HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3083I I I • I I I I I I I .. I I I I M M _l!) =N I"-- I"-- !!! 0 ~-o "" 0 LO -1.0 I"-- _M M QL 737 .U512 G38 1980-·81 ALASKA DEPAFTMENT OF FISH AND GAME JUNEAU, ALASKA STATE OF ALASKA Jay S. Hammond, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Ronald 0. Skoog, Commissioner DIVISION OF GAME Ronald J. Somerville, Director Gregory N. Bos, Acting Research Chief MOOSE SURVEY PROCEDURES DEVELOPMENT BY William C. Gasaway Stephen D. DuBois and Samuel J. Harbo HABITAT DIVJSfON LIB ALASKA Dr:JPAP.if"fN T -RAiY ,., .. '· · OF FISH &. GAME A ,..., v33 R.A.S PBERRY ROAD .N c HORAGE, ALASKA 99518 -1599 Volume IV Final Report Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Projects W-17-9 through W-17-11, W-21-1 and W-21-2, Jobs 1.17R, 1.18R and 1.19R and Project Progress Report Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-21-2, Job 1.26R :sons are free to use material in these reports for educational or :ormational purposes. However, since most reports treat only part of Ltinuing studies, persons intending to use this material in scientific 1lications should obtain prior permission from the Department of Fish l Game . In all cases, tentative conclusions should be identified as :h in quotation, and due credit would be appreciated . (Printed December 1981) -~ • r - t r- l f' r [ ' ( t l t r- 1 i L l r l t r t i' L • f t ~~ i L f (Y) (Y) ~ 1..0 t N • ,..... ,..... ! 0 ' 0 t_ 0 1..0 1..0 ,..... (Y) M ({JL /37 ( {/~/:J- State: Cooperators: JOB FINAL REPORT (RESEARCH) Alaska William C. Gasaway, Stephen D. DuBois, and Samuel J. Harbo &3~ /CJJO-ZI Project No. : W-17-9 through Project Title: Big Game Investigations W-17-11, W-21-l Job No.: Job No.: Job No.: Period Covered: and W-21-2 l.l7R Job Title: 1.18R Job Title: 1.19R Job Title: Development of Sampling Procedures for Estimating Moose Abundance Determination of Sightability of Moose During Aerial Surveys Standardization of Tec~~igues for Estimating Modse Abundance July 1, 1980 through June 30, 1981 SUMMARY Moose sightability during aerial surveys was determined and methods for estimating numbers and sex and age composition of moose were developed. A techniques manual was drafted incorporating the pertinent sightability findings, and two training workshops were held. Personnel attending workshops conducted five population estimation surveys during November 1980 and estimated moose numbers were greater in each area than biologists had previously realized. The new survey method provides more representative sex and age composition data than traditional composition surveys used by the ADF&G. Calf:cow ratios were substantially underestimated by use of traditional composition surveys. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Inform~tion Services Ancl. ~ \: : ..... Ka [ [ [ r • [ [ [ I' 6 6 [ [ r c.:; 11 [ CONTENTS Summ.ary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Background . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Methods. . . . . . . . . . • • • 3 Results and Discussion . . . . . ....... . Development of Sampling System. . . . . . . Determination of Moose Sightability .... Standardization of Moose Survey Techniques. 4 4 4 4 Recommendations. . • . . . . . . . . • • • • 9 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . • • • • • • 9 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • 12 BACKGROUND The greatest problem in effective moose (Alces alces) management and research is the inability to accurately estimate their numbers. Accurate population estimates are extremely difficult to obtain because of moose behavior and the type of habitat they prefer. A completely satisfactory method of inventorying moose has yet to be devised (Timmermann 1974)~ therefore, we selected this area of technique development for study. Aerial survey methods for large mammals generally underestimate the number of animals present because some animals are not seen during surveys (Caughley and Goddard 1972). Therefore, sighta- bili ty estimates for animals seen under varying survey methods and environmental conditions are needed to correctly estimate actual animal numbers. In the words of Caughley (1974): Sightabili ty may be defined as the probability that an animal within an observer's field of search will be seen by the observer. The proba- bility is determined by the distance between the animal and the observer; by such characteristics of location as thickness of cover, background, and lighting; by such characteristics of the animals as color, size, and movement; and by observer's eyesight, speed of travel, and level of fatigue. Few sightability estimates exist for moose or other large animals from which reliable correction factors can be developed. Sighta- bility estimates for moose in four, 2.6 km2 pens were reported by LeResche and Rausch (1974). They found that experienced observers who had recently conducted surveys saw an average of 68 percent of the moose under their experimental conditions. Unfortunately, search methods employed, terrain, and habitat types available limited the application of findings to other situations. Novak and Gardner (1975) estimated 90 percent sightability of moose during aerial transect surveys over 25 km2 plots in a forested portion of Ontario. As a basis for calculating sightabili ty, they assumed that all moose present during the aerial surveys were later found by intensive searching of the plots by helicopter. Floyd et al. (1979) reported seeing 50 percent of the radio-collared deer in 1.3 to 26 km 2 forested test plots when these areas were intensively surveyed. Several studies have demonstrated that increasing search intensity increased moose sightability and population estimates (Fowle and Lumsden 1958, Evans et al. 1966, Lynch 1971, Mantle 1972); however, an unknown proportion of the moose present was probably not seen during even the most intensive searches. This, of course, precluded calculation of sightability. In Alaska, variations of transect surveys have been used extensively to obtain sex and age composition data. When compared from year to year, these data provide useful insight into population trends. In a few cases, these data have been extrapolated to form crude estimates of population size, but the technique is generally considered inadequate for population estimation. Basically, the transect method involves flying parallel lines at prescribed altitudes and airspeed and counting moose seen in prescribed transect widths (Banfield et al. 1955). Population estimates derived in this manner are inaccurate because of two major problems: 1) determination of transect width is difficult and 2) the number of unseen moose is not known and varies greatly with habitat types and environmental factors. Timmermann ( 1974) concluded the transect method was inadequate for the needs of wildlife management agencies and that quadrat sampling methods for the estimation of moose abundance should be adopted. However, Thompson (1979) proposed a variation of the transect method that overcomes some of the difficulties with past transect methods. Aerial surveys in which quadrats were exhaustively searched were first introduced in the 1950's {Cumming 1957, Trotter 1958, Lumsden 1959). Quadrat sampling tends to give higher estimates of moose numbers than transect methods. For example, Evans et al. (1966) and Lynch {1971) found that transect surveys provided population estimates of only 25 and 67 percent, respectively, of estimates obtained by the quadrat method. Using the quadrat sampling technique, each randomly selected plot is thoroughly searched until the observer is satisfied that further searching will not reveal additional moose. The increased counting effort per unit of area increases the percentage of moose seen compared with the transect method, and accounts for the higher· and more accurate population estimates. This method assumes that all moose are seen in a quadrat, although some animals are inevitably missed. The number of undetected moose varies according to the density of canopy cover, environmental factors, moose behavior, and pilot/observer effectiveness {LeResche and Rausch 1974). Given that less than 100 percent sightabili ty of moose was achievable, we tested aerial search patterns, and intensities in search of combinations ·which would provide high sightabili ties 2 [ [ [' e [ . [ r, L r-, '---' [1 u [ n u D [' --~ c c [ .. L r· -- L L r= L L: t = under varying conditions. These search patterns and sightabili ties were then used in the development of population estimation procedures. Our sampling design was a modification of the random, stratified procedures reported by Siniff and Skoog (1964) and Evans et al. (1966). Linear transect sampling methods were rejected because they were not adaptable to specific terrain and habitat types found in Alaska. Findings from our research were used to produce a preliminary technique manual for the estimation of moose population size. Workshops have been used to introduce biologists to this survey method. OBJECTIVES To develop sampling procedures for estimating moose abundance and to evaluate moose survey methods presently employed. To quantify the sightability of moose in relationship to habitat, environmental factors, diurnal and seasonal behavior patterns, sex, age, and aggregation size, and to calculate sightabili ty correction factors for variables when appropriate and/or minimize the influence of variables in the design of survey methods. To demonstrate the relationship of search intensity and method to numbers and sex and age composition of moose seen so biases in observed sex and age ratios can be interpreted and minimized. To prepare an illustrated manual describing the application of the population estimation method and the calculation of popula- tion parameters, and to assist game biologists in application of survey techniques through workshops and field training programs. STUDY AREA The study area is diverse and represents most habitat and terrain types used by moose in Interior Alaska. Included are mountains, mountainous foothills, rolling hills, flats, and both forested and subalpine river channels. Botanical descriptions of habitat types were reported by Coady (1976) and include alpine, herbaceous, low shrub, tall shrub, deciduous, and coniferous types. The study area includes drainages of the Chena and Salcha Rivers in Game Management Unit (GMU) 20B and much of GMU 20A. METHODS Methods used to estimate sightabili ty of moose and develop the sampling scheme have been described in previous reports (Gasaway 1977, 1978, 1980; Gasaway et al. 1979). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Development of a Sampling System A moose population estimation techniques describing the sampling design was drafted. final report for Job 1.17R. Determination of Moose Sightability manual (Appendix I) This manual is the Analysis of sightabili ty data continued during the reporting period. S'ightabili ty data applicable to May and June surveys were analyzed and reported in Gasaway et al. ( 1979) and are currently being prepared for publication. Analysis of winter sightability data has not advanced beyond that reported in Gasaway et al. (1979). Improvements were made in the application of a sightabili ty correction factor ( SCF) to population estimation survey data (Appendix I). The SCF was adjusted upward by 3 percent to account for moose not seen during the intensive searches in early winter (Gasaway et al. 1979). Additional refinements to the SCF are being made by calculating a variance component for the SCF and will be incorporated into the manual. This variance component is necessary to accurately estimate the confidence interval ( CI) about the estimated number of moose. It will result in a wider CI for a specified probability. standardization of Moose Survey Techniques The moose. population estimation manual (Appendix I) provides guidelines for Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel conducting moose surveys. The manual serves both as a training aid during 2-day workshops on population estimation techniques and as a field reference. Biologists produced 5 population estimates during November 1980 using techniques presented in the manual and at the workshops. Each survey resulted in an estimated population larger than expected based on presurvey data (Table 1). For example, upper and lower Nowi tna River surveys produced population estimates that were four times greater than the expected number of moose in those areas. Two factors account for th~ large discrepancy between expected and estima.ted moose numbers .· in the Nowi tna surveys. First, very little previous survey effort had occurred there, and second, moose were thought to be scarce because they were scattered at a low density throughout a very large, heavily forested drainage. Precision of moose population estimates is defined by the width of the 90 percent CI about the population estimate. We suggest that a 90 percent CI equal to or less than 20 percent of the estimated number of moose is acceptable for many uses [ c [ •· [ r L • n u 0 [ L [ [ q r • [ [ [ I' r l ~ c [ [ (Appendix I). However, the acceptable level of precision must be established by biologists for each study area. These precision levels will vary with study objectives or management needs. Confidence intervals ranged from 4 to 19 percent of the population estimates for the five population estimates produced in November 1980 (Table 1). Narrower CI's could have been attained by surveying a larger percentage of the sample units in each survey; however, costs would have increased. The costs of all five surveys were high (Table 1), due primarily to three factors. First, population estimates in small areas required a very high percentage of the areas to be sampled, and this increased costs per unit area. Two of the surveys (CA3 and Tok) covered quite small areas 274 mi 2 and 450 mi 2 of moose habitat. A more detailed discussion of the cost of estimating populations in small areas is found in Appendix I. Second, all population estimates were conducted in remote areas which increased aircraft charter costs as well as food and lodging expenses for personnel. The third factor contributing to high costs was the vast expanse of some survey areas such as the upper and lower Nowitna drainages. Because of the size and remoteness of the Nowitna, aircraft had to fly up to 4 hours round trip just to reach distant sample units. Experience gained during the 1980 surveys will result in more accurate cost estimates in the future. Numbers of moose seen on sex and age composition surveys substan- tially underestimated the number of moose in three areas where both composition surveys and population estimation surveys were conducted; approximately 65 percent of the estimated population was seen on these sex and age composition surveys (Fig. 1) . Rough population estimates should be possible from composition survey data by multiplying the number of moose seen by a SCF. Because sightability of moose can vary drastically among composition surveys throughout Alaska and within a single survey area among years, more data are needed to develop sightabili ty correction factors for sex and age composition surveys conducted under variable conditions. The stratification process can be used alone to provide a rapid and inexpensive measure of moose distribution in large areas where little or no prior knowledge is available. Stratification allows for a rapid and systematic accumulation of data in a form that maximizes knowledge. The number of moose seen during three stratification flights (Fig. 1) was approximately 30 percent of the estimated population. Therefore, multiplying the number of moose seen by three and four gives a crude estimate of moose abundance in those areas. Stratification also produces a moose distribution map containing relative moose densities. These data provide a basis for selecting sites for composition or trend surveys, initiating management strategies, and addressing resource use issues. _ ___ Po:p_u_l_a"ti_Qn _es_:timation __ sur¥e¥S--pi"oduced--high.eJ;--Ga-1-f-:-Gew---Ea--ties-----[_ r:-c-than sex and age composition surveys (Table 2). These differ- 5 Table 1. Results of population estimation surveys during November 1980. Game Management Unit, Count Area 13, CA3 13, CA7+14 12, Tok River 21, Upper Nowitna 21, Lower Nowitna Area of Moose Habitat (mi 2 ) 274 945 450 3,800 2,770 1 Sightability correction during intensive search Sightability Correction Factor1 1.06 1.06 1.38 1.11 1.19 90% Confidence Interval Estimated (% of No. Moose Estimate) Cost ($) 501 9 3,000 2,105 19 8,000 872 4 4,000 1,891 16 25,000 2,376 18 15,000 Estimated Number of Moose Relative to the Number Expected higher density than expected higher density than expected expected 700 moose expected 400 moose expected 600 moose factor calculated during the survey times 1.03 fo.rmoose _not. seen (see Appendix I for details). L~ [ [ [ c [ L cu Cll 0 0 ;:.:: ~ 0 0 :z; 'd cu .i-J ttl 1'1 ·n .i-J Cll I'Ll ~ 0 ~ 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Strat. Flight ;~· I A lower I Nowitna I CTok ~0 I I. I Nowitna uupper I I Comp. Pop. Pop. Survey Estimate (w/o SCF) Estimate (w/ SCF) TYPE OF SURVEY Fig. 1. The percentage of moose seen or estimated by surveys during November 1980. 7 Table 2. Sex and age ratios in moose populations calculated from composition survey and population estimation survey data. CalvesLlOO~ MalesLlOO~ Composition Population Estimat1on Composition Population Estimation Survey Surve~ Survey Survey Game Management Pooled Pooled Unlnas 2 Pooled Pooled Unbias Unit, Count Area Data 1 N Data 1 Method N Data Data Method 13, CA3 31 344 44 45 459 37 30 29 13, CA7+14 23 1,393 32 32 742 13 13 13 12, Tok River 20 525 24 26 526 25 26 29 21, Upper Nowitna 27 26 434 71 69 21, Lower Nowitna 34 34 405 71 74 1 Ratio calculated from all moose observed. 2 Ratio weighted by the composition and nunilier of moose within each stratum (see Appendix I for details). c:~ L ences are caused by bias. The composition survey method contains greater bias than population estimation surveys because sighta- bili ty of moose is lower and a smaller portion of low moose density area is generally surveyed. These two factors result in unrepresentative, low calf:cow ratios from composition survey data because cows with calves are more frequently missed during low to moderate intensity searches (Table 3), and because cows with calves are disproportionately abundant in areas of low moose density (Fig. 2). So far, we have been unable to detect consist- ent differences in bull: cow ratios produced between the two survey techniques. The calculation of population composition ratios from population estimation data is described in Appendix I. The population composition ratios are calculated for each stratum in the survey area; an overall ratio is then calculated using weighted estimates for each stratum. Previously, we suggested simply pooling all moose observed during population estimation surveys and then calculating composition ratios. The new and old methods of calculating composition produced quite similar values for November 1980 data (Table 2); however, larger differences can occur with certain combinations of sampling effort and distribution of calves among strata. In those areas where both a population estimation survey and sex and age composition survey were done in the same area (Tok, CA3, and CA7+14 in Table 2), ten calves:lOO cows was the mean increase in the ratio. No insurmountable problems were encountered during the 5 popula- tion estimation surveys in November 1980. The techniques manual (Appendix I) has been revised to solve or minimize the problems that were identified. RECOMMENDATIONS A more comprehensive population estimation manual should be prepared during the next 2 years. Analysis of sightability data should be completed and written up for publication. Workshops should be continued so that personnel can learn methods for making population and composition estimates. The method should be applied when population estimates and representative composi- tion data are needed for management and research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Warren Ballard, David Kelleyhouse, and Roland Quimby for use of survey data. Dale Haggstrom, Warren Ballard, Suzanne I, Miller, Sterling Miller, and David Kelleyhouse provided valuable L discussion of and improvements to the survey method. Jim Raymond designed the HP 97 program. Wayne Heimer and Joann Barnett r , reviewed the manuscript. I ~ L 9 Table 3. Composition of moose missed during moderate intensity aerial surveys. Survey Conditions and Intensity Calves/100 Cows Number of Cows Moose seen on first search at 4 min/mi 2 34 120 Additional moose observed when re-searched at 12/min/mi2 41 29 I 0 r [ [ ~ ,_ ~-- lj [ [_ ~ ~~ L_j n L__; r L c 0 c ~ [ [ - L L L 50 co ~ 0 u 0 0 r-1 -co <1l 25 :> r-1 cO u ~· Upper 0.0-0.9 Fig. 2. A 0 Nowitna 1.0-1.9 2.0-2.9 2:3.0 Hoo.se Density (moose/mi2) Calf:cow ratios of moose with respect to moose density in sample units surveyed during-the estimation of population size, November 1980. Lines were fit by linear regression. 1 1 LITERATURE CITED Banfield, A. W. F., D. R. Flook, J. P. Kelsall, and A. G. Loughrey. 1955. An aerial survey technique for northern big game. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. Conf. 20:519-530. Caughley, G. 1974. Bias in aerial survey. J. Wildl. Manage. 38 ( 4): 921-933. and J. Goddard. 1972. Improving the estimates from inaccurate censuses. J. Wildl. Manage. 36(1):135-140~ Coady, J. w. 1976. Interior moose and moose disease studies. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Prog. Rep. cumming, H. G. 1957. Geraldton District plan for a statisti- cally sound aerial moose survey. Fish Wildl. Branch, Ontario Dept. Lands and Forests. Evans, c. D., w. A. Troyer, and c. J. Lensink. 1966. census of moose by quadrat sampling units. J. Manage. 30(4):767-776. Aerial Wildl. Floyd, T. J., L. D. Mech, and M. E. Nelson. 1979. An improved method of censusing deer in deciduous-coniferous forest. J. Wildl. Manage. 43(1):258-261. Fowle, c. D. and H. G. Lumsden. 1958. Aerial censusing of big game with special reference to moose in· Ontario. Meeting Can. Wildl. Biologists, Ottawa. Gasaway, W. c. 1977. Moose survey procedures Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Prog. Rep. W-17-9. development. Rest. Proj. 1978. Moose survey procedures development. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Prog. Rep. W-17-10. 1980. Interior moose studies. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Final Rep. W-17-9. __________ , S. J. Harbo, and S. D. DuBois. 1979. Moose survey procedures development. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Prog. Rep. W-17-11. LeResche, R. E. and R. A. Rausch. 1974. Accuracy and precision of aerial moose censusing. J. Wildl. Manage. 38(2):175-182. Lynch, G. M. 1971. Edison region. Unpubl. Ungulate population surveys conducted in the Alberta Dept. Lands and Forests, Edmonton. 1 2 [ [ n L_; [ L L [ [ [ [ [ ,~ I- Lumsden, H. G. 1959. Ontario moose inventory winter 1958-59. Rep. Ontario Dept. Lands and Forests, Toronto. Mantle, E. F. 1972. A special moose inventory, 1971 Aubinadong moose study area, Sault Ste. Marie forest district, Ontario. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. and Workshop, Thunder Bay, Ontario 8:124-133. Novak, M. and J. Gardner. 1975. Accuracy of surveys. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. 11:154-180. moose aerial Siniff, D. B. and R. 0. Skoog. 1964. Aerial censusing of caribou using stratified random sampling. J. Wildl. Manage. 28(2):391-401. Thompson, I. D. 1979. A method of correcting population and sex and age estimates from aerial transect surveys for moose. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. and Workshop 15:148-168. Timmermann, H. R. 19 7 4. Moose inventory methods : a review. Nat. can. 101:615-629. Trotter, R. H. 1958. An aerial census technique for moose. NE Sect. Wildl. Soc. PREPARED BY: William c. Gasaway Game Biologist III SUBMITTED BY: John W. Coady Regional Research Coordinator APPROVED BY: 1 3 State: Cooperators: Project No. : Job No.: Period Covered: JOB PROGRESS REPORT (RESEARCH) Alaska William c. Gasaway, Stephen D. DuBois, and Diane J. Preston W-21-2 1.26 R Project Title: Big Game Investigations Job Title: Movements of Juvenile Moose July 1, 1980 through June 30, 1981 SUMMARY During 1980, radio collars were placed on 10 yearling offspring of radio-collared cows to continue monitoring dispersal of sub- adult moose from a low-density, rapidly growing population. Additionally, nine 2-year-old moose and three 3-year-old moose were available for study from previous collarings. Subadult moose were usually relocated twice per month to assess dispersal from the home range occupied by the offspring while accompanying its dam. Radio collar malfunctions and hunters claimed a total of 8 subadul t moose from the sample. Extensive overlap between the home range of the subadult moose and the home range it occupied while accompanying its dam was recorded for all remain- ing subadult moose. No long-range dispersal was recorded. i CONTENTS Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Methods . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BACKGROUND The extent of dispersal from a moose (Alces alces) population can alter the management strategy for that populat1.on and adjacent populations which may receive dispersing moose. Therefore, it is useful to predict when dispersal may occur, which sex and age classes are prone to disperse, and the approximate magnitude of dispersal. Expansion of moose range through dispersal has been documented in North America (Houston 1968; Mercer and Kitchen 1968; Peek 1974a, 1974b; Coady 1980), the Soviet Union (Likhachev 1965; Yurlov 1965; Filonov and Zykov 1974), and Europe (Pullainen 1974). In those studies for which age specific dispersal was determined, yearling and 2-year-old moose dispersed more frequently than adults (Likhachev 1965; Houston 1968; Peek 1974a; Roussel et al. 1975; Lynch 1976). Adult bull and cow moose were relatively faithful to previously established seasonal home ranges (Houston 1968; Goddard 1970; Berg 1971; Saunders and Williamson 1972; Phillips et al. 1973; LeResche 1974; Coady 1976; VanBallenberghe 1977, 1978). Therefore, the fidelity that adult moose demonstrate toward their home ranges minimizes their role in the colonization of new ranges through dispersal. Dispersal of moose appears to be associated with relatively high population density ( Likhachev 1965; Yurlov 1965; Houston 1968; Filonov and Zykov 1974; ~eResche 1974; Peek 1974a, 1974b; Irwin 1975; Roussel et al. 1975; Coady 1980). Although not specifically stated by most of the above authors, the densities of moose populations from which dispersal was recorded may have approached or exceeded the carrying capacity of the range based on our interpretations of information presented in those studies. Dispersal from a moose population that was clearly at low density relative to carrying capacity was found only in Mercer and Kitchen (1968). Many moose populations in Alaska are presently at low densities relative to the carrying capacities of their ranges. Management of moose should consider dispersal patterns of moose .in these low-density populations as well as in populations with densities closer to carrying capacity. This study was designed to investigate the frequency, direction, and distance of dispersal as well as the age and sex of dispers- ing moose in a low density moose population. The population selected for study had an estimated peak density of approximately 0.8-0.9 moose/km during the late 1960's (Bishop and Rausch 1974); however, reappraisal of past data suggests the density may have been nearly twice the earlier estimates. During the mid-1960's, heavily browsed vegetation and winter die-offs suggested that these moose exceeded the carrying capacity of the range. Density had declined to approximately 0.23 moose/km by 1975 as a result of severe winter weather, malnutrition, high harvest by hunters, and hign rates of wolf (Canis lupus) predation (Bishop and Rausch 1974; Gasaway et al. 1979). Following harvest reductions since 1975 and wolf control since 1976, this population has steadily increased through 1979. The mean density of moose in the study area had increased to an estimated 0. 27 moose/km by fall 1978 (Gasaway et al. 1979), and it is still c'onsidered to be below the range's carrying capacity. This is a preliminary report on a continuing study. OBJECTIVES To determine sightability differences between yearling and adult moose and evaluate biases in sex and age ratios determined from composition surveys. To determine the extent to which moose offspring adopt movement patterns different from those of the dam. To determine the extent to which young adult moose contribute to breeding groups other than those in which they were produced. To determine if yearling and young adult moose produced in rapidly increasing populations contribute substantially to adjacent declining populations through emigration, thereby reducing the predation burden on declining populations. To determine the extent to which rapidly increasing populations can provide hunting recreation in adjacent areas as a result of emigration of young moose. STUDY AREA The study area in Interior Alaska (Fig. 1) includes the lowlands of the Tanana Flats, the rolling hills of the Tanana Hills, and the alpine zones and mountainous terrain of the north side of the Alaska Range. The Tanana Flats is a mosaic of habitat types, ranging from herbaceous bogs to deciduous and white spruce (Picea glauca) forest and including shrub-dominated seres following wildfires. Habitat of the Tanana Flats is described in detail by LeResche et al. (1974). Vegetation on hillsides and river bottoms of the Tanana Hills is influenced by aspect of the slope. Warm, well-drained soils support white spruce, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) 2 [ [ r- L_, [ r, I ~ ~ r 1- l ~-, \,_:1 f~ l_, [ - n 0 f~: u 6 [ L L c t__ L = McKINLEY PARK --- Fig. 1. 0 10 The study area in interior Alaska. 3 whereas extensive stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) grow on water-saturated, cold soils. Shrub communities are located along creek and river bottoms and in recent burns. Vegetation in the Alaska Range is characterized as an upland climax community (LeResche et al. 1974). Willows (Salix spp.) are found along streams and intergrade into a shrub zone and eventually into alpine tundra on ridgetops and higher elevations. Spruce, aspen, and birch are characteristic of lower elevations. METHODS Radio collars were placed on 10 . yearling offspring of radio-collared cows in early May 1980 prior to separation of the dam and offspring. Each pair had :Peen radio-tracked for the previous 12 months. Yearlings were immobilized with a mixture of 5 mg M99 (Etorphine hydrochloride, D-M Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Rockfield, MD), 200 mg Rompun, (Xylazine hydrochloride, Chemagro Division of Bay Chemical Corp., Kansas City, WO), and 375 national formulary units Wydase (Wyeth Laboratories, Kent, WA) injected by a dart fired from a Palmer Capture Gun. Radio collars (Telonics, Mesa, AZ) were placed on each moose, and a yellow canvas visual collar 15 em wide with 13 em high black numbers was attached to each radio collar. Moose were generally located twice per month from fixed-wing aircraft, although during some months they were located only once. Locations were plotted on 1:63,360 topographic maps or 1:60,000 aerial photographs. Movements of yearlings, their dams, nine 2-year-olds, and three 3-year-olds, were monitored. All moose other than yearlings had been collared in previous years (Gasaway et al. 1980). We defined dispersal as the spatial separation between the home range of the independent offspring and the home range occupied by the offspring while accompanying its dam. Hence, the extent offspring disperse can range from no dispersal, if the offspring remains within the home range occupied while associated with its dam, to lengthy distances if the offspring moves to a new home range. No qualitative analysis was performed on dispersal data collected from July 1980 to June 1981. Rather, a subjective evaluation was performed to determine if new data seemed to confirm or alter the conclusions we reached after analyzing dispersal data from previous cohorts of subadult moose (Gasaway et al. 1980). Convex polygons enclosing the year-round home range of independent subadul t moose during their first year of independence were drawn. The home ranges of the independent yearling were compared to their home ranges during the year they were with their dams. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Radio collar malfunctions and moose hunters claimed a total of 8 subadul t moose from the available sample during the reporting 4 [ [ [ r l [' L ~ [ [~ [ L [ _: _, _ _; period. Four of the 10 radio collars placed on yearling moose failed within 3.5 months of collaring, and one radio collar fell off within 2 weeks of collaring. Hunters also shot two 2-year-old moose in September 1980, and radio collars failed on two 3-year-olds. The remaining five yearlings, seven 2-year-olds, and one 3-year-old were relocated 21-25 times each from 1 July 1979 to 1 June 1980. Extensive overlap between the home range of all subadult moose and the home range they established while accompanying their dams was recorded. No long-range dispersal was documented during this reporting period. Convex polygons showing the overlap between the home ranges of the yearling moose and their dams are shown in Fig. 2. Based on a subjective evaluation of the new data we found no reason to alter our earlier conclusions pertaining to dispersal of subadult moose from a low-density population (Gasaway et al. 1980). A detailed discussion on the management implications of dispersal from a low-density moose population can be found in Gasaway et al. 1980. RECOMMENDATIONS Continue analysis of dispersal data and preparation of a manuscript discussing the results. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Larry Jennings for assistance with fieldwork. LITERATURE CITED Berg, w. E. 1971. Habitat use, movements, and activity patt.erns of moose in northwestern Minnesota. Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Minnesota. 98pp. Bishop, R. H., and R. A. fluctuations in Alaska, Rausch. 1974. 1950-1972. Nat. Moose population Can. 101:559-593. Coady, J. W. 1976. Interior moose and moose disease studies. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Rep., Job W-17-7 and W-17-8. Juneau. 26pp. 1980. History of moose in northern Alaska and adjacent regions. Can. Field-Nat. 94(1):61-68. Filonov, c. P., and c. D. Zykov. 1974. Dynamics of moose populations in the forest zone of the European part of the USSR and in the Urals. Nat. Can. 101:605-613. Gasaway, W. c., s. J. Harbo, and s. D. DuBois. 1979. Moose survey procedures development. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildl. Rest. Proj. Rep., Job W-17-11. Juneau. 48pp. !5 \ A c 0 16 32 48 km ·~·-·-· B D D Home range of yearling while accompaning its dam Home range of independant yearling Fig. 2. Home ranges of 4 subadult moose in Interior Alaska. [ [ [ fJ u [ l [ r . L _ _j ' ---s-u--=b-a-d-=-u--=--1 t Alaska. s. D. DuBois, and K. L. Brink. 1980. moose from a low-density population Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. Workshop, Dispersal of in Interior 16:314-337. Goddard, J. 1970. Movements of moose in a heavily hunted area of Ontario. J. Wildl. Manage. 34(2):439-445. Houston, D. B. 1968. The Shiras moose in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Grand Teton Nat. Hist. Assoc. Tech. Bull. No. 1. llOpp. Irwin, L. L. 1975. Deer-moose relationships northeastern Minnesota. J. Wildl. Manage. on a burn in 39 ( 4): 653-662. LeResche, R. E. 1974. Moose migrations in North America. Nat. Can. 101:393-415. , R. H. Bishop, -----=-b-u-=t,_l~. o-n--a-nd habitats of 101:143-178. and J. W. Coady. 1974. Distri- moose in Alaska. Nat. Can. Likhachev, G. N. 1965. Moose in the Tula Zaseky (game pre- serves) during the years 1935-1951. Pages 66-80 In The biology and commercial hunting of the moose. Symposium 2. Rossel'Khozizdat, Moscow. Lynch, G. M. 1976. Some long-range movements of radio-tagged moose in Alberta. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. and Workshop 12:220-235. Mercer, W. E., and D. A. Kitchen. 1968. A preliminary report on the extension of moose range in the Labrador Peninsula. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. and Workshop. 5:62-81. Peek, J. M. l974a. Initial response of moose to a forest fire in northeastern Minnesota. Am. Midl. Nat. 91(2):435-438. l974b. On the winter habitats of Shiras moose. Nat. Can. 101:131-141. Phillips, R. L., W. E. Berg, and D. B. Siniff. 1973. Moose movement patterns and range use in northwestern Minnesota. J. Wildl. Manage. 37(3):266-278. Pullainen, E. 1974. Seasonal movements of moose in Europe. Nat. Can. 101:379-392. Roussel, Y. E., E. Audy, and F. Potvin. 1975. Preliminary study of seasonal moose movements in Laurentides Provincial Park, Quebec. Can. Field-Nat. 89(1):47-52. Saunders, B. P., and J. C. Williamson. 1972. Moose movements from ear tag returns. Proc. N. Am. Moose Conf. and Workshop. 8:177-184. 7 VanBallenberghe, southcentral 13:103-109. v. 1977. Alaska. Migratory behavior Proc. Int. Congr. of moose in Game Biol. 1978. Final report on the effects of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline on mo.ose movements. Spec. Rep. No. 23. Joint State/Federal Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team, Anchorage. 4lpp. Yurlov, K. T. .1965. The change in the range of moose in the southern part of the West-Siberian lowland. Pages 17-27 In The biology and commercial hunting of the moos~ Symposium 2. Rossel'Khozizdat, Moscow. PREPARED BY: Stephen D. DuBois Game Biologist II SUBMITTED BY: John Vl. Coady Regional Research Coordinator APPROVED BY: of Game 8 [ r: L .. : [ [ [ L f_: L L CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . Selection of the Survey Area. Defining Sample Units . . . . Stratification of Survey Area Selecting Sample Units •... Survey Methods and Search Effort. Estimating Sightability . . . . . Recording Observations ..... . Calculation of Moose Population Estimate and Confidence Sample Calculations of a Population Estimate ..... . Interval. 1 2 3 8 25 28 32 35 40 48 Hewlett-Packard 97 Moose Survey Program for Calculation of Population Estimate ...... . Optimum Allocation of Search Effort . Precision of the Population Estimate. Experience and Currency of Pilots and Observers . Costs of Surveys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Materials List. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation of Population Sex and Age Composition Introduction . . 51 55 56 58 59 63 64 1 Estimates of moose population size and composition are often requirements of successful management and research programs. Methods of estimating these population parameters need to be unbiased and contain a measure of precision or goodness, i.e., a confidence interval with a known probability level. This manual describes a method of estimating population size and composition that minimizes bias and measures the precision of the population estimates. The manual functions as a survey training aid, field reference, and a means of maintaining consistency in surveys. The method is suited for most terrain and habitat occupied by moose in Alaska, and the sampling scheme is compatible with the distribution of moose in Alaska. This manual is in an intermediate stage of development. A more comprehen- sive version will be produced, but in the meantime, this manual provides adequate guidelines for conducting surveys and calculating results. ... APPENDIX I ESTIMATING MOOSE ABUNDANCE ANn COMPOSITION by William Gasaway · Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1300 College Road Fairbanks, AK 99701 and Samuel Harbo Department of Fisheries and Wildlife University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 99701 July 1981 [ [ [-·:. ___ ) [ [ [_ n H L J 2 I. Selection of the Survey Area A. ·The initial selection of a study area may be based on major factors such as one of the following situations: B. 1. A particular river drainage the biologist desires to study 2. A discrete moose population that requires a population estimate 3. An area that will be influenced by industrial development such as a pipeline or dam. Once the study area has been identified, the biologist must then consider the size of the area to be surveyed. 1. The survey area must be small enough to be sampled adequately and rapidly. It may be necessary to survey only a portion of the entire study area at a time in order to accomplish this goal. 2. The biologist also needs to consider other variables that may influence the quality of the population estimate such as economics, logistics, and weather. a. Economic considerations include such factors as the available budget and projected cost of the survey. b. Logistical considerations include the availability and number of aircraft, qualified pilots and observers, fuel. etc. c. Weather considerations include the dominant weather patterns at the time of the proposed survey and the likelihood of a prolonged stretch of good flying weather to allow the survey to be completed in a timely manner. 3 II. Definin~ Sample Units A. A sample unit (SU) is the smallest delineated portion of the B. BETWEEN LAKES g. 1. Straight nes between topo- aphic references e 11 sed to define ges of sample units. survey area that has a probability of being selected and searched in its entirety for moose. All possible SU's are drawn in pencil on a 1:63,360 scale map of the survey area. 1. The size of SU's should range from 12-15 mi 2 ; however, some may be out of this range because of the lack of sufficient natural boundaries. Avoid making SU's smaller than 8 mi 2 and larger than 20 mi 2 . Sample unit area is large compared to most other sampling methods used for estimation of numbers of moose. Experiments in Alaska have demonstrated that sampling variance and confidence interval width can be reduced by the use of large SU's. 2. Boundaries of SU's are generally creeks, rivers, and ridges; however, straight lines between two identifiable points can be commonly utilized when necessary topo- graphic features are not·present on the map. Forks or bends in creeks, lakes, or peaks on ridges are convenient points of origin for straight boundary lines (Fig. 1). SU boundaries drawn on maps must be identifiable from the air. The person drawing SU's should be familiar enough with the area and topographic features on maps to draw boundaries that are easily identified from the air. a. There will be occasions when boundaries become vague due to uniform topography. At that time boundaries should be selected which have a very low probability h [ [ L. [i [ [ [ ~··· L~ L Fig. 2. Compass courses can be used to define edges of sample units when no topo- graphic features are available. 4 of having moose along them. For example, dense spruce forest may have a very low moose density, hence a poorly defined boundary through it presents little problem because few moose will be encountered. A compass or visual heading may be flown across the area while observations are made from only one side of the aircraft. This flight path establishes the boundary, and subsequent flight lines are made towards the interior of the SU (Fig. 2). 4. Moose distribution within the survey area should also be taken into consideration while drawing SU boundaries. Attempt to draw SU's that encompass large areas having similar moose distribution. Avoid drawing boundaries where concentrations of moose are thought to occur. a. An example of optional ways of drawing SU's is taken from the Yanert River drainage during fall where moose concentrate at or above timberline. l) Sample Unit A (Fig. 3A) was drawn to include alpine areas from the upper limit of moose habitat (4000' contour) on the north side of the river, a lowland portion of the drainage, and alpine habitat on the south side of the river. Therefore, SU-A probably contains a heterogeneous mixture of moose densities ranging from high density on the side hills to low density in the river bottom. This SU can be divided (see below) in a manner that can Fig. 3A, B, and C. Example of drawing a su to ~nclude areas of varying densiti~s of moose and redrawing it to enclose areas of similar moose density. 5 [ L [ ~ [ l [ [ n H L_; F' L c ~ ' [ b . ' [ b I L (. L L d _ _;; Fig. 3B. Sample Unit B includes predominantly upland moose habitat and uniform high densities of moose. fl ' ' - 18 Fig. 3C. Sample Unit c includes predominantly lowland moose habitat and uniform low densities of moose. 29 6 :a L,. 5. 7 lead to improved precision of the population estimate. 2) Sample Unit B (Fig. 3B) was drawn to enclose the predominantly subalpine and alpine habitat in anticipation of high moose densities relative to the lowlands. Sample Unit C (Fig. 3C) was drawn to incorporate mostly lowland habitat which should have a low moose density relative to SU-B. a) Sample Unit B and C therefore have sub- divided the area into units that should have uniform moose distributions. This type of SU construction should result in a more precise population estimate than that from SU-A because stratification of SU's will be easier. Each SU is given a unique number for identification. The numbers are color coded for rapid relocation on the map. Use one color for each 50 SU's and keep the color in a tight block (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Each sample unit should have a unique number and be color coded in gr,oups of fifty. [ [ [ J: I 1 t~j [j L G L__; 8 III. Stratification of the Survey Area A. Stratification is the partitioning of the survey area into several subunits (strata) with each stratum containing SU's of similar moose density but with moose density differing widely among strata. 1. Stratification of the survey area is one of the most IMPORTANT aspects of estimating moose abundance. Without accurate stratification, all time and money spent on the survey will be wasted because an imprecise population estimate will result. B. Reasons for stratification of the survey area are: i b b I lJ UNSTRATIFIED POPULATION *""* *-* "* * ~ /MOO SE -/ *-: "* ~ STRATIFIED POPULATION r'ig. 5. Stratificat'ion is the lf-----roce9s of subdividin~ the moose _,opulation into areas of homogen- --~pus moose density. I_ L~ l 1 .... The survey area is characterized by heterogeneous moose densities that vary from high moose density in some locations to low or zero moose density in others. a. Stratification divides the total moose population in the survey area into subpopulations that are charac- terized by homogeneous moose densities within each subpopulation (Fig. 5). b. When an accurate stratification is achieved, a relatively small sample from each stratum can be used to calculate an estimated moose density for the corresponding stratum. The strata estimates are combined to calculate a total population estimate. c. A population estimate from a properly stratified moose population will be more precise than an estimate calculated from a nonstratified population. 9 2. Stratification allows a more precise population estimate [ to be made with a given amount of effort and dollars because increas·ed sampling effort can easily be applied [ to strata where the sampling variance is greatest. a. The sampling variance among SU's in high density strata is generally greater than in lower density [ strata. Therefore, the variance can be reduced in the high density stratum by increasing the proportion of the area sampled. The result is a more accurate population estimat·e. [- c. Several strata are generaily formed. 1. The number of strata is based largely on the accuracy [ with which biologists are able to identify areas with n L i t:: homogeneous densities of moose. a. Generally, only 3-4 strata can be identified accurately. 2. Suggested possibilities for designatiohs include the following: a. High moose density 0 b. Medium moose density c. Low moose density d. Zero moose density 1) The zero density stratum includes only those portions of the survey area that are non-moose habitat, such as large lakes or glaciated mountains. 3. Moose densities within strata designations are relative L values within a particular survey area only. l 10 a. For example, a high density stratum may contain 0.8 moose per mi 2 in one area, while in another area it may contain 3.2 moose per mi 2 . D. The stratification process. 1. In its simplest form, stratification is a process of superficially assessing the relative number of moose in each SU and placing SU's of similar densities into groups called strata. 2. Several biologists will generally participate in the stratification, so it is important for each biologist involved to have a similar concept of the moose density criterion for each strat~~. a. This is referred to as "calibrating the strati- fiers." b. Calibrating the stratifiers requires that each biologist be capable of subjectively evaluating moose densities within the census area and assigning SU's with comparable densities to the same strata. c. A practical method for calibrating each stratifier is to begin the initial stratification flight with all biologists in one aircraft until each person has a similar concept of the relative moose densities in the various strata and can then assign the same stratum classification to areas of similar moose density. 1) During the calibration flights, be sure to look at all variations in moose density within the survey area. 11 a) Begin stratification in those areas that are most familiar and which have the highest and lowest densities. (1) This method allows all biologists the opportunity to observe and discuss the various strata designations while together in the air. (2) Once all stratifiers are thinking alike, they can then separate and complete the stratification more rapidly by working independently. 3. Spend the minim'um flight time required to ACCURATELY stratify SU's. a. Spend more time stratifying SU's that are difficult to classify and spend less time in the easy areas. Standardized transect flights over the entire SU are not necessary before stratifying. Remember that the stratification flight is only a superficial survey. b. The best airplane for stratification is probably a C-185 because it is fast and will carry 2-3 biologists during the initial stratification. 1) Because stratification is essentially a superficial survey it is not necessary to have a slow flying survey aircraft, such as a Super Cub, even after the biologists have been "calibrated." Instead, a faster aircraft is more desirable for the entire stratification process. If the [ [ [ l_~ [ r l l-, J n bJ [ [ [ [ L L 12 only aircraft available for stratification is a slow-flying plane such as a Super Cub, have the pilot fly at cruising speed. 4. Stratification is based on a subjective evaluation of moose densities, and this evaluation is based upon any clues that will give an idea of moose density within and between SU's. The following clues should be used during stratification flights: a. Prior knowledge of moose distribution. b. 1) Before the stratification begins, biologists will have some idea of where the highest and lowest moose densities occur. This knowledge will be based on such factors as previous surveys or habitat distribution. a) Since composition survey data from previous years can be used to facilitate stratification, it is a good practice to record the flight routes and locations of moose observed during all future composition surveys (Fig. 6). The number and distribution of moose seen during the stratification flight. 1) The relative density of moose observed is usually the most useful clue for stratification. Remember that approximately 70 percent of the moose will be overlooked during stratification so other moose density clues should also be used. ] ] J ~.]· •· 0 J J ] J £1 "5L6l .JaqwaAON 'AaA.Jns ] te!.Jae ue fiu!.Jnp paA.Jasqo asoow JO uo!~e~ot pue a~no.J ~4fi![j ·9 ·fi!j F' L" " ~ I , L r~ l~ [ r ~ c r L E c c [ C [ r' L ( ~ L= L 14 c. Density of moose tracks observed. 1) The abundance of moose tracks in an area will give a good clue of moose density if major movements of moose have not occurred since the last snowfall. d. Quality and extent of moose habitat. 1) Habitat is one of the most important clues used _in stratifying. Habitat type is easily observed from aircraft, and habitat type and moose density are often closely related. Ecotones should be used to anticipate signifi- cant changes in moose density. 2) Even though habitat is an important clue to moose density, in most situations SU's should not be stratified solely on habitat. Instead, combine habitat clues with direct observations of moose density to arrive at the final stratum classification. For example, a SU may have an abundance of high quality moose habitat, and yet the moose density may be very low. Based on habitat alone, the SU would probably be classified as high or medium moose density. But in reality, it should be classified as low moose density because very few moose actually occur there. I I I a) 15 Stratification of SU's should be based solely on habitat only when large expanses of a homogeneous habitat type are encountered. A portion of a block of habitat should be stratified using direct observations of moose density and the remainder of the area can be stratified using habitat only. (1) This procedure is best applied to low density areas only. For example, a 150 mi 2 block of muskeg and black spruce forest may be subdivided into 10 SU's of 15 mi 2 each. The entire area has virtually no moose. The biologist flies over 3 of the SU's noting the poor quality habitat and no moose or moose tracks. He places the 3 SU's in the low density stratum, and if he is confident the remaining 7 SU's also have a comparable low density of moose, he also classifies them as low density without flying over the SU's. These 7 SU's would be stratified based on habitat rather than moose density. SU's stratified solely on habitat should be noted. The reasons for distinguishing between the manner of stratification will [ [ n c [ [ D ~~ 1-! t:: r u 0 c [ n [ [ t_: [ [ L l 16 become important when restratification during the survey is discussed later. 5. Some SU boundaries should be redrawn during and after the stratification flight to make the density of moose within SU's more uniform and to minimize problems of moose movement between SU's. a. Two situations will arise that require the redrawing of certain SU boundaries. 1) Some SU's will contain a wide range of moose densities within their boundaries despite the initial attempt to draw SU's having similar moose densities. If it is difficult to assign the SU's to a stratum, redraw the boundaries. a) For example, Fig. 7A illustrates 3 SU's (SU A, B, and C) which were drawn using topographic features. During the stratifica- tion flight, high densities of moose were observed in the upstream portion of each SU, and low densities of moose were observed in the downstream portion of each SU. The SU's were then redrawn (Fig. 7B) so that all of the high moose density was contained within SU-D. Sample units E and F were then classified as low density, and stratifi- cation was simplified and made much more accurate. --~~~·---------~----~--· ~l •asoom ;o sar~rsuap DU!A~EA ourpnt~ur puE sa~n~Ea; ~rqdE~fiodo~ oursn u~E~p s~run atdmEs aa~q~ ·vL ·or~ ~. l :J ~1 . -J -"\ J ] J :·l c___j 0 [] l I cd ,-·) H : l u ] ~] ~--·J _] I J J J Fl ,~) LT J 81 ... ! \.-,..:_ "ATUO a-ns u1 asoow ~o sa1+rsuap ~of~ aso1~ua O+ U&E~pa~ a~E VL •o1a WO~~ ~ PUE 'g 'V S+1UO a1dWES "HL "01a ' l I : j I I :_1 J ~ g J J d . ' I u ~. '---1 "1 :J J . J ] J J I J J J 19 2) The second situation requiring the redrawing of SU boundaries occurs whenever concentrations of moose are discovered on or near SU boundaries and the potential exists for moose to move between SU's. Localized movement of moose may occur between adjacent SU's from the time of stratification to the time a SU is surveyed. The problem is most critical for movements of moose from high or medium SU's to low density SU's. a) For example, if a high density SU is adjacent to a low density SU, the potential exists for a large number of moose to move across SU boundaries from the high density SU into the low density SU after stratification, If this movement occurred and the low density SU were surveyed, the actual density of this low density SU would be increased well abov~ the average density of the low stratum, and the variance of the population estimate for the low density stratum would be increased. The result would be a less precise population estimate. b) Use of the following rule will help alleviate the problem of moose movement between SU's. Never draw SU boundaries near concentrations of moose: redraw SU's when r L_: [ ~- L __ ) [: ~~ I . f--i u Fl l [ [ r L_ L ""··· I * Ecotone serving as original SU J boundary ,.--..,..;--~r Moose *' * * ~ *K BLACK SPRUCE +- Lot-1 DENSITY v_ ~ I -'~ ~ §!1.1 *" -1E--k * * * -*• * **" \, * -f\ "* New SU boundary beyond <he~ influence of the edge c) Fig. 8. Example· of drawing SU boundaries to accomodate moose movements across strata boundaries. 20 concentrations of moose are found near SU boundaries. Another solution to the problem of moose movement between strata is to include some lower density cou~try within the perimeter of a high density SU whenever movements are anticipated. This area of low density country should help ensure that all moose within a medium or high density SU will still be there when the SU is surveyed. (1) For example, suppose a burned area of 30 mi 2 is subdivided into two SU's of 15 mi 2 , and each SU is stratified as high density. The two high density SU's are surrounded by SU's of black spruce forest that are classified as low density. A large number of moose may utilize the edge of the burn and wander between it and the spruce. Therefore, the best strata boundary would not be the ecotone between the two habitat types but would be somewhere inside the spruce forest thereby including the spruce forest that is influenced by the ecotone within the high density stratum (Fig. 8). A subjective judgment must be made to 21 determine where the influence of the edge grades into true low moose density. This is a difficult line to draw, and we generally recommend extending the higher density SU boundary 0.25 mi or more into the lower density area. b. Sometimes the lack of identifiable topographic features precludes moving SU and strata boundaries when boundaries go through areas where moose concentrate. l) An example is where SU's from the low and medium strata are separated by a creek. Usually the center of the creek is the boundary; however, since moose tend to concentrate along the riparian willow, many of the moose associated with the medium density SU could be using the shrubs along either side of the creek. To ensure these moose are counted in the medium density SU, the entire riparian willow strip can be included in the medium SU prior to surveying. This technique is very useful, but remember the decision to include the entire riparian strip must be done prior to observing the distribution of moose in the SU. Bias must be held to a minimum. a) The simplest way to indicate this special. boundary situation is to color the outside [ [ [ [: [ r-, I : f--' c__; b [ [ = LOW SPRUCE FOREST HI LITER STRIP b. 22 of the higher density SU boundary with a colored marker (Hiliter) (Fig. 9). The marker can indicate any predesignated situation, i.e., the entire riparian strip, a 50-yard strip beyond the creek, or something similar. Important: Even though many SU's will be redrawn after stratification, drawing all possible SU's prior to stratification is necessary and helps stratification proceed Fig. 9. Special survey conditions along strata boundaries are marked with a colored Hiliter marker. c. at a rapid pace. To assist in redrawing SU's, flight routes and other notes should be recorded on 1:63,360 topographic maps during the stratification flight. 1) Information such as the location and number of moose observed, notes on habitat, occurrence of tracks, or any other clue that will assist with the stratification should be recorded. E. Upon completion of the stratification, stratum classifications for SU's are transferred to an acetate overlay that covers the survey area map. Adjust.Jllents to SU boundaries made dudng stratification should also be transferred to the survey area map. 1. Hang the map and acetate overlay on a wall. Use a grease pencil to make notes on the map. 23 [ F. Changes in stratification during the survey. 1. Once the survey has begun, additional knowledge may reveal areas that were stratified incorrectly. This information may be gained while flying to and from SU's [ and while actually surveying SU's. a. If· an error were made on the initial stratification, the area in question can be restratified even if some of the SU's have already been surveyed. The basis for the initial stratification, i.e., moose density or a non-moose density clue such as habitat, determines the manner in which the correction of the stratification is accomplished. 1) r: 1--~ When the initial stratification was based on '~ observed moose density (i.e., abundance of n tracks or numbers of moose seen), then SU's l that have been counted prior to the change in boundaries must stay in the initial stratum category. The SU's that have not been surveyed may be changed to a new stratum and sampled at the intensity of the new stratum. 2) When the initial stratification was based on factors other than observed moose density, then those SU's that have already been surveyed as [ well as those not yet surveyed may be reclassified [ to the new stratum. 3) Therefore, during the stratification it is important to note those SU's that were strati- fied based on clues other than moose density. L 24 G. Timing of stratification. 1. Stratification should be conducted just prior to the survey. a. Wait for proper survey conditions (snow, wind, and light) and then rapidly stratify the area. Begin surveying immediately upon completion of the stratifi- cation to minimize moose movements between SU's. b. Always survey adjacent SU's consecutively to minimize the effects of moose movements between SU's. 2. Be aware of the migratory movements of moose during the proposed survey period. If moose are migratory at this time, consider rescheduling the survey to a time period· when moose are less mobile. If the survey cannot be rescheduled, then stratify and sample as quickly as possible. H. The timing of moose surveys for moose population estimates conflicts with routine sex and age composition surveys during early winter. Unfortunately, the number of good flying days during early winter is very limited, and biologists may be = tempted to conduct composition surveys and stratification flights simultaneously. a. The requirements of the two are unique enough that neither the composition survey nor stratification would be adequate if both were done simultaneously. However, if both types of surveys are to be made at nearly the same time, then mapping aggregations of moose during composition surveys first can speed up the stratification. 25 b. Be aware that sex and age ratios collected during a survey, as described in this manual, are not comparable with ratios obtained during a composition survey. The differences in the data will be discussed later. IV. Selecting Sample Units A. SU's to be surveyed are selected by a simple random sampling procedure. 1. From a table of random numbers (Table 1), select SU's by their unique identifying numbers. Sampling is without replacement of SU's selected. List SU's in .the order of selection on a sheet of paper. Select more SU's than you think will be needed. Indicate the stratum classification of each SU by placing a symbol (L, M, H) along side each SU number. On a second sheet of paper, arrange in a column all low density SU's listed on the above sheet so that SU's are in the order of selection. Do the same for SU's from the remaining strata. B. The order in which SU's are surveyed is important. 1. At least five SU's should be surveyed in each stratum, and these SU's can be done in the most efficient order. However, after the first five or a greater predetermined minimum number of SU's to be surveyed, SU's should be surveyed in the order in which they were selected within each stratum. By surveying SU's in the order selected, the survey can be terminated when an adequate population estimate has been attained and a simple random sample of SU's is ensured. [ [ r-~ l : 1-i. l_) P· l 6 [ [ [ r--- ' TABLE TEN THOUSAND RANDOM DIGITS 11 '1 0\LII L'IJ c ..... J 1 oo-01 1 os-09 110-14115-19 1 20-241 25-29 1 30-341 35-39 1 40~ 45-49 ----------- 00 88758 66605 33843 43623 01 35661 42832 16240 77410 02 26335 03771 46115 88133 03 60826 74718 56527 29508 04 95044 99896 13763 31764 05 83746 47694 06143 42741 06 . 27998 42562 63402 10056 07 . 82685 32323 74625 14510 08 . 18386 13862 10988 04197 09 : 21717 13141 22707 68165 10 : 18446 83052 31842 08634 II : ~n~6 75177 47398 66423 12 96779 54309 87456 13 ' 27045 62626 73159 91149 14 : 13094 17725 14103 00067 15 92382 62518 17752 53163 16 16215 50809 49326 77232 17 09342 14528 64727 71403 18 38148 79001 03509 79424 19 23689 19997 72382 15247 20 25407 37726 73099 51057 21 25349 69456 19693 85568 22 02322 77491 56095 03055 23 15072 33261 99219 43307 24 27002 31036 85278 H547 .25166181 83316 4@36--54316 26 09779 01822 45537 13128 27 10791 07706 87481 2G107 28 74833 55767 31312 76611 29 17583 24038 83701 28570 30 45601 4G977 39325 09286 31 60G83 33112 65995 64203 32 , 29956 81169 18877 15296 33 I 91713 8·1235 75296 69875 34: 85704 86588 82837 67822 ' 35 ' 17921 26111 35373 8G494 3G 1 13929 71341 804!l!l 89!l27 37 : 03248 IB880 21667 01311 38' 50583 17972 12(;90 00152 39 10636 46975 09449 45986 40 43B% 41278 42205 10125 41 7fi714 !l09G3 74907 HiB90 42 22393 46719 020B3 62428 43 70942 92042 22776 47761 H 92011 60326 86316 26738 45 li6·t56 00121) 45685 67G07 46 %292 4·n1B 1 20B9B 02227 4 7119fi!l0 071·16 53951 10935 4fJ (i73H 51442 24531i GO I 51 49 95BB!l 59255 I ()(i89B 99137 6277 4 206 6 4072 8 7 7 I 919 5 939 0 383' 3 6 2 7 4 8 816 8 859 7 187 0 584 0 118 701 789 965 688 638 901 841 396 802 687 938 377 392 848 295 511 248 673 635 411 180 943 824 S59 482 482 618 937 8 6 6 0 4 5 5 5 2 0 7 0 7 9 3 2 5 6 5 5 3 6 8 3 7 3 3 0 9 9 0 2 5 8 6 3 7 6 5 8 7 9 I 3 0 8 14 6 3 66 77 06 66 316 72 6!i5 60 15 451 4 5 9 13. 01 70 76 23' 7 5 3 1 8 05 50 92 77 03 !33 9G 12 :~3 !l8 71 255171 09560 26656 59698 06787 95962 . 13695 25215 60987 14692 97694 69300 .48744 08400 28017 80588 72757 71418 19187 08421 86070 08464 16232 67343 79638 68869 44204 92237 63565 93578 44840 02592 69955 93892 34083 35613 73315 18811 58090 43804 75768 77991 18661 69018 18216 81781 79712 94753 36252 09373 86032 34563 B2703 75350 27805 42710 04691 39687 00098 60784 34031 94867 65437 13624 16317 34239 05197 66596 83021 90732 01888 65735 07229 71953 80201 47889 16414 01212 46916 63881 599G7 90139 2741!9 06067 575fi2 492<}3 16037 30875 04186 41388 0481!9 ,, 98128 53IB5 03057 76233 13706 64678 87569 81265 42223 41880 85126 60755 86241 13152 49187 60841 91788 86386 72237 06337 73439 71039 34165 21297 99864 19641 15083 83124 19896 18805 14756 54937 76379 81133 69503 44037 23872 03036 34208 20565 74390 36541 36205 50036 59411 49062 02196 55109 29969 49315 11804 24756 10814 15185 88572 03107 90169 70445 00906 57002 35670 10549 07468 86230 99682 82896 94548 82693 22799 72641 95386 70138 10332 83137 88257 32245 84081 18436 41450 30944 53912 69471 15606 77209 93204 72973 90760 25179 86104 40638 63471 08804 23455 13596 88730 8G850 76098 84217 34997 11849 75171 57682 90896 80945 71987 03643 66081 12242 13083 46278 73498 32661 64751 83903 05315 79328 13367 16128 65074 28782 8'3052 31029 06023 27964 0276G 2B786 83117 53947 95218 73563 29875 79033 222B7 19760 13056 31748 64278 05731 80754 47-191 96012 03fl48 78354 14964 13599 93710 23974 61375 10760 261389 20502 60405 09745 6501i6 17790 55413 83303 4B694 1!1953 {, ,j 'j , ,. I ~ I j, 1 ,J TADLE 1 (Continued) TEN THOUSAND RANDOM DIGITS 1 50-54 1 55-59 1 60-64 1 65-69 1 70-741 75-79 1 80-84 1 85-89 1 90-94 1 95-99 --·--------------------· ------------ 00 70896 44520 64720 49898 78088 I 76740 I 47460 183150 789051591!70 OJ 56809 42909 25853 47624 29486 14196 75841 00393 42390 24847 02 66109 84775 07515 49949 61482 91836 48126 I 80778 21302 24975 03 18071 36263 14053 52526 44347 04923 68100 57805 19521 15345 04 98'132 15120 91754 12657 74675 78500 01247 49719 47635 55514 05 36075 83967 22268 77971 31169 68584 21336 725-H 61i959 39708 06 04110 45061 78062 18911 27855 09419 56459 001)95 70323 04538 07 75658 58509 24479 10202 13150 959-16 55087 31!398 18718 955GI 08 8H03 19142 27208 35149 34889 27003 14181 441!13 17784 41036 09 00005 52142 65021 64438 69610 12154 98422 65320 79996 01935 ' 10 43674 47103 48614 70823 78252 82403 93424 05236 54588 27757 II 68597 68874 35567 98463 99671 05634 1!1533 47406 17228 4H55 12 91874 70208 06308 40719 02772 69589 79936 07514 44!l50 35190 13 73854 19470 53014 29375 62256 77488 74388 53949 4%07 19816 14 65926 34117. 55344 68155 38099 56009 03513 05926 35584 ' 42328 15 40005 35246 49440 40295 44390 83043 26090 80201 029J1 I 49:!60 16 46686 29890 14821 69783 34733 11803 64845 32065 H527 3B702 17 02717 61518 39583 72863 50707 96115 07416 05041 36756 61065 18 17048 22281 35573 28944 96889 51823 57268 03866 27658 91950 19 75304 53248 42151 93928 17343 88322 28683 11252 10355 65175 20 97844 62947 62230 30500 92816 85232 27222 91701 11057 83257 21 07611 71163 82212 20653 21499 51496 40715 78952 33029 6·!207 22 47744 04603 44522 62783 39347 72310 41460 31052 406 .. I'"" 23 54293 43576 88116 67416 34908 15238 40561 73940 56850 31078 24 67556 93979 73363 00300 11217 74405 18937 79000 68834 48307 25 86581 73041 95809 73986 49408 53316 90841 73808 53421 82315 26 28020 86282 1!3365 76600 11261 74354 20968 60770 12141 09539 27 42578 32471 37840 30872 75074179027 57813 62831 54715 21ili93 28 47290 15997 86163 10571 81911 92124 92971 80860 41012 586G6 29 24856 63911 13221 77028 06573 33667 30732 47280 12926 67276 30 16352 24836 60799 76281 83402 44709 78930 8291i9 84468 36910 31 89060 79852 97854 21!324 39638 86936 06702 74304 39873 19496 32 07637 30412 04921 26471 09605 07355 2lJ.l66 49793 40539 21077 33 37711 47786 37468 31963 16908 50283 8088+ 08252 72()55 58926 34 82994 53232 58202 73318 6247! 49650 15888 73370 98748 69181 35 31722 67288 12110 04776 15168 68862 92347 90789 lit>% I I 0·11 G2 36 93819 78050 19364 38037 25706 90879 05215 00260 IH21i 88207 37 65557 24496 04713 23688 26623 41356 47049 60676 72236 01214 38 88001 91382 05129 36041 10257 55558 89979 58061 28957 10701 39 96648 70303 18191 62404 26558 92804 15415 02865 52H9 78509 40 04118 51573 59356 02426 35010 37104 9B316 44(i02 96478 O!H:l:l 41 19317 27753 39431 26996 OH65 69695 61374 06317 12n5 62025 42 37182 91221 17307 61!507 85 7:!5 8IB98 22588 222-ll B0337 8!lO:l:l 43 82990 03607 29560 60413 59743 75000 03806 13741 79G71 25·1lli 44 9729-! 21991 11217 98087 79124 52275 31088 32085 23089 21498 45 86771 69504 13345 42544 596lli 078G7 78717 828·10 746119 21515 46 26046 55559 12200 95106 56·196 76662 44880 ll!H57 84209 0133:! 47 39689 05999 92290 79024 70271 93352 90272 9H95 26842 5H77 48 83265 89573 01437 43786 52986 49Ml 17952 35035 8B985 811i71 49 15128 35791 11296 45319 06330 82027 90808 54351 43091 3031l7 N 0\ ,._ \ TAnLE I (Continued) TEN THOUSAND RANDOM DIGITS 1 oo-04 1 os-o9\10-14 115-19 1 20-241 25-29 1 30-34 1 3s-_:i~-~~~-4:_ ·------------------~----------------~---------~-··----------- 50 5·H41 6·1681 93190 00993 62130 44484 46293 60717 50239 76319 51 08573 52937 84274 95106 891 I 7 65849 41356 65549 78787 50442 52 81067 68052 14270 19718 88·199 63303 13533 91882 51136 60828 53 39737 58891 75278 980·16 52284 40164 72442 77824 72900 14886 54 34958 76090 08827 61623 311H 86952 83645 91786 29633 78294 55 61417 72-124 92626 71952 69709 81259 58472 43409 84454 88648. 56 99187 14149 57474 32268 85424 90378 34682 47606 89295 02420 57 13130 13064 36485 48133 35319 05720 76317 70953 50823 06793 58 65563 11831 82402 46929 91446 72037 17205 89600 59084 55718 59 28737 49502 06060 52100 43704 50839 22538 56768 83467 19313 60 50353 74022 59767 49927 45882 74099 18758 57510 58560 07050 61. 65208 96466 29917 22862 69972 35178 3291 I 08172 06277 62795 62 21323 38148 26696 817+1 25131 200!37 67452 19670 35898 50636 63 67875 29831 5.9330 46570 6976!3 3€671 01031 95995 68<117 6!lG65 64 82631 2G2GO 86554 31881 70512 37899 38851 40568 54284 24056 65 91989 39633 59039 12526 37730 68848 71399 28513 69018 10289 66 12950 31418 93425 69756 34036 55097 97241 92480 49745 42461 67 00328 27427 95474 97217 05034 26676 49629 13594 50525 13485 68 63986 16698 82804 01524 39919 323!31 67488 05223 89537 59490 69 55775 75005 57912 20977. 35722 51931 89565 77579 93085 06467 70 24761 56877 56357 78809· 407-18 69727 56652 12462 40528 75269 71 43820 80926 26795 5755.3 2!3319 25376 51795 26123 51102 89853 72 66669 02880 02987 33615 54206 20013 75872 88678 17726 606·10 73 49944 66725 19779 50416 42800 71733 82052 28504 15593 51799 74 71003 87598 61296 95019 21568 86134 66096 65403 47166 78638 75 52715 04593 69484 9341 I 38046 13000• 04293 60830 03914 75357 76 21998 31729 89963 I 1573 49442 69467 40265 56066 36024 25705 77 58970 96827 18377 31564 23555 86338 79250 43168 96929 97732 78 67592 59149 42554 42719 13553 48560 81167 10747 92552 19867 79 18298 18429 09357 96436 11237 88039 81020 00428 75731 37779 80 88420 28841 42628 84647 59024 52032 31251 72017 43875 48320 81 07627 88424 23381 29680 14027 75905 27037 22113 77873 78711 H2 37917 93581 04979 21041 95252 62450 05937 81670 44894 47262 83 ].1783 95119 68464 08726 74818 91700 05961 23554 74649 50540 !34 05378 32640 64562 15303 13168 23189 8819!3 63617 58566 56047 85 19640 96709 220-17 07825 405!33 99500 39989 96593 32254 37158 8G 20514 11081-. 51131 SG·I69 33947 77703 35679 45774 06776 67062 87 9G763 56249 812'13 62416 84451 14696 38195 70435 45948 67690 88 49439 61075 31558 59740 52759 55323 95226 01385 20158 54054 89 16294 50518 71317 32168 86071 47314 65393 56367 16910 51269 90 31381 9·4301 79273 32843 05862 36211 93960 00671 67631 23952 91 98032 87203 03227. 6()021 99666 98368 39222 36056 81992 20121 92 10700 31826 94774 11366 81391 33602 69608 84119 93204 26825 93 68692 668•19 29366 77540 14978 06508 10824 65416 23629 63029 9·1 19017 10781 19607 20296 31804 72984 60060 50353 23260 58909 95 82867 ()9266 50733 62()30 00956 61500 89913 30049 82321 62367 96 2G528 213928 52600 72997 !30943 04084 BG662 90025 14360 64867 97 SIJG6 OOG07 499G2 30724 81707 145413 25844 47336 57492 02207 98 97245 15440 551132 153GB 85136 98869 33712 95152 50973 913658 99 54998 88fl30 956~9 45104 72676 I 2H220 82576 57381 34438 2-1565 Sounr;E: l'n·pared by Fn:d Cruenbcrgcr, Numerocal Analys1s Laboratory, Umvcrs1ty of \\"isconsin, J\fadison, \\'is., 1!152. r--l..J • ,-----, l, --··~--·· '. ___ ) TAnLE 1 (Continued) TEN THOUSAND RANDOM DIGITS __ j_~~-~~J~~~~J~-o~~-~~69 1 70-741 75-791 !l0-841 85-89 i 90-9~ 1 95-99 5o 58649 85086 16502 . 97s4iT7661i 194229-· 34987 ; 86718 8720;; lo:i·IZG-- 51 97306 52419 5559G 66739 36525 97563 29-IG9 :H235 7927!i 1101131 52 09942 79344 78160 11015 55777 22047 57615 15717 !36239 3G:,7B 53 83842 28631 74893 4 7911 92170 38181 30416 5·18GO H 120 73031 54 73778 30395 20163 76111 13712 33449 99224 18206 514113 7000G 59G63 i 6 Ill 7 21357 30772 81106 11740 37425 80832 73825 16927 55 88381 56550 47467 56 31044 21404 159GB 57 00909 63837 91328 58 69882 37028 41732 59 26059 78324 22501 60 38573 61 70G24 62 49806 6:3 05461 6•1 76582 98078 00063 23976 67523 62153 38982 81455 05640 18316 53801 33078 16924 2980·1 14613 51219 9352·1 12!H8 38988 08541 30424 39716 81482 50193 03320 31545 45606 23BOI 25024 35231 32599 32927 38807 Bli806 20690 ISG95 534G3 55481 7G951 313312 49099 OGIGB 67231 21931 321)53 74216 20391 78~l7H 02341 1491)9 83959 06217 45·P7 8·12fl3 63552 IB054 4%01 90145 03029 98372 2!3547 fllli37 2G795 (i3219 67279 68·108 372G'l 10553 75Bfi-l 50502 20147 65 16660 80470 75062 75588 24384 27874 66 60166 42424 97470 88451 ' 81270 80070 67 28953 03272 31460 41691 57736 72052 68 47536 86439 95210 96386 38704 15484 69 73457 266s7 36983 72410 30244 1 97711 20018 11428 72959,26220 22762 96323 07426 70675 25652 09373 322G5 07692 59939 31127 27Glli 53123 OG888 81203 6G218 6·1077 70 11190 66193 66287 71. 5 7062 78964 44455 72 99624 67254 67302 73 97521 83669 85968 74 40273 04838 13661 75 57260 76 03451 77 62331 78 32290 79 28014 80 18950 81 17403 82 27999 83 87076 84 89044 85 98048 86 09345 87 07086 88 93128 !39 85137 90 32798 91 62496 92 62707 93 05500 94 79476 06176 47098 20492 51079 80428 16091 69503 50489 53174 45974 64400 12956 77628 25657 70964 39024 26371 81825 28982 31445 49963 63495 15393 06512 92853 29543 01866 66613 12165 14524 24705 49770 76195 46872 29947 138f4 89880 40987 86124 59498 09116 14036 18991 16135 64757 29760 71227 84~70 38 06 31 33 65817 13049 21843 84495 46906 75711 80311 47584 11206 27795 985·16 52078 97656 19554 85132 48140 36098 97687 30133 17461 69546 79304 24396 93327 32648 07002 07263 71746 47947 26052 36232 32319 62411 06831 255·17 46585 47781 89714 80818 24582 37669 40773 54099 51312 78085 02932 I 1688 9488+ 17831 60094 61336 39429 29753 99131 32962 21632 80086 19088 16734 43418 I 73JJ5 I 94115 13039 83844 65868 16208 60706 6·1034 51851 84197 57624. 18238 40397 87944 37682 84108 95260 52177 9·1935 26024 41424 16952 71857 97914 96105 7-1603. 83464 23778 61924 24002 50799 17255 OGI81 33150 07459 3GI27 42283 G325R SOliS! 75016 80278 GB953 27010 80945 li6·139 41985118572 18419 71791 9291i5 I 38610 59887 . 9!HIG 90124 15086 20271 50250 80143 390·18 •1678 I 93·102 31635 65lli'J 6169+ 57-129 9B1~B Bl515 +1!123 2·19113 ·l!l·J...H 25061 !i21i5·1 12:123 93070 63395 7i366 92088 54823 li-!670 26848 52790 H·1705 51222 ll2Bti5 2li53li 51i792 4571i0 34353 093B9 64326 9·1812 (i5942 07482 3l!l2B li3718 73'llifl 687ti(j 9171il 53727 9Hi7B 40121! 7931i9 23507 79164 43556 N 95 10653 96 30524 97 69050 98 27908 99 64520 29954 97568 91541 06495 00886 40666 22019 74066 14500 78802 63446 07674 16618 47-109 I 195H 33139 84525 68574 49574 14506 06423 98871 63831 78136 4tiOD 72271 19705 38332 72H9 01277 025·16 16429 :HI91 42705 7914!i 6·18 18 143!1 I -....! 9091!1 II liB 103 82ti63 B5:l2:l 2ti513 19BB:l 95759 :lti781 I- ! 28 2. Some SU's which were selected for surveying may be skipped because of localized bad flying weather or poor snow. Simply replace this SU with the next one on the list from the same stratum which is in an area with suitable weather conditions. V. Survey Methods and Search Effort A. Search effort will average approximately 4-5 min/mi 2 for each SU. At this rate, it will be possible to survey approximately one SUper hour plus the flight time required between SU's. l. The minimum acceptable time is 4 min/mi 2 . This search intensity is greater than used on routine aerial composition surveys (Table 2) and requires flight lines at 0.25 mi intervals. a. Most moose are seen during surveys with 4-5 min/mi 2 search effort during early winter in most moose habitat of Interior Alaska (Table 3, Fig.' 10). b. A high sightability of moose must be maintained during the survey. The best way to assure a high sightability is to maintain a high search intensity to compensate for day-to-day variations in survey conditions and variations in survey conditions between SU's. Table 2. Time searched per square mile during composition surveys conducted between 1974 and 1980 in Alaska. Game Hana~?;ement Flats Unit 20A 1.4(1-1.9) 20B 13 0.8 Mean min per mi sg (Range) Hills Mtn. Foothills l. 9 ( l. 5-2 . 2) 2.1(1.5-3.0) 1.6 (1.2-2.0) a These are examples of typical surveys conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Transects were -used over flat terrain while contour flights were flown in irregular terrain. Table 3. Percent radio-collared moose seen in quadrats as categorized by dominant habitat type. Transect/contour data for quadrats with snow given a "poor" rating have been excluded. Percent Collared Moose Seen (No. Radio-collared Moose) Dominant Habitat .Shrub-dominated Recent burn Subalpine Forest-Shrub mixture Shrub-dominated Deciduous-dominated Spruce-dominated Total Q) til 0 0 s 4-1 0 75 50 25 Transect/Contour Intensive Search Oct/Nov Feb/Mar Oct/Nov Feb/Mar 90(21) 73(15) 100(20) 94(18) 100(8) 80(10) 100 (8) 100(16) 80(15) 61(23) 100(15) 97(29) 83(6) 100(9) 100(6) 100(10) 85 (13) 51(51) 86(14) 86(56) 88(64) 63(108) 97(63) 92(130) 8 10 12 14 00 SEARCH EFFORT (min/mi2) Fig. 10. Sightability of moose during aerial surveys. 29 [ k~ ['" . ~ [ L [ f ·. [ r I f-i u [ D D D c [ c ~·~ L ~~ l._; [ L~ 30 2. The appropriate search time for a SU can be calculated by estimating its area in mi 2 from the map and multiplying by 4.5 min/mi 2 . a. Practice will be required in gauging your flight pattern so as to complete the SU survey in the appropriate time. However, in order to maintain a high sightability of moose, it is better to over search than under search. Practice should occur prior to the survey, and both pilot and observer should be familiar with the technique. 3. The search pattern flo~~ varies with the topography. Fig. 11. Flight pattern for sample units in flat terrain. a. Flat land: parallel transects are flown at 0.25 mi intervals. 1) Transects should be short. Choose a compass heading that is perpendicular to the long axis of the SU. 2) Short transects allow you and the pilot to stay oriented, i.e., not miss areas or overlap too much. 3) Estimate the number of transects that should be made during the search, i.e., 4x the length of the SU in miles. Make sure no fewer are flown (Fig. 11) . a) Predrawing transects on the map before the survey can be helpful in monitoring your progress while in the SU. 'igure 12. 1attern in heads of md ends of ridges. b. 31 4) Mark the approximate location of the transect on the map while turning between transects. 5) Mark the location of moose on the map while between transects if time permits. Hills and mountains: the flight path generally follows topographic features .and consists of contour routes, circles, and flights along ridges and creeks. l) Circles are very effective at the heads of valleys and at the ends of ridges (Fig. 12). 2) Concentrate search effort out of one side of theplane. This reduces the chance of overlooking a portion of the SU. Generally the down slope side of the plane is preferred (Fig. 13). However, there are many occasions when viewing from the upslope side will be more practical and effective. For example, very steep slopes f'1g .. j3. (A) Aa:lunt of hidden ground and perspective of terrain obtained by viewing upel01)e and dOVD.alope durina a contour· flight; (B) Observer• s view d.ovulope illuatratiD& top aspect of crees; and (C) Ob•erver's vtev upelope illua- trar.iq dde aspect of tree•· and the ends of gently rounded ridges are best viewed from.the upslope side of the aircraft. 3) The interval between flight lines is approximately 0.25 mi. c. The pilot's first responsibility is to fly the appropriate search pattern and keep the plane oriented with respect to SU boundaries. But also expect pilots to help look for moose when they can. [ I' I : J-; L_, [ I' Ll [ 32 VI. Estimating Sightability of Moose with Approximately 4 min/mi 2 Aerial Search Effort A. Sightability is defined as the percentage of moose seen during an aerial survey. B. Sightability of moose must be estimated so that the total number of moose present in the survey area can be estimated. Upon completion of the 4 min/mi2 search of a SU, a search effort of approximately 12 min/mi 2 is repeated in some of the SU's to estimate the total number of moose present. We assume 97 percent of all moose are seen during the intensive search. l. The sightability correction factor (SCF) is estimated only from those SU's having the two levels of search. SCF = # moose seen during the intensive search # moose seen during low search effort X 1.03 a. The value 1.03 in the above formula is the correction b. c. for the 3 percent of the moose that were estimated to have been missed during the intensive search. The SCF will be greater than 1.0 since more moose will be seen with the intensive search. The corrected total moose estimated to be present in the survey area is calculated as follows: corrected estimate = SCF x (estimated no. moose 2 of number of moose seen during 4 min/mi search effort) d. This SCF is also used to adjust the confidence interval (CI) of the final population estimate for the survey area. Details for adjusting the CI will be discussed later. igure l4. 2. 33 Experimental data demonstrate that the number of moose seen on high intensity searches during early winter is a good estimator of the true number of moose present in Interior Alaska. a. 97 percent of radio-collared moose were seen with an intensive search effort of approximately 12 min/mi 2 (Table 3). b. When applying this finding to other areas, habitat selection and social behavior of moose are assumed to be similar. If moose differ significantly in a way that reduces their sightability from those in the experimental area, this assumption cannot be applied. Experimental work with radio-collared moose in many areas would be needed to verify this assumption; however, in the meantime we have incorporated a correction component of 1.03 in the SCF for early winter surveys only. 3. . The high intensity search of approximately 12 min/mi 2 uses a different flight pattern than the lower intensity search. a. Flat land: a series of continuous slightly overlapping circles or ovals should be flown (Fig. 14). l) The pilot is responsible for ensuring all surface area has been viewed. 2) The radii of circles should be 0.2-0.3 mi. As vegetational canopy height and density increase, light patcern (cop view) uaed during intensive search of lac tl!!rrain illustrating the elongated, overlapping parallel ircling pattern to ea.ure comPlece coverage of a quadrat. the turning radius should decrease. [ ~-, ~j [ r I : f-1 L_, u c b [ L ~' --, ~ -il --;; -c==~ 34 3) Observations are made from the low wing side. b. Hills and mountains: Fly close contours and make frequent circles. This search pattern is similar to that used for the SU except contours are closer and circling is more frequent. 4. Selection of high intensity search plots. a. Approximately 20 plots should be intensively searched. b. Plots are located within SU's from the high and medium density strata only. 1) Select a random sample of 20 SU's from those 2) 3) 4) 5) previously selected for the survey. Divide each of these 20 sample units into approximately four quarters and randomly select one quarter from each SU. The plot to be intensively searched should be located in this quarter.· Are~ of plots should be approximately 2 mi 2 so as not to take more than 0.5 hours to search. The exact plot boundaries will be identified from the air immediately prior to searching the SU. Upon completion of the search at an intensity of approximately 4 min/mi 2 , the plot is intensively searched at 12 min/mi2 . Moose observed in the SU's must be mapped accurately with reference to the plot boundaries during the low and high intensity searches. 35 6) Do not search the plot with different effort during the low intensity search than you normally would use for the low intensity. 7) Do not inform the pilot of the location of the plot until it is time for the high intensity search. 5. The SCF should be calculated on a daily basis and maintained at a mean value of no greater than 1.18 during early winter surveys. a. Increase the initial search effort in future SU's to increase sightability. b. SCF of 1.06 has been achieved in Alaska although the financial expense required to produce a very low SCF may be prohibitive in many areas. VII. Recording Observations on the Moose Survey Form (Forms 1 and 2) A. Routine information includes the following: l. Sample unit number 2. Date 3. Start and stop time of the sample unit survey 4. Page 5. Location 6. Weather B. Additional information includes: 1. Habitat description a. The dominant habitat within the SU should be classified as one of two major types, with further subdivisions under each general category as follows: r: L [ L r l~ [ c b [ [ c l " L_; L 36 FORM 1 MOOSE SURVEY FORM FOR POPULATION ESTIMATION I s-AMPLE Start Time"_" ____ _ ~T ~o. ______ Date'----Stop nme _____ _ Page __ of __ Location: map Pilot/Observer Location description ------------------------- Habitat description~------------------------------------------------- ~eather: ----~--~----~------~-------------------~-------------------~ Age: Fresh~--Cover: Complete:,.--~----- Moderat:e Some low veg sho,.n.ng,~--- old'---Di -f stracting amount:s o Estimated Sample Unit Area ___ _cmi2 bare ground showing~--­ Snow on trees and shrubs ---Measured Sample Unit Area mi 2 __ ___: Type of Survey: Ll 4-5 mim/mi2 Time .:Jf Search: 4-5 min/mi2 u Intensive Intensive Remarks. __________________________________________________________ ___ HABITAT BULLS/activ. COHS/ac1;iv. IJNID~T Agg. vrlglmadllge t:l/0 H/1 1 W/2 1 Total ·• No. calf I calf calf Moose' I I I l H LS TS D C!C! s I I ...... I 2 H LS TS D ss s 3 H LS TS D ss s 4 H LS TS D ss s 5 H LS TS D ss s 6 H LS TS D ss s 'J H LS TS D ss s ~ H LS TS D ss s ~ H LS TS D ss s IQ H LS TS D ss s II H LS TS D ss s 'J;J... H LS TS D ss s l 1 Total Moose= - I L I L L L L L .. L L L L L L I 37 FORM 2. MOOSE SURVEY FORM FOR POPULATION ESTIMATION ""eatht!r: ~ 1 ._,_ 3<:::~ ... r-, g wtPn t..·-h··--./L SNC!t-1 Age: Fresh Cover: Complet:e. __ -;;.~----- Moderace .-Some low veg showing,~--- Estimated Samplt! Unit Area ____ mi 2 Old Distracting amounts of bare ground showing, ___ _ Snow on trees and shrubs. __ l'Ieasured Sample Unit Area ___ mi 2 Type of Survey: /~4-5 mim/mi 2 Time of S.:arch: ~ 4..,.5 min/mi2 Ll Intensive Intensive Remarks·-------------------------------------------------------------- HABITAT BULLS/activ. COl·7S I act:iv. ~IDENT Agg. vrlsd med llge tv/0 H/1 W/2 1 Total -. No. calflcalf_lcalf Moose H LS TS D SS S L I I I I I .-, I I I 2 ·x "' 0 H . LS TS D ss 5 L 3 ;:_ ~ H LS TS D ss s L 0 4 /{_ d-H LS TS D ss s L 5 ~ 3 H LS TS D ss s L 6 YL I H LS TS D ss s L .. '1 ~ ' H LS TS D ss s L ~ X (}-H LS TS D ss 5 L ~ K d-H LS TS D ss s L IQ j; jL ..... ...... -J H LS TS D ss 5 L II E ~)( II' If I '(t1) DL ~f. ~ ~ H LS TS D ss s L F- 'I~ 1 t --H LS T5 D ss s L . l Total Moose= & / I [ [ r . l ~ [ n I ; l ! L._J [J [ E t L [ 38 1) shrub-dominated a) recent burn b) subalpine 2) forest-shrub mixture a) shrub-dominated forest (greater than 50% shrub) b) deciduous-dominated forest (greater than 50% forest) c) spruce-dominated forest 2. Snow conditions a. Snow conditions have a profound influence on moose sightability (Table 4). Snow conditions should be classified based on the following subjective components. 1) age of the snow a) fresh b) moderate c) old 2) snow cover a) complete b) some low vegetation showing c) distracting amounts of bare ground or herbaceous vegetation showing .;•' ,. ··· .. · .. ·· d) fresh snow on trees and shrubs 3) a combination of snow cover and age can be used to rank the quality of snow conditions in each sample unit as good, moderate, or poor (Table 5). 39 Table 4. The influence of activity, habitat selected by moose, and search intensity or. the sightability of moose during aerial surveys under good, moderate, and poor snow conditions. Percent Radio-collared ~loose Seen During Quadrat Searches (no. of moose) Transect/Contour Search Intensive Search Standing L;t:ing Stand ins Lying Habitat Selected Good Hod Poor Good Mod Poor Good Mod Poor Good Mod Poor Nonsprucea 94 93 85 82 78 44 100 100 (32) (14) (13) (44) (27) (9) (3~) (31) Spruceb 70 so 0 ss 17 0 78· 88 (10) (8) (1) (20) (12) (4) (9) (8) a Includes herbaceous, low shrub, tall shrub, deciduous forest and larch. b Includes spruce forest aad sparse spruce forest. 100 (13) 0 (1) Table~ Classification of snow conditions for sightability of moose during aerial surveys. 98 (40) 90 (21) Age of Snow Coverage Classification Fresh Complete Some low vegetation showing Bare or herbaceous vegetation ground s~owing Hoderate Complete Some low vegetation showing Bare or herbaceous vegetation ground showing Old Complete Some low vegetation showing Bare or herbaceous vegetation ground showing Good Moderate Poor Good Moderate Poor Moderate Poor Poor 93 (27) 83 (12) 100 (9) 75 (4) [ [ [ [ ~ l ' lJ D c b . [ l LJ r l [ 40 a) We do not recommend surveys be conducted when snow conditions are ranked as poor. 3. Habitat use by moose can be evaluated during this survey. 5. 6. a. Any habitat classification system familiar to the observers will work. b. We use the following habitat categories in our work: 1) herbaceous 2) low shrub--shrubs up to 6 feet in height 3) tall sh-rub--shrubs greater than 6 feet in height 4) deciduous forest 5) sparse spruce forest 6) spruce forest 7) larch forest c. The survey form has a check list of these habitat types for each aggregation of observed moose. An X can be placed over the habitat used, and habitats available can be circled (Form 2). Moose spotted during SU surveys should be recorded by aggregations. The activity of moose on the initial sighting can be recorded as lying or standing by putting a S or L below the number of moose seen (Form 2). VIII. Calculation of the Moose Population Estimate and Confidence Interval A. The calculated population estimate is the number of moose that could have been seen if the entire survey area had been searched B. 41 at approximately 4-5 min/mi2 . This calculation results in an underestimation of the number of moose present in the survey •area because some moose were missed during the survey. The SCF will be incorporated in the population estimate later to correct for those moose not seen. The population estimate and its variance is obtained by estimating the number of moose and variance for each stratum and then summing all strata estimates to arrive at the total for the survey area. Formulas are presented in this section that show how to calculate estimates for only one stratum. The next section combines estimates for strata into estimates for the entire survey area. 1. The following symbols are used in the calculation of each individual stratum population estimate and variance. A = total surface area (square miles) in a particular stratum y. = number of moose in the ith su 1 x. = number of square miles in the ith su 1 x =mean size of all SU's surveyed in a particular stratum n =number of SU's selected in a particular stratum N =total number of SU's in a particular stratum T = total population estimate for a particular stratum a. Prior to performing any calculations, determine the total area per stratum (A) and the number of square miles in each SU (x.) that was surveyed. 1 [ [ [ [ D 0 E [ [ _ _; L3 [ r : I L. r- L- 2. 1) 2) 3) 42 Solve for A by adding the areas of all SU within each stratum. The area of each SU (x.) can be easily estimated ]. in the field by counting the 1 mile square sections on the map. The area of each SU (x.) should be determined ]. with a polar compensating planimeter before final calculations are made. a) This task is simplified by tracing the perimeter of each SU onto a piece of tracing paper rather than attempting to operate the planimeter directly on the map. The following calculations will be performed for each stratum: a. r = b. c. V(T) The density of moose for each stratum (r) is the number of moose per square mile. total no. of moose observed in all SU's that were surveyed total surface area of all SU's (mi 2 ) that were surveyed = The population estimate for each stratum. n .L y. i=l l. n L X. l. i=l T = density of moose X total surface area of the stratum or T = r · A Variance {V(T)} for the stratum population estimate. = 2 s ~ n 43 [ 2 1) 2) 1 -~ = Finite Population Correction Factor a) One advantage of using a simple random sample versus other sampling types (i.e., sampling proportional to size of SU's) is that a finite .population correction factor can be incorporated into the calculations. The finite population correction factor reduces the variance of the estimate as the number of SU's surveyed increases. In order to solve for necessary to solve for V(T) it is first s 2 as follows: q 2 I No. of moose in each SU Surface area 2 r • L of each SU X No. moose in the corresponding SU r 2 • ' s f 2 .e.. ur ace area s = of each SU q n -1 OR. 2 s = n 2 ·n 2 n 2 I y. -~r • I X. y. + r I X . i=l 1 i=l 1 1 i=l 1 q n-1 2 The value of s can then be inserted into the variance formu~a to solve for V(T). C. The population estimate (Tt) uncorrected for sightability and the variance of the population estimate {V(Tt)} for the entire survey area are determined by summing estimates for individual strata. [ l: [ [~ L [ [ + n I b I L~ c u [ b [ [ L [ I ( [ D. 44 1. Total population estimate = L strata population estimates Tt = Th + Tm + T! = (rh • Ah) + (rm • Am) + (r! • A!) where h = high density stratum, m = medium, and ! = low 2. Variance of the = population estimate L variance of the strata population estimates V(Tt) = V(Th) + V(Tm) + V(T!) = [A2h • V(rh)] + [A2m • V(rm)] Calculation of the confidence interval (CI) for the population estimate of the survey area. 1. An estimate of the number of moose is useful to the biologist; however, it is of limited value unless the quality of that estimate can be specified. Although it is impossible to know the true number of moose present in the study area, a range of values or interval in which the true value is likely to lie can be described. This interval is the confidence interval, and the specification of such an interval is as important in moose population estimation as the estimation of the number of moose (Simpson, G. G., A. Roe, and R. C. Lewontin. 1960. Quantitative Zoology. Harcourt, Brace and Co., NY. 440pp.) a. A CI gives you a known probability that the true number of moose lies within that interval. The b. c. 45 known probability is the Cl level used in calculating r- the CI. Unfortunately, as the CI is decreased, the confidence that the true number of moose is within the range also decreases. In each case, the biologist must decide whether it is better to be nearly sure that the number of moose lies within some large range, or to be less sure that it lies in a smaller range. No statistical technique is available to make that decision. It is solely up to the wildlife biologist to choose the level of confidence for each case. Ideally, a narrow CI with a high probability of containing the true number of animals is desired, such as a 95 percent CI which is ! 5 percent of the estimate. Wildlife biologists cannot usually expect levels of confidenc~ this great when making population estimates because the large sampling effort required makes it prohibitive. Therefore, a reasonable compromise must be sought and accepted for moose population estimates. We recommend striving for precision equal to or greater than a 90 percent CI which has outer limits of ! 20 percent of the population estimate. 1) The undesirable alternative in Alaska is to continue the present system of making the "best guess" with no definable degree of confidence. [ [_- [ [j [ E _-_jj 2. 46 CI = Total population estimate ± (ta,v)\ variance of the total population estimate where t is the Student's t value for a specified probability a. Table 6 lists Student's t probabilities for confidence intervals used for determining t (a,v) b. The degrees of freedom (v) are calculated as follows~ rvcrt)J2 c. v = rv<rm)J 2 + cv<Tt)J 2 nm-1 n!-1 where nh' nm, and n! are the number of sample units flown in the high, medium, and low strata, respectively. a is the probability level. 3. Evaluation of the CI for the total population estimate of the survey area (or, how precise was the population estimate). a. (total population\ -(lower end) estimate J of CI = % of population estimate Total population estimate = % of population estimate TABLE h. Cumulative Student's t distribution. The body of the table contains values of Student's t; n is the number of degrees of freedom. Probabilitits for confidence intervals n /_.9_1~! I 16.314 I 12.7061 2 : 2.920 1 4.303 : 3 2.353' 3.182 4 2.132 ~ 2.776 5 2.015 ~ 2.571 6 1.943 2.447 7 1.895 2.365 8 1.860 2.306 9 1.833 2.262 10 1.812 2.228 II 1.796 2.201 12 1.782 2.179 13 1.771 2.160 14 1.761 2.145 IS 1.753 2.131 16 1 1.746 2.120 17 ' 1.740 2.110 18 i 1.734 2.101 19 i 1.729 2.093 '20 1.725 2.086 i 21 !1.721 2.080 22 I 1.111 2.074 23 1.714 2.069 24 1.711 2.064 25 1.708 2.060 26 1.706 2.056! 27 1.703 2.052 i 28 1.701 2.0481 29 1.699 2.045 30 1.697 2.042 40 1.684 2.021 i 60 1.671 2.000 I 120 1.658 1.980 f 00 1.645 1.960 1 47 [~ r-· [ [ [ r-· I ·-- [_ ~ [ " l ! _: L_ r L-· [ Q r t t: f' L; [' r--L r- L ·--- = ; "_j r - I L 48 IX. Sample Calculations of a Population Estimate A. The following data were collected during a 1978 survey of the Tanana Flats, Alaska. Table 7. Moose survey data for the Tanana Flats, November 1978. Stratum Low Medium High Sample Moose Area Moose Area Moose Area Unit (no.) (mi'2) (no.) (mi 2 ) (no.) (mi 2) l1f. 1 7 22.1 3 8.2 21 13.6 2 4 35.0 13 14.3 27 20.6 3 0 20.1 4 12.1 2 6.2 4 4 29.6 0 14.4 15 10.8 5 2 18.3 6 9.6 25 . 16.0 6 11 27.7 24 10.8 7 5 16.4 8 5 16.2 9 6 21.1 10 4 10.4 --Sample Total 17 125.1 57 150.4 114 78.0 Total Area Per Stratum (A) 1144.0 1388.0 294.0 Total SU possible Per Stratum (N) 74.0 93.0 19.0 B. Population estimate and variance for low density stratum l. Ratio estimator of moose density r~ = 17 moose observed in low density SU's 125.1 mi 2 surveyed in low density stratum r~ = 0.136 moose/mi 2 in the low density stratum 2. Population estimate T~ = (0.136 moose/mi 2) (1144 mi 2 in low density stratum) T~ = 156 moose in low density stratum 49 3. Variance of the population estimate, V(T~) F . 1 f 2 . h . f 1 1rst so ve or s 1n t e var1ance ormu a q {2(0.136) x [(7x22.1) + (4x35.0) + (Ox20.1) + (4x29.6) + (2xl8.3)]} + {(0.136)2 X [(22.1)2 + (35.0)2 + (20.1)2 + (29.6)2 + (18.3)2 )} 5-l 2 85 -122.318 + 59.912 s = ~--~~~--~~~ q 4 A 2 sq = 5.649, use this value to solve for V(T~) veT ) ~ (1144)2 r-l ? . X 5.649 (l -'~~ Q ~25.020)-5 " ~~_J V(i~) = (1144)2 [0.002 X 1.130 (0.932)] V(T~) = (1144)2 [0.002] note: V(r) = 0.002 note: The variance may differ somewhat depending on the number of significant digits used in rounding; however, this will not cause significant errors in the calculations. C. Population estimate and variance for the medium density stratum 1. r = 0.379 moose/mi 2 m 2. T ·= 526 moose m 3. V(T ) = 7706 m a. s~ = 11.236 D. Population estimate and variance for the high density stratum 1. rh = 1.462 moose/mi 2 2. Th = 430 moose c r ~ I L_j r~ ( L r": I . I , L [ [' L 3. V(Th) = 1556 2 -a. s -26.197 q 50 E. Total population estimate and variance for the Tanana Flats survey area (uncorrected for sightability) l. 2. Tt = 156 + 526 + 430 T = 1112 total moose t "' V(Tt) = 2617 + 7706 + 1556 V(Tt) = 11,879 F. Calculation of the CI for the total population estimate of the survey area. G. H. 1. CI = 1112 ± 1.746 J 11,879 CI = 1112 ± 190 2. The total population estimate is between 922 and 1302 moose (still uncorrected for sightability) Evaluation of the CI for the total population estimate of the Tanana Flats survey area. 1. 1112 .. 922 = 17% of the population eetimate 1112 Sightability correction of total population estimate and variance. 1. Correction of the estimate for sightability was discussed in Section VI and is calculated at this point, Simply multiply the SCF times the population estimate and the CI. x. 51 Hewlett-Packard 97 Moose Survey Program will make all Calculations for the Population Estimate A. The following description is a step-by-step procedure for calculating the survey area population estimate and variance, with the HP 97 calculator. 1. Put HP 97 on "Run" and "Man" and turn "On." 2. Load program card number 1 on side 1 and push A. 3. Load program card number 2 on side 1 and side 2, then push A. a. The display will read "10.0" and indicates that the HP 97 is ready for step 4. 4. Enter total surface area (A) of the first stratum and push R/S. 5. Enter the total number of possible SU's (N) in the first stratum and push R/S. 6. Enter the number of moose observed in the first SU surveyed (y) for the stratum and push R/S. 7. Enter the number of square miles in the first SU surveyed (x) for the stratum and push R/S. a. Display will read the number of SU's entered as each set of y and x data is entered. 8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until y and x have been entered for all SU's surveyed in the first stratum (HP 97 will handle a maximum of x =50 per stratum). 9. Push B and HP 97 prints the following parameters of the first stratum. a. r b. T I I L. [ r I . I-l_j ~; L 52 c. V(r) d. V(T) 10. Display will read "10" and indicates that the HP 97 is ready for steps 4-9 again for the next stratum. a. Repeat steps 4-9 for each stratum. b. The program will handle a total of 5 strata in this procedure. 11. When the data have been entered for all strata, push C and the HP 97 will print the following: a. Tt "' b. V(T .. ) ... c. v 12. The display now reads "20." This is an indication to select either the 90 or 95 percent confidence level. Enter either 90 or 95 and push R/S. The HP 97 prints the following: a. 90 or 95 ' ~ b. tav -' 1) The program will calculate ± values when v ~ 4. --_ _:;; c. CI -upper end ~ d. CI lower end d e. CI as a % of the population estimate 13. The display now reads "30." Enter the ratio of number of moose seen during high intensity searches of SU's divided by number of moose seen during low intensity searches of SU's and push R/S (assume 1.15 for this example). B. c. 53 14. Enter the correction factor for percentage of moose missed during high intensity searches of SU's and push R/S. a. Use a correction factor of 1.03 for October-November surveys. b. Use a correction factor of 1.09 for February, March, and April surveys. c. HP 97 prints the following parameters: 1) Corrected Tt 2) Corrected CI -upper end 3) Corrected CI -lower end 15. HP 97 displays "40" to indicate that the program is finished. a. To recycle the program, simply push A and return to step 4. The results of the HP 97 may vary from calculations performed by hand on a desk calculator. However, these variations will [ r I ' L_; I L __ , only produce small changes in the total population estimates [J (approx. 2-4 moose/1000 moose in the final estimate). 1. These discrepancies are due to the rounding difference that [ may occur between hand calculations and the HP 97 program. a. The HP 97 performs all calculations with numbers carried 10 decimal places and exponents through 2 digits even though the display may indicate only 2 decimal places. The following is a sample HP 97 population estimation program using the data in Table 8. [ ~; I L L 54 Table 8. Sample print out from HP 97 population estimation program. LD..J j 1144. e .Ul- 1 74. :;-f:·J#: -I 'f 7. :f;ll:~-t-\tbH 294.0 *** I I 7-?":' ~ t.Ji:li: .l9a *** I ~-·J. ~ *** ! 'T. ?5.0 *** .-.1 t.:t::+: I l..•· ' e. .tJ!::t: 1-, *'::+: -~~-0 I 20.1 Jf;*=f 2.7. *ll:: .. · I 4. l-:t:~ 20.6 t:f:* I I 29.£ :f;ll·:, I' .-. *~* l I .c:.. I •"I :t:lf:* !• 6.2 *** ~. I I 18.3 *t.;: I, 15". *~~· I, I I I 18.8 f::+:-*: I u ! l t' 0.176 *** I I 25. *** "' 155. t:U 1 f6.B _c; T I i ~:t.Ji; tl{r) e. B0t.9 *H: I 24. :t:f;;.r: i I "tt) ..,.., --: U* ! f ·• 0 **;+. ......... o._,. ..u.u - I ! - I ME l)l "'1"\ !3SB.e *** 1.46£:1 **~· 93. **:ot: I 430·. *"* 6.0177 -**Jt: ."'!. tl*::f; I 1534. *** ....... .ttt ! c . .:: I =e 13. t:t::+: I i4.J *':;. I -Ti: " 1111. t.:t::t. ...:.; 4 . • f;:f::<: I 12359. 'f.~:;t: 12.1 *~* I ! V{T-t.) e. ;:~:li: I l ~ 16. .;:»:-* i ~ !4. 4 *** I c::.:t. 90. *** I J I I I 6. flt:* ! i t 1.746 **=+ I 9.6 tli':t it 1Je5. t.:t* 11. *** I ' Q;-up I ;. c::::r-,_, 917. t.f.Jt: 27.7 t:f::f; I t 17.5 :_j I ..,. :j;j;Jt: I s. "*-*'' I ; i' 16.4 t~r:* j ~c.F~ 1.15 *** I 5. **'~· I ! 1. 03 **·': ~ ! .-.]: 16.2 **'· I ~-{~ 1316. *'n: 6. nt I II. 1546. *:f:* 21cl :n:ll· I f c:f'.-Uf 1986. ·~*·f: 4. .t:JJ* e. 4-lo...., 10.4 ~f:· ~ . I 0 8.:!79 t:H: I 526. tn 1?.0€)44 '~·*· i I 8462. *:t:~ I ~ 55 XI. Optimum Allocation of Search Effort (or how to get the most accurate [ population estimate for your dollar) A. Optimum allocation of search effort is the process of distributing [ B. the available survey time in the most efficient manner to produce the best possible population estimates. l. Optimum allocation of search effort involves monitoring the variance of each stratum as the survey progresses, and adjusting the number of SU's to be surveyed to produce [ the smallest variance in each stratum. 2. Discussion of optimum allocation was delayed until this point because it is advantageous to first understand how to calculate the population estimate. However, optim~T. allocation must be considered much earlier in the survey process, and the allocation of SU's is continually revised during the survey. Adjustment of the sampling effort among strata is accomplished by calculating strata variances as soon as at least 3-5 SU's have been surveyed in each stratum. Strata with the largest variances will receive a higher proportion of the remaining sampling effort. l. Use the HP 97 to calculate variances. a. For example, a survey is being conducted on the Tanana Flats and economics dictate that a maximum of 50 SU's can be surveyed. After 2 days of flying, the first 21 SU's to be surveyed produced the fol- lowing strata variances: r L [ C" I ; I ! l_; c [J [ L [. I ~ L l c. 1) Density High Medium Low No. SU's Surveyed 6 10 5 56 Stratum Variance 1556 7706 2617 2) By calculating the variance for each stratum based on the first 21 SU's, it is apparent that the largest variance is produced from the medium density stratum. 3) At this point, the biologist has 29 SU's remain- ing to produce the best possible population estimate. 4) Even though the medium density stratum has received over 50 percent of the first 21 SU's, it is apparent that the greatest variation in moose density occurs there. Therefore, even greater sampling effort must be directed into that stratum in an attempt to reduce its variance. The process o·f reapportioning sampling effort is influenced by the rate that the survey is progressing and the variation in observed moose density within strata. But, in order to maintain optimum allocation of sampling effort, the variance within strata should be calculated as frequently as deemed necessary (usually daily). XII. Precision of the Population Estimate A. No estimate of numbers of moose will be absolutely accurate. Several sources of error exist which always cause a discrepancy between the estimated and the true number of moose. 57 1. Sampling error a. If the entire area were searched, there would be no need for sample units and no sampling error would exist. However, we are conducting surveys in areas too large for total count procedures. b. The mean density of moose found in the area sampled will always differ slightly from the true density, but it will approach the true density as the number of sample units increases. 2. Error in sightability estimate a. We see less than 100 percent of the moose; therefore, a sightability correction factor must be estimated. The estimated SCF is not exact. 3. Errors in calculations a. The area of each stratum cannot be measured exactly, thus an error of several percent could result from this source alone. B. How accurate is the estimate? Since you can never know the true-density of number of moose, you cannot directly evaluate the quality of the estimates. 1. However, a probability that the true value is within a certain range of the estimated value can be assigned. This is the CI. a) As the CI decreases at a particular probability, you have reason to develop increasing confidence in the accuracy of the estimate. [ f ) [ f"" I ; I " L_: [ D ~ . I L r L~ 58 C. Ways to improve accuracy l. Choose a SU area which minimizes variation between SU. 2. Stratify accurately. 3. Maintain a search effort which provides a high sightability. 4. Spend the effort to make a good estimate of sightability of moose. 5. Practice survey procedures prior to the survey. 6. Fly when the weather and snow conditions are acceptable to reduce variation in sightability of moose. XIII. Experience and Currency of Pilots and Observers A. All personnel piloting or observing should be trained in the methods to ensure consistency among survey teams. l. Biologists and pilots should practice methods prior to the survey, so proper search effort and search pattern can be used from the first SU counted. Locating bound- aries of SU's requires a little practice. The pilot is primarily responsible for maintaining the flight path within the SU while searching. The pilot must be able to read 1:63,360 scale maps on a very detailed basis. 2. Pilots should be fully briefed on reasons for the survey, overall methods, type of search pattern to be flown, expected results of the survey, and the importance of their participation in achieving a precise population estimate. 59 r Free flowing communication should start prior to flying and continue during the survey. Pilot and observer should discuss the search pattern and flying techniques early in the survey, so an effective team is built. Observers are often reluctant to tell the pilot to alter the flight pattern, and similarly, pilots are often unsure of what is expected of them because of poor direc- tions from the observer. Teamwork is built by communica- tions--so talk! 3. Periodic breaks during the day will help reduce fatigue and maintain good counting efficiency. Take a short break every 2 hours or so if possible. A good survey [ requires that you are mentally sharp during the search of p f ' L SU's. Use the flight time between SU's to relax in the plane (pilot should not relax too much). 4. The aircraft choice is a two-place plane with tandem seating. [J XIV. Cost of Surveys A. The labor and financial expenditures required to make a popula-[ tion estimate are substantially greater than conducting composi- tion surveys in comparable areas. B. Financial expenditures for a population estimate can be subdi- vided into fixed and variable costs. l. Fixed costs are expenses that will be incurred regardless of the location of the survey area. a. Purchase of materials such as topographic maps, [ acetate, and miscellaneous supplies are fixed. I : I .' .. :~ 60 b. Aircraft charter costs that are fixed consist of flight time'actually spent within the survey area itself and include: 1) Stratification flight time 2) Flight time required to search SU's and fly intensive searches within SU's 3) Flight time between SU's within a census area. 2. Variable costs are those expenses that are dependent on the accessibility of the survey area. a. Aircraft flight time required to fly between the airport and the survey area can be quite large. 1) For example, the survey area may be located 30-45 min flying time from the airport and 20-60 min may be required to traverse a large survey area. Therefore, an hour or more of flight is needed to simply get to some SU's. b. Food and lodging expenses are also quite variable for the survey crews. If survey crews are able to return to their own homes each day, expenses are considerably less than when they are lodged in commercial facilities. Variable expenses can be 25 to 50 percent of the cost and must be given serious consideration. 3. An example is given for labor and aircraft flight times during a survey in a 5,000 mi 2 area which had 333 SU's . 15 ·2 averag1ng m1 . Assume that the SU's are searched at 4.0 min/mi 2 , and 20 intensive searches are flown at 12 . I ·2 f 2 o ·2 m1n m1 or . m1 areas. c. a. Fixed aircraft charter times total 134 hr. 1) Stratification was calculated at the rate of 650 mi 2 stratified per aircraft per 6 hr day and total 46 hr. 61 2) Surveying SU's, intensive searches, and travel time between SU's totals 88 hr. b. Fixed labor expenditures total 224 hr of effort 1) Presurvey preparation (purchasing supplies, preparing maps, and drawing SU's) requires 21 hr. 2) Stratification (flight time within the survey area, transferring data to the survey area map, and preparation for flying) requires 60 hr. 3) Surveying SU's (flight time within the survey area, preparation for sampling, selecting SU's to be surveyed, and calculating optimum allocation of search effort) require 88 hr. 4) Data analyses (m,easuring areas of SU' s and calculating population estimates) require 25 hr. Small survey areas (300-700 mi 2 ) require a proportionally larger total area to be surveyed than large survey areas. 1. A small survey area may have only 25-50 total SU's that are subdivided into several strata. a. To have an acceptable variance, it may be necessary to sample most if not all SU's in a stratum. This is especially true for the high and medium density strata. [ [' [ [ [ r~ I , L f' L~ I> I I- r~ I [ r L [ ,~ ' I 2. 3. 4. 62 As the size of a survey area decreases, the financial and labor expenditures per mi 2 increase, but the total cost decreases. a. Only 20-25 percent of a large survey area may have to be sampled versus 50-90 percent of a small area to produce a population estimate of comparable precision. Moose abundance and distribution in a small survey area will play an important part in determining the proportion of the survey area to be sampled. a. If moose density is high and a large proportion of the area is stratified as high or medium density, 75-80 percent of the total survey area may have to be sampled. b. If moose density is low and there is a large area stratified as low density, then perhaps only 50 percent of the survey area may have to be sampled. c. If moose distribution is very uniform and the survey area is subdivided into only l-2 stratum, then a smaller proportion of the total area will have to be sampled than if three strata are used. Survey areas smaller than approximately 300mi 2 can generally be surveyed in their entirety, thereby saving the expense of stratification. XV. Materials List for Moose Population Estimation Surveys Mapping supplies topographic maps (5-7 sets) lead pencils colored pencils grease pencils (3 colors, 3 each) large erasers (4) scissors (3 pair) large felt tip markers (2) transparent colored markers (3) clear tape (6-8 rolls) masking tape (1 roll) heavy gauge acetate at least 40 in. wide (enough to cover maps of the survey area) expandable file folders to store maps and data sheet (6) Flying supplies clipboards lead pencils topographic maps of SU's data sheets watch intercom and headsets spare batteries for intercom survival gear foam pad to sit on 63 [ [ [ r_ r-· L L -~ 64 "Preparation H" (in case you forget the foam pad) (use of trade name does not imply government endorsement of commercial products) air sickness pills sunglasses yellow glasses ear plugs Data calculation supplies Hewlett-Packard 97 and population estimation program extra batteries and paper for HP 97 instruction manual for HP 97 polar compensating planimeter pad of writing paper extra battery-powered calculator that can perform the required calculations Other notebook to store all forms, calculations, and notes XVI. Calculation of Unbiased Sex and Age Ratios from Moose Observed During a Population Estimation Survey. A. Sex and age ratios are calculated for each stratum based on the number of moose observed during 4 min/mi 2 searches of the SU's. 1. For example, the following data were collected during a November 1980 census of Count Area 7 and 14 in GMU 13. 65 Stratum Type of Moose No. Moose Observed During 4 min/mi 2 Searches (%) Sex-Age Ratios by Stratum High ca 35 (9.9) 254 (72.0) 64 (18.1) 14 d'/100 ~ 25 ca/100 ~ Medium 19 (8.8) 146 (67.3) 52 (24.0) 13 d'/100 ~ 36 ca/100 C( Low B. c. ca ca 14 (8.1) lll (64.5) 47 (27.3) 13 d'/100 ~ 42 ca/100 ~ Next calculate the number·of bulls, cows, and calves in each stratum based on the stratum population estimate from the HP-97 program.:. ·The estimated number of moose is uncorrected for sightability. Percentage Estimated Estimated Stratum of PoEulation X PoEulation = Number High 9.9 d' 954 94 d' 72.0 ~ 687 ~ 18.1 ca 173 ca Medium 8.8 d' 655 . 58 d' 67.3 ~ 441 ~ 24.0 ca 157 ca Low 8.1 d' 375 30 d' 64.5 C( 242 ~ 27.3 ca 102 ca Now the SCF is applied to the estimated number of moose for each stratUm as follows: Uncorrected Corrected Stratum No. of Moose X SCF = No. of Moose High 94 d' 1.06 100 d' 687 ~ 1.06 728 ~ 173 ca 1.06 183 ca [ [ [ 66 Medium 58 (j 1.06 61 (j 441 ~ 1.06 467 ~ 157 ca 1.06 166 ca Low 30 (j 1.06 32 (j 242 ~ 1.06 257 ~ 102 ca 1.06 108 ca TOTALS 193 (j 1,452 ~ 457 ca D. In order to compute the unbiased sex and age ratios for the entire survey area, calculate the appropriate ratios based on the corrected number of bulls, cows, and calves as follows: Corrected No. of Moose 193 (j 1,452 !? 457 ca 1}. Sex-Age Ratios l3 cfjlOO 9 31 ca/100 9