HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2846dP ~.~iib j ec r : Sueitna Hydroelectric Project Dseumeat Transmi tlal Dear Hr, Wikssn: Enc:Xoscrd for your resiew sad conln,znt is a d:aft cc#py of Availability of invertebrate Food Sources f 2r Rearing Juveni le Chinaok $ja lmt.;l In Turbi d $usLena River Habitats, PI-ease ret?irsa our com~enLrs to roe by May 31, 1985, Larry ~ilbertson Aquatic Groilp Leader ALASKA DEPARTB4EPJ"ii" OF FISH AND GAbAE SUSI"$NA HYDRO AQUAYtC STUDIES REPORT NOe 8 This report is one of a se~ies of reports prepared for the Alaska Power Author-i t%y AQA) by the Alaska Departrnewt aF Fish and Gamki provide iilfsrmat1on to be used in evaluating the feasibility of the propased Susit~a Hydroelectrf c Project. Tha ABF&G Susf tna i-lydro Aquati i. Studies program was initialed in November 1980. Reports prepared by the ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquiatle Studies program ppll-for* to 1983 are available from the hPA. Reports prepared after 1983 are sequentially numbered as Titles in this report series are: Report Number Pszam=a Ti tlc Wdul t Anadr~mau~; Fish Investigations: May - October 1983 Resi iden% and Juverrj I e Anadroelous Fi sh Investigations: May - October 1984 Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow 1nvcstigatin:is: May - October 1983 Access and Transmi 5s; on Corridor Aquatic Y nvestigations: Ma;/ - October 1983 Water Aquatic investfgaatlons : September 1983 - !$fay 498% Resident (2nd Juvenile Anadroir~ous Fish i~~vesi:i~i;t:i(~n.;: May - October 1984 April 1984 July 1984 September 1934 September 1984 Marc11 1985 1985 %, !)83 4 985 *g- ihfs repart, Repor"diiiumRer 8, aumnsarirres the res~~l ts and findfags cS the juvenbi1e chinook salmon food availabi 1 ity study conducted during the 1984 open water May - October fie" seasan, AVAILABILITY -- - - OF INVERTEBRATE . . - -- FOOD SOURCES FOR REWRZt4G SUVEPdILE CHINOOK SALMON PFZP --,=a EN TURBID SUSITNA RIVER HABI%ATS hw(i - 'P- - -z.mz.a=va Tim F. Hansen and J, Craig Richards Alaska Department ck' Fish and Game Susitna Hydra Aquatic Studies Yhfi*d Floor, Michael Building 620 East Tenth Avenue Anchorage, A! as ka 99501 ABSTRACT .."!?~+a'a-*i 7%~ a I y af invertebrate food resources in rnai~lster~ affected stde channel and st'de slough habitats and the overall rearing capabilities of these habitats for juvenile ci-rinoek salmon was assessed by "r-tre Alaska Department of Flsh and Garcc; Susitna Aquatic Studies Program froni May through October 1984 *to evaluate the qidantjty of available food sources and their relation to mainstern river dischnr*ge I ;no' to uvaluatii the ym-in and loss of ben'thic Dnvertcbra-te habitat ~csii! ting frolo ciriar~rjes in flow in these habitats. Four side zhanne'l avid s Icie slough st tes v4ev.o sanip'led at /lead arid micl-section locateions for tile amoiin t c;=f i :rve~~t:ebra te drwieft arid at mi d-secti on 1 ocat"i ons only for tjen-tllo~, us-i;ig if i~et~ aild n;od.iFmied lies3 type sa:1:p'lcrs. J~~~it~~~jI~~ ciiion~k t;t!'lmcrr werSe 'I sampled at the mid-.scc5it~n ~ac:~t;-it~i~~ uc;-ii~g (J t3 1 ,. ',lyl.. fi 4% riiricj i.$:cijfi"jq{ues t[; (;oire'{ai:c tfjtz avci*j I<\[)'\($ ?a& ~~~~~~~t~t-~~~ ,r \a , 4 Vdi i 11 E 1 f 1 i 2 *t \:j :-$ i fl tj f: i ! ; la f- fj A tost1 of " f~vep"cbt*ate eaxa were fdentffjed in drift and benthic samples, with chi ronomidae being the d~md~ant taxa, The proportions of invertebra"ies 'island in the stomachs OF juvenile chinook salints~! was close1 y ca~rel ated wf tk the pr~psrtions of i ravertebrates avai 1 ab4 e l'n the dt-i fie. Drift sampl es col 1 ecmte$ binder breached ctsndi ti ons 9 ndi eated that invertebrates were being transps~ted from the mainstem into the side channels and side sloughs, Drift in side channels and side sloughs urrder unbreached condi tians was negl i g? b4 e compared ta the drj ft under br3eached candt tfsns when total drift was cansfdered, Categorizing invertebrates which were caman to drift, benthos, and the diet of juvenile chinook salmon by bbeaavioral type ( e burrower, 6 swim~jei-, cl jnger, and sprawler proved to he a valuable means isr project< ng weighted usable area of benthic invertebrate kabi tat when the der~sity nP specr'ec was low as occurred in this study, Pile densitjes of each of the behavioral groups were found to bz generally we71 correlated to water velacit~i and substrate type, wkeveas depth of water did not appear to be an importarlt factor influencing the decsity 05 organisins. Water velocities less than 0.4 Pt/sec arid substrates comprised i3.f $31 ts and sands generally slapparted the highest inean densfties cMF burrowers wkfch were aiaiie up prfmari ly of Chi r-orsomidae, RuGbl e slebstu.a.tes with cornponerits of Idrye (travel or3 cobble and water velocit-i;.~ bet:weeai 1,Ji f-tJsec and 2,6 i;t/r,er; general ly supported the hisjhest metin densi-l:ics of 2nd clfnnnri;. *, L* Spraii~l@rs did not appear 50 pref~?i-entialiy ""$" """ " t2 .. I i I ze ayry pa rti cul ar ~iibsti*a te or water vel oci ty, DRAFT Projec"cd dqe-ighted usable area for each of the behavilara'l groups was clearly a functien of mafns'cen discharge. The mlnirnum control 1 ing mainstent dl'scharge for each af the study si"ces generally prudueed the greatest arrroiant rsf baarrower habitat weighted usable area, The maxinium amount of' weighted usable area for swimmer, clinger, and sprawler habitat at study sites was reached at a matnstem discharge above 25,000 cfs , ln csacl usion, natural ly fl uctuating fl oavs above 19,000 cfs appear to riat,iittain a dfbrerse benthic fauna arid appear to provide drifting food organisms to mainstem affee"cd side channels and side sloughs thereby contributing to the rearing capzbil ities aP these habitats for jul~cni le chinook s31mone DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS ---=---&aWD TABLE OF CBNTEhPS .................................................. yi LIST' OF FIGURES ,.,.,..,.,. 8BBIOFOe80B08~Oa.e~~DOae~e;~~~~~~~~l~~~~~ iih *a CI LIST QF TABLES......,.... ........,.,.,....,.......,QQc,.,,,~.vm,~,., xsei LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES.. ......................e................... ~y 2.1 Field Sampling,., .............B............................... 4 ?.I,% Study Site Selection ~~e~e~~e~~bB~OO~+PDsargaSg08Cs'~O~~g~~b&~~ + 2,%,% Znvertebvate ~~ff~ee,e~.~~e,mes,b)OIQ~Ob~B6CPeBBeOOE~asBQeea EL 2.1,3 Benthic P~~e~tebrate~......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............... 45 %,1,4 Juvenile Chinook S~4~~~,,,.,..,.,,g,.cBB.&.~Oe~Oag~6cE"Cgc3 I& 5 Tur*bidity ................................................ 18 .......................................... 22 Laboratok-y Analysis $8 ........................... "/,2,1 Sample Iiandl ing and Storage.. 18 ........... 2-2.2 Invertebrate Edentffisation and Enumeration.. R 3 Data Analysis .,,.............e......................,........ 2.3.1 Irrvev'tebpate Dri f"L ..................................... 20 2J.2 Benthic In.rer"cbrat@s ............... i................... ~3 2,3.2,6. Stand-ing Crop Estimation .......See................... ze3 Suitabjl tty Griterfa Deve:spment,. .................... Z2dr 2,3,2,3 Meighted Usable Area., a.3e"~~.*.(t.BfPO'ii'deeG(1e~r)*R SCT 4,2,E.1 Depth e~e.@~.~e~~~~~6)~bSBIBQCtO8OOB~~8jiee6$,~~~e~~~@ee@~ 46 3.2,I.Z Velocity ............................................ 53? 3.2,1.3 Substrate ............................................ Q 3,2,2 Benthic Weighted Usable Area Projections @8@e~.@aD~O0.0*0 b2 ~ 3.4 Jrsvet~ile Chs'naerk Salmon Die* ..pe~e~~~~~~~~~OreagO~aBQet)OeOBe P 3,s Turbidity at Study Sites and Malnstem ........................................... Sus4 tna River.. 4.1 Aval'labie Food Sources for :luveniTe Chinook .................. Salmon in Side Channel s and Side Sloughs.. 75 4.2 Effects of Flow on the Distvibution and Abundance cif Benthic Invertebrates in Sf de Channels and Side Sloughs ................................... ?q 4,2.1 Habitat Suitability ..................................... 74 4.2.2 Welgkted U~,able Area .................................... $23 Utilization sf Available Food by Juvenile Chfnook Salmon in Side Channels and Side s" .................................................. ~laughs.., @3 4,4 Conclusions and Future Research ~Oa.~e~~~~~D13c9P)ekiC)Ei*IPOUOwaMC0 i:,0 APPENDICES .......................e............................ 102, /!ppendix /\ Study :;ite Hydrugraphs, Rat1 ng Cu~~es , Dcischnrgr Data e~.~e~~~.~e~~~~eeB~eeUSC~I&iiStro\DD~ -. Appendl'x br Formula foru Calculating the Shannan- Heaver Diversity Tndex and Eveness Endex ............................................ Ed/ Appendtx E Juvenile Chineak Salmon Stomach ................................... Ci~ntent Data.. E- ~1c-t ...--j _ln f-p 3. FIGURES Cz__E__.------ D RAFT P 3-g e Figure 1 fqap sf the wlddle Sus-itna River from River bltle 129 to River Rile 142, skewing the four sarnpl in9 site; far =the Fosd Avaflabj 1 fty Study, 1984 ............................................ 5 Ffgure 2 Map of Slough 9 showing invertebrate and juvenile chinoak salmon sampl ing Iocatians, June threugh August, %984......... ..................... 9 f'lgure 3 ihap of Side Channel 10 showl'ng invertebrate and juvenile chinook salmon sampl ing *" !O ................... locations, June through August, ~984. Figure 4 Mais af Upper Side Channel 11 showing invertebrate and juvenile chinoak salaon sampl 1'ng locations, June through August, Figure 5 Map of upper Side Channel 21 and Slough 21 showing invertebrate arid juvenile chinook salmon samp'ting locations, June through t "7 September, 1984 ~~~e~e~~~~~~~~~eOBwBBry~~81CIIOeii~B6so.~0 1.- Figure 6 inverlebra.te sampl iny gear used in the Food Availabil ity Study, 1389. Adapted Prom !4e?-ri tt and Cumml ns ~~@BBBWOQBBCO~~UBD~~S~~OQD~PS.~J(~ Figure 7 Scatter plats sf standardized drift densities no/ 10003 feet of water eel" eight inverte- brate groups, head numbers vs, Be~sities are transfifv-ned 1 ag 3T 62 Figure 8 Scatter plots of standardized drfft densities no/9003 feet of water of eight i nvertebra-te groups, head nurr~bers vs. IFG-4 numbers. -$ c"J Densities are transformed logp *pak9et+(t(Bd6*CuC0wdPIiC,U3 20 U Figure 9 i%vei*age density o-f benti~ie #Fish food orya- nu,/yd" by behavioral type in riffle, Y-UYI, and pool !tab$ tats ir sl'de chanrlels and side 'jloughs, .Froin Juric 24 to July 10 ant! Airgu";, 23 LB September 7, w*idsile Susitna Ftigjer, A'laslla, 1984. behavioj-$1 groups wi ti! fe\*~.~.er than +five inbfvi;duals per square yard ................................ ape not shown. ....... 'i.. //.a DRAFT Page -___I Ffgesre f E Average nurnbe~ of sk~lmmer iisi.ertebra"cfs per benthic sample for each depth incresent, ~ith hand fitted suftability curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984 43 .................................... Flgihre Pil Average number of el inger -invertebrates pel- benthic sample FOP each depth increment, with hand fitted suitability curve, m-idd' e Susftna giver, Alaska, 1984 .................................... 46 Figure 13 Average number sf sprawler invertebrates per benthic sample ~OP each depth increment, wi th hand fitted sui tabil -r" ty curve, nriddle Susi tna River, Alaska, 1984 e@e@~ee~ee@e~~eeBBGMQeeB)@ee)~OrSah)8dBB 4q Figu:,e 14 Average number ef blarrnwer jnvertebrates per benPI~ic sample For eaeh velocity increment, with hand fltted i;ui"Ebbi! ity curve, middle .......................... Susitna R?ver, Alaska, 1984.. 5C Figure 15 Average number of sw.imf~er invei-tebrates per benthic sample for each veloei ty increment, with hand fitted suLi tabi 9 i ty curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984 ............................ 5i FSgure I6 Av~rage ptrsmber of clinger inver~ebrates per bentkl't sample for each velsei ty increment, \a(ith hand f.itteJ suitabii ity curve, middle Susitna R?ve~, Alaska, 1984 ............................ 52 Figure 17 ,4verage number of sprawl er invertebrates per benthic sample 75sr each velocity increment with hdrrd "iirtd sditability curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984 eee~~~~.e~~~~eeOeElaQC9(BeUOWe 53 F-iyure I8 Average number of burrawer invertebra"ces per benthic sarnple +For eaeh substrate -increment, wi-th hand fi"Led suitabi4i.r.y crarve, m-iddle <r 4 Susitna River, Alaska, 1984 4qeee~e~~es~e~B109"3e(3aaS~aWi"irp 29 Ff 9r;p.q 17 y~\r rage number of i nvertekrates per benthit: snnlpl i: for each substr.8 te i ficreiaei~i;, 2-hl halid f-i teted sui tabi 1 i ty ctarve, riii cld' %r r;. LY $.;-;" Susitna River, Alaska, ~~84.eee...G..4....MOBV(U ....... ew4 ..., DRAFT Page Figure 21 Average number of sprawler invet-tebrates per benthic sample for each substrate increment, with hand fitted suitability ccuve, middle Susltna Riveie, Alaska, 1984.., ......................... 57 Figure 22 Pi.ojes"ci~ns sf gross surface .re% afid kJUW of burrower, swimmer, cling! and sprawler Jnverbebrate habftat as a Punctisn sf site Flow and mainstem dfscharge For the Slough 9 modelling site..,..,.., ................................ 63 Fl'gure 24 Projections sf gross surface area and WUA sf burrower, swimmer, cl inger, and sprawler invertebrate habitat as a function of sjte flow and ma1 i~tem disJ:harge far the Side Channel 20 modelling site ......a.e..................... Figure 24 Projectfans of gross s~rrface area and WUA of burrower, swfmer, c7 inger, and sprawler Invertebvate kabftat as a function of site Plow and mainstom discharge for the Upper Side Channel I& modelling site ......................... 615 Figure 25 Pt-ajections sf grass surface are3 and WUW of b-urrrrwer, swimmer, c3 jnger, and spraw'ier fnveietebrate habitat as a function of siate flow and ma-insj:em discharge for. the Side Channel 21 madelling site., ............................ Gb Figure 26 Percent cumrjositio~ Q.& invertebrates in benthifc, drift, and jtlvenile ~kin~o/i ~t~lilach content samples taken at FP.5 sites, middle Sucdtna River, Alaska, i984 ............................ z{z Figure 24 Perrent compesi ti00 of aquatic insect behaviroal rgrulrps in benthic , drift, 3ltnd juvesii le chi nonk stomach cor~tent samples *taken fzi?S sites, nliddle Susi tura R-iveu*, "1 9qt Alas!ca, ................................................ ;a 3 Fig14re %8, Percerje 0% total numbers of aquatic and terr*esi:ri?,l *i fiseci; (jri)ups i YI juilenf 1 e ikni nook x: ~a1n~il.n s-Lt~oracl:s ivorn FAS sites, J~jne tiiruu~h ;cp*erriber 1.984-, mi dd'l e Sus -r' tna Ri ver, Nl a:ika .............. f$yf LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES DRAFT APPENDIX A Figure 8-1 Hydrograph i %charge vepsus tim for June - September l 4 far *the Susitna ver at Gold Creek (WI4 136.5 Slough 3 Side Channel 10 RM 133.8).ee.e.ee.aaeeaeaoeeeseaaeee 84-4 Figure A-2 Hydrograph (discharge versus time) for June - September 1984 for the Susitna rive^ at Gold Upper Side Channel 11 Channel 21 above over .f 1.8) ................................ A-5 Figure A-3 Rating curve for przdieting flow at Slough 4 at any mainstem disc:.z~ge between 19,000 efs and 35,000 cfs at Gold Creek ......................... A-69 Figure A-4 Rating curve for pred'rc"eigg flow at Sick Channel 10 at any mafnstem dssekarge between 19,000 efs and 35,000 cfs at Gold Creek,. ............ A-7 Figure 8-5 Rating curve far predicting flow at upper Stde Channel El at any mainstem discharge between 23,000 cPs and 35,000 cfs at Gomid C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A -6 Figur~ M-6 Mating curve For predicting flow a"cSide Channel 21 above Channel A5 at any mains-tern dl'sekarge between 20,000 cfs and 35,000 cfr at Gold ~~*~~keO~9b~ee~~~~e~~~oO~~~0~m4~~e~~e~~61~9e~~~ ~-q ~ DRAFT ~ LEST OF TABLES .r-"l~~~-es& Table 1 Food ai~ai 4abi l i ty study sampl i ng dates, mlddle Susi*tna River, Alaska, 1984.. ................... 14 JQ Table L Substrate cl assificatfon scheme uti 1 ized to eval uate substrate eomposi ti ow at each benthic sampling point V-incent-Lang et ale 1984) @e~~e~~e.~s@~~BBBrJ~OBBsekp13~BBoj8BeeB~e~~~~s~e~s~e@~ hale 3 Invertebrate taxa grouped by behavioral type ............................ (ivlc:rt-itt and Cumminr, 1978) & Table 4 Depth and veisclty increments used for sujtability criteria developmer?t,,,.,eOeO~ggeQ~PdraOD~~la(l Zfi3 "%able 5 Substrate class groupings used for suita- bility criAteria developmewt.,,,.a~Q8&igBBOB~.19a~048QQ0 24 Table 6 Re1 ative density of dri iting invertebrates per cubic yard of water by site, June through September, 1984 middle Susi tna rive^, Alaska, 0. 001-0.099/yd3 j , 31, C=Comanan A=Abundant (1.BBO-9,999/yd3 .......... SF Table 7 Re1 ative densl ty of benthi c invertebrates per square yard by site, June through September, 1584 middle Susl'tna W?ver, Alaska. R=Rare Table 8 Sui tabi 1 i ty criteria values for i nvevtebrate beiiavdj~ra's groups for ve4 oci ty , substrate type, and depth, middle Susitna River, &Y t? ........................................... Alaska, 1984 do ~ "ratk 9 Percentage of ear-ly, iniddie, and late instar insecb sad the total nuinber 04: indl'vidua'is ) middle Stjsitna Rl'veiffi, Alaska, 1984, Ilidi v*i cit~al s exanii ned frniil Aprl 1 , May, sey-tember, and 0c-i;ober szlnp4 os are fr~ari ................................. syri~p.i:,ic survey'i.. ... (~9 *" i?bl2 rU 10 s+k3f2daptj*i ze2iE dens 4 t-i es no/ 1000 f-t 3 dr.i fti ylg i i.!~~~.*tebyaee~ ( j liver*. ar~d iic[~jl*%; - -- < jlsecats ( ddsAl -tl5 ) a iierL(j and 1 kbae44 sf -te$ (d " ,rb~P,J~~ ~~~j~t~t;z a- R*~vLA-' ,a . Aill~kii, 1984, ........................ LIST OF TABLES (Continued) DRAFT Table11 Dfversfty i-S.E., Poole 19741, densfty, and number benthic fnver- tebrab ecr?immpiuni"eits.s from riffle, run, and peal habitats in side channels and side sloughs of the rnl Jdle Susf tna River, Alaska, 1984. Den~it~y and numbev sf taxa are .~eyorted as the average number per squ8re yard 298% confidence interval.. . . . . . . . . . 6 a a * $, @ Table A-1 Side slough and sjde channel ~ate? surface elevation and flow measurements, and the eorrespording mean daily Susitna River discharges at Go1 d Creek (USGS 1529200 to construct rating GL~TV~S PO? the f 8 1 ~?$~~sdeBeBSBaOl~B4BeQ~D~O~LaO8B%jB~efrOOsB~~~~~B~~~O~~~ APPENDIX B Table 8-1 Occurrence of invertebrates by life stage s'=irr;sna*ture, g=gupa, a-adul t B-Benthos , D-Dri ft , F=Fi sh $amp1 e sites, middle Susi tna R?ver, A1 aska, 8-3 1984 ................................................. Table 8-2 Total numbkrs of invertebrate larvae an$; adults ( in drift sanrples collected at Sl~ugi; 9, middle Siisitna R-iver, Alaska, 1984. Terrestrial insecurrwps and nan-i nsect groups are not differerrfliated by larvae or .............................................. adult.. 5-6 Table B-3 Total numbers of invertebratr larvae and adu7 ts ( in drlft siamples csl lec-ted at Side Channel 10, middle Susftna River, Alaska, 1984. Terrestrial insect groups and non-i nsect groups are not differentiated by F&" larvae or adult, ,,,, ,aOZUBOBNiDOB~ti~SIo90Ueg~Oil.M3.LIge .--2 0 Table E-4 Total numbers sf invertebrate larvae and adults ( in di-.ift samples collected at Upper Side Channel 11, mciddIe Susiti~a River, Alaska, 1984, Terrestrial insect groups and nan-insee'r, groups are i~ot d-ifferentiated by 6. larvae ar aau~t .......................it.............. 8-10 +?.A !able 8-5 Total numbers nf invertebra-ke larvae and adults ( irr drift samples ccl'tecled at ilppcr Sice Ci-lannel 21, rniddle Susitna Xivcr, Alfnsica, l984., Teri-~striaT insect groups acid nc?iiAdinsect gv-o~ai~s are nat ri*ifaferontiated by lauqvae or. ad:i;li; ......................................... 'i:** DRAFT 1-able B17 "itaal riumbers of benthi:: Invertebra-tes and the number of samples ( in which each taxa was found at Slough 9, middle Susitna Rivep, Alaska, 1984 ......................................... B4 Table W-8 Total numbers OF benthic invertebrates and the number af samples ) in which each taxa was found at Sr'de Channel 10, middle Susitna ~j vet-9 Alaska, 1924 Y5~4-iT .................................. Table 8-9 loti81 nilanbers of benthic invertebrates and the number sf samples in which each taxa was found at Upper Side Channel 11, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984 e~~~~~~e~~ee~e~OgOBeeeBo06) E4 Table B-10 Total numbers sf benthic invertebrates and the number of samples in which each taxa was found at Side Channel 21, middle Susitna Rivet--, Alaska, 1984.. ................................ 5- i? APPENDIX C Table C-1 Analysis of Var-iance ~~~e.~~U~aBB~OWBOe~eeq13eBo4 c-3 .-? Table C-2 Resu! ts of Student' s t-test.. ........................ c- 3 Table C-3 Ana1ys.i~ of variance Poi- new hypothesis.. ............ c-4 T&le C-.4 Rpsults of 2tuden"c's t-test for new hypothesis.. ..... C- 5 APPENDIX E -- be El Number and kind of 7'nver"ebrrte ;arva@ and adults from the stomachs of juvenl'le chinoak salmon caught by electrcif isking and drift nets zt ir~ve~tebrate sampl ing si te, ........... middie Susitna River, Alaska, 198t4..;. .... -L- dm dT APPENDIX F e F-I. lWurbidiiy values in ne~helrrmetric turbidity units (HTU froni fi we 1 ocat i oris, mi ddl e Su'sitna River, Alaska, 1984 .......................... .&? *I.,ssU *i D RAFT Instreaan hakitat vinrfabl6-s such as cover, riparian vegetiatiorr , water depth and veiecfty, and faad supply have a1 1 been detlermined to be important variables infllreneing the overall slaitab4 4 it)! of instream habitats For rearing juven-i le salmon Stalnaker and firnette 1946 Although there is ns: definite evidence that any sf these variables is the ultl'nrate faetar 1imiting the carry-ying capacity af it particular habftat for rearing by juvenile salrnoplids, it *is clear that the availabil 3 ty of suitable food is of considerable importance, Fond sourcas utilized by Juvenile salmon have general 7y been faur;d to consist 04 aquatic invertebrates which inhabit the various niches of the i nstream environment. Many researchers have examined the i nstream hydraul ic cendi tions vdkich influence the distribution and abundance of "cese fnvertebrate food srganisi~~s and have concluded that water depeth, water velacity, and substrate type are three af 'the most irnpor"can"c cantrul 1 i ng factors Kimble and kdescke 1975, Cummins 2975 There .TI"% some cont~rove~sy hawever as to which of these fat-tors exerts the yrea-esl csrrtrol. It is 1 iite'iy, hovdcver, that invertebraete spec-ies $eject their habibts sn the basis of csnbinal'ioris of the above fdcLc~rs rbather "Lilan on the basis of the ~fastors individua'liy Ul Fstrand 1967). U'i Pstrband based this cgnc4 usion on tire abil i ty of clicf'erenaC: ccmbina-tions o-F depl:kl, veluc:ii:y ariti subsi:r'ate to entrap dei~ris wiiici~ cau id be 1~9c;ed as Fuoii by 4 r;vcu.i,:ebrnter;, DRAFT Addi"Li3nal studGles have a1 so suggested ,that optfmum 7invert:ebi.ate habitat eou 1 d be ldentif ied according to combinations of avai 7 able depth, velue1'~, and substrate type, Pearson et al, (suggested that optinrcswr habitat eowditlians for invertebrate organi'sms wera reached when slreamf Tows resu1 ded 9'as the greatest amount of riffle-T i ke habitat havfng wabe velocf ties of approximately 2.0 feet per second (P't/sec), Banks et al, made optimum strearnff ow reeomu~enda"cions for i nvertebriate habitat by assurnlng that the most preferred streamf l sw would be that which would provide the maximum surface acreage with water velacitfes sf 1,s-3,49 ft/see and depths of 0.50-2.!39 feet. The Californfa Department of Fish and Game (1475 based streamflaw ~*ecoamendatlonr for invertebale habitat sn habi%at cu rves wi th streamfl ew as +the independent variabi e genera*ted from weighted depth, and substrate measurements col lected along transects. Fiucve4 1 (1476) used linear regression analysis with ~"tranlflow as "Lhe independent variable to predict macroinvertebrate densities at different flow fin the Yellowstane River, Montana, One of the mast recent p~edictive model I ing procedures Pap. describing benthic invertebrate habitat has been developed by the U,S. Fish and Wildljfe Service Instream Flow Group Judy and Gore 1999 The TFG used rnrany nf .+ rite sar!!e model l i ng te::i:y:iques vdhi ch were developed for eval uati rly i nstrearrr f i sii i~abi tat fop the assessnrenl of tile i ristreanr flow isqqrri rer~ents uP bentheir, invertebrate pupul at-ions Bovee a,~tI Cochsiiiuerd .* * !977, Rovee and Plil hous 1978, Bovee et a1 . 1979 and Sovce 1973), 1 h~:sc , * m~ri@l i nij tpci.luritltia.s u1:*1 1 4 2e I~II~~QF* deytlr , vc l ocj 1:y , arid :~j!)s ::I*;A t,t: 1- 2:; i:/jr. d:lnr*i n;jri-i hyi/;.au'l i: e: vdpmi akl ~s *iWi:j qijcr~ tj f'v tl~~ i*k:srjt~r~s;-::; c~f i,jlui !*; *r -7 -+ ; [ 3 ii-1 :;.iqi.'.,%.iiii! ,,,, , , r r45~ , t %I F#-- $-*rpr , ,,gd:,lrjc, GL- * fiw @ ~~r!c~pning A kf!@ i. c]C~j~5f c;nd nu;nber of dff"rrect kinds oi Li* - *a -* i,,$c-. P3 ?i f #-a *la ~lc~r~t~ *-- foods aval ie to yearjfly jujten.j'le 5aIii;ofi ar?d the habf-tat ;yq-y *d a i rpfii~Yi~s of 2 n;d<* i ~CN~ 2 4 giver?.~by:2t~ -*# orglar:jsifis 45 naz kvell krjown I.'G~-+ 2, 8,;). : 5iis i tna gjver as only q 1 +nmiced a sl;i;dies of ~n~~e~~eb~ate orgaai 5m.r ,d S"- $-@ *- coaductt+d -;a date ( 1977, ],Yie a~d ~~~~~ st~~~;jf~s X* - co~r~.t-"-~ 2 "0 L~J da$-e _-.*,& heen 'iim*;ted ";, ddescrjbing fkle dfet 0% L+ ii~veni !e , coho, afla sockeye salmon and the kinds ~7-f iijve~tebyatr foods h / avhflable ther~, ~30 hahitat model!ing eva]uatfons have been condcct~d B ir desrribi ng the density 2nd flow reyu i rements of invercf;ebrates i iX -3 hzbi i;a-& ut-j) by juvcn3 ie salmon. a confirmatory study of fuuvenile chinook feeds'ng habits. The specl'fl'f: objectives of the t,trree part study were to: 1 I. Evaluate the available food sources in mainstem affected side eharrnel and side slough habitats and verify their re1 atlve Importance te juveni le chinook salmon; 2, Evaluate the relative importance of the contri butian of mainstem invertebrate drift in mainstem affected side channel and side slough habftats; 3, Estimate the response of selected groups sf invertebrates of mafnstem affected side channel and side s4acrgh habitats to various winter depths, velocities, and substrate types; and, Quantify tfjhe area of mainstem affected side channel and side slough kabi "eats usable to selected .i nvertebrate groups at different mainstem discharges, - rn lhree side channels and clue side slot~gh viere selected far study betb\ieg?n Rfver Pii"le 129 and WM 142 Frcyure I), These study sites were selected 'to uti 1 ,iz~: ~~rev-itiarsly esttibl i shed XFI; macieI1 i ng t;rnnsla#-+e at Ik,R,,* **a located i r: areas fo~traci to con"ca,i il si gni fi csqt nt~mbers of ,i~jvi.ri i i Q chlnuok skt linan, Data collected within the study sit^; ,, , i ~ic:'! ~cietd:: bf>fitkjj c and drift j' ~ve~-~~~hra$n :a:rrp? er an(], poi rlt qne~ pa L LV 4; 1 8 #- L \b #:\ US taw+ b C:p \ #G [J ~h&-+a c: t !I 9 ifj[$idfj ~:[je~~j!~{; tay:],k$yf* i/c!*!~(;*it*y> i~ricl S{J/]S~ aaci2 c[]fi!p~j~;-i*t<[jl!~ s[il[2s$2 t"lt3i,(-! \f$Je\f,b DRAFT conik;in~d :.sith extsting iiydrau1.i"~ sirnulatirsn model data ta estiiilate the rerpanse of invertebrate habitat to changes fn discharge. In addition, ,jlefdenJle chiiq~~k ~allli;~;i WGP~ csl lected for stomach content analyses to verf fy -Soad hab-r'"cals, Because of the ljrnitecl number of invertebrates per unit area at each srawlpl i ng site, a someeqhat different appraach La groups" ng invertebrates was utilized in the study over that suggested by Judy and Gore Idhereas Judy and Gore constructed preference curves for species oaf benthic invertebrates representing difFerend furtctioaal groups, curves fur this s-tudy VJpcere constructed curves far groups of invertebrates representj ng beharioral types which reflect basic habi tat preference e,g,, burrowing organisms might pre-Fer smal ler substrate size classes). The findi~gs of this stud;[ should provfde resource managers wit13 the informatinn necessaipy *FOP a better t4nders"caddi ng of the ntai nstem dl scharyes requi rped far the maintenance of adequate production of f i sh P~od orgafiisms in juvenile thfnook i-~lmon rearing areas. D WAFT Sfte Selection =-BiY Juvenile salmon di slrl'bution and abundance studies in the niiddle Susi tna River have shown that juvenile chinook salmon utilize mainstem affected side channel and side o iough hab-r'ta"c fan summer rearing WDF&G 1983b, Sch~njdt e a1 1984 Far this reason, Pour sites ~epresentirig a cross sect-ion crf the side channel and side slough habitats available tg rearimg julfenfle chirieek salmon in the middle Susitna River were chosen for study. The sites selected Par study were: Side Slough 9 Side Channel 10 Upper Side Channel I1 RM 946), and Side Channel Zi upstream of over Plow channel A5 upper Side Channel 21 Each of these sites ar2 3ffected by miains"cem deisckarqe to varying degrees and contai~r existing t hvdraut I‘?. ic s;mlalatlerti model s (lFG-4 which can be used for *invertehr92te habritat analysis, In previous ijtudies, s-i gjnif ici;.r.rt nalnbers of Juveni 1 e chdinocxk salniori have been capturec! at each ii-tcatiun (kiiF&l; 1983b, Sci~midt e.l: a'\. 1984 plekc physical oe5crjiiticjn gf' each study cc;n be found in Quane et a-1 . ( 19if4b a 8vis.i 1 able hyda-ogral~hs, rating curves, arrti di scl3arge idi:-ta P r-rjr oacrt o-F tfie ';,tudy :-ft~t ~?-c prernritr;d /\ppen<]i:: D RAFT &I,% Invertebrate Drift '"p- To eval uaQe d3 rfere~ees in the number of in\~er-lebria'ces sri!ginating Sn mainsten habitats versus mainstem s.ffected side channel and side slough i-rabi6tatr;, invertebrate drift was sampled at two Iacat4sns bdj"b~in each of the four study sib;:es, One pair af d~4'ft nets were located ii"cte head of each study site where the mainstem breaches into the side slough or side channel, and another pajr of nets were located ws'"T.hin the IFG fi~cdelling study area (Figures 2 through 5 Drift nets were constructed of 508 micron Nitex netting and measured 12 x 18 x 39 inches Ffgure 61, The downstream end sf each drift net cons-ir,ted BP ia detachable celltl-ctl'on bucket constructed sf a 15 inch section of plastic plpe with 500 micron Nitex net whrindaws and' base. While -in the water, each net was supported by twa one fnch dianreter steel rods that were peunded into She substrate. Four three inch chrome rings, attacked to the corners of each net frame, a1 lowed easy setting zr~d rewioval of nets frara the steel radss To ensure the greatest catch size, drift was satripled during the evening, wkicii is gei~era'l'ly ~oilsislc?~-ed to be a period of increased irct-ivity fcrr ii?aili/ ijXc~ilat're: inverstebrate taxa Hynes 1970, Waters 1972 Each site was sarnp'!ed ti. rc-e tiriles ciuuair~g the ssrripl lng seasort were s6:g; appipux imatc-.ly f:wo hat~i.5 before c,urisi?u:'oi* ewer cansccu"c ve 6;;ys at ei:c/r f;vi{:i2. " ; di:r*atic,n fclr each ri~t pa-il* ~35 r{t~!-~e~~~~n'i: ij;: ~*~i\is~iv s % L* CY it ** .7 1 P: j j f 3 I , i.ii< ~f~~~~ 2 F of Slough 9 shcwi~g 4nvertebrate and julrelaiie chiaook salmon sipmplii7g I~catioats, June through August, 1984. F . rgure 3 Map of SSde Channel 10 showing invertebrate and juveslile chinook salnoo sazgling locations, Juce through August, 1984. Nap OF Wppet- Side Channel 11 showing invertebrate and juveni ie chinook salmon sampl ing locations, June through August, 1984, Fjgure 5 Map af upper Side Channel 21 and Slough 21 showing Enveiptebsate and juvenile chinook salmon c,ampB ing locations, Jusle through September, 1984. Faoa s~ar 1 abi 15 ti stvCy sonpi fag dditsh, ~%ddi~ %usgtn& River, Alaasx8, $984, e* ,**: - 3**!aa G r&* '+ r k X X c+~i 8 e CSi nook 7or?,.$arS: turc X X T, -Q$ d i ty X X XXX XXX B WAFT side s'!ou~/~ or sfde channel being sampled was net breached, only the IFG-4 drlft sampl f ng lacatfan war sampled. Water velocity and depth were measured in the center of each net opening at the beginning and end of each sampling period using a Ma~sh/MeBirney el eictrs'csl current meter and wad.; ng rod using procedures tleserf bed i o 19841, The two depth and velocity measurements for each net were ave~aged and used to calculate the total volume a$ water fi] te~eb, 2,1,4 Benthi c Invertebrates Benthic sainples were coal lected along existing IFG-4 model 9 img *transects at each sampling si"c twice during the open water season to determine i nverLebrate habitat preferences The number of samples taken at each study site during a sampl ing date was determined by the variety of fqicvohabitat canditians availabf e 1 e the variety 05 depth, velocity, and substrate combinations present j . Benthic samples were taken with a 25 inch high 1.08 ft2 cy1iniiu*.ica9 benth-ic sampler constructed of aluminum and covered with 500 micron Nitex nettlng Figure 6). The same detachable col lectian bucket used on the drGfft nets was used an the benthic sampler, BeilChkic sarnp'les were "Laiten by forcing the sampler into tk~e stlbstr*ate to i: depth of four inches and agitaxing rile enclosed snbstu.i!t-I. by 11dilt-l ~ai:il all guspt2nd~rJ iiir;.terd.ia:!ls l.:we wactred downs-trearri jij-t(j th;? co?'~~*c-;i~~rl DRAFT bucket. Mhen rampl-ing iarge substrates such as baulder:;, the sampler was placed on the boulder surfice end the subs"erilte was scraped by hand to Pernave any inverteb~ates present. Sfmilarly, the uppermost layer of medium sired substrates eg, rubble, or cobble) were dislodged and a19 surfaces were scraped to remove invertebrates, Point measurenewts of water depth and mean eolum water velacity were recorded prior to taking a benthlc sample using a Marslr/iMeBirney elee- trieal current meter and wading red using methods desertbed in ADF&G In addition, substvate type was visually detiermined while taking each sample using a thirteen class ranki~g system location 05 each sample was determined by reading a fiberglass measuring d3 ape stretched betweerr the headpins of the IFG-4 modelling transect being sajnpled. Additional benthic samples were col lected in April , May, September, and October - determining -invertebrate development using m k.i clc scu*een simf lar to ttrat rlesci-ibed in ADF&G 1983a, 'These samples, however, were nat used -in thc deve1upinen"caT i nvartebrate sui tabi l i ty cu'i te~~la. 2,1,4 Juvenile Chiwooi3. Salmon *"'.a.edwa.&e.~t"~ m*w% -- -- a-9. aw--- ~**d*SWdd."h4&~~~F..%x~ To compare the diet crf juvenile chinook sal~lon wit11 the comp~sitiu~ 0-f invur-tebrates in dri.i-t and benthic sanrples, juvenile chinoni: sa inloil wei*e " 1 ca1~t:urwt.d *for s-tolnach content analysis at each side chant..ii?i ailii I hit 51 ough y si 1.c:. lwh4i t; .i nF~i"mtrti on itta~ used to :~jp~il CVIIP~I~: ~I-CW i. Table 2, Substlaate cl assif icatlan scheme ulil ized *to evaluate substrate csmpclsition ilt each ben"ikic ijampling point (Vincent-~ang et ale 19841, PFG Code Substrate Category sf St silt - sand sapid sand - small grave4 small gravel small gravel - large gravel large grave3 large gravel - rubble rubble rubble - cobble cabbl e cobble - bouf der boul der less than 1/32 1/32 - 1/8 %/8 - z 1-3 3 - 5 5 - 10 greater than 10 otjsigr collectzd data on jraverll'le eh-in~~lc salmon diet t'n the middle Susitna River (ADFglG 1978, AUF&G 1983b Study sites were electpofished three times during the field season using ~nadef no, BP1C backpack electrashocker Table I), From each catch, four to seven juveniles were collected far future stomach content analysis. A sma19 incision penetrating the body cavity was made superjar ta the pelvic girdle 4.3 the fish's left side to ensure adequate preservatqon of its stomach contents, The fish were then stored intact in 70% ethyl alcohol blater samples for turbidity measurement vrere taken during both drift and benthic sampling at each study site. A71 samples were storTed in 125 nn~l471fte~"" Nalgerie bottles, kept cool in a darkened starage can- I- , d Cdiner, and analyz~d within 72 hours of collection. Turbjciity was measured jn Nephalornetric Turbidity Units NTU) with an H.F, Instruments DRT-I58 Portabl e Turbidinleater fa11 awS ny procedures out1 ined in AOF&G 19841, 2.2.1 Sdii~pl e Storage and Haridl i nq * . - i ^---- "*, ux**-rruT.nUL"** * -**r.'h*r i.i"r iuxnr-9xii_-rr m-b. b~ales fcr easy sortlng. Invertebrates were hand sorted from debris and Sdcowa . .o * 9-1 glass vials cantaining 30% EPOW for later idelstificatisn and a e en~~roe1~~.;7 on JuvenSle chinook salmsn preserved for sto~aeh content analysis were measured for tcta'i length and their stomachs removed by making cuts at the anterior csopkagur and pylorie sphincter. After removal, stomachs were stored $0 glass vials containing 70% ETOW far latc?r invertebrate identification and enusnevation, 2 ,2,2 Invertebrate - Identiff cation and Enumeration Invertebrates from benthic, drift, and juvenile chinoak stomach samples were identffied to the family taxonomic level and ccsunt~!d. Yf identi- fic5tian "c the famlly level k4as not poss?lkle, invertebrates were fdentf fi ed ta order, Inv~tebrater, from juveni 7e chinook stomachs were counted using whole individuals when possible nr body parts if items were partial ly diges*t~d or dismembered- Head capsules weye used "L ocgcint chiranomid larvae whereas the kfesd and ehrirax ~figi~r!~ were used to count dl smernbcred pl ecopteran; stone f9 i es and ephen~er~up Lerins 0 dl srri~mherecl i nldert~bi-a tes i4#er::. cotaj~ted by pi eel' rig i-ugef:hcr identeii.idtle body parts to estimate the kind and number* a-i- indivitls,aals prec;erit. Ur:iden~;f-i<~b:c parts ldere node cou~terl., i<i;ys L~J il:[~ij-[,~i?y ;- i j- : Jrjha:lst.n ;firi rhrjln::clr\ (1534 ji <t FI{aj\inci:; DRAFT 1976), Bauman et 31, 19999, Wiggins (1977 Merrit and Cummfns P-* "*Pa I$ln/, Pennak and Borror et a9 , (1981 2,3 Bsta Analysis 2.3, E invertebrate Drift In this study, density Lee, number af individuals per unit volume of reported in English unjts e,g., cubis feet and cubic yards was used to describe the abundance of drifting invertebrates in samples. Densities were standardized by divfding the number sf individuals in a taxa or group by the volume of water filtered. The relac'%*- density of an org3nism or group at a particular sarnpie site was determined by placing the standardized mean defisity of that organism or group into one of four elasses representing different srdcrs of magn-i tude, The classes used &ere: Rare 0.001-0 .089/yd3 Sparse (O.Cl%~-O .a99 jyd3), Comimsn 0.180-Oe999/yd3 and Abundant 1, Ot ?-9.999/yd3 The d2 fferences in drift densi'cy a"c~eild and IFG-4 sampl .ing l ocatisvls within study s1"~es was evil udted by placing sorted and identi filed invertebrates into eight taxanomic groups, The groups were: Collcmbola spring-tai.1 s Ep!ie:net+o yqteril rjjayfi ies j , P't ecoytei-2 stonefl ies) , Trj chop tera caddj sf fee &j, ' Cipvtera larva Di~tera adults, Cthnr 1 il~~k. i P" AP~*SY LS , i2'tiCt Other fr:ilcrtebrates, Mu1 tlpl e reyrsssiou! anal ys-i s wii, -tiqcil u -;ed to !-he re 1 a t*i orr s h i p -* ciiat. #- tie qu3n-i -i ty of $ r-t~i~ tba i --* Ll r" $ 5: J- pr'...~~~ t. at9 tlrjrid sf 1:~s fia~ ::Q ti 33,; pr~r,en i: at I l-iak./\. - 1, 5 12~3~; 'l'jjp dependent variable Jn this analysis was drift numbers at the IFG-4 site and the independent var'l'aisles were drs'f"cn;nbers at the head sftes, volume of water fif tered through nets at head sites, and voiu~ae of water filtered through nets at EFG-4 sites, ~ The arigina: data was =transferred us1 ng a 4 syaritkmic transPorma"cion to reduce variance and skewness i .e., log, [x+l] where x equals number of Inbjvjduals fa4 4owf ng procedures described in Steel and 1960)- The general 1 inear model tested was: y = So+ BIXa + B2 XZ + B3 x3 + E where: a, = intercept term; pi = w~~ssi~m~efficients x, = transfarmed (log, [x+l]) numbers of grouped I drift Snvertebrates collected at tne head site; x2 = trans*formcd log ex]? volume of water filtered e for drfft sample collected at the bead site; x, - transformed (fog rx] vol ua~e 0-8" watef* Fi I tereb w e for drift sample collected at the IFG-4 site; Y .: transformed (log nunrbers of grouped e bri f-t ~nvertebrat~:; ce9 lec ted at Gkre % FG-4. ~ c,r'"i; and D WAFT The null Rypcitkeo-is l'n this evaluation was: Numbers of clrifting lndi- viduals in invertebrate groups at IFG-4 sites was not dependent (relat- the numbers of drifting individuals in f nvertebrate groups at head sjtes, volume of water filberd at head sites, or volume of watei- fil- tered at EFG-4 sites, 4'0 l~leraine if the observed vsnrfa"cians in the drift nunibers at IFG-4 sites was due to any of the independent variables and not due to chance a1 one, an anal ys? l; of variance ( AiVBVA was performed. The hypothesis tested was: The & test criterion was defined 3%: To deternijne: if the partial regression ceefficients had true values greater than zero, the Studentis t test was applied (Steel and Tarrie -P- he hypotheses tested in this case k*iere: DRAFT The test crlterla are deftned as: h Bi estimaw ef the par"cg'al regression coefficients - - z v- ----- - - - S" B1 canda dad error 0% the estimate 015 the par'r:ial reg~ession seeff icfent The probabil ity level used in both the F test a~d the Student's t test a=0,05, To depict the relationship between dr44t density at 4 sites and drift density at head sites, the drift data were plotted on a two dtmensi~nal csrtisian plane. The counts were plotted In three wajrs: 1) ifead counts versus IFG-4 counts for all samples col lec"cdd, 2) head counts versus YFG-4 counts for each sampling mcnth, and 3 head counts veoesus IFG-4 counts for each sampling loeat?'arr. For these plots, the number of invertebrates l'r! each group were standardized and mu1 tip1 ied by 2,000 "L cP;sfmate "eke rzr~mber of arganl'snn caught per 1,000 cubic .Feet of water filtered through each net. Standardized data were transformed using the natural loqarithm trans.forma"cion (1 og [x+l] e 2,3,2 Benthic Invertebrates --*--m~,=.-&..,~--a& ~ - %,3,2.1_ wd~~~mm~.T.- Staildins Crop I a*aw Yr~~w~XCY*i~A-~~lt-+-a~mdX, Es timation DRAFT (i ,e, , averaqe number of individuals per unit area reported in English e.g., square feet and squ;di-e yards), were used to describe the abundance af individuals. Benthjc inver"cb8rates were first identified 3rd counted for each sample. These counts represented the number of nrgarlfsms or groups s:eurriog tn an area 1,08 foot square! average number of srganisrns or groups per unit area was i:alculated by divfdf ny the total number af an organism or group in a1 9 samples by the number st samples, The relative densl'ty af an organism alp group at a particular study site was thew determined by placing the calculated mean density of" that organism or group into one 0% four classes representing dffferent orders of magnitude. The classes used tn~ere: Rare 0,9/ydZ), Sparse 1.0 - 9,9/yd" 10.0 - 99,9/7dZ and Abundant 100,O - 999,9lydZ). The diversfty and evenerjs of the benthic fn\ier%ebr*ate eammunity in riffley run, and pool habitats i~ the sdde channels and side sloughs was cal cul ated using the Shannon-Weaver diversity index Pool e 19741, Both insect .taxa and non-insect taxa \$ere ~lsed *in the calculati~n 0-f the index. The r'omulae for the Sllannon-ldeaver divzrsi ty index and the eveness index are shown in Appendix D. . * %!e-r ghxed irabiqtat crl'ter-ia represer1t.i ng ii parti clxl ar speci cs/'li fe phiase pre-fer~:nce for 2 pz1r.t-l cular hab-i-tat variable were deve'l oped far bt::rltlvi c: ?COOL; r)l*r(;il:i~ffi:, f(jfa *inl~tji: jo+t~ g lj;ibi-?:;j-t $jfii$~~Itit*it~ti ~~SWI ttj , " a "9- i h ~~~*[~+~ bw~~~*!p ad i 1 a ~j~q~j~~j-~~~ ~~~\~~~~**~~~~~\~~~j[~~ ha[j.i&-i~ ay~~~$~ (ll]f*: t:ly ie~ip y~~~l~~[ of many af the ben'thic "iod daa sampled and problems asscjeiated with ,interpreting numerous weighted habitat criteria for eack ta.xa, weighted habi"ct c~i teri a were an1 y devel oped For f DUP bekavi oral {groupi ngs of benthi s &food srgcrni sms : burrowers, sprawlor% , swfmmers , and cl i ngers : ~4~ 7.T. . , - iLt and Cuinm"ins 1978). Table 4 I ists each behavioral group, its general description, and the invertebrate taxa belonging to each category. bleighted habitat eri"errla are typically expressed in the form of habi"ca% curves which describe the relatlve usability of different levels of a pai-tietrlar habitat varlable for a partictalar species/l ife phase, with the peaic indjcating greatest usabil ity and the "cai P s tapering towards less usab'ie values. Curves are 'eypically developed far each habitat variable considered to influence the! selection of habitat for the - species/Iife phase of interest, [kree types of habitat curves are typical ly constructed: u"i1 ination, preference, and/or su: tabi I ity. A detailed description of eack curve type and 4ts usage in habitat simulation models is presented in Vincent-Lang et al. In this report, utilization curves were modified using pertinent litera- ture arid professional judgerfient to define weigk~ted habitat csui.tabl'lity 6r.f.teria 'For selected behaviuueal groupings of benthic invertebrates. We-i ghtcd habitat sui tabil -i t;t cri teris! \?ere dcvel opctd for tlic? three i.labi;.tat viiriabi er; conr;Idered of gleeatest importance to benthic ivjverei:r?brates : dqyi-th, ye1 ocjty , avid *;~bs-tra"i e. Due to E.he 1 *irni tetl dLiSta J. * c~u-id be used -for the di.~i..iuf)~ncni. of' wl.j~iii.eij i-iah<i:ai: Tab1 e 3, Invsrtebt-ate taxa gt-auped by behavioral type [MsrrStt and Curnrn"~, 1978), Behavioral Type Desc~i ptiow f nvertsbrate lax8 Burrwgr~ Onhebj t4 wg the Pins ssdfmsnts sf streams (pool $1, Ti pul i date Same conseruct djscrste burrv&s %~hich may have sand Chi ranom$ da+ grain tubs3 extendfog above thhe surface sf the Psyckodi dae substrate or the % adivi dual s may i wgsst the4 e pgay through the ssdfmsnls (sxampl es: Di ptera, rags% Chi ssnsmi nee, Ch=i rasrami nS efl"b:ssd iv~rra~~ mi dges), Cl i wgers Representa%ives have behavfo~al Qe,g,, Fixed Ch1abr~per"I cia@ retreat eanstruction) and morphalogieal [e,g,, Ephemet*eV I i dae I ong, curved tarsal cl sws, dorso-ventral f 9 attewi ng Heptageni i dae and ventral gills arranged as a sucker) adaptations Hydaspsyeh% dae For attachment to surfaces in stream ri f f?ss Par4~didae Qexamph es: Epherfiaaoptera, Hcptagen; i dae; Whyacophi 1 i dae Tri chaptaka, Hydsspsycki dae) , SdmuP i idaa Y~eniopterygi dae Spra~levs Ini-sabi ti ng %he surfnee of floatip.tg leaves sf Capwi idae vascular kydrsphytes ar fine sediments, usually Li mnephi 1 i das ~~ith modifications far staying ow top of &he Nsro-woaisra' dae substrate and mai ntai ni ng the respi rato~y surfaces free af sS Y t (exa~ples: Ephemeaoptera, Caewidae), 5wf rrme5"~ Adapted for g8"f.4"sk'FikaQ' swilimifig in lotfe or lentfc 8aetS dae PtabStats, tndividual s usual 1 y GI i ng to submerged Si ph% owuri dae objects, such as rocks (lotie riffles] s~ vascular pl anzs (1 enti e) , between short bursts of swimmi ng (exampl es: Ephemarapteaa in the fami 1 i es Si phl owuri dae, Leptspht ebi S dae) , DRAFT suitr:b.il i'ty criteria, berrthic 1nf~er"cbrrtt data awere pooled sfrein a1 I sites and bath benthic sampl lng perefads. The first step in the development of wefghted kabita"&suitabiIity cr.iterl'a involved the eanr;tructitsn of util izatf on curves for depth, velocity, and substrate, Because depth and velocity were measured in the field to the nearest 6,1 ft and 0.1 ft/sec, respectively, tl~e lnltial uttlizatian plots were constructed using these intervals, However, since sample numberr were low within these measurement inter- vals and variances were high, intervals were grouped together Grouping of inte~viils was done by best visual fit of the data by con- siderfng the relative number of samples representing each increment, the number a*F irregular f4 uctuatioiis present between di Pferent increment sizes, and the accuracy sf the depth and velocity data col9ected. Subsstrate was determi necl i n the fi el d accordi ng to di rcrete substrate c8 ass i ncremenls e,g., silt, sand, gravel, etc. Since sample numbers were low within these subswrate increments and variances were high subswrat iincreme~ts were grouped far the ccrnst~uction of the initial util iza ti on plots As fcr depth ar~d velocity, grauping of *intervals was done by best visual -Fit of the data by considei-irlg the re'l ativit number of samples represerst;i ng eacli increment , the i3urnber nf *Irregular -fluctuations present b~ertweerr different i ncrern-:n"isizes, and the accijracy of the depsth arid velocity data col Iected* B RAFT ati ve ~$f 1 f zalj an for each sf these habftat \~ariables was then derjved by taking the total number osF ind=iv'iduals of wi"iilin each intep- val at a par'eicui;ir depth, velocity, or substrate lnerernent a17d divfding by the ta"cal number e-f samples Raving that same depth, velocity, or substi-a& value. The resulting means mean number 05: group individu- al s/sample) were plotted again5"etheir corresponding depth, veloeit;~. and substrate groupings to provide util ization curves 05 the three habitat variables fop. I four behavjoral groups. To calculate a utilizat.ion index of 0.0 ta 2,0 isr the incremefits of each histogram, each increment mean was divided by the largest mean detewnl'rred on that histogram. In additfan, ia 95% confidence interval for the mean was calculated far the increments sf a7 1 kfstsgrams, Table 4. Depth and veloei ty incremen+ts ~sed fcr suitabil i ty criteri: devd opmenl Vel aci ty Depth f t (ft/sec I ncren~ent Number Encrement Range Increment Number Increment Range DRAFT 0" Takl E 3, Substrate cl ass grouplngo used for sui tabi 1 i ty erqi teri a devel apment, Class Number Class Range Besc~i ption 1 i,8 -- 4,O Silt - Sand/Ealf Gravel 2 5,O -. 7,O Small Gravel - Large Gravel 3 8,0 -. 10,Q Large Gravel /Rubbl e - Rubbl e/Cobbl E 4 %%,O - 13,6 CsbbSe - Boulder Weighted habitat suit3b.i 1 ity criteria were then developed For each habitat variable for each sf the four behavioral types based on the developed uti I ifation curves, as modified using pertinent I i terature and proftiss-isna3 judgement, in general , foic ranges where uti 1 inat ion data were present, the util?zatior; curve was used to define weighted habitat suitabil I'ty criter-ia. For r3nges which there was nr, utif ination data, pertinent 1 i terature, professi on31 judgement, alld the general trends in the util ization data were used to deFine wefghted habitat suitabil ity crfte~$a~ Literature used to i-ie'i p in determining weighted hahi tat sui tabil i ty criteria included: Kennedy 1976, Newel 1 1976, Rjornn et a1 . 1977, Gore 1978, Harrl's and Lawrence 1478, Wwbbsrd and P~ters 1978. Sui-ri~ick and Gauijn 1978, Judy and Gore 1979, kdhite et al. 1981, and Ar~derson 9982, DRAFT vh-ich uses mean water column veIoc4tles to project usable habitat area. Use of mean pda&etw velocs"L.%:es -5s cur15 iste~i't ~jtkj thadt of other pesearchei.~ involved witir habitat simulation model 1 ing for ben-thls inverltebrsss (dudy and Gore 1979 4'ke HABTAT habitat sfmulatian mode4 OF the %FG Mflhous e-t 37, 1981 used to project weaighted usable area of benthic "vertebrate habitat at &dch sites To calculate WUW, weigbted i-iabitat sufntabil -ity criteria for depth, velocity I and substrate POP each behavioral group srJere lnpeited uing the standard ealcialation "Lechrriqkce to calculate a Joint Pi-efek-ence Factor Judy acd Gore 1979 along with the IFG-4 liydraul ic s~mwlation model 3 ing details far each study sjte Vi ncent-Lang et al, %98i! into the WABTAT habitat simulation computer model, Use tire physical sirnulati on iaodel s develr~p~c! durl'ng the 1983 open water -field sea~on VincentA>i3ng et ale 1,904) was considered valid in this analysis as, alkherlgk specific changes -in channel geometry and morp!~cloyy clay have occurred al a particular study siby such change probably reflect: a dynamic, but general ly stable equi 1 ibriuq ad the study site* Therefore, such changes are be'lieved to cxe?r*t only a 4 inri "zd influence on thz ?clng-te~rn i7abeiira4 svai 1 abi 1 s'ty at t: study site, validating the use the models i:~ this analysis, A deetailed explanation of the s.i::,irs inva i ved in ca7t:ra l ati ng WUA i s y rcv t ded sirr Vi nccnt1\Lans- t7t a;. (1984j, DRAFT Grtssrr cuu*fac~ area act each study site arid WUW for each beha~ficral group at each study site were projected ovei- the range of s"e flows from ~ 5.0-600,O cfs at Slough 9, 5.0-1.00,0 efs at Side Channel 10, 5.0-250.8 CFF; at Upper Side Channel 11, and 5,O-400,0 efs at upper Side Channel 71, Resultant WUW projections were then plotted as a funct:ion sf site flow .:o graphically show the re1atlaor;hip between site flow and ldUA for each bek;a%~l'oral group. In additio~. gross surface area kras plotted on each respective figure. The relatisplships betvdeen WUA and gross sur*faee area to rnair~stero discharge were also plotted for geriads when the site flow was directly control led by mainstem discharge. Addl tfonal plgt.; using an exp-lrded WUP. scale were constructed for each site to better depict and compare trends ci' WUA as a functian of mainstem dtscharge at and between study sites. The x-coordinate values an these plea sere derived using sf "c-specs ff i ffl ow/mains:"Lern discharge rati ny curves presented in Appendix A, 2,J, 3 Invertebrate Larval Bevel opment ------- a-<-*- The ~jme!rnt of growth or development of the larva of henlimetabolis insects was deterruined by visual insp~ecticn of the amaunt of w-iiig development within the wing pads. Three categories of larvae werc detenn~ned: ear'ly instar (t ,e, , tile irrsect shortly after ha.tching frorv: midd'ie .instj:ra, and la* enstar (the insect shot-tIy be'iorc: gin~i*yen~~ 7cIdu'i t If nu ~r,iny pads were discei -iblc ci- if no wii~g DRAFT develspm@nt was discernible within the wing pads, the in~seets were consfdered to be in the early instar stage. Middle instars were can- sidered to be individuals having wing pads in which the developing wings had the appearance of venation, ff wing pads contained f'iigkt wings which appeared near full development, the insects were eensidered to be Sn the late instar stage. Wing pads in this last stage af development appeared dark as a result sf the tight folding sf the flight wing inside the pads, The stomach csntent data from juvenile chinook salmon were pooled for a11 sites and samplfng dates and grouped into the eight taxonomic categories listed in Seetion 2,3.1. Percent cornyosi"cio of each cate- yor,y &was debermined and displayed as pie diagrams. In addition to the taxonomic groupings, the anliatic "sects Found in the juveni 1 e chi nook stomachs were grouped by behavioral type as shown in Table 3. The percent camposi ti on 05 each behavioral group was determined and a1 so represenbe as ppie d-iagrams. In additiorrl tc the pie diagrams, juver~ile chinook salmon stomach cuntont data were pj . ?"id din the form of bar diagsams. For these diagrains, all si~tes were pao'ied fsi* comparison af -the relativf: con-tributfon of the dyfeeren taxonomic groups on the four sanipl i ng dales. DRAFT Benthfs invdrtehrate and invertebrate drift data were al so presented i n pie diagrams for compars'sao with the juvenile chinook stamaeh content data, Pie diagrams e-f the benthic and drift data were made with the same eight "&axonomie groupings and the four aquat-ie insect behavfopal t~ipes. DRAFT 3,0 RESULTS ------ 3,1 Invertebrate Drift --P--P Six ordzi.5, representing 30 fanil 4es of aquatie and seal?-aqtiatfe in- sects, and eight orders not identified to the family level were co7 4eeQ- ed within the four study sites during the 1984 open water study perlod. In addition, eleven non-insect aquatic and nan-aquatic gn3ups were a1 so Appendix Table B-1 The most frequent1 y oecurri ng i nver"cbrrate groups in drift samples were dipteran flies and ephemeropterans with PI ecopterans stsneF9 ies) being the tkj rd mol;"crequentSy encotantered insect group Appendix Table B-2 through 8-6). Chi ronomid fl ies and baetid mayf'l l'es made up the niajori ty sf individual s in Di ptera and Epkemeroptera respective1 y, whereas no family was dominant in Plecoptera, Chi ronamids were re1 atively aburrdant throi~gkaut the errti re samp1 ing period while ephemeropteranr; were relatively common only in early June. Plecopter-ans were mare comon in early August than -in early June. The der::;i"cy of these three insect groups was generally greater at head ;ampling sites than at IFG-4 sampling sites Scatter plots, slrow.inq the 1 inear relationship betwcetl drif-t-irry ~i ntrer%- t2ebrates grouped 35 Collembol.a, Ephetneroptera, Plecclptera, Trichcyteuqa, Di r1tev.a 1 arvae, D-i pQer adciu ts , Otbcer Insects , and Other Inve~t:?bratcis Gre shcrwn ,in Figures 7 ancj 8. These tw:: figures silow i%i" rcai;ji*rorj~!ijji:; r3 .;" rfr.i *i.'2..T nq i nv~rtebral:~s unrl~~r. !*ireiii.b!~tI rrjrltJ i t$j on5 . TEjc " ; r6ej!f:ci 3 Table 6, ReBatfve density af Onvertebrate drift per eublc yard of water by site and drift net iiaeatJan"1:u~e tbtt=0t4$391 Al~gu~t l$8bI, 4 SUS~ tna Wfvet-, &I ask,,= &Rare (0,004 -0,869Syd"), SsSparse (Q,010-.0,09/ydS), C-Cam~m (6,9 80-0,90,fyd" ), AzAbundant $1 ,000-9,90/yd" ), --K-ew-- - -" - 7w-- - TP--pi;iP- uppap Shaugh 9 Side Ckawnsl 9.6 Side Chawnsl 11 Slough 241 Head IFC-k Head IFC**T Head IFC-4 -- Head I FG-4, Csl I embol a I sotamf dac Bodu~r" dae Smi nthur3 das ~ TOTAL Call einbol a S S S S C S C R Ephemersptera Baati das Epkemerell i dae H:ptageni i dae Ss pklskuridas ~ TOTAL Ephemersptsra S S C S A C S R Pl scgsptera S S Capni i das W R Chlorsperl fdae W R Nemsu~ T" dae R VI Per1 ad< dae 5 R Pteranarci dae m laewi optsrygi dae S S I % earn s .- "Ar"wT~w~ir.~...~v~*& s*nrw 4,4. -~~*%A~~NI*WNI*W~.NI*WNI*WNI*W NI*WNI*WNI*W""NI*WNI*WNI*WNI*W NI*WNI*W,NI*WNI*WNI*W.NI*WV*r "in *sir alr.*pur r" ,*in,xru?nu--rr--ilA-w V*rV*r V*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*rV*r~*rV*r a l"e~~".,~-n*.*V*rV*rV*rV*rV*r, raRaxrra ,- a rvr a",,v Table 6 (Continued), upper Slough 9 S%de Chanwel 40 Side Chawwei 14 Slough 21 site9 --vP-. D4 ptera &d e W S CEQ S S S W Ceratapogonfdae R R R S S R S S Chi ranarnr" dae A 6 A C A A C A Cul cQdae + FO m eB .%a - e R Di xf das se hl? * R R BI .r) Empl d.3" da3ie R S S S S S C R Musci dae Psyehadi dae Simul i 3daa Strati omyi dae Sy rpki dae Ti pul -l dim TOTAL Di ptera A C @+ A W A A i?, TOTAL CRUSYACU S S HEAD VERSUS IFG DRiFT Sb&MPLES Figlire 7 Scatter plots of standardized drift densities (no/10003 feet of water of eight inverte- brate graups, head numbers vs. IFG-4 numbers. Densities are transformed log E? HEaqD VERSUS iFG DRfFT SAbIPLfS MATCHED BV BA.U-AUGUST -- Figure8 Scatterplotsof standardizeddriftdensities (no/10O3 feet of water of eight iwv@rtebrate groups, head numbers vs. 166-4 Densi tizs are transformed log (x+I e O WAFT fr: 311 cases that the numbers of individuals at IFG-4 sites increase as the number of indtvidualr; at head sites r"rieretlse. The slope cf the regression equation far a1 1 plcts , however, s~ggest that puQopo~tianate'ly fewev iisvertebrates were found in the drift at EFG-4 samgl ing sites than at head sampl i ng sites. Coefficient of cdete~mination va'l ues (r2 the yl~ts ranged from 6.14 to 0.89 with the upper Side Channel 21 data kavjng ?he lowest value. This sampling Iocratican was frequently un- breached or st initis1 breaching during sampl ing periods r.esu9 "cing in Few drift samples being taken at this location. The results of the multiple regression F test lnd-rcated that the varfatiars in br.iPt numbers at the IFG-4 sites coul d be "expl ai ned" by the va~iation in drift numbers at the head siLL9s (xl volume of water filterzd at head sdtes and volume of watep. filtered at the IFG-4 ~r"tes X3 However, the resulb sf the Student" t tedts i nciicated that the regressjerr coefficient far x2 was not significantly different From zero. Accordingly, a new general l isrear model was evaluated which did nut utilize x2. The new model was: where the symbals are same defined in section 2.J,I, il2e F west for -this nrodcl indicated that the variation in drift: numbers at tl~e IfzG-4 could be "i?x:,lained" by the variation in drfft ntlnihcrs at the head sjtes and the vu'l ume of jdatc:red f i l terrd f rorii sarnples at the DRAFT that filv ad 8 were sfgnifiea~itly dsjfferent from zero (at a - 0.05). 3 Wcctai.dingIy, at malnstem discharge levels whici? exceed eootrnl l ing breaching ijaluer;, the~e dotiis aypear to be a rula"el'onshlp bet\l:een camposition and abundance of the drift at the IFG-4 sites versus that at the head s1'tes. The speeiflc details sf the general 4 inear models s~lmmari;;eel above are presented in Appendix C. On 14 oceas.ians, an inve~tebrate group was found only at the IFG-4 or the head sanrpl ing site durjptg sampl ing perfods. This phenomenon se- curred among the Co7 1 emba4 a, Ephemerop"cera, PI eeopotey.a, Tr4 ehaptera , Diptera larvae, and Other Invertebrates groups at least once at each sf the Sour sampl i ng reaches. The density and rate of drift araong the eight invertebrab groups is shown in Appendix Table 8-6. This table includes densities of drifting invertebrate groups and rates sf: drift under bi-eaeE3ed and unbreaehed csnditisns. In general, "the densities of drifting organisms and rates of drift were higher at head saaipl iay sites than at JFG-4 sampl irtlj .; i trs during pertods asf breach-ing, However, the rate of drift at the head or 4F5-4 site was in some instances lower or higher than expected for the eorreopandfng density for drifting organisms in the wa"ie cool umns, Far exainple, in the Total Invertebrates elategory at the head sampl ing $.it;? .in Slough 9 duraing tlie June 7-14 si~mpling peraind there were 149 oryanqisins per cubic yard of v~ater arrd a corresportding rate o-F tPr$Pt of 11.98 organisms per minute. in comparison, d~iring the Angust I) 115 sdnipi icg per~iod the [!encity of drifting or*ganis;ns .irn a cubic \/iji3d iit. DRAFT water was 3,03 organisms but with a Power than expected eorrespondiny drift ra"c ef 8.93 organisms per minute (Appendix Table 8-6 ano"c~ei. instance, the density and pate sf drift of total invertebrates at the head si"c of Side Channel 10 was higher than that at the TFE-4 site, During both the J~ne 7-14 land July 7-14 sampling periods th. r;l%e of drift a"ehs'c; head site was slot correspondingly higher tli;:.; e:p-sr IYI KJ * 1": j the IFG-4 site For bath these sampl ing periods Appendi:( hi-T.2 " ' , 7ke reason for this is that, though two equal volumes of k1ilcCi:* "3;. ":13 % -. the same number of organisms, the rate at which the organisms pass a paint will be different if the velocities of water are different. 3,% Benthic Inve~tebrates BenUhos at the four study si'r9s was dominabpd by aqua"cic insects and oligochaete worms The remaineing 3% sf benthos \gas made up priinavily of' flatworm urbel 9 aria) nematodes, crustaceans, and aqlsatls mites Acarf), wfth gastropods and pelecypods being incidental. Yn all, six orders of' aquatic and semi aqua"cic -irrsect ~ and seven classes of nsn-insects were identlf ied Appendix Tab1 es 5-l The relative abundance af benthic inver.tebrates at study sites Ss shown -In 4ab"fe 7, The seassrnal varlatisn in numbers sf irstiertebrat~ii is r'nd4 :ated in Appencijx Tables B-'7 through 8-10. In genera'], higller ~l~lrnbers o"ibent 4c invertebrates were presenet in study suiwtes during 1 dtc! August ancl early September (I ate summer than ciurirlg late Jt~nc? ~nd early Ju i y (early summer) . Epiremeroptci-arls and tii p*tevbans weye thc lil~r,!: coillinolr p : nvero-tebrai:~:; l'n eli1*1;/ sk~iiit~~ v*~ \~h~~y(~ij5 ~j/~*~~~~~j~*~:~~~;~~~~ I Jl, 1 %"able 7, Relative density sf 5enth.I~ $~%vectebra$68 per square ya~d by site, dun6 "b";raugk Septetclbsr 4984, Susi$we Rfver Alaska, W=Rare (8, 1-0,98yd2), S--Sparsia {3 @0-9*9/yd2] C=Common $1 Q,Q-99,4Pyd2 ) , AsAbundant (3 OOeO~999e9!~d2 1 1 l NSECTA PI ect3pte~a Capwf idas Chlaaope~f ids@ Memsuri dae Per odi daa Paeni spterygj dae Trf ekoptara &ydrop%y@hi dae Hydropzi 1 i dae Li~~nsphi l idae Rhyacog5i 1 i dae D4 ptera Ceraeopsgowi dae Ck i rsnsmi dae EmpidSdae Muacf dae Psychad: dae Si rr~.rru"t ?" dae a". * l i pul +dae dl'pterans ware the most common groups in late summer. Ft!wer dipterans were present in benthfc samples in early sur;mer than in Pate summer. Upper Side Channel 19. and upper SJde Channel 21 typie:ally had the hs'ghest numbers of benthic invertebrates present in the benthos. The most common benthic groups at "cue sites were dipterans and oligo- ckaetes (Appendix Table 8-8 and B-10). Ch4' renomid midges, 01 igoehaetes, capni id stenefl -ier;, and baetf and keptiigeni id mayfl ies were the most eammsn benthic invertebra& famil s'es at the four study sites. High numbers of bactids and heplageniids were present in early summer, whereas czpniids were most abundant in late summer, The higlrest numbers sf ehironoml'ds occurred in late summer (Appendix Tables 8-4 through 8-10 The mean density of benthic invertebrates commonly preyed on by juvenile salmonids are presented by behavior29 type, aeeordi ng "c oma~rohbbi tat -i.e., slough or side channel anc microhabitat type i.e., ~001, rjffle, nr run in Figure 9. In ge~era?, the data showed that side slough macrohabi tats had higher dens1 z:irs of benthic .invertebrates than side cluannel macruh~ibitats. The data a'lso showed that riffles were t:he cfily m:rrohabiSt2-i; type in which all four bel~aviarai types were present in densities ovar Five individuals per square yard, Pools had the least number of Schavinra'l types. Burrnwers, comprised primarily of cbi rono- rul.id midges, were typical irr each of tlie rrr.icrohalsi tat ty;~es bn.t witiee iriof;t C cartliaijir i u, por~'i s . Cl i ngers whi ch i rrc7 ude :;sch i aini 1 icr, as liep tageni i dae ( Bphemcrnpt~ra Hydropsychidae (Trichopicrea and Sirnu? iic,dt: (~i-i~~-~;~~~~~) BURROWER SWIkIh+ER CLINGER SS SIDE %r,BUGH sc 9s SC SS SC SS se ss sc ss R!FFL-E RUN POOL RIFFLE RUM Figure 9 Average density cf bentilic fish food oi-cja-. rrisnls (no./ydz by behavioral type in riffle, run, and pool habftdts in side chdrlnels and ;irie slotlghs, from .lilne 24 to LiuIy 10 ar~d Atxgcji: t 23 to S~pt.rnii~er. 7, midd Ic Sirt:i "ina iliv:.i-, /\I asks, ).pfjrb. Ppha~iornI (irouj7s wi i.h f;:k-~l:r-. i:i~~n Fi vp i ndi v i iiija1 s pet* scluir i-P v(ii*t! ;jr0c !s\ra~t sf-~cv?-dn, DRAFT and swimmers and sprawle~s wki ch include Baetidae (Ephemeroptera: Nemouridae Pleeopterd: spr8wler), and Iimnephi 1 idae ehuptc:ra: sprawl er eccur~ed $n both rfffle and run m~er~habi%ats but were mare comgion 9'n riffle microhabitat types, 3,2,1 Benthric Habitat SuitabiSitv Crfteria Util izatfon histograms for the habitat variables af depth, velocity, and substrate were constructed Far the Pour benthic invertebrate behavioral groups : burrowers, swimwrers, el i ngers , and sprawl ers Figure 10-21 These util izatjon curves were then modified using pertinent 1 i terature arid professional judgement to derive weighted habitat sui tabil ity far input in the WABTAT habitat simulation model. The derivation of the wel'gkted habitat suitability cri terta for each habitat variable and each behaviorVal grouping is presented be1 ow. Based on frequency analysis and professfonal judgement, the depth ~4ti i iaation hf stagrams for the four behavi~ral groups Figure 10-13 not appear to show that a clear relationship existed between the densltf es of benthic organisms present and Clx ranges C-F dep-th uti 1 -i~~d. Decatlse of this, a sujtahility index value af 0.00 wilt; cissigned to a t1.l-p~th of 0,0 f-t, and a suitabi'ii.ty index va?ae af 1,00 was assigned "ro a l de~jt!~; greater sthair 0,0 ft. b 95% Confidence i~terv~l Figilrc EO Average number of burrower invertebrates per berathic sample For each depth incremeat, wlth hand FIQted suitabdldtjt curve, middle Surjtna Rib~er, Alaska, 1964. Figure 11 Average number of swtsnmer invertebrates per hma-Ab ~~ltcnic sample for each depth increment, with hand fitted suftability curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984, Figure 12 Average number of clinger invertebrates per benthic sample for each depth increment, with hand fitted suitability curve, middle Susitna Rives, Ataska, 1984. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 80.0 DEPTH (BPI Figure i3 Average laumber a% sprawler invertebrates per benthic sample for each depth increment, with hand fitted suikabi ity -curve, mjddle Susi tna River, Alaska, 1984, la. Figure 15 Average number of snimes invertebrates per benthic sample for each velocity increment, with hasd fitted suitability curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984. VeCocity Saitobiiity Curve 0 Suit obilily Griseri~ Paic~t Figure 16 Average aunher 06 el inger invertebrates per benthic sample For each velocity increment, with hand fitted srsit4biFity curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984. F gu>-e 17 Average number of .;prswler invertebrates per benthic sanrple for each velcsci ty increment ~ith tiand fitted suitability curve, middle Svsitna River, Alaska, 1984. SUBSTRATE CLASS Ffgure 18 Average number of burrower linvtllstebrzmteo per benthic sample fat each substrate increment, with hand fitted switabil ity curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984. E 2345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIEl Sand Sm. G~QVO% 9, a Rabble Cobb&@ Boulder SUBSTRATE CLASS Figure 19 Average number of sivimer invertebrates per benthic sample for each -substrate incser lnt , with harid fitted suitability curve, mi JdBe Susi tna Rives, Alaska, 1984. SUBSTRATE CLASS Fiuure 20 Average number cf clinger invertebrates per berethic sample for each substrate increment, with hand fitted suitability curve, middle Susitna River, Alaska, 1984. SUBSTRATE CLASS Figure 21 Average aumber at sprawles invertebrates per benthic sample for each substrate increment, witin hand fitted suitability carve, middBe Susltna River, Alaska, 1984. ze 6, Suitaki l Sty criteria v3luos fat invertebrate behavinral groups %or depthp veIaeS$ys and subatrate type, af ddla Susitnns Ai Leer, 398&, The velocity histograms Fl'gure 14-17 for each of the behavforal groupings with the exception of sprawlers revealed that a clear re7 ationshi p existed between the densf ties of organi snns presenond incremental changes in water vel ec-i ty. The derivation of the veleei ty oui tab1 1 Vty criteria for each behavioral grouping is presented be1 ow. The relationship between sprawler densities and ivater velocity was not clearly defined by the utilizatian curve Pop sprawler:; Very early instar sp~awlers were clomjnant at low velocity 0,O to O,6 whereas early, middle, and la* iiitsta rprawlers were dominant a high water velocities (1.6-2.6 ft/sec This coupled with the overall -total small catch sf sprawlers did not lead to a cletir velacity util iza"cio patteer for sprawlers. However, because sprawlers appeared to be equally di~trib~lted over the range a9f veloc-ities obser*ved to be utilized, a suitabi lity index of 1.00 war assigned to the overall range 0% wamter velocities 'From 0.0 ta 4.0 ftlsec. Four fee-t pet- second was used as an endpoint as this was cons-idered the water velocity whlclr becomes u~inhakji tab7 e ini~abl'tabl e by sprawl er type organ.! snls Lawrence 1978, Surd1 ck Eaufin 1978 The tdeluc'i ty u"c 1 iza-t-ion hi stograllr For burrowers Figure 14) showed greal:es*t densities. at a water velocity of 0,0 f+t/sec. As a result, ti~is v~lclci'iy was assigned a rrljitakility indejc 01' ?,UO. This is sici,f,or~rr! iiy -Ti ijdi nys of ol:i.rer rqrsearchei.*s lyho have si-robin s ijni l a!* ulcsul lc, -i;iir- ;ieiia[.;! i c B WAFT invertebrates be1 angi ny to 'the burrower behavioral type White et ale 1981, Wr~derstln 1982). A suitability index of 0,19 was assigned to the range ef water velocfties froin 0,s ft/sec to 2.4 ftJsec based otl the ut-illza=tion data. 1% is possible that numerous species olf ehironomid midges, the predominant burrower taxa, inhabiting the S~jsitna River have different velael'ty requirements, but due to the limited data cc?llected in this study, we did not fee4 confident in describing a bimodal velocity suilabil i ty curve far burr~wers as the util dzation data suggests. A suitability of 0.00 was assigned to 3.0 ft/sec as Anderson showed that Chi ronemidae, a eQmmQn burrow type organ7 sms , had the lowest mean number of individuals at this velocity. The ass-ignment of velocity sui"ib1lity jlindices For swimmers generally fol lowed -the util ization histogram Par this behavioral grouping. Butside the range of utilization datl available, suitability indices were assigned based an literature, A wate:~ velocity of 3.0 f%/see was assigned a sui"cab-il ity index of 0,54 based on findings by Judy and Gore and Anderson A suitability index sf 0,0 was assigned to a velocIt,y of 4.3 ft/sec as this is considered the 1iri.it of waster velocf ties inhabitable by swimmer type organisms (Judy and Gore 1979 The observed util-itation patterns for cl.inge;.rs in "r1.i~ study generally nlatcheei \$ell in cornpau*ir;ons iii th work done by Mcbjci~! - "* Arlde it% o r~ Judy and Gore i herrifcr, co~~t.spa~rti i srcr e n h .;ri?tabii i ty values were assjgnerl based on the !i4t; 1 .rza'i:-ion k-i ccaqrarr: -hi. kj*lj !: br;hav.iou.sl gj-oup, Nt:wol*I ' :, (1946 zj-~j !\!3;j~~r:;ej#j 5 ( 1932 n* * j - j si,!*itijb*jljt~i be){~rjd j:jjc. i-.,fiiji: iif' itlit: jjtql j q$j,witi;i DRAFT eicdx-i. Based on tl~eir .findings, a velociw of 3.0 ft/see wa!; assigned a suitabilfty index sf 0,EO and 4,0 fvsse \was assigned a suihabi'lity irldex sf 0,86, 3,2,1,3 Substrate All benthic: invertebrate behavioral groups showed relationships between clensities of benthic: organisms and substrate sine. Based on the util ization histogram, burrowers had thes'r h-ighest dens1 ties; in sf 1 t to sand/smal l gravel substrates This coupled with findings by and Bjsrnn et which support bu~rower type benthic invertebrates' :rtil ization sf Pine substrates, lead to the assignment of a .suitability index a% 1,0 to silt substrates. Because uti 4 ization of small gravel through boulder substrates was fai rl y unifs~m, a su$tabi1'ity index of 0,26 was assigned to this range of substrate sines based an the relative utilization data. The uniform utilization -is likely due -to tt~e presence of more -than one species of chi t*anomjds, The assignnient of substrate suitabil ity indices for swimmers qerneral ly fu? lawed the utf 1 izatian histogrtirn for tlris behavioral grouping Because the highest densi-t-ics of swfminers were on large gravtl'l/- rubble to rubble/cobble suirstrates, tliiis subsetra"c class was assi yned a, suitability index 0.F 1,00. i-lssignments of: suistabi'iity indicrs .for* o.ths_ir subs-trai:e asses general "[y fa1 lowed the utfj iza-t.iorl hfstogr.am f'ci- "chis i~ehdv i arv.1 c1u.or~p.i rig + 'I'flese sui!satrai:e wi:*i 1 iziition * i~i~iiiytii*t; we? 1 DRAFT -3 & w-ith res~li ~s abtatned by Bjornn et al. 1979) and Judy and Gore (1979 for swirr~er type benthic invertebrates. Substrate utilizatiesn restr'l ts for clingers were also similiar te results obtained by Bjornn et al, As with swimmers, large: !gravel/rubble through rubbIe/c~ibb1e substrate Pad the highest densities of el inget4s Assignments af suitabiliw 17dices for other substrate classes generae! ly followed the utilization histogram for this behavioral grouping. Sprawler densities were a1 so highest on large gravel/~.ubble through rubble/cobble substrate . As a result, this substrate class was assigned a suitability index of 1.00. Assignment of suitability indices on the "cails of "ehe sprawler util ization histogram general ly Fel lowed the utilization data. These results agree we1 1 with findings by Merritt and Cummirrs (1975 and Anderson for sprawler type benthic invertebrates, 3,3,2 Benthic --w=..=7- Area Prqjections ----*-- Projections of the gross surface area and WUA of burrower, swimmer, clingci., and sprawler fnverteb~ate habitat as a function of si-ke flow *in Slough 9, Side Channel 10, Upper tide Channel 11, and upper Sidc Ch~nnel 21 are showfi irr Figurc?s 22-25, Far. the range of site C'Iokqs at each stirdy site tllat are tiirectly controlled by iriainsi:em dischau-~jtr; the-9 g;.*ijs'; r,urrilacp ~IY'C~ arid s;'UA projectiorls as a fiinctjorj of malrl:;i:;?irr ~fi'~~~il~~ijk~ ;;itc~ ;:I i;~ r;r*~~se~%~~j L GROSS SURFACE AREA a BURROWER WUA 4- %We'l&MER V4UA 8 CLIWOER WUA SPRAWLER WUA Figure 22 Projections of gross surface area and UUA of burrower, swimer, c7 inger, and sprawlerr invertebrate habitat as a function of site flog and mainstem discharge for the Slough 9 model ling site. Figure 23 Projectisas of gross surface area and WUW of burrawer, swimmer, c8 inqes, aind spi-awler invertebrate habitat as a Funct-iofi of site flo' and mainstem discharge for the Side Channel 10 model jag sit@. x GROSS SURFACE AREA Q au~wo*~~ wua + svdauue~ WUA 0 cee~@~w wun o SPWAWIER WUA Figure 24 Pt-ojecticras of gross surface area and WUA of burrower, swimmer, cl -anger, and sprawlzb- Invertehte habitat as a functfsn of site flow and mainstem discharge for ehd Upper Side Channel II modelling site. SIDE CHB&NNE% 21 RwATEIM%L WRA8 E oo aao f #TE Fb-hlW gr;?~) f' rlgure 25 Projections of grass surface area and WUA of beerro~er, swimmer, cb i nger, and spsawler iaveb-tebrate habitat. as a function af site Flow and mainstem di~~charge for the Side Channel 21 nodelling site. DRAFT U? lypically, projections of gross surface area at each of thz study sites i ncrrase over the range sf sf te f 1 sws and ma? nstem di seharg2s mudel l ecl. TI-re most rapid increases in gross surface area generall%y occur at the lower sclte flows prtor to each site becoming breached and subsequently cantroll ed by mafnstem discharge, Subsequent to the site flaws becoming con"craS'1 eci by nainsteisi discharge, the f nereases in gross surface area beg1 n to 1 eve1 off, The projections of WUA of swimmer, clinger, ar~d sprawler habiht tat each study site gensr3lly followed similar trends as the projelctions of gross surface area ~ith the exception that WOA projections peaked or levered off at some site flow/mainstem discharye. Irl contrast, tile pro.jections of buu.rawer WUA "typically decreased over the range sf site flows/- mainstern discharges mirodelSed. Typl'cally, the projec"cion of NUA of each af these behavioral groups were less than 30% of the prsjee"c@d gross qvpface area The WUA for swimmer, clinger, and sprawler habitat in Slough 9 peaked at a mlinstem discharge between 28,000 aird 33,000 cfs Figure 22). The max-imum bJUA for sprawler habitat, hcwever, bi> approximately double the maximum WUA of ei"chcr swimmer or clinger b3bitat.. If1 contrast, WlJA of Duirrebrer habitat decreased over the en t-i re a~ nge sf rnainstem d"isch2rges model led. The in~it,ia'i and con"crol-1 -ing breachinq disci~au'ges for Slough 9 aye i6,flBF) ar~ti 19,000 cfs, respectively. DRAFT Chailrrel 11 (Figures 23 arid 24 "The kaUA for these behavioral groups increased wj tk f ncreaslng mainsteq discharge. In contrast, burrower WUA remained ~efatively eonstant in Side Channel 10 and declined in Uppep. Side Channel 11, The cuntroll i ng mainstem breaching cli scharge at 601 ci Creek for Side Channel 10 and Upper Side Channel 19 are 19,000 cfs and 15,000 cfs, respectively. Tke amount of WUA ssF swimmer, cl inger, and sprawler habsitat in upper S-ide Channel 21 peaked at an approximate mainstem discharge of 31,800 cis. "The maximum amount of WUA for spraw1e.r habftat, however, was apyroxlma"c1 y triple the amount of WUA sf either el ingel-o sprawl er habitat. Burrower WUA peaked at 21,000 square feet at an approximate na-Svrstem discharge of 24,000 cfs. The control 4 1 ng mainstem breaching discharge at upper Side Channel 21 is 24,008 cfs. The results of the exam-ination of wing pads from individuals from five famil ies of Plecoptera and four Famil ies of Ephemeroptera are shoc~n in 'rznble 9, These data reveal that high proportions of Capni-idae and Taeniopteryg-idae were in 1s"c finstar larval stages in 1a"ce Api'i'l and mid May. Flernauridae was probably in the adult auld egg seayes dur-ing "ch'is .time period. Proportionately high numbers of early and middle iinshar i urdi tiidual c of "chese stanef ly fanri 1 .i es were preseirt durl ng Juvte i:hi'oidg!~ early October.. Table 9, Par-eentags of @3rPyr. middls, and lzta {natar insects and the tstal number of "a"nd%"vSdual s sxamjned ( ), middle Suattna Rfver, A1 aska, Sugmes 3984, Ind.e"vfdual s exa~% wed faa~~ Apri 1, May, September, and Oc$absr samples are from %ynap$ic sur%ueys, Fami 1 ydDate June 7 - August 9 - A -------a- Bctsbsr 3 0-1 1 Ne~~~uri dae (1 1 (0) Gm 03 we?. (223 Early 1 00 95 74 m)a&i Mi ddl e B.FL OEI 26 .?me bate -CHI 5 -- s*i r4 Capni .r" dee (41 "r w (5) (237) (37 ) Early ma em 60 99 58 Mr*ddTa 5 .a- Cam 7 42 Late 95 100 40 =a Bi( li3 @&I ersperl i das Early MJddle tdts Perf 04% dae Early !4$ ddl e Late Bsst a' daf Ear9 y Mfddls Late Heptageni i dae Early Mi ddl a Late Ephemersll i dae (22) (0) (89) (41) .Sa SAS YD aU t5av.l y 96 84 lir* 7 6 'ii 08 Middle 7 08 4 a* "P Late - U( esm - -0 * *" -a-Ulx*.*bw*-IUa*-.-----a.-=-'-h -*----~.~-YIXYL=----~%~*~au~-~~w~ a Ir*.nriu.-.hl~~w~uxl~wU"7U"71C11C11C11C11C1 Si pR Io,-.,~r.i dae (2) (226) (371 (3 1 (0 1 * *I Early 9 3 4 '8 9 66 Uir -L 1% ddT s 1 CbO 87 59 w w . *, [,ate -riP U* WY ."2 *A en - 'Y +* DRAFT During late Apr-il and middle May, Chlsroperlidae and Perlodidae had a pr-opor-tionately high number of middle instar indl'vidual s present. All three instar groups were present among the Chloroperlidae from June ,through eatql:/ September, OV~P ha1 f the Indtvidual s in Perladj dae were middle and 4i!te 1ns"ca~ individuals in June through mid July. In Augtast and early September, a1 I the individual s in Perlodiciae were early fnstar, Ilfgh proportions of middle l'nstar individual s were present among the Ephemeroptera in late April and mid Vay, There were no late .instar individuals idenwifid amow the four families of Epkemercptera for these two "cim periods. From Jurle tkrsugh mid July, high proportfons sf middle inst~r BaetiSae and early instar Heptageniidae and Ephemerellidae were recorded. Through August and early September Ephemeroptei-an fam- il ies had individuals which were mastly early instars. 3,4 -- Juver~ile Chinsok - - Salms~ Diet ---- Seventy two juvenile chinook salnian ranging in total length from 38 llrm to 85 mm (1.49 in, - 3.35 in. with a mean total l~ngth of 53 mm .in.) were collected for sf:anaci~ coiltent analysis, The fish were cap- tuwd uunder both turbid and nor~-.lurbib waste? conditions ovey a11 srdbUa stra-te types. Mean water velocities and wabter depths undei.. these condi-tions ranged From approxirnai-.ely O,pO f-t/sec to 1.5 ft/suc arld 0,2 ft to 2 15 Fwd, respec-tui vs2ly. 'The nlajor-i ty of' fi s h were carj-turcil 3 i: i irc~ hc!;id sf' ljools (~r rufl~ adjaceslt to faster wa*ter vee/ncf [:ies, The juvenile ckineak salmon stomachs examtned contained twelve orders sf i l;vertehraGtes cons7 sting af el even insect arders and ante non-i nsect Appendix Table %-I), The eleven insect orders were identified to Fifteen fatnilies. The majority of juvenile chinook salmon stomachs examtned ealstalnad food -items, Only two sf the stomachs examined were empty. Figure 26 shows the percent contribution of the total numbers of seven different 1 nvertebrate taxonomieal groups. Figure 27 shows the percent con"Lf bul-icn of sixteew isenthi'c invertebrate fami 14es grouped into the four behavlaral types used in WUA caIeu7at?sns. 33 Turbidity at .-- Stu* --%- Sites Irs.awsw and PlainsEem -----*- Susitna -mw- River Water samples were collected for measurement of trarbidfty at Slough 9, Side Channel 1.0, Upper Side Channel 11, and upper Side Channel 21. from June 3 to September 9, 1984. Turbidiv mmeaslrrements af water from the main channel of the Susitrla River ware taken monthly at Gold Creek by the U.S. Geological Surveyj Water Kesaurctes Section from May 31 to September 28, 1984. Appendix Fa-1 shows the tur3bid-ity values obtajned for each 0-f !3es@ 9 frcations duri ny the i nvcrtebrcl-te sampl i ng period. Tur!)idi9ty valt~es ranged from one to 344 NTU Nephel ometrfc Turbidity Urrit:;) at IFG-4 sStes ;~nd from 28 NTU to 320 NTU at head sites, Side chaiinel arid idide slough hrad sites general ly hacl k-ighcr turbidi ty values %-* -that3 LEG--4 s i ies. i he 1FG-4 s;~nl(~l -i rq s i'te *in Upper 5-i de Ci~anu;@/ El had the hjgfi~rt ticrbidity values. Ttlrbid-ity values at the If-G-4 1:ranscc'i: 5i.t~ in iipper S;ide Channel 21 rillative(\! low hg colnp;ri-l5cin. Plecoptero 16% Ephemeropt era 7% CaBIembsla 0% %her Invertebra tas 2 Oa her era 24% Ephemeroptera 7% Csllembola 3% Other Insects 8% OtZ'ner l rrveaf ebsa tes \rJ dS!d Adult Oiptera 29%3 Juvenile Chinoak Stsmack Contents ------ Figure 27 Percent i:nmposition of aquatic insect beha~f~oii groups in ber~thic d Jtiveni le clli nuoi: stomaei~ c:onterlt sdilip'i C!:; tak~ri 3 t FJi", i re.; , mi 1 e I K i f\-/ ; p4fj4, *, The breached or unbreached condition of Slaugh 9, Side Channel 10, Upper Side Channel 11, and upper Side Channel 21 at the time of water samples were eolleeted for turbidity measurement is also shown in Pippendix F-1, Slough Q and Upper Side Channel 14, were almost always breached during water sampling, Side Channel 10 and Upper Side Channel 29 were fre- quentl y unbreacked. Scatter plots of log transformed invertebrate drift data Figures 7 and indicate that, under breached conditions in side channels and side s;slaghs, behavioral ly driftjng invertebrates (e.g, , invertebrates drifting in response to changes in light conditions) at IFG-4 sites were similar at the family level to those at Re2d sites and that the density of drifting invertebrates at IFG-4 sites was only slightly less than thamal: head sites. The data also yeveal that at or near breaching di sckarges , fewer drifting organi sms were observed at the IFG-4 sites than at head sites, whereas duri wg unbreached conditions, IFG-4 sites . had more drifting ' nvertebrates than expected Table 20). Based on "cijb fit is concluded that the invertebrate drift measured at IFG-4 sites located in middle Susitna River side channels and side sloughs is usually governed by the breackaing flows of the mainstem. These ~Iow': presumably transporurrift-i ng inve~tebra"ies f ram the mainstem into the side channels and side sloughs where they become available as potential food for juvenile salfnonids. Irr .terms of avai 1 abi 3 4 ty , these di-i ft ing i urvert~*br.ates lrlay be of grklater iinp~~tance: to the feeding juvenile salmonids when their rate of drift (-Lee, the nurnbcr of d-ifting inv~rtebr-atss passiriy a point per uiiit 0-f ti fnc!) i :; i ricreased . 'Th i .; yerierall y oc*:c\at*red wkien &,atiq,i cr 5 ig~.i~c: .r #rs* &( (J B T~E::c f 2, S~cndardT zdd densjt44~ (rioi90O08t3j of drifting Bnuet-kebratefs; f f nvert 1 asad adult aquatic insects {Adult] at head and bFC-4 site. w P middle S~zs$kwa WSvgr, 2984, S;de Chailnrael 16 --- Side Channel 2% HEAD i FG-4 -tate rr bi .- I -- a 3 - st breaching point saapl ed one day at head si ts 'd*r unbreached breached or at breaching and was gene~ally the result of Increased water velocity from either large vslumes 01' water inundating samplz sites ar From small volumes flowing rapidly over the the various study si-te substrates. Phis increased drift rate, which results dluring main: *:n flows that just breach side channels or slde sloughs, may be more beneficial to feeding fish than the drift which occurs at other times, since water fn the r;"cddy sftes under these conditions $s less "curbs'd enabling fish to more easily see their prey. The standardized drift data a1 so showed dh6t Ephemeroptera, especial 4y of the Paally Baetidae, and Plecoptera, were numerically important drift components during mid June and mid August, respectively. Ckironomid aridges were the most eonsi stent'iy numerous family of invertebrates present .in the drift Prom June through August. There is some evidence that this pattern in the qrift, especially for Ephemeroptera, is related to the preseitce of prop~rtionately 1 arge nlanbers of near emerging adults. Perry and Huston found that the drift b*ates of invertebrates in the Kootenai River below Libby Barn, Montana were higher dureing m~nths when common species were near emergence. Wynes after reviewing the literature, stated that distinct downstream movement of somg species of Sirnu1 i idar?, Ephemeroptera , and PI ecop"iera shor"Ly before pupation nr the emergence of adul"c was ;., widespread pfienomenon. Exani nat.ion of wi ng pad devel apment ainorlg fami 1 ies of Ephenreroptera in this satudy showed tblat this grttup had proport-ionatrily more rn*iddle diid late ins tar ividividual s present during ,ltrne and early July than tEur~.i:-:g kigust., !:ph~meropi:r;.ran~ reached t;he'i r hiilhesi: densi in tire d~*<"~* F 1 arici iipir-thg:; wj i:ili n tjlj 5 sarrae pt?reioci. ""7 "" * i .$ The re1 atively high densities sf PI ecoptera in the drift in early-August may be a result of the higher qumbers of early instar individuals in the benthos, Early instar Plecaptera w6i.e common {u; the drift during this tfine. Waters (1972 *in revlevding the 1 j$;erature, Patand that some species af inseetr, ,iave been observed to have their greatest drift rate bur4ng early life cycle stages. Besides behavioral drift from tile t~ial'nstem, there is another possible kind af drift thzt could occur in side channels and side sloughs which would make ;nvertebrates avai7able as foad. 'I'kis drift is termed catastrophic drift Ca"catropkic drift can oce~r under two cS rcun~slances : when there is physical disturbance of the bottom fauna, usually by a floud event (Anderson and Lehmkukl 1968, Scull ion and SSn-ton 1983); or under ccindi tians of receding water as a result OF reductions in flow inshail and Winger 1968, White et ale 1981 upper Side Chanoe! 22, there is the possibility that csndaitions are fdeal -6"sl.i drSft of this na$ure to oceuv as a result of the f3rs.i: circumstance. En Slo . 9, Side Channel 10, and Upper Side Char~nel II catas'craph-ic drift could pozsibly occur as a result of the second circumst~ncks. An lipcrease in the amount of potential Fish food oryarrism:; made avail able t!~rsugk catastrophic drift of the Fi rst c-i rcraknstance hnvdevcr 1 s probab'l y not of si gni -ficance in side channel s and side sloughs of -the ml'ddle Susi'cna River under cuv.ron.i: conditions. Any catastrophic dr-if't which ~QPS occur is prok~ably masked hy the vcjliirnt. of hehnviorai ly drif-t-i nrj i vlvertebra-tes immi grat-inq from the mainsteril. Iil I 9 Side Chavjnel 10, arid ilppc.rg Side Chitnn~jl il it 1s Ci kr ly DRAFT t%L major catastrophic dr3i"S tBceus but probably is 1imil:ed ts a FEW occirrrerrees during the entire open water season and then possl'bly only in Augus"2o September d!j~.i ng recedi ng flows. 4.2 Effects of Flow on the Distribution and Abundance of Benthic -- -----Fac2- -- -- 1nvertebra"ies in Side Channels arid Side Slousihs Cateqorixing important fish food organisms into behavisral groups proved to be a valuable tool in projecting the habi'tat preferences and weighted usable habitat area when the mean derisity sf these srganil;ms was less "qan 506 individuals per square yard. By grouping organisms on a \ behav-ioral baol's, it 'was pesri ble tca evaluate group preferences POP :;ljecif ic velocities and subsWata t,ypes iqhich otherzui se ~ould be undetectable if ~rganlsms were treated on a taxonomic basis, 4.2.1 Eabitat Suitability -as---- -r" Four behavioral groldys of benthic invertebrai;es were identif fed which ref 7 ected basic habilat preferences: burrower, swinlrnep, cl ing.?r., and s,au8;wler. In general , burrorier.;, were reflective of slo.;er deeper waterc;, such a!: lloals, and s~4nirnei.s~ clingers, and spraw'lers were reF1ectl.de of fdster shallower vdirters, SL~C~ as vifFIes and nrns. Pool-lllte "ca!>"tatl; are typical OF tire backwai:er zonr?s at the n:nui:hs 0.F si .le t:ha:rnt!l s aidi.i sfde sloughs vjhet-eas, riaff le atid i-un habai ~ats su.2 Inor ., typr'ca'i uf thc head and :iiitftlir- pnrtiruns; The relationship betpicen behavl'oral type and habitat type are likely %Re resul t of morphological and physiolagical adaptations of benthic organisms to their environment, Far example, swimmers aild el ingel-s wh-ich inel~lcde baetid and heptagenild mayflies), are laterally eom- pressed and darse-ventra"iy f Iattened respectivelj, ;!nd usual ly have higher o::ygels requi resnents tRar7 other insects (e. g. Chi ransmida therefore would more likely be Found in faster flowing water 1970), Brlrrowers on the other hand are cylindl-4caI in shape and are adapted for digging in Pine mineral or organic substrates e.g. silt and This group would Etore likely be found in slower moving waters such as pools, 'The numerical produc't?'vity and commuslj ty :2tructure of invertebrates in r;ffle, run, and psal habitats of sfde ci~annelf and side sloughs of the middle Susitna River in presented in Table 11. In general, rfffle and run habitats had a mare dfverse and even1 y di stri btwited assemblages sf taxa than pools, Numerically, pool habitats appeared to be the nare praductlve habitat during late summer? Production based on thi s raeasure, however, is not cnnclusive and riffales aud runs are probably rnore impairtan-t on a biornas~ scale. iiynes states that in general riff'les are more productive than pools, iri part because of the diverse rrumi~er of microhal.ii.taT.s !,hich could be occtapied by o~g??i sms of various Xk" sizes, i he diversity9 eveness, and mean nrrnlher of tajca, calciilatec? Fijr "g..j .r.fl es ar~i runs appears to suhs"cantiste 1 conclusir~n. - \ - he diversiety, cveiler;si, arid number c:f taxa in r.iqfS'les wt+re cons is- f:enfly \: i glier i=krin j n i~an'i f; . pi*c,hdi;ly i>~erausk: ilf tiik: ! iu~i i+t~~l 4itii~~i~~~:~a (1 !'' jn 1 t; ~~~~1 'i f";kpa; avaj'iab'lc -t;-j in?~c-r+-tc[~y;!i:c~~ ri\jcJ ~itq~j~~~t~ ~\J*I(-- J B DRAFT Projectlonr; of weighted usable au*ea for the four behavioral groups is a measure sf the amount of riffle-like and pool-like habita-rvtade available to colonizing organisn~s at various site flaws and mainstem discharges. At a four stutly 1 oeations , burrower WUW general 1 y decreased with increas-ing site flovdirs and mainstem di sebarge at Upper Side Channel 11 and upper Side Channel 21 were the only two locations whjch had an increase in the anlount of burrower WUA between initial and esntrell ing discharges. These changes in WUA are probably the result of changes in the area of backwater zone at each study sjte. Apparently, the hydraulic conditians nf these zones begin to simulate those of a deep rijn at ~cainstem discharges above those which initiate control 1 ing Flocd through side channels and s.ide slaughs, The amount of NllA For ~bu'fi~imer, clinger, and sprtlbu; -r behavioral groups peaked at a mainstem discharge between 28,006 cfs and 31,200 CFS in Slough 9 and upper Side Channel 21. The high amount of sprawler habitat at these two sites and at Side Chanr~el I0 and Upper Side Chaane*"] %I -is probably a r*o*f?ection of thl's behaviordl groups use of a wide range of velocities and substrates durf ng the course of its 1 if2 heistorye Sprawl ers were ccnipr-i sed yrimari ly or' stoonfl Ies from *the fam-i 9 ier; ia pn i i dae a r~d Nernu;; r4i dae , D WAFT these two groups showed a marked preference for velocities between %,S ftjsec and 22 ft/sec and substrates eoinprised primariljr of rubble. Tkis preference resulheel -in a dist3net increase in WUA for mafnstem discharges up do 31,268 cfs at which point WUA begall to decqline. Projecptions of WUW for swl'mmers and eltngers did riot shocv a pezk for Side Channel 10 and Upper Side Channel 11. Tkis was probably the result of the 1 imitations sf the hydraulic model fur these two study locations which do not permft predictions of kdUW at mainstem discharges beyond 25,300 efs and side channel flaws beyond 100 cfs in Side Channel 10 and 250 cfs in Upper Side Channel 11. The mainstem discharge at which WUA for swimmers and Clingers reaches a maximum in these two side channels is not known. However, the greatest NUW projected byas at a mainstem discharge between 25,200 cfs and 25,580 cfs. 4.3 Utilization of Available Food by Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Side Lllil___l.__._---.-i-P-eSs-s= - The I984 A and previous Sirsitna KGiver studies AUF&G 1978, NDF&G 1983a) have shown that juvenile ckrinook salmon rearing l'n the sloughs and side ihzr~nels or the middle Susitna River feed on a wide tiaricty (1% aquatic 2nd tsrrestrial invertek;u.irStes (Appendix Table Bi Of l:!i2 invertebrates ilti.1 izccrl, chi ranomid adults and 1 arflae niiriierical ly dotnilaant In a1 1 previous Susitna Rtver diet s-tsdier, of ,j iilicr~i 1 e ci.1 i licjuic. sal man. iof tus arrd Lenon detet-n1.i r~ed that j) J fc!o(i )~-*[~{~#\~~;iy~:~; -/:{:I\* c~i~yiof-lfjtri~~a~ were "/ rl]~t;t pi ''* A'' D WAFT chinoak saWlnlcn smolts in the Saleha River, Alaska, Similar results have been obtahned by other rt:eznrchers Becker $973, Bauble e-t al. 9980, Burger et a1 . 1982 Although the family Ghi~anorraidae was Found in "chis s"cdy to be the most numerically dominant taxa in the diet of Susitna River juvenile chinook salmon, nlarileri cal abundance a1 one cioes not necessari I y correspond direct? y do re1 ative importance Lagler 1956 The majority of chironomids fed on by juvenile chinook salmon in this study were small 1-5 mm in length and at least one order of magnitude less in volume than middle lnstar eghemeropterans and plecopte~ans swimmer;, cl i ngers , and sprawl ers Due tc this Pact, it is felt that other aquatic insect taxa, primarily pleengterans and ephemeroptereans, are mere important in the diet of juvenile chlnook salmon than numerical abundance indicates, PI eeopterans and ephemeropterans were the most important i nvertebra%es in the diet sf juvenile chinook salmon next to chironomids in this and the previous ABF&G Susitna River diet studies and in Loftus and Lenonb (11977) Salcha River Study. Everest and Chapman 1972), Recker and Loffus and lennon have determined juveni 'le chinook sa Imor~ feed prirn3u.i ?y 011 aqua"r:ic invertebrate drift and *F'Io3ting adu'l t inr;ec.ts. lhe4r findings co~rt:sporiei wel'l ks.-i"c that results uf thEs study which ;how a closer re1 ationsi~i p be-tvdeen drift ca-tch (i nc'l U:~ES f'l uating ir~sec-ts and juve- wile chiriaok 5tofi1act1 CQ~~S:G~"I-~:S than betweerr stl~rnaci~ centenx dtsea.uitq-ii: c;ili;ci> (Firjiit*~ 26, [ip;oencibix Tai?li: A--1 ) ., For ~xarrr~~l e, iriv.-rt;ibiUa tc'; *ft*f~~i~ DRAFT ti= eadul t Ui ptera catego~y (primari 3y chf ronomids and 0t:her Insects ea"i,egoy (primari 7y homopterarrt; made up 29% and 5% respectively of the juvenile chinook szalmsn d?e"dad wwsre available only as drift. In cantrast, organisms occlsrring In the benthos but net selected as food included the Oligoehaetae Though this group eomp~s'sed 27% (3f the Other Inver'ceb~ates crategobey which in turn made up 27% of the be~ntkfe catch, none sf these organisms were found in ju8~enile eheinook salmon diet. Thi s compares wi th the prevl ous ABF&G diet study which reported few ol'igochaetes in the stomachs sf juvenile chinook salmerin. Final ly, ben'tl~ic invertebrates that were not readily found in the drift, did not appear to a significant exitent in the juvenile chinook salmon diet. The rnajo1~- invertebrate groups e. g., Chai ronomidae, Ephemeroptera, and which have been reported as bet ng good drifters were, however, consumed by juvenile chinook salmon, The aval'labil ily of diFgfcsrent aquatic insect groups d:~:lring the growing season of juvenile chinook salmon may be an important facbo iin the rearing capacity of' f~usitna River slough and side channel habitats, As discussed in Section 4.1, middle and late jnstar ephemeropterans .;ca.*imrners and cl i ngers and plecnpterans cl i ngers and sprawl ers G! r+e aiiailable in significant numbers as drift in June. Large numbers of early iucstai- plecopterans show up l'n the drift in August. A~LI'II: and 'isrval chirannm*ids are available as drift from June ttlrough August, with the proportlun of adul t clii ronomi ds increasing as the surnmer progresseti. Tile results of the FAS ju::en?le chinook salmor: food ~"1.izatfon sStud,y general 1 y fa! I owed "these tr~nds. Middle and 1 ate instar pl eeopterans 2nd ephemeropterans were consumed prflilarl'b~ in June, early instar plt3cepterans viere important in AugusL and chi ronom-id adul t!; and larvae were consumed during the entire open water season, Larvae Prom Chi ronfmfdae were consumed in early sumer wki le higher proportjons sf adults were consumed during the fatter pd~t 0% summer (Figure 28 4.4 Conclusions and Future Research Four major con~lusians can be drawn from the results of this study. First, the diet cornnosition af juvenile chinook salrrion is clos@ly correlated wf th invertebrate drift composition and, to a lesser extent, to benthas composition, with midges Prom the family Chironomidae being the ehr'ef food organism of juvenile chinook salmon. Second1 y , the occurrence of drift under breached condiSt ions in s-i de channels and side sloughs of' the middle Susitna River appeared -to ke governed isy mainstem Blows which t~arrspar"crrifting invertebra"c9s into the side channels arnd side sloughs. Ulider breached conditions, the drl'ft occurring in the side channels and side sloughs was ricyl~igible wherl compared *to the drfft under breached conditions when total drj~ft .is considered, The tPriTt in both cases was dominated by midges from fire f ani ;y Chi' roneroidae nlayF1 ies Ephemeraptera from the fanlily Bae-t ids., drid stonef? ies (PI ec0p'cer.a SUN 3UL AUG SEP iSQ4 JUVEN NOOK SALMON DIET Figure 28. Percent of total numbers of aquatic and terrestrial insect groups in juveni 1 e chinook salmon stomachs Prom FAS sites, June through Sepkember 1S84, middle Srssitna River, Alaska. ~ DRAFT a valuable means for projecting benthic inver"ibe,rate WllA when the density sf a majsrSty of species averages less than ten individuals per 1.08 ft2. It was Sound that water depth did not appear to be an I'mpartant *factor governing the overall distribution of any of the behavioral groups, bt~t that wate~ ve'loci.ty and substrate type appeared to aftfect the distribution of most behavioral groups. Gdater velocities less than 0,4 ft/sec and substrate types comprised mostly of sflt ;ad sand (1 ess th3n one eighth inch diameter) carrel ated we1 1 ~i th high numbers of burrowers whereas rubble three Snches to Pfve inches fn substrates wi tk components of 1 arge gravel one inch to thi-ee *inches diameter r cobble five inches to ten inches diameter correlated wi "c hhi gh numbers of swimmers, ::I i ngers, and sppawl ers, Water velocit.ies between 1,6 ft/sec and 2.6 ft/sec correlated we1 1 with krigh numbers sf swimmers and elinge~s. Sprawlers did not appear to u"c1 ize any particular velocibty over another. Lastly, it can be eorscluded that WUA at each of the study sites for each of the behavioral groups clearly was a function of site flows and mainsteni discharge. The miilirnum control 1 ing mains"cem discharge far a side channel r side slough generally produced the h-ighest WUA for burrowers, A cantroll irrg mainstem discharge of 25,000 cfs gerreu-a1 'ly produced the maximum WUA fur swimmers, ci ingers, and sprawlers in Side Channel 1.0 and Upper Side CB~annel 11, The maximum h/UA for swimrnerr, cl i.rgers, c.nd %prawmlers in Slough '3 and Side Channel 21 above A5 was prodlaced at a control I i ng rnai nstem di schai-ge of 29,000 c-fs anti 3 1 ,cli)O cFs, respectively. In ligi~t of the above ccsneluo~ons, natu~ally fluctuating flows of the mainstem Su%ij:na Riv~r appear to increase total drift in side channels and side sloughs and subseql~ently the drift food supply for juvenile chinook salmon 1 iving in these turbid water mainstem affected habitats. Such periodic fluctuatfsns a1 so maintain drift for the contingous recol aniaati~n of mainstem affected habitats by invertebrates. From the above discussion, the natural ques"c;on arises: how are the invertebrates which are transported into side channel and side 51 ougks, inP4 uenced by malns"cem di seharge f4 uctuations when dornicil ed in the nrainstem Susitna Rive? 'itself? Answers to thl's and other questions can only come with further study sf the density responses of invertebrates domiciled a1 ong mainstem shave1 ines to varying frequencies of watering and dewatering as a resu'i t of naturally fluctuating dist:karges, D WAFT P r0.i ec-t Leader Aquatic Wabi tat and instream Flow Pr~jeGt Leader Baug Vincent-Lang Tfm Hansen J. C~aig Richards Douglas Vincent-Lang Joseph Sautner Allen Bingham Paul Suehanek Andrev; Hoffman Tim Quane Tan~my Wi tkr*ow "T"ep"i Keklak Al ice Freeman Katrin Zssel Carol i+epl er Woxann Petek-san Skeers Word Processi ny Anne% jese #shut Rabbie Sue Greene Ffnanciai suppor"C~r this study WBS provided by the Alaska Power kulhari'ty. Hayfa-Ebasco Susi tna 3ci nt Veiiture supported and he? ped draft the final study propssal . The auth~rs a1 so wish to express their gratitude to Chr-istopher Estes for his iosiglrt l'n ini tiall 1 y proposing this study and to Szlndy Sonnichen for her help in reviewing the initial proposal. Diane Nilliard provided the technical expertise in recalibration and use of the IFG-4 hydraul ic models employed ;n this scudy. We a1 so appreciate the eaeperatiow of E. Woody Trihey and Associates durs'ng the data collection, data analysis, and re.diew of the report drafts. DRAFT 7,0 LITERATURE CITED A1 aska Department of F-ish and Game. 1977, Preautkorizatiain assessment af the proposed Susl tna Hydroel ectr3"e Projects : prel imi nary .i nvestigatioils Q? water qua l ity and aquatie species composl'"cion. Alaska Department 05 Fish and Game, Anchorage, Alaska, 1975. Pre'l imi nary envi ronmental assessment sf hydroel ectrie, de\;i?'lopment on the SusiQna River. 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Ar:nual i(e\jicw oF inlolriol agy. 17 : 253-272. WBti"ce, R,G., 3.i:. Milligqn, AGE:, Sjngkam, R.W. Ruediozer, P,S. Vogel, and D."i Emnnet* 1931. Effects of redgeed stream discharge on f i sk and aquatic macroinvertebrate papul atiens. Project B-045-IDA. U,S6 Department of the Interfar, Office of bdater Fleseareh and ea-!a t echnol ogy. %83pp, Migg?ns, B 1977. Larvae of the North American {caddl sfly genera Triehoptera) . University of Toroono Press, Poroa~to. f40ip. DRAFT 8,0 APPENDICES Appendix W Stuciy Site Hydrographs, Rating Curves and Disph~rle Bata Appendix tS Be~;-;i*~ : :j:rd i:yi : fi Invertebrate ",. , Appendix C Wz siii :: c Y r :-.. IYul ti pie? Regression , fi v ";.;ffe data Appendix D Fr~r~t+ ;2z *i*:u Cdf sulating the Shannon- Weaver jiversity index and Eveness Index Appendix E Juvenile Chinook Feeding Bata Appendix F Water Turbidity APPENDIX X Study Site Hydrogi-aphs, Hating Curves and Discharge Da4ta D WAFT APPENDIX k -7,- Appendix W contains a hydrograph for eech of the FAS sampling sites and ihe mainstem Suslitna River at Gold Ct-eek for the i984 open water season Appendix Figures 8-1 and A-2 Also included are the ipating curves (Appendix F*igurer; A-3 through A-6 and "the discharge data used ta generate the hydrographs, W nar.past1ve sf the step- wise procedure used to develop the hydrographs is also presented. Discharge was measured twice at Slough 9 and once each at Side Channel 10, Upper Side Channel 11, and upper Side Channel 21 according to procedures out1 i ned in AUF&6 These discharges were taken at study sites to combine wi"c 1982 and 1983 ADF&G discharge data for developing rating curves far describing the relationship betrveen mainstem discharge and side channel or side ;lough flow. Rating cttrves were developed for defSning the relatiofiship bebeen mains"cem discharge and side channel or side slough f:ow at all Four study smites accordisrg to procedures described in ADF&G ratsing ctarves were used ta construct hydrographs fur side channel or side slough flaws fur. the period o-f June 1, thrciugk September 30, 1W4% Fl ow5 above -the recommenc.ied p~edictjve range of a sf te respect'i ve rr~l:i ng --9 curve vdere est imatcd rrsi ilg the rat1 ng ciai've ecjual-ion, \ tic? !jht:t;,t fl ai?;lzl;r.eti belo!!; corl*i;r*o"Ii*ing byeal.:hjncl irjajrisi:t2jil *is \ 1:;) DRAFT gvi. ,Ldte the upper limit of bcie Flow in a side channel or side slough, These flows are pub1 $shed in Qui~e et a1 . 1984) and R&M CQDSU~~~~~S Figure A-l Hydragraph discharge versus time far June - r the Susitna River a 9 IRM 128.3 UPPER SEOE CHANNEL BI Figure A-2 Hydrograph discharge versus time) far June - er 1984 for the Susi tna River at Gold RM E36,5), Upper Side Channel PI and Slde Gh nnel 21 above over f A5 (AM 141.8 Appea~!?x Table A-1, Side slough and side channel water surface elevation and f7 ow measurements, and the carrespondi ng mean dai 1 y Scasi "cna River di schai-ges a"c~u4 d Creek USGS 15292800 used to cefistruct rating curves for the four FAS sites. Stream Mainstem F7 ow Di sckarge Side Slaugh 9 830730 Gage 128.35% 8408 12 820720 830607 838436 826920 820715 826623 820918 83C809 840825 Side Channel 16 840812 (Gage 134.8S3 830726 830803 830724 830629 830808 830810 830826 Upper Side 849814 Chantre4 11 830712 (Gage 136,231 830720 83q727 830608 830629 830808 830810 830826 Side Channel 21 820919 1220 744,59 1,0,0 24,100 Gage 140.657 830630 1330 74Jr,73 = 10,9 24% ,700 830605 1580 745,33 T4,O 30,000 820917 1540 745,80 157 ,, 0 32,000 8/$0826 1015 746,13 248,O 31,700 83Q889 $315 74,6,08 332,O :?g ,yo:) DRAFT APPENDIX B Benthic and Drift Invertebrate Data B RAFT APPENDIX B BENTHIC AND DRIFT INVERTEBRATE DATA Appendix B contains ghe: invertebrate catch data for benthric and drift sarrrples at the four FAS sites, Appendix Table 8-1 'lists the occurrence of invertebrate taxa in the three types of samples: benthic, drift, and juvenile chinook salmon ston~ach conte~it. Appends'x Tables 8-2 through 8-5 contain dr1f"cetch data for each sl'te, Appendix Table B-6 lists dri Ft dens1 ties and rates Cor ef ght invertebrate groups. Appendix Tables B-7 through 8-10 list benthic catch data for each site. Appendix Tab1 e 8-"n Oceurran-ace sf inver.tabrates by 1 f Pe stage (f=fmdia"a-,re, pZpupao a=adultt. and saaf2ls type (%Bsnthos, DzDri ft, F=Fi sh Stomach) at four sample sf tcs, middle Susitwa Rt ver, Alaska, 4984, SLudgh 9 Sfda Chann2l 10 Side ~hknnel 7 1 Side Channel -p RM 1"84+8 - 8 sotomf dae B 0 B 8 0 B 0 Psdur i dae 8 0 D TOTAL Co18 emha1 a 8BF B F e D 1: B 0 .5 ~~hernero~tera~ F i fa "d Baeti daa B 0 % jj" Ephsmsrel3 ? das B D ; dfi Weptsgeni i dae B D F -i Si ph% awuri dae 8 i fa li TOTAL Ephemersptera 8 D F s"ai B 8 F iai BBF iai 8OF i .n* D F 4 ia i BDF PI eeoptzraa Capni %" das Clz'llarspe~l i dae Nernour"P"daa Per4 sdf dae Pte~onarci dae TasnSspterygf dse .a" i 8 F 3 B D i a" 6 F 9" B iak 80" Uppar SLaugR 9 Side Channel 10 Side Channel 4% Side Channel . - - WN - 128,% 8% 733,8 RM 136,13 P* . RM 144,8 3g- Nsuragtsra Cal eopteraa Dyti JG=~ da@ Hypdrophs" 1 9 daa TOTAL Col eopte~a &drspsychi das Hyd~opti 1 i dee 'i i ia -n' TOTAL Tri chop$epa BDF .a" ipa ia BBF i a D 3 i D F ;p" Jp 8 D f B a" ipa r"a BDF ip a fa ~i pter.a" BOF +i a Csratopsganidae B B fp Ipa ipa Ch3 rawsmi dae @OF Cul i cr" dee 0.l" x.l" das ip ipa ipa ip ipa a"a it"p ipa ipa 8QF BBF BDF Empi dO dai? Musci daa Psychodi dae Slmul i 4dse Strazfamyidae ip ia ip f {pa Za i id pa BOF BO7 BBF $ D 1" i pa ip pa 0 F D WD pipa 4 i ipa zi i: ips BDF B6F 13 O i D u' a"p "ia ipa Ip ipa ip:. u"p ?pi3 :pa if) ipa i rrs "rO'a"A!,, Pi ~i~sra a3 D F" SDF DDF j> !-' Appendix Table B-1 [Cawt%wued), SLsugh 9 Side Cllannet 10 Side channel 13 Side Channel RP4 ".$El*,% RM %33,8 RM 136,0 RM 144,8 ----- Appendix "f~bls 8-2, "$st31 numbers sf fnvertabrale "Brvaa and ~dulks ( ) s*n drfft sarnplss esllect~d at Slough 9, mfddle %usi$na R.a"ver, Alaska, WW4, Ter~estrisl f wsect groups and now-$ wss9;i;t groups are nst df ffeaantj~led by larvae or adu'iie, Wsad I FC-4" l NSECPA Go1 "Yr~bal a B s0tsm.a" dae 5 PQ~UF"~ dd6 Sai ntkurf dae 4 TOTAL Cal l embal a 9 TOTAL Ephemersptera 23 (5) 20 $41 6 PI ecnptsraa Cepni i das 1 Ch t of"aper f i dae I Nemsur f dae 1 Psrhddi des b Yaeniapterygi dae TOYAL Pel coptcva 7 19 3 1 2 31 (1 1 42 TOTAL CRUSTACEA 12 18 14 3 9 6 5.5 TOTAL ARACHN I BA 6 6 2 a identified to Order only. Appermd$x ta$ta 8-3, "Ttd numbers of f nver.$ebrate larvae and adults ) i'n drift samples 601 7 ested 3% Side Chsnng"h10, middle Susi tna RivertB A% ds%.<a9 1984, Tsri*;.ea$rfal insset group% and non-fnssct graups are nat cJS Qferesutiated by larvae er ad~lt, Ephsmeraptsra Baati dae 4 2 Ephemer~l 1 =i dae 1 Heptageni i dae 8 $3 phl ~nuri dae 2 TOTAL Epkems~apteka 23 6 25 7 (3) (7 1 Pl ecoptere Capri% -i dae Cnl aroperl i dae 1 Hemsurf dm 2 Per l odj daa 2 f aeni sptesygi dae TOTAL PI ecoptera 5 Yr.a"choptera Cl sasssstnati dae Wytiropsyef-af dae LirnnspB-14 1 i da~ 1 B Di pf';erea (2) Cerato~psgsr.i'F dae 1 Chi r-snanri das 142 (28) 10 ($1 Enrpi di daa 7 (7 1 el > Psyckrsdi the SintriT i i she "a * 27 (3) t I p~1 G 488 1 1 Water i l~e~$~~ WVaaP TOTAL CRUSTACEA 5 2 3 2 a identified to Order only. Appendix Table B-4, Total numbers of invertebrate larvae and adults ( in drife samples co! lected at Uppclr Side Channel 11 middle Susi tnil Riiter, Alaska, 1984. Terrest~l a1 insect groups and nsn-i nsect groups are no% di Beerenti ated by larvae sr adult, 2 2 8Q 5 TOTAL Csl 3 embo l a 228 "$ Ephsmerapte~a d Bseti dae b226 2 ($1 2 Ephef~ersll i das 6 7 Hsptageni i dee 79 12 I7 SS phl anuf*i dae 43 TOTAL Ephsn~srsptera 1,348 Cal aoptera B 24 2 Dye< sci daa 2 9 Myd~*sphi 1 i dae ~richa~tera" U'b Gl ossosamati dae Wydrar~sychi dae Limnephf 9 i dse 3 Rkyacoph.9' 1 5 das 1 2 TOTAL Iri chc~ptiera 15 (I) 12 8 appendix Table B-5. Total numbers of invertebrate lapvple and adults ) in dri Ft samples csl lasted at upper Sids Channel 29, mjddle Susi"e~la Riwsr, Alaska, 1984, "$vrestr$ a1 f naect groups end asn-i nasse groups are nest di f farenti aQed by larvae OP adu1kB I NSf CTA Col "%rabe? a I soloafif dee 1 Podurf dae Smi nthuri dae 9 TOTAL Col l ambol a 2 3 41 2 Ephem;rarsp%era Bast+ dae Eph@msrsll i das Weptagenl i dae Sf phlawurf dae "i TOTAL Ephemeroptsra "1 Thy sanoptera 9 Tri choptera Li a~tneyD.ci I ii das AppendSx Table 8-5 [Continued) , Hymenaptera WYDROZOA BG I CBCHAETA Appendix Table 8-6. Densities (no./yb' 05 wat.er) and rates (na./min. ) af invertebrate drift during June, July, and August at slough and side channel head and & FC sites, mf ddl e Susi tna R4 vor, A1 asks, 1984, Col l s~iba l a S4,9 Head s ec S,C,46 Head t FG U,S,Ce I? Wsad I FC $,C, 24 Wsad I FC PI scopteea 5123 Head l FG $1 "8 Hegad I FG U,S,C, 11 Head I FC %,C, 2"Hiead Bi FG --a- m-. Other B nseets SI ,9 Hsad % FG S,C,lO Haad 0 FC U,S,C, 91 Head B F'C S,C, 21 Head % FC Other S9,9 Head B nvercebratss O FC S,C,18 Head 1 FG U,S,C, 17 Head B FC %,C, 24 k-lead I FC Appendix Table 6-7. Petal numbers af !:enthic invertebrates and the number of samples ( ) in which each tax8 was found at Slough 9, middle Susi tna River, A1 auka, 1984. Csl l sigbol a I ~otsrnj daa PI ecoptera Cspnl a" daats Chl saopasl i das P4smaasr i dae Pe~lsdida8 Taanf optssuytgi dae Total PI ecaptera Tri chsptera Li mnephS I i das Rhyacophi 7 f Zae T re,at -- im r rs. Qehsptera B%" gtara Ceratspogonidae Chi ronsmS dae Emp+ ds daa T'5j rtlul f : dae ^Ti pul i dae l"o::a 1 Di p tsra Appendix Table 8-8, Pstal ncimb~rs of benthic invertebrates arid the number ofi samples ( ) io which each tax3 was Fsune 3% SIde Channel 10, Middle Susitna rive^, At aska, 1 984, Epkea~eropt~ra Baetbs" Qas Epkemsrsl 1 i dse Heptageni i dae Si pi-#% onuri daa Taka9 EpheasrVoptera PI ecaptsra Capfs a" -Z dae CkB sropsrl i dae Nmauri dae Per1 ad$ dae Vaeni opterygi dae Total Plecaptera Tri chsptera LimnepR4 1 idae Di pteva Chi ronoai dae WpS df dee $%"mu1 i idae ff"f pu9 i Qss Total Bi ptsra Appendsix Table 8-10. Total numbers of benthfc invertebrates and "ch enmbbe of samples [ ) in which ~ack taxa was I'suod at Side Channel 21, middle Susil:na River, Alaska, 1984, Ephemesoptera Baati das Ephsmsrel l I dae Wepkageni i dse Tota 1 Ephemersptsra PI @copter3 CagnS l $as Chlorsperl i dae Nawsuai da@ Ps~l ad+ dae Total PI ecoptera Col eopLera Qy ti acQ dae Ts*-s" ctroptera Hydrop~hct~i dae Hydropti 1 i dae Limwepki 1 idae Total Tri chapters C3-i i3tsra Chi rsna~ti dae E~i~pi cii dae Muscf daa Psychodi das Simul i fdaa - * ipul idae Total Di ptera DRAFT APPENDIX C - - Results of the Mu'ltjple Regression Analysis for Drift Data DRAFT APPENDIX C Results of the Multiple Regression Analysis fop Drif$ Data Appendl'x C presents the results csf the analysis of variance Psr calculating the F values in the two multiple regression analyses. Also shown are the results of the two sets of t tests run an the regression coeffic:*ie~rts. A statemerit of the hypothesis being 1:ested 7s also presented. DRAFT Hypothcsfs: The numbers sf drifting invertebrate at EFG-4 sites was not upon the numbers of drifting invel-teblrates at Read sites, "ci.,e velume 0% water fs'l tered at head sites, or the valume af water filtered at IFG-4 sites, Table C-1, Analysis of Variance, Mean sum Sum of squares of squares F value Regression Error Total The critical value 0°F at 3 and 132 d.%. and a = 0.05 is 2 2.68. Since the calculated F is 190.741 we reject the null hypothesis accept the a1 ternate hypothes*is Table C-2, Rf2sults of Student" ta-test, Variable DRAFT The critical value sf t at I32 d.f and a = 0.05 is = 1,98. Sr'nce the calculated t value far 6% does not exceed the cri"si@al value (fgnore signs we fafl to reject the null hypothesis (Ho) of no difference from zero for the relationship with volume of water filtered at the head site, Accordingly, a new mode4 was evaluated which d4d not uLI1T"ze x 2" The new model was: where the symbols are as defined in Section 2.3.1, The new hypotheses tested: Table C-3, Analysis of Variance for new hypothesis. Mean sum z~uyce sf Var6iatisn D,F, Sum of squares of squares F vaf r,le DRAFT The critic31 value sf F at 2 and 133 d,P, and a = 6,05 -is z 3,07, Since the @cal~t~IajC~~d F is 251.464 we reject the nu11 hypathesfs accept the a7 ternate hypothesis (Ha). Table C-4, Results of Student's $-Lest for new hypothesis Standard error Varfable Caefficlent estimate of estimate t value The critical vahe of % at 133 d,f, and = 0,05 is = L98, Since the calculated t values for the two regressin coeffjcients exceeds the crjtjcal value ignore signs we reject the nu1 I hypotheses of no diffe~ence from zero, The final 1 Snear model with estimates of caefficients is: Note, that extensive residual analysts as outlined by Draper and Saifitil and Hoaglin et al. was comp'leted on "this *final rlrodel. w la ihis analysis indicated that residual; were approximately normally distributed, residuals were not related to either estimated vlaues of Y or origina'i values of xl or x3; and tha'c no one! poin"co grvqlps of points unduly affected the relationship i ,ee, had outstanding viities of *ievc?r+.acje [helsl~y ~t 8.1. (1900 . Uccc~rdir~gly, the m0cie1 di!~i:~~*''~~~~*~ r [X Lr ti DRAFT APPENDIX D w--- Formulae for Calculat-ing the Shannon-Weaver Bl'versity Index and Eveness Index DRAFT APPENDIX D FORMULAE Appendtx U contains the farmula for calculating the Lihannon-Heaver dl'versity f~ndex and eveness index Paole 1974 used to deser%"be the benthic invertebrate cammunities in r-i Wles, run, arid pool habitats -in side channels agd side sloughs, 1) Shannon-Weaver -i ndex vdhere s = number sf species Pf = preportion of the total number of individuals consisting af the ith species i .e., F,jrniily, Order) 2) variance of Shannon-Weaver index where N - total number of Individual s 3 standard error of' H" D WAFT APPENDIX E -" Juvenile Chfnoak Salmon Stomach Content Data Appendix Table Eel, Mumher and ki wd of invertebrate larvae and adults ( From the stomachs of juvenf le ek.8"naok salrr-rlsw caught by aleetrsP.g"shiasjg and drf ft nets a$ i nvsrtebrats samp? i wg sites, middle Susitw8 River, ATaska, $984, SS ds Upperside UppsrSide Slsugh 9 Chann~l 10 Ckagnwet 11 Channel 21 f%r+ ft Net $14 -fjsk) ~~-*~-w-~"'. *-iri-air-*~~~-&%ilWw~~L~~*~%ww Ephero~ropter a Bnatf das Ephemersl 11 dae Hsptagenf f dae Si phSsnurfdae TOTAL Ephemeroptara 17 Pl ecaptera Capni f dae Chlsr~perl i dae P4efnaur.s" dae Per1 cdi dae TOTAL $1 ecoptera Tri ehaptsra Hydropsychi dae 2 lei wrnaphf; f i das 1 0.; r;,tara Chi roeram"d"dae Ernp i fd r" dae P-i rci dae Psychooidee i i scc DRAFT APPENDIX F -1-- Water Turbidity Data -'1;5~:261 x, T~i-bBc F-I ,, Turbi5ity values in aephelesn~etktc turb86ity units (PTU] frem df ve laestians, b%IdrRla Susa" tna RB ver, Alaskas :984, Ma 4 nskern g FQ--& Wead scharge [cis 1 Br~ached ^s_ocatf on De $e T * -a"".---- -- I ~me Creek [VesdNo) --wm--------*"~~w- Side Chssarrel 2 1 (River Kjfe 343,3) L- C * ':C $ZZZ #- x- " z~frz a-5 h-3aci3fnge ' J.~::.L (T3e5: Prcvfsfonai Pater Resources bata, Aiaska, Water Year 1984 (in pressj.