HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2810ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME JUNEAU, ALASKA STATE OF ALASKA Bill Sheffield, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Don w. Collinsworth, Commissioner DIVISION OF GAME W. Lewis Pamplin, Jr., Director Steven R. Peterson, Research Chief POTENTIAL OF REVILLAGIGEDO ISLAND FOR A .GOAT TRANSPLANT . By Christian A. Smith Final Report Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-22-2, Job 12.6R Persons i ntending ,t:6 . 'cite this material should obtain prior permission from th'e .. author (s) and/or the Alaska Department of Fish aj1d Game. BeC'a'li'se ·most reports deal with preliminary -e sults o f continuing · studies, conclusions are tentative and :hould be identified as such. Due credit would be appreciated. (Printed May 1984) FINAL REPORT (RESEARCH) State: Alaska Cooperator: Glen Contreras, Richard Coos, Duane Fisher, USFS; Tom Meehan and Dave Bramlet, VTN Consolidated; Kit Kitasaki, u.s. Borax Project No: W-22-2 Project Title: Big Game Investigations Job No.: 12. 6R Job Title: Potential of Revillagigedo Island for a Goat Transplant Period Covered: 1 July 1982 through 30 June 1983 SUMMARY Approximately 1, 000 km 2 ( 400 mi 2 ) of the northeast third of Revillagigedo (Revilla) Island were evaluated as potential moun- tain goat (Oreamnos americanus) habitat. Point sampling of topo- graphic and timber type maps provided data for use in frequency distribution and discriminant function analysis comparisons with occupied habitat on the adjacent mainland. Results indicate that the areas are similar with respect to topography and gross vege- tation communities and that approximately 32% of the sampled area may be adequate winter habitat for goats. At current densities on the mainland, this area would support approximately 600 goats. On-site vegetation sampling was conducted on the mainland and island to assess similarity of understory composition and browse availability/utilization. Major species were the same in both locations, and browse production was comparable. Utilization was moderate on the mainland and nonexistent on the island. Abundant forage is present in the transplant area. Evaluation of interspecific relationships and snow depth patterns on the island and mainland suggests that neither should adversely affect transplanted goats. Winter range overlap of introduced goats with resident deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) should be minimal, and wolves (Canis lupus) may even benefit from pre- sence of a buffer prey species. It is recommended that a transplant be undertaken to mitigate anticipated losses associated with development of the u.s. Borax molybdenum mine at Quartz Hill. State and Federal agencies should negotiate with private industry to seek an equitable cost sharing for this project. Key words: mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus, habitat assessment. i transplant CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Objective .......................... 2 Proposed Transplant Area. • . . . • • . . . • . . • • • • • • 2 Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Map Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Vegetation Sampling •••••.•...•...••... 3 Interspecific Relationships ..••......••..• 4 Snow Measurements •.....•.....•.••...• 4 Results and Discussion. • • • . • . • • . . • . • . . • • • • 4 Map Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vegetation Sampling •••..••...•.•..•..• 5 Alpine Meadow . . . • • • . • . • • • • . . • . . • 5 Revilla Island . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • 5 Quartz Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Alpine Heath. . . . . • • . . . . • • . • . . . . • 6 Revilla Island . . • • . . . • . . . • • . • . 6 Quartz Hill ••.•..•.••.••.•... 6 Alpine Ridge ..••.••••.••.....•.. 7 Subalpine Forest Zone . • . • . • • . • . . . . • . 7 Revilla Island • • • • . . • • • . . • . . . . 7 Quartz Hill •••.••.•••.•..•.•• 8 Interspecific Relationships •••...•..•••... 9 Deer. . . . . • . . . . . • • • • • . . . . • . . . 9 Wolves •....••..•............. 10 Snow Measurements ••••••••••••.••.•... 10 Conclusion .......................... 11 Recommendations •••.••.••.•.•...•.....• 11 Acknowledgments • • . . . • • . . • • • . • . . •. . . • • . .12 Literature Cited •.•.•••.••••.•..•.••••. 12 Figures ........................... 14 Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 BACKGROUND Public interest in transplanting mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) to Revillagigedo (Revilla) Island from the adjacent mainland to provide for increased and more readily accessible recreational use of goats has existed for some time. In response to public inquiries, the u.s. Forest Service made some prelimi- nary observations on habitat suitability of part of the island in 1963, but lack of coordination with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and failure to follow up on the idea resulted in no transplant taking place. Since that time, the concept of a transplant has been discussed off and on, but ADF&G has generally opposed this action based on the lack of a clear need to increase local goat numbers, funding limitations, and a generally conservative policy toward transplants. Recent events have led to a reevaluation of the potential benefits of a transplant. 1 Impending development of a major molybdenum mine in the vicinity of Quartz Hill, 65 km (40 mi) southeast of Ketchikan, is expected to have a dual effect on the region's goat populations. Direct impacts resulting from habitat alterations, displacement due to human activity, and illegal killing of goats may result in a reduction of the goat herd in the immediate vicinity of the mine site and access corridors. Indirect effects include increased competition and/ or higher hunter demand for goats due to the influx of mine workers and their families to the Ketchikan area. The net result of this activity will be a reduced supply and increased demand for goats on the mainland. To some extent, it may be possible to offset these changes by establishing a new goat population in vacant habitat on Revilla Island. The ADF&G has the primary responsibility for wildlife management in Alaska and is the lead agency in dealing with any proposed transplants. Policy decisions developed by ADF&G's Game Division clearly require evaluation of 3 elements before authorizing and conducting a transplant (ADF&G 1973). First, there must be a recognized public demand and benefit from the transplant. Second, studies must demonstrate that sufficient habitat exists at the proposed transplant site to support the introduced species. Third, it must be demonstrated that the proposed introduction will not have detrimental effects on resident wildlife species. The initial requirement of identification of public support and potential benefit appears to have been fulfilled. (Yet to be resolved, however, is how the public benefits and need for the transplant to offset mine development impacts relate to sharing the anticipated costs of a transplant.) The purpose of this study was to evaluate the latter 2 points, habitat suitability and potential interspecific relations on Revilla Island. OBJECTIVE To evaluate potential transplant locations for mountain goats and to assess feasibility and possible impacts of establishing an introduced population on Revillagigedo Island. PROPOSED TRANSPLANT AREA The northeast third of Revilla Island was selected as a potzntial tr~nsplant site (Fig. 1). This area of roughly 1,000 km (400 mi ) is part of the coastal foothills formation (Jaques 1973) with peaks reaching elevations over 1,200 m (4,000 ft). It appears similar in bio-geo-physical characteristics to the adjacent mainland which supports healthy goat herds (Wood 1981). The area is separated from the mainland by Behm Canal, which averages about 3 km (2 mi) wide. 2 PROCEDURES Map Analysis A grid overlay with 6.4-acre cells was superimposed onto 2-inch to 2 the mile ~opographic and timber type maps of approximately 600 km ( 230 mi ) in the proposed transplant area between Marble Creek and Orchard Creek (Fig. 1). Every other row of cells in alternating columns was sampled for physical and biological parameters: elevation, aspect, slope, distance to the nearest Cliff (i.e., area With SlOpe greater than 50°) 1 vegetation type, and timber volume as described by Fox et al. (1982). Similar data were available from the adjacent Upper Cleveland Peninsula (UCP) where Smith (1983) has been conducting radio telemetry ~tudies of mountain goat habitat use. Frequency distributions of selected habitat traits were analyzed to quantify similarity of the island to the mainland, and discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used to predict locations of winter range on Revilla Island. For the DFA, the 1,527 sampled cells on the UCP were divided into subsets of cells used by radio-collared goats monitored by Smith (1983) between November 1981 and April 1982 and cells unused by those goats. DFA was used to determine the optimal method of classifying these cells into their respective categories. The resulting function was then used to predict whether or not each of the 5,690 cells sampled on Revilla most resembled a used (hence winter habitat) or unused (nonhabitat) cell on the UCP. Vegetation Sampling To evaluate floristic similarity within habitat types and to compare forage availability for goats on Revilla versus the mainland, vegetation sampling was undertaken on ridges within the proposed transplant area and in the vicinity of Quartz Hill. Rectangular plots 5 by 25 m were ran9omly located in alpine and subalpine habitat types. Fifty 0.1-m microplots were located at 1 m intervals along the long axis of the plot to determine forb-subshrub canopy cover values (Daubenmire 21959). Basal diameters of shrub stems rooted in the 0.1-m frames were measured with calipers and recorded. Shrub stems were counted in 10, 1 x 5 m subplots along the long axis of the plots to determine mean stem density. Stem diameter and density were used to calculate estimates of available forage biomass of selected shrub species (Alaback 1980). Arboreal species within the plot were classified as seedlings (less than 1 m high) , saplings (dbh less than 2. 5 em) , or trees. Counts were made for the 1st 2 classes, while dbh was measured and height estimated for each tree. Abundance of arboreal lichens was determined subjectively in 3 classes (abundant, moderate, rare) in each plot. Sampling was conducted on Revilla Island by ADF&G and at Quartz Hill by VTN Consolidated under contract with u.s. Borax. 3 Interspecific Relationships Aerial surveys were flown in a PA-18-150 Super Cub during early morning and evening hours in August 19 8 2 to determine distribution of deer using open subalpine and alpine habitats. No standardized routes were flown, but the main ridge complexes between Marble Creek and Mt. Reid were surveyed on each flight. Additional observations on distribution and activity of deer and wolves were made during vegetation sampling and by searching for tracks in the snow during winter months. Snow Measurements Snow measurement poles were distributed at 150, 460, and 760 rn (500, 1,500, and 2,500 ft) elevations in the transplant area and ·in the vicinity of Quartz Hill on the mainland to rnoni tor snow---- depth. As weather permitted, we recorded snow depth in fixed- wing aircraft and helicopters from November 1982 through February 1983. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Map Analysis A total of 5, 690 points was systematically sampled on Revilla Island maps. Results of frequency analysi::; o;f these .data in corn.,.. parison with UCP data (1,527 random points sampled by Smith 1983) are presented in Table 1. Distribution of elevational classes is similar, particularly in the areas above 460 rn (1,500 ft). This is not surprising as the ridges in both areas are part of the same major geological formation. Aspects in the 2 areas are more dissimilar, as the UCP has more flat ground than Revilla and the general east-west orientation on the mainland results in varying exposures. The relatively low amount of flat ground on Revilla is to some extent due to the drawing of the sample area boundary; in other words, lowlands on the edge of the proposed transplant region were excluded from sampling to a greater extent than on the previously sampled UCP. Although the distribution of south-facing slopes differs between the 2 areas, when southeast, south, and southwest slopes are lumped together, the island and mainland have similar amounts (36% vs. 37%, respectively) of these heavily used aspects. The greater amount of flat ground on the UCP contributes to the higher percentage of cells with 0-15° and 16-20° slope there than on Revilla. Correspondingly, the island has a higher percentage of the moderate to steep (e.g., 26-50°) slopes than the UCP. Cliff areas (slopes greater than 50°) are slightly more common on the UCP; however, overall, nearly 50% of Revilla is in the slope categories over 30° which are preferred by goats (Smith 1983). 4 Distribution of cells based on their distance from the nearest cliff also indicates relatively more extreme terrain on the UCP, but fully 75% of the sample area on Revilla is on or within 0.8 km (0.5 mi) of a cliff. In absolute terms, this means there is substantially more of the preferred terrain on the island than the mainland sample areas. Both areas have similar proportions of commercial volume old- growth forest, cliff and slide forest, muskeg, and muskeg forest. Of the other vegetation types, Revilla has more subalpine forest, brush, and alpine than the UCP. The latter area has less soil and vegetation development above 600 m (2,000 ft) than the island, resulting in relatively greater amounts of bare rock and other (primarily lake) areas. This distribution of vegetation types accounts for the variation in timber volumes. Revilla has less nonforested and more noncommercial timber than the UCP, and although distribution by volume class varies, the total commercial volume forest land is virtually equal on the 2 sites. DFA identified 1, 827 cells, or 32% of the area, as potential winter habitat (Large-scale maps of the identified winter habitat are on file in the K~tchikan o~fice of ADF&G.) This implie~that of 2 the total 600 km (230 mi ) area, an estimated 191 km (74 mi ) could be suitable winter habitat for goats. If winter range density of an introduced goat population reached the levels cur- rently susta~ned i~ the vicinity of Quartz Hill (about 8 goats/2.59 km [1 mi ]) (ADF&G, unpubl. data), the estimated win- ter range on Revilla could support over 600 animals. Vegetation Sampling The nonforested plant communities above tree line were divided for sampling into alpine meadows dominated by forbs and herbs, alpine heaths dominated by sub-shrubs, and xeric alpine ridges. Alpine Meadow: Revilla Island. The alpine. meadow plots were located in a forb-sedge community on a ridge complex 5 km (3 mi) northwest of Lake Grace at 760 m (2, 500 ft) elevation on moderately steep ( 35-45 °) southerly aspects (Fig. 2) • Fauria crista-galli and Carex spp. dominated this moist type with 68 and 18% ground cover, respectively (Table 2). Other major species include Erigeron sp., Geum calthifolium, Luetkea pectinata, Pedicularis ornithorhyncha, Sanguisorba sp., Valeriana sitchensis, and an unknown Compositae. The species-area curve (Fig. 3a) indicates that sampling was adequate to identify most species present 1 although several other species, such as Gentiana platypetala 1 were noted to be present but not located in the sample plots. The site was extremely moist with surface drainage apparent at the time of sampling. 5 Quartz Hill. The alpine meadow plots were located on ridge tops (slope 10°) near Bakewell Head and north of Tunnel Creek at approximately 915 m (3,000 ft) in elevation. Fauria crista-galli and Carex were abundant, but Cassiope mertensiana and Cassiope stelleriana were codominant. Empetrum nigrum, Geum calthifolium, Luetkea pectinata, Vaccinium caespitosum, and Vaccinium ulig1nosum were other major vascular species; the lichen Cladonia sp. was common (Table 2). Although the species-area curve (Fig. 3a) has more or less leveled off, its lower slope and asymptote than the Revilla curve indicate reduced floral diversity in the area sampled. Major summer forage species such as Fauria crista-galli, Carex spp. , Luetkea pectinata, and Geum cal thifolium were found to be abundant in both areas. Numerous other forb species, which goats probably utilize, also occur. The major differences between the 2 locations are the greater abundance of forbs and sedges on Revilla versus higher sub-shrub and lichen densities at Quartz Hill. To some extent, these differences may simply be due to site moisture and exposure characteristics; the presence of Cladonia sp. at Quartz Hill indicates these sites may be more like the exposed ridge site on Revilla. In addition, it is possible that the lower forb density at Quartz Hill may reflect grazing by goats. Alpine Heath: Revilla Island. The alpine heath plots were located in Cassiope- forb communities on moderate slopes (15-20°) and south and east aspects at about 670 m (2,200 ft) elevation. These communities overlaid old scree or rock slopes with relatively limited soil development and were well drained relative to the alpine meadows. Cassiope mertensiana, Cassiope stelleriana, and Luetkea pectinata clearly dominate this community (Table 2). Fauria crista-galli, Carex spp., grasses, and several species of Compositae are also common, as are young, stunted yellow cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis and mountain hemlock Tsuga mertensiana. Floral diversity is lower here than in the alpine meadows as evident from the species-area curve· (Fig. 3b) . This type is the most extensive in the alpine zone on Revilla and the adjacent mainland. Quartz Hill. One heath plot was located on a ridge at 1,070 m (3,500 ft) near the head of Falsegate Creek, the other at the 915 m (~000 ft) level on East Ridge. Both sites were relatively flat and near the top of the ridge. Goats and/or sign were observed in the immediate vicinity of the plots. As on Revilla, the heath type at Quartz Hill is dominated by Cassiope mertensiana and Cassiope stelleriana (Table 2); Carex spp., Fauria cr1sta-galli, Luetkea pectinata, and Phyllodoce aleutica are also relatively common and/or abundant. The high level of occurrence of Cladonia sp. and Vaccinium caespitosum indicates the sites were dry, as would be expected for ridge tops. The species-area curve (Fig. 3b) reveals that sampling was adequate. 6 As with the alpine meadow type, the sites on Revilla were floristically more diverse than those on Quartz Hill, and forbs (specifically Fauria crista-galli and Luetkea pectinata) are more abundant on the island. Reduced available moisture and grazing by goats at the Quartz Hill sites probably account for most of the differences. The abundance of forbs in the alpine heath of Revilla Island indicates that this extensive community would provide large quantities of summer forage for goats. Alpine Ridge: This type was sampled separately on Revilla Island because it was felt that it was different from either the meadow or heath type. Due to limited development of soil and extreme wind, this site was the most xeric on the island. Although relatively limited in extent, it is expected to receive extensive use by goats during the summer months due to the proximity of steep, broken terrain. Fauria crista-galli, Carex spp., and Cassiope mertensiana are the dominant vascular plants, but the abundance of Cladonia sp. and the presence of Empetrum nigrum, Loiseleuria procumbens, Vaccinium caespitosum, and Vaccinium uliginosum reveal the difference between this site and the forb-sedge meadows (Table 2). These sites are similar to the "alpine meadow" plots from Quartz Hill (as might be expected since those sites were located closer to the ridge-top than the meadow plots on Revilla) , and confirm the presence of several additional species on both the island and mainland. Subalpine Forest Zone: Revilla Island. Open and closed canopy stands were sampled in the subalpine zone on a tributary of Carroll River (Fig 2) . The open stands were located on a moderately steep (25-40°) south slope at 760 m (2,500 ft) elevation. Average canopy closure was 33%, composed primarily of mountain hemlock and yellow cedar with a well-developed intermediate layer of seedlings and saplings (Table 3). The closed canopy sites were on the same south slope but were much steeper (60-70°) and averaged 73% canopy cover. Hemlock dominated the stands~ and though seedlings were common, saplings were not found in the plots (Table 4). Arboreal lichens, including Alectoria spp. and Lobaria sp. were found at intermediate to abundant levels in the open stands and intermediate levels in closed forests, while Cetraria sp. , and Parmelia sp. occurred on some trees in the closed canopy forest. The understory shrub layer was well developed in both stands. Vaccinium spp. (ovalifolium and alaskensis) dominated and were estimated to produce 158 and 55 kg/ha of leaf and twig biomass per year in open and closed stands, respectively (Table 5). The forb layer in the open stands was lush and dominated by Fauria crista-galli, Streptopus sp., Rubus pedatus, Cornus canadensis, Coptis aspleniifolia, and Blechnum spicant (Table 2). In closed stands, species composition was sim1lar, except for the 7 lack of Fauria, but the combination of steeper slopes and reduced light resulted in lower ground cover of forbs and much higher moss and lichen cover. Quartz Hill. Open and closed canopy subalpine sites were sampled at a variety of locations. The open stands were on moderate (17-25°) slopes at 640-790 m (2,100-2,600 ft) elevation and aver- aged 25% canopy closure (Table 3). The overstory was dominated by hemlock with some mature yellow cedar, while the seedling and sapling layers contained an abundance of young and/or stunted yellow cedar with less hemlock. The closed canopy stands were slightly steeper ( 17-34 o) and had a mean canopy cover of 69% (Table 4). Hemlock was the only tree species found in the plots; seedlings were abundant but saplings were relatively rare. Arbo- real lichens, including Alectoria spp. and Lobaria sp. , were found in low to abundant density throughout subalpine stands; Cetraria sp., Parmelia sp., and Bryoria sp. occurred occasionally. The understory shrub layer was again dominated by Vaccinium spp. (Table 5), which showed signs of past browsing by goats in both open and closed stands. Although stem densities were lower than on the island, mean diameters were larger and forage biomass was estimated to be 108 and 71 kg/ha for Vaccinium in open and closed stands, respectively. The forb layer in the open stands was somewhat heath-like with an abundance of Cassiope spp., Phyllodoce aleutica, and the fern Polypodium vulgare were well represented (Table 2). Cover values for most of the common species were lower in the closed canopy stands, but a greater total number of species was found. Recent evidence of grazing by goats on Fauria was noted in some plots. The presence of tracks, trails, and fecal pellets as well as evidence of grazing and browsing in the subalpine forests at Quartz Hill demonstrate that this habitat is intensively utilized by goats. The areas sampled on Revilla Island indicate that the vegetation is very similar with at least comparable quantities of major winter forage in the form of Vaccinium spp. and conifer browse. The larger mean diameter and reduced stem density of Vaccinium at Quartz Hill may be due to the noted browsing by goats. Basal diameters may increase due to "hedging" effect, and these plants may have fewer resources to put into berries due to the need to replace vegetative tissue annually. On Revilla, where the shrubs are virtually untouched, growth may be more equitably shared between vegetative and propagative growth, resulting in relatively abundant new young plants. Within the areas sampled on Revilla Island, it is apparent that sufficient forage is available to support goat population densities similar to those at Quartz Hill. 8 Interspecific Relationships A major consideration in judging the possible effects of a transplant is how the introduced species will interact with, and affect populations of, resident species in the area. In the case of this proposed transplant, concern is minimal inasmuch as goats are endemic to the local area and most species with which goats -would coinhabit the island are also found on the mainland; no adverse interspecific relationships are known to exist there. Nevertheless, Game Division policy requires an evaluation of this potential. The main species of concern on the island are deer and wolves. Deer: Two fixed-wing surveys were flown in August 1982 to assess deer use of the alpine and open subalpine areas. Flight routes are illustrated in Fig. 4. On 4 August, a total of 11 deer (9 bucks and 2 does) was seen in 1.5 hours, yielding a rate of 7.3 deer per hour of survey time. On 28 August, 6 deer (4 bucks, 1 doe, and 1 fawn) were observed in 1.1 hours for a rate of 5.5 deer per hour. Comparable survey data are extremely limited, but 2 areas of Prince of Wales Island were flown under similar conditions on 20 August 1980 and 9 August 1982 by R. Wood. Estimated sighting rate for the Cholmondeley Sound-Craig portion of Prince of Wales Island in 1980 was 25-30 deer per hour, while the Coffman Cove-Thorne Bay area yielded approximately 50 deer per hour in 1982 (ADF&G, unpubl. data). Sighting rates for many areas of Admiralty and Baranof Islands exceed 100 deer per hour (L. Johnson, pers. commun.). During other nonsurvey fixed-wing flights over the transplant area, as well as on helicopter flights to and from the vegetation sampling plots, no deer were observed in the alpine. While on the ground to complete the vegetation sampling on Revilla, 1-2 sets of tracks were observed and an occasional pellet group was located, but no browsing was·evident on plants within the plots. A single set of tracks was observed in the snow at 760 m (2,500 ft) on 8 November 1982 during the helicopter flight to place the snow poles on the island, but no other tracks were observed in the snow in the course of checking the poles through late February 1983. General opinion and hunter success statistics indicate that the deer population on northeast Revilla Island is significantly reduced from levels of the mid to late 1960's (Wood 1982~). The low numbers seen from the air combined with the lack of sign observed on the ground also suggest that relatively few deer are currently using the mid-to high-elevation areas northeast of Carroll Inlet. 9 Radio telemetry studies of deer (Schoen et al. 1979) and goats (Smith 1983) in Southeast Alaska indicate that winter range areas for these species are relatively distinct. Although both deer and goats utilize medium to high volume old-growth forests on southerly aspects when snow cover is present, deer generally exploit· lower elevations, gentler slopes, and smoother terrain than goats (Table 6) . Given this inherent separation and low deer numbers, it is unlikely that these species will compete for limited resources, and the introduction of goats to Revilla Island should not adversely affect deer. Wolves: Snow cover was not adequate during the winter of 1982-83 to permit effective monitoring of wolf activity at low elevations in the proposed transplant area. Limited observations made during flights to set and check snow poles resulted in no wolf track sightings. The current wolf population on Revilla Island is significantly reduced from the higher levels of the late 1960's and early 1970's (Wood 1982b) presumably as a result of the decline in their major prey species, deer. Although the possibility exists that the residual wolf packs in the area may locate and prey upon some of the introduced goats, wolves are not expected to eliminate the initial stocking. As the goat population expands, wolves may begin to prey upon the species regularly--as they must on the adjacent mainland--but, once established, goats should be able to sustain these losses. Regardless of the predator-prey outcome, introducing goats should not have an adverse effect on the wolves. In fact, by increasing prey diversity, the transplant may benefit wolves in the long run. (It remains to be seen how, or if, providing a buffer species will affect the island's deer-wolf relationship.) Snow Measurements A combination of poor weather and unavailability of sui table aircraft limited acquisition of snow depth data on Revilla. Destruction of snow poles (presumably by bears) at Quartz Hill had the same effect in that area. Still, the available data are adequate to determine the general similarity of snow depths on the island and mainland. Fig. 5 illustrates progression of snow depth on Revilla and at Quartz Hill from early November 1982 through February 1983. Snow depth was generally greater at Quartz Hill than on Revilla at any given elevation. In both locations, snow cover was inconsistent and/or incomplete on timbered slopes up to nearly 2, 000 ft on southerly exposures. 10 CONCLUSION The proposed transplant location on northeast Revilla Island closely resembles areas of the adjacent mainland currently used by goats in many bio-geo-physical and environmental features. In fact, the failure of goats to colonize the island naturally may simply be a consequence of their arrival in the region from a southern glacial refugium after post-pleistocene sea levels rose and flooded Behm Canal, isolating this segment of the coastal foothills (Klein 1965). Based on the results of this study, introduced goats should find adequate forage, shelter, and escape cover to support a population of from several hundred to as many as 1,000 goats. Establishing goats on Revilla is not expected to have significant direct effects on resident species. Competition with deer should be minimal, even if currently depressed populations increase in future years. Although wolves may prey on goats on the island, current wolf-goat relationships on the mainland indicate that goat populations can increase in the presence of existing wolf densities there. Once the introduced goats have surpassed a threshold level, it is expected that they could withstand predation on the island as well. If an introduced population of 500-1,000 goats developed on the island, a human harvest of 25-50 goats per year could be sustained under the current 5% harvest guidelines. Although accessibility may restrict actual kill to lower numbers, this would represent a potential increase of approximately 50% over current hunter yield in Subunit 1A. Given the persistence of low deer numbers in spite of mild winters during the past 6 years, this could represent a significant enhancement of opportunity for subsistence and recreational hunting. Opportunities for non- consumptive use would also be increased by providing a more accessible population for recreationists based in Ketchikan. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. In view of the suitability of habitat, public interest, and availability of "surplus" goats on the adjacent mainland, ADF&G should pursue the option of transplanting goats to Revilla Island. 2. A detailed proposal covering timing, logistics, number of animals to be moved, and monitoring of introduced goats should be developed. 3. ADF&G should confer with the U.S. Forest authorization for the transplant under terms Memorandum of Understanding. 11 Service to seek of their Master 4. ADF&G should meet with representatives of the U.S. Forest Service, u.s. Borax, and interested members of the public to explore options for cost and personnel sharing to accomplish the introduction. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Several persons in the Ketchikan Ranger District and Area Supervisor's office of the U.S. Forest Service were helpful in providing logistic and financial support for this project. In particular, thanks are due to Win Green, Glen Contreras, Dick Coos, and Duane Fisher. Kit Ki tasaki of U.S. Borax and Tom Meehan and Dave Bramlet of VTN supported work at Quartz Hill and provided data on plant communities on the mainland. Kent Bovee was a patient and competent assistant in gathering field data and miraculously maintained his enthusiasm throughout the map sampling. Don McKnight and Bob Wood provided support and encouragement for this study and the proposed transplant which is greatly appreciated. LITERATURE CITED Alaback, P. B. 1980. Biomass and production of understory vegetation in seral Sitka spruce-western hemlock forests of southeast Alaska. Ph.D. Diss. Oregon State Univ., Corval- lis. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ment Policies. Juneau, Alaska. 1973. Alaska Game Manage- 65pp. Daubenmire, R. analysis. 1959. A canopy cover method of vegetation Northwest Sci. 33:43-64. Fox, J. L., K. J. Raedeke, and C. A. Smith. 1982. Mountain goat ecology on Cleveland Peninsula, Alaska, 1980-1982. Final Rep. Pacific Northwest For. Range Exp. Sta. Contract PNW-82-197. For. Sci. Lab. USFS. Juneau, Alaska. 40pp. Jaques, D. R. 1973. Reconnaissance botany of alpine ecosystems of Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. M.S. Thesis. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 133pp. Klein, D. R. 1965. Post-glacial distribution patterns of mammals in the southern coastal regions of Alaska. Arctic. 18(1):7-20. Schoen, J. W., 0. C. Wallmo, and M. D. Kirchhoff. 1979. Seasonal distribution and habitat use by Sitka black-tailed deer on southeastern Alaska. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Fed Aid in Wildl. Rest. Prog. Rep. Proj W-17-11, Job 2.6R. Juneau. 64pp. 12 Smith, c. A. 1983. Habitat use by mountain goats in south- eastern Alaska. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Prog. Rep. Proj. W-22-1, Job 12.4R. Juneau. 88pp. Wood, R. E. 1981. Unit 1A mountain goat survey-inventory progress report. Pages 185-190 in R. A. Hinman, ed. Annual Report of Survey-Inventory Activities. Part II. Caribou, Moose,and Mountain Goats. Vol. XII. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Fed Aid in Wildl. Rest. Prog. Rep. Proj. W-19-1 and W-19-2. Job 3.0, 1.0, and 12.0. Juneau. 1982a. Unit lA and 2 deer survey-inventory progress report. Pages 1-2 in R. A. Hinman, ed. Annual Report of Survey-Inventory Activities. Part VI. Deer, Bison, Small Game, Elk, Musk-oxen, and Walrus. Vol. XIII. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Fed Aid in Wildl. Rest. Prog. Rep. Proj. W-22-1. Job 2.0, 9.0, 10.0, 13.0, and 16.0. Juneau. 1982b. Unit 1A and 2 furbearers survey-inventory progress report. Pages 12-13 in R. A. Hinman, ed. Annual Report of Survey-Inventory Activities. Part VII. Beaver, Furbearers, Lynx, Wolf, and Wolverine. Vol. XIII. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Prog. Rep. Proj. W-22-1. Job 7.0, 14.0, and 15.0. Juneau. PREPARED BY: Christian A. Smith Game Biologist III SUBMITTED BY: Donald E. McKnight Regional Supervisor APPROVED BY: (<-'. t'eua=,;,e (fqwtJf ~ 0.. I cfrl ''iii n Director, bivr Research Chief',''vivis1.on o!: Game 13 tN BKm ~5 ;-f ffil. Fig. 1. Revillagigedo Island. Stippled portion is the proposed transplant area. 14 St •pu-etSI au-rdt-eqns pu-e opao-rfi-eTT"FAaH 1 s~otd (CJ) au-rdTV ·z ·o-rd 30-3.a Revilla Number of Species 20 10 20 Number of Species Revilla Alpine Ridge A-A. A-6. Quartz Hill Alpine Me.a.«d:Pw ... ._-' ~ l I I .... •-·· ,.....o-o-o-o I. o-o-o ,.o I 1 I I o I I r, 3.b 25 / ;· ./ .,...o 5 / / ./ "' 7 --o------ Number of Plots Revilla Alpine Heath 100 10 5 '0 Quartz Hill Alpine Heath 7 Number of Plots 100 Fig. 3. Species-area curves for Daubenmire (1954) plot samples, Revillagigedo Island and Quartz Hill. 16 20 Number of Species 20 10 Quartz Hill 3.c Open Subalpine Forest --0 3.d o" / o .... o ,I I ~ Fig. 3. / o-o -·--·--o-- 5 Revilla Open Subalpine Forest 7 Number of Plots 100 o-----0 Quartz Hill Closed Subalpine Forest ..... .... ,.. o,...o-o-o-o,......,....... Revilla Closed Subalpine Forest 25 so 7 100 Number of Plots Continued. 17 Fig. 4. Alpine deer survey flight routes, Revillagigedo Island./'"""-../= 4 August 1983;-·-·-= 28 August 1983. 18 Feet of Snow Feet of Snow 10~ Revillagigedo Island -t. -. -Jr • - . - . - . -. -. -. -. -·-. -. -. -.... ---<>------------o-----_o _____. s_ .. !720 -T/17 11/8 11/20 1982 10 Quartz Hill 5 / - .-·-·-A ___ ........ _A_.-·-·-· - ll/8 11/20 1/20 1982 / 1983 / / .-A ...... 2/8 2/17 1983 Fig. 5. Snow depth at 500 feet (-) , 1, 500 feet (o---o) , and 2, 500 feet (A..,_..t) on Revillagigedo Island and Quartz Hill, 8 November 1982-17 February 1983. 19 Table 1. Frequency distribution (%) of habitat characteristics on Revilla Island and the Upper Cleveland Peninsula (UCP) based on point sampling of topographic and timber type maps, summer 1982. Area Habitat characteristic Elevation in feet (thousands) 0-0.5 o. 6-1.0 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5-4.0 >4.0 Revilla 13.3 18.4 17.9 17.5 14.8 10.7 5.7 1.7 0.1 UCP 13.9 14.9 19.7 16.3 16.0 11.9 5.1 1.8 0.3 Aspect Flat North NE & NW E & W SE & SW South Ridge top 1\J 0 Revilla 5.8 12.6 21.0 24.6 21.8 14.2 0.1 UCP 14.0 6.4 19.8 20.6 17.6 9.8 1.8 Slope (degrees) 0-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-37 38-50 51-65 66-90 Revilla 14.9 11.5 8.2 15.6 19.2 26.3 4.3 0.1 UCP 29.7 4.7 8.5 21.7 17.2 11.3 5.3 1.6 Distance to cliffs (mi) 0.00 0.25 .25-.50 .51-.75 .76-1.00 1.01-1.25 1. 26-1.50 1. 50-2.25 -- Revilla 4.4 42.1 32.9 12.7 2.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 UCP 6.9 49.6 20.0 9.4 3.3 2.0 2.0 0.5 Table 1. Continued. Vegetation type Old-growth Cliff/slide Muskeg and Subalpine Rock and Area forest forest muskeg forest forest Brush Alpine cliff Other -- Revilla 34.0 7.0 9.1 26.7 5.4 9.2 5.8 2.8 UCP 32.4 5.7 11.3 20.4 2.7 5.8 14.8 7.0 Timber volume (board feet/acre) None 8,000 8-20,000 20-30,000 30-50,000 Revilla 24.1 42.6 11.0 19.6 2.7 N UCP 30.3 36.9 16.6 14.7 1.4 ..... N N Table 2. Results of 0.1 m2 micro-plot sampling for canopy cover of herb-su};)shrub layer plants on Revilla Island and Quartz Hill, summer 1982. Plant species Arnica latifolia Athyrium filix- femina Blechnum spicant Caltha biflora Carex spp. Cassiope mertensiana Cassippe stelleriana Castilleja. parviflora Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Cladonia spp. Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus Compositae spp. Copt.is aspleniifolia Cornus canadensis Dryopteris dilatat~ Empetrum nig:rum Epilobium hornemannii Er.i,geron sp. Eriophorl,llll angustifolium Fauria crista:-galli Galium sp. . Alpine meadows Revilla Quartz Island Hill 10/Tra 5/Tr 3/Tr 85/17.8 47/11.0 12/2. <? 41/11. 7 7/Tr 10/2.8 27/2.4 11/2.2 18/2.4 94/68.5 36/3.2 34/9.1 22/1.9 7/Tr 12/4.4 62/11.8 5/Tr Alpine heath Revilla Quartz Island Hill 26/3.3 24/3.9 99/74.1 88/33.5 96/13.9 87/18.1 1/Tr 28/1.2 62/18.9 14/1.0 1/Tr 44'/5.1 27/1.2 5/Tr Alpine ridge Revilla Island 80/15.7 48/10.6 30/1.5 2/Tr 88/13.6 26/Tr 22/2.8 66/19.4 Open subalpine fore !;it Revilla Quartz Island Hill 20/2.2 2/Tr 3/1.4 36/2.6 27/Tr Tr/Tr 14/1.2 4/Tr 6/2.1 34/1.1 14/1.8 14/2'. 8 19/6.1 21/Tr 50/3.0 3/Tr 50/25.0 52/11.6 Closed subalpine forest Revilla Quartz Island Hill 24/2.6 18/2.4 2/Tr 58/7.0 16/2.3 7/1.7 Tr/Tr 29/10.7 10/Tr 2/Tr 15/5.0 14/2.0 15/2.2 18/2.1 2/Tr Table 2. Continued. Open subalpine Closed subalpine Alpine meadows Alpine heath Alpine ridge forest forest Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Plant species Island Hill Island Hill Island Island Hill Island Hill Gentiana douglasiana Tr/Tr Geum calthifolium 20/2.6 22/1.1 30/1.3 Grasses 12/1.0 8/Tr 52/1.9 38/2.2 8/Tr 1/Tr Kalmia polifolia 7/Tr Leptarrhena pyrolifolia 1/Tr Listera cordata 6/Tr 4/Tr 22/1.6 1.3/Tr Lob aria spp. 2/Tr 9/Tr 2/Tr 16/3.1 11/Tr 86/21.0 12/Tr Loise leur a ;erocumbens 48/4.6 IV Luetkea pectinata 18/4.2 24/1.5 92/19.0 63/5.9 28/2.0 17/2.0 w Lupinus nootkatensis 3/Tr 20/1.4 Tr/Tr Lysichi tort americanum Tr/Tr Menziesia ferruginea 12/3.2 29/7.9 10/2.9 10/3.0 Mosses 12/1.8 58/17.8 33/5.3 48/5.2 88/26.3 98/52.6 79/32.3 100/30.4 59/24.9 Echinopanax horridum 5/1.9 Pedicular is ornithorhyncha 24/1.1 5/Tr 3/Tr 12/Tr Phy11odoce aleutica 6/1.5 10/Tr 5/Tr 29/3.5 6/Tr 33/3.7 14/2.3 Pinguicula vulgaris 2/Tr Platanthera dilatata 9/Tr Polypodium vulgare 23/3.0 1. 3/Tr Pyrola spp. 2/Tr Ribes laxiflorum Tr/Tr Rubus pedatus 90/15.0 47/2.0 96/15.6 43/4.1 Rubus spectabilis Tr/Tr Sanguisorba sp. 12/2.2 Saxifraga tolmiei 10/1.5 3/Tr Senecio triangularis 3/Tr Table 2. Continued. Open subalpine Closed subalpine Alpine meadows Alpine heath Alpine ridge forest forest Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Plant species Island Hill Island Hill Island Island Hill Island Hill Sorbus sitchensis 1/Tr 1.4/Tr Streptopus spp. 5/Tr 58/10.2 Tr/Tr 34/3.1 12/1.7 Thuja plicata 8/1.9 Tiarella unifolia·ta 3/Tr Tofieldia glutinosa 1/Tr Trientalis europaea 4/Tr Tsuga mertensiana 2/Tr 24/4.3 14/2.5 28/11.9 28/1.5 6/1.3 Vaccinium alaskensis/ ovalifolium 8/1.3 5/Tr 92/49.8 69/24.7 76/24.4 51/19.5 1\.) Vaccinium ,j:>. caespitosum 17/2.6 11/2.3 28/2.9 25/5.0 34/1.1 6.0/Tr Vaccinium uliginosum 18/4.1 14/4.2 Vaccinium vitis-idaea 7/Tr Valeriana sitchensis 41/8.3 Veratrum viride 5/1.2 8/2.6 2/Tr Unknown spp. 4/Tr 14/1.2 No. of plots sampled 100 100 100 100 50 50 150 50 150 No. of species with 25/x.x 3 4 6 5 10 6 9 5 3 No. of species with x.x/20.0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 Total no. of species by area 28 18 13 11 17 14 23 13 27 Total no. of species for both areas 38 17 N/A 27 32 % floral species overlap 21 41 N/A 37 25 . N Ul • Table 2. Continued. Plant species No. of species with 25/x.x Alpine meadows Revilla Quartz Island Hill 6 % overlap of Species with 25/x.x 30 No. of species with x.x/20.0 1 % overlap of species with x.x/20.0 0 - Alpine heath Revilla Quartz Island Hill 7 57 1 100 a % frequency of occurrence/% ground canopy; Tr <1.0%. Alpine ridge Revilla Island N/A N/A N/A N/A Open subalpine forest Revilla Quartz Island Hill 12 25 2 50 Closed subalpine forest Revilla Quartz Island Hill 7 29 1 0 N 0"1 Table 3. Overstory composition of open canopy subalpine sample plots, .summer 1982. Average Average % a Average no. Average no. no. trees/ha canopy closure seedlings/ha saplings/ha and (MBF/ha) Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Plant species Island Hill Island Hill Island Hill Island Hill Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 1,320 2,347 400 3,653 360(19) 133(4) Tsuga spp. 1,120 320 480 453 520(72) 293 (14) Picea sitchensis 200 0 120 0 0(0) 0 (O) Totals 33 25 2,640 2,667 1,000 4,106 880(92) 426(17) a Canopy closure not determined for individual species. I\.) -....) • Table 4. OVerstory composition of closed canopy subalpine sample plot~, summer 1982. Average Average % a Average no. Average no. no. trees/ha canopy closure seedlings/ha saplings/ha and ( MBF /ha) Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Revilla Quartz Plant species Island Hill Island Hill Island Hill Island Hill Chamaecyparis nootl<atensj s 0 0 0 0 200(100) 0 (0) Tsuga spp. 520 4,613 0 187 520(139) 1,147(76) Picea sitchensis 0 0 0 0 40 (29) 0(0) Totals 73 69 520 4,613 0 187 760(268) 1,147(76) a Canopy closure not determined for individual species. N co Table 5. Mean density, stem diameter at ground level, and estimated twig an~ leaf biomass of selected shrub species in subalpine forests on Revilla Island and Quartz Hill, summer 1982. Habitat type Open subalpine forest Closed sub- alpine forest Shrub species Vaccinium spp. Menziesia sp. Total Vaccinium spp. Menziesia sp. Total Stem density Revilla Quartz Island Hill b 87.4(6.7) 3.4(0.9) 46.0(6.0) 2.3(0.6) 23.9(1.6) 7.5(1.8) 33.0(4.2) 2.6(1.0) a Based on regression formulas in Alaback (1980). b Mean (SE). Stem diameter Revilla Quartz Island Hill 5.2(0.3) 8.3(0.5) c 11.5(0.8) 4.2(1.0) 5.7(0.3) c 9.1(1.7) Forage biomass a (kg/ha ) Revilla Quartz Island Hill 157.9 107.6 c 104.7 c 212.3 55.3 71.2 c 20.8 c 92.0 c Menziesia stems were not located within micro-plots and hence were not measured. Biomass cannot be estimated without mean stem diameter values. • Table 6. Comparison of habitat characteristics at winter deer and goat relocations. Habitat characteristic Mean elevation of relocations (ft) Mean slope at relocations (0 ) % use of smooth terrain a b Schoen et al. 1979. Smith 1983 • 29 Species a Deer 188 8 99 b Goat 2,003 39 5