HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2923dSUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AQUATIC MITIGATION REPORT SERIES MIDDLE RIVER FISH MITIGATION PLAN Draft Mitigation Report No. 3 June 1985 Prepared By: Woojward-Clyde Consultants 701 Sesame Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 In Association With : Entrix, Inc . 4794 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Submitted To : Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 711 H Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 For : The Alaska Power Authority 327 W. 5th Avenue, 2nd Floo; Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The authors of this report are S. C. Crumley, L. L. Moulton, and L. A. Rundquist. The draft version of this report was prepared while they were employees of Woodward-Clyde Consultants. The final version was prepared while employees of Entrix, Inc., under contract to Woodward-Clyde Consultants. 11 Preface This report represents one volume of a three volume report series on aquatic mitigation planning for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. These volumes are: 1. Access, Construction and Transmission Aquatic Mitigation Plan 2. Impoundment Area Fish Mitigation Plan 3. Middle River Fish Mitigation Plan A primary goal of the Alaska Power Authority's mitigation policy is to maintain the productivity of natural reproducing populations, where possible. The planning process follows procedures set forth in the Alaska Power Authority Mitigation Policy for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (APA 1982), which is based on the U .S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game mitigation policies. Mitigation planning is a continuing process, which evolves with advances in the design of the project, increased understanding of fish populations and habitats in the basin and analysis of potential impacts. An important element of this evolution is frequent consultation with the public and regulatory agencies to evaluate the adequacy of the planning process. Aquatic mitigation planning began during preparation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Report ( 1981) and was further developed in the FERC License Application ( 1983). A detailed presentation of potential mitigation measures to mitigate impacts to chum salmon that spawn in the side sloughs was prepared in November 1984. It is expected that the three reports in the present report series will also continue to evolve as the understanding of project effects is refined. iii Title Page • Preface. Table of CCntents. List of Figures. TABIE OF a:m.nns Page i iii iv vi 1. 0 :nliR)[l]Cl'IQ{. 1 1.1 Bac:kgrairxi • 1 1. 2 Approach to Mitigati~ • 1 1.3 soepe. 5 2. 0 ~ IMPACl' ASSESSHENl' • 6 2.1 utilizati~ Within Habitat Types • 6 2 .1.1 Ma.instem an::l Side Cl1annal Habitats. 7 2 .1. 2 Side Slcu;;h an::l Uplan::l Slcu;;h Habitats. 8 2 .1. 3 Trib.rt:aiy an::l Trib.rt:aiy M::IUth Habitats. 9 2 .2 Relatia1Ship between Rlysical Olarges and Habitat utilizaticrl. 11 2 • 2 .1 Ma.instem and Side Olannel. Habitat Types • 12 2. 2. 2 Side Slcu;;h an::l Uplan::1 Slcu;hs. 12 2. 2. 3 Trib.rt:aiy and Trib.rt:aiy M::IUth Habitats. 14 2 •. 3 Selecti~ of Evaluati~ Species. 14 3 • 0 MITIGATICN OPriCNS . 18 3 .1 Flc:M Release • 18 3 . 2 Habitat z.t:x:lificati~ • l.9 3 • 2 .1 Slcu;;h Excavati~ . 19 3 • 2. 2 Olannel Barriers. 20 3. 2. 3 Olannel Width z.t:x:lificaticn:J • 22 3. 2. 4 Preventim ot Slcu;;h ~~. 25 3.2.5 Gated water SUWJ.y System • 2s 3. 3 .Artificial Prqagatim . 27 iv 4.0 TABIE OF a:tmNl'S (continued) ~ FOR MIIDIE SUSI'INA RIVER FISH MITIGATICN PIAN • Stage 1-(1996-2001). 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4 .1.1 Impact Analysis • Mitigaticn. 2-(2002-2008). 4.1.2 stage 4.2.1 Ilip!ct Analysis • 4. 2. 2 Mitigaticn. stage 3-(2008-2020). 4. 3 .1 Illpact Analysis • 4.3.2 Mitiqaticn. SChedul.in; of Mitigatioo • 4. 4.1 Flow Release. 4.4.2 St:ructural Mcdificatioo of Habitats • 4.5 Mbnitorin; • 4. 5.1 Mclnitorin; of Sal:mc:n lqul.ations. 4.5.2 Mitigatiat Mc:nitorin; • REFERENCES • APmiDIX • APmiDIX FIGURES • APPENDIX TABUS. v Page 29 29 29 62 66 66 75 75 75 8 7 87 87 87 88 89 90 93 96 97 118 Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure U. LISl' OF FIGURES Mitigaticm Plan Davel.cpaent and !Dplementaticm. ~ Arml.ys.is • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 21 23 ~-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • 26 SUsit:na River nowa at Gold creek under Natural (1994) and FUlin;J of Reservoir (1995) Rsqimea with case E-VI Fl.CM ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30 Q::llpri.sa18 of SUsit:na River Natural and stage 1 1996 st:reamfl.owa Excw!ded 97' of the time at Gold creek. • • 38 Q::llpri.sa18 of SUsit:na River Natural and stage 1 1996 st:reamfl.owa ExoeMed sot of the time at Gold creek. • • 39 Q::llpri.sa18 of SUsit:na River Natural and stage 1 1996 st:reamfl.cwa Excw!ded 6% of the time at Gold creek • Silllll.ated Natural and stage 1 2001 SUSitna River Teuperatures at River Mile 150 •••••••••• Silllll.ated Natural and stage 1 2001 SUsi tna River 'l'ellperatures at River Mile 130. • • • • • • • • • Simlated Natural and staga 1 2001 SUSit:na River 'l'eap!ratures at River Mile 100. vi 40 41 42 43 Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. LISl' OF FI~ (Ccrltinued) Page Carparisa1 of flow duraticn curves for natural an:l si:m.llated stage 1 1996 Energy Oeman:i streamfl.ows for weeks 45 to 4 9 based en mean weekly flows for 34 years of record • • • 45 Percent of Time Sl YX'PFStul Passage 0cx:urs tJn:ier Natural an:l stage 1 Flows at S1c:u;h SA. • • • • • • • • • • • • Percent of Time SIJOOPSstul Passage Ocx:urs tJrCer Natural an:l stage 1 Flowa at S1c:u;h 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pel:oent of Time SIXX"P"stul Passage Ocx:urs t.J'n:3er Natural an:l stage 1 Flows at S1c:u;h 9A. • • • • • • • • • • • • Pel:ceut of Time SIXX"P"Stul Passage 0cx:urs t1rxSer Natural an:l stage 1 Flows at S1c:u;h ll. • • • • • • • • • • • • Percent of Time SllOOeSStul Passage 0cx:urs t.l'n:3er Natural 48 50 52 55 an:l stage 1 Flows at~ Side Olannel ll. • • • • • • 56 Percent of Time SU<X'eSSful Passage 0cx:urs tJn:ier Natural an:l stage 1 Flows at S1c:u;h 21. • • • • • • • • • • • • Percent of Time SUccessful Passage Occurs tJn:ier Natural an:i stage 1 Flows at Side Olannel. 21. • • • • • • • • • Flow Chart for R.ankin;J sites for Mitiqatiat Decisiat ~ ............... . Cx::.l!p!riscr1 of SUsitna River Natural, stage 1 1996 an:l stage 2 2002 streamflOW& E)(rseded 97t of the time at 59 60 65 Gold CJ::-Mk. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 Figure 23. Figure 24. Figura 25. Figure 26. Figura 27. Figura 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. usr OF FIQJRES (o:nt.i.nued) a:zrparisa'ls of SUSitna River Natural, stage l 1996 arrl stage 2 2002 streamflows Exoeeded 50% of the ti:me at Gold creek. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cc:llp!riscrls of susitna River Natural, stage l 1996 arrl stage 2 2002 stream!l.OWB :E:)ooeeded 6% of the time at (;()ld creek. • . • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • Sillulated Natural ani stage 2 2002 SUsitna River 'l'elp!ratures at River Mile 150. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sillul.ated Natural ani stage 2 2002 SUSitna River 'l'elp!ratllres at River Mile 130. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sillulated Natural ani stage 2 2002 SUsitna River 'l'elp!ratures at River Mile 100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ of flow duratim a.n:ves for sillul.ated stage l 1996 ani sillul.atad stage 2 2002 Energy Deman:! streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based m mean weekly flows for 34 68 69 0 7l 0 72 0 73 years of record • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 74 Ccllpari..scl1s of SUSitna River Natural, stage 2 2002 arrl Stage 3 2008 streamflows Exoeeded 97% of the ti:me at Gold creek • 77 Ccllpari..scl1s of SUSitna River Natural, stage 2 2002 arrl Stage 3 2008 streamflows F:xreEded 50% of the time at Gold Creek • 78 Cc:llp!ri..soos of SUsitna River Natural, stage 2 2002 ani Stage 3 2008 streamflows ~ 6% of the ti:me at Gold Creek. • 79 viii Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. LISr OF FIGURES (a:rrt:.i.nued) Cc:lrpari.sc:rls of susitna River Natural, stage 3 2008, an:i stage 3 2020 streamflows Exr:e=ded 97\ of the time at Gold Cl:'eek. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 0 ~of SUsitna River Natural an:i stage 3 2008, an:i stage 3 2020 st::rel!lmfl.OW9 Evneeded sot of the time at Gold Cl:'eek • • • • • • • • • • • • ~of SUsitna River Natural, stage 3 2008, an:i stage 3 2020 st:reamfiOWB Exceeded 6t of the time at 81 (;old Cl:'eek. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 82 Si.m.J.l.ated stage 3 2020 SUsitna River ~tures trcm River Mile 150 to 80. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 83 ~ of flow duratioo cmves for s:i:lll.1lated stage 2 2002 am si.m.J.l.ated stage 3 2008 Energy Deman:i st:ream- fiOWB for weeks 45 to 49 based oo mean weekly fiOWB for 3 4 year'S ot r-ec:x::xrd. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 5 ~of flow duratioo cmves for silll..ll.ated stage 3 2008 an:i silll..ll.ated stage 3 2020 Energy Deman:l streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based oo mean weekly flows for 34 years of r-ec:x::xrd • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 6 ix 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 -Backgroynd The Alaska Power Authority submitted a License Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project in February 1983. The License Application proposed a two-stage project. The first stage would consist of a dam at the Watana site built to an elevation of 2205 feet and the second a dam at the Devil Canyon site built to an elevation of 1465. In support of the FERC review process a Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984) based on data available at the time was developed for anticipated impacts resulting from the construction and operation of the two stages. In May 1985 the Alaska Power Authority's Board of Directors voted to revise the project that was presented in the License Application. Construction of the project was . proposed in three stages rather than the previously proposed two stages. Stage I would be a dam constructed at the Watana site to an elevation of 2025 resulting in a full pool elevation of 2000 ft. Stage 2 would be similar to the second stage at Devil Canyon in the License Application. Stage 3 would raise the full pool elevation of Stage I to 2185 ft, or the elevation of Watana as proposed in the License Application. The proposed staging of the project would result in impacts that differ in magnitude as well as time of occurrence from those identified in the License Application. Accordingly, this necessitated development of a revised fish mitigation plan that includes measures that adequately address these changes in impacts. 1.2 -Approach to Mitigation The Alaska Power Authority's (APA) goal for Susitna Hydroelectric Project fish mitigation is to maintain the productivity of natural reproducing populations (APA 1982). This is consistent with the mitigation goals of the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) (APA 1982, ADF&G 1982, USFWS 1981). The APA plans to either maintain existing habitat or provide replacement habitat of sufficient quant i ty and qua li t y to support this productivity. Where it is not feasible to achieve this goal, APA will compensate for the impact with propagation facilities. The development of the fish mitigation plan will follow a log ical step-by-st ep process. Figure 1 illustrates this process and identifies the major components (APA 1983). The options j)roposed to mitigate for impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project will be analyzed according to the hierarchical scheme shown in Figure 2. Proposed mitigation options are grouped into two broad categories based on d i fferent approache~ Modifications to design, construction, or operation of the project Resource management strategies The first approach is project specific and emphasizes measures that avoid or mini01ize adverse impacts according to the Fish and Wi ldlife Mitigation Policy established by the APA (1982) and coordinating agencies (ADF&G 1982, U SFWS 1981). These measures involve adjusting or adding project features during design and planning so that mitigation becomes a built-in component of project actions. If impacts cannot be mitigated by t he first approach, rectification, reduction or compensation measures will be implemented. This type of mitigation will invo lve management of the resource rather than adjustments to the project, and will require concurrence of resource management boards or agencies with j urisdiction over resources within the project area. Mitigati on planning for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project has emphasized both approaches. The sequence of option analysis from a voidance through com- pensation has been applied to each impact issue. If full mitigation can be achieved at a high priority option, lower options may not be considered. Iu the development of mitigation plans, measures to a void, minimize, or rec ti fy potential impacts are treated in greatest detail. 2 IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS AND GOALS OF PLAN OPTION ANALYSIS NEGOTIATION OF ACCEPT ABLE PLAN l IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN MONITORING OF PLAN PLAN MODIFICATION COMPLETION OF MITIGATION TERMINATION OF MONITORING I MITIGATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Figure 1 A LA S KA P O WER AU THO RI TY SUS I TNA HYDROELECTRI C P ROJ ECT Woodw•rd-Ciyde Consult•nts AND ENTRIX , INC. 3 H A R Z A -EBAS CO SUS ITN A JO I NT V E N T UR E PARTIAL AVOIDANCE ~~----A_v_oi"To_AN_c_E_~I~----~~ TOTAL Av o roANc E I PARTIAL RECT I FICATION~ PARTIAL COMPENSATION ~ NO ;VOIDANCE 1 MINIMIZATION I NO MINIMIZATION 1 RECTIFICATION NO R!CT~F!CATION l REDUCTION I NO REDUCTION l COMPENSATION I NO COMPENSATION UNMITIGATED/LOSS RESIDUAL IMP ACT t------f' SOME MINIMIZATION 1---..,. TOTAL RECTIFICATION .....,_ __ ~SOME REDUCTION ~-~TOTAL COMPENSATION OPTION ANALYSIS Figure 2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Con.ultanta AHD EHTRIX, INC. 4 HAAZA -EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Mon i toring and maintenance of mitigation features to reduce impacts over t i me are recognized as integral parts of the mitigation process. The monitoring program is being developed and will be appl i ed to fisher y resources and their habitat. 1.3 -~ This report presents analyses of mitigation options that can be used in developing an acceptable mitigation plan for impacts resulting from each stage of the proposed three-stage construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Options are presented for impacts on fish resources and habitats between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna. Primary consideration is given to mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive habitats supporting chum salmon spawni ng and incubation and juvenile chinook salmon rearing and overwintering. Project flow releases are the primary means of mitigating for chinook juveniles and serve as partial mitigation for chum spawning. Additional chum salmon spawning and juvenile chinook rearing mitigation is accomplished by structural modification of presently utilized side sloughs to maintain productive spawning, incubation and rearing habitat. The most heavily used sloughs and side channels for spawning by chum salmo n during the 1981-1984 study period were selected for detailed analysis; these include sloughs 8A, 9, 98, 9A, 11. and 21. and Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21 (Barrett et al. 1985). However, the analyses are appl icable to other sloughs in the middle Susitna River where physical impacts are expected to be similar. Artificial propagation with stream-side incubation pits is proposed to compensate for losses should the · above measures prove unsuccessful. Impacts to species given secondary consideration (coho, sockeye and pink salmon and rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, burbot, and Dolly Varden) are also exami ned. Mi tigation measures proposed for the primary species are evaluated as to their effectiveness in offsetting impacts to the secondary species. 2.0 GENERAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project would alter the natural physical processes of the Susitna watershed that determine the seasonal and annual variations in water supply, and sediment and chemical yields to the middle Susitna River. These physical processes, in turn, exert a controlling influence on the principal physical habitat components (streamflow, channel structure, water temperature and water quality) that ultimately determine the availability of fish habitat in this reach. The physical changes effected by the project would be qualitatively similar for all stages of the project, however, the magnitude of these changes and corresponding impacts on fish resources and habitats would vary with each stage of development and energy demand level. The impact assessments presented in this section link the major predicted physical changes with habitat utilization to provide a qualitative statement of impacts likely to result from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. This linkage is facilitated by assessing the degree of influence the project would have on the morphologic, hydrologic. and hydraulic characteristics of each of the five major aquatic habitat types of the riverine environment identified in the middle Susitna River. The response of fish habitat and species utilization patterns to those physical changes are then predicted. The process of assessing impacts to habitat types and species/life stages associated with those habitat types also allows identification of evaluation species for which mitigation measures need to be implemented to maintain their productivity. Impacts specific to evaluation species during each of the three stages of project development and intra-stage energy demands and associated mitigation measures for these impacts are addressed quantitatively in Section 4.0. 2.1 -Utilization Within Habitat Types A detailed discussion of the seasonal physical characteristics and utilization patterns of the various habitat types is found in Jennings (1985). Utilization of these habitats by salmon and resident species i ~ briefly summarized in this section. 6 2.1.1 Mainstem and Sjde Channel Habitats (A) Salmon Specjes The mainstem in the middle Susitna river is used by each of the five species of salmon for one or more of the principal life stage activities: migration, spawning, overwintering, and rearing. The upstream migration of adult salmon occurs during the summer high flow season (June to September). Based on 1981 through 1984 escapement estimates less than s percent of the total Susitna River salmon escapement migrated within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach. Spawning by coho, chum, and sockeye in middle river mainstem and side channel habitats amounts to only about 5 percent of the total salmon spawning in this reach of the river. Juvenile salmon use mainstem and side channels for movement and outmigration, rearing, and overwintering. Side channels in particular are important areas for chinook rearing. (B) Resjdtnt Species Most resident species use the mainstem and side channels as migrat ional corridors. Some species, such as burbot and round whitefish, also spawn in these habitats. Rainbow trout, Arctic grayling and burbot appear to make extensive use of the mainstem during winter. Other species, such as Dolly Varden, whitefish and longnose sucker, likely overwinter in the mainstem. However, overwintering areas have not been identified for these species. Juvenile burbot, round whitefish and longnose sucker rear primarily in mainstem and side channel habitats. Some Arctic grayling and rainbow trout juveniles also use these habitats. 7 2.1.2 Side Slough and Uoland Slough Habitats (A) Salmon Species Slough habitat in the middle Susitna River supports spawning f o r sockeye, coho, pink and chum salmon. Results of escapement and spawning surveys from 1981 through 1984 indicate that chum and sockeye are substantially more numerous in sloughs than pink and coho. In 1984, about 25 percent of all salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River occurred in slough habitats. Sloughs also function as important rearing and overwintering areas for juvenile salmon. Sockeye juveniles rear primarily in natal side sloughs in the early summer and move into upland sloughs by mid-summer. Some overwintering occurs in the sloughs. The sloughs provide temporary rearing habitat for chum salmon of 1-3 months prior to their outmigration from the middle reach by mid-July. The extent of slough utilization by j uvenile pink is limited by their short term residency in freshwater (ADF&G 1983a, Schmidt et a!. 1984). Some juvenile coho move from natal tributaries to rear in upland and side sloughs. Juvenile coho apparently prefer clear water and lower velocities (Schmidt et al. 1984). These conditions usually occur in upland sloughs more frequently than in side sloughs. Some juvenile coho also use sloughs for overwintering. Juvenile chinook used side sloughs and upland sloughs for rearing in relatively low densities in 1983 (Schmidt et al. 1984). However, ~loughs apparently provide important feeding areas during the fall , salmon-spawning period when juvenile chinook move into sloughs to feed on salmon eggs (Schmidt et al. 1984). Sloughs may also be important overwintering habitat for juvenile chinook. 8 (B) Resident Species Slo.ughs are rearing areas for some resident fish. Rainbow trout, Arctic grayling and round whitefish use sloughs and slough mouths for rearing, while some burbot rear in slough mouths (Schmidt ct al. 1984). These fish apparently feed on salmon eggs in sloughs during the salmon-spawning period. Spawning in sloughs by resident fish appears to be limited. Burbot and longnosc sucker may spawn in slough mouths (Schmidt ct at. 1984). The extent of overwintering in sloughs by resident fish is unknown. 2.1.3 Tributary and Tributary Mouth Habitats (A) Salmon Species Tributaries serve as the primary spawning habitat for chinook, coho and pink salmon (Barrett ct at. 1984, 198S). In 1984, about 70 percent of all salmon spawning upstream of RM 98.6 (68,700 fish ) occurred in tributaries (Barrett ct at. 198S). About one-third of the chum salmon escapement upstream of Talkeetna spawned in tributaries during 1984 (Barrett ct at. 198S). Tributaries arc rarely used by adult sockeye salmon (Barrett ct al. 1984, 198S). Chinook, pink, chum and coho salmon frequently spawn at tributary mouths while sockeye salmon spawning appears limited in this habitat type (Barrett ct at. 198S). Index counts of spawning salmon in tributary mouth habitats arc unavailable, as counts arc included in tributary counts. It appears that more spawning occurs in tributaries than in tributary mouths (Barrett ct at. 198S). Water depth and velocity may limit spawning in tributary mouths (Sandone ct al. 1984). Juvenile sockeye utilize tributary habitat incidentally (Schm idt et at. 1984). In 1983, few juvenile sockeye were captured i n tributary habitat. 9 Tributaries likely provide rearing habitat for chum salmon for about one to three months (Schmidt et al. 1984). Tributaries serve as the primary coho natal areas upstream of RM 98.6. Some juvenile coho use tributaries for rearing throughout the summer, while others redistribute downstream to other rearing habitats, including tributary mouths (Schmidt et al. 1984). This redistribution occurs throughout the summer as fish become more mobile. Tributary mouths apparently provide important rearing areas for age-0+ coho (ADF&G 1983a). Some of the larger tributaries may provide overwintering habitat. Tributaries upstream of RM 98.6 are the primary natal areas for pink salmon (Barrett et al. 1984, 198S). However, tributary utilization by juvenile pink is limited because they move downstream to the ocean shortly after emergence (Schmidt et al. 1984). Tributaries arc important rearing areas for chinook in the spring and early summer (Schmidt ct al. 1984). The redistribution of some juveniles from tributaries to other rearing habitat, including the mainstem, sloughs and tributary mouths, occurs throughout the summer as fish become more mobile (Schmidt et al. 1984). Tributary mouths apparently are important rearing areas for juvenile chinook. Juvenile chinook apparently use tributaries for overwintering. (B) Resident Soecies In the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach, tributaries are the primary spawning and rearing areas for rainbow trout and Arctic grayling (Schmidt et al. 1984). The larger tributaries in this reach, such as Portage Creek, may provide overwintering habitat for some rainbow trout and Arctic grayling (Schmidt et al. 1984). However, it appears that overwintering in tributaries is limited (Schmidt et al. 1984). Round whitefish, humpback whitefish, Dolly Varden and longnose sucker likely spawn in tributary or tributary mouth habitats (ADF&G 10 1983a, Schmidt et al. 1984). Juvenile Dolly Varden are thought to rear in the upper reaches of tributaries. Tributary mouths are important rearing and feeding areas for many resident species, such as rainbow trout, Arctic grayling and whitefish (ADF&G 1981, 1983b, Schmidt et al., 1984). 2.2 -Relationship Between Physjca! Changes and Habitat Utilization Of the physical habitat components that determine the availability of fish habitat, streamflow is the most important because of its direct relationship to all physical processes influencing fish habitat in the middle river. Under natural conditions, mainstem discharges are high from late May through early September and decrease during September and October to reach low flow levels which continue throughout the winter. Under project operation, flow would be more uniform throughout the year with higher than natural flows in winter and lower than natural in summer. Project operation would alter the natural temperature regime by delaying the temperature rise during early summer and extending warm water temperatures into fall. The warmer water temperatures during the fall are expected to delay development of the ice front from two to seven weeks (Harza-Ebasco 1985). In addition, the warmer water temperatures released during the winter would result in open water conditions for a variable distance below the dams. The upstream progression of the ice front would vary with volume and temperature of release water and year-specific climatic conditions. The proposed impoundment area is expected to entrap nearly all the suspended sediment currently being transported to the middle Susitna River. Reduced mid-summer turbidities would likely result from such a reduction in suspended sediment. Winter mainstem turbidities, however, are expected to be higher than natural. The degree of impact these changes in physical processes would exert on each of the habitat types would depend on the level of influence mainstem conditions have on the physical characteristics of the various habitat types. 1 1 2.2.1 Mainstem and Sjde Channel Habitat Tyoes Mainstem habitat type is comprised of those portions of the Susitna R iv er that normally carry water throughout the year whereas side channels convey flow during the open water season except during periods of low flow . Therefore, mainstem and to a lesser extent side channel habitat types would be directly affected by changes in mainstem flow conditions. In contrast to natural flows, regulated summer flows would provide relatively stable habitat conditions in these two habitat types; however, the amount of habitat available may be less than that available under natural conditions for some life stages. Mainstem and side channel habitats would also be directly affected by temperatures and seasonal changes in turbidity levels and associated project released flows. 2.2.2 Sjde Sloughs and Uolapd Sloughs The project flow regime would cause one or more of the following physical changes in side sloughs and upland sloughs of the middle Susitna River: o Reduced backwaters in spring, early summer and in winter upstream of the ice-covered areas. o Increased backwaters in fall and in winter in areas downstream of the ice-front. o Reduced frequency of breaching in spring and early summer. o Increased frequency of breaching in winter in ice-covered areas. o Reduc ed groundwater upwelling during spring and summer and in w i n ter upstream of the ice cover. Each of the above physical changes is discussed in relation to current and potential utilization of these habitat types by salmon and resident species. 12 (A) l<.educed Backwater Backwaters at slough mouths under natural conditions provide greater depths in the affected zone than would be provided by local slough flow. Project flows would substantially reduce the backwater zone in some sloughs during spring and early summer resulting in a decrease in the surface area. Depths would likely remain suitable for rearing and outmigration of juvenile salmon. The degree of loss would be dependent on the relative spatial distribution of available habitat under natural and project conditions. During fall and winter in areas downstream of the ice front. increased backwaters resulting from increased project flows and ice staging would sustain incubating salmon embryos that otherwise might be dewatered under natural conditions. The increased backwaters would also provide additional rearing and outmigrating habitat. assuming no deleterious effects due to overtopping in winter. (B) Breaching Flows Breaching flows in side sloughs provide habitat in addition to that provided by local flow by increasing the amount of area with suitable depths for various life stage activities. Project flows would substantially reduce the frequency of breaching flows in spring and early summer. This may result i n difficulties in the movements and outmigration of juvenile salmonids. The low utilization of these habitat types by resident species would result in little or no impacts. During winter. the higher than natural flows and associated staging in the ice-covered areas would result in breaching or overtopping of sloughs and the influx of near-zero degree water. This may retard the development of embryos and reduce the quality of overwintering habitat. (C) Uowe!ljng Reductions in the rate of upwelling during winter would decrease the quality and quantity of habitat for lif ~ stages that prefer these areas. 13 Chum salmon embryos, for example, appear to depend on the rela- tively warmer temperatures associated with groundwater upwelling for successful incubation. In the fall, many chinook salmon juveniles move into areas with a groundwater source to overwinter (Roth and Stratton 1985). Reduction in upwelling in the early summer may be of little significance. Increases in the rate of upwelling over natural conditions would occur with the high flows i n fall (October and November) and winter in areas downstream of the ice front. 2.2.3 Tributary and Tributary Mouth Habitats Tributary habitat would be unaffected by alteration of mainstem flows. Under project operational flows access into tributaries is not anticipated to be a problem for returning adult salmon (Trihey 1982). Tributary mouth habitat is the area bounded by the uppermost point of mainstem backwater effect in a tributary and the area of clearwater plume from tributary flows into the mainstem. The areal extent and physical characteristics of this habitat type are a function of mainstem and tributary conditions. The total area of tributary mouth habi tat will be greater and more stable under lower regulated mainstem flows during project operation (Klinger and Trihey 1984). Salmon and resident species utilizing this habitat type would benefit from these changes. 2.3 -Selection of Evaluation Species All three mitigation policies (APA, ADF&G and USFWS) i mply that project impacts on the habitats of certain sensitive fish species will be of greater concern than changes in distribution and abundance of less sensitive species. Sensitivity can be related to high human use value as well as susceptibility to change because of project impacts. Statewide policies and management approaches of resource agencies suggest that concern for f ish and wildlife species with commercial, subsistence, or other consumptive uses is greater than for species without such value. These species are often numerous, and utilize a wide range of habitats, as well as having high human use value. Such characteristics often result in these species being selected for careful evaluation 14 when their habitats are subjected to alternative uses. By avoi d i ng or min i mizing alterations to habitats utilized by these species, the impacts to other less sensitive species that utilize similar habitats may also be avoided or reduced. The evaluation species were selected after initial baseline studies and impact assessments had identified the important species and potential impacts on available habitats throughout the year. Since the greatest changes in downstream habitats are expected in the reach between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna, fish using that portion of the river were considered to be the most sensitive to project effects. Because of differences in their seasonal habitat requirements, not all species would be equally affected by the proposed project. Of the species in the middle Susitna River, chum and sockeye salmon appear to be the most vulnerable because of their dependence on slough habitats for spawning, incubation and early rearing. Of these two, chum salmon are the dominant species. Chinook and coho salmon are less likely to be impacted by the project because two critical life stages, spawning and incubation, occur in habitats that are not likely to be altered by the project. Similarly, while some pink salmon spawn in slough habitats in the reach between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna, most of these fish utilize tributary habitats. The mitigation measures proposed to maintain chum salmon productivity should allow sockeye and pink salmon to be maintained as well. Project effects on the rearing life stage of juvenile salmon, particularly chinook salmon, are also of concern. The chinook juveniles rear in the r iv er up to two years and coht• salmon juveniles up to 3 years prior to out-migration. Much of the coho rearing apparently occurs in clear water areas, such as in sloughs and tributary mouths, with the more abundant chinook rearing in turbid side channels as well as clear water areas. Maintenance of chi•10ok rearing habitat should provide sufficient habitat for less numerous resident species with similar life stage requirements. In summary, the primary and secondary evaluation species and life stages selected for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna Reach are: 1 s PRIMARY Chum Salmon Spawning adults Embryos and pre-emergent fry Chinook Salmon Rearing juveniles SECONDARY Chum Salmon Returning adults Rearing juveniles Out-migrant juveniles Chinook Salmon Returning adults Out-migrant juveniles ~; e Salmon .<.eturning adults Spawning adults Embryos and pre-emergent fry Rearing juveniles Out-migrant juveniles Coho Salmon Returning adults Rearing juveniles Out-migrant juveniles Pjnk Salmon Returning adults Spawning adults Embryos and pre-emergent fry Out-migrant juveniles 16 Arctic Grayling -Adults -Juveniles Rainbow Trout -Adults -Juveniles Dolly Varden -Adults Burbot -Adults -Juveniles 1 7 3.0 MITIGATION OPTIONS A Fish Mitigation Plan was prepared and distributed to agency personnel in November 1984. This was followed by a workshop on the subject documen t in December 1984. At the request of APA, participating resource agencies and interveners submitted comments on the three principal mitigation options proposed in the document: flow release, habitat modification and artificial propagation. In general, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service concurred that flow release combined with habitat modification is a feasible approach in achieving APA's goal of no net loss of habitat value. Concerns, however, were expressed by all three agencies on the lack of emphasis placed on flow release and the effectiveness of habitat modifications in Southcentral Alaska. Artificial propagation was viewed by the agencies as a mitigation option of last resort should the preferred mitigation options fail. Rational for development of the APA's selected flow regime and agency comments on this and the other mitigation options are addressed below where appropriate. 3.1 -Flow Release The aquisition of additional information on the relationships between physical processes and habitat utilization in the middle river subsequent to submittal of the License Application has permitted refinement of the original Case C flow regime. This resulted in the developm<:nt of eight environmental flow cases, each designed to achieve specific environmental goals (Harza-Ebasco 1984). These environmental flow cases can be grouped into three broad categories of which Case C, Case EV, and Case EVI are representative. These three flow regimes were evaluated and compared in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984). Case C emphasized providing flows that allowed access into sloughs for spawning. Case EVI, the APA's preferred regime, was designed to minimize impacts to chinook rearing while Case EV was designed to minimize impacts to chum salmon spawning and chinook salmon rearing. 18 An evaluation of CASE EVI indicated that although the flows unde r C ase EV were established to minimize impacts to chum spawning, habitat mod ifica t ion measures would be necessary to rectify the residual impacts. Furthermore, the effort expended on habitat modification measures necessary to offset the residual i mpacts to spawning habitat under the Case EV regime would not be substantially greater than these for Cue EVI. The primary difference between the two regimes, therefore, would be the degree to which impacts to chinook juvenile habitat are minimized or avoided. Analyses are currently underway to forecast the mainstem flows that would provide the optimam summer rear i ng flows for juveniles. The availability of the results of these anal y ses will provide the opportunity to direct attention to the priority mitigation option, flow release. The lack of progress on this option has been a concern expressed by the resource agencies. 3.2 -Habitat Modification A number of habitat modification measures were presented in the Fish Mitigation Plan for review and comment by the resource agencies. The measures within this option focus primarily on rectifying impacts to chum salmon spawning habitat although secondary benefits would accrue ~o rearing and overwintering habitat of juvenile chinook salmon as well as life stages of other salmon and resident species. Those measures considered by APA and the resource agencies to have the greatest likelihood of success are described below in order of priority and will be incorporated into the updated mitigation plan presented in Section 4 .0 . 3.2.1 Slough E3cavatjon Mechanical excavation of certain reaches of sloughs would improve fish passage and fish habitat within the sloughs. At slough mouths, excavation would provide fish access when backwaters are negligi u le during low mainstem discharges. Mechanical excavation can be used to facilitate passage within sloughs by channelizing the fl 0 w or deepening the thalweg profile at the passage reach. 19 On a larger scale, mechanical excavation to lower the profile of the ent i re slough could increase the amount of upwelling in the slough. A gre ater head between the mainstem and the slough bed would result in additional local flow in the slough. An additional benefit of the excavation process would be the opportunity to improve the substrate in the slough. Replacement of existing substrate with suitable spawning gravels would provide additional spawning habitat. Sorting of the existing substrate will be undertaken to remove unsuitable particle sizes. The excavation process would be designed to develop additional spawning and rearing habitat. An estimate of the cost to excavate a typical slough mouth in the middle portion of th: Susitna River is $26,000. An estimate of the cost to lower a typical slough profile by 2 feet for a length of 2,000 feet in the middle section of the Susitna River is $34,000. 3.2.2 Channel Barriers Fish access through passage reaches is also improved by creating a series of pools. Barriers are placed to break the flow on long, steep passage reaches and create pools between obstacles. Fish passage over the obstacles is accomplished if sufficient steps of decreased barrier height are provided to permit surmounting the original barrier (Bell 1973). Channel barriers are used on long slopes to create fish resting pools, as shown in Figure 3. These barriers with heights of 10 to 14 inches act as weirs, with a section of decreased height to improve fish passage between pools . The barriers arc constructed of various materials. Concrete highway curbs anchored to the bed with rcbar (Figure 3) or cobbles and boulders placed to create a sill may be used. Logs may also be attached to the banks and anchored securely to the bed to prevent movement at high discharges. Gabions shaped as shown in Figure 3 may also be used (Lister ct al. 1980). 20 'LOW- OAIION UIUUI" r ,. 1-----•u.,••c•O• HIGHWAY CUill IAilllll" 2 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7~7~~?--~J~t: ~~-~---;~;--7~~;~;--:r-~l- HOW .__ ICATVIUL Ol,TH 0' 'LOW TY'ICAL ILO'I Fish Passage Mitigation Utilizing Barriers Figure 3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Wooctwa,.Ciyda Conauttanta AHO !NTNX.INC. 21 HARZA·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Channels are constrained in width to form effective pools. For a wide channel. channel widths are modified where a pool and weir structure is des i red. Estimates of costs per barrier on the basis of a two barrier system are listed below. Each slope will require more than one barrier to create a series of pools. As more barriers are built on a site. the cost per barrier will decrease because of the economies of scale; the major cost involved in the construction of the barrier is the cost of transporting equi pment. Barrier Concrete highway curbs Rock sill Gabions Anchored logs available on site Anchored logs not available on site 3.2.3 Cbapncl Width Modifications Co~t/Barrier s 12.000 16.000 12.000 11.000 12.000 Channeling slough flow will improve fish access through passage reaches by constricting the width and increasing the depth of the channel. This technique is especially useful in modifying short. wide passage reaches (Figure 4). Wing deflectors extending out from the channel bank or rock gabions restructuring the cross section of the natural channel may be used to constrict the flow width (Bell 1973). In determining the modified width for the channel. a maximum velocity cri teria of 8 fps was used to permit fish access through the reach (Bell 1973). (A ) Wing Deflectors Wing deflectors are used to divert the flow in a channel. Two wing deflectors placed on opposite banks will funnel the flow from a wider to a narrower cross !ection as shown in Figure 4. The narrowed channel is tiesigned to provide fish passage at the minimum flow. At 22 ~ I I j_ 'l OW - PlAN V IEW WING OEFI.fCTOit ........ 0 0 0 0 "00~ 0 Q 0 0 0 .. LA• Y .. W T YPICAL PA88AQif IIIACM OP kOUQH ALOtiQ MIODLE 8EC:TIO .. M TtM 8USIT .. A IIIYEII •r~NQ 0 1,\.IC TOA ,. ...... I.~OQI COIILI 'U ~~ W I NG DEI'UCTOII •oc •~c • .....,, ._.oo-., o• '"•••-... k~ O••'-•••oa I rr=---o ·~·' c .. ·-·~ -----~ . =::;~ . .-•or• ,, .... , .. :1 Fish Passage Mitigation by Modifyin1 Channel Width AlASKA POWER AUTHORI T Y SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT Figure 4 Woo.,.a....CI~a COftaultanta AND IHTNX.INC. HUUA ·fiASCO SUSITNA JOINT YENTUIU higher flows, the wing deflectors are inundated; fill between the banks and the wing deflector w alls is sized to prevent scouring at higher discharges. Fill will typically be composed of large cobbles available at the sloughs. Wing deflector walls are constructed either of rock or gabions formed of wire mesh and filled with cobbles. Another alternative is the use of 12-inch-diameter timbers, anchored to the banks and channel bed. A wing deflector costs $31,000 when constructed of rock, approximately $24,000 when constructed with gabions, and $22,000 if timber logs available on site are used. For sites where timber is not available, a log wing deflector would cost $23,000. Estimates are based on a typical passage reach of approximately 200 feet for a slough on the middle Susitna River (Figure 4). (B) Rock Gabion Channel Reshaping the original cross section of the channel with rock gabions is an alternative method of channelizing the slough flow. The channel is excavated and gabions are used to establish the new configuration. The new channel shape is designed to maximize depth at minimum flows; at higher discharges, the gabions prevent scouring of the channel banks. Figure 4 illustrates a typical cross section for a reshaped passage reach. For long passage reaches, resting areas are created by widening the channel between the rock gabions forming the minimum discharge channel. The gabions are provided throughout the length of the passage reach and protected upstream by riprap or wing wall gabions. The gabion banks extend higher than the height of the maximum slough discharge to prevent collapse from erosion. The gabions composing the channel banks prevent scouring of the banks; the channel will be more stable than a similar channel modified by wing deflectors. For passage reaches with greatly varying discharges, the added stability of the rock gabion channel is an advantage. The cost of constructing the gabion channel is approximately $60,000 f o r a typical passage reach 200 feet in length. 24 3.2.4 Prevention of Sloua,b Oveuopoina, Project flows are higher than natural discharges in the winter. Ice staging at these discharges would result in an increase in mainstem stage and increase the probability of overtopping of sloughs downstream of the ice cover front. An influx of cold mainstem water into the incubating area of the Slough 8A in 1982 caused adverse impacts (ADF&G 1983b). To prevent overtopping, the height of the .slough berms would be increased as shown in Figure 5. Cost estimates per berm range from $24,000 to $161,000 or higher depending on the slough head configurations and the mainstem stage. 3.2.5 Gated Water Supply System In the absence of large flows i n sloughs and side channels, debris buildup, siltation, and algal growth may create passage restrictions and decrease available spawning habitat. Side sloughs and side channels are breached under natural conditions with a frequency from 1 to 4 years. The large breaching flows remove obstacles caused by debris and scour the channel bed. Flows of SO cfs or greater may be required for the removal of debris and channel scouring. Under project conditions, breaching of the sloughs and side channels will occur less frequently in spring and summer months and may not provide sufficient flushing of the channel. A gated pipeline extending under the berm at the head of a slough or side channel could provide large quantities of flow under unbreached conditions. The gated water supply system consists of a 3 ft diameter corrugated pipe wi t h a gate' valve structure. The pipe intake is protected by a riprap cover to prevent the entrainment of fish and debris. The riprap will stabilize the bank of the berm at the intake by preventing scour. Large riprap at the outlet will create turbulent conditions for improved air entrainment and the dissipation of energy to prevent excessive channel bed erosion. The gate valve structure will enable the manual opening 'Jf the 25 R M~INSTEM .---SUSITN~ RIVE PLAN VIEW vLENGTH OF BERM - CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW LARGE ROCK FAC I NG Overtopping Prevention Mitigation by Increasing Berm Height Figure 5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Wooctward-Ctyda COfteutt.nta AHD INTRIX, INC. HAAZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENT U RE pipe to allow large flows into the channel. In order to provide the suggested SO cfs of slough flow, the pipe system will be operated at a high mainstem discharge. To prevent the influx of turbid water during chum spawning or near-freezing water during incubation, the pipe gate valve will remain closed during the fall and winter months. A gated water supply system to provide a minimum of SO cfs is feasible if the head difference between the mainstem elevation and the slough bed is large enough to drive water through the required pipe length. A 3 ft head difference will deliver 60 cfs through a 4SOO ft or less pipe length. A 1 ft head difference requires a pipe length of less than 1300 ft. Given the head difference and pipe length requirements, a gated water supply system is feasible at Sloughs 9, 11, and 21. The estimated cost of a system with a pipe length of 2SOO ft is $100,000. 3.3 -Artificial Propagation In the Fish Mitigation Plan. artificial propagation was proposed as a means of maintaining the productivity of chum salmon populations should the highest priority options prove unsuccessful. At the time the plan was drafted, streamside egg incubation boxes were chosen as the preferred method for achieving this goal. As discussed in the plan, incubation boxes require a reliable water sQpply with appropriate water quality characteristics. particularly water tempcrat\.\re. The temperature regime of the ident:fied source water, Deadhorsc Creek at Curry Station, appeared to be somewhat cooler than the incubation temperatures encountered by chum salmon embryos incubating in side sloughs (Vining et al. 198S). It was suggested that the Deadhorsc Creek temperature regimes be matched with a stock of chum salmon that under a simil"r regime, tributary spawners for example, to ensure emergence of fry occurs at a time that coincides with natural emergence. spawned that Since that plan was presented, an alternative technique for artificially incubating eggs currently in usc in British Columbia was evaluated. This technique consists of an incubation pit that is buried in the ground and is constructed with an open bottom enabling it to intercept groundwater flow. 27 The incubation pit consists of a wooden box 10 x 20 x 5 ft deep set to a depth of 3 feet below the lowest water table elevation. A slotted wood floor installed in the bottom of the box approximately 6 inches above the base i ntercepts the groundwater flow. The incubation pit can accommodate a monolayer of 500,000 eggs and requires a flow rate of approximately 50 gpm. The advantages of the incubation pit over the traditional egg incubation box include 1) a wide range of potential sites for installati on, 2) direct installation in a slough eliminat ing the need to construct rearing ponds, 3) a constant reliable water source somewhat independent of weather conditions, and 4) access to the same source of upwelling groundwater that surrounds naturally i ncubating embryos. 28 4 .0 FRAMEWORK FOR MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER FISH MITIGATION PLAN The recently adopted three-staged construction plan for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project not only provides decision points for project development based on energy demands but also permits formulation of a mitigation plan that is tailored to the impacts associated with reservoir filling and each stage of project development. The magnitude of impacts to the evaluation species/life stages that would accompany reservoir fillins and each stage of operation would vary as would the level of mitigation effort necessary to mitigate for these impacts. For example, with the exception of the filling stage, impacts to chum salmon spawning would generally increase with each stage and the energy demand within each stage. Conversely, incubation conditions would improve with project development as the frequency of winter overtopping in some sloughs would decrease, particularly with Stage 3 and year 2020 energy demands. This section presents a framework for impact and mitigation option analysis that will facilitate incorporation of additional information as it becomes available and will eventually lead to development of a detailed and acceptable mitigation plan. 4.1 -Stue 0996-2001) 4 .1.1 Impact Analysis (A) Fj!ljog • 1995 Impoundment of water from the Susitna River for the Watana reservoir is presently scheduled to commence in May 1995 with the spring runoff. Coincident with the initiation of reservoir filling would be the institution of Case E-VI flow constraints. During the open water season, flow releases would be at or near E-VI m i nimum levels in May, June, September, and October. Flow release levels during July and August would depend on the hydrologic conditions of that year. Preliminary esti mates of monthly average regulated flow releases for May through October arc compared to natural flows for the same periods under dry, average, and wet hydrologic conditions (90, 50, 10 percent excecdence) (Figure 6). Under dry conditions flow 29 19M 1995 40000 36000 30000 -. "" .. ... u 25000 --', ~ u 1' .. I ~ ... .. .. 20000 \ ·~ "' &. u .:! ' Q 16000 ': .. \ J~,~· ~\ \ 10000 ~ rr -r, ' J 6000 J ~ ~' "'Il ~-r- b t:::-. ~ ~ 0 M AM J J A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F Months 10% Exceedance ----SO% Exceedance - - -90% Exceedance Susitna River Flows at Gold Creek Under Natural (1994) and Filling of Reservoir (1995) Regimes with Case E-VI Flow Requirements. Fig1.1re 6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woo4ward-Ciyda ConM~tt.nta ANO INTRIX. INC. 11) HAAZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE releases in July and August would be at E-VI dry year minimum of 8,000 cfs. In an average year July and August flows would be about 11,:400 and 12,400 cfs, somewhat higher than E-VI minimum (9 ,000 cfs) yet substantially reduced from average natural flows of 24,000 cfs and 22,000 cfs. In a wet year flow releases wculd increase to 19,400 and I 5,200 cfs, closer to the average natural condition. During the first winter following filling, November 1995 -March 1996, the reservoir level would be held constant so that releases would match inflow. Power generation would commence in April 1996. Downstream water temperatures from May through October are expected to be similar to pre-project temperature, although some time lag would occur. Turbidity levels during filling would decrease in the open water season and increase over natural levels during the ice-covered months. (i) Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Adult Spawning Detailed analysis of maii£stem flows required for successful passage into the major chum salmon spawning sloughs have been conducted by ADF&G (Blakely et al. 1985). However, a quantitative assessment of the availability of successful passage conditions during reservoir filling using this information is not possible for average and wet years since the available flow data, mean monthly flows, mask the monthly variability in flows caused by short-term rainstorm events that often provide passage. It can be assumed, however, that since the mean monthly flows for filling are less than those for natural conditions in August and September for average and wet conditions that the 31 frequency of successful passage conditions would be reduced. In a dry year with E-VI minimum flows during the spawning period and assuming no local runoff (no variability around the minimum flow value) passage would be possible at only two passage reaches of the seven sites evaluated -one in Slough SA and one in Side Channel 21. Embryos and Pre-Emeuent fry Incubation conditions during the winter following the summer filling period would be similar to natural conditions and no project-induced impacts are expected to embryos and pre-emergent fry. Chinook Salmon Juvenile Rearina Chinook salmon juveniles rear principally in tributaries and side channels in the open water season (Schmidt et al. 1984). The filling flow during this period would reduce the amount of rearing habitat in currently utilized side channels. Tributary habitat would be unaffected. Additional rearing habitat may become available in other middle Susitna River areas. This is the subject of ongoing analysis. the results of which should become available in early fall. 1985. (ii) Secondary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Returning Adults Chum salmon migrate up areas during the summer. 32 the Susitna The 9.000 River to spawning cfs minimum flows during filling (8 ,000 i n a dry year) would not impede their upstream migration. Juvenile Rearing Chum salmon rearing occurs in natal areas, primarily sloughs and tributaries, during the early summer (May to first part of June). In mid-summer (late June and July), densities remain high in tributaries and increase in upland sloughs. During outmigration, which is generally complete by the end of July, juvenile chum usc mainstem areas for short-term rearing. Filling flows would decrease the amount of rearing habitat in side sloughs through the elimination of overtopping conditions and to a lesser extent a reduction in backwaters. Similarly, the backwater in upland sloughs would be reduced. The availability of mainstem sites for short-term rearing is not expected to decrease although the locations of suitable sites would change with decreased flows. Out-migrant Juveniles Filling flows would reduce the frequency and amplitude of spring runoff flows that can act as stimul i for outmigration for chum salmon. These reductions are not expected to impact seaward migrat i on because other factors such as photoperioc', water temperature increases and physiological condition also stimulate outmigration. Chinook Salmon Returning Adults Filling flows during summer would not impede the upstream migration of chinook salmon adults in the Susitna River and into tributaries. 33 Out-miuant Juveniles Age-l+ chinook salmon migrate out of the middle river by July. As mentioned with chum salmon, this outmigration would not be substantially affected by filling flows. Sockeye Salmop Returpjpa Adults Filling flows would not impede the summer upstream migration of sockeye salmon adults. Sockeye spawn in side sloughs in the middle river similar to chum salmon. Soawnjng Adults The restricted access conditions to channels discussed for chum salmon sockeye. Embryos and Pre-emergent Fry sloughs and side would also apply to The incubation conditions during the winter following the summer filling period would be similar to natural conditions and no project-induced impacts are expected to embryos and pre-emergent fry. Rcarjoa Juveniles Sockeye juveniles generally rear in natal side sloughs during early summer and relocate to upland sloughs by July. Reductions in the amount of habitat available in these habitat types due to filling flows would result from reduced backwater and breaching flows. The degree of habitat loss ~ould be site specific. 34 Out-migrant Juveniles Outmigration of sockeye salmon would not be impacted by project filling flows. Coho Salmon Returning Adults Filling flows during summer would not impede the upstream migration of chinook salmon adults in the mainstem Susitna River and access into tributaries. Rearing Juveniles Coho salmon rear primarily in tributaries and upland sloughs. Project filling flows are not expected to impact these habitats. Out-mi&rant Juveniles The outmigration of coho juveniles would not be impacted by project flows. Pjnk Salmon Returning Adults Filling flows during summer would not impede the upstream migration of pink salmon adults in the mainstem Susitna River. Spawning Adults A limited amount of pink salmon spawning occurs i n slough habitats and filling could restrict access to these areas during the spawning season. 35 Embryos and Pre-emergent fry The similar-to-natural condition during incubation months would preclude any impacts of pink embryos and pre-emergent fry. Out-migrant Juveniles the winter project-induced Pink salmon fry migrate to Cook Inlet shortly after emergence. For reasons discussed previously, the project is not expected to interfere with outmigration. Arctic Grayljpg Arctic grayling rear in tributary mouths and overwinter in mainstem habitat. Filling flow level would increase the availability and stability of tributary mouth habitat for rearing (Klinger and Trihey 1984). The winter flow regime would approximate that of natural conditions so no impacts to overwintering based on flow would be expected. Rainbow Trout Rainbow trout use side sloughs and tributary mouth habitats for rearing and mainstem areas for overwintering. The i ncrease in tributary mouth habitat during summer and the maintenance of natural conditions in winter during filling should sustain rainbow trout production at current levels. Dolly Varden Do ll y Varden's primary use of project affected habitats is overwintering in the mainstem. Since winter flow during filling would approximate natural conditions no impacts are anticipated. 36 Bur bot Burbot use mainstem habitat for all life history stages, showing a preference for turbid backwater sites and slough mouths. The lower flows during summer filling would increase the areas with low velocity, backwater characteristics. No project impacts would occur during the winter months. Therefore, the project filling flows would maintain sufficient habitat to support present levels of burbot. (B) Operation Power generation for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project would commence in April 1996 after approximately one year of filling. Regulated flow releases have been simulated for the first year of operation based on anticipated energy demands. Natural and Stage 1-1996 operating flows are compared at the 97, SO, and 6 percent exceedance probabilities (Figures 7-9). The 1996 flow regime is typical of project operation -higher flows in winter and during periods of peak energy demand and lower flows in summer during the filling process. Water temperatures during Stage I would be 2-3°C colder than natural in the spring. By mid-summer, project temperatures would be similar to natural ones. In the fall and winter, warmer than natural streamflow temperatures would result from the heat stored in the reservoir. The difference between natural and project temperature is inversely related to the distance from the dam. Figures 10-12 compare natural and simulated Stage 1 (2001) temperatures at three locations below the dam. The warmer winter water temperatures and higher than natural flows would delay the formation of the ice front and result in its upstream progression only to RM 136.5 in an average winter (1981-1982). The higher flows would also increase the thickness of the ice cover and 37 w 00 D s c h 0 r g • n c f c THOUSANDS 2 5 f ·VI MAXIWUM flOW 2 0 llfQUIREMENU I S 10 ----· -···· 5 MAKIMUM fLOW•l&,OOO cfo ' E -VI MIHIUUW fLOW REOUIIIEWINTI .. , .. , I . HYDIIOLOOICAL DATA fROM "fAIOD 1110-1111 I . ITAOEO CONITRUCTION ITAGE t I . 'IIOJECTEO ENERGY OEWAHOI fOA 1111 4 . I-VI fLOW AEOIHIIU .. NYI L.l .. ., NATIMAL CONOtTION fLOWI rOll ITAOI!D CONITIIUCTION ITA811! I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL ACG SEP OCT NOV DEC Honlh Comparison• of Susitna River Natural and Stage 1 1996 Streamflow• Exceeded 97% of the time at Gold Creek ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ...... ~ Cofteultenta AND Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198~ Figure 7 ENTfUX, INC. HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE D • c h 0 ,. THOUSANDS 30 25 2 0 CAlf E -VI WAXIWUW flOW REOUIREWENTI WAXIWUW•36.000 clo 1001U: I . HYDROLOGICAL DATA fiiOW I'EIIIOD 1 .. 0 -1 .. 1 I . ITAOED CONOTIIUCTIOIC OTAOII I. I'ROJECTID ENERGY OEWANOO fOR lUI 4 . I-VI flOW lllOUtiiEWINTO La UNO NA TIMAL CONOITIOel flOWO POR OTAUD CONITRUC TIOel ITACIII • 15 n c r • 10 5 : .. CAl( IE -VI WINI .. UW flOW REQUIIIEWENT I .· 0AN f £8 HAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Honlh Comparisons of Susitna River Natural and Stage 1 1996 Streamflow• Exceeded 50% of the time at Gold Creek ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Reference: Harza-Eha•r0 !9!!~ Figure 3 ~" i ftiA, ;::c.. HARZA ·fBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ol>o 0 D • c h a r g • n c f • THOUSANDS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CAll I -VI WAXIWUW flOW III!OUIAEWEHT I ·--------- ..... ~ .... ·;: ' ••• 1 lOOT II: I . HVOIIOLOQICAl DATA FIIOW PERIOD IUD-1111 2. ITAOIO CONITIIUCTION ITAOI I I . PIIOJICUO II!NIIIGY DEWANOI fOil 1111 4 . I -VI flOW IIII!QUifiE ... NTI li .. NO NA TIM A&. -TIC* flOWI PCMI ITAOID CONITIIUCTION •uo. 1 JAN fEB MA R APR NAY JUN ~UL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Hon lh Comparisons of Susitna River Natural and Stage 1 1996 Streamflows Exceeded 6% of the time at Gold Creek ALASKA POWER AUTH li RITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw .... CI-Coneultanta AND Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 9 ENTRIX, INC. HARlA ·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE D • g r • • • c 12 10 8 6 2 e I I I I I \ . . . . . . I ' I, \ I I I ' -· .. . .. ... · . • .. I . . . -· --· ------------. I I I ~"", : ·-· I I I I I I I r-r- NOll! I : I . CLIWATOLOCIICAL AND HYDIIOLOI&ICAL DATA PIIIIOO WAY 1111-III'T .. 1111 I . INfLOW JIWPIIIATUIII WATCHING POLICY '011 WUL fi-LIVIL IMJAKI I . ITACIIO CONITIIUCTION ITAQI I 4 . INIIICIY OIWANO '011 1001 I . I -VI PLOW IIIOUIIIIIWINTI I . TIWPIIIATUIIII 1--.AtiO IY INTIW ,Oil PllliOO DICINIIIl-MAIICH IHOULO II UIID WITH CAUTION AI AN ICI COVIll WAY llllt ON lliVIII AND IMTIW DOll NOT IIWUlATa YIWI'IIlATUilll UNOIII AM ICI COVIll CIEIIIIYIIl ICe IIWUI.AT~I) LII&INO ...._ATIO MATUIIM. TIWIIlA~I MA&AW..~---· ITA .. I fW ITA .. O COMITIIUCT ... MA Y ..JUN ..JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC .JAN fEB MAR APR MAY ..JUN JUL AUG SEP Monlh Simulated Natural and Stage 1 2001 Susitna River Temperatures •t River Mile 150 ALASKA POWER AUTHOAITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC T Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198S Figure 10 Woodword-Cirtle Conaultanto AND HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT V E NTURE ENTAIX, INC. D • " ,. e • • c 12 10 8 6 4 2 I I I . . \ \ . .. v' '\ .. . . .. .. . . . . ,. ' , . ... . . . . . .. .. MA Y .JUN ,IUL AU G '>EP OCT NOV DEC .JAN FEB MAR APR MA 'f .JUN JUL AUG SEP NOTE I . I . CLIWA TOLOOICAL ANO HYOIIOLOOICAL DATA f'IEIIIOO WAY 1111 -llf'T. II II I . INflOW UWP'IIIA TUIII WATCHING POLICY f<>a WULTI-LIYIL .. TAICI I . ITAOIO CONITIIUCTM* ITAOIE I •. INIIIOY OIWANO fOil 10411 I. I -VI fLOW IIIQUIIIIWIIITI I . UWP'EIIATIHIIII IIUULA TID IY INTIWP' fOil f'IIIIOO NOVIWIIII-Af'llll IH<>W.O II UIIEO WITH CAUTIOII AI AN ICIE COI/111 WAY IX .. T ON IIIVIII AND INTUW OOIEI NOT IIWUlAU TEWP'IIIA TUIIII UNOIII AN ICI COVIll (Ill 11111111 tea 1-.ot.ATIONII LIDIICO IIUYlATIO IIATUilAL TI ..... IIA T\MII ~T'IO~~ ITAU I M ITADIO COIIITIIUCTM* Simulated Natural and Stage 1 2001 Susitna River Temperatures at River Mile 130 ALASKA POW ER AUTHORITY SUSIT NA HYDROEL ECTRIC PROJE CT Referen<.:e: Harza-Eba!co 1985 Figure 11 Woodward-Clyde Conaultanta AND HARZA -E8ASC.O SUSITNA JOINT VENTUrlE ENTRIX , INC. ~ w D • g ,. • • • c 12 10 8 6 4 2 --------------------- I I I \. ' . . . -. • I . ~ : ~ . ·. •-' '. lo • tiA Y JUN ,IUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC: ,IAN FEB f1AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Mon l ~. NOTII : I . CLIWA TOLOGICAL AND HYOIIOLOGICAl DATA ~UIIOO WAY ltlhii~T. IIIJ J . ttiflOW TIW~IIIATUIII WA TCHIHG ~OliCY POll WUl TI-ll VEl IHT AI( I I . ITAGID COHITIWCTIOII ITAGI I 4 . IHIIIGY DIWAND POll ... , I . I -VI PLOW IIIOUIIIIWIIfTI TI..,.IIIATUfllll ... Ul.ATU IY INTI!Wf' fOil 1'111100 HOVIWIIII·Af'll. IH~D II UIID WITH CAUTIOit AI AN ICI COVIll WAY IX .. T OH IIIVIII AND INTI- DOll HOT IIWUl.ATI TIWf'IIIIATUIIII UNOIII All ICI COVIll (Ill IIIVIEII ~ IIUULATIONI) UGIND IIWUL A Jl D NAT Ufll A&. TI ... IIATUfllll IMJUnD~~ ITAGI I 0# ITAMD CONITMICTIOIII Simulated Natural and Stage 1 2001 Susitna River Temperatures at River Mile 100 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 12 WOCHiward-CI~e Conaultante AND HAAIA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VEN T URE ENTAIX , INC. result in higher staging in the ice covered areas. Upstream of the ice front the stage of the open water would be less than the effective stage of the ice cover formed under natural condition. Turbidity levels dur i ng Stage 1 would be less than natural in the summer and greater than natural in the winter. (i) Primarv Evaluation Species Chum Salmop Spawnjng Adults and Incubating Embryos and Pre-Emenept Fry Stage 1 -1996 project flows during the spawning season for chum salmon (August 12 -September IS) would be less than natural flows . Flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 mean weekly flows based on 34 years of record are compared for each week of the spawning period (water weeks 45-49) in Appendix Figures 1-S. Natural and simulated Stage 1 weekly flow duration curves based on the maximum mean weekly flow for weeks 45-49 of each year for the 34 years of record are presented in Figure 13 . Although the flows are substantially greater than E-VI minimum constraints, a reduction in the frequency of occurrence of successful passage conditions and availability of suitable habitat would occur. The extent of these reductions for the major chum producing sloughs and side channels (sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 11, 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21) were analyzed. The percent of time successful passage conditions would be available at the passage reach of each slough was estimated by selecting the exceedance value associated with the minimum mainstem discharge that provided passage either 44 -en u. u -u 110 .. Ill .c: u "' 0 60,000 l \ SO,OOO • Natural flow at Gold Creek a Simulated Stage I 1996 Energy Demand flow \ 40,000 ~o.ooo 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Excccdance Comparison of flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Figure 13 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw•rd-Ciyde Conaurt.nta AHD ENTRIX, INC. 45 HARZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE through backwater, contro:l ing breaching flows or local flow (excluding direct surface runoff}. The results of these analyses are presented in the discussion of individual sloughs below. Stage 1 -1996 project flows during the incubation period for chum salmon would be higher than natural from October through April. As the winter ice cover forms, the staging associated with the higher than natural flows would result in increased upwelling benefitting incubation but would also result in near-0°C mainstem water overtopping sloughs and possibly retarding the growth and delaying the emergence of embryos that ordinarily incubate at 2-3°C. This upstream progression of the ice front and potential for overtopping would range from RM 127 to RM 145 for Stage -1996 depending on year-specific meteorological conditions. Increasing the height of berms at the slough head was proposed in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 19S4} as a method to prevent the overtopping of sloughs during winter. While this may be beneficial for incubation it would reduce the frequency of successful passage conditions resulting from breaching flows during the spawning season. In the analysis of Stage 1-1996 flow effect on passage conditions that follows, both unbermed and bermed conditions for each slough are considered. Slough SA Relative Utilization During the 19Sl-19S4 studies, the mean peak counts of chum salmon and sockeye salmon in Slough SA were 478 (range: 37-917) and 110 (range 67-177). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough were 1009 46 chum (range: 112-2383) and 247 sockeye (range: 131-532) (Barrett et al. 1985). Slough 8A mean chum and sockeye escapements comprised 14 .9 and 14.3 percent of the total escapement to sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough SA under natural, Stage unbcrmcd, and Stage I bcrmcd arc graphically depicted for each week and for all weeks combined of the spawning period in Figure 14. The prevailing mechanism for passage (backwater, local flow or breaching) and associated frequency values are listed for each week and for the entire period in Appendix Tables I to 6 . Under natural and Stage I flow regimes, the frequency of successful passage conditions decreases progress- ively with each week of the spawning season as mainstcm flows decline. The differences between natural and Stage 1 flows are greatest, although not substantial, at the beginning of the spawning season (Week 45) and gradually narrow by the last week (Week 49). This is attributable to the passage provided by the relatively high breachir.g discharges at Slough SA, 27 ,000 and 33,000 cfs, which oc;ur at a greater frequency with natural flows than with project flows early in the season. Later in the season the frequencies of these flows arc at or near zero for both natural and project flows. A similar pattern is evident with both a bermcd and unbcrmed slough. The most noteworthy decrease in frequency of successful pass11.ge occurs at Passage Reaches VII-X where the natura l freq u ency of I 5 percent for the entire periods 47 0 Natural §Stage 1 -Unbermed I Stage 1 -Bermed p E R c E N T too Percent of Time Successful Passage Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Slough SA Figure l4 WEEK 45 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 'Ai:EK 48 'Ai:EK 49 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Ct,.te COftiUfUnta H A A Z A • E I A S C 0 AND SUSITNA JOINT VENTUfU lNTNX.INC. 4.R (weeks 45-49) drops to 0 percent for the Stage bermed conditi on. The probability of Slough 8A overtopping in the w i nter is high under Stage 1-1996 flows. The length, height, locations, and costs of berms necessary to prevent the likelihood of overtopping will be assessed in an upcoming summer field program. Stough 9 -98 Relative Utilization During the 1981-1984 studies, the mean peak counts of chum and sockeye salmon in Slough 9 (including 98) were 312 (range: 175-423) and 28 (range: 2-91). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough were 531 chum (range: 430-645) and 70 sockeye (range: 0-230) (Barrett et at. 1985). Slough 9 and 98 mean chum and sockeye escapements comprised 7.8 and 4.0 percent of the total mean escapement to sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Imoact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 8A under natural and Stage I flows with the slough bermed and unbermed are grap~ically depicted for each week and for all weeks of the spawni ng period combined in Figure 15 . The prevaili ng mechani sm for passage and associated frequency values are l isted for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 7 to 12 . In general, the reduction in frequency of passage from natural to an unbermed slough under Stage 1 for each 49 O Natural I; Stage 1 -Unbermed I St•ge 1 -Bermed 1 p 1 E R c E N T PR II Percent of Time Successful Passage Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Slough 9 Figure 15 V\EEKS 45-49 WEEK 45 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 V\EEK 48 V\EEK 49 Ill IV v ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITPU HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WooctwaN-C~e COftaultanta ANO INTNX,INC. 50 HAAZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTUAE week and for the entire period would not likely be sufficient to alter present u ti lization patte r ns. However, given the relatively low breach in g discha . ge {19,000 cfs), a bermed slough would substantially reduce the frequency of passage from natural conditions at Passage Reaches 11-V. Passage i n to Slough 9B through Slough 9, in particular, is dependent on breaching flows. Slough 9 would likely be overtopped in most years of operation. The length, height, locations and cost:. of berms necessary to prevent overtopping will be assessed in an upcoming summer field program. Slough 9A Relative Utilization During the 1981-1984 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough 9A was 17 (range: 105-303) while the mean estimated total escapement to the slough was 246 chum (range 86-528) (Barrett et al. 1985). Slough 9A mean chum and sockeye escapement comprised 3.6 and 0.1 percent of the total escapement to sloughs in the middle Susitna River. lmoact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 9A under natural and Stage 1 flows with the slough bermed and unbermed are graphically depicted for each week and for all weeks of the spawning period combined in Figure 16 . The prevailing mechanism for passage and associated frequency values are listed for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 13 to 18. S I p E R c E N T D Natural i Stage 1 -Unbermed I Stage 1 -Bermed 100-,.. ,.. ,.. ... ,.. ,.. . . - • • o~~-U~~.--~~~~~~~.--1oo-"' "" .. "' "' - ~ ~ ~ ~ 'AEEKS 45-49 -~ WEEK 45 -. 0~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~-1 oo-,... ,.. ~ ,.. ,... ,.. .. ,.. ,. ,.. ~ ~ . -• WEEK 46 -- - Ill O~~~LLBL~~aL~~~~~~~~~. 100• -r-,.. . ,...., ,.. ~ ,. -~ WEEK 47 oJU:JI-L~-LBL~~~L-~~~~_.~·L-~~- 1oo--,.. --,... ,.. ,.. . 0-~BL~~~--~~~~~~~~_.~_u~ .. --~~~ 100-"" : - ~ ~ 'AEEK 49 -,.. - ,.. ,. ~ ,.. ,.. -I I l o~~UL~~s_~~~~~~~~~ PR 1 11 Ill IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Percent of Time Successful Passage Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Slough 9A Figure 16 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WCHHiward-Cird• Couultanta AND INllft.INC. 52 HAAZA·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE The low breaching flow ( 13,500 cfs) and low mainstem discharges that provide the local flow necessary for passage at most passage reaches account for the sl igh t and inconsequential reductions in passage frequencies from the natural to project flows. Even with a bermed slough only two passage reaches, VIII and XI, experience substantial declines in the frequency of passage. Slough 9A with its low breaching flow is predicted to be overtopped in most years. The length, height, locations and costs of berms necessary to prevent overtopping will be assessed in an upcoming field program. Slough II Relative Utilization During the 1981-1984 studies, the mean peak counts of chum salmon and sockeye salmon in Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 were 674 (range: 238-1586) and 540 (range: 248-893). the mean estimated total e3capements to the slough were 1572 chum (range: 674-3,481) and 1,166 sockeye (range: 564-1 ,620) (Barrett et al. 1985). Slough II and Upper Side Channel II mean chum and sockeye escapements comprised 23 .2 and 67.3 percent of the total escapement to sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Imoact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 11 under natural flows and Stage I flows with the slough bermed and unbermed are graphically depicted for each week S3 and for all weeks combined of the spawning period in Figure 17. The prevailing mechanism for passage and associated frequency values are listed for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 19 to 24. Project flows would reduce the frequen'· y of successful passage only to a minor relatively high breaching indicates that it contributes Construction on berms at degree in Slough 11 . The discharge at this site infrequently to passage. this slough would reduce passage in the upper passage reaches by about 6 percent. The other passage reaches would be unaffected. Slough 11 is predicted to be overtopped in years of average or colder meteorological conditions. Uooer Side Channel 11 Relative Utilization (see Slough II) Imoact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Upper Side Channel 11 under natural flows and Stage I flow with the side channel bermed and unbermed are graphically displayed for each week and all weeks of the spawning period in Figure 18. Insufficient data were available to evaluate the influence of mainstem discharge on local flow and backwater effects at Passage Reach II (Appendix Tables 19-24). 54 0 Natu ral EJ1 Stage 1 -Unbermed I Stage 1 -Bermed p E R c E N T PR I II Ill Percent of Time Successful Passag_e Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Sl->ugh 11 Figure 17 IV \1\fEKS 45-49 WEEK 45 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 \1\fEK 48 \1\fEK 49 v VI VII ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodwafti.Ctyde Conaultanta H A A Z A • E I A S C 0 ANO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTNX, INC. -frNatural i Stage 1 -Unbermed I Sta1e 1 -Bermed p E R c E N T Percent of Time Successful Passage Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Upper Side Channel 11 Fiaure 18 56 \N:EKS 45-49 WEEK 45 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 \N:EK 48 \N:EK 49 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HAAZA·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTUAE The difference in the percent of time passage is available under natural and Stage project flows based on breaching flows would not likely affect the utilization of this site to a large degree. The lack of data mentioned previously does not all a discussion of passage condition with the side channel bermed. This site is predicted to be overtopped under Stage 1 flow with average or colder meteorological conditions. The len&th, height, location and cost of berms to prevent overtopping will be assessed in an upcoming field program in conjunction with Slough 11 and with which it is contiguous. Slough 21 Relative Utilization During the 1981-1984 studies, the mean peak counts of chum salmon and sockeye salmon in Slough 21 and Side Channel 21 were 921 (range: 274-2,354) and 103 (range 38-197). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough were 1,7780 chum (range: 481-4,245) and 150 sockeye (range: 63-294) (Barrett et al. 1985). Slough 21 and Side Channel 21 mean chum and sockeye escapements comprised 25 .9 and 8.7 percent of the total escapement to sloughs in the middle Susitna river. Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 21 under natural flows and Stage I flow with the slough bcrmed and unbcrmcd arc graphically displayed for each week and for all weeks combined of the spawning period in S1 Figure 19. The prevaili ng mechanism for passage and associated frequency values are l isted for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 25 to 30. Project flows would reduce the frequency of passage only slightly for an unbermed slough and for a bermed slough at Passage Reaches I and II. Passage at Passage Reaches IIIL and IIIR for a bermed cond i tions would be reduced about 29 percent from the natural condition. Slough 21 has a low probability of overtopping which would only occur in the coldest of years. Berming of this slough would therefore not be a high priority. Side Chapnel 21 Relative Utilization (see Slough 21} Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 21 under natural flow and Stage I flows w i th the side c hannel bermed and unbermed are graphicall y displayed for each week and for all weeks combined of the spawn i ng period in Figure 20. The prevail ing mechani sm and values are also listed for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 25 to 30. Due to the low breaching flow (1 2,000 cfs) that affects the majority of passage reaches in the side channel, project flows would slightly reduce the frequency of successful passage in an unbermed condition. For a sa 0 Natural i Stage 1 -U nbermed I Sta1e 1 -Bermed 1 l p 1 E R c E N T II Percent of Time Successful Passag_e Occurs Under Natural and Stage 1 Flows at Slough 21 Figure 19 ~EKS 45-49 WEEK 45 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 ~EK 48 ~EK 49 IIIR IIIL ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC T Woodwaf'd.C~• Conauttanta AND INTNX.INC. 59 HAAZA·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 0 Natural Ia Stage 1 -Unbermed 1 Stage 1 -Bermed p E R c E N T 10 O PR I II Ill IV Percent of Time Successful Passage Occurs Under Natural and Stag_e 1 Flows at Side Channel ~1 Figure 20 'AEEKS 45-49 WEEK 45 ·WEEK 46 WEEK 47 V\£EK 48 V\£EK 49 V VI VII VIII IX ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Wooctw•~• Cofteult.anta AND INTRIX.,Ife 60 HARZA·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE bermed condition, local flow or backwa t er effects wou ld mai ntain passage at a high frequency for Passage Reaches 1-V . Substantial reductions in frequenc y would occur at Passage Reaches VI and VII. The ice front would not progress as far as Side Channel 21 in an average winter; however, in the colder winter it would and overtoppi ng may result. Based on this low probability, bermi ng may not be necessary. Chinook Salmon Rearing Juveniles The open water flow regime during Stage 1 provides higher· flows than filling yet lower flows than natural. In general, the flows are substantially greater than the E-VI minimums which were designed to minimize impacts to juvenile chinook rearing. As results of an ongoing study of juvenile chinook rearing habitat-flow relationship are made available in fall 1985, impacts of Stage I flows can be assessed. Impacts to juvenile chinook overwintering habitat resulting from overtopping of sloughs and side channel is also of concern. As information on the extent of overtoppi ng that may occur with Stage I flows is acquired in the summer field program, potential impacts to juveniles chinook rearing in these areas may, in part, be addressed. (ii) Secondary Evaluation Soecjes In the evaluation of the effect of project filling flows on the habitat of the secondary evaluation species, no significant impacts were identified. Since Stage I open water flows lie between filling and natural flows, no impacts are anticipated. 61 The Stage winter flows, however, are substantially greater than filling and natural flows. The higher flows accompanied by ice staging in winter would increase depths, wetted surface area and the number and extent of backwater sites in the mainstem side channels and slough mouths. This potential increase in overwintering habitat may offset habitat lost from overtopping of some sloughs. 4.1.2 Mitigation (A) Filling The primary impact identified during filling flows is restricted access into sloughs by adult chum salmon. The extent of this impact would depend on hydrologic conditions of that year. During a wet yc:tr, impacts would likely be minimal. Assuming a worst case dry year · (based on the hydrologic record during filling up to August of that year) E· VI minimum flows would be provided during the spawning season. Under E· VI minimum flows extensive modification of most sloughs would be required to maintain the average natural access conditions. These modifications would be in excess of those required for Stage 1, 2, and Stage 3-2008 operational flows. The E-VI minimum flows during filling as compared to the substantially higher operational flows of subsequent years can be compared to the natural occurrence of dry years. For example, the E-VI minimum flow during August, 9,000 cfs, is greater than the maximum weekly average flow during the 1969 spawning period of 7399 cfs. It is suggested therefore that if 1995 were a dry or average year and mitigation measures designed for 1996 operational flows are not complete or are insufficient, temporary low cost measures be employed 62 to improve passage such as manually modifying critical passage reaches or physically transporting fish into the sloughs. As mentioned previously, impacts to juvenile chinook rearing are in the process of being evaluated and should any be i dentified appropriate measures will be developed. Impacts to secondary evaluation species, other than those that would be mitigated for by measures for chum salmon, are not anticipated. (B) Ooeration (i) Primary Evaluation Soecies Chum Salmop Soawpipa Adults and Incubating Embryos and Pre- Emergept Fry The principal impacts identified for chum salmon spawning resulting from Stage I flows would be a reduction in the frequency of successful passage conditions in sloughs and a reduction in the quality of incubation habitat due to sloughs being overtopped with near 0°C water. Since Stage 1-1996 operational flows would generally be well within the bounds of E-VI minimum and maximum flow constraints, Case E-VI would be considered of little mitigative value during this early stage with respect to the identified impacts. However, Case E-VI constraints on limiting the amoun! of daily and weekly fluctuations would be of importance in maintaining a c;table habitat. Habitat modification is the mitigative option of choice to rectify impacts to chum salmon spawning and incubation 63 habitat. Various measures to maintain these habitats were described in Section 3.0. The increase in icc staging with Stage I flow compared with that described for the License Application project may necessitate construction of more extensive berms than those described in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984). As mentioned previously the length, height, location and cost of additional bcrming that may be necessary at the seven sites examined for passage may prove to be excessive and not cost-effective. In such cases, mitigation efforts should be directed to other sites. A set of criteria has been developed to establish a means of ranking sloughs for modification on a benefit-cost basis. The criteria applied to each slough include the relative utilization, the frequency of overtopping, the extent of berming required to prevent overtopping, and the location and extent of passage reach modifications. The usc of these criteria in a decision making flow chart is presented in Figure 21. As indicated in the chart, a slough with higher relative utilization, low probability of winter overtopping, and minor passage reach modification requirements would receive the highest ranking. As information on the extent of bcrming necessary for each site is acquired, this set of criteria will be applied to each of the maj or chum salmon producing sloughs. If the cost of modifying one or more of these sloughs is excessive, alternative sites will be evaluated for modification as replacement habitat. A sufficient number of sites will be modified to insure there is no net loss of habitat value. 64 (1\ U1 RELATIVE UTILIZATION OF SLOUGHS Frequency or Winter Overtoppinq I I .Lmt IUgj) I Bera Conatru~&tigo I I I tUruu: H..AJM I I Slouqh Slouqh Slouqh Moditicotion H2!UU!<At12D H2ll1U!<At12D n n ~ ll1.nsu: H..AJM tUruu: HA.1.l2.t H.1nl21: HA12x I I I I I I l • l ) 4 9 10 Flow Chart for Rankin1 Sitea for Mitigation Deci&ion Making Frequency or Winter OvertoppinC) I Slouqh H2ll1U!<It12D n l!..in2l: lli.1.Q..[ I I !> 6 I IUslh I Bera Cgoatru~&tign I I I ll1.nsu: ~ I I SlOUC)h SlOUC)h H2ll1U~&It1l2D H2ll1 U~&lt1!2D n n ll1.nsu: ~ ll.1ruu: lli.1.Q..[ I I I I 7 • ll u • The 11naller cllc raall val"e ac a sice, chc •ore cou·cffccrovc would '- miciaacioa work ac che aile. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Figure 21 Woodwant-CI~• COflaultanta AND ENTRIK, INC. HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Chinook Salmon Juvenile Rearinll Juvenile chinook rearing habitat-flow relationships will be made available in fall, 1985 at which time any impacts that may result from project operation wili be evaluated and appropriate mitigation measures proposed. (ii) Secopdary Evaluation Soecics Mitigation measures proposed for chum salmon spawning will also mitigate for impacts to sockeye salmon spawning habitat. No other impacts have been identified for the other evaluation species for which mitigation measures need to be implemented. 4.2 -Stage 2 (2002-2008) 4.2.1 Impact Analysis Power generation with Stage 2 (Devil Canyon) completed would commence in 2002. Regulated flow releases have been simulated for the first year of Devil Canyon-Watana operation based on anticipated 2002 energy demands. Natural, Stage 1-1996 and Stage 2-2002 flow regimes arc compared at the 97, 50, and 6 percent cxcecdancc probabilities in Figures 22-24. Stage 2 flows would generally be greater than Stage 1 flowc: during March and April and in late July and August and will be slightly less than Stage flows in late fall to mid-winter in average and wet years. The opposite would occur in dry years (97 percent exceedencc), with Stage 2 flows less than Stage 1 flows in summer and greater in winter. In contrast to Stage 1 flow, Stage 2 flows would reach Case E-VI midmum flow requirements during the spring filling period. The drier the year, the greater length of t i me flows would be at the minimum level. Streamflow temperatures during Stage 2 operation would depend to some degree on the depth of drawdown and the use of multilevel intakes in Devil 66 D • c h 0 r g • " c f • THOUSANDS 2 5 2 0 E -VI WAXIWUW flOW IIEOUIAEWENTII WAXIWUW fl0W•31.000 olo '---------< l···-IS 10 5 0 -_..!.~ ... ,..~···· E -VI WINIWUW HOW AEOUIAEWENJe / +----.----r----r----r---.----.--~---,----,---,----.--~ JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Ho nlh NATUAAl C-T.oet PLOWe-·T- CONeTIIUC,_ .TA .. I •&.owe,_ •'~• CONeTRUC:T.oet •u•• Comparisons of Susitna River Natural, Stage 1 1996 and Streamflows Exceeded 97% of the time at Gold Creek. Stage 2 2002 Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 22 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC T Woo4w~ COIWUit.ftta AHD EHTRIX , INC. HARZA ·EBASCO SUS IT NA JO IN T V E NTURE "' CD D • c h a ,. g • n c f • THOUSANDS 30 25 20 15 19 5 0 CAIE E -VI MAXI .. Utol fLOW REOUIIIEMENTI MAXIMUM•36.000 cia CAIE E -VI MINIMUM flOW AEOUIAEM£NT8 LIUNO MATUitAL C~IOM PLO.IPCMt aT-D COMaTIMICTIOII .TAM I PLO.aPCIIIa'f-O CONITIIUCTIOII ITA .. I JAN FEB MAR APR NAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Monlh Comparisons of Susitna River Natural, Stage 1 1996 and Stage 2 2002 Streamflowa Exceeded 50% of the time at Gold Creek. r-----~~-L-A_s_K_A_P_o_w_E_R_A_u_T_H_o_R_tT-v-----t Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 23 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw.....C~C............_ AND ENTRIX, INC. HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE (1\ \0 D • c h a r g • n c f • THOUSANDS 60 50 30 20 10 0 C:Ael! 1!-VI MAICIMUM flOW IIIOUIIII!MINTe I I I . . . C:Ael I-VI -IMUM fLOW IIIOUIIIEMENTe I ' '-.•.t ~ •r., • r. ;, .JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ..JUN ._llll AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Comparisons of Susitna River Natural, Sta1e 1 1996 and Sta1e 2 2002 Streamflow• Exceeded 6% of the time at Gold Creek. ALAsKA PowER AuTHoR 1 Tv Reference: Harza-Ebasco 191.S Fiaure 24 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ....... c .... c:..oulleftlo AND ENTRIX, INC. HAAZA -f8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Canyon operation. In general, release temperatures would be cooler than Stage 1 in April through September (about 2-S°C less than natural) and warmer . than Stage 1 from September to April (about 2-6°C greater than natural) (Harza-Ebasco 1985). The temperature regimes for three locations downstream of Devil Canyon RM 100, 130, and ISO arc presented for a 50 ft drawdown and 2 levels of intakes in operation in Figures 25-27. The upstream progression of the icc front in Stage 2 would be to about RM 131 based on average climatological conditions (1981-1982). Turbidity during Stage 2 is expected to be at similar levels and exhibit the same annual variations as described for Stage 1. (i) Prjmary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Adult Spawnjng and Incubating Embryos and Pre-Emergent Fry Flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1-1996 and Stage 2-2002 mean weekly flows based on 34 years of hydrologic conditions arc compared for each week of the spawning period in Appendix Figures 6-10. Simulated Stage 1 and Stage 2 flow duration curves based on the maximum mean weekly flow for weeks 45-49 of each year for the 34 years of record arc presented in Figure 28 . The Stage 2 flows above about 30,000 cfs that arc important for passage would occur at a greater frequency than similar Stage flows. Stage 2 flows greater than 40,000 cfs would occur at lesser frequency. Slough modifications measures implemented under Stage I would have altered the natural conditions and consequentl y a comparison of th.; percent of time passage occurs under natural and Stage 2 flows is not feasible. The slightly 70 ....., ...... D • g r • • • &.: 12 10 8 6 - 4 2 0 I I I I '• '. ' . ' ' . . " . '. . ' ' . ' . ' '' ' '• 'I \ \ \ ' . I I .· ' .. "" . . : I I . ·1 -I .. T ~T~·-rT-. -~I r--r .. ,.~, ·-r •OTCO: t . CLIWATOLOOtCoU A•O HYOROLOGfCAl OA J A PI!RIOO WAY tiOt-OIPT. 1101 I . INFLOW TIIIWIItATUfll WA JCHINQ POliCY f()tl WUL Tl-liVIl .. , AJII I . OJ A OlD CONOJitUCTIOII OJAQI I •. 1•11teY HWANO fOtl IMI 0 . 1 -Yt PlOW ltPOUIIti ..... TO ,' 0 . DI:Vtl CA .. YO• DltAWOO- -• Of ,. 'IlT-I LIYILI M OHUTTIItl uea..o o-.ATID •ATU..Aa. , ....... ,_. MA&AftD.__ ITAU I M UAM• CONOTIIUCTIOII W '( . :llt·l 1111 Wfl srr (J( l NOIJ f\t."C JAN f(rl I'I#,R :.1 'It ~lAY ..Jll~l JUL AUG ~f .. ~l vn 1• h Simulated Natural and Stage 2 2002 Suaitna River Temperature• at River Mile 150 ----=--------------- ALASI<A POW E A AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELECTAIC PAOJECT Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198~ Figure 25 Woo4want-Ciyde c ... auttante ANO HARZA ·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VlNTU"l ENT,.IX . INC. -..J N D • g r • • • (. 12 10 8 ·-.... . ' 6 . . : '. , . . .. ' ' 2 0 ~I 11A Y ,lllt-1 .IIJL . . \ . . .' : ,' \ ·. : I I ~ I I I I I All() c:,fp OCT I'ILW D(C JAN ff8 '1AR AI'R MAY .JUN . 1111 AliG St P 11on t h NO Til . I . CliMA TOt.O..CA.l ,._ HYOflOlOGK:Al OAT A .. 111100 WAY 1111-ei .. T . ... , I . INflOW Tl ..... lloUUAI WATCH .. UI "OUCY f(MI WUlfl-liVIL .. , AKI I . IYAOID CONITMICTIJOII IYAOI I 4 . INIIIOY DIWANO f<M' ... I . I-VI flOW III~I ... NYe I . TIW .. IIIAYUAie e--.AJIO IY INTI..W f0" ... 11100 DICI..vl-iloiAIIICH 1H0U1J II UIID WITH CAUTIJOII Ae AN ICI COVIll WAY I ... , ON IIIYI" AND eNTI- 0011 NOT IMAJlATI TIW .. IIIATUAie UMOIII - ICI GOVI" r . DIYIL CANYOM -··-Of eo ••rr -a llvrl• cw eHUHIIII UGINO e--.AYID NAT""A.l TI_. .. A l'UIIIe -.ulAT-.._.,_ eTA .. I 0# eJA .. O C'n.te '-.c ,.,. Simulated Natural and Stage 2 2002 Susitna River Temperatures at River Mile 130 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRI C PROJECT HAAlA f8ASCO Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 26 Wooclwerd-CIVde Coneultente AND SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ENTAIIC, INC -..J w D • g r e • • c 12 10 6 NOT II: I . C:liMATOlOCltCAl A .. HYCHIIOlOGtCAl OA l A f'IIUOO WAY lllt·Mf'l . .... I . ...,lOW UWf'IIIAfu.ti YA JC:-Q POliCY PCHII YUl.ft·LIYil .. JAKI I . IJAOIO C:ONIT"IIUCf- lfAQI I 4 . INIIIIY D«YANO I'CHII -· I . I·YI PLOW IIIQUNIII-1111 JIWIIIAfUIIII ...._Uie IY INJIW PO" NMOe 6 ' ' NOYI ... I"·AHI._ IMOUl.e II UIIO WITH C:AUJ-AI .AN ICI C:OVI" YAY I ••r ON "lVI" ANO INJI- 0011 NOT a-.AJI JIWf'IIIAfUIIII UNOIII All ICI COY III fill IIIVI" IC8 IIMUI.Af-lt 4 2 0 I I • .. .. . . . . .. . I ,•"' ... ' I I I P. DIY .. C:ANYOit CNIAwoo- OP M fllf·l LIVUI M IHUTJIIII LIIINO _,._AJIO NAfUIIA&. ,._"" '"'-"'•• _.....__,__ lYAII I M IJA .. e CC*IJIIIICJ- MAY JUN J UL AUG S[P OCT NOV Dfl) JAN fEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG S[P Honlh Simulated Natural and Stage 2 2002 Suaitna River Temperatures at River Mile 100 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARIA ·EBA S CO Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198S Figure 27 Wooclwa..C~a COftMittar 'e AND SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ENTRIX, INC. -V) 1.1. u -u QD .. • -'= v "' 0 60,000 50 ,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10 ,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Staae 1 1996 EneriY Demand now 0 Simulated Staae 2 2002 EncriY Demand now 40 6(1 ao 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based on mean weekly flow• for 34 years of record. Fi1ure 28 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WoodwaN-Cfrda Conaultanta AND lHTNX.INC. 74 HARZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE hiaher flows provided by Staae 2 would, however, maintain or enhance passaae at the modified sloughs. The construction of berms to prevent sloughs from being overtopped by mainstem flows during Stage I would insure against similar impacts during Stage 2. Chinook Salmon Rearing Juveniles It is anticipated that analyses on flow requirements for juvenile chinook rearing would have been available prior to 2002 and that an acceptable flow regime would be in effect. (ii) Secondary Evaluation Species The Stage 2 flow regime would not result in any additional impacts to the secondary evaluation species. 4.2.2 ~ The lack of additional adverse impacts resulting from Stage 2 operation would limit mitigation efforts to maintaining and monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented during Stage 1. 4.3 • Stage 3 (2008-2020) 4.3.1 Impact Analysis (A) fi!ljng The details of Stage 3 filling flows are not available at this time. However, it is anticipated that filling will coincide with construction over a 2 or 3 year period. The level of filling would be determined by the crest elevation of the dam. The spring and summer flows 7S durina the multi-year fillina process would likely be less than those simulated for Staae 2-2002 and Stage 3-2008 eneray demands but greater than E-VI minimum levels. As information ~:. Stage 3 filling becomes available anticipated impacts and appropriate mitigation measures will be incorporated into this document. (B) 2008 Energy Qemand Power generation with Watana Dam constructed to its full height would commence in 2008 or within a few years thereafter. Regulated flow releas~s have been simulated for the first year of operation based on anticipated 2008 energy demands. Natural, Stage 2-2002 and Stage 3-2008 operating flows are compared at the 97, SO, and 6 percent cxcecdcncc probabilities in Figures 29-31. Stage 3-2008 flows would be similar to or slightly higher than Stage 2 flows in the winter and spring (November through May). In the summer during average or wet hydrologic conditions Stage 3 flows would be similar to or slightly less than Stage 2 flows. In the driest years, Stage 3-2008 and Stage 2 flows would be maintained at the E-VI minimum during the spring-summer filling period. (C) 2020 Energy Qemand Regulated flow releases have been simulated for Stage 3-2020 energy demand. Natural, Stage 3-2008, and Stage 3-2020 operation flows are compared at the 97, SO, and 6 percent cxceedcnce probabilities in Figures 32-34. In years with a veragc and wet hydrologic conditions Stage 3-2020 flows would be a bout 2000 cfs higher than Stage 3-2008 from mid-October through May. In the summer months, Stage 3-2020 flow would be at or ncar Case E-VI minimum except during the wettest of years. Streamflow temperatures under Stage 3 flow regimes would be about O.S to I °C warmer than Stage 2 in the winter and similar to Stage 2 in the summer (Figure 3S). 76 D s c h 0 r • n c f • THOUSANDS 25 2A 15 10 5 f-VI .. AICIWUioot flOW IIEOUIRE .. ENTI \ ~- .. A)(I .. U., fLOW•:ti,OOO cle E -VI .. JNJ .. U .. flOW IIEOUIRE .. ENTI 0 4---~~---.,~--~---~,----.----,,, .. -....... .. -.. .,.. .. -_,.,. ~-. . . JAN FEB MAR APR MAY .JUN &II. AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month ~ liM- NATUIIAl ~,.... nowe '011 ...... CO.'NMOT ... eu.• 1 f'LOWe '011 ....... GO. a T..UC:ncMI eTA .. I Comparisons of Susitna River Natural. Stage 2 2002 and Stage 3 2008 Streamflow& Exceeded 97o/o of the time at Gold Creek. _____ A_L_A....;S;;..K_A_P_o_w_e _R_A_u_r_H_O_R_I_T_v ___ _ Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198S Figure 29 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ••~c-...~ AND I!NTAIX, INC. HAAZA ·f8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTU .. E , -...J co D • c h 0 r g • n c f • THOUSANDS 30 25 20 15 10 CAl! !-VI MAXIMUM flOW REOUIREMENl S ·------"--\ .. ·. -. 5 ' ----- MAXIMUM•JI .OOO ale CAIE E -VI MINIMUM flOW R!OUIREM!Nf& LI .. MD MA TURAL co.etfiOII noweHN~eTAMD CONeT-.,c:TIOII eTAM I PlOWe POll eTAMD CON8T-.,c:TION ., .... JAN f£8 MAR APR HAY ~UN JUL AUG SfP OCT NOV DEC Monlha Comparisons of Suaitna River Natural, Stage 2 2002 Streamflows Exceeded 50% of the time at Gold Creek. and Stage 3 2008 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT w ..... .,.. c~ C•R• ,,_ .. HAAZA ·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTu.-£. Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 30 AND INTft!IC,INC. D • c h 0 r g • n c f • THOUSANDS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CAIE 1!-YI WA~IWUW FLOW RI!OUIIIEWENYI 't·~7 . •J .a.~ .. l<:i -·_, .. .... ·. ·.~ i.;' .. . ' ·x ·, .~ .... Ll-110 NA l&MA4 ~Y!Otl PLOWI PeNt ITAMO C:CNIII TIIUC: Y!Otl lfA-I 'LOWIPOAIY ..... 00.1 TIIUC:llOtl ITAII I .JAN FEB HAR APR HAY ..JUN ..JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV O(C Honlh Comparison& of Susitna River Natural, Stage 2 2002 Streamflows Exceeded 6% of the time at Gold Creek. and Stage 3 2008 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Figure 31 ........ c.,.. C...........te AND HAAlA ·EIIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Reference:: Harza -E basco 198~ fNT"IX, INC. 0 • c h 0 ,. g • n c f • THOUSANDS 25 20 15 10 I-VI WAXI .. U .. flOW IIIOUIAEWEHTI ·---·-·-.... 5 0 WAIIIWUW fLOWhJI ,OOO ele I -VI .. IHIWUW PLOW III!OUIAIWINYI ..... 1. HYOIIOLOOICAL OATA PltOW "111100 1e10-tell I . ITAOIO COMiliiUCTIOit llAOI I I . ..IIOJICliO IMIIIOY OIWAMOI POll 1001 0 ... 4 . I-VI r&.OW IIIOU .. I ... .OI UUMO ItA YUAAL CONOIYIOII PLOWI POA eTA ... C:OMI YIIUC ,.,_ uoao.-ov-... PLOWI POA IYAUO C:OIIIIJIIUCY!Oef (:tOOl INI118Y MMAIIDet JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month• c ·omparisons of Susitna River Natural, Stage 3 2008, and Stage 3 2020 Stre•mflowa Exceeded 97% of the time at Gold Creek Reference: Harza-Ebasco 198.S Figure 32 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woo4w...Cird• c ............. AND ENTAIX , INC . HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE THOUSANDS 30 -.--------------.-----------,r---------, -y •• , UA XIUUU•ai.OOO olo D • c h a r g • n c f • 25 20 15 10 5 0 CAll E -YI UAXIUUU PLOW IIEOUIAEWENU ·-·-·--- ·---. ., ,/ ·-·-. I .· CAIE E-YI UIN .... UU flOW IIEOUIIIIUINTI 1. HYDIIOLOGIGAL DATA fiiOM ~EIIIOO 1110-1 111 I . ITAGID CONITIILIGT.,_ ITACU I I . ~IIOJICTIO INitteY OIMANOI 'Oil 1001,- 4. I -VI 'LOW ltiOUtlll-.rll LIOIND NATUitAl 01111,._ n.owa 110'1 .,,.... CO.ITitUOno.t ~-y~ PLOWI ,Oft ITAMO CONITIIUCTIOM (2001 ~' DBMNDel JAN fEB HAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV OEC Honlh• Comparisons of Susitna River Natural and Stage 3 2008, and Stage 3 2020 Streamflow• Exceeded 50% of the time at Gold Creek Reference: Harz~-Ebasco 1985 Figure 33 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Conaultenta AND ENTRilC, INC. HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 00 N D • c h 0 r g • n c f • THOUSANDS 60 50 40 30 20 10 OAII I-VI MAXIMUM 'LOW fiiOUIIUMINTI --·-·-·-·-----.. . . . . I *'" .. I . HYDfiOLO..CAl. OATA '"ow ~111100 tea•-, ••• 1 . ITAQIO COIIITfiUCTICNI UAQI a • ·, I . ~IIIOACTIO I ... IIICIY , ,::.J j NWANOI '0111 ·-·-' . ·.,,it:< 4 . I·VI 'LOW 1110'-anne ·~ ·;I LICIINO , , . ~ --•ATUitAl. ca I ·- •.; 4"' --"' ... ..,.. ...... . l ' (iT c:o.e T'IIUC,..,. . r·:, c-_.oe •• .,~" . :'t7~~ ~~'!.-:;::n:.-- :~, (JON...,... oeu -• .lf / ........ ·-.. . ........... JAN FEB HAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month• Comparisons of Su1itna River Natural, Stage 3 2008, and Stage 3 2020 Streamflow& Exceeded 6% of the time at Gold Creek Reference: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 34 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUStTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Wooctw•rd-CI~• Conautt.nta AND ENTAIX, INC . HAAZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE WATER WEEKS CrLOJJED AT UID ·WUKI J1 u n )4 U )6 SF » ,, 40 41 41 4) 44 U 46 4F 41 ~· ~ ~ U I I ) 4 II I 7 I I 10 II II IS H IS 16 IF 16 ., 10 II II U 14 ISH U H H 10 190 _ 1 I I I NOTES · WAJANA-I. TEW .. EAA TURfS IN •c . DEYil CANYON c w > « 170 - 160- llr.t£ \ l \ \ \ \ l I \ ~ \ \ ~' ! I ' Simulated Stage 3 2020 Susitn• River Temperature• from River Mile 150 to 80. 2 . ICE SIWULA TION HOT WADE fOA THIS CASE. TfWPEAA TUAE S FOA N0VfW8EA H :~OUOH WAACH SHC ULO NOT 8F. USEO. I. IMI ltal C&.IMAWE DAIA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw•rd-Ciyde c ... ....._,.,. Rc:fc:rence: Harza-Ebasco 1985 Figure 35 AND ENTAIX, INC HARZA ·f8ASCO SUSIJNA JOINT VfNTUflllf Seasonal turbidity levels under Stage 3 would exhibit seasonal variations similar to Stage 2. (i) Prjmarv Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Spawnjng Adults Comparisons of Stage 2·2002, Stage 3·2008 and Stage 3-2020 mean weekly flow duration curves for each week of the spawning period are shown in Appendix Figures 11-20. Similar comparisons based on the maximum mean weekly flow for weeks 45-49 of each year for the 34 years of record are presented in Figures 36 and 37. The percentage of time flows that provide passage occur is similar for Stage 2-2002 and Stage 3·2008. However, there is a marked reduction in the frequency at which flows necessary for passage is provided in under the Stage 3-2020 energy demand as compared to the Stage 3·2008 energy demand. The transition from adequate flows in 2008 to the reduced flows during the spawning period in 2020 would occur over a period of 12 years. This time period would allow assessment of any impacts that may result from these flow reductions. There is also the possibility that the patterns of utilization of different habitat types may occur during this interval without a net decrease in productivity. Attempting to assess impacts in 2020 based on current utilization patterns would therefore not be productive. Provision will be made in a long-term monitoring program to assess changes in productivity of the evaluation species. There are no anticipated impacts to the incubation life stage of chum salmon resulting from Stage 3 development. 84 -V) I.L. u -u CIO .. • .c u "' 0 60,000 50,000 40 ,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 • Simulated Staae 2 2002 Eoeray Demand flow a Simulated Staac 3 2001 Eoeray Demand flow 20 40 60 80 Percent Exceedaoce 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for c;imulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Figure 36 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Conaulunta AHD ENTNX,INC. 85 HAAZA·EISASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE -{I) 1.1. u -u CIO .. • .c u "' 0 60,000 50,000 40 ,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 .. Simulated Stage 3 2001 EneriY Demand flow o Simulated Staae 3 2020 EneriY Demand flow 20 40 60 ao Percent Exceedance 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for weeks 45 to 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Figure 37 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodwerd-Cird• Conault.nta AND INTAtX,INe 86 HAAZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Chinook Salmon Rearjna Juveniles It is anticipated that the mitigation measures applied to chinook rearing in Stage 1 would also mitigate for Sta&e 3·2020 flows. (ii) Secondary Evaluation Specjes No additional impacts are anticipated for the Stage 3 flow regimes. 4.3.2 Mitigation During Stage 3 of the projects, the long-term monitoring program would identify impact to the evaluation species and appropriate mitigation measures would be implemented as needed. 4.4 • Scheduling of Mitigation 4.4.1 Flow Release Case E· VI flow constraints, or a similar negotiated flow regime would be instituted in May 1995 during the first year of filling. The constraints of this flow regime would then be in effect for the duration of the project. 4.4 .2 Structural Modification of Habitats Modifications of slough and side channel habitats to accommodate spawning by chum salmon and to a lesser extent rearing of juvenile salmon would be scheduled according to the timing of impacts identified with each stage of project development. With the exception of filling flows impacts to chum salmon spawning and incubation habitat aduring Stage l, Stage 2 and Stage 3-2008 energy demands would be similar. 87 The: construction of berms to prevent overtopping take: priority over modifications within sloughs since: the: berms will also serve: to protect these: modifications. If proposed berm construction were: extensive it could be: initiated during the: construction phase: of Watana and also take: advantage: of previously mobilized equipment to reduce: costs. Candidate: si tc:s for pre-operational bc:rming would be those sites that do not depend on breaching conditions during the spawning season for passage (e .g. Slough II). Berming of such a site would eliminate the need for immediate slough modifications. The flows during the winter following the first summer of filling in 1995 would be at natural levels and berming would not be necessary to protect incubating embryos. All proposed berming would be completed by the winter of 1996-1997. Modification of sloughs and side channels could also be staggered over a multiyear period if necessary. A full scale modification of a slough would require about two weeks time. Minor modification could be accomplished in a few days or less. Modification to slough and side channel would generally occur between June I and July IS, after most fry or juvenile ~ have left their natal areas and before adults have returned to spawn. The timing may be adjusted on a site specific basis. Modification to sloughs and side channels should be completed by summer, 1996 or if possible by summer 1995. As information on the extent of berming required for different sites is acquired this summer and specific sites or parts of sites are selected for modification, a detailed scheduling program will be developed. Should additional modification measures be necessary during the later stages of the project, scheduling would be on an as-needed basis and at the least sensitive time of the year for the particular activity. 4.5 -Monitoring A monitoring program is recognized as an essential project mitigation feature, particularly in a staged development in which the impacts will vary over time. A detailed monitoring program is currently being developed as a separate 88 document that will address impacts and mitigation measures presented in this volume and the other two volumes of this three volume mitiaation series. The middle · Susitna River portion of the monitoring program will focus on (I) monitoring salmon population and production levels to ensure that the predicted level of impact is not being exceeded and (2) evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures. These two areas of focus are outlined below. 4.S.l Monjtorjna of Salmon Populations Salmon populations in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach will be monitored to assess whether populations maintain historical levels during the operation phase. Monitoring will consist of enumerating returning adults and estimating fry and smolt production. The adult monitoring program will include: 1) Monitoring the long-term trend in catches at fixed fishwheel stations. 2) Monitoring the long-term trend in spawning ground counts. 3) Monitoring the long-term trend in age and size composition of spawning adults. 4) Relating the above trends to physical, chemical and biological changes in the system, including changes induced by the project. The juvenile salmon monitoring program will provide estimates of fry and smolt production in the middle Susitna River over a pe1 iod of years encompassing natural and with-project conditions. Production estimates and changes in production patterns over the years can be compared directly with changes in physical conditions due to project operation. Factors affecting smolt production estimates will be evaluated by: 89 1) Obtainina data on survival rates from eu deposition to fry-smolt production. 2r Monitorina lona-term trends in the timina of emergence and outmigration of juvenile salmon by use of tauina of young fish and recapture in outmiarant traps. 3) Monitorina lona·term trends in the development, arowth and relative condition of young salmon. Pre-project data will be compared to with-project data to determine whether substantial changes are occurrina as a result of the project. In addition, the data collected from the above studies, data from the commercial fish harvest, sportfish harvest surveys,and subsistence fishina will be considered in the overall evaluation of the salmon resources. 4.5.2 -Mitigation Monitoripa Mitigation features to be monitored for evaluation of the level of mitigation being achieved include: -Slough modifications -Replacement habitats -Incubation pits The monitoring activity will include evaluating the operation and maintenance procedures to ensure that the facilities are operating effectively. If a mitigation feature is not meeting the intended level of effectiveness, modifications to the mitigation feature will be made to increase its effectiveness. (A) Monitoring Slough Modifications The various measures incorporated for slough habitat maintenance will be monitored to assess whether they arc meeting their intended function and are operating properly. Methods used to evaluate the 90 slouab mitiaation features will be consistent with methods currently beina used to assess baseline conditions of the parameters to be monitored. Mitigation features desianed to allow adult salmon passage into and within the sloughs will be annually inspected after breakup to identify and conduct needed repairs prior to the adult return. Annual monitoring of returning adults will allow identification of additional passage problems. Appropriate corrective actions will be taken. Modifications to slouahs designed to maintain spawning areas will be annually inspected prior to the spawning season to verify that the area contains suitable spawning conditions such as upwelling, amount of flow, depth of water, and suitable substrate. Areas that become overly silted will be cleaned. If slough flows diminish so that spawning is no longer possibie, appropriate corrective actions will be taken. The number of spawning adults returning to the sloughs will be monitored annually to measure changes in distribution to assess if the combination of minimum flow and slough modifications is maintaining natural production. This monitoring will also serve to assess whether the capacity of the modified areas is being exceeded. Appropriate remedial actions will be taken when spawning sites are inadequate. Fry production will be monitored annually to evaluate incubation success. Fry monitoring will include an assessment of out-migration timing and success. The annual slough monitoring will include an evaluation of general slougb conditions including vegetative encroachment, beaver occupation, and general condition of the spawning and rearing areas. Appropriate remedial actions will be performed to maintain slough productivity. 91 Representative slouahs will be monitored for temperature and slough flow . Monitoring of the physical processes will be continued until slough conditions stabilize under the regulated flow regime. This monitoring will be used in part to assess whether further modifications to the physical habitat must be made to maintain slough productivi t y . (B) Monitoring Reolacement Habitats Replacement habitats which develop as a result of th~ lower and more stable project mainstcm flows during the spawning season will be monitored to quantify usc of these areas by adult salmon. Monitoring methodology will be similar to that currently used to evaluate spawning habitats and will include standard physical and chemical measurements as well as biological analyses. (C) Monitoring of Artificial Prooagation Stream-side incubation pits, if utilized, will be monitored to evaluate their effectiveness in producing the number of returning chum salmon for which they were designed. 92 REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1982. Statement of Policy on Mitigation of Fish and Game Habitat Disruptions. Juneau. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1981. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies • Phase I Final Draft Report: Resident Fish Investigation on the Lower Susitna River. Prepared for Acres American, Inc. Buffalo, NY 166 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 19S3a. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase II Basic Data Report. Volume 3: Resident and juvenile anadromous fish studies below Devil Canyon, 1982. 177 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1983b. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies • Phase II Data Report. Winter aquatic studies (October 1982 -May 1983), Anchorage, AK. Alaska Power Authority. 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric P !oject: Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy. Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, AK. Alaska Power Authority. 1983. Application for license for major project, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Vol. 6A. Exhibit E, Chap. 3. Alaska Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Barrett, B.M, F.M Thompson, and S.N . Wick . 1984 . Report No. I. Adult anadromous fish investigations: May October 1983. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Anchorage, Ak. Barrett, B.M, F.M Thompson, and S.N. Wh.:k . 1985. Report No. I. Adul t anadromous fish investigations: May -October I 984. Alaska DeiJartment of Fish and Game. Anchorage, AK. Draft. 93 Bell. MC. 1973. Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements Biological Criteria (Revised 1980). Prepared for Fisheries-Engineering Research Proaram, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division. Portland, Oregon. Blakely, J .S., J .S. Sautner, L.A. Rundquist and N .E. Bradley. 1985 and Addendum to Alaska Department of Fish and same Report No. 3, Chapter 6: Salmon Passage Validation Studies Auaust -October, 1984. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. 1984. Evaluation of Alternative Flow Requirements. Anchorage, AK. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. 1985. Stlged Construction Pre-Filing Consultation Package. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Text and Appendix A (Physical Habitat Simulation Exhibits}. Jennings. T .R. 1985. Fish Resources and Habitats in the Middle Susitna River. Instream Flow Relationships Technical Report Series: Technical Report No. I. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, AK. Klinger, S. and E.W. Trihey. 1984. Response of Aquatic Habitat Surface Areas to Mainstem Discharge in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach of the Susitna River, Alaska. Final Report prepared for the Alask~ Power Authority. Lister, D.B . & Associates, Ltd. 1980b. Stream Enhancement Guide. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Roth, K . and M Stratton. 1985 . The Migration and growth of juvenile salmon in the Susitna River. Draft Report No 7, Part 1. Alasksa Department of Fish and Game. Anchorage, AK. 94 Sandone, G ., D. Vincent-Lana. and A. Hoffman. 1984 . Chapter 8: Evaluations of Chum Salmon-Spawnina habitat in selected tributary-mouth habitats of the middle Susitna River. In Report No. 3: Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow lnvestiaations (May October 1983), by C. Estes and D. Vincent-Lang, eds. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Anchorage, AK. Schmidt, D.C ., S.S. Hale, and D.L. Crawford (eds.). 1984. Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Investigations (May • October 1983). Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Report Series No. 2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Anchorage, Alaska. Trihey, E.W. 1982. Preliminary assessment of access by spawning salmon to side slough habitat above Talkeetna. Prepared for Acres American, Inc. Buffalo, NY. 26 pp. U.S . F ish and Wildlife Service. 1981. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Federal Register SO CFR 17.11 and 17 .12. January 1, 1982. Vining, L.J ., J .S. Blakely, and G .M. Freeman. 1985. An evaluation of the incubation life stage of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River, Alaska. Vol. 1, Rept. No. S, Winter aquatic investigations: September 1983 • May 1984. ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, AK. 130 pp. + Appendices. Woodward-Clyde Consultants. 1984. Fish Mitigation Plan. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. 95 APPENDIX 96 APPENDIX FIGURES 97 .-. ~ 1.1.. u ._. u ao .. Cll .c () "' a 60,000 • Natural rtow at Gold Creek a Simulated Stage I 1996 Eneray Demand flow 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 ~ 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedancc Comparison of flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamflows for week 45 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 1 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR I TY SUSITN-' HYDROELECTRIC PROJE C T Wooctw•rd·Ciyde Conaulbnts AHD ENTRIX. INC. 98 HARZ4 ·E84SCO SUS IT NA JO I NT VENTURE ~ LL. u -u 110 .. til J: u ... Cl 60,000 • Natural flow at Gold Creek a Simulated Staae 1 1996 Eneray Demand flow 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamflows for week 46 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. ALASKA POWER AUTHC:11T Y SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward·Ciyde Contultanta , R l A . e a A s c 0 Appendix Figure 2 AND su . ..A JOINT veNH ~e ~----------------------------~-------~-T_N_x._INC--------~-----------------__J ..-. ~ Llr. u ._, u CliO .. al .c u ... 0 60,000 • Natural flow at Gold Creek 50,000 a Simulated Stage I 1996 EneriY Demand flow 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percen t Ex ceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamflows for week 4 7 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Consulunta HARZA ·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE AND OIITAIX, INC. 1 00 .-. V') u. u _.. u all .. • .If! u ... 0 60,000 • Natural flow at Gold Creek 50,000 a Simulated Staac 1 1996 Eneru Demand flow 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamflows for week 48 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 4 AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodwartf.Cfrd• Conautt.nta AND ENTAil, INC. 101 HAAZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ....... Cl) u. u ........ u Gill .. • .c: u -~ ~ 60,000 so .ooo • Natural flow at Gold Creek a Simulated Staae 1 1996 Ener&Y Demand rtow 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 so 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of now duration curves for natural and simulated Stage 1 1996 Energy Demand streamnows for week 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 5 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw•rd-Ciyde Consutt.nts AND IENTJO, INC. 102 HAAZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE --V) Ll. u .._, u QID .. • .c u .. 0 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Staae 1 1996 EneriY Demand rtow a Simulated Staae 2 2002 Ener&Y Demand (low 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for week 45 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix f!gure 6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Con•ulbnts ANO !NTRfX. INC. 103 H A A 2' A · E 8 A S C 0 SUSITNA o~'OINT VENTURE ....... V) 1.1. u ._, u CIO .. ~ ..: u "' ::::l 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Stage I 1996 Energy Demand flow 0 Simulated Stage 2 2002 Eneray Demand flow 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for week 46 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 7 AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodw•rcf.Circf• Con1ulunta AHO lNTRtX, IHC. 104 HAFIZA ·E8ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ! .-. II) 1.1. u _.. u ao "' • ~ u ... 0 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 a Simulated Stage I 1996 Energy Demand flow a Simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand flow 40 60 80 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for week 47 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 8 ALASKA POWER AUTHORqy SUSITNA HVOROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodwercf..Ctyde Conaultanta HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE AND ENTftiX. INC. 105 .- (I) "" u --u 110 .. • .c <J ... 0 60,000 so,ooo 40,000 30,000 \ 20,000 10,000 0 0 • Simulated Staae 1 1996 Eneray Demand flow 0 Simulated Staae 2 2002 Eneray Demand flow 20 40 I 60 Percent Exceedance so 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for week 48 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record . Appendix Figure 9 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodwarcf.Cirde Consultants AHO ENTRIX, INC. 106 HAAZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,-. Ill LL. u _. u CIO .. • .c u "' 0 60,000 so .ooo 40,000 30,000 20 ,000 10,000 0 0 • Simulated Staae 1 1996 Eneray Demand flow a Simulated Stage 2 2002 Eneray Demand flow 20 40 60 so Percent Exceedance 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 1 1996 and simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand streamflows for week 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appenc:H~ Figure 10 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTAIX. INC. HARZA·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE -Cl) LL. u -u CliO .. • .c CJ "' 0 60,000 so.ooo 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 6 Simulated Staae 2 2002 EneriY Demand now a Simulated Staae 3 2001 Eneray Demand now 60 80 10~ Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for week 45 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 11 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELECTFHC PROJECT Woodwa,.Ciyde C4naultanb HAAZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTNX,INC. __ 1_08 -V) 1.1. u '-' u CliO .. ell .c (,) ., 0 60,000 50 ,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 .. Si mulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand flow a Simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand flow 40 60 80 tO O Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for week 46 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 12 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Conaulunta AHD ENTAIX, INC. 109 HAAZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ....... V'l LL. u '-' u ao .. • .c u "' c 60,000 .50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Stage 2 2002 Energy Demand flow a Simulated Stage 3 2001 Energy Demand flow 40 60 &0 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for week 4 7 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 13 ALASKA POWER AUTHOqiTY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT W~odw•rdoCIJde Conautbnll AHO ENTAil, INC. l lO HAAZA ·EBASCO SVSITNA JOINT VENTURE -<I) 1.1. u ....... u CIID .. • .c () "' 0 60,000 so.ooo 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Stage 2 2002 Ene r gy ~emand flow a Simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand flow 40 60 ao Percent Exceedance 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for week 48 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record . Appendix Figure 14 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO J ECT Woodward-Clyde Consultants ANO lNTRIX, tHC. 111 HARZA ·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ..-. V) u. u .._, u ao .. • .c u "' 0 60,000 so.ooo 40 ,000 30,000 \ 20,000 10,000 0 0 • Simulated Staae 2 2002 Eneray Demand flow a Simulated Staae 3 2020 Ener&Y Demand flow 20 40 60 ao Percent Exceedance 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 2 2002 and simulated Stage 3 2008 Energy Demand streamflows for week 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 15 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Con•uttanta AHO ENTRIX, INC. HAAZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTUAE i ....... Cl) 1.1. u --u CID .. • .c u ... Cl 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Staae 3 2008 Ener&Y Demand flow a Simulated Staae 3 2020 Eoer&Y Demnd flow 40 60 ao 100 Percent Exceedaoce Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for week 45 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 16 AL.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Consultanta AHO INTJU,IHC. ll3 HARZA ·EIIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,-.. II) ""' u ._, u Qlll .. • .c u ... :::::l 60,000 so.ooo 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 a Simulated Staae 3 2001 Encr&Y Demand flow o Simulated Staae 3 2020 EnerJY Demand flow 40 60 so 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for week 46 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 17 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Cfrde Conauttanta AND ~NTJU,IIC. 114 HAAZA -EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE --en u. u .._, v CIO .. • .c u ... c 60,000 so.ooo 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 • Simulated Staae 3 2001 EneriY Demand flow a Simulated Staae 3 2020 Eneray Demand flow 40 60 so 100 Percent Exceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for week 47 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 18 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Circle Conaultanb HARZA ·EIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE --V) 1.1. u _. u CliO .. Ill .s: u "' 0 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 • Simulated Stage 3 2008 Eneray Demand flow a Simulated Staae 3 2020 Ener&Y Demand flow 20 40 60 80 Percent Exceedance 100 Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for week 48 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 19 ALASKA POV.ER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Woodward-Clyde Conaulunta AHO ENTJU.INC. 116 HAAZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,_ V) 1.1. u --u 110 ... • .c u "' 0 60,000 so.ooo 40 ,000 30,000 20,000 10 ,000 0 -·------.., • Simulated Staae 3 2008 Eneray Demand flow a Simulated Staae 3 2020 Eneray Demand flow "\::: '-··~::::::: II~ ll I I I I.-_ I I I I ~-----------------------~1 ---ri ----~~--~~---------, 0 2 0 40 60 ao 100 Percent Ex ceedance Comparison of flow duration curves for simulated Stage 3 2008 and simulated Stage 3 2020 Energy Demand streamflows for week 49 based on mean weekly flows for 34 years of record. Appendix Figure 20 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC T Woodw•rcf.Cirde Con1ultanb AND ENTAil, INC. 117 HARZA ·E8ASCO SUS I TNA JOINT VENTURE APPENDIX TABLES 118 Appendix Table 1. Percent of time successful paaaaqe occurs under natural and Staqe 1 mainstem discharqes durinq week 45 at Slouqh BA. Mainatem Discharqe for ~y~~e~I~Yl fAI~Ig. f~J::~!mt 2: Iim~· Paasaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 BA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 100 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 88 53 53 III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 65 47 47 IV 25,000 >60,000 27,000 15 15 15 v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 12 12 12 VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 97 65 65 VII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 9 9 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 9 9 0 IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 9 9 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 9 9 0 *Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- char qes for successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local flow, or breachinq. 119 Appendix Table 2. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 46 a ~: Slough BA. Mainstem Discharge tor SY~~estfYl ~1111g1 ~e~::c~nt Qf Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 BA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 100 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 79 62 62 III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 59 44 44 IV 25,000 >60,000 27,000 12 15 15 v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 9 9 9 VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 91 71 71 VII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by eit:ner backwater, local flow, or breaching. 120 Appendix Table 3, Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainatem discharges during week 47 at Slough SA. Mainstem Discharge tor §y~~!SI!Yl ~AI§Ag! ~e~~ent 2! time• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 SA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 100 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 53 41 4l III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 41 32 32 IV 25,000 >60,000 27,000 15 12 12 v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 6 9 6 VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 77 68 68 VII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 6 6 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum o! the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 121 Appendix Table 4. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstam discharges during week 48 at Slough SA. Mainstem Discharge for ~ygc~s!tYl ~~ssagt ~e[gent Q! Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 SA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 100 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 47 41 41 III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 18 18 18 IV 25,000 >60,000 27,000 9 9 9 v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 9 9 0 VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 50 47 47 VII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 *Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater , local flow , or breaching. 122 Appendix Table 5. Percent ot time •uccesstul passaqe occurs under natural and Staqe 1 mainstem discharqes durinq week 49 at Slouqh SA. Mainstem Discharqe tor Su~~eslfYl ~IIIAgl ~·~~en~ 2! ~ime• Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermec Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 SA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 1011 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 29 27 2 '7 III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 15 15 15 IV 25,000 >60,000 27,000 3 0 ) v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 3 0 I ) VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 56 56 Sl i VII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 c IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 0 0 0 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charqes tor successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local flow, or breachinq. 123 Appendix Table 6. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during weeks 45-49 at Slough SA. Mainstem Discharge tor Suc~es§fYl f~ss~ge fe[cen~ Qf Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed S l ough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 SA I 7,700 5,500 27,000 100 100 100 II 16,000 >60,000 27,000 97 77 77 III 19,000 >60,000 27,000 82 68 68 IV 25,000 >60,000 27 ,000 29 27 27 v 30,000 >60,000 27,000 24 21 18 VI 59,000 13,500 33,000 97 82 82 VII >60 ,000 >60,000 33,000 15 15 0 VIII >60,000 >60,000 33,000 15 15 0 IX >60,000 >60,000 33,000 15 15 0 X >60,000 >60,000 33,000 15 15 0 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successtu1 passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 124 Appendix Table 7. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainatem discharges during week 45 at Slough 9. Mainatem Discharge tor ---~y~~!llf~l fllllgl ftl:~~mt 2f :time• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9 I 11,600 27,000 19,000 97 85 85 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 65 47 18 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 65 47 15 IV 25,500 5Q ,('I00 19,000 65 47 15 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 65 47 9 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 125 Appendix Tabla 8. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstaa discharges during weak 46 at Slough 9. Mainstem Discharge tor ~y~~esgfyl fAIIA91 ~~[~en~ of time* Passage Local Un.bermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9 I 11,600 27,000 19,000 97 85 85 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 59 44 21 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 59 44 15 IV 25,500 58,000 19,000 59 44 15 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 59 44 6 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 126 Appendix Table 9. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 47 at Slough 9. Mainstem Discharge tor ~u~~~~lfYl E~ISAg! f![~!Dt Qf Iime• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9 I 11,600 27,000 19,000 94 77 77 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 41 32 18 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 41 32 12 IV 25,500 58,000 19,000 41 32 12 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 41 32 6 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successtul passage provided by either backwater, local !low, or breaching. 127 Appendix Table 10. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 48 at Slough 9. Mainstem Discharge tor SY~~IIIfYl f1111g1 fiJ::~IDt Qf l:iml* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Sta ge 1 9 I 11,600 27,000 19,000 71 77 77 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 18 18 15 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 18 18 9 IV 25,500 58,000 19,000 18 18 9 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 18 18 0 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successtul passage provided by either backwater, local !low, or breaching. 128 Appendix Table 11. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 49 at Slough 9. Mainstem Discharge tor 5Y~~IIIfYl ~1111g1 ~~[~IDt Qf Iimg* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 ·- 9 I 11,600 27,000 19,000 65 77 77 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 15 15 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 15 15 IV 25,500 58,000 19,000 15 15 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 15 15 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successful passage provided by either backwater, local tlow, or breaching. 129 6 0 0 0 Appendix Table 12. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during weeks 45-49 at Slough 9. Mainatem Discharge tor ~y~~~llrYl fAIIAgl ~e[~en~ 2: :rime• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Back\olater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9 I 111 600 27,000 19,000 97 91 91 II 22,300 58,000 19,000 82 68 35 III 25,500 >60,000 19,000 82 68 15 IV 25,500 58,000 19,000 82 68 27 v 34,400 >60,000 19,000 82 68 15 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successtul passage provided by either back\olater, local tlow, or breaching. 130 Appendix Table 13. Percent of time •ucces•tul pasaaqe occur• under natural and Staqe 1 mainatea diacharqes durinq weex 45 at Slouqh 9A. Mainstem Diacharqe tor SY~~!SI,Yl fAIIA9. f!l:~IDt 2' ~ime* Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 97 88 88 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 97 100 100 III 22,300 11,000 13,500 97 91 91 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 97 91 91 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 97 80 80 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 74 65 50 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 94 65 56 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 94 65 9 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 94 65 56 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 97 80 80 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 94 65 0 *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charqes for successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local flow, or breachinq. 131 Appendix Table 14. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 46 at Slough 9A. Mainstem Discharge tor ~y~~~~~:Yl fas~A91 f~[i~Dt 2: time• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 97 85 85 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 97 100 100 III 22,300 11,000 13,500 97 91 91 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 97 91 91 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 97 77 77 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 97 71 50 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 91 71 65 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 91 71 6 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 91 71 65 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 97 77 77 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 91 71 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges tor successtul passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 132 Appendix Table 15. Percent ot time successful passaqe occurs under natural and Staqe l mainstem discharqes durinq week 47 at Slouqh 9A. Mainstem Discharqe tor SY~~e~styl ~AS!A91 ~~[~tnt 2! Iime• Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 88 82 82 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 97 100 100 III 22,300 11,000 13,500 94 94 94 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 94 94 94 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 85 85 85 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 77 68 35 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 77 68 47 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 77 68 6 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 77 68 47 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 85 74 74 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 77 68 0 •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charqes tv~ successful passaqe provided by· either backwater, local flow, or breachinq. 133 Appendix Table 16. Percent ot time auccesatul passaqe occur• under natural and Staqe 1 •ainstea discharqea durinq week 48 at Slouqh 9A. Mainstem Discharqe tor ~~,,111,~1 fllllgl flt,IDt 2' Iiml* Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 71 77 77 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 97 100 100 III 22,300 11,000 13,500 79 88 88 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 79 88 88 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 62 62 62 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 50 47 29 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 50 47 44 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 50 47 0 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 50 47 44 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 62 62 62 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 50 47 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charqes tor successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local tlow, or breachinq. 134 Appendix Table 17. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under nat ural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 49 at Slough 9A. Mainstem Discharge tor ~y~~~~~~Yl fi~SAgl fet!ant 2~ Iime• Passage Local Unbermed Berm!d Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Staga 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 65 82 82 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 94 97 97 III 22,300 111000 13,500 71 88 88 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 71 88 88 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 62 62 62 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 56 56 21 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 56 56 29 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 56 56 29 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 62 62 52 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 62 62 •52 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 56 56 0 •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges tor successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 135 Appendix Table 18. Percent ot time •uccesstul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during weeks 45-49 at Slough 9A. Mainstem Discharge tor Su~~es~tYl f~~~Ag! f~r~~nt Q: Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 9A I 11,500 15,000 13,500 97 91 91 II 15,000 7,500 13,500 97 100 100 III 22,300 11,000 13,500 97 94 94 IV 27,000 11,000 13,500 97 94 94 v 33,500 12,500 13,500 97 85 85 VI 44,600 18,000 13,500 97 82 71 VII 47,300 15,000 13,500 97 82 77 VIII >60,000 31,500 13,500 97 82 15 IX >60,000 15,000 13,500 97 82 77 X >60,000 12,500 13,500 97 85 85 XI >60,000 50,000 13,500 97 82 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum of. the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 136 Appendix Table 19. Percent ot time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 45 at Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharge for ~YQQesstyl ~A~sag~ ~§[cent ot Iime• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 88 52 52 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 97 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 42,000 9 9 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 6 6 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 6 3 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 6 3 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 6 3 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 88b 53b II a a 16,000 sac 53c •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. a Mainstem discharges not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated for backwater and breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated for breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. 137 9 6 0 0 0 ob d Appendix Table 20. Percent ot time auccesstul paasaqe occurs under natural and Staqe 1 mainatem diacharqes durinq week 46 at Slouqh 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharqe tor ~u~cesstul ~~ssagg ~~t~ent o: Iime• Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 74 56 56 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 97 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 !.2,000 6 6 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 3 0 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 0 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 0 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 0 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 79b 62b II a a 16,000 79c 62c *Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges tor successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local flow, or breachinq. a Mainstem discharqes not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated tor backwater and breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated for breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. 138 6 0 0 0 0 ob d Appendix Table 21. Percent of time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 47 at Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharge for SY~~~~I!Yl ~A!S~gg ~u:~~nt 2! Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 53 41 41 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 97 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 42,000 6 6 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 3 3 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 3 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 3 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 3 3 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 53b 41b II a a 16,000 53c 41c *Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. a Mainstem discharges not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated for backwater and breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated for breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. 139 6 3 0 0 0 ob d Appendix Table 22. Percent of time •uccessful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 •ainste• discharges during week 48 at Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharge for SY~~~!I!Yl fAI§Agg f~~~~n~ 2! lim~· Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 41 35 35 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 94 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 42,000 0 0 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 0 0 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 47b 41b II a ·1 16,000 47c 41c •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. a Mainstem discharges not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated for backwater and breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated for breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. 140 0 0 0 0 0 ob d Appendix Table 23. Percent of time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage l mainstem discharges during week 49 at Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharge for ~y~~~~~~~l ~A~SA91 ~~[~IDt Q~ Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 29 27 27 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 97 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 42,000 0 0 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 0 0 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 0 0 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 29b 27b II a a 16,000 29c 27c *Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. a Mainstem discharges not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated for backwater a.nd breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated for breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis . 141 0 0 0 0 0 ob d Appendix Table 24. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during weeks 45-49 at Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11. Mainstem Discharge tor ~u~~~~lrYl ~a§sAgl ~~~::cent 2r Iim!il* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 11 I 16,500 28,000 42,000 94 74 74 II 19,400 <8,500 42,000 97 97 97 III 33,400 >60,000 42,000 15 15 15 IV 40,300 48,000 42,000 12 9 9 v >60,000 >60,000 42,000 9 6 0 VI >60,000 >60,000 42,000 9 6 0 VII >60,000 >60,000 42,000 9 6 0 usc 11 I 44,000 a 16,000 97b 77b ob II a a 16,000 97c 77c d •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow , or breaching. a Mainstem discharges not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. b Percent exceedence evaluated tor backwater and breaching mainstem discharges only. c Percent exceedence evaluated tor breaching mainstem discharge only. d Percent exceedence not evaluated as data insufficient for analysis. 142 Appendix Table 25. Percent of time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 45 at Side Channel 21 and Slough 21. Mainstem Discharge tor SY~~~§ItYl fAS~Age f~x:cent ot Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 97 91 91 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 97 82 68 IV 20,000 15 ,000 12,000 97 82 56 v 25,900 15,000 12,000 97 82 56 VI 32,100 48,000 12,000 97 82 9 VII 45,900 >60,000 12,000 97 82 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,0 00 21 21 12 IX 51,400 22,000 24,000 32 21 21 Sl 21 I 51,400 22,000 25,800 32 21 21 II 54,900 5,000 25,800 100 100 100 IIIL >60,000 >60,000 25,800 15 15 0 IIIR >60,000 >60,000 29,000 >12 >12 0 •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 143 Appendix Tabla 26 . Percent ot time auccaastul paaaaqa occurs under natural and Staqa 1 mainstem discharqas durinq week 46 at Side Channel 21 and Slouqh 21. Mainstem Discharqe tor SY~C!S~fYl f~S§~g~ fe~~en~ of rime• Passaqe Local Unbermed Bermed Slouqh Reach Backwater Flow Breachinq Natural Staqe 1 Staqe 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 97 91 91 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 97 79 74 IV 20,000 15,000 12,000 97 79 65 v 25,900 15,000 12,000 97 79 65 VI 32,100 48,000 12,000 97 79 6 VII 45,900 >60,000 12,000 97 79 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,000 18 15 6 IX 51,400 22,000 24,000 27 21 21 Sl 21 I 51,400 22,000 25,800 27 21 21 II 54,900 5,000 25,800 100 100 100 IIIL >60,000 >60,000 25,800 12 15 0 IIIR >60,000 >60,000 29,000 9 6 0 *Percent of time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charqes for successful passaqe provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 144 Appendix Table 27. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainate• discharges during week 47 at Side Channel 21 and Slough 21. Mainstem Discharge tor ~yc~esstul ~ass~g§ ~ercen~ 2! Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 97 88 88 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 85 74 71 IV 20,000 15,000 12,000 85 74 47 v 25,900 15,000 12,000 85 74 47 VI 32,100 48,000 12,000 85 74 6 VII 45,900 >60,000 12,000 85 74 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,000 15 12 9 IX 51,400 22,000 24,000 24 18 18 Sl 21 I 51,400 22,000 25,800 24 18 18 II 54,900 5,000 25,800 100 100 100 IIIL >60,000 >60,000 25,800 12 12 0 IIIR >60,000 >60,000 29,000 6 6 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching . 145 Appendix Table 28. Percent ot time •ucc•••tul passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during week 48 at Side Channel 21 and Slough 21. Mainstem Discharge tor ~Y~~es~:ul ~~sg~g1 ~~~~ent 2: Iime• Passage Local Unbermed Bermed Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Stage 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 85 91 91 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 65 68 50 IV 20,000 15,000 12,000 65 68 44 v 25,900 15,000 12,000 65 68 44 VI 32,100 48,000 12,000 65 68 0 VII 45,900 >60,000 12,000 65 68 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,000 9 9 6 IX 51,400 22,000 24,000 15 15 15 Sl 21 I 51,400 22,000 25,800 15 15 15 II 54,900 5,000 25,800 100 100 100 IIIL >60,000 >60,000 25,800 9 9 0 IIIR >60,000 >60,000 29,000 6 3 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum ot the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 146 Appendix Table 29. Percent of time successful passage occurs under natural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during ~eek 49 at Side Channel 21 and Slough 21. Mainstem Diacharqe for Su~~esstul fas~Age f!n::cen~ ot Iime* Passage Local Unbermed Berm!d Slough Reach Backwater Flow Brea.chinq Natural Stage 1 Stag! 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 74 88 88 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 62 71 56 IV 20,000 15,000 12,000 62 71 29 v 25,900 15,000 12,000 62 71 29 VI 32,100 48,000 12,000 62 71 0 VII 45,900 >60,000 12,000 62 71 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,000 3 0 0 IX 51,400 22,000 24,000 6 6 6 51 21 I 51,400 22,000 25,800 6 6 6 II 54,900 5,000 25,800 100 100 1)0 IIIL >60,000 >60,000 25,800 3 0 0 IIIR >60,000 >60,000 29,000 3 0 0 •Percent of time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided by either backwater, local flow, or breaching. 147 Appendix Table 30. Percent ot time successtul passage occurs under natursl and Stage 1 mainstem discharges during weeks 45-49 at Side Channel 21 and Slough 21. Mainstem Discharge tor ~uccess:ul Eass~g~ Eetcent o: Iime• Pass~ge Local Unbermed Berned Slough Reach Backwater Flow Breaching Natural Stage 1 Sta;e 1 sc 21 I 7,800 5,000 12,000 100 100 100 II 10,300 15,000 12,000 97 97 97 III 13,000 15,000 12,000 97 91 82 IV 20,000 15,000 121000 97 91 77 v 25,900 15,000 121000 97 91 77 VI 321100 48,000 121000 97 91 15 VII 45,900 >601000 121000 97 91 0 VIII 50,000 28,000 24,000 32 27 18 IX 51,400 22,000 241000 47 38 38 Sl 21 I 511400 22,000 251800 47 38 38 II 541900 51000 251800 100 100 100 IIIL >601000 >601000 251800 29 27 0 IIIR >601000 >60,000 291000 >28 >18 0 •Percent ot time corresponds to the minimum of the three required dis- charges for successful passage provided hy either !.J ackwater 1 local flc ,w 1 or breaching. 148