HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3090DOCUMENTCONTHOL ' . ' . ' ,. I J ... , "~ ---·· ... ~-----.,--,, "7•---·""":'· • '~ c '-._,, )' ., . , r.·r;- .... · '; ~·· ';!'tf:. 'l) - , . '. .. ',' I' -' CONFiDENTIAL: PRIVILEGED WORK PRODUCT PREPARED If': -~TICIPATION OF LITIGATION; RESTRICI EO DISTRIBUTION Susitna File # .Y • ';).._?-"" \ __ LET1'ER OF TRANsMf I" I AL j)15398 R&M CONSULTANTS, IN.C. DATE ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SURVEVOAII December 3, 1985 PROJECT NO. 552403 ANCHORAGE OFFICE £X P. 0, BOX 6087, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 TEL. !9071 561·1733 RE: Middle Susitn.a River - 100-year Flood Water-Surface SALT LAKE OFFICE Elevations 0 5280 S. 320 W. SUITE E-160, MURRAY. UTAH 84107 TEL. (8011 263·3419 .- TO . WE ARE.; HARZA~1:BA5CO Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Ventn:r:e 00 Attachec IUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ!CI 0 Under s DO'~UMl:NT ROUTING 711 H Street LARSON FAIRBAi-lKS CASEY B~.RGMA.NN THRALL GORDON .... the folic I~ CRADDOCK >< .Qc;Mp~ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 D Shop dr< t5ARZA EEASCO VOllANLi ~ f)uQS.'r D Plam; PETTIG!U:W D Specific~ . LM\BEaT DYOK ATTENTION Dr. Larry GiJbertson D Change c X GII.IIERTSON D Othef· ~ c• -~ - COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2/18/83 11 .T r.nffin mPmn t-o TJ nvnlr T.TI w s ~:r.:o:fjle data for 1 on-~ . 2Q of mPmn year flood {with _onl v n~s_.. 9-15 and ·'· attachments)~ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval ~ For your use i?i As requested D Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted D Returned for corrections 0 Resubmit-~ ___ copies for approval 0 Submit, copies for d~stribution D Return ce>rrected prints D For review and comment D -------------------------------------------- 0 FOR B'OS DUE---------19 __ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTEH LOAN TO US REMARKS 1. These data were~r~e~q~u~e~sut~ead~b~y~JLJ~·m~D~lulr~s~t---------------~------- was the final report on the flood water-surface profiles. A quick -------J..,..n-sp_e_c-:-t"7""'ion indicates that the computed lYSE's did change at __ several_ of the cross-sections (from the preliminary to the final). 3. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 561-1733. ! DEC 85 .l.! 33------------------------------ COPY TO J • Durst (H-E) file 002650 .. -~------------------------------------~----------------~----~----~. ---- TO jSUBJECT Wayne Dyok, Acres American Water-Surface Profiles for Susitna River Floods ---------------------t---=::-:--..,....:..-----:-::-:-:-:::-:-:::-,'-------------·~-'" OAT~ I PROJECT NO. FROM • ~==========J.e=f=f=C=o=ff=in==~~~~=~==-~~·~~:=~=,========2=/=1=8/=8=3=======·~;2=5=33=1=5==~-·~~~· ==~=== Attached are information sheets p·ertaining to hydraulic an~)y;es which you requested January 11, 1983. These are watei~-surface profHes and 100-year flood plain limits for various flows in the Watana and Gq!d Cre~k reaches of the Susitna River. Items at.;. tached consist of the foiiowing: 1. Summary HEC-2 printout tables (5 pages) for the Watana reach (from URX-101 at Deadman Creek to URX-121 at Df!vi! Creek) for three flow levels: a. Q W t = 7{1~000 cfs (post ... project 100-year flood), a ana b!. Q W t = 97,000 cfs (pre-project 100-yeat· flood), and a ana · Q W t = 326,000 cfs (PMF). a ana The PMF is in a separate table from the other two profiles since a separate inpu.t.deck was required. 2. Enlarged U.S.G.S. quad sheets (2 sheets) at '1:24,000 scale of the Watana reach. The 100-year floodplain boundary is sketched on the maps in red pencil. The boundaries are quite uncertain in the reaches between widely-separ·ated cross-sections (such as 115-116 and downstream of 119), but should be fairly well-defined otherwise. The steep canyon walls through most of the study reach make the floodplain quite insensitiv~ to stage ch3nges of up to several feet. 3. Thalweg profile of the Watana reach with the PMF water surface profile plotted (1 page). The 14 points identified with arrows are felt to be representative of the profile. 4. Summary HEC-2 printout tables (12 pages) for the Gold Creek reach (from LRX-68, just below Devil Canyon, to LRX-3 at the Chulitna River confluence) for three How levels: a. Q Gold Creek= 90,000 cfs (post-project 100-year flood), b. Q Gold Creek = 118,000 cfs (pre-project 100-year flood), and 001650 .. I l ... f' \:, February 18, 198.~ Mr.. Wayne Dyok Page 2 c. Q Dev:l Canyon = 353 ,000 cfs and Q Gold Creek = 394,000 cfs ( PMF). Again, two tables were necessary because of two separate input decks. 5. Copies of the marked-up aerial photos transmitted to you on 1/29/83 (8 sheets). These delineated the preliminary flood- plain limits for the Gold Creek reach on 16 photos at a scale of approximately 1:21,000. The currently-attached photocopies identify (in red pencil) areas of changes to those original limits, Qf which six are noteworthy: a. An area excluded from the original floodplain near Gold Creek (LRX-44), b. an area added upstream of Sherman (LRX-37), c. an area added upstream of Curry (LRX-25), covering a portion of the RR tt""acks, d. a slight widening of the floodplain at Cu,rry ( LRX-24) 1 e. a sfight narrowing just downstream of Curry (LRX-23), and, f. a reduction irv the area inundated on an island near Chase (LRX-10)". 6. Thaiweg profiie of the Gold Creek reach with the PMF plotted (1 page). The 15 points identified with arrows are felt to be representative of the PMF profilt.~ and are the ones given to you over the phone. AU the cross-section locations are shown in the "Hydraulic and Ice Studies" report (March 1982). The 12 columns tabul·ated in the HEC-2 summary tables are as follows, identified by their printout headings: 0 SEC NO 0 Q () CWSEL 0 VCH 0 DEPTH Cross-section number (LRX or URX), flow at cross-section (cfs) 1 computed water-surface elevation (ft, msl),. Average valocity in the the cross-section (i.e. banks) (ft/sec), "channel" portion of between the defined Maximum depth at the cross-section (ft), .. .. • ~. f' .. February 18, 198? Mr. Wayne Dyok Page 3 0 K*CHSL Thalweg slope between the current 0 0 0 0 0 10K*S XLCH AREA cross-section and 1000) ( ft/ft), next-downstream one (x Slope of the energy grade line at the current cross-sectjon (x 10,000) (ft/ft), Length of the channel (thalweg) from the current cross-section to the next-downstream one (ft), Totai cross-secti~n.al area of the flow (ft2 ), TOPWI D Cumulative surface width of wetted portion of the cross-section ( ft), SSTA E~JDST Starting survey station where the water sur- face intersects the ground on the teft side (fi). Ending survey station where the water surfqce intersects the ground on the right side (ft). The difference between ENDST and SST A gives the total distance from the left edge to the right edge of water. . . • I ' ··--· ·---···--·--·---------·-----------· ----·-'-------------.. ______ ,__ ····---·-•· ·1 f • • .~ l ... •· 83/o 211 a,. ••••~•••••••ft••••••••~**************************** HEC2 RELEASE DATED NOV 76 UPDATED MARC 1982 ERRCf~ CORR -Olt02tO~.Clft05 . --·· ···-··- t 1! ~ODX'FlCAliO~. -50t51 ,S2t5~t54 t55 _______ .. _________ ~----... ' ~ ***4·~·······················~················~··· I ,•:,-.. . . . . . .. ·--~-··------------------------------------~----------. •' .• I , . • ••• LCWER SUSJJNA--,90-YR 0 .~. SUf'I~AR Y P.R lNTCUT -·1· . ' ·-----------·-------·--·---· -·----- ,. . .. l l ... l . ·---' . -.. -·--··--·-··--·-·----------------------·----·-------·------·-' ---,1, •• SEC NO Q CWSEL VCH \ • I .. -· · -···--··· 3;ooo·-·s27ct.6s·--··-35o .. oa··---s.s2 (J .: 3 • 0 0 0 12153 8. 3 5 3 52. 0 0 5. "s 1 . .· ~ • 1 0 0 . 9 2 7 0 i . f: 5 -._ ... 35 7 ; 6 6 6.U •• 4.100 121538.35 358.75 6el63 ... .. ' •i ., I . ,., I' 0 ..: " ,--·~------·-tt • 2 o o 9 210 i . e 5 ---~ 5 R. 16 4.200 !21538.35 359.82 "-~oo 92701.65--'36o:9s 4.300 121538.35 362.15 .. t--·-·· ·· 4 "'" oo-·927 of. 65 ·--361"~6a • •t ~.'tOO 121538.35 362.79 ., ___ .. __ -~·- •I! ••• ·~ 5.000 .. 927tl1'.65 ---363."57- s.ooo 121538.35 364.73 36'8:73 370.04 7.32 a. o2· 5.70 6o20 7e0l 7.69 6. 74 7e36 7e27 8.19 i~-61 8.55 9e21 1 o. 42 9.s3 · 11.06 DEPTH 21.90 23.90 1 i-::16 12.25 13.96 15.02 15.88 17.05 11.88 12.99 11.27 :f:l.'l3 11.63 1:2.9lf f:.h 74 15.26 16.5lf 18.34 22. (f~ 24.34 I< •CHS,L XLCH AREA TOP'-'ID SSTJ\ fNDS T o. ·aL'--·--:f;s r----o ~ oo '2ifoo9 ;-a tl·-~4 3 st. o 6 .... ··11 6 6. o a··-61 i 1. o'ii . OoOO 5o7~ OeOO 34645.80 5819.00 1758o00 7577.00 21 :Oi+--4 83-o;[iif131 fl,5: 3 0 -·~·3 0~ 2'. 75--3987 ~ os·--7029. fio. 21.82 4830.00 16718.07 3655.~7 3986.60 7~42.27 2-~ ··u;---t·f~-2 I=i-r o so: oo~ 6 2 s 2 • ·3 :r·--3. a 2 2 ; o li--2.6 ,. 3: 3 s ·--·t; s 6 s • 4 o 2.76 16.79 1050.00 20552.,2 4043.62 2640.62 6684.24 -2.4:3 19.7 0 -2.43 2 o. 73 0 24 ·rr.-a2 • 24 1 L-. 83 R. 70 23.59 a. 10 23 .. 1Jlt ioo.oo 70 0. c 0 1 ~ 331. o·4--32i>'o :-6~--27i3; 86 ___ -·6 ·!32 3 .t2·--·- 1697o.o~ 3507.o2 2111.s2 6531.53 l2ro;o01f96a-:a7-q·3·t3. i5 -.. 3376. o 5 1240.00 23040.73 434S.15 3366.16 7603.2i 77H.32 540.0 0 t3"24 0~.6A--2·3"o6. 43--4 ci 07;4 3-· 6393 ~ e 7 s~to.oo 16073.29 2b90.96 .-oo7.21 669A.t7 ;f:-a7 ___ .. iti':·s·6---87o;·o-o -iSI99 .• 16--3230; l il--~646 ... oil-6 e76 .22 2.87 18.70 S70.00 19152.67 3~0i.31 364~.18 722~.49 1. so 14 .·69 319 o :o01~753·; o9-1ss ~. c,·o--6IOT.7a-·· 1692 .;,~ 1.so 1s.a~ 319o.oo 1~974.49 1q11.6S 5751.81 769'+.92 • 79 "i'6";iP.f-29i o-~ ·oo-t2 2ia·. 1 7--t42i+:95-uio7; t3 --21f6 1. 2 o · -· · ·- .79 16.39 29l0e00 14~49.12 l46Ee62 1002.2~ 2468.~6 • s r--· i s-; 63--4 a,. o ;· o o-·9 3 1 r ~·11--~-6 Y1-: 1 ~--~ 9 12 ~ o ~ ---· 2 e 6 3 • ta ·· · .st 16.36 .-87o~oo 10989.13 111.18 1958.53 2669.71 ·-·-........ ,. .. --···---·----·---.. ·-· --·- ------------------·- I . ' I i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( .. , ( f.' l:" j l (!' t I ! c l •' 1 1 c l f 1 ··o r I • ' 83/02118 .. . ·-- , ,. ~·· t) : 1: I ., p ·: ,. t' l , ~ • r-.... , .. ~ ., ··I t .. ··-··-.... , .. > SECNO c CWSEL VCH DEPTH XlCH ~REA TOPIJID SSTA DIDST 9.100-92701.65 9.100 1215.38.35 39~\ .4s----·-·-r;.:;a---·16. 93 ___ .. 3:·il7·--·n,.:·or--s erir; oo --i3624. 6 i -----192 ~. 9~ ·-~to 11. a 1 ... 5!,,.3. Ell 397.80 e.os !9.30 3.07 • 13.79 3B7U.OO 18192.49 193l.AO 401~.6~ 59~6.44 to.ouo 92701~65 10.000 1215JB.35 10.100 92701.65 10.100 121536.~~ 10.200 927ot.e5 10.2n0 121538.35 10.300 92701.65 10.300 1215~8.35 1'l oJ.os ·---8. io ___ i2:4s-·--2';,84---·2:fol8 ~04.84 8e95 14~2~ 2e84 22.96 --···-8.52 151.86 9.67 171.84 i:-ta.-·-·17.36 1.18 18.55 tsso:oo 1550.00 11442 ·34 1362lf.29 4 25 o .. o o ·--io 86 3. 96 4250v00 12573.53 ·-· ··a. o2··--~s·.sq·--·---i:s:3 -·-· 8.75 17.76 1.83 15.96 -2796.60 .. 11751.12 15.38 2790.00 1514~.53 1202ettA 1229.71 . .... 84 7. 69 85 2. l\R 1116.65 1113.56 3999.72 3979.£:7 lt011.78 lf009.lf6 --1477.35 -. 19"2.12 1572.60 1868.0~ 11.000 92701.65 11.000 121530.35 All a . j a--·---9 .~ ij3=----i 1 : :Hi ~20.49 10.22 19.49 • 22 ---Tif~36--i ·3fo. o·a·-To26o .9 o ·-----u. "· 79 .22 19e50 1360.00 11887.88 769eB6 12.000 92701.(,5 12.000 121538.35 • 9;3;r---i9.-ia ... i:·r, :r----. 1 5 • 31 10.32 21.85 1.47 15.44 9120.00 9120a00 10002.43 l29'+8.39 ... ··-•· -·--·---·----·---··----·--~-----·· . ----........ ·-··· 13.000 92701.65 450.14 6.78 23.64 * 1.1e 15.59 10275.00 13699.91f 13.000 121538.35 452.70 6e72 26~20 1.18 14.62 10275.00 18132.83 !4.000 92701.65 14.000 12153A.JS 15.0DO 92701.6~ 15.000 l2153R.35 tt5ii .3r---s·.-72 ___ i 7;t7·---·-s;7-y·--·i 2. 92 -~-2a25.oo ·-1ils9'* .eo lf56.58 6910 1q.38 3.79 12.02 28?5.00 21R23.~5 460 .a6 ----~-7~ 4i--· i ~; 76---·-1';79 ···--·itt. 22 462.82 a.oe 16.72 1.79 14.53 ~970.00 12530.27 4 9'7 0. 0 0 15 1 0 5 • 3 6 1 6 • 0 0 0 9 27 0 1 ("' 6 5 .••. ·~ 6 4 • 4 3. ·--6 ~ '4 3 16,ooo 12153e.35 ~66.4~ 6~60 i~:-73 16.74 1 • 3 3 · ~--· i o ~ 1 1 ·--2 1 1 o • o .a· .. -· i " 6 12 • 1 lt 1.33 10.07 2710.00 18813.78 17.0 00 92701.65 --· ~·66. 56 ·---8~'75 17.000 1215~8.35 lt68.31 9.53 i'3;16 llf.91 2: o:s---· .1 fl~ 3 i-· .. i 82 o·. 0 o' ... 1 0696 .25 2e0.3 17e46 1820.00 l3569c95 18.000 92701.65 18.000 121538.35 . .--!!--·· ..... lf69.22 .... -11.27 ____ 16.32 • ...2° 18.59 1A.69 174o.on 82tt2el9 1740.00 13328.85 470.90 12.23 18.00 -.29. 1 f-2 5. 6 3 1759.38 1936.B2 2799.(13 1308.80 ll22.00 2(157.49 2060.'17 1062.22 1059.08 1046.14 10ltl.53 1000.75 1000.00 1040.51 1037.53 1 :s 9 a • 2 f... 1 o H • 2 3 1813.00 1041.37 2971.% 2 9 7lt • O'.IJ 5202.20 5209.38 4859.46 41162 • .34 I 4558.97 4'n?. .45 2770.A2 2773.25 1849. u 24 75.91 2797.95 21100.91 2357.2H 2367.35 3098.00 30~6.0() 3103.00 3103.00 1686.31 3091. 1'1 18.100 92701.65 18.100 12153B.35 ~tao.iiif lf81.70 6~21 6.75 2:-u--·--~-12~~6·--·-62oo.oo·--1s.oJa.s8-·-1947 .. 73 2.11 12.01+ 6200.00 18195.95 1?65.68 4004.57--5952.3! ~002.61 5968.2P 18.200 92701.65 18.200 121538.35 487.~~~--9~57 lf89.05 10.25 is.-9~ 17'.55 i-;o=,·-· .. --.1 9.6:5 ___ 514 o; o'ii-· 9962 .e2-· ··:121a. ~r---3923. 7a ··· s 460. 1n 1.07 20.84 511fO.OO 12315.87 1551.66 3922.97 547~.6q i· r-----'1::1.3 00 ... 92701 .. 65 -----i'9f; 66 ____ 1 o;·sa ,_., 18.300 121538.35 496.0~ 12.05 .69 • 69 ·r-4~·so~o7o·~-oo--93 75-.1 a·--~.-s5tt. 1s-~-· ~ri1-i~ so 16.01 ~070.00 111tS1.53 113~78 4012·25 "96':1.55 51!:0.0'1 I j. 19.ooo· 92701.65 ·--~97.92--~ o~ ~r6--i6:-22 19.000 121538.~5 500.27 11.63 18.57 •tJ- • tl. ____ ,_ ·----~-- 2.ao---T~:·1s·-2f• 1f. oi;--·9335. 12 2e60 1~e68 2640.00 !2130e99 1040.83 1:310oll 2515.H, 2780.13 ------·--• -·~ .M ••• ,_ .. ___ -------.. _ -· ---···-0 I )' I t I I i I' c Q 0 C) 0 • ~ . ... . . ... • \ . .. . . ) . ·,, .... ----23-~ooti -·927()1;65 D )t! 23.ooo 12ts3a.:5s .:7' 529.12 531.1)3 8.28 · ·, a. 72 !---- ~----____ ..__ _______ _ '~ 2~.000 90001e60 53!.77 12el49 2qel7 2~.000 117998.40 $33.52 114.65 .. 25.92 "'r-----·· . -·---·· ------- 1", • • 214 .1 o o so o o 1 • 6 a . . 5 ~ s • 11 ,. · a. o 2 ~ :! 2 '+-1 0 0 11 7 9 9 8 • 4 U S 3 8. 4 4 . · 8. H Ji • . ,. ., " ''! .w ~~.soc 9ooot.Go 24.500 117998.40 ., :,;r-1 -.-.. ---··2s.ooo 9ooot .. 6o .. ·-s3'a:75 .... s:-31 /, .. '···1 25.000 117998.40 541.07 :· '; \:· 5.13. ' ' .... :. ' ,.. "---···--·--,.~ 2s.1oo 90001.60 51\t.ao ... 9.36 . ·:. 9.67'. .. 12.55 .. lit. 87 -:: 15.70 17 • .36 .. s.rf 5.47 -. 0'4 -. 04 13.95 ·~920.00 13.714 . ilt920.00 17.10 2 o. 35 2160.00 2160.00 1400.00 1400.00 1500.00 1500.00 11199. 3o--i~o 6. ~.5133a:6-a-. -2 74 5. i 2--------·· -- 14 216 .. 9 o 1 51 a. o 2 . 116 8. 3 o :· 21 "6. 3 2 . 7224.43 8'173.89 ---------·-----···------------5IO.P3 1079.69 1~a9.72 . 568.87 1022.09 1590.96 1 12_3 __ 1--."'""'o,_,t--..,.1 2 o s. 4 o 4 ii"o6:7~52 is~ i 6------· 14644.ltl 1)24.08 . 3911·66 5235.71+ .. 1 ios·s-~24--2f.~,·o •. 49-·-1592~·s·4-.-. -4 233 .o3 __ _ 23185.68 2652.15 . 1582.00 . 423~.15 19 .. 55 19.27 2 29o::1t010o 9~r:a7 ___ i 9iei;o2-. -27fi4; :.;-,--·54 so~ 95- 229D.oo 13864.93 2561.85 2566.03 s~5e.a& ~-"L. . 25·100 1179?8.'4 0 5't3.~6 ,;:r---:___.26. ooo --·9oooi·. Go __ . sii 6;a4-... -~.--"!": . ..;.1~1-.-=7=-6,...--.;... .. -=1~~~-."""7~A__,.--. -o:-2. 22"--·2;::-9:a27oa·:~·o--76s3 ~ 99-·-612;38-. -. 2soa. o7-312o. ~6-·-~ ..... I J . • \< I 't.1!;~·:· 26.000 117998.40 540.:57 :; .·~~.12.15' ·· 16.27 .. 2.22 · · 20.18 2'100.010 13868.85 239'1.65 · 7~o.57 3i21.21 . . ... < .. ~ I -, . • ;:1 ': ~ ~ .. .., . . I . -. -••j • •• , ! •• ••••. :'j ·l .. r· . II • , .. 27~0oo--9000i.6o ____ s53:6o ~ 1io52 13.39 27.000 117998.~0 55-.97 28 ;ooo-9·oooi ~.6o 28eCOO 117990.40 563:-03 565.05 •.£<. 6.79 ,. • ·. 7.15 28 .1 o o 9 iHi o y;·6 6 --s 72: fq 28.100 117398.40 573.'41 2;. ooo-soooi~ c.o--·511-;;at 29.000 117998~~0 579.48 .. __j ... I .. I • ...... •."" ~ . . - • •• t ; ... •• ..... I .11' ~ ., . ._1 6·~~ 97 7.20 19.8 0 21.17 15• 03 17.05 .. . . ... ' . . .. ':~· ' . l2e8lt •' I . ' ... ! 11J • 11.: . I • •• ; • • "r--r3:3i--3·9oif ;:o·cr--9f126~ 3o-~--i'it7 5. 76--1" 76 .22 __ 2 951.99 o44 15.95 3900.00 12q44.48 25~6.24 4'49.24 2975.4R ss2o;1ro 5820.00 134'4 4". 93 --1726'~ 3~---:-:-To o3:'69--2 736. o2 ----:----.. ·-· .. 1.87 1. 87 :I .. ~ . 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