HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2778IXJ&OO~&0 ~[ID&®@@ Susitna Joillt Venture Document Number 2778 Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL T1< lYC)S ",'Sf A-'L~ (\'l',Xf=Jt.s ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY - BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MANUAL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT February 1985 Prepared by Frank Moolin &Associates,Inc. under contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Aulchorage,AJaska .... PREFACE This manual is one of a series of "best management practices"manual to be used iln the design,construction,and maintenance of Alaska Power Authority projects. It represents a coordinated effort involving federal,state and local government agencies,and special interest groups. The Alaska Power Authority intends that applicable gUidelines and state-of-the- art techniques contained in the manuals will be incorporated where appropriate into the contractual documents for projects constructed,maintained,or operated by or under the direction of the Alaska Power Authority. -CX) (0 N "~(0 ('t) 0 0 0 I.!) I.!) "('t) ('t) .- "'" .~ .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ~ CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 ....CHAPTER 2 -LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2 2.1 PROJECT PARAMETERS 2 2.2 LIQUID WASTE STREAM CONSTITUENTS 7 2.2.1 Classification 7 2.2.2 Wastewater Sources and Strengths 9 2.2.2 1 Water Treatment Backwash 9 Domestic Waste 10 Construction Wastewater 20 Maintenance and Operation 22 2.3 CONCEPTUAL CAMP LAYOUT,COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM 23 2.3.1 Water Supply Requirements 23 2.3.2 Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities 23 2.4 DESIGN OF COLLECTION SYSTEMS 25 2.4.1 Characteristics by Type of Camp 25 Exploratory and Fly Camps 25 ~ Small and Intermediate Camps 27 Intermediate and Large Camps 28 2.4.2 Collection Systems 30 Conventional Gravity Collection lines 32 Pressure Sewage Collection Systems 37 Vacuum Sewage Collection Systems 40 lift Stations 42 Force Mains 45 2.5 DESIGN OF TREATMENT SYSTEM 45 2.5.1 Exploratory and Fly Camps 49 2.5.2 Small and Intermediate Camps 52 2.5.3 Intermediate and Large Camps 56 ..... Pre-treatment 58 Temporary Wastewater Storage 60 Flow Equalization 61 Primary Treatment 61 Secondary Treatment 62 ARLIS f""'o ! Alaska Resources Library &Information Services ~~chorage,AJaska Disinfection 79 Sludge Thickening 81 l""" Sludge Digestion and Disposal 82 J Effluent Disposal 82 CHAPTER 3 -SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 85 3.1 TYPES OF WASTES 88 3.2 TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES 90 3.2.1 Incineration 90 3.2.2 Landfill 92 Site Selection and Design 97 Advantages and Disadvantages 112 3.2.3 Reclamation for Reuse 113 3.2.4 Salvage 115 ~3.2.5 Special Treatment 115 3.3 AT-SOURCE HANDLING 116 F> 3.4 TRANSPORT OF SOLID WASTES 117 3.5 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 117 CHAPTER 4 -REGULATORY ANALYSIS 120 REFERENCES ,-i :.j ,~ TABLE LIST OF TABLES PAGE - 1 Liquid Waste Treatment Variables 3 2 Camp Generated Cantaminants 8 3 Typical Average Per Person Sewage Flow 12 4 Camp Water Use and Wastewater Characteristics 13 5 Typical Wastewater Design Parameters in Canada and USA 14 6 Institutional Sanitary Facilities in Cold Climates 15 7 Damestic Sewage Sources 16 8 Army Field Bases 16 9 Estimated Sources of Sewage Pollutants 17 10 Raw Sewage Temperature at Treatment Facil ity 21 11 Characteristics of Wastewater Collection Systems 26 12 Types of Lift Stations 43 13 Comparison of Wastewater Treatment Systems for C~ps % 14 Wastewater Disposal -ADEC Guidelines 53 15 Performance of Extended Aeration Plants Treating Camp Wastewater 68 16 Suggested Design Criteria and Operating Requirements for Extended Aeration Plants Treating Camp Wastewater 69 17 Performance of RBC Plants Treating Concentrated Wastewater 73 18 Tentative Design Criteria and Operating Requirements for RBC Plants Treating Camp Wastewater 74 19 Summary of Design Parameters for PIC Unit 78 20 Chemicals Used in Wastewater Treatment 80 21 Solid Waste Disposal Techniques 91 22 Application of Soil·Information -Daily Cover for Landfill 99 23 Application of Soil Information -Sanitary Landfill (Trench)100 24 Application of Soil Information -Sanitary Landfill (Area)101 25 Daily and Final Cover Material Requirements 102 26 Permissible Velocities for Bare Earthen Channels 105 27 Roadway Soil Characteristics 107 28 Equipment Selection Guide for Multiple Unit Sites 111 29 Typical Data on Vehicles Used for the Collection of Solid Wastes 118 - i~ I FIGURE . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LIST OF FIGURES Typical Sewer and Water Bedding Details Sewer Wall Connection Sewer Floor Connection low Cost Treatment Systems High Cost Treatment Systems Schematic of Extended Aeration Process Schematic of Rotating Biological Contractor Schematic of P/C Treatment Plant Permafrost in Alaska Criteria for Waste Management Analysis Typical landfill Disposal Site Sanitary landfi11ing -Area Method Sanitary landfilling -Ramp Method Sanitary landfil1ing -Trench Method Soils Suitable for Cover Material Sectional View of a Sanitary landfill Incinerator for Energy Recovery PAGE 34 35 36 50 57 67 72 77 87 89 93 94 95 96 103 110 114 CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION This manual has been prepared by the Alaska Power Authority as one of a series of best management practices (BMP)manuals for projects constructed or operated by the Power Authority in Alaska.The ultimate goal of this manual on liquid and solid waste management is to assure that Power Authority waste management ~activ·ities are conducted in an efficient and cost-effective manner in compliance with applicable federal,state and local laws. This manual was prepared in recognition of the fact that waste management tl~chniques must relate to an infinite variation in environmental conditions. This manual thus sets forth a wide range of liquid and solid waste management practi'ces.Not all techniques will be appropriate for a particular site.In addition,federal,state,and local laws may impose specific requirements on particular Power Authority projects or activities.This manual is not a substi- tute for case-by-case identification and compliance with all laws and regula- tions applicable to the construction and operation of Power Authority projects. {""'"This manual addresses liquid and solid wastes:what they are,how they are ""'" \:. collected,and how they are treated.Chapter 2 discusses liquid wastes and Chapter 3 discusses solid wastes.Regulatory authorities and agencies are listed in Chapter 4.While hazardous materials and hazardous wastes,as defined by either EPA or Alaska regulations,are mentioned in this manual as possibly used at or generated from a Power Authority project,discussion of the special handling required for these materials ;s contained in a companion 8MP manual entitled "Fuel and Hazardous Materials.1I -1- l ..- CHAPTER 2 -LIQUID WASTE This chapter discusses liquid waste:what is it~how is it collected,and how is it treated in a chrono 1ogi ca 1 and order of magnitude approach.Smaller systems,such as those used at short.;.term exploratory or fly camps,are d'iscussed before larger systems used at long-term camps.The evolution of most projects goes through a similar evolution of size and duration. Some of the variabl es acting in a waste treatment design have been grouped in Table 1 to facilitate discussion in terms of phasing the design effort;identify- ing levels of complexity;placing relative costs for system construction, operation and maintenance;and evaluating the projected degree of treatment. 2,,1 PROJECT PARAMETERS On many occasions,a project is either a later phase or a repeat of a similar effort in a new location.Even though it does not appear such at the outset,there are sometimes enough dissimilar ingredients so that the same application of technology does not yield success. Design of treatment facilities for liquid wastes should not be an isolated design procedure developed from data supplied by others.An environmental/ sanitary engineer should be an integral member of the project team from the early stages.The following list presents typical projects tasks that should have participation or review from an environmental/sanitary engineer. -2- TABLE 1 lIQUID WASTE TREATMENT VARIABLES CAMP SIZE &DURATION TYPE Exploratory Short Term Intermediate long Term NUMBER OF RESIDENTS 3 to 50 3 to 50 50 to 300 300 to 4000 YEARS OF DURATION variesoto10 3 to 10 10 to 30 NOTE:Residents and duration can be found in numerous combinations. Combination truck &airplane Limited trucking, airplane or barge likely. Airplane or barge. Supply Transport System Truck Truck Camp system May require haul in or camp supply. Camp system May require camp system or haul out 100 to 160 160 or more 160 or more Remote Wilderness Remote Arctic Wilderness LOCATION COMPLEXITY (Assumes coal,gas or hydro power project) Miles Distant From Alaska Major Supply & Project Distribution Waste Water 1Tlo~c~a~t;.;,.io.;;,;n~..,..;;C~e~nt,;,;ei?rr--__..,T~r:reTatm~e_n_t -iiS~upply Urban 0 to 30 Public Pu6Tic Suburban 30 to 100 Combination or Combination camp camp Camp system camp system TYPE COllECTION SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION "....., honey buckets pit toilets tank trucks sewers in ground utiliducts above ground - or below ground piping in utilidors above ground or in ground pump stations individual collection at generation source disposal site at out-house collects from storage tanks or buckets where climate and soils permit pipe in trenches cold climates require insulated pipe systems arctic climates require pipe chases heated and insulated TREATMENT SYSTEMS Field Tested small camp short duration haul to dump station or connect to public system land disposal (absorption field) seepage pi,ts existing swamps,ponds or lakes (become lagoons) man-made facultative lagoons physical/chemical treatment activated sludge {extended aeration) rotating biological contactors incineration of sludge Need Additional Study surface application of wastewater o spray irrigation o surface injection into plowed furrows aerated facultative lagoons aerobic sludge digesters anaerobic sludge digesters composting of sludge with shredded paper and garbage TYPICAL PROJECT TASKS o Exploratory survey o Exploratory core boring o Exploratory geology and soils sampling o Stream flow monitoring o Quality and quantity of water supply source o Identification,classification and quantification of flora and fauna o o o o o Route selection of haul roads and material storage areas Final siting of the structure (earth dam,concrete dam,coal fired generator,gas fired generator,etc.)and appurtenances Design of the structure Siting of early stage and final support facilities (water supply for camp, camp,waste treatment facility,shops,power and heat sources,fuel and supply depots) Design of support facilities o Permitting of support facilities o Operation and maintenance of support facilities o Construction of project structures o Removal of support facilities o Site cleanup,restoration and revegetation o Maintenance and operation of permanent or long-term facilities -J .', o Monitoring for the long term (defined in the permit)all'land- fills,waste dumps and lagoons for possible pollution after covering -4- The environmental/sanitary engineer shoul d be famil iar with conceptual design drawings and how the project is to be situated on the premises, including such features as approximate limits of work,excavation,material storage,sedimentation and erosion control.Comparing topographic features \'jlith the limits of work and property lines will aid in determining what areas are available for camp siting and,therefore,the placement of adequate wastewater collection and treatment systems.Studying the ,.... topography,geology,meteorology,surface and groundwater records of the area will assist in making prel iminary judgements as to the best location and orientation of dwelling units,supply and collection lines,pump stations,treatment and discharge locations. The projected phases of development and related camp populations including any provisions for overlapping of staff at shift change and vacation will be needed to calculate peak loading.Early exploration may have as few as 5 to 10 men in a drilling operation moving nomadically through the project area and never staying more than a few days at anyone location.First- phase camp erection will see several more men and concentrations of mater- ials and equipment stockpiled in various locations.Large projects can have upwards of 3000 men at peak work schedules,all of whom are housed at a single location.Treatment systems must be flexible to take the surges and droughts which can and do occur. The actual selection of distribution,collection,and treatment facilities is extremely dependent upon how quickly they must be operational and how soon they need to be unpl ugged and moved on.Long-term fad 1iti es can be built with an eye to efficient operation (low power consumption),durable -5- ..... semi-perma.nent materials,and efficient design based upon a more reliable projection of demand.Short-term portable facilities are more controlled by the results needed than the cost to get those results.Some parts of the system such ·as pumps may be actually disposables.The challenge to the design engineer is to obtain the correct mix of both while considering the remoteness of the camp and difficulty of resupply. J~n evaluation of total project cost is reasonable if one alternative is compared to another.Actual treatment costs may be incidental and of "little consequence due to environmental restraints and total project value. A team effort,including input from federal and state agencies,will be needed to establish reasonable limits of treatment.On-site population and construction cost of the project are the primary factors needed to estimate conceptual treatment costs and their percent of the total picture. Comparison with similar projects and effluent requirements can be a guide to the cost effectiveness of a given approach. J~review of project permit requirements is also important at the planning stage.Applicable regulations and permitting requirements may determine the kind of waste treatment measures and facilities selected for individual projects.The following are i~portant factors that should be an integral part of Power Authority waste management project planning: o Identify project goals and describe proposed construction and other activities to implement goals . o Determine projects impact on environment. -6- o Identify statutes,regulations and agencies which regulate either the proposed activity or its impacts.In particular,determine whether existing Power Authority permits control the activities or impacts involved. o Compare burdens imposed by regulations and/or permits for proposed activities and alternatives (including costs associated with modifying activities to reduce or eliminate requirements). o Develop and implement permitting strategy to obtain timely issuance of permits. 2.2 !.IQUID WASTE STREAM CONSTITUENTS 2.2.1 Classification The types of liquid substances or wastes anticipated at a Power Authority project site are listed in Table 2.Those items which are also identified as hazardous are addressed in a companion 8MP manual on fuel and hazardous materials.Table 2 is intended only as general guidance.The classifica- tion of wastes liste~in Table 2 is not a substitute for case-by-case waste stream analysis to assure that hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are segregated and managed in accordance with federal and state hazardous waste la\Ats as more fully described in the fuel and hazardous materials 8MP manual.Basically,the liquid and semi-liquid wastes which are likely to be found in camp situations can be separated into three categories: -7- TABLE 2 CAMP GENERATED CONTAMINANTS .~ 0 0- - Wastewater related to domestic uses Construction waste related to fabrication,erection,and finish- ing of the project o Maintenance and operation wastes related to petroleum,oil,and lubrication products as well as other hazardous materials. As practicable,the various materials will be separated at the point of origin.Mixing of waste generally complicates the classification and treatment process and in certain instances prevents treatment. :~.2.2 Was tewa ter Sources and Strengths Water Treatment Backwash ~!ost fly camps or short-duration exploratory operations will provide treatment as dictated by their raw water source.Generation of water treatment by-products is limited.Larger camps that obtain drinking water from local sources may produce sludges from filter backwash containing algae,sediment,debris and chemical flocculants.The quantity of waste produced is a function of the turbidity and chemical composition of the raw water.Reverse osmosis can produce wastewater with high salinity.So also do softeners using ion exchange and sodium chloride as the degenerate. Flocculants generally are aluminum sulfate,ferrous sulfate,ferric sul- fate,ferric chloride and coppers.Activated carbon is also used,and unless recharged,becomes disposable.Lime and soda ash,if used as a softener,will cause a precipitate to settle out in the contact tank and in the filter bed.Every water treatment process except chlorinaticn will -9- \~ I - ..- produce a wastewater or sludge which may hinder or enhance a sewage treatment process.It may be beneficial to operate the water and sewage treatment systems independently until the steady-state parameters of each are known before combining sludges. Domestic Waste The strength of waste and quantity generated are very closely tied to the size of the operation and the availability of potable water.Fly camps may use "honey buckets",priveys,incinolets,and pit toilets.Large 3,000-man facilities with a 5-to 10-year life may have all of the modern conven- 'fences.The strength of workcamp wastewater is characteristically higher than normal domestic wastewater,although per capita flow rates may be only slightly less.BODS and suspended solids can typically average 400 to 600 mg/l.While flow rates at Alyeska camps were calculated at about 66 9al/cap/day (250 l/cap/day)in 1979,average water use in camps today approximates 100 gal/cap/day (378 l/cap/day).Flow rates at the lower level may cause problems in meeting regulations with secondary treatment because of the hi gher strength wastewater.·The more mi 11 i grams per 1 iter of suspended solids and BODS in a wastewater,the higher percent removal that is required to meet fixed criteria. There are several explanations for the strength of camp wastewater.These include: _0 Limited water supply o High per capita food consumption and waste generation -10- - o High grease content in kitchen wastewater o Entry of cleaning compounds,used in camp maintenance,into the sewerage system o Lack of groundwater infiltration into the sewers. Flow Rates and Constituents Per-person sewage flows are quite variable among camps and communities in cold regions.Tables 3 through 5 are representative of the current available data.In general,institutional facilities such a.s military stations and construction camps,tend to have strong flow variations because a large portion of the population responds to the same schedule. The peak flow will usually occur in late afternoon when personnel are using the bath and laundry.Two such peaks will occur at those installations operating on a continuous two-shift,24-hour cycle.The peak daily flow rate for desi gn purposes shaul d be three times the average daily rate for institutional facilities.In general,the average rate for camps will be 100 gal/cap/day.For non-resident day workers,an allowance of 15 gal/cap/day per 8-hour shift should be made. Civil ian communities and similar residential areas have less sharply defined flow variations.In general,a single major peak,approximately at mid-day,will occur.The time is dependent on transmission distance from the homes to the treatment system.The daily peak flow rate of these communities should be taken as two times the average daily rate.The u.s. Public Health Service uses a factor of 3.5 people per residence for designs in small communities. -11- TABLE 3 TYPICAL AVERAGE PER PERSON SEWAGE FLOW 1) Permanent Military Bases and Civilian Communities a)greater than 1000 population with conventional piped water and sewage: Average 300 l/person/d 79 gal/cap/d b)less than 1000 with conventional piped water and sewage: Average 240 l/person/d 63 gal/cap/d r" i c)with truck haul systems,conventional internal plumbing: Average 140 l/person/d 37 gal/cap/d d)with truck haul systems,low flush toilets: Average 90 l/person/d 24 gal/cap/d e)no household plumbing,water tanks and honeybucket toilet: Average 1.51/person/d 0.4 gal/cap/d f)same as (e)above BUT with central bathhouse and laundry: Construction Camps Average Average 15 l/per50n/d 4 gal/cap/d 220 l/person/d 58 gal/cap/d Remote Military with Limited Availability of Water - Average 1)Source:Smith,et al (1979). 130 l/person/d 34 gal/cap/d ,'.""- TABLE 5 TYPICAL WASTEWATER DESIGN PARAMETERS IN CANADA AND USA 1) gall 1 itersl lb BOO/mg BOOI lb S51 mg S5/ Community cap/day cap/day cap/day cap/day cap/day cap/day Construction Camp 50 189 0.15 68,100 Average Subdivision 80 303 0.17 77,180 Hospitals 200 757 0.30 136,200 Major Cities 135 511 0.20 90,800 0.23 104,420 2)Values Most Frequently Quoted 100 378 0.17 77,180 0.20 90,800 1)Source:Grainge et al (1973) 2)These values yield a BODS concentration in raw sewage near 200 mg/l,and a suspended solids concentration of 230 mg/l. Minimum flow rates are important to the design of grit chambers,monitoring devices,dosing equipment,etc.A minimum rate equal to 40 percent of the average rate should be used for design purposes. Table 6 summarizes the sanitary facilities provided at several institutional installations.It should be noted that OSHA regulations will determine the minimum number of fixtures for a system. TABLE 6 INSTITUTIONAL SANITARY FACILITIES IN COLO CLIMATES 1) (units per person) Toilets Urinals Sinks Showers Thule AFB,Greenland 1/10 1/27 P Mountain Radar, Thule Greenland 1/15 1/45 1/8 1/14 !"""' 50-Man Winter Camp Tuto,Greenland 1/10 1/25 1/6 1/10 Wainwright,AK 2)1/47 a 1/94 1/47 -1)Source:Smith et al (1979) 2)The gray water/black water concept is used at the Wainwright,AK,central facility and should be considered wherever water conservation is an issue.Black water is considered to be that related to human wastes from toilets, urinals,etc.Gray water (the remaining wastewater from showers,sinks,laundries)is recycled for the toilets. The percentages of da i1 y flow from community sewage sources,as presented in Table 7,have been averaged from numerous studies.Table 8 presents s'imilar data for military field bases.The percentage of daily flow at ar'my field bases for washracks (12 percent)is similar to flows at camps for equipment washing. -15- TABLE 7 DOMESTIC SEWAGE SOURCES (%of average daily flow) Category Toilet,Urinal Shower,Sinks Kitchen Laundry % 37 32 12 19 100 TABLE 8 ARMY FIELD BASES (lOCO-6000 yOp) (%of average daily flow Category Photographic Aircraft Washrack Vehicle Washrack Hospital Toilets,Showers,Sinks Kitchen Laundry % 5 9 3 1 60 6 16 100 - The concentrations of wastewater constituents will vary "lith the amount of water used and the type of facilities employed.However,the actual mass loading of organics and related substances should be relatively constant on a per person basis.Table 9 gives estimated mass values for the major domestic wastewater sources.The values are based on a comparative analy- sis of a number of data sources.The fi na 1 item,n ins t itut i ona 1 garbage grinders",reflects the common practice at military stations and many construction camps of grinding most of the kitchen wastes for inclusion in the wastewater stream.The treatment system must be designed specifically for garbage if it is to be accepted.Disposal of cooking oils,animal fa.ts,crisco,butter,etc.down sink drains can plug up sewers.Skimming devices may be required to reduce constant back-up and maintenance. -16- TABLE 9 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF SEWAGE POLLUTANTS (per person per day) Sourcl~BODS SS Total Total Nitrogen Phosphorus Grams Pounds Grams Pounds Grams Pounds Grams Pounds Toilet 60.8 0.13 85.2 0.19 14.7 .0323 1.67 0.0037 ~.Bath/Shower 5.33 0.01 5.12 0.01 0.31 .0007 0.04 0.0001 Laundry 7.92 0.02 7.70 0.02 0.23 .0005 0.67 0.0015 Kitchen 16.8 0.04 10.0 0.02 0.49 .0011 0.49 0.0011 Subtotal 90.8 0.20 109 0.24 15.7 .0346 2.83 0.0064 Institutional Garbage Gri nders 59.0 0.13 58.8 0.13 1.31 .0029 0.95 0.0021 Total 150 0.33 165 0.37 17.0 .0375 3.78 0.0085 - All the values in Table 9 are independent of the amount of water used for a particular activity and below the strengths of many camps.Combining these values with data in Tables 2 and 6 or other sources will allow determination of concentrations for a particular case.The following two examples,based on 58 and 24 gal/cap/day (220 and 90 l/cap/day), demonstrate systems that will require tertiary treatment.A flow rate of 100 gal/cap/day (378 l/cap/day)would be more realistic of current conditions. !:xample 1: 200-man construction camp,all conventional facilities,central dining and kitchen with garbage grinder. From Table 3:Assume flow =58 gal/person/day (220 l/person/day) From Table 9:grams/person/day BODS 55 N P Totals include toilets, 1,p4P. baths,laundry,kitchen, }~garbage grinders 150 165 17 3.8 x 200 people =30,000 33,000 3,400 755 Total Flow:220 x 200 =44,000 l/day. Concentrations:BODS 55 30,000 f 44 =680 mg/l 33,000 ~44 =750 mg/l N 3,400 +44 =77 mg/l P 755 +44 =17 mg/l -18- Example 2: Small community,truck haul,internal plumbing,low-volume flush toilets (assume 100 people). Table 3:flow =24 gal/person/day (90 l/person/day) Table 9:grams/person/day BOOS 91 55 109 Total N 16 Total P 3 Design concentrations: 1-mg/l =grams/person/day +l/person/day x 100 mg/g BOOS 1011 mg/l ,....55 1211 mg/l N 177 mg/l p 33 mg/l Temperature - The temperature of the raw wastewater entering the sewage treatment plant C,:in strongly influence efficiency of most unit operations and processes. Temperature control is also necessary to prevent unwanted freezing either in the system or at the point of final discharge. The energy level presented by moderate (SO°F)to high incoming sewage temperatures should be considered as a resource.The treatment system and -19- ,.... .- .." "... its protective elements should be designed to take full advantage of this available energy.For example,the municipal treatment plant in Fairbanks extracts energy from the effluent via a heat pump and this is used to heat the enti re facil ity. The seasonal temperature of the body of water which ultimately receives the ,~astewater is an important factor depending upon its relative size and the existing use of the water for fisheries,recreation,water supply,etc .. The temperature of raw wastewater is a function of the raw water temperature,the use of electric heat trace and insulation on sewers,the water and sewage system design and characteristics (utiliducts,utilidors, trtl,nsport distance),the use,number and plumbing (hot water)of buildings serviced,and the ambient temperatures.Some values of raw wastewater . temperature are presented in Table 10. Construction Wastewater Drilling operations often make use of a drilling mud (bentonite and water) s"lurry to assist in reducing the heat of the bit,seal sides of the hole, and carry tailings to the top.Generally it ;s injected,recirculated at a site,then abandoned in an approved disposal site.Exploratory drilling for projects recovers cores;any wastewater for hard rock drilling is discharged for overland percolation or,if required,to settling ponds prior to discharge. -20- - 1)Source:Smith et al (1979) Wastewater generated during camp construction usually consists of pressure testing water (if used in lieu of air)and the chlorinated water resulting from disinfection of the potable water system. J~nother source of potential wastewater is surface runoff and associated sediments from construction activities.Proper design or location of control devices such as settling ponds is required to maintain state water qual ity standards for the receiving waters.These control devices are addressed in a companion BMP manual on erosion and sedimentation control. Similarly,the batching of concrete can produce waste slurries that require treatment and/or disposal.Batch pl ant operators and truckers haul ing concrete wil1 usually require an area for disposal of their wastes and "was h down"waters.These wastes require special treatment and an approved disposal area away from wetlands and waterways. Maintenance and Operation An operational camp requires support facil ities similar to those of the construction camp.Maintenance activities require garages,washing and steaming of equipment prior to repair,use of solvents,antifreeze,petro- leum products,lubricants,incineration,etc.which may produce hazardous wastes.Care must be taken to segregate these materials from non-hazardous ,Wfterials and prevent their entry into the domestic wastewater stream. Ii -22- - - 2.3 CONCEPTUAL CAMP LAYOUT,COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEMS At this stage of the design process,preferences will be develop~d for certain types of collection and treatment based on project data and field lreconnaissance.Liaison with state,federal,and local government personnel whose jurisdiction covers wastewater treatment,plan review and/or treatment requirements should be ongoing. ~~.3.1 Water Supply Requirements The quality and quantity of potable water should be verified by researching project records on stream data,exploratory drilling,any well water draw- down data,changes due to various seasons and weather conditions,etc. Evaluation of the raw water source should consider that its chemical and physical characteristics may add backwash water (more to treat)and/or treatment residues (change of wastewater characteristics). Alternative water sources should be considered should water availability b4~come a limiting factor in wastewater treatment feasibility.In many instances,a dependable water source such as a well system or impoundment may be required to size a treatment facility which will effectively treat the wastewater within the parameters of state or federal permits. 2.3.2 Wastewater Collection and Treatment All siting of waste collection and treatment is a function of the location of the water supply,minimization of length of collection and delivery -23- - lines,location of ultimate receiving body,soils,ground water,surface water,and terrain of the area. Gently sloping high ground with free draining soils would be the optimum site even if the location is less convenient than others to the work or water supply.Core boring will be needed on large sites to verify subsoil conditions and insure foundation stability as well as to identify the presence of permafrost or bedrock which could interfere with installation of sewers and other utilities. Waste collection and treatment facilities should not be located in flood- plains.wetlands,in the path of natural drainageways,or near waterbodies. Nor should they be located where they could cause odor problems at camp,or attract wildlife. A minimum of three alternative systems should be considered for each project site.These alternatives are a function of the following: o o o o Size -phases of camp size and development Duration -length of camp usefulness Location -variables of camp location Cost -relative construction operation and maintenance of collection and treatment facilities Two systems are usually fairly easy to develop but the third may require a more detailed investigation which often results in a better idea or modification.Modular units that can be plugged in and out or multiplied to obtain the ultimate treatment are desirable.Transportation and -24- ..... installation t which could take place in the most remote of locations and in the most severe weather t are important considerations.Other aspects to cons'ider are the flexibility or durability of the system if the loading rate 'is different or the time it is in service changes t and the degree of sophistication required for the training of wastewater treatment facilities operators.Costs also need to be developed at this time in enough detail to comparatively rank the possibilities. 2.4 DESIGN OF COLLECTION SYSTEMS This section discusses the characteristics of collection systems by camp and system characteristics.Tabl e 11 summarizes the characteri sti cs of typical collection systems in remote camp areas. 2.4.1 Characteristics by Type of Camp Exploratory and Fly Camps W'ith a collection system relying on the individual users to bring their wastes to a disposal point,the important considerations are the types of containers in which the waste is transported and the facilities at the point of discharge. Containers used by individual s for transporting wastes will vary from conventional oil drums to porta-can pails.The containers should be sized for the way they will be transported and should be covered. -25- - TABLE 11 CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS!) Cravity Vacuum Pressure SOIL CONDITIONS Non-frost susceptible or slightly frost susceptible .nth gravel backfilling material. Most useful for frost susceptible or bedrock conditions,but can be used with any soil conditions. Most useful for frost susceptible or bedrock conditions,but can be used with any soil conditions. TOPOGRAPHY Gently sloping to prevent deep cuts and 1i ft statton. Level or gently sloping. Level,gently sloping or hilly. ECONDMICS J'iftial construction costs high but opera- tional costs low unless must go above ground or use lift stations. Initial construction cost moderately high. Operational costs moderate. Initial construction costs moderate. Operational costs moderately high. OTHER Low Maintenance.High health and conventence improvements. Must hold grades.flushing of low use lines may be necessary.Large diameter pipes necessary. "Traps"every 300 feet. Low water use. High health and convenience improvements. Must have central holding tank for each 30 to 50 ser- vices with additional pumps to pump waste to treatment facHities. Can separate gray and black water. Use small pipes. No exfiltration. Low water use if low water use fixtures ar~installed. High health and Convenience improvements. No central facility necessary -units are in individual buildings.Number of services are not limited.No infiltration.Use small pipes. -I Vehicle-Haul Year-round roads must be available. Level,gently sloping or hilly. Initial construction cost low.Operational costs very high. Low water use and moderate health and convenience improvements. Operational costs must be subsidh:ed. Individual", Haul Used with any soil conditions but boardft'a 1ks are necessary in extremely swampy conditions. Level,gently sloping or hilly. Initial construction cost and operational costs very low. Low usage by inhabitants and thus low health and convenience improvements. ,) Source:Smith et al (1979) ..... Small and Intermediate Camps Camp-haul sewage collection involves the co·llection of wastewater from each point of generation and its transportation by a contractor-operated track or wheel vehicle to a treatment and/or disposal facility.Facilities at camp dwellings generally consist of holding tanks located on or beneath the floors of buildings into which wastes from sinks,lavatories,toilets,and kitchens drain by gravity.The tanks are then emptied into a collection vehicle by pumping.With any haul system,low water use plumbing fixtures are necessary to reduce water consumption and to minimize wastewater generation. The efficiency and operational costs of this type of collection system are dependent partly on the sizing of the holding tanks.For most circum- stances,tanks should be around 260 gallons,but at least 100 gallons larger than the water storage tank provided.The size of the collection, reliability of the service,and climatic conditions should be considered in sizing wastewater storage tanks.It is also important to provide for the structural support in any building required to carry this additional load. The tank must be constructed with a large manhole with removable cover so it can be cleaned and flushed out at least yearly.Fill alarms and volume metering ports should be provided.It must be well insulated,kept within the heated portion of the building and/or heat must be added using heating coils or circulating hot water to prevent any ice formation.While holding tanks have sometimes been buried in the ground beside or beneath -27- ~, - facilities,this should not be done in permafrost areas.The tanks must be placed so they are emptied from the outside of buildings. The hose connection should be of the quick-disconnect type and be a different size and color than t~at of the water delivery hose,to eliminate the possibil ity of a cross-connection.The pumpout connection at the building must be sloped to drain back into the tank after pumping so sewage does not drain outside or stand in the wind and freeze.The tanks must be properly vented to provide adequate air exchange during filling and emptying. Two methods of emptying the holding tanks are in use in the north.With one,a prp.ssure tank is used on the vehicle.The tank is held under a vacuum using a small compressor and a three-way valve.The contp.nts of the hol ding tank are withdrawn into the truck tank under vacuum.At the disposal point the valve is turned to pressurize the tank,forcing the wastewater out.The other method is similar except that sewage pumps are used instead of a compressor and the vehicle tank does not have to be pressure rated. Intermediate and large Camps large facil ities are designed for the convenience and sanitation which accompany piped sewage collection.Whenever the d~ration of the camp site will exceed 5 years,a piped system deserves consideration.There are sp.veral variations of piped sewage collection systems.Normally,a conven- tional gravity system has the lowest life-cycle cost and should bp.used -28- F'!' .! ,-, \ whenever feasible.However,the layout of the site and/or the soil conditions may make a vacuum or pressure sewage collection system neces- sary.An additional advantage of a gravity system is that a freezeup seldom causes pipes to break.The freeze lip is gradual and in layers,in contrast to pressure lines which are full when freezing takes place. ~!hen soil conditions do not allow burying collection lines,they must be placed on or above the surface of the ground.In most locations,the topography and building layout would dictate above-ground lines on pilings (or gravel berms)to hold the grades necessary for gravity sewage flow. Above-ground lines are undesirable because of transportation hinderance, high heat losses,blocked drainage,vandalism,and the cluttered look they create.It may be preferable to use a pressure or vacuum collection system so that the lines can be placed on the ground surface to minimize the above problems. Sewage collection lines may be placed in utilidors with other utilities, depending on the local circumstances.Assuming the same design,heat losses (and thus operation and maintenance costs)of above-ground facilities are nearly three times as high as for the same line placed below-ground because of the greater temperature differential between the inside and outside of the line. Sewage temperatures are also an important design consideration.In camps or villages where the individual buildings have hot water heaters,sewage temperatures usually range between 50°and 59°F.Where hot water heaters are not used and any hot water must be obtained by heating water O~a cook -29- ..... ! F"I" I I ~ I ..... i ..., I """'1 I stove,sewage temperatures range from 39°to 52°F.Heated utilidors, utiliducts,and sewer lines can deliver sewage at temperatures upwards of 60°to 65°F.~greater percentage of this heat will be 10st between the users and the point of treatment with a gravity system (\'lithout heat tracing)than with a utilidor,pressure or vacuum system because the sewage is longer in transit and there is air circulation above the sewage in the pipes.It is often necessary to use electric heat trace at the ends of little-used laterals or throughout the collection piping in a gravity system to eliminate freezing problems caused by the lines slowly icing up. ~lso,a greater percentage of the heat will be lost if the lines are above ground.Sewage heat losses will vary considerab1y from summer to winter with buried lines,depending upon the presence of permafrost.The presence of permafrost,however,requires an entirely different approach to the design and placement of underground utilities. 2.4.2 Collection Systems The following paragraphs discuss design considerations for three types of systems used in remote,northern climates.Common to each system are the following considerations: o Storm water or melt water runoff should not be included in sewers.The waters could lower wastewater temperature,overload treatment facilities hydraulical1y,and deposit sand and grit in collection lines. -30- o Insulated pipe should always be used in cold regions unless lines can be buried well below the active layer and not in permafrost. 1 I o Flex couplings must be provided in facilities designed for use in areas subjected to frost heaving or subsidence. o In providing wastewater and water 1 ines through the use of a common uti1idor,care must be taken to ensure that no cross connections can occur or that the potable water line is protected from any sewage in the util idor as in the case of a sewer 1 ine break . ..,. i i o o It is better to design the sewer system so there is at least one large user near the end of each lateral to eliminate the need for flushing. All fixtures should be placed on inside walls which are warm on both sides.If possible,the sink should be placed on the opposite side of the bathroom plumbing wall to reduce the length of drain lines. o All fixtures and lines should be installed so that they can be drained or otherwise protected from freezing.Drainable P-traps shaul d be used and the user shoul d be aware that antifreeze solution should be added to the toilet and sewer line low spots if there is a danger of freezing during non-use. -31- 1 -r ! o Vents shoul d be constructed of low conductivity material and should increase in size as they go into the unheated atmosphere. One and one-half inch vents should be increased to 3 inches and 3-inch vents should be increased to 4 inches. Conventional Gravity Collection lines If lines can be buried and the layout of the site is sloping,a gravity sewage collection system will have lower operation and maintenance costs than other types of systems. The most important design consideration with gravity sewers is the minimum grades necessary to ensure adequate velocities in the pipelines.Building service lines should have a nominal pipe size of 4 to 6 inches and a minimum slope of 1 percent.The following minimums for main collection lines should be used with stable ground conditions (frost-susceptible and permafrost areas have additional design controls): """I I I ..... Nominal Pipe Size (inches) 6 8 10 12 14 15 ~li nimum 51 ope (percent) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.22 0.17 ..... If soil stability is uncertain (i.e.,a small amount of settling or heaving is likely),a minimum slope of 1 percent should be used for all collection lines.They should be backfilled with non-frost susceptible sand or gravel -32- I~ - at least 12 inches at the bottom and sides of the pipe (Figure 1).The 4-inch service lines should be placed the same way with a 2-percent minimum slope.Higher slopes than those above should be used if possible because the longer the sewage is in the collection system,the more heat it will lose.In small camps,minimum sewage collection line sizes could be 6 inches instead of the normal 8 inches. Lines usually should be buried at least 2 feet to prevent damage from surface loading.Less depth could be allowed in areas with no roads or vehicular traffic. In addition to the steeper slopes listed above,provisions should be made to adjust the slope of a line if it traverses an area where movement is likely.With lines on piling,blocks are placed between the piling and the pipel ine and act as shims.They can be removed or added to adjust the slope.A utilidor can be suspended with adjustable turnbuckles or placed on adjustable yokes or supports. Gravity sewer lines should be checked regularly and when the depth of flow indicates sedimentation or blockage.All cleanouts should be inside of a 1itt stati on. Figures 2 and 3 show typical service line connections to a bUilding for a cold region gravity sewage collection system.They should slope at least 1 to 2 percent to the collection main,depending on soil stability.Of the two examples shown,the method of going through the wall is preferable to going through the floor.The former will allow for more movement of the -33- - "'. Compacted Backfill ". Variable '." ....; ". .":."., t ..,......... ". 4" •.,. -'&:..~~l..£-~":"':::..;;I"•.....ll.. ":.,"":.0 ...:.." ,..".':.. Pipe ---,;"..--~~ Hand Tamped Backfill --....;,-"'*~: Bedding Gravel or Sand __~~..~ to Top of Pipe F"" I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPICAL SEWER AND WATER BEDDING DETAILS FIGURE 1 Building floor B",.,~1;]) Box.-/' --rr---"'''''''---.."To building sewer- '--:',....-90 f!J x 500 lexible hose 7S pvcl:%J _--'-:--100 x 75'A:ducing bell coupling Filled with polystyrene or fiberglass insulation Flexible rubber drain housing Band Approximate ground line Filled wllh polystyrene Plug or rlberglass Insulation ~ I All temperature grease~::1 I i gO I I • I I I_=__>(iS~•..ql.-jp.ill.....~_""~ Corrugated metal pipe filled-I.;.:' Of"smooth to reduce froat jack Ing..:: Wood box with removable lid screwed on wilh wood screws DETAIL -- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SEWER WALL CONNECTION FIGURE 2 DETAIL . •::.0..-:.::tQ.'.-O. ·-0--..·0·.··f':".-:..•••0·· Corrugated Metal Pipe ••• (Filted-in or Smooth to Aedue.Frost Jacking) To Sewer Main ....~....---Plug "'-....--AII-Temperature Grease 1-oliII....-..;..--900'Flexible Rubber Hose ~=---75PVC --:;::'-_-.oj100 x 75 Reducing Bell Coupling ft.-4-Band !.Q.::..:=.;::.:'.~::. ..:.g_••_.-•••(I••:0 ::.:-::..-·0 ..... ••••D ~-~~~:o....;.:""!"'.-:100 PVC ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SEWER FLOOR CONNECTION FIGURE 3 - building without damage to the sewer service line.It also pemits all plumbing to be kept above the building floor. Pressure Sewage Collection Systems If soil conditions and camp layout make a gravity collection system impractical,a pressure system may be considered.A small pump-grinder unit in or near each building provides the force for the pressure system. While construction costs would probably be lower than either a gravity or vacuum system,operation and maintenance costs would be greater than for a gravity or vacuum system because of the pump-grinder units in each building. The largest advantage of this system is that it is not necessary to maintain grades.Pipelines or utilidors do not have to be on piling or up off the ground.They can be at the surface or buried.Small movements due to frost heave or thawing will not affect operation nor will there be problems with infiltration of groundwater because the lines are under pressure.A disadvantage is that pressure lines lay ftlll which allows sedimentation and freezing. The collection lines must be sized to maintain a minimum of 1 foot per second scour velocity.The minimum size collection line is I!inch,which would be the size for one unit.If more units are added than were originally planned for,velocities will increase down the line.The effect of this velocity increase is an increase in head loss.Pressures should be held below 40 psi in the layout.The lines should be slightly undersized -37- - .- (higher velocity)rather than oversized if the correct size (for 1 foot per second)is not available.In the design of a pressure system,an assump- tion that 33 percent of the pumps will be operating at once is recommended for sizing pipes. The collection lines should be designed to be safely drained if the system has to be shut down during the winter for maintenance.Grades should not undulate with the terrain as this would establish a need for air and vacuum relief valves as well as dips which will freeze.The pressure collection lines should be heated,if required,by heat tape,hot air in utiliducts, circulating glycol,steam,etc.Air relief valves should be installed at all high points in the line to allow filling and pressure testing at start- up as well as for operation. The pump-grinder units can be situated in each bUilding or several buildings could drain into one unit by gravity.The units should be designed to pump against the design head in the main plus a 40 percent overload (with 33 percent of the pumps operating at once).Each unit should have complete duplication of controls,sump pumps,and pumps or compressor,for standby.The extra unit would take over if the primary unit is inoperable and,at the same time,set off a warning device (audible and visual)to alert the operator that repairs are required.Standby power should be available in case of a power outage for units serving several bUildings.The pumping units should be well insulated and installed on a stable foundation if they are placed outside or in the ground.As with lift stations,they must be protected from frost jacking forces. Double-check valves should be provided on inlets and outlets to prevent -38- - ~., pwM' ! backflow.Weighted check valves have proven more satisfactory than spring- loaded valves. The pump-grinder units designed to serve individual buildings are equipped with positive displacement pumps which have a nearly constant pumping rate over a wide range of heads.The grinder unit reduces all foreign objects to 0.26 inches before they go into the pump.The unit must be able to handl e unusual items fl ushed down the toi lets such as rock,wash rags, utensils,etc.Positive displacement pumps require a lower power input to purge the system of any air pockets.The units must be small and light enough that they can be easily removed from the sump and repaired while the standby unit continues to operate. The sump or tank from which the pump draws must be designed so that it is cleaned by scouring as the pump operates.The outlet check valves should be located in a horizontal run to prevent solids from settling in them when the pump is not running.Pressure sensors should be used to control pumps and alarms (rags and grease tend to foul float sWitches).The sump should be sized to provide several days'storage in case of a temporary power outage or other problem.It should be constructed of fiberglass or plastic for protection from corrosion. The pressure system can also be modified by using conventional submersible sewage pumps in holding tanks at each building.The tanks are similar to septic tanks where the solids settle~biodegrade anaerobically~and are pumped out by truck occasionally.The submersible pump pumps the relative- ly cl ear effluent into the pressure sewer 1ines to a treatment facil ity. -39- ..1"""" Some of the advantages of this type of operation are: o Problems with the grinder on the pump plugging up are eliminated. o There are no solids to settle in the collection lines. o The treatment facility is not as complicated as for conventional sewage. Pressure sewer lines should be tested as any pressure water line would be. If using water or liquid,use It times the working pressures with an allowable loss of 3 gallons in 24 hours.If using air,use H times the working pressure with an allowable loss of 103 psi in 24 hours.Great care must be exercised when using compressed air because of the possibility of explosion.Air testing must be used at below freezing temperatures. Vacuum Sewage Collection Systems As with pressure systems,a vacuum sewage collection system should be designed only if soil conditions and camp layout negate a gravity collection system.Vacuum systems are not limited to holding grades,but are limited to 15 to 20 feet in elevation differences because they are operated at 8 to 10 psi vacuum.Vacuum systems are limited to 30 to 50 services on a given collection line. Toilet wastes,with a small amount of water,are transported in the pipes by the differential pressure between the atmosphere (air admitted to the system with the flushing action)and a partial vacuum in the pipe created by a central vacuum pump.The flow conditions are slug-type,but the -40- (traps)is a disadvantage of the vacuum system. 1 To reform the slug flow,friction in the pipe breaks down the water s ug. transport pockets are required at intervals of about 200 to 300 feet.The vacuum toilets only require 0.3 gallons of water to flush and the collec- tion lines are small (2 inches).The requirement for transport pockets Because the traps wi 11 for extended peri ods of time,they ITlUS t behaveliquidstandinginthem 11 · 1 t d They should also be pro-inside a heated util idor or be we ,nSll a e·. vided with drains. The collection line sizes will depend on the number of fixtures on a line and the estimated number that will be operating simultaneously.Usually 2- are used w,·th the traps dipping at least one and one-halfto2!-inch lines pipe diameters.Tests have shown that head losses increase about linch of mercury for each 984 feet of collection line velocities of 15 feet per second or 1ess.Because the 1i nes carry a combi nati on of a ir and water, head losses are nearly impossible to compute.However,when going uphill, the increase in head loss is only about 20 percent of the actual elevation increase.Most fixtures will not flush if there is less than 6 to 7 psi vacuum in the collection lines.Thus,if several are flushing simultaneously and the vacuum.drops to 6 to 7 psi,additional fixtures will not flush until the vacuum builds back up.Gray water (sink,shower and tub wastes)can be separated from black wat,=r (toilet wastes)for treatment purposes or water reuse,by haVing the toilets on a different collection H.ne than the gray water fixtures.In low use lines where it is not desirable to have sewage stand in the traps for extended periods,an automatic or timed valve can be installed to bleed air into the end of the line and keep the wastewater moving.Full opening ball valves should be -41- installed approximately every 200 feet so that sections of the lines can be isolated to check for leaks or plugs. A collection tank is located at the end of the collection lines.The tank is held under a vacuum at all times by liquid-ring vacuum pumps which must be sized to evacuate the air and liquid admitted to the system by the users with a safety factor of two.(In Noorvik,Alaska,the design figures used were six flushes per person per day for the toilets and 30 gallons per person per day for sinks and showers.For 50 houses,pumps were selected which were capable of evacuating 64 cubic feet per minute at a vacuum of 16 inches of mercury.)The collected wastes are pumped out of the tank to the treatment facil ity using conventional centrifugal pumps.They must be designed to pump with a negative suction head equal to the maximum vacuum under which the tank must operate.The collection tank is sized similar to the pressure tank in a hydro-pneumatic system.One-ha 1f of the tank capacity is used for liquid storage and the other half is space (vacuum) serving as a buffer for the vacuum pumps.Several alarms should be in- cluded in the tank to give warning of high levels of sewage in the holding tanks,low incoming sewage temperature,and low vacuum in the system. Lift Stations Sewage 1 ift stations are used mainly with gravity collection systems but coul d be used with pressure sewage coll ection systems,and even vacuum systems (to pump the waste from the collection tank to the treatment facility).The advantages and disadvantages of several types of lift stations are shown on Table 12. -42- TABLE 12 TYPES OF LIFT STATIONS TYPE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES l.Submersible Low initial cost;low Difficult to make field maintenance requirements;repair of pump~requires does not require installa-specialized lifting tion of appurtenances such equipment to remove pump. as heaters~dehumidifers, sump pump~etc.;station f"lll""-can easily be expanded and increased in capacity; available for wide range of capacities.Littl e of the structure is above ground so heat losses are greatly I>->/.reduced. i High initial costs;I 2.Dry Well Pumping equipment located- away from wet well;low requires larger cost per gallon capacity;construction site. good reliability;high efficiency;desirable for large installations; easily maintained. 3.Wet Well Low initial cost;high Requires explosion proof.l"""efficiency;wide range electrical motors andi. I of capacity available.connections;difficult:,! to maintain pump. 4.Suction Lift Good reliability;avail-Suction lift limited toableforwiderangeof15feet;decrease in ,-.".capacity.priming efficiency as pump ages. 5.Pneumatic For low capacity (40 gpm)Somewhat more complex-Ejector low head,short distances;than other types of generally nonclogging;stations;high mainten- 100 gpm maximum usually.ances;low efficiency. f"'" -I The outside of the station should be insulated with at least 3 inches of urethane or styrofoam with an outer protective covering to protect the insulation from moisture.Insulation should be placed underneath the station to prevent settling due to the thaw of frozen ground.Visqueen (plastic)or some other bond breaker should always be used to reduce frost jacking in the active layer.If thawing and settling under the station is anticipated,pile foundations extending well into the permafrost are recommended.All stations must be attached to concrete slabs to provide sufficient weight to overcome the buoyancy of the station itself if it were completely submerged in water.Pressure coupling (flexible)type connec- tions are recommended at the inlet and outlet of the stations to prevent differential movement from breaking the lines. Alarms are necessary in any lift station.All critical components,such as pumps and compressors,should be duplicated in each station.The controls should allow the operator to specify operation of the pump or compressor, with the identical standby unit taking over if one or the other does not start.An alarm (both visual from the surface and audible)would then warn the operator that one unit is malfunctioning.The alarms can also be set for the temperature and water level in the station.These alarms should be tied back into a central alarm panel in the pumphouse or to the treatment plant.Standby electrical power should be provided for each major lift station. Inlet screens must be provided to remove items that would clog pumps or check valves.Each lift station should be checked by the operator and the inlet screen cleaned daily.Submersible types or .those without a heated -44- !If'"''i., dry well in whi ch to work shoul d be housed in a heated surface structure with the electrical controls and alarms. Force Mains Force rna ins are pressure 1i nes into which the pumps in the 1ift stati on discharge.They should be designed to have scour velocities during pumping (2t to 3 feet per second)and to drain between pumping cycles.The line shoul d be pl aced ina heated util idor or heat traced in some way shoul d climatic conditions dictate.Another option would be to time the pumping cycle so the sewage stays in the line for a calculated period,and to size the holding tank at the lift station to hold at least the volume of the force main.The mains should be pressure tested and meet all the criteria of pressure water transmission pipelines. 2.5 DESIGN OF TREATMENT SYSTEM The selection of the best wastewater treatment and disposal alternatives depends upon many factors,as shown on Table 13.Some of the most impor- tant factors include: o Wastewater characteristics and flows o Degree of treatment reqUired o o ReCrVing water ope'~:~ators 'I,.I,., -45- TABLE 13 COMPARISON OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR CAMPS TREATMOO SYSTEM &APPliCATION AOVANTACES DISADVANTAGES Septic tank with tile field and/or leach pit - Non-permafrost areas and small camps where suitable soil conditions exist for infiltration of septic effluent. Septic tank might also be used ahead of secondary treatment plant. 1.No direct discharge to surface 1. water. 2.No operating requiretllents except 2. for septic tank pump out and sludge disposal at completion of project.3. 3.low operating cost. Use limited to non-permafrost areas. Also,potential freeZing problem during cold weather. Potential groundwater contamination problems. Probably not suitable for large camps. Suggested maximum size of 5,000 gal/day. Short retention lagoon - Areas where primary effluent may be discharged with no risk to public and with negligible environmental impact. Z. 3. "'. Very simple and dependable.1. Operator requirement minimal if Z. properly designed and constructed. Separate slUdge handling,treat-3. ment and disposal systems not required. 4. Low capital operating costs. Potential severe odor problems. Potential groundwater contamination problems. Stricter requirements for effluent discharge. Require regular effluent sampling and analysis where effluent is discharged directly to a receiving water body (less frequent sampling might be permitted where effluent is disoharged indirectly. Operator requirement minimal if properly designed and constructed.4. Very simple,dependable,and 1. flexible if sized adequately. Oischarge can be timed to protect the receiving stream during critical periods.Z. Long retention lagoon - Area where large relatively flat land space is available,winter retention is desirable and impervious soils exist. 1. Z. 3. Instant start-up.3. May require Z-year or longer holding period to achieve secondary level of treatment. Potential odor problems. Potential groundwater contamination problems. Large land requirement. 4.Separate sludge handling,treat- ment and disposal systems not required. 5.Require suitable geotechnical conditions,preferably non-permafrost and impervious soils and low water table. 5.Low capital cost if geotechnical conditions favorable.Low oper- ting cost,low energy cost. 6.Land rec1amati on may be delayed unt it after project completion. Aerated lagoon - Probably more applicable to long- term construction camps but could be used instead of long retention 1agoon where 1and area is limi ti ng or where continuous discharge is acceptable. 6.Eliminate need for regular effluent sampling and an~lysis except when discharging. 1.Simple to operate.1. Z.Only routine maintenance required. Z. 3.Separate sludge handling,treat- ment and disposal systems not reqUired. 3. 4.Less land area requirement than for long retention lagoon. Potential problem with clogging of fine- bubble air diffusers maintained. Require regular sampling and analysis if effluent is discharged directly to receiving water. Higher capital and operating costs than for most long retention lagoons. TABLE 13 (CONTINUED) COMPARISON OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR CAMPS TREATMENT SYSTEM &APPLlCAT10N ADVANTACES oISADVANTACES Extended aeration - Non-permafrost and permafrost regions where continuous surface water discharge is permitted and where adequate power generation capacity is available. 1.Proven technology.1. 2.Can produce a highly nitrified effluent. 3.Excellent results if well 2. designed (e.g.,flow equalization, adequate aeration capacity, parallel units)and well operated. _.Low quantity of slUdge generated.3. Some in-system slUdge storage capacity,eliminating need for continuous slUdge "asting,4. treatment and disposal. 5.Capital cost lower than for RBC and PIC pI ants. Bulking sludge,hydraulic surges,poor operating control,etc.,could result in high effluent suspended solids level. Long start-up time;therefore,special steps must be taken (e.g.,seed plant with slUdge,recycle unsatisfactory effluent)• Require skilled operator (biological and mechanical training). Operating cost greater than for RBC (but less than for PIC plant). 1.Quick recovery from organic and hydraulic overloads. 1.Start-up time could be long,partiCUlar ly if toxic chemicals in "aste. Rotating biological contactor - Non-permafrost and permafrost regions where continuous surface water dis·2. charge is permitted and where moderate power generation capacity is avail-3. abl e. RBC process control is simple. Law energy requirement compared to extended aeration. 2. 3. 4. Require skilled operator (mechanical) for associated processes. Require continuous sludge wasting and/or disposal. High continuous sludge "asting and/or disposal. Physical/Chemical -1.Proven technology (after extensive modifications). S.Poor treatment when overloaded,even for short time periods. 1.Extremely complex. ....... Permafrost and non-permafrost regions where highly variable wastewater characteristics are expected,where highly trained operators are avail- able and a high quality effluent is required.In particular,could be downstream from a biological treat- ment plant to produce a very high quality effluent • 2.Not affected by toxic constitu- ents such as cleaning solvents nor significantly affected by temperature extremes. 3.Instant start up. 2. 3. 4. Require highly skilled operator High capital and 0 &M costs. Large quantities of chemical sludge generated,requiring additional handling and disposal. o Duration,size and location of operation o Climate o Geotechnical considerations Capital and operating costs for a camp system do not command as much attention as they might in a permanent facility due to many other variables such as location,unit size,receiving stream,effluent requirements,and limited time to set up and move on. It is reasonable to anticipate that no less than secondary treatment will be required at all camp sites.The major requirements (18 AAC 72)which need to be met to achieve secondary treatment are as follows. a o BODS--The arithmetic mean of the values for effluent samples collected in 30 consecutive days may not exceed 30 milligrams per liter;the arithmetric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in seven consecutive days may not exceed 45 milligrams per 1iter;and the arithmetri c mean of the values for effl uer.t samples collected in a 24-hour period may not exceed 60 milli- grams per liter. Suspended Solids--The arithmetric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in 30 consecutive days may not exceed 30 milli- grams per liter;the arithm~tric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in seven consecutive days may not exceed 45 milligrams per liter;the arithmetric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in a 24-hour period may not exceed 60 -48- o milligrams per liter;and for effluent from a lagoon,the arith- metric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in 30 consecutive days may not exceed 70 milligrams per liter. ~--The values for effluent pH must be kept between 6.0 and 9.0 unless it is shown that inorganic chemicals are not added to the waste stream as part of the treatment process.l ) r ;1 - o Fecal Coliform--The arithmetric mean of the values for a minimum of five effluent samples collected in 30 consecutive days may not exceed 200 fecal coliform/IOO ml;and the arithmetric mean of the values for effluent samples collected in seven consecutive days may not exceed 400 fecal coliform/laO ml.l ) 2.5.1 Exploratory and Fly Camps Small operations will normally use porta-can pails or other similar con- tainers to receive and transport waste.The disposal point for such containers must be designed for easy access;otherwise the wastes may not be deposited according to facility design.The disposal point could be a landfill site,a facultative lagoon or pond,a wastewater treatment plant, or a holding tank where the waste is then transported to a treatment facility by tank truck.Figure 4 illustrates four low-cost treatment systems. 1 Both pH and fecal coliform limits vary depending on receiving water I~characteristics. -49- ,~ SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL: Underground -I'SEEPAGE PIT " 'l--.......----~ ,'f SEPTIC TANK &FIELD Containers Truck Haul Collection System LAGOONS: Seepage Pit ~- Septic Tank ~ ...t ...~Underground .... Distribution !Box or Dosing t t , Chamber...~...~,...... t NATURAL DEPRESSION (A low area,swamp or lake) Collection ~Natural Clarification Land Disposal or System Depression Disinfection Receiving Water"- ~MANMADE Collection ~Primary ....Secondary ~Clarification Land Disposal or System , Lagoon Lagoon Disinfection Receiving Water ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY LOW COST TREATMENT SYSTEMS (SIMPLE) FIGURE 4 - - Where container wastes are dumped at a landfill site approved by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC),they must be covered daily.If the wastes are deposited in a lagoon or pond,the dumping point should be designed to prevent erosion of the lagoon dikes and yet allow for easy access so the waste is deposited in the lagoon and not on the dikes. Waste disposal pits are constructed by cribbing a hole in the ground and covering it with a platform containing a disposal hole covered with a fly-tight,hinged lid.When the pit is full,the platform is removed and the bunker is covered with the material excavated from a new pit.As with privies,waste pits are not a desirable form of waste disposal if the soil is frozen,in areas of fine-grained silts,or when there is a high ground- water table. The most satisfactory disposal for container wastes would be at a central facility where the wastes are a small part of the total waste load to the facility.A fly-tight closeable box,which is convenient to use,should be provided on the outside of the building.It must be vandal proof and cap- able of being thoroughly washed down and cleaned daily.Above all,it must be aesthetically acceptable and easy to use. The type of waste dumped at a disposal point could be an important consideration in treatment plan design even though the quantity (by comparison to the facility waste)may be small.The waste quite often contains a high concentration of deodorizers such as formaldehyde and phenols,which could affect biological treatment processes.It also may -51- contain plastic bags and other solid wastes and wnl be very high in BOD (up to 1000 mg/l)and low in hydraulic loading. The break even point when the loading or facility requires more sophisticated treatment is summarized in Table 14. 2.5.2 Small and Intermediate Camps Sma 11 and intermedi ate camp wastewater di sposa 1 systems generally range from truck-haul,lagoon-disposal systems to more complex piped-collection and treatment plant facilities.The majority of the discussion on treatment system options follows in Section 2.5.3.This section addresses primarily dispos~l of truck-hauled wastewater. The disposal point for truck hauled waste should be in a heated building with a "drive through If design to make the unloading time as short as possible.The building should also provide heated storage for the vehicles while not in use or for repairs.Where the disposal point is at a landfill or lagoon,a ramp or splash pad should be provided to prevent erosion and still allow the vehicle to deposit the wastes wel1 within the lagoon or landfill.Any plastic bags used to contain wastes should go through a slitter to empty the contents.The contents then flow to a wet well where they can be pumped to a 1a900n or to a treatment pl ant.The bags can be incinerated or land filled depending upon state approval. The building in which the vehicles are stored and/or emptied should also be equipped with water for flushing and cleaning the tanks.The washwater -52- - TABLE 14 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ADEC GUIDELINES GRAYl4ATER Pressurized LandDisposal~/ Non- pressurized Land ,~Disposal~/ SEWAGE Nonwaterborne 2/Cat-Hole-4/ Alternate LandDisposal~/ LandDisposal~/ Buria1 3/-4/Alternate Plan Review 5/ Disposal~/ Burial Alternate 4/ Plan Review 5/ Plan Review 5/ Waterborne Chemically Treated Approved Plan Review 5/Plan Review 5/ Wastewater Dump Station. Burial and Land Disposal Prohibited. Plan Review 5/ Footnotes:1/LAND DISPOSAL -Land disposal of graywater is permitted as shown subject to the following conditions: a.Discharges must be at least 100 feet,measured horizontally, from any natural or man-made lake,river,slough,stream or coastal water of the state. b.There is no drainage to water courses or standing water. c.No puddling ocurs on the surface after 15 minutes. d.Discharges should,to the extent possible,be limited to already disturbed and/or gravel areas. ~/CAT-HOLE -Cat-holes are for individual one-time use and should be located in remote areas at least 100 feet from any streams or ~' - - TABLE 14 (Continued) water bodies and well away from campsites or other areas frequented by people.All fecal material and tissues should be buried in a small hole,covered with soil and packed down.The vegetation,sod,tundra mat,etc.,should then be replaced and the area left as if no one had used it. If BURIAL -Slit trenches,latrines,straddle trenches,pit privies, etc.,are permitted where site-specific and seasonal conditions allow.The type and size should meet the anticipated use.Use of these facilities is subject to the following conditions: a.Located at least 100 feet,measured horizontally,from any natural or man-made lake,river,slough,stream or coastal water. b.Constructed so that surface water drainage is away from the pit or trench. c.Vertical separation between the bottom of the trench or pit and the highest water table elevation is 4 feet. d.May not be constructed within 75 feet of the top,measured horizontally,of a cut or fill bank exceeding 6 feet in height. e.Pits and trenches should be located,where possible,in already disturbed areas. f.Pits or trenches filled with wastes to a point 1 foot from the surface must be closed out. g.All pits or trenches must be disinfected with 1 ime (or equivalent)prior to close out. h.Close out requires filling to ground level with successive layers of earth packing each layer down before adding the next one.The filled pit should then be mounded over with at least 1 foot of dirt. i.Pits and trenches not needed for overwi nter use must be closed out prior to freeze-up. if ALTERNATE -Alternate disposal methods not requiring permits or approvals include: a.Backhauling in holding tanks or suitable containers to approved camp stations or wastewater treatment systems. Examples:Vault toilets;porta-johns;camper holding tanks. chemical toilets.' b.Incinerator type toilets.Electric or propane. c.Use of existing approved wastewater systems. ..- ....: - TABLE 14 (Continued) 52 §./PLAN REVIEW -As indicated on the chart,this is the level at which plans for wastewater disposal must be submitted to the department and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.This includes, but is not limited to,subsurface and surface discharge system, septic tanks,infiltration systems,french drains,lagoons, soakage pits,stack injection,etc. §./NONRECURRING USE -Permanent facil ities or repeated use of the same site requires plan review by AOEC . .- -- should drain to the wet well where it can proceed to treatment.Extreme care must be taken to prevent a cross-connection with the water system. 2.5.3 Intermediate and large Camps The following sections discuss the various components (illustrated on Figure 5)necessary to complete the treatment process for intermediate and large camps and end up with a safe effluent.Units will be presented from the raw water end to the polishing end.Changing the order of placement of some units will affect the treatment efficiency and dictate design modifications accordingly.For instance,it may be preferrable to aerate a flow equalization tank prior to comminution so that less settling will take place.Or,screening prior to equalization may eliminate a greater amount of solids prior to treatment.Or,comminution followed by aeration in the equalization tank may enhance an activited sludge process.Use of a lagoon for treatment may eliminate the need for any pre-treatment.The selected procedure will depend upon the appearance of the wastewater as it enters the plant,its relative elevation,the extremes of flow variation and need for process pumping. Elevation differences due to natural topography should be maximized in order to minimize the need for pumping.Extreme care must be taken during the design process to stabilize flows and not overdesign pumps for peak situations.It may be preferriible to use several equivalent pumps in parallel rather than to use one or two very large pumps.Several pumps are more flexible,provide backup during maintenance,and are more cheaply replaced or repaired. -56- 1 1 1 -1 --~l 1 1 I 1 J J 1 1 I 1 }1 1 Clarification "7 Dllinfectlon Sicondary Treatment Primary Treatment Flow Equallutlon 4 Aeration 8 ........ll.".--I Temponry I ........ Wastewater Storage Greale Trap \",.,.('~~o(;~('e(·...\('~ 201l-Separator Kitchen 10llwSklmmero(I I.'I.~Je~'"~,~",,...., ...Vehicle Wash ED o o 00 o §) Greale Trap Oil-Skimmer TREATMENT OPTIONS *Scraens Bar Racks *Mlcroltralner Commlnutor Aeration Mixing Aaratlon PhYllcal/Chemlcal Chlorine Activated Sludge *O~one Extended Aeration *Rotatlng Biological Contactore Land DIIPoul Dllcharge to Receiving Water 0 [!][!]§) Grit Removal Tank Decant Aerobic Oil-Separator Lagoon Filter Prell *Anaeroblc *Vacuum *Centrlfuge [!] Incinerate Burial *Compoltlng *Needl Study for Camp Application ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY HIGH-COST TREATMENT SYSTEMS (COMPLEX) FIGURE 5 ,- - - - - - - The system should be designed to accommodate peak flows.The necessary equipment and bypasses should be incorporated to continue operation in the event a portion of the system fails.Redundancy in pumping,treatment and storage are essential. 2.5.3~1 Pre-treatment Pre-treatment is considered to be any method of treating or conditioning raw wastewater in order to improve its treatability or to protect equipment.Pre-treatment processes applicable to camps include grease removal,screening,comminution and pre-aeration.The required types of pre-treatment facilities are determined by the requirements of the main treatment facility.For example,lagoons may not require any type of pre-treatment,whereas physical/chemical plants may require grease removal and screening. Grease removal facil ities are particul arly important for effi ci ent operation of mechanical treatment plants.Grease traps,septic tanks and/or air flotation tanks are necessary,since large quantities of grease can seriously overload downstream treatment facilities as well as contribute to breakdowns of mechanical equipment. The first unit operation encountered in wastewater treatment plants, assuming grit chambers,grease traps and oil skimmers are in place up- stream,is the filtering operation or screening.Coarse screening devices in sewage treatment consist mainly of bar racks,which are used to protect -58- """ pumps,valves,pipelines,and other appurtenances from damage or clogging by rags and large objects. Suspended particles greater than!inch can be removed more economically by screening than by other unit operations.Fine screens of the disk or drum type are generally used.The high content of oil,grease,cooking fats, etc.at camps frequently interferes with the success of fine screening devi ces.They may warrant additional considerati on,dependi ng upon camp influent quality,since they are simple devices and low energy users. Sufficient elevation difference may allow gravity straining or sieving before any pumping is required.The minimum rotary screening opening should not be so small as to clog quickly and require frequent maintenance. Screen openings of 2 millimeters appear to be desirable.Alternatively,a screen with automatic cleaning (perhaps backwash)could be considered. Comminution is another alternative.With comminution,larger solids are ground into smaller pieces which remain in the treatment system but are small enough so as not to adversely affect downstream equipment.Comminu- tion is commonly used with extended aeration plants. Pre-aeration is a process which may be used to make septic or high strength wastes more amenable to subsequent treatment by reducing the initial high oxygen uptake rate of the wastes.Aerated flow equalization tanks can serve this purpose.Pre-aeration is not required for physical/chemical systems. -59- Temporary Wastewater Storage Provisions for emergency storage for mechanical treatment plants may be required by regulation for the following reasons: o To retain satisfactory wastewater effluent during periods of plant malfunction.This effluent can be recycled to the plant at a controlled rate once the cause of malfunction has been rectified. o To receive the entire raw wastewater f1 ow if,for some reason, the plant is not functioning. o To further assist with the smooth operation of a biological treatment plant during start-up by permitting recycle of organics to the plant. A minimum holding period of 5 days is recommended for emergency holding ponds.Longer than 5 days may be desirable in some cases after consideration of a number of factors such as geotechnical conditions, season(s}of operation,dependability of the operator and treatment process,length of operating time,and the condition and downstream uses of the receiving water. -60- - - Flow Equalization One of the most important design considerations for any mechanical treat- ment plant is flow equalization.Because treatment plants function best over given flow ranges,it is desirable to dampen peak hydraulic loadings which commonly occur in the morning and evening and at such other times as may be characteristic of a particular camp.It is suggested that flow equalization tanks should provide 12 hours retention at the average daily flow;however,this could vary depending on the expected diurnal flow variations.The tanks must be aerated to prevent solids deposition and to keep the contents homogeneous and aerobic.Transfer of the liquid from the flow equalization tank to the downstream treatment units should be accom- plished at a uniform rate (set at average daily flow or,for phys- ical/chemical plants,at the plant capacity).Many sewage pumps provide flows much in excess of the average flows expected at cal)1ps.If special precautions,such as a progressive cavity pump with variable speed drive or an air lift pump in a constant head tank,are not taken,the purpose of flow equalization wilT be undermined. Primary Treatment Primary treatment SUbstantially removes all floating and settleable solids from wastewater by such means as flotation and settling.Flotation is used p'f'imarily in the treatment of wastewater containi ng 1arge quantiti es of industrial wastes that carry heavy loads of finely divided suspended solids and grease.For camp wastewater,the degree of solids reduction achievable by primary treatment is not well documented.Typically,normal domestic -61- wastewater would be reduced 50 to 65 percent in suspended solids and 25 to 40 percent in BODS by primary settling.It is expected that B00 5 reduc- tions for camp wastewater might be at the lower end of this range because of the higher-than-normal soluble BOD 5 fraction in camp wastewater. Primary treatment as the only level of treatment is generally not accept- able in Alaska.A permit variance would have to be requested.The permit application would need considerable documentation as to the ability of the receiving water or land mass to assimilate all of the waste in an environmentally acceptable fashion. The simplest primary treatment facility is the short retention lagoon,with a retention time ranging from 3 to 30 days,and depth varying from 10 to 20 feet.The liquid and accumulated sludge in this type of lagoon undergo anaerobic decomposition and consequently can be malodorous at times. Particularly obnoxious odors can occur when the water supply has a high sul fate content resulting in reducti on of sul fates to hydrogen sul fi de under anaerobic conditions.Consequently,it is usually advisable to site short retention ponds in the prevailing downwind direction and as far as practicable (at least 100 feet)from the serviced population. Secondary Treatment Secondary treatment means that method of removal of dissolved and colloidal materials which produces an effluent with the characteristics described in Section 2.5.Secondary treatment can be accomplished by means of long retention lagoons,aerated lagoons or by various types of mechanical -62- treatment plants.Mechanical treatment plants discussed in this manual are limited to extended aeration,rotating biological contractors (RBC)and physical/chemical (P/C)processes. Lagoons Wastewater 1agoons can provi de one of the simp1 est,most cost-effective methods of wastewater treatment.The capital cost of constructing a lagoon is low provided that geotechnical conditions are suitable.The operating cost is low since specially trained personnel are not required,little time is required for operational control,and power requirements are very low or nil (except for aerated lagoons). Lagoons must be water-tight unless the effect of seepage can be shown not to adversely affect any groundwater or nearby waterbodi es.Furthermore, water-tightness is desirable for protection of inlet appurtenances against freezing due to low water levels during cold weather.The interior of the lagoon should be lined with in situ clay,or compacted mixed (off site) bentonite,or an impervious membrane. There are two basic types of secondary lagoons applicable to workcamps: long retention and aerated.The long retention lagoons are also often termed facultative lagoons or oxidation ponds.Since the ponds are often covered by ice and are anaerobic for such a long period of time,the term "long retention"more accurately describes such lagoons~ -63- The following design suggestions should be considered for long retention lagoons treating camp wastewater: ~, c A separate,short primary retention pond,preceding the long retention lagoon,would improve the overall performance by removing readily settleable and floatable organic solids. Suggested holding time for the primary cell is 5 days. o Minimum of two long retention cells would be preferred. o In terms of BOD,a loading of 0.5 pounds per day per 1000 square feet should not be exceeded. o Complete winter retention plus at least 3 months or longer operation of the long retention cells under aerobic conditions are necessary to produce a secondary quality eff1uent.The ponds must have full sunlight throughout the day to promote effective treatment. o Long retention lagoons should be over-sized by as much as 50 percent to ensure that complete winter retention is provided in case of flow under-estimation. o Maximum cell depth should be 7 to 10 feet considering ice cover, freeboard and liquid operating depth. -64- - - o The lagoon should be sited as far away from human habitation as possible,preferably at least 1000 feet downwind because of potential odor problems. o Provisions for flow measurements should be provided. There appears to be no precedent for this type of lagoon system treating camp wastes.However,there are a great many Canadian villages,large and small,that have demonstrated good low-cost results.A lagoon system is less subject to fluctuations in flow but toxins can still cause upset to the biological stability. Aerated lagoons are another type of secondary lagoon.Winter conditions in Alaska at the remote camp sites could create such difficult conditions that treatment by normal lagoon process may not lag far behind the more expensive aeration system in producing acceptable quality effluent.It is suggested that a minimum of two cells with a total of 30 to 40 days reten- tion time,followed by a polishing pond,are required.The aeration system for the lagoon must be selected carefully to handle the maximum oxygen demand,which usually occurs in the springtime when water temperatures warm up and accumulation of undigested winter sludge exert an internal oxygen demand in addition to the applied demand. Extended Aeration Extended aeration is a modification of the activated sludge treatment process.It has been used extensively in treati ng workcamp wastewater -65- - .... - because of its high degree of stability for a wide variation in wastewater flow rate and strength.This biological process requires a trained operator or close supervi si on to avoi d upset.A schematic di agram of a package extended aeration plant is shown on Figure 6. Package extended aeration plants have been used at a number of construction camps in Canada and the U.S.A.Performance data on some of these are summarized in Table 15.Suggested design criteria and operating requirements for extended aeration plants are outlined in Table 16 . It should be noted that the recommended aeration tank loadings in Table 16 would result in an average retention time of 60 hours.The much less conservative approach taken at camps in Al!aska (tanks provi ded 24 hours retention at the design average daily flow rate)is not recommended. A characteristic problem with extended aeration plants is their long start-up time,which is usually 30 days before an adequate biological mass is built up in the aeration tank.This problem can be minimized or circumvented by applying one or a combination of the following procedures: ,.... o Operate the aeration tank with no aercltion for 1 week or as long as generated odors remain bearable.Biological solids will settle out and be effectively retained in the system.Aeration tends to break solids up,producing a pin-point,hard-to-settle floc when mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS)concentr'ation is low.By accumulating solids in the aeration tank before the aeration system is turned on, better flocculation of solids is promoted and start-up time is decreased. -66- Temporary bypass ...Emergencyrstorage .... I ..~" Returj flow •t+Overflow Unsatisfactory elnuent Effluent disposal ,-----....., L.1 Sludge ••L........SludgeIPldewateringj"""disposal "-----........ DecantSolids disposal· I Waste gross soNds -... r-------., R SCreening Aerated ftow ~'Aeration ~'Effluent I r-!Y-aw f-LJ...or I-L........equalization lank L.JJ..Clarilfer sewage -".comminution -".tank IUniform r-JJI"I disinfection 1 L.-.....,,~,....I flow L.--......t-..J L_-'-.J Return sludge 'Waste slUdge ,r (periodic) •Not required with comminution Note:Dolled lines indicate optional processes *,.Required it incineration is usee;!for sludge disposal ,- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ..... SCHEMATIC OF EXTENDED AERATION PROCESS FIGURE 6 I i J ~1\1 iJ ~-l l l ) ( l )..-1 TABLE 15 PERFORMANCE OF EXTENDED AERATION PLANTS TREATING CAMP WASTEWATER ..... TABLE 16 SUGGESTED DESIGN CRITERIA AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTENDED AERATION PLANTS TREATING CAMP WASTEWATER 1 DESIGN .... - Aeration tank loading - (dual units) Flow equalization Oxygen requirement Oxygen transfer efficiency Mixing requirement Clarifier surface loading rate Positive sludge return Sludge handling facilities 0.24 kg BOOs/m 3 daily average @ 20°C 0.48 k9 B00 5/m 3 daily maximum @ 20°C Separate or in-system flow equalization 2 kg O2 transferred/kg BODS applied 3-5%depending on air diffusers,tank geometry,etc. Sufficient air or energy must be sup- plied for aeration tank mixing 16 m3/m 2 daily average 29 m3/m 2 hourly peak 20 -200%of average daily influent flowrate (normally set at 100%) 0.5 kg suspended solids per kg B00 5 removed ~OPERATION - .- Measure mixed liquor dissolved oxygen,settleability and note color daily. Adjust air flowrates as required. Scrape hopper-type clarifier daily to ensure solids do not hang-up on the wall s. Waste sludge as required to maintain mixed liquor suspended solids (MlSS) in the 3000 -6000 mg/l range,approximately . o Design a variable capacity unit or dual units sized to keep the food-to-microorganism ratio in a favorable range for start-up. o o Discharge poor quality effluent to the emergency holding pond and recycle settled solids to the head of the plant. Import activated sludge solids from a mature treatment plant. - ,~ o Add an artificial substrate to build-up the bacterial population faster. Through prudent start-up procedures,it should be possible to achieve 80 percent BODS reduction after a I-week operating period and 90 percent after a 2-week period. Rotating Biological Contactor Rotating biological contactors (RBC)usually consist of plastic discs mounted on a horizontal shaft across a tank.The discs are slowly rotated with approximately 40 percent of their surface area submerged in wastewater in the tank.Biomass adheres to the discs,grows in the presence of oxygen and metabolizes organic matter in the wastewater.When the attached biomass on the discs becomes thick,portions of it slough off the discs into the wastewater.The wastewater effluent from the RBC tank is clarified to remove the sloughed biological solids.These solids must be -70- - removed regularly as sludge and treated and/or disposed of separately.A schematic diagram for an RBG and auxiliary components is presented on Figure 7.RBG systems have not been used extensively at campsite.s. Additional study is needed to take advantage of the concept1s simplicity and low energy demand. Pretreatment of the raw wastewater before addition to the RBC is essential to remove grease whi ch coul d coat the di scs and decrease performance;to remove larger solids which could clog the discs;and to remove smaller,but settleable,solids which are not efficiently removed by the discs themselves. RBG plants,excluding auxiliary equipment,are simpler and more economical to operate than extended aeration pl ants.However,they usually have higher capital costs than the equivalent extended aeration plants and auxil iary equipment requirements may be more extensive than for extended aeration. As shown from the limited data on Table 17,experience with RBC's in treati ng camp wastewater is 1imited.Tentative design criteri a for RBC plants treating camp wastewater are presented in Table 18.Typical RBC problems are attributed to: o o Organic overloading due to a higher~than-expected camp popu- lation. Cleaning compounds in the raw sewage. -71- ..- TABLE 17 PERFORMANCE OF RBC PLAfHS TREATING CONCENTRATED WASTEWATER Disc Disc Type of Disc Tot~l Rota-Number Influ- Type of Pre-treat-Type of Diam Ar~a tion of Para-~'"t Waste ment Evaluation (m)(m )(rpm)Staqes me,ter (mqll ) Performance Effl u-Removal ent (mqlll (%) Total Drqanic Loa~inq q/m Id Tot~' Hydraulic LOiI~in!l 11m Id ~,Workcamp Workcamp Hydro- Screen On-site plant 2.0 790 1.5 1.5 4 4 COD 3315a 956 72 SS 2048a 422 79 VSS '1746"276 64 Oil &,186a 16 96 Crease COD Il62 a 291 66 55 :114"71 77 VSS :!22"51 77 Oil &36 a 10 72 Grease BOD 1543-1080 25-66 92-97 CDD5 1271-1753 66-256 92-96 SS :152-600 32-114 55-94 VSS :152-560 32-114 55-93 12 13 a Influent strenqth before pre-treatment b Actual loadinq on discs would be less because effect of pre-treatment not included TABLE 18 TENTATIVE DESIGN CRITERIA AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS FOR REe PLANTS TREATING CAMP WASTEWATER ,~ DESIGN Heated enclosure Flotation tank for grease removal Primary settling (or equivalent) Intermediate clarification RBe hydraulic loading RBe organic loading Intermediate clarifier overflow rate Final clarifier overflow rate Number of stages -essential -consider -essential -desirable -40 11m 2 hourly peak -20 11m2 daily average (for 600 mgll waste) -24 g BOD/m 2 hourly peak -12 g BOO/m 2 daily average 3 2-40 -80 m 1m Iday -24 m3/m 2 daily average 3 2-32 m 1m hourly peak - 4 minimum OPERATION Must ensure that excess grease or cleaning compounds do not enter plant. o Grease content of the wastewater can be considerably higher than 200 mg/l (causes coating of discs with excessive grease). Possible remedial action that can be taken during design includes: o o o Provisions for recycling some of the effluent. Provisions for adding influent to both the first and second stages to reduce the shock of high BOD loading. Pre-aeration in an aerated flow equalization tank to reduce oxygen demand. Physical/Chemical Plants Physical/chemical (P/C)treatment plants,as the name implies,rely on physical and chemical processes to achieve organic reductions.PIC plants include various combinations of the following processes:comminution, screening,clarification,flocculation,coagulation,filtration,carbon adsorption and pH adjustment.PIC plants require large quantities of chemicals and produce large quantities of chemical sludges requiring further treatment and disposal.-The main advantage of PIC units is their ability to handle a wide range of wastewater characteristics without plant upsets,provided that chemical additions and re~ction times are sufficient. Toxic chemicals have little or no effects. -75- .- - Considerable experience has been'gained with PIC treatment plants~but they require continuous operator attention.Figure 8 illustrates one design for removal of organics with a packaged treatment plant.Table 19 summarizes the design parameters for the unit. An essential part of any chemical or chemically aided precipitation system is stirring or agitation to increase the opportunity for particle contact (flocculation)after the chemicals have been added.If the agitation is too vigorous,the shear forces that are set up will break up the floc into smaller particles . Chemical precipitation in wastewater treatment involves the addition of chemical s for the expressed purposes of improvi ng pl ant performance and removing specific components contained in the wastewater.In the past, chemical precipitation was used to enhance the degree of suspended solids and BOD removal (1)where there were seasonal variations in the concen- tration of the sewage,(2)where an intermediate degree of treatment Wil,S required~and (3)as an aid to the sedimentation process. More recently~interest in chemical precipitation has been renewed because (1)it can be used effectively for the removal of phosphorus.and (2)it can be combined with activated-carbon adsorption to provide complete wastewater treatment ~bypassing the need for bi 01 ogi cal treatment and ~at the same time,p~oviding more effective removal of the organics in wastewater that are resistant to biological treatment.For example~the residual COD after chemical precipitation and carbon adsorption is about 10 to 20 mg/1iter~whereas the residual COD after biological treatment is about 100 to 300 mg/liter. -76- e"h,enl to inrillration '3gOOl1 I---- / Firslslage llocculalor: t,.Ij 1 ..,.--....., ~r..[~~"'.,\..,0111~··~·~I 1\~~::·"·:">i:\"l L __--.::::..l-~-rJ::::=7_......::::;;;..---'--=;......:::-_·"./''------' Second stage First ~tage : \Second slage Mulli media Chlorine conlact/ 1I0cculalot lube selller ',tube setl/e1'liller backwash Slorage Polym8l'~lj """"\ SupemalMI to aerated' equaizalion lanI<\ GraVity lhlckener .,15 !E OJ toju &i .toe;!:,30 <to ••,,",,":I~,.,~II-+'-H aerated 'I equaization , tank l1~p,d mix ..... ..- - Legend _Forward flow ---Backwash Thickened sludge 10 incinerator Backwash 10 aeraled equa~zalion tank ,- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCHEMATIC OF PIC TREATMENT PLANT FIGURE 8 I~ TABLE 19 SUMMARY OF DESIGN PARAHETERS FOR PIC UNIT UNIT OPERATION Gross Solids Reduction andlor Removal Aerated Equalization Tank -Blower Capacity -Minimum Detention Time Rapid Mix Chamber Flocculator First Stage Clarifier Second Stage Clarifier Multi-Media Filter -Filtration Rate -Backwash Rate Chlorine ContactlBackwash -Storage Tank Detention Time -Sludge Dewatering Device Sludge Incinerator DESIGN PARAMETERS Comminutor or Rotary Screen 100 1jfm 3/min. 5 hours Air-agitated with 6-second detention time Two units in series each containing a variable speed vertical shaft paddle mixer - 20 minute detention time Overflow rate thro~gh 60°tube settlers of 94 11m Imin Overflow rate thro~gh n° settlers of 61 11m Imin 200 l/m~/min 770 11m Imin 30 minutes Center feed gravity thickener with 2surface loading rate of 69.3 kg/m Iday and with a sludge blanket detention time of 8 hours. Pathological Burner ,..... l-"t! Many different substances have been used as precipitants.The most common ones are listed on Table 20.The degree of clarification obtained depends on the quantity of chemicals used and the care with which the process is controlled.It is possible by chemical precipitation to obtain a clear effluent,substantially free from matter in suspension or in the colloidal state. The chemicals added to sewage in chemical precipitation react with substances that are either normally present in the sewage or are added for this purpose. Many reactions with other substances in sewage may take place.Each site- specific wastewater will have its own characteristic anomalies.Once they are identified,remedial action can be taken.The repeating indicators will give adequate notice of upcoming problems. Disinfection The final stage in treatment prior to releasing the effluent is disin- fection,the sel ective destruction of di sease-causi ng organi sms.A11 of the organi sms are not destroyed duri ng the!process.Thi s differenti ates disinfection from sterilization,which is the destruction of all organisms. In the field of wastewater treatment,disinf2ction most commonly is accom- plished through the use of (1)chemical agents,(2)physical agents,(3) mechanical means,and (4)radiation. -79- TABLE 20 CHEMICALS USED IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT -Chemical Formula Molecular Weight -. *Number of bound water molecules will vary from 13 to 18. ...-.- An ideal disinfectant would have to possess a wide range of characteris- tics.It is also important that the disinfectant be safe to handle and apply,and that its strength or concentration in treated waters be measurable so that the presence of a residual can be determined. Chemical agents that have been used as disinfectants include phenol and phenolic compounds,alcohols,iodine,chlorine and its compounds,bromine, ozone,heavy metals and related compounds,dyes,soaps and synthetic detergents,quaternary ammonium compounds,hydrogen peroxide,and various alkalies and acids. Chlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant throughout the world.In dry powdered compounds (HTH)it can be mi xed with water for use at camp sites;chlorine residual limits are based on the characteristics of the receiving water.Liquid chlorine gas,aHhough efficient,could be too hazardous to transport and store at remote locations. Sludge Thickening Depending upon the treatment process,it may be necessary to dewater the sludge to some cost-effective level.Decanting,which merely amounts to letting the sludge settle quietly in its own tank until the water rises and then drawing off the mixed liquor suspended solids and sludge separately, is the most economical beginning point.Other alternatives to review are vacuum filtration,filter press,and centrifuge. -81- - - Sludge Digestion and Disposal Continued aeration of the sludge in an activated sludge process will digest it to relatively safe condition.The by-product water generated can be recirculated and portions of the sludge may be needed to maintain biological reactions in the system during low camp population periods. Anaerobic digestion of sludge has not been investigated in field situations.Perhaps the advantages of fuy"ther volume reduction,stable solids,and methane gas production do not offset its space requirements and need for heat.The inert products of anaerobic digestion could possibly provide a nutrient rich revegetation material. Standard practice finds most sludges,greases,residues,etc.burned in the camp incinerator with the ash disposed of at a landfill. Effluent Disposal Several methods of wastewater disposal into soil are or have been prac- ticed,including absorption field disposal of septic tank or aerobic treatment effluents,direct burial in pits,disposal in ice crypts or snow sumps,and dumping and covering in a landfill.The presence of,and depth and thickness of,permafrost,the type of soil and its percolation rates, and the frost penetration depth will influence the possibility of land application of effluent. Land application of wastewater requires maintenance of the soil permeabil- ity.In some cold climate areas this may be possible through special design.However,many areas are unsuitable.The presence of permafrost -82- ..- wi 11 1imit verti ca 1 movement of the wastewater,and wi nter freezeback of the active layer may prevent horizontal movement.It may be possible to design a suitable system in areas of thawed zones which do not completely freeze.Thermal protection for an absorption field should be designed for the worst winter conditions,minimum or no snow,and low temperatures. Another approach warranti ng cons i derati on is the use of a retenti on-l and disposal system,making use of land disposal during the warmer parts of the year and retention through the winter.In general,land disposal is similar and subject to the same constraints as land treatment.The major difference is that land disposal systems are mainly concerned with getting the effluent into the ground and away from the site.The major concern is that the effluent moves in an acceptable direction and does not present a hazard to public health. Discharge of treated wastewater into wetlands,lakes,ponds,or rivers requires detailed site evaluation to determine potential impacts on aquatic resources.The type of recei vi ng waterbodi es and the effl uent standards which pertain to each specific operation are also important factors in the type of outfall structure designed. Ponds are generally shallow,with depths up to 7 feet.Surface areas range from a few 1,000 to a few 10,000 square feet,and retention times are often extreme 1y long,1 to 6 months.Freeze depths may vary from 2 to 5 feet. Ice thickness can be estimated mathematical"ly by assuming worst conditions of no snow cover and minimum heat input.The use of a pond to receive treated wastewater would effectively convert it to a polishing lagoon. -83- ..- Fencing and posting to that effect is required.Regulatory agencies must be consulted before this approach is pursued. lakes may have the ability to absorb a greater volume of waste\A/ater. Important considerations include surface area,depth,volume-inflow relationships,nutrients,flora and fauna,and benthic populations. Effluent quality,especially with regard to microorganisms,must be high if there is a potential for fishery or recreational use of the lake. Northern streams and rivers are the most common receiving waters for wastewater.Flow,ice depth and movement are the most important factors to be considered.Dissolved oxygen conditions through the winter and down- stream uses are of particular importance in selection of the type of outfall structure to be used. The use of natural swamps for treating or polishing wastewater has received considerable attention in recent years.Swamp discharge has been practiced in several places in the North;however,detailed studies have been lim- ited.It is important to design the outfall diffuser for maximum disper- sion into the swamp. Where possible,ocean discharge is desirable.Normally,the ability to absorb quality variations is very great.If initial dispersion by outfall design and tid~l movement is not obtained,however,wastewater will concen- trate on the surface,because fresh water and sewage are 1ess dense than salt water.The result is a visible slick.The major advantage of sea disposal is dilution.The design of the outfall must consider ice movement due to tidal action,currents,nearby rivers and wind action. -84- CHAPTER 3 -SOLID WASTE Solid wastes generated during the construction of Power Authority projects will vary from domestic refuse to large bulky items such as discarded equipment parts.Early planning for the management of solid wastes~including handling, storage,and disposal,is essential to minimize health hazards and adverse environmental impacts. The basic objectives of the solid waste management program for a project include: o Preventing or minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the management and disposal of solid wastes (land,water and air pollu- tion,worker health and safety~aesthetics~etc.) o Resource conservation (reclamation~reuse,minimization of land requirements,etc.) o Sound engineering practices o Compliance with governing regulations -!o Response to public attitudes o Achieving these objectives in the most economical manner for a given situation. Factors to be considered during the planning phase for project waste management include: o Types of wastes a Volumes of wastes -85- o Method of treatment and disposal Incineration Landfill -Storage for salvage Reuse on site -Public solid waste facilities o Soil type o Climatology o Permafrost conditions (Figure 9) o Size and life of the facility o Economics of alternative waste management systems o Environmental concerns or constraints o Geographic location o Regulatory constraints Project permitting requirements should be reviewed at the planning stage of solid waste management projects.This review should contain the elements set out in Section 2.1. To implement a solid waste management plan,an organizational structure will be ,~ developed that will define the individuals and their delegated responsibilities to ensure that the project will be in compliance with applicable permits,codes, and regulations. Federal law prohibits "open dumping"as that term is defined in the Solid Waste Management Act.The act imposes minimum solid waste regulations pertaining to -86- ,~ ..- - ..... NOT-TO-SCALE ........Southern limit of continuous permafrost Southern limit of discontinuous permafrost Mea nan nuaI air is 0 the rm [0 C) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PERMAFROST IN ALASKA FIGURE 9 - ,~ open dumping (40 CFR 257).These regulations must be satisified in addition to any state solid waste requirements. 3.1 TYPES OF WASTES The sources of solid wastes generated during exploration,construction,or operation of a project are readily identifiable during the planning phase of the activities.Figure 10 displays one method of delineating types of waste products.Special note should be made of the project location when determining waste types since activities at a remote,controlled-access project will differ from those where worke!rs have access to publ ic ser- vices.Wastes for personnel support are usually institutional wastes generated by controlled use of products and commissary services.A 500 to 700-man camp at a remote site in Alaska will generate 2 to 3 tons per day of diverse waste products (not including clearing debris or overburden/spoil materials).The typical physical composition for these wastes is as follows: - ..... 1200-1500 "I b/day 200-500 lb/day 2000-4000 lb/day Municipal type (paper,cardboard,food and beverage cans,bottles,etc.) Food scraps and cooking wastes Garage,warehousing and repair wastes (equipment repair metals,pa nets ,strapping,form 1umber, etc.) ..... - The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation uses a camp-generated solid waste rate of 7.9,lbs/person/day for'design review purposes.Camp -88- ]1 -1 ))1 1 j j 1 1 1 -j 1 Grout Spol1s Equipment Parts 55-gal Drums Strapping Concrete Abandoned Vehlc'es Ash Waste Generation Residences Kitchens Garage/Servtce Shops Construct Ion Site's Paper Trees and stu Putresclbles Cans/C.rtons PI Camp Wastewater Sedlment.tlon Ponds £lJU IJlIIIent lIuhwa ter I -fTRA1'SPOIlTI Service/Garage wastes Sludges Solvents Greases . Fue'Cle.nup M.terlals Radioactive Mat.rl.ls l(ASH ~we WERATIOH I I ~efer to Project :rue I &lIazardous ~aterla1s ~lgt.Manu,l Refer to Project Fuet •'111.1\'"1.11'rIlUI,.L;);),lIaurdou5 Materh', :-.>lAHDFfll oE-------~Management Manu,t •OISPOSAl-------·-----------,I I.I I I I'-- - - - - - - -~RECLAHATION/RECYC!.[<It-- -I i I : I I 'I I I I I I I '"V ~.-)SPECIAL HANDLING UITH~-_lind or W.ter Incineration Reclam.tton/t DISPOSAL AT AN APPROVED SITE .j.R"y,"0' Ash Reuse I_%S Z;;r:::==.iUl __·...__::::::._~.....__,._..__ •Regulated Through Agency Codes ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY CRITERIA FOR WASTE , MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS i FIGURE 10 .- .-. wastes can be further classified as 86 percent combustible and 14 percent non-combustible • 3.2 TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES There are four general practices for solid waste treatment and disposal in Alaska:incineration,landfill,reclamation for reuse,and salvage (haul back).Table 21 shows waste products with storage and disposal techniques . This table is intended only as general guidance.Waste classification and appropriate storage and disposal practices should be determined on a case- by-case basis in accordance with applicable federal,state,and local laws. 3.2.1 Incineration Incineration is the acceptable method of treating putrescible wastes at remote sites to prevent food products from attracting wildlife.The objective of the incineration process is to control combustion of the waste to produce a residue which is not degradable and contains no combustible material.The residue (ash)then requires disposal.Advantages and disadvantages associated with this disposal technique are as follows: Advantages: o Proven acceptable method in Alaska o Provi des an inert,envi ronmenta 11 y-acceptab 1e,end product for disposal o Treats wastes as generated --less storage space required o Eliminates leachate of organics at sites -90- Stora~e SI -nimal proof container S2 -Open container S3 -Covered container S4 -leak proof container (area) S5 -Drums .... TABLE 21 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL TECHNIQUES SOLID WASTE CATEGORY STORAGE DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES Paper C3 S3 01,2,6 Plastics C3 S3 01,2,6 Cardboard C3 S3 01,2,6 Wood C3 S2 01,2,6 Food Bottles &Cans Cl,4 SI 01,2,5 Food Packaging C1,3,4 SI 01,2 Food Wastes C4 Sl 01,2 Tires C2 S2 01,3,5 Batteries C2,5 S4 05,8 Equipment Parts Cl S2 03,5 Oil Drums C2,5 S4 03,4,5,8 Incinerator Ash Cl S3 01 PVC Pipe C2 S2 01 Oil Filters C3,5 S4 D2,8 Trees &Slash C3 S2 D1,6,7 Solvents &Paints C3,5 S4 02,8 Greases C2 S4,5 01,3,5 Used Oils C3,5 S4,5 02,3,5,8 X-ray Wastes C3,5 S4,5 04,8 Categories Cl -Non-combustible C2 -Non-burnable (regulated by codes) C3 -Combustible C4 -Putrescible C5 -Toxic/hazardous (as defined by either federal or state regulations) Disposal 01 -la;:ldfill 02 -Incineration 03 -Storage at landfill 04 -Return to vendor 05 -Salvage,reuse 06 -Open burn 07 -Chip 08 -Special regulations o Waste reduction (70 to 75 percent reduction of camp wastes) o Reduces animal and bird scavenging May contribute to air quality degradation High energy demand Requires trained operators Hazardous due to combustion of unknown solid wastes Heated building required in areas of extreme low temperatures labor intensive Disadvantages: Most expensive of processing systems in terms of capital and operating costs 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 and/or adverse climatic conditions o Segregation of wastes required o Incinerator ashes require special handling,hauling,etc. 3.2.2 landfill Figure 11 depicts a typical site design for a landfill and Figures 12 through 14 illustrate three common operational plans for the placement of solid wastes.The area method (Figure 12)is used when trenches cannot be excavated.Wastes are spread in long,narrow strips on the surface of the land in a series of layers that vary in depth from 16 to 30 inches.An earthen levee or berm is constructed against which wastes are compacted. The ram\1l:method (Figure 13)is employed "'Ihen cover material is scarce. Additional soil cover must be hauled in for both the area and ramp methods. The trench method (Figure 14)is suited to areas where an adequate depth of -92- .... DRAINAGE DITCH --------x----?---~-..., >< .-......1Il..ACCESS ROAD (-ELEV.)/ "'------......--- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPICAL LANDFILL DISPOSAL SITE FIGURE 11 E art hen ----~«::;~."'- levee or berm ~~~I~~Z;~:::::: Partially completed second lift ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SANITARY LANDFILLING AREA METHOD FIGURE 12 ""'" - Daily cell covered with earth from base of ramp Compacted solid wastes ~~'''orking face ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SANITARY LANDFILLING RAMP METHOD FIGURE 13 Fence Working 1ace--_0!iiEi,~~~~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SANITARY LANDFILLING TRENCH METHOD FIGURE 14 - - - cover material is readily available.Cover material is obtained by excavating an adjacent trench. Site Selection and Design Preliminary screening and ultimate selection of a landfill site should be based on the results of a site(s)survey(s),results of engineering design and cost studies,and an environmental assessment.The selection team should be comprised of the design engineer,biologist,hydrologist,geolo- gist,sanitary engineer,and regulatory personnel.Factors that must be considered include: o Land Availability--The use of the land area around a project site may be affected by zoning restrictions,public resistance or project boundaries.Usually landfill sites are located on lands designated by a project for use as a borrow site,material storage area,etc.to permit the maximum use of an area without expanding demands on the land. o Haul Distance--The shorter the haul the more economical the solid waste transport costs.Alchough minimal haul distances are desirable,project policies to use previously disturbed sites may negate this cost-effectiveness criterion. o Soi 1 Conditi ons--The soi 1 at the site is the most important single aspect for judging site suitability because of its role as the interface between the waste and the groundwater.The soil's -97- r- I ..... characteristics and availability as cover material must also be considered. There is usually information on file with a local resource agency on soils in an area.However this data may be scarce or not available in Alaska.Soil borings can provide data prior to design.This data can be reviewed using soi 1 interpretation \ sheets such as found in Tables 22 through 24 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service. Approximately 1 cubic yard of cover material will be required for every 4 to 6 cubic yards of solid wastes.Table 25 provides a guide for cover material requirements.The cover material should be less permeable than the soil under the landfill (Figure 15). o Cl imate--Winds,rainfall and snow cover must be known to ade- quately assess a landfill site with respect to area requirements, design parameters and physical layout . o Ground and Surface Water Data--The control of site drainage and the protection of surface/ground water is important in the selection process.Prospective sites must be appraised for the abil ity to control drainage to and from the area to prevent leaching of waste constituents to ground or surface water and to maintain all-weather access roads.The site must be designed to prevent the washout of cover wastes. -98- TABLE 22 APPLICATION OF SOIL INFORMATION DAILY COVER FOR LANDFILL ..- LIMITS RESTRICTIVE PROPERTY GOOD FAIR POOR FEATURE ..... 1.USDA TEXTURE ICE PERMAFROST 2.DEPTH TO BEDROCK (IN)60 40-60 40 DEPTH TO ROCK--3.DEnH TO CEMENTED PAN (IN)60 40-60 40 CEMENTEO PAN 4.l)UNIFIED SP,SW SEEPAGE SP-SM, ;,~SW-SM, GP.GW, GP-GM, GW-GM·-1),2),3)USDA TEXTURE5.Cl,SICl,SIC,C TOO CLAYEY SC 6.l)USDA TEXTURE LCOS,lS,S,FS,TOO SANDY lFS.COS,SG VFS 1""".7.1)t2)UNIFIED OL t OH,HARD TO PACK CH,MH 8.1)t4)COARSE FRAGMENTS (PCT)25 25-50 50 SMAll STONES jliii'iO 9.1),4)FRACTION 3 IN (WT PCT)25 25-50 50 LARGE STONES 10.SLOPE (PCT)8 8-15 15 SLOPE-I 11.DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE (FT)+PONDING 3.5 1.5-3.5 1.5 WETNESS 12.l)UHIFIED PT EXCESS HUMUS 13.LAYER THICKNESS (IN)60 40-60 40 THIN lAYER 14.l)SOIl REACTION (pH)3.6 TOO ACID 15.2)SALINITY 16 EXCESS SALT (MMHOS/CM) (0-60"} 16.1),2)SODIUM ADSORBTION RATIO 12 EXCESS SODIUM OR GREAT GROUP OR PHASE (HALIC, NATRIC, ALKALI PHASES) 17.CARBONATES 5)EXCESS LINE ~I~Thickest layer between 10 and 60 inches. 2 Disregard (1)in all Aridisols except Salarthids and Aquic sUbgroups,(2)all Aridic subgroups,and (3)all Torri great groups of Entisols except Aquic )subgroups. ,~~i)If in ~aolinitic family,rate one class better if experience confirms. Sum (100-%passing No.10 sieve)and fraction less than 3 in.Use dominant condition for restrictive feature. 5)IT amount of carbonate s so high that is restricts the growth of plants,rate ·POOR-EXCESS LIMEn. ~ I TABLE 23 APPtICATION OF SOIt INFORMATION SANITARY LANDFILL (TRENCH) mIlO LIMITS RESTRICTIVE PROPERTY GOOD FAIR POOR FEATURE I"""" 1.USDA TEXTURE ICE PERMAFROST 2.FLOODING NONE RARE COMMON FLOODING 3.DEPTH TO BEDROCK (IN)72 DEPTH TO ROCK 4.DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (IN)CEMENTED PAN THICK 72 THIN 72 5.l)PERMEASILITY 2.0 SEEPAGE (IN/HR) (BOnOH LAYER) 6.DEPTH TO HIGH WATER ..-TABLE (FT):+PONDING APPARENT 6 WETNESS PERCHED 4 2-4 2 WETNESS 7.SLOPE (PCT)8 8-15 15 SLOPE 8.1).2).3)USDA TEXTURE Ct.SC,SIC.C TOO CLAYEY SICL-9.3)USDA TEXTURE LCOS.LS.COS.S TOO SANDY LFS.PS.VPS. LVSF SG 10.3)UNIFIED OL.OH.PT EXCESS HUMUS 11.4)FRACTION 3 IN (WT PCT)20 20-35 35 LARGE STONES """"'I 12.l)SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO (0-40")OR 12 EXCESS SODIUM GREAT GROUP OR (HALIC. NATRIC.-ALKALI PHASES) 13.SOIL REACTION (pH)3.6 TOO ACID-(ANY DEPTH) 14.SALINITY (MMHOS/CM)16 EXCESS SALT (ANY DEPTH) 15.DOWNSLOPE MOVEMENT 5)SLIPPAGE 16.DIFFERENTIAL SETTLING 6)lJNSTABLE FILL I~·1j11 II:DiSregard (1)in all Aridisols except Salorthids and Aquic subgroups,(2)all :Aridic subgroups,and (3)all Torri great groups of Entisols except Aquic 2)subgroups. ~3)If in kaolinitic family,rate one class better if experience confirms. 4)Thickest layer between 10 and 60 inches. )Weighted average to 60 inches. SIf the soil is susceptible to movement downslope when loaded,excavated,or )wet.rate "SEVERE-SLIPPAGE". 5.If the soil is susceptible to differential settling,rate "SEVERE-UNSTABLE FILL". - - l)Oisregard (1)in all Aridisols except Salorthids and Aquic subgroups,(2)all Aridic subgroups.and (3)all Torri great groups of Entisols except Aquic )subgroups. 2 If the soil is susceptible to movement downslope when loaded,excavated,or )wet.rate "SEVERE-SLIPPAGE". 3 If the soil is susceptible to the formation of pits caused by the melting of )ground ice ~hen the ground cover is removed,rate "SEVERE·PITTING". 4 If the soil is susceptible to differential settling,rate ·SEVERE·UNSTABLE FILL". ------------~----~- - TABLE 25 DAILY AND FINAL COVER MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Daily Cover Material Requirements (Based on 6-inch daily cover) Refuse Intake (long tons per day) In Place Volume @ 1000 lbs per yds 3 (yards 3) Total Area of Daily Cell (yards 2) Cell Depth in Feet 6 ft 8 ft 10 ft Total Daily Volume of Cover Material (yards 3 ) Cell Depth in Feet 6 ft 8 ft 10 ft .f""" i 25 56 28 21 17 5 4 3 50 112 56 42 34 9 7 6 100 224 112 84 67 19 14 11 200 448 224 168 134 37 28 22 500 1120 560 420 335 94 70 56 750 1680 840 629 502 140 105 84 1000 2240 1120 839 671 187 140 112 Final Cover Material Requirements Acreage 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 Final Cover Material Required (yards 3 ) 80,700 161,400 322,800 484,200 645,600 807,000 968,500 - - ImmH ACCEPTABLE SOILS PERCENT SAND I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ; SOILS SUITABLE FOR COVER MATERIAL FIGURE 15 - In regions of above-average precipitation,as experienced in many areas of Alaska,special attention is required to divert drainage. Shoul d interface soil conditions warrant,two indirect methods for control of site drainage can be assessed:impermeable barrier or drainage way.The peak rate of flow which needs to be diverted is a function of rainfall,land treatment,soil type,slope,and antecedent moisture conditions.Drainage channels most commonly used are earthen swales and split corrugated metal pipe.Recom- mendations for permissible velocities for bare earthen channels are found in Table 26.Final earthen swales can be grassed or a stone center ditch can be added to protect against erosion. o Permafrost Soils--A sanitary landfill is generally not a practical method of disposal in permafrost areas.Excavation is extremely difficult and may create additi onal problems through destruction of the active layer.Cover material sources other than permafrost soils must be available,often necessitating expensive transportation charges. o Environmental Constraints or Considerations--Project construction and operation in Alaska involve evaluation of existing environ- mental conditions prior to initiation to respond to the many environmental concerns unique to the state.Federal,state,and local regulatory und permitting requirements may dictate the type of solid waste management techniques selected by the Power Authority.Environmental issues are enhanced due to the lack of previ ous development activiti es'at remote 1ocati ons.Proximity -104- -----_.~---~,,_._----,-------- TABLE 26 PERMISSIBLE VELOCITIES FOR BARE EARTHEN CHANNELS .- Soil Texture Sandy and sandy loam (non-colloidal) Silt loam (also high lime clay) Sandy clay loam Clay loam Stiff clay,fine gravel, graded loam to gravel Graded silt to cobbles (colloidal) Shale,hardpan and coarse gravel Source:Soil Conservation Service (1970) Maximum Velocity (ft/sec) 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 - --\ o to eagles'nests,anadromous fish waterways,wildlife habitat and migration routes,parks,etc.may preclude solid waste activities. In accordance with State of Alaska solid waste regulations (18 AAC 60),landfills should be surrounded with animal-resistant fencing.The design and construction techniques used should be developed in consultation with applicable regulatory agencies. Final Use of the Site after Completion--A determination,during the planning phase of a project,of the ultimate use of a com- pleted solid waste site will result in a more effective design. In many instances,the landowner/manager may dictate how the site will be rehabilitated or how permanent slopes and drainage patterns will be constructed.Federal and state law may require installation of groundwater monitoring wells to be operated after site closure.Effective liaison with project planners will result in cost-effective site design to eliminate labor-intensive requirements to mold the area to fit designated needs after completion of the project. - - o Access Roads--The chief goal in designing access to the site should be to minimize interference between solid waste vehicular traffic and other project activities.The roads,which should have a trouble-free surface (Table 27),should be designed to direct trucks to the working face and out as quickly as possible. Because haul roads at the landfill location (working face)are -106- 1 •1 "'1 1 TABLE 27 1 1 J "10 I l J J 1 ROADWAY SOILS CHARACTERISTICS Viluel at Foundltlon Vilue la Base Potent hI CO"'Prelllbf1 Ity Unit Dry JIIlen Not Subject to DI rectly Under Frost end Drlln~ge Weight Major Divisions N'lle Frost Action W..rina Surface Action EXDlnalon Chulcteriatici ComDactlon EoulDment Lb.Per Cu.Ft Crave 1 or alndy grovel,Excellent Good None to very All10at none Excellent Crowler type tractor.r~bber tired 125-1110 well orlded IUght eoulDment.Iteel .....eeled roller Gravel or Iln~y grovel,Good to excellent Poor to fair None to very A11KJlt none Excellent Crawler type tractor.rubber tired 120-130 GRAVEL I poor lY or aded IUght equipment Iteel wheeled roller AND Cravel or landy gravel Good Good Hone to very AlllOlt none Excellent Crawler type tractor.rubber 115-135 GRAVELLY uniformlY oraded aUaht tt red eoul pment SOILS Silty gravel or Illty Good to excellent hlr to good Slight to Very alight Fair to poor Rubber tired equipment.sheeplfoot 130-1115 IIndv Drivel lIedlum roller close control of mollture COARSE Clayey grovel or cl.yey Good Poor Slight to Slight Poor to pr,ctlc,lly Rubber tired equipment.120-1110 CRA INED IIndy gravel lied I l1li IlllDervloul Iheepsfoot roller SOILS Sand or gravelly ,ond.Good Poor None to very AllllOlt none Excellent Crawler type tractor.rubber 110-130 well graded 11IQht ti red equl pment SAND Sand or gravelly lind.hlr to good P,por to not None to very AlllOlt none Excellent Crawler type tractor.rubber 105-120 AND poorly graded lultlble slight tired equipment SANDY Sand or grlvelly lind,Felr to good Not lultlble None to very AlllOlt none Excellent Crawler type trlctor.rubber 100-115 SOILS uniformly graded alight tire eQuilll1lent Silty sand or silty Good Poor Slight to Very Ilight hlr to poor Rubber tired equipment.sheeplfoot 120-135 gr ave lly lind hlah '-roller clole control of moisture Cllyey sand or clayey Felr to good Not suitable Slight to Slight to Poor to pr.ctlcoll~Rubber tired equipment.105-130 gravelly lind high lied I II1II Impervloua sheepsfoot roller Silts.sandy slltl,grovelly Felr to poor Not suitable Medhllll to Slfght to hlr to poor Rubber tired equipment.sheeplfoot 100-125 sllh or diatomaceous 10111 very high Iledlllll roller close control of molature lOW Lean cl.ys.sandy cloYl,Felr to poor Not lui table Medium to Medium Prlctlcel1y Rubber tired equipment.100-125 COHPRESSI-or oravellv claYS hlah imeervious ..sheeDsfoot roller PILITY Org.nlc silts or leon Poor Not lui table Medhlll to Medium to Poor Rubber tired equlplllent,90-105 FINE LL<50 org.nlc clayS hlah hlah sheepsfoot roller CHAINED Micaceous clay.~r Poor Not aultable Medlllll to High Fair to poor Rubber tired equipment,90-100 SOILS diatomaceoul soils very high "."sheepsfoot roller HIGH Fat clays Poor to very poor Not sulhble Medlllll High Practicolly Rubber tired equipment.90-110 COMPRESS 1-impervious sheeDsfoot roller BrLIlY Fat organic clays Poor to very poor Not suitable Medium High Prlctlcilly Rubber tired equipment.90-105 LL )50 Impervious sheeplfoot roller PEAT AND OTHER Pelt.humus and other Not lui table Not suitable Slight Very high Fair to poor Compaction not practical - fl8ROUS ORGANIC SOILS - - - o constantly being built and buried,fill for dressing and repair must be available.Public access to the site must be controlled to minimize health and safety hazards.On projects adjacent to pub 1ic thoroughfares,gates shoul d be pl aced across the access road to regulate site use. Cell Design and Construction--To estimate the amount of land area required for preliminary planning purposes,the following.example is provided: Solid waste generation =7.9 lbs/person/day l) Compacted density @ landfill =800 lb/yd 3 Average depth of compacted solid wastes =8 ft Generation rate =3300 people x 8 lb/person/day 2000 lb/ton =13.2 tons/day Volume required/day =13.2 tons/day x 2000 lb/ton 3 800 lb/yd3 =33 yd /day Area required =(33 yd 3 /day)(365 days/yr)(27 ft 3/yd 3 ) (10 ft)(43,560 ft 2/acre) =.74 acres/yr The actual site requ i rements will be greater (va ri es 20 to 40 percent)than the value computed because additional land is required for site preparation,access roads,etc. - 1)Not allowing for incineration/volume reductions. -108- ~, ."",!,,. Once volumes have been estimated and site capacities have been determined,the sequence for filling must be selected.Figure 16 shows a typical filling sequence using compacted solid wastes with an earth cover. o Equipment Requirements--The design of the landfill can only be realized using the right equipment and personnel.Equipment should be chosen to fit the plan.Equipment is required for spreading and compaction of solid wastes as well as for excavat- ing and hauling cover materials.On a small site,the operation will probably use one piece of equipment (crawler or rubber-tired tractor with the fo 11 owi ng acces sari es : a dozer blade,1 to 2 yard front-end loader,and trash blade)for the landfill opera- tion with an occasional "assist"from an additional piece of equipment to procure and stockpile cover material.Table 28 provides a guide to the general capabil ities of major items of landfill equipment. o Fire Fighting Technique--Proper cell construction will prevent underground fires from spreading.When fires occur,the tech- nique most frequently consists of digging out the area and rolling out the smouldering contents.Appropriate fire ex- tingUishers should be carried on equipment at all times. o.Litter Control--The use of covered vehi cl es for transport of solid wastes such as paper,cardboard,ashes,etc.is a most effective control of litter.Movable litter fences are required -109- ..... ..... 'Ii.: II. ... -.t:-a;.~().. .t: 6 in intermediate earth cover 2 ft final earth cover on slope face 2:1 or 3:1 typical slope ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SECTIONAL VIEW OF A SANITARY LANDFILL FIGURE 16 ~l J ]]]1 )1 TABLE 28 I 1 i I I 1 EQUIPMENT SELECTION GUIDE FOR MULTIPLE UNIT SITES Rubber Tired Tractor Track Drawn Purpose loader Dozer Compactor Scraper Scraper Dragline Solid Waste Spreading A A A 0 0 0 Handling Compaction A A A 0 0 0 Cover Material Excavate Cover A A 0 A*A*,A Handl ing Spreading A A A B B 0 Compaction A A A 0 0 0 Shaping B B B B B 0 Hauling 300'or less A A B A 0 C 300'-1000'0 0 0 A B C More than 1000'0 0 0 0 A C A =Excellent Choice B =Secondary Choll'') C ="In-Combini'ltion Only"Choice o =Not Applicable or Poor Choice *=Scrapers may require loading assistance in tough soils and adverse weather conditions. Source:Eldredge (1975). Motor Backhoe Truck Grader 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 A C C 0 C C 0 C C 0 -- - o at the site when landfills are subject to high winds.The fence, pes iti oned downwi nd of the worki ng face,wi 11 catch airborne trash resulting from the off-loading operation from the open working face pri or to cover.Because wi nds are vari ab 1e,three or four fences should be provided. Unloading Area--To control dumping,the width of the unloading area should be limited to twice the width of the compaction vehicle,or 16 feet.The fill area should be controlled to keep vehicles in safe areas and,where possible,working at the base of the loading face. - Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages of landfill disposal are as follows: Advantages: o Most economical method of solid waste disposal if land is avail- able o o o Can receive a variety of solid wastes with the exception of toxic and hazardous wastes requiring special disposal procedures Flexible;increased quantities of solid wastes can be processed Operation is oriented toward typical and readily available constructio,i'equipment Disadvantages: o Site selection limited due to pristine land areas,permafrost -112- ...... conditions,drainage patterns,cover materials,etc. Slow biodegradation of putrescibles and organics in Alaska Waste segregation control difficult--attracts birds and animals Impacts land and water resources Cover materials of effective quality may not be available Requires daily maintenance covering;may require groundwater or soil monitori ng a landfill settling requires periodic maintenance o Stringent permit requirements 3.2.3 Reclamation for Reuse Many of the constituents of refuse,particularly metals and paper,can be recycl ed.However,because of the heterogeneous compos i ti on of wastes, sorting processes are complex.For many components,the cost of separation and return to market exceeds their value.Power Authority projects,with ancillary camp support,do not lend themselves to mechanical sorting due to the nature of the refuse.However,reuseabl~wastes could be segregated at the source of generation.Reuse,reclamation and salvage markets must be available for this alternative.Generally,storage and bulk transport of materials in large volumes may offset the high costs of long hauls and make the products more attractive to a buyer. One option that should be assessed during the development of any incinera- tion plan is energy recovery for heating buildings or water for camp use. Figure 17 depicts a typical schematic for an incinerator with a heat exchanger.In evaluating this alternative,consideration should include -113- ,~ - ,...., Flue Gas " Heat Exchanger Steam.. IIIIC ....Hot Water Boiler Return Water.. Grate Condensate Refuse Residue ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY INCINERATOR FOR ENERGY RECOVERY FIGURE 17 - the high initial costs along with any associated energy savings.The design engineer must also consider that the incinerator will have IIdown time ll and that auxi 11 ary sources of energy for any heat recovery use systems must be provided. 3.2.4 Salvage Salvage materials require additional space for storage either on the solid waste disposal site or at a specially designated site designed for adequate control and access.Salvageable materials known to accumulate at project sites in Alaska are off-road equipment parts,tires,batteries,oil drums, scrap metals and vehicles. 3.2.5 Special Treatment Construction-related solid wastes are classified under state law as II ru b- bish ll •They may include spoil materials,lumber,plumbing and electrical parts,equipment parts,etc.State law l"equires special treatment for non-processed wastes since the wastes cannot be processed through an incinerator nor should they be mixed with the regular landfill wastes due to their bulk,physical characteristics,etc.which cause voids and improper compaction in a landfill. State and federal regulations control the disposal of hazardous wastes and to date there are no authorized disposal sites in the State of Alaska. Incineration of these products requires special approval from EPA and ADEC. It is recommended that these solid wastes be stockpiled for recycling, -115- - ..- - .- returned to the manufacturer,or transported to an EPA-approved treatment and disposal site in accordance with state and federal regulations.The fuel and hazardous materials BMP manual should be consulted for particul~r application of hazardous waste requirements. Special attention must be given to the design of the storage areas for hazardous wastes to comply with applicable federal and state regulations. (Information on design of these storage areas and special handling required by state and federal regulations is contained in the BMP manual on fuel and hazardous materials.)Such areas should be enclosed to control access and be posted for workers'safety.All solid waste personnel assigned to these areas must receive proper training in the handl ing and transporting of these wastes . 3.3 AT-SOURCE HANDLING Provisions for handling solid wastes at the source before collection should be included in the design criteria.For large-scale projects,grinding, sorting and compaction will reduce the storage requirements.The types and capacities of the containers used depend on the characteristics of the solid wastes to be collected,and the space available for the placement of containers.Debris boxes,compaction containers,and garbage cans must be located in areas with direct collection truck access.Special considera- tions for storage areas should be made for sites where heavy snow loads preclude effective transfer of wastes without adequate cover over contain- ers.Putrescible wastes,if stored for collection outside (If buildings, -116- must be stored in animal-proof containers.Pressurized cans must be separated from other refuse that will be treated by incineration. 3.4 TRANSPORT OF SOLID WASTES Collection and transport of wastes can be by covered garbage trucks to prevent waste from escaping from the vehicle,satellite vehicles for easy mobility and access,open dump trucks for discarded equipment and timber, or hauled container systems.Table 29 provides typical data for vehicle selection for large collection systems.Design of the facility must include adequate space allowance for solid waste transport.Transporters shoul d be 1i censed or authorized to accept and haul the waste materi a1 submitted for transport. 3.5 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH A program of worker training must be initiated prior to waste facility operations to provide information and instruction on the waste management plans per design specifications.The train'ing must include information on waste characteristics with particular emphasis on any toxic or hazardous wastes pertinent to the operation.Federal and state law require procedures to protect workers from dust or fumes inhalation;corro- sive/dermatitis hazards;physical hazards such as noise,fires,etc.;and mechanical hazards (i.e.vehicular accidents). The training program should include maintenance requirements,personal hygiene and protection,materials handling,waste monitoring,operational -117- J 1 --J ]) TABLE 29 1 1 1 J 1 1 )J TYPICAL DATA ON VEHICLES USED FOR THE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTES COLLECTION VEHICLE TYPICAL OVERALL COLLECTION VEHICLE DIMENSIONS Available container or truck Number With indicated body ca~aciti es of container or truc~Width Height Length Type (yd )axles body capacity (yd )(i n)(i n)(i n)Unloading method Hauled container systems Hoist truck 6-12 2 10 94 80-100 110-150 Gravity,bottom opening Tilt-frame 12-60 3 30 96 80-90 220-300 GravitYt inclined tipping Truck-tractor trash-trailer 12-50 3 40 96 90-150 220-450 Gravity,inclined tipping Stationary container system Compactor (mechanically loaded) Front loading 20-45 3 30 96 140-150 240-290 Hydraulic ejector panel Side loading 10-36 3 30 96 132-150 220-260 Hydraulic ejector panel Rear loading 10-30 2 20 96 125-135 210-230 Hydraulic ejector panel Compactor (manually loaded) Side loading 10-37 3 37 96 132-150 240-300 Hydraulic ejector panel Rear loading 10-30 2 20 96 125-135 210-230 Hydraulic ejector panel ,.,... procedures,and record keeping. The waste management organizational responsibilities,including each worker's role,must be well-defined for effective waste management. -119- CHAPTER 4 -REGULATORY ANALYSIS Solid waste management has become increasingly more controlled as public health agencies,conservationists,and concerned citizens have pressed for more government control.The following agencies are delegated responsibility: Federa 1 River and Harbor Act of 1899 Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965 Clean Water Act,Section 404 Resources Recovery Act of 1970 Resource Conservation &Recovery Act of 1976 ("Cradle to the grave"regulatory requirements and documentation) o Toxic Substance Control Act o Hazardous Materials Transportation Act o Occupational Safety & Health Act State Department of Defense (CaE) Department of Health Education & Welfare Environmental Protection Agency Department of Interior Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Department of Transportation OSHA,NIOSH Liquid &Solid Waste Regulations:Dept.of Environmental Conservation 18 AAC 60 Solid Waste Management 18 AAC 15 Administrative Procedures 18 AAC 50 Air Quality Control 18 AAC 70 Water Quality Standards 18 AAC 72 Wastewater Disposal 18 AAC 74 Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training 18 AAC 75 Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Control AS 46.04.030 Oil Discharge Contingency Plans Occupational Safety and Health:Department of Labor 8 ACC 61 Occupational Safety and Health Land and Water Use:Department of Natural Resources 11 AAC 53 Easements and Rights-of-Way 11 AAC 58 Leasing of Lands 11 AAC 93 Water Management 11 AAC 96 Miscellaneous Land Use -120- REFERENCES Alter,A.J.,1969.Sewerage and sewage disposal in cold regions.CRREL. Bastian,R.K.,1980.Utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge for land reclamation and biomass production. Bridguater,A.V.and C.J.Mumford,1979.Waste recycling and pollution control handbook. ~Cheremisioroff,P.N.and F.Ellerbusch,1979.Resource conservation and recovery act. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology,1976.Application of sewage sludge to cropland. Davis,E.(ed.),1974.International symposium on wastewater treatment in cold climates. Eldredge,R.W.,1975.The selection of sanitary landfill equipment.Waste Age, :-Jan./Feb. Environmental Protection Services,1979 ..Proceedings:second symposium on utilities delivery in northern regions.Environment Canada. EPEC Consulting Western.Ltd.,1981.Community water and sanitation services,Northwest Territories. Given,P.W.and D.L.S.Ellis,1979.Waste management alternatives for Alaska Highway gas pipeline. Grainge,J.W.,R.Edwards,K.R.Heuchert and J.W.Shaw,1973.Management of waste from arctic and sub-arctic work camps. James,R.W.,1972.Sewage sludge treatment.Noyes Data Corp. Noble,G.,1976.Sanitary landfill design handbook. QUADRA Engineering,Inc.,1982.Onsite wastewater disposal study.AOEC. Reed,S.S.1976.Alternatives for upgrading U.S.Air Force wastewater lagoons in Alaska.CRREL. Reid,L.C.,Jr.,1975.Design and operation of aerated lagoons for the arctic and subarctic. Rindge,S.D.,O.A.Gaskin and A.J.Palazza,1979.Utilization of sewage sludge for terrain stabilization in cold regions.CRREL. Smith,D.W.et al,1979.Cold climate utilities delivery design manual. Environmental Protection Service,Environment Canada. - Soil Conservation Service,1970.SCS engineering field manual for conservation. Tchobanoglous,G.,H.Theisen and R.Eliassen,1977.Solid wastes engineering principles and management issues.McGraw-Hill. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,1973.Upgrading lagoons. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,1974.Physical-chemical nitrogen removal,wastewater treatment. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,1977.Municipal sludge management: environmental factors.