HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2906JJV\o,o~&...........1I_._,__ Susitna File No.4.5.5 --rt\ lL\~ ':.s '( i \=47t:L \(\{)_i2CrO~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESOURCE USER SURVEY Prepared by The Institute of Social and Economic Research Jack Kruse Phil Rotve Lee Huskey In Collaboration with Stephen Braund &Associates Hellentha1 &Associates Damas and Moore Under Contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Final Report June 1985 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information ServJCetl.Anchorage,Alaska I! \ \ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge Jim Hemming of Dames and Moore Consultants for constructing the geographic 'analysis areas employed in this study.compiling information on major resource use activities.and assisting in the overall design of the study. Stephen Braund and his associates.Randall Hagenstein and Tim Holmes.contributed to the design of the study and directed the face-to-face interview portion of the study.Marc Hel1enthal successfully directed the unusually large telephone survey and wrote the questionnaire.Terry Hull.Darla Siver.Cathi Dwyer,Kandy Crowe.and Jim Kerr made major contributions in data and word processing.Any errors in the report are solely the responsibility of the authors. ARLIs L ·A.laska l:llbrazy&I ..l\.esourcesnfonnatJ AnChorage A.lon ServIces •aska ii ,-" NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title ANALYSIS DESIGN SAMPLE DESIGN LEVELS OF RESOURCE USE SURVEY POPULATIONS 1 3 29 SELECTION OF SURVEY APPROACH Study Objectives . Sununary of Results ....•.....••.••........................ INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS Introduction 59 Sununary of Resource Use Results •...••.......•...•.•...•..63 SURVEY ADMINISTRATION Levels of Resource Use •.......•••..•...•.....•..•........45 Estimated Dollar Value of Resource Use Activities .......•45 Estimation of Relative Value of Resource Uses ..•...•.....53 Comparison of User Characteristics •....•.•...•...••...•.•56 Determination of Target Population .•.......•......•......11 Identification of Subpopulations ..•..............•.•.....12 Generalization to Individuals vs.Households 14 Selection of Respondent .....•..••........................15 Determination of Sample Size ..........•..................23 Telephone Sample Design .....•.........•.............•....23 Face-to-face Interview Sample ......................••....24 Feasibility of Conducting a Mail Survey.............7 Feasibility of Conducting Face-to-Face Interviews 8 Feasibility of Conducting Telephone Interviews 8 Survey Approach Selected •...••.•.•...•.......•..•.........9 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN IDENTIFICATION OF STUDY REGION .•..•......................17 Categories of Resource Use ...•..•.•......................39 Time Period Covered by the Survey .•.•.•........•.•....•..41 Selected Resource Use Experiences ...••.•.•...••.......•..42 Household Characteristics .....••••....•...•...•..........42 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.0 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 (j)8.1ex:>8.20.....8.3.q.q 8.4 0 0 0 9.0LO LO I"9.1('\I) ('\I)9.2 I v LIST OF TABLES Number Title 4-1 Composition of Analysis Areas 5-1 Coding Categories for Small Town Households rI 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 Estimated Sampling Errors by Subpopulation Estimated Sampling Errors by Grouped Analysis Area Estimated Sampling Errors by Resource Use:All Households Estimated Sampling Errors by Resource Use:Urban Households Estimated Sampling Errors by Resource Use:Small Town Households !I 6-6 Estimated Sampling Errors by Resource Use:Rural Households 7-1 Information Obtained About Selected Resource Use Experiences 7-2 Information Obtained About Characteristics of Resource Users 8-1 Reporting Categories for Levels of Resource Use 8-2 Activity,Population,and Location Groupings for Relative Value Analysis 8-3 Urban,small Town,and Rural Economic Characteristics 9-1 Percent of Households Using Key Areas in 1984 10-1 Estimated Dollar Values of All Activities by Area 10-2 Estimated Dollar Values of Hunting by Area 10-3 Estimated Dollar Values of Fishing by Area 10-4 Estimated Dollar Values of Nonconsumptive Activities by Area J 10-5 Estimated Dollar Values of Activities in Remote Areas by All Households vii 17 LIST OF FIGURES Number Titie 3-1 Susitna Resource User Survey 4-1 Analysis Units outside Susitna Study Region 6-1 Distribution of Rural Nonphone Sample LIST OF EXHIBITS Number Exhibit A. Exhibit B. Title QUESTIONNAIRE RESOURCE USE TABLES ix 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STUDY OBJECTIVES This study has four major objectives.These are: •Estimate the number and percentage of study area (see Figure 3-1)households engaging in resource use activities in areas potentially affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. •Estimate the present dollar value of these resource use activities. •Describe the relative qualities of different resource use areas. •Present data on the economic circumstances of urban, small town,and rural Alaska resident resource users as a means of describing the value of resource use activities. The resource-user survey results provide three major kinds of I information.First,they provide a comprehensive set of reliable estimates of the number of Alaska residents who use resources in the areas potentially affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. While it is possible to derive estimates of some forms of resource use (e.g.,moose hunting,caribou hunting,king salmon fishing)from data collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), little or no information exists for other activities (e.g.,summer off-road vehicle use,backpacking,or waterfowl hunting). Second,the resource-user survey identifies the extent to which these resource demands are being generated by urban,small town,and rural Alaska resident populations.Again,the residence of some, but not all,types of resource users can be derived from ADF&G data. Third,the survey provides empirically sound information about the value of resource-use activities in areas both inside and outside the areas most likely to be affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric 1 Project.This information previously did not exist for any type of resource user on a broad geographical basis. Although various studies of resource users and area settlements have been or are being conducted,no comprehensive source of information on Alaska resident resource uses occurring in the areas potentially affected by the Susitna Project existed prior to the Resource User Survey.without comparable information on all types of resource activities,it was not possible to wedgh the distribution of costs and benefits of the Project among various Alaska resident popula- tions that could be affected by the Project.This study does not provide information on nonresident resource use.The reader should be aware that the results of this study strictly pertain to Alaska resident resource use. The data needs in this study were straightforward:who does what, where,when,and with what purpose and benef i ts .The maj or challenge of the study was not identifying data needs but rather obtaining the data in a cost-effective manner since a large number otlritervIews -were requIred to obtiiIri-1riformatIon-ona -relatIvely small number of resource users. A survey of some 1,300 southcentral residents in 1979 (ISER,1979) indicated that some 15 percent of the adults (male and female)in ....._~.~_M!~.h().rag~_!l:t!.Q..~IiJ.;}::.banlt~..~w~.t!.~m().Q~~..J:lunt~..i.t!g ..~()_It!~~.h.er~~.1t!....!!.IiJ.~k~_it!.__._.._..~_.._ 1-9-7-9-.-Tche-peI'cent-age-ef-adu-l-t-s-invel-ved-in-a-meese-hunt-in-t-he-aI'ea------ potentially affected by the Sustina Hydroelectric Proj ect was not specifically measured but clearly was substantially less.Since moose hunting is a relatively frequent activity compared with bear hunting or even caribou hunting,obtaining sufficient data was more difficult than the example suggests. The low participation in resource use activities in the area potentially affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project made it 2 ,) \ ,\ { ,\ 1 I .r I .I i l difficult to develop the required resource use information from a general population survey.It was necessary to contact large numbers of households to obtain sufficient data on households that are involved in resource use activities in the area.The alter- native methods by which a resource user survey might have been performed and the reasons presented why a mixed telephone/ face-to-face survey approach was selected are explained in section 2.0.The remainder of section 1.0 contains a summary of study results. 1.2 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Between February 15 and April 20,1985,4,545 study area residents were interviewed on their hunting,fishing,and other recreational activities.Respondents provided time and place information on their household's participation in 21 activities and more detailed participation information on two randomly chosen activities. Location information was coded into 1 of 14 areas within a defined study region or within i of 7 areas outside the study region. Survey results established that resource use activities in the area that would be inundated by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project involve approximately 0.5 percent of all study area households annually. The area north of the inundation zone that could be opened up for increased use due to new road access is used annually by 1.4 percent of all study area households and 3.3 percent of the study area's rural households.Finally,the Susitna River reach between Devil's Canyon and the confluence with the Chulitna River is used annually for salmon fishing by 1.5 percent of all study area households. Information about travel costs,travel time,and reported willing- ness to pay additional money to engage in activities at particular locations was used to estimate the dollar value of resource uses in the potential inundation zone and other analysis areas.Results 3 indicate that the gross annual dollar value of locations in the inundation zone as sites for resource use activities in 1984 was between $176,000 and $500,000.These figures represent 0.5 percent of the gross dollar value of all measured resource uses of study area residents anywhere in the state in 1984.The estimated annual dollar value of the reach of the Susitna River between Devil 9 s Canyon and the confluence with the Chulitna River for recreational and personal use salmon fishing is between $499,000 and $1,374,000. Respondents were asked to rate the quality of 10 specific attributes of the area they used for a selected resource use activity.They were 2.,also asked to rate the quality of the same 10 attributes for the best substitute location.The difference between these ratings represents the comparative advantage of the chosen location over the next best location.Results show that remote areas of the Susitna study region have six comparative advantages for resource users who live in rural areas: •Ease of getting to area •Beatn~y-cff~area- •Familiarity with area •Lower cost of activity •Family tradition of doing activity in area •Lack of crowding in area ______.....The_resul.ts_oLthe_dollaI'-v:alue_ana~y-sis-indicate_that_the_p-rimarY-_ value of the inundation zone is its value to urban resource users. The same pattern applies to all other analysis areas.The absolute number of urban resource users of the potential inundation zone is 28 times greater than the absolute number of rural resource users of the ZC)Ile..Urban resource u~~rs als;o live fa.rth~r:a.wayfr:oIl\the area and thus spend more to travel there.The incomes of urban resource users also average twice that of rural resource users;as a result, urban resource users spend more on their resource use activities. 4 1. ~,l "} 'I I II Analysis results show that rural resource users have chosen to live in an area with fewer employment opportunities in order to live near hunting and fishing opportunities.The dollar value analysis results do not reflect the income opportunity cost of living in rural areas and therefore understate the value of resource use activities among rural residents.An indication of the under- estimate is that 44 percent of rural residents who hunt and fish get half or more of their food from resource use activities.Among urban households involved in hunting or fishing,the comparable figure is 18 percent. As a whole,the resource use,dollar value,relative value,and user characteristic analyses establish: •Current levels of use in the potential inundation zone are extremely low. •Approximately 1.5 percent of all study area households annually fish the study analysis area containing susitna River reach between Devil's Canyon and Talkeetna for salmon. •The gross annual dollar value of the potential inundation zone as a location for recreational resource use and personal use is about 0.5 percent of the value of all other resource use locations. \ j •The gross annual dollar value of the analysis area containing the Susitna River reach between Devil's Canyon and Talkeetna for salmon is approximately 2.4 percent of the value of all other fishing locations. •Both resource use and dollar value estimates for the potential inundation zone are low for rural as well as small town,and urban residents. •In general,the value of resource uses to rural residents is greater than the dollar value estimates suggest.The dollar value estimates for rural residents are constrained by low incomes which are the result of preferences to live near resource use opportunities.Even if the dollar value estimates were adjusted to take rural income constraints into account,the absolute value of the inundation zone to rural residents would be low since few rural residents use the area itself. 5 6 'j 'J ,J I ,1 I 'J ,\ I ") ] ,.1 ;( J ) """""",',--,'0 ''__"""',__''",'--'-',,-,-----,--,'0,--,-----,--""------,,,-------,,,,,J ,~ ,I ! -'}, i I ), i \ ! J 2.0 SELECTION OF SURVEY APPROACH 2.1 FEASIBILITY OF CONDUCTING A MAIL SURVEY The problem of obtaining data necessary to meet the objectives of this study would be largely eliminated if accurate lists of all those engaged in each activity of interest were available and could be used in a targeted mail survey.The ADF&G uses this approach to determine where licensed residents fish.Unfortunately,accurate lists of berry-pickers,backpackers,kayakers,or many other types of resource users are not available.Moreover,complete lists of hunters or fishermen are not available since some rural residents do not obtain licenses and license files are not updated frequently. Even if such lists were available,however,a mail survey would not be the preferred approach. The ADF&G mail surveys are short and are sent to people who have a personal interest in the topic of the survey (e.g.fishing to those with fishing licenses),and who probably perceive the survey sponsor as·an agency which provides them with significant benefits. Research on mail survey response rates clearly indicates that the length of the survey,the importance of the survey topic to the respondent,and the type of sponsor are strongly related to response rate (Linsky,1975). In the case of the present study,respondents had to be asked about a wide range of resource uses during more than one period of time and in more than one area.Respondents could not reasonably be expected to be interested in responding to a mail questionnaire concerning all their resource use activities.In -addition,the Alaska Power Authority could not validly portray itself as an agency whose primary mandate is to improve the quality of the activities pursued by respondents.As a result of these factors,even the best designed mail survey would not achieve an acceptable response rate. 7 2.2 FEASIBILITY OF CONDUCTING FACE-TO-FACE INTERVIEWS Since the objectives of the study were not only to estimate the 'number of resource users but also to document the characteristics of 'resource users and the values associated with resource use,the research design had to yield an adequate number of resource users to permit an analysis of various target populations.For example,a sample of 2,000 urban residents was estimated to be required to generate a subs ample of roughly 200 respondents who have pursued one or more resource-use activities during the last year in remote areas of the Susitna study region. The need for such large samples precluded consideration of face-to- face interviews except where absolutely necessary.A well-designed survey involving exclusively face-to-face interviews would require 'the development of a sample frame,including the listing of 'households,and repeated contacts at selected households to locate ~espondents.Just the field costs of such a survey would cost in 'excess of $300,000,a price not worth the additional reliability --------.--.----.~."---g~aIned-by askrng-~some -"types----of -que-stIons-·f~ice=·to--f-ace--rather----tli"i:in over the telephone.In fact,the only benefit of face-to-face interviews in the present study would have been the opportunity to present maps to respondents when asking for location information. Carefully worded questions minimized this problem. 2 •3 F·EAS-I-B-I-I.IT¥0F G0NDUGTING TEI.EPH0NE INTE-R-V-I-Et..JS ,Aside from the limitation on the use of maps during the interview, the only other limitation of telephone interviews was incomplete .residential ..telephone coverage.Based .on statistics compiled .by local telephone companies and the most recent census counts, telephone coverage is generally excellent in the study area and Copper River/Wrangell regions.An estimated 98 percent of all households in Anchorage and Fairbanks have residential telephone 8 '( ) :-1 it "J .~ , I l 1 \ I.!service.In the remaining areas,available data indicated that approximately 96 percent of all households in the Palmer-Wasilla area,Talkeetna,Glennallen,Tok,and Valdez had residential telephone service in early 1985.Telephone coverage in both urban areas and in or near small towns was thus clearly adequate to support a valid telephone survey. Telephone coverage in rural areas of the study area and the Copper River/Wrangell regions was somewhat lower,although rapidly increasing.Seventy-five percent of all rural households in these areas were initially estimated to possess residential telephone service.Since one of the study's objectives was to describe differences in resource use among urban,small town,and rural populations,the level of rural telephone coverage was not adequate to justify an exclusive reliance on telephone contacts .as a survey mode. 2.4 SURVEY APPROACH SELECTED Based on the above considerations.the method of choice was actually a combination of telephone and face-to-face interviews.Telephone interviews were conducted in all target areas and supplementary sample of households lacking telephone service was used to properly represent rural areas. 9 10 ,::1 l -----~---- J ; -----~----------~-~------------------~-------------,-~---~---------\ ) I 'I 'l I '->\ J 3.0 SURVEY POPULATIONS 3.1 DETERMINATION OF TARGET POPULATION The objectives of the study required the development of information that could be generalized to the segment of the study area population whose resource use activities could be affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric Proj ect.Theoretically,the maximum size of this target population was the state population as a whole. Residents from southeastern,northern,and western Alaska conceivably occasionally engage in resource use activities in the southcentral region.However,use levels in the Susitna Basin among these populations is extremely low.Their inclusion in the study's target population would have consumed project resources that otherwise could have been used to describe use levels and characteristics of populations which more actively use resources near the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. At the other extreme,restriction of the target population to the area containing the most active Susitna area resource users would result in an underestimation of total resource use.The extent of underestimation would,of course,be unknown.It was therefore desirable to adopt a relatively broad definition of the target population while still excluding Alaska resident populations that clearly are marginal resource users in the area of interest.The study's target population included the following areas: I j • • • The Anchorage Municipality The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Valdez north on the Richardson Highway to the Copper River Basin 11 The Copper River Basin,including households located within a mile to the east of the Richardson Highway, north on the Richardson and Tok cutoff to Delta Junction and Tok •The Alaska Highway west from Tok I ) J l • • The Fairbanks North star Borough The Parks Highway south of the Fairbanks North star Borough to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough The Denali Highway and all other areas wi thin the Parks,Glenn,Richardson,and Alaska highways The area west of the Parks highway and east of the Alaska Range,south of the Petersville Road to (but not including)Tyonek on the Cook Inlet J I Figure 3-1 delineates the geographic boundaries for the target population.Within thisarea,all households were included in the target population.Military service members living on-base in the study target population were included since they are commonly active resource users. 3.2 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBPOPULATIONS Previous research on Alaska resident resource use potentially affected by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the Power Authority and the Subsistence Division·of the ADF&G has focused on rural ._...._..__PQPtJlc:l.t.J.c)Jl,l:l...Abe ...l:lpel:::i.a!l:::irl:::tJ'ffil:lt.c:l.tlcel:lanQJ....el:lQtJI."l:::I:.LJ:ll:lepat.t.ernsot' ------'rura-l--res-ident-s-c-learl-y-warrant-t-he-identi·f-icat-ion-of-rura-l------- residents as a special subpopulation for reporting purposes.At the same time,it was recognized that residents of the relatively large population centers of Anchorage and Fairbanks differ from other population groups in circumstances and resource use patterns ,and should also be treated as a subpopulation.It was therefore decided that three subpopulations would be used for reporting purposes: urban,small town,and rural. 12 J \ } i l Figure 3-1 Susitna Hydroelectric Project .' Susitna Resource User Survey Study Boundaries •Households located along both sides of boundary highways are included in study areas. Institute of Social and Economic Research.1985 D Stu.dv Area·... r::::::::t Study Region~(included in study area) N Scale 0 LI I __......1__....,150 miles Skwentna 13 Th~distinction between small town and rural subpopulations cannot be validly made on the basis of population size within incorporated boundaries.Communities such as Glennallen are not incorporated, while much of the area outside the cities of Palmer and Wasilla is clearly more urban than rural in character.The most valid approach was to define the small town subpopulation by residence in or near the following settlements:Palmer,Wasilla,Houston,Willow, Talkeetna,Nenana,Clear,Cantwell,Anderson,Healy,Delta Junction, Tok,Glennallen,and Valdez.Rural was therefore defined as all areas outside the above-named small towns and not part of the Anchorage Municipality or the Fairbanks North star Borough. 3.3 GENERALIZATION TO INDIVIDUALS VS.HOUSEHOLDS The alternatives of generalizing survey results to individuals or to households were considered,and the latter was chosen for over- whelming practical reasons.If individuals were randomly sampled, and information was obtained only about the sampled individual's resource use activity,the resource-user data base would likely have ...--~b-een~·l~e-s-s-tn~ln--narf-t:ne~srie-~n-:i-s:-!r,on the other hand,each respondent was asked to report on the resource use activities of each individual household member,it would have been necessary to collect detailed informatIon on·the household composition of each resource use incident and necessary to obtain financial and personal characteristics information concerning each household member. Given the number of separate resource use activities to be covered in the survey,the potential benefits associated with adopting the individual as the reporting unit were outweighed by the lowered response rates and increased meastJrem.E,mt errors as.sociat~d.with a longer,more complicated interview. 14 .J 1 J 1.1 I J } 3.4 SELECTION OF RESPONDENT Since the survey results were to be generalized to households,the respondent selected in each household reported resource u~e information pertaining to any household member.Thus,it is not possible to determine which specific members of the household participated.To minimize measurement errors,it was important that the respondent be the person best informed about the resource use activities of the entire household.The most straightforward way of identifying this p~rson was to ask the adult first contacted to identify the individual household member who he or she believed to be the most knowledgeable about hunting,fishing,or other outdoor recreation activities.The interviewer then arranged to interview that person. 15 .J ================--------_..__.__._--_._____.._.___---__.-.\ .\ ) 16 4.0 IDENTIFICATION OF STUDY REGION Conceptually.the study region of interest is defined by the area in which resource uses occur that may be affected by the Susitna Project.New roads and the lakes created by the Susitna Project may increase access to areas now only accessible by air.or even create opportunities for new forms of resource use in some areas.These changes could redistribute or even expand the total amount of resource use in the state as a whole.Thus.the limits of the study region theoretically correspond to the boundaries of the state of Alaska.At the other extreme.relatively small areas would be directly affected by the construction and operation of each project facility such as the darns.reservoirs.and access road. To properly reflect both the upper and lower extremes of the definition of the study region.study area residents were asked to report levels of resource use in the state as a whole and in a set of 14 analysis areas collectively referred to in this report as the study region.The study region is defined by two areas:(1)the area bounded by the Denali.Richardson.Glenn.and Parks Highways (containing analysis areas 1-12);and (2)the area bounded by the Parks Highway on the east and a line drawn north from Tyonek on the west to Petersville Road (containing analysis areas 13 and 14)(see Figure 3-1). The study region is considerably larger than the area likely to experience significant project-related effects and was easy to describe to respondents in either face-to-face or telephone inter- views.With the exception of the two analysis areas (numbers 13 and 14)located outside the Glenn.Parks.Denali.and Richardson highway area.all analysis units were constructed to be consistent with the recently designed Alaska Department of Fish and Game Uniform Coding Units.They represent aggregations of ADF&G subunits and are designed to: 17 •Clearly identify the Susitna Project's reservoir zone •Differentiate remote from road-based resource uses •Have clearly identified boundaries that could be easily communicated by telephone The ADF&G Uniform Coding System units used to construct the analysis areas are shown in Table 4-1.Four of the analysis areas are of particular interest in this study.Area 10 closely matches the proposed inundation zone.Portions of areas 11 and 12 would be opened up to road-based resource use following the Project construction phase.Area 1 contains the Susitna River reach most likely to experience downstream effects on salmon stocks. In addition to identifying 14 analysis areas within the study region,7 analysis areas were identified outside the study region. These areas are illustrated in Figure 4-1 and described below: (1)Area 10 miles north of the Denali Highway and south of the Alaska Range '-'~-cn --Kenai p'erlinsula (3)Anchorage/Chugach Mountains (4)Copper River/Wrangell/Valdez (5)Southeast Alaska (7)Outside of Alaska 18 j \ 1 1 I '1 I ) \ I I I I TABLE 4-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT COMPOSITION OF ANALYSIS AREAS* Area 1:Parks North Game Management Unit (GMU)13E:101,102,201, 202,801,1001, 3003,1101,1501. Area 2:Parks South GMU 14A: GMU 14B: Area 3:Glenn GMU 13A: GMU 130: GMU 14A: 101,303. 401,501.601,701,801,901. 1001, 1002, 1101, 1201,1301.1302,1303. 1701, 1801,2301. 501,502,503,601,701,801,802, 803. 804.901, 1001,1101. Area 4:Talkeetna Mountains GMU 13A: GMU 13E: GMU 14B: 901,1401,1501, 1701,1801,1803, 1805,1806. 1201, 1202,1301,1302,1303,1401, 1801,2201. 2202, 2203. 101,201,301,1001. Area 5:Lake Louise Flats GMU 13A: GMU 13B: 801,1802,2001,2002, 2101.2102, 2103.~104. 101. Area 6:Glenn East GMU 13A: GMU 130: 101,201,301,401,501,502.601.701.702,703. 1201,1501,1602. Area 7:Richardson GMU 13B:1102,'1401,1402. 1701,1703,1704, 1801.1802. *This table describes the composition of this study's geographic analysis areas in terms of ADF&G game management units and uniform coding units. 19 Area 11:Deadman Area 9:Denali East I \ I! \ j 'I .~ I I I \ ) I \ 1601- 201- 1701,1702,1703,2301,2401. GMU 13A: GMU 13B: GMU 13E: Part of GMU 16B as far west as old Tyonek and as far north as Petersville Road. GMU 13B:301,302,303,304,401,402,403,404,501,502, 601,1201,1202,1602,1603. GMU 13E:2601, 2602,2902,2903,3201, 3202. GMU 13B:1403, 1501,1601. GMU 13E:1601, 1901,2001,2101,2102,2402,2501. Area 8:Alphabet Hills TABLE 4-1 (Cont.) Area 12:Denali West Area 10:Susitna Area 13:Sustina West Area 14:Big Lake SOURCE:A Uniform Coding System (UCS)for Hunter Harvest Data in Alaska..1984.Alaska Department of Fish and Game Game Division. I.~, 20 i~·~-- N..... ,'tfc'1~'b ~"""-0 ~ ••,d ••Q ~ ;p'p<>3 Scale 6 Of:> t N o I Jmiles 1350 ~2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 4-1· Susitna Hydroelectric Project nalysis Areas Outside Susitna Study Region Institute of Social and Economic Research,1985 ·\ \) \I j -------~-~-=-==--===-===~~-\ 22 5.0 SAMPLE DESIGN 5.1 DETERMINATION OF SAMPLE SIZE An estimated 2,000 urban,1,700 small-town,and 670 rural interviews were required to meet the objectives of this study.Since a primary objective of the study was to estimate the number of people using resources in areas within or near the Susitna project area,it was necessary to generate highly reliable sample estimates of use which could be applied to the three study subpopulations:urban,small town,and rural.It was assumed that observed levels of use would be low. A sample of 2,000 urban households enabled the estimation of the population size of the user groups involving only two percent of the urban population to within 650 households at a level of confidence of 95 percent for an estimated total of 106,000 urban households. The same size sample also produced adequate subsamples of urban resource users by type of resource use.This size sample permitted an analysis of user group characteristics.The same sampling logic was applied to the small town and rural strata to calculate required sample sizes.The resulting sample sizes were smaller due to the effect of the finite population correction factor (Moser and Kalton, 1972). 5.2 TELEPHONE SAMPLE DESIGN The urban telephone sample frame included all prefixes in the Anchorage Municipality and the Fairbanks North Star Borough (including prefixes for the military bases).An urban sample of numbers sufficient to yield approximately 2,000 completed interviews was generated.The size of each prefix sample was proportional to 23 the number of residential telephone numbers in the prefix.Since the probability of any urban household being selected was equal,the urban sample is representative without the application of differ- ential interview weights among urban interviews. The remaining prefixes in the study area covered both small town and rural areas.The number of sampled households in each prefix was proportional to the number of residential telephone numbers in the prefix.The split of small town and rural interviews was achieved by asking respondents to identify the physical location of their residence and sorting completed interviews by location.The location of small town coding categories are shown in Table 5-1.Rural coding categories cover all remaining areas except the Anchorage Municipality and the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Actual sample elements were drawn randomly.A sampled telephone number could not be replaced until its disposition was resolved to be either:(1)a completed interview,(2)a refusal,(3)a nonworking number,(4)a business number,(5)a number not answered or continuously busy after callbacks repeated over at least four days in both daytime and evening hours,or (6)a household in which there was no eligible respondent (e.g.,a motel room).The response rate was determined by the number of completed interviews divided by the sum of completed interviews,refusals,and nonanswered numbers. The final research design called for the development of the rural nontelephone sample frame immediately prior to the commencement of face......to......face interviewing;··...Estimates of the humber --of nousenolds lacking residential telephone service .were ··firs·t .developed by··· comparing 1984 Mat-Su Borough housing counts and 1980 U.S.Census housing counts ·with telephone company reports of residential telephone numbers and census data on the incidence of telephone 24 1 .lj I I TABLE 5-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CODING CATEGORIES FOR SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS (1)Palmer area,defined by Glenn Highway milepost (mp)35 to mp 49 (2)Wasilla area,defined by Parks Highway mp 35 to mp 45 (3)Palmer/Wasilla area including Bogard Road and Palmer/Wasilla Highway (4) (5) (6) (7) I 1 I !(8) (9) Houston area,defined by Parks Highway mp 56 to mp 58 Willow area,defined by Parks Highway mp 67 to mp 72 Talkeetna,including the northern 2 miles of the Talkeetna Spur Road Nenana,Anderson,Healy,Cantwell,and Clear on Parks Highway Delta Junction,defined by Alaska Highway mp 96 to mp 100 Tok area,defined by Alaska Highway mp 204 to mp 208 (10)Glennallen area,defined by Glenn Highway mp 175 to Junction with Richardson Highway (11)Valdez area,defined by Richardson Highway mp 0 to mp 25 25 service by census enumeration district.While these data were the best available,they proved to be of limited value.Telephone service has rapidly expanded throughout the study area in the last two years,and the most recent data available did not accurately reflect this expansion.In addition,housing and telephone information was not available for geographic units that were sufficiently small to create sample clusters. In view of the above-mentioned limitations,sample quotas were constructed for 17 geographical areas based on the best available estimates of the number of households lacking telephone service in each area.Quotas were not strictly proportional to these estimates;rather,areas that are along the Parks and Glenn highways and in the Copper River Basin were oversampled.These areas were most·likely to contain·residents ..who use the Susitna study region. Had quotas been strictly proportional to population,most of the face-to-face interviews would have taken place along the Alaska Highway,particularly in the Tok and Delta Junction areas.The sample design quotas for the seventeen areas appear in Table 5-2. The 17 areas identified above were too large to permit direct sampling of households.Further work was necessary to ensure that all interviews were not conducted in one or two locations within each of the 17 areas.Interviewers were therefore directed to contact linemen and others potentially familiar with the ------------distr-ibution-o£-househQlds_lacking_t~l~p_h~n~~-~rvicewithin each of the 17 areas.Interviewers were instructed to form sample clusters of seven-to-ten households per cluster and to then pick enough clusters to meet the interview quota for each area.This approach was designed to minimize the chances that the particular sample of households in each area would be unrepresentative of all households in the area. 26 ,I TABLE 5-2 SUSITNA RESOURCE USER SURVEY PROJECTED AND ACTUAL INTERVIEWS FOR NONTELEPHONE SAMPLE* Projected Actual Parks Highway A Clear,Healy,McKinley,Denali Highway, Cantwell (excluding Anderson) B North of Talkeetna,Alaska RR,to Summit C Greater Peters Creek D Greater Talkeetna E Roadless Areas,non-RR Areas of Talkeetna Mountains and Susitna River F Greater Montana G Point MacKenzie H Hatcher Pass Parks Highway Subtotal 10 10 8 7 13 15 20 25 16 6 21 19 0 4 -l ~ 91 90 IJ Glenn,Alaska,and Richardson Highways I Sutton 7 7 J Chickaloon 5 8 K Matanuska Glacier Area 6 10 L Glenn Highway to Glennallen (4 in Glennallen and 8 West of Glennallen)12 9 M Lake Louise 3 \ 7 N Greater Copper Center 8 8 o Greater Gulkana and Gakona 10 3 P Greater Paxson (Delta Junction to Gulkana)13 13 Q Chistochina,Slana,Mentasta Lake 2 2 R Greater Big Delta and Delta Junction (Excluding Fort Greely)9 9 S Greater Tok,Tanacross,o Dot Lake 3 3 Glenn,Alaska,and Richardson Highways Subtotal 78 79 Totals for Entire Nontelephone Sample 169 169 *Letters in table correspond to areas shown in Figure 6-1. 27 In executing their instructions,interviewers frequently observed that key informants could not provide highly reliable information on the distribution of households lacking telephone service.Infor- mants'perceptions simply have not kept pace with the rapid expansion of telephone service and interviewers frequently observed that households identified by informants to be without telephone service had recently obtained such service.The lack of reliable information made it difficult for interviewers to construct sample clusters without actually contacting every household in the area to determine if they should be included in the cluster of households without telephones.In areas where it was possible to form sample clusters,interviewers did so.In other areas,interviewers frequently stopped for local information and selected isolated households found to lack telephone service. While the approach to sampling households without telephones was not ideal,it capitalized on all available information and included sufficient safeguards to ensure that the sample is broadly representative.Recent expansions in telephone coverage produced an .excellent ..rural telephone sample-;-The -combined-telephone-and face-to-face rural samples provided a sound basis for developing resource use estimates for rural residents. 28 '\ I,) I ) ], 1 1 I j IJ 6.0 SURVEY ADMINISTRATION The telephone fieldwork phase of the study took place between Febru~ry 15,1985,and April 20,1985.One-hundred-and-six telephone interviewers were used during the eight-week period of the survey.Interviewers were trained in the objectives of the study, general interviewing techniques,and specific interviewing procedures required to perform this study.Each interviewer performed several practice interviews prior to receiving their first sample assignment.Two supervisors monitored interviewer performance at a centralized interviewing facility and edited interviews as they were completed.Supervisors instructed interviewers to call back respondents for any missing information. In addition,supervisors verified 10 percent of all completed interviews.The overall response rate to the telephone survey was 70 percent. The face-to-face component of the survey commenced February 27, 1985,and finished April 20,1985.Interviewers had to first obtain information on the location of households lacking telephone service from key informants and personal observation.Once they developed a general idea of the number and distribution of such households, interviewers used a variety of methods to locate and contact respondents.These methods included travel by train,snow machine, skiis,dog sled,and automobile.Some residents of remote areas were interviewed opportunistically as they traveled on or along the Alaska Railroad or in town. The face-to-face interviewers encountered a higher refusal rate (approximately 20 percent)among the most remote portion of the nontelephone sample (e.g.Peters Creek)than among other populations sampled in the survey.As a result,the number of completed 29 interviews in the roadless areas accessed from the Parks Highway was lower than expected.However,this problem was alleviated by increasing the size of the remote sample near Talkeetna and by including a sample of Point MacKenzie residents.The interview totals by area appear in Table 5-2 above.Figure 6-1 illustrates the distribution of rural nontelephone comp~eted interviews. Tables 6-1 through 6-4 display sample sizes for major subpopu- lations,locations,and activities.Also shown are the maximum estimated standard errors.Standard er;rors are an expression of the error that results from the fact that survey findings are based on a sample of households rather than on all households.Actual standard errors vary according to the variation in population characteristics and according to the size of the sample.All standard error estimates shown·in Tables ·6-1 through 6-"4·assume ma:loCimum variation in responses.The estimates provide a standardized indicator of the relative reliability of information for.each major subpopulation/ location/activity combination. 30 :-\ I '---'--- ~usitl1a HYciroelectric Project Rural Non-Phone Sampling Areas Nt o I ,.150 miles STEPHEN R.BRAUND &ASSOCIATES 1985 Figure 6-1 • =Single interview ,, , ... -.'. "I / I I I-...'",--Q. I , .0 ........... 4/qs,L:, "q L~, •17{qh~~ R I I I, \ --., I lake' loui~e I _\._..'\,-'"--' ,-:.--...'tl\,llla'! I I Gle llll Hi9 I,, I I I,, I \ \ \ \ t J .J /' / / //6 / /~~.Y- .»."\.\.\'g ,I',.".\*:"'./\ <f '.\I ,, E :, / / / \., OJ.... Table 6-1 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERRORS BY SUBPOPULATION HOUSEHOLDS EFJ:ECIIIJE MAXIMUM SAMPLE STANDARD SIZEIt ERROR ALL HOUSEHOLDS 122753 5016 0.7i. URBAN 106215 2138 1.1% SMALL TOWN 13878 1993 1.17- RURAL 2660 885 1.77. *The effective sample size is the actual sample size adjusted by the finite population correction factor. 32 I I II j \ i I 1 \ I I ( I I j I I I I I I Table 6-2 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERRORS BY GROUPED ANALYSIS AREAS ALL ACTIV II IES HUNTING Sample Ih:dmum Sample Ma>:imufii Size Standard Size Standard ALL HOUSEHOLDS Error Error Study Region Remote **1,256 1.4%336 2.77- Study Region Nonremote 5,492 0.77-787 1.8% Elsewhere Remote 260 3.1%75 5.3% Elsewhere Non-remote 1,599 1.3%163 3.9~ [ ~j URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Study Region Remote 422 2.4%107 4.3% Study Region Nonremote 2,513 1.0%297 2.97- Elsewhere Remote 139 4.2%30 9.lZ Elsewhere Non-remote I9981.6%70 6.0% SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS StUdy Region Remote 341 2.7%108 4.3% StUdy Region Nonremote 2,339 1.0%387 'l C".,,..,;1. Elsewhere Remote 94 5.2%29 9.37. Elsewhere Non-remote 512 2.2%58 6.6i. RURAL HOUSEHOLDS Study Region Remote 493 2.3%121 4.5% Study Region Nonremote 640 2.0%103 4.9% Elsewhere Remote 27 9.6%16 12.5% Elsewhere Non-remote 89 5.3%35 8.57. **Remote refers to areas that cannot be accessed by road. 33 I .1 Table 6-2 (Cont.) Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERRORS BY GROUPED ANALYSIS AREAS :(.FISHING NONCONSUMPIIIJE SaMple Maximum Sample Ma>:imum Size Standard Size Standard ALL HOUSEHOLDS Error Error Study Region Remote :(.:(.523 2.2%397 2.5%Study Region Nonremote 1,759 1.2%2,942 0.97- Elsewhere Remote 77 5.7%107 4.8i. Elsewhere Non-remote 411 2.5%1,024 1.G% f \ URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Study Region Remote ____Study__Region Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Non-remote 216 783 42 230 7.77. 3.3% 99 5.07- 1,433 ---L3L 67 6.1i. 698 1.9i. SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS StUdy Region Remote 150 4.1%83 5.5% Study Region Nonremote 746 1.8%1,203 1.4%_ ----------Usewn-e-re-Reii!ote--'-"-33 -8:77.32 8.3i. ------E1sewnere Non-remote--------------T67..,..--3~9r 2a7--3~0i.---~------ 34 I *NonconslJll1)tive activities include:use of sunmer and winter off-road vehicles,skiing,snowshoeing,dogsledding,boating,camping,backpacking, hiking,picnicking,berry picking,photography,and sightseeing. **Remote refers to areas that cannot be accessed by road. RURAL HOUSEHOLDS Study Region Remote StUdy Region Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Noh~relote 157 4.0% 230 3.31- 2 35.4% 1413~4i. 215 30G a 39 3.4% 2;9i. 17.77. 8~0i....-I \ , I "1 I \r -, Table 6-3 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERROR B'(·RESOURCE USE ALL HOUSEHOLD REMOTE NON-REMOTE SAMPLE MAXIMUM SAMPLE MAXIMUM SIZE STANDARD SIZE STANDARD ERROR ERROR HIJnting J(-408 2.5%949 1.67- Moose H'Jnting 190 3.6%424 2.47- Caribou HIJnting 54 G.8i.107 4.87. Sheep or Goat Hunting 29 9.3%30 9.li. Brown Bear Hunting 22 10.7%:n 10.9% Black Bear Hunting 21 9.6%61 6.47. Small Game Hunting 83 5.57-303 2.97- Fishing 599 2.0%2170 1.1;' Salmon Fishing 311 2.87.1086 1.5;! King Salmon Fishing 123 4.5%362 2.67. Silver Salmon Fishing 127 4.47-432 2.4~ Red Salmon Fishing 36 8.3i.205 3.5% Other Salmon Fishing 20 11.27-81 5.67- Rainbow Trout Fishing 103 4.9%416 2.5% Dolly Varden Fishing 24 10.27-130 4.4% Lake Trout Fishing 27 9.6%89 5.37. Other Trout Fishing 8 l7.7X 19 11.5i. Grayling Fishing 88 5.3i.348 2.77- Bourbot or Cod Fishing 34 8.Gi.73 5.9% Summer off Road 57 6.6i.220 3.4i. Winter Off Road 80 5.6%248 3.21. Skiing 69 6.0%527 2.2;' Motorboating 53 6.97.471 2.3% Canoe;Raft,Kayak 15 12.9%207 3.57. Other I!o.3ting 1 50.07.31 9.0% Backpacking 46 7.4%193 3.67- Tent Camping 28 9.47.178 3.71. Rec Vehicle Camping 2 35.4%85 5.4% Other Camping 5 22.47-14 13.4% Hiking,Picnicking 75 5.8%831 1.n: Sightseeing 75 5.8%958 1.67. *A few individuals did not specify which type of hunting and fishing they did.Therefore.the addition of specific activity numbers do not always equal category totals. 35 Table 6-4 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERROR BY RESOURCE USE URBAN HOUSEHOLDS REMOTE NON-REMOTE SAMPLE MAXIMUM SAMPLE MAXIMUM SIZE STANDARD S·lZE STANDARIi ERROR ERROR H'Jnting :to 137 0.07-367 2.67- Moose Huntins 61 6.4%161 3.97- Caribou H'Jnting 26 9.87-37 8.27- Sheep or Goat Huntins 9 16.7%14 13.47. Brown Bear Hunting 10 15.87.11 15.1% Black Bear Hunting 7 18.9%20 11.27. Small Game Hunting 24 10.27.122 4.5i. FishinS 258 3.1%1013 1 ,.•,.b/. Salmon Fishing 154 4.07.531 2.27- King Salmon Fishing 70 6.07.la6 387i~ Silver Salmon Fishing 56 6.77.198 3.67- Red Salmon Fishing 15 12.9%105 4.97- Other Salmon Fishing 8 17.77.37 8.27. Rainbow Trout Fishing 42 7.77.179 3.77- Dolly_V.;l1'denFish ing 22.47._54 __6.ai.-_._--_._---~.._~_..__........__•.._._.- Lake Trout Fishing 14 13.47.46 7.4% Other Trout Fishing 2 35.4i.13 13.97- Grayling Fishing 32 ,8.8%148 4.16: Bourbot or Cod Fishing,6 20.47-34 8.67- Summer off Road 20 11.2%lOa 4.8% Winter Off RO.3d 18 11.87.no 4.87- Skiing 8 17.7i.295 2.9% Motorboating 26 9.8i.233 3.37- ~-""-'-"-'----~~'"-"-'"--------Car;o-e,Raft-,-KayaK-..---.._.._.._..--5---.....----22.47.'"..-----"1'05 ·_-..-..-.f~..9%..---.._._,-"._-----_._-----_."-,,_.,--"._._._..,--_.._~----_.-~-,---,-_._------..---~~-~..__.._- Other-Boating 1--50-;0%18--1"l--;8i. Backpacking 11 15.17.113 4u7k Tent C.'3Mpin9 13 13.9i.101 5.0% Rac Vehicle Camping 1 50.0%51 7.0% Other Campin9 2 35.4%8 17.n Hiking,Picnicking 21 10.9%453 2.3% Sightseeing 40 7,,9%536 ·'2.2% *A few individuals did not specify which type of hunting and fishing they did.Therefore,the addition of specific activity numbers do not always equal category totals. 36 {(' 1 .') ,\ I. 'I l "~ ./ ,I >.l/\ ,I., Table 6-5 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMPLING ERROR BY RESOURCE USE SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS REMOTE NON-REMOTE SAMPLE MAXIMUM SAMPLE MAXIMUM SIZE STANDARD SIZE STANDARD ERROR ERROR H'Jnting )(.136 4.3%445 2.4% Moose Huriting 69 6.0I 213 3a4i~ C.~ribou H'Jnting 16 12.5%48 7.2i. Sheep or Goat Hunting a 17.77-14 13.4% Brown Bear Hunting 9 16.n:7 18.97- Black Bear Hunting 9 16.7%26 9.8% Small Game Hunting 22 10.n 136 4.3;{ Fishing 183 3.7%913 1.77. Salmon Fishing 98 0.0%436 2.4A: King Salmon fishing 33 8.7%138 4.37- Silver Salmon Fishing 48 7.2%190 3.6;~ Red Salmon fishinq 12 14.47-79 5.0% Other Salmon Fishing 5 22.4%28 9.47. Rainbow Trout fishing 27 9.67.196 3.6% Dolly Varden fishing 7 18.97.52 6.9i. Lake Trout fishing 11 15.1%35 8.5% Other Trout fishing 1 50.0%6 20.4i. Grayling Fishing 29 9.3%158 4.0i. Bourbot or Cod Fishing 9 16.77.29 9.3% Summer off Road 21 10.91.%5.1% Winter Off Road 25 10.07.109 4.8i. Skiing 2 35.47.1%3.6X Motorbo.~ting 15 12.91.185 3.n Canoe,Raft,Kayak 4 25.07-77 5.?% Other Boating 0 0.07.10 15.8? Backpacking 7 18.9%65 6.27- Tent Camping 11 15.1%63 6.3i. Rec Vehicle Camping 0 0.07.25 10.07. Other Camping 0 0.07.4 25.0i. Hiking,Picnicking 15 12.97.297 2.9i. Sightseeing 16 12.57.366 2.67. *A few individuals did not specify which type of hunting and fishing they did.Therefore,the addition of specific activity numbers do not always equal category totals. 37 Table 6-6 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED SAMf'LINGERRIJR BY RESOURCE USE RURAL HOUSEHOLDS REMOTE NON-REMOTE SAMPLE MAXIMUM SAMPLE MAXIMUMSIZESTANDARDSIZESTANDARD ERROR ERROR Hunting ¥135 4.3%137 4.3i.Hoose Hunting 60 6.5%SO 7.17.C:uibolJ H'Jntins 12 14.4%22 lO.nSheeporGoatHunting1214.4%,.,35.4%...Brown Bear Hunting 3 28.9%3 28.97.Black Bear Hunting 11 15.1i.IS 12.9i.Small Game Hunting 37 8.2%4S 7.5%fishing IS8 4.0%244 3.2~S·31moo Fishing 59 6.5i.119 4.6%King Salmon Fishing 20 11.2%38 S.U:Silver Salmon Fishing 23 10.4%44 7.5:<: Red Salmon fishing 9 16.7%21 10.9i.Other Salmon Fishing 7 18.9%16 12.5% Rainbow Trout fishing 34 8.6%41 7.8%----DoHyVarden .Fishing .··12--·t·t;-4%24 lO~2i.- Lake Trout Fishing 2 35.4i.8 17.7;~ Other Trout Fishing 5 22.47-0 0.0i.Grayling Fishing 27 9.6%42 7.7"1.Bourbot or Cod Fishing 19 11.57-10 15.87- Summer off Road 16 12.5%16 12.5%Winter Off Ito·3d 37 8.2%29 9.3%Skiing 59 6.5%36 8.3i. Canoe,Raft,Kayak 6 20.4%25__10...07. Other Boating 0 0.0%3 28.9i. Backpacking 28 9.4i.15 12.9%Tent Camping 4 25.0%14 13.4% Rec Vehicle Camping 1 50.0%9 16.7XOtherCamping328.9%2 35.4i. Hiking,Picnicking 39 8.0%81 5.67.Sightseeitl9 19 11.5%56 6.7% *A few individuals did not specify which type of hunting and fishing they did.Therefore,the addition of specific activity numbers do not always equal category totals. 38 fI ( I \ !i ,"I I I, I 7.0 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Each interview was divided into three major sections.The first section ascertained household resource use by type of use and by location of use.The second section obtained information on two selected resource use experiences.The third section determined household characteristics relevant to resource use.The complete .1 questionnaire is reproduced in reduced form in Exhibit A.The actual process of designing the questionnaire involved the preparation of a final study design;a review of this design by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture (Harza-Ebasco).ADF&G Su-Hydro, ADF&G,and the Power Authority;the preparation of a draft questionnaire;a review of the questionnaire by the ADF&G,ADF&G Su-Hydro,U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Harza-Ebasco.and the Power Authority;and pretests,followed by questionnaire revisions. The pretests involved both intervi~ws with key informants selected for their different patterns of resource use and telephone inter- views with a random sample of Eagle River residents.Approximately 50 pretests were completed. 7.1 CATEGORIES OF RESOURCE USE The categories of resource use covered by the survey were first identified from personal experience by Jim Hemming and by reviewing relevant references concerning resource use in the region defined by the Denali,Richardson,Glenn,and Parks highways (ADF&G 1983; Stratton 1982, 1983,1984;Stratton and Georgette 1984;Mills 1984; Jubenville 1985).This set was reviewed by ADF&G,ADF&G Su-Hydro, and Harza-Ebasco,and was subsequently modified to form the following list of resource uses: 39 Hunting:moose,caribou,sheep,goat,brown bear,black bear,ptarmigan and grouse,waterfowl,snowshoe hare,and fur-bearer hunting or trapping. I\ I Fishing:king salmon,coho salmon,sockeye salmon, salmon,pink salmon,rainbow trout,Dolly Varden, trout,greyling,and burbot. chum lake other Resource Uses:summer off-road vehicle use,winter off-road vehicle use,cross-country skiing,snowshoeing, dog sledding,wildlife and scenic photography,motor- boating,kayaking,canoeing,rafting,backpacking,tent camping,recreational vehicle camping,day hiking,pic- nicking,berry picking,and sightseeing. The first pretests of the questionnaire included all of the above categories as separate resource uses;the interview length was found to be excessive.To reduce the length of the interview,coho, sockeye,chum,and pink salmon were grouped into th~s;ingle category "other salmon";rainbow,dolly varden,and lake trout were grouped into the single category "trout";motorboating,kayaking,canoeing, and rafting were grouped into the single category "boating";and backpacking,tent camping,and recreational vehicle camping were grouped into the single category "backpacking-or-tent or recreational vehicle camping";day hiking,picnicking,and berry picking were grouped into the single category "day hiking, picnicking,or berry picking";and skiing,snowshoing,and dog sledding were grouped into a single category. four activity groups (Le.salmon other tbao _ king salmon,trout,boating,or camping)was randomly selected for more detailed questioning,respondents were asked which specific activity with the activity group they had done.For example,if "salmon other than king salmon"was selected,the relilp()tlc1Eltl.t.""as. asked to identify whether the last trip was f()r coho,sock~ye,pink, or chum salmon. The above groupings reflected the researchers'best judgment concerning the tradeoff between specificity and interview complexity 40 \ I ,I ,I and length.It is important to recognize that the above categories were not intended to be mutually exclusive since a single resource use experience may combine two or more activities.All partici- pation was recorded without distinguishing between primary and incidental activities.In general,however,respondents appeared to report primary activities. ~2 TIME PERIOD COVERED BY SURVEY Given the seasonal nature of many resource use activities,the shortest logical time period to be covered by the survey was twelve months.The original research design provided for the collection of information pertaining to both the most recent year and a specific, longer time period in order to increase the number of resource users identified.Pretesting of question formats indicated that the best approach was:to adopt an unlimited time period and to ask the respondent to'identify the last year that a member of the household engaged in a given activity.This combination yielded comprehensive information cbncerning annual and maximum participation rates (i.e., ever engaged in'a given resource use activity). After respondents indicated the last year that anyone in their household had engaged in each resource use activity,regardless of time or pl,ace,interviewers described the study region and determined which activities occurred within the study region.Any activities occurring within the study region were then further defined in terms of their location in one of the 14 analysis areas. In cases of,multiple trips within the study region for any given resource use,interviewers ascertained the primary use area on the last trip. Once respondents had indicated the last year that someone in their household engaged in a given resource activity in the study region, interviewers asked them to indicate the last year and last location for the same activity outside the study region.In cases of 41 multiple trips outside the study region for any given resource use, again interviewers ascertained the primary use area on the last trip.Thus,reported use levels refer only to the last trip and underestimate total use in any given time period to the extent that multiple trips to different locations occurred. 7.3 SELECTED RESOURCE USE EXPERIENCES Collection of information concerning the characteristics of the area in which a resource use occurred and the activity itself was necessary to estimate the value of the use to the user.Section two of the interview obtained information about two selected resource use experiences (see Table 7-1). Ideally,it would ..have been preferable to obtain detailed informa- tion for each resource use mentioned by the respondent.This was clearly impossible given the technical constraints associated with a personal interview.To maximize the amount of information obtained about diverse forms of resource use,up to two separate resource use experienceswereseTectea for-aetaileaquestionitfg.Ttf maximize the amount of information obtained concerning the study region,uses occurring in the study region were selected first.If no mentioned activities occurred in the study region,uses occurring elsewhere were selected.Computer-generated random numbers were used to select activities. 7.4 COMPARISON OF USER CHARACTERISTICS Collection of information concerning the characteristics of the household was important for estimating values attached to resource uses.The information collected is shown in Table 7-2. 42 ,I TABLE 7-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INFORMATION OBTAINED ABOUT SELECTED RESOURCE USE EXPERIENCES I '.J • • • • Total times engaged in activity in same area Total times engaged in activity in study region (if applicable) Total times engaged in actiyity in same year as last engagement Mode of access used .to get to final destination (off-road vehicle,highway vehicle,boat,air charter.horse,or extended hike) •Number of household members participating •Total number of persons in party •Total travel time from residence to final destination •Total days during which activity took place (including travel) •Expenses incurred •Amount of money willing to pay before household would reduce frequency of participation •Perceived characteristics of resource use area: -ease of getting into area -familiarity with area -beauty of area -lack of crowding in area -ease of getting around in area chance of getting desired experience in area -cost of activity in area -quality of places to stay or camp in in area -family tradition of doing activity in area -overall appeal of area •Perceived qualities of best other area for same activity •Ownership of land in area 43 • • • TABLE 7-2 SUSTINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INFORMATION OBTAINED ON CHARACTERISTICS OF RESOURCE USERS Consumption of wild meat and fish as a percent of all meat consumed Reasons for living in community -opportunity to get a job -long-term economic opportunity -chance to get away from urban problems -challenging or exciting job -being close to a wilderness environment opportunity to earn a high income -chance to be self-reliant -being part 6f a small community -nearby hunting and fishing -nearby outdoor recreation opportunities Education of respondent \I i \ I) ,I 1 (r I --I ') •Number of wage earners in household •Total number of months household members employed •Household income 44 I, I ,I '\ ,) ,J "J 1 ./ 8.0 ANALYSIS DESIGN As stated earlier,this study has four major objectives.These are to (1)estimate the number and percentage of study area households engaging in resource use activities in the study region; (2)estimate the dollar value of locations for resource use activities;(3)compare the attributes of alternative locations for pursuing the same activity;and (4)compare and contrast the economic circumstances of urban,small town,and rural resource users as a means of estimating the relative value of resource use activities. 8.1 LEVELS OF RESOURCE USE Two tables were constructed for each of the 21 categories of resource use covered in the first section of the questionnaire.The .first table contains estimates of the percentage of households engaging in each activity within each analysis area.The second table contains estimates of the absolute number of households engaging in each activity.A description of the rows and columns of the 42 tables appears in Table 8.1. Instead of producing point estimates of the percentage or absolute number of 'households engaging in each activity,range estimates were produced based on 95 percent confidence intervals.The best point estimate in each case is the midpoint of the reported range. 8.2 ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUE OF RESOURCE USE ACTIVITIES Recreational and personal uses of natural resources in the study region produce economic returns to the regional and state economy and produce personal benefits to resource users.This study focused on the value of locations for various resource uses.Resource users 45 TABLE 8.1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORTING CATEGORIES FOR LEVELS OF RESOURCE USE ,j ,I :\ GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Anywhere in or out of Alaska Anywhere in Alaska within the study region Within Analysis Area One within Analysis Area Two within Analysis Area 14 Within area 10 miles north of Denali Highway Within Anchorage/Chugach Mountain area On Kenai Peninsula Within Copper River/Wrangell/Valdez area In Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska ··············Outside of·Alaska······._-_. COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ROW 1 2 3 4 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .··24 TIME PERIOD COVERED ever 1980-85 1984 ever 1980-85 1984 ever 1980-85 1984 ever 1980-85 1984 TARGET POPULATION all households all households all households urban households urban households urban households small town households small town households small town households rural households rural households rural households 46 \1 \j often expend significant amounts of money to reach the locations where they pursue their recreation and personal use activities,and these expenditures reflect a lower bound on the value they attach to these locations.Travel expenditures do not reflect the total value of a location for resource use,however.Information on the value of travel time and on perceived willingness to pay additional money to engage in an activity at the chosen location was used in addition to travel costs in order to approximate the total value of locations for resource uses.Even these estimates do not reflect the value to ['Ural residents of having nearby locations for resource uses.The economic circumstances of ['Ural,small town,and urban residents were,therefore,compared as a means of indicating the extent·to which ['Ural residents have foregone income in order to live nearby resource use opportunities. The first analysis step was to estimate the minimum value of a single engagement in a given resource use or in a given geographic area.Respondents were asked to report their total expenses getting to the site where they began their last engagement in each activity. These "out-of-pocket"travel costs constitute a minimum estimate of the value a household placed on a particular geographic area for a particular type of activity. To avoid losing large numbers of observations due to the cumulative effect missing data,individual missing values were assumed to equal the mean or median,as appropriate,of the particular population subgroup/activity combination applying to the variable.A comparison of results with and without the allocation of missing data indicated that the procedure was valid (i.e.,the results were very similar). Money is not the only resource expended when a trip is made to a recreation site;time is also used.This time has value because it can be used in other ways.An intermediate indicator of the value 47 of locations for resource uses was estimated by combining the minimum value estimate described above with an estimate of the value of time spent by the household traveling to the site where they began the activity.Households are likely to travel longer periods of time to reach more attractive sites.There are probably few instances in which a household actually foregoes income (e.g.,a wage-earner takes leave without pay)in order to take the time necessary to travel to a site.In these instances,the foregone income is actually part of the cost of engaging in an activity at a particular site.Even time that is not normally work time has value,however.Time can be used to do other activities or to go to other recreation sites. The use of travel time to estimate the value of a location for resource use does not work as well for rural residents as it does for urban residents.Many rural residents have made a one-time location decision to live near favorable locations for resource use.The value of these locations is ~ndirectly reflected in the increased time they spend commuting to work or in the decreased income"they earn.The finalcha.pter in this repo'rtpr'esertts da.ta. which relates the value of resource use locations to differences in economic circumstances resulting in part from residence location decisions. The best estimate of the value of the time spent traveling to a site .'.__........".,...--,--.",.--.--........_...'. ______-"i.....s'----'d...,e""'ri v~d_f_r_Q.m_t_b..e_ay_e_t:age-ho.us-e.ho-l.d-w.age-.--T.ime-v.alue_was,_ estimated by multiplying round-trip travel time by the number of wage earners estimated to be in the travel party by the estimated average hourly wage for the household by 0.33.The household wage was estimated by dividing reported household income by the estimated number of hours worked by all household members.One-third of the household wage rate was used rather than the entire household wage rate because household members could not generally find additional 48 ,j I .\ '\I 'I j work at their current wage rate.The one-third fraction is commonly used in recreation and transportation economic studies (Cesario 1976),but it has no particular theoretical significance. The intermediate value estimate described above probably under- estimates the value of a single resource use engagement if the time spent on the activity is constrained by competing time demands on the resource user or limits on the availability of the resource. That is,many resource users would probably spend more time and money to engage in a given activity at a given location if it were necessary to do so.It is easiest to conceive of this value as the admission fee that resource users would pay to use the site.It is necessary to infer the maximum amount users would pay from survey responses since no entrance fee is actually charged. Analysis of responses to reported willingness to pay indicated that respondents generally did not interpret the question to mean the amount they would pay before they reduced the frequency of engagements by one;rather,response patterns showed that the figure given more closely approximated the amount respondents would pay to do an activity at all at a given location.The willingness to pay for the last trip was thus estimated by dividing the reported willingness to pay by the number of engagements reported for a given activity/location combination.This figure was added to the intermediate value described above to calculate a maximum value for a single trip.As stated earlier,the maximum dollar value estimate may still underestimate the total value of a location for a resource use for rural residents who have chosen to live near resources even though there are fewer economic opportunities in rural areas. Low,medium,and high estimates of the mean value of single resource use engagements can be compared across locations as an indication of the relative quality of a particular type of resource use among urban,small town,and rural resource users.To compare the value 49 of different types of resource uses,however,an additional analytical step was necessary.Households tend to engage in some types of resource uses multiple times during a year and to engage in other types of resource uses only once a year.A comparison of single engagement values across resource uses would therefore underestimate the relative value of resource uses that are commonly pursued multiple times.The value of all engagements specific to a single activity and a single location was calculated by multiplying the mean value for a single engagement times the reported number of engagements. Mean value estimates for single resource use engagements also do not take into account variations in the number of resource users across locations.Estimates of the aggregate value of each resource activity in each analysis area was therefore calculated by multiplying the mean value estimate for a single resource use eng'agement times the number of engagements per household times the estimated total number of resource users. The:dorlarvalue analysis objectives would have been best met if it were possible to report resource value information by detailed activity,geographic location,and user group.Counting the 21 detailed activities,the 21 detailed geographic locations,and the 3 user groups,this ideal approach would have yielded 1,764 sets of resource value information.Each set would have consisted of a .'.-,"~...~.__.._..,-._--_.__._,,_._.•._._._,,-.-.'-,--------_...--_.--,,-_..,._._--,._,._--_._-...--.._-._,-,----_.._..,~._.._....--_.'.._-._-.'._._.,-'.',.-_.'-.'_.__._--"_.-.~.._."._._---,_._--_._.,--------_._"---- _____~low,intermediate,and high value estimate.Aside from the E_r_o~b_l_e_m _ of information overload,this approach was impractical because there was insufficient information to provide reliable estimates at such a detailed level.Given the primary analysis objective of estimating the value of resource use for areas likely to be directly affected by the Susitna Project,mean and aggregate dollar value estimates were calculated for six location groupings: 50 1\ -l ) 1 ./ II. •The potential inundation zone,Area 10 •The areas likely to receive improved access,Areas 11 and 12 •All other remote areas of the study region •Nonremote areas of the study region •All other remote areas •All other nonremote areas Mean dollar value estimates fo~Area 10 and fo~Areas 11 and 12 were not based on the geographic location of the activity but rather on the mode of access used th~oughout the study area.Resource use activities were t~eated as remote if the final mode of t~anspor­ tation used to get to the activity location was either airplane, boat,off-road vehicle,ho~se,or--if a rural household--walking. All other activities were treated as nonremote (except in the Big Lake Area 14,in which all modes of access were t~eated as nonremote activities).The same categorization system was used fo~activities taking place outside the study region.The estimates for Area 10 and fo~Areas 11 and 12 are,therefo~e,equivalent to the mean dollar value estimate for other remote areas of the study region. The reason mode of access was used to define remote area activities rather than geography was that the number of reported activities in Areas 10, 11,and 12 was insufficient to p~ovide a reliable basis for computing mean dollar estimates.since these areas cannot be accessed by ~oad,the best alternative data base was the set of activities in which the mode of access included airplane,boat, off-road vehicle,horse,or--if a rural household--walking.The choice of this analysis approach was based on the assumption that mode of access accounts for most of the differences in the value of activities in ~emote areas such as Areas 10, 11,and 12 and the value of activities pursued in nonremote areas of the study region. 51 Mean dollar values for remote and nonremote areas outside the study region were also calculated on the basis of the mode of access used .. Mean and aggregate dollar estimates were produced for the study area population as a whole for the following groupings of resource use activities:all activities combined,all hunting activities,all fishing activities,and all nonconsumptive activities.Comparable estimates were produced .for urban,small t,own,and rural subpopulations. To provide a more detailed description of the dollar values associated with the 21 specific resource uses covered by the survey, the location groupings were collapsed to compare resource values in the following groups: •Remote areas of the study region •Nonremote areas of the study region •other remote areas •Other nonremote areas Activities were classified as either remote or nonremote by mode of access used,as described earlier.Mean dollar values for single engagements were calculated for urban,small town,and rural populations as well as for the study area population as a whole.In this case,it was not possible to produce aggregate value estimates because estimates of resource use levels could not be calculated for the location groupings as defined above.The question on mode of access was asked only about,two reported activities,and the subset of these activities occurring outside the study region cannot be considered a random sample of non-Susitna activities.Susitna activities were selected preferentially .for detailed questi(ming, and households engaging in activities both in and out of the study region may differ in the remote/nonremote distribution of their 52 j II /I activities from households which only engage in activities outside the study region.However,it was possible to multiply mean dollar values for single engagements by the reported number of engagements and thereby produce a set of mean dollar values for all trips to a location for a given activity. 8.3 ESTIMATION OF RELATIVE VALUE OF RESOURCE USES Estimation of the dollar value of resource use activities is necessary if the value of different resource uses are to be compared.The approach used in this study to estimate dollar values of resource use activities does not,however,explain why one particular activity/location combination is valued more than another.If the reasons for relative attractiveness were understood,the likelihood of protecting the overall attractiveness of a location for a particular activity would be significantly increased.Steps can be taken to protect and enhance resource I I i1· IJ values.If lack of crowding is a particularly important component of the value attached to the use of a given area,for example,it can be expected that improved access and subsequent increases in resource use may significantly lower the quality of an area for current resource users. To provide an indication of the attributes contributing to overall activity/location attractiveness,respondents were asked to rate the quality of ten specific area attributes and the quality of the area overall as a location for the reported activity.These specific attributes included: •Ease of getting int~the area •Familiarity with the area •Beauty of the area •Lack of crowding in the area •Ease of getting around in.the area 53 ..Chance of getting what you wanted in the area..Cost of this activity in the area..Quality of places to stay or camp in the area ..Chance of being close to nature in the area ..Family tradition of doing the activity in the area Mean ratings of each of the ten specific area attributes and a mean rating for the overall.assessment of area quality were calculated for four activity groupings,four population groupings,and four location groupings.Thus,64 sets of 11 means were calculated.The activity,population,and location groupings are shown in Table 8-2. This combination of activities,population groups,and locations provided data of acceptable reliability and still permitted a comp~ri.s9n of the mean valu~s of all attributes i.nar'eassharing ..the same access characteristics as the potential inundation zone with remote areas outside the study region and with nonremote areas. The comparison of mean values described above provides a perspective onthe~-relativeactract-iveness of .di~ferenbareas~-i&-one-assumes that the values do not vary among individuals in the same population subgroup.It was also possible to compare the relative value of a particular activity/location combination with the best substitute location for an activity on an individual basis.Respondents were asked not only to rate the ten specific area attributes for the location they used.they were also asked to make the same evaluations for the best other area in which they could pursue the same activity.Each attribute rating for the best other area was subtracted from the comparable rating for the area actually used to provide a set of relative comparisons on an individual basis.Mean difference ratings were calculated for the same activity, population.and location groupings shown for the mean value ratings in Table 8-2. 54 } \I I! TABLE 8-2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACTIVITY,POPULATION,AND LOCATION GROUPINGS FOR RELATIVE VALUE ANALYSIS Activity Groupings for Relative Value Analysis •All activities •Hunting activities •Fishing activities •Nonconsumptive activities Population Groupings for Relative Value Analysis •study area population as a whole e Urban population e Small town population •Rural population Location Groupings for Relative Value Analysis •Study region remote •Study region nonremote •Other remote •Other nonremote 55 8.4 COMPARISON OF USER CHARACTERISTICS Rural residents who spend less to engage in an activity because they live closer to the resource are likely to be shown in the dollar value analysis to attach a lower value to a particular activity/ location combination than urban residents.Taken out of context, this comparison is misleading.First,rural residents may spend less in absolute dollars,but may spend a larger proportion of their income engaging in an .activity.Second,many rural residents may have forgone the opportunity to maximize their income or receive other benefits associated with living in urban areas in order to live closer to fish and wildlife resources.It is therefore important to compare the economic circumstances of urb,an,small town,and rural residents.Table 8-3 displays the characteristics compared among urban,small town,and rural resource users. The primary objective of the user characteristics analysis was to determine the extent to which the dollar value analysis results underestimated the value of rural resident resource uses.The most .appropriate comparison groups for this analysis were urban,small town,and rural residents who either hunt or fish since the value of hunting and fishing products to households can be expected to vary in direct relationship to a household's ability to purchase food. Therefore,all comparisons were made among households which reported __.._..._..~!1g~g~!1g __1!1hl"l!l~_~!1g_Qt_.fll:l_h.ing ...~<;_tiyiti~s_,_._._______--------- 56 .1 -\ ,) >I i I lJ TABLE 8-3 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT URBAN •SMALL TOWN.AND RURAL ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS II Education •Months worked per adult in household •Income II Proportion of food derived from hunting and fishing II Perceived importance of living in community with regard to: -opportunity to get a job -long-term economic opportunity -challenging or exciting job -opportunity to earn a high income -nearby hunting and fishing -chance to be self-reliant -being close to a wilderness environment -nearby outdoor recreation opportunities -chance to get away from urban problems -being part of a small community -being near friends 57 I I I I ! ,I 11 ~l I 1 ;) I I 1 ,1 I======~~~:_=-------========---------------------,,1 I I 'I ,f :\ 58 !j i Iu IJ U 9.0 LEVELS OF RESOURCE USE 9.1 INTRODUCTION One of the primary objective of this study was to produce estimates of the number of urban,small town,and rural residents who use resources that might be affected by the Susitna Project.As described earlier,a random sample of 4,545 study area residents provided the information necessary to produce resource use estimates.This chapter is intended to introduce the reader to the detailed resource use estimates contained in Exhibit B.The chapter begins by describing the characteristics of the data,including its limitations.The remainder of the chapter summarizes the results. Sample survey data such as that used to derive the resource use estimates reported in this study are subject to both sampling error and measurement error.Resource use estimates are reported as a range rather than a point estimate so that the reader can readily see the size of the potential sampling error.A range of 450 to 550, for example,means that the estimated sampling error for the particular resource use estimate is plus or minus 50. It is much more difficult to estimate the size of the measurement error.Measurement error can result from mistakes made by the respondent in reporting their activities,mistakes made by the interviewer in recording responses,and errors or omissions in the questionnaire.Measurement errors are virtually impossible to completely eliminate but can be limited to a small percentage of responses with the application of standard survey procedures. While measurement errors are often ignored,it is important in this case for the reader to 'be aware of the potential effects of measurement errors on the resource use estimates.Given the overall 59 purpose of the study,resource use estimates for the potential inundation area (Area 10)the areas that would be opened up to road i l access (Areas 11 and 12),and the area most likely to experience downstream effects (Area 1)are of particular interest.Areas 10, 11 and 12 currently experience relatively low levels of resour.ce J I I use.Even a sample of 4,545 respondents would not be expected to contain more than a few people who live in households that have visited these remote areas of the study region. that the resource use estimates for remote areas ~~----------------------- At the same time,most of these 4,545 respondents can be expected to report resource use activities in other areas.If even a small proportion of these reported activities are miscoded into a remote area,the resource use estimate for that remote area can be significantly inflated.To minimize this problem,a comprehensive list of some geographic features was used to locate each reported resource use activity within one of the fourteen analysis areas described earlier.Many conunonly-used rivers and streams crossed through several analysis areas,however,and interviewers sometimes found it difficult to locate the activity within a single analysis a-rea:~-Asarestilt;some miscocHrig of resource .-uses--undoubfediy occurred.Assuming that the miscoded number is equally likely to be an area used rarely as an area used frequently,the impact of miscoding will be greatest in the analysis areas in which the least actual activity occurs.The reader should,therefore,keep in mind are likely_to .__ _____---'excee.d_ac±.uaL-le.vels-o£-r.esour.ce-use-.-.-------------------- Three ranges of resource use estimates are given for each type of resource use for urban,small town,and rural residents as well as for the stud.Y.~I:'l:!a popullii::ionl:ll;J3..wh.Qle.Thethree.ranges are labeled "ever,""1980-1985,"and "1984."The estimates reported under each of the three ranges do not refer to the total number or percentage of households that have engaged in an activity for a given location but rather to a subset of that total.Respondents 60 I ,I [1 I I were not asked to report every location at which they did each resource use activity each year.Rather,they were asked to report the last location at which they did each resource use activity in the last year they did the activity (1)in the study region and (2)outside the study region. If one or more members of a given household pursued the same activity in three different locations in the last year,only the location of the last engagement contributes to the reported resource use estimate.Similarly,if one or more members of a household pursue a given activity every year,only the location of the most recent year's engagement contributes to the reported resource use estimates.The ranges,therefore,always refer to an aggregation of the number or percentage of household reports on the last time an activity was pursued. While it may at first appear as ~f it would have been preferable to collect information on all locations where each activity was pursued,such an approach would have been impossible.Respondents could not be expected to report all locations,particularly for multiple years.It was necessary to capture resource uses in multiple years in order to expand the sample of resource users to a size sufficient for the value analysis. The implication of the resource use reporting method used in this study is that the reported resource use estimates underestimate total resource use in specific locations,but not as a whole.The extent of underestimation depends on the frequency of resource use within individual households and the diversity of locations used for the same resource use activity,again within individual households. The extent of underestimation is clearly less for shorter time periods since there is less opportunity for multiple engagements at different locations.Thus,the most restrictive time period 61 reported,1984,should be considered the closest estimate to that which corresponds to total resource use at specific locations. Activities that are commonly pursued several times each year, however,still would be underestimated for specific locations used early in the year. The distribution of some resource uses in 1984 may not be reliable indicators of the distribution of resource use over longer time periods since wildlife population fluctuations,changing regula- tions,and short-term weather conditions can be expected to influence the pattern of resource use.Range estimates for longer periods of time accurately identify the total number of households engaging in specific resource uses but underestimate total use of specific areas since the last location reported for a given activity cannot be assumed to be the only location used bya household for that activity. In general,however,range estimates for both shorter and longer periods reliably indicate the relative distribution of resource use between .remot.e areas ana areas accessible byroad.It this distinction that is most important to make in the present study as the Susitna Project would provide road access into previously remote areas. The final point to keep in mind is that the 198'i rang~_est_im.at.f:_s ..__.__._~.~~.•.~~_.~.~-_.,---_.._._-~_.__.,---..•......_-----_•....._._.._---_."--_._,--_.---,_.--....~-_.-....----_...__._-- ______ae.tual!¥--ar-e-cons-troc-ted--f.t'!om-t'!epoF-ted-ae--t-i-v-i-t-i-es-t-hroug-h-Apri11:------- 1985.Respondents were asked to report the last year a member of their household pursued an activity,and in some cases the year mentioned was 1985.While this approach probably slightly overest.illl.at~sWiI1t.~J::"J::"~SQut"cf:uses,it was _judged to be preferable to the alternative of excluding households which reported activity in 1985 and,therefoJ::"e,did not report whether or not they engaged in the same activity in 1984. 62 I I II,J IJ u 9.2 SUMMARY OF RESOURCE USE ESTIMATES Exhibit B cohtains the 42 resource use tables that constitute the primary product of this research.The basic.question they are intended to.answer is how much resource use occurs in the areas likely to be affected by the Susitna Project.Table 9-1 presents a summary of the distribution of resource uses among all households in the study area.The Susitna Project's inundation zone is closely represented by Area 10.Table 9-1 shows that 0.3 percent of all resource use in 1984 occurred in Area 10.Based on maximum estimated sampling errors,less than 1,000 households engaged in any resource use activity in Area 10 in 1984.Considering all resource use activities together,Area 10 therefore receives a negligible proportion of total resource use.This conclusion holds for rural, small town,and urban residents. The plan of proposed Project access (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ~984)calls for a road to be constructed from the Denali Highway sou'lih to the Watana Dam and a road to be constructed from the Watana DaIil.west to the Devil Canyon Dam.Assuming that these roads would be open to the public following constructon,resource use in areas south of the Denali Highway could significantly expand. Opening the access roads would increase use of the areas by small town and urban residents.This increased use could place current rural users of the areas at a competitive disadvantage.It is therefore important to examine existing levels of rural resource use in the areas subject to improved access.These areas are best represented by study analysis Areas 11 and 12.Table 9-1 shows that 2.2 percent of all rural resource uses occurred in Areas 11 and 12 in 1984. Less than 200 rural households engaged in any resource use activity in Areas 11 and 12 in 1984.(The best estimate is 88 rural households.)Improved access does not,therefore,appear to pose a potential problem for rural resource users as a group.This is not 63 to say that some of the 200 individual rural resource users of Areas 11 and 12 may not faced increased competition for resources a result of improved access to Areas 11 and 12. The finding of low·resource use levels in Area 10 and in Areas 11 and 12 for resource uses in general also holds for hunting,fishing, and nonconsumptive uses individually.Referring again to Table 9-1, the percentage of all hunting resource uses located in either Area 10 or in Areas 11 and 12 are below 2 percent among urban,small town,and rural households.The same is true for fishing and nonconsumptive activities.Table 9-1 does not present comparable data by individual activity,but a review'of the detailed tables in Exhibit B clearly shows that the pattern of extremely low use levels in Areas 10,11 and 12 holds for all individual activities and for rural,small town,and urban population subgroups as well as for the population as a whole. Another area of concern is the Susitna River reach between Devil's ~l:I.nY'()tl~Ed1:.l'u~.cc:lI1flu~nc~oLthe Susitnaand--Chu-litnaRiv:ers near~-­ Talkeetna (within Area 1).Changes in water flow,temperature,and turbidity regimes could a.ffect salmon stocks.An estimated 1,800 study area households fish for salmon in Area 1 annually.The 1,800 households account for approximately 2.5 percent of all study area households annually involved in recreational or personal use of The survey sample of 4,545 study area residents did not include anyone who used the Susitna River within the potential inundation zone for kayaking or any other form of boating the last time th~Y' went boating in 1984.It is entirely possible that none of the small number of individuals who went boa.ting in Area 10 in 1984 fell into the survey sample (the probability of no Area 10 boaters falling into the survey is 0.46 if 20 individuals used Area 10 for 64 ~\ I \ I \ (\ 11 .\ '\ \ \ .\ r \ 1 TABLE 9-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HOUSEHOLDS USING KEY AREAS IN 1984 Urban Small Town Rural Total Total Nurrber Percent Nurrber Percent Nuntler Percent Nuntler Percent 11 Area 10 531 0.3 69 0.3 19 0.5 619 0.3 Areas 11,12 1,381 0.8 208 1.0 88 2.2 1,677 0.9 I Remainder study region 72,120 42.3 10,631 50.5 2,168 53.7 84,919 43.4 E1sewhere--remote 13,487 7.9 1,420 6.7 246 6.1 15,153 7.8 E1sewhere--nonremote 82,850 48.7 8,725 41.5 1,512 37.5 93,087 47.6 TOTAL 170.369 100.0 21,053 100.0 4.033 100.0 195.455 100.0 Hunting Area 10 212 0.4 14 0.2 5 0.2 231 0.3 Areas 11,12 319 0.6 97 1.0 42 1.8 458 0.7 Remainder study region 23,686 43.1 5,371 57.5 1,373 60.3 30,430 45.7 E1sewhere--remote 4,297 7.8 540 5.8 120 5.3 4,957 7.5 E1sewhere--nonremote 26,399 48.1 3,318 35.5 739 32.4 30,456 45.8 TOTAL 54.913 100.0 9,340 100.0 2.279 100.0 66,532 100.0 [j Flshing Area 10 212 0.2 28 0.2 3 0.1 243 0.2 Areas 11,12 531 0.5 42 0.3 21 0.8 594 0.5 Remainder study region 44,292 41.6 7,716 55.1 1,713 61.7 53,721 43.6 E1sewhere--remote 8,610 8.1 870 6.2 146 5.2 9,626 7.8 E1sewhere--nonremote 52,889 49.6 5,347 38.2 894 32.2 59.130 47.9 TOTAL 106,534 100.0 14.003 100.0 2,777 100.0 123.314 100.0 Nonconsll!!ptive Area 10 212 0.1 14 0.1 13 0.4 239 0.1 I I Areas 11,12 850 0.5 83 0.4 37 1.0 970 0.6 LJ Remalnder study reg19n 63,729 40.5 9,840 51.6 2,096 57.2 75,665 42.0 E1sewhere--remote 12,982 8.3 1,278 6.7 212 5.8 14,472 8.0 IJ E1sewhere--nonremote 79,744 50.6 7,853 41.2 1,306 35.6 88,903 49.3 TOTAL 157.517 100.0 19,068 100.0 3,664 100.0 180.249 100.0 IJ 65 their last boating experience in 1984).The survey results should not,therefore,be used to estimate levels of use of this special, but extremely small,subpopulation. The survey results indicate that neither portions of Area 10 nor improved access to Areas 11 or 12 would directly affect the resource use activities of more than 2 percent of all study area households, or more than 4 percent of all rural households who currently use these areas.The next chapter of this report examines the dollar value of resource'activities of these areas in the context of the dollar values of resource activities pursued elsewhere in the state. 66 \ \ 11 I i·I I 1 u [I ,I 10.0 DOLLAR VALUE OF RESOURCE USES 10.1 INTRODUCTION The estimation of dollar values for resource use activities takes into account the number of resource users in different areas and the quality of these different reso~rce use areas.The dollar value estimates are restricted to a single year's worth of household resource uses and,therefore,do not indicate the value of resource uses in perpetuity.Neither should the dollar value estimates be interpreted to mean the value lost if the Susitna Hydroelectric Project goes forward.Rather,the dollar value estimates provide a useful indication of the gross annual value of resource uses by location.Changes in access,wildlife population levels,and other area attributes could increase or decrease the gross annual value of resource uses at a given location.Finally,dollar values underestimate the total value of a location to rural resource users who have chosen to live near resources at a sacrifice to their income earning potential. As described in Section 8.2,the first analysis step for estimating dollar values for resource use activities was to calculate low, intermediate,and high value estimates for a single engagement in a resource use.The low estimate is based on "out-of-pocket"expenses incurred getting to the activity location.The intermediate estimate adds the value of travel time to the low estimate.The high estimate adds,to the intermediate estimate,the respondent's reported willingness to pay an additional amount in order to engage in the activity. The second analysis step was to multiply the mean value estimates times the number of trips taken to the same place to do the same activity.These intermediate (i.e.,nonreported)values correspond 67 to the estimated value of all trips taken by a household.The final analysis step was to multiply the calculated mean values for all trips times the estimated total number of resource users engaging in the same activity at the same location. 10.2 SUMMARY OF DOLLAR VALUE ANALYSIS RESULTS Tables 10-1 through 10-12 present both mean and aggregate dollar value estimates,first for all activities and all study area residents and,subsequently,for urban,small town,and rural residents.The same reporting format is used to present mean and aggregate dollar value estimates for hunting,.fishing,and nonconsumptive activities.Table 10.1 shows that the mean dollar value for resource uses as a whole in the potential inundation zone, Area 10,ranges from a low of $83·per trip to a high of ·'$321 per trip.As described in Section 8.2,these estimates are based on all remote activities pursued in the study region,and not solely on activities pursued in Area 10. The mean dollar vallie estimates for Area 10'ana for Areas i1 and 12 are similar to the mean dollar value estimates for remote areas outside the Susitna study region.As expected,they are higher than for nonremote areas.Travel costs are likely to be higher to access r~mote areas and the quality of the experience sought is likely to be greater. The aggregate dollar value estimates presented in Tables 10-1 through 10-12 establish a much different perspective on the value of remote areas in the study region.The aggregate value estimates are the product of the mean value estimates and r~source use.estimates. The use analysis results presented in section 9.2 showed that only 0.3 percent of all study area households used resources in Area 10 in 1984.Although the mean dollar value estimates are higher for remote than nonremote areas,extremely low levels of use cause the 68 I ) "f I -:1 ,f,I aggregate dollar value estimates to also be low in remote areas. Table 10-13 directly compares the percent of total aggregate value attributed to the six key analysis areas.In no case do Areas 10, 11,or 12 account for more than 3 percent of total aggregate value. Areas 10, 11,and 12 are relatively more important to small town and rural households than they are to urban households.In absolute, terms,however,these areas are more valuable to the urban population than the small town and rural populations combined.The high estimated aggregate value to the urban population is $1,554,456 while the combined high estimated aggregate value to the small town and rural populations is $259,314. Another concern raised about Susitna Project is its_~ffect on salmon stocks in the river reach between Devil's Canyon and the confluence with the Chulitna River. The estimated annual value of Area 1,which contains this reach of the Susitna River for recreational salmon fishing,is between $499,000 and $1,374,000.These figures represent between 2.0 and 2.4 percent of the aggregate annual value of all fishing sites within and outside the study region. 69 ANNUAL AGGREGATE DOLLAR VALUE OF ALL TRIPS All HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 Areas 11_12 Other Study Region Remote Study Region Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Nonremote Table 10-1 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ALL ACTIVITIES BY AREA MEAN DOLLAR VALUE OF LAST TRIP Low Intermediate Hijh 83 137 321 83 137 321 82 135 321 37 87 174 93 160 296 31 75 117 Low 180,171 481,732 3,584,454 11,586,665 6,853,495 13,360,494 Inter med i ate 309,137 828,749 6,049,178 24,521,468 12,29~7 ,?23 30,755,120 High 492,321 1,321,249 9,803,213 36,332,421 16,184,420 40;171,260 .I l. i I I \' I URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 93 150 345 159,300 268,155 431,703 Areas 11.12 93 150 345 414,300 697,405 1~123~753 )\Other StUdy Region Remote 92 148 347 3,084,345 5,088,650 8,349,540 StUdy Region Nonremote 38 92 181 10,124,540 21,607,250 31,793~525 Elsewhere ReiOOte ---~---98··.168 30(>6,541,195 1[;-6&6;255 15;159,38-8 Elsewhere Nonremote 31 75 113 12,013,250 28,003,300 35,874,050 SHAll TOWN HOUSEHOLDS !Area 10 56 108 253 18~O78 36,156 52,302Areas11_12 56 108 253 54,4%108,992 157 ~66 11 1_Q~h~!:_~.tU~L8.~gjgrl.I!~'t~.·56-··--·---108-·--239-.··············_-359,.304-_··_·-718,608-··--1,018,028·Study Region Nonremote 2&...____59 130 l.p223~640-2~539.p.980-3r-98&.~100ElsewhereRemote66106292302,460 568,000 955,&60 f Elsewhere Nonremote 33 '1"140 1,291,300 2.547~700 3,647,050J! RURAL HOUSEHOLDS IArea1020381612,793 4,826 B,SIGAreas11_12 20 38 161 12,936 22~352 40,832 )other Study Region Remote 20 39 159 140,805 241,920 435,645StudyRegionNonremote32&0 147 238,485 374,238 552,7% Elsewhere Remote 19 35 55 9,B40 63,468 69,372 "~Elsewhere Nonremote 14 53 341 55,944 204,120 650,160 70 1\ Table 10-2 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF HUNTING BY AREA MEAN DOLLAR VALUE DE LAST TRIP ANNUAL AGGREGATE DOLLAR VALUE OF ALL TRIPS \ I ALL HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 Areas 11,12 Other Study Reglon Remote Study Reglon Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Nonremote Low Intermediate 103 IG6 103 1GG 102 113 45 93 152 249 31 78 High 471 471 471 249 577 155 Low 41,137 '78,451 1,412,768 2,404,713 1,232,068 2,538,482 Intermediate 64,790 124,449 2,237,920 4,456,640 2,105,21'7 5,413,269 High 153,780 286~871 5,222,~% 9,461,706 3.882,989 8,874~019 URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 112 178 506 38,160 59,')%113.94.8 Areas 11,12 112 178 506 57,420 90,27'7 216~601 Other Study Reglon Remote III 176 512 1,142,640 1,796,484 4,373,773 Study Region Nonremote 48 98 260 1,889,842 3,554,290 7~611~382 Elsewhere Remote 163 274 611 1,048,468 1,894,977 3,424,/'09 Elsewhere Nonremote 31 80 152 2,059,122 4,646,224 7~523.715 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 86 150 426 2,702 4,144 8,372 Areas 11,12 86 150 426 18,721 28,712 58,006 Other Study Region Remote 8a 151 388 228,520 343,360 649,600 Study Region Nonremote 35 71 200 383,201 715,870 1,532,804 Elsewhere Remote 119 148 508 182,520 207,900 451,440 Elsewhere Nonremote 39 76 218 437,976 670,236 1,240,932 RURA~HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 30 69 180 275 650 1,460 Areas 11,12 30 69 180 2,310 5,460 12,2M Other Study Region Remote 30 70 169 41,608 98,076 1'39,124 Study Region Nonremote 38 83 237 131,670 186,480 317,520 Elsewhere Remote B 16 47 1,080 2,400 6,840 Elsewhere Nonremote 7 26 40 41,384 %,809 109,372 71 ANNUAL AGGREGATE DOLl.AR 'lALUE OF ALL nIPS All HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 Areas 11,12 Other Study Regl0n Remote Study Regl0n Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Nonremote Table 10-3 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF FISH ING BY AREA MEAN DOLLAR VALUE OF LAST tRIP Low Intermediate Hi~h 73 119 265 73 119 265 72 117 264 37 89 169 aa 157 233 42 92 146 Low 69,298 165,741 3,084,541 5,64&,230 2,713,120 9,266,783 Inter-mediate 123,259 297.366 5,304,'770 13,049,924 4,631,1?B 18,448,863 1'30 ~'lIS? 4b4.388 8,497,785 20 ,4~75 ~332 7!029,284 26,182,526 I ,r i ( (.1 URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 79 128 2aO 60,420 110,028 171,932 rAreas11,12 79 128 280 151,335 275,589 430~641 Other Study Regl0n Remote 78 126 280 2,634,884 4,625,264 7,440,230 I Study.~Region-Nonremote-~-3'3-.-~9S ..~l-77 .4,769,.§18 1-}·,001T2-24 ·-l-7·,198yH6 ._- Elsewhere Remote 8S 162 281 2,341,920 4,046,701}6,233,640 (Elsewhere Nonremote 44 9G 147 8,726,685 17,294,703 24,117,384 ISHALLTOWNHOUSEHOLDS Area 10 48 82 178 8,68!)12,330 17,336 (Areas 11,12 48 82 178 13.,.Q2D__1.9+320__26.,.2:55 Other Study Regl0n Remote 48 82 176 404,352 600,048 8::!6,:34iJStuClyReglonNonremote2357122783,240 1,881,060 2,991,720 ,'rElsewhereRemote57118302154,860 358,440 557,670ElsewhereNonremote27&4 139 524,006 1,122,870 1,%7,6%, I RURAL HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 Areas 11,12 Other StUdy Regl0n Remote StUdy Regl0n Nonremote Elsewhere Remote Elsewhere Nonremote 19 19 19 27 173 9 34 34 34 48 182 19 72 167 167 167 109 190 71 198 1,386 45,305 93,472 216,340 16,092 351 2,457 79,458 167,640 226,038 31,290 999 &,9~f3 230,707 285,496 237,974 97,44& ) I Table 10-4 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES Or NONCONSUMPTIVE ACTIVITIES BY AfiEA MEAN DOLLAR VALUE ANNUAL AGGREGAtE DOLLAR I)ALUE OF LAST TRIP OF ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High Low Irlterrnediate Hi·~h ALL HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 91 139 276 105,219 169.786 229 lf 274 Areas 11,12 91 139 27&425,045 G99~509 941~177 Other Study Region Remote 91 pq 278 2,317,396 3,936,856 5,343,340"'.Study Region Nonremote 35 85 160 12,981,475 27,001,289 36,93&,774 Elsewhere Remote 72 118 166 9,618,500 17,577,060 20.620.976 Elsewhere Nonremote 27 69 102 13,012,988 31,588,276 39,803~337 URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 100 165 314 98,156 151,156 204.156 Areas 11,12 100 1&5 314 393;550 606,050 818~550 Other Study Region Remote 99 164 316 1,921,888 2,%5,672 4,009,~56 Study Region Nonremote 36 B9 167 11,261,943 23 ..7:'5 ~213 32,296,154 Elsewhere Remote 76 124 173 9,437,914 16,915,546 19,758,604 Elsewhere Nonremote 26 67 98 11,562,880 28,548,352 35,167,104 SHALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 31 100 163 3,696 13,113 16,590 Areas 11,12 31 100 163 21,912 77,771 98~355 Other Study Region Remote 31 100 163 168,960 599,680 758,400 Study Region Nonremote 25 57 112 1,389,200 2,714,000 3,946,800 Elsewhere Remote 28 55 85 172,530 512,478 713,124 Elsewhere Nonremote 36 85 125 1,413,540 2,811,374 3,588,821 RURAL HOUSEHOLDS Area 10 15 24 146 3,367 5,512 8,528 Areas 11.12 15 24 146 9,583 15,688 24~272 Other Study Region Remote 15 24 148 226,548 371,504 575,434 Study Region Nonremote 33 62 147 330,332 512,076 693,820 Elsewhere Remote 1 36 36 8,056 149,036 149,248 Elsewhere Nonremote 21 90 711 36,568 228,550 1,047,412 73 Table 10-5 Susitpa Hydroelectric Project ESriMATED DOLLAR VALUES DE ACTIVITIES IN REMOTE AREAS BY ALL HOUSEHOLDS Low MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP' Intermediate High Low MEAN DOLLAR VALUES ALL TRIPS Intermediate High I, I 275 544· 321 1,169 267 642 353 657 laS 791 385 471 416 706 491 377 371 469 651 781 475 731 265 452 433 903 Moose Hunting 115 176 421 186 Caribou Hunting 156 234 918 218 Sheep or Goat Hunting 205 263 635 208 Brown Bear Hunting 73 159 395 176 Bl:2c~.Bear HIJnting 81 106 683 136 SDlall Game Hunting 55 152 190 176 King S.31mon Eishin'j 81 121 289 279 Silver Salmon fishing SG 155 343 2G8 Red S.311110n Fishin'j 57 117 163 153 Other Salmon Eishin'j 105 laG 244 357 R.3inbow TrolJt Pi shing 53 89 154 293 Dolly Varden Fishing 47 85 223 153 Lake Trout Fishing 97 1:41 547 328 ~~her Tt9-'-JLfishin'L It -----··l, .Grayling Fishing -70 121 231 251 592 793 BOIJrbot or Cod Fishing 51 102 175 353 1,088 1,179 SIJmlller off Road 46 80 108 304 485 560 Winter Off Road 17 50 102 199 535 637 Skiing 47 G9 180 1,187 1,394 1,994 Motorboatin'j 108 155 220 471 629 782 Canoe,Raft,Kayak 167 ,198 281 599 764 884 Other Boating /(/(/(*.J..&.... ·----B;~ckpa-cKr~-------------·-201------'356------4:Jr-----------730 -1,130 1,310 --i-ent-eamping t44 228 838 6~-6 922 1,684 Rec Vehicle C.3mping /(*'1;*'*'Ie Other Camping /(/(/(/(Ie *- Hiking,Picnicking 42·79 120 688 949 1,055 Sightseeing 69 131 217 40G 1,241 1,532 AsterisKs refer to estimates which have been supresseddue to insufficient sample size. 74 -\ '·1 I \ r.1 \,I I' l.,, I, \\ I T~ble 10-6 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN NONREMOIE AREAS BY ALL HOUSEHOLDS MEAN DOLLAR VALUES MEAN,DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High Low Intermediate High Moose H'Jnting 51 116 319 107 230 507 CaribolJ Hunting 56 132 302 78 182 419 Sheep or Goat Hunting 45 111 310 50 120 ''jl'')CI'oJ«J Brown Bear Hunting 45 132 240 54 151 ')'7'1wi.... Black Bear Hunting 40 73 213 93 153 447 Small Game Hunting 28 58 115 121 220 319 King Salmon Fishing 51 123 210 134 291 440 Silver Salmon fishing 35 87 150 157 341 1:''11:'.,J«.,J Red Salmon Fishing 44 108 178 182 394 578 Other Salmon Fishing 38 98 IS8 160 341 C'~)11.J",;,li !)1 Rainbow Trout Fishing 28 60 134 1013 231 400IDollyVardenFishing307012283213316) Lake Trout Fishing 43 83 142 195 367 4% Other Trout Fishing 23 59 204 59 143 712 Grayling Fishing 35 99 168 136 374 514 Bourbot or Cod Fishing 38 90 220 90 222 458 SIJmlller off Road 43 93 179 481 704 850 Winter Off RO:3d 24 55 90 106 243 326 Skiing 14 42 90 80 230 329 Motorboating 46 107 194 265 612 315 Canoe,Raft,Kayak 29 86 165 231 485 615 Other Boating 29 61 90 184 443 552 9:3ckpacking 28 79 168 93 249 401 Tent Camping 32 89 143 105 335 436 Rec Vehicle Camping 79 179 256 463 789 974 Other Camping 25 66 123 91 195 376 Hiking,Picnicking 27 61 110 100 258 360 Sightseeing 37 9G 159 132 380 4C1 "./1 75 Table 10-7 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN REMOTE AREAS Bt URBAN HOUSEHOLDS 1} j Ij MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP Low Intermediate 123 190 165 241 II Ie 73 163 II Ie 66 179 82 122 High MEAN DOLLAR VALUES ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High 557 1,216 II 622 *533 730 902 508 Je. 723 }.; 979 }.; 847 1;. 549 330 }.; I./ .\ ,1 I .j Asterisks refer to estimates which have been supresseddue to insufficient sample size. 76 I I I Table 10-8 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN NONREHOIE AREAS BY URBAN HOUSEHOLDS MEAN DOLLAR VALUES MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Interllledhte High Low Intermediate High Moose H'Jnting co')124 33G 97 232 524"'..Caribou Hunting 60 144 336 83 195 46'7 Sheep or Goat Hunting 44 %255 49 103 273 Brown Bear Hunting 46 128 236 56 149 '1c.qwU" Black Bear Hunting 45 78 219 81 129 456 Small Game Hunting 30 63 119 133 237 325 King Salmon Fishing 54 129 216 137 297 439 Silver Salmon Fishing 37 92 161 166 362 561 Red Salmon Fishing 46 115 190 un 404 605 Other Salmon Fishing 39 103 188 172 366 554 r Rainbow trout Fishing 31 65 142 109 231 399 Dolly Varden Fishing 31 72 122 85 214 311./ Lake Trout Fishing 46 88 143 205 382 486 Other Trout Fishing 23 59 213 59 140 747 Grayling Fishing 37 105 169 139 371 .<to,".J ... Bourbot or Cod Fishing 38 93 228 35 215 451 SIJmmer off Ro,'2d 45 98 182 co')"755 884"',,'Winter Oft Road 25 58 86 104 240 302 Skiing 14 44 95 81 ')"'"343w,jl Motorboating 47 113 205 229 G03 803 Canoe,Raft,Kayak 30 91 178 248 520 GGO Other Boating 30 61 91 176 434 541 B.'2ckpacking 29 83 178 93 254 415 Tent Camping 33 90 134 109 348 436 Rec Vehicle Camping 81 173 248 491 811 1,004. Other Camping It.It It *k *Hiking,Picnicking 28 62 108 103 2&6 36GI (Sightseeing 37 97 161 185 384 503 ,j Asterisks refer to estimates which have been suppressed due to insufficient sample size. r ! J 77 J Table 10-9 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN REMOTE AREAS -BY SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS -/ I 78 I l I 'j } '\ ,l :\ ,\ ~ I ;,\ j ") MEAN DOLLAR VALUES MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Intermedi~te High Low Intermedi.3te Hi'3 h Moose Huntins 109 151 420 221 284 597 C~ribou Hunting 102 180 567 415 493 936 Sheep or Goat Hunting It It *-*-*-Ie: Brown Be~r Hunting **-*-*I:*-Black Bear Hunting *-*-*-*-*-It Small Game Hunting 30 82 124 103 240 305 King ~31mon Fishin§70 118 155 215 354 448 Silver S~lmon Fishing 48 83 347 425 538 863 Red Salmon Fishing 39 liB 119 133 232 299 Other Salmon Fishing 28 *-It *-**-Rainbow Trout Fishing 53 91 126 529 858 954 Dolly Varden Fishing It *-1:.*-*fr. Lake Trout Fishing 50 92 154 92 200 33G Other~Trout·-Ftshtn9-··~..7i.*-Grayling Fishing 34 70 189 156 371 G6G Bourbot or Cod Fishing *k *-It **Summer off RO.3d 28 71 110 209 508 640 Winter Off Road 13 61 119 103 904 1,181Skiing**-*-*-*-'"Motorboating 57 98 162 311 690 821 Canoe,Raft,Kayak *-*-*-*-*-1:- Tent Camping 48 180 247 208 651 951 Rec Vehicle Camping *-k ****-Other C.3ll1ping ***-It Ie:I<. Hiking,Picnicking 23 41 61 383 702 8G6 Sightseeing 18 102 132 140 1,165 1,257 Table 10·10 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN NONRE~O!E AREAS BY SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS MEAN DOLLAR VALUES MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High Low Intermediate High Moose HIJnting 45 79 248 122 191 411 Car i bOIJ Hunting 40 83 164 61 135 232 Sheep or Goat Hunting 49 214 677 63 236 707 Brown Bear Hunting 11 It *;I;It }; Black Bear Hunting 28 55 155 141 ""'7 368"'.., Small Game Hunting 18 38 99 69 146 308 King Salmon Fishing 28 74 161 no 257 45& Silver Salmon Fishing 22 54 94 104 217 315 Red Salmon Fishing 31 60 93 203 342 408 Other Salmon Fishing 21 63 96 80 197 250 Rainbow Trout Fishing 17 36 95 105 239 4"";u" Dolly Varden Fishing 20 64 135 '76 235 387 Lake Trout Fishing 25 54 142 131 274 616 Other Trout Fishing 11 1<'* ;I;It It Grayling Fishing 25 71 175 129 415 6Bl Bourbot or Cod Fishing 39 82 189 143 307 573 SIJmmer off RO.3d 31 64 154 182 379 634 Winter Off Road 19 34 111 125 257 448 Skiing 8 23 40 39 115 157 Motorboating 41 71 130 494 671 915 Canoe,Raft,Kayak 18 41 65 97 218 271 Other Boating 22 54 74 50 189 254 B.3ckpacldng 15 43 68 96 206 262 Tent Camping 23 -82 134 62 226 363 Rec Vehicle Camping 62 271 322 123 558 632 Other Camping '*It ;I;1<11 '*Hiking,Picnicking 19 45 95 80 192 289 Sightseeing 39 92 149 155 352 453 Asterisks refer to estimates which have been suppressed due to insufficient sample size. 79 Table 10-11 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN REMOTE AREAS BY RURAL HOUSEHOLDS MEAN DOLLAR VALUES MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAS!TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High Low Intermedi.3te High Moose Huntinq 35 &4 175 48 as 26&Caribou Hunting 80 laB 477 loa 222 536SheeporGoatHunting2110026240131310BrownBearHuntingItItItIt1;Jr.Black Bear Hunting 13 3&104 23 68 247SmallGameHunting5173747140173KingSalmonFishth§44 72 315 165 248 524SilverSalmonFishing27487684130191RedSalmonFishingIt1:.1:.f-1:.L1\Other Salmon Fishing 1:.It It It It ItRainbowTroutFishing183029858III495DollyVardenFishing8263371851649LakeTroutFishingIIIIII1:.-Other-Trout-Fishtrlg--l..--T T It 1:.1;Grayling Fishing 17 30 83 54 101 273BourbotorCodFishing2536596693144SummeroffRO.3d 5 13 33 11&475 513WinterOffRoad2131441,100 1,725 1,760Skiing351701741383Motorboating2028393504567S1Canoe,Raft,Kayak 1:.I<1:./..It * Tent Camping I<It It It It *'Rec Vehicle Camping It It.1:.I<f-Ir.Other Camping 1:.It It It It ItHiking,Picnicking 4 15 27 39 117 235Sightseeing53696072515071,209 Asterisks refer to estimates which have been suppressed due to insufficient sample size. 80 ,'I ,( I .j l ( 1 Table 10-12 Susitna Hydroelectric Project ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUES OF ACTIVITIES IN NONREMOTE AREAS BY RURAL HOUSEHOLDS MEAN DOLLAR VALUES ·MEAN DOLLAR VALUES LAST TRIP ALL TRIPS Low Intermediate High Low Intermediate High Moose HIJnting 54 95 231 375 476 660 C.3r ibolJ Hunting 30 104 191 co')132 236.J .. Sheep or Goat Hunting ******Brown Bear Hunting **',.**11 11 Black Bear Hunting 16 60 312 131 305 562 Small Game Hunting 9 22 87 24 63 l oq1.1. King Salmon Fishing 32 57 150 127 193 381 Silver Salmon Fishing 18 38 61 99 210 :162 Red Salmon Fishing 24 44 65 104 190 226 Other Salmon Fishing 65 93 492 eo 121 545 Rainbow Trout Fishing 16 29 63 81 131 299 Dolly Varden Fishing 30 ,43 77 59 105 160 Lake Trout Fishing ******Other Trout Fishing *'Ie ****Grayling Fishing 28 55 12 81 170 204 Bourbot or Cod Fishing 12 26 54 19 36 68 S'Jmmer off Road 21 45 1%151 234 602 Winter Ofr Road 16 42 134 77 270 553 Skiing 22 38 63 452 716 779 Motorboating 46 61 88 624 689 766 .Canoe,Raft,Kayak 43 84 117 134 303 375 Other Bbating *1<Ie II **Backpacking 18 46 82 68 168 222 Tent Camping 73 102 975 108 197 1,090 Rec Vehicle Camping II it it it it *Other Camping ***it **Hiking,Picnicking 21 77 355 52 162 461 Si'3htseeing 32 73 128 117 283 377 Asterisks refer to estimates which have been suppressed due to insufficient sample size., 1 81 I 11.0 RELATIVE VALUE ANALYSIS 11.1 INTRODUCTION The relative value analysis addresses the question of whether remote areas of the study region have specific attributes that are of significantly higher quality than the attributes of other areas.If so.changes in these specific attributes could have an effect on the overall value of an area. Section 8.3 described the relative value analysis.To briefly recapitulate that description,respondents rated the quality of ten specific attributes of the area they used for a selected resource use activity.These attributes were: •Ease of getting into the area •Familiarity with the area •Beauty of the area •Lack of crowding in the area •Ease of getting around in the area •Chance of getting what you wanted in area •Cost of this activity in the area •Quality of places to stay or camp in the area •Chance of being close to nature in the area •Family tradition of doing the activity in the area The relative value analysis was approached in two ways.First,ten mean quality ratings for ten specific attributes and one general quality measure were calculated for four geographic areas:study region remote,study region nonremote.other remote.and other nonremote.These calculations were repeated for all activities as a group as well as for hunting.fishing,and nonconsumptive activities. The purpose of this analysis was to identify any attributes which resource users rated relatively high in study region remote areas. 83 11.2 SUMMARY OF RELATIVE VALUE ANALYSIS Tables 11-1 through 11-4 present the analysis results.Virtually all differences are statistically significant due to large sample sizes,but differences of less than 0.5 should not be considered important.The means are based on a scale of 0 to 4 where 4 is equivalent to "very good,"3 is equivalent to "good,"2 is equivalent to "neither good nor poor,"1 is equivalent to "poor," and 0 is equivalent to "very poor." The only attribute receiving a higher rating for remote areas of the study region than for the three·other geographic areas was "family tradition of doing activity.in the area."Even in this case, however,the differences are not large enough to be important. It is perhaps surprising that there is so little variation in attribute ratings between remote and nonremote areas.One must keep in mind that the ratings are perceptions and not objective measures. The perceptions may not be based on an absolute level of an att.rIbute,but rather may be based on the (Utterence between the expected level of an attribute and the level actually experienced. Thus,for example,an angler fishing Willow Creek at its busiest time may expect it to be crowded and may find it less crowded than expected.As a result,the angler might rate the lack of crowding \\ 1 I,I .. The lack of variation in perceptions does suggest that resource users are generally successful in finding attractive locations. Overall,remote areas of the study region,along wi th all other areas,wererated midway between "good"and "very good .... The second approach to the relative value analysis involved subtracting individual ratings for specific attributes in the best substitute location from individual ratings for the same specific attributes in the chosen location.The mean difference in ratings 84 ) indicates the comparative advantage of the chosen location over the best substitute.Tables 11-5 through 11-8 display the results of this analysis. Using a difference of 0.5 as a threshold of importance,no specific attributes are identified as being comparative advantages of remote areas of the study region among all users of these areas.However, rural users of remote areas of the study region reported the following comparative advantages: •Ease of getting to area •Beauty of area •Familiarity with area •Cost of activity •Family tradition of doing activity in area •Lack of crowding in area Nei ther urban nor small town resource users reported such comparative advantages.The rural differences hold for fishing and nonconsumptive activities as well as for hunting.It should also be noted that approximately 25 percent of all respondents,most of them rural residents,found it impossible to rate the quality of specific attributes in a substitute area.In part,this lack of response suggests a perceived lack of substitute sites.The reported comparative advantages of selected sites are,therefore,likely to be underestimates since they exclude respondents who could not give a rating for a substitute site. In summary,rural residents who use remote areas of the study region do perceive a number of important comparative advantages to their chosen location.If the analysis results for remote areas of the study region as a whole hold in the potential inundation zone (Area 10)and in areas in which access would be changed by a road to the Watana dam (Areas 11 and 12),changes in these attributes could substantially affect the quality of resource use experiences of the few people who use these areas. 85 TABLE 11.1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RATING OF LOCATION ATTRIBUTES FOR ALL ACTIVITIES* Location Attribute Urban Small Town All Rural Househlds 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.7 3-.8:-3.6 Ease of getting to area Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Familiarity with location Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Beauty of the area Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Lack of crowding Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 2.8 3.2 2.9 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.8 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.3 2.9 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.8 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.9 3.4 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.2 2.9 I II J I -l } 1 \ S~udy region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 2.8 3.1 2.9 3.3 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.8 3.1 3.0 3.3 *Respondents were asked to .rate each attribut-e on a scaTeOf 0 to-4 where "0"represents a rating of poor and "4"represents a rating of very good. 86 1 1 Table 11-1.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Mean Rating of Location Attributes for All Activities (Cont.) Chance of getting what you wanted Urban Small Town All Rural Househlds study region remote study region nonremote other remote Other nonremote Cost of activity study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Quality of places to stay or camp study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Chance of being close to nature study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Family tradition of doing activity study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Overall appeal study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 87 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 2.9 3.2 3.0 3.3 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.6 3.5 3.7 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.1 3.4 3.5 3.5 2.7 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.7 3.5 3.7 3.6 2.7 2.9 3.0 2.7 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.2 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.1 2.4 3.7 3.5 2.7 3.7 2.9 2.7 1.7 2.9 3.6 3.5 2.9 3.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.4 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.6 3.5 3.7 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.5 TABLE 11-2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RATING OF LOCATION ATTRIBUTES FOR HUNTING ACTIVITIES* 2.9 2.7 3.5 3.0 2.7 3.0 3.2 2.8 2.9 2.6 3.7 2.9 2.8 3.3 3.5 2.9 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.5 3.L 3_•.8 3.5. All Rural Househlds ) j i \ I I .1 I ·l ) 2.7 3.0 2.3 3.2 3.1 3.2 2.5 4.0 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.0 Small Town 2.6 3.1 2.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 Urban Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote _~O_ther_nonrcemote Ease of getting to area Location Attribute Beauty of the area Familiarity with location Lack of crowding 88 1 J ( i ) l j I I 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.0 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.2 3.0 2.4 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.6 3.2 3.0 2.7 3.5 3.2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.5 3.2 Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote *Respondents were asked to rate each attribute on a seale ofOto 4 where "0"represents a rating of poor and "4"represents a rating of very good. -) I Table 11-2.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Mean Rating of Location At~ributes for Hunting Activities (Cont.) Chance of getting what you:'wanted Urban Small Town Rural All Househlds I, I, study region remote study region nonremote other remote Other nonremote Cost of activity study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Quality of places to stay or camp study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Chance of being close to nature study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Family tradition of doing activity study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Overall appeal study region remote study region nonremote other remote Other nonremote 89 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.8 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.6 4.0 3.6 2.9 2.5 2.8 2.2 3.4 3.3 3.7 3.3 2.8 2.4 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 2.8 2.6 1.9 2.5 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.8 2.4 2.8 2.9 2.8 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 2.8 2.4 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.0 3.9 3.9 3.1 2.8 3.5 2.9 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.8 2.6 2.7 2.0 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.6 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.7 3.6 3.9 3.6 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.3 3.4 3.3 3.6 3.3 TABLE 11-3 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RATING OF LOCATION ATTRIBUTES FOR FISHING ACTIVITIES* Location Attribute Ease of getting to area Study region remote 'Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Familiarity with location Urban 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.4 Small Town 3.0 3.1 3.4 3.3 Rural 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 All Househlds 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.3 Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Beauty of the area 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.0 2.9 3.\1 3.1 3.0 2.6 3.4 4.0 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.0 study region remote study region nonremote Other remote _OtheI'.nonr_emote 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.5 3.6 3._6~__--3..5---.----3.6 Lack of crowding Study region remote study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 2.8 2.5 2.9 2.5 2.8 2.4 3.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.9 2.8 2.6 \ I \ Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.9 3.6 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 ( ) j *Respondents were asked to rate each attribute em a scale of 0 to 4 where "0"represents a rating of poor and "4"represents a rating of very good. 90 !1 Table 11-3.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Mean Rating of Location Attributes for Fishing Activities (Cont.) Chance of getting what you wanted Urban Study region remote 3.1 Study region nonremote 3.0 Other remote 3.5 Other nonremote 3.1 Cost of activity Small Town 3.2 2.9 3.2 3.3 Rural 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.9 All Househlds 3.1 3.0 3.5 3.1 'II \ J I I\J Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Quality of places to stay or camp Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Chance of being close to nature Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Family tradition of doing activity Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Overall appeal Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote 91 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.2 2.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.5 2.5 3.1 2.9 3.6 3.4 3.7 3.5 2.8 2.8 3.1 2.9 3.5 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.4 2.8 2.7 2.5 1.7 3.6 3.5 3.0 3.3 2.9 2.7 2.0 3.2 3.5 3.4 4.0 3.3 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.7 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 TABLE 11-4 SQSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MEAN RATING OF LOCATION ATTRIBUTES FOR NONCONSUMPTIVE ACTIVITIES* Location Attribute Ease of getting to area Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Familiarity with location study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Beauty of the area Urban 2.9 3.3 3.1 3.5 2.8 2.8 3.1 2.9 Small Town 3.0 3.3 2.7 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.2 All Rural Househlds 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.6 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.2 3.1 3.7 3.0 l l ( \ I j ,I J i 92 *Respondents were asked to rate each attribute on a scale of 0 to 4 where "0"represents a rating of poor and "4"represents a rating of very good. 3.1 2.9 3.3 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.9 3.3 3.7 1.6 3.3 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.0 ....~.•..._...._"..~~.~.."-------------"~-_._.._-"----.-._---_.----_._----'.--_._.-._-'"----~--.--_.-.---._-,---.-.--,..,."" 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.9 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.0 3.3 !I I I I l 'I ) ,II ,I ,I 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 4.0 2.4 3.6 4-LO 3._9__-----~3.6 3.5 3.6 3.6 Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote study region remote study region nonremote Other remote __-9ther n~nr;,emQ1:.e Lack of crowding i I Table 11-4.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Mean Rating of Location Attributes for Nonconsumptive Activities (Cont.) Small All Chance of getting what yOU wanted Urban Town Rural Househlds r ~1 I I Study region remote 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.3 Study region nonremote 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 Other remote 3.4 3.6 2.2 3.4 Other nonremote 3.5 3.5 3.9 3.5 Cost of activity Study region remote 2.8 3.2 3.7 3.0 Study region nonremote 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.3 Other remote 3.0 3.7 2.5 3.1 Other nonremote 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.4 Quality of places to stay or camp Study region remote 2.8 2.9 3.3 2.9 .Study region nonremote 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.9 Other remote 2.7 3.4 .4 2.8 Other nonremote 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.8 Chance of being close to nature Study region remote 3.5 3.6 3.0 3.5 Study region nonremote 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Other remote 3.7 3.9 1.7 3.6 Other nonremote 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.5 Family tradition of doing activity Study region remote 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.9 Study region nonremote 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.7 Other remote 2.5 3.1 1.1 2.5 Other nonremote 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.5 Overall appeal U Study region remote 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.6 Study region nonremote 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Other remote 3.5 4.0 1.7 3.5 II Other nonremote 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.6 93 TABLE 11-5 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DIFFERENCE IN MEAN RATINGS BETWEEN LOCATION USED AND BEST SUBSTITUTE LOCATION FOR ALL ACTIVITIES* -.18 -.02 .63**-.11 .11 .17 .33 .12 .09 .17 -.38 .09 .24 .17 .54 .24 Location Attribute Ease of getting to area Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Urban Small Town Rural All Househlds Familiarity with location Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Beauty of the area .03 .18 .70 .08 .04 .18 .28 .06 .10 .39 1.90 .15 .23 .20 .07 .23 94 **A difference of a 0.5 or greater can be considered important and is underlined. *A positive difference in mean ratings means that the location used is rated higher on the attribute than the best substitute location. I I I I I I I \ j I .21 .10 .30 .02 .03 .12 .10 .21 .16 .11 .43 .00 .33 .09 .00 -.07 .27 .04 .10 .02 .06 .34 .04 -.02 .12 .03 -.07 .90 -.01 •06--_·~-.-;L.6------.13 - -.07 .08 -.08 .16 .20 .10 .32 .02 .03 .12 .11 .21 .01 .03 -.02 ..13 Study region remote Study region nonremote other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote _~_Qther IlQJU"en1.Qt_e Lack of crowding Table 11-5.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Difference in Mean Ratings Between Loca- Il tion Used and Best Substitute Location for All Activities (Cont.) Small All fl Chance of getting what you wanted Urban Town Rural Househlds Study region remote .01 .10 .15 .02 Study region nonremote .03 .01 -.01 .03 Other remote .22 -.05 .33 .20 Other nonremote .13 .01 -.14 .13 Cost of activity Study region remote .15 .22 .87 .20 Study region nonremote .22 .24 .42 .22 Other remote .38 .32 .52 .38 Other nonremote .16 .08 .37 .16 Quality of places to stay or camp 1\ Study region remote .04 .04 .18 .05 Study region nonremote .00 -.02 .06 .00 Other remote -.04 .06 .83 -.02 Other nonremote .09 .07 -.17 .09 (J Chance of being close to nature II Study region remote .18 .09 .28 .18 Study region nonremote .06 .02 .12 .05 Other remote .23 -.03 -.08 .21 Other nonremote .08 .03 .04 .08 Family tradition of doing activity Study region remote .03 .27 .74 .09 Study region nonremote .02 i .09 .17 .03 Other remote .12 .14 .52 .12 Other nonremote .12 .03 -.45 .11 Overall appeal U Study region remote .18 .14 .38 .19 Study region nonremote .03 .03 .16 .04 Other remote .07 .00 .08 .06 I,J Other nonremote .12 .07 .06 .12 95 TABLE 11-6 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DIFFERENCE IN MEAN RATINGS BETWEEN LOCATION USED AND BEST SUBSTITUTE LOCATION FOR HUNTING ACTIVITIES* Small All Location Attribute Urban Town Rural Househlds Ease of getting to area Study region remote -.10 -.01 .81**-.04 Study region nonremote .21 .32 .46 .23 Other remote -.73 .55 -.37 -.54 Other nonremote .15 .21 .44 .17 Familiarity with location Study region remote .21 .35 .81 .26 Study region nonremote .11 .41 .36 .16 Other remote -.50 .18 2.00 -.24 Other nonremote -.09 .14 .08 -.06 Beauty of the area Study region remote .05 .00 1.42 .05 Study region non remote .05 .00 .84 .04 Other remote .-.~~.~",,:.A.S-1,-01 .......25.. Other nonremote -.13 .14 .42 -.09 Lack of crowding Study region remote .02 .27 1.41 .06 study region nonremote .12 -.16 1.70 .07 Other remote .83 .30 .00 .71 Other nonremote .02 -.07 .44 .00 Ease of getting around Study region remote .08 -.05 .12 .07 Study region nonremote .17 .18 .21 .18 Other remote .08 -.40 .47 .06 Other nonremote .13 .23 .22 .14 *A positive difference in mean ratings means that the location used is rated higher on the attribute than the best substitute location. **A difference of a 0.5 or greater can be considered important and is under:lined. 96 l I ! 1 I I "-J(" I I J ! I I j 'I ·1 I I I I 97 TABLE 11-7 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DIFFERENCE IN MEAN RATINGS BETWEEN LOCATION USED AND BEST SUBSTITUTE LOCATION FOR FISHING ACTIVITIES* Small All Location Attribute Urban Town Rural Househlds Ease of getting to area Study region remote -.24 .03 .51**-.18 Study region nonremote .12 .04 .39 .12 Other remote .60 .13 .00 .56 Other nonremote .30 -.01 1.87 .29 Familiarity with location Study region remote -.03 .13 .67 .02 Study region nonremote .11 .11 .32 .11 Other remote .21 .40 .00 .23 Other nonremote .35 .09 .03 .33 Beauty of the area Study region remote .04 .00 1.33 .06 Study region nonremote .04 -.06 .95 .03 Other remote .O_().....20 ...00 _.02 Other nonremote .06 .01 .42 .05 Lack of crowding Study region remote .31 .25 1.91 .31 Study region nonremote .06 .07 1.67 .06 Other remote .09 .40 .00 .12 Other nonremote -.09 -.04 .39 -.09 Ease of getting around Study region remote .09 -.05 .21 .08 Study region nonremote .13 .05 .06 .12 Other remote .08 .07 .00 .08 Other nonremote .22 .07 .16 .21 *A positive difference in mean ratings means that the location used is rated higher on the attribute than the best substitute location. **A difference of a 0.5 or greater can be considered important and is underlined. 98 I I ! Table 11-7.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Difference in Mean Ratings Between Loca- tion Used and Best Substitute Location forI-j Fishing Activities (Cont.) Small All r ) Chance of getting what YOU wanted Urban Town Rural Househlds Study region remote .01 .08 .28 .02 [I Study region nonremote .01 -.06 -.01 .00 I J Other remote .50 .00 .00 .45 Other nonremote .11 -.04 .00 .10 ]Cost of activity Study region remote .23 .22 .88 .26 II Study region nonremote .18 .27 .51 .19 Other remote .67 .07 .00 .61 Other nonremote .16 .12 1.00 .16 Quality of places to stay or camp Study region remote -.03 .04 .11 -.02 11 Study region nonremote .03 -.07 .09 .02 Other remote .13 .00 .00 .12 Other nonremote .22 .19 .26 .22 [j Chance of being close to nature I I Study region remote .25 .13 .43 .25 IJ Study region nonremote .10 .04 .13 .09 Other remote .46 -.07 .00 .41 Other nonremote .04 .00 -.10 .03 Family tradition of doing activity Study region remote -.Q3 .35 1.04 .05 Study region nonremote .01 .07 .15 .02 Other remote .17 .23 .00 .17 [1 Other nonremote .17 .01 .29 .16 Overall appeal U Study region remote .18 .14 .46 .19 Study region nonremote .01 .02 .21 .02 - Other remote .08 .20 .00 .09 IJ Other nonremote .07 .05 -.10 .07 U 99 100 **A difference of a 0.5 or greater can be considered important and is underlined. 'I I I 'I I (, j I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I ] .15 .12 .27 .06 .04 .01 .22 .23 -.04 .10 .01 .23 -.03 .02 .03 -.12 .10 .12 .22 .67 .23 2.00 .09 1.22 1.33 .00 .59 .14 .11 .00 -.28 All Rural Househlds .64** .25 -1.00 .13 .07 .15 .53 .29 -.13 .20 -.06 .29 .25 .00 -.06 ..(fr .30 .08 -.33 .09 -.15 .08 .00 .21 Small Town .12 .12 .~O .06 -.11 .09 .02 .23 -.05 -.01 .20 .22 -.09 .0:2 .04 .1.8 -.15 .10 .12 .22 Urban Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote TABLE 11:-8 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DIFFERENCE IN MEAN RATINGS BETWEEN LOCATION USED AND BEST SUBSTITUTE LOCATION FOR NONCONSUMPTIVE"ACTIVITIES* Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Other nonremote Study region remote Study region nonremote Other remote Ot1'ie'rfiofiremo'te Ease of getting to area Location Attribute Familiarity with location Beauty of the area Lack of crowding Ease of-getting a~ound *A positive difference in mean ratings means that the location used is rated higher on the attribute than the best substitute location. 101 j ! ,I J J '.\. \ ! ~I (J ,I=========~==~~~~======------_.~....I f j f\ I I.. 102 I j 12.0 COMPARISON OF USER CHARACTERISTICS 12.1 INTRODUCTION Results of the dollar value analysis ~y themselves suggest that the primary value of the potential inundation zone (Area 10)is its value to urban resource users.Urban resource users spend an average of over 3.5 times the amount of money as rural resource users to access remote areas of the study region.The value of their travel time is over twice that of rural resource users,and their willingness to pay is 1.5 times that of rural resource users. In aggregate,the maximum dollar value of the potential inundation zone is almost 50 times greater for urban resource users than it is for rural resource users. A major reason that the aggregate value of the potential inundation zone is nearly 50 times greater for urban residents than it is for rural residents is that in absolute numbers,there are 28 times as many urban resource users in Area 10 as there are rural resource users.The fact that urban resource users live farther away from remote areas of the study region than rural resource users explains part of the reason that average urban expenses to access remote areas of the region are greater.All other things being equal, however,this difference should be reduced to zero if both urban and rural residents value locations the same and people's willingness to pay an additional amount to engage in the activity is considered. Under these circumstances,one would expect the average amount urban resource users are willing to pay would be less than the average amount rural resource users are willing pay. In fact,as shown in Tables 10-1 through 10-12,urban resource users are willing to pay more than rural or small town users,on average, to engage in their activities.These results could be interpreted 103 I the } the ,\1for this to suggest that,on a per-capita basis and an aggregate basis, values of the potential inundation zone and all other areas of study region are greater for urban resource users than they are small town or rural resource users.Before accepting conclusion,it is necessary to consider the ability of different population groups to pay for their resource use activities. 12.2 SUMMARY OF HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS Table 12-1 compares the household incomes of urban,small town, and rural resource users.The median income of urban resource users was $45,000 in 1984.Forty-two percent of all urban resource user households had incomes exceeding $50,000.The median income of small town resource users was slightly lower at $40,000 in 1984.In contrast,the median income of rural resource users was only $22,000.Less than 20 percent of all rural resource users had household incomes of $50,000 or more in 1984,and 44 percent had incomes of under $20,000 . .~Tb.elowerific6mes~(ff rural resource user~sisIargely the·result of the fact that they spent less time working for wages than urban 1 !1 'I Ii households worked 9.0 months in 1984. resource users.On average,adults in urban resource user The average in small town resource user households was 7.9,and the average in rural resource user households was 6.1 months in 1984. Although rural resource users spent significantly less time than urban resource users working for wages in 1984,there is evidence that they are not substantially less qualified to obtain employment..Rural resource users 1l.a,v:~all aY~t:a,g~c>f 13.1.yearsof education,compared with 13.5 years for small town resource users and 13.9 years for urban resource users.The difference in months worked and income is more likely because there are fewer jobs in 104 i I. I ,I "I TABLE 12-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INCOME AND EDUCATION OF RESOURCE CONSUMERS* (Percent) i I Alljl small Resource Urban Town Rural Consumers Income Under $10,000 2 4 13 3 $10,000 -19,999 12 11 30 12 $20,000 -29,999 13 14 16 13 $30,000 -39,999 16 19 11 16 $40,000 -49,999 15 19 10 15 $50,000 or more 42 38 20 41 Total 100 100 100 100 Median Income $45,000 $40,000 $22,000 $45,000,. I I "Education I .1 Elementary 2 3 5 3 Some high school 5 7 7 5 High school 30 36 39 30 Some college 32 30 28 32 College 16 12 12 16 Post college 15 12 9 14 Total 100 100 100 100 Mean Education 13.9 13.5 13.2 13.9 *Resource consumers consist of the subset of all households who have engaged in either hunting or fishing activities. 105 rural areas and because rural residents have chosen a lifestyle that involves substantial amounts of nonwage productive activity. Table 12-2 compares the importance of various reasons for living in one's community among urban,small town,and rural resource users. The opportunity to get a job is very important to 56 percent of all urban resource user households,but only to 25 percent of all rural resource user households.Similar differences can be observed for the importance of economic opportunity,importance of a challenging job,and the importance of opportunities to earn a high income. Rural resource users are much more concerned with the quality of hunting and fishing opportunities and the surrounding environment. sixty-nine percent of rural resource users believe nearby hunting and fishing opportunities are very important compa.red with 44 percent of urban resource users.Seventy-one percent of rural resource users believe that being close to a wilderness environment is very important compared with 51 percent of urban resource users. Rural resource users also attach more importance to recreational opport"iliifles;68 percent believe that nearby outdoor recreational opportunities are very important compared with 52 percent of urban resource users. Underlying rural interests in hunting and fishing opportunities .,ilL..-iln__in_t~J:·e.st __inb.eing self~reliant.__Fifty=six---percenLbelieve-------------. -----~t.hat-the-chance-to-be-se-1f_....rei_iant-_is-verrimp·ort:ant-e-omp-a-re-d-wt'tn: 31 percent of urban resource users.In keeping with their desires, 44 percent of all rural resource user households report that 50 percent or more of all the meat and fish consumed is from hunting and fishing ..(see .Table 12-3).This .figure compares··with 18·percent of all urban resource user households. 106 I.1 { \ ,~ L. '\I .1 \ i-\ \... Ii I ,I I I ,I ./ I./ ! !l !I I '_I TABLE 12-2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REASONS FOR LIVING IN COMMUNITY AMONG RESOURCE CONSUMERS (Percent Saying Very Important) All Small Resource Reasons Urban Town Rural Consumers Opportunity to get a job 56 40 25 54 Long-term economic opportunity 50 37 30 48 Having a challenging or exciting job 49 39 36 48 Opportunity to earn a high income 47 31 20 44 Nearby hunting and fishing 44 57 69 46 Being close to a wilderness environment 51 58 71 53 Nearby outdoor recreation opportunities 52 61 68 53 Chance to be self-reliant 31 39 56 32 107 TABLE 12-3 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESOURCE CONSUMPTION AMONG RESOURCE CONSUMERS (Percent) All 't Small Resource I Urban Town Rural Consumers Percent of Food from Hunting and Fishing None 12 10 7 12 i1 - 9 percent 32 27 18 31 10 -24 percent 26 22 20 25 25 -49 percent 12 13 11 12 50 -74 percent 10 13 25 11 75 percent or more 8 15 19 9 , {Total 100 100 100 100 Mean Percent 22.9 32.1 41.7 24.4 \r l ,I The above results suggest that rural resource users have made a conscious choice to locate their residence near areas which offer hunting,fishing,and outdoor recreation opportunities.While well-educated and probably competitive in the wage employment sector,they are less concerned with employment and income opportuni ties than their urban counterparts.As a result,rural household incomes average about half of urban household incomes,and rural household dependence on personal use of fish and game is about twice that of urban resource user households. Lower mean and aggregate dollar estimates for the value of resource uses to urban,small town,and rural households must,therefore,be understood in the context of the different lifestyles present in these populations.Rural residents spend less on their resource use activities,and their willingness to pay is constrained by limited incomes.At the same time,they are more dependent on their resour~e use activities to provide a substantial part of their food. 109 :i J I :t I ..1 I't I I I- I ~ \\,. ....\ ~I tI ..! !f I I 110 1 I I REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game,1983.Moose Harvest and Permit Report (combined).Anchorage. Cesario,F.J.,1976.Value of Time in Recreation Benefit Studies. Land Economics,Feb.,Vol.52,No.1. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,1984.Draft Environmental Impact Statement,Susitna Hydroelectric Project,FERC No.71114- Alaska,Vol.1,Figure 2-11. ISER,1979.Alaska Public Survey unpublished data.Institute of Social and Economic Research,University of Alaska,Anchorage. Jubenville,Alan,1985.Representative Rivers:A Research Program Based on Management Decision-making.Agroborealis 17(1): 43-46. Linsky,A.,1975.Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review.Public Opinion Quarterly,39(1):82-101. Mills,Michael J.,1984.Statewide Harvest Survey:Federal Aid in Fish Restoration and Anadromous Fish Studies,Vol..25, July 1,1983 through June 30,1984.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Juneau. Moser,C.A.and G.Kalton,1972.Survey Methods in Social Investi- gation.New York:Basic Books,Second Edition,p.147. Stratton,Lee,1982.Patterns of Use of the Nelchina Caribou Herd: 1982.Division of Subsistence,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage. ________,1983.Copper Basin Caribou Use:A Research Update.Divi- sion of Subsistence Technical Paper No.75,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage. ,Susan Georgette,1984.Use of Fish and Game by Communities------~in the Copper River Basin,Alaska:A Report on a 1983 House- hold Survey.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Technical Paper No.107,Anchorage. 111 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESOURCE USER SURVEY February 1985 HELLENl'HAL &ASSOCIATES,INC 5000 Southampton Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99503 (907)561-1267 or 561-4676 m 1-2-3-4- CDl 5- (CODERS ONLY) I-I.Hello,I am (FILL IN NAME)from HELLENI'HAL &ASSOCIATES calling for the State of Alaska.We are conducting a survey with the University of Alaska on hunting, fishing,and outdoor recreation in Alaska.Your telephone number was randomly selected by a computer.(IF SEroND READING,00 '.ID INTRODUCTION #I-2) Sl.Is this telephone number ?(IF NO,TERMINATE WITH,"I'm sorry I dialed the wrong number.") S2.Is this a residential telephone?(IF NO,TERMINATE INTERVIEW WI'ffi,"I 'm sorry,I need to talk with someone at a residential telephone.") S3.Are you the person in your household who knows the IlOst about your household's hunting and fishing? IF YES,THEN PROCEED '.ID INTRODUCTION #I-2. IF NO,THEN ASK ••••• Is the person home who knows the IlOSt about these activities? IF YES,THEN ASK ••••• May I speak with them?(00 'ill INTRODUCTION #I-lOR TERMINATE AND NOI'E ON TELEPHONE CALL RECORD SHEET ) IF NO,'JlIEN ASK •••••• When will that person be home?(TERMINATE AND NOI'E 'JlIE TIME AND DATE ON TELEPHONE CALL RECORD SHEET ) IF NO ONE IN HOUSEHOLD KNCWS ABOUT HUNTING AND FISHING ACTIVITIES 'JlIEN ASK ••••• S4.Are you the person in your household who knows the IlOSt about your household's other outdoor recreational activities? IF YES,THEN PROCEED '.ID INTRODUCTION #I-2. IF NO,THEN ASK ••••• Is the person home who knows the IlOSt about these activities? IF YES,THEN ASK ••••• May I speak with them?(00 '.ID INTRODUCTION #I-lOR TERMINATE AND NOI'E ON TELEPHONE CALL RECORD SHEET ) IF NO,'ffiEN ASK •••••• When will that person be home?(TERMINATE AND NC7I'E 'JlIE TIME AND DATE ON TELEPHONE CALL RECORD SHEET ) 1-2.I would like to ask you some questions which will help the State of Alaska take people's hunting,fishing,and other outdoor recreational activities into account in planning for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.All of your answers will be completely confidential and will be used only in combination with the answers of other Alaskans.The questions I need to ask can take up to 30 minutes,but I find that IlOSt of mine are shorter.The interview is completely voluntary.If we come to any questions you don't want to answer,just let me know and we will go on to the next question.(PAUSE AND PROCEED WI'ffi QUESTION jj:1) - 1 - 1.When waS the last year you,or someone else in your household,went hunting or trapping?(IF "NEVER",THEN RECORD "00"IN COL 6-7-,'mEN SKIP 'ID FISHING1 IF NOT NEVER, THEN RECORD lAST 'IWJ DIGITS OF YEAR IN COL 6-7-AND ASK GAME TYPES) TYPES OF WILD GAME 98 OON'T KNOW 99 REFUSED l 1 2.When fishing? ACI'IVITIES 1 TYPES) Hunting?:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6-7-- ~ose?•••.,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••00 •.,••••••••.,.,•••••••••••••08-9- caribou?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!•••••••••••10-11-- Sheep or Goat?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12-13-- Brown Bear?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••14-15--- Black Bear?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••16-17-·- Small Game Hunting or Trapping,Like Ducks, ptarmigan,Snowshoe Hare or Rabbit,Fox,Etc.?••••••••••••••••18-19-- was.the last year you,or someone else in your household,went non-commercial (IF "NEVER",THEN RECORD "00"IN COL 20-21-,THEN SKIP 'ill Ol'HER RECREATIONAL IF NOT-NEVER,THEN RECORD lAST '1WO DIGITS OF YEAR IN COL 20-21-AND ASK FISH ~ishing?:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••20-21-- .8a.l.:Iron?:••'"•••••0 ••••••••••••0 •••••••••••••.,•••••••••••••••tll~0",__* _••".4.~-2.:3-- King Salmon?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••24-25--- 8a.l.:Iron other than King?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••26-27-- Trout?:.oo.oo ••••••••••••••oCl.oo ••o ••eo.ooooo.oooo.oooOO ••OIlClClOI;IOO.28-29--- Grayling?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••30-31-- Burbot or Fresh Water Ling COd?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••32-33-- ________...>3 .•-When-was-the-last-year-you,orsomeone-else-in your oousehold,•••••(READ LIST) Used a SUmmer Off-road Vehicle?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••34-35---- Used a Winter Off-road Vehicle?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••36-37---- Went Skiing,Snowshoeing,orDog Sledding?••••••••••••••••••••••••38-39---- Went Boating?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40-41- Went Backpacking or Tent or Recreational Vehicle camping?•••••••••42-43-- Went Day hiking,Picnicing,or Berry Picking?•••••••••••••••••••••44-45-- Went Sightseeing or Took Wildlife or SCenic Photographs?••••••••••46-47---- - 2 - ) \I III ' \J In order to identify the effect of the Susitna Dam on hunting,fishing,and other outdoor recreational activities,I would like to ask about your own household's outdoor activities in two areas.The first is the area bounded by the Parks,Glen,Richardson,and Denali Highways.Communities in this area include Palmer,Wasilla,Sutton,Glennallen,Paxon, cantwell,Talkeetna.lake Louise,the Gulkana River,Sheep Hountain,and Byer'sLake campground are also in this area.The second area is South and West of the Parks Highway and East of the Alaska Range.The Lower Susitna River and the Deshka River are in this area.Do you know where the two areas are that I am talking about?(IF "NOli,THEN REDESCRIBE AREAS 'ID '!HEM;IF PERSISTENT II NO ,S",THEN SKIP 'ID PAGE #5) 4.(ASK ONLY OF Q-#l AC1'IVITIES WHICH ARE .NOr "NEVERII OR nOon)When was the last year you,or someone else in your household,went hunting or trapping in either of these two areas?(IF IlNEVER",THEN RECORD "00"IN COL 48-49-,THEN SKIP 'ID FISHING;IF NOT NEVER,THEN RECORD LAST 'lID DIGITS OF YEAR IN COL 48-49-AND ASK GAME TYPES) TYPES OF WILD GAME 98 OON'T KNCW 99 REFUSED Hunting?:.....•..................................................G ••••48-49-- Moose?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••50-51-- caribou?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••52-53-- Sheep or Goat?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••54-55-- Brown Bear?••••••••••.•••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••.•56-57-- Black Bear?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••58-59-- Small Game Hunting or Trapping,Like Ducks, ptarmigan,Snowshoe Hare or Rabbit,Fox,Etc.?••••••••••••••••60-61---- 5.(ASK ONLY OF Q-#2 AC1'IVITIES WHICH ARE ~"NEVER"OR nOon)When was the last year you,or someone else in your household,went non-commercial fishing in either of these two areas?(IF IlNEVER",THEN RECORD 1100 11 IN COL 62-63-,'!HEN SKIP 'ID OTHER RECREATIONAL AC1'IVITIES;IF NOT-NEVER,THEN RECORD lAST 'lID DIGITS OF YEAR IN COL 62-63- AND ASK FISH TYPES) Fishing?:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••62-63-- sa.1.Iron?:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••".•Q .64-65-- King sa.1.Iron?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••66-67-- sa.1.Iron other than King?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••68-69-- Trout?:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••70-71-.--- Grayling?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••72-73-- Burbot or Fresh Water Ling COd?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••74-75-- 6.(ASK ONLY OF Q-#3 AC1'IVITIES WHICH ARE ~"NEVER"OR nOon)When was the last year you,or someone else in your household,(FILL IN OTHER RECREATIONAL AC1'IVITIES)in either of these two areas? OTHER RECREATIONAL AC1'IVITIES: Used a Summer Off-road Vehicle?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••76-77---- Used a Winter Off-road Vehicle?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••78-79-- ID2 1-2-3-4- CO2 5- (CODERS ONLY) Went Skiing,Snowshoeing,or Dog Sledding?••••••••••••••••••••••••••6-7--- Went Boating?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••8-9--- Went Backpacking or Tent or Recreational Vehicle camping?•••••••••lO-ll--- Went Day hiking,Picnicing,or Berry Picking?•••••••••••••••••••••12-13---- Went Sightseeing or Took Wildlife or SCenic Photographs?••••••••••14-15--- -3 - PAGE 4.I have a map in front of me with 15 subareas of the two areas I described to you and I need to identify which subarea your household went (REPEll.T FOR ALL HUNTING GAME TYPE,FISH TYPE,AND C1I'HER RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES !:m'.GIVEN A "NEVER"OR "DO"IN QUESTIONS #4,#5,AND #6)the last time during 19xx (FILL IN YEAR FROM PAGE 3). What was the closest landmark,such as a road or river,near where you (FILL IN ACTIVITY TYPE)the last time?(PROBE UNTIL YOU CAN IJXATE 'mE PROPER SUB.!\REA NUMBER ON YOUR MAP) SUB.!\REA'--.PAGE 4_16-57-- OON'T I<:l'X:lv •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 PAGE 5.(ASK IF U\ST YEARS ON PAGE #2 ARE MORE RECENl''!HAN r.;.sr YEARS ON PAGE jf3 -THE SUSITNA AREA)Now could you please tell me where you went (FILL IN ACTIVITY TYPE)the last time you did it.Was this ••••• In an area 10 miles North of the Denali Highway,••••••l In the Anchorage/Chugach Mountain area,•••••••••••••••2 On the Kenai Peninsula,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 In the Copper RiverlWrangelllValdez area,•••••••••••••4 In SOutheast,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••5 Elsewhere in Alaska,or was it ••••••••••••••••••••••••6 Outside of Alaska?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 ___....__~_PAGE 5 58,.78-= DON'qJ-!<NClV ••••••••••(What isyotffoost guess?)••••••••8 REFUSED.•• •••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••9 i 1 \ I I -4and6- PAGE 6 CD3 5- (CODERS (M;Y) ) I " .~ 1 1 SELEC'l'ION METHOD FOR 00 ACTIVITIES (CIRCLE THE TIP SELECl'EP ON PAGE 6): select as activities only 70's or 80's on Pages 2 and 3. 'Ibere are activities within the Greater Susitna Area (Page 3 non-"OO"): If there are 2,take all. If there are rrore than 2,count the number of SUsitna Area activities,and pick random numbers between 1 and the number of activities,and count down to the random number picked.Repeat procedure for second Susitna Area activity. If there are less than 2,take all and make up quota from outside the Susitna area. Need activities from outside of the SUsitna Area (Page 2 non-liDO"): Need 2: If there are rrore than 2,count the number of activities,and pick a ran- dom number between 1 and the number of activities,and count down to the random number picked.Repeat procedure for second activity. If there are 2 or less,take all. Need 1: If there are rrore than 1,count the number of activities,and pick a ran- dom number between 1 and the number of activities,and count down to the random number picked. If there is 1,take it. From the hunting,fishing,or other recreational activities you mentioned - I have selected two that I would like to ask you further questions about.(PAUSE AND PRCCEED) l2A.(IF ACI'IVITY SELECTED IS "SAlMON ornER THAN KING","TROtJr""BOATING",OR "WENT Bl\CKPACKING OR TENT OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPING"-'!HEN ASK •••••) l2A-l.(IF "SAlMON ornER 'mAN KING",ASK:)Was the salrron you were last after ••••• Silver or COho,••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.l Red or SOckeye,•••••••••••.•••••..••..••••••2 Churn or Dog,or was it a •••••••••••••••••••.3 Pink or Humpy?••••.•••••••••••••.••••.•••••4arHER,SPECIFY,_ 12- DON'T KNCW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••G •••••9 l2A-2.(IF "TROtJrll,ASK •••••)Was the trout you were last after Rainbow,•••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••0 •••••1 Dolly Varden or Char,or was it ••••••••••••2 Lake Trout?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•3ornER,SPECIFY _ 13- DON'T KNew ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 l2A-3.(IF "WEN!'BOATING",ASK ••••) ,Was the boating you last did Motorboating,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l ca.noeing,.••...••.•.•.•...•••...•.........0 .2 Kayaking,or was it ••••••••••••••••••••••••3 Ra.fting?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o4ornER,SPECIFY,_ 14- DON'T KNCW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 l2A-4.(IF "WENT Bl\CKPACKING OR TENT OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPING",ASK ••••)Was that backpacking,tent camping,or recreational vehicle camping that you did last? MO<PAac:ING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 TENT CAMPING ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 RECREATIONAL VEHICAL CAMPING ••••••••••••••••3 15- DON'T KNO'1 ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 - 7 - 12B.During 19__(FILL IN Il\.ST YEAR OF 1ST AcrIVITY FR(1Il PAGE 2 OR 3),how many total times did you go (FILL IN 1ST AcrIVITY TYPE,NCII'LOCALIZED)? NUMBER OF TIMES,16-17- DON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 12C.Now thinking again of your last trip (FILL IN 1ST ACTIVITY AND LOCATION) what was the last type of transportation that you used to get to where you began actually doing the activity? NONE,JUST WALKED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 ROAD VEHICLE,LIKE A CAR,'!'ROCK,Ere •••••••••••••2 AIR VEHICLE,LIKE AN AIRPLANE OR HELICDPTER ••••••3 WATER VEHICLE LIKE A BOAT OR CANOE •••••••••••••••4 OFF ROAD VEHICLE LIKE SNa\1MAQIINE OR 3-WHEELER •••5OI'HER,SPECIFY _ 18- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)•••••••8 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 120.How many total members of your household were involved in this trip? NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS<--.19-20- DON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED.,.,.,0 flO .,.,.,(I .,.,.,.,0 ., ., ., .,0 .,.,.,.,0 .,0 .,0 .,•••., ., .,099 12E.How many total people (including those who are DQt members of your household,like friends1 but not including guides)were involved in this trip? NUMBER OF PEOPLE<--,21-22- DON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?>.•••98 REFUSED ••.,•.,I)•.,.,••., .,••.,••., .,•.,(I ., .,.,....00 •••.,.,.,99 l2F.How many total hours and minutes did it take you to travel from your horne to where you began (FILL IN 1ST ACTIVITY AND LOCATION)? NUMBER OF HOtJRS,--'23-24- NUMBER OF MINUTES'--~25-26- DON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED (I ..0 ., .,II .,., .,0 .,II III (I 0 .,g .,0 .,I).,0 ....,0 .,0 •., ., .,•., ..99 12G.During how many total days (inclUding travel>did your (FILL IN 1ST ACTIVITY AND LOCATION)trip take? ________________________OON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 .REFUSED.D.,.,••••••.,.,••.,....,•.,•.,.,.,•.,0 0""(I.III ....99 12H.Please tell me approximately how much your household spent during that trip for each of the following items:(ROUND '1U NEAREST DOLIAR) Fuel and/or other travel costs,29-30-31- Food and Drink 32-33-34- Fees and/or Guide Service 35-36-37- Lodging 38-39-40- r-ti.scellaneous,.i .e.i .antlIUnition,etc:~41-42-43- Estimated total cost of trip 44-45-46-47-48- NOI'HING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••OOO DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••.,.,•.,999 -8 - 1 I 1 j "I 'I l2I.You said the cost of this last trip was $(PAGE 8;Q *12H;COL 44-45-46-47-48-)? Would you still use this location as frequently to (FILL IN 1ST ACrIVITY),if your cost were •••••$50 more?$100 more?$150 more?$200 more?$250 more?$300 more? $350 more?$400 more?(AND 00 ON,UNTIL THEY SAY "NO",THEN ASK:"What is the exact dollar amount?") AMClONl',-49-50-51-52-53-- NOl'HING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••OOOOO OVER $99,997 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99997 OON'T KNCW ••(What is your best guess?)••99998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99999 l2J.In school,we were often given the grades A,B, C,D,or F (FAIL)to evaluate the quality of our M:lrk.Given that an A is very good,a B is good,a C is neither good nor poor,a D is poor,and an F is very poor -please grade this location and the best other area of the State in which you can do the same activity along the following dimensions. Along a scale from A to F,what grade M:luld you give (FILL IN:"This location" AND "Best other area of state")in terms of (FILL IN DIMENSION)?(REPEAT FOR EACH DIMENSION AND PrACE APPROPRIATE NUMBER ON ANSWER SHEET) DIMENSION 4 A 3 B 2 C 1 D o F 8 OON'T KNCW 9 RE- FUSED The~~~e~~6&~?~~~.~:.~::~:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••54-'- BEST OI'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••55- YOUfHfr~H~.~~~?:?:.~::~:56-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••57---- The.Jff~u~h6ti:.~::~:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••58-- BEST Ol'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••','••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••59- The lack of crowding in the area: THIS I.OCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••60- BEST OI'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••61---- The ease of qetting around within the area: THIS I.OCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••62-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••63-- The~~~hg&~~~?~?~~.~~~.~~~~~.~.~?:.~::~:••••••••••••••••••••••••••64-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••65- The cost of this activity in the area: mIS I.OCA'I'IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••66-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••67.-'-- The~~lt6tA~o~:~:::.:~.::~~.~:.:~.~.:?:.~::~:••••••••••••••••••••••••~.68--- BEST OI'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••69- The chance of being close to nature in the area: mrs I.OCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••70-- BEST Ol'HER AREA OF S'I21.TE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••71- The family tradition of doing the activity in the area: '!'EllS I.OCATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••••••••••••••72-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••73- Its~¥~r~iP.fl5&~:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••74- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••75-- 12K.Do you own land near where you last _(FILL IN 1ST ACTIVITY AND I.OCATION)? YES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o.1 00 •.•..••...•..••.••.••..••••.•..•••.•.•.•..2 76- OON'T KNCW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 - 9 - 2ND ACl'IVITY ID4 1-2-3-4- CD4 5- (CODERS ONLY) Now we are to the second activity that I need further information about.(PAUSE AND PROCEED) 13A.(IF ACTIVITY SELECTED IS "SALMON OI'HER THAN KING","TROUT""OOATING",OR "WENr BACKPAa<ING OR TENr OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPING"-THEN ASK •••••) 13A-1.(IF "S1UNON OI'HER THAN KING",ASK:)Was the saloon you were last after ••••• Silver or COho,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l Red or SOckeye,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 Chum or Dog,or was it a ••••••••••••••••••••3 Pink or Humpy?••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••4aIHER,SPECIFY._ 6- DON'T KNOW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 13A..,2.(IF "TROUT",ASK •••••)Was the trout you were last after Ra.inbow,iii""a .,(I"0 011""tiI 1 Dolly Varden or Char,or was it ••••••••••••2 Lake Trout?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3OI'HER,SPOCIFY _ 7- DON'T KNOW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 13A-3.(IF "WENr BOATING",ASK ••••)Was the boating you last did Motorboating,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l canoeing,...•..lIoo.oo ••••• ·Kayaking·,otwas·it ••••••••••••••••••••••••3 Rafting?0,0 4Cfl'HER,SPOCIFY._ 8- DON'T KNOW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED 0 (I""(I It Ill ..0 0 9 13A-4.(IF "WENr BACKPACKING OR TENr OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPING",ASK ••••)Was that backpacking,tent canping,or .lr~e~~c:J:r:ea~t~:li·co)~nl~al~'v\7~e=lh~ji.~c!let:-:~~ll2!~g..!l:~.y!2.!J.gid_. ._..._.__..............J.=•.'-.._. ••••••1:1 ••••••••••••000 ••000 ••0 TENr CAMPING Cl 0 0 2 RECREATIONAL VEHICAL CAMPING ••••••••••••••••3 9- DON'T KNOW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED 0"""""""G.."ill.9 13B.During 19__(FILL IN UIST YEAR OF 2ND ACTIVITY FROM PAGE 2 OR 3),hqW manY total timesdicl yqu go (FILL IN 2ND ACTIVITY TYPE,NOr :u:x::ALIZED)?. NUMBER OF TIMES.__-=----====.lO-ll= DON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 -10- I .1 l \I l2B-2.During 19_(FILL IN LAST YEAR OF 1ST ACI'IVITY FROM PAGE 3),how many total times did you go (FILL IN 1ST ACI'IVITY TYPE)in the two greater susitna areas that we talked about earlier? NUMBER OF TIMES IN 'IWO GREATER SUSITNA AREAS__77-78- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)••••••98 REFUSED.0 0 ••••••••••0 •••••••••••••••••0 •••99 12B-3.During 19_(FILL IN LAST YEAR OF 1ST ACI'IVITY FroM PAGE 3),how many total times did you go (FILL IN 1ST ACI'IVITY TYPE,I..OCALIZED 'ID SUEAREA)in the one of the 15 subareas of the two areas that we talked about earlier? NUMBER OF TIMES IN SUEAREA OF SUSITNA 79-80- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)••••••98 REFUSED .:99 13B-2.During 19_(FILL IN LAST YEAR OF 1ST ACI'IVITY FROM PAGE 3),how many total times did you go (FILL IN 1ST ACI'IVITY TYPE)in the two greater Susitna areas that we talked abou~earlier? NUMBER OF TIMES IN 'IWO GREATER SUSITNl\APE.l\.8 71-72- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)••••••98 REFUSED 11 0 99 13B-3.During 19_(FILL IN LAST YEAR OF 1ST ACI'IVITY FroM PAGE 3),how many total 'times did you go (FILL IN 1ST ACI'IVITY TYPE,I..OCALIZED 'ID SUEAREA)in the one of the 15 subareas of the two areas that we talked about earlier? NUMBER OF TIMES IN SUBAREA OF SUSITNAI...-73-74- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)••••••98 REFUSED OCt iii 0 00 0 0 0 99 13C.NJw thinking again of your last trip (FILL IN 2ND ACI'IVITY AND LOCATION) what was the last type of transportation that you used to get to where you began actually doing the activity? NONE,JUST WALKED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 ROAD VEHICLE,LIKE A CAR.TRUCK,ETC •••••••••••••2 AIR VEHICLE,LIKE AN AIRPLANE OR HELIooPTER ••••••3 WATER VEHICLE LIKE A BOAT OR CANOE •••••••••••••••4 OFF ROAD VEHICLE LIKE SNCWMAOUNE OR 3-WHEELER •••SOl'HER,SPECIFY _ 12- DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)•••••••8 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 13D.HoW many total members of your household were involved in this trip? NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS 13-14-- DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 13E.How many total people (including those who are nQt members of your household.like friends;but not including guides)were involved in this trip? NUMBER OF PEOPLE,-.-L1S-16- DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 13F.How many total hours and minutes did it take you to travel from your home to where you began (FILL IN 2ND ACI'IVITY AND LOCATION)? NUMBER OF HOURS'---.17-18- NUMBER OF MINOl'ES..19-20- DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••III Ill •••••Ill ••••••••"•••••III Ill •••1:1 ...99 ) 13G.During how many total days ACI'IVITY AND LOCATION)trip take? (including travel>did your (FILL IN 2ND NUMBER OF DAYS.--'21-22-- DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 13H.Please tell me approximately how much your household spent during that trip for each of the following items:(ROUND 'IO NEAREST DOLlAR) Fuel and/or other travel costs 23-24-25-- Food and Drink 26-27-28-- ____Feesand/orGuideSeL'Vice---------------29;;;30=31=----------- Lodging 32=33=3~4~=--------- ___________________---MisceJ:laneous,i.e.,ammunition,etc.35-36-37-- Estimated total cost of trip 38-39-40-41-42---- WI'HING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••OOO DON'T KNCW •••(What is your best guess?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••999 13I.You said the cost of this last trip was $ _(PAGE 11;Q U3H;ooL 38-39-40-41-42-)? toK>uld ..you .still use tilis lqqation as frequently to .(FILL IN 2ND ACI'IVITYl,if your cost were •••••$50 more?$100 more?$150 more?$200 more?$250 more?$300 lIX)re? $350 more?$400 more?(AND SO ON,UNTIL THEY SAY "NO",THEN ASK:"What is the exact dollar ••i:lri'01lI1t?") AMOUNT ---:43-44-4S-46-47- WI'HING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••OOOOO OVER $99,997 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99997 DON'T KNOW ••(What is your best guess?)••99998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99999 -11- .l 13J.In school,we were often given the grades A,B,C,D,or F (FAIL)to evaluate the quality of our v.urk.Given that an A is very good,a B is good,a C is neither good nor poor,a D is poor,and an F is very poor -please grade this location and the best other area of the State in which you can do the same activity along the following diIrensions. Along a scale from A to F,what grade v.uuld you give (FILL IN:"This location" AND "Best other area of state")in terms of (FILL IN DIMENSION)?(REPFAT FOR FAOI DIMENSION AND PLACE APPROPRIATE NUMBER ON ANSWER SHEET) DIMENSION 4 A 3 B 2 C 1 D o F 8 OON'T KNrn 9 RE- FUSED IJ Ij1_ The ease of getting into the area: '!HIS LOCATION •••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••48-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••49- Your familiarity with the area: '!HIS LOCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••50- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••.•...•••••••.••.•51-- The beauty of the area: '!HIS IDCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••52- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••53-- The lack of crowding in the area: '!HIS LOCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••54- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••55- The ease of getting around within the area: 'lliIS IDCATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••••••56-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE ••••••••••••••.••.••••••.•••••.•••.•.•••••.•••••.57-- The chance of getting what you wanted in the area: mrs IDCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••58-- BEST OIHER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••59-- The cost of this activity in the area: mIS IDCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6 0-- BEST OIHER AREA OF STATE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••••61-- The quality of places to stay or camp in the area: 'IlIIS LOCATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Cl 62-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••63-- The chance of being close to nature in the area: mIS IDCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••64-- BEST OI'HER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••65-- The family tradition of doing the activity in the area: '!HIS LOCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••66- BEST OIHER AREA OF STATE •••••••••••••••..•••••••••••.•••••••••••••.••.••.67-- Its overall appeal: '!HIS LOCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••68- BEST OIliER AREA OF s:rA.'IE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••69- 13K.Do you own land near where you last _(FILL IN 2ND ACTIVITY AND LOCATION)? YEs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 00 ..••••.••....••..••..•.•••.••..•••.......•2 70- OON'T KNav ••••(What is ybur best guess?)••••8 RF.f'USED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••It ••••9 -12 - 105 1-2-3-4- CDS 5- (CODERS ONLY) 14.From the following list of outdoor types equipment that you own for non-commercial use -please tell me if your household owns that type of equipment;and if so,what you would estimate its present value to be;and what percent (%)of the value of this equipment is used for __(FlU,IN 1ST AND 2ND AcrIVITIES,BlJI'NOr '!HEIR LOCATIONS)in the two SUsitna Areas I described earlier and what percent (%)of the value of this equipment is used for __(FlU,IN 1ST AND 2ND AcrIVITIES,BlJl'NOI'THEIR LOCATIONS)in other areas?(REPEAT FOR EACH EQUIPMENT TYPE)(OVER $99,997 =99997 AND OVER 97%=97) EQUIPMENT TYPES 1 2 OON'T CWN 8 DON'T KNCXV 9 RE- FUSED camping Vehicles (Like pickup-campers,RV's,Vans,etc.)•••••••••••••••••••••6-- ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUE,7-8-9-10-ll- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST AcrIVITY IN SUSITNA'-~12-13- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACTIVITY IN 01'HER AREAS 14-15-- .%OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACTIVITY IN SUSITN/\16-17- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND AcrIVITY IN OI'HER AREAS 18-19- Snow Machines,Sleds,and ATV's (Like weasels,3-wheelers,swamp buggies)•••20- ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUE,.21-22-23-24-25- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACTIVITY IN SUSITN/\26-27- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST AcrIVITY IN OI'HER AREAS 28-29- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND AcrIVITY IN SUSITNA 30-31- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND AcrIVITY IN OI'HER AREAS 32-33- Boats and Equipment (Like canoes,kayaks,jet boats,air boats,etc.)•••••••34-- ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUEe....-35-36-37-38-39- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACI'IVITY IN SUSITN/\40-41--.. %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACI'IVITY IN OI'HER AREAS'--,42-43- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN SUSITN/\44-45- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN OI'HER AREAS 46-47- Airplane .............•...,G D 0:>•••0 0 ••0 •II 0 ..III ., ...,0 '"<;I •1:1 <)48-- ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUEe..--:49-50-51-52-53- %OF VALUE USEDFOR.IST-ACTIVITY-IN-SUSI.t:rlilA -----54=55:::=:::-----_..------_...._-----_._.__.__....__..._.....-...- ____________%_EJF-VAWE-f:1SED-FOR-lST-A~IN-OI'flE:RAREAS,~56-57- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN SUSITNA....~58-59- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN OI'HER AREAS 60-61- Hunting,Fishing and camping Equipment and Gear (like rifles,fishing rods,tents, sleeping bags,skiis,cameras, special clothes,etc.)••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••62- ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUEe..-.63-64-65-66-67- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACI'IVITY IN SUSITNA....---C68-69- %OF VALUE USED FOR 1ST ACI'IVITY IN Ol'HER AREAS 70-71- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN SUSITNA'--72-73- %OF VALUE USED FOR 2ND ACI'IVITY IN 01'HER AREAS 74-75- -13 - I [ [ 1 I ID6 1-2-3-4- CD6 5- (OJDERS ONLY) LEAVE '!HIS COLUMN BIANK 6- 16.What percent (%)of the Ireat and fish constnned by your household is from hunting and fishing? PERCENr OF MEAT AND FISH~7-8-9-- DON'T KNCX'V •••(What is your best guess?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••999 17.How many total years and months have you lived in Alaska?(WRITE NUMBER OF YEARS AND MONIHS ON ANSWER SHEET) xx YEARS,~lO-ll- XX ~10N.IHS,~12-13-- DON'T KNav •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••999 18.How many total years and months have you lived in ?(FILL IN NAr-lE OF COMMUNITY)(WRITE NUMBER OF YEARS AND MONTHS ON ANSWER SHEET) XX YEARS'--~14-l5- XX MONTHS,~16-l7-- DON'T KNCX'V •••(What is your best guess?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••999 19.Given that an A is very important,a B is important,a C is neither important or unimportant,a D is unimportant,and an F is very unimportant -please grade each of the following qualities in terms of how important that quality is to you,personally,for living in (FILL IN NAr-1E OF COMMUNITY).Along a scale from A to F,what grade would you give (FILL IN EVERY QUALITY)for living in (FILL IN NAr-lE OF COMMUNITY)? QUALITY 4 A 3 B 2 C 1 D o F 8 9 DON'T RE- KNCX'V FUSED [J Being near friends ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••18-- The opportunity to get a job••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••19-- The long-term economic opportunity ••••:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••20-- A chance to get away from urban problems ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2l-- Having a challenging or exciting job ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••22---- Being close to a wilderness environment •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••23-- Having an opportunity to earn a high income •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••24-- Having a chance to be self-reliant,to live more of a subsistence or pioneer's lifestyle •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••25-- Being part of a small community •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••26-- Being nearby hunting and fishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••27-- Being nearby outdoor recreational opportunities •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••28--- euriousity about Alaska 29--- SChool or military••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••30-- A chance to be independent,to start something new ••••••••••••••••••••••••••3l-- -14 - 20.Please tell me when each person living in your household was born and their gender or sex.Please start with yourself.. (WRITE IN LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN ON ANSWER SHEET) DON'T KNOW ••••••(What is your best guess?)••••••98 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 (WRITE MALE FEMALE CODES ON ANSWER SHEET) MALE •••ooo.oo •••••••••o ••••••••••••ooo.o ••o.l FEMALE.o •••••0 ••0 ••••0.0 1)•••••00000 111.00000 Q.2 DON'T KNOW •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?)•••••8 REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR BORN FOR RESPONDENT .32-33-- SEX OF RESPONDENT 34-- LAST '1WO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #2..35-36- SEX OF PERroN #2 37-- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR BORN FOR PERSON #3,.38-39-- SEX OF PERSON #3 40-- LAST '1WO DIGITS OF YEAR BORN FOR PERSON #4'--__,41-42-- SEX OF PERSON #4 43- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR BORN FOR PERSON #5'--__,44-45-- SEX OF PERSON #5 46-- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #6,,47-48-- SEX OF PERSON #6 49-- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #7 .50-51-- SEX OF PERSON #7 52-- DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #8,__-,53-54-- SEX OF PERSON #8 55-- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #9__-,56-57-- SEX OF PERSON #9 58-- LAST 'lWO DIGITS OF YEAR OORN FOR PERSON #10__-,59-60-- SEX OF PERSON #10 61-- tMT"OODIGIT,s OF YEAR BORN FOR PERSON #11 62-63- _________________----:SEX OF PERSON #11,,64-- 21.How many total years of education have you completed?(FORMAL ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOL) (EIGHTH GRADE =8;HIGH SCHOOL =12;TRADE SCHOOL =14;COLLEGE GRADUATE -FA OR BS =16; MASTERS DEGREE =18;UlWYER,OOC'IOR,PH.D =19) YEARS OF EDUCATION'--,.--__65-66-- REFUSED •••.•00·0 0.0.Oil 00·0.·0 GO ••.••0 • 0 •••II 0 •.~.~·~99 LEAVE '!HIS COLUMN BU\NK 67- -15 .... 1 I I I lJ The last few questions are being collected purely for statistical purposes. 23.During 1984,how many individuals in your household worked fulltime 35 or rore hours per week? NUMBER OF FULLTIME ~nRKERS,--68-69- OON'T :KNeW •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?).•••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••OJ ••0 ••••••99 23b.How many part-time,34 or less hours? NUMBER OF PART-TIME IDRKERS'---70- NONE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00 OON'T :KNeW •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••0 •••••••011 0 099 24.During 1984,how many total m::mths was everyone in your household employed?(ADD ALL HOUSEHpLD MEMBERS 'IOOETHER) 'IDTAL NUMBER OF MON'IHS,71-n- OON'T :KNeW •••(What is your best guess?)••••98 REFUSED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99 25.Are you presently seasonally employed,annually employed,unemployed and looking for oork,not looking for work,or retired? SEASONALLY EMPLOYED •••••••••••••••••••••••••1 ANNUALLY EMPLOYED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 UNEMPLOYED AND IDOKING FOR ~DRK •••••••••••••3 ~LOOKING FOR IDRK •••••••••••••••••••••••4 RE'I'I.RED 5 73- REFUSED 9 26.Including only those presently living at home,what was your total household income for 1984,before taxes and other deductions were made?Please tell me the figure to the nearest thousand dollars.(WRITE IN,TO '!HE NEAREST '!'HOUSAND OOLIARS,'!'HE NUMBER ON '!HE ANSWER SHEET) xxx '!'HOUSAND OOLIARS.74-75-76- OON'T KNOW •••(What is your best guess?)•••998 REFUSED •••••••••••••(ASK COL 59-)•••••••••999 26b.We don't need the exact dollar figure;could you tell me which of these broad categories it falls in ••• Less than 16,000 dollars,•••••••••••••••••••l Between 16,000 and 25,000 dollars,••••••••••2 Between 26,000 and 35,000 dollars,••••••••••3 Between 36,000 and 45,000 dollars,••••••••••4 Between 46,000 and 55,000 dollars,••••••••••5 Between 56,000 and 65,000 dollars,••••••••••6 Between 66,000 and 75,000 dollars,or •••••••7 More than 75,000 dollars?••••••••••••••••••8 77- REFUSED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 27.Is your telephone number •••••••••••••• Listed or •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l Unlisted 0"2 78- OON'T KNOW •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?)•••••8 REFUSED 9 -16 - 18.What is the likelihood that you,or someone else in your household,will go sports fishing this year?Would you say it is very likely,somewhat likely,somewhat unlikely,or very unlikely? VERY LIKELY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 SOMEWHAT UNLIKELY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 VERY UNLIKELy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 I OON'T KNCW ••••(What is your best guess?)••••8 REFUSED····················•...............•9 79- 28B.(IF VERY UNLIKELY,THEN SKIP THIS QUESTION)May we call you in a few IlOnths for another survey for the State about 'sports fishing? I80- 'YEs •••••0 a 0 ••••a 0 •••0 ....0 ••••••1;1 a_o ••••••••••1 0000 •••0 a 0"0 ..0.,1)••••0 (I 0.0 ••••0 ••••••••••••••2 OON'T KNOV •••(WHAT IS YOUR BEST GUESS?)•••••8 REFUSED ....1:1 •.,•••110 0 ••••0 •••a •••1;1 •••••••••••••9 THIS COMPLETES THE SURVEY,'l'HANKYOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US -OOODBYE lj -17 - II'! EXHIBIT B LIST OF TABLES Table B.1.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Hunting by Area . . .....•..B-14 Table B.2.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Hunting by Area B-1S Table B.3.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Hunting by Area . ....,...B-16 Table B.4.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Hunting by Area . . ....",.B-17 Table B.S.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Hunting by Area .,...,B-18 Table B.6.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Hunting by Area ........B-19 Table B.7.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Hunting by Area . . . , . . . . , .B-20 Table B.8.Susitna Hydroelectric Project",Number of Rural Households Hunting by Area . . . . •..., .B-21 Table B.9.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Moose Hunting by Area . . • . . • . .B-22 Table B.10.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Moose Hunting by Area .••..B-23 Table B.l1.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Moose Hunting by Area . . . . , . .B-24 Table B.12.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Moose Hunting by Area .....B-2S Table B.13.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Moose Hunting by Area . • . .B-26 Table B.14.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Moose Hunting by Area .....B-27 Table B.lS.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Moose Hunting by Area..,...B-28 Table B;l6.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Moose Hunting by Area . . . . . .B-29 B-1 Table B.17.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of All Households Caribou Hunting by Area......B-30 Table B.18.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of All Households Caribou Hunting by Area B-31 Table B.19.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Urban Households Caribou Hunting by Area .....B-32 Table B.20.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of Urban Households Caribou Hunting by Area .....B-33 Table B.21.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Small Town Households Caribou Hunting by Area . . .B-34 Table B.22.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of Small Town Households Caribou Hunting by Area . . . . .B-35 Table B.23.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Rural Households Caribou Hunting by Area .....B-36 Table B.24.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of Rural Households Caribou Hunting by Area .....B-37 "j Table B.25.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of All Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . . . .B-38 Table B.26.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of All Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . . . . .B-39 Table B.27.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Urban Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . . .B-40 Table B.28.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Number of Urban Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . • . .B-41 Table B.29.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage ...______________..of _~~all..!~~~~us_eh~lds Shee~~~1i1~!!~1:>r_!.t."~~=~?.._ ------TaDle!I~_:_30-.-Sus1tna HyoroelectricProject.Number of Small Town Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . .B-43 Table B.31.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Rural Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . . .B-44 Table B.32.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area . . . .B~45 Table B.33.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of All Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area . . . • .B-46 B-2 ,\ 1,-\ 1J ( " I ./ Table B.34.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area......B-47 Table B.35.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area . . . .B-48 Table B.36.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area .....B-49 Table B.37.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . ........B-50 Table B.38.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town-Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area Table B.39.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area .B-51 .B-52 I .J Table B.40.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area .....B-53 Table B.41.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . . . . .B-54 Table B.42.Susitn~Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Black Bear Hunting by Area......B-55 Table B.43.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . . . .B-56 Table B.44.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . . . . . .B-57 Table B.45.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Black Bear Hunting by Area ~. . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . .B-58 Table B.46.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . . .B-59 Table B.47.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . • . .B-60 Table B.48.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Black Bear Hunting by Area . . . . . .B-61 Table B.49.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Small Game Hunting by Area . . • . .B-62 B-3 Table B.SO.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Small Game Hunting 'by Area ...•...B-63 .(\ \ Table B.Sl.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Small Game Hunting by Area . . . .B-64 Ii ,.I Table B.S2.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Small Game Hunting by Area ...•.B-65 Table B.S3.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Small Game Hunting by Area . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-66 Table B.S4.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Small Game Hunting by Area . . .B-67 \ t \ Table B.SS.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Small Game Hunting by Area . . . .B-68 Table B.6l.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Fishing by Area .••...B-74 Table B.S6.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Small Game Hunting by Area .....B-69 Table B.60.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Fishing by Area . . .....•..B-73 Table B.S7.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of All Households Fishing by Area . . . . . . . .B-70 ,I i "J I I ,( !'I B-7S . .B-76 Table B.62.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of ,Small"TownHouseholdsFisning~bY.Ai·ea:::~.. • . Table B.S8.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Fishing by Area . . . . . . • . • . . .B-7l Table B.S9.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage ,of Urban Ii~tll;~~ol.lif;~:n~hi..ng QyAr~~LL'"•...~.~.B-72 Table B.63.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Ru~al Households Fishing by Area . . . . . Table B.64.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Fishing by Area . • • • . . • . . . .B-77 Table B.6S.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Salmon Fishing by Area . . • . .B-78 ! I Table B.66.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Salmon Fishing by Area • • . . . . . . .B-79 B-4 Table B.67.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Salmon Fishing by Area .....B-80 Table B.68.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Salmon Fishing by Area . . Table B.69.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Salmon Fishing by Area B-81 B-82 Table B.70.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . .B-83 Table B.7l.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Salmon Fishing by Area .....B-84 Table B.72.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Salmon Fishing by Area .......B-85 Table B.73.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . .B-86 Table B.74.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households King Salmon Fishing by Area .....B-87 1 i , I.I I .) Table B.75.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . .B-88 Table B.76.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . .B-89 Table B.77.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....'". .'"B-90 Table B.78.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . .B-91 Table B.79.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . .B-92 Table B.80.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households King Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . .B-93 Table B.8l.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . . .B-94 Table B.82.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . . .B-95 B-5 Table B.83.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . .B-96 Table B.84.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . .B-97 I 1 ) Table B.8S.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-98 Table B.86.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . .B-99 Table B.87.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . . .B-IOO Table B.88.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area . .~. .B-IOl /i Table B.89.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Trout Fishing by Area . . . . . . . .B-I02 Table B.90.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Trout Fishing by Area .....B-I03 Table B.9l.Susitna HydrQelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Trout Fishing by Area......B-I04 B-6 Table B.96.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Trout Fishing by Area . . . . . .B-109 Table B.93.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Trout Fishing by Area • . . .B-I06 ..B-107 . .B-108 Table B.92.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of llJ,"1:>a.nH9'Yst:tb_old_s Trout Fishing by Area .T'".B-IOS Table B.97.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Grayling Fishing by Area .....B-IlO Table B.94.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Trout Fishing by Area Table B.98.Susitna Hydro~J,e~t:.ric.Project,Numberof All Households Grayling Fishing by Area . . . . . . . .B-11l Table B.9S.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,percentage _.._._. ······----····-·----·---·-of-RUral-Housenords-Trout-Frsliing by Area .-•... Table B.99.Susitna Hydroelect~ic Project,Percentage of Urban Households Grayling Fishing by Area . . . . .B-112 Table B.100.Susitna Hydroelect~ic Project,Number of Urban Households Grayling Fishing by Area .....B-113 Table B.101.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Grayling Fishing by Area . . .B-114 Table B.102.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Grayling Fishing by Area . . . .B-115 Table B.103.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Grayling Fishing by Area . . . . .B-116 Table B.104.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Grayling Fishing by Area .....B-117 Table B.105.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . .B-118 Table B.106.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . . .B-119 B.112.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . .B-125 B.107.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . .B-120 B.109.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . • . . . • . . • • . . . • . . . . .B-122 B.108.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . .B-121 B.111.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . .B-124 B.110.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of small Town Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . .B-123 B.113.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area . • . • . . . • . • . • . . . • . . . .B-126 Table Table Table "'J [ Tablej) i I I I Table Table (Table:~•.1 Table B.114.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . • . . • . • • . • . • • • • . . . . . . .B-127 B-7 I Table B.IIS.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . . . . . . . ........B-128 Table B.116.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urb~n Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......B-129 Table B.117.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Using Summer Off-Road' Vehicles by Area . . . . . . • . • ........B-130 Table B.118.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .B-131 Table B.119.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area • . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . .. .B-132 Table B.120.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Using Summer off-Road Vehicles by Area . • . . . . . . . . . . •.'. . ..'...•.B-133 Table B.121.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .B-134 Table B.122.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All !I~:t:l~eJ:l<:ll~st,Jl:Ji.IlgWi.nteJ:'Qff:-Road V'ehicles, by Area . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . • . . .B-13S Table B.123.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . • . • . . . ........B-136 Table B.124.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles Table B.12S.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . .B-138 Table B.126.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Using Winter Off~Road Vehicles'by Area • • . . • • • . . • • . . ...•..B-139 Table B.127.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area • • . . • • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • • . .B-140 B-8 ,) J,I 1I!.,I Table B.128.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......B-141 Table B.129.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Skiing by Area . ........B-142 Table B.130.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Skiing by Area . . . ........B-143 Table B.131.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Skiing by Area . . . . .B-144 Table B.132.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Skiing by Area.. ........B-145 Table B.133.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Skiing by Area ......B-146 Table B.134.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Skiing by Area . . . . •B-147 Table B.135.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Skiing by Area . . . . .B-148 Table B.136.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Skiing by Area . . ........B-149 Table B.137.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Boating by Area . ........B-150 Table B.138.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Boating by Area . . ........B-151 Table B.139.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Boating by Area ........B-152 Table B.140.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Boating by Area . ........B-153 Table B.141.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of small Town Households Boating by Area . . . . .B-154 Table B.142.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Boating by Area .......B-155 Table B.143.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Boating by Area •.......B-156 Table B.144.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Boating by Area . ........B-157 B-9 Table B.145.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Camping by Area . ..•.....B-158 i \ /f Table B.146.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Camping by Area . . .••••...B-lS9 Table B.147.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Camping by Area .......•B-160 Table B.148.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Camping by Area . •.•.....B-161 Table B.149.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Camping by Area . . . . .B-162 Table B.lS0.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Camping by Area .......B-163 Table B.151.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Camping by Area ..•..•••B-164 Table B.lS3.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Hhlds Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area .B-166 .B-165 Table B.lS2.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Camping by Ar~a • • . . Table B.lS4.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Hhlds Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area .B-167 -_._-_.~.__._---___..".__....••. ~_..._...._._._._.._~.__._.- TaoreB-:155.s't1si£na Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Hhlds Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area • • . • . • • • • • • ..•• . • • . . .B-168 Table B.lS6.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Hhlds Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area • • . . • . . . • • • . • • . • . . . . . • . .B-169 ----------Table-B...157-...--Susitna-Hydroerectric-Pro-ject-;-Percen€age __________,of-Sma-l-l-Totffl-Hhlds-H-i-king-,-Prcnrcking-,-or--------- Berrypicking by Area . . . • • •.......B-170 Table B.lS8.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Hhlds Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area . • • . . • • • . . •B-171 Table B.159.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Percentage of Rural Households Hiking.Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area . • . • • • . . • . .B-172 Table B.160.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berrypicking by Area . • • • • . . •.•...•.B-173 B-I0 .\ \ "/ I :.1 ) ~ 1 ) .1 Table B.161.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Sightseeing by Area .......B-174 Table B.162.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Sightseeing by Area . . . . .B-175 Table B.163.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban ~ouseholds Sightseeing by Area ......B-176 Table Table I \ Table Table Table I ) B.164.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Sightseeing by Area . . . . .B-177 B.165.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Sightseeing by Area . . . . .B-178 B.166.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Sightseeing by Area .....B-179 B.167.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Sightseeing by Area ......B-180 B.168.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Sightseeing by Area . . . . .B-181 B-11 '( J :I ) ::1 ~.I ,} l i I ~.==....._....==--=:__==_.=.....:.__.,,=.,,==.==_=____=='J \" INTERPRETATION OF TABLES IN EXHIBIT B The tables in Exhibit E are paired.Tables on the left-facing page contain percentages,and tables on the right-facing page contain the corresponding absolute numbers.Both the percentages and absolute numbers refer to one of four population groups:all study area households,urban households,small town households,and rural households.The table titles indicate which of the four population groups is the subject of a particular table. The percentages shown represent upper and lower bound estimates of the true population percentage.The true population percentage could only be determined if the survey sample included all households.'The standard errors upon which the upper and lower bound estimates were derived were calculated as follows: sa =lPln'-Pl where P equals the proportion observed in the survey n equals the effective sample size and se equals the estimated standard error The estimated standard was multiplied by 1.96 and the product was added to and subtracted from the observed survey percentage to produce upper and lower bound percentage estimates.If the survey were replicated an infinite number of times,the observed survey percentages would fall within the reported range 95 percent of the time.A more intuitive interpretation of the reported ranges is that there is a 95 percent chance that the true population percentage is contained within the range. The absolute numbers reported are simply the product of the reported percentages and the total number of households in the population group.There are an estimated 122,753 households in the study area as a whole,106,215 urban households,13,878 small town households, and 2,660 rural households. NOTE: "Susitna study Area"in all tables in Appendix B refers to the same area defined in the main body of the report as the study Region (see Figure 3-1). B-13 -/ J I ) t l.1 Table B.l. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCAtION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or Oyt of Alaska In Alaska 55.5%5B.3%50.4%53.2% SYsitna StUdy Area 29.1%31.7'1.26.6%29.0i.20.7i.22.9i. Area One 1.7% Are.a Two 6.87.B.2% Area Three 4.5% Area FOIJr Area Five Area Six 1.4i.2.2%1.3%2.1i:1.07.l.6i. Area Seven Area EiSht 0.1%0.37.o.n:0.37..07.0.2i. Area Nine 0.7%1.3%0.6%1.2%0.4%0.87. Area ten Area Eleven .Oi.0.2%.0%0.2%.07.0.2i. Area Twelve 0.1% Area thirteen 4.7i.5.9%4.3%5.5i.3.4%4.4% Area FOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1.0%1.6% Anchorage/Chu9ach Htn.Area 2.2% Kenai Peninsula 7.7%9.3%7.1%8.5%6.1i.7.57. Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez 1.3% Southeast Alaska 0.9%1.5%•0.6%1.07. Elsewhere in Alaska 1.5%2.3%16.4% Outside Alaska 2.4%3.4%1.3%1.9%0.5%0.9% ._.•._------..-_.... B-14 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.2. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 19BO -19B5 19B4 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Ahsk:a 69640 73000 62500 65900 498BO 53230 In Alaska 6B160 71530 61890 65280 49760 5311 0 Susi tna Study Are.3 35750 3BBBO 32600 35650 25360 28160 Area One 2090 3060 1980 2930 1540 2390 Area Two 8310 10100 7610 9330 59807530 Area Three 5510 7010 4930 6360 3440 4660 Are.3 FOIJr 5BO 1140 470 1000 470 1000 Area Five 1430 2250 1210 19BO 1100 1840 Area Six 1760 2660 1650 2530 1210 19BO Area Seven 1100 1840 1000 1700 680 1280 Area Eight 90 400 90 400 20 230 Area Nine 890 .151.0..i'80 1430 ....470 .....1000- .Are.i Ten 1BO 550 180 550 90 400 Area Eleven 20 230 20 230 20 230 Area Twelve 90 400 90 400 20 230 Area Thirteen 5740 7270 5280 6750 4130 5450 Area Fourteen 2650 3730 2310 3330 1870 2800 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 1210 1980 1100 1840 780 1430 Anchor.3ge/Chugach litn.Area 2650 3730 2430 3470 1980 2930 Kenai Peninsula 9490 11380 8660 10490 7490 .__.~AQQ ... .....·Copper··R.IWr:;ngeHIV.31dez 1650··-2530 1320-·-212U ····--nOO 1840 Southe.ast-Alaskal------HOO-~1840----ltOO--1840'----6HO 1280----- Elsewhere in Alaska 1870 2BOO 20070 22650 15890 18240 Outside Alask.3 2990 4130 1540 2390 5ao 1140 B-15 I 1 ( J I \ I ) ). f ) 1 .1.1 Table B.3. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Hunting by Area !] i \URBAN HOUSEHOLDSI GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~ska 54.2';58.4%48.2%52.4%37.6i.:41.8% In Alaska 52.97.57.li.:47.5%51.7%37.57-41.77- Susitna Study Area 26.57-30.3% Area One 1.37-2.5';1.2%2.4%1.0%2.0% Area Two 5.6%7.8i. Area Three 3.8% Area four 0.37-0.9%0.3%0.9%0.2i.0.8% Area Five .0.97-1.9%0.7:<:1.7%0.77-1.57- Area Six 1.2%2.2%1.0%2.0~ Area Seven 0.7%1.5%0.6%1.4% Area Eight .07.0.4%.0%0.4%.07.0.27- Area Nine 0.6%1.4%0.5%1.3%0.3%1.17. Area Ien O.lX 0.5% Area Eleven •Or.0.2%.07-0.2%.0%0.2% Area Twelve .0%O.2Z .0%0.2%.Oi.0.2:1. Area Thirteen 4.4%6.2%4.0%5.8i.3.07-4.67- Area fOIJrteen 1.8%3.0% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.8%1.8%0.8%1.8%0.5i.1.37- Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are~2.0%3.4%1.8i.3.2%1.5i.2.n Kenai Peninsula 8.2%10.6%7.4%9.8% Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez 0.7%1.57-0.57-1.37-0.3i.1.1% Southeast Alaska 0.8%1.8%0.87-1.8?0.5%1.3% Elsewhere in A1ask~17.5%20.97-15.9%19.1i.12.4%15.4% Outside Alas~,a 2.57-4.1%1.2i.2.47-0.47-1.27. ! -) B-16 Table B.4. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska575706203051180556803996044370InAlaska561806066050430549303986044260SusitnaStudyArea281303220025540294801913022720AreaOne140026301310251010502140AreaTwo599082405400756040405940AreaThree404059403650548023203840AreaFOIJr290980290980210850AreaFive960202078017607001640AreaSix12202390105021407801760AreaSeven700164061015103701120AreaEight10410104100250AreaNine61015105301380.310 11205607056010410AreaEleven025002500250AreaTwelve025002500250AreaThirteen462066404230618031804900AreaFOIJrteen18603240168030001220239010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy870189087018905301380Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 2140 3600 1950 3360 1580 2880KenaiPeninsula86701130078701040067809150~!J~P~!'Jt.jWr aI!g~lUV,~IdeL __.-100 .....--.··.1640---------530--~1-380·........-------370--1120·---_..._._._,"._..__•.._.~.•.._-._-----~---- Southeast Alaska 81.0__189_0 87-0--18~O 5-30--1-380ElsewhereinAlaska186202217016880203001321016320OutsideAlaska27004310131025104501250 B-17 I 1 I ) I ! ) ) 1 1 ) Table B.S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -i985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~64.7%68.9%61.47- In Alaska 64.4%68.67-61.1%65.3%52.U 56.5% Susitn~Study Area Area One 2.3% 2.07-3.4% Are.3 Two 11.07-13.8%10.57-13.37-9.1i.11.77. Area Three 6.0%8.2% Areal:olJr Area/Five Are:;1 Six 1.9%3.3%1.8i. Area ,Seven 1.2%2.4%1.0%2.2%0.9%1.97.Area,,'Ei',3ht .0%0.47..07-0.47..0%0.47- Area Nine 0.3% Area Ten .07.0.27..O~0.27-.07-0.2i. Area Eleven .0%0.47-.0%0.4%.07.0.4i. Area Twelve 0.1%0.57-0.1% Area Thirteen 4.0%6.0%3.9%5.n; Area FOIJrteen 2.9%4.57-2.6%4.2k 2.3%3.9% 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 0.3%1.1% Anchorage/Chu9ach Htn.Area Kenai Peninsula 2.37-3.7%2.2% Copper R.JWrangell/Valdez 4.4%6.4i.4.3i.6.3%3.5i.5.3i. Southeast Alaska 0.1%0.7%0.1%0.7%0.1%0.57- Elsewhere in Alaska 15.4%18.8%14.6% Outside Alaska 0.3% B-18 Table B.6. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out ot Ahsk~8980 9560 8520 9110 7230 7840 In Alaska 8940 9520 8480 9060 7230 7840 Susitn:a Study Area 5500 6100 5180 5780 4500 5080 Area One 320 540 310 520 280 470 Area Two 1520 1920 1450 1850 1260 1630 Area Three 830 1140 760 1070 680 960 Area FOIJr 80 200 80 200 GO 170 Area Five 300 500 260 460 230 410 Area Six 260 460 250 440 170 330 Area Seven 170 330 150 300 120 270 Area Eight 0 50 0 50 0 50 Area Nine --/40-130--·40 13040 -130--.Area-Ter,.0 30 0 30 0 30 Area Eleven 0 50 0 50 0 50 Area Twelve 10 70 10 70 10 70 Area Thirteen 560 830 .540 800 460 710 Area FOIJrteen 400 630 360 580 320 540 10 Miles North ot Denali Hwy 50 150 40 130 40 130 Anchor·':lge/Ch'J9ach litn.Area 150 300 150 300 120 270 Kenai Peninsula 310 520}6-0~0~----8~70!0.----------------24-~O -.....4.. 7 6 4 -0 0 -----_..-.·-·-··--'----·-····--···--·-----Copper--R-./Wrangel-l/Valdez----···-----GIO·-----890----------··;z ------Southeast--Alaska 20--90 20 9U 10 70 Elsewhere in Al~sk~2140 2600 2020 2470 1610 2020 Outside Alaska 50 150 20 90 0 30 B-19 1 1 I 1 t ! ) :i I\~ ) I 1 ) Table B.7. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOLl HIGH In or out of Alaska 80.7%85.7%74.~1.BO,I%65.6i.:71.87- In Alaska 80.1%85.1%74.1%79.7%65.5%71.7% Susitna Study Area 44.7%51.3%40.1%46.n 33.6%40.01. Area One 2.6%5.2%2.6i.5.2%2.0%4.2% Area Two 12.0%16.6r.11.77.Hi.3%10.1i.14.5i. Area Three 6.4%10.0%5.6%9.0i. Area tOIJr 0.2%1.2i.0.2%1.2%0.1%1.l.k Area Five 0.9%2.7%0.8%2.6%0.8%2.67- Area Si:<2.2%4.6i.1.3%3.3%1.2%3.0:G Area Seven 1.0%2.8%1.0%2.8r. Area Eight 0.0%0.3%0.0%0.3%0.0%0.3%. Area Nine 1.1%2.9%0.3%1.5%0.2%1.47. Area Ten 0.0%0.5%0.0r.0.5%0.0%0.5i, Area Eleven 0.0%0.3%0.0%0.3%0.0%0.3% Area Twelve 0.2%1.2%0.17-1.1%.0%1.01. Area Thirteen 4.6%7.8%4.0%7.0%3.57-6.3% Area FOIJrteen 2.5%4.9%2.1%4.5%1.6i.3.6% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.5%1.9%0.5%1.9%0.5i.1.9% Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 1.6%3.6%1.2%3.0%1.2%3.0% Kenai Peninsula 1.0%2.8%1.0%2.8%0.6%2.2% Copper R./Wrange11/Va1dez 3.4%6.2i.3.0%5.8%2.8i.5.4i. Southeast Alaska 1.6%3.6%0.0%0.3%0.0%0.07. Elsewhere in Alaska 13.5%18.3%17.0%22.2i.15.9%'l1.U Outside Alaska 1.1%2.13%0.2%1.2%0.0%0.77. B-20 Table B.B. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS I 1 I ) I ,I \., 1984 LOW HIGH 1750 1910 1740 1910 890 1060 50 no 270 380 120 210 o 30 20 70 30 80 o 30 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 1980 2130 1970 2120 1070 1240 70 140 310 430 150 240 o 30 20 70 30 90 30 70 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 2150 2280 In Alaska 2130 2260 Susitna study Area 1190 1360 Area One 70 140 Area Two 320 440 Area Three 170 270 Area Four 0 30 Area Five 20 70 Area Six 60 120 Area Seven 30 70 Area Ei9ht 0 10 .Area-'Nine 30 80 40 10 40 Area Ten 0 10 0 10 0 10 Area Eleven 0 10 0 10 0 10 Area Twelve 0 30 0 30 0 30 Area Thirteen 120 210 110 190 90 170 Area Fourteen 70 130 60 120 40 100 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 10 50 10 50 10 50 Anchor.3ge/Chu9ach litn.Area 40 100 30 80 30 80I ____.J{enaLPeninsu1L .____-··30-·-······70-------30------70-----·--20---60--- Copper R./Wrangell/V.ltdez,9_0__110,80-~150 70--1-40,------ Southeast Alaska 40 100 0 10 0 0 Elsewhere in Alaska 360 490 450 590 420 560 Outside Alaska 30 80 0 30 0 20 i I I j I \ \-.-J Table B.9. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Moose Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~41.1%43.9%37.07-39.67-27.67-30.27- In Alask.3 40.6%43.4%36.5% Susitna StUdy Area 24.9% Area One Are~Two 6.0%7.47-5.4i. Area Three 2.7%3.7k Area FOIJr Area Five 1.0%1.6%0.7k 1.3%0.6%1.07. Area Six 1.1%1.7% Area Seven Are.3 Ei9ht .0%0.2%.0%0.2%.Oi.0.27- Area Nine Area Ten 0.17-0.3% Area Eleven .0%0.27..0%0.2%.0%0.2% Area Twelve O.lk 0.3%0.17-0.3i.0.17-0.37- Area Thirteen 5.2%6.47.4.S%6.07- Area FOIJrteen 1.3%2.17-1.3%1.9%1.0i.1.67- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 1.2%l.S7- Kenai Peninsula 4.37- Copper R./Wr~nge11/Valdez SQutheast Alaska 0.6%1.27-0.67-1.0% Elsewhere in A1ask~ Outside Alaska 0.2% B-22· Table B.lO. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Moose Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -198S 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out ot Ahsk'2 50490 53850 45360 48670 33940 37020 In Alaska 49880 53230 447S0 480S0 33690 36770 SlJsitM StlJdy Area 30550 33530 27530 30410 19950 22520 Area One 1760 2660 1650 2530 1320 2120 Area Two 7380 9070 6670 8300 5050 6490 Area Three 3330 4530 2990 4130 16S0 2530 Area Four 580 1140 470 1000 370 850 Area Five 1210 1980 890 lS70 680 1280 Are::!Sb:1320 2120 1100 1840 780 1430 Are::!Seven 780 1430 S80 1140 370 850 --Are::!-Ei9ht--~20 .-230 ~20 .-230--20 ····230 .- Area Nine 890 1570 680 1280 470 1000 Are::!Teo 90 400 90 400 20 230 Area Eleven 20 230 20 230 20 230 Area Twelve 90 400 90 400 90 400 Area Thirteen 6330 7910 5860 7400 4130 5450 Area FOlJrteen 16S0 2530 lS40 2390 1210 1980 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 890 lS70 890 1570 sao 1140 Aochorage{~hu9~C.~}-Ito.~e!..1430 225.0_..1210_-1980---.---890--1570---.-.--.----.... -------------Ke-nai Peninsula 5280 67S0 4360__5Z10 3560--4'7130'----- Copper R-:/Wr::!nge11/Valdez 1100 1840 780 1430 580 1140 Southeast Alaska 780 1430 6aO 1280 470 1000 Elsewhere in Alask::!17320 19750 15650 17990 11490 13550 Outside Alaska 280 710 180 550 20 230 j I I I I l I 1 I l I I I Table B.ll. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Moose Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCAl ION EVBR 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 37.87-42.0i.33.67-37.6%24.4i:-iii l')'1 wClau/. In Alaska 37.2i.41.4i.33.0i.37.01.24.U 27.9:r. Susitna Study Area 21.6i.25.2';19.3i.22.7%13.3k 16.3% Area One 1.07-2.0i:1.0i.2110%0.7%1.71. '1 Area Two 4.6i.6.6!4.1i. (I Area Three 2.1%;~0.37-1.3i. Area Four 0.3i.0.9i.0.3i. Are·3 Five o.n Are.3 Six 0.7%l.n:'f 1 ")'1•I..~'~--(!.~--- Area Seven 0.3i.' Area Ei9ht .Oi.0.27..Oi.0.21.:0.0i.0.01. Area Nine 0.6i.1.47-0.4i.1.2% Area len .0%0.4i..Oi.0.41..Ok 0.27. Area Eleven .Oi.0.27..Oi.0.27-.07.o 'i'/./W/. Are.3 Twa 1ve '.07.0.2%.07.0.2%.07.0.27. Area Thirteen 4.7%6.7%4.47.G.2%2.9%4.57- Area Fourteen 1.0i.2.0i. 1.7k 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.67- Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsul.3 4.47-6.2% Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.4r. O.7~ IJ Southeast Alaska 0.6i. Elsewhere in Alaska 13.6i.16.6i.12.2i.15.2i.8.8%11.4~~ Outside Alas~.a 0.1i. 1"1.w"" I Iu B-24 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.12. Susitna Hydroelectric Proje~t,Number of Urban Households Moose Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 ~H~~H~~H~ In or out of Alaska 40180 44580 35660 39970 25950 29920 In Alask.a 39540 43940 35030 39320 25640 29590 Susitna StlJdy Area 22950 26760 20470 24140 14120 17320 Area One 1050 2140 1050 2140 780 1760 Are:~Two 4910 6980 4330 6290 3080 4780 Area Three 2230 3720 1950 3360 870 1890 Area FOIJr 290 980 290 980 210 850 Area Five 700 1640 450 1250 370 1120 Area Six 780 1760 610 1510 450 1250 Area Seven 370 1120 290 980 140 710 Area Ei ght 0 250 0 250 0 0 _~Ar~eaNi~!___._~_HQ .1510 __..____4501250 290--.-980 Area Ten 10 410 10 410 0 250 Area Eleven 0 250 0 250 0 250 Area Twelve 0 250 0 250 0 250 Area Thirteen 5010 7100 4620 6640 3080 4780 Area FOIJrteen 1050 2140 1050 2140 780 1760 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 610 1510 610 1510 370 1120 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 1050 2140 870 1890 610 1510 Kenai Peninsula 4620 6640 3750 5600 2980 4660 ·-_·····_··~·_···~-_·_·eopper--R·,;lWrangeH1Valdez-······--··-~450-····_·1250·--~----~2rO--···~---850----···_·---T4r-····710·--············· ------SolJtheas-t~A1-ask_a &10 --1510 530--1380 370---r120--~·~_··~~····. Elsewhere in Alask.a 14430 17650 13000 16100 9370 12080 OIJtside Alaska 140 710 140 710 0 250 J l I 1 ) \ I I J I I 'I Table B.l3. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Moose Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~ska 54.4%58.87-50.n 55.Ii:41.07-45.47. In Alaska 54.3%58.7%50.n:55.1%41.2%45.67- Susitn~Study Area 37.9%42.3%35.47-39.67-29.2i.33.27- Area One 2.4%4.0% Area Two 11.37-14.3%11.0%13.87-9.0i.11.67- Al'ea Three 4.6%6.6%4.0% (]Are.:!Four 0.6%1.4%0.67-1.47-0.47-1.2i. Area Five 1.9% Area Six Area Seven 1.0% Area Eight .0%0.4%.07.0.4%.Oi.0.27- Area Nine 0.3%0.9%0.37-0.97-0.3%0.9% I Area Ten 0.1%0.5%0.1%0.5%.07-0.27- \J Area Eleven .0%0.2%.07-0.2%.0%0.2% Area Twelve .Oi.0.47-.07-0.47..07-0.4% Area Thirteen 4.5%6.5%4.2%6.2%3.6%5.4h Are.:!Fourteen 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 0.47-1.2% Anchor~ge/Chugach Mtn.Area 1.0%2.0%1.07-2.0%0.6%1.6i: .{enai Peninsula 1.7%3.1%1.6%2.8%1.2%2.4% Copper R./Wrangell/V~ldez 2.57-4.li.2.4%4.0%2.0%3.47. Southeast Alaska .0%0.2%.0%0.2%.07.0.2i. \J Elsewhere in Alask~12.9%15.97-11.8%14.8%8.8%11.47. Outside Alaska .0%0.2%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 1 1 IJ "-._.--,".""."--.-,-._._-_._._--_...._--.__...-. tJ B-26· GEOGRAPHIC LOCAl ION Table B.l4. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Moose Hunting by Area .SMALL lOWN HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 ~H~~H9 ~H~ In or out of Ahska 7550 8160 7040 7650 5690 6300 In Alaska 7540 8140 7040 7650 5720 6330 Susi tna Study Area 5270 5860 4910 5500 4050 4610 Area One 340 550 .·320 540 280 470 Area Two .1570 1980 1520 1920 1240 1610~~b~~m ~~m m Are.3 Four 80 200 80 200 60 170 Area Five 260 460 230 410 laO 350 Area Six 280 470 250 440 150 300 Area Seven ISO 300 120 270 100 230 Area Eight 050_~~-··050 030 -AreaHIne -40 130 40 130 40 130 Area Ten 10 70 10 70 0 30 Area Eleven 0 30 0 30 0 30 Area Twelve .0 50 0 50 0 SO Area Thirteen 620 900 590 860 500 750 Are.3 Fourteen 290 490 250 \440 200 380 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 60 170 40 130 40 130 Anchor.3ge/Chugach /'Itn.Area 130 280 130 280 ~_~..22...__.J2iL Kenai-·Peninsuloa------··240·..-430·~---~··-221f .390 170 330 ------CoppeLR./Wr.::mgellJ.Valdez 350-----570 3"0--550 280 470 Southeast Alaska 0 30 0 30 0 30 Elsewhere in Al.3ska 1780 2210 1640 2050 1220 1590 Outside Alaska 0 30 0 0 0 0 ·1 ! I I ! i l (~1 I l I ! I I I I I I I I Table B.lS. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Moose Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~73.3%78.9%67.7%73.n In Al.3ska 73.1% Susitna Study Area Area One Area Two Area Three 6.n:10.3% Are~Four Area Five 1.8%4.0% '1./.,;in Area Six Area Seven 2.n:4.5%2.07-4.4%0.9%2.77- Are~Eight.0.07- Area Nine 0.6% Are~Ten 0.0%0.5%0.0% Area Eleven 0.0% Area Twelve 0.3%1.57- Area Thirteen 7.8%11.8%6.9%10.77.6.l:'9.77. Area Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor~ge/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 1.6%3.8%1.57-3.5% Kenai Peninsula 0.8% (J Copper R./Wrangel1/Va1dez Southeast A1~ska Elsewhere in Alaska 15.9%21.1%14.77-19.77-10.8%15.27. I 1 Outside Alaska 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%O.O? IJ IJ .......,.._.,_.----..~,._--._----_.._.._.__..__..,,--,. B-28 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.l6. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Ru~al Households Moose Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS W~1~~~1~ ~H~~H~~H~ In or out ot Ahsk.3 1950 2100 1800 1960 1440 1610 In Alaska 1940 2090 1300 1960 1440 1620 S'Jsitn.a St'Jdy Area 1540 1710 1390 1570 1100 1270 Area One 80 160 30 150 60 120 Area Two 430 510 410 540 310 440 Area Three 180 210 "160 250 110 200 Area Four 20 60 10 50 10 50 Area Five 50 110 40 100 30 80 Area Six 70 130 40 100 30 80 Area Seven 60 120 50 120 20 70 Area Eight 0 20 0 20 0 20 Area Nine 20 60 10 50 10 50 Area Ien _Q_IL_--0----10---0 -"--10AreaEleven010010010 Area Twelve 10 40 0 30 0 30 Area Thirteen 210 310 130 280 160 260 Are.lI Fourteen 30 150 70 140 60 130 10 Iiiles North of Denali Hwy 10 50 10 50 10 50 Anchorage/Chugach I1tn.Area 40 100 40 90 30 80 Kenai Peninsula 20 60 20 60 20 60 Copper R./WNngell/Valdez 90 170 80 160 __7_0 14_0 _ --------------Southeast-Alask-a------------O---------O-----------0---- ---0------0 0 -------Elsewhel'e-in-Alaska 4i!0--560 390--520 290 400 Outside Alaska 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I ,j I \I ;1 ! ~ I I I 1 i I I I I,I I I )Table B.17. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Caribou Hunting by Area [1 I I I I I ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 19tH [1 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 18.5% In Alaska 18.3%20.5%14.4%16.4%9.57.ll.l;~ SIJsitna Study Area 8.U'1 ry"l 4.17-I:'~l:1! J awn .J .,':fi. Are.3 One o 1:'/0.9%0.47-0.8%0.2%O.G7..;;)t. Area Two o.n Are.3 Three 0.67- O.~%0.67. Area FOIJr""1•\oJ;' Area Five 1.07. Area Sb: Are..:l Seven 0.4%0.87.O.li.0.57- Are:~Ei9ht;; Area Nine 0.2%0.6%.07.0.2%0'/0.27..'" Area Ten .Oi.0.2%0.07-0.07-0.0i.O.Oi. Area Eleven Are::!Twelve O.U 0.37.O.lh 0.3i..Oi.0..27- Area Thirteen .0.7%1.3%;~0.6Z 1.07. Area Fourteen 0.1i.0.5i.0.1i.0.3i. 10 Miles Marth of Denali Hwy C.6i. ryaJ•I ,fa Anchorase/Chusach Mtn.Area 0.1i.0.3i..07-0.2i.0.07.O.O? Kerlai Peninsula 0.57.o CI~.",. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.5% Southeast Alaska 0.2%0.6%0.1%0.5?0.17.o ')./.w.. I I Elsewhere in Al::!ska 8.5i. IJ OIJtside Alaska 0.1%0.3%O.li.0.37..07.O.2;~ U II --_.._---'...._---,~._.,_....__..•...".-..... ,J B-30 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table BolBo Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Caribou Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 ~H~~H~~H~ In or out of Alaska 22710 25410 17920 20380 11730 13800 In Alaska 22470 25160 17680 20130 11610 13680 Susitna StlJdy Area 9960 11890 7140 8820 5050 6490 Area One 580 1140 470 1000 280 710 Area Two 890 1570 680 1280 580 1140 Area Three 780 1430 370 850 280 710 Area Four 280 710 180 550 90 400 Area Five 1540 2390 1000 1700 680 1280 Area Si:<1430 2250 890 1570 470 1000 Area Seven 470 1000 180 550 180 550 Area Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine _280 ..nO~20 230 20-.230 Area Ien---20 230 0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 90 400 90 400 20 230 Area Thirteen 890 1570 780 1430 680 1280 Area Fourteen 180 550 90 400 90 400 10 Miles North of Den.:lli Hwy 780 1430 680 1280 370 850 Anchorase/ChlJgach litn.Area 90 400 20 230 0 0 ~enai peRn/i~SUl.a 11/V 1j ·_~548300__-.2121-54~OO··-·--~417000·-1108~0-00---~---·+8800-_-l!,A l ··00--.-------..------··----·_-·-tiopper-awr.:lnge··a.ez--····_ ------Southeast-Alaska 280---710 180--550 90 400 Elsewhere in Alaska 10430 12400 8780 10610 5980 7530 Outside Alaska 90 400 90 400 20 230 Table B.19. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Caribou Hunting by Area B-32 Table B.20. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Caribou Hunting by Area GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of A1~ska In Alaska SYsitna Study Area Area One Area Two Area Three Area Four Area Five Area Six Area Seven Area Eight Are.aNine .. Area Ten Area Eleven Area Twelve Area Thirteen Area Fourteen 10 Hiles Harth of Denali HWy Anchorage/Chugach Ktn.Area Kenai Peninsula ...........-.~..---CopperR:-7Wr-:~gen7VardeZ ------Southeast-Ata-ska Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska URBAN HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 ~H~~H~~H~ 17900 21400 14120 17320 9170 11860 17800 21290 13920 17100 9170 11860 7380 9830 5110 7210 3650 5480 370 1120 210 850 140 71 0 530 1380 370 1120 370 1120 370 1120 140 710 70 560 70 560 70 560 10 410 870 1890 450 1250 370 1120 700 1640 370 1120 140 710 210 850 10 410 10 410 o 0 0 0 0 0 70 560 ··0·250 .O~-----0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 10 410 10 410 0 250 700 1640 610 1510 450 1250 70 560 10 410 10 410 530 1380 450 1250 210 850 10 410 0 250 0 0 1130 2260 .azo_.,~189.0_~-~-----.-~"~~450--1250-~-_..~_ .-210--··-850----~·140 710 Z.0__56.0r _ 210 850 140 710 10 410 8270 10850 7080 9490 4820 6870 10 410 10 410 0 250 I I I l I I I 1 j ·-1 I I I I ] I ,·1 I I I 1 I Table B.2!. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Caribou Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 22.6%26.'Ii.18.14 21.5i.1l.0';14.0'; !I In Alaska 22.4%26.2';18.07-21.47-11.3i.:14.3~' Ii Susitna Study Area 11.77.14.n\q, ..I •.II. Are::l Two 0.9i.1.9i.0.8i.l.87.0.3i.l.li~ Area Three Are::l tOIJr .Oi.0.47. Area Five 2.37-3.n'1 'J"oW.w/. Are::l Six<f'1 1:"l.07.2.0i.';;•..110 Are::l Seven 0.5%1.3% Area Eight 0.2i.0.8i.:0.17-0.5i.0.07-O.Oi: I r,Area Nine .07.0.4%.0%0.2%.07.O.2~'I ,!Are::l Ten 0.0i: J Area Eleven 0.0i. Area Twelve .Oi.:O.2Z .07.0.2%.07.0.27. Area Thirteen Area FOIJrteen 0.1i.0.57..Ok 0.47..07.0.27- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.17.o.n Anchor::lge/Chug::lch Mtn.Area .Oi.0.27..07.0.27-.07.O.2k Keo::li ·PeninsIJ1::l 0.1i.0.5%.0%0.4%0'/0.47.•ia Copper R./Wrange11/V::lldez 1.0i. .,~."n Southeast Alaska .0%0.4%.07.0.47..07.O.4~' Elsewhere in Alaska 9.1%11.n.:7.0i.9.47- Outside Alaska .0%0.2%.0%0.2%0.0%0.0;' B-34 Table B.ZZ. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Caribou Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska314036602510299015301940InAlaska311036302490298015701980SusitnaStudyArea16302040130016707801080AreaOneGO1705015040130AreaTwo12027011025050150AreaThree12027010023070180Are.:!Four 30 110 20 90 0 SOAreaFive310520230410160310AreaSi>:340 550 290 490 130 280AreaSeven70180401301070AreaEight30110107000AreaNine300-.30-Area Ten--0 0 0 0 0 0AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve030030030AreaThirteen3011030110050AreaFourteen107005003010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy209010701070Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0 30 0 30 0 30KenaiPeninsula1070050__.J___._50__---.---Copper-R./Wrange11/Va1dez---··.---130-----·--280------12(r-----270---.---------- 70 180 ---~--- So~theast-Alaska 0--50 0 50 0 50ElsewhereinAlaska126016309701310570840OutsideAlaska03003000 ) I, I '11" 'r !~ \( I I I ( Table B.23. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Caribou Hunting by Area , ii, i)RURAL HOUSEHOLDS \GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 .I LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 31.87::38.0k 24.5i.30.3i.14.07-18.81. In Alaska 31.67::37.8!24.2i.30.0%l3.8k 18.6% 5usitna Study Area 19.2%24.6i.12.2%16.8;{7.Oi~10.87. Area One 0.57::1.9i.0.5%1.9%.Oia 0.87. Area Two 0.7i.2.3i.0.6i.2.0i.0.27-1.2k Area Three 1.3%3.3%1 ').,3.0% Are:il EOIJr .Oi.l.0i.0.0i.0.5i.0.07-0.57. Area Eive 2.77-5.3% Area Six 4.1%7.D:2.3i.: Area Seven 1.3i. Are.'il Eight 0.0i. Area Nine"1.07-•fa Area Ten 0.07- Area Eleven 0.0% Area Twelve 0.1',:2.37..07.0.8%0.0i.O.7;~ Area Thirteen .07-0.87::.07.0.8%0.07-0.57. Area EOIJrteen .97-0~'i.o.3i~ 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy \Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area .Oi.0.87;;0.0i.;' iJ f{enai Peninsul.'il 0.0% Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez')')'/a:..,;.,1. Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska l2.2i.lb.87::9.3%13.5% OIJtside Alaska 0.07- B-36 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.24. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Caribou Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAlask.3 840 1010 650 810 370 500 In Alaska 840 1010 640 1300 370 500 Susi tna Study Are.3 510 660 320 450 190 290 Area One 10 50 10 50 0 20 Area Two 20 60 10 50 0 30 .Area Three 30 90 30 80 10 50 Are.3 Four 0 30 0 10 0 10 Area Five 70 140 50 120 30 80 Area Six 110 190 60 130 40 100 Area Seven 30 90 10 40 0 30 Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 O_Q Area Nine 30.ao~·10·~.50 0 30 ·--AreaTen 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 20 60 0 20 0 20 Area Thirteen 0 20 0 20 0 10 Area Fourteen 0 20 0 10 0 10 10 Hiles Nor.th of Denali Hwy 30 70 20 70 20 60 Anchor.3ge/Chu9-3ch Mtn.Area 0 20 0 20 0 0 Kenai Peninsula 0 0 ~..L~__.O._-~-_._.~._._~O-._--O~..~.-~_.._..~...~._--Copper-R./WrangeH1Valdez·--·--·70-····130 50 no 20 60 1 ------~~--Southeast_Alaska 0 ro~---~0-..........J~10~----0 10 Elsewhere in Alask.3 320 450 250 360 120 210 Outside Alaska 0 10 0 10 0 10 B-37 I I I.J Table B.2S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of ~ll Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS I GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 J LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In Qr Qut Qf Alaska 9.0%10.6%6.3i.7.77-3.47-4.4i: In Alaska Susitna Study Area 2.8% Area One O.H 0.37..0%0.27..0%0.27- ( Area TWQ Are.:!Three 0.4%,Area tQIJr 0.1%0.37-•Or.O.2X .Oi.0.2% Area Five Area Six 0.17.O.ti7-0.17-0.37-0.1%0.37- Area Seven 0.17-0.3%0.1%0.3%.07-0.27. Area Eight Area Nine Area Ten 0.07-0.0%0.0% Area Eleven 0.0%0.0% Are.:!Twelve Area Thirteen Area tQIJrteen O.D;0.37-.07.0.27-•Or.0.2i. 10 Miles NQrth Qf Denali Hwy .0%0.2%.0%0.27..0%0.27. 1 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.6%1.07- \\Kenai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangel1/Va1dez Southeast Alaska 0.1%•or.O.2X Elsewhere in Alaska 3.4%4.4%2.57-3.57-1.27-1.8% Outside Alaska 0.1%0.3%.0%0.2%0.0%0.07. B-38 Table B.26. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGH'LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutotAlaska11020130407730946041305450InAlaska10780127907490920041305450SusitnaStudyArea344046602650373015402390AreaOne904002023020230AreaTwo58011404701000,280 710AreaThree470100037095090400Are.3 Four 90 400 20 230 20 230AreaFive904009040090400AreaSi}:180 550 90 400 90 400AreaSeven9.0 400 90 400 20 230AreaEight000--- 0AreaNine2023000AreaTen000000AreaEleven000000Are.3 Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen2807109040090400Are.3 FOIJrteen 90 400 20 230 20 23010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy202302023020230Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area'680 1280 470 1000 280 lIQKenaiPeninsub___._____________·.890·.----1570-------470-----'-'ro-ou---.--laO _.---550 •....•--~--..•_-.~-_.--_._-~_.~--_._._,-_._-.__._-- Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 1000--1700 47'0--1000 180 550SoutheastAlaska1805509040020230ElsewhereinAlaska413054503100426014302250OutsideAlaska904002023000 ,.--_---_.,•......•_...••-_•.."....•.•_---.,.-.,_.~. B-39 \ I ,I r I "\ } [ '? ('.! \ .1 I) Table B.27. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 7.77-10.1%5.2%7.2%2.7%4.3% In Alaska 7.5%9.9%5.1%7.1%2.7%4.3% Susitna Study Area 2.3%3.7%1.7%2.9%1.0%2.0i. Area One .0%0.2%.0% Area Two 0.3%1.1%0.3%0.97-O.li.0.7i. Area Three 0.1% Are.'3 Four .0%0.4%.0%0.2%0.07-0.07- Area Five .0%0.4%.07.0.47.•Or.0.47. Are.'3 Six •Or.0.4%.Oi.0.4i.•Or.0.47- Area Seven .Or.0.4%.0%0.4%.07.0.27. Area Eight 0.0%0.0%0.0i. 0.0i.0.0%0.07- Area Nine •Or.0.4%.0%0.2%0.0%0.07. Area Ten Area Eleven 0.0%0.0i. Area Twelve Area Thirteen 0.1%0.7%.0%0.4%.07.0.47. Area Fourteen .0%0.4%.0%0.2%0.0i.0.07. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .0%0.2%.0%0.2%.0%0.27. -1 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.37-1.1%0.3% Kenai Peninsula 0.6%1.4%0.3%1.1%0.1%0.57. Copper R./Wrangell/Va1dez 0.57..07.0.4% Southeast Alaska 0.1%0.5%.0%0.4%.0%0.27. Elsewhere in Alaska 2.8%4.4%2.1%3.5%0.9i.1.97. Outside Alaska .0%0..4%.0%0.2% B-40 Table B.28. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 10 410 10 410 o 250 0 0 o 250 0 250 290 980 140 no 370 1120 70 560 70 560 ..._.__tlL ...J10...__.. ro~mr--"0 250 2230--3720 960 2020 o 250 0 0 EVER LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 8170 10740 In Alaska 7970 10510 Susitna Study Area 2420 3950 Area One 0 250 Area Two 370 1120 Area Three 140 no Are:~Four 10 410 ~~~"W m Area Six 10 410 Area Seven 10 410 Area Eight 0 0 Area Nine 10 410 Area Ten 0 Area-Eleve'ri------0 Are.'i Twelve 0 0 Area Thirteen 140 710 Area Fourteen 10 410 10 Hiles North of Dena1iHwy 0 250 Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 370 1120 Kenai Peninsula 610 1510 Copper R./Wrange11/Va1dez 450 1250 -Southeast.Alaska______...··-70··'-560"-- _____-=E~ls~eC!!!wh:"'e.....,re'_::"'in Alaska--:..----2980--4660 Outside Alaska 10 410 B-4l 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 5500 7670 5400 7560 1770 3120 o 250 290 980 70 560 o 250 10 410 10 410 10 410 o 0 o 250 1984 LOW HIGH 2890 4540 2890 4540 1050 2140 o 0 140 710 o 250 o 0 10 410 10 410 o 250 o 0 o 0 j \} ) } '. I Ii I j ( l ! ./ i L Table B.29. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area SHALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 13.3%Hi.5%10.2%13.0%5.74 7.97- In Alaska 13.3%16.5%10.2%13.0%5.8%B.O% Susitna Study Area 3.9%5.n:3.2%5.0%1.S%3.27- Area One 0.1%0.5%.07-0.47-.07-0.47- Area Two 0.5%1.37-0.37-1.1%0.1%0.5% Area Three 1.3%2.5%1.07-2.2%0.5%1.37- Area Four 0.1%0.5%0.1%0.57-.0%0.47- Area Five .07-0.4%.0%0.47-.0%0.2% Area Six 0.3%0.9%0.3%0.9%0.1%0.77- Area Seven 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0r.0.0%0.07- Are::!Eight 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.07-0.0%0.07- Area Nine 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0r.0.0r.0.07- Area Ten 0.0%0.07-0.07-0.0%0.0r.0.07- Area Eleven 0.0%0.0% Area Twelve .0%0.2%0.0r. Area Thirteen .0%0.4%.0%0.4%.07-0.47- Area Fourteen 0.1i.0.5%0.1i.0.57-.0%0.4i. 10 Miles North of Denali.Hwy .07-0.4%.07-0.4%.0%0.47- Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 0.3%1.17-0.3%1.1%•Or.0.4i. Kenai Peninsula 0.5i.1.37-0.37-0.97-0.1i.0.57- Copper R./Wrangel1/Va1dez Southeast Alaska .07-0.4%.Or.0.27-.07.0.27- Elsewhere in Alaska 5.0i.7.0i.3.7%5.5%1.B%3.2i. Outside Alaska •Or.0.2%.0%0.2%.0%0.27- I iI I ..' B-42 Table B.30. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area \l \( r 1...I ; SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 1850 2280 1410 1800 In Alask.3 1850 2280 1410 1300 Susitna Study Area 540 800 450 690 Area One 10 70 0 50 Are·3 Two 70 180 50 150 Area Three 130 350 150 300 Area FOIJr 10 70 10 70 Area Five 0 50 0 50 Are::!Si>:40 130 40 130 Area Seven 0 0 0 0 Are::!Eight 0 0 0 0 AI:eaJ~ine __..~...~-_.__..•~-_........_._.._._.__._..._......."~---0 0 Area Ten 0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 30 0 0 Area Thirteen 0 50 0 50 Are::!I:oIJrteerl 10 70 10 70 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0 50 0 50 Anchorage/Chu'j::!ch Mtn.Area 50 150 50 150 Kenai PeninslJla 70 180 _4t_~__nO'-Copper ..R~iWrir;geIi7V:il;jez~-----,.~----_._...._.._-.--.---_._--_._.-.------~---~---_..., 250 440 180 350 0 30 Elsewhere in AlasK::!690 980 510 770 Outside Ahska 0 30 0 30 B-43 I 1984 \LOW HIGH 790 noo 800 1110 I'250 440 \.1050 10 70 ,()70 130 o·50 0 30 20 90 ..f00 O·0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 , 1· 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 \___.___1.Q 7.0.no 250 0 30 I250440 0 30 ,I . I t ! I t l I Table B.31. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of 'Rural Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~sk~-16.2%21.4%10.3i.14.7%2.7%co ,,",oJ.W/. In Alaska 16.2%21.4%10.3%14.n 3.0%5.6% Susitn~Study Area 4.5%7.7% Area One O.U loU O.li!1.1%0.07-0.37- Are.~Two 0.3%1.n Area Three 1.2%3.2%0.8%Vi%.0%1.07- Are~four 0.0i.0.7i.0.07-0.7%0.07.O.n.: Area five 0.07-0.5%0.0%0.3%0.07-0.3i. Are~Si}:0.1%1.1%.Oi.0.8i.0.0%0.3i. Area Seven 0.07-0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Are.~Ei9ht Area Nine 0.0%0.7% Area Ten 0.0%0.0i::0.0%0.0i.0.0%0.0i. Area Eleven Area Twelve O.Oi.O.3i.O.Oi.0.0i.0.0%0.0% Area Thirteen 0.0%0.7%0.0%0.5%0.0%0.0i. Area fourteen 0.0i.0.5i.0.07-0.57-0.0%0.37- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.0%0.3% Anchar~ge/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 1.2% Kenai Peninsula -0.2%1.2%•Or.1.0r..0%0.87. Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 4.2%7.2%2.5r.4.97..07.1.0% Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska 2.7%5.3%1.4%3.4i.0.3%1.5% Outside Alaska 0.0i::0.0%0.0%0.0r.0.07-0.07. B-44 Table B.32. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of . Rural Households Sheep or Goat Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutotAl~sk~430 570 270 390 70 140InAlaska430570270390SO150SusitnaStudyArea120200901701050AreaOne030030010Are.:!Two 10 40 10 40 0 10Are.:!Three 30 80 20 70 0 30AreaFOIJr020020020Are~Five 0 10 0 10 0 10Are~Si:<0 30 0 20 0 10AreaSeven000000AreaEight000000Are~Nine 0 20 0 0 0 0Are~Ten 0 0 0 0Arlta~Ele'len.__~O·10'0 0Are.:!Twelve 0 10 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen02001000Are~Fourteen 0 10 0 10 0 1010MilesNorthotDenaliHwy010010010Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 30 SO 30 BO 10 40KenaiPeninSUla030030020CopperR./Wr~ngelI/Valdez .110 190 70 130 0 30'Southeast Alaska ........-19_.5(L .._.._._...._---..·-·0··....-·.....-10·..--------0-·---0-··-···----Elsewher-eTifAlasK.i···---·70 140 40 90 10 40------··..Outside-Alaska 0 0 0 0 0 0 B-45 if ) 1I .! ) } J I .I ,.( ) ! I ) I ( J Table B.33. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 6.7%8.Ii::5.4%6.8%3.6%4.87. In Alaska 6.6%8.0%5.4:4 6.8%3.6%4.87. 5usitna Study Area 2.4%3.4% Area One 0.2%0.6%0.27-0.6%0.1%0.57- Area Two 0.3i. Area Three 0.1%0.5%0.1%0.5%O.l:'0.37- Area FOIJr .07-0.27-.0%0.2%0.07-0.07. Area five 0.1%0.3%0.1%0.3%0.1%0.3:t Area Six .0%0.2%.07-0.27..07.O.2X Area Seven 0.1%0.37-.0%0.2%.07-0.•2: Area Eight 0.0%0.0%0.07-0.0:0.0%0.0% Area Nine .0%0.2%.0%0.2%.0.0%0.07. Area Ten 0.0i.0.07-0.07- Area Eleven 0.07-0.0%0.0r.0.0%0.0%0.07- Area Twelve 0.07-0.0i.0.07-0.0%0.0%0.0% Area Thirteen 0.5%0.9%0.5%0.9i.0.4%0.8% Are.'iI Fourteen .0%0.2%.Oi.0.27-.07-0.27- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.1%0.3%0.1%0.3%0.17-0.3% Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 0.17-0.3i..07-0.2%.0%0.27. Kenai Peninsula O.B%1.4%0.7% Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez O.D.:0.5%0.1%0.5%0.1%0.37. Southeast Alaska 0.1%0.5%0.1%0.3%.0%0.2% Elsewhere in Alaska 2.8%3.8i~2.2%3.0%1.4%2.2% Outside Alaska .0%0.2%.0% B-46 Table B.34. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,.Number of All Households Brown Bear Hunt~ng by Area I I,,I :} .) \.)." ,) r ! J 'I 11 ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOUHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska819099706670830044705840.In Alaska 8080 9840 6670 8300 4470 5840SusitnaStUdyArea299041302760386018702800AreaOne280710280710ISO550AreaTwo37085037085090400AreaThree18055018055090400Are.:!FOIJr 20 230 20 230 0 0AreaFive904009040090400AreaSb:20 230 20 230 20 230AreaSeven904002023020230Are.:!Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine202302023000AreaIen000000AreaEleven0.---Area--Twelve---.-_.~---_......_.---"0 0 0 0 0 0 .._._.__..._----_... Area Thirteen 580 1140 580 1140 470 1000AreaFOIJrteen20230202302023010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy904009040090400Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 90 400 20 230 20 230KenaiPeninsula1000170089015704701000CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez 180 550 180 550 90 400SoutheastAlaska18055090400______________~Q_.______230___~l s~~.r~_jnJUaska ...______~····--3440-··--4660----··--.-2650---S730 1760OutsideAlaska B-47 II Table B.35. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 5.9%8.1%4.1%6.17-3.17-4.17. In Alaska Susitna Study Area 1.9%3.3%1.8%3.0% Area One 3.2%4.8%0.17-0.5% Area 'fwo Area three,2.3%3.1i..0%0.47..0%0.2% Area tour 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0i-0.07. Area tive Area Six 0.6%1.41..07.0.27.•Or.o ?'f..../0 Area Seven Area Eight 0.0%0.0%0.07- Area Nine Area Ten 0.0% Area Eleven 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0i-0.0r.0.01. Area Twelve 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 'Area Thirteen 0.3%1.1%0.37-loU 0.3%0.9% Area tourteen .07.0.27..0%0.2%•Or.0.21. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .0%0.4%•Or.0.4%.0%0.47- Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area •Or.0.4%0.0i-0.0%0.0r.0.07- Kenai Peninsula 0.7%1.57-0.6%1.47-0.37-1.1% Copper R.lWrangell/Valdez',.07-0.47-.0%0.47-•Or.0.2r. Southeast Alaska 0.1%0.5%.0%0.47-.0%0.27- Elsewhere in Alaska 2.5%3.9%1.8%3.2%1.27-2.2% Outside Alaska .0%0.2%.0%0.2%0.0%0.0r. ( .: B-48 Table B.36. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska62908580501071003270'5010InAlaska609083605010710033705130SusitnaStudyArea205034801860324013102510AreaOne337051307056070560AreaTwo337051301407100250AreaThree24203950104100250Are.3 Four 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaFive149027501041010410AreaSi:<610 1510 0 250 0 250AreaSeven1490275002500250Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine000000AreaTen000·~~~Area-Eleven 0 0 0AreaTwelve000000AreaThirteen370H2O370H2O290980AreaFourteen02500250025010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy104101041010410Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 10 410 0 0 0 0KenaiPeninsul.3 700 1640 610 1510 370 1120CopperR./Wrangel1/Va~dez 10 410 10 410 0 250SoutheastAlaska_..---,~...._"._-_._-_____.70_._560.._.-~-_···-·---·--10~----~410---·------·0---250-·---"--------~-.Elsewhere in~Alaska 2610 419.0 1950-3360 1~20--2-390OUtsfdeAlaska0250025000 B-49 [ ..../ ', J .1 ! \) .J J ! } 1 (( '..1 .J rl 1 Table B~37. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~8.6%11.2%7.3%9.7%4.7%6.77. In Alaska 8.7%11.3i.7.4%9.8i.4.9%6.97. Susitn~Study Area 3.4i.5.2%3.1%4.9%2.1%3.5% Area One 0.3%0.9%0.3%' Are.:!Two 0.4%1.2%0.37.1.Ii.0.17-0.57- Area Three 0.3%0.9%0.3%0.9%0.2%0.37. Area Four .Oi.0.27..Oi.0.2i.0.07-0.0i. Area Five 0.27-0.8%0.2%0.8%.Oio 0.47. Area Six .07.0.47..0%0.4i..Oi.0.47. Area Seven 0.0i. Area Ei~ht .0%0.47..07.0.47..07.0.27. Area Nine .0%0.27..0%0.27..07.0.2% Area Ten .07.0.2i.0.0i. Area Eleven 0.0%0.0%0.0% Area Twelve .07.0.2%.0%0.27..07-0.27. Area Thirteen 0.3%1.1% Area Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .0%0.27..0%0.2%.0%0.2% Anchor~ge/Chu9ach Mtn.Area .0%0.4i..07.0.47-.07.0.47. Kenai Peniflsula 0.57. Copper R./Wr~ngell/V~ldez Southeast Alask~.Oi.0.2i.0.0%0.0% Elsewhere in Alask~3.57-5.3% Outside Alaska .0%0.2%0.0%0.0% B-50 Table B.38. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS J [ lI GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Alaska In Alaska Susitna Study Area Area One Area Two Area Three Are-:!Four Area Five Area Six Area Seven Are-:!Ei9ht ilr~Jline_ Area Ten Area Eleven Area Twelve Area Thirteen Area Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorase/Chusach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsula .Copper··R;iWr.1fi~lell/V.ndei·· ------------------:Southeast-Ataska Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska EVER LOW HIGH 1190 1560 1210 1570 470 720 40 130 60 170 40 130 o 30 30 110 o 50 o 0 o 50 o 30 o 0 o 30 50 150 10 70 o 30 o 50 70 .....J~Q . 70 180 o 30 490 740 o 30 B-5l 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 1010 1350 650 930 1020 1360 680 960 440 670 290 490 40 130 20 90 50 150 10 70 40 130 30 110 o 30 0 0 30 110 0 50 o ~0 ~ o 0 0 0o500 o 30 0 30 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o ~0 W 50 150 40 130 10 70 0 50 o WOW o ~0 ~ ..._..50 150-------10-----·70- 60 12.0 40·--lJO----- o 0 0 0 390 610 230 410 o 0 0 0 \\ I iJ ,I ....j -". Table B.39. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area B-52 Table B.40. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Brown Bear Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska240350220320120200InAlaska240350220320120210SusitnaStudyArea14023012020070140AreaOne().30 0 30 0 20~r.e.3 Two 10 50 10 40 0 30AreaThree10501040030AreaFour030020020AreaFive030030010AreaSix010010010AreaSeven020020010Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Ten 0 0 0 0 0 ,0AreaEleven020020020Are'.!Twelve 0 20 0 20 0 20AreaThirteen10401040020AreaFOIJrteen0200200010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy10401040020Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0 20 0 20 0 20KenaiPeninsula030_0_____.30-._•..".__."~_.-"_._"_..~-,0,,--20-"'----0'--"_.._."-,._"."_...._-,----_..•_._..-"--~------,--._-,..'.'-----"..-_'._--_.---_.-..,-..-..--Cop per-R;/Wf3-figeU/V:aldez---30 0 30 0 30Southeast-Alaska 0 20 0 10 0 10ElsewhereinAlask'.!70 140 70 130 20 70OutsideAlaska0100000 B-53 JJ J 1 J i 1 'j;,1 :'/ ') I r J r 1 ,.) ( 1 J Table B.4L Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Black Bear Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~ska 11.8%13.6%10.0%11.8%7.2%8.67- In Alaska 11.8%13.6%10.0%11.8%7.2%8.8% Susitna Study Area 4.8%6.0%4.4%5.67-3.27-4.2% Area One 0.3%0.7%0.27-0.67-0.17-0.5% Area Two 0.9i.1.5%0.9i.1.57-0.67-1.0i. Area Three 0.6%1.0%0.5i.0.9%0.3%0.7% I I Area four I I I Area five .0%0.2%.•0%0.2%.0%o ,..,., .~Ia Area Six Area Seven 0.1%0.3%0.1%0.3%O.D:0.3% Are·:!Ei9ht 0.0%0.0i.0.0i.0.0%0.0%0.0i. Area Nine .07-0.2%.0%0.2%.Oi.0.27- Area Ten 0.0%0.0%0.0i.0.0i.0.0%0.07. Area Eleven 0.0%0.0%0.0i-0.0%0.0%0.0% Area Twelve 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0i.0.07- Area Thirteen 1.2%1.8%1.2%1.8%0.8%1.4% Area Fourteen O.D.:0.3% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.1%0.3%0.1%0.3%.0%0.2% AnchoragelChu9ach Mtn.Area 0.4%0.8%0.2i.0.6%0.1%0.5% Kenai Peninsula 1.6%2.4%1.3%1.9%0.8i:1.47. Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez . Southeast Alaska 0.2% Elsewhere in Alaska 4.0%5.2%3.6%4.67- Outside Alaska 0.1%0.3%.0%0.2% B-S4 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.42. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,.Number of , All Households Black Bear Hunt1ng'by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984~H~~H~~H~ In or out of Al.ask:~14460 16720 12320 14440 8780 10610 In Alaska 14460 16720 12320 14440 8900 10740 SIJsitna Study Area 5860 7400 5400 6880 3900 5180 Area One 370 850 280 710 180 550 Area Two 1100 1840 1100 1840 680 1280 Area Three 6S0 1280 'S80 1140 370 1350 Area Four 90 400 ,90 400 90 400 Area Five 20 230 20 230 20 230 Area Si:<180 550 180 550 90 400 AI'ea Seven 90 400 ,90 400 90 400 Area Ei9ht 0 0 .,0 0 0 0 Area Nine___20 .230--20 230---20'--230 - '-Area Ten-0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twe 1ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 1430 2250 1430 2250 1000 1700 Area Fourteen 90 400 90 400 20 230 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 90 400 90 400 20 230 Anchorage/Chu9ach Iitn.Area 470 1000 '280 710 180 550 Kenai Peninsula 1980 2930J~~Q.__~.3.2L_.__.__I000 1700_,.,. ...Copper.R./Wl'an gell1Valdez 5801140"280 710 280 no,_------~S':'_'ou.theast_Alaska---------:280··--n-0----r80 550 20 230 Elsewhere in Al:aska 4930 6360 4360 5710 3220 4390 Outside Alaska 90 400 20 230 0 0 B-55 ) ,I ) ) ,I / 1 II i j I I } Table B.43. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Black Bear Hunting by Area I I , URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCAIION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 10.5%13.3%8.8%11.47-6.27-8.4i. In Alaska 10.4% Susitna Study Area 3.9%5.n 3.5%5.3%2.57-4.1i. Area One 0.1%0.7%0.1%0.5%0.17-0.5% Area Iwo 0.6%1.4r.0.6%1.4i.0.3r.1.17. Area Ihree 0.3%0.9%0.27-0.87-0.1%0.5% Area Four .07.0.4%.07.0.47..Oi.0.4i. Area Five .Oi.0.27..Oi.0.2%.0%O.2~~ Are::!Six 0.1%0.5r.0.17-0.57..Oi.0.47- Area Seven .0%0.2%.07.0.2%.07.0.2% Area Eight 0.0r. Area Nine .0%0.2%.0% Area Ien 0.0%0.0%0.0r.0.0%0.0i.0.0i. Area Eleven 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0r.0.0r. Area Twelve Area Thirteen 1.0i.2.0%1.0%2.0i.0.77-1.57. Area Fourteen •Or.0.4%•Or.0.2i.•Or.0.27. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy •Or.0.4%.0%0.47..07-0.2i. Anchorage/Chugach.Mtn.Area 0.3i. 0.1i.0.5r. Kenai Peninsula 1.6%2.8r.1.2r.2.2r.o.n 1.7i. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.2%0.8%.0%0.4%•Or.0.47. Southeast Alaska 0.1%0.7%0.1%0.57-•Or.0.27- Elsewhere in Alaska 3.5%5.3i.3.1%4.n 2.3%3.7i. Outside Ahska .0%0.4%.0% B-56 Table B.44. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,~umber of Urban Households Black Bear Hunt1ng by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska111801410093701208065808920InAlaska110801399093701208066BO9040SusitnaStudyArea414060603750560027004310AreaOne1407107056070560'.Area T~o 610 1510 610 1510 370 1120AreaThree29098021085070560Are-:!EOIJr 10 410 10 410 10 410'.Area Five 0 250 0 250 0 250AreaSix705607056010410AreaSeven025002500250AreaEight00000 0 0AreaTen000000AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve000000.Area Thirteen 1050 2140 1050 2140 700 1640AreaFourteen104100250025010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy10410104100250Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 290 980 140 710 70 560KenaiPeninsula1680.19.0L .....~..122L ..2390-~····_···'lao-··-·-1760···......Gopper··R;/Wr:angelllVaHlez .·····:nO~-850 10 no 10 --410Southeast-~}aska ll0 710 70 560 0 250ElsewhereinAl:aska 3750 5600 3270 5010 2420 3950OutsideAlaska10410025000 B-57 1 .J ,} ) J I ! 1 ! J i :I ! I J Table B.45. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Black Bear Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~15.2%18.4%13.3%16.5%9.9%12.nInAlaska15.3%18.5%13.5%16.7%10.1%12.97- Susitna Study Area 7.4%9.8%6.8%9.2i.5.1i.7.3%Area One 0.3%1.Ii.0.3%1.1%0.3%0.97.Area Two 1.1%2.3i.1.0%2.2%0.8r.1.8i. Area Three 1.2%2.4i.1.0%2.0i.0.1:'1.7i.Area tOIJr .Oi.0.2i..0%0.2%.Oi.0.2i.Area Five 0.2i.0.8% Area Six 0.2i.0.8i.0.2i.0.8i.0.17-0.5% Area Seven 0.1%0.5% r:"j•..J", Area Eight 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0r. Area Nine .0%0.4i..Oi.0.47..0%0.4i. Area Ten .Oi.0.2%0~0i.0.0i.0.0r.0.0i. Area Eleven .Oi.0.2i..07.0.2i.0.0%0.07. Area Twelve 0.0i.0.0i.0.0%0.0%0.0%0.07- Area Thirteen 1.17-2.3%1.0%2.2%O.G%1.6%Area FOIJrteen 0.3i.0.9i.0.3%0.9i.O.li.o.n 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .07.0.47.•Or.0.4%.Or.0.27- Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.2%0.3% Kenai Peninsula 0.7%1.7%0.6% Copper R./Wr~ngell/Valdez Southeast Alaska .0%0.4%.Oi.0.27-.0%0.27- Elsewhere in Alaska 4.8%6.87-4.1i.G.li.:3.0%4.61. Outside Alaska 0.0%0.0% B-58 Table B.46. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Black Bear Hunting by Area ., .i SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska2100256018502280InAlaska2120257018802310SusitnaStudyArea102013609401280AreaOneSO150SO150AreaTwo160310150300AreaIhree170330130280Are.3 Four 0 30 0 30AreaFive3011030110AreaSix3011030110AreaSeven10701070AreaEight0000AreaNine0SO050Are.3 Ien 0 .~....--Area'Eleven 0 30 0 30AreaTwelve0000AreaThirteen160310ISO300AreaFOIJrteen401304013010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy050050Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area 30 110 30 110KenaiPeninsul.a 100 230 80 200CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez 180 350 160 310 •...-.--._......--...-.._".__._---_._-"~...,~_._-_..,.-...~---.---SoutheastAIaska .._-_..-....~---.-._-"_._.····~--··-··o··-·-·"SO--------0--··3(f . El~~Mhe~e_in_Alaska 660--950 570--840OutsideAlaska0000 B-59 ) l I 1984 LOW HIGH I J13801760 1400 1790 710 1010 J 40 130 110 250 100 230 0 30 I2090 10 70 10 70 0 0 0 50 0 0 i00 90 220 20 90 )0 30 10 70 40 130 l150300_.'-.__._-----_._----"~-----~--_._..-..-. 0 30no640 1 0 0 J ! 1 J ! J Table B.47. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Black Bear Hunting by Area i( RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 22.0%27.6%18.2r.23.6r.10.6%15.07. In Alaska 21.7%27.3%18.0r.23.4%10.n 15.1i. Susitna Study Area 13.47-18.2%11.47-16.07-7.3r.11.1% Area One 0.8%2.4% Are.:!Two 3.7%6.5i. Area Three 3.97- Area Eour 0.0%0.7%0.0r.O.7k 0.0r.0.77. Area Five 0.2% Area Six 0.1%1.D.:.0%0.8i. Area Seven 0.0r.0.5i.0.0i.0.57-O.Or.0.57- Area Eight 0.0%0.0%0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.07. Area Nine 0.0%0.0%0.0i.0.0%0.0%0.0r. Area Ten 0.0i.0.0i.0.0r.0.0r. Area Eleven 0.0%0.3%0.07-0.37-O.O:!0.3% Area Twelve 0.0r.0.3%0.0r. Area Thirteen 1.6%3.8% Are.:!Fourteen .0% 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 0.0%0.5% Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.5% Kenai PeninslJla 0.4%1.8% Copper i./Wrangell/Va1dez 0.9%2.7%0.8%2.4%0.3%1.77. Southeast Alaska .0%0.8i.0.0% Elsewhere in Alaska 4.6% Outside Alaska .Oi.0.8% B-60 Table B.48. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of . Rural Households Black Bear Hunting by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska580740480630280400InAlaska580730480620280400SusitnaStudyArea360480300420190300AreaOne206020601040AreaTwo1001709017050100AreaThree70140GO12050100AreaFour020020020AreaFive030030010AreaSb:0 30 0 20 0 20AreaSeven010010010AreaEi9ht000000AreaNine00000(}Area Ten 0 0--_._---_._._..._..~-_.......Ar'eaEleven-··0 0 10 0 10AreaTwelve010010010AreaThirteen4010020701050AreaFourteen02002001010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy010010010Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 10 50 10 50 0 30KenaiPeninsula10501040030CopperR./Wrange11/Valdez 20 70 20 60 10 40.....SoutheastAlaska 0 20 .-···0····.....·10-···········_·······--··0····0······ Elsewh~~e-in_Alaska 120--210 1-10--200 5o--ltOOutsideAlaska02002000 l.1 I ) l ( J i I I ,} Table B.49. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Small Game Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 37.9%40.n 33.8%36.4%27.6%30.2i. In Alaska 36.1%38.7% Susitna Study Area 19.3% Area One 0.7%1.3%0.7%1.3%0.6%1.2% Area Two 3.9%5.1%3.8%5.0%3.2%4.2% Area Three 4.4%5.6%.3.8%5.0%3.07-4.07. Area four 0.1%0.5%O.n:0.5%o.n 0.3% Area five 0.57-0.9%0.5% Are:~Six 1.2%1.8% Area Seven 0.5%0.9% Area Eight .0%0.2%.0%0.2%0.0%0.0i. Area Nine 0.5%0.9%0.5%0.9%0.37-0.77. Are:~Ten .0%0.2%•Or.0.2%•Or.0.2i. Area Eleven Area Twelve .0%0.2%.0%0.2%.0%0.2i. Area Thirteen 1.8%2.6%1.7%2.5%1.4%2.2% Area fourteen 2.4%3.4%2133%3.3i.2.07-2.87. 10 Miles North at Denali Hwy 0.3%0.7%0.3%0.7% Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsula 6.6%8.0%6.2%7.6% Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez o.n 1.3% Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska lO.n 12.5:>':9.5%11.1%7.8%9.4% Outside Alaska 1.6%2.4% B-62 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.50. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Small Game Hunting by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 46580 49900 41460 44710 In Alaska 44270 47550 40250 43470 Susitna ~tudy Area 23670 26410 22110 24780 Area One 890 1570 890 1570 Area Two 4820 6230 4700 6100 Area Three 5400 6880 4700 6100 Area four 180 550 180 550 Area five 580 1140 580 1140 Area Six 1430 2250 1210 1980 Area Seven 580 1140 470 1000 Area Ei9ht 20 230 20 230 Area Nine 580 1140 580 1140 -Area Ten 20 230 20 230 Area Eleven __~__{i...._.._O__..~_..0---..--0-.----- Area Twelve 20 230 20 230 Area Thirteen 2200 3200 2090 3060 Are.';l fourteen 2990 4130 2880 4000 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 370 850 370 850 Anchorage/Chu9ach litn.Area 3100 4260 2760 3860 Kenai Peninsula 8080 9840 7610 9330 Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 890 1570 780 1430 Southeast Alaska 580 1140 470 1000 --Elsewhere-in Alaska ·-13150 -15330-·------U610--·13680 ---------'Outside-Alaskal-------1980--2930 890--1570 B-63 1984 LOW HIGH 33940 37020 33690 36770 18160 20630 780 1430 3900 5180 3670 4920 90 400 580 1140 1000 1700 .-370 850 o 0 370 850 20 230 -.----0-----0 20 230 1760 2660 2430 3470 280 710 2200 3200 6560 8170 580 1140 280 710 ·-·---'-·----~·-96-00 ·'---ffslo···--------·-'---- 2@---n..o:------- I } ) I \1 I I I I i I 1 ! j ! ;1 r I ) Table B.51. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Small Game Hunting by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 36.D:40.3%31.8i.35.87- In Alaska 34.17-38.1i. Susitna Study Area Area One Area Two 3.D.:4.77-3.07-4.6i.2.4i.3.8~ Area Three Area tOIJr 0.1%0.5i..07-0.47.0"0.4i.I I •h Area Five 0.3% I Are.:!Six Area Seven Area Ei9llt 0.0%0.0%.0.07- Area Nine 0.3?1.17.. Area Ten .Oi.0.2%.•O?0.2i..Oi.0.2% Area Eleven 0.0% Area Twelve Area Thirteen 1.6%2.8% Area FOIJrteen 2.17- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy AnchoNge/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 2.5"; Kenai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.2% Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska B-64 B-65 URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Table B.52. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Small Game Hunting by Area ,) ) I ~ I ! j I ,~ I l I J I ) 1[ I I .1 1984 LOW HIGH 27200 31220 26890 30890 13510 16650 450 1250 2510 4070 2320 3840 10 410 210 850 610 1510 :210 850 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 33770 38030 32520 36740 16770 20190 530 1380 3180 4900 3180 4900 10 410 290 980 870 1890 210 8~dj EVER LOW HIGH 38390 42760 36180 40510 18000 21510 530 1380 3270 5010 3750 5600 70 560 290 980 )050 2140 290 980 ':1 0 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION (;,'e.,Six In or out of A1ask~ In Alaska Susitna StUdy Area Area One Are.:!Two Area Three Are~Four Area Five Ai'2-3 Seven :~::.~~Pijht Ar8.3 Mine 370 1120 370 1120 210 850 -Ar-e~-Tenc-----....'--0 .250--0-250--.'-0---250 Are~Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.:!Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 1680 3000 1580 2880 1310 2510Are~Fourteen 2230 3720 2140 3600 1770 3120 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 290 980 :no 850 140 710 Anchor~ge/Chu9ach Iitn.Area 2610 4190 2420 3950 1860 3240 hMi~~h ~~~~~~ Copper R./Wr~nge11/Va1I:1ez.__.__glQ_~850 ..'..,....140_....710-......140.--710'" ..--.--..--.--·--Sou·£neast Alaska'.,,----370 1120 290 9.8.0'---------210-----------850----- ------£1sewl1ere mA1asK-~-----;1..0~78~0---;;1~36~5::-0-----:9=3~70:------=-=-12080 7770 10280 Outside Ahska 1680 3000 780 1760 210 850 Table B.53. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Small Game Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 40.5i.44.9i. In Alaska 40.2%44.6%38.5%42.97-33.8%38.07- Susitna Study Area 26.8i. Area One Area Two 6.5%8.9%6.3i.8.7% Area Three 7.0%;~ II Area fOIJr 0.2%0.87.O.li:0.77.O.li.0.57. Area Five 1.0%2.27- Area Six 1.li:2.37-1.Ii.2.37-0.87-1.8i. Area Seven 0.6i. Area Ei9ht .Oi.0.2i..07-O.2k .07-0.27. Area Nine 0.2% Area Ten .Oi.0.27..07.0.27-0.0i.0.07- Area Eleven .0%0.27..07.0.27..07.0.27- Area Twelve .07-0.47-.Oi.0.4i..07.0.47- Area Thirteen Area fourteen'-: 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .0%0.4%.07.0.47..07-0.47. Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 3.0i.4.6i.2.9%4.5i.2.4%4.0% Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska OIJtside Alaska•Or. [I lJ \J B-66 Table B.54. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Small Game Hunting by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 5620 6230 5360 5960 In Alaska 5580 6190 5350 5950 Susitna Study Area 3720 4270 3590 4130 Area One 90 220 90 220 Area Two 910 1230 880 1200 Area Three 970 1310 920 1250 Area tOIJf 30 110 20 90 Area Five 150 300 130 280 Area Six 160 310 160 310 Area Seven 80 200 BO 200 Area Ei9ht 0 30 0 30 AJ'ea Nine 30 110 30 110 Area Ten 0 30 0 30 -.--.--.-AreaEleven-~0 ~ Area Twelve 0 50 0 50 Area Thirteen 180 350 180 350AreaFourteen410640390610 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0 50 0 50 Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 110 250 110 250 Kenai Peninsula 250 440 240 430 Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 410 640 400 630 -Southeast-Al.:Iska------_.__._-.····----10----.--70-.-····-----10---...··-70 El sJ!whar..e_i_CLAlaska 1310__169.0 1220--1590 Outside Alaska 20 90 0 50 B-67 ) ! I \\ I 1984 1 LOW HIGH 4640 5220 ..j46905270 3060 3580 SO 200 )740 1040 B20 1130 10 70 I110250 110 250 GO 170 0 30 I1070 0 30 1050 150 300 310 520 I050 90 220 220 390 340 550 J---0 -----50 1060--1410 0 0 I t I I I .I ) Table B.SS. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Small Game Hunting by Area I RURAL HOUSEHOLDS ]GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH r I In or out of Alaska 60.8i.G7.2k 5G.2k In Alaska 60.1%66.57-'1 '1'/54.31.I •J ,. Susitna Study Area 43.5%50.1%40.lk 46.7i.34.4%40.81. Area One 1.6i.3.87. II Are::!'Cwo 11.7i.16.37-11.4i. I J Area Three 7.57-11.3% 8.7;~ Area Four 0.07-0.57-0.07-O.5i.0.01.O.5~ II Area five 2.0i.4.4i.1.8i.4.0i. Are."Sb: Area Seven 0.7% lJ Are.:!Eight 0.07- Are.,.Nine 0.37-1.5r. ")'/1.27.aNI. Area Ten Area Eleven 0.0r.0.5!.0.07- Area Twelve .07.0.8i-.0%O.8k .Oi-0.87- Are·:!Thirteen 3.n 6.7i.3.3:t:6.n Area Fourteen 2.7%5.3i.2.57- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.37-1.7%0.37-1.57-0.27-1.4i. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 1.Ii.2.9i.0.6i.2.27-0.6i.2.2k Kenai Peninsula 0.9i.2.7%0.87-2.6%0.6i.2.07- Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 2.2i.4.67-2.0i.4.4i.1.8i.4.0i. Southeast Alaska 0.0i.0.37-0.0i.0.3i.0.0i.O.Oia Elsewhere in Alaska 15.07-20.07-14.17-18.9i-11.87-16.4i. Outside Alaska 0.27-1.4%.0%1.0% , IlJ IJ B-68 B-69 RURAL HOUSEHOLDS Table B.56. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Small Game Hunting by Area I i ) 1 I j I I j I ) ,.~ I 1 I 1 f I I -j I I / ) 1984 LOW HIGH 1270 1440 1270 1440 920 1090 40 100 260 380 140 230 o 10 40 100 30 80 10 50 o 10 o 30 HIGH 1670 1660 1240 120 420 280 10 110 90 60 10 40 1980 -1985 LOW 1490 1490 1070 60 300 180 o 50 40 20o 10 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER LOW HIGH In or OfJt of Ahsk~1620 1790 In Al~sk~1600 1770 SIJsi tn~St'Jdy Are~1160 1330 Area One SO 150 Area Two 310 430 Area Three 200 300 Are.3 FOIJr 0 10 Area Five 50 120 Are~Six 50 100 Area Seven 20 60 Are~Eight 0 10 Are.3 Nine 10 40 Are~Ten 0 .. ......AreaE1even-0 10 0 10 0 10 Are~Twelve 0 20 0 20 0 20 Area Thirteen 100 laO 90 160 90 160Are~Fourteen 70 140 70 130 50 no 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 10 40 10 40 10 40 Anchor.3ge/Ch 'Jgach Mtn.Are~30 so 20 60 20 60 Kenai Peninsula 20 70 20 70 10 50 Copper R./Wrange11fV.31dez 60 120 50 120 ...__._.50 __..JHL._.. ··-···--....·-·-···..--Southeast-Alask.3-·-··----···---·-·-0----······'10 -.-.-.-._..O·..·..·-To···0 0 ------E1sewher-e-in-Alask~400--530 370--50·0 310 440 Outside Alaska 10 40 0 30 0 10 i I 1 11 i 1 I I 1 I () [I IJ Table B.57. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~82.2i.84.2i.79.8i.82.0X 70.5i.72.9i. In Alask.3 8l.6i.83.6%79.3%31.5%70.4i.72.8% Susitn~Study Area;' Area One 1.9i.2.7%l.aj~2.6i.i.n -,r:a, w.,J/. Area Two 12.8;'14.8i.12.5i.14.3%10.8i.12.67. Area Three 3.87,;5.0i~3.6i.4.6i.'1 1.)'(3.9i..w."J. Area fOIJr 0.3i.o.n 0.3i. Area Five 2.n Are.3 Si:-:2.U 2.,97-1.9i. Are~Seven;'1 ')'f......1. Area Eight;~ Area Nine Area Ten o.n O.3i.0.1i.0.37..Oi.0.27. Area Eleven .O~{0.2%.Oi.0.27..0%0.2i. Are.3 Twelve 0.0i.0.0i. Area Thirteen 11.Ii.12.9~10.n 12.57-9 r:'f 11.17.•...1,. Are.3 fourteen 3.5i.4.5i.,.,')u 4.3i.2.8i~3.BZ\law!. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.67-;1.0%0.5%0.97. Anchor .3'je/Ch IJ'jach Mtn.Ar ea Kenai Peninsula 32.8% Copper R./Wran'jell/Valdez 3.2i.4.2i.3.1i.4.14 2.8i.3.87. Southeast Alaska 2.2%3.07-2.0i.2.37-1.7%l")r:1 /...,.J/. Elsewhere in Alaska OIJtside Alaska 1.Gi.;'1.2i. B-70 Table B.S8. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Fishing by Area I j J ,"1 j 1 I ! I I ) ,I 1 I I r ALL HOUSEHOLDS 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 97970 100640 36480 89540 97340 100040 86360 89420 52810 56190 45730 49040 2200 3200 2090 3060 15290 17610 13270 15450 4360 5710 3560 4'790 370 850 370 850 3220 4390 2760 3860 2310 3330 1760 2660noo18407801430 0 0 0 0noo184010001700 90 400 '"it;23C'w\{ 20 230 HIGH 103400 102680 58410 3330 18110 6100 850 4530 3600 1840 o 1840 400 230 B-7l EVER LOW 100860 100110 55020 2310 15770 4700 370 3330 2540 1100 o 1100 90 20 '0 13630 15830 13150 15330 11610 13680 4240 5580 4020 5310 3440 4660 730 1430 680 1280 580 1140 2990 4130 2990 4130 2540 3600 40250 43470 39280 42480 34780 37890 3900 5180 3790 5050 3440 4660 2650 3730 2430 3470 2090 3060 .18280.....20760--.--..····1·7·920----20380····..···15890·--·18240 ..···· GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or Oijt of Al~sk~ In A1ask., Sijsitn~Stijdy Area Area One Are::!'lwo Area Three Are.,FOIJr Area Five Are.,Sh: Are.3 Seven Are.'3 Eight Are.,Nine Area Ten Area Eleven "'Area'!welve"~. Area Thirteen Are.,FOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chij9ach Mtn.Area I{enai Peninsij!a Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez Southeast Alaska ............................JI~~!'IJl~r.§jD.J'l'3ska__.._... Outside Table B.59. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Fishing by Area [] EVER LOW HIGH 81.3Z 84.51. 80.6i::33.81. URBAN HOUSEHOLDS 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 1984 LOW HIGH' 69.17.n.9i. 3.9i. 2.8X 1.57. 1.21. 1.2;~ 3.47. 0.07. 0.8% 3.47. 0.01. 11.61. 12.37. 15.61. 1.3i. 34.3;~ 2.91. 2.9k 39.27. l.1i. .Oi. .01. 2.0k 2.3% 2.5X 1.67. 0.47. 0.07. 9.01. 0.21. 0.41. 0.07. 0.71. 'lC'-'"\'l\oJ·J.ili. 1.7i. 12.67- 0.5% 30.3;: l.n o.n 3.87. 2.87. H.rk 4.57. 2.4% 2.7k 82.n 1.5i. 0.07- 1.81. 0.47- 0.27- 0.01. 13.0:1: 4.41. 3.3i. 17.31. 1.37- 3.Si. 38.47. 81.61. 45.1i. 2.47. O.3k 2.4k 1.5i. 0.71. 0.07. 0.87. .07. 2.8i. 0.5A: .01. 34.47- 1.87. 1.91. 14.31. 1.2i. 0.0i. 10.27. 40.97. 1.6i. 11.37. 2.97. 78.7/. 78.21. 2.9i. 14.5i. 4.77- 0.91. 3.91. 2.97. 1.71. 0.01. 1.8% 0.41. 0.21. 0.07. 13.51. 4.61. 1.37. 3.91. 39.27. 3.31. 3.6A: 17.7% 2.87. .O~. .Ok 1',''7'/all. 0.77- 0.01. O.~81. 1.7i. 11.7/. 3.1% 0.3% 20'5% 2.27. 14.57. 1.67. 0.01. 10.71. 3.01. 0.5% 2.5% 35.2% 1.97. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Alask::! SIJsitn.:!Study Are.:! Area One Area Two Area Three Area Four Are.:!Five Area Si;( Area Seven Are.3 Eight Area Nine Area Ten Area Eleven Area Twelve Area Thirteen Are.:!FOlJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Kenai PeninslJla Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska OlJtside AlaskaiILJ II i I I (I (j [j (]. I) (J IJ B-72 Table B.60. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska863608975083610871S07337077460InAlaska85590890308306086670.73150 77250SusitnaStudyArea454504993043440479003734041690AreaOne177031201680300016803000Are.'a Two 12400 15430 11990 14990 10270 13090AreaThree327050103030473024203950Are.3 FOIJr 290 980 290 980 210 850AreaFive261041902510407021403600Are.3 Si>:1770 3120 1580 2880 1130 2260AreaSeven780176070016404501250Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0Are::!Nine 870 1890 870 1890 700 1640Are.3 Ten 10 410 10AreaEleven-----0 250--0 250 0 250Are.3 Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen11380143201088013760957012310AreaFOIJrteen31804900298046602610419010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy530138053013804501250Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 2610 4190 2510 4070 2140 3600KenaiPeninsula373404169036500408303220036410CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 2050 3480 1950 3360 1770 3120.i~J_tb~..:~st -.Ala.s_ka .-~_...._._._~-~--_._-_..----2320---3840-----...--2050------3480--·····--·---·--1770···3120-Elsewhere in Alaska 1_5.45_0_18160 151-40-18420 1-9410-165-40OutsideAlaska16803000131025105301380 B-73 'I ) I I 1 I I I I I j I I 1 I j I j , I j I II I J Table B.6l. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~ska 83.Gi.86.8i. In Alaska,5% Susitna Study Area C"1'l.r::"1 ·JVtl.J'1 Area One 1.1i.2.3~~LIZ Area Two Are.;}Three"""'/7.97.,J.i /a Are.;}Four 0.2i. Area Five ",1:1 ''1 r:-/u •.J/.w •..,},. Area Si:<'l ")"3.97."';'a-.JI. Area Seven 1.1i.')'VI 0.9i.1 '1'/.1:..1J/..,,1. Are~Eight .07.0.47..07-0.4i..07-O.4;~ Are<l Nine Area Ten .07.0.4i..07.0.47..OX 0.4i: Area Eleven O.O;~ Area Twelve Area Thirteen 10.17-12.97-10.17.12.'~i. Are.;}Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.1%0.57-0.1i.O.5~~.OX 0.4i. Anchorage/ChlJgach I1to.Area Ken<li Peninsuh 13.47-16.6% Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alask~ Outside Alask<l 1:''''1•,,,JI. B-74 Table B.62. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Fishing by Area ,l I 1'. 2080 70 1670 10 2280 110 1850 30 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGH11610120401146011910103601088011590120301145011890103701039072907890715077606400701016031016031013028022902760224027002040_24909301260910123079011003011030110301103505703205402904903706003706003205401603101603101202700500500507018070 50 0 5000000000000014001790140017901280166052078051077044067010701070050.110 250 110 250 90 220186023001820226016102020-----1.30-0---.-.16'10-----------1300-----1670----------t230---1600--------·-- GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Alaska Susitn~Study Are~ Area One Are.3 Two Area Three Are:~Four Area Five Are.3 Sb( Area Seven Are~Eight Area Nine Outside Al.3Sk.3 Are~Eleven Are.:!Twelve Are.3 Thirteen Are.3 FOIJrteen 10 Hiles Marth of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Kenai PeninslJla Copper R.IWr ::lrtge ll/Valdez_ --.---------------SoutheastAlaska---- B-75 ( -,I I Table B.63. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 19BO -19B5 19B4 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~sk:a 83.97-88.57-82.47-87.27-74.3i;7SI .9X In Alaska 83.67-88.27-82.37-87.17-74.5k 80 .l~! Susitn~Study Are~ Area One 1.7i.3.97-1.n 3.9~' Are~Two 13.8i.18.6i. Area Three 3.07-5.87-3.0i.5.6i.2.7~5.3i: Area four 0.07-0.07-O.Oi:0.0i.0.0i.0.01. Area five 2.3;(4.77-l')./'}.,4.61.2.lI.4.5;:",....1. Area Si>:2.3i.4.n :211 :jX 4.77.1.:3r.~~ Are::!Seven 0.17.1,11.O.lr.1.1 ~!HI 1,()~~lit. Are.~Ei9ht 0.0i.'~:';/'1 •1~li~o.Qj~ Are::!Nine 1.27-'2.07- Area Ten 0.07- Are::!Eleven 0.0r.0.0r.0.0r.0.07.0 ..07.0.0% At'2::1 Twelve •Or.0.8r..Oi.0.8i..Oi.0.81. Area Thirteen;~ Are::!four t'2en 4.47-7.67-4.3k 7.5;~oj 'jl;1:·,01..:".:'!J!l\ 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.37-1.57- Anchor~ge/Chu9~ch Mtn.Are.~0.57-1.97- 1.77. 1 Kenai Peninsula 9.67-13.3r.9.1% j Copper R./Wrange11/V~ldez 5.2r.8.67-5.1% Southeast Alaska 2.3%{1 r']~2.37-\la'18 Elsewhere in Al.3sk~ Outside Alaska 0.37-1.57- B-76 I,I Table B.64. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS ,-'-\ \ 1\ \. \ "~J\ I' \".-. i r I 1984 HIGH ,~2120 2130 (, 1240 I,.i100 460 140 0 -\ 120 I 1\90 30 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 ~H~~H~~ In or OlJt of Ahsk.3 2230 2350 2190 2320 1980 In Alaska 2220 2350 2190 2320 1980 SIJsitna Study Are.3 1290 1470 1250 1420 1060 Are.3 One 50 100 50 100 40~N~m ~~m ~ Are:3 Three 80 150 80 150 70 Are.3 tOlJr 0 0 0 0 0 Area five 60 130 60 120 60 Are.3 Si>:60 130 60 130 30 Area Seven 0 30 0 30 0 Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine 30 80 10 50 0 10 Area Ten 0 10 0 10 Area Eleven-~~--...--~-~-O----....0---0 0 0 Are:3 Twelve 0 20 0 20 0 20 Area Thirteen 250 360 250 360 220 320 Are.3 FOIJrteen 120 200 120 200 90 160 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 10 40 10 40 10 40 Anchorage/ChlJgach Mtn.Are.3 10 50 10 50 10 40 Kenai Peninsula 250 370 240 350 210 320 Copper R./WrangelllV.31dez 140 230 130 220 130 220 Southeast Alaska __~_..2o_____-60-.----·-·-20 ·-60------~-------20----'60'-·_·---··-----Ersewl1ereln·~A~fa~s:"'::k·:i"__--~28~0~-.::!]401..0~~---280------.400 210-~3tO----- ------OiItslaeJUasli..3 10 40 10 40 0 30 B-77 Table B.65. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Salmon Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Ahsk.3 67.0i.69.6i.65.2i~67.8i.1:..,.,C:"I 60.:3%oJi •.J/. In A1ask.3 67.9%70.5%65.9i.68.5i~58.0i.60.8i. Susitna Study Area 40.9i. !I Are::!One 1.3i.'1.87.u Are.3 Two 13.0i.15.0i. 1 Area Three 2.7X 3.n 2.6i.3.6k 2.1~-1 qa, i.a •.:I. l~re.'3 tOIJr 0.3i. ')'J o '1'/,\JI.,i" Area Five 1.77.'1 ,,'!1.6i.2.4k 1.47.l")-,"/oW II ...J/a oW aul. Area Sh;l.SI. Are.3 Seven 0.6i.1.2%0.6i.1.2;'0.6i.1.07. Area Eight 0.0%;~ Are.3 Nine 0.5?0.9i.0.5%O.9;! Are.3 Ten 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.O.Oi.V.OX 0.01.....,Are.3 Eleven 0.0i.0.0r.0.0i.O.Oi:O.O;~0.0%I i.l Area Twelve 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.07- Area Thirteen 12.4i.14.2i.11.9%13.7Z 10.51.P ')'/oW ,,,,,i, Area Fourteen 2.2%3.0i.2.27-3.0;~l.Sk 2.6% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.4i.0.8i. Anchorage/Chu9::!ch Mtn.Are::!1.3k 2.17-1.3%1.97- Kenai PeninslJ1a 31.7i.34.3~;'29.Ij/~ Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 3.3~~ 4.li:2.77..:.'1'1 '.J.li, Southeast Alaska 2.2%3.0i.1.9i.2.77- Elsewhere in Alaska 9.4i.n.Oi.9.0i.10.6i.7.57-9.17. I Outside A1.3sk::!0.2%0.6%0.2%0.6%O.li.O.5X I B-78 Table B.66. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Househot'ds Salmon Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAl~sk~82260 85420 80030 133230 706:30 73970InAl.3sk.3 83380 86510 80900 84080 71250 74580Susitn~Study Are~50250 53600 48410 51750 41460 44710Are~One 1650 2530 1540 2390 1430 2250Are::!Two 16010 18360 15530 17860 13030 15200AreaThree·~330 4530 3220 4390 2540 3600Are.3 Pour ,370 850 370 850 370 850AreaFive209030601980293017602660Are.':!Si:<2200 3200 1980 2930 1430 2250AreaSeven780143078014306801280Are.':!Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0Area-----580 --1140--580 1140 470Are.':!Ten 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve000000AreaThirteen151701748014580168501291015070AreaFourteen26503730265037302200320010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy470100047010004701000Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area '1650 2530 1540 2390 1320 2120KenaiPeninsula3891042110_._J8_0_60 _____..A1240_._-------33570-----36640'--CopperRJWr:~rigellIV-31ijez -----4020 ---····-5310---3790 5050 3330---4530Southeast-Alaska 2050 3730 2310 3330 1980 2930ElsewhereinAlaska11490135501102013040925011130OIJtsideAlaska280710280710180550 B-79 \\ I .\ \ "/ \ . I)\,I c. ,j I ·\ I Table B.67. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Salmon Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLItS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 65.6i.69.6i.63.8i.67.8i.56.li.60.3;; In Alaska 66.47-70.47-64.57-68.57-56.6%60.87. Susitna Study Area 38.7';~ Area One 1.2%'1 '1 11[1.1'1.2.n 1.0i.2.0~,;,aula Area Two n.n 14.5i.'3;; Area Three 2.2'1.3.6'1.2.1,r'\C:"1.6'1.2.3Z,,J.~A. Are::!Four 0.2'1.O.B7.0.2i.0.8i.O.2X 0.8i. Are.:!five 1.5~2.n 1.4~~'"l '"1.2i.2.4%...01. Are.:!Six 1.4i.2.6i.1 '1'/2.4i: Area Seven 0.47-1.2X 0.47-1.2i.0.3:'1.1;( Are.:!Eight 0.0i. Area Nine 0.37-I.lk 0.3'1.LIZ 0.3%l.n Area Ten;; ,Area Eleven'1.0.07-0.0'1.0.07-O.O:{I.Area Twelve Area Thirteen'10.07-12.67- Area Fourteen 1.8'1.3 ')'1,MIl ...1.WI/I; 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy' Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area'1.1.27-2.2~1.0'1.2.0'; Kenai Peninsula'1.29.1:'33.11. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 2.0%3.4i. Southeast Alaska 2.1'1.3.57.LSi. Elsewhere in Alaska 8.8i. 9.5i. OIJtside Alaska 0.27-0.8'1.0.1'1.o.n 0.17-O.7i: B-80 Table B.68. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Salmon Fishing by Area \ \{ \ I \ . I I '( I ) \\ ") URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGH ~.{In or out of Alaska 6%90 73910 67750 72030 59600 64040 I IInAlaska705607474068510727606013064570SusitnaStudyArea411204555039440438303356037810 'I Area One 1220 2390 1130 2260 1050 2140 IAre.~Two 12400 15430 .;11199014990987012640Are.3Ihree 2320 3840 2230 3720 1680 3000 ,~Area tOIJr 210 850 210 850 210 850AreaFive158028801490275013102510Are,3 Si>:1490 2750 1310 2510 960 2020 IAreaSeven450.1250 450 1250 370 1120 :)Are.~Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine370H2O37011203701120 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen126001566011990149901058013430 I,Area tOIJrteen 1950 3360 1950 3360 1580 288010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy3701120290980290980 I 'Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 1310 2510 1220 2390 1050 2140KenaiPeninslJla357604008035130394303095035120CopperR./Wrange11/Valdez _~:B~t ___3609__....~.__._..~"--.-1950.---.--3360-------1680--3000-------.-•..".--_._---~"_._-_._".._"---~_._"--SoIJthe.3sfAl.isk-a-------;-----_··2230 3720 1950 ]580--2890Elsewnere1nAlaska937012080894011600757010060OutsideAl.3sk.3 210 850 140 710 140 710 l " B-8l f [ " Table B.69. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage, of Small Town Households Salmon Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS I 1\GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska n.li.74.9i.69.4i.73.4i.61.61.65.Bi;I In Alaska ;,I SYsitna StYdy Area 48.47-52.8i.47.6i.;~ Area One 0.6i.1.6r.0.6i.1.67-0.57-1.37- Area Two 17.57- Area Three 4.5%'&:'''1 ,J •...JJ. Are.:!Foyr 0.2i.0.8i.O.2;{0.8i.0.2i.0.87- Area five 1.57-2.7%1.57..j '1'(loU :L.31.WI',. Are.:!Si:<2.47-'j C'fI./ ..J •.J'I Area Seven 0.8i.1.8i.0.8r.1.8i.0.6i.1 r.'/J..II i.J,. Are.:!Eight •Or.0.21..Or.0.2i..Oia O.2X Area Nine 0.2r.0.8r.o.1i. Are.:!Ten 0.0:t. Area Eleven 0.0i.0.0i. 0"~.i. Area Twelve 0.0i.0.0r.0.07-0.07-0.0i.0.0i. Area Thirteen ll.8:t.14.8i.11.6i. Area Fourteen 2.5:t.4.n 2.4i.';3.4k 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .O:t.0.47..01.0.4i..Ok 0.4;~ Anchorage/Chygach Mtn.Area 0.6:t.1.4i.0.6i.1.4:t.;~ Kenai Peninsul.3 Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 9.3:t.12.17-9.2i~12.07-8.67-11.27. SQYtheast Alaska o.n 1.77- Elsewhere in Alaska 9.8r.l2.6r. Outside Alaska .0%0.2i. B-82 Table B.70. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Salmon Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska98GO1040096301018085509130InAlaska99701051097301028086609240SusitnaStudyArea672073306610722058206420Are.3 One 90 220 90 220 70 180Are.3 Two 2420 2900 2380 2860 2120 2570Are.3 Three 620 900 610 890 510 110Are·3 FOIJr 30 110 30 110 30 110AreaFive200380200380160310Are.3 Si>:340 550 340 550 290 490AreaSeven11025011025090220Are·3 Eight 0 30 0 30 0 30Are.3 Nine 30 110 20 90 10 70 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 1640 2050 1610 2020 1490 1890 Area FOIJrteen 350 570 340 550 280 470 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0 50 0 50 0 50 Anchor.3'je/ChlJ'jach Mtn.Area 80 200 80 200 80 200 f{enai Peninsula 1930 2370 1850 2280 1640 2050 Copper R./Wr.3o'je11fV.31dez 1300 _!§70 ~_12~9__._J6_6_0_.__1190'-'__.-1560_ ...-....-...----.~-Soutnea-sCAV3SK.3 .-..--.-'---'1"60---230 90 220 50 1.5_QL-_ -~~~~~El_sewhere~trIAt:~K~.3-----r3·@17501340172011301480 Outside Alaska 0 30 0 0 0 0 B-83 , ,'\,( I,I "I I '~',' \ I r ,~ ("I'I ii.J' 1.1 \ \ \1 i .r Table B.71. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Salmon Fishing by Area ,-,------,-.,RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~70.77-76.5%66.6%72.6%55.87-62.2i. In Alaska 72.7i:78.3i.68.5i.:.74.5~57.n 64.3:~ Susitna Study Are~55.27- Area One 2.7%5.3%2.n 5.37.'1 1:.,4.91.wuJI. Are;~'Cwo 19.77.25.Ii::18.8%24.27-16.57.21.n Area Three;~ .Area FOlJr .0%0.87-.Or.0.87- Area Five 0.8~2.6i.~..~~ 1'.1 1 '.ii. Area Si>: Area Seven Are:~Eight Area Nine Are~Ten 0.07-0.0%0.0i. Area Eleven 0.0%0.0%0.0%o 11"O.Oi~0.01.a\ih Are:~Twelve Area Thirteen! Are.~Fourteen 4.1i.7.1%4.0i;7.07.')'"'u 6.1%oJ •.J/~ 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 0.27-1.47-0.27-1.47-0.27-1.2i. f(enai Peninsula 12.67- Copper R./Wrangel1/V~ldez 10.0% Southeast Alask~ Elsewhere in Alaska Outside A1ask.~0.2:1.2% B-84 Table B.n. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Salmon Fishing by Area j f( I 'II 1 /~ ',:.~ I ,) RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAl~sk~1880 2040 1770 1930 1480 1660InAlask~1930 2080 1820 1980 1540 1710Susitn~StUdy Are~1470 1640 1400 1570 1200 1370Are.3 One 70 140 70 140 70 130Are;:.Two 520 670 500 640 440 580Are.3 Three 50 120 50 120 50 100Are.:!rOIJr 0 20 0 20 0 20Are.3 Five 20 70 10 50 10 40Are.3 Six 60 130 GO 130 30 90AreaSeven308030802070Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine1050010010AreaTen0000 0 0 0Are.:!Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Thirteen 310 430 300 420 260 380AreaPOIJrteen1101901101909016010HilesNorthofDenaliHwy010010010Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 10 40 10 40 .0 30f{enai PeninslJl~340 460 290 410 240 340CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 260 380 230 340 150 250SoutheastAlaska2070·----...-.--·.·.....-----..--20.··-----...·-70 -------..··---20-·-·(50-----_...-...-.__...__.."._-~-_..._.~-_."-~-'--~-..-....-.---E1sewhere'yn--Al.3sk:a •....•----..._---_.'-"--'-'-- 0 0 30 0 20 B-85 ~'j 'J } I Table B.73. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households King Salmon Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 46.4i.49.2%44.8i.47.6i.38.27-41.0% In Alask.3 46.37-49.17- Susitna Study Area 26.27-28.6i.25.4i:.l'J"O~I 21.6i.24.0~wi al.U. Area One 0.7%1.37-0.77-1.37-O.6Z 1.2i. Are.:!'[WQ 7.6i.9.2i....,C'I"9.17-6.27.7 .G;!1.;,;1. Area Three 1.5:'2.3i.1.57-2.3%1.1i.1.77. Are.3 Four 0.2i.0.6i.O.2i.O.6X 0.1%O1l5l Area Five 1.0i.1.Gi. Are.3 Sil-: Area Seven Ij.97.0.4i.0.8i. Area Eight 0.07- Area Nine Are.3 Ten 0.0i. Area Eleven 0.0i. Are;~Twelve 0.0i.0.0i. Area Thirteen;~ Are.3 Fourteen 0.87-1.47-0.87-l.47.~"'"1.3i~V.I I. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy co'!0.17-0.57..;,;,. Anchor.3ge/Chug.3ch Mtn.Are.3 f(enai Peninsul.3'1'1 '1'1 24.6i.19.4i.21.6i...:..:aIUI. Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez 1.87-2.67.l.Bi.;~ Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alask~5.47-6.87-5.2~ Outside Alaska B-86 Table B.74. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households King Salmon Fishing by Area / J \~ ,] \I \ I .1 tII ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLDW_..HIGHIn-or-oYt-of-Al~sk~5698U-6-(J370 55020 58410 46950 50270InAl.3ska 56860 60250 54900 58280 47070 50400SusitnaStYdyArea321203515031150341502656029410Are.:!One 890 1570 890 1570 780 1430Are.:!Two 9370 11250 9250 11130 7610 9330AreaThree187028001870280013202120Are.:!FOIJr 280 710 280 710 180 550AreaFive121019801210198010001700Are·3 Si>:1100 1840 1000 1700 680 1280AreaSeven680128058011404701000Are.:!Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine58011405801140580.1140AreaTen000000AreaEleven00----Area-Twelve-.-_.._-~.__.._-0 "----0·-0 0 0 0AreaThirteen11260132901090012910960011510AreaFOIJrteen1000170010001700890157010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy180550180550180550AnchorageiChijgachMtn.Area 1100 1840 1000 1700 680 1280KenaiPeninslJla277703066027290301602379026540CopperR./Wrange11/Valdez 2200 3200 2200 3200 1870 2800SOijtheastAlaska176026601430225011001840_....._.__ItieJolher_e._in._Al.3sh ____------6670-.,8300----------fiSJO------7910----------5050-------6491r- B-87' Table B.7S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households King Salmon Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 45.47-49.6% 37.5i.41.7% In Al.3ska 45.37-49.57-43.' Susitna Study Area Area One 0.67- .•,/.,J,. Area Two 6.8';9.0%'; Area Three Are·3 Pour 0.1i.0.7i:0.17-0.77.o.li;0.57. Area Five '1'/1.57-a/la Area Si:< Area Seven 0.3:>:1.1:' ')'/0.87..y," Are·3 Eight Area Nine 0.37.I.U 0.37-1.1i.o 0.31.1.Ii: I Area Ten Area Eleven Area Twelve 0.0i. (Area Thirteen Are·3 Fourteen 0.6% !10 Miles North of Denali Hwy O.li.0.7%0.1%0.7:!0.17.o '1'/,Ill Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.8i.1.8i.0.77.l.n Kenai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 1.D.:2.a 1.Ii.2.17-1.Oi~2.07. SOIJtheast Alas~.a'; Elsewhere in Alaska 5.27-7.27-4.9';6.97- Outside Alaska •Or.0.47..Or.0.47..07.0.2;' B-88 ".J t I "1 ) 'J !) ,J \) ) \l ..~ \ rI :\ 1984 I ILOWHIGH 39860 44260 r3996044370 21400 25120 530 1380 ( 156007790 870 1890 70 560 700 1640 ..) 370 1120 210 850 0 0 J3701120 0 0 HIGH 51210 51100 29370 1510 9490 2510 710 1890 1510 980 o 1120 o o 0 0 11640 7770 10280 1510 530 1:380 710 140 710 1760 530 1380 28720 21710 25450 2260 1050 2140 2260 870 1890--7330 -------~-4040---------5-9-40"'~-------- 1980 -1985 LOW 46720 46610 25430 610 7080 1310 140 870 610 290 o 370 o URBAN HOUSEHOLDS o 8970 610 140 780 24810 1130 1130 ·········5210 B-89 EVER LOW HIGH 48200 52700 48100 52590 26160 30130 610 1510 7180 9610 1310 2510 140 710 870 1890 700 1640 370 1120 o 0 370 1120 o 0 ~to o 0 9270 11970 610 1510 140 710 870 1890 25020 28940 1130 2260 1400 2630 ·55007670 Table B.76. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households King Salmon Fishing by Area GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Alaska In Alaska Susitna Study Area Ar·e.3 One Are.'3 Two Area Three Are.'3 tOfJr Are.3 Five Are.'3 Sil': Area Seven Area Ei9ht Area Nine Area Ten Area Eleven-'-.----.~-~~---.------------Area-'r-welve - Area Thirteen Are·3 FOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area f{en.3i PeninslJla Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez Southeast Alaska ..........Elsewherein··Al.'3sh Table B.77. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentag~ of Small Town Households King Salmon Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 I LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ,I In or out of Al~sk~45.67-!47.8! In Alaska 45.67-50.07-43.5!47.9i.37.IX 41.37- Susitn~Study Area Area One .J"•vi. Area Two 10.1i.12.97-9.8i.12.6i. Area Three oj ,,·t 3.67-2.2X 3.6X 1.87-1"\"W["".....,.~.~/. Are:~tOIJr 0.57.•Oi~0.4i: Area five;~ Area Si>:1.Ii.2.3~1.Ii.2.37-1.0i.2.07. Area Seven 0.97-1.9i. Area Eight .Oi;0.27-.Oi.0.27-0"O.2;~•J. Area Nine 0.1%0.57-.07-0.47-•Or.0.4i. Are.3 len 0.07-0.07- Area Eleven Are.3 Twelve Area lhirteen '1.,10.3i.I .lla Are.3 Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .Oi::0.2i..Oi.0.27..0%0.2% Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.2i.0.8i. Kenai Peninsula 11.8i. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 4.4i.6.4i.4.0i.6.07-3.6i.5.4~ Southeast Alaska 0.57-1.3%0.4%1.2i:.O.2~0.87. Elsewhere in Alaska 4.97-6.97-4.47-6.47-3.67-5.4~~ Outside Alaska .07.0.4i..07.0.2i..Oi.O.2i: B-90 Table B.78. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households King Salmon Fishing by Area ,1 \I 220 750 30 500 o B90 30 GI0 oo ) )'I SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS ,.l GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 19BO -19B5 19B4 :;')LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska633069406020663051305720InAl.3sk.3 6330 6940 6040 6650 5140 5740SusitnaStudyArea412046BO4020458035904130 )Are.3 One 40 130 40 130 30 110Are.:!Two 1400 1790 1360 1750 1210 1570Are.3 Three 300 500 300 500 250 440 ~-\Area Four 10 70 10 70 0 50Are.3 Five 130 2BO 130 2BO 110 250 ( Area Si>:160 310 160 310 130 280AreaSeven12027011025090'1'11\W4l;.JAre·3 Eight 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaNine10700500 Outside Alaska Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 1170 1530 1150 1510 1070 Are.:!Fourteen 100 230 100 230 90 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0 30 0 30 0 30 Anchor.3g e/Ch ug.:!ch litn.Are.3 30 110 30 110 20 90 Kenai Peninsula 1640 2050 1530 1940 1220 1590 Copper R.IWr ange 111V.31dez HQ.B'3_0 5GO B30 ...-----500 ..------750 ..._-----------SoUtheasCA'l:iSTi.a--------70 \) '1 I B-91 iJ \ ".I I I I Table B.79. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households King Salmon Fishing by Area B-92 Table B.80. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households King Salmon Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska150016701340152010501220InAlask.3 1480 1650 1320 1500 1040 1210SusitnaStudyArea94011108901060760920Are.3 One 30 80 30 80 30 80AreaTwo360490340460290410Are.3 Three 30 80 30 80 20 70Are.3 tOIJr 0 10 0 10 0 10AreaFive207020601040Area56104010401040AreaSeven206020602060Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine010010010AreaTen000000AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve---_____0 -0-----------0---0----0--------0-Area -Illirteen----- 240 350 230 340 200 300Are.3 FOIJrteen 30 80 30 80 20 6010HilesNorthofDenaliHwy000000Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0 20 0 20 0 20Ken.3i Peninsul.3 280 400 230 330 170 260CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez ISO 270 160 250 70 130SoutheastAlaska4010020602060ElsewhereinAlaska901607014070_130____________________..__.._-_._.---_.__._~---------~.."--_.__.--Outside Alaska------,."..--._------------O----JO----0 30 B-93 _ I J I \__J ,-1 I1 r.J \ I I Table B.8l. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 63.5i.66.1i.61.9i.64.5i. In Alaska'7.1X Susitna study Area'jJj r:at "..I...,•.J/. Area One 1 ..,./1.9i.1.3;~1.9:'I.I:!1.7i..,,),. Area Two 11.5i.13.3i. Area Three;!2.1i.2.9i. Area Four 0.2i.0.6i.0.2i.0.67- Area five 1.5! "l "l'!,rjlj 2.1;~.w.~/.1.':;/• Area Sil-:1.7i.'}C·'1.6i.2.4i.1.2i.1.Bi.",•.Jia Area Seven 0.57-0.97-0.57.o.g;!0.57.o.9;~ Area Eight Are.3 Nine Area Ten 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i. Area Eleven O.OY.0~ Area Twelve 0.0i.0.0i. Area Thirteen 10.9%12.7% Area tOIJrteen 2.2i.3.0i.2.2%310;~\,10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor .3ge /Chugach Mtn.Ar ea 1.27.LSi. Ken.3i Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Alaska 2.1~2.97-1.97- Elsewhere in Alaska B.ai.10.47.B.4?lO.O?7.2i.8.GX Outside Alaska'0.5i.0.1%Oa57. B-94 Table B.82. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS B-95 ! J \ :! I } I) I .) J .~ \ \.1 1j ) \ 1 1984 LOW HIGH 66810 70180 66690 70060 37940 41110 1320 2120 11490 13550 2540 3600 280 710 1650 2530 1430 2250 580 1140 (}0 470 1000 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 75940 79220 75570 78850 43660 46940 1540 2390 13630 15830 2990 4130 280 710 1760 2660 1980 2930 580 1140 o 0 580 1140 EVER LOW 77920 77670 45240 1540 14100 3100 280 1870 2090 580 o 580 o GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Alaska In Alaska Susitna Study Are::! Are::!One Are.:!Two Area Three Are.~Four Are::!Five Are.:!Six Area Seven Are.:!Eight Area Nine Area Ten HIGH 81170 80920 48540 2390 16340 4260 710 2800 3060 1140 o 1140 0_.__._.._ o 0 (}0 0 Are::!Twe 1ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 13390 15580 12800 14950 11730 13800 Are.:!FOIJrteen 2650 3730 2650 3730 2090 3060 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 470 1000 370 850 370 850 Anchorage/Chyg::!ch Mtn.Are::!1430 2250 1430 2250 1210 1980 Kenai Peninsula 35270 38380 34660 37760 30430 33410 Copper R.lWr::!nge11lV.:!ldez 3900 5180 3670 4920 3220 4390 .--------------Southe::!st-A1as~.a----------..:····---.z540---3600---------2310---3330----------TS70---280-ir----------- ______-----"-E"..lsaw.ber_e_irLAhsk::!10780-1-2'7-90 103-10-1-2280 87BO-rO'GTO Outside Alaska 180 550 180 550 180 550 Table B.83. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area \ URBAN HOUSEHOLDS I I GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 19BO -f9B5 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~sk~61.97-65.97-60.27-64.47-52.9i.57.17- In Alask.;)61.n 65.7i.60.0r. Susitna Study Area Area One 1.17- 1.0i.2.07. Are.;)Two Area Three 2.0%3.47-1.97-"'J'I 1.67."1 .-.-;J.w/a ,.:...0/:11 Area Pour 0.17-o.n Area Five r:./1.27.'1 "'!l..:.a.oJ!."a!.J/. Are.;)Si>:1.4i. q'l..10 Area Seven 0.3% Are.;)Eight Area Nine 0.3%1.17-0.37-1.l:~' Are.;)Ten 0.07-0.07- Area Eleven Are.;)Twelve 0.07-0.0i.;0.0i. Are.;)Thirteen Area fOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.37- Anchorage/Chug~ch Mtn.Are~1.Ii.2.1r.1.0i.2.0i.0.9i.1.97. ~(enai PeninslJl~ Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez':l ")'1 .../, Southeast Alaska 2.07- Elsewhere in Alaska 8.47-10.8%a.07-10.4;~ Outside Alaska II I B-96 Table B.84. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Other Salmon FiShing by Area ) i I I l URBAN HOUSEHOLDS .~ \ 1J ! J ) } 2390 2020 1220 960 1984 LOW HIGH 56180 60660 55970 60450 30640 34790 1050 2140 8670 11300 1680 3000 140 710 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OlJt of Al.3sk.'3 65710 70030 63990 68350 In Alaska 65490 69820 63780 68140 SIJS i tn.:!Study Are.:!36810 41150 35450 39750 Area One 1130 2260 1130 2260 .Are.:!Two 10780 13650 10380 13200 Area Three 2140 3600 2050 3480 Are.'3 FOlJr 140 710 140 no Area Five 1400 2630 1400 2630 Area Six 1490 2750 1310 2510 Area Seven 370 1120 370 1120 370 1120 Are.:!Ei'3ht_~~~__~____._0 ..__~-~~~~---O----~O ~~---O-----o~~~~-------~AreaNine-~370 1120 370 1120 370 1120 Area len 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 10980 13870 10380 13200 94'70 12200 Area tOIJrteen 1860 3240 1860 3240 1490 2750 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 290 980 290 980 290 980 Anchor.'3ge/ChlJg.:!ch Mtn.Area 1130 2260 1050 2140 ~2o2L ~ ..-----.--~--~---f{enai·-PeninslJla-~---·-·--·~~32410·~-·~36630--~----3r890-·--·3b091r--------27930 31980 ------c.Q.p.peu.iWr~angellI-V;illdez 20§O~4BO 1950--3360 IliaO 3000 Southeast Ahska 2140 3600 1860 3240 1580·2880 Elsewhere in Al.3ska 8870 11520 8470 11070 7180 9610 OIJtside Al.3ska 70 560 70 560 70 560 \ j B-97 .I I If Table B.8S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~sk~ In A1.3ska 68.1%':1 <:'110111101111 SIJS i tn.3 Study Are.3 Area One;'L4:~ Are·3 Two 15.Gi.;( Ar ea Iilr ee .4 'i'!·;3.4:;l;"'jD!....'-.Jew/• Are.3 FOIJr 0.27-0.87.o '1'/0.87.O.2~0.8%...,. Are.3 Five 1.27-2.4%1 °1 1/2.4i; Are.3 Six 3.41.1 "1/3.nJ.../,. Area Seven 0.57-1.3% 'j'!.t.J/a Are.3 Eight •OJ.0.27..07.0.2i..O;~0.27. Area Nine O.2i~ Are~Ten Area Eleven;~ Are.3 Twe 1ve 0.0i.O.Oi:0.0i.0.07.O.Oi.0.0i. Area Thirteen 11.0%14.0%10.9i. Are:~FOIJrteen 3.37- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .Oi.0.47..07.0.4;'0"0.47..'"Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are.3 Kenai Peninsula 12.97- Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 9.li. Southe:ast Alaska 0.6%1.67-0.6i.1.4%0.3%1.11. Elsewhere in Alaska r",,01. Outside Alaska .07.0.2%0.0i: B-98 Table B.86. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area ) ) SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS ) GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 ~"1LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAl~sk~9450 10010 9220 9790 8210 8800InAlask.:!9450 10010 '3220 9790 8220 8820Susitn~Study Are~6110 6nO bOLO 6620 5320 5920 ~lAreaOne902209022080200Are.3 Two 2170 2630 2140 2600 1890 2330AreaThree590860570840470720 J Are.3 FOIJr 30 110 30 110 30 110AreaFive170330170330130280Are.3 51:-:280 470 280 470 240 430 1 Are·:!Seven 70 180 70 180 70 180Are.3 Eight 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaNine3011030110 I00AreaEleven000000Are.3 Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen153019401510191014001790 ),Area FOIJrteen 340 550 320 540 260 46010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy060050050Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 80 200 80 200 80 200KenaiPeninslJ1.3 1780 2210 1720 2140 1530 1940 I,.~....,_._,___,.~,_CoppeLR.LWr..3ngelllV.31dez_--_-126o-'--1630-----~,1_240~~~_:_-1610·-..--..-,·--H50-~-'15tO--··-·-·,····· Elsewhere in Alaska OIJtside Alask~ 1260 o 1630 30 1220 o 1590 o 1020 o 1360 o ~l ,\ /1 B-99 Table B.87. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 1..0W HIGH In or out of Alaska 70.7',.,t;'-t 56.7'1.63.17.I"•.J/. In Alaska 70.1i!'.-1;'"62.97.-.iO.,.u.I !8usitna Study Area I,.J Area One 2.2%4.67.')'1'/4.67-2.07-4 ,..,',.w .&&4.•.wI• Are.3 '!wo Are.3 Three 2.lI.4.57.2017-4.5~1.9i.4.17. Are·3 Four .Oi.0.87-.07- rtl/•/I. Area Five 0.41.1.BI:0.37- I Are.3 S1:-: 4.6i.1.27-3.01. Area Seven,2.9Z o.n rt I"IDIJ~.~l. Are.3 Eight Are.3 Nine 0.47.LSi. Area Ten 0.07-0.0i. Area Eleven 0.07-0.07-0.07- Are.3 Twelve 0.07-0.01.O.O! Area Thirteen Are.3 Fourteen 4.1i.7.17-3.77-6.n 3.07-5.87- 10 Hiles North of Denali Hwy 0.07-;~ Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.27-1.4i.0.27-1.'Ii.0.2i.'"l'fJ.'~h f(enai Peninsula'1'4,6i.8.67.1 r"l r., .1,4.0/. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 8.97-13.17-7.8i.11.6i. Southeast Alaska;~ Elsewhere in Alaska 4.1i:7.17- Outside Alaska .07.1.07-.07-1.07..07.0.87- B-100 Table B.88. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Other Salmon Fishing by Area } -I ..\ I \ \ 1 I J \ J 1 IJ RURAL HOUSEHOLDS .GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofA1~sk~1880 2040 1770 1930 1510 1680InA1~sKa 1860 2020 1750 1910 1500 1670Susitn~Study Are~1400 1580 1330 1510 1130 1310Are~One 60 120 60 120 50 110Are.:!Two 490 640 480 620 410 550Are.:!Three 60 120 60 120 50 110Are.:!FOIJr 0 20 0 20 0 20AreaFive105010401040Are.:!Sil-:60 130 60 120 30 80Are.3 Seven 30 80 30 80 20 60Are.:!Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Nine 10 50 0 10 0 10Are~Ten 0 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaTwelve000000AreaThirteen310430300420270380Are.:!FOlJrteen 110 190 100 180 SO 15010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy010010010Anchorage/ChlJgach Mtn.Area 10 40 10 40 0 30KenaiPeninsula310430270390230340CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez 240 350 210 310 150 240-----~-----~---------------~--- ____________SOIJ_tJ!e_asl_.A1as~..3_..._-"----_._-.-.------20----------70-------·.:w--------70-20 60 0 30 0 30 0 20 I I B-lOl Table B.89. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Trout Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1990 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska .5i~ In Alaska,55.7i.45.27-48.0i. Susitna Study Area;~ Area One 1.8%'1 ')-,.....'1.u. Area Two 7.9%9.5i.7.7i.9.3i.6.77-8.1i. Area Three 3.97.,'1"!4 ')'i'-..Ja ..l.."",. Area four 0.37.O.7i.0.3i.0.7'1.o.1i:,-.1:'.: t)•.Jja Area five'31.'1 lJ'I 3.lI..-:.taw;' Area Sb;1.47.Ij -1"t;~a:.a';'l. Area Seven 0.67-1.2% Area Ei'jht 0.07-0.0i.0.07-0.07.o.o;~O.O;~ Area Nine Area Ten .01.0.2i..Oi.0.27..0%0.2i. Area Eleven 0.1i.0.3i.0.1i.0.37..",0.2;'.v,• Are.:!Twelve .01.0.2%•01.O.2X Area Thirteen''J'f 7.77-5.67-7.Oi~lJ 81J/a Ar e::l f our teen 10 Mil,es North of Denali Hwy Anchora'je/Chu'jach Mtn.Area 3.41. f{enai PeninslJ1a 13.87-15.a;! Copper R./Wrao'jell/Valdez 1.47-2.2%1.4i.2.27-1.n 1.7% Southeast Alaska 1.Ii.1.7%1.0i.1.6i.0.8i.1.4j~ Elsewhere in Alaska 11.17- Outside Al.3sk.3 B-102 Table B.90. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Trout Fishing by Area ) 1 I l ( ALL HOUSEHOLDS 2250 1140 o 1280 2~O .. 230 1984 LOW HIGH 56120 59510 55510 58900 34910 38010 1870 2800 8190 9970 3900 5180 180 550 2760 3860 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Al.3sk.3 69400 72750 66560 69940 In Alask.3 67300 70670 64960 68350 Susitna Study Area 42320 45570 40730 43960 Are.3 One 2200 3200 2090 3060 Are:~Two 9720 11640 9490 11380 Area Three 4820 6230 4470 5840 Are.3 FOl.lr 370 850 370 850 Are.3 Five 3560 4790 3560 4790 Area Six 1760 2660 1650 2530 1430 Area Seven 780 1430 780 1430 580 Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Nine 1000 1700 890 1570 680 Area Ten 20 _230 -2L--230--20- ..-······--AreaEleven--90 400 90 400 20 Area Twelve 20 230 20 230 0 0 Area Thirteen 7960 9720 7730 9460 6910 8560 Area Fourteen 4700 6100 4470 5840 3790 5050 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 580 1140 580 1140 470 1000 Anchorage/Ch 'Jg.3ch litn.Are.3 3790 5050 3670 4920 2990 4130 Kenai Peninsula 20550 23150 19830 22400 16960 19370 Copper R./Wr.3n gell/V.31dez 1760 2660 1760 2660 1320 21~_0 _.._.,....__. ,--------.._...Southe,3st_A1aska .._...·--1-320 ..-..-2120-··--1210---1980'-----,.1"'00i\iiO~---,1""700 Elsewhere in aL3ska IJ630----15830 c3270-1~450 112~r32~~'------- Outside Alaska 1650 2530 1100 1840 470 1000 1 I,I I 1 B-103 ) i I Table B.91- Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Trout Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH •'111 HIGH LOW HIGHJ..l.ln In or OIJt of Al.'3sk.'3 55.U 59.3%52.7% In Alask.'3 Susitna Study Area 31.97- Area One'1 r"J-J 1.37-2.5~...,-t. Area Two;~co rya,7.9X.J.,i. Area Three 2.97-4.5;~2.77-4.3k q 1'"'1'"1 oJ r1-,1~.Ji.1.ol.11. Area FOIJi'!.o.l;~0.57. Area Five -,C''¥3.97..~.t:'1U ",1:/....J/.~.,J,{.J •.a:.ii. Area Sil:1.2k 2.47-1.2%2.2%0.97.1.SII. Area Seven 0.5%1 'i'/0.47.1 ')"1 0.37.l.nIwi.aula Area Eight 0.07-0.0i.a.Oi:0.07- Area Nine o.n 1.57-0.6:'1.47.O.5Z 1 lJrJf",,10 Area Ten .O~0.27..Oi.o ""0.0f.O.OZ•.:.1. Area Eleven .Or.0.4%.07.0.4i..Ok O.2j~ Are.'3 Twelve Area Thirteen 6.2k 8.4i::6.0i::8.2%5.47.7 .4i~ Area Fourteen 3.37-4.9i.3.1i.4.71.t")r:.,4.li.....J,. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.3i.1.17- 1)"1.li.1 wI. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area'i'c.'/'j q'ja:..-..JI.,,,;.",, Kenai PeninslJla 17.77-'1 ..,., l ,II. Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 0.8%1.8i.0.87-1.8?0.67-1.47- Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Al;:\sk::\10.n 13.5% OIJtside Alaska B-104 Table B.92. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Trout Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofA1~sk~58530 62980 55970 60450 46830 51320InAlaska565006098054470589604619050680SusitnaStudyArea3388038140326203684027ij10:3165C'Area One 1680 3000 1580 2880 1400 2630AreaTwo738098307280972060908360Are.3 Three 3080 4780 2890 4540 2420 3Si50AreaFour21085021085070560AreaFive261041902610'4190 1950 3360AreaSi>:1310 2510 1220 2390 960 2020AreaSeven530138045012503701120AreaEight00([0 0 0AreaNine7001640610..151~_~__.__530 __13130-----_._~_.•.._..-~-~-----_...--~Are.3Ten-~-~_.._~------()'--250--·~--O 250 0 0AreaEleven10410104100250Are::!Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen658089206380870057007900Are::!FOIJrteen 3460 5250 3270 5010 2700 431010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy370H2O3701120370H2OAnchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 3370 5130 327.0 5010 2610 4190RenaiPeninsula188302239013210217301545018760CoppeLR.LWr-::1rIgellIV;21dez-----870--1890--~"------870----..-1890----..---610--1510 Elsewhere in A1~ska 11380 14320 11080 13990 9370 12080OutsideAlask.3 1400 2630 870 1890 290 980 B-105 I) I I I 1 Table B.93. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Trout Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~58.2i.62.4~56.4i.60.8i.49.4i.53.8i. In Al~sk~57.4i.61.8:t 55.8?60.27-;~ Susitn~Study Are~42.4i.46.8i.41.4i.45.81.3G.3;~41.0i. Area Orle 1.Ii.2.3i.1.1i.2.3i.1.0i.2.27- Are.,Two 9.4i.12.2;!9.li.11.77.B.li.10.77. Area Three 8.47-11.07-8.1i.10.n 7.2k 9.6i. Are~Four 0.3:'0.91.o .,./o.ai.r.'11'0.8i.."".V.wi• Area Five 3.57-5.3i. 4 '7~! ...l ."11 Are.,Si:-:1.5i.2.7%1.57- Are.3 Seven 0.67-1.67- Are::!Eight 0.1i.0.5%0.17-0.57-0.1i.0.51. Area Nine Are.,Ten •or.0.47-.Ok 0.41..07-O.2i. Area Eleven .07.0.47..0:::0.4:~.0;';0.47. Are.,Twelve .07-o ."!0"0.2i..Oi.0.2i.Iw/.•J. Area Thirteen 4.6i.I',.,'/IJ.b,. Area fOIJrteerl 5.0i.7.0i:5.0i;7.0i.4.3~6.3;! 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .07.O.2k 0'/O1l2:t .07.0.27..,. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are~ f{en:3i Peninsul.3 6.37-8.n 6.1i.8.3%co '1"7.4%.Jaw;' Copper R./Wr~ngel1/Valdez 4.27-6.27-4.07-6.0i.3.47-5.2% Southeast Alaska 0.2i.0.87-0.2i.0.8i.0.1i.0.57- Elsewhere in A1ask~ ',,,10.91..wl. Outside Alask.3 0.4Z 0.57. B-I06 1 \ I 1 i I I \ !I -\ I I 1 \ I I I .j f ) I B-I07 Table B.94. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Trout Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAlaska80708670'7830·8430 6860 7470InAlaska79708570775083506830744C'Susitna Study Area 5890 6490 5750 6350 5100 5700AreaOne160310160310150300Are::!Two 1310 1690 1260 1630 1130 1480AreaThree117015301130148010001330Are.:!~olJr 40 130 30 110 30 110AreaFive490740470720420660Are.:!Six 200 380 200 380 170 330AreaSeven902209022080200Are.:!Eight 10 70 10 70 10 70AreaNine401304013040 30Are.3 Eleven 0 50 0 50 0 50Are.:!Twelve 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaThirteen7101010700990640noAre.:!Fourteen 690 980 690 980 600 87010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy030030030Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 90 220 80 200 60 170f~enai Pertinsul.3 880 1200 840 1160 730 1020~~__~_________.__Cop.~tJh!Wr.:!ngelUV.:31dez ____~______590 __-----860---------560---830--------4-70---720-Southeast Alaska 1300 1670 1150 1510OutsideAl.3ska 170 50 150 10 70 I ( Table B.9S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Trout Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~72.9i.78.5i.68.0i.74.0i.58.0i.64.41. In Al~ska 72.5i~78.17-·64.4i. Susitn~Study Area 59.6i.66.0i.55.47-61.87-49.47-56.01. Area One;~2.7%5.3i~ Are.3 Two IS 2i~22.4i.15.5k 20 .5i~ Area Three 6.37-! Area Four;~ Area five;~ Are·3 Sil-:1.4i.3.4i. Area Seven O.S%2.4% I Are.3 Ei9ht 0.07-0.07- I Area Nine 1.6i.3.6i.O.H 1.U 0.'1.0;!•Eo .J Area Ten 0.0i. Area Eleven Area Twelve 0.0i.0.3i.0.0i.0.37- Area Ihirteen Area fOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy r::"!1.'37.•.Jt. Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area f{enai Peninsula,r::"t 3.5%6.37.l.oJ,. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 3.07-co',2.9i.C"c., .oJ/• Southeast Alaska, Elsewhere in Alaska 10.0i. Outside Alaska .07.1.07-.07- i \I I\._J B-108 Table B.96. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Trout Fishing by Area l' \ I ! RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAl~sk~1940 2090 1810 1970 1540 1710InAlask.3 1930 2080 1800 1960 1540 1710Susitn~Study Are~1590 1760 1470 1650 1310 1490Are~One 90 170 70 140 70 140Are.3 Two 460 600 460 600 410 550AreaThree170260160260140230Are::!F.)IJr 0 20 0 20 0 10Are.3 Five 110 190 110 190 100 170Are.3 Six 40 90 40 90 ':11\80-'vAre.3 Seven 20 60 20 60 10 40Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine40100030030AreaTen00 10 0 10 0 10Are·3 Twe 1ve 0 10 0 10 0 10AreaThirteen190300180280170260Are.3 Fourteen 170 260 160 250 130 22010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy105010501050Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 10 40 10 40 10 40KenaiPeninsul.3 150 240 120 200 90 170CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez 80 150 80 150 40 90 ----~- ..___SOIJthe~sLAl,3sk.3_..._._..·················-·--·10 ··-50-"...·---·----10-------·50·'---'-10----50 .._"-~._..__..._.._~._-- Elsewhere in Alaska 27.0---380 240--350 rao --270OutsideAlask.3 0 30 0 20 0 10 B-109 I Table B.97. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Grayling Fishing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS ] I) iJ lJ GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Al.3ska SIJsi tn.:!St'Jdy Are.:! Area One Are.,.Two Area Three Are::!four Are.3 Five Are::!Si:< Area Seven Are::!Eight Area Nine Are.3 Ten Area Eleven Are::!Twelve Area Thirteen Are::!fOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor .:!geICh 'JIj.3ch Mtn.AI'ea f(enai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Al::!sk::! Outside Alaska EVER LOW HIGH 39.2%42.0% 22.7%25.17. 1.8i.2.67. 5.0%6.27. 1.7%2.57- O.n:0.57. 1.4i.2.27- .07.0.2i. .07.0.27. .07.0.27- 0.2i.0.6i. 0.7i.1.37. 7.li.8.5i. 0.3i.0.7% B-110 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 37.1%3g.7i. 1.7;~2.5X O.l!0.51. .07.O.2;~ .07.O.2i~ .0%0.2% O.lI.0.57- O.n:1.37. 0.6i.:1.27. 12.7%H.n 1984 LOW HIGH{' 3./i.4.97.;~ o.l;~'0.5;~ 1.9;~2.7X .Oi:0.27- O.7i.1.31. O.G~1.27- 5.6~I.OX 1.07.1.G% O.3~O.7;~ .07.O.2;~ B-llL Table B•.98. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Grayling FiShing by Area ) I \ I \ j \ \ \ I \ I I 1 I I I II I 20 230 1984 LOW HIGH 36480 39620 36480 39620 213S'0 24030 1760 2660 4590 5970 1540 2390 180 550 2310 3330 1210 1980 680 1280 ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 48410 51750 .45480 48790 48170 51510 45240 48540 27890 30790 26320 29160 2200 3200 2090 3060 6090 7660 5860 7400 ·2090 3060 1980 2930 180 550 180 550 3100 4260 2990 4130 1760 2660 1650 2530 1000 1700 1000 1700 20 230 20 230 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or Oyt of A1~sk~ In Alaska SYsitn~StYdy Area Area One Are~Two Are.3 Three Ar e.-a tOIJl' Are·3 Five Are.-a Si>: Area Seven Area Eight Area Nine 1210 1980 1100 1840 890 1570 ----~__jke;Llen_____---~--~---20---230----iO------'230 -----0 ·---~-o~- Area Eleven 20 230 20 230 0 0 Are::!Twelve 280 710 180 550 90 400 Area Ihirteerl 4360 5710 4020 5310 3560 4790 Are.3 Foyrteen 1100 1840 llOO 1840 890,1570 10 Miles North of Den.3liHwy 1000 1700 890 1570 7aO 1430 Anchor.-age/Ch 'J'3.3ch Mtn.Are::!890 1570 780 1430 580 1140 Kenai Peninsula 8660 10490 8310 10100 6910 8560 Copper R.IWr .3n ge 11/V.31dez 1760 2660 ..l.43Q__~225(L______~_1210_.~198L ~ -~--~----~-SOlJth-easrA1as~--------.---370--850----370 850 370 850 ------Etsewherrtn-Atas~:a r66()O~r9-0-0-0 15650 17990 12680 14820 Outside A1.3ska 180 550 90 400 20 230 Table B.99. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Grayling Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 1984 LOW HIGH (jiJ I IIJ GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Alaska Susitn:~study Are.'a Area One Are.'a Two Are~Three Are.3 Foul' Area Five Are~Sil-: Are~Seven Are.'a Eight Area Nine Area Ten Are~Eleven Area Twelve Area Thirteen Are::!Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Ken~i Peninsula Copper R./Wr~ngell/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska EVER LOW HIGH 37.G7.41.31. 20.G7.24.27. 1.G7.2.87. 1.2i.2.47.;~ 1.li.2.17. o.7i~1.5% .07.0.2i. o.8i.1.8i. .07.0.27. .ox O.2k 0.1i.o.n 0.7:);1.57. 13.17.IG.lk B-ll2 35.31. 35.27. 19.Gi. 1.57. 4.14 1.2% 0.17. 2.0~ LOX O.G7. .07. 0.7% .07. 0.17. 2.97. 0.77. 0./% 0.57. 7.07. 0.77. 0.37. 12.3% .07. 39.57. 39.27. 23.Oi~ 3.7k 5.'37. 01157- 3.4;~ 2.01. 1.4% 1.7i. 0.21. 0.27. O.5i. 4.5% 1.5;~ 1.5% 1.37. 9.47- 1.7k 0.97. 15.37. 0.4% 27.9~ 27.9k 15.6i; 1.2;~ 0.91. 0.17. 1.57. O.7Z 0.37. .07. 0.67. 0.07. O.O;~ .07. 2.57. O.5i. '1 C'II'\,•,hi. O '~'i•.,;)Ia 5.37. 0.67. 0.27. 9.97. .07. 31.7% 31.7~~ 18.8i. 4.71. 1.g:, O.5i. ,t"" J.II .J/~ 1.1;~ 0.2i. 1.4% O.O;~ 0.47. 4.17. 1.37. 1.37. 1.17. 8.07. 1.4X 0.87. 12.57. 11 ')'/v...." Table B.lOO. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Grayling Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInorOytofAl~sk~39960 44370 37550 41900 29590 33710InAl.3ska 39650 44050 37340 41690 29590 33710Sysitn.3 StlJdy Are.3 21920 25670 20780 24470 16570 19970AreaOne168030001580288012202390Are.3 Two 4520 6520 4330 6290 3270 5010AreaThree1310251012202390%0 2020Are.3 tour 70 560 70 560 70 560AreaFive223037202140360015802880Are·3 Si:{1130 2260 1050 2140 700 1640AreaSeven700164061015103701120Are~Eight 0 250 0 250 0 250AreaNine870189078017606101510 Are~Eleven 0 250 0 250 0 0 Are~Twelve 140 710 70 560 10 410Are.3 Thirteen 3370 5130 3080 4780 2700 4310Are~FOlJrteen 700 1640 700 1640 530 138010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy780176070016405301380 Anchor~ge/ChIJ9~ch Mtn.Area 700 1640 530 1380 370 1120KenaiPeninsy1a7870104007470994061908470CopperR./Wrangell/Valdez 1050 2140 __-110 ___J.760 _______~~___t5tO __ "~..--_._--~--_.....•..,_..~~.-.._._._._-~_....---_..--~---SoiJiheasf-tH"asKa---------------29(f 980 290 980 210 850Elsewhe-rrtriAlas!t:.3 139Z0-r7ro-O 13100 Hi210 10480 13320OIJtsideAlaska70560104100250 ), ,I I I I I I I 1 ,I 1 I I .j I I I 1 t 1 [ I] Table B.10l. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Grayling Fishing by Area [I SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONII EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 43.04 In Alaska 43.0%47.47-40.3%44.77-34.4;~38.6;~ Susitn::1 Study Are.3 28.2%;~'1'1 ryat 26.5:Mw.,I. Area One 1.27-2.47-1.11."".,1.01.:2.0%~.~/. Area Two 5.57-7.77-5.2%7.47-4.9i.6.91. Area Three 3.D:4.n:2.77-4.31.:2.27-3.6;~ Area tour·0.37- 'i"0.81. 11 awl. Area Five 3.7i.5.57-3.37-5.1;~2.8;'4.47- Area Si:-:2.2%'-1 nil! 4.0/. Area Seven 1.07-2.07-1.0i.2.07-0.8i.1.8i: Area Eight 0.1%0.5%O.li-0.5% Area Nine 1.01.:2.07-0.97-;! Are.3 Ten .Oi.0.27-.0%0.21..01.0.27- Area Eleven Area Twelve .01.0.41..07-0.4i..01.0.21. Area Thirteen 3.1i.4.77-3.0;'4.6i. Area tour teen 1.2%2.4% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.2% 118'0.1i.0.57../1. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.2%0.87-0.27-0.87-0.2i.0.81. f{enai PeninslJ1a 2.47-4.0%'1 ,,'";!3.3%....J:fit Copper R./Wrangel1/Va1dez 2.07-3.4% Southeast Alaska .07.0.4%.01.0.2%.0%O.2i~ Elsewhere in Alaska 12.1%15.1%11.47-14.47-9.3%12.li. Outside Al.3ska .07.0.21..01.0.2%.0;'0.27. II1...._ B-114 Table B.102. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Grayling Fish~ng by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~5970 6580 5600 6200 4760 5340InAlaska597065805600620047705360SusitnaStudyArea391044703670422031503680AreaOne170330160310130280Are.:!Two 760 1070 730 1020 680 %0Areal'hree 420 660 370 600 300 500Are:a tOIJr 40 130 30 110 30 110AreaFive510770460710390610Are:'3 Six 300 500 280 470 220 390AreaSeven130280130280110250Are.:!Eight 10 70 10 70 10 70AreaNine130280J20~__'.2Z~.._~_...~_10.0._.2aO_...·~~-Are.aIen--~·····--0 30 0 30 0 30AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve050050030AreaThirteen420660410640360580Are.:!Fourteen 170 330 160 310 120 27010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy3011020901070Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 30 110 30 110 30 noKenaiPeninsula340550320540260460--~._--Cop per~-R.lWI'.:!nge ll/V ·:!ldez-370 600·-_._-_.~_._._-----··350·~·-~570····~~···---·280-···--470-~·~~ Elsewhere in A1~ska 1680 2100 1590 1990 1300 1670OutsideAlaska030030030 I ), I I ) I I j I I j I I 1 I I 1 ] I I I l: I I f1 Table B.103., I Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage [ of Rural Households Grayling Fishing by Area [r r I II RURAL HOUSEHOLDS i I GEOGRAPHIC ~OCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH [I In or out of Al~sk~58.9%65.3i.54.6i.61.27- In Alask~' Susitna Study Are~44.7%51.3i.40.87-47.47-36.2i~42.6Z I J Area One 4.47- Are.'3 Two 12.3i. Area Three 3.8i.6.8i.,':Ji: 11 Are.'3 FQIJr .07.1.07..Oi.1.0i.0.07.O.7~ Area Five 2117%5.3i.'1 ""1 r:'Jil ":j'l 4.7i."'a /I,J.,.,J.~•.J/. Are.'3 Six 2.1i.4.5i.2.0i.4.41.',~:3.6%1..0/. Area Seven 0.6%.,")'1 0.6i.l')l")1JI 0.37.1 r:'/""....,.41.,;.,1.J.•••Ji. Are·3 Eight "'.j•.J1I Area Nine 1.07-2.8i. Are~Ten IJ Are~Eleven 0.0%0.3%O.OZ Are·3 Twelve 0.1i.1.1i.0.1i.1.Ii..Oi.1.07. Area Thirteen 4.5%"..,., !.11. Are-3 Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor~ge/Chu'3ach Mtn.Are~ f(enai Peninsula'1 '1"/...•1,. Copper R./Wr~ngell/Valdez 3.67-6.4i.3.4i.6.2i::2.4Z 4.8i. Southeast Al~sk~ Elsewhere in Al~ska 14.li. OIJtside Alaska 0.07.O.Ox IJ IJ IJ B-1l6 I ) I I \ I I I ~I --' I ) I I I ] I I I I, 'I B-117 Table B.104. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Grayling Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~1570 1740 1450 1630 1190 1370InAlaska157017401460163012001380Susitn~Study Area 1190 1360 1090 1260 960 1130Are.:!One 120 200 90 170 90 170Are.:!Two 330 450 310 430 280 390AreaThree1001809016080160Are·3 FOIJf 0 30 0 ')(\0 20....v Area Five 70 140 70 140 60 130Are.:!Si>:60 120 50 120 40 10C'Area Seven 20 60 20 60 10 40 Are~fuht_ Area Nine 30 70 10 40 10 40Are.3 Ten 0 10 0 10 0 0 Area Eleven 0 10 0 10 0 10Are.:!Twelve 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaThirteen140230140220120200Are.:!Fourteen 50 110 50 110 40 10010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy206020602060 Anchor~ge/Chu9ach Mtn.Are.3 10 40 10 40 10 40--·----------------Kenai-PeninslJla-·....--------------·-40---·--···----90------·····----·---30-----·9-(;--------.-------2ir-----rO--- Gopper-R.fW~:!nget}/Vatdez 90-~170 90-~170 lio--no Southeast Alaska 0 10 0 10 0 10ElsewhereinAl.3sk.:!370 500 330 450 220 320OutsideAhsk.:!0 0 0 0 0 0 Table B.IOS. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area '-I \ ALL HOUSEHOLDS I GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Al-3sk-3 12.5i. In Alaska 12.57-14.3Z l1.5i.13.3i.13.01:10.6;' Susitna Study Area 5.77.7.U c ""6.6i.4.0i-C'°1"1.J.,;,/..J.i.JJI Area One 0.37-0.77-0.27-0.67-0.2%0.6i. Are-3 Two o.n 1.37-0.67.'')"O.5;{0.9i..L .w/~ Are-3 Three 0.37-0.77-0.37-O.7~0.1i-0.5Y. Area tour-.o~0.2%•Oi~O.2~.07-o -1'/IU/= Area Five 1.4i.2.2i:1.37-1.97-O.'37-1.5j~ Are-3 Si:-: Area Seven 0.37-O.lX o ')'1•\J/. Are-3 Eight,0.0r.0.0r. Are:;i Nine;~O.2i~ Area len 0.0i.0.0i. Area Eleven;~0.0%0.0i:0.0i. Are-3 Twelve 0.0i.0.0%•.0i. Area Thirteen;~O.8;~ Area Fourteen 0.31.o.n 0.37.o.n O.2Z 0.6% 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .07.0.2:\:aO?0.2i..07-O.2i~ Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area O.li.o r:.,O.li.0.5i.0.11.O.3Z.,J1o f(enai PeninslJla 2.3i.3.1i:2.1;~2.9i~1.74 '1 C'·I",.~l. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.4i. Southeast Alaska O.li.O.5i:0.17-0.5%O.li.0.3% Elsewhere in Alaska 3.67-4.6i:3.5% Outside Alaska 0.1%0.57- B-118 I ) Table B.I06. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area I I \ i Jt ALL HOUSEHOLDS (t rGEOGRAPHICLOCATIONEVER1980-1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH t~lInoroutofAl~sk~15290 17610 14100 16340 10900 12910InA1.:lska 15290 17610 14100 16340 uno 13040Susitn~Study Area 7020 8690 6440 8040 4930 6360 IAre.;i One 370 850 280 710 280 710Are.:i Two 890 1570 780 1430 580 1140 ., I Area Three 370 850 370 850 180 550AreatOIJr202302023020"l':l" \ <...,vAreaFive176026601540239011001840Are.:i Si>:180 550 180 550 180 550AreaSeven904009040090400 'IAre~Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~Area Nine 90 400 90 400 20 230..-------A1'ea-Ten~..-._._~_.._...-.-_.__.------·-0--··-···--0----0 ...-----0-.._---_._~_..•.-.--o-~---0 !~Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.:i Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen680128068012804701000AreaFOIJrteen370850370850280710 l10MilesNorthatDenaliHwy202302023020230 :"Anchor~ge/Chugach Mtn.Are.:i 180 550 180 550 90 400f{en.:ii Peninsul.:i 2760 3860 2540 3600 2090 3060 t Copper R~/Wrangel1/Valdez 470 1000 470 1000 370 8.:5_0.---------------------Solitlleasf-A:lash .,,------..'·----1'80·---180 90 3330 4530OutsideAlaska1805509040090400 I ':I /1 ,) I Table B.107. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HI!JH LOW HIf.iH In or out of Al."3sk."3 In Al.3ska 11.3;~14.Ii.10.4i. Susitna Study Are~,1/4.81.WI"'/' Area One 0.2%0.8i.o.li.O.7k O.l:~o 1"1'/.11a Area Two ..,.,or..!l.l;~•';'is ,.;;/. Area Three 0.2%0.8i.0.17.O.7~o.n 0.57. Are~tOIJr Area Five 1.5Z O.4X 1.2i~ Area Sil-:.07.0.47-.07.0.47..Oi.0.41. Area Seven .O;!0.47..0;'0.4;~0'1 o.2i~•no Are;~Ei'3ht Area Nine .O~~0.47-.0%0.47.•Or.0.27- Are::!Ten 0.0i.0.0i.0.0% Area Eleven;: Are=:!Twelve 0.07-0.0%0.0% Area thirteen 0.3% 'l'!0.9i..,,"" Are=:!Fourteen 0.2i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .07.0.27..07.o .,.!.01.o.2;!awl. Anchora'3e/Chu9=:!ch Mtn.Are=:! Ken=:!i Peninsula Copper R./Wr=:!n'3e1l/Valdez 0.1i.o.n O.li.0.7i.O.lI.O.5i~ Southeast Al=:!ska O.li.O.n:O.li.o '1'!.07.0.4i..1 "" Elsewhere in Alaska 3.3i.4.9i.3.1i. Outside Alaska 0.1I O.Si."I!0.4/:.",," B-120 TableB.108. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area -\ ,.f II t I I-,I; URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGH " I{jInoroutofAl~sk~12090 15100 11080 13990 8470 11070InAl~sk.3 11990 14990 11080 13990 8470 11070Susitn~Study Are~4910 6980 4430 6410 3370 5130 , IAreaOne210850140710140710i,/Are.:!Two 530 1380 450 1250 370 1120AreaThree21085014071070560 4 Are.:!Four 0 0 0 0 0 0Are~Five 960 2020 700 1640 450 1250AreaSb:10 410 10 410 10 410 f Area Seven 10 410 10 410 0 250Are.:!Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine1041010410 0 0 (Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0Are~Twelve 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen11203701120290980 ,Are.:!FOIJrteen 850 210 850 70 560 \10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 250 0 250 0 250Anchor·:!ge/Chug.:!ch 1'Itn.Are.3 560 70 560 10 410f(en.3i Peninsula 3950 2140 3600 1770 3120 ICopperR./Wr.:!ngell/V.'31dez_~.7..10 140--~no 70--SIJO------------------Soiitheast Alaska 3270 5010 2610 4190OutsideAlaska707056010410 !\ ,\ ! ) I Table B.I09. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~14.3i.17.5i. In Alask~ Susitn~Study Area Area One'/0.47-... Are~Two 0.8i.l.Si.0.8i.1.87- Area Three 0.37- ..,., u {i• Area FOIJr .01.0.21.•Oi.0.2i..Oi.O,2~ Area Five Area Sil-:0.6i. Area Seven,"0.5/: Are'3 Eight .Oi.0.2:'.Oi.0.27..07.0.2:;: Area Nine .Oi.0.27..07.,0.2%.07-O.2i~ Area Ten .07-0.27..Oi.O.2i..Oi.o 'j'!....1. Area Eleven 0.0r. Are~Twelve Area Thirteen;!0.67-1.47. Area Fourteen l1'!•.n. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy .07.0.27..07.0.27-.0%0.2:' Anchor~se/Chus~ch Mtn.Area .07.0.4i..Oi.0.47..07.0.47. f{enai PeninslJla Copper R./Wransell/Valdez Southeast Alaska .Oi.0.27..07.0.2i..07.0.27. Elsewhere in Al~ska Outside Al.:lska •Or.0.27..07.0.2i..Oi.0.27. B-122 Table B.llO. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS ,IGEOGRAPHICLOCATIONEVER1980-1985 1984 (\LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~1980 2430 1900 2340 1490 1390 'IInAl.3sk.3 1980 2430 1900 2340 1490 1890 ISusitn~Study Are~1210 1570 1170 1530 890 1220 I,,IAre~One 10 70 0 50 0 50Are~Two 110 250 110 250 90 220 \ Are~Three 40 130 40 130 20 90Are.3 FOIJr 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaFive440570420660280470 (Are~Six 80 200 BO 200 70 180AreaSeven30110301101070Are~Eight 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaTen030030030AreaEleven000000Are~Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~, )Area Thirteen 90 220 90 220 BO 200 \Are.:!Fourteen 40 130 40 130 30 no10MilesNorthofDenaliHwy030030030Anchor~ge/Chu9~ch Mtn.Are~.0 50 0 50 0......jQ,...f(enai··PeninsIJ1.3 90 220''-."'·"'90 '220 ---_.,.._-_..-.....•.._-_...... 70 180 ."-.-..",--....----_...-•....._"..".- C.opper-R.LWr.::lngell.LV.'31dez 180--350 180--350 130 280SoutheastAlaska030030030 rElsewhereinAlask~470 720 440 670 340 550 ,IOutsideAlaska()30 0 30 0 30 1 ( I Table B.lli. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH I ,j GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of AlasK4 In AlasK4 Susitn4 Study Are4 Area One Area Two Area Three Area Four Area five Area Si:{ Area Seven Area Eight Area Nine Area Ten Area Eleven Are.'3 Twelve Area Thirteen Are.'3 Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are4 f{enai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast AlasKa Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska EVER LOW HIGH 22.6;~28.47. l6.8i.22.01. 2.0i.4.2% O.Oi~0.0i. .07.0.81. o.n 2.37- O.li.1.17. 0.3%1.5i.: 0.3%l.n 0.7%2.31. 3.4%6.21. B-124 21.2k l5.7i. 0.3;~ 1.71. 0.57. 0.01. 5.97. O -,,"\11 •.J/. o•Ii. 0.07. .07. 0.07. 0.07. 0.01. o.n 0.11. 0.31. O.Oi: 0.37. 0.67. 0.0i. 0.0i. 26.87. 20.7~ 2.6% 3.91. 1.9% 0.0i. '3.57- 1.51. l.n 0.0i. 0.87- 0.0i. 0.37. 0.07. 2.3% 1.17- 1.57. 0.01. 1.7% 2.01. 0.57. 6.0i- 0.07. 1'384 LOW HIGH 0.7;'2.3;~;! 4.6i~7 .8~ o.3k 1.5;~ O.3Z 1.51. O.l;~1.i': O.Oi.0.07. •O~O.3i~ 0.0i.0.01. O.Oi~0.37. 0.0%0.0% 0.3%11l7;~ .01.1.0% ().27.1.27. O.3i.1.7% 1.4%:3.47. Table B.112. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Burbot or Cod Fishing by Area t ,). .1 10 o 40 30 40 o 30 o o 10 o 10 o o 1984 LOW HIGH ·400 530 410 540 340 460 20 60 30 80 10 50 120 210 10 40 10 40 o 30 o 0 o 20 10 o 60 30 40 o 40 o o 20 o 10 o 10 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 550 700 560 710 420 550 20 70 50 100 10 50 o 0 160 250 10 40 o 30 o 0 o 20 RURAL HOUSEHOLDS EVER LOW HIGH 590 740 600 750 450 590 20 70 50 no 20 60 o 0 170 270 10 40 o 30 o 0 o 20 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of A1~sk~ In Al~sk~ Susitn~Study Are~ Area One Are.3 'fwo Area Three Area Four Area Five Are.3 Sb: Are.3 Seven Are.3 Eisht Are.3 Nine Area Eleven 0 10 Area Twelve 0 0 Area Thirteen 20 60 Area Fourteen 0 30 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 10 40 Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 0 0 Kenai Peninsula 10 40 Copper R./Wrangell/V~ldez 20 60 ---------------SoUtile~rAlisY..a------------10 0 10 0 l.9 ------E-lseRher-e-tn-AtasY..-a----------r190--r7b:---------::9,.;-0--::-:16:-:-0-----:4~0-~90 Outside Alaska 0 0 0 0 0 0 I{ 1,I Table B.1l3. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS .GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 198; LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1~sk~31.67-34.2Z 29.5%32.1i.25.57.27.'3i. In Alaska 30.7%33.37-29.0i.31.67-'11:''"l'{27.b;!~nJ.wn SIJsi tn:a St'Jdy Are::! 14.5~ Area One 0.87-1.4i.;~0.6i.1 ';'/ai.Aia Area Two 4.37-5.5Z '1.0i.co '1"!-:''=.'1 ~CII.J.Y/,."J,·.JI.'I.,.)!. Area Three 2.47-,ryll "'a!ia Are.:!FOIJr Area Five 0.87-1.4i.0.6i.1.27.O.6~1.01. Area Sil-: Area Seven Are.:!Eight Area Nine 0.37-O.7~' Are.:!Ten . Area Eleven 0.0;'0.07- Are.:!Twelve .0%0.27..Oi:0.27..Oi.0.2i. Area Thirteen 1.97.2.n 1.9i.rt ~.,1.6i.2.4%':../1. Area Fourteen 1.57-2.3i.1.5i..-,".,'1.27-1.87....~l. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are:3 ·5.3k 6.n 5.1i.6.37-4 ""J I:"MI. .,.)10 .J./I~ Kenai Peninsula '1'{•i"la Copper R./Wrangell/Va1dez Southeast Alaska;!0.1i.0.5i. Elsewhere in Alaska 7.6i.· Outside Ahska;~ --_..j B-l26 Table B.114. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlask~38790 41980 36240 39380 31270 34280InAlask.:!37700 40870 35630 38760 30910 33900SusitnaStUdyArea194702202018160206301553017860Are.:!One 1000 1700 780 1430 780 1430Are.:!Two 52S0 6750 4930 6360 4240 5580Are.:!Three 2990 4130 2880 4000 2310 3330Are.3 tOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaFive1000170078014306801280Are.:!Si:<890 1570 780 1430 680 1280AreaSeven370850230710280710Are.3 Eight 0 0 0 370 850 280 710Are.:!Ten 20 230 0 0 0 0AreaEleven000000Are.:!Twelve 20 230 20 230 20 230AreaThirteen231033302310333019802930Are~Fourteen 1870 2800 1870 2800 1430 225010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy780143068012805801140Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 6560 8170 6210 7780 5510 7010.....~~enat.f.~niD~l,l1,3."._-"._-_.-.---.._--~-----...·..--4700--6100---....-4360-'5710-'-·'·-'-3900··--SrBO--.,-_._..-_._.~.._~"-_._..~ Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Z8.o__L430 780--1-4BO 680--1280SoutheastAlaska370850280710180550ElsewhereinAlaska93701125089001074074909200OutsideAlaska89015705801140370850 '.~ I J I I} ,'I I I ) Table B.1l5. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 30.4Z 34.4~28.37-32.1! In Alaska 29.47-;~23.81.27 .4;~ Susitna Study Are~14.17-17.n 13.0Z 16.07-10.97-13.7;( Area One O.7i~1.5% O.4X 1 ry~1.w'" Are~Two Are·3 Three 1.7%2.9i~1.2k 2.4Z Are·3 FOIJr 0.0i.0.0i.0.0r. Are·3 Five o.n 1.5%o "'f 1.3;~0.4?1.27-...1", Are.3 Sb: 0.3%l.1i.0.3i.1.1i. Area Seven O.I;~0.77.O.li~0.77.O.lk 0.5? Area Eight O.O?0.0i. Area Nine 0.2%0.8X o .,./0.87-;'.,;,/- Area Ten .07- Area Eleven 0.07-O.O?0.0%0.07-0.07.{\/'"'J.'J,. Are·3 Twelve .OZ 0.2Z .0%0.27-.O;{0.21. Area Thirteen 1.6~2.BZ 1.47..'1 '0 I'",.0'1 Are·3 fOIJrteen 1.2%2.4i.1.2%2.27-0.87-1.8% 10 Miles North of Denali'Hwy 0.5Z Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 5.6i. f(enai Penins lJl.3 3.97.r:"''1,JII i ,. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez;~ Southeast Alaska 0.37-0.97-0.1% Elsewhere in Alaska 7.1X Outside Alaska B-128 Table B.1l6. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS B-l29 ) I ,I !I 1 1 ) .) 1984 LOW HmH I 12564029590 25230 29160 115',O 14540 1( 450 1250 . I:3080 4780 1310 2510 i')0 0 450 1250 370 1120 70 560 I00 140 710 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 30010 34140 29380 33490 13820 16990 530 1380 3560 5360 1770 3120 o 0 530 1380 370 1120 140 710 o 0 210 850 EVER LOW HIGH 32310 36520 31260 35440 14940 18200 700 1640 3750 5600 1950 3360 o 0 700 1640 450 1250 140 710 o 0 210 850 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~ska In Alaska Susitn~Study Area Area One Are:;i Two Are.3 Ihree Are::!tOIJr Area five Are.'3 Si:< Area Seven Are.'3 Eight Area Nine AI'ea.len-~ Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 250 0 250 0 250 Are.3 Thirteen 1680 3000 1680 3000 1490 2750 Area Fourteen 1310 2510 1220 2390 870 1890 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 530 1380 450 1250 370 1120 Anchorage/Chugach litn.Area 5990 8240 5700 7900 5110 7210 Ken.3i Peninsula 4140 6060 3850 5710 3460 5250 Copper R./WrangeU/Valdez 290 980 __._.2_9_0..._1?.Q.~_._."21..Q.850_.····-.._··-..Soljtl1easCA1.3ska .'--'290'-980'''-'140 710 140 710 ------nsewl'iere inA1asK~.'3---7570-..rO·O·6:.;0----..72;.8~0----;:;9.;;:7:::~.·0------;5:.::9:;;-90;--:;'.82:-:4-:-0------ Outside Alask.3 780 1760 450 1250 210 850 Table B.1l7. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS \GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 i LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~;·~32.67. In Alaska'")'i 'i'/"j'l F)I'""w ..wn \oJ,w1 i il Susitna Study Area 22.0i.25.8i.21.3i.').,0 1';'WI'.•U. Area One 0.37-1.17.o .")~!1.n o '")'/1D li~••.•hll 11'-'/0 Area Two 6.37.o r:'I 6.0i.8.2~5.37-7.57.lJ .;,Ji. Area Three 5.0%7.27-4.97-6.'3i:4.57-6.5;~ Are.:!fOIJr 0.0i.;~ Area five 0.5i.;''0.3%0.91. Are.:!Sb:"l "l'l 1.0i:2.0i.a:;.•.J/. Area Seven 0.3i.0.9r.0.37.O.9k O.2k o.8i~ Area Eight .Or.0.4i..OY.0.47.{'j'l 0.4;~.\U. Area Nine 0.2%O.8i~0.27-0.8r.0.27.O.8i~ Are.:!Ten Are·:!Eleven 0.0% Are.:!Twei ve .07.0.47..07-0.4i..O~0.4i. Area Thirteen 1.8i.'112%1.61::2.a;~ Area fourteen 2.0i:3.4i.'1 a!v.wi. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy O.2i.0.8i.0112%0.8%15.3Z 19.21. Anchor~ge/Chu9ach Mtn.Area 0.77-1.77- ~(enai Peninsula 1.2~ tW'J" Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 2.5%4.1%2.4i.4.0i.1.~)i..j Ii., ..:;.oJ/. Southeast Alaska .07.0.2%.07-0.2%.07.o '1'/•.wi_ Elsewhere in Alaska ,.,-/ •..1 I i I• OIJtside Alaska •0%0.2%.Oi.0.2%.07.1'1 ")DlV.wi. B-130 Table B.1l8. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area } I ) ..~ /: 1984 LOW HIGH I39704530 3980 4540 2670 3160 'J50150 740 1040 620 900 0 0 I40130 130 280 30 110 i050 30 110 0 0 l050 220 390 250 440 122002660 90 220 120 2~JO !..._26L__._~~---------_..- 0 30 880 1200 ,'I030 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 4640 5220 4470 5050 4640 5220 4470 5050 3060 3580 2960 3480 50 150 50 150 870 1190 830 1140 700 990 GaO %0 0 0 0 0 70 130 60 170 160 310 160 310 40 130 40 130 0 50 0 50 30 110 30 110 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Alaska In Alaska Susitna Study Are~ Area One Are::lTwo Area Three Area fOIJr Area Five Are.3 Sb: Area Seven Are.3 Bight Are.3 Nine Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 50 0 50 Area Thirteen 250 440 250 440 Are.3 fOIJrteen 280 470 260 460 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 30 110 30 110 Anchor.3ge/Ch IJg.3Ch Mtn.Are~100 230 '30 220 f{enai Peninsula 170 330 130 280 Copper R.IWr.3l"1ge l1/Valdez 350 570 340 550 ····-····-·-·----.-·.-.~-Southeast-At3ska----..-··-·---·--'---0"-'-"····--30..·_..·"""'''0'-----30 ------E-lsewhere-in--A-hska 1020--13f10'-----98o-r32-0·----~----:;-~----- Outside Alaska 0 30 0 30 1.1 B-131 1 I Table B.1l9. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS I I GEOGRAPHIC LOCAIION EVER 1980 -1985 1984" LOW HIGH LOW HIGH l.OW HmH In or Q~t of A13ska 36.07- .47- In Alaska .3;~ S~sitna St~dy Area 27.3i.t)4)lJ'IJ 26.7'1.'j,)'7'1;u".II. Area One Area Two 6.87-10.67-6.8i.10.4i.I:""1 1 '9.3%oj •.II. Are3 Three 3.37- 3.0i.5.8i. Area tour 0.07-0.0i.0.0i.0.07-0.0i.0.07. Area five 1.2:i.3.07-l.li.2.9i. Area Si:< Area Severt 0.3i.l.n 0.3i.1.5i~O.2;~1 ".,.~/. Area Ei'jht 0.0i.0.5i.0.0i.0.57-O.O~O.5i. Area Nine .0%0.8%.07.0.87-.O;~O.8i: Are.'!Ien 0.07-0.0r.0.0r.0.07.O.Or.0.07. Area Eleven Area Iwelve 0.0%0.3i. Area Thirteen 2.97-5.57-2a 9i~co CII 2.87-5.47-",.",10 Area POIJrteen' 10 Miles North of Denalj Hwy 0.37-1.5;~0.3i.1.5%,."iii'1.5kl}.ili. Anchor ''l'je/Chu'jach Mtn.Are3 0.67-2.2%0.6%').,..,0.67-"'1'1......1..;i..£j/l Ken''li Penins~la 0.27-1.47-0.2i.1.4%0.2i.1.47. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez'1 '11'0.47-1.8i..:i."I. So~theast Alaska 0.07-0.37-0.0%0.37-0.01.O.3k Elsewhere in Alaska 6.5i.10.17-6.57.10.n 5.97.C\<:'1",•.JJ, O~tside Alaska 0.0r.0.37- B-132 1 1 ) \ I } ( ) .1 Table B.120. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Using Summer Off-Road Vehicles by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1'384LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAl.3Sk:;J 960 1130 920 1090 830 1000InAlaska95011209101080830990SusitnaStudyArea730890710870640790Are.3 One 50 110 50 100 30 90Are.:!TWQ 180 280 180 2$0 160 250Are.3 Three 90 160 90 160 80 150Are.3 Four 0 0 0 0 0 0Areafive308030803070Are.3 Six 30 90 30 90 20 70AreaSeven10401040030AreaEight010010010AreaNine020020 0 0AreaEleven000000AreaTwelve010010010AreaThirteen801508015070140AreaFOIJrteenGO130GO1205012010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy104010401040Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are.:!20 GO 20 60 20 60KenaiPeninsula104010401040.~__CQIH!g,Ll._LWr.::!ngel1LVa1dez __..·-~--~-20--~-GO---..·..--.-----20--60--...~..~--~.-...._..-~..10~-----·--..·-·"50'--~--~.--_._.....•--_.._~..._---_._.----"--'-~--"----"--- 170 270 170 270 160 250010010010 ,\ \1 Table B.121. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~31.7% .6;~In A1ask.3'25.61.Susi tn~StlJdy Are.3 11.n 12.9XAre.::!One 0.6i. Two'1'1 4.2Z·J."I.Are.::!Three 2.2%3.0%2.1%2.9i:1.bi.2.41.Are::.tour Are.::!Five 0.97-'\: Area Six;~ Area Seven"0.37. Area Eight Are:a Nine 0.1i. Are:a Ten .01.0.2% 0.01. Are.::!Eleven 0.07- Are·3 Twe 1ve .07.0.2i.0.0% Are.3 Thirteen 1.1%l.n: 1.5i:Area tour teen 2.4%3.47.'1 '1'1"c:u.:.....".,;,..oJ/• 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.4%0.8%0.4%0.37-0.3%0.7% Anchorage/Chu9ach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsul.3 2.3%3.1%2.1~2.9%1.67-2.4k Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Al.::!ska 9.3i.10.9i.8.6i.10.2i.6.n 3.17- Outside Alaska 0.6i. 0.3% B-134 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.122. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS E'JER 1980 -1985 1'384 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Al.3sk:~38910 42110 34780 37890 28490 31410 In Al.3ska 37940 41110 34180 37260 28490 31410 SU':ii tn.:!Study Are.3 18160 20630 16360 18740 13630 15830 Are.:!One 780 1430 680 1280 680 1280 Are.3 Iwo 5170 6620 4700 6100 3900 5180 Area Three 2650 3730 2540 3600 1980 '·'2930 Are.3 FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area five HOO 1840 680 1280 580 1140 Area Si>:780 1430 680 1280 580 1140 Area Seven 90 400 90 400 90 400 Are;~Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine 180 550 90 400 90 400 Area ien .~..--.----.---.--20--230---··0·...·-O·----·O----~O-~--..-- Are.:!Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 iwelve 20 230 0 0 0 0 Area Thirteen 1320 2120 1320 2120 HOO 1840 Are.3 FOIJrteen 2990 4130 2760 3860 2090 3060 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 470 1000 470 1000 370 850 Anchor.3ge/Chug.3ch Mtn.Area 7380 9070 6210 7780 5400 6880 Kenai Peninsul.3 2760 3860 2540 3600 1980 2930 Copper R.lWr.3ngell1V.:!ldez 580 1140 .47L_~10~00~~37'__",O__.8.5.0 ... ---..-·--..----·-..-·---SoIJtl1easrAlask.a--·--------~--280---'--710 -180 550 180 550 -------EtsellheFe~irIAl.3sk"a II37o-r34Z0 10550 12530 8190 9970 QIJtside Alaska 680 1280 370 850 90 400 ) ) l ./ ) I ( i) J \ I ) I l ( j 1 I '1 I I \IJ Table B.123. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska In Alaska 28.97,".-\r:-.J..:.."t.,J,.. Susitna Study Area 8.n 11.37- Area One '1'/.~/. Are:;;Two'3.37-4.97-./"'1 q-t 4.5i~ ,,I, Area Three Are:~Four 0.07-0.07- Area Five 0.67- Are::!Six 0.37.l.li::0.37- Are.:!Seven .07.0.2:.07.o ')'/.O~0.2%aiA/. Area Eight Area Nine •Or.0.47-.07.0.47-.07.0.47. Are::!Ten .Oi.0.27-0.0r. Area Eleven Are.":!Twelve .Oi.0.2i. Area Thirteen;' Are."3 Fourteen 2.1%3.5:!1.87.':)')./1.3i~2.5%...,....1. 10 Miles North of Den."31i Hwy 0.3% ?~I 0.8Y..~n Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 6.4i.8.6i.5.4% Kenai PeninslJl.3 3.5~' Copper R./Wrange11/Va1dez .Oi.0.41..07.0.4%.01.V.2X Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in AlasK."3 8.97- ')'/8.4%.wn Outside Alaska 0.5%1.37.OIl3~{0.9%0.17-0.5% B-136 ) 1 l ( j I I J I Table B.l24. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~31780 35980 27820 31870 22330 26110InAlask.3 30740 34900 27300 31330 tl'Fl'1{\26000Y"-a,u,";'n,S~sitn~Study Area 13210 16320 11590 14540 9270 11970AreaOne450125045012504501250Are.'3 Two 3460 5250 3080 4780 2420 3950AreaIhree158028S01490275010502140Are.3 FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaFive6101510370H2O210850AreaSi>:370 1120 370 1120 290 980Are~Seven 0 250 0 250 0 250Are.'3 Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine10410Iii410II)410" ------~--_._~._-- .__..____Ar_e,Llen __--_._-_._-_..•._-----_.._..•_....•_.-.--0 ····-250--··_·-0---·---0--·.·----0-----0·- Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Twelve 0 I 250 0 0 0 C'870 I 1390 780 1510AreaThirteen1760610Are.'3 FOIJrteen 2230 3720 1950 3360 1400 263010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy3701120290980210850Anchor~gelChugach Mtn.Are~6780 9150 5700 7900 4910 6'380f(enai Peninsula 2420 3950 2230 3720 1680 3000CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 10 70 560 70 560Elsewhen-trllil~sKa 8670 11300 6580 8920OutsideAl.3ska 290 980 70 560 Table B.12S. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1 C)85 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alask·3 35.4i.39.67- In Alask.3 Susi toa Study Are.3'l!\'1"1 23.87-..Va"'. Area One 0.57- O.3;~o.':Ji~ Are.3 Two Are.3 Three 4.87.6.S;!4.n 6.7;!4.2X ,..-.../o.~... Area tour Area Five Area Sb:1.47-2.6i.1.37-2.5%1.Ii.2.37- Area Seven o ")./0.8:7.0.27- Are.3 Ei'jht .07.0.47..OX 0.47-.O~0.47. Area Nine <:./.'-'1. Area Ien! Area Eleven O.O?: Are.3 Twelve .07-0.27-.07.0.27-.07-r-'l"v•.::./. Area Thirteen')r:.,1.07-2.2;!.w.~{. Area tOIJrteen 2.67-4.27-'1 ~"I 4.07.....~/. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy ryl'Ill.~ Anchora'je/Chu'jach Mtn.Are.3"..1.87-0.6i.1.67..ot. f{enai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez ~.n Southeast Alaska .07-0.27..07-0.2i..Oi.o r",.!aui_ Elsewhere in Alaska 8.0!10.6i. OIJtside Alaska .01.0.47.•Or.0.2%.OX O.2X B-138 lSlB4 LOW HIGH 4180 4750 4220 4800 2800 3310 40 130 850 1170 590 860 0 0 110 250 160 310 30 110 10 70 0 0 0 0 0 30 150 300 340 550 20 90 J I I J I .J ) '~ 340 550 o 30 I 940 1280 \ o 30 ) .J I I I I ) ...2L 22L ,...j 50 150 TableB.126. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION HVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~4910 5500 4720 5300InAl.3Sk.3 4910 5500 4720 5300Susitn~Study Area 3220 3750 3140 3660AreaOne7018050150Are.3 Two 980 1320 960 1290AreaThree660950650930Are.3 tOIJr 0 0 0 0AreaFive130280120270Are:~Si>:190 360 180 350AreaSeven3011030110Are.3 Eight 10 70 10 70Are.3 Ien 0 0 0 0AreaEleven0000Are·3 Twe lve 0 30 0 30AreaThirteen190360180350Are.3 Fourteen 370 600 360 58010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy3011030110Anchorage/Chug~ch Mtn.Area 120 270 110 250.---Kenai PeninsIJ1.3----.----·--·-80 ........200""""--.._------··..T70·--_.,"-,---_._._.~~-60Copper....R.I.Wr..30gellI-V.31dez 370--6'00 370--6'0'0SOIJtneastAlaska030030ElsewhereinAlaska1110147010701420OutsideAlaska0SO030 (\ 11 Table B.127. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area )RURAL HOUSEHOLDS )]GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~51.5k 58.1%50.n 57.3%45.(,i.52.2;~ In Alask~51.27-57.8i.50.3%5(,.97-45.7i~52.37- SlJsitn.:!St'Jdy Are~41.8%48.4%39.41.4('.0i.36.3i:42.7% Area One 2.1k 4.5k 2.n 4.5%2.1;~4.5;~ Area Two 11.6i.16.2i.11.6i.16.2!.10.i:~;,~'-~l % Are.:!three 5.0r.8.2i.4.77-7.9Z tH':~~.'3 tour 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.o.Iji.0.0i.0.0i. Area Five;5.6i~ Area Sil-;")1"li1lf ~""I 2.:37-~•.J/.,J.!I. Are.:!Seven 0.5io 1.9;~0.57-1.97-0.3i.1.57- Ar e·:!Ei gilt 0.01.:0.5i.0.0i.0.51.:0.0i.O.5;~ Area Nine 0.67-2.01.:.0%0.3i..07.0.87- Area Ien 0.07.O.O!0.0i.0.0i.0.07.O.O~ Area Eleven 0.01.:0.0% Area Iwelve 0.0i': Area thirteen 4.3i. .li~ Area Fourteen 4.1i.7.1i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.31.l.n:0.3i.1.7~0.37.l.57. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 0.87-2.6i.0.87-2.47-0.8i.2.4i. Kerlai Peninsul.:!.Oi.1.0i..0%1.0i..07.1.0:~ Copper R./14rangel1/Valdez,7.3.87- Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Al~sk~9.1% Outside Alask~ lJ B-140 { I I I .J } I 1 I ) \ ! I ) ) I I I Table B.128. Susitna Hydroelectric P~oject,Number of Rural Households Using Winter Off-Road Vehicles by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GtDGF:APH Ie LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAl.3sk<l 1370 1540 1350 1520 1210 1390InA1.:!ska 1360 1540 1340 1510 1~~0 1390SusitnaStudyAre.:s 1110 1290 1050 1220 St70 IHOAreaOne601206012060lJOAre.:!Two 310 430 310 4.30 270 380Are·:!Three 130 220 120 210 120 :00Areafour()0 0 ()0 0Are.:!Five no 190 80 150 80 15f~lAre.)Si~<20 60 20 60 20 60Are.:!Seven 10 50 10 50 10 ~OAre:'3 Ei9ht 0 10 0 10 0 10Are.:!Nine 10 50 0 0 0 0AreaEleven00000II\JAre;3 Twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaThirteen120200no200110190Are.'3 Fourteen 110 190 110 190 90 17010MilesNorthofDen.3li Hwy 10 40 10 40 IG'40Anchorage/Chu9ach I1tn.Are.:s 20 70 20 60 20 60KenaiPeninsula0300301130\J...._~0.!l.pel'~lWr~.fl.g~JJLV.'31dez .._...----50-·-·-.110.····---····---50··········-11·0--··-···---40-·_·-1"00 --SOIJtheast Alaska 0 1.0 0 to 0 10ElseWhereinAl.3ska 240 350 240 350 210 310OutsideAlaska010()10 I).;) Table B.l29. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Skiing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 62.3%64.9%'""')o"!55.6:4i\.Jwel",U. In Alask.:!61.0r.63.6%58.0r. 55.1i.I J Susitna Study Area'37. Are.:!One 0.87- Area Two 7.7'1.9.3' Area Three '1 ""'I '1 i:Z1f4A•.Ji.WlloJ/. Are:~tour .01.0.27-.0%o ')".O;~OI2;~ewi. Area five 0.4i.0.8%'i r./'.1.01. Area Sil-: ..,., •.J/lI Are.:!Seven O.l;{;!O.3:~ Are.:!Eight 0.0%;·~ Area Nine Area Ten .07.0.27-•or.O.2i..0:4 0.27. Area Eleven;!O.O;! Area Twelve .0%0.27-.Ok 0.27..07.0.27. Area Thirteen;:1.4i.Are.:!FOIJrteen 1.27-1.8i.1.2%1.8i-LOt.1.6i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 32.0i. f(enai PeninslJla!'1 'J'i'3.3:!2.0!2..87."0""'. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Al.3sk.:!;9i.0.37.o.7i~ Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska!0.6%1.0i.O.2~O.Gi~ u B-l42 Table B.130. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Skiing by Area GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~ska In Alaska Susitn~Study Are~ Are~One Are:~Two Are:~Three Area Four Area Five Are.,Si>: Area Seven Are:~Eight Are~Nine Are.:!len Are~Twelve Area Thirteen Are:~Fourteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchorage/Chugach Htn.Area Kenai Peninsul.:! Copper R./Wr~ngell/Valdez Southeast Alaska·_--·-------Ersewherelr;-1i13sk.3 ----------- ALL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWOTTflULOWHIGHn.,.;.. 76440 79710 72360 75680 64840 68220748307812071250745806422067610211502378020310229001708019500100017001000170078014309490113809130110007490'320031004260299041302430347020230.···20 230 20 230471\1000 470 1000 280 710'~ 1100 1840 1000 1700 890 157018055018055090400000000180550180550'30 4002023020230202:30 20 230 20 230 20 23011001840110018401000170014302250143022501210198012101980110018401000170039280424803782040990344203751032204390288040002430347047010004701000370850__780 _..___l1J.L .________580_____1140.______---370------850·----- 14700 J I I I I ( j I .\ ) I I I \ I 1 I I \1I ) Table B.13L Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Skiing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC WCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~63.lI.67.1i.59.5i.6"rl"53.1i.i:'"'i-I-.J.II,·J/.·J ... In Al~ska 61.7% 11 7Z 52.6;~56:a8i: Susitn~Study Area H.n 17.9%14.17.17.l7.1l.4i:lA 'J'I10lUI. Area One 0.7%1.57.il ""/1.57.O.5k 1 ".!'\I'/i..,.J,.. Are.3 Two G.S;!8.77.6.li:8.3i. Area Three 1.8i.3.0?1.77-2..3i:1.3:~"1 1:"/~,..~j. Are.3 FOlJr .Oi.0.2i..O?0.27-.07.O.2~ Area five 0.3i.0.9? Are::!Sb: Are:~Seven .Oi~0.47..07.o.4i:.Of.0.4:' Are~Ei9ht 0.0i. Area Nine 0.17.O.5Z 'J •Ii.0.57-"'I O.4~~•tj!. Are<l Ten 0'1 0.2i..Oi.0.27-.07.o '1'/•fa ''''/11 Area Eleven;~ \J Are.3 Twelve .Ok 0.27-.Oio 0.27-.07-O.2k Are~Thirteen 0.7i.;~ Area rOIJrteen 0.8i.: 10 Miles North of Den~li Hwy 1.Oi:'Q"0.7%1.7=~.L ".U. Anchorage/Chug~ch Mtn.Are~34.7i.38.7i.33.4k 37.4%I'Jt,Ij:~"':tA -')rt'l oJ ....•awl.·.J ...\Ji. f{en~i PeninslJl~2.6i. 3.4i. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 0.0i.O.Oi. Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska 11.9i.14.n 11.2? OlJtside Alaska 0.8%1.87-0.5i.1.37.O.U 0.77. I Il) \J J B-144 Table B.132. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Skiing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofA1~sk~67000 71290 63240 67620InAl.3ska 65490 69820 62170 66570Susitn~Study Are~15650 18980 14940 18200AreaOne70016407001640Are.:!Two 6880 9270 6480 8810Are.3 Three 1860 3240 1770 3120Are.:!Four 0 250 0 250Are~Five 290 980 210 850Are.:!Si>:700 1640 610 1510Are.:!Seven 10 410 10 410Are.:!Eight 0 0 0 0AreaNine7056070560Are~Ten 0 250 0 250 Are.:!Twelve 0 250 0 250Are.'3 Thirteen 700 1640 700 1640Are.:!fOIJrteen 870 1890 780 176010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy105021408701890Anchor~ge/Chu9~ch Mtn.Are~36810 41150 35450 39750f(enai PeninslJh 2800 4430 2510 4070CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 0 0 0 0SoutheastAlas~.a 610 1510 ......_4.531........1250..._...~_._._~.__._"._--_."""--"""'----'..-,.__.__..._-"---Elsewhere"ll'f-Al:'3sk:a-'-'T2'60-(f 15660 11890 14880Outs-ide-Al.'3sl<:a 870-ra~rO 530 1380 B-145 1984 LOW HIGH 56390 60870 55860 60340 12090 15100 530 1380 5110 7210 1400 2630o.250 140 710 530 1380 10 410 o 0 10 410 o 250 o 250 610 1510 610 1510 780 1760 32200 :36410 2140 3600 o 0 .--..290-..--.....:980-..·.---~- 10480 1.3.329,_ 140 710 ) ) I I I Table B.133. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Skiing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~SK~49.6i.54.0i.47.7%52.1~43.6i.48.0i. In Alask~49.1i.53.5,47.57-5l.9:!43.5j~41'.9j~ Susitn~Study Are~'i~C"'i ':';'i •oJ/. Are.:!One 0.3%0.9:!0.3%().9i~0.37-o Ct'f'Ja Are.:!Two 12.47.l5.4i.12.27-11::-1"/11.17.14.Ii.oJ.wi. Are~Three 5.3i.7.5%5.3~'1 r:'f 4.Bi:6.8,:".,J", I ]Are.:!FOIJr 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i. [.Area Five 0.3%0.9i.0.37.O.9j~0.3%O.'37- Are.:!Si:<1.0i.2.2%1.0i.2.2%1.0i.2.0i. (1 Area Seven O.2~~0.3i.0.2%o.ai.0.1%O.7i. Are~Eight .Oi.0.4i..Ok 0.4i..Oi.0.47. Are~Nine .07-0.2%.0%0.2i..07.O.2! Are~Ten .Oi.O.2k .Oi.0.27-.Oi.o .-1'1.41n Are~Eleven .O~0.2i.0'/0.27-0'/O.2;!•10 •10 Area Twelve 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i. Are~Thirteen 0.6%1.6%0.6% Are.:!Fourteen 2.37-3.9i.2.3i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy! AnchQr~ge/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 10.87-l3.6i.9.9i.12.7i.9.0i.11.6% Kenai Peninsula';! Copper R./Wr~ngell/V~ldez 3.n:r:r:OJ 3.6i.5.4i.3.41.C"'1'ioJ.oJ/..Jaw,. Southeast Alask~.07.0.27..07.0.2%.07-o '1'".",1. Elsewhere in Al~sKa 8.a7-11.4i.B.5;~ Outside Alask~ lJ Ll B-146 Table B.134. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Skiing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPH IC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al.3sli.:a 6880 7490 6620 7230 6050 6660 In Alasli.:a 6810 7420 6590 7200 6040 6650 SIJsi tn.'3 Study Are.'3 3650 4200 3600 4150 3290 3820 Are.'3 One 40 130 40 130 40 130 Are.'3 Two 1720 2140 1690 2110 1550 1950 Are:a Three 740 1040 740 1040 660 950 Are.'3 FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Five 40 130 40 130 40 130 Are:a Six 150 300 150 300 130 280 Are:a Seven 30 110 30 110 20 90 Are.:!Eight 0 ~O 0 50 0 50 Are:a Nine 0 30 0 30 0 30 Are.'3 Ten 0 30 0 30 0 30 Area Eleven 0 30 0 30 0 30 _._---~-~-.._~-~.~-----_·_------_·_-----~---·--Are;3-Twelve~-----------.~---,······------·+0---------0---·--------"-------0----··------0--------0----0- Area Thirteen 90 220 30 200 70 180 Are.'3 FOIJrteen 320 540 310 520 280 470 10 Miles North of [Ienali Hwy 30 110 30 110 30 110 Anchor·'3ge/Ch'J9:ach Mtn.Are.:!1490 1890 1380 1760 1240 Vjl0 Kenai Peninsula 60 170 60 170 60 l?O Copper R.lWr.'3ngell/V.:!ldez 510 770 500 750 470 720 SQuthe:ast Alaska 0 30 0 30 0 30 _____,.£1 sewhet~i(LAllS!~:2 ...1.220 1590~."-----.----1-180 ..-~1540.-------1070~-14.20--.-...+...__•_ Outside Al.'3sli..'3 B-147 1 1 ) 1 I I ,.I I -I 1 I J I .I I I I I I Table B.l35. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percen~age of Rural Households Skiing·by Area I ! i RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 63.2%69.4% In Alaska 63.0%69.2%59.2i:65.67-53.'3k 60.57. Susitna St'Jdy Area 43.07-49.67-40.7'1.47.37-38.?~~45.3:: Are·:!One 1.6i. r ,CUfoJ.1.01;, Are.;!Two Ii Area Three 5.9%"'j'"8 ?~!,J.,.Ji, II ". Area four Area five"J '[!If 0.87-2.4i~.a.lIJll Area Six lobi.3.67- Area Seven 0.31.1.n 0.3%1.n o 'j"!1 7 1 /•W"J.II'I• Area Eight 0.0i. Area Nine .07-0.87-.Oi.0.87-O.O~0.77- I I Are.;!Ten 0.07-0.07-O.Oi~0.0r.0.07.o.Oi~IJ Area Eleven .01.0.81..0%0.87-0.01.o r,.t II':I~ Area Twelve Area Thirteen 4.07-7.07-3.6i. Are.:!fourteen 3.3%/i.n 3.3i.6.1i.3.2i.G.07. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy o ")./1.47-0.2%1.47-O.2~1.4;~..... Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 6.9%;:5.27-8.67. f(enai Peninsul.:!.07.1.0i..Oi.1.0i..01.o ijlll .Uill Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez;: SQutheast Alaska 0.0%0.5;: ell.'Io!1. I I Elsewhere in Alaska 10.87-15.2:>':10.3i.14.7'J. I OIJtside Alaska 0.0%o.n 'j'/lJ Iw/, U IJ B-148 Table B.136. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Skiing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~1680 1850 1580 1750InAlaska1680184015701740SusitnaStudyAre~.1140 1320 1080 1260AreaOne4010040100Are·3 Two 430 560 420 550AreaThree160250150240Are~FQljr'10 0 10AreaFive30802070Are.3 Si:{40 100 20 70AreaSeven10401040 Are:~Eight 0 10 0 10AreaNine020020 Are~Ten 0 0 0 0 20AreaTwelve020020AreaThirteen1101909011'0Are:;l FOIJrteen 90 160 90 160 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 10 40 10 40Anchor~ge/Chugach Mtn.Are:~180 280 170 270f(enai Peninsula 0 30 0 30CopperR./Wr:,mgell/V.31dez 60 130 30 80 -'--"'--~"-'-"----'---'-'--'--"""--------SoIJtheast-Al.3sk.a-~----·-·--------·--0··-----10---··-·--·--~0--·-----1O-- Outside Al.3ska 0 20 0 10 B-149 1'384 LOW HIGH 1430 1610 1430 1610 1030 1200 40 90 400 530 140 230 o 10 20 60 20 60 10 40 o 10 o 20 o 20 o 20 90 170 90 160 10 40 140 230 o 20 20 70 '-'-·'-'--0-.··----TO··--.--_..-.....---. o 10 I '-j I I I J j I ) ! I I J nII I I] IIu IJ IJ U Table B.137. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Boating by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~65.7i.68.37-'..-,';._";j •.li,. In A1~ska 63.47-66.0i:61.5t;64.17-52,'37-C'C"7#f.J,J Q i fg Susitna Study Are~32.1i.;'r,r 1:.'11,1 ',":-1;.0:1.:..O.·J;a W!,J ••li. Area One 1.2% ;\"1;~sui. Area Two Ar e:~Three 2.7~3.n i.6%3.6;~~.2k 3.0i~ Are.:!tour;~0.01. Area five '1 "'f 3.5t;2.31.1'"',li&.f 2.0;!2.8%"".,JJa ~.,ji. Are.:!5il-: Area Seven O.6~~1.2% n S7. Are.:!Eight Area Nine;: Area Ten .01.0.2, Area Eleven' Are.:!Twa 1ve .01.0.21..07-o fi'/.07.(I ')'1awl.Vlw/. Area Thirteen 5.87.7 ':I'{r lOa]7.O;~4.':1%G.li.....n ,J.bio Area Fourteen 7.57- t:"111lII.Ji~ 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.37.o.n 0.37- Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area;~':I QU -.J al••JI. Kenai Peninsula;~20.4~! Copper'R./Wrangell/V~ldez'1 "'f.w.J /I Southeast Alaska 1.8%2a6X 1.7%2.57-1.3X 1 C)'I•..r/. Elsewhere in Alaska 14.6%16.6%'')'1'1....,.~/. Outside Alaska 2.1%2.97-1.77-2.57.o.n 1.37. .B-1SO Table B.138. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Boating by Area ALL HOUSEHOLI!S GEOGRAPH Ie LOCAL ION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt ot Al.-aska 80650 83840 77800 81040 65820 69200 In Alask.3 77800 81040 75450 78730 64960 68350 SIJsi tn."Study Are.-a 39400 42600 38430 41610 32480 35520 Area One 1430 2250 1430 2250 1210 1'380 Are.-a Iwo 8080 9840 7960 9720 6910 8560 Area !hree3330 4530 3220 4390 2650 3730 Are.~tour 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Five 3100 4260 2880 4000 2430 3470 Are.-a Si:-~1210 1980 1210 1980 1000 1700 Area Seven 780 1430 780 1430 470 1000 Are:~Eight 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine 680 1280 680 1280 470 1000 -----~._-_.~_._--~..~--_._.._--_.__...._.-·······-·-··-·Area Ien·---···-10·-·····230·---···-····--0··-····0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 I) Are.3·Iwe 1ve 20 230 20 230 20 230 Area Thirteen 7140 8820 6910 8560 5980 7530 Are.3 tour teen 9250 11130 9020 10870 7490 9200 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 370 850 370 850 280 no Anchor:~ge/Chljgach Mtn.Area 4470 5840 4240 5580 3440 4660 f{enai Peninsula 26320 29160 25600 28410 22350 25030 .........................-.--Cop per-.R •IWr.3nge ll/V.31dez-·······-··2650-······3730····-----2650--31'-30··-··--···--2310··--·3330····-······-··-· ____--"Solj.the"3s.LAl;~sk.a ·~200--3200 20l;)0--3060 1"§40--2~90------- Elsewhere in A1.3ska 17920 20380 17200 19630 139BO 16210 Outside Alaska 2540 3600 2090 3060 890 15/'0 I 1 r ( I I :1 I j I I j ) I j ·1 1 I ) I I I I [I I I l I ] Table B.l39. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Boating by Area I I URBAN HOUSEHOLDSI ) GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 II LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~."C''J'a!69.3i.62.8i.&"".-w;. In Alask::! I]Susitn::!Study Are::l 30.0i. l"\'j ,")I.t 24.37-28.11..joj •.:./. Are::!One 1.0i.2.07-1.07-2.07-0.87-1.a~I I Are.~Two 5.6;~7.87-'i.Si-G.8;~ Area Three 1.'n 3.37.1 Q'/3.3i.1.57-2.7~ I ••no Are::l tOJJr'0~0i. Area Five 2.27-3.6i. ')'1 2.9:1.• f n Area Si>:;~O.6i~1.4/; [1 Are::!Seven 0.57- ''j~l 0.:3%0.9r.••...ii. Area Eight 0.07- Area Nine 0.3i.1.17-0.37.1.Ii:O.3X 0.97. IJ Area Ten .Oi.0.27-0.07-O.O;~0.07.o.O;~ Are·3 Eleven';0.07- Are.:!Twelve .Or.0.27-.07.0.2i..07.0.27- Area Thirteen Are~FOIJrteen 7.1%9115i.7.0i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.2i.0.8i.0.2%1\'J't 0.27-0.8i.v,Un Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area")C:IIJ'5.3~.~.Q'!4.51.\J .oJ/.114'.11, Ken.3i Peninsula 22:7% 19.2i:22.671. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 1.27-2.2i.1.2l ")')"I.Ok 2.07-.:..,;,,/. Southeast A1::!ska 1.8~3.0%1.n 2.9:'1 '1,(l"'\•.,., .L.w;,.,;.i.~i• I_J Elsewhere in Alaska 14.3;::17.5r.13.87-16.8i. Outside Alaska 2.2%3.6;::1.7i.2.9% U U U B-152 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Table B.140. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Boating by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS EVER.1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Al.3sk:a 69370 73590 66680 70980 55970 60450 In Al.3ska 66460 70770 64420 68770 55010 59490 SIJSitn.3 Study Are.3 31890 36090 31050 35230 25850 29810 Area One 1050 2140 1050 2140 3i'0 1890 Are.3 TWEi 5990 8240 5990 8240 5110 7210 Are.:!Ihree 2050 3480 2050 3480 1580 2880 Are.3 tOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Five 2320 3840 2140 3600 1770 3120 Are.3 Si>:780 1760 780 1760 610 1510 Area Seven 530 1380 530 1380 290 980 Are.3 Ei9ht 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine 370 1120_.~"~1Z~L __~J120 ...._290 ..980 __._..."~'..---~ArerTen----'··..·---...----O-..--.250--.~-0 0 0 0 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 0 250 0 250 0 250 Area Thirteen 5700 7900 5500 7670 4620 6640 Area Fourteen 7570 10060 7470 9940 6090 8360 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 210 850 210 850 210 850 Anchor.3'je/Chu9·3ch Mtn.Are.3 3940 5830 3750 5600 3080 4780 .'enai Peninsula 24090 27960 23360 27200 20370 24030 ..__~_..C.oppeLR.L\rlr.angelllValde:::...·..--··1220---..--2B90·------·-~1220 ----2390----......-r050-..·--2[40 --- Southeast Alaska 1860--3240 ~7~O--31~O 1220--239Q'~----- Elsewhere in A1ask:a 15240 18530 14630 17870 11690 14650 OIJtside Al.3ska 2320 3840 1770 3120 780 1760 B-153 (I ) i J I I ) ,I j I I ) ] I I ') ) j I I I Table B.141. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Boating by Area I 1 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS I I GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGHI'In or out of Alaska 62.47- I I In A1.:!ska 62.0i.66.2i;60.9;!!58.7:~ Susitna Study Are.;!38.47-42.87-37.87-42.0i:34.0i.38.27- Area One 0.97-1.9i.0.9i. Area Two 8.6i:11.2i.8.4i~11.0i. Area Three 6.07-8.2i.5.9%8.1?C"'1'(r'J COlt.J.~i.I .J/• Area tOIJf Are.:!Five 3.07-4.6%2.8% Are:~Si:·:1.2~2.4i.;! Area Seven 0.3%1.17-0.37-1.U o 'j'l {\<:1"/.\JI.1.I'.ir. Area Eight .07.0.47..07.0.4i..Oi.0.47- Area Nine 0.37-1.17- Are.:!Ten .07.0.27-.07.0.27-.07.0.27. Area Eleven Area Twelve .Oi:0.2i:.0;(0.27-0'1 0.27..'"Area Thirteen 6.3i:a.5i::GD2~'"J 1',,/ I./Ia Are.:!Fourteen 6.2%8.4% 10 Miles North of Denali.Hwy O.4i: Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area Kenai Peninsula 7.9%10.57. Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 7.8i:: Southeast Alaska 0.47.1 '1'1 0.3;/;1.1:'O.l;~O.5;~....". Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska 0.17.·o.n I j IJ B-154 Table B.142. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Boating by Area I ,I.,. SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS 1820 50 1430 o 2070 7010 Iii5ii2100 90 1680 20DIJtsideAlaska GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ..~In or OIJt of Al.3sk.3 8660 9240 8490 9080 7540 8140 \Irl Alaska 8600 9190 8450 9040 7540 8140SIJsitn.3 Study Are:;l 5340 5930 5240 5840 4720 5300 >IAreaOne12027012027090220AreaTwo119015601170153011001450Are.3 Three 830 1140 820 1130 746 1!J40Are.3 Four 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,Area Five 410 640 390 610 320 540Are.3 Si:{170 330 170 330 130 280AreaSeven501505015040130 ]Area Eight 0 50 0 50 0 50AreaNine501504013040130~-~-~-~-------~-Area-~'1'en--~---~---------0-----~~-30-.---~-·-0---~--30---0-·30 ----_.__._------~._..~_...._._-_..._----~ Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Twe 1ve 0 30 0 30 0 30AreaThirteen870119085011707601070AreaFourteen85011708401160740104010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy1070050050Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 70 180 70 180 50 150KenaiPeninsula130016701260163011001450 \. ._._--_..•_-,-~--".~--~_~_~_~p.p.er Po ,jWr ·3D.gellLV"31dez __-.~__~1090_~__lAAL ___~______~1 0$0-1440--~---------~970-~---lc3-l0-------fSoutheastAlaska .! J Table B.143. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Boating by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 67.2%'7':)?'f &4.7i.70.9i.54.CI;~60.67.I...:•..". In Al.:isk.j 66.97-72.9?64.57-70.7~! Susitna Study Area 50.7i.57.3k 48.57-55.IX 41.67.4....'1'1a.uh Area One 2.1i.4.57-2.1k"',r\'!..J.~iia Area Two 12.5i:17.1i.12.1k 16.77-11.l7.15.5Z Ar·e.:i Three 4.3i:7.5%!7.0% Are.:i Pour 0.07-O.Ok 0.0i.0.07-O.QX 0.07. Area five 4.37-'1 r;'t1f 4.2%'7 1')'/:3.4i~b.2;·~I .,.JI.I.u-I. Are::!Sil-:0.6i.2.0i.O.6~2.07-0.57.1.'3% Area Seven 0.7%2.3;:;0.7%'1 ')'1 0.3:4 111 7~~~'\JI. Are.3 Eight Area Nine'}f"JIl(Olll~~1 ',",i,j .11a •J,J. Are::l Ten 0.0r.0.07- Area Eleven 0.0%0.0i.0.0%;~ Are.3 Twelve 0.0% Are.3 Thirteen 5.37-a.~7%5.3";8 ..,.,4.tl k 7.'3;~.1 J. Area fOIJrteen 9.5%13.14 8.8i.13.07-7 ,).,ll.H.-.J/. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.2i.1.2%';,,!1.27..Wl' Anchorage/Chug::lch Mtn.Are.3 0.9%2.74 0.97-2.7i. f{enai Peninsula 6.8%'t7.,9.1;!J.J i. Copper R./Wrangell/V::lldez 2.4%4.8%2.07-4.4% Southeast Alaska 0.8%2.6k 0.8:4 2.47-o 7"1"):r,1" I.,Ja."'a\oJi, Elsewhere in Alaska 10.17-14.5%9.87-14.07-'i C'1f 11.37.,.oJ/. Outside Alaska'0.07-0.57-0.07-0.3% B-1S6 j ! II \ 1 I ,L ! J , I 'j ,.1 I, ,I I ._....~~_.~.._.~----( 1\ ,I ·1 :I .\ I i 1'. 10o 1984 LOW HIGH 1440 1610 1440 1610 IHO 1280 50 100 290 410 110 190 o 0 90 l?O 10 50 Hi 40 o 0 {)30 o 0 10o 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 1720 1890 1720 1880 1290 1470 60 120 320 440 110 200 o 0 110 190 10 50 20 60 o 0 20 70 o 0 RURAL HOUSEHOLDS o 0 0 0 140 230 120 210 240 340 190 300 o ~0 ~ 20 70 20 GO 180 280 150 240 50 120 40 100 ----20--·-60·-··--------20------60---- EVER LOW HIGH 1790 1950 1780 1940 1350 1520 60 120 330 460 120 200 o 0 120 200 10 50 20 GO o 0 40 100 o 0 Table B.144. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Boating by Area In or out of Al~sk~ In Alaska Susitn~Study Are~ Are~One Are~Two tire.:!Three Are.:!fOIJr Are~Five Are~Si>: Are~Seven Are.'3 Ei'jht Area Nine Are.'3 Ten GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Uut!ilde Alaska 0 20 Are~Twelve 0 0 Area Thirteen 140 230 Area fourteen 250 360 10 Miles North of [fen~li Hwy 0 30 Anchor<lge/Chu'j<lch Mtn.Area 20 70 Kenai Peninsula 180 280 Copper R.lWr.'3rI'3ell/V:~ldez 60 130 -.-.----.__AQ'Jtl}~.::!~LA.bsk,:!._...____20------.--70--.. Elsewhere f ",I ! Table B.145. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Camping by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS \ GEOGRAPHIC LOCAtION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 )LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or aut of Al~sk~59.2i.:62.0i.co,",'jll 60.Ii.48.5i.51.:37.·JI 1-...11. In Alask~57 •.5;'60.3i.:55.9i.58.77-47.9~50.7;~ SIJsi tn.:!Study Are.:!29.U 31.14 28.3i.30.9i. Are.:!One 3.1~!4.Ii.3.0i.4.0i.2.57-3.5i~ Are.:!two;~7.27-8.6% Area three 3.9%5.1:'3.6i.4.87-'1 0'1 3.87....u,. Are;~tOIJr .07-O.2;~.O~o .),/.Oh 0.21.,..,,. Area Pive 1.2;!1.87.1.I:!I.n 1.0%1.67- Area Sil-:1.2%1.8i.1.27.I.Bi: Area Seven 0.7%1.3%0.7%1.37-;! Area Eight O.Oi.: Area Nine o.n 1.3%0.6i.1.2j~ Are.:!Ten .07.0.2%.Oi.:O.2i.:.O~O.2i~ Area Eleven Area 'rwelve o ')'/O.6i.:0.2%0.67.o ..)'/0.6%I..,la '''hIAreathirteen3.37.4.3k 3.27-4.2%2.97-3119j~ Area FOIJrteen 2.3i.3.37.r)'"lGj t'\···I-t 2.1~2.9%WI,J,.·j.,J/. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy;! Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are.:! 10.3% f(en;:li Peninsul.:!13.8r. rIa,J.ll'. Copper R./Wrangel1/V~ldez 1.3%1.9i.I.2i.L87.0.9i.1.5i: Southeast Alaska 1.07-1.67-1.0i.1.6%0.6i.1.07. Elsewhere in A1ask~13.4i. 12.5i. Outside Alask.:!;'1.17-1.17.O.G~I.2i. [ I LJ B-158 Table B.146. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Camping by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In'or out of Alaska 72730 76050 70380 73730 59560 62950 In Alaska 70630 73970 68660 72020 58820 62J20 SIJsitn:~Study Are.:!35750 38880 34780 37890 29460 32410 Are:~One 3790 5050 3670 4920 3100 4260 Are.::i Two 10900 12910 10550 12530 8780 10610 Area Three 4820 6230 4470 5840 3440 4660 Are.3 POIJf 20 230 20 230 20 230 Area Five 1430 2250 1320 2120 1210 1980 Area Sil-:1430 2250 1430 2250 1000 1700 Are·3 Seven 890 1570 890 1570 680 1280 Area Eight 0 0 0 0 ...~...._q ...............Are-aMine'"....·......890-1570···..'80·..1430"680 1280 Are.:!Ten 20 230 20 230 20 230 Are.3 Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 280 710 280 710 280 710 Area Thirteen 4020 5310 3900 5180 3560 4790 Area tOIJrteen 2880 4000 2880 4000 2540 3600 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1320 2120 1210 1980 1100 1840 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 12910 15070 12440 14570 10670 12660 .........__Ken:~LP.eninsuL:!_-._-.--.-169GO--..·19370-----167-20---191f!O·..-·--·14580-16850·..·-··..·__··· ______---'C:.::oLJpp:.::e~r""R=.I"",W:.=..f..==angell/Val.Q.e.z 15AO--23.90-----1.430--2250 1.100--1340--- SOIJtheast A1.3ska 1210 1980 1210 1980 680 1280 Elsewhere in Alask.3 16480 18870 15650 17990 13150 15330 Outside Alaska 1650 2530 1320 2120 780 1430 ( ,.1 i i :! \ J 1 1 I f ) Ii Table B.147. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Camping by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 59.57-6')...~57.6%61.8%48.61.5"0'1w.II..:a.u", In Al.3ska 57.77-61.9%56.1%60.3%4/'.9%57·1k Susi tn.3 Study Are.3 27.8i.31.6%27.0i. Area One 2.8;'4.4%.,"'I 4.3%;~.;,,./t. Are.3 Two 8.27-10.67-7.97- "'1/0.1,. Area Three 3.3~5.U 3.1i.,'1'/ "Jo/,o Area POIJr .Oi.0.21..01.0.27-0.0i.0.0% Area Five 0.9%1.9;~0.8i.LSi.0.77-1.71. Are.3 Si>:0.9i.1.97- Area Seven 0.5i.1.37.O.5i~1.37.o ':J'J 1.17.I'I.JI, Are.3 Eight 0.07-O.Oi:0.07-0.0i.0.0i.0.07. Area Nine 0.6% Area Ten .0:1.0.27-O.O!.O.Oi.0.07-0.01. Area Eleven 0.07-0.07-0.07.O.O;~0.07-o.Oi~ Area Twelve 0.1i.o.n O.lI. Area Thirteen Are·3 POIJrteen 2.27- 3.6;~1.97-:3.3Z 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy ".,1.77.• /t. Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 11.37-'3.47-12.0i~ Kenai Peninsul.3 Copper R./Wrange11/Valdez 0.67-1.47-0.57-1.37-O.3k 1.U Southeast Alaska 0.97-1.97-0.9% Elsewhere in Alaska OIJtside Al.3ska 1.0%2.0~O.6;~1.47. B-160 URBAN HOUSEHOLDS Table B.148. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Camping by Area i ) II 0 0 780 1760 610 1510 370 H2O 0 0 1984 LOW HIGH 51600 56100 50860 553"60 23980 27850 :1420 3950 6880 S'270 2420 3950 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 63240 67620 61200 65620 In Alask:;l 61310 65720 59600 64040 SIJsi tna St'Jdy Area 29490 33600 28660 32740 Area One 2980 4660 2890 4540 Are.':!Two 8670 11300 8370 10960 Area Ihree 3560 5360 3270 5010 Are.':!Four 0 250 0 250 Area five %0 2020 870 1890 Area Six 960 2020 %0 2020 Are.3 Seven 530 1380 530 1380 Are.':!Eight 0 0 0 0 Area Nine 610 1510 610 1510 530 1390 Area Ten ...O.__._250__...0..~·-··-···-·0---..-··--------0------·.0-.----..---..-..._--.-_..--...__._-_..__.._--~- Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 140 710 140 710 140 710 Area Thirteen 3180 4900 3080 4780 2300 4430 Are.':!FOIJrteen 2320 3840 2320 3840 2050 3480 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1050 2140 %0 2020 780 1760 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 11990 14990 11690 14650 9970 12760 Kenai PeninslJla 15550 18870 15240 18530 13210 16320 Copper R.JWr.3nge11/V.31dez 610 1510 _5~L 1380.._.3'l.0_.__1120._.__ ~·----------~----SolJtheast-Al:asKa----·----·-96"(f---2020 --960 2020 450 1250 -------&lsewhere-ir.-Al".3sk.3'-----13820-r6990 r:r:no 16320 10980 13870 QIJtside Alaska 1310 2510 1050 2140 610 1510 I I) Table B.149. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Camping by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Ahsk=3 49.9i.54.3%48.57-52.9i. In Alaska 49.2i.53.61.4/'.87-"'1 ')'1 41.0;!45.4:~,J",•.w ... SIJ·:;Hna St'Jdy Area Area One 2.37.3.'1%2.3i~3.Sl:~1.'3i.3.3:' Are.3 Two 9.2k Area Three 4.9i.6.9%;' Are.3 FOIJr 0.1i.0.5i.O.li.0.5i.o.lJ.0.5i. Area Five LSi.'1 '7'/1.5%'1 "1'/1.3;!",COlli.._,Ja .wll'..."'11 ..JI• I !Are.3 Si:·:1.6!d.Oi.\i Area Seven 0.67-"1.47. Are.3 Eight O.D:0.57-O.li.O.5X o.lI.0.5i. Area Nine 0.3:'0.9i. 0.8i. Are=3 ren .0%0.2%.Oi.0.2i:~~O.2i..V/. Are.:!Eleven 0'/0.2i-II Oi~O.2;!.Ok O.2~{... Area Twelve .Oi.O.2~.01.0.2i..07.f\'1'" 'lot II yte Area Thirteen 2.7%4.3i.'1 '7'/ 4.&j~oW II i J. Are.3 FOlJrteen 1.6i.2.8k;'~.j "'pv,;,J.I 1.'- 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.3i.l.li.0.3i.1.Ii!11 ':!'!l.l~~\oj'.'-oJI. Anchorage/ChlJgach Mtn.Are.3 1.97-3.37- :"",C"I/ .:;.II .J/. ~{enai PeninslJla 5.37- Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 4.8i.G.87.4.87-6.8i.4.0i.f).0j; SOlJtheast Alaska 0.27-0.87-0.27-0.8i.O.lI.o '/./.!i. Elsewhere in Al.:!sk=3 11.8%14.8%11.27-14.2i.9.37.12.U OlJtside Alaska 0.37-1.1i.0.3X 1.1k 0.3i.o.n I \LJ B-162 Table B.150. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Camping by Area Are.3 Eleven 0 30 Area Twelve 030 Area thirteen 370 600 Area Fourteen 220 390 10 Miles North of Den~li Hwy 50 150 Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 260 460 f{enai Peninsula 740 1040 --.---------------·Copper-R-JWr··.'3o'je HN'31dez-----660----950----- I I .I 1 1984 LOW HIGH 5760 6370 5690 6300 3650 4200 260 460 1090 1440 560 830 10 70 ISO 350 170 33() 80 200 10 70 o :30 o 30 o 30 360 580 200 380 5CI 150 180 350 640 920 ---51j~O--~8"3C ' "--.-"---.-,----.--,-.- 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 6730 7340 6630 7240 4160 4730 320 540 1270 1640 650 930 10 70 200 380 220 390 90 220 10 70 o 30 o 30 o 30 370 600 200 380 50 150 250 440 730 1020 -bW--·--950···· SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS EVER LOW HIGH 6930 .7530 6830 7440 4240 4810 320 540 1280 1660 680 960 10 70 200 380 230 410 '30 220 10 70 40 130 In or out of Al~sk~ In Alaska SIJsi to:;}St'Jdy Are.'3 Are~One Are.'3 Two Area Three Are.'3 tOIJr Are.3 Five Are.'3 Si:< Are~Seven Are.3 Ei'3ht Area Nine GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Elsewhere in Al~sk~ OIJtside Alaska 1640 50 2050 150 1560 50 1970 150 1300 40 1670 130 ! ) I I 1 I Table B.151. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Camping by Area !III RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985-1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of A1ask.'3 62.7i.68.9%57.6~64.0~48.67.CC'"11'".loJ ai.J}" In Al.:!ska G2.2k G8.4X 57.1%(iii t:Uf 40 '"J"/55.3Z",j.U/._u.i I. Susitna Study Area 43.9i.50.5i.41.9%48.5%l\l:ClU 4''=1'1.J.J •.;I.'''In Area One 3.3i.G.l7.3.2%G.07-2.1~4.57. Area Two 14.3i.;'19.2:'12.7'1.17.5% Area Three G.3i.9.9;{;G.2~':J.87.5.5k 3.':J;~ Area Pour;~O.O~0.57. Are·:!Five .'1.4~~3.4i. II Are.:!Si:-;1.0i.2.8t.1.0i:2.8%O.7~-,fJ'''';".'\01,. II Area Seven 0.6i. "",'C'.37.1.7~~",.Wl. Area lH9ht 0.0i.0.0i.O.Oj~0.0i. Are.:!Nine'1.2% Are.:!Ten 0.0r.o.n 0.0r.o.n 0.07.o.7;'~ Area Eleven 0.0i.0.0r.0.0r.0.07-0.07.O.O? Are.'3 Twelve Area Thirteen Are.:!Fourteen 1.2% 10 Miles North of Denali Hw':! Anchor age/Chu'3-:!ch Mtn.Are·;s Kenai Peninsula Copper R./Wraoge11/Va1dez 3.17-5.97- Southeast Alaska 0.4%1.3i.0.4i.! E1-~ewhere in Al.:!sk.'3 13.3%18.1%11.5i.16.1i.8.9i,13.17. Outside Alaska 0.1i.1.1% B-164 Table B.l52. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Camping by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS '\ I 1984 LOW HIGH 1290 1470 1300 1470 940 1110 60 120 340 460 150 240 o 10 30 80 20 60 10 40 o 0 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 1530 1700 1520 1690 1120 1290 90 160 380 510 170 260 o 10 40 90 30 70 20 60 o 0 HIGH 1830 1820 1340 160 510 260 10 90 70 60 o EVER LOW 1670 1650 1170 90 380 170 o 40 30 20 o 30 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Alaska In Alaska ':liE i.tn.3 Study Area Ar~.3 One Are.3 Two Area Three Are.'3 tOIJr Area Five Are.3 Sh: Area Seven Are::!Eight Area Nine o 20 0 20 0 20 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 0 10 0 10 0 10 Area Thirteen 120 200 100 130 90 170 Area fOIJrteen 30 80 30 80 :30 70 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 20 70 20 60 20 bO Anchor.'3'je/Gh IJ'jach Mtrlc Area 60 120 50 120 50 110 Kenai Peninsula 120 200 100 130 80 150 .',-,·_·_~·_·__··_---GQPper-·R·.-IWr~'3n'jeH-IValdez"···-··":--80·-·"·--·160--"--·"--"'50-'--lTO-"~'"·--40---TO·O....·_-_·_·_~···_······ Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska 350 o 480 30 310 o 430 30 240 o 350 30 'j ) ) I I I Table B.153. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking By Area \i ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1934 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Al.:lsk.:;;76.4i.78.8i.75.4:;7"n .... In Alash 7502%77.67-74.3;~76.7i.70.5~~?2.r~k Susitna Study Area 38.n;~'}'7 '1Uf '..1;Iw/_ Area One 3.57-4 C"I,.u. Area Two 11.2i. Are.:!Three 7112~'7 ','JJIii_ Area Four Area Five 1.4~!.,z)'Y;~1.2%1.87-........". Area Sb: q'J ')'1'1 1,Gi~2.4Z•.II.~.II• Area Seven 0.77-1.3i.O.7i~1.37-0.6i.1.07. Are.:!Eight .0%0.2i..Oi.O.2i~.07.O.2i. Area Nine 0.4i.O.Bi. O.7~~ Are.:.Ten .Oi.0.27-.Oi.0.27-.07.0.21. Area Eleven 0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.O.Oi;O.O~1. Are.:!Twelve 0.1i.0.5i. Area Thirteen 3.4i~ ;i'/J).iiI'4 '1'1....\Ja £./•a.i.l/. Are.:!Fourteen 4.6i.5.8k 4.6i."'1 1l .J ,-.JI. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy,Oil J.II I.JllI Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are.:!18.4i.20.67-18.37-20.57- f(enai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez l.n:2.57-1.6i.2.4i~1.4i.2.2X SOIJtheast Alaska 0.8~1.47-0.77-1 ")~I iJ.7%1.37. ,( ....". Elsewhere in Alaska[i OIJtside Alaska 1.1i.;' \1 '_J U B-166 Table B.154. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Hiking,Picnick'ing,or Berry Picking By Area ) 1 1 ) I I l l ':~ J 1 I \ 1 I I I I I ALL HOUSEHOLDS 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH 92590 95470 87480 90510 91220 94140 86480 89540 46830 50150 42440 45700 4130 5450 3790 5050 13510 15710 12560 14690 8550 10360 7730 9460 0 0 0 0 1650 2530 1430 2250 2310 3330 1980 2930 890 1570 680 1280 EVERGEOGRAPHICLOCATION LOW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~93840 96670 In A1~sk~92340 95230 SIJsi tn.3 St'Jdy Are.:!47560 50890 Are~One 4240 5580 Area Two 13750 15960 Area Three 8780 10610 Are.:!tOIJf'0 0 Are~Five 1760 2660 Area Six 2310 3330 Area Seven 890 1570 Are.:!Eight 20 230 20 _~230 ~20 __.__230-~------- I,------------------AArree.:r1fe1nr,e -----~----4?.1.00 -1~~00 470 1000 370 850 •-.:.~20 230 20 230 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Twelve 180 550 180 550 180 550 Area Thirteen 4130 5450 4130 5450 3900 5180 Are.:!Fourteen 5630 7140 5630 7140 5050 6490 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1540 2390 1540 2390 1430 2250 Anchor~ge/ChIJ9ach Mtn.Area 22590 25280 22470 25160 21390 24030 ---------------------f{enai-PeninslJla~-----------------l8400--~20890---------18280------20760--------r7:W-O--PJ6:JO---- Cop'p_e.LR.LWr-,3n'ae.llLV~11dez 20-90--3060 1-980--2930 17&0--266""0--- Southeast A1.3sk.3 1000 1700 890 1570 890 1570 Elsewhere in Al.3ska 21630 24280 21150 23780 20190 22770 OIJtside Alaska 1320 2120 1210 1980 890 1570 Table B.155. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 76.8~80.2~75.77-79.3~71.5i.M,f:'.'/ \) i·J.~11l In Alaska 75.4%79.0%74.5%MQ 1'\'70.7'1.74.57-/1..1I.fa SIJsi tn:a Study Area 36.4i.40.6i.35.8~40.07.:32.li.~3fj Il~ Area One 3.U 4.n 3.17- Area Two 9.8~12.4Z 9.6i.1'1 '~"I'a ....I. Area Three 6.37-8.5%6.U 8.31:C'c:'"ry 7"/oJ •.J/.I II i ill Are.3 tour O.O~ Area five 1.2%2.27-1.Ii.2.1~0.9%1.9f. Are.3 Sil-:1.8i.3.0i.1 "'1 .-;,QOII 1.4i:.").''''•il,~Il.:i•...b;. Area Seven 0.6~1.4%0.6% 1 'l'\'...."'1. Are::!Eight 0.0%0.0i.0.0i.0.0i.O.Oi.0.01. Are·3 Mine 0.3i.0.9i.0.37-0.9%0.2%0.8;' Are::!len .Oi.0.21..07.0.27..01.0.27- Are::!Eleven 0.0i. Il Are::!Twelve O.li.0.5i.,O.li.r.t:"ll.' t}•.J/. Area Thirteen 3.17.4 '1'/3.1i. .J B Are.3 Fourteen 4.2i.6.07-4.2i.6.0i. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1.2%2.2%1 'J'f 21127-1.0i.2.01..UB Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 20.2i."'1 C"I/ww •.J'a Kenai Peninsul..i Copper R./Wrangel1/Valdez C:".,,)/, Southeast Alaska 0.7i.1.5%0.7i.1.57-0.6%1.4% Elsewhere in Ahsk.3;~ Outside Alaska 1.0%2.0i.l.O:~ II"_.J B-168 Table.B.156. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInorOIJtofAlask:;l 81530 85230 80440 84200 75970 79950InAlaska80110838907913082%0 75100 7';H20SusitnaStudyAre.:l 38700 43080 38070 42440 34090 38350Are:~One 3270 5010 3270 5010 2980 4660Are.:!Two 10380 13200 10170 12980 9370 12080Are.:!Three 6680 9040 6480 8810 5890 8130Are.:!tOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.;!five 1220 2390 1130 3260 960 202()·Are.:!Si:<1860 3240 1770 3120 1490 2750Are.;!Seven 610 1510 610 1510 450 !""{\...';vAre.:!Ei'31lt 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaNine290980290930210850Are.:!Ten 0 250 (:250 ----~_..__._--__0___250-----.0-_._-._---Al'ea--Eleven~-------------------,---~-T '---"-·0--0 0 0Are.:!Twe 1ve 70 560 70 560 70 %0AreaThirteen327050103270501030804780Are.;!tOIJrteen 4430 6410 4430 6410 3850 571010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy122023901220239010502140Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 21500 25230 21300 25010 20270 23920RenaiPeninslJla169802041016880203001585019200CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 960 2020 .870 1890 700 1640SoutheastAlaska--------700 --1640---------100----16'40---~-----610--~r510-.-..".__..._-"-"-_.__._._"-.....-.~_...---------,------_.-----.-. Elsewhere in Alaska 1862.0_22110 181-10----2-1620 1-7290-201JfOOutsideAlaska10502140105021407001640 B-169 ) I ) I I i ) i ) J I ·1 i ! 1 ! fl I I 1-\of [I I I Table B.IS7. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage Small Town Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS EVER LOW HIGH 3.n 4.,7i. 9.4;'12.27. O.OX Q.O;~ 1\....., V.wi. 0.07. 0.47. 3.47. 0,2% 2.4i~ 11l4~ O.S;{ 6.5% 66.5;( 47.2i. 4.57. 1.Ii. 4.7:' 6.67. 7.9~! O.8i~ 15.97- O.7k 11.37. O.O;~ HIGH 11184 3.1i. 8 ',./ I'll 0.07. 1.57- 1.21. LOU 5.7% 0.2:' 4.67. 0.3% o.o~ .Ok 2.0:t 4.5X O.3i. 0.1% 12.91. 52.7% 62.3% 42.8;:~ 0.3%1.1% .07.O.2~ 5.O~~7.0;1. O.2Z O.8k' 0.07.O.Oi;;' 0.0;'1.47.;' .Oi:0.41.;~ 3.2i.5.07. 3.1%4.n 0.2%0.87- 15.7;~19.1i~ 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 67.07.7l.0;~ 7.07. 1.4i. 0.87- 1.17. 0.27. 0.07. 0.47. 3.67. 6.67- I.D: 0.97. 17.37. 0.87. 4.67. 0.37. 1.2Z 3.2% 2.2% 0.2% .07. 0.07. .01. 0.3% 0.67- 0.27. 5.0i. 6.1i. 0.37. 14.1% GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Alaska Susitna Study Area Are.:!One Area Two Area Three Area Pour Area five Area Sil-: Area Seven Are·3 Eight Area Nine Are.:!Ten Area Eleven Are.:!Twelve Area Thirteen Are.:!tOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor.3ge/Ch 'J'jach Mtn.Area Ken'3i Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Vaidez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Al~sk~ Outside Alaska I i \ u B-170 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS Table B.158. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area ) I I 1 I i ) I J I I l i I I I I l o no 330 200 380 900 150 9230 9280 6550 630 2520 1570 2210 90 1984 HIGH 1780 20 2400 110 1960 30 2400 no 1960 30 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW In or OIJt of Al.3sk.3 9340 9900 9290 9860 8700 In Al.:!ska 9270 9830 9220 9790 8650 Susitna StlJdy Are.:!6330 6940 6270 6880 5940 Are.3 One 420 660 420 660 400 Are.:!Two 2200 2660 2180 2650 2060 Area Three 1310 1690 1300 1670 1210 Are-3 four 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 five 220 390 220 390 200 Are.3 Si;.:170 330 170 330 170 Area Seven 30 200 80 200 80 Are.:!Eight 30 no 30 llO 30 Are·:!Nine 50 150 50 __150 ~~50 .150____ ·--·~·-·--~---~-Ate.3~Terl--~---~-~---O-~----------~-o--30 0 30 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 0 50 0 50 0 50 Area Thirteen 300 500 300 500 280 470 Are.3 fOIJrteen 640 920 640 920 620 10 Miles North of [Ienali Hwy 50 150 50 150 50 Anchorage/Ch'Jgach Mtn.Are·3 450 690 450 690 420 .{enai Peninsula 690 980 690 980 640 920 ---..-----.-----~---.-~-Copper--R .IWr.3ngell!Valdez----~---840------H60-~-------~--840-~---n60~--------79-0--n 00--- IIiI IIIj u Table B.159. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or out of Alaska 80.1!85.1!78.4!83.&1.73.1i.70 ?-.! I oj.'" In Al.:lska Susitn::!Study Area &2.5!&!;~ Are::!One 4.5!'l 'l'f •J nJ Area Two' Area Three ""1 'j ?/o.i I.....\,1.I ,I, Are·:l EOIJr 0.0r. Area five 1.7%3.97-1.7;~3.9/.1.7;~Ii Q"I...,•.zIt Are.:l Si>:'""1 0'"1.41."1 .\'7.,)aul.'oJ.~/• Area Seven 1.4i.3.47.1 'j'/3 '-,,/,,;..h Are.:l Ei9ht 0.0r. Area Nine O.3i~1.57.O.3i~1.5;'o ')'1 1.47.aWl. Are.:l Ten;~o ij'!0.57.,VI. Area Eleven 0.0i.,().Oi~ Area Twelve •Or.1.07..Oi.1.07.•Oj~1.0i. Are·:l Thirteen;'11"galA:J.ll. Are.:l Fourteen 3.8!6.87."1 O'f b.Sk 1'"1 r::-,G.3;~oJ ,',,11..j ...Ji. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.8!2.6% Anchor .:lge/Ch'Jgach Mtn.Area ")")~;~a:.au/. Kenai Peninsula 2.7%5.37.'1 I:'f 5.17-"I:~4 q'f....'lo1/a ~.,J/••J~ Copper R./Wr~ngell/Valdez 3.4i.6 .),/:3.47-G.2i.2.97-5.5"•w,. Southe~st Alaska! Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska 0.07-;'O.7~ B-172 l I I I I I -:"') J 20 50 440 10 320 o 510 20 380 o 520 20 380 o GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Elsewhere in Alaska OlJtside Alaska Table B.160. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Hiking,Picnicking,or Berry Picking by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OlJt of Alask:a 2130 2260 2090 2220 1940 2090 In Alaska 2120 2250 2070 2210 1940 2090 SIJsi tn.3 StlJdy Are.3 1660 1830 1620 1790 1520 1690 Area One 120 200 120 200 110 190 Are.3 Two 550 700 550 700 530 ..680 Area Three 270 380 250 360 230 340 Area FOlJr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Five 50 100 50 100 50 100 Are.3 Sb:50 100 40 100 40 90 Area Seven 40 90 30 80 30 70 Area Ei'3ht 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Nine ~-~~~__-~_~_~__~lO~_-~-40-~---~~--10---~-~40--~--~--10--~-.4-0-~~-_.-~.-..----.-.---..-~-Area Ten 0 10 0 10 0 10 Are.3 Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 0 30 0 30 0 30 Area Thirteen 160 250 160 250 150 240 Are.3 FOlJrteen 100 180 100 180 90 170 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 20 70 20 70 20 70 Anchor.3ge/ChIJ9·3Ch Mtn.Are.3 60 120 50 120 50 no Kenai PeninslJIa 70 140 Z.Q_.__130 --~----~.20-c----130---~-----..-·--~---·-·_-----·-Gopper-R./Wr.3ngeI-1jV.31dez---·------·90--~--.....r7~-----~·170 Table B.161. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of All Households Sightseeing by Area ~~I I J ALL HOUSEHOLDS 4.5~5.77. .01.O.2k 3.bk 4.Bi~ o.:3k O.7i~ .07.0.27. 1984 LOW HIGH 1.5i~2.3% 2.:j'::'::'.'t;! 1.3;!2.1i. 17.67.19.Bi. 2.3;>;3.lI. 11.7i:13.57. 8.5i~lO.l! 1.6;~2.4i~ 14.2~16.2i~ 44.17.4&.97. 3.5i. '1 '1'1.w •..". 0.2i. O.8i~ 5.0k 5.6i: 0.07. 0.~7. 1.2:'<: 2.5i~ 23.77- 1.O;~ 82.0% 50.67. 6.3% 14.3i. 10.81. 0.07. 2.57- 16.9i: 20.37- 3.47. .o;~ 2.57. 1.71. 0.0i: 0.67- .07. 0.07. 0.47. 3.87. 4.47. 1.77. 47.87. 12.5i. 79.S;~ 14.97. 18.17. 2.47- 1.47. 21.37. 0.6i. 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH 0.07. 0.87.5.n 5.67. 0.2% 0.27- 1.27. 51.4i. 6.47. 14.47- 11.07. 0.07- 2.67. 83.47. 82.S;{ 20.4% 3.57. 2.27. 24.17. 1.07. 17.07. 2.67. l.tj~ EVER LOW HIGH 12.67. 9.4% 0.0i. 1.87. 81.2% 80.6i: 48.Gi. 5.2Z .Oi. 0.6~ .07. 0.0i. 0.47. 3.97. 4.47- 1.77. 15.0;~ 18.2% 2.5i. 1.47- 21.7'1. 0.67. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION In or out of Al~sk~ In Alask.~ Susitn~Study Area Area One Area Two Area Three Area Four Area Five Are.~Si:< Are.~Sever, Are.-a Eight Area Nine Area Ten Are.~Eleven Are.-a Twelve Area Thirteen Area tOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy Anchor ·~ge/ChlJ'3.-ach Mtn.Area f{enai Peninsula Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez Southeast Alaska Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alaska II \1 B-174 ) I I I I I tt¥j "....". j ~-1 I l j 1 .r .1 I I I ! B-175 Table B.162. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of All Households Sightseeing by Area ALL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1'380 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoroutofAlaska99730102320984701011209472097520InAlaska9898010160097970100640944709?280SlJsitnaStudyArea596806308058700620905416057540AreaOne633079106210778055107010Are.3 Two 15410 17730 15290 17610 14340 16590AreaThree1149013~5C 11260 13290 10430 12400Are.3 FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0Areafive220032002090306018702800Are.3 Sb:3220 4390 3100 4260 2760 3860AreaSeven1980293017602&60 1540 2390Are.3 Eight 20 230 20 230 20 230Are.3 Nine 780 1430 780 1430 680 1280 Are.a Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 0Are.3 Twelve 470 1000 470 1000 370 850AreaThirteen482062304700610044?O 5840Are::!Fourteen 5400 6880 5400 6880 5170 662010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy20903060209030601980'Jq'Jii "oIo,J 1,1'Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Are.3 18400 20890 18280 20760 17440 19880f{en.3i Peninsul.3 22350 25030 22230 24910 21630 24280CopperR./Wrangel1/Valdez 3100 4260 2990 _____4130 ._.______2t60.____-3860-_____._--·--··-----·-----·----Southe.3st-At3sl(~--·-------·········---··--1760-·--2660-1760 2660 1650 2530E{sewhere-in-Al~ska 26680-29540 26200 29040 25000 27790OutsideAlask.3 680 1280 680 1280 580 1140 Table B.163. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Urban Households Sightseeing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS lj GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH I] In or OlJt at A1ask.:! In Alaska al.l!84.37-SO.li.83.37."r"'J liS!80.7i.f I :a.Ji. SlJsitna StlJdy Area 47.n 51.37-46.3i.50.5j~42.41.'lEi.Gi. [i Area One 4.6;''q'/__I'.IJI II Are.:!Two 11.2i.14.0i.11.27- Area Three s.n 11.37-8.5%ll.l;~ Are.:!FOlJr;';~ [j Are·:!Five 1.6;'2.3%.l.57.t'}1'"11/1.37.:'ll:"" WI/i....i .oJ/. Are.:!Si:-:2.4i.3.8i.'i ')'/')'7'/",.'.ll.w.I,. Area Seven 1.47-2.67-1.37.1"1 C'I 1.H 2.1;~.:..\;,. Area Eight 0.0i.0.07- Are·3 Nine 0.5i.1.37- ':1'1."J. Are.3 Ten .Oi.0.27..01.o "'/.Oi.0.2i.awl. Area Eleven Area Twelve Area Thirteen 3.n:5.5!·1 r].!5.5%3.47.c:'11 J1/ WIJ i.oJ.wi, Area FOlJrteen 4.2i.6.0f. 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1.7~'1 q'!1.6i~.,iJlJ.f....~J.~.\,.'i• Anchor age/ChlJg.3Ch Mtn.Area 16.3i.19.5;' Kenai PerdnslJl.3'3.n l"'1'11:"'1".....".1,. Capper R./Wrangel1/Valdez 1.8i.3.0%1.6i.2.8k LSi.2.71. Southeast Alaska 1.4i.2.6k Elsewhere in Alaska 20.77- f:'{22.9!'"J a .J/a I I OIJtside Alask.:i ILJ [j U B-176 ) l I I I I j i ~I I ! I 1 i ) 1 I I I B-l77 Table B.164. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Urban Households Sightseeing by Area URBAN HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHInoro~t of Alask~86910 90260 85590 89030 82400 86050InAl.3Sk.3 8G140 89540 85040 88520 82030 85740SusitnaStudyArea500105451049160536604503049500AreaOne49106980482068704330b290Are.3 Two 11890 14880 11890 14880 11080 13990AreaThree927011970907011750837010':)&0Are."FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaFive168030001530288014002630Are."Sil-:2510 4070 2420 3950 2140 3600AreaSeven1490275014002&30 1130 22&0AreaEight000000AreaNine53013805301380450..'(J'250 0 250Are.3 Eleven 0 0 0 0 0 1\vAreaTwelve290980290980290980Are."Thirteen 3940 5830 3940 5830 3650 5480Are·3 Fourteen 4430 GUO 4430 6410 4230 6180.10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 1770 3120 1770 3120 1680 3000Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 17290 20740 17180 20630 16370 19750Ken.3i Penins~1.3 20470 24140 20270 23920 19650 23260CopperR./Wr.:lngell/V.31dez _____18GO____32AO.1680--3000 1580--2880~..~-----------So~theast Alaska 22020 25780 21610 25340 20680 24360OutsideAlask.3 530 1380 450 1250 3'7;'\1120.I'" ( II I I [I Table B.165. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Small Town Households Sightseeing by Area SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS 11 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or QIJt of Al.3sk:~73.4i.77.27-73.1i.76.9i.69.8i.73.8Z In Alask:;\73.2%77.0%73.07.76.a;!69.7i.73.7X S~sitna Study Area 51.2k 55.6%51.0i.55.4% Area One 5.5%'1 '1'¥5115'7- •J ,. Area TWD'co 1"1"1 1':).1i~loJ.l J. []Area Three 10.3;!13.Ii;lO.2i~ J'),,',....w./1, Are:~Fo~r 0.07-0.0i.0.0i.0.07-0.0i.O.O~ Are.3 Five 1.4;!2.6% Area Si:·:2.57-4.17-;'1 '1'/3.6;~".w/. Area Seven 1.Ii:2.3%1.1;'2.37.O.9~1.91. Area Eight 0.3i.0.9%0.3i.0.97.O.3i~0.9i: Area Nine 0.6i. 1:'/1 ~'/ (I •J'".,j/• Are.';j Ten .Oi.0.27..Oi.0.2%.Oi.o ')'1,w/a Area Eleven 0.0%O.O:~0.0i. Are.':I Twelve O.l!o.n 0.17-O.7i~O.lX o COl'.oJ/. Area Thirteen 2.0i.3.4%'J 1")1' \J •.wi, Area FOIJrteen 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 0.57-;' Anchora'je/Ch~gach Mtn.Area 3.17-4.7i.,0'/4.4i~WIJ,J/I ~(enai PeninslJla B.D:10.n:"7.8~10.47. Copper R./Wran'jell/Valdez 6.8i.9.2i.!. Soytheast Alaska 0.27-0.8k o ")"0.8%0.2%0.8;'I awl. I Elsewhere in Alaska 23.l!26.9i.23.17- U O~tside Alaska,0.87- U IJ [J B-178 SMALL TOWN HOUSEHOLDS J i 1 -J I I I ~'l I I .] I ) I I ) J j I I .J o 30 o I) 10 70 250 440 710 1984 10W HIGH 9690 10240 '3680 10220 6730 7:340 710 uno 2180 2650 1380 1760 o {) 190 360 300 500 120 270 40 13i) 3000 3520 30 110 3730 110 3210 30 3730 110 B-179 3210 30 Elsewhere in Alaska Outside Alask.3 Table B.166. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Small Town Households Sightseeing by Area GEOGRAPH Ie LOCAT ION EVER 1980 -1985 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH In or OIJt of Ahska 10190 10710 10140 10670 In Al.3sk.3 10160 10690 10130 10660 SIJsi tna St'Jdy Are:~7110 7710 7080 7690 Area One 760 1070 760 1070 Are.:!Two 2260 2730 2260 2730 Are.3 Three 1430 1820 1410 1300 Are.:!FOfJr 0 0 0 0 Area Five 190 360 190 360 Area Sb:350 570 350 570 Are.3 Seven 160 310 160 310 Area Eight 40 130 40 130 Area Nine 8_0_200__80 .200 ----Arei 'Cen .....0 30 0 30 Area Eleven 0 0 0 0 Are.3 Twelve 20 90 20 90 Area Tilirteen 280 470 280 470 Are.3 FOIJrteen 470 no 470 no 10 Miles North of Denali Hwy 70 180 70 180 Anchor.3g e/C h'Jg.3ch Min.Are.3 420 660 420 660 f(enai Peninsul:3 1130 1480 1130 -..:!1~48~0,--__---,,~,---_ --Gopper-R./Wr.3ngell1V.llde·z·-----·-940---···12S-0·---9'30 1260 n I_J U lJ Table B.l67. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Percentage of Rural Households Sightseeing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984 LOW HIGH LOW HIGH l.OW HIGH In or out of Al~sk~75.4%80.8~ In Alaska 74.5%80.17-74.37-79.9%69.n "1:'r::1S,!,-,.,J!. Susi tn.:!Study Are~57.5%63.9%57.47- Area One 5.37-8a7%C'J'111,3.6i;5.0%8.27.,J •..:i:i. Are.:!Two 19.07-24.47-19.0%24.41.lB.ijk 24.01. Are~Three 7.6X 11.4:1:7.6~11.4%6.7%·10.3;; Area FOIJr Are.:!Five 11l7k;!3.b? Are.:!Si:<2.0i. Area Seven!2.6Z o 0'/2.61.aUn Are.:!Eight 0.0%' Area Nine 0.37-1.5% Are::i Ten 0.0i: Area Eleven 0.0%0.0r. ,''f 0.0;'.:.iJa Area Twelve 0.3i.1.5% Are.3 Thirteen 5.5%8.9%5.5! ')'/1"';1. Area FOIJrteen 10 Miles North af Denali Hwy 0.9i.2.7%0.9%'1 "'/o.n 2.37.i,jlli. Anchorage/Chu9~ch Mtn.Area 2.3i:4.7i.2.3X 4.n '1 '-i'/4.6%waw/' Kenai Peninsul.3 Copper R./Wrangell/Valdez 1.8%4.0% Southeast Al~ska 0.6%2.0%'l....una Elsewhere in Alaska 24.17-29.9% Outside Alaska .07-0.87..07.0.8r..O~0.81. B-l80 Table B.168. Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Number of Rural Households Sightseeing by Area RURAL HOUSEHOLDS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION EVER 1980 -1985 1984LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOW HIGHInoroutofAl~sk~2000 2150 2000 2140 1860 2020InAlask.3 1980 2130 1980 2120 1850 2010SusitnaStudyArea153017001530170014201600AreaOne140230140230130220Are.:!Two 500 650 500 650 490 640Arealhree2003002003001802?OAre.:!FOIJr 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaFive501005010040100Are;~Sil-:50 120 50 120 50 120Are.3 Seven 20 70 20 70 20 ?OAre;~Eight .?ifeaNine-10 40 10 40 10 40Are.3 len 0 0 0 0 0 0AreaEleven000000Are.3 Twe 1ve 10 40 10 40 0 20Arealhirteen1502401502401301j'.1{; ......vAre.:!FOIJrteen 80 150 80 150 80 15010MilesNorthofDenaliHwy207020702060Anchorage/Chugach Mtn.Area 60 130 60 130 ~~-----l::tQ ...__..----~-·---·----·..·-----f(en.31-Penins'Jh··-------·-..---120·..20ir-···-·---·T2(r--"-266 110 190Copper-R./.Wr~3ngel-l/Valdez 50--1-10 50 11'0 50 100SoutheastAlaska105010501050ElsewhereinAl~ska 640 800 640 790 570 720OIJtsideAlask.3 0 20 0 20 0 20 B-18l I-j ) 1 J ) I I j ) .j j I I I -I I 1 j