HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2913dI I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT A DATA SUMMARY OF SURFACE AND INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE AND SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION OF MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER MAINSTEM,SIDE CHANNEL AND TRIBUTARY SALMON SPAWNING HABITATS Report No.12 by Donald R.Seagren and Robert G.Wilkey Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna River Aquatic Studies Program 620 East 10th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 1985 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT ABSTRACT The habitat characteristics of mainstem and side channel habitats in the middle reach of the Susitna River are expected to be altered by con- struction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Areas where salmon spawning was previously limited by high water velocities are expected to become more suitable for salmon spawning under the new flow regime with only minor habitat modifications necessary.As a mitigation option,these areas may be used to replace salmon spawning habitat that is lost in other areas due to changes in mainstem discharge. The open water portion of the study examined the general habitat charac- teristics of 62 side channel and 27 mainstem sites.The selection of open water study sites was based on areas of open leads determined from aerial photographs,and spawning ground surveys.Selected sites from the open water study were chosen to continuously monitor water tempera- tures and determine substrate composition.Tributary habitats are generally highly utilized by spawning salmon.Mainstem and side channel spawning and non-spawning areas that had upwelling were compared against tributary habitats to determine their potential as replacement salmon spawning habitats.Areas without upwelling appear unsuitable as spawn- ing habitats. A data summary of water temperatures and substrate composition is presented to assist in determining the feasibility of using replacement spawning habitats as a mitigation option.Substrate composition in all i DRAFT areas is comparable,with present non-spawning upwelling areas having a greater percentage of fine sediments less than 1.0 mm.Intragravel water temperatures in all sites are comparable,with non-spawning upwelling areas having the warmest and tributaries the coldest.This preliminary water temperature and substrate data indicates that present mainstem and side channel areas that have open leads but no present spawning may have potential as replacement salmon spawning habitat. Under with-project conditions,these areas may also require minor habitat modifications such as providing passage or loosening cemented substrate to provide suitable salmon spawning habitat. ii I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT •••II ••fie ••••0 ••••0 e CI ••,.••e II 0 0 ..0 •e •••0 ••••••..e .......e "•••II • • • •i TABLE OF CONTENTS ••e ••0.0 e·o tl .0 ••c 0 0 0·0 0 III."0 Cl •0 II"IIll e Cl •..i;i LIST OF FIGURES eooo oee o..ee.......................V LIST OF TABLESe.Q.o •••••••eo ••Il.e.otl.ee •••Cl.e".o.ell ••••••"•••••••••vii LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES ••••..•••.•..•.•...••......•••••...........viii LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES............................................xi 1.0 INTRODUCTION.til 0 •••G C1"e •••Cl 0 •ell.0 &..•Gill ..e II 0 e ,."II •0."1 1.1 Background e e ..0 •Cl ..e e •0 11.0 QI Cl ••II 00 CI eO.eo tl 0 CI e 0'G CI II 0 •..1 2.0 METHODSe Il.•CI 0 ..e 0 e I)c ••••CI ..e •e II CI •eo 0 0 ••0 Il C o'0 •CI II ......8 2 ..1.1 Site Se 1ec t ion \II e 0 eo Cl ••II •II •e • ••8 2.1.2 Surface and Intragraval Water Temperature...............17 2.1.3 General Substrate Evaluations...........................17 2.1.4 Upwelling and Bank Seepage..............................19 2.2.1 Site Selection..........................................20 2.2.2 Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature...............23 2.2.3 Freeze Core Substrate Evaluations.......................24 2.3 Interpretation of Figures...................................28 3.0 RESULTS •••••.II ••••••••••II •••e ••••••••••••••••G 0 .•••eo.0 •••••til •0 30 3.1 Open Water Studies ••.ooo ••o •••••o ••••e •••••G&•••••oecGoo ••~.30 3.1.1 Instantaneous Surface and Intragravel Water Tempe ra tu re.0 ••0 0 •e 0 e 0 0 0 0 •co •0 •II 0 0 •0 CI ••••••II eo.e •eo (I •Cl 0 •e 30 3.1.2 General Substrate Evaluations...........................36 3.1.3 Upwelling and Bank Seepage..............................39 3.1.4 Salmon Spawning Utilization.............................40 302 Ice Covered Studieso.o ...o •••••o.oooe •••••••••o ••os.eo •••oo.41 3.2.1 Continuous Surface and Intragravel Water Tempe ra tu re .••.•.••..•.0 0 0 ••••••e •••••••••II 0 •(I e e cD ••••••15 42 3.2.2 Freeze Core Substrate Evaluations.......................44 iii -----_..._-------------- DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.0 DISCUSSION .....e.eo ••••coeoee ......o .•eo •••ClGl....................48 5.0 CONTRIBUTORS.II •••Cl II ....1:1 ••&'II II 4)...II II ....Gl ..II II II ...Gil"II e II II 0 ell.0 •oe .... ....•51 6 II 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..e ..II e ..C II CI 0 0 0 II ....CI II II •e •ill ..II ...e'll CI II C ...II ..G ••II ...II •II II •52 8.0 APPENDI,CES II .•II e ..0 II.II 0".II lit I)CI.""II"ell e 0......60 Appendix A.Mainstem and Side Channel Salmon Spawning Distribution Mapse ••••.••••..••..•.•.•••.•.••,.•.•A-I Appendix B.Site Descriptions and Continuous Water Temperature Monitoring Locations for Ice Covered Stud;es 0 ••II ..II e II Cl II 0 II II II II II Cl ••«I II ..e ..•B-1 Appendix C.Freeze Core Substrate Data ••••••••••••••••••.••••C-l iv I I I I I~ I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFTI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.Drainage basin of the Susitna River,illus- trating the middle reach study area from Talkeetna (RM 98.0)to the mouth of Devil Canyon (RM 150.0),1984 ••.•••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••.• 2.General spawning habitat preference of the five species of salmon utilizing the Susitna River basin (derived from data from Barrett et a 1.1984)II 0 ..II ..'"II e .. 3.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 98.0 to 101.5 showing study sites and open leads, 1984 ..~e Cl 0 e e 18 I).. 4.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 101.5 to 110.5 showing study sites and open leads, 1984 &,Co 0 18 III G ..e II 5.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 110.5 to 120.5 showing study sites,open leads and datapod locations,1984 0. 6.Ma p of the mi ddl e Sus itna Ri ver from RM 120.0 to 128.5 showing study sites,open leads and datapod 1ocati ons,1984 CI II •G.".. 7.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 128.5 to 137.5 showi ng study sites,open 1eads and datapod locations,1984 •••••.••••••••••.••••••••...••••. 8.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 137.5 to 144.5 showing study sites,open leads and datapod locations,1984 oe •••••••e ••••••••••• 9.Maps of the middle Susitna River from RM 144.5 to 150.0 showing study sites and open leads, 1984 CI •II ..III 0 tI •e III e ..G II (I . 10.Single probe freeze core apparatus used to sample streambed substrates in the middle reach of the Susitna River,1985 •••••.••••••••.••••••••• 11.Definitions of symbols used in boxplots which summarize water temperature data .•...••••••••.•••••.••.• 12.Frequency of occurrence of surface substrate size classes occurring in side channel habi- ta ts 0 eo II II e 13.Frequency of occurrence of surface substrate size classes occurring in mainstem habitats ...••••••••.• v 2 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26 29 37 38 ~---------------------~---_..------ LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 14.Summary,by site classification,of continuous surface and intragravel water temperature data (OC)measured during the 1984-85 ice covered period in the middle Susitna River (refer to Section 2.3 for detailed explanation of figure symbo 1s)e "G •e III ••e " " •e •••0 •CI e • "•••••"•••o ••"-Il CI.•••••"•••"III vi DRAFT 43 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.Substrate classification scheme utilized to evaluate general substrate composition at mainstem and side channel study sites .•.•••..•••.....•.. 2.Location of ice covered study sites for continuous water temperature monitoring and substrate sampling in the middle reach of the Susitna River,1984 ••••..•..•~~.ooc.e~•••••••••••••••••• 3.Physical and hydrological characteristics of selected side channel and mainstem sites in the middle reach of the Susitna River,1984, inc 1udi ng a11 observed side channe 1 and mainstem salmon spawning sites,1981-1984 .•.•••.......•• 4.A comparison of observed salmon spawning activity between side channel and mainstem sites in the middle reach of the Susitna I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES Table Ri ver,1981-1984 ·".e ••·00 •••c •e·e ••.••.•••••••••• 5.Summary of substrate quality analysis of freeze core samples obtained at selected sites in the middle reach of the Susitna River, 1984-85 e ••e •••••••0 ••0 eo.0 •••e.0 •••0 •••••••o •• vii DRAFT 18 22 31 41 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure APPENDIX A A-I.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 100.0 and 101.0 in the middle Susitna River ......•.e ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$ A-2.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 110.1 in the middle Susitna River ••...~.•• A-3.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 114.0 in the middle Susitna River .•..•.•.• A-4.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 114.5 and 115.5 in the middle A-5.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 117.9 in the middle Susitna River .•••••••••.•..•.. A-6.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 118.5 and 120.0 in the middle Susitna River ••••••••.••.••••••••.•••....• A-7.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 120.9 in the middle Susitna River •.••••••••••••.•• A~8.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 121.6 in the middle Susitna River •••••.... A-9.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 124.9 in the middle Susitna River •.....••• A-IO.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 128.0 and 129.0 in the mi ddl e Sus i tna Ri ver ••.•••••••.••••.••••...•••.•• A-II.Observed chum and coho salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 129.0 and 129.8 in the middle Susitna River .•..••.•••.•.•••••.••......•• A-12.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 129.8 and 130.5 in the middle Susitna River ••.•.•••••.•..••.•••••.•.•••• A-l3.Observed chum and coho salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 131.0 and 131.8 in the middle Susitna River .•••••...••.••...••..•••••... A-14.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 132.9 in the middle Susitna River ••••.•.•.•..•••.• viii DRAFT A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-IS DRAFT LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page A-IS.Observed chum and sockeye salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 134.6 and 135.2 in the middle Susitna River.............................A-16 A-16.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 136.0 and 137.0 in the mi dd 1e Sus itna Ri ver.•••••••••••••••••••••. ••••••A-17 A-17.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 137.0 and 138.0 in the middle Susitna River.............................A-18 A-18.Observed chum and sockeye salmon mainstem spawning sites between RM 138.5 and 139.5 in the middle Susitna River.............................A-19 A-19.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 140.5 in the middle Susitna River.........A-20 A-20.Observed chum and sockeye salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 140.8 and 141.6 in the middle Susitna River................A-21 A-21.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 143.3 in the middle Susitna River.................A-22 A-22.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 148.2 in the middle Susitna River.................A-23 ix I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure APPENDIX B Page B-1.Location of datapod in a tributary habitat, Lane Creek,RM 113.6R,TRM 0.1.......................B-3 B-2.Location of datapod in a tributary habitat, 4th of July Creek,RM 113.1L,TRM 0.2................B-5 B-3.Location of datapod in a tributary habitat, Indian River,RM 138.6L,TRM 0.2.....................B-7 B-4.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat, Mainstem 2,RM 115.0R................................B-I0 B-5.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat, RM 131.3L••D II ••••e ••0 0'•••••e •••••0 •.,•••••.II 0 •Cl is • • • • ••.•B-11 B-6.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat, Upper Side Channel 11,RM 136.3R.....................B-13 B-7.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat, Side Channel 21,RM l41.6R...........................B-15 8-8.Location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,RM l18.9L...............................................B-16 B-9.Location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,RM 132 .9R '.0 .•II 0-.til'Cl ••Cl •••0 •••••Cl 0 •••••••••etil •••••0 • • •B-18 8-10.Location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,RM 139.0L...............................................B-20 B-l1.Location of datapod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM l17.9L..........................8-22 B-12.Location of datapod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM 127.lC..........................B-24 B-13.Location of datapod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM 137.5L..........................B-25 8-14.Location of datapod in an area of spawning with no open lead,RM 129.8R.........................B-27 x LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table APPENDIX C C-l.Substrate composition of samples collected using a freeze core sampler at datapod sites, April to May 1985,Susitna River,Alaska •••..•••.•.•• xi DRAFT C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents a summary of surface and intragravel water tempera- ture and substrate composition data in selected tributary,side channel and mainstem salmon spawning habitats in the middle reach of the Susitna River (Talkeetna,RM 98.0,to Devil Canyon,RM 152.0,Figure 1).These data will provide information which can be used for planning potential mitigation measures,such as locating areas that may be suitable as replacement salmon spawning habitat,and to assist in determining possible effects of with-project water temperature regimes on salmon spawning habitat.Mainstem and side channel areas that exhibit upwelling related open leads without reported salmon spawning were considered the most promising sites for replacement salmon spawning habitat becoming available and were the primary focus of this study. Other areas were considered as replacement habitat sites but were more limited in regard to suitable habitat characteristics and are therefore only discussed briefly in this report.The report is based on a two-phase study conducted during the open water and ice covered sampling peri ods from July 1 to October 15,1984 and November 1,1984 to Apri 1 25,1985,respectively. 1.1 Background A goal of the Alaska Power Authority (APA)is to insure that there is no net loss of fisheries production as a result of the construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (APA 1982).To meet this 1 I-If..C.:"j~o2&I,MILIES(Appro•.Scali)SUSITNARIVER~MIDDLERIVERSTUDY~AREA- -DRAINAGEBOUNDARYI///II///,/.,..--.....I..--~IIII~"-""""-"'-.........."......,,~NFigure1.DrainagebasinoftheSusitnaRiver,illustratingthemiddlereachstudyareafromTalkeetna(RM98.0)tothemouthofDevilCanyon(RM150.0),1984.-------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT goal,the APA has supported maintaining the existing habitat or pro- viding replacement habitat of sufficient quantity and quali.ty to mai ntain the productivity of the present natural fi sh pOJ?ul ations (APA 1983).This study evaluated the potential of replacement habitat, suitable for salmon spawning and incubation,becoming available under with-project flow conditions in the mainstem Susitna River to compensate for possible salmon spawning habitat losses in currently utilized pertpheral habitats.This study examined two parameters,intragravel water temperature and substrate composition,which affect the incubation environment and therefore affect salmon spawning.The presence of upwelling,which affects water temperatures in the intragravel environment,was also considered when evaluating potential replacement salmon spawning habitat. Development of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project is anticipated to result in a mean annual water temperature increase,and stabilize the natural annual discharge of the Susitna River (APA 1983).Lower than normal discharges are expected during the period of June through September with higher than normal discharges occurring during the rest of the year,resulting in a relatively constant annual discharge regime (Moulton et ale 1984).The change in the annual discharge regime of the Susitna River will likely result in changes in present habitat characteristics.Habitats presently classified as side channels may become sloughs and mainstem areas may become side channels (Klinger and Trihey 1984).The overall result will be that mainstem and side channel areas that were previously limited as salmon spawning habitats by high 3 DRAFT ve 1ociti es,may become suitable for spawni ng,assumi ng other phys i ca 1 habitat requirements (temperature,substrate,upwelling,etc.)are acceptable. The mi ddl e reach of the Susitna Ri ver was selected for thi s study because the most significant changes in the physical characteristics of aquatic habitats are expected to occur in this reach.Three habitat types,tributary,side channel and mainstem,were selected as the foci of this study.Tributary habitats are utilized by all five species of salmon spawning in the middle reach of the Susitna River (Figure 2). They were included in this study for comparison of water temperature and substrate characteri sti cs with salmon spawni ng areas in mainstem and side channel habitats.Tributary habitats are not expected to be affected by changes in mainstem discharge (Trihey 1983).Mainstem and side channel habitats,which will be affected to a greater degree than tributary habitats,are the primary areas where replacement spawning habitats are likely to become available under with-project flow conditions.Chinook salmon are the only species that have not been observed spawning in mainstem or side channel habitats (Figure 2). 1.2 Objectives To evaluate the feasibility of replacement salmon spawning habitat becoming available under witch project flow conditions in mainstem and side channel sites in the middle Susitna River,a two phase study was initiated during the 1984 open water season.The initial phase 4 I I I I I~ I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I CHUM SOCKEYE PIN K MS SC Sl T MS SC SI.T MS SC SL T COHO CHINOOK MS SC 4 \ \,, " MS SC SL T MS -MAINSTEM SC -SIDE CHANNEL SL -'UPLAND and SIDE SLOUGHS T -TRIBUTARIES it"-PRIMARY SPAWNING HABITAT t -SECONDARY SPAWNING HABITAT.. : -INCIDENTAL SPAWNING HABITAT 5 SPAWNING HABITAT PREFERENCE Figure 2.General spawning habitat preference of the five species of salmon utilizing the Susitna River basin.(derived from data from Barrett et al 1984). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT consisted of a preliminary assessment of potential replacement salmon spawning habitat by locating areas of open leads in the ice cover using aerial photographs from March 1983.Open leads that were in areas of known or suspected upwelling were selected for reconnaissance surveys during the open water period.Open leads that are a result of upwelling,were selected as indicators of potential spawning sites due to chum salmons preference for spawning in areas of upwell ing (Kogl 1965;Bakkala 1970;Vining et al.1985).The surveys evaluated general habitat characteristics (habitat types,general substrate composition, instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperatures,and upwelling) in each of the sites.A preliminary assessment was made to determine if each open lead was upwelling or velocity related.Data from ADF&G spawning surveys (Barrett et ale 1984)were later included to indicate which sites were presently used by spawning salmon.Data from these surveys were also used to assist in identifying potential sites that could be used as replacement salmon spawning habitats as an alternative for maintaining naturally occurring salmon·populations during construction and operation of the proposed hydroelectric project.The second phase of the study provides a preliminary evaluation of intragravel water temperature and substrate composition affecting the incubation environment of selected sites in each habitat type.These data were collected to provide additional information for determining the feasibility of replacement salmon spawning habitats becoming available in the middle Susitna River. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT The present study was designed to provide additional data to be used to supplement previous fish mitigation plans (Moulton et ale 1984).This study's recommendations as to the feasibility of this alternative as a mitigation option are presented in this report by addressing the following objective: 1.Evaluate the feasibility of using replacement salmon spawning habitat as a mitigation option by comparing the incubation environment (substrate composition and intragravel water temperature)in selected tributary,side channel and mainstem habitats. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------~- DRAFT 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Open Water Studies 2.1.1 Site Selection Mainstem and side channel habitats in the middle reach of the Susitna River (Figures 3-9)were selected for study because these habitats will be greatly affected by changes in mainstem discharge and appear to provide the greatest potential for providing replacement salmon spawning habitats.Sixty-two side channel sites and 27 mainstem sites were selected for reconnaissance level surveys of general habitat characteristics during the 1984 open water studies. The selection of reconnaissance sites to be evaluated in this study was initially determined by locating mainstem and side channel habitat areas that contained open leads during the ice covered period.Open leads in the mainstem Susitna River are considered to be indicators of either thermal influences resulting from the presence of upwelling,or high water velocities.Upwelling related open leads were used as indicators of possible salmon spawning areas based on the preference of chum salmon to select upwelling areas for spawning (Kogl 1965;Bakkala 1970; Vincent-lang et al.1984;Vining et al.1985).Open leads resulting from thermal influences were initially identified in the mainstem and side channels of the middle reach of the Susitna River by E.Woody Trihey and Associates (EWT&A)using aerial photographs from March,1983 8 ",.~I~-ioRiverMilemOpenLead1$A-"-..--........,\C,jlllilnaHi...,\0Figure3.r1apofthemiddleSusitnaRiverfromRr198.0to101.5showingstudysitesandopenleadst1984.-------------------~ Figure 4.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 101.5 to 110.5 showing study sites and open leads, 1984. B Chose Crell k c 110.1 L---J c River Mile m1 Open Lead 110.8L Oxbow I 10 sus/rNA R/VER--- \:r""-TALKEETNA STATION 106.2R 102.:~--~ RM 105 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 5.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 110.5 to 120.5 showing study sites,open leads and datapod locations,1984. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. 119.7C 119.4l RM 120 E ~"~iU'---1I9 .Il 119.al OOwllundo Creek_~ "River MilemOpenLead &Datapod Lone Creek& 11 115.0R & 114.4R D 'li1#---1I 5.I R .11lt"--t:-__~II 4 .0 C I/3.8C 112.2L.: 113.ll 112.7l Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 120.0 to 128.5 showing study sites,open leads,and datapod locations,1984. 12 127.IL 126.0R G 125.IR 125.0R UItl--+'-127.IC ~ F 124.9C 128.6R •River Mile ~Open Lead £Datopod 121.6R ,,·..---CURRY STATION 124.0L E Figure 6. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I Figure 7.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 128.5 to 137.5 showing study sites;open leads and datapod locations,1984. 13 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /36.IR 1'36.0R 6 ------135.2R 135.1R 135.0R --134.6R GOLD CREEK STATION •River Mile ~Open Lead ~Datapod /34.0l ~~-131.4R &137.5L /30.0R G H 1f*-n-.....i--131.7l ~1--~-131.5l /32.9R .JBU.::"---129.8 R &. &131.3l 14 Figure 8.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 137.5 to 144.5 showing study sites,open leads and datapod locations,1984. c River Mile m Open Lead &Oatapod 139.7R 141.4R J J ---,39.0L & ;~f-I.:...-138.7L 140.8R 141.2R &141.6R & Indian River I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ._.•.._._--_."._.~..~.__.-:-._-'-._._-_.~-:.....__.- ---<1..-, "2!"'--148 .2 C •River Mile II Open Lead K Figure 9.Map of the middle Susitna River from RM 144.5 to 150.0 showing study sites,and open leads,1984. 15 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I DRAFT (Trihey 1984).Based on this analysis,50 study sites were initially selected for further evaluation. The second step in consideration for study site selection involved the evaluation of salmon spawning utilization data at middle river mainstem and side channel sites.An evaluation was conducted to determine the extent of utilization of each of the initially selected sites by spawning salmon as well as locating any spawning sites not identified by open leads.The use of 1984 spawning survey data was useful in locating potential sites due to the high escapement and relatively clear water conditions.The combination of the two data bases (i.e.,open leads and spawning surveys)resulted in the number of reconnaissance sites increasing from 50 to 89. The following classification of mainstem and side channel sites was developed: 1.Open leads that have been utilized for salmon spawning; 2.Open leads that have not been used for salmon spawning;and 3.No open leads but salmon spawning had occurred. Sites in each classification were evaluated for the purposes of the initial reconnaissance surveys.The results of the open water and ice covered studies combined determined the recommendations as to the 16 DRAFT suitability of each classification as potential replacement habitat sites. 2.1.2 Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature A single series of instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperature measurements were made at five locations in each study site for general compa ri son purposes between sites.The measurements were made using a Digisense Model 8522-10,digital thermistor thermometer, and a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI)Model 419 stainle'ss steel probe. Intragravel water temperatures were taken at a depth of approximately 10 inches,the approximate egg deposition depth for chum salmon (Vining et a1.1985).These data were used as a measure of suitability of the incubation habitat in each site.In locations where it was difficult or impossible to push the probe in to a depth of 10 inches due to large substrate or cementation of substrate,the probe was inserted only as deep as possible.Surface water temperatures were taken as near as possible to the middle of the water column.These data were used for general comparisons between sites.All data were summarized and compared with accepted tolerance ranges for spawning and incubation of salmonid embryos as reported in Reiser and Bjornn (1979),Hale (1981) and Vining et al.(1985). 2.1.3 General Substrate Evaluations General substrate evaluations were conducted by visual assessment of the dominant substrate types present throughout each study site.Substrate 17 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT evaluations were conducted when the mainstem discharge,as measured at Go 1d Creek,approximated the anticipated summer project di scharges of 9,000 to 12,000 cfs.This resulted in a better assessment of the wetted area of substrate under anticipated project conditions and also provided better visibility conditions due to clearer water at these lower dis- charges.The substrate evaluation was based on a size classification scheme (Table 1). Tab le 1.Substrate cl assifi cation scheme uti Hzed to eval uate general substrate composition at mainstem and side channel study sites. Substrate Code Substrate Description Size SI silt very fi ne SA sand fines SG small gravel 1/411 -1 11 LG large gravel 111 -3 11 RU rubble 311 -5 11 CO cobble 5"-10" BO boulder greater than 10" Substrate data are presented to provide a general comparison of all the sites surveyed.Data from these general substrate evaluations were compared to accepted substrate size ranges for spawning salmonids as reported in Reiser and Bjornn (1979),Lotspeich and Everest (1981),and Vincent-Lang et al.(1985)to provide an index as to the suitability of the substrate at each site for spawning salmon. 18 DRAFT 2.1.4 Upwelling and Bank Seepage Both upwelling and bank seepage contribute to make suitable spawning and incubating habitat for salmonids (Kogl 1965;Bakkala 1970;Vincent-Lang et a1.1984;Vining et a1.1985).Upwelling and bank seepage are important in 1}preventing dewatering and freezing of redds,2} stabilizing the incubation environment,and 3}increasing rate of exchange of water to replenish dissolved oxygen and remove metabol ic wastes (Vining et a1.1985).For these reasons,locating areas of upwelling was important for identifying potential mitigation sites. Areas of upwelling and bank seepage were visually observed during foot surveys of each study site.Upwell ing was usually apparent as water percolating through the substrate of a site.It is most readily apparent in areas of silt or sand where the flow of water could be easily observed as a bUbbling action.In areas of substrate with little silt or sand,upwelling was observed as a current circulating through the water column if the water was calm enough and/or the upwelling strong enough.Bank seepage appeared as a 1ateral movement of water from the banks of a site. Observing upwelling in mainstem sites was difficult,therefore,several approaches were used to discern its presence at a study site.The first approach consisted of a visual assessment of the presence or absence of upwelling or bank seepage at a study site.This visual assessment proved difficult at several sites due to the presence of larger 19 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.-_..._~---------~..__._..------ DRAFT substrates,turbid water,and/or high water velocities.For this reason,a second approach was used to assess the presence of upwelling at those sites where it was not easily discernible.During winter,open leads in the ice cover due to thermal influences are known to be associ- ated with the presence of upwelling (Vincent-Lang et a1.1984).Thus, study sites that exhibited open leads as determined from March,1983 aerial photographs and also have historically had salmon spawning activity,were assumed to be affected by thermal influences resulting from upwelling. In some areas,open leads may be a result of high water velocity rather than upwelling.If water velocities appeared to be a controlling factor,and there was no apparent upwelling and no historical chum salmon spawning was reported,then the open lead was tentatively assumed to be a result of water velocity and was not considered further for study purposes. 2.2 Ice Covered Studies 2.2.1 Site Selection The ice covered study used the 89 sites surveyed during the open water period as a basis for site selection.One habitat type not included in the open water study due to logistical constraints,but included in the ice covered study was tributary habitats.Tributary habitats are least affected by changes in mainstem discharges and are used by all species 20 ----------------------------~--~~~~~ DRAFT of salmon (Barrett et ale 1985).They were included for comparison purposes with mainstem and side channel salmon spawning habitats as well as possible replacement spawning habitat sites.Based on the results of the open water studies nine primary and four secondary sites were selected for this study in order to be better able to assess their potential as possible mitigation sites. The site selection process for the ice covered studies involved two steps.The first step divided the middle reach of the Susitna River into the following three subreaches:Talkeetna (RM 97.0)to Curry (RM 120.5);Curry (RM 120.5)to Gold Creek (RM 136.6);and Gold Creek (RM 136.6)to the mouth of Devil Canyon (RM 150.0).These subreaches were established so that selected sites would be equally distributed throughout the middle reach of the Susitna River.The second step included dividing the initial sites into primary and secondary sites. Primary sites included tributary spawning habitats as well as side channel and mainstem spawning habitats that exhibited both upwelling and salmon spawning acti-vity.Secondary sites were limited to side channel and mainstem habitats and included:1)sites that exhibited upwelling but had no salmon spawning activity;and 2)sites that had spawning activi ty but exhibited no upwell i ng.Withi n each sub reach , a primary site,representing each habitat type (tributary,side channel and mainstem),as well as a secondary site,representing each classi- fication,was selected for monitoring of surface and intragravel water temperatures and substrate composition (Table 2). The number of winter study sites was limited by the number of datapods available for continuous monitoring of surface and intragravel water 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - -_.-.-- ------ ------Table2.locationoficecoveredstudysitesforcontinuouswatertemperaturemonitoringandsubstratesamplinginthemiddlereachoftheSusitnaRiver,1984.SiteNameRiverMileaGeographicCodeSubReachI(TalkeetnatoCurrllPrimary:TributaryspawningarealaneCreek113.6RITRM0.1S28N05W12DAASideChannelspawningareawithopenleadsMainstem2115.0RS23N04W06BABMainstemspawningareawithopenleadsSusitnaRiverat118.9l118.9lS29N04W16CDDSecondary:OpenleadWithoutSpawningSideChannelat117.9l117.9lS29N04W29AAASubReachII(CurrytoGoldCreek)Primary:Tributaryspawningarea4thofJulyCreek131.1llTRM0.2S30N03W03DBASideChannelspawningareawithopenleadSideChannelat4thofJulyCreek131.3lS30N03W03ADDNMainstemspawningareaNwithopenleadSusitnaRiverat132.9R132.9RS30N03W01BADSecondary:OpenleadWithoutSpawningSusitnaRiverat127.1C127.1CS30N03W09ACBSpawningWithoutOpenleadSideChannelat129.8R129.8RS30N03W20ADCSubReachIII(GoldCreektoDevil'sCanyon)Primary:TributaryspawningareaIndianRiverb138.6L1TRM0.2S31N11W09CABSideChannelspawningareawithopenleadSideChannel21141.6RS31N02W02AABMainstemspawningareawithopenleadSusitnaRiverat139.0l139.0lS31N02W09DACSecondary:OpenleadWithoutSpawning5usitnaRiverat137.5l137.5lS31N02W17ACBal=leftBankR=RightBankC=CenterChannelTRM=TributaryRiverMilebIndianRivercontainedtwostudysites.Site3alongtheleftbankwasachinookspawningarea.Site4alongtherightwasaspawningareautilizedbyallspeciesofsalmonfoundinIndianRiver. -..._-...__...._-------------- DRAFT temperatures.Study sites without upwell i ng where spawni ng had been recorded were the most difficult sites at which to collect data as there were only a very limited number of these types of si tes in the mi dd1 e reach of the Susitna River.Sampling conditions in these sites,during the winter,were extremely severe,limiting the amount and types of data that could be collected.Dewatering and freezing of these sites and overtopping with thick ice build up frequently occurred. 2.2.2 Surface and Intragravel Water Temperatures Surface and intragravel water temperature data were collected to compare against tolerance ranges for incubating salmon embryos.This comparison provides an indication of the suitability of a site for effective spawning and incubation.The intragrave1 water temperatures of a spawn- ing area during the winter are important to the incubation of salmon eggs and development of embryos and a1evins (Vining et a1.1985).Water temperature,along with dissolved oxygen,most directly affect the rate of development,survival rate,and timing of emergence of incubating salmon embryos.Surface water temperature is important only to the extent that surface water influences intragrave1 water temperatures and as an indicator of upwelling. A continuous record of surface and intragrave1 water temperatures was obtained using Omnidata Model 2321 two channel temperature recorders (datapod).These temperature recorders were installed and continuously operated in each winter study site following procedures in ADF&G (1983),Keklak and Quane (1985),and Kek1ak and Withrow (1985). 23 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------- DRAFT 2.2.3 Freeze-Core Substrate Evaluations Two types of substrate core sampling methods,the McNeil (McNeil and Ahnell 1960)and the freeze-core (Walkotten 1976;Everest et ale 1980) were considered for use in this study.The freeze-core technique was selected for this study for the following reasons: 1)it allows sub-sampling of the freeze-core at varying incre- ments of depth; 2)allows samp 1i ng over a wi de range of envi ronmenta 1 conditi ons; 3)the metal probe of the freeze-core technique provides easier penetration of the large and cemented substrates present at many sites;and 4)allows more accurate sampling of sediments less than 0.062 mm (Walkotten 1976). The only change made in the freeze core system described by Walkotten was the use of steel probes instead of copper.This modification was made because steel probes were found to be more durable. Substrate samples were collected at three representative locations in each winter study site.Difficult sampling conditions such as frozen substrate or cores stripping off the probe at three sites limited sample 24 --...__.._--- DRAFT collection to one or two locations at each site.In addition,due to adverse sampling conditions,no freeze core substrate samples were obtained at secondary sites that had spawning but exhibited no upwelling.These sites dewatered and froze late in the fall.Freeze core samples were collected to a depth of 16 inches at each of the three locations using a single probe freeze-core apparatus as described in Walkotten (1976)(Figure 10).A depth of 16 inches was selected because a review of literature indicated this is an average redd depth for all salmon. Substrate cores were obtained by using a complete 20 lb.tank of CO 2 (approximately 10 minutes)for each freeze core sample.Frozen substrate samples were then extracted from the streambed using a tripod and hand operated winch.Cores were thawed using portable propane heaters and split into two samples,the top 8 inches and the bottom 8 inches,to observe differences in composition with depth (Everest et ale 1980,1981;Scrivener and Brownlee 1981). Freeze core samples were taken to the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT)Central Materials Testing Laboratory for analysis. Si eve ana lys is of the samples followed procedures of Ameri can Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): procedures T27-82 and AASHTO Tl1-82 (AASHTO 1982).The analysis was performed using a series of seven sieves of the following mesh sizes: 127,76.2,25.4,2.0,0.84,0.50,and 0.062 mm.The sieve size selection was based on the previous ADF&G (Vining et al.1985)studies as well as recommendations from Wendling (1976),Shirazi et ale (1980), 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- ----- --- - - -- --- -G"."'-'..,,"'.......•d--,'"".0..0ooo•#0......f.C7(1.'0o~."+-~o...,.c·.".'l"'~.,00..'"..#. '..t7".."..~..~".o..t1,.,'Cl."IJ••"0""D,,·......o0".,,.o,.Dq'g.-O/.~_•...,...............~.c.wc..NOUlEAIIIIAYIll:'All"~"00fl.._o.••Q",,"(?".d,.•iO..""."0~.•"."'p~;000•l.0".:.."••0..0."I..~."D'......~IIQ~:••""............~f1.lib;....,..0...,."~'0.',.~.,~~•.o'•••fe'"•00D".0,a...."..._...~,.0..~•et"",.. ....e.~"...........0D,0"".."",,,L...........e.o.....EDlEG~-0tf...,"-.·L....,.......II.._I.......[~,_..1'"-1............-.~...... :••........~...,,.,...&••""........,.,.It"IIIIiN0·0a.'0...."•000.•Q,0P,.".(J0..0.t1·:·i'J•"o'0o .N(J)\.".Figure10.Singlep,robefreezecoreapparatususedtosamplestreambedsubstratesinthemiddlereachoftheSusitnaRiver,1985. -----------------------~--- DRAFT Lotspei ch and Everest (1981),Everest et a 1.(1981),and P1 atts et a 1. (1983).After sieving,the dry weight of each size class of substrate was measured to the nearest gram and expressed as a percentage of the total weight. The quality of spawning gravels has traditionally been estimated by determining the percentage of fine grains less than some specified diameter.An inverse relationship between percent fines and survival exists.While percent fines provides an index of gravel quality for incubation purposes,it is limited because it ignores the textural composition of the remainder of the sample.Other methods,such as the use of geometric mean diameter of particles,have been proposed to improve on the percent fi nes method.Used alone,each method has its drawbacks.Further research and development has resulted in a quality index that appears to overcome the limitations of other methods.This index to the quality of gravels can be obtained by diViding geometric mean particle size by the sorting coefficient (a measure of the distribution of grain sizes)in a sample.The resulting number,called the "fred1e index,"is currently being used for evaluating the reproduc- tive potential of spawning gravel (Lotspeich and Everest 1981;Everest et a1.1981;and Platts et al.1983).The fred1e index,used for this study,incorporates the influence of texture on two fundamental prop- erties of spawning gravels -pore size and permeability -that influence survival.Pore size and permeability regulate intragravel water veloci- ty and oxygen transport to incubating sa1monid embryos and control intragravel movement of alevins.Pore size,rather than porosity,was 27 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT chosen as a component of the qual i ty index because pore size (and permeability)is directly proportional to mean grain size while porosity has been shown to be independent of grain size.To evaluate a fredle index,the raw data from textural analysis was entered into a computer program developed by Porter and Rogers (1984).This program provides a concise summary of the indices which describe the textural composition of spawning gravels. 2.3 Interpretation of Figures Results in this report are shown in several types of figures of which two warrant a description of symbols used.These are referred to as box-and-whiskers plots (or boxplots)and scatter number plots. Boxplots are used in this report to summarize water temperature, dissolved oxygen,pH,and conductivity data.The format basically follows that used by Velleman and Hoaglin (1981).The boxplots,as presented here,were computer generated by the mi crocomputer program MINITAB (Ryan et ale 1982).Measured values (i.e.,dissolved oxygen, water temperature,etc.)from each study site comprise a data batch, which is ordered from lowest value to highest.Specific symbols used in the boxplot figures of this report are explained in Figure 12. Scatter number plots are used in a number of figures in this report to summarize water temperature,dissolved oxygen,pH,and conductivity data.Each number in a figure represents the number of occurrences in single integers (1-9)at that point. 28 __-------~--_-- 29 far outside value-outside of the following range: minimum adjacent value [lower hinge -(1.5 x H-spread)] Definitions of symbols used in boxplots which summarize water temperature data. I I -I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o Representative Term ----+-------__________, (+-)I !0~---+------~~------\ d a ~b e c lower and upper hinges (about 25 percent of the way in from each end of an ordered batch)- H-spread (the difference between the hinges;middle half of the da ta ba tch) maximum adjacent value [upper hinge +(1.5 x H-spread)] median (middle value of the batch) outside value (outside of the adjacent values) lower hinge -(3 x H-spread) upper hinge +(3 x H-spread) notches (represent approximately a 95 percent confi dence limit about the median): median ±1.58 x (H-spread)/n e c d + * o a.b Symbo 1 ( ) Figure 11. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Open Water Studies The results of open water studies conducted at 89 potential mitigation sites in the middle reach of the Susitna River from July 1 to Octo- ber 15,1984 are presented in the following section.Of the 89 sites surveyed,62 were side channel habitats and 27 were mainstem habitats. A total of 18 of the 62 side channel sites were typified as having .observed spawning activity and upwell ing present (Table 3),while nine of the 27 mainstem sites were classified as such.Ten of the side channel and eight of the mainstem sites had neither observed spawning activity nor upwelling present.A total of nine side channel and two mainstem sites had upwelling present with no observed spawning.Open lead areas,as an indicator of spawning sites,have not been delineated in tributaries.As a result,tributary habitats were not included in the general open water surveys. 3.1.1 Instantaneous Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature Five instantaneous surface and intragravel water temperature measurements recorded at each site during the open water sampling period indicate that the sites have acceptable water temperatures for utilization of these habitats by spawning salmon (Table 3). In both side channel and mainstem habitats,surface water was warmer than intragravel water early in the season with the difference between 30 Table3.HabitatcharacteristicsofselectedsidechannelandmainstemsitesinthemiddlereachoftheSusftnaRiverJ1984,includingallobservedsidechannelandmainstemsalmonspawningsites1981-1984.RiveraHabitatbUp-OpenW~ter~emperatureRaDgeLimits(oC)dSamplewell1ngLeadSpawningMileTypeDate(Yes/No)(Yes/No)SubstrateCObserved100.5RSC10-8-84YYCO-RU-BO19814.2-4.94.7-5.1100.9RSC10-8-84N NRU-CO-BO19843.5-5.04.0-6.4101.2RSC10-8-84NNRU-CO-BO19843.9-4.6 4.4-5.2102.0LSC10-8-84YNCO-BO-RUe3.9-4.33.3-3.9102.5LSC10-8-84NYCO-BOeff105.8LMS10-8-84NNBO-COe2.9-3.03.0-3.2106.2RMS10-8-84NYBO-COe3.1-3.23.4-3.5110.1LSC10-8-84N NSI-RU-CO19843.2-4.05.2-5.7tAl......110.8LSC10-8-84Y YRU-CO-BOe3.9-4.55.0-5.4112.2LMS9-14-84NYRU-CO-BO-LGe6.8-6.96.9-7.0112.7LMS9-14-84NNRU-CO-BOe7.2-7.4 6.2-6.9113.1lMS9-14-84NNRU-CO-BOeff113.5CSC9-14-84NYLG-RU-COe6.7-6.86.3-7.0113.8CMS9-14-84NNRU-CO-BOeff114.0CSC9-14-84Y YSC-LC-RU19841.1-7.34.1-7.1114.4RSCgfYf1984ff114.5RSC9f Yf1984ff114.6RSC9-14-84NYSA-RU-CO-BO1982,1983,19846.8-7.54.5-7.4115.0RSC9-14-84Y YRU-CO-BO1982,1983,1984ff115.1RSC9-14-84Y YBO-CO-RU1983,19846.9-8.95.5-8.6115.4RSC9fYf1984ff-------------------• -----_._------_._---_._-_._._.__._-- -_.._------_._.._.__...._-.-..-_.-_.---_.------.---------------------Table3(Continued).RiveraHabitatbUp-OpenWaterTem~eratureRangeLimits(oC)dSamplewellingLeadSubstrateCSpawningSurace..lntragravelMileTypeDate(Yes/No)(Yes/No)Observed115.9LMS9-14-84N YCO-BO-RUe6.3-7.74.6-5.1117.1CSC9-14-84NNSA-RU-COeff117.9LSC9-14-84Y YRU-CO-BOe7.2-7.85.7-7.3117.9RMS9-14-84YNCO-BO1984ff118.9LMS9-14-84Y YCO-BO-RU1983,19847.1-7.25.2-7.1119.1LMS9-18-84NYlG-RU-CO19847.8-8.07.6-7.9119.4lSC9-18-84YYSA-LG-RU-CO19847.0-8.25.3-7.6119.7CSC9-18-84yNSA-lG-RU-CO---8.0-8.55.3-7.4wN119.8LSC9-18-84NYlG-RU-CO19848.0-8.26.9-8.2120.9LMS9-18-84NNf1984ff121.6RSC9fNf1984ff123.1RMS9-13-84NYRU-CO-BOe7.5-7.67.5-7.6124.0lSC9-12-84YNSI-RU-CO19847.2-8.74.4-8.4124.9CSC9-12-84YYlG-RU-CO19847.5-10.94.5-5.5125.0RSC9-18-84Y YRU-CO-BOe7.57.1-7.5125.1RSC9-18-84NYLG-RU-COe7.4-7.67.6-8.4127.0lSC9-18-84YYLG-RU-COe5.7-7.45.9-7.4127.1lSC9-18-84NYLG-RU-COe7.2-7.37.3-7.7127.1CSC9-18-84Y YLG-RU-COe6.4-7.13.7-7.6127.8RSCgfYf1984ff Table3(Continued).RiveraHabitatbUp-OpenSamplewelli09leadSubstrateCSpawningMileTypeDate(Ves/No)(Ves/No)Observed128.3RMS9-18-84NVf1984ff128.6RSC9-17-84VVRU-CO-BO1982,19845.7-8.44.7-5.9128.7RSC9VVf1984ff129.2RSC9-17-84N NRU-CO-BO19817.6-7.77.7-7.8129.8RSC9-17-84NYSA-RU-CO-LC1981,1982,19847.2-9.54.8-7.5130.0RSC9-17-84VYf1981,1984ff130.5RSC9-17-84VVCO-BO-RU19847.8-8.55.6-7.8131,0RMS9NNf1984ffww131,0LSC9-17-84VYSA-RU-CO1981, 1982,1983,19846.7-7.14.3-6.0131.1LSC9-17-84VNSA-LC-RU1981, 1982,19846.4-7.34.3-5.3131.2LSC9fYf1984ff131.3LSC9-17-84V VRU-LC-CO1982, 1983,19844.6-7.14.6-7.0131.5LSC9-17-84VyRU-LC-CO1984ff131.6LSC9fyf1981,1982,1983,1984ff131.7LSC9-17-84NNRU-CO19846.5-6.66.9-7.0131.8LSC9-12-84NNRU-CO19846.5-6.67.0132.9RMS9-17-84VVRU-CO-BO1984ff133.7RSC9-17-84N YRU-CO-BOe7.16.5-7.2134.0lSC9-17-84V VLC-RU-COe7.1-8.55.1-5.8134.6RSC9-17-84NyRU-CO-BOe6.7-6.96.5-7.0134.7RSC9NVf1984ff-------------------~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-- -Table3(Continued).RiveraHabitatbUp-OpenWaterTem1eratureRangeLimits(oC)dSamplewellingLeadSUbstrateCSpawningSuraceIntragravelMileTypeDate(Yes/No)(Yes/No)Observed135.0RSC9-17-84N YlG-RU-CO19846.8-6.95.2-7.1135.1RSC9-17-84NYLG-RU-COeff135.2RSC9-17-84NYRU-COeff135.4RSC9-17-84NNS!-LG-RUe6.6-6.86.3-7.1136.1RSC9-17-84Y YSA-LG-RU-CO1981,1982,1983,19844.9-5.44.0-6.1136.3RSC9-17-84NYf1981,1982,1983,1984ff136.5RSCgNYf1981,1982,1983,1984ff136.8RMS9-15-84N YRU-CO-BO1983,19848.7-10.16.3-7.3w.f.::o137.4RSC9-15-84yySA-RU-CO-BOe10.4-12.34.7-8.1137.5LMS9-15-84YYSA-BO-COe10.4-11.64.7-8.1138.0LMS9-15-84Y YlG-RU-CO1982ff138.3lMS9-15-84YYLC-RU-CO1982,19849.6-9.87.8-8.2138.7lMS9-15-84YyCO-BO-RU1982,1983.19848.8-9.07.9-8.1138.8lMS9fYf1984ff139.0lMS9-11-84YyRU-LG-CO1982. 1983.19847.7-8.65.3-6.6139.4lSC9-11-84NyRU-lG-CO19848.57.6-8.1139.7RSC9-15-84Y YSA-RU-CO-BOe7.7-8.06.9-7.7140.5RSC9-15-84NyCO-BO-RU1984ff140.8RSC9-15-84NNCO-BO-RU1981,1982,1983,1984ff141.0RSC9-15-84.YyBO-CO-RU-LG1981.1982. 1983.19847.4-7.57.4-7.5 W01Table3(Continued).RiveraHabitatbUp-OpenWaterTem~eratureRangeLimits(oC)dSamplewellingLeadSUbstrateCSpawningSuraceIntragravelMileTypeDate(Ves/No)(Ves/No)Observed141.2RMS9-15-84V VCO-BO-RUe7.4-7.5 7.4-7.5141.4RSC9-15-84V VSI-CO-BO1981,1982,1983,19845.3-5.74.5-5.4141.6RMS9-15-84NVRU-CO-BO19847.2-7.37.2-7.8141.6RSC9-15-84Y VSA-RU-CO-BO1981, 1982, 1983,1984ff143.0LMS9-11-84-Y NRU-CO19849.37.4143.3LMS9-11-84YNCO-BO1982,19848.5-12.77.4-12.3148.2CMS9-11-84NNCO-BO19826.8-7.16.9-7.4aL=LeftBankR=RightBankC=CenterChannelbMS=MainstemSC=SideChannelCSubstratesizeclassificationasdescribedinTable1,inthemethodssection.dSamplesizeequals5.Asinglereadingindicatesallrecordedtemperaturevalueswereidentical.eNospawningobserved.fNodataavailable.gThesesitesaretheresultofspawningsurveys,nootherdataavailable.--------------- - ---~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT the two becoming less as the ice covered period approached.Side channel habitats exhibited a range for the sampling period,of 3.2-12.3°C for surface water and 3.3-8.6°C for intragravel water (n=205).During the same time period,mainstem habitats exhibited a range of 2.9-12.7°C for surface water and 3.0-12.3°C for intragravel water (n=90).The hi ghestrecorded temperature for both surface and intragravel water in mainstem habitats was recorded at the site at RM 143.3L,an area of spawning but no open lead.Further studies indicated that this site was a peripheral habitat unsuitable for incubation due to dewatering and freezing.For this reason it was removed from further study. 3.1.2 General Substrate Evaluations Both side channel and mainstem habitats exhibit similar substrate patterns (Figures 12 and 13).Rubble-cobble-boulder substrate predominate in both habitat types (Table 3).Side channel habitats have an approximately equal number of sites containing rubble and cobble substrate while mainstem habitats contain a greater number of sites with cobble substrate.In comparing spawning with non-spawning areas in both habitats,the same trends appeared.Mainstem habitats also appear to be more cemented with fine silts and sands than occurs in side channel habitats.Side channel and mainstem sites generally contain larger substrate (rubble-cobble-boulder)than is found in tributary spawning habitats (small gravel-large gravel-rubble).There are areas of s.uitable substrate in all sites that coincide with the recommended size 36 Figure 12. I.LIo Z LIJ 11:-a;u> :>1&.1O!: Of/) °LLu..0 00: )-oWO~ Z::> WZ :::>-o LIJ 0: lL 50 40 30 20 10 o DRAFr O ALL SIDE CHANNEL HABITATS rrm SIDE CHANNEL HABITATS J/JJ.I THAT HAD SPAWNING SI SA SG LG RU CO 80 SUBSTRATE SIZE CLASS Frequency of occurrence of surface substrate size classesoccuringinsidechannelhabitats.'" 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o ALL MAINSTEM HABITATS rJT!J MAINSTEM HABITATS WJJ THAT HAD SPAWNING 38 Frequency of occurrence of surface substrate size classes occurring in mainstem habitats. SI SA SG LG RU CO 80 SUBSTRATE SIZE CLASS O ......loopIo- Figure 13. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,------------------------------- DRAFT range for salmon spawning (Reiser and Bjornn 1979;Lotspeich and Everest 1981;and Platts et ale 1983). 3.1.3 Upwelling and Bank Seepage Vi sua 1 observati ons of upwell i ng and bank seepage made duri ng foot surveys were recorded at side channel and mainstem habitats after initially identifying potential areas of upwelling (open leads)from winter aerial photos (Table 3). Ten of the 62 side channel sites were added after the open water season as a result of salmon spawning surveys and therefore only salmon spawning data are available at these sites.Of the remaining 52 side channel sites surveyed during the open water season to determine the presence of upwelling,29 (54%)had observed upwelling or bank seepage while 39 (75%)exhibited open leads during the winter (Table 3).Four sites (14%of the sites with upwelling)exhibited upwelling but no open leads,which indicates that the upwelling was not very strong or was intermittent in nature.There were 15 sites (38%of the sites with open leads)that exhibited open leads in the winter but had no visible upwelling.Upwelling may be present in these sites but was not observed due to the difficult survey conditions.It appears that seven side channel sites have open leads that are all or partially controlled by water velocity. Two of the 27 mainstem sites were added after the open water season as a result of salmon spawning surveys and only have spawning data.Of the 39 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT remaining 25 sites,11 (44%)had observed upwelling or bank seepage while 16 (64%)had open leads during the ice covered period (Table 3). These sites (27%of those with observed upwell i ng)had no open 1eads during the winter.This indicates that the upwelling observed in these sites is either weak or intermittent.Eight sites (50%of those with open leads)had open leads during the ice covered period but no observed upwelling.This indicates that either upwelling is present but not observed due to the difficult conditions present at mainstem sites,or that water velocity is the controlling factor.It appears that open leads in nine mainstem sites are controlled all,or in part,by water velocity. 3.1.4 Salmon Spawning Utilization Side channel and mainstem salmon spawning sites located by ADF&G surveys from 1981~1984 are shown on individual site maps in Appendix A. Salmon spawning data at individual sites are summarized by year in Table 3. The following summary,by species,is based on ADF&G spawning surveys conducted in side channel and mainstem habitats from 1981~1984.Chum salmon are the predominant species found spawning in both side channel and mainstem habitats.Sockeye salmon were observed spawning in eight side channel and three mainstem sites.Coho salmon have been found spawning in three side channel sites while pink salmon spawned in two. Spawning by coho or pink salmon was not observed in mainstem sites. 40 41 3.2 Ice Covered Studies mainstem sites. DRAFT I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Side Channel Mainstem (62 Total Sites)(27 Total Sites) (No.of Sitesl (No.of Sitesl %of Total)%of Total) 42 (68%)17 (63%) 17 (27%)6 (22%) 20 (32%)10 (32%) 23 (37%)9 (33%) Spawning Utilization Category Based on the resul ts of the open water studies,ni ne primary and four secondary sites were selected for this study in order to be better able Chinook salmon have not been observed spawning in either side channel or A comparison of observed spawning activity in side channel and mainstem sites from 1981-1984 is presented in Table 4.While the number of sites varies between habitat type,the percentage in each category is similar between habitat types.The relatively high percentage of new spawning sites in each habitat type observed during 1984 can be attributed to a high escapement and excellent survey conditions. Spawning during at least 1 year Spawning during more than 1 year No spawning First spawning during 1984 Table 4.A comparison of observed salmon spawning activity between side channel and mainstem sites in the middle reach of the Susitna River,1981-1984. r. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I DRAFT to assess their potential as possible mitigation sites (Table 2).The sites are distributed throughout the middle reach of the Susitna River and are generally categorized as either tributary~side channel,or mainstem.Mainstem and side channel sites were subdivided based on presence of open leads and spawning.Intragravel water temperature and substrate composition were monitored at each site to provide an index as to the suitability of salmon incubation conditions. 3.2.1 Continuous Surface and Intragravel Water Temperature Continuous surface and intragravel water temperatures were measured at one location in each site with the exception of Indian River which had two sites.Indian River site #3 was initially installed in a chinook salmon spawning site for another ADF&G study.Monitoring of temperatures was continued for this study to obtain temperatures on a spawning site used only by chinook salmon.Indian River site #4 was installed in a coho,chum and pink salmon spawning area.A complete presentation of these data are included in Keklak and Withrow (1985).A boxplot diagram is presented to summarize the surface and intragravel water temperatures by site classification (Figure 14).Similar trends appear to exist in both intragravel and surface water temperatures. Mainstem and side channel sites that have open leads and no spawning have the warmest median temperatures,while tributary and mainstem spawning sites have the lowest. In general,surface and intragravel water temperatures dropped in all sites from September until late October or early November.At this time 42 ':ii'"CI,,~s;Fjc'"T;OATributar)!5..........;...,':>\'''S--(+1---*****00000000000000000000000000...__....)(..Il•...__•f/---.-..!"",\d•'----v--"b•,(I•LOWERHIN'I£fr.MEOt-'Nb"UPPERHINGtt).10%C.IA80UTTHECDH _SPfUAO!IIIEDtA,fj!...MINIMUM40.,lA(:(IIITVALUE••ouTSIDEVALUE...MAJUMUllilA.DJACENTVALUE0..fARouTSIDEYALUEoSideChOllnnel5,"""..i~s~""'ThOrMl••<ls**------------------1(+)1-----!"Iain.to..",Sp"......;",5S,""S...\'11\Ope"L..-<IS****.***•••*------------1(+'x--------rtW"f1'<M.....51'"CIo.....\5110S...\'1\,0,""lc""S_.~AI,.s,......,;.)--------r(+r-~w---------.---------+---------+---------~---------+---------+---------+-6.00-4.00-•.008.00I,,"rl\.~("...velW..TerTe"'f'e.....T...r~C-C)'SiT!!ClassiF'ic.aTiOI\T,.\butilll")I$,......".,,,jSoITE'SSid..Ch....na!':,pn.""'."S~~,,-i't'"Orotrnll."dS.-(+-*-0000000000000000000000000000000000_.****.**.----------1~1----------.****"'.1".t....~"""'.;'j:',TtS...,l"l\Op4..l...<ls111••,,&,.a..l':.icie(lH..1~iT'<PS10'••l...~aNiNo'"""i'"0000000000000DO0••**---+l---****OO000000 00******------l+I--------**o~--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-b.OO-4.00-"c.eLV",:\"e'"T"""pe.rO\Tur-<1C°e..)Figure14.---- -Summarybysiteclassificationofcontinuoussurfaceandintragravelwatertemperaturedata(OC)measuredduringthe1984-1985icecoveredperiodinthemiddleSusitnaRiver,Alaska.(refertosection2.3fordetailedexplanationoffiguresymbols).-------------~-.......... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II DRAFT the temperatures rose slightly and stabilized,with intragravel water temperatures generally warmer than surface water temperatures.Freezing of sites for part or all of the winter occurred in side channel,and mainstem spawning areas.The intragravel environment of tributary spawning habitats and areas of open leads with no spawning in mainstem and side channel habitats,generally remained above freezing. 3.2.2 Freeze Core Substrate Evaluations Freeze-core substrate samples collected at all sites were analyzed to compute the fredl e index as a measure of substrate qual i ty.The fredl e index is a measure of both pore size and relative permeability,both of which increase as the fredle index increases.This textural analysis verifies the general substrate evaluations made during the open water survey period.The composition of substrate samples collected at all sites are summarized in Appendix Table C-l. The substrate composition presented in Appendix Table C-l shows similar substrate composition for salmon spawning areas in tributary,side channel and mainstem habitats.The greatest percentage of substrates collected in all these habitat types are greater than 2.0 mm in size. Only a small percent of the substrates in all three habitats are less than 2.0 mm.One sample,collected at Lane Creek,in which 53%of the substrate was less than 0.062 mm,did not fit the general trend for these habitats. 44 DRAFT Mainstem and side channel sites that exhibited open leads but had no reported salmon spawning,had slightly smaller substrates.The majority of substrates in these sites was between 2.0 mm and 127 mm.Only a sma 11 percentage of the substrates were ei ther small er than 2.0 mm or greater than 127 mm.It appears that there is a s 1;ght increase with depth,in the percent of fines found in the samples. The resul ts of the ana 1ys is to determi ne substrate qual i ty (fred1 e index)are presented in Table 5.This analysis is based on the entire 16 inch freeze core sample at each site.No clear trends were obvious in substrate quality with depth,in any of the habitats. In looking at the four indices (geometric mean particle size,sorting coefficient,fredle index and percent finer than 10 mm)general compari- sons of substrate composition between site classifications can be determined. The average geometric mean particle size is largest in tributary habitats and smallest in areas of open leads and no spawning.Mainstem spawning habitats have an average geometric mean similar to that of areas with open leads and no spawning. The sorting coefficient,used to quantify the distribution of grain sizes in gravels,is a useful indicator of a gravel·s reproductive potential for sa1monids (Lotspeich et al.1981).A sorting coefficient greater than one imp1 ies that pores between large grains are filled 45 I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I II --'--_....---_...--'._....---Table5.Summaryofsubs5ratequalityanalysisoffreezecoresamplesobtainedatselectedsitesinthemiddlereachoftheSusitnaRiver,1984-85.•..j:>.0'1HabitatTypeTributarySpawningAreasSideChannelSpawningAreaswithOpenleadsMainstemSpawningAreaswithOpenleadsSideChannelandMainstemSiteswithOpenLeadandNoSpawningGeometricTotalMeanSampleParticlePercentSampleWeightSizeSortingFredleFinerThanSiteSize(gm)(mm)CoefficientIndex1.0mmlaneCreek32215.70086.80013.16252.69316.9394thofJulyCreekb11546.00064.5981.82735.3493.094IndianRiver#333216.367128.9171.87871.0941.472Indian River#431611.90047.3152.39620.8634.879Mainstem231233.30027.8882.35314.00310.825SideChannelat4thofJulyCreek32143.66766.6442.42327.9305.326UpperSideChannel11#1~12152.00055.8382.21125.2526.671UpperSideChannel11#211227.00034.8152.07916.7456.818SideChannel2133025.16797.7512.07451.1873.763SusitnaRiverat118.9l31448.53347.7552.61523.0946.997SusitnaRiverat132.9R32030.90050.6212.59419.4536.535SusitnaRiverat139.0l31709.23350.8481.89826.9325.221SideChannelat117.9L31146.73350.8592.54123.56511.243SusitnaRiverat127.1C#1~12022.00090.8602.51436.1465.411SusitnaRiverat127.1C#21542.0004.4045.1980.84728.193SusitnaRiverat137.5L32745.63334.2112.63413.34111.386aAllresultspresentedaremeansbasedonsamplesize.bSamplingproblemslimitedthenumberoffreezecorescollectedatthesesites.Duetothesmallsamplesize,eachfreezecorewasanalyzedindividually.Theresultsarethemeanofasamplesizeofoneinsteadofthree. DRAFT with smaller grains that restrict permeability.The sorting coefficient is inversely proportional to permeability.Side channel and mainstem spawning sites with open leads have the lowest and most closely related average sorting coefficients,indicating less fine particles filling the pore spaces between larger particles.Tributary spawning habitats have the largest average sorting coefficients. Areas of open leads with no spawning have the largest average percentage of fines less than 1.0 mm.The other three site classifications, tributary,side channel and mainstem spawning areas,have almost identi- ca 1 average percentages of fi nes,1ess than half of that found ;n non-spawning areas. Tributary spawning habitats have the largest average fredle index of all habitat types.The other three site classifications have almost identical average fredle index numbers.The average fredle index number in the other sites is roughly half of that found in tributary habitats. 47 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----_.._.__...._--------_.__...~- DRAFT 4.0 DISCUSSION This report provides a preliminary data summary of surface and intra- gravel water temperatures and substrate composition in tributary,side channel,and mainstem habitats in the middle Susitna River.These data provide information on salmon incubation conditions which can be used to evaluate potential replacement salmon spawning habitat in mainstem and side channel sites in the middle Susitna River.These potential salmon spawning areas appear to be presently limited by high water velocities and may have flows more suitable for salmon spawning under with-project flow regimes.The data in this report only provide baseline information on salmon incubation conditions to allow preliminary identification and comparison of potential replacement salmon spawning habitats. The primary means used to locate potential replacement salmon spawning areas in mainstem and side channel habitats was to focus on areas of open leads identified in winter aerial photos.Open leads often indi- cate the presence of upwelling areas which are used as spawning habitats for chum salmon (Vincent-Lang et al.1984).Upwelling areas in mainstem and side channel sites would therefore be likely locations for providing suitable replacement salmon spawning habitat under with-project flow conditions,assuming other salmon spawning requirements are favorable. Although salmon have been observed spawning in mainstem and side channel habitats in which open leads did not occur during winter,periodic freezing and dewatering of substrates in these areas make them unsuit- able for salmon incubation.Upwelling areas would provide a more stable incubation environment (Vining et al.1984)and therefore -should be 48 ---------------------------------------- DRAFT considered first when selecting potential salmon spawning replacement habitat. Comparison of intragravel water temperatures and substrate composition in tributary,side channel and mainstem salmon spawning habitats indi- cate that these parameters are similar in spawning areas among these three habitat types.These data also indicate that comparable intra- gravel water temperatures and substrate composition exist in areas of open leads in mainstem and side channel habitats where salmon spawning has not been recorded.The presence of suitable intragravel water temperatures and substrate composition indicates that these areas have good potential as replacement salmon spawning habitat under with project flow conditions.In general,tributary habitats appear to be better suited for salmon spawning and incubation than those mainstem and side channel sites which were surveyed.Although areas of open leads in mainstem and side channel sites,where salmon spawning had not been recorded,contained suitable spawning substrates,the substrates con- tained twice as much fines less than 1.0 mm than the other three habi- tats. Based on these preliminary surveys,it appears that sites exist in side channel and mainstem habitats in the middle Susitna River that may provide suitable replacement salmon spawning habitat.Some of these areas may requi re additional habitat modifications such as improving passage conditions or loosening of cemented substrates to provide better spawning habitat.However,the information presented in this report is based on limited field observations and data.More detailed studies 49 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT should be conducted in the future at selected replacement habitat sites to determine which sites would be most cost effective for mitigation purposes. 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I 5.0 CONTRIBUTORS Adult Anadromous Project Leader Data Processing Project Leader Graphics Typing Staff Editor Data Collection Data Analysis Text 51 DRAFT Bruce M.Barrett Allen Bingham Carol Hepler Roxann Peterson Peggy Skeers Vicki McCall Bobbie Greene Joe Sautner Sheri Methven Pat Morrow Don Seagren Barry Stratton Bob Wilkey Tommy Withrow A11 en Bi ngham Don Seagren Bob Wil key Don Seagren Bob Wil key I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special appreciation is extended to the following people for their contribution to this study: S.Crumley,N.E.Bradley,and T.Jennings of Entrix,Inc.for their assistance in data collection and helpful insights into the use of the freeze core sampler. State of Alaska,Department of Transportation,for assistance in analyzing substrate samples at their laboratory facility. Carol Kerkvliet of Woodward Clyde Consultants for her assistance in winter field data collection. 52 Fish and Anchorage, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT 7.0 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Data Report.Winter Aquatic Study (October 1982 -May 1983).Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. Alaska Power Authority.1982.Susitna Hydroelectric Project: Wildlife Mitigation Policy.Alaska Power Authority. Alaska. 1983.Application for license for major project,Susitna Hydro- electric Project,before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Vol.6A.,Exhibit E,Chapter 3.Alaska Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 1982.Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing.13th edition. Washington,D.C. Bakkala,Richard G.1970.Synopsis of Biological Data on the Chum Salmon,Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum)1972.U.S.Department of Interior.USF&WS.FAO Species Synopsis No.41,Circular 315. Washington,D.C.89 pp. 53 DRAFT Barrett,B.M.,F.M.Thompson,and S.N.Wick.1985.Adult Anadromous Fish Investigations:May-October 1984.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies,Report No.6 Prepared for Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska. Blakely,J.S.,J.S.Sautner,L.A.Rundquist,and N.E.Bradley.1985. Salmon Passage Validation Studies.Addendum to Alaska Department of Fish and Game Report No.2,Chapter 6.Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations (August -October 1984).Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Su Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage, Alaska. Everest,F.H.,C.E.McLemore,J.F.Ward.1980.An improved tritube cryogenic gravel sampler.Res Note PNW-350.Portland,Oregon: U.S.Department of Agriculture,Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station,8 pp. __,F.B.Lotspeich,and W.R.Meehan.1981.New Perspective on Sampling,Analysis,and Interpretation of Spawning Gravel Quality. Presented at the Symposium on Aquisition and Utilization of Aquatic Habitat Inventory Information.Portland,Oregon. Hale,S.S.1981.Freshwater Habitat Relationships Chum Salmon (Onchorhynchus keta).Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Habitat Division,Resource Assessment Branch.Anchorage,Alaska. 54 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------------- DRAFT Keklak,T.and T.Quane.1985.Appendix F:Winter Temperature Data. In:Vining,L.F.,J.S.Blakely,and G.M.Freeman.1985.An Evaluation of the Incubation Life-Phase of Chum Salmon in the Middle Susitna River,Alaska.Winter Aquatic Investigations: September,1983 -May,1984.Report No.5,Vol.1.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. ___'and T.Wi throw.1985.Tasks 29 and 37 Support Techni cal Report.Continuous Water Temperature Investigations.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. Klinger,S.and E.W.Trihey.1984.Response of Aquatic Habitat Surface Areas to Mainstem Discharge in the Talkeetna to Oevil's Canyon Reach of the Susitna River,Alaska.Prepared by E.Woody Trihey & Associates under contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. Kogl,O.R.1965.Springs and groundwater as factors affecting survival of chum salmon spawn in a sub-arctic stream.Master's thesis. University of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska. Lotspeich,F.B.and F.H.Everest.1981.A new method for reporting and interpreting textural composition of spawning gravel.Res.Note PNW-369.Portland,Oregon:U.S.Department of Agriculture,Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station,11 pp. 55 DRAFT McNeil,William J.and Warren H.Ahnell.1960.Measurement of Gravel Composition of Salmon Streambeds.Fisheries Research Institute, College of Fisheries,University of Washington,Seattle, Washington.Circular No.120.Prepared for U.S.Department of the Interior,Fish and Wildlife Service,Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.Contract #14-17-008-96. Moulton,Lawrence L.,Larry A.Rundquist,Stephen C.Crumley,and N. -Elizabeth Bradley.1984.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Fish Mitigation Plan.Woodward-Clyde Consultants.Prpeared for Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture.November,1984.Document No. 2466,Susitna File No.,Alaska. Platts,William S.,Walter F.Megahan,and G.Wayne Minshall.1983. Methods for evaluating stream,riparian,and biotic conditions. Gen.Tech.Rep.INT-13B.Ogden,Utah:U.S.Department of Agri cul ture,Forest Service,Intermounta in Forest and Range Experiment Station.70pp. Porter,Pamela E.and James R.Rogers.1984.A Computer Program to Characterize the Textural Composition of Salmonid Spawning Gravel. Presented to American Fisheries Society,Alaska Chapter Annual Meeting 1984.Forestry Sciences Laboratory,Juneau,Alaska. 56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 57 DRAFT Reiser,D.W.,and T.C.Bjornn.1979.Influence of forest and rangeland management in anadromous fish habitat in western North America. Number 1.Habitat requirements of anadromous salmonids.United States Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-96.Portland, Oregon. Sautner,J.S.,L.J.Vining,and L.A.Rundquist.1984.An evaluation of passage conditions for adult salmon in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River.Chapter 6 in C.C~Estes and D.S. Vincent-Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investi- gations (May -October,1983).Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Studies.Report Number 3.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. Minitab Reference State University, Ryan,LA.,Jr.,B.L.Joiner,and B.F.Ryan.1981. Manual.Minitab Project,The Pennsylvania University Park,Pennsylvania,USA. Sandone,Gene,Doug Vi ncent-Lang,and Andrew Hoffmann.1984 .• Evaluation of Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat In Selected Tributary Mouth Habitats of the Middle Susitna River.Report No.3,Chapter 8 In Christopher C.Estes and Douglas S.Vincent-Lang Editors. Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations (May -October 1983).Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Prepared for:Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Alaska. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT Scrivener,J.C.,and M.J.Brownlee.1981.A preliminary analysis of Carnation Creek gravel quality data,1973-1980.p.195-226.In Salmon spawning gravel:A renewable resource in the Pacific Northwest?Proceedings of the conference.Washington State University,Pullman,Washington. Shirazi,Mostafa A.,and W.K.Seim.1980.A Stream Systems Evaluation -An Emphasis On Spawning Habitat for Salmonids.Report No.EPA 60013-79-109.Environmental Research Laboratory -Corvallis, Office of Research and Development,Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis,Oregon. Trihey,E.Woody.1983.Preliminary Assessment of Access by Spawning Salmon Into Portage Creek and Indian River.Prepared for Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska. 1984.Memorandum to B.Barrett and L.Moul ton.August 28, 1984.Anchorage,Alaska. Velleman,P.F.,and D.C.Hoaglin.1981.Applications,basics,and computing of exploratory data analysis.Duxbury Press,Boston, Massachusetts,USA. Vincent-Lang,D.,A.Hoffmann,A.Bingham,C.Estes,D.Hilliard,C. Steward,E.Trihey,and S.Crumley.1984.Chapter 7:An evaluation of chum and sockeye salmon spawning habitat in sloughs 58 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT and side channels of the middle Susitna River.In Report No.3: Aquati c Habitat and Instream Flow Investi gations (May -October, 1983).C.Estes and D.Vincent-Lang,eds.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska. Vining,L.J.,J.S.Blakely,and G.M.Freeman.1985.An Evaluation of The Incubation Life-Phase of Chum Salmon in the Middle Susitna River,Alaska.Winter Aquatic Investigation:September,1983 ~ May,1984.Report Number 5,Volume 1.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska. Walkotten,W.J.1976.An improved technique for freeze sampling streambed sediments.Res.Note PNW-281.Portland,Oregon:U.S. Department of Agriculture,Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station,11 pp. Wendling,F.L.1976.Preliminary Report on Gravel Porosity Studies Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.Draft Report.National Marine Fisheries Service.Anchorage,Alaska. 59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT 8.0 APPENDICES Appendix A.Mainstem and Side Channel Salmon Spawning Distribution Maps •.•.••••.•••••••••••.•A-I Appendix B.Site Descriptions and Continuous Water Temperature Monitoring Locations for Ice-Covered Studies .••••••.•••••••••..••••••B-1 Appendix C.Freeze Core Substrate Data ••••••••...•••••••...•C-l 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A Mainstem and Side Channel Salmon Spawning Distribution Maps. A-I DRAFT Observed chum salmon side channel spawning sites bet\</een RM 100.0 and 101.0 in the middle Susitna 'River. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o 500 I !I FEET I Appro •.Seal.' ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 84 DRAFT • CHUM SPAWNING AREA 81 SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM IOO.5R ~ SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM IOO.9R A-2 I RM IOl.oEB .\ Appendix Figure A-I. DRAFT Appendix Figure A-2.Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 110.1 in the middle $usitna River. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ OXBOW I :- " :'"SIDE CHANNEL SiTE i: ,RM IIO.IL m CHUM _SPAWNING AREA 84 o !l00 I I I FEET (Approlt.Scolel A-3 ., l " I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I _CHUM _SPAWNING AREA 84 DRA~T A-4 Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 114.0 in the middle Susitna River. ,~, .. ;. "> ;. .~ ,., .l i· .., :'. o SOO 1..'--:=*:'::--...JI.FEET (Approlt.Seal.)' Appendix Figure A-3. SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 115.IR 1lt -..,.SIDE CHANNEL SiTE RM 115.0R DRAFT RM 115.06' o 500 I I , FEET (Approa.Seol_) V\ c::.. <.n """c:. ",~ '.~CHUM '-;.~SPAWNING'"':J:) AREA 82 ~ • CHUM <. SPAWNING", AREA 83 ':J:) ~CHUM _SPAWNING SI DE CHANNEL SITE AREA 84 RM 114.6R A-5 Appendix Figure A-4.Observed chum salmon side channel spa~ming sites between RM 114.5 and 115.5 in the middle Susitna River.. I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I ObservedchumsalmonmainstemspawningsiteatRM117.9inthemiddleSusitnaRiver.o~o420IIIFEET(Approk.Scol.l_CHUM~SPAWNINGAREA81•;;••~"i.".f·.;-.,.~eft.,118.0RI'rIER---....--SI)SITNAI"'·AppendixFigureA-5.)::>!CJ'\-------------------~ Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites Between RM 118.5 and 120.0 in the middle Susitna River. A-7 ~'. - $RM 119.0 ~ ORAFT MAIN STEM SITE >. RM 118.9L--!l'-;o !\OO I I I FEET (Approll.Scale) ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 83 rmilI CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 84 Appendix Figure A-6. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix Figure A-7. _CHUM _SPAWNING AREA 84 o 500 I I I FEET (Appro•.Bcolo) Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 120.9 in the middle Susitna River. A-8 DRAFT I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~..... ~1 " ",', ~~.. ~ ".....':(/).., ~:. ;Ct) ..: K, • :,. Appendix Figure A-B. ";i... o 500 I I I FEET (Approll.Seo Ie) Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 121.6 in the middle Susitna River. /1.-9 DRAFT ~. '.' Appendix Figure A-g. DRAFT '.:, m CHUMmSPAWNING AREA 84 o 500 I I ! FEET (Appro •.Scale I Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 124.9 in the middle Susitna River. A-IO I I I 1 I~ I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT @RM 129.0 o <oa:: ...J <a:: CHUM~SPAWNING AItU 84 o I I FEET (Approa.Seol.' Appendix Figure A-lO.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 128.0 and 129.0 in the middle Susitna River. A-ll »II-'N......,~...':o:SIDECHANNELSITERMi29.8R:....~...r!.":.···;;.":"."'1:''''.......,.;;:'.,.-.;%?mCOHO~SPAWNINGAREA81IWl4CHUM_SPAWNINGAREA81o400InIfEET(Approa.Scale)AppendixFigureA-II.ObservedchumandcohosalmonsidechannelspawningsitesbetweenRM129.0and129.8inthemiddleSusitnaRiver.oS-------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT EBRM 130.0 ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 84 o 500 I I I FEET (Approa.Scola) Apoendix Figure A-12.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 129.8 and 130.5 in the middle Susitna River. A-13 A-14 I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .' COHO~SPAWNING~AREA 84 II CHUM . SPAWNING ,"AREA 83 \ "\e COHO :II ~~~N~~G > ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 84 ~SCHUM.')e=I SPAWNING AREA 81 ~t IITTI1I CHUM.,:IllllJI SPAWNING AREA 82 €aRM 131.0 SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 131.8L SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 131.7L DRAFT SIDE CHANNEL SITE~--......: RM 131.IL SIDE CHANNEL SiTE RM 131.5L (I SOO I I I FEET «.ppvox,Seal.) SIDE CHANNEL SIT RM 131.3L- Appendix Figure A-13.Observed chum and coho salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 131.0 and 131.8 in the middle Susitna River. Appendix Figure A-14.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 132.9 in the middle Susitna Rivero A-15 DRAFT o 500 I I I FEET I Appro••Seol_) _CHUM -SPAWNING AREA 84 t MAINSTEM SITElRM132.9R ~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P.-16 DRAFT Appendix Figure A-15.Observed chum and sockeye salmon side channel spawning sites between RM 134.6 and 135.2 in the middle Susitna River. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I SIDE !,CHANNEL SITE RM 135.IR SiDE CHANNEL SITE RM 134.6R SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 135.2R LOWER SIDE CHANNEL /I II ~~~:~rNEG AREA 84 \.:•• m CHUM ~~SPAWNING AREA 84 o 500 \ I I I '. FEET '. (ApprOll.SCQle)..•. A-I? DRAFT Appendix Figure A-16.Observed chum salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 136.0 and 137.0 in the midd]e Susitna River. /I o !l00 I I I FEET (Appro•.Seal_) '.SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 136.3R €9RM 136.0 .: ....MAIN STEM SITE RM 136.8R /0GOLD CREEK CAMP ~:;:;:G::::::O::L::::::O~C;9E'E'1(' _ CHUM SPAWNING AREA 81 _ CHUM •...SPAWNING AREA 82 m CHUM • ~SPAWNING AREA 83 ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AR£A 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIDECHANNELSITERM137.4;R~~.,:,.,;o500IIIFEET(Appro•.Scale)~...~-,..-.-.mCHUM_SPAWNINGAREA82~......"....~...~..--.$RM138.0-.,·...;.·1-;','..~"..;.-...~..~..-SIJS,1tJA:t·:~·:·::'{f".;:'-..;;;~::'»D&-'00AppendixFigureA-17.ObservedchumsalmonsidechannelandmainstemspawningsitesbetweenRM137.0and138.0inthemiddleSusitnaRiver.~- --',-- - - - - - - - - -.._.- - -~ Appendix Figure A-18.Observed chum and sockeye salmon mainstem spawning sites between RM 138.5 and 139.5 in the middle Susitna River. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAINSTEM SITE RM 139.0L MAINSTEM SITE RM 138.7L DRAFT / •~~~:NING AREA 82 ~CHUM 8 SOCKEYE ~SPAWNING AREA 83 • CHUM 8 SOCKEYE SPAWNING AREA 84 o 500 I I I FEET (Approa.Seal,) A..19 ---------------------------- A-20 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o 500 1 I I FEET (Approa.Scale) DRAFT WATERFALL CREEK ~CHUM~SPAWNING AREA 84 MAINSTEM SITE RM 140.5L Observed chum salmon side channel spawning site at RM 140.5 in the middle Susitna River. EBRM 140.0 :. Appendix Figure A-19. o 785 1 I I 'ElT (A,I,I'...leale) IWlJI CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 81-84 !II CHUM 8 SOCKEYE IW!I SPAWNING AREA 81-84 • CHUM 8 SOCKEYE SPAWNING AREA 84 CHANNEL SITE 141.6R DRAFT ~SOCKEYE ~SPAWNING AREA 84 A-21 i .SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 141.4R SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 141.0R SIDE CHANNEL SITE RM 140.8R Observed chum and sockeye salmon side channel and mainstem spawning sites between RM 140.8 and 141.6 in the middle Susitna River. RM 141.0E9 MAINSTEM SITE RM 141.6R -_-*-__ Appendix Figure A-20. I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I Appendix Figure A-21.Observed chum salmon mainstem spawning site at RM 143.3 in the middle Susitna River. A-22 500 ! I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT • CHUM SPAWNING AREA 82 ~CHUM ~SPAWNING AREA 84 4?IVFEET (Appro•.Scal,>E9 RM 143.0 MAINSTEM SITE RM 143.3L -------------------HIVER---»INW~~CHU'"~SPAWNINGAREA82o250I ' IFEET(Appro&.Scole)~.'rt'~."I':.~'.;~~r.!.""..••••".1.•'_0....;\0'...!~.••, -•.•."...........\i,•AppendixFigureA-22.ObservedchumsalmonmainstemspawningsiteatRM148.2inthemiddleSusitnaRiver.J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B Site Descriptions at Continuous Water Temperature Monitoring Locations Used for Ice Covered Studies. 8-1 DRAFT ----------------------- DRAFT Tributary Habitats Lane Creek (RM 113.6R/TRM 0.1) Lane Creek is a clear water stream originating in the sloping terrain bordering the east bank of the Susitna River,entering the mainstem Susitna River at river mile 113.6.It consists of a series of pools,riffles and small falls flowing over boulder/ cobble substrate.In the pools,there are areas of excellent large gravel/small gravel substrate.Overhanging vegetation grows along the banks,and algae flourishes on the rocks of the streambed. Lane Creek is a traditional salmon spawning area for chinook,coho, chum and pink salmon.There doesn't appear to be any barriers to salmon passage except at the mouth during periods of low mainstem discharge.Additional information on chum salmon spawning in the tributary mouth habitat can be found in Sandone et ale 1984. The datapod site is located in a 2-4 foot deep pool approximately 1,800 feet from the mouth on the left bank (Appendi x Figure 8-1). Substrate in the pool consists of small gravel/large gravel. During winter,an open lead is present through this area except during the coldest periods.The lead is possibly due to velocity and current effects,as no upwelling or bank seepage was observed. This area was utilized by all species of salmon spawning in the creek. B-2 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I £DATAPOD o .5 I I ! FEET (Approa.Scale) Appendix Figure B-1.Location of datapod in a tributary habitat,Lane Creek~RM 113.6R, TRM 0.1. B..3 DRAFT DRAFT 4th of July Creek (RM 131.0/TRM 0.2) Fourth of July Creek enters the west side of the Susitna River at river mile 131.0.The habitat consists of a series of pools and riffles.Boulder/cobble substrate is present in the riffles,with pockets of large gravel and rubble in the slower velocity pool areas.Log jams are common in this reach.The mouth of 4th of July Creek is known for overflow events duri ng the process of mainstem staging and freeze up which can result in a build up of ice several feet thick. Chinook,coho,chum and pink salmon utilize 4th of July Creek for spawning.There is a large waterfall approximately 3.5 miles upstream from the mouth that constitutes a barrier to upstream fish migration.Suitable salmon spawning habitat exists above this waterfall that is inaccessab1e.Further information on chum salmon spawning in the tributary mouth habitat can be found in Sandone et a1.1984. A datapod water temperature recorder was located near the fi rst major log jam approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the mouth (Appendix Figure B-2).Immediately below this log jam is a deep pool with small gravel/large gravel substrate.The datapod probe was on the north side of this pool in about three and one-half feet of water.This area was utilized by all species of salmon spawning in the creek. 8-4 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B-5 DRAFT location of datapod in a tributary habitat, 4th of July Creek,RM 113.1L,TRM 0.2. .5 i Mil .. (Appro•.Scale) &.DATAPOD o I Appendix Figure B-2. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~­, DRAFT Indian River (RM l38.6L/TRM 0.2) Indian River enters the Susitna River on the northwest side,at river mile 138.6.This is a clear water tributary flowing over cobble/boulder substrate in a pool-riffle pattern.There are areas of large gravel/rubble substrates associated with pool areas.The stream channel of Indian River is braided over the first mile due to a shallower gradient over this reach. All five species of salmon spawn in Indian River.Chinook salmon use 13 miles of its reach.There appears to be little or no passage restrictions,as extensive areas are used for spawning. There are two datapod water temperature recorders in Indian River (Appendix Figure B-3).One is on the right bank 3,000 feet upstream of the mouth.This spawning site was used by all species of salmon.The other datapod site is located on the left bank, 4,000 feet from the mouth.This site was only utilized by chinook salmon. Side Channel Habitats Mainstem Two Side Channel (RM llS.OR) Mainstem Two is a V-shaped side channel approximately one mile long located one mile upstream of Lane Creek.The side channel is separated from the mainstem Susitna by a large vegetated island. 8-6 I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------AppendixFigureB-3.locationofdatapodinatributaryhabitat,IndianRiver,RM138.6l,TRM0.2.CXlI-...JDATAPODSITESRM138.6Lzi]&:.OATAPODo940IIIFEET(Appro•.Scole)§ DRAFT The east and west forks are 4,400 and 2,800 feet long respectively. The confluence of the channels is approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the mouth.The east fork breaches at approximately 25,000 cubic feet/second (cfs)while the west fork breaches at 16,000 cfs. The first 1,600 feet of the side channel is primarily a backwater area.Above this reach the habitat consists of pool and riffle sequences throughout both forks.Substrate in the backwater area is composed of a deep layer of silt/sand over cobble/boulder except in the extreme upper portions where there are pockets of rubble/large gravel.The riffles have well cemented cobble/boulder substrate,while the pools contain rubble/large gravel substrate. There is moderate to heavy bank seepage and upwell i ng from both banks in the backwater area and in the east fork.In an unbreached condi ti on,i ntragrave 1 flow through the head of both forks may exist.According to winter aerial photos,an open lead extends from the lower one-quarter of the east fork down to the mouth (Figure 3).Due to low velocity and isolated pools during this time,this lead is likely the result of upwelling. Chum salmon spawning in Mainstem Two has been documented for the past three years (l982-84)(Barrett et ale 1985).The preferred spawning areas appear to be the upper portions of the backwater and several pools of the east fork (Appendix Figure A-4).There is no record of any spawning activity in the west fork.ADF&G personnel B-8 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT have identified nine passage areas in Mainstem Two that may be restrictive to salmon passage (Blakely et ale 1984;Sautner et ale 1984)• A datapod was located in a chum salmon spawning area in the east fork on the right side of a pool (Appendix Figure 8-4).Charac- teristically substrates are well armored cobble/boulder with some rubble. Side Channel at Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.3L) This site is located in a side channel 1,200 feet upstream of the mouth of 4th of July Creek (Appendix Figure B-5).The left bank is a 12 foot cut bank.A small bog fed creek drains into the channel immedi ate ly upstream of the si teo Substrate is a loose conglomeration of rubble/large gravel/cobble.Upwelling and bank seepage are present throughout the northwest bank especially in the area of the bog drainage.The upwelling is probably responsible for the open lead present during the winter (Figure 3).Surface water temperatures ranged from 6.9°to 7.3°C while intragravel temperatures ranged from 4.4°to 5.3°C.Chum salmon and some coho salmon spawn in various areas of the side channel including the datapod site (Appendix Figure A-13). B-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I .-·JI".:;............~DATAPOD SITE RM 115.0R .~i RM 1I!S.OEa 8-10 FEET (Appro •.Scole) o I I &DATAPOD Appendix Figure B-4.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat,Mainstem 2,RM IIS.OR. DRAFT EBRM 131.0 B-ll Location of datapod in a side channel habitat,RM 131.3L. "--""".:E-E-~'f...~.-.G .-.• ......'.. % &DATAPOD I0500 ! FEET ~(Appro•.Seole).. "-~ ~~ "-Ii) ~ Ii) DATAPOD SITE RM 131.3L -4th of Appendix Figure B-5. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I DRAFT Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.0R) Upper Side Channel 11 is a straight broad channel on the right side of the Susitna River at river mile 136.0.The head of Slough 11 bisects the side channel on the right side.The first 500 feet of Upper Side Channel 11 consists of a wide backwater area with heavy silt accumulations over the substrate.The remaining area consists of a series of pools and long riffles flowing over boulder/cobble substrate.There is extensive bank seepage and upwelling along both banks of the backwater area but none discernible in the upper reaches.An open lead is usually present during the winter (Figure 3),although none was present during 1984/1985. Chum spawning has been documented in two locations from 1981-84 (Appendix Figure A-16).The head of the backwater area and a pool across from the head of Slough 11 are the primary spawning areas. The datapod probe was located in the uppermost chum salmon spawning site (Appendix Figure 8-6). Side Channel 21 (RM 141.6R) This site is 200 feet below the mouth of Slough 21 in Side Channel 21.Side Channel 21 is an approximately one mile long channel flowing over cemented cobble/boulder substrate with sand deposits occurring in pools.Intermittent channels connect the side channel with the mainstem.There is upwelling and bank seepage along both 8-12 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix Figure 8-6.Location of datapod in a side channel habitat, Upper Side Channel 11,RM I36.3R. /1 DRAFT o 500 I I I FEET (Appro •.Scala) £DATAPOD B-13 E9RM 136.0 -.'",. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT banks,especially in the upper reaches which,when combined with Slough 21 outflow results in an open lead originating in Slough 21 and extendi ng beyond the mouth of the side channel (Figure 3). Surface water temperatures ranged from 5.3°C to 5.7°C,while intragravel temperatures ranged from 4.7°C to 5.4°C. Chum and sockeye salmon have been observed spawning in the side channel from 1981-84 (Appendix Figure A-20).There are numerous reaches within this site that may be restrictive to upstream movements of salmon (Blakely et ale 1984 and Sautner et ale 1984). A datapod probe was located in the middle of the channel approximately 250 feet downstream of the mouth of Slough 21 (Appendix Figure B-7).This area was heavily used by chum and sockeye salmon for spawning. Mainstem Habitats Susitna River at RM 118.9L This site is located on along a straight,ten foot high cut bank section of the Susitna River approximately 3,000 feet below the mouth of Oxbow Two side channe 1 (Append ix Fi gu re B-8).A bog fed creek drains into the river 200 feet upstream of the site. Substrate is angular cobble/boulder through the lower 2/3 of the site with rubble/large gravel in the upper 1/3.The upper area has B-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-_._---~.....~-_._------~._-------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ./. DATAPOD SITE .":'1 RM 141.6 R .- O'~., :; &DATAPOD o 785 I !! FEET (Appro •.Scola) Appendix Figure B-7:Location of datapod in a side channel habitat,Side Channel 21,RM 141.6R. 8-15 DRAFT ----.-----_..--_. DRAFT' Appendix Figure 8-8.Location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,R~ 118.9L. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .; ,. EBRM 119.0 8-16 o 500 reI I I ...\ FEET X' (Appro•.Scole) ~DATAPOD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT a good flow of bank seepage and upwelling,probably related to the bog drainage.There is an open lead throughout this area which is apparently the combination of velocity and upwell ing/bank seepage (Figure 3).Surface water temperatures ranged from 7.1 to 7.2 while intragravel temperatures were 5.2 to 7.1. Chum salmon spawning activity has been documented on this site for the past two years (1983-84)(Appendix Figure A-6).The majority of spawni ng occurs in the upper 1/3 where the good substrates and upwelling are located. Susitna River at RM 132.9R Mainstem site 132.9R is found 3,000 feet downstream of the mouth of Slough 9A on the east side of the river.The channel is broad and rectangular with gently slopin~banks on both sides.Water velocity is fairly rapid and substrate consists of angular boulders and cobbles well cemented in.There is no upwelling visible and limited bank seepage.There is a small lead on the east bank apparently associated with this seepage (Figure 3). In 1984 chum salmon were reported spawning at this site (Appendix Figure A-14).The datapod probe was located in the spawning area (Appendix Figure B-9). B-17 8-18 Appendix Figure 6-9.location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,RM 132.9R. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT &DATAPOD o 500 I I I FEET (Appro•.Scale) ..~OATAPOD SIT~~,.:a.::_-- ·:RM 132.9Rr. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT Susitna River at RM 139.0L This mainstem site is approximately a 600 feet reach near the mouth of Slough 17 on the west side of the river.It has moderate to high velocities under most discharge ranges.Substrates are rubble/cobble with some areas of large gravel.Upwelling and bank seepage are present along the west bank,probably originating in Slough 17.Upwelling is likely responsible for the open lead which occurs here (Fi gure 3).Surface water temperatures ranged from 7.7°C to 8.6°C while intragravel temperatures range from 5.3°C to 6.5°C. Chum spawning has been documented at this site for 1982,1983 and 1984 and sockeye spawning was documented in 1984 (Appendix Figure A-18).The datapod probe was installed in the chum salmon spawning area approximately 500 upstream of the mouth of Slough 17 (Appendix Figure 8-10). Open Lead No Spawning Side Channel at RM 117.9L Datapod site 117.9L is a small 1,500 foot side channel adjacent to Bushrod Slough on the west side of the Susitna River.It has a wide sloping channel of cobble/rubble substrate with riffles at both the head and mouth.The left bank slopes up to a small cut 8-19 Appendix Figure 8-10. :'..~:; &DATAPOD o 500 I I ! FEET (Appro •.Scole) Location of datapod in a mainstem habitat,RM 139.0L. B=20 DRAFT I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT bank island which separates the side channel from Bushrod Slough. Along this bank there is heavy bank seepage and upwelling, especially at the upper end of the side channel.No upwelling is apparent along the right bank.Surface water temperatures ranged from 7.2 to 7.8°C,while intragravel temperatures were from 5.7 to 7.3°C.A dewatered channel extends upstream from the head of this side channel,connecting with the upper reach of Bushrod Slough. This channel is usually dry except during high water events at which time there is a backwater area at the lower end. In winter,an open lead extends from just below the head down to and joining with the lead emerging from Bushrod Slough (Figure 3). This lead is likely the result of upwelling and bank seepage as there is little apparent flow during this time.There has never been any reported spawning in this side channel.The datapod probe was located in the open lead,approximately in the middle of the side channel along the northwest bank (Appendix Figure B-11). Susitna River at RM 127.1C This site is located in an island complex 1.2 miles downstream of the mouth of Slough 9.It is on the inside of a sweeping bend so that water velocities remain moderate.Substrate is predominately large gravel/rubble with numerous sand deposits.Upwelling and bank seepage are strong along the left bank,accounting for the open lead that exists during the winter (Figure 3).Surface water B-21 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT OATAPOO SITE :,.RM 117.9L".>."". 'L I 8-22 location of data pod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM 117.9lo Bushrod Slough o 500 I I I FEET (Appro •.Scol.l £DATA POD Appendix Figure B-11. ~. ----------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT temperatures range from 6.4°to 7.1°C with intragravel temperatures ranging from 3.7°to 7.6°C.No spawning has been recorded for this site although it appears to contain excellent substrate.The datapod probe was located in the middle of the 200 foot reach about 15 feet from the left bank (Appendix Figure 8-12). Susitna River at RM 137.5L This datapod site is located on the outside edge of a bend in the Susitna Rivers 100 feet downstream from the mouth of Slough 16 (Appendix Figure 8-13).Water velocity in this reach is generally high.Accordinglys substrates tend to be well cemented boulder/cobble.The northwest bank slopes up to a 10 foot cut bank. Open water surveys found surface water temperatures rangi ng from 10.4°C to 12.3°C,while intragravel temperatures range from 4.7°C to 8.1°C.There is no apparent upwelling or bank seepage.The open lead that exists here during the winter is most likely a velocity lead (Figure 3).Salmon spawning has not been documented on this site. 8-23 FEET (Appro•.Scale) Appendix Figure B-12. I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ DATAPOD SITE ~-.Ii~.1/ l RM 127.IC 1 • I, B-24 Location of datapod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM 127.le. 500 I ~DATAPOD o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT ~ .'!. :~ ., j 't " ~~..... ~ ~ "..... Ct) ~ \ &.DATAPOD o 1100 I I I FEET (Approx.Scal.) Appendix Figure B-13.Location of datapod in an area of an open lead with no spawning,RM 137.5L. 8-25 DRAFT Spawning with No Open Lead Side Channel at 129.8R This is a broad side channel that extends from the head of Slough 9 to Sherman Creek along the south bank of the Sus i tna Ri ver.The site usually contains turbid mainstem water due to a low breaching di scha rge. Open leads are generally present near the head of the side channel and along the left bank in the lower reach (Figure 3).Upwelling and bank seepage were observed near the head,probably due to the influence of Sherman Creek.While none was observed in the lower portion,chum salmon have previously spawned along the left bank (Appendix Figure A-12),indicating possible intermittent upwelling ~r bank seepage. Substrates are generally well cemented rubble,cobble,boulder with limited areas of suitable substrate for spawning.Chum salmon have used this side channel for spawning during 1981,1982 and 1984 (Appendix Figures A-II and A-12). The datapod was located in the lower portion of the site along the right bank (Appendix Figure 8-14).This was an area of chum salmon spawning during 1984 but with no open lead usually present.This site dewatered and froze early in the winter,preventing an accu- rate assessment of temperatures and substrate. 8-26 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~._~-------------------~-~ DRAFT $RM 130.0 &DATAPOD o 500 I I I FEET (Appro •.Seol.) Appendix Figure B-140 Location of datapod in an area of spawning with no open lead,RM 129.8R. B-27 I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C Freeze Core Substrate Data. C-l DRAFT AppendixtableC-l.Substratecompositionofsamplescollectedusingafree1ecoresampleratdatapodsites;April1985toMay1985,SusitnaRiver,Alsska.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Substratesizeclassee(mm)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ITotalI>127I127-76.2I76.2-25.4125.4-2.0I2.0-0.84I0.84-0.5I0.5-0.0621<0.062-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SamplingIDryIDryIDryIDryIDryiDryIDryIDryIDrySiteDateIwt.Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%!wto%Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%IOlivermile)Area(y/m/d)I(8)I(8)Tot.I(g)Tot.I(8)Tot.1(8)Tot.!(8)Tot.!(8)Tot.I(8)Tot.1(g)Tot.1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LaneCreek110850411223251937487001289680942331H2114113672(113.6R)2A85041154460023974415942911172114935411082270TIIH0.1310850411997900197620956101301132573611931533553118504112907000018876559621145595314254212885041122777172817633831587948724179170084029038850411303700 0 01390461079361876105316451124FourthofJuly2A850424936639694200417745903101532601851190Creek2885042460900040236690215709121893781139250103l.1L)nI,TIIH0.20NIndianRiverlA8501>173817000 02240591242331574752932100Site42A85041765402987460 0133520139321354526741933110(138.6L)3A8504176250000 02899462320374247212325341422TRM0.2188504174227001612381548377731813536727921302885041712823009443741326101496122362112119721303&850417147009436640 0263318201214170116812602210IndianRiverlA8504171284586946877461767141024815815504903243Site32A850417153111118873002461161290819918,)1791110038.6L)]A85041714348108687610798186413505410050100 7 0TRM0.2188504173056324435800 03440111962639011601141035028850417171481207770128171510916901034221161HO122038850417627600130121374660944151292731711120Kainstem211085040378610 0309039292837103313100130054471362SideChannel2A85040388840014771732523723522630731241947114255(1l5.0R)3A85040316030 0 0010106340625252801147402IB8504032795000 012694512104395327116562912B8504037132000 0329946235333182320539601313323B85040387240056776515271899911123·14003023561----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------a$--------- ---- --•-- - - -- ---- --- - - ------- -AppendixtableC-l.continued------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Substratesizeclasses(mm)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ITotal1>1271127-16.2I76.2-25.4125.4-2.0I2.0-0.8410.84-0.5!0.5-0.0621<0.0621-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sampling1Dry1DryIDry!DryIDry!DryIDry!Dry!Dry!SiteDate!wt.Iwt.%Iwt.%Ilit.%I..t.%Iwt.%flit.%!..t.%1wt.%1(Rivermile)Area(y/m/d)I(g)I(g)Tot.1(g)Tot.I(g)Tot.1(g)Tot.!(g)Tot.I(glTot.!(g)Tot.I(g)Tot.!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SideChannellA84042975170 0 0 05015672154299613811602541atFourthof2A84042952330 019933888117135726470920042725541JulyCreek3A84042918058121576768543350191005684035054331991031.3L)lB8404292042814817732207112133108214129152019317602B8404296333001500242861451391222664121216132703B84042967410 0212040191228126919259410923756971SideChannel21lA840424139626151449197421830166812286221524713280041.61)2A840424158229988630 03532221682U218184128523303A84042425450 20250801532621238121151611570940220nlB8404241043100620059190118132413243211815525931I2B84042452931709320 02273438401611226012435561W3B84042419791112505759283099951146620418801601220SusitnaRiverlA85041111053418938108210390535116111107151039641621st118.9L2A850411424100 002176511489359924013899481(U8.9L)3A850411142030 0118648479168406114158041031201IB85041128900 0 0 0121842125043127435118068032B85041143223UO720 0142370816102228118544713B85041167472780410 021493211761714625613966441SusitnaRiver1A850424739800 004754641643222563137249671122at132.9R2A850424126893467271668133799302235183383269218161321(132.9R)3A85042465190 02372362215341517237514012694310188504241556111018710 029521910957 0 0148129125702B8504241203451074221181818031519551627721852430415913B85042467260 024033625083713122010014412844751,SusitnaRiverlA850417223300 0 0105847915411236442824110at139.0L2A850417110170 056035132983013331216316614784761(139.0L)3A850417159979982622212142307141223810214901011210IB850417298700 0 0197366766269734019132012B85041198360 0650866128613113212222215225295103B85041792070 0514356211724112112208213813554591------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------§ AppendixtableC-I.continued------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subatrateaizeclaaaea(am)------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------1Total1>127I127-76.2•76.2-25.4125.4-2.0I2.0-0.84I0.84-0.5I0.5-0.0621<0.062•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SamplingIDry1DryIDryIDry1DryIDryIDryIDry1Dry1SiteDateIwe.Iwt.%•wt.%Iwt•%Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%Iwt.%I(Rivermile)Area(y/m/d)I(g)I(g)Tot.1(g)Tot.'(g)Tot.1(g)Tot.1(g)rut.1(g)Tot.l(g)Tot.1(g)Tot.'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SideChanneI1A85041072810 01900263774529531391152I4166951at117.9L2A85041013090 00 0588454053153426221817191017.9L)3A8504101479312236830 013919719537014031827811185041073750 02953401837251526211903991583818732.85041017800 0 007634365137473261243145033.85041018640 00 05042793750121648321512392SuaitnaRiverlA85042544110 0 0 01869421909437723414861136Iat127.1C2A85042532730 0 00216721436524681053443141204(127.1C)118504251581312556790025111615817006104133440n2.85042521510 00 01577106550116514876513012II~UpperSidelA8505011658164273964093914539115272401133159941681ChannelII2A85050126240 0 0 082131887344721817972409251at136.011III850501494200 0 0263053153731316694225751082036.0R)2B85050196450 05737592464269391020627911742460SusitnaRiverIA85050130925193446325008213134231179:365421199428009at137.5L2A850501116410 05305462664232277202892296367361371031.5L)3A85050166130 08271320603124283726741823709111402is850501156740 011893761396915491027221/>9I27721181218505017780'00477761599813401720131322622810913885050197360 058706083291837193213279348351141---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._-------------II--- -- - 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