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PROJECT Hoe 79 11
Power Authority
Report by
Frank Orth & Associates, Inc.
Under Contract to
Batza-Ebascs Susitna Joint Venture
Prepared for
Alaska Power Authority
Final Report
June I985
3.0 De@cgipe%oa of Existing bil Opcraeiene
3% Ba%$ Fac%fltPa@
3.2 Raga Ersplo~eglt
4.0 DcBGI~~~~~o~ of eh:ha Pbcsject-Belated Railhead Fac%litB@rs
4 ,$ Frrc%l%t$ee Requiraenta
4.2 Cona~ruet%oa aad Operationrs Paricdr~
4,3 We& Pozee xae hapf ~b%cs
4.4 Payrc~ld.
4.5 LocaL Cmstmceicn and Operations Pu~ccRssaa
5 Basalfna Sscisaesnodc Csnd$tlsas
1 Enplcymeag
5.2 Bua%ness Activity
5.3 Demographlie Qlaracteristice
5,ik Hcusinp and Land hilability
5,s Public Facilities and Sem%ee@
3,6 Ff~caX Resources
6.0 Projected Sociaecmods Effects af The Railhead Faeil%tiea
4.1 Emglcpeat
6,2 Bu~lncs8 Ac&%"lsr%Cg
6.3 Demrcgraphic Chaza'acterisfics
6.4 Ilelaeisg and ];and AvailabilAty
6,s Public Hacilitie8 md Ssmice~
6,6 Fiscal Resource8
%28@ a$Jaee&va of this ~apcsg %e go plpovide P~~f~rmelwa QB the an%%atipotcd
scc%oeconadc i~pstrr tegu&batAr%g fram ehc %~ccatPan @g Sueitno
ia%@e$xie Brcsjcc% $a$% f~~e%Pltle@ ID ar QBIQLZ @ha? eemuadbp ~f Cansew@fg.
Pe hae be- pzepxed dia ordele tc eugpore tha ~eeda of the Social Sei@ne@@
pgaggm of thg Sueienri WydrceleccrPe Pz~jece clE the Uasb Power Autbg-
%ty. a&s repom w%1L scmo as updaea cn EPQ~ ~r@vf ded
L~c&~oo Agpglisarelsn ta ehe Federal Enexpy Regaa6~1~ Ccmisr@%an.
~lbcggr used tct projece the ecoaomie, damsgraphic, sand cther effects cf the
tho axPstRag rail faeilitiee at Cantwe= and Chapgar 4 pzeaent@ a dl-
ocxf gePm of the phmed rail *facilitiee.
d8ssussioa of baseline ~ccf~cconomic caaditiona in Cantwall, Chapegg 6
de~ezf bee the pieejecf ed ef f ecte of the facllitiea on emplopeat, bucrincess
act$vity, pcpubatfcn, houniag, publfc faci1itia.e and aepvices, and fiaca
zssoarcas in Ganm&I,
$Re baseliae p~ejeetioa~ of populet&ca, heuaehofd~, prabllc faeibitSee and
ce@ coaditfon~, ad fP@cd condftioar~ were eakea fz~s8a 8~ePoes~n~aomPc
pxea~J@egiaasaae develsped %a 4 (Prad Or6h h baeseiatc@, Iae, , MglxsB
1984e1, Baselline pzedasctioar ef cmplaapene Pa bntw~lP were degived fs~m
siaa scntaingd %a rrumrsga cf Bousehold~l and constmctisa mrrkera
CaamelX inad fro@ euweg8 cf buslineesee operated crnh cf Qa~au
(Pga* ObEh 81 ba~~eiate~~ lac., March 19848 and July 1984%; Hare&-EB;asco;
~)r 1985 &ad My 1985).
Seve~bal stspa were taken to produce emplcpcat, poputatioa, household,
public f acdlJlEy aad gcntica, and f iscd p+cjcetions for Ithe with-raflhe~ad
eaad%ePos~e~. First, the direce employment requirelnenea bar e~asemeti@a
an& sparation odE the railhead facilieiee were detemiaed bra@ info
caaeaf aed in ehr? FBRC LPccngc Application (ALaska Power Authority, 1983)
and revised wozk fore@ data (Urza-Ebasco Susit~a Joint Venture, personal
eammieaefon, Match 1985).
t be created when incow received by the direct wabk-
epe fr spent in CaameU. me aec~ndary work farerr? assaciated ~ieh the
BPgcee raP1Plaad orsrk force was deeamined by applying a secondaqr emplay
meat ~u%efplie+ sc the awber of coastntction aad epesatfons workers La
each year. Bag bh.ia study, he aecondaay emplcpcat multiplier for the
ailh head fae%litp in Ganbwefl wae 0.2. Ib representis the value that wae
applf ed tc the railhead ase~katco aad direce damgibe pro jcce werker~ resf d-
r"%g Pn 6;sntweU Imn gfae Susttabp escboeconcmie ampast modal Za FY84 (Tuckp
B.H., 1980; PEEL& OP6h h Ae@seiates, a Hne., 1984d). Addgag secondaq
amplopraP: to d%race emplopeat provfded ana esticmte, Q% the employorerst
inapac$: a% the railhecod fatelblifiee BPI Cangwejbl.
R~xE, "se eax%g%a @of bhe workers in she d$rect and secondaq empleymenZ
@adleglar%e& paas derived faor sumeye of fiaeka eohstlrsleti~nr worrkelcla and
fr;.~~ labor foxce condbtion~ expected tc exast An Cant~geXG (Frad Orth
Asaos.%ates, IEIC~~ P%BL.c~ Ib984d; Frank Osth 6 hssae%atecs, Iac., July. 19842;
&ad Hasza-Ebsaco, Aprgli 1985). The~e origins assue that labor fore@
cstsditloas in bn~antwell will be loose enough tc tallow some Cantwell res%-
de~~ts to obtain jobs on the railhead.
Ab~kst 15 percent of the railhead eenstructioa workers were assumed to be
local resfdents of Cantwell. According to surveys conducted of canstruc
E%BEJ. WOP~~ZS on, the Cantwell portion of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie
TransnrPssion Lfne, betweea 7 and 11 percent of the Intertie Project WO~~~
fares lZv%ag &a Canewell were local residents at the time of the two
sumeyd (FxaBk Oxth & Associates, Iac., 1984f; Harza-Ebaseo, April
19851. However, the percentage of railhead workers who would be local
residents was raised far two reasons: 1) other surveys of construction
werkelrs have shown local resident hiring to be as high as 40 to 70 per-
eeag (I'lountaPn West: Research, 1975 and U.S. Covs of Engineers, 1981);
and 2) nineteen Canewell residents in the 1983 household survey had rele-
vant skills to work an railhead constraaetian (Frank OP"e h &a$ssocfates,
IQ~c., 1984b). Because the latter survey included only 35 percent of all
people in the comunity, additional residents in the cornunity are prob-
ably qualified to obtain jobs related to railhead construction. While
ghe results of the referenced construction worker surveys are either not
s$ee-specific or based on large sample sizes, the results of all the
seppvays taken together, suggest that 33 (15 percent) is a reasonable
estimaee of the number sf railhead workers that would be local residents
in f986=
Dlring rai!.head construetion in 1985 and 1986, ft was assumed that 93
percent of the noalosd workere would be -accompanied by dependents
given the short-term nature of the construetion period and the provision
af single-status houeing by the Uaska Power Authority. In 1985, this
assumptions would mean that l47 of the 158 nonlccal workers would be
single-staeus wiirkers. In 1986, 177 of the 190 aoalocal workers would be
afaae-statue workera. Even though all workers would live at the rail-
head site, 13 aonloed workers (7 percent) were assumed ro brPng their
UPBE eha chigu sf ths ra%Bhead warkazrs and thePr gasaada~g couatarpa=@
ti~a wag ebtainad
$kern $JEB~~~B a% EOIL~~NG~%OQ wazkarl~ (Frank Omh h hrmaeciaecis, %98%f;
Warea-Ekaco, Aphfl 1985; MauntaLn Wesf Research, Inc., 1975; aad V.S.
Go-@ cf Eagiaae~e, 1981). Tnc fa~llly size of eceompaaiod caastmk-.
C~~OE~BIE~ was o~aucd to be 3.30 people, with 2 pccpla aceouted fos
eae wabkcr: asd spouse, 1.18 cacccunecd for ae eshasb-agc &%tneldren, aad 0.12
peaple aecomesd fez ae other dependeats auch as in-laws and mnrelated
d The f
repEesenta ghe average nubcr sf dcpenduae~~ found in the Intetellr Pxcpject
sumeys of 1983 ad 1984 and the Terrct Lake Survey of 1984. (Fradc Ortb
& B@@cciraEes, Tnc., 1984fg Baas-Ebasec, AprU 1985). Thie number lies
bame?n the 3.11 and 3.5% nubera f~cnad in the two gurneys of easetrue
%%om w~rkere ccadu~tad fir tho Lower 48 (Maunttain West Research, Iss.,
1975 ~lad O.S. CQ~S af Eag%ne~z~, 1981).
9- of the locclI. wcrkera who wodd obtain jab@ during railhead conagmc
r%~n wexo a,eemed ea csbtain xa%lhead ope~ati~nli emglopeat since sore of
%be aaae skiUa aaed du~ing ecn8emctioo. w%U be required daking operQn-
gfanu. Of the 14 railhead opsraticslr job@, 8 were assumed tc bc filled
by sonlocal restlde~ea. nodseal cperatOaa~ workare we~e assumed ta
be mzzitd sad haye aa average Zamify B%ZB of 2.93 ia accordance with
aaarr~ngeioae used foz opar;ctiwa@ w~zkszo located at the dam sdse. Xn the
2.93 fadly g%za, 0.93 echce%-ape shilbdrea wau1d be iae1uded (Frib& Ogth
h Aplerociatce, ifrae. , 198481,
As~u~~~oT~s about conratmct%on, operatfon, and geccndary oaorkcr chrae-
ter%st%co wage applied to ath-prcjece emplopeat fo~acagts. PcpplEarbare
bpace in Cant waa thea deee ned by adding aU ia-mf graelsg woekeze
dependence for bath the direct and seconda~y railhead-related work
Mter popcllafion effacta WCE~ dete ned, project-related ef fecta on
hsaag&ag were desfvad. U1 unaecoaaganied employee@ warking directly en
the Project wePa aseruned to be housed ie ainp;le-status quarters near tha
~ralUe@d @%fa by the POW~P Authority and muld nsE require ltaausirmg ia
ska Power Aathotitp, 1983). me 13 nodocdl cooeemctioa
wagkegs aeeompaaied by dependents and all in-agrating sczcoadia~ ucrk.kara
ware ose-ed to require housing in the csmunity. Beeauea the railhead
@baa@-staguo hoursing, %Q waa aasurned thae no more thaa arna vo~ker peg
heusehold would sbtafa a job on the Brajaet. nus, the nmbeae of
prcdeet-related houeahclds bs equal eo the ember sf in-migrating
S@Z%d Wa~te 0.00%5 ecroa pa2 gorBcn peg yen%
Fo%&cs P~o~ce~iaa % officer: peg thoasand popuLatfana
Edueafgon 10.5 pupils per teaehcr
Averape Amul. BaAabg Tsaffae 4.01 timee each pereaon ipa papaatdsaa
1 voluatcar per 27.6 people
Mediegl Samfca 1 v~lunteak peg 100 peep%a
Tae sealxala~d~ were ba@ed sa per capbta or peje pug%% ma%tip%lero vh%eh
wore daasfvod f ram hieeoricsl data 0% leecel coabdibions, Beate @eaadardr,
OP fr0a dfrece sad secondary worker cbzarpctcrist%cril dcgcrbbad abeva. ma
8Eaabxds web@ the same as those ueed in eba FnC License App%fcot%~a
(flash Powa?~ dhutherf tyB 1983). State police standard@ for mral abcas
of 1 offices per ghouaand populatfoa were applied to gehe baealiwe &ad
w%&-peoject pcpularione ts determine the f aapact on police pro tectPon %a
Traffic volumre impacts were dege ned by raultiplying, the amber of daily
ehipe mde per persan by the populatdon. The ragie bo~eae erfpca, and
ppUatPcn for Canwell cf 4.01 me ueed to produce projaetioaa of base
BBne &ad wifh-project condti~aa (Frank Orth h Assacisltea, Zec., June
~985b). Sdose baselia houeeholde and profeeg-related hausehclda ham
ar travail rcguirenente in ghat wrk tripe, shappitng t~ips, and lei-
Burs bz%p@ are rmada, the Baseliaa ratio@ were assumed to apply during the
w%*-pr~jeet BC~BBE~ B (Pra& Orth 61 ASGQC~B~~B, Tnc. , 1984d and 19848.1.
Truck trafffc refartad ee ehipment of pzojest mteeials frca the railhead
ro the P~ojesr @if@ W~BS 888med tc be 35 souad-teips gag day @a the
BenaPi WigBw&p beeween 1987 sad 1993 based -3 iaf~rmti~~ eoneained in
eha PedalcaL Energy R~gdata~ql Comiaeion Lieease Applicasioa and the
TE~~~E%c Amlyeis Bepczs (fierskta Powas Authorltp, 1983; sad %ra& Orth h
hsadcelbaspta , Has., Jwae 1985b),
. *-
a *.%*
jJaki {2gf@egfg ~hj ffaefldd gge@gge@g wgge d~g@gajP~ea %a g$wilag rdy$~f~ aiz
tee. Beg eapzga %Bveaeae &ad exp~aqi: ;-
$%P * -ape& ~~~~~ba IR&~%P~%@E@
e&eiaaB 1986 1, Per eapiga pevea~e 1aef g%S@xu Tqgxe &&%a%-*
b*a@~l e%@ b $a09 doUa;par pax pazaaa ffoa: e~agwpha%rcd ]L~@V@~QBCB &ad 96%: p@P
paxawa fog f@&ard revoaueo, Be%: capita @xp@adft~~e~ aePe a@@=@& gs$
%@61~19t eqwl eo tho per: eopiea roveaue 1a1~lipXfcxg. mise b&geliisa %a-
%gaze agsmed eo apply fsg thc w&th-projee8: altemat$ve. m~aesa sad-.
e%g%18exa weza thaa appPied es f~recaabe of the barcslfna! iaad with-project
U8tgx p~@j@c%-~e%cpe@c$ effects far emplb~peae, pogralertlcan, hcuatag, pubbie
facdBaEtBoe~ &ad ~emSeena, and dircal eaodig9oos were daterdaed, they w@E@
caarslpaxcd to baealia;ns @ccioee~aade ccndleicar C~anecP1. menna, the
elm%%iteanee a% fmpoc%@ detsmiaed by eha comparisons were regobtad.
afe caogreazlg liaafirced %a a eects%@a
&i%~*g psovf des etchraga sad r% plrscs~ PQP ~WB Waf$gaad v~lclsc~s be 4ijB~~ fa
adphSt30a~ the Caa~well eitg ha8 riding@ sad equ$gaeae pamas esp haadle
lar~ge eqa%IBpac~le bnad fxsiight. ma ~i&ing ir lmg cn~ugh to occemodaea 36
682~ hag@ one sag Eesgth io 50 feat. mexe ie also a ramp txaek (d~&d=*
@ad tzack) tb% fg gighe CBP leagehra lomag. me sidaago tnga bilX seated
at%n$a Ebe 200 daee rcighr-of-way ef the Uagb Railroad. Ba all, the
RaLXxaad ~ns, abeu9: 1,000 acrsa ie seatrered plecals ira~rowdfng mabw@ll
CB%velas & Arpssciafaas?, Inc., 1981). Abouk 630 ci bhegc acre8 lic d~~eh%a
HagIvo @elas&ian axeas.
Cubrag%yB the Uaaka Railrcad buys all of fts aupplbfas a~d =%eaPaLra for
opezaeicns, except fuel, froa hcho+agc, Bud ie purebaed f~~n, aad
delive~ed by, Gaghill Fuel which ie iccated in Neaam.
BppxoximtcPp 8-10 fteigfat traina through CanmeI1P eaeb w~(elE
9, personal cosmnmieation, 1984). Freight trains, are scheduled
wbea ehfpme?nes have be- ilbzangad and traie~ as@ loaded to capaeitp.
Seax7eing in late 1984, an additiond three trains began ng th~ocagh
ma6wau each dag dedicated for coal ehiprnents to Korea. mese! coal
tra%m arg expected to during the praposed railhead eonerrnet f oa end
~pcrrreaan periods. In add& ticn, psaangez trains lnake eeveo muad-.tslpa
pz weak through Can during rhe aumez (May through October) aad OQ~
reound-trjlp per week du+%nrmg the winter (November through ~p$pril).
In GantweU, 11)-15 bsx cilrs prr year have @agerialei oaded by Rallxcad
perpoollal. Mat cf the fxeighb 6hae is
for rhe Bklaska Railraad such as petrolem, ~ib, inad Iubxicaate; the E-
miade~ L@ mining equipaeat. During soastsucefon of bh@ hehorgge
FaPrbanlsea Iate~tPc Tranadsefoa LBae Prejcce fa 1984, eha general ecw
rroekor, HorrLsaa-madsen, leaeed the Cen~dl sidings and equipmaag
Eamps ee @hip aad laxrl~od mcgd eecti~ss usad BB~ tzantjlaaf ssPoo l%ae tower8
(Eager, per~oaal cemua$cat%oa, 19s
'Z~G PeesJeegp~ E~AU~PB faefli~y ~3aPbad be located appraxdmge%y one =.Ee
e~f aatweabl be~#ef;n &be Ucaeka BaPlrssad and gh@ F&z!c@ Highway. 'It%@
fae3si%ey wau-d b~ uead go
t:k3 eh@ bjagam &%t@ v%& ebe
quPxed, The faeiPiey wclnad iasPudg %as1 eeorage tad@, a miatem~iec
w~gk~hap )BD udaad%ap deck, mddar off ice, sad m$wacel%aneoue% gtmc%ra rcs
Pax opczacae%ng &ad mlnEeieJLergl ~raa~psln: &ad coneemetisa egrn%pmg 3a.e.
Aboug BOO,OQO criilb%s ya~dls af die be excavi~ecal and 19,900 Ligb@a
f@ee QB tsar& waul& be placed istc es~icle to escom~&ta prcjaet =tarxi-
aa a',B@ Consd~aner, Iae. 198%). TWIC~(I waad Ba used go tramport ehe
hamell%. za%lha~d faellity via the De~~li W%ghway and project aaecess read
CUaek Pcwe~ Auth~xlfy I 1983).
%t wae ege$mted by krea American, Inc. (Chaaberlaia, peraorusl comiiarajl-
cae%~a, Augug~: 1982) .tht average projset material. requizemenes %?auld
46 railear@ per weeks each carrying a 75-eon load for a t~ee.9 of
3,430 earn pc~ week. Since 8 to 10 frieght rraias currently passt through
GanmeU each week, project material requirmenrs wculd probablg be
badled by adding five tc air car8 to exiertaog trains rather tbra dedi-
caging new 6ra to bnle theec requiraeats. Shipmeneg wauld eoagist
of heav earth-saving equipmen&, erael, coacrete , or same eombfmeiot~ of
these ~h~rrc Ate-. The Rail~oaad has enough cars and equipment to iaeee
chcrre raqu$re~enta, crcepr; e9-e soac apecial caps (e.g., hopper care far
eemear) my seed tc be acquired during eonstruetfo~ of ehe Devil Carryon
(Eager, paro ccmmieatfcn, 1984). Shipaeata would occur betlean
mxch aed Bacambes each yea+p f~~a 1987 to 1993.
Gcnatmscicn on railhead daciliries ~fotlhd begen %a 1985. Constmetj.oa
wrk would be fntaogle dur~fng the 8 ar mantho cf 1985 and deerease by 40
r.-,q,, p--kSe~2,g -a BazPag K~v~~~~~ 9983 %a Bxeh ISI~B, Daaeiag lW983, QBE~ pce~~~~~t-i aery
e$>t~a, ea~gbw~g&~~ plagoa~sag wad eccas. Ha %9@6, ecvelrggj agog-B
LA&@ gagfag%&@,
%b@~@ facUie8ao waad h camplageia %a gwe yeagg ca: by %ha cad aoB $986,
TI>@ $?a%iMeg wedd opanthnec fog a pa+iod 0f ecvea ycaba aftcg eoa@Pf%ct%am
~3gEh gil%ipmeglg;@ @balss%np %a 1987 sad contZmlblag ehxough 1993 (fia~i%i% Poware
A&%Zha~%ey~ 1983Ic Duzbg 1992 and 1993, ehe $ae$litg woad be ueed to
~~~-IJP@P$: mt@g%a%@ fa% 18evU Grnayon cossfae&%m. After 1993, the cant-
& ebcm %EL Table I, e~~otruc~ioo of the xa%lhcad faefl%tie@ woeald rem
qu141xe beme- f28 and 255 wopke~e, averaging 186 warkers in 1985 aa$i 223
werkex8a ba 1986. Averaged over ycar~, she conat~uceicn wazk foxee
wadd be composed cb 32 (ad percent) a
nrll, 326 (62 parcerat) sed-sfdlled/skLUed pexronnel, and 47 (23 po~eea~)
uask8;blad Pabo~ere ae illustrated fa Tabla 2. hrlrag cperarloaa, a
cad equipmeat and mteslbrsl~,
&ad relead Pt onto tacks. Tha operations watk farce would eonsB@t cf 3
(21 persmt) adrPfeiatraticn/engineetiag personnel, 6 (03 pereeae) sea%-
ed pergonnef, and 5 (36 percent) wakUled laborera.
Ave~lag@ yeably aapplape~Z ~sociased with the conathucrioo and ogezaticmaa
of ehe railhead Pr deo @horn 18 %ble I. ib total of 223 g~ojoct-rafatcd
waxkcrla orauld be eurpecrad during 1985 and 268 yrojecz-related workere ir
1986 hp
'~gtimbed pyr@U@ for gh@ con8t~uctfon and ogazabiana pepi~d ape she%=
2a Tabla 2. Duzdadg the coaabmction period, it was eseimeed ekae amud
eoaatrsact%ca pyre21 waad eota8 10.5 dod8hfcm dollars. me amount of
paypcU b~spag 2% CanmeP1 wodd be much leas slbnca a wide raape of goad@
&ad srrvicenr eamog be gurebsed ia Camegel1 and iaXl ~reacceapaaied aoaa-
Lee& warke~s live ia giagtgle-status hcrnefsg psav%dgd by rha 6hlaak
21 ms cpezatiam work force of the ~ai1head facility wauM remfn gee? -
for eve- yeaP afger 1993.
Ss~a~ee: Fra& Orth h Associates, Inc., Harch 1984d (seeoabry wcrk feree
projasbiom );
Hancr-Ehseo Susitm Joint Ventate, correagdencc? daeed Wxch
5, 1985 (dfrcct wosk force ctlt
Opaeasfag Engfaeers
Tee$, Stoff/
Oparatf onr, Total
aas, oao
S~aseet &B~B heriea, he., October 1982 (occuparic~a data).
Uasko Departme of -bar, Septepabeg: 1983 (wage rate data in
CU~~PB daUa~8 1.
BFgh h bseecilates, Ine., 1985 (wge rate data fn eonetaae
dokfebrrs aad eetfmged pap~olP).
fz~m @be Bee4 ~eaao~ ad adJa~emeage fag ebe %ace gbt bau@f%ng
~mald b pgev%dad Bog afnagleaeae~a walrkaza (B.8 . Tuck, 1980; Fradg
OE~ di A@@ociaeae, Iae. 1984d) mergfogeo {sbou~ 82.1 daP13146aa af tho
Daag-8 %ha 0p4~ati0- PQX~O~~ the pyraP1 for railhead paee@aao%
wead b abatae $605,000, 20 po~cenQ: ct whi& wad& bc agent in @aat3@@B&.
The pe8sse.e spent wag Baaad ca accoada~gr esplepeat BP~~I~IB%~~PP~ (B.8,
Q~gh & hseseiaf @@, las. , f 984d).
Hr% wa~ &named the @%@fieant amouats of mtexjids and suppfZes rega%~-
ed fox c~a@gmee%@n sad opetation of the ~aflhcad faeiliby WCUP~ a@k. h
pu~ebsard locaUg. The item to ba purch~ased are m~etlly uaavablcable %a
euch ae ga@clinc, smll hardwate, arnd lubez
be purchased h innmu. ff they #\re purcltbaaed IocaUy, severd
buef agesea woad bencf it In tema of inskreaaed ealco and eaplepeat.
Howeveg, eheea prehasee w~uld nof generate! signif icanr eccnodc effects
ty in eha Y&aa-K~*uk ceasuat
axoa, %~sa%ad &beat pgad DQPEB 8% gke Mat-Su Boxbaghe@ ab~rtb~~
@ XI: Ba leeseed aL tho jusetiaa of gha Pa~krs on8 Beaal% B%gIa%~a)p@*
hp%@m~ae oppsreua%tfas b Caatw@U have ~ypgeally bee% IlmAgad go a
8-U aubea of jsbss, Y of As the dl%& b@La~
iaeaea, b I983 aod 1984, mart bu~fnessea CaameU bd odp 8-11
ambeg@ of
aam~U xgse Bbghgz drsrgag 1983 and 1984 rsa ecmpred t;o year8 pst be
tau@@ ef she eempararg fncreaaa %a fobe the xcsulead frem the canatmte
Fxoa a @away cf kstnmelP hcueeholda (FranL Qtth 6 Asrpoeiaecs, Inc.,
%984b), fg was elstamted that apgredmtely 8% adult iresidea~~ BP kha
scamm&bg were emrogrd in 1983. In 1984, the auber of employed adult
seaideat@ declined tc 76 (Hana-Ebescc, 1985). As shorn in "Pbb~a 3, the
totd amkr of lob@ ie the co ty waa 145 in 1983 and 177 in lb"3%6@
tuzPmg 1983, it wao astjtmted ghar 57 jobe (39 percent of 145) were held
by &aeveU raeidea~a and 88 were held by non-residenes. Becauee the
hfarf%e Project empzoycd a la~ge number ef noa-resfdenhe %a 1983, the
pageengage of Cant jobs held by naa-residents in 1983 wodd probably
m$, be bap~e8enfaLPva of condibfons ia future year@. The percentage of
jobs held by howell raclidentet in 1984 warp estimated at 33 petcene of
ehe 277 job@ available.
Ba~ed on 1983 data, the labag force %a Canewell W~B estlmead ec be aboue
107 people. Ao aerbmated 24 percent (26) of Ehe adfie@ in the habar
fo~ca were laacmployed (Pxa* Omh B besoeiates, Iatc., L984b). The amber
of job@ 2% BLan-eU fs expeetad to declltae ec ill in 1986 after eha BBL-
tekefe Project is censtmctad, From 11986 as 2002, &a Ba%neraae of aboug 4
jab@ p'ef yea$ w&@ assmed eo OCCUP. mie asaupgiera was based on hi8tb~~
ica graah gate@ sxhfbbed %ga public sect@:. jabe beeween 1978 &ad 1983
Heea: Pereontagera may not total to 100.0 due to ramding.
Souzsa: Uaskmr Powen: Authohc+fey, 1984 (gove
Fr Orth Q Associates, SHac., 4a (1983 priyaeg
oectcr data); I
Fraek Onh 6 Aeeociates, Inc., July 1984f (1983 Entc~tie Prajgce
daea) ;
Ma=-Ebmsco, dp~il 1985 (1984 Intemie Project bra);
Ifa~za-Ebe~co, May 1985 (1984 privaee aector data).
ig!+my of a? deb@ were@ hlgfijrp? eeersmd in 1983, p~i1apzkf7
z gaurdst gad@. '$ha 26 pr%v@ee~~eto: basiaagl~ac~ %a
@~qaggU (ezslaadfag ebe Xatexgfa ~raject) acccamted far 73 jab@ Pa eh@
z plgtvate ~eet~~ crnp1,lopeae %la the cc=ua%tg. wao @~~EQx%-
9i pagegag Blgheg t$an the overage nubeg oP dntea° jobs (Orad
Oah Q basoeiagae?i, 1884a)., Zag pub$%c seetcg egeae9@8~ ian aamd%E ae-
QQ=~@& 27 jsba ia 1583 for an arvcesagcs cf 5.4 job@ pee ageacy (aanpskka
P@w@H dB1\the~lty~ 19%). Pa b984, 17 private Beetar brasinesac8 (exe3badAag
Caa kd a @=El private asetot econolny as, diseussad lla Sactian 5.1,
daceordbg ee integvieora w%th Canme11 buarbesr ownera in 1983, aboue 41
p~~~eat 9% the buabcssar in Cancwebl were retdl operations; anathe% 25
parca6 wege eerpica eatabliehmc?nta, including f cur lodges aad iane.
wlth 80 perceat of the establlsheets having
time erpploycce. Umoctt f af %he buainesaes bd no
P-elm emplcsyeclr (Franlc Or%h 6r Ae~ociatea, Inc., 1384a). DurPng 1984,
the pegcentage of esgablislrmenes tht were included in the retail trada
md 8emiees BCC~~ZS fen t0 45 percene cf eha total. Conathuetion
bua~iaessale increaeed from 2 in 1983 ec 6 fa 1984 (Ilarza-Elaascc, May
b985). TBe numbet of gave eae agencies waa five fat both gecizs.
11/ Tlae number of bueiaeseres found is the 1983 ourvey were greater ehao
181 ~h@ 1984 suwey becaulno of a shge Pa reecrazeh methad@. %he
ebaga rasa&fed in the 1984 survey combldng buc~inesae~ =hahen thsy
were ~med by the: ease pasea= and cahaaed the saae building. %a tka!
1983 gurney, tha si~aglc bueiacee was ezcated a@ fgw BI mar@ buef-.
Wwi 198% sad 1982, ebage wepa 183 paoplgi Bivlng fia Canme11. Xn 1983 &ad
tPoa sm8 c@t%mged a8 193 hfsla axcladpdeg ehe affect aoP thc
Saga~pcede PgaJect (Brad Osh Q Aseoc%atera, Paces 1984a; Wazga-Ebaaco,
%9@), meU wae o reiag%ag ePec (ep place? gahrgr mgkeapa live aad raw
eaeeo) fos the Pneereie Paojcet 1983. Bawevag,
aoae Xatgrefe project wcpxkcxg Paha nee gndded %in %he I983 and b9M
ece because they were houeed in lodges whi& wag@ not
save~ed U %he ~mp1ing frame of thr beuplehold survgyg. FXQ:BB ghe COB-
egmcf ion m~ke~ sumey, cha lbntertia Psejccg m~kr~g sad ~~BBP depend-
@age acc~uated far about 55 people during June to Ocesbc~ af 1983 (Frea&
Qah Q Aa~~ePa~e~~ Ine., 1984f).* In &he abagnee cb ~lailhead canlotrue
ticna, the comm%eg waa assusled ro grow in ppdatloa by app~'ax%meeBy
pasemg ~N?E year, xeaching 240 paeple by 1994. (Frank Oreb h Piwoe
eiatc~, HBC., 1984d). I
residmte was approxlmtely 36 yealer %a 9983
(PEB~ Ota d Asgocbatea, he., 1984a). Abou~ 18 percent of ha
resfdenea eurvcycd in 1983 were aenabera of e Native orga.nization, ihe
cordfag eo the 1984 household aurrrey, average age %a the commitp faU
to 31.5 yeare a8d 19 percent cf fhe aduktcr were member@ of a Native or-
gafeotflca (Haraa-Ebmco, 1985).
mr amber of hsuaahalde in CaatwePl grew froa 69 in 1982 to 8% in 1983,
raph@scakiag - hcreaple of eveP 17 percent. The ndat of househclda
dlc~ppcd ta 68 ia 1984 but ore expected to grow at the raze of 1.2 pareeeo:
ptr year avgz tlsa nexe 20 yaazs (Pra* O~eh Fa bacclb~tee, he,, 1384a;
b~za-Ebe~co, 1985),
%gag, &83@ W@BO 96 h~~rhg U%%BB %a Cdaatw@U, ~f' which 69 We$@ 066QW
ep oB bameU8 Xae. 19821 fad%cae$ag @I 28 pezegae vacaasy
zs%gQ XTP. Wtobs~' 1983, m ~ge%mreel 126 baraabg ex2etad %pa CaaEw
$~~sc%~~g @aft@ $eU e~1 1031 %a 1984 sad vacaey rpaees alee deelgard te 33
pesegag (H&reza-Eb&ecs, 1985). So=@ ef tb~e? vaeaaF: -its ia ba~efl d~
hv@ depgadgblr ecursa@ of meenr o~ ~leets%r&fy, sad thus could ba
ass ycsz-bcuad hausflag. ma eotd nmbsi~ of haaging uaLt@
ba exgoseed to grow at o para c% 1.6 peaeear peg year, reasPa%sg a %O~EBI
@g Um8 hausing -it@ ia 1994 (Fead OzB br h~s8loe%ab@@, he,, 198MBa
Beeweea a980 md 1984, eeEglc@enb in CaatveU ble $re% llihnaaad by the
%a and a~oud CapltwgU aad the plots thg were ava8:able paape rc@P~rglvc%y
cxpenaive (Lf ndahf , gersomb ccmmnmfcacion, 1984). Pa 1984, there were
248 &Cree sf prgvate land in Cantwell with clear gitle (Fra& Qreb 6r
Assacfasee@, Xac., 19850). Average lot eizee in aa~ell" tecmeiee wegc
about oaehalf aeze fa size. In the Draschner aab&+isica, ict sPza~s
e~-=Bc@ti@nr, 1988).
mega 88 one achoel fm matwell, eerving atudente fa bindergallen through
%2gh grade. It ie part af the iRallbelt School Diatries. 'PRe sehool has
capcity for agprc taly 60 etudeate and, in 1983, rhatc arere 32 atw
den%a ~BToUIC~. The @shoo% employed thrcc f tiae fec~cher8, two pr(r"
him agdeg, a prt-time ilbrariao and a pr+-tfme seereto-. In 1984,
ea~eUlmens expaded by 18 etudermtsl and om f
b persc CB icatioo, 1984; Paul, perso-l ccmmicatfca,
9 Ba~aeel%ne enbollmar ie ezpected ea firll ec 37 rtudents durfng
1985 and 1988 after conetructiaa of the Igleerhig Project is compl@eed.
Bemega 1986 &ad 1994, enrollment weald g~~llg by 1,9 persene per pea%, cr
a6 aboub 6ha same rate as popdatio~i.
raemay B~med ffre @em%ee ggga &=a% ~0m~mh4egbd o ff~@
&give V~U~IB~ &a& a m-aea Cae~d Mogc~~ @~qor%cltioa p%ek-up. %ev@a
wbuateczs muld be ekrqlnired to sane gba baeca%a@
pWne%ea af 240 pea@@ %a 1994, if tha ernrreat ratio cf coc voluaeeer
%@ 29.6 pespze fe ta be -isgain&.
CasameU d.~ located ar rha junction of the Pazke and Desali Highwagre and
y of the hams in the co ty age
located along ~e D Aigbay, extendzag froa nro Eeflce weag of ghs!
Park& ad Be Highway.' junction tc two dlcs east of the juarctloa.
cpb DepaPemeat of Trmspniaeioo and Public Facilities (ABOTPF) frs
zcslpoaneiblc fox mintemace cf ehese two ~oadg. Ia the win(te~, snaw is
High- east of Cantwefl, and 16 is therefore
clsa~ed rc traffic. kcausle Canwell ir not prt of incorporated
braugh, the smU amber of locsl road@ are largely uaaiatalned (fiaako
pawez AutBo~%ty~ 1983).
daify traffic oolme@ sn bhe Parke Highwag be
meea Ua-aeU ad Haalgr wedd increaae foaa 791 in 1984 fa 963 by 1994,
repseeeaeing a ine~mlta sf abou~ 2 percane pes yeoa, Current e.~sff%c
vaPme eapae%fy BB ehfe baad semese is 7,900 vs?McPes per day. Baseline
12 pgzeeag %n 1994 (Pea& Oreh h A~socfates, be., 15858).
Z%@g@ ax@ a@ waeaa: et seepa a\ysto~s fa &negelP. Rae%dl@a%@ rolhy @a %a-
&;a & 5 -a P, w@PB@ and seggic tad@, Rcsildeat~ of GgiawaU bv8 bgea ua%ng a
ad Xta for @@If& wa@t@ dPspasaP the 8. a~t m%a%afaed by my pub-
8%~ auehczizg ad ehab %@ oa grivateEy omed Paad. ma d"o=mitg eb
CaameU, Paae. PB etteapeing te pu~ehaae ehc ?-ac~~i Paadfial eibe ze &I-
XQW d%mg%ng go gaks place at the site under m~aPtcpred ccand%eioae, bMol$eg.g,
Lac& @t&ab~dl af W~BEC g+neratfoa at 0.00015 acxas peg ps~aaaa W@E@ an@-
owad so eeeregnue Be-oea 1984 and 1994 (&ax& Dreh h Asaocfatcs, he.,
9 ma nuhx of acres at the! site that were uacedl la 1984 wa~ 0.08
acrgsJ. By 1594, ehe amber of agree, in uaa woad ~%ee Ee 0.42 acresea
Ca~~s%gg ub8bixatfoa would rigs f rcm 4 pehcenl: in I984 to 2% ~BPC~~Q; La
1994 6
In 1980, resideate famed a non-pxofit coqe3:ation called Cc
bameUb, Ins. Pf was ~CP: up BB aa entity suitable for receipt of stag@
graat8. TO bte, about $627,000 dollara have been received from the
reveaucsharflep fundo, d federa reueaueshariag funds. OV~I 87 peg-
c@at og fmd@ %@ce%v~d to hte h@ come f:roa the , (Stev@n@@lm,
salepea@ bve be- used to puzshasc a fire tmtek, eaergernep mediecal aad
fire gtaei~a ecgralpoleng, and library book@, and to consstmet as helieopeale
wd fog emesgeocy evaeuagioa (Moberg, parec~laf eomu~icaeioa, 1984).
Same of thaee saoa&arr have beea eeg-ss8dg to gu:rcbee the land PSI1 aima.
Be gchoal in 68ameU %a agcraccd wihh etate funds ehr~uph the Railbelle
School DisGxicg,
Canatwell rceellvasd am-P atateetbred seveaues %n the amoat @f $21,037
fm F184 which %@ simblar 60 fund@ received ia PY82 &ad PY83 (Sgev@a~oa,
A@ fa Table 4, eha 268 pzcjact-rehead jcbr created by tha ~aflh~actsd
~@@&fia repzga@ng m IBCIP~B~B ~f 24Ia4 pcrcenf over the bagelfae nuabe~ ef
jobs Jln 1986. The~e wedd bs a tgta 0% 379 jobs Pa gha co-mdey %a
17 Jobe czmted by ra%%h@ad og@raeA~-
czcaoe of aboarf 14 parceslg ove~ baseline condltiorne.
Xt is sea: rpmtidpated at the railhead facility woad laiefPfck\aely ofev
foe@ the way ghat existup busiaessecp conduce their dctivitgr %a C;araPrs
no retail md garvfca induatriee woad be the p~lwq bancf8-
eia~Po@ of lasreaaee ia eccaaa~y aaler aad eaploynenf. H~wevef, dug to
the emu erize of dl the businesaea %a ehc commity, mare traia C~PB
md Bore Srcqcreae trc~%a anehadde~ for hading project-related maeerPaPa
wead net cause Bu~fnas@a@ to insruse thafr u~e of
paltPlbion t8 obtaga cruppliae or to ship pteducta. Ae~ohdiag e@
'Phe raiEhsad facility %a GaaWeU wornld act afieca, the Pacatfca deefe%~ns
9.f ~etafl and @amiee iadu~egieg be~aa@e the%% @=If she wauBd no% ~UQW
theon ts t&a ~dvaneape of the iEacLlJl%g. However, Pe e~ufd affec% sha 1-
dociaf om 015 Pargc reraouree-.axtract8\re %nduser%a@, At preeenc,
eha re~olarcc@z$~v dnd~lofl~igsl Oa eha local area are ~mll-p.g~gile,
itndepeadeat daiag coospakcs opesatiag in areas ~\azxauading Qam@P1,
Hoet of ghcoa ccmpades cazo candact8ag gseasaal ~zploraf~~y ~rtivftfaa
26 Qlculated by dividbg ghc impace number by the baseline nuber,
e that 33 of the 223 raiaead. workers wculd be previornely
edstbg regidsage, ghat f3 cf %ha 190 non-reatdent xailhead woxkexa
wPLM bc =rrkcd aad aceompdcled by faalic~, thug read ring private
hsoebbng, ghat the 41 nsdcllcd suppar$. workers sad the%^ fapl]lics
ssei%%d require pxivate houeing, and that eha f 77 sia@e-stabs rplll-
head rwrkers worald be gz~vided housing by the Akaeka Pawar At~plth~pity,
Xa 1986, tho total ailh had-rdated poplaZ8aeilon %af%m ie pradectgd ee be
ei~a g-
ticn fcrecrpee (205)
8986, Xn 1990, rhe toed ~ailhmd-related pcpdbtiea wearld awber 32
1 aapze~eaging. ab.$a~~lt a 15 garceae iasrecn~e ovep baselgae popaotnm
of 222* d-zdared paogla x@~dding La &aW@kl %a 1994
mad aecswt fez BB fn~xeis~ ~f 5 paxccnf swcr baealllae popuIa%Pm
projaeelcna BB 240 people.
Ia 1986, ra%%headl-rdated impact on houeing demad dur%ag eoaetsrastioa
wead be 54 hcusaholdo (U accompanied aun"local di~ece woxkezg plus 41
accarmpdsd nceloctil auppsm w~rkara). Tha 177 singlestaeue, nonloed
~a%Besd wa~kerr mad be accomodated %a csinglcssatus hcuafng prcvfdad
by tba Uasilsa Pawer Authcz%:ity at the ra%lbead site. Togal basellrre aali
raiUtirad-zelated hou~eholdla in 1984 would equal UB (excluding ging%e
sesngu~, nonlocal bailhead warkssts> or aboue sr' 65 pepcent inezmee cveve~
baacbiae c~adisioa@~
ma m$a&ad-~e%aeed fnsrw~s of 54 heuaeholda ba 1886 w8dd create a
hcllaisg shortage iln CanmeU. Tlaerc would be +a total of 21 vacaag houa-
ing m%r@ fn GrrntweU aftgs ha~allne housing dem~d of 84 househeIda arere
accamedlated. ma+efcre, a houmriag ahartage of 33 tg would ex%@% %a
$986. During cperaticna, there wedd be auffieient housing 60 accc~m~
daea ~1% ra8lhead-talatcid hcueehaldsl. In 1990, Ph raflhead-rclated
haursehelds would ba? acsom~dated %a ehe 24 v&caaZ lkoiaeinp un%fs tbg
arodd bo ava%%eabfe afber basaffae demad fc~ hausgag i~ met. As shorn fa
Table 4, tho U Rocaeeblds %auk& r'eg%eseerg an Pnereaeo of tsbsue 13 per-
seat aver projgege?d Baaalllae hawohslda cat? 88 1990. Mtat operciitiana
FB~ raflhead eaaatmctfan mad add 89 aeudeatg to bagellae eszeUrnea%
Levels Sms %986. A@ rho~m io Table 5, thPe herease! trgpcessnerp &boa$ a
U3 pareeat Pacr-sc over eha h8iellne enroUmeag of 37 in 1990. @me
ape%tp of the adsting school wodd be ineufflcienb to wet %%la
gae%aa wad$ at aboue 144 percent. Several mobilk ua8tg wodd ba
xequrod ee adequately handla the project-relared impact.
accng LO studente would ba addad 6s baseline earollnente duping the ope?
saeieae pariod of the railhead facility, represracing as increaoe in eta-
$eat@ csf = percent ever bassline in 1990. The sehcol would contain 10
atadgaga be@@ n the Bee%@ capdty cf 66 %a thie gear. Capci6p
~tfidwc8ea wedd at 83 pamat.
5 teocbe~a would be hired during the constmctfoa period if
cuereat p~pill/teaebeb ra~ica, of 10.5 rare to bc mPntaPned. Iioseva~, can-
oide~inp 6he shogt tern nature of the eoastructioa impact, 16 is lPkaly
tht ocher optiom (sad aer d~ublc ahiftgag or in;oc~eaa%ng pupfl/gaachar
rae%cs@) muld ba uge8 t~ badle the rclgporaey inc~eaee in enrcllaeet,
Dazing cpo~at%oae, an addieion;ib taaehcr woad fra aesessav to mintaba
ehc hlseo~$ca ~~aad&~d,
Accordfag ca pxojeeted iaer-rzsc~8 i~a gopulatfsa during ha eoa~tmctiaa
&ad eopexagiollast periodB erddfti~aal ereeopere waad net aced to bo higed $o
Txaffic (1Pva~agg Daily Ttaffic)
Pazk81 Hw. Betoreon Mlcpoatr
175,85 ad 20a,B7
EncPadee exlbeting and pla~ned capcity, December 1983,
4 klculatrd by dJlvfding the impact nmber by the baseline number.
a me ax$stbg daze ha81 sad aqu%psaeart ahead BI @u%%9be$gar% ts
tqv ae bc gbewa. mJhrt@ea sar9 valuagoo~s wauXd be %@adw
"b the ~0111~lteer fEib~e d(~pabe~ea8 fa 1986 gc m8n~a8a tho %a-
%%@ ~f 1 valugeeca~ Pcr caeh 27.6 poop%@ (Meberg, pargona ccpmuaeatfoop
velm~%ere waald be +oqPa%red fog eha oith-.prej@et
a@ ffara progactfaa
@eatw bauo&ag. ff ehg Bower Aughorllgy prcvldeg @om@ fcm~ of
prscsgeetfoa oa-@it&, th&aa ~nPy s%x vc%mteero dM actuslffp b nce&@d te
Bcsauoa the raixhead coogt~uctioo pssiod ehort, rhe quaatifg &ad qus%-
%ey of aedJLed aemfces would not change subeeaagiallp. burs ag eh~
Hcaly a@d%cal cliiac my -pad to handle increaeelp %a Csaaewel%. m-
ede?s%te. At ia dnimm, between 3 and 4 Bore Emergency Medicaf Teehdcfaw
(Ern3 mad h required eo attend to the incheased popaafioa dur&ag
railhead conetruetion if the etandnnl cb 1 EM6 to 100 precgle is to ba
ailhead eonslctuctlcn woad EBC~ af f ~CE eraf f Bc velllmes along the Denaldb
Waghwag ae aoer workere would travel aXoog the Pazkg Highway for extended
ahopplag en8 x'acreatiorp tzspa, A@ shown fn Table 5, railhad-related
exsff f c wead - iaercaae ba~dine average amul daf ly braff iae value@
) bsp;vcert blepoeta 3175.85 and 203.17 an ehc Parks Highway. go
wodd be 1,349 or about 164 percear over the
0% 823. Xa 1990, railhead-rrhhated
abaut a 14 parceae tncgmrtae cvc~ baeelfnc
Xaprwellleata ie road capae%tiee af ha Parklee Wfphway muPd nag be nee@@-
go- as the road was o~igimllg cogtatmeted ~8th large amounto of cxealras
capcfty which was say atsour: 10 paxcesf ubi%izad in 1983 (Uaerka Power
WuehctBry, 1983). Wghg nail.B@ac% cenetmstieat, road capeitgr utiliza-
tslon wodd insreas@ te abora~ 28 pareeag fa 1986 bcfsze faULag t~ 13
tgag~p= nrsd @awe% syegam masaald aef ba de~elcwd to meae rsnf%head-s@%at@d
%acreej@ea in pspaatfoa ass B$@ coggg ~QP P@
w@ael be pgoUb%tiv@. Rcr~fdeagg muld arrfBl n°a%y gron PndPridwl w@%l@ ad
etopefe aoaalso.
dtmp @ice By i%ac~eee%w the Baoelin~ capefg~ aneilPzabjlagn c% tho
ftraa 21 pepyea(: bo 28 perceae in 1994. Bcwcver, IPcre cffochiva aaa%ta~
iag pgeceduze~ &ad the raaval ef same tceeyel~~bfe garbage tc Hea$inb~ i@
cxpacsad to atead the lifa of the dup by geveral yeaza glna cfbsrg rha
ef f @etas og rsr%Decpd-rclafed dlinc6a~ec %in popdabdon (~obexg, pa~seaal
Raikh@a+ralaeed Pnsreaeaa in poputatioa would not eignificanbly add tc
the ~evenucrp received By the co ty einea 87 percent of the reveouea,
come in the fern af granea. Boorcvor, sfate and federal xeveaae
ecbz%ag funds (which c up fha other 13 percent) would gacreasle
rfoa. CumenePy, be irs cestfmted thg
Qanso?U reccfvas aboue $109 par persoeP in atate-shrazed revenues sd
about $62 par pareon %a fedczd-@hared revenue8 each year. Pf these
zatfoa are appUed go railheakelated p~pulaeioa forecaste for batwell,
then gevenues oaorald be expected ta fecrm~e by $57,456 ila 1986 rsBd $5,472
fa 1990 ovcpr baseliae re.\renuee sf b35,055 aad 837,962, rcspactively.
m'heee inereasad zevcnugs could be ueed ee malntafa the dump eiee, pup
chase PAre-zehtned equipaent, aad impxovo medPcal seplrllser, wi~b%nn the
comudey. Staza manias woad be uoed to Pmd aap educcae8oa-related
P~~Lc~B ~BQB raPfiahead $B@ hatwe11 rtchocl is operated by the
geagefmded RaA,Ab@le SC~@Q~ D~I~T%c~
Comuaity cf Gaatw@%f, Ins. %a eaordlnatLo~ wfeh tBa? U.S. Posts Semis@.
Cantwell, S: 1982.
SUB%@= Hydroelectric Project, Enviromental Studiee,
Pxepared bot hlaska Power Authoriey. Bellewe,
ic Project, Environr~ental Studies,
Prepaged for Uaalra Power Author
. Suit= Hgdroaleccrfs Project, Eavironaneatal Studies,
pabed f QP Ua~lea Bowax Authority. Bclf cvue, WA: PParch 1984d.
jcct, Eavlrco~aeata Studica,
1 Prcwred for Uaeaastka isc
~~ag%a-~ba~ec Suitsl8n Joine Venture. Sueit- Hydroelectric Prajact, Eav*
Garrespondence dated April 1?, 1985.
~H&EE~-E~I(CO SUSI Joing Venture. Slneiena Bydr~electric Projeet, Env%-
~omeatd stud% e@ , P~eparad fsr
~ka Paweg Authar ce daeed my 6,
1985 6,
gears^^ Haelbezg, Freefdent, Ccmudty sf Canwell, Znc., pe~ecml. eomw
alcation, Octcbar 30, 1983 and Octobe?r 26, 1984.
b~h~a Stevenson, Mminietrat~r of CanmeU Fading, Reggogal and
cipal Aeeistance, Interior Regic Office, Alaska Dew
rg and Regio~~~l Bffaire, personal comuaication, Navenibor 28,
%9M (P
Ted Trueblood, Ensinger af Strucmtee, djlaeka Bailroad, pe~raer-1
~oremunisafion, September 20, 1982 and Oetobez 1, 1984.
R~gez Whecedlemn, Arraiataat to the Rcgi EngLee~, U. S . Bureau cf
b eicn, porrrona eo carion, October 10, 1984.