HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2926-- HqiT@ROELECTWBG PROJECT FEDERAL ENEROV- REGULATORY GQMM18d18N PROJECT Hoe 79 11 PREPARED BY FRANK 8RTN d ASSOCIATES, 6NG. FINAL REPORT 8USITNA 3OONf VENT UWE DOCUMENT No. 2826 Power Authority RAILHEAD ARALYSIS REPORT FOR PBE SUStTId BPDBOELBCPRIC PROJECT Report by Frank Orth & Associates, Inc. Under Contract to Batza-Ebascs Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Final Report June I985 QaSTI0B8 88 COMMENTS CONCERNING mfS REPORT SBOULD BE DIREmED TO THE BL88m POWER ABmORITY SUSIma PROJECT OFFICE 3.0 De@cgipe%oa of Existing bil Opcraeiene 3% Ba%$ Fac%fltPa@ 3.2 Raga Ersplo~eglt 4.0 DcBGI~~~~~o~ of eh:ha Pbcsject-Belated Railhead Fac%litB@rs 4 ,$ Frrc%l%t$ee Requiraenta 4.2 Cona~ruet%oa aad Operationrs Paricdr~ 4,3 We& Pozee xae hapf ~b%cs 4.4 Payrc~ld. 4.5 LocaL Cmstmceicn and Operations Pu~ccRssaa 5 Basalfna Sscisaesnodc Csnd$tlsas 1 Enplcymeag 5.2 Bua%ness Activity 5.3 Demographlie Qlaracteristice 5,ik Hcusinp and Land hilability 5,s Public Facilities and Sem%ee@ 3,6 Ff~caX Resources 6.0 Projected Sociaecmods Effects af The Railhead Faeil%tiea 4.1 Emglcpeat 6,2 Bu~lncs8 Ac&%"lsr%Cg 6.3 Demrcgraphic Chaza'acterisfics 6.4 Ilelaeisg and ];and AvailabilAty 6,s Public Hacilitie8 md Ssmice~ 6,6 Fiscal Resource8 %28@ a$Jaee&va of this ~apcsg %e go plpovide P~~f~rmelwa QB the an%%atipotcd scc%oeconadc i~pstrr tegu&batAr%g fram ehc %~ccatPan @g Sueitno ia%@e$xie Brcsjcc% $a$% f~~e%Pltle@ ID ar QBIQLZ @ha? eemuadbp ~f Cansew@fg. Pe hae be- pzepxed dia ordele tc eugpore tha ~eeda of the Social Sei@ne@@ pgaggm of thg Sueienri WydrceleccrPe Pz~jece clE the Uasb Power Autbg- %ty. a&s repom w%1L scmo as updaea cn EPQ~ ~r@vf ded L~c&~oo Agpglisarelsn ta ehe Federal Enexpy Regaa6~1~ Ccmisr@%an. ~lbcggr used tct projece the ecoaomie, damsgraphic, sand cther effects cf the tho axPstRag rail faeilitiee at Cantwe= and Chapgar 4 pzeaent@ a dl- ocxf gePm of the phmed rail *facilitiee. d8ssussioa of baseline ~ccf~cconomic caaditiona in Cantwall, Chapegg 6 de~ezf bee the pieejecf ed ef f ecte of the facllitiea on emplopeat, bucrincess act$vity, pcpubatfcn, houniag, publfc faci1itia.e and aepvices, and fiaca zssoarcas in Ganm&I, 2.0 ~~~~QWLWP FOB PRWECTXNG 9WAC"TS $Re baseliae p~ejeetioa~ of populet&ca, heuaehofd~, prabllc faeibitSee and ce@ coaditfon~, ad fP@cd condftioar~ were eakea fz~s8a 8~ePoes~n~aomPc pxea~J@egiaasaae develsped %a 4 (Prad Or6h h baeseiatc@, Iae, , MglxsB 1984e1, Baselline pzedasctioar ef cmplaapene Pa bntw~lP were degived fs~m siaa scntaingd %a rrumrsga cf Bousehold~l and constmctisa mrrkera CaamelX inad fro@ euweg8 cf buslineesee operated crnh cf Qa~au (Pga* ObEh 81 ba~~eiate~~ lac., March 19848 and July 1984%; Hare&-EB;asco; ~)r 1985 &ad My 1985). Seve~bal stspa were taken to produce emplcpcat, poputatioa, household, public f acdlJlEy aad gcntica, and f iscd p+cjcetions for Ithe with-raflhe~ad eaad%ePos~e~. First, the direce employment requirelnenea bar e~asemeti@a an& sparation odE the railhead facilieiee were detemiaed bra@ info caaeaf aed in ehr? FBRC LPccngc Application (ALaska Power Authority, 1983) and revised wozk fore@ data (Urza-Ebasco Susit~a Joint Venture, personal eammieaefon, Match 1985). t be created when incow received by the direct wabk- epe fr spent in CaameU. me aec~ndary work farerr? assaciated ~ieh the BPgcee raP1Plaad orsrk force was deeamined by applying a secondaqr emplay meat ~u%efplie+ sc the awber of coastntction aad epesatfons workers La each year. Bag bh.ia study, he aecondaay emplcpcat multiplier for the ailh head fae%litp in Ganbwefl wae 0.2. Ib representis the value that wae applf ed tc the railhead ase~katco aad direce damgibe pro jcce werker~ resf d- r"%g Pn 6;sntweU Imn gfae Susttabp escboeconcmie ampast modal Za FY84 (Tuckp B.H., 1980; PEEL& OP6h h Ae@seiates, a Hne., 1984d). Addgag secondaq amplopraP: to d%race emplopeat provfded ana esticmte, Q% the employorerst inapac$: a% the railhecod fatelblifiee BPI Cangwejbl. R~xE, "se eax%g%a @of bhe workers in she d$rect and secondaq empleymenZ @adleglar%e& paas derived faor sumeye of fiaeka eohstlrsleti~nr worrkelcla and fr;.~~ labor foxce condbtion~ expected tc exast An Cant~geXG (Frad Orth Asaos.%ates, IEIC~~ P%BL.c~ Ib984d; Frank Osth 6 hssae%atecs, Iac., July. 19842; &ad Hasza-Ebsaco, Aprgli 1985). The~e origins assue that labor fore@ cstsditloas in bn~antwell will be loose enough tc tallow some Cantwell res%- de~~ts to obtain jobs on the railhead. Ab~kst 15 percent of the railhead eenstructioa workers were assumed to be local resfdents of Cantwell. According to surveys conducted of canstruc E%BEJ. WOP~~ZS on, the Cantwell portion of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie TransnrPssion Lfne, betweea 7 and 11 percent of the Intertie Project WO~~~ fares lZv%ag &a Canewell were local residents at the time of the two sumeyd (FxaBk Oxth & Associates, Iac., 1984f; Harza-Ebaseo, April 19851. However, the percentage of railhead workers who would be local residents was raised far two reasons: 1) other surveys of construction werkelrs have shown local resident hiring to be as high as 40 to 70 per- eeag (I'lountaPn West: Research, 1975 and U.S. Covs of Engineers, 1981); and 2) nineteen Canewell residents in the 1983 household survey had rele- vant skills to work an railhead constraaetian (Frank OP"e h &a$ssocfates, IQ~c., 1984b). Because the latter survey included only 35 percent of all people in the comunity, additional residents in the cornunity are prob- ably qualified to obtain jobs related to railhead construction. While ghe results of the referenced construction worker surveys are either not s$ee-specific or based on large sample sizes, the results of all the seppvays taken together, suggest that 33 (15 percent) is a reasonable estimaee of the number sf railhead workers that would be local residents in f986= Dlring rai!.head construetion in 1985 and 1986, ft was assumed that 93 percent of the noalosd workere would be -accompanied by dependents given the short-term nature of the construetion period and the provision af single-status houeing by the Uaska Power Authority. In 1985, this assumptions would mean that l47 of the 158 nonlccal workers would be single-staeus wiirkers. In 1986, 177 of the 190 aoalocal workers would be afaae-statue workera. Even though all workers would live at the rail- head site, 13 aonloed workers (7 percent) were assumed ro brPng their UPBE eha chigu sf ths ra%Bhead warkazrs and thePr gasaada~g couatarpa=@ ti~a wag ebtainad $kern $JEB~~~B a% EOIL~~NG~%OQ wazkarl~ (Frank Omh h hrmaeciaecis, %98%f; Warea-Ekaco, Aphfl 1985; MauntaLn Wesf Research, Inc., 1975; aad V.S. Go-@ cf Eagiaae~e, 1981). Tnc fa~llly size of eceompaaiod caastmk-. C~~OE~BIE~ was o~aucd to be 3.30 people, with 2 pccpla aceouted fos eae wabkcr: asd spouse, 1.18 cacccunecd for ae eshasb-agc &%tneldren, aad 0.12 peaple aecomesd fez ae other dependeats auch as in-laws and mnrelated d The f repEesenta ghe average nubcr sf dcpenduae~~ found in the Intetellr Pxcpject sumeys of 1983 ad 1984 and the Terrct Lake Survey of 1984. (Fradc Ortb & B@@cciraEes, Tnc., 1984fg Baas-Ebasec, AprU 1985). Thie number lies bame?n the 3.11 and 3.5% nubera f~cnad in the two gurneys of easetrue %%om w~rkere ccadu~tad fir tho Lower 48 (Maunttain West Research, Iss., 1975 ~lad O.S. CQ~S af Eag%ne~z~, 1981). 9- of the locclI. wcrkera who wodd obtain jab@ during railhead conagmc r%~n wexo a,eemed ea csbtain xa%lhead ope~ati~nli emglopeat since sore of %be aaae skiUa aaed du~ing ecn8emctioo. w%U be required daking operQn- gfanu. Of the 14 railhead opsraticslr job@, 8 were assumed tc bc filled by sonlocal restlde~ea. nodseal cperatOaa~ workare we~e assumed ta be mzzitd sad haye aa average Zamify B%ZB of 2.93 ia accordance with aaarr~ngeioae used foz opar;ctiwa@ w~zkszo located at the dam sdse. Xn the 2.93 fadly g%za, 0.93 echce%-ape shilbdrea wau1d be iae1uded (Frib& Ogth h Aplerociatce, ifrae. , 198481, As~u~~~oT~s about conratmct%on, operatfon, and geccndary oaorkcr chrae- ter%st%co wage applied to ath-prcjece emplopeat fo~acagts. PcpplEarbare bpace in Cant waa thea deee ned by adding aU ia-mf graelsg woekeze dependence for bath the direct and seconda~y railhead-related work fagee, Mter popcllafion effacta WCE~ dete ned, project-related ef fecta on hsaag&ag were desfvad. U1 unaecoaaganied employee@ warking directly en the Project wePa aseruned to be housed ie ainp;le-status quarters near tha ~ralUe@d @%fa by the POW~P Authority and muld nsE require ltaausirmg ia ska Power Aathotitp, 1983). me 13 nodocdl cooeemctioa wagkegs aeeompaaied by dependents and all in-agrating sczcoadia~ ucrk.kara ware ose-ed to require housing in the csmunity. Beeauea the railhead @baa@-staguo hoursing, %Q waa aasurned thae no more thaa arna vo~ker peg heusehold would sbtafa a job on the Brajaet. nus, the nmbeae of prcdeet-related houeahclds bs equal eo the ember sf in-migrating WQZ~CPB ca S@Z%d Wa~te 0.00%5 ecroa pa2 gorBcn peg yen% Fo%&cs P~o~ce~iaa % officer: peg thoasand popuLatfana Edueafgon 10.5 pupils per teaehcr Averape Amul. BaAabg Tsaffae 4.01 timee each pereaon ipa papaatdsaa 1 voluatcar per 27.6 people Mediegl Samfca 1 v~lunteak peg 100 peep%a Tae sealxala~d~ were ba@ed sa per capbta or peje pug%% ma%tip%lero vh%eh wore daasfvod f ram hieeoricsl data 0% leecel coabdibions, Beate @eaadardr, OP fr0a dfrece sad secondary worker cbzarpctcrist%cril dcgcrbbad abeva. ma 8Eaabxds web@ the same as those ueed in eba FnC License App%fcot%~a (flash Powa?~ dhutherf tyB 1983). State police standard@ for mral abcas of 1 offices per ghouaand populatfoa were applied to gehe baealiwe &ad w%&-peoject pcpularione ts determine the f aapact on police pro tectPon %a Canewell, Traffic volumre impacts were dege ned by raultiplying, the amber of daily ehipe mde per persan by the populatdon. The ragie bo~eae erfpca, and ppUatPcn for Canwell cf 4.01 me ueed to produce projaetioaa of base BBne &ad wifh-project condti~aa (Frank Orth h Assacisltea, Zec., June ~985b). Sdose baselia houeeholde and profeeg-related hausehclda ham ar travail rcguirenente in ghat wrk tripe, shappitng t~ips, and lei- Burs bz%p@ are rmada, the Baseliaa ratio@ were assumed to apply during the w%*-pr~jeet BC~BBE~ B (Pra& Orth 61 ASGQC~B~~B, Tnc. , 1984d and 19848.1. Truck trafffc refartad ee ehipment of pzojest mteeials frca the railhead ro the P~ojesr @if@ W~BS 888med tc be 35 souad-teips gag day @a the BenaPi WigBw&p beeween 1987 sad 1993 based -3 iaf~rmti~~ eoneained in eha PedalcaL Energy R~gdata~ql Comiaeion Lieease Applicasioa and the TE~~~E%c Amlyeis Bepczs (fierskta Powas Authorltp, 1983; sad %ra& Orth h hsadcelbaspta , Has., Jwae 1985b), . *- a *.%* jJaki {2gf@egfg ~hj ffaefldd gge@gge@g wgge d~g@gajP~ea %a g$wilag rdy$~f~ aiz tee. Beg eapzga %Bveaeae &ad exp~aqi: ;- $%P * -ape& ~~~~~ba IR&~%P~%@E@ e&eiaaB 1986 1, Per eapiga pevea~e 1aef g%S@xu Tqgxe &&%a%-* b*a@~l e%@ b $a09 doUa;par pax pazaaa ffoa: e~agwpha%rcd ]L~@V@~QBCB &ad 96%: p@P paxawa fog f@&ard revoaueo, Be%: capita @xp@adft~~e~ aePe a@@=@& gs$ %@61~19t eqwl eo tho per: eopiea roveaue 1a1~lipXfcxg. mise b&geliisa %a- %gaze agsmed eo apply fsg thc w&th-projee8: altemat$ve. m~aesa sad-. e%g%18exa weza thaa appPied es f~recaabe of the barcslfna! iaad with-project popaaeb~a. U8tgx p~@j@c%-~e%cpe@c$ effects far emplb~peae, pogralertlcan, hcuatag, pubbie facdBaEtBoe~ &ad ~emSeena, and dircal eaodig9oos were daterdaed, they w@E@ caarslpaxcd to baealia;ns @ccioee~aade ccndleicar C~anecP1. menna, the elm%%iteanee a% fmpoc%@ detsmiaed by eha comparisons were regobtad. afe caogreazlg liaafirced %a a eects%@a &i%~*g psovf des etchraga sad r% plrscs~ PQP ~WB Waf$gaad v~lclsc~s be 4ijB~~ fa adphSt30a~ the Caa~well eitg ha8 riding@ sad equ$gaeae pamas esp haadle lar~ge eqa%IBpac~le bnad fxsiight. ma ~i&ing ir lmg cn~ugh to occemodaea 36 682~ hag@ one sag Eesgth io 50 feat. mexe ie also a ramp txaek (d~&d=* @ad tzack) tb% fg gighe CBP leagehra lomag. me sidaago tnga bilX seated at%n$a Ebe 200 daee rcighr-of-way ef the Uagb Railroad. Ba all, the RaLXxaad ~ns, abeu9: 1,000 acrsa ie seatrered plecals ira~rowdfng mabw@ll CB%velas & Arpssciafaas?, Inc., 1981). Abouk 630 ci bhegc acre8 lic d~~eh%a HagIvo @elas&ian axeas. Cubrag%yB the Uaaka Railrcad buys all of fts aupplbfas a~d =%eaPaLra for opezaeicns, except fuel, froa hcho+agc, Bud ie purebaed f~~n, aad delive~ed by, Gaghill Fuel which ie iccated in Neaam. I BppxoximtcPp 8-10 fteigfat traina through CanmeI1P eaeb w~(elE 9, personal cosmnmieation, 1984). Freight trains, are scheduled wbea ehfpme?nes have be- ilbzangad and traie~ as@ loaded to capaeitp. Seax7eing in late 1984, an additiond three trains began ng th~ocagh ma6wau each dag dedicated for coal ehiprnents to Korea. mese! coal tra%m arg expected to during the praposed railhead eonerrnet f oa end ~pcrrreaan periods. In add& ticn, psaangez trains lnake eeveo muad-.tslpa pz weak through Can during rhe aumez (May through October) aad OQ~ reound-trjlp per week du+%nrmg the winter (November through ~p$pril). In GantweU, 11)-15 bsx cilrs prr year have @agerialei oaded by Rallxcad perpoollal. Mat cf the fxeighb 6hae is for rhe Bklaska Railraad such as petrolem, ~ib, inad Iubxicaate; the E- miade~ L@ mining equipaeat. During soastsucefon of bh@ hehorgge FaPrbanlsea Iate~tPc Tranadsefoa LBae Prejcce fa 1984, eha general ecw rroekor, HorrLsaa-madsen, leaeed the Cen~dl sidings and equipmaag Eamps ee @hip aad laxrl~od mcgd eecti~ss usad BB~ tzantjlaaf ssPoo l%ae tower8 (Eager, per~oaal cemua$cat%oa, 19s 'Z~G PeesJeegp~ E~AU~PB faefli~y ~3aPbad be located appraxdmge%y one =.Ee e~f aatweabl be~#ef;n &be Ucaeka BaPlrssad and gh@ F&z!c@ Highway. 'It%@ fae3si%ey wau-d b~ uead go t:k3 eh@ bjagam &%t@ v%& ebe quPxed, The faeiPiey wclnad iasPudg %as1 eeorage tad@, a miatem~iec w~gk~hap )BD udaad%ap deck, mddar off ice, sad m$wacel%aneoue% gtmc%ra rcs Pax opczacae%ng &ad mlnEeieJLergl ~raa~psln: &ad coneemetisa egrn%pmg 3a.e. Aboug BOO,OQO criilb%s ya~dls af die be excavi~ecal and 19,900 Ligb@a f@ee QB tsar& waul& be placed istc es~icle to escom~&ta prcjaet =tarxi- aa a',B@ Consd~aner, Iae. 198%). TWIC~(I waad Ba used go tramport ehe hamell%. za%lha~d faellity via the De~~li W%ghway and project aaecess read CUaek Pcwe~ Auth~xlfy I 1983). %t wae ege$mted by krea American, Inc. (Chaaberlaia, peraorusl comiiarajl- cae%~a, Augug~: 1982) .tht average projset material. requizemenes %?auld 46 railear@ per weeks each carrying a 75-eon load for a t~ee.9 of 3,430 earn pc~ week. Since 8 to 10 frieght rraias currently passt through GanmeU each week, project material requirmenrs wculd probablg be badled by adding five tc air car8 to exiertaog trains rather tbra dedi- caging new 6ra to bnle theec requiraeats. Shipmeneg wauld eoagist of heav earth-saving equipmen&, erael, coacrete , or same eombfmeiot~ of these ~h~rrc Ate-. The Rail~oaad has enough cars and equipment to iaeee chcrre raqu$re~enta, crcepr; e9-e soac apecial caps (e.g., hopper care far eemear) my seed tc be acquired during eonstruetfo~ of ehe Devil Carryon (Eager, paro ccmmieatfcn, 1984). Shipaeata would occur betlean mxch aed Bacambes each yea+p f~~a 1987 to 1993. Gcnatmscicn on railhead daciliries ~fotlhd begen %a 1985. Constmetj.oa wrk would be fntaogle dur~fng the 8 ar mantho cf 1985 and deerease by 40 r.-,q,, p--kSe~2,g -a BazPag K~v~~~~~ 9983 %a Bxeh ISI~B, Daaeiag lW983, QBE~ pce~~~~~t-i aery e$>t~a, ea~gbw~g&~~ plagoa~sag wad eccas. Ha %9@6, ecvelrggj agog-B LA&@ gagfag%&@, eo %b@~@ facUie8ao waad h camplageia %a gwe yeagg ca: by %ha cad aoB $986, TI>@ $?a%iMeg wedd opanthnec fog a pa+iod 0f ecvea ycaba aftcg eoa@Pf%ct%am ~3gEh gil%ipmeglg;@ @balss%np %a 1987 sad contZmlblag ehxough 1993 (fia~i%i% Poware A&%Zha~%ey~ 1983Ic Duzbg 1992 and 1993, ehe $ae$litg woad be ueed to ~~~-IJP@P$: mt@g%a%@ fa% 18evU Grnayon cossfae&%m. After 1993, the cant- & ebcm %EL Table I, e~~otruc~ioo of the xa%lhcad faefl%tie@ woeald rem qu141xe beme- f28 and 255 wopke~e, averaging 186 warkers in 1985 aa$i 223 werkex8a ba 1986. Averaged over ycar~, she conat~uceicn wazk foxee wadd be composed cb 32 (ad percent) a nrll, 326 (62 parcerat) sed-sfdlled/skLUed pexronnel, and 47 (23 po~eea~) uask8;blad Pabo~ere ae illustrated fa Tabla 2. hrlrag cperarloaa, a cad equipmeat and mteslbrsl~, &ad relead Pt onto tacks. Tha operations watk farce would eonsB@t cf 3 (21 persmt) adrPfeiatraticn/engineetiag personnel, 6 (03 pereeae) sea%- ed pergonnef, and 5 (36 percent) wakUled laborera. Ave~lag@ yeably aapplape~Z ~sociased with the conathucrioo and ogezaticmaa of ehe railhead Pr deo @horn 18 %ble I. ib total of 223 g~ojoct-rafatcd waxkcrla orauld be eurpecrad during 1985 and 268 yrojecz-related workere ir 1986 hp '~gtimbed pyr@U@ for gh@ con8t~uctfon and ogazabiana pepi~d ape she%= 2a Tabla 2. Duzdadg the coaabmction period, it was eseimeed ekae amud eoaatrsact%ca pyre21 waad eota8 10.5 dod8hfcm dollars. me amount of paypcU b~spag 2% CanmeP1 wodd be much leas slbnca a wide raape of goad@ &ad srrvicenr eamog be gurebsed ia Camegel1 and iaXl ~reacceapaaied aoaa- Lee& warke~s live ia giagtgle-status hcrnefsg psav%dgd by rha 6hlaak 21 ms cpezatiam work force of the ~ai1head facility wauM remfn gee? - for eve- yeaP afger 1993. Ss~a~ee: Fra& Orth h Associates, Inc., Harch 1984d (seeoabry wcrk feree projasbiom ); Hancr-Ehseo Susitm Joint Ventate, correagdencc? daeed Wxch 5, 1985 (dfrcct wosk force ctlt Opaeasfag Engfaeers hborexa Secux%%y btc~iog/Houeekeoping Dbsgaechera Tee$, Stoff/ Oparatf onr, Total aas, oao 58,012 99,592 64,612 17,434 60,324 20,776 S~aseet &B~B heriea, he., October 1982 (occuparic~a data). Uasko Departme of -bar, Septepabeg: 1983 (wage rate data in CU~~PB daUa~8 1. BFgh h bseecilates, Ine., 1985 (wge rate data fn eonetaae dokfebrrs aad eetfmged pap~olP). fz~m @be Bee4 ~eaao~ ad adJa~emeage fag ebe %ace gbt bau@f%ng @ ~mald b pgev%dad Bog afnagleaeae~a walrkaza (B.8 . Tuck, 1980; Fradg OE~ di A@@ociaeae, Iae. 1984d) mergfogeo {sbou~ 82.1 daP13146aa af tho Daag-8 %ha 0p4~ati0- PQX~O~~ the pyraP1 for railhead paee@aao% wead b abatae $605,000, 20 po~cenQ: ct whi& wad& bc agent in @aat3@@B&. The pe8sse.e spent wag Baaad ca accoada~gr esplepeat BP~~I~IB%~~PP~ (B.8, Q~gh & hseseiaf @@, las. , f 984d). Hr% wa~ &named the @%@fieant amouats of mtexjids and suppfZes rega%~- ed fox c~a@gmee%@n sad opetation of the ~aflhcad faeiliby WCUP~ a@k. h pu~ebsard locaUg. The item to ba purch~ased are m~etlly uaavablcable %a euch ae ga@clinc, smll hardwate, arnd lubez be purchased h innmu. ff they #\re purcltbaaed IocaUy, severd buef agesea woad bencf it In tema of inskreaaed ealco and eaplepeat. Howeveg, eheea prehasee w~uld nof generate! signif icanr eccnodc effects 0 ty in eha Y&aa-K~*uk ceasuat axoa, %~sa%ad &beat pgad DQPEB 8% gke Mat-Su Boxbaghe@ ab~rtb~~ @ XI: Ba leeseed aL tho jusetiaa of gha Pa~krs on8 Beaal% B%gIa%~a)p@* hp%@m~ae oppsreua%tfas b Caatw@U have ~ypgeally bee% IlmAgad go a 8-U aubea of jsbss, Y of As the dl%& b@La~ iaeaea, b I983 aod 1984, mart bu~fnessea CaameU bd odp 8-11 ambeg@ of aam~U xgse Bbghgz drsrgag 1983 and 1984 rsa ecmpred t;o year8 pst be tau@@ ef she eempararg fncreaaa %a fobe the xcsulead frem the canatmte Fxoa a @away cf kstnmelP hcueeholda (FranL Qtth 6 Asrpoeiaecs, Inc., %984b), fg was elstamted that apgredmtely 8% adult iresidea~~ BP kha scamm&bg were emrogrd in 1983. In 1984, the auber of employed adult seaideat@ declined tc 76 (Hana-Ebescc, 1985). As shorn in "Pbb~a 3, the totd amkr of lob@ ie the co ty waa 145 in 1983 and 177 in lb"3%6@ tuzPmg 1983, it wao astjtmted ghar 57 jobe (39 percent of 145) were held by &aeveU raeidea~a and 88 were held by non-residenes. Becauee the hfarf%e Project empzoycd a la~ge number ef noa-resfdenhe %a 1983, the pageengage of Cant jobs held by naa-residents in 1983 wodd probably m$, be bap~e8enfaLPva of condibfons ia future year@. The percentage of jobs held by howell raclidentet in 1984 warp estimated at 33 petcene of ehe 277 job@ available. Ba~ed on 1983 data, the labag force %a Canewell W~B estlmead ec be aboue 107 people. Ao aerbmated 24 percent (26) of Ehe adfie@ in the habar fo~ca were laacmployed (Pxa* Omh B besoeiates, Iatc., L984b). The amber of job@ 2% BLan-eU fs expeetad to declltae ec ill in 1986 after eha BBL- tekefe Project is censtmctad, From 11986 as 2002, &a Ba%neraae of aboug 4 jab@ p'ef yea$ w&@ assmed eo OCCUP. mie asaupgiera was based on hi8tb~~ ica graah gate@ sxhfbbed %ga public sect@:. jabe beeween 1978 &ad 1983 Heea: Pereontagera may not total to 100.0 due to ramding. Souzsa: Uaskmr Powen: Authohc+fey, 1984 (gove Fr Orth Q Associates, SHac., 4a (1983 priyaeg oectcr data); I Fraek Onh 6 Aeeociates, Inc., July 1984f (1983 Entc~tie Prajgce daea) ; Ma=-Ebmsco, dp~il 1985 (1984 Intemie Project bra); Ifa~za-Ebe~co, May 1985 (1984 privaee aector data). ig!+my of a? deb@ were@ hlgfijrp? eeersmd in 1983, p~i1apzkf7 z gaurdst gad@. '$ha 26 pr%v@ee~~eto: basiaagl~ac~ %a @~qaggU (ezslaadfag ebe Xatexgfa ~raject) acccamted far 73 jab@ Pa eh@ z plgtvate ~eet~~ crnp1,lopeae %la the cc=ua%tg. wao @~~EQx%- 9i pagegag Blgheg t$an the overage nubeg oP dntea° jobs (Orad Oah Q basoeiagae?i, 1884a)., Zag pub$%c seetcg egeae9@8~ ian aamd%E ae- QQ=~@& 27 jsba ia 1583 for an arvcesagcs cf 5.4 job@ pee ageacy (aanpskka P@w@H dB1\the~lty~ 19%). Pa b984, 17 private Beetar brasinesac8 (exe3badAag Caa kd a @=El private asetot econolny as, diseussad lla Sactian 5.1, daceordbg ee integvieora w%th Canme11 buarbesr ownera in 1983, aboue 41 p~~~eat 9% the buabcssar in Cancwebl were retdl operations; anathe% 25 parca6 wege eerpica eatabliehmc?nta, including f cur lodges aad iane. wlth 80 perceat of the establlsheets having time erpploycce. Umoctt f af %he buainesaes bd no P-elm emplcsyeclr (Franlc Or%h 6r Ae~ociatea, Inc., 1384a). DurPng 1984, the pegcentage of esgablislrmenes tht were included in the retail trada md 8emiees BCC~~ZS fen t0 45 percene cf eha total. Conathuetion bua~iaessale increaeed from 2 in 1983 ec 6 fa 1984 (Ilarza-Elaascc, May b985). TBe numbet of gave eae agencies waa five fat both gecizs. 11/ Tlae number of bueiaeseres found is the 1983 ourvey were greater ehao bL4Ed3 181 ~h@ 1984 suwey becaulno of a shge Pa reecrazeh methad@. %he ebaga rasa&fed in the 1984 survey combldng buc~inesae~ =hahen thsy were ~med by the: ease pasea= and cahaaed the saae building. %a tka! 1983 gurney, tha si~aglc bueiacee was ezcated a@ fgw BI mar@ buef-. Wwi 198% sad 1982, ebage wepa 183 paoplgi Bivlng fia Canme11. Xn 1983 &ad tPoa sm8 c@t%mged a8 193 hfsla axcladpdeg ehe affect aoP thc Saga~pcede PgaJect (Brad Osh Q Aseoc%atera, Paces 1984a; Wazga-Ebaaco, %9@), meU wae o reiag%ag ePec (ep place? gahrgr mgkeapa live aad raw eaeeo) fos the Pneereie Paojcet 1983. Bawevag, aoae Xatgrefe project wcpxkcxg Paha nee gndded %in %he I983 and b9M ece because they were houeed in lodges whi& wag@ not save~ed U %he ~mp1ing frame of thr beuplehold survgyg. FXQ:BB ghe COB- egmcf ion m~ke~ sumey, cha lbntertia Psejccg m~kr~g sad ~~BBP depend- @age acc~uated far about 55 people during June to Ocesbc~ af 1983 (Frea& Qah Q Aa~~ePa~e~~ Ine., 1984f).* In &he abagnee cb ~lailhead canlotrue ticna, the comm%eg waa assusled ro grow in ppdatloa by app~'ax%meeBy pasemg ~N?E year, xeaching 240 paeple by 1994. (Frank Oreb h Piwoe eiatc~, HBC., 1984d). I residmte was approxlmtely 36 yealer %a 9983 (PEB~ Ota d Asgocbatea, he., 1984a). Abou~ 18 percent of ha resfdenea eurvcycd in 1983 were aenabera of e Native orga.nization, ihe cordfag eo the 1984 household aurrrey, average age %a the commitp faU to 31.5 yeare a8d 19 percent cf fhe aduktcr were member@ of a Native or- gafeotflca (Haraa-Ebmco, 1985). mr amber of hsuaahalde in CaatwePl grew froa 69 in 1982 to 8% in 1983, raph@scakiag - hcreaple of eveP 17 percent. The ndat of househclda dlc~ppcd ta 68 ia 1984 but ore expected to grow at the raze of 1.2 pareeeo: ptr year avgz tlsa nexe 20 yaazs (Pra* O~eh Fa bacclb~tee, he,, 1384a; b~za-Ebe~co, 1985), %gag, &83@ W@BO 96 h~~rhg U%%BB %a Cdaatw@U, ~f' which 69 We$@ 066QW ep oB bameU8 Xae. 19821 fad%cae$ag @I 28 pezegae vacaasy zs%gQ XTP. Wtobs~' 1983, m ~ge%mreel 126 baraabg ex2etad %pa CaaEw $~~sc%~~g @aft@ $eU e~1 1031 %a 1984 sad vacaey rpaees alee deelgard te 33 pesegag (H&reza-Eb&ecs, 1985). So=@ ef tb~e? vaeaaF: -its ia ba~efl d~ hv@ depgadgblr ecursa@ of meenr o~ ~leets%r&fy, sad thus could ba ass ycsz-bcuad hausflag. ma eotd nmbsi~ of haaging uaLt@ ba exgoseed to grow at o para c% 1.6 peaeear peg year, reasPa%sg a %O~EBI @g Um8 hausing -it@ ia 1994 (Fead OzB br h~s8loe%ab@@, he,, 198MBa Beeweea a980 md 1984, eeEglc@enb in CaatveU ble $re% llihnaaad by the %a and a~oud CapltwgU aad the plots thg were ava8:able paape rc@P~rglvc%y cxpenaive (Lf ndahf , gersomb ccmmnmfcacion, 1984). Pa 1984, there were 248 &Cree sf prgvate land in Cantwell with clear gitle (Fra& Qreb 6r Assacfasee@, Xac., 19850). Average lot eizee in aa~ell" tecmeiee wegc about oaehalf aeze fa size. In the Draschner aab&+isica, ict sPza~s e~-=Bc@ti@nr, 1988). mega 88 one achoel fm matwell, eerving atudente fa bindergallen through %2gh grade. It ie part af the iRallbelt School Diatries. 'PRe sehool has capcity for agprc taly 60 etudeate and, in 1983, rhatc arere 32 atw den%a ~BToUIC~. The @shoo% employed thrcc f tiae fec~cher8, two pr(r" him agdeg, a prt-time ilbrariao and a pr+-tfme seereto-. In 1984, ea~eUlmens expaded by 18 etudermtsl and om f b persc CB icatioo, 1984; Paul, perso-l ccmmicatfca, 9 Ba~aeel%ne enbollmar ie ezpected ea firll ec 37 rtudents durfng 1985 and 1988 after conetructiaa of the Igleerhig Project is compl@eed. Bemega 1986 &ad 1994, enrollment weald g~~llg by 1,9 persene per pea%, cr a6 aboub 6ha same rate as popdatio~i. raemay B~med ffre @em%ee ggga &=a% ~0m~mh4egbd o ff~@ &give V~U~IB~ &a& a m-aea Cae~d Mogc~~ @~qor%cltioa p%ek-up. %ev@a wbuateczs muld be ekrqlnired to sane gba baeca%a@ pWne%ea af 240 pea@@ %a 1994, if tha ernrreat ratio cf coc voluaeeer %@ 29.6 pespze fe ta be -isgain&. CasameU d.~ located ar rha junction of the Pazke and Desali Highwagre and y of the hams in the co ty age located along ~e D Aigbay, extendzag froa nro Eeflce weag of ghs! Park& ad Be Highway.' junction tc two dlcs east of the juarctloa. cpb DepaPemeat of Trmspniaeioo and Public Facilities (ABOTPF) frs zcslpoaneiblc fox mintemace cf ehese two ~oadg. Ia the win(te~, snaw is High- east of Cantwefl, and 16 is therefore clsa~ed rc traffic. kcausle Canwell ir not prt of incorporated braugh, the smU amber of locsl road@ are largely uaaiatalned (fiaako pawez AutBo~%ty~ 1983). daify traffic oolme@ sn bhe Parke Highwag be meea Ua-aeU ad Haalgr wedd increaae foaa 791 in 1984 fa 963 by 1994, repseeeaeing a ine~mlta sf abou~ 2 percane pes yeoa, Current e.~sff%c vaPme eapae%fy BB ehfe baad semese is 7,900 vs?McPes per day. Baseline 12 pgzeeag %n 1994 (Pea& Oreh h A~socfates, be., 15858). Z%@g@ ax@ a@ waeaa: et seepa a\ysto~s fa &negelP. Rae%dl@a%@ rolhy @a %a- &;a & 5 -a P, w@PB@ and seggic tad@, Rcsildeat~ of GgiawaU bv8 bgea ua%ng a ad Xta for @@If& wa@t@ dPspasaP the 8. a~t m%a%afaed by my pub- 8%~ auehczizg ad ehab %@ oa grivateEy omed Paad. ma d"o=mitg eb CaameU, Paae. PB etteapeing te pu~ehaae ehc ?-ac~~i Paadfial eibe ze &I- XQW d%mg%ng go gaks place at the site under m~aPtcpred ccand%eioae, bMol$eg.g, paxso Lac& @t&ab~dl af W~BEC g+neratfoa at 0.00015 acxas peg ps~aaaa W@E@ an@- owad so eeeregnue Be-oea 1984 and 1994 (&ax& Dreh h Asaocfatcs, he., 9 ma nuhx of acres at the! site that were uacedl la 1984 wa~ 0.08 acrgsJ. By 1594, ehe amber of agree, in uaa woad ~%ee Ee 0.42 acresea Ca~~s%gg ub8bixatfoa would rigs f rcm 4 pehcenl: in I984 to 2% ~BPC~~Q; La 1994 6 In 1980, resideate famed a non-pxofit coqe3:ation called Cc bameUb, Ins. Pf was ~CP: up BB aa entity suitable for receipt of stag@ graat8. TO bte, about $627,000 dollara have been received from the reveaucsharflep fundo, d federa reueaueshariag funds. OV~I 87 peg- c@at og fmd@ %@ce%v~d to hte h@ come f:roa the , (Stev@n@@lm, pzsa salepea@ bve be- used to puzshasc a fire tmtek, eaergernep mediecal aad fire gtaei~a ecgralpoleng, and library book@, and to consstmet as helieopeale wd fog emesgeocy evaeuagioa (Moberg, parec~laf eomu~icaeioa, 1984). Same of thaee saoa&arr have beea eeg-ss8dg to gu:rcbee the land PSI1 aima. Be gchoal in 68ameU %a agcraccd wihh etate funds ehr~uph the Railbelle School DisGxicg, Canatwell rceellvasd am-P atateetbred seveaues %n the amoat @f $21,037 fm F184 which %@ simblar 60 fund@ received ia PY82 &ad PY83 (Sgev@a~oa, A@ fa Table 4, eha 268 pzcjact-rehead jcbr created by tha ~aflh~actsd ~@@&fia repzga@ng m IBCIP~B~B ~f 24Ia4 pcrcenf over the bagelfae nuabe~ ef jobs Jln 1986. The~e wedd bs a tgta 0% 379 jobs Pa gha co-mdey %a 17 Jobe czmted by ra%%h@ad og@raeA~- czcaoe of aboarf 14 parceslg ove~ baseline condltiorne. Xt is sea: rpmtidpated at the railhead facility woad laiefPfck\aely ofev e foe@ the way ghat existup busiaessecp conduce their dctivitgr %a C;araPrs no retail md garvfca induatriee woad be the p~lwq bancf8- eia~Po@ of lasreaaee ia eccaaa~y aaler aad eaploynenf. H~wevef, dug to the emu erize of dl the businesaea %a ehc commity, mare traia C~PB md Bore Srcqcreae trc~%a anehadde~ for hading project-related maeerPaPa wead net cause Bu~fnas@a@ to insruse thafr u~e of paltPlbion t8 obtaga cruppliae or to ship pteducta. Ae~ohdiag e@ 'Phe raiEhsad facility %a GaaWeU wornld act afieca, the Pacatfca deefe%~ns 9.f ~etafl and @amiee iadu~egieg be~aa@e the%% @=If she wauBd no% ~UQW theon ts t&a ~dvaneape of the iEacLlJl%g. However, Pe e~ufd affec% sha 1- dociaf om 015 Pargc reraouree-.axtract8\re %nduser%a@, At preeenc, eha re~olarcc@z$~v dnd~lofl~igsl Oa eha local area are ~mll-p.g~gile, itndepeadeat daiag coospakcs opesatiag in areas ~\azxauading Qam@P1, Hoet of ghcoa ccmpades cazo candact8ag gseasaal ~zploraf~~y ~rtivftfaa 26 Qlculated by dividbg ghc impace number by the baseline nuber, e that 33 of the 223 raiaead. workers wculd be previornely edstbg regidsage, ghat f3 cf %ha 190 non-reatdent xailhead woxkexa wPLM bc =rrkcd aad aceompdcled by faalic~, thug read ring private hsoebbng, ghat the 41 nsdcllcd suppar$. workers sad the%^ fapl]lics ssei%%d require pxivate houeing, and that eha f 77 sia@e-stabs rplll- head rwrkers worald be gz~vided housing by the Akaeka Pawar At~plth~pity, Xa 1986, tho total ailh had-rdated poplaZ8aeilon %af%m ie pradectgd ee be ei~a g- ticn fcrecrpee (205) 8986, Xn 1990, rhe toed ~ailhmd-related pcpdbtiea wearld awber 32 1 aapze~eaging. ab.$a~~lt a 15 garceae iasrecn~e ovep baselgae popaotnm of 222* d-zdared paogla x@~dding La &aW@kl %a 1994 mad aecswt fez BB fn~xeis~ ~f 5 paxccnf swcr baealllae popuIa%Pm projaeelcna BB 240 people. Ia 1986, ra%%headl-rdated impact on houeing demad dur%ag eoaetsrastioa wead be 54 hcusaholdo (U accompanied aun"local di~ece woxkezg plus 41 accarmpdsd nceloctil auppsm w~rkara). Tha 177 singlestaeue, nonloed ~a%Besd wa~kerr mad be accomodated %a csinglcssatus hcuafng prcvfdad by tba Uasilsa Pawer Authcz%:ity at the ra%lbead site. Togal basellrre aali raiUtirad-zelated hou~eholdla in 1984 would equal UB (excluding ging%e sesngu~, nonlocal bailhead warkssts> or aboue sr' 65 pepcent inezmee cveve~ baacbiae c~adisioa@~ ma m$a&ad-~e%aeed fnsrw~s of 54 heuaeholda ba 1886 w8dd create a hcllaisg shortage iln CanmeU. Tlaerc would be +a total of 21 vacaag houa- ing m%r@ fn GrrntweU aftgs ha~allne housing dem~d of 84 househeIda arere accamedlated. ma+efcre, a houmriag ahartage of 33 tg would ex%@% %a $986. During cperaticna, there wedd be auffieient housing 60 accc~m~ daea ~1% ra8lhead-talatcid hcueehaldsl. In 1990, Ph raflhead-rclated haursehelds would ba? acsom~dated %a ehe 24 v&caaZ lkoiaeinp un%fs tbg arodd bo ava%%eabfe afber basaffae demad fc~ hausgag i~ met. As shorn fa Table 4, tho U Rocaeeblds %auk& r'eg%eseerg an Pnereaeo of tsbsue 13 per- seat aver projgege?d Baaalllae hawohslda cat? 88 1990. Mtat operciitiana FB~ raflhead eaaatmctfan mad add 89 aeudeatg to bagellae eszeUrnea% Levels Sms %986. A@ rho~m io Table 5, thPe herease! trgpcessnerp &boa$ a U3 pareeat Pacr-sc over eha h8iellne enroUmeag of 37 in 1990. @me ape%tp of the adsting school wodd be ineufflcienb to wet %%la gae%aa wad$ at aboue 144 percent. Several mobilk ua8tg wodd ba xequrod ee adequately handla the project-relared impact. accng LO studente would ba addad 6s baseline earollnente duping the ope? saeieae pariod of the railhead facility, represracing as increaoe in eta- $eat@ csf = percent ever bassline in 1990. The sehcol would contain 10 atadgaga be@@ n the Bee%@ capdty cf 66 %a thie gear. Capci6p ~tfidwc8ea wedd at 83 pamat. 5 teocbe~a would be hired during the constmctfoa period if cuereat p~pill/teaebeb ra~ica, of 10.5 rare to bc mPntaPned. Iioseva~, can- oide~inp 6he shogt tern nature of the eoastructioa impact, 16 is lPkaly tht ocher optiom (sad aer d~ublc ahiftgag or in;oc~eaa%ng pupfl/gaachar rae%cs@) muld ba uge8 t~ badle the rclgporaey inc~eaee in enrcllaeet, Dazing cpo~at%oae, an addieion;ib taaehcr woad fra aesessav to mintaba ehc hlseo~$ca ~~aad&~d, Accordfag ca pxojeeted iaer-rzsc~8 i~a gopulatfsa during ha eoa~tmctiaa &ad eopexagiollast periodB erddfti~aal ereeopere waad net aced to bo higed $o Txaffic (1Pva~agg Daily Ttaffic) Pazk81 Hw. Betoreon Mlcpoatr 175,85 ad 20a,B7 EncPadee exlbeting and pla~ned capcity, December 1983, 4 klculatrd by dJlvfding the impact nmber by the baseline number. a me ax$stbg daze ha81 sad aqu%psaeart ahead BI @u%%9be$gar% ts tqv ae bc gbewa. mJhrt@ea sar9 valuagoo~s wauXd be %@adw "b the ~0111~lteer fEib~e d(~pabe~ea8 fa 1986 gc m8n~a8a tho %a- %%@ ~f 1 valugeeca~ Pcr caeh 27.6 poop%@ (Meberg, pargona ccpmuaeatfoop velm~%ere waald be +oqPa%red fog eha oith-.prej@et a@ ffara progactfaa @eatw bauo&ag. ff ehg Bower Aughorllgy prcvldeg @om@ fcm~ of prscsgeetfoa oa-@it&, th&aa ~nPy s%x vc%mteero dM actuslffp b nce&@d te gY@ Bcsauoa the raixhead coogt~uctioo pssiod ehort, rhe quaatifg &ad qus%- %ey of aedJLed aemfces would not change subeeaagiallp. burs ag eh~ Hcaly a@d%cal cliiac my -pad to handle increaeelp %a Csaaewel%. m- ede?s%te. At ia dnimm, between 3 and 4 Bore Emergency Medicaf Teehdcfaw (Ern3 mad h required eo attend to the incheased popaafioa dur&ag railhead conetruetion if the etandnnl cb 1 EM6 to 100 precgle is to ba mia%aieade ailhead eonslctuctlcn woad EBC~ af f ~CE eraf f Bc velllmes along the Denaldb Waghwag ae aoer workere would travel aXoog the Pazkg Highway for extended ahopplag en8 x'acreatiorp tzspa, A@ shown fn Table 5, railhad-related exsff f c wead - iaercaae ba~dine average amul daf ly braff iae value@ ) bsp;vcert blepoeta 3175.85 and 203.17 an ehc Parks Highway. go wodd be 1,349 or about 164 percear over the 0% 823. Xa 1990, railhead-rrhhated abaut a 14 parceae tncgmrtae cvc~ baeelfnc Xaprwellleata ie road capae%tiee af ha Parklee Wfphway muPd nag be nee@@- go- as the road was o~igimllg cogtatmeted ~8th large amounto of cxealras capcfty which was say atsour: 10 paxcesf ubi%izad in 1983 (Uaerka Power WuehctBry, 1983). Wghg nail.B@ac% cenetmstieat, road capeitgr utiliza- tslon wodd insreas@ te abora~ 28 pareeag fa 1986 bcfsze faULag t~ 13 tgag~p= nrsd @awe% syegam masaald aef ba de~elcwd to meae rsnf%head-s@%at@d %acreej@ea in pspaatfoa ass B$@ coggg ~QP P@ w@ael be pgoUb%tiv@. Rcr~fdeagg muld arrfBl n°a%y gron PndPridwl w@%l@ ad etopefe aoaalso. dtmp @ice By i%ac~eee%w the Baoelin~ capefg~ aneilPzabjlagn c% tho ftraa 21 pepyea(: bo 28 perceae in 1994. Bcwcver, IPcre cffochiva aaa%ta~ iag pgeceduze~ &ad the raaval ef same tceeyel~~bfe garbage tc Hea$inb~ i@ cxpacsad to atead the lifa of the dup by geveral yeaza glna cfbsrg rha ef f @etas og rsr%Decpd-rclafed dlinc6a~ec %in popdabdon (~obexg, pa~seaal I Raikh@a+ralaeed Pnsreaeaa in poputatioa would not eignificanbly add tc the ~evenucrp received By the co ty einea 87 percent of the reveouea, come in the fern af granea. Boorcvor, sfate and federal xeveaae ecbz%ag funds (which c up fha other 13 percent) would gacreasle rfoa. CumenePy, be irs cestfmted thg Qanso?U reccfvas aboue $109 par persoeP in atate-shrazed revenues sd about $62 par pareon %a fedczd-@hared revenue8 each year. Pf these zatfoa are appUed go railheakelated p~pulaeioa forecaste for batwell, then gevenues oaorald be expected ta fecrm~e by $57,456 ila 1986 rsBd $5,472 fa 1990 ovcpr baseliae re.\renuee sf b35,055 aad 837,962, rcspactively. m'heee inereasad zevcnugs could be ueed ee malntafa the dump eiee, pup chase PAre-zehtned equipaent, aad impxovo medPcal seplrllser, wi~b%nn the comudey. Staza manias woad be uoed to Pmd aap educcae8oa-related P~~Lc~B ~BQB raPfiahead $B@ hatwe11 rtchocl is operated by the geagefmded RaA,Ab@le SC~@Q~ D~I~T%c~ Comuaity cf Gaatw@%f, Ins. %a eaordlnatLo~ wfeh tBa? U.S. Posts Semis@. Cantwell, S: 1982. SUB%@= Hydroelectric Project, Enviromental Studiee, Pxepared bot hlaska Power Authoriey. Bellewe, Q, ic Project, Environr~ental Studies, Prepaged for Uaalra Power Author . Suit= Hgdroaleccrfs Project, Eavironaneatal Studies, pabed f QP Ua~lea Bowax Authority. Bclf cvue, WA: PParch 1984d. jcct, Eavlrco~aeata Studica, 1 Prcwred for Uaeaastka isc ~~ag%a-~ba~ec Suitsl8n Joine Venture. Sueit- Hydroelectric Prajact, Eav* Garrespondence dated April 1?, 1985. ~H&EE~-E~I(CO SUSI Joing Venture. Slneiena Bydr~electric Projeet, Env%- ~omeatd stud% e@ , P~eparad fsr ~ka Paweg Authar ce daeed my 6, 1985 6, gears^^ Haelbezg, Freefdent, Ccmudty sf Canwell, Znc., pe~ecml. eomw alcation, Octcbar 30, 1983 and Octobe?r 26, 1984. b~h~a Stevenson, Mminietrat~r of CanmeU Fading, Reggogal and cipal Aeeistance, Interior Regic Office, Alaska Dew rg and Regio~~~l Bffaire, personal comuaication, Navenibor 28, %9M (P Ted Trueblood, Ensinger af Strucmtee, djlaeka Bailroad, pe~raer-1 ~oremunisafion, September 20, 1982 and Oetobez 1, 1984. R~gez Whecedlemn, Arraiataat to the Rcgi EngLee~, U. S . Bureau cf b eicn, porrrona eo carion, October 10, 1984.