HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2950l)(E u_nt Il1o.2950 Sulll ...rlh No.'.'.1.10 SDSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INSTREAM PLOW RELATIONSHIPS REPORT TBCBHICAL REPORT NO.3 A LIMNOLO;';ICAL PERSPECTIVE OP POTENTIAL WATER QOALITY CHANGES Rep o r t by lIaru.-E!:>n co S uai t f.a Joint Vent ur e P r epared f or Al as ka P over Aut hor i t y F i n al Repor t Har ch 1986 .___ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ __J NOTICE ARl'QUESTIONS OR COIOIBNTS CONCIlRNING tHIS RIPORT SHOULD BB DIRBCTBD TO 'fBI ALASKA PCMBR ADTHORI'l'Y SDSITRA PROJBCT OPPICIl TAILE OF COwrEKTS Sec tion /Tit le PREFACE ACKN OW LEDG EME NTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 .0 IIftIODUCTION I .1 OBJECTIVES 1 .2 S RIEF SUMMA RY OF INF ORMATI ON SOURCES iii i . 1- 1 1-1 1-1 2.0 TH!SOSITlfA IIVlI WATlRSHlD -A LlKMOLOCICAL IACI:GROOllO 2-1 2.1 THE PROPOSED PROJE CT 2- 1 2 .2 THE PROJt CT SETT ING 2-1 2.2 .1 S "si.tna Ri v er Wate uhed 2- 1 2 .2 .2 Th e Geo logica l Setting 2- 3 2 .2 .3 Soi ls a nd Veg eta ti on 2-6 2.2 .4 Miner al Res ou r ces and H u~a n I n fl uences 2- 12 2 .2.5 Ba .i.c Wa t er shed C lima te 2-1 3 2 .2.6 Nut ri ent Lilllit ation.of Terr e str ia l Vege tat ion 2-13 2 .2.7 Ba .i.c Hyd r ol ogi c Regime 2- 16 3 .0 GE!f!RALlZED PRO.J!CT DESCRIptIOI'lS :I'IORPROLOGY AI'lD FUI'lCTIOM )-1 ), 1 DAHS,RE SE RV OI RS AND BA SIC CONSI DERATIO NS )-1 3.1. 1 Wat ana Res er v oir -Stage I 3-1 ).1.2 Devil Canyon Rese rvo i r -Stage II )-3 3.1.)Wat an a Res er vo ir -Stage ttl 3-6 ).2 GENERAL IZED RESERVOIR OPE RA TIONS AND DO WNS TREAH F LO WS 3-7 3 .2 . 1 Wa ta na S tage I Ope r.ti on -Alo ne )-8 3.2.2 Opera t i.on of E i t her Watana S tage I or Stage [II 3 -1) wi th Dev il Ca nyo n St a ge II 4 .0 IAS!LI!f!VATE.QOALITY AI'lD ESTIMATED WATER QUALITY CRAMG!S 4-1 4 .1 BA SELINE WAT ER QUALITY AN D LI KNOLOC ICAL 4 - 1 CHARAC TERISTICS - THE HIDDLE RIV ER REA CH 4.2 EXPECTED WA TER QU ALIT Y CHANG ES -GENE RALlZED 4 -4 4.3 SE LECTED WAT ER QU ALITY I SSUES 4-6 5 .0 AI'l ALTElID SOSPENDED SltDI.."AI'lD TUUIDITY REGIM!5-1 5 . 1 INTRODU CTI ON 5- 1 5 .2 S USPENDED S £Dl KE NT AND TURBIDITY RE LATI ON SHIPS 5-4 5 .3 THE DY RESM HODEL AN D IT S USE FOR ESTIMATI NG THE WITH- PROJECT SEDI ME NT REGIME CHA NC E 5-26 4 2583 )/roc 8 60527 Lc _ Sec tion /Tit le TABU o r COIfT!IfTS (Cont'd) PIg I' 5 . 3. 1 Te st i ng of DY RE SM Mode l (P'kl ut na lake S t udy )!l-10 5.3.2 SU8 pended Se diment8 5 -32 5 .3.3 DYRP;S M Model 5 -34 5.3.4 Ekl ut na Lake Mod e l ing 5 -35 5 .3.5 SUlitnl Re8ervoir Model L ,g 5-38 5 .3.6 Othe r SourCe8 o f Sed iment 5-45 5.4 S t\J DIES OF T HE EXIS TI NG TURBIDtTY REG I ME S IN T HE SUS tT NA RIVER MID DLE RE ACH, I N EKlUTNA LAK E ,AND ESTI MA TES OF TH E WITH-P ROJECT TUR BIDIT f REGIME 5 -5 1 5 .4.1 Exi sti ng Mi ddle Rea ch Tur bi di t y'Regi me 5-52 5.4.2 E k lut na lake T urb i di t y Regime8 5-5 2 5 .4 . 3 Wa t ana Re 8 er v oir 5 -62 5 .4.4 Wat lna t o Tal ke et na 5 - 63 5.5 REL ATIO NS HI P BETWE EN t\J RB IDtT Y AND llCHT T RANSHI SS ION 5-63 5.6 ESTI MA TED FI SH ERIES I HPACTS OF AN AltIRE D S EDI ME NT A.'m nJ RBIDI TY RE GI ME I N THE HIDDl E REAC H 5-70 5 .6 . 1 RecOlUlend ed Cri te ria 5-78 5 .6.2 Present Con di ti on8 5-78 5 .6.3 With-pr oj ect T urb id it y Re gime 5 -79 6.0 RTDROCII 101 CO"ClJTlATIOlll AIID ALlALlILLITY 6-1 7.0 g:nIW.IZlD IIIlFOIKATIOlll IIlCAIDIItC PROJECT !FReTS 0If HI""tmTALS 7- 1 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7- 1 7.2 ME RCUR Y (HG )1 -4 7 . 2 .1 Occurren ce i n t he S usi tna Ri ver 7- 4 7.2 .2 Pot en t i al fo r leac hi ng a nd Bi o a ccumu lat ion o f Her c ury a lit eratu r e Rev i ew 7-5 7.2 .3 Impl iClt i ons fo r t he SU8 it na Hydr o elect ri c Pr oj e c t 1-8 7.2 .4 Ri s k t o t he Publi c 7-11 7 .2. 5 Su m.a ry 1- 11 7.3 CADM IUH (C O)7- 12 7 .3.1 Occ urrence i n t he SU8it na Ri ver 7-12 7 .3.2 P ot ent ial fo r L eachir~a nd Bioac cumul atinn o f Cadmium 7-12 1 .3 .3 Rhk t o th e Pu bli c 7- 12 7.4 CO PPER (CU)1-13 7 .4 .1 Oc cu rrence i n the SUlitna Ri v er 7- 14 7 .4 .2 Pot en t i al f or Lea c hi ng an d Bioa c cuMul at ion of Co p per a nd Ri 8k t o th e Pu b lic 7- 15 7.5 ZINC (ZN)7-1 5 7 .5.1 Oc cur ren ce in th e SU!ii t na Ri ver 1- 15 7 .5.2 ~o t ent ial f or Leach ing a nd Bioac cuMula t i on o f Zinc 1-1 6 7 . 5 .3 Ri 8k to the Pu bli c 7-11 42 5833/TOC 86052 7 TABLE OF CONT ENT S (Co nt'd ) S ec t i on /Tit I e .h a e 7.6 HAN GANE SE (HN),- 18 7.6.1 Occurren ce i n th e SU$itna Riv er 7- 18 7 .6.2 Pot e ntial f or Leach ing an d Bi oaccumulat ion of Han :;anea e 7-IQ 7.6. 3 Ri sk t o th e Publ ic 1-19 7.7 IRON (FE)7-20 7 . 7.1 Occur re nce in t he S usi tn. River 7-2 0 1.7 .2 Pot e nt ia l for Lea ch i ng an d Bioa c:culIlul .ti on o f I ron 7- 21 7.7.3 Ri sk to th e Publi e 1 - 22 7 .8 ALUMIN UM (AL )7- 23 7 .8 . 1 Occ ur rence in the Su s it n"Ri ller 7- 23 7 .8 .2 Pot ent ial fo r Lea ch ing an d Bioa ceulIl ul "tion ~f AlulllinUlll 7- 23 7.9 Le..d (P 8)7 - 24 7 .9 . 1 Occu rren c e in the SUli t n..Ri ver 7-24 1.9.2 Pot ent ial f or Leach ing an d Bioacculllulati on o f Le ad 7- 24 7.10 NI CKEL (NI)7-25 7 . 10 . 1 Occur re llce in the S us i t n.Ri ver 7 -25 1.1 0.2 Poten t i al f or Leach ing a nd Bioaccumul .ti on of Nick el 7- 25 7.11 BISKUTK (sO 7-2 6 7 . 12 CON CLU SivNS AND RECOHMENDATI ONS 7- 26 8.0 THE PO'nIfrIAL rOil DISSOL'lKD CAS SOPUSATOIATIOIf ULAnD TO THE PlOJEct 8-1 8.1 DICU SSION 8-1 8.1.1 Ca ul el Of Superuturati on 8 -2 8.1.2 Biol ogical Effect.8-5 8 .2 HITI GATION 8 - 6 8 .2.1 Kit isati on He uurel t o Avo id Negative B iol ogi cal Imp.ct 8-6 8 .2.2 S t r uc t ura l and Ope ra tio na l He ehan i l m.f or Avo iding Gal S u perll.t ur at i on 8-6 9.0 AQUATIC IWTIIltn CRAI'GlS uuno TO TAl PROJECT 9-1 9 .1 DIS CUSSION 9-1 9 .1.1 Bal ie Cons i de ra t i ona 9-1 9.1.2 Aquati c Prilllary Producti v it y 9-3 9.1,3 Allt ieipated With-Project Cond i ti ons -Rel er voir ll 9-8 9.1.4 Expected Re lervo ir Tr ophi c StatuI 9- 9 9.2 ANTICIPATED WITH-PROJECT CO NDITIONS :RIVERINE HABITATS DO WNS TRE A.>t 9-1 0 9.2.1 Down.trealll Nutr ient F low 9-11 9.2.2 Trophic S Cat ua and Fiaher ies Effec ts SUllllll ar y 9 -14 4 2 :j8J3/TOC 86052 7 .. ..... TAIL!OF COIfTlIfTS (COnt 'd) Se ct io n/Ti.tle 10-1 10-1 10- 7 10.0 DISSOLVID OllGIR.OICAIII C CAUOK UD 'IOJlCT EFFEcts 10.J EXISTINC COND IT IONS I N THE SUSITNA RI VE R 10 .2 WITH-PR OJECT CONDIt IONS AND EFFEctS Il ••<<non.r .....,.<"LODICAL LI"'LODr Il-J 11.1 RE SERVOIR PNYSI OLOCICAL LIKNOLOCY AND TROPHIC STATUS JI-I 11.2 BIOLOGI CAL L I HNOLOC Y IN THE HIDOLE RIVER REACH 11 -8 12.0 unalCIS APPENDIX A CORRE LA TION ANALYS I S OF H!TALS AND OTHER AQUATIC HABITAT CHARAC TERIS TICS 42S833/TOC 860S27 LIST or TABU S Nuab er /Ti tl e l .1 APPII OXI MA n Ml ME RA LOGY OF SUS IT NA RI VER S US PE NDED SEDlKENTS 2-7 a.a E LE MENT COMPOS IT I ON OF MI NERA LS COMPOS ING COKHONLY ANALY ZED 2-8 S US PENDED SE Dl KENT P ARTI CLES F ROM T HE S USI TNA AND O! HER ~ARBY GLACIA L RI VERS 42583l/TOC 8 6 05 27 5.1 AVERAG E TOTAL SUS P!':NDED SOLIDS AND TURBI DITY VALUE S S ETt LI X-;5 -12 COLUMN TESTS 5.3 SE TtLING COWKN RU N NO.2 ~TOTAl.S US Ptlf DED SOL IDS AHD 5 -1 4 tuUIDITY 5-13S.2 S ETT LI NC COLUMN attM NO.I ~TOTAL S USPE NDED SOL IDS AND TUU IDITY 5 .5 NATURAL AND ESTlKATED PIE""MONtHLY SUS PENDED SED l KENT 5 -64 CONCENT RA TIONS AND APP ROIIKATE TURBID I TY VA L UE S EI PECTED TO !lIT WATANA RESE RVO IR DU RINC S TAGE I OPE RA TI ON 5.4 EMP IR ICALLY Df.:RIVED RA TiOS OP TURJ ID ITY/ S US PENDED S EDI ME NT S -2 2 IN SOOTH CENTRAL ALASKAN LENTI C ENVIRONM ENTS INFLUENCED I T GLACIAL 'LOUR 3.1 MO RPHOLOGICAL AND HYD ROLOG I CAL F EATURES -WA TANA 3-2 RESERVOIR:S T AG ES I AJII D 111 S . 6 ~A TURAL AND ES TI MA TED KEAN MO NTHLY S USPENDED S E DI HENT 5-6 5 CONCENtRATIONS AND APP ROXlKATE TURBID ITY VALUES F (P ECTED TO EIIT DEVI L CANYON RESERVOIR DU RI NC S TAGE II OPE RATION l .3 T Ypt AND ACREAG E OF VEGETATION TO I E [NUNDATE D IY EACH IMPOONDHE NT OF THE S US lTNA HYDROELECTRI C P ROJ ECT 3 .2 MORPH OLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL F EAroRE S -DEVIL CANYON 3-4 RESERVO iR:S TACE II 4 .2 ESTlMATlD APPROIIMAn WAnR QUALITY CRARA Ctt RlS TlCS OF T HE 4-\ PROJECT 'S S URFI C I AL RESERYOIR WATERS AND WA TERS DI S CHA RG ED OOWNS Ttt ~ 4 . 1 APPR OXlKAn WA nR QUALI TY CHA RA CTtR ISTl CS OF T il!SUS IT NA 4 -3 RI YER AT GOLD CREEl DUR ING MA Y-ocTOI ER VS .NOVEM IER-AP RIL LIST or TAlLIS (Cont'd ) 5 .7 NATURA L AND ESTI MA TED MEAN MON THLY SUSPENDED SE DI ME NT 5-66 CONCE NTRA TIO NS AND APPROXIM ATE TU RBIDITY VALUES EXPECUD TO EXIT DEVIL CANYO N RE SERVOIR DU RING S TAGE III OPERATION 5.8 APPROXIKATE EUPHOTIC ZO NE DEPTHS PER TURB I DITY UNIT AS 5 - 72 CALCU LA TED US ING THRE E DI FF ERENT RE LATIONS HIPS DEVEL OPED FOR GLAG IAL FLOUR AFFECTED S YS TEMS IN SOU TH CENTRA L ALASKA 5 . 9 APPROXIKATE ANN UAL RANCE AND MEAN VA LUE S OF TSS AN D 5 -77 TURBIDITY IN S ELECTED REACHE S OF TWO S OUTH GENTRAL ALAS~GLAC IAL RIVERS CO MP ARE D TO WITH-PROJE CT ESTI KATES FOR THE S US ITNA PROJECT DIS CHA RG E VALUES 7.1 S US tTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT :AVAILABL E US GS DATA -METAL ANA LYSES 7- 7 9.1 GENERAL RANG ES OF TOTAL PHO SPHOR US AN D TOTAL NITROGEN 9-5 WHI CH ARE RELATIVELY CHARA CTERI STIC OF DIFFERENT TROPHIC CATEGORIE S IN RELATIVELY CLEAR LAKES AND RESERV OIRS 9.2 PHOSPHORU S IN SUS tTNA RI VER S AMPLES 9-12 11.1 TROPHIC S TATUS AND RATE S OF ANNUAL PRIMAR Y PRODU CTIVITY 11-4 OBSERVF.n HI VARIOUS LAXE S,LAK E-RESERVOIRS AND RESER-t hru VOIRS I N TEHPERATl,SUBARCTIC AND ARCTIC RE GIONS OF 11-5 THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE 425833/TOC 860527 I LIST OF F IGUU S NUlllbe r /T itle 2.1 PR OPO SED PROJECT LOCAT ION 2 ,2 SUS ITNA RIVER WATERSH ED IN CLUDING "AJ OR TRIBUTARI ES AND GLA CIERS 2 .3 MERC URIF EROUS BELT S OF THE r.ARTH 2-2 2-4 2-' 2 .4 MONTHLY INPUT OF PH OTOSYNTHETI CALLY ACTIV E RADIATI ON 2-14 (PAR )AT BIG LAKE ,ALA SKA'S IN THE SUS ITNA RIVER WAT ERSH ED 2.5 HOURLY INPUT OF PHOTO SYNtHETI CALLY ACTI VE RADIATI ON (PAR)DURIN G SUHMER AND WINTER SOLSTI CES OF 1983 A' BIG LAKE,IN SOU TH CENT RA L AL ASkA 'S SUS ITNA RIVER WATERSHED 2 .6 GLAC IER NAKE S AND LOCATIONS,DRAINA GE DIVI DE S ,STAKE LOCATI n NS AND RAIN GAUG E S ITE 2 .7 DAILY SU SITNA RIVER DISCHAR GES WHI CH WOULD BE EXC EEDED 10 PER CENT .SO PERC ENT,AND 90 PERCENT OF THE TIKE 2.~GRA DIENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER FR O"TALKE ETNA TO PORTAGE CREEK 2 .9 RE PRE SENTATIVE AN NUAL HYDROCRAPHS OF TH E WAT ANA DAM SITE AND THE GOLD CREEK GAGIN G STATIOH FOR TW O WET YEARS WITH SPR ING (1964)AN D FALL (1961)FL OOD S AN D FOR ONE DRY YEAR (1910) 2-1 5 2- 17 2-19 ~-2 0 2-22 3.1 SUSIT NA RIVER STREAMF LOWS EXC EEDED SOt OF THE TIKE AT GOLD CREEK -STAGE I - 1996 ENERGY DEMAN D 3-' 3.2 SUSITNA RIVER STREAMFLOWS EXCEEDED 50%01 THE TIME AT GOLD CREEK -STAGE II - 2007 ENERGY DEMAND 3.3 SUSITNA RIVER STREAMrL OWS EXCEEDED 50%OF TH E TIKE AT GOLD CREEK -STAGE III - 2008 ENERGY DEMAND 3.4 SUSITNA RIVER STRE AMFLOWS EX CEED F.D 50%OF THE TIME AT GOL D CRE EK -STAGE I II - 2020 ENEReY DEMAND 5 .1 TURB IDITY VS.SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CO NC ENTRA TI ON _ SUS I TNA RIVER 42S833/roc 860527 3-10 3-1 1 3-12 5-5 S.U ElLUlNA LAKE DATA :TURUDITY \75.TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS S-;Z4 5.7 RlUT[ONSHIP BE1lIEEN TURBI DITY AND TOTAL S US i'EMOEO SOLIDS 5 -15 M...ber /Ti.tl e \ I \ , '-40 5-39 '-4 2 S- 19 S-2S S- 20 )- 17 S.I)1984 U:LUTNA LAIE TAILRACE DATA :TURB IDITY VS.TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS S.1I SETTLIItC COLUMN RUN :TOTAL S USPENDED S('L IDS VS.TIM!- SUSITNA RIVER SAKPLES 5.8 TURI IDITY vs ,S USPENDED S OLI DS FROH SETTLING COLUKN RUN 5 - 16 AO .1 AND NO.2 - SUSIY""RIV !R SAMPLE S 5.IS SUSPENDED SEDlKENT RATING CURVE A~U . S .C.S.CAGING STATION -SUSITNA lIV ER REAR CANTWELL 5.9 COMBINED TURBI DITY YS.SUS PENDED SOLIDS FR~S ETTLING CO LL~S NO.1 AND NO.2 -SUSITNA RIVER SAKPLES 5 .4 1984 C"ACI£R FORl DATA;TURB IDITY YS.TOTAL SUSPE ND ED 5-8 SOLIDS FOR LOTl e INFLUENT S TO EK LUT NA LAI! 5.2 TUaliDITY VS.SUSPENDE O S ! Dt H!NT COHCl!/fTRA TlOM IN 5 ~6 SEVUAL ALASKAN RIVERS LIST or rICOll5 (C ont'd ) S . IO SETTLI NG COLUMN :TURBIDITY VS.TII£- S US IT NA RIVER SAMPL:!:S 5.14 S US'E"DED SEDlKEIIT SIll DISTRIBUTION SUSITMA RIVER NlAR CANTWE LL S .l 1984 EA st FOU DATA :TURItDtTY YS.t OnL SUSPENDE D 5-1 SO LIDS ro r.LOTt e IN'L~~NTS TO tK LUTHA LAK! 5.5 ENPE llCAL RELATI ONSHIP OF TURSIDITY VERS US S USPEND ED 5- 10 SEDIMENT CONCENTRAtION FOR PLA CEI-MINE O AN D NEI GHB ORIN C UMMIN!D STREAMS IN IKT'ERI OR ALA SICA.S,,"PLED DUR ING SU MME R,19 8J-1 9 84. 5.6 PLOT OF TURBIDITY AIID SUSPENDED SEDI HElIfT CON CENTRATION 5- 11 FOR CERTAIN PLAC ER-HIMED STREAMS IN ALA SKA S .16 WATANA RESEIVOIR OUTfLOW (D-I0 NICRONS )S US'E"DED SOLIDS MINIMUM INFLOW TEAR (1970)-STAGE I 2001 ENERGY DEHAND 425U3/TOC .60S2] \ -• LIST or rICUIIS (Cont'd) 5.2 1 WATA NA U SERYOIR OUT FLOW (0 - 10 MICRONS )SUSPENDED SOL IDS 5 -48 AV ERAGE INFLOW YEAR (l 982 )-S T AGE III -202 0 ENERGY OEKAHD 5 .20 OEVI L CANYON Rl!.S tRVOlR OUT FLOW (0-10 MI CRONS)SUSPENDED 5-4 7 SOLIDS -AVERAG E INfLOW YU R (1982 )~STACE II 20 0 2 E NERC Y DElWfD 5-S5 5-56 5 -$9 5- 6 0 t 5 - 61 \ 5 - 61 \, \ I I, I I \ S-54 5-5 3 5-4 3 5-44 ,... S .24 KAINSTEK DI S CHA RG E,VA TER TEKPERATURE,AN D TURSIOITY RE CORDED AT TNE COLO CREEl S!ATlON ,SUS ITNA RIVER -1 983 5 . 23 ESTIMATED MEAN MO NTHLY SUS PENDE D S EDI ME NT CONC ENT RATI ONS r OR PROJECT DIS CMA JG ES S . 26 KAllf SttK DIS CHARGE ,VATER TEKPERATURE .AND TURBIDITY IN THE 'UOOL!REA CH o r THE SUSITlfA RIVER,1984 S.27 TUUIOITY DATA SUK!1A lT S HOW I MC RA MeE,H TH,SOTH (JoIEOIAJf) AJf O 1S TH PERCENTILE r OR KAIMST EK AN D T R'IUTARY STUDY S ITES S .H TUUIOITY.VAn ,TEKPEIlATURE,AND SUS [TMA IlIVE R OI S- CHA RC E v eesvs TUIE AT THE TALXEETNA Fl SHWE EL CA.,.,. SUSITIfA.RIVER -198 3 S . 28 I SO-TURBIDITY YS .TIl(!•ElLUTlfA LAI!:AT ST ATION "1982 5.2.9 I SO-TUlaI DITY VS.TIl«.ElLUTlfA LAAE AT STATION "1983 5 .30 ISO-TURBIDITY VS.TII(£,ULUTMA LAKE AT STATION "19 84 5 . 31 APPROXIMATE MEAN MONTHLY TURBIDITY VAL UES FOR S US IT MA RIV!Il KIDDt.E KEA CH 5.1 1 WATANA RE SE RVOIR OUT FLOW (0·(0 MI CRON S)SUS PENDED SOL IDS KAI.lPlUM IN FLOW ytAR (198 1)-STACE 1 2001 ENERCY DEMAlu) 5 .22 DE VIL CANYON RE SER VOIR OUT FLOW (O-Ir MI CRON S )SU SPENDED SOLIDS -AV ERAG E I NrtOIl YEAR (198 2):O TAC E III - 2020 ENERC Y DEMAND 5.19 WAT AHA RE SE RV OIR OUT FLOW (D-I0 MICRONS ) SUS PE NDE D SOL IDS AVERAG E I NFLO W '(E AR (198 2)-S'A CE II 2002 ENERG Y DEMAND 5 . 18 WATANA RESE RVO IR OUTfLOW (0-10 "ICRON S)SUS PENDED SO L'DS AVERAG E I NFLOW YUR (I982)-STAGE I 20 01 ENERG Y DEI'tAND U 5S33/TOC 860S21 "_ber /T itl e t, I \ 1 \ \ LIST 0''ICVIIS (Con t ' d ) N_belt I T i tIe 5 . 32 AN EMPIRICALLY DERIVED,CENERALI Z!D RELATIONSHIP BEnlEEN 5-69 TURBIDITY AND MAXIMUH EUPHOTIC lONE DEPTH (1 .0%P.A .R.) 5.33 TH'E RELATI ONSI'IIP OF F.UPHOTH~ZONE DEPTH (EZD )TO TURBIDITY 5-71 (NnI ) 6.1 pH DATA SUHMAU SHOWINC RANCE ,25TH,5 0TH (KEDIAN),AND 6-2 75 PERCENTILE FOR HAINSTEH AND TRIBUTARY WATER QUALITY STUDY SITES 6.2 S UMMA RY.BY S TUDY,OF tHE INTRACRAVEL pH DATA 6-4 PERIODICALLY HEASURED WITHIN STAHDPIPES DURINC THE 1983-1984 WINTER PERIOD IN tHE MIDDLE S USITNA RIVER 6.3 SUMMARY ,BY HABITAT TYPE.Of THE INTRACRAVEL pH DATA 6-5 PERI ODICALLY MEASURED WITHIN S TANDPI PES DURINC THE 1983-1984 WIN~ER PERIOD IN THE HIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER 8.1 TOTAL DISSOLVED CAS (PERCENT S ATURATION )VS.DISCHA RGE 8-3 9.1 DATA SUMMARY - TOTAL PHOSPHORUS 9-6 9.2 DATA SUMMARY - TOTAL NI ,ROCEN 9-7 10.1 DATA SUMMARY DISSOLVED OXYCEN 10.2 DATA SUKKARY -DISSOLVED OXYGEN t SAtURATION 10.3 DISSOLVED OXYGEN DATA S UMMA RY 10.4 DISSOLVED OXYCEN DATA SUMMARY 425833 /TOC 860527 10-2 10-3 1 0-4 10-5 pUrACI TtIi,t llllt consti tu te ..the thi.rd te chnie.t r epo rt of t he Inure••F l oll Re la tio o.hi p Se riel (IF RS) .lu p ri aar y p ur pou h t o pr ovi de .. l i .nol 08iea l1 y o rie nte d pe npertive f or r ev iew ing Ie-II!iaportant "a t er q lMllit )'i.••ue ....oebted v i t t he S Uli tDol Hydr od e ctr i ;;:Pr o je ct .Th i., r e por t v i i i d i , cul '(e n,hl cha rlcce ri,ticl of t he ulerwoir i nund.tion ~_••nd t he S ...i.tna Ri ve r ".i.dd te"r each wl1 i ch v i i i .f fee t t he i r v ith-proj ect .q uat ic bi ol ol"Qull1 i t l t ive u d q uan t it,civII!u t i...t el of pro J -c t·ind uced ch ,ns . 't o le lec ted Will t el'qUollit y tha ra ece r il ticI ,Ire et h e .ned.tl ti...tel o f t he "ith -pr o je ct ...e ee q ....li ty ,ad t rophi c .t,tUI i n t he pro pol ed r e lle r ..oin .od t he do _I Ue••Suaitu live r .iddlt f e.en .r . i.n cl ude d,~r ticuh r l1 ..th ey r e he e t o fi.he riu b io l olY. Th e t ech al t .t upo rt .erie.a ttnopu t o con.ollda te data p re . e nt ed in a ....rie ty of p re " i ou .l y wr i ttea r e por u b y a ...ariety o f prha te,ata te a lld • Whi.le th e I r RS r eport ae ri.e.i.no t i n te nde d to be an ialva et u ......en t I i t pre . e nt .e.ti..t e .o f d i ff erellce . b .e..e en t he na t ur. 1 .nd r e aul at ed ri ...e r ""ich ..y be u.e ful f or pr oj ect i.~c t ••ae ••-e ll t. t ec hni c al Report 110.1 .rlah Re. o ur ce .a nd Kabit at .of the S u.i t na E••i n . Th ia r epor t c on.olidata.ill f oraat i oll o n th e n.h r eae u ee ...a nd h. b it.t. i a the t a l ka atna-to - De"il Can y oa re ach of t he S u.itna il:i"e r a".i.l.ble t hrou ah .J allulrY 1'85. Techaical Report No.2.Phy aical Pr oc e ••e .Re p or t .Th h r e port d e.cri be a aueh phy.i cal proee ••e .a .r e.ervo ir .ed i_n ta ti.on,Channe l _r pho loay .a i .t a b i.li ty and a r;')U ndva te r u pwe lliaa . t e chn ical aeport Mo.'.W.t er q ua 1i t ,/L i .no)OIY Re port .IlI h r epor t c on.o lidat e..~h eJI:te e i oa l.nfO Ra t ion en ..a te r qualit y ,.".Su.i tna a ..i n .It a dd r eate.".potent i.a l fo r ..ith - proje c t I <i!u hl na of h e, ,,,_t,1t 4 25 8)) 8 60521 I fra.the r •••ryo ira i aunclatioa KOM.alld t he i r po ••i bt .illt.ractioa••i th h i .her biolo.ieal troph ic l.velt;e x pec te d i a flue ace.of t he proj e ct oa nitr o.ea ..e eu,.r..tur.t iOIl;ezpe cted proje ct .ffec tl o n h ,dro.en i oa eeeeeet ee e te e end dh li n it ,;p rojec t - i ad u ce d ch .a...ia ph at ..croautr i l!"';'.ad t he ir pot ent i.1 f or i nf lue ncinl th .troph ic .t . t u.o f both o f the proj.ct re'er ,"- i ra .ad of t he .idd le r i...e r r e.ch du ....ure ••o f the re .erYOir.;.ad chenle.i a the .".p.aded .ed i-.e at .nd t urb idit ,r ••i-.e. to••ther .i th .o-e po tea tie l bi o lo.ieal .Hectl r el.ted t o t he..c h .a•••• !b it r .port .il l elta d i .c u .t he ••t i ..t ed tr ophic .te t"l cherecteriu ic. of t he proj.ct r ...r yo ir (e).nd t he ri ve ria.h.bi t.t.i._dietel, do.....tr••• t .chll i c.l R.port Na . 4 .l aUn••T...per eture .na it repor t COil 'itt.o f thr••p ria c ipa l co-po n.nt .:I ) i ae t re••t e .pe ntur.IlO de lilll ;2 )d e ve lo~en t o f e..p.ntun t ri te ri.f or Suaitaa liver fis h .t ock.b,.Ipeci •••nd li fe U ele ;.nd ]).v. l ....t ion of th e i n fl ue nc ••of v ith -proj ect ee ee •• t e.perltur e.o n ...i.tiol fi ah h ab it a t ••a d ne tu rel ice pr oce.fl ea .Ii.fiaal r .port de .cr ibiD I o!ovn .U. a.t e .penture .e ..o ei a t e d v ith va riou .r •••rvo ir ape n ti ng ·'C.D.ria .a nd I n e v.lua tion o f t he eHecti o f t he theee .t ru. t e.peratur e.o a ti.h wa .p re p'r ed i n October 1984 .Ii.dra ft r e,on .ddr•••in l t he i n fl uen c.o f .nticip.ted v ith-pr oj ect .tn••t ..-pen t"re .0 0 i ce pro~e .ee .....p n plred i D Nov_ bel'1984. t .cho iu l i .po rt No.5.li.q ....tic H.b it.t Re por t • .....i l.b ili t'of ve riov.t,pe.of .q ....t i c h.b i t.u Th ie repo r t d••c ri be.th e i n th e t .lke.tne -to -De ...iI T.ch oi ea l "port !lo.6.Ic e Proc .....Repo rt.n.h r .port .i1 1 d.lJ c ribe o.tur.U ,!Xcu r riol i ce pr oc •• •e.t e the .tdd le ri...er ,.n ti.ci pa t.d c ha nge. in t h o ••proc •••••d ue to pr oje ct con.tr uc tion 'Dd opere tio D,.ad it Ifil l d i .c .....tb e eHe cu o f na t u rall)'!Xcun ing 'Dd v ith -proj .ct i ce cond it ion. aD f i .h b.bitet. 4258)] 860527 ii \ \ The H,lIfu-Eba.eo .c.ff ez"re ••e .i t ••ppre <ie ti.oa t o the _a,pe ople thet c ootributed ti_,e ae rIY.ead idee.,end tlho .her ed tafor_tioa "ithollt wtI ich tbi..doc..-at wollid not be ..c_plete or ...cCllr.te I'i t ..,be. Spec ial th.ak l Ir.ezuaded to upre.eatltiv••of I ,"CoIl'lIltlnt.,Inc., t he Arct i c [awiro _eat.1 Io foraet ion .nd Dat.Cencer ,E.W.Trih e,.ad An oe l .tn,AI.,ke De~rt_ot o f ri.h .ad C••e (SIIHyd ro;H.bit.t;r .I.E.D.; .nd S po rt r t.h Di wi. io ae ).Woodwer d -CI,de Con ' IIIt.atl ,Inc.,0.5.Ceoloaical S lIrvey.U.S .r hh ,wild l ife se-v te e ,ENT lU.,Inc.,.ad th e l ibnry .uff .t th e Oniwer l it,of AlI lke .t "flcho r 'ae .nd the AlI lke IbU Ollrc el L ibr.r)'in Anehouae.P.rt i Cllllr .pprec i.a tion 11 e >t te flde d to I'Ir.D.Pott of Ber.e [na iaeer ial C-p. o,f or hi .help "tth the .ect toa 0 0 he.w ,_t.ls ,.ad to the word proc e ••iol .t .ff o f the Hllf u - Eba.co SuiLo.J o iat Vent u re f or the ir ded i c-ted wor k 0 0 t he "0'dra ft'o f thi ,do c_nt. 42S83J 860S27 H i • J S eul _tel'q ..H t,c h.nc te ri.tic.h'"be e ..i den ti fie d II pot.tlt i.t ,i ro_ a u l .IIUln .Wder q ..l i t,cll . r.ete rh tiCI f or the propo.ed i.poull~ftt tone.l ad tbt'S u.i t q liver ".id,U,,"n·.ch hi""been H ••hled .nd ...ci..te.of pr ojett~indueed effect . o n .a.e of the .are i.port.nt _tel' quaUt1 ill""'"are ...ph"iaed her e In. WUer qu lit,i a fo ,.,.tion h••be en c ol l ec ted ,e z_ined,.nd d i ,cWI .ed i n order t o he lp pr <Hi ue e I e e-p re helu {w.und e n t.nd iD&o f .eveD .e t.o f h .Uoe ' ""' ell _,.ffect ..1.001 .nd r " .iden t f i .lI habit.t ••nd popul.tion.do vn - ur•••of the pr opo led pr oject.The s e ven w.te r q ....lit y i ••uea d hc .....ed here '1''': l).u. peDded u di_nu ,nd t uTb id it,.. Z)pH , )}he.",._t.l., 4)g".upe rll t un t ion , 5 )pl.nt ..('ro nut rie n t., 6 )lII i ••o l,",d OK 'a"n .nd c.rbon c ontentr,tion .,.nd th e 7)pote n tia l r e urw ir and _i ddl e r h er t r oph i c u.tua . S u.pende d Sedi.ent and Tu tb id ity Project induced ch a nge.t o the naturall y cyclic r eg i .e .o f .u .pende d .edi - _nta and turbid ity have be en e a ti..t ed.l . t i aat ed effec t.t o the r e .eryo ir b io l o lJ'.ad tr ophi c u at ua ne d i. cVl nd .b ttaated e ffe ct.t o th e _id dle t i y er b iolo,,.aad t t opbic a ta t u.a re ala o d iacu••e d,but r i verine .ffe c t. appear .are c ....plell and conc:l ua i on ••t e .are un c ert.in.I _portant f i .het iea habitat in the _iddle riyU will be .ffected .nd th e i ndi rec t o r u c ond.ary i _pac ta on th e .a l_o ni d H .hety .re quution.ble.Off c h .nne l lIIiti aati nn .e.aut e'_y be nec e ••ar y t o ba la nce '0Il@ pote nt ia l ly d.e t fi.en ta l e ffect •• 4258]) 860527 iv • HJdr og ea ioa coac eat n tioa.(pH).ad th e bufferiag ca,.ci tJ o f t he aq ..t ic e c o'J Ue.h."e been exa .ined vith re apect t o pot.ntial pr oject effecu.At preaent i t la beH e ...d t hat t he project a f h ct.oa pH .lO ad buffed a,c::.ep.e citJ .,lll be .in i ..1 a c d b iologiull J un i. por taat .,l th re apect to SUlii t oa RiYer aquatic e co lo, y. No .l t lsa tion plane are pr opoted re ,uding thh t oplc . He.",Het.ll The pot e nt i al fo r he a"J -etat l e lcb i nS .do wa.t r el.t ra a. por t o f to..I e ..t alt.and _bi H eat io n of toxic _tall into th l b iolo,ic:al food chain haa be en i n"e n i,a t ed.l.e lult l f ro-c urr ent li te ra t ure r el earcb iad icate that t he proj e ct v iii .u"ta n ti a ll,r ed uce the abl ol ut e q Ullnt it ie.of _. t -eull traalported through t he project t o down .trea.ar e...Literature r elearch .110 i a dica t ea th.t tbe s rea te.t pot eat ial f or .prob l ..r e ,.rd in,heaW)' _ula .,ill likel ,be t he poteat i.1 f or b i o..a gn ifiut i on o f _rc.r, c onceatrat ion.i n o rg.nia,..belong ing to h igh er t ro phic l eve l e in the r ea er voir an d ri "e rine aq uat ic eco.y.t....Othe r hea W)'_t.la be .idea -erc ury .ppea r unlikel y t o ca uae biol o s ic al pr o bl ... .Pre-proje ct a ad v ith-pro ject _ni to ri ag of pot ent ially tox ic hea",_ta la ha"e be ea propO lld fo r bo tb "ater .lO ad .elected aqu.atic o r,lais.a. Di a aol".d Gaa Conceat ra tio na Total d i ••o h ,e d p.COllceat Tation. ,e.pe da l l,d " .ohed nitr o,'R,ha.,.be ea e .a.baed i n the e .htin,oat uTa l .ute.Aoa l y.ia of t he e xU nt d " .ohed ,a.co ncen tr a tio a.i n dic.te.that p ,.upe na tu Tl tio n co nd it io nl .re n.atun ll y creat ed by h i,h vo l ......flow .thr ou,h Dl!Yll Canyon r apid,. Ana l y. "of pTopo. ed pr o j e ct ~.i,aa an d ope ratio n.and t he _te ra he d'. hydrology r e .ult in concl u.a iona that the pToj ect .,ill .ini_he th e c ha ace. 42S8)] 8 60527 •\ f or cre.t in.biol o. i c.U ,.h.~ful conce n u.tio n.of di ••o l ft d "'1"in .quatic h.bit.t .dovn .tr"••of th e proj e ct.Ell te nlli v••i t il . t lon _a.ure• •r .pre .ently included in the pl.n .for d ui.n .nd o pen t io n o f th a Suaitna Hydr oelectr ic Pro ject i n o r der t o mi ni.ize t he pa te nt h l for e se e •• Iv e d i ••o l"",d ".c o ne"nt ra tio n ••nd the ir e f fect.on th e a qua ti ~eco.,..t"•• A~I ,.a i .of pho.phor u••nd n itrolen conea nt r.tio n.fo und in th e IIoIItur.l r iverine h.bit.t ,tOlether vith u t i lll4 u,of the r ••e rvo i r _ter qual it,. co ndi t io n. , i nd icate.th.t bot h o f th e pr ope .ed r e !ervo in a nd po r t io n.o f th e S",it"l ive r ".idd le " r e. ch v ill be chronica ll,.alht li.ited vi t h r e .pect t o .ut ocbth. oou.pr i ..r ,.pr oduet i ...it,..Althouah the net do_.tre.m tr.n .part o f bo th pho.phoru••nd ni tro len ..ill be .ub.tan tiall,.r ..du.c:ed b,. the ~r oj ect t.pau nd.tata,pbo.phor u'.nd ni t role n .h o ul d e xb t .t concentn- t i OD 'in e llce •• o f t hei r de..nd b,..ic robi.1 com-uni tie'durin a -o. t .e••o n. it ~t h th e r e .ervoi r. .nd th e do vn.t r"..riv er in e habitat .directl,. .ffected b,...ill.t em fl ov..Nut .ie nt l iI.it.t ion o f .quat ic pri..ry proclucti...i t,.i.no t e xpec te d t o be a n impo rtan t projec t induce d e ffec t . Min i ..l r.te ••nd q uant it ie.of .q ....t Ie pri..r ,.product i ...it,..re t o _ e .pet ted ill t he tontin..:lu.l,.t ur b id r e." r vo i.n .nd ia .ome ..i n lt"'r h e ri ne e"...i rll_e ta .f f et te d b,.p roje':t flov •• Oia.ol ....d Ollys en ,Ora.ni c Ca rbo n .nd Proj e ct Ef fec t. C o~t entr.tion .o f di ••o lve d OIl,..en in t he n.t ura l r iv er i ne ha bitat have be en found t o be mode ra tel,.h igh t o vet ,.h il h d ur i nl .l l .e••o ee ,Q!,",ic. l o ll,.••n desand •• r e IIoII tut.ll,.lov to mod"nte .nd are e .pec te d t o r ...i n '0 . Li-no1olie.1 c nn d i t io n.in bo th pr oj e tc r ••e rvo in .r •••p.c ted t o mi ni.ize b i olol ic.l o llYlen de.an d••nd t o min i.ia.[ona.tion of o lly aen d"fic i en t .,a te ra .t mo.t d"pt h •• No de tri ment al e n viro_e n t.l e lfe c ta are tIIpe cted i n ei the r th e proj e ct r e .er vo i n or i n f l.v e ri ne h .b it .t.down.tre •• due t o pr oj ect i ndu ced c h.nae.of di••o l ved 0 4,.gen co ncen t r.tio n. 4 258)) 860521 .i Db .alved ..nd part i cul.tll Qt ,,"k c a r bo n p re .entl )'I!x hu i n l ow t o _ocIe r.te l ,.hiah conce ntr.~io D'i n t he S usi e...i ve r.!'loU of t he o r a-oie e n 'bon ca.pound ••re .....-01 t o be o f dlocht h ol)Ou.o ril i n ,r e l.e i". l ,. f.fr-crar y .and of l ow f ood qUoll it,..The pr oj ec t r e.ervoir .v iII likely ca ul....hort U~\n c r •••'in do wn.cr•••orpale:c.rboll'l tr "lltpott d ur ill l ••c h I t.,e o f filli ol .but ••th e r e .en 'Oi n "11 ch it effect v ii i dee rel .e . I n t he l a na t e f-.,the pro je ct .,ill UlUe •d ec rt'. u :in .1 1ocht ho nou.c ar bo n i nput lato a nd c'I'In.port t hr oul h t he S lUi t a.a.i.,e r .i.ddle reu:b.Hi crabh l proea .linl o f d i ••o l ve d .nd part i cul a t e o r g.nic:ca rbon with in th e r e .arv o lr . _,.enh.n t e it .food q ...Ut y vith r ea .td t o .i<:1'obi.l .nd i . ve r t eb'l'l t e o ra.a ie carboa proce••or . l oca ted down.er .... Th e prod uct iv it y o f bo th p ro je ct r e urvo t n i .ex pe c te d t o be strollgl y H aht U.i t ed ..a d t o be prt•.srily depeadea t 0 0 he te ro tro ptltc:.tcro bt..l proee ..tag o f ..Uoc h tholloul1y deri ..e d de tr i tlUl.Both r e.er vo ir ...ee e.pec te d t o II .VI! 'p,lne po p ub tto n.of -o.t o r g.ni •••, i nC ludi ng f i .h .Bot h r e.ervo i n a re e .pec te d to be c:b uifi...ble ...ul tu -o ll, o tropbh:t hr ou gh out their life e .p.c u n ei .... The b i ol ol i c a l p rodue:ti 'l'it y of the r e b t t.el y de ep ,.i ddl e r e a ch r h e ri a e h..b ita U ....lich ee ...i n c on tiauo u.ly t urb id is ex.pec te d t o de e e-•••e with r e .pect t o the Mtun l co nd ition.More peri p he,.l ri verine ha bi taU vtJ ic:h a re re l at iv e 1,.hal l n w,clear,o r i nt e ra i U en t l y t urb i d ar e e ll pec ted t o ..i o uin or i oc rea ae t h ei r b i ol og i Cil produc t i.vi t y .S t r ea.be d .ubu ra te i.p ro..eeeet (wi t h re .pec t to b i o l og i c al p rodue:t i ..l.ty)i.e ll:pe c te d in _01 .i ddl e rea ch ha b iuu. • 425833 860527 vi i --- -, 1.0 IJlTlODtJc:1'IOil 1 .1 OIJECT lvtS The obje ct h u of cbi.r eport are ."ltifoid .One pri..,)'o bjec t i ...b t o brien,de'tribe .elected ,na tu'I'.1 v, t er q Uol li t )'c h. r. c t er h tlc.of th" uutllu l.ted .[ddle nlch o f the S lUI itn.ll lt i...e e ,A ••eoad o bjec tive it to de .tribe .elected ••pect.of the _1'phol ol1 .nd ~pe r . tioo o f t he p r opo. ed p rojec t .A t h ird o b j ec t h e i.to liiac"...-.e po teo thl v .ter q ...li ty ch. ol e.wtIich _,r e. ul t f r_coaltrU('t i on .ad opera tioG o f th e p ropo.e el pr oj ect.A f or t h object ive t,to ••t i_ t .lod di.cu•••-.e o f th e li.na lolic:.1 ch u.c:te rhtic:.of t he ?1'opo.ed pro j e ct r •••ryoin lod ._ potentl.lly L.po rt.o t pr oj e c t ind uc:ed effec:U >ltJ i c:h _,occu r i ll .[d el le river r ei ch (Ri ve r "il.152 t hro",&h 98 .S )do wn.t r ••••••p"c:1,1l1 ,II t he, r e l.t e t o t he 1'i".1'i o.fi.h ery. 1 .2 BRIEF SUHMA RY OF tflFOlMATlON SOURCES lrlf Onl .tion ......r ited o r r e f ere nce d in th is repor t is de riv ed fro..n ...o rt.ent o f pul:l l..he d .nd IllIpubli.hed re-portl pr oduced by pr h . ts ora.nit.tion.,.n~by 'Ieocle .of the S t.te of At ••u .nd t he U.S .Feele r.I lovt!r_at .Klay refe rence d do c_a t .ve re pr o duc ed by pr iv.te o r p u blic o r l.nit.tion.unde r c ootrlct to t he suu of Al ••u v I"th s .u t e 's pove r devt!lop-e nt a.eocy,t he Ala . u P_er Au tho ri ty (APA).Addi t iona t .ource.o f ioforw.at ioo ar .t he p roj e ct 's o f fici.l L i c enu Appl i cat io n t o th e Federa l Ener"leauhtory C"..,i ..ion (FERC),the O,.ft E01Pi ro_nul l .plC[S t.tt~­ _at pr oduced by th e FlR C,publ i . he d doc.-nt .i o pee r re vie ve d sci-e u if ic jou rnall,.Qd .rticle.i Q popul.r pu bl i c at i on ••vaihble i n t he ope n li te ra- t ure .In a d di ti.on,perlona l c _unica tio ns with aqUl tic bi...l o .is tl .Qd o the r pr o h a .i ona ll ha ..i n .ex pe rie nce wit h t he S u.i t na Rh er ec o.y.te.a . v e i l ...o th e r .i.ila r and d ia a i . i llr r i'l er i ne .,.te••h.vt!be eQ usefu l. Coo cl ptu.ll.aa tL on.h . ve be e Q ••de abo ut .t r u ctur.l and f UQct i oa al 4 25 8)3".'27 r elat i o n ab ipll be t veen a bi o t i e a m.b i o ti e e ntitiea vhi eh pr e aentl y e llh t i n S ua i t n a Riv er.A t t~pt ll have bee n mad e t o de aeri be tr oph i e ata t ua e ba ngea vhi e h may r ea ul t f rOlll an a !tll'red vat er q Ulll it y reg ime a ..o d at ed v i t h eo n at r ue t io n a nd o per a t i o n of t h e pr o po a e d pr oj e et. 425813 86 0527 2.1 TH E PROPOSlD PROJECf Appliu t ion f o r ....jor hy d roe hc tri :pr oj ect t o be l oca t ed o n t he S""itna River ha .be en lut-i t te d t o th e Federal [ne T.,lI.e lu hl t ory eoe-in l.oa (FE RC ) by the S tate of AI ••ka .The project v i i i be loca ted .pproxi ..t el, 140 .il•• (220 D .)",o rch - no feh e ,lIt of Anc:houae .a nd 110 ",Uu (1 80 m.)lo uch - .ouc hen e:o f f lirblnkl (PLl un 2.1 ).The propo ..,d ',I t em will co o.h t o f t vo g a .,nch with 101l1••l'row an d deep r e .er yo i r . ,and u llde r.rollll d power h,)u'el du i 'lled fo r . t otal co-bi lled a ea eratina c.,.ci t ,o f 1 ,620 _.....u .(11W ).An a nnu.l l .IVe u le o f .pp ro xi..t ely 6 ,900 a ig.wan hour . «(;vb)cou ld po te nt ia n,be p roduc ed b y th e 'ylt_.Th e p r oj e ct i l bein, p ropoled in o rde r t o ' ..pply t he e lect rical ~r _ed.o f cUl toee n i.n the lout h ce nt n l Ah,b .re.kn oWl:l II th e Ra ilbelt.Th e proj e ct ..i ll non-c oll•..-pti"el '(except fo r ....ll e vapo r.t lon l o••e.)utllhe ....t e u o f t he Suli tM l l"er fo r h ,dr oe hct ri c po ve r product i.oo .All v.cer v l ll be r et urlled d irectl ,t o t he r h er bed d a po v er,la nt uilr.c e ••c o nt r o l l e d r e l e••e.v i.fh ed -cone v.lve.a nd,d uri ng fir e h i gh runoff e ven t.i.n th e v . t euh ed ,by .,i ll _,o .,e r fl _",U .PA 1983 a ,b). 2 . 2 nlE PRO J ECT SETU NG 2 .2 . 1 Sua i tna li.,e,Vater ahed Th e Su a itM Rher vate uh ed i.th e .ix th Iarl l'lt ri.,e r ".lO i ll Al a , ka 'l ith a t ota l dr a :aa ge a rea o f 19,400 .q ...r e .ile'(50 .250 ...2 ).Th e r i "er and it a t ri b uu rie.a re fre e fl o vin g fr e-th l'ir h e adva t e u i n t he gla ci lll u o f th e Al a .lu.a nd Tal ke et M -auot ain r anga.to t hlll river ' ,lIO ut h.Alt hou ah t h . Sval.taa h not un ke d a.angst t he ,rind,.l 50 ri ver .ia t he United St a tea in te~.o f l ength (T od d 1910 ) , i t i.inc lude d a.an g't th e ..jn:u nr egul ated ri.,.u reqin iaa in the U.S.(War d a nd Stanford 191 9). I 425833 86 0521 ,-, i, I ', I I I I I -I I I:,\\ I ~ I/ I ••I•'/\ I I '- ---_. Q. -c :> zo I--coo.... - '"•" ,., , a- The Suaitna River wtu'lhed i.bounded.by t he AI.,b aangl!o f -.)ulltlinl to t he nor t h,"flU a nd louthvlt.c.To t he tal t-louC he-lt t he rive r b11l i n it bounded by the Talkee tq "oullt,i.nl,wh ile to t he east -nor ehe.at thl baaia i .bouoclltd b y t he a ortherll Tan.teC..phtelu lad the CulblUl u pl i llda (r i ,Ufe 2.1>.11 ....t ioo."i eh b the du ilUlle bo..i a nale frc-20 ,)2 0 feet <6 , 194 ,..te ra )above _In l ei leftl (KSL)at t he louth pelk .~i t o f "to I'Icliol.,., NOTth "-erita ',hilhest puk .t o •••Ieve t at t he rhe r',..ouch i.o Cook Inl et , 320 mil e.down.t re ••(Arcti c Environme ntal and 10 f o1'..ti oo o.ta Cente r (Al IDC )1984,1 98~). DetaU.d r iwerb....tefl hed Ind _r pbo lo li n l duc:dpt iolll Uti pleotiful ia level'll project dot_at a (A!ttIC 1985b.8I1',,·£.1C:0 (H~U 1985b,198).,A' A 198)a ,FI!RC 1984 ,I '"COC!tUlUllU,Inc.1' 82}and need no t be rei tera ted n eee in l uat de tail.HOVeVe f,the fu nda.e ntal eli..ee ,geo lolY , .ofphology.hydf Ol olY.lo il a a 'Jd Yeletation .,i l l lafle ly deter-i oe t be .,.t,f qualit y ia the pfopo a ed fel,flloin and the dOV'll aUea.".i ddl e"five f reacb. Thefefo re,t he,_ri t l a-e de.cripti.OI'l and d i .cua lion in thit fepo ft .iace th e,.,ill Ii.it .nd ItOdif,the e co.,ate.'.Ii.nololital fe'pon ...t o the p foject .t1I it doc_nt bri.fl,dl .cu.....et.cted _tenhad fe.tufel .nd a.pecta of the "at ef q ....li ty e .pec te d in the pfoje c t fe.e fvoin and th e S2 .ile ri Vef re.ch i_diatel,do _ltf".of the p fopoaed pf o j ect ,especiall, a 'the cfiteda ee teee t o III _nid filhel . 2 .2.2.The Ceololic.1 Se tt il'll Li t hic ..t ed .ls ff Oll uppe f Pa leol o ic strata .ppe'f t o be the o l delt f ock , known t o bl.upo..d in t he _t.nhed.The ,..,be a ppf o.ia.l t.l,250 t o 300 .il lion ,ea n (••,.)o ld,and appeaf t o co nI itt of s eq ue ncea of v o lcanic flOW1l wbich frequel'ltl ,c o nt a in intefbedded 1 i._ItOD",Oft1'l,in l t he oldest fock 'l!quence it anoth ef I.,ef o f volcan ic and .edi ..o taf'focks wbic b c onli.t o f aoetab...lt flovi in tefbed ded .,l t h ceer e ,a flillite ,"fble, ..ndl tone and .hale of T ri...Le a'l (200 -250 ••'/.'10 ). • 4258 33 8 60S21 ,-, • -- --1 en II:i'"U....e Q Z ,..ien• ~• ~·! ••.. e:•••II: Sl.. :I ezg ~;\.. II:..~~•..• ~- II:••'"•~•,, .l..-~en::>.. ~.. ~ I Ii:-, ..........._1 I I • I 2-'.... During th e Jur•••i e period the Jlde r.",are .ur fid . 1 r ock.v ere intruded b,. dio rite p lut o n..Sub u,q ....ee uplift end e ra.ion of t he fot'll .r .t u t.V" folloved b,...rine depo.ition o f •thick .equence o f l over Cre t. c eou• •r,illite •• nd l u yv.c ke.(C.ej t.y 1978 ).'nI e .for _ntioned rock .tr. t. v ere .u b.eq ue nt ly hult ed .nd fnl ded d UTinl th e la te CT et.ce ou.pe T iod (6S-100 a.y .:~). During the eul y Te Ttiu,.(40 -6S Ill.".4g 0)the .ree VII .g.in in tTuded b ,. pluton.of g r .nitic .nd/o r d i orit e c Ollpo.i t in n.One of the.e di orite pluton.lie.und 'T the w.t.tII ..a .i te .DuTLnl .nd foll o vill l t be ae IatUT iatTu aioa a volc.nic flowa Ve Te e xt Tuded o v.r the loc.l 1 Te •• At l e.1t thre e ..j a r peTi oda ~tectonic defOl"lutian UapoT t.n t to the pToj e et .re.neve t.ken pllce .'nI e flut oc cu rTed d u rinl the Jur •• a ic (160 -210 a.y ••go).t he ••eoad duriag the lat.c ee eeeee....(b S·UO a.y .'10 ), .ad the third in the a id dle t o t.te Terti.ry (40 a . y.'10 ).htru.ioa of pl utoa a .cr \l.lt.l upli ft .r eliOlill _uaorpb h _.COII p le ll f old ial .nd b ul tinl ,.ad fillllly elltea.i ve uplift .nd e ra.i on occurr.d du ria l the.e t hr ee perio d..Widea p re.d e r oaion h.a feaond a uch of the vo lc.ni e .nd aedi~nt.ry r ock whic h v ••th ru.t ove r t hia .r e.6 5-100 a.y.'10. During the lalt fev a Hlioa ye . u r epe.t ed II .cbt i oa .h.ve ..dined the Al ••kI .nd T.lkeetlll ..uat.ia . .nd .u r rou a di nl t .rr.ia i at a th e bl aie topo guph,.ppar.nt t oda y.Gl.ci.l e ro. ion h••r e aoved auch o f t he a oi l ee hilhe r e lev. t io n ••vhile th e lo ver v. U ey ••nd p l.ina .re c ove r ed by gl.ch l drif t o f var iou .t h ickne ..e s ,At t h e Wau n.<IIa e tee bed rock h overlain b y u p t o 4 50 r eee of al.d,·.nd fluvial depoliu.Oovnltn.a.a t the r ropoaed Devil Cla yoa daa .ite,•th in l . yer o f al . c bl drift c ove u t he Ku yv .cke .ad .r ail~i t e r ock.wb ic b fa t'll th e ca nyoa '.V-ah.ped , 60 0 f o ot hi ah .aheer v.lle,.v .l l a t hr o uah .mich th e S uai t lll Ri ver H ova. Ground up .e roded .pu l ve ri t ed , g l.ci.ted .nd o t he r v l. e _athe red r o ck fupent a f roa .11 o f t he previo ual y menti on ed lithic ..t e ri.h ••oil •••ad ftlet.t i an .re the ecvr e e of .a, t af th e ailieu of v.te r qual ity eatit i ••, 4258 33 860S 21 _--- - -- - -1 both '\llpeaded aad clh.olwd.'lhieh are f ound in the aTOll lid VIC.'".lId IIl r h ee ...tel'l of the Su.itrll l iver dr,intlSe.S u pea de d ioor',lIOic partieuhcel •••pled ff_the SUlicu li",.r Ire pri.u il,.rived fr_ weathar ia,of wa tentled aeoloa1e11 eee re t ee •Their .enenlhed .inerllol' hI'bren t1tu11 Jud by pohlrized 1iltle:_ierOlCOpy (16l'l COll l ult'OCI,lac. 1984c,lad (98211)lad the relultl are pr e ••nt ed io T,bl.2 .1.Petroar.phie Inlly•••o f the.e rock frae-r.U lir e probably th e ,i.p le tt and belt ..thad f or l eU Lol •r.pr•••atath••••ph of the fun df,_ntll .iner.l oIJ o f th. r i ...r',eacir e _r efill ed I..d fo r iol th e po t ent ial o f ..Dy _inenh to influence aad /or be •PU"t o f the S l en. l i ...r',_ter q ...l ity .ilieu. Anal y.h of thele panitul.c:u (T, bl"2.2>ladi.eft ••the _jar .inenl end el_el'ltll IrouPI .....ich ..ill i n fl ue nce n r be I plrt of the d.,er 'l "Iter qHlit,.. FrOli the foreloinl d elcription it i.1 o by ioUI thet lo ut h centnl Alllk.1 liel ..it:l i.n e eeee of le ololiul i lll u b il i ty .Thi l e e ee il e t ect oni c _laic of c ootineatll luucturll b l ockl a ad fnl_nee a ad h a l been a l lodeted with ilRe OUl,yoi canic an d t he ,...l ac t iv i t y .The r etati.on between aue:h ee:tive pllte bouadar,.wne a .nd _t.ll ie:ore depa.ic l it fai r l,....,11 ae:c:epted (F li nt Ind S ki an.er 1917).It Ippean that th e Su.al t na River ..atenhed liel wi t h ia one of th e veil kaOVll _re:ur iferou l belt l l o clted el oal th e _Ite rn !larch "-ricin c:ontinental border (F ilure 2.)),and thi..probebl ,.e zpl linl , It l eaae ia part,the retet iYel ,.hilh co nc:ent n tionl o f _re:ur,.found i a riverin e water and IUlpended ledi . ea t l a.p lel .Har e det .iled d i l cu••i on . o f _rcur,.and o t her trice _t a l l ar e pr el ent ed in Chept er 7. The l eo lol i c:a l land .c:e~of barren -.a ua tli n peak l ,Il ec hl t ill c overed pll in .,ezpo led bedr o ck difh,and .teep ,bedro c:k ...l1e d I crea.ce n,.o al with I rl vd bed.,hi 'c hl r ac te ril ticall,.po or lo i l d evel o~ent.The aoill Ire t yp i cI I of tho ae developial i n l ubtarc ti c c:old ...ee d i ..te.o n receat depol iu o f I lec:i.ll t ill and outw..h ..e e e t e t •Spod.o li c .o ill with I tb in orlln ic ll yer o ye r e predOll inantl y .inl/r ll i l ed hori ..o n are prill e at te the 4258)3 860527 -- ---- 1 <, <' " <I 15-40 )5 - JO 5-10 10-15 JG-U 5-20 TAIlL!2 .1 SUSITKA RTDIOtL!CTIIC 'JOUEtT APP.OUttATE NllflRA.LOcY 0,.SUSITXA.lIVER S US 'l!:II Dl!:O UOIKIITS (MO Ol rIIO '10M.,"CO BSUL TAITS.IIfC.198 2,1984) C.l cite Colloi4.l1 Sili!:.. Zi rcon 4 251)) 860527 TABLE 2.2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJE CT ELDlENT COM POS IT ION Of'HINERALS COMPOSING COItHONLY ANALYZED SUSPENDED SEDIHlNT PARTICLES FROM THE S US I T ~AND OTHER NEARBY GLACIAL RIVER DRAINAGE S Hinenl Orthoclaae hld.par (lALSI]Oa) Plaaioc.ae feld.par (Na Ai Si]OS.Ca AIZ S i 20S;et c.) Pyro~ene.(Ca (Hg ,Fe]SiZ 06) Iron and titanium o~i d es Magnetite (Fe ]0 4) He_tite (Fe204) n_nite (Fe Ti 0]) Li.anite (Z FeZ 0].]H2O ) Biotite ..ica (cc..plell K,Ha,Fe Al and Ti hydrCJlly £lura ailicate) Apatite (CaS (OH,F ,a.)(P04)] 1 Olivine (Fe,MI12 S i 04 Mu.ovite (co.-pi n K,Al hydro~y £luo s Ui c ate) Claya Illite (l~A14(Si2-xAlj02010H4) Iaolinite (A14 (Si4010 (OH)8 ) Montmorillonite (Na,K )~+y (Alz-x"all)Z Ma,K, (Sil-4AI4)SOzol0H4-nH20 Chlorite (HI AI}12 [(Si,Al )8 0ZO) (08 16)19 Fe,S Si,0 K,AI,st ,0 Na,ce ,AI,Si,0 ce ,Hg,Fe,sr,0 Fe,0 Fe,0 Fe,Ti,0 Fe,0 K,Ha ,Fe ,AI ,Si,0 ,F ce ,F,CI,P, 0 Fe ,Ma,Si ,(I K,AI,st ,0 ,F I,Al,Si,0,H Al,S i , 0 AI,Ma,Si ,0 Ma,AI,st ,0 ce,C, 0 I 4Z5S)] 860S27 2- 8 .---------------------------------, \ • .......----- C;>"• Principal mercury depoti.s and prOlpeetl • "Ircur iflrout btlts \ "0 • ~ (Hicah mercury contlnt In "d im."!ond volcanic rock) :c±± ~.++"+ ..i' I± :t "X..... ~+=1= =1=I Mid-Atlantic RidQ' "\..... ,- ±± ,..,.......,.~~~~-"Yt'::J ~, ~ Eou Pacific (Hi~h mereu')'cont.nt .i n IId im.nll ) Fig ure Z.J Merc urlferou s Be lt s of ~he Earth (Source :J onasson and Boy le 1972,as ci ted 1n Ho or e and Rama moo rt hy 1984 l - ___~'Y'1""--•_.- ..joti ty of tb e ptopoted ptoject dta iule u eal.Ttle loil t ype l i . d lM!e a cidic .oft e o la t u rl te d .put)'lo ill of po otl )'dt.ined .t e .l ;tb e .c idic, te l.tiyel)'infettile fotelt loih ;Ind t be yittuIII)'ioota.oic auyell aod I.ndl .i.ona t b.dvet blInkl .Pott ionl o f tb e uppet blIlin.i od ud ina 1_ li.ited arell Itouod W.t lU t el etwoit..In ~de t la ia by Ilyerl o f di lc oat ia uo ...1 pe ....rec ee ,h r.-tra it q,1 been pd al d ly i dell.tif ied ilt Iltc ali l ed PO Cket l of f iae I t.ioed II.ciol ,cUl t tiae a od Il lci l l t i l l "epalit l {APA 198)a ••}. Withia th e ptopo led Wlt .na Re ••t yo it inundat ion ~ne(i .e ••pproaialtel y 38,000 acre.)...re tbln 15 percent of tbe Yea et.ted If el is for e.ted vbit • ..I t o f the r e al in i na .rel i.I bru b llad (~Ible 2.1 ).Ttle pre doa in.ot f or e .t t ypal .Ire bl ac k .pr uce Ind .i "ed collife r -dec id uou.fore lt c o nta in i nl ~I .ck .nd vb ite .pruce.pa per b ircb .t r _ b li.nl I'pen •.lnd Nlla.po pll r . Mo.t bo r row .i tel Ar e el a' l ifi ed a ••h r u bla od o r various f or e.t t ype l (APA 1981a.b).Boa · t ike area.v itbin th e pr opo. ed i..poua .....at l one .oc cupy l e . 1 th.n o ae percent of th.Ire•• Pra ct i cill y III of th e lrea t o be i Cl uoda ted b)'t be Dev il Cao yoo i.pou....ot (i .•.1.550 Icrea )il fo ru ted .Ind ove r SO pe r ce nt o f t b at il o f .bed coaifa r-deci duoul t y pe (Ta ble 2.).Ttle f o re.tl end Ih r ubbod.I re ,rowinl o n f a irl y veil drl ioed .ad ....t i_ .r elat ivll y ...'fa .ou ttl at .ou ttl velt fe c ina l oi l . .Pore. t .lod I hr ub "'ad Ire 11 10 pre'eot i o a r ea.o f .ba llov peat.allcill t ill depo.it ••l ovl lnd. ,Ind nortb f lc ina .lo pe..The o ral n ic .oil ll)'er beae.th tb...it o fte n ...11 devel op ed.b ut ae nttlll )'not .. elltea lhe ..in t he Wl ta ft.l {auodat ton tone (APA 198).. ..). Ia t he uppe r S ...itu ....i.a I .)'dld of vet o r poo rly dra ioed loill uil t vtl ich I re da ..if ie d a've tland . .The ve t bad.OR t he u pb nd p iate lul i oc lude d pa d.o tonel ,po nd ••a nd la ke.Ind .uppor t .edle -lra ••t undra.l ov .hru bl .nd ,and bl'ck 'pruce fore .t.The ••Ire ••cam-o nl y c oa.i.t o f .....na-bol'vitb thick ast.of ....e•••e dae.,licben .a nd dv.rf ed I hr ub•• o cca.ioOlI bla ck .pr uce . c ott on I ra••tU ' l o cks .r u .he l .v il l ov•• l ebrador t e ••o-r f Ar ct ic:b irCh ,bl ueber d e ••c r.obe r rie••bea rbe r rie••r rovbe rdel. 425 8 ]3 860S21 2-10 « \ \ 'tABLE 2.3 SDSITMA HYDROELECTR IC P ROJtCT TYPE AJIID ACREAGE OF VECEtATIOM TO ee UIUNDo\T!D It EACH IMPOUJrfDKUT OF THE SUSITHA.aYDROELECTR1C Pl.OJ!CT Velet.tioD T, pe Aereale f or t.ch t.pouadiaeat Wat.aa [ne"il CIIayofi II Wa te aa III Conifer F ored 6 ,639 1,048 8,523 Ireedi ea f Foreat 72'm '" Hb ed foreat 5,141 3,996 4 ,493 Ova.!Tree Scrub 1, 719 101 1,258 Tail S h rub 6l "2 1. I.ov Shrub 308 ,1.308 Ownf Shrub ,o , C ra.inoid Herbleeo....25 ,225 S,.rae Vegetation 14 ,21 Iarre1l Cround ..e 2 WUer 4,146 1,944 ,.. Total Acreale 19,443 r.ase 16,692 Source :APA 1985 Draft Liceo.e A..eQ~nt (Tabl e E .J.8]) 4258 33 860527 2-11 b l uejo i nt IU".nd polar Ir....The underlyiDI orl.n ic pee t l .yer i.often th i c_,I lil ht ly .c id ic .nd v.terlOlled (APA 1983••f ,8 ). The l'i~ri.n Irea l al ong t he ai d die r e ich o f th e S u.i t n.bel ov th e p r opo.ed dam dte l (Le.IlK 150 dovnauea ..t o RH 98)are ch anc u ri u d b y p ion e eriol c a..uni t iel o f he r baceo ul a nd I hr ub .pe ciel wh ich are initiall y r eplaced by .lder .nd th en by bal ...popl . r and black co t to nvoo d .The o lde.t .nd molt I ta ble ar ea l are co ve red b y ..ix ed co n i f e r- de ci duo u l (whi te Ip r uce a nd pa per birch )f orel t.How ever.phyl ic .l di lt ur bance l .uch a l ice j floodiDS e veDta .bank e r a.i on a nd ledi-e nt de po.i t io n h .ve c.ul ed eli ll vegetation Itagel to be repla c ed by earlier l e ral I ta gel a long 1l0lt middle rea ch riverine h.bit.tl (R6M Co nl ul t. nt ••Inc.19 54.). Plant and .ni ...l IIII te ria l.pl'e .ent in t he dr .inag e y ie ld .n a ddi t io nal I pec t ru.o f .inera l l an d e lelleotl n ece l .ary f or l i f e.Th UI,between .b io t ic (Ieo lo gical)and b i ot i c lo ur c e.o f .i ner ah .nd e lemen t.cont r i but ed t o t he S Uli tna River frOlll it l InIt erah e d,all e leme n tl e eee ...ry f or .quat ic li fe exht i n It le l ae llinll...1 eo ncen t r e t i .cne ,The b iol ogic al productivity o f the SUli tna l ive r.hovever,a ppe ara t o be 100000 what lill ited.S OlIe o f the env irolllllental vari abl e.wh ich a ppareot ly r etard rive rine b io logica l product ivit y aDd biD .....product io n may i nelude :lov t ellperature l ,light l i mitat ionl b y IUl pe nded part i cul ltel I nd /o r i ce and .now c ove r ,h igh f l ov v.r iabil ity ,h igh ....t er ~loci ty.I u bl t ra te s ecur ,un lt.bl e I Uea a bed l u b.t r ate .and hi gh con c entr.t ionl o f f in e in organi c part i culatea vithin the ·reaabe d lubl t ra te interltit i al .pa c e l . 2 . 2.4 ••.:ner a l l e aource l a nd H_an Influen ce . Few e c o nOlllical ly i mportant .i nera l r eaource l a re currently k novn t o e x il t i n th e immedi ate vicin ity o f th e r e l er voi ra o r o t he r pr opoled proj ect fe a tur e •• Onl y a l ill ited n lllllber o f pl .c er Il i ne ~,ge ne ra l ly ch.ra c te r ize "by int erm ittent ac tivi ty ,.re kn ovn t o e x i.t in th e dr a i nage (APA 198)e ). 4 2583) 860527 2- 12 Ala .ka il d i .i ded ia to f our ..jor cl i ..t ic l one.01'1 th e b.l il o f te.perlturl Il'Id preci p ita t i OD:Irct ic,CODt i neDtl t ,tnD lLt i OD8 I a ad ..ri t i_.The upper Sudtl'i8 River b.lin (includi l'll th e propolld proje ct r e urvoir &011 ..) it preu.ialatl,i n th e c ODt inellt al .alii,tItlile th e lover ri.er bll ill eatend ,iato th e .01'''coeltd .traal it i on I.One. Wind.at ttl.VIunl 1lII.liu are pr edo.inlDtl,frOil th l DOrth Ind e ll t i a th e wint lr,Ind frOll ttle norttl .lId v ee e ill the '_1'.I1.Izi.. _1 _ 1'wiDd .,eeda .Ire leneril l y Ie.I in winter.wi ad l pee d.I re leGeI'l l I ,lei I t tlan 20 .il••per h o ur (IO _e ten/llc ). Ttll mean tecper ature l i n the r "lr vo ir 1 1'11 a r.a ppro ai..t ll,~,-r ia ..int er and ".,i n .~e r.The approai...t e r aa le a f t e.peratur ••"ith in th e r e 'U'fOir iapoua.u.e llt &.O ne ••ee be t "eell -58 -'Ind 9 '·'(APA 19 8 3.).Th. 10 "'1'r b er be . i ll,tItl ich i.cl o.er t o the coel t l i al ,ia bett er bu ffe re d aa•.ia .t e xt r eee t e.perlture fluctultion.b,th e pr od.ity of Coo k 1Il1at ..dne "Iteu .Heao a n aua l prec ip l t at ion il l bout 20 l llch e.i D th e lo wer be ,ill,lllc rl a.illi t o lbout 40 iDche.De.r De .,il Ce nyoa ,.001 t o nel r ly 70 i nche •.I t the nor the••te rll _t.nhed d l v ide ae.r SUli tlWl G1<Ide r. S outh clntr.l Ala .ka'."iat er .at e l ong a nd c old with ••littl e .a .i..hour . o f cLe yl i aht ne.r t he wi nt er .oll tice . Me .r the ._r lole tice te.pe rat ure. a re coa l idenb l y _.,..r aad da , l i aht .eUll de fo r partodl ill ....ee ••o f eiaht ee n houn pe r u y.Photo.yat hlt i u ll y •.," b bl e ndilt i oa (PAa)ia ..xi..l durina J l.I1e a nd "ini..l in Dece.ber (r i l ur e 2 .4).The dall,totll PAl Ci a be I '.ue;h I'6 0 f o ld hiahe r on .u_ r .o ll t ice vb en c OIIp.red t o "i nter lol.t ice,.Dd CI II a ppro ach h ourl y fl Ull:rite.vn ich .I re a lao.t 20 f o ld bi aher in '_1'cOilpa re d t o "inter (r i g ur e 2.5). Terre.tr l. 1 ;alant produc tion i n .ub.e rctic ecal y.te.1 lib t he Sueitftl l i.,. r b..ia 'ppe.n t o be n utr i.nt l i. i t .d .A.q uat e aitroge n,pb o .phoru., 4251]] 8 60527 2- 1] • ---------,. •U•, o• ••o• •••-Z 0 0•-••••Z 0 •••••-••>•-•U ••> >•J Z J ••Z-2 -z 0 -•a •, Z •-Z •>Z•-0 Z-0 •Z•• "•••••0 J-•,••~••>J J eZ-•Z -0 ••-I •i:,,; ••I\, ~1\•,, I, i I I -c o o z •••- o z > -c • • > o • a • >- o 2-14 H .lN Ol'll Y 3d Y3!lW awoos tBdSNIUSNI3 NI ·Vlld r I I Ir L, I I r I I I 1 1 I I I ,•I 8• - \ I \ I \ , J u ....21.O,i.,tOI,I .55 .8 Ei",II;I\1 pt'r 1lQU 1l '....ltf ~d •.,." e "~ 0 % <•••<•••••<<,,s <••••••,••• <s Oettmtl,r 2 1,O"ly 10t.I -0 .9 E,,,.u,n Plr squ."m el"~,lilY / 0 ,•••10 ".."""""HOUR ,.OURE 2 .5 HOU RL Y INPUT OF PHOTO SYN TH ET ICALL Y AC TI VE RA DIAT ION (PAR) D URIN O SUMM ER AND WIN TER S OLSTl C E8 OF 11 8 3 A T 8 10 LA KE, IN S OU TH CEN T RAL ALA S KA 'S SU SITNA R IV ER WATER SHE D . 2-15 SO U RCE :R OW E 1885 \\---- -- - i, I pot•••i~lad .icfoDvt r i, ocl .ppelr to be pr••eo t i n Al ••k.o l oi ll f or pilot ar o"th .B~".r.th e Ilov u te a f rlc,c;lina (r a t her thl'"t he tot.1 qlMoot it,)of Butri.fou in 'uber cc ie plant c:e.-lUt i ti.1 it cur r entl y enavl"e t o Ii.it the nIH,bj,1ic,.o f pllnt nutr i ent a .Ttl,lick o f I v.i b ble ll itr OleD h e houl he to be of pri..r ,wportlnc:e i o li.itiol t cnutrbl l ubll rc t ic productivity.Mitr oala it pra••nt i.n ,oteq ""t e __uot .i a the e co'J.t n!but 'p~u·,t o be ttrOllll ,bound i::I the l ur fic::il l o ral oi e l o il I."r ."d .ppuently uode'a_'vllr ,lI ow re cycling.PhOlphor ....utHb.t ion bJ ....baret ic tundra pl.ot l i'ehovlne co be l i.ited b,t he turno",r rit e I nd I ...ppl y of Iv.ilabh nitro ,u (J;ubuh 1982,l.#lulhlin I'U];McKe ndric k 1918; Chapin and Van Cl an 1918 ;RoU.,19 14 ).It ..,be r ,..on.a b le to .....-th.t .eire th.n .de-qute ....pplie.o f _It plent n ...trien u will e nte r th e re .erwo in .nd doWD.tre••riwer ia.h.b it.t.,e.peci. l l y vbe ll th e e xpec te d .icrobi.l 6esalld f or the.h expect ed t o be ii.ited by o th.r pn....iiinl pb yeical co Ddi t ioll'(hllh turbidit y ,10 "t ••p eretu ra . ,e tc). 2 .2 .7.a..ic Rydrol olic Res u.e The nort her n-o 't S us itnl Rive r he.dw.ter.o r i l l n.t ••t gl . c i er.in the aor th e ••tern Ab.1la IIng e ('ig ...r e . 2 .2 .nd 2 .6).The gl.d en f eed .h.I l o w, br.ided tr i.b...t .rie.which .re h .....Uy b de a wi th li nd,.i l t .ad cl.y-.h.d ou t va.h partic ...l.te..Th••e tr ibut . r i ••fl ow .outhw.r d f o r .pp roxi..t ely 18 .ite.,COa ....rllaa j ..t narth af th e Den. l i dilhw. y bridl ',.nd t h ere j o in t o fOnl ••h.lI ow, .i aSl e ..illlt••c h .ll a el .Th.95 0 .q u r ••ite dr. i n.ge .bove the Dell.lli g.s laa .t.tio n .ppra. ch e x i ..l fl ow.d u ri ng t he wu ·...t dly . o f tb e y••r (whic h .......1l1 y occu r i n J ly .nd Augu .t ).Hln i ..1 wlnt er flow . of .pproai..td ,100 t o 200 c h occu r during J.nur y .nd Febr .....ry (Fig u r. 2 .7 ) .He.n .nn ....1 di .ch.rae e e Dell.li i••pprox i ..tely 2,800 c f ••Betw . en the Oe'lllli .ue•• s ,uae .nd Vee Ca nyo n t he Su.i t n. e e ee te••t he a l.cill tribut.r,.",-cLl r .n Iher (lUI 26 0 ) ,t he Mn-alecill,bu t hu . ic .tid .u in.d T yone liY er (1M 24 7),end the a llci. l O.he tll8 l i ..r (1M 2]).The S u'itne .t v ..Caay oa (1M 2 2)conv ey •••u n .MUl I fl ow o f .pprolli_tely 6,404 eft o f ...t er (,i a u re 2.7)end .pp raxi...t el,5.7 .U tiOll t OIll o f .u.p.nde d , I, ! 4 258]) 860527 2-16 -" •-,.. • •u-, o '" - ••,.-•o '".. co .., wo:;._w at: w'""w<toz"-<~"°z 0:<zo: 0 0j:z« u'"°z....0 0-zl--e -eo "'0w.... :E w<"z< 0:1-w ., U-c....e •:5i.. 9 ! • - e,\ • 2-17 \ ledi_at prl eto.i nat el,du ri nl t he period "I,-Sept.-ber (B.n. ~!b..co . 19841).Frc.Vee C.n}on ,the SUli t na flow l _.terl ,iD •deep,narrow villey to....rdl the Vlt.nl cia.lite ..nile 10l inl elev.t ion fra..pprolti..tel, 2,000 feet l'CSL to 1 ,45 0 KSL .At the Vluna 0..lite (1M 184 .4 )the SUI\tna dre iDI la Irel o f .pproll i_te ly 5 , 180 Iq._i •.rId h.1 •••a .aa....l d i l ch.rle of I pp rolt'-te ly 8.000 cf..Frc.th e Vl tlna tlaI li t e thr aulh th e up etre••port i oa o f Devil Ceayoa the Su.i t CUI liwe r drope i a elew. t ioa f r_ 1 ,450 feet KSL t o e pp rolli_t e l,90 0 l'IS L .t th e oew it Cuyoa 0 ••ei te (I" 152 . 2 ).Th.S ueitD'Ri "e r 'l ••n .nn....t d i ee h.rle .t th e oew i l CA n yO D De. dte i.epprOI;t..tel ,9,200 eft (APA 198 5 ),.nd it dreia.e t ot.1 .n.o f .pprol;i..t ely 5 ,810 I q....re .He..The riv"r dr op.pr"c ipi tou.ly thr ouah two .ite.o f th e lovoer Dewit Clayon lo r ae t o .ppr o d _tel ,850 f eet l'CSL It Il3't 1 50,a nd thea flow.-are e ou t h e r l ,t o t he Ala lka lailrlMld br i d,e .nd t he US GS ..,i DI Itat ion "'''1'Co ld Cree k (1M lJ 6 .4).The t .nal r i ..r dr ei ne, e .re. e t Co ld Cre" k it .pprol;'-tel ,6 ,1 60 .q ••i ••nd th e .an .nn....1 d i lch.rae .t the Cold Cree k b r i d,e i.a pprO li..t e l ,9.100 c f.(Fi,ure 2 .7). The ".iddle"S u li tn .r e.ch ellt endl fr c.th e d :.wn.trel.-auth of Devil CA nyon to the c:ooflutftCl!of th e Su "tna .nd o.ulit aa Riverl.The dUI.l re d ieat o f th e .idd le r ei ch !I e pp rolli_te l,8 t o 12 feet p"r li ae n .Ue (FiS 'lre 2.8 )"1'appro d _tel ,500 f eet ia S4 .Uu . The _jo dt y (I ppr o d ..t el ,901)of th e upper I nd .iddle Sue it na .i ""r flow u._11y eee uee duril'll th "Ha,-October p"riod l of e ech y"r (FiIUU .2.7 Ind 2.9).Peek fiowl .t th e Cold Cre e k .onitor iall .t. t io n hi"""eri"d fr Oll 25,000 -35 ,0 00 cft i a f a !.rly dr,,un (Fil ur"2.9 ,1970 h ,dro ,reph )t o apprOl;i_te l,90 ,000 cfl d ur in ,fl ood pe ak.due t o fre.h et d i.c hl r,e e_poud of lno_l t Ind rei n falt (F i,urI!2.9,19 64 h,d rolu pi'd .CI.c:i el .el t,Wh ich u.....ll.,r eeeh ".it e pe ."i a J ul y l ad AUlu.t ,u n eon t ri but e t o hiab river d i.cbarl U ..nen c_billed with r el at i"el y 111'1"puc:ipitat i.on I I 4 Z58 )) 860 527 2-18 •..••••..•••~••, I ••• •••••••_fIlA ..oor .....00I4U .,..noo.000 ""_ •• •u _0 •• •• •• '0 1t0 -~..tlr ,.-.,".. • - •••, i Ie l !.., 1 ..•a Figure 2.7 DAI LY 5U S ITNA RIVER D ISC HARGES WHI CH WOU LD BE EX C EED eD 10,so &90 %OF THE TIM E . (NA,TlO NAl OC E ANIC AND A TMOSPHERI C A DM I NI STRAT ION 19 8 2) 2-19 ••... Il-•0u••a:~ """.; '"-.>0 11--"'•a:~~.~••I '•-.ct ·.,-II u z.2 ••0 •.-....~~•~•0 u ~<n c:•"'-.-0••e, I.<nil iii 0...•~..]-•-{!•u •~ t ~ !-•~ ••~•"!!i -••e •->•••~ •g •~ •N 0 •~~-•~s~--•0 0< ~e ••I !-•~••, II -0 ~•.I!o n I!!=--I N !•a -0 ~ I -I I ~I i I I• U "U ..o'.......:n ])n ll.l. 2-20 - ,----------.. eveah in _'ddl.or late '~r (Fiaure 2.9,1967 hydroarapb).Glacier, located 00 the louCh elop••of the .U,,1uI R41og1 occupy approxi..tely 290 'ql.llre _[Ie.or about 5.9 percent of the Sutitne River duirille kuia (Fil ur e 2.1 Ind 2.5).Durio.drought yean,'lIch II 1969,it h••be ee .Iti..ted thlt ,lleier runoff ..y contribute epproxiaately 30 perceDt of the Suitft.l',di'thuge.t the W,Ualtil d.I..lite.During 1981 ~198]alader runoff ec:counted for approx i aately 18 perc ent of flov I t the W'tlnl cia.dCe (Clarke et a l ,1985 ). 425833 860521 2-21 '" '" '... ~'Dr "lft t . t l .y .tnnu.1 hldra,rlPftt It th, WU.".d.Iltl IIIcI til,100 14 C,...'''''lit ICU10fl for t"ll ..t 1f'"_hit 1Drllll (1 964)'/Ill ""fiN n flOOd.tIM fOr' 0"1 dr' 111"{19 10J.SoIIrcl :'[ftC 19f4 2-22 _t.--..............._1oI~OCt _Ott-•...~..·..,........W"O&.... .. "....oL: ~:~~~~M......o§M _M I:.. ••.. M.. 0" OM1M E.. ••-..... 'l gu...2.9 3.0 caallLlUD ,1O.R«:r DllcunIO.I:W)DIICJl.OgT DO rn«:r1Ol 1.1 DAMS,iESERVOIRS AND BA SIC CO NSIDERA TIONS Tbe ~.i c .vel0P-ent .c belle f or me p ro jec t in v olYe l e neee .epa ra t e c on ltructi.on .nd Opt!fl t io n ph ••e .: W.t.n.St.ge I i .ene in it i l1 pb ....o f tb e proj ect.Th e r e l ervnir viII neve •no""al o pe fl ting l evel e e e t ,2 ,000 ft.!'I SL.At t bi.l evel tbe r e .ervoir v ill be .pp roxi ....t ely 39 lIi1 e.l o ng.witb •I114 x ill Ulll widtb o f .pp roxi....tely enree II H e..The t ot.1 vol Ulllt!will be 4 . 3 lIill i nn I cr e-feet ,Ind tb e l ur fa ce u el will be .pp roxilll tel y 19 ,900 .c re.(Tl b le 3 . 0 .The _xiII..... drlvdown will be 15 0 feet,r e lul ting i n I mini mulll o pe fl t i ng level o f 1 ,85 0 ft.MS L.WIt .n.S t l ge I pr ov ide.2 .4 lIl illion ae e e-ifee t o f ee t ive .t o r ag e , wicb co rre l pond .t o r oughly 40 percent o f t he _an <I nn ....I fl ow at the dallllite.W'hi le f un ctioni ng al on e.i t v i ll o pers te 18 •b a se l oad power pl ant "ith dail y v l ri.t i onl r .nging fr Olll zer o t o !.I O per c en t of we ekly fl owa. Th e Wat anl S ta ge 1 poeeeh cu ae will h.ve four g enerat or l l er ve d by f our lIult i-l evel i nu kes I plce d be tween e t ,1,8 00 a nd e \.1,980.In ge ne r e l ,th e up perlllolt int lke level .vl ilab le f or use v o ul d be o p era te d in or de r t o o bt a in _ltilll,l1ll h e .d fo r po ve r product i on .nd t o r e le al e va te r o f tb e _It o p ti m....quali t y.T urbi ne t .ilrac e wate n "ill be d is ch arged thr ough.34 f oo t di .m et er.concrete lined tunnel ,d i a ch.r ging be ne .th th e surfa ce of tb e river 1,000 feet d own ltreall o f t he dam toe . Wat er f or c ont rolled Ipi ll.will be withdr.wn frOll th e r es e rvo ir thr ough .n i nu ke l oc at ed at e t ,1,930 .nd d i l ch lrged t h rough o ut le t work l co nt r o l le d by l ilt,711-in ch fix ed-cone vllve l .Th eae fi xe d-co ne valves c Olllp ole t he t erllinal point o f t he o ut le t wor k a .W.ter d il ch lrged fr Olll th ese v.lve a viii 42581 3 860527 )-1 tabl a 3 .1 SUSltttA HYDROEL ECtRIC PROJECt HORPIIOLOGICU AND HYDR OLOGICAL nAtUlI S -WAtAttA R!SnVOll Ela va tion (..aillu.a . r eharl e lavel ) (nor.al ..ai.u.level ) (.int-u.Operat in l l eve l) !Ua ill..Draw o... L ive Stor'le Kaai.u.Surfa c e Area !U ltill",.Lenlth Hu iIIu .W{dth Itu illu.Depth Hean Deptb Gr o ••Stora l e (to ta l vol u..) Sho r el i ne Leal th Heaa HJdraulie Re.i de nee Ti.. Ou inal'Balin H,aa Rive r I nf low Peak r laod l a fl ows "IF 10,000 J r . 50 y r. 25 J r. t aitora ur Ele vat ion Ar ea o f Inundat ion -S tolle III vater a nd ba r r e n I r ound velet at ion Ar ea of launqt ion -Stale lull v at er aad ba r rea I rauad vel etatioa t ot. 1 Are t .o f la un dat i.on- S tale IU.11 Wataaa S taae II I 2,199 MSL (671 .) 2 ,18 ~KSL (666 .) 2,065 MSL (630 .) 120 feet (3 6 .6 .) 3.7 X 10 6 .)\er e-ft. (4 . 6 X 109 •) 38 ,000 a c re.(60.i 2) a ppr o••48.U,. (17 kII ) a pprOll. 8 .ile' (12. 8 .) 73 5 ft.(2 23 . ) 25 0 f t.(76.) 9.5 • 10 6 ae lo-l ' . (11.71.10 .) 183 .i le a (295 .) 1.65 Jean 5,180 .i2 (13.416 k.) 8,050 crs (226 .3,-1) 3 26 0 00 CFS It ,226 .3,- I ) 174,000 crs (4 ,924 ..3 , - 1) 89,500 CFS (2,533 .3.-1) 79.800 CFS (2 , 258 111I 3.-1) 1,4 55 re ,HSL (44 3 .5 .) 16,692 acre .a dditi onal 586 ac r ..addi.tia nal 16 , 106 acre.addi tional 36,11 5 .e re ' Watana Sta..I 2 , 017 MSL 2 ,000 MSL 1 , 850 MSL IS O f e et 2.4a106 acre-ft 19 ,900 anu 39 .L 3 .i. 650.i. 5,180 .2 8.0 50 CFS SA ...... S AKE SAlI' 1,455 HSL 19 ,900 a crea 4,146 a c re. 15,297 acr e. 11 Ar ea appr oxi..t ed f rOlll t opo a raph ie _pt .not '. t rapo la te d t o enilla te o f a ct ua l iaundated 'ur bce a re •• 42 5833 860 527 f a ",•cl tlfu•••p uJ .The c o_....1....u .l oc.ted .ppr OllL.at e l ,105 fe et abo.e t b.doVQ.tr•••t.UtI.t lf e le••tion It 1,45 5 ft.HSL.rb.d-cone ....1· "••b•.,.b..a dell,lIld t o cliui pa h th e e ne flY o f tb e b ll lol _ten b y cr••tina '1'1""over I re be l"l ,b rle 'II r hc.''1'1' ,Spu,dh ch. r •••''1', de ,inbl e in orde r t o av o id pl \JQ aill l v.ter .ad the po te nt b t f or procludo l .1 '.upeu acur .ti.oa.Spill ".,u.."it ••pe c ted t o oc cur o ,l l y tlbea ri"er i ll fl ovi ,.c.ld t he a lii in SO·yu r fl ood (APA.198 5 ). Th e out l et work.Cl pac it,It Wlt ln,S U I I!I h 24 ,000 ch,While the po_rhou••n ,..d ty i.about 12,000 cll .In t b' e .,.lIt cblt I flood c ou ld ooe be p••••d thrO"'I'"the co-bi oed powrnou ••l od gUtle t work.Melu"o f e ne rl'deaa od I nd h ydra ul ic c.pati ty ii.i.t.tlon.,tb e ""'1"''1'01 '1'v iii be .UOV4Id t o .ur chl r,.co I ...i .....1'Ylt i on o f 2 ,014 f t.KSL.i o o rlSer t o avo id .pi l l vaJ u.e. 3 . 1. 2 Devi l Ca"yon S tlae 11 Devil Caoy oa S t a,e tl i.the u co nd nl,e o f t he proj ect .It "i.1I hIve I o orwa l ope rl t i a,l e" 1 o f 1,455 feet I1S L .,e nd ,..lli._p b oDed d uwdo wn of 50 fee t.I t "ill i .pouad a r e .er vo ir I pp ro d ..t el )'2 6 _i1e'lon,with I ...i...lU I'face .ra.of 1 ,800 ac rel.To t.1 vo l ....i.pou aded wil l be 1 .1 _illioa Ic ra -felt,v ith .n .ctiv••t or a ae of 3 50 ,000 .c rl - fe lt (APA U 81c ,d).Davil Can)'oo S t'le II "ill be c o ....tructed i.o •100g na rrow 101'11 aod will b .ve li t tle .c tive .tor.,e c o-p.red t o t be la r ,er W,t'OI r,.e rvoir . Itl ..i a f unc t ion "Ut be to d evll op hi ,h h e. d f or e ffi cien t po wer ae neu - t i o o pe r uait of lIu er dhchl ral.It ..i l l De uaed I .teo.h'el,t o ,.aer.te bI . e l o.d po...r lad ..il l .er ve t o r ere lul .te !W.k ...eee di .ch.rl el r el " 'Id fr o-W. u na St'au I .nd II I (T. b l.1 . 2 ). Dur inl con .truct ion o f til..Devi l Can Joo D••,th e r i ver ..il l be d i vert ed iato ,15.5 f oot d ia.et er conc re te -lined tuo nel teeeeea o n th e lout h river ba nk. Th e tunn el il d.li a nl d t o p•••f lood f lo"l u p t o th e 1 :2 5-ye ll'.....1'fl ood • 4 25833 8605 21 r -r -------- --------1 Table 3.2 SUS ITNA HYD ROELECTRI C PROJECT MORPH OLOG I CAL AN D HYDR OLOG I CAL FE ATURE S DE VIL CANYON RESE RVO IR STAG!I I Elevation (m••i m ~l ureh_c ge l ev el ) (no rm a l m••im um l evel ) (mi nimum o pe rating le vel) Live S torage Hu ::i lllUllI L eng th Hu illUIII Wi d th Hean Depth Shoreli ne Length Hean Hydrau lic Res idence ti De Hean River Inflow Peak Floo d I nfl ow . ""10,000 y r. SO yr . 2S y r . Area of I nun dat lon -S tag e u l1 Wat e r and SaT r en Gro und V"illtat ion 1,466 MS L (446 .8 III ) 1,4 55 liS L (443.5 III ) 1,405 HSt (428 .2 III ) SO ft.(15.2111 ) 350 ,000 ac re -f t.(4 32 xl06m3 ) 7 ,800 a c r el (12 lII i .2 ) 26 e t,(42 kaI ) a pp roxllII.t e ly 1 lIli le (1.6km) 56 S f t.071 III) 140 it.(42 lid 76 1II l.0 23 kill ) 'pp rox.60 d.y . 5,8 10 mi.2 05 ,048 km2 ) 9 ,160 crs (259 111 3 . -1) 358,000 c rs (",t wu ln.) 184,000 css (v/Wa ta .,.) 46 ,000 ers (",/Wa ta na) 4 4.6 00 crs ("'/WU ana) 8 S0 r e .liSL 7,5 50 a crea t ot"l 1,944 e c ree 5 , 606 ac re l JJ Ar ea a p prOJli ..ated f rom t op oguphic ..ap a,n o t eU r "pol atlld t o esti"at eofactualinundatedBurf.ce area . 425833 860318 ]-4 ~vi l c.nyon ot..v i ii be •thin .rch Concre te .t r uc t ure Con. t r uc ted .lit RH IS2,.lind vii I 'pan •narrow port ion of the gorge f OrDl i ng •doVllstre•• portlO"o f Devi.l c.nyon.The ot..'.crest elev.t ion wi ll be 1,46]ft . (446 .)NSf."i t h .n act",l height of 646 ft ••bove it.foundat ion.A thue foot par.pet "U I be .dded t o r.he the Cre st to e l .1,466.La rge Concrete thrust blocks (>n e.ch v.lley v.ll abut "ent "ill help .uppor t the struc ture. The ot..i t u lf v ill be cOlllpo .ed o f .pprOxillUltely 1.3 million c ub ic ya rd. o fconcrete(APA J98]c ,d ) . Pour 2 4- foot di.lIlIU!'te r c o nc ret e-li ned in take struc tures o n th e nort h end of the da ...will draw wa te r fr aD t wo near-surfs ce dep ths betveen et ,1 ,4 5 5 .nd e L ,1 ,405 HSL into c onere te -l i ned pt'n .toek tunn els.These tunnel .will Conduct w. t er to th e underground po wer hou se where f ou r 150 HW turb in e l enerAt ora will be l oc.ted .E'ch turbine "ill be rUed f o r.1I1.lIIi •• d iseh.rle of ],790 CFS (i.e . 15,160 CFS to t. l potenti.l di a ch arge frOlll .11 fou r t ur bi nes c Olll bi ne d).T.iluce ""tera ellit ing th e turb ine.will be r outed dOVll .tre .....pprollimatel y 6,800 fe et thr ough . a i ng le 38 f oot di.lIlet er con crete-lined tunnel .Thu"t.ilrac e ""tera frOlll Of!vil c.nyon turbines will be d i.charged unde r th e river s ur fsce .nd dOVll st realll o f nearl y .11 th e violent lower Devil C' nyon r 'pids (APA 1983 c,d ).Th i,l ong t .l1r.Cl!tunnel discharge wi ll hetp dilute any flow,s ti ll di .charged through De".i1 Cany on out let lIOrki 'nd/o r .pi ll "a y~a nd will the r eby help lIIinilllize .ny doVllst r e .lI'" ga ••u per ••tur.tion co ndi tio n•• routed through W.t.n.St.ge I. .pprolli_t ely 1,100 feet o f the Ure••cofferot.••• River diver .i on will dlow devateri ng o f S u.i t n.River bet"een up.tre'lII .nd doVll- Auxi.liary out let fAci lit i es o f Devil c.nyon D••wi 11 co ns itt 0's e ven fixed-cone valve.l o cat ed "'h.l o"er port ion o f ".daQ.Th.'e ~nfi.J:ed-cone v.lves wi 11 hm •cOlll bin ed Illu :hw l di sch.rge c.pacity o fapprolli_ te l y 42 ,000 cr, ...."".r e ' e rvo i r pool l evel ..u •1.1,455 • 4 2583] 860S27 3-' \ Four I OZ·iach.,lnd ehr ee 90-inch d ia _t...".lv,u viii "'"ine t a lle d a t cla .. e le va ti.on.o f 1 ,050 ft.MS L.a nd 9 30 ft .I'lSL,r u pe cti".l , .lb .fixed-coDe .,.1...at Devil CIIoyon 0.,al a p poee el t o thoae a t W .Ilt.~Daa ,"ill ee e dr a" vat e r f ra.th e ..e.er"oi l'III I'he..Inat ead ,t he ec ne "a l.,••a t Devil Canyon 0.."ill dr."vat er h ·c.de ep "it"hl th e "."'1'90 11".h )'pol i. aioa a t deptha o f 4 05 f t .(l2)a)an d 525 n ,(160.)(APA 19 8]c.d). CooC'l'olhd 1'.1•••••fro.De.il Ca ny on D••••f i-ll ed-cone wllve.,.II'a t Wat alUl, wi I I be i n the f Onl o f •I pn )'f ro-th e do_atr•••hee o f t he 411 . .S pl'l)" t rOll th e -.ore a h.lI ov nhe ."ill be d ilch . f l ed (rOIl eo e t ...tio n of 11 0 f eet abo ""t .ihlll e_n ,""'i lt 'pra y'f ro.t he d••pe r ", lvea "il l be eli.ch,irl- a d .pproll i _tely 50 feet .bo"e d o va l tr•• •ta il_t e fl.The ...t er a u rh re .l.".t ion dOV'D'Una of Devil Ca n yo n 0-"i ll be a ppr ox i ...te ly 900 feet HSL . FrOil th ere ,d i lehlr l ed "",t e ra "H I e n te r th e r e ...ia ia l t"o .ile It r .t eh o f Devil Cl nyo n r .pid l be f ore .hinl v ith tur b ine tlilra ee d i lehl rlel .lind then p I .linl do val t ra••thr o Ul h t he .iddle r each (APA 198]c ,d ). W.tl n.a S t i l e III i n v o l vu u ia inl t h e SUle I I t:r uct u re by 18 0 f eet t o i.u liul plaa ned heilh L Wl t l a.Stile tIl "ill h i ve I n O~41 o pe r l t i ol l eve l I t e t ,2,18~I nd I pllnn ed ...da..dra vdo va o f 120 fee t.At e t ,2 ,18 ~t he r ,ler_i r woul d c over ]8,000 lu rhee .erel ,be I pp r o xi...tely 4 8 .ilel l onl Ind have I live Itoule of ].7-10 6 lere-feet U .PA 198]e,d )(T l b l e ].1).In th e fina l pl l aned e Olllilun tion,Wl t l lll S tile tIl v ou l d be utilized .III I pe.llial po_r p l an t "ith t he -are dova l trel .Devil Clnyo n lle le rvoi.r l e r vi nl t o r erelullte i tl d own ltrel.d i lch lrl e l . Durinl conlt rue:t io n o f Wau na SUle II I,th e 41."o ul d be raiaed Ind t "o I ddi.tio na l pov er uaitl I dde d t o t he f our p re vio ul l y exilti nl e e es ,Th el e t wo Iddi tio a.al u:niu vould h i ve "Iter i nu k "a t fou r l eve l l bet ween et , 2,000 I nd IL.2 ,110 .Fo ur i nt .llel for "ithdr l"l a.bet"e e a e t ,2.0001nd e t ,2 , 110 "ill be a dde d f or t he f ou r leae:l'l t O:l'l odl ialll y inltalled dudnl WI Ua.a S tile I ,I nd t he In"er iUCl Ile-utUi.led o ri l i nl ll ,. i u S tile I v ll l be d Ol ad .Th ul Watlna 5o :'lle III "i.1l h."a t ot l l of l ilI:leae:l'l t o rl . 4 25 8 ]] 860 521 WaUIl.I S tale 111 poverh ou.e h1draul ic up4Icitiea ch vi t h all additiORl.I outl et vorka totd 24,000 ch . to tal appr oxi_tel,n ,ooo capacit 1 o f ap pr ox i _te ly ). 2 CENERALIZED RE SERV OIR OPERA TIONS AND DO WNS TREAM FLOWS Reae rvoi r opera ti.o n .i..ula ti on .have be en c onducted in o r der t o ..ini..he the cod o f p rovidinl po v e r t o the 4h .",Ra il belt ,whil e .i ..ul t alleo u.l , Co o fll ~i nl t o e e ..iro _nta l l uide l i ne ••p ec ified fo r prot ett ion of certain habitat fea tur e.doVElat re a ...le1 c on.tra 'ot .OD th e r e .er..o i r oper.ti.on .i ..ulation.are the proje ct .,.t ...po v er ~nd .an d th e .ini..u.and ..x i ..u. in.trea..veekl,fl o v req ui r ...e nu d Cold Cree ll .The re leau fo r po v e r is l ove r ned by a .y.t e ..operating luide de .ilne d t o opti..i.e ene rl'lene r a ti o n. Any fl ov r equired t o eee e da wn.trenl e nvi roRllle nta l fl ov r equir e lll e nt . i n exce ••of .cheduled po ve r r el e a •••i . f i r.t r ou t ed t hr ou l h t he po v erh ou.e if the tot al 'yst e.po ver de.and i . I rea t enou, "01'i.r e l ea ae d th r oulh th., outlet work .of th e a pp ro p r ia tl!cia..(a).F l ood relea .e .t o ..iotaio cia. aa fe t,r eq u irl!llll!llt a a re f ir.t ..d e t hr ou l"th e o u t l e t 'lark .a ad ,if necea.a r"t h r o u l h th e a pp ro p ria te 'pi l l va,{.). e...e-vt t,".Appl i can t '.u le eted pr ef erred f1_caae f o '..in i.h i nl ".co.t of po ve r ge npl'llti nll ..h i l e pr ote ct i nl ".ee v i r OOlll e nt al habit .t. Det a i led d i .c u..io n o f E-VI "d o t h er f1 0v rel i ..e CO il.ide 1'1 t iona ... co n u i o e d io a noth e r pr o j e c t dOCUllll!'llt (APA 198 5 ).&..iu l l "Cue E-V l f10 v r eq u ire-Ill ent ...in t aill a ..,..e-r .i ni.u.di .charge-I at Col d Creek of 9.000 c ll (8,ClO O c ta io a 1 :10 10'1 f1 0 v ,ear ) ,vhil e al lo..i nl 11,1_1'..:d ...d i .charg- e-I o f 0 0 _rIO thaa )5.000 c fa when th e vater l eve l ill t he r el ervoir ex ce e-d . the llo raal ..xi...pool l e~l a nd in f l o..e xce-ed.35,OClO c f l.4verage Vl!elll y flov .e ..eee e )5,000 ch i n a bout 15 perc ent a nd 20 perc ellt o f th e-l ia ul a t e-d ye-al'l i.a S ta l e I alld II ,r e .pe ct i ve ly.and abou t 12 pe r cellt a nd )per c e-ot o f t he y ea n io earl y a nd late S t a le III r u p e et i ve-I y .Pu k fl o od fl o.....ill e x ceed )5,000 c ll abou t eVllerY ct h e r yea r io S t alle I,Il .nd u r ly S tale Ill, an d a bo ut eve r y 10 ye-.r ~i n l ate S t I l I!I ll .Win t e r ti..e fl o ......ill be c .,n.t ra ine-d bet we en ),00 0 a nd 16,000 c:f ..and ...i l l be .Ilove d t o v a l"wi t h i n 4258)) 860521 )-1 ce r t .ill bound . i n o rder t o ••t it~y c:ertain wat er q ....1i t y c:on.tra int .while .t i l 1 meet ing th e .y .te lll pow..r delll.nd .Appr ox iqte weekl y .ve u ge .tre'lIl- fl ov.ai lll uhtt d t o be exc:e eded 50 per c:ent o f th e ti llle f or th e .t.ge d h ydr oe le ctr i c:p ro jec:t in St.ge I,S U ge II ,e.r ly S t.lle Ilt , .nd l ite S t.Se Itt h ,ve be en dilphyed in Fi lur u 3. 1,3.l,3 .3 ,.nd 3.4 ,r e.pec:t ively. 3 .l .1 W.t .n.Stile I Operl t inn Al one A lIlin illlUlll i n.t re'lIl fl nv r equ irelllent i .pr u c:ribed at Gol d Cre ek t o en.ure th.t th e pr oj e ct v il 1 r ele ••e fl ov.fo r e n vironme n t.l p u rpo. e ..The h i .t or ~ i c.l in t erVe n 1D1I fl ow bet ween W.t . nl .nd Co ld Cree k i."'u_d to be I VIl l - e bl e t o .upplew.en t th e p rojec:t r ele"c5 to me et r he lIl inllll Ulll fl ov r equire- ment .If the flov pr u c:ribed by tb e o pe ra ti ng guide d ou n ot lDt!e t th e envi rO mDe n t.l r equ irelllent,th e o pera tio n pr og U Ill v iii .t telllpt t o re le••e fIIo re v.ter throu lh t he po wer hou.e i n o r de r t o lIleet th e r equirelllent .t f th e re l u.e r equired t o eeet en viro_enta l fl ow r equ i relll ent.e.ceed.th e ....i._ poverhou' e flov t o ee e t th e e nergy delll.nd.,th e d i f te ren ce betwe en the r equ ired ou t flo w .nd t he fllf,Xi lllU lll power di .ch .rge i.r el e .ud thr ough th e o utle t wor k••Thi.o ut l e t wor kl r e t e ••e it ee I le d In e n v i r Olllll e n t .l r el e ••e s I nee i t i ...d e on l y t o meet th e e nv irOl'ml ent.1 fl ow r equirt!lll ent .li nd it not u. ed f or power l ene rat i on. The o ut le t wor k.c:.p. c ity .t V.t.n.S U g e I i.l4,OOO cfa ,vh ile the po ...er- h ou. e c:. p.dty i ••bout IZ,OOO eft .In t h e even t t h.t •fl ood co u ld not be p. u ed thr o ugh the po werhou'e .nd o ut l et work!bec:.u.e of ene rlY delll.nd .nd hydr.ul i c:c lpa c ity l illli tat i o lll ,the r uer vo i r i .all o ...e d t o 'u rch.rge a bove the nona.1 maxilll Ulll ....t er .urhc:e elev.tion .Th i l lurc:h.rginl it do ne t o .vo id the u. e o f th e I p i ll ....y fo r flood.le u t h' n t h e 50 -ye.r even t .A lII . xim\llll lu rc h.rge l evel o f e l.2 ,014 ft.i.penai t t ed befo re th e .pil l ".y o peu te •• 4258 33 8605 27 '-8 ----- ------- TII OUSAN DS 3 0 C ASE E-YI MAXIMUM fl OW R EQUIREMENTS 25 JIG"a: 1.HYDROLOGICAL DATA f AOM PER IOD 11 10-111:11 I .ITAOll ,M .-."'01:",Q.,IIef :II .AVERAGE WUKL Y flOWS ...IE -VI flOW REQUIREMENTS LEG END "A'URAl COH0l110N FLO.S f OR "*,,U , M l-1T ....I"ItO.IEOT FlOWS f OR aTAM:1c."'TAOI~CT " .".-. •••••••.~.....::'=." I ~~:~"",- J C ASE E -YI IoII,.."..U..FLO W REQ UUlEMIENT8 MA IIMU"~36.00D ell .--,••",:....'...."."....' ••/.....;-............I : ./.......'...._.-.,._., It :I I •,,, ," , , , ,.. , ............-.-.- •••• -._-_.-..... " 5 15 10 2 0 o c r • c h a r- 9 • • n ~ ~ o Fi gure 3 .1 :~-==L:Iu."•••,". .....1 . 1 •••1 0 ,•••••• I f ••• •e .... DECNOVOCTSEPAUG No ol h J UN JULMAYAPRMARfEBJAN - TH OUSAN DS 3 0 :'::':::IIIIU".'5,OOO c ~: 25 4 .IE -VI FL OW R EQUIR EMENT S I .DEVIL C Alon'ON DAIIW DOWH 0,.1 0 eee r LEG END HAl'URI\L COHDIJ IOH FLOWS FOR PKA&l • 0#..STAat:PAO.lECT f l OWS f OR atAClll!I 01' )-41'1I 01!CONSTRUCTION .-.. -_.i.>:~.:-.--.- .-- ~'-----I', I' V ..'}...'/'.",I :,. I :,,,:,. I :,,, I•I, I CA SE IE -VI MINIMUM FlOW R EOUIREM ENTS ,'i.'.,:./ I· '\' "~~;,,., ''1. -,., • ". • C ASE IE -VI lol"IC.MUW flOW REQUIREMENT S ..,-_...... . _-_._\.........•... •J~.....~_..-...- .-5 10 15 2 0 a r 9 • D I c r •c h • n o ~ o J AN FE B MAR APR MA Y J UN J UL Mo .,Lh AU G SEP OCT NOV DEC Fi gure 3 .2 .......If __•--_-3!i"..H~t n==.,...",,,.................'_If.... :""~~~"'-"',. • J AN FE B MAR APR MA Y J UN J UL AUG SE P OC T NOV DEC ......._~~ -~~';; j ~,"€~.....................".. ..e ..........,...,.._-.._.. --~!.'!!!!...!~!.!.'~~-I ="'- IOOIU : I .HYDROL o alCAL DATA FROM PERIOD 11 50-1183 2 .lIfAOE 3 Of'3-SfAOE ","",Cf 3 .AVERAGE WEEKLY FLows ..t .E -VI F LOW REQUIREMENTS L PHAAI:a OF 2-STAGI!' I I"flO.JECT 18 EOtA'VAlENT TO SUOI!3 OF a-'UQE l'AD.lECT...... -NATURAl.COtcNrlOH '---fLOWS FtAI,,",,_a Of'a-auOI:I'AO.lECT ----fLOWS FOIl &rAGE 3 Of' 3-aTAOE I'AO.IECT COMPARISON INDfCATES FLOWS FOR EARLY STAGE III ARE MORE .TA8L.E THAN fOR EARLY PHASE'•BlCAuSE EARLY .TAOI:..ENERGY PROOllCnON IS HIGHER THAN fOR EARLY PHASE • .-" ,.-.. Figu re 3.3 • .. I \._.-. I MAXIMUW_311.000 cl, i10nlhs e THOUSANDS 30 2 5 D CASE IE -VI MAXIMUM fLOWI,REQUIREMENTS V:'s .."";:.:.'t .'/••., I '. c 2 e ..h ••. I ,.•a ,,,,r-,,,9 I , ••15 ••I ,'",w •,, I ,,-•-,,n I ,,••Ie i..............I ,,c ,•f .l...~ie..'-'---'-.--...,-.....5 J -'-'-'- CA S!IE-VI MINIMUM fLOW REQUIREMENTS ~ THOUSANDS 30 Io4A XI ..U....3 5.000 el l 2 0 15 CA SE E-VI ""XIWU/,l FLOW REQUIREMENTS ----FlOWa FOR aTAO(:I OF 3-81,\01:f'RO.ECTCONS""',,,,,,,, ..."""..........----n.owS FOflI'KAhi :2 01' 2-STACIII!f'fIO.ECT NOTE S: I .HYIlflOlOOlCAL DATA fROM F'EMOD lillO-1M3 2 .SrAQE:I 0#':t-aUQE.",,,m lL AVERAGE W EEKL.,FLOWS ..!-VI f1.OW MClM£t«NTa ..!'HAn:2 Of':I-STAat:PROJECT •EQUlVAlE.Ht TO 81"01::I Ol":l-SUOE.PRO.ECT....... '. //-~-,, -_,,;.r/ ,..:.....·-....-··.:..·1 •• ---._-........... '.'--.....~::. 5 2 5 10 D I • c h a r 9 • I~,n-N C r • DEC - I I I I 1 I I OCT NOV C A;,1 E E -Vl MINIMUM flO w REQUIREMENT S 4PRMARFEBJAN ~I I ? I I I '~I-~I MAY JU N J UL AUG S EP a Mo n l h f1g ur E.3.4 ='-;~I -J --~ L ).2.2 O p~r ation of Uthe r Wu an..Sti le I or StU.til with Do!'..iI Ca nyon • Stu.11 '01'double rue r_ir operation.Otvil c.n,oD opente.a ...rua -of-riYal' tlc ~lit1 ..long ..the r U l n o i r i.full .It i.to bto r e fi.lI ed if it it aot full,p rovided t he t ot a l inflow it ar••ter than the reh•••r equi r ed to_.t t he en.,i1"o_ot..1 flow r eq ui r e-eat . An o peu ting l uid."i.ll be d.~lop.d a nd .pplied t o opeL.he t he WataGa po ve r ha ul.1'.1 •••••for p o",r gelle r.t :'oll .Hi n i....i a.t r •••flo w r.q~i re.en t.a nd co n.c r,int.on r ate of c halla e of d i. ch.rae a re .1'0 .pplied . Th e int l!rv e n i ~..fl ow be t ween Dev il Ca nyon e ed Co ld Creek i ......_d t o be .".i h b lt t o '..ppl ••e nt t he pr oje ct re f e ••••t .._e t the ..i ni.....fl o.. po_rho... .dhch.rae •• _..v.ter ;.ee j e ••e d throUlh ".De vil Canyon po_r houu ;.o rde r '"eeee ".fe-qui r_"t ,,'".ne vi I Canyon l el erwo i r .,il l ""drawn do _.If ...Lnereale d ee t eeee ch rouah ".Devil tenyoll power p llllC _uld (.IUle e he toul eneray aeneretion to be areate r t han the Iyue-cSe&lnd.the r .l el u fro.t he Viti "",ove rpllnt i.redu ced.Thh h dOlle to .ini.ille DewU Canyon outle e vork.ret .......tdeh _y rUlllt in reduced t.-pe rl eu re.downICr.... If t he r e l ea l e r equi r ed to _~t en,i ron_lItll flow r.qulrellenu e:llCeedl the Dewi l Clllyon poverhou••di'ehl rae to _et eae rl1 cSe&lad.,Chea t he d i f f er· .aee h relea.e d f ro.t he Dewit Cl nyon ou tlet _rka.',a t he •.-r of dry yea rl when t he 1,lteli e nera,dP..n d il lov Ind e he do _.t rea.flo v r equ ire-eac h hiah,DewU Canyon ..,.be d ra wn dovn eoatlnuo ul ly.tf th e vat er l e v e l Ie Dewi l Canyon r el ehe l th e lIi nill u.o pera t i na l e ..e l o f el .1 ,405 ee,'lU ana llta t tn en r el ...e v lC er t o .I ti.fy th e .ini .u.fl ov req ui r_e nt . tf t he r lll1 ..le tr Oll Vat l nl f or t he lIli n ia::-....fl ov r eq ui rem en t v o uld ge ne ra te -ore ene r ay th in th e r e q u i re d I ..o unt,p l r t of th e re l"le wou l d be d h erted co the o ut le t v or k•• 4258)] 8605 27 ]-13 ~Opeution of Uther iI.t.n.St., e 1 o r S t 'ae Itt with Dewil Cnron St'ae 1 1 Po r do uble r e .erwo ir op er..e Iee ,Devil <A nyo n o peu te.e ••"un-of-"h,,, he ility ..l on,..the r e uno i"is full .It is to be ref Hied if i t h no t full ,pr ov ided th e t otel i nfl ow i .I re. ter t h. n th e r .le."r .quired to _et the e a ..i ro_ate t flaw requ ir _at . An o pen ti n,luid e will be de vel op .d .ad .pplied to o p tiai ..the Wetne powerho ul .r.l e .le.fo r pow er &;.n.r .tioa .Hin i aua l fl lt r •• •flow r .quir....n tl .nd co n lt re ia tl 01'1 ute o f chelli e o f d i .chlr,e .re .ho .pp Bed. The int.rvellln.fl ow betw••n Dev il Clnyon .nd Gold Cr eek is d to be ....il.bl.t o .up pl •• •e e t he p roj.c t r . I •••••to ...t th e .ini flow r eq d re ••n U.If th e e nv iro n_nt.l fl ov req ui re-e nt is not ..t by po ve r!lo u"cl i . ch .r, e .,-or.v . t .r i.r e l u .ed th rouah t he De..il <Aay nn po_rhou ..i n o rder t o ...t t he r.q uit_ellt .nd t he oe ..il Cs nYQ n a •••r1'Oir v ill be drlvn dovn .If th e I ee e e ...d re i ....t hroulh the Dewit Clnyon po ..erpleat woul d c:.u.e the t ot. l ene raJ ,.aeution t o be are.ter t hi n th e .y .t ea d•••nd ,th e r et ...e fr a.the W.t .n.pov .rpl.nt is r educ:ed.T1I h is ci on.t o a i nia i K'Devi l Cs a)'on o u tl.t wor ks 1'. 1.....wh i ch _)'r ••u lt in r.cl uc.d t ...pe rl tur ••do ..ll.t r._. If th e r el •• ••r eq u ir.cI t o _.t .n..iroll8e nt .l flow r .q u ir_ at l 'K t eed .th e De ..i l <Anyon poverhoule dLlt h.rae t o _et .n.r"d.a.ncl . ,then the differ- e aee is r ete •••d fra.th e Dew it Cs ayo n out ht work..In t he I_r of dr y ,e.1'1 Wh en t he ."t...en.r l'<!e..nd i.10 "ead th e downl t re..flow require.ent is h Lah,Oev l.1 <A nyon ..y be clrl ..n dovn co n tinuo u.l y.If tb . v .t.r 1....1 .t De..i l <A n,on r . e t h ••the .i ni...ope r l tiaa Ilve l o f .1 .1,405 re ,V.tlns .ut t th en re t .......t ,r t o II tit f,t b ••i:'Ii ...fl o..r equireee ee , If th e ra le ...fr a.W.t.ne f or t he .i ni......fl ow r equire-.nt would l en.r.t. IIO r.e n.r,)'th.n t he r . q u ired '.OUllt,plrt o f t he r e l e ...¥Oulcl be di w. r t.d t o the o ut le t ..o r k•• 42 58]) 860 527 I \ -----------. The ~I'ho u ••b yd uul t e (s pa de iea u e .-bout 12 ,000 eft .I t W.tana S ta g.I ,,!'lei .bout 15 ,000 c h It De vil C.0100.lbe upadty i ••bo ut 23 ,000 eft f o r 'l at a""SU I.Ill.the o ut let wor k.ca pac i ty I t Devil Canyo n it 42 ,(1 0(.'ch wh il e the ca paci ty at W,tanl h 24,000 d'io S tIle 1 .nd 10,000 d.in S t.t gfl I ll .""'it .t he u p.et c,.of th e Wuan.o ut let workl in S t a ge III i. lO,OOO eh,i t i.no t pl . nned t o o pera te t h_I t fl o...a"a te r t ban 24,000 c f.,linee th is ..,CIUI.i nflow. t o Dey il Ca nyon to ea ef/ed the De yi l Canyon outl et "Or b Cl pacity .lad I'luu l t i n pl't'lU'turl ope nin g of th ..oeyU c.llyoa .p il l ...,. 10 t he .yent that ..fl ood coul d.n ot be ,...e d through the powe r- hou ••and o utlet wor kl I.ee .....of e ne ra,".od ,114 h ydr au li c:c.p'lC:i t y I i _hU Lon"Wlt lnl it a llowed t o .urc ha"ge .boye i.e.no ....1 ..x i ...1•.,.1 . The ..a u._lur char, .l."el h et ,2,0 17 (to f o r the Wdaraa S t a,.I D.-a nd d.2,l9 9 re ,(or th e Sta,.III D••• 4 2~ 8]] 86OS 27 ]- 14 - 4.0 MlILl.iI.n1l QtIlLln AD ancn:D VATU QUlLln CUKII 4.1 BASEL INE WATER QJALITY -THE MI DDLE RIVER RUCH '!be ..nreluhted SUlitft.ll livl"ellhlbit.e ou tinuo ly c han ltal ", t e r qud i cJ thlncterhci t ..A.thl!conti nu ...o f cli.c olo.i.e.1 chaf4IC'ceritti C:I l'I'I d ......lly Ihifu th r ough .nn ....l Ind .....o u l ch'-0lel the ther Iee ...r er qWllie y f nU o... I ..it .For th e ..b o f li_ololl e.1 ti.plieity.v e un briefl y de.tribe the c wo ..,-r cont r••cinl period.o f _u r q ...1i cy vh ic:h con st i t u t e the "'_lO r"o r o pen Vllttr .....0 11 ("'-1 throuah Oc tober)lad t !'o e ....in ter"o r ice-cove red t e noo (No ve.bet thr ou lh Apr i I ) .Th e .prilla .nd f .ll trln. ie i on period.be tween ch.,.c teri'tic:.uamer .nd v int er IIlIte r q Uol lic y pe:ri odl YU'Y v ith r e. pe ct t o their d urat ion and anllu l t i. lo•• P r .l i..i ~r y o bl..r vl t ioo of lianololie.l phello-en.i n th e .idd le r Lver r ea ch , h ovev er ,i o dicate l that I pr ioe aod fa l l vater qua li ty tr aol l t ion pe riodl .., have l u blt a o t ia l b io l o e i c a l i .po r taoce. Durine the i ce -covered lea lon t he Su .i toa il c ha ract e ri zed by rela tive ly lov and Ita b le flo~.'1 i l the c a lP fo r ..ny l u ~r c t i c r iver l (al t iona l Oceaaic and At.ol ph eric Adootniltration 198U .It h characterized by a r e lative l y hith dillolftd l o lidl content .nd l ov conce nt r a t i onl 0 :IUl p ended pl r t iculatel.Both o f t hele c haracte r lltiCI a re due t o t he do.inant t nfluencel o f e round wat er o n th e rive r'l wint er lu rhce f1o wl .Lo w and ltabl e wtn t er lurhce f10 wl a re p ri.il r i l1 due to i nterae c t ion o f ..ina tell river c h a "u,e ll v ith the t r o und water t abl e t n the valleY'iI l ub lurh ce aquife r .The ilcidic ftilt u re of a t _ol phe ri c p reci pita tion.ilOile o f .....i ch percola te il throueh t he _terahed l oi l l and l u b - I u r fl ce l i th i c ..teriall.i a p l r t il l Ly r e l pon ai b 1e for the dtllolutton o f .ine rala an.:!elellentl, r e a ultine i n t he t round vatefl'a rell tive ly hith dt a aolftd l o l i da c on tent . Itolo tical catabol ia. o f o r t ani c a o i l ..teria l l t ot tth e r with a b i o t i c chelli ca l r el ct io n l often add t o t he di llohed ao lida content of e r o u nd waU l' ,but _,a la o reduce it l c o n ce nt rat l o n o f dialo h ed ozyt en and 10258]) 860S21 \ \~------ I c h ..n,1!the concencr.tioDI of other el i . l a l y.d I ••!!'I .For ••••pl.c.rboa d ioll ide co nteoU o f s ...ti t n.River ar ou nd ".li t e r ue o ft en f e ll t h el y dah ""ile di n ahed oll 'l"a contenU I fe r elathel y 10"C'OII pt red to .ur bc:• ...t er.,wtI ic h .lir e a o re ne ar l y eq ui l ibr at ed .,ith at a o .ph"r ic I.' eeeeeee 1'.t io nl • The o,.eo _t ef '•.11.0 0 it (h..,r .ce"rized b y re l at i.9. l y hiah .ad qrbb l • •urface flovi.It it .110 (h.II nc te rillie oS b y ..aore cILl u te ch_iu l .ili.1I Ind by hiaher I ....pe nd e d part i cuhte c onceDe r .tionl i n the $u,itllf,River . APflr oa w u _te'q~li.t J'ch .ra tte d .tic.o f both the "i ote r .li nd ._ r ....oa ..,be cOIIp-re d .lin d eeee e ••t ed <t.b le 4.1).COoc eDcrec ioD.of I.l ee te d _tah vtIl ch have ch e po t ea eill t o be t o ..l ~10 lOOIIe t h_ tea l It.te .a re eli.leu. l ed i o I rea te r deta il i ll .not her ••u i oll of t h it r eport wh ich du ll pd a ,u il ,'l i t h hu...,_ull (e.l.~.7 ). F ruhet r ...noff ,.tao.p hedc precip i t.tioa ,I I.cl.1 _I t,''lld _.t ath er u i b ...t.r,flov .d il ut e ri...e r ....r h c .flov c aaceat r.tiaa.o f _n,d il . ol lred chelliu l e'llti t ie.dudol th e o pen VU l r .e••e e ,Shee t .ro li'll n o f ha . i'll .ai ll .nd e r alio n .nd r e .....pen . lo'll of b@ d 10 .d .nd .t r •••ba nk part i('ulat •• b,h il h d itch .rl U re.ulU ia l . rl ••nd ....ri.bl .eee eeee ee rte ee o f r i't'edne .....p . nd ed .edi ..n t •• 42S 833 86 0527 ; r Table 4 . 1 SU SITHA HYDROELECTR IC PROJeCT APPR OX IMATe WAlER QUA L ITY CHARACTE RI STICS OF THE SliS ITNA RI VER AT COLD CR EEK DU RINe HA Y-OCT OBER vs .NOVEM BER-APRIL FOR TH E PER IO D 1980-1982 Hean 1 , 600 <e o '50 240 s ,.s 70 100 ), 30 750 o 22 29 20 14 " 20 s "2 Rans e 70 0-4,000 0-' 0-' 100 - 18 0 80 -)00 0 -40 7 ,0-8.0 45-90 60 -120 H 2 -16 10 -50 5 00- 1000 0 -2 7-35 18-4 0 10-38 11.0-16.0 76 -IJO 10-)0 3-10 5-2 1 H Mean 18,0 0 0 7" 200 90 '45 "r.) 50 60 ) II 120 60 0,, ""12 102 <10 ) 4 2 Ha Y-Oct o ber Ranse 4 .000 -.50,000 10-2 ,6 0 0 20-740 50 - 150 8 0 -225 O-lI O 6 .5-8 ,0 25 -65 30-l lO 1-) 2 -22 10 - 40 0 2 00-900 2- 0 1- 15 10 -38 1-30 8 .S -n ,5 80 -110 0 - 100,-, 2-10 H Hean F low (c h) To ta l S u pende d S e d i",en ta ("'&/I ) Tu r bi di ty (N rU) Tot al Oiuo lved S o l i da (llIi!1) Conduc t i v it y (um h oa/C'lII 2) Co l o r (p i ac i n ulfl c oba l t un i t s) pH (pH un itl ) Alka linity (1lIg /1 .III Caco)} H .r d ne .~ClfI g /l s ,CaCO)} To ta'Or gan i c Carbon (1ll8 /I) Che lll icil l OllYien Oe...nd (1lI1 !l ) Total Pho aph or ua (u8/1) Tota'Nit r oge n (U8 /1 ) Teon !><'r uur e C· c ) Ch lo r i de ("'1/1) Cal ci ulD -di saolved (1lIg /l ) S ui f U e (",gIl) Oi.,olved Oxygen (mg tl ) Di.'o lve d OllYlen (%o f Sat ura t ion) Pho a phat e o rella (u8 /1 ) Hag nesi u".di ••o l ved (IlI S/I ) S odlY", -d i sso l ved (mg /l ) Pot •••i ullI - di ••o lved (lZI g /l ) SOO,,,,•"d "CO "oll",,_'0,.'od L.•.''''''0'"d 'u o,."'"'PA 198)a ,b ;Rand H Con s u l ta nt s ,I nc .198 2 . 42.583) 860.52 7 4.2 uncno WA.nt QUALITY CRA.MGES -G ENEIALl Z!.r Coa ltr uct ion I nd operatioll o f the propo ud pr oject ..i ll I l te r ••t ... t e r qua lit y ch a uc terh t iu i ll the i .pound.ent ~n",and in down .trea.d .,e d ne h.bi t aU which .re J i re ct l y .ffected to"!..i n.te.fl o....I-poun et.ent o f the riv er ..i ll r ad uCI th e f req uenc,an d t he a.pH t ude o f th e .nn ....U 'c ,clic "Iter quality fluctuation .o b.erl'ed in t he un relutlu d ri ver.Proj.ct o peu tion ..i ll I h o Cl u. e I t e.poral pha •••hift o f ..ny natunll y oc currtnl "It.r qua li ty r eli ....'tlllli ....u'pende d "d l"" t c on C'llt n tto n.,for ea••pl e :"ill probably oc cur ill th e bte .u_r ,fall,.nd ea r l y "inter ••••011 ••i nlt",.d of d ur ill l the lite I pri lll a nd I .._r vheo natural _ai.. occur. W.t er qualit y .ad quan tity ch .n,e.iod uc ed b y the project are a ot ellp ected t o CI U' '''.it her t he r e lervo ir.o r downltre. .r iver i ne hlbitat l to be "o iah .b it.ble b,.It natur a ll y o cc ur ri nl fl ora a nd faun..It it el.pected, h ovever ,t h lt proj e ct ind uc.d ...t er q ual i t,c hl lli e.in the r e.ervo ir .aod io doWDltr ea.r h er h e hab it.u ..H I a ffec t bioaa'l prod uct ioll at ,I I tr oph ic le veh,..pecial ly ill th e aq uatic h.b i.ta u w i ch .re c oo .t. at ly t ur b id . ted uc ed b iolo,i cal pr oduc tiv it y a t ••t tr oph ic l e veh _y be '0 .ffec t i ll h .bit.tl >lbere h ilh turb id ity l evel .co nt i.nuou.l y p re v. i l .Hove .,er • •it i l.t i ..."....ur e.ar e bei a,propo.",d t o help ..i n ta i n nat ur . 1 l e "oet ,o f fi lh proo'u ct h it ,. Se ve ra l i.port.nt v.t er qual i t,chlract e r.ltic.h •.,e be en e a_ h ed i o o r de r t o II t i .-te the i r .pprOll i ••r e v.l ue..nl/or CO IlC,OU I t i ona wh ich ..i II e l.h t i ll t he proj.ct re.e rvoin In d down.tr ea ....i nl t nt c haane l,o f the .idd le r h.r nach (T. b le 4 .2).Ho't project i llduced ch.nle.i n ...-ter qua lit ,are ell pect.d t o c a "l e r elati"""I,uni.po rt, " t en .,l ro_n ta t e ffec t.v i t h r upec:t t o .quatic b i olo "in bo th tb e r e.ervo i n .nd do wnl trel.ri verine h ab ita u in th e .i d dt e river . 4 258 )] 860527 '-4 ~----.. TAIL!4 .2 SUSlTlC4 UDaolL!CTliC PlOJE ...T UTUQTlD ""tOllMAn WU'U QUo\Lln CRAIACTlIlSTI CS or TBI USIlVOIIS AID DOWlISTI!AK OLEA n "AtE I True Color Trophic Statu Heln Aanual Pri.."Producti "it,(I•••r wo ir. J H,.o Annual "1",,'roduet ' . it1 (S ua i t ~ Ii",Middle Reich ) Kul-lll Euphot i c Zone T_pertur.. Ph,toplankton S taodio.Cro p <1 " '1'901 ,.) Pb,topl ankt o n v olu-e (R. I. r wo i r.) Do.iolot Ph,toplaakter.(l.a.twoi,.) Doai lUl ot P eriph Jtoll (S ....itq llYn "Id,n, ~. t h ) DoIIi lUlftt Zo opllnkten (Reee r va iu ) O_i nla t Kac:roio'l ,nebu t u (S. l e na River Midd l e Rea ch) Total Di ••o l .e d So lid. Eu pho tic ZoO I (t o 1%o f FAa) Total OT ll nt e Carbon ',rt leulate Of ,laic Carbon o iuol ve d Orgi llic:Carbon "Iutio it, p' Conduc thi t1 Di u ohed Cb.71en H,rdae .. To ta l 'il te ra b le S,eli _ah (0.4 5 01 f il t en ) loed S Il. pe n d e d Sedi_nta {c e a t r if uaed } Turbid it1 Tota l "itro l en Total lion li h bl a P 42S833 860527 4-' <100 pc u Ultra-ol ilotroph ie 1-20 I Carbon ••2 / Jr . Unk nown <15 ·C <1 .0 a-/. ](we t we ilh t ) <1.0 ~]/.] Chlor opb1ee a &Ie i l hr i opb J'U U , Ch rJ'aophJe eae ,Dinoph J'eeae , CJa no phJeeae CJ ano phJee a.,Chlor oph1eea. , &Ie i llarioph Je eu l o tHe ra and Cope poda Ch iro na.i dae Appr nxi..t al J 100 ..I I 0 . 1 -].0 _te u (fl ue t ua ti n a ' <5 ..11 <0 .5 ..11 <5.0 ../1 60 -100 ..1 1 a .ta CO] 6 .0 -8.0 ra nla i 1 .0+-ea n 100-1 50 ~h oa /o-2 8 .0·..1 1 ;10+1 Sat ur a t io n 10 - 100 ..11 ..taco] 0-200 ..Il 5-400 ..I I 15-4 00 NTU <100 0 ul /l <20-]0 ul /l __------ --1 4 . 3 SEUCTtO WA TU QU4Ltn ISSUES Certai.e:cpec tad ....ee e qu.titJ challl.a ba"e been bbeled..1 en .,i ro_a ll ta l "'i ••...,,"a nd,••....e n ,h ,...bee n ItOr.tho re-ulhl.,ea••llled v i t h r e,ar el t o pot a nt hl e avi ro_nt d e ff.cu .More deten'd di.tu••ionl of t hue ",at er q ....tity entitie • .lind thei r pote n ti.l ••"i r o_ntal effect.are fOUDd iD the fo llovini t ha p ten o f th i.t e llt (e .l .Chape a u 5 throuah ll). I \ 42 5833 860521 4-' -- - - -_.- . ""tura 'r....illle o f IU'pended 'edi lllentl a nd fi sh habiCat ,h..been idelltiE i ed .II .. The foll ow£n8 eeee 8 UlII llUl r iz e a the c urrl!t1 t thi s topi c. J.O U ALTiUD SOSpnDlD SIDDq!t1'.uO l'l1UIDln UGDII Th~s ign i fi c oIII ne ll'of chang e8 in the turbidity a ll ••1"01'1 and r u ident fi'hll'riu f u ue for this project. IH aC...e o f our knowl edge regarding 5 . 1 INTRODUCTION All ......'''d t .·""Ii.,.d,,,.,,.,.i li '''""th eeaee ce e "•••e "".po"..d ",~'P,.,.".,."pt dow."",.f,, d,,".d·"Ii..'''d.,"P'''''.00 th ".."'.p." ",..'p",,fL',pold L,""."00'".. ,F.. "".Sl "'9)...••""",th.""'"d'''.i,",.ili"i"»t d ver i ".'""'''po"b "."i.•••"d...",...""....to...po"and l"eph clI'lIIent. j l'I O.c 'edimenu ",,",(eh pr esently dep lI'od upon the river',tra ctivl!f or c lI'f or d'..""P.tt.d to ..'''ppod 'p",F th "• " C....It..es ,lot."",''.."".i".'otli ••,..'. d D lot d ,.,• ••"""'"FEl C "'"'·"N'..e c ""'."''''•••Coo e u It..... ,,,1."Si l.'"'P'od . d ""Ii"",,••d...",th"••,tho Pt.j",,,'..,i ll ..'OW".'_11 d th .i,, , COllI pot i tio n a nd thre e-di ..e nl ional .h'-pes will be altered frOlll th il'natural "'''Ii...(Aod ........1."72,D",.."'"D"......t •mD,••" Coo ..It..ee, In c ,"".,••"eo ...It..".,,,.""d,APA "Si, ......"..c c '98",••"eo""",,,.,,,,"85 "Th.p'"",t ••po .., ...1 ,"""d t ....eer e,"·P.od.d "" " "''00'.''''id l"••d "'d "'"..ee "d'''''''loo '""11 ,""ot d '''I'bI •. Ii ·'''ice "11 mo'.th '"11,"" ",,",..d ""variabl e. 4258]] 860 527 I _- --- ----1 \ !I:ha,i....effo rtl ulilhina I (_puteri r.eo!Ii.uhtiolt -.del cal le d I7U.lSKl!Ind upee i,lI,.t reated lu b-routio.u Jediol v ith ....a ,.e nde d lediae ntl (T55 )hl¥e ~e n u.e d to ._ti.-te t he lite tha rac te'l'{ltitl lad ~.n .oo th ly coattn tr.tiao o f ~rti tul .t e .Wh ich v i i i .ait t he proje ct r e. erYoi r. d urin"o pera tional phun of S tlge I ,II .nd 111 (APA 198~;IIllr u - Eba.co 198501 ).Se d'~n t.tio n co luan .tudi,1 ulioa Sua:tna liYe t water ••.,Iel h..... beea _de to i o yu tialte Ilttllal ;l<I ttetl'll of ~ttic uh te'.nd the cha rluerink.of ".....pe nda b le "pa rticles.leYie",of o ther .ettli ng co l_" s tudiu toce thl r v ith ttud,o f dau f ro-.dltilll al a cia l h te I nd alut.! t h e r ItOI"t __h ••been Ide ol to .,tabl ish t he belt ."'t i ••ee I ...ai llb le of the r e l. t ionsh ip bet v een 1 ...lpe nded ledi~ntl aDd t urb id i t y f or uae with t hi' proje ct . Bet.aute o f tne bu ic iDte rt cc ioo be cween bi.ololiu l a cci ..icy a Dd H SM i c 11!_l!d a ppro pri.ce Co e .a.i ne an d .CCnopC Co ca li brt CI!'1'1 .pproxiaa te r el a- c ioo ln ip betwel!n tur bi di ty a nd lisht tr. a_ il l i on.Aa a ppro lli...ee r d at ion betwe en turb id i t y Ind th e ...i ...de p tn of t ne euphotic e cne wa l de vel oped. n il r e l .~i on ln ip yi e l dl UI a CDan e tool f or ul e i n u ti..tinS tn e ..IIi .... vol _and /or Irea of t he -olt bioloSically ee t t ve li tea wh ich wil l r ece iv e i nc ident lilht i n bo th t he te .er vo ir .nd t hl!r h l!rin e aqua tic h a b itat l . lJ DYRl S":~a.le r e l er 'lO ir li.ulat ion -ode I (Pattenoo.l a ber ler . Keb ber t l od ~h 19 77) So-e s eae n li u tio nl can be ..de abo ut th e in te ract io nl be tween the .It ered n dl.aent rel ime ,the ex pl!c te d wiCh-pr ojl!cC flu l h in s o f exia ti nl f i l'll! .e di-e nt l f r Dlll Ie-e a t reaabe d I u bl t ra tel.I nd th e Il!di ..en tl t ion dynaaici ...e e la ted vith t he pr oj ec t'l eltiaate d ope r.tio na l u di.llent rel i _. Project ind uced al te ra tion o f th e led iae nt a nd turb idi t y r el iael a re u pll cUd t o ai oiain b io lol i ul produc ti vi ty in bot h r utrvo i ra 'Dd in '0lM! down l t re ••r iver ine ha bi ta t..~'l'lle.t o be e Jlpe e te d I t th e a ic ro bbl, de c ri ti..o re .priaar y produc er and ..c roinvertebra te tr oph i.c l e ve h u nd er v ith proj e ct conditlODI.ue not qUlntifi..ble .BIlli e k nov ledle of 42:5 8 ]) 860 521 '-2 ----- ----1 the wlter qual ity c ha r a cte r is t ici ~~pe ct ed in downlcream di l eharge a t ogether with various o t her S Ul i t n.River c ha rac te ris tic I,i nd ilate.that : o cont i nuous l y turbid and J"f'latively ,Jeep ri ver ine hab itat .lMy h ive redu ced biol ogic al produ ctivity When cOfII par ed to the ~tur.l c ondition s because o f r educ ed aut ochthonou l product i on a nd reduced aiio ch th onoul o rga nic det :"itul input.frClal up acrealll; o dear a nd inc el1lllttently turbid h bi ta t,whi ch -rn be reI..tivel y I h'l l ow Iqy u :pe ri e nce the "lilt'o r in crel,edf"b i ;)IOgi Ul prOductivity When c OQIp ared t o th e nat ur al cond i t io n beU UIe o f fertiliuci on by depoait ed gl a cial flour part i cul atn JUICC .poled vich epilithon ;i lll p ro ve_ nci of the c ondi t io n of l OUI e I t r e 'llI ~d lubatutea :;lmd r edu ced s c our by co.rse pani cuhte s i n th e su apended se di ~e n t 10.d. illlp!iea th.t f ish lIlIIy l u rv i ve the d irect t 'ffect l of continuoul l oada and ID()deute turb idit y if f OTced t o Over., in te r in lIloI inat~ The indire ct effe ct.o f l uble t h al It Te'l o n fish .nd o t her Exten aive liteuture review s h.ve ind i cated that th e eatiaaat ed with-project a usp nded aedilllent .nd turbidity r e gi lll es .,ill have ~ini..l .cute eff~ct a o n .dult and juvenile reaidene fi lh .nd s a l ~o n.Dir e ct effeet s on fi ah ~y re ault in l uble t h al e t r e ...but not IIIOrt.lity.Ev idence i a I.clting reg.rding the effec ta on fi lh of l ong-t ena llXpoaure t o th e expected with-pr oject leVel s of SU lp e nded s edi lll en tl .nd turbi t'ity und er the eXpected enviroDatenral condi t io ns.Evidence f rOll studit'l in o t her turbi.d s t reamhabit.ta l uspended h.bitata . OTga n ia ml due to the e t eer ee 'edi~ent regim e a re ellpected to be q .....1t i t at ive t y unpredi ctabh and very e ee ptes , Approxi..ee l evels of with variou l l evela follow inll ee c e I oe, a Ul pended aedilllent .nd turb id ity of .q ....ei c habitat pTotectio n geneTall,"sOCi .ted are prel en ted i n a 4258)) 860527 5.2 5USPlNDr.D stDIMtlfT AND .1U Il\ITY UUTIOff5BIPS Turb id i t,..hould be d e.r l,.dht '''" u h he d f r e-.....e r c onu ntnt ion o f .u.peapd pllTtlcl ' lI ia •liqui d.'to r bi di t,.iI .0 e _J1 re ..ion of t he optic.I propert ,.o f •lI.laple wh ich e.u.e 'l llht (Ieoe rdl ,.wh i t,lilht)t o be .c. t te r.d .nd .b.o r bed ratb.r tbao tr.n ll. i t t ed i o .t r.ilht l i nell th roulh t he lIa.ple (AUlltift u n,c i bb.19 74 ,u .rie.a Pub li c He.l th A ..eete e ree 1980 ) . The partic ulat...u. pende d i a •1I ••ple ~i ch co nt r i bu te th e I r.a t ••t t urb id it ,.pe r _it ""tipt are ,.aerdl,.la rl,r ch.a 1.0 .ic roa -e.o be ta dh-etllT but I ...thl o 10 .ic roo.-e.o beu d ia _cer (Ci b b.19 74,H.c k,..nd Mc CulloUlh 19114 ,Pd.non e e .t.1985.,[dl....d .oo .od 100oio,.1985 ).Th. lip t .e.t te ri nl .nd .b.o r bi nl pro pert i ••o f inorpo ic pa rti c ul.t'lI I Ull p.nded io _t , r .re influe nced Qat 0Il 1,.b,.t he ir IIh.,.h.pe .od c onc .at r. t l oa ,bu t .1'0 b,.th.i r .1.-.at.1 che.i.tr,..nd .ine r.lOI,..In t he SUlit n.liver i t i.beli.....d th.t th .t urb id ity "ill be infl ....n c .d to • re let i ....l ,..inor del r.e by di ..ol ....d .od colloida l ino rl'oic .ad o rl.nic .a ti tie',.uch ••co llo i dal allica a nd d i ..olve d h u. i.e cOllpo -.n d •• T he r elat ioa .h ip.be t ve.n .u.p.aded .e dl_n t c oneeDt r .tion (T 55 in .,/1).ad turb id ity (ne phe le-.u ic t urbid ity un iu or mu'. )h ave be en i avell tipted i o bath ler, e and ...n te e te .uiro_o u i o AI .....(I •M CollllulUou ,Inc . 1982 c,e ,19B4b,1985 ;Pentrov ich .Mo ct iogha ••nd Dra ae,Inc . a nd I ,P. Hue chia.oa 198 2;L lo,.d 198 5;p. t. n on et. a l , 1985.).Mollt dlt a frOll la ra' ,lad.1 r i ".r.o r f rOll pla cer .ioe dulce box ef flue n t.(nei t h.r o f ~i ch h.d I .k,.,re ll,rWO lrll o r I,t tli n,bI.i al upl t r •••).ho"that th e ca lc u l.te d ret io of IfTU/TS5 ill "nereU,.I ,..t h.a 1:1 .Io b ct,t h,.iddl,r llch of th e S uli tna River .ad o t h,r I.rle AlI llun ri v.rll dn ia in,,lId.ted w.ten t-ed ll hl9.,.ner.lb.d lfI'U/TSS r.cio••p prod ..t ing 1:4 o r 1 :5.Wide v.ri.nce ••_ag t h el .re tio••d.t (Figu re.5 .1;5.2 ) .In r el.t ivel y lI.a n a hd.1 .t r".II,re tio.of NTU/TS5 al y .ho be h igh l y ,"d.bl •••a d ..,. ._ti...be .li,htly a r ••eee th.a ~h e re tio.foun d io I.ra'Iheit l rl ...r ll (i ••.>1: I )(F il ure 5 .l .nd 5.4 ).Ll oyd (198 5 ).re view. d dl t ...t he re d fr Oll r .l. t h . l y "'11,na a ·,I.d.1 'U•••II ill ia terior AI. .....SOIl.of th••• IIt r •••1I ve l"r . ce ivi ,,~phc .r .i n.""er ell whU .o t hen _re na t.5••pl •• 425 8]] 86 0527 ... "V,so '"~ 000 e /SO ~/I'" •A / / -../~ ~V NOTU : !!T.O.lUISCP....~V~ Z ..z.O.U To TUlt IClfTY•SCasupf:HOm SmNf:JfT~,.t ONe!IIITIt ...TIl)4II l- I>• •/ /I> • /•/•UO ENO: &..IUlmil .ItlVUI JCU CNfT"Wn.1. G .SU"TM Inv u ......e llA .. '.. )(•SUSl TNA rvllt AT IGOL D t il Er..so ..so so so ...lOG ............... SUSP ! Not:O 1t0.MOI T CON wNT"ATION,...,/11 TURBIDITf VS . SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION S USI TNA R IVER f igure 5 .1_._.---_.-.5-S 10,000 o o o 0 o'0• o • ..0 00 0 • • • o• o • o o o • 0o o o •••••...- 0°0 0 •• • 0 • 0 "•• • o o 0..: • /.:_0 •~.:. •o o 0 o , T s0.44 {SSClo."e ....NTU/T8S.1I4.4 ,2,0 .83 n '229 10 100 1000 - ••• SUSPENDE.D SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION (mQ I liter I TURBIDITY VB SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION IN SEVERAL ALASKAN RIVERS FlQur.5 .2Em Di r ic al tllatiOMtlip of I'IOturaU y occurr lnQ turbidi ty "l rSUI lMl'9«'dtd IIdlment conc.mration lor r.1 and .treamtln Ala_a,somplld dur in;May-QctoDM I 1976 · 1983 (d.r ived in thil ,.port from data ptoy lded by USGS,19841. ,-. SOU RCE:LL O YD 1985 j ------ -, 'i' ~ I~ 'm 0".>:•••., 'II '.-,•NTU /TS S-I :I-• ::J II ..•••I-O.•Z ••-••••>-".I-'I ••H •C I .. H 0 III •'.a:••• ::J •'.....1.71 "s·..· l-•....0 .•r.1 ••".0 .0 NTUITSS'-'2 :1 •• ~~Oor N •000 0 0 000 0 0 000..r N •000 0 0 000rN•000 r TSS ("'9 /1 ) f IGURE '.3 .II~If :11 ••IAIT PORK DATA :.II[••II:( D fOIl : TU••IDITY ~Q I3IM\®©@-g ",,~V,. RaM CON8ULTANT..INC.TOTAL IU'P.NDID IOLIDI SOSilNAJOI H'"'(H IUII(•••"-fOil LOTIC .NfLUINT.TO IKLUTNA LAKE ..•• •• • • • • :•••• 8• oi·" • Ilr••••••••• eee..1 Ir•••••••• .1 I't•••• I "'"E- to to... s-e 11.-__---- fra.th ea ••t r ••••were ,11 10 f ound t o h Ive u t ia.o f NT U/TSS with ,r ••t va r i ,bi lit y .bu t h .d I n n er' . e ut ia o f a pp rod..tel y 1 : 1 (Fia ute 5 . 5) . Ll oyd (19 85),ud n !!:dat a fr o-.In other t t udy o n .,t.w,ter dil en,ra'(r_ fifte en pl .cer .ine.i n i n terio r AI...k.a (I 6 I'l Co uul ta n tl,Inc .198Ze >, d rew I Haure rehtin,turb id ity a nd a Ul pao ded l ed i_o t co nce llC:r,tio n.at una ff ec ted up,cr.,.si tel a nd at lite ,do wnl c re'.o f .lnina wa.t evlter eff i lit n ta .From the i nf Onl.fo tio n pr uented i n Ll o yd'.pl ot (FLau re 5 .6) i t may be c onc l u de d that t he r e t Ic NTU /TSS I.,in h••v ide vlrhoC:'1!I Ind that the Mtunll ,char a U.I ••l .lIerd l)'l!llhi bi tl! d MTu /tss 1'Itlol <1:1 wh ile th e ••••at r., .i n fl lll!!nc:ed by .ia ina .Itev,c er e f flue n t.t end ed t o ellhib it IflO!TSS ntial >1 :1 .An o bvio ul ca Ul.o f .uell f e lut e.is th.t tre .tment o f ..i niug _.tew.ter remove.th e c o . n er,he.vier part i cle.wilt!h .vi ng the ...t te r ,tigh ter p.r t ic le.ir..u.pe n . ion.Suc h t re. tment cou ld o b vio u.ly .hi ft th e r.t io of NT U/TSS to •gre.ter ve t ce ,be c.u.e ...Ile l'part i cul.te. le ne r.l l y pr oduce more tu r bidi ty per uni t we ight t h.n I .rger ,.rt icul.te •• Eu miu t ion of .e t t li ng c ol llllln at.f rOlll 15 .ep.n te ph cer ..i ne .l uic e bez e ff l Uol!nu (R 6 H COn.ul t .nu,Inc.1982e ).nd fr Olll two .er--nte .et t ling co l UlDll'uti lbing va t er ulIlp l'"fr Olll th e Su.i t n.River (R 6 K Con'ul t.n t., Inc .1984b )i nd ic.tes t h.t th e r.tio NT U/TSS c h.nge.t hr ough t illle fr ..<1:1 t o )2 : I d te r 72 t o 96 h ou rs o f r e ht ivel y qu i esce nt .e t t lin g (T.bles 5.1, 5.2,5.l ). Pl o ts o f th e IfT U v•• t SS da u p.irs i.n t h"thr ee fOnller t .bl e. i n dic.te th.t,un de r th e r e ht ivel y q llle. ce nt c on d i t io n.ed.ting i n th e .e t t li ng co l UIII1.,t he rldo of MTU /TSS :::::)ult i ...t e1y h ave .ppro.ch"d v.l UoI!')2 :1 (F il ure . 5 .7,5.8 ,.nd 5.9).If .co n tinuous .nd unch .nl in l rs t io wer e t o e zh t betwe en t ur b id ity .nd th e .u.pe nde d U dime l\t ee eee nr ea e te e ,t hen th e .Io pe o i t he line.i n th e t h ree fOnD er figur ".wo u ld be ez.ctl y 45-fr Olll h od.o nt.l al though di f feren t "r.tio li nes "vo ul d in te rsec t th e Y -••h .t d iffe rent v.lUoI!' .Al . o i f tur bidi ty were e n ti re l y c.uted by TSS th en rel re ••ion .naly.e.wo ul d pred ict th. t tur b id ity wou ld be e n ti re ly c . u. ed by .u.pen ded .o I i d..The thr ee f onDerly depicte d f ilure .do not .uppo rt ei ther o f the.e r el .tion .h ip..All th ree f ig ur e.do,however ,.ug le.t th.t th e 4 2S8 )] 86 0527 1 j 10,000 1000 T -1.103 (sse )0.9 88 ,2.0 .92 n •21'9 ~. ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • 0°!\'••.,•••••• ••••• • •••••••.....•••°0 '0. 1'°·, •'0_0 ••0°•t...... . ••It-'.'. •t J I• •i •• 10 S 100 !i- ••••••••• • • SUSPI!NOED SEDIMENT CON CENTRATI ON (I'rIQ I li ter I Fiq",.~S Empiru:al r ltlotion.NO of ""bid lt,wet.u.'lI'Pendell tldilMllt e onctntrcrt ion rv,plocill'. l'I'l iMCI and IW i911bor lllQ Iftftirled "realM in intwlo'AlOaIto,IOmpled blnt IIIft'Imw , 1183-1914 ("'"ec1 in .IIlI!WOOI'f from dota PfO\IidN by Patt ,1914 ;lblond,1984 ).(Adapted Fr om Lloyd 198~) 5-10 '0,000 I.Daa ....eom of milte ••UpItTtoIll 0'miN 311 01lOO'000100 , 10.1 ••• '000 ••• -~z- ~100 ~,is , \ a;.'z ~ ~ 10 SUSPfNQ£O SEOIM!NT CONCENTftUION (mol lit.') F1 owr.'.6 Plot-of turbld lt,and 1IItpt.,dMI MdII'Mnt eonelfltrotlO/l for elrtol4'l lllocer./niNd 11NQJ"l4 ,n Ala,110 (1l 1ot'H ~,,*rlDCll1tramda1aDl '.''"il'l RaMConIuttorm .tte2Q J. (Adopted From l l07d 19851 5-11 • ~b-..-n ••i" I.UP.@P;~§.P~~~~~_ _ _ _ _"N N _ I ~~!I.!~!!E.!~~~~...-...- H~un.nn.nH.--.-...- -"..." !i ~J i ~~i !~!~~~!-"-- -... !i I.P.P ~11.~~i es--"-----"-... ~~I ~~~~~~~~~I ~I..."~....-... ......~-~~ ~~~~~~!~!I ~~,~~...~...."--...-"-.-- ~~~~~~I ~~~~~~I ~...""~"•... ... ...•_•_J ... ~@.nl.!I.!.~~~~~!.~"~•2 "...••~~...•!=. iii I I !i I I !~!I I ~...". ..~=~~.~:~~2 ~~• -......•"•~•~2 =~=~J 1 T.I:II.'.2 S.ttllng Column Run _I Totl l SU lPended Solid,.-r.d Turbidity .0\..,,,-TSS AvO Per'Cent TUrb idity AVI("""I)TSS RMIa!"i""(NTU)TUrb id ity SUI /tnl FU ....,.181(1131184) o Houn Top 117 172Middl.148 12 4 100 174 IS'Bottom 108 148 3 Houri Top 120 '34Middle'"111 9S '<14 141Bottom'22 13S S Hour. Top 63 144Middle'0'13 7'120 130Bottom111144 12 HOUr, Top 41 100Middl.8'78 63 118 '"Bo_100 '2S 24 Hou," Top 34 90Middle..'7 ..108 101Bottom74104 .q HOur. Top 32 90MiddleSO'2 42 110 104Bottom..112 72 Hour. Top 34 7SMiddl.48 SO 41 112 103BottomSI120 96 Hour. NTU/TSsTop3090 2 .37 Middle 49 ..3•....I.92Bottomss104I.86*AverAgl PerC_nt Rlml in ing "AV'''.gl TSS .t T ime (T)II 100 x-2 .0S Averllgl T$S .It Tim.0 5-13ISOlKe.:RaM C'b nlultan'.,lnc.1984 c I 1 Tlbl.5 ..5..Sdtllng Column R.un _2 Totill Su sp.nd~Solidi Ind Turb idity Av g- T"A vO P.runt Turb idity AvO(mg ll)T55 Remllin ln;(NTU)Turb idity Su.i tnll Ri ....r 41 0 (8 /6184) o Houn Top Pllrt 320 308Middl.Pllrt ass 342 100 308 304BottomPllrt3502.6 3 Hour. To.22 0 304 . Mi ddl.300 283 83 280 300Bottom320316 6 Houn To.190 280Middl.260 243 71 316 291Bottom280276 12 Houri To.160 232Middl.245 '"63 240 '"Bottom 240 212 24 Houri To.145 244Middl.220 190 SO 280 268Bottom20'280 48 Hour. To.IS .240Middl.17S 167 4'244 241Bottom170240 72 Houri To..3 220Middl.122 112 268 247Bottom1202S2 96 HOUri NT U/TSSTo.78 204 2.62Middl.106 101 30 206 210 1.9&Bottom 119 220 1.8 5 '"A....rlg.Pl rc.nt Remllin ing '"A"'."'9'TSS lit T im•(T)It 100 1-2 .14 .......r.g.TSS lit T im.0 (S ourCI :R 8 tot Con ....ltant•.lne .1984 c'5·14 =....._-..-•.._. l 1I ~-II il ',_ i 'DO "..-TUftIlDITY rn,NTU • "... Flqur.e.7 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND TOTAL SUSPENDID SOLIDS !mUNG PONO DEMONSTRATION Pf'OJECT aifi .~.-u I aM L:i iY l :·::~.~..[~"~l --:.:w:1--';--) 5-15 , TURBIDITY ...SUSPENDED SOL IDS PROM 3ITTLING COLUMN IUII11IA RIVEA UMPLI8 nUN .1 , , , •.,•- , " , ' ......1 11 .'..•......... ..-,,,,,,..--TOUL .U ••••O.D '01.101 C_II -~ ...RUN ..2 ;-•-•••, •.,.." .n ...,.·"••....1 ••••••-- ...J,,,,,,..-,- TOTAL IU"."OIO 101,,101 C••/l} ". UlllI 5.1 5-16 00IMJ1lDHW1~a:QD SUStfJiA JOINT vlNTlJlJf • BUBITNA RIYER SAIIPLES TURBIDITY ...SUSP!NDED SOLIDS FROII SETTLING COLUIIN RUN 1 and 2 COIIBINED : -.;•! ••!i••, • ,~. • • • • •• ••• • ••• • ,..IO .J ••'".I"·.. ....0 II •I •I •I ,,-...f.--"-,-,.",,-;------,---,--,,,-,-.,,,.,•...- "GUill'5.t SV$/TNA.JOINT VIHTVIfE 5-17 -ouat of t ur b idit )'prod uc ed per ull it of 'U.pellck d .ed i_llt (loe .th e r atio ITO /nS)iac re aae d aa :I )-ore .e t t li al ti_e lap.ed ,a ad 2}t he fa.ter .ett l illl par t i cl e.prec ip itated ou t o f .u.pen aiOIl leav i lll pro lre ••ive l)'Ie•• we ilht o f .u.pended pa rt ic le •• Analyd.o f both Su.itoa liver ..nlial c01l_e s per i _ nt .ind iu h.that both turbid ity .nd .u'pended .edi.ent c o ac ent r. t io n.decl ine r.p idl)'in the initial hour.of the nperi.ent •• nd th.t the i.r rate of decl ine decre ••ed vith illcr•••illl .et t l illl ti. e (Fiaure 5.10 .nd 5.11 ).'.rt lcle .i.e a na l )'."tO l ether with photOllicro lraphic ewidea ce iadicated thst r elat ivel, ...11 .1'part i.cl e.(with are .t.r .urf.ce .rea .od colI'e<:(UI!ntl ,a rea t.r lipt .ca t te rilll capabilit ie .per _i.t weiaht)r.,..iaet i.o .u.pell.i oa i o are.ter COllcenu.t ioa a f te r 96 ho ur .of .ettti na (I •"Coa.u ltlnCt,In.c 1984 b).~ It YOuld be r ea .o lla ~ l.t o •••~t hat the rat io ",u/ns would have i ncre ••ed with i ac re a.iaa t i_e l.p.ed in t he ae t t l inl col~••At ,e-e po iat . hove..r,h.d the ezper i_nt 'ce n tiaued ,t he rat io ",u/n s would ha.. decrea'ed i u r ate of ehanae f re-th at 'hown ill rilure,5.1,S.8 ••ad 5 .9. The final ITO /ns ratio YOuld M t be predict.bl ••lId would ultiaately depend on .illhc ule chanle.(in turbul ene .,bioloa,••nd c h...htr)',etc.)Which would oc e ur withLII the .et t li na eolu.n•• Larle lair ..aad r e.ervoir.ar••Ul:h -ore turbul ent thall "qui e.ce t ".e t t linl c ol _ . .Prol on led ra t e.o f .e t t l ial in l a rle an d re la ti_l ,turbuleot r e.enl'ni...aad lake .e S p<t rhnc ial h )'drolOl ic ,cliaa tic,leoe he-i u l alld b iololical c h.ale.would be e .pee te d t o produce r el.t i ve l J l a rle .nd ftrI.bl e n tioa o f ITU /ns wi.th ti ttl e pre di etab il itJ o f the .b.ol u te r at io ftl ..or o f ti_.of d .t nl e te t he ut io v.IUI!••It "J be h Jpothe d ..ed tha t r.t io.of MTU /TSS i a a I.rae r e.er wo ir l ike V.tana an d i n it. disch.rle ...,be ,?2 :!.lId h iahl ,gri.b!e i n t i.e.t.p id cal diU have be en lathered to te.t th is h ypothe. i •• E.,idcal clata fre-.is Ilechl lake.h.v.be en use.bled f or anal)'.i..of the r elation.hip.between turbi d it J .nd .u.pended .e di_nt .i n l eat ic 42 58 ]) 860521 5-1 8 i i _I!-I i II 1"'---!",...'" I...-:'.. ,'C;o'/,",.I.:r..,' ~,'1-.''-, Z ,,•,s:::I ,.., II:,•..:.......,..! -",'-,•.'~.../ II -.~-=---~.r "'..-"'--..----.._- -'-- z i ..--_..--.--------::----------- _... :.:....::.'"_.~- :::I ~c I I • -'II !! !I I I 0 oj 0:U ~..TUlII'. IOITY 'NYU) "~i!:I i II: -'c5z i i - t:I .I II II i I ! :::I .., II •••..,.•.-,-, •••;•, ~, ~,,,-\,-,• !i "! II:\1 •,!,-,• ,\,,, !) "-,,. €:,...-"" :,-• I I I I ,I •, TU" . IDITY 'N"U) "GUll"5 .10 5-1 9 - /JIWlUl ·o w@ SUStTNA JOINT VINftHt , • -•••e -, -, -, .J ., -, I I-, ;.. \ i I !: I i I i I ,i i..,- , •r.. -r,. I i ,,,, I•,, :' •r·,:'••-,,.,, -,',,:, ....~I •• •,.»-»•••,. /' .'-.....;.-...... N• I I ..•-,,- ".--'.,..-.............••-.....-- -.'..- ,~,..:«: i I !:!~---"",,=::;;;;;;;:~~==:::::::_--~-------l .. CE •~I •I;: ::>~~ I I I I _=TIf"..au ••'.11 RaM :ONCUL.TANTE .IN:'._-.--_......_---- S-20 SVSI1'NA JOINT VfNnJltf ha b it,t .of .ouch (eaual Ab.q (T.bl e 5 ••),The ..._ble4 dati Iho iDelude illl o~ttoll col lec t.oS f ro-th e t,i lrac e of t be hyd roe l.ct ric powerhoua ••t Eklutna Like. Anll\,. h o f tb,IftU Illd TSS dat a i a d iUereot clat••ee e it c a.pliutad by t he b et tha t d ifferent t,c:h llol oli. a '1"1 ff eq uellt ly utilia ed by d iffer'llt 111 98.t il.to r.t o collect .i.il.r dat..'or eZI .ple ,d iff.reac ill~••til.to r. c i l i bu t e t h ,i r ne phe l _eter .ill differen c "'''' ,,n d dif f,r.ac _phl l_.ter• •r e fr eque nt I ,u ti li. ed by e.ch i ll ~e.t i l.tor .Di ff.r l nt oeph.lo-et.r••'WI O c:.l ibntO!d e eee ,freqw lltl y ,i,ld turb idit y ..Iue.I I _lIC h I I 10 t o 20 pe rcent (or acr.)d ifferent fr _e.ch o th e r for the .,••or .i.il.r 1••p1e., .iltution technique.involvi ng different t)'pe .of rilten .nd /or 4 i U .re at pore .h ••o f th e u_filt er type u n p roduce dra &llt icaU y difflr lot e ui..t e'o f l u.pended u di.en t ee e eeet r e e I cne ,Fo r e ...pl l,i o worll.dool on tailr.ce vater.fr~th e £lI.lut oa Lake hydr oelectr ic f.cility (J .N. ltoot ,OIIery.Conl u !t i ll&!nailleen.I nc.et al.1\184 ),a deereale in fil te r pore a h e frOll 0 . 7...to 0 . 1 -0.2..cauaed • do ub li ll'of the eld_ted c Ollce llult i oo of .ua pcllde d part i c ul lte a."'ai c aU ,d i fferent ,r."i-.uic .ethoda for ao.ly.iI o f l u.pcrilled ud i_nt c onc ent ra tiona aho fh ld d i ff er ent n lllit a fo r the ..Ile ....pl ea .Fo r ex'.pl . ,i o work do ne at • au"rHc C._di.o lake (Hec kf .nd MCC.,lI o u.h 1984),.ra" i_ t d c .naly.11 of l "l "e nded part iculat ea co nClnt r a te d by centrif....t i oo (io'lOh i o,.11 particl el >0. 06 ..DoIIinal d i ••e te r)fi e l ded c oncentration l 1 .8 ti-..,re.ter th.n f o r parti cul.tel coocent r . ted by Wh . t ••n e rc filte r a (nall i na l po re aixe 1 .0..L, 11'1 tabll S.4 the turb id lt,data f or T ....t_na .Taxli na.ll.,t ioa .nd TOalioa L,kel were e"aluated with'l ina l e neph e lOllete r ,h o wever.t he I Ulpended .edi••ee coocentrationl were e val ua te d b,,et .noth er technique different f rf'll th o'e pra vi O.,II ,.Icribe d.Th e tec hn ique f or el ti_till ,the ....panded .edi-.ot c o ..-:eot r.ti oo i n the I.tt er four lak el i nvo l . ed e.,lua tin,the differe nce bet v een t ot a l l o lidl and t ota l di alolved lo lid l .The differencel an d ai.narit ie l betve eo th e re l.,lta fra.the latter t e chaique .od _thod. i OYD I"i n,centrif..,el and fi ltl r ••r e not ..e l l kn own. At t h h point i t Iho.,l d luHiee to I tlte th.t :1)e nee e it no lo,ical r eu on .. I 4258 )) 860527 5-21 TAll.[5 •• SUSIT .IllOlllXU CTIIC "0J[C'1 ["'llltALLY ([11\1[0 IlJ\f1OS r7 ,,,,1l1 0ITY/llISI'tra D !i[DIItEIlT III 5(lfI 1l all1 lAt.ALA SlAIl L[II1IC [IWIICNl:II1S IIflUUUD ."lOl.AC IAl Fill... 'I t n ObHr..tlan .~.SU.,....l1li01.....~ll)'d r ..He ........,"nilld ...~.A•••..........II1MI .....,.or 0 ••"";liioi1.. (.er.)(rM I)(' M t)"....)I'Iln HtU.TSS ,.[t1ut ..IOU V 3.1.2 0 '21 '.12 "21 .(1].1/'.52.1,... 2.Etlut ....".V 3,1.20 ""m '.12 '",.)1,1/311,... ,.[1<1.......",'....""'51 '.12 "3.mIU2.U II L...hUr_ ••Etlut ....-V '....""'"'.12 "'.UII/2.M.1 L...h ll..... ,.~Id ..)'1919_.....'""0 0.""'."IV 1.5.1,..."., ••l ..lu_''''JI n,1t>'""'"....12 '.nI V l ••ru,... ,.lull...-")1 ,52',......'"r.n ,1."'IUI.l9 ,1,... I .1I...1....-JI 16,S8I IlI.A.,,,'.10 ,O.J8 ,V 0.511.... ••'_I....-JI '.J95 I .A.I"'"",O. M IUI.m.1,... hbl.""-'5.5.1/2.0. ' V !t 6 II C_II.,h,Inc .1M2 ZI J .M.lIanI~r)',C_lIlng [nlli.....,Inc.II ••1 .1,.. ZI R ,III CanlUlI.,tl,Inc .I'" "OIt W••r [nu l"'",Inc.II.11.1911 "KOInln;.,J .,ADf6G '.!t.[ .D.Di_lll an,". ' 1OnI1 C~le.tlon ---------~ to upset t o find.couituQcl,.do..relatioa.hip bet".ea turbidity l ad IUlpended ••di..at contlncntiOIl ill ....t ur. l ..-ten;U 0 01,I ",ar, l en,ra U . , d ralationlhip b.t w.ln tu rb id ity lad 1 ...,.nda 4 .edi_uU wbich dh tha,uhhl'between ten tie nd lode:NTU/lSS n eio._,be 1:I:,.c:tI4 to be delc ribed fo r natural _tera io l outh cl ntrll AI ••ke;a nd ])•lar"part of t he probl ",v i th th e e n . bl h h_oc of •rllleionibip betvlU tu rbi dity l Oci 1 ...,.0.4 I.,ii_ntl it c _pl i u t ed by the htll of a tl oqr.Hzed tadIDO lo.ie, fo r ••••••••nc of the evo ••I ue•• Th .dat I in TaM,5.4 l acll e-c.that the .In ITU /TSS ratioe are It!nera lly h i ,her th aa t he _dhn MTU/TSS utioe f Of ,hcid lak,a."ql,.it of the ra w dolt.usd to t OOlpUe Table 5.4 indiut••t h at t he .all MTU/TSS ratio va lues IU ....Ie:ep tibl,to beto,bilud t O"l r d h i , h ••t Uei by t .chn i CiI .,.plinl probln.wtl ich .r.be,oad the .cope a f t hb db c uedoa (e .l•••e the .elli nu /TSS ...al ..o f t he Ikhatna wke dati f or 19a2 of 27.03:1).The lund ...n of .11 the _.11 lYu/Tss ....l ...u ia t.ble ~.4 it ~.~:I ,wtlile t he Ir.ad "' "o f .n th e _d iaa IlIlUltss '1"11'.'ia th e t.ble "2 .0 :I . "are tb,a 200 IfI'U/tS S data paiu vere collected ia !tl utq lAte (,ilure ~.12 ).ad .are th.a ~O .i_n.r data pa in vere coll ect.d ia t h e !tl uta.wte t .ilra ce (,ilura a.rn durin.1984 U .."COIl .ul t.nt .,Inc .198~).bt io. of nu/tss in the re'er'i'llir t.il r.ce ....r ied fro-(J : I co >20: 1 wi tb ...a .ad ..dia a value.of 3.62 :1 .nd 2.94:1 ,r "peetiYeI,.hcio.o f HTu /tss in !tlucna lAte .etualiJ .,.Tied fro-(0 .6:1 t o )50:1 ,v LCh "'1'1 .Ild ..di.a ....1 .....of 4.38;1 .OCI ]:1,r ••pa eth.I ,. Anal"l'of .1 1 ch.preeed ial date i a di e.te.th.t l.r,.,,1.ei.ll,.ffec t.d lot ic .,lCn'v i ll aelleral l,e.hibLC nu /T ss rati o.o f .pproa i ..tel,1:4 -S, wh il.l ara. ,Ilaciall,.ffectea leotic ,,'tn 'v i i i lenera l l ,eeb ibit nu/TSs r.cio'of 'pprOli..t.I,2.0 :1 or I rea t er . The fo r.lolal dati ..,be incerpreted ......pportL...e of • h ,path••"Cb.t Il.ci.1 .ed i ••a t '.ettlial f or p roloaled ti _e period ,i a I.ra. l.t./ra.......aira ia .outh cenCral Al ulte v i II pr od.uce b l.lb lJ ....Ti.ble .ad I.rlel,\luprediccabl e ..alue .f or Che rat io sru zrse,aad thlt the r.cio.of MTU / TSS v i i i l ea. r. l l,be ~2 :1 . 4u au a60~27 ~-u .. ..Q..-.... ..0 Q III ....Q,...~~ Q'Z-'--kJ Cll»a,. Z II: III.."",,"III...."...... Q.. .. © N ~~ "C @1\ , •W Z ~~ :>I!!!l > ~•a •~~~•~~Z•~@S •~~ii , Ol E '"'">- ~•0 -0;;~,..~ ~~c Z :il~000'-,,-,~Q 00.-C W 00.8~~:1l :00.2 .•-~.•,•..il!0~•00.0 Q •:l~N • "••t:~C ••00'••~~•O••.;•O. O. O. ••........•0'•••••••••·..~•••..:....~•.....t•: ••#4...•,.•• •, •." •,."••••."-•••." 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 •••N0000 0 0 •••N •0 •••N •- CnWI A !I a I 8 ~n l 5-24 @..~~~..,;"l ;;-z~~2 N W I1!l-..•....0 0'"I!!!I > 8 ~!e -S~;;:_.0 •-:!leg ~~ N -'c:.11)0 00 •......0 0 ~11;!]•.."o.~lB ••t:AI~C:~~~~=OE •O• •0 '•III •2 ....-•0 -c ...••0 ,..0•C III•e E ..~E w>~••-•u!:Q•III cO ·zIII_.....Ill:all»'""'0:..C::;:,en I ....:::l•IIIs'•••...O'..C•GO•O '..~0••.. E ' •• I •til"D mm lSI CD GI CO CO lSI 1Q....l,Q It)..'"N Z·lSI m""ua '"..'"N ~l CnlNJ UIOI8!1n!~l3., al ~I 5-25 s .)TH E OYJ1SIl 11 00£.:.AIf D IT S US!'01 £ST lKA TI NC TIlE WITH-PROJECT S!DDt!1T UGDI!CHANG! Pred i ct i oal of re ler voir th .~11 nuti flut i on.ice COV ill"Ind out fl ow th .~.l ,lad h ydraulie eha"lc te rbtic.h .y.be en ..d,...ia,•a _rica I -.o de l dlwelo ped b,t _ber "r ,ee a l .(19 71).Vert i cil dh t ti butlOD I ud ou tfl ow c oatlacra t ioll l o f ....I plade d Ildi.,at haYI .110 be en u ti..t ld for both Wlta q lad o...i t C"n,oo r ••,r\'(lire b,~ifJi.ol a ad I IlCIlOdiol th l M US" -0<1,1.The (oHowL al e,-u 'J prowlde_• eo nd ..,l i ap l Uied de.cri p tloa of h o w t hl -.o del o pe r ate. ,in cludiog •brier ducripc ioo of -.odd a li bra tioll udal cI4I t,f ro-!ktacQlI wb. In th e forwu h t i on of th e _delial .t u cel'o f DYIESK.t hl ,dad,l. pbJt\cIl proc.ulU rupoadbl.for t hl _bini of be .t l ad o tbe r _te.. q ualic J ,,_p aQe o U h u',bee n pan_terh,d.!h it ('Dlle re ate with o t her ,{au ill tioo -ode le whi eh .re l .ra .I,..p i r i e .II,be l . d.Th.'Odeli a. ph il ol oph,..plo,.d io MllSK r .q u iru •reuo_bl.\lndera tao d iol o f the ke, pr oe. l l "eo nno lUo.w.ter q ual ity ••0 t h. t th.,_y be pau..t er b ed e or ree tl ,.Th i l proeel l r ll .tl d .pp ro.eh to 'Odll iol h . 1 the .d••o ta ••t h .t th e r el u lt i ol eode l _,r eq ui re leI I eaUbraci.oo .od il -o r.leolraU, .ppliea b le Ch. n Che ..p i rie.ll ,ba , . d _ch ad ,.A If/eo od e oolid.rat ion i o -odel f o r-ula t i.oo ba 'bu n Co b.p Cb.c_pu c .cioo,1I COIU II lawaI poui ble ia o r d.r t o hep r uon io l eOlt.with i n .r . a l o o. bl.l i .it.Th h allowl f or a l rea ta r o ...be r of .i..ul.tioo ru o.to t ••t th e 'eoli tivi t ,o f ou tflow e ba r. ec er i l ci e p r.dieti ool co _jor va r iable...uch I'iot.ke o""r.tial po U c,.nd envi ro_ellt al fl ow r .qui re _,ut l.tba n i.f ..ar.t i _ cOll .....i ol -ode ll Wl!re lIIe d .na il h .,n.eeui t.te d the r e l trictioo of .,.tial va ria bilit,to o ne di_n.ion (i o t b •.,ertical )Illd t he adop c io n of • f un da_nta l t i. e i oe rt_ellt of o ne da y .Ce rta io ,o,ai c.1 proc.....re q ui r e c i_at e p.,bo tt.r Ch ao one M,.l a Ch ia c ••••t he _del aUo".for l ubda ilJ ti-e ioc.rorall a ....11 ••00.q ua r t.r bour. • 4 25833 860U1 5-26 (ot her th . n <h.upper ,", n uxe'...pecifhd by <h. i,p r ope rt ie .be t "e.n <h. i,.",0<_pirin l ly b., The fo llovhla ditcut.ioll d IMon.tr . t e.th.t t he princi~l pr oee u e. re.pontibl e f or r u er vo ir .ix ina ..y be .deq ....t el y ~u..eteri.ed .nd ••ti.f.c to ri ly rep re.en ted v ith in •one-dillen.ional fr.mework. rir.t t lle re.ervoir or bke Ln que.tio n b .ubdhrided i nto •••r ie.of h or h o nt.1 .bb.of ".rying thick~u.vol~••nd cro..-.ectiolll!l ar~a.ia acco rda nce v i th th e pree-e ribe d re.ervoir geo-et ry .Th e n ...ber of by.n it al loved to vary ••requi red to repre.e nt t he vertic.t di.t r ibutioa of h e .t .ad di ..o lved .0Ud.to v i th in ••peciEied .ccur.cy.The uppenlo.t byer ..y be t hought of .II'cor re.pondins t o th e l ak e'••urface layer or epilimaion v i t h it.be.e beinl loca ted .t t he th e nDO cl i ne dep th a lld it.to p .t t he I .ke .urhce.Thh layer ia the D).t i.mpor t ' llt ..it receive.t he direc t input of dmo.plleric foreina .nd h u.ually a"oelated v i t ll tlle larlen sradien t. in "liter quelity proper tie..A.di.cu••ed l.te r .t hi.bye r recei ve. apeeia l attention in t he _del cOlll pa re d to othe r l ayeu .Wit b in e.ch l.yer the v.riab lu a re can.ide red to be u oifonl.Heat in t he fonD of .o lar ndi.tion h ill put to each l.yer .ccordinl to the pI1y.lu of a baor ption of .hort v.ve r adi a t ion (Beer'.L.v). The t u nd er of he.t be tveen d I the byen I.yen)it deter.,ined by the ve e t Ice I tur bu len t t urbu lent e ddy diff uti vity .nd the d i ffe re nce. byen.The v.lue o f t he vert ied d if fu. i vi t y follov.the ene rlY .rSUlllltnt.of O_idov.I n thb ...y tlle ve rtic.1 mild ns proce••re.po nd.to ch,llie.in t he level of ene rgy .v.il.ble for Itlxlna c.u.ed by .tor...(vind ttirrilll).nd .1'0 by the potenti.1 enersy re te••e d fra-inflo"ing ri ven.In .d dition .thi.internd mh:in a fo",ub~ion indud...t he inhi bi tinl effect of lac.I nutiEic.tion re t ee on t he milli na s rc ee ••• Ezperience ha ••hova tha t it i .eeee ••a ry to couider the indi.vidual p r cee .."cantrall ins t he ..ixinl in t be u ppe ",o .t I.yer.knovn ••the upp er mize d I.yer,in •lDQ re de t.iled IMane r th . n in t he deeper l . ye n.The. e p r oce ll u ere viad .tirring,ee ev ee r tve coo ling .the .he.r .c ro ••the b..e of t he lIl ized byer,t he .tabilizing effecu of the .b.orp tion of .hort wave I 4 25833 860527 5-27 I i, ! -- - - - - -- - - - ----, radi.tioa lad the deadt,.radieot at the be l.of the 1,yer.n.._thod iravoh••s the couideration of thr••e oo"1'vltlo1'1 !!qUlltiOD'.ithia the la,lr, tbe e on' l r v. t io"of h••e ,dh.ol_d l ol id.,lad t urbulent Ir.i_tic:eOlrl'. Sal tlLlon of theu,eqlatiolll pradde.III l ui. ' t e of th l elllr"Iv,it-bl.for .biol the upper lay.r vith lo••r b,Iu.One uaiq ...felture of thh upper .h,d bytr fOrWIulati oo h that i t aUo ...f or t he influence of Itrool iot'l'aal _tioa.kaoWlll II I.iehe.,00 the .bloc lod .eepeniol o f the .pper I.,er to be taken inco lecount . It.br ief e llpll D.a cioD o f "lnd Cto.ret ina of the",internal _tion.or .eiehe. provide.In ell••pt,of how.tva Ind thr ee-di_en,ional pro cel'occ urriol i n • r •••r¥Oir i .treated wit bio th e cooteat o f 11 ooe-di-eo.i oaal .ad,t.When ".wiod narU ,.bl ow al ool ".loolituclioal a.iI .f fh.lake tbat h hlitlal1,..re.t,fh..headol .at lo n ..fh......f fh.upper la,er "eooaid.r.d ee Irov ..•eo o. t ant rat.unt il e i t ber ".viod ee ••••e e re ..ene.ia direction,a period of ti..e1 ud t o ODe quarter the period of the naturel .e ie he hal ata'ped,or tha ..rth underloe'•period of r._lut i on oq i.e.a.t ••When an,OQe of the ••l i.ita h .tt.imed tb••h.ar 1.aa t to uro .nd the bu ild-up of int.rllli -at ioa r.e~ne.a.Not ani , do••~h e ahear influen ce the dcepeainl af the ther.oeliae or th.upper la,er tbiekae..,but it ..,.lao ••tabilhe tb e .u a tif ica tio a.ta th "latter eaae the t e.,.ratur.profile it thea a.ooth ed to the poiat where i.t r.-i.aa atabl.v i t h r.apeet t o ahearinl .otion o f the wind fore .d 'Iiehe. Another tvo-d i ..n.iaaal proe ••a h the r i ..er inflow d,DI.ie..If the ri..er vat.~ia Ulbt.r than the UpPlr.o.t la,er of the lake it for.a •nev upper layer o ..ar th.o l d OII a Vhieh ..,ult t..tal ,be ...lla..tad i nt o th l f or.er uppar 1I,.r.CoIl..e"el"for an urull rllo"inl riftr all.entrai.n.lnt eoefHeient f or th a inco rporat ion o f the aurrnundinl l.kl ""tIl'inta the d.aeeadial r i ..e r pl_i.e e ..p u ta d fr ..the rh.r d ia eharle,tbl deaa it, eaaatr.at between latl aod ri...r ....ter,th e a lope of the bott...nd tbe lea-etr,o f the ri.,er bed.Tha 901_.of the la,era al'l then deere.eated leeordial to th e e ..pu t ad dtiil ,e tlt u i_ tlt "01 __at the ....t i_aa the i.afl_inl r iftr ....eer i.e d i.luted 1'1,I.ke _tar until it either rea ehe.the 4258)) 860521 5-28 ••~n la yer 0 1'the cl&..Another po ni b ili t}'it t h at t he daa ait y o f the pl-ain .fh,1',11_..,be r e duce d t o tb u of the ad ja eell t l_ye r d ead ty wbereupoll th e lllUow Milo.to i ot ruM i a to t he _i o bod,o f t he r ...r"oir . Wh ether t hi,'"t r u,ion pr oe •••i.doai a.ted by v i l e oul - buu,.aocy f oree.o r by .0 inereh -buo yancy belenee it detera ined by th e cOIIpu tUion of • lIoa-di _D a lo"1 ,-..-_ter depen dlol 0 0 th e el i ach ar a _,th ,loca l d eo dty Ira diellt ,r"l th e .illioa e t reol th a t th e In'el o f inte t tina.Ttli'pue.e te r thell ••t l the o"l'a l l t b itka •••o f the in f low and th e refore th e _ODe I'in wh ich the i o flo llin l "011._it a ubdivided "001 t he s ht iDg I.yen 1"'l'l'ouod l0'th e l of lov ina depth. Iwil,d,.,o ut flo_u ••..,r h e"1,.,,1 and up t o two 'ubt ur hee le..eI .a re loveroed b y the ...pen _tar \lb ic h det eraioea tbe a-OUDca to be withdrlwn for •.eh of th l Il yeu in th e "i ci n ity o f t he outfl ow poi n t .. To illuatrlte h ow thh _y vo rk ia ,r.ct ie e,i t h u.eful t o e onai der tva e.U_CI.e •• 10 OQe c a u th e outf low 1'01..-ia la rae r e ll t i ft tQ t he .tl biliai"l e f f ee t of the ..b ieQt a t rl ti fie.tioQ (i o e r t l .~buo , ."e,balloe e )."d the o ut f low i. withduwn ne .rl,un i fo nol y f r ..a ll th e I. y eu.In th l If~e o n d (ale,vb ea • we.k out fl ow obu i nl •"il eo ua- buo ylney ba hne e ,th l den ait y arad i ent left re l,CO QfiQ,1 t he ve rti Cil r . lli e of ou t fl o w hy.,.t o t h o••it!th e i ...d i lt.vicini ty o f t he o f f t.ke . The DYtl!SIt -od d hll be en e ll te oded t o ine lude th e infl uen ee Qf Ic e .nd Inow c ov er,.nd IUI , eade d le e eee eeeee ectee i a t hl i o flowial riv er l .Thl e oadue ti oa of be .t lad the peal t rl t ioa o f '0111'rld il t ioa .e roll I e ..poli t l of two 11 "1'1 ,Olle eo-po.ed o f Inow I nd t he o t h er of I ee ,i.eo-, u ted fr e- thl ir ph ,l i ell propart ie a ,lll ael "the'"I e ood uet i"it ie l,e z ti ne t io n e Olff i ei.nt.for l ol ar r ld i lt i oa .nd dea a it il a , .nd fr o-t he I nlr l Y u.alflr•• t t he lu rfeee wi th th e .t-Ol,h.re.c..po nlo tl of the .urfle• •_ray bu daat,.a io th e e.a.of .0 iee-free l UI'f l ee ,'1'.th e :..e o-ioa I Qd o ut l oi lll l one-'••rld i .t i oa,101.1'r.d i .t ion , t he .enli bll he . t tr.nlflr .od l.tlnt h e.t I ze h. ol u.Se ver.I e......,be di ltingui lhed .If ItOr e he.t fl o_upward thr ou lh the i ce th.a Ci a ~.uppl i ed by th e t urbu l ut , 415833 8605 17 5-19 I \ and -ol_eulll'tuolfeu o f heat fro-th e Vlt er to t he iCI!,ice it cruted and ,dded t o th e ••llt inl ice coyer .Coo.e r,.l,.the a bla tioo of i ce at the btl ••o f the I e ••h ••t occ ur.vh,U ao eJ:u "o f h eat i.a pre 'lImt.Siailerl,. the a nov o r upptlr .urbc:.o f th e i ce (u the U ••My be )i._lcad when lu U idal'lc heat it pre .eat t o .Iew au t he l ur bcl!t ..,'neur a "bo..th e he.dol po hlt. An addi t i o_l ph,l i c_l proc...i oc:or pon t ed i n th e ..d.1 v ith l ee co.,.,11 aa allowaoca for ptIrt ial ice co"er ,.ither duria l tb e (nea.-up o r br ••k-up pedod.'ar t ial it.co".r .ccaun te fo r th e v ind ac t i oa i n cl ilpeu i o.1 ehhl .beaU that .i,ht be fo ~.d .a ad h b"ed a D an ........d .i oi_..i ce th ic:Ir.Dua of 10 CII.Further..,r. ,the th ic:kllol!lI o f the 11I 0'1 c ov. r o n the ice it Ua h eel by the luppor tiD I buo,a acJ forc..lIo ciated lIith •,bea thielr.•••a Dd deD .ie ,o f i ce .ti nall"the a.-aUDt o f .ola r ndiatioD traD ••itted throu.h t he .cow l a,er de pen d.o n the th i rlr.oe ••,a ,e and t_penture o f th e 'DO W c o wer.Fraail i ce in p ut fre-the i ofl owio,ri ..n i.ai t her ut ed t o coo l t he upp er la,er.if aD ice c o ver i.Dot pre.eot or i . added to the fn et i on o f part ia l lee c o ver o r to th e thielr.ne ••of th e fu ll ice co ve r . A -ore "tailed d i .cuuioD o f DY K!Sl'l i.p rovide d i n t.ber,er and 'attenon (9110). 5.1.1 l •• t iD,of DI llS"-odel (!lr.lutol Lalr.e S t udy) The DYllSM pr Oln.h ..been ute d eaten. i ve l ,i n Auttn lia a nd Canada to pred i ct h,d ro tber.al e han ete rb tic.witbh lake.aad re .erwi n.f a t e .t DYatSl'l i n p red iet ina t he th e r..a1 .uucture io ,la d an ,f ed re.e rvoi n,I dat a colllet ioD proara.va .e.t l bl ilhed if!198 2 t o ob t lin da t a a D the th .....1 .truct ure o f !lr.luttUI Lalr.e l ocated I pp roai..t e l,10 .t ll.(50 _) north of Aneh orag.,Ala .lla .A wel ther .u tion _.at .o tl t l b lbhe d to proe ide the Dece••ar,..teor olo,icat input t o Dl atSK . Detailed dail,at.ul ation.vere ..de of !lr.l ut na Lak e f r e-J..,.I t o De c_ber ll,1982 for the t983 L i c ea . e Appli cat i oo (APA 19 81a ,tt)ad f re-June I, 425 81) 860527 '-JO • 1982 teo "-7 ll,1981 f or the ttudiea ..de ..fter .ubllittd of th e Lieu" Applicatioa (ruaa-Ebuco 1984&).meee ett.bll.hed the .deq ....c,of the DU1Stt -odel. SWIII.ted and __.ured opertieal C.apencur.profile.It I .t.tioo ia the .pproswe.reour o f the l.ke vert!..de.III ,ellen l ,_at profile.'1'. aodeled to wirhlll O.S·C (1-').Thh il _11 within the obuned ",ri.Lioll of reapencu".at the dau collection Itationa thr ouahout the I.ke. De.btioo i ..._.'vud and ,ialll.Ud profile.e.n bIo ezp lained throUlh III ......_at o f the _teoroloaical nrt-ble ......11 lad the reliabilitJ of the ••••ure_ae of th.,e v.riabl.l.However,even ..ittl el't01'l doa to eari.,tiD, "••ther clara fro-l oureea o t her than th.e:o f the Itltion at !ltIut lla LIolte , the reaper.ture profil •••r .r.'lonabl,a o o1 el. d. Outflow c"peflclln_fro-!klutN Lllte for the period JUlIe 1982 tbroup Ka,. 198)ver.e_p.nd to li.ul.ted y.I.....In len.ar.1 ,for the entire .i.ul.ted period o f J ....1982 through Kay 1981,li.ul.t.d .nd ...Iuled o..t(lo",t"peratur..Ibow e llcel lent alree..ee ,Oedetionl of up t o a.e-e occur between ..elured .nd liauleted t ..perature.ill late JUlIe .nd e.-:I,. Jul,.,1982 .Thit it beliayed to be the cOIIbined ruult of the apprc.i.aate ll.tura o f tba illitt.1 eOlldt tioll Ipee tf ied .t the beltllni nl (J UlI e I , i 98 2)of the d.ulation,encl.pollible wdere.ti_tioll o f ",ind lpeed. The Ii.ul.tad ...rtie.1 t_peratura profilel in tbe r aaer_if i nd i c . te re••oaabl e .lree_IIt witb •••ured profilel.Thit i ndic. te.th.t .I t noulh ....erale _teorol lllie.1 condit i on o v er th e entin period "'ere luit abl ,. ae••ured ,eondit iOll1 oa •da i ly ba.h ..y be i ll er r or .Willd apee d ,i ll p.rticul.r.would h......th e _jor illfluence .i nce .11 o relti..ti.(l~o f ",tlld lpeed would n ...lt ill doeepeninl o f tbe epilianioll d eb WO'Jld re.ult ill WI,..,r outn"",t_per.turel i ll a_r. ,ield ob ..,....t ionl in the ",intere of 1982~198).nd 1981-1984 indicate that the ice cover fora.t i.on Oll Iklutllt Lake bel tnl d urilll the I .tt er part of .c._ber "'itb •full ice c o ",r foraed b,.aid-Dec_ber.tll the 1982.198] 4258]] 860521 , I I \iCI le••o n ,MaESM .I ti...t ed in c ove r fonoati oa to be .la o n Den.ber 1, "i th •fvtl i ce co .,...Oll Dec_ber 2 0.M......r e-ea u _de 0 0 J .o...r 1 11 a ad 13,1983 lad '(bruu,18,1983 ind i ute a n ic e cover th i ckne ..o f 13 to 18 i nch ••l ad 21 to IS ioch.1 re.pecc ivel ,.Tbi .cOII pa nl f.voubl ,with. pr ed l ctld i t .[h ickne l'of 16.S ,Dd 21 . 7 i ac h.1 r e lpe ct ivel, . The nud ,o f Ekl ut al L.".1 de .tribed.,bo.,.,hal o!e-o au nted t he .b ilit, of the DT lLSIt -odel to predict the h ,drothenoat con di tion o f •ahci.l hlle under AI ••ken -e teo ro lo ,icl t lad hydrol o,itlt condi t ion•• Th e e eee eeeeee tee e nd dh tribu tio a of IUlpea doed _edi_at in th "p roje c t rl u er _ir .Ind i n t he down ltr•••river i .an wpo r tll'l c ...t ef qUll lit , para_cer ,ff.er ial (iahery 1'.lo ure. . .Two o t he r _ter qUIIl it,plr._terl, t urb l.dit ,.ad "r tiul i l l_i qtioa .I re r ehud t o t he e oaeea tr l tiaa .nd Ih,o f IUlp,ade.:!..e ee tet •Additi nlUlll y,th e le t t liaa of ...terill i a th e rel erwo ir ..y affect the I to rlle c .pac i t J a ad th ul .t he en erl J prad uetioa of the pro j e ct .Ther efor e .re ri ned .na l Jl el _1'1 ..de uli nl tWO _t hodl t o .I ti..ee the c once ntr-tioa,diltr ibut i oa lad l iz e o f IIIIt erial IUlpended in the rel lrwo ir .nd i u ou t f lo.....a d t o el ti..t .th l ._nt o f ..t .rill wtIi ch,o ..e e t i _.co ul d le tt t.i n th e r n erwoi,.The ri rl t o f thele la.IY lel ~I ..de by e Ktendial th e clpabil ity o f the DYllSM .adel t o iael ude I 'Jlpl ade'd ••d i_at ~elial ea pab ili ti•••t nt ial it "ith I lr.lut ae Laka ot.u lad thea .ppl y ial it t o Wlt.na .The leco nd .nal y.i ._...de u in l I,a, r.liaed tr.p I f f iciea ty a.ti..t el . la I.",ra l.wh ea the Sui t na li.,ar e nt erl th e Wlt.nl Re.erwoir,t he r i ..ar .,e loc i tJ .,ill eeeee••••l ad the l.rS't d ta_ter .ul peaded ledi_ at ."ill .e tt la .ad fa ......delta a t t he up.Ue••ea d o f t he relln..oi r.The de l u f o....t ioll "ill .d juet to the c h.nlial r "ervO lr ~ter le ve l.So-e l edi. eat "ill pa ll thr vulh ch.aaeh in th e delt.t o be da po lited fu r t he r do _It re •• i a th e nler¥O ir .Depend ial o n th a re l.t i ...d eal it h l of t he r eler woir ".ter .ad th e ri .,r Vlter,tha dver wat,r e o n t.t a i aa th e fin .r.aan t t lad 4 258 ]3 860527 5-32 .u.pended .edi~nte will either enter the re.ervair a..n overflow, inter flow,o r ua der f low. To utl..te the __t....-aUllt o f a e di ~lI t depoliti oa t e th.reaerwair elfect iaa ataraae c . pad ty,a eDer.H.ed trap efficienc,eave lope cur_. devel oped by lruae (195] )were ueed.The ~e i lld ic. t ed th.t 90 t o 100 percellt o f the b lca.ial .ed i~at would be trapped i ll •r eeervoir the .he of W.t.",• The re.uln o f tbe .Gl I,.h ue illa Irulle ' .c ur " .i ndi c.te .edi"llt depo.l.t i oa .ill nat .lfect the o pe ra tia a o f .a,at'l e of the project.A cOll.er v.tive ...u-,tioll of •100 peeeeee tr.p effid enc,...ueed to e.tu..te the .-auac of ti..to f ill th e reaerva ir with a edi "lI t . The ..di..ot .paaited av er tha .hort op eretiDa per iod of Wata .a S t aae I would be .bout 25,000 acre -feet ,or I ..a tha ll t wo per ce tlt o f t be dead .totale "11 1_ .The re.u lt a h_ d tbe depo.ition of 4 10,000 e e ee -eeee of udi..ee .fter 100 ,u ra (R.ua-It.aco 1984a ).The 10 0-,ear depoait i.. apprlJ1t i ..tel,4 .3 percetlt o f the Sta l e III Iro..ator.l e va l ~or 9 .6 perceot o f the t otal S t aae 1 val_. Sed i.eDtatloa .tud ie.at a l .da l la ke.i n dica te that tb e IruD e cur.,._, avereati..ee .edi_nt depo.it ioll alld would thu .pr ovi "'e a c oaa ervativel , b iah e ui..e e o f at ora ae lo. t d ue t o depo a it iOll.Thea e a t udie.have a h OWll ..'aat tb.fia..alaca.l a.d lM nt (flour)..y pa "t brou'"t be reur wa ir .5 0-. lak ea i ••edht ely bel o ..ala c ier a have be en r ep ort ed to h .ve trap .ffici ende.of 3S t o 1 0 per c ellt (Oat r ..,at a l.1'69 ;A'Ider u olI,ee .1. 1910;O.U_,ee al.19 10;Oat r_1915 ;I.je UaeD and Dene.1915). Hydroelectric re.erva lr .ce three larae r h en i ll S...d en e :d li bite d .edi. e.1t trap eff l.deDde. o f 5 0 t o 66 pe r cent O.Huoa 19 76 ).&...I aop.Lake , Ir iti.h Col ..b i.,•dee p a l.cia l lake a a the The-p,oll l iver ,r eta ia.all e . t u..te d 66 percent of tbe i aca.i lla .edi..at (.ba ra aad Ca ~ck 1'7'). 1.1uan e "'''e,YukaD Terr itor"•dee p ahcial L.\e 0 0 th e SU.e liver, .pperea t l,r et.iD'.a e.ti..t ed 90 to 100 per c e llt o f i t ••u.peoded .e di_o t i a fl ow (lry. a 19 74a,1914b , 1974c,Pab ne ..t ock 1'74,JarDen 19 74 ). \ 4251]] 160527 s-n All .tudie.e •••ined h.ve .hown th.t the .ver.ge plr ticle .i,e of .edi.ent. le.vinl Il.ci.l lake.it 'lUller th.n tho.e enterinl (I "H Con.ult.nt., Inc.1982d,1\185;O.tre-,et.II.1\16'.Anden.on,ee II.1970;O.tn.,et .1.1970;OItre-1915;Ije1dull .lId OUrem 1\175 ).Thh ceeue e becauu the l.rler particle••ettle out ill the re.ervoir.The ..me .tudiel indiClte thlt qUll't".nd orthocla .e .nd pllgiocll.e f"ld.pln domin.te the .iner.IOIY of Il.ci.l like inflov teJi_ent ••vbile _i.CI,chlorite,.nd I.phibole .hov Iuc ee ••inl pel'cellt compo.ition ill Illchl l.ke effluent •• Studie.of !Uutn.Lake effluent ••nd Su.itn.River ...ple.IDll'lIed Ifter .ettlinl col ....n eltperi..enu indiclte thlt colloidal .ilic.,c.lcite, _Inetite,c la y •• nd 'lUlI,plat,.h.ped qUll't ••nd feld.p.l'particle..., be -ore promin.nt in the effluent.from the project re.ervoir.th.1I they .re in the influeliU (R 6 H Con.ult.nt.,lac.1982d, 1984b,1985). Bec.u.e the Brulle c ur ve."Y overe.tim.te .u.pended .ediaeDt .ettlina in the re.ervoir,the DYR!SH lllOdel VI'eltteoded.The elttended model include.the Ii_ubt ion of .u.pended .ediment ill the re.ervoir io order to refiM the e.ti..-te.o f .u'pended tedimellt COllcencrtcion .nd turbidity.Thil vertioo of the DYIlESH model .....te.ted ulinl .u.pended ledimellt dati collected .t IklutDi L.ke (a "H COlllult.nu,tne ,1985)fra.Nove.ber 1\18]to October 1984.Good 'Ireemellt.o n out flo....u.peoded ledimellt coocelltr.tion _re obt.ined.The following .ection.rle.cribed the -odel ,the te.tilll 011 Eklutlll Like .lId the .pplic.tion to W.t.lI••lId Devil CIInyon Re.ervoin. 5.].]DYlESH Hodel The Iee-ceveeee ven i on of the dynamic ....ter q ...l i ty •imul.t iOIl .ade I, D'fRESH,.....e.tended to include the IlOQe~inl of horizont.lIy .ver'led profiln of ,ulpeoded .ediment.A IIU1l1ber o f key procn.e....ere modeled •• follo....: o 4258]] 860527 meteorololic.1 for ce., '-34 II turbul ent _i.iDI . The _de l •••ddl ,ti_aup.a ad ~.t ie el If:rUl aJ ...l od tie.ere .pccifi<l!d ext e rnal I,.A,v ith teap e ratun l ad t otel di ..ol ,.d l olidl , • .....peaded ."eSi_ot prof ile b pr luc:rl bed i nhbllJ h '"fid d data o r h'" e l t i.atio a .The da ily laUo"v. l uu of e Ulpeoded .e dt_at c:oac eatratioa are .110 i npu t.The di atr ibu t i on of e ". pende d aed l._ot ill the re ••r~ir it chea.ed bJ t hr ee pr oc •••••;by .bill••Irf ('oa...ctlft o \O e rtur a.lod by ••ttlia,.n .c:oo...c:tbe Id juet_Qt t Oll t\d e r l th l den te ,d iluibution bl the r •• •r vo ir,ioe1udia.the c ontribution t o _tet deEll ity of the .Wlpeaded .ed l_ot...c heck h ...de f or de al I t ,l o,,'n lioll ,.lld \tIll u b l.le J erl are .bed . "_chod _._..lope d t o qadi .t he dI ,ules i ll 1 ...l peo .s.d ••d i.-ac (OI'lC . oU l t i oo d ue to ..celina of the I II. pende d ••d i _ac.In predete",laed t l_l a te n 'e l l ,th e yert ieel d i.tlnee I .edi.ent pIIrtiele .inkl et I pre . e ribed ve l o e it,.i.e oep.red t o the .iai._.i.ull ted lI ,.er tb i c:kDe" . fbe .ubda il,.t i ...tep i.th ea d iwi ded b,.I fletor of two unt il t he di.tlaee the p.ert ic:le liaks i a the ti_.tep i.h ..th la the th l.ekllll!"o f the 11,..1' i t h i ' e ll t.re d.III e l eh .ubda i I ,.t i_ .te p.t he 'U '~ll dotel .edi _ at eater ill, .ad l e.will.e eeh 11,..11'11 c:oeput .d Ind .dHd O f r e.aftd fra.th e I,,.er .fbI portio'll o f th1l ud i..ent lIh ieh bill i a t ll the I.,.er below it .dded t o thlt lI,.er. To t e .t t llh ......i oll o f tile DY U SI1 -add f oil'iu .pplic:ebili t,.t o predi ct .u. peaded u eli. eat eo aee ot u tioll'i n the pro je et rn .rvo ir..the upd.t ed .ode I ••.ppliecl to Ikl utll.ll La b ._If AQ(ho u.e ,•.lIdl l l i ke b ,.clu ...liu l1,.,c:l i ..tolo.i uU ,.lad -ar pholo,i u U,.Ii_U n t o t he '" 4Z58ll 860527 5- 35 r •••r l'o in .V'Claa .l ad &1I.1 ut 111 lake.h.".,1.1 1.1'''''1'1' 'p.rt'nt••••of th e ir dreia•• •U ""c oyer ed bJ aI,cieu,ti.i1,u .".r","..i d eate ti_a , ,i.ilar c U ut ol oai eal c:on di tioaa,l a d ,lire o penl ted o r t o b. o pera ted for h ydr oelecu i c:pow er pr oduct i on.lb.hyd rato,iul ....d .'1'101'010,1(11 da u c:oUeuioo pr o,r••u IU licn••••c:oatioued with Mpbe.iI on .u,pIDded .,oti.ea t •••plia.fro-Ka J to "ow N ber 1984. "" ,ur ed l ua plnded ••d i.,at co aee acret iona rla ,ed f ro-O.IS t o 510 ..I I i o t he iaflow nu....fr o-0.1 to 20 0 ..11 i n t he b ile ,l ad fr c.0.56 to 36 ••/1 in th e ou tflow.,..11."..lu..i ll th e i o fl ov e eecer ee in l l u J ul,or "1'1,Au.uU ,ia the la ke La a bout Sep t_be l' ,lad in tb e ou t fl ow ill lat e Jul ,t o .id- Aul uU .Durin ,the "iater,i n fl ow,lake Ind out fl ow U l pende cl I.di••ee c on C:lntnt ion.v era on tbe o r d.r o f 1-1 0 .,/1.Dur la'tb••...-r. tbe I~e r .,••u .peod ed .e diaen t conc.n t r.tion.w. re .ub. t ant .•ll,bi,her th.n wi nt. r v alue .aDd w.r. i ncr ••••d fu r t b.r f ollow tn,l.r, .r.iDf.I I e ~eot .o r p .riod. o f Il,nt ficaot ,laeia l ae l t.Tur b id it ,vallie.lenerall,followed tbe t ren d.i n tbe .u a peoded .edi••nt conce ot r.tion ,dropp io, o ff to t b. vint.r .t ia t low.I.k••• nd ou t f low .i te••nd p••k ial t o .id- t o-I. t ••1I...r. Valli"o b ••rv .d r.n , ed h e-.0.5 t o 510 NTU ia tb .inflow It r .....fr e-.1 .8 t o 220 KTU ia t b.I.k ••aDd fr e-.3 .0 to 46 MTU i n th e out flow. Th.d at ....in.tioo.o f total i oco-in,.u.pended ••di .enta to Eklutn.Lake wllre b•• •d o n th e t otal .u.p.nded ••di.eou ••••u re d tvic.vlIeU,f or C l aci.r Fork .nd E••t Fo rk tribut.ri ...To .i. ula t.th e ,".pended .edi••o t pr ofile i n t b.I.k e.t he .u.p.n d.d .edi••ot .ver a d i v ided i o to tbr.e p.rt i cl ••ile aroup.:0-3 .ic roo.,3·10 .icroo••o d ar ea t .r tbl n 10 .ic ron. . Tilt run.io dica t.d tha t pa rt t cte.a r ••ter t b. n 10 .icron.woul d .ettle r.p id l,t o the bo tto-of t b.I.k e .nd c ontr ibu te littl e t o the ,".pend .d ••d t.ent prof ile ..The ref o re tb . ,v.re not cODl i de r.d furth .r i a tb••t ud, . Th••ni..t ll of th e tot.I inc o-in,.u.p.nded ••cl i.ellt.of e.cb ,rou p v .r. b•••d 0 0 tb .v .i,ht.d partic l ••i ,.d i .tr ibut ion ..Tb •••d i .tri but ion.ver e det 'l"II in.d fr o-...pl ••ta1l;.n fro-EI.t Fo r k .od Clac ier Fo rk ob taine d c 4258 32 860]11 5-]6 -- - - - - - --:-, ckltia.fidd tripe _de 011 July 20,""Iliit 28,and October 21,1984.Th. dall,,utid.lin dhtributioal _re ioterpohted fr_eeeee three bule 4htl'ibutlolll. \ outflow IUlpeodecl ••cli_otl ladicat.the totel outflow 5-]1 n......ultial c_bl.e4 to 4258" 860527 ••di_au _11'...d•••,ar.tel,. of tb...two nvdi.._re thell Awlicetioa of tb"e:llteaded tlTlLSM -odel requlr..tbe 'pecificatioo of a. ioiti.l dl..tributioD of ••ttUD,""loelt,aael the deadt,of tbe "eli..ee , 10 tb.,tud,.tb"••telilll "docicJ of •p.rtiete ,i,.nqt!WI det ....h •• io accor4IDU vith Stoke'.Law.A ••uliDI ".loelt,of 1.UlIIO-6 _tell'per ••coad ..."".4 for the 0 t o ).iullo 'ld'MIlU end 2.0QII.IO-~-eter per ,.cOD4 for the J to 10 .icron I.dl_nci.A.p.lrticle dilUte,of 2.60 __ .toJ io tbe ,cud,.to upre.eat the __lured !Halicy of h"c.2.50 to ].00. o\D .dditioDllI re••oa for the..de"iltion'..,.be .hort-te,.fluetuation.ill laee-ioc .edi_Dt enDe'Dtr.tino.or .edi_at .he di.tributioD'•••re.ult of ..t,oroIOlie.1 or h,droIOlie.1 ,,,,at..The.,.hort-t.,.fluctu.tlon ..., DOt be .eeouDted foe b,'••pliDI the ioflow .t t"ie~"eetl,int.r".I •• n.pr"dicted I!lr.lutm.outflow .u'peaded .edi_at eoaeeatr.tioa.'Iree "ith det.ob t.iaed fr_t he po_rhou.e t.ilr.ee,.ad the _del it therefore eoaddered .pplie.ble to the Soltm.Prajeet re ..rvoin.oa two ace••ioa., the field det••how t_por.r,.Ieeee....in t.lIr.ee .u.peaded .edi_at eoneeatr-tioo.not pr.dieted b,.the DYI!SM -adel.The t ..por.r,.""htloll' ..,.bot due to loe.lI,.trOIlI "iad.ae.r tbe poverhou.e iauke,.ad,beae., -are eoaeeau.ted "illd Iqrl1 .".illble for .ixinl the ...eee .ad .edi.eat. oe.r the iaUke.The,...,..hn be due to lae.1 ero.iaa or eI~ial of oe.rb,...di_at dopee.It it aot po.dble to .eeouDt for the.e t ..par.r, teeat fluet_tioD.io the -odel .iou the "'ether .tttioa it louted 00 the o ppa.ite ead of the I.ke .ad e,Daot r'li.tlr .ueb 10e.1 Wlri.tloa ia "iad•• ---------:-" Th••.auat o f .e di-en t i n fl ..nt of e .ch part i cl .li E're nle _.det 'l'1Iined f r~the .u. pende d ..d i .eot p,lrt icle .i Ee dl .trib uti on c urve of '••pl ea taken ne . r Cant well a ••h o WD in ri.ur .5.l5.F ifteeo percent o f the toul Tbe l a t.aded DtltSK -o4el ~••ppl ied t o li.ul,te the .ul pended ••et i.ent .in th e proje ct ,.tervoir.Ind i n t he pr oj ect out f iovi .Ca ••I-VI flow requ ir ~nt.aad 1970 .ad 1981-81 -e tloro lo .iCll cond it ion.veri con. id ered . Oate on the II,. peaded 'Icli_at concln Ul t io n l ad .he i n the Suti t q I",el' Ire 1 'liI,bl ,It the Cln t",n l ad Gol d Cnek US CS ...plia, I t ,tiO..I.na , p.rt ide dae d ist ribut i on o f chI!.ul peo deu u di_ll.U I t Cf,ae ve ll it .ho,", on 'i,ure 5.15. I ,...d oa t be !U ut q 1.101r..tcudy .th e 1 0.,ellde4 I.cl i_tlt in the Ii'ceq SUa' I ae urwo il'o ut fl ow is u:pe ctl4 t o be co-p ti"d pr ilur ll J o f p.lIu ic1e1 of ) t o 4 .tcr oa.o r l ....Lar IU·pa rt icle.wi ll I ,atully ., t t l,out rap idly without li,ait i c.at l,.I ff.et ias the I vera c.I Ulpended .edi_at l •.e l.in the r ••e r voi r .nd outflow .na er,fore ,••t c lin.of .edi-en t.of up to 10.icroa. h••~.a .tudi .d.The inco-i n ••u'p.nded .edi ••n t .o f up t o 10 .lcron.v e l" d ivided i nto two p,l rt icl e liE e nn l ".nd .a ....1'••• •e U l io.veloc ity v •• ...i ln.d t o r epre••nt eacb liEe unl"The 0 to )and )t o 10 .icron pa rticl e._fe npre .ented b y a o a "eral e .et t li nl "el o clt y o f 1.5 E 10-6 ./aec and 2 .0 a 10 -5 ./.ee f e. pe et i"el y. '-38425833 860527 The total .-.aunt o f u:di.ent i o fl~o t t o the tluer'lO ir ....u ti..t ed by traa.po.iol the .u.peaded .ediment t r.n .port da ta .t t he USG S •••i n•• t .tion 0 0 the Sva itna l iY ef .t Gol d e eeee,rilUTe 5 .16 .hov.tb e u ti..ted r elat ion.hip be t vee n t he d i.ch ar l e a ad aedi_at I _d .t t he la .io l .t .tion . Ba..d o n th i •.-elat i oo.h ip .nd daily fl ov.at Co l d Cr lH!b ,t he da il y tran.po rt r.te."I!re .ri "ed .The. e rJ,t e.ver e tr , nEpo .ed to W,t .na u .inl the procedur e ••in n i n •pre ..io u.re por t (Bar E.-EblI. co 1984.).Th e r e .ult in...o unt of ••d i.ent i n fl uent t o th e re ••r vo i r f o r 19 10 ,1981 aod 1982 ,repr u .nthll y ura of ~.r .ini.......a i ..... nd a ve ra le ••d i _nt i n flo v..re .pp rO>tUoa te l y 4 ,200,000,8 , 50 0,000 .nd 5 ,600 ,0 00 eeee , r ••pe ct i".ly . - -."--~<,r-,- ~~ ~t-.; ~- i=-,: ~:1\- ~\:~. ~\---- : ~ai2S :i :5t2 12o 3ZI8 Cl3.1Y:l1<lN1 NVHJ.ll3N"j .LN~ 5 -)9 a• ! § e • ,.~,,, ~-~\,,,~ "••,•~, ~ [\., f-,,,,, ",,,-=l-,~.<,;:,"<~'(~, '" ,, > •c.,., i "•, "-.,..c,,..n ..."'c,:>, :'T",,"..~,,,•,~;I c ;,\·,,...... "~,\-';..~..c"z "'I c f-\~~•..u •z .. •I ..~..z .. ••af,•.."'1\-.•"~•."II "..-F "c",i c.\'\·~~..z..t: "·"..:>:> l-"·...., f-'",,,, ~, \, ~..~,• \ I G ·I !!~"; U,10....")1 10 11.1..'" ~-40 ,ed i ..a t influeat ..,Il l il aed t o t he 3 t o 10 .ie roa r.nle .nd 12 pere eat to th e 0 to 3 .ieron r.ale. The ,ul peode d 'edi..nt e on ee nt r.tio nl i a the r ,'ervo ir .ad t he o ut f iowl ve re .t. ul .ted f o r t he 197 0,198 1,1982 .ad flail e ond it ionl vith Cllle I-VI doVllstu ••n Oli r equ ir_eat l .ad 2001 e re rl,.de..a d.The o ut fl ail lu.pended .ed iae nt e on eentr.t i on.f or th e.e e ••e l .re .hoVll i n ,ilur.,5.17,5.18,.nd 5 . 19 re.peeti..,eI ,. .Thele r es ult ••h oll th.t 3 t o 10 .ieron par tiel lll lI ill leDeull y l.ttl e o ut i lll t he r e ••r .,.ir.The r e.ults .1 '0 i ndie.te th.t the out flail .ulpellided .edi. eat eo nc eatr.tion .nd,hen ce ,the turbidit y level, 1I 0001d be acre unifo,.thr oughout the ent !....,.e . r th.n f or ..tur.1 c on di tio n..The ou t fl ow I U'pladed IIdi..nt c OQ("enu.uon i n t he ".venle" y" r would r llch i t. l ...n l.we l o f .bout 10 to 20 ...11 i n u ri,.Hl y .nd incre,"it.1•.,.1 t all.I'd .....i ...of .bout 150 ..11 i a July or Au.u.t, w ile th e ..i nI U.river ,edi.ent iafloll ..y '1'1')'fr _.bout 2 t o 180 ..I I i a Oct ober t o Apr il t o II .uc:h II 200 t o 2.200 ..1 1 i o Jul ,.t o Se pt_bel'. Dudol the wiater acnth l ,I1thou lh the IIdi.e nt i n fl oll vill be _Itil ible, •lIrl'po rtion of the 0 t o 3 .icron part icle Ihe .e di_n t.Ln fl ...at duria . the 1_1'.,ill r..-io i a IUlpla.io n fo r .rellth-ely I on.period of ti_ due to their elnv ..ttl i n•.,eloci t ie..Thel.p.rtiele.will cont inue to .ffect the .ul pended IIdi..ee l evel o f the r u ervo i r o ut f low.A.IhoVll in 'ilure 5.19,the ou t flail .u. pe l'l ded .e di..a t co nce at n t i ol'l IIl'1ul d .pprDlch .0_IIb. t of .a equi tibr l ..l e ftl o f .bout 100 ..11 aur the end of Octob<er • •nd then .r.d....Uy de cre••e t o v.rd •• i ai...of .bout t o t o 20 ••11 i n e .rl y Pl.y. In '-"1',.,the do Vll. t re ••IUl p.nd.d .edi.eat c ond ition oe.r th e pro ject .it.lI ill be .f fec te d b y the o pe re tioo o f w.t...S t••e t le.ervo ir .The .~.r lu'pended .edi.ent level lI ill be de ere ••ed fro-.bout 60 t o 3000 ••:1 to .bo ut 60 t a UO ../1 .nd , i n t he viater,the .u.p ende d .ed i_nt 1....1 v iii be t acr •••e d f r_.bout 1 t o 80 .1/1 t n .bo ut 20 to 100 ../1. "'I 42583 3 860527 >-4 1 ...._ex ...1'GI\.1 •~~§Il-•I •I I i I I I .I ~i I~•i i l~~r i., I •I ..I S I~·t I.. .j.-....~·I·i ~.-.,..~...I I j· :-t ,~il'1li-.I ;: I WF!: ,-I II' rT ,l~,,~..~tI~.I -. AI6b..:-,•I -i I ii •0ii't-I .~In I -•3 § I I I I II i!a ~•3 ~~!:O!"r I •!builn~~I ~i t " fII·~p ::.J.I I I ••••9.>Cl 01 ....•• - 5-42 I .....•lED .CCJC .'''''''-'• I!ad I.- r.J 1m ' , ,,! !•~i ~!;! •I I I I ~•i I!'e c ..I I If~~i I·i I I~iI•I.1/,.•,.• .-J ;:"#'";'.~·~I1J i ••~••!~.•3 Tfll·~~i ; ! 100 .'~8'r.i :~~ IIoH 1-~...~••I i;0 ~!-•I 3 ~•w r II.~I w• ~; :.•~ ~~~ ~-.••z •-.·(!ib ~I •· i I;• I I I ,Jrml.,;n I ••~:~ ,.."...w •I•• •, H' I • \ \ \ -.1m .COC.,,"'''-.•i i ~,I·-I I ! !I I~f ='I ~••.•o! i I :r ~~i Io....·.I li ::;I·..·.•!··...I ~~ :..11:'.·..I n I".. 11oI ~..I[li~.. ·.=·..-'1"1 .••,·~..•.5 ~.·.,-j~·.·,F ,f#j, t'I ~~I-".I !~...·-9..:2 ,,- ':I i~"i§•11 0 1 ~'1 ! I -• 3 •; I • II~~§ ~• :~i~~~=:I ~l~,u~ ill t :. I • §Ii .. I I I ••I i•...,.,....~'em;....• '·44 • Modalina t e ch nique s ,i_i la r to th oa.ua. d f o r Vauna SUle t ha"e _eo use d to ••t Wate o u t f low ee di••o t cooceo t r'ti oas f or V' t aaa aad Dotwi l Can)'OIl S t a,.II,usioJ aven , .,.a r lecli_nt in flo..condi tio n.Ind en.!-Vl flo". with e ne ra,~n d .0"11't he .i dd le o f the S t a.e II per iod (F ilur ••5 .20 a nd 5.2 1).Uai nl lata SUIII!t tl e ne rl,deaanda,''''ffal!,.a r .edi_at Loflo..' a od ta..1 491 flo_•••ei._t ••of aedi_lI t d i ,char.e.I re.De..it <:'1:1)'00 Ill d Wn....ae uryoi u h....beall .odel,d (' i l url 5.22 'Dd 5.2]). Gra phi c ally dh p laytd a nd [,b ul,riled r ••u lt.i o dine.t ba t th e ."e rl" _oa th l,.edi.e nt co nce nt ra tion ••t i ..ted.to e~i.t in t he pro je ct di tch ar a'a .i ll be dec re ••,d d u rina e ac h I ucc lud."proje ct ,tl,e (,i l u r e 5.24 ,Ind Tab l ••5 .4.5.5,5 .6).The r e . u lt .aho i o diu te tbe e :r.pec ted dec re••e ia ••d i _at caac.at r .tioc.durici ._r,.clll eapec t elll i cC'reau i c .edi_llt c cc C'.ntrat iOll'i ll .iater . Sho re liae er o. ioa .ill ocC'ur a.a r e.ult o f t wa le o lolie proce••e.: be . cb illl ,ll d ....laO ..e_e at.Th roulb ...._o ve_.llt pr oc •• •e.,.a u llde t.~i n.d •.-oua t of ..t.ril l v i ll be illt rocluc.d te ce t be r •••r ..oir a •• con.eq ue nc.of .ki n .nd ltilaO_1 f lOV1l ••nd .ha l lov r o ta t io nal .nd block .lide..A••r e.ult of t he lIo p.:'ian.bU it,.al onl the .hor.Une ,.11 I.a d.t ....in.t••laOu nt o f ..teria l v ill be c_.u.ape nded i n th e r ••a rvo ir. n a V.t.Da S t 'la I le.e r_i r no~.1 pool l eve l o f e 1.2 ,000 h lene r. l l,. v ith ill the co af!.a••of t he r i..e r ...U.,..A••r e .ult ,th e o..e r burdan th iclr.ue"11 001 the .horeUa.wb ich could be ••po ••d to .lidina would be le..t han durin l St'ae HI .Ad dlti ona U,..t he reler_ir .horeUDe 1e na t b it I e ••t h.n III ur l nl S tal.II I .nd would .1'0 c ont r i bu t e to ....11.1'._aunt o f .Ud••• It h na t po ..i bl.t o .reuratel,.eUiaa te th e ._ua t of ..teri..l IIttl etl ..ill be ca-e un . t .ltle o r ''''p.oded i n ttle re.er _ir DOr t he ._uat wh ich ..il l pa " 425 8))5-45 86 0527 - r ......SCl ex .,"""-,0 ,n·: IIII!!I ,. •i I ••••••0•!•i iij •I••o.i I '0 ·•• ·..1 a I I t·•I.,;I-.d I -..j;. .~:J ~. ·I -, ~..•~"p~!~=..,-•:§i.I.h.I ~~.·. i-• I I.':.i~••~a !•~~-ili'!-~r.f ~ 0aa~ I.~:.tm 1/ ~• ~! u ;;a !~ i l!~~ 0 - 101'i I t ~ i I:0 I ,J,.,I I I I •~•i..:M:I:.C!S .d"I! ~-4 6 • • li: •.1.•a ~c --.~, I I II ,II .! • ..',I ···.-...11. I I I I , l vc..;•":HD 01 ·... • 1 +++tH 1tttttt+++ttttttH+fttttttimti ( ,, >-4 1 , u ...IItt CO<.•'''''''-'•,••!I-I I I ! I •i I ;II~;. i i F;l~;••i om 1:~~11:t- . 0 a !0 .0 I ~1in I 0 0 I N, 'iifH.tt ~ or .0 ••:~•11• o••I ~ 0 0 -i0 I ~,0 o.d.0 II -~I .~I , I ! i1t i -iIIIIIi~"ai~!I , IIi ·i ~;1II.1 r ~ 0ad~,:lI 1/a.> ~~a ~ I I •• I ~•!b~ I ••~~l !0 -I I II I !I I I I .iI t ~! ,!II i !I,I ",.,",.i \:•9 -,•II S •~:•;'.Ii·;f'I I I.!I •••~~r :'VOW .0 :-c:::!S .c S"lS •• ''''8 ( l U"•SQ .:t:H:.'''CA.'•I!·;I.•I I I !!••i I §~i~I~• I'I I I !II ~I;i .~I'I i ••II=C!•,:1.,llit !T I ••,•I II§!• 1=i I~, ~'I ~ ~•, •~~.,:.i1m,. ~~I.I~.~••~••~a ~~.I ':d,•I '.I •'.~l ·I f ••,;:'I -:I J '.,~i a',.,f·1"'01 .a 1111"1 I-••it •a;i;'.-. I :=j 3: I ~~••.!~.••-.!<i ••I~~.-I ~,-.~:••:. ~:.-.-t y ••~.-.I r-'.t'~.I I ,,!'~••I i I I I ••,I I I I ,I ..1 I :I ;1 r •~I I i.,,,•~~;l ~•~•I I I I I ••,j~''--.'-:-c:"3 ..,.,•. )-49 r-E ~ ~ •.--------------------------" 1210 'T"GE I ----'T"OE :D _OOOD'"'T"aE m • \.ME"N N"TUR"L •JJ • -....-;,,--~0~~000.00000..00 ••• M•MfJoN ---.ooooili o 700 000 200 200 100,ooj ..I:i if8~bU::":;?"§ 1000 TSS (mg/,) ~, II ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS FOR PROJECT DISCHAROES Fig ure 5-23 tb rO"lh th e r e .er vo ir a ad con tri bute t o lU.pe nd.d "di_eat ia t he river. The .honllae liepoait.are pd ..d l,.II.ei..1 ti ll cOllpdud of al.1t,.-..ad. (5M)but iacludiol ao-e .aad,.cle,a (SC).Geot.chn i cal in...t illt ioa.ne.r tb.da_tit.hdic.t.ee ee ,of tb e _t.rial ....ll .r tbao tbre.iacb ••h I .he.11..tb.a l5 perc.at it ...Uer tb ....fi'".icroo..lbe r •••rvoir .u.paade d ••di••a t -:>d.lia,indicat••t bat _ur,.l of )to It .icroa.or l e ..will I.n.r.ll,.cOllp rh.t b._t.da l vtlicb r ...la.in .u.paation. Th. r e f o r. ,.alt of t b._teri.l ..nlch _,becn-e un.ub le .ad _y pot.ati.ll,..Ud.,wi ll ..ttl.o ut ia the ,-dhte ..idalt,.of tb••lid. port i oo of the _teda t al onl the .urf.c.of a .lid ,.be c_.u'ploded. lb.':tullr.of tba _t.ri.1 _y be ••pect.d to r ...i a i a ad rIOt bece-. en tni....d.I t h beli.ved th.t .honline in.u bilit,.aa d .ro.i on will coatdbu te .a.t tilnif i can tly t o lU.p.nd.d te di ••nt conc.ntn tioa.j.o t b• •o.t .urfici.l l . , en of tbe n urvo i n,thu.it•.ate i.port.ot _ter q ....lt i,.iapact will be to incna••turb id it ,.a t tb.r ••ervoir'••urbc•• Al t bo ul b ".t l_pariod durin l vII ich ....i n. t . b il i t,.would occur ,. unknown ,do pe failure .m e.p. c ted ee ..hi.hel t "1'1,.i .proje ct op.n t loa •••ee Gecr ••••with ti.e .Ao,ruultlnl incn•••i ..u.peoded •edi_ot concen tra tioa wo uld foll_the ._pe tt.ro. ~.It STUOIES OF TB.!!:lISTING T1I 11101n UGUtES 111 THE S USIT1Q una "IDOLI lUaI ,U ULUTJIA.LAD,UD ESTIKATES OF THE WltB-PIOJECT TVIIIDITY Ileum Tu rb idi t y it a _t.r quali ty cba n ct.rh tlc impo r t.n.t t o .11 fo r ••of .quat ic:life.For th it na'OD IUr".,..of t urbi.di.t,re.i ••patte rn.h,va baao ..d.io the 5u itoa liver .iddla r elcb aDd i o Eklut.LIke ..,.uein. koovlad,a about tb a ••i . t io,turbid it,r.,i...a nd cn-p.ri o,t b~to e.tlaet.d with-pr oj.ct c ooditiolll,qualitative .u lae t u o f project .ffecta ha ve bI.n ..de . 4 2~8]] 860521 5-5 1 5.4.1 l.i.ti~1 Middl,",ch Turbid it,lel t-. A.di,cVl.,d pr,. io u.l,.t he Glturll turb idit ,r .,i -e i .hi,h l,••r i.bl.lad le••aaell,dichota.oul.Durin,the 6 _11th wint er pe d od turb idit ,••lllu .re e.u_l,low (O t o 10 1n'U ) .D,"i ll,the o pea _t.r ....on (KI,to Oct ober)turb idit,velue.It Gold Creek hive been ... .ured fra.0 t o ••hl,h .1 740 NTU ,with even,.velue .o f .pproai..tely :ZO O HtU.Frequent turbidity Wllue.wen re eorded dudnll the o pen w.ter ....0 1'..o f 1983 ,"d 1984 .t ••rlou ....pli~,I tl tiO ftl (Fi, u rll 5.25;5.26 ;5.27;end 5 .28 ). AGl IJ. h o f the 1983 Ind 1984 data c oa fi ~.the hiah vl rilb i lity .ad I pproai..ee a.e n,e turb i.d ity .,.l ue.wh ich h ad be ea re corded fr a.pr e.iou., l ••e freq ue at .a. p li a, . 5 .4.2 !kl utaa ~ke Turb id le,aeli.e . Turb id ity i.a l iar, .,".i ro_"t i••f unet ion o f t h .~al .U uc tur e , wind-.iai.a"r e -eotrl ia.ellt of fi.ne p.rti eul at ••a lan,.hor .tille bo und.riel, leol iln in put o f partid el,t he eo neell tr. t ioa .nd d ur.tioa o f tribut.r y illflue nt o f p.rt i eullte••ad the hydr.ulie .nd hJdr ol ogic e h.r.c t.r i .tic .of the .y.t...The pr evl tl in l bi oleoch..ic a l procel.e .I 'veil..the e l ...ntal .nd .ioe ra lo,ic ('han ete rh ti e.o f the particulate..lao e oot r l bu te to turb id itJ r e, i..pat terol . Turb id ity r e, i ..beh ••i.or pattera.oble rlre d t a !kl utGi Li ke pr o.id•• ph Jl iu l -odd wh ich ..y be ....d t o elti..u lene rel h ed tu r b idit,pa t tern. in WatlGl '1 'lr'O'Oi r . lIbea c a.par i.a.t he two ra ••r woir. ,ho vewer,a t lea.t th e followi a,facti Ihould he kept in per lpect i ••: a The dnina,e I ra.f or Eklutna i .I e ..thin 3 perc ent that o f Wlta",; •• 42583 3 86 0527 •N, ~ •••~ >~ !::a:Owiii>a:- •::;)a: o-eItOZ-Z!::.-e '" "::;) iii'"•a:•::;)Z••0-0·i e-a:0-•we"eLo- :I'",w~ ••o-l:l .~-a:a:•,wu, 0-0•e ... •~o "CI,-w•Clw~~a::z: ",co- :Z:o-•U e'"•-0 'i Ow :10wa:•0-0"'uZw:;ea: :I i••I i I =-; ~• \ II r I ,• I n LNI "LI on " 1 , I I ! ," , • I, ,, ............. '".'.'~( i ······· e,",.,..' \/'-r ",..,•......~ "...''..~.~" ,.::/.....c:···· t . 1:•• '" ,, 5-5] -\ ------ - - - - ----, -,_._-~ I I I I I •• r\,, i ,Ii•-'I 'I.'-.J ••,I •I-'(•••• •r-.......,r,-<,-d<i ~'-k,/!I /')•I.'·I.'"•!• ".--'.-•f,~..-'-;•'-.......,I-..-"j,-,•,-~;,e., --")-I.........•'-~••~•.:-'e ',,>•..-<.--", "-,S •-,••••,•"~...i ,).•• •-,•~",•"->•r., •....,•, -,•I"• I •----~....;'•-:>•--".. t:~.---...: •:';•",J••-, e '•'-••••,•,,,••,·• • • . .-•'........-•••.-a.._..._..•••.-_.- wea:c %(J •.,... -~°ca:(J w ..1!:wa:W c%Z~..%-.,.,-:;,'" "CoZ Z" C W W."w ..a:C:;,....CWa:%w .......~CW..w a::!iw....., C:;,~.,.a: >Ow !:> °iiia::;,.. i••i i >-54 • ---"!E-->.........o... '''~... -"u•- '""0: "T............, 0:I'"~ '"...• ...-..-.2 _.. -- 1117 24 '1 7'4 21 III 1111 Z'1 2.1121 ••IS Zl U " MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 18a~ MOT II: 1 .DIIC HA".1 WAI "I.IU"ID AT THI Ulal GAQINQ ITA TION AT GOLD CHIIK 2 .WATIR f ''''.flATU''.AND TU",IDIT Y WIR."I"'IURID AT TALK.ITNAITATION MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, WATER TEMPERATURE ,AND TURBIDITY IN THE MIDDLE REACH OF THE SUSITNA RIVER ,1884. f i gur e 5 -26 5-55 ... • <• s sz •• ••• -I- ••• i -:;~~i.!j ! fl j i l ••• -I- -I-t- •••a•• ••• ••• •••• II !-1.1 silisJ"!jj I- ••• ~!I I ~~t s i Iliiliiil \ \ o Th.Il."iated ar.a of !kl u tol La k.il I pproz i.lt .l y S.2 pe r ce nt of itl t ot.l _ter ah ld ar'I,which h ,,_ pa ra ble to the S .9 pe rcl a t Illcially conrad _ta rah ld of Wluna.lbe l etual a rel.o f Illcial tee i a !Ir.lut lla lad WI u nl vl te ra hedl Ir.6 .2 .Ue.2 IDd 290 .il . a 2 ,r el pl :tivll Yl o Ikl ut aa La b h ..I ppr odaU ely 10 pe rcall t 0 .420 a ct.')of th e .ur fa "e lrel of t he pr opo' ad W. tl llol.b ..rwoi r (l 8,O OO .cra.). o MaK ia..6e pt h of I kl ut u Lake (ZOO ft.)it 1...thao e ee th ird thlt for Wa t.1II R.llrvo ir (1lS ft.>; o .ao de pt h o f lUll utili Lake (121 f t.)h ie ..t hlD 0111 half th.t f or W.tlna I ..arvo i r (ZSO ft .) i o Had...lenlth o f !U utn.Lake (7 .ilea )h l e ..thlll on e I b th th lt of WltlU bll r Yair (48 .U e a); o Mnia..width of Iklutu Lake (0. 7 .nu )it I...t haD 0 ...teDtb t h lt o f Wl tl U b urvo ir u.n..); o M'''D width o f !kl utlll Lak .(0 .6 .U..)il le..thlll 0111 ha lf thlt o f WltlU ....r vo ir O.S .i1 ea); o Hydr luli c r el id.ace t i_for !klutlll LIke (1.17 yr.)h v.ry .'-Un t o t hU o f Wltu.a R.uervo ir 0 .65 yr.)i o MnUl l ee eee i afl ow t o I kl ut lll La ka (234,300 acr.feet )i.I I " t blo S parc' Dt t h at for W.t.u I ..arvo ir (5, 7S0,26l acr .feet ). Th._x i ...a t o ral'u pa city f or !kl utaa Late (4 15,000 acre ft.) iI allo l ..a thl D S pe r ce at t h. o for ",.t.na (9 .5 .il l io o .er, ft . ); 4 258]] 860 S27 5-57 o Annual vater in flo ... t o Eklutna Lake a od W.talll Rel e rvoir h approlli.ately 60 pe rcent o f the ir r e lpect ive Ito u ,e ca p. c itiea ; ••d a Elti..ted .nnual l e di.ent infl o...to Eklutn.Lak e (I ell th.o 50 , 000 t on i)il le ..thin I percent o f the elt i ..t ed .nnual ledi llent i n flo... t o Watatll Ret er""ir (. pprolli ..t ely 6 .5 .illion toni), Becaull!of the differencel bet...e en !klutna I nd Wltlna i t c. n be npe cted that th e .nnual turbiditJ p.tterlll of th e tva lenti c I J ltell1 would be l i.ila r.HO"'ever ,th e turb idit y l evel l a nd le dille nt c oncent ra ti on Ire e llpected t o be hiaher i n Wltln.th . n wh.t h ll be en o ble rved in !klutn•• n.ta co ll e ct ed It the IpprOlli alt e ce nt er o f Eklutn.Lake frOll Kerch 1982 thr ough .June 1984 (I &K COlll ul t.ntl ,Inc.1982d,1985 )delll on ltrite ~tternl of tu rbid ity beh lvior vtdeh ..y be upect ed It Wltlnl .III !fIrcb 1982 (Figure 5.29 ,KIr ch ,April I nd Kly 1983 (Fig ur e 5 .30),.nd !fIrch,Apr il,HIY l ad June 1984 (Fil ure 5.3 1l,turbid ity ben uth tbe Eklut lll L.ke ice co ver de cre l l ed t o itl .nnUlI .illillum of le i I thin 10 NT U.Shortly I ft er the l ike lurflce i ce IIl!lted in Apri l o r May,but be f ore d g nificl nt gl.cial melt had c o-enced,turbid ity 11 . 1 7 t o 10 NT U throu,hout t he lI.ter eo l UIIQ .VIUl l l J by Jll'le,th e turbid ity h id begun t o i nc re.le ,but no di lt inct lurfe <:1! turbidity pl Ulllol!....1 e vi den t.Th h i nc relle in t urb idit y 11.1 pr ob .bl y d ue t o lI illd .hing .nd /or ve r n.1 l ake ecr n-ev er ,.nd i n fl uent turbidit y.By lIid -l..-er,a light i nc rellel in turb id ity lIere not ed .t th e l ike bott Oll nee r the ri ve r i nle t o r in th e like IIlter c olUlln .Di lt inet turb id ity plUllll!.ver e evident II i nt erflO"'I , o ve r flolll,o r und er fl olll i n th e lake f roal I .te July through ..i d-Sept ember .T urb idity vll uel h .d l is ni fic.nt ly d e crell ed by th e t ime t he pl Ullll!h .d tu veled 5 lII i1el do vn th e li ke .In l.te S ep tellbe r o f 1982 I nd 1984,I t urbid I e ye r \Ill i noted .t th e bo t tOll o f th e l .ke .1 river lIater e n te re d II und erfl OIl.By lIid-Oct ober,th e l ake 111 1 UI Ul lly e ither in i tl fa l l o ver tu r n per iod or h.d progre.ll!d t hr ough i t ,...ith ne .r-unifOnll t elllpeutur n e e .pproll illl t ely 7-C (44 .6-"a nd tu rbiditie l o f l e ..th.n 30 t o 3 5 NYU. 425 833 86 052 7 5-58 • \ =N•~ •..~ ~z ;::~2-.."c...:..-=-N -'"Gsa~GIlGC-...."c';'z 0".."-.."'" •~•• ••• ••• I 'SI '0 ~".-,- [L ['1Af I OH (I ll ~, ~:- .,----t L All:I :il • ::-:::::::::...-.-»: ,--~--------j. •••• ••u. -> 8 --•~; !=·.~•o-J -I ! I • I I \ ~ il \1 ••• ••••• •••-••:c-.14 .....0 Ill'" •••• ••• o tilz.~l i " ~J'•• •BI i "It0~ • z ~ 1110:a--.."c...:..-.....=w·e:ll': OIC a:~ "'c'iz 0"..'"-~.. III •e• u•o •••• ••,• •: •••c " ••• =:c • u ~-!I •• s• : •c------1" •u ---2.....-----J• s• o• ,•• g'l !••=• -! f• ~• _--:;:::::::::::;~:_--­---- • • • !I \ o• • - t1~--------.- 5-60 •• .- - - >otL----.,-__-j > • • • I • ;,. !·,, !, I I UIz·_I ..1 o-, ~ •L..> ~z ;:1Il~lI--.."c.....,..-,.... t:",ca c",..-c~:... "c';z 0".,,,-... '"III ••• ~ ~0 _a ~.'_'-~~2 -::::-.- ••'--1:1----- - -• •• •• ••.ucc--~ ••8i•• • • • • • •••-••••• IllY' ••'0'HJ..JlJ • 5-6 1 - ••• ••• o I -----------------.. T he naul t.o f th e a u.pen de d le di.e Dt lIIode li og of Watl o.Rn er voir III . ,ee "led to ",a C'lU te ledi.e nt co neent ratiool and tu rbidiciel in t he up1t 'llyer. of the _ia bo d,of t he rele tvni r.Thel'"'iauheinD'i.:.diu te [',at the r el etvn ir wi ll be ae_tl ll,u..if o ~i n au.pen ded ledi.e Dt co nce ntr.tion i n Move laber &t •val ue o f .pp ro xilll&te ly 100 _a l l II •r el u lt o f ilotheraa l conditio n.a nd ..hill ove rturn induced by v ind l.Wben the reu rvoi r ice c ove r fo n..ho .'oJ to late No,,~ber it .ini.i.el ..in.-ldl'll of t he uppe r 1. ,er,of t h e r """'Two !r.AI c lel r,i nca.i ng r ive r wacer e n te r.th e rele t yr,it o...r ~h .'uf fue ,an d I'.u.pen~d a llcial ..t eri.1 .ect ln,t he I",di_at co nceQtu tion .1..the ."rhee ..ill e ee reeee ,Iy JIlluaf,. cooceo tu tiont o ea r th e I "rflee _,be .pp rolli..t e l 'J 10 ..II.Se di_nt e onc:ell tu tio n...ill i ne rell e ..i t h de p th i n t he re.e no i r .Th i .pattern ..il l be e ..en ti.l1'J uach .naed throuah out t he ice e n.er pe riod .Hove.,..r, eoneen tr.tion.ne.r t he .urf.ee "'J deere ••e to • 10 "o f S .a/l l .te r i a the ..i n te r,ju.t p r io r to i e.c oye r -elt-out o r br e. k- u p. lea iaa i aa i a Nt 'J,tbe inf luz of l u.p.o de d ..te ri.1 e.u.ed b'J .no ....lt r unof f .od pr ec:ip itet i oo ..ill i n erelle 'u'pended ledi.-ea t c e eee ...t ut l on M.r t he .urhe e.Flo'"will 11 ' 0 ,",o te r t he r u eryo ir be lo..t he 'ur h e e .nd eooeeot u t io a."'J h ere ...thr ouahou t th e r e llrvo ir d ep th.Coaee n tu tio a. ae.r t he .urf.e•••••i.ul.ted to i oe r e•• e fr~10 ..I I t o 1 10 ..I I b'J Jul'J 1 .ad t o r e-l ia .t t he ••l ey.l.throu ah e.r ly Auau.t.The.e eonee nt r.tio n • • r e .i.ullted t o in ere.1I t o •IILllli.....o f .p p roll i lll.~e ly 200 lIla /l .t •de pt h o f .pp ro.i_t.ly 100 f ••t .Th.e oneen tutinn M.r "e lurhee a'Mu lly de er",e.t o .pproIl Ualt.l ,70 _a ll by Oc tobe r,.nd the e oneen tr.tion .t the lOO-fo ot d epth a eoer. l 1y deer e ••el t o IS O .a/l .t t he ""time. Turb idit 'J 1...1 .ia the ..i a body of t he r.'erwoi r ..Ill aene r.lly follo w the ....pinero ••th e .ulpea ...·d .ediae nt eone.n t utio a but -'J be .eft rll ti...Ire.ter.A.di ,eulled e'l'li er ,turbi.d ity c.n be .pp rollill.te d (in .out h ce n tl'l l AlI .un Ieee Ie h.bit. u )by _u l ti p l'J ina th e "di_a t 4ZS8]] 860511 5-62 r conce nt n tio n.in .,11,b y e e l e' l t tvo to ,e t th l t urb i dit y i n IfT U.thul , (",rbi d ic i ••1'Ie..r t he ....rfAn ..,.be ell!"'cted to be .pprQl:i ..Cely 200 NY U in November ,<lee r ....t o 10 t o 20 tn'U by J a nuu'"e e..ill ee th l t l ev el t hroul h o ut .,htel',l nc re,••be t "l!eo K.J .nd July t o 200 t o 100 IITU .od I'em. i o .t t h. t l evel un til lIov ••ber.Av e rlll l!mont h l y ,e dt . e nt c on ce oe r-t i Dni l od el c,..t ed tu rb id i t i ••in v it h-pro ject oSheh'1'lel h.". been c.lcu l.te d (Tl blea 5 .5 ,5 .6,5 . 7,I nd ri au re 5 .32). The I ....pended tecH_o t c:oncenCu tioDi .Ild neeee t he turbi di ty hI t he reI c h be tween Wl C. n•• nd t he S"'li t na-Chuli tna co nf lue nce "ill be c ont ro l led by th e co oce ot r.cioll in t he 1'. '''-:'1011'r ei •••••1I d by 1111 contribu tion f ro-t he re.ch .Th e con t l'i buC:'<>o fr lllll th e r e. ch i.not n pec ted t o be l i.a nl Hcto t ,iace th e tr ibut lriel Ie_ra lly coauta cl.l r illite I'In d there wHI e.,.,a tual ly be l ei I a llcil l fl our pte lent in th e I t reea bed o r o n th e baak l w':I ich a 1a ht be e nt ra iDl!d i a th e flov .Du rial 1_1'fl ood periodl th e ca nt ributia a f roa th e in ter ft ·.ina I rel l _y i nc rei Ie conce at ra ti.o al i n th e ..inl tea ri.e r due t o r e lu l pen l ion o f pre vi oully depoai te d _te l'i l l. The I Ul pende d ae diaen t concen tra tio n My Ive ra le 100 .a /l be t ween June and Decea be r.Ave ra ae l'IIy a uapende d lediaent concent ration ..y be )()t o 40 ../1 .Thu a,turb idit ie a will pr ob abl y I . e rale lbout 2 00 rtt u fr o-Jun e thrOU lh Deceabe r a od e e e e eeee t o .tni....a l",1 of 60 to 80 IIT U by el rly ..r- 5. 5 &ELATI ON SHIP a~TVE [N TUIiIDI Tl A"D LICBT TIANSMlSSI ON Th e io teasi ty o f pho toayo theticallJl a cti"e radiation (PAl)at dep th Z (I .> ca n be upre n ed l a In u poll en t i .1 decl y f Ul'lc tiol'l of t he a ur hcfl Illht Lat en l ity (to>'th e dept h (U,11'101 t he nep tl.e utioc tioo coe tHciea t (a).I uch tha t : I • I e -n••• 42 58 ]) 860527 5- 6] rA llLE 5 .5 SUStT '"HYDlOU ECTU C:PROJ ECT MATUJ.AL AIlID !ST l HA TED foItAH HO !lT HLY SUSPENDED S EDl KENT OO NCE NT ItA TiONS AND APPROXIMA TE 'ruaetnrrr VAL UES EXP ECT ED TO exrr ""TAMA /t£Sf;RV(H R DURING STAGE I OPEkA TlO NS STAGE I OPERAT ION E .~i ,...,t c 4 MU D En i&llte4 Obl e 1",ed:Salpen4ed SuI ;t!04ed se4i_,t "'n,..1 "oa tb ~i_nt Cone,·nt rl tlo",,)../Coae:ent rI t i 0 0 ,)..Turb i 4i t y (.,/0 (../1>",UZI J I "'uu'y <1-8 "130 Februlry M.A.".10 Mlreh 1-6 "90 Apd.!M.A .30 60..,n -l,1I0 "10 J OM 15 1-1,860 ".10 J ul y 100-2.790 130 260 Au.ul t 158 -1,0 40 .10 '" Se p te_be r 2)-812 90 180 Oct o be r 7-140 100 '00 Nov _ b er N.A."'90 Oce e-b.r ".A.".10 1 /Dat i 4 er i "ed:{r_Tlbie t .2.4.28;fr_!Ilh ibit E.OIlpter 2 41 tl (APA. 198 5. 4251]2/5 nOU8 5-64 r TAIL!5.6 SUS ITMA HYDRO ELEctRIC PROJECT ICA TURA L AII'D ESrlMAt!D !tEA"IIJIffHLY SUSP!IltIED SEO UIE,"OO MCENT IlA T[OMS AN D A'PROllMAn;T UlIIDI T't VAL UES EXPE CT ED TO EXIT DEVIL CANY ON RE SERVOIR DUlING STACE II OPE RA TlD NS STAG E 11 OPERATION E.ti..te d KUll E.ti..Ced Db . en "s...pended S...p ead l'd Sed i.ent Mi....i_1 Hoo <h Sed i .enc Cooeent re tion .l'Coacen t r.cio....ll Tur bi di t, (III/I)<../I)."", J 'OU U1'(1-8 60 12 . 'ebruIE'''N.A.45 ,. Hareh ,-...•• Apd I N.A.30 ••..,6541,110 30 •• June lSl- I . 860 "II. J ul,.100-2 , 790 II.m "UIII.t 1S84I,040 II.22 . Sept_be l'2J-8 12 ..II• Oct obe r 1-140 eo 16. Mo Y_bel'II .A.eo '60 D.c_ber II.A."15. 1 /Dn a d erived fro.T.bl.!.2.4.49 in Exltlbi e E.llI . pc U'2 (APA 198 5 ). • 42 5832 /5 1S0221 5-65 r I TA BLE S . 7 SUSl t MA Hl DROE LECY1IC PROJECT MATUlAL AND !srUtATED IlEA N HONTHLY SUSPEIfD ED SE DIMEMT CO NCENT RA TION S AND APPR OXl KA Tl TU.B IDITY VALl'!S U P£ClED TO !lIT DU l L CA NY ON 1£5ElYOIl DURII«:STA CE III OPERA TlD "S STAG E III OPERATI ON Eni,ul CO"d Mun Ertiaa te d Oble ry"Su'p<!DdH Su.pend H Sed '.eat Hin i ..1 !'lon eh Se di ~n t Concen t rl tion'!'Conce Dt r l tion .J1 T urb id i t, <../0 <.../U NT uV Janul ry <1- 8 55 110 FlPb ruu '," .A .SO 100 ~r ch H "'0 Ap ri l N.A."50...,6 5-1 ,110 15 30 J un e 15 1-1 .860 "" Jul ,100-2, 190 "1 50 Aulu n 158-1,040 "150 S.p t ~bef 2]-812 55 110 Oc tobe r 7- 140 SO 100 II OIl'n1b er M.A.70 140 Dec_b"'r M.A.70 140 11 Dnl deri..,ecI froa t .-bl e £.2 .4 .13 i n h h ibit E,Cblpter 2 (APA.1985 ). 1 /Turb idit y ...I t i ..t ed b,lI .i DI f.rto r o f (l l )tl.e .TSS c oncentrat i o na • 425232 / 5 8 S022 8 5-66 --~---. I I i 300 250 (NTU_21'111 ItrllTl,h o....,U!.....T II 'I • \ \,\UnU"2aT ••J ('flU.hTIII •JJM•MFJo ----- ---:IIII:AN NATUIIIAL N ITAQI!m a -0';°0,..--,-,,g I g , SUGI!I :"~.O O OO ~s , 0 0 0 J 0 0 :I %0 I••ITAOt:D +0 0 I 0-__-..00 0 , ........0 0 I'.. '"00 :,r .....', 0,(>I '.~OOO ;',... 000 I 0°0 I,......0.,I "'~o I~~I ~0 0 I~~'..,j 50 200 100 150 TURBIDITY IN NTU's ~, ~- ANNUAL CYCLE APPROXIMATE MEAN MONTHLY TURBIDITY VALUES FOR SUSITNA RIVER MIDDLE REACH Fi gure 5-31 lbi.r.latioalbip b.l bna v idel ~upl?ud .ad Yerified i a li_olol!.lind oc ••no l r.phy (We t ~el 1915,Hutchin.oa 1967 .ad 1915). To ia".uil.te t he .pp rolCi••ee rel.tion l hill betwen ¥<!rtlc.1 lilht U.n_il.toa .lind t ur bid i t ,.vbicb .i,tl t elCht under 'l ith- proje ct cooditiolU, V.n Ihuveahu,..e .nd E.Woody T rih.,..lind A..ocbt.a (1984)h•.,e ..de .a e.piric.IlJ do!rlve d .pprod••t i o n of •r e lat ion. h ip be tw..n .ctenutlon of .,e r tica lly t r. n ..itted rA .pe l'unit of t ur bid it y.For thia r.I.t iooahip , d.lIta collec ted in tha Ihci..l fl our i.pact.d Eklvtna LIlt.,f r_undiaturbed .lind phc .r-.in••ff.cted .t rea••i o i n t.dor Ah .b,f r_....ri ou ....pti nl po i nt . i n t he Suai.tna Ri.,e r dnia.se balin,.ad fr_laik A""h•.,.b. en pool.d f o r de i.o Iyo th••hilll •-odd rel.llt inl t urbid it ie•.lind ...i ... e u phlltic eeee d.pthl (i •• •the d epth to 1 pe rcen t PA.).lb i ._pidc.lly deri"e d r elat ion .h ip h i .bee n sri phici l ly r epre ••nt ed (P il ur e 5.]]).I t ..,. ..y be ••p... ...d ..t he r el a t ion be tW ••1l ...i ...euphotic lO ne d.pth 1.11 f e et u:ft.).lind t ur bidi ty (T)i lt llII!phela-eui c turbid ity ua it .(1fTV ).III f o llo wl : Z ft.•..60S (0 .54)+0 .0117 T } Si-ilar .ffo"u by oth.r vor lteu intanUed in th.r el a t ion. hi p of phntoaynth••ia .lind turbid i.ty h •.,.produ ced .ddit ional .lind e_p.r.bl. r e l .t ional .i p.bttw.en phot o .ynth.tic c o-pen ..tion do!p th..lind t o rb idit y produced predaa in. t el y b y pa r ticula tu in ae venl lo ut h c. n t r .l Ah .bn l.k••• Lloyd,loellinS •.li nd La Per rie re (IUS)p roduced the follov ill S relat io nlhi p be tween e upho tic wne d.pth (UO).li nd tu rb id it y (t ) : 10 1 IZO (aa t.r l)•1 .141 -0.60)101 T (1'2 -0 .85)(EQ .S.2) E"und.o'll .li nd loeni'lli'(1'85 )h •.,.d.ri .,ed a a .nal.sou.r . l. t ion. il i.p to the prec.dillS ODe,aueb that: 4258)) 860521 >-68 - • ---- - -' TURBIDITY (NTUal lUl'MOTIC zc.IXlI'TlIG&(un +Oblitt~~.S04'IIITlltl/fIOOT) ILWOOOT ,.tMl'f AIm ..IOCIATII ......I AN EIoIPIRICAllY OERlVED,GENERALIZED RELA TIONSHI' BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND THE MAXIMUM EUPHOTIC ZONE DEPTH (1 ,0 ..P,A.RI Figure 5-32 l og U D (_un)-1.22 70 -O,66]~l og NTU ('1'2-0.94)(EQ .~.)} The btte 'l're lationlhi p (de ple ted in r i lure ~.14)h l l I ..jer i a fleetio " po in t in t he c ur ve nllt ing turbid it y Ind light pe ne t n t io n Into bkell .The i _po'l't lot ioflect i on &O~O(eun at t ur bid ity l eve ll o f ~t o 10 !lT U vIl ieh c O'l''I'elpoo d.to euphotic e eee depthl of 4 t o 6 _ten.Wh il e t h ~to 10 IlTU I.vel h u high li,nHICl a ce in I l ku "i th po te ntia l ly dee p eu pho tie &o nn , 'I'.lItlv.ly Iha l lo"d ven luc h ..the SUli ul are not likel y t o 10 le l ubl u nt il l euphot ic tone a rea un t il l u bnlat ia l ly h i lh er l e nll o f t u rbi dity (i .e.30 t o 10 !lT D)ee eee ,The Ipp roxi.-.te euphotic tone dept hl (in _te'l'l and fe e t)per tur b idity u ni t hl Ye bee n ellcub te d Ul illl e ach o f t he p'l'evioully 'I'efer.need eq Uit iool ,Ind ul ing t he .an pr eGl eted value o f a l l three IIqUitioo l (Tl b le ~.8 ). S .6 ESTIMATED FI SH EIIES IMPA CT S OF AM ALTERED SE DI ME NT AN D TU.IIDITY RlCtME IN TIl!MIODI.!REACH Orglail.1 _h t i"l ill d"en,whet h er Illdally iaUue need 0 '1'ao t,Ire lik el y to be l pedllbed t o e x in i n lo tic ea"i 'l'o_eau (I..l gle 'l'e t 11 . 1962 ;Gi.lI 19 11;llynel 1970,19 73;Merrit t a nd C ~i n.1978 ),Sal.oa,both ~~and Oneho'l'hyn eua ~,h ave probab ly e'tO lve d t h rough I t lel l t tour _jor Iee a.u,1.""'1'11 .inCl r Iee a.el,a nd inte'l'gllcial periodl whi ch t fiok pl ace du r in.the ,Ia i ltoc eae (Pli nt Ind S kinoer 1911;Ne tbo y 1914 a nd 1980; pee e a ad Illtteo 198 1).During t he i r n ltura l dilpe'l'l ionl I nd I pedl tio nl i n E ur ope lo,Al iln Ind Nor th A_r iCI n "Ite'l'l be t ween 35·I nd ;0·No r t h l l ti t udel ..I _ a hive UlIdnubte d ly e"counte'l'ed a nd eadure d h iahl y .,.ried 'I'i"e'l'i oe led i_at 'I'e. i_ l .Al l e xil tin.apeci ..of aal_a h .ve evol ved b eh lvi orlt .nd p'l'el u.abl y a enet ie I dl p t.t io na f or le lec ti ng I nd I ur vi"i na i n .q....t ie eav h o_nu vtl ieh .'I'e lub je ct to v I'l'ilbl e I.,unu o f I Ulpe nde d .edi_ot,turbi dity aad ledi_a t.tioa.10 geoe'l'll .III_a tend to I"oid b iah I Ul peadad led i_li t eo neeat'l'l tiolll,h igh turbidity I nd a rel'..ith high 'I'.te l of le d i.-n t.t io n. Ma lt 'I'el e l'l'ehe'l'l hi ve e ooe l uded thlt the prod uct i v it y,bia.all Ill d heal th o f _oa t aq Ui tic org.oi'.1 (in el udio g _I t a.l_a life eyele Itlgel)i.n c old - 42~']1 '60 ~2 7 5-70 M M, ~ ••, ~--:>~... Z-, >•Z ... 0 0 00G•m•~••:>•....;•0,••...0•"•0 -"•G 0:"N..•-0 %•••...••..0 ••0 ..0 .Q•••..•,Z•s •0Z•0 :>N...0 Z U••••0 ;:: ~"0 %..•:>..•••..•0•:•••.;0 ..N :r.au DOl •..';z •0 •;::•••-e ••0 ..0 ~..z•~i..••%0•...z••z• 0 ..0 ..0 o ::r-...~"4 0 0 z "N N ~~••(W)0;3 0z,•0•;; II 5-7 1 , TABLE 5 .8 S U8IT NA HYD ROEI.·y'TRiC PROJECT APPiOllMA!!EI'PHOTIC ZONES DEPTHS PEl Tt1R IHlH TY IJN IT CAI.CUUnO U81 11;THREE Dlfr u.U r REUt IONSH I PS DEVI!.LO PED FOR CLAC IAL FW UR AFFECTED SYSt DtS I N SOl1T'H CENTRAL AU SIA EQ .<5 .D EQ .<5 .2)EQ.(5 .)....N V.,Nieu_nbu ae •••Ll o ,d et a l •Ed.undao n and l oeni'l , a lST I MA tED NT "tribe,1984 1985 1985 U D (ft.) 30 f<1.80.,..f<1.17.,..f<'.3 40 1.13 3.7 1.52 4 .'1.46 ,..4 .' 50 0.97 l.'I.) )4 .4 1.26 4 .1 3.' 60 0.88 ,..1. 19 3.'1.11 :._1 3.' 70 0 .79 '.4 1 .08 l.'I .co 3.3 3.1 '0 0.73 '.4 0.99 3.'0 .92 3.0 ,.. .0 0.67 ,.,0.91 3 .1 0.8',.,'.7 100 0.11 '.0 0 .21 2 .;O. " ,..2.' 110 0.55 I.'0 .82 '.7 0.76 '.4 '.3 120 0.52 1 .7 0 .78 2.'0.70 '.l ,., 1 30 0.49 I .•0.7S e.s 0 .67 2.2 '.1 140 ~.46 I.'0.11 2 . 3 0 .64 , .1 '.0 150 0 .4)1.4 0 . 68 '. 2 0 .61 '.0 I.' 160 0.4)1.4 0.66 ,.,o.ss I.'I.' 170 0.)9 1. 3 0.6 ),.1 0 .56 I .'1 .7 180 0.)7 I .'0.61 '.0 0 .54 I.'1.7 190 0.)7 1.2 0 .59 I.'0 .52 1.7 I .• '00 0.34 I •1 0 .'7 I .•0.50 I.,I.'21 0 0 .30 1.0 0.54 I.'0.47 I.,I .4 '60 0.21 0 .'0.4Q I.'0.42 1 .4 1 .3 300 0 . 24 0.'0.4,I .'0.38 1.3 I.' 4 2583215 8 50228 5-72 - I I I I ..t el',lo tie h ,b itl U .re i nve ru l,r e l, ted to t he ..n o f ....11 p.rt leuhte.i n .....pe o. i on or 'd t le d i n th e int entic.,of t he .t r.l.bed 'lIbl t rl te (sh e"lad Ma,"1942:Stuu t 19531 ,19 S3b u d 19 54;Cordone l ad lelle,196 1;C"lOper 1965:[lutein 19 68 a n d 19 12 ;Ci bbo ...Ind Sdo 1973, Mat.Acad .Sc hll ce .19 73;HYP I!I 19 10 a nd 1973 : Br u.vea e nd Prlthlr 1974, I joron , I t .1 .1917:h ••o t o , e e .1.19 1&;Sorenl on,e e II .1971;V.rd lad Staaford 1979 ;Mun c,ee ,Ill •.,79 ;Reh er e nd Bjorn 19 79 ;Ahb,uur a nd L loyd 1980:Bell 1980:Meel.lhnd e nd Brunell 198 0:WL1bt'r 1983 :Llo yd 1985 ; Pete n oo ,t I I.1985.).Atut e .ffettl of 1...lpe od ed le d i_at I o n e ith er re er iol j Uft ol le o r .i ,ret ia,.dule ,.I_nidl .re u.ual ly DO t d eUtu bl.n t onee neree i onl 1...thin _\llli-hundred e o r ....n .\llti-thou.lnd.a t .U U.n ••per li te r (lIo lll e 19 18:SIo i th 197 8 ,Ro u 19 82,Gi bboa••a d 5. 10 19 13 :_jorrlO,et .1 .19 71;1_-oto e t .1.1918;&ell 1980,L l oyd 1985 ; Peter.on et .1.198 5.).Effe ct .o f c on ti nuo u.i nor , . ni c .u.pended .edi.eaU .t concen t n ti o n.betve eo 0 .od 100 .Uli,r •••/li te r o a r e.r io, j Uftn U e alld a du l t ..I -onid.a r .......11 'no t4Id u ei t h.r ne ,li ,ib le 01'•• •I i,htl,reduc in,th eir h ellth and .ur vi Ylbi.1i t)'.Coat i nuo u.e llpo. ure t o fi ne ud i .enu o f f re .hl ,fert Ub. d e l".iac ubllt in,q,'a nd <!e"loplal a l e~ia.i.freq uent I,ao ted a ••tre ••f ul if a o t l eth.l. S t u di ••ha..e not be.a f ound wich h .ve i a ".ti.a~e d aad r eported t he e ffec t . of c notlnuou.npll.ure t o .u.p.nde d .ed i-.e ou wich ha "I .lted -o re thao 9 to 10 -o nt h. ,.nd -o.t ._pe ri.e n t.la .ted for only.f ev dl y.t o • f e v .ooth.U ...-oto et.1.19 18 ,Je ll 1980 :Ll o ,d 198 5;Pe ten oa e e al .198 5.). 11 0 e llped -.eot a l re . u H.h ...e bee n l oca t ed whi ch e __i oe th e e ffec t.o f c oa ti ouou.e llpG. ur e o f r e arin,u lao n i d.to the ell:pe cted v i th- pr "je ct vinter coa di t ioa.i a ..ialte-aff.cted c h .aae h (i •••0 t o ].c'(l e u th an 1 50 .U Ii,r l_pel'lit.r o f pre dOlliqtel y ...11 .u ' p e nd ed ,e di_o t.:.ad I e •• th.n 300 ITU).Eviden c e Wh i ch h••be en e ll:••in ed,hovever,.U8Ie.t.th.t the d irect eff.ct.of OYerv i nt e r i ol i a c oot iauou••u .pended .edi-.e ot le..l ••uch a l th o.e e _pec t ed i o t he _io .t_h ab i t at .v i ll be .neu ful but _,be .ur ..ivabl . .It .houl d be re-nber.d th lt ..ny d ur v.ter periphe ral hlbiuu,aod cle.r ...t e e u pve l1io,••nd tr ibuur)'infl ow._,prn ~i de 0 '-1'0'11 .ui U ble nich ••fo r .idd le r each filh ..du rina .1 1 per i od.o f t he 42 58] ] 860527 ·aa~1 cyel..Th'.pre.eatl y oceur l uader e.,.tial e aaditioal whe r e ••I .oaldl utilbe ,ieripaeral hab irat 'ueh .1 .l ouCh .nd tributarie.d urial the "in ter . An ~projee t -ia dKed det ri_at.1 i.p,a et .vtlieh ..y occ u r ia ehroaie.lly tu rbi d eh.nnel.would like.y r e.ult f ra.ledi _ at l t io n e f fe ct l oa I t r ea. bed lub.t r.te b lbit.t ,on e.rl y .t . g e.of H.h Hh c y clel (eag .nd .Ie.,ia i nc uba tion>,In d on o p tica l ly r ei.t ed H Ill.behl v io r.Theu ~'fe ct ...y la r l el,re liul t f rc.lo tru.ion of flne particulatel lato i aterati ti.1 lpa ,.el o f 1_I trel.bed .ub.traul and to r e l. t i.,e l y MCh turbidi ty (S t lll rt 195J.. .0 "1951 b;Coope r 196"i;tia.teia 1968;Ab ba lter lad Ll oyd 1980;h lcht.an d J.c klon 19 19;l o te e t .1.,19 18;Ca r li ng 19 84;ae ll 1980 ;a itl oa .ad Bilby 1982;Itilho 1982;Siller et .1.1984;Lloyd nIlS ;.nd Pe te n on et .1 .1985a ). Th e na tu r.1 .ediale a t tr . a lpor t r e gi. e ia th e .idd le ri ve r I vee p l a pp roai..t el ,4,000 Ic r e ·feet of l e d i_at p.rticlel tb r ouCh thi..r e.ch d u riaa t he •.,e r 'ae .aaual cy c le .The particle .i .e.r.nae fr a.t he ...lle.t co lloida l pa r tic lel «0.001 wI)t o t hou i a the c l .y,lilt,uad,a ra vel , co bble .ad r ubb le ra nae.If th e r o ug hly 4 ,000 I cre-feet o f one Yelr'. I .di~at l oad ve re to be e .,e aly delO.ited in the .iddl e r iver r each ,i n.t.ad of be iaa avept t hr o ul h ,thea t h e udi_at._Id f o,.•la ye r .pproai...t e l y I to 2 fee t de ep v.'d "h would fl ll t he e a t i r e .iddle r iver net vor k of .trel.be d c h.nne ll v ith in th e velet .ted bo r dera o n e.th ba ak (i .••300 t o 100 feet v i de ).Ob.,io u.ly thil a.ount of ••di-ent pa rtit le.doel not buil d-up 'ueh •I . yer o f de po .i u e.t h yel r ,.nd it h ..t e. d _. t l y tr.a.po rted l hroul h t hl!r e.c h .Hove v e r ,i t i.eq ..lly o bv iou l frc.the p rece ed i ag ka ovl ed l 'th at wh en b igh v .ter di.th.rae ••to ur o ut .nd flulh .~,fiae .edi-eat du ri na ~n ,.p.t e,the re v iii be -are th.a e noul h le di.ent .rri.,iol f ra.o ther up.tre..reacb e.t o repla ce .a,"a'_Dt liepa.it. f lu.hed &o va _t rea., The iapo u ndae a t.v ii i trap _irt ...l ly .11 o f the na tur.l ly t ra n lpor t ed .edi_nt v itb i n th e r e.er-oir•••nd v i i i .llow 001,the fine.t .ilt .ad tl .y .i.e or ...l l er part i tl e .t o p r o c e ed &o va.t re...The pr oj e tt ,I'opera tio n. 4 258 )) 860521 • .re p re.eIlU,.i.uhted,vill .till re le.u di.ch.r,e.i ll ellce ..of 40,000 cf.d ...r ill,the '_1'.e••oll.ill .11 three .u,e..St re••bed ....b.t r.te diet...rNlIce••lId t he .ttelllin t fluehin,of title .edi_ lIt plrticullte.fraa t he .iddle re.c h,"i t hout t h. l r r e pl l c:-,"t f r aa up.tre••u.che.,i.. 'lI,..cte d t o r nult io I ub.t.otblt,lar,er lad _1".t.bil .01'.raour.d atr...bed .ube tr.t e i n _.t hlbi tlU Iffected b,"ith p roj . ct flov. (wi lt i ...1985). "_rou'bYe.ti,lto r.h....f ound,i o I.boutor,.1I ,.d . ot . ,that ele'II, ClNln .....betnt••tr...bed._po.ed t o coo tin....1 flove o f ...t .r "ith • cooceatr.tion of floe particul.te.vill eaperience il'luueioll of til'l' ..t .rhl.into the ..t riz of clNlne .t re ••bed ..t.r i. I..With t i_ .the {au u .ioo of the fine ..teri.l ••t op•••th e illt.ntit i.1 'p.ce.bec_ f illed.lbe.e ia·,..til.tioo.h'''e .1.0 .hova th.t the uppe r I.,er o f .t re ••bed ..t er ia l ,t o •dept h of .ppr olCi..tel,ooe 0 1't v a di._t.n of t he bed ..terial .h.,it kept _.tl,free of ..er,fi....ilt ••ad el.,.lrr t he ...lo cit,of the v . t er . Ob••r ...t io a .of t he r:..ilof li..er .nd o t her la rle II.et.1 riven "ith u p.tre ••Ilk..oa th..heYe reYe.led li.iI.r phe o_na to th.t one r_ d io e.p.ri_nt.t "be occurr io l io the field.MIn,.re•••Ioal the ltI.ilof li...r,be la"T ....t _ na Lake ,::ppe.r to h.Ye I.rle ;obbl e ,rubbl e or boulder .iled .tn••bed .~ur Ia,en,v i th •lilht "du.tia l "of I I. c h l .ilt••adel.,.on t h.....rf.e ••of •...,ourinl r ock.,.nd onl,H.ited _beddedne ••in fin.ellu .nd el.,.v i th i.n o r bela.,the ....rfiei.l n ..o ur illl I .,er of rock•• 1lI the $u.itlll .iddle river,.a .",our 1.,er o f bed _t .ri.1 e ••enti.U, f ree of partie ...l . te .h••h ..th.1'I JO to 4 0 _it _pected t o ....Iop .,i t b in the _io.h ..eb,lIn.h.lbe ."eule .i ..o f the bed ..t . d . l i, e.pect.d to be lbout 40 to 70 _.lbe doepth o f th i,I.,er "ill be .bout 80 to 140 _.(Bn ...-Ebe.co 19Ub).la th e .ille ehuaeh 'lIpo. ed t o frequeat flov •••i.il. r proce ••.,il l occur.but tbe ."e re l e 'tlloud al .h e "i ll be ._"".t ...lIer t b. n 1lI the .,.ia.te..The .ilt!of ..teri.h e.eluded fraa t h e bed .nd the deptb of th co '",ou r Ia,er ..i ll .ho be h ••• 4 258 )] 860527 la the do up.which ..ill not be f tequentlJ iowdated bJ hilh flo...thue ..i II be little eh.nl'ia to.d _tet ial e_po'i t tee ,Howe".t,the iofnq ueat in_datioo bJ bilh fI_.aad tha tebth'e lack of fine ,edi_nt ira tell!twolt outfiOWl 'bould be .uUie ieot to tl!'llO"_nJ 'utUdal _podt,o f diu ,ad .aad,• la -od channell thata _Jto.._additio_1 intru.laa af fine _tethla inta tbe ,ttea.bed at deptb.belo..t be arsout la,..r .Th i."i l l eeeue- beea",a the atwOUdnl of t ha bed ao d the t adK tio n ia flood flow'"ill .iai.he the di.tuptiaa af ,urhee .Uea.be d _teriala whi ch "aeee••at,. fa t the .ub ..q ue llt re-o.,.1 af fine _udah to.l_the arsour l aJ et .Thie ..ill t a. u lt in an iacrea.a ia concan t ta tioa of fin._terie l a t de p th in the .t rea.bed .Tha iauu.ion of fiae pa t ticuh te ...il l .top o r be IreatlJ t edueed "ith t i_a.the iI'ltanti tia l 'pac ••beCOlll!fi l led t o ca pa eit,..Tha coneaa tra tio n of fi nl ..tedah a t •depth of about t ..o reet bela..t he atwOut l a,.er .uthce _,.not eeeeee the eeeeea eeeetee unde t _tutal eondi tioa••I eee tbe d ta••bed It thi.de p th la no t didu tbe d f tequeatlJ uneNr _tur.1 eooditioa••ad ..,.al tea dJ be aurlJ ..t un t ed "i th fiol ..tlri.la.It i.eee kooVD ho ..the lenenlhed ,Ula.bed per'llea bilit ,._,. be affected b,tba Ifot_atiOHd :at t Uli o n o f fiae plrtieul.te..It i• •ot icipat.d th.t tha pt•.,iou.l,••c r ibed pr oc .......ill re.ult io •-ote dabla Ir.outed I,,.e t th.n th.t which p te.eatl,..Illau i n _a,..iddle ri"lr habi t.t ',.ad tbU tbi ...ill hI"leaetall ,beaefici.1 .Hactt fat ...t t,pa.of .ttea.otlloi...iocludial epilithi c .ic t obe ••beathie io.,.u.btlte.lad H.hn . '..ie iafonoatioa lbout the .u.peoded nd i.ent conceatratioa lad tutbidit,. ll_h te tva othlt ahciaU,..ffeeted til'etl io .ou th eentn l Ala .1r.a ha'll! been all_bled (tlble S.').With-project condition.in _iau..affected cbanneh o f the Sudt'"aber .iddle reach Ira ellpected to be lell b i ol o. i eall y p roduetivl tha n I n ei t he r tbe lenal o r la.ilof a i"eTl bec,ule of continuo u.I,hi ah conceatr.tioa.of .u.pe nded .edi.en t .nd b iah l ev el . o f t urb id i.t y. 42SI)) 860527 )-76 r ~ I TAIL!5.9 SUSITI&o\trtD ROlL!CTIi C PlOJ! CT APPIOJ:ulAn AlfIftlAL RAIIG!AKO M!A1Il VALUES OF US AIlO TURBIDITY 111 S!LICTm l EA CH ! S or TWO SI:IU1'1l ClIfTIAL AU5V.1I CLA CIAL lIyns lXlM'AUD TO WITH-PROJECT !stI""US r Oi TH!SUSITICA IIVn MID DLE UAQI li"er l.lIc::h TSS /Turbid ity Ob,. r"' tloo Pe riod. lend be low lena i bOle :l-26 ../1;.'1'1 N•.4.l 1 1956-1974 Lille 0-32 mull 1979-1981 leu t a t Soldotnt la'l l · 1-151 III/I ;...o(40_.ILl I 1967-1919 l tidae 0-32 Hfu1/1979-1981 I....i l of be low TlIItu_n,a eal·15-45 III/I,.e.JI."JI 195]-1968.....)8-60 lfI'uJ.I (98)-1985 11 Sour c.: 1./So"rce: 1 1 Sou ru : 4258J2/5 850228 Vat,a.'anae 30 - 130 ../1;__0-77../1 S t aae I ".*11 Ditch.."••60-260 NT U (_i i'll. ".)Annud l lt i ..r e De"i I !doyon hOle 28-110 -a ll:.an-n../I S t a le 11 """an Dh c:hrg"56-22 0 eru (_i nj_".)Ann"411 Ihtiaate Devil Canyon "nse 11-70 _./1 ;•••1'1-50 S t. , .HI H.an Ohchuae )4 -150 {_in i ....)Annual EU I ...t e Scott 1982 luraer ,e t .1 .1981 Pe rl.c a... :baiaa',J.198 )-1985 ;V.a lI ieu veahu,.e,l .1985 5- 77 5.6.1 lec~end.d Crit e ria I.c_nqtion.for t he ",par t ol .nbl.Ii.it o f ch rooi c ••,o ...r .t o TSS ""'ich can ...,por t load f hh.ri••er e ."rosi_tel,25 ../1 (AI.q.t.r .nd Ll0,d 1980;hll 1910;Wilbu 19 I1).Cont inuo u•••,o.ur.t o concentrat i on. o f 25 to 10 ..II TS S an c _ol ,••pre...d ..bei a,pote nt i.lI ,h n a r dau• •n d 4.-t ri_ at •• , o r ,ro..-idin, 00 1,,ood ·to__4.-ra t.,rot. ct ion f or f re.h _at.r ."....t ic li fe (Bm n 1913 ;!la tio nal Acade_,o f seteeee 197);4 1,q.tar aad Llo ,d 1980 .Wil ber 19I1 ).Coat i auo....a,o.ur.to TSS con centr.t ioa.of 80 to 400 ../1 it nport.d t o be c on.id ar .d "not good","POOr".providin, oal ,"10,"l a .,.ta of pr ot a ct i on"a nd belal "po ••i b l,I .thal "to aq ..tic orlaah_(Cibboa••ad Sa lo 1981 ;Al abut. r a ad Ll o,d 1980 j Ia n 1980.,ad Wilber 1911).CoDt iauo ua ..po a ..re to TSS c oa uaUat i oa a ia eeee..o f 4 00 ../1 .ho..ld be c o nti dned ••tr_el,bad and pot entiall,leth.1 (C i bbon••nd Salo 19 81;Ala q ttn .nd Ll o,d 1980 ;Bell 1980; .nd Wilber 1981). Pre-project _ter "..lit)'c ondition.in th e ...i ftl t ~S... i t na Ri ver c hanne h (r.. ar di al ....pe nd.d .,di..at . )r aa, e fr o-e a t r ...I ,poo r d urinl .ueh o f t he o pen .,.t .r ••••o a t o ••c . l lent dur ial the .i at.r .e••on.Ke ..r th•••••••c.e r a.ria,jVftnU.'al_on ...r "i"e t he bilh '...p.ad.d ••d i _a t c oo c.nrr.ti o n. and h i,h t u rb i ellt ,h veh durin.po rt io n.of rh '._r dill c ,cl...SOlI e S itna .pacif ic qta iad i c.te t hat .Ii.ited po rt ion o f th e _iddl e rucb j n U ••al_a (..,adall,c binoak)_,ewen pre f .r tb e hi,h .....pended .edi_ at coac.n U a tion ••a d turbi dit,of ..to.u.affec ted ba bit.te (Aor,C 1984b and 1985a . c ) . It i ...II kn oVQ th.t io t.n-i t teDt bilh TSS c ooc entrat ioo.a nd dark nt ••e ac b a."t o be ca....ll,r .l.t . d t o beo thi.c io...rt e bra te drif t (8 ,..••1910; "ult.r 19 74 ;lcHIenber,.ad Vi .o. 1978 ).10 fact co ntinuo...h i lh t ur bid it , v ith i t ••tte ndant r eduet ioo of verti cal light pene t n tio n,..,help a til'luh te b irl,co n tiauo u.drift durin••.-er in ce rt . i n h.bit.u i n th e 4258JJ 8 60527 5- 78 r SudtN!liver .iddle reu:h.Artificial dukne..(opl'que tup.,etc.)h .. beell kllovn to "tllhance claytillle drift under ell:p"ri.enul c:onditiolll (91I1e. 1970:Muller 1914). One ponible eZplMNItion f or the .ppuent preference of .e-I>.reariog juvenile Chinook f or rthtivel )'turbid waten dolcUlHnted during S UI l tllll River .tuelie.i.Ch.t they were perm'lIentl)'o r trlll.lentl,.electing turbid v.ter.to t.ke Idv.nt'le of •rthtivel ),load drifting fo od .uppl,..Kuch eyideoc:e .upporu the c one:tpt tnd juvenile c:hiro,'ok .,'''1 opportunhtic: (eed,rl 'peciali.inl in drifti.ng ••qu.ti c:irlv'ut ebr.te.(lIIoltly ChirOIlOllidu)(Becker 1913;Daubl",et d .1980 :Burget ee 11.1983 :ADnG 1985b ) .A .ttond but Dot lautudly ex c l ue I ve e.pl an.d Oll o f the .pparent juvenile c:h \llook preference f or rel .rively h ilh turbidity i l thlt they empl oy the turbidity II c over . 5.6.3 With -project Turbiditl Rea ime The bi ololical liln ificlnce of con ti nuo ul e ltpOl ure to hilh turbid ity il likely to be .in i.t..tion o f river ine b i OI.....product i on 8t 811 trophic leveh.Pr i.try produ ctivity _y be l i n t o be r educed 8t Ippr oxi..tely 2.5 NYU (Bel l 1980;Vln Ni euwenhuyle 198 3;Ll oyd 198 5),but Itrel..depth wil l be .n importlnt flctor ia determining the ...ount o f PAR re .china the Itre n",bed lubetnte.EYen h iahly turbid gllel.l I UU IlI I _y hive _dente or h i ah lutochthonoul prod~t ivity It eubvertebrlte trophi c level l i n certain l u ff id eat l y Ihall ow Ind eonltlntl )'wetted hlbi tet l (Hil ner 1983).At low turb idity (0 to 2.5 mu),dilrelarding other envirotllllenul U.iting flcton , it ..y be lurmiled thlt lut oehthonoul pri.ary pr oductivity Ind perhlpe productivity at hilher trophic levell would be e nhl need by the f ertilhinl effeetl of nutrientl I ..oc ilted with the e Ul pended inorglni c plrticulltel . In luff '.dently I hi llow hlbitltl «1 .eted even hilher turbidity leYl'!h {L e ,{,;t o 1 ~NTU)..y be t ol ented by lubvertebret e troph i c levell. The upper t olenble lillit of cont inuoU I turbidity t o wbi ch all I t rei. hlbitlU Ind inhlbitlntl Illy be expaled while Itlll ..inu ininl a eelf- 42.5833 86052.1 'u't,tlllo,..1_0 popu1.ltloo hat oot beeo eatabli.hed.I t it liltel,tha t each r h e ri lle habitat t,pIt would reepond to diffe reot turbidit,'lIpoeure. (difh at t ur bidi t ,leyele;lot....i ueo t 'len""coo tiollOue,ete.)to d i l l ll t _,e .Ver,eoarae ee ti..tee of t he "Il"'_tolerable tur bidit, f or ..illuiato,,yia ble ..l . od d fhber,ill euba rctie Al ..ke ..,be v itb ill t he 100 t il 200 !ITO raD,.lor ttrea..wi t h _an de pth.of O.S _ter or .rea te r .Th.r.ei lof RI:".r ,which ie OM of the _re t ur bi d r ivera Oll a c oo t in uoue bae i.La eo uth cen tra l Alaeke known to ..i n taio a .e lf-e uet ,loi oa ••1_on id fie he r,.pr oba bl y r arel y e llceed,15 t o 45 _al l TSS (Sco tt 1982)and probabl,ra re l,ell ceede 100 MT U (Ioeninae.J .1981,L l~yd 1985). 4258)) 860521 5-80 "---- -- - - - - - -- - - -_._- ----- - --- 6.0 ftHOl3.10.COIICIITJATlOll DO .&.UA.l.Uln The ,il n if ica ace o f poteatbl chanl'"[n pH nn ..I.en and rni den t fllh hab it at a d ue to inundltlon o f bo.,i n the projecL l .....rvo i r aitea h a.be ea i d,atif ted a ••ftlh.r i ..h......Thia c hap te r e . a .iael th e curr.nt at.tul of our kaovl el'Oil t he 'ubj.ct. The pb y.tcal.c h..-ica l and billl lll ica l c hara ct.riit ici o f ....te e bod y (in cl lMl h l i u PH .nd alkaliai t y)..ill r ,fl.ct the b..ic eli..t i c, hyd rolo a ic,a nd b i oae och e .ic al r ea i eel of it .e nt i re dr ai.naae ba l in ,.nd n ot _rel y the ,..11 po r t io a of the drai ...ae wh ich i .uade r WOlte r (v, lc h 1952 , Hutch ia'oa 1961,19 1],1915,Wet ..,1 1915,v olleave ider aad Ieuha 1980 ). Tbe p8 af upa tree.a nd down.trea...inlt_S...itna riverine h.bi tau h prea e ntl y rel ula ted by the ca r bon d iollid e-bi.c . r bonat e- carbo nat e buffering ,yltell (Ve tul 19 15,Stu..a ad Hor l.n 1910 ).The a,two bufferia,'yl t ... ..i at " a pH ".Iue l bet ... ."6 .0 aad '.l in .elt {ruh ...t a r .c ol ylte..o f "o rth A.erica i neludiol the S uai tna liYer. The drai"'I'ba lia of tbe Su.itaa Riv. r up'tree.of th e pro po ••d Devil Cany o"de ••i te .nc o-p.....app r oll i ..tel y 5 , 810 .quare _il'l of ""••,etated _o un t a illl .nd .ubarc ti.c t llfldra .Th._tanh.d '.bedroc k,llacial t il l and a lad.l ou t ....h ..ta r i.l,co nt a in alkal in ity- pro duci n,ca r bona te a nd ailica te .i..,ra la (APA 19 83a ,I •H Con lu ltan te Inc.1982a ,b ).Ov.rlyia, the _tanh,d'.lithic ..terial h a ,uh taa ti.al a re a of tundra c on.iat iaa of II tura t.d,pe at y .0U,.which _y be acidi c i a natur e .S ph ., a ...bo,.ar. c~n on th e tund ra a "d th.y fre que nt ly ha ye • pH in t he .c i di c ran S" De.pit.au.t. n ti.al infl o..f r o-t ri buta r y drain.,el ..i th .cidic 'oila a nd acidic bo a',t be l.oaic c e-pDlitioa of the ..i lll t _r i v. r ia pr••eat1 y lu ffic l.e nt t o buff.r t ri buta r y .c id it y and _in t.i a 10"to -eder.te alkalin ity Y.lue '.a.an , n i n a:.iaa tell pH ..I ue .are .....o nal ly Y.riab l e but reaain bet". en 6 .0 I nd 8 . 1.Th ._an annual pH h a re a t .r th an 1.0 i a tha ..i",tftl _t.r o f t he SUitt ...river WOItenh.d (ri,ure 6.1 ).nae p8 of 42.5133 1605:11 6-' .--------- - - -- 1• ! ~•• I •0 ~ •--~se l !i-_u 1:.~ .~ .~ .~-0i~-.~u~~•iil~••- ~. ~. ~-N _ o • .~n.-•• i!:' i;; 5 ~ tot11 .~•• •---:l1! ~z ; ••i- ~ o• o• o• o• II ••I •!•••I •I i ;I J ••t ••I•);!J e ~ ~J f •~J J•••I d .. J •••••H J••jlj•I •I,•• e-z .I",~!j,i.~'III II ! ; ••• 2 ••• ••• • i +••••••••••••••••+:i-+ttT·+ • • 1-: • I~•I ,,$I I, i!!i s I intUluvel _ten of tributary,periph.ral and ..iute.bab iuu ia a i.il ar t o that o f ..{n.t e..urface vatar.(Filur ••6.2,6.]). A.v Ubnd._"inl p roja c t b ..bUll c Ollpl 'ted by tIM U.S.Fhh lad Wildlif, Se r vi ce ill Of"der to qUllt ify t be a_a t o f d i f f,rel:l t _tlalld t ypea i ll botb Watana a nd o.vil Ca l:ly ol:l Lapoun d"lIt KQn ...Th.e.ti..t ed t otal of "'Iatat.d ara..Which are c la u i n l bla II "tlalld.equ lI 8,l16 acraa o r 18 .8 percent o f the cOlllbinad i'-p oulld_nt ana'.Th'a,tilllt,d total of a l l "bol-l ik." va t lalld'equl a 1,182 acr. ,or 'p,rOll.i ..t.l y 2.7 ,arc.lIt of tb.co-bi.lI.d i . poun d.eQt 101:1 .area a .Tho!pI o f t be propoaed r ..,rvo i n all4 4ovaatrea. ri ve rine h abi.uu _d.r vith-pI'oj .et c Olldit i olll v i ll be re lulat.d by t he ,. _c h _ic al bufler ial ,y at.....i ,til:ll IC pr.a,lIt .Fl ood {III of the ...11 a r ••of bol habitat 'it not antic:ifJIt.d to c au ll •biolol iully ailnificant chanl' n f pH i n rlY.rine habitata down.trea..of the pr opoud pr oj.ct o r in th e re aarvoi ra.The o vo!u ll e ffe ct of the pr oje ct viII be t o bufhr th. a.plit ude o f pa cha lll" i n both th e r 'lervo i n and i a the do _,u ..a . riv.ri n.bab i taU .jun II t he pr oje ct v ii i bu ff.r t he a.p li t ude of ch l lll.a ia th e flov,t _pen tur a Illd TSS US ,-, . A.larl'lI....ber o f ee re eeneee ,includinl reviev a r t ic le. ,reuar ch r.poru and t e ..t a hne beell r ,vieved f or eli'cull ioo o f pH challiea ill r ",rvo i"o r the Ir davanr.l.hlb h aU d ue t o bo l illundatioa (See refer.oce a .ct ioo of tb i.t .at ).an do cuaea t a tion o f 'uch a pr obl _hi 'bee o loca t.d i a t ha o pea li te ra t ure .Illlli v ith ep il i_ i oll r el"l ,ea f rOll tarl '"'arvo ln i n a utNI r tlc or ar ct Ic el:lviro ..ellt ,.No pM prahl ....d ue ta bol iaundation I re ...pe ct.d to be alloe i,t.d vith thit projl ct. 425833 860527 .·1 I:-til_,"!II;O J.~I,.-,. if II1~"1! 1l-'mH -I "1 --,.1-r --I .t I ~ • ---.- - -;.:":..."... . --II "• •~_ 11 1 1 _•••·..........: •••._;.-. •-•-U •a ~ i i .I ~I !I ~i~.. '·4 • '!• ..:., !_!~I I : '!• •h I~t . i=- . •.. • -- - -••• ••••·."..!.!:: r r l !,~I I ____....1.= '-5 7.0 gUULlUO uro....T IOI IIC"OIIl:rtOJ'~I,nen 01 IId.4n llIULS 7 .1 IlfT1 0 DUCTI 0ll L e, eh in l •f po tell tt-Ily t Ollie h e'"Y ,",t .l•f ._ae vly ia ..nd. t ed re . erl o ir "le t Uion •••.oih -,eee ...r d ...r ia l ".••rl y life .f 00 ' r e. er _ir.I.".SUl itN .""e r ._.t r.e e _u l.p re.e o Hy ellh t i. eo DeeD t r.tin n.hilhe r t h. D .ee.pt.ble f o r p r ot.et i oa of f re.hv .te r o rllai ••• (APA 19 811.b ).(novl edl e o f t he pot eDt b l f o r t he p roj.e t r ei er _ i n t o c re.t e t Oll i c _t . l pr ob l ...iI ....ef...1 f or .dd i nl p...b lie .nd elen ey e ODe e ra ..The pu rpo.e of t hi .e h.p te r i.to r b .th e po t en tie l f o r l e eeh in i of hee ,y _telt f rOll .o il ••nd o rpai e ..tte r v ith ia t he Devl y i.po ...nde d reu ryoin ••nd the pote nti.1 pr oje ct in duu d b io l ol i ee t e ffe ct . t o be ex pee te d,i f Any .du e t o h e ,vy ..e ee i ..o bi l ta.tion . A li t e rl tu r e ...r ch ....e o nduc t . d ~bo t h ..nua l e n d elte tro nie ••n ..ll, b...t f e v uu••tud i ..wen f ound .~.·.t ...eer qu.lity tt udiet of a ev l y i.pou n d"d r .."ryo iu h",.not be e D r e i .t ed t o _u l d yn ••i e..The It ud h. v e fo un d fo eu. ed Up OIl _rc u ry b io"e _ul.tion .be e ....._r e ury h t he o aly be"y ..t al knova t o e flte r t h e f e04 eha i ll ...dire et r e .ul t o f rive r i.pound_nt .(Abe r_th y e nd c_bi"19 11 ;Bodely It .1.In p r ...;Me i Uer e t e l ,19 19) . 11 OIALOG •deUbe . e ••e .r eh.d i.nelude d Poll ut i on Ab.t r .ct ••Aq...tie setene ..end r ilh .rie.Ab. t u e t . ,a nd Wet e r a..o ..ee ee Ab.tuet ..Col d ."Iio a.de t.b••••••i n t . i ne d by t h e Co l d .' I i on t •••••r e h a nd En lin••r inl L.bar.t o ry in H.n o."r .N"v Ha .pt h ire,v ••el . o ••e reh. d. 425833 860521 1-1 The od. l CLI I 1.ieenn AppHut loQ (APA 198Ja.b)r ...l .w.th e eoneutn e ioDt o f _ult iD S uai t lUl lber _t.r .nd I ..te.th_....h l publi.h.d edt.d ..od lu i oleHoe ~(Ala. u A"iQleere d Coot.(Ace)19&4;EPA 1916; MeMe el ,et aI .1919 ;Uttil 1981).~a,Meunl .ta l cOQceQU l t iQo, e .ec.ded th•••er it.ria aad luicleUn...A•.cat.d i n the or iii _ I L i ce"e e AppU u t i oa.the .I.ur.d 1.".11 of h.a",..ttl.i n the Suai t na li"er r epr•••ot aatural eo odi t ioa. .With the e.e.pt lon o f ._plleer .in ial op.rat ioo.,the _t.nhed .upport.ao al lnUicant indu.U,.,aldculture,o r urbaai.at i on.It _.eOQ eI uded ,e oolequentl,.,tb.t tb•••e ••4Io e.of v aeee qutl ie,cdt.ri••,.c.r t ai o _u l COQUQu.tioQ.h r epru.ot.t h ••o f • _tunU,aUe cted a qUi tic eco.,at...Heftrth ele••,the bi lh 1."ell o f ee r uiQ h....' _t a l._nant furth .r ia""lt illtioo.Metal.wi eh e.ce eded Ippliubl.cr iteria i ncl ud.d both d i llol""d .od t otal re coven b l.aI ..lI t<. (A I),cld. i ..(Cd) ,copper (Cu),..n,an.le (Mn),.rcur,.(H,),.nd .in c Un ).I n dd itlon,th e dillohed fr.cti on o f b i.l .uth (aO and th e to u l recoverable qUint itie.o f i ron (Fe),l e.d (Pb ),",d n ickel UfO allo e.ceeded the c r i te ri al/. 11 In th h r eport ,t ot. I re co "er.bl .-etl l i.ueed ., non,..oul1 ,with t otal _u I .Totti rllco..e n b1l h th e ._unt of ••iv.n co n lti tuer:t th.t h i n .olut io ro ,.fte r a r .pruent.ti...",ter-Iulp.nded I.di -e nt ...ple ha . be en d i luted b,.a .t hod (11I 11I 11,.UOIinl •dilute .dd .ol uti on )that re.ulU in di l .ol ut Lon o f 001 ,reldil,lolubl . l ub.t. ne e..eo.pl .tll d illoluti.oa o f a n pcrt ieullt tt er i.Qat .etl i.".d b,th e d i lut i.on ueat.ent,.nd t hul t b.dete i na tlon r epre.enU I _ t hi n.l ell th.n the "total "._at (that h ,Ie..thea 9 5 pere.nt )of the e on ltitue nt pre.eat i a the di ,lol..d Ind .u.peade d ph ••e l o f the •••pl e.Di ••o l.,.d _tl ta Ife op .retionan,define d .1 tho.e th.t p••'throulh 0.45 .. pore filtere. 4 Z51)] 860521 --------• JJ In coordiaatiOIl cheehu"th e _til ee etee i l called the eeee ...1 It_.The 1i,llldl are anionl or _Ieeulea .-tlleh doaate eleetroal to f ora a e oordioate bolld (St ....and Mor ala 1981). iJ I_ie lubateneel elle_pl..a hetero,elloul pol yalr a ,atu e<-poa ed of e-.II.orl'a'e _leeule.,......11,with _heular _i,hU of 30 0 to 200,000,.....o f Olbieb are illioluble (buai al ) ,bale l oluble (bWli e acid),01'Idd .alubll (fuhie acid);aad III o f wbieh Ire dlrlved fre- the dee_polition of ve,ltable or aoi..1 ..teriall . ,-]42S833 860527 .u loil,_ather laol underlo de~elo,.e..t._tel"tUfllporta _carbl_f"e- "pper ,1lloeb1 borhoal to lovlr I1h",i,1 h~l'bQD8.The .tar.cioa of loa., -oteeule.,lad p.lrtic:le.fro-rock ."rbel'Illd throulb loil _teri,l it • Yety iaportlac Froce ••of loil develo~.nt;Vlc,r i,the ••••ati.t crlalport "hide.Aa rai_cet duial o ••t focb lad perroht••throup th,loil, ita ,h.-ieal coat.ac i,.yGlair lad the per role .iol ~t.r r••chial ••eh .oil horbon h•••c_potitinn decerw;Laed b)'it,pr,.,i oul path.In I """'1'011', the ._proc.....octur but down••rd tualport of .olut••frc.IOU lad r ock ."rhe••_,.GO I ODSer be the .soahUloe direc:t l oQ of .olute trla'port. lather.the ..teti,lt _,be carri.d up iato the ••ur 1:01.-b)'a."cth, fore ..,Illd be reflected in the IhmoloJiul chitactert,tici of the r.len'Oir. Geoeh_iul ,",Uhedlla il aeeeleuted b,oraaD ie lipad,J./,par : l.eullrly b ...I e .ubnIDu.M (Baker (91);Sehlleha ee al.1967 ;Siaaer aad lII..,rot 1976 ;BllIIa,lad leller 1970).I_ie IIlbauoeu aad the ir abl.1it~e.to e_pl.,.;trace _tall are ...11 Itudied (Seh ai tser aad lhaD 1972;OIrlU..a and Gj"ll.a,1983).B_i.e lubataaeea are .nd leaeh ias a"nU.11\..,hlft the Ibilit,t o _bilbe a .,ide variet,o f _tai.io na ift rock .,..-therillS pr oce.....The ir _tal leaehial ab i I i t ,i a due t o the ir r ol e al I 1 iplld ift ....tuul lolut.ioal.Ketal e_pleaias eapae it ~e.of hu.ie .ub.tlaee.nr, with t he lour cea of hu........_11 a.the _t il (J lc kaoa .e t alo 1971,Pott e e .1 .ill pre..;Sebntue r I lld lhlll 19 12 ;Sillier Illd "'I vr ot .1916).R_te I"b l tlneel .r l e_n thrOlllhOllt tbe loi It of the W.U II ••lId De"i I C.1I,.01l .el er ..o i r vl t er l hed l. Allot h er leoch_ie.1 p roce..th.t v i ll i ll ll "e nce .e t. 1 c oncell U l t ion in th e propol ed S Ulitn.-re.e r90 i1'l it iOIl e lcullie.Sor prion pr oce. I.1 of ••t . 1 c.tionl I t 10lid-IOlut ioll in ter f lcel v iii in fl uen ce pr evl il ina ..til .peei.- ti on ill t he re..r "oi 1'l (s t u_I nd Mor a'"1911).AI t he r e l er"oi 1'l fill, .e t al iou .vl il.bl e f o r l or p.·o n proc u u I vi Il i nur.ct v it b I".pe nd e d lolid l u ntil l o r ption u pld tie .o r the l o r blt e li.itl .re r e lc hed.I f t he lo r b.te (ae t d i o n)c onc enU.t i c.n i .liai tina.th en f ree aet. 1 eoncent l'l- t i o nl v t ll lener.ll,.be low I f te l'l o r p ti o n e q ui l ib riua it ree ched.If t he 10r b. lIt (Iul pellde d l o lidl)c Oll ce ll tutloll it •l i ai H lIa bct or ,t bell tb e e quili bri ua f r ee aetll coneeot n tion.v i i i be hi lher .The foraer e..e , l o rb lt e Ii.h i lll ,"i ll liteiJ be dOllinlnt f or 1_aet d l in t he p ropoled S u.it ne Rel e rvoi 1'l du e to the h iab I Ul pellded l ol id l lo. d i n t he r iv er (APA 19831 ,b). 7 .2 K!RCUIT (Ra) The U.S.ceoloai c.l S urve,(us es)hll alInit o red d i l . ol ved .nd to t ll recov erlble aerc ur,It vl riO"1 poilltl i n t he S Uli t ll1 Rive r.The .e dltl ver e pr e len t ed i n th e o riai nl l Licen.e Appl i c l t i on .1 riau re l E.2 .11 5 .lId E .2 .1I 6.The deu il ed a ercur,dltl,tlten d lrect iJ fr_th e Innu.1 uses W.t er l elou rce Dat i r e por t l .Ire Ihown i n Tl b l l 7.1. Tot ll r ecov er.b l e ..r c ur,....e naed 0.2 ua /I Ind ull, ed fr_aero to 0 .8 "a/I.Di' l oh ed aer cur ,I v eu, ed 0 .06 ug ll Ind n llged fr Oll .ero t o l u . tb.lI 0.5 u,/I.The l eve lt of dinohed a ll'1'eur,.b _in Tl bl e 1 . 1 Ire o n t he bi,b e lld o f tb e flG , e o f aercur,.co nce nt rl t i ou t r picIll ,.f ound i ll "npol l ut.d "ort h .....r ic.n lurf.ce vlt er'(Moor e .li nd RI ..a oor th r (984).The .ere u r,.c o nceo trlt i onl prob,bl ,r efl e ct th e n ltu r ll a e r cu r ,d epo.it .i a 4 2 51"3 860527 ,-4 ,~------------------------ louth ceacral A\l alla (Joh,,,oll aad Boyle 1972 ..dted by Moore and aa __oorth)'1984). '!waty-five to fifty percent of the t otd lllercury in the Su a itna liver occ ur 'al the diu olved 'peeiel.Publi shed inveltigationl of othar .y.te.... leneully find Ie..than tea percent o f the toed _n:u1"al d i"olved _rcur,..Mercury it c ....11)'I ••odaced vith I "s pended particle'(J.cuon ee al.1978,Locltvood ,nd Qlen 1973 ;McNeely ee .1 .1919 ;Hoore and R"~II'oor~~y 1984,Rudd ee al.198]).blithely hiah concener-cion of di.,olved -ereury itl the SUliens liver _y reflect rel atively bigh l evel.of _rcur,c o-pleKed with di••olved humic lub'tan cel. A bivariate c orrelat ion .~lYli.wa s perfor.eo!to I!luei~tl!phenomena c onerotHne .rCU1'y (Ind oth er _uh).ped . c ion in the SUl i ens liver (e ee Appendi~1.13).Total recove rabl e mercur y va a a igni f i cant l y correlated vith t otal recoverable sinc (r-Q.5411 )at Ie-at to the 0.01 level and vith tot.I recoverable lead (r-Q.5B8 )a nd toul recoverable c opper (r -Q. 3936)at or be yond the 0.05 level.Oi ..olved -ercury v ••not lignificantly correlated vith any nther vadabh included in the ao.aly li ..Neither total nor dia.olved _rcur y vere lignificantly linked vith river di .chatge,total luapeoded l ol i dl ,or dia.olved organic carbon . 1.2.2 Potential for leachinl and bioaccumul ation of eercury Relearch h..I hOVll th.t aercury leveh in aquati c biota can hcru., folloving illpound_nt and r a uE'Yoir fonutinn (Abero.athy and C..-bie 1977, Bodal)'It ..l ,In pre ..;CQll.ee at.1979 ;Mei ater et ,It.1979 ).The eeceee of the -ercury il the inundat ed aoih.Bodaly It d.(I n pre-.)i.plicated o r aa al c top.oil hod.onl a.the _jor .our ce of eteeee ..ulated _rcur y. Rudd e t .al .(1983),.tudyillK indu.tdally produced aoercury pollut i on in a northv e .t Ontario river .y.tea ,reported that .c I t eercury ill the .,It e.va . bur ied below .urfici..t aediaent .(i n orgaoic-poor aedi_nt.).They found 425833 860527 7-' that tbh _rcury pr obabl y d id no t c ont ri bu te .uktaatlally to _reur y bio.ee_ulatioll.OIb ie h v••foulld t il oc:eur pri..r il y ia the v eeee eol~.lId .urfieial o r a. llie .edi_lI t •• Her eur y h l uera lly bL o. ec Ullula ted in t he _t hy late d fa",(I PA 198 0 ). Hethl y.t ioa oc:eu rl b y .ierobial acti on o n th e HI (II )ion in both .e robic .nd an .erobie ell ..i r o_ntl.t e ae ne r a l .eondit iOIl.e n h.ne i nl the _t.bo1h.of l o i l .nd .quatie _icroo raallil..v i,l l e eeeeee .e reur y bic.ethyl.tion.ludd .nd furDt!r 0 9 8]b)-.onl t r . u d thlt inerea. ed _reu r,bioaee_ulatillll i n fi lh _I r e la ted t o ln e realed pri..r,produc t l ..i t y.Wriaht .nd a..iltoll (1912 )Ihoved tha t .n i ne r e. l e in .itro bi.1 nutr ient l i ll led i_lit I r . l u lted I II h iah.r retel of _re ury _t h ,l l tio n u pon eddition of .ierobial nut rientl t o t he _t er c o l ..-n ,ind i c.tina t hat .ethyla t i on ee eue e pri..r il,It t he ledi.e nt-v .t.r in te rf.ee. I n eonu.1t t o _th,l_reur y'l t e nda ncy t o bi o.ee ..«te ee ,inorptde _reury I u'ool l y h.,on ...odation v ith p.rt iculat.ph.,e.(Cn nl too .nd Suckley 1972;Ranlllo .lId 'lb_p.o n 1911 ;Loc kvood Ind Olen 1913;Moon .114 I __rtby 1984 ).til hd ,applic.t ioo o f o r llnic-poor ..d i_"tl t o ill litu enclo.ur••in •_rcur y ee ee••i ne t ed I YIU"in Onurio r ..u l u d i n decr ••••d n t. 1 o f .rc ury b io. cc ..ula tion (Rudd .nd Tur ner 1983.). L.bo r.tory t .lt l by Je r ne l o n d L.n n (191 ]).hov.d t h. t _rc ury b iOlle th ylat i on V. I r educ .d t o 1 t h.n 0.1 p erc ent .fter t rea t .ent v ith f re lh l)'Ir ou nd Illiea .The le d i.en tl .p p.ren tl,bound t he _rcur,...kina i t le .....ailable fa r bic.ethylat ian .nd/or .cc_ulatioo.I n t he i r _r eu ry •••l i ara tion I t ud"ludd et .1.(198 ] )co oc l ude d th.t el ....t.d c oneeni'r. t i ool of .ul pende d .ed i ..nt..u bl u nt i . l I)'r .duced _thyl _rcur y .cc_ulation ill filb,while It i.ul.tioll o f pr i ..r y pr odue ti..i t ,i n cr ••I.d _thyl_rcury b i o.cc_ulatian.Th.lI cOllcept hal di re ct i.plieationl fo r aU..linl the pote ntial bi oa c e ..ula tion of HI i n t he propole d S uaitna r el erl'Oi n . l ioace ueulat ion i.. a f unc tio o a f .ll ora.nil.'1 rat e.o f up t.ke ~rlU. eli.in.tio n.The bioaee..u l at i on fador fo r _r eury i.1 hiah beeau..it. 1- 6 I ~i1 .·ll $~~• -a -=.···.I.·I•••~••oo o ~o ··3a .. ,...,.',.I"I !I··I···'··········.··.··!! !i '!!::'- :l '.::oa :;•... ...'-"'·11 .-:::0rII..~~~~;j ..;q ;;j ~;~·~······;j · ····· ···;i i ~,:i:i:i::i;;;~.-...................._-_..__........,01 ••44 ,,·;••··4 ··"44 .4 .01 ••4.";401 r ......................................-:; :.•1 , !"U '!I 'H "!·I J !I !~··!,··!J·!.·! I · I !! ~~'!!!I;--::-1:==:!~.!!!!!..•== . ~~....-=,=...,~j I l ·tI!:I !'I !II !·I ···!··t !··!··!~I!··=I 'e eiI ,IU ."',I.~..III 'I '.I I!" I II I!"'II I " H ,i <Ji :t"~h .::.,~~.~t :~.i~.i i £.~~ ",.rI!'I ....---........"....----......--......._--, ",II !",!-::_-II ".••••!!....·.;..c.=·.........::r I j r ------...•..•..----.-:.; j II • •0 ::;-==..<e e ee e e •!, !,!!!...:--..-:;:....!! ! !........ ............::.. j Ii .11 •.....ISri.1 1:_~ III ;;.:::~: :.:~:::.I •":..~'I •:I...-~I -~".;!,I'i .r l l ~·~ ·~~-· ,I ·! ~·~ · ,••::P iI -l i'-!~H !~Hi ..,.t..r •.:.: •!l!IIJlUI!II U I 1 1" ! 11 1 1 ! 1111111 1 1 111 111 ",'i i oi "i 'i""i i ':="i i i i ':j i;·i!':"i!·i ii·i i ':i~ "i i IInuuniIiij~~~~~~= t ~~rrl'ltll l '-'I-i ~i ·i i!i i=j!'~l i !!i l ~ !I ~!I I o .•••!!I.,. H upteke it r .bt h.l,.b n ,bu t iu d u.i_t iaa rebt i ••l,.dav.Ri lh te'-Pereture e cc elerate.tb .up tak e of -ercur,.ca.pouad.by acc..la ntial t be -etabel ic lad r e.,irltar,.rate.a(th a orl'n i •••lad ioc re l .ial t ha aee d (or f ood (l PA 1980;W"lbt aDd a..iltoo 19 !1 2.Sbin Ind lunkd 19 16). 51 .ibrl)',l ov t _pe"ture.d apre ..th a "to!,.(-er tur )'bioact _ubtian. Ke":ur)'la.,.l .i n orl'n i .......t o .''1',.d ira ctl)'v ith tr oph ic po .it io o. p i'tharou.H ah Ind H.h predat on lenerall,.ha . e the biahut c onc:.lIt rl- tiona (phi ll i p.ee .t.,1980 ;Potter ee 110,I91 S;O 'COnn.r I nd Hiehon 1981 ;lue a"198 2).Wor k b)'r u.reite ee II.(1911 )in c.aadl .bo v ad tb . _Iniflutioa o f _rtllr )'fr _f i.eh t o fh b-u tinl bl rd . .S_di .h ee ...r ch era (S b d.ina et d.19 10)hi••.s.-oon "te d tbe traOlferene e o f -e th ,.l-e rCllr)'t o h.-ll••atin l eeee..iOlted fish.t he. e .a..r u earchen .hawed a .t .ti.ti ca ll,..il oi fic aot ('1'-0.6:P<O .OS)c ar re tat ioo bet.e.o -ercur,.caClte aUatioal i a hu-....a lld t he f req ..nc,.o f ch re-o._brelu i .. Dna 0 0 ..r cur),OC Cllrrence in the III .itna ....t ."h.d i.insuffic i ent t o ..k. c onc1usi.e .tl tetl.n t .00 _rcur )'.pecietion Ind pr .sent lev.h in the va te rs hed b i ota.Hove.er.t hl previous r e.ie.of relevlnt litentur • •uppart.the follO¥ial co ac:IUli oa.r .llrdial the poteat i ll bioac c_ubtiao o f _rcur,.io f i.b••ia t he pr opo••d S u.i t na r ••e rwoi r •• So il.i a th l proj l ct u-pauod..o t 10 011 ar.fl ir l,.t ,.p ice l of tho.e f a ~d i a c o ld,_t c li..tl.0 0 I ll cill t ill or _t vI.b .thl,.iael ude I cidic, l eturltad .peet ,.l o ib o f _t ana . ;Icid ic ,r eht i.••I ,.iD f. r til ••oU.of tha fa n.U.ead rev IfI.alt l ad N od •.tOO l t be r i.l r .Aft er i aunda tiaa , .icrobialoliul _tb,.lltioo o f ..rc llr,.fr_t he o r l'0ic .oil horhan a o f Watace lad o..il Clo,oo le••r vai r .i.l ikel ,to r e.ult io -ercllr,.l evel.i ll tbe r ...rvoir fhh vtlic:h are h ilher t haa c ur re nt conc entrlt ion •• 4 2S' 33 160)27 '-8 I, I I I Rowe.el',.a .i ro ~~t .l cond ition.at t he le di"D t ~t.r i cc.rl lc.il W.t.~ aad O.v i l c.DJ OD ael.r-oir .v i 1L t ead t o .iai_i ,e bi~.t h7 1 .ti oD and aubaeq ..at b ina ee _IIht ioD o f _reur, .~th 11 ..r tUC'J r el .au ftc.l.cli _ f1U at .·C haa be ea f ound t o be 50 to 10 percllnt o f th,t u 20 · C,ill tabo n r or, leucl t ..(Wn sht a nd H••Uton 198 2).Bi.otaethyhtioll it dinetl,nlated to .i cr ob io l o ai c al ac t i vi t y i n .,di.,nt a (Bhoc ni and Lawren c e,19 75,Sh in .nd !Createl 19 16;Wrisht and aa.Heon 1982 ).Th h iII pl i.,1 chit b i.a.ethyh tion ..,be r a tat iv.l,1011 is th e o li.a t rophi c Su.i ta.r ••e rvoi. r ••Addit ioQall ,. th l hiah ia p utt o f i llata_oie lua pe nde d ••di_ll ta <at-chl fl our)_, e e •• •a , __reul"f r _the _ref c o l _by .or p tioa a ad a.di_o r .tioll pr oe......Much o f t he l ua,-..d.d .olida .,i.ll le ul ,t o th e flooT of t he r e.erwoir aad bl aat et t he iaunde te d .o i l.e ad Yeaetl tion .fb i.will t end t o b o h te the o rca n ie _uteI'r ep"r Ud t o be the _jar ."u rea of _re ur ,f or _th,lat i oa Ind b i oleeuaualtioa fr(lll.the ov erl )'ina ...ter e o l ~. n u,e "ea thouah th e n will l itel ,be .a-e d ete c:teble iae rea.e.o f _re ur, ia r e ..r yo ir fb h ••i a both iapo un_"tl ,u tur .l e ond it i on ._,t eod t o .iaiaial t h ue i oetaa....FW'"t he rwor e ,fi.h po pula ti.oa.i a th e r t!!.eryo i ra Ire DOt .:r.peett!!d t o ••den't!!,DOl',Ire t he .,u pt!!et ed to be hea"il,u rve.t.d b,..a 01'other p r.dato r.(APA 19 81.,b :FEIC 1984 ) . l io. ee _ulat i oa of _re u r.,..,oeeu r r ap id l)',.ad _r eur )'e oa eeatnt i ollt i n fi .h t i ••ue ...,be ,io to i ner ••••i m.e di. t el ,a f ter i .poua ~n t.Abero.th )' .nd C_bh (1977 ).howed thn _reur)'bio , "euaul .ti on b ,fhh i a new So ut h Ca roli na ia pouo d_n t.deerea.e.with r e.er"o ir 'ae .be,inniaa ..earl ,•• fi"e ~.ra after i apou n _nt.Bow . ".r i a n or th.ro Ma n ito ba ,8odal ,e t al. (in 1'1'...)f ouad DO Il,aifiunt !Meliou i a fi.h _re ur ),1•.,.11 withi a five t o .i,ht ),u ra aft.r ,"-pound_nt,wi t h t he ponl ble !!I t e pt i oo of vh i tefi.h (COU lon ...clure.fono ll ) .te••ryoira 'I e anre q uie ti ,ia the .outh - teape r at.e t I ..e e of Sout h Car oli na t hall ia .ube rctic tlO rth.r a Man i t ou. "erc ,"".,_th.,htlon aad b i o acc _ul atioa rat••,w i ch I p pea r to be d i r e ct I, rellted t o tht!!re ••rvoir aa ln a pr o c ......,de cn a. e d l.ll!t o th e f o ll owin , c as bi na tio n of fl etor l: 42Sa l) a 6OS11 ,., o a.lativel,cold t ••partur.; o Low I.v.le of rellrvolr pri_r,pr oduc:thlt,; o Death aod nplace.el'lt of tha initial fi .h populat i oll; o A coatiauall,de.p.lIial la,ar of pn.s-illatal ,i aor p llic "di .ot .....ieh i.opact.d to act ..a bleoket to h ola t.the inUftd.t.d .o l l.'1'101 veletation frc.the overl ,ing watar colu.n. It La tbeufora,likel,that bi ota ia the pTopoted L-poua a-au "HI eJ:p.r i .ace an ilIit i.1 incr••••in b io.ec _ulatioa o f _rcur,durial .1101 aftar f il1 i nl.love"T.the bi o.cc_ulatioll ah ould eeeee•••a.the ee ••rwoir ••••••oet the org. nic fuel o f .icrobbl detr ital pr oce ••or. deu.....in qualit,.quantit,.net .v.iIabil ity . lie ha..found 1'10 .t udi ••of Mreur ,.cc _ulet ioa in fi . h do_ n re ••fT o- l'I.wl,L-poul'ld.et ruervnira .Th.lap.et o f th a proj e ct 1)0 Mr cu:r, .cc_ulatioll 1.11 fi.h dowtl.tr...will be •function of .Teury u.ported fr_ the re ••rvoir.and in .itu .ffect. o n _Tcury in down.tr•••h.bitat..Sinc • •rcury La tran'portaet pri_rll,itl 'u.pen.ioa (inor lanic _rcur, ) . a e ee r.duc tioll ill the traaaport o f M rc ur,dowtlatre..will r ••u1t fr _ i.pou ad-ellt cOllltr uct i oa.Th••zt.nt o f traaa port of Mth yl .rcur y fr_tha r ••er_ira calloot be predict.d.Mercur,a cc ..ul atioa ia n.h cSowa.tr... fr OD!tb a de.1 _,be largel,a funct ion o f !!!.itu (ri ver bed).ethylation .-nd uptake .TIIi.will be influenc.et b,proje ct-nlet.et ch.nge .i n riv.r productivit y .t all trophic Ie_I ..In.tra.-.-e rcury _thyl.t i oa (aad .-cc _ul.tioa )_y cbal'l le with .Iterat i ol'l'in .ic robia l a ct iol'l r ••ult in,fr o- c h. a l"i l'l .tTe••flow Yetiabil lt ,..u.p....led "di.f1u.tUT~!dity , te-p.r.-tuTe.pri..ry and IIcoader y pr oetuct ivity,.nd l uppI,o f orsan ic carbon to _th,latinl bact.ria.Kiddie Sua itna Riv er producti ..ity unet.r with-proj.ct coaditioa.i."pac ted t o reaa in .i_it.-r t o o r l o_r than UI'let .r natural cOlldit i oll"Low prod uct iv ity .houl d help .ill i.h.do wal t r. a. -ercur,bioacc ..ulat i oo. 425833 860S27 7-10 -----------. 7-11 A c ~plet.ri lk ......_lIt iI DO t po ..ible vith the ...h eiol data ba ••• 0...(die t ar1 .rcur , >lad ,ffac t (.~t l.c lad I I'll!t i c )rel at ioll lh i,.would __01 t o be ut i_ted.Currant l.vell o f _rcury in r ,8idenc f bhee an not known.The i nc r eae nca l io cr l aae i n h••lth r i lk due to i.poundBe nt .leach in l and b i olcc_uhtion of _rcur,it not ,It q uaatifieble. 1.2.4 liak to ch,public 4 25833 860527 S t.llt e _tet quelit,criterb for th e ", r oveh lad ,tOpallt l on'"of fbh, ahelUilh 'lid other ."...cic life and wildlife (ACC 1'84)cite fedenl c ri t,ri ,for tOlic .uh.lbe trieU"IOll f or .rc u r,.of .11 f O"'1 (to ta l u co~nble .tcur,)i.D.OS "'Ill (l PA 1976),A crit ique of ehll criterion nuu th.t &101 .tunt waten ••c,.d tb i,level o f _rc ur,(11, ill I t d . (919 )and ,,,,,,UU future t r i ter l..si..tl0llliah beCvelO ve rlou .tcur ,. aped...UPO Il.U,.ill.u l oll of thl .rcur1 1••,11 I ho va I n t,bl ,1.1,it 11 o b...ioul chit the _rcur,Crit,riOIl i,couiUeacl ,.beilll uc••dcoS hi the SulcDa liver,(A'A 1913.,b ). P oet-u.pound_at _t.r ...Ut,etud ie.ha'".h ova 001)'one _t d ,_rcur )', t o .)'et _tiedl)'biolce .-uiac i to eeololiclU,danleroue c onc entratio"e .e a dinet r ..ult o f fi nr u.pounct.tot (Abe r ...th )'.od C_bie 1971 ,Ilodal)'ee d .io pre..;Mlbter I t d.1979). Aft er l.poun6aeat,.(crobill _th,lation o f _rcUTJ fr oa or pnie _n.r i " aoU a alld ...IJ inundat.d "'tritua of w.t .....nd Devl.1 Can,on te e ervoin aaJ r eault in .rcurJ t ....1a in r •••u o i r fi ah hilh er t h.a eurreat e oaceatrlt ioaa.Bove".r,c er t. i a "'''iron.entll eo ndi t iona in the reaerYOir a ..ill tlad to .iai.i.._rcur,bi.-eth,llt ion l ad .u b.eq ueat potenci.1 b io.eeuaul.tioa probl...notlbl,: \ I I a COatiaul bhnketial of inundated o'lul ic _un virh a 1.,er o f aoatl,ioorlanic 'ed i_ent': a lelati".l,Ii.ited fhb papulatioaa. o Li_ited bl1'ftlt o f ...ae,\'Oir fhh by h-.n o r othe'pre4llton. The potent ial i.pact of tbe projlet 00 _rcur,in do_ltrea.fhh ..viii be a fuact ion o f tva thinl':_reur,e.ported fr~the r e.,r\'O ira .nd ia a itu-- ..th,htioa .ad upUk l of _rcur,in doVll.tre••blbiUta .Totll traaaport of _rc ur,do_ltn••of the propoled re.er'lOi"viii be lubetaothlt,I III thla under currlnt coad itlon..Meth ,l_reur,111,ial th e rl'er'lO i r.il oat predictable.Then fore ,if In,I ce_uhtion occun in fi .h downIU....it v o uld be Ilrlel,due t o io .itu _tb,lltioa .ad upt.k l. 7.3 CADMIUM (Cd) ",vi.th _rcur"the uses ha ._a itored cI..i.,.(Cd)left II i a the SU ltDi Rber i o recent Jeln.Thl reault.o f their _aitorial Ire Ihown ia Table 7.1 lad 'ppear i a the oriliDiI L i clale Appti Clt ioa a l rilur e [.2.107 aad [.l.IOa.Total rec o.."bte e•.-i.."al ed fr_no t 6etectlbte to 10 ullt ; dillolftd eatbli _va .alWI".a.ured to be to be Ie..than J ul't.Thele COllC'eoU et ioal ."oot uau.....1 for IUrhee ...t lre (Cie .,.ad ari e .e 1977: ci..,aad arie..1980:"clled,It .1.19 79:1'1oo1'1 .ad RI.._rth,1984 : Stliober ,1980 ).Tot.1 .ad dil.ol ved ca "i_were DOt l ilo i.ficaatl , c orrell ted to In,o t her ..rbbte,i a cl udia,etee , I c_oa ...oci,ce o! cad.i .,.ia OIture (I e,"ppeadiE ,,). 7.3.2 Potlat iat for leachia,lad biOl cc_ulatioa o f c l 6.i.,. We h.".f ouad 00 publhb,d 'tudie.0 0 clot-i .,.I ..c hiol f r _i auade te d loih at new u.poua"'atl.S_leach ia,of C1da1i.,...,be ",e pl cte d,but the I_at Ih ould be rather 101'.A...,.inl .oil ca'-i ..te.ell Ire no t bi,h, 41SI]]7- 12 I60S27 e achliu.l ..ebi n,bJ bu.ie lubltlncel ..il l be 11'11 t b ln ..n)'o the r .etlll, (Iucb al c o pper Dr Iud)kClul .e ad.iu.bal I l over Iff i n itJ f or h_ ie li,lnd, (c i" J et a l.1915;Seh nLt,.r .nd lb.n 1912 ) .c.chl i ~i .not knovn to b i ~ln i f )'i n the f ood ch lin (McN eel )'et I I ,1919 ;S.lb)'e t II.19S3 }. 1 .3.3 ai.k to t he publ i c St at."I t er qUll it ,e r iter il c i te EPA (1976)etlndl rde :1 .2 ul Cd /I i n bird ..at er ,0.4 UI Cd /I i n eo f t "Iter .Tot al h erdne ll in the SU l itnl River i e t,p i u ll)'be tveeo 45 and 10 .,/1 II CleO),'0 it il cO",lid end .cKUl t,IJ h ard "Iter (Todd 1970 ;Brit ton e t 11.19S)).Conful ion Ibou t tbe c ri te ri on i .a dded I I tbe U.S.Envi ro_ou l Pr otec t i on "senc J (E PA 1916 )do..not d i u ing...ie b kt"l'e a totl1 o r d i lla lv ed cad.i.u..The Inurnltianal J oi nt c_i llion (1977,II d ted bJ Me "e,I J e t al .19 79)bll te t a Ii.i t,for prat e ct ioa of a q uat ic li fe ,It 0 .2 ua/I.co.p l r ieo n of th el e eriter il ..i th t he ea d.iu.l evel l f ound i n th e Su,itna liv e r (T,b le 1.1 )i nd i el tel t hlt th, level l fo r pr ot tet i oa of fre.tlvl ter I q uat i e l i fe ." be e xeelded o n OC'c 'l ion b)'na t urll va riat i on.Mor e a ccurat e dl ta a nd c ri te r ia I re needed t o c o-p l et e l,e lu ci dat e the l itua t ian . Cad.iu.dOl'I Iccu.ullt e i.o e.poled b i o tl ;but I cc u.ull t ion il oat r elit I'd to tropb ic po l it i on.Moor ,a nd AI...oo r t h, (1 984)l u...rile c a dlli tlll h i oacctlllulat ion ;c achllo...ia a ccuaulat ed pri..r il J i a ..j a r or,aoa of ftab (liver .l ut ,t ki a)ratb er t h.n .UIC It tillu".0 it pa l "l ittle thre.t to b u..n c o nl u••r l o f f i lh ..at .C.chli ...up t.ke il i ~tt ened b)'tbe pr "ence of c h,lat ia l 'I ea t l ,i ncl ud i n ,htlllic I ci.dl (Gi e l)'I t I I.1971) . Wi th t he a bo le d i.cu . t ioo i a .i nd,i..paun~ent of the Su.itn.Ri l er do ••not p r ••,n t a .i,o i fic. nt ri .k to publ ic b ell tb ,..i.th r eg.rd to t ha I . ,ch io,a nd bioe cc ...u lat ion of c a~i ...in t he pr op o l l'd r'le rvoir•• 42 58)3 .60527 7- 13 1.4 conn (Cu ) Totd and diuohed eo ppet (C u)coatent n tiou.in th e Su .itlll livet ate induda d ia Tabla 1 .1 .ud in the o dl i na l L in n ..AppU eat ioa a.FiluU. It .2.109 aad £. 2. 110 .Th,u .e1at.h . ve be atl c_pU.d ft c.t ha anulII I OSCS Watet baOllr t ••DoI ·~.la por t . .Total r eton u bl .tO ppet a ..n l ad 43 III / t .nd uOled ftc.I ...than 10 111/1 to 190 111 '1.Oi uohed t opper ..,ar.led 3.3 III /I,r.natol frc.not d,teetable to 12111 '1.Th.'e levala of e o pper ar a on th e biah .r e ad o f the nlli.of cO llc.n tt.tton.found in unpollut .d .lIr fat • •a t .ra (Nt we.l,.t a l.19 19 :Moo r.a ad la...arh,1984 )• Copper 10 tUII.ported i .".Su.itaa Riv .r pri. u H ,..".partielliate ph...;thh aat...v ith Cibb.'(l9 17).tudy of t opper tnn.port i .the Yukon l i.,r .to "ra.r .r•• • •.....i OI .t rea••v ith l o_r 1....1..f alii pa n oLe d ,olid••b iah er h ope i ,of o raaaie::u rbo n.a ad pH ..a l~.I •• •t h.a _ut ul . eo pp. r i.a tranported pr wr i l,a .the .olu b l.f ora (lItia . a rei t h e e .1 . 1980;C.i..,and Bri.ae 1918 :T•••ier .t al.1980 ). Total l"I eo"rabl .e opper totlt.att.tioaa ia t he Su.h Ol l i ...r _re ail a i fic::a at l,eo r re l.t.d .ith 1'1..1'd ia dl"'l e (1'-0.44 13).t otal .ua,..aded .0Uda <r-o.6584).d iuohed o rla ait tubao (r -o.5914),total r . tove n ble i r o n (1'- 0 . 663.).t o t a l r . t o ..er.bl •••nl.II•• •(r - 0 . 6025 )aod t ot.1 reto"r.bl a lint (r-D. 105 )).at I ...t t o t he 0 .01 ~eee l (••e Appeod il Al. Tot.l r .toftnbl.e::o pper .....tor relate d to t ota l e.eee ..l!t.bl.l e.d,to tal r.eo·...r.bl ._rCllr,.ad t otal eeee...r ,bl e n i tkel at I •••t to the 0.05 l.ve l of allotfiunu (r -o.499 8.0.3936,aad 0 .4113 re aped iv.I,).Di.a o lvl!d e::op,..r ..,found onl,t o be t orralated to d i .aol ...d i ron (1'-0 .4634 .p<O.OI ). the t orral,doo .011,...,UOIlI I,'UI III U t ha I.och_iea l a b unda ae.o f c opper io t ile ..ta n h.d:th e atrool .at to rra htio na of t ot.l t oppe r _r. foulld .i th .Iuapa o".d .0Ud.,t ot.l iron .t ot.1 _n,aQ••a aod t otal da c. Coppar it freq ..n U y fouod i n na t ur. l oLepoaiu v ith a l nc ,part itlliarly io .ia iaa a ra••(NcNeal,a t al .(9 19 ). 4258]] 860521 1-14 7.4.2 Potenti.l for l e. chi na .nd bio-ccu.ul.tion of copper .nd ri.k to the public We h.ve found no .pecific .tudie.on c opper le.ch ing from the .oil.of nev ly i.pounded re.ervoir..Mo cL.t.on the content or fono of copper in the illlpo un d_nt zone .o il ••nd roch .re ."ibble.However,the potenti.l for l e. ch ing of co pper exi.t..Singer .nd M.vrot (1976).hoved th.t hu.ic .cid. extnct copper (pre fe r ent i.lI y .ccordi ng to the re l.tive ••ount.of other _t.l.)frOOl bu.1t r ock ••BIker (1973)de.onetnted t he r)le of .oil h u.l.c .dd.in .olubilbing _t.lI frOOl v.dou••inenbi .g.h,:opper ....hiahly ell tnc ted,rel.ti.ve t o other _t.lI .Schni tler .nd In.n (1972)lIoted copper'.plrtic ul.r .ffinity for huaic .nd fulvic lia.nd..!h i ••ffinity i. t he bI.i .f or the .hility of the.e ..teri.l.to elltr.c t r apper frOOl .iner.l..However,org.nocopper co-pleIe'.re .igni.fic.ntl,Ie ••toxic t ha n free copper o r hydrOll:ocop per,.0 increa.ed level.of di ••o lved c opper do not eeee ...rily indicate a .are bioloaically tOIic condit ion i n the '<;jUlti c habitat (Hoore and b ...oo rt hy 1984). Sever.1 fiel d .tudill have ahovn that copper do.."f bi......anify i,",food chain.I,fi.h ,",pri.ary •ite ,f c opper .CCUliulat iOIl i •",liver ; .uacle reaiduea ...acnenlly lov,eve n i,polluted _tera (Moore ..d RI...oorthy 1984).R ~n .polle.a a natural excretion _chan i ••for ellcell copper (McNee l y ee a l ,1979).A••uch,cop per dOli not po.e a .i.gnific.nt threat to fhhedu in the Su.itna River. 7.S ZI NC (Zn ) 7.S.1 Occurrence U'I the Suaitna l ive r Tot al recoverable and di.aolve d linc con centration.in the suaitoa River,a. reported by USGS ,Ire .hoWl!in Table 7.1.Totel &inc yarie.from 10 to 200 ua!l,.ve r.aing 66 ua!l.Oi ••o lved .inc ne yer Dea.ured oyer 30 ug!1 .nd v •• t ypic.IIJ be tveen 0 .nd 10 ua !l.The.e le yeh of .i nc .re wi t hin typic.l r , nlle.found i.n natunl .urhce ...ten (McNeel,Itt aI.1919 :Moore .nd 42S8Jl 860517 7-15 ...._rth'1984).A 1967 _tio_ide IUr...,re por t ed .. . ..c o..e e ..tr.tioa of 64 ua/I (I.opp .nd Ironer 1967 ..cited b,EPA 19 76)h fre .h ...t en of the Uni t ed St.te•• 1"'-b i ...ri.te correbt io ......I ,.h (AppeDdh A) i ..di c.t••th.t dac be h ."e • •u.U. r t o co pper i a th e I ,n..;t bh h ....t ....Ul ut l ah.D t he p r ...i.it,of t b'two .I _at l t o ..c h o th er te t he ,.riod i c T.bl .of t b.U.-a u. Su.il,r beh,..i or of the tvo .t,11 h ••be ea obl,r.,.d i o o t her 1,.t ..1 (Gi e., , ..d Ir i"e 1978).Totll aia c i a th e SUI it...li"er i .cor r e le te d t o r iwer d i.ch.ra.(r -o.6J 7 6),tot.1 .,'.pea ~..ol lo ti d.(r -o .840J), t ot.I c opper (rooD.70S]),t otel iroa (1'-0. 812 2>,t otel ....a ...ee e (r -o . 8840 ), t o tel _r cu r, (r -r.S47 1)••01 tot.1 a i chl (r ooD.8I2 J)It 1.lIt t o t he 0.01 l ev,l of .i laif i Clacl .Toul aiae i l .1. 0 cor r,l.te d t o t ou l 1••01 (1'000 .440 6, ,<O.OS ).Di lloh ..d aiDe it _lI ti"eI,e:or rll.te d t o t ou l aickel (r ooD .6Ut , ,<O. OS) .Coatr.r,t o .tud ie.of ee ee e _t .l l peel.tio a i a o the r .,.t e_, aiae:it tr.alported La the SUli t ...a i".r pri_ril ,ia th e pertLc " l et.ph•••• A.h the C.I.lIith co pper ,Itudiel el ..vtIere h.Yl!I holfll th.t dae:i. tnn 'port.d pri..rily ia the .01ub1l phll ll (I,nu .ad 5 t.ia nu 1974 ;G in y .nd lrieu 1978;"oore ead a.a._uh"1984;T, "i e r e e et.19 80 ).Tha Ila ai fic. at .lIoe:i .t i on betllea n ,iac ,c opper "nd I ••e!I Unelt.d .pol i.u o f t h .ir c . r t-olll te .nd/or lulfide o r ••i n tn e _unhed,.1 th e •••h'e u ll freqUllatl ,eee.....t oa.t her i a _tun ("e:l&eel,It .1.1979). 7.5.2 'otent i.1 for le.ch ial ead b io.ccu.ul.tion of ,inc w.bn'a (ouod no Itud i al o f c h.naal i a d Ole:e:one:a ..t n tion.ia th a IIIter c ol_o r bl ot.o f n ellt ,I .,ouDde d reler ""ln.It _,be th.t I "'.":i DC vill be le.e:h ad fr ...I aunda t ed roc k.l ad .oih .but it i.u.po"i ble t o qUiat if,tb i .v ith tba a Ki l t i a,det .be ...S tudia.h."e I hova tb lt 'iac e:.a be la.chad fro-.o ill .0101 r oe:k.b,b _ i c .ddl .Sialer .ad "",rot (1 97 6) d e.oaltre ud liac i ,U e:Ond oal ,to c op per I n tnu it i o n _.t.1 .Kt r.e:u b Ul t ,b, h ..te .e:ld (reb t l"e t o the _u l ' l c ontent )fro-be ilit roe:k."k,r (1 ~7 J)d,.on.tr.ted the .b i l ~t y o f hu.ic Ic i dl t o e a t r. ct tr. ce q~at iti,.of a ia :fro-Vlr lou••ia.r.l••~d lo i l •• 4 25833 860527 Zhu:doe,1IClt b i OOM l a if,II I fUR etioo of trOpbic poli tioa.riltl 1ICl~11, obtlia th._ioric,of th.ir doc fro.eli.t.r,lourc••nth.r th . .f r o. _tl r .v it h th.h ilhelt ret lcIuel fouael i a 'pl ei fic orl'a.:Ii"er,tine" .plela,10..eI.,pa ncr......1.t i ...I,l o v 1....1.of a ioe .rl I'Der.tl,fouoel i cl.ti••ue (Moor ....eI a-.-oortb ,1984).tb.pr.leace of o r ..Die .nel i ..o rl ic ehel.tora i o .olutioo ..,..iloifiuatl ,r.eluel .orptioo of aioc bJ fllb fro.ao o-food .ource.Ute ...eee , 7 .5.1 l i.t t o th.publ ic The o ri,inal Licen.e A pp l l ~.t t oo .t.te.t h. t ...ter qualit,crite ria for aioc h ..,.beea IIl ceeeleel natur.Il,0 0 ooe o r -ore e ee ••i ol'll in t hl SUlit ....li"er . It nfenoell the McNe.l ,e e at.(1979)criterion of 0.01 ..Zo /I fo r the pr ot. ct i on of eq ......tic l i f ••Th.S tl t e o f AIa.ta '.c riterio n h 1 peee ene of the 9 6-h our LC'jrJU ee t ....ln.d "i.c o ot iauou.flo..bio....}'o r 'j .,/1, wtl i ch....r i.I ...(ACC 1984).Mo aioc bio....,t ••t .h.ve beea per fo ....eI Ul iOI t he p roje ct wat.r •• 1.,lrell...of the ee reee t ee ,.q ......tic life 'ppe.ra to be fUfl ctioa la.i o the SUl it ..Iber ..ith the natural I."ell of aiac (the rl h Ltl ,po"ibil it,o f .....othropoS.a lc a ioc fro.pl.eer .iaial .ct i"i , i ...ael .t ...pb.ric upo.itioo).tbit .I_at clae.oat 'ppe.r to pr •••1lt •h ...rel to the public fr..i -rJOuo "-at o f the rho.r.Zia c .cc_ul .t••t o i ta bilh•• t cooc.ou.- t ioo.i .f i.b o rl' o ••oa t .u-cl e t i••ue,'0 el i.t.r,.ourc•• t o "0 woulel be .ioi..1 eft.if r ...r ...ir coa.tructioo aboulel UUI .iacr••••eI aiDe cooceotrat i oa.to oc cur i a fith . if Le th.1 coacen t ration ki 11iol 50 perce ot o f the o r ..ol •••in 96 hour •• 4 Z5 ' JJ .60527 7-11 A.vith o t hn _tah.total feco,"nble .ad d i ••o lftd ...a l .Ge U l e .,..,h ba .,e be en 800i to re d hi th e s ...i t lUl Ih.r.The.e deu .r.iocluded i a T. b le 1.1 . Totd r.c o.,er.bl."ol.oeu r'lI l .d ~r _10 to 700 u IH ••venl illl 270 uI H . Dinoh,td ...nl.n...h.d •_.n co ncent n tio n o f U.6 U8 /1 .nd v.ri eoJ frOlll n on-detect.bl e t o 180 U8 /1.Theu v.lue .,.Ithough .t. ted t o ucee d .pplic.ble ~t er qu.l it y c r i te r ia (A' A 198]••b ) ••r e t ypic.I of t ho ••f ound i ll IUItural .urhc.toIIte n (tha po ic ll ee .1 .198 2:tiuareiC h It d.1980; Cibb.19 17).Th.total ..a l .a. U c o ace at rt tio n.are p robe b ly hi,,, .d ue t o the b i, h .u.peo ded .edi .-nt coac.llt r .tioa••iace tot.1 re co "erab le "II,&ne.e [0 the S ...ltae li.,er i ..i,ai fiC ' lIt ly co r r.lat.d to .u.pellde d .olid. (r ooO .8997.'<0.0 1)(Appell di..A).f ata l reco.,.n bh ..11 , . _ 11 it .ho c 01"r eleted t o ti.,l r d i . ch ,rl e h~.1664).t ota l reco .,erab ll c o pper (r o(l. 8482 ),lid t ot a l r eco.,..,ub l.aioc (r ooO . 884 0).t I . ,.t to the 0 .01 le_l o f .iloi fin ocl .Dil.olftd ..1l1.oe. e .... oa t f o und t o c orre l.te ..i t h .oy other v.riabl l i ocl ud.d if,th e carre let i on .nel y. h . ",apne••it tnlltport.d pd..r ily ••pert o f the ....peaded udi_nt l oad in the S ...i t ae liver.S ia ilerly .Ci bb.(1 9 77)f Ollad .bout 9 0 pe ret at o f the tot,I ..01.0...b the Yuk.oa Ii.,.r t o be trall'port.d io the pe.rticula tl ph....Hydr o-ide coa tiol'0 0 pert ic le.aa~c ry.t.liia ••ol id.'ccou a tld fo r 4 6 perC lat a od ]1 pe rCt a t.r ••pee ti".I,.o f the t o ta l ..o lalll.,i a thl Yuk.oa I h .r .Cibbe fou od a bo ut 10 pe re.o t of the to ul ..o'.....e to be t be d i, .o l ...d fo~. La:u ll..t e t ,(1984)ba1".u"••t .d a "'dec o upti a,'"of the tre dh lo lUl I proce ••od.ot • .,io te r pret a tio a o f ..lIla llele .pleiatiooi their ob ..rv,t i oo . do oat 'upport a Hlllt bet ... . n pert i-cuIate a lld ao l u ble ..1I.aae' l ph ....ill riven .ad Itrea.1 (t hei r cOllel ...io n.are not applinbl e to hit••).They de.cribe tva .0urCI'o f ..nlaoe ...Doe,th e re lult o f v e .ther in,pr o c "I", prod ucll pe.rticuhte .."".110 .....part o f the 'u.pe n dl d .,di.n t l o.d.The o t he r l ourc.c _po ...t he r •••r_it o f d i n oh 'ed ..Ill enel e end it l a r,el y 425 11] 860521 1-18 lSerhed fr..the illfllnl.IIf nduud,'1I1ubh MIl (I I),pede'le.ched fr .. •aa.ic 'ail ,aJ I rauaoN,te n.aee ee ,h ydralealalic.1 caad itia n,,e..ta laftra _a&8_'e 'peci.t i aa 1a rhoeriae .y.te...lquillbr l ..c h ..htry .lId bial a lical _diat1aa l0ftra ..a l.alue ,pec l at i oa i a lalle ••lId re'ena 11'1 11••1111 r etati..IJ 10'111"1're.ideace ti_,th.a lo tic .y.t....The _1I1.lIele dlIu af pTepr aject c all di ti aa'_y the re f are ao t be a f Il'Iat ..1..1a pred i ct inl r e.erYai r .nd daV'll .Ue ••_ap"e.e Ie..11 follllW ial d.er iapoun""lIt . A II_bel'af I.baretary .lId fi eld .tudh.I"",e .filled the ,,..d a t ia n d yaaa i ci a f _a l.lle.e i a lalle.alld nurWll ln.lbe ch _i.try a f _al'." 1.cSa.iaat ed b y r eocn:trao li.tioll'bet_ea tbe r eht h -t y 'ill ubl e re duced "'II (It).pec ie.a lld t be bilhly i n. ol uble odoiKecI )b (IV)f o....I'll ..nted fre.hvat er.,t~equi libri_'plcie.ar e p re doa iaa lltl y "11 (I V)phl'e'(St u.. alld Morlill 19.1).Vbea r l.arYairl Itrat i fy.aGe erOb io.i l ..y de .-Illp i n th e h Jpllli_illa ,and "a (I I)..y be c_the cSa.iaau fora .Th i l ph la_Il011 II _ll 4oc_ntad (Rutc hi a.OIl 1915) . The poteatid fill'hach illl "lIlalle'l f r ..1l1undet.,d IlI ill aad rocll.11 d ire ctl y r lll ud ta tbe pot ellti.1 for eaaerob io.1I 11l tbe propo.ed r e ..rvo ir..The lillelibooO o f the laUer 11 •f unct iOIl of ""y factor "tbe pr i_ry two be llli tb •.-uat o f or&8a ie ..t erial r ...i lli lll ill t be r e .er.cl ir Ko nel UPOIl iapoUllo-ll t .nd .e••o llal h "droG yllia iCi o f t he r e.ere oir..L ittl e if allJ ._erobio.i ,""pi e t ed ill ei ther r e.el'l,o ir.TIle ufore,l ittl e Ie.eh io.(Ill'.o lub i li.at i oll )of ..1I .alle .e "pre dic t e d.Wit hout e teea ted c OllCeatl'u i oll.o f .olub ll _1l•• Il....h .-II o f _11&8l1el e ill b i otl are ee e eapect ed to be .ba..curreat COIl C.lItr.tioOI. 1 .6 .3 lilll to th.public lubltillt ill le.ch in.of "1l1.lle , e il aot eapected t o rel"lt f r-.iapoun""lIt of the S ud t na lielr.A.luch,tbe illC r ...o tl l d.k to th e public h CIllo • 425']) .60521 1-19 -- - --.., 7.1 n OM (Fe) I , 7-204258]] 8 60527 7.7.1 Occurr ence in th e SU ll en,Ri ver The high t otll i ro n c o ftu nt u t io n.I r e pr ob lbl )'due to th e .....peruted .e d i. eou :t oul ir oo io t he S ....it lll Riv er iI .i l o i fi ee nt l )'c orreht ed t o t otll '''''pe nde d eolide (r -o . 9 248 ;P<O .OI)(Appen di:r.A).To ul iron c o nceo t r e t i o n i .e l . o c or r e l l t e d to ri vet di .c h.tse (r-o . 771]),t ot .1 c o p?C r (r -o .66]4 ).t ot el ..nSlnue (r -o . 9 306).t o te l aicke l (r-o .1190 ).u d t o ut zinc (r -o .812 2)I t o r be )'olld t he 0 .0 1 le ve l o f .iani ficeo ce .Tot l1 i r o o i l I l i a c orrel eted t o t o u l l e ed (r -o .4994 .'<0.0 5 ).Di llo l yed i to n .iao i f i ceo t l )'co r t e I I t e d an i )'t o di llo lved c o pper (t -o .4 6 34 .P <O.Ol ). T oul a nd di.,n lve d i ron c o ncen t ra ti on.ira the $u l ic",-River ,II p ub lilhe d .n n....ll ,.by th e USG S,ar e tlbu bted (Tabl e 1 . 0 .Toe.t i ron "Ided f r_40 co 42 , 000 ua/l,.V"Ua1 nll IZ,816 \ll / i .Di llol"ed iron 1""Ultd 10)ua /I l od rao l ed (rOIl no t de tect ab le t o 250 u,/I .The cO lu:e nt ntiona o f d i n oh'ed ;,r o n a re ..i th in ....t ur .1 ra ol el fOT lur fl ce ...t er a,.nd,co n l i d e r i o l th e I Ulpend ed lo l i d,10l d,the eot,l i r o n l evel .are eee U1I ellpe ct ed.Lar'f! ••o u n u o f i.ro n ue p r el e nt ill th e Susi c lI.I a ivel'II ","et ite,h ea.tit e, p ,.r oll en".l ad o t he r .inenh w i th U '.pr uenc II fioe ,.rt ic uhcel (I •II COlll ul h a ca Ine , 1984b ).£"UOdIOll I nd IDea i n. ,(19 8 S),1 10 f ound a ubA tl llc i,l per c e n tl''''(as t o 94 perc ent )of t he cotal i ro n t o be pr eu nc I I •pl r ti cu l.te f or.i n ne.r by Il l c i ll l ike 'o f .o ut h ce nt rll Al l .kI. Th e p ri..r )'_chin i ••of i r oo t u o .por t i o t he s ...l i t ftl Ri y er iI I""penlion i n t h O'"et er co l .-e .p.lrti cl u .A l i.i ll r c on ctue i oo f or i r o n trlalp ort in e allde l ri ve r ....r uc h e d b y Cibb.(19n )I t ...d)'ing the Yukon Ri ver . Ci bbl f ound lell t h.n perc e nt o f t ot el i r oo t o be th e di llo l ve d .pe ci el . He f ou nd 4 8 pucent of th e Yu kon'l t ot el t ria l po r t ed iron t o be in c r )'Ul li in ..perti.cl ...e nd Ino ther 40 pe r cen t e.I d.o rbe d _t e ll i c cOi t i na l (..in l )'f ..e e Ie hydro.ide )o n t h ...e c r)'l te tline l u b.trl te .E1e .,..o pe r ceot "e .e 'll o r a eni c lo U d phele .oa l y the l itter tva i r o n fu ct i on l ..)'be c on .ide re d bi o l oai c el1 )' e .ei.le bl e. \ I I Tb.r.fo ....if lalMlUU Ka tioa.caa be ,ent itted ,pert..,. a bout 5 01 of ch . t otal r "co ftrabl "irOD i ll tb,Sud eu I h ,..(Tabla 7.1)i.,.,a H,bl,t o b i ota. In .t u die.oa DO o-Ch"" 1 .'n .....Gi b bl (971)abowe d ",i_nail'i roo .pee lat iaa f or t he A...o II liva r,T. a, ier e e d.(1910 )f GU od ,i.il a..I roa .pee l.t i oo i ll two Q..bec r iven.!i.eor .ieh et a l.(1980 )f ound about 681 of t otal i r oll t o be c r Jlt .l l i ~~rt i c l ••io au_peo,ioo at aoaurbaa ,it••OD t h"up per "iu i ..i pp'I lvn (191 .,..t he c1 i u olved 'p.ci.)."...rOU I ..u tbor.h•.,,,found d i u ol¥ll!cI iroll t o be cootro U,c1 b)'t b"d iuohe cl o r a.ai e "a r boo coocellt ra t ioo,bo.ot our c orra h tioo an.a l ,.ia ,boved 00 tllo ifiu llt (P >O.Os)n1.l,tiOlllhi,itl the SuaitDf.li."r (le e lr.ee al.19 1.;Ci ••,aDd Bdue 197.). Four ,,,bl b he d a t ud iu r a l, t ill,t o c han ,••i o iro n c oncen trat i on in pla nn. d i_po",od.eou h.".beeo loc.ted ea d n"ie_d.S,l.,.,.te r ead S. eb l _(1 965 ) .t ",d ie d .oih io the pr e i _po ...n_ot &Dne e nd ee ee e i n t he d evil ope d Roverd A.Rea.o n a.u r\'Oi r._e r tI CO&l.WA.In betcb .oil r el ct i on .tltCli.e t b., f o ...ad eneero bioeie c.....ed e leve te d i ron level1 wh Lch co atL oue d ua ti l •ti.. (ebo...t n ell,.)whell i roD be,ea to cOl,ulate ..i th t.ani••nd li,ai . co-po","dl I lld p rlei pit ete .Foll ovi D't.pouaa.e o t.I .li, ht r il'o e cur r l d i n i ro ll 1evell in r ,ler\'O i r _tn.ADO t b l r bat cb 1.I Cbi ll'Itlld,0 11 p re '-pouad _at &D oe loih VI I dona b,te",p Itt I I.(1910)0 1'1 tbe Mo rth••l t Clp.Fee r l i ....r ill e ll t era Mo rtb Cl.roli DI .nle 'c o aeluded t bl t .Ie"et ld i r l'n coocen t u tioo.woul d r ••ult d ...t o t be hi.b o r ..d c CO lltl llt of the i_pou a4.en t &Doe .o ih.ta up lit II.(19 10 )eho fo...nd h i . h lr 1,,,,11 o f i ron i ll ,uI.obie Mtche .tbe D i a .e r o bic u pe ri_n t.. In l oi l I ' l ch ia, l tu.iel of ...r io....pr opo. ed r u er vo ir li t ••i a AI, .b.S.i t h (1 980)eDd S.i th IDd J ..r tee (l91S)f OU Dd i ron iD t he lelchlte.(whi c h ¥I re _1Iea deU ri'Dt o r eUlrob ie )t o increlee v ith t i _i o .oi h v ith .ub.t eo tie l o r,. Die _u . 42 S8)J 'ltO U1 1-21 Muc h r reb haa i adiea te d arpaie ,ol ut e.i a iroa IaOb i l lutioa .S ift,er .ad rat (976 )fovad iroo to be th,..u b_ic ,cid-str,et,ble _t,1 ia ....I t roe1l.(bo_.,.r ,it..poorl y _tr.c tabl "relat he to the ...uat pre.,at).laker (97».hoved the .bil it y of h ...Ie .cid t o uu.ct i roa fr_.,.rio....il iute .lnenla (i .e.f eld.p.r ,bioti.t e,e n.tatite, .ct iaoli t ".ad e pi do te).Perdue .et .1.(19 76)de .oa'tr.ted t he correlatioa bet.e ea di ..ol ..d iroo .ad di ..o lved or,.a ic c.rbon ia .outhe.uera Uea ited S u te ••urfa ce ••t ..... It .ppa....r ••'oubl,to pred ict th.t i roa le.cbiD,.ill be u.cerbeted ia th,propo.ed s...i t as r e'er.o ir.i f the or,.ai c ..teri.1 i 'not cle.red p r i or to iapou aet.eat.Or ,.a ie _teri'l i a the re.er.o ir .i ll de c a.po •• ,_.rt aa Ol;y"a de..ad •• ad i f til e re .er.,o ir thenl.lly untif ie',reduce I " • •oluble fer ri c io n (re] +)t o t h'.ueh _re 'ol ub le f errou.i roa (re 2 +) . Th i'.i l l le.d to e le ",t.d i ron co ace nt r. t i oa.i a the r ••ervoir •• We h•."fouad PO ,..i de a ce th.t i r on b io.cc _ul at u ..i t h trophi c position; i ron b ioec eu.ul.t i oa i.not e a pec t. d to o cc ur i o th e proj ect r e.,r vo ir•• 7 .7 .]l i '1I.to th e publ ic Th,o r i ,ioe l ~i c .a.e Appl ieat ioa 'tate .that t o tal (r,eo..e r.b le)i roo i a t he Sgaitoe li."r ea cee ded th e "'tel'q ....Ht y e ri te rio o 0 0 o...rou'oc u.ioo•• The ori,iasl LLcea..AppHeat ioa c:i.tu th e EPA (976),ad Sittl.(1 98 1) cr iteria o f 1 ..'e ll f or the pr otection o f frull".ter o r ••ai . ...The SUite of Al ••ka ••t er q ...li ty .t.nqrd.r ef.reoc.the rederal c ri t e ria or ODt! perceot of ",lovett ....ured 96-hour LC"b io ....,te.t,whichenr i, 10_1'.Thue crit,ria.ho.,.,er.do 00<d i .tioIUi 'h bet.eea t ot.I i roo '0' d i ..ol .,.d i ro o.Th is d iscr,,..nc y H cel 'i t .ted th.t total iroa .ua.t eee e ", criterion ,ao ullr ••li ,t ie upe ct.t ioa f or I t re...u rr yhl Il.c i.1 fl our . Gene r. U y ,.bout '9 perc e nt o f the iroa io the Suaitaa ."'er is car ri'd i o the ....p.nded ..di.ent l o.d.The d i.,olved i roa eoac entut ioo'do not u eeed the I ../1 Ii. i t (Tl b le 7.U.pre..at la.littl e healt h ri lt t o t he 4251]] 160527 ---------------. public.Th e total ir OD c onc eatrat i oa a i n the r i ••,do wDIer,..of t he projec t .ill de e••••followiol U.POUD~Dt aiaC I th.au'pindell 1,lli.,ot l oad .ill d4cr ••••lu b.tlot i,ll,(APA 1981 ). 1.8 ALUMINUM (AI) 5 ..plial f or It.-ill..h ••be en perfor-d in the S uti cn,Rh.r.Dlltl pro"ided b y uses h .i.,a i n Tabl ,7.1.I l a d"eo,,'ul tl aU,Inc.(1 9 82) a ho pr oyi..s.d dUa a D d inah,d .• 11. ill.....c ODelacn tio n., Toul and d i ••o lved .I ..i n....data Ire pr•••nt ed i n th e o r l,ial l Lic lo"Applic at ioo •• 'ilur,.!.2.104 ,ad E.2.105.Total ,t _ in ..l eYeI ,Ire r et,t i.,I ,h l ah,bu t Dot _..pett,d for ,he ia l ri.,ra .ueh a'th e SU l itaa,Al ..in ....h llkel ., •••oci.l t e d.v ith the la ral a ua pended 1.ll i_lIt laI d,.Dh aoh ..d.d ....ill.. l e ..l,Ire hi ah er thi n CODelnc rat i ool "pl cted i n natural wat er.and a UI ••at .l, aU ie. at ae id .ine dr.i_l _in th e _teubed or eonu.iution d ur inl .a.pl i nl (Jo nea e t .1 .1914;St~.nd "organ 198 1 ). 1.8.2 Pot eot ia l for Laaeh iol aod l i oaee u.ul at ioll o f Alu-ia u. Al u.in~i ••pr a et iea ll ,u biqui toua a le.aat 00 aa r th,bu t aur p riain,I"i t. e n. i ro_ ent al behawi or ,t o&le1t,a ad b i oanilabllit,are not e o-pl atd, ull dotut ood .Mo r epor ta h."be en f ound indic .cin••I _ ia ..le.ehiD,o<:cura fol lo viag n u r'lO tr i .pauna-n t.nor h .I _ ia ...l e.eh in,likel y.41 _in... •ioeuh .Ire IIO t we ry a ol ub1e .H..Ie a e id.cia biod aI _ia..but eo {l "eau a tioDl o f o r .-nie a c ida i a t he S ua i t _l i ..r ar e in au ff ident to uuae eeol ":;".I1,ha ..rdoua l e ..11 of leaehina (Perdue e t a l.1916 ;Pott at a l.in pre ••;Shl....'lid 'a.ro t 1916). l e la ti.e l,l ittle re .ear eh h. a beea perfa~ed oa b i o.ee ..ul at ion af .I_in.. i n aqlllt ic a ai..h.AI ..i n ..Ull be f oulld .t tuu leveh in the t iuuea of 4 ZS133 160521 .l_.t .....,...d_(lur ..CN'19 77). Littl ••"t <luc.u le u t o hdie. t ••0 .la.iou.b loecea.~l.tioo p..o bl ..t.t he pot.at ia l 1""1'901 1". 7.9 LL\D (n) 7 .9.1 OC euf ....c .10 the Su~lt••l iv... Tot.l f.c o.,.ubl.l ••d CO llc.at f.tloll ••u l ncl ud. d ia T.bla 7.1.Toul raeo",f.ble l •• d val t"ic.U,23 uI Il,unailla ff _!lOt det.ct.bl.to 199 u,/l .Althou,h eee 1.11......1 f ill'.l.llill,.1'....th•••c Olleelltut ioal Ilf I .ad.1'.r.tb.f h l ,h (Gte.,.Ild I d •••19 78:KIlOI".ad ....aoor th'19M ;T••ai er at al . 19 80). tbe hip 1..,.1a of had io t he SuaitDa li.,.f '1"pfoha b l,due t o tb.Ill'" ,u,,..Md l.d l_IlI t loa d.To tal f.eonf.bl.l'ld cor..eta te d v i t b ....,.ode<l .o l i d.(..-0.47 09 ) ,I'lld total f.eoy.rlbl.eopp.r (r-G .4".).t ot . I reeon u b l.i fo a (rooO.49,..),totl l raeo...r . bl._reUl"(1'000.4406).t le.at t o the O.OS 1•.,.1 o f li,oifie.'IIc.(Appen di .A). 7.9.2 Pote nt i.1 f or Le.ch i'lll .nd lio-c eu-ul . t ion of L••d Ther.la .,.r1 little pote at '.l •o il. .Laa d .L ae ra h .re DO t fou ad ao raco rded UIatlacel u.pollDMd f.a.ryoi r •• for h.d to be la.ched f r_th e lIevl ,fl ood ed .,.r1 .ol uble (KcNe.I,et aI .197 7).w.ha .. of elev.ted l e ld c onc. ot r. t iOIlI i o .v l, Altba Ulh had CI II be h ohted frc.t he t i ll..a of _'II,Iq ...tic o r ..o i _. r ea id u..I'll or..oi_f r_unpolluted v .te l'l .ra aot I ree t .Laad h DO t • th r••t t o flah.r,re l _rce.esc.p t i.a e ••••of n t r ...e po llutioll (Koor.a nd t-_rt h,1984).Me tb1h ti.oo of l ead h rare i.o natute a nd conaeq.nt l, o r,,'IIo llad 11 Iddoe fou'lld 10 f lah t h l.l .Th.96 ~h r LeSO fo r t ou l l . ad ,l ne ra 1l1 f al h v ith ia t he raol'5 00 t o 10.000 UI:l,vell .bo ve t he la ...1a rec orded i n th e Suai t na Ri vlr (Koora .nd RalU moorthy 1984 ). 4251)) 860527 1-24 1.10 KIOl!L (Ni) 1 .10.1 Oc curreace ia the Su. i tn.Riv er Total r ec overable ni ckel conc ent r. t io n.i a th e '....ita.River .re .hovo i n T.ble 7 . 1.Aver.li al 21 u II I ,th e co ac en t ra tiolll r.nge frOlll 1 t o 5]ug Ni ll.Thue levell .re c Olll p.ra b le to th o.e f ound ia the Yukon Rive r by Cibb.(19 11).KcNeely e t d .(1979 )r eport th u th e -edb n fruhvaur c on centr.t i on o f nic ke l i n North "-dcan d .,e n it 100 uI II ,h owever o ur rev iev of the l iterature .ulleat .a t yp i c al conce nt ra tio n cl o.er t o 20 uI I I (Cib b.1911 ;Ciu y and Bd eu 19 78,Koo re a nd Ra..lIIO or thy 1914;S te inbe rl 1980 ).Tot al r ec overable Di ckel i n the S u.i t na River c or rel ated vith t otal r ecoverable ..nlane ae (1'000 .8412)and to ta l r ecov erable .in c (1'-0 . 8 123)at le.n t o t he 0.01 l evel o f d l nU icance (Appeadi.A ).Total nic kel a lia ai lni f ica nt l y co r re l at ed t o d i ••o l ved .inc (1'-0.6158 ,P <0.05 ). 7.10.2 Pot ent ial f or Lea ch iDI a nd Bi oac cumulat ioa o f Nickel No ev ide nce h••bee n f ound t o indic .te th.t ele v.te d n ickel con centration. occ ur i ll nev re eer voir..H.-ic .c id.ca n l e. ch li.ited •• ou nt.o f n ickel f rOGl ba ..lt r o ck,but the.e pr oduct.v iii l ike ly be r .pidly ad .orbed e eee .u.pended particl e.(S i nle r .nd N.¥T ot 1916 ). Ni ckel do e.n ot bioac c .-uh te .II a fUllctioll o f trophi c po .it ioll .Nickel ac cUlllu1.t e.IMl re r e adily in fi.h o r l.na (live r,kid ney,Ii I II )than .....e re (HlJtc hin.o n e t e l ,1915.a .c ited by Koore and RalUlInor thy 1984 ) .III the he.vily pollut ed Il li noh River.a verale c o nce nt ra tio n.o f n ic ke l io .edi.e Dt .,invertebr.te•• • nd in the .u.c le o f ()III nivo rou.aod ca r ni.,o rou. fi .h vere 2 7,11,0 .18,.nd 0.1l q /kg r e .pectivel y (Kat hi ••nd Ctmai nl' 1973 ••ci t ed b y Koore and R.a"llOO r thy 1984 ).L ittl e h e alth ri.k frOlll n i ckel elii.t.f nr c on .ume r.o f r e.ide nt fi.h e.fo l lov ing i . poundmeat o f the Su.itna River. 4258]] 860521 1-25 7 .11 IISKtml (Ii) Very HUle ecoloaiul iDf o~c ion on b ie.uth hae been located.KeD'"I leer ch f or .uch include d Ch~ic.l Ab.trac te,liol Olical abltrac t.,Poll ution Ablt r.ct e ,end ver ioue t este on t os ico l o l J and e n"iron-l!n tal heelt h. Th e o ri.ina l Licen. e Appl i ut io n I t .t el th.t d i. l ol ..d bi.l.uth ellceecled t he r eC_ Dded c riteriDII Df ).S ua a ill.Hove"e r ,t he de te ct i on li.it fo r the .ulyticel _thod V. I SO u./l (I ,K Con . lIl t. nu ,Inc.19aZ .1 cited by APA 198)a,b ).The oti.iul Licenee AppH c et i nll c nnt.he d i nfo~ti o n on Z6 .n.ly eel of b i l . u th i n S uai t na River water ,o f t heee 26,d i ll ol "d billll ut h V' I detecte d t h ree ti..e ,Du.on b h _uth eeeue r eeee in th e S Ul i t u Rive r , a nd the ecological .i. ni f iea n ce of luch,'I inluf fi cient tn leDer.te coaclueive 'Ut~nu 0 11 potenti.1 leach in.Illd /or bi o.e c ..uh t inll in the •u gge lt iDg b i l .uth-re1at ed ecoloa iea I project •• 7.1Z CONCLUSIONS AND I£COMKtNbAllONS p r obli!!lll i...water pu bl icet io .... clevelo.-e"t Th h ren ev of the lite rat ure h.1 n.ul ted i n .11 ullden t. lld i nl nf th e r lek t ...t he ae lle ra l pu blic 01 ...t o l el ch in g.o f _tala fr ....lo il.i n t he i..po und- _n t &OlIe o f the pr o po eed Sueitna re.e rvoi n.t ee r e ••e d c oncell tratioal of tOllic _tala '"t he r ..e r'101r ...t en ..y relult fr ....: 1.Di llol ut i no of i nunda ted l oill alld r ock.: Z .hcre 'led l"a tee nf .illeu l d i llol ut ion d Ull!t o t he cheh tioa of _t,11 bJ hu.ic 'ub.t,lIce.: 3 .l io lo g.i ea ll J -_dieted reac tio....involving._tala I II flooded t opl o i l hor i &o lIl . 4 ZS833 860 S27 7-2 6 Our lit.r.tUC'.r . d ...b ••fou a'"I,Olle .t.l._rc Ul",t o .,.t_Hc.ll, b io.ccu.ul.t.t o .c olo,ic.II ,~a l .r ou .coacea tr.t i oa.,I••'ir.ct r ••u l t of u.pouad.e at (Aber u t b,.a'Cu.bt.1977;10"1 ,et .1.111 pru ••Coa .t '1 . 1919;lte ht.r .t &1 .1919 ).Otb .r .t.h....a tboup prueat i a r .l.tb.I , hi,h t OQc.Qt u t iolla ia th.Su.it_Iie e r ••r .DOt liuh t o pre ••at • I ••thin,o r b ioe ttu.ul.tLoa probl ..follovia.i.pouad.eat . After u.pouad_at,aitroblel .th,I.tioo of _rtur1 fro-aeYI,inund.ted ..teri.h o f Vet.aa ,loll.De ...it Canyoa haeno tre i.likel y t o rnult ia ..rtur,1.....1.t a re ••rwoir fi.h hi,her th.a curr eDt c onceat r.tioDI . !a.iro_nul toa.H tio at i o t he r u enotre y ill t .acI to .ta i. b ••rtur , bi_t b,1e tioa .a'.ub.eq ueat b i o.t c:u.IlII .tioQ. The u.pa tt o f tb.p ro j.tt oa ..r cur, i a f i lb e.do _.tn ••of t be r e.er 'lOin wi ll be •fw tt i oa of tirO t h in ••;.rtur,ellported fr_t be n ••r ...o in .ad !!.itu _tb,l.t iaa .ad upuk.o f _rc ury i a do _.tr...b.bit.te.Tot.1 tua.port of _rcur,cIova,Itre ••of th e propo ..d ru er.0 1re will be .ub.t.atbll y I •• •tb.a und .r e ae ee ee c:a ad i t iOD' .Meth yl ••rcur y c oDceatr.tioa.1•••1n,the re ••r'lO i...,Ire a.ot pred i ct,Ible .Kertur1 Ittu.ul.tion ia fieh do"".tr..._,be I ....el,d ue to !!.!l!!!_tb,htion .nd upt.te.but vill Ubi ,be influenced b,proj.ct-induced t h. n. n ia .tre••biolo.ic.1 pr acluct i.it,.t .11 trophic 1.....1 •• Tot.1 e eee ..r.bl .cODce llt r.tioal o f .ll _t.h tr.a.port.d cSova .tre,I.v i ll ....d ia.f o ll",ia.r h ar u.pouad_ nt .Muc:b of t he tot.1 reco..r.bl._t.h .r....ocut.d v itb t he ',",perlC.d tolid .;.iat .the r e .erwo i ...will tr.p .uc:b of tba .u.pl aded •••i -.at l oe d.t ot.l _t. 1 call cell tr .tio a.cIa_ . t r.,I. o f tbe pro j.ct .bould de c:re•••fo l l ",i aa i.poua "'at. There .ppelU t o be littl.po t.a ti. 1 for l e.thin ••nd b i oec c:..u h t i oa of he.",.et.l.i a the propo...d r •••r ....oi ta.v ith the lIOt.ble u t .ption of _rt ur, ."0 .lti,.tion phn.h......been forauht.d ;rather ••tudi e ••hould Hut defia.the oc:c:urreatl of h••vy aeuh in th e v.t.r .nd .q ....t ic btot•• "25833 86052 1 1-21 1.0 to PO!UTU1.JOI.DUIOLftD GU IUPllI4nrunOi ULlTiD TO 1'0 PIOJICT ; Th,d lf;ifiuaee o f potenti,1 ch i n., .ia d i ..ol,..,d .,.o n r e,idellt fiab h abit,c.a nd popu1.llti oa.h.,beea id entified •• i nue f or cbh projl ct.The foll o..illl l afor..t io..cl i.. cu.... 't' CUI o f our ko owle o, .tesard i ol th.t.top ic•• 8 . 1 DlSCU SstOlf ••1aoo .nd •f ilheriel Th e ab,olut e qu.nc:it1 of d inolved ...thlt ...eer ca n h old 11 •fun ction of ..'1'11"e••pencure Ilul pr...ur e.The up.dt,of ...eer t o ho ld .,. i a .olutioD i ll ef i t h i llc r hl '1"" "1'1 .ad de e ru with iacre••io, t e ..,.rlture.Di u olved p i ...perne unt i on oc cuu w en ",i eh er th e t "l.etaCurl o r pu nure of ...t e.."ith •gi"en ~u a t o f d i u ohed p' c:oo :eat re tioa t bla,••t o the .,tlo t t hat it .,ce,d,..c ur 'ted 1 ,,,,1.It t he 0 '"COIIIIHt iool. Di ll ol ftd I"I ...peu a t ur a tioll cIa ,ffeet t he b i och _ i .u, .pb , .iol o l1 ••ad be h.vio r of ..quu ic o ra..lIh••by e.....illa ....bubbl e d i. e a.e.lo'I\eo fhtl en c ount er wat .r h.vina di ••o l ved a••c o nce nt r. t io n.ia ex ce ••of ••tur.tlon. th e ....i n th e ...e ee d iU.....thr o ulh th e l ith ,tead ina t a..-rd l equilibrh_ with in th e filh .t ~he .uperla tur.te d level.th i n .vb ln t he f i lh I .ave.the e ee e of .u pll'lU ur U ed w.ter,&81 ..ia th e blood .nd o t he r bod ,fluidl -1, d epend ina on the l ev el o f uce ..'''I with ill the ir ti ......,c _ e o ut of lo i litioll ,fo ~i a,bubbl ..iadde t he fbh .lbe bubbl ..all a ...e circuht i o n b l oc ....'el .nd d iuupt i oa o f th lue l.The oYe1'l11 e Hecti o n .11 orlan i l.CI O 9.1'1 fr a.l ub Ie t h.1 I t rell t o de .th (Wo l ke e t 1 1. 197i; r i cke i l n n .ad S chneide r 1976). Uil n 860i27 '-1 Supe uatutaUd d luol ..d p 'co oee ot u t loo. h,.dt oel a ctdc rac:iUti..by U IY of th a folIovilll ..,OC CUl' _chan i •••: ....••• 1.s pill__,diach a tle.ea ta tilll the entta ia.eat of a it bu bbl e.to a h ,dt oatatic pt e ••ut e f o tce .t he .ol utioa. ra ce i ..i lll att ea.Q II Q u. a depth Wb ,te tb.chaa l e ia ., . i.n the bubbl..I ll ta 2. pr ee.utee .ol utioll. of .It i nto po~.""_..u.e tutb in..,.....r . ..,f fi cieat _,e llh t to f orce ee e ..e p'c o nce llt ra tion.illtll to ._h ,.droel e ctric b cU itie.l i t h "bl ad"i a to l .Withduvat o f n itto,ell ..tut lUd weter fr o-depth i n •bod,of v.t et , .uch a .tb. co ld hJpoUaa ioa la,.eu o f a r e ..n o ir,aa.:t del i ..e t J t o _rae t t_petat ut ea all d l o wet pn ..ute.,Wb ich _, th ell r e.ul t in a t _po t ar ,c o ndi ti.on of p'.upet.a tuta tion,uD t il a q ...t ic p 'co nce nt rat ie u c an equil ibrate vith t he at.o.phere . Th h aituatl on doe.no t '"'H1 anJ t ur bule nce ...o da te d vith it: t ur buh llca VOl.Ild r e. ul t ill IID te rap id eq ui li br at i OIl t o a . b le llt cOll ditiooa. G..l upe r ..turat i on h..not beall o bse r ved i n the S u.it n.a .h .r up .trea.o f De ..i l Clll,oa (e .,.u p.tr.a.of r iver .i le.l 50 t o 16l ) .Gold Cteek,lo ca tad below De ..il Can,.oa .en tet.th e Suti toa _in.t ..at .pprolll..te l,100 perc allt ,a ...turuiOIl .tt i .p re._d thlt e ener rap idl ,flov inl t dbut.rl e ••ho eee e e the _ill.toN Sua ltna with ap ptes i ..taly 100 perc.nt ,a ...turat ion I ....h.Ga••u penat u taion ia a ppar .a tly p toduc.d i a the _ina t ..S...i tu, u nd er M tuta l con ditiona,with io th e Devi l CaIl,.OO r ap i d ..Ga • •uper..t u raUd _tar appea ...t o be caused b ,.th e a nt t ai._at o f li t in the rapid.and pt,a.udaatioa of t he vater i n plunle poo h .The _a.ured le""la of I"conca nt t atio n a p ptat to be d ite ctl ,.re h ta d t o th,r dhcha rl'r atea 425811 &60511 '-2 , , • • • • I• • • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • •• • 0•••0 • • • •••• ••• • • • • :. • •I•• e-a flov iaa thrO Il,b tb"C801 0ll,..i t hi a the 'i tc hu,_rill,••o b ••,....t o qt e (i .e.10,000 til )2 , 500 eh )(AOne 19112 ;APA 19S1e ,b,ri••8 .U.Althoup ,••c OllC locrlc l.oOt of 115 t o 116 ,.rl:"lI(:b•••be ell a b••,...d.It tb...uth of Dr.il caIlJOII.De icher l ilb ..boli,••aor ...I.dell e,"of pI bubble di••••1 b... beeo ob ..r ....i o the BU lCDa Ii.,...to ute (AOnC 1982).AI t el' qudit,It'lul,rd.',edf,_1:'-_,Ilovebh tot.1l d iuohed p.11 11 of 110 ptrC:.llt of ..curatioa It .0J poiat of •••ph eet teee tee (1 8 AI.,ka AdllliaittUCh-.Cod.10.020). All ,"I.ClOU.t c Ollc.rn re.ardllli I "luper..tuution iI the Uti at lltIich '"perutuut.4 p.io flovi.na rher ...eee ne ural t o equilibd ..throuah c oouet vith the .t-.oepblre.Ttl,rat••t ..ti l th ,••"ill c:_out o f .olution i .depeodeat 00 tb,...t el't e.per l tu re lad t b'ez po_url o f th e ...tlr to l over p.pr eaa un,a .eaa a upe n a t ur a u d water hAa beea o ba.r ft d t o peuht f or 10 ....do _ . t rla.du taDC ••whl n ackq"'t l o ppo rt uDi tie.d id DO t ea in f or t he d i ••ol_d .....to equ i libr.te with the It _.ph.r.(Ioy.r 1974 1 rickehoo I1ld Sch ...id.,1976 ). He••ure_nt.o f t otal ...eoneeot r. t ioa io l.ve t. 1 "".ehe.do wnl t r l ••of Dellil canyon I t 16,000 ell .nd ]2,SOO eh h.v.bee n uud t o .tudy the r.tl of dilllpatlon of Ill.IUpltl.tutltion in the Suli t na .AnalY lh of t h e data i ndi c:at u that the di.aipltion r.t.c.n be .,del ed b y .a e:r.poalntial deCll ,. fuac t i oa a ad that t he aaouat of .upl tl. t un tio n i.r .dUoC ed b y .ppto:r.iaatd ,. 50 perc ent io til l fi.r.t 20 .U••dowo.u",..The d i ll ipa tloa nt••have aot be eo ~la d f urther t h.a 20 .ile.do _.t,.I.,but aay c o ntLo ui oa lu pe r.atu rat.d c oad it ioo.woul d be e "plc te d to c oa t iaue d ee re ••ina,po ••i bly a t f a .ter nte.o f de c i i De d",t o .ha llo_r chaaae l de pt h.,-or.-..t er .ur flce a te .i a c on tlc t with t he a t.o.phere,.ad d ilueloa o f ..i o. t ..w.t er. by tr ibutar,.i nf lueat (AD ~C 1'82). - 42 58 ]] 8 60527 ... 8 .1.2 .{ololleat Iffecta Tb'po t"at,1 btololleal ,H,c tl of ..ee ..'"...'u pa ne tu ra t io l!billow DnU c.o Joo r ap i d .,.houl d th e tit....t iOll occur ,wou ld depeool aD ""'1'1 1 fa cco r l,i oc ludioll 2.lb'1....1 o f .up.....t ur.t i _. 4.The _a t of t i_t hat t h e o r ..ai......1 npo'.d.t o the cODdit i on . 5.n ,b iolo,ieal chantul'iat iu o f the o c.aoh..i o qu,ut ioa . Th 'c i ••period o f la te 111_1'and u r l y hi t i'the pe ri o d wh ea h i ah '1'01 _ flo... a l'l _at libly t o ce eue u ndoll'plaolM!d proj ect o pe r a t iol IC ludo. (API.1981 .,b:8araa -l!:bu ca 1984 f;APA 1985 ;Bug -lt.lco 198 5 _,,),n il t i ..period 11 allo ee e period ""a ll ,dult ..1-011 ..HI be u d al t he .idd la ri"al'..i u t _c hanlMl a•••l,u eo ry r o ut ,t o .,avaio,ha bi t.U .Ali a d.uria,ebh ri._pt:l'iod.j u..Dila ..1-0"aod ..uideat filtl atl utilisirl, peripheral habit a t.hlld pcu.-hl,..iolc_be b luu to aa unlr.1IOVG u tea t ) f o r reu'ia,.There f o re ,un de r witb ·proj .ct con di tion ••nd without ai ti'l ti oa _.Iurel,h i, h voll.e co at ro l l , d 1',1"1 '"woul d h....pot.atL .1 t o c.....bip ....upe rlltur.t ion l e ..11 Ind po teat hi b i olo,ic.1 ,ffecu wII ich ai,b t i a_ l ..dh ruptloal of Idul t ..I _a ina i..n t i on.t o ,pI_L a , 11'1",l ad polli b le dltr i .-at l l I f f l c t l t a r e . r i n,j uve n il e 1.laoni d.l ad /or r ..ident fh b. Pot .at i al d i n upt i oa.o f I dul t ..I _n i.d if .i..re t i o al .re p.rh.p ••aan.th e aorl .eri ou.pr oje ct La Plc tl wh ich cou l d r ••ult frna h l ,h 1...1 .a f d illol.,.d p.l upe r ..t ur atio a.The .ffe c t.o f d illol".d ,I'l uperaa t ur l ti. Oft 1 1"o f t eD le••lever e l od 1•••pro lona.d OD -..11.1'or,lai.la.(Ficke i. oD .ad Q 42 58]) 8 60527 .-, Schn.ider 1916;o.vl.,at .1 .1916).tn addition,durin,hlah flow eventa tliahl ,IIObih aq ...t I e ora-al •• •IlICh ..j U"Il'l U,.a l.o ni d.a re _I'I liul, t o be i ll I'd,tiY'I,,hallow.pel'ipbetal b.,b itIU titian ..Ioc iti••lad ...e ee ...li ty cb....ct.rhtiu _la U Hut ,be _re ••dub1.f or th....Dinah,. rat 1...1.i n 'hillow .petiplaeral ~b iuu "HI li kel ,be do....t o equilibri...."ith the at_.phare than will ...level l in ..int_",ten . In .n,e••• •hiah flow l"lota wilL be .-I ler i n '.pl itude ,a bor te r i a duut loD-,.ad .,i ll ocC ur'1...f u q ..ntl J wi t h the p roject ill p hee ..tieD cc.pared to ul'ura l co ndi tion ..Each o f t he ••la Ue r proja ct e ffettl _101 poteathll,ben,fit the filh,d••i a th e .iddle river ,,,,,a ..i t hout the pl .nned .iti,.cion ....ur ••• 8.2 KITlCATIOII Pro j ect de'iall la d o petl tio nl h,."be en propo••d to 'i nia i.••th e potenti.al fo r iapaCU 0 0 do _U r ea.fhb edn d ue t o exce. d ..e aa .Sllpe n at u ra tiotl. r or oo naa l powerbou•• d iacbara e.,.ad f or all f lood .v itb r ec ur r eoce i o te r". h o f te..tbao 50 ,ean .tb e proj e ct ia n ot e llpe c te d t o cause exc•• •i"e coac. o t r.tio n.o f .uper .a t u ra te d a l l.Th.o per. t io na l plln.would u.ually r .ault i n pa h t u ra t i o a l e"e ls wh i cb a re equal t o or 1...tban naturally .xi.nioa I ...h ,p r i_r ily be ca u••t be frequeocy a ad _aaLt ude of b l ab fl o...tb roul b o."il Ca a,o a _ul d be ,H.Lab bed . 8.1 .2 Structural aad Oper.tio na l He chaoi•••fo r Avo iding Ca . Su p.r.aturat i on I y us illa r e.er"o ir sto ra ae c a pac i t y cou pl ed v ith .pecial h:ed outlet works de. iao .,flood.v Lth r e curre ace i llt erva h o f up to 50 ,ea n es a be d i.ch.r,ed v i t ho u t .pill".,usa ,., t hu s .i ai.hi aa th e po te ll ti a l f or di ••o l ved ,a . c oncent r a t ion."hi ch "i l l e ll ee.d n.tur.lly oc c ur r i na l evel •• - 42 5833 860517 .-. tur~iae t.ilraee ..t.r.fre-V.t.ma Ita,••I .ill be d iaeb.ra.d t brouab •]4 foot 4i ter tUGael beDe.t b tb••ur !.e.of tb.r i ••r .t t b.dOVQatr •••toe of tb."..eoad.l4·foot dia aeur t_Dd .ill be ut iliz.d f or lI.ta_ Su ...III.l'bh _tbod o f di.eb.rs"""il l ._id .au.i_at o f .ir, ••e •••i ••turbul.ae••ad pr •• •uri••t ioa of .oy ...-..t"r .i.tur.wb ieh .i,bt r ••ult ia d i ••ol..d ....u,.r••t~.tioa. rbed -eoRe ••1_.h.ve been ••leeted t o be ua .d .c lI.taa.na.duria.St"••• 1 .lId 111 to .llliah"tb .poteatLal for 1".upe r ••tur.tioll ill co ntr olled .plll ••lIataaa n..""ill ""ithdra"""".t.r for eontroll.d .pi l l .fre-.n intak" loe.t.d .t d.1,930 ft .th a d L.cb.r ••••H l be re l ....d tbrou.b o ne o r IIOr.of .b,1I-illeb fiz .d c one .al...loc"t.d a ppro.lIi..t e ly 105 f ••t .bo•• t.il""a t .r doVQ.tr•••af t he .....lI.ter r . l ••••d tbrou.b th e fiz.d-eolle ..h'".i ll f o~•d i.per..d jet ..b ich h d....II . d t o d ia"pat.t he .n.rl1 of tb e r . I ••••d ..ee e,It h not plI..i bl.t o pr ....at outlet work r.I •• •• • f re-.at ra i ai a.air.th.rafor. ,i t i ....e....r y t o p r ,,"at t he r .te••• "".ter .fr e.,....tr.t ill ' t o • ,r."t de pt h Ln t "I"".ter.,tbu.pr e ..a tia• •• ee ..h.pr•• • u r ..0Ih ieh e .o ca u......uper..tur .c i OIl.ri.ed-eolle ••1... ""ere .,,!aet.d t o be ua td 0'"ou t le t ..o r b be nu..th ey C.1I d i 'pera.th e fill.. of ...ter .nd deere ••e it.in t .n .i t y .nd .eloeity o f i.p.et ..ith t.LI...ter•• Little H te r. t u re .lId no pre ce d ent dat a .re •••i l.l ble re ,.rdin,tbe perfonunc .o f H ••d-co ne ....h ..in r ed udn,o r prenntin,."pen.t un te d d i .eh.r. ...A..uc b,•t heor et i e.l ••• e ....a t o f the Lr 'IItieipa te d perfonuac e ....e Ollduct ed be ••d upoo •••Ll.b l ••t udi e.of the ••ut i oa eff i c iency of ai.n. r Howell -I_,.r ",elwoe.(fi ,..d -co ...).nd t he phYl ieal .ad s e_uie ch.r.curiatic.o f di.ffu.ed j eu d i.e h.r, i ll'f reely i at o tb • •t llOlph.r .(1 1M r .od Da"S h.rty 195 2,Al l i l at.1..r l ,Chen .nd o..,i.1964 , r.I••y 1980.J olla.oa 196 1,Jdh~IOII 191 5). the re .ult .of tbe e ....ee Lad i c.te th . t ••d ..ted •• •c Ollc.a t ra tLon. th.t lIQuid occ ur r e .ult o f •flow r e le•••ar e 10 0 t o 105 pe rc ....t of ..tur.c ion dovn .tr o f W.t.n.0...Conce nt ra tio n...Lll be ..ithin thi . 4 258 33 $605 21 '-1 r.a,.fo r diacb.r,.fI_up to tho••anti cipated fo r th e SO-ye.r flnod. lupareeturat ioll "i ll &till occur ia Devil c.ayon {be la"t b.pr ojectl,but "itb·pc'oj.ct I ...ta are ..p.ct.d t o be Ie..tb.a naturall y-occurrin,I ...h beca"".o f relula tioa of fl ood pe.ke b y tbe proj .ct .nd t b.....e o f t h. o utlet _rb CODe ••1..1 .Op<I'r.tio a o f t b••p illv.y for fl oodl I e .. frect ..nt tban th e SO· y.ar fl ood ia .xpected t o r . a ul t i n incre.aed ,•• concentrat i on..Bnv•..-r,be e ......the eta.v il l r educ e downltre..flood peak••p.CO IlC.OU .ti01l 1 ..y be Ie ..th.n th ol.occuninl naturally f or th.a.fl oodl. loa i a_ peadeat field t . u o f ai.H ar val ft ...a wd.rt.k.n e e the Lak. C~nc h.na.on t he Kokal u-.liver in c.tiforai.(t coIOl ic. 1 Aaa ly at a 1982 ). Th.reaul ta o f t he tuU ind icue thn t he v.lve a pr event.d luper..turatioa .nd .to a li.ited exte nt ,..,h.ve r educed exi .tinl ni trOlen concen t r.tion a. r lova o f 4,000 cfa v i t h •di ••o l ved n itrOlen co ncent r a t io n of 101 pe r cent .t the int.ke ttructure ve r y pa a ..d th roulh f our Novell -Iunaer ..Iv.a.~. conc.at rationa ia th e d hchera.ver.9 1 per c.nt.At no f••t .nd 660 fed (100 .nd 200 .)clo wn. t r.. . .concentrat ion a wer e 95 .nd 97 perce nt . r ••pa ct h .ly. Th.o utl et _rke c.pa c ity fn r V.t.na S t'le 1 La 24 ,000 c f ••vh ile tb e po _r bou'e capac i t y i.••ho ut 12 .0 00 c h."'. 1._cIo wna tre ••d i .cb.rle fr e. t he .sa ••e.cert io e••••nce""ia,t he SO ye.r flood ewe at .nd ""en t be re ••r ..a lr au rcb.rl.capacity h' l be en e:ac ee oied.v ii i th erefo re nat ea e •• d 3',000 c h .leurYQ ir ope ration ei.ul.tiol,e i n dica t.d ....i . _ ou t flo v f ro.V.tau of 33 .000 ch dur i.nl t he So-....r fl oo d.Th it ou t fl ow v •• c_po ••d of 24 .000 c h f ro.the outlet wor ke .nd 90 00 c fa f ro.th. poverho....(Raraa- EhI.c o :985 .). ria.d c o n.e valvee b..... .1.0 be . n i.n cluded at Dev il c.a,oa ••nd a flood UOcal.?Ool p ro.ided to allow .torale .nd relu u o f .11 fl ood.up to th e 50 -y.ar eve ee v i t hout u.inl t h e .pill v .y.thu l _i n i.i x i.n a ••• aupe rl.t~.tion do wnltre••• 42 S']J 860527 .-. The De"U CaD'OD 0...il l indude .e"eo ",I".••t tvo hftla .ith • t ot.1 ••i,o ca paci t,o f 42 .000 ef..'our 102-illch dia _ter "ahlu ••• ch v ith a c a pac i t,of 6 . 300 ch ••il l be loc.te d .ppro:r.i.aa t al ,170 feet .bo ".DO .-..I tail••t er .Thre.~r ••a lftl ••i t h dia_t.r.of 90 lDche.a ad c a pa cl t l ••of 5 ,600 ch,.UI be located appro:r.i.aatll1 50 f . et .bo ft no r.al u U.ater e le". t loa. .lb.ne .n Caa ,oa poVirhou.e c.pacit,for botb SU ••11 ,lId 111 ia about 15,000 c h.Oper.t ion of thllle ".Ive.t .e :r.pe cted t o u.ult to • an:i.llII d i ••ol"d ,••conceatration of betveen 10 5 .nd 110 ptr c .nt for the 50-,e.r flood eveee ,i_diat.l ,cIown.tre••of tlIvll Can,on 0...Thia ........that ....coacentrat l oo.fr Oll UIle of th a W.t.na co ne valvel o f 100 t o 105 percent .r.n ot d i ..i pa t.d l a the De"i1 Cao,o.b uno tr.lbit it a r .duct ioo frOll ..tur,II , - oc currio,1."11 vtl ich would .lIlIue U,e ac••d 1 15 perc eot . The c.pac it,o f the W.t ...ou tlet wor b v 111 be .pp rllai.aa t el,30.000 c h duri ll. S ta ••I II a l c ..,arad t o 24,000 ch llurill.S t .,. 1 beta ....o f the .ddi.t io nal h ,drau1lc head all th e "a lftl .L ill.vh . ,the po _rhou..tapa e't, f or W.taa. S u.e 111 "ill be h cu •••d t o .bout 22,000 ch . Durias the e.rl y ye.,.o f St., .III op erat ion.th e e cei ee work."i.1I be oper.ted .pproMi ..t.ly ..freqUl/ntl y •• i n s u ••11.Hovever,".aer.y de ..nd . i ocr..... .ore ..t.r v iII be ....d for pov .r .nd ece t ee v or b o pe ra t io o "il l Oac re....Durin.lat e St•••III the .b ility of th e proj.ct to c oouo l fl ood.i o e se...o f the 50-year e veDt vill be i . p ron d betau.e o f ioc r ••••d v i Dt .r dr.vdovn•• I II .d di tioll t o t b.uae o f u,.u'Oi r .tor ••e t o coo uol .ad r educe pe . 1l fl ov•••od t he ute of H sed-co ...",lin.t o d i ..i pat .eoe r.,frOll c on t r o lle d .pilh.o ne .d di t ioo. 1 fac to r v iII h.l p .iDi.he d i ••ol .,.d ". l u per••tu rat ioD i.n do wn. t re••h.bit.tl.At De.,i l Can,oll De . ,t he poverhoul. t.i l race v ill rout.t urb in e t ,il.,u u d.,)wn IU...t hr o u.h • t uanel ]8 f ••t i.n d b_t er a nd 'pprOlli..t el y 6,800 feet I on ••The t.ilrac•••t .rl v iii be di.ch.r••d und.r the ri ver .urhc ••nd down ltre•• o f n e.rly .11 th e vi olent Dev il Canyon upid..Thi l I on.t .ilu ce tunnal dhch.r. e vill h elp dLtut e 41 58 ]] 860527 .-. aQ,.flow. apill.a,.a . coaditioQa . 425833 860521 niH dhchar,ed throu,h Deril aod _ill thereb,.help .iQi.i,e aD,. 8-to C.O"OQ outlet worke aQd/Qr doWZl'tr"...''uper'aturetioa '4 -- - - - - -- --.. t.o .AQlIlrlC nftlIn CUKU IlUnD to to .&OlIer The dpifleaace of c h,a...ia ..te ll'q ua li t y plu-.ettu (at,lUiellt.)to ••Iaoo aad reaide ac fi,b habit,cl a ad po pulatloo1 down.cre••of the daa.h•• beta idell.tifi.d •••fhllntel inue for thI.project.The fallo-illa iafo~tiOD dhe .......the tuft.ac nu ....of 01.11'knovled.,re.,rdiI11 tllh t opic . 9.1 nhcu"ioll The pd....,iu..COlll:uaiaa Dutrhata aad the Suaitaa H)'droehctric Pro jact i t the effect t hat proj ect c:ou t r uc tioa aad o pe re tia a vill h,,,.OD th e trophi c nat...1 aad fi ah ruou r cea of the propoled re unoin aad th. ri verine habitatl dowaltre ••fre-eh ,pl'oject (r U e 1984).Aa aquatic lI,blue 'l troph ic .t,t"'l it an in di c a t io n of ita rehthe de lree of ric:hDe" or polfe rt ,.,ith reproS Co the f lte of '..p,l )'of iu 111010,I <:al l,...Ieful o t . aa i e eDe ll"'.CeneuU,.t he richer the t r o ph i c It.tUI of In Iqlat ie lubl,lte_ ,t h.,Irlat er iu abilit,t o c o ntdbut.,biololic.ll)'Ul lful e n.,rlY t o filh pr o du ct ivi t y. lbl t roph ic ItatUI of an aqlat i c hab it.t ,wheth.,r that habitat it chat.ct.d....d by dow nlnt i c)o r f.lt (lotie)flo..i nl ..aeee , i l larl lt, d.,te",~a.d by thl fil'l at wh ich biol olic.ll,u •.,ful or l.llic _tedll it r l e ru itl d fr_1'''0 buic loure.,l:pd...r ,produetioll o f ...Orl.llic _ud.h produ Cld by .q ....t ic photo"llth"lia (. u tocht hony).nd o rlani c ..t.,r i.l.deri 9.,d fr ~t er r e.tr i.1 .oure.,.(al loc ht ho n y).L i anololilc,h.ge lo nl recolDbed the ialport.n u o f .q ....tic.llY p rod uced orl.ni c c a r boD cc:.pou ndl t o ene trophi c 't at ul of 1.111..",pondl .lId raae r9(lira (Veta.,1 1975),.lId they .re recIDtl y becOIlin l _I'.,....re o f the i:aporta llce o f .qu.t ic p r o d u c t i 9 i t ,in ull.h.d .,d r Le e r Lee h.bit.tl a ....,11 (Vl t ll l 1'175,!liDlh.ll 1971,C..-i os 1979,Murph y ee .1.198 1 ,Ca ll1l .,n .lId llai..n 1984). 4258]] 160U7 '-I ____-----'1 Mole h'••b"atar tau ,lIDd c•••r_ie ubit.u of c_,....t.110"1'10 ....-ri c ....... t b.i r aq ..t ic procluetiOG o f ne"or..ai e ...ted.t Haited by low _uppU••o f biololicaU J'.",.ilable pbo l pbocua a ad /or oitra leD (Wet u l 1915,Hlicch ioloo 1'73,....1'Ind Lee 1918 .Volle_lder l od b ub.19ao ).The "ea lup port io&_etoout deor Ii.it.c ioa of al,lc ocbtbollOUI pr oducch,i t,te lot ic babitaI'I i,aucb .-or .Ii.lud (BUll u au 1,.8."oor.1977,raunaa "I'al . l ,8)b).The aquat ic produ ctivity of ne.ora-oi l'..ter1.1 10 lot ie ba b ic_tl, 00 the o t ber hl Oel,1.frequentt)'Ii.ited by .._r.c_ple.Irn1 of e nvi r on-ental Ylr iabl••WhiC h i Delude .GOt 0 011 _rrooucr ieot Coot _otr.t iool b ut aha C_p.raCure,b l,h.flov "dabilic,.hi ,h ..eloc iti".,curbul eaca, low lillie 1a veh,,..d uo atabl.l ubl t n te f OI"atta ched .t,•••n ello r poiou (Cul hi aa .t I i.1980,Lov .1919,Mev-bald et d .1911,Mia lhln 191•• Mi ..h d l U d.19 81.Mur ph,ee d .1981.V,nnote e r d .19 80) . Obu rvl tioa o f the S...i t Dl I tv er ..i al t ••I nd peripherll hlbi tltl dur io a e e eeee H .ld '."o DI h..'0 hr dhe:1 o ..d 0 11 1,tvo brief !MriO dl wh .a l ubl t l a til l atl ndiaa e ro pl o f Ittle hed I iall conlil t l n tly oe eur (i.I ••i a I p ri oa.~forl i nt ea d .,.I nd b iahl y turb id frel hlt f10,,".and in f.n.aft.r b iah vol ...lad h iabl,turbid e_r f10v e bea ia t o dt.in i eh ).In fan 1914 lad 19 85 ,lusur ilat c ro pl of I t tlehe d fil ••lIt ou l Ilal e vere o bll rve d l ad pho toare pbed .lalla ..ay releh..of the ..ill ite.c h illnel Ind io "II)' lide -ebl nll. 11 I nd l i de · e loua bl .Thl .t tlch.d I iall I ppel r.d to a r ov luaur i'llt l ,i ll "II)'pllcel where i aeidi llt l ollr rld il tioll cou l d pe llet re te t o I t ab l.Itr•••bed lubltrete .The r ellt i.,e t-por t i llce o f luto ehth oll OUI VI . ,lloehtho llO UI produet ioa to t he flov o f e ne ra'be t ....a tro phie I e ..el l leld iaa t o f l.h re l ouree l or t o th .troph i.c I U tul o f th.S Ull t lll Ii.v er it unkllOVll ."".,erth"l ....the o rp oic ..ter i.1 produe .d in th e river ,l.rVII .1 a .,.r,t-por tla t,hiah q ...l it y foo d loure.fo r .ic r o bil l pa pull tiolll I I ...11 II f or iav.r t.b re t ••ad v l r t.bra tl h.rbi vor...nd detrH f••d.re (C~inl.1919).Th ..e det ritlvorel a nd h.rbi vore l ,a tura ,be cooo . f ood fo r ve r teb ra t.pr.datorl lue b a .juvenil .1.I.coi d.l ad r ••i d.at f i l h. 1 vbich ,i ll tura,M )'bec _fo od f or other f ilh,b irdl lad ..__I I (U,nel 1910 ). I \ I I 4 258 )) 860521 ,-, 9.1.2 Aquatic Pr~ry Productivity.Under which appe..r to be the -o.t iaport.nt produ ctivity in the SUlitne liver .re: naturd coodi tion. ,the in Ii.iting a quat ic o lIiahly v.riable VlIter It'au wtlicb caul.deaiccation or fr••dna of dew.t.red a u . c h.d epil ithon,and periodic hiah v,lodti.1 which can Ilecha nic.ll y dillodae .tt.ch.d org.nil.', o Relatively co ld ther.al r.ai....vith low Ileeo .nd ...i ..l t_per.turel, o Scour by ,u'pended .edialent particl.l . o Scour by fradl I ee ,a nchor ice ,or o th. r ic e proc...... o S. di .enta tioo 00 Itr....bed lub.tr.t••nd ~o t h e r i n a o f ...Il oraanilll'by 1..11 particulat••, o Liaht limit.tion,durina -.olt I .a.on••by i c e an d I now c ov er o r hiah turbidity 1.v.l •• Sub.t.ntial arowth of .ttach .d ala .e oc cur.in I pr i ng .nd f.II vbe n fl ow.in the cain'te.and periph.r.1 riv.r h.bit.tl .re r.l.t ive ly l ow .nd .t.ble a nd the neaativ.eff.ct.of lu.p.nded ledi llenea all d turbidity .re ee dueed ,Th. occur ren e.of rapidly arowing .t.nding c r o p.of att.ched alg ••oburved dur in,th•••per i od.ia i ndi r ec t e vidence that .t l.a.t .ini. a l 'uppl i ••o f bi ol og ic.lly ,vail.ble phnlph oru.and nitrnaen ve ee pr eaent i n t he r iv.r water during .t I.aat the Ipring .nd f.ll. Short"el o f the ..j or IIICr ooutrientl .uch a a pho'phorul a nd nitrog.n vtIich ar.a uff ici. nt to dra.atically lillit .quat ic prilll r y pr oduct ivity a re not 4nsn S60~27 I \ I, I .,.ctad to OCt,,*,h t he unr egula t ..d S u.i t ~liver duril'll all Y ....0 0.no r 'ud..a.,.'''1'. COOceotrat iolla of t o ta l phOl phOI''''a n d t o td ait r o ...o wh k h 41 1'.,._1'.1 rapt•••Duth.iad ieu on o f di ff ..r ..n e t r o phi c u teg o d ...i n re ll tl.,. 1, et ••r,Ir••b_ter 11k...of nartll t _~n t ..'.t i Cud 11 . _~"D bi r t,..11 eu_blbbed {Tabl.9 .0.Bove nl'.fo r t ur bi d hit a n d t ur b id nut_in (J_.aod "ch..a 1978 ,hull..1982 ,Wa l ke r 1982 ).or f o r r i ..a ...alld ,Ue_of a.,.b.,ca.paubl.r a h t i on l h i p.bet v e.,n r epr..,otatl". _crooutrhat coac al'ltrat ioaa lad d i ff.rellc trophi c u t ..,ori••haft DOt ••0 ..11 ..t.bIhbed (Clall bio.It 41 1.1\180,Moor.1971 ).[II het ,th.,d eoce of .tr•••Haaololf.to e eeee••t to 1.10..a nd un r wa!r aan o IOI)'.h ••Dot bee ... abl.to alt.-bi bb aOJ l eoe n U ...t aUI0ri••o r unl illOlo"6ucdbia.ttl. rel.ti-te trophic ItUUI of Itr".1 lad dV11'I ill.t e "'1 o f olllotl'opb)' (lapo ft r h b. d er low ratu o f b i ololic.l .n el'l1 I uppl ,).-eIO t I'Oph)'(_ di _ ntu of biololicll lall'l)'luppl , )ead .ut r aph)'(b ilh l e'te ll o f b i ol olicll ea.rl)'luppl,)(CWl hi al .I t .1.1980) . Ch..i c.l '1")'1 f or pholphoru••a d aitrOI.a lev.l.i ll.the S UI i t a. a ivII'h..... I hova b l ,hl)'YlIrlable ..c roaunilat c oa cl Dtr.t io nl OC CUl'l'lnl i D t he I'lw.1' dur iDI I_I'.vintlr .ad br ••kup (APA 198].,tI ).Dur i al -.o n I ••plial pe riodl .ad .t _.t ..-pl ln,Itlt i.on ••c o oc.a.t r .tioa..of t b r io... pholphOl'u••nd ait l'Olla c ..pouadl h .....be .a.fouad t o ....1')'fr ..1 th.a det l ct.bl.l ....el.to .ueh ,reI tel'totll c oncent r. t io nl t b. a woul d be M U I ..r)'to I U;>PO l't _clel'.t.billel"(10 t o 20 u,ll Totll P Ind <5 00 u,l l To tal II) 0 1'.....a.u c..d ....bio ....(>20 ulll Tot cl P .ad >500 u,l l Toul II) of ph)'to pl.ak ton (SCI 'ilurc '9.1 .od 9 .2)if t he autr lln t .Wil'l i n •cle .r t ••p.r.te I.t ltud.l ak e . Althoulh t ooc . nt r.tio nl o f t otll nitl'OI ~o .nd phO'ph OI'U I Wh i ch '1'1 l .alr.ll )' repl'e ••at.t i .... o f .a,I L...e a.trOphic Itl t UI of l u boI l'c t ic riv.n h. ·,.not be.a. 4 258) ] 860511 ,.. T.bl~9.1 SUSIT IA H Y D R O [~E CT R I C PR OJECT CEMl I.\L RANG ES OF T OTA ~PIfOSPIfO RUS AMD TOT A ~ .l!lOGE.WHICH AML llLAT I YELY CHA RACTE l lSTI C OF DU FIUn n OPILI C CA'tt (;.{l U U I N IlE.LATl YlLY a.tAl LAIU Al'D I.ESi:ltVO U S Troph ic Tn-Total P(,.I1 )Total N (uI / U DH ra ·ol i.o t roph ie <S <1-250 0 1 i l otroph ic 5 - 10 Ol i lO -..l o t r oph i c <I.nO-600 Me 'otr ophlc 10-)0 Keao -eu troph ic 10-30 5 00- 1, 100 E ut r ophic 10-)0 Bype ra utr ophi c )0 ->5 ,000 5 00-15 ,000 S ou r c e:Adop ted fr o-W ~tz ll (19 15) 425 8))9-5 8 60521 •••I I ·-·,,,·-;:: I ;·, ::i••I i Ia!I !n Iii I I'i.I "-iilI1h:...; o ~",I .~ I :i<I :-I 'r--e~!j is t!d u =j !~ o !!I ..~~C •'01"-0 ~!'..:II -e :-::1 :!I f=-.-0....;...11:--•1:11 ..:: .'.=!i~!I : 0 "'1-'f .•l.!' •If':'to',............ • 0 '!I·5i ::;';•i .0........ =i§--o., 0 0 I -. I -, 00 .0 fD!l '0 •••w .0 • :0 I .>i ·•• ! I I,; I ~ o •• I i I.,. •••• • 1 ,-, -,--- -_.,- - -- - - - , ,; • ,. ; .! a iI• ~ I•• ~"~ ~ ~'"•-"~c•e- I ~c 1:1 g-•••-•• ,• ••• ••••:,• •••: ••••,-e •••••~•••• z 2-c•• cz•;•• - •i • ;;z s •••~; •I • .. • z -- '.J L-__'..J el clblilhed,ic I I r el l o D&bl e CO 111u-e Chi t c onceo t r.tlnnl ,IDer. I I, .cce p ted II lad iO:ltou of Ilk.c r ophic Iti tul,lad pollibl,l'llra l o _r coneea t n cio nl ,_ul d be Ipplic.ble to no rth t Ni pe n t e o r l u blr ct l.c rI."e u . Unde r IlOCh I n I II-,tioll,conce nt r. c ioDi o f ...cron utr h n tl i o t he Suai tD& l i "er _uld IKlC I ppea r ee be lI._itl.o,t (J I q ultic pri...r ,p r oducc i"it ,un der prel ent en"i ro_e n tll co ndi tlOQl dudn ,._er ,v i nter o r br elkup ti_ per i od l (See r i ,urel 9.1 I nd 9 .1 ). 9.1.)Ant ic i p.ted WICh-Project Con di tion' -Rll ervo ir l COIIlt r uc tlan .nd o pe r.cioa of Ch i propol.d proj. cc viii produci •r el.rvo ir IIl bi ta t in whi ch pb o lphorul In'nit r o, ea I re bo t h .dde d t o and r ..-o....d !re. th e iapou nd.d r l.""r va t .r .Addit l.oo l of pl'I o lph or ua and d t ro,e a t o the pTopol ed r ' l u wo i n .re "pected t o ao:CW'p ri..r il,d ....to : o S ur face r un off f re-u odi n,r ..urvo ir ti dev. l iI .nd r ee .r"oir dr.vdovn t onel ' o L ibe r.t io n o f nllt ri lnt l d ue t o _i crob ia l de c.,o f i nundat ed G·S.oic ..t er i .l i o Le.chioS o f ou t ri. o tl f re.ae vly i n undatl d .o all b y ch.-i cll .nd b l.ochl _icil procel eeei • • • 4 158 )] 8 60517 Tr,.t,d eecoadar,I ..... fac al i t i.••• Particul at l fallout fr e-a t.neph er ic l ou rCII ; OlrlCC p re cipitet ion in th e f o ....o f r alo and Inoll i s-e Sub.tan tia'10••••of ..crooutrient.vbich ent.r the p roject r . ,.rwo ir.will be e 'pect••to occuc .The ..jar i t,.of pho 'phorul a to-.eo teriD't he projec t re.e rwoin ar••ape cted t o pre ci p itl te out with the ".Ii_at particl ••on ""i cb t b.,.a nh.aDd t o r .-a ia ,,"Ioe n tly .to r ••oa t he r e ••n'oi r bo t t_. It i crobi ll de ai t rif icl tio n IcH...i t,.I nd.pr e cip itat ion of a itrol eo co-pouo d. Ittach ed t o ",rt iculate.v iii be e a pec ted t o r .-ove ._o f the Di tr o ,eD add ed to t he re.e r voi r..Rovev er,n itrole n fi ••t ion b,.aquat i c .lcr obe...,. a dd ."all quantiti u o f bio lo l lca l l,...va itable nitrogen c Olll pound.t o the re .ervo l.r ••Overall ,th e u .ervo in .re lI'a p.c t.d t o ac t a ' n ut rl.nt ,ink. , .ad phO'ph oru'.nd n itro, . n e . po ru t o do vn.tre ••a r ... .hou td be u duced (Wet ze l 1915,R.onan 1919,S t uar t 198 ). ~p re.ent .t.t.o f koovl. d, .of lubart tic re ..noir Ii_IDlY ladic.te. tha t bo tb p r oj.et r ll ef YO i n v H I be cla ..iHa bh II b....ia'e llt r_ly unproduet i"tr oph i.c .ta te..fb ._jor facton Ii.i tinl tbe a qua dc p d ..r ,. product i ...i t y of both proje ct r e ..r woiu a re not ..p.ct ed t o be n iuo, e ...o r pho .phoru.'upp lie.,but rath er l ow naht condition.(due to turb idit ,..nd t o ice e nd .nov co ve r),co ld t ••perat ure l,h ck o f .n,..ub. tan tia l littor.1 l one ••nd la rae dnwdovn .o n,.d ...t o proje ct op.ration •• Duriaa -.oat o f th ~proj e ct ' l l ifet i _.o rll nic ..t erial re cru it.d fre- te n u td.1 lau rC.1 i l no t ,.p.c te d t o I dJ l u bl t.n til l ._totl of reld it ,. uubl e or,.dc ..tter to t he r "lr wo i u'a. t ri t....food ba l '(W.tlel 19;j ; Bobbie 1980 )aad it ..,..vea help 4epre ..t he po ten ti..1 pri..r y produc t ion (.Jacuo...lad Heck,.1980).The r e l. t i" l y Ibort bulk re.Uence ti. el ti..t ed fo r t he ""r"Oir ...t e tl .ad t he rell ti...el,.re f ra ctile ....tur.o f .o.t o f t he i1fluent o r,lol c ..te ria l iodlca te.t hat littl e ch..-i.-I ly o r bi o ch..-l ull ,._di a ted c h.ole in th e f ood q~nty of tb e t er re.tr ieU ,. pr oduc .d o rla n ic ..te r ie l v iii I'>Cc ur be fore i t i.d iacblr, ed f ro.the re.er...ol r. . Tbu .,the project r e.ervo i r l v iii not be eapected t o co nt ri but e larae .-ounU of h iah qual i t,.oraani c food _t,r ia l.to dovnat rea.dver l.ne hab itat.,.nd will be likely t o a,rve II t ra pa .ad pOI!~n,nt a to ral'Il te • 425 8 )) 8605 27 .-. f or .uc:h o f th e i r allo etlthonou dy de riv ed ...cr on utri ent a and o r gani c ca r boa <Wet ze l 1975,Rannan 19 ~9 .S tua r t 19 83 ). Tne pr oject 1"I!urvoi u,like ..,It r e senoi n arou nd t he world,wi ll be l!ltpe C'ted t o go thr ough a ..ild "troph i c:ups ur ge"period a f teT fi ll i ng. c:hau c:terir.ed by s l i ahe inc n uea i n biol oaiu11y ava il.b le ph oaph orua, nitr og en.a nd o r g anic dettitul (C d _ r d a nd JOliet 198 2,Th erien ,e t d. 1982 .Oatr ohky and D.,t h ie 198 0,Ja cks on alld He cky 198 0; Crawfo rd a nd R o .enb..~rl 1984 ).Iloth l "!leI"Voi n are e x pec te d t o ellperience a light o llYl e" dec:1 ine a in chelr deepe r ~nel .ea p eei.l l y du ri ng win ter a t u t i U e.t io o. Both reaer vo in .re ".peered t o ha ve rela t ively 10"u te .of biol ogica lly _di a t ed in ternal outrie nt fl ov d ur iP a th e i r ent ir e lHee ian pri••d l, becaule autochthon oul product iy ity viii be s t r o nal y ti.ited by hiah1y turbid c onditiont and the r eallin ing co.-unit y met a bolis..v ill '!do.inat ed b y h eterotr ophic ca t abo lis.o f re bt ively r efractil e o r gl nic detritus.80t h re s ervoirs are eltpe cted t o su p po r t o n ly .i ni.al ba cteria ,funai, ph yt oplank t on,looplankton ,benthi c i nver te b rat e and fi sh populati ons. With-pro je ct cond ition la t he _iaste ..a nd periph eral habitat a d i r ect l y affe cted by lLI inste.fl ova fr Olll "'ay to Septe"ber a re e a pec te d to be diahtly .ore favorable to priIlU')pr odu ct i.vity th an preproje ct conditiona .Several characteriltie-thouaht t o se ve rely l i.it pri..ry produ ctivity (s u blt ra te sco u r,s ubs t ra t e in stabi l ity ,strea.bed sedi_ nt a t io n by fine particln , h iah turbidit y,high flov va rhbil ity )a re e xpec te d t o h ave te ..negat ive influe nce o n a qua tic primary productivity b y periphyton u n der v ith-proje ct summer c ondi t ions . Regulation of river fl ovs t o prov ide l over than na t u,:::!1 vater Itaa es d ur ina au_r ...y aho prevent h iahly turbid ..instell vatera frOlll affect ins the aq.-ti c:periphyto o prod uct iv ity o f ..ny et eer ,ruo,li ..!va ter habitats peripheral to th e _i nltell .Any e nha ncellle nt o f pri _r y p r odu ct i on i n periphe ral riverine habitat s durina lU_r ...y se r ve t o enh an ce th e tr oph ic • ..258]] 860 527 9-10 a t at ua an d b i ol ogi c al pr odu ct i vit y a t a l l tr oph i c l evel a of t he middl e r iv er r each . 9.2 .1 Down acream Nutri e nt a Flow Th e t o ul a mount o f ph oa phor ua tran apn rt ed t o d OVll atre am riv erine habi.t at . will u':t do ubtedly be r educ ed ,but t he re la t ive co nce nt r a t i.on .:I f pho3ph oru. per un it veight o f au a pe nded ae di ment I n do llllatre am flowa .,ill prob ably be incre aa ed by pr oje ct op er ationa .Ttl i.ph en Olll enon it npe cted t o o ccur be c au . e th e a mal ler ave rage .ize of .u.pended pa r tic ula te.di.ach arged fr Olll th e Proje ct .houl <t h ave a much l arger ra ti o of .u rbc e &rea t o veigh t COlllpa.re d to pr epr oj e ct .u'pe nde d 'e di " e n t .,a nd be cau.e pho aphorua i . frequentl y co mph xed t o th e .ur facu o f .u.pe nded pa rti e1ea (Sc hr d ber a nd Ra uaeh 1919 ). Variou .f ona.o f phO'phoru'lle re a na ly ze d i n th e two S u.i tna Rive r ....pIe. co lle c te d f or a na ly.e.in th e .et t l i ng c o l umn u ;per i ..e nt .c onduc ted in the .u_ r o f 1984.Ttle r e .ult .(Ta bh 9 .2 )i n di c ate d that th e H ut .a.pl e c o ll ec t e d .vh i ch h ad a total .u.pended .o l i d . (YSS)c on ce nt ra t io n o f 181 ..I I ,had a t o ut ph oaph oru a (TP-b y aci d pe raul fat e dige.t i on )con t ent o f a pp roxilll t el y 190 ug lI .Appr oxi....t e1y 8S pe rc en t o f th d TP ....ino rp nic part i culate pho apho r ua (Ipp ).The .econd ....p h c ol lec t e d c o nu i ned 4 10 "1 11 TSS and HZ ug ll TP .Approx i llltel ,6 5 percen t of th e TP i n the .econd .a"Ph ....IPP.In both ..mpl u th e o rsa ni c pa rtic u la te ph o .pho rua (OPP ) wa .a p pr oximate l)12 t o 13 percent o f the YP,while th e o r t h op ho 'p h . t e (FRP ) c onteDt wa .8 to 15 per cent o f the TP. MU ll .nllUlI v.l ue.o f plrt i cuhte.in t he c hrlift icl1 l y turbid e f fl ue nu di .ch&rged fro.-th e pr oje ct will be at l ea .t 50 lIlI/I TSS .If o ne a ..u _. that th eae particulate .will co nt .i n at lea .t the ...e a mount of TP per un it of ....II th e ""'turll"TSS (i .~.0.1 perc en t by weight ) ,then th e a nnUlI av e ra ge TP of the project di a ch arg'!a will c ontain a t l e' d 50 u g /l TP •• •o ci at ed with the TSS particl••• 4 2S833 860521 9- 11 Tab le 9.2 SUS ITMA HYDROEL ECTRI C PR OJECT PH OSPHOR US 1~SUS IT MA RIV ER SAMPLES All value..Ire reported n ug /l (p pb)n P . TP TFP IPP OPP 7/31 /84 190.4 16.9 15.9 16 1 .5 24 .' 8 / 06/ 84 5)2.4 82 .1 71. I 34 3. 5 6 2.9 TP • t otal ph olphorul Tr p · t ot a l filterabl e phoaphor "l rIP.filterabl e r eactive pho lphorul (orthophOlph ate ) UP·inorganic part i culate phoaph orul Opp.or gan ic particulate ph o lphorul TP •TFP +IPP +OPP Oata AnalYle a :AOF6G FRED Limnology La borat or y,So l dot na,Air.. 4258])9-12 860527 Lar ge d iscre plncies ni s t i n th e liteu t ure reg.rdin g t he ...Clun t o f t he "p.ut i c uhte pho spho rus "w11 ich mi gh t be "b iol o gic-Ily .v.ih b le"(i .e .II.\p ). Conl e rY.t ive u t i .....t et of II.\p on .qu tic se di.e nt s r .nge frc.5 t o 10 per ce nt by weight ,whil e .are ti beu l utilll.tu .....y be ....~h h rg e r .The te chni quel u letl t o u t i ..ee II.\p .re no t I t.nds rdi zed o r I gNe d up on (Lee, J on et .nd Rut 1980:Wild ung I nd Sc h. i dt 19 13:Gr ob ler I nd :>a v iu 1979:II l s t I nd Lee 1978 : S tlnf o r d,e t II .1984).Row ev er ,ti ttle doubt e:ltil tl t h lt pho lphoru l I toml I lloc il te d with i oor g.n ic s nd o r gln i c ..t er i ll l Ire e x ch.nge.b le ,.nd t h.t t hey .re ,t o •l imi ted e x te n t,b i o log i c .ll y .v.ill b le to .i cro-o r pais.s pol i t i oned ne.r by t eet te na.n 19 75 :Les n 19 73:19 73. : Le ln .nd Rig l er 1974:P.erl .nd Le. n 19 76:~e na. n I nd A•••1985 ) . I n .rel l w11 ere l u b.t n t u becolle "du.te d"by Sl l ci.1 fl our ,epil ith i c c_unitiu wh ich .re do.in.ted by CII uci h ge Iecreting/OlIt f orm ing lI ic ro bl!l wil I c e uee n utrient rich l uspended pa rtic uh te l t o I cctllllul .te i ll ,ufwu chl type cOGOluni t iel.Cy.noph yu ,with th e u p.ci ty t o fi.the ir o wn nitrogell .ource .nl!lec re te c opiul Sl uci hse,••y hIve • c _pet it ive .dv.nt. ge c ompl re d t o .ome t ype.o f pe r iph yt Oll i n l uch h. b it.tl.Fi l 'CII ent ou l c h lo roph yce.e (Z Y l n~'p.S pi ro l y r.~).re .110 k llOwn t o occ ur in I lr ae , con tin uo u.ly turbid ,l uba rc tic h.bit.t.(e.J.t he klli lo f River , AI ......). (S mi th 19 50:pre. c ot t 1962 :19 10:Robbie 1980). 10 h.blt.tl with I ui u bh i1I U111 i llltion,t _peu t ur e.ve I ee l t y , t urbul ellc e I nd .u bl t rl te,e t c ,,.ufw uch .co••unit i e l i n co r por.ti ng I nc r ge n i c p.rticul.tu .,ill h.ve I c o nce n tn te d .nd ul .bl e eeee ee o f _u bo licl lly eueo ti.1 pho lph oru l .nd o t he r t .-. ce e l_e nu due t o l u,pended le di.en t .ed i_n t.t ion. Alth oulh th e c on cen t r.tio n o f n itr ogen ...y dec re..e dur iog p....ge through the pr oj e ct r e urvoi n,.dd it i onal .ou rcel o f n itro,en .re ellp e cted t o be .dded t o r h e rin e h.bitlt ,do wn.I Ue,1I o f the proje ct by tr ibu t .ry .nd gr oundw lter i n flue n tl,by .eoli.n i np ut l o f ni troge n in n illh ll I nd precipit.t ing part icu l.tu ,by o rga n ic detr itul de ri ved frc.th e t erre ltr bl envi r o_e nt snd by inlUU.n i t rogen fix.t io n (Fon ts i ne snd Bar tel l 19 83: 4 25833 86 0527 9-0 Tri . b ,e e el .1984;Pd t ...oa.ee et ,19a,b).Ri p.ulaa n,ua tloa, e.peda n,a lcler (Alaua 'P.),iI a a e ace ll~n t a nd Vil li r eco ,n h td eo ur ce of fi .~d n i t roa ea for nea r by equet ic e nvi rolllle n t.(Wt t zel 1 97 ~,Llvln,.ton 1963 ),e ad .16e r i.e c_a co-poH at of t h.ri pariaa 1l'I!,eta tloft a lon,t h. S..i tna Ri ...e ,lace••fti tro,e n .ppea r.d t o be a vai.l.b le f or b iot a io the ph o.phoru.-li.it.d lup.ruk Riv er , e nd in creee ed n it...t e r tm ovd fr OUl t he r i"tr _ter •..oc i .ted ..ith e a,.ri.nu l .ddi tio n.co f re.di l, b i ol o, i c. U ,ilet-Ie ph o .ph or ue (P.tereoa .e e a l.19a5b ). 9.2.2 Tr oph ic S tet ue .nd r iehtr i ee lff.ct e S ~r y The t roph ic .t. t u.o f both pr oj ect r e. er voi re ie ea,.ct .d t o be clauiti.d ••ultre-ol illo tr oph lc (i •••I 10"ret t o f bi ol naicel pr odu ct iy it , .t .11 trophic le"tll)f or c ht l i fe ti.o f t he pr ojt ct .Pr oje ct-induc td ch'D,tl ia n itr o,eo .nd Pbol ph or ul cooce nt r.tio ne i n th t r e.trwo ir.e rt n ot t zpe c tt d t o be .u fficie nt t o .1t.r th e i r re la t i v.i . por t.nc.in th e h i ererchy of fact o re .....ic h ..ill eee t o Ii.i t eque ti c ,riaer,prod U('ti "i t y (Le ,liah t, t ..,..r.t lJt e ,h , d reulic felldenee t i_ , e tc .). The tr oph ic et.tu.o f ,I.d .l It te•••a nd r iv ....i.u.uelly rel eti"el y i_po"etl.hed h tilae r 19 a1,S te ffe n 1971,V.n r.t .p,..a 1984,W.rd ,e e al. 19 a2 ),..ar e .tr••••r . ce i"ing pa rt i culate pl . cer .i,,,....t ee (L lo yd 1985, Van Rieu...ahu1ee 19a3). The trophic .t.t ue of t he _'ddl.ri...r ..io.te.i .pre .u_d to be r.la ti..l y i .po"er l .hed ee pre.ent,"pec i.l l ., r el.t iye t o non-a1.ci.1 r ivera ee the ....latitude.Pr oject-io':uc .d c ha n,,,in _c ronut ri ent ••re o ot e ..pec t ed t o c h .o••t he .idd le ri "er tro phi.:.te tue.'e ri o di c h i p turb id ity end .uapended ee d i ••nt I ...~le pre e e otl ,ect t o Ii.it .i d d l~r her eq_t 1c product h i t ,U .11 tr oph t e l evel ..Co n ~i ft'.I<>U',.odere te t o h i . h turbld i ty .ad a ue peacled "di.-at I ,vel e ,,apac t.d ulld er ..'th -proj ect cOD di tlona,ere 4 25133 860527 9 - 14 -·.~-~... e Jlpec te d to co nt i nue t o ..inilllilll:e a quati c pr odllc t ivity U dl tr opbi c level . a nd i n ...n y h ab itu l o f the riYer cl rr yi ng co n l t l nt ly tllrbld ~inu_flo wl•Al t h ough ...ina te..Iq uat ic pr od',ctivity 11 ees n e . p ec te d t o be I t rong ly li.i ted by th e proj ect ed with -project I Ul pe nded l e di ll ent reg illll!,c ond it i on. f or Itta ch ed alg al produ ct iy ity o n th e ...rg ina o f th e tllrb id ..i n. t l!Ol ..y be i..proved und er with-p roj e ct co n di tio n.in areea Wh ere aunlight c an penetra te t o I te b le I t Tea ..bed l ubl t ra te .A l ""e Vh l t andogou•a i t uu io n hea be en OheT ved in t h e Ch ron i ca ll y tu rbid XI I H of Riv er o f the kenai Penin luh, Ala llta.Pe ri phera ,riveri ne habitu a th at will be inundated I e ..of tell by ..e in.te.flow.und e r with-pToje ct conditiona ITe e Xpf'c te d t o _i ntain or i nc r ee. e their aquatic PToductivity relative to lle tural co ndi t ionl . 425833 860527 9-15 10.0 DlSSOLnO <a:yc:al,O'""C ClUOIf .lID 'IO.lICT IFncu 10 .1 EX ISTIMC COND ITIONS 1M 1~!SUSI TNA IIVEI Coau atntioa.of d inolftd 01l7l:.n i tl eh.natunl d ..ed_h.hi t.u he ... be .n fou ad t o be _den t "l,hilh o r ver ,hiSh durina .1 1 .e••e e e ,wint. r v.l uel hOlYe been (oull d to "',11'"'fr o-11.6 eo n.9 -a/I.A...Ule "inter dinolved _'len «IlIun tn tioni h.ve been .pp rolli..t e ly 98 pe r ce nt ntuntiOll .t Cold Cr ••lt ,.nd 80 percent ••tuUtiOll further do_n r ••••t S I/.I it...Se nioll .S _ r Uno lve d oll'len COllcent ution ••t Co l d Cree lt h.ve frequp ntl ,u nled f ro-1 1.5 ..II t o 12.0 ../1,..tI i th "'lust.to ._r ••t un t i o n leftl.o f .pp rolli..te l ,97 to 105 pe rt.n t.Di no l".d ;::-:;.ea c o ac ent u t ion .ad pe rcent ••tuu tioo ut.collected .t leYer.1 It.tiolll d ud nl d i fferent .e••o a.h.".been p re ••nt .d ••t he,..ere ill l he o rilin.l L in nl.AppH ut t o n (Filure.Ill.1 .nd 10 .2).Add itionel dinol".d Oll'1len uu ve r .oht.in.d f r_.en ul Su.i tlll lhe r ..hi t ...nd t rib ut .r, b.hi t.t.duri a,field ...n.,.i ll 198](,i I UT ..10.].nd 10.4 ).All .llh tiol oiet.h•.,.ton.le t.ntl,in d i t . t ,d r . l .t i ••l ,h tl h d i ••olv e d o _,a,1I cont.nt r.tiO IlI d urins .11 .e.lon. i ll .11 Susl tna l i ve r .ur f.te va t.r•• Tou l o ra.lI lt urbon (TOC)c:onuntntion.h. ve be.n .n.l,ud in ....r at Susi t ...l i ...r •••pl •••lId h.v.ve rie d be t ... .n 1.0 .lId 4 1.0 -a/I (I," Conl ul t."t ••t a e ,198 1,1982.;a •M Coaluluau,lac:••ltd L.A.'eteu on .nd AOlI oc:i&t u 198 2).Molt _n u red toe vd ue.h.lOt beell len th .a 5 .111 at .,.riou.S....i t ...live r ottetionl d uri nl bo th v i nter .ad I..-r 1 •••O nl ruses 1980,19 81 ,198 2.198 ]).Susi tne l i.,er TO C eo anatntioa l .r .et.U ar t o Toe val uu fro-o t he r l a ra.riveu i a "I .l ke ....ich d re ia v.tenh.d. con t.ininl et.ilar vea.t.tto a (....VUIlo Il,x.u .ltok..i_,T.llIr..a nd Coppe r li.,.n)(I •II Con.u l t.a t .,I nc ••"d 'et.noa aad "..ee ,19 1::1 ;uses 19 80, 19 81 , 19 82,198]).Th e ..jod t,of th e TO C i.e o-pol l!d o f d i-n alved o r lu ic c.rbo a (DOC),..i.th t he re..i ad e r bel ns f o"ad in t h.par ticuhte f or.(POC) . The.'fi adi all .r e eo-pl.t.l,vith ia t he r ••l _of th e v.lue.to be .llpec t .d f or bo t h 1e n tle .ad lo tie fr u h v.ten (Wet ..1 19 75;W.rd .nd S t.nfor d 1979; lIobb ie 1980 ;Mel..n 1982,198 301). 4 25 8]3 860517 ,0-, - •I , •••I•I !I,•••••I ..;I i ~••• z I..g Q ~ 0 l:l is•,•L ..a: of •t :II H:II::> '"~~...,.°1i'-"....1..q Ii!.;!. ig'!.!. !ili.h.1 •-:..III ••i._I I •I j•• ;•~•• !•! • 1m • • tit •~ tl±•I••m -. • tit • •• •••~•.0 ~•• 'Friif!!••i e ., • Ii II -!Il:l., :. • J ••~• ii••• 10 -2 L - •I ..•i J•I !•=•q•IIl ••• • n I••••z I 2•~~j t 0: :::>I !C i .,.,. •••z•1M,;~•I•0 ••0•i 1M••~•i •i 0 !t,., •.. ~is•iii I •..h~0: •i• •!,. If.::>a ..••il•S•i I I",I"0rf~i•~!':I i I!h•sU ~I ••••1 0..0 8 i :'c ••L.•: •.0.....1'1.1."%..UnCI o1A"onoa ••I 10 ·) I III ;1~~i!l •••••••••• ~••••••••,•f- t t... i t I I!I I I I ,, I I I I ;••••I I i III I I J •••!I • I J •I i I I • il llf II•I II fl l•••Ij!I !il ••;• •0•• •c•"•i e ~-1 >-Q ••~0: c C,~ Q i ~•:::l ~'"-~C Q 0- •••C•!~.Q~=•"Z-t -w•Q •~J OJ•a •>-i r.'"-.0•~~Q •Q••I••w••>Ii ... s 0 .~'"••en~.j Q 0 t E•q ]! o •••.-o ! i••I i • I••I I >- ..:l:;:::c ~.~ ~i ::Ir_:>:..rn•r=c.. C Q Zw Cl >- )(o Q w>...o GO GO Q ~• n e~ E••e~-J~-•,- :1,e ~I e·.,•--n•••I" a -d ~•e t-. ! 8 : i a • i i I I I i II I •••••:. i i tt :i t + •••• ••• OI ~iul allYlen de..nd (CO O)v.lul!I for SU l itn.River ...pln .re r elativel y 10'"S_ r CO O vd un ra nged frOlll •to 39 1',11 .t Vee c"nyOD , .nd ro/.n,ed fr Oll t o 24 lIII /I .t Gold Cree k .lI in ter CO O vduel "ere t ypicdl y l over t h.n l u_r nlue l,n ngi ng fr Olll 6 t o I)..I I .t Vee c"nyon .nd f rOll 2 t o 16 "'i ll .t Gol d Cree k (USGS 198 0,19 8 1,198 2,1983 ).No bi och _ic.1 olly, eQ de_nd (BO D)uta h. ve bee n .n.l yze d f or th e Suai t n.a Riv er,but BOO value .would .1 . 0 be u pe cted t o be r e ht iv ely 10"(e.g.(20 .g/l). A.previou .l y d i .cuu ed,.uc:h o f t he ol'g.n i c c .r bon r ecru i ted f rOll dlochth onou••o ur cn into lot ic h.bit a t . i .u!'ected t o n eve rel ativel y po or fo od q ual i t y (C _in.1919 ).nd i.expe c te d t o be r el.t ivel ),re frac to r y t o .i crob i al de ,r.d.t i on (Hutc h in.o n 19 15;Hobb ie 198o) .It i ••••umed th.t .0At o f the TOe i n t he Suait n.Riv er ..i n.t e.i .largel y cOllll po.ed o f hu ..i c ..t erial .deri ved f r lllll tundra r un off .Tbi . h u..Ie ..t erial i .p rob ably pri..ri l)'cOllpo.ed o f clMO p lex ..o le cu lu "ith :.i gh IlIO lecu l a r "e i,h u,.nd whi ch c.n be ge ne ra l ly c.t e go r i lle d ••hu ..ic .c id.,f u!vi c aci d.a nd in .ol ub!e h ~in ..HUlD ic ..t er i.l .beh .ve ••we .kl y .c i d ic pol ye lec tr olyt e ., hAV e ••tron,pr open.it y f or c Oll p lu i ng v ith _u Uic u t io n.(Hg.Pb,Cu, Xn.Cd,Mi , c r ,Co .V a nd e.ped.ll y Fe ,e r e ,}, .nd f or i nter act ing .t ron gl y "ith th e ..i nen!l ur bcel o f l u.pe nded le di..en t.b y .o r pt i on pr oce ••e . (J,,"kAon,e t.a l .191 8;Hobbi e 19 80 ). S tu d i n by M. i ..n (1982. 1983.,19 83b ) .nd Connen .nd N. i ..n (1 984)have i nd ic.te d the ':!ecr eu i ng ill port.nc "of .lloch th ono .a ly derived org.ni c c.r- bon v ith i nc rn .ing .t rn...Lee in c Odl ..uni ty o XYlen .....u boli ...of bo re .l f or e. t _t er . hed.in e ••t er n c"na d..N. i ...n '."O r k .1.0 I!1lI ph ••ilr.e.th e io crn.ing i.po rt.nce o f .ut oc ht ho nou.Iet I e peri ph yton p rodu ction "ith in c re ••iog .t re.1I..ize in th e' e .._o pen c anop ied bo re .I .t re....Rec ent vork in th e Kuparuk Riv er,.n Al a.q n .r et ic .trea.(Peten on ,e e .1.19 85b ) i ndi c.te d th.t the b io l o giu l pr o duc tivi t y o f thi . M t ur .lly h et er otroph ic o pen -ca nop ied,tun dr a e t ee ••dep ended in h r le p.rt o n th e _t.bo lt.1I.o f dloehthon ou.ly de rived o rganic ..ne r orig in.ting in i t.tundra v .tenhed. • I 4 25833 8 60521 10-6 Pee enOD ,It ,t.(I9B5b )d e.oalUat,d that the b iolo,ical p roduct hi t ,.o f ch i,opeo c l no pied I t r •••cou ld be '{lo ir I clotl,enh lnced by I tt.ula tlo,th e lutoe hthollOUI p rod uct h lt,.o f the ., i li t hic co-un i t,.b y ,.peri_ne ll ph o .phoru.addit ion. 10 . 2 Il'ITB-Ploncr CONDIt IONS P D !mcn Lu.nolo.icll condi t io n.i.n bot h proje ct r •••r H in .1'.ellpll cted t o .l oi_h_ eb .f o~ti oo of 0171111 defident ""t Il'I'Jlu U _at d ep th..110 i.por t ant 100 10ldi nl i .Illpe cted f or .i ther r e .erv011'fr a.the ton .truction u.p or "llla,. ,d ue t o t he _It••,.t,1'tre .C_ot b e ll i ti ••c urnllt l, pr opo nd (APA 19 ' ]'),Selective r e-o". l of l eI'"c i.ber f rc-ca r u la '1'." o f the inundat i on &O OIl!"ill .1i .ill"~'....U ._unt o f ,..oei ated Oll" e o d-.,lId.Fl ood' d or,eoie ..U er 00 t he "".r'tOi r bo u_eod .L de ..l1l1 ..1.11 I'l!&II ill Ind ..,. c r••t ,._l o c.lin d o.Yle n de ple tion.The proc ...of de c o-po.it i on v iii be reht i yel y .lov .t th e pnnitinl co l d te.p,uture., ho "'ftr •• nd ,lIa y "'t' u ,..",denc:inl O1IJ'len deple tion .u e ll:pe d.d t o be .ub.t.n ti.lly dU ut ed bJ'.ill:in l with th e 1'1'1'.01_of e e ••r . o ir _ur which i ...",cU d t o h..,e ,reht iY.ly h iah d i ••ol ".d OX1len eeeeeee ,A 1.1'"_1_o f II.t,rdur,r el.ted to AI••b n.C....di.a .s ,"dhh .nd 1II0t1R ,i8a 1 e ••ad nurvoin .......i n.d with no _n tioa found o f lon, te",probl d ....t o 01l:1I.n de Hd t.i a .pi li_ ion rel ••u _t.n of 1.1'" r •••n ~lu .S-.~or t 1""_ter q_li tJ'pr obl...rel .t.d t o 0Il1len deficien cy h.y.been re ported fr_._.u t.r c:tic re ••ryo in.but ...t .tud i ••i n di u t.d th.t _tn qul d y probl ...rehted to o a1l.n d.ft c:i .nc:y we re .I h y i.t.d wit hla th re e t o fi ••y.au.(Cri...1961 ;Cri....n d llituan 196 5;Cill 1911 ;c tn .nd Cooke 19 14;Ce en 1t 7S :C..pbell.e e .1. 19l5;Wud ud Bu a ford 1979 ;"lI:t. r .ad Gl aude 19 80;Au..CO nl ul tia, Senic..Lilli t ed I9l1l;loIaial'u d I;y le 19112 ;loIalal'19 l1 ) .1984 ;R. c:ky. ee at.1984 }. & I S t r. t ifiu tioll th.t i.••ll tic:i pllU d ill t he re ••r _in h .aped ed to Ii.it oaYlen n ph lli .h_nt t o the h ypoli.don ,but th h it ea",d.d to be ...t illport . at d ur i lll t he ic.c:o n:r. d period..Sp riq .lId 1111 t uroo "r . t Ol'l'the r v ith the II rle fre .h.t it.flow o f h i lhl y oa1l enated (probab ly 0 2 4ntn lI60521 10-7 ..tur.te')wtu ia ellpeocte't o c.u•••bio,.nd ,uMunthl I'IOS YI••tioll o f _at Ollyae n deficidenc _C en w.ich _y ee e ...r ,It i ••nt ic i pat. d th.t the ....rUd.1 layen of the '-po...n_nu wi ll ..bu ill h ilh enouah oayaen co ncea t u tio n.(>8.0 -all )to .void .ny b iol al l.cal prableot.f or na ti... fl..h. Alt houah the .l locht hanoul or••n ic c.rbon i.np ut to the r e ••rvoir.wi l l likely be re lati v.ly r e f ra ct or y t o .inob ia l dalra d.tioo (Hutc h inaoll 1975. Hobb ie 1980 ).lad t he overall q uant i t y er.iti a,f rOll t he 1'I'lrvoil'l wi ll be redlU:ld ....en co-par.d to the iaflow .hetlrot r o ph ic .i e-robi.1 pr oc l ..i o,of t h l or,lniu with in the r e ••r yo ir _y ._vb. t i.prove t he fo od quali t)'of 10-8 e r e no t e llp.c te d in ,i t he r the pr oj.ct do _I t re ••due to p r oject ioduc.d ch.o,..Ln Detriaentll biol ol icll effect. r e le r vo i ra o r riverine h.bit.u d illolYed ollYleo cooc eot r.tianl . Dowaatr.a.frna t he re .ervoirl.bi alaliull y i..portant oa Ylea defic it.al'l aot u.peoct .d.""at dhch.rle _teu .,i ll be 011"_frna well Oll n eoate d ....rfl.d.1 la y.ra ia both re.erwi n.Any allYlea defiden t _t.r reh.ud f rna .ither da .will be rapidly reoll"eoa t ed due t o tu r bu le nc e lad eq ...il i br. t i.an wi th the Itao.phere d ...r i n,d i. t hlrl e f rna th e ou t let worka and d...r ia, dova lt r ll.flow. US8)) 860527 L.kel .od r e u r voi u wi th lur f.ce d i.lchlrl".re _11 nova tr.p.f or allochthonou.l y Ind .utochthono ....l y deri..e d ..t .ri.h .I.ncl ....i nl orlln ic c.r bon (Ve tte!1915 :S t ....r t 198);wtlahn and Cor _ e ll 198 5;Soba ll••n' h ch ..n 19154).It can be eo ftC l ude ',t herefor••th.t i n the lana tera of the pro j.ct lifet i_the pr ojec t wil l dee rea u the __a t o f allochthono....ly .uppl ie d o rl . llie carbon to t he do va.tr•••dYer ine hlb it.u .tbe project r e.er~iu .d...rinl t he i r u rly filliaa .nd oper.t ion ph.n••.,il l likel y c hort tera i ncre ••e ia dova.t rel.a r l l nic c.rboa tr.a.port (C r.wford .nd Rotoellberl 1984 ).tbil effect .hould de el'l••••howeYer •••the u'lryo ira '11. ------------4 that ora'lIie ..terial "'hieh h II!lI:porCl!d fr ..the l'e'er¥oin (Cr•.,ford .nd Ro.enberl 1984).It call be "'~d that •decru l"in biologi cal productivity in downuru......i nU e.rivel'ille habitu e &I"eee ue due to:1} re 'ervoir tup;Jinl of .n ""definable a"ou nt of alloc:hthon oully der ived orlen ie c a r boni 2)virtually 110 pr Odue:tio n in lIor l!llport frc.the rUel'yolr, o f autOChthollou al,derived ora.ni e:carbon.and J )..in l"al -.t....t_riverine ....to e-hehanO...1 pri_"producti on d ue t o high,c hronic:turbidity. 425833 860527 10-9 11.0 IDICI'ID TOIOS l'110UlCIClL LtlIIIOLOl:l 11.1 RESERV OiR PHY SIOLOGI CAL LIMNOLOGY AND TI OPHI C STATUS I t i a anticipated th.t t he Su dUa H,droe lec t ri c Proje ct r llertloin vii 1 hI ve l ow h.,.t a o f producti"lt,..lat ea of c_uni ty .u bol i_will be r ebthe l ,dow d ue t o a c o ld .an a allllol l t he rat l n,i..WIrer q ..li t,. c hl r .cte riat iCi in the new teet t e h.b it.ta will Hk.l,H.i t th a t,,.a ,nd a _ben of or,ani •••""'c h occ ur th er. .!lot h the n_be n aa d t he bi e-a..of plaaktoaic poplll lt 'oaa v ill be '-i u ted b y o raa ai •••I b le t o .Ilia t f or &011' ,.dod.o f t l_b,heterotroph ic _an ,,:..The d Ollin,u)[f or'll of b iot oliully i .portaat f aocl wH I be l ow coac.at r.ti .....o f d ia. oh ed .ad part l c ubte or,.o ic det,itu.cler i"ed f,OII a l l och t hollou,.ou r ce . . Heterotroph ic "eycllal o f O'I,aic detdt ....will be the _at i..po r t .at f ono o f bi ol o licll e a e'I"t,a a af.r betve en tr ophi c lewela . Th.wt.,c o l_with ia t h"e re'e r9Oi ra ,..i n _. t "b ti"el,dee p wte r bod ie.,4111 be a _at i.por taat dte o f b i ol o lica l ac ti .,i t , .lba r e ae r .,oir fl o on l ad .i dawI Ua,I1thoulh eapeet.d to ..k e i.por t ant contribution.t o a hor t t . no fluc t ....t i o ...ill c_uait,_uboli_""ea ""'.oih lad o rpoie detrltu.I re i auada te d ,will be .i nt..ll ,i.por tant wlth re .pect to l ana U r'II r u er oroir cOIIIl uait,._t abo lia.t re n d..lb.i .portloce o f biololica l Ict i" i t y a ••oci a t.d with fl oo ded r a .ervo ir .ub.t ra tea i.a .pec t.d to dec line ..the releryolra ale due t o a u d",lly da cre u inl rel u a ..o f oraan ic and l o orla nie n ...u ia nu i n to the o n rlyinl _te l'c o 1_(c rt...1'1)1;lIiiaaoa 1965 :Rodh.1964:Crt..a and IIH uon 19 65:Lin d.t rOil 197);O.trohlt,aad Outh i.19n:O.uohk,",Duthi.1918:Duth ie 1919 :Han!\ln 1919 :'Illtar ." C I .ude 1980 :OI t rofa ky ",Outhi.1980 :Cri..r d l ad JOINI 1982 :Pe t.ra oa .., Alloeiat••aad I'M Coa. ul t an ta ,In c.1982 :Hacky e e II.1984 ). I II.ic ll...o l olicI I c ha rac ta rh tie•..-i ll atroa ll ,.i nfl ue nce the re'ertlo ir bi olo,y .0 II t o .lata in th a ",era le aa n",I prl..r y pr oducti.,it,rat e. U~8n 860521 B-1 vit hia t he 1 0~r a -Ul r boa /.2/,r. .et t o .ia i.iu r •••r _ir ••re : h .l f of •r . a a'of w.I .......~e te d t o .t.,betw.en I t o 20 "-'aa t he pri..r ,H_ol o aie.l e h.ra et.rh ti n wbieh will the po t. a ti.1 bi oloaie.l produet b it,o f t he proj.ct o ."Seu t.to h iah turb idit,Wllu...lld eOal eque nt ve r,.h.llow .uphot ic SO De'; a I.rl't ot.1 r "I!I''IO ir wol.-pe r ua it of r •••r vo ir .u rfec••re.; o h rl'ta t.I re ...nol r wol .-f or l e.ch.t u ..u ul tial f ra.i nua dl tlo n detritu.; d i I ut ioa of .ny au tr i.nt of ae w .0U ••a d o rlllli c o r .t.rutiOll o f autr ieat l e. eh iol due t o h lgh r.t u o f i llo rl.nic pert ieu l.t•••d i ..ata t ioll; o wit hdr.w.1 .ad di.ch ar l ' o f ~t ,r .nd .nt rai oed pl.nkt er.fru.the .00'of ar•• t ••t ...t er co l~pr nd UoCt i.i.t,(i .e ,fle.r .urfan w.t.re ); o 4 258U 860 521 polliblHti..o f a n h tin l y WI .tabie wert l c.l "a.i t)'.t rUoC t u r., .lld th e co aleque ot pot,o tia l fo r.reh tlwel,de ep .iaed .ur fa ce I.,.r io c_bina tiOll wi th a .h.llow .uph o tie sone . 11-2 A..t .n.ent o f •t r o ph t c 'Utu.cl ...Hic.tto n t o •bo d y o f v.ter u n be • hirly .ubjlcth.utr ci u,.DHfe r e nt i n vu tt.etoU _y not I1 v.y.c oncu r .bou t t he tr ophic .tatUi claa.'fic .tioa of •vat lr bo d,.. It 11 fre quentl y uu fu l to co n.ide r the tro pht c .t at u.o f a _tel'bo d y v it h i D the l ar. e r COntilll u",of troph ic .tete.e x c end i D'f r_extr_l,. unpr oduct ive to tx u _l,.p roducc,,,e .y.tIM'.AD '-po r t .nt t ro phic .U tl indic . t o r o f h r .e.h nt ic .,..tIM'i.th.i r .anUlI e eee of pri..r ,.pr oduc- t b it ,.(••••lie tabl.1I.1l .In .ddition t o pr i _r y producti."l.t ,.r a t n , bove"e r ,c bere a re.wide "ariat,.of o t h er vat er q ...l it ,.de.cri ptou whi cb .re fnq ...ntl,.un d t o hl lp defi.al!t r o ph ic .U t u' . Su ch de.criptor . fnq ...ntl ,.i oel ude ,bu t UI!noc Ii.i t e d t o:phy co plank t on .t.ndi n.c r o p.; ph,.to plaoktoo bio-a..dl!n .it ll!' ;do.ia.nt ph ,.t opl .akt on Cl t ••o rie.; chl oroph ,.ll !co nc .atntioo.;li.b t extl.nction cOl f fi c h o t .:t ot.1 or••dc c.rbon c once ntret i on. :t o t.1 ph o .pho ru .a nd ai t ro se n c o nce n t n t io n.(We t .e1 191 H . Ob"iou.ly ,no _&l ure_n t.o f t he p re vi o ull,._ntione d v.ter q ....li t,. de.c r i ptor.can be _de in no n-e .i.t e nt p r o j e c t re'er 'lOi r ••But,.ubjec t l."e e . t i ..te.of t he ..I ....o f ..0,.of th e ..e nt i ti u can be ..de bt ud o n k n ovl ed. e of .i. i l .r _••ure.ent .f r _o ther tlMpe r.te .nd .u bt rc tic .,..te •• (••••lie T.bl e 4 .:n ,"."cill l ,.when seye nl ke1 li.nol o.iul ch.racte r· ia tin o f the pr opo.ed nur"o ire can be fai r l,.r e li.b l y ..t i ..t .d .A ra t her c_pl ••an d .u bj.c ti"e '1at h••i.o f tbe w t "r q ....li t,d u cripto fl th.t c.a be ..t i ..t ed f or th "propose d pr oj ect r e."rvoi n r e. u lt .in I one word u'oph i c .t.tue pre d i ct ion fo r th IM:th . ,.wil t I lk"l ,.be u ltraol i.otro- ph ic (T.ble 1 1 .1 1 . Th.eUi_ted tu rb idity 1.vel o f th "project nurvoin i.•key l i.nol o.l.c. l cb .r.c te ri.tic.The pr i ..r y pr oduct i yi t y of th "pro ject r ••e r voin 11 "lIpec ted t o be .uoa.l ,.H .ht U.iu d benu.e o f -odl!n te to bi.h t u rb id it y l e vell.A._wh et .Rlla .ou ••it Uit i o n of I co ntinllOu.ly t urb l.'••uba rctic r ...r 'lOit ellh ibi ti ns l i.h t li.t t e d p r i ..r,.pr oduct i "i t y h••be.n o b••rved I t Sou the ra India n Llh.io no rthern tunito bc,Canadl 4UU] 860521 11-] SUSlT 'lIlI H\'ORlXl£t1IIC I'IlOJ[Cl .1'P'llllX 1....1['l lJ'Ill C SU :US .u(l ItUU (J A~Pl IMIl.n I"IlD.CTlYI"O8SlIMO 1111 VAlllQUS lAlll S.UJ([-Il(SUYOIItS All)11(5[1'101115 III I[If'(U TI,II(, !ilJ I!IlICIIC .v.o AlI:lI C II(GlllIfS II"111£0 111:111 HUII 5PH[1l( a I t llpll1c CI..atrte.ll"" ..........Pr t _r ~Produc:lhU,.zt 9CI'-Z y,.1 App ••I _ ' 1 hlli_n ....'11 _ "'no ••".....(l~rt...AI_lui )UJ t r.-oI I 9Dlr~l cll <I "...I dol (Onpa)Ult u-oligol rophlc <I W· [Iop.f l_nt,1 ........r ••((_<ttl )Ult ••-o l l 90l r oph l ~"... Clln (N. W.T. ,~)Ultr. -oll tol ,ophlcl!•".*n'"(II .' .T "C.....,Ul l r'·OIl ~r ophlc U ". Cr ••t &on (M,If .1.,tel.dol)Ult,.-ollgol ,oph\eJI ~"W· Gr u t 51....(111 •••1 "e--d.)Ull r.-oIIQO ltoph\cJ1 ~"". l i ntll.pelJ (Mlnt l .,c....,.l Ull r .-oIIQO lrophlcJI ~"".S-n_ood •• •(....b...dor PI .t ...., Ull n -lll l QOt ••I .,J!e.-.l ~""...,..._Onll c.",on Ilnen-ol . Ull r .-oligol,ophleJI(Al .....),."C· IOIbbro lib (....tlndo.PI ..... un r.-oll.,x ,oph ieJ/e-a l ~"". Lobe tl el<L....(ll .l do .I'h t ..". Ull r.-ollgol .ophl clle.-.l ~"". ".1_..I lk,(u ..b )Ull r.-o l lootrophlcJI ~",.. tlC r.nde L.b _....tval . l Qo.t.c.C.....,UII r . -o II\IDI." le U.".Sllulhern Inell ...L.K " ...rwolf 1....11 ••~)Dl lp .QIlhle "".1 __hMuoh (Mont ~_Irl t l eh Col~I.)Dllp .ocn1e "... r ....oope.(Br it h "Colf.-ba.,c......)un ....(lilp ."Ie "".c.all.(C.l l f o.ni .)WI ••~lI l qot ."1<:..... l ...._(ltId'119O'l)Ollp •.,le ..". I....a.UnIl o ._1"..1. 1.)OIIIJllll ·ocnle "... lIo .dlnlJ l _("In l<ll)Dllproph le W w· lliI'l laII.1"1..1<11 )011\ID_oI .opfIl e "... s.-riO";;;:o:._~.......)Ollp .......l e "... lrOO"'c.:"1.....)OUIJIIII .opfI l el!'""..........(,1,1..1<11 )0111J1111 ......el!'"". f~(-..odo-to l l fo.nl .)Ollp .....l e "".C..._I.....(AI ••u )Olt'lGl .op>l~".... e-orve 1_,......)Ol loo-*.ot .ophie "... H...on (IISA -e-)OIl QO -Mnol .QIlhio:,ro ... r1 .lhelid 1""'"..)01 100-*001 •.,10:'"W· JJ [.t l_tod f r.I nf o...llon de .,.lblnlJ porti o I ,.0.<_.on l,)oh .dl... V '.1 ..,11,e oopoNd o f jlh,loplonl<ton oilldl ... V 'l'O'dIct Ion SoY....(1Ul1f"1[ D IifUI SH,W1I ."n ) JI -_ ~..'tl••,'._Id t, .;:_-2 yr . 1.._..~r _l _t .[ootl _..UltU.. '"""I QP'~ul).no .~ Cl ut (c "H"."..'W ... ~t_.:l 'Ind •••m ... .........W.....-C..-..."... r,l"(lM..c.......l t ~",OJ .,. Itl ~aod .......".",."'".,. C",<><)II 1_to ..a''oV>'."".,. _111 l .........,...._0"_1<'""U· -~.....,nqt"""""'1''''''''•n.... [u.-(~r••19~9 ..."""p'''.'"".l ie t .-.n {S.j "~rl.od_•,',."...... I'l .....,....(..,.........,..,t ...•u>I".,..... ETI .(W..c.,,,,.-,'."~"r ...,"""t''W .,. Ie...,.....'...,n r..,'IIP".'"". •••'\l ''Qla>(WulILnqton-l9lil ......'Tophi "".... r rea ••h bot'!Slot ..... _.. r",''--,f '",.. .,nt ••q .....,lllrtl'9A"r..t raph,c ,.,.,. S<l ll ~.od So (I).",..,.r..l.op'"'''"~. S,h ....fi nd,...)(""......,.'M ... L_"(Ph.l '1>'"ne_)r.."r ""'''<'...». Vl .l o rl .(Uti".'r",'''1'''1 •...,. ......1""'....\.....,~on 19to''''~ P re Daoe r Oion of s....q..l ['""",."."...._.{If,..,,,,,.."1 9'~19 66 1 (..........e "'".,. \ un" uon'11 -' I (Reeky l ad Cui l d fa r d 1984 :Pllnu and Beck y 1984 :Be cky 1984 ;Heck ,ee ,d . 1984 ).D!.-t o th .upe cUd turb id it ,i n th e pro ject r ...n o iu .the .tla~rd t,pe.o f "pir i e.ll,der i led -oda l l fo r pr ed i ct ia a rel er.o ir tr oph ic 'upoale fr c.Dutr ieat I _d iaa .nd autri ent c o nce at rl t ion rel.t i on- .hi pi (I .a .VoU._eider 1915:Dil lon 1915 ;Jon...n d !.Icll••n 1916:.nd Lueen .nd Mercier 1916)Ire na t n;pect ed to be .pplielble f or p red i ctiaa the tropb ie lutU I af th e proj lct 1'Ilervo i1'l (I ..t Ind Le.19 18:l lnkel 1912:;H,.11er 1982;Walker 1982;5 abill e Ind "eh..n 1984 :E_und l oa .J.4 . lad loe ai a al 198 51 ). 4rtiHcbl pba iphoru l lo.d inl o f t he ll l taOl r uenoir fr c.oo.u tie .oure .. VI 'lelye l tialted b,Peter loa Ind "iclloll (1 982).na ey eanel uded thlt th l ...iau.I llavlble Irt lf icial l _d in l il e q ui YI le nt t o the Vl lt e f rc.11 5 ,800 peraanent r elident a ,i f o li , o t r o ph ic cOD di tion Ire to be _ia tliae d I nd If t he renr'l'Olr VII ex pe ct. d t o be r .btl.d,e tee e,Hovey e r.the ir ut i ..re 11 eont er ••t ivd,low ti ne.t he e fflctl o f 10'"li l ht pe lllttlt ion _re ne ,lectld ia their loal yli •• Reduct ion a f ri veri ae-bor ae I Ulpe nded ledi_lItI by leulin8 vith in th e re.e';)i r viii r u ul t ill ...di'-Dt h ll Dket effect.Much o ralnic ..u riel o n t he r e aervo ir fl ool'"and aide Willi viii eve ntuI11 ,be e <"'l <!cOl t.d In d/or bur hd b,..t t led (..-I t i no rll ai e )plrt ieull tel .The l e di_nt bl l n ket If hct viii hi.'I r .tlrdant ef fect o n lelch i nl I nd bia l o aiel l e,elina o f ..er a .nd aie ro nut ri.lIt i O"I.p ll'"iaar ,I "d ...eonda r,pr oduct h ity In d Oll'"lIai c de t ri t ul o Ki dUio D (We t ..l 1915,ca.pbe ll e t 11 .191 5.ClI'"lvford I nd ID I.abe r,19 84,wi.DI lad lol.abe rl 1984 ,H.ek,I nd KcC ul lo ulh (984) . Devel o pnea t o f ....11 bu t .i. b l.pby to p llaktan po pul .tl.an e DDfHu eo o f pll'"inIr il,..ci ll.rio pbyc....ClI'"yl opb l.eel',Dinof ye ll'I nd Chlaro phy el" v ith I _i cr opl ln k ton eannual t ,of pho tOlynt he tlC bl ct er i.l ad no.t ly un i ull ullil'"C, l aa pb,cel'it Qpect ed t o be f omed vttll l.n the project r ••e rvol r l.na e p llnk ton cannuni t,il e.pee te d t o r e ..i "It l ov or Yery l ov 425833 8 60521 I "adti...ad to be pr i ..rH,l oc.ted witbi a tbe wind_iud aurbce nrde. Heurotrophic pro t oa_.boIcter ie.fua,i ao d act ia_,eat ..a ra upeeted to ..i aau tba _ta bo lia.of t he ",po li_ioa b i ol o, i cal e _ uai t iea (Cd ..... •a d IU ..ee 1965;c..a 19 14.Vatul 191!1.Duth ie 1979 .Int.r .ad C:aude 1980.Beck,a ad C uil dfor d 1984 .Be ck,ee d.1'84.lN ai a,1 a ad r.)'l a l 'In ). De..lo~lIt of •Ii.it.d but .,i..ble _p laatto a e __it)'pd..ril )'e.-po..d of la. e ct••Proto __•l ot i f ..... .ad Copepoda but w r)'1_della it l ea of Cl8docer••ad .1'1 eapeeUd ia the praject r a.ar 9Oi....Clldoc"'"t ,piull, "a iat d l ow 01'nr,10.dell.8it i •• ill.naturll lite.iI •• •H )'iaflueac.d b)' Ihc id fl our i ll aubar ctic leat ie ea.,i.ro_anu (Va ta d l,a5.c d ...alld "H ..on 196 5,Pinel-Alloul e e at.1982.ht.ti a .od S.lki 19114.~nio la aod l)'le 1'82.!dIauadlon .nd l oellillia 198 5b) . A ..c robent h ic c_unit)'.ith rel.tively 1011'den a iti.a of Cruat.c.a , tn••e ee ,Ol i ,ochaeU ••nd "011 118(8 1a eapected to fo..-i_di.tel,Ifter l..pouG_at.KlI crob.otho.den.iti"."ill prob.bl ,dec"••••fter the f int !I to 10 )'••n of e e ••rvo ir 'Iha (Wetael 1915,Cd ....1'65.But ch i:luoo 1961, Cd ..a .nd lIil ..oo 196 5.Wieoa a nd lo.enber!It .1.1984 .Heck)'e e et , 1984 )• The deo ait ,o f r eai deot fiah c_l,IQ i tie a i ll.t he proja et r ..er vo in i a .apa ct.d to be 10. t brou lh out t ba pro j ect li fe ti._.Sou the ra I nd i.n t.ke •• aubaret ie Ca na dbG r ......vir.be CI _"'1"t urb id d ue to iac r ....d .u.pend.e d .ed i_ Gt coa ceQtrlt io ol WII . 0 it ....i_pounded .nd eapl ad .d ••pl ft "f a b ,drodectrie pro j.ct.Itl n .h population .... . .d oull ,d il1'upted ••• conal'q Ull nce of th e bi,her .....p.Q ...d ..di _Qt eo oClGt n tion (B. c k,I t .1. 1984 ;lodal)'ee .1.1984;'ud,.and Iodel,1984 ;l odal ,nd Leu ck 1984 ). Ir.dl.)'t.ke.00 AIa.q·.r..nei.P.oaia ula .il a aatur.ll)'turbid I .te wh ich h .tron,I,aff.ct.d b)',lad.l fl our at cOIICl nt n tlo n'(OIIp.r.ble to tbo •• •ap.et.d for the Vatlna Ind Dedi Can)'on 1...rvo 1rl.It i a thouaht to be d."oid o f filh ,!lIrhap.pertl)'due to itl h iah .u.peod.ed I.di_at conc.QUlt ioa (Ott Vater !n'in.e....Inc.et et ,1981 ), • 4nan 860521 11-1 • Molt b iol0. ical ac:chity in the .iddle ri"er ..111 -se eur in •d iff.reat h.b itat l oeatioa frc.vh ,:"e it eeeur e i a the pro,iect r ••eno in.While tbe -alt i..-port.at ti t.of biolo'lU l .ct i.i ty i a the r ....er"in will be tb • •a ter col~n,the llOat iapo rtant aite o f bi olo.ieal acti.i ty i o the r iver babit.t ••i ll be tb e .u"trata ,."d int.nt i tial apac.,of tbe stre••bed . l'be ""ter col_lbo...the Itru,bood i.e e xpect. d t o be o f ,iawl i..-portaace to the oTera1L riv.ri ne btol o.ical.prod ue:ti,it y Ind trophic 'Utu.(R yon 1970;C-.in.1974;Keora 1971;x...e cu ee .1.1978 ;larton .ad l.o<:lr.1979 ; Wlrd .nd 5 t. aford 1979;Cuahin•• t .1.1980:Vaooot.et al .1980;Newbold et al.1981 ;Murphy a t aI .1981;Ward ee aI .1982 ;Mia.ball ee al .1983 ; Conne n .nd Mai..n 1984 ;Sob.lie 'l'Id I.ch ..nn 1984;Lloyd 1985:P.unol'l e t al.1985b ;leub e e e l ,1985). Steff.n 1971 ;Ward .od V.n St'PfNIn 1984 ;Ll oy d b .bit.u h",ia l <h.cher .cter i et iea o f I l ,da l .tronlly .ffect ed b,fi n•..d i ..o u (Hpe'1970; St.nfo r d 1979 ;Ward 0<01.1982 ;Milner 198); 1985 ). Studin o f 10..er t ro phic levela (A.DnG 198 5b ;Richard••t .t.1985 ;V.n Nieu_nhuy"1985 ),rearl.n.juyeflii ••at_aid.(••••ADf'·G 198 5 , ,nd c), .ad o"-. r ..t ioOi by ..II Y bio l ll.h u Cllllcur that b i ol ll,iu l prod uet i.it ,i ll the ,iddl.ri"er i,rd.thet,10".t .11 troph ic hYel ..The •• o b ..rvltion ••.•in I ,ra _ nt wit h tho.e ..d e o n ee "enl oth.r lotic .t r....or 0 0 .tre," App. rent r •••oa.fo r t he r.l.t i".ly low productiv it,o f the .i ddl.rl"er Ire thet •c_binat i oo o f _tural faC:Con are c urrent I,prMudal I e••th.a o p t i..-~h.bitat c ondi t ion.f or ..fty t ype.o f o r •• ll i ....ui te d t o l i"e ther •• A-aft.th e 'On i..-por t . nt _turll fact on "tlicb c ur rent I,help to ,i rlt,is. bioloaicll produ c ti"ity in tha ,iddl.re.ch .nd Which ..i l l be .Ite r.d by th e p roj.c:c .re:.n _fa"r.ble b ydr olo,ic r eli..i a"ol'l'i.:o l ll r le d ilch.rle fluc:t ....tioa.;lad •....tur.1 "di..at t r.uport I"IIli..vhi c:h c. u..e 4251)3 11-8 860 527 • .,,"t.llti.ll Ilabitu Mandllt i on.AIt.rIlLi ODII of t h.IIIl t "n l ..d i ••n t trllllllport r.ai-.IIr .1I a11l1a th.aII r.b LOloai clI l l,i .por t.llt e hlln a ••••p.e t.d t o be i nd"c. d b,th e proj.et . 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Soci.t,.V••hinltoll,D.C. 425833/IlEP 860521 " APPENDIX APPENOa A -CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF METALS AND OTHER AQUATIC HABITAT CRA ItACTERIS TICS 42$8 33 /APP 86 0527 l. " - 1 DI s c lii r g8 2 Total Suapended Solida l Diasolved Organic Carboa 1 Total Cacmiun 5 Dissolved ca 6 Total Copper 7 Oiaaolved Cu •Total IrQn ,Dissolved Fe 10 Total Lead 11 Total Manganeae 12 Dissolved Hn 1]Total Mercury 14 ohsol ved HI) 15 Total Nickel 16 Total line 17 Disaolved Zn N 8tU1D -CORREUlTlDH I.IltK ITEn Ilfl£TIDH -REVISED DiEClI"IIEJI 2".1975 HEfIl.tK SCIEHCES CDrf'UTltG fACILITY.UCl.A NKlBI..En CODE •••••••••••••••••••••rETALS tuIIER Of \'ARIABlfS . . . ....•••••••17 IIll'flEa Of CASoES...3B 1U9ER Of TRflHSCEHERATlDH CARts...• IUIJER Of 'o'RI:IAIIl.ES ADDED........., IUtJ(R OF YMIA8I.£FDRNT CIlItDtS)II TRAtt5G£HERATlDH elf AtfY)0CQlRS 1I[fG!E not JEu:TIOIt ....IAIIU fOllf1:lT CI"!:II(S) (f6.I.fe.e,Fl.I.2f2.I.f3 •••f2 •••f5 •••*1•••IX,2FI .I.U("f2 .'.f3.'.f2.I) r£AHS AHI STAKIlMIl DEVIATIONS ....IAeI...E !'£lit!ST~D tutIER OF DEYIATIOIt 11U6 II 5868ti.842151~2.5819 3B 82 5OO.9n2 "1158.157"]Iii .]J.84:A ".8158 28 801 J."112tJ6 J.7151 I" lIS 1.8081 8....89 86 ]7.81157 3C.1738 ]5 '7 3 .5152 2.6235 ]] 18 12815.526J1l5S!J.75~]3B 89 1113.8278 61.52]7 as II ~4 .1188 26 .6432 25 II 278.tlO88 236 ....32 3B 12 17.91191 38 .0J9 ]] IJ u.2206 8 .16617 20 14 1I.17tllI ••~18 15 26 .(MtB 16.1<15"11 28 16 6S.5lf;].v .52I'30 17 1"._6 .zr~25 VARIABLE NUMBER PACE 2 Of .. 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