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Surface Coal Mining
in Alaska
An Investigation of the Surface
Minin g Control and Reclamation Act
of 1977 in Relation to Alaskan Conditions -
M.I.R.L. speciaL pubLication #4 • �·-,�
Reprinted by the MineraL Industry Research Laboratory, SchooL of Min eraL
Industry, University of ALaska, Fairbanks, ALaska 99?01.
PubLication of this voLume is made possibLe by funds appropriated by the
State of ALaska for coaL research.
M.I.R.L. special publication #4
Reprinted by the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, School of Mineral Industry,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99701.
Surface Coal Mining
in Alaska
An Investigation of the Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act
of 1977 in Relation to Alaskan Conditions
A Report Prepared by the
Committee on Alaskan Coal Mining and Reclamation
Board on Mineral and Energy Resources
Commission on Natural Resources
National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences
Washington, D.C. 1980
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved
by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members
are drawn from the Councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the
National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The
members of the Committee responsible for the report were chosen for
their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance.
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors
according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee
consisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the
National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
The National Research Council was established by the National Academy
of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and
technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and of
advising the federal government. The Council operates in accordance
with general policies determined by the Academy under the authority of
its Congressional charter of 1863, which establishes the Academy as a
private, non-profit, self-governing membership corporation. The
Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National
Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in the
conduct of their services to the government, the public, and the
scientific and engineering communities. It is administered jointly by
both academies and the Institute of Medicine. The National Academy of
Engineering and the Institute of Medicine were established in 1964 and
1970, respectively, under the charter of the National Academy of
The study was supported by the u.s. Department of the Interior, Office
of Surface Mining.
Available in limited supply from
Board on Mineral and Energy Resources
Commission on Natural Resources
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20418
Printed in the United States of America
Robert M. White, Chairman, University Corporation for Atmospheric
Timothy Atkeson, Steptoe & Johnson
Stanley I. Auerbach, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Norman A. Copeland, E.I. duPont de Nemours and co., retired
George K. Davis, University of Florida, retired
Edward D. Goldberg, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Charles J. Mankin, Oklahoma Geological Survey
Chester o. McCorkle, Jr., University of California
Norton Nelson, New York University Medical Center
Daniel A. Okun, University of North Carolina
David Pimentel, Cornell University
John E. Tilton, Pennsylvania State University
Alvin M. Weinberg, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
E. Bright Wilson, ex officio, Harvard University
Wallace D. Bowman, Executive Director
Charles J. Mankin, Chairman, Oklahoma Geological Survey
John E. Tilton, Vice Chairman, Pennsylvania State University
Philip H. Abelson, Science
William c. Ackermann, University of Illinois
Paul B. Barton, U.S. Geological Survey
Earl H. Beistline, University of Alaska
James Boyd, Consultant
Howard R. Gould, EXXON Production Research Company
George R. Hill, University of Utah
Hans H. Landsberg, Resources for the Future, Inc.
Vincent E. McKelvey, U.S. Geological Survey
Harry Perry, Resources for the Future, Inc.
Joe B. Rosenbaum, Consultant
Robert s. Long, Executive Secretary
George White, Associate Executive Secretary
Earl H. Beistline, Chairman, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Clayton G. Ball, Evanston, Illinois
Jerry Brown, u.s. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory
Perry R. Hagenstein, Consultant
Charles F. Herbert, Consultant
Celia Hunter, Fairbanks, Alaska
Arthur H. Lachenbruch, u.s. Geological Survey
William s. Laughlin, University of Connecticut
Harold E. Malde, u.s. Geological Survey
Jay Dee McKendrick, University of Alaska, Palmer
A. Thomas Ovenshine, u.s. Geological Survey
Francis J. Pettijohn, The Johns Hopkins University
Glenn J. Phillips, Golder Associates
George w. Rogers, University of Alaska, Juneau
Ross G. Schaff, State Geologist, Alaska
Lidia L. Selkregg, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Editorial Subcommittee
Francis J. Pettijohn, Chairman, The Johns Hopkins Univarsity
Earl H. Beistline, Universi~y of ~laska
Perry R. Hagenstein, Consultant
Harold E. Malde, u.s. Geological Survey
Glenn J. Phillips, Golder Associates
Lidia L. Selkregg, University of Alaska
George White, Senior Staff Officer
Richard G. Ray, Staff Officer and Special Contributor
Erika H. Ridgway, Staff Associate
Charlotte A. Gott, Secretary
Lavon D. Norris, Secretary
Alfred F. Jahns, Esq., Board of Surface Mining and Reclamation Appeals
Robert Lamke, u.s. Geological Survey
Robert B. Weeden, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
1.1 Purposes of the Act and Objectives of the Study 1
1.2 Organization and Content of the Report 2
1.3 Alaskan Environments 3
1.4 Historical Development of Mining in Alaska 6
1.4.1 Environmental Perspective
1.4.2 Socioeconomic Perspective
2.1 History of Coal Mining and Development in Alaska 10
2.2 Geographic and Geologic Setting of Alaska's coal
Deposits 16
Arctic Region (North Slope Basin)
Interior Region (Nenana Basin)
Southcentral Region (Cook Inlet Basin)
Other Alaskan Coal Deposits
2.3 Comparison of Alaskan with Other U.S. Coal
2.4 Potential for Coal Development
Arctic Region (North Slope Basin)
Interior Region (Nenana Basin)
Southcentral Region (Cook Inlet Basin)
3.1 Environmental Conditions and Coal Development 31
3 .1.1 Climate 34
vii Arctic Region 34 Interior Region 41 Southcentral Region 41 Common Problems Related to Climate 41
3.1.2 Permafrost 43
3 .1.2 .1
Classification and Characteristics
Engineering Considerations
Slope Stability
Land Restorability
3.1.3 Vegetation
Character of Native Vegetation
3.1.4 Hydrology
3 .1.4 .1
3 .1.4 .2
Surface Water
Ground Water
Water Quality
Hydrology of Major Coal-Bearing
Regions Arctic Region Interior Region Southcentral Region Water Problems of Special
Importance with Respect to PL 95-87 84
3 .1.5
3 .1.6
3 .1.5 .1
3 .1.5 .2
3 .1.5 .3
3 .1.4 .5 .2
Basic Data
Water Quality
Sedimentation Ponds
Volcanic Activity
89 Characteristics of Alaskan Wildlife 89
Southcentral Region
Interior Region
Arctic Region Wildlife Harvests Southcentral Region Interior Region Arctic Region
95 Effects of Coal Mining on Wildlife 95
3 .1.6 .3 .1
On-Site Effects
Off-Site Effects
Effects of Patterns of
Wildlife Utilization Wildlife Considerations in
3.2 Socioeconomic Conditions and Coal Development
3.2.1 Population and Population Density
3.2.2 Native Economies and Subsistence Harvest Native Economies Subsistence Harvest
3.2.3 Transportation and Access Development of Alaska's
Transportation System Transportation of Coal
3.2.4 Land Use Farm Land Forest and Rangelands Wilderness
3.2.5 Social Impact of Surface Mining
Arctic Region
Interior Region
Southcentral Region
3.3 Institutional and Regulatory Environment
3.3.1 Land Status
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Leasing and Land-Use Regulation on State and
Federal Lands
Local Government Controls
General Environmental Regulations
Treaty Obligations
4.1 Objectives of PL 95-87 148
4.2 Considerations in Controlling the Impacts of Coal
Mining 151
4.2.1 Deciding What Degree of Control i~ Needed
4.2.2 Matching the Level of Decision-Making to the
4.2.3 Methods of Controlling Impacts of coal Mining
4.3 Criteria for Evaluating PL 95-87 for Alaska
5.1 Significance of Conditions in Alaska for Evaluating
the Act's Suitability for Alaska
5.1.1 Special Qualities of Some Conditions in
5.1.2 Elements of the Act Not Specially Affected by
Conditions in Alaska
5.2 Assumptions of the Act and Their validity for Alaska 163
5.2.1 Need for a National Program 164 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 164 Discussion 166
5.2.2 Focus on Developed Land 168 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 168 Discussion 171 Significance of
Undeveloped Land in
Land Use in Alaska
Land Ownership and
Jurisdiction in Alaska
Land-Use Planning as a
Basis for Decisions on
Surface Coal Mining in
5.2.3 Dependence of Permits on Reclaimability
Synopsis of Provisions of PL 95-87
Discussion Meaning of Reclamation as
Implied by the Act 179 Validity of
Reclaimability as a
Condition for Mining 180 Feasibility of
Reclamation in the
Southcentral Region 182 Uncertainty of Objectives
for Reclamation in Areas
of Permafrost 186
5.2.4 Emphasis Limited to Affected Land 190 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 190 Discussion 191 Impacts from Access to
Undeveloped Land 192 Impacts on Communities 193
5.2.5 Biological and Social Impacts to Be
Controlled by Regulating Physical Effects
of Mining Synopsis of Provisions of PL 95-87
Related to Fish and Wildlife 195 Discussion 195 Synopsis of Provisions of PL 95-87
Related to Social Conditions 199 Discussion 201
5.2.6 Mining Effects Thought to Be Temporary 205 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 205 Discussion 206
5.2.7 Results of Mining and Reclamation Assumed to
Be Predictable 206 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 207 Discussion 209 Unpredictability of
Mining and Reclamation
Results in Alaska 209 Surface Mining in
Permafrost Terrain 212 Protection of Water
Supplies 214 Earthquakes and Floods 215
5.2.8 Environmental Problems to Be Mitigated by
Following Prescribed Practices Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of
PL 95-87 215 Discussion 219 Unsuitability of
Prescribed Practices for
Alaska 219 Performance Standards of
the Act from the
Perspective of Alaskan
Conditions 220
Appendix A Sequential Analysis of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (PL 95-87) Provisions as They Pertain
to Alaskan Conditions
Title I Section 101 Findings
Title v Section 507 Application Requirements
Section 508 Reclamation Plan Requirements
Section 509 Performance Bonds
Section 510 Permit Approval or Denial
Appendix B
Section 511
Section 512
Section 515
Section 516
Section 522
Environmental Law
Revision of Permits
Coal Exploration and Permits
Environmental Protection
Performance Standards
Surface Effects of Underground
Coal Mining Operations
Designating Areas Unsuitable
for Surface Coal Mining
I Federal Environmental Law Applicable to Coal
Mining Activity in Alaska
A Water Related Provisions
B Clean Air Act
C Solid Waste Management
D Coal Management
II Alaska Environmental Protection Laws Relevant to
Coal Resource Development Activities
A Introduction
B Agency Responsibilities
1. Department of Environmental Conservation
a) Introduction
b) Water Pollution Control
c) Air Pollution Control
d) Solid Waste Management
e) Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution
f) Environmental Procedures Coordination
2. Department of Natural Resources
a) Introduction
b) Land Use Permits
c) Lease Provisions
3. Department of Fish and Game
C Conclusion
III Local Government Controls
A General Background
B Specific Local Government Controls that Might
Affect Surface Mining
1. Planning, Platting, and Zoning
2. Air Pollution Control
3. Coastal Zone Management
Attachment: Criteria of Federal Land Unsuitability
for All or Certain Types of Surface
Coal Mining Activity
1.1 Shaded relief map showing the three major regions of
mainland Alaska 5
2.1 Histogram showing coal resources in major coal basins
of Alaska 11
2.2 Sketch map showing location of principal coal deposits
in Alaska 17
2.3 Outcrops of Cretaceous coal along the Kukpowruk River,
western part of the North Slope coal basin 18
2.4 Sketch map showing extent of Healy Creek and Lignite Creek
coal fields and location of current mining operations 20
2.5 Gently dipping coal beds near head of Lignite Creek 22
2.6 Sketch map showing location of coal fields in the
Cook Inlet basin 23
2.7 Outcrop of coal bed in the Beluga coal field area 25
3.1 Mean daily minimum temperature distribution, January
(degrees Fahrenheit) 35
3.2 Mean daily maximum temperature distribution, January
(degrees Fahrenheit) 35
3.3 Mean daily minimum temperature distribution, July
(degrees Fahrenheit) 36
3.4 Mean daily maximum temperature distribution, July
{degrees Fahrenheit) 36
3.5 Charts showing hours of sunlight and twilight for
different latitudes and months of the year 37
3.6 Mean annual precipitation distribution, in inches 38
3.7 Snowfall distribution, in inches 39
3.8 Thawed lake sediments flowing around blade of bulldozer.
Ice-rich permafrost exposed during construction of
Richard~uD Highway near Paxon. 44
3.9 General features of permafrost terrain
3.10 Ice wedges in muck silt bluffs along the Kololik
River, northern Alaska
3.11 Distribution of permafrost and glaciers in Alaska
3.12 Map showing distribution of tundra in Alaska
3.13 View of denuded area at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,
experimentally revegetated with Tundra bluegrass.
Growth shown at end of second season.
3.14 View of denuded area at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,
experimentally revegetated with Tundra bluegrass.
Growth shown at end of fifth season.
3.15 Average annual runoff in cubic feet per second per
square mile
3.16 Index map showing location of gaging stations
providing data for Table 3.3 of this report
3.17 Generalized availability of ground water in Alaska
3.18 Summer normal concentration of suspended sediment
in Alaskan streams
3.19 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in
the Arctic Region
3.20 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in
the Interior Region
3.21 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in
the Southcentral Region
3.22 Map showing distribution of caribou rangeland and
calving grounds in Alaska
3.23 Map showing distribution of existing roads in Alaska
3.24 Map showing distribution of cultivable soils in Alaska
3.25 Map showing boundaries of regional corporations
established under ANCSA and estimated combined
regional and village corporation entitlements (in
millions of acres)
2.1 Geologic characteristics of Alaskan coal deposits
2.2 Alaska coal production and value from 1880 through
2.3 Chronology of events in coal development and
production in Alaska, 1786-1977
2.4 Comparison of Alskan coal with coal of the
conterminous United States
3.1 Environmental conditions of coal-bearing regions
of Alaska
3.2 Comparative temperature and precipitation data
for coal areas of Alaska and the conterminous
United States
3.3 Approximate mean suspended sediment loads and
concentrations for various discharges of
representative streams in or near potential
coal-mining areas in Alaska
3.4 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to coal fields of the North Slope
3.5 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Point Hope coal field
3.6 Large mammals, birds, and fish in the Nenana
Basin coal fields
3.7 Large mammals, birds, and fish in the Eagle-
Circle coal field
3.8 Large mammals, birds, and fish in the Broad
Pass coal field
3.9 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Beluga and Yentna coal fields
3.10 Large man~als, birds, and fish in the Matanuska
coal field
3.11 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Kenai coal field
3.12 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Bering River coal field
3.13 Large mammalsr birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Chignik coal field
3.14 Large mammals, birds, and fish in or adjacent
to the Herendeen Bay coal field
3.15 Socioeconomic conditions of coal-bearing regions
of Alaska
3.16 Comparison of Alaskan population with that of
other states (1970 census)
3.17 Estimates of subsistence harvest {in pounds)
3.18 Subsistence harvest of mammals in the Arctic
Region of Alaska (including th~ Point Hope area)
3.19 Land use in Alaska, the conterminous United States,
and Montana (in thousands of acres)
3.20 Land~tatus in Alaska, the conterminous United States,
and Montana (in thousands of acres)
5.1 Procedures to control biological impacts that r~sult
from certain physical effects associated with coal
The Nation today is faced with a serious energy problem. Domestic
production of petroleum has been declining in recent years, while our
dependence on foreign oil has been increasing. we continue to be
vulnerable to interruptions in the supply of foreign oil similar to
that whi-ch occurred in 1973. In addition to nuclear power, our
principal alternative to oil, at least for the near term, is coal. The
energy that might be obtained from coal is more than an order of
magnitude greater than can be obtained from oil. The need to develop
domestic coal resources is obvious, and there is little doubt that coal
will play an increasingly important role in our energy future.
Alaska's coal resources, underlying about 12 percent of the land,
are large, perhaps equal to those of the rest of the United States.
Only a small part of Alaska's coal is recoverable with present
technology, and even less can be produced at a profit today. The
mining and transporting of Alaskan coal will present major technical
and economic problems, chiefly because of the remoteness of the coal
areas, the hostile climate, and the unique characteristics of the
Alaskan environment. Development of the coal resources will require
the construction of access roads, railroads, docking and loading
structures, and other facilities. Mining and construction activities
will substantially alter the terrain, because mining by its very nature
disrupts the environment. Many of these disruptions will be
short-lived, but some may be permanent.
Coal resources in Alaska could make an important contribution to
replacing petroleum needs. Even if alternate sources of energy are
sufficiently developed over the long term to meet heating and
electricity-generating needs, coal will continue to be needed as a
reducing agent for iron ores, as a raw material in the petrochemical
industries, and for other nonfuel purposes. Alaskan coal, however,
should be exploited in an environmentally acceptable way. This report
discusses the circumstances under which coal mining in Alaska can meet
the environmental objectives of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (PL 95-87).
The Committee on Alaskan Coal Mining and Reclamation, in response
to a mandate in Section 708 of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977, studied "surface coal mining conditions in
the State of Alaska, in order to determine which, if any, of the
provisions of the Act should be modified with respect to surface coal
mining operations in Alaska." Our discussion of surface coal mining
refers to both surface mining and the surface effects of underground
We examined not only the provisions of the Act themselves but also
the Act as a whole. Is it comprehensive? Are the assumptions on
which it is based valid for Alaskan conditions? From our analysis
emerged a number of recommendations, which, along with their
supporting rationale, are presented in Chapter 5. The
provision-by-provision analysis of the Act itself is presented in
Appendix A.
We took a broad view of our task and studied not only the impact
of mining at the site of operations but also the effects that extend
beyond the mine itself, including effects on social institutions, the
economy, the physical well-being of people, and the use of land. In
short, we looked at the natural environment--physical and
biological--and at the socioeconomic and regulatory environment. We
considered Alaskan conditions primarily from the perspective of a
potential increase in coal development, not of mining limited to
meeting local needs for energy.
We summarize here, first, ·our main findings about Alaskan
conditions, both natural and socioeconomic; we then present our
principal recommendations. Each finding and recommendation is
followed by a cross-reference to one or more sections of the report
that discuss the particular topic in more detail. The relationship of
elements of the recommendations to particular Alaskan conditions and
to specific provisions of the Act are outlined in a table at the end
of the summary. Additional findings and suggestions are contained
within the report.
(1) Alaska's major coal basins contain a vast amount of
coal--perhaps as much coal as is currently inferred for the rest of
the United States. The total coal resource may range from 1.9 to 5.0
trillion tons. Two hundred million tons are classified as reserves
based upon actual drilling or field studies; the rest of the resource
is classified as hypothetical and speculative. Moreover, some of it
lies beneath the waters of Cook Inlet and under the Chukchi Sea, and
some is at depths below the surface where it is not at present
minable. Clearly, better data are needed to estimate Alaska's coal
resources and reserves more closely. (Chapter 2)
(2) Although much of the coal will ultimately be extracted by
underground mining, large quantities are strippable and could be mined
and shipped using today's technology, especially in the Southcentral
Region. (Section 2.4.3)
(3) Most of Alaska~s coal resembles that of the western
States--subbituminous grade, low in sulfur, and present in nearly
horizontal seams. Locally, some coal is of higher grade and lies in
steeply tilted seams. (Section 2.3, Section 2.4)
There are some elements of Alaska's natural environment (climate,
permafrost, tundra, hydrology, and wildlife) that are unique or
substantially different from those of the conterminous United States
and that create special problems for coal mining and reclamation. In
some areas, geologic hazards, notably earthquakes, may also create
unusual problems. In addition, the geographical diversity of the
State and the deficiency of the scientific data base are factors that
require consideration if coal is to be developed in accordance with
the objectives of PL 95-87. For many parts of Alaska, mining and
reclamation will face problems not envisioned by the authors of the
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.
(1) The climate of much of Alaska is unusually severe and
significantly affects other environmental as well as socioeconomic
conditions. It is essential that mining and reclamation operations,
such as stripping of overburden, excavation of coal, grading of
spoils, control of water pollution, and revegetation, be carried out
Witll-special cognizance of climatic conditions, particularly the cold
winter temperatures and short summer growing season. The most severe
climatic effects are found at the high latitudes (north of the Arctic
Circle), where continuous permafrost and its unusual hydrologic
conditions prevail and where the growing season is limited to a few
weeks. The low winter temperatures and long periods of darkness may
lower the morale of employees. Maintenance and repair of equipment
can be impeded by the unpredictability of supply schedules. (Section
(2) Permafrost is the most unusual condition in Alaska,
continuous in the Arctic and discontinuous in much of the Interior
Region. Where the mean annual temperature is below 0°C (32°F), the
ground becomes perennially frozen, ~n some places to great depths.
Freezing completely alters the normal hydrologic regime; ground water
in the usual sense does not exist. Some frozen ground, when thawed,
loses strength and slumps or flows, resulting in failure of
foundations, bridges, roads, and the like. Some practices required by
the Act could initiate thawing and cause unwanted subsidence,
instability, and other undesirable results. Permafrost terrain
dictates mining and reclamation techniques that are different from
those envisaged in the Act. (Section, Section
(3) ~undra is dominant in the Arctic, but is generally present in
all permafrost areas of the State and in nonpermafrost areas at high
elevations. The plant cover consists largely of grasses, sedges,
mosses, lichens, shrubs, and herbs. The soils are low in nutrients.
Moreover, most native plants are poor seed or spore producers and
reproduce largely by vegetative means. Natural revegetation with
native species takes place slowly and may require decades to develop
complete vegetation equilibrium. For some vegetation (e.g., lichens)
it may take 50 to 100 years for full recovery. vegetation damaged
decades ago by tracked vehicles has recovered but vehicle tracks ~re
still visible in many areas. (Section 3.1.3)
(4) Earthquakes and floods are potential hazards in the coal
fields of the Southcentral Region of Alaska. Unlike the coal-mining
regions of the rest of the United States, with the possible exception
of coal fields in the State of washington, the Southcentral Region is
seismically active. Seismic risks would have to be considered in
placement of spoil piles, design of embankments, and the like. Such
risks are probably of little direct ~onsequence for reclamation,
however, and the provisions of the Act are adequate in this regard.
(Section 3~1.5)
(5) The wildlife of Alaska has unusual and diverse significance.
It is of special concern to Alaskans because of its wide use in
subsistence, commercial, and recreational activities; it is of
national interest because the unique environments provide unusual
opportunities for research into natural biotic systems. Migratory
behavior is common; consequently local impacts on the wildlife could
have far-reaching effects. Also, certain areas that are vulnerable to
human disturbance, such as wetlands, seacliffs, and other essential
habitats, are biologically important to a number of species. Although
effects of surface mining on wildlife in Alaska are still necessarily
speculative# a number of on-site and off-site effects can be
anticipated, together with changes in the ways in which the wildlife
resource might be used. (Section 3.1.6}
(6) Alaska has great geographical diversity. Any consideration
of coal mining and reclamation in relation to the appropriateness of
PL 95-87 for Alaska must keep regional differences in mind. Alaska's
three major coal basins--one in the Arctic, one in the Interior, and
one in the Southcentral Region of Alaska--have their own environmental
profiles, different in climate, topography, vegetation, wildlife, and
culture. The North Slope coal basin is unique, with its continuous
permafrost, tundra, caribou, Eskimo culture, and virtual absence of
surface transportation. The Nenana coal basin of the Interior Region
has discontinuous permafrost and areas of tundra, boreal forest, and
related wildlife, but it has surface transport facilities in or near
the coal fields, and is relatively close to established urban areas.
The Cook Inlet coal basin of the Southcentral Region generally lacks
permafrost, has access to ice-free ports, a relatively well developed
transportation network, and a mild climate by Alaskan standards,
similar to that of the Pacific Northwest. (Section 1.3)
(7) We find the scientific data base for much of Alaska,
particularly the permafrost areas, inadequate to comply with the
permitting requirements of the Act and inadequate for a predictive
understanding of the response of Alaska's complex natural environments
to mining and reclamation. Although maps of Alaska at scales of
l:250,DOO and 1:63,360 are adequate for most purposes, there is a lack
of coverage at scales of 1:25,000 or larger, which are the scales
stipulated by the Act for plotting geologic, hydrologic~ and other
data for application requirements. There is also a lack of adequate
hydrologic and climatic data about conditions in many coal-bearing
areas. Such data are required before mining permits can be issued
under the Act. Hydrologic and climatic data require a significant
number of observations over a considerable span of time to be
meaningful. For most coal areas, and especially those on the North
Slope, we lack the scientific data base to prescribe optimum practices
for achieving reclamation objectives even if such objectives were
known. (Section, Section,, Section, Section
Before proceeding with our study, we found it relevant to ask
whether or not the experience and technologies are available for
coping with the special conditions that prevail in Alaska. That is,
given the reclamation requirements of the Act, are technologies known
that can achieve them? The Committee's findings are summarized below.
(1) Alaska has limited experience in surface coal mining and
reclamation. Even though coal has been mined for more than 100
years--some by underground methods, some in open pits--experience in
large-scale mining under Alaskan conditions is limited. There is at
present only one coal mine in the State--near Healy--and it would be
risky to generalize from this operation to other parts of the State
where physical and biological environments are significantly different
from those at Healy. (Section 2.2, Section
(2) There is no surface coal mining in the North Slope coal
basin, which contains the largest coal resources of the State. The
only coal mining in this area has been for local village use. It has
been done on a small scale by underground methods. There has been
virtually no experience with surface coal mining elsewhere in the
world that provides information relevant to Arctic Alaska. (Section
(3) Mining and reclamation experience to date has been mainly at
Healy in the Nenana coal basin in the Interior Region of Alaska;
reclamation experience elsewhere is sparse. operations at Healy
demonstrate that surface mining, grading of spoils, and revegetation
in areas of discontinuous permafrost are controllable, although the
long-term success of reclamation is yet to be determined. (Section
(4) Limited coal-mining operations in the Southcentral Region
show that natural revegetation of disturbed areas takes place slowly.
Areas disturbed several decades ago in the Matanuska coal field are
now revegetated, but areas where mining took place in the 1960s are
still relatively barren. In the Beluga area, spoils from a test pit
excavated in 1971 are now being revegetated. These and other
observations suggest that revegetation is feasible in areas of
Southcentral Alaska with similar conditions. (Section
(5) There is limited experience in revegetation of disturbed
tundra. Most experience to date has been related to development of
oilfields and the pipeline. This experience spans only a little more
than a decade, and we do not yet know whether the results of
revegetation are self-perpetuating. Nonetheless, given favorable
conditions and judicious use of fertilizer, seeding with mixtures of
native grasses and introduced species has succeeded in producing
vegetative cover on disturbed sites. (Section, Section
(6} Information on the effect of resource development on Arctic
wildlife is limited and inconclusive. Experience elsewhere has shown
that man's occupancy of the lahd, with attendant changes in land use
and vegetative cover, has had serious effects on some species, all but
led to extinction of some (e.g., buffalo), and led to large increases
in the populations of others (e.g., white-tailed deer). Predictions
of what would happ~n if coal were to be mined on the North Slope are
very speculative at best. The record of what actually happened in the
case of the Prudhoe Bay oilfield, pipeline, and haul road is too brief
to draw any conclusions with assurance about long-term effects.
Coal mining has an impact on the socioeconomic environment as well
as the natural environment. The Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act contains provisions to promote the safety and
well-being of not only the indigeneous wildlife but also the human
population and to prevent conflict between mining and established land
use. We find that socioeconomic conditions in Alaska differ from
those elsewhere in the following significant ways.
(1) Alaska has a unique Native economy. Alaska has a significant
Native minority that is involved in subsistence hunting and fishing
activities. Although less dependent on subsistence activities than in
the past, many Native Alaskans still depend to a considerable extent
on the wildlife harvest. This dependence is far greater than that of
any Native culture in the conterminous united States. At the same
time, it should be noted that the Alaskan Natives, by virtue of the
Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act, have become corporate land
owners and thus may become involved in the mining of coal. (Section, Section 3.3.1)
(2) Alaska has the lowest population density of any State.
Significant coal-bearing areas are virtually uninhabited. The Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act was designed primarily for mining
where the land is inhabited and has been previously developed for some
specific use. It is necessary, therefore, to examine those provisions
of the Act designed to protect the indigenous population and ask
whether they are necessary or appropriate to, or should be modified
for, Alaska. (Section 3.2.1)
(3) Most of Alaska lacks a surface transportation network. The
existing transportation system will have to be expanded for new coal
m1n1ng in many areas. Such a system would not only have its own
impact on the environment but it would open up undeveloped areas to
settlement and exploitation. (Section 3.2.3)
(4) There has been no prior land use in large areas of Alaska.
Unlike the conterminous United States, Alaska has vast areas of land
that are unused by humans except indirectly as a support base for
wildlife and the subsistence harvest of the Natives. Many provisions
of the Act, such as those designed to protect prime farmland, pertain
to conditions that are not found in Alaska. On the other hand, the
Act is not designed to deal with mineral development in pristine
areas. (Section 3.2.4)
(5) Status of the land in Alaska is in flux. Under the Alaska
Statehood Act and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, some lands
under Federal ownership are being transferred to the State and to the
Native Corporations, and those retained by the Federal government are
being reclassified for various uses. Leasing for coal mining on
Federal lands is being held in abeyance until some stability in land
status is achieved. (Section 3.3, Appendix B)
(6) There is lack of understanding and agreement on what
constitutes an appropriate postmining land use. Until such agreement
is reached, it will not be possible to identify objectives for final
postmining configurations of the physical, biological, or
socioeconomic environments, and this leaves reclamation objectives
uncertain also. As a result, one can now specify only one reclamation
objective: return of the mining site to its premining use or
character. This level of reclamation could indeed be appropriate for
many areas in Alaska. With identified objectives for land use,
however, plans for different postmining uses could be made. But the
problem is probably not a lack of planning--even statewide
planning--but perhaps too many plans and a lack of coordination among
them. Coordinating State planning with Federal laws, borough and
village requirements, and local land-use planning, as indicated in PL
95-87, is needed for orderly coal development. (Section 3.3.4, Section
As in other States, implementation of PL 95-87 in Alaska adds a
range of regulations to an existing framework of regulations affecting
some aspects of coal mining. In particular, environmental quality
regulations, procedures for leasing coal on Federal and State lands,
and l~ws or treaties concerning wildlife have an impact on coal
mining. We believe the following findings are of particular
(1) Much of the area in which coal deposits are found is in State
or Federal ownership, under which permits for exploration and leases
for development of coal typically include requirements aimed at
controlling environmental disruptions. These requirements complement,
rather than substitute for, the requirements of PL 95-87. (Section
3.3.1, Section 3.3.2)
(2) Designation by Congress of some Federal land as national
parks, national wildlife refuges, national wild and scenic rivers, and
wilderness areas will bar coal mining in large areas of Alaska. On
other Federal lands, land-use planning now under way should help in
developing guidelines to control mining under Federal leases and under
PL 95-87. (Section 3.3.1, Section 3.3.2)
(3} Alaska has comprehensive environmental protection legislation,
but most of the State's regulations for implementing this legislation
are not yet detailed, largely because the circumstances of development
do not warrant it. As coal-mining activity increases in the State,
more detailed regulatory standards can be expected. (Section 3.3.4}
The Congress, in calling for this study, recognized that
modifications of the Act may be appropriate for Alaskan conditions and
implied that both mining and reclamation standards for Alaska are
still to be determined. This report discusses issues to be considered
during planning for commercial coal mining on a larger scale than is
now practiced in Alaska. Because of limited mining and reclamation
experience in Alaska, it is premature to suggest exact modifications
of the Act. Nevertheless; we point out how appropriate mining and
reclamation standards could be determined for areas in which unique
environmental and socioeconomic conditions prevail. we also suggest
where the standards of the Act could be met, based on similarities
between Alaskan conditions and conditions in coal-mining areas in the
conterminous United States.
Because of Alaska's enormous potential for coal-development, some
decisions will inevitably involve a wide range of interests and
concerns--Federal, State, local, and Native. Decisions about mining
in Alaska will involve long-term commitments of land use, and
trade-offs will have to be made. In Alaska, as elsewhere, such
decisions involve finding a balance among the benefits of mining, its
direct and external environmental and social costs, and the degree to
which these costs are borne by the mining companies themselves. These
matters in Alaska appear to vary between regions of the State and with
respect to conditions in other States. Thus, to the degree that we
are able to distinguish such differences, we give below our principal
recommendations, listing them in no particular order of priority.
(1) Feasible standards for mining and reclamation in Alaska are
still largely to be defined but can be expected to vary from region to
region. For Southcentral Alaska, we believe that the performance
standards of the Act can be achieved, but we recommend that regulatory
procedures focus initially on innovative and effective methods for
meeting the Act's environmental objectives instead of strictly
following the Act's prescribed practices. In the Nenana basin, we
recommend that the standards be determined from results that can be
achieved using the best available technology for dealing with
discontinuous permafrost and other special conditions that
characterize this region. For the North Slope, the mining and
reclamation emphasis, apart from mining coal for local use, should be
to obtain data on the basis of which the response of permafrost
terrain to mining and reclamation practices can be evaluated and on
the basis of which the unavoidable consequences of surface mining can
be understood. (Section
(2) The conditions in the Southcentral Region (Cook Inlet coal
basin) are similar enough to those in some of the conterminous United
States to warrant initial regulation of surface coal mining under
provisions of the Act, and we recommend that this be done. Results of
actual operations, however, may show that certain mining and
reclamation standards now in the Act need modification for this
region. (Section
(3) To the best of our knowledge, large-scale surface coal mining
and reclamation have not yet been attempted anywhere in the world
under Arctic conditions, i.e., widespread permafrost and tundra. Only
limited experience from oilfield and pipeline development is available
to guide revegetation of tundra and to predict the effects of
industrial development on the indigenous wildlife. If an operator
were granted a variance to mine coal on a commercial scale for a
limited time on the North Slope, much could be learned about the
effects of mining on the environment and about reclamation
technologies. However, we recommend a go-slow policy for mining on
the North Slope. Such a policy would involve initial small-scale
operations for testing and developing techniques for mining and
reclamation so that standards feasible for commercial mining on a
large scale, using the best available technology, can be determined.
Such small-scale operations are not likely to be profitable, and
government subsidy or partnership or a government corporation may be
needed. In addition, we recommend that appropriate variances be made
for small-scale coal mines whose output is needed for heating villages
and towns on the North Slope. (Section 4.2.3, Section
(4) The coal-mining operation at Healy shows that obvious
problems of surface mining and reclamation in the Nenana basin are
controllable by practices now being used, but more experience and
demonstrations of other technologies are needed before mining and
reclamation standards can be accurately defined for Interior Alaska as
a whole. Although operations in this region are more feasible than on
the North Slope, discontinuous permafrost and other special conditions
here make mining and reclamation more difficult than in Southcentral
Alaska. We recommend, therefore, that Federal and State performance
standards suitable for the Nenana basin be developed in accord with
the general objectives of the Act, based initially on mining and
reclamation results achieved at Healy. Conditions elsewhere.in
Interior Alaska may differ significantly from those at Healy, and
performance standards for Healy may need to be modified for other
areas, as experience dictates. (Section, Section
(5) The extent of past and current mining in Alaska is too
limited to be used as a basis for predicting the effects of new mining
on wildlife, especially on the North Slope, and the impacts of the
trans-Alaska Pipeline are not sufficiently like those of mining to
provide firm guidelines for wildlife protection. Species that are
valuable for Native subsistence and for their biological importance
should be protected from any adverse effects of mining. We recommend
that estimates of the potential effects of surface coal mining on
wildlife be made so that (a) mining can be permitted in a planning
framework that protects areas designated as critical habitats and (b)
procedures can be identified to mitigate on-site and off-site effects.
(Section 3.1.6, Section
(6) Given the remoteness of coal fields in Alaska and the unusual
environmental conditions in parts of the State, we recommend that
regulatory procedures designed to protect populated areas from the
hazards and nuisances of blasting and to meet the air quality
requirements of the Act (for example controlling fugitive dust from
surface disturbance) exercise no more than the level of control
appropriate to local or regional conditions. (Section
(7) We recommend that effects of coal development in Alaska on
Native subsistence economies be assessed to determine how adverse
effects can be mitigated and to comprehend how desires of Alaskan
Natives can best be reconciled with planning for development of the
State's coal resources. (Section
(8) The mixture of Federal, State, and private interests in
Alaska, including those of the Native regional corporations and
villages, combined with the lack of transportation and the undeveloped
character of most of the land, make it imperative that interests in
all natural resources of Alaska be reconciled to avoid conflicts. We
recommend, therefore, that the Federal Government establish an --
authority to reconcile, coordinate, and implement policies and plans
for coal development in Alaska, drawing from the broadest possible
range of areas of interest to ensure the weighing of public goals.
(Chapter 4, Section
(9) We recommend that areas in Alaska be identified as "prime
coal lands" (lands underlain by coal that can be readily mined by
surface methods). The designation of prime coal lands would identify
areas of significant resource potential and would provide basic
information for weighing the mineral value of these lands against the
actual or expected value of other current or anticipated uses.
Because the status of much of the land in Alaska is yet to be
determined, and because of the potential importance of Alaska's coal
resources, not only to the State but to the Nation, prime coal lands
should be identified so that land classifications, which might
preclude mining, are not made without a full knowledge of the resource
value. (Section
>: >: >:
Summary Table. Environmental and Socioeconomic Subjects and Related Recommendations Pertaining to the
Suitability of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (PL 95-87) to Alaska
Cooperation With a National Program
Requirements for Alaska might differ
from those of a national program.
Comprehensive planning for integrated
development of all resources may be
Several responsibilities for coal
development on Federal lands are
reserved to the Secretary.
Pertinent section ..
of the Act
503 (a), 504 (a),
505, 52l(d)
Mining and Reclamation in Southcentral Alaska
Reclamation appears to be feasible
under provisions of the Act, although
not yet demonstrated.
Because the degree of reclamation
that may be possible is still to
be determined, exploration by
conventional methods may cause
lasting damage.
102 (C) I 507 (d) 1
508(a), 510(b) (2)
511 (a) (2) 1 515 1
516, 519, 522
512 (a)
Section of
Recommendation or Comment
The Act should be modified for
Alaskan conditions.
The Act as modified should be an
important element in any overall
program that involves management of
coal development.
Actions on Federal and non-Federal
lands generally should be mutually
consistent with the State program, but
some matters may call for Federal
Express reclamation objectives of the
Act initially as results to be achieved
by trying various promising procedures
in a flexible and innovative manner,
and monitor operations to obtain
information about results of various
For coal exploration, travel when the
te~rain is frozen or snow-covered,
using low-pressure-tire vehicles.
Move approximately parallel to contours
or, where possible, along frozen stream
beds. Construct access roads only where
eventual surface mining is likely.
Completely plug drill holes with.cement
or drill cuttings as necessary to
prevent contamination of .ground water.
Grading and backfilling requirements
presumably could be met but may not be
beneficial in same places, depending
on plans for postmining land use.
Engineering experience suggests that
disposal requirements for solid wastes
could be met, including proper disposal
of potentially toxic or acid-forming
Protection of water supplies during
mining would require a knowledge of
the hydrologic balance similar to
that required by the Act, but
information about existing hydrologic
conditions is meager, and workable
procedures to protect water supplies
are not yet demonstrated.
Requirements for control of pollution
of surface water and ground water
probably could be met, to the extent
that these provisions are workable
in the Pacific Northwest. However,
discharge of sediment to certain
glacial streams might be relatively
insignificant at some times of the
year, and sedimentation ponds might
have limited effectiveness because
of icing.
515 (b) (3),
515(b) (17),
515 (d), 701 (2)
515 (b) (11),
515 (b) (13),
515 (b) (14),
515 (b) (22),
515 (b) (25), 515 (c) (4),
515 (d), 515 (f), 516 (b) (2)
516 (b) (3) 1 516 (b) (4) 1
516 (b) (5) r 516 (b) (8)
507 (b) (11),
508 (a) (13) 1
510 (b) (3) 1
510 (b) (5) 1
515 (b) (10)
515 (b) (4),
515 (b) (8),
515 (b) (9),
515 (b) (10 ) , 515 (b) ( 14 ) ,
515 (b) (18), 516 (b) (2):
516 (b) (3), 516 (b) (8),
516 (b) (9), 516 (b) (10) ,
516 (b) (12), 517 (b)
Make grading and backfilling
requirements consistent with
land-use plans.
Apply the performance standards
of the Act for solid wastes.
Provisions of the Act would be
effective in protecting water supplies,
but control practices should
recognize the strongly seasonal
character of runoff, the effect of
frozen ground at shallow depth, and
other hydrologic variables peculiar
to Alaskan climatic conditions.
A regulatory approach initially
should encourage demonstrations of
innovative practices that satisfy
the purposes of the Act. Innovative
methods for control of water impacts
also could be encouraged through the
stimulus of providing economic in-
centives for progress in achieving
control, to the degree that effluents
and seepage from individual mines
could be monitored.
Subject Pertinent Section
of the Act
Section of
Mining and Reclamation in Southcentral Alaska (continued)
Requirements for soil replacement
and revegetation probably can be
met, judging from rapid growth of
annual plants in most natural soils,
but little practical experience exists
to provide guidance on what practices
are likely to be most successful, or
on what standards for completion of
reveqetation could be met.
Mining and Reclamation in Interior Alaska
Results at Healy show that obvious
problems of mining and reclamation
are controllable in the Nenana basin,
but more experience is needed before
mining and reclamation standards can
be accurately defined for Interior Alaska
as a whole~ Operations would need to
deal with discontinuous permafrost
and with other special conditions that
make mining and reclamation more diffi-
cult than in Southcentral Alaska,
although comparatively more feasible
than on the North Slope •
Mining and Reclamation on the North Slope
Areas of continuous permafrost
disturbed by surface mining are not
known to be reclaimable under
provisions of the Act.
508(a} (5), 509(a),
509(b), 515(b}(5), 5.2.8 • .2.2
515 (b) (6), 515 (b) (7)'
515 (b) (19)' 515 (b) (20)'
515 (b) (22)' 516 (b) (6)
102 (c), 507 (d)
508(a), 510(b)(2),
511 (a) (2), 515,
516, 519, 522
102 (c), 507 (d),
508(a), 510(b) (2),
511 (a) (2) , 512 (a),
515, 516, 519,
522, 711
Recommendation or Comment
Apply revegetation requirements
initially in a flexible manner until
effective practices are more completely
demonstrated. The most suitable
requirements appear to be those
that would be consistent with
land-use plans.
Based initially on the experience at
Healy, mining and reclamation standards
for the Nenana basin should be deter-
mined from results that can be
achieved under known practices and
conditions, using the best available
technology. Because of the presence
of discontinuous permafrost and other
distlnctive environmental attributes,
operations would benefit from special
baseline information in advance of
mining and from monitoring the
response of permafrost areas during
mining and reclamation.
Under a modified version of the
provision for experimental practices
(Sec. 711), recognizing that the
degree of environmental protection
is uncertain, limit operations to
those necessary to test and develop
techniques for mining and reclamation.
Small-scale mining to supply local coal
needs could provide considerable experi-
ence on mining and reclamation technology
of permafrost areas.
X ...... ...... ......
Surface mining and reclamation in
permafrost would require develop-
ment of practical methods to deal
with unstable spoils, melting of
interstitial ice, control of out-
flow from thawed spoils, difficulties
of multiple-seam mining, collapse of
supporting ground under heavy equip-
ment, special handling of materials
with adverse physical properties,
inflow of ground water in non-frozen
zones, buildup of ice in excavations,
and control of solid wastes, among other
problems that can be anticipated. Little
experience is available for predicting
the outcome of a given application of
mining and reclamation technology.
Underground coal mining in perma-
frost appears to be feasible,
judging from experience in Europe
and Asia.
Unwanted thawing of pemafrost is
caused by disturbance of the
vegetative cover.
A knowledge of the distribution of
ice in frozen ground and the nature
of the earth materials would be
important in any mining activity
because these factors govern the
behavior of permafrost as thawing
101 (d), 101 (e),
507 (b) (7),
507 (b) (11),
507 (d),
508 (a) (4) 1
508 (a) (5) 1 508 (a) (7) ,
508(a) (13), 509(a),
509 (b), 510 (b) (3),
515 (b) (16), 515 (b) (17),
515 (b) (24) 1 516 (b) (10) 1
516 (b) (11) 1 519 (b) 1
519 (c)
. 516
515 (b) (22)
507(b) (11),
507 (b) (15) ,
508 (a) (12) ,
522 (a) (4)
Objectives for mining and reclamation
should be defined on the basis of
results that can be achieved, as
shown by field studies at places
previously disturbed, by studies of
the behavior of permafrost, and by
demonstrations of actual practices.
As attainable objectives become
known, their degree of acceptability
can best be evaluated in a framework
of public goals for land use.
The feasibility of meeting the Act's
provisions for controlling surface
impacts of underground mining in
permafrost terrain should be deter-
mined from practical experience in
limited, small~scale operations
and from previous experience in
Europe and Asia.
Contrary to the Act, spoils and road
fill should be placed directly on
the vegetative cover to reduce
undesirable thawing.
Data on the physical properties of
permafrost and its behavior as it
thaws, consolidates, and refreezes
should be obtained before and during
mining and reclamation operations.
X ......
Subject Pertinent Section
of the Act
Mining and Reclamation on the North Slope (continued)
Under natural conditions, the active
layer above the permafrost thaws
seasonally only to a shallow depth,
insulated as it is by a surface
organic mat. Natural thawing on
the North Slope has formed many
shallow basins called thaw lakes,
and the flat coastal-terrain is
conspicuously poorly drained and
The success of reclamation in perma-
frost terrain cannot be adequately
measured by the progress made in
controlling water pollution, as
described in the Act, because other
aspects of reclamation (desired
topography, self-regenerating vegeta-
tion, wildlife habitat, and so on)
may not be achieved.
Arctic streams of nonglacial origin
are notably clear, but runoff
caused by the thawing of ice-rich
permafrost associated with surface
mining would promote additional
thawing along the outflow channel,
together with an increased load of
sediment. Sedimentation ponds used
for temporary control of sediment
pollution might cause further
thawing, their failure could result
in serious pollution of streams.
515 (b) (3),
701 (2)
515 (b) (4), 517(b)
519 (b), 519 (c)
515 (b) (4),
515 (b) (8) r
515 (b) (10) 1
516 (b) (9)
Section of
Recommendation or COmment
To the degree that the existing
distribution of surface water in
permafrost areas represents thermal
and hydrological equilibrium, mining
activities should be designed to
minimize disruption of the thermal
Direct measurements of pertinent
thermal properties, soil movement,
and other factors related to stability
should be made as a basis for judging
the degree of reestablishment of
Control of sediment pollution caused
by mining in permafrost terrain
appears to require procedures that
would establish a new thermal
equilibrium for the mined landscape.
Practical methods to establish thermal
equilibrium in reasonable time should
be. investigated.
~ <:
Thawing of permafrost could allow
oxidation of sulfur-bearing minerals
and, hence, could lead to increased
acidity of surface water. The
magnitude of the potential for
acid drainage is unknown. The low
sulfur content of Alaskan coal
suggests that the potential is less
than in central and eastern coal
fields of the conterminous United
Experience with revegetation of
tundra areas is limited to disturbed
areas along roads, pipelines, and
the like. These efforts show that
disturbed tundra can be revegetated
by using mixtures of seeds, although
not with an assemblage equal to the
indigenous species.
Achieving stability of graded
slopes in permafrost terrain is
problematical because the thawed
material could flow on very low
gradients, and outflow of meltwater
would further aggravate instability.
Surface drainage in areas of e~cess
spoils would promote thawing and
erosion. Thawing in areas where
spoils are insufficient for back-
filling could tend to form expanding
thaw basins.
515 (b) (10),
515 (b) (14),
516 (b) (8), 516 (b) (9)
SOB(a) (5),
515 (b) (5) 1
515 (b) {6),
515 {b) ( 19) ,
515 (b) {20),
515 {b) {22),
516 (b) {6)
507 (b) (14)'
515 (b) (3)' 515 (d)
The potential for acid drainage in
permafrost areas disturbed by mining
should be determined from measure-
ments of water quality.
Experiments to grow tundra vegetation
on mined spoils and to produce use-
ful and larger quantities of seedS
should be a continuing effort, to-
gether with related agricultural
research pertinent to revegetation
of disturbed areas. Hesults of
such investigations should be
available before significant areas
of tundra are disturbed. Heqtiire-
ments for revegetation should be
consistent with land-use plans.
Physical and mechanical properties
of permafrost should be determined
at representative sites to evaluate
what stability and grading require-
ments can be achieved,
Wildlife in Alaska has special
significance for subsistence
activities and as relatively
undisturbed ecosystems, but the
Act's assumption that impacts on
wildlife can be mitigated by
control of physical effects is of
uncertain validity for some parts
of Alaska.
Geologic Hazards
Earthquakes in Southcentral Alaska
occur with greater frequency and
with more severity than in other
coal regions in the conterminous
United States. Floods can be
severe in some parts of the State.
Land Ownership
Virtually all land in Alaska is
owned by the Federal or State
government or is controlled by
Native entities.
Divided ownership and jurisdiction
in Alaska makes for competing
interests--National, state, local,
and Native--that are not yet
Pertinent section
of the Act
515 (b) (17),
515 (b) (24),
516 (b) (10),
516 (b) (11)
No provisions
Section of
507(d), 508(a)(2),
508 (a) (3), 508 (a) (8),
515(b)(2), 515(c)(3),
515 (e), 522 (a) (3),
522 (d)
503(a), 52l(d)
Recommendation or Comment
Mitigation of impacts on wildlife
depends on avoiding loss of natural
systems and key habitats in
designated areas, on protection
obtained during mining, and on the
success of reclaiming wildlife
habitats. Thus, to satisfy the aims
of the Act for protection of fish
and wildlife, mitigation involves
agreement on land-use objectives
and requires an understanding of
feasible controls over mining and
Apply best engineering technology to
resist effects of seismic shock.
Obtain further hydrologic data for
predicting the magnitude of floods
in areas where coal development is
Surface coal mining and its possible
impacts should be recognized by land
management agencies before deciding
on optimum land use.
Patterns of ownership pertain to
decisions on development that involve
Native subsistence economies, shipping
of coal by land and sea, management
of resources, and other factors of
land use.
X <: 1-J.
Land Use
Considerations of coal mining in
Alaska pertain to effects of
developing previously undeveloped
Alaska consists mostly of wildlife
areas that are valued for
subsistence, as biological refuges,
for recreation, and as unspoiled
Desires for land use arise from
public goals that involve the
interests of people from a wide
The Act's concept of surface coal
mining as a temporary land use is
of doubtful applicability to
Alaska because new land uses that
become permanent are introduced by
mining, and original conditions
cannot necessarily be restored.
Designating lands as open or closed
to surface coal mining depends on
land-use planning.
As recognized by the Act, land-use
plans are based on information about
the land, and decisions on proposed
mining sites involve a detailed
assessment of such information.
507 (d) I 508 (a) (2) 1
508 (a) (3),
508 (a) (8),
515 (b) (2),
515 (c) (3),
515 (e)
522 (a) (3)
522 (a) I 522 (b) I
522 (c)
l02(e), 508(a)(7),
508 (a) (10), 515 (b) (16)
515 (b) (20) 1 515 (b) (23) 1
516(b)(l0), 516(d),
519 (b), 519 (c)
522 (a) (1)
201 (c) (8), 5.2 .2 .2 .4
507 (b) (11) 1
507 (b) (12) 1 507 (b) (15) 1
508 (a) (12) I 517 (b) (1) I
517(b)(2), 517(f),
522 (b) (4) I 705 (b) (2)
Coordinated plans and policies for
development, including coal develop-
ment, would be timely and advantageous.
A policy is needed to establish future
uses of Alaska's undeveloped land.
Public goals for land use in Alaska
should be a basis for setting
objectives for mining and reclamation.
The need to make long-term allocations
in land-use priorities supports the
view that rational coal development
in Alaska requires goals for land use.
Agreement on land-use goals through
coordinated plans for coal regions in
Alaska could avoid possible future
pitfalls of choices made on a site-by-
site basis.
The planning process should
provide general information for
designating land use, as well as
specific data fQr assessing
proposed mines.
X <: ..... ..... ......
Land Use (continued)
Consideration of options for resource
development involves numerous factors
besides an assessment of mining
Decisions about min.ing involve an
understanding of postmining needs
and how these can be achieved if
mining is done.
Access and Transportation
Roads into Alaska • s undeveloped areas
are not necessarily viewed as an
Unqualified blessing, and a
decision to build such a road for
coal development requires an under-
standing of its many uses and
consequences. Land-use controls
could minimize impacts on land
along transportation corridors.
Transportation routes cross
jurisdictional boundaries and are
paid for by each of the responsible
governmental bodies.
Existing transportation routes favor
development of the Matanuska, Nenana,
and Jarvis Creek areas. Proximity
to shipping favors the Southcentral
Region and parts of the North Slope
as places for future development.
Pertinent Section
of the Act
102 (f), 522 (a) (4)
522(a)(5), 522(b),
601 (a) I 601 (b) 1
701 (20)
Section of
508 (a) (8), 515 (b) (2),
515 (c) (3), 515 (e),
522 (a), 522 (b)
No provisions
No provisions
No provisions
Recommendation or Comment
Management of resources can be
considered .i.n the light of settle-
ment patterns, economic forces,
employment opportunities, need for
renewable resources, and other
socioeconomic factors, in addition
to the need for minerals.
The management authority must
analyze the many factors pertaining
to future land-use needs. Control
of mining and reclamation is one
element in satisfying these needs.
Decisions on transportation for
development of Alaska coal should be
made by coordinating land-use plans.
SUch patterns of jurisdiction indicate
the need for coordinated pl~ing.
A decision to develop any coal field
in Alaska should be compatible with
other land-use goals.
Construction and maintenance of
roads in Alaska involve difficult
engineering problems for which
standards used in the conterminous
United States are generally
inappropriate or insufficient,
although informal standards
in use address specific conditions
encountered in various regions
of the State.
Native Subsistence Economies
Subsistence on wildlife
resources from the land and sea
continues to be a desired way of
life for many rural Natives,
particularly on the North Slope,
although they are making increasing
use of money. Thus, coal develop-
ment in Alaska involves finding
ways to accommodate Native interests.
In this matter, the Natives themselves
may have mixed views, in that valued
cultural traditions compete with
desires to exploit resources owned
by Native Corporations.
Other Social Conditions
Major coal development in Alaska
can be expected to be associated
with adverse symptoms of growth
(the boom-town syndrome) in various
degrees, depending on the location
of the mining.
515 (b) (17),
516 (b) (10)
lOl(c), 102(a)
522 (b) (3
No provisions
Formal standards for roads suitable
for Alaskan conditions should be
established by law.
An assessment of effects of coal
development on Native socioeconomic
conditions would be desirable to
determine how such effects could be
mitigated and how desires of Alaskan
Natives could best be accommodated
in planning for development of Alaska's
coal resources.
Substantial coal development in
Alaska should be accompanied by
forming institutional structures to
reduce social stress on communities
and people. 'llle needed public funds
should come primarily, or entirely,
from coal production. Social effects
of development should be monitored.
Other Social Conditions (continued)
surface ownership is separated from
underlying mineral rights in some
places in Alaska because of laws
pertaining to Federal, State, and
Native lands.
Rights to surface water and ground
water in Alaska are apportioned
according to the doctrine of prior
Blasting at coal mines in Alaska
is not likely to damage off-site
buildings or cause public annoyance,
because of the State's sparse
population and the remoteness of
its coal fields.
Abandoned coal mines are not a
burdensome social problem in Alaska,
although certain old workings may
be causing water pollution and acid-
mine drainage.
Pertinent Section
of the Act
510 (b) (6),
714 (c), 714 (d)
508 (a) (13),
515 (b) (8),
507 (g), 515 (b) (15},
Title IV
Section of
Recommendation or Comment
The Act's provisions for surface
owner consent, or for consultation
in the case of leasing for surface
coal mining, should be applied to
Alaska. The surface rights of Native
villages with respect to mineral
rights owned by Native Corporations
need to be clarified if the Act is
to be applied to Native land.
The Act's provisions for protecting
water availability and water use
are applicable to Alaska.
Safe practices are applicable to
built-up areas in Alaska. Studies
are needed to evaluate possible effects
of blasting on fish and wildlife.
Reclamation efforts at abandoned coal
mines would provide information about
the results of practices that might
be applied at new operations. Also,
use of reclamation fees for other
purposes related to adverse effects
of mining would be advantageous to
the State.
Section 708 of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of
1977, Public Law 95-87 (PL 95-87), directed the Secretary of the
Interior to contract "with the National Academy of Sciences-National
Academy of Engineering for an in-depth study of surface coal mining
conditions in the State of Alaska in order to determine which, if any,
of the provisions of the Act ~hould be modified with respect to
surface coal mining operations in Alaska." The Academy's Board on
Mineral and Energy Resources subsequently established a Committee on
Alaskan Coal Mining and Reclamation to be responsible for this study.
The Committee believes that Congress anticipated the need to amend
some provisions of the Act in accord with special conditions in
Alaska. Certain environmental characteristics of Alaska--in
particular, the widespread permafrost and A~ctic tundra--are not
encountered in coal-mining areas in the conterminous 48 States, and
were not contemplated as unique features of mining and reclamation
when the Act was written. Surface mining of coal in perennially
frozen tundra areas has been limited, and the optimum technology for
dealing with mining and reclamation problems in such areas is not
In addition, some conditions in Alaska could interact with coal
mining in ways not addressed by the Act, and the Committee believes
that such matters deserve comment in considering how the Act might be
modified. For example, the effects of mining on wildlife as related
to Native subsistence economies and social structures are not
addressed in the Act. Different kinds of land ownership (Federal,
State, and private--including Native and non-Native) and
jurisdictional entanglements, except in a few areas, will need to be
resolved if coal mining is to be carried out on a broader scale in
Alaska. In short, we believe that there is a compelling need to
examine specific provisions of the Act with respect to surface coal
mining and reclamation in Alaska, and to examine other factors
relevant to Alaska which are not embraced by the Act's provisions.
The major purposes of the Act, as described in Sec. 102, are to
make surface coal mining compatible with society and the environment:
to reclaim surface-mined areas as contemporaneously as possible with
coal-mining operations; to strike a balance among environmental
protection, agricultural productivity, and the need for coal; and to
provide the data necessary for effective and reasonable regulation of
surface mining operations. The objective of the study is to suggest
modifications of the Act appropriate to Alaskan conditions. However,
we are unable to specify exactly how the Act should be modified .
because coal-mining experience in Alaska is so limited. Nonetheless,
on the basis of our analysis of environmental, socioeconomic, and
regulatory conditions in Alaska and the degree to which they resemble
or differ from those of the conterminous United States, we discuss how
appropriate mining and reclamation standards could be determined for
those Alaskan areas with unique environmental and socioeconomic
conditions. We also discuss where standards of the Act could be
attained for Alaskan areas in which conditions are similar.to those in
certain coal-mining areas of the conterminous United States.
The Committee visited several areas of the State to observe
conditions bearing on mining and reclamation and to discuss related
problems with local citizens. In February 1979 we visited Alaska's
only operating coal mine, the Usibelli mine at Healy, to observe
winter mining operations at subfreezing temperatures and to discuss
with the mine operator such topics as coal mining in permafrost
terrain, the environmental impact of surface coal mining, reclamation
practices and technology, and the effects of existing Federal
regulations on surface coal mining in the Healy area. In July 1979 we
visited the Beluga coal field in the Southcentral Region and learned
about the mining plans from a potential mine operator. Part of the
Committee then flew over the tundra-covered coal areas of the Arctic
and landed at Barrow where they discussed socioeconomic effects of
mining with representatives of Native corporations. Other members of
the Committee visited the Matanuska coal field north of Anchorage
where coal mining had been carried out as late as 1968. Finally,
information was obtained about the environmental and socioeconomic
impacts of exploration, construction, and reclamation related to the
North Slope oil fields, pipeline, and ancillary activities.
The study focuses on the relationships of coal mining to
environmental, socioeconomic, and regulatory conditions in Alaska. An
assessment of these relationships provides the basis for recommending
additional steps that should be taken if coal mining is to be carried
out within the environmental and other objectives of PL 95-87 and for
considering alternative legislation or other actions concerning coal
mining and reclamation in Alaska. We focus on conditions that need to
be considered in anticipation of a potential increase in coal
development, not on the present small production or mining to meet
local energy needs. The concepts of adjusting government control to
.varying levels of development are, however, discussed in Section 4.2.1.
The report begins with a summary that presents the essential
findings and recommendations of the Committee. Chapter l provides
background information on the objectives of the study and the
procedures used to carry it out; an overview of unique or unusual
environmental conditions in the major coal-bearing regions of Alaska;
and a brief history of mining in Alaska, from both an environmental
and a socioeconomic perspective. Chapter 2 describes the geography
and geology of the coal-bearing regions of the State. Chapter 3
discusses the environmental, socioeconomic, and regulatory conditions
that have a special bearing on coal mining and reclamation in Alaska.
As a matter of convenience, these conditions and some relationships
among them are described under separate headings. combinations of
conditions, and especially fluctuations of conditions between summer
and winter, may have a far greater impact on coal development in
Alaska than any one environmental factor by itself. This discussion,
together with an understanding of conditions that are similar or
dissimilar to those in the conterminous United States, provides the
basis for analysis of the Act's suitability for Alaska and for
suggestions with respect to alternative approaches to control surface
mining and reclamation in the State. Chapter 4 discusses criteria for
evaluating the Act. Chapter 5 analyzes the suitability of the Act for
mining and reclamation conditions in Alaska and suggests alternative
procedures for dealing with these conditions. The text is followed by
an annotated bibliography of selected references on Alaska.
Appendix A analyzes the provisions of the Act for their
applicability to Alaska and suggests where the Act may need to be
modified for Alaskan conditions. Appendix B discusses Federal, State,
and local law for control of the environmental and general health and
safety impacts of coal mining in Alaska. The information was obtained
from a comprehensive review of the pertinent laws and from interviews
conducted primarily in Alaska with persons concerned with the
administration of these laws.
Following the appendices is a Glossary, which includes, in
addition to technical terms, a description of commonly referenced
legislative acts and regulatory bodies.
Alaska's land size is about one-fifth that of the conterminous
United States and exhibits a wide variety of natural conditions that
bear profoundly on coal mining and reclamation. These conditions are,
in many respects, markedly different from those of the conterminous
United States. Some of these conditions, resulting primarily from the
extreme northern latitudes, are unique to Alaska. Others are more
severe or more prevalent than in other States. Permafrost, or
perennially frozen ground, underlies perhaps as much as three-quarters
of the State (Ferrians and others 1969), and its effects on human
activities are profound. Tundra vegetation occupies vast, treeless
regions of the State, most notably on the North Slope, where enormous
resources of coal are found (Sanders 1975). In many parts of Alaska
the weather is extremely cold for long periods; the summer season in
most areas is very short.
Hydrologic conditions also contrast greatly with those of other
States. Ground-water flow, especially in permafrost areas, is
negligible (Williams 1970). Major streams, fed by heavily silt~laden
meltwater from glaciers, contain sediment-load concentrations far
greater than effluent discharge limits permitted under Federal
regulations for coal-mining operations. And, unlike coal-bearing
regions of the conterminous United States, some of the Alaskan areas
containing important coal deposits (e.g., the Beluga area) are subject
to frequent earthquakes.
With respect to major coal deposits, Alaska can be divided into
three principal regions separated from each other by a major mountain
range (see Figure 1.1). They are: (1) the Arctic Region (with vast
coal resources, continuous permafrost, tundra vegetation, long periods
of severe cold and limited daylight in winter, and limited water
supplies), (2) the Interior Region, which lies between the Brooks and
Alaska ranges (with modest coal resources, discontinuous permafrost,
tundra and boreal forest vegetation, severe winter weather, summer and
winter extremes in temperature, and limited ground-water supplies),
and (3) the Southcentral Region, south of the Alaska Range (with large
coal resources, almost no permafrost, tundra and boreal forest
vegetation, generally ample ground-water supplies, moderately cold
winters and warm summers, and some areas subject to seismic risk).
In addition to the natural physical characteristics, socioeconomic
conditions also help set Alaska apart from other States. Important
among these are the subsistence aspects of the economy of many Native
Alaskans. Any increase in coal-mining operations might adversely
affect caribou and other forms of wildlife that are essential to the
subsistence economy of some Natives, particularly the Natives in the
Arctic Region.
The limited surface transportation systems, the interest of some
in restricting overland access to undeveloped areas, and the
difficulty of building new roads in permafrost areas are other
obstacles that must be considered when contemplating coal development
in most parts of Alaska. (For some areas, e.g., around Healy,
transportation requirements will not be a significant obstacle to coal
development because rail facilities already exist.) Finally,
divisions in land ownership among Federal, State, private Native
Corporations, and other private parties must be taken into account in
certain areas where coal deposits are found. The construction of
roads for coal-mining operations might also open up new land areas for
other purposes, such as recreational activities. Thus, trade-offs may
be necessary with respect to other possible land uses, even though
land disturbance at a mine site itself might be short-lived. The wide
variety of socioeconomic and environmental conditions that would
affect coal mining and reclamation in Alaska clearly signals a need to
weigh all the environmental, socioeconomic, and regulatory factors in
contemplating what form of control is appropriate for surface coal
mining in the State.
. . ~-··
A II C T I (' C C E :4 N
SOURCE: U.S. Geological Survey (1972).
FIGURE 1.1 Shaded relief map showing the three major regions of mainland Alaska.
l'''• 1o••<·· . ·~ \,~:~ ...
1.4.1 Environmental Perspective
Mining has played a major role in Alaska's economy since about the
turn of the century when the lure of gold, spurred on by the great
Canadian Klondike gold rush of 1898, brought an influx of prospectors,
miners, and others to Alaska and triggered a major upsurge in Alaskan
m1n1ng. Most early mining was confined to small gold-placer
operations, but the scale of mining operations grew significantly in
succeeding years. Mechanical earth-moving equipment greatly increased
the volume of gold-bearing sands and gravels that could be mined.
Beginning in the late 1920s, the use of large dredges further expanded
the scale of gold-mining operations and greatly increased the
financial return from mining, thus providing further stimulus to the
economy of the State. With the advent of World War II, however, major
gold-mining operations ceased.
Prior to the war, coal was used to fuel the steam locomotives of
the Alaska Railroad, to generate electricity to operate gold dredges
in the Fairbanks area and to provide residential and industrial
heating in Anchorage and Fairbanks. The loss of coal markets from
converting steam to diesel locomotives and the shutting down of the
dredges was offset by increased demand for coal for military
installations, both in the Fairbanks and the Anchorage areas. Most of
that coal came from the Matanuska and Healy Creek fields. The
Matanuska field was closed in 1968 when natural gas became available
from the Kenai gas fields. Coal mining continued at Healy, though,
because of continued demand for coal for heating and for generating
electricity for local communities, mostly in the Fairbanks-Healy
area. Coal production at the Usibelli mine at Healy has been about
700,000 tons per year since the early 1970s, but the acquisition of a
new and larger dragline may allow production to increase to as much as
1.2 million tons per year.
Although placer operations for gold greatly influenced early
mining in the State, other types of mining operations (including
hardrock gold mining) have made notable contributions to Alaska's
economy. Other large operations included Kennecott's rich copper mine
near McCarthy, the Treadwell gold mines at Douglas, and the
Alaska-Juneau gold mine at Juneau. The Kennecott mine operated
between 1911 and 1938, the Treadwell mines were in production from
about 1888 to 1917, and the Alaska-Juneau mine operated until World
War II. Smaller mines have produced copper, mercury, platinum,
antimony, lead, silver, and other metals. Within the past several
years there has been renewed interest in mining, and the production of
metals, especially gold, has begun to increase once more.
In addition to the direct economic benefits of mining, there have
been significant indirect benefits. At the Alaska-Juneau gold mine,
for example, waste rock from the mine was used for the landfill on
which part of Juneau is built. The dumping of thawed, coarse dredge
tailings on top of fine materials in the Fairbanks and Nome areas
resulted in stable ground that makes preferred sites for houses and
other buildings.
In the past, mining was a way of life in many communities in
Alaska and early mining practices simply followed the customs of the
times. The negative effects of those practices were not of special
concern. Placer mining, for example, contributed increased sediment
loads to many streams. Gold-dredging operations in particular
resulted in the hydraulic removal of large quantities of muck and
other debris that was flushed into surrounding streams. More recent
concern with the impacts of mining on the environment has resulted in
attempts to control stream pollution and other effects of mining
operations. For example, regulatory measures are being pursued to
reduce the adverse impact of placer operations on natural hydrologic
systems (see Appendix B, footnotes 12 to 17}. Additional sediment
loading from mining is not likely to be a serious problem in streams
already laden with silt from the melting of glaciers; nor is sediment
from mining likely to have severe consequences on water quality.
However, sediment loading could adversely affect some aquatic life in
streams that are normally clear.
Coal mining thus far has been carried out on a relatively small
scale in Alaska, but it has nonetheless left its mark on the Matanuska
coal field in the form of abandoned pits from surface mining and piles
of waste from both surface and underground mining.
The possibility that mining will have negative effects on the
environment evokes justified concern. Because of today's renewed
interest in Alaskan mining--much of which is likely to be on a larger
scale than in the past--and because of increasing concerns for man's
surroundings, coupled with legislation for controlling the quality of
those surroundings, there will be increased efforts to avoid or
minimize the negative impacts of coal mining. In Alaska these efforts
will be complicated by the need to mine coal in an environmentally
acceptable manner under difficult conditions not found in the
conterminous United States. Public Law 95-87 is only one of several
legislative acts that place constraints on coal mining and related
activities. Section 708 of the Act recognizes that Alaska has unusual
environmental conditions that justify a special evaluation of PL 95-87
to determine its applicability to Alaska.
1.4.2 Socioeconomic Perspective
Between 1867, when Alaska was purchased from Russia, and 1900,
mining was a small but increasing factor in the economy of the
Territory. Many prospectors and miners were attracted to Alaska, and
shortly after the turn of he century, mining became established as an
essential element in the territorial economy. Mining was responsible
for the establishment of transportation routes; indeed, Alaska's
present road and railroad system reflects the influence of early
mining, which dictated the location of various segments of the State's
transportation system. A primitive road system sprang up early in the
1900s, and in 1923 the Alaska Railroad was completed between Seward
and Fairbanks. Earlier, the railroad had reached the Matanusl<a coal
field (1916} and the Healy Creek field in the Nenana area (1919}. In
1911 the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad was constructed to
transport copper ore from the Kennecott mine near McCarthy to the port
of Cordova. As other areas were prospected and new mines came into
operation, additional roads were built. Then communities sprang up
near the mines, which provided employment and generated needs for
public services. Much of the financial base for the Territory came
from mining. Juneau owes its origin to the discovery of gold at that
site in 1880, and the subsequently developed Alaska-Juneau mine on the
mainland and the nearby Treadwell mine on Douglas Island contributed
greatly to the growth of the city. Nome, Fairbanks, and valdez, along
with many smaller communities, also owe their existence to gold mines
that opened shortly after the turn of the century. A major copper
find and subsequent development of the Kennecott mine near McCarthy
around 1900 was responsible for opening up an entirely new area in the
Copper River Basin in eastern Alaska. Later, as interest in the
Matanuska coal field developed, a spur of the Alaska Railroad was
built through Palmer to haul coal from the Matanuska field. More
recently, the building of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System spurred the
construction of a motor vehicle service road from Livengood (50 miles
northwest of Fairbanks) to Prudhoe Bay.
The development of mining, the construction of overland
transportation routes, the increased use of airplanes, and the
installation of improved communication systems have had a substantial
impact on Native economies and cultures. The economy of the Aleuts,
Eskimos, and Indians was originally a subsistence economy. Except for
a few Russian and other fur traders, few white men came into contact
with the Native inhabitants until the late 1800s. The subsequent
influx of prospectors and miners and the development of a
transportation network within some parts of the State have gradually
altered these Native economies. Subsistence economies have slowly
been diluted by the cash economy, but many Natives still maintain
their traditional way of life and do not wish to see it substantially
altered. Some see mining activities as particularly threatening to
their preferred way of life, and their views must be considered in
planning any mining operation that might affect them. As a result of
the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), private Native
Corporations will own 44 million acres of land in Alaska. Thus, they
will have considerable influence on land use and mineral development
within the State, since the land owned by Natives is managed for
profit through Native corporations (regional and village). Any
proposals to modify PL 95-87, or to create alternative control
mechanisms for mining and reclamation, must give careful attention to
the strong relationships between the Native cultures and the
Ferrians, O.J., Jr., Kachadoorian, R., and Greene, G.W., 1969,
Permafrost and related engineering problems in Alaska. u.s.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 678, 37 p.
Sanders, R.B., 1975, Coal resources of Alaska, in Rao, P.O., and
Wolff, E. N., eds., Focus on Alaska's coal '75, Proceedings of the
confer~nce held at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, October
15-17, 1975. University of Alaska, School of Mineral Industry,
MIRL Report No. 37, p. 21-32.
u.s. Geological Survey, 1972, Potential natural vegetation of Alaska.
u.s. national atlas sheet no. 58. Prepared by A.w. Kuchler,
University of Kansas, 1966.
Williams, J.R., 1970, Ground water in permafrost regions of Alaska.
u.s. Geological Survey Professional Paper 696, 83 p.
Alaska has an extraordinary amount of coal (see Figure 2.1). The
State's total identified and hypothetical coal resources range from
perhaps 1.9 to 5.0 trillion short tons and may be as large as.those in
the conterminous 48 States, which Averitt (1975) estimated to be about
3,703 billion tons. Even allowing for great uncertainty in the
estimates, it is clear that Alaska's coal resources are very large and
will become more important as other sources of fossil fuels in the
United States are depleted. But because of varied geologic
characteristics of the coal deposits (see Table 2.1) and the differing
environmental conditions of the coal-bearing areas, not all of these
resources can be mined with present technology. Much of the coal is
deeply buried or lies beneath the waters of Cook Inlet or the Chukchi
Sea. This chapter briefly discusses the history of coal m1n1ng in
Alaska, the geographic and geologic setting of the coal deposits, and
the potential for coal development.
Although the first coal mine in Alaska was opened in 1855 (Rao and
Wolff 1975), coal production in the State before the early 1900s was
on such a small scale that imports were needed to meet Alaskan needs.
Prior to the construction of the Alaska Railroad only a few tens of
thousands of tons of coal had been mined. The Alaska Railroad,
started in 1914, reached the Matanuska coal field near Palmer in 1916
and the Healy Creek coal field about 200 miles north of Anchorage in
1919. The railroad provided both a market and transportation for
increased coal development. Production continued to grow and reached
more than half a million tons per year shortly after World War II as a
result of demands from the military market. Military needs for coal
decreased during the late 1960s, but the demand for coal to generate
electricity (primarily for the Fairbanks area) has kept production
around 700,000 tons per year since 1971. Table 2.2 shows the
production figures and dollar values for Alaskan coal from 1880
through 1977. Table 2.3 is a list of significant events in the history
of Alaskan coal mining between 1786 and 1977. Further information on
Alaskan qoal and coal mining can be found in the references listed at
the end of this chapter.
0 ...
1-' ...
0 ..c
"' '+-0
"' c
<l: z z
0 Hypothetical and Speculative
SOURCES: McGee and O'Connor (1975); Tailleur and Brosge (1976).
FIGURE 2.1 Histogram showing coal resources in major coal basins of Alaska.
TABLE 2.1 Geologic Characteristics of Alaskan Coal Deposits
·~ Arctic coastal plain Mainly Cretaceous; Subbituminous Flat lying
<':1 fields: minor Tertiary ~
Q.> Meade River Q. u 0 Colville River, ~ ~ etc. u -5
~ 15 Foothills fields Bituminous Broad folds < z
... Point Hope Mississippian Bituminous Highly deformed Q.>
·~ Healy Creek Tertiary Sub bituminous Moderately dipping
<':1 Lignite Creek (Oligocene-Miocene) fault blocks and
~ ~ Jarvis Creek gentle folds <':1 2 a Wood River
~ c:: Tatlanika Q.> ... z Teklanika E-o
~ ~ cu Eagle.Circle Tertiary Subbituminous to Open folds -5 bituminous 0
Broad Pass Lignite Narrow graben
c:: Yentna <':1 Sub bituminous Flat-lying to
'til .s to lignite gentle broad folds, <':1 'til minor faulting ~ Beluga = ..,j ell
< ~ Tertiary
~ ..5 Matanuska Anthracite to Complexly folded
E-o .:.: sub bituminous and faulted 0 z 0 ... u Kenai Lignite to Predominantly u subbituminous flat lying :c
E-o Kenai offshore
0 Bituminous to Extremely deformed ell Bering River Tertiary semian thracite .... cu Chignik Late Cretaceous Bituminous and Moderately folded -5
0 and Tertiary subbituminous and faulted
Herendeen Bay
*NOTE: Includes coal occurrences at Nulato, Rampart, etc. Nothing is known about the extent or resources
SOURCE: Compiled from information provided by R. G. Schaff, Alaska Department of Natural Resources,
60 to 146 billion 402 billion to 4.0 Surface mining, possible 10-foot beds common;
trillion (includes U.S. underground mining in 20 to 40-foot beds
Geological Survey esti-permafrost known; most beds
mates for NPRA [National greater than 4 2 inches
Petroleum Reserve-Alaska]
plus 22% added for coal
outside of NPRA
Unknown Unknown Surface mining Maximum known
thickness 6 feet
440 million to 6 billion 8.7 billion, maximum Surface mining, possible Considerable variation
(reserves estimated at based on area and underground mining between 2\12 and 60 feet
120 million) outcrop patterns
Unknown 100 million Surface and underground One bed 22 feet thick
64 million 50 to 100 million Surface mining 5 to lOfeet
2.7 to 10.2 billion 27 billion Surface mining 6 to 50 feet. Several
beds in e}(cess of 20
1 08 to 130 million 149 million Surface and underground 2 to 23 feet
318 million tons in I 00 billion (to 2,000 Surface mining, under-2\12 to 10-foot beds
coastal areas; 200,000 foot depth) ground mining in selected
tons of stripping coal areas
Unknown 36 million to 3.6 billion Surface and underground Unknown. Thick pod-like
(to depth of 3000 feet) mining masses that thin rapidly
Unknown 300 million Small underground mines; Numerous beds less than 2 feet
local small surface mines thick. Composite zones of coal
Less than 300 million and thin shale interbeds in
excess of 8 feet
of these deposits; they are Late Cretaceous or Tertiary in age, bituminous and sub bituminous in grade.
Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
TABLE 2.2 Alaska Coal Production and Value from 1880 through 1977
1880 1931 105,900 556,000
1881 1932 102,700 513,500
1882 1933 96,200 481,000
1883 1934 107,500 451,500
1884 1935 119,425 501,600
1885 1936 136,600 . 573,700
1886 1937 131,600 552,700
1887 1938 159,230 620,900
1888 1939 146,250 585,000
1889 1940 173,970 695,000
1890 6,076 1/ 37 ,205Jj 1941 238,960 944,588
1891 1 ,083 -6,291 1942 260,893 1,623,264
1892 871 5,093 1943 289~232 1,842,708
1893 923 5,372 1944 348,375 2,239,684
1894 488 2,765 1945 297,644 1,868,592
1895 1,687 9,290 1946 366,809 2,354,952
1896 712 4,142 1947 361,220 2,554,747
1897 2,673 31,392 1948 407,906 2,789,275
1898 2,652 27,201 1949 433,533 3,309,303
1899 2,264 22,836 1950 412,455 3,033,445
1900 2,855 35,275 1951 494,333 3,766,987
1901 2,740 29,843 1952 686,218 5,779,423
1902 3,052 22,508 1953 861,471 8,451,542
1903 2,717 21,302 1954 666,618 6,442,414
1904 1,824 8,195 1955 639,696 5,759,000
1905 4,334 15,070 1956 726,801 6,373,976
1906 6,061 19,924 1957 842,000 7,296,000
1907 10,689 55,770 1958 759,000 6,931,000
1908 4,066 22,665 1959 660,000 5,869,000
1909 3,430 16,350 1960 722,471 6,318,358
1910 2,250 13,200 1961 736,831 5,867,764
1911 1,850 11,690 1962 871,379 6,408,659
1912 1,205 7 t 130 1963 853,398 5,910,007
1913 2,312 13,290 1964 744,942 5,007,506
1914 1,190 6,540 1965 893,182 6,095,216
1915 1,629 6,653 1966 927,145 6,953,073
1915 12,676 57,412 1967 924,549 7,295,834
1917 54,275 268,438 1968 750,435 4,502,097
1918 75,816 413,870 1969 667,179 4,365,930
1919 60,894 345,617 1970 549,473 4,058,929
1920 61,111 355,668 1971 698,000 5,710,000
1921 76,817 496,394 1972 668,000 w
1922 79,275 430,639 1973 694,000 w
1923 119,826 755,469 1974 700,000 w
1924 99,663 • 559,980 1975 766,000 w
1925 82,868 404,617 1976 706,000 w
1926 87,300 459,000 1977 685,000 w
1927 104,300 548,000
1928 126,100 662,000 1880
1929 100,600 528,000 Total through
1930 120,100 631,000 1977 25,923 1 777 $160 1 627 1 270 Y
1J Total for 1890 includes $37,205 for coal from 1880 to 1891
y Total includes only the value fiqures from 1880 through 1971
w Withheld to avoid d1sclosing individual company confidential data
SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Mines. Juneau. Alaska 99802.
TABLE 2.3 Chronology of Events in Coal Development and Production
in Alaska, 1786-1977
1786 Capt. Nathaniel Portlock, English Trader, finds coal at Coal Cove
(presently Port Graham) on the Kenai Peninsula.
1855 First Alaska coal mine opened by the Russian-American Company at Coal Cove.
1862 First coal mined in S.E. Alaska, Sepphagen mine, Kootznahoo Bay, Admiralty
1879 Whaling ships and U.S. Revenue cutters start using coal from the Corwin
mines along the Arctic Coast.
1898 Yukon sternwheelers use coal as fuel to transport gold seekers to gold
fields. ·
1900 Extension of coal laws to Territory of Alaska.
1902 Yukon River steamers convert coal and wood burners to petroleum engines.
1904 Coal Act enacted, allowing coal claim location without previous surveys.
1906 President Theodore Roosevelt closes Alaska public land to entry under
co a 1 1 aws· due to Pi nchot-Ba 11 i nger feud.
1911 Cordova "Coal Party"--imported coal shoveled into the ·harbor in protest
of Federal coal polfcies. Gifford P.inchot burned in effi_gy.
1912 U.S. Navy investigates Bering River.
1914 U.S. Congress passes Alaska Coal Leasing Act: Chickaloon coal test aboard
the U.S.S. Maryland.
1916 Alaska Railroad is built to Matanuska coal field.
1919 Alaska Railroad reaches Nenana coal field.
1922 Completion of 4.4-mile railroad spur up Healy Creek;.Suntrana mine
1924 U.S. Navy begins converting its coal-burning ships to oil.
1940 Coal used to power dredges and large placer mining operations near Fairbanks.
1942 Alaska Railroad reopens Eska mine in the Matanuska coal field. Coal
needed for new Army Posts and military airfields.
1943 Traditional underground coal mining in Alaska gives way to surface
1946-Alaska Railroad conv~rts coal-burning engines to diesel engines, Eska
1954 mine closes in Matarkska field.
1968 Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base convert coal-fired steam
power plants to natural gas. Matanuska field shuts down except for
small local needs.
1977 President Carter's energy policy includes conversion of utilities and
industry to coal, prompting interest in the Beluga and Jarvis coal fields.
Passage of Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy (1977).
The mainland of Alaska can be divided into three major geographic
regions--the Arctic, the Interior, and the Southcentral (see Figure
1.1). Each region has a major coal basin, several lesser basins, and
many scattered coal occurrences. (Definitions of "coal basin," "coal
field," and "coal occurrence" are given in the Glossary.) The major
basins contain several coal fields more or less separated from one
another, although in some cases the boundaries are arbitrary. The
topographic, biotic, climatic, and socioeconomic character of each of
the major regions is in many ways markedly different. These
differences will have to be taken into account during the mining of
coal in each region. Although coal occurs in scattered and mostly
small deposits outside the major basins in Alaska, the main problems
of mining and reclamation discussed in this report relate to the North
Slope, the Nenana, and the Cook Inlet basins (see Figure 2.2).
2.2.1 Arctic Region (North Slope Basin)
Alaska's principal coal-bearing deposits are in the North Slope
basin, north of the Brooks Range and between the Itkillik and lower
Colville Rivers on the east,and Cape Lisburne on the west (see Figure
2.2). The southern part of this area of approximately 58,000 square
miles is a broad upland of rolling hills; the northern part is the
nearly flat Arctic coastal plain. Deeply buried coal is also present
farther west under the Chukchi Sea.
The North Slope coal basin (see Table 2.1) is filled with rocks of
Cretaceous age, mainly alternating layers of sandstone and shale that
are folded into east-west trending anticlines and synclines in the
foothills (see Figure 2.3) near the Brooks Range but are only gently
warped or nearly flat lying farther north. At least 60 percent of the
North Slope's numerous coal beds, generally described as lenticular,
are more than 3 1/2 feet thick. Ten-foot beds are common, and 20-to
40-foot beds are known. In some places coal forms 10 percent of the
whole stratigraphic section, much more than the 1 or 2 percent common
in the Appalachian coal fields, for example. The coal underlying the
Arctic coastal plain is a low-sulfur subbituminous coal with a heat
value of 9,800 Btu. Closer to the Brooks Range the coal becomes
bituminous with a heat value of 11,000 Btu and an average sulfur
content of 0.6 percent. Some of this coal is of coking quality (Rao
and Wolff 1975).
Exploratory drilling for oil east of the lower Colville River also
has revealed coal in rocks of Cretaceous age as well as extensive
areas of lignite-bearing rocks of Tertiary age. Low-volatile
bituminous coal (about 14,000 Btu) occurs in highly deformed rocks of
Mississippian age near Point Hope on the western coast (see Table
2.1). This coal is distinct from and unassociated with the major
el?o r: 0~1-s RANG~
·~ 'ei<Janika fields) . \
\J (_[ ;;-~;ff!J·J····,."" .-:-" ·.••.· ... ~ .. ! .. ·. ·~·.·; ..• r·'"t~::ij·::·· .. 1 ----(:. .: ·: . ~ 'v . " Beluga t· .·. .I o. .-Be . ......1 .:·::· / 0/1 'L;> rrn~ ...----...
SOVR:CE: Adapted from Energy Resource ll!ap of Alaska 0977).
FIGVR£ 2.2 Sketch lllap shoWing location of Principal CoaJ deposits m· A1 k
. as a.
SOURCE: Irvin L. Tailleur, 1977, U.S. Geoln~ical Survcv .
FIGURE 2.3 Outcrops of Cretaceous coal along the Kukpowruk River, western part of the North Slope
coal basin.
Cretaceous coal resources of the North Slope basin. The extent and
distribution of this older (Mississippian) coal is largely unknown.
The coal resources of the North Slope are poorly known. Barnes
(1967) estimated that there are 120 billion tons in beds under less
than 3,000 feet of overburden, including 12,292 million tons of
bituminous coal in beds more than 14 inches thick; the balance was
believed to be subbituminous coal in beds 2 1/2 feet or more thick.
With more data, Tailleur and Brosge (1976) have estimated that North
Slope resources amount to at least 200 billion tons and possibly as
much as 3.35 trillion tons. These more recent estimates include coal
deposits in some 10,000 square miles offshore beneath the Chukchi Sea
and in an additional 10,000 square miles east of the Itkillik River,
areas not included in Barnes's estimates.
The difficulty of access, the general absence of human settlements
and transport facilities, and the harsh environment of the North Slope
will make coal mining there, particularly surface mining, difficult.
Surface mining could have a severe environmental impact on the
region's vegetation and permafrost, and perhaps on the wildlife.
Optimum methods of controlling environmental impacts of
surface-disrupting operations in Arctic areas, however, are not yet
known; it may ultimately turn out that underground mining will be the
most effective way to develop North Slope coal while achieving the
public goal of environmental protection.
2.2.2 Interior Region (Nenana Basin)
The Nenana basin, the smallest of Alaska's three major coal
basins, is located in the Interior Region between the Brooks and
Alaska Ranges (see Figure 2.2). It is centered in an area about 200
miles north of Anchorage and about 60 miles south of Fairbanks.
Alaska's only operating mine is in the Nenana basin near Healy (see
Figure 2.4).
The coal-bearing strata in the basin crop out in a discontinuous
belt about 80 miles long that runs parallel to the Alaska Range and is
from 1 to 30 miles wide (see Wahrhaftig and others 1969).
Coal-bearing rocks are exposed over about 1,000 square miles, but some
coal-bearing strata are probably concealed by Pleistocene and Holocene
deposits. Coal is also reported to occur along the Teklanika River
about 150 miles west of Healy where some 200 feet of coal are exposed,
and thus the size of the Nenana basin may be many times greater than
that suggested by the area of outcrops. The rocks of the basin are
mainly weakly indurated te restrial sandstones and siltstones,
interbedded with coal. The strata have been folded and faulted into a
series of smaller basins between which the coal-bearing sequence
either has been eroded away or has been covered to a considerable
depth by younger Tertiary or Quaternary deposits. Coal-bearing zones
include a number of subbituminous coal beds ranging in thickness from
a few inches to 60 feet or more. Fossil leaves and pollen indicate
that the coal-bearing rocks range in age from late Oligocene to late
0 5 10
SOURCE: Adapted from Wahrhaftig and others (1969).
FIGURE 2.4 Sketch map showing extent of Healy Creek and Ugnite Creek coal fields and location of
current mining operations.
Of the several coal fields within the Nenana basin, the two of
particular importance are the Healy Creek and Lignite Creek fields.
Most of the coal produced in the Nenana basin thus far has come from
the Suntrana mine and the original Usibelli mine in the Healy Creek
field. Early mining was by underground methods but later mining has
been by surface methods. Little or no stripping coal is left in the
Healy Creek coal field. The Usibelli mine is now producing coal from
gently dipping beds of the Lignite Creek field, where surface methods
are used (see Figure 2.4).
Both the Healy Creek and Lignite Creek fields are in east-west
synclinal structures with gently to moderately dipping beds on the
south (see Figure 2.5) and steeply dipping beds on the north
(Wahrhaftig 1973, Wahrhaftig and others 1951). The Healy Creek field
is cut off on the north by a near-vertical fault along which the
coal-bearing beds on the north side have been displaced upward by
several thousand feet. Coal of the Healy Creek field is
subbituminous, with an average ash content of 10 percent, moisture
content of 25 percent, and sulfur content of 0.20 percent. The
average Btu content is 8,200. Some of the coal currently being mined
in the Lignite Creek field has a Btu content of 9,000.
The total coal resources of the Nenana basin are uncertain
because of a lack of data west of Healy. About 3.5 billion tons of.
coal are proved, an equal amount can be inferred from geological
considerations, and there may be as much as an additional 8.7 billion
tons, or about 15 billion tons in all (U.S. Department of Energy 1977).
2.2.3 Southcentral Region {Cook Inlet Basin)
The Cook Inlet coal basin, in the Southcentral Region, is a large
basin of varied geography and complex geology. It encompasses
coal-bearing strata that surround the inlet on the northwest, north,
and northeast, underlie the waters of the inlet, and are exposed on
the Kenai Peninsula to the southeast {see Figures 2.2 and 2.6). The
Cook Inlet basin extends north to Broad Pass and in a northeasterly
direction into the Matanuska Valley. Much of the basin is covered by
the waters of Cook Inlet and Knik Arm and by the extensive alluvium of
the Susitna River. As a result, the exposed parts of the coal-bearing
strata are separated from one another and are usually referred to as
separate coal fields, although geologically they are all in fact part
of a single basin. The coal fields include {1) the Beluga field,
often grouped with the Yentna coal field as the Susitna field, {2) the
Kenai field on the Kenai Peninsula, (3) the Matanuska field, and (4}
the Broad Pass field (see Table 2.1). The coal-bearing area offshore
from the Kenai Peninsula is sometimes considered a separate field,
although it actually connects the Kenai field with the Beluga field on
the other side of the inlet.
The Cook Inlet basin, a grabenlike structure or trough, is a
Tertiary basin about 320 miles long and up to 80 miles wide. Its
total coal-bearing area is about 12,000 square miles, but its exact
size is difficult to determine because not all of the coal-bearing
'I'~ • :-. ~-• • f • f ;
.·..;_· _· .. .:
SOURCL: Clyde Wahrhaftig, 1945, U.S. Geological Survey.
FIGURE 2.5 Gently dipping coal beds near head of Lignite Creek.
Coal F~eld ~~
0 50 100
SOURCE: Adapted from Preliminary Geologic Map of Alaska (1978).
FIGURE 2.6 Sketch map showing location of coal fields in the Cook Inlet basin.
rocks are exposed. The coal in this basin varies in rank and
thickness, and ranges in age from Paleocene to Miocene. The
coal-bearing strata, like those of the Nenana basin, are nonmarine and
probably accumulated originally in alluvial and swamp environments.
In the Kenai field, which contains the site of the first coal mine
in Alaska, some 30 coal beds ranging from 2 1/2 to 10 feet thick are
exposed near the shore in a sequence of nonmarine sandstones,
siltstones, and claystones. The coal-bearing group is at least 5,000
feet thick. The strata for the most part are essentially flat lying,
with dips of 10 degrees or less. Some faulting is present. The coal
is subbituminous, has a Btu content of 6,000-8,000, and is low in
sulfur but high in moisture. Despite the proximity of the coal to the
sea, the flat-lying geologic structure, and other favorable factors,
the Kenai field has not been mined in recent times because the coal
beds are too thin for commercial development (u.s. Department of
Energy 1977).
The Beluga coal field on the northwest side of Cook Inlet contains
subbituminous coal beds that are a few inches to more than 50 feet
thick (U.S. Department of Energy 1977). The Btu content is about
9,000. A near-horizontal bed of subbituminous coal 30 to 50 feet
thick has been traced for more than 7 miles along the middle course of
the Chuitna River. Another bed about 50 feet thick has been found
near the Capps Glacier (see Figure 2.7), and other equally promising
occurrences are known to exist elsewhere in the Beluga field.
Drilling has shown that several hundred million tons of coal are close
enough to the surface for surface mining.
The size of the Kenai offshore coal field has been determined
largely by extensive drilling for oil and natural gas in Cook Inlet.
Some 2,896 square miles offshore have been proved to be coal-bearing
and may contain as much as 100 billion tons of lignite and
subbituminous coal. There may be as much as 1.4 trillion tons in all,
a truly formidable amount, in the offshore areas (U.S. Department of
Energy 1977).
The Matanuska coal field in the Matanuska Valley just east of
Palmer is an offshoot of the Cook Inlet deposits. Most of the coal
found in the valley is bituminous, but some is anthracite. The
coal-bearing strata are complexly folded and faulted, making mining
difficult and expensive. Coal mining began at the Matanuska site in
1914 but was discontinued in 1968. The total resources of the field
are relatively small, probably no more than 250 to 275 million tons
(U.S. Department of Energy 1977).
It is quite clear that the Cook Inlet basin contains significant
coal resources that may amount to almost 1.5 trillion tons. The
basin's proximity to the more populated parts of Alaska, especially
Anchorage, could make its coal attractive for local use, and its
tidewater location means that coal could be shipped by sea relatively
easily. However, the availability and low cost of both oil and natural
gas from the Cook Inlet fields have made coal mining there
commercially unattractive to date for Alaskan markets.
SOURC'F : Ri c h a rd G . Ray , 1979 , Nati o nal Ac ademy of Sciences.
FIGURE 2.7 Outcrop of coal bed in the Beluga coal field area.
2.2.4 Other Alaskan Coal Deposits
Outcroppings of coal are found in numerous other Alaskan locations
outside the North Slope, Nenana, and Cook Inlet basins. Most of these
deposits are small and have attracted little interest to date. Coal
has been found in several places on the Seward Peninsula and at Point
Hope on the northwestern coast, but its character and extent are
largely unknown. Tertiary coal with hypothetical resources of 100
million tons is present in the Yukon River area between Circle and
Eagle in the eastern part of the Interior Region.
Coal is also exposed along the Yukon near Rampart and Nulato, but no
estimate of quantity is available.
In southwestern Alaska there are small coal fields at Unga Island,
Herendeen Bay, and Chignik. Unga Island has lignite of Tertiary age,
whereas the coal at Herendeen Bay and Chignik is bituminou~ and
subbituminous coal of late Cretaceous age with some lignite of
Tertiary. Of these three the Herendeen Bay field is the largest.
The Bering River field, which lies some 200 miles east of
Anchorage, covers an area of about 80 square miles. Its coal ranges
from bituminous to semianthracite and is in highly folded and faulted
strata. The total coal resource is poorly known, but it may be as
much as 3 to 3.6 billion tons (U.S. Department of Energy 1977).
The characteristics of Alaskan coal differ from those of coal of
the eastern and midwestern states, most notably in having a higher
moisture content, a lower heat value, and a lower sulfur content (see
Table 2.4). There is relatively little high-rank coal (anthracite) in
Alaska~ most is bituminous to subbituminous. Most Alaskan coal is
similar to coal found in the Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain
coal provinces~ the heat value is modest but sulfur content is low.
Alaskan coal is largely Cretaceous or Tertiary in age, not
Carboniferous as are coal deposits of the eastern and midwestern
States. Alaskan coal, at least that which is likely to be exploited
in the near future, tends to occur, like western coal, in somewhat
thicker beds than those of the midwest and eastern basins of the
conterminous United States. Furthermore, the coal in some parts of
-Alaska forms a larger part of the stratigraphic section than eastern
coal does.
Growing demands for energy coupled with escalating costs for oil
and natural gas may make Alaskan coal an important source of energy
for both the State itself and the Nation as a whole. New coal mining
in parts of Alaska, however, particularly on the North Slope, would
require the construction of extensive transportation facilities
(Section Most new mining operations will probably utilize
TABLE 2.4 Comparison of Alaskan Coal with Coal of the Conterminous United States
Alaska** Pennsylvania Appalachian Interior
(9 samples) Anthracite Region Region Province
(38 samples) (158 samples) (90 samples)
Moisture 24.1 1.4 2.8 7.2
Volatile matter 34.9 6.5 31.6 32.2
Fixed carbon 30.2 79.5 54.6 48.0
Ash 10.7 12.6 ll.O 12.6
Sulfur .2 .8 2.3 3.9
Btu 8,080 12,780 12,890 11,580
Note: * Comparison of arithmetic means, in percent.
**Alaskan analysis limited to Healy Creek, Chignik, and Herendeen Bay coal samples.
Cretaceous-Tert)ary coal of somewhat higher heat value (9,000-10,000 Btu) known
from several other areas. Coal in a few areas has a Btu content as high as 14,000
(Sanders 1975).
SOURCE: Compiled ftom data in U.S. Geological Survey Open-1 ile Report 76-468
(Swanson and others 1975).
Northern Great
Plains Province
(40 samples)
Rocky Mountain
(86 samples)
42.0 1\.)
surface m1n1ng techniques and will be on a large scale in order to
meet the high costs of mining, transportation, and reclamation.
However, the prospects for small-scale mining at many scattered
locations, some of them outside the principal basins, are also good.
Because a ton of medium-grade coal (9,300 Btu/pound) is the energy
equivalent of approximately three barrels of fuel oil, the increasing
cost and uncertainty of petroleum supplies will stimulate the
exploration and mining of certain coal deposits to supply local
markets~ Some of these deposits may be mined intermittently, perhaps
only a few weeks a year or even every 2 or 3 years. The North Slope
Borough plans to develop local coal resources for its villages and is
presently seeking a permit to mine coal for the village of Atkasook on
the Meade River. About 300 tons of coal would be mined each year.
Similar small operations are expected to come into existence elsewhere
in the State.
2.4.1 Arctic Region (North Slope Basin)
Because of their vast size, the coal resources of the North Slope
can be expected to attract substantial interest. The nearly flat-lying
beds of the coastal plain are likely to be of particular interest
because they may be especially amenable to surface mining. At
present, however, there is no transportation system in the Arctic
Region that is suitable for coal development. Mining on a scale large
enough to justify the high cost of an adequate transportation system
could have severe environmental effects whose mitigation would be
uncertain because large-scale surface coal mining and reclamation
operations have not been carried out in the Arctic, and optimum mining
and reclamation practices are yet to be developed. Excavating,
transporting, grading, and storing materials all present problems that
need to be resolved; it will also be necessary to control thawing of
the ground and to dispose of the excess water resulting from thawing.
Despite the Arctic Region's vast resources, it seems likely that coal
development is many years, if not decades, in the future. Underground
coal mining in permafrost terrain may face fewer problems than surface
mining, but, even so, any substantial underground operation would seem
to be many years away. Small mines, however, might well serve local
community needs and, if suitably designed and monitored, could also
provide useful information on how to improve mining and reclamation
2.4.2 Interior Region (Nenana Basin)
The Nenana basin in the Interior Region is the site of the only
mine in Alaska (Usibelli mine near Healy) that is presently producing
a substantial amount of coal. Mining has been conducted there for a
long time and demonstrates that it is possible to mine for coal
successfully in an area of climatic extremes and discontinuous
permafrost. Various reclamation practices have also been developed
and demonstrated at the Usibelli mine. A transportation link--the
Alaska Railroad--already exists for moving the coal from mine to
market. Although the Nenana basin's total coal resources are modest,
further development of its coal fields may become more attractive in
the future, probably following mining and reclamation practices of the
Usibelli mine.
2.4.3 Southcentral Region (Cook Inlet Basin)
Some of the coal deposits in the Southcentral Region have
considerable potential for development. Most are in areas where
permafrost is sporadic or nonexistent. Thus, coal mining would be
less difficult than in the Interior or Arctic Regions.
Beluga is perhaps the most attractive of the Cook Inlet fields
because of the size of its total resources, the thickness of its coal
seams, and the geologic simplicity of the near-surface coal-bearing
strata that could be mined by surface methods. Reclamation appears to
be feasible under climatic conditions of the Cook Inlet region.
However, a transportation link would have to be provided from the mine
site, probably to a docking facility on the northwest side of Cook
Inlet. A joint venture between the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (a Native
Corporation) and Placer Amex, Inc., has been proposed to build a $1.6
billion facility for converting coal to methanol. The methanol would
be moved by pipeline to tanker.
The prospects for production from the Kenai coal field are
limited, despite its proximity to water transportation and the
existence of roads in the area. Coal is present only in thin seams,
and recovery would be costly.
The Matanuska coal field is favorably located with respect to rail
and road links, and no major construction of transportation facilities
would be required to resume operations. The field's resources,
however, are limited (see Table 2.1). Future mining at the Matanuska
field would probably be by underground methods.
Much of the coal beneath the water of Cook Inlet lies at depths of
5,000 to 10,000 feet and cannot be mined by ordinary methods. These
coal deposits are very large, but are likely to remain untouched until
there is a significant breakthrough in underground gasification or in
situ combustion technology.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, 1977, Energy resource map of
Alaska. Prepared by Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
Averitt, P., 1975, Coal resources of the United States, January 1,
1974. u.s. Geological Survey Bulletin 1412, 131 p.
Barnes, F.F., 1967, Coal resources in Alaska. u.s. Geological Survey
Bulletin 1242-B, 36 p.
McGee, D.L., and O'Connor, K.M., 1975, Cook Inlet Basin subsurface
coal reserve study. Alaska Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Geological and Geophysical survey, Open-File Report 74.
McGee, D.L., and O'Connor, K.M., 1976, Mineral resources of Alaska and
the impact of federal land policies on their availability--coal.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and
Geophysical Surveys Open-File Report 51.
Rao, P.O., and Wolff, E.N., eds., 1975, Focus on Alaska's coal '75,
Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Alaska,
Fairbanksi October 15-17, 1975. University of Alaska, School of
Mineral Industry, MIRL Report No. 37, 281 p.
Swanson, V.E., Medlin, J.H., Hatch, J.R., Coleman, S.L., Wood, G.H.,
Jr., Woodruff, S.D., and Hildebrand, R.T., 1976, Collection,
chemical analysis, and evaluation of coal samples in 1975. u.s.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-468, Denver, Colo., u.s.
Geological Survey, 502 p ••
Tailleur, I., and Brosge, W.P., 1976, Need to revise and test
estimates of northern Alaska coal resources, in The United States
Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments in 1975. u.s.
Geological Survey Circular 733.
u.s. Department of Energy, 1977, Coal resources inventory, ch. 3 in
Alaska regional energy resources planning project--Phase 1.
Prepared by Department of Commerce and Economic Development,
Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, under contract
no. EY 76 C-06-2435. Washington, D.C., u.s. Department of Energy,
v. 2, 435 p.
u.s. Geological Survey, 1978, Preliminary geologic map of Alaska.
Prepared in cooperation with Alaska Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
Wahrhaftig, c., 1973, Coal reserves of the Healy Creek and Lignite
Creek coal basins, Nenana coal field, Alaska. u.s. Geological
Survey Open-File R~port 568, Washington, D.C., u.s. Geological
Wahrhaftig, c., Hickox, C.A., and Freedman, J., 1951, Coal deposits of
Healy and Lignite Creeks, Nenana coal field, Alaska. u.s.
Geological Survey Bulletin 963-E, p. 141-165.
Wahrhaftig, c., Wolfe, J.A., Leopold, E.B., and Lanphere, M.A., 1969,
The coal-bearing group of the Nenana coal field, Alaska, u.s.
Geological Survey Bulletin 1274-D, p. Dl-30.
Alaska exhibits a number of environmental, socioeconomic, and
regulatory conditions that are unique or substantially different from
those of the conterminous United States and which could affect coal
development in a profound way. These conditions may require
modification of the provisions of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977 if future coal mining in Alaska is to be
accomplished within the objectives of the Act.
Environmental conditions and features of special importance to
Alaskan coal development include (l) cold climate, particularly north
of the Alaska Range, (2) perennially frozen ground, or permafrost,
which underlies much of the State, (3) vegetation of the tundra
regions, (4) hydrologic regime, especially in permafrost areas, (5}
geologic hazards that are more prevalent in coal-bearing areas of
Alaska than in coal-bearing areas of the conterminous United States,
and (6) wildlife habitats for species either uncommon or absent in
other States.
Socioeconomic conditions that may have an important bearing on
coal development in Alaska are (l) makeup and distribution of the
population, (2) effects of mining and reclamation on Native cultures
and economies, (3) transportation and access to coal fields, and (4)
land use.
Institutional and regulatory conditions also affect coal
development. A number of these conditions in Alaska, such as land
ownership, are notably different in some respects from conditions in
other parts of the country.
The relationships of Alaska's environmental conditions to coal
development and reclamati0n differ in various parts of the State, but
in general they correlate with the characteristics of the major
physiographic regions--the Arctic, the Interior, and the Southcentral
regions (see Table 3.1). These characteristics in turn relate
primarily to the climate, which affects all other environmental
parameters except for certain geologic hazards. In some areas the
environmental conditions could have a severe impact on coal mining,
TABLE 3.1 Environmental Conditions of Coal-Bearing Regions of Alaska
.a Arctic coastal plain Normal temperature range: Continuous permafrost. Thickness
as fields: Summer 34 to 64°F ranges from 750 to = Meade River Winter -36 to -5° F 2,000 feet CIJ
Q. Colville River, Precipitation 5-10" 0
u ri5 etc. Snowfall 30"
i=: -5 ... u 0 Foothills fields ~ z
< Point Hope Normal temperature range: Continuous permafrost. Greatest ... Summer 36 to 49°F thickness measured CIJ Winter -16 to 21°F 1168 feet -5
0 Precipitation 1 0"
Snowfall 36"
r:: Healy Creek Normal temperature range: Generally underlain by ·;; as Lignite Creek Summer 35 to 66°F discontinuous perma-= Jarvis Creek Winter -7 to 27°F frost up to 100 feet as
~ !a Wood River Precipitation 14" thick r:: Tatlanika Snowfall60-70" 0 CIJ ; z Teklanika
~ Eagle .Circle Normal temperature range: Discontinuous
!: ~ Summer 37 to 73°F permafrost .c Winter -24 to 25°F 0 Precipitation 11"
Snowfall 50"
Broad Pass No data Discontinuous
Yentna. Normal temperature range: All areas generally
as Summer 44 to 69°F free of permafrost s
·~ 'fil Winter -4 to 40° F
Beluga ::s Precipitation 29" as en = Snowfall119" (Skwentna) .....
.!l Matanuska Normal temperature range: All areas generally .s Summer 44 to 6~F free of permafrost .:.c
0 Winter 6 to 42°F 0 u Precipitation 14"
~ Snowfall 69" < ~ .Kenai Normal temperature range: All areas generally ~ Summer 49 to 59°F free of permafrost z Winter 17 to 42°F "-l Kenai offshore u Precipitation 28" ::r:::
~ Snowfall101"
0 Bering River Normal temperature range: Generally free of en Summer 43 to 58°F permafrost
Winter 22 to 39°F
Precipitation 1 02"
Snowfall 1 09" (Yakataga)
... Chignik Normal temperature range: Generally free of CIJ
-5 Summer 39 to 60°F permafrost
0 Winter 20 to 51°F
Precipitation 127"
Snowfall 59"
Herendeen Bay Normal temperature range:
Summer 34 to 54°F
Winter 13 to 31°F
Precipitation 43"
Snowfall 98"
SOURCE: Compiled primarily from information provided by R. G. Schaff, Alaska Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, and from Alaska Regional Profiles
(Selkregg 1975-77).
Poorly drained soil~ Predominantly moist to
with peaty surface wet tundra (grasses,
layer. Permafrost sedges, lichens, mosses,
near surface and low shrubs). Some Limited ground-water supplies
alpine tundra because of permafrost. Streams
freeze over during the winter.
Approximately 90 to 95 percent
of runoff occurs between June
Poorly to well drained Alpine and moist and mid-September. Shallow
soils with shallow tundra thaw lakes abundant in coastal
bedrock or permafrost plain
Well drained brown soils Upland spruce-hardwood Ground-water supplies limited.
to poorly drained soils forest; alpine tundra ·Best reservoirs are unfrozen
with peaty surface and barren ground alluvial materials in major
layer. Shallow to deep river valleys. Streams freeze
permafrost table over during winter. About 80
to 85 percent of runoff occurs
Poorly to well drained Upland spruce-hardwood from June through September.
soils with peaty surface forest; alpine tundra Streams flowing north from
layer. Shallow perma-and barren ground Alaska Range fed by glacial
frost table meltwaters. Shallow lakes common
along major river flats
Well drained thin soils Lowland spruce-hardwood
with dark surface layer. forest
Deep permafrost table
Well drained strongly Lowland and upland
acid soils spruce and hardwood
forest. Some moist Ground-water available in most tundra areas where permafrost is
generally absent. About 75 per-
Well drained loamy or Bottomland spruce and cent of runoff occurs from May
gravelly gray soils poplar forest to September. Many glacier-fed,
sediment-laden streams.
Well drained strongly Lowland and upland
acid soils spruce and hardwood
forest. Some moist tundra
Poorly drained soils Coastal western hemlock Glaciers extensive and surround area
in water-laid and Sitka spruce; of coal deposits. Heavy surface runoff
materials alpine tundra and from glacier meltwater. No information
barren ground on ground water but bedrock supplies
believed to be very limited.
Well drained sandy soils High brush of willow, No information on ground or
developed in volcanic alder, birch and wide surface water
materials. variety of low shrubs,
grasses, herbs, ferns
and mosses
just as coal development could have a strong effect on the
environment. These relationships are discussed below.
3.1.1 Climate
The Alaskan landmass lies generally between 60° and 70° north
latitude and is characterized by Arctic to subarctic climatic
conditions. Winter temperatures are very low (see Figures 3.1 and 3.2
and Table 3.1) and are commonly accompanied by seasonally high winds,
resulting in severe wind-chill factors. Summer temperatures are
generally cool (see Figures 3.3 and 3.4). There are also large
seasonal variations in the amount of daylight, and at the northernmost
latitudes there are winte.r days when the sun remains below the horizon
and summer days when the sun does not set (see Figure 3.5).
Precipitation is low throughout much of the State (see Figure 3.6).
However, some areas of the Alaska Peninsula, the Prince William Sound
region, the Wrangell Mountains, and the panhandle of southeastern
Alaska have very high amounts of precipitation. Most of the
precipitation falls as rain, but snowfall can be very heavy and may
total several hundred inches in places (see Figure 3.7).
Because there are significant differences in climate across the
State (see Table 3.1), various coal fields are subject to different
climatic conditions that bear on coal development and reclamation.
The major coal resources lie near 70° north latitude (Arctic
Region--North Slope coal basin), near 64° north latitude (Interior
Region--Nenana coal basin), and 61° north latitude (Southcentral
Region--Cook Inlet coal basin). All major coal fields in the
conterminous United States lie below 49° north latitude in the
temperate climatic zone. Climatic conditions for much of Alaska are
significantly different from those in the conterminous United States
(see Table 3.2) and some standard mining and reclamation practices may
not be appropriate for Alaskan operations (Section 3.1.2). Arctic Region
The Arctic Region has prolonged periods of low temperatures and
high winds. The average monthly temperature is below freezing for
about 8 months of the year. Minimum temperatures of -5l°C (-60°F) may
be reached during this period and on some occasions may go as low as
-56°C (-70°F), but temperatures are more commonly between -21° and
-32°C (-6° and -25°F) (Selkregg 1975-77). Accompanying the intensely
cold winter temperatures of the Arctic Region are limited periods of
daylight (see Figure 3.5). For more than 3 months of the year there
are less than 8 hours of light (actually twilight); for nearly 2
months of that period the sun does not rise. Although snowfall in the
Arctic Region is comparatively slight--only about 30 inches (see
Figure 3.7)--once snow is on the ground it persists until spring. The
total annual precipitation is very low, generally averaging about 5
inches (see Figure 3.6).
FIGURE 3.1 Mean daily minimum temperature distribution, January (degrees Fahrenheit).
y •oo T T
SOURCE: Compiled by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, Anchorage, Alaska, for Alaska Regional
Profiles (Selkregg 1975-1977).
FIGURE 3.2 Mean daily maximum temperature distribution, January (degrees Fahrenheit).
FIGURE 3.3 Mean daily minimum temperature distribution, July (degrees Fahrenheit).
SOURCE: Compiled by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, Anchorage, Alaska, for Alaska Regional
Profiles (Selkregg 1975-1977).
FIGURE 3.4 Mean daily maximum temperature distribution, July {degrees Fahrenheit).
SOURCE: Adapted from Selkregg (1972).
FIGURE 3.5 Charts showing hours of sunlight and twilight for different latitudes and months of the year.
1 I C
D . . c E'
SOURCE: Adapted from National Weather Service and U.S. Geological Survey.
FIGURE 3.6 Mean annual precipitation distribution, in inches.
-Ac~~p..t from NetionetW..._s.mc. llld u.S. GiiDiollciiB-,,
SOURCE: Adapted from National Weather Service and U.S. Geological Survey.
FIGURE 3.7 .Snowfall distribution, in inches.
TABLE 3.2 Comparative Temperature and Precipitation Data for Coal Areas
of Alaska and the Conterminous United States
Mean Temperature (°F) Precipitation (in.)
Daily Range Wettest Driest
January July Month Month Annual
Station Max. Min. Max. Min.
Southcentral Alaska
Cook Inlet Basin 21° 50 66° 49° 2.6 0.4 15.0 (Anchorage)
Interior Alaska
Nenana Basin +20 -16° 70° 46° 2.2 0.3 11.4 (Fairbanks)
Arctic Alaska 0
North Slope Basin -60 -20° 44° 380 1.0 0.2 5.0 (Barrow)
Eastern U.S.
Beckley, W. Va. 40° 23° 80° 60° 4.4 2.5 43.3
Midwest U.S.
Peoria, 111. 32° 16° 86° 640 4.4 1.5 35.6
Western U.S.
Havre, Mont. 12° 00 84° 56° 2.6 0.4 11.7
SOURCES: ~1odified from Annual Summary 1975, CliMatological Data, NOAA
Vol. 26, 1108, and Selkregg (1975-77). ·
Summer temperatures in the Arctic Region range between -1° and
10°C (30° and 50°F), though temperatures as high as 27°C (80°F)
sometimes occur. From May to July the daily periods of light average
20 hours. The growing season spans a period ranging from 9 to 11
weeks. Interior Region
The Interior Region of Alaska is one of climatic extremes, with
summer temperatures that range as high as 38°C (100°F) and winter
temperatures that fall on occasion to -62°C (-80°F) (Selkregg
1975-77). Winter temperatures generally range between -29° and -4°C
(-20° and 25°F). The average annual snowfall is between 50 and 70
inches (see Figure 3.7). For about 7 months of the year the average
monthly temperature is below freezing. As in other far northern
latitudes there are significant periods of diminished light, as much
as 2 months with less than 8 hours of daylight (see Figure 3.5).
Precipitation is low, averaging 10 to 15 inches, but ground cover of
snow usually persists throughout the winter season.
Despite its extremes the general climate of the Interior Region is
less rigorous than that of the Arctic. Summer temperatures between 3°
and 21°C (38° and 70°F) are common, with periods of extended light in
the Nenana area averaging about 18 hours per day during May, June, and
July. The growing season spans about 10 to 15 weeks. Southcentral Region
The Southcentral Region of Alaska lies south of the Alaska Range
and enjoys a climate that is notably milder than that of the Interior
or the Arctic (see Table 3.1). Winter temperatures generally range
from -17° to 5°C (0° to 40°F) but may drop as low as -56°C (-70°F) in
the eastern parts of the region (Selkregg 1975-77). Precipitation is
moderate (see Figure 3.6). Winter snow accumulation ranges from 70 to
100 inches per season (see Figure 3.7). The average monthly
temperature is below freezing for about 5 months of the year.
Summer temperatures are usually between 7° and l8°C (45° and
65°F), but they may climb as high as 32°C (90°F) (Selkregg 1975-77).
Long periods of daylight, which average about 16 hours between May and
July, are typical of the region. The growing season extends over a
10-to 16-week period.
3 .1.1.4 Common Problems Related to Climate
All coal-bearing regions in Alaska are subject to high winter
winds that can result in severe wind-chill factors, which cause great
personal discomfort and affect the efficiency of outdoor operations.
In winter, high winds remove protective snow cover from exposed
surfaces, causing retardation of vegetation growth. In areas of deep
snow accumulation the growing season may be shortened, also affecting
vegetation adversely.
High winds also can pick up dust from disturbed areas as well as
from natural river bars and outwash plains. Standard dust-control
procedures that rely on heavy use of water are not suitable for
operations at the extremely low temperatures that prevail in Alaska.
In remote areas, however, increased amounts of dust from disturbance
of the ground may not pose significant health or nuisance problems, .
although dust may affect the growth of vegetation (EVerett 1980). In
a study of the effects of dust along the Yukon River-Prudhoe Bay haul
road, Webber and others (1978) conclude that both beneficial and
deleterious impacts on plant growth are possible. Dust on plant
leaves may affect photosynthesis and limit growth, but it may also
enhance early snowmelt ana thus provide a longer period for.vegetation
growth. Dust may also carry essential nutrients for plant growth.
Observations show that the leaf size of several plants in the vicinity
of the road is enhanced, but that the vitality of mosses is lowered
(Webber and others 1978). The effects of dust on Arctic wildlife are
not known.
Dust, which forms when ice in fine-grained materials sublimes, may
cause a problem where mining is in permafrost. Any dust that
accumulates on the snow surface would accelerate snowmelt and result
in the increased flow of surface water. Coal dust would be especially
conducive to rapid snowmelt. The increased flow of surface water
might hamper mine operations, although it is possible that early
melting of snow in working areas could be beneficial.
Although mining equipment designed to operate in low temperatures
does exist, extensive cold can cause increased breakage of metal and
plastic, leading to maintenance delays and causing changes in
operational schedules. However, military operations, winter oil
exploration in the 1950s, and construction of the trans-Alaska
pipeline in the 1970s demonstrated that year-round major-equipment
operations in the Arctic Region are feasible, although such activities
can be greatly impeded under extreme winter conditions. Surface
mining operations have been conducted during the winter in the Healy
area of the Interior Region for many years.
Maintaining a stable work force to mine coal in Alaska during long
periods of darkness or semidarkness, extensive isolation, and
excessive cold will be a problem, especially in the Arctic. High pay,
employee rotation, company housing, and a multitude of fringe benefits
did not prevent a high rate of turnover during construction of the
trans-Alaska pipeline. The Usibelli mine near Healy has not
experienced this problem, however.
Because of Alaska's harsh climate, the planning of both winter and
summer mining operations and adherence to operational schedules must
be more rigorous than it is in the conterminous united States. In the
reclamation of many disturbed areas the optimum time for seeding may
be limited to only a few days, although some seeds remain viable for
more than a year, and delayed but successful germination can take
place from seeding of Arctic soils in late fall or late winter.
3.1.2 Permafrost
Permafrost is undoubtedly the most unusual and the most
intractable of Alaska's environmental conditions. It is of particular
concern in mining and reclamation because of the profound changes that
sometimes take place in the physical behavior of earth materials as a
result of thawing, which is accelerated by mining operations and
related disturbances of the thermal regime. Ice-cemented materials,
particularly the fine-grained materials that are normally
unconsolidated sediments, can lose much or most of their strength when
thawed, especially where the permafrost is ice-rich and where large
quantities of water are thus a constituent of thawed sediments. The
large amounts of water make these thawed materials unstable and
difficult to handle (see .Figure 3.8), and as a result excavated slopes
may be prone to slumping and flow. coarse-grained materials, in
contrast, retain a certain degree of stability even when thawed,
because excess water can more readily drain.
The refreezing of materials thawed and stockpiled during
surface-mining operations could pose reclamation problems where it is
necessary to rehandle the materials as backfill or as surface cover
for ground being prepared for revegetation. In addition, the
interstitial ice in permafrost material acts as a barrier to the
movement of surface water into the ground-water system, thus limiting
the water-storage capacity of the ground-water system (Section The quality of ground water may also be affected by the
freezing process, which causes residual waters to become briny.
Furthermore, permafrost and deep seasonal frost affect the kinds of
vegetation that are present.
Because of its far-reaching impacts, permafrost is probably the
single most important environmental characteristic that must be
considered in assessing whether any provisions of the Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 need to be modified to meet the
objectives of the Act for Alaska. The properties of permafrost and
the related frozen-ground processes that require special attention
with respect to surface coal-mining and engineering practices are
discussed below. Classification and Characteristics
Permafrost consists of earth materials that remain frozen for at
least 2 years and extend from near the surface to depths ranging from
a few feet to as much as 2 thousand feet in some locales. Soil and
rock material that thaws during the summer is known as the "active
layer." The general features of permafrost are shown in Figure 3.9.
Permafrost that extends over wide geographic areas is classified as
"continuous." Where frozen areas are interrupted by unfrozen
materials the permafrost is classed as "discontinuous" (Lachenbruch
The manifestations of permafrost in natural and disturbed terrains
depend almost exclusively on the behavior of water within the ground
SOURCE: Photograph by Troy L. Pewe, U.S. Geological Survey. Published as Figure 24 in Ferrians and others (1969).
FIGURE 3.8 Thawed lake sediments flowing around blade of bulldozer. Ice-rich permafrost exposed
during construction of Richardson Highway near Paxon.
Active layer (seasonally frozen
------------------------------~ ground)
Surface of ground--..c::~ -Tal1k (unfrozen ground be·
/ . _ tween base of act1ve layer
Permafrost table (upper sur-
face of permafrost)
Ice Wedge
Permafrost (perennially frozen
·-and permafrost table)
Ice Lens
Tallk (unfrozen ground w1thm
Tahk (unfrozen ground below
SOURCE: Modified from Ferrians and others (1969).
FIGURE 3.9 General features of permafrost terrain.
and on its surface. For permafrost areas the behavior of water is of
special significance to provisions of the Act relating to hydrology
(§ 507 (b) (11), · S 508 (a) (13), s 510 (b) (3), § 515 (b) (8), § 515 (b) (10),
S 516 (b) (9)). The most important difference between the behavior of
frozen and unfrozen sediments results from the fact that water
generally has considerable strength when it is frozen (ice) but lacks
strength in its liquid state. In familiar unfrozen sediments, the
grains of sediment are in contact and the amount of water generally
cannot exceed the volume of the voids between the grains. This
circumstance does not apply to permafrost, which is completely stable
even when it contains large masses of ice. However, large masses of
excess ice (that volume which after melting cannot fit in the soil
voids) cause permafrost to be a major engineering problem, because
they control the behavior of permafrost upon thawing (Washburn 1979,
Ferrians and others 1969). Where excess ice is present its volume may
range widely from somewhat greater than the pore volume of the same
materials when thawed to more than 90 percent of the ground when ice
lenses, wedges, and other masses of ice are present.
When permafrost thaws, the mineral grains tend to settle, and
water is squeezed out of the sediments. While this settling is in
progress, the grains are not in frictional contact, and the entire
mixture of water and sediments tends to behave as a dense fluid with
virtually no load-carrying capacity. Whether the liquid state
persists long enough to have significant mechanical effects on the
thawed materials depends on how rapidly the excess water is released.
If the material is rich in clay, its permeability may be so low that
water is released very slowly, and the material may remain in a
semifluid state for years. Under such conditions, the thawed material
will tend to "seek a level" and flow on very gentle slopes. In
coarse-grained material with a high permeability the water generated
by thawing of excess ice may escape readily, allowing the grains to
maintain frictional contact. The sediment will then retain
significant strength, and such material may be stable on appreciable
Excess ice can form in a number of ways. For example, when
fine-grained or silty soil freezes, water is commonly drawn to the
freezing plane from elsewhere in the soil matrix to form layers of ice
ranging in thickness from a fraction of an inch to several inches.
This forces the soil to expand to accommodate the ice incorporated
into the frozen horizon and results in heaving of the ground.
Ice also fills ground cracks that develop during winter as a
result of contraction caused by rapid decreases in temperature. Each
spring the cracks fill with water, which freezes and prevents the
cracks from completely closing. Because the cracks recur in the same
place year after year the ice wedges grow in size, frequently reaching
·widths of 5 to 10 feet at the top and tapering to a thin edge at
depths of 30 feet or more (see Figure 3.10). The contra.ction cracks
commonly occur in a polygonal pattern, with polygons typically 30 to
300 feet across. As ice wedges in these cracks grow, they commonly
push the soil into mounds or ridges that accent the polygonal ground
pattern that is a conspicuous feature of the Arctic landscape. Beaded
SOURCE: Robert M. Chapman, 1949. U.S. Geological Survey.
FIGURE 3.10 Ice wedges in muck silt bluffs along the Kokolik River, northern Alaska.
drainage, which develops as the ice wedges melt out, is also commonly
associated with patterned ground (Lachenbruch 1966).
The thermal regimes of natural and disturbed ground surfaces in
permafrost areas can be characterized approximately by (1) the mean
annual surface temperature and (2) the range of surface temperatures
between summer and winter. The distance to the bottom of the
permafrost is controlled primarily by the mean annual surface
temperature and the geothermal gradient of the underlying materials.
The distance from the ground surface to the top of the permafrost zone
(i.e., the depth of summer thawing) is more sensitive to seasonal
range in surface temperatures. If the average surface temperature is
below 0°C (32°F), the depth of winter freezing will generally exceed
the depth of summer thawing, and a layer of permafrost will form.
During the last century the average annual surface temperature has
increased by as much as 1° to 3°C in much of Alaska (Gold and
Lachenbruch 1973). Consequently, present-day permafrost temperatures
and depths in many areas, particularly in the discontinuous permafrost
zone, are generally the relics of an earlier and colder climate.
Permafrost in the discontinuous zone is more susceptible to any
disturbance of the surface than permafrost in the continuous zone
because it has a warmer temperature and is more easily thawed. Given
the present climate, much of the permafrost in the subarctic regions
of Alaska will not re-form after it thaws. Hence, the restoration of
disturbed terrain to its natural condition in such regions would not
be possible.
The depth of summer thawing depends largely on how rapidly the
seasonal range of temperature diminishes with depth. The temperature
range underneath the wet organic mat of many tundra areas is
relatively slight between summer and winter, whereas substantial
seasonal variations persist to greater depths in drier mineral soils.
The insulating effect of the organic mat moderates the warming
temperatures during the summer, allowing permafrost to remain close to
the surface. Several characteristics of the organic mat help to
reduce the seasonal variation, the most important being the large
amount of water it can retain. The amount of heat absorbed by ice
when it melts is enough to raise the temperature of an equal volume of
dry rock by 150°C. Thus, beneath saturated organic mats the active
layer is typically only about 1 foot thick, but beneath drier mineral
soils it may be 5 or even 10 times as great; in saturated mineral
soils the active layer is of intermediate thickness. Modification of
drainage in an area can change the moisture content and depth of the
active layer and thereby disrupt the permafrost.
The thickness of the active layer normally remains relatively
constant, and the permafrost beneath it remains strong and immobile.
If, however, the organic mat is removed--for example, by
surface-mining operations--or is compressed by placing gravel on it,
summer temperatures will increase in the uppermost part of the
permafrost zone and the material will thaw. Although ice-rich
permafrost may have been stable for thousands of years, if it contains
excess ice it will be weakened by thawing and may be mobilized by
gravity, even on very gentle slopes, thereby exposing the material
beneath it to degradation. In flat terrain the thawed soil may remain
in place, a depression or lake may form, and a new active layer
develop to protect the underlying permafrost.
Where surface disruption increases the thickness of the active
layer above permafrost containing massive ice (e.g., ice wedges or
lenses), the effects of thawing can be severe. The ice and frozen
sediment are converted into water and mud, which flows downslope
leaving no solids behind to insulate the underlying ice. In the
absence of surface insulation the underlying permafrost progressively
degrades, creating large depressions that eventually stabilize after
being buried by slumping of adjacent thawed material. Running water
from the thawing sediments can collect substantial amounts of heat
from solar radiation, thereby causing additional permafrost
degradation along its drainage path. If this water enters seasonal
contraction cracks in ice wedges, it may establish subsurface drainage
pathways or caverns. In flat terrain the water thawed from massive
ice can collect in the resulting depression. Such ponds can collect
solar radiation that may cause them to enlarge by thawing their
ice-rich banks and bottoms. Under such conditions, ponds may coalesce
to form "thaw lakes" (Britton 1958, Anderson and Hussey 1963, Sellmann
and others 1975). Features resulting from the melting of ground ice
are referred to as "thermokarst." Thermokarst is a condition that
could be initiated by surface mining activities at some sites,
particularly on the North Slope. Distribution
In North America, except for certain limited areas at high
altitudes in the temperate regions, perennially frozen ground is
generally confined to the high latitudes. Within the United States it
is, for all practical purposes, unique to Alaska. Permafrost is
widely distributed in Alaska, underlying about 75 percent of the
State. In general, continuous permafrost characterizes the Arctic
Region (the area north of the Arctic Circle), whereas discontinuous
permafrost is a feature of most of the Interior Region and parts of
the Southcentral Region (see Figure 3.11). The thickest permafrost
occurs in the continuous permafrost zone of the Arctic Region, where
ground perennially frozen to a depth of as much as 2,000 feet is known
to occur (Gold and Lachenbruch 1973). The permafrost becomes thinner
in the southern part of Alaska's Interior RegionJ zones of 100 to 200
feet are common, although zones up to 400 feet thick occur in some
areas. Permafrost in the Southcentral Region occurs in discontinuous
patches a few tens of feet thick.
Most of Alaska's coal fields are found within permafrost areas
(compare Figures 3.11 and 2.2). In the Arctic, where the largest coal
resources occur, the permafrost extends to depths far below the reach
of surface mining and probably below that of underground mining as
well. But surface mining in the Interior Region could extend below
the base of the permafrost zone in some areas. Deep seasonal frost,
10 feet or more, can occur without permafrost throughout the Interior
SOURCE: Feulner and others (1971).
\ -+ !
\ ,.
\ ---\.----
ti ('
FIGURE 3.11 Distribution of permafrost and glaciers in Alaska.
permafrost zone
permafrost zone -present glaciers
Region. Coal fields in the Southcentral Region are likely to contain
isolated bodies of permafrost. Engineering Considerations
There has been very little surface m1n1ng of coal in Alaska except
in the Healy Creek, Lignite Creek, and Matanuska coal fields. Thus,
any attempt to determine the relationships between coal mining and
environmental conditions must to a large degree be speculative.
Nonetheless, Alaskan experience in mining and in road, pipeline, and
other heavy construction activities does give some idea of the kinds
of problems that might be encountered in the future during large-scale
surface mining of coal. The principal problems are those related to
Although Alaskan experience in surface mining of coal in
permafrost is essentially limited to operations in discontinuous
permafrost at Healy, the considerable body of information on the
engineering characteristics of frozen ground provides a basis for
assessing the impacts of mining on the permafrost environment and for
judging the potential for restoration of the land (Ferrians and others
Of critical importance are the volume of ice in the permafrost
materials, the form in which ice occurs, and the character of the host
materials. The removal of overburden and the ensuing disturbance of
the thermal regime could initiate or accelerate summertime melting and
produce unstable and difficult-to-handle materials. Where loess and
other fine-grained overburden materials with large amounts of ice are
present, thawing could create a liquid mud that is subject to movement
even on very gentle slopes. Even on level areas the mud might not be
traversable. The thawing of interburden material during mining,
especially the clays commonly associated with coal beds, also would
result in unstable spoil materials that would be subject to movement.
Where the water content of thawed spoils is high, compaction is
unlikely to be a practical way of making them stable (PL 95-87,
S 515 (b) (3), S 515 (b) (11), § 515 (b) (22) (A)), and it may be necessary
to use dikes to contain them.
Coarse-grained materials can be more readily handled than
fine-grained ones, particularly if the ice content is small. Less
water will be released in thawing, and any water that does result will
migrate readily out of the sediments. Excavation. Excavating surface materials in permafrost
regions poses special problems because of the strength of these
materials when frozen and their weakness when thawed. Interstitial
ice provides a strong cementing bond and either this bond must be
broken or mineral grains fractured in the excavation process. Because
of the strength imparted to materials by interstitial ice, attention
focuses on the breakdown of the ice. This may be accomplished by
mechanical means, whereby some of the cementing ice is ruptured along
fracture planes, or by thermal means, whereby the cementing ice is
melted. According to Phukan and Andersland (1978), there are a number
of ways in which frozen ground can be excavated; a description of such
techniques is required by the Act(§ 505(b) (7), S 508(a) (5)). These
include breaking frozen soil and rock into manageable small chunks by
blasting or by using rippers attached to tractors or other heavy
equipment, or by prethawing frozen materials, and then excavating by
standard mining practices. The most effective way to excavate frozen
materials depends on such factors as the type of material being moved
and the ice content, but in general blasting and ripping methods have
been found effective.
Blasting is not without its problems, however. Lang (1966) and
Garg (1974), discussing open-pit mining of iron ore in the
discontinuous permafrost of the Knob Lake and Schefferville areas of
eastern Canada, note the !lifficulty of obtaining optimum fragmentation
of frozen materials. Improper blasting results in blocks of material
too large to be handled by shovel, and as a consequence further
breaking by secondary blasting, mechanical breakage (dropball
methods), or natural thawing is required. Garg (1974) states that the
efficiency of blasting is controlled not only by the total ice content
but also by the type and distribution of ice. Because ice absorbs a
large part of the blasting energy, a knowledge of ice content and
distribution is needed for proper blasting design. Other problems
related to blasting are the generation of heat during drilling, the
melting of ice, and potential caving of drill holes, especially where
the ice temperature is close t.o 0°C (32°F).
Thawing before excavating presents special problems. Whether water
or steam jetting, solar heating, or other methods are used, the
thawing process is very time consuming. In addition, thawing may
produce a very soft or liquid mud if the materials being thawed are
fine-grained and ice-rich. This mud is difficult to handle, and
shovels, trucks, and other equipment may become bogged down in it. For
surface coal-mining operations, prethawing methods will probably not
be practical for fine-grained materials because of the handling
problems. Prethawing methods might be useful, however, where
overburden materials are coarse gravels, which may be relatively
stable when they thaw and could be readily stripped away by draglines
or other standard equipment. Hydraulic removal and flushing of thawed
overburden into nearby streams are no longer allowed because of the
water-pollution effects, although hydraulic methods could be employed
with proper settling ponds and reuse of water.
If a sufficient amount of overburden can be stripped during the
summer months, the actual mining of coal could probably continue
throughout the winter (as is now done at the Usibelli mine near
Healy), although winter operations under subfreezing conditions would
be more difficult and probably more expensive. A principal problem
for any surface coal mining in permafrost would be removing,
stockpiling, and replacing spoils and mine wastes under provisions of
the Act (§ 515(b) (3), § 515(b) (11), § 515(b) (22)). The likelihood
that fine-grained, ice-rich materials will flow or "run" when they
thaw has already been mentioned. If the overburden is a thaw-stable
gravel or bedrock, however, standard mining and stockpiling techniques
can be used, and minimal problems of slope instability or movement of
stockpiled materials can be anticipated. Ice-rich interburden
materials tend to be "weak" layers within coal-bearing formations, and
their exposure to thawing temperatures would require special attention
to prevent slope failure.
Although frozen materials are commonly excavated in the summer,
excavation in the fall or early winter may be preferable because the
freezing of the active layer provides additional support for the heavy
machinery used. Summer excavation is not without its problems. There
may be differential settlement or collapse of the ground as ice melts
and water runs off, interfering with the movement of trucks and other
equipment. Furthermore, pits excavated in the summer may fill rapidly
with water, whereas those excavated in the winter would probably
r~main open for several months. Where dry permafrost is present, no
unusual excavation problems are encountered.
With respect to winter operations, Phukan and Andersland (1978, p.
357) note that "Handling excavated materials may be troublesome if the
materials contain moisture which can freeze to any surface it touches,
such as power-shovel buckets, loading hoppers, conveyor belts, and
railroad-car bodies •••• Such problems can be eliminated by drying
the materials to lower moisture content and heating the surfaces with
which the materials may come in contact." Drying the materials is
expensive, however, and may add to dust problems. Garg (1974) reports
the refreezing of crushed material in the processing of ~pen-pit iron
ores in eastern Canada. Larger chunks of material had a much greater
tendency to refreeze (producing "bridging effects") in crusher feed
These problems wou~d be especially acute in areas of continuous
permafrost. The severity of the problems cannot be predicted,
however, in the absence of any surface coal-mining experience in
Arctic areas. Some of these problems would also be encountered in
areas of discontinuous permafrost, but there would be other problems
resulting from the variable occurrence of ground water and
interstitial ice or ice masses. Excavation in nonfrozen zones, for
example, might be followed by strong inflows of ground water that
might induce uncontrollable thawing of adjacent permafrost zones or
frozen layers. Garg (1974) states that open pits in iron ores of
eastern Canada's discontinuous permafrost acted as sumps for surface
and near-surface runoff and resulted in further thawing of permafrost
at the pit floor and in aggravation of operating conditions. The
presence of nonfrozen areas, on the other hand, might be an advantage
in selecting sites for the disposal of spoil material because no
undesired thawing of underlying materials could take place. The fact
that permafrost is unlikely to re-form in some.discontinuous
permafrost areas would undoubtedly lessen the problems of backfilling,
regrading, and reshaping the land surface, though deep seasonal
freezing of materials stored over the winter would cause some
difficulty in rehandling those materials. Slope stability. Slope stability is an important
consideration in the excavation of frozen materials and the
restoration of surface-mined areas. Slope behavior will depend to a
significant extent on the materials that underlie the slopes and on
the amount and-configuration of ice that they contain. Fine-grained,
ice-rich materials would generally be the most difficult to control,
and coarse-grained, ice-poor materials the easiest. Special attention
would have to be given to methods for backfilling, grading, and
stabilization in perennially frozen areas, as required by the Act
(S 508 (a) (5), S 515 (b) (3), S 515 (b) (11), S 515 (b) (22)).
·Most slopes fail because the shear-strength of the slope material
is exceeded. Generally, the lower the shear-strength the sooner the
slope will fail, and the smaller will be the angle at which the slope
becomes stable. Frozen materials have a high shear-strength, but when
they thaw they lose much of that strength. Any condition that
promotes thawing of permafrost may ultimately result in sl?Pe failure.
The vegetation and organic mat help to reduce thawing and
resulting slope failure in permafrost regions. Any disturbance of the
insulating properties of this cover will promote thawing and increase
the likelihood of slope failure especially where it results in the
exposure of ice-rich permafrost in excavations.
A wide range of slope surfaces must be dealt with during surface
m1n1ng. The slope of the ground to be stripped may be very gentle,
but the cuts made in the overburden, interburden, and coal may be
relatively steep. Slopes reconstructed in mined-out areas necessarily·
would be relatively gentle. The removal of vegetation and soil from
the land surface in areas of continuous permafrost would accelerate
the thaw rate of ice-rich materials and invite the development of
unstable slopes, even in low-relief terrain, because of the large
volumes of water admixed with these materials.
Of greater importance would be the problem of storing surface
materials. Because fine-grained and ice-rich materials will flow
readily on thawing, they may require containment prior to reuse in
regrading the landscape. Special attention would be required in
placement of spoils so as to protect offsite areas from any mass
movement of spoil materials, as required by the Act (S 515(b) (22) (A)).
It would probably be desirable to depart from the requirement
specified by PL 95-87 (§ 515(b) (22) (B)) by placing excess spoil
material directly on the vegetation cover to inhibit thawing of the
underlying permafrost.
Once surface mining has begun, additional slope stability problems
will develop as frozen overburden, interburden, and coal are exposed
to thawing conditions. If the mine-pit cuts are steep, the slopes may
be especially susceptible to failure. Cuts in frozen but ice-poor
soils or bedrock will cause minimum difficulty if they are designed so
that the slope angle is compatible with the strength of the materials
when thawed. Cuts made in fine-grained ice-rich permafrost would
cause the most serious slope stability problems because these
materials tend to liquefy and flow upon thawing. Spoil materials may
be hard to store so that they remain stable, and multiple-seam mining
(which requires rehandling of spoils and lengthy exposure of
overburden and interburden) could be especially difficult, if not
precluded. Selective segregation and placement of some spoils may be
found to be necessary, depending on local properties of frozen
Temporary stabilization of pit slopes and spoil piles during
stripping may be necessary at some mines. However, because of the
difficulty of establishing new plant growth, revegetation is not
likely to be practical for short-term stabilization of slopes, that
is, during the period of active mining at a site. Long-term
stabilization, on the other hand, will be essential for reclamation
and will involve various forms of revegetation. Land restorability. Practices for grading disturbed
land in coal-bearing areas of Alaska can be expected to differ
according to local permafrost conditions. In areas where no permafrost
occurs, the problems of land restoration will probably be similar to
those in the conterminous United States, and standard engineering
practices for regrading and rebuilding the land surface will be
applicable. Where nonfrozen and permafrost materials are juxtaposed
in the discontinuous permafrost zone, a combination of problems will
exist. Some of these will be problems directly and specifically
related to either the nonfrozen or permafrost characteristics of the
area, whereas others will arise from the interaction between frozen
and nonfrozen zones. Thawing in the frozen zones would probably
result in an outflow of water through the nonfrozen materials. For
some areas in the discontinuous permafrost zone permafrost will not
redevelop under the present climatic regime once the terrain is
restored and stabilized following mining. Deep seasonal frost,
however, is likely to occur throughout the zone.
Restoration in areas of continuous permafrost would face the
special problems associated with thaw behavior under climatic
conditions where permafrost may be redeveloped, as explained below.
Two principal difficulties might be anticipated. The first would be
the limited availability of materials for backfilling excavated areas
and for restoring the terrain to its approximate original contour, as
required by the Act (§ 515(b) (3)). The second would be the difficulty
of reconstructing and maintaining surface slopes that resembled those
of adjacent or nearby areas not disturbed by mining (§ 701(2)).
Because many of the coal seams likely to be mined in Alaska are
thick--15 to 20 feet or mare--a considerable void might have to be
filled to restore the original land surface, depending on the
stripping ratio. Waste materials from the mining operations might not
be sufficient to backfill mined areas completely because of volume
loss resulting from the melting of ice. Depending on the amount of
ice in the originally frozen overburden and interburden materials,
this loss could be substantial enough to make restoration of the
original land surface impossible.
It might be difficult to reconstruct surface slopes even where
sufficient backfill was available, because the backfill would be
thawed material without the strength of frozen materials. These
backfill materials might be stable only on slopes with very low
angles. Artificial containment of materials might be a useful
practice during early steps in land restoration where relatively
gentle slopes were involved. Where m1n1ng was carried out in
steep-slope areas (slopes greater than 20°), it might be exceedingly
diffic~lt to cover highwalls and return the site to its approximate
origJrial contour, as required by the Act (§ 515(d) (2)). The practice
of covering highwalls may even be difficult on slopes less steep than
20 degrees but for which factors of soil, climate, and other
characteristics recognized by the Act (§ SlS(d) (4)) may call for the
application of steep-slope reclamation standards.
Although permafrost ultimately will redevelop in disturbed areas
in the continuous permafrost zone, the upper few feet will remain
activei that is, the surface layer will thaw in the summer and freeze
in the winter. The surface can be expected to attain some degree of
natural stability only when vegetation has become reestablished and
forms .. an insulating cover.. Revegetation will thus be .a singularly
essent.ial ingredient for long-term restoration of the terrain.
3.1.3 Vegetation
Alaska's flora ranges from the tundra of the Arctic Region to the
spruce forests of the panhandle. However, most of Alaska's coal
resources, including a small part of those in the Cook Inlet area, are
in tundra areas, and thus the tundra warrants particular attention
with respect to the potential environmental impacts of coal mining.
Accordingly, the following discussion focuses on tundra, primarily in
the Arctic Region, and how it might be affected by coal m1n1ng.
Except for the use of tundra vegetation by reindeer herds that
were introduced in the late 1800s, the tundra ecosystem of Alaska
until recently was primarily of scientific interest to the
non-Natives, and little consideration was given to its importance in
providing range forage for wildlife or in preventing or minimizing
landscape degradation where permafrost exists. Exploratory work in
Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 during the 1940s and 1950s resulted in
significant disturbance of vegetation in some areas as a result of
fires, compaction of the vegetation mat by heavy vehicles, and
bulldozing of the vegetation cover and soil layer. Thawing of
permafrost was promoted and resulted in ground subsidence and the
formation of thermokarst. However, a vegetation cover was eventually
reestablished in some locations (Lawson and others 1978).
The discovery of the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the late 1960s also
resulted in extensive activity by man and machines, and this generated
intense concern about damage to the tundra. As a result, guidelines
have been established for controlling off-road vehicular traffic on
the tundra on Federal and State-owned lands. Regulations pertaining
to Federal lands have been developed by the u.s. Department of the
Interior (1974). For State-owned lands the provisions of Alaskan
Administrative Code, Title 11, Chapter 96, Section 10 et seq. apply
(Alaskan Administrative Code 1973). Off-road vehicular traffic on the
tundra of State-owned "special use lands" (lands having special
scenic, historic, archeological, scientific, biological, recreational,
or other special resource values) is carefully controlled to protect
the vegetation from any disturbance that would lessen its insulating
effects on the underlying permafrost. Preventing unnecessary harm to
the land by avoiding or minimizing the thawing of permafrost is a
primary concern for the Arctic and parts of the Interior Region. As a
consequence, off-road travel during the summer is generally precluded,
with few exceptions, such as the possible use in drier areas of
vehicles that exert relatively low ground-pressure--4 psi or less--on
the vegetation. (The use of air-cushion vehicles and others that
exert relatively low ground pressure on the tundra vegetation is
described by Rickard and Brown (1974), Abele and Brown (1976), and
Sterrett (1976)). For winter travel, State regulations are less
restrictive than for summer travel because of the smaller potential
for disturbance of the tundra (Brown and Grave 1979).
According to research in Canada (Haag and Bliss 1974) and Alaska
(McKendrick and Mitchell 1978a), simply killing vascular plants does
not result in the thawing of permafrost and development of
thermokarst, a finding which suggests that the naturally-occurring
dead organic layer,· with its large content of water, is the critical
insulating material on tundra soils. Thus, although vehicular
disturbance of the tundra may initiate thawing of permafrost under
some circumstances, the most extensive thawing will take place where
the vegetation is completely removed. Distribution
Tundra is widespread in Alaska, covering perhaps one-third to
one-half of the State (see Figure 3.12). It dominates the Arctic
Region north of the Brooks Range, the site of Alaska's most extensive
coal resources. It also covers parts of the Nenana coal basin and is
present in some of the Cook Inlet coal fields.
Although there are a limited number of plant species, there are
diverse vegetation types (Britton 1957) and a wide variety of plant
associations, depending on soil, moisture, and other site conditions.
Yet, in a general way, tundra plant associations can be correlated
with the broad physical features of the landscape. The plants
characteristic of wet tundra are generally found in the poorly drained
coastal plain of the Arctic Region, whereas plants characteristic of
moist tundra are generally found in the better-drained foothills
area. Alpine tundra is present at high elevations in the Brooks
Range. Along stream courses and steep south-facing slopes shrub
growth occurs.
Substantial areas of tundra also occur south of the Brooks Range,
where the summer climate is warmer and the growing season longer than
in the Arctic. Plants of the wet and moist tundra here grow more
profusely than those in the Arctic Region and shrubs are more
prominent throughout. Alpine tundra is found at high elevations in the
Alaska Range.
' 4 _, A/I;"'
FIGURE 3.12 Map showing distribution of tundra in Alaska.
-Alpine Tundra
59 Classification
Tundra can be classified either on the basis of physical
conditions of the terrain or on the basis of plant associations. The
physical characteristics of the terrain are particularly important to
mining and land restoration practices; the vegetation characteristics
are of prime importance to the final stage of land reclamation, that
is, revegetation.
Tundra areas are classified on the basis of the physical
characteristics of the terrain as wet, moist, and alpine (Joint
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska 1973). Wet
tundra is found in poorly drained lowland areas in which creeping
forms of sedges and cottongrass dominate the vegetation. Moist tundra
characterizes the foothills regions. There, cottongrass tussocks are
common, although a wide variety of other vegetation, including mosses,
various heaths, dwarf birch, and willow, is also found. Alpine tundra
covers much of the dry, rocky areas of the high mountains and is
characterized by low mat-forming plants, such as heather, avens,
lichens, and mosses. Although a given plant species may dominate one
particular tundra environment, it commonly occurs in other tundra
environments as well. Thus, lichens and mosses, found in large
numbers in the alpine tundra areas, also occur in significant numbers
in wet and moist Arctic tundra areas.
Viereck and Dyrness (1980) divide tundra into five major
vegetation categories (sedge-grass, herbaceous, tussock, shrub, and
mat and cushion) on the basis of the outward appearance of the
vegetation. These major categories are further divided into 40
community types on the basis of the relative numbers of species of
plants in an area. Character of Native Vegetation
Tundra vegetation is composed largely of sedges, cottongrasses,
and grasses, and to a lesser extent of mosses, lichens, and dwarf
shrubs. Most tundra species are long-living perennials that are
adapted to vegetative reproduction. They are generally poor seed
producers (Tieszen 1978). The number of species, particularly in the
Arctic Region, is low in comparison with the number on landscapes to
the south.
Sedges, cottongrasses, and grasses dominate the vascular plants of
the Arctic tundra, especially on the coastal plain. Most only grow to
a few inches in height although in some areas they may be as much as
25 to 30 inches tall; most of their biomass is below ground. Their
method of propagating, primarily by vegetative means, is significant
because seeds are generally considered essential for colonizing new
areas. Because they reproduce primarily by vegetative means, grasses,
sedges, and mosses of the tundra are slow to reinvade barren areas.
Cottongrasses and sedges are divided into both rhizomatous
(creeping) and tussock species. The hummocky appearance of the
tussock tundra, common to many well-drained sites, is due to large
clumps of cottongrass. Near the Arctic coast the cottongrass tussock
growth yields to a more level, turflike vegetation that is dominated
by creeping forms of cottongrasses, sedges, and grasses.
Tussock-forming members of these groups, although poor seed producers,
seem to tend more toward seed reproduction than the creeping forms.
Grasses also have creeping and tufted representatives. The tufted
species are relatively more productive of seeds than the creeping
species and are among the first to invade disturbed areas.
Mosses are also important components of the tundra, in some places
exceeding the higher plants in both number of species and biomass
(Rastorfer 1978). Biomass production is usually lowest in dry sites
and highest in moderately wet to wet sites. Where moisture,
nutrients, and microclimatic conditions are favorable, mosses
reproduce quite readily. In experimental plots near Prudhoe Bay,
McKendrick and Mitchell (1978b) found that the moss cover could be
successfully restored if phosphorus fertilizer was added to the soil.
Lichens are found in all tundra environments, and in some areas
they comprise as much as 30 percent of the vegetation biomass
(Williams and others 1978). Lichens are unusual in that they can
survive long periods of dryness, up to several years (Wi~liams and
others 1978). The ability to remain dormant for long periods allows
these plants to survive in harsh environments where other tundra
plants could not exist. New lichens develop from spores or through
vegetative processes. Moisture for their growth is taken primarily
from the atmosphere. Soils
Arctic tundra soils in Alaska are poorly developed, and except in
limited areas do not have the well-defined horizons that characterize
soils in the conterminous United States. According to Tedrow (1977),
soils in the foothills of the Arctic Region are generally silty,
whereas those of the coastal plain are likely to be sandy. Parent
materials range from normal bedrock to wind-blown or water-transported
materials. Well-developed soils on bedrock are often thin, but
frost-shattered bedrock may be as much as 3 feet deep in some places.
In a few areas well-drained "Arctic brown soils" with distinct soil
horizons have developed (Tedrow 1977). These soils range from 1 to 2
feet in depth. Soils developed on either river sands and gravels or
wind-blown loess may be considerably deeper than residual soils
developed on bedrock.
Although a wide range of soils exists in Alaska (USDA 1975),
certain characteristics are typical of soil in the tundra
environment. Tundra soils have developed under the dominating
influence of low temperatures and high moisture conditions, and
soil-forming processes that are common to areas of less severe
climates have been restricted. The rate of chemical and biological
action is low, and the depth to which soil-forming processes are
active is restricted by permafrost. Decomposition of plant litter is
slow, and there is usually a spongy mat of dead organic matter.
Rieger (1974) has divided Arctic soils into two broad groups,
namely, (1) those that are poorly drained and usually water saturated,
and (2) those that are well drained. Poorly drained soils dominate
the Arctic landscape, occupying as much as 85 to 90 percent of the
region. Permafrost limits the downward percolation of water, and thus
the soils remain wet during almost all of the summer thaw period.
This wetness favors anaerobic conditions in which iron is reduced to
the ferrous state to produce a gray or gray-blue soil known as gley.
As described by Rieger, the typical soil profile is an organic mat
overlying the gray or gray-blue mineral soil. There are generally no
clearly defined horizons of accumulating mineral elements in poorly
drained Arctic soils (Rieger 1974). Limited areas of well-drained,
coarse-grained soils are found on some steep slopes, on elevated parts
of flood plains, and in other areas where drainage is facilitated
(Rieger 1974). Bec:ause moisture is able to migrate through these
soils, oxidizing conditions prevail, and mineral and organic materials
are redistributed into distinct horizons. (For additional information
on tundra soils, see Brown 1967, Everett 1975, Everett and Parkinson
1977, Kellogg and Nygard 1951, Rieger and others 1979, Tedrow and
others 1958, and Tedrow 1977).
In general, tundra soils are of limited fertility. Nitrates and
phosphates, especially, are deficient. The pH level is typically
between 4 and 5, although local parent materials may modify that. At
Prudhoe Bay, for example, soil acidity ranges from neutral to alkaline
as a result of calcareous outwash and eolian deposition (McKendrick
and Mitchell 1978b, Walker and Webber 1979). Peat in some areas is
also alkaline. Tundra soils in many areas south of the Brooks Range
are also poorly developed and of limited fertility. However, the
warmer summer climatic conditions of the Interior and southcentral
regions favor better soil development than in the Arctic, at least in
well-drained sites. Revegetation
Revegetation is an essential step in reclaiming areas disturbed by
surface mining, as required by the Act (§ 515(b) (19), S 515(b) (20),
S 516(b) (6}). In Alaska this is largely a problem of reestablishing
the tundra plant cover, because most of the coal fields are in tundra
areas. Unfortunately, there is relatively little experience,
especially in the Arctic, other than that obtained in connection with
the trans-Alaska pipeline, from which technical expertise or knowledge
o( plant materials suitable for revegetation can be drawn.
Historically, scientific work on tundra vegetation has been confined
mostly to short-term studies aimed at a fundamental understanding of
tundra plant processes. According to Bliss (1979), even though there
was little research on revegetation technology for Arctic areas until
a decade ago, the results of various studies, including the uniformity
of results using native wild and northern agronomic species, show that
considerable success in stabilizing soil can be achieved under Arctic
conditiqna. However, most of the revegetation studies to date have
been concerned with species performance in local areas. As a basis
for revegetation planning, it would be helpful to have data on the
versatility of plant species for growth performance (tolerance to
different habitats) under differing conditions that exist over broad
areas, particularly along a transect where the ground has been
disturbed. Data on native species might be especially useful because
these species are generally thought to be the ones most likely to
It is important to note that the differences between the Arctic
and subarctic regions have a significant bearing on revegetation. The
Arctic Region has a shorter growing season, less precipitation, and
soils with lower nutrient states than the subarctic. These conditions
favor plants that reproduce primarily by vegetative means {poor seed
producers) and make natural revegetation of Arctic areas a slow
process. It takes many years for revegetation to take place under
natural conditions in some disturbed areas. Lawson and others (1978)
describe natural revegetation in the Fish Creek area of northern
Alaska and point out the importance of site-specific conditions to
vegetation recovery rates. Depending on whether the original
vegetation cover was completely or only partly removed, on whether
ground ice was common or of limited extent, and on whether a site was
relatively wet or dry, Lawson and others predict that it will take at
least 10 years for a temporary semiequilibrium to develop
(well-structured community dominated by plants different than the
surrounding tundra), and several tens of years for a complete
vegetation equilibrium to develop. Webber and Ives (1978) observed
that in some areas the recovery from damage that did not disrupt the
vegetation cover was complete in 5 to 10 years, but Hok (1971)
reported no revegetation in thermokarst areas after 20 years. For
lichen regeneration of burned-over and grazed tundra areas, Palmer
(1945) projected a period of 25 to 50 years for full recovery of
short-growth forms of lichens and as much as 100 years for tall-growth
There are also differences within any one broad region that are
important to revegetation. Thus a greater number of plant species are
found in the foothills of the North Slope than on the coastal plain,
and this, together with a somewhat warmer and longer growing season
would favor revegetation efforts of the foothills areas.
A particularly acute problem in revegetating disturbed tundra
areas is the low fertility of the soil, a factor that greatly
restricts plant growth (Mitchell 1976, Ulrich and Gersper 1978,
McKendrick and Mitchell 1978b). In studies at Prudhoe Bay, McKendrick
and Mitchell (1978b) found that phosphorus is critically limited in
the soil but when added to experimental plots of Tundra bluegrass,
revegetation is accelerated (see Figures 3.13 and 3.14). Both
nitrogen and phosphorus are especially needed in the Meade River area
south of Barrow to increase the natural plant cover on sandy river
bluffs. Phosphorus is the most limiting element for seedling
establishment at Barrow, although a need for nitrogen becomes evident
once plants are established. Ulrich and Gersper (1978) note that for
SOURCE: Jay D. McKendrick. University of Alaska Agriculture Experiment Station, Palmer Research Center, Palmer,
FIGURE 3.13 View of denuded area at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, experimentally revegetated with Tundra
bluegrass. Growth shown at end of second season. (Compare with Figure 3.14)
SOURCE: Jay D. McKendrick, University of Alaska Agriculture Experiment Station, Palmer Research Center, Palmer,
FIGURE 3.14 View of denuded area at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, experimentally revegetated with Tundra
bluegrass. Growth shown at end of fifth season. Grass is well established only within limits of test plot
where phosphorus fertilizer was added even though seeds were placed outside the fertilized area.
some plant species and locations there is a deficiency of potassium,
sulfur, calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Regardless of the species selected for revegetation, it is
generally agreed that seeding is required to speed the recolonization
of large barren areas in the tundra. The availability of a suitable
supply of seeds, however, is no guarantee that vegetation can be
successfully reestablished. The natural conditions that affect seed
germination and plant establishment must also be favorable. Unless
optimum conditions exist, several years may go by before seedlings are
successfully established. Billings (1974) notes that (1) the
temperature must be sufficiently warm (20° to 30°C) for germination to
take place, and (2) germination must occur early enough in the growing
season so that adequate root establishment and plant growth can
develop before the onset of seasonal weather conditions in which
temperatures remain below freezing. Freezeup comes very early some
years, and the timing of planting can be critical. Billings further
states that "· •• seedlings must not be exposed to drought in the
latter half of the summer before root systems have penetrated to a
reliable water supply" (1974, p. 418). He also notes that "The more
[climatically] severe the tundra environment, the fewer are the years
in which all these conditions are met and in which there is a good
chance of seedling survival" (1974, p. 418).
Not all tundra has an inherently slow rate of natural
revegetation, however. Tundra sites in northwestern Alaska that have
been heavily trampled, such as in reindeer and musk ox corrals, have
been reinvaded rapidly by native and introduced plants when seeds are
present, according to unpublished observations by personnel at the
Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station. Native sedge (Carex
bigelowii) and introduced grasses and clovers produced nearly a 100
percent ground cover in a single season in the musk ox corrals. Prior
to revegetation the corral areas were totally devoid of plants. The •
corral conditions, however, probably differ from those in areas where
surface mining and reclamation might be carried out on the North
Slope. A thin surface layer of soil is present (though somewhat mixed
with underlying materials as a result of trampling), the site is
heavily manured by the oxen, and quantities of plant seeds are present
in the hay fed to the animals. Furthermore, native sedge is a good
seed producer and is a natural colonizer in this region. This same
sedge species occurs in much of the moist tundra of the North Slope,
but it has not been studied for its usefulness in revegetation of
tundra. Willow, alder, grasses, and a variety of herbs have invaded
roadsides and excavation clearings near unalakleet, and similar
natural revegetation has been noted on the Seward Peninsula.
In research on revegetation of tundra areas on Amchitka Island,
Mitchell (1976) found that native plants produced an insufficient seed
crop for revegetation experiments, but plant materials native to the
mainland of Alaska, especially certain grasses, grew quite well on
some parts of the island. Mitchell also observed, however, that
because of the nutrient-deficient soils, fertilization was essential
for the development of good stands of grasses in the first year. His
research demonstrated that plant cover could be established under the
severe climatic conditions of the island.
Two species of grasses, ~ glauca and Arctagrostis latifolia
(Komarkova and Webber 1978, Swanson 1979), have been observed in
increasing abundance on disturbed tundra sites. These two grasses are
geographically distributed beyond the Arctic, and strains found in the
boreal region and on the Arctic fringe have proved to be good seed
producers under commercial farming conditions in the Matanuska
Valley. They are presently being used successfully bY the oil
industry in revegetation projects in Arctic Alaska and would seem to
have considerable promise for revegetating areas disturbed by surface
coal mining.
According to Mitchell (1979), f· glauca (Tundra bluegrass) is
particularly recommended as a component of seed mixes for revegetation
in the Arctic Region. ~· latifolia (Alyeska polargrass) is also
useful for re~egetation of Arctic areas and for moist to moderately
wet sites south of the Brooks Range. Because of a tolerance to a wide
range of conditions, sourdough bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis
canadensis) can be used for revegetation throughout mainland laska.
Its seedling vigor, like that of Alyeska polargrass, however, is low
(Mitchell 1979).
In the Healy area a successful program of revegetating reclaimed
areas has been carried out since 1971. At the Usibelli mine,
sandstones and shales above and below the coal, and which break down
readily, are used as seedbed material to which appropriate nutrients,
mainly phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, are added. Specially
selected grasses and legumes are used for revegetation. The species
used, although not native to the area, grow rapidly and, according to
Conwell (1977), grasses planted in May can be cut for hay in August.
Self-sustaining growth is established within 3 years of initial
seeding. Fertilizers added during this growth period are no longer
required after the vegetation becomes self-sustaining. Native species
have not yet reinvaded the area.
3.1.4 Hydrology
Alaska has about one-third of the Nation's water resources, but
detailed hydrologic information for the State is mostly lacking.
Nonetheless, for most parts of Alaska, the general behavior of streams
is known, and broad generalizations about the quality and quantity of
water can be made (Balding 1976, u.s. Geological Survey 1978). The
following information on the Alaskan hydrologic regime provides a
backdrop for analyzing the appropriate provisions of PL 95-87. Surface Water
The general distribution of streamflow within Alaska is shown in
Figure 3.15. The mean annual runoff generally increases from less
than 0.5 cfsm (cubic feet per second per square mile) along the Arctic
SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Interior (19 78a).
FIGURE 3.15 Average annual runoff in cubic feet per second per square mile.
(To convert to inches, multiply by 13.6.)
9 8
SOURCE: Robert D. Lamke, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska (Written communication
FIGURE 3.16 Index map showing location of gaging stations providing data for
Table 3.3 of this report.
Ocean in the north, to 1 cfsm in the Interior, to 12 cfsm along the
Gulf of Alaska, and to 30 cfsm in southeastern Alaska (to convert
runoff in cfsm to inches, multiply by 13.6). The mean annual runoff
varies with the average annual precipitation (see Figure 3.6). Table
3.3 shows the discharges of representative streams in or near
potential coal-mining areas; locations of gaging stations providing
these data are shown in Figure 3.16.
Because of the extremely low winter temperatures in the interior
and northern parts of Alaska, overland runoff into the streams ceases
and some streams, especially the smaller ones, freeze completely for
part of the year. The seasonal flow variation is greatest in these
areas. On the North Slope 90 to 95 percent of the runoff occurs from
June to mid-September. In the Interior 80 to 85 percent of the runoff
occurs during the 5-month. period, May through September, when
open-water conditions exist on the rivers. To the south, along the
Gulf of Alaska, there is less seasonal variation in streamflow, but
about 75 percent of the runoff comes during May through September.
Variations in flow during open-water periods are a function of
topography and the seasonal fluctuations of precipitation and
temperature. For example, in low-elevation coastal areas near Cook
Inlet or the Gulf of Alaska, rains in September and October may
produce flow volumes comparable to the flows from snowmelt during May
and June. In low-lying areas of the North Slope and at higher
elevations throughout the State, most of the flow occurs as a result
of snow-and ice-melt during the spring breakup. Minimum flows
generally occur prior to breakup. Streamflow is also significantly
affected by meltwater from glaciers; glacial meltwater flow is largest
in June, July, and August, when the temperatures are highest.
Snowmelt peaks and floods from ice jams usually occur shortly
after ice breakup in the spring. Floods caused by rain usually occur
in August or September. However, some runoff peaks are caused by a
combination of melting of snow or glacial ice and precipitation. In
some areas of the State, floods can also be the result of sudden
outbursts of water from glacier-dammed lakes (Post and Mayo 1971).
These floods generally occur in the spring or summer but may
occasionally take place in the winter. They are not common, however,
and it is unlikely that they would affect actual mining of coal,
although any flooding of stream valleys, whatever the cause, could
damage bridges and roads essential to coal development.
Another type of flooding common to Alaska is caused by the
formation of excessive ice in stream channels. This ice formation
(called aufeis or simply icing) frequently spreads beyond channel
banks; any runoff from snowmelt or rain then floods out over the ice
surface or alongside the ice.
Glaciers, which cover about 4 percent of Alaska, occur
predominantly in the coastal mountains along the Gulf of Alaska and in
the Alaska Range (see Figure 3.11). They are an important part of the
hydrologic regime because of the vast amount of water stored as ice,
some of which is periodically released as meltwater. This meltwater
affects both the quantity and quality of the surface runoff of large
numbers of streams. It augments the streamflow of many streams and
TABLE 3.3 Approximate Mean Suspended Sediment Loads and Concentrations for Various
Discharges of Representative Streams in or near Potential Coal-Mining Areas in Alaska
latitude: 60°20'32"
longitude: 144°18'10"
Drainage area: 7.95 mi 2
Average discharge: 127 ft3/sec.
Percent of tfme
Discharge (ft3/ sec.)
Load (tons/ day)
Concentrations (mg/1)
latitude: 60"02'56"
lonqftude: 151°39'48"
Drainage area: 131 mi2
Average discharge: 105 ft3/ sec.
Percent of tir,
Di schar9e ( ft I sec.)
Load (tons/day)
Concentration (mg/1)
latitude: 61°36'34"
longitude: 14gG04'16" 2 Drainage area: 2,070 mi
Average discharge: 3,857 ft3/sec.
Percent of time
Discharge (ft3/ sec.)
load (tons/day)
Concentration (mg/1)
Period of record: 1971-78
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 890 ft.
Period of record: 1964-78
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 670 ft.
Period of record: 1952-73
Glaciers: 12% of area
Mean elevation: 4,000 ft.
!I Number in parenthesis corresponds with location shown in Figure 3.16.
1,300* 4oo•
Small coastal stream
Number of samples: 28
Sediment curve fairly well
defined at lower discharges.
Small lowland stream
Number of samples: 300+
Sediment curve well defined
but scatters considerably.
large glacial stream
Number of samples: 287
Sediment curve poorly defined
at lower discharges.
TABLE 3~3 Continued
Latitude: 62°46' 04"
Longitude: 149 41'28" 2 Drainage area: 6,160 mi
Average discharge: 9,616 ft3tsec.
Percent of time 1
Discharge (ft3/ sec.) 42,000
Load (tons/day) 230,000
Concentration (mg/1) 2,000
Latitude: 61. 32'41 II
Longitude: 150 30'45"
Drainage area: . 19,400 mi 2
Average discharge: 46,800 ft3/ sec.
Percent of time 1
Discharge (ft3tsec.) 170,000
Load (tons/day) 600,000*
Concentration (mg/1) 1,300*
Latitude: 61°06'31"
Longitude: 151°15'07"
Drainage area: 131 mi2
Average discharge: 364 ft3/sec.
Percent of time
Discharge (ft3tsec.)
Load (tons/day)
Concentration (mg/1)
Period of record: 1949-78
Glaciers: 5% of area
Mean elevation: 3,420 ft.
5 10 25
31,000 26,000 18,000
100,000 60,000 20,000
1,200 850 410
Period of record: 1974-78
Glaciers: 18% of area
Mean elevation: 3,200 ft.
5 10 25
140,000 130,000 88,000
350,000 300,000 120,000
920 850 500
Period of record: 1975-78
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 1,100 ft.
~I Number in parenthesis corresponds with location shown in Figure 3.16.
Large glacial streams
Number of samples: 66
Sediment curve poorly defined
at lower discharges.
75 90
1,500 980
15* 5*
4* 2*
Large glacial stream
Number of samples: 28
Sediment curve well defined.
75 90
7,200 6,400
80* 50*
4* 3*
Small stream in coal area
Number of samples: 22
Sediment curve not defined at
lower discharges.
TABLE 3.3 Continued
latitude: 63°19'32"
Longitude: 148"14'49" 2 Drainage area: 36.2 mi
Average discharge: 42.2 ft3/sec.
Percent of time
Discharge ( ft3/ sec.)
Load (tons/day)
Concentration (mg/1)
Latitude: 63u50'43"
longitude: 148"56'37"
Drainage area: 1,910 mi 2
Average discharge: 3,515 ft3tsec.
Percent of time 1
Discharge ( ft3/ sec.) 17 .ooo
Load (tons/ day) 300,000*
Concentration (mg/1) 6,500*
Latitude: 64°44'28"
Longitude: 155"29' 22"
Drainage area: 259,000 mi 2
Average discharge: 166,900 ft3 1 sec.
Percent of ti~ 1
Discharge (ft tsec.) 700,000
load (tons/day) 2,000,000*
Concentration (mg/1) 1,100*
Period of record: 1965-75
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 3,400 ft.
Period of record: 1950·78
Glaciers: 4% of area
Mean elevation: 3,500 ft.
5 10 25
12,000 9,600 6,000
60,000 25,000 3,500
1,900 960 220
Period of record: 1956-78
Glacf~rs: n of area
Mean elevation: 2,640 ft.
5 10 25
500,000 400,000 280,000
1,000,000 600,000 250,000
740 550 330
!1 Number in parenthesis corresponds with location shown in Figure 3.16.
Small mountain stream
Number of samples: 16
Sediment curve fairly well
defined, but points scatter.
90 . 8
large glacial mountain stream.
Number of samples: 60
Sediment curve not defined
below 2,500 ft3/s. Consid-
erable scatter of data.
75 90
560 450
large river
Number of samples: 25
Sediment curve fairly well
defined except at mid-range
75 90
35,000 28,000
1,500* 500*
20* 10*
-...! ......
TABLE 3.3 Continued
latitude: 64°33'51"
longitude: 156°30'26"
Drainage area: 85.7 mi 2
Average discharge: 178 ft3tsec.
Percent of time 1
Discharge {ft3/sec.) 1,800
load (tons/day) 260
Concentration (mg/1) 54
latitude: 70°1§'54"
longitude: 148 57'35" 2 Drainage area: 3,130 mi
Average discharge: 1,292 ft3/sec.
Percent of time 1
Discharge (ft3/sec.) 23,000
load (tons/day) 7 ,000*
Concentration (m9'1) 100*
Period of record: 1965-78
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 632 ft.
5 10
770 420
50 14
24 12
Period of record: 1971-78
Glaciers: 0% of area
Mean elevation: 900 ft.
5 10 25
5,500 2,300 310
220 30* 1*
15 5* 1*
Small coastal stream
Number of samples: 21
Sediment curve poorly defined
at lower discharges.
75 90
26 20
large Arctic Slope lowland river.
Number of samples: 30
Sediment curve poorly defined
and data scatters considerably.
75 90
0.1 0.03
NOTE: Sediment values listed are mean values; loads and concentrations for a given discharge may have a large range
of values depending on the season, whether samples were collected on a rising or falling stage, and upon the c3re taken
in collecting the sample. Discharges shown are mean daily streamflows that have been equalled or exceeded during the
period of record for the given percentage of time. Sediment values listed are at the indicated discharges, are for
illustrative purposes only, and are not meant to be used in any analytical procedures. They were derived from
instantaneous suspended-sediment curves by graphical procedures. The station data are shown in usual U.S. Geological
Survey order number sequence. (*=estimate based on extension of data or sparse scattered data.)
!I Number in parenthesis corresponds with location shown in Figure 3.16.
SOURCE: Robert D. Lamke, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska,
written communication, 1979. ·
sustains the summer flow of others. A notable feature of many
glaciers is the diurnal variation in flow rate, with high peak runoff
occurring in the late afternoon on warm sunny days. Glacier meltwater
is characteristically milky in appearance due to the presence of
finely powdered rock called glacial flour.
Lakes cover about 1 percent of the State, and it is estimated that
there are more than 3 million of them. The larger lakes were
generally formed as a result. of glacial scour and related processes.
Many small lakes and ponds formed where glacial debris dammed up small
valleys or where depressions were created in deposits of clay, sand,
gravel, boulders and related materials that were left when glaciers
stagpated and melted. Other lakes, common in Alaska, are thaw lakes
that formed as a result of ground subsidence where melting in
permafrost occurred (Walke~ and others 1980). Most of the many lakes
along the flatter parts of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, the Yukon Flats,
and the North Slope were formed in this way. Thaw lakes especially
dominate the northern part of the North Slope Region (the Arctic
coastal plain). Some of these are fairly large, ranging up to 3000
feet across (Brown and others 1968). In the National Petroleum
Reserve-Alaska, lakes are estimated to comprise as much as 40 percent
of the surface area (U.S. Geological Survey 1979). Ground Water
The generalized availability of ground water is shown in Figure
3.17. The largest and most readily developed ground-water supplies
are in alluvial aquifers along valley floors of major rivers. Glacial
sands and gravels along the Gulf of Alaska and Cook Inlet are also
important sources of ground water. Older, consolidated rocks,
however, have small yields in most places. Yields are also small in
permafrost areas because unfrozen reservoir materials are not
widespread and because water recharge and discharge of these
reservoirs are limited by the impermeable character of permafrost,
which restricts the movement of ground water. Ground water may occur
seasonally or perennially above the permafrost, in thawed zones within
the permafrost, or below the permafrost. In areas of continuous
permafrost, ground water is generally available only under or near the
larger lakes and streams where the permafrost table is depressed by
the heat from water bodies that do not .freeze completely in the winter
(Lachenbruch and others 1962). Water Quality
Most Alaskan streams above tidal reaches contain water with less
than 200 milligrams per liter (mg/1) of total dissolved solids, mostly
calcium carbonates. In general, streams draining lowlands and
intermontane basins and those in areas of low precipitation have more
dissolved solids than those in the mountains and in areas of high
precipitation. Surface waters in Alaska have a normal pH range of 6
SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Interior (1978a).
Availability of water
in gallons per minute
Less than 10
100-1000 -More than 1000
FIGURE 3.17 Generalized availability of ground water in Alaska.
to 8.2. (About 5 percent of waters sampled have pH values outside
this range.) The pH range for well waters is considerably wider.
Water in some laskan streams has a high organic content, high
concentrations of iron, and a brown color. With few exceptions,
concentrations of dissolved constituents are below the limits set by
Federal and State water-quality standards. Turbidity and iron content
often exceed the existing limits.
Chemical quality of ground water varies widely within the State,
and dissolved-solids concentrations as high as 64,200 mg/1 have been
measured. However, most samples of ground water contain less than 250
mg/1 of dissolved solids, and the water is considered acceptable for
general ·use. Excessive amounts of iron and manganese have been found
in many shallow wells, and water from below permafrost can have~i9h
concentrations of magnesium sulfate or sodium chloride. Some isolated
occurrences of high concentrations of arsenic and nitrogen have been
reported. Temperatures of ground water range from 5°C (41°F) along
the Gulf of Alaska to less than l°C (34°F) in areas underlain by
permafrost along the North Slope.
The amount of suspended sediment in Alaskan rivers is related to
whether or not there is runoff from glaciers in the drainage area (see
Figure 3.11). Glaciers contribute large amounts of very fine
material, called glacial flour, to the streams that drain them.
Glacial flour is difficult to remove and impairs the utility of the
water. Glacial streams draining the Alaska Range have normal summer
suspended-sediment concentrations of 500 to 2,000 mg/1 (see Figure
3.18) although concentrations are less for normal summer flows in most
glacial streams elsewhere. It seems unlikely that surface coal mining
would add significantly to the natural sediment loadinf Qf such
streams, although any contributions of suspended sediment in excess of
amounts specified in applicable laws is prohibted by the Act
(S 515 (b) (10) (B) (i)).
Suspended-sediment concentrations are highest during flood peaks
and lowest during low-flow winter periods. The percentage of fine
materials is greater for glacial streams than for nonglacial streams.
Most nonglacial streams have sediment concentrations of less than 100
mg/1 in summer and less than 20 mg/1 in winter. Table 3.3 lists the
approximate mean suspended-sediment loads and concentrations to be
expected in representative streams in or near potential coal-mining
Temperatures of surface water range from 0°C (32°F) in the winter
to summer maximums of about l5°C (59°F) on the lowlands of the North
Slope to about 20°C (68°F) in the Yukon River Basin. Streams along the
Gulf of Alaska generally have summer maximum temperatures near 15°C
(59°F). Streams draining glaciers are generally cooler in summer than
nonglacial streams because summer flows are augmented by meltwater
from the glaciers. Hydrology of Major Coal-Bearing Regions Arctic Region. The most evident hydrologic feature of
the coastal lowlands during the summer is the abundance of surface
Suspended-sediment concentratiOn
in milligrams per liter
5-50 f01 streams originatrng rn this area-!streams
passrng through contarn 50-2000 mgll)
10-100 -10-300
SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Interior (1978a).
FIGURE 3.18 Summer normal concentration of suspended sediment in Alaskan streams.
water in lakes, swamps, and tundra (Brown and others 1968). Surface
water is plentiful because infiltration is very limited, and
evapotranspiration rates are low. Most of the water is in the
thousands of small thermokarst lakes, which are essentially closed
basins. Many of the lakes are shallow and freeze solid during the
winter. Deeper lakes do not freeze to the bottom and may be a limited
source of water in the winter.
Mean annual runoff generally is about 0.5 cfsm or less in the
lowlands and is 1 cfsm or more at higher elevations. The duration of
flow in streams draining low-elevation areas is limited. The
preponderance of flow and the annual maximum peak discharge are caused
by snowmelt and occur just after breakup, usually in early June. Flow
rapidly decreases, and in the major rivers there generally is only a
minor response to summertime precipitation. Freezeup occurs about
mid-September. However, streams with headwaters at higher elevations
have a delayed and prolonged snowmelt runoff, are more responsive to
summertime precipitation, and are more prone to have high-flow periods
or floods resulting from precipitation. Figure 3.19 shows the general
seasonal trend in streamflow for lowland streams and mountain streams.
Almost all of the streams on the North Slope have no-flow periods
during the winter. The few streams that flow throughout the winter
have a ground-water source such as a spring or seepage, which is
generally indicated by the presence of aufeis (icings). Larger rivers
generally have water in storage underneath the ice in isolated deep
The suspended-sediment load in streams is low for average summer
flows~ concentrations are generally less than 20 mg/1 for streams on
the low-gradient coastal plain. Concentrations during high flows are
in the 200-mg/1 range. The streams that originate in the mountains
seem to have sediment concentrations in the 1,000-mg/1 range during
peak flows but much lower concentrations during normal flows. This
information is based on an extremely limited set of data.
The limited amount of streamflow data collected in the Arctic is
sufficient to make generalizations about seasonal variability but is
inadequate for estimating discharges at other unmeasured sites. The
records available are of short duration and have been made at only a
few gaging stations. The amount of water-quality data for the Arctic
is also limited; a number of streams and lakes in the National
Petroleum Reserve-Alaska have been sampled once or twice (National
Petroleum Reserve in Alaska Task Force 1978).
The water quality of streams and lakes is good during the summer
open-water periods. Concentrations of dissolved solids are generally
less than 100 mg/1, though they can be higher near the coast. Organic
materials can impart a brownish color to the water, making it
undesirable for drinking. Analyses of water samples from scattered
locations have indicated a pH of less than 6. During the winter,
dissolved-solids concentrations may increase markedly because of the
lack of streamflow.
Ground water in continuous permafrost regions is very limited
(Williams 1970). Not only is the ground-water storage capacity small
because most pore spaces in host materials are filled with ice, but
...J u.
:::> z z
1-z w u a: w
a: w > <(
Low-elevation streams
---High-elevation streams
40 , .......
30 I
20 I
SOURCE: Robert D. Lamke, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska (Written communication 1979).
FIGURE 3.19 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in the Arctic Region.
the restricted movement of ground water and the limited exchange
between surface water and ground water impedes the recharge of those
ground-water reservoirs that do exist. Potential reservoirs for
ground water are the thawed zones that are present above the
permafrost table in large river systems, under deep lakes, and below
the base of the permafrost. Except for permeable strata below the
permafrost, however, these potential reservoirs are relatively small.
Very little is known about the quality of water within
permafrost. At some places, water quality of thawed portions of
permafrost and of the active layer above the permafEost differs little
from water quality of nearby streams. But in other places, pockets of
very saline water have been encountered within and beneath the
With the onset of winter, water in the active layer becomes
trapped and progressively squeezed as the freezing front advances both
downward and upward through the thawed soil. There may be little or
no winter storage of ground water above the permafrost table. Any
water that does exist is likely to be under considerable pressure and
may escape to the surface to form large patches of ice. Beneath major
streams and deep lakes, however, the permafrost table is commonly
depressed, leaving a thawed zone that serves as a ground-water
reservoir and provides a potential winter source of water. Water may
also be obtained in the winter from large streams and deep lakes.
The most prolific source of ground water in permafrost regions may
be in unfrozen materials below the permafrost. The depth to these
materials, however, is commonly from several hundred feet to more than
a thousand feet. Furthermore, the quality of the water may be low
because of dissolved mineral matter; the water may be undrinkable. Interior Region. Streamflow data have generally been
collected only on the large streams. Seasonal variations in streamflow
for three representative streams of the Interior Region are shown in
Figure 3.20. Mean annual runoff is about 1 cfsm. The runoff is
greater in streams draining high elevations, particularly those
streams with glaciers in the headwaters. Most of the annual flow in
streams without runoff from glaciers occurs in the snowmelt period,
May through July; June generally has the highest sustained flows.
However, the highest sustained flows in the large streams with
glaciers in the higher elevations occur later, in July or August,
because of additional melt from glaciers.
Most of the peak discharges result from snowmelt. Occasionally,
the peak discharge for the year is caused by precipitation, or by
precipitation in combination with snowmelt; these peaks usually occur
in July or August. Generally, about 90 percent of the flow occurs
during the open-water, ice-free period from early May through
mid-October. Low flow in all perennial streams occurs in March or
April, prior to breakup. Many streams with small drainage areas and
steep slopes or at high elevations have periods of no flow during the
winter. Some of the smaller streams flow only during high-intensity
rains or snowmelt.
..J u.
~ z z
1-z w u
0:: w
0:: w > <(
Seattle Creek near Cantwell
--Nenana River near Healy
35 -----Yukon River at Ruby
""' 20 "-..
'•,_ \. ----........... \ 15 . ...
' ',
... ,
SOURCE: Robert D. Lamke, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska (Written communication 1979).
FIGURE 3.20 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in the Interior Region.
Ground water in the present mining area near Healy exists mainly
in sedimentary rock formations. Yields are less than 100 gallons per
minute from these formations. There are very few wells in the area,
however, and ground-water data are therefore limited.
For most areas in the Interior Region the sands and gravels in
major stream valleys are an important source of ground water. Ground
water in storage maintains the base flows in most of the streams
during low-flow periods throughout the year.
Concentrations of dissolved solids for streams in the Healy
coal-mining area average about 300 mg/1, although they can be twice as
large during low-flow periods. Water samples containing dissolved
iron and manganese concentrations 7 or 8 times the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) recommended drinking-water limits have been
collected. Total iron concentrations as high as 100 mg/1 have been
found. A limited amount of sampling· for other heavy metals and minor
elements shows that they are nonexistent or at generally low
concentrations. The pH values are generally greater than 7. Acid
mine drainage is not a problem in the Healy area, even though several
small coal mines have operated in the past. The quality of the ground
water is unknown because there are no known water analyses of the few
wells in the area.
The suspended-sediment concentrations in the small nonglacial
streams near the present mine area at Healy are only partially known,
and the knowledge derived from the few analyses available is very
limited. Concentrations are estimated to be less than 200 mg/1 during
normal summer flows. The concentrations seem to be lower in the
streams draining older, well-consolidated bedrock than in the streams
draining the younger, overlying sedimentary rocks and alluvium. The
concentrations seem to be highest during spring breakup and following
high-intensity rains. Sediment concentration~ during peak flows and
winter low flows have not been measured.
Sediment data were collected daily over several years at a gaging
station on the Nenana River, a large river with glaciers in its
headwaters. The station is upstream from the small, nonglacial,
tributary streams draining the mine area near Healy. Normal
suspended-sediment concentrations during the summer are about 800
mg/1, but there is a marked decrease to normal winter concentrations
of 15 mg/1. Concentrations of 8,000 mg/1 have been measured during
high flows. The average annual suspended-sediment load passing the
station is 3.6 million tons per year, based on data for 3 years during
which the average volume of flow was 2.6 million acre-feet per year.
The average annual yield of sediment was about 1,900 tons per square
mile per year. Streamflow and sediment data for this station are in
Table 3.3. Southcentral Region. The runoff in this region ranges
from 10 to 70 inches per year and generally increases with rising
elevations. For example, yearly runoff of streams near the Beluga
coal field ranges from 2 to 4 cfsm (about 25 to 55 inches) at an
average elevation of about 2,000 feet. Farther north and east, in
potential coal mine areas at lower elevations, mean annual runoff is
about 1 cfsm or a bit less (about 10 inches). The ice-free open-water
season is from mid-April to November, and about 90 percent of the flow
occurs during this period. About half of the flow during the year
occurs during the snowmelt months of May, June, and July. Peak
volumes occur later in the snowmelt season in those basins at higher
elevations. August generally is a low-flow month, except in those
streams that have glaciers in their headwaters. Streamflow usually
increases in September and October because of increased precipitationJ
in some streams nearer the ocean, the peak discharge for the year can
occur in the fall instead of during the snowmelt period. The lowest
flows for the year usually occur during February and March, prior to
Data collected in the vicinity of potential coal mine areas permit
adequate generalizations about streamflow. Streamflow records have
been made since 1976 at a gaging station on the Chuitna River near
Tyonek and in the Beluga coal field area. Another gaging station
within the area has recently been installed. Figure 3.21 presents
seasonal variations in streamflow of four representative types of
streams in the Southcentral Region.
Ground-water data for potential mining areas are at best sparse.
However, enough data have been collected at the existing stream gage
on the Chuitna River in the Beluga coal field to estimate that about
30 percent of the annual streamflow is derived from ground water. A
more detailed study of ground water in the Beluga coal field began in
the summer of 1979. Because the Beluga coal field and other
coal-bearing areas in the Southcentral Region have limited permafrost
or are permafrost-free, the effects of mining on ground-water
hydrology and those of ground water on coal mining could be much
greater than in most of the other coal-bearing areas in Alaska. The
limited data available, however, do not permit a rigorous assessment
of the probable hydrologic consequences of mining and reclamation, as
required by the Act (§ 507(b) (11), § 510(b) (3)).
The water quality of the small streams and springs in potential
coal-mining areas is good7 total dissolved solids are about 50 mg/1.
Concentrations are 100 mg/1 or slightly more in the larger streams.
Samples collected at a limited number of sites for heavy metal
analyses show isolated occurrences of lead, aluminum, manganese, and
arsenic in concentrations exceeding the national limits recommended by
the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency. Waters containing total iron
concentrations of 10 mg/1 have been sampled in the Beluga area. The
analyses show that other metals are at low concentrations or below
detection levels. The pH was greater than 6 in all of the samples.
The quality of ground water in wells generally can only be inferred
from samples of springflow and of streams when baseflow is dominant.
More data are needed in the Cook Inlet basin to determine the effects
of surface coal mining on water quality.
Sediment concentrations in the small nonglacial streams in the
potential coal-mining areas have normal summer concentrations of less
than 50 mg/1 and normal winter. concentrations of less than 10 mg/1.
Peak concentrations may approach 2,000 mg/1 in these streams. The
amount of information on sediment concentrations in small streams of
..J u..
:::> z z
~ z w
a: w a..
a: w > <(
High-elevation mountain streams
--Low-elevation mountain streams
-----Cook Inlet lowlands streams
-·-Gulf of Alaska lowlands streams
SOURCE: Robert D. Lamke, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska (Written communication 1979).
FIGURE 3.21 Monthly contribution to total annual streamflow in the Southcentral Region.
potential coal-mining areas, however, is limited; more is known about
sediment concentrations of large glacial rivers. These larger rivers
have normal summer suspended-sediment concentrations of as much as
2,000 mg/1; these concentrations vary with the extent of runoff from
the glaciers in the drainage basin. Sediment yield for some of these
larger streams has been estimated to range from 1,000 to 6,000 tons
per square mile per year. The bulk of the sediment load occurs during
the summer. (See Table 3.3 for sediment loads and concentrations for
representative streams.) Water Problems of Special Importance with Respect to PL 95-87 Basic data. Hydrologic data are sparse for most of the
potential coal-mining.areas within the State. Most hydrologic data
have been collected in relatively populated, accessible areas. Data
for remote areas are mostly scattered measurements made only once or
twice at a site (see Feulner and others 1971). Such information does
not lend itself to regional evaluations, quantitative assessments, or
predictions of the hydrologic effects of coal mining, as required by
the Act (S 507 (b) (11), s 510 (b) (3)).
Although techniques or models for regional hydrologic assessment
are available, very little work has been done in Alaska to collect and
compile the data and to develop the hydrologic relationships necessary
to use them. However, surface-water data are adequate in some areas
to estimate regional flow characteristics and to determine general
relationships for a drainage basin. Also, adequate water-quality
information is available to define the general inorganic chemical
characteristics of most Alaskan streams. Nonetheless, little work has
been done to define the basic hydrologic and physical processes
controlling the occurrence, transport, or deposition of dissolved and
suspended materials. Except for the few urbanized areas, ground-water
data are insufficient to develop or verify methods for estimating
ground-water occurrence or the quantities available.
Several problems in data collection are unique in Alaska. Data
collection is expensive in much of the State because access for all
practical purposes is limited to helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, or
boats. Instruments that function reliably under Arctic conditions
have yet to be developed for many types of data collection, and the
short days and cold temperatures limit data collection in winter.
Because of limits of funding and manpower availability, data
collection has been concentrated in areas where coal development
appears most likely.
The amount of time needed to collect meaningful data varies. For
example, daily streamflow data should be collected for at least 5
years and preferably 10 years in order to be statistically
significant. However, if several years of daily streamflow data have
been collected at nearby gaging stations in areas having similar
physical and climatic characteristics, 2 or 3 years of discharge
measurements made systematically throughout the seasons may be
sufficient to define the streamflow characteristics at a specific
site. In general, for those areas where some long-term data
collection has been made, the time needed to collect and interpret
additional hydrologic data to be used at a specific site or for a
small area will be shorter than in areas for which there are sparse or
no data. Water quality. The water quality of streams could be
affected by surface mining in several ways (Zemansky and others
1976). Suspended-sediment load (and turbidity) might increase in the
runoff from the mined areas, particularly during snowmelt and
rainstorms, as compared to the natural conditions prior to mining.
Heavy metals or other potentially toxic substances might be carried
from the overburden in mine runoff, either in dissolved or suspended
form. Another potential problem is acid mine drainage• A possibility
also exists that, as a result of coal mining, organic concentrations
might increase and dissolved oxygen concentrations might decrease
downstream from the mine (Zemansky and others 1976).
The amount of sediment added to a stream by mine runoff will vary
seasonally and with mining practices. The impact will be greater for
uncontrolled runoff than for releases that are controlled, diminished,
diverted, or stopped. The significance of this probable increase in
sediment might or might not be considerable. For example, discharge
of sediment-laden water from the mine area into a small stream used by
anadromous (spawning) fish--usually a stream with little natural
sediment load--might cause irreparable damage to a fishery. Discharge
of the same amount of mine runoff might have only a minor impact on a
larger stream used by anadromous fish, because of dilution. There
might be little damage if mine runoff enters a river that has large
flows and is laden with glacial silt, although even these major rivers
have seasonal low-flow periods when the naturally occurring sediment
concentrations are low. It cannot be said that the discharge of
additional sediment into a stream is unequivocally damaging.
Increased acidity of a stream as a result of coal mining is
possible and generally occurs as a result of the oxidation of sulfide
minerals. Moreover, many Alaskan soils are naturally acidic. Because
most streams in Alaska have very low concentrations of total dissolved
solids (and bicarbonate ions), they lack the ability to buffer large
acidic discharges. Sedimentation ponds. Sedimentation ponds (settling
ponds) may be useful depending upon the physical and climatic
characteristics of the mining site. The impacts of a sedimentation
pond might be more adverse than beneficial under certain conditions.
For example, the construction of a poorly designed sedimentation pond
in an ice-rich permafrost area could induce thawing of the permafrost
and subsidence of the land surface underneath and near the pond.
This, in turn, could result in failure of the dam, release of the
stored sediment behind the damr and channel erosion downstream from
the dam. In Arctic areas, erosion of the stream channel would
continue until a new thermal equilibrium was established between the
seasonally active layer and the underlying permafrost. The increased
depth of the active layer beneath the sedimentation pond might also
result in increased downslope movement of soil. This phenomenon can
occur even on low slopes in permafrost areas.
It may, on the other hand, be possible to take advantage of the
presence of ice-rich permafrost and permit a planned subsidence, as
long as the integrity of the control structure is not compromised.
Shallow lakes near mines might also be used as settling ponds.
In much of Alaska, sedimentation ponds could be used only during
the summer months. On the North Slope, the runoff from and inflow
into these ponds would cease soon after the onset of winter. In other
areas of Alaska, winter temperatures are not drastic enough to sharply
cut off all the runoff from mining areas and from the baseflow of
ground water. Ice could readily form in mine areas, on sedimentation
pond surfaces, and in discharge channels. The effectiveness of
sedimentation ponds could be diminished until pond ice partially
Outflow from sedimentation ponds can be highly turbid, depending
on the trap efficiency of the pond and on the amount of very fine
sediments. Sedimentation ponds are more efficient in removing coarse
sediments than fine sediments. Removal of coarse sediments can affect
stream systems7 lacking its natural source of coarse materials, a
stream will establish a new-equilibrium by modifying its sediment
load, velocity, or gradient. This could result in significant channel
changes below a pond (Guy 1979).
Standard practices for constructing and maintaining sediment ponds
may thus be inappropriate in Alaska. However, these ponds are a
recognized method of controlling sediment discharges. The decision on
whether or not to use them might result from an analysis of conditions
at a site and on the effectiveness of alternative methods of sediment
control. Alternatives include the prevention of erosion by
revegetation, by minimizing the area exposed to erosion at any given
time, and by minimizing the concentration of overland and channelized
flow (Guy 1979).
3.1.5 Geologic Hazards
Earthquakes, volcanic explosions, landslides, floods, and other
disruptive events are relatively common geologic phenomena, and no
part of the world is completely immune to structural damage or other
negative impacts from them. Human activities in areas where geologic
hazards are common differ little from those in areas where the
likelihood of a disruptive geologic event is remote, except that
precautionary measures may be taken to deal with the hazards. A
consideration of the geologic hazards pertaining to coal mining in
Alaska is important because some coal-bearing deposits, unlike those
in the conterminous United States, are in highly unstable areas where
mining activities could be affected significantly by a catastrophic
event. Two geologic hazards in particular--earthquakes and
floods--merit attention for their potential effects on coal mining in
Alaska. Volcanic eruptions and gaseous explosions, although common to
such unstable areas as the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula,
are not perceived as serious hazards to Alaskan coal mining. Earthquakes
The Southcentral Region of Alaska is an area of very high seismic
activity, and coal-mining operations there will be subject to the
hazards posed by earthquakes. Earthquakes can occur in the Cook Inlet
coal basin at any time. In contrast to the Southcentral Region,
seismic hazards are generally absent in coal-bearing areas of the
conterminous United States, and PL 95-87 has not dealt with the
One of several ways of describing the earthquake hazard of an area
is to tabulate the frequency of earthquake occurrence at different
intensities of energy release (Richter magnitudes). For the cook
Inlet region, Thenhaus and others (in press) estimate the severity and
annual occurrence rate of earthquakes as follows:
Richter Magnitude
Annual Earthquake
Occurrence Rate
These estimates suggest that earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 to 7.0, for
example, will occur in the Cook Inlet region once every 3 years. A
magnitude of 7.0 is a commonly accepted lower limit for a major
destructive earthquake, although earthquakes of lesser magnitude may
cause considerable damage where unstable conditions exist, for
example, in poorly designed buildings and dams.
A major earthquake could interrupt mining by damaging or
destroying buildings, equipment, and transportation facilities, even
though the earthquake epicenter might be many miles away. The great
earthquake of 1964 (magnitude 8.4 to 8.6) that caused widespread
damage to Anchorage was centered in an area 75 miles to the east.
Structures would be subject to less risk if they were designed to
withstand earthquakes up to some specified magnitude, perhaps 7.0.
A major earthquake could affect spoil piles or impoundment
structures with resulting damage to surrounding areas. Failure of
waste piles could result in the contamination of streams with unwanted
sediment, although if sound engineering practices are followed, the
risk of slope failure through seismic shocks probably would be slight.
For clear-water streams any significant increase in sediment load,
even a temporary increase resulting from sedimentation-pond failure or
spoils movement, might affect salmon spawning areas. Of even greater
importance might be the release of noxious or hazardous materials from
spoil piles and solid wastes into the surface waters, and possibly
into ground-water supplies. Particular attention needs to be given to
the use of spoil materials in building dams and embankments for water
impoundment or other purposes, as required by the Act (§ 515(b) (13),
§ 516(b) (5)) and to the stabilizing of waste piles (§ 515(b) (11),
§ 516(b) (4)) and excess spoil(§ 515(b) (22) (A)).
Earthquakes can also generate tidal waves, and because of the
unusually high range of tide in Cook Inlet even under ordinary
conditions, docks and other coastal structures could be seriously
damaged. Floods
Floods in Alaska can be severe because of the unusual
environmental conditions in certain parts of the State. In regions
where permafrost is prevalent, surface runoff occurs more quickly than
in other areas because there is virtually no infiltration of water
into the ground-storage system. Rainstorms on Alaska's North Slope
commonly result in high water in the smaller streams. Precipitation
in the region is low, however, major storms are infrequent, and the
large rivers are little affected by summertime precipitation.
Precipitation is somewhat higher in areas south of the Brooks Range,
and high water is more frequent.
Surface runoff and the possibility of flooding are also enhanced
by the melting of glaciers during the summer. Large volumes of water
are released by the melting of glacial ice (see Section 3.1.4). Also
associated with many of Alaska's glaciers are ice-dammed lakes, which
can drain suddenly and release surges of water (Post and Mayo 1971).
Whether the release of these waters is triggered by summer melting,
earth tremors, or some other cause, the resulting floods may greatly
exceed the capacity of some drainage channels.
Most of the areas of potential flooding are along certain of
Alaska's major rivers and are well known (see Berwick and others 1964,
Childers 1970, Lamke 1972, Lamke 1979). High waters within major
river valleys would probably not affect the mining of coal because the
mines would be located on higher ground away from the rivers, however,
ancillary structures or facilities could be seriously affected.
Bridges and roads would be especially vulnerable to flood damage. Volcanic Activity
Volcanic eruptions constitute a hazard only for the coal fields of
the Cook Inlet basin. There are four active volcanoes in the vicinity
(Coats 1950). Two, Mount Redoubt and Mount Iliamna, are only 12 to 15
miles from the shore of Cook Inlet. Mount Spurr is some 40 miles west
of the Beluga coal field, and Mount Augustine is on an island well to
the south. All have erupted within historic time, some very
recently. Ash from Mount Spurr has fallen on the Beluga coal field
and as far away as Anchorage.
Although the impact of certain hazardous geologic events can be
lessened by appropriate measures, there is little that can be done
about volcanic activity. However, none of the cook Inlet coal fields
are close enough to active volcanoes to be affected by anything but
the fallout of volcanic ash, and this is likely to be more of a
nuisance than a hazard.
3.1.6 Wildlife
The wildlife of Alaska has unusual and diverse significance. Some
aspects are particularly special to the people of Alaska; others are
of broad interest and of national importance. There is deep concern
within the State for the economic and cultural interactions between
the human and wildlife components of Alaskan ecosystems and for any
activities that might diminish the usefulness of wildlife to
Alaskans. Higher proportions of the Alaskan populace engage in
commercial, subsistence, and recreational uses of wildlife than in any
other State. Many aspects of the fauna and the environments in which
it lives are unique; Alaska's Arctic, sub~rctic, and marine
environments have no counterpart elsewhere in the United States.
Also, the fauna and ecosystems of Alaska are comparatively
undisturbed, and hence provide unparalleled opportunities for research
into the structure and function of natural biotic systems. The unique
aspects of the fauna and its environments, together with unusual
opportunities for research, give Alaskan wildlife a national dimension
of interest. Attention is focused here on the relationships of
wildlife to the economy of the people of the State--the Alaskan
populace in general and to Native Alaskans in particular.
Because coal development could affect Alaskan wildlife
(S 515(b) (24)), and in turn the importance of wildlife to the Alaskan
economy, it is instructive to look at what animals are present in
different parts of the State, the character of their habitats, their
behavioral patterns, and their relationship to the economy of
Alaskans. This section briefly discusses the general features of
Alaskan wildlife as a whole and by region, the wildlife harvest as an
element of the Alaskan economy, and the potential effects of coal
development on wildlife. It also discusses factors related to
wildlife that may be important in deciding where, when, and how to
mine. Characteristics of Alaskan Wildlife
Species diversity in Alaskan faunas is low in comparison with
faunas of temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions (Hustick
1970). In Alaska's terrestrial and freshwater environments biomass
per unit area is also relatively low in comparison with environments
in warmer climates. Marine wildlife, in contrast, is abundant in the
North Pacific and Bering Sea (Gulland 1972), reflecting the high
primary production over Alaska's continental shelf. In all of Alaska's
environments the faunas are relatively pristine and essentially
undiluted by the introduction of non-Native species.
Despite the relatively low diversity of species, there is a large
variety of animals, certain species of which are viewed as
predominantly Alaskan. These include caribou, polar bear, walrus,
seals, and some types of whales. Except for the polar bear, all of
these play a role in the subsistence economy of many Native and
non-Native Alaskans. Other animals, such as the moose and some kinds
of waterfowl, are also important to the wildlife harvest but are not
unique to Alaska. Significant use also is made of salmon and other
fish for commercial, recreational, and subsistence purposes. (The
varieties of wildlife found on land and in waters adjacent to the
coal-bearing areas of Alaska [and some information on populations] are
shown on Tables 3.4 through 3.14 at the end of the discussion on
wildlife, pp. 102-112.)
A common characteristic of many animals of Alaska's terrestrial,
marine, and fresh-water environments is their migratory behavior. The
remarkable influx of birds into Alaska in the spring is well known:
about half of all Alaskan bird species are highly migratory and many
of the rest, although remaining somewhere in the State year round,
have extensive seasonal movements (Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959). Many
marine mammals are migratory. The movement of walruses, seals, and
whales is dictated in large part by the movements of drifting sea
ice. Seals and walruses frequent the edge of the pack ice, where they
can quickly move into or out of the water. Walruses winter on the
seasonal pack ice in the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean (U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service 1979). Whales also move in response to the
moving ice pack: some of them also migrate long distances to wintering
areas in temperate waters.
Polar bears, although frequently found on sea ice, commonly seek
out· denning areas on land, especially in the vicinity of the mouth of
the Colville River. Coastal areas to the east, including the Prudhoe
Bay oil field area, are used to a limited extent, but land areas along
the northwestern coast (Point Hope to Point Barrow) are used only
Among the land animals the caribou are especially well known for
their migratory behavior, moving long distances between their summer
and winter grazing areas. Their lengthy migrations set them apart
from the other land animals of Alaska. The northern herd migrates
each spring from wintering areas south of the Brooks Range to calving
areas north of the Range. Although the migration routes are
predominantly north-south, there is also considerable east-west
movement of the herd during the summer. The caribou herds of the
Interior and Southcentral regions also migrate considerable distances
each year. One object of the summer movement is to find new forage
areas, but movement is also to avoid the harassment of mosquitos and
flies (White and others 1975). Moose, on the other hand, remain more
or less in the same areas throughout the year.
Many of Alaska's fresh-water fish are anadromous and several
fresh-water species move great distances between winter and summer
habitats. Especially in the Arctic, migration is essential to find
feeding grounds in the summer and to locate unfrozen pools for
overwintering (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1977). Most of the
commercially valuable fish are also migratory and annually swim up
fresh-water streams from the ocean in order to spawn.
Because migration is so common a characteristic of Alaskan
wildlife, planning for resource development must be alert to the great
seasonal variation in the kinds and abundance of wildlife in a given
habitat, as well as the far-reaching consequences of heavy mortalities
inflicted in a single location on a concentrated, migratory
population. However, it should be noted that recolonization of
disturbed environments, after recovery, by migratory species may be
quite rapid.
Like wildlife everywhere, Alaskan species often depend heavily for
a certain period of the year on only some small part of the total area
they inhabit. In one sense these small parts of their habitat are no
more important to the population than any other area, inasmuch as the
animal's food requirements must be met for the entire year. In
another sense, however, these small areas are critical because they
are either more vulnerable to natural catastrophe or human
disturbance, or because they are essential to the life cycle of
certain animals (nesting, calving, and denning areas). This concept
of "critical habitats" has been institutionalized in statute,
regulation, and management programs. Somewhat related is the belief
that certain kinds of environments are more productive, biologically,
than others, and for that reason are critical for a number of
species. Thus, wildlife managers emphasize the importance of
saltmarshes, fresh-water marshes, riparian zones, floodplains, coastal
beach zones, sea cliffs, and other restricted but significant habitats
in making decisions on land use. Land-use planning on a regional or
highly local scale must be attentive to those concentrations of
natural productivity.
Two general aspects of the harvests of Alaskan wildlife also are
essential in the consideration of any major development program in
northern environments. These are: (1) that most of the species
important in commercial, subsistence, or recreational harvests are now
being exploited at or close to maximum sustainable yield levels, and
(2) that competition for a larger share of the allowed harvest, among
members of one user group and between user groups, is a pervasive
political as well as managerial problem. As a consequence, any
economic activity which increases the total human population of Alaska
is likely to increase competition for the wildlife harvest. Equally
important, any extension of the State's transportation system is
likely to open up new areas to wildlife exploitation, thus changing
wildlife use patterns and leading to intense political interplay among
user interest groups. Southcentral Region. The Southcentral Region has
extremely diverse environments and therefore widely diverse habitats
and wildlife assemblages. Marine waters are moderately to highly
productive, are stormy, but ice-free. The coastline is extremely
complex, creating myriad bays and sounds of varying depths. The
region has two large deltas (the Copper River delta and the delta
formed by the Susitna and Matanuska rivers), as well as dozens of much
smaller del~as, with extensive tideflat and marsh habitats. The
prominent f1shery species are Pacific salmon (five species), halibut,
pollock sablefish, several species of large crabs, and shrimp. The
oceanic mammal fauna includes a rich assemblage of cetaceans, abundant
sea lion and harbor seal populations, and one major sea otter
population (Prince William Sound) (Alaska Department of Fish and Game
1978). The seabird resource is also rich, including many
surface-feeding gulls and shearwaters, as well as subsurface feeders
such as various small alcids, cormorants, loons, and several abundant
species of diving ducks (Isleib and Kessel 1973).
The marsh and tidelands of the Southcentral Region are very
important nursery areas for marine fish and shellfish. Enormous
numbers of shorebirds also use these wetlands (and, to a lesser
extent, the rocky shores of the whole region) especially during
migration but also for reproduction. The marshes are productive for
waterfowl as well, the Copper Delta having one of the highest
densities of breeding waterfowl in the State. All members of the
Dusky Canada goose subspecies nest in the Copper River Delta area, as
does the largest single group of trumpeter swans (King and Lensink
1971}. Wetlands in the Southcentral Region are important to moose,
grizzly bears, black bears, coyotes, beaver, mink, muskrats, and other
Forests in this region--predominantly Sitka spruce and hemlock
along the coast from Seward east, and white spruce and birch to the
west and around Cook Inlet--tend to be broken by glacial outwash,
marshes, bogs, and mountain topography, creating a high interspersion
of habitats. The bird fauna is largely an extension of species
typical of the Pacific Northwest: there are few Alaskan "specialties"
in the Southcentral Region forests. The mammalian fauna is also
typical of boreal forest and coastal coniferous forest areas to the
east and south. Except in a few areas where black-tailed deer or elk
have been introduced and established, the moose is the only ungulate
native to the forest. Moose are very common in some parts of the
region as are caribou and bears.
Use of the alpine tundra of the region is highly seasonal, with
only a few birds or mammals in residence year round. In summer, plant
productivity is moderate and forage quality high, creating a
vegetation resource utilized by insects, insect-eating birds, a few
herbivorous birds, several small mammals including marmots and pikas,
and larger herbivores like Dall sheep, mountain goats, moose, caribou,
deer, and (on Afognak Island) elk.
The region has a wealth of lacustrine and riverine habitats.
Along mountainous coasts the streams are short and turbulent, but
mostly clear. Larger streams draining broad mountain areas or
breaking through coastal ranges from the Interior Region tend to be
turbid from silt and glacial flour. Four large lake districts are in
the region. Two are on deltas and floodplains of the Copper and
Susitna rivers, one is high subalpine plateau (the Nelchina Basin),
and another is a broad glacial outwash plain (Kenai Peninsula
lowlands). These water habitats are essential to the region's
anadromous fish and many aquatic birds and furbearing mammals. Interior Region. The Interior Region is somewhat less
diverse in its variety of habitats and wildlife than the Southcentral
Region. It does have extensive wetland, fresh-water,·boreal forest,
and tundra environments, and natural fires and permafrost add a
substantial dynamism to the environments, creating ever-changing
patterns of vegetation and wildlife habitats (Zasada 1976).
The fresh-water environments of the Interior Region have low
primary productivity overall, due mainly to low water temperatures,
turbidity, relatively high acidity, and low oxygen levels in winter
(Alexander 1972). Resident fresh-water fish (for example, pike,
whitefish, lake trout, and grayling) tend to be rather slow-growing
and have comparatively low reproductive rates. However, the annual
influx of salmon greatly increases the protein yield of these
environments. Fresh waters and wetlands harbor a limited assemblage
of boreal-adapted birds and mammals~ some species are quite common.
Migratory birds comprise a major portion of the biomass of vertebrates
in these fresh-water habitats.
Wildlife densities tend to be greatest, and diversity highest in
shrub and young forest communities, and lowest in mature forest
(closed canopy) and spruce bog habitats (Spindler and Kessel 1980).
Morse, snowshoe hares, ruffed grouse, and white-crowned sparrows
typify species that are most abundant in young, open-canopied, rapidly
growing vegetation~ wintering caribou, red squirrels, hermit thrushes,
and Townsend's warblers are typical of species most associated with
mature forests. Some species (e.g., raven, wolf) are nearly
Interior uplands, occurring at elevations of 2000 feet and higher,
are used by nearly all bird species but only in summer. The smaller
mammals are mainly year-long residents~ among larger mammals some are
resident (caribou, sheep, grizzly bear) and others seasonal or
occasional visitors (moose, wolf). Arctic Region. The marine areas are physically and
ecologically controlled by the pack ice, which moves close to or onto
the shore for much of the year and which influences water temperature
throughout the year. In the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, primary
production occurs in sharp, short bursts--during spring at the lower
interface of ice and water, and in summer in the upper layers of open
water. Two different webs of trophic relationships originate from
this primary production. One depends on detritus feeders utilizing
dead phytoplankton and zooplankton (clams, worms, amphipods) and their
predators such as walrus, bearded seals, and arctic cod, the other on
plankton-straining feeders (euphausic shrimp), their predators, and
baleen whales. The marine bird fauna is entirely seasonal, as are
many of the marine mammals. Strongly ice-adapted carnivores (polar
bears, some seals, arctic fox) are year-round residents that move
extensively within the region. Walrus and whales also are present,
generally maintaining a close association with the edge of the
drifting pack ice (Selkregg 1975-77). Seabirds such as gulls, eiders,
and other marine ducks are strongly associated with lagoon systems.
Others, like murres and kittiwakes, are cliff nesters restricted to a
relatively few places in the region where coastal topography is
The fresh-water areas have extremely low yields of fish, but
during the short summer may produce huge crops of detritus-feeding and
predatory invertebrates, which supply the bulk of the food for large
numbers of migratory birds. Wetlands dominate as a terrestrial
habitat of the tundra of the coastal plain. Lakes cover about 40
percent of the area. Low rolling hills and mountains comprise the
southern part of the Arctic Region. As would be expected, the
non-marine bird fauna has strong circumpolar elements, including a
considerable number of species, rare elsewhere on the continent, which
are mainly Eurasian. Waterfowl and shorebirds comprise the majority
of species and avian biomass.
There are only about 20 species of land mammals normally found in
the Arctic Region of Alaska. Ecologically, the microtines (lemmings,
voles) are perhaps most important in a numerical and functional
sense. The most important mammal in terms of direct human consumption
is the caribou. Found in two distinct herds (the Western Arctic and
Porcupine herds) now numbering between 150,000-200,000 in total,
caribou are extremely important subsistence resources to Arctic
people. Dall sheep and moose in the Arctic Region, though much less
abundant than caribou, do support subsistence and recreational
harvests. Wildlife Harvests
Alaskans harvest wildlife for cash, food, nonfood products, and
barter. Although harvests may be categorized as commercial,
recreational, or subsistence for legal or managerial reasons, most
8arvests are for a mixture of uses. This section briefly describes
the nature and magnitude of wildlife harvests in the three major
regions of the State. Southcentral Region. In comparison with the Interior
and Arctic regions of Alaska, commercial and recreational harvests of
wildlife are very important, but subsistence harvests are relatively
minor. Commercial use concentrates on salmon, shellfish, halibut, and
fur-bearing animals. Sport fishing for salmon, rainbow trout, and
grayling are popular as is sport hunting for big-game mammals such as
brown bear and moose, and for certain waterfowl. Subsistence
activities focus on salmon, and, in many cases, are as much
recreational as food-gathering in orientation. The wildlife resources
of the Southcentral Region are intensively and rather thoroughly
exploited. Few untapped populations exist of any of the animal
species subject to commercial, subsistence, or recreational takes.
Thus, the time-space distribution of trappers, hunters, and fishermen
fairly well reflects the distribution of target species. Interior Region. In this region there is little
commercial harvest of wildlife except for furbearers and certain
salmon. Subsistence harvests are widespread, utilizing salmon, other
fresh-water fish, moose, caribou, and (to a lesser extent) furbearers,
waterfowl, and small game. Recreational harvests occur throughout the
region, concentrating on big-game species along roads and rivers, and
near remote airstrips. Arctic Region. Subsistence utilization of wildlife is
intensive and regionwide in the Arctic (Josephson 1974) although only
a few groups of Natives depend primarily on subsistence hunting as a
way of life (Anderson and others 1977). For the Natives of some
villages, however, the subsistence harvest is considered to be a
significant element of the Native society, providing an underpinning
of the social integrity of the people (International Whaling
Commission 1979). (An inspection of Table 3.17 shows that mammals
provide over 95 percent of the subsistence harvest on the North Slope
and as seen in Table 3.18 caribou constitute over half of the total.)
Commercial salmon fishing occurs in the Kotzebue Sound area, but
trapping is limited because of the scarcity of furbearers in tundra
regions. Recreational hunting, mainly for Dall sheep, grizzly bear,
moose, and caribou, occurs patchily in the region but is not as
important as it is in the Interior and Southcentral regions of Alaska. Effects of Coal Mining on Wildlife
The effects of coal mining on wildlife in Alaska are essentially
unknown, and although there is some information on the effects of
mining near Healy and from construction activities in several other
areas of the State (Pamplin 1979), any assessment of impacts
specifically from coal mining must be considered speculative. There
has never been a large-scale coal mining operation in Alaska, and
extrapolations from data on the impact of other types of activities on
wildlife must be viewed with caution. Most major construction
activities have not involved a study of the effects of those
activities on wildlife, thus reducing severely their value as a basis
for deducing impacts from surface mining.
Because of the importance of caribou and because they are the land
animals most likely to be affected by coal mining, the potential
implact of coal mining needs to be examined in detail. It is, of
course, risky to extrapolate from the effects of road construction,
oilfield activities, and the trans-Alaska pipeline, but coal mining
would also entail similar intrusions into caribou territory. The
trans-Alaska pipeline project has yielded good data on short-term
effects of construction activities on caribou; the long-term
consequences are not yet known.
A recent investigation by Cameron and others (1979) shows that the
Prudhoe Bay complex was avoided by caribou, especially by cows and
calves, and that some parts of the summer range are no longer being
used. Klein (1979) and Roby (undated) also note that cows and calves
tend to avoid the pipeline, haul road, and oil-field areas. Bulls
seem to be less affected by man's activities and according to Roby
(undated) they are even attracted at times by pipeline activities,
perhaps because of early snowmelt near the road, which uncovers edible
cottongrass flowers. Based on observations in September there does
not seem to be any disproportionate avoidance of the haul road by
groups with calves in areas to the south (Cameron and others 1979).
However, Anaktuvuk Pass Natives have stated that caribou no longer
migrate along traditionally used routes in or near Anaktuvuk Pass
(Henoch and others 1979).
Cameron and others (1979) observe that because caribou react more
to visual than to aural stimuli, loud noises do not seem to alarm
them. According to Klein (1973), studies of the immediate reaction of
wildlife to low-flying aircraft have been made, but little or no
followup work has been done on the long-term consequences of
disturbance by aircraft.
In a study of the effect of the trans-Alaska pipeline corridor on
the local distribution of caribou, Cameron and Whitten (in press)
emphasize that avoidance is a reaction to human activities in general
and not specifically to the pipeline. This finding might be
important, for it is reasonable to assume that coal mining would have
a similar impact on caribou. The areas disturbed by coal mining at
any one time would be relatively small, though, and the probable
impact on caribou is difficult to predict.
Potential areas of conflict with caribou are primarily in the
Arctic Region where the caribou habitat encompasses all areas of coal
deposits. There is some overlap of caribou habitats and areas of coal
deposits in the Interior Region but virtually no overlap in the
Southcentral Region (compare Figures 2.2 and 3.22).
Even though the area disrupted by surface coal mining at any one
time is likely to be relatively small, mining's effects on the tundra
could linger for some time, particularly with respect to revegetation
of lichens, which require a long time, 25 years or more, for
revegetation to take place (Palmer 1945). This is especially
important to the caribou because lichens are a main component of their
winter diet. However, any revegetation of disturbed areas will focus
on more rapidly growing vegetation, such as grasses and sedges. The
impact of coal mining on grasses and sedges, which are favored by
caribou as summer forage, is likely to be less severe than the impact
on lichens.
It must also be recognized that direct effects of mining on
wildlife will be highly site-specific. Until a mine site is known,
the potential effects of mining cannot be assessed. In addition, many
direct effects of mining on wildlife will vary not only with location
but with the mining/transport system, including the regulatory
framework under which mining is done. Given current knowledge of
wildlife populations, wildlife habitats, and the effects of
........ SO I 58 Ill
suit iR •iln
Q Caribou Rangeland
@ Caribou Calving Areas
SOURCE: Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1977).
FIGURE 3.22 Map showing distribution of caribou rangeland and calving grounds in Alaska.
construction activities on wildlife, it is not unreasonable to assume
that coal mining would have a substantial impact on wildlife in some
circumstances but relatively little or none in others. The severity
of the impact would depend to a considerable degree on the location of
coal deposits to be mined and the effectiveness of steps taken to
mitigate impacts before, during, and after mining (see Table 5.1,
Chapter 5 of this report).
In general, coal mining and ancillary activities such as road
construction may affect wildlife through (1) disturbance of habitats,
(2) disruption of migration routes, (3) displacement from critical
habitats (calving, denning, and nesting areas), and {4) direct kills
by vehicles or other means. Such effects need to be considered
especially for Alaska's Arctic Region and for parts of the Interior
Region. Some effects will be directly associated with activities at
the mine site1 others will result from activities away from the mine
site. On-site effects. on-site effects of mining on wildlife
are highly site-specific. In general, however, the local effects of a
carefully planned and conducted mining operation on the wildlife is
likely to be small unless the site happens to be essential for a
threatened or endangered species, or the site is critically important
during part of the year to a large population of a species which may
have a very extensive year-round range. such localized effects,
depending on the site and nature of mining, could include destruction
of fish-spawning areas, mammalian den sites, or avian nesting
habitats7 losses of wintering areas for resident birds and mammalsJ
and disturbance of traditional migration routes for a wide variety of
A review of characteristics, habitat range, and behavioral
patterns of Alaskan wildlife, particularly those species now
considered rare, threatened, or endangered, would alert planners to
specific on-site problems of a proposed mining operation. If mining
affects a site for several decades and reclamation is not completed
for many additional years, planners will have to try to anticipate
which species may decline to a point of special concern during a
rather long span of time. Even an abundant species with a wide
geographic range could be harmed by localized mining. This is because
of the propensity of some migratory species to concentrate in small
areas at certain times of the year, perhaps for only a few days, for
critical social or nutritional activities. Examples include salmon,
many shorebirds, caribou, brant and geese, and certain songbirds.
Disturbances of such areas may be difficult to gauge because (1)
effects on the migrants are likely to be slow rather than
catastrophic, and (2) other changes occurring elsewhere in the habitat
of a species may make it impossible to attribute measurable population
declines to any single factor. Thus, for example, even though the
number of caribou foraging in the Prudhoe Bay area appears to have
declined, there is no certainty that oil field and pipeline activities
are entirely responsible for that decline or have affected the
viability of the caribou herd.
99 Off-site effects. Off-site effects of mining on
wildlife may extend over wide geographic areas. Air pollutants such
as dust from construction activities and stripping operations, and
sulfur oxides from mine-mouth power-generating facilities, may affect
vegetation and, directly or indirectly, the wildlife (Lewis and others
1978, Newman 1980). More important, wastes generated by mining may
pollute the streams of an area and be transported for long distance
from the mine site. It seems likely that there could be severe
impacts on fish populations. If sediment loading or toxic buildup
occurs in clear-water streams, spawning fish may be killed. On the
other hand, fish that can tolerate turbid waters may be little
affected by increased sediment concentrations, although they may be
severely affected by acid-mine drainage and by the release of other
toxic materials into the streams. Without proper effluent controls it
is even possible that fish populations could be completely destroyed.
Impacts of coal mining could be especially severe on fresh·-water fish
in the Arctic, particularly in the winter, because of limited water
areas that remain unfrozen and which fish must seek in order to
survive. Any pollution of these restricted waters would add to an
already stressed environment--an environment in which the winter water
temperature and oxygen content have decreased. Such a severe impact
does not seem likely for migratory land animals because of their wider
habitat range, but there is no factual basis to substantiate this view
Transportation systems to supply and carry products from mine
sites will also affect wildlife. These systems are as variable as the
mining itself, being tailored to specific mining operations. Almost
any combination of existing roads, new roads, existing or new
railroads, slurry pipelines, river barges, and ocean vessels might be
employed. Their effects on wildlife could be small or very large.
The kinds of effects could include road and railroad traffic
mortalities (which, historically, have been significant with respect
to moose in the Matanuska-Susitna-Anchorage area)1 losses of stream
habitats through siltation downstream from road and rail crossings1
stream channelization1 migration barriers such as poorly constructed
culverts (blocking fish passage) or railroads and pipelines
(disturbing caribou and other big-game movements), death of migrating
birds at transmission towers and lines; terrestrial or aquatic habitat
losses from gravel removal or cut-and-fill operations; water pollution
from spilled fuel and oil at construction sites and fueling
facilities; in-stream effects of barge-related dredging; loss of
coastal wetlands at shipping points1 and disturbance of ice-inhabiting
marine mammals on northern shipping lanes.
Any catalog of concerns related to surface mining in Alaska should
include the effects of human population influx stimulated by coal
development. Population growth stemming primarily from new jobs can
be readily estimated (Kresge 1976). Geographically, the growth might
typically occur (1) at the mine site or a nearby local community, (2)
in major urban areas, such as Anchorage and Fairbanks, where services
are provided to the development, or (3) at a regional population
center such as Barrow or Kotzebue. The effects of population growth
on wildlife would include (1) small, incremental losses of habitat as
new homes, stores, etc., are built, and (2) increased harvest
pressures and disturbances from recreational uses of wildlife and
wildland areas by the increased population. The oil-related
experiences of the 1970s give ample evidence that such effects are
real and important (Hinman 1974, Klem 1979). Effects on patterns of wildlife utilization. Surface
mining on a large scale can be expected to change the quantities,
geographic locations, and kinds of uses to which wildlife is put. The
numerical and geographic aspects have been mentioned already; they are
tied to growth of the human population and to the changing and
increased access to wildlife habitats.
Effects on the kinds of utilization are perhaps less apparent, but
to a policy maker certainly no less significant. Consider, for
example, changes that would take place in wildlife use if a public
road were built to a surface mine in the Beluga coal field, west of
the Susitna River. This area, now roadless, is utilized by upper Cook
Inlet residents and visitors for rainbow trout and salmon fishing,
waterfowl hunting, and moose hunting. Access is by light aircraft
(using lakes and larger streams for landing) and by boat. Trophy
fishing, especially, is very population; the resources of large trout
are heavily used, and allocation of salmon runs between recreational
and commercial fishermen is an intense public process. A road into
the area would greatly intensify pressure on fish and game resource
and cause management agencies to reduce bags and harvest seasons. The
increased access would lengthen the season for wildlife utilizaton,
too. Predictably, some persons in Anchorage who now sell fly-in
trophy fishing or hunting trips would go out of business. Also, since
the cost of access for recreationists would decline with road
construction, nonsubsistence uses of wildlife would become more
common. The effects of increased boating and cabin construction on
trumpeter swans in the Susitna Valley already have been noted (Timm
1978), typifying the kinds of impacts nonharvest uses may have on some
In other regions, especially in the Arctic, surface mining could
affect participation in subsistence use of wildlife, as well as the
balance of subsistence and recreational uses. If there were road
access from Barrow and Fairbanks into the extensive coal fields of the
North Slope coal basin, for example, the region's subsistence hunters
would gain little and could lose much. Extremely high costs of
vehicle purchase, maintenance, and mileage would likely prevent most
current subsistence users from being able to drive the road system,
whle affording access to the countryside for nonresident
recreationists and visitors.
Subsistence, commercial, and recreational uses of wildlife are
cultural phenomena. Thus, any major change in opportunities for those
uses, or in competition among uses, must also be viewed as a change in
a cultural milieu. Subsistence uses, particularly, seem to lie close
to the essence of rural Alaskan cultures. For that reason, and
because opportunities for subsistence activities are limited, proposed
actions such as surface mining, which would impose substantial impacts
on subsistence patterns, must be subject to especially close scrutiny. Wildlife Considerations in Decision-Making
The lack of knowledge of the relationships of Alaska's wildlife to
industrial activities limits our ability to assess rigorously the
potential effects of coal mining on the fauna and its environments.
Nonetheless, from what is known, it is possible to suggest a number of
factors that should be incorporated into the decision-making process
on whether, when, where, and how to conduct coal-mining operations.
It is, for example, of importance to consider the ecological setting
of the proposed mining and mining-related activities. Site-specific
aspects of the environment and the local ecosystem should be given
careful attention, recognizing that great differences exist within the
States. Decisions should not rely on uncertain extrapolations of
knowledge about wildlife from outside Alaska.
The nature of a proposed mine site and ancillary facilities with
respect to wildlife habitats merits special attention in any decision
to mine. For many areas this is reasonably well known, and includes
such information as (1) the permanent or seasonal usage by rare,
threatened, or endangered species, (2) the significance of the area to
the well-being of widely distributed species, including migrants, (3)
the importance of the site for subsistence, recreational, or
commercial wildlife utilization, and (4) the sensitivity of habitats
surrounding the mine site to pollution effects from expected mine
wastes. The relationship of the entire complex of on-site and
off-site facilities and operations are also significant to the
wildlife. Severe impacts on wildlife may result from mining-related
activities long distances from a mine site and also should be given
attention, along with on-site conditions, when assessing ecological
effects of a proposed mining operation.
A careful evaluation of potential cultural effects resulting from
mining-induced changes in wildlife populations or wildlife utilization
patterns should be a part of the decision-making process. It would
also be important to include an assessment of the degree of permanent
loss or displacement of wildlife if mined land (and land used for
other mine-related purposes) is to be converted to some other use
after mining. An assessment of the effects of mining and postmining
changes on wildlife should be made in the context of wildlife
resources of the entire region in which coal mining is to occur. This
permits a judgment as to the extent of wildlife resources and
resource-use gains and losses in relation to a large, related area.
Both local site planning and regional planning are essential.
Because of valid but differing viewpoints it is desirable to
involve wildlife users and interest groups, and wildlife scientists
and managers, as well as engineers and others with principal interests
in coal, in planning and decision-making. There should also be an
assurance that institutions planning and regulating the coal-mining
activity adequately recognize and respond to the dynamic nature of
ecologic systems and, as well, of human uses of and priorities with
respect to wildlife. Lastly, for any proposed mining operation there
should be an assurance that there are adequate funds to mitigate,
ameliorate, or prevent losses, insofar as current knowledge permits,
of wildlife resources due to mining operations or to gauge the extent
to which such losses cannot be prevented or mitigated.
The composition and distribution of Alaska's population, the
existence of Native cultures and local Native economies, the State's
limited transportation system, and land-use questions (see Table 3.15)
all have an important bearing on coal development in Alaska. Of
these, however, the most significant is how the culture and economy of
the Native population may be affected. This is not to imply that the
potential impacts of coal development on non-Natives are unimportant.
It is the Native population, however, that gives coal development in
Alaska a unique dimension. The following discussion accordingly gives
special attention to the Natives.
3.2.1 Population and Population Density
The population of Alaska in 1970, as determined by the census, was
302,361. It was estimated to be 416,400 in 1978. Nearly one-fifth of
the population is made up of Aleuts, Eskimos, and Indians. Because
Alaska has some 586,400 square miles, the population density in 1970
was 0.5 persons per square mile (see Table 3.16), a very low figure
indeed. The population density of the entire United States (including
Alaska) in 1970 was about 55 persons per square mile, a density 100
times greater than that of Alaska.
In both the conterminous United States and Alaska the population
is concentrated in urban areas and is very unevenly distributed in
rural areas. In Alaska about half of the 1978 population lived in the
State's three largest cities (Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau).
Thus, the actual population density of nonurban Alaska is
significantly less than the average for the State.
Alaska's three major coal basins are in very sparsely settled
areas. Although population data on the coal basins themselves are not
available, the basins lie in census divisions for which data do
exist. The North Slope coal basin is in the Barrow division, which
had a population of 2,663 in 1970. The population density of this
area of about 31,000 square miles was 0.04 persons per square mile.
The population was--and still is--mainly concentrated in the town of
~arrow and the villages of Wainwright and Anaktuvuk Pass so that in
fact most of the region is uninhabited. The Nenana coal basin lies in
the Yukon-Koyukuk census division, where the 1970 population density
was about 0.1 persons per square mile. The Cook Inlet coal fields are
mainly, but not entirely, in the Kenai-Cook Inlet census division,
whose population density in 1970 was 1.1 persons per squa~e mile.
TABLE 3.4 Large Mammals, Birds, and ·Fish in or Adjacent to Coal
Fields of the North Slope
An l111p0rtant arctic scavenger and furbearer. Bearded
Occurs throughout the area. Seal
Occurs throughout the area. Winter densities
are yreatest along the •lddle Coht11e River
and ts tributaries -up to two 1m0se per
square •tle have been observed on the Colville Spotted
River between the 1Ct11tlt and Analttuvult Rivers. Seal
May occur throughout the area. Densities vary
fro11 I bear per 50 square •lies, to 1 bear Walrus
per 100 square •ties. Most l111p0rtant habt-
tat Is located along a11uvlal va11ey bottc.s
near rivers.
Coal field covers ro'1hly 601 of the total
range of the Western rctlc Cartbou Herd and Polar
110st of Its calving area. The field also lear
covers the winter range of the Central Arctic:
Caribou Herd.
Occur throughout the field. Areas of greatest
abundance are along the foothills and 110untatns
of the Brooks Range. Paclts of wolves •Y
range over a distance of 1,000 square •ties. Waterfowl
Endangered species of great t~~portance In
ter~~s of Native tradition and subsistence.
Estf•ted population of 1,100 •lgrates
through the Bering Strait and northward along
the coast to su.er In the Beaufort Sc!a. Whistling
Migration route through coastll tee leads coin-Swlns
ctdes with 110st probable arctic shlpptng routes.
Endangered species. The entire extsttng pop-Seabirds
uhtlon •tgrates through the Bert, Strait
to s1.111111er and feed In the Chultcht ea.
Population of roughly JOO,OOO, they are constantly
associated with pack tee IIIOvl!l!lent. Residents
of Wainwright and Point Lay usua11y harvest
the largest nwnber of seals per person for
Bering Sea population Is estl•ted at 250,000.
Spotted seals •Y be found along the entire
coast of northern Alaska during the s...er.
The population Is estl•ted at 300,000. Migra-
tion through the Bering Strait occurs In late
May and June, and the population s.-.ers In
the Chultchl Sea, Beaufort Sea, and along the
Soviet coast.
Bears In the Chultchl Sea are considered to be
a separate population fro. those In the Beau-
fort Sea. The Chultchl population IIUIIbers approxl-
•tely 2,500 Individuals. Terrestrial denntng
areas are c:rltlcal for Polar bear survival
and areas of high concentration occur within
30 •lies of the coast1 tne.
SOllie of the best waterfowl habl tat In North
Alllerlca. During the short arctic: s._...r several
•111ton birds •Y •fgrate through the area,
stopping to feed and nest on the s..Jl ponds
that dot the tundra landscape.
An estt•ted population of 10,000 Individuals.
Concentrations occur at Teshepult Lalte and along
the Colville River delta.
Arctic: colonies are generally ~.all, averaging
a few hundred birds at 110st. However, colonies
fro. Cape Thollpson to Cape L hburne support
over 500,000 Individuals.
Up to 5,000 whales •lgrate seasona11y to
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Belulthas
concentrate In estuaries to feed, and
Peregrine Endangered species. Found nesting along the
· Falcon cliffs of the Colville River dr•tnage, and
along the Franltlln Bluffs area on the east
banlt of the Sagavantrlttolt River. large aggregations •Y be found at Pt. Lay.
Migration route coincides with 110st probable
arctic shipping routes.
May occaslona11y occur. Ffnback, hW~pbaclt,
kt11er, •lnke, and narwhal.
The 110st ubiquitous tee-Inhabiting seal of
arctic and subarctic Alaska. The total ringed
seal population of the Chuttcht and Beaufort
Seas exceeds one •llllon. It Is estl•ted
that 250,000 anl•h occur In areas of land-
fast tee alone.
Anldro110us The Coh111e River Is the •Jor source of con-
Fish centrated fishing efforts In the arctic. A
s•ll c-.erctal fishery exists on the
Colville delta, which harvests in nerage
of 20,000 least cisco and 40,000 arctic cisco
each year.
Freshwater Species such as whitefish, grayling, do11y
Fhh warden, and burbot occur throughout the area.
SOURCE: Compiled by l.l. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
0 w
TABLE 3.5 Large Marnnals, ·Birds, and Fish in or Adjacent to the Point Hope Coal Field
Endangered species of great importance in
tenms of Native tradition and subsistence.
Estimated population of 1,000 migrates
through the Bering Strait and northward
along the coast to summer in the Beaufort
Sea. Migration route through coastal ice
leads coincides with most probable arctic
shipping routes.
Endangered species. The entire existing
population migrates through the Bering
Strait to summer and feed in the Chukchi
Up to 5,000 whales migrate seasonally to
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Belukhas
concentrate 1n estuaries to feed, and
large aggregations may be found at Pt. Lay.
Migration route coincides with most
probable arctic shipping routes.
May occasionally occur. Finback, humpback,
killer, minke, and narwhal.
The most ubiquitous ice-inhibiting seal
of arctic and subarctic Alaska. The
total ringed seal population of the
Chukchi and Beaufort Seas exceeds one
million. It is estimated that 250,000
animals occur in areas of land-fast
tee alone.
Population of roughly 300,000, they are
constantly associated with pack tee
movement. Residents of Wainwright and
Point Lay usually harvest the largest
number of seals per person for subsistence.
Species present throughout the area include
grayling, whitefish, dolly varden, and
burbot. All species are utilized for
domestic use by local residents.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.L. Selk;·egg, University cf Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
Bering Sea population is estimated at 250,000.
Spotted seals may be found along the entire
coast of northern Alaska during the summer.
The population is estimated at 300,000.
Migration through the Bering Strait occurs
in late May and June, and the population
summers in the Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea,
and along the Soviet coast.
Encompasses a portion of the range of
Western Arctic Caribou herd.
A transplanted herd from Nuntvak Island
ranges from south of Cape Thompson to north
of Point Hope. Muskoxen cannot feed· in deep
snow, so they require wind swept areas to
A wintering concentration occurs near Point
Hope on the Kukpuk River.
Found throughout the area• however, densities
are low.
Occur throughout the field. Areas of greatest
abundance are along .the foothills and mountains
of the Brooks Range. Packs of wolves may range
over a distance of 1,000 square miles.
Seacliff provide excellent seabird habitat.
Over 500,000 birds nest between Cape Thompson
and Cape Lisburne.
A subsistence fishery for anadromous arctic
char and whitefish occurs at Potnt Hope.
Pink salmon are present in the Kukpuk River.
Concentrations occur at Point Hope during
spring and fall.
TABLE 3.6 Large r1ammals, Birds, and Fish in the
Nenana Basin Coal Fields
The Nenana basin coal fields encompass a portion
of the range of both the Delta and McKinley tarfbou
Herds. The Delta Caribou Herd is comprised of
from 4,000 to 6,000 animals, and the McKinley Herd
has 3,000.
Important moose habitat. The Tanana Hills are
particularly important during the rutting season.
Occur throughout the area.
Have been reported during early spring on windswept
portions of Jarvis Creek. Most bison cross the
Delta River to their summer range during May,
and most calving occurs shortly thereafter near
Donnelly Dome.
Populations occur throughout the area south of
the coal field. Recently a population has bec0111e
established near Usibelli.
Ubiquitous and abundant in the area. Observations
suggest a population of nearly 200 animals.
Are present in the wetlands along the Nenana River
Species present include grayling, whitefish, and
Several thousand chum and silver salmon spawn and
rear in the Nenana River drainage.
SOURCE: Compiled by l.l. Selkregg. University of Alaska. with the
assistance of lance Trasky. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1980.
TABLE 3.7 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in the Eagle-Circle Coal Field
District encompasses a substantial
portion of the Fortymile Caribou Herd
Range. Population estimates for this
herd number roughly 15,000 individuals.
Occur throughout the area. Population
fluctuations are common. Broad, swampy
river flats near the Yukon River provide
spring and summer calving and feeding areas
for thousands of moose.
Occur throughout the area in alpine and
sub-alpine regions. They have also been
found along all the river drainages
Two important concentrations occur at the
Tanana Hills-White Mountain complex, and
along the cliffs of the Charley River. The
Charley River population:is unique in that
it is one of the few, if not the only river
in Alaska that supports a Dall sheep popu-
lation just above its banks during summer
Abundant throughout the area.
Substantial populations of Canada geese and
white-fronted geese are present in this area.
The drainages of the Charley River, Yukon
River, and Birch Creek flats are important
breeding areas as well as migrant resting
and feeding habitats.
Endangered species. A peregrine falcon breed-
ing area occurs on the Yukon River. near Coal
Creek. Nesting areas may also occur along the
Charley River and other tributaries of the
Protected species. Feed and nest in the area.
Anadromous Three species of salmon are present in the
Fish Yukon River. drainage as it passes through the
area; these are king, coho, and chum salmon.
Spawning also occurs all along the Yukon, and
the primary methods of harvest are f1sh wheels
·and set gill nets.
freshwater Freshwater species that are present include
fish sheeftsh, burbot, grayling, whitefish, northern
pike, and dolly varden.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.L. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasly, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
TABLE 3.8 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in the
Broad Pass Coal Field
Common throughout the area.
May occur throughout the area.
Occupy the alpine regions of the
adjacent mountain range southwest of
the coal field.
May occur throughout the area.
The Broad Pass area is a minor
migration route during spring
and fall.
Protected species. May occasionally
be seen.
Species present include lake and
rainbow trout, burbot, grayling,
and whitefish.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.L. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
TABLE 3.9 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in or Adjacent to the Beluga and
Yentna Coal Fields
Aerial surveys, harvest data, and winter
kills all indicate that the moose popula-
tion may number in the thousands. Concen-
trations of wintering animals may be found
along river drainages, or road and rail
Occur throughout the area. Bears are
particularly abundant around Tyonek
Village and Beluga River. Suspected
denning sites occur at Mt. Yenlo, the
Dutch Hills, Beluga Lake, and Mt. Susitna.
Are present along the Alaska Range, adjacent
to the coal field, and in the Western
Talkeetna Mountains. Populations for
both areas combined may number several
hundred animals.
Populations appear to be increasing. Pack
sizes in the lower Susitna Valley increased
from an average of 2.5 animals in 1973 to
5.2 animals in 1975.
Seals are present along the west shore of
Cook Inlet and a concentration occurs at
the mouth of the Susitna River.
Approximately 100-300 belukha whales frequent
upper Cook Inlet. They are commonly found
near the mouths of the Susitna and Beluga
Rivers during the salmon migration.
Tule Geese
SOURCE: Compiled by L.l. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
Hundreds of thousands of birds utilize the area
for migratory or. nesting and breeding purposes.
Two major State waterfowl refuges, Susitna
Flats and Trading Bay, are located in or
adjacent to the area encompassed by the
Susitna Flats field.
Endangered species. The breeding ground
which establtshes this species as a separate
entity from the white-fronted goose, has
only recently been discovered in upper Cook
Inlet near the Kustatan Peninsula.
A small colony exists near the Susitna Flats.
Protected species. Nest and feed.in area.
Endangered species. May be present, but
nesting sites have not been documented.
Spawning streams draining through the field
support all five species of salmon. Known
major spawning areas include portions of the
Susitna River, Alexander Creek, Fish Creek,
Beluga River, Talachulitna River, and Chuitna
River. Other smaller localized areas may
occur throughout the region. ·
Species that are present include lake and
rainbow trout, steelhead, dolly varden,
grayling, b~rbot, and whitefish.
TABLE 3.10 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in the Matanuska Coal Field
Field encompasses important moose habitat.
Populations ifl the Matanuska Valley and
around Anchorage may number 4,000. More
than 10,000 moose have been harvested in
the area since statehood. Wintering con-
centrations occur near Ship Creek, Palmer
Hayflats. and along the Matanuska Valley.
Occur throughout the area. however. densities
are low.
Are present along the Alaska Range, adjacent
to the coal field, and in the Western
Talkeetna Mountains. Populations for both
areas combined may number several hundred
Occur on the mountains adjacent to the
Matanuska River.
Populations appear to be increasing. Pack
sizes in the lower Susitna Valley increased
from an average of 2.5 animals tn 1973 to
5.2 animals in 1975.
Intensive use occurs at Potter Marsh.
Eklutna, and the Palmer Hayflats. Nest-
ing and molting activities occur extensively
throughout the coal field. The area enc~
passes an important part of the trumpeter
swan habitat tn Alaska.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.L. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
A small colony of gulls and terns exist at
Potter Marsh.
Protected species. Nests and feeds in area.
Endangered species. May be present. but
nesting areas have not been documented.
All five species of salmon are present in
the Matanuska River. S~lmon produced in
the Matanuska River contribute to the com-
mercial fishery tn Cook Inlet. Due to tts
proximity to Anchorage. intensive sport
fishing effort occurs throughout the Mata-
nuska Valley.
Spect es that are cotm10n to th 1 s a rea include
grayling. dolly varden, burbot. rainbow
trout. and whitefish. They support an
important recreational fishery.
TABLE 3.11 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in or Adjacent to the
Kenai Coal Field
The Kenai field support two populations ...
of caribou ·wtch tn CGIIblnatlon IUiber an
estt•ted 400 ant•ls. Harvest ts low, but
the value to be derived fro~~ pub1tc vlewlnt
and phototrapl\r II substantta'.
Extraely htgh denslt·les. extst tn and around
the Kenat flltlonal Moose Range. The total
.oose population for the Kenlt Pntnsula ts
approxt•tely 10,000 anl•ls.
Occur throughout the area. The population
ts estl•ted to be between 150 to 250 bean.
Occur throughout the •untaln areas. and the
total population •Y eastly surpass 1,000
aniMils. Intens.he hunting pressure origi-
nates fro~~ population centen tn Anchorage
and along the Kenai Peninsula.
The population •Y be 11 htgh 11 150 ant•ls-.
Are abundant In nearshore waters usually less
than 30 fathoiiS tn depth. The total popula-
tion In Lower Coot Inlet probably exceeds
3,000 seals.
The la1est sea lton rookery tn the Gulf .of
Alaska s located In the Barren Islands.
Other areas. Include Flat, Elizabeth, and
Perl Islands.
An established population on· the south side
of the ltenal Peninsula now IUIIben at least
1,500 otten. Thts group ts also tncreastnt
and spreading to ltlchellalt 111 and Lowr
Coot Inlet.
An estt•ted 500 Wiles tnhlbtt the waten
of Cook ·Inlet. Croups of beluthas are
periodically seen around the .•uths of
the Kenai, hsllof, and Fox Rhen.
Estuaries are the prl•ry feedtnt areas.
Species Include steelhead trout, ra1nbow
trout, dolly warden, wlteftsh, lake trout,
• anct trayltng. lntenstve recreational ftsht'"l presiure occurs.
Species that MIJ occur In southern Coot Inlet
Include Set, •lnlte, tiller, ftnbacl, and
blue wales.
Three species •1 occur; these Include the Dill
and Harbor porpotsts, and the Pactflc llhltnldld
lntenshe use throughout the Kenai Peninsula •
Concentrated areas are at Chickaloon Flats and
the Fox Rher Flats. An t~~portant staging
area for snow geese ts located at the IDUth of
ttw Kenai Rher. ·
A critical nesting area Is uttltzed north of
Sterling on the ltenal Peninsula. A few swans
•Y also winter In tlw area during •tld wtnten.
Protected species. May be seen throughout tM
area. llests are concentrated In the southern
portion of the Peninsula, although .Isolated
nests •1 occ.ur near Kenai.
Enclangered spec:les. May be present, but no
nesting sites have been docu.ented.
Colonies are located at Cape ltlstlof, Gull
Island, Sixty-foot Roct, and Flat Island.
Chtstt Island In luxednl Bay supports a popula-.
tlon of cl~e to 78,000 seabirds.
All fhe species of salmn occ:ur throughout the
area and 1110st •Jor rher syste111 support large
spawning and rearing populations. Approxl•tely
40 to 50 spawning streaM dratn through the
area. Major spawning areas Include the Kenat
Rtver and tts tributaries, Swanson River,
ltlstlof Rtwer, Crooked Creek, Deep Creek, the
ltntlc:htlt Rher, and Slttlat and Tustt.ena Lakes.
A large ••tlltng• area exists •outh of ltllgtn
Island. Wire •t11tons of sal•n watt for ttdes
to enter the rher syst•. ltenal Peninsula nl-
•n stocks support ttie largest sport ftstwry and
one of the largest CG~a~rctal ftsMrles tn the
-SOURCE: Compiled by L.l. Selkregg, University of Alaaka, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
TABLE 3.12 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in or Adjacent to the Bering River
Coal Field
Area supports a population of 96 moose. The
habitat in this area is excellent for moose,
and large antlered bulls are produced at an
early age. Wintering areas occur along the
Bering River.
Are present throughout the area. Concentra-
tions occur on Martin River, Martin lake,
Shepherd Creek, Lake Tokun and Stillwater
Creek. Suspected denning areas are located
south of Martin Lake and north of Kushtaka
Are abundant throughout the area. localized
concentrations occur on the north end of the
Ragged Mountains, in the Don Miller Hills,
and on Kushtaka Ridge.
Occur throughout the area.
Are present throughout the outer portions of
Controller Bay. High concentration areas
occur near Pt. Hey and along Okalee Channel.
Utilize areas around Kanak Island, Wingham
Island, and Okalee Spit.
Several species may occur offshore, these
include the blue, sei, minke, fin, hump-
back (endangered), and killer whales.
Porpoises Three species occur: these include the Dall
and Harbor porpoise, and the Pacific White-
sided Dolphin.
Sea Are distributed along the coast.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.l. Selkregg, University of Alaska, wit~ the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
During the peak period of migration, more than
50,000 birds may be present. Total waterfowl
use probably exceed 250,000 birds in the spring
and 350,000 in the fall.
The Controller Bay area supports a stab111zed
swan population. An estimated 50 nesting
pairs, and a total population of over 350
swans are thought to be present.
Protected species. Commonly nest and feed
in area.
Endangered species. May be present, but nest-
ing sites have not been documented.
Colonies are present on most of the outer
islands. Wingham Island and the Martin
Islands support 19,000 and 20,000 seabirds
Sockeye salmon and coho salmon are the principal
species present in the area drainages. Sockeye
spawning occurs in Martin lake, Bering lake,
Bering River, and Nichawak River. These
stocks support a regionally important salmon
Species include steelhead trout, whitefish,
dolly varden, and cutthroat trout.
TABLE 3.13 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish i.n or Adjacent to the Chignik Coal Field
The area includes a portion of the range of Sea lions
the Central Alaska Peninsula Caribou Herd.
A 1975 census indicated approximately 13,000 Waterfowl
caribou in the population. The primary calving
ground is on the Bering Sea Flats near Ilnek.
The estimated population is about 500 animals.
Distribution is scattered throughout the area,
with localized concentrations situated north
of the Aleutian Range. Seabirds
Occur throughout the area.
One of the most densely populated areas in the
State. Denning occurs in the hills and moun-
tains of the Aleutian Range surrounding Chignik Anadromous
Bay. localized concentrations occur on most Fish
of the fish streams in the region.
The population between Chiguik and Amber Bays
is estimated at between 8,000 to 10,000 ind4-
viduals. The otters appear to be increasing
rapidly and expanding their range both north-Freshwater
eastward and southwestward. High densities Fish
occur in Chignik, Hook, and Kujulik Bays.
Are common throughout the coastal area.
SOURCE: Compiled by L.L. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
Occur throughout the area.
Approximately 75,000 sea ducks and more than
50,000 game ducks utilize the area. Peak
duck numbers exceed· 100,000. Probably over
25,000 emperor geese and over 25,000 total
of snow, cackler, and whitefronted geese also
use the area.
Colonies occur at Chankltut Island. Sweater
Bay, Gull Island, Kak Island, Nakchamik
Island, and Atkulik Island. The Semidi
Islands National Wildlife Refuge, which lies
offshore, supports over 1,500,000 seabirds.
Chignik Bay ts an important conmerc1al fishing
district for chum, sockeye, coho, and pink
salmon. Major spawning areas include Neketa
Creek, Through Creek, Dago Frank Creek,
Chignik River, Alec River, and portions of
Chignik lake.
Dolly varden and steelhead trout are both
TABLE 3.14 Large Mammals, Birds, and Fish in or Adjacent to the Herendeen Bay
Coal Field
The area includes a portion of the range of Sea Islands that lie offshore probably support
over 7,000 sea lions. Overall distribution
is ubiquitous. Rookeries and hauling grounds
the Central Alaska Peninsula Caribou Herd. lions
A 1975 census indicated approximately 13,000
caribou in the population. The primary
calving ground 1s on the Bering Sea Flats
near Ilnek.
occur at Wosnesenski Island, Jude Island,
Unga Cape, Sea lion Rocks, Whaleback Island,
and the Haystacks.
The estimated population 1s about 500 animals. Waterfowl
Distribution is scattered throughout the area,
The area accommodates very large numbers of
ducks, geese, and swans during the fall and
lesser numbers during other periods of the
year. Over 100,000 emperor geese and 500,000
ducks may use the Port Moller area during
peak periods.
with localized concentrations situated north
of the Aleutian Range.
Occur· throughout the area.
Present throughout the area. Intensive use
areas occur along all fish streams and at
Kagayan Flats, Grass Valley, lake Creek,
and Canoe Bay.
Estimated population is between 5,000 to
10,000 animals. Areas of high concentrations
occur in the Shumigan Islan~ which lie off
large concentrations may be observed at
haulout areas within Port Moller. Seals
are dtstributed in all the coastal waters
surrounding the coal field.
Seabirds Numerous bird colonies are found at Port
Mollerv Pavlof Bay, the Pavlof Islands and
the Shumigan Islands. Totals are estimated
at 464,000.
Anadromous All five species of salmon occur in large
Fish numbers. Purse seining occurs in Pavlof,
Coal, Heredeen, Balboa, Zachary, and Chichagof
Bays. Set gill netting occurs near Bold Bluff
Pt. and Coal Creek. Major spawning areas
located at Settlement Point, Coal Bay, along
the Beaver River, and along numerous drainages
that flow into Canoe and Balboa Bays.
Freshwater Species present include dolly varden, and steel-
Fish head trout.
SOURCE: Compiled by l.l. Selkregg, University of Alaska, with the
assistance of Lance Trasky, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980.
TABLE 3 .15 Socioeconomic Conditions of Coal-Bearing Regions of Alaska
. a Arctic coastal plain Population 2,600 to 3,000, of Area is isolated from surface ground access and Primarily a wildlife habitat. Heavy dependence of Natives "' fields: lXl which 87 percent are Natives. has no internal ground transportation system Tundra used mainly as range-on fish, caribou, walrus, <1.1 Meade River
~ P.. Colville River, Population concentrated largely except for a segment of Yukon River-Prudhoe Bay land for caribou. Some moose seals, and whales for sub-0
!-Vi etc. at Barrow, Wainwright, and haul road. Air transportation between some in major river valleys. Sub-sistence. Some use of wild-
u ~ Anaktuvuk Pass. Most of region coastal communities and major cities and sistence hunting and fishing. life for commercial pur-
1¥: uninhabited. Population villages in the Interior, mostly for passengers poses (walrus ivory) < 0 Foothills fields z density 0.04/square mile (1970) and light haulage. Major freight by ship to coastal
t localities during ice-free season.
..c:: Point Hope 0
·~ Healy Creek Population 4,700 to 5,000 of No ground transportation system except in Fairbanks Coal development at Usibelli Minimal subsistence hunting
"' Lignite Creek which 48 percent are Natives, and environs and locally in the vicinity of mine. Rangeland for Dall sheep, and fishing. a:: 1¥: "' 1 arvis Creek most of whom live in scattered Nome. Alcan highway between Alaska and Canada bison, caribou, and moose. 9 I': Wood River small villages. Population terminates in Fairbanks. Alaska Railroad oper-Occasional sport hunting. "' 1¥: c:: Tatlanika density 0.1/square mile (1970) ates to the south from Fairbanks and serves Rural settlement. i.I.I z !-Teklanika Healy Creek coal field. River transportation avail-
~ .... able on Yukon and other major rivers. Air <1.1 ..c:: Eagle..Circle transport between most communities, mostly for 0 passengers and light haulage.
Broad Pass
Population 14,000 to 15,000 of Limited ground transportation system mostly in Local farming in Matanuska Native culture and economy
·~ Yentna "' which 7 percent are Natives, the vicinity of Anchorage and to the north and Valley and on Kenai Peninsula. preserved in part in small
co:s· -~ most of whom live in scattered east. Alaska Railroad central to Cook Inlet Gas and oil production. Sport local areas, such as lXl ...J small villages. Population area and available to serve Matanuska and other hunting, fishing, and recreation. Tyonek village on Cook < ~ Beluga = en density 1.1 /square mile (1970) coal fields. Ocean access to Anchorage and other Rural settlement. Sotne timbering Inlet. Minimal subsistence 1¥: ..=
!-.:.: Matanuska locations. Air transportation between Anchorage locally. Urban development hunting and fishing in z 0 and most local communities. (industrial and residential). Cook Inlet area. i.I.I 0 u u Kenai :t:
::I Kenai offshore 0
Bering River
~ Chignik -5 Mixed subsistence and cash
0 Local Native villages economy among Aleuts
Herendeen Bay
TABLE 3.16 Comparison of Alaskan Population with that of Other States (1970 census)
United States
West Virginia
(Arctic Region)
(Interior Region)
Kenai-Cook Inlet
(Southcentral Region)
Overall Population
Area Population
(square miles)
586,400 302,361
3,675,545 207,976,452
Population 1n Coal-Bearing Regions
24,181 1,744,000
56,400 11 t 114,000
147,138 694,000
57,587 2,663
73,053 4,752
12,474 14,250
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce (1978).
Persons per Percent
square mile Natives
0.-5 16.5
57.4 0.1
4.8 5
0.04 87
0.1 48
1.1 7
The extremely low population densities of the coal-bearing areas
of Alaska are in strong contrast to those of the conterminous 48
states (see Table 3.16). In West Virginia the 1970 population density
was 72.5 persons per square mile. In Illinois it was 199.4, and in
Montana 4.8. Even in Montana the population density is much greater
than in the coal-bearing areas of Alaska. In short, Alaska's coal
fields present a marked contrast to the coal fields of the
conterminous United States, where, as in Pennsylvania, there are large
metropolitan areas within a coal basin. In Illinois there are large
strip mines scarcely 35 miles from metropolitan Chicago. There is
nothing similar in Alaska. Even though Anchorage is on the edge of
the Cook Inlet coal basin, it is isolated from any potential surface
mining by the waters of Cook Inlet and Turnagain Arm.
3.2.2 Native Economies and Subsistence Harvest Native Economies
Native economies in Alaska have traditionally relied on the land
and the sea to provide food and other necessities. Although the
importance of hunting and fishing have waned over the years because of
the growth of a cash economy, they continue to be an important means
of livelihood in village Alaska and make the Alaskan Native economy
unique. With few exceptions, however, a subsistence economy in the
classic sense of complete dependency on the products of land and sea
has vanished from Alaska. Nonetheless, natural resources are still of
considerable importance to the villages. The high cost of commercial
food products delivered to the villages means that fish, caribou,
seals, walruses, and whales remain valuable because they are
available. Eskimos, Aleuts, and Indians all hunt or fish for these
animals with considerable expertise.
The need for cash to support subsistence activities and the
acquisition of subsistence equipment--rifles, snowmobiles, outboard
motors, and whaling gear--has made the subsistence economy dependent
on, and therefore interrelated with, the cash economy (U.S. Geological
Survey 1979). This dependence and interrelationship is exemplified by
the wide use of snowmobiles, which have replaced dogs as the principal
mode of travel and·transport throughout much of the north. Indeed,
this change in mode of travel has been one of the most dramatic
changes with respect to Native life (U.S. Department of the Interior
1974b). Any analysis of subsistence patterns must consider how cash
is distributed, since any change in the cash economy in which the
Natives participate will affect subsistence patterns.
The general trend among the Natives of Alaska appears to be toward
greater dependence upon a cash economy. The number of people who can
switch from a subsistence to a cash economy within their lifetime is
unknown, however, and there clearly are many people and communities
that want to adapt to changing conditions on their own terms. There
are also a few groups, such as the Kuuvanmiit Eskimos, that want to
maintain a purely subsistence economy (Anderson and others 1977).
The transfer of ownership of Federal land to private Native
corporations as a result of the Statehood Act and the Alaska Native
Claims Settlement Act introduces a new element into the Native
economy--the potential for profit-making enterprises through which the
Natives could derive direct cash benefits from the land. The Arctic
Slope Regional Corporation now owns some of Alaska's best coal land
along the Chukchi Sea coast and the Kukpowruk River. How the Natives
perceive the trade-offs between placing certain cultural values at
risk compared to increased cash is not known. Subsistence Harvest
The subsistence harvest comes from the sea, the rivers, the lakes,
and the land (see also Section The proportions differ for
each community because of the diversity in the kinds and distribution
of animals, and the population, demographic composition, and the
technology of the communities. The degree of dependence on the
subsistence harvest likewise differs for different communities and
regions of the State, being in general much greater for the Natives of
northwestern and Arctic Alaska (including the Bering Straits Regional
Corporation, the North Slope Native Corporation, and the Northwest
Alaska Native Association).
For many hundreds of years, seals and fish have been the dominant
components of Eskimo and Aleut subsistence. Birds, whales, and
invertebrates (such as the sea urchins and octopus) have also been
important. There is presumptive evidence that invertebrates are an
especially important part of the Native diet in the ice-free areas and
that there may be an important link between diet, bone mineralization,
and length of life (Laughlin and others 1979).
A household survey conducted on the North Slope showed that almost
three-quarters of the adult population had engaged in subsistence
activities during the 12 months prior to the survey (Kruse 1978-79).
According to the survey, the subsistence harvest provided members of
an average household with 49 percent of the food they consumed in
1977. Older people with limited income were found to be particularly
likely to get a substantial portion of their dietary needs from
subsistence products, which are high in protein and nutritional
value. A 1974 survey of all households in the Arctic Region,
conducted by the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission (see
Patterson 1974), also shows the extent to which subsistence activities
are critically important part in the livelihood of Alaskan Natives
(see Table 3.17). In another survey in the Arctic Region, the same
Joint Commission (1975) revealed that the barren-ground caribou
account for 52 percent of all the meat harvested, followed by the
bowhead whale (29 percent) (see Table 3.18).
Subsistence activity is not limited to North Slope Natives. The
inhabitants of northwestern Alaska, represented by the Northwest
Alaska Native Association and the Bering Straits Regional Corporation,
also value the subsistence harvest highly (see Table 3.17). According
to an unpublished report of a community survey conducted in 1978 by
TABLE 3.17 Estimates of Subsistence Harvest (in pounds)
Bering Straits Regional Corporation*
Population Berry/
Comnunitx (]9ZOl Mamnals Fish Fowl Green Ve9 Total
Buckland 104 157,270 7,347 8,200 5,413 178,228
Deering 60 21 '765 2,794 1 '195 1 ,174 26,928
Kivalina 190 176,428 83,213 1,688 2,582 263,911
Noatak 293 214,620 100,288 1,010 4,420 320,338
Kotzebue 1,696 939,368 123,360 2,463 16,782 1,081,973
Selawik 450 344,001 380,367 3,170 16,926 744,464
Noorvik 462 282,551 283,091 1,947 24,259 591 ,848
Kiana 300 176,540 177,025 1,219 15,040 369,824
Ambler 195 411,313 91 ,200 3,885 23,065 529,463
Kobuk 60 33,620 44,251 9,550 7,656 95,077
Shungnak __ l.QL_ 135,499 143,115 12,690 14,867 305,171
Total Pounds 2,892,975 1,436.049 47,017 132,184 4,508,223
Average Pounds
per Person 728 361 12 33 1,134
Northwest Alaska Native Associatiorr
Population Berry/
Comnunitx {1970} Mamnals Fish Fowl Green Veg Total
Gambell 356 453,845 24,200 10,000 1,500 489,545
Savoonga 354 549,700 2,500 4,000 2,200 558,400
Diomede 82 525,080 2,300 3,400 725 531,505
King Island 200 EST 99,943 21,278 4,550 9,800 135,571
Mission 118 47,275 9,233 1,180 4,200 61,888
Shismaref 249 604,980 8,250 2,982 6,655 622,867
Teller 192 43,005 15,129 2,080 6,400 66,614
L~ales 121 133,330 3,795 797 7 '100 145,022
Elim 168 59,700 69,880 5,550 10,410 145,540
Golovin 111 24,880 39,440 8,450 1,900 74,670 •
Koyuk 121 91 '115 69,290 5,410 10,340 176,155
Nome 1,522 148,650 275,500 9,400 79,500 513,050
Shaktoolik 144 88,245 35,500 2,090 13,200 139,035
St. Michaei 192 29,665 39,880 27,000 1,100 97,635
Stebbins 223 73,885 18,000 13,500 2,700 108,085
Unalakleet 403 72,550 64,700 13,500 3,300 154,050
Mountain B!l 14,445 20,500 8,000 1,900 44,845
Total Pounds 3,060,283 719,375 121,889 162,930 4,064,447
Average Pounds
per Person 660 155 26 35 879
Arctic Slope Native Corporation**
Population Berry/
Comnunitx (1970} Mamnal s Fish Fowl Green Veg Total
Barrow 1,905 1,734,600 61 ,400 7,600 1,803,600
Wainwright 307 417,250 550 1,200 419,000
Total Pounds 2,151,850 61,950 8,800 2,222,600
Average Pounds
per· person 973 28 4 1,005
SOURCES: *Patterson (1974), **Joint Federal-State Land Use
Planning Commission for Alaska (1975).
TABLE 3.18 Subsistence Harvest of ~1annals in the Arctic Region of
Alaska (including the Point Hope area)
Percent of A 11
Marrmal Number Pounds Meat Harvested
Caribou 9,900 1,485,000 51.9
Bearded seal 410 164,000 5.8
Hair seal 3,845 278,800 9.8
Walrus 117 110,600 3.9
Bowhead whale 17 ~000 28.6
Total 2,854,400
SOURCE: Joint Federal-State land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1975).
the Northwest Alaska Native Association (NANA), 66.2 percent of the
people responding to the survey in the smaller villages, and 45.1
percent of those in the village of Kotzebue, still considered caribou
to be their main source of meat. In the year prior to that survey,
93.8 percent of the residents of the smaller villages and 82 percent
of the residents of Kotzebue reported that they shared their
subsistence food with other villagers.
Along with migratory birds and caribou, the bowhead whale is
essential to both the subsistence and culture of the coastal Inupiat.
The continued quota on the number of whales that can be killed
annually is viewed by the Natives as a serious problem (Henoch and
others 1979). Whaling is a traditional part of their culture, being
an important cooperative venture in obtaining food. It is reported
that nearly half of the Natives on the North Slope are actively
engaged in spring whaling (Kruse 1978-79). Most of them live in Point
Hope or Barrow.
The trapping of foxes, wolverines, and other animals is also part
of the subsistence activities of Alaska's Native population. Trap
lines may cover great distances, and the use of different lines in
succeeding years may draw upon large areas.
Although the harvest from subsistence hunting and fishing is of
major importance to Natives of northern and northwestern Alaska, the
subsistence harvest is also important throughout the State. The
degree of dependence on subsistence is related, to a considerable
extent, to the locations of the villages and the opportunities for
participation in the cash economy of the State. Accordingly, Natives
in the southern part of Alaska appear to be less dependent on
subsistence than those in the northern part. There is, nonetheless, a
strong desire by most Natives to preserve traditional subsistence
aspects of their culture. For the Cook Inlet region reliance on
subsistence hunting and fishing is found primarily in the few old
villages like Tyonek, Ninilchik, and Port Graham (Olsen and others
1979). In the central part of the State, where Native villages make
up a greater proportion of the population centers, the subsistence
economy becomes increasingly important. And in the northern and
northwestern parts of the State, where villages are largely Native,
the subsistence economy has a dominating influence on the way of life.
3.2.3 Transportation and Access Development of Alaska's Transportation System
The transportation system of a geographical region reflects its
economic development, the requirements of its population, and the
technology available to construct transportation facilities. In
Alaska the transportation system is very limited (see Figure 3.23)
because economic development has not yet required more extensive
transportation facilities. A few years before World War II the
Nation&l Resources Committee (1938) found that Alaska's landmass of
586,400 square miles was served by about 2,500 miles of dirt and
01.00 pc:J'·
SOURCE: Adapted from Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1977).
FIGURE 3.23 Map showing distribution of existing roads in Alaska.
N ......
gravel roads and trails along with a few rail lines: The Alaska
Railroad (operated since 1923 but never quite completed) utilized a
single track of 470 miles between Seward and Fairbanks, the White Pass
and Yukon Railroad connected the port of Skagway with Whitehorse in
the Yukon Territory of Canada, and the Copper River and Northwestern
Railroad, now abandoned, served Cordova and McCarthy. (The Copper
River and Northwestern Railroad ceased operating in 1938.) Air and
water transportation were also used, both within Alaska and between
Alaska and points outside the State. After studying Alaska's
geography, development, and population, the National Resources
Committee recommended further development of the air, river, and
coastal transportation facilities. The Committee recommended against
the extension of existing road and rail systems.
In the years following the Japanese invasion of the Aleutian
Islands in June 1942 and during the postwar defense buildup, the
transportation system in Alaska changed considerably. By the end of
the last fiscal year before statehood (June 30, 1958), the number of
miles of roads and trails had doubled, the Alaska Highway through
Canada was built to provide a year-round continental land link to the
conterminous 48 States, the right-of-way of the Alaska Railroad had
been upgraded and its locomotives transformed from coal-burning to
diesel-burning engines, new or enlarged port facilities had been
created at Whittier, Seward, and Anchorage, and air transport
facilities had been expanded to accommodate multi-engine craft. In
the years following the achievement of statehood there was a shift in
emphasis from extending the road system to upgrading existing roads (a
change brought about by the standards imposed by the Federal highway
assistance program); other developments involved the need for roads
that could be used for. defense purposes, and the preference of the
growing urban population for private automobiles. By June 30, 1973,
the entire road system had been brought substantially up to Federal
standards, but total mileage was only 4,000 miles, approximately what
it had been 15 years earlier. Since then, the total road mileage in
Alaska has more than doubled. Including the 810 miles of the Prudhoe
Bay access road, the present road system has about 9,800 miles, of
which 2,500 are paved. Except for the Prudhoe Bay road and new links
to the Alaska Highway, however, there has been very little change in
the reach of the road system since 1937. Much of the increase is
accounted for by the construction of multi-lane highways.
The Alaska Marine Highway System provides scheduled service to 25
coastal communities along 2,500 miles of Alaska's coastline and has
connecting routes to Prince Rupert (British Columbia) and Seattle.
All of Alaska's communities with populations exceeding 2,500 are
served daily by scheduled airline service (Englemen and Tuck 1978).
In 1960 a Congressionally authorized study recommended against
major rail or road development in Alaska prior to resource
exploration. Short roads from specific development sites to tidewater
areas were found to be more appropriate than extensive integrated road
systems (Battelle 1960). Studies dealing exclusively with single
modes of transportation have been made since then, but the most recent
comprehensive studies (made under the auspices of the Federal-State
Land Use Planning Co~ission for Alaska) have returned to these 1960
findings (see also Engineering Computer Opteconomics, Inc. 1977,
Englemen and Tuck 1978, Tuck 1979). Transportation of Coal
The Alaska Railroad served the Matanuska coal field from 1916 to
1968 and has served the Healy area from 1919 to the present. With
relatively minor modifications and additions, this rail system could
carry coal to a seaport for shipment to other areas if economic
factors were favorable. The development of coal in the Beluga coal
field in the Cook Inlet area would require minimal development of road
and port facilities. The economics of exporting coal from the Nenana
and Cook Inlet basins are dealt with by Englemen and Tuck (1978), who
find that the generation of electricity in gas-fired generating plants
and alternative sources of steam and metallurgical coal elsewhere in
the Pacific basin, rather than transportation, are the key factors
that limit further development of Alaskan coal. Because
transportation links already exist, transportation costs would not be
a significant factor in determining the economic feasibility of coal
development in the Nenana and Cook Inlet basins.
An appropriate transportation infrastructure for the coal deposits
of the North Slope, however, would have to be developed from scratch.
Tuck (1979) uses a transportation network model to analyze the
transportation costs that would arise from the development of mineral
and coal resources in the western Brooks Range and northwest Arctic
Alaska. The transportation starting points (nodes) used in the model
are the Cape Lisburne coal field, the Red Dog deposit in the western
Brooks Range, and the Omar River and Reed River sites on the south
flank of the Brooks Range (the last three "deposits" are the
hypothetical deposits of Jansons and Bottge 1977). The market
destinations used in the model are Seattle and Japan. (Export of
Alaskan coal to foreign countries is a matter of policy that is not
considered in this report.) Four transportation systems are
considered for connecting locations of mineral or coal deposits to
Alaska port sites: (1) a railroad connecting Cape Lisburne with the
other nodes and then connecting to the existing railroad at Nenana and
thence to tidewater at Whittier~ (2) a set of rail or road links
connecting nodes with a port at Golovin Bay~ (3~ a set of rail or road
links connecting the nodes with a port at Kivalina~ and (4) a highway
,link from Reed River to the Prudhoe Bay haul road, then south to
Fairbanks, connected by rail to the port at Whittier. Ocean-going
ships would carry the coal and mineral materials from Alaskan ports to
market destinations.
Fifteen scenarios are used to evaluate these alternative systems,
with variations that include different combinations of public and
private construction and operation, different assumed tonnages, costs,
combinations of transportation modes, and other factors. For coal and
hardrock minerals, as well as for coal only, the study shows that a
rail or road system able to deliver the commodities to a port at
Kivalina would be the most cost-efficient system and hence the most
likely to be used. The study also finds that transportation distances
on land should be minimized, echoing the conclusion of the broader
Battelle report of 1960.
Usable port sites are limited, however. A study of 29 potential
sites for a marine transport system capable of moving energy resources
from Alaska to external markets was made in 1977 (Engineer computer
Opteconomics, Inc. 1977). Four of the sites are in Ice Zone I (north
of Bering Strait) and 11 are in Ice Zone II (between Unimak Fass and
Bering Strait). Of the four within Ice Zone I, Kivalina is rmked
first as suitable for bulk ore carriers, followed by Point LGi and
Point Hope. Kotzebue is deemed unsuitable for any form of transport.
The required freight rates for these carriers and ports, however, are
approximately four times the rates calculated for Nome and Golovin in
Ice Zone II. The Tuck analysis, in contrast to the 1977 study,
includes the cost of on-land access from coal deposit to port.
In a still earlier study'of the transportation systems that would
be needed to move North Slope coal to external markets, Clark (1973)
concluded that a new rail system connected to the Alaska Railroad at
Fairbanks would not be economically feasible if the coal operations
had to pay for all of the construction and operating costs. The study
found that a rail system might be economically viable, however, if it
were constructed by the State and Federal Governments and the
operating costs were shared by other users. Clark noted that
transporting coal to Fairbanks by truck would be prohibitively
expensive under any circumstances. The most reasonable and
potentially viable alternatives for transporting northern Alaskan
coals, the study held, would be short rail lines, belt conveyors, or
slurry pipelines to a coastal facility for transshipment by sea.
However, ship lanes to coastal communities in northwestern and
northern Alaska are only open for two or three months of the year when
the pack ice has moved offshore.
3.2.4 Land Use
The land in Alaska is largely unused by man, but does support a
significant wildlife resource that is very important to the Native
economy. As shown in Table 3.19, land use in Alaska differs greatly
from that of the United States as a whole (as does land use in
Montana, for example). The Alaskan figures in Table 3.19 are, as
pointed out in the footnote, misleading. The figure for farmland is
for potential farmland; actual farmland is only 70,000 acres, or less
than 0.02 percent of the total land area of the State. The category
termed "rangeland" is unforested grassland (mainly tundra) not
currently used for domestic livestock. It provides range forage for
wildlife, primarily caribou. Man's greatest use of the land is
probably for timber, but even this use is small. In short, most of
Alaska is wilderness, and there has been virtually no prior use of the
land except as rangeland for wildlife.
TABLE 3.19 Land Use in Alaska, the Conterr'inous United States,
and Montana (in thousands of acres)
Use a/ Conterminous Montana Alaska-United States
Acres Percent Acres Percent Acres Percent ---
Farmland 20,530 5.7 472,000 20.8 16,493 17.2
Forest 106,000 29.6 754,000 33.2 19,899 21.5
Rangel and 230,000 64.4 604,000 26.6 49,873 53.8
Other 434,000 19.1 6,911 7.5
356,540 2,264,000 93,176
~The Alaskan figure is potential farmland; actual farmland acreage is much less.
Areas classified as forest and rangeland are actually used primarily for wildlife
or for recreation; little is used commercially for forestry or for livestock.
The expansion of coal mining in Alaska will take place in a
context of existing and alternative uses of the land. Large areas of
Alaska will remain undeveloped in the foreseeable future because they
have been set aside as national parks, national monuments, wilderness
areas, wildlife refuges, or have been given some other limited use
designation by Federal law. Still other areas will remain undeveloped
because the State has designated them as parks or reserves.
A large part of the remaining undeveloped land will not be
developed in this century and probably well into the next because it
is economically submarginal for agriculture, forestry, or livestock
grazing, or for more intensive land uses. Some of the undeveloped
land, however, could be farmed; the Soil Conservation Service has
identified 16,698,000 acres as "good" and 3,832,000 acres as "fair"
for cropland agriculture, based on physical characteristics (Rieger
and others 1979). Another 106 million acres are forested, but most of
this is classed as noncommercial by the u.s. Forest Service because of
its low productivity. Much of the rest of the State--some 230 million
acres--is classed as rangeland, but this includes vast areas of
tundra, wetlands, and lands not otherwise classified that now support
almost no domestic livestock other than reindeer.
The designation of land in Alaska as prime farmland under the
criteria of the act (§ 701(20}) or as unsuitable for coal mining
according to a planning process established by the Act (§ 522) has a
somewhat different connotation than in the conterminous United States
because most of Alaska's land is undeveloped and can reasonably be
expected to remain that way. Three categories of land in Alaska
deserve particular attention here: farmland, forest and rangeland,
and wilderness. In addition, use of the land for subsistence purposes
must be evaluated, especially land in the Arctic. Farmland
According to the Alaska Crop and Livestock Reporting Service
(1978), there were 70,000 acres of cropland being farmed in Alaska in
1977. For social, economic, and political reasons (Burton 1974), the
use of this land for agricultural purposes has been declining for
several years. Some of this land is in areas of potential coal
m1n1ng. A comparison of the areas containing coal deposits with
agricultural areas shows that the major possibilities for conflict
between these two uses are in the Susitna Valley and on the western
Kenai Peninsula (compare Figures 2.2 and 3.24). The total area of
potential conflict is small, however. Most of the land with a
potential for farming is in lowland areas near major streams of the
Interior Region where conditions are unfavorable for surface mining. Forest and Rangelands
Most of Alaska i~ classified as either forest land or rangeland,
even though little of it is used for timber or domestic livestock.
62! I
/ I
sn 1
' I /
FR0/1 Z5% .,~o SO% OF THIS AR£il!
SOURCE: Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1977).
FIGURE 3.24 Map showing distribution of cultivable soils in Alaska.
Whil4:! the terms "forest land" and "rangeland" commonly connote
commercial use of such lands, this is not the case in Alaska because
of the land's low productivity and its distance from commercial
markets. With the exception of forests in the southeastern panhandle,
there has been almost no timber harvesting in Alaskan forests. Land
for grazing by animals other than those in the wild has been largely
limited to reindeer on the Seward Peninsula and sh~ep on some of the
Aleutian Islands. The forest and rangelands of Alaska have been used ·
primarily by wildlife or by people seeking recreation. There has been
little active management of these lands. Even wildfire protection and
suppression, forest and rangeland management practices used in most of
the country, have been largely absent in Alaska. Wilderness
Much, perhaps most, of Alaska is wilderness in the sense in which
this term is commonly used, that is, as an area undisturbed by human
activity. Parts of the wilderness within Alaska's Federal lands are
likely to be designated as statutory wilderness and to be included in
the National Wilderness Areas Preservation System. Once areas have
been designated as statutory wilderness and incorporated in the system
by Congress, mining for coal and other minerals is precluded. .Most of
the areas being proposed for such wilderness designation do not
contain coal resources, and restricting their use would have little
direct effect on potential coal mining. However, access to mining
districts may be precluded by wilderness designations of intervening
Much of the conflict over mining operations in wilderness areas is
emotional and cannot be resolved rationally. Regardless of how one
defines wilderness, there can be no doubt that there are certain
natural settings which, by their very appearance, stir our innermost
feelings. These places should be preserved, wherever possible.
3.2.5 Social Impact of Surface Mining Arctic Region
The social impact of surface m1n1ng would be most severe in the
Arctic, where the predominantly Native population (see Table 3.16)
would be both directly and indirectly affected. Some of the social
impacts would be beneficial, but others might be very damaging.
Wildlife is the single most important element in the subsistence
economy of the Natives; it is the foundation on which the Native
culture rests. It is also perhaps the most sensitive to the
disrupting influences of coal development. Although the Native people
of the region participate in the cash economy, they still remain
strongly oriented to their traditional subsistence economies. The
lives of many are patterned by the migrations of fish, caribou, and
mar i11e mammals. A potential conflict exists between maintenance of
the Native life-style and coal development because part of the North
Slope coal basin coincides with, or is adjacent to, the resource base
area of Native groups. Any activity that would affect wildlife there
might in turn affect the subsistence harvest of the Natives. Wildlife
is an essential food of the Natives, and hunting and its associated
activities involve complex shared problems and communal relations that
unify families, the community, and the entire region. {The impacts of
coal development on wildlife are discussed in detail in Section
A beneficial effect of coal development would be the increased
opportunity for employment, which would provide many Natives with a
cash income. Many Natives now depend on petroleum products for heat
and on outboard motors and snowmobiles for fishing and hunting. These
cost money, as do the amenities of non-Native life-styles {e.g.,
radios). A household survey conducted by the North Slope Borough
showed that the Natives there engaged in subsistence activities an
average of 3.9 months per year and worked for wages an average of 5.1
months per year.
Major coal development in the Arctic Region would require the
construction of an appropriate transportation system. Aside from the
potential effects of road construction on wildlife {Section,
new roads into remote areas would probably bring in big-game hunters
and sport fishermen. Beneficial effects--for example, opportunities
for Natives to work as guides--could result. The risk, however, is
that the wildlife might be overexploited and the resource base of the
Natives reduced. An influx of sportsmen into newly accessible areas
might also bring a greater danger of tundra and timber fires, although
more roads might facilitate fire control. Clearly, there are
trade-offs to be made if coal is to be developed in the Arctic Region. Interior Region
The social impacts of m~n~ng in the Interior Region are likely to
be very different from those in the Arctic Region. Transportation
facilities already exist adjacent to the Interior Region coal fields,
and new coal development would not require the construction of
extensive additional transportation facilities. Furthermore,
subsistence hunting is not of the importance that it is in the Arctic
The greatest social consequences in the Interior Region might
actually result from coal mining in the Arctic Region. It is possible
that major mining activity in the remote areas of the Arctic Region
would result in a transient work force employed on a shift basis
there, but making their principal homes in Fairbanks and other
communities in the Interior Region. The social impacts would then
range from a demand for more municipal services to the bolstering of
the local economy.
130 Southcentral Region
Coal mining in the Southcentral Region would have social impacts
quite unlike those in the Arctic Region and somewhat different from
those in the Interior Region. The principal impacts would probably
occur in Anchorage, where much of the work force might be based. The
"boom-town" syndrome and problems that accompany it could be very real
for Anchorage.
The Native population is very small, and coal development would
probably have little impact on Native economies or cultures. The
Natives most likely to be affected would be those in Tyonek, a village
near the Beluga coal field on the western shore of Cook Inlet. It is
expected that a proposed coal-conversion plant for methanol production
at Beluga would result in a substantial financial benefit to the
Tyonek village. Although these villagers were affected earlier by
oil-field development in Cook Inlet and now own such things as radios,
television sets, and automobiles, they still value hunting and fishing
to provide part of their subsistence needs. Yet coal development
would increase the opportunities for employment, and some Natives
would no doubt take advantage of them. The result would be a further
dilution of the Native economy by the cash economy.
PL 95-87 is only one of the many laws and sets of regulations at
the Federal, State, and local level that guide and control surface
coal mining. The impact of these laws and the regulations that arise
from them vary, depending on such factors as the ownership of land and
the particular jurisdiction or environment within which mining takes
place. In Alaska, these factors differ in some respects from those in
other parts of the country.
The purpose of this section is to describe the institutional and
regulatory environment in Alaska as it pertains to surface coal mining
and reclamation. The description is necessarily brief, but Appendix B
presents a more complete description of Federal, State, and local
environmental and land-use regulations.
Land ownership has been an important factor in decisions on the
kind and extent of control over mining in Alaska. Land ownership in
Alaska differs markedly from that in other States (see Table 3.20):
Practically all (more than 99 percent) of the State was
federally owned until the 1970s;
• The Federal grant of land to the State when it achieved
statehood in 1958 was much larger (some 104 million acres, or nearly
30 percent of the total area of the State) than that made to other
States, although the process of selecting lands and conducting surveys
together with the settlement of Native claims has extended the time
period for the actual transfer of land to the State;
• The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1972 gave
Native villages and regional corporations control over 44 million
acres of land in several major blocks;
TABLE 3.20 Land Status in Alaska, the Conterminous United States, and Montana
(in thousands of acres) ·
StatuA Alaska ]j United StatesY
(excluding Alaska)
Acres Percent Acres Percent
Federal 218,400 59.4 5411 ,600
State 104,500 28.4 29,500
Native (private) 43,700 11.9 12,300
Non-Native (private) 1,100 0.3 1, 315' 90()
Total 367,700 1,902,300
SOURCES: 1/ Alaska•Department of Natural Resources, written communication, 1980.
2! Adapted from U.S. Department of Agriculture (1980).
3! Montana Department of State Land, personal communication, 1980.
-Includes only the following major categories: Fish and Game
Department, State Highway Department, and Grant Lands for Schools
and Colleges.
11 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (1978b).
Acres Percent
23,600 25.3
5,39~/ 5.8
5,23c}!../ 5.6
58,944 63.3
..... w .....
Major transfers of land from the State to private ownership
are expected in the foreseeable future.
Because the State concentrated on selecting land areas with a
potential for economic development, most new coal mining in the
immediate future will take place on State-owned lands. Since Native
selections under ANCSA were based, to some extent, on the same
premise, most of the other new coal mining will take place on
Native-owned lands. There may also be some leasing of Federal lands
for coal mining. Thus, controls on coal mining exerted through State,
Native, or Federal ownership must be viewed as an important part of
the existing regulatory framework.
In the sections that follow, the current status of land ownership
in Alaska is described, the regulatory provisions for coal leasing and
land use on State and Federal lands are discussed in terms of their
impact on coal mining, and there is ~ brief discussion of the general
environmental and land-use laws and regulations that affect coal
m~n~ng. More detailed information pertaining to these last two
sections is contained in Appendix B.
3.3.1 Land Status
Alaska is now in the midst of an enormous realignment of property
rights brought about largely by the settlement of Native claims under
ANCSA and the transfer to State ownership of Federal lands granted by
the Statehood Act. Major decisions are also being made on the
esEablishment of national parks, wildlife refuges, forests, wild and
scenic rivers, and wilderness areas on the lands that will remain in
Federal ownership. The scope of these decisions will affect the
development of Alaska's resources for decades and perhaps for
When the allocations of land required by the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act and the Statehood Act are completed, approximately 59
percent (218 million acres) of Alaska's land will be in Federal
ownership, 28 percent (104 million acres) in State ownership, 12
percent (44 million acres) will be privately owned by Alaska Natives,
and 0.3 percent (1 million acres) will be owned by non-Native private
interests (U.S. Office of Technology Assessment 1979).
The 44 milliQn acres of Native-owned lands were selected in
response to various interests and priorities, and ranged from the
retention of the traditional subsistence way of life to mineral
development by profit-making corporations for the benefit of Native
stockholders. As provided by ANCSA, the surface estate of 22 million
acres will be owned by about 200 Native village corporations; the
subsurface estate to these 22 million acres, and the fee simple title
to an additional 18 million acres, will be owned by 12 regional Native
corporations (see Figure 3.25). Although the regional corporations
hold the subsurface rights, mineral exploration within the boundaries
of any Native village can occur only with the consent of the village
corporation. Coordination among these private owners is necessary to
ensure that all interests are recognized.
SOURCE: U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (1979).
FIGURE 3.25 Map showing boundaries of regional corporations established under ANCSA and estimated combined regional and village corporation
entitlements (in millions df acres).
f-' w
The ANCSA grant of mineral rights to the profit-making regional
corporations together with the establishment of an Alaska Native Fund
dependent on the development of mineral resources (U.S. Office of
Technology Assessment 1979), have resulted in increased interest· in
mineral development within both the Native and non-Native populations
of the State. At the same time, many Natives are concerned with
preserving land and waters to support their traditional subsistence
and cultural patterns of life.
The grant of land to the State also included both surface and
subsurface rights. The selection of the 104 million acres granted to
the State is not complete and is not likely to be completed for a
number of years.
Although a portion of the State lands is being, and will continue
to be, made available for private ownership, private owners will
obtain only the surface rights. Under the State constitution,
subsurface rights to those lands will remain with the State. Thus,
the State will retain control over the pace and character of mineral
development on much of the coal-bearing land in Alaska.
After the State completes its land selection, about 100 million
acres of land remaining in Federal ownership will be in national parks
and wilderness areas established by Congress where mining will not be
permitted. Of the remainder, only the federally owned land in the
National Petroleum Reserve (which covers about 23 million acres) on
the North Slope has substantial known coal reserves. The coal
deposits under Cook Inlet and under the Chukchi Sea to the 3-mile
limit are owned by the State. However, development of these deposits
is far in the future.
There are special features in Alaska which bear upon cooperation
between Federal and State governments. Federal and State land
ownership is far more extensive in Alaska than it is in other States,
and privately held land is in fewer and larger parcels. State
ownership includes the tidelands along Alaska's 47,300 miles of
coastline and the subsurface of all navigable waters. In many regions
in Alaska the lowlands and river valleys are owned predominantly by
the State and by Native corporations, with the Federal Government
owning the mountaintops and other adjoining lands. Since bodies of
water, lowlands, and tidal areas are all elements of larger
ecosystems, coordination of land use is necessary to the proper
management of whole ecosystems.
Many species of wildlife in Alaska are migratory, knowing no
ownership boundaries. Because of the Arctic and subarctic nature of
much of the State, upland grazing mammals must cover many acres to
sustain life. Migratory birds will continue to move from State-owned
river valleys to federally owned lands in existing and proposed
wildlife refuges. Thus, even where national parks or refuges comprise
large amounts of land, it will be difficult to keep wildlife habitats
within specific boundaries.
3.3.2 Leasing and Land-Use Regulation on State and Federal Lands
Coal-bearing lands owned by the Federal and State governments are
leased under laws that give those governments the authority to
stipulate the actions that must be taken by the operator to ameliorate
the undesirable consequences of mining. In addition, both Federal and
State officials can prevent the leasing of specific areas. Both
Federal and State leasing practices must now be consistent with the
provisions of PL 95-87. There is nothing, however, to keep them from
being more stringent, especially where particularly competitive values
are important. Both the Federal and State leasing laws provide
administrators with reasonably broad authority to establish
discretionary controls.
An important aspect of coal leasing on Federal and State lands is
to relate the issuance of leases and decisions on controls to other
expected uses of the land. On Federal lands, those lands that are
part of the following systems or categories are not available for coal
mining or exploration: National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge
System, National System of Trails, National Wilderness Preservation
System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Recreation
Areas, and Federal lands within incorporated cities, towns, and
villages. Beyond exclusion of these categories of Federal lands from
coal mining, Federal agencies are required to develop land-use plans
for Federal lands that can be leased for mining. The Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976 requires the preparation of land-use
plans by 1984 for lands administered by the u.s. Department of the
Interior's Bureau of Land Management. For national forest lands,
which are almost entirely in southeastern Alaska, the Forest Service
is required to prepare land-use plans under the Forest and Rangeland
Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974. These land-use plans are
required before leasing for coal can take place. They will contain
information that can be used to decide where and how mining should
occur and conditions that will be imposed, but some leasing and
licensing will occur prior to completion of these plans.
In addition, environmental analyses are required prior to leasing
on Federal coal lands. A regional environmental analysis is made
first as a basis for selecting and scheduling tracts for competitive
leasing. This is followed by environmental analyses for particular
tracts proposed for leasing before leases are issued and mining can
In a similar fashion, the State is planning for the use of State
lands and for the transfer into private ownership of some portion of
these lands. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources is
responsible both for planning the conservation and development of
resources on State lands and for leasing the right to develop those
resources. Most of the department's efforts so far have been directed
at planning for the selection of lands to be transferred to the State,
but the framework for planning their future development is in place.
Control over the environmental impacts of coal mining in Alaska
throu~h Federal or State leasing practices has not been strong. There
have been relatively few leases, and the factual basis for
establishing controls (especially with respect to other land uses) is
3.3.3 Local Government Controls
As noted in Appendix B, the powers of local government in Alaska
differ somewhat from those of local governments in the conterminous
United States. There are two major practical differences. One is the
authority of Alaskan boroughs to zone land in vast areas that are
sparsely populated. The other is the ability of Native villages and
regional corporations to affect development decisions in their areas.
An important example of the way in which local governments
exercise control over land-use and development decisions is provided
by the Alaska Coastal Management Act of 1977. The implementation of
this Act has significant implications for coal development on the
North Slope and in Southcentral Alaska. The Alaska Coastal Management
Program approved by the Federal Government in August 1979
establishes new coastal policies, rules, responsibilities,
obligations and relationships, but relies primarily on existing
state and local authorities and controls for implementation. • • •
The Act also requires that coastal programs be developed within a
specific period by local government units or districts in
organized areas, and in unorganized areas when these areas are
faced with large scale resource development. It also sets up
relationships between the districts and State agencies, and
provides basic objectives and policies for coastal management.
[Emphasis added.]
The Kenai Borough and the Mat-Su (Matanuska-Susitna) Borough are
in the process of preparing coastal zone plans. The implementation of
these plans will affect the development of port facilities for the
Beluga coal field and require the participation of the village of
Tyonek in the development of mining regulations affecting the village
The Beluga coal field "is located in both the Kenai Borough and the
Mat-Su Borough. Some of the land has been transferred by the State to
the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). The closest community is Tyonek,
a traditional "IRA" (Indian Reorganization Act) village administered
by the Tyonek Village Council but also regulated by the Kenai Borough,
the Native regional profit corporation (that is, CIRI), and the Tyonek
Village Native Corporation. All will be involved in any future
development of the Beluga coal field.
The North Slope Borough has made intensive efforts to prepare a
coastal management program for the mid-Beaufort area. The borough has
a sophisticated planning staff that has formulated regulations
regarding the preservation of wildlife, the conservation of water
resources, and the location of access routes. The planning staff has
also cet standards for land use and reclamation. The coastal zone
management boundaries extend as far south as the Brooks Range, and the
borough has succeeded in developing regulations for scheduling
offshore leases in the Beaufort Sea. This advocacy for local controls
and self-determination will continue, and, unless Federal, State, and
local interests are coordinated and reconciled, will delay resource
development in the Arctic Region.
3.3.4 General Environmental Regulations
All of the environmental laws and regulations that apply to the
conterminous United States also affect Alaska, although, as detailed
in Appendix B, some are applied differently in Alaska. These include
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the Clean Air Act, and the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The State of Alaska has
parallel regulatory provisions that also include control of oil and
hazardous substance pollution and coordination of environmental
As noted in Appendix B, some Federal laws are applied differently
in Alaska than in other States primarily because of special
environmental or physical conditions. The lack of extensive coal
mining in the State has resulted in only limited application of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Clean Air Act. On the
other hand, provisions of both Acts are applied to placer mines.
3.3.5 Treaty Obligations
Alaska and the seas surrounding it are subject to several
international treaties that deal with marine dumping, with the
ownership and use of the territorial sea and contiguous zone, and with
fishing, whaling, and wildlife preservation. While these treaties are
designed to preserve and enhance the marine and land environments,
they are not unique to Alaska and most of them do not appear to impose
specific conditions that would be violated by the development of land
resources or by the development of marine transportation.
Two treaties, however, are unique to Alaska because they pertain
only to Arctic environments and do have a possible relationship to
activities on land. The Interim Convention between the United States,
Canada, Japan, and the USSR on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals
(TIAS 3948; extended, TIAS No. 6774) entered into by the United States
in February 1957 calls for actions to conserve and increase the fur
seal population. Any activity in a marine or land area used by fur
seals would probably be subject to the provisions and intent of this
In addition, the Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears
(TIAS No. 8409), entered into by the United States in November 1976,
specifically provides in Article II that
[e]ach Contracting Party shall take appropriate action to protect
the ecosystems of which polar bears are a part, with special
attention to habitat components such as denning and feeding
sites and migration patterns, and shall manage polar bear
populations in accordance with sound conservation practices based
on the best available scientific data.
This treaty could preclude coal development in any area used by polar
bears. Furthermore, a proposed treaty with Canada involving the
Porcupine caribou herd could affect coal mining in east-central Alaska
(Carter 1980).
3.3.6 Discussion
Even before enactment of PL 95-87, the combination of land
ownership patterns and degree of land and economic development in
Alaska made coordination among agencies and between levels of
government necessary. The Federal Field Committee for Development
Planning in Alaska, which existed from 1964 to 1970, was charged with
planning and coordinating Federal activities in the State. Its
effectiveness depended on its ability to get Federal funds directed at
solving important problems.
The Joint Federal-State Land use Planning Commission was created
by ANCSA to resolve the issues raised by the selection of land by
Native organizations and by the State. Its role was limited to
marshaling information, and its effectiveness was limited by a lack of
control over planning decisions. Nevertheless, it did make a
contribution to the process of planning for the future of the State.
PL 95-87 adds another set of regulations to an already substantial
framework for controlling the impacts that arise from developing coal
resources. In view of the complex land ownership and land management
patterns in Alaska, there should be an effective mechanism for
coordinating Federal, State, and local regulations. As indicated in
Section 3.2.3 of this report, however, decisions on coal mining depend
on decisions concerning transportation, access, development of
governmental structures, and a host of related factors, but
coordinating mechanisms such as the Federal Field Committee or the
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission no longer exist.
Whatever else is done to improve the regulatory framework for coal
mining in Alaska, the importance of local government must be
recognized. The established regional governments in Alaska are the
boroughs or unified municipalities with their planning commissions,
assemblies, and mayors. In the unorganized borough, the State
legislature or its delegates are the planning authorities. Coastal
zone planning commissions and the Alaska Native regional corporations,
even though private corporations, have great political power,
especially in the Arctic Region.
It will also be necessary to involve major landowners and land
management agencies. Efforts to make decisions in the public interest
regarding land use in Alaska can be frustrated by the large size of
private Alaskan land ownerships and by the importance of potential
trarsportation corridors that would cross both public and private
ownership boundaries.
Effective implementation of PL 95-87 in Alaska will require
careful integration of that law with the rest of the regulatory
framework that will affect coal mining and with the whole process of
making choices for the State's future.
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The Committee has interpreted its charge in Sec. 708 of PL 95-87
to include both a section-by-section analysis of the Act and a
comparison of the Act's approach with other legislative approaches
that could be used to achieve the same broad purposes in Alaska. On
the basis of our analyses, we suggest that certain provisions of the
Act be modified to recognize particular conditions in Alaska.
Recommendations are also made for changes in the approach taken in PL
95-87 to cope more effectively with conditions in Alaska.
The purpose of this chapter is to identify the basis on which the
suitability of the Act to conditions in Alaska was determined. We
discuss first the approach used in PL 95-87 to control the impacts of
coal mining and its apparent basis in legislative history. This is
followed by a discussion of alternative approaches for controlling the
impacts of coal mining. The discussion is theoretical, rather than
factual, but it lays a foundation for examination of the facts
pertaining to coal mining in Alaska. The final section of this
chapter presents questions that should be answered in evaluating PL
95-87 as it would apply to Alaska.
The Committee's perception of the problems of surface coal mining
in Alaska has been influenced to some extent by the public concern
that led to passage of PL 95-87. On the other hand, we are also aware
that environmental, social, economic, and jurisdictional conditions in
Alaska will make the mining of coal there distinctly different from
coal mining in other States.
The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act was adopted after a
prolonged struggle in which various factions sought to reach an
accommodation from their different perspectives. The result is a
statute with many elements introduced during successive sessions of
the Congress (Thompson and Agnew 1977). The Act deals with a wide
range of environmental problems that stem from coal mining, some of
which pertain to particular regions of the country.
The law contains requirements for mining on steep slopes
(§ 515(d), S 515(e)) and for the removal of coal from a mountaintop
(S 515 (c)), these being circumstanc.es that" pertain primarily to .the
Appalachian region. The impqrtance of alluvial valley flqq~s to
western ranching is also recognized (S 510 (b) (5) I § 515 (b) (10)) I and
the requirements for demonstrating the success of revegetation!where
the annual precipitation is less than 26 inches differ frqm th~
requirements where the amount of precipitation is greater than 2Q
inches (§ 515(b)(20)). Special provisions apply to certain
bituminous coal mines in the West (§ 527) and to anthracite coal mines
in the East (S 529). The Act's requirements for reclaiming prime
farmland (S 507 (b) (16), § 508 (a) (2), § 510 (d) (1), and § 515 (b) (7))
chiefly affect the central region of the country.
The legislative history of the Act shows regional and nationa.l
concerns about problems of coal mining considered to be unacceptable
to society. These concerns were reviewed briefly by the National
Academy of Sciences' Committee on Surface Mining and Reclamation
(National Research Council 1979).
The eastern States were concerned about backfilling, grading, and
revegetating spoil materials from surface mining; stabilizing debris
on steep slopes; controlling pollution from eroded sediment and acid
drainage; and reclaiming abandoned lands that had been mined before
reclamation was required. The midwestern States had many of the same
concerns, and they were also particularly worried .about the impact of
surface mining on the region's farmland, which included some of the
most productive farms in the country.
Concern in the West centered on plans for the rapid development of
the region's extensive coal deposits to generate electricity in.power.
plants. There was fear that surface coal mining would conflict with
farming, ranching, and other traditional patterns of land use, and
that ownership of land surface rights might be affected because of
Federal ownership of the underlying coal. Other fears were aroused by
the difficulty of reclaiming land in arid regions and the impact of
development on the social and economic structures of a sparsely
populated region. The legislative debate was also notable for
expressions of concern about blasting practices, the construction,
maintenance, and reclamation of access roads and haul roads, including
rail lines; loss of water supplies; disturbances caused by exploration
activities; and protection of wildlife habitats.
The goals of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, are
expressed in the Act's statements of findings and purposes and are
further revealed by the Act's approach to the control of surface
mining (National Research Council 1979).
The problems attributed to surface mining by the Act include
disturbances that adversely affect commerce and public welfare
(§ lOl(c)), a degraded quality of life in local communities
(§ lOl(c)), adverse effects on soil, water, and other natural
resources (§ lOl(c)), and the deferred social and economic costs and
continued impairment of environmental quality imposed on nearby
residents by mined land that has not been reclaimed (§ lOl(h)). These
findings are the general basis for many of the Act's provisions. The
Act states that primary responsibility for regulating surface coal
mining should remain with the States (§ lOl(f)), but that minimum
national standards are essential to ensure that competition between
producers of coal in different States will not weaken a State's
ability to impose its environmental standards for mining (§ lOl(g));
and a cooperative effort is necessary (§ lOl(k)). The Act finds that
there is an urgent need to establish standards to minimize damage to
the environment and to productivity of the soil and to protect public
health and safety (§ lOl(d)), and that regulation of surface mining is
appropriate and necessary to minimize adverse social, economic, and
environmental effects (§ lOl(e)). Although the Act shows
Congressional understanding of the importance of surface mining in
meeting the Nation's demand for coal (§ lOl(a), § lOl(b)), it finds
that an expanding and economically healthy underground coal mining
industry is essential to the national interest because the largest
part of the Nation's coal reserves can only be extracted by
underground mining methods (§ lOl(b)).
The Act's list of purposes explicitly identifies its central
goals. The range of topics indicates the breadth of coverage provided
by the Act. § 102 of the Act lists its purposes as follows: (a) to
establish a nationwide program; (b) to assure that the rights of
surface landowners are protected; (c) to assure that surface mining is
not done where reclamation is not feasible; (d) to assure that surface
coal mining is done so as to protect the environment; (e) to assure
that surface areas are reclaimed as contemporaneously with mining as
possible; (f) to assure that the coal essential to the Nation is
provided by striking a balance between protection of the environment
and agricultural productivity and the need for coal; (g) to assist the
States in developing and implementing a program; (h) to promote the
reclamation of mined areas left without adequate reclamation prior to
the Act; (i) to provide for public participation; (j) to develop data
and analyses for effective and reasonable regulation of surface mining
for other minerals; (k) to encourage full utilization of coal through
the development and application of underground extraction
technologies; (1) to provide for research and the training of mineral
engineers and scientists in the field of mining, mineral resources,
and technology, and establish research and training centers in various
States; and (m) to exercise constitutional powers--that is, enforce
the Act--to ensure protection of the public interest through effective
control of surface coal-mining operations. These purposes are given
specific meaning by the Act's many provisions.
To achieve these goals, the Act's provisions can be described
briefly as follows:
1. The Act establishes a national program for control of surface
coal mining.
2. The Act regulates surface coal mining by a permit program and
by establishing a system of performance standards, that is, by
specifying the mining and reclamation practices to be used.
3. The Act considers surface coal mining to be a temporary use of
land, reclaimable to equal or higher use; nonreclaimable areas are not
to be mined.
4. The Act sets explicit standards for environmental protection,
thus implying that remedies for recognized environmental problems are
known and available.
5. The Act provides abundant opportunity for citizen involvement
and for the protection of the rights of surface land owners.
6. The Act addresses deferred costs by establishing a means to
reduce them through the reclamation of abandoned mines.
7. The Act requires maximum recovery and conservation of the
mineral resource, although only for the purpose of minimizing repeated
disturbances of the environment.
In summary, the Act views the environmental disturbances of coal
mining as a national problem and addresses the problem in an exact and
explicit manner. The Act focuses on the mined land, not on the social
impacts or the effects of surface mining on biological
interrelationships that may extend over long distances. Some
attention is given to the management of coal resources, but the Act is
primarily and almost exclusively an environmental statute. Indeed,
control of the environmental effects of surface mining on land and
water is assumed to be the means of controlling its biological and
socioeconomic impacts, which are given only limited attention. The
Act supports the premise that successful reclamation depends on
planning, but the provisions that pertain to land use focus chiefly on
identifying places where mined land can be reclaimed and where mining
. would conflict with other developed uses of land. The States may
assume responsibility for control of surface coal mining (except for
certain matters reserved to the Secretary of the Interior), but only
under an approved program that meets minimum Federal requirements.
These requirements, especially in matters of environmental
performance, are spelled out as detailed standards, many of them
taking the form of specific practices to be followed. That is, it is
assumed that the application of a suitable technology will have
predictable results and that workable remedies for unwanted effects on
the environment are already known.
The suitability of PL 95-87 as a mechanism for controlling the
impacts of coal mining in Alaska depends not only on conditions in the
State, but also on whether there are other means to accomplish the
same purposes. Three considerations are relevant in evaluating the
law as it applies to Alaska: (1) the way in which PL 95-87 or
alternative approaches determine what degree of control is desirable,
(2) the method through which State or local interests are represented
in decisions regarding controls, and (3) the methods used to achieve
the desired level of control.
4.2.1 Deciding What Degree of Control is Needed
Decisions on the degree of control needed for surface coal m1n1ng
in Alaska involve two steps. The first is to decide whether the
controls should be comprehensive or should be on a case-by-case
basis. Once this decision has been made and an appropriate means for
implementing it has been chosen, the second step is to decide the
extent, or the stringency, of control.
The degree of control depends on how the expected impacts are
related to the anticipated scale of development. If the impacts are
expected to be strongly interrelated, comprehensive controls seems
appropriate (Braybrooke and Lindblom 1963, Caldwell 1970). If little
interrelatedness exists, however, individual controls seem likely to
be most effective. Thus, spot development that causes only minor
perturbations could be controlled on a case-by-case basis, but
widespread development that results in major changes in existing
conditions would warrant comprehensive controls.
PL 95-87 favors comprehensive controls because there are obvious,
reasonably consistent, and widespread interrelationships between
surface coal mining and its impact on the natural, economic, and
social environments of the conterminous United States. But coal
mining in Alaska in the past has been spotty and has taken place under
various conditions. Existing knowledge of interrelationships,
especially that of surface mining with the natural environment, cannot
be readily extrapolated to all the possible conditions under which
mining will take place in Alaska in the foreseeable future.
Determining the extent of control over surface mining, or the
stringency of that control, requires consideration of the benefits to
be derived from coal mining and the environmental, social, and other
costs. For the most part, decisions based on these considerations
were made by Congress in PL 95-87. The Act prohibits surface coal
mining, for example, if reclamation cannot be achieved in accordance
with the standards in the Act, and backfilling of high walls is
required. An alternative method of making such decisions is to do so
by a law or ordinance or by a planning process at the State or local
level, where the relationships between surface coal m1n1ng and
national, State, regional, or local characteristics can be recognized.
4.2.2 Matching the Level of Decision-Making to the Problems
Deciding which level of government is most suitable for
controlling the impacts of surface coal mining is primarily a matter
of determining the distribution and severity of the impacts. In order
to be responsive to public desires and to differences in the impacts
of mining, it is preferable to assign controls to the lowest
practicable level of government. But if control is so localized that
important impacts or affected people are excluded from the control
process, decisions are better made at a higher level of government
(Davis and Whinston 1962, Kneese 1964, National Research Council 1966).
Impacts that are especially severe, or long-lasting, or that
affect unique environmental or cultural resources, may not be
adequately controlled by placing responsibility solely with local
authorities. This is why responsibility for environmental controls
has been shifting in recent years from local jurisdictions and State
governments to the Federal Government (Davies and Davies 1975).
Effective control of the impacts of surface coal mining may
require extending responsibility beyond the immediately affected
district because local jurisdictions may have neither the technical
ability nor the willingness to set and enforce controls. The control
of impacts that persist beyond the life of a local population, as well
as impacts that are dispersed among culturally or economically
distinct parts of a State, irrespective of the confinement of the
mining district, may require a broader perspective than that normally
found in local decisions.
To an increasing degree, responsibility for decisions on
environmental controls is being shared among governments at different
levels. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, and the Clean Air Act all assign
responsibility for goals and objectives to the Federal Government, but
the States are given the opportunity to devise and implement programs
of their own that are consistent with these laws. Under the Coastal
Zone Management Act, broad goals are determined at the Federal level
while State and local governments assume responsibility for defining
specific objectives. Special-purpose commissions are another way of
coordinating local, State, and Federal interests.
4.2.3 Methods of Controlling Impacts of Coal Mining
The problems resulting from surface coal mining, such as those
addressed in PL 95-87, generally occur because the incentives that
lead a miner to develop a mine are not matched by equivalent
incentives to ameliorate the effects of mining on other property
owners or society at large. PL 95-87 deals with this lack of direct
incentive by asserting government control over the actions of the mine
owner. But society also relies on education and technical advice to
encourage actions that are in keeping with societal objectives.
Public subsidies and incentives to counter those of the private
marketplace, especially subsidies and incentives provided through the
tax structure, are commonplace. In some cases the government even
resorts to taking ownership of private property or directly
participating in commerce to accomplish a public purpose.
Alternative methods like these can be used to control mineral
development. They can be viewed as ways to exercise increasing
leverage on private owners to meet established public standards, with
governmental authority being used only to the degree needed to
accomplish the desired results. In practice, a mixture of several
approaches may be appropriate for a given kind of mineral development,
depending on the complexity of a particular situation (Dahl and
Lindblom 1953, Kneese and Schultze 1975). These approaches can be
used in a framework of regional or state-wide management of mineral
development that combines land-use decisions, tax structures,
financial assistance programs, procedures for the management of other
natural resources, and other methods for coordinated action to achieve
complex environmental, social, and economic objectives.
Choosing the most suitable means of control to achieve a
particular objective depends on whether flexibility in controlling the
impacts of mineral development can be tolerated, the extent to which
the impacts can be predicted, and whether a technology for mitigating
the impacts is available. Thus, the usefulness of these methods for
controlling the impacts of surface coal mining in Alaska will depend
on the conditions in each area. The discussion that follows describes
some of the features of each method.
Providing technical assistance is a basic method of controlling
the undesirable impacts of many productive activities. It is a method
widely used by the u.s. Department of Agriculture, the u.s. Bureau of
Mines, and other Federal agencies. Technical advice is most likely to
be accepted if the mining operator can be shown how the recommended
practices will reduce costs, recover more of the mineral resource, or
enhance public relations. The operators also may be more willing to
accept technical assistance if they know that acceptance of the
recommended practices can be expected to prevent more coercive
Economic incentives in the form of financial rewards or penalties
may be employed to promote voluntary compliance with social goals when
it is possible to permit some flexibility in the degree to which
standards are met. Such incentives can include performance bonds,
effluent charges, and tax credits or other allowances for controlling
pollutants or achieving of other environmental goals (Mills 1978,
Schultze 1977). Economic.incentives are intended to promote
independent efforts to control environmental problems as costs and
prices change. For economic incentives to be workable, it is
necessary that the costs of control bear some direct relationship to
the results. In other words, it must be possible to trace the
environmental results of a given expenditure to the operation that
makes the expenditure, and the environmental results must be
controllable, predictable, and measurable.
If a specific level of compliance is desired, as with control of
toxic materials or hazardous conditions, the flexibility inherent in
economic incentives may not ensure adequate control. In this
circumstance, direct regulation may be required. This was the view
taken by Congress in passing PL 95-87. Two approaches to direct
regulation are pertinent in the present case.
One method of direct regulation is to establish standards for
ambient conditions, while another is to specify the actions that must
be carried out in order to achieve those conditions (Freeman 1971,
Lundqvist 1974). There is an obvious difference between the two
approaches in the degree of freedom granted to the mine operator. If
the operator is given the opportunity to attain certain ambient
conditions in the best way he sees fit, he may find innovative and
effective ways to meet the standards while keeping pace with
technological improvements. But if the operator is required to adopt,
or forgo, a designated practice, his behavior is restricted,
innovation is stifled, and the requirements must be updated
periodically because of technical advances.
Setting standards for stipulated behavior (for example, a
requirement to replace soil layers in a specified manner) is referred
to as the regulation of practices. Setting standards that stipulate
only ambient conditions (for example, a requirement to achieve a
vegetation cover of native plants in 5 years) is referred to as
regulation of the results of behavior--or simply as the regulation of
results. Regulation of results is generally to be preferred over
control of practices, where feasible, because it encourages the search
for inventive and economical ways to meet socially desired goals.
Regulation of results is also less costly to administer than
regulation of practices, because the supervision required to assess
compliance usually involves less monitoring and less enforcement. But
if results cannot be traced to a specific operation, or cannot be
closely defined and predicted, control of practices may be the only
means of limiting possibly adverse effects of coal development.
Control of practices may also be necessary when industrial or mining
activities involve potentially severe or irreversible impacts, such as
the release of toxic substances or land subsidence.
The rationale for the regulation of results is that public goals
for ambient conditions can be spelled out in fairly explicit terms.
If the results are not achieved, the cause can be identified and
corrected. In the case of surface mining, standards might be set for
various attributes of the land and its use following mining, such as
appropriate landform, slope stability, degree of revegetation, and
restoration of land capability. In addition, standards for ambient
conditions that serve as proxies for conditions less easy to measure
may be appropriate when the goals are inherently subjective. For
instance, standards for water quality may be set in lieu of
requirements for the control of erosion when the objective is to
achieve reclaimed land that does not require continual maintenance.
The regulation of practices, on the other hand, may be desirable
when measurement of ambient conditions is an imprecise method for
identifying the results of a particular activity, either because
individual operators cannot be held individually accountable or
because of a lack of predictive models or experience with control
techniques. In these circumstances, ambient effects can be controlled
by restricting output (for example, by limiting sediment production),
by prescribing a remedy (for example, requiring the installation of
settling ponds), or by forbidding certain behavior (for example,
prohibiting disturbance of the topsoil). This hierarchy of control
imposes an increasing degree of restriction on the operator, and all
of the restrictions are more coercive than compliance with ambient
standards. Decisions on which practices shall be prohibited, or which
shall be required, may be arbitrary in the sense that the linkage
between a particular practice and its consequences cannot necessarily
be demonstrated. Regulation begins with the presumption that certain
activities are clearly undesirable and should be controlled'. Because
an administrative agency must assume responsibility for the
effectiveness of the practices it mandates (as well as mandate better
practices as technology improves), government itself has a role in the
pursuit of effective and economical controls.
Both the regulation of results and the regulation of practices
invite attempts at evasion, and enforcement procedures are ordinarily
necessary. Thus, regulation can be a comparatively costly method of
control. The respective merits of economic incentives and direct
regulation, including their costs, have been widely studied (Anderson
and others 1977, Maler 1974).
Direct public involvement in development of resources is a way for
government to accept some of the economic risks of pursuing public
policy objectives, such as the development of new domestic energy
supplies. Such involvement could take various forms: that of a
government corporation or authority with full responsibility for coal
mining and reclamation; that of a joint arrangement between a
government corporation or agency and a mining company with the
responsibilities for each specified in a development contract (e.g.,
joint responsibility for preparation of a mining and reclamation plan
with the mining company responsible for mining activities and the
government agency responsible for reclamation activities); or that of
subsidies to the mining company based on performance of specific
reclamation and research activities. These mechanisms could provide a
way for government to be directly involved in activities that may have
substantial but ill-defined environmental consequences that should be
carefully monitored and controlled. Such public involvement in the
United States in resource development has generally been limited to
the development of public lands and water resources, but in recent
years there have been proposals for Federal involvement in the
development of the country's oil shale resources. Public involvement,
of course, does not automatically ensure that the undesirable impacts
of resource development will be eliminated. Still, such involvement
may be indicated when considerable uncertainty exists about the
nature, magnitude, severity, or duration of the impacts of resource
development, or about the availability and effectiveness of
technologies to control it. In short, public involvement may be the
best means of taking a cautious, experimental approach when the
consequences of resource development are unpredictable.
As an example of public involvement in surface coal mining, the
State or Federal government conceivably could have a role in
demonstrating the potential effects of commercial mining of coal on
the North Slope. It seems clear that commercial mining, if it occurs
here, will be on a large scale. While it would be necessary to
determine the likely environmental effects of such operations, it may
be possible to do so on a scale smaller than that needed for
commercial mines. Thus, some degree of public involvement in prior
demonstrations of a suitable scale might be advantageous. Factors
that would be significant in determining an appropriate scale for
demonstration mining include the relationship between the extent of
disturbed area and the thermal regime of the permafrost, the surface
and subsurface hydrological conditions, and the variability of soil
conditions and tundra vegetation. In other words, the appropriate
scale for demonstration mining would be defined in terms of
environmental criteria: tests of economic feasibility would have to be
made separately.
The preceding discussion of the considerations to be taken into
account in controlling the impacts of surface coal mining provides
general background for the analysis of the applicablity of PL 95-87 to
conditions in Alaska. Because these conditions differ substantially
in some respects from those in the conterminous United States, and
because coal mining in Alaska may increase greatly in the future, the
approaches of PL ~5-87 to controlling surface coal mining in the
conterminous United States may not be advisable under certain
circumstances in Alaska. These circumstances are noted in the
following chapter.
Given the foregoing discussion, it is possible to identify the
criteria for evaluating PL 95-87 as it would apply to Alaska. First:
Can each provision of the Act accomplish its apparent purpose? If
not, what are the reasons? In most of the cases where provisions of
the Act cannot satisfy this criterion, it will be because
environmental, social~ or economic conditions differ significantly
from those known to Congress when the Act was passed. In some cases,
however, it will be due to the inadequacy of the information base
needed to determine the likely effects of mining or the controls that
would be required to minimize those effects.
Second: Would coal mining in Alaska have important effects for
which no provisio~ of the Act provides reasonable controls? If so,
what controls would be necessary to achieve purposes that would be in
concert with the Act? Examples of this might include the unusual
requirements for ancillary facilities because of relatively
undeveloped conditions in parts of Alaska or the impacts of coal
mining on the State's marine environment.
Third: Do the processes for setting objectives and establishing
controls provide for adequate consideration of the various levels of
legitimate interest in coal mining and other uses of land in Alaska?
This concern has to do with the special relationships between
national, State, and local interests in Alaska and with the particular
structure of land and resource ownership in the State. Differences in
the current level of development in Alaska, and in the extent of
Federal, State, and Native land and resource ownership compared with
that in conterminous United States, suggest a possible need for
modifying the institutional approach of PL 95-87.
Fourth: Does the Act provide the most effective and efficient
means for accomplishing its purposes under Alaskan conditions? If
not, which provisions should be modified, and in what way? Because of
the large extent of Federal, State, and Native land ownership, as well
as the present character of coal and other resource development in
Alaska, there is reason to suspect that PL 95-87 may not be as
effective or efficient as other possible approaches to controlling the
impacts of surface coal mining in Alaska.
The criteria identified above are used generally in Chapter 5 and
Appendix A for examining the suitability of the provisions of PL 95-87
for coping with problems posed by coal development in Alaska. The
answers to these questions are very complex and there is no single
point at which any one of them is answered complet€ly; however, we
believe that addressing these questions will go a long way toward
solving the problems.
Anderson, F.R., Kneese, A.V., Reed, P.O., Taylor, s., and Stevenson,
R.B., 1977, Environmental improvements through economic
incentives. Washington, D.C., Resources for the Future
(Distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore), 195 p.
Braybrooke, D., and Lindblom, C.E., 1963, A strategy of decision. New
York, Free Press, 268 p.
Caldwell, L.K., 1970, Environment: A challenge for modern society.
Published for American Museum of Natural History. Garden City,
N.Y., Natural History Press, 292 p.
Dahl, R.A., and Lindblom, C.E., 1953, Politics, economics and welfare.
New York, Harper and Row, 557 p.
Davies, J.C., and Davies, B.s., 1975, The politics of pollution (2nd
ed.). Indianapolis, Pegasus, 254 p.
Davis, O.A., and Whinston, A., 1962, Externalities, welfare, and the
theory of games. Journal of Political Economy, v. 70, no. 3, p.
Freeman, A.M., III, 1971, Review of "The politics of pollution, 1st
ed.," by J. Clarence Davies and Barbara s. Davies, Indianapolis,
Pegasus, 254 p., 1970; and "Vanishing air: The Ralph Nader study
group report on air pollution," by John c. Esposito, New York,
Grossman, 328 p., 1970. Natural Resources Journal, v. 11, no. 2,
April 1971, p. 390-393.
Kneese, A.V., 1964, The economics of regional water quality
management. Washington, D.C., Resources for the Future
(Distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore), 215 p.
Kneese, A.V., and Schultze, C.L., 1975, Pollution, prices, and public
policy. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution, 125 p.
Lundqvist, L.J., 1974, Environmental policies in Canada, Sweden, and
the United States. Beverly Hills, Calif., Sage Foundation, 42 p.
Maler, Karl-Goran, 1974, Environmental economics: A theoretical
inquiry. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 267 p.
Mills, E.S., 1978, The economics of environmental quality. New York,
w.w. Norton, 304 p.
National Research Council, 1966, waste management and control.
Washington, D.C., Committee on Pollution, National Academy of
Sciences, 257 p.
National Research Council, 1979, Surface mining of non-coal minerals:
A study of mineral mining from the perspective of the Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. Committee on surface
Mining and Reclamation, Board on Mineral and Energy Resources,
Commission on Natural Resources. washington, D.C., National
Academy of Sciences, 339 p.
Schultze, C.L., 1977, The public use of private interest. washington,
D.C., Brookings Institution, 93 p.
Thompson, D., and Agnew, A.F., 1977, Surface mining: Federal
regulation, issue brief number IB74074. Washington, D.c., Library
of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 17 p.
5.1.1 Special Qualities of Some Conditions in Alaska
Even a casual acquaintance with Alaska reveals conditions of
terrain, jurisdiction, and human affairs that were not contemplated
when the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 was
written--for instance, widespread permafrost, enormous tracts of
undeveloped land, and subsistence activities that help to support a
traditional life-style for many rural Natives. such conditions
deserve thoughtful attention when the range of potential problems
presented by coal development in the State is considered. The same
acquaintance, however, brings out other conditions in parts of Alaska
that are more or less comparable to those found in other coal regions
of the States. Erosion of denuded land, the commingling of Federal
and State lands, and the relation of coal mining to social conditions
are circumstances that pertain as much to the coal regions of Alaska
as elsewhere. Control procedures specified by the Act to deal with
such matters might be found to be easily adaptable to particular
situations in Alaska.
Much of this chapter is concerned with special conditions in
Alaska and their interactions, to the degree that they would influence
decisions about coal mining and reclamation or about coal development
in general. Based on findings in Chapters 2 and 3 and on details
about the Act's provisions given in Appendix A, we explain how these
conditions are pertinent in considering the validity of the Act's
assumptions for Alaska (Section 5.2). Alaskan conditions thought to
be more or less comparable to those recognized by the Act for other
States are also explained. In some instances, a condition in Alaska
similar to that in the conterminous United States may still call for
consideration of distinctly Alaskan conditions because its effect in
Alaska is modified by local circumstances. Thus, the hazard of
blasting would be as much a reality near buildings in Alaska as
elsewhere, but mining is unlikely to be in populated areas.
To recognize that some conditions in Alaska differ from those in
the conterminous United States is not in itself a basis for concluding
that Alaska should necessarily be treated differently than other
States. Each State that mines coal is in some ways different from any
other State. In Alaska, however, the differences are comparatively
greater because of the nature of the physical environment,
jurisdictional setting, and social conditions, and the differences
vary rather widely between coal regions of the State. Some of these
differences are magnified because some Alaskan conditions combine in
synergistic ways--impacts on wildlife are significant for subsistence
economies, for example, and thawing of permafrost may change the
hydrologic regimen more or less indefinitely. Also, the physical
environment is such that mining and reclamation results are uncertain
for much of Alaska. This lack of knowledge calls for experiments and
inventive demonstrations to determine workable practices that might
achieve effective control rather than for off-the-shelf technologies
used elsewhere.
Similarly, a lack of governmental experience in managing Alaska's
largely untapped resources suggests that the search for effective
governmental procedures also will be a somewhat experimental process.
Because Alaska is still largely a wilderness, because an
infrastructure to accommodate coal development does not exist, and
because all of Alaska is under Federal, State, or Native ownership,
opportunities exist to a greater extent than in other States to
control not only the effects of coal mining but the nature of coal
development itself.
Such considerations point to the virtues of modifying the Act in a
manner that recognizes the differences between regions of the State,
that allows for flexibility in governmental controls, and that
enlarges the scope of the Act by dealing with coal mining as one
element in a framework of comprehensive planning. Although this
chapter is largely given to explaining the desirability of making
these modifications for Alaska, we do not imply that the Act is
unsuitable for other coal regions of the United States, for which it
is indeed designed.
When the Act is examined provision by provision (Appendix A), it
is seen to deal with a number of themes in a liberal manner, despite
many specific requirements. The provisions of § 515 and § 516, which
specify environmental performance standards for surface and
underground mining, especially abound in discretionary expressions
that provide latitude for individual interpretations. Thus, one finds
"reasonable likelihood" (§ 515 (b) (2)), "best available"
(§ 515 (b) (6)), "size ••• adequate for its intended purposes"
(§ 515 (b) (8)), "where possible" (§ 515 (b) (22}}, "as the regulatory
authority shall determine" (§ 515(b) (25)), and other unspecific or
qualifying phrases. Also, many general provisions, although specific
in what they require--for example, working from a reclamation plan,
limiting the size of explosions, minimizing adverse impacts on fish
and wildlife, and so on--can be understood to be reasonable
requirements for all mining, including operations in Alaska. In such
light, most of the Act can be deemed applicable to Alaska, given the
necessary modifying words to accommodate unusual conditions.
One difficulty that may arise from the Act's discretionary
language, in Alaska as elsewhere, is that mines may be regulated ih a
highly individual manner, giving rise to uneven results. A completely
random approach toward variable objectives is clearly at odds with a
basic purpose of the Act, namely, to achieve some uniformity in the
outcome of mining and reclamation.
Despite the difficulty of making uniform decisions, we recognize
that choices of the kind permitted by the Act might need to be made
frequently in Alaska, especially to deal with the unpredictability of
results of mining and reclamation practices. Accordingly, Alaskan
conditions are described in this chapter in a way intended to provide
guidance in fitting the Act's objectives to these conditions. We do
not attempt to explain how the Act might be modified in its provisions
to fit Alaskan conditions, but we try to indicate matters worthy of
consideration in contemplating whether new legislative language would
be desirable.
A more fundamental difficulty in applying the Act's discretionary
language in Alaska, or in dealing with many of its provisions for the
control of environmental impacts (Title V), is that several of the
Act's assumptions have questionable validity for Alaska--the
requirement to permit mining only where reclamation is possible, for
instance, or the requirement for describing the mining and reclamation
technology to be used and the provisions for following certain
specified practices. The assumptions that underlie such requirements
are untested for coal mining under Alaskan conditions. Thus, we
advocate in this chapter a regulatory approach that would encourage
demonstrations of various techniques for mining and reclamation.
Other assumptions implicit in the Act, as in the attention given to
limiting the impacts to the mine site, completing reclamation in a
timely manner, and mitigating biological and social impacts by control
of physical effects, pertain to mining in areas of the conterminous
United States that have already undergone some development, not the
vast spaces of undeveloped land in Alaska. we suggest that mining in
Alaska involves decisions on long-term allocations of land use, not
simply a temporary commitment to mining, and we outline the diverse
and interacting conditions in Alaska that seem to us to be pertinent
in defining goals and making comprehensive plans for coal development.
5.1.2 Elements of the Act Not Specially Affected by
Conditions in Alaska
Although special conditions justify consideration of modifying the
Act's environmental provisions for Alaska, the Act is comprehensive in
providing for control of surface coal mining and for the surface
effects of underground mining, and its other requirements would be
generally applicable to the State. Our comments on the Act's
environmental provisions are given in Appendix A, and several of these
provisions are discussed at some length in the remainder of this
chapter. Here, we focus on highlights from the Act to point out their
general applicability to Alaska.
The Office of Surface Mining (Title II) would provide the needed
liaison between Alaska and the Federal Government in implementing a
State program, and it would ensure that operations on Federal lands
are consistent with Alaskan goals. It is of interest that
§ 20l(c) (11) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, through the
Office of Surface to recommend changes in public policy to improve
surface mining and reclamation techniques directed at eliminating
adverse environmental and social impacts. This report is intended to
provide information about Alaska that may be useful for this purpose.
The research institutes and laboratories to be established under
the Act (Titles III and VIII), together with the authorization for
graduate fellowships related to fuels and energy (Title IX), obviously
would benefit Alaska in its efforts to improve education and research
as related to coal. Indeed, a Mining and Mineral Resources and
Research Institute, as authorized by the Act, is already a part of the
University of Alaska's Mineral Industry Research Laboratory at
Fairbanks, being funded on a matching basis by the Federal Government
and the State.
The Act's provisions for reclaiming abandoned mines (Title IV), as
discussed below in Section, could be beneficial to Alaska,
even though few abandoned coal mines exist. Also, reclamation of
these former workings could provide useful information about the
results of practices that might be applied at new operations.
Title VI establishes a procedure for designating certain Federal
lands as unsuitable for noncoal mining. Although such a designation
is restricted to lands of a predominantly urban or suburban character
used primarily for residential purposes, or to places where a person
has an interest that may be adversely affected by mining, these
provisions could have local application in Alaska.
Administrative provisions of the Act (Title VII) provide a
framework for many procedural matters essential to a State program.
Among other items, these provisions are concerned with protecting the
rights of surface landowners, users of water, and private and public
property, with acquiring necessary data for management of an effective
program, and with assuring opportunities for public participation.
Such provisions would seem to be necessary in any State program for
control of coal mining. We discuss several other parts of Title VII
in the following section.
The analysis that follows discusses environmental, jurisdictional,
and social conditions in Alaska as they relate to certain provisions
of the Act, chiefly the requirements of Title v. These provisions are
grouped in categories that express our understanding of several of the
Act's assumptions. These assumptions do not include all those
implicit in the Act, but they underlie the Act's environmental
objectives, and they provide a framework that makes the Act's
objectives more understandable than does a discussion of the Act's
provisions one by one. Furthermore, we believe that consideration of
these assumptions raises significant issues about the suitability of
the Act for conditions in Alaska.
The Act's objectives are as valid for Alaska as for other States,
but our analysis raises questions about the suitability of particular
provisions aimed at these objectives, either because they do not
reckon with Alaskan conditions, or with existing uncertainties, or
because the provisions fall short of what are seen to be possible
goals for Alaska. Some of the Act's provisions are also examined with
respect to the ways in which their regulatory approach differs from
procedures considered to be appropriate for Alaskan conditions, as
exptained in Chapter 4. In some instances, we suggest that the
objectives themselves, or the assumptions, are too narrow in the light
of Alaska's needs.
To a very large extent, the analysis draws on information reviewed
in greater detail in Chapters 2 and 3. Certain findings from those
chapters are summarized here so that our interpretation of the Act in
the context of Alaska can be more comprehensive, and so that this
analysis can be self-contained.
In assessing modifications of the Act for Alaska, we recognize
that some environmental themes of the Act--grading, control of water
pollution, revegetation, protection of wildlife, and so on--would be
applied differently in the several coal regions of the State.
Accordingly, we discuss modifications of the Act for the North Slope,
for the Interior Region with its discontinuous permafrost terrain, and
for the Southcentral Region.
The Act specifies performance standards to control surface effects
of underground coal mining (§ 516), many of the requirements being the
same or substantially equivalent to provisions for surface mining
(§ 515). Underground operations are also subject to the various
requirements specified for permit applications, provided that the
distinct differences between surface and underground mining are
recognized (§ 516(a)). Like the Act, our comments about surface coal
mining in the following discussion are intended to refer to both
surface mining and to the surface effects of underground mining.
Provisions of the Act that deal specifically with underground mining
are identified where appropriate.
5.2.1 Need for a National Program
The Act assumes that the problems attributed to mining are uniform
enough to justify a national program, but a State may adopt more
stringent land-use and environmental controls. Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of PL 95-87
§ lOl(g)
Surface mining and reclamation standards are essential to ensure
that competition in interstate commerce will not undermine the ability
of the States to improve and maintain adequate standards on coal
mining within their borders.
§ lOl(k)
A cooperative effort is necessary to prevent or mitigate adverse
environmental effects of surface coal mining.
§ 102(a)
A purpose of the Act is to establish a nationwide program to
protect society and the environment from the adverse effects of
surface coal mining.
§ 503(a) -§ 52l(d)
Each State that wishes to assume exclusive jurisdiction over the
regulation of surface coal mining and reclamation operations on
non-Federal lands shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior a
State program to carry out the provisions of the Act, and the State
program may incorporate additional enforcement rights or procedures.
§ 504(a)
The Secretary of the Interior shall promulgate and implement a
Federal program for a State if the State fails to submit, implement,
enforce, or maintain an approved State program covering surface coal
mining and reclamation operations.
§ 505
A State law or regulation, if not inconsistent with the Act, shall
not be superseded by the Act, but a State may provide for more
stringent land-use and environmental controls.
§ 523
The Secretary of the Interior shall promulgate and implement a
program applicable to all surface coal mining on Federal lands
incorporating all requirements of the Act and the requirements of
approved State programs. A State may elect to cooperate with the
Secretary to regulate surface coal mining and reclamation on Federal
lands, except that the Secretary shall not delegate his duty to
approve mining plans on Federal lands or to designate certain Federal
lands as unsuitable for surface coal mining.
166 Discussion
The Act establishes a nationwide program by g1v1ng States the
opportunity to assume exclusive authority for control of surface coal
mining and reclamation--except for certain matters reserved to the
Secretary of the Interior--under approved regulations that meet the
minimum requirements of the Act (§ 503). If a State does not
implement an approved program, the Act provides the backup of a
Federal program(§ 504). The intent of a nationwide program is to
make the costs of meeting environmental requirements approximately the
same in neighboring States (§ lOl(g)). Nonetheless, a State may adopt
more stringent requirements (§ 505) as well as additional procedures
for enforcement (§ 52l(d)). A State also may elect to regulate
surface coal mining on Federal lands within its borders (§ 523),
although the Secretary retains authority for approval of mining plans
and for designating any Federal lands as unsuitable for surface coal
mining. The Act does not consider offshore mining of coal.
The broad objectives of the Act in protecting society and the
environment are clearly as applicable to Alaska as to other States,
and in this sense the control of surface mining and reclamation in
Alaska should aim to achieve the minimum standards of the national
program. The Congress, however, by calling for this study, recognized
that modifications of the Act may be appropriate for Alaskan
conditions and implied that suitable standards for Alaska are still to
be determined. Much of this chapter--indeed, this entire
report--examines whether the minimum requirements of the Act are
appropriate to Alaska. To the degree that any are not--because of
their unsuitability for Alaskan conditions, because such conditions
are contrary to a requirement, or because of uncertainty about the
effects of mining and reclamation under these conditions--requirements
appropriate for Alaska would differ from those of the national program.
Beyond any modification of the Act's requirements that may be
desirable for Alaska's conditions lies the opportunity provided by the
Act for initiatives in adopting more stringent land-use and
environmental controls. A consideration of such initiatives appears
to be especially opportune in Alaska because of the degree of control
over development of resources that is vested in the State, its
boroughs, and in Native Corporations. Stringent land-use controls
also would be timely because virtually all of Alaska is still
undeveloped. Of course, the virtues of land-use planning in Alaska
have long been recognized, and the benefits of such planning hardly
need to be emphasized to those familiar with past and present planning
activities. We simply mention land-use planning in the context of a
State program so that less-informed readers can appreciate how
jurisdictional considerations and the status of resource development
point to the special relevance of land-use decisions in Alaska. For
such readers, the relation of land-use planning to decisions on
surface coal mining is discussed more fully in Section 5.2.2. Also,
as explained there, the Act itself recognizes that successful
management of surface coal mining depends on coordination with
rational land-use planning, although comprehensive planning is not a
requirement of the Act.
Alaska's interest in control of ;its natural resources led to
provisions in the Alaska Statehood Act by which the State was ~ntitled
to select 104 million acres (28 percent of the State), to own~ 'full
mineral rights in lands granted under the Act, and to receive a
substantial share of the proceeds derived from Federal lands and
resources (Office of Technology Assessment: 1979, P• 103-114). The
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act gave Alaskan Indians, Aleuts, an'cf
Eskimos the right to own 44 million acres of Federal land, amounting
to 12 percent of the State (U.S. Office of Technology Assessment 1979,
p. 115-128). That Act also established profit-making Native R~gi.onal
Corporations that control the mineral rights of their selected lands.
The organized boroughs of the State, 11 in all, and unified
municipalities exercise control over local resource development by
authority conferred by the State. Land not within an organized
borough is controlled by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.
Some coastal regions of Alaska are developing programs for resource
management under the Coastal Zone Management Act (U.S. Office of
Technology Assessment 1979, p. 198~209). In short, the amount of land
and mineral resources in Alaska under State or local public control,
or under quasi-public control through Native Corporations, is
exceptional when compared with other States. Thus, more than other
States, Alaska and its constituencies. can exercise direct control over
future development. The provisions of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act, modified as necessary for Alaskan conditions, appear
to be a useful element in any such control.
Alaska is known as an undeveloped region, at least in the sense of
planned development of its natural resources, and future use of its
coal probably will be considered by the State in the light of goals
for overall resource management. Unlike States in which most
resources are already developed or managed to some degree, the
undeveloped resources of Alaska could be managed under some overall
procedure that considers wide regional interests and long-term
objectives. At present, although certain objectives are implicit in
the selection of lands under the Statehood Act, Alaska has not
formally identified its goals for resource management, and the process
of doing so may be prolonged, if indeed it is even attempted.
Alaska may be unsure about what combination of controls over coal
development would be desirable, and the State may wish to make small
adjustments to accommodate increments of development as the need
becomes evident. However, if Alaska sees the need .for integrated
planning in developing its resoutces, and if a course of action can be
defined, then a program that embraces more than performance standards
for coal mining will be needed. The program undoubtedly would be
strongly biased by local goals and needs. Such a program might be
much more comprehensive than the provisions of the Act, dealing not
only~with how, where, when, how much, and whether to mine, but also
with complex jurisdictional and socioeconomic issues and with
potential needs for other natural resources.
A possible obstacle to a uniform program in Alaska, unless the Act
is modified, is the authority reserved to the Secretary of the
Interior for approval of mining plans on Federal lands (§ 523), and
the requirement that such mining be in accord with provisions of the
Act. Alaska may find that provisions differing from those of the
present Act should be as applicable to Federal lands as to non-Federal
lands, either because uniformly stringent provisions should prevail,
or because exceptional provisions are needed to implement a statewide
management program.
In general, Federal action with respect to Federal coal in Alaska
should be consistent with the State program, but there may be
circumstances where national prerogatives should be given preference.
For instance, some Federal control might be desirable when the impacts
of coal development extend beyond the jurisdiction of Alaska, when
technical means for controlling impacts or for monitoring them are
uncertain, or when conservation of nonrenewable resources is in the
national interest (see Chapter 4). As examples, the impact of coal
shipping on marine mammals, the uncertainty of reclamation practices
on the North Slope, and the need to maximize recovery of coal
resources could indicate the desirability of a Federal policy.
In summary, to a much greater degree than other States, Alaska has
the opportunity to balance coal development with its management of
other natural resources. Thus, comprehensive planning for coal
development in a manner that recognizes national interests appears to
be opportune and advantageous for Alaska. The Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Act will be an important element in an overall coal
management program, but it should not be the only ingredient.
5.2.2 Focus on Developed Land
The Act's focus on the environment is limited to unwanted effects
on land that is already developed or managed for some recognized use,
or for which a land-use plan has been established. Land still in its
natural state is given little attention. Synopsis of Relevant Provisions PL 95-87
§ lOl(c)
Many surface m1n1ng operations result in disturbances of surface
areas that burden and adversely affect commerce and the public welfare
by destroying or diminishing the utility of land for commercial,
industrial, residential, recreational, agricultural, and forestry
§ 102 (f)
Assure that the coal supply essential to the Nation is provided,
and strike a balance between protection of the environment and
agricultural productivity and the Nation's need for coal.
§ 507(a) (16) -§ 701(20)
For lands that may be prime farmlands, a soil survey shall be made
according to standards established by the Secretary of Agriculture,
including evidence of historical use for intensive agricultural
§ 507 (d) -§ 508 (a) (2)
The permit application shall contain a reclamation plan meeting
requirements of the Act, including: existing uses; the uses preceding
any mining if the land has a history of previous mining; the
capability of the land prior to mining to support a variety of uses;
and the productivity of the land prior to mining, including prime farm
lands and yield of food, fiber, forage, or wood products.
§ 508 (a) (3)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of the proposed
postmining land use, including a discussion of a variety of
alternative uses and the relation of such uses to existing land-use
policies and plans.
§ 508 (a) (8)
The reclamation plan shall include consideration given to make the
operation consistent with surface owner plans and with applicable
State and local land-use plans and programs.
§ 515 (b) (2) -§ 515 (c) (3) -§ 515 (e) (3)
Restore affected land to a condition capable of supporting
premining land use or higher use, consistent with applicable land-use
policies and plans.
§ 515(b) (8) (F)
Construct any authorized impoundments so that such impoundments
will not diminish the quality or quantity of water used by adjacent or
surrounding landowners for agricultural, industrial, recreational, or
domestic uses.
§ SlS(c) - S SlS(e)
Provides for variances in restoration of approximate original
contour for mountaintop removal of a coal seam, or for surface coal
mining on steep slopes, after consultation with appropriate planning
agencies to assure that the proposed plan constitutes an equal or
better economic or public use of the land where an industrial,
commercial, agricultural, residential, or public facility (including
recreational facilities) use is proposed, and to assure that the
proposed plan is compatible with adjacent land uses and with existing
State and local land-use plans.
S 516(c)
The regulatory authority shall suspend underground coal mining
where there is imminent danger to inhabitants of urbanized areas,
cities, towns, and communities.
s 522(a) (3)
An area may be designated unsuitable for certain types of surface
coal mining if such operations will result in significant damage to
important historic, cultural, scientific, and aesthetic values and
natural systems in fragile or historic lands, or result in a
substantial loss or reduction of long-range productivity of water
supply or of food or fiber products in renewable resource lands, in
addition to certain other criteria.
S 522(e)
Prohibits surface coal m1n1ng (except in some specified
circumstances): within boundaries of units of the National Park
System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National System of
Trails, the National Wilderness Preservation System, the Wild and
Scenic Rivers System (including study rivers designated under section
S(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act), and National Recreation Areas
designated by Act of Congress; on Federal lands within the boundaries
of any national forest; that would adversely affect any publicly owned
park or places included in the National Register of Historic Sites;
within 100 feet of a public road; within 300 feet of an occupied
dwelling, public building, school, church, community or institutional
building, or public park; and within 100 feet of a cemetery.
§ 60l(a) -§ 60l(b)
The Secretary of the Interior, if requested by a Governor, may
designate Federal land as unsuitable for non-coal mining if the area
is predominantly urban or suburban or if mining would have an adverse
impact on land used primarily for residential purposes.
§ 711
Provides for limited departures from environmental protection
standards to encourage advances in mining and reclamation practices or
to allow postmining land uses for industrial, commercial, residential,
or public use (including recreational facilities), subject to certain
conditions. Discussion Significance of undeveloped land in Alaska. The Act's
repeated references to established economic uses of land, and to any
existing plans for such uses, clearly recognize the potential
conflicts of surface coal mining with land that has already been
developed for other purposes. Many of the Act's provisions, as
discussed latet in this chapter, are intended to mitigate such
conflicts or to make them as brief as possible. Obviously, conflicts
of mining with prior development of land are not to be expected in
Alaska, where virtually all the land is undeveloped. The Act
recognizes undeveloped land only in its mention of important aesthetic
values and natural systems under its provisions for designating lands
as unsuitable for surface coal mining (§ 522(a) (3)), but these
provisions presumably are not intended to be understood as referring
generally to undesignated wilderness areas widely present in Alaska.
For such lands to be recognized as wilderness areas under provisions
of the Act, they must be so designated on existing land-use plans. In
short, the Act's emphasis is on reducing the impacts of mining on
developed land. A more valid concern for Alaska would be mitigating
the consequences of mining under pristine conditions. Thus, in
evaluating plans for future development, mining might be considered as
only one of several possible uses for undeveloped land. we discuss
land-use planning in Section First, however, we explain
some aspects of land use and land ownership in Alaska. These matters
are thought to be significant in any program to control coal
development in Alaska. The implications of certain provisions of the
Act in the light of Alaska's remoteness and sparse population are
discussed in Section Land use in Alaska. Land-use priorities in much of
Alaska are not clearly established, although some information on land
resources is available for planning purposes, and certain uses for
large areas are implicit in jurisdictional patterns (Section 3.3.1).
For instance, extensive blocks are designated as national parks,
wildlife refuges, and military sites, or are reserved as a petroleum
resource. Vast stretches of the State, including virtually all lands
underlain by coal, are simply undesignated wilderness areas. Based on
predominant vegetation, these are mostly identified in current
inventories either as forest or rangeland, but neither category is now
exploited commercially for those purposes. More than 20 million acres
of potential farmland are also recognized (Section 3.2.4), but only
70,000 acres are farmed. A comparison of maps of coal resources with
maps of land suitable for farming, however, suggests that conflicts
between mining and farming could become a reality in the Susitna
Valley and the western Kenai Peninsula.
The lack of designated land uses--indeed, the general lack of
apparent signs of active use--could be misleadingly construed as
indicating that coal mining would not conflict with established uses.
Such is hardly the case. The land of Alaska is valued in many ways,
even though little of it is intensively used. Alaskan land is an
essential component of Native subsistence economies~ it provides a
biological refuge of worldwide importance~ it has extraordinary
recreational value; and it is an unspoiled segment of the earth's
surface that can be preserved for future generations. Thus, a policy
is needed by which to establish future uses of Alaska's undeveloped
land. Without such a policy, perhaps carried to the point of
designating suitable uses on a map (Johnson and others 1978),
conflicts of mining with land use in Alaska cannot be objectively
resolved. Furthermore, without such a policy, the opportunity to make
choices that may be beneficial to future generations might be missed
(Clawson 1973, Krutilla 1972). Land ownership and jurisdiction in Alaska. Virtually
all the land in Alaska is owned by the Federal or State government, or
Native Corporations; less than 0.3 percent is owned by private
individuals (Section 3.3.1). In the case of Native ownership, title to
the land can be considered another form of private ownership, but
control of these lands by Native Corporations gives them a
quasi-public status. The use of Federal lands is controlled under a
complex statutory framework by which some lands are closed to mining
and others are left open--subject, of course, to certain permits and
supervision (U.S. Office of Technology Assessment 1979). Mineral
development on State land is controlled primarily under Alaska
Statutes 38.04 and 38.05 (Section 4.2.2).
Land use in Alaska is also determined by boroughs and by unified
municipalities. The State gives these political bodies control over
local planning, zoning, and taxation.
A provision of the Alaska Statehood Act gives Alaska jurisdiction
over fishing westward to the international date line, a provision that
is important to Native subsistence economies (Section and to
potential shipping routes for coal.
These matters of divided ownership and jurisdiction, each
proprietor having somewhat different interests in land use and manner
of development, make coordination of the various governmental
interests a desirable goal (Section 4.2.2). Land-use planning as a basis for decisions on surface
coal mining in Alaska.
Land-use planning
as recognized
in the Act
The Act recognizes the value of present and
future land-use planning in determining the
unsuitability of land for surface coal mining
(§ 522(a) (5)), and the Act makes
compatibility with existing land-use policies
and plans a requirement for reclamation (§ 508(a) (3), § 508(a)(8),
§ 515 (b) (2), § 515 (c) (3), § 515 (e) (3)). Still, the Act is intended
to be applicable in the absence of land-use plans, and it is being so
applied in many coal regions of the conterminous United States.
The Act's provisions regarding existing land-use plans are
permissive in the sense that only a consideration of comments by
land-use planning agencies, if any, or of surface-owner plans is
required. Final decisions on the consistency of mining and
reclamation operations with applicable land-use plans rest with the
regulatory authority established by the Act. In other words, local
land-use planning agencies do not have veto power over permit
acceptance or denial (44 Fed. Reg. 15,243-15,244, para. 7, 1979).
Except for the factors to be applied in designating lands as
unsuitable for certain types of surface coal mining (§ 522(a) (3)), the
Act provides no guidance to the regulatory authority for determining
whether a proposed postmining land use will be compatible with
existing plans, or with adjacent uses where no local land-use plan is
in effect. In this matter the Act apparently defers to existing
planning, zoning, and local ordinances as the basis for determining
compatibility. Thus, by being silent about requirements .for land-use
plans, but by recognizing the need to make mining and reclamation
consistent with such plans, the Act places responsibility for land-use
planning on State and local governments. In this light the Act can be
understood as being supportive, but not creative, in promoting
land-use planning.
for coordinating
coal development
in a framework of
land-use planning
Major coal m1n1ng in any of the three
principal coal basins of Alaska inevitably
would involve Federal, State, and local
governments, and usually would also involve
Native Corporations or village interests.
This montage of jurisdictional authority in
Alaska, together with the uncoordinated
status of existing laws for controlling mining development (Section
3.3), indicates the need for a Federal governmental structure to
reconcile, coordinate, and implement plans and policies for coal
development, drawing from the broadest possible areas of interest to
determine public goals.
Of course, much planning has already been done in Alaska. For
State lands, authority and responsibility for comprehensive land-use
planning is vested in Alaska's Department of Natural Resources (see
generally Alaska Statutes, § 44.37.020 and§ 38.04.065). For Federal
lands administered by the Department of the Interior, authority rests
primarily with the Bureau of Land.Management. Planning is also being
done by local governments and by some regions under the Coastal Zone
Management Act. Still, it is obvious that competing land-use
interests in Alaska--national, State, local, and Native--continue to
exist. It is also obvious that a modest degree of development at this
stage could have far-reaching social, economic, and environmental
effects. Thus, with respect to Alaska's enormous potential for coal
development (Section 2.1), decisions that involve a wide range of
interests and concerns are necessary.
Decisions about mining involve long-term land-use commitments, and
trade-offs are necessary with respect to other possible uses. Such
decisions are most desirably made in a framework in which the feasible
uses for most areas are identified beforehand. For instance, making
plans for resource development, or nondevelopment, can involve not
only an assessment of mining proposals but also an understanding of
settlement patterns, demographic trends, economic forces, employment
opportunities, allocations of capital, educational needs, maintenance
of renewable resources, and many other factors. Information about
such variables is compiled, evaluated, and balanced by the planning
process. Plans for land use should recognize not only the possible
impacts of mining itself, but also the impacts of ancillary
facilities, such as roads, railroads, and loading and storage areas,
as well as the regional impacts on biological resources, social
structures, and economic conditions. One purpose of such planning
could be to identify land potentially suitable for coal mining. The
issuance of exploration and coal mining permits and leases on Federal
lands, for example, could be done under established land-use plans by
a coordinated planning authority.
The Act requires each State that wishes to assume control over
surface coal mining and reclamation to establish a planning process to
determine which, if any, lands are unsuitable for surface coal mining
(§ 522; Sheridan 1978); as explained above, however, comprehensive
land-use planning is not necessarily implied by this requirement.
Such designation of Federal lands is reserved to the Secretary
(§ 523). Mineral exploration on land so designated by a State is not
prohibited by the Act.
The idea that mining should be subservient to other land uses in
designated areas is a notion that has gained increasing acceptance in
recent years. Of course, mining is ruled out in parts of the public
domain (for example, national parks, wildlife refuges, and other
preserves), in cemeteries, and in many built-up areas (§ 522(e)
identifies several such areas), but a prohibition on mining in rural
landscapes is a novel concept. The Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act, however, is premised on the notion that successful
management of surface mining depends on the application of rational
planning principles, and that surface mining must give way in some
cases to competing uses of higher benefit (U.S. House of
Representatives 1977a, p. 94). On the other hand, one purpose of the
Act is to assure that coal essential to the Nation is provided
(§ 102(e)). Thus, accurate knowledge of coal-bearing lands is needed
to forestall future conflicts--for example, the designation of an area
of valuable coal deposits as a national wildlife refuge, which would
be excluded from surface coal mining by the Act(§ 522(e)).
For surface coal mining, and indeed for any mining, a land-use
plan might be based on weighing the potential mineral value against
the actual or expected value of other current or anticipated uses.
The difficulties come in calculating this deceptively simple equation
with differing sets of values.
A mineral deposit has a finite value, given certain economic
assumptions. Thus, a 10-foot bed of coal has a value of $350,000 per
acre if the selling price is $20 a ton. If the deposit was offered
for sale, however, it would fetch a much lower figure because of the
costs of mining and reclamation.
The non-mining values, on the other hand, may not be accurately
measurable. That is, the land may command a certain price on the
market, but this measure of its worth may not reflect the views of the
general public. The land may be publicly valuable for its cultural
resources, its aesthetic qualities, its recreational uses, its role in
producing renewable resources, its benefit as a buffer zone in
guarding against geologic hazards, and so on (§ 522(a) (3)). These
values may last indefinitely. A major function of planning is to
weigh such public values, which normal markets ignore. In the case of
competing coal resources, however, the planning process is complicated
by the circumstances of mining, in that the restoration of some or all
of these values--or even the creation of new land values by
conscientious reclamation--may be feasible.
Elements of
a land-use plan
for coal mining
Surface coal mining, if it is to be managed
with regard for public goals for land use,
must be preceded by agreement on what the
goals are. These goals, in fact, might
reasonably include the production of coal.
Coordinated land-use plans are the means by which the goals are
translated into real actions. With respect to mining, a land-use plan
is the primary basis for establishing reclamation objectives, at least
to the degree that the objectives concern postmining land use. An
important aspect of such a plan is that it identifies coordinated land
uses over wide areas, thus avoiding possible pitfalls of future
choices made on a site-by-site basis.
Planning for coal development is a two-track process, which
involves gathering facts about coal-bearing lands and assessing of
information pertinent to decisions on specific mining proposals. For
Alaska, this means that much more data on coal-bearing lands and on
the control of mining and reclamation must be collected, even though
considerable information for regional planning is available. The Act
has several provisions that require collecting and maintaining
information on hydrologic and climatic factors (§ 507(b) (11),
§ 507(b) (12)), on effects of mining and reclamation (§ 20l(c) (8),
§ 507(b)(l5), § 508(a)(l2), § 517(b), § 517(f), § 705(b)(2)), and for
land-use planning (§ 522(a) (4)).
A decision to undertake coal mining may be predicated, in part, on
some established public goal that has an economic basis other than the
current value of the coal. For example, some coal deposits in the
lower Matanuska Valley might be found to be overlain by muck deposits
that could be converted to fertile farmland under a suitable mining
and reclamation plan (Rieger 1974). Also, the removal of land from
production of wildlife for subsistence purposes may be reasonable if
another productive use can be found.
Decisions on land use may also involve apportioning public costs
and benefits. For instance, the postmining land use might require a
public subsidy, either to optimize the land's productivity or to
provide custodial care. Stocking a stream with fish or maintaining an
impoundment are examples. In such instances a fund could be
established with part of the revenues from the mining operation.
A land-use plan for the coal regions of Alaska could forestall
future conflicts, either by designating certain areas as the most
suitable ones for coal development, or by recognizing that other
values prevail. The plan would serve the mining industry by
establishing areas closed to surface mining, areas where mining is
acceptable, and areas where certain restrictions on activities will be
enforced. Such a plan, of course, would have to recognize the legacy
of existing laws. For instance, for individuals who have obtained a
right to coal leases on certain State lands in recognition of
prospecting efforts (see Alaska Statutes,§ 38.05.155(c)), it would be
desirable to provide for land exchanges in some cases. That is, the
right to develop land found to be unsuitable for coal mining could be
exchanged for the right to develop other coal-bearing land. A
procedure of this sort is included in the coal management regulations
administered by the Bureau of Land Management (see 43 CFR, Subparts
3435-3437, revised as of October 1, 1979).
Designation of some land in Alaska as most suitable for coal
mining, or as "prime coal lands," would be in keeping with Federal
policies that earlier estabished national petroleum and oil shale
reserves. The purpose of these policies was to assure the future
availability of needed energy resources. This could be an appropriate
national objective for certain coal lands, which would be protected
against investments for uses that are not compatible with development
of the coal resources.
5.2.3 Dependence of Permits on Reclaimability
The Act states that exploration and mining of coal shall be
permitted only where the land is known to be reclaimable. Synopsis of Rel~vant Provisions of PL 95-87
§ l02(c)
Assure that surface mining operations are not conducted where
reclamation as required by the Act is not feasible.
§ 507 (d)
Each applicant for a permit shall be required to submit a
reclamation plan which shall meet the requirements of the Act.
§ 508 (a)
The reclamation plan shall include the degree of detail necessary
to demonstrate that reclamation required by the Act can be
§ 508 (a) (3)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of the proposed
postmining land use, including a discussion of a variety of
alternative uses and the relation of such uses to existing land-use
policies and plans.
§ 508(a) (5)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of the engineering
techniques to be used and a statement of how each of the requirements
set out in section 515 will be met, in addition to certain other
specified plans.
S 508 (a) (7) -S 515 (b) (16)
Reclamation efforts shall proceed according to an estimated
timetable and as contemporaneously as practicable with mining, except
for variances that may be allowed to combine surface mining with
underground mining to assure maximum practical recovery of the mineral
§ 508 (a) (8)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of the
consideration given to make the operation consistent with
surface-owner plans and with applicable State and local land-use plans
and programs.
S 508 (a) (10) -S 515 (b) (23)
Achieve reclamation in accordance· with the Act,
considering the physical, climatic, and other characteristics of the
S 510 (b) (2) -S 511 (a) (2)
No permit application, or rev~s~on of an existing_ permit, shall be
approved unless the applicant'demonstrates that the reclamation
required by the Act can be accomplished under the reclamation plan.
S 512(a)
Regulations for coal exploration under a State or Federal program
shall include provisions for reclamation in accordance with the
performance standards of the Act for all lands disturbed.
S 515(b) (2) -S 515(c) (3) -S 515(e)
Restore affected land to a condition capable of supporting
premining land use or higher use, consistent with applicable land-use
policies and plans.
s 516 (b) (10) -s 516 (d)
For underground coal mining, follow the performance standards for
surface coal mines, with necessary modifications as determined by the
Secretary of the Interior.
§ 519(b) -S 519(c)
Evaluation of a request for release from bond shall be made within
30 days and shall consider the degree of difficulty and the estimated
cost to complete any remaining reclamation, whether pollution of
surface and subsurface water is occurring and may continue to occur,
and the amount of completion of backfilling, regrading, drainage
control, revegetation, sediment control, return of soil productivity,
and the need for future maintenance of a permanent impoundment
permitted under the Act, according to specified schedules and
§ 522{a) (2) -§ 522ibl
The State regulatory authority or the Secretary of the Interior
shall designate an area as unsuitable for all or certain types of
surface coal mining if the reclamation required by the Act is not
technologically and economically feasible.
§ 701(27)
"Surface coal mining and reclamation operations" means surface
mining operations and all activities necessary and incident to the
reclamation of such operations. Discussion Meaning of reclamation as implied by the Act.
Reclamation is not explicitly defined by the Act, although the term is
used in defining surface coal mining and reclamation operations
(§ 701(27)). The term is also used as an undefined concept in§ 508,
which gives requirements for reclamation plans, and in § 515 and
§ 516, which explain environmental performance standards for surface
and underground m1n1ng. The meaning of reclamation is nonetheless
implicit in the Act and its legislative history.
Reclamation is linked in the Act both with complying with
environmental protection standards (§ 508(a) (5), § 512(a),
§ 516(b) (10), § 516(d)) and with achieving an approved postmining land
use for the mined land (§ 508 (a) (3), § 508 (a) (8), § 515 (b) (2),
§ 515(c)(3), § 515(e)).
The same dual meaning is found in the legislative history. Thus,
the permit approval process [which requires a reclamation plan] as
well as the environmental protection standards • • .are premised
on the goals of the legislation that land affected by surface ·
mining be returned to a form and productivity at least equal to
that of its premining condition, and that such condition will not
contribute to environmental deterioration and is consistent with
the surrounding landscape. Obviously, the principal performance
standards (regrading to approximate original contour, avoiding
reckless spoil placements, revegetation and others) have the same
goal--restoration. [U.S. House of Representatives 1977a, p. 93]
The provisions [of § 508] • • • specified that a wide range of
information and analysis be included in the [reclamation]
plan • • • an identification of the entire areas to be mined over
the life of the operation and smaller areas for individual. · · ng 1.and uses, permits; land capability prior to mining; postm~n~l. d" 9 the . pl.an ~nc u ~n and how they are to be achieved; the m~ne
engineering techniques, technology to be used, and timetable of
operations; and methods of protecting water resources. [U.S.
House of Representatives 1977b, p. 103]
Despite the dual dependence of reclamation on environmental
protection standards and on satisfactory postmining land use, the Act
requires reclamation efforts to proceed according to an estimated
timetable and as contemporaneously as practicable with mining
(S 508(a) (7), S 515(b) (16)). Also, the Act's provisions for
decreasing the amount of bond that guarantees completion of
reclamation identify the accomplishments of reclamation efforts only
in terms of meeting certain environmental protection standards
(S 519(b), S 519(c)). These requirements of the Act indicate that
reclamation pertains first to environmental protection standards,
which are to be met in a timely manner even though they may not be
germane to a proposed future land use. Thus, areas subject to erosion
that might contaminate water supplies may have to be promptly graded
and revegetated, even though a vegetated landscape is not proposed as
the final postmining land use (44 Fed. Reg. 15,244-15,245, para. 13,
1979). Validity of reclaimability as a condition for mining.
Reclamation, whether expressed in terms of attainable standards for
environmental protection or in terms of an acceptable postmining land
use, cannot be ignored in contemplating potential coal development in
Alaska. As explained below, however, procedures for reclaiming
permafrost areas in Alaska are uncertain. Because permafrost is
present throughout the North Slope, and because it is found
discontinuously in the Interior Region (Section 3.1.2), literal
enforcement of the requirement to mine only under conditions where
reclamation can be accomplished would prohibit surface coal mining in
large parts of the State.
This is not to say that coal mining in Alaska should not be
conditional on reclamation. Reclamation according to the standards of
the Act, as explained below, appears to be an appropriate test for
mining permits in the Southcentral Region, even though the anticipated
success of reclamation in this region is still to be demonstrated.
The similarities of physical conditions in the Pacific Northwest to
those of the Southcentral Region suggest that mining and reclamation
could be regulated under the provisions of the Act if the other
effects of coal development are found to be acceptable and
beneficial. Of course, the results of actual operations may show that
some of the Act's reclamation standards will need modification, even
for this region of Alaska.
In the rest of Alaska--that is, the regions with continuous or
discontinuous permafrost--conditions for mining and reclamation can be
expected to differ. These differences point to the need to consider
two somewhat different approaches for identifying feasible reclamation
standards, both of which would require some modification of the Act.
Operations at the Usibelli mine in the Nenana basin, an area of
discontinuous permafrost in the Interior Region at Healy, demonstrate
that surface m1n1ng, grading of spoils, and revegetation of disturbed
land are feasible under conditions at this site (Conwell 1977).
Although it would be presumptuous to generalize from this operation to
other sites in the Nenana basin, this geologic province has
considerable uniformity in its geology and environmental conditions,
and it appears that the obvious prob~ems of mining and reclamation in
the Nenana basin are controllable. Nonetheless, much more experience
is needed before appropriate reclamation standards can be accurately
defined for the Nenana basin as a whole, either for environmental
performance or for feasible postmining land use. Realistic
reclamation standards are even more uncertain for other coal basins in
the Interior. Thus, demonstrations of mining and reclamation in
accord with the general goals of the Act, using the best available
technology, are needed in order to determine the results that can be
achieved under known practices and conditions. Such demonstrations,
based initially on results achieved at Healy, could be the basis for
identifying appropriate Federal reclamation standards, but experience
may show that the performance standards for Healy need to be modified
for other areas of the Interior. The demonstrations could not be
carried out without deferring, temporarily, the Act's requirement to
make new mining conditional on known reclamation standards. For areas
where permafrost is present, the time required to demonstrate
acceptable reclamation standards would be long--at least a decade and
perhaps longer. When suitable reclamation standards have been
determined, a decision would then .be needed on whether these standards
are acceptable in the light of public goals. The controls that might
be exercised during demonstrations of mining and reclamation are
discussed in Section The scale and number of demonstrations
needed to determine reclamation standards suitable for the Interior
Region would seem to be a matter for further study.
For the North Slope, demonstrations of mining and reclamation
practices on a limited basis might be considered to be advantageous
under § 711 of the Act, provided that the provision for equal
environmental protection is modified. Such an approach to determine
realistic objectives for reclamation on the North Slope is discussed
in Section Given the results of such experiments, acceptable
standards for coal mining and reclamation in this region could be
defined, consistent with regional objectives for management of all
natural resources.
As the Act implies, reclamation is a complex matter of grading
disturbed land into a stable and compatible landform, stabilizing
solid wastes, controlling the effects of mining on water and air, and
establishing a self-regenerating vegetative cover, in addition to
other practices that limit impacts during mining operations and that
are intended to achieve a desirable postmining land use. These
aspects of reclamation provide a framework for the following
discussion of reclamation potential in the Southcentral Region and in
areas of permafrost.
Reclaimability, however, is not the only criterion for deciding
whether mining should be done. Many other factors may be important
and can be weighed by a planning process, as described in the
preceding section. These factors may be found to be more pertinent to
mining decisions than the reclaimability of a site. Feasibility of reclamation in the Southcentral Region.
The following discussion deals with aspects of reclamation in the
Southcentral Region, for which specific practices prescribed by the
Act are evaluated in Section 5.2.8. (Readers are referred to that
part of the report for a synopsis of relevant provisions of the Act.)
The discussion here focuses on concepts embraced by the Act and
whether the results anticipated from reclamation efforts can be
achieved in this region.
and grading
The need to handle and grade overburden
pertains as much to surface mining in Alaska
as it does to mining in the coal regions of
the conterminous United States. Surface
mining of coal is typically a sequential operation in which the
overburden excavated at one place is backfilled into an adjacent pit
or trench. When the backfilled material is smoothly graded, the
topography of the mined land resembles the premining configuration,
although it may be somewhat higher or lower, depending on the ratio of
overburden to thickness of coal. Where the overburden is about four
times as thick as the coal bed, the final contours can virtually match
those of the original surface, because overburden typically expands
about 25 percent when mined. (The expansion of overburden in areas of
permafrost, however, as discussed below, is less predictable because
its characteristics are strongly influenced by the variable content of
ice.) Of course, to achieve the original contours, some rehandling of
excavated material is ordinarily necessary, as in the filling of the
final cut and the backfilling of haul roads.
Backfilling and grading of overburden could be done in the
Southcentral Region to the degree that the geology and terrain
resemble those of coal areas in the conterminous United States,
especially the Coast Range of Oregon and Washington, which is
considered to be physiographically comparable (Wahrhaftig 1965).
Surface geologic processes in the Southcentral Region are not greatly
different from those in western Washington and Oregon, considering the
nature of rainfall, runoff, and earth materials, and it should be
possible to shape reclaimed land in a manner adjusted to physical and
climatic conditions. Even so, land in some parts of the Southcentral
Region is poorly drained, being marked by areas of muskeg. Grading
this land to a terrain unlike the initial topography might be
advantageous to the extent that a suitable backfilling and grading
plan might enhance southern exposures and foster more effective
drainage. A further consideration with respect to backfilling and
grading is that highwalls could provide a protective habitat for Dall
sheep (Conwell 1977), but leaving highwalls as cliffs probably could
be justified as part of a reclamation plan only if an existing habitat
of this kind would be destroyed in the course of mining. On the other
hand, sheep attracted to revegetated areas without such a refuge might
be vulnerable to predators.
Control of Instability of the solid wastes that result
solid wastes from coal mining is primarily an
environmental problem only where mining is
done in steep or mountainous terrain. In
these places, overburden from surface mines and coal mine waste from
underground workings are commonly placed on steep slopes, even if only
temporarily. Thus, the stability of these disposal piles must be
assured if the area downslope is to be protected. Steep slopes are
found in some parts of most coal areas of the Southcentral Region, and
the instability of solid wastes from coal mining could be a problem
unless safe practices are followed. The practices found to be
appropriate for the conterminous United States (U.S. Department of the
Interior 1975), particularly in the coal areas of the Pacific
Northwest, presumably would be suitable for. these places in Alaska,
although the hazard of seismicity should be recognized in engineering
designs (Section
The chemical composition of coal, apart from its carbon and
organic constituents, is not notably different from that of other
sedimentary rocks, but interbeds and underclays that may be discarded
as waste commonly contain concentrations of minor elements that are
potential pollutants (Averitt 1973, Averitt and others 1972, Kinney
1964, Warner 1973). Safe disposal of these wastes is difficult
pecause mining operations expose them to oxidation, weathering,
erosion, and leaching--all of which increase the risk of water
pollution. Nonetheless, proper handling and disposal practices can
effectively control pollution from these wastes (U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 1973}, and such practices could be applied in the
Southcentral Region if found to be necessary. (Control of acid
drainage is discussed further below.)
Control of Streams choked with sediment and running in
water pollution channels made sterile by acid drainage have
long been a problem in some coal-mining areas
of the United States (Biesecker and George
1966, Braley 1954, U.S. Bureau of Mines 1977). Thus, it is pertinent
to consider whether similar consequences can be anticipated and
mitigated in the Southcentral Region.
Viewed broadly, the problems of water pollution stem from adverse
amounts of suspended sediment and dissolved substances in surface
water, contaminants added to ground water, and changes in the
hydrologic balance that alter the regimen of surface flow. There is
hardly a place on earth where surface mining does not affect these
hydrologic factors to some degree, at least during the course of
mining and until the mine site is reclaimed (Herricks and Shanholtz
1974). The hydrologic effects of surface mining in Alaska are likely
to be strongly influenced by regional differences. we describe in
Section 3.1.4 and Section those conditions unique to Alaska
that result in peculiar hydrologic properties, but these singular
conditions apply only to part of the State. Most of the Southcentral
Region, although distinctly Alaskan, is subject to hydrologic
processes that are also found in the conterminous United States.
Acid drainage from coal mines is caused mainly by the oxidation of
pyrite, a sulfur-bearing mineral commonly found in coal and
particularly in the immediately associated sedimentary rocks (Caruccio
1968}. Oxidation changes the sulfur to a soluble compound that forms
sulfuric acid when dissolved. Accordingly, substantial amounts of
acid can be formed when coal-bearing deposits rich in sulfur are
exposed by mining, and the outflowing water may have a pH of 3 or
lower (Caruccio and others 1977}. The coal of Alaska, however, like
that in ~he western States, contains comparatively little sulfur
(Section 2.3} and would produce only small amounts of acid per ton of
coal. Nonetheless, the possibility of acid drainage from the thawing
of frozen ground and the resulting oxidation of sulfides are of some
interest; the topic is discussed below.
Sediment is washed into streams whenever rainfall or snowmelt
cause runoff of surface water. The volume of stream sediment from
land disturbed by surface mining can be abnormally large, amounting to
a ten-fold or hundred-fold increase over volumes from undisturbed
areas, and the burden of dissolved material is then also sharply
increased (Collier and others 1970; Gilley and others 1977}. This
increased loading of streams is due partly to the exposure of earth in
unconsolidated form and partly to induced changes in overland flow,
whereby runoff is augmented and accelerated (Curtis 1977). Also, for
various local reasons, sediment can be eroded from mined land at times
when receiving streams are normally more or less clear. Increases in
stream sediment and in dissolved constituents can be expected in the
Southcentral Region if surface mining is done, although the
concentrations of sediment from mined areas might prove to be little
different from the levels experienced seasonally under nonmining
conditions in some places, even if uncontrolled. The streams of the
Southcentral Region, as well as those of the Interior Region
characteristically are heavily charged with sediment during the spring
runoff, and streams fed by glaciers are especially turbid (Section Also, rainfall in the Southcentral Region during September
and October can produce as much sediment as the spring runoff. Even
so, the streams have comparatively little dissolved material (Section
The usual method bf controlling sediment at surface mines is to
install diversion channels, interceptor ditches, and settling ponds
(Hill 1976). The design of a pond, which is the ultimate place of
control, is based on knowledge of the expectable quantity and
frequency of discharge. That is, the water must be held long enough
to precipitate much of the sediment (Kathuria and others 1976, Ward
and others 1978}, thus producing water clear enough to be released
under the requirements of the Clean Water Act (Section 3.3.4).
Control of dissolved material, if needed, usually requires a water
treatment facility (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. 1979). Hydrologic data for
the design of settling ponds in Alaska are meager, and for obvious
reasons the use of settling ponds in southern Alaska, except perhaps
on the Alaska Peninsula, would be limited to the summer months. The
earliest stage of runoff, when a pond might be most needed to control
large discharges of turbid water,. could occur when the pond is still
filled with ice. This loss of capacity ordinarily could not be
prevented, because the pond usually would be filled by winter ice,
even if drained before the onset of freezing weather. The use of
settling ponds in permafrost areas would involve some risk of unwanted
thawing, as discussed below.
Material dissolved in surface water or leached from mined spoils
is inevitably contributed to ground water by downward percolation,
unless the local bedrock is impermeable (Hamilton and Wilson 1977,
Pagenkopf and others 1977). Where infiltration can take place,
control procedures involve the installation of impermeable barriers
and other waste management practices that isolate leachates and acid
drainage from contact with ground water (Coalgate and others 1973,
Gasper 1976). To the degree that these practices are effective in the
Pacific Northwest, they can also be expected to be workable in the
Southcentral Region.
Revegetation The establishment of a self-regenerating
vegetative cover on disturbed areas is
generally regarded as the most effective
reclamation practice (Murray 1978). Maintaining the vegetative cover
typically means that the reclaimed land also must be shaped to control
the pattern of runoff, which in turn influences the rate of erosion
(Dollhopf and others 1977, Gregory and Walling 1973, Rogowski and
others 1977). The plants that have the best chance to survive and
reproduce are thought to be the native species that have demonstrated
their viability under prevailing conditions of terrain and climate
(Brown 1976, Schluter 1970), but introduced (nonnative) species can be
used to ameliorate severe conditions quickly and to aid in
establishing a permanent vegetative cover (Power and others 1978).
In Alaska, as elsewhere, reclamation efforts to achieve a
permanent vegetative cover must deal with a considerable range of
conditions, some of which must be counted among the most extreme
environments on earth. Revegetating tundra areas, for example, is
quite difficult (Section Revegetation elsewhere in the
State probably can be accomplished, given sufficient time and effort,
although favorable and adverse features will require the careful
management of opposing variables.
In the Southcentral Region, long daylight hours in summer and
plentiful soil moisture promote rapid growth of annual plants in
natural soils--apart from barren gravel and sand--relatively soon
after disturbance. Attention to timely planting is necessary to take
maximum advantage of the short growing season, and site preparation
ordinarily must be planned accordingly. Some nonarboreal plants of
Alaska, however, reproduce vegetatively rather than from seeds and can
be planted as propagules at any time when the ground is not frozen.
Despite the apparent feasibility of revegetating mined land in the
Southcentral Region, practical experience in reclaiming disturbed
sites in this part of Alaska is limited. Also, the revegetation of
alpine tundra in higher parts of this region would be subject to the
same difficulty as revegetation of tundra elsewhere (Mitchell 1976). Uncertainty of objectives for reclamation in areas of
permafrost. Permafrost is a unique physical condition that must be
faced if surface mining is to be done in most parts of Alaska. Based
on the discussion of permafrost in Section 3.1.2, we describe here the
characteristics that make the reclamation of permafrost terrain
uncertain and that place limits on the degree of reclamation that can
reasonably be expected.
Physical features Ice is a nearly universal constituent of
permafrost. The ice is present as horizontal
and vertical masses (lenses and wedges) or as
a filling of pore space between mineral grains. Because the ice might
melt and change to water during mining operations, knowledge of its
distribution in the ground is important in any mining activity. The
frozen zone at the surface thaws each summer to a shallow depth. This
thawed zone is known as the active layer, a name suggestive of the
role of this zone as the site where surface processes, including plant
growth, take place. Water in the active layer cannot drain downward
because the underlying permafrost is impervious. Hence, permafrost
terrain is commonly a waterlogged landscape. On the North Slope, the
flat coastal terrain is dotted with innumerable shallow, water-filled
basins called thaw lakes, virtually all of which freeze solid in
winter. Thaw lakes form by progressive subsidence brought on by the
melting of ground ice and have been a part of the Arctic landscape for
thousands of years (Hopkins 1949, Black 1969, Sellmann and others
1975). In coastal areas alternate melting and freezing tends to
produce pockets of briny ground water. Arctic streams and lakes are
notably clear, but the lack of streamflow in winter can markedly
increase the concentration of dissolved solids.
Local geology determines the behavior of ice-rich materials when
they thaw. Gravel saturated with ice, for example, is relatively
stable when thawed, but clays are not. Because clay is commonly
interbedded with coal and is an important component of most
overburden, its instability when thawed may be critical to mining and
reclamation. Ice-rich deposits of wind-blown silt (loess), which are
common in permafrost terrain in the Interior Region, also are unstable
when thawed.
Permafrost in undisturbed areas is protected from deep thawing by
a surface mat of semidecayed organic matter. On the North Slope, this
mat is the growth medium for tundra vegetation. In the Interior
Region, mixtures of tundra and forests (chiefly stunted spruce) are
Geological The most conspicuous surface processes in
processes areas of permafrost take place when the
active layer thaws in the summer (Brown and
Sellmann 1973). On sloping ground--even on
very gentle slopes--this layer may creep or slide slowly downhill by
the process of mass wasting, a term that denotes earth movement in
more or less coherent masses rather than movement grain-by-grain. The
result is a smooth topography dominated by convex forms (Pewe 1974).
Because mass wasting is a natural response to the Arctic climate, it
cannot be ignored as a circumstance of mining activity. Indeed, in
the event that thawing progresses to greater depth--for example,
because of disturbance of the surface organic layer, or because of
even deeper disturbance by surface mining--a greater amount of earth
material eventually may become unstable.
Surface drainage is generally poorly developed in permafrost
terrain, although some water in the active layer usually seeps out and
collects in drainage channels. Some extensive tracts of permafrost,
however, do not have exterior drainage. Most of the summer runoff is
from snowmelt (Brown and others 1968, Church 1974), but any melting of
interstitial ice below the active layer would result in additional
outflow and in some loss of volume--hence, a somewhat lower terrain.
Under present conditions, however, subsidence is pronounced only
around thaw lakes in ice-rich ground (Anderson and Hussey 1963).
Coal in areas of permafrost has long been protected from chemical
weathering because normal weathering processes are greatly reduced at
low temperatures (Hill and Tedrow 1961). Weathering as a result of
thawing would be an unavoidable effect of mining and could be expected
to cause oxidation of sulfur-bearing minerals and, hence, formation of
acid. The resulting concentration of acid in surface water almost
surely would be low, but it might represent a noticeable change in
water quality. Even the most acidic Alaskan streams--those that drain
mineralized areas--have a pH no lower than 4 (Williams and van
Everdingen 1973). In permafrost terrain, unlike other areas, water
contaminated by acid or by other dissolved constituents cannot pollute
ground water because downward percolation is prevented by the frozen
ground (Dingman 1975). Still, some lateral migration of contaminated
water might occur near the surface in summer. In any event, ground
water in permafrost is typically highly mineralized, and further
degradation would not necessarily be significant (Section 3.1.4).
Other unusual processes in permafrost terrain further reflect the
thermal regimen. The large-scale polygons found in some areas are
evidence of ground contraction under the extremely cold climate.
Further, as seen at excavations in Arctic Europe and Asia, ice in
fine-grained deposits sublimates during the dry and cold conditions of
winter, thus releasing dust that is not easily controlled. Dust that
accumulates on winter snow, especially coal dust associated with
surface mining, would accelerate melting of the snow cover and may
increase the depth of thawing. The effects of dust on plants probably
would be variable, judging from observations along the haul road for
the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (Brown 1978, p. 69-85). There, the
vitality of mosses is lowered in proportion to the amount of dust, but
the leaf size and yearly increments of several woody plants and
herbaceous species are enhanced.
Tundra vegetation
The tundra of Alaska (Section 3.1.2) is a
problem for the surface mining of coa~
because of the difficulty, or uncertaJ.nty, of
replacing its distinctive vegetation (Benninghoff 1974). Tundra may
be uprooted or buried by mining activity or disturbed by off-road
travel, as discussed in Section 3.1.3 (see also Kerfoot 1973). Here,
we are concerned with reclamation efforts aimed at rehabilitating
tundra areas, not with practices to avoid disturbance. We are
concerned, in other words, with reclamation after the land is mined.
The reclamation of tundra, like the reclamation practiced in less
extreme environments, involves building a compatible terrain and
growing a suitable assemblage of plants. Experience with revegetating
tundra areas in permafrost terrain is limited to disturbed areas along
roads and pipelines and at oil fields (Lawson and others 1978, Brown
1978, Johnson and others 1977, McKendrick and Mitchell 1978, Mitchell
1979). The methods used at these places have not been tested on land
disturbed by surface mining, other than at the Usibelli mine (Section, and it remains to be seen which techniques may prove to be
effective for mined land.
The difficulties of building a tundra landscape using materials
excavated by mining pertain to the problems of storing, handling, and
preparing the mined spoils, and to shaping the surface in a manner
adjusted to the surface processes of permafrost regions. For much of
the North Slope, such an adjustment to surface processes will require
building a poorly drained surface shaped by mass wasting. Building
such a landscape is clearly an untried art.
Efforts thus far show that propagation of tundra vegetation that
resembles the indigenous assemblage of plants is possible, although
the plants are not strictly the same in number or in kinds of
species. For example, two strains of boreal grasses that can be grown
in the Matanuska Valley are now being used to revegetate disturbed
tundra in Arctic Alaska (Section The difficulties in
revegetating tundra result from the dominance of vegetative
reproduction in Arctic plants and the slowness of that process, the
virtual unavailability of native stocks for propagation and the
agricultural experience needed to cultivate them, and the uncertainty
of whether a self-regenerating assemblage can indeed be established.
Tundra assemblages consist of mixed forms that propagate both
vegetatively and from seeds. Reproduction by either means is far from
fertile, and barren areas are invaded slowly (Britton 1966).
Nonetheless, trials in planting mixtures of introduced species and
certain native grasses, together with judicious use of fertilizer and
other soil-building ingredients, have succeeded in producing a
vegetative cover in areas of disturbed tundra (Section 3.1.3). If
substantial coal mining is contemplated, these experiments and related
agricultural research pertinent to Alaskan conditions must be actively
pursued, preferably before the tundra is actually disturbed.
In the light of revegetation efforts thus far, the Act's
requirements for establishing a vegetative cover of species native to
the area (§ 515(b) (19)) may be unattainable for tundra areas in the
short run with present technology (see provisions summarized in
Section The Act, however, permits the use of introduced
species where necessary to achieve an approved postmining land use.
This exception will require considerable experimental effort to
identify adaptable species for tundra areas. The problem of
developing new plant strains that might be adapted for revegetating
disturbed tundra, in the sense of hardiness and ability to grow seeds,
is complicated because most tundra plants reproduce asexually.
Accordingly, limited opportunities are available for genetic
recombination, which is essential for producing desirable hybrids.
Furthermore, the 10-year period of responsibility for succ~ss~ul
revegetation specified by the Act (§ 515 (b) {20)) may not be suffiqierit.
for reclaiming the vegetative cover of some tundra areas to premining
conditions (Section 3 .1. 3. 5). .
Apart from the difficulty of establishing a
vegetative cover on disturbed areas,
permafrost presents a formidable challenge to
reclamation efforts aimed at achieving a
stable surface that is compatible with adjoining areas. Surface
mining would commonly result in either an excess or a deficiency of
backfill material, depending on the stripping ratio, and grading to
merge with adjoining lands could not be avoided. Virtually no
experience is available on how to stabilize graded slopes in areas of
ice-rich permafrost, but stability is certain to come slowly in such
terrain because of the flowage of graded material. Differential
subsidence caused by the thawing and outflow of meltwater is also.
likely, and this process would aggravate instability. On the North
Slope, spoil piles eventually would refreeze, thereby becoming stable,
although the ultimate shape of the piles might be hard to predict. In
contrast, thawed spoils .in the region of discontinuous permafrost. in
the Interior Region probably would not refreeze permanently because of
the increase in global temperature over the last 100 years (Mackay
1975). Instead, stability ultimately would be reestablished by the
process of losing interstitial meltwater.
If an excess of spoil should form an area of higher ground, runoff
might form a connected drainage system, and this would lead to
accelerated erosion (Walker 1973). On the other hand, where the spoil
is deficient, thawing could take place at the margins of adjoining
undisturbed land, thus creating man-made thaw basins that might
continue to grow to some uncertain limit.
The uncontrolled erosion of permafrost areas when disturbed is
primarily a consequence of the unusual hydrologic and thermal
properties of frozen ground (Williams 1970, Dingman 1975). From the
perspective of coal mining, a matter of fundamental importance is that
local hydrologic and thermal properties probably would change greatly
if surface mining was done. That is, ice in the ground would melt,
and fluvial erosion might become dominant. The consequences could be
destructive to the landscape, leading to further melting and erosion,
and the new processes of thawing, outflow, and fluvial erosion would
continue indefinitely until perennially frozen conditions were once
again established.
This chain of events is easily understood by considering how
streams behave in permafrost areas (Scott 1978). Under present
conditions, streams on the North Slope carry about half the runofff of
streams in the central United States, largely from snowmelt but partly
from summer rainfall, and their valleys are adjusted to this seasonal
flow and to slow creep of the surface by mass wasting. Accordingly,
erosion is exceptionally slow, and sediment loads are correspondingly
small (Feulner and others 1971). Sediment concentrations are seldom
more than 20 milligrams per liter in lowland areas (Section 3.1.4).
If streamflow were to be increased by thawing, however, such as would
be expected from surface mining in areas of ice-rich permafrost, the
stream channel would erode, an expanding area along the stream would
be subject to increased thawing, and still further erosion would take
place (Section This imbalanced condition would persist until
thermal equilibrium with respect to runoff was established for the
newly formed landscape. In short, if prevailing conditions of runoff
in permafrost areas are disturbed, the natural result is accelerated
fluvial erosion. The actual degree of disturbance and the length of
time needed to reach a new equilibrium obviously depend on conditions
at the site. These conditions and the actual response of permafrost
terrain to surface mining cannot be reliably predicted. Thus, much
more knowledge about the consequences of disturbing permafrost terrain
is clearly needed before realistic plans can be made for surface
The mining methods that might be feasible in permafrost terrain
are problematical, but it is possible that surface mining would set
the stage for an ice feature peculiar to the Arctic--namely, the
growth of pingos. Pingos are dome-shaped hills that form by pressure
of water in porous layers during refreezing of water (French 1976,
Washburn 1979). Surface mining can produce shallow depressions that
may fill with water and become places for growth of pingos under
freezing conditions.
5.2.4 Emphasis Limited to Affected Land
The focus of the Act generally extends no farther than nearby
offsite areas. Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of PL 95-87
§ 507 (b) (2)
The permit application shall contain the names and addresses of
owners of all adjacent surface and subsurface areas.
§ 507 (b) (11) -§ 510 (b) (3)
The permit application, or revision of an existing permit, shall
contain a determination of the probable hydrologic consequences of the
mining and reclamation operations, both on and off the mine site,
including sufficient data for the mine site and surrounding areas so
that an assessment can be made of the cumulative impacts of all
anticipated mining in the area upon the hydrology.
s 507(b) (13)
The permit application shall contain a map showing among other
things the boundaries of land to be affected, the boundary lines and
names of owners of all surface areas abutting the permit area, and th'e
location of all buildings within one thousand feet of the permit area.
s 515 (b) (10) -§ 516 (b) (9)
Minimize disturbances to the prevailing hydrologic balance at the
mine site and in associated offsite areas.
§ 515 (b) (12)
Refrain from surface coal m~n~ng within 500 feet of an underground
mine, except as permitted by the regulatory
S 515 (b) {15) (E)
A pre-blasting survey shall be made when requested by the resident
or owner of a structure within one-half mile of
the permit area.
§ 515 (b) (21) -§ 516 (b) (7)
Protect offsite areas from damage during coal mining and
reclamation operations, and do not deposit spoil material or waste
outside the permit area. Discussion
The Act's provisions for controlling impacts on nearby areas are
intended to limit the effects of mining as much as possible to the
mine site itself and to avoid needless disturbances of adjacent land
that is used for other purposes. These aims of the Act could have
local value in Alaska, depending on the location of mining operations,
but they fall far short of two targets that are much more relevant in
contemplating future coal development in Alaska--namely, controlling
associated impacts related to access and transportation, and
mitigating the impacts on communities. These topics are discussed
below. Impacts on wildlife and people far from mine sites are
discussed in Section 5.2.5. Impacts from access to undeveloped land. Access roads
to coal mines in the conterminous United States are perceived as a
problem in two ways: first, the degree to which their construction or
maintenance may cause damage to public or private property; and
second, the nuisance that may result if such roads are not obliterated
wheh no longer needed for coal production, or when found to be
incompatible with postmining land use (U.S. House of Representatives
1977a, p. 128). These considerations are also relevant to Alaska, and
the engineering aspects are discussed in Section 5.2.7. Of more
fundamental importance in Alaska, however, is the decision to build a
road. Roads are still a rarity in Alaska. They tend to control
patterns of land use, and they become permanent features once
completed. Thus, for many areas, roads are not necessarily viewed as
an unqualified blessing. For example, by permitting access to remote
places, roads disrupt previous patterns of land use and promote the
disturbance of local life-styles by unwanted intruders. For such
reasons, the haul road for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System is closed
to the public.
The present reach of public roads in Alaska is very limited
(Section 3.2.3), not extending much farther than it did 40 years ago.
Because most coal deposits in Alaska are in remote places, their
development would generally require new access routes--roads or
railroads, and, in some instances, airports and shipping facilities.
For practically any part of Alaska, such transportation facilities
would have effects far beyond the immediate area of a mine. Shipping,
for instance, might have an adverse effect on marine mammals harvested
for Native subsistence (Section, Section
Considering the effects of accessibility on land use and the
ambivalent attitudes toward roads, a decision to build a road for coal
development in Alaska requires an understanding of its many other uses
and their consequences. Hence, transportation is yet another factor
in the development of Alaska's coal that involves planning decisions.
Coordinated planning is also necessary because transportation routes
cross jurisdictional boundaries and are paid for by each of the
responsible governmental bodies.
Based on geographical and land-use considerations, it appears that
new transportation systems designed to serve coal development in
Alaska--if found to be compatible with other land-use goals--should be
preferably short railroads or coal-slurry pipelines that connect coal
fields to shipping ports (Section On the other hand, in
terms of existing transportation, the Matanuska and Nenana fields are
now served by the Alaska Railroad, and the Jarvis Creek field is
adjacent to the Richardson Highway. The existence of these
transportation routes might be found to be a dominant consideration in
planning for future coal development.
Under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (PL 92-203) the
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission formerly had
authority to recommend public easements and to review transportation
plans in Alaska. Its recommendations emphasized the importance of
transportation planning in comprehensive regional and Statewide
land-use plans, as well as the necessity for land-use controls within
transportation corridors. Such controls are needed to minimize the
undesirable environmental and social impacts on lands along a
. transportation corridor. There have been a number of planning studies
for transportation, including some focused on mineral development
(Section, but more comprehensive analyses are needed, even if
future development is to be confined to coal fields now served by
transportation facilities.
In summary, because of the central role that transportation plays
in use of Alaska's land, it appears that development of Alaska's coal
resources will require decisions on transportation needs. Authority
for such decisions could be vested in the governmental entity
mentioned in Section In this way, transportation
requirements for coal development could be identified beforehand and
could be coordinated with long-term regional goals for land use. Impacts on communities. Perhaps the most profound
effect of coal mining on social structures in Alaska, especially if
substantial mining is done on the North Slope, would be changes in the
Native subsistence economy. We discuss this topic in the next
section. Here, we touch on a social problem that is more familiar in
rapidly developing areas of the conterminous United States, namely,
the effect of development on established communities.
The opening of new mines in sparsely populated areas is generally
accompanied by a social phenomenon commonly called the boom-town
syndrome (Little 1977). The symptoms include failure to provide
adequate community services and impairment of the mental well-being of
the people. A boom-town tries to assimilate its growing population
and provide needed services (Clemente 1975, Gilmore and Duff 1975),
and businesses, families, and individuals try to cope with crowding
and changing life-styles that cause psychological and economic stress
(Cortese and Jones 1977, Freudenberg 1979, Longbrake and Geyler 1979).
Boom-town conditions have been associated with frontier
development throughout history and can be expected to occur in
Alaska. However, the social effects of major coal development in the
State would differ according to the actual place of mining.
Alaska is already experiencing population growth and an
increasingly urban way of life. Half the people of the State live in
Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau (Section 3.2.1), and even small towns
like Barrow and Bethel have grown at the expense of outlying
villages. If experience in building the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
is a realistic guide, workers at new coal mines are likely to choose
to occupy dormitory quarters at the mine and house their families in
the major cities and towns. Thus, the social impacts of mining in the
Cook Inlet area, apart from the immediate impacts on Native villages,
might be felt as part of the rapid growth of Anchorage (Section Mining at more remote places in the Southcentral Region,
however, probably would require housing, community facilities, and
transportation links. Similarly, the social impacts of mining in the
Interior Region might be largely limited to the area around
Fairbanks. On the North Slope, in contrast, an increased population
almost surely would have direct effects on indigenous towns and
villages. In addition, construction and operation of new ports could
greatly affect the social fabric of established Native
villages--Kivalina on the Chukchi Sea and Tyonek on Cook Inlet, for
example (Section
Mining obviously requires a number of technical skills, and
workers with the necessary experience ordinarily are imported; few are
trained on the job. Thus, there are usually few opportunities for
local labor created by mining. It would be advantageous for both
industry and the local economy in Alaska if schools for vocational
training in mining and reclamation could be established, especially if
large-scale coal development is planned.
In establishing the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement, PL 95-87 specifies that no employee of the office shall
have a financial interest in coal mining operations (§ 20l(f)).
Because all Natives of Alaska have an interest in the Native
Corporations (Appendix B), some of which may become financially
involved in coal mining, this provision could exclude many Natives
from employment by the Office.
Given time, boom-town communities eventually overcome the problems
of providing public services, and people and businesses adjust to new
attitudes and to changes in the population and the economy. Alaska,
however, can ill afford to hope for this gradual type of adjustment.
If major coal development is planned, the wise course is to find ways
at the outset to mitigate the social impacts. Institutional
structures will be needed to relieve social stress on communities and
people. Funding will be needed to support additional elements in the
infrastructure of communities, such as schools, vocational training,
housing, hospitals, m~ntal health clinics, community services,
recreation programs, and so on. A technical staff will also be needed
to deal with the complex social problems that can be a part of mining
development (O'Hare 1979). The needed funds could come primarily, or
entirely, from part of the revenues produced by coal development--such
public costs being counted as an additional cost of mining. Various
methods of providing timely funds have been suggested (Gilmore and
others 1976, Rapp 1976, u.s. Department of Housing and Urban
Development 1976, Wilson 1976).
5.2.5 Biological and Social Impacts to Be Controlled
by Regulating Physical Effects of Mining
The Act assumes that control of the physical effects of mining and
reclamation at a mine site is sufficient to control interactions with
the biological environment and with social conditions.
195 Synopsis of Provisions of PL 95-87 Related to Fish and Wildlife
S lOl(c)
Many surface m1n1ng operations result in disturbances of surface
areas by destroying fish and wildlife habitats and by impairing
natural beauty.
s 515(b) (17) -s 516(b) (10)
Construct and maintain roads to control or prevent damage to fish
or wildlife or their habitat.
S 515(b) {24) -S Sl6{b) (11)
Minimize disturbances and adverse impacts to fish and wildlife,
and enhance such resources where practicable.
S 522(e)
Prohibits surface coal mining in national parks, wildlife refuges,
wilderness areas, wild and scenic rivers, recreation areas, and
national trails. Surface mining is restricted, but not necessarily
prohibited, in national forests and public parks. Discussion. Protection of wildlife has become public
policy through enactment of the Bald Eagle Act of 1940, the Fish and
Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, the Federal Endangered Species Act
of 1973, and many other statutes aimed at preserving wildlife
resources. Wildlife in Alaska has particular significance because of
the role of fish, marine mammals, terrestrial animals (especially
caribou), and waterfowl in subsistence activities (Section,
Section 3.2.2), and because of its value to the nation as a
comparatively undisturbed ecosystem. Below, we discuss the relation
of fish and game to Native subsistence. Here, we deal briefly with
the protection of wildlife during mining and reclamation.
The few provisions of the Act that mention fish and wildlife
emphasize protection but provide no guidance on what control methods
should be used or on what objectives are to be achieved. The Act
specifies only that fish and wildlife are to be protected by
controlling the effects of road construction (S 515(b) (17),
S 516(b) (10)), by minimizing disturbances of habitats (§ 515(b) (24),
§ 516(b) (11)), or by prohibiting or restricting mining in designated
places (§ 522(e)). The assumption is that sufficient care during
mining and reclamation will limit or mitigate destructive impacts.
This premise is of uncertain validity for some parts of Alaska.
A more fundamental means of control, which the Act uses only in
its provisions for designating lands unsuitable for surface coal
mining (§ 522), is to limit development activities through a permit
process designed to maintain as much of the existing ecosystems as
possible. Such a process is being widely used "to avoid unnecessary
degradation and loss of natural systems and key habitats in designated
areas" (Jahn 1979). Thus, like transportation and other matters of
land use associated with coal development, the protection of fish and
wildlife is an issue that calls for comprehensive land-use planning.
Surface mining on the North Slope, for example, could initiate
changes in the feeding and breeding of caribou that might have
long-lasting effects, depending on the location of mining operations
with respect to the migratory behavior of the herd (Cameron and
Whitten 1978, Klein 1979, Morehouse and others 1977). There is a need
for studies of the consequences of possible interactions with wildlife
where mining is contemplated. In general, as in the example above,
the effect of mining and reclamation practices in mitigating impacts
on wildlife are uncertain in Alaska, to the degree that the ability of
reclamation efforts to protect wildlife habitats is still to be
demonstrated. Although we discuss various control procedures at the
end of this section, we have no knowledge by which the effectiveness
of these procedures in Alaska can be evaluated.
Alaska is distinguished by strong regional contrasts in climate.
These climatic differences are reflected in the plants and animals of
the different regions of the State; therefore, consideration of the
biological effects of coal mining necessarily requires a knowledge of
diverse terrestrial, aquatic, and marine habitats (Section 3.1.6).
The biological effects of coal mining on these habitats would
differ in the kinds of plants and animals affected and in the nature
and feasibility of reclamation. Surface mining would cause the
largest, most immediate, and most direct biological impacts, but other
aspects of coal mining might also interact pervasively with the
biological environment--for instance, noise, dust, and contaminated
ground water and surface water. In addition to the mined land,
substantial areas could be disturbed by surface facilities, by roads
(8 acres per mile for a typical two-lane highway), and by power lines
(3 acres per mile). Thus, the reclamation of disturbed areas and
protection of water supplies would be central factors in seeking to
protect wildlife resources in places where mining is practiced.
For reasons of geography and climate, wildlife habitats in the
Southcentral Region presumably could be protected by following
practices found to be effective in the Pacific Northwest. Close
monitoring would show whether such practices are successful.
Particular attention during mining and reclamation operations might be
needed to maintain existing water quality, because spawning anadromous
fish are guided by trace elements in silt-laden streams, and grayling
are adapted to a certain concentration of humic acid. Control of
water pollution is mandated by the goal of achieving, or maintaining,
fishable and swimmable streams (Spaulding and Ogden 1968, Wilber 1969,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 and Clean Water
Act of 1977). Salmon and other anadromous fish can be decimated by
stream pollution, as they were in the Willamette River of Oregon
before intensive efforts to control pollution were successful (Gleason
1972). An important part of the salmon catch in Alaska depends on
spawning grounds in streams of the Southcentral Region. Salmon also
is a dietary component in local subsistence economies (Section 3.2.2).
Tundra areas in the Southcentral Region, such as in part of the
Beluga coal field, are a habitat for bears. Research is under way to
identify other animals that inhabit this area, together with the
vegetation important to their survival. Revegetation of these tundra
areas would face uncertainties similar to those of revegetation on the
North Slope, although not necessarily to the same degree (Section
For the Interior Region, practical knowledge of effective
restoration of wildlife habitats is largely limited to disturbed areas
along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (Johnson 1980) and along roads
(Lotspeich and Helmers 1974), but a revegetated area at the Usibelli
Mine supports grasses that attract Dall sheep (Section
Conceivably, mining could create opportunities in some places to
establish wetlands suitable for waterfowl, which are comparatively
abundant along rivers in the Interior Region.
The potential impacts of coal mining on habitats of the North
Slope, and on marine mammals and fish, are still poorly known, and the
feasibility of reclamation and of control procedures during mining is
uncertain. Herds of caribou, for example, which graze a vast area,
might be little affected by a mining operation, although some
observations during recent production of oil on the North Slope
apparently show that even minor intrusions disturb these animals,
especially cows and calves, depending on the time of year (Kavanagh
1977, Roby, undated). Flocks of migratory waterfowl on the North
Slope, which typically number less than 4 birds per square mile, also
are susceptible to human interference (Geist 1975).
Control procedures for mitigating biological impacts vary
according to the diversity of disturbing activities brought by m1n1ng
(Swanson 1979). Some procedures thought to be more or less effective
in the conterminous United States are summarized in Table 5.1.
In summary, to the extent that fish and wildlife have special
value to the State and the Nation because of their role in subsistence
activities and their value as relatively undisturbed ecosystems, the
feasibility of mitigating impacts on fish and wildlife should be
heavily weighed in considering places for future coal development, and
development should be managed to avoid the loss of valuable natural
systems and key habitats. Experience in protecting wildlife and their
habitats in Alaska's oil fields would be useful in planning for coal
development. However, because practices to protect fish and wildlife
in Alaska under the impact of mining are uncertain, much more
information on the effects of mining would be desirable in order that
the aims of the Act can be more fully realized. Factors to be
considered in seeking to achieve the Act's objectives for fish and
wildlife are explained in Section
TABLE 5.1 Procedures to Control Biological Impacts that Result from Certain
Mining Physical Effects Associated with Coal
Disturbing effect
Leachates and
Runoff and
Human activity
Roads and
utility corridors
Collisions with
Probable impacts
Destroys vegetation; kills and injures
animals; imP,oses stress on neighboring areas
by adding the pressure of displaced animals;
chokes plants and pollutes water by giving
rise to dust and by causing soil erosion.
Injures plants by interfering with
transpiration; harmful to game fish and to
essential components in their food chain,
such as benthos and periphyton, when
added to surface water of good quality.
Injures plants and can be lethal to fish
and wildlife by adding organic compounds,
acids, alkalies, trace metals, and other
pollutants to water; degrades drinking
Effects are incompletely understood,
but the same industrial fumes are
injurious or fatal to plants and
animals elsewhere, even in trace
Injurious or fatal to plants and animals
in abnormal amounts; causes changes in
regimen of streams that are destructive to
the land surface and aquatic habitats;
extreme erosion results in profound changes
in vegetation and the associated suite of
Destroys, injures, or molests wildlife and
plants by impact of off-road vehicles,
illegal shooting, needless harrassment of
animals, frequent intrusion of wild places,
and many other ways.
Blocks migration routes or interferes with
movements of animals; disrupts daily
Causes injury, panic, and death for
Full impact unknown, but some animals
are undoubtedly driven to more distant
areas where they compete for the limited
food, space, and shelter.
Effect unknown, but some animals are
probably driven away.
Control procedures
Minimize area occupied by surface facilities,
waste dumps, and roads; schedule construction
to avoid conflict with breeding habits,
migration, and other aspects of animal behavior;
locate mining sites in areas least vulnerable
to disturbance; revegetate in a timely manner
consistent with public goals for postmining
land use.
Limit land disturbance; use dust suppressors;
select construction sites that are least dusty;
schedule dusty activities to avoid conflicts
with wildlife movements and with meteorological
conditions; revegetate in a timely manner;
plant buffer strips of vegetation along streams.
Reduce pollution by treating effluents at
their source and by limiting seepage and
runoff from solid wastes; design catchment dams
to hold runoff from even unusually large storms;
bury especially toxic and hazardous substances
in safe containers in marked disposal sites;
fence, or cover, contaminated areas ,to exclude
Control at source by best available technology
Shape reconstructed landforms to be adjusted
to normal patterns of drainage; use surface
treatment, sediment traps, ditches, and
impoundments to obstruct and collect eroded
sediment; revegetate in a timely manner.
Educate people on the destructive biological
effects of human behavior; restrict access and
intensity of use; exercise police powers for
enforcement of penalties.
Choose locations to avoid critical migration
routes; direct animals to protected crossings
by building suitable fences.
Carry workers in buses; train drivers about the
behavior of wild animals; regulate speed limits
according to hazardous hours and seasons;
install warning signs; close or restrict
roads during vulnerable periods.
Muffle sounds at source; modify frequencies
and their intensities; provide barriers
to sound by planting screens of dense
Control at source by using best available
SOURCE: Adapted from National Academy of Sciences (1979, Appendix 2, Table 10.4-1).
199 Synopsis of Provisions of PL 95-87 Related to Social Conditions
S 101 {c)
Many surface mining operations result in disturbances of E;Jurface
areas that burden and adv~rsely affect Qommerce and public welfare by
damaging the property of citizens, by creating hazards dangerous to
life and property, and by degrading the quality of life in local
S lOl(h}
Unreclaimed lands impose social and economic costs on residents in
nearby and adjoining areas.
S 10.2 {a)
A purpose of the Act is to protect society from the adverse
effects of .surface coal mining.
§ l02(b)
Assure that the right~ of surface landowners and other persons
with a legal interest in the land or appurtenances thereto are ful]:y
protected from surface coal mining operations.
§ 102(h)
A purpose of the Act is to promote reclamation of unreclaimed
lands that endanger the health or safety of the public.
Title IV
Establishes the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, consisting of
amounts derived from reclamation fees levied on mined coal, user
charges for reclaimed land, donations, and other recovered money.
Lands and water that were mined for coal, or that were affected by
such mining, are eligible for reclamation under this title. Also, as
much as one-fifth of the funds allocated to a State can be used to
reclaim any other previous mining operations that may degrade the
§ 507(g) -§ 515(b) (15) -§ 719
The permit application shall contain a blasting plan, and a
pre-blasting survey of man-made structures in an area determined by
the regulatory authority shall be made when requested by the resident
or owner of such a structure within one-half mile of the permit area.
S 50B(a) (9)
The reclamation plan shall include the steps to be taken to comply
with applicable health and safety standards.
§ 508(a)(l3)-S 515(b)(8)-§ 717
The reclamation plan shall describe measures to be taken to
protect the rights of present users of surface and ground water, or to
provide alternative sources of water. A water supply shall be
replaced that has been contaminated, diminished, or interrupted by a
nearby surface coal mining operation.
§ 510 (b) (6) -§ 714 (c) -§ 714 (d)
No permit application, or revision of an existing permit, shall be
approved without written consent of the surface owner. The Secretary
of the Interior shall consult with surface owners of land underlain by
Federal coal deposits before these deposits are offered for lease and
shall, in his discretion but to the maximum extent possible, refrain
from leasing such coal for development by methods other than
underground mining.
S 514(d) (3) - S 525(c) - S 526(c) -§ 701(8)
When a permit application is approved or disapproved or a notice
of violation or a cessation order has been issued and a hearing on the
determination is requested, the regulatory authority (or court) may
grant temporary relief as appropriate, pending final determination, if
such relief will not adversely affect public health or safety.
§ 515 (b) (17) -§ 516 (b) (10)
Construct and maintain roads to control or prevent damage to
public or private property.
S 516(c)
The regulatory authority shall suspend underground coal mining
where there is imminent danger to inhabitants of urbanized areas, ·
cities, towns, and communities.
S 522(a) -S 522(c)
Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely
affected may petition the regulatory authority to have an area
designated as unsuitable for surface coal mining or to have a
designation terminated. .Thereafter, any person may intervene by
filing allegations supported by evidence. ·
s 711 -s 701{8)
Provides for departures from environmental protection standards
for limited experimental mining and reclamation practices if these
practices do not reduce the protection to. public health and safety. Discussion. The Act aims to protect society from the
adverse effects of surface coal mining (S 102(a)). Such operations
are said to degrade the quality of life in local communities
(S lOl(c)), but the Act's provisions that deal with social conditions
are concerned primarily with property rights and with public health
and safety. Such.provisions, being matters of broad public concern,
are of course pertinent to Alaska. In par~icular, mineral rights that
are owned separately from the land surface (§. 510 (b) (6), s 714 (c),
S 714(d)) could be as much a concern in Alaska as in. the conterminous
United States, and we accordingly discuss this subject below. Many of
the Act's provisions, however, spring from the effects of mining in
built-up areas and would have little benefit in Alaska's sparsely
populated areas--requirements for control of blasting, for example
(S 507(g), S 515(b) (15)). We discuss below some aspects of blasting
in the light of Alaskan conditions. Also, the Act's provisions for
reclaiming abandoned mines are undoubtedly beneficial for many places
in the conterminous United States (S lOl(h), S 102(h), Title IV), but
we explain below that little abandoned land from past mining exists in
Alaska. Thus, a provision allowing reclamation fees to be used for
other purposes to mitigate unwanted effects of mining would be
advantageous to the State.
Most importantly for Alaska the Act provides no control for
possible impacts on Native subsistence activities. Because of th.e
significance that such impacts might have on Alaska's Natives ·if
substantial development of coal takes place, we discuss subsistence
economies first.
Native cultures,
and subsistence
The livelihood and cultural continuity of
Alaska's Native population depends partly on
the survival of wildlife as a basis for
subsistence (Section 3.2.2). The impact of
coal development on Native Alaskans would be
felt most strongly if mining were done on the
North Slope, where 87 percent of the people are Eskimos, virtually all
of whom depend on wildlife for half their food, counting the marine
harvest (Section The impacts of coal development on the
subsistence harvest in other regions might also be noticeable,
although perhaps to a lesser degree (Section Some
activities related to coal development might have unexpected
ramifications. For example, the shipping of coal through the Bering
and Chukchi Seas might affect the harvest of marine mammals that are
important to the livelihood of Eskimos and Aleuts (Section
Still, the principal effects of coal development on subsistence
economies are likely to be those related to decreases in the
availability of terrestrial wildlife. Dealing with these
effects--except by avoiding coal development in certain districts
altogether--is a matter of finding ways to balance Native interests
with other interests in the State and Nation. To some extent, Native
Alaskans may themselves have mixed views, in that cultural traditions
related to hunting are valued, but a desire exists to earn additional
income by exploiting resources owned by Native Corporations.
Of course, a total subsistence economy no longer exists in
Alaska. Natives place much importance on earning and spending money.
The exchange of goods for cash now dominates the economy of many
villages, and this trend will undoubtedly continue, whether or not
coal is developed. Other social and economic forces are also changing
the cultural landscape of Alaska. Nonetheless, traditional foods are
thought to be nutritionally essential, and subsistence activities
provide opportunities for communal relations that bind villages and a
region together. Thus, the use of wildlife for food can be expected
to continue indefinitely.
In summary, the economic and cultural aspects of Native life
should be recognized in contemplating future coal development in
Alaska. A comprehensive review of this topic is beyond the scope of
this report, but it appears that an assessment of the effects of coal
development in Alaska on rural subsistence economies would be
desirable to determine how adverse effects could be mitigated and how
desires of Alaskan Natives can best be reconciled in planning for
development of the State's coal resources.
Divided ownership
of surface and
subsurface rights
Separate ownership of the surface and its
underlying minerals is a condition that can
result in the displacement of landowners who
do not hold title to the mineral deposits.
Divided ownership of land and minerals is
partly a creation of early Federal policy under several homestead,
desert land entry, and stockraising homestead laws enacted from 1909
to 1916, whereby mineral resources were reserved to the United States
(U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1971, Subpart 3814). Large separate
holdings of minerals--notably.those'gianted to the railroads during
the opening of the West--also have been retained by private landowners
(Stone 1973). Public outcries over the leasing of Federal coal, where
the surface had been acquired as a homestead, and where a timely claim
to the minerals had not been established under the Mining Law of 1872
(Josephy 1973, Thompson and Agnew 1978), led to provisions of the Act
(§ 510(b)(6), § 714(c), S 714(d)) requiring written consent by the
surface owner before the underlying coal can be mined by surface
methods, or leased for such mining (U.S. House of Representatives
1977b, p. 105-106, 115). If the landowner does not grant the right to
extract coal by surface mining methods, the surface-subsurface legal
relationship is to be determined in accordance with State law
(§ 510(b) (6)).
Some land acquired under the homestead laws in the Matanuska
Valley is underlain by Federal coal. The requirement for
surface-owner consent would be particularly germane to the development
of State coal because surface tracts have been sold to private owners,
and, under the Statehood Act, Alaska may never sell or convey the
mineral rights (PL 95-508, § 6(i)). The State owns much of the coal
in the Cook Inlet area and in the Interior Region (Denton 1975).
Divided ownership of surface and subsurface rights may be expected to
result under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) bywhich
Native villages own the surface in their immediate area, but Native
Regional Corporations own the underlying minerals in nearly all
instances--except when such lahds are located ln the National Wildlife
Refuge System or are part of lands withdrawn or reserved for national
defense purposes (PL 94-204, § 14(f)). The right to explore, develop,
or remove subsurface minerals within a Native village is subject to
the consent of the affected Village Corporation.
Water rights The Act's requirement to protect the rights
of water users, or to provide alternative
sources of water (§ 508(a} (13}, § 515(b) (8),
s 717) supports Alaska law on rights to water. Such rights, for both
surface water and ground water, are apportioned according to the
doctrine of prior appropriation. Provisions of the Act with respect
to the protection of water supplies are further discussed in Section
Effects of
Mining commonly requires some use of
explosives, and the resulting blasts and
tremors can disturb nearby residents and
damage property. These effects can be
magnified by atmospheric conditions at the
time of blasting and by the local geology. An extensive engineering
literature is available on the optimum use of explosives, on ways to
measure the resulting air blast and ground motion, and on the factors
needed to predict possible structural damage (Medearis 1976, Nicholls
and others 1971, Siskind and others 1976). Blasting at many mines is
commonly limited to a fixed time of day, usually coordinated with a
change in shifts, but such schedules must occasionally be modified
because of atmospheric inversions or lightning. Inversions reflect
the noise of blasting, and lightning can accidentally ignite
In Alaska, as elsewhere, the main concerns about blasting are
likely to be its annoyance and fears of structural damage to
buildings. Considering the sparse population of Alaska and the
general remoteness of its coal fields, neither of these concerns is
likely to be an impediment to mining. On the other hand, if blasting
must be limited in intensity and in schedules because of proximity to
built-up areas, practices found to be safe in the conterminous United
States should be followed, consistent with Alaskan conditions.
Reclamation of
abandoned mines
Unreclaimed areas disturbed by past mining
are scattered across parts of the country
because of mines that were abandoned before
reclamation laws were adopted (U.S.
Department of the Interior 1967). These abandoned lands are a social
burden to the degree that they pollute air and water, reduce
productivity of the land, create a public nuisance or hazard, or cause
other unwanted effects (U.S. House of Representatives 1977a, p.
134-140). Unreclaimed or inadequately reclaimed lands continue to be
a problem because reclamation laws vary from place to place and do not
necessarily apply to all minerals (Imhoff and others 1976, Sheridan
1977, p. 28-30).
Abandoned coal mines in Alaska are not a burdensome problem,
although sites exist that may be causing water pollution and acid-mine
drainage (Elphic and Stokes 1975, p. 179). The total unreclaimed area
disturbed by coal mining amounts to a few square miles (Don L. McGee,
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Anchorage, Alaska, personal
communication, April 2, 1979; u.s. Department of Agriculture 1979,
Table 7). Other abandoned mines represent the remains of workings for
placer gold, lode deposits, other metals, sand and gravel, and so on.
Unreclaimed land from.these former operations amounts to 8,300 acres.
In the Southcentral Region, and to a lesser degree in the Interior
Region, signs of surface disturbance eventually become obscured
because of erosion and natural revegetation. Getting earth-moving
equipment to such places and doing regrading and planned revegetation
would eradicate whatever stability may have been achieved by natural
processes and could be construed as setting back the clock on the
timetable of reclamation. Without planned reclamation, however,
actual stability may be problematic, and other benefits of
reclamation, such as control of water contamination, removal of
hazards, and the like, may never be accomplished. The reclamation of
such sites, using funds provided under Title IV of the Act, would
demonstrate the results of practices that might be applied at new
5.2.6 Mining Effects Thought to Be Temporary
The Act assumes that any interactions of mining with the
environment will be temporary, in the sense that timely reclamation
will leave the land much as it was before or in an improved condition. Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of PL 95-87
§ 102 (e)
Assure that adequate procedures are undertaken to reclaim surface
areas as contemporaneously as possible with the surface coal-mining
§ 508(a)(7)-§ 515{b)(l6}
Reclamation efforts shall proceed according to an estimated
timetable and as contemporaneously as practicable with mining except
for variances that may be allowed to combine surface mining with
underground mining to assure maximum practical recovery of the mineral
§ 508(a) (10) -§ 515(b) (23)
Achieve reclamation in accordance with the Act, considering
physical, climaticy and other characteristics.
§ 515(b} (20)
For areas disturbed by surface coal m1n1ng, assume responsibility
for successful reveget~tion for five years after the last year of
revegetation efforts, or for 10 years where the average precipitation
is 26 inches or less.
§ 516(b)(l0)-§ 516(d)
For underground coal mining, follow the performance standards for
surface coal mines# with necessary modifications as determined by the
Secretary of the Interior.
§ 519(b) -S 519{c}
The evaluation of a request for release from bond shall be made
within 30 days and shall consider the degree of difficulty and cost to
complete any remaining reclamation, whether pollution of surface and
subsurface wateris occurring and might continue to occur, and the
amount of completion of backfilling, regrading, drainage control,
revegetation, sediment control, return of soil productivity, and the
need for future maintenance of a permanent impoundment permitted under
the Act, according to specified schedules and conditions. Discussion
Where land uses are already well established, or where the optimum
suitability of a parcel of land for a particular purpose has been
determined, surface mining operations ordinarily are a conflicting
act~vity. The Act resolves this conflict in the conterminous United
States by applying standards intended to achieve equal or better land
use at the close of mining. That is, mining is considered to be only
a temporary intrusion. The premise is that surface coal mining and
reclamation are quickly completed, leaving the land either as it was
before or in a predetermined condition suitable for an acceptable
postmining use.
It is doubtful that this premise applies fully to Alaska, even
where amine site might be thought to be more or less reclaimable.
Mining in Alaska would involve commitments c;;f,iand use that are likely
to be virtually permanent. Supply routes, service facilities, and
changes in the use of nearby areas because of mining activity are
obvious examples. Also, the mine site itself is not likely to be
usable in the way it was before being mined, although the new use may
nonetheless be desirable. For example, dredged iand at Fairbanks is
sought for housing because mining qas eliminated permafrost.
Furthermore, the concept of mining as a temporary intrusion is clearly
inappropriate to the degree that feasible reclamation objectives are
still to be demonstrated (Section In short, surface
mining in Alaska would generally result in long-lasting changes in
land use. The potential conflicts, .therefore, involve long-term
land-use priorities, not discords raised by temporary displacement of
existing uses. Thus, ~he long-term changes that can be expected from
coal mining inAlaska, rather than the temporary effects assumed by
the Act, provide still further support for the view that rational coal
development in Alaska requires the establishment of goals for land use.
5.2.7 Results of Mining and Reclamation Assumed to Be Predictable
The Act assumes that the results of mining and reclamation can be
predicted by following a sufficiently detailed mining and reclamation
plan, the plan being aimed at meeting explicit standards through the
use of suitable technology.
207 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of PL 95-87
§ lOl(d)
The expansion of coal m1n1ng makes even more urgent the
establishment of standards.
§ 101 (e)
Surface m1n1ng and reclamation technology are now developed so
that effective and reasonable regulation of surface coal mining is
appropriate and necessary.
§ 507 (b) (7) -§ 508 (a) (5)
The permit application and the reclamation plan shall contain a
description of the type and method of the coal mining and reclamation
operation, the engineering techniques, and the equipment used, as well
as a description of how each of the requirements set out in Section
515 will be met.
§ 507 (b) (ll} -§ 510 (b) (3)
The permit application, or revision of an existing permit, shall
contain a determination of the probable hydrologic consequences of the
mining and reclamation operations, both on and off the mine site, with
respect to the hydrologic regime, quantity and quality of water in
surface-and ground-water systems, including the dissolved and
suspended solids under seasonal flow conditions, and sufficient data
for assessment of the cumulative impacts of all anticipated mining in
the area upon the hydrology of the area.
§ 507(d)
Each applicant for a permit shall be required to submit a
reclamation plan which shall meet the requirements of the
§ 507 (g) -§ 515 (b) (15) (C) -§ 719
The permit application shall contain a blasting plan which shall
outline the procedures and standards limiting the type of explosives
and detonating equipment, the size, the timing, and frequency of
blasts based upon the physical conditions of the site so as to prevent
injury to persons, damage to public and private property outside~the
permit area, adverse impacts on any underground mine, and change ,in
the course, channel, or availability of ground or surface water
outside the permit area. Explosives are to be used only by trained
§ 508 (a) (4)
The reclamation plan shall include a detailed description of how
the proposed postmining land use is to be achieved.
§ 508 (a) (7) -§ 515 (b) (16)
Reclamation efforts shall proceed according to an estimated
timetable and as contemporaneously as practicable with mining except
for variances that may be allowed to combine surface mining with
underground mining to assure maximum practical recovery of the mineral
§ 508 (a) (13)
The reclamation plan shall contain a detailed description of the
measures to be taken to protect the quality and quantity of surface
and ground water, both on-site and off-site.
s 509(a) -s 509(b)
The bond for performance shall reflect the difficulty of
reclamation, giving consideration to such factors as topography,
geology of the site, hydrology, and revegetation potential, and shall
be for the duration of the surface coal-mining and reclamation
operation, and for a period coincident with the operator's
responsibility for revegetation.
§ 510 (b) (5) (B) -§ 701 (1)
No permit application shall be approved unless the applicant
demonstrates that the proposed surface mining operation, if located
West of the lOOth meridian, would not materially damage the quantity
or quality of water in surface or underground water systems that
supply alluvial valley floors.
§ 510(d) (1) -s 701(20)
If the area to be mined contains prime farmland, the regulatory
authority, in order to issue a permit, shall find in writing that the
operator has the technological capability to restore such mined area
to equivalent or higher levels of yield as nonmined, prime farmland in
the surrounding area and can meet the soil reconstruction standards of
the Act.
s 515 (b) (17) -§ 516 (b) (10)
Construct and maintain roads to control or prevent erosion,
pollution of water, damage to fish or wildlife or their habitat, or
public or private property.
§ 515(b) (24) -§ 516(b) (11)
To the extent possible using the best technology currently
available, minimize disturbances and adverse impacts to fish and
wildlife, and enhance such resources where practicable •.
§ 516 (b) (1)
For underground coal m~n~ng, adopt measures consistent with known
technology in order to prevent subsidence causing material damage,
maximize mine stability, and maintain the value and reasonably
foreseeable use of surface lands.
§ 519(b) -§ 519(c1
The evaluation of a request for release from bond shall be made
within 30 days and shall consider the degree of difficulty and cost to
complete any remaining reclamation, whether pollution of surface and
subsurface water is occurring and might continue to occur, and the
amount of completion of backfilling, regrading, drainage control,
revegetation, sediment control, return of soil productivity, and the
need for future maintenance of a permanent impoundment permitted under
the Act, according to specified
schedules and conditions. Discussion Unpredictability of m~n~ns and reclamation results in
Alaska. The Act's emphasis on the virtues of following a mining and
reclamation plan stems from a belief that predictable results can be
achieved by applying proper technology. This premise is widely
supported by successful mining and reclamation in the conterminous
United States when suitable technology has been effectively used. In
Alaska, however, very few mining and reclamation techniques have been
demonstrated. Alaska has only one operating coal mine--the Usibelli
mine at Healy--and its operation provides only limited lessons with
respect to the technology that would be effective elsewhere (Conwell
1977) (Section Also, the results of reclamation at the
Usibelli mine cannot be expected to indicate the standards for
reclamation that might be reasonable for the variable environmental
conditions found in Alaska. Even in the Southcentral Region, where
the reclamation standards of the Act can be expected to be most
applicable (Section, actual demonstrations have not taken
place. In short, mining and reclamation technologies for most coal
regions of Alaska are not yet determined.
The Act's requirements for constructing roads are an example of
its reliance on the existence of suitable technology. The Act
requires that roads be constructed and maintained so as to control
erosion or prevent damage to wildlife or property (§ 515(b) (17),
S 516(b) (10)). Engineering standards for the proper design of roads
exist for the conterminous United States (American Association of
State Highway and Traffic Officials 1978, Kaufman and Ault 1977, u.s.
Forest Service 1977), but these standards are generally thought to be
either inappropriate or insufficient for much of Alaska (Lotspeich and
Helmers 1974). Indeed, only informal standards for public roads in
Alaska are in use, although these address specific conditions
encountered in various regions of the State. Difficult engineering
problems in road building are caused by runoff of meltwater on frozen
ground, by icing of culverts, by frost-heaving of thick organic
deposits, by the softness of swampy ground, by concealed thaw basins,
by the hazard of landslides, and by the unusual properties of
permafrost terrain. Still, much has been learned about how to build
roads for Alaska's severe environmental conditions (Northern
Engineering Services Company, Limited 1975). Ditches 5 feet or more
deep below the shoulders of a road and properly designed culverts
facilitate drainage. Rock armor on the shoulders, and devices that
reduce the velocity of water discharge, help to control erosion.
Swamps usually require a deep fill of gravel or rock, which is
sometimes placed on Styrofoam or on porous plastic sheeting.
Overloading the subgrade with excess fill dispels water and promotes
consolidation in a year or so. Landslides are a special problem in
Alaska because of rock mixed with ice and because of the instability
of some kinds of rocks and glacial clay. Roads in permafrost areas
require a subgrade of gravel several feet thick to insulate frozen
ground from thawing (Ferrians and others 1969). This means that an
environmentally acceptable source of gravel must be found if such
roads are to be built.
Despite uncertainty about the degree to which reclamation could be
achieved in Alaska, and how it might be accomplished, it appears from
considerations explained in Section that the feasibility of
reclamation differs between the three principal regions of the
State--the Southcentral, Interior, and the North Slope Regions. These
differences suggest that reasonable reclamation objectives for these
regions could differ. It is not possible now to define specific
approaches to mining and reclamation appropriate to these regions, but
we discuss briefly below some concepts related to Alaskan conditions
that could be considered during the early stages of coal development.
It seems likely that mining and reclamation techniques,analogous
to those found to be practical in the Pacific Northwest could be
applied in the Southcentral Region in an initial effort to determine
which practices are most effective and to understand what levels of
reclamation can be achieved. By monitoring operations under variable
conditions, and by modifying individual operations from time to time,,
the workability of particular methods could be evalua~eg. The
reclamation objectives of the Act would serve as goals to be
approached ip a flexible, innovative manner, and the results that can
be realistically expected could thereby be defined. Hence, a
regulatory procedure that initially encourages inventive approaches to
the broad reclamation objectives of the Act would be desirable.
Results at the Usibelli mine give promise that certain aspects of
mining and reclamation can be ·controlled in the Nenana basin, but
operations in this region would need to deal with discontinous
permafrost and with other physical ~nd biological conditions that are
peculiar to the Interior Region. Operations in this region, if aimed
at meeting the Act's general objectives for mining and reclamation,
could serve as demonstrations of practices that are most effective and
of results that can be expected. As in the Southcentral Region,
operations in the Interior Region would apparently also require a
flexible and innovative approach in determining reclamation
standards. Because of the presence of discontinuous permafrost, such
operations would benefit from special baseline information in advance
of mining, and they would require monitoring of the response of
perma£rost during mining and reclamation. Special studies of
biological and soil conditions before and during mining also might be
Because of the discontinuous permafrost in the Interior Region,
the distribution of frozen and nonfrozen ground could be of
considerable importance in mining and reclamation. North-facing
slopes are commonly frozen, whereas ridges and south-facing slopes are
not. Many areas are relatively susceptible to thawing because they
are near the thaw temperature. Wind-blown silt is common in the
Interior Region--although variable in distribution and thickness--and
its presence in places of ice-rich permafrost could make for difficult
problem~ of land instability. The distribution of permafrost also
could be significant with respect to hydrologic conditions, as
discussed below.
In summary, the Interior Region offers both difficulties and
advantages for mining and reclamation. Areas of permafrost point to
the need to determine properties of frozen ground and certain other
environmental conditions in advance of operations and to use the
mining and reclamation techniques best suited to the local presence of
permafrost. On the other hand, the presence of nonfrozen areas in the
Interior Region may provide opportunities for mining and reclamation
that do not exist in regions of continuous permafrost.
The technical uncertainties on the North Slope are such that
surface coal mining at this time can be justified only to the extent
that limited operations would provide information about the
feasibility of technological controls. Considerable effort might be
applied to studies of the behavior of permafrost and to demonstrations
of reclamation in previously disturbed areas. Judging from the time
needed for revegetation (Section, Section,
demonstrations of reclamation in permafrost areas on the North Slope
might be expected to require a decade or longer to yield well-defined
data about the results that can be achieved. Of course, the practical
results of surface mining and reclamation on the North Slope
eventually might have to be demonstrated by full-scale operations, but
it would be premature now to speculate on how large and how numerous
such operations would need to be to provide a realistic understanding
of the appropriate mining and reclamation requirements for this
·region. If an operator with sufficient capital were granted a
variance to mine coal on a commercial scale for a limited time on the
North Slope, much could be learned about the effects of mining on the
environment and about reclamation technologies. But demonstrations of
adequate size might have unacceptably destructive impacts on the
environment. Initially, the emphasis could be on determining the
physical and mechanical response of various kinds of frozen materials
to mining and reclamation practices, but it should be recognized that
certain impacts might prove to be severe and irreversible. The
purpose of such efforts would be to determine standards feasible for
commercial mining in permafrost terrain, using the best available
technology, and to understand the unavoidable consequences of surface
coal mining on the North Slope. Such findings could then be considered
in a framework of public goals for land use.
Considerable experience with respect to coal mining and
reclamation on the North Slope could be gained from small-scale
operations sufficient to supply coal to local villages and towns, but
such mines presumably would be designed primarily to satisfy local
needs rather than to serve as demonstrations. As in the Act's
provision to pay the costs of certain items required for permit
applications when a mine does not produce more than 100,000 tons
annually(§ 507(c)), the provisions for small mines needed by villages
and towns could differ from those of larger size.
The problems addressed by the Act's focus on mining and
reclamation technology are limited to the control of physical
impacts. As explained previously, the effects of mining on social
conditions in Alaska are of special concern. Thus, for all operations
of substantial size, a procedure for monitoring social change would be
beneficial for future planning.
In summary, the surface mining and reclamation technology most
appropriate for Alaska is still poorly known, especially so in areas
of permafrost, and demonstrations are needed to determine achievable
mining and reclamation standards. Whether such standards are
acceptable is a matter to be evaluated in the light of public goals.
To explain some of the problems to be faced in Alaska, we discuss
below mining in permafrost terrain, the protection of water supplies,
and the hazards of earthquakes and floods. Surface mining in permafrost terrain. Because of the
physical properties and peculiar hydrology of permafrost terrain,
surface mining in such areas probably could not be done with the
methods used in other States, and mining techniques would have to be
modified accordingly. That is, the techniques would need to reckon
with the differing properties of the ground when frozen or thawed
(Section 3.1.2). The mining of frozen ground could require grading to
slopes of very low gradient, because of the inherent instability of ·
thawed spoils, and because of the possible melting of substantial
volumes of ice. The handling of spoils would present many engineering
problems because thawed spoils can flow on low gradients, and the
water that would thereby be produced may be hard to control. water
released by the thawing of gravel and of other especially ice-rich
materials could pose a particularly difficult disposal problem. These
characteristics of thawed materials would make the spoils hard to
place in a stable manner and could influence the mining sequence. For
instance, multiple-seam mining, which requires some rehandling of
spoils and prolonged exposure of overburden and interburden, might be
precluded by the instability of thawed spoils, and by the instability
of frozen overburden or interburden as these materials also thaw.
Operation of a dragline at the top of a steep cut in overburden, for
example, might be endangered by thawing and collapse of the supporting
ground. Permafrost terrain containing large masses of ice would be
notably hazardous in this respect.
Frozen spoils from mining in the winter at the Usibelli mine
require special compaction in anticipation of summer thawing, and
special disposal areas for some kinds of spoils are also needed. The
characteristics of the mined spoils are said to change hourly,
depending on the ambient temperature (Steve w. Denton, Usibelli Coal
Mine Co., Inc., personal communication, February 26, 1979). Because
the properties of frozen ground vary in relation to the earth
materials and their content of ice, safe practices for making
excavations and for handling spoils probably would differ from place
to place. For example, when dry permafrost is present, the problems
of excavation, placement of spoils, and regrading would be less
difficult than where ice-rich materials are found.
Areas of discontinuous permafrost in the Interior Region may
present a different range of problems for mining, mainly because of
the variable occurrence of ground water and ice. Excavations in such
terrain could be subject to a strong inflow of ground water that might
either induce uncontrollable thawing or cause the buildup of massive
amounts of ice (Ferrians and others 1969, Williams 1970). Where ground
water is frozen, ice in frozen ground might nonetheless make for
engineering difficulties because the ice is likely to be distributed
irregularly in large masses or in other unpredictable patterns.
Underground coal mining in permafrost areas would have to deal
with the potential instability of shafts and tunnels, in addition to
the general problems outlined above. The difficulties in roof support
would be limited to places near the portal, judging from experience in
Europe and Asia, and ventilation air could be supplied over a fairly
broad range of temperatures without risk of thawing (Lynch and others
1976). Freezing conditions would provide an opportun~ty to prevent
subsidence of underground workings by backflooding abandoned shafts
and tunnels. Protection of water supplies. The Act requires water
supplies to be protected (§ 508(a) (13), § 510(b) (5)). Information to
assess the hydrologic impact of mining, as further required by the Act
(Sec. 507(b) (11), § 510(b) (3)), is generally lacking for Alaska.
Hence, these provisions for hydrologic assessment can now be applied
only in a few areas, and then only in a general way.
Surface water and ground water are closely linked in most parts of
the world. Surface water recharges underground systems, and ground
water in some places discharges important amounts of water to streams,
a phenomenon known as base flow. For example, ground water provides
30 percent of the discharge of the Chuitna River in the Beluga coal
field (Section, and similar relationships undoubtedly exist
in other parts of the Southcentral Region. The Interior Region,
however, has a lesser yield of ground water, and discharge of ground
water on the North Slope is negligible, being limited to small flows
along major rivers in the summer. To the extent that coal mining
interrupts the balance between surface water and ground water, the
availability of water supplies can be disrupted (Pennington 1975, Van
Voast and Hedges 1975). In Alaska, such a consideration pertains
mostly (though not entirely) to the Southcentral Region. The water
supplies of some concern are those in streams, because very little
ground water is used. These supplies are more than ample for current
use except on the North Slope, where potable water is scarce during
the winter.
The availability of surface water is also affected by the way in
which the characteristics of the drainage basin regulate its discharge
(Carson and Kirkby 1972, Gregory and Walling 1973, Leopold and ounne
1978, Schumn 1977). Sudden discharges are quickly followed by greatly
diminished flow and can cause destructive erosion of the stream
channel (Galbraith 1973). Accordingly, water in sufficient quantity
may not be available when needed. Changes in the drainage basin that
induce rapid runoff, such as barren ground produced during surface
mining, thus can adversely affect the availability of water.
Accelerated runoff as a consequence of mining in Alaska probably would
be especially severe because infiltration would frequently be
inhibited by frozen ground at shallow depth. This condition would be
particularly prevalent during the spring, when the volume of runoff is
large. Abnormal runoff probably would be particularly severe in areas
of disturbed ground in the Interior and North Slope Regions (Dingman
1973), but also could be expected in the Southcentral Region.
Techniques for the surface treatment of mine spoils (Draskovik 1973,
Hodder 1976, Meyer and Romkens 1976, u.s. Environmental Protection
Agency 1973) can be effective in controlling runoff, but ultimate
control depends on the restoration of drainage conditions predicated
on a knowledge of surface geomorphic processes (National Research
Council 1974). Such processes have been studied in Alaska (Walker
1973, Pewe 1974, Scott 1978) but are still inadequately known.
The hydrologic effects of coal development in Alaska will
represent only one element in a pattern of increasing use of water, a
pattern that almost surely will be characterized by greater
interdependence and competition among future users. In the near
future, however, except in areas of continuous permafrost where water
is scarce in winter, coal mining should have little effect on the
availability of water. The major coal fields of the Interior and
Southcentral Region are remote from other users of water, and the
principal demand for water is likely to continue to be limited to a
few urban areas and military bases. Nonetheless, despite the limited
competition for water, much better information on hydrologic systems
is needed to guide future use of Alaska 1 s water, as required by the
Act, and systematic efforts are needed to obtain this hydrologic
information so that unnecessary risks can be avoided. Earthquakes and floods. The geologic hazards of
greatest concern to coal mining in Alaska are earthquakes and floods
(Section 3.1.5). Although neither is unique to Alaska, earthquakes
occur with greater frequency, and with more severity than in other
coal regions (Thenhaus and others, in press), and floods can be severe
(Lamke 1979). With respect to mining and reclamation operations,
dealing with earthquakes and floods is primarily a matter of knowing
their probable intensity, knowing where they can be expected, and
knowing how their more damaging effects can be limited. For effects
that may have offsite consequences, such as failure of a waste pile or
overflow of an impoundment, similar considerations apply. We
understand that these are matters for which much practical engineering
knowledge exists which only needs to be tailored to the magnitude of
the earthquakes and floods that can be expected in Alaska. Still,
there are some uncertainties. Although permafrost areas in Alaska are
not seismically active, it would be of interest to know the effect of
strong earthquakes on frozen ground when deeply thawed. Also,
hydrologic data on floods are meager in most of Alaska (Section
5.2.8 Environmental Problems to Be Mitigated
by Following Prescribed Practices
The Act specifies the elements of an acceptable mining and
reclamation plan, and prescribes practices intended to achieve desired
results, thus implying that remedies for recognized environmental
problems are accurately known.
5.2.8;1 Synopsis of Relevant Provisions of PL 95-87
S 512(a)
Regulations for coal exploration under a State or Federal program
shall include provisions for reclamation in accordance with the
performance standards of the Act for all lands disturbed.
§ 515(b) (3} -§ 515(b) (17) -§ 701(2}
Backfill, compact, and grade in order to restore the approximate
original contour, with highwalls, spoil piles, and depressions
eliminated (exceptions are allowed for thickness of coal in relation
to overburden). The reclaimed area may include terraces, access
roads, and water impoundments, but shall closely resemble the general
surface configuration prior to mining and shall blend into and
complement the surrounding drainage pattern.
§ 515(b} (4)
Stabilize and protect all surface areas to control erosion and
attendant air and water pollution.
§ 515{b) (5) -§ 515(b) {6)
Remove, segregate, preserve, and replace topsoil, or other
material shown to be mor~ suitable to support vegetation.
§ 515(b) (7)
For prime farmland: segregate the A horizon of the natural soil
(except where other soil materials have a greater productive
capacity), stockpile this material separately and protect it from wind
and water erosion and from acid or toxic contamination; segregate and
protect the B or C horizons in a similar manner, in order to create a
final root zone comparable to that of the natural soil; replace the B
or C horizons over the regraded spoil material; and redistribute the A
§ 515(b) {8)
Construct any authorized impoundments to be compatible with the
Small Waterfront Act (PL 83-566) so that water quality will be
suitable on a permanent basis for its intended use, so that the level
of water will be reasonably stable, and so that such impoundments will
not diminish the quality or quantity of water used by adjacent or
surrounding landowners.
§ 515(b) {9)
Conduct any augering operation (auger mining) to maximize
r~coverability of mineral reserves, and seal all auger holes with an
impervious and noncombustible material in order to prevent drainage,
except where the resulting impoundment of water in such auger holes
may create a hazard to the environment or to public health and safety.
§ 515 (b) (10) -§ 516 (b) (9)
Minimize disturbances to the hydrologic balance at the mine site
and in associated offsite areas by avoiding acid or other toxic mine
drainage (prevent contact with water, treat drainage, case or seal
boreholes), by preventing contributions of suspended solids to
streamflow or runoff, and by avoiding channel deepening or
enlargement. For surface coal mining, further minimize such
disturbances by constructing siltation structures, removing temporary
settling ponds after disturbed areas are revegetated and stabilized,
restoring recharge capacity, and by preserving the essential
hydrologic functions of alluvial valley floors in arid and semiarid
§ 515 (b) (11) -§ 516 (b) (4)
Stabilize mine wastes, tailings, coal processing wastes, and other
wastes through construction in compacted layers, including use of
incombustible and impervious materials, with the final contour
compatible with natural surroundings~ and revegetate the disposal site
in accord with the Act. For surface disposal of wastes from
underground coal mining, assure that leachate will not degrade water
quality below applicable Federal and State standards.
§ 515(b) (12)
Refrain from surface coal m1n1ng within 500 feet of an underground
mine in order to prevent breakthroughs and to protect the health and
safety of miners, except as permitted by the regulatory authority.
§ 515 (b) (13) -§ 515 (f) -§ 516 (b) (5)
Control use of existing and new coal-mine wastes, tailings, coal
processing wastes, or other liquid or solid wastes in dams or
embankments according to standards and criteria used by the Chief of
§ 515 (b) (14) -§ 516 (b) (8)
Treat, bury, compact, or otherwise dispose of debris, acid-forming
materials, toxic materials, or materials constituting a fire hazard,
in a manner to prevent contamination of ground or surface water and to
prevent sustained combustion.
§ 515(b) (15)
Plan, announce, record, and limit the type of explosives and
detonating equipment, and the size, the timing, and frequency of
blasts, based upon the physical conditions of the site so as to
prevent injury to persons, damage to public and private property
outside the permit area, adverse impacts on any underground mine, and
change in the course, channel, or availability of ground or surface
water outside the permit area.
§ 515(b) (18) -§ 516(b) (10)
Do not construct roads in or near streams.
§ 515 (b) (19) -§ 515 (b) (20) -§ 516 (b) (6)
Revegetate disturbed areas with a diverse and permanent vegetative
cover of the same seasonal variety native to the area, capable of
self-regeneration, and at least equal in extent of cover to the
natural vegetation. For areas disturbed by surface coal mining,
assume responsibility for successful revegetation for 5 years after
the last year of revegetation efforts, or for 10 years where the
average precipitation is 26 inches or less.
§ 515 (b) (22)
In disposing of excess spoil, organic material (of the topsoil)
shall be removed immediately before placement of the spoil.
Appropriate surface and internal drainage systems and diversion
ditches are to be used to prevent erosion and movement of the spoil,
avoiding placement of spoil on springs, natural water courses, or wet
weather seeps, unless lateral drains are constructed from the wet
areas to the main underdrains. Spoil placed on a slope shall be on or
above a natural terrace, bench, or berm, where possible, and a
buttress of rock is to be constructed where the toe rests on a
downslope. The design of the spoil disposal area is to be certified
by a qualified registered professional engineer in conformance with
professional standards.
§ 515(b) (25)
An undisturbed natural barrier beginning at the elevation of the
lowest coal seam to be mined shall be retained in place as a barrier
to slides and erosion.
§ 515(c) (4)
For mountaintop removal of a coal seam, or seams, the toe of the
lowest coal seam and the associated overburden shall be retained in .
place as a barrier to slides and erosion, and the resulting plateau
shall drain inward from the outslopes except at specified points.
s 515(d)
Surface coal m1n1ng on slopes steeper than 20 degrees, or on
lesser slopes defined by the regulatory authority, may be allowed
provided that no debris, disabled equipment, spoil material, or waste
is placed downslope, that backfilling is done to completely cover the
highwall, and that land above the highwall is disturbed (if permitted
at all) only in amount to facilitate compliance with the Act.
s 516 (b) (2) -§ 516 (b) (3)
For underground coal mining, seal all openings and exploratory
holes no longer needed for the mining operation, and maximize to the
extent technologically and economically feasible the return of wastes
to mine excavations.
s 516 (b) (12)
Locate new openings for drift mines working acid-producing or
iron-producing coal seams so as to prevent gravity discharge of water
from the mine. Discussion Unsuitability of prescribed practices for Alaska.
Designating prescribed practices is one way to set standards aimed at
meeting environmental goals. A standard can also be defined in terms
of results that will satisfy the goals if achieved. As explained in
Chapter 4, there are obvious differences for the operator and the
regulatory authority between following prescribed practices and
achieving specified results.
The Act's performance standards rely heavily on prescribed
practices, presumably because experience in the conterminous United
States has demonstrated effective remedies for the control of
environmental problems if certain procedures are followed. This is
hardly the case in Alaska, where control techniques have scarcely been
tested. Performance standards that specify particular practices would
be quite inappropriate for Alaska, in the sense that their workability
and effectiveness would be uncertain. A regulatory approach based on
prescribed practices almost surely would have to be revised
frequently, and the burden of revision, together with responsibility
for any failure of designated remedies, would fall on the regulatory
authority. On the other hand, performance standards expressed in terms
of results could be appropriate, although such standards might need to
be modified from time to time in the ligQt of results actually
achieved. Eventually, as effective control procedures were found,
proven practices could be prescribed, but specified results might
still be considered more appropriate for dealing with certain Alaskan
conditions in a flexible manner.
In summary, the Act's reliance on prescribed practices appears to
be premature, since effective procedures to control the environmental
effects of mining and reclamation in Alaska are uncertain. We explain
this conclusion below by discussing several of the Act's performance
standards in the light of Alaskan environmental conditions. Performance standards of the Act from the perspective
of Alaskan conditions.
Disturbance by
The Act controls disturbances caused by
exploration for coal under the umbrella of
general reclamation requirements (§ 512(a)),
that is, the prescribed practices for
regrading, removal of roads, revegetation,
control of water pollution, and the like. Vestiges of mineral
exploration have been a nettlesome problem since the earliest days of
mining, but it is axiomatic that any search for minerals requires
access to the land and inevitably causes some disturbance, both to the
land surface and possibly to ground water if exploratory holes are
drilled to sufficient depth. The disturbing effects on land take the
form of drilling sites, test pits, and access roads. The disturbances
can be more or less widespread, especially where exploration is done
for minerals (such as coal) that form flat-lying deposits over large
areas. The problem, then, is to manage exploration in ways that
minimize disturbances and to reclaim disturbed areas in an effective
Because reclamation techniques have uncertain effectiveness in
Alaska, exploration methods used in the conterminous United
States--particularly those involving travel to drilling sites--could
cause lasting damage. However, certain practices could make
exploration in Alaska much less damaging. The effects of hauling a
drilling rig could be minimized by doing so in the winter, when the
ground is frozen. Soft-track, continuous tread vehicles and
helicopters could be advantageously used, as is done in the
exploration of vulnerable terrain in the conterminous United States.
Travel across snow could reduce the potentially damaging effect of
vehicles and equipment on vegetation (Adam and Hernandez 1977), and
frozen streams often could provide access to distant places. Winter
travel would be particularly advisable in permafrost areas, which are
notably susceptible to lasting damage if disturbed by vehicles when
the surface thaws in the summer. Engineering experience has shown that
winter conditions do not present insurmountable technical obstacles to
drilling. Thus, if the opportunities offered by winter are exploited,
and if a certain amount of roundabout travel is feasible and
tolerable, exploration mostly could be done in Alaska without building
temporary access roads. Indeed, construction of access .roads for
exploration may be environmentally acceptable only in the Southcentral
Region, where grading and revegetation are presumed feasible, and then
only across areas where eventual surface mining is likely.
The grading and revegetation of places disturbed by exploration
activities in Alaska would encounter the same problems as reclaim~ng
mined land. In general, the difficulties would be least in the
Southcentral Region. If some leveling of drill pads or some building
of temporary roads is unavoidable in this region, the use of ridges
for drilling sites and travel along routes parallel to contours, or at
a moderate angle to contours, could reduce the amount of grading
needed. Roads perpendicular to contours are hard to reclaim. Test
pits in the Southcentral Region, if excavated in winter when the
vegetation is dormant, could be backfilled before the onset of the
growing season. On the other hand, effective reclamation practices
for permafrost terrain disturbed by exploration are uncertain,
especially methods that could be used in the winter when cross-country
travel may be feasible.
Compiete plugging of drill holes may be desirable in the
Southcentral Region in order to prevent disturbance or contamination
of ground water. Low-temperature cements or drill cuttings can be
used for this purpose, if found to be necessary. Plugging of drill
holes in permafrost areas might not be needed, however, because the
holes close rapidly, and freezing conditions prevent contamination of
ground water.
and grading
The Act requires that surface-mined areas be
backfilled and graded so as to eliminate
spoil piles and highwalls (§ 515(b) (3),
§ 515(b) (17), § 515(d)). As discussed in
Section, sufficient overburden can be expected to be available
for this purpose in the Southcentral Region, but the gradability of
spoils in permafrost terrain is uncertain, and instability and erosion
caused by the thawing of permafrost could bring irreversible changes.
However, the availability of overburden in the Southcentral Region
may not in itself assure that backfilling and grading to the
approximate original contour, in a manner that complements the
drainage (§ 701(2)), can always be achieved, nor that this practice
necessarily would be desirable. Rather, the form of the restored
contours and the charaeter of the drainage system might be defined to
satisfy the postmining land use. Some coal areas in the Southcentral
Region are swampy or are otherwise poorly drained, and restoring these
conditions may have doubtful value in some land-use plans.
Furthermore, coal beds in some parts of the region are deformed such
that the topography is comparatively steep. Backfilling and grading
to the original contours in such places could make the graded~sPoils
needlessly vulnerable to erosion. Runoff at such places can be
expected to be high, at least until vegetation is reestablished, and
this circumstance would be aggravated by spring melting of snow and by
frozen ground at shallow depth. In short, although the backfilling
and grading requirements of the Act may be appropriate for many places
in the Southcentral Region, other considerations point to the
advisability of more flexible requirements. In general, the most
appropriate requirements for backfilling and grading would be those
consistent with land-use plans.
Control of Practices for the disposal of solid wastes
solid wastes are spelled out by the Act in considerable
detail. They deal with constructing waste
piles(§ 515(b)(ll), § 516(b)(4)), using
solid wastes in dams and embankments (§ 515(b) (13), § 515(f),
§ 516(b) (5)), providing drainage to guard against erosion and movement
(§ 515(b) (22)), prohibiting placement on steep slopes (S 515(d)),
providing a barrier to slides and erosion (S 515(b) (22), S 515(b) (25),
S 515(c) (4)), and returning wastes to underground excavations where
feasible (§ 516(b) (2), s 516(b) (3)). These provisions are in part
intended to prevent catastrophic loss of life and property, as at
Buffalo Creek, West Virginia, where 118 people died in 1972 when a dam
built of coal mine waste collapsed under heavy rain. These provisions
also are directed at the control of leachates from solid wastes so as
to protect water quality, although water pollution is primarily
addressed in other requirements, as described below.
We explain elsewhere in this chapter that the stability of
permafrost terrain, if disturbed, is problematical, and we accordingly
endorse efforts that could provide information about feasible
technical controls for managing materials excavated at coal mines.
Until some findings are available, the Act's requirements for the
control of solid wastes from coal mines cannot be evaluated for
permafrost areas.
The Act's requirements for the control of solid wastes presumably
could be applied in the Southcentral Region, as mentioned in Section For this region the provisions for control of drainage
appear to be especially pertinent. In general, based on many kinds of
construction activities, we understand from conversations with several
engineers that the engineering knowledge needed to comply with the
Act's provisions is available--even for the disposal of solid wastes
in a manner to withstand seismic shock.
Control of The Act's provisions for protecting the
impacts on water availability of water are expressed only in
general terms, as discussed in the previous
section, but the provisions for protecting
water quality mostly prescribe specific practices. Thus, water
pollution is to be avoided by stabilizing disturbed land
(S 515(b) (4)), by sealing mine openings or preventing gravity
discharge of mine water (S 515 (b) (9), S 516 (b) (2), S 516 (b) (3),
S 516(b) (12)), by treatment, burial, or compaction of acid-forming or
toxic materials (§ 515(b) (14), S 516(b) (8)), by keeping roads out of
streams (§ 515(b) (18), S 516(b) (10)), and--most comprehensively--by a
group of practices intended to minimize disturbances to the hydrologic
balance (Sec. 515(b) (10), S 516(b) (9)). The Act's requirements for
controlling the effects of impoundments on water quantity and quality
are expressed in terms of the results to be achieved, but the
impoundments themselves are to be built in a manner compatible with
the specifications of the Small Watershed Act, Public Law 83-566
(§ 515(b)(8)).
The direct purpose of these provisions, of course, is to protect
water supplies from possible loss or contamination by mining
operations, as further required by the Clean water Act (Appendix B).
An implicit purpose, however, is that the success of reclamation
efforts (surface stabilization, revegetation, and the like) is thought
to be measurable by the degree of control of water pollution. Thus,
the Act requires the operator to monitor surface water and ground
water according to procedures established by the regulatory authority
(Section 517(b)), and a request for release from a performance bond
for reclamation is to be partly evaluated in terms of the cost of
abating water pollution that may continue to occur (§ 519(b),
S 519(c)). In other words, data on water pollution are considered to
serve as proxies for measuring the status of reclamation, which is
harder to define in quantitative terms. The Act thereby implies that
control of water pollution and progress toward reclamation depend on a
related set of practices, each supporting the other and leading
simultaneously to successful completion of the mining and reclamation
We explain in Section 5.2.3 that the Act's prov1s1ons for
controlling water pollution could be applied in the Southcentral
Region, although the effectiveness of settling ponds in some locations
might be reduced by icing. The concept that the degree of water
pollution is related to the success of reclamation presumably also is
valid for this region, even though the effects of natural surface
processes on water quality might be hard to distinguish from the
impacts of mining. Comparative studies of disturbed and undisturbed
areas eventually could provide the necessary data by which
measurements of water quality from mined areas could be interpreted as
an index of reclamation. However, the determination of disturbances
to the hydrologic balance, as required by the Act, will depend on
hydrologic data not now available for most parts of this region.
Despite the apparent benefit to the Southcentral Region from the
Act's provisions for protecting water, an initially more flexible
regulatory approach aimed at meeting ambient standards might reveal
innovative practices that would also satisfy the purposes of the Act.
Flexibility appears to be warranted because the actual suitability of
practices prescribed by the Act has not been demonstrated unde·r
conditions in this region. Standards for control of water quality
might be expressed simply in terms of the permissible output of
contaminants from the mine, whether as effluents or as seepage. This
is the approach adopted by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
amendments of 1972 and 1977, by the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974,
and by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (see
Appendix B). Economic incentives, as described in Chapter 4, might
provide the stimulus for finding procedures that would meet, or
exceed, output standards, to the degree that effluents and seepage
from individual mines could be monitored. Inventive methods for
controlling water impacts might be especially fruitful in dealing with
the interactions between surface mining and glacial streams, a matter
that was not contemplated when the Act was written. Some aspects of
glacial streams in Alaska are summarized below, based on the more
extended review in Chapter 3.
Alaska is justifiably famous for its glaciers, especially in the
Alaska Range and even more so in the mountains that border the Gulf of
Alaska. Several coal fields lie in areas influenced by glacial
meltwater. Glacially-fed streams are present in the Bering River field
and the Kenai field. Glacial meltwater also drains southward from
glaciers in the Alaska Range through the Beluga field, the Susitna
field, and the Broad Pass field. Some coal fields in the Nenana basin
are affected by streams that drain from glaciers on the north flank of
the Alaska Range.
Glacial streams carry a large load of sediment in the summer, and
their discharge is also predominantly seasonal, although less so than
streams on the North Slope. suspended sediment has been estimated in
concentrations as high as 6,000 milligrams per liter (mg/1) for
short periods in some streams in early summer. In the case of the
Matanuska River, for example, this amount of sediment represents a
yield of 150 tons per day per square mile for its drainage area of
2,000 miles, although this level is attained only over a period of 3
or 4 days. Still, the sediment yield of the Matanuska River averages
50 tons a day per square mile for somewhat more than a month each year
(see Table 3.3).
When these sediment loads are compared with those of streams in
the Northern Great Plains of Wyoming and Montana, which range from
2,000 to 15,000 mg/1 on an annual basis, or with the sediment yield
from strip-mined land in small basins in Kentucky, which has been
measured at 1,900 tons per square mile annually (Collier and others
1970), they may not seem unusual. However, the amounts of annual
runoff in southern Alaska are about 100 times the runoff in the
Northern Great Plains, and the glacial streams drain areas much larger
than the coal basins in the eastern United States (Busby 1966).
Hence, the discharges from surface mines might be expected to be
relatively insignificant in comparison with the sediment carried by
the glacial streams. On the other hand, the muddy water of Alaska's
glacial streams could hinder coal processing.
Control of water pollution in permafrost areas, like control of
the other impacts of surface mining in such places, requires knowledge
not now available. Thus, little can be said about which practices
might be effective. Even so, we point out in Chapter 3 that
sedimentation ponds might promote uncontrollable thawing and could be
structurally unsafe if not placed on sites sufficiently protected from
heat, or if spillways were not properly constructed (Bogoslovskiy and
others 1966, George 1973, Rice and Simoni 1966). It also seems likely
that thawing associated with surface mining would allow oxidation of
sulfur-bearing minerals that have long been protected from chemical
change by freezing, thus possibly leading to a degree of acid drainage
not previously experienced· (Section 5.2.3).
As explained above, the Act assumes a link between control of
water pollution and the progress of reclamation. This concept would
have doubtful value in measuring the success of reclamation in
permafrost areas. Direct linkages between the land surface and ground
water and surface water do not exist in permafrost terrain, at least
not in the sense that the reclamation of disturbed land can be
quantitatively related to the hydrological balance. Of course, the
thawing of permafrost areas as a consequence of surface mining would
degrade the water quality of streams and lakes, but the more
fundamental effect would be unpredictable changes in the land surface_
as a result of augmented outflow of meltwater and uncontrolled thawing
(Section The water quality eventually would become normal
as permafrost was reestablished, but the terrain might differ greatly
from the former topography. Thus, attainment of an approved discharge
of sediment, or an approved volume of flow, would not necessarily
indicate that reclamation had been achieved. In other words, the
success of reclamation in permafrost areas probably cannot be
adequately measured simply by observing the effects of reclamation
practices on the quantity and quality of water.
In summary, measurement of hydrologic processes in permafrost
areas cannot serve as a proxy for the progress of reclamation, as
assumed by the Act. It appears that direct measurements of pertinent
thermal properties, soil movement, and other factors related to land
stability are needed to evaluate the degree of reestablishment of
of topsoil
The Act prescribes that topsoil is to be
removed and protected for later use in
revegetation efforts (Sec. 515{b) (5),
§ 515(b) (6)). In the case of mined areas
identified as prime farmland, the soil horizons are to be segregated
and replaced in a specified manner (Sec. 515(b) (7)). Also, dumping of
excess spoil on organic material (which is understood to be a
vegetated surface) is prohibited (§ 515(b) (22)).
Much has been said about the virtues of replacing topsoil as a
medium for plant growth (McCormack 1976, Murray 1978, p. 115-119), and
these virtues have been demonstrated at many places in the
conterminous United States (Argonne National Laboratory 1979, Johnson
and Van Cleve 1976). Replacement of topsoil probably would be
beneficial in some parts of Alaska, but the use of topsoil for
revegetating disturbed tundra on the North Slope and in some areas of
the Interior Region would not necessarily be advantageous. The
topsoil of tundra is typically a poorly drained, organic layer of
limited fertility that is subject to drying if disturbed: Better
results in growing plants might be obtained by starting with mineral
soil and adding chemical nutrients as needed. This practice has been
used at the Usibelli mine, for example. Moreover, a method for
storing topsoil as a step toward its eventual use in revegetation has
not been developed for permafrost areas.
In addition, certain mining practices that would be advantageous
for permafrost areas are contrary to the practices specified by the
Act for the protection of topsoil. For example, it is desirable to
place spoils from new cuts directly on the vegetative cover in order
to inhibit thawing. For the same reason, haul roads are best built
directly on the vegetated surface (Ferrians and others 1969).
Revegetation The Act gives a timetable for demonstrating
the hands-off success of revegetation, and it
specifies the density, diversity, and variety
of the vegetative cover (§ 515(b) (19), § 515(b) (20), § 516(b) (6)). We
outline in Section 5.2.3 the degree to which these requirements could
be met in the Southcentral Region and in areas of permafrost. These
requirements may be reasonable goals for Alaska, especially if not
applied too strictly until the results of revegetation efforts are
more completely demonstrated. In Alaska, as elsewhere, timely
revegetation is important in controlling erosion of disturbed areas.
However, like the requirements for backfilling and grading, it appears
that the most suitable standards for revegetation would be those
consistent with land-use plans. Also, as explained in Chapter 3, each
region in Alaska has distinctive attributes that influence the
potential for successful revegetation. Thus, revegetation
requirements may need to be adjusted to accommodate Alaska's variable
conditions. Furthermore, conditions in Alaska vary even within
regions, and revegetation success can be expected to differ according
to local characteristics. Revegetation has not been accomplished for
example, in some places along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System where
soil is lacking (Alaska Pipeline Office 1978).
Permissible procedures for blasting are
specified by the Act in some detail
(§ 515(b) (15)), but the emphasis is on
preventing damage to persons, property, or
water supplies in areas already actively used. We discuss blasting in
the context of social conditions in Section 5.2.5, pointing out that
the benefits of the Act's provisions would be moot in Alaska's coal
fields because these are generally in remote areas. Such requirements
would be appropriate in built-up areas, however.
In addition to the problems of blasting considered by the Act,
experience in the Interior Region and on the North Slope can be
expected to show whether frozen ground responds to blasting in a
hazardous manner, such as by the liquifaction of fine-grained and
over-saturated earth material. Blasting also may be disturbing to
wildlife, but we have found no studies by which this possible problem
can be evaluated.
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Sedimentation Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 22-25, 1976,
Water Resources Council Sedimentation Committee, Symposium 2,
Erosion and sediment control, Proceedings, p. 2-65 to 2-76.
Mitchell, w.w., 1976, Revegetation research on Amchitka Island, a
maritime tundra location in Alaska. Prepared for Energy Research
and Development Administration, Nevada Operations Office, by
University of Alaska, School of Agricultural and Land Resources
Management, Agricultural Experiment Station, Report No. NV0-172,
59 p.
Mitchell, w.w., 1979, Three varieties of native Alaskan grasses for
revegetation purposes. University of Alaska, School of
Agricultural and Land Resources Management, Agricultural
Experiment Station Circular 32, 9 p.
Morehouse, T.A., Childers, R.A., and Leask, L.E., 1977, A case
study of fish and wildlife aspects of the pre-permit and
construction phases of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. Fairbanks,
University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research,
267 p., app.
Murray, F.X., ed., 1978, Where we agree: Report of the National Coal
Policy Project. Boulder, Colo., Westview Press, v. 2, 477 p.
National Research Council, 1974, Rehabilitation potential of
western coal lands: A report to the Energy Policy Project of the
Ford Foundation. Cambridge, Mass., Ballinger, 198 p.
National Research Council, 1979, Mining and processing of oil shale
and tar sands: A working paper prepared for the committee on
Surface Mining and Reclamation. Washington, D.c., National
Academy of Sciences, 223 p.
Nicholls, H.R., Johnson, C.F., and Duvall, W.I., 1971, Blasting
vibrations and their effects on structures. u.s. Bureau of Mines
Bulletin 656, 105 p.
Northern Engineering Services Company, Limited, 1975, Drainage and
erosion control measures, description and proposed design
principles. Calgary, Alberta, 35 p.
O'Hare, M., 1979, Collective choice, information and impact
statements. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for
Architecture and Planning.
Pagenkopf, G.K., Whitworth, C., and Van Voast, W.A., 1977,
Influence of spoil material on ground water quality. Energy
Communications, v. 3, no. 2, p. 107-126.
Pennington, D., 1975, Relationship of groundwater movement and
strip mine reclamation. National Coal Association, Third
Symposium on Surface Mining and Reclamation, Louisville, Ky.,
October 21-23, 1975, v. 1, p. 170-178.
Pewe, T.L., 1974, Geomorphic processes in polar deserts, in Smiley,
T.L., and zumberge, J.H., eds., Polar deserts and modern man.
Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 33-52.
Power, J.F., and others, 1978, Reclamation of coal-mined land in the
northern Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Consefvation, v.
33, no. 2, p. 69-74.
Rapp, D.A., 1976, Western boomtowns, Part I amended: A comparative
analysis of State actions. Denver, Colo., Western Governors'
Regional Energy Policy Office.
Rice, E.F., and Simoni, o.w., 1966, The Hess
Proceedings, International Conference on
Indiana, 1963, NAS/NRC publication 1287.
National Academy of Sciences, p. 436-439.
Creek Dam, in
Permafrost, Lafayette,
Washington, D.C.,
Rieger, S., 1974, Alaska's agricultural potential. Fairbanks,
University of Alaska, Cooperative Extension Service, Alaska Rural
Development Council.
Roby, D.D., undated, Behavioral patterns of barren-ground caribou of
the Central Arctic Herd adjacent to the Trans-Alaska Oil
Pipeline. M.S. thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 200 p.
Rogowski, J.G., Pionke, H.B., and Broyan, J.G., 1977, Modeling the
impact of strip mining and reclamation processes on quality and
quantity of water in mined areas: A review. Journal of
Environmental Quality, v. 6, no. 3, p. 237-244.
Schluter, u., 1970, The relevance of the present potential natural
vegetation for the use of living plant material to achieve site
stabilization (in German). Landschaft und Stadt, v. 2, p. 32-40.
Schumm, S.A., 1977, The fluvial system. New York, John Wiley, 338 p.
Scott, K.M., 1978, Effects of permafrost on stream channel behavior
in arctic Alaska. u.s. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1068,
19 p.
Sellmann, P.V., Brown, J., Lewellen, R.I., McKim, H.L., and Merry,
C.J., 1975, The classification and geomorphic implications of thaw
lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Hanover, N.H., u.s.
Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory Research Report 344, 21 p.
Sheridan, D., 1977, Hard rock mining on the public land.
Washington, D.C., Council on Environmental Quality, 37 p.
Sheridan, D., 1978, Designating areas unsuitable for surface coal
mining: A preliminary interpretation of section 522 of Public Law
95-87. Omaha, u.s. Department of the Interior, Missouri River
Basin Commission, Western Coal Planning Assistance Project, 25 p.
Siskind, D.E., Stachura, V.J., and Radcliffe, K.S., 1976, Noise and
vibrations in residential structures from quarry production
blasting--Meaurements at six sites in Illinois. u.s. Bureau of
Mines Report of Investigations 8186, 17 p.
Spaulding, W.M., Jr., and Ogden, R.D., 1968, Effects of surface
mining on the fish and wildlife resources of the United States.
u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Resources, Publication 58, 51 p.
Stone, A.w., 1973, Underground natural resources, in Montana
Environmental Quality Council, second annual report, p. 24-31.
Swanson, G.A., Technical Coordinator, 1979, The Mitigation Symposium:
A national workshop on mitigating losses of fish and wildlife
habitats, Colorado State Univers]ty, Fort Collins, Colorado, July
16-20, 1979. Fort Collins, Colo., u.s. Department of Agriculture,
Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General
Technical Report RM-65, 684 p.
Thenhaus, P.C., Ziony, J. I., Diment, w.H., Hopper, M. G., Perkins,
D.M., Hanson, S.L., and Algermissen, S.T., in press, Probabilistic
estimates of maximum seismic horizontal ground motion in Alaska
and the adjacent outer continental shelf. u.s. Geological Survey
Open-File Report. (Due for release in 1980.}
Thompson, D., and Agnew, A.F., 1978, Surface mining: Federal
regulation, issue brief number IB74074. washington, D.C., Library
of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 17 p.
u.s. Bureau of Land Management, 1971, Regulations pertaining to mining
claims under the General Mining Laws of 1872. (Reprint of
regulations current as of July 15, 1971.) u.s. Bureau of Land
Management Circular No. 2289, 31 p.
u.s. Bureau of Mines, 1977, Research on the hydrology and water
quality of watersheds subjected to surface mining. Third
semiannual technical report prepared by u.s. Department of
Agriculture and Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center,
Wooster, Ohio, in cooperation with the u.s. Geological survey,
u.s. Bureau of Mines contract no. J0166055, 68 p.
u.s. Department of Agriculture, 1979, The status of land disturbed by
surface mining in the United States: Basic statistics by State
and county as of July 1, 1977. Soil Conservation Service
SCS-TP-158, 124 p.
u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1976, Rapid growth
from energy projects: Ideas for State and local action: A program
guide. 701 Comprehensive Planning Program in cooperation with
Federal Energy Administration. Washington, D.C., u.s. Government
Printing Office, 59 p.
u.s. Department of the Interior, 1967, Surface mining and our
environment. Washington, D.C., 124 p.
u.s. Department of the Interior, 1975, Engineering and design manual,
coal refuse disposal facilities. Prepared by Mining Enforcement
and Safety Administration (now u.s. Department of Labor, Mine
Safety and Health Administration}. Washington, D.C., u.s.
Government Printing Office, 862 p.
u.s. Environmental Protection Agency, 1973, Processes, procedures, and
methods to control pollution from mining activities. u.s.
Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-430/9-73-011, 390 p.
u.s. Forest Service, 1977, Forest Service general provisions and
standard specifications for construction of roads and bridges.
Washington, D.C., 452 p.
u.s. House of Representatives, 1977a, Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977, Report of the Committee on Interior and
Insular Affairs, House Report No. 95-218, 95th Congress, 1st
Session, 199 p.
u.s. House of Representatives, 1977b, Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977, Conference Report No. 95-493, 95th
Congress, 1st Session, p. 95-116.
u.s. Office of Technology Assessment, 1979, Analysis of laws
governing access across Federal lands: Options for access in
Alaska. Washington, D.C., u.s. Government Printing Office, 260 P•
Van Voast, W.A., and Hedges, R.B., 1975, Hydrologic aspects of
existing and proposed strip coal mines near Decker, southeastern
Montana. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 97, 31 p.
Wahrhaftig, c., 1965, Physiographic divisions of Alaska. u.s.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 482, 52 p.
Walker, H.J., 1973, Morphology of the North Slope, in Britton, M.E.,
ed., Alaskan arctic tundra. Arctic Institute of North America
Technical Paper 25, p. 49-92.
Ward, A.D., Haan, C.T., and Barfield, B.J., 1978, Prediction of
sediment basin performance. American Society of Agricultural
Engineers, Winter Meeting, Chicago, Ill., Dec. 13-16, 1977, Paper
No. 77-2528, 36 p.
Warner, R.W., 1973, Acid coal mine drainage effects on aquatic life,
in Hutnik, R.J., and Davis, G., eds., Ecology and reclamation of
devastated lands. New York, Gordon and Breach, v. 1., p. 227-236.
Washburn, A.L., 1979, Geocryology: A survey of periglacial processes
and environments. New York, Halsted Press.
Wilber, C.G., 1969, The biological aspects of water pollution:
Springfield, Ill., Charles c. Thomas, 296 p.
Williams, J.R., 1970, Ground water in permafrost regions of Alaska.
u.s. Geological Survey Professional Paper 696, 83 p.
Williams, J.R., and van Everdingen, R.O., 1973, Groundwater
investigations in permafrost regions of North America: A review,
in Permafrost, Proceedings of the Second International Conference,
Yakutsk, USSR, 1973. Washington, D.C., National Academy of
Sciences, p. 435-446.
Wilson, L.U., 1976, Managing a growth explosion. Third biennial
report to the u.s. Congress. Washington, D.C., u.s. Government
Printing Office.
Brown, J., and Berg, R.L., eds., 1980, Environmental engineering and
ecological baseline investigations along the Yukon River-Prudhoe
Bay haul road. Hanover, N.H., u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold
Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Report 80-19.
During the period 1975-1978 the Federal Highway Administration
sponsored a series of environmental engineering investigations
along the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Haul Road. In 1976 the
Department of Energy joined these investigations with a series of
ecological projects which continue to the present. Both agencies'
research efforts were conducted on a cooperative basis with
CRREL's in-house research program. The objectives of the research
focused on (1) an evaluation of the performance of the road, {2)
an assessment of changes in the environment associated with the
road, {3) documentation of flora and vegetation along the 577-km
transect, {4) methodologies for revegetation and restoration, and
(5) an assessment of biological parameters as indicators of
environmental integrity. In support of these objectives, specific
studies were undertaken that investigated the climate along the .
road, thaw and subsidence beneath and adjacent to the road,
drainage and side slope performance, distribution and properties
of road dust, vegetation distribution, vegetation disturbance and
recovery, occurrence of weeds and weedy species, erosion and its
control, revegetation and restoration, and construction of the
fuel gas line. This report presents background information on the
region, detailed results of the road thaw subsidence and dust
investigations, and summaries of revegetation, fuel gas line,
vegetation distribution, soil, and weed studies.
Englemen, P., and Tuck, B., with Kreitner, J.D., and DoOley, D.M.,
1978, Transportation and development of Alaska natural resources.
Anchorage, Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska,
Study No. 32, 83 p.
Considers the question of future demand for transportation and the
general relationships between transportation and resource
development. Contains an analysis of renewable resources,
hardrock minerals, energy resources, and access to these
resources, especially where (d) (2) lands are involved. Also
discusses the need to designate access corridors in the overall
transport planning for Alaska.
Faris, J.E., and Hildreth, R.J., 1977, Considerations for
development--Alaska's agricultural potential. Anchorage,
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, Study No.
Report sets forth some objective criteria for determining "what
is" and "what ought to be" with respect to agricultural potential
in Alaska based on observations and on extrapolations made from
those observations. Contains author's perceptions on Alaskan
agriculture and food distribution systems as well as an analysis
of the demands for grain and the possibilities for producing grain
in Alaska.
Federal-State Land Use Planning Co~nission for Alaska, 1975, Resources
of Alaska--A regional summary. Anchorage, Joint Federal-State
Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 619 p.
A compendium of information on Alaska presented on a regional
basis for the Arctic, Northwest, Yukon, Southwest, Southcentral,
and Southeast Regions. An introductory overview of the Alaskan
environment is followed by a discussion of specific
characteristics of the regions. Topics covered include: setting;
community development; subsistence; antiquities; geology; soils;
coastal and marine environment; hydrology; vegetation; wildlife;
minerals and energy; agriculture and rangeland; forestry;
reclamation and preservation opportunities; transportation,
communications, and utilities; and lands. Numerous maps support
text discussion.
Federal-State Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1977a. The D-2
book--Lands of national interest in Alaska. Volume I, May 1977;
Volume II, December 1977. Anchorage, Federal-State Land Use
Planning Commission for Alaska.
Volume I provides a narrative disscussion of a policy framework
for dealing with Federal lands of national interest in Alaska.
This is followed by a presentation, abundantly supported by maps,
of Alaska's natural values and renewable and nonrenewable resource
values, a discussion of issues and options relative to proposed
(d) (2) lands, and finally a listing of general recommendations and
specific area recommendations relative to the distribution of
public lands. Volume II provides a comparison of different
proposals for the disposition of (d) (2) lands. Included is a
series of detailed maps showing resources of importance to (d) (2)
land decisions. Major resource conflicts are shown in graphic
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1977b, State
land policy recommendations and background papers. Anchorage,
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, Study No.
Part I presents the findings and recommendations of the
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission regarding retention and
disposal policy and procedure for State public lands. The
findings were based on staff research; work with the Alaska
Department of Natural Resources Planning and Research Section and
Division of Lands and Waters; contact with municipalities and
Native corporations; and a public workshop featuring people with
land-use and development experience and expertise. Part II
contains the abbreviated proceedings of the workshop and a
representative sample of the information analyzed in the process
of making these recommendations.
Ferrians, O.J., Jr., Kachadoorian, R., and Greene, G.w., 1969,
Permafrost and related engineering problems in Alaska. u.s.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 678, 37 p.
Defines permafrost and discusses its areal extent and thickness in
Alaska. Describes related geomorphic features (polygonal ground,
solifluction, thaw pits, thaw lakes, beaded drainage, and
pingos). The principal discussion is on engineering problems
related to thawing of permafrost and frost heaving, especially in
regard to railroads, highways, airfields, buildings, dams, power
lines, pipelines, and utilidors. Well illustrated with
photographs and maps.
Henoch, s., Stenmark, R., and Tuck, B.H., 1979, A policy for the
Arctic, Anchorage, Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for
Alaska, Study No. 41, 110 p.
This report lays a groundwork for a general policy for the Arctic
and offers specific recommendations for the guidance and
implementation of such a policy. The study focuses on the
national concern for protecting environmental values of the
Arctic, recognizing that there are also natural resources of
considerable value. Three policy objectives are singled out as
vital to the study. These are (1) the preservation of major
environmen.tal resources of the Arctic, (2) the continued vitality
of the culture of Arctic Natives, and (3) the orderly development
of the energy and other natural resources of the Arctic.
Recommendations are developed recognizing that there must be an
understanding of the interrelationships between, and impacts of
the external forces acting on the Arctic and that there must be
some means of integrating and coordinating decision making as it
relates to the control of these forces.
Johnson, L., and Van Cleve, K., 1976, Revegetation in arctic and
subarctic North America, a literature review. Hanover, N.H., u.s.
Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory Report 76-15, 32 p.
A literature review of revegetation and the biological aspects of
restoration research. The primary goal of revegetation has been
erosion control, with aesthetics, minimization of thermokarst, and
production of browsing forage as other objectives. Discusses
revegetation considerations (such as site conditions and nutrient
regime), methods of revegetation, and species used to revegetate.
Lawson, D.E., Brown, J., Everett, K.R., Johnson, A.W., Komarkova,
v., Murray, B.M., Murray, D.F., and Webber, P.J., 1978, Tundra
disturbances and recovery following the 1949 exploratory drilling,
Fish Creek, Northern Alaska. Hanover, N.H., u.s. Army Corps of
Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Report
78-28, 81 p.
Examination of disturbances caused by drilling activities and the
response and recovery of the vegetation, soils, permafrost, and
surficial materials to that disturbance. The report (1) documents
the environmental disturbances to and recovery from 1949
activities, (2) interprets these observations in a regional
context, and (3) provides recommendations on cleanup and future
research activities at Fish Creek and other tundra sites.
Lynch, D., Johansen, N.I., Lambert, C., Jr., and Wolff, E.N.,
1976, Constraints on the development of coal mining in arctic
Alaska based on review of Eurasian practices. Fairbanks,
University of Alaska, Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, 219 p.
Contains analysis of probable relationships between the
environment and the development of large-scale Arctic coal
m1n1ng. Provides general guidelines for planning future
development of Arctic Alaskan coal. Includes information obtained
on Svalbard (Spitzbergen), Greenland, Alaska (Healy), and
Carmacks, Yukon Territory, and summarizes what is known about the
physical constraints encountered in developing Arctic Siberian
coal mines.
McGee, D.L., and Emmel, K.S., 1979, Alaska coal resources. Anchorage,
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and
Geophysical Surveys.
Discusses condensation of a wide range of undiscovered resource
estimates into single values that can be used for comparison
purposes. The coal resources are broken into three categories:
(1) measured resources, (2) indicated and inferred resources, and
(3) hypothetical resources, as defined by the u.s. Geological
Survey and u.s. Bureau of Mines.
Rao, P.D., and Wolff, E.N., eds., 1975, Focus on Alaska's coal 1 75,
Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Alaska,
Fairbanks, October 15-17, 1975. University of Alaska, School of
Mineral Industry, MIRL Report No. 37, 281 p.
Report of a conference to review Alaska's coal resources, assess
problems associated with coal mining, and discuss potential uses
of the coal. Individual papers presented on (1) coal resources
and characterization, (2) exploration and development, (3) mining
and transportation, (4) economics and utilization, (5) mining
regulations and environmental conservation, and (6)
coal-conversion processes.
Rieger, s., Schoephorster, D.B., and Furbush, C.E., 1979, Exploratory
soil survey of Alaska. Washington, D.C., u.s. Department of-
Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 213 p.
Report presents a brief review of the major geomorphic units of
Alaska and an extended description of Alaskan soils and their
characteristics. Distribution of soil types is shown on a series
of fold-in maps. The last section of the report contains
information on the suitability and limitations of soils for crop
production, rangeland use by cattle, sheep, and reindeer,
commercial forestry, road location, building sites, recreation,
and off-road trafficability. contains bibliography and glossary,
plus 52 figures and 29 maps.
Selkregg, L.L., 1975-77, Alaska regional profiles. Prepared for the
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alask~ and
Office of the Governor. Anchorage, University oJ; Al~§~~r ~gti:iQ ,
Environmental Information and Data Center, 6 v~
A six-volume compendium of data describing QR,.WJ?~ Mdfl!~~
environments of Alaska, divided by regipn into; thELMG~f
Northwest, Yukon, southwest, Southcent:?t,;a.l;f aAc;:i gQI,!,tltM~1h
Includes discussion of (1) climate, marine environment,
topography, geology, water, soils, biotic communities, and {2) the
people, government, economy, land status and use, and
transportation/communication facilities. Text liberally supported
with tables, figures, and maps.
Thomas, w.c., 1977, An assessment of Alaskan agricultural
development. Anchorage, Joint Federal-State Land Use,Planning
Commission for Alaska, Study No. 13.
Addresses three questions important in considering agricultural
development in Alaska: {1) What, if any, types of agricultural
enterprises have been identified as feasible in Alaska? (2) What
is the potential for statewide and export markets? and {3) What
would be the regional economic impact of such development?
u.s. Department of the Interior, 1978, Water resources investigations
in Alaska, 1977. u.s. Geological Survey, Free folder {W77304).
Describes programs of water-resources research in Alaska. Map
display of locations of hydrologic data stations and extent of
hydrologic investigations. Six small maps give broad picture of
variations in some of the hydrologic characteristics {e.g.,
average annual runoff and availability of ground water) pertaining
to Alaska's water resources. Includes bibliography on
water-related topics for Alaska.
U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, 1979, Analysis of laws governing
access across Federal lands--Options for access in Alaska.
Washington, D.C., u.s. Government Printing Office, Report No.
OTA-M-82, 260 p.
Examines the effects of Federal laws, policies, and practices on
access through Federal to non-federal lands. Contains results of
an OTA analysis of issues associated with legal aspects of access
policy, particularly those factors that affect hardrock mineral
development, and presents a range of options dealing with access
through Alaskan lands. Contains information relevant to (d) (2)
lands deliberations of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and
the use of Alaska conservation lands for purposes of access to
non-Federal mineral-bearing lands.
Wahrhaftig, c., 1965, Physiographic divisions of Alaska. u.s.·
Geological Survey Professional Paper 482, 52 p.
This report describes and classifies the terrain features of
Alaska. The physiographic process that prevail in each of four
general categories of the landscape (glaciated highlands and
mountains, glaciated lowlands, unglaciated highlands, and
unglaciated lowlands) are discussed as are details of terrain
features for various area. Four major physiographic divisions are
described: (1) the interior plains, 92) the Rocky Mountain System,
(3) the intermontane plateaus, and (4) the Pacific Mountain
System. These major divisions are broken into 4 provinces that
are in turn subdivided into 60 sections, reflecting the more
detaled characteristics of different areas. The descriptions of
individual sections include data on topography, drainage, lakes,
glaciers, permafrost, and the relation of geology to physiographic
development. Text material is supplemented by maps and
Williams, J.R., 1970, Ground water in permafrost regions of Alaska.
u.s. Geological Survey Professional Paper 696, 83 p.
Results of an investigation to provide information for more
economical and effective methods of appraising and developing
ground-water resources in Alaska. Report emphasizes occurrences
of ground water in relation to permafrost. Some information on
history of permafrost and on factors that influence local
configuration of permafrost discussed as an aid to understanding
recharge, discharge, movement, and storage of ground water in a
given geologic environment. Text presents information on
occurrence of ground water in (1) alluvium of river valleys, (2)
glacial and glaciolacustrine deposits of valleys in interior
Alaska, (3) coastal lowlands, and (4) bedrock of uplands and
mountains. Also gives brief discussion of quality of water.
Appendix A
The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act provides both broad
and specific elements that define the basic framework of a nationwide
program for control of surface coal mining (Section 4.1), although it
is appropriate to consider modifying the Act for certain unusual or
unique conditions in Alaska (Section 5.1). In this appendix, we
comment on several provisions of the Act that may merit some change in
accord with Alaskan conditions, usually because of circumstances of
the physical or biological environment, but also in some instances
because of jurisdictional or socioeconomic conditions peculiar to the
State. Provisions that are given no comment are understood to deal
with procedural, institutional, administrative, and other matters that
are not particularly affected by Alaskan conditions. Thus, our
comments are virtually limited to selected requirements for control of
environmental impacts (Title V). We believe that these provisions
deserve special attention in fitting the Act to conditions in Alaska.
Our approach in this appendix is to paraphrase those provisions of
the Act which received our attention because of special conditions in
Alaska and then to comment on the provisions one by one. This format
is designed for readers already familiar with the Act. Other readers
would find the specific language of the Act useful in understanding
the comments in this appendix.
A comment is intended to point out circumstances in Alaska that
pertain to a specific provision, but users of this appendix should be
aware that many provisions of the Act are strongly interrelated.
Also, some provisions are intrinsically valid, even though their
underlying premise may be questionable for Alaska. For example,
permit applications are required to describe the type and method of
coal mining and the engineering techniques to be used (S 507(b) (7)).
This requirement is reasonable for control of any mining operation,
but it is doubtful that mining technology can yet be defined
adequately for some conditions found in Alaska. Thus, for discussion
of interrelations of the Act's provisions and for an analysis of the
Act's underlying assumptions, readers are referred to Chapter 5-. Our
comments frequently refer to sections in Chapter 3 and Chapter ~ whgre
a subject is discussed more fully. Also, various sections of th~ A9t
are noted in a table that accompanies the summary of Findings ~~~.
Recommendations at the beginning of this report, together with
relevant references to the text.
Our sequential comments on the Act's provisions, although
convenient as an orderly means of indicating factors to be considered
in modifying the Act for Alaska, necessarily do not address the
broader problems to be faced if coa~ is developed on a substantial
scale in Alaska. Such problems, for example, concern the significance
of undeveloped land, commitments in land use, relations of mining to
wildlife, potential changes irl social conditions, and other aspects of
coal development that differ from the Act's focus on site-by-site
control of mining and reclamation. These broader problems of coal
development in Alaska are discussed in Chapter 5.
As explained in several places in this report, mining and
reclamation technology for Alaskan conditions is still poorly
understood, and performance standards that can be achieved are
correspondingly uncertain, poorly defined, or incompletely tested.
Thus, it is premature to specify exact modifications of the Act in the
sense of suggesting actual legislative language tailored to Alaskan
conditions. Our comments simply point out factors to be considered in
contemplating whether modifications in the Act would be desirable.
Procedures by which appropriate mining and reclamation standards could
be determined for Alaskan conditions, together with standards of the
Act that seem to be attainable because of similarities with mining and
reclamation elsewhere, are described in Chapter 5.
§ lOl(e)
Surface mining and reclamation technology are now developed so
that effective and reasonable regulation of surface coal-mining
operations is an appropriate means to minimize adverse social,
economic, and environmental effects of such mining operations.
Reclamation technology for Alaska is poorly known and control of
the adverse effects of surface coal mining can be accomplished only
partly by regulation. For the North Slope area in par~icular and for
other areas of Alaska with permafrost and tundra, reclamation
technology must be developed. Given present knowledge, a timetable
for reclamation is uncertain (Section Also uncertain are
what effects surface coal mining might have on traditional land uses;
permanent social change could result (Section Decision-
making based on long-range land-use planning prior to mining is a
necessary step in controlling the adverse impacts of surface mining
§ lOl(f)
The primary governmental responsibility ••• should
rest with the States.
The State's primary role in regulating surface m1n1ng in Alaska is
undeniable (especially in light of the amount of land allotted to the
State under the Alaska Statehood Act), but other jurisdictional
authorities may also have great influence (Section For
example, boroughs such as the North Slope Borough which is largely
populated by Native Alaskans, have the authority to control coal
mining within its boundaries, and the Federal Government can control
mining on the vast tracts of Federal land within the State.
A coordinated program is needed to define Federal, State, and
borough interests and to determine which controls on mining and
associated development would best satisfy those interests (Section
The general application requirements of Section 507 are inadequate
for Alaskan conditions. The extreme remoteness and isolation of vast
areas of Alaska, as well as the distinct regional differences within
the State, mean that applications for mining permits in the State will
have to meet certain unique requirements. The occurrence of
permafrost, the problems of frozen and unfrozen ground water, and the
lack of hydrologic data in many areas will further complicate the
process of granting permits for mining.
§ 507(a)
The permit application fee shall be based on the actual or
anticipated costs of reviewing, administering, and enforcing such a
permit. The fee may be less than the actual or anticipated costs but
shall not exceed them.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions. However, .the
remoteness of certain coal areas in Alaska and the severe weather ~¥
hinder inspection and enforcement, and these factors couJ.d.~aUli.~
unusually high travel expenditures.
§ 507(b) (1-5)
This portion of the Act contains a variety of requirements for
information about legal ownership, corporate structure, and previous
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
§ 507 (b) (6)
The permit application shall contain a copy of an advertisement
showing the ownership and boundaries of a proposed mining site, to be
published in a newspaper of general circulation for information to
local residents.
This method of distributing information about proposed mining to
potentially interested parties might be difficult in some parts of
Alaska, and it should be reviewed for its suitability to Alaskan
conditions. It will be necessary to require publication of the
advertisement in several of Alaska's major newspapers for more than 4
consecutive weeks. In areas where newspapers are not available, other
communication media, including radio and television should be used.
§ 507 (b) (7-9)
Indicates information required in the permit concerning type and
method of mining, equipment, starting and termination dates, maps,
plans, etc.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions, but see Section (See also§ 508{a)(5).)
§ 507 (b) (10)
The permit application shall contain the name of the watershed and
the location of the stream or tributary into which surface and pit
drainage will be discharged.
Watersheds in some parts of Alaska--especially in the lowlands of
the Interior Region and the low-relief terrain of the Arctic coastal
plain--are not easily determined, and there will be problems in
designating the location of the stream where drainage will be
discharged. It would be sufficient for the purposes of the Act to
indicate the location of drainage boundaries on topographic maps. The
application should indicate whether any mining is proposed in areas
with closed drainage. Information on watersheds would be appropriate
where the application includes plans to build new access roads
s 507(b) (11)
The permit application shall contain determinations in specified
detail of the probable hydrologic effects of the mining and
reclamation operations, with sufficient data to provide an assessment
of the cumulative impacts of the anticipated mining upon the hydrology
of the entire area, particularly upon water availability1 while such
determinations shall not be required until appropriate information is
made available for Federal or State agencies, the permit shall not be
approved until such information is available and is incorporated into
the application.
Information on the hydrology of Alaska is very sparse. Indeed,
hydrologic regimes of the State are essentially unknown (Section, and thus the capability of assessing the probable
hydrologic effects of mining is severely limited. The behavior of
water in permafrost terrains, especially, requires special attention,
because of the effects of frozen ground on water movement (Section
3.1.2, Section and hence on the hydrologic consequences of
mining and reclamation. The stability of permafrost terrain may be
greatly affected by thawing, especially of ice-rich permafrost, which
results in the release of water and, in turn, further thawing. This
thawing may lead to unwanted land subsidence (Section
An understanding of the hydrologic consequences of mining in
permafrost terrains and the behavior of frozen ground disturbed by
mining and related activities requires data on ice content,
temperature, and related parameters, which are difficult to obtain.
Despite data-collection difficulties, every effort should be made to
obtain such baseline information (Section If provisions
of 507(b) (11) were literally applied, a permit could not be issued for
coal mining in Alaska because the probable hydrologic consequences
cannot yet be determined. To acquire information on the hydrological
effects of mining and reclamation, demonstration excavations might be
made in permafrost areas. Hydrological effects in other places could
be evaluated by limited testing of various practices (Section, Section
If we assume that hydrologic data are unavailable from Federal or
State agencies, then the burden of data collection falls upon the coal
operator. (See also§ 510(b) (3).)
§ 507(b) (12)
The permit application shall contain, when requested, information
on climatological factors, including average seasonal precipitation,
average direction and velocity of prevailing winds, and ranges in
seasonal temperatures.
There may be problems in obtaining site-specific data on seasonal
precipitation levels and prevailing winds in Alaska. Such data are
usually collected only in the summer, and are thus incomplete. More
importantly, an adequate time frame for collecting sufficient data to
be meaningful within the intent of this provision of the Act is
unknown. This provision does not indicate the need for climatic
information peculiar to Alaska, such as data on the depth of surface
freezing and thawing and the expected period of snowmelt. Information
on extreme conditions in Alaska such as seasonally intense rainstorms
and abnormal wind is also needed.
"Precipitation measurements" are not as valid an index of
revegetation in the Arctic as they are believed to be for other
areas. Areas of climatic desert have lush wetland vegetation because
of low evaporation and the perched water table created by permafrost.
Almost the entire year's precipitation is available during the 3-month
growing season.
§ 507 {b) (13)
The permit application shall contain accurate maps showing all
types of information included on topographical maps of the United
States Geological Survey on a scale of 1:24,000 or larger, including
all man-made features, known archaeological sites, locations of all
buildings within 1,000 feet of the permit area, and boundaries of the
land to be affected plus those of adjacent holdings.
The map scale called for in this prov1s1on is not available for
Alaska, although unpublished manuscript maps at 1:50,000 may be
available. The largest general mapping scale selected for Alaska by
the u.s. Geological Survey is 1:63,360. Currently, 1:25,000 scale
maps are being prepared, but these are available for only a few
Rules and regulations pertinent to this provision require that an
archaeological assessment be made of the planned mine .area. Although
Alaskan natives have selected most of the historical and archeological
sites near their villages as part of the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act, archeological assessments raise questions about such
things as rights of access, the proper ownership of sites, and so on.
Furthermore, the mapping of archaeological sites in isolated areas of
Alaska may lead to unauthorized excavation or vandalism. Therefore,
it may be necessary to keep site information proprietary.
In Alaska, there are complex land controls over State, Federal,
private, and Native regional and village corporations lands as well as
definite land-use designations (Section Such ownership
and land use should be indicated on the application map (Section
§ 507 (b) (14)
The permit application shall contain cross-section maps and plans
showing detailed information on a specified number of physical
features existing in the areas to be affected by mining, as necessary
to comply with all provisions of the Act during mining, and as
anticipated to be attained during reclamation operations.
The information required by the Act is needed for all sites where
coal mining is planned in Alaska, but additional information will be
needed for permafrost areas, especially the depth of the permafrost,
the ice content of the permafrost, and its temperature and physical
nature (Section Furthermore, the requirement to predict
the final surface configuration is unrealistic for permafrost areas
given the present state of knowledge. At present, only rough
approximations are possible for setting standards in some terrains
(Section · (See also § 508 (a) (12).)
§ 507(b) (15)
Requires a statement of the results of test borings or core
samplings, including logs of the drill holes, analysis of chemical
properties, thickness, and sulfur content of the coal, and chemical
analysis of potentially toxic overburden and of the stratum
immediately beneath the coal seam.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions. (See also comment on
permafrost conditions under§ 508(a) (12).)
§ 507 (b) (16)
The permit application shall include a soil survey when a
reconnaissance inspection suggests the presence of prime farmlands
within the permit area.
The Act's definition of prime farmland (§ (701) (20)) is based on
both soil characteristics and historic use. Alaska does not have prime
farmland in the same sense that the conterminous United States does
(Section If the future of the United States and
particularly of Alaska requires agricultural development in Alaska, or
if farming communities are desired, then the potential of Alaska for
prime farmland must be addressed. In any case, an assessment of land
capability should be required for all applications for surface coal
mining in Alaska, and a reconnaisance soil survey should be made for
lands potentially usable for intensive farming (Section 3.2.4). (See
also § 508 (a) (2), § 515 (b)(7).)
§ 507 (b) (17)
Information pertaining to the sampling of coal and soil shall be
made available to persons with an interest which may be adversely
affected, except that certain coal data may be kept confidential.
This provision refers to the disclosure of certain data collected
under other provisions of the Act and is applicable to Alaska.
§ 507(c)
Operations not exceeding 100,000 tons per year are exempted, upon
written request, from the costs of determining probable hydrologic
consequences (§ 507(b) (11) and the stdtement of the results of test
borings or core samplings (§ 507(b) (15)), such costs being assumed by
the regulatory authority.
This provision could impose enormous costs on the government for
the purpose of determining probable hydrologic consequences at the
frivolous request of small tonnage miners. Such data are not
available for many parts of Alaska, especially for areas on the North
Slope (Section The idea of helping small operators in the
conterminous United States meet the reclamation requirements of the
Act should be modified to reduce the number of small operations that
might have a disproportionate potential to damage certain Alaskan
environmental conditions. Nonetheless, this provision must take into
account the need for small coal mines by villages and towns (Section
Further efforts to define a small operation (and provide financial
assistance) should not be allowed to divert attention from the problem
of getting better information about the North Slope. Responsibilities
of government agencies and the operator for collecting and maintaining
information needed for control of surface mining and reclamation, as
provided by the Act, are especially pertinent to Alaska (Section
4.2.3, Section
§ 507(d) - § 507(e)
A reclamation plan shall be submitted as part of the permit
The application shall be available for public inspection at an
appropriate public office where the mining is proposed
to occur.
The application and the reclamation plan also should be available
for inspection in the major population center for the permit area.
The validity of basing permits on reclaimability is discussed in
Section (See also§ 508(a), § 510(b){2), § 5ll(a)(2),
§ 512(a), § 522(a)(2), § 522(b).)
§ 507(f)
The permit application shall contain evidence that the applicant
has satisfied requirements for public liability.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
s 507(g)
A blasting plan shall be submitted.
Blasting in remote areas of Alaska is not likely to annoy people
or damage property (Section and restrictions in scheduling
of blasting may not be necessary for many areas of the State. (See
also S 515(b) (15).)
The reclamation plan shall include the degree of detail necessary
to demonstrate that reclamation required by the Act can be
Reclamation experience in Alaska is limited and its potential for
success varies with the region. Conditions in the Southcentral Region
are similar to those in the conterminous United States, and this
portion of the Act is applicable as written in that part of the
State. Mining experience in the Interior Region (Nenana coal basin)
and observation in this area indicate that reclamation can be
accomplished, although experience is needed to define reclamation
standards. There has been no experience with surface mining and
large-scale reclamation in the Arctic Region, athough construction of
the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System did involve certain reclamation
activities. Because of our limited knowledge of vegetation
development under Alaska's unique or unusual environmental conditions,
it may not be possible to demonstrate a timetable for reclamation
(Section, Section (See also§ 507(d), § 510(b) (2),
§ 5ll(a)(2), § 512(a), § 522(a)(2), § 522(b).)
§ 508 (a) (1)
The reclamation plan shall identify lands subject to surface
mining over the life of the operation, and the size, sequence, and
timing of mining on subareas· to be covered by the permit.
Applicable as written to Alaska, provided that attention is given
to the land affected by facilities built to provide access to the
coal-mining area (Section
§ 508 (a) (2)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of existing land
uses, the uses preceding any mining if the land has a history of
previous mining, the compatibility of the land prior to mining to
support a variety of uses, and the productivity of the land prior to
mining, including its classification as prime farmland as well as its
average yield of food, fiber, forage, or wood products.
Land in Alaska is largely unused by man in any direct way, and
land use and productivity of land prior to mining have little meaning
in the usual understanding of these terms in the conterminous united
States. The productivity of land in Alaska is more likely to be
measured in ter1ns of its capacity as natural wildlife habitat than by
yields of food, fiber, forage, or wood products (Section
Because Alaskan land is largely unused, it should be evaluated not
only in terms of its present uses but also its potential uses (Section (See also§ 507(b) (16), § 515(b) (7).)
§ 508 (a) (3)
The reclamation plan shall include a statement of the proposed
postmining land use and comments about relations to existing land-use
policies and plans by the owners of the surface and by State and local
governments or agencies that would have to initiate, implement,
approve, or authorize the proposed use following reclamation.
This provision is applicable, as written, to Alaska. However, the
present lack of coordination between various agencies in regard to
land-use planning, and the difficulties of relating present land use
in a wilderness area to postmining land use, create a need for
agreement on land-use goals, not simply consideration of comments
(Section (See also§ 508(a) (8), § 515(b) (2), § 515(c) (3),
( § 515 (e) ( 3) • )
§ 508 (a) (4)
The reclamation plan shall include a detailed description of how
the proposed postmining land use and necessary supporting activities
are to be achieved.
Achieving a proposed postmining land use through reclamation
activities will depend upon the area in which the mining is carried
out. At present a reclamation plan could not necessarily assure that
a given postmining land use could be achieved, especially in
permafrost areas. In such areas demonstrations of reclamation are
needed to define reclamation objectives that can be achieved (Section, Section (See also§ 508(a).)
§ 508(a) (5)
The reclamation plan shall include a description of the type and
method of the coal mining and reclamation operation, the engineering
techniques, and the equipment to be used1 a plan for control of
surface-water drainage and of water accumulation1 a plan for soil
stabilization and appropriate revegetation1 and the estimated cost per
acre of reclamation.
The provision is applicable in the Southcentral Region and in the
Interior Region (in areas without permafrost), with the exception of
some considerations of hydrology (Section, Section Mining and reclamation experience is lacking in the
Arctic Region1 therefore, such a plan may be difficult to design or
approve (Section, Section Comments on
hydrologic factors for control of surface water are given under
§ 507 (b) (11) and § 510 (b) (3) (See also § 507 (b) (7).)
§ 508 (a) (6)
The reclamation plan shall include the consideration given to
maximize the utilization of the solid fuel resource so as to minimize
reaffecting the land in the future.
The instability of thawed materials during m1n1ng in permafrost
areas will cause problems for multi-seam mining, and recovery of the
coal may be thereby reduced as compared with other areas (Section (See also§ 515(b) (1).)
§ 508(a) (7)
Provide a detailed estimated timetable for major reclamation steps.
Because few reclamation results have been demonstrated, a detailed
timetable cannot yet be specified (Section (See also
§ 515 (b) (16).)
§ 508(a) (8)
Show that consideration has been given to surface-owner plans and
to applicable State and local land-use plans.
Factors related to this provision are discussed under§ 508(a) (3).
§ 508 (a) (9)
The reclamation plan shall include the steps to be taken to comply
with applicable health and safety standards.
This provision refers to public health and safety and is
applicable as written to Alaska (Section The existing
Federal and State regulatory framework for Alaska is reviewed in
Appendix B.
§ 508 (a) (10)
Show that the reclamation plan is considered to be consistent with
local physical environmental and climatological conditions.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions. It should be noted
that some Alaskan conditions (permafrost, shortened daylight,
isolation) are vastly different from the conterminous United States,
and therefore rules and regulations applicable to other areas may not
be applicable to Alaska. It should also be noted that a lack of data
on the physical environmental and climatological conditions may make
compliance with this provision difficult (Section (See also
s 515 (b) (23).)
S 508 (a) (11)
The land holdings by the applicant, or options, shall be indicated.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
S 508 (a) (12)
The reclamation plan shall include the results of test borings,
the location of subsurface water, and chemical analyses showing the
acid-forming properties of the mineral and the overburden.
The special problems of permafrost and the hydrology of permafrost
areas require that information on the physical properties and
distribution of permafrost also be shown in the mining and reclamation
plan (Section Information specified in this requirement is
also to be given under provisions of§ 507(b) (14) and§ 507(b) (15).
S 508 (a) (13)
The reclamation plan shall include a detailed description of the
measures to be taken to protect the quality of surface and
ground-water systems, the rights of present users of such water, and
the quantity of surface and ground-water systems, both on-and
off-site, or to provide alternative sources of water where the
quantity cannot be assured.
Information with which to assess the hydrologic impact of mining
in Alaska is generally lacking (Section The protection of
users of water as presently afforded by the law is described in
Appendix B. (See also S 515(b) (8).) Conditions in the Southcentral
Region do not seem to present a problem in connection with this
provision (Section In the Arctic Region, however, the
presence of permafrost introduces uncertainties as to projected water
quality when such permafrost is disturbed (Section, Section Limited mining would provide information on this matter.
In the summer, Alaska's glacier-fed streams carry loads of natural
sediment that exceed the amounts of sediment allowed from coal mining
by Federal regulations (Section Regulation of sediment
discharges from coal mines should take into account the fact of high
amounts of natural sediment in Alaska. Comments on the requirement to
determine the probable hydrologic consequences of mining and
reclamation are given under§ 507(b) (11) and§ 510(b) (3).
S 508(a)(l4)
Such requirements as the regulatory authority shall prescribe by
No comment is necessary.
§ 508 (b)
Information required by § 508 but not on public record will be
held in confidence by the regulatory authority.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
§ 509(a) -§ 509(b}
The bond for performance shall reflect the difficulty of
reclamation, giving consideration to revegetation potential arid other
factors, and shall be for the duration of the surface coal-mining and
reclamation operation, and for a period coincident with the operator's
responsibility for revegetation.
This provision is applicable in the southcentral Region in the
sense that reclamation appears to be attainable (Sectiori 5',2~.3.2.2) •
Reclamation problems appear to be controllable', in 'tihe Nenana !Yasili' of
the Interior Region, but reclamation standards for the region as a
whole cannot yet be accurately defined (Section On the
North Slope the probable cost of reclamation is uncertain, and the
time necessary for success is unknown. In this area other incentives
and methods of funding them should be considered (Section
S 509(c)
The bond of the applicant may itself be acceptable under specified
conditions, or the Secretary of the Interior may approve an
alternative system that will achieve the objectives and purposes of
the bonding program.
The provision for an alternative system allows consideration of
control procedures other than bonding, such as those discussed in
Section 4.2.3.
s 509(d)
Monies shall be deposited on the same terms as surety bonds and
shall be security for the repayment of a negotiable certificate of
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
S 509(e)
The amount of bond and its terms shall be adjusted as acreages are
increased or decreased or where the cost of future reclamation changes.
Applicable to those regions or areas where the cost of reclamation
can be predicted. For other places, see the comments under S 509(a)
and S 509(b).
s 510 (b) (2)
No permit application, or rev1s1on of an existing permit, shall be
approved unless the applicant demonstrates that reclamation required
by the Act can be accomplished under the reclamation plan.
Reclaimability is discussed under§ 508(a).
§ 510 (b) (3)
No permit or revision of an existing permit shall be approved
until the regulatory authority has assessed the cumulative impacts of
all anticipated mining in the area upon the hydrologic balance of the
area and determined that the operation has been designed to prevent
material damage to the hydrologic balance outside the permit area.
The probable effects of m1n1ng on the hydrologic balance are
discussed under§ 507(b) (11).
§ 511 (a) (2)
No revision of a permit shall be approved unless the applicant
demonstrates that reclamation required by the Act can be accomplished
under the revised reclamation plan.
Reclamability is discussed under§ 508(a).
§ 512(a)
Coal exploration that substantially disturbs the natural land
surface shall be conducted in accordance with regulations that
require, at a
a notice of intent to explore, including a description
of the exploration area and period of exploration~
reclamation of land disturbed by exploration in
accordance with performance standards in § 515.
Reclamation techniques are uncertain for the North Slope, and
exploration therefore should be controlled in the light of this
uncertainty (see discussion under s 508(a)). Certain practices, such
as travel when the ground is snow covered or frozen and travel on
frozen stream beds (Section, would minimize the disturbance
of land during exploration.
s 512(b)
Confidential information submitted by the applicant shall not be
available for public examination.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
S 512(c)
A violation of S 512 makes the violator subject to the penalties
described in S 518.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
s 512(d)
No operator shall remove more than 250 tons of coal pursuant to an
exploration permit without written approval.
Because the Alaskan environment, with its extensive areas of
permafrost and tundra, is especially susceptible to damage by
exploration, the amount of coal removed without written approval
should be limited to substantially less than 250 tons. Whatever limit
is set, for summer transport it would be advisable to require the
operator to move this material by airplane unless roads are already
available, because adequate reclamation of access roads may be
uncertain (Section (See also S 512(a).)
S Sl2(e)
Coal exploration on Federal lands is governed by the Federal Coal
Leasing Amendments Act of 197S.
Reclamation requirements under these amendments do not recognize
Alaskan conditions. (See also S Sl2(a).)
(Similar provisions for surface effects of underground mining from
S Sl6, are discussed at appropriate places within this section.)
s SIS (b) (1)
Conduct operations so as to max1m1ze the utilization and
conservation of the fuel resource so that reaffecting the land can be
Factors related to this provision are discussed under S S08(a) (6).
s SlS (b) (2)
Restore affected land to a condition capable of supporting
premining land use or higher use, consistent with applicable land-use
policies and plans.
This requirement, along with many related provisions of the Act,
is intended to restore land values where land has already been
developed for other pur~oses, not the undeveloped land widely present
in Alaska. If literally interpreted with respect to premining
conditions, the requirement could preclude coal mining virtually
everywhere in Alaska, in that restoration of wilderness is clearly not
possible. On the other hand, considerations of achieving
higher land use require agreement on land-use goals. Thus, rather
than this requirement, a more valid concern for Alaska would be the
consequences of mining under pristine conditions (Section S.
Comments on consistency with applicable land-use plans are given under
§ 508 (a) (3).
§ 515(b) (3)
Backfill, compact, and grade in order to restore the approximate
original contour, with highwalls, spoil piles, and depressions
eliminated (exceptions are allowed for thickness of coal in relation
to overburden). The reclaimed area may include terraces, access
roads, and water impoundments, but shall closely resemble the general
surface configuration prior to mining and shall blend into and
complement the surrounding drainage pattern.
Mined areas that are not backfilled and graded obviously differ
from the surrounding landscape. However, backfilling and grading
according to this provision may not be desirable in the Southcentral
Region, depending on the site and land-use plans (Section
Backfilling, compacting, and grading in permafrost areas to
restore the approximate original contour may be impossible.
Permafrost presents a formidable challenge to reclamation efforts
aimed at achieving a stable surface that is compatible with adjoining
areas (Section
Standards for reclamation in permafrost areas should be defined
from results that can be achieved, rather than in terms of specified
practices that may have uncertain effects (Section
In Alaska there may be situations where highwalls would resemble
the original contours or be approprite under land-use plans (Section
§ 515(b) (4)
Stabilize and protect surface areas and spoil piles to control
erosion and attendant air and water pollution.
Large amounts of meltwater in the spring, unwanted thawing of
ice-rich permafrost, and the types of soils found in Alaska may create
runoff of water and yield of sediment that would make effective
control of water pollution difficult (Section
The difficulty of plant growth in tundra areas of Alaska makes
revegetation efforts uncertain as a means of controlling erosion, and
thermal erosion of permafrost areas is likely under conditions of
augmented runoff (Section Thus, standards for stabilizing
and protecting surface areas and for preventing air and water
pollution should be based on desired results rather than specified
practices (Section
s 515(b)(5)-s 515(b)(6)
Remove, segregate, preserve, and replace topsoil, or other
material shown to be the most suitable to support vegetation.
Virtually all topsoil in permafrosJ:: terrain is confined to the
vegetative cbver. In order to prevent.unwanted thawing of permafrost
areas, the vegetative cover should b{ left in place wherever ·ix>ss!ble
(Section In building a road, for example, the removal of
vegetation destroys its insulating capacity and causes increased
thawing. Hence, it may be advisable to build the road directly on the
vegetative cover. (See also S 515(b) (22).)
Stockpiling of topsoil may be difficult to thedegreethat
ice-rich permafrost tends to flow as it thaws (Section
The useof topsoil fot the revegetation of disturbed areas on the
North Slope may be detrimental to desired reclamation resulJ::s because
topsoil can be an unsuitable medium for plant growth (Section .. 4, Section Thus,North Slope conditibns waFrant a
standard based on desired results to be achieved rather than on
certain designated practices (Section
This requirement probably can be met in the Southcent.ral Region,
although little experience exists to provide guidance on what ·
practices a~e likely to be most successful (Section. • . '
s 515(b) (7)
For prime farmland: segregate the A hoFizon of the natural soil
(except where other soil materia~s have a greater productive
capacity)7 stockpile this material separately and protect it from wind
and water erosion and from acid or toxic contamination; segregate and
protect the B or C horizons in a similar manner; replace the B or C
horizons over the regraded spoil material and redistribute the A
The Act's specified practices for replacing soil in areas of prime
farmland recognize conflicts of surface coal mining with land that has
been developed for intensive farming. In Alaska, where virtually all
the land is undeveloped, a different definition of prime farmland may
be required. Twenty million acres of land in Alaska can be classified
as potentially arable. The classification and need for potential
farmland (as opposed to actual farmland) can only be made by
coordinated Federal, State, and borough land-use planning groups
(Section Without such a classification, the Act's
definition of prime farmland is inapplicable for Alaska. (See also
§ 507 (b) (16), § 508 (a) (2).)
§ 515(b) (8)
Construct any authorized impoundments so that water quality will
be suitable on a permanent basis for its intended use, so that the
level of water will be reasonably stable, so that such impoundments
will not diminish the quality or quantity of water used by adjacent or
surrounding landowners, and so that the impoundment has the necessary
The assumption underlying this prov1s1on is that permanent
impoundments may be authorized if they are compatible with the
postmining land use, if they are constructed and maintained using good
engineering practices, and if water used by others is not thereby
diminished. Permafrost areas of Alaska would require special
engineering design specifications for the location, construction, and
maintenance of impoundments (Section Thermal factors must
be considered, the effect of bodies of water on permafrost must be
evaluated, and the design of structures must consider the effects of
thawing and overflow. (For comment on protection of users of water,
see§ 508(a) (13).)
§ 515(b) (9)
Seal all auger holes (from auger mining) to prevent drainage,
except when prohibited. Conduct any augering operation (auger mining)
to maximize recoverability of mineral reserves. Augering may be
prohibited if it does not maximize utilization, recoverability, or
conservation of the solid fuel resources or to protect against adverse
water quality impacts.
No augering is practiced in Alaska at present, and it does not
appear that this section needs to be modified for Alaskan conditions.
§ 515 (b) (10) - § 516 (b) (9)
Minimize disturbances to the quality and quantity of water in
surface-and ground-water systems at the mine site and in associated
off-site areas by avoiding acid or other toxic mine drainage (prevent
contact of toxin-producing materials with water, treat drainage, case
or seal boreholes), by preventing contributions of suspended solids to
stream flow and runoff, by constructing siltation structures, by
removing temporary settling ponds after disturbed areas are
revegetated and stabilized, and by restoring recharge capacity.
Information with which to assess the hydrologic impact of m1n1ng
in Alaska is generally lacking (Section, but the control of
hydrologic effects of surface mining is likely to be strongly
influenced by regional differences within the State (Section The high natural sediment load and acid content of some
streams already exceed the levels which, under the Act, would be
permitted as a result of mining (Section Thus, regulations
pertaining to the amounts toxic mine drainage and suspended solids in
surface streams might better be written in terms of natural levels of
environmental loading. Large volumes of meltwater and the resultant
heavy load of suspended solids may show that the design standards for
siltation structures used for the conterminous States are impractical
in Alaska (Appendix B).
For areas of Alaskan muskeg, where the pH of natural waters may be
as low as 4, the concept of change in quality of inflow versus outflow
could be relevant in considering effluent standards (Section In regions where pH is naturally low, neutralization
would be actually inimical to aquatic life (Section
Sediment loads in some streams are relatively high during spring
runoff (Section The design of siltation structures is
based on a knowledge of the expected quantity and frequency of
discharge, but such hydrologic data for the design of settling ponds
in Alaska are meager (Section Climatic conditions (ice
and snow) reduce the effectiveness of siltation structures during the
spring thaw (Section Comments on construction of
siltation structures in permafrost areas are given in§ 515(b) (8).
To the degree that techniques for control of water impacts are
uncertain, standards based on results to be achieved could be
appropriate for Alaska. E:onomic incentives might provide the
stimulus to find procedures that would meet output standards (Section
§ 515 (b) (11) - § 516 (b) (4)
Stabilize mine wastes, tailings, coal processing wastes, and other
wastes through construction in compacted layers, including use of
incombustible and impervious materials, with the final contour
compatible with natural surroundings, and the disposal site
revegetated in accord with the Act. For surface disposal of wastes ·
from underground coal mining, assure that leachates will not degrade
water quality below applicable Federal and State standards.
With the exception of permafrost areas, practices appropriate for
the conterminous United States would be suitable for Alaska, although
the hazard of seismicity in the Southcentral Region would have to be
recognized in the engineering designs (Section
The stability of disturbed permafrost areas is problematical
(Section Waste disposal in permafrost areas may require
special construction techniques that may have to be developed through
demonstratiQri (Section {See also§ 515{b) {22).)
§ 515 (b) {12)
Refrain from surface coal m1n1ng within 500 feet of an underground
mine, except as permitted by the regulatory authority.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions except in permafrost
areas. The provision is intended to protect the health and safety of
miners and to insure that underground mining is not foreclosed by
nearby surface mining operations. In permafrost areas the behavior of
the frozen material is uncertain when subjected to the disturbances of
surface mining as well as the excavation of underground mining. The
required minimum distance between such workings in Alaska should be
set on a case-by-case basis as determined from knowledge of local
behavior and characteristics of permafrost (Section
§ 515(b) (13) -§ 516(b) (5)
Control use of existing and new coal mine wastes, tailings, coal
processing wastes, or other liquid or solid wastes in dams or
embankments according to standards and criteria used by the Chief of
Appropriate engineering knowledge for this prov1s1on is thought to
be available in the Southcentral Region, but suitable construction
techniques cannot now be evaluated for permafrost areas (Section The criteria and standards used by the Chief of Engineers
for ·Alaska and for the conterminous United States are identical. The
comments under § 515(b) (11) also apply to this provision.
s 515(b)fl4)-s 516(b)(8)
Dispose of debris, acid-forming materials, toxic materials, or
·materials constituting a fire hazard in a manner to prevent
contamination of ground or surface water and to prevent sustained
The key to preventing contamination and sustained combustion is
compaction and burial of waste materials in a site not susceptible to
leaching or erosion. (See also S· 515 (b) (22}.} In areas of permafrost,
however, compac.tion is difficult, if not impossible (Section Proper disposal in areas of ice~rich permafrost requires
techniques not yet fully developed. The comments under S 515(b) (11}
also apply to this provision.
s 515 (b) (15)
Plan, announce, record, and limit the types of explosives to
prevent injury to persons, damage to public and private property
outside the permit area, adverse impacts on any underground mine, and
change in the course, channel, or availability of ground or surface
water outside the permit area.
Alaskan conditions may require that resident camps be provided by
the mining company for the mine employees. Such company-owned camps
may be within or close to the permit area, and modification of the
provisions related to preblasting survey provisions and blasting
restrictions may be required. Restrictions on blasting distance from
public facilities in such camps should provide for variances if
conditions warrant it.
Any restrictions on blasting hours must take into consideration
the unusual hours of darkness and light found in Alaska. Blasting
hours could be based on time of day rather than hours of daylight,
giving consideration to atmospheric inversions and lightning storms
(Section Possible effects of blasting on water resources
are still generally uncertain. The comment on S 507(g} also applies
to this provision.
s 515(b) (16)
Reclamation efforts shall proceed in an environmentally sound
manner and as contemporaneously as practicable with mining except for
variances that may be allowed to combine surface mining with
underground mining to assure maximum practical recovery of the mineral
This provision is intended to ensure the completion of reclamation
in a timely manner as part of the mining operation. Comments on the
timetable of reclamation are given under§ 508(a) (7). The provision
could be applied to any region of Alaska, assuming a varying
reclamation timetable based on specific site and weather conditions.
(See also§ 508(a) (10).) Present regulations under the Act allow for
modification of the reclamation timetable. However, the extreme
climatic conditions frequently found in Alaska will require a rapid
review of amendments to reclamation plans. For example, an unusual
freeze that results in frozen soil may require the cancelling of
grading plans. A period of extremely low temperatures may bring about
the structural failure of equipment and a need for a new schedule.
The remoteness of Alaskan coal fields may create problems in obtaining
repair parts, especially parts not normally stored in close proximity
to the coal field (Section
The frozen soils, snow covers, and extremely low winter
temperatures found in Alaska should be considered in scheduling
reclamation. Winter season grading of frozen soils containing
quantities of snow and ice is contrary to good engineering practice
and may be detrimental to the reclamation.
The reclamation of tundra in permafrost areas presents a series of
unique problems (Section The technology for
reestablishing portions of the vegetation complex in these areas is
largely uncertain, and revegetation may take several tens of years
(Section 3 .1. 3. 5) • Since large coal reserves are located in
permafrost and tundra areas, demonstration mining and reclamation and
related agricultural research should be actively pursued (Section, Section
§ 515 (b) (17) -§ 516 (b) (10)
Construct and maintain roads to control or prevent erosion,
pollution of water, damage to fish or wildlife or their habitat, or
public or private property.
Rules and regulations pertaining to this prov~s~on of the Act must
consider the unique road building requirements of Alaska .(Section Construction practices must be modified to deal with the
problems of compaction and grading in permafrost, the design of
drainage structures that can withstand the conditions of the spring
melt, and the effects of removing topsoil and organic material from
permafrost areas. (See also comments under § 515 (b) (5), § 515 (b) (6),
and § 515 (b) (22).)
Road networks in the conterminous United States are largely
established before any mining takes place, but mining in Alaska
involves consideration of new roads (Section Such
considerations of access to previously isolated areas, effects of
improved access to Native communities, and matters of public costs
require coordinated land-use planning. Comments on effects on fish
and wildlife are given under§ 515(b) (24).
The construction and maintenance of roads in Alaska should be
thought of not only in terms of appropriate engineering conditions in
Alaska but also in terms of goals for land use (Section
§ 515 (b) (18) -s 516 (b) (10)
Do not construct roads in or near stream beds.
Winter use of a stream bed as a road in Alaska may cause less
damage to the terrain than travel on land. (See also§ 512(1).)
Efforts should be made, however, to avoid modifying the.channel flow·
at spring break-up.
Provisions for the use of "winter haul roads," i.e., temporary
seasonal use of frozen rivers, should be added (Section
§ 515(b) (19) -§ 515(b) (20) -§ 516(b) (6)
Revegetate disturbed areas with a diverse and permanent vegetative
cover capable of self-regeneration and at least equal in extent of
cover to the natural vegetation. For areas disturbed by surface coal
mining, assume responsibil ty for successful revegetation for five
years after the last year of revegetation efforts, or for 10 years
where the average precipitation is 26 inches or less.
Revegetation in most regions of Alaska would involve the
reestablishment of tundra plant species (Section The
characteristics of the tundra environment and the preference of tundra
plants for vegetative reproduction make natural revegetation of large
disturbed areas an exceedingly slow process. Limited experience with
revegetation technologies makes it difficult to predict the degree of
success with which the tundra environment can be reclaimed (Section
Demonstration mining and reclamation and related agricultural
research should be actively pursued. Requirements for timetables and
the nature of the vegetative cover should be developed as progress is
made in research and demonstrations.
Revegetation of mined land in the Southcentral Region appears to
be feasible, judging from rapid growth of annual plants in natural
soils, but revegetation of alpine tundra is likely to be difficult
(Section Demonstrations are needed to show the.practices
likely to be most successful and the timetable for completion of
revegetation that can be met.
s 515(b) (21) -s 516(b) (7)
Protect off-site areas and do not deposit soil or waste outside
the permit area.
Any plan to store frozen material in permafrost areas must take
into consideration the potential flowage of thawed materials on very
gentle slopes, especially material rich in clay. The thawed materials
could become semifluid and flow beyond the disposal area (Section
s 515(b) (22)
Place excess spoil material in a manner to assure stability, with
appropriate drainage, avoiding springs and water courses, on the most
moderate slope using a buttress or barrier at the toe, and in a
configuration compatible with the surrounding drainage pattern and
suitable.for intended uses. Remove organic material prior to spoil
Excess spoil refers to any material placed outside an excavated
area. Special construction techniques, besides the practices
specified by the Act, may be necessary in areas of permafrost to
assure stability of the spoil. For example, brush, trees, and other
vegetation can be mixed with saturated spoils for placement on an
unbroken organic mat. Also, prior removal of organic material--i.e.,
the vegetative cover--in permafrost areas may promote thawing and
create land instability beneath the spoil (Section (For
comments on protecting the vegetative cover, seeS 515(b} (5} and s 515 (b) (6) .)
s 515(b) (23)
Meet other criteria as necessary to achieve the purposes of the
Act, taking into consideration the physical, climatological, and other
characteristics of the site.
Factors related to this provision are discussed under S 508(a) (10).
s 515 (b) (24) -s 516 (b) (11)
Minimize disturbances and adverse impacts to fish and
wildlife, and enhance such resources where practicable.
There are two areas of concern of special importance to Alaskan
fish and wildlife: (1) disturbance of migratory patterns by
transportation systems (roads, railroads, sea routes), and (2) loss
of natural systems and key habitats in certain designated areas
(Section Alaskan wildlife is of special importance
because of its unique character, because it is comparatively
undisturbed, and because of its value for subsistence activities
(Section 3.1.6). The protection of wildlife depends upon: (1)
knowledge of existing wildlife and its environment7 (2) efforts to
mitigate impacts of mining7 and (3) reestablishment of habitats where
land disturbance is unavoidable.
s 515 (b) (25)
An undisturbed natural barrier beginning at the elevation of the
lowest coal seam to be mined shall be retained in place as a barrier
to slides and erosion.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
§ 515(c)
Provides for variances in restoration of approximate original
contour and drainage for mountaintop removal of a coal seam after
certification by appropriate planning agencies of compatibility of a
proposed postmining land use with existing State and local land-use
plans, and after approval of the design by the regulatory authority,
subject to review within 3 years.
This provision is limited to mountaintop removal and is not known
to be applicable to Alaska. Compatibility with land-use plans is
discussed under§ 508(a) (3).
§ 515(d)
Provides for variances in restoration of approximate original
contour for surface coal mining on steep slopes after certification by
appropriate planning agencies of the suitability of a proposed
postmining land use and by appropriate State environmental agencies
that watershed control of the area would be improved, subject to
review within 3 years, provided that backfilling is done to completely
cover the highwall, and that spoil material is placed off the mine
bench only in the amount necessary to achieve the planned postmining
land use.
Applicable as written, for Southcentral Alaska, but permafrost
areas require special consideration of frozen-ground conditions.
Problems of backfilling in permafrost areas are discussed under
§ 515(b) (3), together with highwalls in the context of land-use plans.
§ 515(e)
Surface coal mining on slopes steeper than 20 degrees, or on
lesser slopes as defined by the regulatory authority, may be allowed
after consulting with appropriate land-use planning agencies, provided
that no debris, disabled equipment, spoil material, or waste is placed
downslope, that backfilling is done to completely cover the highwall,
and that land above the highwall is disturbed (if at all) onlY in
amount to facilitate compliance with the Act.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions. Consideration of
land-use plans is discussed under S 508(a) (3).
s 515 (f)
Standards and criteria used by the Chief of Engineers will
regulate the design, location, construction, operation, maintenance,
enlargement, modification, removal, and abandonment of new and
existing coal mine waste piles.
Comments on control of solid wastes are given under s 515(b) (11)
and S 515(b) (13).
Provisions in § 516 that are similar to provisions in § 515 are
indicated at appropriate places in the above cements. Certain
provisions of § 516 that pertain to the special conditions of
underground mining are discussed below.
s 516 (b) (1)
Prevent subsidence causing material damage to the extent
technologically and economically feasible, maximize mine stability,
maintain value and use of surface lands, except where the mining
technology used requires plan~ed subsidence in a predictable and
controlled manner.
Ensuring the stability of underground mine shafts and tunnels in
permafrost is important (Section In some areas potential
subsidence in permafrost areas might be prevented by backflooding
abandoned shafts and tunnels of underground workings.
§ 516(b) (2) -§ 516(b) (3)
Seal all openings when no longer needed, and return mine waste to
the mine when technologically and economically feasible,
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
s 516(b) (8)
Eliminate fire hazards.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
s 516 (b) (12)
Locate all openings in acid-or iron-producing coal seams so as to
prevent gravity discharge of water from the mine.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
§ 516(c)
Underground coal mining shall be suspended by the regulatory
agency if it presents an imminent danger to inhabitants of urbanized
areas, cities, towns, and communities.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
S 522 (a) (1)
To be eligible to assume regulatory authority each State shall
establish a planning process enabling decisions as to which, if any,
land areas of a State are unsuitable for all or certain types of
surface coal mining. Such designation shall not prevent mineral
Land-use decisions, to be effective, must be made in a framework
in which the feasible uses for most areas are identified beforehand
(Section Land-use priorities in much of Alaska are not
clearly established. Vast stretches of the State are de facto wildlife
areas, and large areas are controlled by Native corporations. A
policy is needed, developed by all interested parties, on which to
establish future uses of Alaska's undeveloped land. Without such
action, conflicts of mining with land use in Alaska cannot be
objectively resolved.
S 522(a) (2)
Upon petition, the State shall designate an area as unsuitable if
the State determines that reclamation is not technologically and
economically feasible.
A decision about the technological and economic feasibility of
reclamation requires basic data and experience so that a decision on
reclaimability can be made. Differences in knowledge of reclamation in
Alaska are addressed in our discussion of§ 508(a). Demonstrations to
define reclamation objectives are discussed inS 508(a) (4). Except in
the Southcentral Region, such demonstrations could not be carried out
without deferring temporarily, the requirement to make mining
conditional on known reclamation standards (Section
S 522 (a} (3}
Upon petition, a designation of land as unsuitable for
surface m1n1ng may be made if operations will:
(A) be incompatible with existing State or local land-use plans
or programs;
(B) affect fragile or historic lands, resulting in significant
damage to important historic, cultural, scientific, and
aesthetic values and natural systems;
(C) affect renewable resource lands, resulting in substantial
loss or reduction of production of water supply or of food
and fiber products, including aquifers and aquifer recharge
areas; and
(D) affect natural hazard lands in which such operations could
substantially endanger life and property.
Much land-use planning has been done in Alaska, and some
information is available on factors identified by this provision, but
more data are needed for most coal regions of the State (Section
§ 522(a) (4)
To assume regulatory authority, a State must demonstrate
that it has, or is developing, a process that includes:
(A) a State agency responsible for surface coal mining lands
(B) a data base and inventory system that will permit evaluation
of the capacity of different land areas to support and permit
(C) a method for implementing land-use planning decisions: and
(D) proper notice and public participation in such designation.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions, but determination of
reclaimability in some areas depends also on demonstrations of mining
and reclamation results (see comment under§ 522(a) (2)).
§ 522 (a) (5)
Determinations of unsuitability shall be integrated with present
and future land-use planning and regulation at the Federal, State, and
local levels.
Land-use planning is discussed under§ 522(a) (1).
§ 522(a) (6)
Shall not apply to operations being conducted on the date of
enactment of this Act, or under a permit issued pursuant to this Act,
or where substantial legal and financial commitments in such operation
were in existence prior to January 4, 1977.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
§ 522(b)
The Secretary of the Interior shall review Federal lands in accord
with standards in§ 522(a) (2) and§ 522(a) (3) to determine if areas
are unsuitable for surface mining. The secretary may permit mining on
Federal lands prior to completion of the review. If the Secretary
determines that an area is unsuitable, it shall be withdrawn or
conditioned to limit surface mining on such area. If a Federal
program has been implemented in a State pursuant to § 504, the
Secretary shall take the same action with regards to non-Federal land.
Comments on the standards of§ 522(a) (2) and§ 522(a)(3) are given
above. The status of this provision with respect to lands selected by
Natives under the Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) is not
identified in PL 95-87, but ANCSA presumably has priority over lands
in the public domain.
§ 522(c)
A person with an adversely affected interest may petition to have
an area designated as unsuitable or to have such a designation
terminated. Within 10 months after a petition is filed a public
hearing will be held. Within 60 days after the hearing a written
decision will be issued.
Criteria for determining unsuitability for surface coal mining
under the specified timetable in most parts of Alaska are uncertain
because of a lack of mining and reclamation experience. (See also
discussion under§ 522(a) (2).)
§ 522(d)
Prior to designating an area as unsuitable for mining,
the regulatory agency shall prepare a statement on:
(i) the potentiai coal reserves of the area,
(ii) the demand for coal resources'
(iii) the impact of such designation on the environment, the
economy, and the supply of coal.
' >
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions, but information on
these factors is not now generally adequately known. (See also
§ 522 (a) (2) and § 522 (a) (3).)
§ 522(e)
After the enactment of the Act, and subject to valid
existing rights, no new surface coal mining operations shall
be permitted.
(1) on certain Federal lands (National Park System, .etc.);
(2) on Federal lands in national forests unless the Secretary
of the Interior finds no other values which may be
(3) that adversely affect public parks or places in the
National Register of Historic Sites unless approved by
those with jurisdiction~
(4) (5) within certain distances from public roads, occupied
dwellings, public buildings, etc.
Applicable as written to Alaskan conditions.
This appendix discusses provisions of federal, state, and local
environmental and land use law that pertain to Alaska and that may be
useful considerations in determining what modifications are called for
in accordance with section 708 of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act. The survey of these laws proceeds from federal
through state to local.
Appendix B was prepared by Alfred F. Jahns, Kathryn A. Lynn, and Will
A. Irwin~ Melvin J. Mirkin contributed advice during its preparation.
Mr. Jahns and Ms. Lynn are attorney-advisors to the Department of the
Interior Board of Surface Mining and Reclamation Appeals~ Mr. Irwin
and Mr. Mirkin are members of the Board.
I. Federal Environmental Law Applicable to Coal Mining Activity in
A. Water-Related Provisions
Section 404 of the Federal water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA)
authorizes the u.s. Army to issue a permit for the discharge of
dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States at a
specified disposal site1 unless the site is located in an area that
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined to be
unacceptable for this purpose.2 For purposes of the section 404
permit requirement, "waters of the U.S." include the territorial
seas3 and virtually all navigable coastal and inland surface
waters~ and their adjacent wetlands.5 In Alaska the District
Corps of Engineers has provisionally included large areas of "wet
tundra" on the North Slope within the definition of wetlands, pending
the outcome of a study to determine which kinds of tundra should be
classified as wetlands.6 Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act
of 1899 requires a similar permit from the u.s. Army Corps of
Engineers for any obstruction or alteration of a navigable water.7
Section 402 of the FWPCA authorizes the EPA to issue a permit for
the discharge of any pollutant from a point source into a navigable
water.8 Although Region X of EPA (Seattle) has issued approximately
190 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits to
placer mines in Alaska9 it has not issued any to the State's one
major surface coal mine. Were that or any future coal mine in Alaska
determined to have a point source requiring a permit,10 it is
possible that the effluent limitations imposed could vary from those
in·other states, as has occurred for certain other kinds of
dischargers.1 1
Section 208 of the FWPCA provides for areawide waste treatment
management plans to control water quality problems generated by point
and nonpoint sources.12 A 208 plan is to include a process for
identifying mine-related sources of pollution and a set of means
(including land use requirements) for controlling these sources.13
Alaska's 208 planning effort with respect to mining has been focused
on placer mines.1 ~ A report on this subject recommends m~n~ng
practices which will reduce the nonpoint sources of pollution for
mining,15 but suggests that areawide waste management might be
facilitated by including such best management practices 16 in the
effluent guideline regulations which are the basis for conditions in
permits issued for point sources.17 Both the best management
practices section of the report and its suggestion for combining them
with regulation of point sources seem to be appropriate to consider in
connection with surface coal mining in Alaska.
B. Clean Air Act
Section 107 of the Clean Air Act assigns to each state
primary responsibility for assuring air quality within the entire
geographic area comprising such state by submitting an
implementation plan for such State which will specify the manner
in which national primary and secondary ambient air quality
standards will be achieved and maintained in each air quality
control region in such State.18
The national primary and secondary air quality standards 19
applicable to surface mining are those for particulate matter.10
Surface mining may generate fugitive dust (a form of particulate), for
example from the action of wind throughout an operation or from the
effects of traffic over mine haul roads.11 The State of Alaska has
recently submitted a state implementation plan (SIP) to EPA but it
does not specify how fugitive dust emissions from existing or
potential surface coal mines would be controlled for compliance with
air quality standards.11
Three sets of amendments to the Clean Air Act, added in 1977,
could potentially limit the development of surface mining in Alaska.
One amendment provides for prevention of significant deterioration of
air quality and establishes limits on increases in particulate matter
concentrations; the limits vary depending on the classification of the
area involved.23 Most of Alaska is classified as Class II, although
some national parks and national wilderness areas are Class I.1 ~
Class I areas are also protected from impairment of visibility.25
Finally, in any .so-called non-attainment areas, i.e., areas where any
ambient air quality standard is already being exceeded,26 no new
development which would generate air pollution may occur without some
offsetting reduction in the pollutant involved.27
C. Solid Waste Management
If any wastes generated by surface coal mines are deemed
"hazardous," under regulations to be promulgated by EPA in accordance
with section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,28
then mine operators will have to comply with regulations that
establish standards governing record keeping, labeling practices, use
of containers, reporting, and the use of a manifest system for
handling of hazardous wastes.29 If mine operators either
(1) transport or (2) treat, store, or dispose of hazardous wastes they
will have to comply with standards governing these activities 30 and
obtain a permit for the activities listed in (2).
D. Coal Management
The Coal Management regulations administered by the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) constitute a framework for regulation of the location
and conditions of coal exploration and mining on federal lands.31
Among the goals of these regulations is the protection of resources of
public value from adverse effects that could occur as a result of coal
exploration and mining activities conducted on federal land.32
Under BLM's regulations coal exploration and mining is precluded
on federal lands within the following categories and systems: the
National Park System; the National Wildlife Refuge System; the
National Wilderness Preservation System; the National System of
Trails; the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (and rivers under
study for inclusion in this system); the Naval Petroleum Reserves; the
National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska; oil shale reserve areas;
National Recreation Areas; tidelands or submerged coastal lands within
the Continental Shelf adjacent or littoral to any part of land within
the jurisdiction of the United States; incorporated cities, towns, and
villages; and lands acquired by the United States for the development
of mineral deposits, by foreclosure or otherwise for resale, or
reported as surplus property pursuant to the Surplus Property Act of
1944.33 Further restrictions on the location of coal exploration
and mining may be imposed by BLM on the basis of land use planning or
environmental impact analysis, as is discussed below.
Exploration for federally-owned coal is controlled by BLM through
a licensing procedure.3 ~ Before it issues an exploration license,
BLM must assess the potential effects of the proposed exploration
activity on the natural and socioeconomic environments in which it
would occur.35 An exploration license may not be issued if the
proposed activity would result in substantial disturbance to the
natural land surface or improvements thereon,36 or would be likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered
species of fauna or flora.37 If the proposed exploration might
affect lands listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places, the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation must be provided a meaningful opportunity to comment
before an exploration license may be issued.38
Coal mining activity on federal lands is regulated by BLM
primarily through leasing procedures.39 Lands to be leased pursuant
to the competitive procedure or on application must be included in a
land use plan.~0 Lands to be leased pursuant to the noncompetitive
(preference right) procedure also must be included in a land use plan,
unless a plan including the subject land may not be completed prior to
December 1, 1984, and the anticipated delay would cause the lease
applicant to suffer substantial hardship.~1 An integral component
of BLM's land use planning process for coal lands is the application
of criteria of unsuitability for all or certain methods of coal
mining.~2 These criteria are summarized in the attachment to this
Limitations on the location of all or certain types of coal mining
activity may also be imposed by BLM on the basis of its analysis of
environmental circumstances not addressed in these unsuitability
criteria. BLM must perform a regional environmental analysis in
conjunction with the selecting, ranking, and scheduling of land tracts
for leasing under the competitive procedure, and an environmental
impact statement based on this analysis must be prepared by BLM in
accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.~3 Also, BLM
is required to analyze the environment in areas in which coal mining
is proposed pursuant to either a lease on application or a
noncompetitive lease.~~
In addition to its responsibility for controlling the occurrence
of coal exploration and mining activity on federal lands, in
accordance with the considerations outlined above, BLM is charged with
conditioning exploration and mining activity which it does authorize
on performance terms designed to protect affected natural and
socioeconomic environments.~5 Such terms may complement the
performance standards administered by the Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, in accordance with 30 CFR Chapter VII,
Subchapter D, and those administered by the Geological Survey, in
accordance with 30 CFR Part 211.~6
II. Alaska Environmental Protection Laws Relevant to Coal Resource
Development Activities
A. Introduction
Authority to control the environmental impact of coal mining and
related activity is, at the state level, distributed among several
executive agencies. Those having significant responsibilities in this
regard are: the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (which has
primary responsibility for management of the state's mineral
resources); the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (which has primary
responsibility for management of the state's fish and game resources);
and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (which has
oversight responsibility for conserving, improving, and protecting the
state's natural resources, and controlling water, land, and air
pollution). Among these, the Department of Environmental Conservation
stands alone in not having a development-oriented mission.
Coincidentally, it is that agency which operates under the most
explicit environmental protection mandate.
The following material provides an overview of the administrative
responsibilities of these agencies related to environmental
consequences from coal resource development. Each of the agencies is
discussed separately.
B. Agency Responsibilities
1. Department of Environmental Conservation
a. Introduction
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has
been constituted to regulate activities that might otherwise produce
adverse effects on the state's land, air, and water resources, and
thus diminish the health, safety, or other welfare of its
citizenry.~7 The predominate focus of ADEC's programs has been on
maintaining or promoting beneficial qualities in air and water
resources; disturbances of land are regulated largely in relation to
their effect on these media. Those programs with apparent
implications for coal mining activities are discussed below.~8
b. Water Pollution Control
ADEC's jurisdictional charge, with reference to water, is to
"prevent and abate the pollution of the waters of the state."~9 To
effectuate this, ADEC has devised a water use classification scheme,
based on protected use designations, and has promulgated water quality
criteria corresponding to the various classifications.50
The approach taken by ADEC to the task of classifying the state's
waters has been to designate all but several urban waterways as
capable of sustaining any protected use.51 A person may petition
ADEC to reclassify particular waters in the state to include or
exclude a protected use.52 In such proceedings, however, the
petitioner bears the burden of showing that an included protected use
is not being made, or that an excluded protected use is being made, of
the subject waters.53
Enforcement of the water quality criteria is accomplished by ADEC
through a wastewater disposal permitting process.5 ~ The provisions
for this authority do not include specific effluent limitations, as do
the regulations of the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency for
point-source discharges;55 however, ADEC is authorized to adopt an
NPDES permit as a state permit,56 in which case national effluent
limitations may be enforced by ADEC.57
ADEC's jurisdiction to prevent and abate the pollution of waters
of the state is not restricted to the regulation of point discharge
sources,58 as is the coverage of the NPDES permit program.
Nonetheless, the agency appears to be awaiting approval of its 208
plan before exercising authority over nonpoint sources of water
c. Air Pollution Control
ADEC is authorized to prevent, abate, and control air pollution
within the state.60 The agency's most recent air quality control
regulations became effective on May 4, 1979.61 Under these
regulations a permit may be required for the construction,
modification, or operation of coal preparation plants 62 and, apart
from this permit requirement, emissions from such facilities must
comply with standards for visibility and particulate matter.63
Although coal mines, per se, are not sources of air pollution
subject to ADEC's permit requirement, coal mining activities may be
affected by application of the ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter.6~ ADEC's new regulations provide for the
prevention of significant deterioration in designated air regions;65
thus, the ambient standard applicable to a particular activity
corresponds to the classification of the area in which it occurs.66
Also, the new regulations mandate that reasonable precautions must be
taken to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne as a result
of industrial activity.67
Certain municipalities may establish local air quality control
programs; however, these must provide for air quality control at least
as stringent as that afforded under the state program.68 ADEC is
empowered to review the adequacy of local programs and, under certain
conditions, to preempt local authority.69
d. Solid Waste Management
ADEC has promulgated regulations governing the disposal of solid
waste materials. For the most part these are directed at the handling
of materials other than those that are likely to be associated with a
coal mining operation.70 Nonetheless, the term "solid waste" has
been defined by ADEC to include overburden and wastes from mining
activity,71 and certain of the agency's disposal provisions appear
to place restrictions on the handling of these materials and to
require at least some reclamation of mine excavations.72 Local and
regional authorities may adopt solid waste management regulations the
same as or more stringent than those of ADEC.73
e. Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Control
Among ADEC's regulations governing the use of oil and other
hazardous substances 7 ~ is the requirement that a permit be obtained
prior to any discharging of "oil, asphalt, bitumen or a residuary
product of petroleum onto the lands of the state."75 This has
potential relevance to coal mining activity in the context of dust
control practices.76 Also noteworthy in this regard is a statutory
provision for strict liability for damages resulting from the release
of any hazardous substance in or upon the waters or the surface or
subsurface lands of the State.77 The legislature has defined the
term "hazardous substance" to include oil.78
f. Environmental Procedures Coordination
In addition to its administrative role in the environmental
protection programs described above, ADEC has authority to coordinate
the issuance of other agency permits for use of the state's natural
resources. This authority is granted by the Environmental Procedures
Coordination Act.79
Under this legislation a master application may be submitted to
ADEC for the issuance of all permits or other documents necessary
before a proposed project may be undertaken.80 ADEC is to forward
this application to appropriate agencies, which must respond within 15
days of their receipt thereof by indicating any requirements pertinent
to the project.81 This information is to be presented to the
applicant along with individual permit application materialp.82 The
applicant is to submit responses to ADEC for referral to interested
When a public hearing is held concerning a proposed project,
interested agencies usually must arrive at their final decisions
within 90 days of the hearing.8 ~ If no public hearing has been
held, final agency decisions usually must be rendered within 90 days
of the last published notice of the project.85 Review procedures
may be modified by ADEC to comply with federal procedural requirements
relating to permit systems administered by the state.86
Before a final permit may be issued by ADEC, the applicant must
demonstrate that it has ownership or control of any land or water
necessary for the undertaking 87 and that the project will be in
compliance with any zoning ordinances or associated comprehensive
plans administered by local governments.88 In certifying the fact
of such compliance, a local government may impose stipulations for
performance consistent with its zoning ordinances or comprehensive
An agency may not subsequently require an applicant to obtain a
permit if the agency has chosen not to participate in the procedure
outlined above, unless its decision was based on incomplete or
otherwise misleading information.90 This limitation, however,
apparently does not relieve an applicant from having to comply with
the statutes or regulations underlying the permit programs of a
nonparticipating agency.91
2. Department of Natural Resources
a. Introduction
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) has principal
responsibility for the conservation and development of the state's
natural resources (excluding fish and game in their natural
state).92 This agency's authority extends to determinations of
where and in what manner coal mining may take place on lands owned by
the state. General control over the occurrence of coal mining
activity on state-owned land may be exercised by ADNR under its land
use planning, classification, and zoning powers.93 In addition,
ADNR may place restrictions on particular coal exploration and mining
activities under permitting and leasing authority discussed below.
b. Land Use Permits
As an aid in controlling the use of the state's natural resources,
ADNR requires that permits be obtained before certain activities are
undertaken on state-owned land. Existing permit categories
potentially applicable to coal exploration and mining activities are:
special land use;9 ~ coal prospecting;95 right-of-way or
easement;96 conditional use;97 state park noncompatible use;98
miscellaneous land use;99 and water rights.100 ADNR has published
regulations specifying terms and conditions under which permits are to
be issued only for several of these categories. Those pertinent to
miscellaneous land use are discussed below.
ADNR seeks to minimize the adverse consequences of mineral
exploration activities to the environment and general public through
restrictions on such activities imposed under its miscellaneous land
use permit program.101 A miscellaneous land use permit (MLUP) must
be obtained before the undertaking of any exploration activity
involving the use of equipment, other than certain categories of light
equipment, on multiple use lands owned by the state.102
An MLUP may be granted for a term riot to exceed one year 103 and
is subject, at a minimum, to general stipulations regarding the
conduct of exploration activities.10 ~ To these may be added such
conditions as are deemed necessary, and the permittee may be required
to· furnish a personal or corporate surety bond to secure compliance
with the terms of the permit.105
c. Lease Provisions
In addition to requiring permits for various uses of state-owned
land, including those associated with coal exploration or mining
activities, ADNR may condition its lease agreement with a coal
resource developer on performance requirements in the general public
interest.106 This has been the practice of the agency in its lease
agreements with Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc.
Prior to the initiation of development work on a coal property
owned by the state, a mining plan must be submitted to the State
Geologist of the Division of Geological Survey for his approval.107
This approval may be conditioned on stipulations regarding the conduct
of development work under the plan. Following are the stipulations
concerning environmental protection which conditioned ADNR's approval
of the latest mining plan submitted by Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc:
1. Lessee shall be required to comply with reclamation
proposals outlined in subject mining plan.
2. Care shall be exercised to prevent erosion and minimize
disturbance of drainage systems.
3. Other than in the immediate mining area, care will be
used to prevent unnecessary scarring or removal of vegetative
4. All survey monuments, witness corners, reference
monuments, mining claim posts and bearing trees shall be protected
against destruction, obliteration or damage. Any damaged or
obliterated markers shall be re-established in accordance with the
accepted survey practice of the Division.
5. Every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent,
control, or suppress any fire in the operating area. Uncontrolled
fires shall be immediately reported.
6. The area will be left in a clean and natural condition.
All waste will be disposed of at an approved landfill.
7. Runoff water from the mining area into surface waters of
State [must] be controlled so as to meet State water quality
regulations. Special measures may be required to control runoff
from ice rich overburden.
8. The Department would like to have a representative
observe the status of revegetation on an annual basis.
9. Access road crossings of streams must be designed to
provide for adequate fish passage.
10. A completion report shall be submitted within 15 days of
completion of operations.108
Similar stipulations were included in the lease agreement between ADNR
and Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., executed in 1972.109
If a lessee fails to comply with the provisions of a lease, or
with the statutes and regulations in force on the date of the
execution of the lease, the agreement may be terminated.110 Prior
to the initiation of court proceedings for termination, the lessee
must be given written notice of noncompliance and must be afforded 30
days within which to correct the condi.tions of noncompliance.111
3. Department of Fish and Game
The mission of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is
to "manage, protect, maintain, and extend the fish, game and aquatic
plant resources of the state."112 Thus, ADF&G is concerned with
possible adverse impacts of coal mining and related activities on the
habitats of these resources.
An important responsibility of the agency, having implications for
coal resource development activity, is that of recommending to the
state legislature areas of the state which should be set aside as
reserves, sanctuaries, refuges, or critical habitat areas for fish and
game.113 When the legislature places an area into one of these
categories, ADF&G assumes primary responsibility for protecting its
natural attributes for the support of fish and wildlife
populations.11 ~ Access to such areas is controlled by ADF&G through
the issuance of permits.115
Another important element of ADF&G's management responsibilities
is its participation with other state agencies in their resource
management decision processes.116 For example, any proposed use or
obstruction of the waters of the state must be approved by
ADF&G.117 Also, the agency is to be consulted by the Department of
Natural Resources with regard to land use planning,118 and is to
participate in the implementation of the Alaska Coastal Zone
Management Act.119
Under a proposal that was submitted by ADF&G to the Department of
Environmental Conservation in July 1979, ADF&G would conduct a study
to identify specific water quality problems associated with coal
mining activities.120 The findings of the agency would be used as a
basis for developing "best management practice" criteria to be applied
through the state's section 208 program under the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act.121
C. Conclusion
Existing environmental protection legislation in Alaska is
sufficiently comprehensive to provide for administrative regulation of
the environmental impacts of coal exploration and development
activities that are the subject of federal regulation. However, the
regulatory framework that has developed under legislative authority in
Alaska is still in its infancy. Existing regulations are composed
primarily of general prescriptions, in contrast to the detailed
performance standards contained in federal regulations--as might be
expected in a jurisdiction in which coal development activity is not
currently heavy. Even apart from the implementation of federal
surface coal mining standards, the development of a more detailed
state regulatory program could be expected in response to increases in
coal development activity in Alaska.
III. Local Government Controls
A. General Background
Local government powers in Alaska vary in several significant
respects from those in many older states. The drafters of Alaska's
Constitution, drawing upon the experience of the rest of the nation,
devised a scheme apparently intended to give broad power to local
governments.122 Article x, section 1 of the Constitution states
that its purpose is
to provide for maximum local self-government with a m1n1mum of
local government units, and to prevent duplication of tax-levying
jurisdictions. A liberal construction shall be given to the
powers of local government units.
Article X provides the general framework for borough and city
organization that is more particularly defined in Title 29 of the
Alaska Code. Both boroughs and cities are divided into home rule and
general law jurisdictions. A home rule borough or city is a first
class borough or city that has adopted a charter 123 and, under
Article X, section 11, can "exercise all legislative powers not
prohibited by law or by charter."12 " General law local government
units include first-, second~, and third-class boroughs and first-and
second-class cities.125 These jurisdictions can exercise only those
powers conferred by legislation.126 Boroughs and cities are created
principally as the result of public desire to assume local
self-government.12 7
· Those areas of the state not included in an organized borough are
grouped into an unorganized borough over which the state legislature
exercises local government powers.128 Service districts may be
created within organized boroughs or the unorganized borough to
facilitate the delivery of special services.129
The powers.of general law boroughs and cities are not essentially
different from the powers of local government units in the rest of the
United States. Regardless of what authority may be delegated to these
jurisdictions, they are still exercising that authority in lieu of
state control as are local governments elsewhere.
The powers of home rule jurisdictions, however, are less clearly
defined. The perception of the extent of home rule powers thus
becomes as important as their actual extent. It appears that the
drafters of the Constitution intended home rule boroughs and cities to
have much greater autonomy than do other local government units in
Alaska and home rule jurisdictions in other states.130 The Alaska
Supreme Court has affirmed the breadth of the constitutional provision
granting "all legislative power" to home rule entities:
It would be incongruous to recognize the constitutional provision
stating that a home rule city "may exercise all legislative powers
not prohibited by law or by charter,"and then tb say that the
power of a home rule city is measured by a legislative act.
[Footnote omitted.]131
The court has also held, however, that there are limitations on that
[T]o say that home rule powers are intended to be broadly applied
in Alaska is not to say that they are intended to be pre-eminent *
* * The test we derive from Alaska's constitutional provisions
is one of prohibition, rather than traditional tests such as
statewide versus local concern. A municipal ordinance is not
necessarily invalid in Alaska because it is inconsistent or in
conflict with a state statute. The question rests on whether the
exercise of authority has been prohibited to municipalities. The
prohibition must be either by express terms or by implication such
as where the statute and ordinance are so substantially
irreconcilable that one cannot be given its substantive effect if
the other is to be accorded the weight of law.132
This test is more analogous to tests used to determine federal-state
relationships than to those used for state-local questions in states
other than Alaska. Its effect is to make home rule jurisdictions
considerably more independent of the state government than is usual in
other states.
B. Specific Local Government Controls That Might Affect Surface
The extent of the specific powers given to general law boroughs
and cities depends upon the class to which the particular jurisdiction
belongs. Most of these powers are not unique to Alaska and concern
issues unrelated to the regulation of surface mining, such as the
power to sue and be sued,133 to provide and control recreation
facilities,13 ~ and to regulate day care facilities.135 These
powers will not be addressed.
Local government powers unique in some respect to Alaska that
might impact on surface mining are planning and zoning, air pollution
control, and coastal zone management. Each of these powers is
discussed below.
1. Planning, Platting, and Zoning
While the power to plan and zone is not unique to Alaska's local
governments, the potential application of this power is different in
Alaska. All boroughs have the power to conduct land use planning and
zoning within their boundaries.136 First-class boroughs and home
rule and first-class cities located outside boroughs ~ required to
provide for planning and zoning, while second-class cities outside
boroughs may assume this authority.137
Each jurisdiction is required by statute to establish a planning
commission.138 One of the commission's functions is to prepare and
recommend to the borough assembly "a comprehensive plan consisting of
maps and related texts for the systematic development of the
borough."139 A comprehensive plan is to be a
compilation of policy statements, goals, standards, and maps for
guiding the physical, social, and economic development, both
private and public, of the borough.1 ~0
The assembly is to adopt a comprehensive plan based on the
commission's recommendations.1 ~1 Zoning regulations are to be
adopted to conform with and implement the comprehensive plan.1 ~2
Although several of the boroughs have general zoning ordinances,
it does not appear that any have adopted more comprehensive land use
controls. Several cities have adopted zoning ordinances independent
of areawide borough zoning. The state legislature has not exercised
its zoning and planning authority in the unorganized borough.1 ~3
2. Air Pollution Control
The Alaska air pollution control statute,1 ~~ passed in response
to the federal Clean Air Act,1 ~5 appears unique in its provision
that local governments may establish and administer their own air
pollution control programs. These programs "may establish the same or
more stringent regulations, but not less stringent regulations as the
applicable regulations specified in" the state air quality control
regulations.1 ~6 Thus, a local government may establish its own air
pollution control program and administer it, subject to the minimum
state standards, which are based on federal mandates. To date, only
Anchorage and Fairbanks have adopted such programs.
3. Coastal Zone Management
In 1972, Congress passed the Coastal zone Management Act.1 ~7
This Act is intended to facilitate the development of coastal zone
programs by the states through the provision of funds for the
development, implementation, and administration of those
programs.1 ~8 Established under the Act are several standards that
the states must meet before they can receive maximum funding for a
program.1 ~9 It is contemplated that local governments may
administer the program.150
Alaska enacted the Alaska coastal Management Act in 1977.151
Under this legislation the Alaska Coastal Policy Council was
established to oversee and coordinate the development and
administration of coastal plans within the State;152 the management
of the program has been left to local coastal resource
districts.153 The legislature authorized the development of coastal
resource service areas in the unorganized borough.15 ~
A district coastal management program must
be based upon a municipality's existing comprehensive plan or a
new comprehensive resource use plan or comprehensive statement of
needs, policies, objectives and standards governing the use of
resources within the coastal area of the district. The program
shall be consistent with the guidelines and standards adopted by
the council.155
These guidelines are quite broad.156 They require an inventory and
analysis of cultural, archaeological, and environmental resources
located in the coastal zone, of existing land and water uses, and of
existing land ownership and management responsibilities.157 The
analysis is to include a discussion of the sensitivity of these
resources to expected or anticipated changes in the coastal area.158
Once a district coastal management program is approved, "[u]ses
and activities conducted by state agencies in the coastal area must be
consistent with the applicable district program" and with any
additional standards established for state agencies.159 In
particular, state activities with respect to "[m]ining and mineral
processing in the coastal area must be regulated, designed, and
conducted so as to be compatible with the standards contained in [the
regulations], adjacent uses and activities, statewide and national
needs, and district programs."160 Under federal law, federal agency
actions in an area covered by a coastal zone plan must be, to the
maximum extent practicable, consistent with approved state management
If a coastal resource district whose plan is approved exercises
planning and zoning authority, it is to implement its own coastal
management program.162 Otherwise, the program is to be implemented
by the appropriate state agencies.163
When development is proposed for a coastal area not covered by a
coastal zone plan, local residents are to be afforded an opportunity
to develop a plan.16 ~ If this opportunity is not acted on, the
Department of Community and Regional Affairs will prepare a plan.165
Under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act an effort has been
made to prevent local interests from superseding larger state,
regional, or national interests through the requirement that state
programs provide
for a method of assuring that local land and water use regulations
within the coastal zone do not unreasonably restrict or exclude
land and water uses of regional benefit,166
and for
adequate consideration of the national interest involved in
planning for, and in the siting of, facilities (including energy
facilities in, or which significantly affect, such state's coastal
zone) which are necessary to meet requirements which are other
than local in nature.167
In order to accomplish these mandates, Alaska requires special
consideration of "uses of state concern," which are defined to include
those land and water uses which would significantly affect the
long-term public interest. These uses, subject to council definition
of their extent, include:
(A) uses of national interest, including the use of resources for
the siting of ports and major facilities which contribute to
meeting national energy needs, construction and maintenance of
navigational facilities and systems, resource development of
Federal land, and national defense and related security·facilities
that are dependent upon coastal locations;
(B) uses of more than local concern, including those land and
water uses which confer significant environmental, social,
cultural, or economic benefits or burdens beyond a single coastal
resource district; [and]
(C) the siting of major energy facilities or large-scale
industrial or commercial development activities which are
dependent on a coastal location and which, because of their
magnitude or the magnitude of their effect on the economy of the
state or the surrounding area, are reasonably likely to present
issues of more than local significance; * * * 168
On the basis of this definition it may be anticipated that
restrictions placed on coal mining and related activities by local
governments in coastal areas will have to be consistent with perceived
regional, state-wide, and national interests to receive approval at
state and federal levels. Thus the power of local governments to plan
and zone in coastal areas may be seen to be subject to significant,
practical constraints.
1 33 u.s.c. S 1344(a) (Supp. I 1977). There must be notice and an
opportunity for a public hearing on each proposed permit.
2 A defined area could be determined unacceptable because the
discharge of dredge or fill materials would have adverse effects
on municipal water supplies, shellfish beds, and fishery areas
(including breeding areas), wildlife, or recreational areas. Such
a determination must be preceded by notice and/or opportunity for
a public hearing and must be accorr.panied by the publication of
written reasons. 33 u.s.c. § 1344(c) (Supp. I 1977).
3 Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act
of 1972 requires a permit from the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers
for dumping of dredged material at an approved ocean dump site.
33 u.s.c. § 1413 (1976). See 33 CFR 324. section 102 requires a
permit from EPA for ocean dumping of other material. 33 u.s.c. S
1412 (1976).
4 33 CFR 323.2. The ultimate administrative authority to determine
the scope of the term rests with the Administrator of EPA.
5 "Wetlands" are defined as
"areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground
water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and
that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of
vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil
conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs
and similar areas." 33 CFR 323.2(c).
6 Special Public Notice issued January 12, 1979, by George R.
Robertson, District Engineer, Alaska District, Corps of Engineers,
u.s. Army. The study includes an investigation of whether
wetlands should perhaps be redefined in terms of soil or
vegetation characteristics.
7 The permit requirement covers construction of any structure in or
over any navigable water of the United States, the excavation from
or depositing of material in such waters, or the accomplishment of
any other work affecting the course, location, condition, or
capacity of such waters. 33 u.s.c. § 403 (1976). Section 9 of
the Act requires a permit for a dam or a dike in a navigable
water. 33 u.s.c. § 401 (1976).
8 33 u.s.c. § 1342(a) (1976 and Supp~ I 1977). Section 402(b)
authorizes a state to assume responsibility for issuing such
permits if EPA determines the state has met the prerequisites for
doing so. 33 u.s.c. § 1342(b) (1976 and Supp. I 1977). Alaska,
however, has not yet enacted legislation to provide the state with
the authority necessary to administer the National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program.
9 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Placer Mining and
Water Quality, November 1979, Alaska Water Quality Management
Planning Program, Non-Point Source Study Series, p. 72.
10 Only discrete conveyances of discharges are deemed to be "point
sources" that are subject to section 402 permit requirements.
"Non-point" sources of pollution are regulated under section 208
of the FWPCA, as discussed in the text at nn. 12 and 13, infra. A
mine may be both a point source and a nonpoint source. For
example, sluice boxes, reserve sumps, sedimentation ponds, and
other wastewater handling devices within a mine require an NPDES
permit. u.s. v. Earth Sciences, Inc., 599 F.2d 368, 374 (lOth
Cir. 1979).
11 See, ~, 40 FR 4582 (Jan. 30, 1975) (which amends several
subparts of 40 CFR Part 408 pertaining to canned and preserved
seafood processing point sources in Alaska); 44 FR 52207 (Sept. 7,
1979) (which exempts several Native Alaskan villages from the
requirement of applying, under section 30l(h), for modifications
of the secondary treatment requirements of the Act). EPA plans to
examine alternative methods for meeting the wastewater treatment
needs of these villages.
Effluent limitation guidelines for the Coal Mining Point
Source Category are found in 40 CFR Part 434. These represent the
degree of effluent reduction considered to be attainable by
application of the best practicable control technology currently
available in accordance with 33 u.s.c. § 1314(b) (1976 and Supp. I
1977). A guideline may be adjusted for application to a
particular facility when it is demonstrated that the factors
considered in the development of the guideline differ
fundamentally from those pertinent to the facility.
12 33 u.s.c. § 1288 (1976 and Supp. I 1977).
13 33 u.s.c. § 1288 (b), (g) (1976 and Supp. I 1977).
14 Seen. 9, supra.
15 Id., chapter 2. See~ u.s. Environmental Protection Agency,
Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution from Mining
Activities, (EPA-430/9-73-011), and National Wildlife Federation,
Setting the Course for Clean Water, pp. 51-54.
16 A "best management practice" (BMP) is "a practice or combination
of practices that is determined by a [designated 208 planning
agency] after problem assessment, examination of alternative
practices, and appropriate public participation to be the most
effective, practicable (including technological, economic and
institutional considerations) means of preventing or reducing the
amount of pollution generated by nonpoint sources to a level
compatible with water quality goals." 40 CFR 130.2(q).
17 "According to their original definition, BMP's [best management
practices] are practices applying to non-point sources of water
pollution. Whether some activities represent point or non-point
sources is a matter or disagreement. Sluice boxes are clearly
point sources. The same can be said for effluent from settling
ponds. On the other hand, hydraulic stripping of overburden has
been categorized as a non-point source of water pollution.
"As they are developed the BMP's should be used as guidelines
for field recommendations, and could later be incorporated into
effluent guideline regulations by reference for use in permit
conditions. BMP's could deal with non-point problems which could
occur during the operations or perhaps not for some time after its
[sic] termination.
"A permit issued for an operation with a point source
discharge could also incorporate erosion and sediment control,
either by site-specific management practices or BMP's in a more
general form. The information required for development and
implementation of a mining plan would be required. At present
there is no provision in NPDES for requiring such extensive
"In either of the foregoing cases it would appear simpler to
include any non-point controls into the existing point source
program rather than to establish a separate set of procedures for
BMP's." Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, supra,
n. 9, pp. 90-91.
18 42 u.s.c. § 7407 (a) (Supp. I 1977}.
19 Primary and secondary air quality standards are defined in section
109 (b):
"(1) National primary ambient air quality standards,
prescribed under subsection (a) of this section shall be ambient
air quality standards the attainment and maintenance of which in
the judgment of the Administrator, based on such criteria and
allowing an adequate margin of safety, are requisite to protect
the public health. Such primary standards may be revised in the
same manner as promulgated.
"(2) Any national secondary ambient air quality standard
prescribed under subsection (a) of this section shall specify a
level of air quality the attainment and maintenance of which in
the judgment of the Administrator, based on such criteria, is
requisite to protect the public welfare from any known or
anticipated adverse effects associated with the presence of such
air pollutant in the ambient air. Such secondary standards may be
revised in the same manner as promulgated." 42 u.s.c. § 7409(b)
( Supp. I 1977).
20 These are set forth in 40 CFR Part 50:
"§ 50.6 National primary ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter.
"The national primary ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter measured by the reference method described in
Appendix B to this part, or by an equivalent method, are:
"(a) 75 micrograms per cubic meter--annual geometric mean.
"(b) 260 micrograms per cubic meter--maximum 24-hour
concentration not to be exceeded more than once per year.
"§50.7 National secondary ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter.
"The national secondary ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter, measured by the reference method described in
Appendix B to this part, or by an equivalent method, are:
"(a) 60 micrograms per cubic meter--annual geometric mean, as
a guide to be used in assessing implementation plans to achieve
the 24-hour standard.
"(b) 150 micrograms per cubic meter--maximum 24-hour
concentration not to be exceeded more than once per year."
21 See generally PEDCO Environmental Inc., Evaluation of Fugitive
Dust Emissions From Mining (June 1976).
22 Alaska law provides for a system of permits for major sources of
air pollution, but, as is discussed in the section on state law
below, surface coal mining,operations apparently would not be
subject to this form of control.
23 42 U.S.C. §§ 7470-7479 (Supp. I 1977).
24 see 42 u.s.c. s 7472 (Supp. I 1977).
25 42 U.S.C. § 7491 (Supp. I 1977).
26 42 U.S.C. § 7501 (2) (Supp. I 1977).
27 42 u.s.c. §§ 7501-7508 (Supp. I 1977). The only current
non-attainment areas in Alaska--Anchorage, Fairbanks, and North
Pole urban areas--involve carbon monoxide, not particulate
matter. EPA extended the period for public comment on proposed
rules implementing the non-attainment and prevention of
significant deterioration provisions. 45 FR 6802 (Jan. 30, 1980).
28 42 u.s.c. § 6921 (1976).
29 42 u.s.c. § 6922 (1976).
30 42 u.s.c. § 6924 (1976).
31 The regulations are set forth in 43 CFR Group 3400. Authority for
the regulations derive from the legislative acts: the Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920, 30 u.s.c. §§ 181-287 (1976); the Mineral
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of 1947, 30 u.s.c. §§ 351-359
(1976); the Multiple Mineral Development Act of 1954, 30 u.s.c. §§
521-531 (1976); the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42
u.s.c. §§ 4321-4361 (1976); the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976, 43 u.s.c. §§ 1701-1782 (1976); the Federal Coal
Leasing Amendments Act of 1975, 90 Stat. 1083-1092; the.oepartment
of Energy Organization Act of 1977, 42 u.s.c. §§ 7101-7352 (Supp.
I 1977); the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977,
30 u.s.c. §§ 1201-1328 (Supp. I 1977); and the Act of October 30,
1978, 92 Stat. 2073-2075. 43 CFR 3400.0-3(a).
32 See 43 CFR 3400.0-4 (a).
33 See 43 CFR 3400.2 (lands subject to leasing); 43 CFR 3410.1-1
(lands subject to exploration licensing). These restrictions on
coal resource development are not indicated in the regulations to
pertain to coal mining pursuant to a license. Compare 43 CFR
Subpart 3440 (licenses to mine) with 43 CFR 3400.2 (lands subject
to leasing). Note, however, that the statutory bases for the
restrictions appear to cover mining pursuant to a license. See,
~,Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, 30 u.s.c. § 181 (1976); Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 u.s.c. § 1272
(e) (1) (Supp. I 1977).
34 43 CFR 3410.0-1.
35 43 CFR 3410.2-2. This assessment is to be coordinated with review
of the exploration plan by the Geological Survey in accordance
with 30 CFR Part 211.
36 43 CFR 3410.2-6. The term "substantial disturbance" means "any
disturbance which would cause significant and lasting degradation
to the land or injury to improvements, or any disturbance other
than that necessary to determine the nature of the overlying
strata and the depth, thickness, shape, grade, quality or
hydrologic conditions of the coal deposit." Id.
37 43 CFR 3410.2-4. If the presence of any threatened or endangered
species or its habitat is suspected or known, BLM must consult
with the Fish and Wildlife Service in accordance with 50 CFR Part
38 See 43 CFR 3410.2-3.
39 A licensing procedure may be used by BLM under the limited
circumstances of nonprofit mining of small areas to facilitate
direct, household consumption of coal. ~ 43 CFR Subpart 3440.
Land use planning and environmental analysis need not be performed
by BLM prior to its issuance of a license to mine coal; however,
the issuance of a permit by a regulatory authority acting pursuant
to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 may be a
prerequisite to BLM's issuance of a coal mining license. 43 CFR
40 43 CFR 3420.1-5 (a) (regarding competitive leasing); 43 CFR 3425.2
(regarding leasing on application).
41 43 CFR 3430.3-1 (b).
42 These criteria are based, for the most part, on the provisions of
section 522 (a), (b), and (e) of the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 u.s.c. § 1272 (a), (b), (e) (Supp. I
1977). 43 CFR 3461.0-3 (b).
43 43 CFR 3420.4-5. Note that no part of Alaska has yet been
identified as a coal production region having major federal coal
interests. See 44 FR 65196-97 (November 9, 1979). Until such
identification occurs, BLM will not initiate competitive leaving
in the state. ~ id., ~generally 43 CFR Subpart 3420.
44 43 CFR 3425.3 (regarding leasing on application)~ 43 CFR 3430.3-2
(regarding noncompetitve leasing). Such analyses may indicate to
BLM the need for environmental impact statements.
45 See 43 CFR Subpart 3465.
46 See 43 CFR 3465.2.
47 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.010-020.
48 ADEC does not administer any programs or regulations explicitly
directed at coal mining activities.
49 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.050. The term "pollution" is defined as "the
contamination o~ altering of waters, land or subsurface land of
the state in a manner which creates a nuisance or makes waters
unclean, or noxious, or impure or unfit so that they are actually
or potentially harmful or detrimental or injurious to public
health, safety or welfare, to domestic, commercial, industrial or
recreational use, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or
other aquatic life." Alaska Stat.§ 46.03.900 (15). For.a more
comprehensive analysis of ADEC's water quality control authority
and programs, ~Alaska Mineral Development Institute, Paper 11
(Rocky Mt. Min. L. Fdn., 1978).
50 18 AAC 70.020 (and accompanying notes). These crit.eria are for
the following water supply properties: (1) fecal coliform
bacteria; (2) dissolved gas; (3) pH level; (4) turbidity; (5)
temperature; (6) dissolved inorganic substances; (7) sediment; (8)
toxic and other deleterious organic and inorganic substanc.es; (9)
color; (10) petroleum hydrocarbons, oils and grease; (11)
radioactivity; (12) total residue chlorine; and (13) residues
(including floating solids, debris, sludge, foam, and scum). They
are the basis for limiting alterations of the waters of the state
that may result from uses by man.
The criteria for toxic and other deleterious organic and
inorganic substances include by reference those published qy the
·EPA in Quality Criteria for Water (July 1976). Since .its
publication of this reference source, u.s. EPA has publi~;h~d lists
of conventional and toxic pollutants pursuant .to 3.~ u!.s.c. ~§ 1314
(a) (4) and 1317 (a) (1) (Supp. I 1977). 44 FR 445QJ.,.03 (.:J:.%Y 3Q,
1979) (to be codified in 40 CFR 401.15-401.16). 8.lf?Qr .tl!~ agency
has proposed water quality criteria corresponding ~q tl!~
identified toxic pollutants as a basis for enforceable national
standards. 44 FR 15926 (Mar. 15, 1979); 44 FR 43660 (July 25,
1979); 44 FR 56628 (Oct. l, 1979).
51 18 AAC 70.050.
52 18 AAC 70.055. This is accomplished through a record rulemaking
proceeding. Certain waters are precluded from reclassification.
18 AAC 70.055(k). These are: (1) waters within areas administered
under the National Wilderness Preservation System; (2) waters
within state and national parks, national preserves and monuments,
national recreation areas, and national wildlife refugees; (3)
wild and scenic rivers established under 16 u.s.c. §§ 1271-1287
(1976); (4) marine sanctuaries established under 16 u.s.c. §§
1401-1434 (1976); (5) estuarine sanctuaries established under 16
u.s.c. §§ 1221-1226 (1976); (6) waters within critical habitat
areas established under Alaska Stat. § 16.03.251(1) or Alaska
Stat. § 16.20.010 -16.20.260; and (7) waters within Land Use
Designation (LUD) I or II areas established by the u.s. Forest
Service. Id.
53 18 AAC 70.055(a) (5),(i). ADEC's provision for reclassification
based on non-use may be incompatible with EPA regulations which
indicate that states may relax existing water quality standards as
applied to particular waters only if those standards are
unattainable. See 40 CFR 130.17(c) (3) (source of
"non-degradation" policy); letter from Roberts. Burd, Director,
Water Division, Region X, EPA, to Jonathon Scribner, ADEC Water
Programs Division Director (July 25, 1978).
54 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.03.100-110; 18 AAC 72.
55 See discussion of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, text at
n. 2.
56 Alaska Stat.§ 46.03.110(e).
57 18 AAC 70.086.
58 Alaska Stat.§§ 46.03.100(a), 46.03.710; 18 AAC 72.010.
59 Text at nn. 2-3. ADEC did not address coal mining in the "208
plan" submitted to the EPA. See Alaska Department of Environmental
Conservation, Alaska Water Quality Management Plan for Non-Point
Pollution Sources (November 1979). The agency did, however,
address the water pollution problems associated with access roads
in its timber harvest study. Id. at 18; Alaska Department of
Environmental Conservation, Forest Harvest and Water Quality
(November 1979). The best management practices identified by ADEC
and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in this context
appear suitable as a starting point for regulations concerning
coal mine access roads.
60 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.140. 18 AAC 50.110 provides: "No person may
permit any emission which is injurious to human health or welfare
animal or plant life or property, or which would unreasonably
interfere with the enjoyment of life or property." See also
Alaska Stat. §§ 46.03.020(10) (A), 46.03.140, 46.03.710.
61 The agency also recently submitted a state implementation plan
(SIP) to the EPA, under which it would assume primary
responsibility for assuring air quality in Alaska in accordance
with 42 U.S.C. § 7407 (Supp. I 1977). As of this writing the SIP
had not yet been approved.
62 18 AAC 50.300(a).
63 18 AAC 50.050(a) (4) (concerning visible emissions)J 18 AAC
50.050(b) (1) (concerning particulate matter emissions from existing
sources)J 18 AAC 50.050(c) (3),(4) (concerning particulate matter
emissions from new sources). Variances from applicable emission
control standards are authorized by the legislature if ADEC finds
that (1) the emissions occurring or proposed to occur do not
endanger human health or safety, and (2) compliance with an
applicable standard would produce severe hardship without benefits
to the public. Alaska Stat. § 46.03.170.
64 Fugitive dust, a form of particulate matter (~ 18 AAC
50.630(18)), may be generated by excavation, road building and
use, and blasting activities associated with coal mining.
65 See 18 ACC 50.020(b).
66 Three classes of air regions are designated in the regulations.
All of Alaska have been classified as a Class II area except Mt.
McKinley National Park and the Bering Seal, Simeonof, and Tuxedni
National Wildlife Refuges, which have been designated Class I. 18
AAC 50.02l(b). The regulations contain provisions for
reclassification of the Class II area. 18 AAC 50.600.
67 18 AAC 50.040(e). Alaska's regulations do not specify what may be
considered "reasonable precautions." Examples of what the EPA
considers to be such are set forth in 40 CFR 51, Appendix B, 2.2.
68 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.2101 18 AAC 50.010.
69 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.220.
70 Unless a mine excavation may be considered to be a "solid waste
disposal facility," it would appear that ADEC's permit
requirements do not pertain to mining operations. ~ 18 AAC
71 18 AAC 60.130(15).
72 ADEC's requirements for the disposal of solid waste on land
include the following:
"(3) solid waste shall be deposited in a manner to prevent
waste materials, leachate or eroded soil particles from entering
the waters of the stateJ
* * * * * *
"(5) surface water drainage from areas outside a landfill
shall not be allowed to flow over or through a landfillJ
* * * * * *
"(12) within one month after termination of a landfill, or a
major portion thereof, the area shall be covered with at least two
feet of compacted earth material, graded and finished to allow
surface water to run off without erosion; areas completed during
winter operation may recieve final cover the following
springJ * * *·" 18 AAC 60.050(3),(5), and (12).
73 18 AAC 60.010(b).
74 These regulations are set forth at 18 AAC 75.010-75.900.
75 18 AAC 75.010.
76 Among the "reasonable precautions" suggested by the EPA to prevent
particulate matter from becoming airborne is the use of oil on
dirt roads and materials stockpiles. 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix B,
77 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.822.
78 Alaska Stat. § 46.03.826 (3) (B).
79 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.03.010-46.35.210.
80 Alaska Stat.§ 46.35.030(a). As of this writing, ADEC had neither
established a master application nor published regulations
governing this review process (although information centers had
been established in Juneau and Anchorage pursuant to Alaska Stat.
§ 46.35.160). In this regard, however, note that on June 5, 1979,
Governor Hammond issued Administrative Order No. 55, which places
in the Division of Policy Development and Planning (DPDP)
responsibility for coordinating major project review analysis.
This process is to be coordinated with procedures set forth in the
Environmental Procedures Coordination Act. Under review is a
proposal for an administrative order which would establish a
clearinghouse function in DPDP to facilitate agency coordination
in areas of overlapping jurisdiction.
81 Alaska Stat.§ 46.35.030(b),(c), (e).
82 Alaska Stat. § 46.35.030(f).
83 Id.
84 Alaska Stat.§§ 46.35.060, 46.35.070(a), 46.35.100.
85 Alaska Stat.§§ 46.35.070(b), 46.35.100.
86 Alaska Stat.§ 46.35.170(b).
87 Alaska Stat. § 46.35.040. The zoning and planning powers of
Alaska's local governments are discussed, infra, at p. 24.
88 Alaska Stat. § 46.35.130.
89 Alaska Stat. § 46.35.130(a).
90 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.35.030(d), 46.35.080.
91 Alaska Stat. § 46.35.140.
92 Alaska Stat. § 44.37.020.
93 See Alaska Stat. §§ 38.04.005-38.04.910 (Policy for use and
Classification of State Land Surface); Alaska Stat.§ 38.05.037
(Zoning). Note that ADNR's zoning powers may be exercised only in
areas outside first, second, or third class boroughs where there
is no municipality with zoning powers (except that in a third
class borough covered by the coastal management program ADNR may
exercise zoning power if the municipality has not done so).
Alaska Stat. § 38.05.037.
94 A special land use permit may be required prior to the placing of
any improvement or equipment on state-owned land. The issuance of
this permit is subject to such terms and conditons as the Director
of the Division of Forest, Land, and Water Management deems to be
"in the best interests of Alaska." Department of Commerce and
Economic Development and Department of Environmental Conservation,
Directory of Permits, "Special Land Use Permit" (June 1979), at
DNR-25 (hereinafter cited as Directory of Permits);~ Alaska
Stat. § 38.05.330; 11 AAC 58.210.
95 Any person proposing to prospect for coal on state land must first
obtain a permit from the Division of Mineral and Energy
Management. Directory of Permits, at DNR-34; ~Alaska Stat. §§
3 8 • 0 5 • 0 3 5 (a) ( 4 ) , 3 8 • 0 5 .15 0 (c) ; ll AAC 8 4 • 115 •
96 A right-of-way or easement permit is required for the construction
of a road, trail, ditch, pipeline, drill site, log storage site,
telephone line or similar use or improvement on state land. Such
permits are issued by the Director of the Division of Forest,
Land, and Water r<Ianagement. Directory of Permits, at DNR-23; ~
"Alaska Stat. § 38.05.330; ll AAC 58.200.
97 A conditional use permit or variance must be granted prior to the
undertaking of any activities that may be incompatible with state
zoning requirements. Directory of Permits, at DNR-16; ll AAC
98 Anyone intending to conduct activities W'hich would require the use
of land or waters, inc~uding easements, within the boundaries of a
state park must secure a permit from the Director of the Division
of Parks before commencing the activities. Directory of Permits,
at DNR-48; ~Alaska Stat. § 41.20.040; ll AAC 18.010. A permit
may be issued if the ecology of the park will not be irreparably
damaged or imperiled; the park is protected from air pollution;
public use values are maintained and protected; the public safety,
health, and welfare is not damaged or imperiled; and the proposed
activities are not in conflict with funding purposes or the
original dedication of the park. Id.
99 See text at n. 16, and accompanying notes, for discussion of this
permit requirement.
100 Before any water of the state may be appropriated to private use,
a water rights permit must be obtained form the Director of the
Division of Forest, Land, and Water Management. Directory of
Permits, at DNR-31; ~Alaska Stat. §§ 46.15.030-46.15.185; 11
AAC 93.040. The term "water" is defined to mean "all water of the
state, surface and subsurface, occurring in a natural state,
except mineral and medicinal water." Alaska Stat.§ 46.15.260(5).
On December 29, 1979, new water management regulations became
effective in Alaska. These are published in Chapter 93 of the
Alaska Administrative Code. The regulations cover existing
rights, appropriation of water, dam safety and construction,
temporary water use, preferred water use, enforcement, and appeals
from administrative determinations.
Permits to appropriate water in Alaska are issued subject to
conditions deemed necessary to protect the public interest,
including fish and wildlife habitat and water quality. ll AAC
93.120(b). The enforcement authority of ADNR under the new
regulations includes that of issuing cessation orders to persons
found to be "causing, engaging in, or maintaining a condition or
activity that involves the use of a water resource and that
presents an imminent or present danger to health, safety or
welfare of the people of the state, or with the exception of
changes in water quality, to the resource itself." ll AAC 93.280.
The opportunity of Alaska to control uses of the water
resources of the state is limited by the reserved water rights of
the federal government. Under the Winters doctrine (from the
Supreme Court's decision in Winters v. United States, 207 u.s. 564
(1908)) reserved water rights to unappropriated water may be
implied to promote the purposes of federal land withdrawals from
the public domain. United States v. District Court for Eagle
County, 401 U.S~ 520 (1971); ~generally Alaska Department of
Natural Resources .(Water Management Section), F-ederal Lands in
Alaska and Their Reserved Water Rights: Discussions, Policies,
and a Partial Inventory (Open File Reference Report 79-1) (1979).
Under the McCarran Amendment, 43 u.s.c. §666(a) (1976), the United
States may be joined as a defendeant in suits conducted in state
court for the adjudication of water rights where it appears that
the United States is the owner of or is in the process of
acquiring water rights by appropriation under state law.
101 See 11 AAC 96.Dl0-96.150.
102 11 AAC 96.010; 11 AAC 96.130. ADNR's miscellaneous land use
permit requirement does not pertain to activities to be conducted
on state-owned land which has been reserved from multiple use
management. 11 AAC 96.130. It does pertain, without regard to
the type of equipment to be used, to activities to be conducted on
lands which have been designated as "special use lands" because of
their scenic, historic, archaeological, scientific, biological,
recreational, or other special resource values. 11 AAC 96.010(2).
103 11 AAC 96.040. The permit may be extended for any number of
consecutive periods, each period not to exceed one year.
104 Id. The general stipulations are set forth in 11 AAC 96.140:
"(1) Activities employing wheeled or tracked vehicles shall
be conducted in such a manner as to minimize surface damage.
"(2) Existing roads and trails shall be used whenever
possible. Trail widths shall be kept to the minimum necessary.
Trail surface may be cleared of timber, stumps, and snags. Due
care shall be used to avoid excessive scarring or removal of
ground vegetative cover.
"(3) All activities shall be conducted in a manner that will
minimize disturbance of drainage systems, changin~ the character,
polluting, or silting of streams# lakes# pond$, water holes,
seeps, and marshes, or disturbance of fish and wildlif-e
resources. Cuts, fills, and other activities causing any of the
above disturbances, if not repaired immediately, are subject to
such corrective action as may be r-equired by the director.
"(4) The director may prohibit the disturbance of vegetation
within 300 feet of any waters located in specially designated
areas as prescribed in sec. 10(2) of this chapter except at
designated stream crossings.
"(5) The director may prohibit the use of explosives within
one-fourth mile of designated fishery waters as prescribed in sec.
10(2) of this chapter.
"(6) Trails and campsites shall be kept clean. All garbage
and foreign debris shall be eliminated by removal, burning, or
burial, unless otherwise authorized.
"(7) All survey monuments, witness corners, reference
monuments, mining claim posts, and bearing trees shall be
protected against destruction, obliteration, or damage. Any
damaged or obliterated markers shall be re-established in
accordance with accepted survey practice of the division.
"(8) Every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent,
control, or supress [sic] any fire in the operating area.
Uncontrolled fires shall be immediately reported.
"(9) Holes, pits, and excavations shall be filled, plugged,
or repaired to the satisfaction of the director. Holes, pits, and
excavations necessary to verify discovery on prospecting sites,
mining claims, and mining leasehold locations may be left open but
shall be maintained as required by the director.
"(10) No person may engage in mineral exploratory activity
on land, the surface of which has been granted or leased by the
State of Alaska, or on land for which the state has received the
reserved interest of the-United States until good faith attempts
have been made to agree with the surface owner or lessee on
settlement for damages which may be caused by such activity. If
agreement cannot be reached, or lease [sic] or surface owner
cannot be found within a reasonable time, operations may be
commenced on the land only with specific approval of the director,
and after making adequate provision for full payment of any
damages which the owner may suffer.
"(ll) Entry on all lands under mineral permit, lease~ or
claim, by other than the holder of the permit, lease, or claim, or
his authorized representative, shall be made in a manner which
will prevent unneccessary or unreasonable interference with the
rights of the permittee, lessee, or claimant."
105 ll AAC 96.060.
106 See Alaska Stat. § 38.05.035(a) (4). ADNR is in the process of
composing new lease regulations to include, inter alia, more
comprehensive performance guidelines for environmental and public
107 11 AAC 46.010.
108 Letter from Ethel H. N~lson, Land Management Officer, to Dan
Renshaw, Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., dated January 12, 1978.
109 See letter from F. J. Keenan, Director of the Division of Lands,
to Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., dated November 6, 1972; Attachment
#8, Lease No. ADR 0565a5.
110 ll AAC 84.160.
111 Id.
112 Alaska Stat.§ 16.05.020(2); ~also Alaska Stat. § 44.39.020.
The Constitution of Alaska contains the mandate that "fish,
forests, wildlife, grasslands and all other replenishable
resources belonging to the State shall be utilized, developed and
maintained on the sustained yield principle, subject to
preferences among beneficial uses." {Emphasis supplied.) Alas.
Canst., art. 8, § 4.
113 See Alaska Stat.§§ 16.05.251{1), 16.05.255{1), § 16.20.270.
114 See generally Alaska Stat. §§ 16.05.251, 16.05.255,
115 See Directory of Permits at DF&G-36 {State Game Sanctuary Permit),
DF&G-40 {Critical Habitat Area Permit), DF&G-43 {State Game Refuge
Permit); Alaska Department of Fish and Game {Habitat Protection
Section, Office of Projects Review), State Game Refuges, Critical
Habitat Areas, and Game Sanctuaries {January 1979). The agency
has not yet published regulatory guidelines specifying the terms
under which these permits will be issued.
116 The agency is also authorized to assist the u.s. Fish and Wildlife
Service in the enforcement of federal laws and regulations
pertaining to fish and game. Alaska Stat. § 16.05.050{1).
117 The regulations of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources
"{c) In the event that the use authorized under [a
right-of-way or easement] permit is a hydraulic project, or
uses any equipment that will use, divert, obstruct, pollute
or change the natural flow or bed of any river, lake or
stream or that will utilize any of the waters of the state or
materials from any river, lake or stream bed, the applicant
shall notify the Commissioner of the Department of Fish and
Game and shall obtain his approval pridr to the commencement
of operations."
11 AAC 58.130. See generally Alaska Stat. § 38.05.020. ADF&G's
approval is similarly required prior to the issuance of a permit
to appropriate water {~Alaska Stat. §§ 46.15.040{c),
46.15.070{d), 46.15.080{3)) or to discharge wastewater {~Alaska
Stat.§ 46.03.110{c)). For a comprehensive analysis of Alaska's
Water Use Act {including discussion of the role of ADF&G in its
administration), see H. Curran and L. Dwight, Analysis of Alaska's
Water Use Act {February 1979) {published by the Institute of Water
Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska).
118 11 AAC 55.030{a); see also Alaska Stat. § 38.04.065{8).
119 Alaska Stat.§ 44.19.89l{b).
120 See document: Study Area #1, Water Quality Management and coal
Mining {funding proposal from ADF&G to ADEC).
121 Id. No action had been taken by ADEC in response to the proposal
at the time of this writing.
122 See Gerald L. Sharp, Horne Rule in Alaska: A Clash Between the
Constitution and the Court, 3 UCLA Alaska L.R. 1 {1973).
123 Alaska Stat. § 29.08.010.
124 See also id. ---------125 Alaska Stat. § 29.08.030.
126 Alaska Stat. § 29.08.020.
127 Alaska Stat. §§ 29.18.010-29.18.030.
128 Alaska Stat. §§ 29.03.010-29.03.020.
129 Alaska Stat. § 29.63.090.
130 See Sharp, supra, n.l22
131 Lien v. City of Ketchikan, 383 P.2d 721, 723 (1963).
132 Jefferson v. State, 527 P.2d 37, 43 (1974).
133 For a complete list of these general powers, see Alaska Stat. §
134 For a complete list of municipal facilities and services, ~
Alaska Stat. § 29.48.030.
135 For a complete list of these regulatory powers, ~ Alaska Stat~ §
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.070.
Alaska Stat. § 29.43.040.
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.080.
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.080 (b) (1).
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.085(a).
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.085 (b).
Alaska Stat. § 29.33.090 (a).
See Department of Commerce and Economic Development and Department
of Environmental Conservation, Directory of Permits, "Local
Permitting," June 1979.
144 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.03.140-46.03.230.
145 See 42 u.s.c. §§ 1857 (3), 1857a(a) (1976). The federal Clean Air
Act is discussed, supra, at pages 4-5.
146 18 AAC 50.010; see Alaska Stat. § 46.03.210. State air quality
control law is discussed, supra, at pages 11-12.
147 16 u.s.c. §§ 1451-1464 (1976) •.
148 16 u.s.c. §§ 1454, 1455 (1976).
149 16 u.s.c. § 1455 (1976).
150 16 u.s.c. ,§ 1455 (f) (1976).
151 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.40.010-46.40.210.
152 Alaska Stat. §§ 44.19.891-44.19.894. To date only four coastal
plans have been submitted for state approval. The 1980 state
legislature approved the submissions of the municipality of
Anchorage, the Haines Borough, and the Annette Islands Reserve;
these plans were forwarded to the U.S. Department of Commerce for
review and approval. A plan submitted by the North Slope Borough
has been withdrawn for further local consideration.
153 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.40.010, 46.40.030.
154 Alaska Stat. §§ 46.40.110-46.40.180.
155 Alaska Stat. § 46.40.030. This coordination is a theme of the
federal statute. See 16 u.s.c. § 1451 (h) (1976).
156 See 6 AAC Chapter 85.
157 6 AAC 85.050-85.060.
158 6 AAC 85.060.
159 6 AAC 80.010(b).
160 6 AAC 80.110(a).
161 16 u.s.c. § 1456(c) (1976).
162 Alaska Stat.§ 46.40.090(b).
163 Alaska Stat. § 46.40.090(a).
164 Alaska Stat. § 46.40.160.
165 Alaska Stat. § 46.40.170.
166 16 u.s.c. § 1455 (e) (2) (1976).
167 16 u.s.c. s 1455 (c1 (8) (1976).
168 Alaska Stat. S 46.40.210(6).
Attachment: Criteria of Federal Land Unsuitability for All or Certain
Types of Surface Coal Mining Activity
1. (a) Lands within the
following systems or
categories: National Park
System; National Wildlife
Refuge System; National System
of Trails; National Wilderness
Preservation System; National
Wild and Scenic Rivers System;
National Recreation Areas;
lands acquired with money
derived from the Land and
Water Conservation FUnd;
National Forests; and Federal
lands within incorporated
cities, to~~s, and villages.
(b) Lands recommended for
inclusion in any of the above
systems or categories in a
legislative proposal by the
(c) Lands required by stat-
ute to be studied for inclu-
sion in the above systems or
1. (a) Lands within National
Forests where underground coal
mining will not interfere with
protected surface resources.
(b) Lands within National
Forests west of the lOOth
Meridian* for mining activity
in compliance with the
Multiple-Use Sustained Yield
Act of 1960, the Federal Coal
Leasing Amendments Act of
1976, and the Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Act of
* No surface coal mining may
occur within the Custer
National Fo·rest.
L (a) Lands subject to valid
existing rights.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands within study
areas where substantial legal
and financial commitments
towards mining were made prior
to January 4f 1977.
(d) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
2. Lands that are within
rights-of-way or easements or
within surface leases for pub-
lic purposes or agricultural
crop production.
3. Lands affected by sec-
tion 522(e)(4) and (5) of the
Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977,
including lands within
100 feet of the outside line
of the right-of-way of a pub-
lic road, or within 100 feet
of a cemetary, or within
300 feet of any public build-
ing, school, church, communityf
institutional building or
public park, or within 300
feet of an occupied dwelling.
2. (a) Lands where coal mining
could be conducted that would
not interfere with the purpose
of the right-of-way or
(b) Lands where coal mining
would occur within an unused
right-of-way or easement.
(c) Lands with respect to
which the parties involved in
the right-of-way or easement
agree in writing to coal
(d) Lands where it would be
impractical to exclude coal
mining from the area of a
right-of-way or easement, sub-
ject to appropriate stipulations.
3. (a) Lands used for mine
access roads or haulage roads
that join the right-of-way
for a public road.
(b) Lands with respect to
which the Office of Surface
Mining has issued a permit to
have a public road relocated.
(c) Lands where the owners
of affected buildings agree,
in writing, to coal mining
within 300 feet thereof.
2. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
3. (a) Lands subject to valid
existing rights.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
4. Lands designated as wil-
derness study areas while
under review by the Adminis-
tration and the Congress for
~ossible wilderness designa-
tion, unless mining is author-
ized under the Wilderness Act
and the Federal Land Policy
and Management Act of 1976.
5. Lands designated pursuant
to visual resource management
analysis as Class I, but not
currently on the National
Register of Natural Landmarks.
6. Lands under permit by the
surface management agency for
scientific studies involving
food or fiber production, nat-
ural resources, or technology
demonstrations and
5. Lands with respect to
which it is determined that
coal mining would not
adversely affect the scenic
6. (a) Lands where coal
mining could be conducted in
such a way as to not
jeopardize the study,
demonstration or experiment.
(b) Lands with respect to
which the principal scientific
user or agency gives written
approval for coal mining.
4. (a) Lands for which BLM
is the surface management
agency, when subject to valid
existing rights.
(b) Lands in designated
wilderness areas in National
Forests, when subject to valid
existing rights.
5. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
6. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
t-' w
7. Lands which are included
in or eligible for inclusion
in the National Register of
Historic Places, and a suit-
able buffer zone around such
8. Lands designated as nat-
ural areas or as National Nat-
ural Landmarks.
7. Lands for which it is
determined by the surface man-
agement agency, after consul-
tation with the Advisory
Council on Historic
Preservation and the State
Historic Preservation Office,
that coal mining would not
result in significant adverse
8. (a) Lands determined by the
surface management agency,
with the concurrence of the
state, to be of only regional
or local significance.
(b) Lands on which coal
mining would result in no
significant adverse impact.
(c) Lands on which coal
mining under appropriate
stipulations would enhance
information recovery.
7. (a) Lands subject to valid
existing rights.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands constituting a
buffer zone or eligible for
inclusion in the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places with
respect to which substantial
financial and legal commit-
ments towards mining were made
prior to January 4, 1977.
(d) Lands constituting a
buffer zone or eligible for
inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
which include operations for
which a permit has been
8. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
w ......
9. Lands designated as
critical habitat for threat-
ened or endangered plant and
animal species and habitat for
threatened or endangered
species determined by the Fish
and Wildlife Service and the
surface management agency, on
the basis of scientific docu-
mentation, to be of essential
value for the protection of
the species.
10. Lands providing habitat
determined to be critical or
essential for plant or animal
species listed as endangered
under state law.
11. Lands on which an active
bald or golden eagle nest is
located and the buffer zone
around the nest determined by
the surface management agency,
after consultation with the
Fish and Wildlife Service, to
be necessary for protection of
the nest and prey species.
9. Lands with respect to
which a determination has been
made by the surface management
agency, after consultation
with the Fish and Wildlife
Service, that coal mining
would not be likely to
jeopardize the continued
existence of the endangered
species or its habitat.
10. Lands with respect to
which it is determined by the
surface management agency,
after consultation with the
state, that the species would
not be adversely affected
by coal mining.
11. (a) Lands on which coal
mining may be conditioned to
avoid disturbance of eagles
during breeding seasons.
(b) Lands on which a nest
is located that, as determined
by the surface management
agency and the Fish and
Wildlife Service, could be
10. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
12. Lands used by bald or
golden eagles for roosting or
concentration during migration
and wintering.
13. Lands on which a falcon
(excluding a kestrel) nest is
located and the buffer zone
around the nest determined by
the surface management agency,
after consultation with the
Fish and Wildlife Service, to
be necessary for protection of
the nest and prey species.
14. Lands which provide high
priority habitat for migratory
bird species determined
jointly by the surface manage-
ment agency and the Fish and
Wildlife Service to be of high
Federal interest on a regional
or national basis.
15.· Lands which are deter-
mined jointly by the surface
management agency and the
state to be essential habitat
for fish and wildlife species
of high interest to the state.
12. Lands with respect to
which the surface management
agency determines that coal
mining would not adversely
affect eagles.
13. Lands with respect to
which the surface management
agency determines that coal
mining would not adversely
affect falcons.
14. Lands with respect to
which it is determined by the
surface management agency,
after consultation with the
Fish and Wildlife Service,
that coal mining would not
adversely affect the migratory
bird habitat during periods of
use by the bird species of
15. Lands with respect to
which it is determined by the
surface management agency,
after consultation with the
state, that coal mining would
not have a significant
long-term impact on the
species to be protected.
15. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
'::;;' ,_,
16. Lands in riverine,
coastal, or floodplane areas
(with a 100-year recurrence
17. Lands which have been
committed by the surface man-
agement agency to use as muni-
cipal watersheds.
18. Lands which include
National Resource Waters, as
identified by states in their
water quality management
plans, and a buffer zone 1/4
mile from the outer edge of
th~ far.' banks of such waters.
16. Lands with respect to
which it is determined by the
surface management authority,
after consu:ltad:on with the
Geological Survey, that eoal
mining could be conduct.ed
without substantial threat of
loss to people or property.
17. (a) Lands with respect to
which it is determined by the
surface management agency, on
the basis of studies, that
coal mining would not
adversely affect thewatershed
to any significant degree.
(b) Lands with respect to
which the responsible local
governmental unit agrees, in
writing, to coal mining.
18. Land that constitutes all
or part of the buffer zone,
when it is determined by the
surface management agency that
such land is not necessary to
protect the National Resource
17. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands oh which surface
coaF mining operations were
being conducted on August3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for. which a permit
has been issued.
18. (a) Lands with respect to
·which sub:s.tan:tial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, ·1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
~pal mining operations were
.being :conducte.d' on August '3,
r;(c;:). ~ands which inclUde
opera/tions for which a permit
has been issued.
19. Lands which constitute
alluvial valley floors, as
identified by the surface man-
agement agency after consulta-
tion with the state in which
they are located, where coal
mining would interrupt, dis-
continue, or preclude farming.
20. Lands to which is appli-
cable a criterion of unsuit-
ability proposed by a state
and adopted through rulemaking
by the Secretary of the Interior.
Explanatory Notes:
20. (a) Lands with respect to
which a criterion is adopted
by the Secretary less than
6 months prior to the publica-
tion of the draft land use
plan or analysis pertinent to
those lands.
(b) Lands with respect to
which the surface management
authority determines, after
consultationwith the state,
that coal mining would not
adversely affect the value
to be protected by application
of the criterion.
19. (a) Lands on which are
located surface coal mining
operations which produced coal
in CO'!Mlercial quantities in
the year preceding August 3,
(b) Lands on which are
located surface coal mining
operations for which a permit
was ~btained prior to
August 3, 1977.
20. (a) Lands with respect to
which substantial legal and
financial commitments towards
mining were made prior to
January 4, 1977.
(b) Lands on which surface
coal mining operations were
being conducted on August 3,
(c) Lands which include
operations for which a permit
has been issued.
(1) As used in the table, the term "coal mining" means "all or certain methods of coal mining."
(2) Federal lands that would be mined by underground methods are not to be assessed as
unsuitable if there would be no surface impacts from mining in a protected area. See 43 CFR 3461.2.
Abandoned lands: Surface-mined areas where spoil piles, water
pollution, and other evidence of past mining disturbances still
remain, but where there is no longer legal recourse through which
land reclamation by the original operator can be enforced. Also
referred to as orphan lands.
Acid mine drainage: Mine waters that have become acid as a result of
oxidation of mineral materials, commonly pyrite and other
sulfides, and that drain or flow from areas affected by mining.
Acid drainage may also result from the percolation of water
through mine waste piles containing sulfides and other mineral
Active layer: The layer of earth materials overlying permafrost and
that is subject to annual thawing and freezing. Thickness of this
layer ranges from a few inches in parts of the Arctic to several
feet in the Interior Region of Alaska.
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA): Passed in 1972, the Act
abolishes all Natives' claims to lands and hunting and fishing
rights based upon original title or use. In compensation, A~SA
gave Alaskan Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos $962.5 million and the
right to select 44 million acres of Federal lands in the State.
Section 17 (d) (2) of the Act directed the Secretary of the
Interior to withdraw up to 80 million acres of land for possible
inclusion in the national park, forest, wildlife refuge, and wild
and scenic rivers systems.
Alaska Statehood Act: The Alaska Statehood Act of 1958 provided for
the selection of Federal lands by the State and granting of such
lands to the State. The Act authorized the State to select
103,550,000 acres within a 25-year period. It also confirmed
previous grants to the Territory of Alaska, and extension of the
Submerged Land Act of 1953 gave Alaska title to about 40 million
acres of submerged lands under the territorial seas and inland
navigable waters.
Alpine tundra: (See Tundra).
Anadromous fish: Fish that migrate from ocean waters up fresh-w(!t~r,
streams for spawning.
Aquifer: A layer of permeable rock or sand and gravel, generally'
confined above and below by impervious materials, and through ·
which water can flow. Aquifers are commonly .the' source' a.f g~oupd
water that is available through wells drilled intp ,tl\~ p~Jne.~f;>l~.
Arctic: The region generally within the Arctic·Circle. In Alaska the
Arctic is commonly equated with the North Slope, the region north
of the crest of the Brooks Range. Climatically the Arctic
includes those regions where the mean temperature of the coldest
month is below 0°C (32°F) and that of the warmest month below l0°C
(50°F). The term is also used in a broad sense to mean the
general characteristics of the region, not only those of climate,
but also vegetation, animal life, hydrology, ground conditions,
and related features.
Asexual reproduction: Reproduction without the union of male and
female germ cells. Common in many species of plants, including
many of those found in the Arctic Region. New plants commonly
develop directly from stems, shoots, or roots.
Aufeis: A sheet of ice formed in cold regions where watef from
frozen-over streams or ground water under hydrostatic pressure has
been forced to the surface where it floods out and freezes.
Successive floodings may result in multiple sheets of ice within
any one ice mass.
Backfill: Any materials used to fill open pits, stapes, or other void
spaces developed during the course of mining or construction
activities. Commonly waste rock from underground mining or
overburden stripped from the surface in open-pit mining operations.
Base flow: The sustained flow of water in rivers and streams
resulting primarily from ground-water seepage into the water
Beaded stream: A feature of permafrost areas in which pools of
water, commonly up to 30 feet across, resulting from the melting
of ice wedges, are connected by short, vegetated drainage
channels. In aerial view, the pattern resembles beads on a string.
Biomass: The total mass or amount of living organisms, especially
plants, in a given area or space. Commonly referenced by weight
or volume.
Borough: An areawide unit of local government whose boundaries
conform generally to the natural geography. Three classes of
boroughs exist. First and second-class boroughs have the power of
land-use planning, platting, and zoning, tax assessment and
collection, and education. Third class boroughs exercise the
power of education as well as tax assessment and collection.
Clean Water Act: (See Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as
Coal seam: For purposes of this report a layer or bed of coal usually
of significant thickness, 2 1/2 feet or more.
Coal basin: A major structural basin containing one or more coal
fields. May be several thousand square miles in extent (e.g., the
North Slope basin). The geologic structure may be fairly simple
or may be complicated by intrabasin folding and faulting of
coal-bearing strata.
Coal field: A geologic unit of known but limited geographic extent,
underlain by coal-bearing strata. May encompass an area of a few
~ens to several hundred square miles.
Coal occurrence: A coal bed whose location has been reported but
about which little or no information on thickness, grade, extent,
tonnage, or other characteristics is known.
Conterminous United States: A geographic term used to refer to the 48
contiguous states. Also often referred to as the "lower 48" from
the viewpoint of Alaska.
Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI): One of the 12 Native regional
profit-making corporations formed to implement the Alaska Native
Claims Settlement Act.
Disturbance: Any deviation from normal physical and biological
conditions of the environment. The cause may be natural and the
disturbance manifested by landslides, excessive erosion, or
similar pheonmena, or the cause may be man-made and the
disturbance evidenced by mine pits, disruption of tundra
vegetation by tracked vehicles, spoil piles, and related
Ecosystem: A system or community of living plants and animals and
their relation to each other as well as to the physical and
chemical characteristics of the environment.
Environmental impact: Any change in the normal physical, biological,
social, or economic makeup of the environment or its inhabitants
brought on as a result of man's activities. If the impacts
generate unwanted or undesirable conditions, such as mine waste
piles, water pollution, or job loss, they are said to be
negative. If the impacts result in desirable consequences, such
as the creation of jobs, recreational environments, or favorable
ground conditions for construction or agriculture, they are said
to be positive.
Environmental impact statement: A written statement of the impacts of
proposed major Federal actions that significantly affect the
quality of the human environment. Required of all Federal
agencies under Section 102(2) (C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969. The term is also applied to similar
statements required under State and local law.
Excess ice: In permafrost terrain, that volume of ice which, after
melting, cannot fit into the soil voids. Commonly manifested as
lenses, wedges, or other large masses of ice.
Exploration: Development of information on mineralized areas by
examination and mapping of surface outcrops, geophysical surveys,
core drilling and analysis of material recovered, trenching, and,
in some instances, mining for large bulk samples, Programs are
usually in stages, each successive stage depending on the results
obtained from the previous one.
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (1976): Section 603 of the Ac.t
requires that all public lands managed by the Bureau of Land
Management be inventoried and studied for their wilderness
potential by 1991. Under this provision some of the remaining
public lands in Alaska may be added to the National Wilderness
Preservation System. Wilderness review of Alaska's public lands
will be deferred until after completion of the Native land
conveyances and Congressional consideration of national interest
land proposals called for in Section 17 (d) (2) of the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (1972): This Act
established a complex program to clean up the Nation's waterways.
It sought to place individualized technological requirements on
all polluters in order to eliminate the discharge of pollutants
into the navigable waters by 1985 (33 u.s.c. § 125l(a) (1)), and to
provide for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and
wildlife, as well as for the protection of recreational values by
July 1, 1983 (33 u.s.c. § 125l(a) (2)). The u.s. Environmental
Protection Agency and u.s. Army Corps of Engineers are responsible
for enforcing and implementing the Act. State cooperation and
planning is also an essential component of the total effort.
Because many of the water quality deadlines had not been met in
1977, Congress passed the Clean water Act, which significantly
amended the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The amended law
places increased importance on the control of toxic effluents.
Forest land: Land on which the native vegetation (either the existing
or the potential natural vegetation) is forest.
Geothermal gradient: The rate at which temperature increases with
depth in the earth. It depends on the rate of heat loss from the
earth and on the thermal characteristics of the materials in which
the measurement is made. In permafrost zones the geothermal
gradient is of importance in estimating the thickness of the
perennially frozen ground and interpreting past climatic history.
Glacial flour: Finely ground rock material formed when rocks frozen
into the basal ice of a glacier abrade the underlying bedrock.
This pulverizing action produces particles of silt and clay size
that impart a milky appearance to the water of glacier-fed streams.
Ground ice: In permafrost regions, any ice within the ground. The
ice may be present in minute crystals and form cementing material
for sands, gravels, and related materials; or it may occur as
separate lenses, layers, or wedges that may be several inches
thick and several feet long.
Habitat: The natural environment in which a plant grows or in which
an animal lives. The term is commonly used in a geographic sense
as well as a biological sense.
Highwall: In surface coal mining, the face of the exposed overburden
and coal in an open cut or pit. The highwall side of the pit is
moved back progressively as mining proceeds and additional strips
of coal are uncovered. The term is also used for the face made
for entry to underground mines.
Hydrology: The study of all aspects of continental water from the
time of precipitation to the return of water to the atmosphere or
to the oceans. The study involves the distribution, circulation,
and properties of water, including ice. This latter element is an
important part of the hydrologic regime of Alaska.
Hydrologic balance: The normal relationships between quality and
quantity of inflow, outflow, and storage of water in aquifer,
urainage basin, soil zone, lake, or other hydrologic unit.
Ice wedge: A wedge-shaped mass of ice, commonly foliated, formed in
permafrost terrains. The wedge is usually vertical or nearly so,
having its greatest width near the surface and tapering downward.
May be a few inches to several feet wide at the top and 30 feet or
more deep. Formed where fissures develop in the permafrost as a
result of winter thermal contraction, leaving open spaces that
fill with water in the spring.
Icing: (See Aufeis)
Impact: (See Environmental impact)
Infrastructure: The basic installations and facilities that support
the existence and growth of a community, county, State, .or other
area of human habitation. Especially included are roads,
railroads, and other transportation facilities, communication
systems, power plants, schools, and related public service
Interburden: The waste material separating one coal bed of minable
thickness from the next coal bed of minable thickness. Generally
consists of shales, clays, sandstones, and similar rock materials,
but may include stringers of coal toQ thin to be economically
recovered. Also called parting m~~erial.
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska: A
commission established by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
(ANCSA) to undertake a process of land-use planning, to assemble
information, and to advise both Federal and Alaska state
governments and others on land settlements and issues under
ANCSA. The Commission, which existed from 1972 to 1979, was
composed of five members representing the United States, and five
members representing the State of Alaska. It was co-chaired by an
appointee of the President of the United States and an appointee
of the Governor of Alaska.
Mass wasting: A geologic process by which the landscape is worn away
by the downslope movement of soil and rock materials in response
to gravitational forces. Downhill movement may be very slow; as
in solifluction lobes, or it may be rapid, as .in landslides. The
process is dominant or common in Arctic regions, where
water-saturated soils occur over frozen ground.
Muck: A general term for saturated fine-grained soils having a high
percentage of well-decomposed organic matter. Also used in
reference to the overburden covering the frozen, gold-bearing
gravels of interior Alaska and as a general term for waste rock in
underground mining.
Mudflow: A mass of fine-grained materials that flows in response to
gravity. Water may make up 50 percent or more of the content of
the mudflow and may be instrumental in triggering the actual
movement of materials. In permafrost areas, the increasing amount
of water resulting from thawing can readily result in the flow of
surface materials.
Native: An Alaskan who is by blood relation one-fourth degree or more
Aleut, Eskimo, or Indian, or any combination of the three. This
includes a person whose adoptive parents may not be Natives, as
well as a person who is recognized as a Native by the Native
village of which he claims to be a member or whose father or
mother is or has been a member. such a person is qualified for
enrollment in a Native Regional Corporation under the Alaskan
Native Claims Settlement Act.
Native Corporation: The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act requires
the organization under Alaska corporation law of a profit-making
Native Regional Corporation for each region. The Act further
requires the organization of a Village Corporation for each
village recognized by the Act. Although the option of
incorporation as non-profit-making corporations existed, all
villages chose to incorporate as profit-making corporations.
North Slope: That area of Arctic Alaska north of the crest of the
Brooks Range. Usually understood to include the foothills area
and the Arctic coastal plain.
Overburden: The consolidated or unconsoildated material that overlies
a coal deposit. Typically consists of shales, sandstones, clays,
and other rock materials, including beds or stringers of coal too
thin to be recovered economically.
Particulate: Any extremely small particle of matter that may become
airborne as a result of mining (blowing dust particles),
utilization (particle emission from coal-fired power plants), or
other mechanism. The quantity of particulate material may reach
levels sufficiently high to pollute th~ air. The term is
sometimes used in refer'ence to particles in water but the normal
association is with air.
Permafrost: Also called perennially frozen ground. Any soil,
surficial, or bedrock material in which a temperature of 0°C
(32°F) or lower has been maintained for a period of at least 2
years. The definition is based solely on temperature. Ice is
commonly present, but is need not be. Any moisture-free materials
or materials with salty water are also classed as permafrost if
temperatures of 0°C (32°F) or less are maintained.
Continuous permafrost zone: Region in which the landscape is
underlain continuously by frozen ground, with the exception of
deep lakes and major river channels.
Discountinous permafrost zone: Region in which the landscape is
underlain by perennially frozen and unfrozen ground masses.
Permafrost table: The upper boundary of permafrost. It may be very
shallow (e.g., ten inches below the surface) or it may be fairly
deep (e.g., several feet depending on local climatic conditions
and amount of moisture in the ground).
Pingo: An ice-cored mound or hill of soil formed when ground water
under hydrostatic pressure freezes. Pingos may be as much as 200
feet high and as much as 2000 feet in diameter.
Pollution: Any contamination of water, air, soil, or other medium
generally affecting the quality of life. Pollution may be the
result of natural causes (e.g., high sediment loads in stieams fed
by glacial meltwater) or the product of man's activities (e.g.,
dumping of effluents into watercourses).
Polygon: A general manifestation of freezing action in which
the ground is divided into areas that are dominantly polygonal in
shape. Polygons are commonly separated from each other by ice
wedges that extend downward for several feet. Polygons may be as
much as 30 to 300 feet across and extend over large areas of the
Rangeland: Land on which the existing native vegetation (or the
potential vegetation) is predominantly grasses, grasslike plants,
forbs, or shrubs suitable for grazing or browsing. Includes lands
revegetated naturally or artificially to provide a forage cover
that is managed like native vegetation. Rangelands include
natural grasslands, savannas, shrublands, most deserts, tundra,
alpine communities, coastal marshes, and wet meadows.
Reclamation: The process of returning land disturbed by mining and
related activities to a condition capable of supporting uses equal
or superior to those before mining, construction, or other
activities were undertaken, and of preventing or mitigating
certain effects on the environment during the life of an operation.
Revegetation: The process of initiating and promoting the growth of
new vegetation in disturbed areas. Normally, native species are
reintroduced to the disturbed areas, but under some circumstances
non-native species may be more useful in the initial stages of
Restoration: The rebuilding or reshaping of the topography in areas
disturbed by mining so as to reestablish the original conditions
of the site. Complete restoration is rarely, if ever, possible.
Runoff: Water drainage from the land into surface streams. May come
directly into streams from rains or snowmelt and resulting
overland flow, or indirectly from ground-water via seepage into
stream channels.
Sedimentation ponds: Artificial structures designed to prevent ,
downstream pollution by trapping and removing sediment from waters
that drain from surface mining operations. Also called settling
Seismic risk: Potential damage that may result from an earthquake.
The probabilities of damage from earthquakes of differing severity
have been determined in a general way for most areas of the United
States and have been plotted on "seismic risk" maps.
Site-specific: Refers to those environmental, socioeconomic, and
jurisdictional conditions in a specific, local area that may
affect a proposed activity such as the development of a mine pit
or construction of a power plant.
Shear-strength: The internal resistance of a body of material to
shear stress. Of particular importance to the stability of slopes
in permafrost areas where shear-strength of materials is decreased
when thawing takes place.
Skin flow: The rapid, downhill movement of a thin layer of soil
material and vegetation sliding as a generally coherent mass over
froz~n ground or other materials, such as clays, where a
lubricating interface exists.
Slope stability: The tendency for material in a given slope to remain
intact or to migrate under specified conditions of water content,
grain size, and other physical factors. Slope materials remain
stable unless the internal shear-strength of those materials is
exceeded by gravitational forces, in which case slumping, sliding,
or flowing result. In permafrost areas the internal
shear-strength of materials is notably decreased when thawing
takes place, and slope stability can be a problem.
Solifluction: The slow, downslope flow of water-saturated masses of
soil and other earth materials under the influence of gravity.
Commonly occurs in regions of cold climate where frozen ground
hinders the downward movement of water. such water may come from
snowmelt, rain, or from the thawing of frozen ground.
Spoil: waste material removed in surface mining of coal. Includes
subsoil material, shales, sandstones, clays, and other rock
materials as well as stringers of coal too thin to be mined
economically. These materials originally occur above the coal
(overburden) or between minable coal seams (interburden or parting
Spring breakup: That time of spring when river ice breaks apart and
begins to move downstream as temperatures rise and riverflow
increases. Also refers to snownmelt on the land--the melting of
the winter snow cover.
Standard: A basic level of quantity, quality, content, value, or
other attribute established as a level or limit against which
man's performance in a specified activity can be measured. For
example, in surface coal mining, a standard of water quality may
be set so as to preclude discharge of a noxious element beyond
specified tolerances into nearby streams.
Subarctic: That area in Alaska generally south of the regional tree
line and including the central and southern parts of the State
(Interior and Southcentral Regions). Also the climate which
characterizes those areas.
Subsistence economy: An economy in which inhabitants essentially live
off the natural products of the land, rivers, or sea, and in which
barter plays an essential role.
Surface mining: Any mining operation in which the coal, metallic ore,
or other valuable materials are recovered in an open-pit type of
operation where one or more types of earth-moving equipment, some
of which are very large, remove overburden to expose the desired
materials. The type of equipment used depends on terrain
configuration and depths to which mining is to be carried out.
The term strip mining is applied to operations where waste
materials are removed from the underlying coal along successive
parallel mine cuts or strips of ground.
Surface water: Generally used in the context of fresh water in lakes,
ponds, streams, and rivers. Technically includes ice. In a broad
sense, it means all water on the earth's surface whether on land
or in the oceans.
Talik: An area of unfrozen ground within permafrost or in the area
between the top of the permafrost and the base of the winter
frozen part of the active layer.
Thaw lake: A body of water that initially collects in a depression
formed when permafrost thaws and ground subsidence occurs.
Additional thawing around the margin or at the lake bottom results
in further growth of the lake.
Thermal erosion: Thawing and removal of frozen sediment and ice by
flowing water.
Thermokarst: A landscape feature of permafrost areas marked by an
uneven land surface in which differential subsidence as a result
of thawing of ice masses has left a series of closed depressions
and intervening mounds of surface materials.
Topsoil: The upper horizon (the A horizon) in the soil profile;
generally the most fertile soil. The thickness of this fertile
zone is substantial in many areas, but in Alaska, particularly in
permafrost areas, it is commonly very thin and nutrient-deficient.
Tundra: A generally treeless plain, common to permafrost areas of the
Arctic where environmental conditions preclude the development of
trees. The term is often used to connote the prevailing type of
vegetation. Tundra is also used in a broad sense to signify the
climatic environment of tundra regions.
Wet tundra: Poorly drained, flat, low-lying terrain that features
rhizomatous (creeping) sedges and grasses, as well as some lichens
and mosses.
Moist tundra: Better-drained ground in foothill areas, covered by
tussock or bunch-type grasses and sedges, together with lesser
cover of mosses and lichens.
Alpine tundra: Vegetation at high elevations where soils are thin
or where barren rock surfaces prevail, and lichens and mosses are
the principal plant components.
Tussocks: A dense mass of grasses or sedges that form conspicuous,
low hummocks in the tundra and muskeg.
Underclay: Layer of clay immediately underlying a coal bed.
Underground mining: Any mining operation where coal, metallic ore, or
other valuable materials are extracted and removed through
vertical or inclined shafts, adits into the hillside, horizontal
passageways, or some combination of these openings. Methods of
underground mining vary widely according to the geologic
structure, depth and thickness of material to be recovered, type
of rock enclosing the material to be mined, scale of mining
operations, and related factors.
Unsuitable lands: A term used in The Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act of 1977 to indicate areas designated for uses
other than surface coal mining, based on certain criteria that are
evaluated by an orderly and objective process. The only mandatory
basis for such a designation is a finding that reclamation of an
area is not technologically and economically feasible under the
provisions of the Act.
Vascular plants: Plants composed of leaves, stems, and roots, which
have special conducting cells (vessels) that convey water and
nutrients to various parts of the plant.
Vegetative reproduction: (See Asexual reproduction)
waste: (See Spoil)
Water quality: The chemical, physical, and biological nature of water
in terms of some established standard.
Wetlands: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground
water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a
predominance of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated
soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes,
bogs, and similar areas.
Wilderness area: Area set aside by government decree and restricted
in use in order to protect and preserve the natural environment
for scientific, recreational, or other similar purposes.
Wildlife: Collectively, the wild animals and birds that inhabit a
given geographic area.
Wildlife habitat: (See Habitat).