HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2829CONSULTANTS,INC. GEO:"'OS'16TS PL.ANNERS SURVeY01=l:6 HYDROLOGY FIELD DATA INDEX FINAL REPORT JULY 1985 DOCUMENT No.2829 Alaska Power AtlthOri(y-----:::-~~,J ~~=~~~@©@ NA JOINT VENTURE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No.7114 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ri ~,'=-"::'r-~=--..-~"----'~.==::....:==::=================::=;~ q '---f!.-,~~j i~~i~.•.,.~~;;tl..;jrrt".....J ""a ~~,!!,,,.,."lit·I /IU.!$AA OEfY"i".f~[~\i,';'h"3A.1IAiI:U"R.t.pbIt~Rtt'-· AI~AI...W518-1~~ .... SOSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYDROLOGY FIELD DATA INDEX Report by R&M Consultants,Inc. Under Contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Document No. Susitna File No. 2829 "11") 111;;25 "s~ Fl):t2 I f)O·~)..9 Final Report July 1985 ' ARLIS Alaska DeL'b.'..XI,.Sour·~P~1 ra &Jr".·",~ory./l..fo:fruatIou Servlces Ancnorage,Alaska r 'I NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE AL.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYROLOGY FIELD DATA INDEX TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION WATER RESOURCES DATA COLLECTED IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN PAGE 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 susi7/b Streamflow Continuous Gaging Streamflow Partial Records Water Quality Water Temperature Sediment Discharge Climate Freezing Rain &Icing Snow Survey Snow Creep Freeze-Up River Ice Observations Winter River I ce Observations Breakup River Ice Observations Aerial Photography Hydrog raphic Surveys Glacial Observations Glacial Lake Observations Aquatic Habitat Observations 0100-1 0200-1 0300-1 0400-1 0500-1 0600-1 0700-1 0800-1 0900-1 1000-1 1100-1 1200-1 1300-1 1400-1 1500-1 1600-1 1700-1 (Revised 7/85) APPENDICES A Government Agencies that have Collected or Analyzed Water Resources Data for the Susitna River Basin B Water Quality Parameters that have been Sampled by USGS within the Susi'tna River Basin C Data Collected by ADF&G in the Susitna River Basin from 1974 -1977,and 1981 D Climatological Parameters which Appea r in the NOAA Reports Entitled "Local Climatological Data,Annual Summary with Comparative Data" 1.Meteorological Data for the Current Year 2.Normals,Means &Extremes 3.Average Temperature 4.Precipitation 5.Heating Degree Days 6.Cooling Degree Days 7.Snowfall E Climatological Parameters which Appear in the NOAA Report Entitled "Annual Climatological Summary" F Climate &Water Quality Parameters Measured by R&M G Distribution List for Field Data Index H Bibliography of Avai lable Documents Related to the Susitna River Basin PLATE 1: susi7/b Data Collection Stations for the Susitna River Basin (Revised 7/85) INTRODUCTION The objective of the Field Data Index &Distribution System is to establish a formal system of conveying information concerning hydrologic and climatologic data availability to each member of the study team.The project data base consists of (a)Historical recorded data up to January 1, 1980;(b)Post 1980 data collected by government agencies and study team members.- Historical files have been resea rched and available data a re documented in this report.Records which could be retrieved or copied exist in R&M Consultants files.Records which are unavailable at this time,are iden- tified as to location of files,data type,and period of record. Data stations are identified in this volume by a unique four digit index number which identifies type of data and station location.The first two dislits of the index number -correspond to the type of data collected. There are seventeen different types of water resou rce data indexed,so data stations series are numbered accordingly 0100 through 1700.The last two digits of the index number correspond to a unique location number. FOl'data taken from river sampling,station numbers increase from up- stream to down stream locations.River miles are listed where applicable to help identify station locations.For data stations away from the river channel,the location number is unique for that location among each data ser'iesnumber. Thlus for the index number 0540,for example,the first two digits (05) identify the data as sediment discharge),while the latter two digits (40) identify the station as Susitna River at Gold Creek.Most of the data coillection stations included in this index are shown on the Data Collection Stations map accompanying this volume.Most station index numbers are shown next to thei r associated station symbol on the map,In the cases whl~re many index numbers are assignable to one location,index numbers are listed and cross referenced in the table of multiple record stations inset at the upper left portion of the map. All new data collected by R&M Consultants or other organizations will be added to the index system.An update will be prepared and distributed to per'sonnel listed in Appendix G each year.Anyone knowing of additional data that has been collected within or adjacent to the Susitna River Basin is i:lsked to notify R&M Consultants,P.O.Box 6087,Anchorage,Alaska - 99503,(907)561-1733. Hard copy of the data will be stored in the R&M Consultants offices.The data will be made available to project team members and other concerned parties upon request. r susi7/b - 1 - (Revised 7/85) WATER RESOURCES DATA COLLECTED IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN 0100 STREAMFLOW CONTINUOUS GAGING Mean daily discharge and/or annual maximum flood peak discharge data have been collected by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)&R&M Consultants (R&M)at several locations within the Susitna River Basin. The stations for which this information is available and the period of record at each location are listed below.Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following the period of record,all data has been collected by the USGS.All data listed in this section are on file at R&M Consultants according to index number and name. Seven additional continuous stream gages are included under Section 1700 Slough Observations.Therefore they have not been listed again in this seGtion. Index No. ono Description Susitna River near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 (RM 290.7) Mean Daily Discharge Records:May 1957 -September 1966;July 1968 -Present Annual Instantaneous Peak Flow:1957-1963,1965, 1967,1967 -Present 0115 Maclaren River near Paxson -USGS Station 15291200 Mean Daily Discharge Records:June 1958 -Present 0120 Susitna River near Cantwell -USGS Station 15291500 (RM 223.0) Mean Daily Discharge Record:May 1961 -September 1972;May 1980 -Present 0122 Deadman Creek -R&M Consultants Susitna River near Watana Damsite -R&M SG-l (RM 182.1) ~ i 0130 Mean Daily Discharge Record: Single Winter Measurement: June 14 -October 5,1982 April 10,1984 Mean Daily Discharge Records:July 1980 -Present susi7/c 0100 - 1 (revised 7/85) Index No. OB2 Description Portage Creek -ADF&G and R&M Consultants Mean Daily Discharge Records:August -October 1982, May -October 1983 0138 I ndian River -ADF&G and R &M Consultants -0139 Mean Daily Discha rge Records:August -October 1982, May -October 1983 Gold Creek -ADF&G Mean Daily Discharge Records:May -October 1983 0140 Susitna River near Gold Creek -USGS Station 15292000 (RM 136.6) Mean Daily Discharge Record:August 1949 -Present 0145 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Mean Daily Discharge Record:February 1958 - September 1972 May 1980 -Present Annual Instantaneous Peak Flow:1958-1977, 1980 -Present 0155 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna - USGS Station 15292700 Mean Daily Discharge Record:June 1964 -Present 0160 0161 Susitna River at Su nshine - USGS Station 15292780 (RM 83.8) Mean Daily Discharge Record:May 1981 -Present Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements:1965,1971,1977 Desh ka River near Willow -USGS Station 15294100 Mean Daily Discharge Record:October 1978 -Present 0162 Willow Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294005 .Mean Daily Discharge Record:June 1978 -Present susi7/c 0100 -2 (revised 7/85) Index No, 0163 Description Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 Mean Daily Discharge Record:May 1978 -Present 0165 Skwentna River near Skwentna -USGS Station 15294300 Mean Daily Discharge Record:August 1959 -Present 0175 Yentna River near Susitna Station -USGS Station 15294345 Mean Daily Discharge Record:October 1980 -Present .....0190 Susitna River near Susitna Station - USGS Station 15294350 (RM 25.7) Mean Daily Discharge Record:October 1974 -Present susi7/c 0100 - 3 (revised 7/85) 0200 STREAMFLOW PARTIAL RECORDS '"'" All data collected relating to river stage or water discharge for the Susitna River Basin not previously listed under Section 0100:Streamflow Contin uous Gaging a re included below.Th is section includes all records frclm crest stage gages,staff gages or fragmentary data.Agencies collecting the data include:U.S.Geological Survey (USGS),R&M Consultants (R&M)and National Weather Service (NWS).The agency responsible for data collection at each site is indicated by the agency name in parentheses following the period of record. It should be noted that National Weather Service stations collect river stage data which can be obtained from the NWS Alaska River Forecast Center on a daily basis. Alclska Department of Fish and Game has additional data on stage and water discharge of selected tributaries and fresh-water sloughs in the Su:sitna River Basin for 1981.Appendix C includes location and period of recor-d for the data available.Additional flow measurements,staff and crest gages,have been included under Section 1700 Aquatic Habitat Observations.Therefore they have not been listed again below. All data given below are on file at R&M Consultants according to index number and location,unless marked by an asterisk (*)following the period of record. Index No. 0201 Description Raft Creek near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 Annual Maximum Discharge from Crest-Stage Gage: 1963-1977,1979 -Present (USGS) 0203 Susitna River at Denali Highway (RM 290.7) Staff Gage:1981 (R&M) 0205 Susitna River at Deadman Creek -R&M CSR-9 (RM 186.7) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) 0210 Susitna River above Watana Damsite -R&M CSR-8 (RM 184.1) Crest-Stage Gage (;1--mi Ie upstream of damsite): 1980 -1982 (R&M) ..... susi7/d 0200 - 1 (Revised 7/85) .... Index No. 0211 0212 Desc ri ption Susitna River below Watana Damsite (RM 182.8) Staff Gage (1 mile downstream of damsite): 1981 -1982 (R &M) Susitna River at Devil Creek (RM 161.5) Crest Stage Gage:1981 -1982 (R&M) 02'15 Susitna River above Devil Canyon -R&M CSR-7 (RM 153.2) Crest-Stage Gage (H miles upstream of D.C.damsite): 1980 -1982 (R&M) 02'18 Susitna River below Devil Canyon (RM 150.7) Staff Gage (1 mile downstream of D.C.damsite): 1981 (R &M) 0220 Susitna River at Portage Creek -R&M CSR-6 (RM 148.8) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) .- 0225 Susitna River at Sherman -R&M CSR-5 (RM 130.9) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) 0230 Susitna River at Section 25 -R&M CSR-4 (RM 124.4) C rest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) 0235 Susitna River at Curry -R&M CSR-3 (RM 120.5) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) 023:6 Susitna River at Curry (RM 120.5) Partial Discharge Record:1948 (1 date)(USGS) 1949 (1 date)(USGS) susi7/d 0200 - 2 (Revised 7/85) -, - Index No. 0240 Description Susitna River near Chase -R&M CSR-2 (RM 107.6) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) 0245 Susitna River above Susitna-Chulitna Confluence - R&M CSR-1 (RM 99.6) Crest-Stage Gage:1980 -1982 (R&M) - r - 0246 0247 0251- Talkeetna River at Alaska Railroad Bridge Partial Discharge Record:1949 (2 dates)(USGS) Talkeetna River at Alaska Railroad Bridge Partial Stage Record:1976 -Present (NWS) Susitna River at Sunshine (RM 83.8) Partial Discharge Record:1969-1971,1976 -Oct.1981 (NWS) Montana Creek near Montana - USGS Station 15292800 Crest-Stage Gage:1963-1972,1978,1981 (USGS) 0252 Montana Creek at Parks Highway Partial Stage Record:1973 -Present (NWS) 0253 Goose Creek near Montana -USGS Station 15292900 Crest-Stage Gage:1963-1971 (USGS) 0254 Caswell Creek near Caswell -USGS Station 15293000 Crest-Stage Gage:1963 -Present (USGS) Miscellaneous Discharge Measu rements: 1963 -1976, 1979 -Present (USGS) susi7/d 0200 - 3 (Revised 7/85) -~ Index No. -02515.5 0255.6 0255.8 Description Little Willow Creek near Kashwitna - USGS Station 15293700 Low-Flow Partial Record~1978 (USGS) Peters Creek below Purches Creek near Willow Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements: 1979 -Present (USGS) Peters Creek,Tributary to Willow Creek (above confluence with Willow Creek) Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements:1979 (USGS) Willow Creek above Deception Creek near Willow (2.2 miles downstream of continuous gage) Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements:1979 (USGS) 02516 Willow Creek at Hatcher Pass Road near Willow - USGS Station 15294002 r Low-Flow Partial Record:1978 -1979, 1981 -Present (USGS) 02513.5 Willow Creek at Alaska Railroad Bridge,1 mile north of Willow Partial Discharge Record:1948 (1 date)(USGS) 025~r Deception Creek above Tributa ry near Houston - USG S Station 15294007 Low-Flow Partial Record:1978 -Present (USGS) Unnamed Deception Creek Tributary near Willow Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements: 1979 -Present (USGS) -susi7/d 0200 - 4 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description - -. 02~)8 Deception Creek Tributary near Houston - USGS Station 15294008 Low-Flow Partial Record:1978 -Present (USGS) Willow Creek at Parks Highway near Willow - USGS Station 15294012 Low-Flow Partial Record:1978 -Present (USGS) 02EiO Willow Creek at Parks Highway near Willow Partial Stage Record:1973 -Present (NWS) .- 026i5 0270 Kroto Creek (head of Deshka River)near Peters Creek USGS Station 15294020 Low-Flow Partial Record:1978 (USGS) Moose Creek near Tal keetna USGS Station 15294025 Low-Flow Partial Record:1972-1975,1978-1979 (USGS) Partial Discharge Record:1980 (USGS) CrestStage Gage:1972 Present (USGS) -- 0272 Peters Creek near Petersville USGS Station Low-Flow Partial Record:1975-1976,1977-1978 (USGS) 0274 Peters Creek above Martin Creek at Peters Creek USGS Station 15294310 Low-Flow Pa rtia I Record:1975,1976,1977,1978 02716 Martin Creek at Peters Creek USGS Station 15294312 LowFlow Partial Record:1978 (USGS) susi7/d 0200 - 5 (Revised 7/85) -0300 WATER QUALITY '-- - - Water qual ity data have been collected by the U.S.Geological Su rvey (USGS)and R&M Consultants (R&M)at several sites within the Susitna River Basin.The locations for which this information is available and the period of record at each site are given below.Since the measurements are only taken periodically the n umber of measu rements,timing and specific parameters measured vary from year to year at any given station.A list of water quality parameters that have been measured by the USGS in the basin is presented in Appendix B.Water quality parameters measured by R&M a re included in Appendix F. Unless indicated by the agency name in parentheses following the period of record,data have been collected by the USGS. Data collected by the Alaska Department of Fish &Game are all included in Appendix C.Therefore,they have not been listed again in this section. The data listed in this section are all on file at R&M Consultants according to index number and name,except where dates are marked by an asterisk (*).Most of the data are also available through ~he U.S.Geological Su rvey. Index No. 0310 Description Susitna River near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 (RM 290.7) Period of Record:1957-1966,1969,1974 to 1982 0311 Raft Creek near Denali -USGS Station 15291100 Period of Record:1972 0313 0315 Clearwater Creek near Paxson - USGS Station 630230146530000 Period of Record:1958* Maclaren River near Paxson - USGS Station 15291200 Period of Record:1958-1961, 1967-1968,1975 susi7/e 0300 - 1 (Revised 5/85) -, Index No. 03"18 Description Little Oshetna River near Eureka - USGS Station 621130147391500 Period of Record:1953* 0320 Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon)- USGS Station 15291500 (RM 223.0) Period of Record:1962-1972,1980 to 1981 0330 Susitna River near Watana Damsite -R&M WQ-1 (RM 184.3) ..... , - 1980:June 19 August 8 September 5 September 17 October 17 1981:January 13 May 20 June 18 June 30 August 2 August 3 September 15 October 7 1982:February 4 October 1 (R&M)1983: (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) (R&M) March 2 April 6 May 17 Continuous Water Quality Monitor Period of Record:October 1980 -December 1981 (Station destroyed December 1981) (Parameters monitored a re listed in Appendix F.) 0335 Susitna River above Portage Creek near Gold Creek - USGS Station 624941149221500 Period of Record:1977 0339 Gold Creek at Gold Creek -USGS Station 624606149412500 Period of Record:1977* 0340 Susitna River at Gold Creek -USGS Station 15292000 (RM 136.6) Period of Record:1949-1958,1962,1967-1968,1975, 1977, 1980 to Present susi71e 0300 - 2 (Revised 5/85) Index No.Description-- ""'"1980:May 2 1983:March 18i August 8 (R&M)May 19 August 19 June 28 @....October 7 July 28 October 14 (R&M)August 25 1981:January 14 (R&M)October 3 January 16 February 12 1984:May 31 March 24 June 27 May 27 (R&M and USGS)July 25-J un e 30 (R &M)August 23 June 23 September 28 July 1 (R&M)-July 21 August 2 (R&M) August 3 (R &M) August 27 October 8 (R&M) 1982:January 20 Februa ry 6 (R&M) ~March 3 March 30 May 27 June 10 (R&M) June 16 (R &M ) June 23 (R&M) ..-July 1 August 5 (R&M) August 10 (R&M) August 19 T August 26 (R&M) September 4 (R&M) September 15 (R&M) September 16 October 17 (R&M) 0344 Ramsdyke Creek near Peters ville - USGS Station 623742150462600 Period of Record:1979 0344.5 Long Creek near Petersville USGS Station 623545150435600 Period of Record:1979 f"'" susi7/e 0300 - 3 (Revised 5/85) Index No. 0345 Description Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Period of Record:1958-1959,1967-1972 - 0356 Tal keetna River near Tal keetna -USGS Station 15292700 Period of Record:1954,1966-Present 1982:March 3 April 9 June 1 July 2 August 20 September 17 October 14 1983:March 18 May 13 June 23 July 29 October 4 1984:March 7 May 31 July 26 -r 0360 Susitna River at Sunshine -USGS Station 15292780 (RM 83.8) Period of Record:1971, 1975, 1977,1981 -Present 1982:March 2 April 9 June 3 July 2 August 17 September 15 October 13 1983:January 20 March 17 May 12 June 24 July 27 August 24 October 4 susi7/e 0300 - 4 (Revised 5/85) Index No. 1984: Description May 18 June 14 July 19 August 16 September 21 ..... 03Eil .1 03Ei1 .2 036,1.3 0361.4 0362 0362.1 036.2.2 Montana Creek near Montana -USGS Station 15292800 Period of Record:1971-1972 Sheep Creek at Highway near Willow - USGS Station 615945150024300 Period of Record:1972 Caswell Creek near Caswell - USGS Station 15293000 Period of Record:1972 Kashwitna River near Willow - USGS Station 615535150041500 Period of Record:1972 Willow Creek near Willow - USGS Station 15294005 Period of Record:1979 -Present Willow Creek below Canyon near Willow - USGS Station 614607149552000 Period of Record:1972 Willow Creek at Parks Highway near Willow (USGS Station 15294012) Period of Record:1972, 1979,1980 susi7/e 0300 - 5 (Revised 5/85) ,.... Index No. 03132.3 03G2.4 Description Willow Creek at Upper Bridge near Willow - USGS Station 614522149401700 Period of Record:1972 Willow Creek at Hatcher Pass Road near Willow - USGS Station 15294002 Period of Record:1978-1979 03Ei3 Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 Period of Record:1978-Present ..... - 036,3.1 0363.3 036:3.4 0363.5 Deception Creek at Mouth near Willow - USGS Station 614552150021000 Period of Record:1972 Deception Creek Tributary near Houston - USGS Station 15294008 Period of Record:.1978-1979,1980 Deception Creek above Tributary near Houston -USGS Station 15294007 Period of Record:1978-1979,1980,1981 Unnamed Tributary to Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 614446149551000 Period of Record:1979-1980 0365 Skwentna River near Skwentna -USGS Station 15294300 Period of Record:1959,1961,1967-1968,1974-1975 susli7le 0300 - 6 (Revised 5/85) r- I ! Index No:).Description 03Ei6 Yentna River near Skwentna - USGS Station 615815151070000 Period of Re'cord:1955* 0370 Yentna River near Susitna Station - USGS Station 15294345 Period of Record:1981:May 20 June 11 ~July 13 July 14 August 11 ~September 16 October 6 1982:January 12 April 1 May 18 July 13 P"August 11 October 6 -1984:February 23 April 5 May 14 June 12 July 17 August 14 September 19 - .-. 0390 Susitna River at Susitna Station -USGS Station 15294350 (RM 25,7) Period of Record:1955, 1970,1975 -Present 1980:February 12 March 12 June 16 r-"July 30 October 10 - 0300 -7 (Revised 5/85) - susi7/e 0300 - 8 (Revised 5/85) - 0400 WATER TEMPERATURE Water temperature data have been collected by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS),R&M Consultants (R&M),and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)at many locations within the Susitna River Basin.The locations for which this information is available and the period of record at each site are!given below.Contin uous water temperatu re records are generally available for open-water months only,but the length of record will vary for each site from year to year.Descriptions of the data collected by ADF&G for 1981 have been included in Appendix C.Additional thermograph sites installed in 1982 and later for the slough observations can be found in Section 1700.Therefore,both sets of data have not been listed again in this section.It should also be noted that instantaneous temperature measurements have been taken and may be found in the water qUcllity records published by the USGS. Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following the period of record,all data have been collected by the USGS. ThE~data listed in this section are on file at R&M Consultants according to index number and name,except the most recent data collected by the USGS and Talkeetna River data from 1954. - Index No. 0410 Description Susitna River near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 (RM 290.7) Water T emperatu re Record:1974 -1982 Temperature Cross Sections:1980:May 22 June 24 July 22 August 26 October 1 1981 :May 19 I"""June 24 July 21 August 25 September 29 1982 :March 30 May 25 June 30 July 27 August 26 September 27 1983:April 6 June 8 July 20- susi 15/x 0400 - 1 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description 1984:February 25 July 19 August 22 0415 Maclaren River near Paxson -USGS Station 15291200 Miscellaneous Water Temperatures:1980 0420 Susitna River near Cantwell -USGS Station 15291500 (RM 223.0) Water Temperature Record:May 1980 -Present Temperature Cross Sections:1982:·June 30 July 27 August 26 October 1 1983:March 2 April 6 . May 17 1984 :June 14 August 26 0430 Susitna River near Watana Damsite (RM 183.8) (Station destroyed December 1981)- Water Temperature Record:October 1980 -December 1981 0440 Susitna River at Gold Creek -USGS Station 15292000 (RM 136.6) ~ Water Temperatu re Record:1957,1974 -Present Temperatu re Cross Sections:1980:May 14 July 2 August 19 October 7 ~1981:May 27 June 23 July 21 ~~August 27 September 28 1982:January 20 !""'"March 3 March 30 May 27 July 1 August 19 September 16 .....susi1 Six 0400 - 2 (Revised 7/85)I Index No.Description 1983:May 19 June 28 July 28 August 25 October 3 1984:May 31 June 27 July 25 September 28 -0443 Miscellaneous Water Temperatu res: (R&M) Susitna River nea r Chase (RM 107.6) 1980,1981 and 1982 Daily water temperature,August and September 1977. Reported in "An Assessment Study of the Anadromous Fish Populations in the Upper Susitna Watershed"(Barrett,1974) 0445 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Water Temperatu re Record:1982 -Present Temperatu re Cross Sections: 1982:April 8 June 3 June 4 June 9 June 16 June 22 June 29 July 27 July 13 July 20 Miscellaneous Water susi15/x 1980: 1981: June 3 July 17 September 1 October 22 Janua ry 14 February 10 March 25 May 18 June 23 July 20 August 24 1982: 1984: Temperatures: 0400 - 3 July 26 July 27 August 3 August 11 August 17 August 24 September 1 September 18 May 17 May 31 June 8 July 18 July 25 August 9 August 21 September 17 September 27 1980 (Revised 7/85) - Index No. 0455 Description Tal keetna River near Tal keetna -USGS Station 15292700 Water Temperatu re Record:1954 Temperatu re Cross Section: - - susii15/x 1980:April 1 April 22 May 23 June 30 July 10 July 28 July 29 September 9 October 15 1981:May 29 June 24 July 22 August 23 September 28 October 16 1982 :Jan ua ry 21 March 3 April 9 June 1 July 2 August 20 September 17 October 14 0400 - 4 1983:Ma rc h 18 May 13 June 23 July 29 August 3 August 11 September 1 September 12 September 27 October 4 March 7 May 31 July 26 1984:March 18 May 13 May 23 May 26 June 3 June 9 June 22 June 23 July 18 July 29 August 3 August 11 September September 12 September 27 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description-- I"""04GO Susitna River near Sunshine -USGS Station 15292780 (RM 83.8) Water Temperature Record:1981 -Present Temperature Cross Section: 1981:October 19 1983:July 27 August 11 1982:January 20 October 16 March 2 April 9 1984:May 21 June 3 June 14 July 2 July 19 August 17 August 16 September 15 September 28 October 13 1983:January 20 March 17 May 12-June 24 046,2 Willow Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294005 Water Temperature Record:1978 -Present 0463 Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 Water Temperature Record:1978 -1981 0465 Skwentna River near Skwentna -USGS Station 15294300 0475 Miscellaneous Water Temperatu res: Yentna River near Susitna Station 1967-68,1974-75,1980 Water Temperature Record:1981 -Present susi15/x 0400 - 5 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description-- Temperature Cross Sections: 1981:May 20 1983:August 10 ~June 11 August 26 July 14 September 29 August 11 ~September 16 1984:February 23 April 5 1982:January 12 May 14 April 1 June 12 May 18 July 17 Juy 13 August 14 August 11 September 19 October 6 1983:January 20 April 5 June 22 July 26 ~0490 Susitna River at Susitna Station -USGS Station 15294350 (RM 25.7) Water Temperatu re Record:1975 -1981; I""'"May 10 to August 13,1983 Temperature Cross Sections: 1980:February 12 1982:July 14 March 12 August 12 June 16 October 5 July 30 October 10 1983:April 5 June 22 1981:January 13 Jully 27 April 9 September 30 May 21 June 12 1984:April 6 I""'"'July 15 June 13 August 12 July 17 September 17 August 15 September 20 1982:January 12 April 9 r May 19 June 12 I""'"' ! -susil15/x 0400 - 6 (Revised 7/85)I - 0500 SEDIMENT DISCHARGE Suspended sediment concentration (mg/I),suspended sediment discharge (tons/day)and suspended sediment particle size analysis data have been coillected by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)and R&M Consultants (RI~M)at several sites within the Susitna River Basin.The USGS and R&M Consultants cooperated in 1981 on measurements to determine bedload sediment transport rates as a fu nction of stream discharge,and the size distributions of this sediment.Th ree measu rements were made at each site (Talkeetna River,Chulitna River,and Susitna River at Gold Creek and Sunshine)in 1981.Additional data have been collected by the USGS since 1981 and are presented by Knott and Lipscomb (1983 and 1985). ThE~locations where sediment information has been collected are listed below.All of the data,except the most recent data collected by the USGS,are on file at R&M Consultants. Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following the period of record,all data have been collected by the USGS. Additional bed load and bed material data at various sites between Devil Canyon and the Parks Highway can be found in the following publications: 1.Middle Susitna River Sedimentation Study Stream Channel Stability Analysis of Selected Sloughs, Side Channels and Main Channel Locations.Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture.March 1985. 2.River Morphology R&M Consultants,Inc. January 1982 3.Lower Susitna Aggradation Study:Field Data R&M Consultants,Inc. June 1985 Index No. 0510 Description Susitna River near Denali - USGS Station 15291000 (RM 290.7) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discha rge:1958-Present susi7/g 1980: 1981 : May 22 June 24 July 22 August 26 October 1 April 8 May 19 0500 -1 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description June 24 July 21 August 25 1982:March 30 May 25 June 30 July 27 August 26 September 27 1983:April 6 June 8 July 20 August 24 Particle Size Analysis:1958-Present 0515 Maclaren River near Paxson -USGS Station 15291200 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1958-1968,1974-1975 Particle Size Analysis:1958-1967,1974-1975 0520 Susitna River near Cantwell -USGS Station 15291500 (RM 223.0) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1962-1972 (USGS),1980 Present (R&M) 1980:September 5 (R&M) September 17 (R&M) October 18'(R&M) 1981:January 13 (R&M) May 20 (R&M) J une 30 (R &M) August 2 (R&M) August 3 (R&M) September 15 (R&M) 1982:June 4 June 30 July 27 August 26 October 1 1983:March 2 April 6 May 17 Particle Size Analysis:1962-1972,1980 Present 052:5 Susitna River above Portage Creek near Gold Creek - USGS Station 624941149221500 (RM 148.9) susi7/g 0500 -2 (Revised 7/85) .... Index No.Description Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1977 Particle Size Analysis:1977 053:0 Portage Creek near Gold Creek -USGS Station 625000149223500 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1984 1984:May 30 June 26 July 24 August 23 Bedload Sediment SampJi ng: 1984:May 30 June 26 July 24 September 27 0535 I ndian Creek near Gold Creek -USGS Station 624718149393600 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1984 1984:May 30 June 27 July 25 August 23 Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1984:May 30 June 27 July 25 .... 0540 Susitna River at Gold Creek -USGS Station 15292000 (RM 136.6) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1952-1957,1962,1967,1974-Present 1980:May 14 August 19 October 7 October 16 (R&M) 1981:Jan ua ry 14 (R &M) January 16 susi7/g 0500 - 3 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description February 12 March 24 May 27 (R&M &USGS) June 30 (R&M) June 23 July 21 July 1 (R&M) August 2 (R&M) August 3 (R&M) August 27 September 14 (R&M) 1982:January 20 March 3 March 30 June 10 (R&M) June 16 (R&M) July 1 August 19 September 16 1983:March 18 May 19 June 28 July 28 August 25 October 3 Particle Size Analysis:1953,1955-1957, 1962,1974 -Present Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1981:July 22 August 26 September 28 After 1981,the main sediment and bedload sampling site was relocated to approximately four miles upstream from confluence at river mile 101. Susitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292100 (RM 101) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1984 1984:May 16 June 13 July 9 July 30 August 16 August 26 September 13 September 25 r I susii7/g 0500 - 4 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description-- Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1982:June 3 1983:May 19 June 8 May 25 June 15 June 1 June 22 June 8 June 30 June 23 """July 8 July 7 July 14 July 21 July 21 August 2 July 28 August 11 August 4 August 31 August 10 September 14 August 18 October 6 August 25 August 31 September 19 1984:May 17 June 13 July 9 July 30 August 16 August 26 September 13 September 25 0545 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1967 -1972,1980 -Present 1980:May 21 1982:March 2 June 3 April 8 June 23 June 29 July 17 September 1 September 30-October 22 1981:January 14 --February 10 March 25 May 18 June 23-July 20 August 24 September 28.... I susi7/g 0500 - 5 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description Particle Size Analysis:1967-1972,1980 -1982 Bedload and Suspended Sediment Sampling: 1981:J u Iy 22 August 25 September 29 Bedload and suspended sediment sampling site relocated in 1982 at downstream location. - 0546 Chulitna River below canyon near Talkeetna - USGS Station 15292410 Particle Size Analysis:1982 -Present Bedload and Suspended Sediment Sampling: 1982:June 4 1983:May 19 June 9 May 25 June 16 May 31 June 24 June 2 July 7 June 9 July 13 June 22 July 20 July 6 July 27 July 20 August 3 August 2 August 11 August 9 August 17 August 31 August 24 September 13 September 1 October 5 September 18 1984:May 18 June 11 June 14 July 11 July 31 August 17 August 28 September 14 September 27 054~r Susitna River below Chulitna,Right Channel -USGS Station 15292439 (RM 97.5) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: susii7/g 0500 - 6 (Revised 7/85) -Index No.Description-- f""\1984:May 18 June 12 July 10 ~July 30 August 15 August 27 September 12 September 26 Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1984:May 18 June 12 July 10 July 30 August 15 f""" August 27 September 12 September 26 r~0548 Susitna River below Chulitna,Left Chan nel -USGS Station 15292440 (RM 97.5) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1984:May 17 !""'"June 12 July 10 July 29--August 15 August 27 September 12 ~September 26 Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1984:May 17 June 12 July 10 ~July 29 August 15 August 27 September 12 September 26 0555 Tal keetna River near Talkeetna - USGS Station 15292700- -susi71 g 0500 - 7 (Revised 7/85) Index No.Description Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1966 -Present - .- 1980 :Jan ua ry 17 April 11 May 15 July 3 August 20 October 8 1981:January 17 Februa ry 11 March 26 May 29 June 24 July 22 August 23 September 28 1982:June 9 June 16 June 23 June 29 July 2 August 20 September 17 October 14 1983 :Ma rc h 18 May 23 May 26 June 3 June 9 June 22 July 8 July 18 August 3 August 11 September 1 September 12 September 27 October 4 1984:May 15 May 31 Ju ne 13 June 2-8 July 26 July 28 August 16 August 26 September 26 Particle Size Analysis:1966 -Present Bedload Sediment Sampling: susi7/g 1981: 1982: July 21 August 25 September 29 June 2 June 9 June 16 Ju ne 23 June 29 July 7 July 13 July 20 July 28 August 3 August 10 August 17 August 24 August 31 September 20 0500 - 8 1983:May 23 May 26 June 3 June 9 June 22 July 8 July 18 August 3 August 11 September September 12 September 27 October 7 1984:May 18 May 31 June 13 June 28 July 26 (Revised 7/85) -- Index No.Description 1984:July 28 August 16 August 24 August 26 September 26 0560 Susitna River at Sunshine - USGS Station 15292780 (RM 83.8) Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1971,1977,1981 -Present ..... 1982:March 2 April 9 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 21 June 28 July 2 July 6 August 17 September 15 October 13 1983:Jan ua ry 20 March 17 May 12 May 18 May 24 June 1 June 8 June 23 July 5 July 19 July 27 August 1 August 3 August 8 August 11 August 24 August 29 September 12 October 4 1984: - i~ May 16 May 18 June 14 July 13 July 19 July 28 August 14 September 11 September 21 September 28 Particle Size Analysis:1971,1977,1981 -Present Bedload Sediment Sampling: - 1981 :July 22 August 26 September 30 1983:March 23 May 18 May 24 susi7/g 0500 -9 (Revised 5/85) .- "'""Index No.Desc ri ption-1982:June 3 1983:June 1 June 17 June 8 June 21 June 23 June 28 July 5 July 6 July 19 July 12 August 1 July 14 August 3 July 26 August 8 August 2 August 9 August 9 August 29.-August 16 September 12 August 23 October 4 August 30 1984:February 23 September 17 May 16 June 14 July 13 September 28 July 18 July 28 August 14 August 25 September 11 September 21 September 28 0561 Montana Creek near Montana -USGS Station 15292800 ,... Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1970-1971,1973 ,~Particle Size Analysis:1970-1971,1973 0563 Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1978-1981 - 0565 Skwentna River near Skwentna .-USGS Station 15294300 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1967-1968,1974-·1975,1980,1981 1980 :June 12 August 21 1981:July 13 September 11 Particle Size Analysis:1967-1968,1974-1975,1980 Present susi7/g 0500 -10 (Revised 5/85) -Index No.Description-0575 Yentna River near Susitna Station -USGS Station 15294345 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1981:January 13 1983:Jan uary 20 April 9 June 22-May 20 July 26 June 11 August 10 July 15 September 29 August 11 1984:May 14..,..,September 16 June 12 1982:April 1 July 17 May 18 August 15 .-..June 12 September 19 July 13 April 1-May 1 August 11 October 6 Particle Size Analysis:1981 -Prlesent Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1984:May 14 June 12 July 17 August 15 September 19 ~ 0590 Susitna River near Susitna Station - USG S Station 15294350 (RM 25.7)-Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge:1975 -Present F'"1980:February 12 1983:AprilS March 12 June 22 June 16 July 29 .-July 30 September 20 October 10 1984:May 18 1981:January 13 Ju Iy 18 April 9 August 15 May 21 September 20 June 12 July 15..-August 12 September 17 ~ susi7/g 0500 - 11 (Revised 7/85) Index No. 1982: Description April 9 May 19 June 10 June 12 July 14 August 12 October 5 - susi7/g Particle Size Analysis:1975 -Present Bedload Sediment Sampling: 1984:May 17 June 13 July 18 August 15 September 20 0500 -12 (Revised 7/85) ..- - - - 0600 CLIMATE Climatic data have been collected by the Nat!ional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),R&M Consultants (R&M),and others at a number of locations within and adjacent to the Susitna River Basin. Climatic Data collected by NOAA appear for individual stations in one of two types of reports.The first,entitled "Local Climatological Data, Annual Summary with Comparative Data"is generally the most comprehensive and is published only for stations with over 30 years data. A list of the parameters included in this report is presented in Appendix D.The second,entitled "Annual Climatologic Summary"contains fewer parameters than the first,and a list of the parameters included in this report'is presented in Appendix E.It should be noted that all of the parameters listed in the appendices for a particular report may not have actually been measu red at any given station. NOAA also publishes reports entitled "Local Climatological Data,Monthly Summaries".These reports are available for any station publishing an "Annual Summary with Comparative Data",and present most of the parameters contained in the annual su-mmary on a daily basis,with selected parameters also presented on a 3-hour or hourly basis. Data for stations not covered by the above reports can be obtained from NOAA reports entitled "Climatological Data"(CD's)which are published monthly and contain summary information on all climate stations in the State. The miscellaneous wind data have been supplied by Mr.Jim Wise of the Arctic Environmental I nformation and Data Center,and are taken from the manuscript entitled "Wind Power Atlas".The data are listed by parameter collected.This information is footnoted in the table and listed at the end of the table. Climate data measu red at each R&M station include:ai r temperatu re, average wind speed,wind direction,peak wind gust,relative humidity, precipitation,and sola r radiation.Longwave radiation is measu red at Watana and Eklutna Lake.Snowfall amounts have been measu red in a heated precipitation bucket,which was operated only at Watana through the spring of 1983.An accumulating precipitation gage was used during subsequent winters.A Wyoming wind shield was installed at Watana in hte fall of 1981 to reduce wind effect.Data are recorded at fifteen or thi rty-min ute intervals at all the stations.An evaporation pan was installed in spring of 1981 at Watana Camp and measurements are taken dai Iy du ring May -September. An attempt has been made at ordering climate stations from the upper to the lower Susitna River Basin,with R&M Stations in the upper Susitna River Basin listed first. Climate data may be obtained th rough R&M Consultants. susi7/h 0600 - 1 (Revised 7/85) ,.... 1 NOAA Reports Available: A Annual Summary with Comparative Data B -Annual Climatologic Summary*Miscellaneous Temperature Data (see p.0600-4)**Miscellaneous Wind Data also available (see pp.0600-4 and 0600-5) susi7/h 0600 - 2 (Revised 7/85) Index Measured 1Report Number Station Name By Available Period of Record "'-0677 Gulkana NOAA A 1942 Present** 0678 Summit NOAA A 1941 -10/15/76** 0679 Chulitna R.Lodge NOAA B 1971 -Present 0680 Edgemi re La kes NOAA B 1971 -2/28/81,.... 0681 Chulitna Hwy.Camp NOAA B 1972 -July 1980 .....0682 Talkeetna NOAA A 1917 Present** 0683 Willow Hwy.Camp NOAA B 1977 -Present 0684 Whites Crossing NOAA B 1971 -Present 0685 Puntilla NOAA B 1949 -Present 0686 Skwentna NOAA 8 1949 -Present -0687 Palmer NOAA B 1950 -Present 0688 Matanuska Agricul-NOAA A 1923 -Present tural Exp.Station 0686.5 Eklutna Lake R&M 6/2/82 -12184 0687 Anchorage NOAA A 1922 -Present ~- 1 NOAA Reports Available: A Annual Summary with Comparative Data B -Annual Climatologic Summary **Miscellaneous Wind Data also available (see pp.0600-4 and 0600-5)*Miscellaneous Temperatu re data (see page 0600-5) susi7/h 0600 - 3 (Revised 7/85) - - .- """ MISCELLANEOUS WIND DATA Stations:Healy 2,Healy Power Plant I,Healy Power Plant II Table containing wind speed,percent frequency and cumulative frequency at one meter per second increments.Table containing wind direction frequency in percent.Table containing wind speed and joint frequency. Station:Rapids Period summary by combined velocity groups (1 to 12 observations daily) covering 1935 -1941. Station:Big Delta Period summary by combined velocity groups ( 1 to 3 observations daily) covering 1935 -1941. Station:Gulkana Percentage frequency of occu rrence,di rection by speed groups a summary of the data between January 1945 and November 1958. Station:Summit Period summary by combined velocity groups (16 observations daily) covering 1940 -1941. Station:Talkeetna Period summary by combined velocity groups (16 observations daily) covering 1940 -1941. MISCELLANEOUS TEMPERATURE DATA Station:Vee Canyon Three-times daily observations made during March and April 1962 by US Bu reau of Reclamation (USB R)d rilli ng crews of temperatu res and weather type.Reported in "Engineering Geology of Vee Canyon Damsite",USSR, November 1962. susi7/h 0600 - 4 (Revised 7/85) Station:Chase ADF&G Fish Wheel Camp (RM 107.6) Daily observations of air temperature and percent cloud cover.During August and September.Reported in "An Assessment Study of the Anodromous Fish Populations in the Upper Susitna Watershed.(Barrett, 1974). MISC ELLA NEOU S P REC I PIT AT ION DATA Station:Cu rry at Elevation 500 feet Daily precipitation August -October 1984 Station:Cu rry at Elevation 1750 feet Cummu lative station measu red August -October 1984 at two week intervals Data from the above precipitation stations can be found in the following report. - - Station: Station: Station: Sherman at Elevation 1900 feet Precipitation data June -October'1984 4th of July Creek at Elevation 1600 feet Cummulative station measured at two week August -October 1984 Gold Creek at Elevation 700 feet Daily precipitation August -September 1984 intervals .... R&M Consultants,Inc.1984.Slough Water Balance Studies.December . -susi7/h 0600 - 5 (Revised 7/85) Station Name Watana Matanuska Agr 0 Exp 0 Sta 0 McKinley Park Palmer lAS University Expo Sta 0 (UAF) EVAPORATION DATA Reported by R&M NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA Period of Record 5/7/81 -Present 1934 -Present 1969 -Present 1966 -Present 1940 -Present - Evaporation is read once a day and is recor'ded in conjunction with wind and maximum and minimum temperatures. The evaporation data are on file at R&M or I with the exception of Watana I can be obtained di rectly from the National Weather Service 0 -susi7/h 0600 - 6 (Revised 7/85) 0700 FREEZING RAIN AND ICING I nstrumentation for the measu rement of free:z:ing rain and in cloud icing (ice buildup on transmission lines)was installed by R&M Consultants in the Susitna River Basin in 1980.Both parameter's were measured at each site until 1983.In addition,an electrically -op€!rated ice detector and counter instrument was installed at the Watana site for a period of time.Data collected from these sites are on file at H&M Consultants according to index number and name. - r Index No. 0710 Description Denali (Susitna Lodge) In-cloud icing appa ratus installed October 20,1980 Freezing rain apparatus installed November 12,1980 Both pieces of equipment removed September 2, 1983. - 0730 Wata na Camp In-cloud icing apparatus installed Octobe r 16,1.980 Freezing rain apparatus installed November 12,1980 Ice detecter and counber apparatus installed December 5,1980.Dismantled October 11, 1981. I n-cloud ICing and free!zing rain equipment removed September 4,1983. susi7Ii 0700 - ,(Revised 4/85) - ""'" .-. ""'" 0800 SNOW SU RYEY Snow depth and water equivalent data have bE~en collected by the U.S.Soil Conservation Service (SCSJ,and R&M Consultants.The locations for which this information is available are listed below generally in order from the upstream end to the downstream end of the Susitna Basin. The cross reference numbers for sites listed on the following pages correspond to map numbers as published in "Snow Surveys and Water Supply Outlook for Alaska"issued February through June by the Soil Conservation Service. All of the data listed can be obtained from the agency responsible for the snow cou rse or from R &M Consultants . susi7lhh 0800 - ,(Revised 2/85) Index Number Cou rse Name Measured By Cross Referl:!nce Number Years of Record Prior to 1980 Drainage Basin 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 0810 0811 0811.4 0811.2 0812 0813 0814 0815 0816 0817 0818 0819 0820 0821 Cirque (*1983) Ice Cave (*1983) West Fork GI.(A) Crevasse (*1981) Mt.Hayes (A) Caribou Malamute (*1983) Mt.Deborah (*1981) Au rora Peak (*1981) East Fork @ 2850' East Fork @ 3500' (*1982) East Fork @ 5200' (*1983) Pyramid Jatu Pass (A) Monahan Flats (A)(S)(P/*1984) Denali (A) Butte Creek Moose (*1981) Red Fox (*1981) Clearwater Lake (A)(*1982) Tyone R.(A) Lake Louise (A) R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M SCS R&M R&M R&M R&M SCS R&M SCS 2C39 2C40 2C41 2C42 SC33 SC34 2C35 2C36 2C37 2C07 2C44 2C32 2C31 2C38 2C06 15 14 15 West Fork GI. West Fork GI. West Fork GI. Susitna Gl. Susitna GI. Susitna GI. Susitna GI. Susitna GI. Susitna G I. East Fork GI. East Fork GI. East Fork GI. East Fork Gl. East Fork GI. West Fork GI. Susitna River Butte Creek Butte Creek Butte Creek Maclaren River Tyone River Tyone River (A)I ndicates site with snow and/or aerial stadia marker. (S)Indicates site with snow pillow,continuous snow fall data. (P)I ndicates site with precipitation gage. *Indicates discontinued site.Year when discontiinued noted. 57/99 0800 - 2 (Revised 4/85) Index Number Course Name Measured By Cross Reference Number Years of Record Prior to 1980 Drainage Basin 1""' 0822 0823 0824 0833 0834 0835 0836 0837 0838 0839 0840 0841 0842 0843 0844 0846 0847 0848 0849 0850 0851 0852 0853 0854 0855 0856 0857 0858 Horsepasture Pass Kosina Cr.(A) Square La ke (A) Fog Lakes (A) Watana Camp (A)(P) Devil Canyon (A) Devil Canyon (1980) Talkeetna R.(*1982) Chunilna Creek Tal keetna Middle Fork I ron Cr. (*1982) Rainbow Lake (*1982) Bald Mt.Lake (A) Tal keetna R.Pass Sheep River Upper Kashwitna R. Kashwitna R.Cirque Little Willow Cr. Independence Mine Deception Cr.(A) Mt.Bullion (A)(*1981) Capitol Site (A)(*1981) Willow Airstrip Jack River (*1982) Tokositna Valley Ramsdyke Cr.(A)(S) Dutch Hills Nugget Bench SCS R&M SCS SCS R&M R&M SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS SCS 2C15 2C43 2C13 2C14 2C45 2C16 2C24 2C12 2CD3 2C22 2C19 2C27 2C20 2C21 2806 2C17 2CD9 2C30 2C29 2C28 2ClO 12 15 10 3 2 1 13 1 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 2 2 16 3 12 Oshetna R. Kosina Cr. Oshetna R. Fog Cr. Susitna River Susitna River Susitna River Tal keetna R. Tal keetna R. Susitna River Tal keetna R. Tal keetna R. Tal keetna R. Tal keetna R. Sheep River Kashwitna R. Kashwitna R. Kashwitna R. Little Sus itna Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Tanana R. Kahiltna R. Kahiltna R. Kahiltna R. Kahiltna R. s7/gg 0800 - 3 (Revised 4/85) .- Cross Years of Iindex Measured ReferE!nce Record Prior Number Course Name By Number to 1980 Drainage Basin ~-- 0859 Chelatna Lake SCS 2C04 16 Kah i Itna R. 0860 Skwentna CA)SCS 2C11 12 Yentna R. t~ 0861 Alexander La ke (A)SCS 2003 16 Yentna R. 0862 Haggard Cr.CA)SCS 2003 14 Copper R. ~, 0863 St.Anne Lake CA)SCS 2004 15 Copper R. - CA)Indicates site with snow course and/or aerial stadia marker. (S)I ndicates site with snow pillow.Continuous snow fall data. CP)Indicates site with precipitation gage. ~'7.~r ndicates discontinued site.Year when discontunued noted . ..... !"-s7/gg 0800 - 4 CRevised 4/85) 0900 SNOW CREEP - .- Instrumentation for measuring the effect of snow creep forces on transmission line towers was installed by R&M Consultants during the winter of 1980-81.Two locations were chosen along the proposed transmission line route,a southfacing slope on Tsusena Butte above Watana Camp and a northfacing slope near Devil Canyon. Some previous resea rch on snow creep was done by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers in 1974,reported in the following paper: Snow Creep I nvestigations in Southeast Alas ka;Meyer,Robert. -Alaska District,Army Corps of EngineE!rs. 0920 NEAR WATANA 0940 NEAR DEVI L CANYON Installed February 25,1981 (Station destroyed December 1981) ,~ susi7/j 0900 - 1 (Revised 2/83) "... 1000 FREEZEUP RIVER ICE OBSERVATIONS IFieldobservationsofthefreezeupoftheSusitnaRiverwere taken at regular intervals starting in October 1980.A specific reach of the river was studied on the listed dates.Observations were on the ground or aerial.All observations were thoroughly photo-documentEO!d.Condition and locations of the ice cover were noted and during the latter years of the program,much quantitative information was obtained on a continuous basis during the freezeup period.More information on the types of data collected are contained in the R&M Consultants Ice Studies Reports 1980-1984,4 volumes. .-. Observers were all from R&M Consultants unless noted otherwise.All this information is on file and may be obtained from R&M Consultants . ObserversAreaofIceObservationsDate Index Number _.....::...~=------ 1010 10/12/80 1011 10/13/80 Lower Susitna Oblique aerial photographs from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon B.Drage,J.Coffin B.Drage,L.Grifiths 1012 10/16- 10/17/80 1013 10/31- 11/1/80 1014 11/2- 11/3/80 1015 11/4/80 Yentna River to Susitna Glacier Tal keetna to Vee Canyon Tal keetna to Oshetna River Oblique aerial photos with discontinuous coverage from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon T.Lavender,(Acres) B.Drage J.Coffin J.Coffin L.Griffiths,L., Nicholson,H.Tomingas ..-1016 11/11/80 1017 11/14/80 Parks Hwy.Bridge to Kosina Cr. Vertical aerial photography from Alexander Creek to Devil Creek B.Drage,J.Coffin J.Coffin,B.Butera 1018 11/19- 11/20/80 1019 11/29/80 1020 12/1- 12/3/80 1021 12/2- 12/3/80 Willow Creek to Watana Cook Inlet to Kosina Cr. Tal keetna to Tyone River Su rvey of ice cover formation Tal keetna to Devil Creek J.Coffin B.Drage J.Coffin B.Drage,L.Griffiths susi7/1 1000 - 1 (Revised 7/85) ObserversAreaofIceObservationsDate Index Number ---- - 1022 12/4- 12/5/80 1023 12/5/80 Tal keetna to Tyone River Vertical aerial photography from Cook In let to Watana Creek J.Coffin L.Griffiths,R. Mourtsen 1024 12/8/80 Survey of ice cover formation between Curry &Sherman L.Griffiths,B.Butera 1025 12/12/80 Su rvey of ice cover formati'on near Gold Creek L.Griffiths,B.Butera """ - .,.,. - 1026 10/2/81 1027 10/6/81 1028 10/29/81 1029 11/3/81 1030 11/6/81 1031 11/18/81 1032 12/2/81 1033 12/14/81 1034 10/10/82 1035 10/19/82 1036 10/21/82 1037 10/26/82 1038 10/29/82 1039 11/1/82 1040 11/2/82 1041 11/9/82 1042 11/10/82 Tal keetna to Tyone Cook Inlet to Watana Cook Inlet to Curry Talkeetna to Watana Cook Inlet to Watana Cook Inlet to Watana Tsusena Creek to Tyone Tal keetna to Watana Talkeetna To Deadman Cr. Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Susitna Mouth to Devil Canyon Susitna Mouth to Devil Canyon Tal keetna to Devil Canyon Sunshine to Devil Canyon Tal keetna to Devi I Canyon Talkeetna to Kosina Creek C.Schoch,L.Fotherby J.Coffin,B.Butera S.Bredthauer,L. Fotherby J.Coffi n,C.Schoch B.Butera,L.Fotherby C.Schoch,B.Butera C.Schoch,B.Butera C.Schoch C.Schoch C.Schoch C.Schoch C:Schoch C.Schoch C.Schoch C.Schoch C.Schoch J.Coffin susi7/1 1000 - 2 (Revised 7/85) Index Number Date Area of Ice Observations Observers ~1043 11/17/82 Talkeetna to Devil Canyon C.Schoch 1044 11/22/82 Talkeetna to Gold Creek B.Butera,L.Fotherby ~ 1045 12/10/82 Sherman to Watana B.Jokela, L.Fotherby 1046 12/15/82 Tal keetna to Devil Canyon C.Schoch 1047 12/30/82 Talkeetna to Devil Canyon C.Schoch ,.- ·1048 12/22/82 Tal keetna To Watana B.Butera,L.Fotherby .....1049 1/11/83 Talkeetna to Watana S.B redthauer,B. Butera 1050 1/20/83 Talkeetna to Watana B.Jokela,C.La rson 1051 12/4/82 Tal keetna to Vee Canyon T.Lavender (Acres), W.Dyock (Acres), "...C.Schoch 1052 10/5 -Talkeetna to Denali C.Schoch,S.Bredthauer ~10/8/83 1053 10/17/83 Talkeetna to Jay Creek C.Schoch-1054 10/21/83 Cook I nlet to Gold Creek C.Schoch, Tom Stuart (H-E) 1055 10/25/83 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna C.Schoch 1056 10/27/83 Gold Creek to Cook Inlet C.Schoch-1057 11/1/83 Talkeetna to Alexander C.Schoch 1058 11/16 -Talkeetna to Denali J.Coffin 11/17/83 1059 11/21/83 Montana Creek to Devil Canyon J.Coffin 1060 11/1 -Cook Inlet to Gold Creek C.Schoch 12/1/83 ~1061 12/5/83 Chulitna Confluence C.Schoch 1062 12/12/83 Chulitna Confl uence C.Schoch susi7/1 1000 - 3 (Revised 7/85) Index Number Date Area of Ice Observations Observers 1063 12/21/83 Tal keetna to Gold Creek C.Schoch 1064 12/28/83 Talkeetna to Portage Creek C.Schoch,S.Bredthauer-1065 1/5/84 Talkeetna to Gold Creek C.Schoch,L.Story ~1066 1/23 -Cook I nlet to Gold Creek C.Schoch,L.Story 1/27/84 1067 10/19/84 Denali to Cook Inlet C.Schoch F~ 1068 10/22/84 Cook Inlet to Gold Creek C.Schoch 1069 10/23/84 Cook Inlet to Tal keetna C.Schoch,S.B redthauer 1070 10/26/84 Cook Inlet to Tal keetna C.Schoch-1071 10/30/84 Talkeetna to Cook Inlet SchochC. 1072 11/03/84 Denali to Susitna Station C.Schoch-1073 11/11/84 Talkeetna to Yentna River C.Schoch 1074 11/14/84 Talkeetna to Delta Islands C.Schoch,D.Calkins, H.T.Shen,W.Coleman, 1075 11/15/84 Talkeetna to Watana N.Paschke 1076 11/19/84 Gold Creek to Delta r slands C.Schoch 1077 11/21/84 Gold Creek to Sunshine C.Schoch 1078 11/27/84 Denali to Talkeetna C.Schoch -1079 12/06/84 Talkeetna to Gold Creek C.Schoch 1080 12/11/84 Talkeetna to Sunshine C.Schoch 1081 12/21/84 Talkeetna to Gold Creek C.Schoch 1082 01/02/85 Talkeetna to Delta Islands C.Schoch ""'"1083 01/03/85 Talkeetna to Denali C.Schoch 1084 01/22/85 Tal keetna to Gold Creek C.Schoch susi7/1 1000 - 4 (Revised 7/85) 1- 1100 WINTER RIVER ICE OBSERVATIONS Field observations of ice cover conditions on the Susitna River were carried out by R&M personnel through the winter months during the period after freeze-up and prior to spring breakup.Photographs and other field observations document the extent of ice cover,stability,ice thickness,location of open water areas in the main channel and general characteristics of the channel.The results of this work have bteen used in hydraulic and ice studies for computer simulations of pre-projlect and predicted post-project conditions at low flow,and also in Envi ronmental Studies to assess potential impacts of regulated flow.For detailed dE~scriptions of each yea rs ice program,consult the respective R&M Consultants Ice Study Report. All of the information collected during winter field trips is on file at R&M Consu Itants. ,.....Index Number Date Area of Ice Observations Observers 1110 12/30/80 Talkeetna to Watana J,Coffin 1111 1/6/81 Talkeetna to Watana J.Coffin 1112 1/8/81 Watana to Tyone River J ..Coffin 1113 1/12 -Tal keetna to Vee Canyon J,Coffin,L.Griffiths 1/13/81 1114 2/27/81 Measurement of ice th ickness J.Coffin and competence at all Crest-R.Butera Stage Recorder locations except C.Schoch Section 25 and Susitna-Chulitna Confluence - - 1114.5 3/5/81 Talkeetna to Portage Creek J.Coffin C.Schoch 1115 3/6/81 Sherman to Talkeetna J.Coffin C.Schoch 1116 3/16/81 Tal keetna to Denali C.Schoch susi7/m 1100 - 1 (Revised 4/85) -Index Number Date Area of Ice Observations Observers 1117 3/24/81 Talkeetna to Watana Camp J.Coffin 1118 3/31 -4/2 Talkeetna to Denali J.Coffin C.Schoch 1119 4/1/81 Measurement of ice th ickness J.Coffin at Watana stream gage site G.Claggett (SCS) C.Schoch 1120 4/13 -DevIl Canyon Survey of ice,J.Coffin 4/14/81 water su rface,water R.Butera velocities,a nd bottom profile C.Schoch 1121 1/4 -Talkeetna to Glaciers S.Bredthauer 1/7/82 J.Coffin 1122 2/3/82 Talkeetna to Glaciers S.B redthauer R.Butera 1123 3/10/82 Tal keetna to Watana Camp R.Butera fWV~L.Fotherby 1124 2/3 -Talkeetna to Denali C.Schoch,B.Jokela-2/5/83 1125 2/14/83 near Alexander,tidal influence C.Schoch, on river water salin ity J.Martinisko- 1126 3/2/83 Talkeetna to Denali C.Schoch 1127 4/11 -Tal keetna to Watana C.Schoch,L.Fotherby 4/13/83 ~1128 2/22/84 Talkeetna to Watana C.Schoch 1129 2/23/84 Watana to Kosina C.Schoch r-1130 4/10/84 Tal keetna to Watana C.Schoch ",.,. susi7/m 1100 - 2 (Revised 4/85) 1200 BREAKUP RIVER ICE OBSERVATIONS Observations were made by R&M personnel during spring breakup on the Susitna River to assess the nature of ice covelr breakup,position of ice jams in the channel,extent of flooding upstream of these ice jams,quantity and significance of ice floes and general decay of the ice cover.The information collected will be used for hydraulic and ice studies,as outlined in Subtask 3.06 of the Plan of Study.For detailed descriptions of each years ice study and the data collected refer to the respective R&M Consultants fce Study Report. All information collected during field trips is on file at R&M Consultants . .....Index No. 1201 1205 1210 1215 1216 1217 Date(s) 4/13/81 4/18 -5/7/81 4/23/81 4/27/81 4/27/81 4/29/81 Description Pre-breakup observations of ice cover condition between Tal keE!tna and Deadman Creek. Summary of breakup observations and measu rements by Leon Dick at Desh ka - Susitna confluence. Reconnaissance from the Deshka River (Kroto Creek)to Devil Creek and water level measu rements at Chase crest gage and Gold Creek. Aerial reconnaissance of the river from Anchorage to Vee Canyon. Vertical 35 mm aerial photography from Bell Island to Watana Creek Reconnaissance from Kosina Creek to Tsusena Creek and water level measurements taken at selected sites between Talkeetna and Watana Creek. Observers j.Coffin Leon Dick B.Drage L.Griffiths j.Coffin T.Lavender (Acres) L.Griffith s R.Mourtsen j.Coffin T.Lavender (Acres) 1219 1220 4/30/81 4/30 -5/1/81 Summary of trip from Tal keetna to Gold L.Griffiths Creek with Glenn Valentine of the Alaska Railroad. Recon naissance from Tal keetna and Denali.C.Schoch R.Butera susi7/n 1200 - 1 (Revised 4/85) - Index No.Date(s) 1221 5/1/81 Description Reconnaissance Yentna-Susitna confluence to River mile 144 (downstream of Portage Creek)with su rvey of water levels at selected sites. Observers B.Drage L.Griffiths 1223 1225 1227 5/2/81 5/3/81 5/4/81 Reconnaissance from the Yentna River B.Drage confluence to Devil Canyon with surveys of L.Griffiths water levels at selected sites. Reconnaissance from Yentna River L.Griffiths confluence to Devil Canyon with survey of water levels in the vicinity of Gold Creek. Recon naissance from Ta'i keetna to Devil L.Griffiths Canyon with su rvey of water levels at selected sites. - -I 1229 1231 1230 1232 1233 1235 1236 susi7/n 5/5/81 5/6/81 5/6/81 5/7/81 5/7/81 5/8/81 4/12/82 Reconnaissance from the Parks Highway Bridge to Devil Canyon with survey of water levels at selected sites. Reconnaissance from the:Parks Highway B ridge to above the Indian River with survey of water levels at selected sites. Vertical 35 mm aerial photog raphy from Bell I sland to Cu rry Reconnaissance from Talkeetna to Gold Creek with survey of water levels at selected sites. Recon naissance from Watana to Denali, tracing leads and overflows. .Reconnaissance from the mouth of the Susitna River to the Tyone River confluence. Talkeetna to Tyone Riverr 1200 - 2 L.Griffiths H.Tomingas .H.Tomingas L.Griffiths R.Mourtsen H.Tomingas C.Schoch J.Coffin G.Krishnan (Acres) L.Fotherby J.B.Jokela (Revised 4/85) ~Index No.Date(s)Description Observers 1237 4/26/82 Tal keetna to Cook Inlet L.Fotherby 1238 5/10/82 &Talkeetna to Denali R.Butera 5/15/82 L.Fotherby 1239 5/27/82 Talkeetna to Watana C.Schoch 1240 4/27 -4/28/83 Talkeetna to Watana C.Schoch 1241 4/30 -5/10/83 Continuous on the ground and aerial C.Schoch documentation of breakup processes 1242 5/3/83 Talkeetna to Montana Ct'eek J.Coffin 1243 4/10 -5/10/83 Susitna Station -continuous breakup Barb Hawley observations Butch Hawley 1244 4/10 -5/10/83 Desh ka River -continuous breakup Leon Dick observations 1245 4/26/84 Gold Creek to Susitna Station C.Schoch 1246 4/30/84 Talkeetna to Alexander C.Schoch 1247 5/3/84 Gold Creek to Alexander C.Schoch - -susi7/n 1200 -3 (Revised 4/85) 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - - .- This section includes a listing of vertical aerial photography,both low altitude and high altitude,that has been flown over part or all of the Susitna River Basin. For each set of photographs,the table shows the date of photography, area of coverage,scale and location of the negatives.The approximate segment of river covered is also indicated,referenced to river miles in the Susitna River Mile Index (R&M,1982).An agency list with addresses follows the table.More detailed information concern ing precise area of coverage and availability of photographs can be obtained through these agencies. susi7/o 1300 - 1 (Revised 4/84) 'I 1 1 J ]1 1 j .~1 ]J s 15/rl •. 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY BW Index or Contracting App rox i rna te Susitna Discharge* ~Date Area Scale Color Agency Loco of !'leg:;.River Mi I es (cfs) 1310 1949-51 Susitna River Basin -1:40000 BW USCE EROS Cook Inlet to Devi I Canyon 1311 1951-54 Denal i Highway -West 1:40000 BW USCE EROS from Maclaren River 1312 1951-54 Yentna Rive r - 1:40000 BW USCE EROS Che I atna lake 1313 1951 Ta I keetna 1:40000 BW USCE EROS 1314 1961-62 Cook Inlet to Wi I low 1:15840 BW ADl ADl East of Susitna River 1315 1961-62 Cook Inlet,Mt.Yenlo 1:20000 BW BlM BlM West of Susitna River 1316 8/31/62 De I ta Is lands 1:20000 BW BlM BlM 1316.1 8/31/62 Mouth to Alexander Slough head 1:20000 BW BlM BlM 1-20 131Q.2 9/4/62 Fog la kes 1: 1 /1600 ?BlM BlM G.C.=31,000 1316.3 9/'1/62 Clarence lake 1:16000 ?BlM BlM G.C.=31,000 1316.4 9/4/62 Oshetna River Mouth 1:20000 BW BlM BlM 229-240 G.C.==31,000 1317 1962 Ta I keetna 1:20000 BW ADl ADl 1318 1962-63 Susitna Valley 1:15840 BW ADl ADl 1318.1 9/2/63 Gold Creek airstrip 1:3000 BW BlM BlM 1318.5 8/26/64 Park Highway Bridge 1:10000 BW BlM BlM 83-85 1320 1968 Uppe r Sus i tna Va I ley,1:15840 BW ADl ADl Chul itna River 1321 9/24/68 Curry Ai rstrip 1:3600 ?BlM BlM 1324 7/9/71 Talkeetna Vi I lage airstrip 1:3600 ?BlM BlM 1325 1972 lake lou i se Area 1:24000 C SOP ADl 1330 7/1/74 Deadman Creek to Portage 1:30000 BW DOT NPAS G.C.==17,100 Creek 1330.1 8/10/74 Talkeetna FAA airstrip 1:3600 ?BlM BlM 1330.2 8/10/74 Talkeetna Vi I lage airstrip 1:3600 ?BlM BlM 1330.3 8/10/74 Montana Creek Mouth 1:16800 C BlM BlM 75-78 1330.4 8/10/74 Caswel I Creek Mouth 1;16800 C BlM BlM 60-63 1 1s15/r2 i J J "".J I i I 1 ]J 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) Index ~Date Area Scale BW or Contracting Color Agency Loc.of Negs. Approximate River Mil es Susitna Discharge* (cfs) 1330.5 8/28/74 1330.8 9/27/74 1330.9 9/27/74 Alexander,Alexander Creek 1:4200 Gold Creek to Watana Creek,1:60000 then above Denal i Highway Gold creek to Watana Creek,1:60000 then above Dena I i Highway BW C C-IR BLM USCE USCE BLM NASA NASA 135-200,290+ 135-200,290+ G.C. G.C. 13,900 13,900 1331 1332 1974 7/6/75 Susitna River Basin Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:500000 "". 1:63360 BW BW NASA CSSC EROS NPAS 1-98 G.C. S.S. 26,500 130,000 1332.5 10/7/75 1333.3 5/25/76 1333.4 5/25/76 1333.5 6/15/76 1333.7 9/23/76 1333.8 9/23/76 1334 1976-79 Alexander,Alexander Creek 1:16800 Alexander,Alexander Creek 1:3000 Maclaren Glacier airstrip 1:3600 Talkeetna,Talkeetna River 1:4800 Talkeetna,Talkeetna River 1:2400 Susitna River Basin 1:500000 1:1000000 64,000 64,000 G.C.=8,500 S.S. S. S. EROS EROS ? ADL BLM BLM BLM NPAS NPA5USCE NASA NASA USCE CSSC BLM BLM BLM USCE ? BW BW BW&C BW BW BW C BW 1:60000 1:24000 Includes Gold Creek (?) Wi I I ow Ba sin19761333 1334.5 6/19/77 1338 4/8/79 8/25/78 1338.1 8/25/78 1335 7/28/77 7/29/77 1335.2 6/19/77 1335.3 10/11/77 1335.4 10/11/77 1335.9 6/9/78 1336 6/10/78 1336.1 6/10/78 1336.2 6/10/78 G.e.=41,000 S.S.=182,000 G.C.=19,700 G.C.=19,900 G.C.=41,000 S.S.=182,000 6,500 79,600 11,800 19,500 21,100 21,100 21,000 G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. 5.S. $.s. G.C. 45=137 145-160 181-189 181-189 181-189 136-320? 45-137NASA NPAS NPAS NPAS NPAS NPAS NPAS NPAS NASA NASA NASA BLM NASA BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM USCE USCE USCE USCE USCE USCE useE BLM ? C-IR C-IR C-IR BW BW BW BW BW BW BW C-IR BW 1:120000 1:60000 1:60000 1:2400 1:18000, 1:12000 1:18000 1:12000 1:24,000 1:72000 1:60000 1:120000 1:120000 Watana Damsite area Wil low to Gold Creek Wi I low to Gold Creek Deception &Wi I low Creeks Deception &Wil low Creeks watana Damsite area Sus i tna Rive r, Gold Creek to Glaciers Devil Canyon Damsite Watana Damsite area Susitna River Susitna River Cook Inlet to"Talkeetna Devil Canyon Reservoir 19781337 J ....1 1 -1 J 1 ]j J ) s15/r3 1300 AFR!AI PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW Index or contracting Approximate Susitna Discharge* ~Date Area Scale Color Agency Loco of Negs.River Mi I es (cfs) 1338.2 8/25/78 Watana Dam Access,Deadman 1:20000 C BlM BlM 181-183 G.C.=:11,800 Creek 1339 8/11 /80 Upper Susitna River Basin 1:60000 C-IR BlM NASA 124-180 G.C.=:22,600 1339.1 8/1/80 Parks Hwy Bridge to Sherman 1:120000 BW BlM NASA 83-135 G.C.=31,100 1339.2 8/1/80 Parks Hwy Bridge to Sherman 1:60000 C-IR BlM NASA 83-135 G.C.=:31,1 00 1340 7/19/80 Devi I Canyon Reservoir 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 148-186 G.C.=:35,800 1341 7/19/80 Watana Reservoir 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 181-248 G.C.=:35,800 1342 7/19/80 Alternative Access 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 131-187 G.C.=35,800 Corridor -Susitna 1342.9 8/23/80 Alternative Access Corridor 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 1343 8/24/80 lower Susitna River 1:LI8000 BW R&M NPAS G.C.=18,000 S.S.=119,000 1343.1 9/4/80 Alternative Access Corridor 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 182-185 G.C.=:10,900 1344 11/14/80 Susitna River -Delta 1:60000 BW R&M R&M 45-162 G.C.=3,100 Islands to Watana Creek S.S.=14,000 (35mm -river freeze-up) 1345 12/5/80 Susitna River -Cook 1:24000 BW R&M R&M 1-194 Ice effects Inlet to Watana Creek @ gages (35mm -river frozen) 1346 4/27/81 Susitna River =Bel I 1:24000 BW R&f'-1 R&f"1 15-194 ice -cove ['ad Island to Watana Creek (35mm -river frozen) 1346.5 1981 South Intertie -Wi I low 1:12000 BW COM NPAS 50-138 to Healy and up Chul itna River,without photo panels (various flight lines on va r i ous da tes: 4/30,5/12,5/13,5/29,5/30, 5/31). 1347 5/6/81 Susitna River -Bel I 1:24000 BW R&M R&M 15-120 G.C.=10,000 Is Ia nd to Cu r ry S.S.=70,000 (35mm -river breakup) 1348 5/6/81 South Intertie -1:30000 BW R&M NPAS G.C.=10,000 Pt.Mackenzie to Wi I low S.S.=70,000 1349 5/12/81 North Intertie -Healy 1:30000 BW R&M NPAS N/A to Fa i rbanks 1350 5/26/81 Alternative Access 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 131-143 G.C.=13,800 Co rr i do rs 1351 5/26/81 East-west intertie 1:24000 C R&M NPAS 135-153 G.C.=13,800 11 1 )1 }J ))'1 J J ]1 J .~)J l s15/r4 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW Index or Cont ract i ng Approximate susitna Discharge* ~Date Area Scale Co lor Agency Loc.of Negs.River Mi les (cfs) 1351.4 1981 South Intertie -Wil low 1:12000 BW COM NPAS 50-138 to Healy and up Chul itna River,with photo panels (various fl ight I ines on various dates:6/10,6/11, 6/13,6/16,6/17,7/2). 1351.6 6/23/81 South Intertie -Point 1:30000 BW COM NPAS 50-138 G.C.=17,500 MacKenzie to Healy S.=51,400 S.S.=117,000 1352 8/24/81 Susitna River -Cook 1:36,000 C R&M TES G.C.=35,000 Inlet to Devi I Canyon S.=74,700 (For Vegetation Studies)S.S.=130,000 1352.5 10/2/81 Little Wi Ilow Creek to 1:12000 C USGE APT 52-102 S.S.=32,000 Talkeetna 1352.6 10/2/81 Susitna Station 1:4800 C USeE APT 25-27 S.=18,500 S.S.=32,000 1352.7 10/10/81 Alexander Creek Mouth 1:4800 C USCE APT 10 S.S.=25,000 1353 10/19/81 Susitna River -Cook 1:60,000 BW R&M'R&M 1-105 G.G.=6,810 Inlet to Talkeetna,S.=15,000 5 mi les up Chul itna,S.S.=30,700· 5 mites up Upper Susitna (For Definition of Low Water Channel) (35mm -river freeze-up) 1354 4/26/82 Susitna River -1:12000 BW R&M NPAS 97-187 Ice -cove red Talkeetna to Watana. Three sets of photos; morning,noon,evening. (For Shadow Study) 1355 5/31/82 Susitna River -selected 1:4800 BW R&M NPAS G.C.=21,000 locations between S.=41,700 Kashwitna and Devi I Canyon S.S.=110,000 (for Slough Studies) 1356 5/31/82 Alternate Access 1:24,000 BW R&M NPAS 145-154 G.G.=21,000 Corridors Band Between S.=41,700 Sherman and Watana S.S.=110,000 (Portage Access Route) 1357 6/1/82 Susitna River -Talkeetna 1:12,000 BW R&M NPAS 98-153 G.G.=23,000 to Dev i I Ca nyon S.=49,000 (For Slough Studies)S.S.=120,000 1357.1 6/25/82 Parks Highway Bridge 1:12,000 BW USeE APT 83-84 S.=66,700 1357.2 6/25/82 Delta Island (partial)and west of Susitna to above 1:12,000 C USCE APT 42-56 S.=66,700 Chulitna confluence S.S.=112,000 1 s15/r~)J 1 •I J }J )J j )1 J i 1 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW Index or Cont ract i ng Approximate Susitna Discharge* ~Date Area Scale Color Agency Loco of Negs.River Mi les (cfs) 1357.3 7/19/82 Kroto Slough and Kroto 1:12,000 C USCE APT 35-41 S.=61,500 Creek (Deshka River)S.S.=107,000 1357.7 8/3/82 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:120,000 BW BlM NASA 0-100 S.=56,400 5.5.=116,000 1357.8 8/3/82 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:60,000 C-IR BlM NASA 0-100 S.=56,400 S.S.=116,000 1358 8/19/82 Assorted Sloughs 1:4800 BW R&M NAPAS G.C.=13,300 S.=40,700 S.S.=138,000 1358.1 8/22/82 Alternate Access Corridors 1:24000 BW R&M NPAS 144.5-146.5 G.C.=12,200 1358.5 10/20/82 Assorted Sloughs 1:4800 BW ADF&G NPAS G.C.=6,800± 1359 11/17/82 Susitna River -Sunshine 1:12,000 BW R&M APT Pa rt ia I I Y ice to Dev i I Ca nyon covered 1360 12/23/82 Susitna River -Sunshine 1:12,000 BW R&M APT Pa rt i a I I Y ice to Dev i I Canyon covered G.C.=2,900 S.=5500 1361 3/2/83 Talkeetna to Dev!I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M APT 98-153 Ice covered (for winter ice conditions) 1362 8/27/83 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:24000 BW R&M APT 0-102 S.=59,100 S.S.=87,200 1363 9/6/83 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:24000 BW R&M APT 0-102 S.=36,600 S.S.=66,200 1363.5 9/6/83 Talkeetna to Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M APT 98-150+G.C.=16,000 1364 9/11/83 Talkeetna to Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M APT 98-150+G.C.=12,200 1365 9/16/83 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:24000 BW R&M APT 0-102 S.=21,100 S.S.=48,900 1366 10/8/83 Talkeetna to Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M APT 98-150 G.C.=7,560 1366.5 10/8/83 Chul itna River -lowest 1:12000 BW R&M APT CO-C20± 20 mi les 1367 10/25/83 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:24000 BW R&M APT 0-102 S.=13,900 5.5.=26,000 1 -~I -)»J J ,1 -I )I J l )J 1 s 15/r6 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW Index or Contracting Approximate Susitna Discharge* ~Date Area Scale Color Agency Loc.of Negs.River Mi les (cfs) 1368 8/27/84 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:24000 BW R&M APT o -101 G.C.=28,000 S.=75,200 S.S.=142,000 1369 9/9/84 Talkeetna to Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M NPAS 101 -144 G.G.=10,600 1370 10/4/84 Talkeetna To Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M NPAS 101 -144 G.C.""7,400 1371 10/14/84 Talkeetna to Devi I Canyon 1:12000 BW R&M NPAS 101 -144 G.C.""5,100 1372 11/4/84 Cook Inlet to Curry 1:24000 BW R&M APT o -121 G.G.""2,300 *From USGS streamflow records:G.G.Gold Greek,S.S.Susitna Station,and S.=Sunshine. ~- - - COMMENTS (1)Preliminary values (2)Approximate discharge (3)Photography done by APT.Pri nting done and negatives held by NPAS Parenthesis around "X's"indicate partial photographic coverage of the slough. Contracting agency abbreviations: ADF&G -Alaska Department of Fish &Game,Anchorage BlM -Bureau of land Management,Anchorage CSSC -Capital Site Selection Committee,Anchorage DOT -Alas ka Depa rtment of Transportation,Anchorage R&M -R&M Consultants,Inc..,Anchora!3e USCE - U ..S.Corps of Engineers,Anchorage Photographing agency abbreviations: APT -Ai r Photo Tech,Inc.,Anchorage BLM -Bureau of land Management,Anchorage NASA -National Aero and Space Administration,Washington D.C. NPAS -North Pacific Aerial Surveys,lric.,Anchorage R&M -R&M Consultants,Inc.,Anchorage Scale -The number of inches on the ground represetend by 1 inch on the photo. Mean Daily Discharge -Flow at the gaging station,obtained from USGS. For periods of no record at the Sunshine gage the flow is estimated by summing the flows in the three tributaries (Chulitna,Talkeetna, and Susitna River at Gold Creek)and adding 10%. 1300 - 7 (Revised 7/85) - - susi7/o AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AGENCY LIST State of Alaska (ADL) Division of Forest,Land and Water Management 3601 "c"Street Anchorage,Alas ka 99503 Air Photo Tech,Inc.(APT) 2013 Merrill Field Dr. Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 U.S.Department of Inter'lor (BLM) Bureau of Land Management Federal Building 701 "c"Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Gilbert-Commonwealth,I nco (COM) 3601 "c"Street Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Capital Site Selection Committee (CSSC) State of Alas ka (DOT&PF) Highways Planning &Research P.O.Box 589 Douglas,Alaska 99824 North Pacific Aerial Su rveys (N PAS) 4241 "B"Street Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 R&M Consultants,Inc.(R&M) P.O.Box 6087 Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Soil Conservation Service (SCS) U.S.Department of Agriculture Federal Center Building Hyatteville,Ma ryland State of Alaska Division of Parks (SOP) 619 Warehouse Drive Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 1300 - 8 (Revised 4/84) - - - -susi7/o Terrestrial Envi ronmental Specialists (TES) i207 Spenard Rd. Anchorage,Alaska 99503 U.S.Army Corps of Engineers (USCE) Alaska District P.O.Box 7002 Anchorage,Alas ka 99510 U.S.Geological Survey (EROS and NASA) EROS Data Center Sioux Falls,SO 57198 1300 - 9 (Revised 4/84) .- 1400 HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS Data on river channel morphology and floodplain characteristics have been collected by R&M Consultants from parts of the Susitna River. Precise location,date of cross-section su rvey,plot showing chan nel geometry I -calculated hydraulic parameters and general descriptions of each cross-section site are available for the river reach between Talkeetna and Portage Creek. In addition,longitudinal streambed profiles of the main channel thalweg have been run from Talkeetna to Portage Creek.Miscellaneous cross-sections have also been su rveyed nea r access poi nts to the Lower Susitna River (i.e.below Talkeetna). Channel cross-sections from fresh water sloughs adjacent to the Susitna River have been surveyed by Alaska Department of Fish and Game during 1976. This data has been included as part of Appendix C and therefore has not been listed again in this section. this section are on file at R&M according to index numberAllofthedatain and location. Index No.Dates 1409 1976 1410 10/4 - 11/19/80 1411 10/11/80 1412 10/26 10/27/80 1413 3/3 - 3/26/81 1414 5/21/81 1415 9/22 9/26/81 susi7/q Location Susitna River Tal keetna to Portage Creek LRX -18 at river mile 106 to Talkeetna Portage Creek to LRX -18 Devil Creek to Deadman Creek Portage Creek to Devil Canyon Access channels to Susitna River below Talkeetna 1400 - 1 Descri ption Cross-sections surveyed by ADF&G 62 cross-sections defining river floodplain and channel geometry longitudinal profile of main channel thalweg longitudinal profile of main chan nel thalweg 23 cross sections defining river floodplain &channel geometry 6 cross sections defining river floodplain &channel geometry 8 cross sections to assess the effects of controlled river discha rge on navigation on the Susitna River (Revised 7/85) -- - ...... - - Index No. 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 susi7/q Dates 7/8 - 9/20/82 7/8 - 9/20/82 7/8 - 9/20/82 9/11 - 9/28/84 6/26 - 6/29/85 Location Tributary stability analyses Selected slough and side chan nels from Portage Cr.to Talkeetna Main channel cross sections from the 3 rivers confluence area to Sherman 10 new cross section and 3 re-surveyed sections between the Chulitna confluence and the Yentna confluence 5 new cross sections between Talkeetna and Parks Highway Bridge. 1400 - 2 Description 19 profiles and cross sections on selected Susitna tributa r- ies to assess the potential of stream chan nel perch ing. 68 cross sections defining slough morphology and flow regimes. 35 cross sections to assist in refining the HEC-2 model of the Susitna River.Cross sections include re-survey- ing LRX 1,2 and 3,and adding 12 new sections below the Chulitna con- fluence. Re-su rveyed LRX 1,2,and 0.3.New sections at RM 40,47.8,59.7,76.8, 84.6,86.3,87.8,90.0, 91.7,and 95.8.Data was required for ice and agg radation model Ii ng . Now sectinos at RM 85.4, 85.8,86.6,89.1 and 92.3. (Revised 7/85) 1500 GLACIAL OBSERVATIONS ,~ - - Glacial studies were begun by R&M Consultants and the University of Alaska during 1981.The objective of this program is to identify any problems peculiar to the existence of glaciers in the Susitna Basin.This study assessed whether significant changes in water or sediment yield could occur or if potential lake dumps exist and is oriented toward a long-term glacial observation and study program. Data were gathered on all major glaciers of the Upper Susitna Basin with the exception of the Eu reka and Oshetna Glaciers.Study of the Eu reka Glacier was limited to visual observations and aerial photography.The Oshetna Glacier was not considered a major contributor to the flow or sediment regime of the Susitna River and therefore was omitted from this study. R&M conducted the control and velocity surveys on the West Fork Glacier, West Tributary of Susitna G lacier,Tu rkey Glacier and East Tributa ry of Susitna Glacier.The velocity su rveys have been repeated month Iy,May through September,during 1981 and 1982,to determine ice movement as an aid in mass balance and glacier dynamics analyses. A thermocouple string was installed to a depth of 66 feet at an elevation of 7700 feet on the West Tributary of Susitna Glacier to determine the -thermal regime of the ice. Glacial studies were supported by historical data from climate stations and snow surveys in the Susitna Basin,as well as sediment discharge records for the Susitna and Maclaren Rivers. The results of this data acquisition effort,as well as a thorough description of field procedu res and analytical methods,are presented in reports by Dr.Wi Iliam Harrison of the Geophysical Institute (R &M and Harrison 1981,and 1982), A mass balance survey was conducted by R&M and UAF in May 1983 on the following glaciers:West Fork,Susitna,Tu rkey,East Fork S usitna,East Fork and Maclaren.Velocity su rveys were discontinued in 1983.UAF measured the snow stakes in September 1983 and obtained snow stratig raphy data. R&M Consultants measured the remaInIng snow stakes in September 1984 and reset all the markers at the original locations.These markers consist of accumulation stakes at high elevations,ablation stakes at low elevations and velocity stakes near the equilibrium zone on all the previously named glaciers. susi7/r 1500 - 1 (Revised 4/85) 1600 GLACIAL LAKE OBSERVATIONS To determine the effects of a la rge impoundment of glacial water,such as the Watana or Devil Canyon reservoi r,upon a stream system,a glacial la ke study was begun in the spring of 1982.On April 16 R&M Consultants,in conjunction with ADF&G,visited four glacial lakes in south-central Alaska; Kenai,Skilak,Tustumena and Eklutna.They measu red temperatu re profiles and turbidity at each fa ke.It was then decided that a more intense study of one glacial lake would be a preferred approach.Eklutna Lake was chosen as an easily accessible glacial reservoir,and it is also comparable to the proposed Watana reservoir considering the following criteria:-1. 2. 3. Residence time of water in lake Percent of drainage area covered by glaciers Ratio of live storage to total storage - - -. Continuous discharge and temperature data are being measured at the main inflow glacial streams by R&M Consultants du ring the open water season. Daily outflow temperatu res and flow releases from the tail race of the power plant are monitored by Alaska Power,Administration personnel.Lake water quality profiles are being developed from sampling at fixed locations on a biweekly schedule during the summer,and at longer intervals during the winter.Profile data may include temperature,conductivity,turbidity and/or transmissivity.Water temperatu re was measu red contin uously at selected la ke depths at one station from July,1982 to November,1984. Measurement of light penetration in the lake was also undertaken.Dates of the lake sampling trips are listed below. A climate station was installed on the southern end of the reservoir in June 1982.Parameters recorded every 15 minutes include air temperature, wind speed and direction,peak wind gust,relative humidity,shortwave radiation and precipitation.Longwave radiation nieasu rement was added in July 1982.In November 1983,recording interval was changed to 30 minutes and the station was removed in December 1984. Data were collected concerning the sediment regime of the lake and the inflow streams,including sediment concentration and particle size distribution,sediment particle density distribution and mineralogy. All the above-mentioned data can be found on file at R&M Consultants. Data collected after November 1982 were reported in "Glacial Lakes Physical Limnology Studies Eklutna Lake,Alaska"(R&M Consultants,1985). Lake sampling trips have been conducted on the following dates: May 25,1982 June 8,1982 June 17 and 18,1982 July 1 and 2,1982 July 14 and 15,1982 July 27-29,1982 s15/s 1600 - 1 (Revised 7/85) - ,.,.. s15/s August 10-12,1982 September 8-10,1982 October 14-15,1982 November 4,1982 January 11 and 13,1983 February 18,1983 May 14,1983 June 2,1983 July 6,1983 August 3,1983 September 7,1983 October 5,1983 November 1,1983 December 6,1983 January 16,1984 Feburary 16,1984 March 23,1984 April 20,1984 May 17,1984 June 6,1984 June 21,1984 July 5,1984 July 19,1984 August 3,1984 August 16-20,1984 September 3,1984 September 17,1984 October 1,1984 October 15,1984 October 29,1984 November 12,1984 Novembeer 26,1984 1600 - 2 (Revised 7/85) - 1700 AQUATIC HABITAT OBSERVATIONS The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)has studied the aquatic habitat of the Susitna River since 1974.Data collection during the period 1974-1981 is detailed in Appendix C of this report.In the spring of 1982, continuing into 1985,ADF&G intensified its study of selected areas. Data collection sites are listed below according to type of site.The years of data col.lection at this site are noted in brackets [ ]following the site name.The agency responsible for each site is also noted,where this has been identified.It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list of ADF&G study sites. The results of the 1984 joint data collection effort by E.Woody Trihey (ETW&A)and ADF&G are presented in the 1985 draft report by EWT&A: Summa ry of Hyd rau lie Conditions and Habitat Forecasts at 1984 Middle River Study Sites. River Mile Site Description Agency CONTINUOUS STAGE RECORDERS ..... 148.8 142.0 138.5 138.0 136.7 136.0 129.0 126.5 s15/q Portage Creek [82,83],TRM 0.5 Slough 21 [82] Indian River [82,83,84],TRM 1.0 Slough 16 [82] Gold Creek (83],TRM 0.5 Slough 11 [82,83,84] Slough 9 [82,83,84] Slough 8 (83,84] 1700 - 1 R&M +ADF&G R&M R&M +ADF&G R&M ADF&G R&M R&M R&M (Revised 7/85) CONTINUOUS TEMPERATURE MONITORING STATIONS (Revised 7/85) - -,, F"" I - ,,- I -I River Mile 235.2 235.7 233.4 231.3 206.8 194.1 186.7 181.6 181.3 150.1 150.0 148.8 148.8 148.8 142.3 142.0 142.0 141.8 141.0 140.1 140.0 140.0 138.7 138.6 138.0 136.8 136.7 136.6 136.3 135.8 135.3 135.7 134.0 134.0 s15/q Site Description Mainstem above Oshetna River Site #1 [83J Mainstem above Oshetna River Site #2 [83J Oshetna River TRM 0.1 [82,83] Goose Creek TRM 0.1 [82,83J Kosina Creek TRM 0.1 [82,83] Watana Creek TRM 0.0 [82,83] Deadman Creek TRM 0.0 [82,83] Mainstem above Tsusena Creek [83] Tsusena Creek TRM 0.0 [82,83] Mainstem at Devil Canyon [82] Mainstem at Devil Canyon [83] Mainstem above Portage Creek [81] Portage Creek Site #1 TRM 0.1 [6-8/82] Portage Creek Site #2 TRM 0.5 [8-10/82,83] LRX-57 Surface and I ntragravel [83] Upper Slough 21 Surface and Intragravel [82,83] Slough 21 Middle [82] Lower Slough 21 Surface and Intragravel (Previously Slough 21 Mouth RM 142.0) Site #1 [2-5/82J Site #2 [9/82-83] Side Channel 21 Surface and Intragravel [83] LRX 53 [82] Slough 19 [81] Slough 19 Surface and Intragravel [82,83] Mainstem above I ndian River [81] I ndian River Site #1 TRM 0.1 [81,6-8/82] Site #2 TRM 1.0 [8-10/82,83] Slough 16B Surface and Intragravel [82] Mainstem above Gold Creek Site #1 Su rface [81] Site #2 Surface and Intragravel [82] Surface [83] Gold Creek Site #1 TRM 0.0 [81] Site #2 TRM 0.5 [83] Mainstem at Gold Creek [83] Upper Side Channel 11 Site #1 Su rface and I ntragravel [83] Site #2 Surface and lntragravel [83] Mainstem below Gold Creek [83] Slough 11 Site #1 Su rface [2-4/82] Slough 11 Site #2 Surface and Intragravel [8/82-83] Slough 10 Northeast Surface and Intragravel [83] Slough 10 Northwest Surface and I ntragraveJ (83] 1700 - 2 Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G· ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G River Mile Site Description Agency 133.9 Side Channel 10 Surface and Intragravel [83]ADF&G 131 . 1 Fou rth of July Creek and Plume 1ntrag ravel [83]ADF&G Creek Surface [installed 11/83]ADF&G 131.1 Mainstem above Fourth of July Creek [81]ADF&G 130.8 LRX 35 [82]ADF&G 129.0 Slough 9B Su rface and I ntragravel [82]ADF&G 128.3 Slough 9 I ncubation Site [83]ADF&G 128.8 Slough 9 Site #1 Surface and Intragravel [82]ADF&G (Previously Slough 9 below trier B RM 129.0) 128.7 Slough 9 Site #2 Surface [82]ADF&G..-(Previously RM 129.2)I 128.6 Slough 9 Site #3 Surface and lntragravel [82,83]ADF&G 126.6 Upper Slough 8A Site #1 Surface and I ntragravel [82]ADF&G Site #2 Surface and Intragravel [83] 126.1 LRX 29 Su rface and I ntragravel [82,83]ADF&G ,...,126.0 Slough 8A Northeast fort [82]ADF&G 125.4 Lower Slough 8A Site #1 Su rface and I ntragravel [82-4/83]ADF&G 125.6 Lower Slough 8A Sites #2 and #3 Surface and Intragravel [83]ADF&G 120.7 Mainstem Curry Fishwheel [82,83]ADF&G 113.0 LRX 18 [82]ADF&G 103.2 Mainstem at LRX 9 Su rface and I ntragravel [83]ADF&G 103.0 Mainstem at Talkeetna Fishwheel [81,82,83]ADF&G 101.2 Whiskers Creek Slough [82]ADF&G 98.6 Chulitna River Site #1 TRM 0.5 [81]ADF&G Site #2 TRM 0.6 [82,6/83]ADF&G Site #3 TRM 2.0 [83]ADF&G r-Site #4 TRM 3.0 [83]ADF&G 97.2 Talkeetna River Site #1 TRM 1.0 [81]ADF&G ~Site #2 TRM 1.5 [82,83]ADF&G 83.9 Mainstem at Parks Highway Bridge Site #1 Eastshore [81]ADF&G Site #2 Westshore [82,83]ADF&G,-Site #3 Eastshore [82,83]ADF&G 77 .5 Mainstem above Montana Creek [81]ADF&G 77.2 Montana Creek TRM 0.0 [81]ADF&G w~61.2 Mai nstem above Kashwitna River [81]ADF&G 50.5 Mainstem above Little Willow Creek [81]ADF&G 50.5 Little Willow Creek T RM 1.0 [81]ADF&G 41.1 Mainstem above Deshka River [83]ADF&G 40.6 Deshka River TRM 1.2 [81]ADF&G 32.3 Mainstem above Yentna River [81,82,83]ADF&G ~~ s15/q 1700 - 3 (Revised 7/85) ..... - River Mile 28.0 25.8 18.2 10.1 10.1 4.5 s15/q Site Description Yentna River Fishwheel Site #1 TRM 2.0 [81] Site #2 TRM 4.0 [82,83] Mainstem at Susitna Station [82,83] Mainstem at Flathorn Station [83] Mainstem above Alexander Creek [81] Alexander Creek TRM 0.5 [81] Estuary [83] 1700 - 4 Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G (Revised 7/85) CROSS SECTIONS AND STAFF GAGES (SIDE CHANNELS,SLOUGHS,AND TRIBUTARIES) Cross-Sections Staff Gages River Mile Site Description ADF&G R&M ADF&G R&M 148.8 Portage Creek TRM 0.2 83 81,82,83 147.1 *Fat Canoe I sland Side Chan nel 84(6)84(6) 144.3 Slough 22 Head 83 82 82,83 Discharge Site 82 82,83 82 Site in backwater zone 82 82 Mouth 83 82 82,83-142.0 Slough 21 NE Head 81,83 82,83 NW Head 81,83 82,83 ~Discharge Site 81,83 82,83 Mouth 81,83 82,83 140.6 Side Channel 21 Upper A6 Head 83 83 82 Lower A6 Head 83 83 82 Upper Q Site 83 83 A5 Q Site 83 i~'at LRX 55 83 83 Q Site 83 83 Mouth 83 83 82 ~~FHU Transects {8]82 140.1 Slough 20 Head 82 82,83 .....Tributary near head 82,83 Waterfall creek Q site 82,83 Q site 82 82,83 Mouth 8281,82,83 140.0 Slough 19 Q site 81,83 82 83 Backwater 81,83 82 82,83 Access 81,83 82 83 139.4 *Upper Indian River 84 139.0 *Middle Indian River 84 138.7 *Lower I ndian River 84 138.6 I ndian River Stage Recorder TRM 1.0 83 81,83 82 138.0 Slough 16B ~Head 81 82 82,83 Q site 81 82 82,83 Mouth 81 82 82,83 ~\~137.4 *Above Gold Creek 84(3)84(2) ..... s15/q 1700 - 5 (Revised 7/85) - ~~ Cross-Sections Staff Gages River Mile Site Description ADF&G R&M ADF&G R&M 125.0 *Skull Creek Side Channel 84(2)84(2) 119.2 *Little Rock Side Channel 84(6)84(6) 119.1 *Upper Little Rock 84 118.9 *Lower Little Rock 84 114.4 Mainstem 2 NE Site 83 83 NE Q site 83 83 NW Head 83 83 NW Q Site 83 83 Backwater Head 83,84 83,84 Mid Backwater 83 83 Mouth 83 81,83 114.0 *Lane Creek Side Channel 84(3)84 113.6 Slough 8 (Lane) Head 83 82,83 Q site 83 82,83 Mouth 83 81,82,83 113.6 Lane Creek Q site (by bridge)83 82,83 Below bridge 83 81,82,83 112.3 *Slough 6A Backwater 83 83 Mouth 83 82,83 112.3 Side Channel 6A 84(9)84(23) 111.5 Gash Creek 82 11 1.5 Gash Creek Side Channel 82 107.6 Slough 5 mouth 83~105.8 *Above Tal keetna Camp 84(2) 102.0 *Whiskers Spawning Site 84(4)84(3) 101.2 Whiskers Creek Q site 82,83 ~Mouth 81 82 101.2 *Whiskers Slough Head 83 82,83 Q site 83 82,83 Mouth 83 81,82,83 101.2 *Whiskers West Side Channel 84(3)84(3) 101.2 Whiskers East Side Channel 84(9)84(10) ~96.0 Cache Creek mouth TRM 0.0 81 96.0 Cache Creek Slough Mouth 81 91.6 Trapper Creek Side Channel 84 84,-88.4 Birch Slough Head 82 Above Creek 82 ~Below Creek (Q site)82,84 Mouth 82 *Data collection was a joint effort by EWT&A and ADF&G Note:The number in parentheses beside the year indicates the n umber of locations collected at the site. r-s15/q 1700 - 7 (Revised 7/85) River Mile Site Description Cross-Sections ADF&G R&M Staff Gages ADF&G R&M !'- ! I 88.4 87.0 86.9 86.3 85.7 85.7 84.5 83.1 83.1 83.1 79.8 79.4 79.4 76.0 75.3 74.8 74.4 71.5 71.0 68.3 65.5 63.2 63.0 60.5 59.5 50.5 44.4 42.0 40.6 39.0 36.3 36.3 36.2 35.2 31.0 30.1 23.8 7.0 Bi rch Creek mouth Q site Su n rise Side Channel Sunset Side Channel Beaver Dam Slough Sunshine Slough Head Q site Mouth Sunshine Creek Sucker Side Channel Rabideux Creek mouth .Rabideux Creek Q Site Rabideux Slough (7 transects) Sauna Side Chan nel Whitefish Slough Whitefish Slough Tributary Montana.Creek Circular Side Channel Goose 2 Side Channel Mainstem West Bank Goose Greek 2 Goose Cree k 1 Chum Channel (8 transects) Sheep Creek Slough mouth Island Side Channel Caswell Creek mouth Kashwitna River Rustic Wilderness Side Channel Little Willow Creek mouth Last Chance Side Channel Bear Bait Side Channel Desh ka River (3 sites) Rolly Creek mouth Mid Kroto Slough Kroto Slough Head Eagles Nest Side Channel Hooligan 'Side Channel Mainstem Slough Kroto Slough mouth Anderson Creek (4 sites) Fish Creek 84 84 84 84 82 84 84 84 84 82 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 81,82,83 82,83 84 84 84 82 82 81,82 81,82 84 82 82 82 84 82 81 84 84 84 81,82 81,82 82 81,82 84 81,84 81 84 81 84 84 81 84 81 84 84 84 81 81 81 81 *Data collection was a joint effort by EWT&A and ADF&G Note:The number in parentheses beside the year indicates the number of locations collected at the site. s15/q 1700 - 8 (Revised 7/85) River Mile Site Description Agency .- FLOW MEASUREMENTS/RATING CURVE 147.1 Fat Canoe Island Side Channel [84] 145.1 Slough 22 (near center)[82,83] 144.4 Mainstem II Sidechannel [83] 141.9 Slough 21 (near center)[82,83] 140.5 Slough 21 Sidechannel [83] ADF&G/EWT&A R&M ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G 140.1 Slough 20 (near DiS end of slough,below Waterfall Cr.R&M [82,83] 139.7 Slough 19 [83] 138.0 Slough 16 (3/4 of way down the island)[82]ADF&G 136.3 Sidechannel above Slough 11 [83]ADF&G 136.0 Slough 11 (near DiS end,above backwater)[82,83]R&M ..... ..... .... 136.0 Sidechannel at Slough 14 [84] 135.3 Sidechannel below Slough 11 [83] 133.7 Sidechannel at Slough 10 [83] 132.5 4th of July Side Channel [84] 132.1 Sidechannel lOA [84] 131.14th of July Creek [83] 129.0 Slough 9 [82,83] (a)N.E.Tributary,above backwater (b)N.E.Tributary,near R.R.tracks (c)LRX 31 in slough 126.5 Slough 8A (DIS end of upper slough)[82,83] 125.0 Skull Creek Side Channel [84] 119.2 Little Rock Side Channel [84] ADF&G/EWT&A R&M +ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G R&M R&M ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G/EWT&A s15/q 1700 - 9 (Revised 4/85) River Mile Site Description Agency 113.6 Lane Creek [82,83] (a)Head of slough (b)Near R. R.crossing R&M ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A Slough 8 [83] Slough 6A [82,83] Side Channel SA [84] Whiskers Creek (midpoint of slough)[82,83] Whiskers West Side Channel [84] Whiskers East Side Channel [84] Trapper Creek Side Channel [84] Birch Creek Slough [82,84]ADF&G (a)In Birch Creek,above confluence with slough (b)In slough,above confluence with Birch Creek ~ 113.7 112.3 112.3 101.4 101.2 101.2 91.6 88.4 87.0 Sunrise Side Channel [84] 86.9 Sunset Side Channel [84] 86.3 Beaver Dam Slough [84] ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G 85.7 Sunshine Slough [82]ADF&G (a)In Sunshine Creek,above confluence with slough (b)In slough,above confluence with creek 84.5 Sucker Side Channel [84]ADF&G 83.1 Rabideux Creek (6 ADF&G located sites)[82]R&M 79.8 Sauna Side Channel [84]ADF&G 75.3 Circular Side Channel [84]ADF&G 74.8 Goose 2 Side Channel [84]ADF&G 74.4 Mainstem West Bank [84]ADF&G 73.1 Goose Creek No.2 [82]ADF&G (a)J n slough,above confluence with Goose Creek (b)In Goose Creek,above confluence with slough s15/q 1700 -10 (Revised 7/85) ..... River Mile 63.2 63.0 59.5 44.4 42.0 39.0 36.3 36.2 35.2 Site Description Island Side Channel [84] Caswell Creek Mouth [84] Rustic Wilderness Side Channel [84] Last Chance Side Channel [84] Bear Bait Side Channel [84] Rolly Creek Mouth [84] Kroto Slough Head [84] Eagles Nest Side Channel [84] Hooligan Side Channel [84] Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G .- - ..... GROUNDWATER OBSERVATION WELLS 129.0 Slough 9 (Several Locations)[82,83] 126.5 Slough 8 (Several Locations)[82] NITROGEN SUPERSATURATION STATION 150.2 Mouth of Devil Canyon [82] STABILITY ANALYSIS OF CREEK 148.8 Portage Creek [82] 144.9 Jack Long Creek [82] 138.5 I ndian River [82] 136.6 Gold Creek [82] 131.0 Fourth of July Creek [82] 120.5 Curry Mainstem [82] 116.8 MacKenzie Creek [82] 113.6 Lane Creek [82] R&M R&M ADF&G R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M R&M s15/q 1700 -11 (Revised 7/85) MAINSTEM STAFF GAGES Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G USGS [82,83]ADF&G [82,83]ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G/EWT&A ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G Site Description LRX 62 [82,83] LRX 61 [82,83] Fat Canoe Island Side Channel [84] Head of Slough 22 [82,83] LRX 57 [82,83] LRX 56 [82,83] LRX 55 [83] LRX 54 [82,83] Mouth of Slough 21 Side Channel LRX 53 [82,83] Mouth of Slough 19 [83] Upper I ndian River [84] Middle I ndian River [84] LRX 51 [82,83] Lower I ndian River [84] LRX 50 [82,83] LRX 49 [83] Head of Slough 16B [82,83] Mouth of Slough 16B [82,83] At Gold Creek Bridge At Side Channel above mouth of Slough 11 At Side Channel below mouth of Slough 11 LRX 40 [82,83] At Side Channel mouth of Slough 10 [83] Target [84] LRX 37 [83] Downstream of mouth 4th of July Creek [82,83] LRX 35 [82,83] LRX 34 [83] LRX 32 [83] LRX 31 [82,83] LRX 29 [82,83] NE Head of Slough 8A NW Head of Slough 8A At Side Channel at mouth of Slough 8A LRX 28 [82,83] LRX 24 [82,83] Curry Station [82,83] Upper Little Rock [84] Lower Little Rock [84] LRX 18C Above NW Head Mainstem 2 [83] At mouth of Mainstem 2 [83] Mainstem upstream of Lane Creek [83] Mainstem below Lane Creek [83] LRX 18 [83] LRX 16 [82] River Mile 148.9 148.7 147.1 144.7 142.3 142.1 141.5 140.8 140.6 140.1 139.8 139.4 139.0 138.9 138.7 138.5 138.3 138.2 137.9 136.7 135.3 135.3 134.3 133.8 133.7 131.8 131 .1 130.9 130.6 129.7 128.7 126.1 125.3 125.3 125.3 124.4 120.7 120.6 119.1 118.9 115.9 115.5 114.4 113.7 113.4 113.0 112.4 - ,.". - s15/q 1700 -12 (Revised 7/85) ""'"River Mile Site Description Agency 111.0 Side Channel at Gash Creek [82]ADF&G ~108.4 LRX 12 [83]ADF&G 106.7 LRX 11 [83]ADF&G 106.4 LRX 10C [83]ADF&G 10S.9 LRX lOB [83]ADF&G 10S.8 Above Talkeetna Camp [84]ADF&G/EWT&A 103.2 LRX 9 [82,83]ADF&G 103.0 Talkeetna Station [82,83]ADF&G 101.S Mainstem,Head of Whiskers Slough ADF&G 101.2 Mainstem,Mouth of Whiskers Slough ADF&G 101.0 LRX 6 [82]ADF&G -. - s1S/q 1700 -13 (Revised 7/85) -THALWEG SURVEY SITES - River Mile 35.2 36.2 36.3 39.0 42.0 44.4 59.5 63.0 63.2 74.4 74.8 75.3 79.8 84.5 86.3 86.9 87.0 88.4 91.6 101.2 112.3 114.5 125.3 128.3 133.2 133.8 135.3 136.0 137.7 137.9 139.8 140.1 140.7 140.7 141.8 144.2 Site Description Hooligan Side Channel [84] Eagle's Nest Side Channel [84] Kroto Slough Head [84] Rolly Creek Mouth [84] Bear Bait Side Channel Last Chance Side Channel [84] Rustic Wilderness Side Channel [84] Caswell Creek Mouth [84] Island Side Channel [84] Mainstem West Bank [84] Goose 2 Side Channel [84] Circular Side Channel [84] Sauna Side Channel [84] Sucker Side Channel [84] Beaver Dam Slough [84] Sunset Side Channel [84] Sunrise Side Channel [84] Birch Creek Slough [84] Trapper Creek Side Channel [84] Whiskers Creek Slough [83] Slough 6A [83] Maintem 11 [83] Slough 8A [82] Slough 9 [82] Slough 9A [83] Slough 10 Complex [83] Slough 11 [82] Upper Side CHannel 11 [83] Slough 16 [83] Slough 16B [83] Slough 19 [83] Slough 20 [83] Slough 21 Lower [83] Slough 21 Side Channel [83] Slough 21 [82] Slough 22 [83] Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G I FG-4 MODEL1NG SITES * - River Mile 141.8 140.7 136.0 133.8 128.3 125.3 s15/q Site Description Slough 21 [82,83] Side Chan nel 21 [82,83] Side Channel 11 [82,83] Sid e C han neI 10 [82,83 ] Slough 9 [82,83] Slough 8A [82,83] 1700 -14 Agency ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G (Revised 7/85) TRI BUTARY MOUTH TRANSECT SITES * *Data includes cross-section and discharge measurements.""" -. ..- River Mile 113.6 131 .1 s15/q Site Description Lane Creek [83] Fourth of July Creek [83] 1700 -15 Agency ADF&-G ADF&-G (Revised 7/85) - APPENDICES APPENDIX A GOVERNMENT AGENCIES THAT HAVE COLLECTED OR ANALYZED WATER RESOURCES DATA FOR THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN - - - I~ Alaska Department of Fish &Game 333:Raspberry Road Anchorage,Alas ka 99502 Attn:Sport Fish Division I neludes:Water Quality Data in Conjunction with Fisheries Studies Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Land and Water Management Water Management Section Pouch 7-005 Anchorage,Alas ka 99510 Includes:I nformation on Navigation and Navigability Alaska District,Corps of Engineers Hydrology Section Post Office Box 7002 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Includes:Data Analysis Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 I neludes:Data Analysis National Climatic Center National Oceanic &Atmospheric Administration Asheville,North Carolina 28810 I ncl udes:Climatic Data Soil Conservation Service 2221 E.Northern Lights Blvd. Room 129 Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 I neludes:Snow Su rveys U.S.Geological Survey 281 E Street Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 Water Resou rces Division I nel udes:Water Discha rge Sediment Water Quality Water Temperatu re susi7/s A - 1 (Revised 2183) - - APPENDIX B WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS THAT HAVE BEEN SAMPLED BY THE USGS WITHIN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Sib!Parameters Available for each sample Date Time Instantaneous Stream Flow Cds) Occasionally available for sample Sampling Depth (ft) Stream Width (ft) Percent of Total Depth Sample Location in Cross Section (ft from left ban k) Ph)'sical Parameters Color CPlatin um -Cobalt Un its) Hardness (mg/I as CaC03 ) Hardness,Noncarbonate (mg/I as CaC03 ) Methylene Blue Active Substance pH Solids,Dissolved (tons/day,tons/ac-ft) Solids,Dissolved Residue at 105°C (mg/I) Solids,Dissolved Residue at l800 e (mg/I) Solids,Suspended Residue at 180°C (mg/I) Specific Conductance (Micromhos/centimeter) Temperatu re,Instantaneous (OC) Turbidity (Jackson Turbidity Units) Inorganic Parameters AI kalinity (mg/I as CaC03 ) Aluminum,Total Recoverable (ug/I as AI) Arsenic,Dissolved (ug/l as As) Arsenic,Total (ug/l as As) Arsenic,Total Suspended (ug/I as As) Ba rium,Dissolved (ug/I as Sa) Barium,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Ba) Beryllium,Dissolved (ug/I as Be) susi7/t B-1 - .- - .- - Bicarbonate (mg!1 as HC03 ) Boron"Dissolved (ug!1 as B) Cadmium,Dissolved (ug!1 as Cd) Cadmium,Total Recoverable (ug/!as Cd) Calcium,Dissolved (mg!1 as Ca) Ca rbol1 Dioxide,Dissolved (mg!1 as CO 2 ) Carbonate (mg/I as C03 ) Chloride,Dissolved (mg!1 as CI) Chromium,Dissolyed (ug!1 as Cr) Chromium,Dissolved Hexavalent (ug/I as Cr) Chromium,Suspended Recoverable (ug!1 as Cr) Chromium,Total Recoverable (ug!1 as Cr) Cobalt,Dissolved (ug/I as Co) Coppelr,Dissolved (ug!1 as Cu) Copper,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Cu) Cyanide,Total (mg/I as Cn) Fluoride,Dissolved (mg/I as F) I ron (ug!1 as Fe) I ron,Dissolved (ug/I as Fe) I ron,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Fe) Lead,Dissolved (ug!1 as Pb) Lead,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Pb) Lithium,Dissolved (ug/I as Li) Magnesium,Dissolved (mg/I as Mg) Manganese (ug!1 as Mn) Manganese,Dissolved (ug/I as Mn) Manganese,Total Recoverable (ug/l as Mn) Mercury,Dissolved (ug/I as Hg) Mercu ry,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Hg) Molybdenum,Dissolved (ug!1 as Mo) Molybdenum,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Mo) Nickel,Dissolved (ug/I as Ni) Nickel,Total Recoverable (ug/I as Ni) Nitrogem,Dissolved Ammonia (mg/I as N,mg/I as NH 4 ) Nitrogen,Dissolved Nitrate (mg!1 as N,mg/I as N03 ) NitrogE!n,Dissolved Nitrate +Nitrite (mg/I as N) Nitrogen,Total (mg!1 as N03 ) Nitrogen,Total Ammonia (mg/I as N) Nitrogen,Total Ammonia +Organic (mg!1 as N) Nitrogen,Total Nitrate (mg!1 as N,mg!1 as N03 ) Nitrogen,Total Nitrate +Nitrite (mg/I as N) Nitrogen,Total Nitrite (mg!1 as N) Nitrogen,Total Organic (mg/I as N) Oxygen,Dissolved (mg/I,percent satu ration) Phosphate"Dissolved Ortho (mg!)as PO 4) Phosphate,Total (mg/l as PO 4) Phosphorus,Total (mg/I as P) Phosphorus,Dissolved (mg/I as P) Phosphorus,Dissolved Ortho (mg/I as P) Potassium,Dissolved (mg!1 as K) susi7lt B-2 il!PfJ!A Selenium,Dissolved (ug/l as Se) Selenium,Total (ug/I as Se) Silica,Dissolved (mg/I as Si02 ) Silver,Dissolved.(ug/I as Ag) Silver,suspended recoverable (ug/I as Ag) Silver,total recoverable (ug/I as Ag) Sodi um Adsorption Ratio Sodium,Dissolved (mg/I as Na) Sodium,Percent Sodium +Potassium,Dissolved (mg/I as Na) Strontium,Dissolved (ug/I as Sr) Sulfate,Dissolved (mg/l as SO4) Uranium,Dissolved -Extraction (ug/I) U ran ium,Dissolved -Di rect Flou rometric (pcill) Zinc,Dissolved (ug/l as Zn) Zinc,Total Recoverable (ug/l as Zn) Organic Parameters Aldrin,.Total (ug/I) Aldrin,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Biochemical Oxygen Demand,Five Day (mg/l) Chlordane,Total (ug/I) Chlordane,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) 2,4-0,Total (ug/I) 2,4-0,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) DOD,Total (ug/I) DOD,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) DOE,Total (ug/I) DOE,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) DDT,Total (ug/I) DDT,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Diazinon,Total (ug/I) Oield rin,Total (ug/l) Dieldrin,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Endosulfan,Total (ug/I) Endosulfan,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Endrin"Total (ug/I) Endrin,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Ethion,Total (ug/l). Ethion,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Heptachlor.,Total (ug/I) Heptachlor.,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Heptachlor.,Total Epoxide (ug/I) Heptachlor.,Total Epoxide in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Lindane,Total (ug/I) Lindane,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Malathion,Total (ug/I) Malathion,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) susi7/t B - 3 - Mirex,Total (ug/I) Napthalenes,Total Polychlor (ug/I) Parathiion,Total (ug/I) Parath ion,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Parathion,Total Methyl (ug/I) Parathion,Total Methyl in Bottom Material (ug/kg) PCB,Total (ug/I) PCB,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) PCN,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Perthane,Total (ug/I) Phenols (ug/I) Silvex,Total (ug/I) Silvex,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) 2,4,:-.-T,Total (ug/I) 2,4,:I -T,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Toxaphene,Total (ug/I) Toxaphene,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Trithion,Total (ug/I) Trithion,Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Trithion,Total Methyl (ug/I) Trithion,Total Methyl in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Vanadium,Dissolved (ug/I as V) Radioactive Pa rameters Alpha,Dissolved Gross (pci/l as U-NAT,ug/l as U-NAT) Alpha,Total Suspended Gross (pci/I as U-NAT,pci/g as U-NAT,ug/I as U-NAT) Beta,Dissolved Gross (pci/I as Cs-137,pci/I as Sr/Yt -90) Beta,Total Suspended Gross (pci/l as Cs-137,pci/g as Sr/Yt -90,pci/g as Cs-137) Radium 226,Dissolved -Random Method (pd/I) Coliform Bacteria Coliform,Fecal -0.45 LlM-MF (Cols./l00 ml.) Coliform,Fecal -O.7UM-MF (Cols ./100 ml.) Coliform,Streptococci Fecal (Cols./100 ml.) Coliform,Streptococci Fecal -KF Agar (Cols./1 00 mi.) Coliform,Total -Delayed (Cols./100 ml.) Coliform,Total -Immediate (Cols./100 mi.) -susi7/t B - 4 F" I - APPENDIX C DAT A COLLECTED BY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (ADF&G) IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN FROM 1974 -1978,and 1981 Streamflow,water quality a nd water temperatu re data have been collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game at a number of locations within the Susitna River Basin.Since the measurements have been ta ken periodically,the number of measurements,timing and specific parameters meaisured vairy from year to year at any given station.Information available from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has been included below.These reports are all on file at R&M Consultants. Barrett,Bruce M.1974.An assessment study of the anadromous fish populations in the Upper Susitna River watershed between Devil's Canyon and the Chulitna River.Cook Jnlet Data Report No.74-2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Commerical Fisheries.56 pp. Figure '10:Profile of Susitna River water temperatures for September 4 -11 at Gold Creek and Devil's Canyon Fishwheel Camp. Figure n:Profile of water and air temperatures recorded daily at east bank fishwheel. Friese,Nancy V.1975.Preauthorization assessment of anadromous fish populations of the Upper Susitna River watershed in the vicinity of the proposed Devil's Canyon Hydroelectric project.Cook Inlet Data Report No.75-2.Alaska Department of Fish and Game -Division of Commerical Fisheries.121 pp. - - Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Survey of winter conditions in Indian River,Lane Creek and Gold Creek. Analysis of Water Conditions in I ndian River,at Chase Creek,1974 -1975. Analysis of Water Conditions at Gold Creek,1974 -1975. Analysis of water conditions at Parks Highway Bridge, 1974 -1975. susi7lu C - 1 (Revised 2/83) Riiis,James C.1975.Pre-authorization assessment of the Susitna River Hydroelectric Projects:preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Sport Fish.61 pp. Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Table 9: Table 10: Table 12: Table 14: Table 16: Table 17: Table 18: Table 1B: Table 20: Daily water temperature in the Susitna River at Parks Highway Bridge,June 20 -September 23,1975. Maximum daily water temperatures of Birch Creek, April 11 -August 30,1975. Maximum daily water temperatures for Willow Creek, April 10 -September 23,1975. Maximum and minimum daily water temperatures for the Susitna River at Parks Highway Bridge,June 20 September 23,1975. Maximum and Minimum daily water temperatures from Willow Creek,April 11 -August 30,1975. Maximum,minimum and mean values of water quality data collected from the Susitna River and seven tributaries of the Susitna River. Water quality analysis on sample taken March 25,1975 from the Susitna River at Sunshine. Water quality data collected from four tributaries of the Susitna River,August 1975. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River above Gold Creek,August 1975. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River above Po~tage Creek,August 1975. Water quality data collected from 15 sloughs between Talkeetna and Portage Creek,August 1975. Water quality data collected from Susitna River near Jay, Watana and Deadman Creeks. Riis,James C.,1977.Pre-authorization assessment of the proposed Susitna River Hydroelectric Projects:preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Sport Fish.91 pp. susi7lu C - 2 (Revised 2/83) Appendix A Table 1: Table 2: Water quality data collected from the Susitna River at the Parks Highway Bridge between July 21 and October 1,1976. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River at the Gold Creek Railroad Bridge between July 13 and October 1,1976. Table 3:Water quality data collected from the upstream of Portage Creek between October 29,1976. Susitna July 15 River and Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Water quality data collected from sloughs 8 and 10, between June 25 and September 30,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 11 and 13 between June 23 and September 30,1976. Water quality data collected from Sloughs 14 &-15, between June 25 and September 30,1976. Water quality data collected from Sloughs 16 &-17 between June 24 and September 29,1976. Water quality data collected from Sloughs 18 &-19 between June 15 and September 29,1976. Water quality data collected from slough 20 between June 24 -September 29,1976. Table 10:Water quality data collected from Willow Creek, Willow Creek,Kashwitna River and Caswell between July 21 and October 12,1976. Little Creek Table 11: Table 12: Table 1:3: Table 14: Water quality data collected from Sheep Creek,Goose Creek and Montana Creek between July 21 and October 12,1976. Water quality data collected from Slough 3c and Chase Creek between June 26 and October 1,1976. Water quality data collected from Fourth of July Creek, Gold Creek,I ndian River and Portage Creek between JU,ly 17 and September 28,1976. Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures in the Susitna River at Parks Highway Bridge,June 26 October 26,1976. susi7/u C - 3 (Revised 2/83) F'" I I I - Table 15: Table 16: Table 17: Table 19: Table 20: Table 21: Table 22: Table 23: Table 24: Table 25: Table 26: Table 27: Table 28: Table 2:9: Table 30: Table 31: Table 32: Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures in the Susitna River above Chase Creek,June 21 September 29,1976. Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures in the Susitan River between Devil's Canyon and Portage Creek,June 22 -October 30,1976. Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures in Birch Creek,June 26 -December 2,1976. Slough 8 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 10 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 11 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 13 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 14 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 15 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 16 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 17 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 18 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 19 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 20 cross sections and stage gage information. Slough 3C cross sections and stage gage information. Chase Creek cross sections and stage gage information. Tributary flow data,1976. Riis,James C.and Friese,Nancy V.,1978.Fisheries and Habitat Investigations of the Susitna River - A preliminary study of potential impacts of the Devil's Canyon and Watana Hydroelectric Projects. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Division of Sport &Commerical Fish.116 pp. Table 8:Water quality data from selected tributaries to the Susitna River,1977. susi7/u C - 4 (Revised 2/83) ..... - Table 10: Table 11: Appendix II Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Water flows of Montana,Rabideux and Willow Creeks from May th rough November,1977. Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures from the Susitna River at the Parks Highway Bridge,June 27 - October 12,1977. Water quality data from sloughs and clearwater tributaries of the Susitna River,June 14 -October 5, 1977. Daily maximum and minImum water temperatures in Rabideux Creek,May 25 -October 23,1977. Daily maximum and minImum water temperatures in Montana Creek,May 25 -November 6,1977. Water quality data from Rabideux Creek,May 25 October 27,1977. Water quality data from Montana Creek,June 7 October 26,1977. susi7/u C - 5 (Revised 2/83) WATER TEMPERATURE,WATER QUALITY AND STAGE DATA COLLECTED BY THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME DURING 1981 An extensive program of data collection was undertaken by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)during 1981.The data collected are presented in:"Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Project,"Susitna Hydro Subtask 7.10,Volumes 1 and 2,by the ADF&G,1981,and analyzed and summari;~ed in "Phase 1 Final Draft Report,Aquatic Studies Program", Susitna Hydro Subtask 7.10,ADF&G,1982. Physiochemical Data for Each General Habitat Eval uation Study Site Dissolved oxygen,pH,water and ai r temperatu res,tu rbidity and specific conductance were measu red twice monthly at each general habitat evaluation study site,except in the impoundment reach,where these parameters were measured monthly.The data are presented for each site in a graphical format versus specific points in time and in tabular form. For'locations,.see the above referenced report. Thermograph Data Water temperature data were continually recorded at 29 sites in the study area using Ryan Model J-90 thermographs.The data were converted into daily means,calculated as the mean of 12,two hour point temperatu res. The temperature data for each thermograph site are presented as a function of time. Stage Data Stage data were collected at three Adult Anadromous Fisheries fishwheel sites and each lower-river general habitat evaluation study site. susi7/u C - 6 (Revised 7/85) APPENDIX D CLlMATOlOG ICAl PARAMETERS WHICH APPEAR IN THE NOAA REPORTS ENTITLED "lOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA,ANNUAL SUMMARY WITH COMPARATIVE DATA" 1.Metel:>rological Data For The Current Year Temperature (OF) Average Daily Maximum,for each month. Average Daily Maximum,for the year. Average Daily Minimum,for each month. Average Daily Minimum,for the year. Average,for each month. Average,for the year. Highest,and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Highest,and Date of Occurrence,for the year. lowest,and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. lowest,and Date of Occurrence,for the year. Degree Days (Base 65°F) Number of Heating,for each month. Number of Heating,for the year. Number of Cooling,for each month. Number of Cooling,for the year. Precipitation (I nches) Total Inches of Water Equivalent,for each month. Total Inches of Water Equivalent,for the year. Greatest Amount of Water Equivalent in 24 hours and the Date of Occurrence,for each month. Greatest Amount of Water Equivalent in 24 hours and the Date of Occurrence,for the year. Total 1nches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets,for each month. Total Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets,for the year. Greatest Amount of Snow and/or Ice Pellets in 24 hours and the Date of Occu rrence,for each month. susi7/v D - 1 r Greatest Amount of Snow and/or Ice Pellets in 24 hours and the Date of Occurrence,for the year. Relative Humidity (Percent) Aver'age Relative Humidity at hour 0200,for each month. Aver'age Relative Humidity at hour 0200,for the year. .....Aver'age Relative Humidity at hour 0800,for each month. ,Aver'age Relative Humidity at hour 0800,for the year. Average Relative Humidity at hour 1400,for each month. Average Relative Humidity at hour 1400,for the year. Average Relative Humidity at hour 2000,for each month. Aver'age Relative Humidity at hour 2000,for the year. Wind - ,~ .- Resultant Di rection,for each month. Resultant Direction,for the year. Resultant Speed (m.p.h.),for each month. Resu Itant Speed (m.p.h.),for the year. Average Speed (m.p.h.),for each month. Average Speed (m.p.h.),for the year. Speed of the Fastest Mile (m .p.h.),for each month. Speed of the Fastest Mile,(m.p.h.)for the yea r. Direction and Date of Occurrence of the Fastest Mile,for each month. Direction and Date of Occurrence of the Fastest Mile,for the year. Miscellaneous Percent of Possible Sunshine,for each month. Percent of Possible Sunshine,for the year. Average Sky Cover,tenths,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Average Sky Cover,tenths,sunrise to sunset,for the year. Number of Clear Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Number of Clear Days,sunrise to sunset,for the year. Number of Partly Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Number of Partly Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for the year. Number of Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Number of Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for the year. Number of Days with 0.01 inch or more of Precipitation,for each month. Number of Days with 0.01 inch or more of Precipitation,for the year. Number of Days with 1.0 inch or more of Snow and/or Ice Pellets, for each month . Number of Days with 1.0 inch or more of Snow and/or Ice Pellets, for the yea r. susi7/v o -2 Number of Days with Th u nderstorms,for each month. Number of Days with Thunderstorms,for each year ...... Number of Days with Heavy Fog,visibility 1/4 mile or Jess for each month. ~ Number of Days with Heavy Fog,visibility 1/4 mile or less for the year. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was gOoF and above, for each month. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperatu re was gO°F and above, for the yea r. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was 32°F and below, for the year. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was 32°F and below, for the yea r. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was 32°F and below, for each month. Number of days when the Minimum Temperature was 32°F and Below, for the yea r. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was OaF and below, for each mohth. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was OaF and below,for the year. Average Station Pressu re (mb),for each month. Average Station Pressu re (mb),for the year. -2.Normals*,Means,and Extremes I Normal Daily Maxim~m,for each month. *Normals are based on the previous 30 years of record. susi7/v D - 3 - r- I I susi7/v Normal Daily Maximum,for a year. Normal Daily Mi nimum,for each month. Normal Daily Minimum,for a year. Normal Monthly,for each month. Normal Yearly. Record High and Year of Occurrence,for each month. Record High and Date of Occu rrence. Record Low and Yea r of Occu rrence,for each month. Record Low and Date of Occu rrence. Degree Days (Base 65°F) Normal Number of Heating,for each month. Normal Number of Heating,for a year. Normal Number of Cooling,for each month. Normal Number of Cooling,for a year. Precipitation (I nches) Norma I Total I nches of Water Equivalent,for each month. Normal Yearly Total Inches of Water Equivalent. Maximum Monthly Total Inches of Water Equivalent and Year of Occu rrence,for each month. Maximum Monthly Total I nches of Water Equivalent and Date of occurrence. Minimum Monthly Total Inches of Water Equivalent and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Min imum Monthly Total I nches of Water Equivalent a nd Date of Occu rrence. Maximum Total Inches of Water Equivalent in 24 hours and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Maximum Total Inches of Water Equivalent in 24 hours and Date of Occurrence. Maximum Monthly Total Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Maximum Monthly Total Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets and Date of Occu rrence. D - 4 .-. .- susi7/v Maximum I nches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets in 24 hou rs and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Maximum Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets in 24 hours and Date of Occu rrence. Relative Humidity (Percent) Normal Relative Humidity at hou r 0200,for each month. Normal Yearly Relative Humidity at hour 0200. Normal Relative Humidity at hour 0800,for each month. Normal Yearly Relative Humidity at hour 0800. Normal Relative Humidity at hour 1400,for each month. Normal Yearly Relative Humidity at hour 1400. Normal Relative Humidity at hou r 2000,for each month. Normal Yearly Relative Humidity at hour 2000. Wind Mean Monthly Speed (m.p.h.),for each month. Mean Yearly Speed (m.p.h.). Prevailing Direction,for each month. Yearly Prevailing Direction. Maximum Speed,Direction,and Date of Occurrence of the Fastest Mile,for each month. Maximum Speed,Direction,and Date of Occu rrence of the Fastest Mile. Miscellaneous Mean Percent of Possible Sunsh ine,for each month. Mean Yearly Percent of Possible Sunshine. Mean Sky Cover,tenths,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Mean Yearly Sky Cover,tenths,sunrise to sunset. Mean Number of Clear Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Clear Days,sunrise to sunset. Mean Number of Partly Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Partly Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset. Mean Number of Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Cloudy Days,sunrise to sunset. Mean N umber of Days with 0.01 inch or more of Precipitation, for each month. D - 5 ,.... I .-. 3. Mean Yearly Number of Days with 0.01 inch or more of Precipitation. Mean Number of Days with 1.0 inch or more of Snow and/or Ice Pellets,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days with 1.0 inch or more of Snow and/or Ice Pellets. Mean Number of Days with Thunderstorms,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days with Thunderstorms. Mean Number of Days with Heavy Fog,visibility 1/4 mile or less, for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days with Heavy Fog,visibility"1/4 mile or less. Mean Number of Days when the Maximum Daily Temperature is 900 F and above,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days when the Maximum Daily Temperature is 90°F and above. Mean Number of Days when the Maximum Daily Temperature is 32°F and below,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days when the Maximum Daily Temperature is 32°F and below. Mean Number of Days when the Minimum Daily Temperature is 32°F and below,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days when the Minimum Daily Temperature is 32°F and below. Mean N umber of Days when the Min imum Daily Temperatu re is OOF and below,for each month. Mean Yearly Number of Days when the Minimum Daily Temperatu re is 0°F and below. Average Station Pressure (mb),for each month. Average Yearly Station Pressure (mb). Average Temperature Both the monthly and the annual average air temperatures are given for the period of record. susi7/v D - 6 ""'" I I 4. 5. 6. Precipitation Both the monthly and the annual amounts of precipitation (in inches) a re given for the period of record. Heating Degree Days Both the monthly and the annual number of heating degree days are given for the period of record. Cooling Degree Days Both the monthly and the annual number of cooling degree days are given for the period of record. 7.Snowfalll Both the monthly and the annual amounts of snowfall are given for the period of record. susi7/v o -7 - .-. - APPENDIX E CLIMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS WHICH APPEAR IN THE NOAA REPORTS ENTITLED "ANNUAL CLiMATOlOG ICAl SUMMARY" Temperature (OF) Mean Maximum Temperature,for each month. Mean Maximum Temperature,for the year. Mean Minimum Temperature for each month. Mean Minimum Temperature for the year. Mean Temperatu re for each month. Mean Temperature for the year. Total Degree Days,for each month. Total Degree Days,for the year. Highest Temperatu re and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. Highest Temperature and Date of Occurrence,for the year. lowest Temperatu re and Date of Occu rrence,for each month. lowest Temperature and Date of Occurrence,for the year. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was gOoF and above, for each month. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was gOoF and above, for the year. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was 32°F and below, for each month. Number of Days when the Maximum Temperature was 32°F and below, for the yea r. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was 32°F and below, for each month. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was 32°F and below, for the yea r. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperatu re was OaF and below, for each month. Number of Days when the Minimum Temperature was OaF and below, for the yea r. susi7/w E - 1 I""'" ! I Precipitation (I nches) Total Amount of Precipitation,for each month. Total Amou nt of Precipitation,for the year. Greatest Amount of Precipitation in 24 hours and Date of Occurrence, for each month. Greatest Amount of Precipitation in 24 hours and Date of Occurrence, for the yea r. Total Amount of Snow and/or Sleet,for each month. Total Amount of Snow and/or Sleet,for the year. Greatest Depth of Snow and/or Sleet and Date of Occurrence,for each month. Greatest Depth of Snow and/or Sleet and Date of Occurrence,for the year. Number of Days with 0.10 inch or more of Precipitation,for each month. Number of Days with 0.10 inch or more of Precipitation,for the year. Number of Days with 0.50 inch or more of Precipitation,for the year. p Number of Days with 0.50 inch or more of Precipitation,for each month. Number of Days with 1.0 inch or more of Precipitation,for each month. Number of Days with 1.a inc h 0 r mo re of Precipitation,for the yea r. susi7/w E - 2 APPENDIX F CLIMATE AND WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS MEASURED BY R&M Climate Parameters Measured Continuous WQ Parameters (Watana Site) Wind Direction Wind Speed T empe,'atu re Relative Humidity Solar Radiation Precipitation Peak Wind Gust LongwClve Radiation Temperature pH Dissoloved Oxygen Oxidation -Reduction Potential Conductivity Temperatu re -Corrected Conductivity (Watana and Eklutna Lake only) Water Qual ity Pa rameters Measu red (Vee Canyon I Gold Creek Sites) Field: Dissolved Oxygen pH Conductivity T emperatu re Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity Settleable Solids Laboratory: Turbidity Total Dissolved Sol ids Total Suspended Solids Total Phosphate Kjeldahl Nitrogen T ota I Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Chemical Oxygen Demand Hardness Chloride Color Sulfate ICAP Scan (1) Uranium Radioactivity I G ross Alpha Organic Chemicals Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Ca rbon (1)ICAP Scan includes: Silver Aluminum Arsenic Gold Boron Barium Bismuth Calcium Cadmium Cobalt Chromium Copper Iron Mercury Potassium Magnesium Molybdenum Sodium Nickel Manganese Phosphorus Lead Platinum Antimony Selenium Tin Strontium Titanium Vanadium Tu ngsten Zinc Zirconium susi7/x F - 1 (Revised 2/82) -I susi7/y APPENDIX G FIELD DATA INDEX DISTRI BUT10N LIST AEIDC 707 "A"Street Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 Attention:Mr.Jim Wise Dr.Bill Wilson Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Un iversity of Alas ka Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Attention:Dr.Phil Gipson Alaska Department of Fish &Game P.O.Box 47 Glenallen,Alaska 99588 Attention:Mr.Jack Witman Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 620 East 10th,3rd Floor,Michael Building Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Attention:Mr.Richard Cannon Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 East,4th Avenue Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 Attention:Ms.Esther Wu nn icke Alas ka Power Authority 3:34 West 5th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:(2 copies)Dr.Richard Fleming Mr.Eric Marchegiani G - 1 (Revised 7/85) - ..- s usi7 Iy Milo Bell P.O.Box 23 Mukilteo,Washington 98275 CI RI/Hoimes &Narver 670 West Fireweed Lane Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Attention:Mr.Ka rl Ha n sen Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch 0 Juneau,Alaska 99811 Attention:Mr.Dave Sturdevant Linda Dwight P.O.Box 3613DT Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Entrix,Inc. 4794 Business Park Blvd,Suite 06 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Attention:Dr.Larry Moulton E.W.Trihey &Associates P.O.Box 111774 Anchorage,Alaska 99511 Attention:Mr.Woody Trihey Federal Energy Regulatory Commission DlP 4th Floor 825 N.Capitol Street Washington,D.C.20426 Attention:Mr.Mark Robinson Geophysical Institute University of Alaska Fai rban ks,Alas ka 99701 Attention:Dr.Will Harrison G - 2 (Revised 7/85) i I susi7/y Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago,Illinois 60606 Attention:Dr.Bi-Hueh Wang Mr.Wayne Coleman Harza-Ebasco,Susitna Joint Venture 711 H Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Mr.William Larson Dr.Larry Gilbertson Dr.John Bizer Mr.Wayne Dyok Mr.Gene Gemperline I nstitute of Water Resources University of Alaska Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Attention:Dr.Tom Roberts LG L Alaska,Inc. 505 West Northern Lights,Suite 201 Anchorage,Alas ka 99503 Attention:Dr.Robin Sener LGL Alaska,Inc. P.O.Box 80607 Fairban ks,Alas ka 99708 Attention:Mr.Dave Roseneau Pillsbury,Madison,&Sutro 1050 17th Street NW,Suite 900 Washington,D.C.20036 Attention:Ms.Jane Dren nan R&M Consultants,Inc. P.O.Box 6087 Anchorage,Alas ka 99502 Attention:(2 copies)Mr.Stephen Bredthauer G - 3 (Revised 7/85) ..... ! Soil Conservation Service 2221 E.Northern Lights Blvd.,Rm.129 Anchorage,Alas ka 99504 Attention:Mr.George Clagett State Publications Distribution and Data Access Center Pouch G Juneau,Alaska 99811 Attention:(20 copies)Distribution Manager U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District P.O.Box 7002 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Vern Thompson u.S.Fish and Wildlife Service 733 West 4th Avenue,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Mr.Don Mackay U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Western Alaska Ecological Service 605 W.4th,#G-81 Anchorage,Alas ka 99501 Attention:Ms.Ann Rappoport u.S.Geological Su rvey/Water Resou rces 218 "E"Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Mr.Phil Emery u.S.Geological Su rveylWater Resou rces Division Subdistrict Office 1209 Orca Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Mr.La rry Leveen susi7/y G - 4 (Revised 7/85) - - University of Alaska,Agricultural Experiment Station P.O.Box AE Palmer,Alaska 99645 Attention:Ms.Dot Helm University of Alaska Museum P.0 .Box 80211 College,Alaska 99703 Attention:Dr.Brina Kessel susi7/y G - 5 (Revised 7/85) - .-. .- APPENDIX H BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AVAILABLE DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE HYDROLOGY AND CLIMATE OF THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN (This is an abbreviated listing of Susitna related reports.For the most current listing,contact the Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Ventu re Documents Control sectic)n) Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1977.Corps of Engineers Susitna River'Hydroelectric Project:Baseline inventory study (1 July 1976 -30 September 1976).P repa red for U.S.Depa rtment of the Interior,Fish and Wildlife Service,Anchorage,Alaska.91 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1978.Preliminary environmental assessment of hydroelectric development on the Susitna River. Prepared for the U.S.Fish and Wildl ife Service.Anchorage, Alaska.207 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1981.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase I Report (Vol.1):Aquatic habitat and instream flow project.Prepared for Acres American,Inc.Buffalo,New York..260 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1981.Susitna Hydro·Aquatic Studies -Phase I Report (Vol.2 Pt.1):Aquatic habitat and instrE~am flow project.Prepared for Acres American,Inc. Buffalo,New York.305 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1981.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase I Report (Vol.2 Pt.2):Aquatic habitat and Instn~am Flow Project.Prepa red for Acres American,Inc. Buffalo,New York.541 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1982.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase I Report:Aquatic Studies Program.Prepared for Acres American,Inc.Buffalo,New York.137 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Report:Summarization of Volumes 2,3,4; Parts I and If,and 5 -Su Hydro Basic Data Reports,1982. Preapred for Alas kaPower Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.126 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Data Report:Winter aquatic studies (October, 1982 ..May,1983),Anchorage,Alaska.137 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studiles -Phase II Report:Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies susi7/z H - 1 (Revised 7/85) and analysis of fish and habitat relationships.Anchorage,Alaska. 152 pp. - Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Report:Synopsis of the 1982 Aquatic Studies and Analysis of Fish and Habitat Relationships.Appendices A-K. Anchorage,Alaska.357 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.SL,lsitna Hyd ro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Basic Data Report.Volume 4:Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies,1982,Part I and II.367 pp. .... Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Basic Data Report.Volume 4:Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies,1982,Appendix A-C.Anchorage, Alaska . Alaska Depar·tment of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Basic Data Report.Volume 4:Aquatic habitat an instream flow studies,1982,Appendices D-J.Anchorage, Alaska. .....Alaska Depar·tment of Fish and Game.1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Basic Data Report.Volume 5:Upper Susitna River impoundment studies.1982.Anchorage,Alaska.150 pp. - Alalska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.2:Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations,May-October 1983.DanaC.Schmidt,Stephen S. Hale,Drew L.Crawford,Paul M.Suchanek (eds.),Prepared for: Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.395 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studiies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Investigations,May October 1983.Chapter 1:Stage and Discharge 1nvestigations.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage,Alas ka.136 pp. Hydro Aquatic I nstream Flow 2:Channel P repa red for Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and Investigations,May October 1983.Chapter geometry investigations of the Susitna River Basin. Alaska Power Authority.212 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983.Chapter 3:Continuous water temperatu re investigations.Prepared for Alas ka Power Authority, Anchorage,Alaska.145 pp. susi7/z H - 2 (Revised 7/85) Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and Investigations,May -October 1983.Chapter 4: Investigations (+Appendix).Prepared for the Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.30 pp. Hydro Aquatic I nstream Flow Water Qual ity Alaska Power - Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Investigations,May October 1983.Chapter 5:Eulachon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Susitna River (+Appendix). Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.32 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983 (Review Draft).Chapter 6: An evalation of passage conditions for adult salmon in sloughs and side channels of the Middle Susitna River.Prepared for the Alas ka Power Authority,Anchorage,Alas ka.178 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983 (Draft).Part II,Chapter 7: An e!valuation of salmon spawning habitat in selected tributary mouth habitats of the Middle Susitna River.·Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.178 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studi,es,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983 (Draft).Part II,Chapter 8: An evaluation of salmon spawning habitat in selected tributary mouth habitats of the Middle Susitna River.Prepared for Alaska Power-Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.70 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studil~s,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983 (Draft).Part II,Chapter 9: Habitat Suitablity Criteria for Chinook,Coho,and Pink Salmon Spawning.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage, Alaska.61 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studil~s,Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Investigations,May -October 1983 (Draft).Part II,Chapter 10: The Effectiveness of I nfrared Thermal Imagery Techniques For Detecting Upwelling Groundwater.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska.61 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1984.Susitna Hydro Aquatic StudiE~s,Report No.4:Access and Transmission Corridor Aquatic Investigations,July-October 1983.Prepared For Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. -susi7/z H - 3 (Revised 7/85) ---------------------------- Alaska Depar·tment of Fish and Game.Sport Fish Division 1984.Annual Performance Report,Study G-Il.Chinook Salmon Population and Angler Use Studies of Northern Cook I nlet Waters. ,.,.. ! Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC). Periodicity Chart for the Susitna River Salmon. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center CAE I DC). Aquatic Concerns and I nformation Needs Relati ng to Potential Following Operations of the Susitna Project.Memo.September. 1982. 1983. Load Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIOC).1983. Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Aquatic Impact of Project-Related Changes j n Temperatu re,Tu rbidity,and Stream Discharge on Upper Susitna Salmon Resou rces.October. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC).1983.Effects of the Proposed SHP on Fishery Resources in the Susitna River Basin.Demonstration Impact Analysis.September. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center CAEI DC). Streamflow and Temperature Modelling in the Susitna River Basin,Alaska.Final Report.June. 1983. ~ I - Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center CAEIDC).1984. Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Aquatic Impact:Effects of Project-Related Changes in Temperature,Turbidity,and Stream Discharge on Upper Susitna Salmon Resou rces Du ring Jan ua ry through September.January. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center CAEI DC).1984. Examination of Discha rge and Temperatu re Changes Due to the Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Final Report.February. ADNR.1982..A Preliminary Analysis of Potential Navigation Problems Downstream of the Proposed Hyd roelectric Dams on the Susitna River'.Ma rch. Bar-rett,Bruce M.1974.An Assessment Study of the Anadromous Fish Populations in the Upper Susitna River Watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River:Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Division of Commercial Fisheries,56 pp. Bilello,Michael A.1980.A Winter Environmental Data Survey of the Drainage Basin of the Upper Susitna River,Alaska:CRREL Special Repol't 80-19,30 pp. Bishop,Dan.1974.A Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Susitna River below Devil's Canyon:for NOAA,U.S.Depa rtment of Commerce, 69 pp. -susi7/z H - 4 (Revised 7/85) - - Cole,Terrence.1979.The History of the use of the Upper Susitna River: Indian River to the Head waters.July 1979. Dwight.1982.Survey of Questions and Concerns Pertaining to Instream Flow Aspects of the Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.May. E.Woody Trihey and Associates.1984.Response of Aquatic Habitat Surface Areas to Mainstem Discharge in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach of the Susitna River,Alaska.June. E.Woody Trihey and Assoicates.1985.Summary of Hydraulic Conditions and Habitat Forecasts at 1984 Middle River Study Sites.Draft Report.May,1,1985. Friese,Nancy V.1975.Pre-Authorization Assessment of Anadromous Fish Populations of the Upper Susitna River Watershed in the Vicinity of the Proposed Devil Canyon Hydroelectric Project:Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Division of Commercial Fisheries, 121 pp. H.J.Kaiser and Company.1974.Reassessment Report on the Upper Susitna River Hydroelectric Development for the State of Alaska. Harza-Ebasco.1983.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Lower Susitna River. Water Su rface Profiles and Discharge Rating Cu rve.October. Halrza-Ebasco.1983.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Task 42,Reservoir Operation Studies for Various Downstream Flow Requirements. October. Harza-Ebasco.1983. Sedimentation. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Draft.December. Reservoi r and River ~ I Harza-Ebasco.1984.Stream Flow Time Series,Susitna River at Watana and Devil Canyon.January. Harza-Ebasco.1984.Probable Maximum Flood For Watana and Devil Canyon Sites.January. Har·za-Ebasco.1985.Draft Report on Analysis of Potential Aggradation and Degradation in the Susitna River Below Devil Canyon Dam. Hal'Za-Ebasco. Availability. 1984. January. Susitna Hyd roelectric Project Climatic Data - Harza-Ebasco.1984.Instream Ice Calibration of Computer Model.March. Harza-Ebasco.1984.Eklutna Lake Temperature and Ice Study With Six Months Simulation for Watana Reservoir.March. susi7/z H - 5 (Revised 7/85) Harza-Ebasco.1984.River Stage Fluctuations Resulting From Alternative Operations,Watana Development.March. Imberger.'1981.A Dynamic Reservoir Simulation Model -DYRESM:5,in: Transport Models for Inland and Coastal Waters. Knott,J.M.and S.W.Lipscomb.1983.Sediment Discha rge Selected Sites in the Susitna River Basin,Alaska, Open-file report 83-870.U.S.Department of the Geological Survey,Anchoage,Alaska.45 pp. Data For 1981-82. 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