HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2905-I92 ref1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RESPONSE TO AGENCY COMMENT ON LICENSE APPLICATION; REFERENCE TO COMMENT(S): I.92 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA AIRSTRIP FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE I TASK 39 0 . '-! J! SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I I \, ; WA T ANA AIRSTRIP -FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE 1- \\ TASK 39 SEPTEtv1BER 1983 'J IHJMVl·JElfJ!ij~fC(O) SUSITNA JOINT VE!viURE (] HP,~zt\:~·sl\sccf ________ --·-------. Susltna Joint Venture Document Number /\ < .. ...J D.. SITE INVESTIGATIONS As part of the Phase I Feasibility Study, a site investigation was performed to determine soil properties and foundation requirements, borrow material sources along the proposed airstrip alignment, bearing capacity, drainage, preparation equipment requirements, and schedules of preparation costs. This section of the report presents the results of the site investigation and laboratory testing program completed in early April 1983 at the Watana Camp Site as they relate to the conceptual planning activities for the proposed airstrip. It is not the detailed plan that is required for preparation of the airstrip. The detailed plan for the airstrip will be developed in Phase II of the program upon review and approval of this report. A temporary airstrip of 2500 feet will be the emphasis of thi~ report with mention of extending the airstrip length to 4,000 and 6,000 feet as deemed necessary. The airstrip location is as describ~d by R & M Consultants in their October 1980 report .. attached as Appendix A. This location has been chos~~ based on prevailing wind data that has been collected at the Watana Site. The prevailing winds are out of the northeast such that an orientation of north 60° east will provide good wind coverage under most weather conditions. 8 l j l n I ' ! l 1 ., ' D I I l it J j,; t ~ I c Li ft j ij l ~ ~ ~ '· ~ l! ! ~ I l ! ~ I ~ l ' \ Jj ,, ; fi ··"J IJ I!! ;l u ~ l ' J1 ~J J II J1 ~ ~} .U tf n ~ D ; ' fJ ' . ' . ~ ~ After determining the shortcut soil cement ratio, soil cement cylinders were prepared for wet-dry tests, free~e-thaw tests and compressive strength breaks at 7 days and 28 days. The details of the trial mix program and test results are presented in Appendix D. Evaluation of these test results indicates that the 7% soil cement mix selected by the short cut method is adequate to withstand continuous wetting and drying cycles as well as cycles of freezing and thawing. Strength increases with time to approximately 200 psi, providing a ~~table surfacing layer. The results of tssts performed at a lower 4% cement ratio show that 4% cement is not adequate to stabilize the site soils in question. As a result of these test findings, a 7% soil cement ratio was used in the Cost Estimates presented later in this report. 4. RUNWAY EXPANSION The 2500 foot airstrip described above is considered to be a temporary facility. A major expansion n~ay be required before construction of t.he dam begins. To e~:pand the airstrip to four thousand feet would require regrading the temporary airstrip from 19 D IJ fJ ~ ' ' ' s ta tio:a 0+00 to station 40+00. The soil between station 0+00 and 14+00 will require remedial treatment of a soft foundation area and would require the minor use of major earth moving equipment to excavate and regrade a constant slope airstrip. If a still longer airstrip is required to support the camp operations and site construction activities, the east extension can be used, thus producing a runway of six thousand feet. This area of expansion would require major earthwork to take care of the very wet and soft area between station 41+50 and station 47+00. Also needed would be a borrow source of sand and gravel so that the airstrip can be adequately built to provide a good landing surface with free drainage. 5. COST AND SCHEDULE Based upon the conceptual planning details previously discussedt preliminary cost and schedule estimates were developed. Estimates were based upon the preparation of two types of preliminary airstrip, both of which are 2,500 foot by 70 foot. The definition of each of these types of strips are defined below: A .. WINTER STRIP The winter strip is proposed to be prepared to the standard dimensions without a runway surfacing. Preparation is ba,;,.,::d upon the a.vailability of a D-7 Dozer, a one-yard frontend loader, a small 20 f tf)"! ' ·\ j. ... ~/ ~~ . ~~ ' r ' t:F;) " . ~ t' L: !F'J r . +J (,7"• " I J n "' f'l-? L: il !-t. ·i ,, )(.l':~ ' ' '~ ' I APPENDIX E U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT (" ,, I ~ ! L ...,. -• ,.---......... US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District ... :;:63· ___ , Regulatory Functions Branch Pouch 898 ~(WrQ;~ ~© IN1©i1:D©® ©bi £E))LQ)~B©E31~0©rru · ~©rr [i?.)®!fGlts B~ ;. .: Anchorage~ Alaska 99506 r • ., if . l,. .;. fi . PUBLIC NOTICE DATE: August 17, 1983 EXPIRATION DATE: September 19, 1983 REFERENCE NUMBER: 071-0YD-4-830374 WATERWAY NUMBER: Susitna River 9 Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received for a Department of the Army permit for certain work in waters of the Uni.ted States, as described below and shown on the attached plan. APPLICANT: Alaska Power Authority, 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor:.~ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 " .. LOCATION: Wetlands adjacent to Susitna River, Alaska, T. 32 N., R. 5 E., ·s.-M.,-sec. 27 and 28. HORK: The applicant proposes to construct an airstrip by grading onsite material. Approx1mately 2' of peat [5,350 cubic yards (cy)] would be removed 1nd stock pi 1 ed a 1 ong the edge of the runway to be used during rehabilitation of the area after th~ project use. Approximately 4,620 cy of fill materials would be placed by grading within the project area. No additional fill material .. would be brought to the s·ite. A filter fabric ~auld be used as required to stabilize the foundation and facilitate drainage. The airstrip would be approximately 2, sao~ long, and 50' wide, with 2-root-wide shoulders and a centerline grade close to 2% to utilize natural topography. PURPOSE: Ia support field activities co.nducted to collect data during the Watana Dam Detailed Design Phas~.of the Susitna Hydroelectric Proj~ct • . ADDI1IONAL INFORMATION: No refueling facilities or structures would be erected. All support activities would be conducted from Watana Base Camp 1 ocated north of the-proposed strip. N.a.tura 1 drainage is towards Tsusena Creek located over a mile to the west. · AUTHORITY: This ~ermit will be issued or denied under the .following authorities: (X) Discharge dredged o~ fill material into waters of the United States.- Section 404, Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). · .. HATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: A permit for the described v10rk will not be -issued until a certification or waiver of certification as requ1red under Section 401 of the Clean Hater Act (Public Law 95-217), has been received from the Alaska De~artment of Environmental Conservation. 1,.,, r' rr (' f.-~[ r' r".J ,. f: I .. .,., ...... 4' Q tft I"''*"*"''" •'" .... ,J?Iff.?!~ COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT CERTIFICATION: S~ction 307(c)(3) of the Coastal Zone f'.anagement Act of 1972, as amended by 16 U.S.C. l456(c)(3), requires the applicant to certify that the described activity affecting land or Vr'ater uses in the Coastal Zone complies with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. A permit will not be issued until the Division of Policy Development and Planning has concurred with the applicant 1 s certification. PUBLIC HEARING: Any person may request, in writing, pe1~iod specified in this notice, that a public hearing this application. Requests for public hearings particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. within the comment be held to consider shall state, with CULTURAL RESOURCES: The latest version of the National Register of Historic Places has been consulted and no properties listed on or known to be eligible for inclusion on the Register are located in the permit area. ENDANGERED SPECIES: Preliminarily, this described activity w·ill not affect endangered species, or their critical habitat designated as endangered or threatened, under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (8? Stat. 844). Formal consultation under Section 7 of the Act. is not required for the described activity. FLOOD PLAIN t~ANAGEi~ENT: Evaluation of the· described activity will include conformance with appropriate State or local flood plain standards; consideration of alternative sites and methods of accomplishment; and weighing of the positive, concentrated and dispersed, and short and long-term impacts on the flood plain. EVALUATION: The decision v1hether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization· of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposals must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. A 11 factors which may be re 1 evant to the propos a 1 wi 11 be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among these are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, ftiod and fiber production, mi nera 1' needs, and, in genera 1, the needs and v;e 1 fare of the peop 1 e.· · . Comments on the described work, with the reference numb~r, should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision. If further information is desired concerning this notice, contact Georgina Akers at ( 907) 552-4942 or 279-·4123. .. . . 2 ! < ,_. ' i r; L, r " (i r;-· t' ':l F~ ! j~ ·~ ~.,_., F0' L. p·· I ~ r L ,.~,.' ~ .. r·· ' \, .. '..:\• '".;-.- '-- i ,;:'• I ' ~· .. A p 1 an, Not ice of Authori z at ·jon for Cert ·~ fi cation of Consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program, and Notice of Authorization for State Water Quality Certification are attached to this Public Notice. District Engineer U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Attachments 3 .. ,.- ' . P'"" ',._.,.. : t.. ~ .... " .. .,... .. ,.,.,. .. ..Lr~rc:o-~ rranK Jv.ooun & J:\~sociates, Inc • 0 H 0 FUEL STORAGE 0 LIVING QUARTERS (>WAREHOUSE ~-TEI.t?ORARY AIRSTR1P LOCATION MAP \VATANA BASE CAMP N. T. s. 1.. )Q' • f .. ISh<<.Jid"'! . f-o·----. Flt1er Fabric---' (Optionol) VICINITY MA? r Tofk~11'Kl Mil.. USGS O~:>d D-3 a D-4 T32N, R5E, Se.,.crd Mr:ridlon N.l:S. . ~' RUNWAY __________ ~~~~S~ __ Jd_~--~~-~S~·i Orclr.o~e DHch (fyp.) '-----R emo-.-e all pe-of but Co not ucr:ed T'lo:O { 2) feet In or~ of dHp pe-at. Pfoce filfar fabric on r~moinJn~ p-eal Cut volume estima1es: 5 1 350 cubic yards spoil 4,620 cubic yards fill NOTES: TYPJCAL RUNV/AY SECTION . N. T. s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Temporary airstrip will be 2500 feet long with a centerline grade as close to 2% as possible. ·. A minimum of two feet of peat will be removed and st"ockpiled along "the edge of the runway for use during restoration upon·airstrip · c1 osure. . · v~terials during construction will balance out and no additiona1 borrow material is required. Filter-fabric wi·ll be used as.required .• Natural drainage is toward Tsusena Creek located over a mile to the west. Watana Base Camp is located just north of the propo~ed site. Construction is proposed for August 1983. . .. . ' .. . . + • • L?.ND OWNERSHIP: 1. Section 27» T32N, RSE, S.M. is owned by Knikatnu, Inc., Box 2130, ~asilla, Alaska 99645. . 1' I 2. Section 28, T32N, RSE, S.M. is held i~ interim conveyance for Knikatnu, Inc., by Cook Inlet Region, 1nc., 2525 C Street. An.chorl:lge. Alaska. 99503. . . .~ - PROPOSED WATANA AIRSTRIP SUSITNA 1-iYDROELECl"RIC PROJECT Submitted by SUSITNA RIVER 9 I - OWF.l!C!E O:F 1rHE GOWHr-iNOJil DIV1SION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND Pl.ANNlNG STATE OF ALASKA DIVISION OF POLICY DEVELOPHENT A..~n PWiNING Not)ce of App11cation for Certificatior. of Consistency vith the Al~ska Coastal Management Program /fJILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERHOR Phone 465..J512 Pouch AD~ Junc.!lu 99311 Hotice is hereby given that a request is being· filed \.lith the Division· of Policy Development and Planning for concurrence. as provided 1n Section 307 (c)(3) of the Coastal Zone Kanagement Act of 1972. as amer~ed [P.L. 9~-370; 90 Stat. 1013; 16 U.S.C. 1456 (c) (3)1Jl-b%~4 ~~e 0 pr:oject described in the Corps of Engineers Publjc Notice No. 0 3 ~14 , vill COQply vith the Alaska Coastal Hanagc~ent Program and that the · project will be concuc:ted in a manner ,consistent tJith that program. · Any person desiring to present vieYs on considerations pertaining to the project's compliance or consistency vith the Alaska Coastal ~an2geoent Program ~ay do so by providing his views in writing to the State Clear- inghouse, Division of Policy Development and Planning. Office of the Govern~· .. , ?ouch.AD, Juneau, Alaska 99811, vithi·n 20 days of publication of this. notice .. Attachment 2 DEt?T. OF lENVfflO~fT·iENTrlL CON§IEUVAT{ON 465-2601 NO~ICE OF APPLICATION FOR STATE WATER QU~ITY CERTIFIQ~TION BILL SHEFFJELD, GOVERNOR Any applicant for a Federal license or permit to conduct any activity which rr~y result in any discharge into the navigable wat.ers must first apply for .and obta.in certification :tram the Alaska Deparment of Enviror'-lnental Conservation that any such discharge will comply with the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-217), the Alasxa 1~ater Quality Standards and other applicable State laws. By Agreement between the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers and the AJ.aska Depart.ment of Enviror.c1ental Conservation application for a Department of the Al-my Permit may alse> se1.-ve as applica- tion for State Water Quality Certification when s~ch certification is necessary. Notice is hereby given L"lat the application for a Department of the Anay Permit described in ::.he Corps of Engineers Public Notice No. 071-0YD-4-830374 also se:t.-ves as application for State 1o,"ater Quality Certification from the Alaska Department of Enviro~~ental Conservation, as provided in Sectio'n 401 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-2i7). The Departu~nt will review the proposed activity to insure that any dis- charge to waters of.the United States resulting from the referenced pro- ject will comply with the Clean Water Act.of 1977 (PL 95-217) tbe Alaska hTater Quality Standards and other applica..C1e State laws. .. . .. . ~y person desiring to c~~oment on the water quality impacts of the pro- posed project may do so by y..-r_iting to: · · Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Southcentral Regional Office· 437 "E" Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone: 274-2533 within 30 days of publicat.:f.on of this notice • . ·Attachme'nt 3