. Field maintei~ance and data collection were perfoi-med by the hydrology staff of RGM Consultants, Incorporated. Data reduction and processing were performed by Debbie Stephens, Len Story, Blair Parker, Jim Nelson, and Jeff Coffin, using computer programs deveioped by Ma!-ic H~lmstrand and r-evised by Bill Ashton. 1.1 Purpose The only project climate station installed outside of the Susitca basin is at Eklutna Lake. To predict the temperature and sediment regimes of the proposed Watana Reservoir, the DYRESM compu*ker model of reservoir dynamics is being utilized. However, applicaticn of the model for cold regions requires verification of the model on an existing lake system. Eklutna Lake, a deep glacier-fed lake approximately 25 miles northeast of Anchorage, was chosen for concentrated study to verify the DYRESM model. A climate station was necessary +o aid in gathering the required data. 1 . .2 Station Description The Ekfbstna Lake Climate Shtion is \~~aPed near the southern end of Ekiutna Lake at 6I021'30"N latitude, and 146'59'40"W longitude (see Figure 1.1). 'Thg site is approximately 100 yards east of the airstrip and a quarter-mile from the 1-eservoir (see Figure 1.2). The climate station is on the floodplain of the inflowing Eklutna River 2nd is composed of glacial till sparsely covered with small birch trees and lapv brush. The estimated elevation is 888 feet above mean sea Peve! (MSh) . The site at the weather station is suri-ounded by sevei-al large maluntains, also typical sf Ekfertnp-ra Lake itself. These sncsuntaia-ss ~-ise atlove 7000 feet in elevation, to angles up to 28' above the hor-izonial. Table 1 .I lists the vertical angles finom the horizon to sevel-a! significant peaits in the at-ea. in aiinost every dil-ection except tuwat-d the lake (284" lo 10°), the iloiyllt to the surrounding rnoiintain tops is k~et~~eera the tabie va&mes, xi1 direct solar s-adiatiot~ to the site is b%oc,kt2cl snuch of' tilie day tk~-ougha~~f the year.. Indeed, for- severai months a{-ound the winter solstice, the sun never shines on the lake or the iveathet- station at all. The valley in which the weather station is located is abolit a mile wide and lies along a northk~est-southeast orientation, as shown in Figure 1.2. This causes winds to be predominately oriented alorig this axis as well, which is apparent from the monthly wind rose plots. The glac:ial valleys to the sot~th are skewed up to 20° from the lake axis and thus cause some variation at-ound the south and ssut:k-southeast directions. Winds recorded at the station are likely soml? what less than those experienced over the open lake surface? due to some protection afforded by vegetation su rl-ounding the station. 1.3 Mettnods 0% Data Co&!ectisn The climatic data at Eklutna Lake are collected using a Model 5100 Weather Wizard Digital Weather Station, manufactul-ed by Meteorology Research, Inc., now part of Belfort instrument Company. The Weathea- Wizard measures, processes, and records several weather parameters, which are described below. A 12-volt power supply powers the station and is kept charged by a solar panel. Data are recorded on a low-iemperaitu re cassette tape at 37-rssinute Er-rtervafs. FI.Fteen-minute r.ecsrdipag inter-va8s were dsed praior $0 December 6, 1983. The station is visited appt-oximately once per month for maintenance and repairs, and to retrieve the da.ta tapes. Recorded data include instantaneous values of temper-slu r-e, 1-eiative humidity. solar rad. ion inteilsity, lungvrave radiation intensity, and battery voltage; the cumulati\~e ainourlt of pi-ecrpitation i-neasul-ed since the Bast reset; and sever-) wind paraalneter-s. Wi~."sd direction is sarnpled every 15 seconds and avcl-aged over tire recording inter-val. Wind speed is measdr*ec! by counting each revol~ition of the cllk2 anernist.ieter and averaging ihr sl7er.d over fhr r-pcor-ding ii~iei-\i,ll (15 or 30 minutes). The fastest 75-second average speed for the interval is reported as the peak gust. The anemometer and \\find vane are part of a sensor array mounted atop a 3-5-meter. tripod adjacent to the recorder shelter. The sensor array also cantains a short boom with a radiation :shield for the temperature and relative numidity sensors. A rain gage, solar radiation sensor and longwave radiation sensor are located on a separate platform 10 meters to the southeast from the main platform. The tipping-bucket rain gage is mounted on a 24-inch post and plumbed vertically. The solar sensor is installed facing vertically upward atop a 1 .5-meter tripod and the longwave sensor- also faces vertically upward atop a 1.5-meter post. The statioln layout and photos of the site are showr. in Ftgure 1.3 and photos 1.1 and 9.2. The sensor configurations are shown in Photos 1.3 and 1.4. Table 1.2 describes sensor types and perfof-mance characteristics for each parameter. The performance characteristics were provided by MRI . Longwave sensor character-istics were specified by Eppley Laboratory, inc. Conversion factors for the units are provided in the appendix. The Ekl~jtna Station was installed on June 3, 1982. This report covers the period fr-cm Octobsl- 1983 to December 1984 only. The!-e are "ewa previous data repo;-ts Jc.~ this station: Repoi-8 Period Covered "L Processed CBirnatiic Daka June 1982 - Septernbel- 1982 Vola~me 8 El.aluina Lake Station (No. O7f)O) Decen!bee.* 1$>82 Q 1% GM Corzsui kanlts) 2. Processed Climatic Data Volume VIE Eklutna Lake Starion (No. Ofi86.53 June 1984 /R&M Consultants j October 1982 - Sepjt 19m It should be noted that the station identification number was changed in thz October 1982 - Snptember 1983 report. The previous station number, 0700, was changed to the current number, 0686.5. Number 068Cj.5 is the number used in the RGh! Field Data Cncdex and is consistent with the system whereby the prefix "06" designates the site for cfsilectioi.8 of climatic data. The number 0700 kvas used eri-onecusly - the station location did not change. The station was disconti:?ued on December 14, 1984. Tables 1.3 through 1 .S list the inspection dates and maintenance performed far the station, significant data gaps, adjustments to raw data, and values that have been estimated where data are missing. Periods with more than one hour of missing data are shown on Table 1.4. Intel-mittent yaps in the ~:ind data occur fi-equently ir! the winter and are not identified individually. The nurnber of missing days fot- these cases is appf-oximated by the total number- of missing hours du~irig the pel-iod. The beyinning and ending dates for the data gaps and for the adjustcnents to raw data correlate with tha inspection and maintenance dates. Relztive humidity data for mea:suh-ements with wind speeds less than 1.8 m/sec, are not vdid and thus rtot used in calculating the pet-centage of total observations for each morrti~, which are tabulated 1r1 Table 2.2. However, these missing RH i/;Iues do not constitute data gaps in Tak.le 1 .%. BE 3.3 - ANGULAR ELEVATfQNS OF TERRAIN QBSTKat[:TlON;Sr AROUND EKLUTPJA LAKE WEA'FHER STATION (1) Azimuth angles are in d2grees fl-on1 true north. (2) Elevations were obtaii~ed Cron U. S. G. S 1 : 63,360 scale maps. Points used were selected mount2i:-a ~<d;\3 d~d cihei- features su rl~ounding the weatk~er s-ta"rior?. EEevstiom differences 81-om the &leather. station at 880 ft, ins!. and hor-izontal distances avere used t~-ianyulate the verticai angles. (3) Vc-riical anylei are measui-ed above tile i~oriiontdl. m e . - > E .- - L -- - nk Lt9 @fJ .- c .- i 4X a;e >a2 E a 4) 0- a-f Era >kc3 a) b) .- .- c.- 00 *: QG ---OC L. ma0 an3 Cr)* 5> %? n 19- mwe a, c 2 r3 C .- 3 "fl C (TJ L 0 + a, E 3 E it) C 4 IZ 0) N $2 b L 0 %. S. E r(l 0 < e I-- 0 3 Qa .- 0 i @ a Q -a E a 0 >O a z c 0 L -- 0 42 m C- it) (1J 3s rU Q! eta! a, M 4-J Nc, N ege? te El t&, LL TABLE 1.5, ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO RAW DATA EKLUTNA LAKE CLIMATE STAYION OCTOfSEW "Sm TO DECEMBER 1984 Solar Radiation Adjustment -15 AH points .-a 000 a o co o o s +=-El mom o o ma m n m.- inr--r.- m m \6?b 0 91- p3 _" mwn;_*_ nd_UU_XI-.-L_PIQI*~~--- - ----.-.-.=----XI----"---- -I------- ------ a X1 bm3U*V/Ia~I*_"Iwa~-m*~--~- ~"lXIX'w.."~m.blsm~~%. XIXI-_. --.I---.----- ---*-I11111-*------*.-n*v -IIcFI*x "- .-"* X . --* *I*" .- * mImemI -- -~~~_C_I-"X_IO---~-~-------~~~~- --I ICY- I -*-I a*, -llt.9UTrwg"m n*llltX~,r_Yl"XIITY * i*-r fi/ ll-il*UI*ii * -NIP? U-iO PRITPBaFtc[3 0%;: fqj~: Photo 1 .I Eklutna Lake Climate Station site, looking NW toward Eklutna hake. Photo 1.2 Eklutna Lake Clirnate Station site, looking SE lowai-d upper basin. Pi~ibt~ 1.3 Sensor array and solar panel, Eklutna Lake Clinkate Station. Sensor array contains anemometer*, wind vane, and radiation shieid with temperature and RW sensors. Pho-to 1.4 Auxiliary sen lr- pIatfoi-m, EkIutija LaIte Cliinate Station. Sensot*s inciltidrd (left to right) ai-e solar 1-adidion sensor, longwave radiation sensor, and tipping bucket pi-ecipitatil.17 5.ige. 2-0 ANtNUAl DATA SUMMARY Table 2.1 presents a summary of the monthly averages or totals for each parameter for the full period covered by this report, Octalber 1983 to December 1984. The symbols used in the table are explained in Section 3, Report Preparation. Conversion factors are provided in thie appendix. The data reported herein are also summarized in Figure 2.1, a sequential plot of all the measured parameters except longwave radiation. Annuat summaries for prior years are provided in the previous data repart (REM Consultants , 7 984) . With this report, a shift has been made from presenting the climatic data on a water year basis to presenting it for the calendar year. The calendar year for-mat matches that used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adininistr-ation (NOAA) in reporting climatic data, and simplifies comparisons. Future r-eports wili also be for calendar years. A summary of the percentage or usable data recovered for each climatic parameter by month dur-ing this repurtiny pel-iod is preserlted in Table 2.2 The cumulative percentage in this case applies for the whole 15-month period. I- c(l .*3 ir) -111 nssr-- ~ .;aE E (.- (I) >, 3 *-, 0 la: IL! c L? :' r_ X c -- 3 Cn .Q > ti_: 3.0 REPORT BREPARATiBN 3.1 Description of Symbots Used in Annual and Monthly Summaries 3.1.1 Annual Summary Blank entries for monthly values indicate the station had not yet been installed at the site or that it had been removed prior to that month. lnstailaiinn and r-emoval dates are t~tp.$ed sn the table as avelt. Insufficient or partial data. M follows aver*age and:or to"ial values if 1-9 daily lfaiues wer-e missing data for all or part of the day. M appears aione fog- the rnonth if 10 or more daily values wet-e missing or contained missing data. Parentheses surround the M where other letters may cause confusion (i.e. in prevdiling dir~ection) . M foliows average and/or total values for the year if any month was missing data. M appeal-s alone for the year if any month was missing enough data to :-equire it to have an M alone or+ if three or mot-e months were missing any data. 3.1.2 R4onthly Summaries ;k%*+~ Erl-oiieous or missing dais (mzy be fr-om 2 to 6 asterisics, depending on numbei- of cfi~its possible in the value). Asterisks appear in place of the value if ail r~zdings reqi.. r3d for detei-miriation of the -table value we!*@ mlssin:~. A dash in the holic-ly precr9i:aliorl table indica-te~, the ";,ai~sqe for t%mL imsur. is not: Btb-rov~r~, but ttw cui-nulati*,e total of precipstali0.3 over $he intei-vsl of coas;:c~;tive da".,["r~!:$ ~<>IJ~s is ii.:eli.ideb ira x-$:.xt I 4 s3 ui+lalp is reported. Similarly-, a dash for precipitation in the monthly summai-y table indicates the volume for thait day is not known, but the cumulative total over the interval of consecutive dasl~ed days is included in the nt!xt day where a value is reported. 3.2 Data Computation Standards (Climate) Conuei*sion factors for units are presented in the appentjix. Specific seginents of the monthly reports are descl-ibed below. 3.2.1 Graphical Data Plot The data plot is a graphicai representation of valid recorded and/or computed data. 3.2.2 Hourly Precipitation Summary Table Hourly precipitation values are calculated as the difference between valid (current and preceding) consecutive hourly readings. When either af these i3ourly pr-ecipitatinn readings ai-e invalid, no value is r-epor-ted for the cur!-ent hour. No table is published ior tlte winter months (October through Mal-ch) unless a heater is part of the tipping bucket installztion. 3.2.3 Montftly Summary Table 1. Maximum daily and monthly tetnpet-atur-es are determined from all valid i*ecot.ded tempe:*atut-es. .- 8. Minimum daily and mon4hIy l:er-r~per.aiu i*es are deter-[mined from a&I vaiiid a-ecst-ded % B--oet atut-es . 3. Mean daily and monthly temperatures are detebrmined from all valid recorded temperatures. The mean daily temperature is determined from the mean of the maxitourn and minimum temperatures. The mean monthly temperature is determined from the mean of all r-eported daily mean temperatu res . 4. Resuitant daily and monthly wind directions and speeds are summed vector*ially from ail valid readings. 5. Average daily and mo~thly wind speeds are deter-mined from all valid readings (arithmetic mean). 6. Maximurn daily and monthly gust spe5ds are deter-mined irom all valid i-eadings. Associated dir*ections are t;?e t-esuitant directions from the recording interval in which the peak interval gust was observed. 7, Prevailing daily and monthly dig-p2ctions are determined from all valid readings. The reported value is the most ft-equent dl rection observed. 8. Meac daily and monthly i-elative huinidities a6.e detel*mined from all valid readings (arithmetic mezn). hfhen the wind speed is less than 1 m/sec, the Rid value is omitted from the zveraging (but is displayed in the gi-aphicai data piot and in ttse three-hour "Eabfe), 9, Mean daily aild monthiy dewpoint temper-atu i-es are determined fr-om I valicl readings (ai-ithmetic mean). Dewpoints are omitted when the wind speed is iess than 1 rt?/s, when the deivpoin'r caiculates to ,i value gi..eartei- t!;ais tile i-ecoi-ded ti:mpec-ature, or &then the dev/poii?i cr:ici~!at;.$ to less than minus 13 degi-ees or more than 27 degrees Centigrade. 10. Daily and monthly precipitaiion values are determined from all valid readings. I. Daily and monthly solar energy values are dete~rmined from all valid readings. Daily solar energy (in watit-hours per square meter) is detei-mined by averaging the recorded solar intensity (which is it? rnilliwatts per square centimeter) and converting the units. The monthly value is the sum of the daily values. 3.2.4 Three-Hour Summary Tables I, The temperature reparbed is the temperature recorded at the specified tine. 2. The dewpoint temperature reported is the dewpoint calculated at the specified time. Dewpoints are omitted when the wind speed is iess than 1 tn/s, when the dewpoint is calculated to a value greatet- than the recorded temperature, or" w!.ren the &wpsir79; eafculates to fess than lninus 47 degrees or rnore tl3an 27 degrees centigrade, or when either the tempel-atuime or R. H. reading is inkfalid. 3. The relative hutnidity reported is the hutnidity recol*ded at the specified time. 4 , The wind direction r-epot-ted is the three-hcui* vectorial resultant sum of data recoi-ded up to the specified time. 5 , Tile wind speed a-epotaPed is the th r-ee--f~otd:- vectg"rri~'~& r- suita ant of data c-ecot-dr-id itp to the specified i Einil. 6. The gust direction reported is the direction of the n~aximum gust recorded during the preceding three-hour period. 7. The gust reported is the maximum recordecl during the three- hou r period. 8,. The radiation reported is the solar radiatrion intensity recorded at the specified time. 3.2.5 Wind Frequency Summary Table Reported data are deter-mined from all valid pairs of readings. Valid pairs of wind data are cotnposed of valid wind speed and wind dif'~!~$i~~tr data for the salne interwall. 3.2.6 Ho~arly Sdar Radiation Tzrbfe An addition to this ysar's report series, hourly solar radiation values are averages of all valid readings recotsded during the preceding hour. If any data are missing or invalid, the r-emaining values are arithmetically averaged for the hour. The daily average values are detel-mined by summing the hourly averages for the day and dividing by 24. If all data are missing for the hour, no value is printed; asterisks (***I appear- instead, and no value is used for the hour in computing the daily aveimage. 3.2.7 Hourly Longwave Radiation Table IWatana and Eklutna Stations Only) Another additiorf to this year's report series, hourly icngwave radiation values ar-e avei-qges of all valid 1-eadings recotbded du r-ing the preceding hour. If any data a!-e missing or- invalid, ti-,@ rem<aining values ar-P ar-ithmekicali:~ slier-aged for- the hour. The dail?! aver-aye values si-E deter-1nini.d by s~imrning the hou i-i y ajiei-agcs fol+ tiii: d;y and dividing by 25. 14 ait data arx missing f"~ii -khc \la~l+l ii~ value is printed; asterisks (***) appear instead, and no value is used far the hour in computing the daily average. 3.2-8 Wind Rose Graphical Plot The plot is a graphical representation of the wind frequency summary table, 3.2.9 Observation Summary Table Another addition to this year's report series is an cbservation summary. The number of usable observations for each parameter is determined by counting the number of valid readings for the entire tnonth. The percentage of total observations is determined by dividing the number of usable obset*vatiorts by the number possible for the month. Data adjustments and additional comrnents applicable to the month are manually entered below the summary table. 3,2. "9 Gieneral Notes I. The foliowing are the data ranges assurned valid, based on reasonable expectations for the paf-ameter-s in so~nth-cen%r-a% Alaska; data outside these 1-anges are not used: Time: 0000 through 2400 hours - at specified time intervals. Temperature: -50 through '35 'G Wind Speed: 0 thr-ougil 219.9 irretet*s per6 secorid and less than OP. equal to GUST Direction: O thr-o~jgh 360 degrees Relative Humidity: O tht-ough 99 percent Precipitation: O through 99.8 mm. Precipitaition during recording interval (15 or 30 minutes) should not exceed 30 mm. Solar: 0 through 150 milliwatts/cm 2 Gust: 0 through 99.3 m/sec Battery: 9 thr-ough 14.5 volts 2. Accuracy of the ivlRI (Meteorology Research, UK.) sensors and processor are as fallows: Temperature: i: 1 'C Wind Speed: 20.5 meters pelq second Wind Direction: +1%of full scale (i.e., 23.6 degrees) Relative Humidity: k600 Precipitation: 1.1% up to 76.2 mm/hr, 25: from 76.2 mm/hr $0 254 mm/k r Solar Radiation: k5enw cm -2 Tape Recorder Error Rate: 1 bit in 10 7 3 a The follocving ar-e the dii-ection ranges used in the prevaiiinn direction, wind frequency and wind r-ose sesmonaries : Narth North- Northeast Northeast East-Northeast East East- Southeast Ssutl~east South -Southeast South South -South~vesP Southwest West-Southwest West West- Northwesf Northwe%" Noi*tla -Northwest COMPASS HEADlNG 350 through 11 12 through 34 35 thrcugh 56 57 through 79 80 through 101 102 through 124 125 through 146 147 through 169 170 through 191 192 through 214 215 through 236 237 through 259 260 through 281 282 through 304 305 through 326 327 through 349 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA, 7983-84 4.1.1 Many ot the sel,sers or the methods of measuring various parameters have peculiarities that affect holw the data should be interpreted. The user is encouraged to become familiar with the methods of summation for each parameter and each table. These are described in Sectifon 3.2 "Data Computation Standards. " Changes made to the format of this year's report series include addition of hourly tables of solat* radiation and longwave radiation values and tabulation of the actual number of usable observations on a monti:ly basis for each parameter. Also, the data-processing pi-ogram was modified slightly to permit output of daily prevailing direction when the wind speed sensor was not operational and speed-only parameters (peak gust and daily avei-age speed) when the wind direction sensol- was not operational. The U.S. Department of TI-ansportation ordered a shift in tile time zones of centrai and Southeast Alaska in October 1983, Tile official -&ilne im-r cerstii~ai Aiaska was advanced one hour, and the officai Soulfieast Alaska time was i-elai-ded one hour, making the two areas on the sarne time. This transition oczu rr*ed when daylight saving tirne ended, on Sunday, October 30, 4983. The effect on "ie ere:,ortiny of the data is tliat one hour was "lost" between midnight and - - 0100 of7 October 30. 1 he,.a*e are thus no data at ail for 0030 and O"I061 on that date, 4.1.4 Missing clata valtles have been estimated k4tiiei-e possibi;.. Estirna";ion, which was ;~ccoinpiisi?od by nlanuaiiy ~di:i;-~q -+ . :.i~z raw computer data files, was generally limited to data gaps of an hour or less, where interpolation between the preceding and following valid data points could be used to estimate the missing points. I ntei-polation was performed in this manner for temperatur-e, relative humidiity, longwave radiation and solar sqadiation data, Solar data have been estijnated only for clear or uniformly cloudy days and then only if not near thd peak value of the day. Precipitation is estimated only if none at: ail occurred during the interval or if the tips of the tipping bucket were manually counted during a i-ainfall event. Wind speed and direction data have been estimated by interpolation only if the preceding and following winds were very uniform. Peak gust speeds have not been estilnated at all. 4.1.5 The recording interval wbs changed prior to the winter of 1985-8.: to pet-mit 1-ecording of data for longer per-iods of time in the event monthly maintenance ti-ips to the station were delayzd. The intei-vai was changed it*oin 15 minutes to 30 minutes, which increased the inaximum record length per data tape f rorn appr-oximately six weeks to approximately three montil.ts, The sbvitcl-a bvas n-8ade in Navembe,. 1983 at all Susitna Basil? sfations and in Decesnber N983 at $!ae Eklutt~a Lake Station. 4.1.6 The 3.5-meter tr*ipod, which suppoi*ts the sensor array assembly, tipped o\/er on May 25 at the Elclutna Lalce Sta.tion. 7'132 array contains the sensol-s for- measui-ing wind speed, wind dit-ectiori, ternper*aiur*e, and rwelakive humidisty. All wind data wet-e lost. until the sensors were 1-eylaced on Jut48 1. Tire ar-i ay and kiwipod \ifere r-e-positioned on May 30. Teinper-:itire ar-id r-clative hun~idity dala continued to be i-ecoiaciec:, i.vc.:cz \.hilo kbiia array was on the gr-ound. The temperature data have been reported but are suspicious since temperatures near the ground are pi-obably somewhat warmer by day zknd cooler by night than the air temperature. The RH data have been deleted, anyway, due to a bad oscillator. 4.1.7 The Eklutna Lake Station was discontinued and removed December 14, 1984, following completion of tlhe ice cover formation on the lake. 4.2 Comments on Specific Parameters Precipitation data are generally reported for April through September oniy. The stations do not have heaters in their precipitation sensors (tipping buckets), so they are unable to record precipitation when -the temperatut-e is below freezing. The sensor-s are calibr-nted to tip for 0.2 mm of rainfall and no8 for snowfa\!. The sub-freezing temperatures may cause a loss or a deiay of the recorded precipitation. Winds fi-eyuently blow snow away From or ol~t of (01- ~ccasionally into) the coliectol-, and snow collected in tile bucket rnay not be meited and recor-ded until the next occurl-ence of wal-m weather, possibly days or weeks later. The months of October thr-ough March ver-y often have sub-f reezing ten~per-2i;ur-es on near-ly evel y day of tile month, so their precipitation records have been omitted. It should be noted that even in the months wl~er-e prsecipitation data are reported (i . e. Apr*iI through Septembet*) , tt7e occu i*r*ence cf sub-f reezing ternperatu t-es could affect the tinling and the recorded amount o-F pi-ecipitatior~. The user should exel-cise caution and rvm ke elate aF the casa~cci t-r.et*l$ terrlpei-atu res in iniei-pi-etirrg the pl-ecipii,itioti i-::cor.cjs. The Eklutna Lake data are presented for Octobe!r and April, despite the occurrence of sub-f reezing temperatures on several days. This may give errors in the reporting of the timing or the amount of precipitation, and the user should be aware of this in interpreting and applying the data. Almost every data in each month had temperatures above freezing, however. Thus, the daily totals may be reasoilably accurate; but the timing within the day would not be. 4.2.2 Relative Humidity and Dewpcint The relative humidity (R. H.) sensors nsed are printed circuit elements which sense changes in R.H. by changes in impedance. The sensors, manufactured by Phys-Chem Research Corporation. have chemically-ti-eated surfaces which degrade with time, and are thus ver-y difiicult to keep in calibration. Many of the lnonths thj-oughout the year (and at all stations) ther-efore display significant variations in R. M, patterns. An additionat considar-ation with r-espect to dewpoint is the fact that it is not iomputed wi3en the reported wind speed -galls below 1 mlsec, due to inadequate aspiration of the R. H. sensor*. This typicaily causes elimination of at least one dewpoint value on nearly every day of data-collection. Ti-~e oscillatoi- for the Eklutna Lak. relative humidity sensor was bad for seves*al irionths, whictl caused erratic r-eporting of the data. Data iwer.c r-ecordecl f i50m mid- Febir-uar-y throligh At~gust, 1984, but have i~il been dcletec' cici~ to the ~ia reliabie osciIi!ator*. -'The Septera~ber data are so~ne\~jEsa$ erratic as well but generally Collutpi thz diurljai c:ic!ii typic;:! *, of the suiiru-ier iil" and i>a\ie been E.RPOI-~:+~ 35 !iicii~:;ivi. i:i: the true RH. The oscillator war replaced October 9, 1984, after which the data are felt to be good. 4.2.3 Sofar Radiation Daily and monthly solar r-adiation vaf ues are the cumulative total energy, computed from all valid readingis for the period. Either the daily or monthly value can be signifi- cantly above or below the true energy value if there are large segments of missing readings (I.e. from thle period of very low intensity at night or the period of very high intensity at mid-day). A check shoutd be made, therefore, of the hourly solar radiation summary table to get a feel fat- the frequency and timing of lost sofar radiation data. Caution should be used when a significant amount of data is missing. Another frequent concern in the pl-ocessing of solar data is the presence of non-zero minimurn values. Since the 2 sensors have a stated accut-acy of 25 mW/cm , they often record a reading of 0 (dur-ing night) as I or even '9" 2 mW/cm-. This also can bias the daily or monthly totals, making the cornputed enei-gy mucll higher than the true 3 solar energy. An er-roi- of +I mW/cm- on every reading will cause tlte computed daily total energy to be high by 230 2 watt-hr-/cm . Readings dur-ing pel-i~ds when this sensor offset was demortstraied have bee11 adjusted downward, as noted in Table 1.5. Quite a few incasut*ec~~ei~ts nC: wind speed, wicd dii-cckicn, 317d /3(33/< syiilj gusts wei*e lost bz.liyeei; Ot,icii:~;* jcjas ai7#;-j ,ips-ii '1984 anti 2g;;lii: $'r*n,ii Cicin!,z:- "lo n~.:-c;yi?,~r. ]$18.1 dii+? ' h, Q intermittent freezing of the wind vane or anem~omtter. One or both of the sEnscrws typically freezes and selizes up when the tem~erature drops after a rainsrorm or iFreezing rain event and then stays stuck until the temperature rises above OaC or until a wind event occurs that is sufficiently strong to free it. 4.2.5 Longwave Radiation The longwave radiation sensor was removed ft-om the Ekiutna Lake site fo~ a test ~fith the Watana station serssor bete,\seen May 17 aw.4 Jur.te 8. f he sensors were found tc be within 7.5% of each other. Following i-e-instailation, da:a were periodiczlly lost in July, August, and September due to poor eiectrica'l cor?nectici.ns a~id in October am-id Novenabe!- dlie to : dead sensor battery. 5.921 MCINTWLY CLIMATIC DATA SUMMARlES EK.%UTNA LAKE STATfBN 0C:TQBER f9B - DECEMBER "tM Each month's ciimatic data summary report consists of the following 12 pages : (11 f 21 (33 14f (5) (6) fa'; (81 19) 6101 :%I) (I 2) Hou r!y Precipitation Summary Table [or note page) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 1-91 Three-Hour Summary Ta' le (Days IQ-18) Three-Hour- r'ummary Table (Days 79-27) Three-Hour Summary Table (Days 25-31) Monthly Summary Table Monthiy Graphical PIot Wind Ft-equency Summary Table h'iild Rose P1.s-t Hourly Solar Radiation Summat-y Tahie Hoilrly Longwave Radiation Summa t-y Table Obse,-vation Summary and Note Page i--~~\jff~~'f \"REC:gPfTk'T:[n+j ~\i+~~$.r~~ F'Qj:w!:I<\.\JTNR )..Ai<Ft: kJh,A"f'..\ER E;-f&'f'j.[:)iq DATA TAKEN EsUR f R2 Oc-t abea-. , J 98:s Pg\TE Dl88 8280 8288 ltr300 1j580 ?bas 835 oRM 1938 tooa llola r2oo !sea 1400 1tltO lbUD 1780 1900 1:BBO ?Ot:i 2134 22019 2396 2408 -*-~aaEcllC-~C1.OO-.na-ll-~~-~-~~~*~-----~-~-~----~-~~~PI.30-.-0-~0--ICIP-"~--~0.9-----.-".P---.---~----P---.-------------.--------------------- I B1@ B,O 8,0 @,o B,O a,o olo o,o O,O 0,0 810 0,0 0,0 B,B DIO B,Q 0,0 o,a La ala 0,0 D,D Oat OD@ 2 Qlo QsQ QIo Bb6 OIC 82 028 12 049 f,F Oa8 388 Dl@ OsD BsB 0,0 Or8 0.0 OaU 085 !!s@ 8a0 @*b 3 BJ ig,Q Q,lE 4.O 8JI 8.8 #,ti 0,a DID 0.0 Q,O ia,a O,a o,ft oafl OJl flAl oeO Q.0 6.4 Baa 688 fla8 4 Oat @a8 O,Q 8.0 ileO 8,o 4I.F 8,s 0.0 0.6 o,O b,@ O,B a,@ !Ie@ 0,O 880 fi.8 896 BA O,Q O,Q 0J s B,O B,~I 0,i B,O 0,~ 0,~ O,D a:s s,g 8.0 a,g o,o a,e a,fi 0~0 0,~ ~,a e,o ax@ azo ,2 8,s 4 Q16 @,B $,8 ,4 ,i 2,0 ,9 0,O O,D 0.8 0,0 #,0 D,O 0,0 0,0 O,G 6,t 5,6 OIQ OzB OzO Ba@ OI@ 7 8,a B,@ t%,@ f1,O @,Bt BIB 8,Q O1f% 0,0 0,8 ?8 BIO B.8 t),O B,[i O,O D,ia 010 ole !lab Ole Bl0 %t,a 8 BaB [5,8 0,0 @sf3 On@ 080 0.0 860 BID Oli) tj.8 Q,Et 0,9 8.8 O,B QII) QIIt 8x4 lir48 B,O 9xhi ff*O 0vO O*fl 9 as@ Ill@ D.8 Osi3 Oe8 OJ OA 010 0,0 ii,B i,0 ,4 D1O B,l Q,Q :? \ .2 4.0 kfl ,2 ,? BliD 22 I fi 8 3 ,4 2,s 3.2 4,6 2,4 I,? 2,8 3.6 3,6 Q,Q 8,6 O,B 0,0 4;0 o,6 fi,O 8,o 0,O 6 $4 Is ,2 $1 6.0 r~ 2 A ~~0 0.6 ,b 0%~ LO e!,3 ,? B,B 0,0 i"l,~ 0.0 n,~ e,i! oae ,% .it +% oca :? o1o 12 :,B Q,Q 0,t 0,o e,a ~,o a,o o,~ clo o,o Q,@ o,a o,a a,o o,o Eta t,o o,n c,n 0,3 o,a .z 1"s 0,0 Ocil 8.g 0,3 filfi B1O Q,B BsB 0,O Q.Q 6,0 B,O 0,0 B.8 6.0 0,0 Q,Q 0,o o10 8,0 0.0 Oso 8,O 14 Q,C 8,O B.0 B,C 0,9 0,O B,? 0,8 B,@ O,B 0,4 0.B B,O O,B 010 Q,E 8,6 a,!! 0,D 0,O BIB B,C o.fl 8,s 15 8,~ 0,0 B'J 0,~ 0,~ 8,~ a,o o,a ox$ a,o o,e o~ o,a o,o c,a B,G a,a o,o o,o azo @,a n,o 8.8 e,o 16 E,~I D,B b,o @:a s,o o,o 0,s o,o oao o,a e.a o,o o,o o,o o,~ cab o,~ 0,0 ill$ i,~ ~$0 08e 4.0 17 0,0 O,B B,O e,o O,E D,O O,O O~B o>a 0,9 a,o o,o B,O a,0 LO Q,B a,a a,o o,~ aIo o.8 o,a eta 18 a,~ 0,0 0'0 0.4 0,o 0,0 o,a Q,O 8.0 e,o o,~ o,u o,a ozo o,o fi,r R,O 0,o ant 0'0 0.0 e,o 0.8 18 0.5 0,0 a,n aso a,@ o~ o,n o,~ o,o n,~ o'a o,o a,o 0,~ 0.8 o,o e,o aia n,a LO 8.0 B~B LO 24 O,O B,B Q,~I oIo 8,o B,O B,O O,Q o,n a,o O,Q a,# ~,o s,o a,o o,o 8.0 u,o 0,a a,o o,o ago a,o 21 F,O 080 088 o+l at0 810 Oe@ 0x0 as0 019 0,0 060 ill@ 3,Q OrB B,B Dab 0.0 810 QtD OIB Q,B g18 QtO 22 O,$ a,o o,~ o,~ c,e s,o QJ ola n,e o*o o,a o,e e,a ola a,o a,o o,a ezo 0,~ 0.0 0'0 O,U 23 ?,$ Q,D 0,0 0,0 B,D 8,D 0.o o,O 0.0 B,B BIO 0,0 0,O O,@ Ds8 8,0 D,B 6.0 0*0 O,O 0,0 Q,B 0,0 24 Q,O B,O a,~ ti O,Q a*@ 8.6 I10 0‘0 a18 o,e u,a s,o o,o 8.8 t.o O,G 0.8 o,n B,B Q,Q B,O Q,O 0~0 25 O,B @,a o,a a,$ a.~ o'o BIG B.O B,B 0,0 O,B 0,0 0,0 0,8 0'0 0.8 0,0 0'0 0,0 e,g ~,g Q,O 8,b 0,8 26 9,g 0,O &,O 0,0 Q,O 5,f 0.0 B,O 0,0 0,0 0,B 8.Q @,Q 0,0 8.0 o,O 0,fi Q,Q b,l 6,b D,O 8,J 0.8 27 O,Q 0,0 0,0 0'8 QtO 8.8 0,0 fl,o 0.0 Q,O 8'8 4'8 9,B 8,Q Q,Q D,o btO Be@ 0,o 0,B @,0 8,b 28 8.0 fi,o B,O 0,0 O~O ~,9 Q,O B,O II,O 0'0 s,o o,o ,z D,Q e,o o,o o,o o,~ o,o o,o 0.0 0,o o,~ 23 D,B 0,0 0'0 fi,a slo o,o o,a o,e a8s o,o ole ,r o,~ a*o alt Q,Q a,a OA n,g ale o,a 8,o 30 &@%a%#%* 0,Q a,@ 8,B O,B 0'0 0,0 I,@ Q,O 6.6 P,O D,O 0.0 0,0 O,O O,I B,O 0,0 a,@ O,fi O,Q 8,b 0,9 3 1 Q,Q d,B B,O fl,o 0'0 BsR 0'0 0,0 0,0 1,0 010 0.0 @,0 0,Q 0,0 0,0 0.9 5,0 O,B 0,0 B,Q @,O 8,0 HBUR BEU NIND ~X'PBD GUST BAX , #BUR DEV MIND WiNB GUST HAX, MaUR DEB WIND @I 3D GUST WAX, HBNG TEeS P"gT RH DIR, Spg. @I#. GUST Rho NDNG TMF. POINT ilH Dl#. SPB. DLR. GUST RAD HBRG TEHP, P[l!Hi 8I-l OiR. SPBl DIR ; GUST RkD DEG & DEG 8: X BEG, WiS JEG, 3165 %kf DEG C DEG C I BEG, flfS DEG, fiIS WU BEG O BEG G X DEG, t!fS DEE, H/s -O-rCr----P-~-PI-e--~--------~-~*---~- -- --------------------~~-------------*---'------- 03n6 3'4 H%S%% 91 148 ,R 143 2.5 B 8308 b,! -,8 hd 141 !$5 130 7,6 O 0380 say -3,h 54 151 =3 ale 3.2 8 8BBQ ?,ti *%@%% 94 153 ,7 123 i ,B 0 0608 5,0 e%@m 71 328 1 ,T 339 4,4 D 0b40 -1 ,P %%%%$ 80 144 004 ?,? O 39Q8 5.7 3%%a2 82 $62 $6 1&5 1,9 f5 89a0 S,i #wa## 81 219 $1 242 1,9 14 0900 3,8 -4,Y 53 954 ,F 174 13 37 f2BQ ?*? ,7 &I 189 ,4 240 1.9 lb 1280 sZ8 2,1 87 011 ,S 1bB 2,s 37 1200 5*4 -b,b 42 348 ,b 314 2,5 53 1500 ?,6 -Ill 54 550 fa@ 134 S,? 7 1508 8,P 1,W b3 534 2,0 339 8,4 15 $5@0 5.8 -1,3 41 2P9 1&9 357 312 9 1888 7'7 -2,150 i44 fa? 133 5,? 01800 7,0%~*~%7O 331 Ilb 332 3,8 ObBOO 5,7 -8,057 095 '8 Q26 5,f O za8a 8,8 -2,s ss mxv r ,s 137 5,7 a aiaa 5,~ -~s##u 70 391 #3 327 2,s B 2108 -LO ugsna 53 434 ,a 023 4.9 o 2480 9,h -3*5 49 134 3,: :38 8,3 O 2400 2,$ @%%%# 80 221 ,3 296 I,? Q 2600 -3,4 -7xP 73 155 ,8 179 f ,B HOUR DEg UI3D QfRD FUST HAX, WRUR FEU UIRB UIHD GUST WAX, HOUR BE6 UTGD UIND GUST HAX, #@#G TEWP. P@IWT RH BfW, SiPD* BIW, GUSMBBQ HDWG TFHP, PI??#T RH DJR, SFB, DTR. GUST WAF #DNG fEt"liP, POIPt"fWH BfR, SPB, BHW, GUST RAP BEG C QEG C 2 BEG, His 3EE, BJS HU DE6 C DEG C 2 DE6, BPS DEC, t4iS Hki BEG G BE6 C 2 BEG, HIS BEG, Fi3 Snb e-e----------------------m,--------e-------- ........................................... ----------am------------------------------- 03Ct0 -5,0 %%$%@ 17 954 ,8 140 j.9 fl 6300 -?,3 -6,l 75 148 ,P 168 1,8 O 0380 2,B %%%%% 93 Ibf ,W 453 I,? O @BOO -5,B %@a#% 78 147 ,B 624 1," OahfiO ---l,O $**%% 6% 142 ,? IRO 1'9 0 QAOQ 3'0 %#%%% 88 166 ,7 $68 I,? O DBBQ ,i*%#%g6& 155 1,0 978 ?.5 36OBQfl 3,79.g8%455 159 $7 152 1,9 210900 3,4 -5,353 014 2,8 895 8,3 12 %?00 4,6*39s%40 511 ,5 148 4.3 538230 8,0*###93% 885 $2 168 2,s 331208 4,1-12,827 349 1,7 OD$ 5,8 45 1548 lab %%*%* 35 223 ,% 182 3,2 8 1580 ?17 ~~~~~ 34 280 ,2 t8b !,5 92 1588 3$2 -t2*5 91 31b I,? 304 4,4 9 IS80 0,0 -7$557 361 .2 359 3,8 O1&0Q 4,Bwg#n~53 154 $5 147 I,? Qf8QO 5,3a%w%943 349 f,b 346 4,4 9 2100 -5,6%*%##65 145 ,7 IbO $,B 02100 3,1"#93371 957 ,b I?? 1,9 $2100 -3,3 -8,368 I55 ,b 151 1.7 6 3480 -,7@%a%#BS 154 tP 480 i,B 02480 2,9%%%##89 172 ,7 218 2'5 fi24QO -&,I -9,577 16t I,@ i&8 1'9 0 HQUR DE\$ UiNB UFMB {<US? HBX, HOUR l?EV U1NP UII"E%, &[!ST HhX, L9OLIR CFU bj!ND UJgQ GUST tiAX, f$Dg$& TEB?, P08HT Wh 9XR, SPE. DXR, GUST RAD NDHG 4E;"BP, PPJINT FBk BIW, SFD, DiR, GUST BAD h2YG SEHP, P&PP?T RQ DIW, SPF, EIR, ZEJST 4AP DEG r DEG C X DEC, r"l,t; BEG, fiiS HU BEG C PEG C E BEGl HiS DEG, Hi5 HW ?TG C 2Tb C X BKG, HJ5 BEG, fl/S fig -__-_- -*"----*-------.----=--------- ---------------%"------.-------*-*------------ ----------------**---------.--------- ------- -- 0300 -To% -f0,6 89 "s92 1,Q 152 I.# E3 k3@Q -8,? -13.5 49 14h 1'0 b;,l ji,9 0 0300 -2.1 -3,9 82 IS"J,S 195 J,9 0 4600 -8,s -1$,3 RO 1% !A 163 23 fi Oh00 -Il,0 -i5,4 ?@ 150 t 144 2.5 0 t~fla -4,1 *%@%a 9? 14s ,7 1 ,g 0 Q9Q0 ->,$ z###% b% 149 ,W dhP f $7 35 OBnO -3,6 -Id,& 54 158 1° %b4 I,? $3 U9BO 0 O n%%c% G! 144 $5 151 l,a 2 la@O k,s 35 3?4 .b 33h 2'5 57 2200 I,? +a**% 24 173 .8 170 2,s 51 1290 . -,; 4.: 198 4,1 144 i0,~ 9 j5C9 L.9 -1F,4 33 333 1.b 357 4.4 11 1500 2'1 -14.3 29 3?1 1.2 316 3.2 ih 1500 7.8 -2.3 19 138 6.2 132 11,j 5 IBfl: -1 3 &#a## 39 359 &,D 315 1,4 O 13iI8 -.3 43 343 Is& 354 5,5 Q iROO ?,T -,5 5l3 334 5,8 135 fb,B 0 zlnfi -5,s ha 151 ,@ $13 1 9 B ?%~IU -,7 k!Jigz* 41 i457 9 Ji!8 2,s 8 5,2 2,Q ?2 155 ?,5 0 24tt~ *-inq,q -13~3 h5 152 '9 183 t ,3 n -,s +.iia@N b4 151 5 fiy I. ,g fl 24p 2,~ asax- 0: Q-J 3 %c? r47 dSi 0 I~e=5rz5~-1C;(cp~*;~ 8 ac)mi~-~cr;5~e PCJ tart- - r-w i CP.V~~'-.C+~ * x* z 3zE 8 - - - -*R<@cge - iai 1.3 I FA ex., 1 . - 314 ss d- fiGqW I 1 1 w-fs ric I; -a; sew. 3% - "~m~"5:rrgyyy ss - 1 a- 82 pa_ 9.2 tq h~ - fi - E-~. - - t -~fi~*-:~~~t-: ~, xmg3 -+ypws$ - - - - - " - Cr* T" ..- g$g j (~;~~ijoosr-.fi,o cia ,g- r---.---. 8 - zm2 1 .-. 2 " %a@ E ux~a awa GUST nhx, HOUR BEU UINB UIND EWST nkx, ~aua BEN MIND UISB GUST n&x, YEgP PQTgT WW BZR , SiPB, QIR, GUS? WjRB BONG VEHP , POI;"df RH DlR, 5BD, DIN, GUST RA3) NDNG ?En$, POINT ZZH kFf W SPB BZR GUST 340 EbEG C DEG G X BEG, pJtIS BEG, #is $tU ISE6 C. BEG E E nt'5 FtEL, #is itid DE6 C DEG C. X BEG, IS BEE, HlS HU 0-------C_------------e--,------~-----"-~- .sIBC-DII11--l-P9---"-----~---.l----------.---C-" ----------1L~-*--~--------I*I---------*~----- $380 -5,z nzww 89 159 7 , Q 0380 -1 ,b egg%% 97 $47 3& 159 1 &9 8 0343 1.C #%H#W 94 f 47 *7 649 I. ,9 D 8880 -3,bf3%3388 159 ,8 $88 4,9 fi D600 -1,6 -2,594 153 ,S 150 1,9 O DbQB I,gBf@ff 98 142 ,4 $64 It? O 0903 ,B@gg%eBI 348 ,7 150 13 BBBOO %,83@%%#92 164 $7 28h 2,s 100900 2,8w3%%%85 136 ,7 183 1,s 12 i29C 4.2@8#3%59 118 ,3 139 1.9 251280 5,43%%3%&k 326 I,? 329 5,1 191200 6,4 1,OBB fbP ,3 168 I,!? 21 a500 3,4 -,973 348 ,9 34f 3.8 81560 f,9a%%s%b6 159 I,? 132 5,7 31508 7,2#%%##61 089 ,2 132 1,8 5 1800 ,t%%g@gB9 ffP ,I 342 1,"OlSOa 14*%w8%BY 328 t16 315 3,a 81885 3.8*4@9#7P 348 $8 307 3,2 D 2606 0,8 -1,598 350 ,8 16k I,? DElQO -,33%%8#?2 $15 ,S 447 3,2 02306 3,538#%#73 949 l,l 33'7 3*8 0 Zg@@ I&~~%9~83 095 ,4 a19 2,5 Q2400 z2 -!,I91 133 ,R 148 2,s a2408 :SR%#%S~~ 158 .P 152 2,5 Q Hau2 DEU UX~D ~JHD GUST nhx, ~OUW DEN UXN~ BIND eusr nax, SOUR DEU NF~D MIND GUST BAX, I"tDWG TEHP, POINT RH BfR, SIJD, DIR, GUST RAB NDgL TEHP, POIET RM DIR, $Pi>, EIIR, GUST RAD #OPE& f"tP a POSH1 BH BIB, SPD, DIR, LUST RAD QEG C BEG G X BEG, Bi'S BEG, #!$ DEP C BE6 C X IEG, HI5 PEG, i4lS BEG C BEG C 2 DEG: HI% DEG, HIS 8U --U--4*-U-__e_I-B___--*-s---m--P- --B--^P------------m.--------------------- -----C-D--IO-.---PI----------OL-"--FI----------- 0366 -,3 -2,58b 156 ,B 142 I,? 8 0330 -4,2 -P,? kff 150 $5' 569 !,9 8 8308 G,B ag@sgbO t3b ,7 135 I,$ 0 DbSD ,h @%%%# 83 145 ,P 135 55 B ObOa -4,R -?A ?Q 149 ,? 391 ?,5 0 8bQfi -,b -53 &7 ik3 ,? 206 2,s Q BBOQ 5,8 -1,W 58 t4P ,B 128 5,6 12 09nB -?,I -7,? 68 948 $9 145 1,8 S OPDD -,El -6,I 67 346 ,9 344 3,? EO 1288 7,3 -8,7 28 140 3,4 I30 8,3 32 2200 I,? @%%%# b5 105 ,r 695 l.:P 13 1280 ,? %#%us 6: 337 ,7 334 3,: 24 iSoU 5,i -112 30 645 3,3 151 b,3 5 1500 12 IP 081 $1 162 23 8 1508 -,6 -A,1 bA 232 ,4 324 4,4 & $888 2,$5#%%3%1 133 E,l 132 6,3 O180D -,f+#%w%5W 133 $7 156 4,4 alRQ9 -3,8%#%##78 368 '7 395 4,4 0 2108 -2'5 -9,0 &I 152 ,4 353 1,4 4 2100 -3,3 -P,5 b7 1ZA .S 149 2.5 !.I 2100 -4.7 %%%%# 82 155 ,9 158 I.? Q 2400 -4,7a%w#n&B t48 ,9 163 2,s 9 ?404 -2,h~u3n~hS 155 ,P 84? 2,s O24OB -3,bu@%aa83 155 ,7 169 j,~ 0 MGUR DE:~ MX+!P YT~~D GUST a&x, HOUR 9 UI~D wxbn rus~ nhi, HO~E DE~I ij~htia ~4~3) G~.ESP H~X, #BHE", TEBP, POtMT R9-i O'EB, SBD, QIW, 6!1ST RAG NFHG YEgP, P41HNV RW BTR, SPb, D1W, GUS"IRia@ NDNC TF8Pz PISHHT W4 Dl?, SPD, DSR, GUST RAQ DEF C DEG C Z DEG, PIIS ;EG, i4JS kll4 DEG C BEG G f BEG, HIS DEE, ti!$ kk BEG C 3% C 5 066, HIS DEG, hi$ nb~ ________.mI_ _______---------mm---- ~--L*.)-Q.".-III --^- --IIII--IIIDU--^----%-------~--~- ------^--..--- ---------I---------------. - 1308 -2.f3i;-#3ti*1tb9 3$Q ,9 3'4 3.p 0 8380 -5,P -?.8% oh4 $5 007 2,s D 83Ejfl -5,L?W.BI.$i.@#i;R 311 1,O 3338 4,4 0 --PI,! -.60,1. b3 351 li,l 34P 4.4 T; OhnB -6,h 3gSWs88 118 *7 3% 5,R i? 8bQQ -&,I -"it3 88 157 ,: 203 1,F i; ~qflo -3.8 mx#a h4 353 1'9 546 3.? 3 OYOD -b,Z Llax-x RB 005 i,d 016 3.2 C $YO0 -4,e #@nag 89 151 ,a 150 3~ 2 QUO -jJ -9,s h% 34h 1.3 343 3,R 9 2?05 -4.5 -R.? 75 ilh .9 ChW 2.5 7 I?OD -1.8 rrrra 74 151 .h i,~ 2 j;OC -5.2 -9.g 72 344 1.9 314 a.4 i 1598 -5.8 -Re? 78 347 1.5 343 4.4 . iSGI -1.8 *ax#% 81.7 145 ,y 153 1.9 4 jQO# -5.8 srxr# 31 611 .R 3% 2.5 G J6RO -7.1 $f+%au R? iii .7 i51 3.2 O -1.b rataa 73 153 .4 157 1.3 0 2106 .-:.Ru#aarr'.N 158 .h 181 !.I O21011 -6.5~%#*r98 153 R ibh 1.9 O21Qfi -.ixu%9aaQ 1-43 ,4 153 ;,j Q 2JbO -5.9 -7.7 81 016 12 55b 3.P O ?401 -2,s -4.1 89 0% .? 338 3.2 U 2400 -.& Panas y! 154 .4 123 it; 0 e-- mww 3-w am- 2% iZ: w. i- f";"; ?- !A G... L%L 3:. +.,-.. i- "... & iv. EL- k-4 &%. "-." 3% &# xz kIQMii..ii,Y 5t3MS.ir3RY FRR EtCl,.t.l'fN$$ I.,AL<E' WEfi'fMFt? STA"i':f:(3N D&TA TAKEN R!.3RTPtG Octab~~. 1W3 RES, WES, AVG, H&X, HAX, 8 WIN, HEAN UXH3 UTHD UIMB GUST GUST PVAt BE&% DB"T"TEWP: TERP, 'fE#P, BIR, SP9, SPD, BFR* SPD, DIW, WH KG G BEG G BEG C QEG his it15 BEG N!S E *-----*-m--e--m---------e-+-"--------------------*------.*---------------- f 9 %,B 5,8 141 f ,? 1,s 138 8,3 5E 5! 2 0, f,6 5,9 334 ,5 1,4 IS@ 7'6 NHU h3 3 ti,? -3,4 1,4 849 $1 1,l BZb 5,1 SSE 47 4 6.3 -b13 Beg 154 #5 1,O 358 3,8 SSE 61 5 5,7 -3,% 2,8 159 ,5 ,S 168 2,5 5Sf 55 b 5,E -h,I , (69 li 358 '5 llf a15 9,s 55E 56 7 2.6 -8,5 -"3# 0.53 ,? 13 351 9,4 S5E 57 R * 2, -11 -4,2 141 .I 118 354 5,ISSE 38 P 8,8 -2,0 3,? 140 2,2 ?,$ 132 11,9 SE 38 18 1 2.6 ?,P 141 k,b &,? 147 14.6 SE 68 I! If ,5 2,3 S,9 141 2,s 2.9 1% 12,1 SE 5% i 2 ?,& -,$ 3.5 094 .b f,O 355 4,4 SE 94 iZ 3 6,2 -5,B ,O 157 -6 %,O 178 3.8 S $2 14 8,l -7&4 ,B $65 * 4 ,a 315 2,s 5% bO 15 3.0 -5*8 ;is 169 '3 ,9 lb7 4,4 SSE 58 3iQ -Q * 3,s -8,7 -1 085 , 1 . ,B 332 3,8 SE 68 1 7 3,1 -?,I 3,O $48 l.! ,B 146 4,4 SSE 76 f IS Yz3 -4'3 2,5 185 ,2 I,Q 322 3,? SSE 72 19 4'9 -5,9 -,6 138 '4 ,B 361 3,8 SSE 85 2 8 6.8 - ?,h 15S ,F ?,I 132 5.7 SE 92 21 9,4 ,X 33 117 i 3 - #9 337 3,8 SE 77 22 72 -4,1 i,5 143 1,b 1,T 130 8,s SE 51 23 ?,3 -5,9 -8 144 p 6 ,9 156 4.4 SE 66 24 1.3 -5,O -1,p 160 ,3 3,0 324 4'4 SSE bB 2% L- b2 -Say -6,0 -4A 359 i,F 1,3 339 4,4 NHU ?O 26 -t,b -1O,"i -5'9 014 5 1,l 343 3,9 83 ?'7 -,I -6'7 -3,h 159 ,4 ,? 338 4.9 SSE 83 28 1,0 -R,B -2'5 332 *4 ,9 328 5,3 SSE Rb ?? 1,3 -ha% -2,8 32? '2 ,5 ?04 3'8 S 88 3 0 ,5 -5,I -2,3 354 I,? ,9 350 5,f W 85 3f -1, -I@,? -5,7 ##b! Me$ ,fj ## 5,~ %a% 87 BONPB 12,8 -n~,a .4 138 . Is5 347 14-6 SSF kb SOLAR HUMIDITY WIND DIR ~ ENF i ,OS * 15 [1,01i o aa R,OO 3, OEI i3 , 0 ij 1 &ZB ~ b.4 !.k,i , l (3 (:I , J+ (5 , [I f:? Its ,QO tf , ID 13 tj , (1 fl 0 , Eli f3 10 , rt~h '... ..". .*" ..* .-. -... ..*. ... .*" ,... .'". E:) 7:: , 41 Cg ;J) ' y #'.> B4QilJRl.Y SD!_.f?bW Rt3D:EATI ON 8t.lS"fHAR "e"FQ?M El( \...1.5TNi-1 ]..AN E MEATt,-II:b? STA"I'ICSFI DATA TAKEN DURXNG QcPober, %5)8S SO-i-.AR RAR:CAT:!UH VAi-.l.fES MEfiSt,lRiXX) S N H:Cl ,.. !...I Whf 7'S PER SOt.t&RfY CIEN'I'Z PfF:TF'R DATE Btl8 O2B8 0308 8480 0300 Oh38 6700 08D0 0900 tOOB 1100 1200 t3flB 1408 1588 1800 1700 1888 fPQD 2QBO 2100 5200 2350 2480 AYG -."8-C)a).Bn~OpClb~*---.--l~sl.FI.ll-B.s-I..).Dl-Pggg--~~~gggg-LI--.PI.*---.....-1PI'.l---.I.L--P--------l-m-P~."l------.-----...--------.l.-------------rr----- t o o o o B o I 5101~28201 e s 5 2 a o a a 0 s 2 0 8 @ o 8 & r l?35343T3.~9Pfl 2 O O 00 0 8 8 3 ~aa~ z725eb4as34b3218e3oe a Q 8 ~ao 4 Q B 8 B O B i 45O53914525 B 3 O B O O O 8 B13 5 50880 oB%Y283138306518Sf OO 8 OI O 88 s$ 8 6 D 8 O O Q 3f0184953283322 '7 3 Q 8 4 0 0 0 0 9 F) o 9 o I 420445q5237 a o B o e a 8 813 8 B 8 O 8 bO t 8573745519?2318838 B 0 @ 811 9 ~~0~g0002~~9~~a3oeeooesfio2 18 086801247fll473~000~0~82 1 1 o D a c c 3 ~ebsa2213 4 o Q D a G a o o 5 82 @ O @ B O B 8 Sl44425473B!8%2 b 10 @ 0 @ B 8 @ 8 13 B 8 B Q B a e 418334146440 9 i o B o a 0 oat 14 o B e B 6 3rns3aabs4351~ s I o s a a a n on8 15 D8QOB6O98194343344f OBBaiI $8 3 6 8 8 OD OQ@Rf52~25IP~~l~? 18 fl 05 17 000~00027t2th1820i?4?~00 0 a0 d $4 18 D 00 bB O3B243Q9037iO 4 0 8 8 0 0 8 0 6 8 a 9 a 0 0 o a a o 3 61512~a7rz s 4 n a B a o o 0 2G Q 60 GO &2?12172116?3o 48 8 00 8 8 4 2 1 BQOO080412521619f7il~SOQO 89 84 22 D 4 o D o n o 1o162aszjszs s 3 o 8 Q o 0 a o 7 23 OQQOOBO275181558873BaQooo3 24 4 o o o o o o 2 810%2253319 B 3 9 o 0 0 a n n s 25 OO9Oe8D12s91esnooooa~ 2&t OOBOBOT~OO~~S~~DOOO~~~:~~~I 27 ~0~@~~0fi1343?1@$009~0~t0li.~ 28 at~~iaF!~O12?57?Q8~R00~1 $hSiBDDOI$ofJ~b73431CIOObCa~~ 3@ #%&OBOOOOi245?GOOQ9O61 fr&1O15DOaiflOIOIni@Q@\tao~~g & M 6:; N I23 it,P I,,, 'V' II'% fi!! .Xe $3 3: W I:: MOt3%3k,Y I,.f3Nt?QAi)E RirsjlSI t>"l*Xi3N SZ.1MI'-lrf'PRY FCtl? Efil..t,f*TI'-!A f..AtitF UI'::R'Y'I,-IEM 5'T&'T T Si'? DATA TAKEN Di.)R "EPG f3c T crberc , 4 983 OIgSL?Rt$A"SIQ>N !SCIMS"SAW Y FOIi Ei<L tJTHNA 1.AI.I Ei Mf:AT'J-fE!M S*E"R'r ION BAT13 TAKEN DUli IN[: L)c t oher , iPI'1I PARAMETER NUHRICR i3F 1358Bl ... I_' 131Kl?fzE'N3' d3f::' a~sr:~ VAT :t: t:~~:!i; TO T'BL E~B:~~E:RUAT"~: IE.SNS ---------,I-.-----------.-------------*~~"----.-.-".." .-I"."~~-~N.*--UI..-.r*--."- THE FOLI..OWINC; ADJ.US'I.HEN'T8 I-!&Vkr BIKI:i:p4 MhDE TO .IPI-~I:I:';', M(:iN'll-'!2 DA'I'A: 1- l2.H -15 RH paints 1011-.-10/5 -1 1. 10./5- 1-a/3 1 2, -1 MW/CM~ Wdditi.onal c~m9ie~ts an this month' s data: 1, One hour of data "lost" ketween OOOQ and OlOQ on L0/30 due to change of officia; ti~e xme, See ~cte in Seeti012 4 of text, 2. Timing and quantity cf precipitation -re suspect sinci freezing temperatures ocrl=ur.redi alrn.3~-k z=iery iJa IIoy-sv~r, ti: . inq t >r;-- eratures also orcurrec almost every dzy , ~LI %at. :I r,~t~l~ '210~t i J he: faj-r, ~ j 1nt.ermittent wind direclrion ddtri lost duc? Po frozen igi-nd Jane. No precipit~tion &%a for Eove~er (See INTERPREZlfiTIaX UP DATA) , 'HUB DEg UJWB UIRF GUST #AX= &OUR nEb1 UTND MIRB GUST #AX, HDUR DEill #3@g #i#B GUST HAX, HMIG TE#. POIMT R)t DIR. SPD. 811. GUST RRD ED4E TEHF. PQiNT RH GIR. 5PO. DR. GUST RAD HDHG TERP. POIifT E7H blR, SPb, DIE. GUST DEE G BEG %: 2 BEG, #bS BEG, EBS nu DEI C DfS C X BEG, EfS bEG, His HH BEG G DEG c % BEG, #is BEG, 8,s H# -------------Y-------------------------- w----------_I-.------------------------- 9330 -7,s *%#%% 90 %%H sago swr 1 $9 0 0sga -2.2 %mw 95 %c# u-%$% a%# 2,s 8 6300 f ,9 #fw~k% W9 3% ,7 07V 2,s 8 $&iit;B -5,s %%%an PP; If.%% ~S$Q .mli%S 1,9 8 , -as 94 335 ,& 23% f ,9 iZ OhOil -,? a%%qt# PT 132 ,6 182 2%5 @ 8908 -53 uw#@u 76 %##% 83% 5.3 1 6?@0 $3 +#a%% 84 I&$ ,S 835 f .? 3 G9CO -23 -%,,5 92 161 ,$ 155 23 2 1208 -3,9f#8t;%7? lcfihar;w% n- $3 5f2fffl 5.6 -,4h5 2% I,? 150 5.7 26 1238 2.8esi4t.#:T5 157 ,7 lbii 1,9 28 5508 -Zi4 %s%n% 87 t,O 125 1,9 6 1588 6,3 -3,4 58 146 3,9 131 tOz2 15 5500 2,1 r@##s 72 171 ,3 325 I,$ 8 188" -3,s %$%%% 91 %$a $%% 4t## !,9 0 1900 9,R -4,5 46 190 4,7 142 ZD,8 8 Isfie! -3,2 %f%4EW 91 I58 ,3 138 2,s B 2Sfi.Q -3,3%%~~%91 4%%9#%% n%r 1,y 0 2180 5,8 -4'1 49 129 %,9 138 a,& 02100 -4,I W3363t%B9 149 ,B 159 1,- 2988 -9,5%%%%%E:4 2%%%~ff%i 989% ?,ti i)24@If 4,4 -<47$ 54S ,h 131 5,E BF40Q -5,D%%%l5#89 IS? ,B 159 ZxS b gBUR BEg i38D gXMB GUST HKX, HPL~R BEU BUZa MlFB CJJSf HAX HOUR D@id UIHb UIHB GUST #AX, HDHG TEnP, POINT RH DTk Sf$, DIP, GUST RAB HDWG TEYP, POINT WW DZR, SPB, DIW. &$ST RkD WFEG TEMP, POSiqf WH @IB, SFD, DIW, GUST 3AB DE~ E: DEG c 2 DES, nir; DEE;, w?s WM BEG c DEQ c x DEB, E/S BEG, #is MW QEG C. BEG c x BEG, H~S EEG' HU _--I----_-----Q----~--------~--------~- -I-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ 03B8 -7.1 -9.186 168 ,9 199 3%5 OD200 -3,593%%#9? 150 '6 169 1,9 B9350 -6.8 -81085 f59 S,f 146 3,2 O 6644 -7'9 %%a@# &7 558 I,@ 169 2,s B 0690 -2.d %%%a# 5~ $38 '5 163 I,? 6 8600 -ff,i$ *is#%3 8h 162 4,E 196 2,s 8 gYQ0 -&,I -7,P R7 559 !,I 173 2,5 Z 0980 -3,3 #%%#* JS 158 e5 154 I,? I 0900 -9,B -13,4 89 Sbt 1.8 462 2.5 1 i200 -*E -4,f 78 152 ,7 f63 I,? f$ 5288 -3.0 @@%#%85 159 1'9 t7R 2.5 15 f2BO -7.B-10.263 157 I,P 155 2,s 11 t5DB ,B %#%%% 71 118 ,4 128 t 3 4 1584 -3,P -5'h 86 $74 ;? 193 1,Y 2 1500 -7,4 -9,? El? l?i ,B 178 I,? 3 lSBD -,8%#%#%93 tbb 15 188 2,5 6 1806 -1:3 -5,393 867 l,f 173 2,s 1390 -t6,3-f2,1 E7 158 ,O 415 3*P D 2603 -1,s a%w#n 88 33R ,8 35% 3,3 8 2180 -4>2 -5.5 81 552 ,S 135 2,s 0 2100 -9'4 -10,9 89 157 f ,C 539 2,s 4 2484 -2,4%%8%#92 BZf ,3 338 5,2 B2a\00 -5.2 -A,690 653 !,4 152 2,s O240Q -2,P -4,887 147 ,8 038 3'8 O 8BUR BE8 b%#D uIgD GUST BAX, Ei U4HD MZPii) GU5"C$i, B.iCiUR BEU kiZMDUZMDEUSTHAX, NOH6 IEBP, POXk4T RH DIE, SPD, UIR, GUST RAD HOMG TEHP, POINT RM BXR a SPB, DfR, GUST WAD NDMG TEWF, POlMT Wi4 @1R, SPD, D%W, GUST RAD 3EG C BEG C X DEG- HPS BEG, %IS EU 9ER C fiE6 C I DFO. 4iS KG, H6$ 18 PEG C DFS C Z BEG, Hi5 BEe, K/S {@ __-_-1--3~P--~--~~-------------*4~----- -DQ-.~DI----V--PIYI-----~------------~-~---- ------------------------------------------- p 5 \-- fa i hf T $ {J 1.2 1:; 'f" {j ('5 N f-! ( 1 1 1:: C$ i' f' $i.t f j I:) 1: f#\ ('1 ir E \ \i @ 1; 13 \a 1' x .% Z a W' i- a i- ff* cfi f?, - A 5 & 3 fif $6 w t (i v f '==I ad if; VI HOUR DEW UfED QXgD GUS1 HAX, HOUR BEN UZHD BIRD GUST fiAX, HOUR DEUl WIHD LTgD GUST fiAXs HDXg TEHP a PQIWT RH DIE. SPE. DIR, GUST R49 NDNI; TEHP, POIXT RH DiR. SPB, Dl@. &EST RAE MDNi TE1IP. POIHIT BH DIR . SpD. DIE. GUST BEC f: BEG C X BEG, B/S BEG, BI5 3M BEG G DEG G X BEG, Hi5 FEG, His Nu QFG G DE6 C X DEEl #$S DfG1 HfS HU --r--*--*(.----.P-.r.l--~~*--~----"-------------*~ ---.-----------..)...---"---------------* ------------ @3#8 -7,a%#~rr#87 s%%avaf %r% 1,P if 83fig -12,::r.tt@*#77 wwa%%a# 38% t,P O 8368 &,I -5J 44 144 8.5 $43 !4,6 8 8SQQ -7.5~3ffg3 5433fftft 93s I,? 0 -,$ -9.1 53 %n%ns%# 39% 5,t 6 0600 4,9 -3,953 $44 8.C 152 14,b # O9OF -1j,5 a%%#% 85 $39 .x##n %as f ,9 0 0901 -8,R 43 135 5,D 129 f OBOO 5,l -2,P 56 IS? 5,s 135 13,3 f 1280 -7,9 ns%u% 8J ~#%w n#% I,? 1208 ?,4 -7,b 48 198 5.9 133 90,2 4 1200 4,3 -2,s 6qt94 518 147 1287 ? 1508 -3,4 #%w%w 84 #ssn H% f,9 3 15BD 3,W -8,Q 42 893 6,? 142 lf,4 ? 1500 521 -4,b 48 144 53 148 LQaR 4 188# -13,3 -I5,5 84 84% %#%# ewc f .9 fi 1888 9,z -R,3 41 138 6,s 135 d2*9 0 1808 5,4 -4'8 48 134 hK& 125 8.5 8 Zf@O -I$,& -fb.9 82 %%n r%%% ~8% 1 ;9 O ?I00 9,4 -$,I3 41 140 $,0 140 14,6 O ?I00 3,3 -la$ SQ 141 1,3 kiP 7=fl d 24@FI-f&,&;a%%;i%79 %%w%%%% 9% ;,9 O?iEDI 5,3 -6,742 143 9.3 198t4,b a Z4O :..Ssf#1P.a87 3213: 328 8 BOUR BE# HIS MXHD GUST #AX, qOUR BEU UlRB UfBD Gt\ST HAX, HOUR DEM UiND bZgB GUST HhX, #@HG TEBP, PI?.SWT WM DIR, SPD, BIR, GUST RAD BaiItPfG TEHP, PQXNT Bti DIR, fPB, DTR , GgSi BAD WBNG TEBP, POINT Fih 018, SPD, DSR GUST BAD ~EG c BEG e x REG, nrs BEG, HIS 3~ DEG c DEG c P DEE, nrs BEG, ~ts fig DEG G BEG c s BEGl 141s BEG, PIIS BU ........................... ------------------------------------------- Q388 -,I %#%%@Y% 132 ,6 f&4 2:5 fia380 -1,s -5,486 151 '7' 178 1,Y 80300 -3,3 -5,287 347 I,? 343 S,1 0 @BOO -f833H%a@95 1% ,8 136 3,? 0 0680 -2.38+%%9RF 193 ,h 168 1,9 0 BhOO -3,3###4%93 3t!3 ,2 337 3,? @ OBOO S,'i -524 54 '155 !,a 111 5,l t 8300 -1.4 RR 153 3' 1-9 IS B?Oli -3,s ##%#@ 91 "I5 .6 lFiL 1.9 Z 8200 6,B -S1$4f 128 2,P 13 7,8 14l2Q0 -,I -Ia@?4 331 t+i 336 3.2 4 1288 -2,9#9%%@81 350 ,B 05: j,? 5 15i$ k,5 -5,P 42 119 2,s 124 5,3 f ISDO -.8 -I,? 94 341 ?,8 343 3,P 1 tSQO -3,3 -5.6 78 117 ,9 If5 2 %Peg 2,6 a%#%# 72 329 ,7 !fib 32 D lRDB -53 -3,c 90 338 ?,I 9?3 3,8 Q 4840 -b,b -8,7 at 174 12 t7? 2,s Q 2100 ,7 -2,977 148 ,7 148 I,? 02100 -1,4 -3,089 332 9,P 341 3,& :?fOB -7,8%8@#'82 1% 1,1 j$O 2,5 O 9408 -1,s 87 140 ,R 2,5 0 7488 -1,8 %~#w% 94 344 1,s 351 3,P O 2408 -9,4 wwna.h 93 145 ,!I 158 L,f B WOUR BEU UlNB BIWD GUST FIAX. 4BUR E UXNB #XNB 6U51 WAX, HOUR DEk UINQ MIMD GUST $!AX, ~{F$#G TER&, PBItiT pH DIA, SPB, DIR, GUST RCID HCMG TE#P, POTtlT WH DIR, SPD, DIW, GUST RA3 NDIJG TEfiP, POIflT RH DIR, SPki, DIP, GUST XAD DEG C $EG C X BEG, WiS DEG* 4?$ #4# BEG C BEG C X BEG: HIS KC, Hi5 Hg BE& C DF6 C :i DFG, BiS EEG, 14;s ---*--- - .----- --------------- r--- (LI ---L---I--CY-".,----CLII- *----LI -s...-II.-- -*.-LIII--i-.,.s(*l.-......- 1% & ii'"$ C:: 41% P-4 $3 4-1 I,-. *If* t;% 'T' $3 14: M CC,I: r 1.J $55 :I: "'o"' fif $'% 8.-J b* JET 02 [:I t,: j,,, F: f:: -1- 12 :i: C-,: IfEva$ 9:lr ,3. t::: a:: -r- HDUB BE ~XHP UIHB GUST H~X, HQL~R DEU UIHD UTNR GUST H~X, HO~~W DEU ux~n un~~ ~usr n~x ND% f BPS 1"9S#T BH DTW I SPD, XR, GUST RBB NBMG TEHP, PO!#T RH DZR , SPD, BXR GUST RBf) 8BWG TEHP , I'OIMlT RH DiR , SPD, lljR GUST RAB DEG E BE6 6 X BEG, EfS BEG, H/S HU DEB C DEG t X BEG, iYiS DE6, fiiS Hbi OEG C BEG C Z BEG, RJS BEG, PlPS $lU --E__---~U----I---------~"----*-~-~-~-- LP---PII-----------__sl----11----.3------- -C.c-----P-----------------".I------C--------- 8308 6,8 -4,744 144 S,? 139 d0,8 80300 7,7g%#%aw% 1149 8,s 150 152 O 0300#%#%###%@#%% %%w~waa #%~#n#wz%% 8686 "E j.4 -Q,437 147 6.4 147 13,s 8 8608 A,k %%%%#$% 149 5,f !42 1C,8 0 ah08 ff@3?P.4[H#H-f f# 34% 1%%9 f%%%?;Y#94%f QPfell 6,8 -5,043 $45 8,#3 143f7,$ i 0980 3,3%ww#%4% 180 5.7 tht !2,7 i 890fl%wa%%naarik#n s#%@a.sfr #~~,3~#14if%m $280 Ei,? -4&5 44 f 43 7,& f5f 15'2 b 1200 %~e-xr%%% #fkff 8% f 37 3,B 002 f3,3 6 1201 #%#%a %%%r!# 9% n%w a%%% gig8 83% l%@Q 7,& -4,941 fSO 73 15215#8 2 1508 $tP#snwdl%# 151 5*3 151 12,s 51580an%4nfa9iswi#a# %#%a%%% r-?2*sws#s6a*%# fB%8 723 -4,343 142 6,s 144 I?,? X !$E3038~%%%%8.se3.ri.w 151 5,b 150 E5,? 8 1888 t#%f@~~f~#f~f ~Q@%~B#H IQ#*SI~ZQ~ 2188 ?,S -4,8 43 148 &,8 147 13'3 B 21 00 #w%%% #%#a@ nse %#a asegg wrg liif,O ass 210~ %###ir: ~gsg~t M% s#g gggg #g#g ZB.JX. 2416t 8.1 -4.8 $0 152 82 152 i,?, tl 0 2409 %%%%# %#%"a 3ks ftf %#%% +WP g~llif 33% 240Q #ws.ww ggseaje wg #sg #K+% 3%~ gsa.;i; 33% Bh11, #I#, WEAN BhY T TEWP, TEHP, DEfS G BE6 C DEG G XES, WES, hVG, BPX, EAX, BfiYJS BIN5 UIRD UfMB Gil5jT GUST PYVA FEAH @Chg SDt-clR axa, ~PD, spa, ola, spn, sxa RH DP PREGTP ENERGY B~Y DfG RiS His BEG i$/S X BE6 C RH MHiSB;?5 -"-e-l----l_-l-l----------------*-----*-------------------w------------- 118 1,0 ,9 %@@ 2,s fSE 87 -5,Q %%@3 373 i 4 2,2? 2,l 192 %B,W SE 61 -?,B %%%# 1258 2 1 52 ,5 ,P 070 ?,5 SSE 85 -3,1 snwx 838 3 351 ,5 cR 351 3.2 SSE 57 -783 %%## 585 4 157 ,8 ,9 t7B 2,s SSE $1 -5'3 raffv 345 5 359 ItO I,o 038 3,RsSE -16,s aw@n 4315 e; 146 0.0 6,s 146 15,P SSE 39 -8,l #%#% 3933 7 S3P 2,Y 3,3 142 t2,f 5E 96 -&,I %q%% 440 8 149 9,5 8,1 144 7.ii SSE 5G -8,0 @M%g 1074 9 146 1.8 1,s 126 7,h $E 63 -2'4 $83~ 585 $8 I57 ,4 ,9 ?Bb 3,2 SSf 93 -3,R a%#@ Bb5 $2 358 .R ,P 141 2'5 SSE ?B -6,0 %%%% 778 12 %55 1.0 1,0 fB3 2,s SSE 83 -11,1 %##% bh3 13 1% ,9 162 2,s SSE 87 -XO,l %%%% 453 I9 148 ,6 1,0 343 5,7 SSE 88 -4,s %%%% 3'18 $5 33 f,2 ,3 334 3,P #NU R8 -7.9 %#%@ 425 16 3 M#Z% ,Q t%% 2,s fR% 88 - #-%@a 355 I? % gwnn ,@ % I,$ #%a 84 -13,3 %%%3 410 18 ##% ,a % 1 ,8 %%a 84 -13,b %nw% 355 19 140 6.7 5,1 138 34,6 SE 47 -9,0 #%#a 2% 20 541 4,9 5,4 143 f4,b SF 53 -3,8 #@%% 343 ?I 132 l,a 1,s 13 ?,a ESE &a -3, 53 22 340 ,8 f ,4 343 3,8 H6U 2 -2,? ##%% 165 23 I57 ,? 1,1 343 5,f SSE 84 -?,a ~83% fbB 34 153 ,7 .9 173 ?,S SSE 85 -?;8 #@%% 258 25 155 . ,8 3 4,4 SSE PP -S,R ~898 235 2h 146 1'3 1,4 130 P,5 f%E && #gs~ 238 21 147 7,3 9,s 143 !?,I SSE 4? -43 an#% 318 TW !5@ 5.8 6.3 #* J5,P SfE aknak A@&F "J@ 8 943% %#%I fZ9% 8% %##+I f#t st #%##W %##f ##"3%# JO 14b IaR 2#5 193 17.1 SSF 63 -6,7 n%aa 33585 t."i"-:t, []Cn:7"'f" < i"l..-fS) 0,~ r ,O :3,0 6,13 IOJZ 15, 11 20 s 0 '3- ["I TQ t'n TO 'T- n TO OW DTRECTTQP! 1, Q 3 r o 6 , a] 0 L [I I~",;~o z [I , o G IR E i-t 'T' t-1 F: -!' ~I-T 61 I*.. ". - Il.r U r*r .X3 - .Y ..- r- 4- -rr .r. .- - - - rrt L- U. rr .- .... ...... - - .- ,- .... ............. -. -.. - .- ..., .... ,... ................ - - .. .... .... .... -, rrr .. - .... - - ,-r .....a - ur .... -r rrr-. rrr u .- ... WNW --., a , XR @ .:j ei !I , it if it1 I 4-! tS O ,Of1 ij , 811 Q , 0 il p? Cj f' F' : (1 F R 1:; f~ [ 11 : p! f' j:t" {# f; I::' 5°F) 1::' f.l, $::, I:.' l) 1 @ \:5 1.:' [% 1': ;\.! ,:) ;:,.f 5 u (3 r... '1. '1. b.j (') R c:; fe .la v A '1 I 1 PI k.1 i:; f: lj '1 Q "g 1:;. v I:: r._ F'I p f: 14 E t3 kj 1:: pi l.: 1' ;;" pj pj A if :,v\ $1; {i W :f N I) [Xi $:\ f: [i { f & 1% f N !:i bj I 1. 1 E) I..[ fi ";i' \-' 8 1.:' {: ~4 f 1 $1 \'4 1 ' [: I' f" R X ::E M3 \\!\$.'g"C"' I)Aj'C#, .*pa a> ." "2 ,*<s 1": &" '1. pl 'f' F' 9""$ t:; '7 cg -1- -1, C) bj $"? 1') T 1"'; '\ F:' bj 1) i') t:: 19 f.1 fN '7 b.4 I {;t 1:: Fs $'I fq "1' .:\ ' HSJURLY E.,BN$'jl4AVE RrfUj: $'T:[I:tN SUMMARY I::'[:)Ert. E.t(E,,t.)'T"MA t..&\iE Mi:'&'f.i.if.:R fs"i^Ri-! XQN IIAT-A TAKEM DUf4 XNG Na ue~kjer, 1 P83 ii? & P$ (1) Q:3 $3 C,Z I,,, "ifm @+!I "T- $3 . 14: @-.! t:: 6*t$ I..E 11: "r' tlq f*-t '.if. x, 1;s 1:;: i,,, Oft: ""6 'I';: :I: 1'" 1'2 fl'b liE: $:: "I" &2"sfcSERVA"f"$ON 5U~S"iAl;tY F13R Etfi,UT'J"S$ I. Q!(E: WEA-r!-tt:IR $i'l'kl"l'E:fN DATA TAKEN DURXNG Na ve~bsr , 2 983 PAR AME'TER -. - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - K KK KKK KK K K K.. K - .m rr .*.A -r rrr r.. .a .rr .... r.. ur ..r .... re.. KK K K K .- .... ..- .- W" -... . . .- -r* .-.. .... -". r- .. r KK KKK. --. 1-EHf3 ER &T tjR E:: WIND SPEEIU WIND DXREGTIDN PEAK GUST RELATIVE MUMXD1:TY PRECXPI'T"A"TXON SOLAR R AD 3. iS"f [IN DEld PBTN'T LONGWAVE RCSSIJ: BTXCIM 1, rSEX -21 E;tH points 2, Solar -1 MW/CM~ Additional co nts an this month's data: 1, Internittent wind speed and direction data Post due .Zo frszern anemometer and wind vane, 2. All data lost after 11/29 due to dead power supply. No precipitation data for Decerrber (See INmRPIPETATIC3 OF. DATA). HQUR D U3i@ U4WD EtiST WAX, HOijR E bgf ND gXHF GUST HRY, HOUR BE8 UZ#D gi#B GUST #A?, NDW& E&B, F8ZWT 2H BfR, SPB, ESR. GUST WAD KOHG TEgP, POINT RX FIR, SPB, EfR, GOST WAD NDNG ?F#P, POINT WH PlR , SPD, Sift, GUST BES c BEG c x ~EG, PUS BEG, S~S NU BE6 C PEE C X DEG. Hi5 BEG, HfS BIU GEG C BEG C 3 ?vEcl 8,s BEG, His #g -----)__-----q_-------*----- ----------------------------.*---------- ------------------------------------------- a301 +#%P.ff. t#@tf 9% %fQ $#a 9&Q I%#% %%L 3300 %En%# as%%%& .IE;H %%f 3#9f 6igRF t3fJb.H $#?a 0300 f3t$%% tE$;ai%.?ifC 9% %%I $1%E8 i#f 835% 39% $499 rssgg fig= @B z&% #%w% ea ##*@ %R% o&ag %%%%% %%%#a~ %% ~3% %a# %S%W wtl: 8688 $8%%% %n%%tid: %# awl %n%% 335% rg*~ %h@ 8788 %@SW #%$t# 3% I%% %%fK 2IW %f%# 3#f g?fi(j -SEW%% # %'.f%ff 9% 89% %s.#f (il##.W fff 03fjfi %##f% %#$%I$ iw #%"iWat$% 42% %fgC %%Q l%Qk %%%%% %%naf% rt raw %uw# gnsl %$I-= 29% 1:Efa %%%is f.~tffff #if ZW$ sf-162 ~ff %#%a %%a 12138 ###is;% wffwffir 3% #an %a%% fr~ %#r.s&1% 83% 1508 *#%%H @%$%# 9% ~3 f~rt-8 +SM %%-?% fWZ 3508 ~9~3% -)S%ff$3t ## ?#% 4I3?tff f&# 1580 f%%Q@ 4C#@fjk Z% 33% #C9% $99 %%ff* %@f %,5@8 &%%#M W%## tQf.9 q%f% 93% %gH# ##ft leja %%a%% $H$%% 9% 39% pi#%% #3# a%%% %%% IBaa #gW%% f9IP?E #Q 30%t %%%.Be %%# #;bit(. %WZ tl@g e%%ws w%wi?a# m8 3%~ #ZH #st ~fff Q%L 21flff %%##% "F%#% %#WB n#% f~ft 3ug ~f ~a %Y#~.S% J~E#%Z~T #% YP~ #Q~K: 3%~ f*%% tf 4 2480 a%#%% @~%ty 9% 3%~ wgsw %#n #%%a f#f 2400 sf%%% ZQ%%K ?EQ wf f%#% 33% %%%% %f% 2400 %%a#& aawu#%.te 8% %#% @w%n 9%" "rtw %%Z WNW BSU W3WD SI#D GUST WhX, HOUR BEU UIHn MI#& Gus? BhX, HOUR DEU WX WB UI#D GUST Ha, HBH6 TE8P + PDXNT WH DIR s SPDI DfR a GUST R&B NDHG TEWP ?OTWI 9H @TR, SPD, DIR 8 GUST R4D NDBG TERP, POlHi RH DfR, SPD* 838 8 GUST R SE6 G BEG C X PEG, HIS BEG, 8fS H# BE9 C BE6 G Z DEB. W/S DEG, KiS WU BEZ C DEG C X DEGt ~15 BE6 Pi5 #U -----ll_-q--_O_-~------m----~~l-O----iO.---- --9-----11101.------------------------------- -.---1--1-(.-1..- -- lll-.----,.---..l...------~~---~-.--.---LCU10 HO~JB DE ~IHB ~~TND C~ST WAX< HOUR DEU ur&a ui~~ ausr n~x, ~cn~ DEU uibb6 WI~B GUST HBX, t!DHP, TEWP, POINT BM DTR, SPB, 318, KCST WAF HOMG XRP, PlffNT RH FIR, SFIF, %I!?, GUST BhD NDHG VE~P, POIt47 RH F""? SSPTj, QIR, 6k$T W+,T BE9 6 BEG f: X DE6, t4iS BEG, Hi5 HW BEG 2 DE6 C X DfG, W!S BEG, kU EEG ii: BEG C Z ' iG, kiI5 BEG, &iF *-------_-BP-NI_----*---=------------------- ---------------------*--------*---*---e-m- ------*-------------------------m,-----mm---- 0360 -9,? -10,9 $1 45h '9 158 I,? 8 fi3QO -I?,? 89 159 '9 lh0 1,9 O 6300 -IS,5 %#%%3 88 153 ,8 498 j,~ Q Q&Oa-i8,9@%%#%89 155 I,# 157 ?,5 Qob@-1?~8~~~f#?I 15b ,3 152 1,9 iI BbOB-f5,4*aMS88 '53 ,S 152 ~,3 0 d9gQ -1113 n%%%# WB $58 ,B !57 2,s C 8?O# -13.3 -94,h 80 157 S,O 155 h,9 S 09Q"I5,& #a%%% Pi:) 154 $8 157 t,F fi 1200 -9,? -t314 PS 154 ,B 155 f ,9 3 !?Be -61,8 "99% 90 151 $9 155 t$9 3 1208 -13,? #%#%n 89 152 ,7 168 1,s 3 1500 -R,? %&#%% $2 162 ,9 fQ6 1,9 I 9500 -tl,B aww%# 83 1% $9 I&% 4,9 3 i5aE -4,s asgas 94 941 ,S 857 $,3 1 id@fl -j0,4 as&$% $9 155 ,B "fb S $9 O 138R -12,s e~i~ 89 l5h .8 1k3 1,3 @ 1800 -3,s @:-%isas $lib. 151 ,d !,9 0 Zlg@ -jt,3 a#### 89 156 ,3 $57 1'9 fii -12,b **%a# $1 15? aQ f36 I,? Q ?fflO -R,2 %wag% 63 Qa 3~ 11% 2,s 0 240@'-%t,4#%#ff%89 158 ,q 158 I,? fi24$r0-1J,fl%a+%%ql j5T *3 rho I,$ QE4Q'"-8,9%;-##*@92 $46 ,? 333 Jtz @ T WRFE HflfidR StfHFiiAR'r" I;'(>@ EM t,.\.?TNA !..At.;t"T'tit&AHER Si'fi"BT X ON DATA TAKES.,! D6fRXNG Bet:ernbc?r . 1983 YQbE BEB #I% #IBB GKT Nm, HBLiR 0Eg lefIm UfHB 6bST HkX, HQUF DEU UHB UXH8 GUST #4X, TEgP, POIHT RH Dl@* $PO, BfP, GUST RAD NDHG 'fE%P: POINT RH Big. SBB, OIR, FUSi 460 &BN6 TEBP, POINT BH BIR, SPB, fiIR, gUiT RkD E-G C BEe C X BEG, BtS BEG, #IS KU BEG C BEG C I BEG, H1"5 BEG, Sf5 8U BEG E DEG IC $ BEE, HI$ PEG, H!S fig --------.CI-rbs~---%-"r"r""r"r"r"r"r"r"r"r"r"r"r. -"-"U---.I--P-----------.H-"O-.--LCI-O-UI CBUU----t.*-L.P"r"r"r"r,--"rilil"ililililililililil~-~~--~-=.~- BJ@8 -8,3 -18-8 92 833 ,4 OlPf ?,5 D D3BD -7,8 #+%Zf% 33 144 ,P 944 1%3 1 030B -18,9 ff%gik 89 151 #El 158 I,? @ 868C -92 sar"%% 92 f)7E ,Z 348 1 ,B 0 081if9 -6,X e##wn 82 $38 148 f ,3 8 3680 -7J r@wnik 95 144 ,d 1% 1 ,Y I $981 -s4,51*8W%.BC92 826 ,3 341 2,s 8 8980 -5,7#%%Sjr93 669 ,4 tl"P,B O 8908 -92#83%4#82 115 16 036 ?,5 B X2DO -8,& -9-1 92 872 ,2 101 r,7 I 1288 -3.4 g%%asr~3 108 :S $18 13 -d fZOn -$17a4%air~3 149 ,7 1~8 I,? 2 15BQ -.7,5%=92 832 ,4 841 1,P "It538 -6,4%%%%%g$ 1159 ,4 It42 t,9 1 fSSO -4,5#a%3aP3 137 ,5 1% 1,3 % !8@B m68%@g83gP3 "s4 ,9 848 2,s ilafR4O-$0,3*333%93 086 ,5 033 2,s tilPOB -8,fb~%@%n51"3 131 ,6 096 $,3 8 2310 -7J -9,T 8R 33a * 329 4,s e ?:$Q -1.2~2 #g$sr WP $59 J 148 13 8 218~ -3)~ Q~~BHIE 92 158 ,7 196 1,~ 8 246B --"I8 @g%W 92 $58 ,3 5ft8 t ,fa D 2488 -92,A %@#sf 91 '957 &7 I%? I,? O 24QB -9*5" %%aaIE 95 I40 ,7 144 It ,!I b n&-f 27 DAY 14 DAY 15 HOU~ a~u UJRB UIHD GIST HAX, HOUR DEU HINB UINB G~IST #AX, HOUR DEU WEWDUIBBGUSTHAX, #B%G EEF:: POXgT gf.l DIR, ST?@, BIB, GUST i3&B !iDMG TEMP, PtlMNT RW DIB, SPB, DIR, GUST FZAD MDMG Y%#ibR, PBINli ffN DHR, 5P8 DfR GbgT Rtf4D BEG C DS C Y BEG, "#45 QE6, #iS % BEG C PEG C. Z DEE, HfS BEG, #iS HU BEG C DEG C X DEG, 8,s BEG, fiIS HU 5-I ~b--Y---UL_"~--~-e_..-------P.---* ---UI-.^II-------ICIIL--.llO-------*------------------ # 0380 -@ 4 -1 1 *!j 92 58% #ww# sri awwg 0 8380 -3.7 -25 88 waa ss~w %%# %a## 8 8 8649 -18,% -1 1 $2 92 %a% %%#% as@ @%%@ 8 QbQQ -24,2 -26,T 80 93% @%%# %%# %@.-la% 8 0 @pfi$ -1 f ,P -13,3 89 a#% %#@# %S# %%%% 8 g9Rfi -25, f -27,81 78 %%a %ti% P#S $i;i%i 8 9 f 200 -!I .f -I?,& 89 #a%% %#a %#%% 1 120R -?4*3 -??,a 78 93% %aw# wag %a%# 3 9 f508 -j.G ,B -12.5 88 93% %%%% %gw s%%% 1598 -233 -26,s 79 93% %%g% 93% #%an Q 3 $808 -$2.6 -13,8 98 #%* %%#M n%n %r#% O 1840 -24,8 -27,s IR %%% a%%% 89% $ww% @ ?!@a -17,5 -19,: 85 #%#% %H $n#% O ZfBQ -23,3 -?&,I 78 #%@ 89~8 w%r ##%G 8 B 2480 -22* ; --24,3 82 ### %%#@ eww %#%@ D 2600 -la,? -26,4 85 %#% ##%a %%s +#@a g HOUR DEH UlMD 115?!4%) t'$tl5f HBX, HTrl!R b UIND MIND GUST R&X, &OUR BE@ WIBb NTH8 GUST SAX, HDHG VEHP, PQIHV @Y bTR, liPfi, Dl@, GgS4 RhD MBNG TEMF. ilTJT>#V EM BfRl St2, 018, GUST RAD HDHG TE#P, PQINT WE"i DER, SPB, DIR, GUST RAD BE6 C DEE C X BEG, US Df C , WfS i4U BEG G DE6 C X BEG, HIS PEG, HdS HU DEG C BEG C X DEG, ~!S DEG, ~/S BU __ _ _ __C__5_-____L1*_-I__IIPf--~--* II41111UC-CUI-)-B----"- -I----------.-------- -----------.III------------m-----m.--*--%------ 8?Crtr -37,b $b #@% +i%c& MM %%B% F 0309 -BID %%%@u B9 972 3 $38 4,9 0 -13,s -E 4,b 9% %#a #%%% #%a M%# 8 6660 -- -$,4,$ 59 +tc$ J1E%%$ 49% %%I% 0 @&@fi -+,7 %#%%B; 89 353 3Z8 1.9 16 %DAB$ -IS,$ -t6,3 RR *R%% a#%% 39% %#%%ii fi ~y~~-i:,g#3f##+ty1 111 ,3 :$I X,J OBYOB-II~I gagag%~ 137 ,S 143 1,3 o OPOn-1518-17,z8v gguaa#n ags#gsq r2fi6 -la,% E#S~:# 90 QB7 ,? 135 f ,3 1 i208 -k14 -%@,i 88 l?R *I 121 ,$ f 1200 -%3s0 -f4,3 %### a%# %%%# 2 -9'7 #I:#%% 88 08: '2 883 I ,3 B f50b -63 nR#qK% 92 087 ,2 $48 % ,3 6 l506 -13,Z -14,s 92 39% %nn% unn s%#% -9,2 :..e$%#87 090 ,2 835 1,s Fr 1846 -k,3%4#%4934 119 ,d 10$ 1,S D -*36z3-f81fiEu7 %%%%%%% %%a 33s~ Q 2108 -8,#i:-#%++#yf 126 ,5 OR2 1,9 O?l48 -h,4+!#%8%95 a89 ,? 8Gr %,J Q3100-67,7-f9,685 a#%##njk ~3aajinu 8 2426 i34ip44t 88 3 i3 .3 003 ! O 24Qb -(I,! L4B*Zt 93 C9R $1 315 1 @5 O 2480 -17.9 -20 en car$# at+% sxa5 0 THREZ. HOt_lf? SISHiYiARk" FOR f<fi!,.tlTN& t .r3iif: WEATHER STBT :EON DATA TAKEN BURFNG Deceeber, 1983 H@UB EU UINB IJ4HD RfET flr"llt, )8t9!$8 BEY U7NB UIWD GUST WhX, Haeta BEU %Z#B #IN9 GUST WMs NW TEBF. PQINP RM BIR, ~SPFS, BIB, G~JSP WAD ~3~6 TEW, POINT WH BIB, SPD, 0x8, eusr aeg NM~ TEHB. PBX~T R# BIW, s~t) BIB a GUST ~gn~ EG e BEG b: X BEG, 14/5 BEG, %iS BM DE%: C DEG C X DEG, #/S DEG, BfS HV BEG C BE6 C X BEG, 8/S BEG, 8,s -~-~-~~-.-~E.Q~~~--~--ICICICIC~ICICIC~-D~~-~-~-~PI-~ -~~-il-~~~--------.-~~~-~.I~-----~~~--~-----s- -I~~----N-IC-----I--------------~-~----~~-~~-~~ 19381-18,1-2I,@%Jb ~~~~f~~# ff$s@%g 8 830s -5,5~%3%#85 135 ,2 127 ,b O 8388 -2,8%38%4 98 113 ,2 (916 O Ob8Q-17,4-19,985 %%%{@##r a%%8#%% Qgsag -4,s -5,1 9b h%#u%#% %nn#%## 8 9bOQ -2,4##%#~9T 119 ,3 125 1,3 B gY@Q -44,l 9B2s 89 132 ,5 144 2,s 8 8908 -4.2 gg%xs 9b 111 3 121 1,s O 098Q -3,3 -3,s 88 $1 ask ,b B 6288 -33,5 %%%HI BO 127 ,3 12% 1.3 1 128B -3,2 %f%#@ 95 %31 ,I 135 f ,3 O :FfiB -3,s -4,2 84 us% 8885 %%# F4Sn 1 1598 -11 ,& MBH 91 139 ,3 I47 1,s D f"54 -2,s sS89% P"i"136 2 3 3 O l5BQ -be$ -7,4 049 @a% tgfff ##* gtZ% 8 18B8 -9;2 @%%$% 89 f2B ,4 129 1,3 O 1886 -2,5 97 hO1 ,3 Q85 1,P U 1891 -f0,3 -ff,8 BP 83% %%%% O 2EBO -b,8%~~93 t2f ,4 :fP f,9 02186 -2,5%3@%79B 128 2 1 3 82805-12,i-33,3B1 s@%%%aw %%a%*%% 8 2908 -5,$%%%S%BS It8 1 7 3 B2486 -2,b%#W%f97 120 ,? 120 f,3 O2BO8-52,2-14,t 93 #%#a%%% %%%@a%# 8 DgqY 22 DAY 23 1Ik-f 2'4 B~QUR DEB u~wn I;~J~B GUST nofx, goua DEU WIHB ~;;IHB GUST ~63~ HOUR BEU MXHB UZNP GUST HAX, NB3C TEH, BQ%WT RH C;R, !$Pit, BIB8 GUST BAD 8DN6 TEHP, "ft7Hf RH DIE, 5!B, bTW, GUST RtarB NDHG TEE?, POINT 816 DIR, SPB, DIRT GUST BAD DEC G BE6 $, Z, BEG, BIlS %)EG, HfS #i BEG c BEG c x BEG, ni? BEG, 8is HU a~r G BEG c x DEG 81s BEG, #!s fig U--P~-P9_-0~------~-~L--.s-131C-----~~BP-P---~ --.)s----(I-C-D--------CI--.I---.PL.I-1S.C-PPI---DP~.3- ..I1---...-o--lp-~------.I.I--l---O.lt-~C--*I-.I---..- 83@3-19,3-fS,B98 %%a3ia%% %ew%%9w 8 8300 -!8,9-21,1 83 nn%%n4% %%%%#a# Q 030O-r@,6a%an%83 148 ,z 151 1,3 6 8608 -rs, a -1ai.7 88 SB~ wggg a;rn gwsw ir 1600 -IS,E~ -20 ,R 84 sign 898% %BY ~~~s a a! qr "i.5 tgygg FS 138 ,2 e42 1 3 g 838@-15,8-39,597 %%%#ti-$S #%$#%is% 0 09QO-f9,7-22,0 P2 %%%%%%a %%%%%%% 8 O?L.c 'L,&-18,585 13% ,3 "129 1.3 tf 1203 45,s -Ik,B 88 39% #I*%H #wk -x#e 1 130 -i9,2 -21,3 P3 %w% $%s% rw% wn#% 1 t2Qc -17,2 #uw%% 85 124 ,$ 132 ,6 1 55@Q-15,1 -fb,986 %%%#A%# wa%KRga fl 15@fl-j7,4-59,3P$ s#a%uw% %%##%@@ 0 ESGQ-f5,8%%#%%8& 433 ,? 627 1,3 0 IBgQ -:7,fl-f8,9@5 $%#%%%$ %%as%%## 6 IBQ8-%9,$ -21,383 %%%#%%K E+i% %%#K 8 1808 -17',# %#%##@3 929 12 124 t,3 21@4-f8,@-f9,985 #%aa%u% *%%E##% R290fl-$8,W -?f,O83 %%a%%aw 3nw %%%# O 9]#O-%5,4~%#%%87 130 ,$ 14& 5.3 8 ZlBO -18~5 -28,s $44 %*c ag%r su* #%#% O 2403 -l8,9 -25 ,I 83 %%a %@%n wa a#%# 0 ?400 -65,7 @w%#s 89 120 ,g $01 1,3 HCBlg8 DEU UIRDUZHDGbSTWbX, HOUR DEN @IHB UXNB GUST 8AX, HOUR BEM UIND @IWD GUST t!AX, HBHG XgP , POINT RM BlR. liPD, QIR , GtJSf RAD 8BW6 YEPIP, POIFIT CiH DfR , SPD, DXR, GUST RAb PDMG TE8P, POINT RM DIW , 5PD, DZR , 6145% WAD BEG c BEG G 2 DEG, g/s DEG, HU DEG c BEG c x BEG, ~\PS DEC, H~S RW DEG e Dse c x aft, nis BEG: ~41s --a -rmB~~~.~~~~-~-----~.-~-r;r;r;r;r;-r;---.-r;--r;r; ----a=.--------r;r;-r;--l-L -----.--.118r;r;r;r;r;--r;r;r;r;r;r;r;,r;r;r;r;r;r;r;r;" r;r;r;r;r;r;r;r;r;r;r; 63$9-14,3933~~8W 125 ,5 524 fez B 030fi-t4.4@@##988 f25 2 7 3 O 030n -17'3-19,285 a%%%### %s$!ss#a 0 0608 -33,94#%%%89 13Q ,4 832 1'3 8 ObBD-%5,9 -fb,P87 %#%%a%# 3%B%R#% 0 Ohfl$-f7,1-gy,&eS %#####% #%gggga 8 0900 -14.7 .ii%ifl@ BR 127 4 1 1 O !901 -14.g lb.4 88 133 .3 098 1.3 il 8915 -18.2 -2O,t 65 rrs *~ls %iir! rLii8 1?80-13.5%fi%a*89 I51 3 4 3 11200-15.2-lh.9R1 %arna*u 120 j,3 ! 1288-17.7-19.983 r%aan%r rgagrar I !SOir-Ila8%%9##?"113 ,,4 108 1,s I1 15@C--14,5~~.~*3h8R 1% $19 143 1,3 1 f5iBfi-fb,&-18,793 wg~xw?ss #.j+h g#%;;c B 1880--12,b%#~@~f83 118 ,4 135 1,3 0 %r100-1613-88,1 Rb 129 ,I 63% .6 O 6880-$8,4-20,4I;a4 #.##a#%# aas:+gb~~ a -13.1 te;#r R7 124 .3 129 1,3 R 2100 -1b.9 -18.8 85 #%e gr%n aa* avwg O pjQ@ -$Bag -?I.? 83 rra GBr E~~AJ 0 2486 -14~7 ccgEr!i RR 135 ,3 1.3 lj ?lot -17.7 -19.6 85 cia# rarx %nn %a%% 8 2403 -19.4 -21 ,T 82 'tag ,pcfi 0 HhX, GUST BIR , '&%%; nag, GUST P 'VAL WEhW SPD, srR, RH HIS 5C ii%f% %@% 34% ###% fa% 34% QeBf# 1)2% 9% *#t& #OI# 44% %eH Zt 2,s SSE 83 2,s SSE sa 1,9 SSE 80 S,? SSE 9Q dpl% NM# 91 2,s SSE Bd 2,s SSE 91 1 ,B tagM 9s %%us E giy EER# SE 13 SF, 89 1,8 ESE 82 a%sn SE El? 2,s SE $5 4,Y SE 85 1,s SF: 83 It%*% $E 87 SSE 83 fi=3 f;E fit4 ft3%E %% I,% ESE 87 WZM# %E 84 3;1.1F#f SE 81 #%%# SE 80 1~35~ wa 9,s esf a] 4,4 SE 843 HE&& DP PWECltP BEG G $1H .*,, 4:j\.)f5% V&3 , 0 PI (:k.lS'?i* MTNl.fS t;? :8:N7'EYR"dLl,!; ,!i - 2 .. . .ST 4:. R"T MAX, GVliST M2:hl.ES 1 IN'T'F,~?\~AE., 3 , ti3 93t.BS'T VF:!. , $17" Mrr?IX, 6:O.lS.T t41.1.f4; ? :I'N'lFRV&l. ..*. ,. ,5 a ; I:. 61'1' OZ%AX, 8>1$5,5-T fJ1.\,15 2 :i:N*Y'ER"$P"AI,S :;?,S N ZIP R180 fr ,OR I), Od) ff ,OO O,QO Ef, 130 :? 2 t-3 NNE :I , as , 33. t~ .1l0 tl . art o,ao a,aa n ,EBO x ,41 NMW s. *:?I t i. s (3 , Cl 8) 0 , ll 0 0 $00 0 ,I30 11 ,$50 a\ , 3 t:] ":P 'k 9 c;hLH 2 7 , y',,> *w. ..- .... .... ..a. **** -*.. .%,. *.,* .... ,*.. A*.. '4". .a+* ..*. ".. ..,+ ,..* *..* .... ."*. ,... e., ,.,* .em. .*a- at.. '.,. ..,, .**' ..,a .-$ .,M *hl e.n **". rl.l *_ 'r' Q '"s A!..,. 71 , 1 'I f3 , Cr :3 61 , (1 0 FI I! CB tl , 61 0 !I , 0 0 I) , 61 0 i (1 Ib , [I [I pa*j iC' d f 1::' L mP . 1 sfP, 4 j. , F' j4 g;: ["[ 1:; q; :J' f:. 5 :;:;y [=' t::: X y R 4::' i;; 5 \::' I*, :f N p I=' R I':' kq 'T' & -fl (4 Y & 1, "1: 1) W 1: 11 fr'j R !:i F:. I$ 4) (11 7 *" 1.1". 4N S %,; 6;; Ft: 1) '7 I'j %St 1;': (I F:. i,,. FE f: E. fJ \..! 1::: bl[: '( $i fa! $4 R "f 1 8 $3 :[ pd cj f.i c; R ;[ fS N f:i W fl \.I 1 1) {4 V F:' fj f:: 1;:" p.: ("1. (3 la 1121 %;:: 6.: "f' 8:: [J, 3 6) pq .pN I,) '1' 1::: \,.$ T' $3j $4. **+ $;; E. 5"' 'I* 13 'i' F( ["R F, "% 7-9: I:) p.1 0 'f' E: !:s A '1' f:. f.! [) 1-1 "':' i;:) j\) '7' {..I . j' [4 \:. /:T I:] '7' .h. WCkURLESOtAR R&DIATION SUMMARY I;: CfR E:O( l...bl*l NA I...AICE ta3E!&'r'l-II<R ::.iS'rRi'T'Jf:IlN 1 DATA TAKEN DURTNG Decenhep, 1983 1 SOLAR RAI)ZA.I.ION VAL(.IrfS Mf:ASI.IR E:D I: N M:I:L .. I... I: UA'I.'I.S P li.R !;GlllAiil:i: C:E:N'I1I*rli:Tlt R l4OUf;e h"n"aNd:3FfAVE R BIZ :t: &"!" :[ 63N Sl.)HHAtt?Y F:'{:II'$ l..t.!'t'N& [,..A{< E:' t4arf:::R"l'b.tti: I? S'i'n'!' :jt:)b+! BAT& TAKEN DURING Dece~tge~, X 983 DbTE I:@@ 6208 83251 Qsfto BbOB 0780 0811 OBOO 1084 tlOQ dZO! 1380 119t1)O m300 1600 1700 fSOl 1889 21909 2106 228t 2300 2489 4VG -.-.P--.D--alrC.-IDL---rlep------11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111*11 -."lr--.P---"""-.-1111--".-----m------~----------~------,"--*---~---~------.------m- f w8 %Sf f%f fbZ Elf is# f## #t8 99% 93% Kg1 f%% f%# RWW t#$ tR# b%W sf# ?kW3 $89 399 %a% a#% %#% ? gft %j$8 @fg %%f Z@# %#% %@f t@% Yf8 i%% 88% 98% WR #%I Stf Kg# Q1$ 92% #%# $is# #Kg %Q# %#E H%@ 3 3%~ ~3 iigt E~C 4f.g~~ gar# nsg s#w m-9 ~1% ~3% E)#W 33% I## ##ye ~98 9181 %%R wx IF#% ~QI 81% sw 93% %st 4 @f@ fH% @#f 98% fM# Qlf ZgQ f#f RIP ff% #ft %I% &## fb# tf# %%Z ##% ### 99% %%% 88% #%% %%% 5 #H %Bt @%i 198 f## 89% f## f%f 89% ff# 8Ui bfZ %%Y @## H#t #a# ##+4 t#% 3%3 It#% St% #%P f%% if$ SBS 6 334% KIH $HW 98% ##Z %9% ffH %Zf Sf% SfZ #t# %%# Wlf t%# %#W BWI 27 27 28 28 28 27 28 38 9 7 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 B 27 28 28 28 29 29 24 27 28 28 28 29 27 8 27 f7 23 8 27 27 2 27 28 29 2% 27 27 27 37 32 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 27 26 2% ?7 9 2 2 2b 27 2b 2% 26 2b 26 2b 5, 26 28 28 39 28 30 31 35 35 ?$ 28 29 28 fD 28 33 26 31 28 28 27 32 32 30 29 29 27 30 3 339 31 35 35 38 29 28 29 30 11 24 27 30 30 38 29 32 30 31 27 29 93 31 29 9 30 29 28 27 27 27 27 26 23 $2 26 27 28 29 20 30 29 23 27 28 28 27 27 2B 29 29 24 28 29 28 23 28 27 28 29 13 29 29 3@ 29 38 i4 33 38 38 35 3% 35 32 27 32 56 J$ 3b 38 3& 32 2B 29 30 32 12 27 2b 24 24 2S 25 25 24 24 24 24 2 27 29 24 4 24 4 ?t 23 22 22 21 23 24 % 5 26 %d 21 20 25 29 25 25 25 24 24 25 25 25 26 24 25 25 24 4 25 24 24 25 24 f Q 2% 25 26 28 27 29 26 29 28 29 28 34 Fl 28 30 29 Zb 28 30 28 32 $1 33 28 28 $7 3% 28 30 33 29 31 29 31 28 29 28 29 28 30 3Q 31 32 32 33 3Q 3J 28 Jj 29 30 P 8 2Y 2 28 28 2% 26 25 28 28 25 ?k 27 27 26 28 28 27 27 29 26 20 3 23 28 27 a 9 2? 25 24 26 25 25 26 2b 25 2& 23 27 27 29 27 r! 2s 3 28 27 34 31 29 3% 27 20 38 JO 34 30 30 28 38 30 3% 3i 34 Sf 31 31 3% 32 32 29 32 51 36 32 Jj 31 31 21 32 32 29 32 31 38 31 31 30 31 31 3% 32 31 3% 30 2 28 28 26 28 27 27 35 30 22 27 21 29 27 26 28 2$ 2$ 2$ 28 25 28 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 2& 26 26 26 26 23 2 28 28 24 26 26 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 2% 2$ 2ga zb 25 25 ?g 26 26 ~b 25 24 26 2% 26 25 25 26 29 28 2b ?$ 26 26 26 $7 25 27 25 26 27 27 27 26 26 28 z& 25 25 24 29 27 28 28 29 26 2 29 27 26 28 27 28 21 28 27 28 27 26 27 27 28 27 %& 29 26 27 27 2b 27 38 %b 27 25 26 2B 26 26 2b 2% 28 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 26 2 7 26 26 2b 2% 25 25 28 25 26 25 25 26 28 2b 27 26 2b Lb 26 25 25 25 26 25 ?& 28 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 35 25 25 25 2 2b 25 25 ?S 25 25 25 2% 25 25 125 2 9 25 25 24 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 2% 25 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 29 24 2% 25 2% 25 25 2b 26 25 21 %Y 29 27 25 3 a 29 21 28 28 28 28 39 28 29 ?Y 7 27 28 28 2? 29 28 28 27 27 28 28 29 29 28 $is &,,j $:$ 'r" kt fi [--I X> f:2 iif: I,., 1,:: "y' 6:: I:' I? KJB :J* Oii: CZ: *Ifm OBSER VA'f f ON CitJ3ifiilHARSQ &::'fnR E:l(t,U'TNA I.. Af(li WECi'I WIICR S'I'A'V 1.C)N XlATA TAKEN DUR IGNG Decemb erh ? 1 52rf33 PAR &METER N\3MBE V4 FlF \.3l;&EF ... liZ 1::: rq 1:; ?J -r r: ~:li~s~:launr 11: TQ-T'AI, ~)~ES~ER~.~A-TX, I:INS ------ .OIU.--~E1LIWI.El-I-V..IUL.II.C1.....4..-"~*"--.L*l-m..r.rr- .,.,.".,.. ..... r.."...ruuu, .u,-rr."... -u ..... -... "...,...~......,...r..,r .... uu ......I r.r. TEHP ER AS'UW l-z W 1: ND SPfi:Bf If) WIND DIRECT Z!!Y PE:AK GUST REL'ATIVE ktiUHXDITY PRECIPX't"atsr"9:QN SOLAR RBDTATEQN DEid POX$.i'l' LONGWAVE RADIATION T I-t E R E A R 1": 1 4 8 8 I:' f.) Ii'; S I B I.., E: I:$ E S IZ I? V A '7 :I: 6:) N !ii "'$8-1 :I: fii $4 H 'I' S.4 l"' f 3 1i" Ef: A 1:: 9-9 F' A I? A I'I I,."F' 1, I? , EWE IIA'f'A F<fiCORD:I:MG I MTERVAB ... I: S 3 bl HP NWTES , 1, M -3 RE-I points 2, Solar -1 ~/cMZ Additional cements on this month's data: I. Recording time interval was changed 1216 from 15 minutes to 30 minzttes, 2. All data lost prior to 1216 due to dead power supply. No precipitation die&., for January (See INmWmTATXON OF DATR) . ~ I*-;" *%- iC4 :: . j -. - $3 - $5 - 3: P-4 If:: . HQt5$ XU UIMD UIHF? GUST BiltU, MOltR BEU MIND MIND GUST BhX, SOUR BEO UBHD WIND G53ST 8RX. RDMG TK~~P, PRTHT PW DXR, SPB, ~111, GUST ~t4~ ~~tlf, TEBP, POIRT RM DTW, s~lt, I)XW GUST RAI! RBHG rs,np, Pnrt-Elr wti an, spal 9rniha RAF PEG c BEG G x nEg, ~ts BEG, n:s BEG c BEG c x BEG, H~S DEG, HJS #U DEG c DEG t: r a~c, HPS DEG, nis ~u --P---*---,--~*~*w-~-~-d~&-~2&hhhhh--- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,-,,-~---a-----------.-I--.a- --a-------------.--*------=---I.------------- 8391 -84,4 %%wn% 65 119 ,2 109 ,c9 8 a3Rt -2,s -3,t 98 88% %%#% 98% 8WBf Of 0308 6,s -I,& SB 1% 6."63 trdai8 O 0606 -18,l #~~#~ 91 116 ,2 145 Is3 Q ObQB -,5 -,3 97 %%% %%#% ~8 9 DhOB 6,s -2,9 52 I34 6,6 138 11&4 5 0986 -R,45=99RB 5@6 .f Q?2 A 0,O -,3% %*@*%%# 0 090fl 6,s -?,7'52 131 3,3 536 8.9 8 A2BB -bx4%Sa%%9.E. %B? ,It It2 ,$ 1120t R,3 ,1639 dbO Zlf 147 3,s 5I2DO %,I -3,!52 140 6,4 144fl14 3 1500 -2,3%g38566 146 ,I 138 t,3 f 15B6 7,s -?,O51 142 5,P 14hfB,8 Zf5fl0 5,1 -4,052 I38 S15 23510,8 2 asbg -2,s -3,39~ 3egzn93 #~w%w## fi 180~ &,I -2,333 138 5,9 135 9'5 o iaoa ~9 -2,i170 142 ,v 138 5.3 o 2104 -3,i -S,? 86 r@n 3%%# ~9% gwns fi 2flifr b,3 -2,$ 53 537 5,8 136 10,2 0 2188 ,3 -1,51 88 339 f ,b 353% "s!! 0 2488 -3,O -5,s 96 %a? %sfrig ### %%%% D 2480 6,8 -?,3 52 138 5,$ 135 PZ1"9 2400 -1.2 -11,51 88 3fjB ,b 318 3,8 O HOUR BEU UJWB ~~TNB GUST n&x, ~oua DEW QXND UXNB GUST nax, iiou~ BEU UIA, UX~B GUST AX, ~4s TEnp, ~o~wv ~g sza, s~o, DIR, Gusr waQ MQNG renP, Ponwr RH sla, ~PD* DIL Gusr Ras nDi!c rEnP, PanHu RH ~IR, spn, srR, &ST RAB BEG C BEG @ X BEG, \?/S DEG r H/S #U DEE C BEG C 2 BEG, Ifis BEG, His %@ PEG C DEG C I OE6, HI5 DEG #iS HU ----"-sB*90--------~*-*---------* ---*-e---------------m-mv----------------- ----Be--*------*------------------------*- 8300 -3.3 -4,9 65 354 2'8 358 5,3 8 5300 -28,s #Ewg% 76 165 ,f 190 I,? O 8306 -18,I -l8,? 94 181 1,8 225 3,2 4 %Q$Q -8,; -9 3 82 334 3,0 351 5-1 O DBBa -2$,2 -29,0 77 3% 1,a iba 32 8 abso -lazy -11.7 94 170 LO 189 3,2 8 8960 -4@,6 -tI13 81 342 E,4 548 4,4 8 6700 -98,4 -?I,& 83 135 .9 141 3,2 0 0988 -15,e %%wag 91 151 ,@ I8B 1.9 8 1289 -1E,4 -12,f 92 392 2,f 341 4,4 2 1280 -64,4 "$39 87 155 118 ,,2 2 1280 -13,5 nnwsw 98 149 18 thO 2,s 4 l58a -1168 -25,O 77 347 ?,2 348 S,T 2 1506 -f2,8 -P5,% $4 a27 .5 336 5'1 2 3500 -fO,O %###@ ?5 1&4 ,8 150 1,9 3 d80Q-f717*%s%%89 $79 ,3 007 2,s GI8Q8-%63-i1,~88 38s I,% 301 3,3 Q%8OD-T%,b~~K~~B& 552 ,b 163 B 2168 -?3,8 %g%W R2 141 ,7 I%$ 2.5 8 2180 -P,? -11,3 BQ 287 ,8 2bY 3'2 O 2180 -:3,4 %as@% 91 145 $9 14 1,9 8 2480-2b,B%88%aTB 141 ,B 154 ?,9 12308-%D,l *9G%aP4 557 '9 920 2.5 0?488-15,0$@%@%90 150 ,5 i%B I,? D MDUW BE U1HB BIT#D GUS"T&AX, YOilR BEU #IND UIND CUSP HBX, HOUR DEN UIN~MIN~EU$T#A~, HDWG TEWP, POINT RH BZR SBD, D%R, CUST WAD NBMG TEMP, PQTPWH BIB, SPB, F3"I GUST RBD NDMG TEMP, POINT RW BIR, SPD, BIR , GUS1 ?&B DEG C BEG G X DEG, IliS OEG, B/S YU BEG G DEG C X DEG, HbS BEG, RiS HM DE6 C DEG C X DEG, His BEG, WfS HU ---e--~e~m-e-w--------*m--------m-*-*------- -----*--------*-----**------*----*--------- ----*-------------------~~~-~----~~--*---- 83$@-14,3-&5,&96 !79 ,R 159 1,9 O838fi-?lj8-23,884 9~~~~~@ #*gggM O8300-!4,$-f5,B91 ###%%%# jtg#gg#w 0 O~BO-I~,@-IT,~BB 139 ,% 090 LP O~~OB-22,~ -24,383 s#w#awn ssga*#sg o ObOa-!2,$-13,5~3 .ga#swsw gwsxz#a g 0900 -17,R #@@## 85 125 ,b W83 1 '9 8 BY@$ -22,s -?4 $6 BT {$@% ~B%B *fsa us#% O -t2,1 43,8 73 ww %#a+4 %#+i zaas 0 120fi-%8,2%#*4trBb 151 ,4 B5W1,3 3 t20fl-29,7-23,882 gua%%#% %##%:@& Jd?GB -9,8-%Q,S95 ns%%#sa 4*#s%as 2 1518--jB,S-.21~3W5 154 7 4 9 ZlSOO-tg,f!-?0,9B5 +3%#*R#%f %#iEt##t 2 1510 -7'5 -8,692 ii#~h.~ltt ~bet#a.i~ti.# 2 ######% %a#%#%% 0 1RQfl O,O -2,B83 #%%%s## %a%#%## 1808 -?,e -8,291 %#-sbsaag u%g#x#q. 0 2%9F -2fiBi -22,j 81 sag w#%% ##%%a%% 0 2118 -Il,P -93,1 98 ### 3t%%# +!%n %#tB -4,2 -5,2 $83 b# wwsn ~ca 444q.g 0 210@ -.pi ,b -23,& 84 %err 49#@ 4% #%a# 2480 --!1,3 -I?,? 93 4444% %%kg %a% #+I## 24Qg -; 3 - 2 b C38 %a% mg#B ++tg gj;,.s B DAY 11 DAY 12 HQM W5;a 9%#B UIHB I".%iST W&N HOUR DEW MIND UIND GUST HAX, HOUR BEU MIME WEH9 GUS7 HAX, %B-G 'IW, P@fNF RN BIR a SPD. 918, GUST RAYl NDMG TEHP, POINT RH DXR, SPB, DIR, GUST WAD PIOHG "iW, POIHT RH DIR, SPX &BIB &ST RftB BEG C BEG C 2 DEE, HIS BEG, kid5 HW BEG @ DEG C X BEG, 8is 3EG, HlS HH DES G PEG C E BEG* P4fS BEGI 815 Hu ----------Q--------------*m-----*-- -s-~U9--Be------------~---- -----L----------.*d--------p.--------------- 8319 -33 -3,$ 98 #%a %H% a%% j!%%% 0 @389 ,3 -,? 73 t39 4,4 I48 93 O 0300 4,4 -1,8 b4 136 fO,S 842 t7,8 8 Q60Q -,2 -,9 95 214 ,4 449 3,8 O 0&88 ,I 99 345 ?,4 341 b13 O BbOn 5,s -,5 56 144 7,2 147 !3*3 B 5,& -,& A4 184 t ,2 138 7,@ 0 BFDJ -315 a%@%@ 98 227 263 l,J 8 0980 6,3 ,3 65 143 BS2 I42 35,9 B 1209 8,6 -S,4 59 148 4,& 136 8.3 3 1280 3,4 -3,P 5% 15Q l,b 153 7,b 2 1280 d.2 1,4 >r IS1 3,2 133 f4,8 5 1510 %,4 -,a 84 137 1,s 144 5,1 1 tSOO 3,2 -2,P 64 142 5,l 145 f1,9 1 1509 6,s 1,9 93 537 18,O $3 17&1 f iQBO ~~~#~ $5 163 ,6 189 O $808 3.R -3,5 59 137 7.4 138 f4,0 O 3860 6,9 -.0 62 144 7,Q f4& 1Sh3 O PI@@ ,9 ,8 PB St2 ,7 298 2,s 8 2tOB 4,1 -2,8 45 139 9,0 138 Ib,S 8 21QB 7,4 ,9 kt1 145 B,f 148 17,l 8 29BQ 2,7 l,9 93 173 4,0 33$ 5,7 O 2400 5.1 -3.2 55 3148 9,P 141 1L.5 fl 1400 4,9 ,I 71 142 B,4 144 15,2 8 HQU2 E UI%D UfHD GUST #AX, MDUR DEW UXHD UXMD GUST $FAX, HD'cR DE$ tdlNEPUIR%I;EUSTW4X8 #DHC ffWP, PDfNT WH DIR, SP9, DXR, &ST WAt HBHG TE~F. POf#T RH DIR, SPB, 918, GUST BAD NBEG TEWP, PQIHT RH DZW, SPB, DER, GUST WAD BEG C PEG C X BEG, HfS BEG, H/S HU BE6 C BEG C X BEG, WfS PEG, Hi5 BU BEG C BEG G 3 DE%, ~I% BEG, BiS HW --O_R~LUI~~LI-~II~~------~~-----~~-~----- -- -------------------PI---------- @3@0 4,2 a17 34 147 4,2 137 $1,4 4 8300 -,> %%%$# 79 $34 ,& 130 1.9 @ 0305 -4,z -5,8 89 &%% %#%# s%r SS.R~ fi 8888 5,4 -,bb3 1915 3,4 132 8,s P RbOO -,I $%%%@79 132 ,b 851 I,? 6 8688 -7,8-10,383 %%%%#H %%@%#%% B g91518 7;B -42 43 335 ib,8 141 12,% 8 8948 -,;Z~~ww-se644 diB4 :3 8853 13 D -13,s-16.1 82 %#wa3aa wz% ##%a Oi 1200 $,$ -4'3 4& 146 4,8 140 10,8 3 1200 ,1 Bf 828 $8 145 2,s ? 1206 -34,7 -I?,? 81 gwn :+iH 99% %%%f 2 15BB 62 -5,2 44 338 :2,2 $15 5,7 3 1500 .I 9slwrg 88 143 .$ ISB 2,s o 1508 -14,~ -1l;r,2 sn sl-~ ag*g ~3% n%.gg I 1BQB f,t%%g%a7f 155 ,b 155 2,s OI8Oit .1 -1,488 %#%%awn %%% ,B OIROfl-t5,$-f8,38f %#+%a#* a%w%w4bw g 2100 ,l%%%%%T5 218 ,b 36S 2,s B2600 ,I -9,293 %%%%%%% 3%%Hf% fi230i-%8,@-~#.PTP %%####% %#%%%#a fi 2496 , f %a823 7% "n$8 ,7 234 2 :5 O 2408 -2 17 -4 ,ti 87 *@% %w% tt% ~88% O 2400 -1 fP -20 ,!J 78 48% ~#c% wgg %%+a% 4 HOUR D%U &IRD%TWDSL~5THhX, HEGR BEB q%MB USHP GUST #AX, HOUR DEW MIND UIND GUST HAX, WBgG TEtiP, POX8T RM DIR , SI9Fz, QIR. GUST BAD NQRG "f#P POINT R?.l li)IR, %PD, DfR , GUST FaAD MDWG IEHP, POINT WH DZR, SPD PI? Gtg5T R&fi BEG c BEK c x DEG, njfs BEG, ~rs nw DEG e DEE o x BEG, H~S DEGs HJS HU DEG c BEG c x DEE, W~S DEG, fiis tf~ -. ru.rrll.llrtaPI*e-~~-*--,*~-~~.--~-*m----**-----*---- n*PLJIIII.IEI-------*------*-------------------- ------LDII----~-~.~*~~--~~---*-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C 0388 -19 3 -22 13 "g H{#%* %#% nag% $i 83!@ -$J,e -1 1 ,2 85 if%% %%w& IHw ##%# 33b0 -4, C3. -b, 8 85 #WU QS$S% P%# ##gig 8 06@g -19~ -22,1 77 ww@ FW%% %%re fr DAOg -17 $3 -12,s 84 8%~ BW~$* 93% Y#S% O 0680 -5,4 -7,s 85 B%W #P%% HK N%#R 8 0900 -l~,8-~$,~~~ ##n %{#%% %%% %%#% o?o@ -7,s -9,5@7 %@# %%%@ %%%%%#a 0 O:J! -5,9 -7,4 %## %kun w$a B%#.Y 8 1230 -1s ,% -I$% @ 81 ~8 #a%% %a %#%# 2 t2fiQ -5 7 -9,7 86 #%# a#%# ~3 %a%% 1 $208 -4 ,I -$,3 85 znw 3b~+~ 99% gawg 2 15@0 -%@,4 -12(5 82 %a# #4kZ$ %#a *K#s% I 1300 -4,8 -k,8 86 %n% %-Rna wa# #@%n i $500 -4,2 -$,4 $5 +M# %%## a%# g%#s 1 i@[iQ -";)" ,t -%4 ,? 85 %if# %%%# sag n+:n# W 1818 --5,s -7,3 86 an# i fa %gag 8 tBOb--5,5 -7,s fa$, 98% ggug #%.;an 0 2100 .-a1 1 -$,9 87 %#s ser#% #a% 0 -5, il -7, B Bb 49% .;#%+4 .Y%a snsn p.6QQ -5,B -7,B fjh st%% Q 2480 -j9,2 -1:2,4 84 59% #Boa.:+ #@a a#%# 8 2908 -9,7 -h,"ih ##%4 %x#-g !rn@ t##+i fj 2408 -.&, 1 -g,$ Btr 99% gels g+i.~q THREE MQIJR S~~MWEIRY FUR EN l,.tlTNt?ltr MlYAf'HEl? STATION DATA TAKEN DURING Sanu:%~u, 1984 DAY 19 .EY 20 DAWI ~UR DFU MIND BIRD GUST RBX, ~nua BEU ~INB u~~a GUST nsrx, ~aua BEU Hlgaa SIJIHD EST H~X, h%bF EHP iP, POItFi RH BIR. SPD; DIR, GUST RRD HDNG TEBP. POINT RK DIR. SPD. ZIR. GUST RRD HBC TEKP, P8IHT RE DIS. SPD. DIli G'JSI PEG E BEG e 2 DEG, #tS BEG, Hi5 HU DEC C BEG C L BEG: HG DEE #iS %M Dr;e c BEG e: 2 E%G8 8,s E6, !ti5 ## -iDII--C--------*--*-e.ICIII9----CO-II-"--"I IP--I(FI----..I-I---I-P---(IP-."~-)Bi--~*---------.Il -d----.---.1---P.----."----B--ll------IV--- ---- 0%9@ -8,4 -8,2 87 r%% 8%~ ~ZH #sf# B 0380 -f$,9 -22.b 77 93% #%%% %## Bwwn O 8380 -25,2 -28.8 73 %a% w#%# ##w s%w% O 8bBI -7,0 -8,7 %a% ;.uga 89% si.#%% 8 I;&fifl -21, f -23,T 78 %a% #%a% slaa %@.aka 8 -??,I -34,b 2'2 %E# %%$# %%.~i 98%~ 8 6981 -g,5 -iB.% W? 83% ~8% %%a gws9 B 0908 -23,1 -2B,t 7f., 38% B~W% EWS %%%# o %)f961f: -23,6 -29,$ 4'2 anr sw%# wwg %@a% Q $238 -BE& -9,B 83 r#r %n%% rga u%r% 1 1200 -20,s -23,4 7E;g st% %#s# B.%# #H%Ter 2 1280 -24,1 -28,fl 7'0 88% H86.t QB% i%%k 3 1561 -14.8 -13J 82 %#% go% %%3# .f 1500 -Zit ,4 -23,s 74 law% %%%% 83~8 2 1500 -i8,9 -22,2 3 48% fQf a%%w 2 1888 -14,a -17,2 82 mwg~ mw #%%a e, ls~g -22,3 -25,5 5f36.9 #%sf *%Z ~98% @ jgfl0 -2b16;1 -23,9 #lib 914% 989% ran ##*@ fs 2183-13,2 -f9,%81 AH#~%H %akinna% I Zffi6 -22,CZ-25,274 dsrt.r wag% %%%%a%$ 6 3138 -I?,@ -f9,8 79 %#8 %#a% 83% %%fW 8 2488 -I?,@ -21 ,$ 86 E%df %%@% %3# %llm# P 2110 -24'6 -27,9 74 38% H%HS f%f Q%%f @ 2464 -1&,3 -f8,9 4IE) %a% %ail% Ha3 E.399 8 W3iR BCU idKRD UTHD @ST HAX, HOUR BEN UIRD UXWD GliSf f;Et4X, HDU3 BEM i;dlPi%) UENB GUST RAX, HMG TEBP, FOX #"fH BIB, Sfafkt, DIP Gus? WAD HBgG TEISP ; PDIHT WH DIR , SPB , DH, GUST P, NDWG PEHP , POI#T RM DSR , 5PD, EEW a GUST 8driiD @-6 C KG C X PEG, #/S BEG, %iS #M BEG C DEG G X DEG , YfS BEG I #fS HU QEC C BEG G X 'E;mEEZ, niS QEG, His 8u Q 83fiQ -35'9 -40,s @ %%% %%@% %n# %%%* 0 @QaQ -3&,3 -40,9 82 %st% IWQ $644 %%%W 0 8 g9BB -3?,8 -$2,5 &uIrw %was #%# w##u 8 ? 12@@ -34,7 -39*7 8t sax rs29 *## 2 f jgfiR -33,7 -315,8 59 %-'% r%@u $99 %%#.la 1 0 fRDO -35,9 -44.2 bb 935% %%$% gag %%%K @ 0 ?f 88 -35,l -39'9 61 wnw #$wn #%% :t#%% g O 240$ -35,9 -4Q,7 &f :<*@ 999% ~8% #%a% HQUR DEB WS~D 41~5 GL~ST #ax, qgu~ DE~ ~O$RD MX!~'E~ ~45~ RAN, ~aua DEU MI WB MIND GUST MAX, ~~45 TEBP, pn%Hf ~w bra, SPD, DXR, Gusr RAB #DM% TEE?, POINT RM SIR# SPD, ~"s~ GUS% B~Q PIB~~G T:,~~, PCIN~ BH QIW, SPD, DIW, FGST ::AD BE6 C DGG G 2 BEG, i4fS BEG, RdS HG BEG c BEG D % BEGI %IS BEG. H~S HM BE% ;; DEG & X DEG, ~iS BEG, E51S EU P_C)ls-Lm---_E------e-*-------m-------------*- ----------*-------------.------------------- -----------------*-------*------------*---- 03@@ -.3s19 -40,3 8% %## ###% a#% %%'is# 0 QsBt -f7,8 -?1,1 7& %a# #mi 8119 %kg% 1 63;Q -%9,5 -22,b 75 wa# Bngg #%mi; ws#~ jj @$@Q -3b12 -40,q b! %-%a #?i!i% %@%*% O -19,3 -?0<5 78 ##a #-%%w +law wn%# 0 @hBO -IT,? -2j ,f ?b sn# %n#w a## #wg# 8 Oy@Q -$&,I -40.8 $2 8344 %%.%% %%# %%%# fi 8?@fl-13,4-%8,4 78 #@###XX 34389 989% 4 OfPfiO -!b,$-.fl>Tg q%%%Q@g $%# fg## 0 1200 -38,2 Q1 2%~ w#-r% =#% a%#% 3 4200 -";t,h --91,9 7% srm rtf%#?ii *+a% %I$%% 5 12Q0 -\I,? -1k.q ?$ QQI 5~9% ~9% 1SOfl .-2f4,@ -32,g k3 %% n%#% %%a! EaBu 2 1508 -)B,5 -20,e 74 go%@ ff# $@E.s$ 1 15BO -I@ ,? -13,4 PQ ~2 ~gfs 9%:";. %QR~ 1 "108 -25,2 -29,a 44x8 %##*g #-%# ##fk E: 1888 -3 l? -29, I ?4 f#R %### $33 #%+% { -u i,2 -E3,7 82 #;it% s;icgit g 2100 -21 st -24,s 74 a#: #Bag um ~w 0 ~gbt -21 $4 -25, 7~8% uaw +%a siim ra 2109 -j~,y -13,2 g3 g~g qagg 99% fgg4 2418 -.:9,@ -.22,2 70 %R$$ #!%Its e25? 3#%F [\ 2flIi -TQ,Q -2:4$3 75 A%# I4ZC +BC WB% pi 2400 -I?,& -15'0 @ ##% gitgtf. 8%~ gs~g 8 D&"r"28 DAY 28 B&Y 3U NE K3 MIt4B @'XHB CaT #BX, Hat% DEB UZWSif U%BB tiEST #kX, HOUR DEU gIHD gIHD MST HAX, PQffBT BW @I@ &SF RhD TEHP PGXHT FZH O%R, SPf), BIW, MST RAD NBH6 "YEP, POINT BIB BfR, PD, BIR a 613S"O ghD EG C BEG if: Z BEG, RXS BEG, WIS lttU Bff: G DEE C X @KG, #!S BEG, #IS HU BEG C REG C X BEG. His BEG, #is RU +-----*-**C1-l.-*n*rn*r1ye-rara--- ..NLI->OII-I--~OIIOIIOIIOIIOIIOII-CIIIIIIII~-"--"--"--"-.I)iPPII(P.OZIIII.D ~.3-1-~~.1~(.--1-~.-r*r*r**"--~-ulI*I-L-Ib-----*------ BSI#-l9,1-.2"2i,779 c%s%%%@ Wf@R4.3E R 4308 f,8 -2,513 142 hp,$ fl4& 14,8 D 83Q8 lt6 4,0 48 t45 3,s 131 8,s 8 tBIO-23,&-2&sSR ~~~S~~ %Bs$Ms 8 OhOO 3,7 -5,0 53 338 7,? 137 I!,@ B Qbfia 4,9 -S,%t!i8 135 4*3 139 8,3 8 OPOD-2&,Z-B,673 w~.sc.%%a .f*njs%% -8 8908 43 -7,541 180 7,7 9.55 13,J 0 8900 -,is -1,s t?3 242 1.o $28 0 4258 -L1,8-Ba572 %%%HI% tHH%Qs% 2 2 5.5 -7.539 list &,I "adif 12,7 "i 1208 --,6M@3@85 155 ,S 149 1*9 4 65BI-I7,5-2%,R14 WIsgO SHfiff8 f b5BD 5,3 -7,3BO I44 3*P 148 8,3 %ZSOO - 2 1 ,3 3!8 Za5 7 IBBI -13,s -$Say 6"k~ garg ~3 rng% P $846 43 -b,O 4ii 145 3,4 $53 8*3 Gi lRBO -3,5 #wm%% 83 E8 ,hs a3 I,? 8 2188 ,1 -4.7 67 149 4.2 151 1C,2 8 2190 5.1 -h.6 93 145 3,8 14 7,6 D 2100 -2,b tfix@ flb 359 ,1 346 1,9 ,s, 8. 2601 P,7 -4,559 191 51.8 t3712,l 82918 4,7 -6,943 148 4-4 150 8,B 8?4@O -2,fl%%@%%Elb M1 ,3 202 w!a'F 8 mug B MINB UXS G@T HhX, WE TBQ , PBiHT RH $IR, SPD, BTR , GUST RWD BEG C DEC G Z PEG, Bf S PEG, fils --C-PIIP---U---~-~---~~~~-~----- 8381 -1 ,B %%%%# 86 14E ,4 163 I :P 9 6610 -2,P%H%? 86 Tb3 ,4 $42 1,3 8 8988 -3,7 %%a@% 84 260 12 882 1,3 O 1280 -3,2 egs 81 196 .3 185 2,s 16 1501 -2,~ *saw R ,EI :98 t ,q 4 1888 -5,E E%HZ% 83 IH H@H% HE% 1 ,v 8 2138 -5,3%%%E$84 M% %+#a as# I,? 8 2488 -if t3 %&%#i 8% %B% %lr%% W% 1,s 8 MONTMS*.Y St3MWs;bRY FOi? E:,Kf,.t.'ITNrt?t MEhP'MEW S*T&%':KC7N OAT6 TAKEN DWRFNG Sancagxv, 1984 RhX, gI#l BY EHP, TEBP DEE C E6 G \-e1".-.-rd"-"l-,~.r~..-am-~ 1 -I,& -Ilk? 2 7,s -1",5" 3 -t*2 4 -f,& -?7,3 % -k*? -32111 8 -8,s -16,2 7 -83.6 -21,6 8 aaaa -22,b 9 -6,2 -I&,& 11 6,9 -3,s 9 1 5,Q -4,S % 2 7x5 4,4 $3 7,? -,6 $4 ,"9-2*$" %5 -2 -bP,9 la - -%ePF 17 -&,I -1Q,9 18 -2G se -bt2 iP -b,? -%P,6 28 -17,H -24,6 29 -$5,3 -27.1 22 -15,4 -30,4 23 -2Yl$ -35,2 21 -31,O -37,s 25 -fB,Q -36,Y 26 -I%,'? -23J2 27 -181f -28,7 28 2,'7 -2T9,Q 24 5,6 llS 3 0 5,8 -4,8 32 7 -1J,4 MOtjVM 7 5 -37,8 RE RES, kVG, X HAX, HEhN tshZNB UIMB UIHb GUST GUST F "V6ai HEBM 8EkH TEfiP, B%W, SPB, SPD, QfR, SPB, BfR, RW CP DEE C 0% #IS HIS BE6 WfS X BEE C ~--~~ee~~--e--------e~~-----ew----6*---------*------*----*- -b,T 128 ,I 1 143 f,3 ESE OB -5,3 2,s 190 5.5 5,6 135 f2,7 SE 73 -I,? 2,B 133 %,S 4,3 139 4 E 60 -2,s -P4,8 350 1,s I,€! B8 5,7 MU 8Y *lB,l -iF,4 1169 ,3 j,B 336 5 $5 83 -1d,9 -f2,9 XbO ,W ,8 225 3,2 SSE 84 -ti,? -17,h 152 ,% 6 1% 1,9 SE $5 -20A -11,3 a #agu 4~8% % %%%a %E 85 -19.8 -9,9 Riff ##hQ ftt# WC# 8gfP $sE ?3 -1 0 ,@ I'$ 144 t,l $,S 136 8,s SSE 3 -,6 & 198 4,4 S,D $38 $6.5 5E ?O -?*I 6,9 143 8*3 er9 t%Z 17,R fE 46 : 1 3.3 141 2,8 z10 149 12,l SE 58 -2,7 -I,$ 128 ,5 ,b 545 2,s SE 88 -2,3 - a## # %s#% 3% %#n# %%a 82 -65,0 -54,i 9% % 3% 9% 3nua 85% Pi -I$,? -4;9,5 KYII W~Z fttg RW BB -a,g --4,$J 9% # s%% 8% % 86 -7, f -12,y % %### @n6 @@#% a%# 84 -12,y -20,~ 3% 3agw Sngg nwg %H% 3~ 74 -~4~3 -2t,7 5% 8% %8#% 9% %a%@ c%% 4 -25.1 -E2,9 3% &%#r #%@n %@# %lie%% a#% 75 -25, f -32,s tgg 3 %z% ##c $5 -37,3 -33,Y 9% 9% @ naa 983s wan Bf -48 ,? -28,g 9% #@#% %%i4* %aA.% HIB$I.P %%% 65 -34#8 -$&,S %%%a wags a%% a!#% %a% 75 -2% ,4 -15.4 % 8% 8% 9% @34sn H## 78 -17 ,$ -1?,2 645 5,b 5,tl 137 12,% SE 73 -19.8 3,7 642 9.4 5,s 196 94,6 SE 48 -h,@ 3.2 132 1.3 I,? $3 E!,3 SE 5g -7,2 -b,h 430 ,3 ,5 185 2,5 S 9f -6%7 -.N6,7 139 L84 2.9 142 67,8 SE 33 -13,8 $.I 9-J -f : 12 i,. 7" 3' ";.I F:; i-.k \.l M :a' 11 :a". '"I" *a" f? 1 {\ : . :; ,"r F' \*f i.l ft E". a" f fi @ \ * F:: &j y{ ;-, pj .I: & I' 5 p F: F: n !$ (7 [a F: 1 S"' 5 '5' i-B. 14 N $:I 51 E M E: -B F: 8 P ~3~i s F: I:: r:) pa D , f:; ::,l.i r': p.j B$ r..: A 1) "r: P! c $3 w A (1 4::: -T i:: F: PI 'I: p! Q.: I- ~.j a:, 1) 1: F:,: JIA I: 1 ,. Y cjmMQW'T"b*%\.Yi PUa<r;$N FQR E?F:$..&''f7VB< b.!\jM:FI)"r'TY fit!]) Qtriaj $"'b{3$'N'$', :.; .;+ Fi f: '[ $1 'r 83 @ [L: d+ '3' 7: $11 fhJ k$ cj 'T Fy t; A 'r jy 13 (-1 F' M cj GJ 'T 1.4 j .. R 1:: FP 6:) R 1' g. ;.4.i. SBLRR WUMTBSTY WIND DPA! WEHD FREt2iJFNCY SUHMARY FOR EKL\.iTNA WEATHER STRTTON 3ATA TBKEN DWRSNG 3anua~u. 1384 VEI,..BCXTY ( ME S) 8,2 l i fl 3,U h,Q lU,Q lS13 20,O T fi7 3-0 *I' 0 3-0 TQ aa OR BTRFCTXON 1, O JIO b a if 10,~ $Fiat) 2O,Q iI;RFATER TOTAL ---..-----.---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~..c1..c1..c1..c1,.U....LLIUI*1.~IIU-C-L~-~--..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1...c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1..c1-- SSF 'fic1,143 .J,~s 434 I,~I 0,nt3 41 00 a,orl S fd ,83 p 48 0,QO tlllfXfb t4,IZiI 0, fZO 0. Qif ; , t,,, #:" R [:: [a t.1 ft" iq Q:: :r !{ fi 1:;. F 'g 13 W f{ !f; 2; $: 1) :j' N P %::: R cI 1-' N 'y & ;! [) &J & e ,, -1, 1) @ '1: pi 1) cj 3 S F:: R tJ l"?g T' 2. 6:) :+ t.1 $!f i i-: Xj ""51 fi F: (1 F:t. )... U p F: g Ft: [J a.4 1:;: M t:: 'f S 1.4 pj pq A e+ y l.cl;.jf$ Wj:N],> fjf~$~~RV&"fTO(ij~ Wf'e\.![. D k4&ai).F:: FjF:&:M CaRRF'Cy bjJHI,.!'t'p:' X)s$r&, x .*q S 1:; i:I';: 'j; "$" f", l"$ f" R %:Z% s"3 'C" -[: <) N M r"] 'T" F:: 5; & "r" 'I": N r> ;"I F' M pi "1' j ; j:! F:' p Q" g T K. :(- 2 fl , 9 7' 6.13 2,74 J ,29 & :-"s El 1 1 , r"E.F5 :: , 1 [I "I;" , 1 11 "$4 , ff ;3 *- .a** *.a, .... ..., "d Qt) 0 fl P.tOiJWl,"r" SOL-AM R&alXA'T XIIN T-it.lMllP"[ARY FOR EKl., l,tT'NA MFhTMF.R S""f'A""f'0N D&TA 'FAKEN @t,SRXklllG Januasv , 1984 Sot-AR RADXA'fXt:bN VAl.-UEF HFr$fs{.jREB TN NlCI ... 3...:t:aaJr:$TTr'S PER SQ%.IBRE I=Ebli'T'IQ.liE"d't?R WokJI't L-$' I..ONGWAVE R RDlr3"V'l C?P! S\.3MHri\R Y FOR El( f.,C.!'V'Nltt: WEr37'1-lE:R 3:;'TA"l" :KON DAV "FBME~ 1D.IR'tNG Januapy. 1984 k...OHCNAVE: RAD&f."\TIOd VBf. l.tES :1R MZi..E,.ZWtJ?rf TF PFR SQI.JAi?E CEH'I':EMETff'R QESERVATIak! St.lBZHgi\iRY FOR t:i-:KL.\.)S'NA WEh'l'MEW S'l'A'T:T.f3M DATA IGIKEM DLJM3:NG January% 198-4 PARGIMETER NB.IMEER OF t.!S&Rj..E P El? CENT Ol=' ORSFRVATI: [INS T6l"I'~t. ORSIf R VA'r X CfNS ---UNII.-.P.I.I----------MUUU.a..a.a.a.a.a.a.a..a-. ...... -..--*I.------. ..*)..l.-.-..II1U~"..1"c-.-..1.*n,.a.a.a.a.a TE~PERATWRE W:KNXI SPEED MIND DIRECTION F:fsilbK G!,eS"F REl,&"f" fiJE Hi.JH:iDJ:TY PRECTB ITAY ION Sf3t.hR RADPATXON DEU POLNY LONGMRVE RADTBVLCIN "FHFRE ARE 1488 POSS:IRi..E OBSIFRVATIONS TI-I:! S MON'TI-I F17R Etq(3H PAW C\PTI<TER . Tk1E AECCQRBIMG HNTFtRVRL, IS 36jI) MXbSt.)"f"ES, The following adjustments have been made to this month's data: P, F3.3 -6 3iE9 points %/XI 2, Salar -1 m/~~2 Addi tianal.. co 1. Seireral days of wind speed and directioll data lost due to frozen anemometer and wind vane, No precipitation data for February [See INmWNTATXON OF DATA), GAY tll DAY 02 :bAY I13 HOUR DEB U3HO UHNB GNSP #hX , HOLiR DEM WIND MIND &U%T HAX, HOUR DEH gIWD WXHB GUST MAX r HW& fEW a BOPlV WW 4)I8, SPD, DIW. GUST WAB HDHG TEHP. BOXWT RH BIB, SPD, BXW, GUST RAD PIPBNC VEQtF , POINT RW BXR, SPBl GIR a GUST RhE DEG E BEG C rR DEE, #!s BEG I tlfS #U BEG t RE6 C X DEG, Hi5 BEGL HIS MU BE8 C DEG C X DEG, His DEG, H!s 8M -*-YllllsB---.CI-s---*---*-q-e",---"----------m- ...--r-----1.0)--------------*----------------- "--------*a)-----.--------- 0308 -f 7,s j4Hf %# 88 ### *%%# #%# 1,3 fi 83flo -b, 9 #%#%% 8s %#% %%## ### 1 ;% 0 0300 -1 a,? #*la#* 83 %*% %#%# 89% 1 , % 8 8&#g-$ga#*H9#B% %%Hwt%%% fly 8 lh@O -7,C#%%ta.st86 *%&%%%# @%# 6,3 4 ObB[b-11,8ff.ltlff 82 fff%%@fff fag 8986 -11,~ M%%& 83 a#a #t#sg I,? $ ga9~0 -7,s 8ta MFE ~38% ~HQ f ,y 8 09gB -622 #w%s% 632 segg nrH 99% I,? 8 tZBO -7.5 sn@a# 81 %#a %%$a %%# f ,$ 3 1234 -6,7 %w%w% 81 n## u#%% %#a 1,s 3 f 288 -10.0 %%##% 79 a%% suur 99% 1.3 2 1580 -4,9%%$%%8fl %%rw%%% 389 8,9 3 1500 -5,9%%%8#7& %#$#%%% -R%% 1,s 3 l5OO -8,7%#%#% JP %%%#%## %%a I,!? 2 eSg8 -5,4 wwgf~ 85 r#s s~~lswg am 1,s ba 1800 -~,4 wwsga 80 989 B#~E 88% I ,P a raDa -8,s gsSe9 813 gwug 2.9 o 2% Bo -6,9 %*@%% W5 an% 4%%# 89% f,9 21 00 -10,1 %%*%# 83 %%+i #%a* #$# 9,7 4 2f OB -8,4 #H%%% 84 %%* #%% 1,9 0 2400 -R,3 %#%%a 86 *%# E%## 99% 3 ,9 0 -9 ,P ###%# 83 9%~ nsnw s%% 1 ,J 8 2400 -9,4 uu#%se 85 %%% %#H %## I,? 0 DAY 94 05 I:! +$ Y 0 0 g~ua DEB MIND UIMD GUST SAX , HOUR DEU MIND UX~D GUST H~X, HQUR DEU UHBB WIND GUST H~X, HDNG IEHP, PBXRT WH DfR SPD, DIB, &UST RAB EDWG TEHP, POTMH RH BIB, SBD, DXR, GUST RAD HDWG TEBP , POINT RM DIR, SPD, BTR = GUST RAE BEG c DEG e x BEG, nis DE~, wjs fi~ DEG o DEG c 3 DEGI nis BEG, Hrs ~u BEE c DEG c 1 DEG, HIS BEG, M~S NU ----I----------------------------------- --0------------------*-------------------- 0389 -51~a#93#~5 gw~ 53 o 8300 -lo,?-I~,PB~ 339 IA 349 3,B 9 8300 -?,$gag%w84 52% ,5 164 1,s o 8688 -4,4 -6,4 Oh 123 2,0 dZO 4,4 0 0690 -12,8 ~~~~n 84 932 .b 361 1,3 B !&OD -12,O *%### 83 644 ,2 908 1,s Q 0980 -4,8 -79 fl5 127 1,8 18b 5,7 0 0988 -15'1 -!1,6 81 !b2 .5 217 2,s D 0700 -V,3 a%@%# 80 2?2 ,d 241 i,B O 126D 1*8 -?,0 52 158 3'1 140 8,P 8 1208 -iO,Q 83 153 *R 151 2,s 4 12flO -14A #*#%# 78 $3$ ,B 115 i,B $ i%OQ i,5 -8,8 49 147 4.6 1551sx8 7 85Qfl -9,2-l?,oBC 013 ,? 018 3,2 21588-tb,2~9~%~77 402 ,% 029 6,3 2 IQOa -4,B -7,483 552 2,s 359 O 188Q -P,4%#9#8R? 278 ,? 341 I,? !I 18Oo-l6,5@~j4~@Bl 275 ,b 274 P,5 O Z1D8 -%,D -8,4 83 343 7,1 349 5,1 O 2180 -8,3 ~~~~~ B3 077 $3 042 1,s B 2100 -18 -!St& 44 $80 1,2 944 8,8 0 2488 -B,3 -fU,S 84 3656 2,"i3$5 5,3 8 2460 -llltO -13 "s3 325 $3 536 2,s 8 248B -18.1 -14,O 73 133 3#0 143 T,@ 8 NOUR DEL UJND U%HD 615%7 #AX, WQUR DEW U%ND U%#B GUST HAX, HOBW DEH gEND UJWB GUST WAX, #DNG TEMP, PQTMT RH BZR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAD HDMG TEMP, POIHT RH BTR, SFD, BIB, RUST WAD NBWG TEHP, PQTHT RH DIR , SPb, D%R , GUST R&D DEC @ DEG C Z DE6, RIS DEC, 6iS HU DEG C PEG C X PEG, #fS DEG, #/S HM PEG C DEG C X DEG, fiIS DE6, ~fS MU Ur_____D__U__lil_h_~~-~--*~-~---,-~~-~-~---"----~- .-.ll-UIII-----l-------------------~~~--------- *PI----YI-U------------------------~------~*- fisnfi -8,Q w%w%% 83 84!3 ,7 024 3,B fl B380 -!SIB %qg%Ba 82 003 ,6 356 3,2 O OSOa -30,3 &R 168 ,3 SZb 1,s 060fl -8,4##9%#84 337 dl$ 7,O 0 Bho8 -2118~~@~~78 148 ,4 173 1,J 0 oboO-2818%*#@g4ts 150 ,s Ib8 %,9 Q 0900 -9,s -f2,fi 82 345 1 ,W 355 4,4 O 0988 -24,4 #Nag# 77 @#% *#:?# s~ 1,s Q 0900 -30,s %%*%# 68 158 ,4 B%P 1,s 8 1208 -~,$-~t,yay 3148 ,9 331 32 412eo-)3,1 **~a~~~~ g#nwg#* #ns 1,s 512on-24,b##a~ass 306 $78 $5 159~1-10,3-13,X BB 34A 2,? 395 5,7 % 1SOO-?3,2~~~*~69 015 ,4 002 I,? 31580-?5,9%*4t8+t83 019 ,3 354 1,3 3 i8Q0-11,0a*#s3W3 332 ,8 343 2,s Ol8Ol-24,2+##%#74 021 ,t DJD 163 Q88Qfl-29,lS@~~~~bh Bk7 ,1 334 $,3 ij 2XOQ -11.7 ###%#I 82 019 ,2 019 %,3 fl 2100 -25,R gag%@* 92 144 ,5 Bb9 f ,3 O 2900 -31,b #%%9% b5 147 ,5 151 1 ,? Q 24011 -11,8 -.14,9 81%. 011 $7 Elbl 3'2 B 2401 -27J 78 149 lh2 1,P 0 2400 -32,Y anaes 64 a&% ,4 , 0 THREE HOUR SCJia4M&RY FnR EKl..t,t'f"NA W!KA'F'!-IFR S'I'B'T XQN DATA TAKFM IIURTNG Februarv, 198~q B'AY li 0 DAY 11 DAY 12 HOUR BHU UI ND UTBB GUST nhx, HOUR BEU BIHD uxaaa GUST MAX, HOUR BEU U'JNB unw~ GUS naxI #Bg& TmP, POMT IH IBIP, SPD, BIW, GUST IBO Pi13WG TE#P, POSWT RN D3R. BPD, DIW, GUST RAQ MBWG TEgP: POINT b3W BE, SPD, DIR, GUST RAE BEG c DEC e x BEG, RPS BEG, HIS BU BEG c BEG c x BEG, HIS DEG , fi/s HM PEG e BEG E: z DEG, wts DEG* nls #u HOUR OEM UI~B WXHD GUST NBX, HOUR DEM UIWD GUST nax, HOUR DEB UPWB GIHB GUST AX, MBH6 iEEB POXMT RN 83R, SPDs QIR s GUST RAD #ORG BFRP, POINT 4W DPW, SPB, bIR 1 GUST R6D HDK TE&P 1 POINT RH DIW SPD, BIR x GUST BAD DIG C BE6 C 2 BEG, XIS BEg, HtS HU BEG G BEG C L DFG, Hi5 BEG, MIS HU DEG @ BEG C % BEG, HJS BEG, HiS PI;..3-*-.-.r)(.r-.e--~---~-~m-wa-~~,~-~--~----a---- --rir-srpC---P.---------*---------=------m------ -----...I---- ----e-------*-*--=------m------ 0348 -18,T %%nag 79 %%# a#%# #%% 1 ,S 8 0300 -13,9 ww%%% 82 %wa %##% w%% 1,3 Q 0380 -2015 #a%%% 78 w%% %##% a%% 9,s 9 0608 -ZB,Q %#%%r 78 #w% %%%# %%s f ,P 1 8980 -12,B a%%%# 432 a%% %##% %## 1'3 0 ObQB -2% ,I %#%a# 77 w%# ww%@ %a% 1,s Q 071iig -17,~ SBSB~ 78 gag wgslw I ,3 D -11 ,Z .ns#%% 82 rss swsa +guw I ,3 o esee, -21 ,a ~figsu 36 gwn gngr a#jr m ,s 1208 -f21Q n%%@%72 %%%%%%a %%% 1,3 B 1208 -8,3-13,1 7k %%%%B%% %%% 2,s 5 t288-1617 %%a## 65 #%a#%@% 1,s 13 1588 -$,$%%#*#?@ %%%%#%$ us# 1,9 4 1500 -4,s -R,414 #s#u### %%% 4,$ 8 1580 -13.4%%w#3$9 38% #%a% ~9% 1,s 5 1888 -!a ,4 g#%%s 81 %#% %$nc %$n 9,3 0 1880 -8.4 #%#w# B$ ##% s##w #%% 5,9 0 SPOB -1 2,9 %a#%% 79 %#% a%%# %#+t t ,g zffi8-12,4a#g#g~2 *g~#su# g#w 1,3 9 2100-14,439#wg~2 gww g#w# ugw %,8 02100-81~6-13,982 ggrnwswg Ngn 2,s o 2488 -32-6 g##~% 83 s~ ug~g ggg I ,3 a zs4a -17,s *#nsg go #an 9wws I ,B o 2480 -B,S 32 gn# SS~B aEa 23 o HOUR BEU UlNn MIND GUST HM. HOUR BEU UiND GUST #AX, HOUR BE# \4TNQ UI#D GUS? BBX, #D#G YE@$, POI#% RM B$R , SPD, bf R , LUST Rk? kIDH6 TEHP , PQZHT RM FIR, SPB, BfR, GUST BAD WBHG TFBP, PQIHT RW DIR , SPD, B%W , GUST RAD DEG C BEG C Z BEG, B/% DEG, i4fS 3U BEG C 9EG C X BEG, NI$ BEG, HIS 8U DEG G DEG C X DEG, H/S DEG, HfS MU -m-***-~~~w-~~~a~a~m~-e-~---*--~-~*-~------ -----*-----*------------------------------- -------------m*---m----aG-------~----~--em~m- Q%OQ t '4 -T,2 53 229 1,8 258 ?,a 8 03QO -1,b gn 129 '6 167 3,2 0 0308 -I8@? ##%## @+t 135 ?83 $25 9,s 8 0680 -2.4 -4,387 638 1'5 I69 4,3 Qfi&80 18g@*@$gw 054 075 3,8 Qoh40 -2,0~~*@~~~ 295 ,2 315 1,s 8 0900 ,B -5,9 b4 315 %,3 275 6,s O OBBl -.,3 %@##% %# SB8 1 ,O 341 3,63 8 09l.rQ -2,4 @# 144 ,2 186 6,3 @ 4200 -#B -5,~ 72 250 1,2 !US 5,1 2 ezao 3,~ g+sss 3s 171 1,s 143 8.9 I@ tzan -n,o gw 17s 148 t,9 5 SOB -,2##c%w wa 327 S,2 314 3,8 tI 150Q 3,8**53#%c 132 9,5 148 8,3 17 $500 -1;0 %w%a#w# 332 $2 336 ~$9 3 j@d)@ -$,4s#a-3#%4 t&93 ,9 $69 2,s O l8BO 1,9+!3%8%## 932 9,5 128 93 k": 18fl0 -S,S###"i;.f@a 307 ,5 303 I,? 4 230g -~,v%%s%a2% 328 ,$ 871 d,8 01%0Q ,%na@#@an 246 3,4 143 8,3 O:380a -5,5%%+4on:#0#3t 30P ,& 349 2,s 0 zdfi@ -I,& @a### s# 1st ,5 144 1,3 0 240Q I,? n-gguH {:: 250 ,9 218 &,3 Q 2480 -5,b %as%# ~t 325 ,4 39Q 9,~ @ THREE ~011~ S\~MP%AR.~~ r:'nn i:rci..l.,rtitA MEBE~~TF~~ER ST'A-I':T~JN DATA TAKEN DURXMG Februarv, 1989 HQUR E MS~B UXHD GUST nax, HOUR FEH UIWB UZMB GUST #AX, MQUR DEU UTHD UINB GUST WIISX, HM6 TEHP, POZgf RH Eilki, SPP, DEW, GUST RAB NDH6 TEW , POInV RH IfIB, BD, DTR, GUST RAB NONE IMP, POIN'F RH BIR, SPDt DIB, GUST RAD BEG iZ BEG C X DEC BlS DEG, HI? t.29 BEG c BEG c w BEG, HIS DEG, nts HM DEG C BE6 I: X DEG, fit5 BEGs H/S HU "B.a----*-C----*-----------------------*---- e.*PPID-e--.S1-----"-~-~--~-~---m------U---~- 1-1----1-------1"--"---------------------- B381 -6,4 %pr%% %+t ZbO ,I 551 ,6 1 a308 -14,5 bir*## %r 305 2 3 1.9 D 0300 -18.9 asffjF 16% 058 $3 Q53 8 8686 -5.7 #sss 9% 1P7 ,1 224 I ,S O QdOC -14.9 asasa, he+! 078 ,? O7S 1 *3 0 0600 -17.8 %%%94F @# f2O ,2 834 f ,3 8 8908 5.2 ruirar tlt 292 ,D 281 .h 8 09011 -lb,O aanrs HI 824 1.0 02-2 2.5 O 0900 -15.2 *%itarb rr 131 .5 14h 1.9 O 1288 -?,$9%%%S%% 533 ,$ 335 3,8 3f24O-1;9,7*8%%#*# s%%%#%% %%% t.9 31200 ,3$H#~ifii%% 144 3'1 $3 BS3 34 "h58$&-b8,$%%%Mg# 336 ti? 346 ZIP 2!%88-1za83##%%## HMIfbrB31 %##IE#YI 4 f580 1,38####1%# 145 3,7 148 8,3 26 %8QI-SifS6@%@Mf# 3% ,B 533 2,s fd188(1-14,BWf%#f#M %#HI##% 4~tgHif tjf8BO ,P%%f#$i~% 148 &,4 15813.3 fl 2fOB -1%,3 %Hs% %# JB4 ,3 333 3,2 1 2500 -18,1 #%a%# 8% %## %%## ~39 @%%# 0 2190 2,e a%%w#i 9% 134 4JI 130 ?,b 8 2469-34,3%#@9#%% 338 3,h 341 3,8 n248~-zs,b~%%#s#% us6 ,s 031 I,? o?soo -5,t #%ugc%# lag r,e $39 s,o a R&%< ?? DAY 23 BAY 24 HOUR DEU UIPPD WXHD GUST HAX, HOUR DEU MIND gIND GUST #AX I HOUR DEW idfHB U1WD GUST HAXt HDNS TEBP, PB%#T RW BPR, SPD, BIB, GUST RAD NBMG fEBP, POTKT RH DSR , SPD, DIW, GUST RAB HDgG IEHP, PQfHI RH DhR SFQ. BIB, GUST WBD BEG %. BE6 @ X BEGl HIS BEG, 815 HU BE5 C DEG C 2 DEG, H/S DEG, M/S HU DEG E DEG C % DEG, SbS BEE, ?l/S ~U R..I.9U---~-PIC-----~~~-~-~~~.~---~~-~~~----~--* O)*----UO-.------w-------m,--*---------------- CI-r;---.P--P--.DLI-*--*----=-*---------------- aSoQ ,gg%aa#g* 318 l,a a71 5,r ~oaoa-~~,~~~wa~#~ 155 ,5 i4b 1.9 BB~O~-I~,~~~S~~~B 161 ,7 113 2,s o 6$00 -?,1 %%%%% 013 ,8 115 4,4 8 ChBU -68,s *%##% %@ thO :4 174 1,s O OkOD -?I $5 %%n%% 3% 134 ,B 4BW 2,s O @BOO -7,8%#%%%%% 182 ,3 Q2b 1,9 269DB-?O,?%@%#%%% 188 '2 182 tLY 23800-?f,89~%%~@# 158 ,P fb8 2,s 2 1208 -5,8#~%%%@% 808 ,3 B$S 8,9 IP1200-15,b%%%##%# 990 ,1 159 1'3 391200-f$S2@3%@4#3 186 ,4 $59 Is? 37 15QB -2,1 %#%%%%% 3% ,7 334 1,9 2315QO -7,4%%%%#%% 359 ,3 343 fP3 571500 -813ZQ%BI## 349 ,7 348 i19 20 1848 -2,5%#993%@ 395 $3 334 e19 0 18oq -14,3##@*%%$ 402 ,4 flu? 4,3 O 1800 -b,5B8%%%%3 647 ,3 334 1'9 fl 2100 -5,4 %ggB% #@ 287 '5 322 f ,B O 2980 -16,3 %%%%a @% 089 $3 159 1,8 Q 2100 -8,8 #@%%% #% 143 $7 181 2,s 0 2400 -8,43%@.3s8% 348 ,3 182 1'9 B2400-f9,4@##%3%% 557 ,7 156 2,s il 2400 -8,$%*%%3%% 154 ,a I?$ 1.9 @ HOUR DEB UIHB UXMD GkIST NhX, HOUR BE& UXWBUINBGUST$SAX, HOUR BEN gTMD U%ND GDST HBX, HD~~G TEBP, PQIMV WH UIW, SPD, ulal eusf ahD TEnp, POINT WH BHR, SPD, BTR, GUST RAD NBMG IE#P, PDI#T RH BIR, SPB, DZW. GUST RAD BEG G DE6 C X DEG, !!IS DEG, H/S DE6 C BEG C Z BEG, R/S DEG, WiS Htd BEG C DEG C X DEG, H/S BEG. t!iS itU --a-U".l)ls-I-7.-*-~~~,mw-*~~-----~-~-~--G------~m --."-~.1MII~SLIIU--*-~~-~-~--~--------~------~-- -----.IIIII-LI"R----".~--~--~~~~-~~~U1..U1U1U1'YI'YI'YI'YI'YI~~~m 038Q -R,7 a%%#% 160 ,5 202 1 ,B O 1308 -B $7 ~~~~~ sg 141 ,5 lbfi 9 $3 8 83a8 -9 ,? %%%## B% 898 ,4 974 jF3 8 obna -7,83ogsg88 $23 ,7 079 13 D -9,7~an~~3~ 138 ,4 113 1&3 o 0h@0-10,2a~a~n~~ 146 ,S $62 I,? o ~701 -8,599##~5r ,S 148 1.9 153 ,4 146 I,? 50900 -9,4a*g*aag 129 ,5 I:& I,B 4 1208 -S,fla#%w#%s 118 ,5 j39 f,9 2P1?00 -t,b*Q%*#@@ ?b3 ,1 143 1,8 4912tO -&,4##3%9%% 125 .4 141 a,? 23 1508 -,@##E"t%%B.$.Elt 339 ,9 331% 2,s 2SI5OD $17 '5 228 6,3 33dSliiO -,5#14E%@#f 284 ,4 314 i!,S 32 j800 -$,I %##a#%# 308 $,O ?;I2 ?,5 Q 6804 -4,d #ws%a%% 314 ,Z 357 lt;3 8 1809 -4,&###a#%.~ 332 ,g 357 1,~ @ 21 00 -8s,7 gi~#~g +% 204. ,3 274 ~,9 ;!1Q%3 .-.6,3 g~%#g aa QB3 ,3 628 113 a2100 -8,4%#swft#% 332 ,J 333 2,s Q 24930 -*5;$3 a#%#% %.Ii lb4 ,(a 102 l #"i" ?240 -7,4 %%9%# %@ $55 ,5 141 1,3 1 -11,3 .It%#$$% 152 ,3 277 1 ,? fl .%. F; F' F :j' N 'r \:: \? f:) l;l 1:;: 'r & '1' 1 fj &I N r] 'r F' c; 'f' I::' fq fi [Q 1::' N 5' 1.4 1 12 f:: &I (1 I;;: 'r .x .% TMR 13. WOt3H S4Sr"sHiqR Y FOR EK t,.:JT%& WEA'T't-tER ST&-J" XflH DATA TAKER D!lREMG Feba uar u . 3.989 ROUE BE# uxNlr ujwns sm: H~X, HQUR DE~ UIH urHa cusr w~x, MW6 VEHP, PQ%g"S 8# BYR,, SPB, BXP, GUST PAD MDK TEHP, POINT WH DIR, 5PB, Ofl. GUSMkB KG G BEG C Z BEG, WfS BEG, #lS HM DES C DE6 C 2 QEC, #I5 BEG, HJS HU IC--BswPI--)P~-~C-(IIpIp-M~mw--~-mm~~---~ ---(.(---(JCIIW-------m--m-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"DDDDDD-- 8301-18a9@@H~~~~ 6081 ,I 131 f19 8830Q-15,2@~~@%w~ I52 ,9 129 2,s B 8613-12,4%~.s6@SS~ 0041 ,2 $51 f,B B@b@at-l4,8#%8E%a% 131 ,3 132 t,9 0 @@r%-1%,9@3%sni6s 111 ,5 087 1;,9 51)91@-fb,2%%%3nzr 142 ,B lb8 63 3 1288 -f,l~~@~~~ 1861 ,5 182 1,9 68 12138 -P,Pgg@EI..la%w 102 ,4 147 f,B Ib ISftC -2,19%88fJts 262' ,2 197 I*!? 221S8P -4,2f#tfffft B6? 3 349 23 19 1888 -tac59tg@raw 8161 ,3 980 $3 1 l8Bll -i"148@effarr 1st ,S 538 13 2 2119-l@AH@%W%f lIl ,3 $il3 1,9 82110 -9,%$3383%% 2R? $3 228 I,? 8 2408 -P5,3 ~~~~@ %r 162 ,5 126 1,3 8 2406 -11,7 %a%#% 9% 852 ,5 551 1,P 8 g-x SEE XNT"EEit-3% NOTES AT f<@D QOF Hi3N7"t-II Y RF:POWT %% M%NB fRE8BJENCY SCitMHtc9RY Ff"fR EK1 ... I.1"E"MA @EATHER STAT1 ON DATA TAKEN DURFNG Febri~aru, 198% Vf t, QCXl'V (HPS 3 10 , 2 l,fl 3,Q 6.0 10,O 12iiQ ::?O % 0 TO TO TO TO T8 TO 8R li DfRFCTT9N J,O 3,0 b,D II4,45 15,O 2Q,G GFtEATER TOTAL ~.i*i~U"Cr*.n~~"~~~~.~,~~~~~~~~mmmmm~~~~,~,~.~,,~..n",~ ...n......n......n..n "...n..n.A..m...n ----, -.-. "-"U"---..""-....n..n..n...n..n..n--..n---Lr*- N NNE PL E ENE ESF SF 5SE 5 SSW 5 b4 u:3u -id WNW b4 b4 +{ b1 i:: At Pi T'OThr., WOt9Riat.Y SOk-,.AR RADXATXtJM 5,;LiHP"iBRY FtX? EK t.WTN& MEATHER S'T'ATIUM D&TA TAKEN D14R'EPtG Fnbrtaa~ tl . 1884 Saf--AR RABXATKOM V&l ,UE:S MiKAStSW ED 5 N MT !,..I.. XMATT5 PER SQtJriirRF CENT IiMETE:R WBI.JR ENDING B@flf%8iI%Ot38O235%42OOD8QB89 @POfrBiJf,OO123554282DOQ&BeQ1 kabaaooaa%2aieszoackotao1 &65tQ@OB848115I810"7@8DOilgb~~ OfkO%90Q)Q123riA1OOOOB11 1~10aosor;t13ss330a~i~ao;d Q8911DOODO,94SZ~_f.t3OIO(fQ10Q9. QBOOBODOIB$I~~~~IB~B~~~~ I%3iCSIeI4tOOtBt3ltfs"10Sf!rO9OSBQet2 0~ecosoo~a23ss42iaoac~r ~0~0~a~t712xao1s2ao1o~oa2 OB@6OBBB;14t817f3%%1OO8bOO2 B8O1OBOB3bt2553iQOOQ8R1 ~eoooaaot35a1o~grso~oao2 8BO9COX7f37bbJtO9OQRO2 QBBaoB6QOZ2Zu#~79ZD8OBBf B 8 8 B O O O O O 13 823201913 5 t O 8 8 8 B 4 BOQOOQ1243322rBBOf%rFiifi O8i3BODBef?3333?tOIaefsr QIBkSOOOie@z3hsssrsi;o@cOl 8 & 8 @ 8 @ 8 0 132b%%5%8ff 6 1 fi b 0 fi 0 8 6 Q 4 8 8 O 8 8 0 1 &IlI?31322214 5 10 0 B 8 0 8 6 OBBBBB4529364Q333814h1 88 8 8 fig OIBQD8O25J22?352s2113? 0 0 8 Q 0 & I OO 0 DO321182B3bJO26189 1 O 4 D 8 B @7 BOB 8 0 Q O315369B453425163O O O O @ 10 8 8 D 0 O C O B 3 R21202b29312?1E 2 8 C 0 a 0 7 QO 8O8O4lP385855972519b2OOOO D 011 B B O OO D O O??3918?923i91394@ R DB o 4 7 HQI.JR END JMG BATE 8tBB 8ZB8 4380 b401f3 PSS8ft @$BD 87861 OBBB 0900 Is80 $188 1200 1306 14C)Q d58B f~Ol 17B0 1888 1980 2iilQB 21E3(i\ 22Q8 2388 2416 BVG ---------m3.-n--~..f---P.-~~-.~---~~~~~~-*~~~-L1-'--0-.---Y-----L.-PLII---alp-"----LII-II(-IIY---P.--P~.IPI.*-CeEI-s"~--~~.---~~--~-~-.-.I-IZY(r..I)PUI(PP-*.).I- 1 28 26 26 25 26 27 27 7 28 28 28 29 29 30 3 31 30 30 30 29 28 28 28 29 28 2 29 29 29 29 28 2P 28 23 9 28 29 29 30 30 31 30 38 29 27 25 28 28 28 28 2? 3 28 28 26 2i;P 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 2B ?Y 29 9 29 29 28 28 28 29 29 29 28 4 2 2 29 29 38 395 3(b 38 31 32 33 32 33 32 33 34 36 3b SB 36 35 3& 31 36 32 5 35 25 32 27 2R 27 27 28 30 38 28 28 33 33 35 32 29 30 2A 27 29 30 33 30 30 b ZQ 28 29 259 34 53 33 33 F?? 24 23 23 24 24 30 28 30 30 2.3; 32 31 3 31 29 29 7 28 30 ?if 95 29 34 35 34 2 34 35 30 34 33 33 34 28 27 27 26 28 26 2P 38 8 34 21 28 27 28 31 31 31 51 34 32 32 33 25 29 25 28 B 25 23 23 24 29 23 28 9 23 24 ?? 24 27 22 24 25 24 22 25 27 32 23 22 25 22 27 25 P? 25 24 2s ?kt 24 i B 23 2 25 25 25 2 29 22 24 23 30 28 32 28 32 21 28 SD 27 26 34 26 90 30 27 11 38 27 36 29 28 26 25 3Q 27 21 29 36 36 27 32 29 23 28 32 ?$ 28 23 26 27 29 1" ZQ 2 2b 25 28 26 29 29 8 38 30 38 31 31 34 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 29 $3 3% 3t 31 211 31 31 34 31 31 3% 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 54 33 33 33 32 32 33 32 19 33 32 32 33 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 95 35 35 39 33 33 32 32 32 31 33 f S 36 33 31 31 31 31 36 30 30 30 31 33 32 32 33 35 33 32 53 33 33 33 33 34 32 16 34 34 32 38 34 38 30 33 36 33 34 35 3% %F* 36 32 33 33 37 30 32 35 34 32 32 17 34 3 34 30 36 3b 31 37 35 33 32 33 31 31 31 36 30 26 9 38 33 36 30 27 32 2 8 28 32 35 ik2 30 32 32 31 35 31 31 34 35 35 3? 33 38 39 35 31 31 28 32 35 32 19 3 34 ?2 112 32 3E4 34 35 36 3b 36 36 336 35 35 35 34 29 2R 34 34 2-3 33% 261 29 25 ZS 28 26 2% 24 24 23 ?3 24 24 24 25 15 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 23 24 25 21 23 23 22 24 Zb ?Q 25 27 25 27 31 32 33 33 32 32 3? 32 32 3f 27 25 245 25 28 22 31 2b 38 33 34 24 26 35 38 32 27 30 3f JI 31 35 34 34 3: 35 28 34 32 $1 30 23 29 25 27 2$ 2b 28 36 2b 25 23 26 28 30 19 9 19 I9 22 23 22 23 22 2b 26 24 24 29 %? 25 29 23 28 27 24 24 2h 28 27 25 26 241 25 27 29 28 25 ?b 27 31 31 36 23 31 31 30 30 30 29 ?3 38 26 2b 2h 33 2 33 28 34 33 34 34 31 29 27 28 33 30 .?ojl 28 29 28 25 29 27 24 27 3% 28 28 32 21 36 35 2 22 23 29 24 26 29 29 26 27 27 29 ?% 2b 2W 30 27 23 25 31 27 25 32 2R 29 32 25 31 27 33 24 Pb 25 29 27 28 28 32 30 29 2% 29 25 26 25 29 25 29 27 30 29 28 29 22 2% 20 33 27 25 28 24 26 28 26 ?A 23 25 30 25 28 29 23 25 25 27 2h 30 26 23 ?3 23 30 25 27 26 26 26 2~ TEMPER ATtiRF: WTHD SPEED tili$iD P)TRECT"i:Uitl PEA\< GUST REt.A"FUE: WISMIDS:TY PREC5PJ:TrJ'r"'JDN SOthR RADFfaTXON EE.W i3e)ZNT LQbiGWAOE RAX1TA"FT ON 1 [lo 90 yy 9 'a3 3 0 'I 09 a urs d 0 X D f) The following adjuskments have been made to this month's data: AdditioaraL ca~meanats on this msnthrs data: 1. RH sensor calibrated 2/16. Recorded data illvalid after 2/16 due to be 3 oscillator, 2. Intermittent wind speed and direction data lost due to frozen anemometer and wind vane, Ns pmcipitati~n data for March (See INYEWRETATION OF uATPa). 1fr3 . i-3 I:: 5%~ 9;~a.s I.,. -3- s.r 'C'Z~ "B- s; , :ii: N t:: %,,j 'Sf' @! $3 I--! b" x;?I k;? $13 1:;: g.-- Q::- ''If* )q 11: f:: Fa $3 I:J .c*J' Szi: [:: 'T' f WREE f-iOiJR S\Si$Pfe3-"sRY FfSR EK t..t.lTNA td\<~~'i'b\KR S'TAT'X I3N DATd "TAKEN Dtr.dRSI:NG H:.~r*r:l.j , :i5bF!4 nnr o;:~ Nt)R gbEM UENP MIND GUST MX, HOUR BEU UXM'D UXNB BUST HhX, HOUR DEU UIND HEWD NST 8Hl #B#G KHP, POINT RH B%R, fi$8), BIR, &USP RhID NDHG TEHP, PBEHT RH DIR, 5P8, Dl!?, GUST RAD NDNG TEW, PFdXHlr RW PIR , SPD, BXW a GUST BhfS BEG c PEG c 2 BEG, nrs BEG, HIS M BEG c a~e G x PEG, BFG, HIS HU PEG G DES c x DEG, HPS DEE, MSS nu *----o--P-rpll----~~O---. ~-03-..lsB-~-.*I--.D--iP-.3--OOOOOOOOOOO"OOOOOOOOO 8---------------.---"-----O-----------~----- 839@-13,7@@~8~4~ fS? ,& $52 t,B 9 0308-t3,4%@8#3#% 159 ,4 154 1,3 8 0390 -,2%33%31%% 143 1,6 131 8,9 O O$BO-j3,2H%#%%% 145 ,S 146 I,? O 05BO-15,1 %n%h#8w 149 ,b 153 1,9 O 0680 4,Q a*B#Nw@ 140 b,4 141 lf14 B 9968 -!8,9 r@%@# %+i $70 ,2 884 1.3 i-j By08 -I?,? a%%#% 9% 155 .3 179 B,9 3 0900 4,7 %%#Bit g+~ 146 6.3 148 ¶3,3 b IZBI -:,"E3g%rs 889 ,? th2 r,9 32 1280) -h,2 #%sua #tr 138 I"i15 2,s 21 1201 is,& ~h~3~9id: 9% 534 4,G t4@ Is,? 48 1519 lab WW 3% 286 ,3 185 1,3 36 1580 -,T %%nn% 9% 149 .2 138 1,9 40 3500 5,4 #wn%ib 8% 135 4,% 138 P15 i2 -2,0.1lcaw#99 534 ,,3 34k 2.5 21880 -4,osw#*g~r 3fli9 $4 013 1,3 11840 ~;,g~~~w*w~ 1st 1,s 1113 Tta I 2190 -6,2%%a33%* SOQ ,I 343 1,9 a21fiO -21i*~~%~~% 524 f,4 3?5 3,8 42106 5,4#4%B41%3 I53 S,1 16217,f Q 2496 -8,Ba93%a49 4bl ,Q 139 2.5 82400 3,4%s#e%%% 154 3.4 14711,4 02400 B,5r@#%wza l4@ 7.1 13?1?,0 6 HOUR DEB U!MB MI#ihf GUST HhX, HOUR BEU UIMD UlHn 5UsT 84X, HBUR DEU UI#D UIND GUS" E.14r3hp #BHG TEBP, POINT RH DIR, DXR, GUST Rho H@H6 SEHP , PQiHT RK 818 , SPD, DIR, GUST RAD NDWG TEHP , POfHi Bk BIB , SPD, Dl8 GjST RAD EEG G BEG c H BE$, HBS DEG, HIS nM DEG c BEG c z BEGI H~S BEG: nu BEG e BEG c x DEG, njs DEG, nis fi~ ~-~"~B~~~*"%-llll-~~~~~~-~--CICICI"CICICICICI-~--~~ ---**-----m-----------m------------*-m----- -------""---*---*------*------------------ 8386 4,T rg%g*%# 338 R,1 139 15.2 a 0308 I,? a$w%#ga 342 1,7 011 3.8 8 0308 9,0 w#r@# ug 133 4,4 $34 7,8 i 8688 9,2*%#%988 134 4,9 141 tf,9 8 8650 t,R#ag##*+ 331 1,1 31% 3,2 O OhOO -,7#*%#%%# 822 I,@ $03 5,t O @?OO T,% *~~@~~~ 139 3,8 125 9,s AQBOO ?,R@#*8#9# 338 l,t 346 4,4 8DBOn --fat %#@##@@ 168 ,? 2BR 1,9 3 32Q8 9'2 %@$%% Ilb 4,4 121 8,3 i7 1280 !0,8 %###@ as 348 3,2 145 90,2 19 1206 5'0 %#a%* %a 183 ,5 203 1,9 51 15OB 8,5ua%%%*% r36 53 132?0,2 251500 9,9*998aw% 141 5.5 f3R10,8 221504 B,2@wc%%un 2?4 ,4 178 1,8 43 1800 8,5%@9s#9# 142 S,B 147 9,5 3 IBOB 9,252a99ss 135 4,8 14419,2 2 1806 3,t ~ggsg~g g93 ,3 167 I,P 3 2108 8,4%#%9#9% 642 5,1 148 $,!5 02698 8.3%*#%3*@ 134 5,h f3910,2 12100 I.8%%8#%@# 035 '3 Olt 1'9 O 2460 f,D#ag%%*g OA3 4,s 118 6,s O2400 91W**~9*~~ 135 4,4 147 8,9 1 ?4OQ ts4%94s9s* 1$8 ,!I 195 2,s 1 &OUR DEU UIRD UJ HD GUST HAX. HQUR n~u ux~a u~~n ~usv nax, ~aus DEU WIND MIND GUST I~AX, tdBNG 7E8B, POINT WH DTR , SPD, O%R I GUST BAD HDNE VEhP, POINT kH DfR a SPD, Bf R , GUST WBD NDHS TFtIP, POIkdT RM D%W , SBD, DIR , GUST R89 QEE c BEG c x DEG, W~S BEG, R/S BU BEG G DEG c z BEG, njs DEG: nls nu DFG c DEG c x DEG, H/S BEG, fits ~W OII.Ura.ll)-C*Oo--m~-~~~~~-*-----*-*-*-----=------ --I--------*\*--------*---------.------------ BPI-.U------I-CCI-------*--~-~CI."C-m~"...1U~~~-~-~ C308 ,8 u%uj4a cw 1Sh '7 153 23 O 6308 ,3 ~~@~~ gs 142 $8 fbO 1,P B 83QB 3,9 %@#%# 9~ t71 2,0 146 @,P 8 6609 1,9 %#%nn %# "Ah ,S ?384 1,- flOb80 ,I %s#.?E.# %W I51 1069 13 8 Oh00 33 %@Q43.~% fs# 332 ,9 315 3,z t,@w%%%#jtk 65@ ,4 891 f,9 70908 b7%a9g%@B 148 ,8 132 t,9 50980 $,5#8##%3% 083 I,1 343 3,2 & j200 7,f *# 239 ,& 197 2,s 5? 1208 3.8 ## 154 '9 t45 1,9 Id 1200 9,4 n@ I$? l,fj (\,3 4s $540 S,b%s%#%gjr 314 ,8 332 4,4 251508 2,9***3%%~ 146 ,b f4J f,3 ?IS08 f@,$a%*wa@@ 125 6'2 855$0,2 25 180~ 4,1 a#### #a 289 ,2 3$1 32 2 1889 &,I -M 381 %,I 313 4,4 f 1800 8,3 #@%a# sc 133 3,j 131 7,~ 1 Z~OQ 2,s %%#a# %u 148 5 5 9 8 za%et% lt1,I %%#""a% 1B8 L,B 354 1,b B 2906 3,2 gwa 338 1,9 261 4,4 8 24Qi] 8,1%a#o%#4e 137 ,b 148 1,9 824Bfe: 9,h%#93439 2,s 144 829fBO 5,%%WRQBQ#PZ 138 ,a d[f% 8 1? 84: M $1; I:) P$ $3 B.J I.., 'V' $3 P4 'r' $3 ,% :I: ha $2 . . - 5:s k,j f-,'; :+: -y- g," fi p--1 y a> j;~ [:I f~: !$,,, 1::: c:l "r" 1;i :I: I:: 8:' li C:S 3' I,:: (2 -'If- THREE HO1JR ShJMMAWY FOR FiKt,.t!'TNA WEA'TtllCR ST&"T*XE:IN DATA 'TAKE:@$ Bt.9R XNG MA PC h \ 1 98.4 DAY 3.0 7lAY 11 DAY 12 HOUR KU UlHB UIWB GUST BhX, HOUR nEH USHD MIND GUST HAX, WDUW DEY MIND WIND GET HhXx NMtG TMP * POIWT RH DIR s SPD. DIR 4 GUST RllD NDWG TMP POINT RH DIR 4 SPB, DIR , GUST RID NDHI; TEHP s POINT RH BIR t SPDs DIR 8 GUST DEG C BEG @ X OEG, #IS BEG, n!S #U BEG t DEE C % BEG, #IS BEG, HIS DEE C BEG C X DEG, #?S BEG, Hi5 #B ..I~R'PI----~B-*QI~CCCCcC*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*, ..................................................... -----"---"----P-------*,-*,------------------ P5BO 2,8fffffg# $48 124 fly 69 8350 2.1 g~~.~fi~g~h 336 Is1 334 318 1) 04013 -3t5~8#39%9 151 ,S 161 118 Q ObQQ 2,24%r@%r# 133 ,B 13 2'5 D fib0fl 3.0 nnwr#.%# 147 6 2 1, O 0600 -%,O w#wws#g 183 ,5 175 1,3 0 9880 3t6tHtwgB 142 ,8 145 2,s 130908 2,3*#%8%%9 128 *P 141 119 10988 -4,4#%%%#83 157 $6 155 4 1200 3.6 gggwws@ 138 2,Q 139 TI@ 30 1210 hl0*8@nw%8 062 ,2 136 23 481200 2,4%a%%%%w 003 ,2 155 13 57 tSBB f0,3%@@@### 136 5,0 142 8,9 521500 5,3~4%~@%% 194 $2 395 2,s 331SQO 5,2%%#%%8% 342 ,8 355 1'9 55 $@OD 5,93%%%#*9 134 3,9 132 8,: 4 1800 4,R3%#wfls# 253 ,9 287 2,s 2 1sDO lI88w#r9sc 004 '4 328 L9 3 2189 2.b %#@%# %a 215 ,B 185 32 O 2109 ,T awwvfi 8w 17% ,2 310 t,B a 3108 -23 %@#%# 3% 148 ,7 09Y SIB Q 2380 t89%W4#@# ;a7 I,? 316 3,2 O2406 -1,5%%##g%% 154 ,7 $58 1.9 O24OB -4,3######% 135 958 I,? O om DEB MIND unwn ~isr wax, HOUR BEN UINB UIWD GUST #AX, HOUR . DEM UikdB ~IWD G~IST WBX, WDRG TTM , POI@ PH DIFr . SPD: DIR , GUST BAD RDNT; TEHP . POINT RH DIR . SPF. OIR . GUST !PI] -NV~G*.~EHP. POINT RH DIR SPI) DIR GUS1 RAD GEG C DEG C X BEG, iE/S DEC, fi/s #B DE6 C DEG C X BEG, #IS BEGl 8fS WN DFG C DEG C X DE6, HIS DEG, RIS HU " B~m"-BO-**-""B-*IY---~-m*-~~-~~----"-ZIZI*~--- ---"----*m-~*mw----------*--*--*--~.-~---*-- C3QI -512@#wk%#a 148 ,$ $37 1'9 0 0300 =-3,7%3%@@#8 '152 $8 133 f,B 8 0300 -Fj,Bas%%~%a 155 ,& 187 1,P D O~QO -6,8@3t@Ba** 859 ,b t7~ ~9 B 05~0 -5,9wnu~g#a 190 *5 156 1,3 a ohan -5,~ unguagg 152 ,b rt2 I,? o 0908 -5,P%@#@HaR %50 ,? 148 1'8 50980 -5,4#9#%99# 152 7 5 1 5OYofl a,Ow%%uw%# 188 ,? XPh t,9 B 1200 3,2 @@#qa @g 241 ,3 322 1*9 51 1296 4,s @*##% g# 138 ,3 155 113 57 1204 6.8 @@%@@ #$ 139 3,9 128 B,3 38 %SQQ 5,s nggsc 305 $5 182 2,s 28 6500 4'2 fg~ff ~f 021 ,2 327 23 51 1508 b,B ###a% @+i 140 J,4 146 6,s &3 1808 2,s s~gsw *a 291 ,8 296 23 3 aaoe 2,3 ggwsw -H 301 ,a 320 1'9 4 IROO 5,4 uaw99 *N 154 2,~ 137 $,9 5 2108 *9 9% 173 ,4 2b$ I,? D 2%BQ -2,7 ww t50 ,h t57 4'8 O 2100 ,2 #%#%r JJ# IOT ,3 P4A 3,2 2480 -I,b~~~~*~~ 143 ,6 147 I,? 02408 -4,9%#%@#~# 148 '5 ah4 %,3 D24CP -t,9###n$## 117 ,I 350 1,~ 0 HOUR QEM UJRD ibTNlif GUST AX, HOltR DEU MIND uln%l $95~ #ax, OUR DEU B3kOHJMBGUSTHAX, HBMG IEBP, PD%&T WW DZW. SPt, DER, GUST BAD HDNG Tf#p, POZ~T WW BTR. SPQ, DIE, GUST RAD WRWG PEHP, POINT WH DIW, SPD, DfR, GUST RAD D66 C BEG Ft: X $PEGl !I/S DE6, WiS MU DEG G PEG C X BEG, EJS BEG, ~iS BU DF6 C DE6 C X DEG DEG, t4dS .rla*-u84.1r(tLm~~~~--~~-*~~*--w*-~--~--~~----a- s*-Ddorll..l-r~------~-------~--d-----d-d-d-d--"- ----.---------d--d--d--d-d--d-d--d.r4LV,~~~I*I**-d-d-d-doo~(I(I 03flQ -2163#%B%%3 152 ,b 345 It? R 03nF -3,4 #~~~~~~~ 120 '1 110 1,B O 8330 -?,8Bw@%wa% 151 ,6 $72 1,s 8 ~$40 -3,1aaaggrg $72 ,ti 1~4 13 0~b8fi -4,bwg~gwou ~85 ,I t4i3 1.9 O~~QB -B,8#9%%%%% 158 ,h 1,~ 0 09~0 -2,5s~ga##g 136 ,4 150 1,3 11 8900 -4,t 9aagwg~ 153 Tb $58 1.9 7090~ -8,1#4~un#3 154 ,5 thh j,q 5 1280 5,7#a%%a%er 354 ,S 535 L9 '"s?f?BB 3,Ii~+tt~+fia Ill '4 141 I3 831200 O,BHCW##~Q 355 ,9 328 1,~ 72 1500 5.1 tn#rxr# 337 .9 338 1,9 5StSOO 4,61t*9#3*# 331 .9 337 1.9 5h!5i0 3.0%###8-#& 339 1.2 34: 2.5 57 1808 !.7~anras# 340 .3 519 1.9 5lfiOO ?.5*wr4nnr 322 1.2 347 :4.2 51800 ,3saea#ru 501 ,T 336 3.5 5 2100 -%.Sare%%ex 2JO .I IhS 1.9 02100 -2.039#%9~* lh5 .h 160 1.9 OZlDO -3,Yr#~rxas 173 ,7 jb9 1.9 0 *"90 -2,0a#rnea% 132 ,R 325 1.9 8 2100 -5,Ae*+tatx 165 "4 173 1.3 12400 -1.R#u#raar ,b 160 1.3 fi ..4 .)< {+ F :f N 1' f" ,M 13 f; "f' 8 '7 1 l; 0 'f' l" 1:; [q 1) [I f: pj ('3 N 'f' I...{ \. 1-4 F' 1:' ('1 [r;: S" .>I( .g. IIAY IY T)AV 20 BAY 23 WN DEB UINB UXNB GtifjT #hX, HOUR DEU UlNB UXWB GUST EAXl HOUR DEU MIND GUST n&ax8 NBS TER, POIHT RBB bll, SFO, lax&, GUST RhB HWG 'KEtbiP, PBIHT WH BIC, SPB, dlR, GUST RAiB #liNG TEHP POIN'! WH BHR SPD, MR, GUS BhD BEG E: DE6 f: X DEE, #6$ DEG, BPS nu DEG C BEG G X BEG, HJS BEG, W/% ~U DEG C DEG t 2 DEC, ~JS EG, HkS HM -----*C----CU11~-~-~---~~~\.\.i.i.i.i.UUUUUUUU ".l----.----P..----~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *-~.----.Llgl-D-lCLCI(IP--UUU--.I 8388 -8,43##338~ 158 ,b 164 1.9 16310 -tSI3%tB4tf 3% 154 ,7 1% I,? G 838B -Cs,i)#%@%.lt.@3 258 .$ 142 I,!$ 95 QBB8 -t811 an%%* 8% 368 ,7 lafa 63 0 lbOO -9,h %##rr r@ !JA ,7 1'90 2,s a ObBa -8,B ~cwsn~lk .wu $53 ,5 1.86 I;!? @ BOOB -3%b gQ%@a *a 162 ,I 1% I;,? 5 8908 -b18 #1368# fbb. f4A ,'rs 153 1,B A Of30If -8,3 ~8EdfJt 4% 162 ,7 162 1,0 5 4263 -,bgag#g#a 698 ,2 f58 1,8 70%298 4,11%a%r{4%a 141 ,I 897 2,s e;br?oc -,a%#%r;atar; 081 ,i! r%h 1,3 13 1510 3,P 4% 335 ,9 344 f 58 15B14 2,9 %nrr%# 3f3 ,7 243 2,s 30 1500 3,s wannsr #w 335 1 ,[9 328 P,5 lftl 1886 1(9*gH@@f 337 ,3 1'526 1,9 51880 3,13#%9@%% 348 1.5 351 3,"sItsOl 321 ,B 322 Zz5 5 2591 -2,2%g88@3# 148 ,? 841 2,s O2tll .-1,3*9@ffu%% FlZai ,1 351 3.2 B2106 -3,0%~~~9t%# 154 ,2 '170 f;;9 O 2410 -5,43fs48@*@n 148 ,8 16% PIS 02480 -5,2%%%%#%# 152 ,h fSO 1,9 B24@0 -7,@HB%@Jt## 1.195 ,d 133 1,s B HO~ DEU UIWD PIHB GUST fix, #BUR REU USNB UZHD GUST nbx, HOUR DEU MIND UX~B GUST #AX, &8#6 TE#P, PB%gV RM DBW, SPQ, D%R, GlJST R48g HDNG IEfiP, POXNB 8H DXW, SP9, DIR, GUST RBB NB&G BEHP, POIWT R8 CXf , SPIl, D%R, GUST RAB LEG E BEG c z BEG, H~S DEG nrs nu DEG c DEG c I DEG, H~S BEG, nis DEG G DEG c x DE~ nis BEG* #r~ fib B)UIBII~L~~-~-P~~~~~~~*~..(..(..(b..(.o.o.o.o.o.o111111111111111111DDD*.*. --O."C-"~~L-P..*..m*.*.*.--- .-U----.-9.-U-~P*m*.*..*."-*.*.*.-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.-*.-*.-*.-- 8300 -P,Z%%%#aaa 354 ,7 156 13 10380 -3,3sssg#%~ 175 $6 166 1.9 80380 -8,5~%@w#*a i52 ,7 198 1,F O Q&BQ -PBe3 %%*:% @% 1148 ,9 '144 4,4, 8 tahOB -If,% gg 1bP ,4" 155 2,s @ QbBO -16,4 ~~~~~ %@ 153 ,8 1b7 % ,P 6 @900 -3,3wW%Sg# $58 ,B 168 1'9 66900 -9,693389%8 182 ,b 169 1,3 hOPOb -9,8#9#%@9# 151 ,1 423 2,s 6 1209 ,8%na%w%% 399 ,3 080 E,3 741ZBO -P,Agun%r@% 083 ,3 328 13 721200 1,5ss%ss@* Q83 ,3 341 2.5 86 15#0 4,3 ##%rs 329 1.3 338 32 hf 1580 2,f ns%@% #% 321 E 4 33B 23 62 1508 2,2 @*%@a n+ 322 1.5 332 3.8 29 18B8 ,6%%%##9# 313 $8 319 1,9 51808 -,Bg%@%@%% 307 t12 338 2,s 5lBOO 2,1@%*#8*9 325 X,4 335 3,2 9 2dOB -4,4#%###4% 19% ,5 1'71 I,? 82160 -5,3%#3#@#9 146 .S 121 t,3 O?PflO 5.3~~9~8~9 191 ,S ebb 2,s 8 2400 -3,3%8%r#@w IhQ ,4 $80 4,8 O24OP -7,0*%%8%%% 132 '4 195 I,? B2400 ,?~~~N~~~ 158 1,J 184 3,2 O #OUR DEU g%NB UFKD GUST HAX, HOUR BEM uT#D UIrsSD GUST %AX, 6.lQbiR BFU UINB gtND GWSY khX, HBRG TEHP, POINT RM DFR, SPB, bIR, GlJST WI3ili) ND#G TEHP, POINT Wkf BfR, SPD, BlR, @US'$ RAD HDN& TEHP, POTHY RM 818, SPD, DlR, LUST RAD DEG c BEG c 3 DEG, N~S BEG, HIS wu BEG c DFG c x BEG, N~S DEE, fi/s BU DFG e s~c c x BEG, nrs is nu --"-O----I-Y-P--I-Y------------------------ --------*m-----e-------w*-----e---*-***---- QaaB -023g*wxs 138 ,h $23 ~3 n OS~Q -$,~~~#ss~~ I~P 154 1,~ o OJOO ~,bsg##%#r 192 a13 139 7,k ij Q6QO -I,&##%%%## ?52 ,f 095 1,s O@kOfl -8.5@39%##% 133 ,5 153 1,s 0 @baa 4,88B%t4w# 14% 4,h 145 8,3 8 OPBQ -,8 #%### ## 309 ,3 314 1.3 14 O9BB 0,B 9% IkO .3 13b 1'3 18 8388 5,4 ##aiia M* 291 4,z 144 8,3 17 1208 r,9%a#*x%% 332 ,b 359 1,9 Ail 1200 1'1 *##%@#% 123 !5C 23 42 9260 5L1#w%3is3* 146 5'9 151 8,s jh 3,4 %#a#% a% 344 1'5 39% 3,2 33 fS8Q 53 ~~~~~ #@ 199 4,O IT1 8,3 20 1580 4.2 @#@#% sw 143 5,5 432 7'6 83 1888 ~,j, 311 1,r 329 2.3 10 asoa s#o ##fi%a-~a o44 3,1 14s s,3 3 lBa8 5,?+i#+f#a is^^ !44 3,5 139 b,3 10 2100 -1,4 Bug+tni 48 195 ,2 315 I,? fi ~$80 J."T"~@E~ #* 14l 2'4 147 8'3 o Palja 1,s +iji~lt RB 142 1,4 I?? s,? o 24~0 -j,&#a~waag 169 ,$ 158 I,? O29gfl 5,j t5D 32 154 1,0 82400 -2,7+fs#~a%s 314 13 333 I,$ Q x- i;; F 1s.' :j' IN.! 'fa 1:; Q rl' '1' 11: 1"j Ed f\i ('k 'r 1:; $ "l' 1::' 1) f 11-j [ 1 rv 1 Y ta r: 6) i? 1. .x. 7a"HjqEE HIJtUR St,!MMARY F(3R EK I,.\.I"TN& WEA'Tt-tFW STAT Xi3N DhTtfhSb TAKEN DI.lR 'ENG March 2 98-4 DAY 2% DAY 25' DAY3 0 HBUR BEU USND UINB GUST nnx, HOUR DEU UINFI MIND GUST H~X, slia~ BEU UIHB UIWB GUST AX, TE#, PQIH RH BXR, SPD, BIB, &ST R~B n2nc rEne, aH as.lea, SP'B, BIB, GUST R~O B~NG TEWP, POIN'S" ~BH BIR, SPB, DIP I GUST WAD BEG 1: BEG E: X PEE, H/S BEG, DEG C DEE C Z BEG, R/S BEG, n/S 9H DEG C 9E6 IE X DE6, HIS DEG. HfS RU -*-e-----~e--~"*~~-m~~~~m~m*""~~~~m~--m~~ w~***e~-~~-=--~~~~-*w~-w---*"m~~--"---m~""- "------m-*----e-=-----*----a*-------------- 0388 -4,29dssaiia~#g t5~ ,% t44 B t3%185 1'1 gr##g*~ 169 LEI 1.99 a osile -2,2~tfgi~3~ 111 2 141 1,s fi @BOB -6,4 %@s#r u% 955 ,O 164 t ,3 8 8608 , % 32 ,? 335 4,4 O 0608 -2,6 #u%#{# s% 323 ,4 BOY 1 ,3 B @;2% -52 w%%%% ga f4A ,ti 158 f $9' Q OQOO l,2 rr@s## #* PtSf 1, t 155 2,s 14 1901 -I,& uwalpeig 9% 292 ,2 297 2,3 8 B;it'O& 3,5 *n%H M 34s ,b 344 1 ,? ?t 12Q9 3,7 %3%## 9% 175 l ,b "a1 32 20 f2Q8 ,9 s%atla #w 39 .4 323 t ,3 18 8308 isa5%#g#%4% 018 ,"932 5'7 b71190g J,239%3@9# 175 1.8 176 sl2 201500 ,5%ir%%jf32;.W 339) ,7 338 109 26 l8OO 4,8@3$+$%@ 139 32 191 &,J 1hd88O 2,3%%8%8%4 871 1,1 6781, 3,2 Ef 1806 ,fE.#%%%%%% 331 ,7 33b f,9 7 2193 4,2#%9asa3# 532 3,1 116 b,3 92188 -,7w%%#atraw I"i" 265 13 @?I08 -f,4f#r~t## r%a*%u# a;#% %,3 8 2488 3,7 r%%%% 3% 141 2%3 838 8,3 O 241b -1 ,I %a%#* a% 146 ,5 1x7 1,9 @ T4QD -2,s w%w#lc %% #%# nwng %w# 1,3 B #6% BEM UIHD UIHB GUST nbx, HCRG 5E#P, POINT R# O%R, SPB, DZR, GUST BAD BEG C BEG C L Df G, H:'S DEG, H/S 3U ~UIUILl)se.)PD.~-~.~-IL.IL.IL.IL.IL.rilril)...)..)..)..)..)..)..)..)..)..PIIIIIIIII BjOl -5 '7 EHggr au %#@ wgga %%w 1.3 f,j -4,7 %%a@r #% 39% #%a# @#n 2,s O 9 2,2 %%@@# 8% 26& ,El 242 3,2 f 9 8290 B.5 g@%Bg 9% 164 t ,8 9bd 5.9 74 PSBD 6.8384%%@# 19% 3,6 948 7,b 97 $818 6,%~~%@~~@ 143 3'7 138 8,9 12 2103 5,b @%##a 132 4'0 135 8,3 B 24BO 3,7@%%#%+$ 940 9,3 !4SfB,2 O 5"4I3N"S'I-\t.,.Y SI3MHAR Y FOR EK tY,t.lS'Nf$ WEA'V'I-IER $'TAT :CON D&T& TAKEN IbIl.3RTNG March, 1984 x naH, BAY HENP, TEHP, BEG G BEG C RES, RES, AVG, HkX, HBX, N 3%NB UXHD GUST GUST BVVL HEAH WEAN DIR, SPD, SPB, BfR, SPD, BIR, WH DP BRECZP BEG NIS N/S DEG WS f BEG E 8R .aRRZ..-.-e)l--------~~m-aw-m444-~---m~-----------~-.DII(II(II(II(II(-*m-m- 1 55 ,5 346, 2,s 53% a% o%#% 9 55 t12 197 11,4 SE a# wu#r% a##% 141 d16 4,$ 162 17,1 SE n&Bw# a%%% 134 4'7 5,0 139 15,2 5E w+i #a898 r%%% bSb 2'8 3,b 138 %0,8 SE ##awk @#s@ 140 ,P t13 134 ?,6 SE ## n##%% %%#% 164 a '.* ,8 332 4,4 SE ~rn ####a a@%% P 92 ,B 1,s 354 7,k SE r# aaaa* w%w# 131 1,1 2,L $35 1Q,2 SE 9% 3% @%## 140 114 1,9 $42 B,? % %# ww%## n%%% 149 ,2 ,8 339 3,8 SE 8% #BE#% w@w# 64% ,? ,h Ibf 5,9 SSE uu %#w#w ##a% 182 ,3 ,7 1 2,s SSE #@ uwwug a%#@ 154 ,3 ,7 327 2,s SSE w% #%%w# 644 1,4 1,4 123 6.3 SSE a@ ##an% #%#a tmb ,I ,1 145 1 ,P SE #% gggg 138 ,I ,? 347 32 WNU #a %a### @##a $92 $1 ;? 2,s SSE w 3%nw# @### ~sa ,3 ,1 PI! 2,s SSE 9% ggw#s #g#g 1 32 ,? ,9 357 32 SSE u% %###% %#%% 167 ,I .1 329 2,s SSE i*w ####% %##% Pt92 l ,7 338 32 SSF ## %wu%% #a#% 216 ,I ,8 155 2,s SSE ## r#s%# %%#s fB4 ,4 1,B 332 3,8 SSE %n ss%%@ g%%# 3f? I 3 *. ,7 341 32 NU ## #%##% #%%% 147 8 1$8 137 B.3 SSE ###%% ##%% I43 3,Q 32 145 8'3 SE &rug# ##a# 135 i,2 1,7 138 8,s SE s%%%# #a%# iBY 10 1'3 149 7,8 s #4t %###% 333 '4 ,s 338 1,8 #NU 3% agasw %#*# 142 3,4 2,b 143 t0,2 SE n#%#o ###% % 42 ,9 ,8 162 19,t SE % %#w%a #%## N Cj '7" 1"' : R B"::: 1. . (\ :[ V I:I: b.1 \,I M :O", D :c '*{ R 1::. fi 1) R FX1.j N 17 f:: 1. :r A f4 1 F W F:: N :[ N 1) 8,; fylt: '&' 1) I:; @ l$ F 1, s F; I..! A r:j; N F:: 14 F:: T Y'F:: H:< p F: R s F: I': TF M 11 , 6:; I.! f:: I..! la a::: 1) '1: ihj r:.; s; i-1 n v i:: kt i^'a +T B F:. 1::: M '1. N b:: I... \J D B::: 1) 14 '7 1-1 1:;: h ,C 1,. 43 R M CIIV I' l.4 O . Y' M IT A A PI! Ff '1 l'?. t't l-' i. 4 'T" ,l' I-! C,J PI "$: 13 :! '1' "j* $I i4 1) E: 1;) (1 1'4 I' .>+ $,(, $5 1:;: 1:;. '1: jq 1::': R I:"$ bT 'l' 'Y' 'I: (3 N pi f:] 'V' F:: f;; 4 '1' i:;, l) {'I 1:;' M !'; f.1 'T' 1.4 I... y I..? %:: p [q .T xs 133 & M 4:; t:) N liS t.1 I.,, 'If" &% P-4 "I" $I">> 3: N 6:: a 5:s 1.J $3 11: ""5 '8 fi i--8 Y 1) f;P Q:) I,,. ti!: -If' 1): 8" R C3rI -3" flff: 6:: '18" WTNB FREQtJENCY SUPYIMARY FQR F.K't..,\,fTNA WIY',I-STHER STBTJQM DbTA TAKEN DURTbiG Mar*ch, 1984 ENE ,96 ,I4 Ql0B 0,OQ Q,OQ Q,80 (3 , il I I PO ESE 3,77 , 62 1 ,h4 , f37 [f ,OO 0 110 0,OQ hs10 NNW 7; , o 0 y; , 1 8> nlon ii) , BJ o 0,oo Q,QO r$ ,QO 10, %4 MO'lTZ::" ; 8.hl*.l, 9::'~~~,(3[~E:N&"::[F'S {)lit-: FXPrSEss{:$F"$) :fN f"F"Rf::i"'Mf' 3 4 4, Cf V h r.,. Z D bJ 7: Pf li f"T B 'i F: Fi V t4 '"a"': r'f N ?$ 1.d Fi 1:: "P") 'I' O I) F: v 1::: I... 8:) f~ R E:: [J ;flj F: [:: y s 1.1 pi M R y J "hF%@ bJ.i:Ng) 6:IL3$~;I;,E+VA'T':!C:'sl~$S U(:li.ll D p[fiojF FI!-:E::N CrlRRE;:(::*r ~QB 30 ~$*TK~,~-J.F' j)rl'rfi, -% 1" j::: '[ fij '1' r, F$ $." f: 1" $'?a 'r 'I: $'I &,f N {:) 3 8,: $:i A E"' M 1) I:) F M [) M T ism( 1 , ) R F: P [:I 'r .;$. .y DATE BiBB @ZOO 03F1 @iBO 0580 8nOQ 076@ BSSO 0900 fDBO 6600 $288 1308 1400 $580 1$9Q 1700 XBBO IOU8 20FB 2300 2288 2300 2400 AVC .1)-~~.~101-1~.~~-~1l-----~--.-~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~*1~--~~~~~n-urr~~-~,,~--a~~~~~-s~u--aaalr~----a--a-sn--a-urr-n~~~~~~~-~~ t 24 24 24 24 2 2s 28 38 $0 33 36 2P 32 33 34 30 28 26 27 27 26 2$ Zb 28 28 2 25 25 25 ?fi 23 27 5 25 22 26 28 31 54 33 31 30 3B 27 34 3 3% 31 29 28 33 3 32 29 29 29 26 25 23 26 28 27 EB 30 31 31 32 3 35 38 36 34 34 53 31 33 38 4 33 32 32 34 3-52 35 31 32 3? 33 33 3 33 34 34 3.8 72 28 27 27 29 28 31 31 3 36 35 3A 34 33 31 35 32 32 34 39 35 33 33 33 3 33 23 33 34 32 33 34 29 53 6 29 32 99 34 26 23 25 25 28 27 32 25 29 33 33 29 23 28 29 32 34 31 35 32 30 a 35 38 sa 3s 3 32 32 3h 4 ss aa 3 50 32 32 29 35 35 34 30 33 %ki 33 32 33 8 28 25 29 29 32 32 2Q31 33 31s 4 34 33 34 38 34 3P 34 31 34 33 36 36 33 9 29 3 33 35 34 31 37 34 38 35 34 33 34 32 33 3 193 3H37 34 35 32 35 33 3-4 18 33 34 35 38 $2 3b 33 38 35 34 34 3 32 33 36 32 3% 34 35 35 33 33 36 32 31 It 32 28 32 33 33 52 30 31 30 35 3R 34 3t 31 39 34 35 58 32 27 26 29 26 2$ 31 12 2a 2b 2 27 7 27 2? 28 29 30 32 33 28 52 29 32 24 24 25 35 25 ?$ 25 25 27 $3 24 25 25 25 26 27 25 29 27 28 33 28 29 28 28 31 36 35 39 34 29 31 28 24 26 14 21 29 26 2% 28 25 Zb 26 2b 31 27 30 2'9 32 $2 31 28 24 5 25 25 2B 28 25 27 15 28 25 29 28 28 29 38 38 28 34 34 38 32 32 28 27 21 ?A 28 24 28 30 28 29 28 1 Q 27 29 38 Z"s2 88 30 25 24 25 26 24 28 32 28 32 2W24 24 24 24 23 24 ?? 26 $7 25 24 29 29 31 26 2 25 25 26 28 28 33 32 52 27 29 28 24 24 25 25 24 25 27 fj 2 24 3 24 24 25 25 25 27 38 28 30 26 36 39 ""4 12% 2% 26 23 24 29 2-4 24 25 r 9 22 24 23 24 24 24 25 25 28 26 28 24 27 31 31 39 28 24 29 25 24 27 29 24 25 2 8 2% 38 28 26 25 29 25 24 23 24 30 28 3 31 34 59 30 26 28 25 21 23 24 25 27 2 1 23 26 25 24 15 23 25 25 2$ 7 35 JE 31 22 32 3% Zb 26 29 2h 25 2: 24 zb 22 22 23 2% 29 21 23 24 24 28 25 2 27 26 6 Sf 30 28 27 25 24 29 23 23 23 25 23 24 25 26 24 27 23 23 25 23 26 31 31 30 30 30 30 28 35 21 28 23 26 27 22 26 2 4 22 24 24 21 22 22 24 25 25 25 28 32 30 31 34 36 37 36 39 93 $2 33 32 32 29 25 36 32 33 31 97 35 35 37 2 ?B 31 35 34 38 1, 36 34 35 3Q 27 29 29 $0 31 32 26 3% 32 33 32 36 33 32 32 32 38 ?M 35 32 32 34 34 33 33 33 53 $2 32 39 33 $2 8 29 28 27 28 3% 31 33 3f 33 41 31 32 32 31 38 30 28 28 26 ?& 24 22 24 2h 28 28 24 3 525 2% 23 2% ??i 2% 24 23 31 32 53 32 ?? 26 25 25 28 28 29 30 31 32 27 28 30 345 34 32 33 35 35 33 53 34 35 34 34 33 34 34 34 38 31 31 32 33 38 32 38 3? ib 33 34 33 38 31 99 3 34 34 39 38 55 3% 37 3Q 35 35 3$ 36 36 35 3 1 36 55 33 34 34 35 37 38 29 33 37 30 32 33 32 31 3f.I 23 3Q 3fl 31 3% 34 32 32 I?! 4% M f:"cQ:3 b! 2% 8.4 !..,'To &% ii"c-4 'T- $55 :I: N sC2 s It$ Q,J $3 10: 'If' It--! 3f $3 It? %:I 1::: I,,, f:: *P* 12 B:: I:, 82 t:l 2' FfE: f:: "Y" BESEEV&TSQi\t StdHNARY FnR Etit..\.iTNf$ WE$ll'kIER STfr?,'TI UN BAT& TAKEN I)l,3W%NG Mapch, 1PF39 Tf HFERATtJRE WIND SPEED1 kdf MD D%WFC:TTQN $En!< GtJST RE%,.ATXU,"F HltJHIBfiTf' PRFCXP XTi3TXSN SPa,.&R RADf itrT%@H DEW PaTNT ~,QMGWAVE RADIRTXON' THERE &ARE X 4Ri3 POSSIRI,.E ORSE:RBfdT XDNS 'Pi125 HljlN'TI-i FQR Esri,CI-l P fiR AHETiZR , THE DATA RElCORDTNG "1:MT\fRV&%, 5:s 3"",MTNU'TES, The fo%lawi.ng adjustments have been made to this month's data: WdditianaP co nts on this month ff s data:: 1, Intermittent wind direckion data lost due ts frozen wind vane. 2, Recsvded RE1 data inv3lFd due to bad ascillatsr, GPiREE HOlJR SLTPllMlhRY FOR Ef( t..l.lTNA W1,A.f kt ER STAT fi ClN 33'"sA'f A TAKE23 X>I,JR T PIG A~Y" i. 1. , 19E44 HQUR BFG NXHB #3RB GkiST WkX, WBUR bEU #ZNB U%EB GBST HAX, HOUR DEN UXWD gIND GUS% Hk,Y, RDHG TEBP, POfHT RH ISfR, SPD, DIP, GUST RAO HOHG TEHP, PQ!kfT RH DIR. SPD, BIB, GUST RAD HDHC TEFfP, POINT Riit BII, SPDs @ST RAg RE6 G DEG G 3 PEG, HJS BEG, hirS #U 3E6 C DEG G X DHG, Wf5 BEG, #fS HU DEG c BEG c x PEG, n!5 BEG, H~S ## UII-IL~I1~~-~-~~------~,--r--LI*I--.C~t)--.I) ----...' I--------D---01-----*---.---- O%D1 23 3 ,6 173 6,3 O Q3b4 -,I 3%w%as% PW$ 14 138 1,s a 8300 -2,3%%4%w a* 228 Sli 1.3 8 O~OO ,+ $=%# +tg t46 I 138 ?,a D $608 -3 g~gsw 8% ~gg ~9~3 %#a ,$ D #baa -1.7 gggwg 9% $38 *3 1x9 1,s Q 89QO 9% 2 ,2 t8B I,? 90980 -l,l%%%#K%% 155 %2 th7 Xz3 5OQOO -tl3%%##w#% 317 ,5 369 P,3 16 1200 5,33%8G@ 892 ,1 129 5,7 67121o 2,b%#%%%%% 358 ,9 328 2,s 851205 2,b#%w%%%% 339 ,6 360 1,s 4B 65BB 6,4~3943%# fZb 3'6 623 8.3 PB l5DO 3,5%s3%%99 347 $3 344 32 76 1500 2848w%8# 8% 339 d,S 345 3,8 38 1888 B3"a,8 129 5,1 9 1888 2,8%3w%%%w 32fl l,5 310 32 141800 3,0%a%u%~n 344 %,I 354 32 $2 Z8gB 2.9gw88%3 "sS It,$ 3% 3,8 9218Q ,b%%%%%%# 361 ,A 306 I,P 82306 ,24%%8#%% 134 ,4 185 laB O 2900 ,2%88=~% 143 ,6 %b2 t,3 92460 -1,44#%~#a% 024 '2 251 f13 B2600 -2,4r%#%#u% j38 ,7 143 %,9 8 HQUR @EU MJaD MZgD WST #AX, HQQR DEU UIKi MfHD GUST gAX, HOUR DEg BIND 8IND GUST WAX, WBRG VEHFP, POINT BtH DZR, SPB, D%%i., GG5T WAD NONG IEBP, POIHT RM DiR, SBD, 3fBI @!ST EBB WBNG %EHPt POINT kl4 DIR, SPO, DIP, GblST RRAD DEG c DEG c x BEG, nrs BEG, #IS fi~ DEE c DEG x BEG, wis Ke, n,~ nM DEG c DEG G z BEG, HPS DEG, nis ~u 8900 -4,y~~~~~an 150 $6 140 1'9 a 0308 -I,~+S%E~S~ ese $6 os4 2,s a azas -~,~s~#s~a~ wsg##qs a%# 1,s o QbCO -5,8%8%3%%% 135 ,Q !$6 1,9 0 8660 -,8%%@%%%% 14% $7 8 1, 0 8680 -7,$%@@#3%3 %+%*@%% %# 1,s 0 Qysa -a,& H~SS~ 9g 265 ,& 222 1'9 7 8990 5,s %#$%# aw %&j 1.3 235 5,7 25 $900 -7+j %#%#s 3% ~w #%%% %%a 1 &3 5 tZOO 3,8%%%%#*% 968 ,5 345 $3 851280 7,l %f#%3cs 13& 3:% 130 83 95 12QO -,3H@%#@% 343 ,b 344 6,3 82 1588 8,8%%%g%%% 058 ,h 1% 5,7 97 1508 %,5%4%8#%# 652 1,2 !38 7,8 131580 2,3%%9#%3% 334 l,3 33% &7 1680 6,0won#c%s 095 is$ 019 5,: t4tWQB ,3*8%#3#% 344 2,9 345 Slf 618QU ,P%%%#@%# 345 I,? 348 32 $4 2tNQ 5,2 ##w@% $9 512 ,8 115 4,4 F 2100 -,b %#%%* 9% 319 31% 2.5 B 2108 -,8 #a#?* 353 ,2 288 I,? Q 2408 -,49%4%%+# Q14 298 ?,5 fi244Q -1,l%%%Sw## %#%#### waa $,3 gF$Qfl -2,fi99#ix%a 771 ,2 Jb& I,? 0 HQUR DE# d~i49 UX@D fi~~, HOUR BEU U%NF UbKT GUST HAX, HOUR DEU biTND gINB GUS AX , HDkG VEBP, POINT Rh DIW, SPB, DIB, GUST BAD HfrP4G TEHP , POEHT PY a%!!, Spa, FlfF;Z, GUST RAST NDPaG TENP, POIMT WI.i D'IR, SP5, DFW , GUST RAD DEC C DEG G Z BEG, H?S ZEG, HiS HU DEG C BEG E. X BEG: itlS FiEG, ~iS i%d BEG C DEE L X DEGe tlfS DCG, Hlf Kij (e*QUUUIIIICI-II~RI1-P--.I*I).(II~----------------~------- ----0--011-9----~-------------~~~------------ -------O-II.---)---~---~*--*--~~-**w~~..----~-~-ylly 0308 -1,8##%###% f:3 ,5 04fi 1'9 80300 -2,6%3%%#%3 336 ,3 303 I,% at308 -23%#%%%#4$ I$? ,b 154 t,? 0 @boa -zl8 >?%%%% 8R 34h ,7 fl22 I,? O ObOB -4,Z 4% 348 ,9 313 X19 O OhbD -2,4 #E%4B gn i?B ,b Ill I,? 6 Q?@[i -1 1h %#%%% $9 336 ,4 759 1,8 2b 8900 ,5 %@%@% :*a 356 '1 029 3-8 24 89FD -1, % %n#%n M 092 ,3 349 2 ,S 16 1?0@ 3,3wx%a### 323 328 a.7 4@1;30fi 4,7%~t:%SI## 143 ;,(a 13@ R,3 17$20J 2,39t%%5~### ,& 294 3,~ 42 j5ofi 2,8%s%u%f+n 332 !,kt 334 2,s 51 bSQfl 5,3%###~d% 125 4,4 632 W,3 <G 6590 4,1 #%%#a*+& 348 \,4 340 2,s 43 lQOO x~si~%%?##s 32b 1,2 325 ?,5 3b1888 3,3a%##&sw 140 3,8 138 ?,& jG4800 b,84a#%%%w 279 ,I 2fi8 3,2 23 ZlflQ -,9##%%%#% 353 5,s 334 4,9 O2kBIi 1,6%%#%%## 15155 1.1 I?? S8fl O 2100 I,?g####a+, 212 ,? 175; .. j 0 2480 -l,Aaa%@;!6% ;921 .b 3?b 1.9 02460 -i.T."%m## 340 ..' 017 i.9 ~JIDO -l.&na~au.;a .p, 2.:. 1 12 - M I:: (:I tV 135 B.4n I,., 'T" A $4. '3'" $3 . 3: P-4 $1: . 335 mt.$ $3 3: "T" fi #--I "r" %) D? [:I IS: ki-,. 1,5: ri":: 'If" $3 611 I:" I3 l:F -.*3' tl?: 6:; "3" Xj&Y 16 Dart'f 11 DAY 12 HOUR DEB #1#D MJWB GUST $SkX, HQUB BEN UIND MIND GUST PIAX, HOUR DEU UlMB WENB GUST NhX, HM6 FERP, PQI#T RH OHB, SPB, DIR, &ST IAB MMG TEHP, POIfaT iBH BIB 30, DIB, GUST 86%) HU#e TEBP , PllIWV Rili itlIiEE, SPB. DIP, GUST RAB BEG 6 BEG G X BEG, WIS BEE, HdS BM BEG C DEE C L DEG, BfS KG, Hts #U BEG G BEG C X DEG, k!/S BEG, Hi5 KU I.--cB--I---LI-PII---OI-LOIL--~-*~~--ee--*-~-------*--~.- ~0*19.11-(c.~~'-".--ILI-~--~~-0--8-.3~.p-.---*----ID -.ll--------l---P1---"--------"------------ 0308 -t,B%~@r#a# 287 ,2 342 2,s 8 0300 -3,4*3sx#%a 323 ,S 224 I,B O 0300 -6,4%##@3%% 114 .4 559 121 B ah89 -2,8#%%9#93 328 ,5 333 3*2 10688 -4,2@3%#%%3 325 ,4 309 f,J B 8608 -5,33%933#3 $12 ,3 Ib5 113 1 89@$ -2,l %@%H%B l,f 335 3,2 30BBOB -3,3w#B@%%% 343 ,3 313 1.9 88901 -;,%H%%%%@# 473 ,2 848 1,3 Ih 1200 12~~~333~4 331 t,~ 3:~ 2,s 691aea t.w*wg%as~ 343 ,7 334 7.9 ?ti tzab 4,2gng#83s 38s ,% 283 1,s 52 r5QO l,t gsias~it%sw 337 2,2 343 4,4 44 1508 ?,?~wu~~~# 342. f,4 335 32 99 6500 5,9~%@%3% 340 f,4 352 32 3-4 fSOt ,1%@aHg% 337 I,? 348 3,P bbf8OD 1,5%*8#8%3 338 I,? 336 2,s 81808 b1BS98@%39 351 1,4 953 5*1 It 2EOO -lTB~#~~&~* 327 19 338 2,s 82108 -2,3g%3@*8x Q44 ,9 605 I,? 82185 18S#~~~~~~ fOB $3 05b 3,2 8 240J -1,638@#333 ibf ,4 198 !,B O2468 -4,33#9%#%% 144 13 163 I,? O24QO -X15%#%H%g8 151 ,B 561 2'5 0 3 BAY 64 D&Y 15 %UR DEM UfNB MfNB $1157 W&X , HDUR DEW UIHB 3INB EltST HAX, H8UR DEU UIHD U%MB GUST HbX, WBH6 TEEP , POINT R# 8x8, SPD, Bf R , GUST RBB HDNG PE#P , POINT IH DIR , SPD , DTR , GUST RAD HDtiG TERP , POIWf RH bIR , SPD, DfR , GdST RAE BEG c ~EG c x DEG, w~s BEG* HJS ng ~EG c BEG c x BEG, nss BEG, wu DES e BEG c 7: DEG, HIS BEG, #is ~g _---Qns---_-P-P-----~~-w~-----~----~- ----_------I---------------------------- -------------_---------------------------- 83Qa -2,S~~~%@~% 135 ,4 154 1,F B 0388 -2.5%98%$3% 235 ,S 259 2,s O 0380 -2,9##%8%89 145 ,S 13$ 1,F 8 @Be8 -T,7 %%@@% @@ 848 .S 892 1,9 1 ObQB -3'4 Sa%%2 %a 144 ,5 148 1,P t 8608 -3'8 %%#%# 152 ,4 125 9 13 1 8888 -,4#%3%@%9 099 ,6 168 I,? 1589BO ,3%g%M%$% 134 $7 147 2.5 24OP@a -1,Q#%##%%% 127 ,2 182 f,3 15 12OQ 8,3*@3%@%% 466 107 5,1 4612BB 5,2%$#%1t# 338 1,0 529 P,5168 f200 l,b%%#%~tn% 344 ,9 334 2,s 99 1500 7,8%%%%@%# 147 2,7 138 8,3 "JBf500 B,i"s%E:'%83 334 2,6 339 3,8 85150Q ;?,D%%prr%###% 340 2,f 344 S,1 51 1800 4,1%#8%@8@ 173 I,$ 648 5,7 61880 9,59$@#3## 338 1.3 345 J,? f4ZSOO ,3%9@%%%% 398 3*8 342 5,7 19 El@@ 2,ln*~s~~~ 173 %,2 159 3'8 Q2fOQ ,t#%wws#% 34 ,8 335 32 @2$OO -,?##w%*%s 338 1,9 34% S,I 2408 4*% u%Ha+Bww 147 2,B 187 T,b O29OB -2,98%%%%%% 13b ,5 147 I,? 02464 -f,B%$%#%%% 3qp ,3 342 1,s fj WGUR BEU $I%D WIN!] GUST VBX, 80~~ DEU BfWD UTWD GUST HhX, g0UR DEU UINB UEMD GUST AX, HDWE TE#B, POX87 WH PIB, SPbD D$W, f,USf RBD NDNG YEBP, PDZwT RH h%R, SPP, D%R, GUST RAD POb!G TEEP, PDIWT RH BIR, SPD, DIW a GUST RAB PEG C DEG C I PEG, 6/S DEG, 8dS HU 9EG C DEG C I BEG, giS !lEG, #/S HW DEG C BEG C X PEG, EIS DEE, tiiS MU _Ul____j_fYII_I_B-*-~--e-*--a*----*----*m*-m---- -II.-LI.D.-Ult)-----*"'*---a -i*(U--I--IBt.*-.II---------- ------U-----------------------------UL--U~-~ 434fl -1 4~ %@%as 8% 394 ,8 349 3 ,,? O 0388 -T ,a #a#%# *% bbQ ,5 104 f ,3 8 8300 -I,& SR %H #%%a *##a ,k 8 -3,s ###%% %% 338 1,j 335 3,Z 1 ObajEl -Z,";aar##% $8 ### :d#%% a@& ,%, 8 @baa -3 ,b 244~51~ w$; #%%# 9%~ ,&: OYQF -2,hPRb%##'. 335 1,3 346 3,R PRY@b -I.?!*#r~ra~ 353 .h 353 1,J 70908 .2%l##%#i! lh7 ,3 $51 1.9 12 ~EQO -1,3%a%%rns 324 .7 315 I.? 141290 ,R**aa*na 339 ,? 34b i8j 4712CO ?,Uaasnwrs 342 1~ 100 ?.5 52 1580 -I,? nrnra 5% 340 $7 718 1 .F !3 1500 .R +Eserr ## 338 .R 331 1,s 42 1509 2.6 #ssa# ax 325 1.1 255 2.5 47 i$3RB -,f"pa%%faw#n 337 P 938 I,? YlWill ,?.~ir#wd@# 333 tail 319 2,9 "alBBrS 33,9aaffw#a%# 328 I,@ 338 2,s 24 2108 -2,ja%&o+f%w 845 , 1, @J%fl$ -m1GJ:t%E@4%w 3?8 ,7 339 S,9 82100 ,9s#swaika 241 ,3 283 1,9 2408 -~,~~~IcI#KQ## 55 , 02480 -X,SB$ff<d## %%@%W.il# 1,s ZjQQ -t,:r'riR4!##j$d Ib4 !,I 174 0 ED@ EM UXWB 9PNE Ct%f RAX, HOUR BEU Wf#B tdlMD GUST BkX, HBUR 'DEN 5aZ#D Ul#D $UST HKX, HONG FEgP I POIRT RH DIR , 5PB, 0x8, GUST RAN Nr>tjG TEgP, PDlHT Rld BIR , SPID, DZW , GUST WAD HBNG SEBfP , POIHI' RH QSR , SPB , DIE a 3fEG C DEE 6 X BEG, NP'S BEG, HfS NU aEG C $%G C X DEG, H/S BEG, ~15 HN BEG G DE6 E I BEG #fS BEG, HiS HN -----~~---.--~--~~~-*LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" ..II"IIP~...------LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL~ --L-~--I--O-(IC-"I--~-LLLLLLL--L-"-LI-IL*------ 0308 -6,239%%%3% 155 ,4 132 113 g63CO -,93%%3%8% OBO ,3 OR4 1'8 O03Q@ t,3%8H%#%% 149 148 2,s 8 @be3 -?,333%@*8@ 163 4 5 3 2gh00 -,5u%ug43r 148 157 13 20600 1,4###%#%% 151 t,S 198 23 1 OPDD -L,f ggw%% r# 158 '4 128 5,s 37 890D 2,5 @%#%% 8% 248 ,d 352 13 43 480C 52 @u#%% #% IS7 f48 TsD 38 1230 3,4%3%8#%3 346 ,5 318 1,9 &56200 5,h%a%#%#% 291 ,h 285 z15 411200 4,8#%%%%3 148 2,6 150 5,7 $4 lSBO 9,$n#r#%@x 335 ,B 342 1.9 57lSOD h,B%@%s#s% 357 1,3 02% S,3 1915DO S,t r%%suu% tb9 1,8 194 323 49 lS8Q 3,0 a%%%% m 33$ $,3 341 2,s t? 1808 &.A $#%an #n 13% f ,S Ill h,3 If S8OQ 3.8 %s%aw +i+i iAO 1,8 157 7 2%8@ 13 %%a%% 8% 323 ,5 347 3.8 D 2tt0 f ,9 %##%n M 197 ,7 178 8,3 O 2103 -,P #%s%% 3% 264 ,!I 223 8,s 6 2408 ,L%@rs"% 138 ,8 932 1.9 P2406 l.Os#qg%%% $49 1,2 149 32 624Ofi -2,5au%f%%u 544 2,7 S? 5*T D nnu 212 DAY 23 CAP' 24 HOB DEU UENE UINB GiiSf MAX, HOUR BEN MIND UXHD GUST WAX, HOUR DEW UIHB UIHD GUST BAX, #B~G VEHP, POXHY RH BIB, SPB, BIW, GUST RRB NDHG TERP, POINT WW BIR. SPD, DIR, GUST WRb HDMG TFkP, PQZRT RH DfR, SPD, Big, GUST RAD DEC C DEE C % BEG, HIS DEG, HiS 8U DEE C BEG C X BEG, 3IS REG, 8iS HU BEG C DES C X DEE, HIS BEG, #iS Wd ----P_----------_P---------m------m---- -e-------------~------~-e------~--- ------------------------------------------- Q3QG -4,6%a%%~%g 323 I," 129 4,4 B B3OO -8,0%ww%# w8 145 ,B 1% 13 O 0380 -3,1 a%%8us% 195 $6 559 2,s O U$P4 -4,B%S8%83% 343 1,7 346 5,l d 0600 -9,2%%#%3%9 166 .S 168 1.7 2OdO4 -5,3##%@##3 239 ,3 349 1,9 3 09$0 -2,s %n#%% @+i 093 ,2 $96 2,s ?8 flY40 -J13 ak$@% %@ 147 15 145 f ,9 58 0906 $9 %%a%# nn 182 ,$ 144 1 ,$ $8 f2QQ 2$I#%%#### 853 ,4 117 3'2 Sbf260 2,83n#ag%# 340 2,0 334 2,s 941201 b,5%%%%%%@ 355 ,2 245 z82 95 1508 I,$%%%%#*% 322 1.3 326 2,s 843500 $,Psu%%#w# 322 1,s 529 2.5 883500 6,?#%8#waa 163 2,s 542 6,3 Of 1800 %,54z##%ws 315 !,6 336 3,$ 371808 4,s%n%w%a% lgs ,8 $44 5,% 34BaQo 5,3~3aa%%% 148 4,o nsa ?,D so ?lOF -I,b %a%#g %% 186 ,9 221 3,8 O 21Sfl 1.2 "3%%% 8% 158 ?,I 15% 5,1 O 238Q %,Y 3388% @% IS$ 3,3 f5t ?,$ G 24@0 -4,2%aa%%%#% 134 ,3 127 f,9 BZ460 -?,gg%#u#s8 173 $5 54 2,s 02400 Z,Sn#a%w%n 357 ,7 131 I,? 0 HQUR BEN UXNP IbXHD GUST HRX, HOUR BE& UIHB M;t4B GUS'! HAX, 9DUR DEU UINB U9NO GUST BAX , NDHG "I'i*', POINT RH DZR , SPD, DIR, 64351 Rhb MBNG TEBP, PDIfl'I' RH DIR, SPEt, DIR, GUST WhB NDbG YEW, POEklT RH DfR, SPD, 31R, 6U9"gBkB DEG C BEG C X PEG, lVfS BEG, Hr'S MU 3E6 f' CEG C X BEG, tf65 PEG, RiS #U DEG C DEG C X DFG, bl/S DEE, HIS tiU mnrq*-ue~rrcllll---rraarr-*-rr4.--3.do.-----*--~-~--~---~- -ar-..rrrrrrrr.-----~.---------------------,rr..PI-r.r.rrr- r;.rr-r-r-rrli-ll-~--------"------~~----------~#-.rll- 0390 -.!~2 gggg# 4% 143 ,b 142 2,9 8 1~5 guggs a35 3,: r;~ 7,e o osoe air 9% crh6 ,3 025 1 ,? 4 ObDn -6,5%*#@%8@ 141 2 135 13 3DbJO 4,0##+a#wu f3f 3,4 132 7,0 5BAQB ,Ba%c%##s 1?9 , , 3 Q400 -2,s 4*##s@ %% 140 ,h 653 7'5 52 #POD 5'? .2AZ11 4% 164 3,3 117 b,3 33 0990 &,B %4i%## %a 099 ,* 098 1,T 63 1200 6,5awgs%*a 357 t,2 880 Set 951288 S,h~~~a@~~ I?5 4,4 12h 7'6 bh1?fiF B,I%%%r%#* ,536 1,1 337 %,Y 416 1506 6'53 wsss+ M 1.49 4,3 137 R8 PSga 6,~ enon# a% 118 4,2 122 7,b 44 1508 33 Bag@% $+B 330 1,5 344 3,s 4.1 k@QO 6,0##4t#i~%# 146 43 141 7,h A1 180h 6,6%e+a#%a 824 4,: I?? 4,0 ?3180fi 10,$ #a#%# 827 1,t i?& 8,3 7 ZdQO 4,t sa%ifaw# t4S 4,P 141 ?*i 02jOQ 3,5%%#@@%8 415 2,8 19R 70 OP100 &,I ##Na#s# 935 4,5 135 8,s 3 4,k agi+$$#se g4Z %,& 155 8,3 82490 2,?#e#%68*a 2RS ,2 295 t,9 O24QQ Q,el%#*~~# ~8 112 4,4 pf SQ,~ Q -iq M B::: %:a N 2:; tr.4 a,., -r- 6t> N -T- :i5 .% : N: a $:; \,,J 5;; :$: *'$'- fi.j $3 8-1 y JE) f2 gBf:r hi;: l,,, if:: i:: -Y- 12 :I: 1- m *- 5:" ti9 $2 3" 4::: I:: *Yo THREE Half R 9lJHHAR k" FOR EK t, \,lT'NA \$Fj:.Er'Ti-tER ST t:%T 1 0ixd BAT& TAKEM '641.IRlcjF86 hpr i 3. . 398.4 mUR BEN UIH'ff #XPi%][b MAX I HOUR BEU UXHB UKiFfB GUS1 Ha#, HOUR DEW UIMD WPWB GUST MhX* NFfig IE#P a PBSNT PM li)'iiR, SPD, DIW, GljSY RfiD NDNG TEHP, Pr3PRT WM CIR, SPD, BIR, GOSf RhB MDNG VEHP , P9%RT RH BIB, QB D%R :, CdST RAT? BEG C BEG C X BEE, WS BEG, Hts fiM DEG c DEG c x BEG, HIS BEG, N~S nu BEG C BEG %: X BEG, H/% BEG, #IS Fd ---..l-s--c-r.%i-a------r..*IPUI1------,~--*~*-*~~~m~~~ ~--~--r-D(P~P~L-P~~~~~~~CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ---*--..)--~.-cccc---~------------------------ @308 R,@%%@%%%I 1% 5,6 f32t63,8 00348 9,4%%9%#8% 127 3,9 13 7,b oOSBO L,B%atwusrn8 130 ,a" 157 5,I O ObOB 3,&%%@3%g% 0% 1'5 "r2 5,b 3ObBO W,O##%%a8% 825 3,J '923 T,O 4Dbrjl "9,;4%.$tllbt%3 132 3,4 127 7%8 3 8908 8s3 ss f 17 2,$ 138 7,b 15 BPQl 10,0 sg#gB 9% 924 2,7 118 5$7 36 O?i?fl 8,s %n%aqi 9% 134 4,4 138 813 2b 32@8 11,4as%%@kt% 127 4.3 138 4,6192I?BQ 8,8%3t..sr@@@% IBZl ,B 136 $,4 36d2CID "Iff,4rus9rs31taw 133S 42 338 8,s 85 IS@@ If81~f~~~4~ 1911 3,8 338 '9,b BB1908 B,BnSSS%S% 347 T.9 OR2 5,T 481500 Ifv3%9%8ir~%% "a? S,!J 137 8$3 I33 18B8 lB,lns#%@%% 337 4,7 137 8.3 43lBBO 7,?%9g#%g# 337 i,R 327 $,3 f2lWOB 8,3%#%9#1%8 $57 2,8 534 7,6 19 2108 7,7 9% 126 4.4 131 7,6 0 ZIP8 5,4 w%a#8 9% 350 1*2 012 %,S 0 2100 E,3 %# 131 3,0 137 5,T O 2488 g@nrg 8% 1% 42 125 8,9 11 23B8 3,8 rw%vw w8 330 ,9 312 3,2 D 240S %,[3 won%#il 9s 651 1,s 132 6,s 8 HQNTHt. 'P' Stfi"jlHf3R Y FOR EM I,.I,17NA WEATHER STAT TO% DATA TAKEN 't")\$MXNG A~asij., 193.4 RES, #EiXI RE#, RE&& UItitIitr BICar TE:BP, TERP, TEYP, DIR, BEG C BEG G BE6 e BEe --.lr-*---I----~~--~-*-~-----*---srSrsr*- f- 6,3 S15 115 2 486 01~4 6,b 33b 3 4,f -za4 ZB 350 4 8.8 -6,s Is% Q96 5 $,Z -1, 3%3 093 6 2,8 -8,2 -2.7 338 7 2.8 8 O,Q 338 8 %,B -8,4 ,2 139 B b,B -c,9 2,2 221 1 l 2*2 -3 -,4 332 1 f 3.8 -4,5 -,9 393 12 "?,$ -he& $4 ode % 9 8*3 -J18 2,s 147 14 6,8 -3,5 1 332 15 3,1 -3,t -,4 343 16 I& "-3,8 -1 ,B 340 17 2,f -3,3 -,b 335 18 53 -3,b 12 365 9 9 6,8 -7.3 -,J 343 EO 7,4 -1.1 3%2 148 2 "i 6*S -2 z,e 359 22 2,s -5,O -$'S 328 23 kS & 35.4 -9r6 -2.1 952 2 4 6'7 -5'3 a$ 459 25 7'8 -5 -,3 :42 26 %,2 3,9 4.8 124 27 1Qlb ,9 5.8 10% 28 I!,? 3,b 7.9 128 29 ra,s s,a 1 037 30 %I,? 2 7,3 138 HONTE f1,8 -9,b 1% 122 #&X* HAX* GUST GUST P "VAL BEBH BIB, SPB, DfR, RH DEG #IS X 127 8,s SE rsn 549 32 9% 315 3,8 NMU t2$ 5,7 ESE -8% 138 8,8 SE 9% 348 32 P$PLU 334 4,a N#u a+% 138 8.3SE shn 244 32SE wr 343 4B4 %4U 8% 3 3'2 aNU s+i 062 5, f WNH 8% 135 8,S 5% 338 3,8 #NU ~3 342 5,7 H%d 2@ 34b 33 NMU 3% 329 f ,B WWU @8 174 3,S HHU ns 347 3, R #NU 3% 821 %3,9 5SE %% 144 9,0 $55 %% 336 5'1 NRU a-8 149 5 5% #@ 151 7,6 SSE %w 13"JW,3 SE 8% 126 7,6 SE 3s 121 182 SE a# 132 10,8 SE r# 130 7ASE na 130 8,s SE #a 132 Z8,P NNM 9% D&Y8S SF31,AB EHERGY DAY UDJPW WIND FREilStSENC"E"St.ZMi"ERR"r" FOR EKi..t.tTN:::! WEATE-iER STritt'l'ZaN BAT& TAKEN BUR T b4G Aor i J . 1984 0, a0 0 * 41 t! 0,QO 13 , Eb ll 63,OrJ C3; ,Q[l 0'7 fk ' OI! I!, 63Q) 6 ,Q11 0, I10 10 * fl ff ia , r? ra o , 11 fr !I I 0 0 13,OO n, ors 0 , Of3 fi , 0 fS fb, QO Q,QO 0,fiQ 2 Pz M t:: 6:$ $.$ E'j; a.1 I,,, "1' fi N -r- $3 p 3: (2 * . . #. . -4 "rsG\$"i'9i-Y t-.QNGtPSA$rk, R :$TI DM SLIMNE~RY f="t:tR EMi.,ttTP\?i.P WE AWER STAT% ON DATA TAKEN XlUR SNG Rnr i 3. , 1984 i...ONGMAVE RBDKt4-T :tDH VAl, l.1F.S 3R 21.4SI..2.3 WR'i'T:? PER $WARE CFN'V':TriE"rEf% BATE @SOB 12B0 9390 041g8 6588 66E8 $700 efElOO 0900 tBOI IIflB I2Oe 1380 14QB 1500 1608 ST"fiO 1818 1900 2OGB 2ltFFI ZDB 2383 2485 ~----*---O~-~*~.*~.*~.*~.*~.*~.*~.*~.*".".IICCCC*.*.*.*.*.~D~D~D~D~D~-.-P--LIO~.-O-.-PI"'-B--"--~LI~D~D~D~D~D~D~D~D~D"UUUUUUU*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~~--~--~--- --------- X 37 30 34 Z 34 35 39 34 33 38 33 38 ?B 2R 30 36 37 37 27 55 38 31 3! 35 ? 45 38 33 33 3 35 33 32 31 32 37 30 35 37 31 35 33 32 31 3 Sl 30 33 3s 19 30 29 27 31 33 35 32 31 29 25 31 34 35 35 35 3$ 35 29 ?7 27 26 24 25 24 8 2 28 24 23 23 4 29) 25 35 2P 23 34 32 32 38 33 35 3fi 21 32 3tS 34 8 52 5 ;?P; 31 3 33 35 3? 31 25 29 31 32 31 33 37 36 39 34 38 58 38 38 39 $8 38 6 8 38 37 3b 3 35 35 35 35 38 37 32 32 32 33 33 29 32 28 27 24 26 Sb 33 7 3f 28 26 21 38 39 32 34 33 39 35 36 30 34 35 35 28 33 33 38 32 37 37 3; 8 Sb 33 33 28 36 94 29 35 33 28 28 29 2F 28 29 28 30 31 31 2 29 34 JZ 30 51 2% 29 28 2 3 31 28 28 31 28 31 35 32 33 37 37 36 31 31 33 3g 34 26 39 i Q 35 34 31 34 2tfr 35 36 Si! 33 33 32 35 36 37 '98 38 32 36 36 3& 35 33 32 32 l i 3b 38 38 37 32 35 58 29 34 35 45 28 34 38 33 34 33 2 22 24 24 6 13 23 6 2 26 24 25 27 28 24 22 25 34 36 34 35 37 35 32 38 3% 33 32 30 28 28 27 25 5 3 2 30 29 29 EB 2b 27 29 2 29 32 32 33 34 2 33 33 39 32 3% 2& 21 2% 26 19 26 29 2b 26 24 24 25 28 Sf 35 78 33 36 36 30 35 33 33 31 $33 2-2 926 25 f 5 28 25 28 31 27 Jf %P 31 28 34 38 36 37 32 35 28 27 31 33 35 32 34 35 32 4 6 38 39 38 32 3 .34 .>r31 3n 39 38 34 3 29 57 59 35. 34 33 33 ;., 32 3 36 1:" L"* 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 36 49 3? 39 34 33 37 37 . 33 35 39 sp 37 37 37 18 38 37 37 37 7 37 37 35 36 38 3t 35 32 34 3 33 & 31 30 27 ?3 $9 22 24 25 23 27 24 ?'q 25 2b 28 35 Sf Sfi 3, 3% fV"+ :- 31 32 31 30 20 3% 31 31 31 37 34 37 34 3 37 33 38 48 34 3& 39 40 -. 3 :g gq I, sq 21 34 33 33 34 %$ 34 34 34 33 32 27 35 34 36 35 34 35 34 '8 38 28 33 22 37 ?7 31 3 53 62 3, 32 331 27 2s 2h 30 33 31 23 r8 ~5 - 5 22 23 21 23 22 23 22 22 23 23 23 22 23 31 29 32 -? 32 31 27 27 26 ?& 29 26 29 25 28 24 28 29 24 27 2 22 29 27 2$ 2B 28 32 3$ 32 ?9 26 24 24 25 zf ?Q 26 22 E5 25 25 24 23 23 23 24 W 2j 26 29 25 2b 2: zz% :-3 96 ?t 25 25 25 zb p4 2; 24 2? 28 29 31 32 32 32 31 36 33 32 53 33 2 234 &3 34 35 33 3? :+ 55 31~ 33 21 $4 31 38 32 32 32 SI 3' 34 3 433 31 33 59 39 3b 7 3% 34 3:1: 5% 3i. 33 34 -* 28 +$s 3? $4 34 34 35 33 3G 39 29 30 31 34 1k 3g 58 29 28 23 27 29 2b 27 27 29 28 28 28 27 28 $1 50 35 32 35 39 38 3Y 31 35 33 -- 37 28 3j 32 3~ $1 30 3 4 3i 35 32 32 31 32 3! 32 33 33 52 32 32 34 35 3. 2: 31 33 33 32 Jf 32 29 The following adjustments have been made to this month's data: 1, Solar -1 ~J/CM~ Additional esrsrwnents on khis month's data: 1. Timinq and quantity of precipitation are suspect since freezing temperatures occu-red almast every day. However, thawing temp- eratures also occurred almost every day, so daily totals should be fair, 2. RR sensor replaced and calibrated 4/26, Recorded data still invalid due to bad oscillator, 3, Intsrmittent wind direction data lost due to frozen wind vane, ;"f"ZttdR D&U 81 83 UIgD GPiST H&X #D@R PEW UfHD 'sEfHB GUST ER%, HOCk PFU MI%l)UI#DGES'T#KX, 8BK f EBP POl#T RH DIR , SPB, BIB, 6U5 ; WdaC 8DM2 TFeP, PGT#T it ad D'IR . 5P3, Q!W , GUST RilB NDg6 TEaF , PQlPalr talk! DIR , SPD , BIB , GUST RhB BEG i~: BEG h: z ~EG, ~PS REG, nts #$ BE6 D BEG C X DEG, MfS BEG. HJS gg BEG f: QEG E: Z BEG; HfS BEG, MJS HU -------------R_f-------------C------^---- -U""------l----*------------------------- 13308 "~,B%%%%sE% Qtb $6 84b t3,5 13 1360 -,t~~in#f#%% 292 ZS5 3,2 0 633j -1,7#%%#3i%% 187 *.5 150 2*P li 0680 ?;?%%a%%%% 3315 ,8 349 3,2 3QkQQ ,733#%%%# 138 ,5 '135 1.3 31bfrB ,bKIQ3F.iI.1&% 135 ,Ef 147 fay I@ @i?BO 5,4. %%%%%wn Tt82 ,3 33 3,: tB fly88 ?f5*#%n#%3 34 ,? 166 1.9 3989gD 6,6p~#%%~i91%4 812 $6 808 la9 70 k@,S %%%%% a@ 882 $8 ftSS 5,7 !24 1288 73 %%.ti#@ 9% 355 2.3 997 &,3 $8 1288 8.1 %%%fS(l 3% 313 ;?,@ 3fUf7,6 73 1508 IO,O %%.;is $3 a28 3,4 125) ?,$ s? 1500 8.5 %%n%% 8% 129 ZS0 136 7,fi 79 lSOB 9,6 %%%%;.%, %% 132 3,R $.it? 7,13 89 %BOB 52 e%#n% 3% 358 ?,9 014 5,: 15 $Bag 7.8 w#w#% H 133 4.2 138 7,4 44 188~ 7,4 %wn%#i %a 145 3,5 333 3,g 17 21B8 b,B %%%a% $9 353 I,& 337 &,a 0 ?ID@ 4.4 %%%%*% 8% 144 3,s $,3 1 21$@ 5,9 %%l.i#v* nn $42 2,b t44 4 24Fai;i 2,Z iPtr$ES# 4% 122 ,? 154 5,'j 8 24B3 -i ,? %#WE 39 181 ,2 626 3.2 9 2?@0 f $7 a%#w_sll %# ,352 ,S 159 3,2 Q HQUR EtEd uE~R gIgD GliSf ~fiX X, 3OLtR BEb! Uf &B ttlrlM9 GUST PfAX. #OUR BEU gIWD UIWD 6PSf MbX: P~DNS TEHP, POXWT RH DIR SPD, BSR, GUST RAQ ~DMG YE&?. POIPT 4~ BIR, SPF, Bra, susr k~e gong TERF , PBI~:~ DIR, SPD, DIR, GI~ST RAE DEG c BE6 c x DEZ, nrs DEE, fi5 %i BE6 f DfG C X BEG, t4iS DEE, HbS Zk! BFG C BEG G X BEG, HIS BEG, Ed$ HU -Q~-"__~--Ds-_D-----~-~----------~---~-- ....................................... --------------I--------------------------- 0304 -,3#%%%%## 386 ,7 322 2,s $8300 -fl$E#a%Xq*Z 355 .5 166 2.9 0 0386 -318aw%%%@-E 1SB ,B 9,9 Q Q&@Q -,j~#w%%%# 965 ,? 154 2,5 5QbQg ,E%$R%n%% 953 ,5 2,s &O&$Q -3,&%*%@S-E-R 157 ,P 168 I,? & gyb0 3,Q c%#%#%# j?fI 1,Q fh! 2,5 Zh BY00 <%,3"%%%% 1138 .? 092 1,9 65 8880 4,$%%83%d*E 180 ,3 159 1,s &? 3290 ?,7%%n%a%% R42 ,S $73 6,; 66 TZOQ 6,7e%#%a#6 33b 1.7 335 5'1 Ifl9tZQB $,P#*~n#%az 338 1,s 343 1,2 95 1500 8,28%%~#%% $54 3.3 121 7.b B8 fZpO J.3*%%%#%% 341 3,& 332 5,7 94 1500 8,8%%%#%%# 2,8 115 6,3 P& 7,8 %a%%% #% 16: ?,B $37 6,s 5& fBO8 7$7 %##&a wn 120 2.4 ldz b,3 48 1838 8.5 nwn%# c%-* 148 4,2 ?,a 58 2100 3,b a%%%# %% 3,9 132 ?,b f 380 3,4-5%#%% +i-# 13 1.2 6,3 j awaw sx 830 ,7 t54 1 2400 i.8 %%a%% 3% 352 $1 343 4.4 C 34f8 -: $1 rnsar a% thy .n 2?3 2,s 8 :4u8 -1 ,& frtan rr 010 $5 Bi3 3,4 Q iiOUW DEU &IEDUlNBGUST#fiX, HOrJR PEM kfRF MIND GUST HA;, eOUR DEg $SF@ USNB GLIST hAY, NBIdG TERP, PDEHT Rii DIR, SPB, BIB, GUST BkB HDMG TEHF, PNNT Rh 314. SPb, FIR, GUS? BAD TEdP, POINT R~ DIE SPb, FIR, GUS1 RAP DEE C BEG C X DEG, i4PS DE6, H/S Hx BE6 $EG C % BEG, #/S DEG, kiS $$id DEG C BEG C Y DFG, +-US DEg, ~1s ~8 LYU__--l_--P---YIC~------.------------------ -1----111--.---.Y-I^--------------- --_l----bB-.L-----=-----------*-------*-------.- 8383 -?,~as#3i#nu 159 .3 lb5 i P ? 0708 -?.5ae*#ar# 166 ,Q 171 &,5 a 0300 -,8t%%8-$ 8% 162 ,g tbg 2'5 8 Fbgfi -32#S####% 168 ,I 159 LQ 3ulB -3,1 *%%%a*% !A? .Q 155 t.9 50604 -a,?%##%+%-% ihl ,S 172 I,? 5 &POO ?,i*%$%%#% !59 ,h 157 1.9 hBD98@ i.,.st.%r#%% 154 .h :hQ l,f b3BQag t?r:a%; !:7 ,@ 162 1~7 b-~ 1208 @.&#####%@ 32R 1,3 3?? 2,s W !!.'+*#i%%## 339 14 339 2.5 99 itO$ i?.iaeasx*r 334 1.3 322 7.2 94 \SflQ 11.8 a##%# xr 337 1.7 324 2,: 9: 1508 14.7 ?x+nr r% 328 1.b 338 2.5 93 !50? 13.9 rgert sa 3-42 2,s 24h 4.4 96 1880 li,? r#%'.x es 377 1.8 337 3.0 4h IBBO 15.1 "re%* 4% 3B5 1.7 37 3.2 48 iRoD j5.j r"%rl 6% 327 I,? 2~4 5.8 52 ?1g0 7,3~,sci~i9~~ 198 1.4 243 3.7 !:log IB.?W~.E~~ 200 1.o 303 4,4 g y~:~:Ft+i-**~ 33b '9 3~4 ? ;:$40 -.f l)$!i:S I# 150 .B ijh 4.5 9 2400 4.3 ur+-$% 351 Q I , fi 2480 1.9 39 I~~E , , , 0 EBUW E #I%B ~XNQ R~SI AX, gaua CEU ~X#D UIWD GUST W~X, HOUR DEU ~IYD MIHB GGST #AX, #OR; -iFgP, PBfRT Re DXW, f;PB, BIB. RriB #QgG TERP, ?QI#T BH PiR. SPF, DfR, CUSP RkEt NDbltl. TEWP, POTMI 38 E2, 8IR GUST ff&E 2% G BE6 C H PEG, R!S EG, 315 WM REG C BE$ C X DEG, Sf5 DEQ, Hi5 ~8 DEG C DEG C Z DEG, RiS BEG, %IS W@ -------R---PII-~^-__---*---.PIO.--..------.-.--~- --.l^-------.--..L--^11---s-rI-----------.m.------------ --*-------.------I----------------------------- BSb8 -1,f %%%%%%a 162 ,g 153 I,? @ 030F -r,$%%a%%aa ,B I?& I,P # B300 -3~ ####%a% 357 ,@ Sf4 1-7 O QhDD -jag %%%%% 3% 3$8 ,8 1.9 5 fibBQ E#%#% 1Sb .y 1&3 I,? 5 ahfiQ -3,b #R%ag #a 152 ,B 959 I,? S DBQB !$,g%%%%##% I43 ,? 363 2,s 650908 7,3%.23###% 146 $$ 1,9 720980 8,8%%#%%%% 152 ,B 164 !,9 55 $200 12,735%3~%% 334 t,4 348 3,z yyt20~ y,~#%%u#%% 337 ?,@ 348 4,4 n!o 12#4 34,4as#%a%a 333 f,T 33'7 3,8 PB lgDn 54,Lrs##naw 335 2,3 327 3.2 05 1580 ffl,3~%#%3## 344 3.4 331 5*7 83 iSOO fO,B%#####* 335 2%3 334 3,8 39 lSDO f2,2 %%w%% n% 339 2,0 341 3'8 28 IWOB 10,7 a%@#% a# 33b 2,8 344 6'3 51 1848 If,2 #n#%% %% 393 1,8 346 3,8 43 2160 j8,y sgg#s 3% 35h !,a 343 23 2 ?1tg b,~ a#s#x aw 338 1,7 534 3%~ 2 21gg 9,~ ga3w3 ws 345 ,4 338 3,2 2 2480 4,d~~a%nsw ,5 :&Q 1,5 QzIOR -,7*~%$%38~ 326 ,? 349 2,s D?4fl3 -,38#%%%%% 23 ,3 237 1,3 D HQUR BEU UJgB WZi4B GUST HAX, HOLIR DEU UiNB UXND GUST Ha, HDuR & $Et{D MlNB GUST &AX, WDgG fEHP, FOlMT RH DiR , SP6, BTR , GUST WAD MDHG TEBP , $GIRT BH QTR , 5PB, D?R , &@ST RaD NDNG TE~P , POINT RH BIB, SPD a DI2 GU5Y AAD DEG G BEG C 2 BEG, ElS BEG, HIS %b/ DfG C DEG C Z BEG, HJ5 DEG, WiS Nu BEG C DEG G I 83, EtS BEGt WS E& *--l-_____---___------------~-~----~--- --_0_--*__91-_-------------------------- --------0---1------------------------------ QSOB -1 ,S $%#%% 8% 157 ,a 341 f ,P 8 0300 -?,? E##w$ %% fb3 *9 i?fi 1 ,? 0 0300 ,2 ####3 %% 151 I,O 164 3,s 6 -1,s %%%ng $8 f57 j,a 167 ?," -j,7 %an%% 33 ,a 163 1:9 ? 0600 -,3 9wwa8 %* i5S ,P 178 f ,P 7 Qyfifi 8,8%%#cn#% 299 ,$ 14& 13 h5 flBflO ?,Z*sa~%%# 333 ,S 09P 1,Y 66 FPOO ?,?%#%#w#% 134 ,R /4f 1.9 46 j?@Q 11,7%3#%### 339 322 2,5!0$f2flO 14,FfKbQ##% 338 1,5 334 2,s 891308 14,1%#4S%%s 380 ,3 279 6,3IQ4 1588 12,4*~%%% aa 336 2'2 343 33 37 1508 f5,3 3w%#* 3% 341 A! $36 5,l 92 3500 19,7###%% 5% !45 3.9 160 7,~ 97 lafi$ 11.3 a%#n% %% 342 b,B 344 3,8 24 1808 f4,2 #as## ## 152 d,? ?5? 7,6 49 l8OO t3,4 n#@.g% 3% 138 3,6 137 h,3 48 7,9 z#%n@ 3% 345 I,f 355 ?,: 2 2190 !1,9 %$%%a 3% gbS 3,! 159 7,0 3 2400 11,s %w### #w 13 5,s j3& 7,Q 4 2408 z3w%%%#%% 109 ,? 235 I,? CTlOfl ?,?#%%#%%# 153 ,? "8 ?,5 82400 i9,8%#%#%%% 134 3,z 136 &,3 0 HOUR DEU LfHB kIYB CtiST Ht"rX, gOliR @S){P WTbiD SO5T #AN, j=@UR DEg USND g%kD GUST &AX, NDWG TEN$. POSgi 83 DTR, SPP, Dfk, GUST B&F MDblG fE3P, POik4i PH BfR SP5, DTR, GUST RBQ ND66 TEHP , PRINT RH DIR, SPb, DXR , GLIST BAD 2EZ C DE6 C X BEG, 6IS DE6, YfS HU REG C BEG @ X DEE, Hi5 BEG, Hi5 HX DFG C 3EG C X B% 6, HIS 3E6, !!is fiM __^-O--_-_-ll^-_-l----------------"-------- ------------------------------------------- ---*------------------------------"---e-e-- 0386 4,9a~~~~~~ !53 r,~ jsn s,i oa:od 2,asE.aEnufi $18 5 157 3,2 nsson rn,sagwsgfig 127 3,~ 13s ?,h 8 QbQg 4,5%##s##a 3@ ,7 ?7G 33 b8hDO .3*3%@4en 157 ,B 155 3,T 50500 6,9~%w#+a46# 193 ,b 2?g ~~1 10 0900 g,5$##wa#n 13%; .R 152 I,? h50906 11,3+**-#w%# 152 ,5 ?be $,B 3087@0 13,3~a%#a%e $21 ,7 121 6,3 54 1298 jd,? #a##% %% 297 ,? 141 5,7 h? 1280 14,3 a#### %-% 31) 1,7 331 3,W 184 1200 f3,@ ###a# %w ??g 4'6 128 ~,9 58 t~@@ #%%%% &$ 3&4 ?,R 155 5,l 53 1500 26,: *!s#%waf 8% 038 I,&! 108 Bf jSbO 15,5 ##$%a -%+. 134 3.A 133 7.6 113 539f) 15,z ###a% a* 172 2,s 152 S,! 21 lROO 13,f *M-%* #4 196 S,Q la7 ?0,8 35 1808 !4-8 %%a## ac 147 4,2 141 '7,O 3 13.3 ~ta#%% #n 147 f ,b 164 i,8 ? ;IOQ fB,S @*ar# #% 141 S,I t44 ?,5 i 2100 $,& %%.%## %s 147 3,3 159 7,Q 2 2404 &,Rgw~+!y?f tg$ ,h 137 3,8 $?4$fl $fl,b%;2*!##.# 131 9.5 143 8.3 i114EO ~,!%.XR#?+-%~ ,& j58 3,Q 0 g@Uha DEU UINP UfNP GUST 3AX HDUW FEU WTEB UTNP GitSi #AX, iaOUR BE8 U3NB @lWD GUST HAX, 1BHG TE8Pz POPMI" R)f DfR, SPF, BIB, GUST BAD HDNG TEHP, FOTRT Rf4 BlR, SPS), DfR, GUST BAD tiaftaSG TEHP, PfllNli Ri.ji DXW, fPDI DIW DEB C BEG C X BEG, %is DEG= EM DE C BE6 C % DEG. Hi$ BEG. H/S HU BEG G DEG C E PEG, MIS DEG, 3IS WU ---l--*--)-P------------#=-*----------- -----**--------"---.-~-------~~-----e--"--- ----------------+----------=----------------= O3if8 SirPa%%%sw% $38 ,B 144 1,9 a OsOfi 4,Baie%%a%# 113 ,4 Ib? I,? il $300 7,5ffffff3rf% fb9 ,3 ft4g 2:s fl 4gOQ 5,T#w#m%4 $53 ,& $52 2,s &fl600 3,3$a%a# 9% $18 ,3 989 t,3 4 OhOB ?,7###n~1%% 119 ,3 166 @ $900 8,z 8wiaw %a 894 ,2 SQ 1,s 35 arao 38,s w.tas+x% 3s 325 ,4 Q84 73 @Yeti) !B,2 Z%Q%Wi f5 811 ,4 350 29 1296 9:933333~~ 335 f,l 320 I,? ~ZI?F~ 12,24~g33933 335 1,4 534 2.5 631za0 ~t,us~~s~ wa 340 ?,D 342 4.3 45 1580 ft,9 H#%S 8% L.4 ,4 349 2,s 55 t5Da f4,4 %%%g# a% 082 .P 044 5,7 4E 1500 tl,? 3-% l3S f,8 133 1=tI 39 t8BO f2,9 nag%# 8% 343 k2 8136 2,s 52 fBOQ f4,3 n%u#% 4% 137 3.5 $34 6.3 28 f8flO I?,"!%#%#+%% 1-42 3,% l4ir b,3 58 21 418 P,9 %E#%% a% 349 2.8 352 5,5 3 ZtOD 3,s %%### 3% 143 533 &,3 2 2100 P,? %#%a# $9 140 3,3 239 &,3 3 2488 5,9na%%3nx 344 .3 348 3,2 02480 Ifi,y%#ww%w% 148 I,$ 148 3,8 0?400 b,3#%u%ann 154 ,7 Ihb 3,9 8 %OUR BE# &f NB UTND PJSI HM , MOLIR DE~! WI~B @I%D GUST i-rk~, OUR BEid kIM3UTNBgCSTZlfftS, 8DEG iE#P, PQIHT RH DfR, $P2, BTR, GUST RAP $4DE6 TERP, PCi!$T R3 DIR, SFb, DiR, GUST BAD HOi4C I%!, POTHI RE $2, SPB, BIB, 6iJfT Rdb BEG C DFG II X BEG, fits 8EG. EbS %U BEG C PEG C X DER, fifS BEG, fiiS i?U BEG C BEG C E BEG, RiS 4Ei, #IS #4 I~_-~___-__-_-Q~----------------~----~ ---------I-----)------------------------- ---I-------II---L--------------------------- 8388 3,633s333g 272 ,5 185 r,3 n oson -l,gwgua%*w 162 ,p 153 I,? o ssuo 3,53%3#w H 152 ,7 1b5 1,9 o gg@Q 5,3sgwn%%# 537 $6 138 1,9 f{ @&fi@ -4,2%%%u%%a 159 $8 j5? t,B 5UhOD 9*0#%%%%8% I47 ,T 596 1,P 9 ayofi 7,~ sg*g% H 482 ,4 325 1 ,a y 0~80 7.9 +iww ge $91 ,T 170 I ,O 91 0Q90 9,s wswsa 9% 179 ,5 dh8 I ,9 63 1200 8,4%%a%##f 342 :,9 314 S,B 3912BD f3.6#%%#%%% 341 13 332 2,5f059?00 f2,1 w%w@u%g 343 398 5,9 319 1588 8,4a%%%%%% 349 212 397 S,i P3 i5BB 14,bc%33%%# 334 8,9 331 4,4 ?B!5BO 13,9#9E#%#% 351 3,1 337 5.1 104 1886 lt,l %%##a %n 538 5,b 345 3,2 70 fR@O 15,: w%%*% us 112 2.8 ?hR 6,; 25 1803 12,9 %%n%w na 343 2,b 533 4,4 52 z%gG ?,2 as### sw 346 ,1 336 ?,5 4 2!00 13,4 %%#%a #K 138 2,4 158 S,f 3 2101 9,T #%n%% w# 353 1,7 347 4,4 3 ?4@a ,y%#%%w%% $83 ,3 254 I,? 024QO ?,5qk%%%#w 188 ,D I25 3'8 Bp406 ?,b#a%#$%a 327 ,3 357 3,g 8 HOUR DEU tl!NTj kXED Glrf? WAX, YR?IW E UTHD UiND GCSf HnX, DEU &J#D MIHB GOST 9Ax, ~~DMG TZBP, POINT WM PXR, SPD, BTR, GUST R~D NDNG TEW, POIG RH DM: SPP, QIR GUST RAB NDRG I~P, PnItlT ~8 BIR, SPD, DIR, GUST RAD DEC C DEG C E BEG, i415 DFG, l4fS 8U DE6 C DEG C % DE$. W5 DG, 8iS Hkl DEG G DEG C Z BEG, His BEG, 3,/S kJ HKUR BE UXNQ WIEB GCGT 8AX. MOlfR DEB qIWB U3Nb GUST HhX, WDUR DEU UXMB @T#D GUST %&X, Wf)HG IEBP P.'"aI&S: R3 @IR. SPD, Df R, FijST Rho fitBN6 TERP, POINT 81.1 BfJ'B, SPD, DlR, GUST RrtrF S6X)jlaC; TEiQlS , FOf FIll RH DIR, SfBs DiR, &US? BbD BES G gE6 C W BEG, 8tS BEG, H/S #b! PEG C DEE C X BEG, Hi'!? BEG, H?S HM DE6 C DEG C Z DEG , BIS DEE, EiS YU nn% t#%# 9 030311 -3,s *#%%a 8% i-w## 38%~ %#ir %%## 8 03frfl ,2 #atS#$t $9 2%~ Hr% %3% #%%% 8 fig tM%% 5 flkoo ,J %a##% ?+% %%% %%a# SZR %tW% 9 8bDB 4,'2 @%%nh %E %a# %%a% 39% %%%% ? #%# .rig%% I.3 BYofi 12,b sf.%#%% r# fwn %#%I$ a%% %#wu 76 09fl6 7.B a#w%It w-8 $%w #w%u a#% %%a% Sb ##% 998% 109 338 If ,b %s%%# @# w#w w%%# 33% nw#% 15 1288 -3.1 #n%$u %% %%# %%#@ 93% a%%# 89 ww w%%$ !@9 1908 7,2 ##### 9% %ww %n%# #%E %%ws 15 1508 f2,3 s#%%s %#u %%%# ~9% %%gr 6b fs~i jiwg 61 1800 6,a nssaar. 3% ++g~ sic## 33% fsw#s 7 ~gao 313,3 +gwwg* ss HX- sssn %#a am#% 33 a%% a%#% 5 2110 5 f #%### 8% w## #%a% wua %%%% 1 2190 b,fl a%%%# %w w#% %a%% n%# #%nw 4 %a% a%#% 8 2484 1.4 %a$#% 9% %#w %wc% ww# sw#% 0 2488 9,h w%a%%% %% wsw %#a% a@% $%@% 0 kO11R BE"4 MIND @THB GdST ShX, FBBNG TEnP, ?DIRT RW BIB, SQD, BXR , GUS? R&D PEG C DEG C X BEG %!S BEG, HfS Hi4 BES, RES, AVG, 1 nEAN HfWD UIgD UIRB F' '8% fE3P. 'FE#P, BIR, SHB, t?Yr$. BEG G DEG C DiG Rf5 fils 1Cl"rrrr".s-*-e*~lr^er-.l---~*~-------------------- ,t?l 3,8 044 ,b I,? -2,f 3,4 148 1,s 2,1 -2,Q 3,4 139 f,a 1*9 -I 3.9 142 I,I ?,a -I,? 3,8 5158 $2 r ,B -5,B 2,3 131 ,O 1,P -3,2 4,b 276 ,Z I,? -3,s 8,3 228 ,3 !,3 -1,2 7,1 331 4 i,3 -E,W R,? 341 ,5 I$? -?,I 33 342 f ,D I,? T-P -3,9 3'8 ,435 ,S 1,3 -2,s $,3 34P ,4 1.3 -2,l 6,P 153 ,B '1,B -,6 ?,a 141 2 2,3 4,2 fBB3 f&S i,fl 1,s -,2 d,3 135 1,F ?,8 P.! 10,8 135 ?,? 3,O 4,Q "98 349 ,b !,I 2.9 9,6 139 9 I,& 6'3 9,8 929 ,Y IIR $9 Ei,D 345 ,7 1,1 -2 ,I- 2 7.4 a53 ,"J a, 6 7,? 352 f ,Q I,b ,8 8,i3 358 '4 lei? ,b 9,0 $3 9% asas -3.3 ?,a 8 8 wnRn -5 7*9 #W# %#%a 9swg -3,3 5.7 3 %E ###% -,2 A,P #%*E ~%+t% $+%M i,O 8, kI% % #iff$ -P,5 hiti 125 ,O 1'7 ?,fi !dl# R3 7,$ $E $3 7,h SE ir~ ?,6 SE 3% 4,3 SSE @% 7,3 SSE 3% 3,8 SS& 9% 4.4 $$E 3% 4,4 SSE $3 3,8 MtiU %# 6,3 ;it;Wg %n 3,s SSE 9% 3,W SSE 3% 7,0 SSE %% 7,n SE 8% 5,7 SSE #3~ 9018 SE 8% 9,8 $E 3% 5,f S'tt9J 3+! hc3 %a 7,0 SE 8% 5,5: W~r .@4 b,3 $SE %% 5,1 d#M 9% 9, a SSF. 3g.k 3%" %# HWF ZW-F #3! -3 % Qk +RE#& A## 3% **Rd QWC %* #WE% %%b R-# I0,P SSE %W pKf *s SfiLAF ENERG'f DAY UHiSQai ----_-- --__I 5879 1 a5552 322% 3 b570 4 5 5 5275 6 8645 7 8918 B $793 9 far385 10 8545 II 3541% 12 7685 a3 PI45 14 8260 15 easg th 8320 17 R2$5 t B 6438 19 5548 zfi 4Sb3 ?I 5870 23 23 PW20 29 Z"J 73rfl 26 $870 ?? 9519 28 3980 2Y 6649 34 f015 31 733853 Ti- m m F--B 7 & 3 E:S 61% $25 8-4 1,., -T- $2~ PPi 'I' $3 ..+ 3: F%! f:: s $fS I!-j $:; :!: "3" $:\ I--@ be I:? if13 iff,: tl_- f,:,, 6:: 'T" 83 E:: 3" 8% J' 54;: 6:: "T' N X ,:to 3 ,R? * .f$ ,::t O,DU (1 * [I 0 fl ,E30 3, 5) # 3 E.; NHE .i. a u2 I , i3 ;: Q , il ri r~. aa , G if o,an ~3 , (3 o 2, t34 HE 1 19"3 * .> -3 :I '00 ij , o ir Q,DO t3 nri (3 :\ , 3 i:) "f EN if e 5-i , f) {? (1 , 0 0 , (! a O,OP 0 , 013 (1 , 0 0 x *]ti;. .... , 1:; k. I 3?0 .a8 0 . Of3 Q,OO 0, 811 if, i!Cf ..... :3 .... :s -1 .. E~F: ;J, 35 : +% ~1 , 59 0,1313 cr ,oa if , 0 o o,oti, 3 % t3 2 -..= 2 p* :; ; PU 'war Ti; 'd c ,I ***I( -cM ,, Jlj $ 22" ..m a3 '-'I ta- .-a -J 0- m p oh -4 r-d w ru q 0- rr -,I g 2 t$ .g ;g I ~ji 3- r~" f.k> 3 % % 2 &d I$dd CP fw 0 a3 + *"* f2.J ,."-. ,kh ?!Z .J"S~ C3 f d a --P -- 3 29 29 35 32 39 $5 38 $6 36 31 37 39 33 3q 38 39 35 37 J 3: 3G 32 34 33 -- i 36 33 38 28 35 34 33 25 30 33 38 32 34 36 30 30 31 "P 26 Ib 2 23 25 27 30 - --, u 27 26 $1 39 28 24 27 36 36 33 32 33 33 33 32 31 31 31 2 28 29 28 25 30 28 3@ 29 29 3.q 31 33 32 30 31 31 33 32 32 32 3t 39 32 2c ?f 31 34 14 35 32 5 29 29 Sf 32 31 $7 21 27 26 29 35 33 37 36 30 31 27 ?h 35 20 3j 25 ?3 26 27 6 20 26 2~ 26 Z& & 27 26 35 34 34 34 32 31 29 38 ?B 29 28 33 3h 24 26 29 28 * i 28 26 25 26 35 25 2& 26 27 31 34 34 3Q 35 35 35 39 34 30 ?S 27 26 3 23 29 8 26 7 36 25 26 26 ?b ;& 32 35 31 35 32 36 5 31 3% 32 33 8 25 33 ?? 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EKl,l_rTii-TA idt.A'rMt<R S'FA'T :CQ?J D&TA TAKEN DUr23:NG Jurre, 38@4 BATE ----- aB$izi2tsl Sit,aHsg$Ry Etil.,t,f'TNA qJiTA'T'Wi?R SerA'T:TQN llA7k f &KEN DUE PNC May , 1 Yfi4 TEHP::.d&TtfRt-c: MTHXI CaGPEETI WtND DIRECTTOR PEAI< GUST RE f,.ATIVE i4iJM'hDI'TY PRECIP IIA'1rI:OH SO!-AR RADTATZg$! DEW POINT LONGWAVE RADIATION "FHEW E ARE 3.888 P~SSIF~..E ~~BSERT ~t-ia s nr?*tj(;tuE-t I~~-G+ EEACI-I a" ARANETER , THE BkTA RECOW Df t4G TNTERVAj- IS 38 iqTt%iUTES, Additional comen:ts 2.n this month' s data: 1, Recorded F33 data invalid due ta bad asciliatar, 2, LW radiation sensor removed 5/57 for ~omparissn test at Watalza station, 3, A19 wil~d data lost 5/25-5131 after se;xor a%sedLy tripod tipped sver, 4. Temperature data suspiciuus from 5/25 at 1330 to 5/30 at 1230 since sensor was next to ground af$er sensor aese~ly tripod tipped over, Recorded tempratures are prcbably somewhat waraaler by day and cooler by night than true air temperatures. - U %a W LA.! +-a s=;-- z*w k-r C-' W ZBisG 'THREE WOtSR $~~!HIH&RY FZ"3 t. ll'TNg7 hMEA'T'I-!F!R S'TATJ I?N DATA TAKEN DUR3:MG June, lBt34 8QUR BE& UfNB UXHD GtiST ~M, HOUR GEM UXNIt &IMB GUST #AX, HOUR DFgI UXHP Ulm GUST #AXt HV& TEE?, PBXNT R1.i MR, SPCI, B1R, GUST 13&D blBMG TEEP, POINT RH PIR, SPD, DXR, GUST RAB NDMG TEWP, POIhl?; 88 OTR, SP@, 08, RkB DEE s; DE~ c x BEG, HIS PEG, snrs %rw BEG c DEG c x BEG, t4is DEC, nrs nu DEG c BEG c x DEG I BIS DEG B~S RM -XI-r-iO.lr------*----*---,m---------m-e-"m-*- -~-PQP-"-(I.-l--m-----C--fIl-L"------~-.--- ---C---'----U---l---------I.L-------------*---- 6380 4,7~933@3~ 8619 ,:: %rj3 2,s 8 0300 4,1 %%%ft%h.w# 168 ,rj 1% 1'9 103011 4.8%@##*%% 1% ,T 165 !,P O abB8 "Slt %%%3HfH 171% ,$ If38 5,9 8OboO 3,2##%#%%% IrhB t7 173 I,? 5OfiQD 7,"i%##f 8% 177 ,Et fh9 1,3 11 0988 5 gsewr H 138 ,5 377 1 13 72 690~ rta,2 gwqwrff 18 162 ,5 oee I ,p 73 0900 13,~ ss;rrgg #aa 116 $4 128 t 7~ 1201 17,6 %$@%% 9% 343 1,3 343' 32 In5 12DO 18,s %#sw% ## 346 I,? 343 32 105 9200 17,t ww##n w# 394 1.4 34h 3.B tab 1500 fP,2 %%%a% 3% %$43 "tb 354 3,8 r ila 1580 193 M 3% f ,7 354 3.8 99 150i~ 18,fi snsgn M 351 I .8 349 3,? 99 f8BO 18,2 w%%%% %a 354 !,S 354 32 bR 1880 f7,3 nsggse +iw 356 2,2 355 4,4 16 1BaD ~B,S s:ni 354 f rb 356 S,2 61 2108 t5,2 ~#gg 342 ,7 358 2,s 2100 14,~ awwgs 3% 340 t,~ 341 3,~ ~IOQ 15,3 ssggs #a 3-49 I,B 359 3,~ B 2408 ?,5%@#8S3% l8;S ,i? 188 I,? 824013 8,fl%%%z%%% 019 ,3 821 2,s 02;zOQ R.i%%%%@%# 163 .6 164 2,s 8 WQUR BE# 9XN19 UXNB GUST AX a HOUR BFU @TMB UIND GUST HAX, BOUR DEU UIND MIND GUST 8BX, #DRG TEEP, FDIMT RH DTR, SPb, BIN, GUST 2hD 3DHC TEWP, POINT WE BIR, SP3, BiR, GUST RBD MDHG TfkP, PQXWT RH @ER, SPP, DfB, GUST DEG C BEG C Z BEG, #iS DE6, #JS 3M PEG C BEG C Z BF6, fif S DEG, E-5IS blU BEG C BEG G X BEG, Hi5 DEF, kf5 WW --P---------_----------am------------------ ----------C-----C-----.^-"-sl--l.r------------- ----Y--.P---------------------..1-1)-*.-.--------- 0309 4,5~.:%33w fb? ,h 16k 1,3 f 0300 4,P~a%#w~a 174 ,8 170 Is? 18380 9,53#%w%sx 210 ,g 266 4,4 1 D$QQ 4,0%%s%@%% 1,651 ,B 173 1.3 tsilhO8 s,B-z%%%#n# 1161 *7 IhB 3-9 BOizaO tD15%sr~%,~#3 !85 ,5 177 2,s 11 G9fiB 13.6 %%%%% 9% 537 ,b 088 1,9 79 @$BO f2,9 %%%%# ar 1PO ,h 174 1,9 30 09DO tS,B ###%# 3% 207 ,8 175 3'2 32 1260 t7,7 %%%n% 3% 3% 1,3 343 Zt5 IOb 1240 97,7 %%%%% 333 f,l 342 3,2 89 l?BD 15,8 ##u#% #a 154 4,s 454 5,)' 46 1538 20,7 a%%%@ 3% 344 2,7 348 3:5 la4 3500 17,7 9% 358 349 5,I 47 fSQU 17,O B%#%% gw 163 3,F 167 7&@ 47 1800 56,2 %@%nn %% 34h 1.1 348 3'2 bh 1808 16.9 %%#%% %S 148 3,3 168 7,O 2O 1809 15,e %%#%% 8% 154 3,3 154 7,6 25 za@O !5,5W%%%%%% "ii3 !,I 275 2,s 82180 fbIf!3%%%j-F#% 159 3,4 157 5,7 1% 9180 f4,5%%%%#%* 149 3,3 149 8,3 9 24B6 7,4 ##%%w ## lh3 ,T t88 I,? t 24aO 14,4 %%%%% 9% 154 2.9 1% 6,3 1 24Go 13.5 nwu#w 3% 145 3,~ 147 5,3 1 HOUR DEN UINB #!ND GtlS i MAX. EOUR DEil UI%D Ni!4D GUST kAX, dOtJW BEU giND MIND GUST #AX, NDWG 14HP, PDIWP WH DIR. SPD, BIB, GUST RAP HDk46 TEBP PO?U RM DZS, %PF, BfR, 6QfT 8AD HDNG fEWP, POINT Rd BXR, SP3, BIB, GUST HAD BE6 C DEG C X DEG, MS DER, Hi5 HU BEG C BEG C f DES, Mi!? $EG, HIS HM DEG C DEC C X DFG1 Hi$ DEG, R/S EM P_________~-C--~~B----~a.-~~-~~--~~---- -IY---I---sl-^II--------~------------------- ............................................ 03fiQ 14,399%##~~ 15Zk 2,b 1.15 5,9 10308 Ff,?%g=twii"%*# 157 ,b IhC I,? 10380 8,4##%%3%.* fJI ,4 fig8 1,s 1 Q$j)o 13,9%%%##%:4 198 2,7 $52 b,3 ?Oh08 10,3@*%%933 l3k ,A 115 f,S 8OhOB 9,5%%#*#9~ 921 ,# on4 3,9 7 09~0 f~,9~#w~~~~ 145 2,~ 15% 5.1 32ovna rot_ sugwg#a las $4 Ips 1,s 14aooo lo,san%+n~w 257 1'1 gsg ?,5 38 EzOO !b,3 #%%## a% 15h 2,s 142 47 1280 12,4 %%a#% %in 317 ,4 333 2'5 39 l?OR I!,? ####a 4% 348 ,fj 821 3,8 39 1500 {6,7 *%a#%# 8% 181 1*5 162 5,1 43 1580 34#4 %%a## +tw 938 1,; 345 3t2 bl 1569 10,R g~ 826 2,2 QzR 4,4 41 j~g~ 1h.8 s39un aa 134 1e3 5,7 47 1890 34,g RY"N~- XC~ $41 1'2 536 3 2 25 1880 !I,? #QSI.E *~E oas 022 j,4 16 2180 jq,& %uas%jrt $3 15"fr"3 j39 K# 41 X3,3 @":sxC% 390 ,9 342 2,5 4 ?11Q jQ,b ###P# 43" ,8 Otb 3,2 7 28;cofi f@,Z %*%##% %# 573 ,")18% 3,8 8 2400 %.ill %%%%a 93 D81 ,9 1?1 4,4 fl 24RB 6,7 ##%x@ su# lh3 ,it 158 1'3 8 I"HRE12 F-tOiSR SIJMbMr3RY FOR Elf t..l.lTNh Wt'T:ATHER STAT$ ON DAl& "lsaAfiEb$ DDI,IR TPlG S t~ne , J PF$4 @Dug DEU UlNl) UJND I3kiST HhX, HOUR DEW UfNR UEND GUST WAX, HOUR BE3 UfHD UfNb 6UST HRX, k$DNi: fEHP, POINT RM 83W, SPG, BXR, GUST RAB NBNG TEHP, POINT RM OfR, 5PD1 DlR 61JST RAD MOHG TERP , POIHrf R# DIB, SPD, BIR a GUST RkD DEG G BEG @ Z DE6, #ES DEG, HIS HH DEB C DEE C X BEG, MPS BEG, BPS #bi DEG c QEC c % BEG, 815 DEG, nr% H# ---...-r-------*------ -.------------* -*.-l-.l-i---Ie-~"**-~----*-----*"=-"-------** ---I---*.----.------------------------------- 8309 Ssl~~~~~~~ 364 ,5 $72 3,3 1 fiJB8 141f f*#g#%sI 133 4,2 !73 '?,@ 10;kBO 10,8a#%%@3% 147 1.1 $98 5,7 1 4,5zar%wrc ,5 r,3 bob~a 14,4~3#~#9a 135 4,a 131 8,~ 170608 1fi134rssw*a 207 ,3 283 1,9 9 9948 %Z48 gs 1513 ,5 191 75 0966 1&,4 .#.a.zlftg Efs 138 3,s 138 S,O 78 OPbC 15,2 %%3af@@ 3% 1% ,3 107 f ,9 96 $286 t61P %gH# gg 34:i 1,s 349 2,s 183 1260 18,P 3% I55 4,3 195 7%8 148 1200 15,s a#ar# 8% IS4 1,3 159 4,4 56 lSQO $8,8 H%ffr% @% $444 1,4 334 3,2 48 1506 17'1 #%*$% 3% 157 4,2 162 "3,6 54 1580 17*2 ~~~~~ 358 f ,"9M 0,2 93 1888 18'6 a*%%% 9% 310 ,9 219 b,3 5P lBOO l?,l ws*#a wa 163 9,s 157 T,O 47 1888 $b,7 9sx%a 9% 863 1 ,B a00 3'8 20 2103 %5,1 SS@#% Ss 3;5b 5,8 199 B,9 b 2'160 13'7 r%%t.iw n.ta 151 9,1 Ihf 7,b S 2100 15,1 w#3%g 822 I,? 828 3,8 2 2408 %4,4 grpfgg 9% 843% 5,0 347 8,s 1 23Qt f3,6 %#%#* 8% 149 32 14b 7.8 1 2400 f2,J w%ffw@ 3% 325 ,4 903 3;2 1 1 '19,i"J 2 liQ,S "sas.0 4 28r4 5 24, B b 113~8 T 15t-3 8 rib,? 9 't5,6 I8 !tSz4 13. '16, J 92 59*9 13 l?ilI 14 ffSe6 15 16,4 16 18'3 4'7 f&,3 18 ;58,2 IS" '18,8 28 Toel 21 'la,Ri. 22 ?1*2 23 19'7 24 18,2 25 lt9,8 2b 15,; 2'9 li?,l 28 19"1 28 iEEt,CS 36 l?vB MObITH 24,G RES, RES, AVG, A, #AX, RAY'S $IN, ~~EAN UTWD MIND UIND GUST GUST P'VAL ~~EAH HEAN SOL AN TE#P, TEHP, DIR, SPD, 5PD, DSR, SPD, DJR, RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY GEG C OF6 C BEG #fS BJS BEG #IS X DE6 C BH UN1588 --"II--*------C"*---mmm--"---------------------m"----------m-m-------------------------- -7 R,6 6130 ,4 I,? 333 3,8 sc sn btO 9569 1 -,4 9,6 34B ,9 Y,d 012 3,R ESE 8% %a#%% 9,8 1Ot36 2 ,t 3,6 a06 ,3 1.3 333 5.1 SE a% %@%#w 0,Q 9125 3 '5 bB,9 345 ,2 I,? 329 5,1 ESE 9% 3998% 0,O 11585 4 I,h 8 345 ,Z 1'0 199 4,4 ESE wg w#a~% ,S 879- %,6 8,s 823 1,2 043 5,1 H&U +%#a%% 8,2 4510 Ir -,4 7,5 808t IS 1,3 090 5J N 8% w~u@% G,a 7235 7 3,Y 11,1 352 ,8 !,I 002 4,4 # #%aw% ,3 6185 8 5,1 f@,B 351) ,6 I,? 352 5,l N w# %%w#h $6 8955 0 4,t. "a,R OBI ,7 2 358 3,8 N %w $w#c% 0,O 9308 1131 &,I 11 $1 350 ,5 ,B 137 4,4 NMk 8% 9% o,O b%f! %I 8,8 11.9 i07 ,2 ,7 043 23 SE %#w%# 2,8 3565 112 6,9 6f,0 141 1 1.7 138 7,8 $SF #% n#%w# 5,B f$bO 13 5'1 83 156 i,l !,5 553 ?,a SSE 9% a%%%% 6.8 4.9% f4 &,a 8'2 358 ,? ,B 1102 4,9 3% ~sw#+ 7,o 4625 15 7,d 8,s 347 ,4 ,B 358 3,2 ns ##a%% htfj 3325 $B 7,8 92,9 355 .R I,? 3,8 #n asnsw 1,2 17 9,3 1213 35% ,3 1,8 358 3,? WH@ aa 0,0 8985 38 3,8 !t,S 348 ,3 1,0 354 1,8 S 8% # 4.0 1045% 19 4.: f2,! 9513 , h 1,1 358 4'4 NNU % ##a%# @,g 9575 20 4,ii 12~0 354 15 1,0 346 3,8 MHU ngawg O,Q 10545 21 3,4 12,3 318 ,I I,O 348 3;8 S %a % PIbBO 22 3,9 8 154 1,: t,S 160 ?,@ SSE na a~wa# 0,O 1355 23 8,s 833 157 , 2,3 Ilk R,3 SSE za sswa%% @,fl P275 24 1, 14,O 154 ?,2 2,5 139 ?,O $SF 8% @ai.%%w O;'B. 5176 25 8,7 t2,O B02 ,3 ,$ 121 1,4 NWU $8 * ,4 4905 24 kt B,fi 01.5 , I,? 029 4,4 H 2.g a%%%# 3,4 3885 2'3 9,8 12,2 448 ttO ?,O 157 $i,9 SSf a# %#a#@ @,o ";175 528 13,b lb,3 148 33 4,O 131 83 SSE %w 8 O,D "37U29 Y12 63,s 033 ,5 1.3 rse 5,7 n 9 #%n%w 0,~ 6670 30 -I1? 9X,% 109 ,Z f ,4 257 8,9 SSF #a #nc%n 38,2 2261-410 VE\ ,C)C:['I'Y ;( j+\]$ 3 ij 4 2 2 , El 3.0 b,Q Iq,f3 :t5,0 .",Q $0 'T 0 7' C? TO T [3 -r ~1 "1'6 OR BXRECT'ZON I, O 3,O 61 , O fU,fE J5,tl :? I] . 8 C R E A 'T E R '7' (11 T A I... .... - - - - .- -* - *." .C <." .- - - 11 Y ..I -. .I. 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IiT: I:: -T- il2 1%: 6:: %'a $3 if13 3- $5:: i::: ''ifT kiiQtit?f, Y Snl,.f$!;z W rck; , T r. S\,rMMAFZY FOR F:!<i.*.U'T'NA ME:A'S'E-IER S*T^A'Y':TQitf XIATA TAKEN DIJR :C Nk. S tv.ia , "t 98-4 I.+ S:)I.IR END I: MG DATE 0108 8206 1~94 0408 asoaa 8s;fis n7eo iseaon assB sooo nt,sa nzrsrr njos 140~ 1sao thata 1708 tetie lsroa ;!ocro 2100 22oo 2306 ~jlkaa ."-------------rt----~~~~-~--~-~---~------~~~~~-----~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~-~-.-.~~-.------------~..)~---~~~~\---..~~"-~--~~-~~-I---.il.llC------ d Q 8 O f 3 b 7 13 69 85 PB 181 113 80 35 26 17 25 54 29 8 2 8 O 2 O 8 1 4 3 5 7 16 70 85 P71871151171091BO 65 48 55 13 5 2 8 0 3 8 Q 0 1 3 h 9 22 b7 83 P4 104 109 106 It0 h4 65 24 18 23 8 f 0 O 4 n 0 D a 3 s s zs sa ss s? lab 132 111 114 102 84 69 48 zo 5 2 o a 5 D 8 8 1 4 9 $5 30 71 81 95 $19 426 607 58 7 26 47 14 7 b 2 9 8 6 Q 8 8 8 0 2 4 8 Bb938365856523836JP4311 9 2 O O 7 8 Q 8 1 3 5 7 32 71 8RIt2iI2 82 48 39 32 35 ?I 21 14 4 1 0 O 8 D Q B 1 3 7 17 21 2 4% 57 5% 65 85;lti 41 42 32 38 18 8 f O O 5k O @ B 8 1 2 ? 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IS Siif M3:I.Ii.j"lES , 1, Solar WdCiticsnaX Corments on -this rn~ntkh's data: 1. Wind sensor assembl J replaced 611 at 1330. No wind data record- ed prior to that time, 2, Recorded RH data invalid due to bad oscillntar, 3. LW rsdiation sefisor repiaced 6/8 after comparison test at Warana station, HBU3 9E# @li%ff idfR3 GL$f #AX, EBOXJR PEg gIWD UIRG GUiZ R&X1 %OUR SEW UfHB UI#B GUS? #AX. EQMG TEHF PQIHT ws BIR ~SPD, DIR, GUST R~D HBHT; ~E"I ir~ ffis~ RM axa , sa~ n:a, gusr R~D aap?tf; TEKP, PBIMT ~ti;r BIZ, SFB, DIW GU~S~AB BEG C 3Ei; I: X BEG, B3 BEG, Eli; f4@ PEG G BEG t: 3 DE6, 815 BEG, 815 ffU BEG @ C X 9EG BkG, Hi5 iif8 ---I--------__I--U---~--L----U_l_-__-e---- ----IC----l-------_---*------"---I---I_~-I --~~-R-----"----..--~---------------*----- @3BB 51,2#~%sr% 158 ,S 124 t,3 ! 030: Bg3s%#"nw% 155 152 f,3 $03@8 3.53w@%##% 153 ,4 $62 f,B B f2,2 %%wn@ $3 t3R ,4 152 1,3 a 3680 92 *%%#n a% 163 3 fb6 113 8 0600 9.6 ##%us kg 356 ,& 154 1#3 4 0988 iP,S%%ss#%s $12 ,2 hy~ 9,3 1:!@9@8 ]1,?%#w#%w% 192 ,? 179 1.3 3789ag 12,%u%%#%+# 147 ,4 :3b ;,Y 24 T~BB ~,ii gwwwr 8% $14 ,3 350 $,P 15 1204 1~8 gswsg 8% 342 r~ 349 I,? sa Izao ts,s snswg 3% 309 ,s 29s r .s 41 1508 IB~T~~~E.SE%~~ 39~ !,a 343 z,5 22 SOU 14,5#~aa~sz 352 1,a 554 3'2 77 1500 14,4swg###g 299 A 358 13 23 i808 It,B%w%sw% 3-47 1.8 358 2,s ?2lftOD 33,Y%93~33% 348 1.3 352 a,? 28130o 14,8w@s#s%w 182 $9 176 2,5 23 PI68 XIif *q%w#.s4 34 $,D 357 3,2 52tOQ 13'0%%-8c%##% 354 ,4 350 13 &?lEID 93,7#%~35"~?iet 151 ,4 19% 1=3 4 2408 ~,bgng~gw 549 ,4 000 t,9 az4en ~a,s~~s~~~s 127 '2 853 1,s B?~QI 11,~wsggwus ;BQ -6 $41 :,5 B BOUW DEU ~IEB 1u1t:a cta~ nax, r4i'~~ DEQ UIND ~IND GUST HBX, HOUR DT~ WIWB us~a GUST #fixx MMG TEgP, PDIMT R# BIB, SPD, BIB, GUST RAF N3NG fmP, FQlHT W8 DfR, SPB, BIB, GUST BkD NBHG TEHP, $OINT RR DIRE SPb, DI# , EUSi 283 BEG c QEG c x PEG, H~S DEQ, nls nu PEG c BEG c x BEG, PI& BEG, W~S BU BEG L DEG c 9 BEG, WIS BEG, HIS !-%I ----------__bb----s------m----------e- -----.-.----P----B--~---*-----~------ ------P-OIP-----~--- .-.----.--C-------...- 0300 g,5s%%%u%% f5f $5 170 f,9 10306 12,: gsna%%w 176 ,9 $76 1,3 5 :308 8,8n%s#%#c %bT ,& 158 ?,5 8 ObQg la,l3=@%9% !58 ,5 373 1,9 6BbOO 10,73%@998% 179 .4 13 1,s P36#8 li,B#8###*~ 1.64 ,A 132 i.9 12 OBOD 54,4%%899~% 193 *Z 344 I,? 58o~oa 16,2w~~5~3~ 111 tb rss 2.5 73oaoo 1b,5a9og8a4 aya lj 151 t,3 47 fz$@ f9,4 qn%@% 3% 339 f ,3 345 2,s 188 1240 28,s %%%3% 3% 3.52 f *I 340 2,5 105 1206 21,2 %*#%% %% 558 1 ,I 345 ?,S 94 1580 21 &E#W 3% 351 : ,9 358 6.4 85 $590 ZB ,b asse# m 33 3 tb 334 43, 838 158~ 21.2 Bngn# g+t 338 1 ,y 882 3,~ 76 1808 21,2 %%%#% 8% $87 2,D 006 3,B 59 tROI IS,? 53%#% 2% $81 1,s BtS 4,4 17 1808 ;t!,2 #%a%% 9% 358 3,s 003 3,8 18 18.4 %s%w# %% 298 $7 333 3,2 7 2186 $6 4 a%%%% 9% 179 1.1 563 2,s 3 2108 gB,B %egg% nw 365 ,4 281 ~,5 5 2400 122 %%us@ %% 157 ,5 174 f ,3 D 2980 642 %%*%# 9% 140 ib :PO I,? Q 2484 1&,9 :#u#w 9% 153 ,a $7~ 3,~ ij 3~ A -y 0 DAY C18 08 HOUR DEU \d!RI! U1E9 GUST HAX, HOER DF$ UlRfi UIW2 GUST ttkXI H0UR REU Uf HE kdEMD GG3f RdX, !4D%6 TEBP, PrjZWT RH Df R 'SPD, FSSR, GUST RhB !{RIG TE#P, POfEf BH BER SPR, BIB, 6JST RAD WDPjG TEHP a ?OIF?T Rt-4 DIR , 5PD, BIR , @ST RISE -re yt~3 i: DEG G X BEG1 iWS BEG, WfS MI! DEG C DES C Z BEG, w/s DEG, df5 t\U DFG 2 BEG C X BEG, Mi5 DEf , 31s ~ki _*l_~b-~~-----~U-l-----~-----~------------- ---------------------------*---*---------- ----------m-----"----------*--a----------m--- 8388 fQ,43%3#%nn 12b ,3 867 3,2 8 OjQD %,Z#%#z%%% jb% ,h ibB $,9 0 a308 9,&a2%%# w!# 158 ,b f7j ~,y 0 7145!f~%x%j! i74 ,8 379 1,9 4ihOO fls2%H%~#W 9b4 $7 !78 d,P 20b00 9.8%8n~%a~ 170 ,5 jh8 I,? 4 6b11 a#ns% %a 154 ,7 157 I,? 38 8980 10,8 +a#%#%% 342 "3 %:98 2,s 14 8908 11,8 %%@a# #a $73 8 !?? I,! 24 i20fl 20,4 a%### %+I 325 ,? 355 3,J 90P 1?QB $23 %u%e~$ aw kg3 ,9 348 I,? @ IZnQ 13,s #a### $03 ,4 109 1,s 79 15@0 20,2%#%#% 444 OF9 T,h 600 5,f 96 $500 62,Pek#*@#3#% 348 ,P 350 3,7 34 1506 lb,S#%%#g %f 356 I,R 355 3,8 ;31 fSQ0 2fic3 %as#% !::: 481 flE 083 3,P 54 dRD0 !I,? gn%x8 !i# 291 ,? 343 2.5 15 fB@@ 34'4 aa~5ka 352 2,3 359 4,4 28 2188 the% .%%%a% S# 219 ,b iB# P,? h 2180 f1,1 "n*3! %a I&$ 1 9 ?!90 lk,fj 4%%%# as 351 8 t' 005 9,~ 3 2400 18,5cs@r:;r% 14Ei ,5 654 !,9 PfilDfl MB,B$l;.w*%%% 96.9 ,i 168 IZlijfi 7,hs~gkic.;i.~ I~S ,in 145 "53 0 TMRIFE FQOUR S\JS*TIEch.AR'r" FOR EKl..t,lTMB GEA $'!-IF ti STAT f OH DATA TAKEkj DURTNG 3~i.u. 19F39 HFJB 8s UXg13 Gf#B GUST RAX, tdOUR DEU MI#D MfRB GUST HAX, HOUR DEW UTND UISB GET HAX, HMC f&B, PQEHT WH BIZ, FB, DNR, G1SS"rRAD HD~E TFHP , PE'T,NT RH DlR I SFB, BfW, CUST PAD HME TERP, Pe83MT RM EiR SPD, D!R, CtfSMhD BE; C BEG C X PEGl $15 BEG, B!5 EU FEG C BEG C Z 3EG I If19 BEG, HfS WU DEG 6 DE5 IG X @fG I RbS BEG, fib3 BY ~IOUR DEU UIMD ~IED ~~";L~s"TIs~x , HaljR BE# #X%B uswn cusr #ax, woua DEN $itlG UTMD GUST RAX, HOIiG IEHP , POINT RH DTR, SPB, DIE, GUST 888 HDHG IEtiP, POTki WM Fig, SPD, DIR, G25T WAD t4BhG fFkP, POINT BH DIR, $Pa, Dl2, GUST %AD BEG 2 BEG C 7 PEG, W/S DEG. EIS WM BEG f BE5 C Z DEC, EIS BEG, 8PS RB FE6 C BEG G f PEG, N/S DEG, Hi5 ijU -.__--_)-----C---II-------"-------------------- U--l.-s----.-lsl-------------------------------- ------------~I--.II---I----90I-~IDI-IL--.nC-.*-~-l%l-- 0398 t@,Z%%%#%%w 155 $5 144 13 8 031C 19,3@s#%%ns $54 1,6 341 2,s 4 8308 8,6jf#a%#%a 165 "5 163 l,j Q&@fl f$a$g+#+$srnr 1513 ,7 150 l:f bob@@ ba,9gr%%atiw Ih4 ,7 P3P 13 I trh08 9,4. #%#*.i;ww 163 ,$ ?;S$ 1.3 7 0906 33,i d$@@a## O3ii ,3 059 1,3 !t OYOQ 'fQ,9H##g#a 103 ,3 857 419900 f1,7%%%%#%,% 133 ,I 177 j,2 44 1Z@Q 4:,4%f3f%~f 3f;3 1,2 351 1,2 19I280 IlZt%%%%~#% 179 ,5 !Pi3 1.9 i41208 13,@?~u#%%#~# 355 1,s 351 3'2 $8 1568 I?,& ###a% 9% 356 Of: 3,2 f-& 1586 1?,2 YWh% 134 "3 835 !,9 14 1580 fE,S +$S#%# R% 339 1.3 255 3'2 24 \Bfld; j3,g .g3##a eu 35'f ,9 612 3.2 7 QL$ %#.x#% -2% 359 1 ,a 354 %,2 7 1880 %I,B @#%a# ~4 349 j,j 352 2,s 12 zsg yg14 nswn rw ~3;) ,4 niy 2,s 1 3140 $4,~ Rsvah 014 5 00% 2,s 1 ?100 H,Q ga+iit.x E* 352 ,4 339 I,? 1 2408 ~f~%gn&%nit% 908 ,3 B'r? 2,s O?4QB $3,4ea".%%a 129 ,4 I34 1,3 62400 8,8#%ai$#u% 136 ,I 095 j,3 0 :": ;.j $f; :g: '-f- he - $ : : : : - 1 : 1: F'= i:3 .3- Fit: f:: 'T" THREE HOUR Si.lMHARY FOR $F.l(;\,.t.!TNA WEi3"i'MFR STATSON DATA TAKEb4 DURThiG SuXy, 3984 HO~W DEN UIRD ~JSNB GUST NRX. MDUR BEU ~IHB urwn GUST n8xl ~i3ua BEU W~N~gIwne;usr#~xl m8G mP, POZWV RBI BIB, @P, BIR, GUST iidatf NBNG TWB, POlfFaT Rbi DXR , SPZ), JIP, GUST RBB HItNG TER , PDiEtT RK BIB, SP0, BIB a G11ST RAQ BEG C BEG I: X BEG, iWS BEG, Wff; HM BEG C DEG G I BEG, #dS BEG, 8415 #U DEG C BEG C Z BE@, ~fS DEG, H15 Kg ---..lll.3-~19-ir*.*.*.a-aaa----.I-.I--PI--.PJ"""1~.19,) -C~-C-.--.I.-.I-eU-------------ZI.--.----aa"---^ ---'----"-"------4---- Q3&3 3,4 %%w%% fw 133 ,S 127 f ,3 0 8308 9,s #w%## 9% 157 ,4 179 L3 8 83Ba P,? saw%# %# 145 ,5 170 i33 O Bd8B 9,$%%%%%%% 168 158 1,3 2BbQD fO,d w#n#%## lh9 ,5 $46 1,8 Z8838 10,2%%3%%%% f$4 ,5 140 1'3 61 6866 II.B=%B%%E 575 ,I 344 1,9 91 OPOB f!,3%w%aa%% 215 .I 338 1,9 170908 ?S,tuzx8~8% I58 ,4 164 23 39 f2Bht 3,4,4z~%r%% 34& 358 3,2 14 62,7###%%%% 3114 ,4 253 31 P2EIQ Ih,i %HH#%#% 340 l,4 338 32 58 1580 13,3 s#w% a% 357 I,& 613 4.4 24 1SOQ f3,4 %8na% #a 3% 1,1 33 2,s 21 15BQ 38,; %%%%n %s 355 13 9@0 4,4 112 1868 b2,9 %wr% 8% 3k ,P 348 2,s 44 9888 41,h e%wws 8% 355 ! ,2 353 32 9 3800 16,2 #H%#% w% 355 1,6 352 32 18 3100 11~2~898339 869 ,1 358 1,s 12100 11,) ~R##s~R 341 ,e 331 2,s a2100 tzt2w#%#ns8 ~$0 1,0 to3 33 3 248g 9,6am#%% Igt 194 !,3 O24Q8 10,3 w%%%%an 122 347 2,s 8 2400 8,5##%#%8# 334 ,6 1?5 113 8 DAY 22 23 FI&x24 HE& E MIND Ul#B GUST HAXI 14OUIR BE4 MIgB U?irD QUST HhX, HQUR DEg U3gB UIWB GUST RAX, %M6 TEWP I POINT RH DIR, SFD, DIR, GUST B&F;1 ND#G TEHP , POtRf Wg BIB, SPD, BIR, @ST REtB HBW6 TEHP, Pglf WT BH BIR, SPB, DSPa GtjST RdlD E6 I3 9fG C X BEG, HfS BEG, RtS %U DEG f: PEG C X, BEG, %/S PEG, fifS i4U BEG G 9E6 G X DEE, H65 BEG, His Hd wauw DEU U:WP UZ~~B Fusr RAX, WF~IR DEU u~~a ui~w ~usr nhx, HO~R DEM uz~n~rw~cus~n~i, NDHG TEHP, PDIWT RH DIR, SPD, DIA, GUST RAD KDNG TEWP, PRlHT RH DfR, SPD, D18, GUST RdB ND~G TEttPI POINT RH DXR, SPD, D%W, GUS? RAD BEG C DEG C E BEG, WfS DEG, HJS fib! DEE C BEG C % PEG, Vlf DEG. 5bS #U DEG C BEG C K BEG, ~/S BEG, 8iS _l____-_O_---------------~<~--~----~ CP*PIII-I----LIP-------------------------------- -----------.-)--I.-YIIYID----------~-*~-----.m---*1*--*11*.1. 8369 11 ,9 u%%%w w% 146 $4 155 I,? B 0369 8,5 %#a%-# nw 164 ,h 153 I,$ fi $398 9,5 #%#n# VA tht ,b $70 f,q fj 0bfi@ l1,i w%#a3sw 14b '3 QfB 5,P 2flbQB ?.4%%EBHZI 150 ,5 b4D I,Q $ah83 $0,24W#%#48 Zh7 ,? $h9 f,x f 09~0 53.8 #% 15i :2 lbl 1,: 7 8POO I?,! $an%% 9% IhP ,B lit9 2'3 23 0908 2?,2 a%a#e 4-x 179 $5 198 I,? 28 1208 j311aa%%a#% 51711 ,J 195 :,3 "?!20@ 13,f +#*ff#*% 327 $7 334 ?,5 48 123@ 14,h%%QlfQ4 341 ,SP, 34 j,g 47 1588 14,7a%r$sn3! 337 111 335 2*5 318500 1S,8 336 B,8 352 2,s 41 "1500 16,8#.tza#%w.g 336 $9 328 1,9 37 1808 !a,: $3 $45 j .2 338 2,s 21 180B It:,! %#az# w% 33% ,2 341 9,9 7 I9gQ tb,4 %#gag 38 330 ,1 324 1,s 10 ZhOfi 12,3#%#31%5# 34$ ,7 336 1,9 1 :I00 $3,\ %+:##%%% 172 .6 113 1,9 32150 13,7#8#46#~3[ 155 ,4 $71 1'3 r zdfl0 {O,&######B 94? $2 676 1,3 OTQOO 8,9.%~!4eaw*% 184 184 !,3 02400 12,3an%a%~% 161 4 4 Q 'f klREE Mt?rtJR StJ'i"gNf3W "F' FOR EKI,.UTNA MEA'I'I-iFR STATT OM DATA TAMEN Bt9RING July, %?84 HDBB E UXNEI U~HD GUST nnx, ~su~ DEU MIND UINB GUST H~X, HOUR BEN QIWB UJHB GUST H~X, BWG TE~P 8 BOIHT RP5 BfR t, GtZR, GUST RAB HDNG HEHP t POKfbT Rltg DIR, SPDl B33, GUST RAB HDMG TE#X$, POI@! RW BZR 6 DIWS GUS? kb@ BE6 C BEG C X DE6, His DEG, HtS #u DEF G DEG C X BEG, PflS DEG, WIS H# DEG C NEG C X DEG, Hfs DEE, HIS HU -s-ll-rl-l.-.o*--~~-~~~~-"LI.LILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILI USD-.P-.r-.*..--OI-LILILILILI----" -------11-..l.l---*1---1------ 03481 %1,7%@9a9% 971 ,$ 173 1,3 80380 t8,4bt%X%le%n 838 '7 073 34 88386 9,3sr~%aia%.w 165 ,5 1$5 ltl9 8 fIbD8 ^81i19999g9s 18';;' ,b 242 2'5 88600 1QS2w8a%#3~ 132 ,4 121 f,3 5BBOB 7,T%%%%ic33 l$B ,b 13W1,3 3 898Q 1t13%@8%8%3 tbib ,8 IS? 13 b63Q9 32,1u8%%%nff $63 ,5 ST0 1.3 3589B(! 12,8##%%1n%@ 1BP ,7 175 2.5 33 %288 1213 4% 171, Is4 374 2,s 33 $290 3602 3Sg3t.g gs 012 ,P 357 4s4 105 1200 1583 Igg@i@ 3% 349 $7 121 2,s Si$ 1500 15,1$.%%33#%8 311, ,4 162 I,? 33fSOO lj2,9@99%#%% 800 2,4 ltOt S81 341540 tJt2%%#81e3s 3344 1,7 349 3'8 68 It3QQ S4*8 9% 34E1 f,2 341 ?,S 13 IWDB f3,9 @% 358 f,R 358 3'8 29 t8OB f6,5 %u#23r @$ 353 I,? 348 3,8 25 2fll 13.1 trarfffftt 343 .4 348 2,s 82100 il.tltganruir 354 1.3 354 3,8 12100 14.8natnart 345 ,9 347 3.2 1 2408 i2,7 EB tbB 4 5 5 0 2408 9,s was#% 9% lea: ,4 366 1,3 0 Trig8 11,8 *t%riE ~9 Of i) ,9 349 2'5 B HOUR DEU UXhEI UI#D GUST ~&x, NB&G TEMP, BOf MY RH DZW SPD. BXR , GUST RAD 3E6 C DEG C X BEG, #fS EI$ BE$, EPIX, HfN, HEBH BIgB D&Y YE#?, TEHP, TEHP, BXW, E,G C QEf; G BEG C DEC --------rr99-ool-P-10----~--~--~*~L-~-- 1 1ZsS 9,6 If $1 354 2 P4,b B,1 If ,4 351 3 14,8 9,2 1 d9h 4 2j15 8*3 f4,9 35% 5 2 fO,? I&,? 011 b 22,5 8,7 15,s 0BZ T 2!lIft 7,l 19,f 809 8 13.3 8,8 Il,f 163 9 18,7 9,k ?2,? 358 10 15'2 7,s 11,4 1-43 11 f8,9 B,B 12.9 135 12 r9*9 4,t 1?,0 426 13 47,8 8,9 13,4 833 14 2 3,4 8,2 173 15 lBeO 3,1 t1,T 312 16 13~4 sale snsa QIY 17 f2,5 8,4 1, 8% 18 13'0 8;4 !0,1 353 1Y 24,7 P,4 1211 355 2fl S3,4 9,1 11,s 343 2% f8,3 8,f 13,s 355 22 16'4 8,8 12,6 338 23 ?O,B fl,l 15,b 335 24 58,7 lSPO 14'9 009 25 14,P a0,6 I%,8 350 2b 15.0 9,3 t2,2 204 29 17,O 9,3 13.2 33 28 ib,3 IO,R f3,h 188 29 t6,2 9,Y t2,8 005 30 f9,4 7,s 33,s 354 36 9,l 13,5 000 MONTH 22,3 3,l 32,b 012 RE$, AUG, RAN, H&X, UfMD MfMB GUST GUST P'VBt HEk4 H%Ad SPB, SPD, DTR, SPD, DfR, RM DP BfS R/% DEG US X CEG C -1---_--_-m----o--PC_---------.11--------*------m-~ ,4 ,7 357 3,2 NN@ #% %@%#% 83 ,a 354 3,2 #NU %# ##%%% ,3 ,7 176 2'5 SSF 38 %%@%% *5 1 ,0 359 4,4 H 3% Sgw3a 2 1.0 813 4,s NMU 3% %#awx ,;. 1,Q 002 3,8 M %%wag ,3 j,2 600 5,l N 8 P@%%% , a ,e xis 3,2 SSE #a wuns* 4 1 *I 359 4,4 H 3t-u awgs9 I,O I,$ 145 b13 SSE 34 %%%%% ,B f ,B 142 5: 1 S5S % nag%% '3 1, f 091 5,1 !$SF A# n%%#w ltO 013 5,7 SSF #@ %%%@a '1 ,7 3% 1'9 S5E %u @$n#u 2 3 342 32 NNU itit %@%%# ,4 ,W 351 3,2 W w# %%##8 ,2 7 354 3,2 E ns ###%w ,4 ,R 351 3,2 N 8% %#@us ,3 ,B 013 4,4 MMU 8% us%@# $3 ,7 358 32 NNU 3% %%%## ,5 f ,I 800 6,4 N w~ %%#%a 1 ,W 329 2,s NNM aa n%w%% ,9 ,B 803 3,8 HHU 8s #$#%a 2 ,8 350 3,2 N #% %###% ,2 ,6 358 ?,5 WHU s% %%#%# 7 1 a ,T 334 ?,5 SSE 3% %#%#% .7 170 I,? SSE @ &wr#% "9 242 2.5 S 9% %##a% r i. ,7 f ,2 QOO 51 8% ns%ww ,5 i10 349 3,R WN$I 3% gfl.~%## f,O 1.2 358 4,4 N @w s%r## ,2 ,% 145 h,3 SSE uawwg 1;i8,3S'Y' Vf:!l. , A'T M{t?lX, f::l,jS'T' M:i'i".?\.lf."k i? ::fN'T\YR{i&\ s I- s , X ; 1.1 T : . , A -r pj 61 x , c:; 11 s -1' f.~ :T [.I ":lj g :{: N '1. a:;: a u n 1.'. I:y ,.I , ,.., .!- G {.I$.; 'S" V i-' t , fi M pi , 1.1 :;j 'T 13 \. \*I :? .I, :j' +I 'T I!; r2 {I $$ 1. , t8 Q 3 : I. 1 . [:.; (..I !ti '1' FV..,. {.J$? $\I 7' 1::: it! tl sf;h 1,". E:. ,.r , . I ."A n 7 1 *# rPI PD %5 L2 """ % a 8% + Z: p 2 T .& FOJ * * 4 z ;rm: +=% 'J - ! X L2 p19. l* i . P"" * ba - s*p. t P I 1 V(lOi *a. ;.; + 3 i X E 4 if? w 4' W;EI ms M e:: 6:j ~tv r:; k,s I... -r- gw -r* 5:; . :s: N i:: $3 P.1 2": 5K ""'lr b.! 6% !--I "nr" X) O;h $:I ):I: El.., )if: $1; "I" VG! 'a:K Ci:; 1:" I-2 B:b .3' iEZXQ: "T- kti31JRf,Y f,,fSNG\d&VE $4 AD X8)'T'IClN St.3MibiAR Y F'OV4 EK l..tl'"iZI!A Uf:::A'l'1.JiKr;(t 9'7 AT':[ ON DATA T&KEPl I>UR%NG July I984 i...OPiGWAVE R&D:T,AT'TQN VAf.,.l.lfK$? Xf:ii! MX I.. l...i'gi.?r'j"%'S PER S4;lt,.l&W F CE::NYSPir<'I'ER B&ITE a1~fa OZQO 6300 0488 0504 16063 0701 OPOO 1008 rina 1210 naoa 1400 nsoa rsrao 1700 raoa 19aa 2oao 2sea eaae 2388 2451~ m--*--------~m-m-~-m-~"~-~-*-~-~-~-----w-m--~~~*---~----~e-*m--~----e------~~------~----~~-~~----------m.m-~----~------*------------- 1 39 37 37 36 37 38 41 39 1 38 42 38 43 39 43 38 38 42 3b 91 32 41 42 33 39 2 3h 36 3b 3 3Q 31 38 38 40 38 43 34 $2 38 48 42 38 42 55 39 41 90 %h 38 38 3 37 38 35 37 3b 37 37 40 3$ 48 32 46 43 43 4G 38 40 41 37 37 38 39 38 33 38 4 34 93 36 35 38 36 38 36 38 33 41 39 42 39 BO 43 42 49 42 38 36 37 36 35 38 5 34 37 36 36 3% 34 36 35 35 36 35 39 35 40 3P 37 45 45 41 8%~ 99% 43% a%% %a% 29 6 #f% Z#Z #WE ##% R#% %$# Z#E ##f n%% ##% ##% %n# waa ww# nr% %%w a## 48 40 38 90 4U I@ 7 38 38 34 32 30 SB 30 3% 33 57 31 30 40 32 40 3k 31 32 37 39 3k 33 3h 36 35 8 33 34 31 3b 37 38 43 39 38 33 40 43 39 41 39 43 38 38 39 38 38 38 39 38 38 9 38 37 37 38 37 38 38 39 38 46 SP 44 3b 43 48 43 38 36 37 38 35 32 33 33 38 X C 35 38 38 37 39 37 38 31 38 37 38 46 43 38 42 37' 35 37 36 35 55 34 35 36 37 11 55 34 32 33 33 33 33 !B 33 46 3h 37 38 37 38 39 42 33 34 31 34 32 32 52 35 12 32 32 31 31 32 39 31 34 36 33 36 38 42 45 JQ $4 35 35 38 39 37 36 39 !Y 35 f 3 36 37 3b 37 SS 37 33 3h 37 38 49 34 42 37 36 37 37 38 35 32 32 34 54 3% %R 14 33 36 30 28 31 32 34 JB 35 39 39 38 39 $5 43 38 39 39 41 3% 38 34 31 34 35 % 5 34 38 30 36 33 36 35 31 40 38 43 37 37 38 43 38 4G $2 39 43 3% 34 Jb 35 37 16 36 37 34 38 37 36 92 41 34 41 33 34 39 58 40 40 34 34 42 38 38 37 SY 43 37 17 38 33 4fi 39 38 38 38 39 38 3Y 38 38 38 35 48 43 90 34 42 34 56 3Q 36 56 39 18 37 37 3$ 37 37 22 38 38 38 35 3b 38 4% 42 42 34 38 42 38 41 38 33 37 38 38 14, 3% 36 38 39 39 38 3Y 41 39 45 39 42 39 3; 34 56 37 33 38 36 3h 38 36 35 37 20 37 36 35 39 $8 39 38 $O 42 35 4!l 43 38 33 38 39 37' '38 31 42 38 39 38 38 39 21 38 37 39 36 37 36 3& 34 38 39 41 38 4 42 42 4t 33 39 3h 31 33 33 34 35 37 2% 38 38 35 33 33 38 39 39 39 34 40 4B 49 44 35 44 44 49 37 35 38 39 39 39 39 2% 38 38 38 39 39 38 39 40 43 42 39 39 $6 95 43 43 41 40 43 42 36 37 36 37 48 24 31 36 4% 36 37 36 39 33 39 38 44 43 39 15 41 45 40 40 43 39 3 36 38 34 38 25 37 37 36 41 39 38 39 38 40 96 39 36 38 43 36 38 37 $1 38 38 40 3b 37 99 38 26 38 38 3h 54 37 34 38 38 38 41 39 36 44 44 49 $3 38 38 38 34 37 34 37 $8 38 27 38 3B 37 39 38 38 9% 38 42 39 35 44 41 43 42 44 43 3k 37 37 $8 39 618 39 39 28 38 39 39 36 38 40 39 39 38 38 38 39 43 41 43 44 41 $4 39 4 39 38 38 J7 4Q 29 3f 37 38 31 37 37 38 39 40 35 48 41 43 38 38 38 38 31 34 $3 37 37 3h 37 58 J 0 35 $8 35 54 34 33 34 37 31 41 37 43 40 34 35 33 39 36 42 42 40 38 40 38 37 3 f 38 35 $8 3 37 32 30 37 33 43 38 44 38 38 43 3Y 35 43 43 34 43 35 92 41 38 ' P: .d '. & i:: . . - . .. . . . . . 7 2% PI t:: C.31 tkf 53 I,J I.,, -T* A gP4 -1- $i$ . 18: N f:; . EI lL-J 5:; 3: --fw A 1-4 ?f X3 G?' CC: $:if I-,. 12: I:: *Yo I? 11: 6:: D:) (2 if:] dj' 12: 6:: ?j"- '6EMPF:Rh"f'JRE WIND SPlfEXl WTNI) TITRECT'EON F3 13) t( E\,187' WEt.,A*F'1:4~F M~..lMI:I:!ITY PRE:%:IP rsrrflr,pTnH SQI..AR !9ri.zX>I:AT%:C)N DEW PB:1NS' 1-,QNGWAVE W(-sDXA'T'TUN .. . WERE ARE: 1488 PBSSJRP..E C)BS!3RVi$T.1.=3NS "1'141'5 MON'TH FOR EACH PARAHf-:TI,;W , DATA RECQRD'Z:f%lG 1:MTE":W UAI.. 3:Ei 30 iYil:Esrl.l"f':S . The following adjustments have been made to this month's data: 1, Solar -1 MEI/CM~ 7/6-7/31 Additional coments on this montha s data: 1. Recorded RH data invalid due to bad oscillator. 2. LW radiation data lost 7/5-7/6 due to disconnected wire. F.#QtjRE,,Y pRE:f,%px?'fiT':[oN Shii*li*f&V$Y FOR EI:i(f..l.b'T'Nfl WI:A"Y'I-tfi:::R S'V'A'T':CDb! lS&TA TAKEN 'f)\.bR ING fi tzr? u i:. *t , 1984 4 DY e:: E:I kclle 5% B,B o,,, -x- A N -I-- $23 . :1: 9:: a If; B,J "r' 5"$ fi f--8 "rr"" X) fi;? d:l ti:: #,,, Fig: C:2 "If" O'2 IS: i:: 1'" t".Li Q:P 3' 1Ei: %[:: "T' DAY 03 HNW DEU ui~n uz#'e ~usr #AX, HOUR PEM MX~B UXHP GUST ~BX, H~LIR BEU UJHB OIND GUST HBX~ NDA TMP, POMT Rfl 0x33, SP'D, BIR, GUST BBD NBWG TE34P. POI#I RH DIC, SPD, 5161, GUST BAQ NBHG TEHP , POINT RN BIR, SDS BH R, GUST Rh@ BEG C BEG C X BEG, 8fS 4E6, BfS HN DEB C PEG C X BEGt i4iS BEG, #iS ~U DEG C BEG C: X DEG, HiS DEGa HJS S"iU ---"-.-"Q-r(w.I-c--c-u.I--I-O------O-P-------- -I-C------1I---l--~----P--------I~---I--.-DO~ --------1---(..--.I>L------.------"------------- Q3Bg 68,53wff@s%s 843 ,5 04% 13 88350 1Bt5aw8w#3# 171 .b 173 1,3 08308 62,4%%%%B%S fb8 ,4 tBB fa3 C OBOQ f8,7 @%@a% 4% 151 ,% 169 1,3 5 0690 32J %#%w@ 8% 155 ,S 180 1,3 2 DbQD 123 g%%%$ 3% 204 ,3 177 f ,3 2 09Q0 i1,8 3% 584 ,2 IF4 1,3 40 OPOO 34,6 ~~~~~ %% 252 3 flX7 1.9 39 0989 12,s #w%%% 9% 218 ,2 218 f19 1% 5208 i4.3%3#8@43 341 I,! 595 2.5 306200 ISaR~#8@@%# 318 +h 182 i19 41 1208 16,0%%#3*33 321 33 23 66 i5BO 15,l gsg%g 3% 543 f ,4 340 2-5 33 i5Da I?,? 9% 336 12 328 1,s 50 ISOQ IS,! aawau 9% 394 % ,P 357 3,8 20 1840 15.1 8% 34% %,2 37' 32 fb XPaD 1B13 @w 353 1.h 354 32 15 1800 153 s%wnsa 9% 354 i,3, '557 32 18 228B 14,4993##%9 35D ,& 8@2 f,? 12100 14.P*~~M~~~ 108 ,P 353 2,s O 2188 14,6%#%9%3@ 159 ,R $25 f,B I 240b f0a938~9~5~ 158 ,4 348 f13 OE4QB 13,4#3#%3@9 149 ,3 185 1,9 O2400 13,4%%3#3%# 187 ,% lbS 1,s 8 HOGR ITEM U%#D U3NB Gk{5T HhX, HOtiR PEH UZHR UPHD GUST BbiX, HOUR BE# @I#B #X#D GUST HdSX, NGHG TEHP, PQBHP RN DfR , SPD, BIW , GUST RbD NDNG VEKP , POINT WM DfR , SPD, DXR, GUST BrFaD HBMG TEKP , POlPf RH BIB, SPD, BIB, GUST WhE BEG c BEG c x DEG, nts DE~, nis ~u DEE c DEE c x DEE, nrs aEc, H~S rru BEG c DEG c x PEG. nis DEG, US HW 8308 nla gag#% 3% ,b 157 1,s a ozoa tz,? as 13s A i?a I,? o osoa r3,a SSBSS 8% t7a ,; rrsl I,? o 8608 12,88@%%@*% 654 ,d 152 E,3 10600 f2,?%99#38% 17% ,4 191 I,? f OhB# f%,B%%@##~4 173 ,? 179 I,? 2 QBQO 14,9~~~~8na 178 $9 158 I,? I~DPO~ i3,3~3@8#3a 155 ,3 2,s E~~BOO 13~~a9~9~~3 294 ,I 309 -1,~ 24 1260 17,8@@8%8#% 155 ,B 1% 2%5 h3 I2BO 14,l %%#%$%% 343 ,$ 123 1,3 39 1280 I&,? was%%@% 342 1,l 396 2,s 49 15QQ 20,4%8@%%%% 395 !,A 339 3.2 BY 1580 %h,fi#%@~~*s 322 #5 298 f,9 51 1500 16,5%sc@g%9 338 d,8 343 1,9 38 1860 28,6%#%3w#% 33R E13 343 2,5 31 lWOO I&,! #%@weH% 325 $6 303 fr9 7 1808 f7.2*H884@~~ 535 ,B 337 %*3 19 2168 %5,433$@3*% 179 $9 274 2,9 12180 !4,8~@#~~w~ It13 ,3 359 1,9 !I2188 14,4%~%~~3~ 176 ,7 33 1*9 1 2408 It,% %%a## +W 362 ,& 16% 1.3 fl 2400 12,R @# 176 1,O 184 2,s O 2400 8,8 %#%## $9 643 ,S 145 1,: O HQUW DEB UX~D U~ND GUST HAX, HBLIR DEB WTHD UIWB GUST WAX, 8auR DFM u~nn unw~ GUST HAX, MD&G VEHP, PBKWT RH DIW, 5PB, BIB, GUST RAB t4DNG TEHP, PQRMP RH D%R SPD, D6W GUS4 RAD NDNt YERP, POINT BW BIR, SPQ, DIW, GUST RBAD DEG c DEG c x DEG, HIS DEG, HIS HW DEQ c BEG c I DEC, B~S BEG, HIS RU BEG c BEG c z BEG, R~S BEG, #IS HU -r-r-ru1-~-.e*ll-~-~~~-~~-~~-~"~-~-~--~~~~~~"~-~*~- ir*rrrPrrali~*ruer---~~-~---~~~--~~---~-~.----~------- -------.---as*-------------------------"---- 0308 9,0#%@@34@# 170 ,7 886 1'9 00304 14,2.~~9~~9~ 357 ,t 040 2,s O 0300 1is43~g8a~~ 170 "5 178 I,? @ @bOB ?,I #%%%a%# 155 ,B Ib? 1,s 28bQD %%,h%wgw93w 353 001 2.5 13000 12,3%a%nww% 129 ,g 182 ?,5 g QBOD 63,22###%#% 165 ,5 172 2,9 2?U$BO f3,%3~&~M~1f~ 898 ,2 DOI 2,s 14RB00 13,5aa#ana# 188 ,h 194 f,9 24 1204 !8,3%%#%##3 333 ,B 332 1'9 Il?lEOO 14,53*~8a~@~~~ 352 ,4 32h 2,5 371240 Ih,Pag%#%%a El# ,5 fBZ 2,s 1500 28,4wx%#@~# 339 I,? 390 3'2 871500 1b83+9##93w 311 ,& 189 23 $$I588 f6,5@~cfigaw $59 I,? 881 9,4 29 3808 $$,S%#M@#% 348 1,3 350 T,5 251800 1b87s4<N##%8 224 ,5 ?SP 23 251884 lbJ, i$sr%%+#% 334 ,5 gns 2,s 17 2109 lh,3 a*#+$# ## 987 ,8 275 ?,5 12100 14,5 c%*i+z!% 156 ,5 144 13 i 2308 11,7 #@%w# +I# 162 $9 178 I 2480 13,9 #%%%# a% 141 ,5 $68 1 ,B 0 24flfl 1% ,?I ##w#+f #it 15% ,b 158 2,s O 7406 ?,a #%a#% I$@ ,g IgJ 1 ,y 8 8BK iE%P, PQIHl RR BIR, SPD. BIR, get51 HDWG TERP, PUikT RH DRR I SP3, 019, GUST Rfin MMG fEPfP, PDH#T RM BIR , SFD * ff%lR GUST RhB DEG c DEG c 2 DES, #is BE$, R~S WM BEG f: DEF G 3 BEG, WIS PEG, HIS. ~fd QEG G BEG E: R BEG, RSS DEE, nrs EU ---*--I.IP~CIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCBCCB -P-..PI---DI----"-CCBCCBCCB--LI-lrU"I~e---tC- -----"")"------.----C---------N---*------ 8308 B,Pg%gna%% 133 ,4 898 I,? 88300 9.3@3%%@%# $67 ,d 176 i,3 BO'jrO8 5,18%%etgr.IFW 171 ,388 fs9 8 @&I8 1$.29%%%mt.%lii 345 ,8 167 2,s 3GbaO 9,98%%%@3% 175 ,4 $78 I,? 20bOB 3*1 aH%las Sja 169 ,7 1% f13 2 Q9OR 13,s %%%a# 165 ,b 161 1,8 tP OPOO f2,4 gggnn a# lb8 157 13 33 88tO 103 sssnw 3% 178 ,b $80 1.9 Sb 12g8 f5,% %@w%~s: #n 288 ,3 2192 I,? 38 f2tEO 15,b #w#%# slg 182 ,2 150 $3 68 1208 i$,b w@~gaa gilt8 .S 319 225 9f fSQD 472 %s%cn 8% 299 ,5 308 1,9 38 1580 16,O 9% 418 ,3 142 13 97 1580 !8,7 snar# $8 346 2,0 008 87 %84$ %3,5 M8%% #% $97 ,a If? 8 1888 1T,4 %g8%a 8% 324 ,A 323 2,s fB 1848 UP, Be3 I,? 808 3,8 44 2SBD lS,@u%%%ef% 177 ,8 175 13 82108 f2,9fif~~%# 177 ,7 $95 1.9 @?la0 ?,rurwa%a% 289 ,4 342 $3 O 24-00 1Bst33r%%ww $75 .b 179 $3 82400 8,2g#w@@%% IT1 ,5 ib6 I,? O?900 S,lan@%%%% 172 ,P f77 1,9 D HDUR BE@ UX#B &IMP GUST ~hl%, WQUB E #IHB UiHD GUST BAX, HODR DEN UIHB UENB GBSf #&X, @%g6 TEHP POI#$ RH BIR, $PB, BIW. GUST RAD NDl"at3 TEBP, PQIMV WH BIB, SP8, DTW, GUST WAD NDMG EHP, POPBI RM DIR, SPD, &lR a GCST RAD BEG C BEG E Z DEGz H/S PEG, W/S WU BEG G DEG G Z BEG, Sf5 Ef6, RiS Nu BE& C DEG C % DEG, f;i;fS gE6, diS NU -D~~E-a--BI----O---~----m------~------ *---------------------------------------"-* ---*-*-----------*------------------------- Q3tB 8% I& , 2 1 DOZOO 3,4##%%%%3 $63 i68 ICY 80336 4,6#@83#3 $75 ,7 fh8 1.3 0 DB@B 4,9%%@8%3% 372 ,8 I&& 13 38688 2,739n%#nff $74 -9 18@ 13 H @SO@ 3,49ff#a@#3 177 ,7 175 13 2 OPBC tt,5%8@@%#% 173 ,h 676 1,9 2h89GO lQ15#~~%~#~ 178 ,& f74 1'3 580900 11,2%8%33#3 1% ,7 178 f,3 54 $280 17,48%#%8%% 31h ,6 2Bf 2.5 ~112~O 19,82ss93$8 131 ,h 1B7 1,6 89t2Oo 28,fl8%%#$89 fish $4 034 4,8 88 ISGO 19'8 %%%a% %% 340 % ,$ 340 3'8 8$ 1538 2f $9 %wua@ 3% 339 1.5 348 3,s 88 150B 41, t @gn#w wg 344 1 ,S 350 32 83 1800 19.4 a%#%# %w 3PB 1.8 342 32 91 f88O 26,0 #w%an #% $17 ?,O 356 4,4 43 1896 29,7 wg 333 9,t 352 2,s 30 2f08 $,B %%a@# ed i%t 1,D 9b3 2,s 0 2100 10,9 @%%%% 89 171 ,% 17% 2,s O 2198 13,f %@%%% Ihf I,$ 471 $,9 2488 6,038#%##9 167 ,8 149 It? fi24eo b,7@3%839~ 177 ,6 674 t,J 02408 9,5%9~#3%n 175 ,5 168 1,3 B WFdW DE@ gf#D gXkD GUST ~RX, HOUR BE& UIH9 UINB GUST HAX, HOUA DEV UXNB @IHD $&ST 8AX, NDHG FEBP, POTHT RM DfR, SPQ, BIR , GUST RAB MDMG BE#F. PDXHT RM Bik, SPD, DTR, GUST WAD WDBG TEHP, POINT Rf4 DIR, SPD, BIR GUST RAD BEG C DFG C X BEG: %fS DFG, H/S tiid DFG C BFG C % BEG, HIS BFG, 8;s PEG C DES C X DEG, kfS DES, EIS )j# *____-_l_______IU~~----~--~.--------------~-- ~---~*~-Y_Q--U--_I---~~-------.lll-------.- -------I--(--------. 4301 b14%%%H%8% $35 ,5 195 1,3 8 0300 b,?~M~%~3# fb0 ,8 149 I,? 838g ll,&3%##S%@ 35k 1,2 35h 3,2 Q QBQO 6,4a%w%~aw 575 ,$ 178 I,? EOhOO S,O%g~%ug@ ib3 $7 140 I,? 3OhOU i4,4a%#an%w 342 1,1 328 3,8 8 0384 23,5%#####% 171 ,6 673 1,9 45GPflt 6$.1%233~~% 171 ,T 174 1,B 53aQQO 15,88B%G9.E8 128 1,5 141 7,0 9 1280 18,74kw@~#%# 344 $7 327 5,9 7f 62WO $7,029%##9s 004 L3 W3B 3,2 951200 15,b##%%3#fi 192 3,4 194 7,b 35 2@,% %#%a% %# 545 1,4 354 32 58 258R f7,l $%##% @+i 355 2,3 354 5,8 53 1500 15,7 #@4@% %# 148 3,9 $53 7,h 19 .a@@n j&a,fiu#%a#%a st2 *3 340 2,s lbi8Mli i71Qw%44%%4k "145 ?,S" 148 ?,b f53G89 %5,9*%%9#%5 lk9 4,6 I$? P,S 5 Zffig %##a43 '% '369 ,8 1") 9'5 :1EBO 333 4934% 44 130 fj32 143 L,3 %1 ZlrJO 14,8 #-~i44# %% Ifh3 33 166 ti3i2 fl 2400 7,~ ]A@ ,? !"Ih I,? IS 24Q0 11~9 #+E;Tiag 9.~ 355 f &R Oft3 3,8 D 2400 I$,? ax#%% 4% lib4 1,6 155 bU3 0 THREE MO-tJl? SUHHmrSRY FfOW E.KI.1.ITNA WEh"f"ii-tER STk7cfON DATA TAKEN DhtW Tfi4G Auquqet, J 88-4 Xj&Y :19 DRY 20 D&"r;'23 HUP BE@ LIHQ UXHB 6851 FAX, BE@ UIHB MIND G~T H%IX# ~~uw BEU USWD 01m ~USP WAY, POINT RH DIP, sm. BIB, GUST RAB NOMI; TEWP , POINT WH BXR, SPD , ~18 a elim RAQ ws~rl; rEg, For %T R% aa , spa, DIR . GUST w AB BEG G BEG c x BEG, nrs PEG, %is M 1 '=& lil~u %r BEG e x BEG, nrs BEG, 81s NM BE^ c BEG c z BEG, 81s BE^^ BIS BH U-..I*C.~--el.C-*--*----,-Ir-.OTr--sCI.rOllC--IrIrIrIr --C1--.III~----IrIr----"IrIrIrIrIrIrIrIr"IrIrIrIrIrIrIrIrIrIrIr ---0--...1---.---*-1r-------------*--------- 8301 14,5~~ga33 9?3 3,1 IBO 8,3 18350 P,~sara%#s 358 044 2,s 80380 %f,2#%a%%w# lbB 2 f43 I,? O 0&08 f3,2E3%gf %# 148 2.2 155 ?%8 5Bbdg PISt#H%f sf ?Bh 393 2,s f Oh63 fllf QKQ%W%% 2P8 1? 320 z15 1~,8srwwgsg 100 ,P 892 4,~ 230980 ~~,r##wg+s: 538 iTO 1.8 2409ea 14,4f~3f~~ 158 2,: 154 6,3 24 f28Q !3,2 %@@@a 345 1,4 $92 4,9 30 12RB f4,$ gggg% 9% 099 ,8 839 3.2 55 I290 15,4 163 4,s IhQ 7.6 44 9588 f2,2 4%g#% ## 355 1,P 800 4,4 35 15QB f7,0 twasa 9% 345 I,R 358 $,4 P? 1500 l%,l %#%%x 9% 357 $,2 162 8,s 65 aB8B #a%%w 3% 347 11,4 349 3.2 11 1808 t2,8 %%%#a %% 819 f ,? 035 5,t 18 fa88 15.5 %#%%% %% 151 4.3 144 7,h 15 2B8@ iB.PgQWfH#s 348 ,F 345 3,2 O2IQ8 it19%~3~3~~ 34% lE3 335 St8 02160 14,P%993#%# X9Y 3,9 tQ2 Teb Q 2400 ia,l%swns%a $92 ,I 319 1,s oZsOQ 9,3%88#%3n QBb ,7 351 2,s 82468 14,3*wasgs3 432 3,7 126 7,0 8 Mifa BEU VIM6 gI%B GUST RhX, HDUW 3% UIKE! 2f?lB GliST WkX, HC,-, DEN &IWD$dI#DGUS%3&Xl SFbH6 "ifiP, PQfRT RM DIR, SP0, OIR, gET RhD HTi#G TERP, PQTHiT Wi.i DfB, PB. 4%R, fs35"iPtaB HQHG fE3P, PQIHf WH DIW, SPBt BlR, &ST $AD EEG C BEG C X BEG, WiS BEG, WiS 8U BEG C DEG C Z DEE, HIS FES, EiS DEG G DEC G % BEG, fiiS DEG, E/S dW OUR BEJ UINP LXNB GL~ST R~X. HOUR BE& WIEB UI%~ GUST ~RX, ~aua DEU d~~nusnn~usr~a~x~ MD#G TEHP, F"t3IijT R3 DXR, SPQ, DfR, SUSf Rt4B 81l)WG TEHP, P0IN"TFal.t DfR, SPG', DTR, c"fi R4D gDHG XEP, PDTkl RH DIR, SFD, BS", GUST RkSr BE6 C DEG C 2 BES, gbS BFG, BdS H@ BEG C EEG C X DEE, Hf% SEG. 81% HB 9Eg c x 9EG. E:s ~EG, %/$ % ____L_____l_-"_~---~-~-~-~~~~~D_-~_I--~.1CIIP--Lil-- ~.----LII-.III_---.-.--~---~----~-----C--CII-~------- ----------(11--------C-*^l--1-111111_----------*-~---- 0300 8,7%%*%#%% 178 ,$ 182 13 88388 5,2%#%%n%s 049 22 041 54 08368 -2,3#%#%%%% ih4 ,7 164 t,g 0 $0 y,~$#%a~## !R4 ,B 193 23 OOhgO 4,?g%%a%#@ 025 23 629 5,$ R 8640 -3,$aaaan#@ 161 ,b it54 1,s Q 8986 14 7 ##gag H! 180 ,5 17b % .9 5 BSQQ 6,b ~%n%% 3% a33 1,s 541 318 16 07t8 -2,3 %#%%# 9% lhb ,b 17s 1,3 5 IZBg $f,4%3@###3 2010 ,3 "" "3 "i,3512 "3iit2$rcr%9% $27 2,s 915 5,7lii31?8rl 8,8#~%rs%x 328 ,? 338 2,s 84 fig4 1,8 wfsww %a 623 3J 35b 8,s 30 j90B If ,B asses #% 395 2,R 348 6,s 100 150@ 1?,5 %##a# ## 348 9 ,& 357 3,g 85 1800 a, 4 ngag# W+ o~? 2 5 r~ 5 7 7 1svo a,k wggga M 353 2,s 31~ "n I Inor: lf.: ,7 #~%#3t #.g 3115 1,g 322 4,4 7 ZIBg 9,4#%%aws# RIP f,? $28 h,3 g?lOO 4,0##anaa# 8!S l,b 351 7,0 @?!a0 f65nt&##3$+! c?iz ,I $89 33 0 /J,@ $####& su fl15 2'0 $83 S,l fl 29@0 -4,s %#%sq $2 j38 ,4 036 1,9 6 2959 -,9 %kas+$ ns z7 "rs 1'9 0 5 b t--; i- Nd !-- LC Lk: & *?A is: I-- Z M , ;-- .. - i*. s. -* %.* "*:.. - ?:< .-; .X_ ,& NNE ,87 1.~95 ,."F? tt,an o,oo 11 , o 0 CI , f'n I! 3, j?g $4 E ,%I $,88 O,QQ 13 , if 0 0, OQ fir , 00 0 , 0 [I 2: , b s t - * -~-~*E~~w~P*.cP.P~cv~D.~ ~~51~4 ~i L: mmm m fir?;t*:ri-J*~rstj ab: r304 f * **mP'b*P3F"3W$m 863r?M * * FpWt* sB$: 8-m .r5~qwppst63W XY S FJpct *ir *** * +r. 1 3.w z=, =r~,CUL~-irJs;qw+-*arntlrc-~-*--r& ST* s:y53~.m.t.:r-.+mwn;?f.1(& ~8%- gg ttsg,"4gwe*4'cryet*3MMPIJer$. * 244 * rnpbqFf-3 *rrt*MmpBrmr~g ga,rw+ .--a E *** * , es I .rgg--+~-!mm -e: ,-+t"p.i=? t5~~d?(gl 1w * cicc~r~r* & I:-..- =ep- x" *- *: g I ~~*~~.Q+~*P~F(.W-II)C~ I & * s* z ac CI~.-)C~ *c1tewi>~&u~4-d s4r a%@ c_it~)n-i T1 I 1 ~g~;t~f~sgg,ga~;~-~,.:* 9~39~- rcrnc~k~.-hl;~-+e& moo- 4 1 * p;" F, $r7 t4 s gr, P-3 w PI? 'c, 8fi pa rpaz 7% * 3% .*-r I s f aFB.-+@Cs~rr--W~aE3m@J*cfi~-J* 2B mm(t9ri XP+*..grajmwrucl=Itc cpf3.-...& zs I .s~~mr~~~~w~~-rnp.s.d-rn~m~ rkcmp.~*r3~~~mprlmpri.c~l.ap~ pdmpsa 2 1 *** * ;zr = f ~~~,~*~~s*-a-.~a*oY-* r3: *ry-~mEiL'-F9"r~mir~o~ + C-,i6x.T@ - I 4-4 *Q"* -rq w- 4~.r~& ed w a: ~+r4yjp.)~m .~-CI?M=.~Z M p.q.,wr--., -is C >is ** .rr 0 zsl 1 -s-bP?11Zr.M*br-Q1.*t*P?h;zao*; us * *.gz,bi-.C3".m*Peii'0;pjGn:*M+--. * * w. w- c ; Fzrrq-*Cd~TIgrp.~$(a;.r?O-syM~LCT* *.rrst""?Crsmy;e~5-fd3yaj&~,* * *pq 5 1 * w w* * *: riir ac$.fle*rmk35kiYW.prWW1Sjasd3C*".I* G~~~~*GWbl;pcr.cl'~~ ern&+ u 1 a*.IzrC~~lg.~844i~.w*~r+ w~*rfmr~t~* rrsliv~.a .a~-c~p.d3.9;.rr*,4~5mdic pr,g~-ri 2; %% * 1 99mm-Fz-'M---J3w~~g.~~4~~ ks.Lp..E=r@LgIj(Sx&p-rnr=1,rnMsJB. &a?-1-53 c3 I .rS.8"~a$-Wi@'Q4t-~CCZ~FQjPS').91Q@fl~)Iff ~F.rg~~,f9.pcpyc2~w~q %ts pa@tCIBITJ .cl I * *- @ 8 a : s;-tC?.m-w3Qwma*CP*-wa~?LT+* CLm+w*CSDC4.IE=kr.e*Ct:* *m&-c, c=t *F~~*W*W&W~@C~~F: p~jmrc,~sa~,g pse*wmm.m~t-.r.+-ys.,r, n:~:p-~ 0 8 I-. I &rs 1 *g.-r*> - -lnfl~4='&5f~s hf3tc?ua Wd 4 * +-@.yS, fZ**Lf5 *;goo Zg r(S Z5 4 czrzi w- U 6 4P wW93*10P* w 'W rest* pQWM MVL * Mpd'Jrf+, pfZMW? pff4prF:$ff,'"Fi- O; a% ~~e,Kp.q z D 3% %% ZlffRgG%zgg~Rgg~R~f~~~S~g~g~g~g~~~ %B 1 %d em 1 ~P--~~-W*;-~ES-~CP~~'~~~~M~C~VJD~~F~~CI:W G~~--"~c~'-.E;PT;~~~ $5 m-0. VJ * *fi 44 W qS* re: * t1*: Ye+ C*7 PQ t141 M )*43 wd BIT: Sb;t #F, qr=" $C P7 gQ .F p_ ZE WB""; kB: EYJ 6 1 3% r; 2 ': hd 5-j + X i- g 2 1 , . p I t I * I 1 - EiD. 3 i:; rr* 5'? ?'? Wf %ad 71: 2 ?'=? P? '1.1 W' >- '.us. t - E c $2 r . f r7 46% v; -i d if: lbf v M C:",It.:) W I:$ tl,J I,,, "T" 6% N "T' $3 . 18: N B2 a ::: !,,J :try fi~ ~3 at--! y 13 rq r:a EI: j,,. 1:;: tt[:: -v- R ::r r:: -,=> cq ib:4 ,*J- I::: (1: TEHPERA-TURE WXNX) SPFEXI WXN3) 13TRE:%:;TTf:jN 12FAi< GI.JS'1' REi..d.s"f'VE E.llfi"fXD't:'TY P a E: c J: P :r: n1:2 'ir J F:! N SOLAR RAIITAT TON DEW PTJ:fN'T' i-.QNGWALtE RBDTAITTQixl 'T'kIERE BRiY 148t3 PfIrSF:f.FI..1? OESiTRVAKX ON:? "T*41Sf3 M(3N'Tt-t FI3R EACI-I PAR AMF:TER , THE DATA P;)FI:CBI;i"D1: i'lG 1' NT'tYRUAI ... I:$ 30 MZNiJT'ES , The following adjustments have been made %o this nonth" data: L, Solar -1 MW/CM~ Additional caments on this mnth" data:: 1. LW radiation data suspected to be poor 8/2-8131 due to intermiktent electrical conneetion, 2, Recorded =I data invalid due to bad oscillator, P.i.d3[jE\,'u PWfKf:T F"ys:jTxf:$b? Ftj2.iMARp' FfjR FKj,.\)'f'N& iicJf{fir't-l\F.R S"f'&T ':CUM PRTKCTP:i:'1"+3TIil3iY VAt_t.!ES &'",RE ]:N MI!..!. Ii.tiE:"f'iZi?S i.4 I3 13 M E i4 11 f, IN f-: THREE HQ3251'3: Si!HMAfaVFR \<!i.I..\J'f'NA Mt?A"f'i-iEW STAT T [IN DATA TAKEN DURING Seg+te~ber, 198" MM BE"4 BIND U1HB I;UEi"fhX, i.njuR DEW MIND g1NB GUST HAX, HOUR DEU U3ND MIND GUST HfiX NDWG TEAF. POINT Rk4 DIR, Spa, QIR, GUST Rho NoNC 'IEBP. POINT RH DIR, SPD, DIB, GUST RAD MDNE TEnP. POINT RH DIR. SPD, DIR, GUST RAB BEG c DEE c z BEG, ws DEG, H~S nu DEG c DEG c M BEG, nis BEG, HIS nat BEG G BEG G z BEG, B~S DEG. H~S #W 8308 -,I%%%#%%% 170 ,h ib9 1,9 80308 -,8%%####% 176 ,7 137 1,s B030R -1,3#%#8#%8 674 ,3 278 I,!? b Bk90 t,O~~rrn 174 ,7 178 I,$ BOA00 -P,b*#%%wa* I?? .7 170 9,3 DOAOB -2,23838998 I77 .7 178 4,3 D OBQO '%,3%%%@%%% lh3 ,9 168 1.9 2389RO -,b%%%w%%% 182 .7 179 1,3 50980 -,63%a%%%K.a6. 175 *Tr 196 1,s 5 1200 1l11%%%%@*E 352 ,7 338 2'5 71 t2aQ 13,63%%%9#s 355 ,5 093 t,P 88 1284 I2,53%8%9%% 834 ,5 I,? 78 5510 13%8 @f%%% 3% 333 tila 343 11,9 tiR 1500 t5,4 %%%%% %% 338 1.4 358 5,8 92 1500 lb,l @#%st# %% 3Zb 1,2 535 2:s 75 lSDC lO,WHH%%% 296 ,S 3%A ?,9 51888 1?*3%%F%#a% 191 I,? !74 3,8 91880 tBS2%%#%@E% 22B %2 333 I,? 5 2180 Z,b %%%## 9% 168 ,$ $73 3 ,fj fl alfifi %a### ,& 147 f .B 0 2lOfi %%%%# #%### 8% %%a %#%3 %%% 3S*N 8 p~nfl 1 s~~~~ 9% ??h .? 572 ? ,$! 6 24~fl $8 wswgs 9s f7g ,? ~hj f ,9 6 F400 %%w#~ swwu% %% #%a gwrw %%a %%a+ 8 L I,..# * ., --ee-.-n hdOUW BE8 @JNR MIWD GkiSV HBX, HWR DEEri. U9HB UigD GUST #AX, HOUR DEW UlMD UIND GUST tIAX, MDNG TER%"* POfgT RH BTR, Vb, QIR, GUST Rho M4HG VEHP, POINT RH Dik, SPD, DBR, GUST WE4@ EdIjEaG TEHP, POIPjT Rlf DlR, SBD, BIW, GUS1 R&%Z BEG @ DEG C Z BEG, HIS BEG, #/S HU BEG C CEG f X BEGI H!S BEG, H!S t"lU DEG G BEG C X DfG, RiS DEG, H!S KM k0UR ab&U $7 RS UTWD GUST RkX, HDUR DEU UlHB U3NB 6UST RBX, BOUR DFU MIRD UENB GUST WhX, NDWG TEgP, POI#T RX DIP, SPB, DIR, GUST BAD KBNG TEHP- POTMY RH DXW, SPD, DIR, GUST RkD #BHG TEWP, POINT PH DIW, SPD, BHR* GUST BAD DEG C DEG C X DEE, if/S BEGk M/S BE PEG C DEG C X BEG, Hi5 BEG, BiS @d BEG G BEG C X DEG 8fS BEG, #IS N\d _OIR______~_-~_~~P~e--------~----~",--~----- -D-LI----..-----------"--------.----P"-------*- -I.------.----------------*-*-------------*--*- 0388 b,$~~%ga$% !fie r,o 13 0 0300 ;,beaw%%b9 158 rss 13 0 0308 t,l c#%##&h ih4 ,& 164 f,9 fi 0608 8,8@#%##59 255 ,5 $24 13 RbkfiB 3,3@*%*988 164 ,? 150 13 fiOk00 -,2#*#@%&8 565 ,1 172 I,$ fi oqao s,~ agga9 51 ,I 165 5,9 9 oyoa 4,s .gga#n 68 <? 148 I,? IS 0990 33 60 152 ,B 168 I,$ 11 1208 a4,9 ,2 37 175 ,$ 194 5,f 41 92QB 9h10 &*-RS~ 31 a93 $2 342 23 62 r2uO 13,9 -8.4 35 327 ,b 343 ~,y g5 LS86 14,3 -2,532 t37 3,1 t4E 5,7 ES I500 15,9 -9,225 137 2.5 194 5.7 44 f50Q t5,6 2,341 $32 1,s 322 2,s &? 38QB 13,b -2,9 32 139 3,% 141 %,? 11 IROO f4,3 -4,l 26 144 2,B 190 5,1 3 fR8O 9,s #%%#% as 350 ,4 326 5 ,,:8 t~b,~ -2,ar 43 166 I,? 141 3,~ F 2\00 IT,? -4.~ 32 138 ?,5 5~ a rlao 3.2 QZ 160 ,5 130 1.3 o 2400 eib#%n#+$5y 234 ,8 239 2'5 O220B 3,8-~%%%a3"1148 ,b 123 2,5 El2s\rrll 3,111#4!~%47O 161 ,& 159 1,9 $ r f *: M ti *PI fa: lDEL I " q Z ' L: z N . # I": *9P THRiTE t-if?ttJR StJP47WRY FOR FCKi..UTNA %831?A'T14f:R %'T'A"f'Tf:'rN BA'TA *TAKEN DURZNG Sep~enber , I984 BEU WIND UINB GUST riax, rrotra BE! MIND u18a GUST BAX, DEU UIWR UZHD GUST #AX. 1 HBWG TESP, POINT RW DIR. 9D. DIE. GUST RAD NDHG TEHP, PDINT RH DIR. SPD, DXR. GUST RAY) HDHI; TEhP. POINT Rtl DIR . SPD. DIR , GUST RAQ ! BEG E BEG C X BEG, His BEG, B!S #bi BEG C DEG G I BEG, H65 DEE. Hf% NU PEG G BEG C 9: DEG, PllS BEG* wiS HU DAY :?? DE'tAY 23 y ;! 4 $OUR BEU %%NB@lNBGET#&X, HOUR DEW UIRB UXHB GUST HRX, HOUR DEU UIt4B @XND GUST HAX. MDNG TEHP BOXBP RN DIR I SPB* DIR , GUST RAB NBWG THWP, POIHI BH DIR, ~PD, DTR. eusf RAD NDBG TEWP, POINT RW BIR, SPB, BIR, GUST RAB BEG c PEG G x PEG, R!S DEG, nts tiu DE6 C DEG G Z BEG, FSIS 9E6, W/S HU BEG C DEG C X BEG, HlS DEG, HSS HH HOUR BEM UXND UTND GUST RAX, HfalSW DEu UlHlt UlNP HAX, naliR DEW QfWZ WX#B GUST HAK, HDMG VEitP, FfilRHI Rt.t BIB, SPD, DIN, Gi!SI RAD HBNG EEWP , PfalkURH DfR a $PO, DSR , GUST RAB PtDbfG TEFIP, POINT RH DIR, 5PD, BIB, GUST RAD DEG O BEG C X PEE, MfS DEG, i4JS Wg BE6 C BEG C 2, DEG, H/S DEG, W/S Pie bE@ C DEG C ?: BEG, HPS DEG, MPS kiU -1-II1II_Pl_--l-------I-P- XI..--- -*--I- 0300 7,2 %%%@% 92 366 $9 31 t ?A5 fl 0300 0b04 9,b -2,B 48 $42 I,? 129 5,? O 8600 0980 b,S %*### hl 37 '3 339 3,3 7 0660 t20a ?,z -3~ 42 rro ,i oae 7,s 2~12oa E500 10'8 h,373 %h5 ,A 287 !,5 261580 lSQO if ,9 -,7 42 159 ,8 30h 5,% 3 3POO 2206 1'6 ,% 59 090 t ,! 125 S,? B ?103 2400 4,9 -,7 67 392 I,@ $15 3,2 1 T4"110 I THREE HDUR SUHM&3Y FOR EKL.USTNA WEhlHER STATTLlN DAY I?8 BP~Y 29 DbY 33 $FOU@ BEQ #I#P UZNB GUST MXI HOUR BEU UXNB UXHB 6UST fldXt WgUR DEU Uf WB UINI! GUST ERX, NbK XHP, FffIgT WW BIR, t;VJD, BTW, GUST 82bF i4QHG TERP, PfaXNT RH ark, SPD, Bra, GUST RztiiYa EBNG EW, PDIWI WIi DIR, SP9, QSR, GUST RhD %EG G BEG C L BEG, 8fS BEG, 8J5 hi4 BEE G BEG C % SEG, Rf S Fi;, HfS HU DEG E DEE C X BEG, HiS DEG. HJS fi# ------------*------- ---.LR----.I----..I-.E-P--N-UI...- PI*I-8----... ..)------------.--,----PLI-*- 0308 4,7 ~C~~~ 58 $53 ,8 148 9 a Q300 7,b %gg#g 71 203 ,5 178 %,9 8 8388 5,s %%%#% 87 143 .a 185 8 482 69 $72 x8 I73 119 O Oh60 6,4 9QWgs PR 319 .m 264 1,9 O OBOB 3,4 2.9 71 166 ,B 678 5.2 O 3988 jggg@ 78 '151 *8 158 I,? 8 lPOB b,P ffgtf5 88 130 ,fi 886 f ,B 2 8VQB l8,b B,2 85 14B 1 ,t 1% TbB 7 1298 Be2gg@#344 $43 $8 543 d,9 Xf 3259 9,@ %%%#%7b 293 ,1 2b4 3,s 5 1208 12,3 -3,738 1st 5,s 149 $02 30 1580 83 %st.# 2%1 838 -3 Q&b 13 15 1501 90.8 3,5 62 Ti5 f ,Q Zlf 4,4 8 1588 $1 ,f -33 35 146 -18J I& 1@3 fr 180~ B.S %%as# &,rl 329 ,b 333 $,P E IPQO 8'7 a$saw 88 sss 1.0 348 2,s o 1808 LF 79 187 ,a rsj s,4 o 1 9.39%@9@75 Obi ,5 616 I,? Oztafi ?,s%%%#gf% oa: 1,s 862 3,s 82100 1 3*18l 895 118 a93 J,2 4 24488 11,5 %%@%% 81 I49 2,f 131 b,3 O 2488 6,3 3.8 7b 992 i,! 34? 3,2 O 24BU $,$ f 73 lV Z,B 189 3'2 0 -Z-E SEE :f".$%!TEWPREf &TIO$! NOTES AT EN13 QF H"tO$J'f"l-il,Y f;ilEP[I3R'I" %% WES, PE5, BVS, H&J6 BhXa UZRB WIN@ UfHG GUST GUST PWL gEAN ~EAH BXW, s~n, spa, DIR, SPD, Bra, RH PP PREFEP BEG HfS #IS QE ka"5 % BEG G f"0E -----"---q-*-----"--*-*----***-----m--m-e-----**mP-dm-- 251 $2 ,8 338 23 5 %a%#% 010 189 ,3 ,B $3 S 8% ##%m @,a 205 r i. 3 ,8 335 2,s S a% #rk@3 8.g 158 ,6 $65 13 SSE 3% %w%%f 0,@ 207 ,I ,8 343 3'2 SSE -49 1,J 0'0 lt 2& ,7 f ,5 f2R 6.3 SSE 41 -I,Q 0.8 148 4,2 6,s 143 5,7 SF 4P -.9 0'8 143 ra3 4.4 144 5~ SSE 29 -3'7 B.Q 1% ,I ,7 353 2,s SSE 91 q$ &" * i;,L a P1 z9v 2 .8 a9 3,2 SSE 51 3.7 D,B E 73 $3 ,B 214 h,3 S%C 54 2 8,O 197 ,8 1,s 131 SF 45 ,a a,@ 158 I+? 1,6 123 7,5 SE 41 -3 ,2 165 -4 ,Y 1 3,8 %F 62 ,P b,lf 149 1,3 I,! IS& 5,7 SSE 48 1.3 '9 201 .x , i , 35 3,8 SSE 58 4,O 9,@ 355 -3 . I ,f 336 4.8 SSE 63 2,Q 8,G 887 f ,3 399 $,4 SSE 48 -5.0 2,2 823 ,6 t,4 @84 O.3 SSE 62 ,% If ,O 1 453 ,3 ,9 - =8 SSE PO f ,3 3,2 144 ,l ,9 3k llS SSE 84 -,4 *2 172 .3 ,B 33U 3,? S5E 58 -3,O @,O 144 2,s 2'5 156 8.3 5E 12 -2Q.5 0'0 625 3,b 3.3 1% 8.3 SE ?A -7, B.0 212 1 I,$ 124 5,3 UBB 52 -,7 a 4 1 RS *3 I 39 4,9 SSF &W ,4 Q,B 188 , 4 ,% 27& ZZ2 SSE 66 -6 @,a I38 ,b ,9 t31 6.3 SE 53 -,S 8,0 330 ,9 ,P Zfl %,4 WMW h7 2,W 24.8 143 1,F i,l l9k 1%,P SE 65 9'1 4,2 444 *$ f *? 1% kQtR 55C 48 -a4 52,6 W JND FREQiJERt",Y SllMHARY FOR EI<I,.i.!S"NA MEA'TWER STAT? ON DATA TAMEbi ZUR TblG Sepf @#her , 1984 VEli.-QC:T"FY (MJS '! ..C .. 02 :t , Q -3 G u 6,O 10, E?i 15,O 20, Q "t' -+. r t,t -7.0 "r 0 TO "I" 7" t.. i3 I? DTRECTTQH l,O -..i. .s , 0 6,i) I0,i-I X ?.i , C) 219, 0 GlRE-:nT'tR TUFAi, rscl.r-l-.rr-~,.--.-r..,u.--n..r-arrr l.... *... rrrrrrrrr^rur.~.~.~-.~-.-..*i.*i.*i".*i.*i.*i,.*i..*i.*i.*i.*i.*i.*i.*iLI*.--r+-r.rrrrlo.rr-r.-r*.rrn.--.rm+.-r*+3.--.lrr--^r--- W NNE NE ENI' E ESE 5 E: f^Z I"- "' a -3 I-:. s BSir,Z I-">W QSk W \?a N bi rd N !\) "4 (1. i*.. P! .... 4 0 i. $4 i,,. !i- TI- zH + !4-iiOtjRk-Y h,,lLISNGWhVE RRDX ATS nS.2 Stti"i'i"Ic$R 'i F-I'M EfCt.tiTN& @iY&Ti-if:!B S'YfiT ION DATA TAKEN DURTMG Seo~efi%beo, 1984 1 B~TE #ten oar oars 0148~ osoo rbcg $?no osuo nsoa loot tloo 1208 130s i81oo 3500 iboo 1700 18,o 1900 Erea no8 2208 zzcn 2400 BVG ------1-1-1----------- Zla 30 38 35. 3% 29 90 29 39 29 38 38 29 29 311 35 31 31 30 31 28 28 29 50 27 259 29 28 ?8 2Y 34 30 31 38 28 36 33 32 32 32 29 29 29 29 38 3-2 38 29 ZP 30 31 Sf. 31 29 33 33 29 31 32 3b 39 35 3b 35 35 32 37 35 35 33 35 33 35 35 31 34 33 34 35 35 34 34 36 35 39 33 "d 33 333 33 36 35 96 $6 33 32 33 33 33 ?8 148 27 28 28 27227 28 27 28 3 31 32 311 33 33 34 33 32 32 34 32 83 Z34 28 2ks 25 tir 25 28 2t. 31 31 32 33 31 33 36 31 38 36 34 57 35 34 $3 38 3t 24 BESERUA*T aN $S\JMi\rlART fF- OR i<-ll(f-.\.f"l"Nh UEA'l't-1ER S'l'AT T UH DATA TAKEN DllRTNG S~otemhcr, 1984 TEMPER6iTURE bJIHD 5PEE;D WT%D DTRECTSON PEC\E( GUST RF~~w,AT 'I ZltE I+1.!HI B 3: TY PRECTP ITt3TION SQt-AR RADXATTOS DEtd PPOIN'T LBNGWAVE RADXATTO2 Ti-IERE ARE 1.2.30 P[JSFG:INI..E DRI;I<IIVfi'T3'0NS 'Ti-ITS H(3N'l'il FOR EACI-I PARAMETER. THE DATA HECORDING FBTE:RV~I, ss :3e nrMr.jTEs, The following adjustments have been made to this month8 s ..data: -*. '"." ' 1, RH -20 l3.H points 2. Solar -1 W/IW/CM~ Additional comments on this manth6s data: 1. Rd dtta suspected to be poor ail month, due to bad oscillato~ but have been published as indicative of true RH. Many erratic values have been deleted throughout the month. f% "I h 8. l. 2. Wind sensor bearing replaced 9/4, 3. No temperature, RH, or wind data 913-914 due to annual nain- ti~nan(~c~-, 4. RH sensor rep]-aced and cal.ibrated 9/4, 5. LW radiation ciata suspdcted ts be poor 911-914 due to illter- mittent bad electrical connection. 4 C)iCY*I~mIC=L~~6rdm~~mrc=,~~zaa~-~t;3;Pe?-c:4~~~Ez:~ We- - .s " &e"&&&m"&G&&&&&& .. - "' - ,, " * - ". .(*. 1 & "leE;;&&r=LS- -e-esyawm "" t HOUR BEN UTNO UfHD GUST #AX, )b;ifUW DEU U119Q UfHB EdST HAX, 80UR QEM UXHB MIND GUST HhX, MDK YE@, POEN1 WH D4W I SPb, DPR, &BT RAB HBK TEHP, F531NIF fati Era, sPfllt DIR. 6j295'F WAD Pa"iB#G YEHP, POINT RR BIR, SPD, OlR, BAD DEC C BE6 G Z BEG, WIS PEG ~t5 HU REG G BEG G X DEG, 8fS DEG, PlliS HU DES C IIEG G I DLC, H/s QEGl firs 81 1 BAY 13 DAY 14 T:l,il$t )?' $ C' rl hGUB DEB WIN BiJND GUST &AXs HOUR rr "fU i QfND UIHD GUST Rl?rX, HOUR DEM WIHB UIWB GUST gAX #@R6 $EBB PIPIgS" RH DIR iiPD, DIR 8 GUST R4D #D#6 TEHP, P08HT WH DIR SPBZ DIW 8 GUST RAi) 8DNS 7ESP POEdG ItM DIW a -SPD, Dl%, GUST WBB BEG C BBG E X BEG, tIPS BEG, S M BEG C i3EG G Z BEG, HtiS BEG, WIS ,;i4 .* .- DEG C BEG G 2 DEG. HIS DEG, ~IS HU ---0 ---.-------=-------... .e-..r-.---l---c~------~~-------~---------~--~~~~-~~---~~~-----------,~-----~~--------- 038@ -3%3 z%na% 71 ##% wg%# I ,P 0 0308 -4,Y %%@e@ 72 s%# #%%a $88 1 ,g @ Q3Q4 -63 -f.Q,7 33 ass #nna r#% 2,s Q Q$OB -33 se@# 72 t#% $r~%%% 38s 1 ,P 8 8680 -s14 ss%%% 75 %#% %%.saw #+!n 1 ,p 8 8648 -7,B %w##r 77 %nr #?+a j29 $j BPI9 -I,% %HS% 73 %Sf #iff% %ft I,? 3 BY8Q -5.9 -8,4 76 g.sE.9 #%#S %%# f ,9 3 8900 -!jlQ w%$#w 74 59% a%#n WE 1 ,s 6 1208 4,8 -5135% $70 f,0 168 Zc5 441208 l,7@~~%~56 082 ,5 853 I,? 451200 ngn-%%30 171 ,a 183 2,s 17 %58B S,b -5,s 45 259 ,$ 201 2,5 54 1509 2.9 -7,4 47 329 !*2 336 S:? 38 1500 3,4 -9,1 47 195 ,b 214 4*P 14 1808 -,3@@%%@78 221 ,% 215 2$5 O 1800 -2,bs@%H70 263 ,b 319 2,s O 1888 -1,2@#39%tb a54 ,? 327 f,B 8 2148 -,3 ag%8@ 76 158 ,7 469 1,9 D 2IOQ -Ss7 -9:9 72 562 ?,B 193 8 21On -4,O 70 160 ,8 155 1,9 D 2440 -2148%@%g71 162 $45 I,? 82400 -BIZ-10,273 %%%%%%% %M I,? O2508 -5,3 -9,572 ~w#wwws% WE I,? 8 HOUB DEU UIMB #XMD GUST HAX, #OUR BEV UIH%fMT#DGUST~AXs NDUW Db.U &4$4D USNB FdST 8AX, NBBE TERP, POINT BH B%R, SPD, DIR, GUST WAD MbWG VEHP, PBI#T WH DIW SPDI DIE, GUST BAD NDWG TEHP, PQEHT WN D IR, SP8, UIR, GUST EhQ BEG c DEG c I DEG, HIS DEC, HIS nu BEG c BEG c z BEG, #IS BEG, I~PS 8~ DEG c DEG c x ate, nis BEG, ws HU -_.EII-Y-.la-__II_.-----~----~*--*-~~~m----~--~-- PI-----------..(------------------------------ Oll-.li-------C-lI...------DlplBII----------.*------**--m&-- 8308 -5,o a%##%?$ #%%%%n# 2.5 fl o36P -&,I n%#w%?l IbQ I,1 3:3B 2,s [I @380 -9,2-!4,7 84 ~bh f,3 138 J,? fi Q~OO -7,0 g~gwo 74 ~~~~~~s gag 4,9 0 PrdO -3,k gBag.878 165 It3 178 2,s a shoo --e 4 -as,@ 64 144 1,~ aijs 3,~ 0 0900 -6'3 @Bg#% 73 @#*#% @a@ 2,s 2 U9@0 -8,s -12,6 72 166 t,G 182 i,P 2 0948 -9,2 -13,6 78 147 l,f !S? 2,5 5 1209 3,2 -7.7 45 tb5 1,i 158 2@5 42 I209 2,6 -0~7 55 159 1,O 175 3,' 54 1280 I,? ga#a# 44 1t55 ,R 1&5 i,9 28 %580 8,1 $3 285 ,9 24k 2,s 30 1500 4,1 -15,8 22 225 t7 3QU 2,S 29 lfOB I,,> -Q,4 43 238 ,3 183 1 ,? IQ 1800 -1,9 -7,8 b4 168 4,O 488 1,9 C 1880 -3,7#@##@48 fhE '9 173 2'5 O IROQ -2,2 8sx%* 58 1S2 ,? 1~4 I,? 8 &la$ -5,2 -9$b 71 182 1,O $77 0 2130 -Tz3 -13 5 bS lb3 1:EiB "1'0 2'5 O 2108 -5'8 %++%?# A4 153 .R Ih2 1,9 0 24@4 -be% -10,V 12 1$1 1,U 157 2,s O 2400 -R,? -13,6 65 165 1,2 IbS ?,5 O 2480 -4,O -10t4 hl 268 I O 1Ab 23 THREE HOUR SUNI$ASY FUR EKl-UTP* 94f:A'THER STATION DBTA TAKEN DUR%NG OcTaber, 15184 BAY 19 h3QR DEkj UX#B UIHD GUST R4X1 HQUR BEU UlH'fr #TgD GUST PsAX, HaUW DEU UfND HIHB GUST HAX* HBBg HER, POZHf RH DIP, SPB, BPR. SUST WhD gBHG TE#PI POINT 8ff BER, SPD. DIR, GOST RAfr ND#G TEfiP, &DINT Rff DIR, PBX BIR, G51'ST EefiB EG C BEG @ % BE?, 8tS DEE, His Hu BEG C DEG C X DEG, MJS UEG, HIS #id DtZ C DEG C Z @EGl WPS BEG, NIS - ---.--LIP-P----ls-----------------.Tll (-.-----.-.---..-------,-----*-----.=---------- 838@ -E,B %#%%a ;I tb4 ,P 170 i ,B O 6300 -,7 9f%#3Z: 70 f 61 ,61 181 l t9 O 8300 as #g$JC# 89 f 64 .5 262 1.3 @1 8689 -2,4 -8,3 5$ 163 "s 11BB d,B U 8bBB -.8 %%#%# 78 I64 ,4 167 l,S 8 OhOD ,? a%%#% 9d fB8 5 2 1 O By18 2,"h@%.IF. -52 1b2 -9 173 3,s 3 890g -,4 %@wnn 79 165 ,$ I39 f,3 1 OfrOO 4.3 -%S 71 180 t7 198 4'4 2 Bit%@ 3,1 @a%%% 52 141 ,7 %@ 13 19 1208 Ill %%%n8 78 161 ,4 159 I,? 15 m2ao 23 -3 7% 339 337 6.3 14 1548 4,9 %%%@@ 38 175 ,5 I51 I,? 13 i5BQ 1,2 %#nrw 90 167 ,6 138 1.3 9 1500 3,2 -1 $8 74 338 2,f 33A 4,4 14 1818 2,7 -%,4 55 21G ,2 I&@ 1,9 1 1868 .3 .Im+Hg% 80 fbb $5 1% ! V $808 3,Q -1 *0 75 JSP 2,F 334 Skll O 2188 ,I *@3m Sb 088 ,E 337 1,3 8 2108 *? #@as% 85 162 ,4 180 t,~ 0 ElOU 8*7 -3,3 43 048 .8 228 O 2480 -2 n~gs 162 ,7 aha r,9 a 2408 %a 99 ts~ ,t! 1511 I,? a zsso 73 -33 353 !43 2,~ ~$1 $3 o HOUR DEU 31WB UZHD SUSS 8&Xt 8OUR DEW MINQ UINB GUST' 24X. HDiiR DfM MfMBWINDGUSfHBX, WONG YEHP, PBSHT ww DIR, SPD, BIB, EGST aan gsw; rEnp. PoIBr aH QrR, ~PD, ori:, chsu NBHG TEBP. POIMT RH BIR, SPB, DZR, GUST RAD DEG @ DE6 2 Z DEG, HfS BEG, RbS #U BEG '2 DEG G X BEG, 8!S SCG, #J5 #U DEG 6 DEG C X BEG, HPS BEG, HiS RU -----~-----*--4----*---#--~~----~"-~- ---------.I------------------------------- -----------.----------------------------*--- HOUR DEg UIHB UINB GUST @AX I HOUR DEW QIHD 8IHB GUST HkX. NGU3 DEW UTWD MIMD GUSf WAX, NDN6 KEP, PO%b$"FBW BIR, SPB, BIB, GUST RBD HBPG TERP, POINT RH BSR, SPD, D1&, GUST RAB i<BWG TEP"5I" PPe51PT RQ 0487, Slag, DfR, GUST WAD DEG c BEG e x DE~, nrs DEG, nis nu DEG c BEG c x Dfe, BEG, 141s ~w DZG c BEG c x DEG, DEE, H/S MM .-ICI-II-PIU--U~-PILIIUIL)--CI--.--D--.~---la-.na-r --xrPI.a~nraauil-P.-~----iE..------r----------------- -------------------r*-ym-----~------1I--*L"^.-.---_ Q3QO -$,y-P3,$"T %aPB%%%# %%####a B 0306 -1914-1519%18 aE%%*%# g%Q 2#5 O b'10 -9,*2%#-X#%74 #%%a%%# %#a ?,"J ~688 -4,& -%3,7 72 %sn %@%x %#i~ @a## 0 o&Qg -Q,7 -1?.0 70 E%% #%w# 8%~ 2,5 g 0696 -13 'T w%s#% 71 a#@ #wag %%a ?,5 0 gy~~ -9@2 -13~3 72 ~93 #s*g gnji anaa 2 0980 -1: ,5 -IS,? 71 gcs ~38~ wu j1? 2 -I L % 15,3 31 ##K% WH 1 , y 8 f2@Q -1,8%%%%%51 t44 ,4 159 1,9 821206 -2.1 -10,254 lb3 It@ #gg Zt5 431200 -2,6-10,25& tRb ,? *%% 2,3 91 ItjQ# -2'0 -8,Y 58 161 1:4 Ib8 3,2 b 15flO -4,l -lo,Y 59 173 I,# 1%d IIY 5 1500 -2,7 59 176 ,3 165 1 ,y 5 1880 -5,0 -1g13 kb 149 f,Z 142 2,5 0 1800 -7,4 N~~~~ 72 970 4,iI I78 1,9 O 4800 -8-4 ~$2~5 32 I,"! 480 2,s fj 2104 -8,~ -'3.3,5 ap 4.iri~ NW 2,s 8 i.:jOo -gasp -$5*4 69 RR-R SCW %M% ~~3 5 2100 -10,s -'94,6 "2 ww WE 2,s D 2448Q -.%4,4-%5,@ ,$9 ."#%a##% ##a 2,s 4 2101 -"1,6-$5,673 #F.E %a%% %E# 3' tJ 0 2484 -11,s "-15,4 72 u~ ;dtr.ua aw# :,E~ 81 THREE HOUR SUHHARV FOR EKLUTMB 14EA'"i'CIER Salf"&T:tQt\h 1 :$AT& TAKEN DURXNG October. I5)ilp ~ D&Y 28 DAY 29 DAY i4NR 8 WIND aibTNQ GUST BAX, HOUR DEB HOUR KW WIN8 MINE) GUST g4Xs TE@* POI#? RH BIRR ISPP, DIR, GUST @&ID Saw TENP, PlOiiMT RH DIR, SPB, DIR, GUST RA8 WDNG TEKF, $Q%m IZH BIR, $PBX DIE, GUST WAD &E G BEG C % BEG, CtfS BEG, W#S @U BEG G DEG C % BEG, 5fS DEC, BfS HW BEG h: BEG 6 X BEGl HlS BEG, n!s --B.*rrU-~--.~).~)(.ar(.ar(.ar(.ar(.ar(.arc.*~*ra~~-~~~~~).--~n -.--e-----C--Ul~-ll--"-LIC--rara--1---rarara"rarararara Prs"l.a--ac.--a-.-.--..r--.rara-rara-rara-C---rrr---a---~ 1319 -If ,8 -%5,8 72 aka@ 39% 2,s B 0300 -f%,T na%w &B 84aE r%w% %st.% 2,s O Q3DO -10,4 -$SSP 619 %#S %%a# #H ?,5 O sak&8@af$,3-l%,5 71 3iaHrIM %%H 2,s 8 fib00 -fb,Z-28,478 %3%f%F% H3Y I,? O fib90 -8,?%@#iat.%68 %%%#ie%% %rg 2,5 lli 8416 -12,& -f$,? 71 #W SIC#%% 3% H 1 $9 2 B9CO -%5,6 -68,8 78 M#K %#?I% 39% f ,P 1 B988 -b,5 fWf% &b ZH Sf%# 91% 3,2 f 62@@ -2,5 HWH 172 ,& $M 2%5 43, 120g -5.8 -14,6, 48 %s% %fH fff 2,s 37 1200 -z14 -P,8 57 Hhg $H%jh fZ% 3,8 16 ls~t~ -5e0~n~~~~5 18s ~li $37 2-5 sasao -7s~-~3s~b2 205 A 203 I,V 41300 -1~g~~fg5;~ 167 ,b tfpq 1.9 53 $881 -iB,B -I3,7 94 {Ira3 @%a 2,s O 180g -il,&1 -36,8 87 88% %@%% %@a 2,s 9 18130 -,ti -Bs5 614 174 .a I?& 3.2 D 2181-12,4-Ik&,%$B W%H% I,? &2BOlt-13,3-18,f b7 sg%f@.?a% r%% 23 82100 -=lt.8 -8,75i91 323 I,& 358 jb34 I 2418 -1 2,8 -E&,8 TcZ ar9n% H%% 2,5 fj 2400 -1fj,1 %#sns &"fig% %nag %#% 2,s 2.%0$ -2,O %%%%ba 209 *5 312 3,z 8 DAY 31 THREE %OUR 5UHrFf"ARY FOR EKf,,if'fF'NA WEAT WE!$ S"TA"5" 3:SjN 1 DATA TAREN DURING Ucfobcr. 1984 wma BEY WIMB IBIWD GUST ~hxX, frt~u~ DEW MetSW BEE UIHD ~usl nhx, W% ?E@, P&IH"TB BlP , G"$ST R3tiiB NO& TE8P, POINT WM fb38 1 SPD. BXR , G2FTi ?AD HBgG TEBF , POINT iRH DfR a SP0, DIR* CQST WfiD .. EG $: DEG G f QEC, IRIS BEG, Hi: % BEG G BE6 C x DfG #fS QE6, 4% %k! BEG C DEG I 2 BEG, Rr'S 8EG, #is Hu .-"' me-em- IY~--~c.I-.LM.IQII.;~--PW-~.*I---.----*~(.- ---~~~--~.-----.~-~-.-----*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.*r(.~ -w--------m----e<m--*------------------* @319 -.%&,8-%5,87 2e~w m 2,s 4 DiSBQ-13,7%%%~69 #~%si.%aw %a% 2,s B 0300-19,4-15,0 159 wr#%~ a.lp-ae 23 3 8bS8 -11 E9 -13,s 72 .H#% H% 2,s Q @&flQ3"-f 6,2 -20,4 71 SS~B #@ it ,V 0 01508 --a1? %%%%% ibis .?s%% ,:%%a %%% 2,s B ff9#l-12rQ-lb,7 71 SZIEE#S srw l,Y 2 QYoo -15.6 -19.879 3tf#@@H 9199 f,9 1$98l! -6,5%Ri#ZIbB S##R~%Z Bffi 3,2 f l28@ -2,399BW82 lR ,& 88% 49 42QI -5,B-14,1 49 8%2%X%ai #%% 2,s 37 HSlBO -3,4 -0,lf57 r%i.n%aE.sm 533 ZIEI Ik 65Jb -%,B %%%%% &S $89 1,8 1187 2*5 5 lt581 -7.9 -f3,53 62 205 ,& 263 ;4,9 4 95011 -,;t %E%ww S'? I$;? ,fi IS? i .P 13 3880 -18,0 -13,1 74 rrci @t@ 2.5 0 1800 -11.9 -16,8 67 rva Mrr i%t 2,s 8 1800 -.b -6.5 44 174 .7 176 3.2 O j 21@0-!2x4-1b.969 aviaswa =a 13 U2100-13.3-18.lb7 rritarri anr 2,s 0210(1 -1,B -8,759 323 i,b 336 4,4 8 ' 2139 -1z18 -i&,S 72 a%% It@%% ES% 2,s 8 2490 -bQ,"r4~f4%.%@ 67 I## #%%I ~3% 2,s 0 2439 -z10 aaHs 712 209 ,5 312 3,2 8 i HOUR E UIBB na~~ GET MX, #BE TEW P%hTM"FRH BIB, !ijpSD, BIR, GET t6D FBEG E BEG C X BEG, #[IS BEG a fff5 EM -I_--__1_J.I____PP~_(-.L1-------I.I--Q"----slQ---.LI- 3 J18 -8,7 $8 142 2,s 14b 5#1 8 8588 3,4 -9,d 39 11% t ,8 f3b S,? 1 BPI@ 3,6 -1G,2 35 129 2,B 138 b,S 2 t2Qa 417 -$ft5 3@ E4Z %,B 139 ?at 26 , rtvap 4500 14#4 -Sl,S 33 t47 3,8 i43 A13 4 1800 -I,? HBSs 49 f& Is$ I&5 3*1 O 2100 -5,2@%@@%65 157 *8 I&& !,Y Q 24QB -7,b -12,$ 67 972 ,% 187 f ,9 Q ,- .-" :J : - - I -m- i-. .a> !-- .p --. - .-. # -. .-- W 2 ND FREQUENCY StfHE&f.""f'[)R EICL..CS'f"NA WE&T'\-lil::'tl' 5TA7':t QN DATA TAKEN DURIrNG DcTcber, 3984 QK2 Ti; DIRECTION ? ,8 ------1-.-*---_m--__I_- EME ,47 1,87 I. ,87 if . 6! I) 0, Of'? 0 , I1 Ci SSE $5 SSW SbJ WSW W D?iJ M $41 N C%?s N $1 bf C A I.'. f4 *+I. i 1 '! 64 1 .~ k. i:: 4.a h.J .......... ;\ 0 0 # 0 (b HOURLY SQt,AW R&DE&'rXQN St,lHMAR'.i FOR E!:t<L.,tfT'NB ldE:A2'tdER ST&"! ION DATA I"&l(EN DtIR JEQriS Qc .r; obe~ , 1984 BAR 8108 8200 8308 1406 ~508 ahan a7aa es04 cpoa laoo afao taata tzoa fslja ~sotl nsno 1708 ISBB 1708 20110 21t?0 2208 23~6 2;5ito -~--_*---U_~~QI*--~-~---~-~-~---~~~~~-~~--~-i.e-PII-- "--..---....--------.--.-..--.-~-I---IC....---.------COUC---------4II-----..I*--I------------- 1 e0~~025t3182:35933?1$7?~ a o B n~ 2 P 88 80 O BSfP61Gt2952?312999 O DO 8 12 3 O D O D 0 8 5 763394857552713 5 2 O O 8 B 8 ft 4 Q B E 8 3 6 0 1320415054524528 4 2 O 8 $ 8 0 012 5 O OO 9DO?101530ThtbPd?51 8 8 Q 4 86 b 8 0 B U 8 D B 2 2&25?82P?U15 7 1 D 0 0 0 0 It 7 7 D 0 F 0 8 0 O 1 b14fB2;3"?2iCiji?25 5 4 8 t3 t! O O O 5 8 OOBOOO49PB3~??4OOOBO2 9 14 1 O O 8 O f 2 82446495037 B 4 I R O B B 8 010 $41 D o o 8 e a t I 8 8ta1~27323314 5 1 B B o o D 7 If 8 OOO 0081 415t8t?I&lPIb82QQB 08 9 05. 12 B 4 n a e t s Y~~~?~P~Q?BID 5 I o u a e D ero 13 O 8 BB W 8 B t 3179843459355953 O 8 OB 0 18 $4 @ O B 2 8 8 8. 3174846494653 O 3 3 6 8 O D 8 O1Q I Z O OOOOf 42B232llYt864O488DOB8 5 tb O 4 Dg ROO2S843434248325 1 O B 8 B? % 7 8 B 8 O fi 8 8 B 1342544&4032 4 2 t Q 0 $ 8 814 f 8 9 4 O@ ROfl32$2?2@17f@73 8j P @ Q 8 5 1 Y 8080@~24~fb0121592~03003 EB 0 @ @ 6 8 8 0 f 313f512tB 5 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 0 2 2 I B o aoosn2131st7i61se3a o o a a s 22 $03 E a~~oba17aa~steso8oo o4 23 OBOODO148llfbl3ItBCUO~~~ 24 o e s o 0 o e 2 h~zlb~?asij 7 2 o 8 0 o o s 4 25 O B O O O O 0 4 2143O404BIc 7 4 2 9 8 C 0 8 8 8 & 26 D@$OGQ9t5334950764?OO8 8 8 6 7 27 OOOOBDBtS4333~418&4fB9QOBO~+ 28 0~~0aao29~44~45s3to~~ok 2 9 @8OOfl8i?%s3546b53f8OO@Go6 38 ~OII~~BQ1"/"315li%f3i;1IIQ~~~~~ 31 O 0 8 O O 11 O 42827295" d.5fSOfl@~@~&t$ LQMfSUAVE RfiDIAT 1 DN UAl-.tji,S IN M:E t,,t.,. :I: WA'B'I'S Ff I: R Skl1.IAA I::, r':lFbi'T 11: Ht,:'f'i--.tf 9 33 31 30 30 34 35 32 31 34 32 33 37 3Y 32 31 32 32 32 32 31 $8 31 33 31 32 2 38 33 31 52 33 32 38 JO 29 38 31 29 28 31 31 31 32 35 31 28 23 33 3 32 31 3 33 2? 27 29 28 28 28 30 27 22 31 31 26 29 28 32 ?? 25 24 26 22 24 24 23 29 4 23 2 22 22 23 13 22 23 23 34 28 32 32 32 31 28 23 23 23 zz 23 28 26 25 5 2Q 29 31 39 32 35 31 30 32 36 33 33 32 32 34 53 33 3 33 31 33 3% 31 30 38 & 32 28 30 32 32 39f 25' 26 38 38 31 3% 31 38 31) ?I 29 28 25 21 22 2 2 %b 29 7 2 2 2 2b 28 28 25 27 26 29 29 28 28 32 29 31 25 38 31 27 27 28 24 26 27 8 27 23 26 27 29 32 28 7 31 32 31 27 ?& 22 25 23 24 25 25 24 25 24 24 25 z& B 24 25 2% 22 19 25 24 23 23 24 21 %%E 344% %+f2 ##% #%a %E% 84% %## ft#f %#f RQ94 348% %SZ I$ $B %%% fgg 88% %Z% %Sf SO# ZZ# 2## 98% 334% Wlf W%I 834% 22# 69% %f& Q11 88% #Z# K$H FWf 3-29 Z*E3 f%@ if %% %H I%# $93 #is LlWZ f%t 4t#$ %## #%% Mf% %%"kg% i48% #f#% 38% #Sf# 39% %Xi% $I%# 33% %%% 93% 389 E:-t8 82 998 tIC if3 i.iBC$% fag %fY HfS 3K$ #$"W %8E I%# tHK f#$ %:.a44 #ww 33s %#w %w% c.3si; %ax Em4 %c.w% @%% 13 8%~ %I$ ME 16~ %ZI 838 ti^ 99% n23 ws~ wag wtw nwn 83% %sw 89% %sin 8g.x 39% st%$ @wn ws #%pis %% j4 %St $99 $$k iBEW 88% #@f It# Yf% %Ehi% ##t MKS 93% 93gft 8#Q fQ% ZS% #Zf TEf.32 #CE@ %%@ %%g PFS Wfl $!Z?C, 15 PBf #Yf 38% Hf# #t% %## f#% 3488 f## %RC $349 f#W CtB Sf% WlI WE% #3# ##H %SQ f.X# ft3 f%g 334% %## f& #%R %#% 34348 8% f%# M## 99% @tQ Elf %f# R3f fZK f#R #fE @ff fW% @Sf HZ #3t #933 %#it *PX 349% #8?4 t%2 ds7 #%E ZII 8.38% 14QQ 4434% 3lt $38 tWW .ff%% ;!BW #&% f%Q t#% B18 ?big 38% 98% f#f X#% %%I #%$ %#E ZtP *### 93% 18 #%Z %8# f%# fMf ##4 is% E%# Efft %ZP %ZW 99% #sf 459% Fgg 33% #%E #ff #Bf BKK MZf #%% %W# #Kg %## Z#B iP %ZX Z#5 fHf fk% 3#% I%% %## #WZ WZf %@I #f% *X% ##h fWf %Wf %%@ %%W #%$ %+if #%# %%f Mff #Xf 98% XWF 20 84% 29% iW# @Kg ##Q Hff @%K %#W 82% 3#3 fft tQE 8KYt E#Z ##$ Wlf W#W 2#K #3# f#% #@f #Q# XI# sf% #%# 21 wn% 99% %#a #nc 98% w## ##% wwa E#% w%% #%# r@# #%w 33% %%w w%w %#% a## aws E.K+# n%w #%% wsw #it# 338 25 #@f #%Z i@# Wf t#E Zf% WE3 Ift #W3 CW# I%% #WI %f% %## Z%# ##% @8Z #f% #W# Wf# X#B #%4 W%t %%$4 'z& %#C ##B KZf #PZ $83 W1I 94934 %@% %%% %ZW 98% Sf# Hlf WlX WiH %#% Sf# All MY 3CI #fX Qf% -%I% 523 27 &ZP EPI 93% f#E b#% SZW 39% #%f f84 #fQ WQI %W# f#i QWf E29 EQ$ MI% 436% PRC $99 ##Z ZBt #9f #b% X#% 28 9%~ %x?t ~3 ngw EW agw ngn wr .Z-E~ mfi ws# xwx wi n*# w+tc cd~ snn w~x #a# ~SJ* xa* uwx ux wrs sx.g %$3f ZZ# %%44 Z%% *#%.if tf% #f% 33% WW :.&# %%P %.#% gP%t %#% #?$-kt MF I!%% I*# #Xfi R%t I!'#% If# +$E# #II #.aB;@ 3@ sf5 I&%% #w3 i""*.. %%it M# %+#?r.a I#% EWE f## t*H Z%Z 9t4 4EY %EX qfi! #$V fa# #BW %3$& .Kg-2' %8M #.I.PX %#I 28% PAR~\HE~:R N\.)MElER OF \.3SAI.$l.. ii: jn 1:': 14 f'" ,= 1;; ... N -I' ~b f.. OE+51!,M ~],"AT 'X. ttN!*i "f] A b. 0 g :if t'::: la {;r A "'f n: [:j i& $: ----lrrrlrl)r--rar.~"-.---*urm*--an*.r)r.m..rt*urrrrr.rtm----,~.%.~.--.*~-*~-.-*-.-~-~ ,.-,,. ""...--..e---.,e...-.-- ...,. 'T" P-1 E R E.: A l'q E. 1, 4 t3 I$ P CI Ei 'T. Ej 1, E: El E{ 5 I,: R t; & "1' :I: C) N 'T 14 :'; S pq k.1 'r [-\ 1::' [:I R i,: t.1 la & M 1::' i' , THE DATA RE:I:ORX)XNG Iii4lE:Mt;Bf ... 3:s 311 ~t~t;tif'TE:S, I, BQE4 -16 RE1 points 2, Solar -1 MW/CM~ Aicdditionajl csments on this month9 s data: 1. RH oscillator replaced 10/9. RH data poor prior to 10/9. Timing and quantity of precipitation are suspect since freezing temperatures occurred almost every day. However, thawing temp- eratures also occurred almost every day, so daily totals should be! fair, ~ 3. LW radiation data poor after 10/9 due to low sensor battery. 4. Intermittenk b~ind speed and direction d3ta lost due to frozen anemometer a>d wind vane, Na precipitation data for Nove~ber (See INmmNTATLON OF DPbTA) . HOUR PEW U3%11 UlHD GtiSV HfiX, 9PiiiR PEO @TMD W XM '3.63 WAX, Hob? DEW 91#3 8fND GUST HAY, HDRG TEHiS, P8IH"CPN Df R , Sf D, QIR GUST R&8 MBNl f EHP, 1991tiiT WEI BfR, fpi"Fi. QIR . GV';f RRD P!DNG TFBP , PCI3lr 3% QIR, SPB, Dl8 ek!sT Rkf) DEG f BE6 C X DEE HIS DFG, 8:s Y! PEG C PEG C X BEG, 8iS BEG, WS #M DEG C DEG 2 X bEG, WS OEG, HiS #!4 -------3-.--i*--..r-a--nll-^r*all----. ------r--r----.--e---~----------- -----.-----------.------.---.r-------------------- $308 -B,3 -i4,9 69 bhZ I,! 159 2,s 8 0300 -142 -tYA b8 165 1,I 169 23 4 0308 -It,& -f6,5i 87 157 f,l 134 13 O 8680 -:I*? -IS,? 32 157 1'1 lR4 L? 9 RbQ5 -13,4 -17,P 69 176 f,3 I?? 2,5 U OSOO -12,0 65 158 1,2 169 2,5 D 8400 -1.54 -Is,& 71 961? 1,a 155 2,5 1 8900 -i9J -iSriX ii7 I68 !.if tat i,9 1 OplO -"r3,5 -3R,Si &5 166 1,3 13 $3 1 1x00 -3,B -E,s t.8 Ifhh ,P 179 2,: 37 3200 -4,s n#wnw sf 170 3 $0 f?2 2,s 35 4280 -3.9 -f3,q1 41; 1h.r .is? 173 2,5 38 1501 -f3,3 ST ty;$ ! ,# 166 f ,F) 4 1580 %.L"%.E# %.En%# %# %%.he 8S.X-w %-Xi$ A%%# %.K# fSftO -4,5 -13,Ti "J Oi74 1 ,@ $95 2-5 5 180% -!a,& -!5,5 $P/5 1.2 fb9 2,5 8 1800 %S#w# %%##% 3% I#WI ffl E.k;%t fE.X -7,T -f3,1' &? f&i, ,z 172 2,s 0 2'$0@ -13,9 -f;7,9 69 453 1.1 144 2,5 6 2104 %a%#% a#%#-% 3% %SBz a%%%- %%# d##$ %*R% 2186 -9,s -%&,6, &5 I&'? 1,3 ibif 3.2 0 2448 -13.7 --f8,0 78 fQiS t,j I&$ ?,5 fi 2488 -1I,9 -1h,9 69 164 f,3 170 ?.5 D 2900 -9,4 -14,0I 69 15h '1.2 112 2,2 R eJ)UR DEU @THD GUST W&YR, MPUR DEM U4gB U3HD GI15T #AX, hOQW PEU di#DUIBDGQSSB4X, WDHG TERP, FQIR? RH DIR, SPQ, 3fR, GUST RAD HDNG TERP, POFHT R8 DlR, STD, BSR, GG51 RkD NDE2 IEBF, TOIHS WR DIR, 5Pb, DIR, GUST RAD DEC C BEG C X DEG, fiiS PEG, 8PS BW DEG C KG C X BEG, HZ? PEG, HIS atxi PEG G BEG f X DEG, RfS BE6 @IS HM --V---CZ-.--YOI.I-CI-.LI1---.---lll-------C-------- --------------------.--P---Y-------------- ---I..I---I-----(^.-r---P--.ll--------U-----.--.-R-- i33QQ -l2,2 %%n%w b& %bit 1-2 152 2.5 iJ 8380 ,9 %%w## TO 172 8 173 3,;l 8 896 -,2 -7,0 &$ 102 ,@ $71 2,s 0 0608 -~2,egsa#srivi~3 1,: $68 2,~ o obea -,,z -6~fi3 311 1.i fag 3,8 o -,5swsnss;?f..0 "r~2 LO 175 ?,s ii 0900 -ILI SR 1b5 12 177 2,s t Q400 -1,4 Yqg%a h3 245 ,3 325 3'2 D 8%ao -1,3 wRsns s3 15% ,7 16b t I lZOG -3,6 %@%%$SO it17 !,# 175 23 34 1200 -,I -?,I 59 321 1.4 341 3,8 ifl d2DB ?,B -hZ8 50 B94 ,I $23 3,2 25 lSOD -1,7 -f@,8 62 8?6 .8 161 ?,5 3 lSOQ ti3 -?.5 37 348 1,s 121 $3 4 1504 2,P -5,8 53 298 ,P 332 ?,? I! 1800 -&.R-tZ?,b &3 17,5 Iql 176 Ps5 8 t8OO &,1! -@,I 3h J28 3,4 121 ?,O O 1BOO L,T -5,0 65 154 ,4 ORE 2.5 O ?j@ifl -5,8 =%n% 6'3: 155 1,? 175 2,5 Q ,3180 L,$ -4r;i 63 122 I,? 134 6,- -,3 an##.# b2 340 ,9 340 3,? a) 24B8 -4,5*%#%46h l7Ii l,R 170 3,2 DitP"l3lt f,b+S#'.H@iii 068 ,S $42 j,@ Or3408 -t,l#%#8%65 463 ,5 170 1,3 0 HOUR DEb @IRTI UiNB GUST HAX, biOUFS UINQ WibiD FVST WAX, hOUR D<U U%rC%) h3fiZiT) GUST t"iB?iX, #DNG TEBP, PCXMT Wk FIB, SPB, Big, GUST RAD P!FHG TEW, PfliNV RH FTR. SFD, 818, GUST WAD gDb9 TF@, POINT RW BIB, SP9, Big, LUST RAP .. - stG C DFG C X PEG, +$!S DZ6, PUS tlU DFG f DF'G C BEG. wi5 DEG, 8/5 !!b DEG L DE6 C X PEG, HIS DFG, it/$ Hg _P___^____*I____-I-~------~.---------- I-tD----C.--ti-.---------.------J-------a----l--...- -------------.I----*-----(11--11111--.--11-I^-L*I-r*-CI.C)- 9303 .9 -h,O hP ibO ,b ilb 3.2 O 0301 -1.2 -11.5 11 :5C -9 !50 1,Y O 9380 -12.6 -17.3 tX ibb 1.0 178 1.9 -!.1~#rribl Ih1 .h 147 I.? BDbOO -P.P***t@II 158 ,P 1% 1.9 DOhDB-14.3-19.?bh 169 1,O 173 1.9 8 ~900 =-!.I anaashl 154 ? 1% 1.3 D BYOO -!fl.$a*r%*10 166 .9 171 1.9 1 OFBO -15.1 xxrr*%b5 !67 1.g ib& 1." 12~~ $7 tdgrr 65 thU .7 Lb8 t $3 !O 1200 -3.3 -9,s b3 $61 .5 1.9 1? 1265 -8.5 arxst b4 167 !*g 1'58 1.9 2& 15@3 -5.4 62 ?9h .i 356 2.5 5 1500 -2.4 -8.5 bJ I98 '3 ih9 1.9 4 1500 -6.b El$%* hi3 172 ,Q I?@ 1 ,V b 1RflO -j,jh3 34h 1.5 312 3;P O!Rfi$ -8.3*+%+.#?3 knh 116 1,9 O18$~-12.1-:h.b6~ it8 1,1 111 !,$ 0 210~ -1.6 axe%% hl ?R? .i 31R 19 O ZlOO -12.9 =-!LO 72 Ih? 9 117 1.9 8 210G -11.8 -15.5 49 163 1.0 1":1 0 2400 -5.9 rei;*E h9 13: .$ lh0 1.3 0 ?4\00 -11.4 -!b.7 70 143 i .i 174 1.9 1 ZaO8 -12.3 -1h.9 b? ibJ 1.0 162 +J ,? 0 *T'$IR EE Mf?\]R S[JMMA@ 'f" Ff3R t::{.cft 1.i'TNA idEf3'T't-tFR S'T"&"r":%" ON DATA TAKEN BUR TbtG Not*e~be? , 198*%. 3fr~g BEU VERB uiBn G~~SV fi~x, OUR DEM B;HF GUST MAX, ~oua DEW BI~B ~THI) nw, HB~~G TE~B, PQSHT RH aiR, SPD, DIR, ~aa~ NDHG TEMP, PDIS~~T RH BIR, SPQ, BIB, GUST WAD HDHG TE~;P, POTRT law sxa, SPD, ola GUST WAD BEG C BEG C W BEGl #/S BE&, HIS 34Q BEG C PEG C % PEG, If/$ BEG, HlS EM BEG C BEG C 1 BEGI %/S BEG MIS #U 8380 -31 ,if. wshagg 71 3~ agsa sag I ,? 8 0308 -8,4 nsgwg "f ~9gb; .Irtsc-#n j ,y o DQBD -$,a g~.aawzll :?3 n39 g~gw -I@ ,f %%u%% 73 %a# %%w$ 39% f ,9 8 9630 -I?,@ *%#%a 7D awn %%%# ~$8 f,3 O 8848 -7 f %a#%% 74 43% %%a# as@@ -j5.3 %#g~g 73 -RH sgws ~3 q ,3 o @Boa -11 anas8 71 gug an#$ %#a 1, s o 0900 -a,? ggngw gas sugu Ez#Q -7,z nn#w% 70 %s% %$%# #%% ~ a 2 $280 -9 $4 %#%%# 72 98% H%%K tftg f ,9 2 ~~~~ -8.4 #g##% 73 %?ti4 f833 fSaB -+1,2 %Hsa 72 39% s%nf Ww 1,9 1 150b -9 ,T w###g 72 Haw #%%# 98% 1,3 1 -9, f %%%## 73 23% %%%8 i@Q& -9,3 %#%$% 74 %r# eggs 39% 1,3 1898 -13,9 er#w% 7f %n# %#%% 1,s fi 1880 -7,3 %%#a# ?s 33% aw#9 -7,t3%%%8#74 ##%F%%# %M f,3 B2ffiQ -7,&*3%#%75 4#%%@#' %E$$ 1,s fl21QQ -4,2 -7,83& %B# #%#% 24RB -83 #%n## 33 fk% 393% sf% 1 ,q 0 2480 -9 ,& wsgaw 73 =kt#% %%#a n:@s 1 ,$ 8 240# 2,7 -5,7 54 33% %%#% WES * %AX, 'YTW, REhH Ulff"u QBY IEfiIP, IE3P, TEBiP, EIW, DEG G DEG C BEG C DEG ---------UI-----*-------*-----a-----*. 1 -1,s -13,? -7,6 167 2 4 -1S.I -8,9 Th7 3 -%,2 -f3,? 8 ih5 4 -2 -13,4 -7,3 lh8 % 1 6.5 -4:2 1.2 106 6 3,7 -3,s 1,2 145 A f 1,3 -5,P -3 149 8 -1,8 -i2,5 -7,2 I&? 9 -9 -4 -1 lb? IO -IS,? -t3,3 168 11 -SIB -I&,& -Is,? !%2 12 -12,2 -29,d -5bC8 165 13 -%2,3 -22,s -l?,T 16b 14 -4,s -21 ,b -tZ:P 222 65 -9"" 1,; -6,8 -4,8 323 16 -4&1 -ll, -";8 167 i 7 -2.3 -11~3 -P,3 168 !# -5,$ -10.3 -8.P 169 I$" 6,3 -%2,7 -3 ,O 151 2 8 6,4 2,4 4,4 150 2 1 6.0 -" 2 * 2,$ 135 22 *I -?*9 -3,$ %W# 23 -?,$ -";, -!I, 2 g.~:! 24 -2 -7n5 -5,Q 8~ 25 -7'7 -18,A -:3,2 #M 2h -10,9 -!E,F -f4,9 27 -:O,S -25'3 -IZ,P 3% 28 -?,I -12.8 -9,j s%n 29 -7,n -13,4 -So,? H% 3 6 ?.? -?8,5 -3, UX# FiRnVH h,5 -22,5 -7,s 160 RFS, AVG, AX, ?AX, WIN8 MIttD GUST GQSV F 'VRL BEAW RE&){ SPD, SfF, PlR, SPD, BIB, BH BP 8fS 3 BEG Hj$ X DEG C l----*------l------__------r--------------------- 1, 1.1 259 2&5 SSE 69 -f5,0 t- i,1 i,! 169 2,s SSE 68 -iF,f 1 I,? IbP 3,2 S5E 62 -!5,6 i,I I,! 170 3,2 SSE 66 -f4,0 4 I,? 121 7,0 @MU 53 -5,? )t x i. a!? 823 3,2 5SE SB -Ss8 rs I .- xB blh 3.2 SSE k3 -5,F ,9 ,9 150 1,9 $Sf 70 -13,b 1,5 I,!! 176 j19 SSE $6 -2b,R 1,0 i,O 169 22 SSE 69 -172 8,1 1,1 I?? 3,? 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DATA f"&E(EP? 13k)Wf Mf", blouemkter , 't P84 1 33% 39% MWI sf% 348% 33% tW$ 83% %#a 98% %%% ##a %## 29% 38% #H %#% #%a %%% +I#% 98% #H ##@ %## 2 32% CZB ZZ5 %#it %3# ##% K#% f#ft fS# %#3 ##f %#% %#% a%# a%# #EH #@iS #*a %Ex %## H% %%% %*it- 3 %#% 32% 33% 33% $%% PZW $%% %%% PIS %%* ### %## %%% 33% $88 #%% %%# %%% #%% ffff %## 33% W3f %%% 4 HYf $C# tWZ H#f %#f tRt Z%h Z11 RWi4 3#R YZ# #I% 96% t## @#% #Mi4 #%-8 WZ# ?Z#g #fig 39% %If #f# Zfs 5 944% 89% Ztf KXW %#$ $Zf XZ1 433% %%# f%t %## K$# &i% Q## %WP t#% fff ff8 4#9 3QW %%W %%% *%Z $85 b WZZ 83% HfA ##% W#2 68% Zhf %#3 2#& 3% 9344 PZ# #4% W#% %#% 88% ##% a#@ %%6 #RS w## %## it?%% 7 89% %%% #ff 53% %I% 98% f## #W# i#f EKW %## #%I 29% WfP Wff ##% St# %#f ti48 #%% %#I H%h f#Q Ct9 8 tffs #%z #P% ~ff %if #sf #gft f#f 9%~ 38% ~9% ##i+ #~t st& st* ~WL #Hn 88% a#+ aw %%% wla n$% B Sf% B## #%% %ft 33% ftH tw i#% I%# %?4% ZtQ f#$ Mtff %#Q *W# %Q# t5W #fB ##f %## 98% &%% QSW BW# fO a&$ ##a #wn us8 88% 9%~ M% ~3 w## #M 8~ MK unw gww wgn %## waa RE% #rs wu# 8%~ 11 Q%% %#% fW-3 *#t ttg %%# 33% #fW %#f 2%% Zli ##W #Q# %11 #%4 #%K $%W #f# 93% W%W Q%# ##% 33% $2 EH ##% #H %#% aim gm n+i3 ~1% sww 33% gw9 #u# #wu 829 ~8 c~# a#% #M a%# #%% am 98% 13 8## %2# %%i sf% $#f *I# %%w 85% ### %st 91% $8" ~QM g#f *xw w%# 39% w~ 38% wtw 39% %#a ##s %n% 'j tW# I#% %Rf 2#f h#% tf5 59% Kg# %@A %## ##t WCH %#t t#% WZR P#% 8M1 %%f @W% %## E#% S%h WE# b%-3! %t% %#t 83% t#34 t%W #HI EM ff$ 93% 3932 ##t #f# 4#f W#% 83% #Wt 3#Y 3%# %Sf St# Q## tS-2 35% 89% 16 t%@ K#E #I& M% Q#f %W# ##% K3W ZEP ZbY %RQ ##W RM %#k #Kg ### %#& #%% #&% a@# %%a %@a $*%a 17 8SW 99% tWQ 93% %fB 2#t 36% #%Q #f% %ff #%f 49% QQf 99% HW5 YAK t%# +I# t## U%C f#t tt3 QBQ H#% $8 %t$ @sf #w 6#f PC& ~HH #WZ an g%# 88% ww% #ws a%% #a@ w%% w#@ #we ### R&% ~ZR %%% $%# %#& 1$%~ 18 QZQ %%% M%f 99% #%3 +KW ### L$C %%W WWQ 3#% %%# Wlt P1% ?4%# 613 %tZ ### Q+Q Z1% %B% #W# 173% 2Q f%f #ft f#% f#% f#$ 93% ttf ### %%n ~3% %a% nan ##% n#% gag %%s swa tiah %nn wa ikss ars w-% 21 %Y# 898 %944 f%R f%Z %## S#% 98% QIE #WE f49 93% #W% #4% It-% tW# Q8# ZQQ %#Q 98% f%# #%$ sf% SPW 22 %H% ~3% %%I ~3% ;f-~t% (.%it 31@ tit8 3%~ $st W~Z 8%~- a%% ger~ ~w;i. wwa ttwt gww grw sit# gm gg# 23 HW ~3% 9~ 93% 33% ZBW #H# #%z WWQ w9n 39 32 31 28 29 19 18 18 18 17 24 14 13 17 19 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 16 I? r7 17 18 TS JY 20 20 20 2~ 21 25 22. 23 23 2b 31 28 35 33 28 28 28 ?7 33 28 29 #%a .~s% %%% +tw 94% -&*a 27 27 26 27 ?P 27 27 27 28 w%# #M asw #.%it 48% swn en* &w% 98% #ww %A% &%% BPF 27 %%# %## 2-E& n%# w%+i #43 %#?i u%n n%# n%# $88 %PW #W$ SW~ #%# sf# -g%% .%#z w.)# ~5% 4#4$ 28 ##it $68 RE# #PI W#% #%# ##3 ft% E## 98% kWW Wit #4P HI %#I a#% %$k ##A wgk %r% @#% &%# a#& 29 ~w nw# #nw ~w ~3 snu sag sga gas gna #M wu 3n3 #a# 3~ am jtw 9~2 -xn+ 9~ #$N gss zfj naa #@it #A& ##@ a@# #H %n% a#% %## %a& #a: %#n 25 34 24 25 2& 28 29 29 28 27 35 PARAMETER N!.IHFITR DF \.iSt4BI,..F: PERCENT OF (3RSFRV<-l'f I:ffE.!S T07'Al- ClESIif R VAT $: (31i~!.f% ---rt.rlr---.rl-.--$-..--LI---IClll)*?l-..~.-.---.---,.~-.----~-.--'-*-"------------.~.-----.--- 'THERE ARE 144 61 SWS:?TFF~..E DE4SERVA'e"lONS Tf-fTS 16.90WTi.i FDR E&@$4 PQRAHETER , 3-t-fE DATA RECDRDZNT-; 'I:P!TEI?\dAI.. 'i:5 30 HI NUT'ES , 1, RH -f_6 I33 points 11/1-P1,/2 -17 ~1\2--1113a 2, Solar -1 MW/CM~ additional coments on this month's dstza: 1. Battery in LW radiation sensor replaced 11/23. Some data lost afternard due to poor electrical connection, 2. Data lost for 9 hours on 11/2 when data cassette tape was re- placed without adequate " leader" provided. 3. Several Gays of wind direction data Lost due to frozen wind val-ie. No precipitation data for December (See INERPLWTATION OF DATA) , HOUR BE& QTNB UIWB GUFST HRX , HOhlR bEU M3N9 &IN@ GUST #AX, HOUR DEU U7NB W T9aD GUST N6X1 ~DNG TE~P, PQI~T RH BZR, SPB, DIE, GUST RBD TEHP, :OTMT RH DXR, SPD, DIR, Suss gag $laHc vEnP. Parwr t!~ ~14% sm, oxa ' ~uss RAG BEG G DE6 G X DEG, HfS BEi , WbS RU PEG G DEG C X BEG, MfS DEG, H/S #b DEG c DEG c x ~EG, H~S DEG E/S nu --R--,----I-----O------------^- -----------------*.-------------- 0360 ;A -7,345 142 2,s 111 ?,$ 03111 4,4-1'1,032 132 3,? 126 7,il 10300 -.Drw%n%4t5 *%%#@.A* 33.4~ 32 O 8610 -;B %@%%% 66 185 1,: 143 4,4 D 0600 5,1 -11,230 130 3,1 I27 8,3 18680 b.5 -7.2 J1 152 3,2 147 1 8960 4,7 -5,837 198 ?,? 140 5,7 f 08Pfl 1,0 -8,051 112 1,s if3 5,7 B 0906 b,B -?;4 2% t4U 5,fl 131 9,s 1 t2OO 5#5 -Rs9 35 140 3,6 135 7,o ? 1280 ,3 %#%$# 57 297 ,7 313 t ,P 3 1280 7,s -7,s 34 131 4,3 IJf 8.9 5 15418' 5,3 -YIP 35 136 33 145. 7,A 2 ISBB ,fr -4,19(58 223 ,& 262 2,5 1i50if 7:s -1,851 134 4,8 f2$ 83 3 f8DO 4,9 -9,8 34 144 5,2 14A R,B 1 18QQ ,3 .?%%%% 72 161 ,P 16b 2,s B l8Oa I,? -1,7 77 I40 2,Q 132 8,3 O 2108 4,F!fla2 33 I?? 3*6 125 ?,h 1 2200 z? -3,9 ?I 2l4 ,7 ?!I4 3,2 O ?¶Ois 6,s 1 ,I 617 1% 1,R 129 8.8 f! 2480 J,S -llb,7 33 129 R,S 127 ?,€I f 2400 ,? -3,4 79 261 ,t3 211 3,8 O !4B8 4,S n%*s% 7'8 161 1.9 255 7,Q Q HOUR DEU U3Hb UPtiD GUS7 HAX, HOLlR DEU UiND WSgD RdST HhX, HOUR DEB BIN8 UTHD GUST EAX, HDHG TEB%P, POIMP WN DfRl SPB, DTW, GUST BAD HDMG TEnF, PQtHT RN DIR, fPD, DIR, GUST RBD MBWG TFBP, POIHT Btl DXR, SPD, BfR, GUST BAD DEG e BEG c x eEf;, +!is BEG, H~S BU BEG c DEC c x BEG, HIS FEG, #/s %I DEG c BEG c L DEG, nis BEG, HCS HM ------------------------*------------------ ........................................... ------------------------------------------- 03t8 8,4 1,489 290 ,9 513 3,2 OQ30Q h,7 -i,955 13F 4,9 19310,? 10383 -2,29@B#vgP2 132 ,b %21 I,? il $680 4,s I,B 79 338 I,! 319 33 B abno 6,e -A 6s tsn 3,~ 14s 10,2 a esaa -z,? w~*xw 93 Ina ,3 09s t ,Y o osao 1-9 .I w~ a~3 ,p 026 32 o 0900 4,s -,9 5~ 139 4.9 133 IQ,~ o Oyba -3,3 -4,3 93 :47 ,h 15: 2 (9 o 1288 22 !,5 95 320 $8 298 32 2 $200 4,T -,I ?I 145 52 R4h R33 3 1300 -3,8 ##%a% 94 1%Q ,4 157 1,3 5 150D 4,s 1,048 543 Z13 149 Ex? 11500 3,09####9b 383 ,3 136 6,3 t 1580 -2,O%~~~~P3 134 ,5 174 1,s I tSbB S,7 -,W 63 444 9,8 148 9,s @ lWB0 1.5 gs*%@ 79 285 ,b 327 2,s O 1808 -3<3 94 151 ,5 148 2,3 F 2880 b,f -?,3 35 13'7 3,7 943 8,s O 2100 .9 84 153 137 1,8 8 2180 -5,2 %%#%* 91 159 ,5 147 f ,9 $ 2408 4,2 ,9 78 135 4,8 136 33'2 O 2400 1;6 %%*@*# PI 146 ,P 155 2,s O 2998 -6,0 -$,ti 96 167 ,8 155 I,? ~oua BEU WX~~D UTNB GUST EAX, HOGB BEU UIHF ~1k.i~ G~ST 8AXI HOUR DE~ WTHD UJ~IIS ~usv whx, HDBG TEMP, POXHV RH 018, SBD, D%R, GUS? !A0 NDHG TEHO, PQl@T BH BIR, SPb, DIR, GUST WhB NDNE TG?B, POlHi BH BER, SPT DIW, GUST RAP BEG c ~EC G % DEG, n/s BEG, HBS HU BE8 G BE6 C 2 BEG, MIS DEZ, Hi5 HU DES E DEG c x BEG, tiis BEG, ~i'$ XU ___-UIL__-__L._.-~----------~~~---*~-- ---YID--L-----~---~------------------- 1I1---------UIU--101111.1-----~----~~*~"--~--*-"-~" 0308 -5,8 -4,496 15k ,7 193 1.9 O038i -4,0*~8#%#93 252 .! 294 1,s D F300-1A,hwaaaa88 awnnw%# #M# t,g 1 Obfia -&,3%@s~%9h i4? ,6 150 I,? OO&Qn -4,2%**%%89 32A ,4 53b 1,9 OBbCB-1$,0-?7,88h qa##c~it ##n 1.3 0 0940 -8,3 a%##% ?3 952 ,9 951 t '9 O 0900 -5,a -53 WR 328 1 ,O 387 2,s Q 0900 wwnnw #@%w# w+ .FW au.R% Kns 1,3 wag -?,W %%##% $7 11164 ,7 $38 1 ,? 4 12630 -4,O -5,"i!8 804 f ,R 094 3,8 O 1280 @.is*## #w##% ++% %#a% a%% a%# \5@Q -4,y Me#% ffB7 ,3 172 f ,? 1 1"jfP -!,5 *%+N"." YPci 313 , h 34i! 1 ,$ D 1508 %+i%%# ###%# *# *?sr3 #.#I# CC3i #iE&:"i $QQ fgi~@ -4,& %%#@a 87 170 ,5 156 1 P 0 tRfin -5,9 K##%4 89 177 ,2 9Ai 3,3 0 IDOR xwsaa %###n k# 3~ #taw# %a++ #%w-~ an# 2160 -4,2 ji.g$%a 88 555 *b Ik? 1 ,P R ?I08 -11 $3 *%".Ra 90 19% ,4 152 1,3 O S9QO #a%## #a#%# %a x%a gos #.vw~4 .gq~ 2402 -3,$ +!a#$% 98 P55 ,h 356 3,P 9 2400 -!4 ,P %%#ww $9 i34 ,5 124 1,5 O 2400 u~#% s#%%# %# .$s% us++# .$%% wws# DAY 3.0 11 $3 k2 I. 3;) $$ y -1 *-:> .. 2... r i s HOUR BEN WI8B BIND GtlSP &hX, MOUw Fd MIMB WIND GUST flax, HDUR mk- YZU QJHO MIND GUST EAX, NQWG TEMP, POINT RH DIf , SFB, DTR, GUST WAD MDNG TEMP, POTt4P t-?H @iff, SPB, DIR , GUST BAD ~BKG TERP, POINT BH DfB , SPD, B%8, GUS2 BhD ~EG c BES G x DFG, RIS BEG. 8:s nu DEG c PEG c R PEE, i"ii~ KG, ws I"~U DEG c BEG c x DEG. ws BEL, ni5 HU 8388 %a%#% s%n## 9% %%a %a%# 3s~ %%%a u*% 0304 sw### %#%#a ## #nw s##% a## #w#s awa 8300 n%#u# %n%w# #% #%% %%a# 4%~ %%## $844 ObBO @##a# 2%%%% %% -334% #%#% %a# %#% #%a## #%%## ##% R#%% E%% #%%# %#% Q&fi@ ##W14B #$$Z# E% it#% %%#A #%# WZII %f@ 8904 %?#E% %B#%w 9% w#% w##K- ffti %sf# fff OynD g%w#r %#### ## a## ###a w~ a##% #%# 8708 %##nw %n%sw WE ##&M %ii'i ~FSQ 3%~ 8200 ww#@# a%%%% ++# #%% %sew %w* %### gcw 1200 #%#a# +#a%% #% ##% s%su #u# @sn% wmi $206 #%#an %%%us 3% %n# r%# n#%# f%s 1509 @%*as a#%%# #% 89% ##rn #%a a%%* %%a 15~0 s%#@w a#### ## %#a u#s-~ as# #uwq ~8% 1586 .xw#w# s%##g 4~ 34% #%% guw# nsw i8QO %%an% ~w## z# %%% %##E #%# g%wa %w# gQOfl #wwn# aN%## ## %n# #n%# #%# ##ww $## 1808 %%%%# 38~8% 33% #w#s %s# n%%w ns% 21B8 #Rf%sr %@#w# a# w## %%#a wa# #%n# EM 2100 ##%w# ###a% w# ##a was# w#% 983% #%% ?b!)fi #%a#% %#### %+% ### #w%% &K# %as# %%u 245$ %%%w% %%### ## a%# a%%% w#n ##%# 99% 2408 ###%if a#%#* 3% www e%##, s#w 9983 4%~ 2400 %%%w% %%#w% wa #@% wwns a%% %%a# #%a HoQR DFd biT WD W f P;"D GUST RAX , HOtiR BEU UENR WIND EUST HAX, HOUR DFU UiND MfND GUST #kX, HBHC TEBP , POINT RH DI8, SPF, DIR , I;USV HDHB IE#P, POTWT RH BFR , SPE, DIR , GUST RAD NDMG TEfiF, PQEHT RK 818, SPB, BZR , GUS1 KBD BEG c QEG c z DES, #IS DEE, n,s ~u DEG c BEG c x BEG, ws nr~, w:s nu DFG G DEG c x BEG, HIS BFS, ws BU 9__-_-l-____-^~D___-----*~---~-------~~- --U--D.---.--I---------11--------- -----------**------------------------------- B%Qg %s$gr #Ky%a %% .E@# g%w8 #%a %##% %%w 8300 #n#u% %w#%% #a ##f was% #as %%n# %%w D306 s###% %%%E% 9% ##% #8%% #%% %w## x#% fibQO ##8%@ ##a%% wa a#% %#fa n%r %@%% nwc BbO8 kg#%@ ku#%# 3% wwa w%%% #%@ #w%# %%# Db#@ ##a%# w#u%@ 8% #%n %rw% nsn $%w# w-%% Qy@Q #n##% %%w%% %% 23% %a%& 93% #%a% %%% 8860 %%a## n%%#% 3% #n$ #%a# #a% gaga #MM 0900 ww#w% %%a## 14% 48% #%a% #%$ ##%s #us 1280 %##a# %##E# %w +!%# %%## %%% %3c% 1206 %n#%n %%%a# n# %#% 383% #%a $#%a %a$ 1200 ##us% r#%%% 9% #$# #%%# gwg gag3 n.gs e5flfl %t#%# Q%#f$ 9% %%Q %I%# f%f f#%f 58% 1580 .i;.%$Zh f#t#fii' f# #@% fh## E?%# Zff* W#R 1580 %#%#a #.?xl%.s;s 3% 9nw .Rwar 89% i:n$w# .$%a IQQQ ##%w% un##5 w% -E@-# %#%% 99% %%%# w%% 1806 n%%%% %w#w% #% %%% %### a#% 433% @sa l@l$ a#%%% s#w#w w% ##a ##%# %sn #w#x ~y,. 21@1 +[$%%# #%#%% %# %%% #a%# 33% a#%# %## 2100 3#%%% &a#%# ## #3% a%#!& %%# %saw a%# 2100 ua#@w #%us# 3% %#a +W HM #%w 2400 *%##x%% ewww# 8% %%% #%%# %## #?%g %%% 24Qfl #$%%% %$#%# 8% ~4% ##%% 24% %#%% +i#S PJQfi *R%%%% %%%s% 3% #*x% sq#s 83% .~qg HOUR BE# Uf R'fi Uf $Q GIST HAX , HOUR DEU UTHlj gTND CUST #AX, YDliR DEU UTND MIND f'S1ISi HAX, NDNG i"P, PPjEHT RH &IR, $PC, DTR, GUST RAB 8OHG TEMP, PDf WT WH Dtfii, SPE, DR A, GtbS't" RAD NDWG ThW, POlHURff DIR %kD, DfR &EST RAD DEG C DEG C E BEG, M/S DEG, HIS bfU DE6 f DEG C X KG, MIS REG, Hi$ NbI BE6 C BEG C I BcG, MIS BEG, Hi$ 149 ______OUIQ*__~___.---------,--------------" ---_.--------%1------------------.---- --UI~--YII-^I----Y-~--."--~----~~-,~--"*------ 0398 asa#w awg#w JM. M-X gnsu $39 M-M ~w 5300 rag## ggwww 3% #H wsws ~w WH mw 0390 wwgg~ #nwsg -XN *a3 s~-~~~ +SN ngg.9 ~9s un%as g%#s# %% c%# u%w+ 8.~3 ###s s%% QbOO a#@## %n#s% ?&R #c% %%%a a%# rs#a %lsw 8684 A@##% #%%a# a% ##'a ##wc ws% #a# ovQ@ wz#%g %&%%a 8-R was% ns-## #xw *##*# %%.* QVoQ %n#ws ##### n# ~f# ~QFI ?+M %#%# ZM 0900 .%+~JI *%~4# n9 ~WI ~~81.g ggg g.~#k .~gs 12t34 &sg#g ##gag #n e,Eo: rc#w #nsx c~w 1280 ##g*s r9wxu 9% 9~ n9.w u#u ~~ua s~ 1200 a##$# %#\## #+ qws~ unx gkng 5500 %an%% @%%a# 4% %%# #wn* n## *fia+fa w%# 1508 if#### %na+t% %4 #Mi #*@R !4## w#aw %8# 15#8 *:-#### ###V% 3% $#w ##u# %#a x!&fin ### j80@ ck-$gs #%#%% ns %%.% #%%# #%# A%#~R# nsw 3808 #eEu#w %wen ## #+X-Xd 4%~$ ##w# as%-# 384R w%##% w#w#w #% nwg a%%$! aaa wgcg wss.g ZfQQ tMgf4j %#%@# ## #We3 %%#*$ ##$ E#QI 2lflfl a##%% %%#%# ## a%# 9.333 +*## ##Mi %#li ?fflo %%%## WB##.S R7l 4.H d%W# #%# tq~~yt +#{{ 24QO E%g$n s@a?tw %# %##r !$## .X##% C%% zfjflfl %%"N#X %Q%f% ## dH# #-i#% #QQ ##Q% +tN# 2440 wn%w #N#sHq a# %ti# M.N#$ at$:* q#~sex .gfi.g 'THREfY WOi3M Stlt?iibffiRY fffR F:f(i,.\.i'Y'NA GJEfiTI-IER S"'f'A'I':l't:tN f)&aiVA TAKEN DEJR't;NG Det:emi:ter?. , 19f34 SGUR BE& UfRD UIM9 GUST HBX- HOUR DEb UfNF MlRn GUST HbX, HOUR DEU UISB BIND GUST HAX, HDR% TE~P, POIPI1 Rti BZR, SPD, DTR, GUST RAT) WOHG TE,"SP, PCTfST RH BIW , SPD, DEB, GUST Rklj NDWG TEHP , POINT WH QXR, fPDa 51W a GUST RAD BEG c BEG f: R DEE, t8fr's PEG, HIS li~~ DEE c DEG c L BEG, nis PEG, WS HU DEC c BEG c x DEG, H~S BEG, H/S PIH WQUW DEU UfNP M?#D GtlST WAX. 9BUR EEU UIND adIPitl) GUST #AX, HO\i9 GEM UZND MIND GUST EAX, NDNG f fBP, POIWf RH DIR , SPD, DFR , GUS7 WAB WBNG f ERP , POTNT RH DT2, SPD DTR , GUST RAD N3NG 1E%, POT!I 8% DIR , SPD a Bf 2. GUST 2bAB DEG C OE6 C X DEG, #dS BEG, WIS Nu DEG C DEG C X BEG, i"if$ BEG, 8,s HM DFG C DEG 7 Z DES, 8iS BEG, WS HU --~--e----------------------~~--------- -I~-----------^--b------------- ------------------------------------------- 09flB %%#a# ZW##% %# EW~ $8#% zws %k%$ f%#t 0310 gag%# a%%%# ## %## ~ww %%u %%+#% a%% 0306 #w##% #u%%# 3% waa ###g au.3 a##% M+E Oh80 %@r%n A%#@% an n#2 %%a% ##a n#n% 93% OgOQ %#### @###% #% %%% wnw5 ~%w ###% *## ObOB #w%%w #%##k %w gnw w##% wcw #%#it %w% 09QQ %%%#a waaww %w %n% %a#% 38% #%%a %%% 9900 #%a%# $n%%aB %w wan #a%# $## a##% wwa O9@ #a%## s#### w8 ,%% #%w% %#% %##% it.%% fzofi gsnga #a%gu 9% W.E# 44% ms +m dzao %###a gg%s# 3% #ng ~+i# M.X anwa H++ %roo gawaa swswa 9% saw g3sg un.x #~w %~g t50a ~%%$%w #%n%# $8 33% 3#n% #%a %#w% 23% 1580 a%#%% n#s%w %# iwn %w%n 33% wwws #$# 1540 #%#us %%##a n% H~C Q##K HZ.% ~x### ##z jana #a%#% @#%#a %% %us #a%% %#% %#n% %## iROQ %%### *a%%# %%% %n## ~2% %##% %%a %t~#8 #%#%I a% *%f Q%S% #@1 WM# 83% 2160 c%ww% ##$#% #% %w% %%## #w$ E%## 33% 2108 ##%#% ###uw a% %%# %a% %%## aaw ItOB #w#ww .#&#%a aw n%# ##cw wwg gwwu %#.x i4Q9 %u#w# ##%%# %% %%% %nn# ~8% %%%# $!%# 2408 $a%$% ##%a% ## #%n a%%% s-xr a%%% 39% 2400 w%%sn #a#%@ 9% sx# ###a s#u gsss g#n HOUR DEB UJND LKWB Cltlf;? HAX, Hail8 PEL @IFD klfNB &LIST HAX, bOU8 BEU BIND HINQ CdST MAX, HBHG "FEWP, POIPt'5 RW DIR, SPB, QiR, GUf;"TAD PiDNG VEW, PI?T,EP RW DiR, $POz blW, GUS'! WAD #lDPtG TEHP, POTI"!? Rl"i DIR, SPD, Bf9, 69Sf BAD DEO C BFG C Z DEG, M/S DEG, 9fS KU BEG C DEE C X DEG, Hi5 PEG, HiS Hd BEG C DEG C Z D96, MIS BEG, MIS NM -__*--ll).o--------O---m--------------------.-- 8-1(*4-.--.------.------------------------------ Y--lllll--*--.l---------*-----------~~--"--."m.- 5303 #a%#% %%#a# #w %%w n%a# %%a %n%# .kc# 030g #w%#% nsR#wsF ## sua #awa %ux $%%u an$ 0308 $a### #%%#% %# s#a a#%$ w8.g Anwg %n%*#% ##!t## 9% %#% *#%% $it& &SEX X-#% flb@fl ##@#a #%%#% #3: #kit ##% #%## %@# OknO R&-*E## #a#%# %.k Rag %#$i# %%% ##an.% -I.% n## HW H# x~% em 0900 H#B~# ESauw n# ~8 #RM ~8% .gn%s wng 0900 gaawa #%ag-K w*t 484 %##% sgw gn9 1200 qt%n# %n#%# 3% .q#% e%u# a~## %#E# +!a# 120O #$$#% ~c%##w %# %#"k nswn 3~8 #w#.$ a@* 1203 xwgaw aE.%w,g ww >ax uwsa ##% $.Egg g30~ gg+iaw gh aw+x r+wR MX+I 1580 %g~%w hw-~xg ,X%X %B# 42~ 4%~ S,X@ 153~ S%#W~ ##%#-x .Y.& .WW .~g#g .g%s WR## .gi$g kgi~g qs##w w##g~ M ea3 +E*## awe# xdn-N e.~~g ja~fi +t#g#* ar aun ~n:? wag was gx# 1P50 ~a~~x~ ##ggu s: rn* w4.a .k#.gg ~gg 21~~ kgw+~f s%### a% .FW +in%# we^ aesng g3w.58 YA #.~w *++Rr +%s.g gwg nwu~wx .$x ~VX gg#% +{$# gcHg 24~0 abt*qq+~ gg#g# %"..x WM gas ?I%%# ;~EK 21?0~ *x-F.E;I~ 3% +~d ~WW +NH !qfia qw~#,t 3.5 .R#E~ ggg.2 .XI%# X*Nx W1# - -. *. 5 3.' - *- V 71, . b. - is, 2.- --.. - -- k- 5 2.d x 1 - 5 P- +-% -, /A> ki + G :;zj i.: - b- c; Z Z P. - p"".: i.- i-- f:: - CY -. Lb 1x :.' - p- z '-; I.. % . . ::* - c-, x: '$ RES, RE$, AVG, HAX, HAX, DkY ' S HAX, RXN, #EA# @lHb UxHD gINb GUST GUST PYoAL HEAH HEA!! SO?-BB DAY TE~P, YEBP TEE?, nxa , s~o, spa, ara, spn, Dra, RH ap PRECXP EHERGY B~Y 8E6 2 DFG Z DEG C BEG M!S HIS BE6 Mi5 2 DEG C HH UMISQH i50 I 5 ,h 421 I,? 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F> iq c: fi: iq .r f- f 1 x4 $; F: R (! A .T 11: f:] b! :; T~:)TAI ... ~:)ES~,RVR'T':C~INS~ .C1---.---t-.---..-.~.(U(U(U.-(U-(U(U(U(U.(U.-(U(U.(U(U(U.(U.I..~..U..U.U..(Y.U .--. (U.",(U(U..(U.(U" .(U(U(U(U(U" -...." ...I.I_UIU..n.(U "*- I.- I, la3 -17 Rf-I points 2, Solar -I MW/CM~ Additional comments on this month's data: 1. RH sensor calibrated 1217. 2. Several days of wind direction data lost due to frozen wind vane. 3. All data lost after 12/9 due to dead power supply. 4. Station discontinued and removed 12/14. 6.0 REFERENCES Coffin, J. H. 1934. Soiar and longwave radiation data for south-central Alaska. In: Proceedings, Alaska Section AWRA Annual Conference, Alyeska Resort, Alaska, November 1984. Published by Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, as Report tWR-106. REM (:onsultants, Ins. 1984. Processed cfinlatic data, October 1982 - September 1953, Volume VI I, Eklutna Lake Station (No. 0586.5). Prepared under contract to Har~a-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture for bZlaska Power Autftorify. Document No. 1094. June. TABLE A, I CONVERSION FACTORS Multiply by Ts Obtain millimeter (mnf 0,03937 centimeter f em) 0.3937 square cer?timeter f em2) 0.1550 meter (m) 3.281 squaw? rneter (ma j 10-76 meter pier second (m/s) 3.821 ~maeter per second fmJs) 2.233 meter per second Qmls] 1 ,944 degl-ee Celsius ('C) OF= 9/5(C) +32 watt-ho~ur fWH) 3.413 watt-habur (WH) 3600 miiliwat.8: (mw) 0.003413 milliwatt per square 0. SO40 centimeter (mw/cm2) v&fatt- hor~ P' per square 0.3171 metes (WH/m2) watt-hour per square 0.0860 meter (WH/m2) inch (in) inch (in) square inch (in2') foot dft) square foot (ft2:) foot per second (ftls) mile per-+ hour (mph] knot (kt) degree Fahrenheit ("F) British Thermal Unit QBTUI joule (-dl BTU per hour (BTtJ/hr) BTU per hour per square foot jBTli/hr-ft2] BTU per square foot 81-u/ft2 I langley (l~f)