HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2909Document No.2909 Susitna File No. T1< t~?-S ,s8 FL\17:L VI\);;LqOl SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESPONSE OF JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT TO.MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA Prepared by Trihey and Associates Cleveland R.Steward,III Robert C.Wilkinson Alexander M.Milner Under Contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture .Prepared for Alaska Power Authority j Final Report December 1985 ARLIS L 'b Alaska Resourcc<s .1 .rary &Infonnati"o S An .n.enrlCes chorage,Alaska NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE . ARLIS .Alaska Resources LIbrary &Informatj"S.on ervlCes AndlOrage,Alaska PREFACE The goal of the Alaska Power Authority in identifying environmentally acceptable flow regimes for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project is the maintenance of existing fish resources and levels of production.This goal is consistent with mitigation goals of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Maintenance of naturally occur~ing fish populations and habitats is the preferred goal in agency mitigation policies. In 1982,following two years of baseline studies,a multi-disciplinary approach to quantify effects of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on existing fish habitats and to identify mitigation opportunities was initia~ed.The Insteam Flow Relationships Studies (IFRS)focus on the respon.se of fish habitats in the middle Susitna River to incremental changes in mainstem discharge,temper~ture and water quality.As part of this multi-disciplinary effort,a technical report series was planned that would (1)describe the existing fish resources of the Susitna River and identify the seasonal habitat requirements of selected species,and (2)evaluate the effects of alternative project designs and operating scenarios on physical processes which most influence the seasonal availability of fish habitat • the technical report series,and (3)provides quantitative relationships The summary report for the IFRS,the Instream Flow Relationships Report (IFRR),(1)identifies the biologic significance of the physical processes I ..-1 ..-o..- ~ ooo LO LO "('I) ('I) evaluated in the technical report series,(2)integrates the findings of and discussions regarding the influences of incremental changes in stream- ii Susi tna River on a seasonal basi s. the middle Susitna River. requirements of the·eva1uation species and life stage,as well as the flow,stream temperature,and water quality on fish habitats in the middle ) 1 I J 1 j, 1 ) '] I I, J .J ,I ") , I ] I J important 1i fe I Volume II of the IFRR will This ranking considers the biologic judgment to identify evaluation species, be evaluated at the microhabitat level and presented at the macrohabitat level in terms of a composite weighted usable area curve.This composite curve wi 11 ,.describe the .combined response offish habitat,at all 5i tes within the ".same representative group (to incremental changes in main- stem discharge). physical characteristics of different habitat types,under both natural and professional qua 1i ty of fi sh habi tat is the central theme of the IFRR Vol ume II ana 1ysi s.'Project-induced changes in stream tempera ture and water qual i ty ships on a seasonal basis regarding the influences of incremental changes in streamflow,stream temperature,and water quality on fish habitats in The influence of incremental changes in streamflow on the availability and di fferent times of the year. stages,and habitats.The report ranks a variety of physical habitat components with regard to their degree of influence on fish habitat at anticipated with-project conditions. address the third objective of the IFRR and provide quantitative re1ation- The IFRR consists of two volumes.Volume I uses project reports,data and are used to condition or qualify the forecasted responsesotJi~~b~~_hClbtt~Lt__ .-•._"--._.-_.._._,..•.._..--~~_.__.-..--_.._-_..__._,.-~-----._.-----_.__._"---_..•._.,.__.__."~_.__._----_..•.'..'•....•'.....'....-._.'.'._.__.-.'-_...__..,..".,.,_.,...._-,.....-_.----_.,.._-_...-_..•_••.•..............•_.".._._--_.__..__._-_.-._--_.-..--_.~-~"---~----_.",..•_--.'--.._-,_._---'-•......_-- ~------~-_to--instraam--hyaraTn-i-c-s-:--Tfje-lnfTue nee-aT-stream f1 owonrTs hha blta t -Vi-ill Four technical reports are being prepared by E.Woody Trihey and Associates in support of the IFRR Volume II analysis.The function of each report is depicted in a flow diagram and described below. 1)Quantify Wetted Surface Area Response 2)Assess the Representa- tiveness of Modeled and Non-modeled Sites 3)Determine Site- Sp~cific Hydraulic Conditions 1 I J I 4)Quantify Streamflow-Dependent Habitat Response Functions for Juvenile Chinook and Spawning Chum Salmon 1)RESPONSE OF AQUATIC HABITAT SURFACE AREAS TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-OEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA This report identifies five aquatic habitat types within the middle Susitna River directly influenced by changes in mainstem di scharge and presents the necessary photography and surface area measurements to quantify the change in wetted surface area associated with incremental decreases in mainstem discharge be- tween 23,000 and 5,100 cfs.The report also describes the in- fluence of mainstem discharge on habitat transformations and tabulates the wetted surface area responses for 172 specific areas using the ten representative groups presented in the Habitat Characterization Report.Surface area measurements presented in this report provide a basis for extrapolating results from intensively studied modeling sites to the remainder of the middle Susitna River. 2)CHARACTERIZATION OF 'AQUATIC HABITATS IN ,THE TALKEETNA-TO-OEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA This report describes the characterization and classification of 172 specific areas into ten representative groups that are hydro- logically,hydraulically and morphologically similar.Emphasis is placed on the transformation of specific areas from one habitat t¥pe to another in response to incremental decreases in mainstem discharge from 23,000 cfs to 5,100 cfs.Both modeled and non-modeled sites are classified and a structural habitat index is presented for each specific area based upon subjective evaluation of data obtained through field reconnaissance surveys. iv Representative groups and structural habitat indices presented in this report provide a basis for extrapolating habitat response functions developed at modeled sites to non-modeled areas within the remainder of the river. 3)HYDRAULIC RELATIONSHIPS AND MODEL CALIBRATION PROCEDURES AT 1984 STUDY SITES IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA This report describes the influence of site-specific hydraulic conditions on the availability of habitat for juvenile chinook and spawning chum salmon.Two aquatic habitat models are applied to quantify site-specific habitat responses to incremental changes in depth and velocity for both steady and spatially varied streamflow conditions.Summaries of site-specific stage- discryarge and flow-discharge relationships are presented as well as a description of data reduction methods and model calibration procedures.Weighted usable area forecasts are provided for juvenile chinook at 8 side channel sites and for spawning chum salmon at 14 side channel and mainstem sites.These habitat response functions provide the basis for the instream flow assessment of the middle Susitna River. 4)RESPONSE OF JUVENILE CHINOOK AND SPAWNING CHUM SALMON HABITAT TO ~=.__._--_.__._--~-~.~~ MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSlTNA RIVER,ALASKA This report integrates results from the surface area mapping, habitat characterization,and hydraulic modeling reports to provide streamflow dependent habitat response functions for juvenile chinook and spawning chum salmon.Wetted surface area --_..._~-'---------~"'---and~wei-g'hted -~us-aDle~ar-ea-a-re-'-tliepri-ncTpiif1-ae-ter~miiia nts'of--na:5i"=---~-"'" ..~-_..-·--·-----·-------~~ta-t-----i-n-d-i-ce-s----·p-rovi-de·d--·--;-n~-Part·---A--'-o·f~---the--·-·-re-p-o-r-t-·~for----~'fuverri-l·e·----clfi noo R----~---.---.-. at each specific area and the ten representative groups identi- fied in the habitat characterization report.'Part B of this report provides habitat response functions for existing chum salmon spawning sites.The habitat response functions contained in this report will be used for an'incremental assessment of the rearing and spawning potential of the entire middleSusitna River under a wide range of natural and wi th-project streamfl ows. J I 1 1 j ! ~ I ..~ 1 ,I J J ) J ,'J I ] J TABLE·OF CONTENTS Page No. PREFACE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••0 a 0 •(J G •••••0 0 D •••••••••••••ii LIST OF FIGURES •..••..•••.•...•..••••••.••••.••ll o •••••••••oo •••••••••viii LIST OF TABLES ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••oo ••••••••••xiv LIST OF PLATES ••.0 ••0 ••••tl ••0 0 •••a 0 •••••••0 Cl.0 •••ID 0 ••00.00.11 ••0 ••••00 xv 1.0 INTRODUCTION •••0 ••0 0 •0 • 0 ••••G • 0 0 ••00.G •a 0 0 ••0 •G •e .,.0 •••0 • 0 ••••CI 0 1 2.0 METHODS 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••••••••0 0 CD 0 ••••••••••••••••13 2.1 Habitat Characterization of the Middle Sus;tna River 0 0 •••0 ••••••••••••••••••••••13 I 2.1.1 2.1.2 Study Site Classifications....•••••••••••••••••••13 Representa tive Groups ••••••••••.•.•••••"..........15 2.2 Quantificat~on •••••·••.•••••••••••••••000 ••000 ••••••••••••.••21 Description of Wetted Surface Area Responses.....21 Forecasting WSA with Regression Equations........26 Habitat Modeling Studies..........................29 Overview of Modeling Techniques..................29 Hydraulic Data Requirements......................31 Habi tat Sui tabi 1 i ty Cri teria...•. •. •.•••••.••••.•35 .Aerial Photography...............................23 2.2.1 2.2.2 . 2.2.3 2.3 Physi ca 1 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 Habitat Model Response Variables.................41 2.4 Extrapola ti on of Model i ng Resul ts to Non-modeled Specific Areas ••••••••••••••••~................46 2.5 Integration o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••52 vi 300 RESULTS.0 •••••••••••0 Cl ••0 0 ••••••••CI ••••••••••0 •••••••0 ••••0 ••0 0 0 54 3.1 Representative Group I ..~....0 ••CI ••1).0.0 CI GO ••••••••••G.0 ••• 3.2 Representative Group 11 ••0 ••••••0 e ••••0 0.0 ••00 a 0 o.GO ••••••• 3.3 Representative Group I I I ••••••••0 •GO.CI 0 0 «I •0 0 •'.0 •CI • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 •• 3.4 Representative Group IV.e ••0 ••0 •00.0 ••0 • 0 G.o •••eo.0 eo •••••• 54 63 76 89 3.5 Representative Group V•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••102 3.6 Representative Group VI •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••108 3.7 Representative Group VII •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••116 - 3.8 Representative Group VIII ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••122 3.9 Representative Group IX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••127 3.10 Representative Group X•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••135 4.0 SUMMARy •••••••••••••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••141 LITERATURE CITED ••0 •••0 •«I ••0 ••••0 ••••••••0 • 0 00 0 Cl ••••0«1 0 0 0 «I CI "CI eo •••0 •"•146 APPENDICES: Appendix A-Aerial Photography of Modeling Sites ••••••••••~....150 Appendix B-Habitat Availability Indices (HAl) for Specific Areas •••••••••o.o ••o~.oo.ooooao.~.ooo.193 Appendix C -Wetted Surface Area (WSA)Values for Specific Areas •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••211 _~~__~~Rend ix _D__....Wej_ghted_Usable-Ar-ea-{-WUA-)-Va-lues .----------- --for Specific Areas ...•...•.••...••..............•..228 Appendix E -Weighted Surface Area (WSA)Regression Equations...245 Figure No. LIST OF FIGURES Page No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Natural and with-project mean weekly discharges for the middle Susitna River. Percentage distribution of juvenile chinook salmon within different habitat types of the middle Susitna River during the open water period Density distribution of juvenile chinook salmon by macrohabitat type on the Susitna River between Chulitna River confluence and Devil Canyon,May through November 1983. Flow chart indicating steps followed in the extrapola- ti9n of site-specific juvenile chinook habitat indices to the entire middle Susitna River. Juvenile chinook habitat modeling sites in the middle Susitna River. Key to habitat transformation categories used to classify specific areas to representative groups. ,Flow 'chart indicating the steps followed in the quanti fi ca ti on of wetted surface area response to mainstem discharge for specific areas used in the extrapolation methodology. RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling pathways followed in the analysis of juvenile chinook salmon ,habitat. Sampling design for RJHAB modeling sites. Sampling design for PHABSIM modeling sites. Cover suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA)in the middle Susitna River. Depth suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA)under clear and turbid water conditions in the middle Susitna River. 4 5 7 12 14 19 27 30 32 33 36 37 13. j\~ J 14. j Velocity suitability criteria used to model juvenile 38 chi nook habi ta t (WUA)under cl ear and turbi d wa ter conditions in the middle Susitna River Derivation of a non-modeled specific area (sa)HAl 51 curve using a modeled specific area (ms)HAl curve. viii LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Figure No. 15.Flow chart indicating the steps followed in the inte- gration of stratification,simulation,and quantifica- tion for specific areas used in the extrapolation methodology. 16.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 107.6L. 17.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.5L. 18.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 107.6L of Representative Group I. 19.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 112.5L of Representative Group I. 40.Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative ,---~----·----Group Iof--the·mtddteSusi·tna-Riv~r·~-·~~··-···-··------.- 21.Surface area and chi nook reari ng habi ta t index response curves for modeling site 101.4L. 22.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 113.7R. _......__..._23._.Surface·areaandchinookrearing-habi-ta·t·index--response----·· ......._._..__.~_.__cur-v.es __formode-l-ing-s.i-te--12.6-.·QR-.----·....-..------.---- 24.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 144.4L. 25.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with n1odelingsiteI01.4L of Representative GroupH .. 26.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas-of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 113.7R of Representative Group II. ix Page No. 53 55 57 59 60 62 65 66 68 70 71 [ [ I r I f 1 j j J [ I ! f r ,.j i .J r J j j Figure No. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated'with modeling site 126.0R of Representative Group II. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group II. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group II of the middle Susitna River.A Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 101.2R. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 128.8R. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 132.6L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.4R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 101.2R of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 128.8R of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 141.4R of Representative Group III. x Page No. 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 83 84 85 86 1 1 ! l I J j I --1 -I ! I ] I I I 1 I 95 87 90 94 91 93 96 92 97 100 104 Page No.- 105 LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.6L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 131.7L. Surf~ce area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 134.9R. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 136.0L. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 112.6L of Representative Group IV. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group III of the middle Susitna River. Figure No. 39. 47.Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)'and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IV of the middle Susitna River. 49.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 141.6R of Representative Group V. 48.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.6R. 38. 44. 45. 42. 43. 41. 40. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with-----------------------mode 1i ng slte 131.7LOfReprese-n-ia five Group~------ Response of chinook reari~g habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 134.9R of Representative Group IV. 46.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to -------------------------matnstemdischarge wtthin-non-modeled----spe-cifi c-areas--of------------------- --------------------the--mi-dd-le-Sus-i-tna----R-iver-whicha-re---a-ssoci-a-ted--with-- modeling site 136.0L of-Representative Group IV. xi Figure No. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. LIST OF FIGURES .(cont.) Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group V of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 133.8L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curVes for modeling site 136.3R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 133.8L of Representative Group VI. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 136.3R of Representative Group VI~ Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VI of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 119.2R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 119.2R of Representative Group VII. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VII of the middle Susitna River. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group VIII. Response of chinook rearing habitat availabili~to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group VIII. xii Page No. 107 110 111 113 114 115 118 120 121 124 125 LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) ! ] I I j I 1 ! l I ! I ! ,i I I ) I I 128 Page No. 126 129 131 132 133 139 144 138 xiii Compari son of the aggregate response of chi.nook reari ng habitat [WUA]for Representative Groups I through IX. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VIII of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 147.1L. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 101.5L of Representative Group IX. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 147.1L of Representative Group IX. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B-chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IX of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 101.5L. Figure No. 69. 62. 61. 67. 66. 64. 63. 65. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge for specific~reas of the middle Susitna River within Representative Group X. 68.Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA)and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative ----------------------Gro up-Xof--themidd-le -Susitna River •.......-.......---------........-..-- \1,, u I J Table No. 1. 2. 3. 4. LIST OF TABLES Primary hydrologic,hydraulic and morphologic characteristics of representative groups identified for the middle Susitna River. Cover suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA)in the middle Susitna River. Separa te cri teria are presented for cl ear and turbi d water conditions (Steward 1985). Wetted surface area (WSA),weighted usable area (WUA) and related habitat indices used in the evaluation of chinook rearing habitat potential within the middle Susitna River. Mainstem breaching discharges and structural habitat indices (SHI)determined for specific areas within the middle Susitna River.Specific areas are arranged in representative groups by subgroup,where the modeled specific area representing each subgroup is located at top. xiv Page No. 17 40 42 49 LIST OF PLATES Plate No. A-1 Aerial.photography of modeling site 107.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-2 Aerial photography of modeling site 112.5L a~mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-3 Aerial photography of mode-ling site 101.4L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-4 Aerial photography of modeling site 113.7R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-5 Aerial photography of modeling site 126.0R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-6 Aerial photography of modeling site 144.4L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-7 Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-8 Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. A-9 Aerial photography of modeling site 128.8R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. ~~------------~---------_..-.---------------- A-10 Aerial photography of modeling site 128.8R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. A-ll Aerial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. A-12 Aerial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem -------------------d-ischarges-of12,-500--cfs·anq·7,400··cfs;;----~--------....--.-._---------- A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 Aerial photography of modeling site 141.4R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 141.4R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 112.6Lat mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 112.6L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 131.7L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. xv 162 163 164 165 166 I J I ! ! ! j 1 J..~ 1 1 i 1 I I I J 1 I II f) f I I ) I! Plate No. A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 LIST OF PLATES (cont.) Aerial photography of modeling site 131.7L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 134.9R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 134.9R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 141.6R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 133.8L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cf~. Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 101.5L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 101.5L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 105.8L at mainstem di scharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. xvi Page No. 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 171 178 179 180 181 182 xvii J 1 J j I j j 1 ] 1 ! ! ·1 i j j J ] r Page No. 183 188 186 185 184 189 187 190 LIST OF PLATES (cont.) Aerial photography of modeling site 105.8L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 119.1L at mainstem di scharges of 12,000 cfs and 7,400 cfs. A-38 A-41 A-39 A-36 A-35 A-34 A-37 Plate No. _A"40 Aerial photography of modeling site 119.1L at mainstem di scharges of 23~000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 133.8R at mainstem di scharges of 12,000 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 133.8R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 138.7L at mainstem discharges of 12,000 cfs and 7 ,400 cfs~ Aerial photography of model i ng si te 138.7L at l11afnstel11 discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 139.4L at mainstem di scharges of 12,000 cfs and 7,400 cfs. A-42 Aerial photography of modeling site 139.4L at mainstem 191 ---------~----------------ai scnarge s -of~Z3--;OUO-cTs an(r--r6--;0-OUcfs:---------------~------- J j j 1.0 INTRODUCTION Due to the economi c importance of the species,the ecol ogi ca 1 sensi tivi ty of the life stage,and their extensive use of mainstem-associated habitats, juvenile chinook have been designated as a primary evaluation species to be used in analyses of existing and with-project conditions.Chum salmon spawning and incubation life stages comprise the other two primary species/life stages selected for evaluation (EWT&A and Entrix 1985). This report addresses the effects of flow variation on the availability and quality of juvenile chinook salmon habitat within the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.The response of juvenile chinook habi- tat to changes in streamflow within this middle reach of the Susitna River has been the subject of several years of data collection and modeling studies conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)and Trihey and Associates (EWT&A).These investigations are part of an extensive environmental assessment program conducted to ful fi 11 1i censi ng requirements for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The Alaska Power Authority (APA),the state agency responsible for developing the hydropower potential of the Susitna River,has indicated a desire to maintain existing fish resources and levels of production within affected reaches of the river (APA 1985).This goal may be attainable through a variety of mitigative options (Moulton et al.1984).However,to protect existing fisheries resources and,to ensure the success of selected mitigation and enhancement efforts,it is necessary to identify and adopt instream flows and reservoir operation schedules which will provide for the needs of the fish species inhabiting the middle Susitna River. 1 The storage and release of water to meet the instream flow needs of fishes downstream is not necessarily incompatible with hydropower interests.The recharge and storage capabil i ties of the proposed Devil Canyon and Wa tana reservoirs [refer to APA (1985)for a description of the design criteria and construction schedule for these facilities]will permit water to be stored during periods when natural runoff exceeds both the water demand for power generation and the instr-eam flow needs of resident and anadromous fishes.This will allow for the controlled release of water during periods of greatest demand for power. Under the 1 i cense appl i ca ti on presentl y before the Federa 1 Energy Regulatory Commission the development of the Susitna hydroelectric project is planned to occur in three stages'(APA 1985). o Stage lis the constructi on a nd opera ti on of the Wa tana dam by 1999 which will provide 2.37 million acre feet of active storage.This is approximately 40 percent of the mean annual flow at the damsite and affords some seasonal regulation. o Stage II is construction of a dam by 2005 in the narrow Devil Canyon. The principal purpose is to develop head relying upon the Watana dam ---------------------------------_...__._--_._----_....-•.•.....•-.....,.__.__..._._._-_.__..~-_.""_.-----_._-_.""---_._.__. ~=~~=~===~---t~T~9 ~_~te_fJg_ws fg!"_po~e rJ)r()_<t~j:lon_"-_______ o Stage III involves raising the Watana dam 180 feet by 2012 to increase active storage to 3.7 mill i on acre feet,approxima te ly 64 percent of the mean annual flow. The license application presents environmental flow cases E-1 through E-VI which are aimed to provide different maintenance levels of habitats most responsive to mainstem flows.Case E-VI is the selected flow case in the j J 1 j j j ] J ) ) J I ] ] J j 1 ] ] I IlJ lJ LJ application and is designed to maintain 75 percent of the existing chinook salmon side channel rearing habitat in all years except low flow years. There are four projected flow scenarios for Case E-VI depending upon the stage of development of the project.Figure 1 compares natural with simulated with-project mean weekly discharges at Gold Creek for these four scenarios. The frequency and rate of change of daily flow fluctuations in the middle Susitna River will be highest during Stage I and II.However,by Stage III daily flow fluctuations are expected to be minimal.Over the long-term, use of the combined storage volume of the two reservoirs will result in lower summer a'nd higher winter flows than presently occur. As the demand for electricity varies over time,so do the instream flow needs of a fish species vary accord:ing to their life history stage.Adult chinook spawn exclusively within tributaries of the middle reach of the Susitna River,principally Indian River and Portage Creek.Consequently, the reproductive and early post-emergent fry life stages of chinook (unlike those of chum,pink and sockeye salmon which spawn'in both tributary and non-tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River)are not likely to be affected by project operation.The later freshwater life stages of chinook salmon,including juvenile and migratory phases,will be subjected to altered streamflow regimes since they utilize mainstem and mainstem- influenced habitats (Figure 2).The summer growth season is an important period for chinook juveniles since it is at this time that density- dependent factors will typically have their greatest effect on the popul a ti on. 3 30,000 LEGEND NATURAL --STAGE I -----STAGE II -.-.STAGE III EARLY --.STAGE III LATE 18 1 -. 6 ~3 [20 27 4 II I~25 I 8 15 22 29 !5 12 JiNf JULY !AUGUST SEPTEMBER I • NatJrJl and with-project mean weekly discharges for the mid1l~Susitna River.:Natural flows are based on 35 year record [(1950-1984)froml USGS Station 15292000 at Gold Creek. SimJlaited with-projectlflows are based on Case E-VI p demandlev~ls Stage I.Stagel II.early and late Stage III (datafro~f.i.PA 1985),: :!! I I.I!1 ,#'- l .-".-.-~'~. I :.1 .'L/-:"-~-". '-C - -".".....•Ii;,."/~.'. /I:,__•.-..:J#I"" ;'·1 !,./! /,.•! :•~._._.I 1 ;'/............,..--~--.'-::-::~-._._.~.;;/I i-'-'.- j I Figure 10 ~ooo 10,000 MONTHS w (!)a:: 4 J: U (f) 6 ..... II).... ::E~ w t; za ~ .~----...,......-.~'---i ~ COHO o I .8 TRIBUTARIES 50 60 40 40 60 10 50 I- Z ~30 ffi Q.20 I- Z Woa:·wQ. RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF JUVENILE SALMON ~ CHUM 2.5.,m;.";;"\";;;{"""~";".,,,,,JW;%'lil@iii;{:t·· UPLAND SIDE SLOUGHS CHANNELS 10 o 50 60 40 I- Z Woa:w Q. t- Z W 30oa:w Q.20 Jl CHINOOK SOCKEYE Figure 2.Percentage distribution of juvenile salmon within different habitat types of the middle Susitna River during the open water period (Dugan,Sterrltt,and Stratton 1984'. Following emergence in March and 'April juvenile chinook typically spend several months rearing in their natal streams.However,the numbers and biomass of juvenile fish may exceed the carrying capacity of the tribu- taries by midsummer and a percentage of the chinook population respond by emigrating to the Susitna River.During the remainder of their freshwater residency,whic~usually lasts until the spring of the following year, juvenile chinook typically occupy a range of habitats.Densities are hi.ghest in tributaries,side channels and side sloughs,respectively, during July to September of the open water season (Figure 3).Chinook distribution during the winter months is not well documented other than a.. noted tendency for individuals in mainstem and side channel areas to seek relatively warmer upwelling areas in side sloughs.During the fall a signi fi cant number of young-of-the-year chi nook apparen tl y mi gra te down- stream late in the summer,although it is uncertain whether they overwinter in fresh or sal twa ter (Dugan et a 1.1984). The biological and physical factors affecting juvenile chinook salmon in their rearing environment and their interrelationships are complex.Milner (1985)reviewed these environmental factors and their potential effects. ,._..,.£<?~~.~.~tla.~ilt!:Y~.I:>.r~.c1Cl~t()n,.Cl.I1.c1..c::()mPg1:ttjQI'Ljtr.~t.aIJLQI19_tb!=!_..m,o.r.e_imp.or..tan.t___-.:....._. oi"orogfcal-factors:'A1Tareme--dla-tecitosomede'gree by the quan ti ty and quality of physical habitat which constitute the fish's living space. Physical habitat .includes the combination of hydraulic,structural and chemical variables to which juvenile chinook tespondeitffer behaviorally or physiologically.Stream temperature,turbidity,suspended sediment level, water depth and velocity,.cover,and substrate texture are important physical habitat variables w'hich are either directly or indirectly influenced by the volume and pattern of streamflow. 6 j ) 1 j j ) 1 -) J ) j I ) ) 1 ) ) .) ) i__~ Malnatem II' 9.3°/.Oxbow One Eioht Silu \/8.20/. Combined 4.0% SlouOh 22. Whiskers Creek SlouOh Side Channel 10 Oxbow One 10.7% ~.Side Channel 10 "17.9% Twelve Situ Combined SlouOh 9 SIDE CHANNELS 6.7~UPLAND SLOUGHS COMBINED MACROHABITAT TYPES SIDE SLOUGHS~ Five Tributaries Combined 10.4 % -..l Figure 3.Density distribution of juvenile chinook salmon by macrohabitat type on the Susitna River between Chulitna River confluence and Devil Canyon,May through November 1983.Percentages are based on mean ca tch per cell (Dugan, Sterri tt,and Stratton 1984). The goal of minimizing potentially adverse effects of flow alterations associated with hydropower generation is possible only if the magnitude of the impacts is known,thereby presenting two major problems.The first relates to the quantification of existing resources and the relationships which sustain them.The second problem is methodolog.ical:how can predic- tions of with-project conditions be superimposed on natural conditions to enable accurate forecasts? For e'xample,our knowledge of the population dynamics of chinook salmon stocks of the middle Susitna River yields little insight into their likely long-term response to wi th-project flow regi meso Popula ti on adjustments are frequently deterrnined by com inations of environmental properties occuring far in advance of the biological response.Thus,although fish production and its component parameters (i.e.,density,mortality,growth, .etc.)may eventua llYr~fJ~c:1;'t;hEtjl'lfll,Le-Rc-ep_fca.usative.envjJ··o-nmentaL..-------------_._..~~~_.._-_.._------_~__..___._-.---~_._•........-_-_.. factors,the complexity of these relationships is too great and there is too much variability in our estimates to base our forecasts entirely on population studies.We are not limited as much by our ability to conceptualize the relationships linking juvenile.c:.hLnQOk__1;Otheir _ ----_._._~._---_.~-_._..-_.._-_.._--------_.•._--_..,.-._--_._,.._._-_..•---_._--~_._----,,---_..-....-.--------_.-.-----.._-----.------_...'.._----------_....,..--_.•.-.....__.•.._._--_..•...•---------.-.-.-..--..._..-----..-._"._--------•....-.__...•.__.._-_•..,--_..__.'... ships. This problem i·s not a new one.Fisheries biologists faced with the tasK of identi fying acceptable -instream flows often make their sel ecti On because it appears to make biological sense,and not on the basis of mathematically defined relationships between streamflow and biological response.In the past decade,however,an instream flow assessment methodology has been 8 I ) ] \ } I '"1~ " } :) J. 'J ! 1 ] 1 1 .] ) 1 J developed which partially bridges this gap.The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM)descri bed by Bovee (1982)provi des a computer assi sted . capability of simulating important components of fish·habitat based,on site-specific field measurements.The suitability of fish habitat at a given flow is eva!uated by reference to preference criteria.These are frequency distributions which describe the probability that a fish will be found in association with a particular level or interval of the habitat component in question.Once the spatial distribution and levels of habitat compone[lts are known or are reliably simulated for a range of flows,and the relationships between these components and behavioral preferences have been quantified,then a habitat response index may be calculated for each flow of interest.Following standard IFIM terminology,this habitat response index is termed Weighted Usable Area (WUA).From an assumption that the amount of suitable habitat in a stream varies with flow,the direction and magnitude of WUA may be considered reliable indicators of the probable population response to discharge alterations.This assumption has been verified for some salmonid streams but not for others (Nelson 1980, Loar 1985).Factors other than the amount of usable habitat,such as inadequate food supplies and catastrophic events (e.g.,floods),may ,have been responsible for the conflicting results. Nevertheless,the concept of habitat preference appears valid for this study and the linkage between biological response and flow-related habitat changes,as indexed by WUA should be strong enough to make inferences concerning the present status and likely trends in juvenile chinook )popul a ti ons . .J I J 9 Included in this report are WUA functions and related habitat indices defining the relationship between mainstem discharge and chinook rearing habitat potential at 20 study (modeling)sites on the middle Susitna River. Model ing resul ts are extrapola ted from individual study si tes to descri be the response of juvenile chinook habitat within a number'of different sub- environments of the middle Susitna River.Conventional methods of extrapolating WUA in single channel rivers based on the concept of con- tinuous homogeneous subsegments represented by individual modeling sites are not applicable to large braided rivers like the the Susitna River due to large spatial variations in hydraulic and morphologic character (see Aaserude et al.1985).Consequently,investigators concentrated on sampling smaller areas or portions of the middle Susitna River possessing relatively uniform yet comparatively distinct hydrologic,hydraulic and water clarity characteristics.This sampling design prompted the develop- ment of an extrapolation methodology,first outlined by Steward and Trihey ........_._jJ_~.~_'!l ,.!!Dj~t:J \'J~i9t:J"t:~jIVA j 114.i c l:.~gl:.'Ll:.l QRl:.df Qrea.c 11._lIlod e 1jng __stte according to the portions of the middle reach possessing similar hydro- logic,hydraulic and water clarity attributes.Characterizing fish habitat at this level acts to overcome problems associated with the large degree of environmental variability resent in the s stem and im roves the --------------ap·pl-i-ca-b-i-l-i-ty---'-'o'f'---t-he-s'e---r-e-s·ui··ts---to-·--the---en-t-lre--lfriaa-le-·---S us i-tna----R-iv e r.--------------..----~--.---..-.---. Within the overall framework of the Susitna aquatic habitat assessment program,habitat modeling results obtained for individual habitat types are particularly appropriate since related studies of juveriilefiSh'diStribu.... tion were conducted at this level (Hoffman 1985).An evaluation of habitat modeling results in combination with fish utilization data will permit an accura te assessment of reari ng habi ta t response to na tura 1 and project- 10 ;l ',I I I J I} ) ] ,\ Ij J 1 induced changes in streamflow for the entire middle Susitna river segment. Figure 4 illustrates the primary steps in the extrapolation analysis.An outl i ne of the da ta requirements and steps which compri se the methodology follows in order that the reader gain an appreciation of the utility of the rearing habitat response curves.The results of applying the full extrapo- lation analysis to existing flow regimes will be detailed in Volume II of the Instream Flow Relationships Report,scheduled for release by EWT&A in December 1985. 11 'J .1 :'.\ '.,' } ! ,l ~·1 ,'I .J '} 1 t. J J .I ,1 1 r j 12 charge for the entire middle Susitna Rivero life stage: Integra tion For each evaluation species/ cation.stratjfication •. and simulation components Flow chart indicating steps followed in the extrapolation of site-specific juvenile chinook habitat indices to the entire middle Susitna River. to determine the aquatic .........----...-."'hab itat-response·····to····d i·s-·······-·····-........-........._. Figure 4s Quanti fi ca ti on Stra tifi ca tion Simulation Quantify surface areas of Use available morpho-Simula te the response individual channel branches logic.hydraulic.and of aqua ti c habi ta t in the middle Susitna River hydrologic information qualit¥to discharge for each flow for which to stratify individual wi th habi tat model i ng aerial photography is aquatic habitats into techniques at selected available to determine groupstha tare hydro-areas of the middle the surface area response logically and morpho-Susitna Rivers to mainstem discharges logically similaro 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Habitat Characterization of the Middle Susitna River 2.1.1 Study Site Classification For,the middle reach of the Susitna River,Klinger and Trihey (1984) describe six habitat types,on the basis of water source and morphology: mainstem,side channel,side slough,upland slough,tributary,and tribu- tary mouth.Rearing habitat modeling sites were initially selected to conform with the concept of aquatic habitat types.The degree to which these habitat types are utilized by juvenile salmon as well as their susceptibility to project impacts determined the extent to which they were represented in model ing studies.Of the large number of loca ti ons sampled for juveniles in 1981 and 1982,significant numbers of chum,soc'keye,and chinook salmon were found in tributary,side channel,side slough and upland slough locations.Chinook salmon utilization of these habitat types was summarized in Figure 3.Recognizing that rearing habitat in tributaries will not be affected by project operation,investigators excluded this habitat type from modeling studies.Utilization of mainstem and tributary mouth areas by juvenile salmon was low and -not intensively studied.The sites chosen for modeling studies of juvenile chinook habitat are identified by river mile and bank orientation (L and R denote left and right bank looking upstream)in Figure 5. 13 _-CM100l.E-SUSITHA-RIVER·)··--_··__··_- JUVENILE CHINOOK .__J:fA8J.TA.1.MOOELING ..SITES. -1 10 ! MILES o I Figure 5.Juvenile chinook habitat modeling sites in the middle Susitna River.Sites are identified by river mile and bank orientation,where Land R denote left and right bank looking upstream. ..~ J 1 14 2.1.2 Representative Groups While the habitat type·concept described by Klinger and Trihey (1984)is useful in the identification of attributes characterizing'a particular location within the middle Susitna River at a given time,the static quality implicit in the concept makes it less practical as a means of stratifying the river for extrapolation purposes.The results of the 11 habitat modeling analyses are WUA forecasts for sites which frequently r I transform from one of these habitat types to another over the range of evaluation flows.The habitat quality and the distribution of the juvenile chinook is dependent upon these transformations and the progressive physical changes which attend them. In order that the dynamic and site-specific nature of rearing habitat response to a constantly changing aquatic environment be acknowledged by the extrapolation methodology,an alternate means of stratifying the middle Sus i tna River was developed.The concept of represen ta ti ve groups as a further set of distinct portions of the middle Susitna River and the criteria used by Aaserude et al.(1985)to define them ensures that the modeling sites are truly representative of .the habitats of the river they are intended to charac teri ze.Accura teo foreca s ts of the respon se of juvenile chinook to natural or imposed changes in flow regime require that this condition be satisfied. Aaserude et al.(1985)delineated 172 specific areas of the middle Susitna .J River from aerial photography interpretation and field verification stud i es.Specific areas formerly divided among four habitat types (side. 15 channel,side slough,upland slough,and in some cases mainstem habitats) were reassigned among ten representative groups,each characterized'by unique and readily identifiable combinations of flow-related attributes. Representative groups and the primary hydrologic,hydraulic and morphologic forms and processes which distinguish them are summarized in Table 1. Each modeling site is associated with a corresponding specific area;from an analysis of aerial photography and reconnaissance level field data,a modeled specific area may also be determined to be representative of several non-modeled specific areas within the same representative group. A Within the framework of the extrapolation methodology,the collection of modeled and non-modeled specific areas which comprise a particular repre- sentative group may be thought of as a discontinuous (i.e.,spatially discontin~ous)yet homogeneous subsegment of the river. Figure 5 indicates the repres~n~~iY~gY'()lJP c1~~tgng1:.jol1 of ectchJ'earing. --_._-"--~._~~-___._---_..__._--_.--------_._-_.•.._.....•._._-_-___...•........_-__.._.- habitat modeling site.Because the delineation of representative groups occurred subsequent to study site selection and data collection,some representative groups do not possess specific areas in which modeling studies were conducted.In particular,specific areas which dewater at ._--------.----..-----.. ---~-·~-rela-t_i·ve-1-y·hi·ghma·instem--discharges (Grou p'YI-n }-rfha-nfalfrste m....a rea swlficlf remain shoal-like at most evaluation flows (Group X)are not represented by juvenile chinook habitat modeling sites.The remainder of the representa- tive groups have at least one specific area with an associated modeling study site.This fact is important since the dbjectiveiS to extrapolate habitat indices from specific areas with modeled sites to non-modeled specific areas,assuming that modeling sites generally reflect the habitat character of non-modeled areas within the same representative group.As 16 I I 1 1 ( I l 1 "1 I I I I i [ I 1 J J i~\PRESENTATIVE NUMBER OFIGROUPSPECIFICAREAS ,I DESCRIPTION HABITAT mOELIHG SITES II III IV v VI VII VIII IX x 19 2B 18 21 9 13 7 24. 21 13 Predominantly upland sloughs.The specific areas comprising this group are highly stable due to the persistence of non-breached conditions (i.e., possess high breaching flows).Specific area hydraulics are characterized by pooled clear water with velocities frequently near 0.0 fps and depths grea tel'than 1.0 ft.Pools are cOll1llOnly connected by short riffles where velocities are less,than 1.0 fps and depths are less than 0.5 ft. This group includes specific areas commonly referred to as side sloughs. These sites are characterized by relatively high breaching flows (>19,500 cfs),clear water caused by upwelling groundwater,and large channel length to width ratios (:>15:1). Intermediate breaching flows and relatively broad channel sections typify the specific areas within this Representative Group.These sites are side channels which transform into side sloughs at mainstem discharges ranging from B,200 to 16,000 cfs.Lower breaching flows and smaller length to width ratios distinguish these sites from those in Group 11.Upwelling groundwa tel'is present. Specifie areas in this group are side channels that are breached at low discharges and possess intermediate mean reach velocities (2.0-5.0 fps)at a mainstem discharge of approximately 10,000 cfs. This group includes mainstem and side channel shoal areas which transform to clear water side sloughs as mainstem flows recede.Transformations generally occur at moderate to high breaching dhcharges. This group is similar to the preceding one in that the habitat character of the specific areas is dominated by channel morphology.These sites are primarily overflow Channels that parallel the adjacent mainstem,usually separated by a sparsely vegetated gravel bar.Upwelling groundwater mayor lIIIly not be present..Habitat transformations within this group are variable both in type and timing of occurrence. These specific areas are typically side channels which breach at variable yet fairly low lIIIlinstem discharges and exhibit a characteristic riffle/pool sequence.Pool s are frequentl y large backwa tel'areas near the mouth of the si teSt The specific areas in this group tend to dewater at relatively high mainstem discharges.The direction of flow at the head of these channels tends to deviate sharply (>30 degrees)from the adjacent ma instem. Modeling sites from Groups II and III possessing representative post- breaching hydraulic characteristics are used to model these specific areas. .This group consists of secondary mainstem Channels which are similar to primary mainstem channels in habitat character,but distinguished as being smaller,and conveying a lesser proportion of the total discharge.Speci- fic areas in this group have low breaching discharges and are frequently similar In size to large side channels,but have characteristic mainstem features,such as relatively swift velocities (,.5 fps)and Visibly coarser substrate. Large mainstem shoals and the margins of mainstem channels which show signs of upwelling are included In this representative group. 107.6L,112.SL 101.4L,113.7R, I26.0R,I44.4L 101.2R,I2B.aR, l32.6l,l4l.4R 112.6l,137.7L 134.9R,136.0L 141.6R l33.al,l36.3R 119.2R 132.6L,l44.4L 101.Sl,147 .ll 10S.8ll,l19.lll, l3B.7ll,l39.4ll, l33.81R t 1J Table 1..Primary hydrologic,hydraulic and morphologic character- istics of representative groups identified for the middle Sus i tna Ri ver. 17 will be discussed later in section 3.8,juvenile ~hinook habitat response wi thin Group VIII was represented using model ing resul ts from study si tes in Groups II and II 1.The response for Group X was eva 1 ua ted usi ng Di rect Input Habitat (DIHAB)models for spawning chum habitat at five of the sites,'as outlined in section 3.10. Important criteria used to partition specific areas into representative groups are the type and rate of change in hydrol ogi c character documented for the specific areas.The hydrologic component of the method used by Aaserude et al.(l985)to stratify the middle Susitna River focuses on the systematic transformation in habitat type of specific areas within the 5,100 to 23,000 cfs flow range.For example,as flows recede mainstem areas frequently becomeshallC5w water shoals,arid side channels may transform into side sloughs;both habitat types may eventually dewater as flows decrease further.The emphasis .on habitat transformation acknowledges the transient nature of riverine habitat availabili distribution.The dichotomous key in Figure 6 delineates the eleven habi- tat transformation categories derived from an evaluation of the 172 speci- fic areas and eight streamflows for the middle river.Note that the final categories approximate the original "habitat type"designations used by ----~~--K-l-i-nger--and-~~r-i-hey-(-19 84-)~and~ADF&G -(-19 83-).----rwo+mpor-ta-n-t--mo d-i-f~;'ea-t-ions---to - the habi tat type classi fi ca ti on system are the incl usi on of shoal habi tat and the presence/absence of upwelling.Shoals are areas which at high flows are visually inseparable from adjacent mainstem or side channel areas.As flows recede the shoal or riffle character of these sites be- comes obvious,even though the boundaries separating shoals and adjacent 18 1 I I I [ I 'I I -I 1 I [ 1 1 J J ] 1 r~-- b I-' 1.0 WETTED AREA OF SITE @ 23,000 CFS I I I CLEAR WATER TURBID WATER @ 23,000 CFS @ 23,000 CFS I I I Side Sloughs Distinct Channel Indlsllnct Channel (Shoals) Tributary Mouths Upland Sloughs @ 23,000 CFS @ 23,000 CFS '0 1 Dewatered @ 9.000 CFS 9 I Clear Water Turbid Waler Turbid Waler Clear Water @ 9.000 CFS @ 9.000 CFS @ 9.000 CFS @ 9.000 CFS I I I I I I I I I With Apparent Without Apparent Side Channel Mainstem Become Distinct Remain Indistinct With Apparent Wilhout Apparent Upwelling Upwelling (less than 10%Side Channels @ 9.000 UPwelling Upwelling 01 Flow)@ 9,000 2 3 4 10 5 6 ...8I Figure 6.Flow chart for classifying the transformation of aquatic habitat types between two flows (Categories 0-10).It is important to note that habitat transformations can be ·monitored between any two flows of interest. habitat types are usually indistinct.Specific areas fitting this descrip- tion are further distinguished on the basis of whether their bou,ndaries remain indistinct or transform into well-defined channels at lower flows. Upwelling groundwater,usually discernable in aerial photos by the presence of clear water,is accentuated in the classification step of the extrapola- tion methodology because of its pronounced effect on the distribution of juvenile and adult salmon within the middle Susitna River. Using habi tat types present at 23,000 cfs as a point of reference,si te- specific habitat transformations have been defined for several discharges of 18,000 cfs and less.The sequential changes in habitat type observed within this flow.range offers a powerful tool with which to combine speci- fic areas into representative groups.Other hydrologic parameters used with varying degrees of confidence to cluster specific areas into r_~Presel1ta tiv~_9rQMR~_ar'e.bre~~l1ing_flpw ,_J;ross-~~te_ctJgnaLpro_fjJJ;_s,oJ_t_bfiL head berm and adjacent mainstem channel,and upwelling. Of the hydraulic variables examined by Aaserude et ale (1985),mean reach veloci under breached conditions was considered the most ate for ---------classi-f}/-i ng spe c i-f,c a rea s wi-tIfHr-tfie miCialeSu s i-tna 'RTver:---O nfor tuna 'te TY~ the relatively low flows (8,000 -11,000 cfs)at which field sampl ing was conducted precl uded standardi za ti on of mean reach vel oci ti es on the basi s of a common flow ortransforma ti ona 1 sta teo Mean reach ve loci ties were Una va.i la.bTea.t sa.-m pling flow's for two'"thi rdsOfthe specific areas delineated in the middle Susitna River;the majority of the sites were unbreached during reconnaissance field studies.Nonetheless,the velocity 'J 1 j i [ ! I ! ~j.- J t 1 I i J ] ] 1 lJ da ta coll ected was used to further refi ne transforma ti on ca tegory definitions. Of more practical value in the development of representative groups were channel morphology indices derived from aerial photo interpretation and on- site visits in the field.Specific areas within the middle Susitna River exhibit sufficient similarities in plan form to provide a theoretically attractive means of grouping sites together.Use of channel geometry, sinuosity;length-to-width ratios and related morphologic indices to classify specific areas according to representative group is justified by the repeti tiveness of simi lar channel features wi thi n the mi ddle Susi tna River segment. 2.2 Quantification 2.2.1 Description of Wetted Surface Area Responses Although each specific area is assigned to the same representative group for all flows,the wetted perimeter and therefore its wetted surface area (WSA)varies with discharge.Furthermore,the rate of change in WSA relative to mainstem discharge varies between specific areas.Successful appli ca ti on of the extrapola ti on methodology requires that the WSA response to mainstem discharge be quantified,since the amount of rearing habitat available within a specific area is dependent on its areal extent at di fferent flows. The concept of a specific area requires fixed upstream and downstream boundaries.For example,a side slough specific area has a line across the 21 head berm and a line across the mouth which do not change with flow.The WSA response for the side slough is due to flow-induced changes in length, wid th and convo 1 uti on of the wetted peri meter wi thi n these bounda ri es. Once the head berm is overtopped,all increases in WSA are related to increases in channel width with increasing flow,as the channel.length should remain constant. The end product of the extrapolation methodology is the Representative Groups'WUA responses to ma i nstem di scharge.Therefore,the WSA response curves should not include WSA response due to any sources other than mainstem discharge.If the WSA response of a site is not correlated with mainstem discharge,i.e.,it varies widely or is constant,an average WSA value should be used to show the absence of mainstem influence.If the site WSA is correlated to mainstem discharge,then the WSA response should approximate a loglinear function.. To illustrate these concepts,consider a specific area which transforms from a side slough to a side channel at a mainstem flow of 15,000 cfs. Although for all flows below the 15,000 cfs breaching flow the specific area is a side slough,there are two ways mainstem flow can affect the WSA ----..-.----~re·spon·s·e~-of··the-·si--te-~-··P-i-r·s-t-l-y-,~a--ba·ckwa-ter-zo·ne-a-t-the-··mo·uth-wo·u-l-d-i-n-" crease the WSA with increasing mainstem stage and,secondly,the mainstem may be a.source of upwelling which in.creases the site flow with a concom- mitant increase in WSA.If these effects are strong,they will approxi- mate a loglinear function,otherwise the site will have a flat WSA response to mainstem discharge.The WSA need not be constant,but may vary widely due to other local variables.Above breaching,the mainstem flow is the driving variable and again WSA should display a log linear relationship 22 I ] 1 J j 1 ] j i ! 1 I i ---~-----~--- j 1 ] j j I ·.·-~-depending onthedegY'eeof-ir'Y'egular'~i-tyof the·channel geometry.Smooth parabolic cross sections should fit the loglinear relationship better than irregular cross sections. 2.2.2 Aerial Photography Database J J j Klinger and Trihey (1984)describe a methodology for obtaining wetted surface areas from aerial photographic plates,and are the source of the database of WSA's used in the WUA extrapolation for juvenile chinook salmon.There are two differences between the digitizing methods described for habi tat types and those used for speci fi c areas.Del i nea ti on of habi- ta t types was not 1imi ted by the upstream and downstream boundari es used for specific areas,and,secondly,the control corridors used for habitat types were not employed for specific areas. The aerial photography database consists of WSA measurements for all specific areas at seven mainstem discharges:5,100,7,400,10,600,12,500, 16,000,18,000,and 23,000 cfs.To forecast WUA above 23,000 cfs and below 5,100 cfs,a method of extrapola ti ng WSA beyond the range of the database was required.Since WSA is expected to follow a loglinear function,an extrapolation above 23,000 cfs'using a logarithmic regression was the obvious choice.The use of logarithmic regression equations to approximate WSA response below 23,000 cfs would have the added.benefit of minimizing errors in the aerial photography da tabase. ,The accuracy of the database in forecasting WSA response to mainstem discharge is dependent on two major forms of error: 23 1.Errors in es ti rna ti ng the true WSA of a speci fi c area.These errors are caused by photographic distortion,shadows which obscure the sites, delineation of the specific area,and digitizing errors.There are two principal types of photographic error.Firstly,the aerial photography was not ground survey controlled,so when mosaics of the photographs were made into plates,there was a significant amount of topol~gical distortion which varied from plate to plate.Second,due to differences in weather condi- tions at the flight time,slight variations in scale occurred in the sets of photography.These sources of error were not significant in the habitat type analysis since WSA's for each habitat type were summed for each flow, and'distortions tended to cancel out.However,the extrapolation methodology.follows the WSA response of individual specific areas,and this increased resolution over habitat type analysis is much more susceptible to distortion errors. The 23,000 cfs photography,taken on.Qljnfi!l.,l~J~4.,_W_(i~9btajoe_d~.ttb.e time -------_.~~~_.,.__.•."_•..__._..,__..__._._---_.__.___-_._----_.___.-_-._-_.-..-----_......•-___-----_-__-_.___-_-..• of year corresponding to high solar altitude and the deciduous vegetation had not fully leafed-out.This resulted in few shadows,thereby enabling excellent delineation of the wetted perimeter.However,the 5,100 and 7,400 cfs photography,obtained on October 4 and 14,1984,res ---------have--ex-te ns-i-ve--area-s-of---shadowsa-long-the-southand--e-a-stshOrtfl;-nEfs---dlre-to the low autumn sol ar a 1 ti tude.These shadows obscured the water's edge of some specific areas making WSA delineation difficult and sometimes specula- tive.The remaining sets of photography have isolated shadow problems. As mentioned previously,specific areas have upper and lower boundaries. Proper delineation of the WSA necessitates consistent positioning of the boundaries on each plate.The best method for accomplishing this is to ] ] 1 1 I I .] ] 1 i ! 1 1 -J 1 1 1 \I I IL, IJ .fi rstJieftn ~..tt1~J~9u nQ~J..j~.~.()l'!.~t1~.§.,!QQ ...c:f~J~Ji!"t.~.~\'J~~.Y'~C:.'>.rl."t r ()}2.'>.111.t s which may be submerged at a higher flow are readily identifiable,and use these bounds as a templa te for the higher flows.Unfortuna tely,r the 5,100 and 7,400 cfs plates were not available until early 1985 after the other flows had already been digitized.This fact,and photographic distortion, lead to less than optimal control of WSA delineation.For some specific areas,determination of the wetted perimeter was exacerbated by the diffi- cul ty in discriminating between gravel bars and highly turbid water,both of which had approximately the same shade of grey on the black-and-white photography. The Numonics Digitizing Tablet,used to convert delineated areas to a digital value,is accurate to a thousandth of an inch.However,since the photographic plates are taken at a scale of 1"=1",000·,some specific areas have a WSA value of only a few thousandths of an inch at certair flo'ws and thus have a higher percent error. 2.Error induced by natural covariables.These are not true errors,but simply variables we do not want to include in the WSA responses used in the extrapolation methodology.These covariables fall into two types: firstly,those which affect the water mass,and secondly those related to channel geometry.In the first group,the effects are most noticeable in the nonbreached state.Some sites have large amounts of subsurface intra- gravel flow which acts as storage.If the hydrograph is falling at the time the photography was taken,there is a time lag petween the stage of the nonbreached si te and wha t we expect when the stage has s tabi 1 i zed. This timelag effect was quite pronounced for some sites.Also,local water sources such as small tributaries and runoff,may have greater influence on 25 The a im of thi s methodology was to produce WSA response curves whi ch w'hen used in the extrapolation methodology will produce WUA response curves Figure 7,which outlines the quantification process,·s.hows the analytical steps and the direction of flow for particular representative groups.The first step was to identify outliers in the digitized data set;if due to j J J j J I ;j --j 1 j ] I 1 I 1 ] 1 i Forecasting WSA with Regression Equations Extrapolate beyond the limits of the aerial photography Minimize errors in estimating WSA for the photographic plates Minimize variance of WSA due to "local"variables3. Regression equations were used to predict WSA for specific areas in order to: L 2. 2.2.3 the stage of some specific areas,most notably in Representative Groups I and II,tha.n the mainstem when the sites are nonbreached.Since WSA is related to channel geometry as well as flow,any changes in the channel structure between the ti me di fferent photo sets were taken will cause i~SA errors.High-flow events following the 18,000 cfs photography caused sma 11 changes at some sites which,although negligible for habitat type summations,made the 18,000 cfs photography inappropriate for several speci fi c areas. _~..._______~c h~!.[~(Jn l~.__tt_s ho.l,!l<tQ~lJIlde r~tood tha t _~t.be se regression equations do not show observed WSA at a particular flow,but are a good approximation of the rate of change for WSA due to mainstem di scharge. 26 QUANTIFICATION AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH'i 5100 to 23,000 ch DELINEATE ,DIGITIZE SPECIFICE AREAS DEBUG DATABASE WSA V BY Q uATA m:a POINTS TAKE AVERAGE QF WS!'". BELOW 0 b DEVELOP REGRESSION EO. FOR WSA.e 5000 >0 ...<0 b NO GENERATE WSA CURVE FOR 5000 >0 <0 lIlI b REP GRP I -. AMPLITUDE ADJ. 1i~~A.~,YliSA ..clift WSAe23,'fOO cfs L.I liSA dlff - WSA -liSA••m WSAe23,6'80 cfs BREACHING ADJ.liSA •.a,x liSA +0 diU ..b o b diU - °baa_Obm TAKE liSA .. CORVE FROM SllB!llDEL REP GRP II ,VIII ~ NO 'iES REP GRPSIII 1/1VIVIIVIII IX N -J DEVELOP REGRESSION EO.FOR liSAeo>0b... <35,000 o MAIN STEM DISCHARGE mso BREACHING FLOW bsa SPECIFIC AREA m MODELED SITE FOR'SUBGROUP x 0 COMPONENT OF ~ISA CURVE Y AREA CCHPONENT OF WSA CURVE Figure 7.Flow .chart indicating the steps followed in the quantification of wetted surface area response to mainstem discharge for specific areas used in the extrapolation me thodo logy. noncorrectable errors,they were not used in the analysis.If a specific area had a nonbreached range,the data points below breaching were visually inspected for an apparent increasing trend in WSA.If a trend was observable,a loglinear regression was performed and used to predict WSA in this range.If WSA was constant or highly variable below breaching,an average WSA value was computed and subsequently used as a representa tive WSA for the nonbreached state.Above breaching,if two or more rel iable data points were available,a regression was taken and used to forecast WSA for the speci fi c area from the breaching flow to 35,000 cfs.The predi c- tions thus developed were "spliced"at the breaching flow by visual exami- na tion. Unfortunately,specific areas for Representative Group II and some specific areas in V,VI,and VIII did not have enough data points above breaching to develop regression equations.This required an alternative procedure to specific areas were obtained by extrapolating the WSA response of the modeled sites in the respective Representative Group to the nonmodeled sites.This was done using the extrapolation methods,described in section 2.4,with minor revisions.Firstly,the WSAcurve from the ~1.!Q.9X·gl1P!JIQge.L ---~--_._---_.---------.-._.---_.~-.>-_....,_.,_._.----"-~~-~----"'--'----'-"._-----'--"----'--------~-------- ·~----s-i-te~w·a-s~a-d-Jus-tE:d-fo-r-Drea-clfi ng,ttl usn 0 r rna lTzi n g-tne curve to·tfle breaching flow.The amplitude of the curve was then adjusted by raising or lowering the curve to coincide with the aerial photography WSA value for 23,000 cfs .. The WSA responses for specific areas used in the extrapolation process are 1i sted in Appendi x C. 1 J ] ! I I ~""j j J j J I j I J J 1 J r .IJ --2.3Phys-ical HabitatModelingStudi es 2.3.1 Overview of Modeling Techniques The quantitative assessment of juvenile chinook rearing habitat response to streamflow in the middle Susitna River is based on investigations conducted by ADF&G and EWT&A from 1982 through 1985.Sufficient data were collected" to model chinook rearing habitat potential at 20 modeling sites typical of 9 of the 10 representative groups which characteri4:e the middle Susitna River.These studies utilized two modeling tethniques:1)the Resident Juvenile Habitat (RJHAB)model developed by ADF&G;and 2)the Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM)System developed by the Instream Flow and Aquatic Systems Group of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.Data require- ments and sampling methods employed by the two models are similar,and model parameters and standard output variables are identical (Figure 8). The major differences between RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling approaches relate to the resolution of input and output data and the ~echniques used to proces?these data.The RJHAB model generates surface area and WUA output only for those discharges for which hydraulic information was collected. The PHABSIM modeling system incorporates hydraulic models which may be used to forecast synthetic hydraulic data for any streamflow within an accept- able calibration range.These data serve as input to a program (HABTAT) which calculates wetted surface area and various habitat indices for the mode 1 i ng si teo WUA forecas ts for unobserved flow s ba sed on the PHABS I M models are more reliable than those obtained using the RJHAB modeling techni que. 29 \ RJHAB! ' HYDRAULIC·HABITAT MORPHOLOGIC ~SUITABILITY ESTIMATION BY EYE OF'~II--__.... DATA COLLECTION -MODEL AREA RESPONSE FOR i (see Figure 9 )(RJHAB)UNOBSERVED FLOWS \ l'0[TI] S.'.I 0.0 cwo SELECTION ,OF STUDY ,SITES I I JUVENILE PHINOOK HABITAT SUITABILITY •CRITERIA l'0l]1.0 [Z[]'"Sv Sd I I 0.0 0.0', v (J I WSA ilFUA DISCHARGE AREA RESPONSE CURVES AND RELATED INDICES " HYDRAULIC· MORPHOLOGIC DATA COLIlECTIO'N (see Figure 10 ) !IIFG 'HfiYD,RAULlC _t1YDRAULlC MODEL HABITAT !MpDEL "OUTPUT FOR,SUITABILiTY I I 'C~L1BRATION UNOBSERVED FLOWS MODEL I i (HABTAT) I !I I PHAB,SIM ! Figure 8.RJH~Bland PHABSIM mode ing of ~u~enile chinook sa man !, pathways followed in the analysis habi tat. -------' -_:.'-' ..~", oA------- Source documents for information relating to RJHAB and PHABSIM model 1-1 development for middle Susitna River study sites include Estes and Vincent- Lang (1984),Hale et al.(l984),r~arshall et ale (1984),and EWT&A and Entri x (1985).Habi ta't sui tabi 1 i ty cri teria serving as model parameters I] for HABTAT are described in Steward (1985). 2.3.2 Hydraulic Data Requirements [1 I J RJHAB and PHABSIM models applied in this study assess the influence of 11 three key physical habitat variables known to significantly influence juvenile chinook salmon distribution,namely instream and overhead cover, water velocity and water depth.The availability of areas characterized by suitable combinations of these variables varies directly with changes in streamflow.The primary objectives of both habitat models are to quantify the distribution of various combinations of these habitat variables within a representative segment of stream and to describe this distribution in terms of its usability or potential as rearing habitat for juvenile chinook. I 1IJ u u In order to describe rearing habitat potential based on the availability of suitable cover,velocity and depth within a study site,field measurements were obtained at discrete intervals along multiple transects.Figures 9 and 10 illustrate the basic differences between the RJHAB and PHABSIM sampling methods,including transect placement,number of verticals where hydraulic variables are sampled and the dimensions of the cells or mapping elements represented by these point measurements.In the case of the RJHAB modeling sites,cover and hydraulic data were collected at four to seven 31 n Vi =LV. j=1 J n where di =depth (ft)for ith cell dj =depth (ft)at jth vertical d n =depth (ft)at nth vertical vi =velocity (ftIsec)for ith cell Vj =velocity (ftIsec)at jth vertical vn =velocity (ftIsec)at nth vertical n =number of verticals measurement verticals 1 - n 32 Figure 9.Sampling design for RJHAB modeling sites.The RJHAB model assumes that average values obtained for habitat variables within 6'x 50'bank and mid-channel cells are representative of larger areas within the modeling site. 'I J ) ]. r 54 ~~~v RJHAB Bank Cell representing shoreline area Vi =velocity (ftlsec)for ith cell di =depth (ft)for jth cell wi =width (ft)for jth celf Ii =length (ft)for ith cell PHA8S'M 654 .~FlOW u I J Figure 10. Sampling design for PHABSIM modeling sites. } 33 different discharges.Two bank cells and one mid-channel cell,each 6 ft wide by 50 ft long,were sampled per transect.However,the areas represented as bank cells in surface area and WUA calculations extended 6 ft out from the left or right banks and upstream to the next transect.The mid-channel cells were considered representative of the area located between the 6 foot wide bank cells. Cover,velocity and depth data for PHABSIM models were collected at several irregularly spaced verticals along the study site transects.The surface area associated with each cell extended halfway to adjacent verticals and transects (Figure 10).In contrast to the "RJHABmode1,the field data obtained in the PHABSIM analysis are used to calibrate a hydraulic model capa.ble of forecasting depth-velocity combinations for each cell at unsamp1ed discharges.Two types of hydraulic models were used for this purpose,depending primarily on hydraulic conditions at the study site.The I FG-2 model is a ~.c3.~~r:~ur-faC:~J~...ofjJe J~YP~rnQd~lQa.sec1 Qf11:_hgMa.f1n ill~-_.....__._..---_. equation and the principle of conservation of mass and energy (Milhous et a1.1984).Data requirements for the IFG-2 model include a single set of velocity data and several measurements of transect water surface eleva- tions.Model calibration involves iterative adjustments of Manning's n .--------va-l-ues-un-tH--agreement--be-twee n-observed-and--predi-c1:ed-wa-tersurfa-cee-leva-" tions is obtained.Once reliably calibrated,the IFG-2 model may be used to predict velocities within each cell across the transect at different discharges. The second type of model used to simulate hydraulic data in rearing habitat investigations was the IFG-4,which employs linear regression analysis to predict depth and velocity as a function of discharge for each cell.The 34 J J -) I I I '~l ) .) ) 1 i J J ) 1 ) ) ] r ,--,~-~-~-~--I-FG-""4mode~requ-iresam-i-n4mumoftwohydrauli c data sets but is better suited than the IFG-2 model for simulating rapidly varied flow conditions (Tri hey and·Ba 1dri ge 1985). Estes and Vincent-Lang (1984),Hale et ale (1984),and Hilliard et ale (1985)provide further information ·on hydraulic data collection and analytical procedures. 2.3.3 Habitat Suitability Criteria LJ u The next stage in the RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling process requires that habitat suitability criteria be developed for the species/life stages of interest•.Habitat suitability criteria (curves)indicate the preference of a fish for different levels of a particular habitat variable;suitability curves are needed for each physical habitat variable incorporated in the habitat models.The cover,velocity and depth suitability criteria used in this study to evaluate chinook rearing habitat potential in the middle Susitna River are based primarily on field observations of juvenile chinook densities in side channel and side slough areas of the middle Susitna River (Suchanek et ale 1984).EWT&A and Entrix (1985)and Steward (1985)discuss these data with regard to their applicability to mainstem,side channel and side slough habitats.The juvenile chinook suitability criteria recommended by Steward (1984)and summarized in Figures 11,12,and 13 were applied in this study. Of pa rti cul ar in teres t are the separa te vel oci ty and cover habi ta t suitability criteria which apply under clear and turbid water conditions .. 35 0.50.1 0.50.1 0.50.1 0.50.1 0.50.1 0.5 ; 4!5 6 7 8 9 Larq~Rubb\~Cobble or Debrl&a Overhon9 in 9 Undercut Gravel 3-5 Boulder ••Deadfall Riparian Bank& over 5 0.50.1 PERCENT COVER BY COVER TYPE I o.~0.1 2 i f 3iiEmerqentIAquotic Veqetatibn I Veqetation!! I 0.50.1 No .Cover o. 0.0 t···:·········,·,·,·······,·,···,·····,·····,············r·'·'·'····· 1.0 I I CLEARl 0.8-1 I TURSli Percent covt 0.1 0-5 X O.6~'0.2 6 -2~ W 0.3 26 -50 0 0.4 51 .7~Z 76 -Ibo0.5 I.>- ~- ...J-0.4£D w <! 0)~-:::> (J) 0.2. Figure 11. i !,ICoversuitability criteria used to model ju.venile chinook habitat (WUA)iO the middle Susitna River.Separate c~iteria are pres~nted for clear and turbid water conditions (~rom Steward 1985). .f I.---.:::-:..,.;.......1 DEPTH SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON 1.0 .9 10.03.0 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.15 1.00 10.00 1.00 DEPTH SUITABILITY (Sd) 2.01.0 +-.......---..---....---......----..---.....--------1'--- .7 "i:i (J).6->I- ::J .5 CD ~ :::).4 (J) .3 .2 .1 0 0 DEPTH (ft) Figure 12.Depth suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA)under clear and turbid water conditions in the middle Susitna River (from Stewar~1985). 37 ) J,., VELOCITY SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON ) I LEGEND ---Turbid ---Clear 1.5 Clear water less than 5 NTU Turbid water 50 to 200 NTU SUITABILITY (Sv) Velocity Clear Turbid 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.05 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 0.35 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.80 0.65 1.00 0.60 0.80 0.68 0.38 1.10 0.44 0.25 1.40 0.25 0.15 1.70 0.18 0.07 2.00 0.12 0.02 2.30 0.06 0.01 2.60 0.00 0.00 1.00.5 0.8 0.6 0.2 1.0 0.4 0.0 +-----or--------,,..------,.-----.,.---==..,..-----, o VELOCITY (ftlsec) I 1 1..., Figure 13 ..VeloCity suitabllity criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA)under clear and turbid water conditions in.the middle Susitna River (from Steward 1985). 38 j I 1 1 I ] U Clear water habitats occur in side channel areas which are not breached by the turbid waters of the mainstem river yet maintain a base flow via groundwater upwelling or tributary inflow.The frequency and duration of thi s cond i ti on depends on the eleva ti on of the thalweg at the head of the site relative to the water surface elevation of the adjacent mainstem., Site flow versus mainstem discharge relationships were used to determine when clear and turbid water veloci~and cover criteria were to be applied. Rearing salmon use cover to avoid predation and unfavorable water vel oci ties.Instream objects such as submerged macrophytes,large substrates and organic debris,and overhanging vegetation in near shore areas can provide cover for juvenile chinook salmon.Instream object cover in most rearing areas of the middle Susitna River is provided by larger streambed materials,primarily rubble (3-5 inch diameter)and boulder (>5 inches)size substrates.The cover suitability criteria presented in Figure 11 and Table 2 suggest that juvenile chinook tend to associate wi th some form of object cover in bo th cl ear and turbi d wa ter habi ta ts. Preference generally increases in prop~rtion to the percentage of object cover presen t,pa rti cul arl y under cl ear wa te'r condi tions.The di fferent preferences for the same type and percent of object cover indicated by the clear and turbi d water sui tabi 1i ty cri teria are due to the uti 1i za ti on of turbidity as cover by rearing chinook.Dugan et ale (1984)documented higher densities of chinook in breached,turbid water side channels than were found at the same si tes under nonbreached,cl ear wa ter condi ti ons. IJ This disparity was most pronounced at sampling sites possessing minimal object cover. 39 Table 2. Percent Cover ICoversuitabilityc~it~ria recommended Ifor use in modeling juvenile chinook habitat under clear and turbtd water conditi1ons.Sources:Suchanek et al.1984;Steward 1985.I :,I No Emergent I Aquatic Large \RUbble Cobble or Debris &Overhanging Undercut Cover Veg.Veg.Gravel 3"-5"Boulders <5"Deadfall Riparian Banks . I Cl ear Water Ie Such&nek et al.1984)) I I .j::> o 0-5% 6-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.07 0.22 0.39 0.53 0.68 0.07 0.21 0.35 OA9 0.63 0.09 0.27 0.45 0.63 0.81 0.09 0.29 0.49 0.69 0.89 0.11 0.33 0.56 0.78 1.00 0.06 0.20 0.34 0.47 0.61 0.10 0.32 0.54 0.75 0.97 Turbid water[(EWT&A and WCC 1985)1 0.31 0.31 I 0.39 0.39 0.37 0.58 0.35 0.67 0.41 0.77 0.46 0.85 0.52 0-5% 6-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.39 0.46 0.42 0.52 0.48 0.58 0.54 , I 0.47 0.54 0.62 0.69 0.51 0.59 0.68 0.76 0.48 0.26 0.44 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.82 1Multip11cation factors: ----...-0 I I 0-5%.r.38;6-25:t -1.1 5 ;26-50%-1.20;51-75%-0.98;76-100%-0.85 I \I.J Water depth is not a significant factor limiting juvenile chinook habitat potential,as indicated by the open ended depth suitability curve in Figure 12.Provided that other microhabitat conditions are suitable, juveniles tend'to prefer depths exceeding 0.15 feet to an equal degree. This observation has been corroborated in other habitat utilization studies of juveni le chi nook salmon (Steward 1985). A distinct preference by juveniles for low velocities under turbid water to detect drifting prey items (Milner 1985). 2.3.4 Habitat Model Response Variables The RJHAB model was modified slightly in order that the methods of calculating various indices of habitat potential,including WUA,and wetted surface areas were consistent for all modeling sites.Wetted surface area (WSA)estimates based on RJHAB and PHABS.IM model ing approaches were com- pu ted by summi ng the surface area s of wa tered ce 11 s withi n the mode 1i ng site (Table 3).Flow related increases in wetted surface area at RJHAB sites were apportioned among mid-channel cells of the sites since the dimensions of the area represented by bank cells remained essentially unchanged for all flows.At study sites modeled with IFG-2 or IFG-4 41 Parameters/Units~quation I i i.I 1 I I ! I I iII,I Wetteq syrface area (WSA).weighted usable area (WUA)and related habitat indices used in the evaluation of chinook re~ring habitat potential within the middle Susitna River.I I I I 1 I I Statistic Table J. Calculations erformed for Each Cell (i) Surface Area (Ai) I Composite Suitabil t~(Si) Ai =1 will , I Si =s(c 1)s(vi)s(di ) wi =cell width (ft) li =cell length (ft) (ft2 ).. s(c1)'s(v1)and s(d i ) (ft2) (ft2) are weighting factors for includes all cells (ft2) includes cells with WUA >0.0 cover.velocity and depth (dimensionless) (dimensionless) (dimensionless) (dimensionless) n WUA =~A·Sii =1 1 n GHA =L Ai 1 =l' HOI =GHA /WSA HQI =WUA /·GHA I I I 1WeightedUsableAr~a l0olUA1)WUAi Ai S1 (ft2 ) 1 II.calcul~tilons Performed for a MOdeling Site Comprised of (n)Cells !, I I !I n Wetted Surface Are~(IWSA)WSA =L Ai I !1 =1I I!I IGrossHabitatAreal(GHA) i IIWeightedUsableAreaI(WUA)I I I IHabitatAvailabili,ty Ilndex (HAI)HAl =WUA/WSA I 'Habitat Distribution Ilndex (HOI)I ! Habitat Qual ity In~eJ (HQI) +:- N ~.'---or ~----.; hydrau 1ic models,the si ze and 1oca ti on of cells generally rema i ned con- stant but the total number of cells increased or decreased as wetted top widths responsed to c~anges in flow.Hence,the cumulative surface area of the IFG modeling sites increased through the addition of new cells along the shore 1i nee The composite suitability of each cell within the RJHAB and IFG modeling sites was determined by multiplying the individual suitability values associated with prevailing velocity,depth and cover conditions (Table 3). This method of calculation implies that the physical habitat variables evaluated by the models are assumed to be independent in their influence on habitat selection by juvenile chinook.Weighted usable area is computed for each cell by multiplying the cell's composite suitability by its sur- face area.The sum of the cell WUAs obtained for a given discharge yields the modeling site WUA;when plotted as a function of discharge~the modeling site WUA curve indicates the response of usable rearing habitat to changes in streamflow. Habitat simulation results include WUA and WSA estimates for each study si te for ma i nstem di scharges ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Gold Creek gaging station.In order to facilitate comparisons between modeling sites,WSA is expressed in units of square feet per linear foot of stream.WSA is therefore proportional to the mean width of the modeling site.These units are less satisfactory for comparisons of WUA J since usable habitat at a site is a function of surface area weighted by the suitability of its physical habitat attributes.An interpretation of ha.bitat availability should not be made without reference to the total wetted surface area of the si teo As an example,consider two study si tes 43 possessing relatively equal amounts of weighted usable area;the smaller site,particularly where there is a large disparity in size,possesses a greater amount of usable habitat relative to the prevailing wetted surface area.Therefore,a more meaningful index of habitat availability is the ratio of WUA to WSA,which is designated the Habitat Availability Index (HAl ). In the context of the extrapolation analysis,the Habitat Availability Index has the added merit of being unitless.Assuming that the HAl of a modeling site is representative of the associated specific area (i.e.,both possess the same frequency distributions of cover,velocity and depth),the WUA of the specific area is equal to the product of the HAl and the total wetted surface area of.the specific area.Total surface areas are known, as di scussed in Secti on 2.2,and therefore a fl ow-dependen t habi ta t response curve may be derived for any specific area represented by a The HABTAT program of the PHABSIM modeling system and the RJHAB model were modified to compute the Gross Habitat Area (GHA)for each discharge of -----'---'irrte're$t-~'--nfErGHA-is-t:neci.imura-tr'lerunw-elghtecrrSlirface ar,e a-,a f,c errs -~.._------_..~---~-~----_.__._--_.,._-~-_.._._...__.-.---_..__.....__..---_._- possessing non-zero WUA values within a site.Gross Habitat Area is impor- tant because it represents the maximum area of rearing habitat available. Two other habitat response indices,the Habitat Distribution Index (HOI) and the Habitat Quality Index (HQI)are calculated by the following formulas: r 1 I I i I ) I j J I I I I l I 1 I J- HOI (%)=GHA/WSA x 100 HQI (%)=WUA/GHA x 100 and most WUA-based interpretations of habitat potential,namely,that WUA is a quantification of the an,ount of suboptimal habitat within a study site expressed as an equivalent amount of optimal .habitat.In other words,a II cell wi th a ~urface area of 100 sq.ft.and a joi nt preference factor of 1.0,that is,optimal cover,velocity and depth conditions,is assumed to prov;'de as much usable habi ta t as an area ten ti mes its si ze whi ch III, (1I. L \ I [ I J possesses a joint preference factor of 0.10.Although flow-related changes in the composite suitability of individual cells (i.e.,at discr.ete loca- tions within the modeling site)were not evaluated,we examined relation- ships between a modeling site's weighted usable area,gross habitat area and wetted surface area over a range of discharges to gain an understanding of probable changes in habitat quality within cells containing usable habi tat. Surface areas and habitat indices were simulated for site flows corresponding to mainstem flows ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs at Gold Creek.Of the 20 study sites investigated,six were modeled using the RJHAB model and 15 were modeled using the PHABSIM model ing system.One study site,132.6L (Representative Group III),was modeled using both RJHAB and PHABS IM techni ques.In most ins tance s,WSA,WUA and HAl va 1 ues for unobserved site flows (in the case of RJHAB models)or flows lying outside the ·recommended extrapolation range of the hydraulic models (a frequently encountered situation in PHABSIM applications)were estimated by interpola- tion and trend analysis techniques (Hilliard et al.1985).In fitting curves to data points forecast by the habitat models,reference was made to 45 aerial photographs and site-specific channel ge.ometry and breachi ng flow i nforma ti on. 2.4 Extrapolation of Modeling Results to Non-modeled Specific Areas Whereas the general habitat characteristics of a m.odeling site may be assumed to be representative of the associated specific area,the same combi na ti on and qua 1i ty of habi ta t a ttri butes may not be found in other specific areas,even those classified in the same representative group. Aaserude et a 1.(1985)concl uded that varia ti ons in structural characteri s- ties,including several attributes known to affect the quality of juvenile chi nook reari ng habi ta t,are common among speCi fi c areas of the samerepre- sentative group.These differences are significant enough that direct transfer of WUA functi ons from mode 1 ed to non-mode 1 ed speci fi c area sis considered impracticable.For this reason,Structural Habitat Indices s were developed from field data in order to rank specific areas within the same representative group according to their relative structural habitat quality.As indexed by SHI values,specific areas are evaluated on the basis of six variables:1)dominant cover type,2)percent cover,3) ······-(romlnant·sU5!rtrate·size~····4)siibstrate·emoeddednesS,sycha nnel ·cro·ss··sec= ~--~----~~~._--------~-"-_•.._.__._.._..._.~--_.__._-------_._-_..._--~.__.-._---------..._-_._._..__._-~_.._-_.~-_...-------_..__._--_._--------_...._-------~-_.._._--_.._-------_..__._-_.~.__..•._--_._~---- tional geometry,and 6)riparian vegetation.These variables were weighted according to their relative importance to juvenile chinook salmon.For each variable,specific areas were placed in one of five descriptive cate- gories,rangi ng from "non-exi s ten til to u exce llen til in qua 1i ty.Each variable category received a corresponding numerical rating factor.A single SHI value was calculated for each specific area,including those containing modeling sites,by summing the products of variable weighting [ I ] j I J 1 J 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 I J ,f I. [j and rating factors.For further details concerning the collection and synthesis of data into structural habitat indices,see Aaserude et ale (1985 ). In this,the integration step of the extrapolation methodology,Habitat Availability Indices (HAls)derived for the modeling sites are used to estimate juvenile chinook WUA for each specific area of the middle Susitna River.As discussed above,the amount of usable rearing habitat at a specific area'containing a modeling site may be calculated by multiplying the modeling site's HAl value (i.e.,the WUA:WSA ratio obtained as model output)by the wetted surface area of the speci fi c area.For each discharge,this calculation can be represented as WUA sa =HAlm,sa x WSA sa where the sUbscripts m and sa refer to the modeling site and the specific are a wit hi n whi chi tis f 0 und.Asp 0 i n te d 0 utear 1 i er , HAI val ues determined for'the modeling site are assumed to be applicable to the entire speci fi c a rea. If it were reasonable to assume that the HAl response curves for all specific areas within a representative group were identical,then WUA values for non-modeled specific areas within the same group could be calculated by the above equation using a single HAl function.The. structural habitat data of Aaserude et ale (1985),as well as the modeling results presented in this report do not support this assumption.Be tween- site variations in rearing habitat availability appear to result from I dissimilarities in channel morphology (which are reflected by differences_J in breaching flows and the rate of change in WUA and WSA)and structural 47 habitat quality (as indexed by SHl values).Therefore,each specific area of the middle Susitna River is assumed to possess a unique HAl curve which may nonetheless be patterned after the modeling site within the same representative group having the most similar hydrologic,hydraulic,and morphologic attributes.Specific areas within a representative group with more than one modeling site are divided between modeling sites by morphological similitude based on aerial photography and habitat recon na is sance survey s.Thus,each mode 1i ng site may be con si dered representative of a subgroup of specific areas. HAl curves are developed for non-modeled specific areas by modifying the HAl functions of associated modeling sites using information obtained in the classification and quantification steps of the extrapolation analysis, including:1)breaching flows to normalize HAl functions on the discharge axis;and 2)'structural habitat indices to adjust for differences in the __.~quaJtty-()f.l!~able r~~ring habitat.TabJe4 summarizes-breaching-flowa.nd -.-------- SHl information used in the development of HAl curves for non-modeled specific areas within R~presentative Groups I through X. ~-~----_.~..-_._.~~..__._.-_.~_.-----". .--------domi'na-nt--hydro·logtc--va-r;-a:bTeaffec tfng theava flaoflTtyofc hlnook rearing habitat.As will be demonstrated later,the vast majority of juvenile chinook HAl functions obtained for the middle Susftna River modeling sites exhibit a maxima just to the right of the breaching flow on the discharge (hori zon tal)axi s.To develop an HAl respon se curve for a non-mode 1ed specific area,the HAl curve obtained for the associated modeling site is shifted left or right on the abscissa depending on whether the breaching flow for the non-modeled specific area is lower or higher than that of the .I j ] 1 1 I I I I J ( GROUP I GROUP II GllOOP III GROUP IV GROUP V I \ I j Spec1 tic Arel o 107.61. 105.211 108.3L 119.4L 120.OR 135.611 136.911 139.OL o 112.Slo 102.21. 121.911 123.111 123.311 127.2M 129.411 133.9L 134.OL 135.511 139.911 BreaChing Flaw (ctsl >35.000 >35,000 >35.000 >35,000 >35,000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 >35.000 SHI 0.44 0.69 0.70 0.45 0.50- 0.54 0.69 0.45 0.68 0.83. 0.72 0.45 0.67 0.58 0.44 0.67 0.1I9 0.32 0.74 SpeCifiC....... o 101.41. 115.611 118.01. 121.811 125.111 131.511 137.8L o 113.7a 113.111 Ul.8L 133.911 137.Slo 131.91. 140.211 142.211 143.41. +126.0It 122.411 122.511 123.611 125.911 126.311 o 144.41. 100.611 101.8L 111.9L 135.31. 142.111 llreachlng Flow (cfsl 22.000 23.000 22,000 22.000 20.000 22.000 20,000 24.000 25.000 25,900 30.000 29,000 21.000 25.500 25,000 23.000 33.000 25.000 20.000 25.500 25,000 27 .000 21.000 33.000 22.000 22.000 23,000 23.000 SHI 0.54 0.54 0.39 0.27 0.48 0.44 0.54 0.51 0.31 0.45 0.50 0.44 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.55 0.51 0.29 0.51 0.43 0.56 0.59 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.62 0.30 0.60 SpecifiC ~ +101.ZIl 100.411 100.61. 115.011 117.BL 12B.511 12B.711 13O.ZR 130.21. 137.211 +1211,. 110.41. 133.711 +0 m.a. 101.61. 101.1L 119.31. +141.41 Bre.ching Flaw (ctsl 9.200 12,500 9.200 12.000 B,ooo 12,500 15.000 B,2oo 12.000 10.400 lli.OOO 12.000 11.500 to.5OO 14,000 9,600 15.000 11.500 SHI 0.56 0.51 0.42 0.55 0.4B 0.48 0.49 0.64 0.60 0.49 0.45 0.61 0.44 0.49 0.56 0.45 0.56 0.56 Specific ArIa +112.61. 108.7L 110.8M 111.511 139.4L 139.6L ..131.1L 119.5L 119.6L 124.1L 127.41. +ti4.'11 100.711 114.011 U6.SA 121.711' 125.211 129.511 140.411 145.311 +m.OL 127.OM BreaChing Flow (ctsl <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5.100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5.100 SHI 0.60 0.53 0.48 0.48 0.61 0.51 0.41 0.54 11.53 0.46 0.45 0.56 0.49 0.43 0.48 0.48 0.56 0.56 0.48 0.53 0.55 0.65 Speci flc Area +141.6it 101.7L 117.014 11B.9L 124.014 132.BII 139.01L 139.711 143.0L Breaching Flow (ctsl 21.000 9,600 15.500 <5.000 23.000 19,500 <5,000 22.000 7,000 SHI 0.56 0.48 0.31 0.48 0.51 0.57 0.37 0.51 0.31 Breaching Specific Flaw Area (cHI SHI GROUP VII are.chlng. Specific Flow Are.(ctsl SHI 8r"Chlng Speci flc F10111 Area (cfs)SHI Breaching SpecifIc Flow Area (etsl SHI 0.57 0.41 0.47 0.51 0.41 0.~8 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.55 0.48 0.56 0.48 MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS IlSS MSS 11.500 10.500 7.000 "5S MSS GROUP X BreachIng SpecifIc Flow Arel (cfsl SKI ,105.BIL ,119.11L 121.111 ,13l1.71L ,139.41L 142.2A ,133.8111 109.3H 111.611 113.611 113.911 139.31. 148.211 0.45 0.4B 0.45 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.63 0.62 0.48 0.61 0.56 0.57 0.53 0.58 0.53 0.56 0.48 0.69 0.69 0.53 0.53 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 <5.100 <5,100 <5,100 <5.100 <5.100 GIIOUP IX ..101.51. 104.011 109.411 111.011 113.8R 117.7L 12B.311 129.31. 131.ZR 139.211 142.BII ..147.1L 105.711 108.9L 127.1" 129.811 135.OL 141.ZR 141.311 144.OR 144.ZR 0.49 0.27 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.51 0.32 0.32 0.60 0.26 0.46 0.51 0.44 0.44 0.31 .0.60 0.57 0.43 0.48 0.49 0.44 0.56 0.62 0.48 10.500 22.000 15.500 20.000 14,000 15.500 12.500 19,500 15,500 23.000 19,500 14,500 21,500 20,000 22,000 21,000 9.200 10.000 21.000 16,000 25.000 9,000 22.000 25.500 GROUP VIlI ..13Z.6L 112.4L 117.1" 117.ZK 11B.614 119.8L 120.OR 121.5A 121.611 123.211 124.811 132.5L 135.0A 135.111 144.OM ..144.41. 101.314 102.OL. 104.314 100.SM 125.611 12B.411 145.611 146.6L 0.41 0.31 0.43 0.39 0.52 0.31 0.31 10.000 <5,100 7.400 <5.000 <5.000 <5.000 9.000 +119.211 114.111 121.1L 123.01. 12$,61. 121.SM 131.31. 0.54 0.69 0.53 0.32 0.61 0.53 0.49 0.69 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.31 0.31 GROUP VI .17.500 9.600 7.300 23.000 8.000 6.000 8.900 13.000 6.500 4.800 21,500 12.000 10.500 ..133.8L 107.1L 111.911 l1g.1L 138.01. 138.811 139.511 +136.311 102.6L 106.311 135.111 140.611 142.011 11 1l£T: I )I J,~J o +,. MSS Specific areas wi tft RJHAS lIlOdel Specific areas wi tft IFG BOdel . Specific area~wi th 0lHA8 lIlOdel Modeled si tes frOlll other groups 132.6L froe Croup 111 .114 144.41. ire.Group II Mllnstelll shoal Table 4.Mainstem breaching (SHI)determined Susitna River. discharges and structural habitat indices for specific areas within the middle 49 modeling site.The distance moved is equal to the difference in the si tes'breachi ng di scharges.Thi s-la tera 1 shi ft,di agrammed in Figure 14, identifies the horizontal coordinates of the HAl curve for the non-modeled specific area.The lefthand curve in Figure 14 represents HAl values forecast for a hypothetical modeling site.The curve on the right is an HAl function obtained for a related non-modeled specific area (also hypothetical)from the same representative group. Structural habitat indices are used to determine the magnitude of the HAl response to flow at a non-modeled specific area (i.e.,to "fix"the location of the HAl curve with respect to the vertical axis)as illustrated in Figure 14b.For each discharge,the following calculation is made: HAI~a =HAl m x (SHlm/SHl sa ) In this case,the subscript.!!!.refers to the modeling site whose HAl ___fun.c_ti_o.n ..-ha.s ...·.be.en_adj-u-s-ted_·u-s-i-ng---the--br-ea-e-h-i-ng·-f-l-ow-o-f-the--no'n-m·ode~l·ed----·-·· specific area,identified by the subscript sae The non-modeled specific area in Figure 14c HAl curve has been shifted to ___.._.theJ:tgtl~__~J'l(L~o wnw aLd_.to__.ac.c_o_un_t_.for-the __htgher ....breach ing.f-low-a.nd-..-the-- ------_.~- ·-----1 ower ·structura1 habi tat qual i ty of the non-modeled si te re 1a ti ve to the modeled site.An HAl response curve derived in this fashion may be multiplied by wetted surface area estimates to calculate WUA values for each flow of interest.Preliminary HAt functi ons have been developed for all middle Susitna River specific areas and appear in Section 3.0 and Appendix B of this report. ,I ,i j I I ( i 1 J .1 I I I- I I I I J ! T BREACHING FLOW ADJUSTMENT SA" aSA - I I M a .. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE STRUCTURAL HABITAT QUALITY ADJUSTMENT .... --------~ --.--.----....... ,SA "....... M MAINSTEM DISCHARGE MODELED SPECIFIC AREA (M.)CURVE \DERIVED NON·MODELED /SPECIFIC AREA (SA)CURVE MAINSTEM DISCHARGE J Figure 14.Derivation of a non-modeled specific area (sa)HAl curve using a modeled specific area (ms)HAl curve. A.Lateral shift to account for differences in breaching discharge (Q s Q$q) B.VerticaT shltt proportional to (SHlsa/SHl ms )to account for differences in structural habitat quality. C.Final hypothetical modeled and non-modeled specific area curves. 2.5 Integra ti on The data obtained in the stratification,quantification,and simulation steps in the extrapolation analysis are integrated by following the process outlined in Figure 15.Inspection of the flow chart shows the integration is comprised of three nested loops.The inner loop (3)is repeated for each speci fi c area ina subgroup.Func ti ona 11 y,it com pu tes the WUA re spon se curve for a speci fi c area gi ven the models i te HAl curve,SHI ratio,and WSA curve for the specific area.The middle loop (2)drives the inner loop through all members of a subgroup and provides the HAl curve for the subgroup model site.The outer loop (1)drives the inner two loops through each representa ti ve group.Thi s syn thes is provi des es ti rna tes of juvenile chinook rearing habitat for the 172 specific areas and their summati·on within each of the ten representative groups. In regard to the rearing habitat potential of different representative groups,the relative significance of aggregate WUA functions in future decisions will likely be influenCed by data concerning present and prospec- tive uti 1i za ti on by juveni le c~i 11~c:>~~§.<!lmgn~_YngeXJlatUl:aL~and."wjth~project-...._"._----------_..•.__.._--~,-------,._~.~-"_._.~"...•_..-...•_-_.,-,.._-_.,-•.._..-._-,...._-.._----_._-.-.---,..__._._.._--~_._--.-._-._-'.'-- --flow·~re-g;-m"e-s-.-An assessmentof-the rera:lrve fmportanc"eof-thedi fferen"t-·-~ representative groups in terms of their utilization by rearing chinook salmon will appear in Volume II of the Instream Flow Relationships Report. When coupled with information relating to food aVailability,water tempera- ture,suspended sediment and other env ronmental factors,·the aggregate physi ca 1 habi tat response functi ons will a 11 ow for concl usi ons and recom- mendations at the management level. '--- INTEGRATION SIMULATION FOR EACH ~FOR EACH ~HABITAT ~HAl M• ~FOR EACH START RJHAB WUA M SA IN SUBGROUP~REPRESENTATIVE SUBGROUP --GROUP IN REP.GROUP DlHAB WSA H STRATIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................................ i i SHI SA _LITUP'AIlJ HBREACHI'G AIlJ. STRATIfICATION l(SHl sA HAl SA,Y -HAl l-J HAIsA REPORT -SA,x '"CURVE SHIH SHI HAl X~HAl H,X +Q diff SHIH V M , Y SHI H b 01 W QUANTIFICATION Q HAINSTEM DISCHARGE ms Q BREACHING FLOW bsa SPECIFIC AREA m MODELED SITE FOR x Q COMPONENT OF WSA Y AREA COOPONENT OF WSA STOP SUM WUA FOR REP.GROUPHAlSAXWSASA WUA SA • Figure 15.Flow chart indicating the steps followed in the integration of stratification,simulation,and quantification for specific areas used in the extrapolation methodology. 300 RESULTS 3.1 Representative Group I The 19 specific areas within this group include all upland sloughs occuring in the middle Susitna River.Except during flood stage,these sloughs are connected to the main channel only at their downstream end.In addition to high breaching flows and low turbidity levels,typical features of specific areas in Representative Group I include low velocity pools of greater~than­ average depth separa ted by short,hi g her vel oci ty ri ffl es.Cl ear water enters these sites via seepage or tributary inflow and maintains relatively stable base flows under non-breached conditions.Substrates are frequently homogeneous over large areas and are often characteri zed by fi ne 5i 1 t/Sand sediments overlaying cobble materials.Cover is usually provided by over- hanging and emergent vegetationo These sites are used .only to a small extent by juvenile chinook salmon (Marshall et al.1984). Specific areas assigned to Representative Group I are represented by two RJHAB modeling sites:107.6L and 112.5L.Photographs of these sltes when mainstem discharges were 23,000 and 16,000 cfs are presented in Plates A-I _....---a-nd-A-2{AppendixA}-;-~Formuch--ofits-le-n9th;---STteT07.6I-Tsa--low----~- gradient,narrow meandering stream.At mainstem discharges above 20,000 cfs,the turbid backwater area at the slough mouth advances upstream and inundates lower sections of the site;this phenomenon accounts for the' marked relative increase in wetted surface area indicated in Figure 16. Usable chinook rearing habitat at Site 107.6L does not respond dramatically to increases in wetted surface area,as evidenced by the WUA and HAl curves I 1 j j \ I 1 I -j j j 1 I ] 1 ] I .-J 1 1 1 SITE 107.el A150 135 -/'ICSA /' 120 -,/'-·...105 -I--"-I·90-...--I·75-0" ~60 -/ ltl -45-/Q)c............./.<30 - f1 -'--'is-_.-.~. llUA 0 I I I I {{I I I 0 .coOO BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.cDOO 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) lJ IJ B 100 90 so 70...60c: Q)50uc.. Q) ~a- 30 20 , 10 HAl 0 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.cDOO 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Figure 16.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 107.6L.. A-Wetted surface area (WSA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availabil i ty index (HAl) 55 shown in Figure 16.WUA at this site gradually increases at higher flows due to the reduction in water velocity and water clarity caused by rising backwater.Water velocities ranging up to 0.8 fps are common at transects up'stream of the backwater pool.Therefore,under clear water condi ti ons nearly ideal velocities exist for juvenile chinook.A silt substrate is dominant,which affords little cover value for juvenile chinook,resulting in a low composite suitability for most cells within the site regardless of the suitability of their depths and velocities.As the extent of the backwater increases,velocities in these cells decrease to O~O fps, slightly reducing suitability with respect to this habitat variable,but turbidity levels i~crease,yielding a higher overall suitability (the weighting factor associated with the "no cover"class of cover using turbid water suitability criteria is 0.31,compared to 0.01 for clear water criteria).When coupled with an increase in surface ar:ea,this leads to the sl igh't ri se in WUA observed at higher flows.However,because the ra te _...__oJ._change_in .WSA-.is ...so-gr-ea-trelati-ve-to··the change ...·in-WUA,···the-proporMon-·· of the site containing usable rearing habitat declines as flows increase. HAIs decrease from 11.9 percent at 5,000 cfs to 5.4 percent at 26,000 cfs. ________IFl_~.lJ~~r~..!.'L~Q_~t!~_~Q7.!'§J".,_YJ~.rY_Jjll]j;Lr~S.P.o.o-s.e io_W.SA,_W ..U.A,.and_H.A I to -... changes fnrna-instem discharge were observed at Site 112.5L (Figure 17). The latter si te is an upland slough wi th steep banks whi ch prevents large changes in surface area as site water surface elevations change (Plate A- 2).As a consequence,physical habitat conditions within this site remain relatively cOrlstant and little variation in WUA and HAl results from main- stem flow fluctuations below 35,000 cfs.Slight inconsistencies in ADF&G field data required that an average HAl value (4.2 percent)be used to back 56 I I I I I i i I A 120 loa - 96--·..u 64--"-·72-..u-·60-cr .E2 .ca- ('CJ 3&-CL1c..-<24 - 12- 0 0 SITE 112.5l __·--lfSA---_.-.-'------- J I I J J J I J I <4000 aooo 12000·16000 20000 2.cocJO 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) B 100 90 I 1 so I , 70 ..u 60c: CL1 50c.:lc.. CL1 -40c.. 30 20 10 0 0 4000 aooo 12000 16000 20000 2-iOOO 28000 32000 36000 .coooo Mainstem Discharge (cfs) I J Figure 17.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.5L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl) 57 ca 1 cul a te WUA va 1 ues for Si te 112.5L.Va 1 ues deri ved for these habi ta t indi ces were comparable to those recorded for Si te 107.6L. Specific areas assigned to Representative Group I are former side channels and side sloughs that have become increasingly isolated over time from the mainstem owing to long-term channel activity.Due to the infrequency of breaching events,the primary response in habitat character at these sites results from backwater effects at the upland slough/mainstem interface. Di fferences between speci fie areas are re la ted primarily to the extent of backwater areas,and secondarily to the presence or absence of riparian and .ins t rea m ve ge ta t ion.Va ria t ion sin 1 0 cal run 0 f f res u 1 tin g fro m preci pi ta ti on may also affect short--terrn habi tat ava i labil i ty and qual i ty. Of the two modeling sites in th'i's'Repre~'~'~tat:ive'Group,''Site 107~6L represen ts a sUbgroup of 8 speci f1 c areas whose hahi ta t eti~~acterfs strongl yin fl uenced by tri ~u~a ryi ~f'l ~~'~Si 1:ellg:'5L~reJ~r~ie_Ris_the__. ~~•'.--.<"-~_...._..._--_...~_._.._._._-_._•.~._.._--~._."-"--~._.~.._-_.._--_•...,._..•._._-_._---~~~•.._---"'-'.--• remaining 11 upland slough,s"in,Representative Group I whose hab;'tat... character appea ~s ~~restronglYi nfl uenced"byground~aterfnffow.'HAl func ti ons were deri ved for modeled and non-modeled speci fic areas associated with each of the modeling sites and are presented in Figures 18 .______..aXLd __19__J_see aJ_so_.Append-i-x-BL .T-hese--HAI-·"'c-urves'were--no-t---a-d-j-us-ted--,------. laterally on the discharge axis since the specific areas within Representa- tive Group I are breached at extremely high mainstem discharges.Dif- ferences in habitat availability between specific areas are assumed to be due todi ssi mi larities instrlJcturalhaoi tat-quali ty .. For each specific area included in Representative Group I,HAl ratios representing the amount of usable rearing habitat per unit surface area at 58 I I I I I I I J y I i~__L __ REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I 32000 20.00 lB.50 17.00 '0 0 ..-t X 14.00 <r U) :J:12.50........ <r:::>I U1 ~11.00\0 I-i 9.50<r:c B.OO 6.50 5.00 I 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 SITE 107.6L n =8 36000 40000 Figure 18 •. ~AINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 107.6L of Representative Group 1. .--- SITE 112.5L n =11 RE1RESENTATIVE GROUP I I I 400 I 8000 I I I I I I 12000 116000 20000 24000 28000 iMAI~STEM DISCHARGE (CFS) I I I 32000 I 36000 40000 '--- Figure 19. I ~esponse of chinoak rearing habitat availability to mainstem ~ischarge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle S:usitna River whi~h are associated with modeling site 112.5L olf RepresentativeiGroup I. i I ------..J fl' 11 I) (] [1 u flow increments of 500 cfs were multiplied by corresponding wetted surface area estimates interpolated from areas digitized from scaled aerial photography.The product of flow-specific HAl and WSA values are estimates of the total amount of WUA (in square feet)present at a particular site for mainstem flows ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs.Aggregate WSA.and WUA values were obtained for Representative Group I by summing individual specific area WSA and WUA forecasts.The results of these calculations are presented in Figure 20. The overall response of juvenile chinook habitat for Group I sites is influenced by changes in backwater-related surface area and by the relative constancy of HAl values,particularly at lower flows.WUA tends to increase slightly as flows increase from 5,000 to 16,000 cfs;rearing habitat is maximal at the latter flow.Rearing-habitat potential remains 'fairly constant between 16,000 and 35,000 cfs.It should.be noted that the' total amount of rearing habitat provided by Group I is small in comparison to other Representative Groups due to their comparatively low surface area and HAl values recorded for its individual specific areas. 61 ) ) I I I I ) ) J ] j ) ,] ] 1 ) ) ] /1 liSA I 4000 8000 12000 16000,20000 24000 28000 32000 360Q0 40000 62 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)·to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group I of the middle Susitna River. o 4-~__r-==;==:;:::=:;::===::;==:;::=:;:=.!IIU~A-_l0.00 . ~1.60.g 1.40 ....1.200 enc: 0.-.80................60e .40 <C ~.20 Figure 20. B 200 -r------------------------, _~~__~~~~~,.180-~~~--~~~.,---,~..-..-.~-..-~.~.-.--~--,,'..-~~-~~----~-~-,---,--~-~-~--~---~ O-!----.-----,.--T"""""-..,.---,---.,.--r----r---.--! o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 . go 1:.0 . ~160 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I -1.80 2.00 ....,.------------------------, A "-o 120 en "C 100c: ~eo =:J..-~-..-~....~-..----..~-..-.~--~~--jg~..-60 ~-..~-~-~"-.-----:--.....,..~..--""~. ~--_..~-----_._~--~----- lJ II 3.2 Representative Group II Associated with this group are modeling sites 101.4L,113.7R,126.0R and 144.4L.These sites include side sloughs having moderately high breaching flows (>20,000 cfs)and enough upwelllng groundwater to keep portions of the sites ice-free during the winter months.Side sloughs classified in Representative Group II were found to contain significant numbers of juvenile chinook during the growth season,particularly in their breached state (Dugan et al.1984). The 28 specific areas included in this group are typically separated from the mainstem by large,vegetated islands or gravel bars.When breached, these channels convey only a small percentage of the total mainstem flow. Cross-sections vary from relatively broad,uniform and rectangular in shape ·to narrow,irregular and v-shaped in profile.Head berms generally fall in the former category.Backwater areas occur at the mouths of most specific areas within Group II but their effects on hydraulic conditions and there- fore juvenile chinook habitat are not as extensive as those observed for upland sloughs.Substrates range from silt and sand in backwater areas to rubble/cobble/boulder throughout the rest of the site. Aerial photography indicating the general features of modeling sites 101.4L,113.7R,126.0R,and 144.4L and their associ a ted speci fi c areas at 23,000 and 16,000 cfs are presented in Plates A-3, A-4,A-S,andA-6 (Appendix A).The appearance of these sites does not change appreciably at mainstem flows below 16,000 cfs. 63 Response curves for wetted surface area (WSA)and habitat indices (WUA, HAl)developed for the four modeling sites within Group II exhibit strong similarities in appearance due to the dominant influence of shared hydro- logic,hydraulic and morpho10gfc properties (cf Figures 21-24).In the non-breached state,wetted surface areas remain relatively constant, responding primarily to local runoff and upwelling conditions.Following breaching,rapid increases in WSA occur in response to further changes in mainstem flow.Increases in WSA are attenuated as flows approach bank full levels. Juvenile chinook WUA values simulated for Group II modeling sites are generally constant until the si tes are breached,whereupon 1arge increases occur in response to incremental changes in site flow.The amount of usable rearin~habitat tends to.peak shortly after the head berms are overtopped.This relatively sudden and rapid increase in juvenile chinook habitat results from a combination of factors:1)the rapid accrual of wetted surface area,2)the enhanced cover value provided by higher turbidities,and 3)the preponderance of velocities falling within the optimal preference range for juvenile chinook.In general,the magnitude ·,--~-,-,------...---"-".-.•.-"-."---~--'".~--'"-..------~~..~.=~=-~_of_~he_~_UA il1c:!"_~~~~_t!J~.r_Q.por~i ona l_to~I}~.increase j n_.wetted SJwface are.a __.. possessing suitable velocities.Site velocities,however,soon become limiting in mid-channel areas following breaching,leading to a reduction in rearing WUA at higher flows. On the basis of limited gross habitat (GHA)and habitat quality (HQI)data obtained for Site 126.0R (Figure 23),usable rearing habitat appears to be more uniformly distributed and of better quality at flows associated with 64 I J J I I I .1 1 1 1 1 1 l' 1 1 j ] 1 L 11 I I, A 7S 67 60-·52..u...............s·..u-37·C" ~30 ro 22 C1.1c:...15<: 7 0 0 SITE 101.4l __ _--lISA---r_________J JJ -4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (efs) 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) HAl B 100 90 80 70 ..u 60c C1.1 50.c.J c:... C1.1a..40 30 ( i 20 I 10,_---..J 0 [I a 1.~....1 11 L.) Figure 21.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site loi.4L. A -Wetted s~rface area (WSA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability index (HAl) 65 ,! I ) :1 j j ) ) ] ] } r .j 1 1I ! J ] I HAl Mainstem Di~charge ~fs) SITE 113.7R 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 2S000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (efs) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 113.7R. A-Wetted surface area (WSA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability index (HAI). A 50 45 40-.. 35..u............30. ..u.....25 C" ~20 ltl 15QJ c.. <C 10 5 0 0 B 100 90 SO 70 ..u 60c: QJ 50uc.. QJc..40 Figure 22. ..._--~----_._...'-"'20- 10 O+-----,---,...---r----r----,r-----..,.---,----,r-----..,.---; 66 [I A 100 90 80--·.u 70~........·60.u-·50c:r .!!l 40 "'30Q) Co.<:20 10 0 a 8 :~ 80 70 .u 60c:: Q) 50c.:l Co. Q)c....40 30 20 10 0 0 SITE 126.0R r~: ----------------.-11__________._--1 _____________---11 KUA .4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 28000 32000 36000 .40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) r-0 'ttl(!_________._.-J" -.---------------....;--:~ .4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 II LJ Figure 23. Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 126.0R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat.availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. 67 ,i) ] j I I I } ) 1 1 I I I l I ,1 J I , J 40000 -4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 <40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) 68 Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 144.4L. A-Wetted surface area (WSA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability index (HAl) Mainstem Discharge (cfs) SITE 144.4l B 100 -r--.:..-------------------- 90 .u 60c:: lU U 50c.. lU Q..-40 A\ 120 108 -96·.u 84............·72.u-·:j0- J!! l't:I ! Q,)36 c.. oct:24 12 a 0 Figure 24. _._"._....-..---~..-"_._-_.__._-----1-. ----------..---------20-------~~--== 1:I~I =r==;:::::::;:=::::;::::'-'--.-~HAI I~I.1 I I I -II 4000 8000 12000 16tl00 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 :' iJ I the ascending left hand limb of the WUA curve than at non-breached or high mainstem discharges.Under non-breached conditions,unsuitably shallow depths often occur in riffle areas of the site,resulting in slightly lower HQI values.Although surface area and habitat indices for Site 126.0R were not extrapolated to flows exceeding 35,000 cfs,it is likely that juvenile chinook habitat becomes more restricted to peripheral areas as mid-channel ve loci ties increase. Specific areas in Representative Group II are listed in four subgroups according to similarities among their morphologic and hydraulic characteri sti cs.Si te 101.4L represents 7 specific areas wi thin Group II that have relatively large broad channels.Site 113.7R is associated with 9 smaller specific areas with narrower channels.The 6 specific areas associated with Site 126.0R are all from two similar side slough complexes within several miles of each other.The last subgroup is comprised of 6 specific areas that are similar in size and channel gradient to modeled si te 144.4L.HAl functions are plotted for speci fi c areas associated wi th each of these modeling sites in Figures 25 through 28.HAl values used to plot these curves are tabula ted in Appendix B. Figure 29 depicts the aggregate WUA curve obtained by multiplying Group II specific area HAl values by their wetted surface areas and summing the results for each flow of interest.Because of their high breaching flows, most specific areas exhibit peak HAl values in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 cfs.When adjusted by their wetted surface areas these sites yield cumulative WUA values which increase slowly at low to intermediate flows, 69 ----_..,.---- 4000036000320002800024000 I'r'"2000'MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) I t2000BOOO I REPRESENTATIVE G~OUP III' f i~ I SITE 101.4L n =7 I I I .IReslpo~se of chinook r~aring habitat !availability to mainstem disch~rge within non-~odeled specific areas of the middle SUS\itpa River ~hich a~e associated with modeling site 101.4L of rerresentatlve Gro~p II. I f II' I I .cooo I Figure 25. 40.00 36.00 32.00 0;.o 28.00 ..-t ><24.00« CJ') 3:20.00"« ;::) ~t6.00 H 12.00«.......:r: 0 B.OO .c.00 0.00 I 0 L_~)i. ~l ~--~. REPRESENTATIVE-GROUP II .--~I _----J I I", .-. I 50 45 40 (3 350 ~ X 30 <Cf) 3:25.........<::;) 20~ t-I 15<:x: 10 5 0 I 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Figure 26. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 113.7R of Representative Group II. SITE 126.0A n ~6 REPRESENTATIVE:GROUP III t r----------- I II 16000 20000 2-4000 28000 IM~INSTEM OISCHARGE rCFS) I 32000 36000 -40000 Figure 27. : I ! ~eslponse of chinook I rearing habitat availability tomainstemdis~harge within no~-modeled specific areas of the middleII• Suslitna River whichlare associated with modeling site 126.0R df ~epresentative G~oup II. i iI',. ~'--~~'~'------' ~-'---' REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II 32000 40.00 36.00 32.00 (3 0 28.00 ~ ><24.00«en :J:20.00---...« -....J ::::::l w ~16.00 H 12.00« :I: B.OO 4.00 0.00 I 0 ~OOO BODO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 SITE 144.4L n =6 36000 .cOO 00 Figure 28. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group II. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II ,I I I ! f i .. IiISA ~-----IiIUA ------- 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.(()OO 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 A 6.00 5•.cO. .L.J 4.80...... g 4.20 ....3.600 en 3.00c 0......2•.c0.-I..........1.80e 1.20 «en .603: 0.00 "I 0 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) o .(()QO BOOO..12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 .cOOOO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) j ] 1 ! j I :1 i ! 174 Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group II of the middle Susitna River. B <C ~.20 0.00 +---,.---,.--,.----r---,.---,.--r---...---,---i Figure 29. ~U ~1.00 o ;:::.80 -..._-~~~_..._--~--~-_.._-_._--....~~._-~.._-~.-~~~~~~.~~~~-------~~.~--~---~~_._...--~- 2.00...,------------------------, -~~~~~~~~~---~----~----t;80--I~~-~-~··~--· 11I ) 'j j l .\1 increase more rapidly after this point and peak at 29,000 cfs. Approximately 1.2 million square feet of juvenile chinook WUA is provided by Group II specific areas at this discharge.The large differences in WUA over the range of evaluation flows indicate that rearing habitat potential in Representative Group II as a whole may be considered highly sensitive to fluctuations in mainstem flow.Figure 29 also illustrates aggregate WSA response for Representative Group II • 75 3.3 Representative Group III Sites lO1.2R,128.8R,132.6L and 141.4R are all side channel s which become nonbreached at intermediate (8,000 to 16,000 cfs)mainstem discharge levels,and transform into side sloughs at lower discharges.These modeling sites and the Group III specific areas they represent,shown in Plates A-7 through A-14 (Appendix A),are larger and convey greater volumes of wa ter when breached than the si de s 1 oug hs discussed in the preced i ng . section.Site geometry tends toward broad cross-sections.Reach gradients are sufficient to promote mid-channel velocities of 2 to 5 fps following breaching.Upwelling occurs sporadically within these specific areas and in a few cases may be insufficient to provide for passage between clearwater pools formed at low mainstem flows. The 18 specific areas comprising Group III represent some of the most .._..__..~~a.Yil y_.!l!iJi :zegr~~rilJ.g _Q,re!.qs jrL t.be.._rnJddle segment-ot-the .Susftna River..···_····· Juvenile chinook are found in these areas primarily under turbid water conditions (Dugan et ale 1984). Surface area and juveni le chi nook habi ta t respg_rl.~~.C:~tY~sQ,r§!..-p.Qr.1;rg,Yed.tr:L.- ----F-i·g-ure·s-3()-;----3-1-a:n·d-J3-f·or mooer;ng s i-'fes-rOT:-2-R,128.8 Ran d 141.4R, respectively.These sites were modeled using IFG hydraulic simulation models coupled with the HABTAT model of the PHABSIM system.A fourth site, 132.6L wa.s modeled using both PHABSIM and RJHAB model i ng techniqUes a.ppli ed to separate sets of da ta~Resul ts for thi s si te are found in Figure 32. An inspection of the aerial photography (Plates A-7 through A-14,Appendix A)WSA curves developed for the modeling sites suggests a rapid response of I j ~1 ! I ! .~ ] j I 1 J 1 1 1 ·~l ] I 1 A 220 19B I i 176-I ·..I..J i54"-........ 132 J· f1 ..I..J "-I I ·110C'" ~BBIIn::J 66I)QJc:.. <C .014 II 22 A 0 0 SITE 101.2R 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.01000 28000 32000 36000 .40000 Mainstem Discharge ~fs) U 1.1 8 100 90 j"·---....v\fill BO 70 ..,60c::: QJ 50uc:.. QJa...40 -30 20 10 0 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 2BOOO 32000 36{]00 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Figure 30.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 101.2R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. 77 8 SITE 12808R l I i ! I ! I j .~ I j I I j I ·1 j 1 I 40000800012000150002000024000 28000 32000 36000 ",-0-WSA ./.../" ..?. ./7 \ .//\.//_._0_0_0_0--'/\ -....-SHA 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 ~OOOO 78 Mainstem Discharge (efs) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 128.8R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAn,habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. A 160 1<14 I 128 I- 112 ~·...., ~....,I·96 .,...., ~i·ao l0- .2!I64., ra <181lUc..-< 32 ] 16 0 0 Figure 31. Mainstem Discharge ~fs) 70 1 .u 60 I~50 ~ &:<10 l ........_....._..~_.......·..········..··3ifj==.~........ ::-l~--.,....::=::::;:::=::::;::===;:::::.----r----r---.,---..--r-----la I o 4000 100 ...,.-----------------------, .(OY·::-:=\.,_..~.__..~_..~90..../. 80 \ \ \ \. -.....·-HDI f1.I SITE 132.6L A 140 126 __.~lISA /. 112 .,.....-./.-·./.--....9B~.........~~- ---'-",-:..-6HA·8-4... ~/..';'-.·70 /.'/"cr .!!56 ,,-:;:;./ .::""'/ n:J •42 /euc..<28 /14 0 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2...000 28000 32000 36000 -40000 Mainstem Discharge lcfs) - -001HAl IJ Figure 32. 4000 SOOO 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 28000 32000 36000 <40000 Mainstem Discharge lcfs) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for mOdeling site 132.6L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usabl e area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)a·nd habitat quality index (HQI)response functi cns. 79 J ] 1 1 j ! ] 1 '-l 1 1 1 j J 1 1 1 J r ....----fflI ~--_./-;..........;;;;;..;::::=-.::;-:::...:=----HAl --------...:.------lWA .c000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 .coooo MainstemDiseharge (efs) SITE'141.4R 80 Mainstem Discharge (efs) B o .c000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.4R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and wei ghted usabl e area (WUA). B -Habitat ayailability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HDI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. O+----r--,--,----...,.---,-----,---r----.-----r---I 100 .,.------------------------. A. 280 252 224-·~196-.........·168~-·140c::r .!!!112 "'84euc..<:56 2S a a Figure 33. ,) I I I wetted surface area to changes in mainstem di scharge following breaching. This response is paralleled by changes in gross habitat area until moderately high flows are attained,when the proportion of wetted surface area possessing usable rearing habitat falls off.Peak HDI values for the modeling sites typically range from 95 to 97 percent.These maxima usually occur at much higher flows than those associated with peak WUA values. Therefore,the quality of usable rearing habitat,as measured by the HQI index,tends to decline at higher flows;i.e.,a greater proportion of the total WUA is concentrated in a smaller area within the modeling sites. This decline is caused by shifts in velocities in the majority of cells toward the sUboptimal end of the velocity suitability curve. Of the 18 specific areas classified within Group III,17 are represented by sites 101.2R,128.8R,and 132.6L.Site 141.4R is considered atypical due to its larger size and discharge under non-breached conditions.Therefore, this model site only represents that specific area.Site 101.2R was used to develop specific area HAl functions for 10 specific areas with relatively broad shallow channels with mild gradients.Top widths generally exceeded 100 feet and streambeds consisted of large gravels and cobbles.Site 128.8R represents three specific areas possessing long si nuous channe 1s 1ess than 100 feet wi de.Si te 132.6L was used to represent four specific areas with relatively low velocities and sandy to large gravel substrates. 81 Figures 34 to 37 illustrate HAl functions derived from modeling site habitat data and underscore the singularity of the habitat response to flow at Si te 141.4R.HAl curves developed for the rema i nder of the other model ing si tes in this representative group exhibi t a strong unimodal peak in HAl following breaching,whereas the HAl response to increasing dis- charge at Site 141.4R is to progressively decrease for reasons stated above. A comparison of the magnitudes and shapes of the WSA,WUA and HAl curves deriv.ed for Site 132.6L (Figure 32)suggests that the RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling approaches yield similar results.The RJHAB method appears well- suited to smaller channels where cross-sectional profiles (i.e.,velocity and depth distributions)and cover characteristics are relatively homo- geneous.We recommend limiting the use of RJHAB modeling techniques primarily to baseline evaluations of fish habitat in lotic subenvironments The aggregate WUA function derived from individual rearing habitat response curves for specific areas in Representative Group III exhibits a pronounced _····_·_···-·pea·k-i·n-th-e--vi·c·,-n·i-ty···(:ff-lS-;··SOO-cf~·-(·Figure--38T:--TneamoTin-t-of·ju\le·I'-fre-----·_-_. chinook habitat provided by this flow (1.3 million square feet)represents an increase of 3S0 percent over WUA values forecast for 9,000 cfs (0.3 million square feet).This marked increase in usable habitat is di rectl Ya.'t'.'t'.ri butil.I>J~..1:().1:he J:~cryi.1:rn~l:rI:Qf ..si d.e ..c.hanneJhabl::ta twtthin .the 9,000 to 12,SOO cfs flow range;12 of the 18 specific areas which comprise Group III breach in this range (refer to Table 4 for site-specific breaching flows).After peaking at IS,OOO cfs,juvenile chinook habitat 82 I I i I I I I I , I I I J I 1 I I I I I ,I \ J I I J L-L __ REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III SITE 101.2R n :::10 45.00 "'0.50 36.00 (3 0 31.50 ...-i X 27.00« Cf) 3:22.50........« ::l CO ~1B.00w H 13.50 <! :J: 9.00 ....50 0.00 I 0 ...000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2...000 2BOOO 32000 36000 ...0000 Figure 34. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cFsl Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site lOl.2R of Representative Group Ill. I I , II \ I II REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III I, I, SITE 128.8A n '"3 i,I : :400~ r I I I,! 0000 12000 l6000 20000 M~INSTEM DISCHARGE I 24000 (CFS) 20000 32000 36000 40000 . i Figure 35.~e*ponse of chinooki rearing habitat availability to mainstem ~ischarge within n~n-modeled specific areas of the middle Su~itna River Whic~are associated with modeling site 128.8R bflRepresentative Group III. iii, I ! i I, :L- I L _---, _.----J REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III SITE t32.6L n =4 35.00 31.50 28.00-a 24.50a...... ><21.00 <tenx 17.50-....<t ::l ~14.00 co H 10.50U1<t:r: 7.00 3.50 0.00 I 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Figure 36. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group III. I R~PRESENTATIVE GROUP III I 30.00 27.00 24.00-0 0 21.00 ...-i ><lB.OO«en 3:15.00 -..........«::::::l 00 ~12.00 (J) H 9.00«:c', 6.00 3.00 0.00 I 0 Ii 40 90 BOOO 12000 i 16000 20000 UOOO 28000 32000 SITE 141.4R n ::0 1 36000 40000 Figure 37. f MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) I I ! Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem d,scharge within npn-modeled specific areas of the middleS4sitnaRiverwhicnareassociatedwithmodelingsite141.4R Of;Representative ~roup III. ---- REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III A 15.00 liSA -13.50 ::12.00 ·g 10.50 .......9.000 en 7.50c: 0 .1 .-6.00....... I,....... 'i .-.4.50E 3.00 <:c.n 1.503:: 0.00 0 .4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B 2.00 LBO ·.....1.60.......·0"1..40en .......1.200 en 1.00c: 0.-.BO.............. .-.60E ..40 <: =:J .203:: 0.00 0 .4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Figure 38.Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group III of the middle Susitna River. 87 gradually declines to 0.9 million square feet at 26,000 cfs and remains at this level through 35,000 cfs.Decreases in HAf values which occur within this range are offset by gains in total wetted surface area,resulting in relatively stable rearing habitat potential at higher flows. ,J j I I I \ 1 I I I 1 J ) ') !j j j } ,I ! 'j\ -J ] l j 3.4 Representative Group IV Aaserude et ale (1985)delineates the 22 specific areas within this group on the basis of their low breaching discharges.and intermediate to high mean reach velocities.The side channels which comprise these specific areas possess lower mean reach velocities than adjacent mainstem channels. Substrates range primarily fro in cobble to boulder. Four mode 1i ng sites repre se nt Group IV:112.6L,131.7L,134.9 Rand 136.0L. Of these,Site 112.6L is the largest and Site 136.0L the smallest of the I)'sites investigated.In spite of their disparity in size,the modeling tV sites are characterized by similar surface area and habitat index re?ponse curves.Compare the aerial photographs of the modeling sites presented in Plates A-15 through A-22 (Appendix A)with the wetted surface cu~ves in Figures 39 through 42.As is typical of most side channels of the middle river,wetted surface area responds to changes in streamflow more rapi d1 y at lower than at higher flows;the rate of change in WSA per 1000 cfs increment in mainstem discharge declines perceptibly at flows exceeding 16,000 cfs.This response pattern is accentuated at sites with wide, sha 11 ow channel cross secti ons such as Si te 131.7L (Plates A-17 and A-18, Figure 40). In terms of juveni 1e chinook habi tat potential,the most remarkable fea ture of Group IV modeling sites is the comparatively large amounts of WUA they provide at low to moderate mainstem flows.A comparison of the WUA values and,more appropriately,HAl functions (Figures 43 through 46 )with esti- mates obtained for modeling sites from other Representative Groups suggests 89 A 550 495 - 440 --·385 -.., ~ "-330 -·.., ~·275 -c:r .!!?220 - to 165 -Q)c..<' 110 - 55- 0 0 SITE'112.6l I I I I I I I I T ~ooo BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 .coooo Mainstem Discharge (cfs) I.I B o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000,24000 25000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cts) Figure 39.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.6l. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functi ons. 90 B 100 90 80 70 ..,60ccu50uc..cuc.. --HOI HAl '1.1 Figure 40. o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge ~fs) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 131.7L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAI),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat qual i ty index (HQI)response functions. 91 A 350 315 - -280 -·~245 -...... "-·210 -~......·175 -c::r .!!!140 - tt:I 105 -QJc..<70 - 35- 0 0 I I I I 1 ~OOO 8000 12000 16000 20000 ·1 I I I 2~000 2BQ00 32000 36000 40000 \ I,J l r,.,. \ l i I " '1~''. 100 .8 90 ~~~-'-ao---._._.•._- 70 ~60c: QJ 50t.:Ic.. QJc..40 30 o Mainstem Discharge rcfs) 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge rcfs) Figure 41.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 134.9R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and wei ghted usable area (W UA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functi ons ~ I 1 ) \ 'j SITE'136.0L A 75 67 60-·oI-J 52............·45-l-J.....·37c:r ~:iltl aJ Co.<15 7 a I i a(l ------------------WUA ..c000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2..coOO 28000 32000 36000 ..coooa Mainstem Discharge (cfs) \1 8 100 90 ~'--'\ (['y. 80 \..,) 70 \.'"oI-J 60c:\aJ 50u Co."'.aJc....co --...."""'-. 30 --------IilI 20 /_--__oHQI....--.......;.- 10 HAI 0.\lJ a ..cOOO 8000 12000 16000 20000 2..coOO 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) ,I LJ Figure 42.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 136.0L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. 93 1 R~PRESENTATIVE GROUP IV SITE 112.6L n =6 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) I I ~ooq 1 I " 8000 12000 I 16000 20000 24000 28000 ,32000 36000 ~oooo Figure 43. :I : i I I! ,'Re~ponse of chinookl rearing habitat availability to mainstem hi~charge within n~n-modeled specific areas of the middle ~u~itna River which!are associated with modeling site 112.6L pflRepresentative ~roup IV. II I I ' i '---,''------..------L,- " -''~--- ,--- '_1_-"-----: REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV 4000036000 SITE 131.7L n =5 32000280002400020000160001200080004000 40.00 36.00 32.00-0 28.000 ..-I ><24.00« U) 3=20.00........« :;::) ~16.00 '.0 H 12.00en~ 8;00 4.00 0.00 I 0 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Figure 44.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle. Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 131.7L of Representative Group IV. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV SITE i34.9R n =9 Re$ponse of chinookirearing habitat availability to mainstem ~i$charge within no~-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River whichi are associated with modeling site 134.9R ?flRepresentative G~oup IV. i I I i I I I '.0en Figure 45. 4qOO I BOOO i2000 i i6000 20000 24000 2BOOO MA~NSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) ! ! 32000 36000 40000 ~-....::..-----..... 1.....--"..-------.....~'~.~. ~'-- REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV SITE 136.0L n =2 35.00 31.50 28.00 • (3 24.500 ..-t ><21.00 <t:en 3:17.50.........<t: '.0 ::::l -....I ~14.00 H 10.50<t: :I: 7.00 3.50 ,0.00 . 0 .cooo 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 .40000 Figure 46. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 136.0L of Representative Group IV. that Group IV specific areas provide a significant amount of rearing habi- tat within the middle river.This conclusion is supported by ADF&G sampling data indicating high utilization of these sites by juvenile chinook during the summer months (Dugan et ale 1984). At all modeling sites except Site 131.7L,usable rearing habitat is greatest at the lowest evaluated flow (5,000 cfs),and after a gradual decline either continues to taper off or remains constant for flows above 16,000 cfs.Turbidity levels are high at all discharges and most areas of the sites possess suitable depths for rearing fish.Changes in WUA and HAl are therefore directly proportional to the increase or decrease in the availability of suitable velocities.As an example,Williams (1985) demonstrated that the total area within Site 112.6L possessing suitable rearing velocities is five times greater at 13,500 cfs than at 33,000 cfs. GHA and HOI curves reveal that the amount of gross habitat at the modeling si tes is ne~_~l~eq~~_~~__~~e~.':__~ota 1 wetted_surface_aJ:ea_fQr Jl ows rangj n9-"__ --- from 8,500 (Si tes 112.6L and 134.9R)to 17,000 cfs (Si te 131.7L).However, mean reach velocities measured at specific areas within this group averaged 3.3 fps at 10,000 cfs (Aaserude et a 1.1985),we 11 above the range of velocities tolerated by juvenile chinook salmon,suggesting that for the "grouR a saw ho 1e ,_tb~La_m_oun_t_a.nd-p~opo~ti-on-of--g-~o-s-s--r-ea-r-i-ng--ha-b-i-ta-t-i-s­ probably greatest when flows are less than 10,000 cfs.Regardless of discharge levels,the quality and quantity of usable rearing habitat is greatest along the margin~ofth~mog~ltngsjtesdue to the reduction of vel oei ties in th~seareas. The specific areas assigned to Representative Group IV have been divided among the four study sites on the basis of breaching flow,channel 98 I "I I I I I I morphology,size and hydraulic characteristics.Five of the specific areas are grouped with Site 131.7L.All of these sites breach just below 5,000 cfs,and possess large amounts of shallow riffle habitat in comparison to their total wetted surface area.The 9 largest specific areas are grouped wi th Si te 134.9R whi ch are all characteri zed by deep, swift flows.These sites possess very little pool or riffle habitat. Site 112.6L represents six intermediate sized specific areas which,in general,contain a larger amount of submerged gravel bars and are not as deep or swift as those represented by 134.9R.Site 136.0L represents two small crescent-shaped specific areas with distinct riffle/pool patterns at low flows·and high velocity runs at high flows. The aggrega te WSA response for the group is shown in Figure 47.As discussed above,the proportion of the wetted surface area providing usable chinook habitat in Group IV sites,particularly in the lower flow range,is high in comparison to specific areas from other representative groups. This characteristic,when coupled with the fairly large surface areas associated with Group IV specific areas,results in exceptionally large rearing WUA forecasts for Representative Group IV as a whole (Figure 47). The significance of this fact will be discussed in Section 4.0 following presentation of aggregate WUA curves for all representative groups. Juvenile chinook potential in Group IV sites is highest at mainstem discharges of 10,000 cfs and less.Peak rearing WUA values (approximately 4.1 million square feet)are attained at 8 -8,500 cfs.This trend is related to the low breaching flows characteristic of specific areas within 99 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 A 30.00 -27.00 ;::24.00. g 21.00 ~16.00 ~15.00 0 ;:::12.00...........9.00E 6.00 « U')3.003:: 0.00 0 -------------------- WUA I I I I I I , I MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B 5.00 -r-----------------------...., 4.50 ;::4.00 I 1 J I I I , I I WUA1.00 ~3.00 ~2.50 o ;:::2.00 -......I -------------..::~~--..-------------------------------------------------1---------------------------------------------·s -1~50--l- ----------~- « ~.50 0.00 -+----,---,---..,..----,---,---..,..----.---,.---..,....---.1 o 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Figure 47.Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IV of the middle Susitna River. , I I !I I 100 I I J this group.The composite suitability of velocity and depth within these sites decreases rapidly as flows increase;WUA declines concomitantly, reaching a low of 1.6 million square feet at 35,000 cfs. 101 3.5 Representative Group V This group,comprised of nine specific areas,includes sh.oal areas which transform into clear water si de 510ughs at lower rna i nstem di scharges.A shoal is simiJar to a riffle in that both are topographic high points in the longitudinal bed profile of the river and are therefore zones of accretion.Shoals,however,are easily'distinguished from riffles by their morphological features and the hydraulic processes responsible for their existence.As a general rule,shoals form immediately downstream of point gravel bars located at bends of the river or at the lower end of established islands.Due to reduced velocity in these areas,shoals are characterized by sand and gravels deposited on the falling stages of floods and at low flow.Larger substrates are possible if the shoal has stabil ized and beg~n to take on gravel bar characteristics. ow across shoal areas may be transverse to mainstem flow and velocities tend to be slower-than-average due to the drag effect exerted by the streambed.As water levels drop,flow is concentrated in a few small channels which feed a larger single channel on the inside of the shoal. --"--"..'--~"---'-----'""~"_._-----".._--".""-----_._.~_._---------····-·--··-·Wni~fn··feeder···cfiann·ers-cre~iate-r·afTowerdrscharges···the re i s ll~ua 11)'suf fi ':'......_.. ---__---'~-----_...•._---_._-----------_._-_._------_._------_.._._---_.•._.._---~--_._._---_._..__---_.._----_._.-,---------_._.__.._---_._.._----_._-~_.•.__~--__.._---_•.._--___._-_.._.._-'__--_._----- cient mainstem seepage through the head and sides of the channel berm to maintain a small amount of clear water ~lough habitat at the site. The general morphologic features described above may be observed in aerial photographs (Plate A-23)of Site 141.6R--the only modeling site found in Representative Group V"Site 141.6R begins to convey mainstem water at 18,000 cfs but is not controlled by mainstem discharge until 22,000 cfs. 'I I :1 ,f ! f .,( r -l I 1 I } [ I) I ]. I I 'J Si te flow sunder non-breached condi ti ons average 5 cf s.Wetted surface area and juvenile chinook weighted usable area at Site 141.6R are assumed to remain constant in the non-breached state;the ratio of WUA to WSA, expressed as a percentage,is 13.4 percent (Figure 48).Gross habitat area r III is esti rna ted to compri se 83 percent of the total surface area when clear water conditions prevail. As is common with most specific areas of the middle Susitna River,the introduction of turbid mainstem water has an immediate effect on the usabil i ty of Si te 141.6R by j uven il e chi nook.Other than turbi di ty,the most significant factor contributing to the sharp rise in usable habitat is the large increase in wetted surface area.Mos t of the recrui ted habi tat is ~hallow and slow velocity areas that may be used to some extent by young chinook.Figure 48 indicates that over 90 percent of the total surface area has at least some reari ng habi tat val ue at di scharges between 23,000 and 32,000 cfs.Maximum WUA,HAl,and HQl values occur at the lower end I ( 11 I \ I I 1-._1 tJ of this flow range;each of these habitat indices peak in the range of 24,000 and 25,500 cfs.Habitat index curves are drawn out at their upper ends by the gradual loss of suitable velocity areas.Eventually,flow over the shoals is fast enough to significantly reduce the availability and qua 1i ty of chi nook reari ng habi ta tat the si teo There are ni ne speci fi c area s wi thi n Representa ti ve Group V.The area s breach over a wide range of mainstem discharges «5,000 to 23,000 cfs)and exhibit large variations in structural habitat quality.The HAl function ob ta i ned for Site 141.6 R,whi ch b rea c he sat 22,000 cf san d has a comparatively high SHl value,was used as a template for deriving HAl curves for all specific areas within the group (Figure 49 and Appendix B). 103 1 l f i l ! 1 1 .{ j l [ ] i 'I 1 1 ! 1 IfUA / /" !~ .~"\ /)\ /~\GHA ----'----_...//______J I I <4000 BODO .12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) 104 o <4000 8000 12000 16000 20000'24tl00 28000 32000 36000 .40000 Mainstem Discharge ~fs) SITE 141 ..6R Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.6R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAn,habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response flJncti on$. A 100 90 BO-·~70"4- "·60~ 0.&-·500" .!!! .40 10 30C1J C--<:20 10 0 0 Fi gure 48. ........-_..···..__·..·_··__.._··30..._..........~..=.~~.~~==:l~.~~~=.~--_··..·1-..····..~.. .........-~___'2iJ"'.....fi 10 O-+----r--~--r--_,__--,--__,.--,..----_r_-___,_----i \.----..-..,,--,L _ REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V 4000036000 ~--~=-::---=-..:t~~::,........~~_ -r--r--I I 20000 24000 28000 32000 I 16000 SITE 141.6R n =9 1--~~~.--r~~~~-I 4000 BOOO 12000 35.00 31.50 2B.00-0 0 24.50-x 21.00 4:en 3:17.50--. 4: :::l ~14.00 I-' .:::J 10.50U1I-i 4::r: 7.00 3.50 0.00 I 0 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Figure 49.Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled ~pecific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 141.6R of Representative Group v. There does not appear to be any correlation between the magnitude of breaching flow and structural habitat quality of peak habitat availability for these speci fi c areas. Collectively,the specific areas which make up Representative Group V do not provi de si gn i fi cant a moun ts of j uvenil e chi nook hab ita t,even under ideal flow conditions.The low aggregate WUA values portrayed in Figure 50 result from 1)the small number of specific areas assigned to Group V,and 2)the sma 11 amoun t of total wetted surface area associ a ted with these sites.Overall,less than 0.4 million square feet of rearing WUA is pro- vided by Representative Group V by streamflows within the range of 5,000 to 35,000 cfs.WUA values peak at approximately 26,000 cfs when joint surface area arid HAl values are maximized (Figure 50). ! \ 1 I ! J ,1 I I 1 t 1 J 1 ,\ 1 J ! r. I REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V A 4.00 3.60 (1 ~3.20 liSAIJ ......g 2.80 .....2.400 en 2.00c:: 0.....1.60.--..--......1.20E .80. <en .403: 0.00 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) IIUA 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A ~wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group V of the middle Susitna River. 107 3.6 Representative Group VI The 13 specific areas within this group are products of the channel braiding processes active in the high gradient middl~segment of the Susitna River.Included are overflow channels which parallel the adjacent mainstem.Typically separated from the mainstem by a sparsely vegetated bar,these channels mayor may not possess upwelling.These ~pecific areas may represent more advanced stages of shoal development in which their gravel bars have stabilized due to the growth of vegetation and further high-stage sedimentation,and mainstem overflow is usually delivered by a _single dominant feeder channel.Incision of the lateral channels has gradually occurred over time,leading to lower head berm elevations and coarser substrates.Side channel gradients are usually greater than . adjacent mainstem channels as a result of hydraulic processes which adjust channe 1 morp ho logy to rna i nta in transpor t can ti nu i'ty.The spec trum of ______~sho_aJ_~to~_sjd.e ..channeLde velopm en ta 1.stag eS-l"epr-es entedby--the-sp ec-i-f-ic-----~-.-- areas of Group VI is i ndi ca ted by the wi de range of breachi ng di scharges and structural habitat indices recorded by Aaserude et ala (1985). ----~_._--_._-_._--_.-------"--_._--~..__._._._-_._-_.~-_..•.._.__._._._._-_._~--~-_.__._-_..__._-_._---_.--~-- ·_----~-~wlficlf--Dreachatlr;-5()lrand 13,OOOcfs~respectively,but remain watered at non-breached mainstem discharges.Plates A-24 through A-26 (Appendix A) give some idea of the morphologic features and wetted surface area response to flow of Group VImodelihgsites.A large backwater occurs at their con- fluence with the mainstem channel.The gravel bar at Site 136.3R appears to be more stable than the bar at Site 133.8L,judging from differences in the type and amount of vegetation cover.Both modeling sites are rela- tively flat in cross section except for deep narrow channels running along 1 i 11 1 i -! ! ,) .( 1 1 r r I 1 ] ( 1 1 I ! 1 I banks opposite the gravel bars.These banks are steep-walled whereas banks formed by the gravel bars are gently sloping.These features are largely responsible for the type of response of juvenile chinook habitat to changes in mainstem discharge observed at the two Group VI modeling sites. Habitat index and surface area response functions derived for Site 133.8L and 136.3R are conspicuously similar,particularly if allowance is made for differences in mean channel width (Figures 51 and 52).In both cases,the anticipated increase in WUA following breaching occurs,but after attaining moderate levels the amount of rearing habitat remains fairly constant at higher mainstem discharges.This pattern,which is uncharacteristic of more developed side channels (compare,for example,the WUA response curves for sites from Representative Group VI with results for Group III and IV modeling sites),is also apparent in the relationship between gross habitat area and river discharge.The constancy of WUA and GHA values at moderate- to-high mainstem flows results in generally stable habitat quality at the sites,implying that areas suitable for chinook rearing are recruited and lost at comparable rates.Regardless of flow levels,most juvenile chinook habitat at Sites 133.8L and 136.3R is associated with the gravel bar shoreline and backwater area of both sites. HAl func ti ons developed for the two model i ng sites exhi bit the expec ted rise and fall in juvenile chinook habitat availability which attends breaching and further increases in discharge.However,because WUA values remain constant at higher flows,the slope of the descending limb of the HAl curves is not as grea t as observed for other represen ta ti ve groups. Based on similaries in channel morphology and habitat reconnaissance data 109 I.1 I SITE 133.8L I A I J 150 135 ....."...-WSA t' 120 /-·.,105 ./'('\............/..J \.-6HA·90.,....-r/"·75 /cr ~.J~60 /1-.,.....-f""to 45 _._._._~~cuc..<30 /-----15 a ,I a 4000 BODO 12000 16000 I 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs)I --j B 100 90 BO-"_._._.._..~ _.. 10 .,60c:o cu 50t.Jc..cu ..cO0.. .~\r/'-.J--y.._I···........-------y--\--------..- f \--HOI -_._..--:1 30 ---·-·····-·----------···-----·-·-·····-·--·--20·· 10 o-+--....,...----...---.....--.....---....----.....--......--.....----.-----l o 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Figure 51.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 133.8L. Ao-Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAI),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. 110 ! .1 I I I I I A160 144 128-·~112-.........·96~-·eoc:ren-604 "'-18l13 C-<J2 16 0 0 B 100 90 BO 70 ~60c:eu 50""C-eu .cO0- 30 20 10 0 0 SITE 136.3R _----IflJA___-J/------r .cooO 8000 1~000 16000 20000 2.c000 2BOOO 32000 36000 040000 Mainstem Discharge (efs) __-HOI....- :::::------/r----HAl .coOO BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 28000 32000 36000 ,(0000 Mainstem Discharge (efs) Figure 52.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 136.3R. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAI),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat qual i ty index (HQI)response functions. III obtained at modeled and non-modeled specific areas in Group VI,7 of the 13 specific areas are grouped with site 133.8L and 6 with site 136.3R.HAl functions derived from the modeling sites are presented for each subgroup in Figures 53 and 54 and Appendix B. Due to their relatively high breaching flows and rapid wetted surface area response following breaching (Figure 55),specific areas within Representative Group VI provide considerably more juvenile chinook WUA at high as compared to low mainstem discharges.Figure 55 indicates the aggrega te reari ng WUA functi on deri ved as the sum of i ndi vi dua 1 specifi c area habi ta t va 1 ues for flows rangi ng from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs.Reari ng habitat potential increas~~ste(lgiJYa:La,funct.ionof flow throughout this range.The amount of juvenile chinook WUA forecast for 35,000 cfs (1.3 mi 11 ion square feet)represents over 30 ti mes the amount of WUA forecast for 5,000 cfs (0.04 million square feet).The correlation between wetted --_.._.,--_..,--'-_._--- surface are-a:'an-daggrega te rearil1-g'WUA va 1 ues is more pronounced in Group VI than in other representative groups due to the relative constancy of HAl values across all flows. 1 I j I I I -I I .~ I 1 I -1 I \ I I -I I -I I I i I I I I I !J 112 -1 I I L--L--..-, ~-~ REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI 25.00 22.50 " 20.00 0 0 17.50 ....-i x 15.00 <t: U) 3:12.50.......... <t: t--':::> t--'~10.00 eN H 7.50 <t::r: 5.00 2.50 0.00 I 0 .4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 28000 32000 133.BL n =7 36000 .40000 Figure 53. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River"which are associated with modeling site 133.8L of Representative Group VI. SITE 136.3R n =6 40.00 36.50 33.00-0 0 29.50 ..-1 X 26.00« U') 3:22.50-.......: «' :::::l ~19.00 H 15.50oCt :t: 12.00 8.50 5.00 I I 0 ~OOO 8000 I II- ~EPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI I i 12000 I 16000 20000 24000 28000 IMAINSTEM DISCHARGE (eFS)i . 32000 36000 ~oooo Figure 54.Response of chino~k rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within ~on-modeled specific areas of the middle ~usitna River whi~h are associated with modeling site 136.3R qf RepresentativelGroup VI. i .,..-~---~Hi!, REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI A 10.00 9.00 .....8.00"-HSA·0-7.00en "-6.000 en 5.00c:: 0.....4.00...............3.00e 1\ 2.00 <:en 1.00 HUAr,3 0.00 0 .j000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B 2.00 1.80 ·.....1.60"-·g 1.40 "-1.200 en 1.00c:: 0......80................60e .40 <::::>.20'3: 0.00 a Figure 55. ---HUA .jOOO 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VI of the middle Susitna River. 115 3.7 Representative Group VII This group of seven specific areas is dominated by side channels possesing low breaching discharges and organized into distinctive riffle/pool flow patterns.In most cases,the specific areas are comparatively short with small length:width ratios and are composed of a single riffle extending from the head of the si te down 'to a large backwa ter area at the mouth.The transition from riffle to backwater pool is defined by an abrupt step in bed and water surface profile.Head berms are generally broad-crested and the riffles of greater-than-average slope.The steep riffle gradients tend to increase in streamflow tends to mimimize the staging effect of rising mainstem flows at the mouth of the site.Consequently,the rate of change in backwater area is less than is observed at lower gradient sloughs and side channels over a comparable range of discharges.Backwater area varies at Group VII sites primarily by expanding or contracting laterally as flows change.Flow characteristics within backwater pools include near zero velocities and a calm surface,as compared to the broken and rapidly moving water of riffles. ns rae 0 ngi tu ~i naJ_'L~ri a t i_0 tl_i n _s tr~_a_mb_e_d__te)ctu~e__o-c-cu.l"s--ir:t--------- -~.~-~-~~------~-_._~-----_..~-~~---- Group VI!specific areas.Riffles are composed of rubble and "boulder size substrates,whereas backwater areas tend to have sandy beds.Periodic high flows may temporari ly expose coarse sediment i n backwa~~r pool s whi ch is subsequen tl y coveredbysa,nct anc1 __lijltdllri Og peri ods of low fl ow.High turbidities also prevail at these sites since upwelling is not present. 116 j } ! j I ! ,I ( ~1 J 1 j 1 j II ,'l l 1 1 I ).IIj lJ U Modeling Site 119.2R is the sole representative of the 7 specific areas classified within Group VII.This site possesses the typical riffle/pool sequence characteristics just described (Plates A-27 and A-28 in Appendix A).As indicted in Figure 56,a basal level of wetted surface area and juvenile chinook WUA is maintained under non-breached conditions by backwater effects.Peak rearing habi tat potential occurs shortly after the berm at the head of the site is overtopped and the riffle area is inundated.The relatively broad width and uniform elevation of the head berm strongly influences the distribution and amount of juvenile chinook habitat at Site 119.2R.Areas of usable habitat within the riffle rapidly 'expand until local velocities begin to exceed tolerable limits which in turn prompts a decline in rearing habitat.Maximum WUA values are forecast for discharges of 12,500 to 13,000 cfs,when juvenile chinook WUA is nearly four times greater than WUA present under non-breached conditions (39.3 versus 10.5 sq.ft./ft.). Gross habitat is widely distributed throughout Site 119.2R at flows ranging up to 17,000 cfs,as demonstrated by the GHA response to discharge in Figure 56.However,habitat availability and quality,as indexed by HAl and HQl values,begins to diminish appreciably around 12,000 cfs.Peak HAl and HQl estimates were similar at 40 percent,a fairly high value in comparison to other modeling sites.The minimum HAl value was 3 percent at 35,000 cfs.This HAl value was estimated by extending the WSA and WUA curves by eye for discharges exceedi ng 20,000 cfs (Hi 11 ia rd et a 1.1985). The HQI curve was not extrapolated past 20,000 cfs,but HQI val ues may be expected to be higher than HAl values to a degree which is proportional to ·t the difference between gross habitat area and .wetted surface areas at high discharges. 117 o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~000 28000 32000 36000 ~ooo J 1 '1 1 1 .! ~'l 1 ·1 1 1 I ! '1 1 ,'I j j 1 Mainstem Discharge (efs) 118 SITE 119..2R Mainstem Discharge (efs) --"\'--'--"V "- ,...•._.~ •!{II ~ooo 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~000 28000 32000 36000 ~OOO Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for mOdeling site 119.2R. A -Wetted surface ~rea (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAn,habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functi ons. 10 O-l---r---r---......----.---_-......----.---_--.-----l 8 100 90 ---~---_•..._--~ so 70 ....60c:eu 50c.Jc:..eu .coc.. A180 162 .144-·....126-"'-·108....-·90C" ..!!!72 n:J 54euc:..<36 18 0 0 Fi gure 56. HAl functions derived from modeling results for Site 119.2R display the low breaching flows and comparatively large habitat potential at low discharges associated with specific areas of Representative Group VII (Figure 57 and Appendix B)..Within a narrow range of low mainstem discharges (10,000 to 13,000 cfs),HAl values compare favorably with peak HAl values recorded for speci fi c areas from other groups.The marked decl i ne in habi ta t ava il- ability at higher flows and the overall poor structural habitat quality (i.e.,low SHI val ues)of Group VII si tes suggests that hydraul i c geometry plays a more important role than does object cover in determining the collective rearing habitat potential of this group. As was the case for side channels comprising Representative Group IV,which are characterized by similarly low breaching discharges,the seven specific areas of Group VII provide notably greater amounts of usable rearing !]habitat at low than at high mainstem flows,as evidenced by the aggregate WUA functi on in Figure 58.Thi s resul ts from the com para tively high HAl values which occur immediately subsequent to breaching and their rapid decline at higher flows.Juvenile chinook WUA peaks at 0.3 million square feet at 8,000 cfs,remains·at this level through 13,000 cfs and declines to 0.08 million square feet at 35,000 cfs. u U IJ 119 I REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VII I SITE 119.2R n =7 ,.-··-···-1·--1-,--,I 4000 BOOO 12000 i 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 i MAINSTEM DISCHARGE rCFS) i i Figure 57. i i Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem d,is~harge within no~-modeled specific areas of the middle Sllus~tna River W.hiCh I,are associated with mOdeling site 119.2R of representative G10Up VII. I [. ~'-------'~~------..' Figure 58.Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VII of the middle Susitna River. 121 3.8 Representative Group VIII This group is comprised of 22 specific areas which tend to dewater at intermediate to high mainstem discharges.,The absence of an upwelling groundwater supply may be due to the local structural geology and the location of the channels relative to sources of subsurface flow.Aaserude et ale (1985)noted that the heads of channels included in Group VIII were frequently oriented at a 30 0 +angle to the adjacent mainstem channel. Apparen tl y ground wa ter flow is ei ther di verted away from these si tes or occurs at a lower elevation than the bed elevation of the exposed channels. IJ In spite of their tendency to dewater,specific areas in Group VIII are similar to specific areas assigned to Groups II and III in their hydrologic,hydraulic,and morphologic properties.Therefore,because Group VIII does not possess a specific area with a rearing habitat modeling ~~~~sjte,_HJU_functions based on modeling~-s~i·tesfY'om Represen·ta~t~iveGroups ll~- and III were used to represent Group VIII in the habitat extrapolation process.An obvi OUS requi rement was tha t the habi ta t functi ons for modeling sites selected to represent this group be modified to reflect the _..,~,~._~,_.~_~o~LJ.C>.~§,.()LL~~rtlJ.g hg.bttat.as.~_ma instem.stagedeclines.below..-headberm·..···....- ~~~'-'eleva tlon s-:-"'Cand i da-te mode'll"g sites i ncl"L1desii 144:'41..fr o~Gro~p-ii 'a ~d ....~.._, Site 132.6L from Group III.The first modeling site is recommended by its high breaching discharge,its morphological similitude with several Group VIII specific areas,and by the genera 1 shape of its habitat response curves.Figure 24 illustrates the WSA,WUA and HAl curves which have been derived from Site 144.4L to represent a subclass of Group VIII specific areas.Note tha t the 1efthand 1i mb of the curves have been trunca ted at a breaching flow of 21,000 cfs. 1 ] 1 ] j ,I 'j 1 '-] J J j ] J 1 ] J ] J i I I I I I J Si te 132.6L has been selected to represent the subclass of specifi c areas from Group VIII which dewater at intermediate discharges.Based on an examination of aerial photography obtained at several mainstem flows,these specific areas and Site 132.6L possess similar longitudinal and cross sectional profiles.Site 132.6L,which breaches at 10,500 cfs,eventually dewaters at 6,000 cfs as the water surface elevation drops below the eleva- tion of the groundwater table (Figure 32).However,the revised modeling site habitat response curves have been truncated at 10,500 cfs to accurately reflect the rapid dewatering which occurs at Group VIII specific areas. HAl curves are presented in Figures 59 and 60 with aggregate WSA as Figure 61.All specific areas in this Representative Group dewater at intermediate discharge levels.Specific areas were grouped on the basis of exposed streambed composi tion.The 15 speci fi c areas represented by si te 132.6L all possess streambeds lined with sand indicating low velocity or backwater i~fluenced hydraulic conditions exist when these sites are breached.The 9 specific areas associated with site '144.4L have channel beds.consisting of large gravels and cobbles indicating that these specific areas possess much higher veloci ties when breached.I Since all of the specific areas associated with Group VIII are dewatered by 8,000 cfs,juvenile chinook habitat does not exist at flows below this value.This is reflected in the aggregate rearing WUA curve developed for Group VIII (Figure 61).WUA accumulates rapidly as the specific areas become breached and peak values (0.7 million square feet)are attained at 29,500 cfs.Rearing habitat potential declines slightly at higher flows. 123 ~EPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII MAINSTEM OISCmARGE SITE 132.6L n =14 40000360003200028000 (CFS) 240002000016000 I 1200~ I ! 8000 i~ooo [ 40.00 36.00 32.00 - "0 28.00Cl..... X 2UO c:t' CJ) X 20.00.............<tN:::::l~~16.00 H 12.00 <t:c 8.00 4.00 0.00 I 0 Figure 59. ,i I I !Response ofchin~ok rearing habitat availability to mainstem Idischarge withinl non-modeled specific areas of the middle ISusitna River wh'ch are associated with modeling site 132.6l lof Representativ~Group VIII. i I ....:4~-- REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII SITE 144.4L n =8 40.00 36.00 32.00 (3 28.000 ..-f X 24.00«en 3:20.00.........I-'«N ~Ul ~16.00 H 12.00«::I: B.OO 4.00 0.00 .. 0 ,(000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Figure 60. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group VIII. WSA 1 1 1 1 i \ .1 1 ~1 1 j ( J \1 ] ] J 1 1 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) 126 Aggregate response of'A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VIII of the middle $usitna River. 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000a .20 e . C" (I) 4000 8000 12000 16Q00 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII B MAINSTEM DISCHARGE OCFS) <%: ~.10 0.00 -1---,----r-=-,...--..,.---,----r--r--..,.---,---l .... e (I)ce............... . .&J.... Figure 61. 1.00 ..,....-----------------------, _~~_________~_---=----=---.90-=1-~-------------------- 1 I J 3.9 Representative Group IX This group contains 21 specific areas categorized as mainstem and mainstem shoal habitat with mean reach velocities greater than 5 fps at 10,000 cfs. These sites usually convey a significant percentage of the total discharge, and possess small length to width ratios. Modeling sites 101.5L and 147.1L are large channels classified as mainstem habitat over the entire 5,100 to 23,000 cfs flow range (Plates A- 29 through A-32 in Appendix A).Site 101.5L represents those specific areas which are generally shallower and possess lower velocities than those represented by Si.te 147.1L.As many areas possess vel oci ties greater than 2.5 fps the modeling sites provide little juvenile chinook habitat in relation to the total volume of water they convey.This conclusion is strengthened by the large differences observed between WSA and GHA esti- mates and the low rearing WUA values forecast for all mainstem discharges (Figures 62 and 63).Wetted surface areas change at comparatively slow rates as discharge varies at both sites due to their large size and a tendency to compensate for varying flow more through adjustments in water depth and velocity than in top width. Both GHA and WUA increase slightly at higher mainstem discharges;thus,the availability of usable rearing habitat and its distribution within the .modeling sites tends to remain constant throughout the range of evaluation flows.In a detailed analysis of cross section velocity profiles at Si tes 101.5L and 147.1L,Williams (1985)noted that sui table reari ng areas are confined to nearshore zones in the channels,primarily along the gently sloped island banks,due to high mid-channel velocities.The ratio of 127 \ I II SITE'10 1.5l A 450 ~5j -360·.u 3~~............·270.u....·2250" .El I 180 I n::J 135 ~euc.. 90-1-< 45 0 0 __,_,_,oIlS4--.--'--'--'--'--.--'r'--' -\---"'_-----SliA.......--.-.....-...- 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2400028000 32000 36000 40000 I I " I J I 1 J I 1 J Mainstem Discharge (cfs)I 1 I J B I I I J I ) I I I j I I I J I I I I I r :::/._~.-=..~_.__--L ....~..~~........-=-.-HIlI-··- '-\ ",-.-_.--_......--._""",--,_~'--'-'HIlI 10 O-l----..--,.--..,...-....,.----,.--..,...--.....----.--.....--~ 100 ...,.-.---------.,..--------:..------....., 90 80 70 ~60 l ~50-1l:-euc..-40 30 ..----.----_._..--'"20·' o 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Ma instem D~s~~~rge.lcfs) I I .I I I Figure 62.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site lOl.5L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAI),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functions. I 1 1 I I I J 128 I !J \-----__'"'--_-_---GHA \..----- _·-WSA_._. ...-'--.--.--'---.--.--'.,....-. --' A 300 270 - 240 --·-4-J 210 -......-....·180 --4-J.......·150 -c::r .:!! 120 - C'C 90 -OJc.. 0<:60 - 30 - 0 0 I 4000 I 8000 I 12000 I 16000 I 20000 j I 24000 ·28000 !lUATT 32000 36000 40000 8 100 90 - i I ao - cJ 70 - -4-J 60 -c OJu 50 -c.. OJc...40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - a il Mainstem Discharge (efs) \ \.. '\.....-.-'-""-'-:J--.-";"I_.--e::::r-.:::x:::='-IllJ _____\.000-'--'-HGI------HAl I I J J I I 1 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (efs) j I C,J Fi gure 63.Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 147.1L. A -Wetted surface area (WSA),gross habitat area (GHA)and weighted usabl e area (WUA). B -Habitat availability index (HAl),habitat distribution index (HOI)and habitat quality index (HQI)response functi ons. 129 juvenile chinook WUA to wetted surface area at these sites is very low,on the order of 5 percent or less.These values are considerably lower than HAl estimates obtained for modeling sites from other representative groups. The ratio of WUA to GHA is predictably higher,ranging up to 22 percent, but also slightly lower than HQI ratios calculated for other sites.Taking these indi ces into account,the juveni le chi nook habi tat potential wi thin Group IX specific areas is judged to be inferior in quality. Using the HAl functions developed for Sites 101.5L and 147.1L as templates, HAl curves were deri ved for speci fi c areas wi thin Group IX.Adjustments were made to account for differences in breaching flow and structural habitat quality.In regard to structural habitat,the mean SHI value for specific areas in this group is high compared to other representative groups.This results from the large substrate sizes which predominate in the high 'velocity channels and the high cover value assigned to them in the ..__~lil.~~L~~lit1;jOJ1S.__El~veJ]J)j:the 21 specific areas wi thin-Gr-oup·-IX ha-ve .... been grouped with Si te 101.5L;the rema in i ng 10 sites are repre sen ted by si te 147 .1L.HAl functi ons deri ved for mode 1ed and non-mode 1ed spec i fi c a reas are presen ted in Fi gures 64 and 65 and the aggrega te WSA re spon se curve for IX in Fi ure 66. The collective rearing habitat potential of the 20 specific areas in Group IX increases from 0.3 mi 11 i on square feet at 5,000 cfs toa peak of 0 ..6 million square feet at 27,500 cfs (Fjgure 66).Aggregate WUA val ues increase steadily over this flow range although the rate of change is very low in com pa ri son to other represen ta ti ve groups,with the excep ti on of Group I (upland sloughs),being only slightly greater than the rate of change in wetted surface area.Juvenile chinook WUA remains constant at REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX 32000 10.00 9.00 8.00 '0 0 7.00...... ><6.00« U) 3:5.00'-.......« w :;:) .......~UO H 3.00«:c 2.00 1.00 0.00 • 0 ~ooo 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.4000 28000 SITE 101.5L n :::11 36000 .coooo Figure 64. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are ~ssociated with modeling site 101.5l of Representative Group IX. RBPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX 4000036000 SITE 147.1l n =10 320002800024000200001600012000BOOOI 4,000\ 5.00 4.50 4.00 '0 3.500 ...-f X 3.00 <t (J)::c 2.50'-.......<tW:::l 2.00N~ H 1.50<t:r: LOO .50 0.00 I 0 (CFS)MiINSTEM DISCHARGE i I I I !,!! IRe~ponse of chinookl rearing habitat availability to mainstem I di~Charge within nqn-modeled specific areas of the middle. Su~itna River ~hic~are -associated with modeling site 147.1L pfl Representatlve Group IX. I' Figure 65. '-----~----......:~-:-1£',--- REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX A 18.00 liSA -16.20 11 ~'14.40 ·g 12.60 ~10.80 en 9.00c 0.....7.20.................5.40e 3.60 «en 1.803: 0.00 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B 1.00 .90·~.BO......·CT .70 WUA°en .......600 en .50c 0......40...... .-4......30e .20 « ::::J .10:3: 0.00 0 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 2BOOO 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (eFS) Figure 66.Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IX of the middle Susitna River. 133 higher flows as increases in wetted surface area are offset by gradual reductions in rearing habitat availability. ( ] 1I I ! j .~ ,i I j j I I ',I 'l 1 ,'] .j I 3.10 Representative Group X Representative Group X is made up of "mainstem shoals and mainstem margins 11 which displayed signs of upwelling in the winter aerial photography. As discussed in the methods section,Representative Group X did not possess RJHAB or PHABSIM models.Unlike Group VIII,which was in a similar position,none of the other models available were representative of the specific areas in this group.Therefore a WUA response curve was developed using Direct Input Ha~itat (DIHAB)models for spawning chum habitat which \were available for five of the sites.These sites are illustrated in Plates A33 through A42. I~J The DIHAB model uses substrate composition.and upwelling data from one or more cross sections as well as measured depths and velocities for several I \i..) i IlJ \IL....; I ]U (.J mainstem discharges to calculate WUA and WSA at each observed streamflow. WUA and WSA indices for unobserved streamflows within the range of observed values are determined by linear interpolation between calculated WUA and WSA indices.Outside the range of observed values,WUA and WSA indices may be estimated on the basis of trend analysis and field experience (Hilliard et al.1985). The chum spawning DIHAB model s were converted to juvenile chinook DIHAB models as follows.Depth and velocity suitability curves for spawning chum were replaced by depth and velocity suitability curves for juvenile chinook.The substrate suitability curve for spawning chum was replaced by 135 the cover suitability criteria for juvenile chinook under turbid water conditions.The upwelling criteria was eliminated. WUA and WSA response curves were developed for each of the five modeled sites.They were extended beyond the range of available data by regression analyses to encompass the mainstem discharge range 5,000 to 35,000 cfs. Trends,apparent from the plotted points,indicated where more than one relationship was required to describe the response of WSA or WUA to mainstem discharge. In all cases WSA increased with mainstem discharge.The maximum WSA for each site was determined by summing the product of cross section width and representative reach length for all cross sections within the site.Cross section plots,with water surface elevations at various mainstem discharges superimposed,w,ere used to identify those discharges at which the relationship between WSA and mainstem discharge might be expected to change.For Representative Group X sites such changes were coincident with discharges at which shoals become inundated. WUA generally decreased wi th rna instem discharge.Some fl uctua ti ons were --_.__.._.__._------ __~_'=-n6-tea.--"nley'we-re--due~'-to-{~e 0 pti mal ha bi'tat-a t thecr~ssie~ciL~~~s_Jif~a-- ,.. site peaking at different mainstem discharges.Velocity data and cross sectional geometry were used to verify WUA forecasts beyond the range of data • HAl values were calculated (as WUA/WSA x 100)for each discharge associated with a data set,for each dischar'ge where a change in the relationship between WSA or WUA and mainstem discharge had been noted,and for 5,000 cfs 136 ( 1 1 I I I ! J I 1 'J 1 ,1 I 1 I \IIIl.J LJ and 35,000 cfs.Through linear interpolation,HAl values for 5,000 to 35,000 cfs in 500 cfs increments were obtained.The HAl curves for the five modeled sites were very similar.In all cases the HAl was maximum at 5,000 cfs,and the rate of decline decreased with mainstem discharge. Values of WSA for the eight nonmode1ed sites of Representative Group X were obtained through the use of aerial photography.The areas were digitized from 1"=250'scaled leria1 photos taken when mainstem discharge was 5,100,10,600,16,000,and 23,000 cfs.Regression analyses provided WSAs for 5,000 to 35,000 cfs in 500 cfs increments. To calculate WUA for the eight nonmode1ed sites,a composite HAl curve was first developed.Extrapolation of the HAl response curves"for the modeled sites to the nonmode1ed sites consisted of averaging the curves after first norma 1i zi ng them to an SHI of 0.50. HAI O•50 =HAISHI x (0.50/SHI) The composite curve was similarly adjusted for the SHI of each nonmode1ed site before applying it to the corresponding WSA curve,or: HAISHI =HAI O.50 x (SHI/0.50) HAl curves are given in Figure 67 and the summation of the WUA and WSA values for the thirteen sites in Figure 68. This representative group contains a small subpopu1ation of shoal areas and ma ins te m mar gin s whie h con ta in up well ing and re ta ina sma 11 am0 un t 0 f wetted surface area at low mainstem discharge levels.A much larger popu- 1ation of shoal areas become dewatered as mainstem flow decreases.Surface 137 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP X ! I iMA]NSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) =13 40000 ~ Figure 67. !; R~sponse of chinoQk rearing habitat availability to mainstem d~scharge for specific areas of the middle Susitna River w~thin Representative Group x. ~.....----J REPRESENTATIVE GROUP X A "'SA 500 -r-----------------------, 450 ~400. g 350....e 300 ~250c: ~200 :::::Jo.c:150..u 11 100 <t~5:l--~=~=::::::::;:::::=::;==::;:==::;::=:::::::;:::=~A--~ o 4000 BOOO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B lfUAB.OO -<;::)4.00 3: 40.00 ..,.----:...--------------------, -36.00 ~32.00. g 28.00..... e 24.00 ~20.00c:coen 16.00 :::::J "g 12.00..u \'1\ l( 0.00 -I----r----,-----,.--r---,.---r---,----,----r---; o 4000 BODO 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) IIIJ Fi~ure 68.Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA)and B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA)to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group X of the middle Susitna River. 139 area measurements of exposed gravel bars (Klinger Kingsley 1985)indicated that dewatered surface area increases by approximately 1,037 acres as ma i nstem di scharge decreases from 23,000 cfs to 10,600 cfs. Because of the difficulty locating upwelling areas during moderate to high flow periods,the entire subpopulation of shoal areas with upwelling are not contained in Represen~ative Group X.From examination of air photo mosaics it is apparent that at ,low mainstem discharges a large amount of shoal surface area is present that was not included in Representative Group X.Therefore,the surface area and WUA curves for this group are not directly compatible with the curve sets for other representative groups as they contain entire populations of specific areas belonging to a particular habitat type.In addition,the 13 specific areas which are included in Representative Group X all possess similar HAl curves (Figure 67)and result in a composite WUA curve (Figure 68)which is relatively insensitive ·~------~"-"to"~c"han"g"e.·s--i-n-~m"ai-ns"'te-m-dlscnarg-e-:··"Tn er"efore~~WUJCf 0 r e 'cis t s'-for Representative Group X will be excluded from further consideration in the extrapola ti on process. 1 1 ( '1 ! ! 1 ! -1 I --~_.--_._~...._.._-,._-- 1 I 1 1 i ,.! I 1 1 1 4.0 SUMMARY· The physical habitat modeling presented in this report provides a I ))I 11 t ) quantitative evaluation of the response of juvenile chinook weighted usable area to incremental changes in streamflow for the middle Susitna River. Underpinning the extrapolation methodology are several assumptions related to physical habitat modeling and river stratification procedures. The primary assumption of the habitat modeling studies is that weighted usable area (WUA)is an index of physical habitat conditions and changes in 11 WUA are attended by adjustments in the distribution and relative abundance I j of juvenile chinook populations.Although other physical and non-physical components of fish habitat not included in the calculation of ~UA may influence the survival and growth of juvenile chinook salmon,the physical environment affects to a substantial degree bioti~processes of the aquatic community.Moreover,considerable data exist which indicate the importance of individual microhabitat variables for influencing the distribution of juvenile chinook within different subenvironments of the middle Susitna II,j Lj IJ River.Hence,physical habitat modeling is an appropriate method for assessing the influence of project-induced changes in streamflow on juvenile chi nook habi tat. Nume'rous environmental variables influence the availability of chinook rearing habitat and these variables are typically not independent of one another.Under some circumstances,however,the availability or quality of juvenile chinook habitat may be governed primarily by one or two variables whose infl uence is more pronounced than the combined effect of all other 141 142 influence of turbidity on juvenile chinook distribution,not the cause, drifting invertebrate prey associated with turbid mainstem and side channel 1 1 I 1 l ! 1 j ,-], ,j 1 ! ! I 1 j j 1 ] Nevertheless,if it isoftherelationshipofturbiditytofoodsupply. applied. The results of the rearing habitat modeling studies conducted at individual modeling sites indicate surface area and rearing habitat response curves are generally more similar within representative groups (where two or more Water clarity was treated as a cover variable in the physical habitat modeling studies since our present understanding of turbidity,food avail- ability,and juvenile chinook distribution does not warrant an evaluation flow whi ch juveni le chi nook are respondi ng to rather than the cover value of turbidity,the physical habitat model r'emains valid.It is the The influence of water clarity was incorporated into the modeling process environmental variables.An example is the positive correlation during the summer growing period between juvenile chinook distribution and turbid water.This may reflect the value of turbidity as cover for juvenile chi nook as re pOl'te d by 0uga net a 1.(19 84)0 r i t may ref1e eta grea te r abundance of drifting inverteb'rate prey in the turbid mainstem and side channel habitats than in clear water sloughs. through the application of separate clear a'nd turbid water habitat suit- , ,ability criteria for j uveni 1ec~j I1QQk.~...CJ!=!j:!r.w.a:t.er.velocJtyandcover ..-, _."'-'-_.'-'""-~--'"~~~----"--"-"-"'---""""-'..•__._.._,-----.-----.---_._._._-,-.~-""_..__._---..•....•....•._--_.._-__._-.--_..--,,-____..-.__-__-_,.....•-,_..___--_...•••...._--.--'.".,--_.....-... ------------_..__.------,----_., '---"'--slIrtaofrrtycri-terfa-were used to'cal cul a tere'aring-WUA'i nct ices for model ing si tes under non-breached conditions.Following breaching high turbidities prevailed at the modeling sites and turbid water criteria were mode 1i ng si tes occur)than between groups.The amount of reari ng habi ta t available at a particular site is strongly affected by the mainstemdis- charge at which its upstream berm is overtopped.Under non-breached condi- tions,juvenile chinook habitat is typically relatively small.The combi- nation of the influ,x of turbid water to the channel and the increase in its wetted surface area which accompany breaching typically increases the availability of rearing habitat significantly.Positive gains of WUA I'IJ continue,but at a gradually declining rate,as mainstem discharge increases and water velocities at the site remain favorable.Juvenile chinook habitat tends to decrease more rapidly in smaller channels as mainstem discharge increases than in larger channels due to a more gradual response of near shore velocities to changes in flow in large channels. Thus,relatively small changes in the availability of rearing habitat occur as flows increase or decrease in the large side c;han'nels and mainstem.It should be emphasized,however,that these large side channels and the mainstem contribute a disproportionately small amount of habitat in relation to their wetted surface area. Based on the delineation of specific areas and their classification into the representative groups described by Aaserude et a1.1985,we have developed aggregate rearing habitat response functions for the majority of the subenvironments which directly respond to changes in mainstem dis- charge.These are summarized in Figure 69.We have not combined WUA iJ va 1ues for the represen ta ti ve groups to obta in an aggrega te WUA value for the entire middle Susitna River.Evidence of variability in juvenile chinook abundance and distribution between repres~ntative groups is provided by Hoffman (1985),suggesting that WUA indices for different 143 REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS I-IX 6 . 1 20000 ____-2 8--..-------..L:.--:::._--==_-=.....5 7-;:::..;:::::--------------<-=----._---- 16000 --~--------..-..- ./ ./ /" /'/__.__.-.-9----/_._._.-...---.-./. 30.00 27.00 2~.00 21.00....-r::ren 18.00-Q en 15.00c: Q..............12.00-e <9.00~ 6.00 3.00 0.00 0 MAINSTEM'OISCHARGE (efs) REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS I-IX 5.00 -.----.....:---------------..,.------------......, 4.00 400003600032000280002~0002000016000120008000 --\ \ o .50 1.00 :3 1.50 ::J: -Q ~2.50 Q-~~==·==···=_~=-2.00--1-..-~-.--.--.----.--".-.."..-_------.-----..~----~-.----~--·-·-""···---·"·-I~-"~-·.----.-. MAINSTEM OISCHARGE (efs) 1 Figure 69.Comparison of the aggregate response of chinook rearing habitat [WUA]for Representative Groups I through IX. 144 'J representative groups may require adjusting for utilization prior to being aggrega ted. Other considerations which should be addressed prior to drawing final 11 concl usi ons from the habi ta t response functi ons provi ded in thi s report are the influences of food availability and water temperature on the quality of I' I J IJ U rearing habitats.In addition such seasonal aspects as availability of chi nook overwi nteri ng habi tat shoul d be consi dered.The habi tat model i ng results presented in this report are not directly applicable to evaluations of winter habitat since hydraulic characteristics and fishbehavior are.. different at this time of year.In regard to the open water period, however,time series and habitat duration analyses at the representative group level are recommended for comparisons between groups and flow regimes.Whereas the primary utility of the WUA response functions is "- the.ir application to existing habitat conditions,the general shape of the WUA response functions are also well-suited to assessing with-project effects on juvenile chinook habitat. 145 LITERATURE CITED I j 1 ILJ lJ IJ IJ \1 LITERATURE CITED Aaserude,R.G.,J.Thiele,and D.Trudgen.1985.Chara:cterization of aquatic habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment of'the Susitna River,Alaska.Preliminary draft report.E.Woody Trihey and Associates and Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska,Fairbanks.Alaska Power ALithority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.1 vol. 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Technical memorandum.E.Woody Trihey and Associates,Anchorage,AK. 45 pp. 148 APPENDICES r j I .J APPENDIX A AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF MODELING SITES .(PLATES A-I THROUGH A-42) 149 Plate A-1 Aerial photography of modeling site 107.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at>35,000 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group I.-- 150 11,I '1II I (I IU tJ u Plate A-2 Aerial photography of modeling site 112.5L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at >35,000 cfs and is included in Represen':: tative Group I.._- 151 I!I J 1\ tJ tJ' Plate A-3 Aerial photography of modeling site 101.4L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 22,000 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group II. 152 j l I I LJ 1 [J. Plate A·4 Aerial photography of modeling site 113.7R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 24,000 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group II. 153 I ) II I ) I II \ ,I U LJ Plate A-5 Aerial photography of modeling site 126.0R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 33,000 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group II. 154 )j \ 1 j Plate A-26 Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs.Site breaches at 13,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group VI. 155 (1II I J \1 I I U IJ IJ Plate A·7 Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 9,200 cfs and is included in Representative Group III. 156 r ,....~I I I ! j ] Plate A-a Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs.Site breaches at 9,200 cfs and is included in Representative Group III. 157 IJ Plate A·10 Aerial photography of modeling site 128.8R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs.Site breaches at 16,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group III. 159 !~1 Irl I 1.1 l J U lJ rJ Plate A-11 Aerial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 10,500 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group III. 160 f 1 II [1 u I IlJ Plate A-12 Aerial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem discharges of 12~500 cfs and 7,400 cfs.Site breaches at 10,500 cfs and is included in Representative Group III. 161 u Plate A-13 Aerial photography of modeling site 141.4R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at 11,500 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group III. 162 Plate A-14 Aerial photography of modeling site 141.1R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs.Site breaches at 11,500 cfs and is included in Representative Group III. 163 r 1 Plate A-15 Aerial photography of modeling site 112.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs.Site breaches at <5,100 cfs and is included in Represen- tative Group IV...- 164