HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3241Researched by: LAND STATUS REPORT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CIRl LANDS VILLAGE RECONVEYANCE$ PART I Bruce R. Bedard, Native Inspector Alaska Power Authority December 7, 1982 ' ~,: . k l :I ru.•. .J . 1.1~ ' ' ' . ·~ j ;,-, ' ~ '. ··" ··.'I' . f:. • j \ LIBRARY COP..Y Researched by: LAND STATUS REPORT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CIR1 LANDS VILLAGE RECONVEYANCES PART I PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power AuthoritY, 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501' Bruce R. Bedard. Native Inspector Alaska Power_A4thority December 7, 1982 I ~ . k I • I Researched by: LAND STATUS REPORT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . CIR1 LANDS · ·. . . . VILLAGE RECONVEYANCES PART I Bruce R. Bedard, ~ative Inspector Alaska Power Authority December 7, ·1982 . ! ! LAND STATUS REPORT SUSIJNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Lands conveyed to date: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. IC# 285 Feb. 11, 1980. AA-13358 T31N R1E Sec. 1 to 5 T32N RlE Sec. 31, 32 T31N R2E Sec. 1 and 12 T32N R2E Sec. 32 to 36 T31N R3E Sec. 19 to 22 and 24 T31N R4E Sec. 2, 3, 16, 19, 21 T32N R4E Sec. 25, 35, 36 . T32N R5E Sec. 26 to 28, 30, 33 T32N R1W Sec. 25 to 28, 31 to 33, 36 Aggregating approximately 3,200 Acres 1,246 Acres 1,280 Acres 3,200 Acres 3,173 Acres 3,173 Acres 1,920 Acres 4,410 Acres 5,086 Acres 26,688 Acres Reference: ANCSA PL.92-203, Pl 94=204, Sec. 14(a) and 22(J) of PL 92-203 (85 Stat. 688, 702, 715, 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1613(a), 162l(J), as amended by Sec. 4 of PL 94=204 (90 Stat. 1934, 1935; 43 U.S.C. 1611.) of the Surface and Subsurface Estates. The Grant is subject to the following: Now know ye, that there is, therefore, granted by the United States of America, unto the above-named corporation, the surface and subsurface estates in the land above-described, to have and to hold the said estates with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, there unto belonging, unto the said corporation, its successors and assigns, forever: 1. Issuance of a patent confirming the boundary description of the lands hereinabove granted after approval and filing by the Bureau of Land Management of the official plat of Survey. covering such lands; 2. Valid existing rights therein, if any, including but not limited to those created by any lease (including a lease issued under 6(g} of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958 (72 Stat. 339, 341; 48 U.S.C. Ch. 2, Sec. 6(g)), contract, permit, right of way, or easement and the right of the lessee, con.tractee, permi tee, or grantee to the camp 1 ete enjoyment of all rights privileges and benefits thereby granted to him. Further, pursuant to Sec. 17 (8}(2) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688, 708; U.S.C. 1601, 1616 (8)(2) (ANCSA)}, any valid existing right recognized by ANCSA shall continue to have whatever right of access, as is now provided for under existing law; 3. The terms and conditions of the agreement dated August 31, 1976, between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the Secretary of Page 2 "-·~7 Interior. A copy of the. agreement is hereby attaches to and .made a part of this conveyance. document; and · 4. Those lands and interests in the lands conveyed within the exterior .boundaries of Power Site Classification No. 443,· February 13, 1958~ are subject to Sec. 24 of the Federaf Power Act o~ June 19, 1920 {41 Statt 1063~ 1065; 16 U.S.C. 791, 818), pursuant ~o Sec. 12(E) of PL 94-204 (89-Stat. 1145~ 1153). {These lands and the remainder of lands to be. conveyed to CIRI will be reconveyed to CIRI village corporations known as method 11 8 11 .) Schedule of interim conv~yance to CIRI for· other lands in the Talkeetna mountains upper Susitna Basin. Interim Conveyance ODIC . DIC . lC 2/2/83 3/31/83) .. . 5/31/83) 7/31/83) 6,978 Acres 172,880 Acres (All of the above. is in t.he CIRI conveyance boundary~ identified by Acres American, 'Inc~ and includes lands in. the exterior boundary of. · Power Site Classification 443· and will be subject to the method uauu reconveyance.) . Total Acres Entitlement AA-13358 Interim Conveyance 2/11/80. Interim Conveyance 2/20/83 Interim Conveyance·7/3I/83 Total Acreage 26,688 . 6 ,978'' 172,880 206,546 (Comprises apptaximately 323 Sections or 323 square miles.) t1ethod· "8 11 Vi 11 age Corporations Surface Estates Tyonek Native Corporation B. Agnes Brown, President .912 East 15th Avehue, .Suite 200 Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 Phone: (Office} 272-4548 Knikatnu, Incorporated Paul Theodore~ President P. 0. Box 12.30 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Phon~: (Office) 376~2845 (Home) 376-3028 Business r4anager Roy Goodman -745-2257 Ancho~age, Alaska -(Office) 276-1310 Page 3 \ Chickaloon-Moose Creek Native Association, Inc. Herb H. Belanger, President · P. 0. Box 1572 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Phone: · 376-3120 .· Subsurf~ce Estate: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) Roy Huhndorf~ President 2525 C Street Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 . Phone: (Office) 274-8638 Land Manager Marge-Sargeser, Vice President, Lands CIRI Lands Division Phone: (Office) 274~8638 Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Only: Gold Creek~Susitna Noal B. Wilson, President 4208 North Star Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: (Home) 274-1926 (Note: Gold Creek certification as a native. group.by the s·ureau of Indian Affairs will be known before the end of December, 1982. If certification is approved, Gold Creek;will be entitled to. land under Sec, 14 H(2} of ANCSA lands not to exceed 23,040 acres. No land~ in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project boundary can be conveyed to Gold Creek,· but would. be if certified, entitled to lands in the Intertie corridor. Other lands in this corridor has b~en negotiated and. identified by Land Field Services that are owned by Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Ahtna Inc~, and Cantwell Village Corporation as well as other private. interest including individual native allotments. Other Native Land Owners impacted by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project: Ahtna Inc. Herb Smelcher, President Drawer G Copper Center, Alaska 99573 Phone: (Home) 822-3424 (Office) 822-3476 Cantwell Yadatene Na Corporation · Alex and Ruby John P. 0. Box 29' Cantwell, Alaska 99729 Phone: lHome) 768-2302 Page 4 Cantwell Village Corp()ration Charles Hubbard, President 4251 Pinnacle Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 In the village. of Cantwell~. ~he p_roject may need lands for a.· railway staging area, temporary housing, secure private vehicle area, and would possible impact21 miles of road on the Denali Highway for ·road upgrading" and a 69 kv transmission .line. The Ahtna Corporati()n has approximately 300,000 acres of lands .. from Mt. McKinley to about Mile 20 of the Denali Highway. Identified Land Problems: 1) 2) 3} 4} 5} 6) . 7) 8) 9} .. 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) .Power Site Classific~tion 443 Alexander Creek, Inc. Methods. of Land ~cquisition Amount and location of lands needed • . Conveyance of 1 ands by the Bureau of Land Management to CIRI and the State of· A 1 as k.a. · Reconveyance of lands· by CIRI to the Method 11 811 Village Corporations. . . Land impacts to adjacent Jand owners after the boMnd~Jcje.s,,.,have been determin'ed for t'he· proje'ct. · ··· .. · ~-· ..• , .. · Time frame for land negotiations to be acquired.by the Alaska Power Authority. . . · ·Management and control pro,cedure.s .. by: the State and. the Native Corporations. ·· · Recreational development negotiations and, options-. Archaeological properties impacted by the project on Native owned 1 ands -~ Methods of land appraisals and procedures established to protect. Native interests. Monitoring. procedures during design and to end of construction to protect the Native· interest as adjacent 1 and owners. · Update Native agreemf;nt GIRl and CIRI villages. · L Power Site Classification 443 to be addressed tn a separate paper 1dentifying its status, h1story and problems. 2. Alexa.nder Creek Inc~ see attached agreement. As of this date., the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources has signed off on this agreement per Reed Stoops, DNR. It presently requires the sign off by the State Attorney.General William Condon. · This agreement, when signed, makes Alexander Creek a nativ.e group and will· not be entitled to land in the project area. Once this is signed, the balance of the S~sitna Lands can be conveyed to CIRI and CIRI then can reconvey to the ~lethod "B" villages. Page 5 !1 I Alsxander Creek, Inc. Reinhold Max Thiele, Sr., President 8126 Wisteria. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Phone: 243=5323 The Attorney General is presently reviewing the agreement and may require some additional data~ i.e., a) effect.ive date -needs to be established; b) sign offoy village attorneys involved. 3. Methods of Land Acquisition: The CIRI Villages and CIRI has indicated to" the Alaska Power Authority its preferences om land acquisition. Thesepreferences are: A. Land Leases B.. Land Exchanges . C. Right of Ways . D. Easements E. Purchases :(Note: The Alaska Power Authority does have condemnation powers. though it has been noted that the Power Authority and the CIRl natives do not desire this .method,) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has .indicated to the Alaska Power Authority that the lands needed for the impoundment, dams and support structures should be owned and controlled by the Alaska Power Authority, all other lands. can be leased or obtained through rights. of ways, easements. or other negotiated methods .• This will require frolll the Alaska Power Authority and the Depart- ment of Natural Resources their intent or what is acceptable and a list of land that theState is willing to exchange and likewise, a list of land identified by the Native Corporations of what they are interested in. 4. Amount of Land and Locations of Land Needed The Native Corporations cannot properly present any kind ofposi~ tion o.r planning until all lands have been identified for acquisi- tion: A) Impoundment B) Dams · C) Support Structures Dams D) Recreatton E) Village and Campsites F) Roads G) Transmission Corridors ·H) Borrow Sites (Sand, Gravel, Stone, etc.) Page 6 I) · · Other·Land Needs .. This stage should be identified as soon as possible because of severe delays in land acquisition could incur. and delay·project time frames. 5. . Conveyance of Lands: The Alaska Power Authority, Department of Natural Resources and the Cook Inlet Region, .Inc;. should Jointly inform the Bureau of Land . · r~anagement of ·the. importance to settle the final interim conveyance· of lands in the Talkeetna mountains and .. to establish a· higher priority for this process due to theFERC application procedure and· timeliness of the FERC License p~ocess to begin in February, 1983. 6. . Reconveyance .of CIRI lands: This is an extremely important process. First, this would identify the village corporations who:will be the.surface land owners . . Secondly, this than would unquestionably identify the .final parties the Alaska Power Authority has to negotiate with. · This process would also identify the reconveyance method at this. time know as Method 11 Bn. · · . . -. Method 11 8 18 could•change if some CIRI village corporations•have not met their full land entitlement.· · 7 .. Land Impacts.to adjacent land owners: Yet to·be identified •. · A. Reference FERC Guidelines B •. Some impacts are: · 1. Restrictions to access because of construction 2. Damage to properties not yet· identified getting tO. borrow sites, etc. 3. Trespassinfringements • . ' B. TimeFrame Land Negotiations: The Alaska Power Authority needs tO identify a time frame for negotiations to be in'line with the eonstruction start up date. This time frame should include enough time for the Native Land owners to review the process of how land. will be·acquired, methods of appraisal· an,d a review of the appraisal and to identify mitigat- ing issues. for final negotiations for the land to be acquired. Page 7 I . I l l J j l ! 9. Management and Control Procedures: The Alaska Power Authority~ Department of Natural Resources, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, State Parks, Federal Fish and Wildlife ~nd other agencies will nee~ tti sit down and negotiate land re- strictions identified for multiple uses affecting the Native lands. The CIRI Native Corporations have identified some steps that they .see, but is not limited to these: A. No ATV use B. No.Rockhounding C. Trespass D. Permit use for hunting and fishing E. Artifact removal prohibited Other restrictions may be identified later and throughout the project constr~ctio~ period of the two dam projects. The Federal and State agencies may impose some controls and these controls should be reviewed by the Native Land Owners if any of these controls impact native lands as the natives will have even- tually patent to over 300 square miles of land surrounding the project boundaries. 10. Recreational Development and Management: FERC has indicated that recreational development and management could be contracted out and lands could be leased from the native corporations. Cost trade.offs could be negotiated here for the best interest of the State and the Native Corporations. EDAW has indicated as a mitigating measure that the Alaska Power Authority should provide a recreational planner for the native corporations. It is unquestionable that the future impacts to the native land ow~ers for recreation demands will be on their lands primarily on the south side of the Susitna River if the two dam projects go ahead. Future recreational demands will require monitoring by the State and the Native Corporations from the beginning of construction and well beyond construction of the two dams projects as population changes and land uses change in the railbelt region. 11. Archaeological Properties: There is no question that where possible the Alaska Power Authority will avoid any disturbance to these sites and will give them all the protection that the laws allow. Page 8 I B~t when disturbance is necessary, the na~ive lands disturbed and archaeological properties removed must re9uire the approval of the native corporations to remove them and the native corporations must be given a list of what has been removed and a legal description of I where the removal took place. The State ~hen must hold these artifacts in a trust status in behalf of that native corporation, and must return these items upon their request. There is no question that on-going ar~haeJlogical studies will be necessary and that the Alaska Power Autho11 ity should inform the agen~y or agencies doing th~se studies of these.conditions. Both Federal and State statutes protect I~dian owned sites and ANCSA and ANILCA has provisions relating ~o archaeological, cul- tural, historical and cemetery sites owne~ and controlled by Native Corporations. . . Before any sites are proposed for the Natilonal Register of Histor- ical Places on -native owned lands, the Al~ska Power Authority should direct its contractors to seek a 1~1 tter of no objection from the Native Landowners. I I 12. Method cif Land Appraisals: 1 Land Field Services, an Alaskarn firm expe~ienced in land title systems, acquisition of lands and other l~lnd procedures with an experience tract record negotiating native!· lands9 will be the finn to identify, appraise, etc., -project lands for Susitna. CIRI and its v~llage corporations will alJ 1 o review their process of apprais~ls to tompare with Land Field Servites for final nego- tiations. : I 13. Monitoring during Design and Construction:! 14. The Native Corporations will want to contihue the monitoring of the· project through completion to protect thei 11r interest as adjacent land owners. I This can be accomplished through the Alaskla Power Authority 1 s present system of the Native Inspector andl other measures such as site located monitors to assist the Inspec~or for land controls, recreational development, archaeological P'lrotection and trespass, etc. Native Agreement: I I I I The Alaska Power Authority will need to ambnd its agreement at !:::~m!:~~u~~t!~et::'J~~dp:::~i:;:i:!1 ~.:~~=:~!{ ~:::i~:.: !~=~~=:- ed. Page 9 I I li !: II I I I I I !. !j H i! ;I ., ·- FERC procedures miiY dictate to some degree what the agreement · · should be limited to in th'e fu.ture~ when the native land owners .have been identified as adjacent landowners and to what extent·the . project impacts them in the .future construction and operation · ~~ . . Summary: . ··In sLm:unary, it ;,s the author 1 s. suggestion that a. land steering committee be created to cover all aspects of the land use areas. It is also suggested that the Ahtna Corporation andthe CIRI . Corporation and its village Corporations be identified. and kept in- vo 1 ved, same as an agency wou 1 d provide. input and concensus. Land use and ·ownership is a key to the project 1 s success if the above-fourteen items and probably others that are or will. be identified are not solved, it could inv.olve co~tly delays which no one wants nor carr the. project afford. · · The. Bureau of Land Management will have to be signatory to the Native Agreement on those lands not yet conveyed to the Natives that have been selected by ~he CIRI Native Corporations. Reference BLM . · temporary'use permit AK-Ql7;.,QQ96~ dated J.une, 1980. Page 10 j, LAND GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS It is extremely difficult to access impacts on a study area that is as large in square miles than some states in the Lower 48 states. It is further complicated by the fact that in the near vicinity of the two dam project and going within ten square miles in any direction or 100 square miles of the two dams, no resident populations of humans exist. Within 2,000 square miles of the study area, less than 50 people actually reside in the area. Within 6,000 square miles of the study area, less than 2,000 people actually reside in the area. This project will probably go down in history as impacting one of the largest single privately owned land owners in the United States. Approximately 323 square miles of land in and adjacent to the project boundary is or will be owned by the Cook Inlet Region Corpo= ration and its affiliated villages (Alaska Natives Indian Lands). Almost five times the size of the District of Columbia containing no physical human population as far as residents. In the District of Columbia comprises a population approximately one (1} million inhabitants. By contrast, 1/3 of the study area approximately the size of the State of Delaware and the District of Columbia combined contains only 50 inhabitants to the almost two (2) million inhabitants of the two compar= isons. If you were to combine Delaware, District of Columbia, Connecticut and Rhode Island which has a combined population of close to six (6) ~illion inhabitanti to the total project study area of 2,000 inhabi- tants, you can virtually conceive the vastness of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project and fully understand the complexities of address- ing land, social, economic impacts for such a small population in such a large area of land. There is no question that the two dams, transmission lines, roads, recreation sites and other project uses of the land will be small in total comparison of the overall land uses in the area. The cost for studies to address land ownership, social, economical and environmental impacts are staggering when comp~ring this to the resident populations of the study area though it must be accomplished. In summation, this comparison should help those individuals to better analyze and compare the complexities of this project to projects in the Lower 48 states. BRB/es Attachments as stated Page 11 Correction: LAND STATUS REPORT PART I ·Page 2 change lC #285 line 8 From: .T 32N RSE Sec. 26 to 28,30,33 To: T32N RSE Sec 26 to 28,30 to33 : I' I ! : (_ REGULATIONS CHAPTER 55. LAND PLANNING AND CLASSIFICATION Section I 0. Application of chapter 20. Planning and classification 30. Preparation of plan 40. Classific:~tion · 50. Agricultural l:md 60. Commercia.lland 70. Forest land 80. Grazing land 90. Greenbelt land 100. (Repealed) ll 0. Industri:~.l.land 120. Material land:. 130. Mineml land 140. (Repealed) 150. Private recreation land 160. Public recreation hmd 170. Reserved use land 180. Residential land U 90. Resource assessment hmd 200. Resource management land 210. Utility land · 220. Watershed land 230. Wildlife habitat land 240. Reclassification 250. Notice 260. No effect on valid existing rights 270. Proposing classifications 280. Definitions £d. trot.~• See (dl-(fl of 11 AAC 55.040, re- printed below, to check vhether a certain land classification is open to claim stakinq and, if it is. whether a leas~ is required. For claims staked before NOv. 12, 1978, see 11 AAC .86.ll5(al and (b)· instead. 11 AAC 55.040. CJ4SSXFICATION. (a) State land may be classified'.,into one or more of the following categories: agricultural, commercial, forest, grazing, greenbelt, industrial, material, mineral, private recreaqon, public recreation, reserved use, residential;· resource assessment, resource management, utility, '!Vr:tershcd, or wildlife habitat. If a dual or multipfe classifica- tion is applied to the same parcel of land, the provisions of the more restrictive classification will govern. unless the more restrictive pro- vision would defeat one of the purposes for which the l:lnd is dassified. (b) A classification becomes effective on the day the dassification order is signed by the com- missioner. or 30 days after notice is given under AS 38.05.305 and sec. 250 of this chapter, whichl!vcr is later. It will be promptly noted on lht: public records maintained by the dep:Jrt- mcnt. L:wd that has been seh:ctcd or is other- wise to be acq uircd by the state :md managed by the department may be classifit•d prior to receipt of tentative approval, patent, deed, or other docurn..:nt of title convcyam:e. 18 ~'-I UliO.Iu:>.'>I!II.:U l<.lJIU dllU !o.IIIU lll <AU O.li.lZ>.'>HICiJ• tions is available for mineral leasing under AS 38.05.135-AS 38.05.184. (d) Unclassified land and l:md in the follow· ing classifications is availabl~ for the acquisi· tion of rights to locatable minerals undt.!r AS 38.05.195 and ll'AAC 86.::!00-II AAC · 8~.230: forest, grazing, material, mineral, rs!· source assessment. and utility. (e} Land in the following classitic::~tions is available for the acquisition of rights to lease locatuble miner:1ls under AS 38.05.205 and II AAC 86.300 -II AAC 86.325, subject to any rest rklions in each spcc1t1C classification: re· source m:m:~gcmcnl :md wildlife habitat: (f) Depending on fhe land use plan and subject · to any restrictions in e:~ch specific classitication, I:md in th..: folluwing classific;ttions may :1lso be availuble lor the acq..Jisition of. rights to leuse locatable minerals under AS 38.05.:!05 and II AAC 86.300 -J 1 AAC 86.325: commercial, greenbelt, industrial,· public recreation, reserved use, imd watershed. .(g) Land in the following classifications is available for the disposal of materials and of timber, subject to any restrictions in each specific classilication: agricultural, commercial, forest, grazing, industrial, material,~ mineral, resource assessment, resource man:Jgement, utility, watershed, and wildlife habitat. (h) Depending on the land use plan ::~nd sub- ject to any restrictions in each specific classili· cation, !:1nd in the following classifica.tions may be ava.ilable for th~.: disposal of muterials and timbt:r: greenbelt, private recreation, public n:~:rcation, and reserved use. (i) Land or an interest in l:md in the following dassificutions is available for sale. lease or other disposal. subjl!ct to any restrictions in· each spi.!ci lie classification: agricul tur:~l, commercial. ·industrial, mineral land (if acquired by ~schc:Jt or foreclosure only), private recreution, rcsidcn- ti:ll, and utility. G) Title to land in the following classifi~ations must be retained in sta tc ownership. but :m · intcr~.:st in land nwy b~.: <lYailablc for h:asl!, sub- ject to :tny r~strictions in each specific dassiti- cation: forest. grazing, material, mineral. public rccr~ation. resource man;}gt.'rncnt. wat .. ·rshl!d, and wildlik habitat: except that gra7.ing. land is available for municipal selection und .. ·r AS 29.18.201 -AS 29.la.::!l3. (EfL 11/12/78. Reg. 68; am 10/14/79, Re[!.. 72) Authority: AS 38.04.015 AS 3R.04.900 AS Js.os.o:::o AS 38.05.045 AS 38.05.185 AS 38.05.295 AS 3~.05.300 ALAS::/-\ ul:.. 1. uf Nl-\ ILKAL l<t::Suui<CI::S . r iti:f-:>"'if\·n::·wTut riAI.I:il\.A"L l{tSiJ(iH'l:Ts-"P"LI\11 -APPtNU lX 11 Manaye111t:mt Unit UescntJtlons and lluhleli.nes l•taiJCiyt!inent unit .No. 43 .. Heyi on: Nat -.su, Tanana:-:-YuYon · I. uesiynated Uses -Pri1nary: l<ecre!ltion .. ------~----~~---~--------~------ ::iecoru:iary:_..;...._--.:_ ....... __ ..,__~---,---- I I. . Urri t Oescri j.)tion . The unit be~ins immediately norttl of uenaJi State Pt!rk and extends. alan\{ Parks Highway throuyh liroad'Pass. It is an area offerin~ exCeJJt i ana 1 views of hi g11.:.a1 t i tude a lvtne scenery and; wildlife frou1 . the t!i~hway and railroad. Sightseeiny, campiny. picnicking, . nunttny, river floa.:tiny, vhotoyraptw, skifny, hiking, ana food gather'ing are·htgnest recreational values. Since the area fs very se11sitive to human intrusion, intens.tve management to reconcile· recreationdl USe with COm!).etihg values (mining, settlement,. Utility corridors) wi]l oe necessary. A. Uses other than Sett 1 ement Habitat. ~. Sett 1 ement No settlement ~SE!d. ... ~~-~...t.J. 0 0 ALASKA OEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES . . FY83SfATOOOE }1At1iRA[-RTS""otJRrrs~PCAN . APPENDIX· II Management Unit Oescr1pt1ons and Guidelines 0 0 0 Q Management Uhit No. 42 ·Region: t4at-Su ---- I. Designated Uses -Primary: ·Recreation. --~~~--~~--------------~----- ·Secondary: ~--~--~------~----~----~--- II. Unit Description ·~ This unit includes much of the Talkeetna River and nearby Stephan Lake •.. Principal recreation values are hunting. fishing, river floating and hiking. Private .recreation (settlement) could be considered in the. Future at various points along the river.· (This unit is of lower priority than othe~rs with recreation as primary value.) ~ I I I. Resource Summaries and Management ..Oirectio!T" .A. Uses other than Sett 1 emen t ~ Habitat-Fisheries, bear, moose, caribou. B. Settlement ~·~~· No settlement ~P~~ ~ '!""'~.---, ·. ...J ~1}.1 I .,:"" .....-· .... Mineral leasing Minerai location Timber/ H Ji'J!S!ON 0.: :'C ?:C:": LAND .!\1\IC J\I/I.T5.fl Mt.Nt!.ta~ENT I Municipal Sclcctio'~S i 1 .;i & gas coal ale (Har~ rocki Material Sales ' 2-'!lc of Surface ltHJse of s,!riDcc •• ~1 GRCiOCMUMUEURRCAIALLst~-y~~~j~~~:-'v~e~s~~-~-~~-.:_:~.~~-:·::_·~·:_·~iJ-·-:_·-l_:~~-:_·~·~~~--~u~i~~~~~,~~·~··~.:·~~--·-~-l-~-~-~-;_,,_._.~_ .• _. __ '~1~~·~---yy-e•-,•------:-.. -~-~-~-y-.-~-:.-·~--:-:-:--~~~~~~---~ MaYbE Ueasehold Uocations ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ lAS 2!:.. 181 I .. ' ll I ''1·1 • i Yos I ': 't ~', 1 .''. '\' /\f . ,. "':~I. :, I I ! v .. !FOREST GRAZING GR eEk'BElT ~L_----~-------~-----+-M-a_y_b_•_'_••_se_h~o-ld--loc--at-io_n_'_~-~-------------~~--------------4-~~~~-----~-----------; "' n !m .-·tu lsee land use planl Some (see land use plan) MaybE leasehold loCiltions ·l HNDUSTRUAL Yes (see land use pian! Yes !VIATIEifUAL Yes Yet Yes No No leasehold IOCllilons WATERSHED Vet v •• WilDLIFE HABITAT ~·~------Y-·-~------~--~---L~e~a-•e_h_o_rd_l_oc_a_li_o_n• ____ ~~~=P~~~r~~~~l-q_ui-re_' __ ~~-~-c-la_l-1~-------------------4--~~--~----------i------------------D. UNCLASSiFIED Vu Smali sales only Note: For soeci.lic wo•dina please <eler to lliAAC/55. especially Sec. 401cl-lil and "''"""!ion lei of each clmific>tion I sec• 50-2JO l ... .... -·· ..... . -· .. . -.. ···:·., : .. ... . .... ' ·, :· LEGEND f:8l U.S.A. PUBLIC DOOAIN l:;gj LANDS( IT dl) r::::::i STATE SELECTION PRIOR 1.:::::1 TO NOVEMBER 14, 1976 110\riVE VILLAGE AND l'l[Gl!ONAL COR~ SELECTIONS STATE SELECTION APPLICATIONS fiLED NOVEI\iMR 14, 1978 ["J WITHDRAWAL AREA UNDER l:::J SECTION 204 (C) OF FLP!AA TO CANTWELL LAND STATUS (DECEMBER 1979) SUS !TNA RIVER I ' I liE EAST BOUNDARY SEWARD MERIDIAN lOW 9111 8lV HI WEST BOUHOAR'I' COPPER RIVER !otERlOIAN DE:LTA JUNCTION LAND STATUS (DECEMB R 1979) DELTA AND GULI<ANA RIVERS H BOUNDARY f,BA.HKS RIOIAN COPPER RIVER ~<:~EAIOIAH t3H . :;" / (~4 l c. ..... i I..Ao\o.: TO A!>K:l-WRAG F GL E NIL.I:.I_IC~_!-o.J,QL E NNAL L [tj <----... / ··J TO VALuEZ . I 334WEST 5th AVENUE; ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 · Phone: .(907) 277 • 7641 .. (907} 276·0001 - · Mr. Reed Stc:'Jops A 1 aska Dept.: of Natura 1 Resources Div. of Research and Development Pouch: 7=005 Artchorage, AK · 99510 Dear Mr. Stoops: July 28, 1982 As the Susitna project progresses, an or(ier.ly plan of 1 and acquisition will, need to be developed and exercised .. I would like. to request, your ass~ stance. in the development of this p 1 an and· ?Uggest you consider staff support. costs in your FY 1 84budget •. ·Please let us know .what we can do to help promote a cooperative effort in the resolution of these land issues .. Sincerely, t . .. .Z· P;t;······.<+··~ . Eric P, You .. ·· · ·. · ·Executive irec~or . ·· .. · 48 August: 2, 1982 Dear Eric: POUCH M JUNEAU,ALASKA 9!1871 PHONE: In response to your recenelet:ter reg~:rdi:c.g acquisition of .land necessa:ry for the Susit:na · aoj ect, I am a:ppoint:ing _ Jim Vi.t;;kes to work 'With M:r o R.a.nsom· and M:r 0 I.sga.r , of your office o ·M:r o Wickes· is res-ponsible fob' Land selections and land exchanges fo-r the de-partment:" One of the first: decisions that should be reached is the ·administrative cost for an exchange. or acquisition so the Depa:r:tment: .. of Nat:u:r:al Resources may submit the necessary budget request for FY 84 o . Since:rely, . vZ~cd~--v-- Reed Stoops Direc.t:or cc: Jim Wickes, DRD Commissioner John Katz, DNR 47 l .-=-1""""\·" ~·,.....,-""9 !·."I '··; r; I \ \ . : . ' \ ! ' • • 1 , I •\ \ . • i -., ' \ ! ! I -,_. ; ; I ·.F' . ,. ; i I. I II' . I · ·'-' ·i Ill •~ ·"': ........ ..,., -,.J \.,., ~- r::"\ r-;.:::1 1 n·Jl.', .. · !f I !' '-. I ' I -L, 'j . \'""""'' I n r ,.-, .-,. nfi """' I :. \ I i i\\ ~ ('-' ! i· : '" \ J /l \ II f J . ,, ; \ I :\ /U\ /••\ \)i!\\.t~l. i,"""' jL-1,..,1\\ . ..:: li\1:,-..1 -~ ...... u ~ ---..J \J . I / l.- . I I I I July 16. 1982 Eric Yould. / DIVISION OF RESEARCH & DEVEl.c:.:PMENr / Executive Director Alask.a Power Authority 334 1il'es t Fift:h ·Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · Dear t·Ir. Youl d.: . 323 e. 4.TH AVENUE ANCHORAGE. ALASKA PHONE: f9071 219·5577 File li2160.03(c) .ReC veu JUL 2 2 1982 Attached is· a copy of· ehe· m 83. Conveyance t?riority List· submitted to BLM · on June 4 . eo gu.i de its processing of state land .selections. This ,list is c:omtJrised of nominatfcias subridtted by. your agency and. prioriti:.a~d by the Division of Research· & Development in consul tatiou with the. Commis.sione..r. These are la.nds· for which you have requested cE)lx:pedited conveyance (tentative approval and/or patent) to help Y(lU in your·· cla.ily. land· acti vit:i~s. · We have identi.fied your. specific nominations for ease of reference, and •.rhere more than one. agency has identified an interest notatiot1 has been ma:de. Although BL.~' s< fiscal year does. not· start until October 1, it may begin processing this new lis.t sooner. ! w.i.ll keep you apprised of .BL'1 1 s progress through quarterly reports. Please lee us mow if you de not Wish to receive these quarterly reports or if you wish them to be sent to another .person in your agency •. We have delayed t:ransllti.t:tal of the ITY 83 lis.t to you until tl.Ow so that· the BU-i Branch 6£ Cadastral SurYey could review our pa.ce.nt priority list. for the survey status of your nominations.· We have separated BL..l.f' s information into five categc:rries as no .. t:ed on the Table of Content~. · This surYey research is an ongoing process and. is not yet .. com:plet:e. The information we do have, however, •.Jill help. explain why nominations are not being pac:ented .this year, If you have any questions about the list or should. discover·any omissions errors, please contact ~!s. ·Dee Frank.fourt:h of my staff at· 276=2653, Ext:. 4387 .• R.ee d Stoops · Di:rector At:t:achment 56 99501 '------~) .] • 1\.P.I\. nlliiDUlOH::U:C'A"Il!C Sl!'A'ES PI!HOIIU'll'II::S t'onl '!'A • • . 6!1 S'I'A'I'H:: l.reGAL I!IEQUit:S'I'l!NG SURVEY ___ !!~ ~0!l~! · J! ____ ~'l'WN -.lL _ __::Il~E::S!::'C::Ul:.:I:.:P...:'I:..:'l!c::O:::;N~------~;,:.e::::___:>,-----------=!I.::G:::E::.'N::.:C:.:llc._ __ _::S:.:'Ilc:;'ll:.:'ll'_::U::S~-=D::E'.::I'l\:.:.I:.;L:::S::__ ________ _ 1. AA ~HIU GS :.!020 AA :.!140"/ GS :.!UU GS 2010 '!'.liN., Bl. 2E. S.H. sec~ 16-2~. 27-14 T.lON., R.2£. S.H. Sec~ l-AO, 15-22 'll'.)AN., R.4U::. S.li. sec A7 ' na API\ Nutt!: 'l'lu:~c :;uspenuJ(:d ~elect tons wen:e top-If iledl undlen: !IIHILCA 1 tlhe state n:equeslt& IIUIJPedllit.edl adjudlAcation. GS 2Ul7 GS 28lU GS 2847 GS 2848 AA 214:.!9 GS 21119 GS 2U40 AA :.!1431 G!i 2041 2. A 5009"/ GS 47 T.l2N., R. U:. S.I-IJ. sec~ 21,24,26,27 T.l2N., R.2E. S.H. sees 2-4,0,9,16-19 T.llN., R.2E. S.H. Sees 25,]5,36 T.llN., R.lE. S.H. Sees 29-ll T.l2N., R.)E. S.IH. Sees 2-4,10-ll T.l2N., R.4E. S.!-1. sees. ll-18, 20-22 'l'.l2H., R.5U::. S.H. sees. 4-9, AL-18, 21 '!'.5S. I 111.101-1. S.IH. sees A,2,AO,ll,l2,Al, A4,A5,l6,2l,28,ll --- Blradl A ey K.ake All' A k L...no..-k~~"'J ON· .r~\--c. 4-..... '\-\.....__ llydroelectric pn·ojeclt. 'D ~ ~ ~-~ fru~c.c..""\- TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS MANAGEMENT UNIT Scale · 1:1,000,000. GENERALIZED lAND OWNERSHIP 0 STATE (includes selected lands) ~NATIVE CORP. (other private land c:=J FEDERAL discussed in text) LAND SALES §-§.or 0 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 1:::>::::1 or PROPOSED RESIDENTIAl ACCESS ><"><><:x"'"' TRAILS .o~uo"" SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ·PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS ~ AIRSTRIPS OTHER STATE GRAZING LEASES NANCY RECREATION AREA· A PREPARED BY TES · o RECREAT~ON FACiliTIES KEYED TO TABLE 1 ARCHEOlOGICAl -' DISTRICT· IBLM I , lEGEND ® RECREATION AREAS REGIONALHECREArloN rAi=iEAs ANn FActuriEs .FIGURE 7.1 . . . . . ~. FIGURE <4 / I \ i -it : ·~ .. "·--~--l--- ' .. •· ! . · The map of Alaska on pages 2 and 3 shows the sport fish regulatory areas pf the state. Turll to the sectio11 of this summary that specifically deals with that regulatory area where you plan to fish for specific information .regarding exceptions as to bag limits. seasons. or methods and mean$ . for individual waters and/or species of fish. Each regulatory area. is divided to show saltwater and freshwater regulations .separately for your convenience. · We hope the fish identificalion section of the booklet will aid you in identification ·of species and encourage you w participate in our trophy fish award program. The sport fish regulations are designed to provide·ma,,. imum arigling opportunities based on the best biological data available. Tigllllines! Rupert E. Andrews Director, Division o( Sport Fisl\ / . ' . ···-... ~. Contents Subject Page State ·Map ...• , ...... ; .•........... : .... : . ; ' . 2. Emergency Orders ......... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ' Selected Statutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 License Requirements and Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 · Federal ·Regulations ........... ; .. ; . . . . . . . . . 6 Definitions .... ·.:· .... ; ....................... 7 Summary of Illegal Acts .......... , .......... 1.1 Sport fishing Methods and Means ............ 13 Sport Fishing Seasons and Bag Limits Format. ... 16 Area A-Southeast. ..................... · ...... 17 Charter Vessels .............. ' .......... : .. 24 Area B_:_ Yakutat .... , ....................... 25 Area C-Copper River & Upper Susitna River: ... 29 Area 0-l'rincc William Sound ................. 31 A~ca E-,-Kcnai Peninsula Freshwater. ..... , •... 35 ·Area F-'Cook lnlet-.Resurrection13ay Saltwater .. 43 Area G-Susitna-Wes(Cook Inlet. .. : ... ; ..... 45 ·King Salmon/Stcelhead Trout. Summary ......... 53 Arc:~ H~Kodiak .. ; .......................... 59. Area 1-t\laska Pr:ninsul:1 & Aleutian Islands, .. ,. 61· Area .I Uristol Bay, .......................... 63 ,\rca K-Arctit:· ¥ukon-Kuskokwim., ..... : .... o7 Sp:H:c !'or Field Notes .............. 41,52,5H,65.70 FisiH.:ry Kcscart:h ..... : ....................... 7J \h•,.,t, \••·"" H \tt•.o~ I \tt·;~.J \t;·:." . ( UJ'I'•'t N1• H f JIJJrf '•hUrt;, l"no" ,. \\ ;lh,uu '•••nul . "•·n:.r tu· .. h•:otrt ! ...... l•d•·t ,.,.,<~fft't '''"" II;,~• 'ah•.tJrt "-lhHU:.t·\\,.,.1 f tOIIft.•fnl{'t ~···h:.~lr. \f<oll.,l.:.t J"nn1n•!l:.t .( \lrtJh:Ht f.,J:utd" u,h ... l u,.~ \h h; ·\ u!r. .. u-l:lo,, .. .,ul.l-0 1111 -· M~1p or Alaska 'lt<minc \'ln~n rt'I!UI:IIflr~· arl'as . ,_/"'. •' / 'a ' . I . ,.. '· G c .I ·I I I I 'I) J·.l.. '-~ I\;;_ .:::. N J " li i' .,1 I II I I ! \, The Cu.rtnni~~·"~ncr nf the· i.>c,Jar·tmc:t,U · •,d F~'~h .aiuJ Gtun_~.:. . t•r hi' ·auahuri1.c:tl .dc~igncc.-ha!\ 1lu .. ·. ~utthi•ntv .~hen dr- ~um~latU.:t.""S n:quirc·. tu ~tuntu:ar.Hy opcu·~" du\\t.· ~ca"\.~lns ~1n.d arc:1s h~ means of· Emergency Oro.h:r-. An Emcr~c11~y ( lnlc:r · hm. the. force \ln<.l c:ITci:Lnf law ;ifu~r ridd ""·''""~cmcut h~ ,,,c Cnnunissioncr or hiS authurit.cd dc~i~u~v. · · A t'ickl imnimn.:cuu.:nrof lhc EmcrJ!cn.:y.<>r<.l.:r is made in a manner ·rctt.~uunhiy-· ~aJcul.iucd Crl·· n;ach :~mcrcslcd in- di~iduals {lritir wthc effective date -·<~sualty hy uc:wsnaf'Cr .'and radio annuunccm~m in the I<Kal arc;1 and hy po~ting. .thc·itnnouncernem where it isacc.cssihlc tu·thc f'uhlic. Thus·. tu c:n>.1ire th<U.· regulations arc.nm. iriad~criantly .violatcd"it·woutd·bc wise tO Chccli HI the lu,;:ll area. before .fishing: . St:p·:cn:o ST ATUTI-:S .I.ICt-::"'SE.~EQUUREMENTS .. · A sport fishinl( lk~ns" is rorquired and .rn.ust be .in the ·poscssion of all persons 16 years qr.age or older (see lollow' i'ng special e~emPtion) w!Jile taking or anempting .to take am; freshwater; marine, or anadromous, fish for personal· us~ ;nd while spon digging razor clams or· dip-tu:tting for smelt (hooligan). AS !6.05.330(a);' r\S !6.05.400(aL · An Alask~n reside~t who is 60 y~rs,ilf·a~:e or more and h:L~. t>~n 11 r..Sident rur JO consecutive' year~ or· more. as lone. as he rcm:iins a resident, docs not need a sport fishing tic~sc. !\ sp<:cial ·permanent identification· card is distributed by the Alaska Department of Revenue. Fish and Game Licensing. Application forms 'for this. card arc available .frorn designated license agent> or Fish and Garne otTi.:es. i\S 16.0S.4()()(b). l.iccris.:S ..... :av~ilt.~hlc frmn dcsignau.:d issuing agcrtl> or· . hymail· frmit 11\e"!kpartmcnt. of ll.evenuc. Fish and Game Licensing; 1107Wcst Hth·Strcct. Junc;n1; Alaslw 'N!Itll (tel. '!07-465-2376). Many spnnin@. ~'""<.l' sturcs throughout tlu: ~·Huc-'Scll licc:·n~c:s. Any fmlse.slelemornl made in an. appli~-:ttion for· a license shall render null and void the li.:cnse issued on il; any 'pc:r-~()11 who ~takes such false statcrnctit s.hall· he: guilty or' violating the spo~t fishing rcgulatior1s• .AS 16.05.421)(:.1. . ,"'o pcr.inn .. mmy l~!(e!Gy ·IIIIer. ~hen111.e. rir Jelen nr trdnsfcr• 10 any other p<:rson any iiccnsc. issued to l)irn; no person may legally usc ·any ·ii.:cnsc issued to another: person; AS 16.05.42()(b),, ' l.icensl:ll mtisl b~ sho.;,n upmi rl!'quest 10 .any ~Ill horized · rc{lrcscniativc of the Al~ska Depa~tmcnt of Fish and Game or the Alaska Qc{lartmcnt of Public Safety. 5 AAC 75.005. · Tin~ lit:ens~ period is ... froin January I thr()ugh Oe.:cntbcr 31;. inclusive; of the current calendar year. AS 16.05.350. 'A•· lost ·license may be rcplacc.d for S2,00 through loca.l license vendors. AS 16.0S.J40(cl. I.ICENSI-: rt-:t-:S Resident sport fishing license •...... ; ...... : ....... $10.00 Resident (blind)sport li.,hing license .. -......... _. S .25 Resident hunting and sport fishing license ..... · .... , S22.00 Resident hunting. (rapping. and sport · fishing license. __ .... _· ............ , . , ... , ... S25.'00 Note. The fcc is 25¢ for a resident hunting. tranping. and sport fishi.ng license for the head o( a fainily. for a depen- dent member of his family, or for one solely dencndent on himself for support when the apnlicaht {lrescnts proof that either of these t·onditions c.,i.m: (a I The :tf'{llicant is 5 ', j i obtaining assistance or has ubl<~in~'tl ""'.ista11.:-c durit~g the· prc(ciJillg silt .. (61. months . .tH~dcr any seal~ or Ieder~! wdfar~ prngram·to aid the indigent: m (hi tltc atJ.IIual gross incornc of the appli~a.nt.'' farmly durutg the )'car precc:ding aJ)flli~ationwas k~s.than S5,61Kl. •King Saln•on/Stcclhc:ul l'.:rmiL..... · · $ S.OO Vi~itor's spc.:ial s11or1 fistungli<.'cnsc Valid for one.lll day. • -S'S.OO Valid for 1en 1101 days . . --$1 HlO Nonresident sport fishing, license .. : . :-. -. · . · ... -•· $30.00 . Nonrcsidctll hunti11g and spnrl fishing lii:c11sc. . ... $90 .. 00 .. Military sporl fishing .... , .......... · .. · · · · · · · · , $10.00 Militiuy ,pon.fishing•andsmall game hunting. . .. $22.00 •,;. spe<:tal Kin~ Salrnon/Steclhcad Truul li~rmit Stamp is. required for. the t:\king ·Of these .spo:cu:~ "' <til wau:rs. ol :\l;tska .. :':lo stamp is necessary· for those. persons _'".'ho are n•·cr (lll•yca" of age :and have. rcstdcd.•n. Alaska lor 30 or '"'"" ~-c;1 r,. for ani_!lc:r\ under 16 year~ ot·agc,cand persons di!,!ihh: litr ·a 25~ license. ~u1t~. ~h.·nth~..·r~ ~,r .tl,\c tll.d·;,·ar~·.-·Scn.:.i~-~ (ln·.~CttVc: duty wh? ,11 ~,.· p~,.·t.lnam:nt 1~:-,t;.u i'uucd .-1'1_1 :the: ..;ta~c -an<l_:. -~heu ~,.h.·p'-"m.h:ui"< ~nai· oht;uft ~~, spe~ial nunres~stlcnt nuluary 'I'"t! t"l""!! liccn.~c· at. th.: rc5ttlcnt rate. AS lll.05.340(dl F<•<lt·rut· r•~:ulatiuns rruhibit trcspa,sing on ,\Iaska Kmlwatl bridge"!> anti_ irestlcs. ThiS includes fishing fro,tn ~.o.udt ~trw..:tures. .. :-i()<;rUishinR is prohibited on m_ilitary.rescrvations unless t>crntission is granted hy the r~scrvation Commanding Of- ri~cr. 6 : 1'1"• Iukin!( uf h11lilml os pcrmitt<:tl tutd<:• 1 he· lntco n:u .. ·,,.;,J l•:h.:i I'll" f ta~ihu'l ('t~_nunl~s_.c\11 rc.·l..h:t :tl r \.'~til at HUt' ~·" II tlli 1\\ ... ~...·. lr i~ iUCgak-lur ;tnr pi..'r.,,•~• 1u ~'"''~..~~!'< · ,, .... ,..1 -~-a~i~h! halibut ilhmird. :i •:c"t•l when "'her fi,lt 01 'hdll ;,It ahuar<.J said VC:i.,C:I arc dc~li.n~·d for ~.,.·uut~·tu:h:ial a,._. ·(sale; trade or hancrl·. arlirit"ial· fly:· any· lly o.:m.s.rrm:lcll h~ '"""'"'n mcthu<h known ils fly. tying, inchiding dry rly. wet lly. \lr~<tlltc• tly. ·andnymph.5AAC7S..'N5(1) · artiricial fly {tenw-eiJ:hll·d):.:my anilkml 11~· thai weigh,;"'~' ·thari one;fqunh'ouncc:iri.ils crllirl•ty. 5 t\1\C 77.lf'l5(21 · · •rtiriciaUure.: any lure rha; i~ m:tn made. as an i~lii;ui<.lft of ·or suhstilule for natural bail. used.tn all rae! r:.'h fnr th.:· 11urposc of laking them; .includes ari.ifidal· flies .. hut.cluc' . nm iru:IIJdC salmon eggs or mhcr dtcmically lft::ucd .tir 1,,·,. d:sscd foods. 5 AAC 75.9'15(3) · · . . h~~ limit: the total of fisli allowcd.a person rcr dav ;,, th<: area which· h.: is fishing. cvetnhough p:m or all· or ;he fi,h arc·intmcdiately preserved: wh.:rr landed and killctl. :t fi,h becomes purt of the bag limil of the person "'ho <lfij?ill:tll\' hooked it. s AAC75.'J'.I5(4) · chart~r vessel: a vessel licensed under ,\S 16~05.4'10. u'-ctl far hire in the recreational or subsistence-taking <II fbi! llf shell fish·. and not used-on. the ·same day ror :my other <:om. merdal fishing purpose. 5 AAC 75.'.195(111 ch"r: brook lroul. Dolly Varden. ,\ret!<: .;bar. anti lake !rout. 5 AAC 75.\195(7) dosed s.:.is11n: time <htring which,fish m:tv nut l10.• t:lken: e:o~h d<"Sil!u:ucd time includes the fir.t :u•<l i;sl d:ty' named. 5 AAC H.'N5(_51 rlnSt:d wiucrS~ waters tlt:~lg,~tah:d hy I hr..• hu'•uc.l "':tu:n:in 11 IS illcl!al tu t:.kc I ish. 5 AAC 75 <JI:IS(€•1 . tlr,.ina~e..-: aU-ihc. water$ ..:.omprising awaten.h<-d iududing trih_utary riycn~~· strc:ant!\. sloughs~ puutJs,..anlllakc!\ whic;h comrihut~ to ih~ water ~upply of the watershed. 5 A(.'C 75. ~'15(1}) . fish:· :ill ·spcd<-s of marine, a·nadrmuous.· .an<l fn:shw:uer fi>h.; amphibians, shdlfi~h. and 6thcr invcncbratc.\ foun<J . . or imr~l<lu..:cd imo tlic 'St:Uc of ·Alaska ·w:ucrs. AS 16.05.\1~)(€>) . [r.:sbw,tcr; s"llwllller:·frcsh water to be separatcdfron.> salt water at the mouth of creek.~ •. streani.~; arid rivers at a line drawn between the cltlremities o( the lallcr's.bunks at mean low 'tide. or at a point dcterniincd and: marked by 'the .Ocpanment. s AAC 75.995( 101 · · . . . lenl(tll of fish: nleasurcd from the tip of the snout io the tip of the taiL 5. AAC75.995(12J.· . . Cau<.lal Fin \ 8 hJ4."1al n!ltrt.-st•te&~•ivt" ur 'I h..-dt!pMrlmena': uc;arCsl nr nu~s( th.·· CL'!isihlc pmfcssiunaJ cmpluycc-ol' rhc Dcp:tr!mcut <1f Fish ;md Game, a f"-'f'"" O<'liign:udl hy the Conunissinn<'f or lly a prufcsslunai cntpluycc !u_ pcd'orrn spccifk ft.uu.:titm!',:.rt·u 11..: <IL"Illlrtntelfl; or a law cnfon.:..:nJ<"ttl ol'li<.:cr of the Depmt .. rnciu nfl'uhlk .S:thity, 5 I\CC75.'1'15(U) nuork ur tn11rkin11: all forms uf skin :illcriuiurls, lin dillf1in)! Of Ulil<'f II!UiilaliutHlr inscflion tlf malcrials in live lish 1h:1i will all<iw later idcntifica.tiun. S Jl.t\C 7~.9'.15(1-1) · tnoleslin~e:· harassing. disturbing ur inu:d'cring with' fish ily any means <)r by usc of any missile or :obj<.-.;t whidt mav ht· tlm.Jwll nr projL"<:t<'ll inlo tlic wal~r. 5 AAC 75.9'.15(15i . mulliple book: a fish hook with two or more p(>iuts. ,..·iih or without barbs. 5 AAC 75.995(16) · nt>nrcsideRI:.any·pcrson wlw doc.~ nm qualify as a rc,idcnt. as dcfin<.'ll herein. AS 16.050.\14(){ 12) open se>~~n: liinc during which fish may lawfully.hc taken; each period of timc.prcscribed as an open season shall tn· elude I he first and.,· last days namt.'!l. 5 AAC 75. 995(171 · ~llee orricer of the slalc: a person dcfim.'!l in AS 16.05.150. 5 AAC 75;995(18) posscs.~ion limit: the maximum number of unpres..:rvcd fish . a person may have in his possession. 51\AC 75.9\15(201· preserved fish: fish trealed or stored in such staie of c . .(tstm!,! preservation, as .. to be fit for human consumption after ;, 15·day period, and does not include fish temporarily storet.J in coolers ihaCare "'iced" or that are lightly salt..:<l. 5 At\C 75. 9.95(21) l j' I I I ' i i: .J l! ' ' -. rt.•_sidf..•flll~ a llCr~un whu h;l~diUUIIUUUCd .a· Jl1:flllaricnl phu.:c nf ahu-.h.· \\',ilhin the 'itulc: .. fc•r (;:!."·unsc..:utiv~-mnnlh\ ;uuJ. t~as ._·~•illlnu-.m~fy ruaitna·tu·,,.,J hi' Viliing rc.sidCJH:~ 111 1h~ -.tt.nc: .l-uv mc'mhCr nf th...-nulilarv 'cr, .. h_.L.. \\·hn h;t' hccu~,t:uiuncd "' .lhc.,wc~-Jor the uum~~•acdy prc~cuiut~ 12 mmtlh~. ur-' any. dcpcudcm of 'Ul'h UJCIIJhcr. wh(l hn~ hct:n ll\·int! iu the_ ,l;tt\.· lor the inuncdiith:ly· pn.~~.:cdlng. 12. IIUt_urhs:· any iilic:n pt•r,(m· whet h;a~ maiiu;tincd a J'lt:fiUancnl pl~u:c-_uf ahuUc: in· 1hC ~lah~-for I yca_r.. :sct~--.pcdai inllitary pruvt:\iuns un page .~ urHh:r l.i-:cnw h-e,. ·..\S·If>.U~.1MII{I4); AS Hdl~.)olll(dl ruck(ish: 111dude' all I i~h uf tltc .gem" Sclmsll'S. S AA<. ·7 5 .W5!2."!l . _~ahn(.nl: ~dl -.;ahuun iru.:ludi.ng. thc··fivc: '-J1t.."Cic~ uf Pacifit: <.alrnon. ~ :\1\C 75 .. 'J<I5(2Ji ,alt"·a&er: a_ll marine .wtUL."f~. ~hlrin_~ water" ;~rc ~..;par~u;d I rom, frc~hwatcr at· 1ht: -m,ot4ch' ._.of ~I reams., rivl•rS-~1nd _-r~t:k,. ~ A:\C 75.9'15!24) ,lun·d: a hand·()pcr:ucd. '..:oop·likc .imp!cmcnL ·5 · t\1\C .. ·"' -,N~(1!\t '-tn~h· ttuuk: a fi..;h hook 'with ··only one poinl. with .or ''''"''"' "barb. < :\:\C 75.'1'15(26!' 'UO!~J!il11!:· huU~IH~ :.t fi!\h 'cfSI.!\\'hC'r~ than in the nlOUfh." " ·\:-\t -: ~ .tl.!~ .... · '""" fishinl!: the lakin!,! (>f. or auempting to cake. any fish :,., pt:r-onal u>c. and m>t for sak or barter, subject to the · pr,n·i,ion' df these regulations. AS 11\.05.940( 16). •Hellm mnuttl: .means the downstream part .of a stream defined as ;i sirai~ht line running from the most downstream <;xtrcmity o·n one streambank to the most Jownstrcam Cl<tremity on the other streambank1 or a line b.ftw•:Cn twO points 011 opposite bankS determined and mark<.'d ilv 1hc .Dcparunent. 5 1\1\C 75.995{27) · 10 t~k•: lislung. lt:t!>t>ing. or in any manner discurhiug; O:illl· turin~. or killing. or allcmpcing w purs1ie, ·hulll, fish, trup, or 1r1 any mam11ir cartur<• ur kill fish. AS-!6.05.':140(.1~1 loidt•ani!. ·any rualeritil tn' dteJukal 'ih3.1 ,iJilUtt inrritUw:tl('" 1r110 the waters nl Alaska; by dir<"\:t or indirect means. will kill, ,tun. '"drive. fish !'rum their narural repose. ·5 At\C 7) 1i'I5!2Kl 1nsnsport:''ship, transport. (.;'arfy. mlpOrt. export; ie:~civc:U. or deliver !'<lr ,hiprhcnc. ci:mspmr:uion. carriage. or ~xpnrt. . 5 . ..\r\C 75.'1':15(2'1! . . truur: includes cutJhwat. ntintmw.and stec!hcad. ~ Ai'\C 75.'1'1)(.10) ·SUMMARY OF ILLEGAL ACTS ·u is unhiwful ... ... to't~ke ra:r.ur .clams withouc· a valid sport fishing license in f'JOSscssion and by any means other than a manu:1lly· '<>pcrared clam gun, ·shovel. fork. or by hand. !6.0S.J30(al 5 Al\C 75.03 l .•• to spurt fish with more rhan one line having anachcd I<> 11 more rhan <ine plug. spoon; set of spinners, two llic,. or t,.o honks.ur as indi..:ated in "Sport Fishing Methods and \·leans" tlr lor :r specific regulatory area. 5 t\AC 75.0::0 ... 111 sport fish in fresh Wl41er with-live fish for bait. 5 AAC 75.0!:!h ... !u usc explosivcs·or toxic11nts to rake fish. 5 AAC 75.027 ... In sport fish·,.·ithin 300 feel of·a i"ish weir or fish ladder. 5 AAC 75 OSO(a) · II .•• In knnwOn.e,ty distaorh, _l.Jama~c.:. or._ .. lJc:!lllroy a IH11ia:c. (lUSicr. 't.)r rrmrk~r:, ('r any olhcr propc.:n y or I he . ." Uc.:part lllC:III u~cO in the adntinisar:uinn or cnfun.:c:nu.•t_11 of llh.''l.' rc:)!ula- rinns. AS 16.115.'1211(11) ••• lu caSI, ctrifl. ur (Jh:!lll'l" hy Yny means a honk, hail. lure. or tly inrn dnsed·w;uers. S AAC 7~.0SO(h) ... In PnssC..-ss,·lr~nspnrt 1tnd n•lcilsl' ·any li"t; fish or. live fish C(!tgs (marine fishes i.:.,emprccl), or mark ;iriy li~o!"fish e•ecpr in acCor:d.anc:e With I he 1crln~ of a pcrmi1 issuCU hy the Com- missioner nf.. Fish anti (iarne; S i\i\C 75.055 .•• In moiese nr imp .. ·th.·· s·pawniri.e, or· I he n:lturaJ'.-n~nvcrncr11 or lish comrary In rhe metho<ls antlmear)s of srort fishing. 5 AAC 75.060 . ... In inlenlinnMIIy _sn~~: ur .alicn'IJII lu sna.:. any. fish. while sport. fishing in fresh water. Fish lJninreminnally hooker.l·· ·elsewhere rhan in rhe mouthmusl he releasetl imm.etliately. A 'n"~ttl:tl fish is a fish hookc<l elsewhere thall"·in rhe rmoorth. 5 "AAC 75.022c ... tu· inu·ntinnaU~· wash• nr dcstrny. _cXt:CJ11 l"or whitefish aud .,uc..~kc..·rs. ;111y 'fll't:Jc:s of ~pon-t:aught fisll_ for whit.:h ,(.•a,orl' ;111c.fha~ limit' an· pi"ovi<.Jel.J. The hc:ac.J .. tail, fin~ and \·(,~,.·era t~f l1 • .'!;!all~~ 1:1kc:n ..;port· fish may. he us«.:U for bait llr ltlhcr purp'"L'~. ~ t\AC 7S.C)f)5 .~.fur anyone tu poSsess Unpreserved fish or part thereof iwt k~?ally rakenby hit11Sclf unless he furnishes on .request of. an of.ficer aurhori1.cd to enforce these regulations a state- rnenr signcr.l hy rhe nerson who rook the fish statirlg the tync of fish, number of fish; an<l.loeation anr.l tl:ue taken. This 'latcmem is unnecessary if the rersoti possessing the fish is accompanied by the person or persons who .took the !"ish. No person may possess fish which were nor legally 1aken. 5 AAC 75.010 . 12 SI'OIH FIS!I Spor 1 I i'h111 !he.· Spon .. !·1, . ai,·t.horit.c:U h~ J2.010 f"h<·re 'hall limrt~ for any Spon r:i~hin~ l_"or in the CtH;l :'iuthinl! in 1 (u:rsC•n.frnrn 1~ Spur1 fishi'n~ 1 he han<l or att; l"he.line mny 11• or ..;cries nf',prr: .~ . ...:l:t:pt a~ indi~..·:1 «.:aC.:h ,,·it h on C.: h l"i~hing. throu~h Ralor c 1ams clam gun. :~h<'"' F'rl'shwater 'I Fi:..;:cc.J or\ ~tanda.rd ,, which .a \' wt:ig.hl fl,l_ ~ ·\1\C 7: I h. ~·1ullipk lion" wu.h ~ap: hc.:l\\'c.."cr.• flonll~ ;uuJ 'howk (;II g.~r' than 1 ··, .. uH.:h.unlc:\·\ aala~hc'd ru ;rJtlti~. '\potm. ~pjnu~··r. ,·,r ;utdil··ral liJfl'. ~ ,\t\(' 7~.r.J.;!2.(:aJZ l'. l'lug, .. ,flt.w.m. 'P'!IIIL'r. or ·artrfit.:iaJ l.ufl' havmg. lllllitlpll- hu.c',k(\J·:W.IIIi ~~lP ·her ween poi111~ and ,ft:~nk' 'larger 1haa_1 •.·,. ~~~~·/_1 l.,(·l~P' ,;.,., pl·rmirred 111 Arl"a 1\-~ .. \~\( · . 75.022(;1).1 d.· Sr>car (c•~CJll ;" provu.Jcd f<ir .in Area' C and 1\). N01c: .Grayling. rn:1y. he 1:\h·n only. hy·IH•ok ~nd line. 51\AC 75.0Z21aH .. (Sec ·nun hem r>i.kc cxc.:cplinn.) c. 1\rro_;,. IE.«.:c[ll ;,; r>r<>v1dcd in /\rca 1\.J 5 AAC 75 .Oll(aJ5 . ' llurhcol (frcsh"'a.ler lin!!) may be lakc..:iri'rrc,Jn~;uor wi1h · more lh:in.o•ic linL" and fJOok (soe Area <>ummcr c.,L"C!llion) providod 1ha1: ·' a. The· lOla! aggrcgacc of lioob doc.<'""' cx.:ced J 5 ii1 numhcr:: 5 AAC .75.0331 I 1 · b·. The ·hooks arc 'inglc ho.ok.' · wi1h gar> bel ween .[lorn! ·and .<hank larger 1ha1i .,, i111:h. 5 AAC 75.0.lJIZl . c. Eat:h hook is <ec on 1hc houom of I he. lake oncrearn. 5 1\AC i5.03J(Jl tJ. Each line 1S idcnlli"icd ""''h 1he angler' namc·and ad,. dres.~. 5 AAC 75.0JJ(o1J c. Each line is r>hy<ically·•nspecled :11 leas! once during ~ach 2-1-hour penod. 5 AAC 75:033(5) . . ,'l;urlhern.pike rnay be Ia ken a1 any I nne wirhou1limi1 and· by usc of spear (C.X(e[li::Js pro'"ided in Area 1\l. 5 AAC 75 .OJ4 . 14 l:s<'. 11f Undorwlocer Sp .. ars: Spore fishing may he done hy spe;~( only in.~ \ah wa·ci.·r (in an:urr.Jance wirh, ;ipplk·ahlc.· '~~•sun and hit~ limicsJ hy persunS t.:ornp~eccly .:o.uhrncrgcu. ~ 1\AC 75.02M Srnefl :.uv~ herrintc may· he laken year-round in ~ah walt"r using Ufl 10 15 unhailcu singlcur. muhi[lle hooks. 5 :\At 75.030 Spnrl....-su~:hi fish·arid !heir pans. a·nd arciclcs rnantlfa.:· lu·red from 1hcm. may be flO,scsscd wichin 1~.e scace·by any [lerson .al ariy lime. and may be lrar"flOrlcd wichin and C\· porrcd:ouc of che .~!ale by any r>erson ar· any lime excepr a.' S[lccificd forunr>reservcd Jish under ··suriHnary of Illegal A<.:IS."" page 12. 5 1\AC :75.010 Fh·-fish;i.~:-Only Area~: In waters clesignaced as a llv· fishing-only area, sparr fishing is penni ned only as follow~: a. Wirh nor more'rhan .one ·unwcighred, single-hook. lly wich gap bee ween poiill and shank· 3/8 inch or less. 5 AAC75.024(1) b. Weighcs may be used I R inches or more ahead of. 1 he lly. 5 AAC 7 5 .024(2) Sin~:le-llook A:reas: In wacers designaced as single-hook areas, sport fishing.is. perrnilled only as follows: a. Wich noc more.lhan one single hook wich gar> bee ween poinc and shank v, inch or less. 5 AI\C 75.02Jial(l ). b·. Hooks or lures (including dwse of srandard maniJfa.:-· lure) mav no! have .addilional wci~ill. allachetJ IO !hem. Si~kers. may b~ used only ahead ol 1hc hook '" lure. 5 AAC 75.023(a)(l) c .. Muhir>le hooks are r>r6hibilctl. .-\.-\C 75.02J<hl 15 EXt:r:l' rUINS S,wttrd l.u~enmo: Cluscu.lo ·ri,IHng. 5 AI\(· 56.050 h IIJJ(BJ ~ ... ~td ·1tmu lh!rbur lind l.aKuun t\rc-d: west ufa .line from· .a n1;~rkcr 200 yan.ls "mill uf the ·1erminu' of 1he Seward Lag(Jon t'o: the casf brc:akw::ucr of the Seward Sm.aU lloa1 harbor. including the Smaii.IJoat harbor: dosed ·to coho salrniJn ri"shing fromSCfllC!Ilher .Is through D~'CCitlhCr 31. 5 _;\ACS!Ul50(bl . Ninilchik·Anr:hor IUv~r Ar<:a: The V.·arcrs wi!i1in a one· . mile radius extending from lhc mouths ofiAnehor· River, Dccp-Oc.:k, Ninilchik River. arid·~tariskiCrcck arc dosed Hl king salmon fi~hing from J:umary I thr(mg:h June lO; S At\C S8.0SO(al( 1)(.'!10)(41 . No person may intentionally snal( or ancmpt to snag any species of rish within a nnc:n,ilc riidiiiS of thc:tcrmirn1s-of the Kenai Ri¥cr. Fi~h •hooked dsewhcre than in the mouth must be. rclcas~'<.l·immediatcl)'. 5 AA(: S8.03S(bi Special l'ru•isions A nontransfcrabi~; Harvest R_<!CIIrd is: required. and must be in the possession of ali' persons .raking ·King Salmon in waters_ north of a line_ from. Cape. Douglas to t'he tip of Point Adam. A Harvest Record form ap- pears on the back of the regular adul[·-liccnse .. Non· 'licensed anglers (those· under 16 years of age oi those who arc 60 years. of :age or more and. have been_ a resi· dent Tor 30 or more consecutive vcars) must have: a numbered Record · C:.~rd . in pos~essi 0 n .. · (Sec-King Salmon/Steelhcad iaunmar'y. I 5 AAC SR.Oi S(a) A Kin!( Salm<•n/Sieelhcad l~crmit Sliunp is niquired _for the lakin!(. of these. sp~-cics in 11le waters of Alaska. (See l.kense· Fees ·section of hooldh.l Dip nets may. be used 10 take smelt. 58.035(cl A/\C . DESCKII'TIOI'H>F THE SUSI'!'NA-WEST COOl\ IN· LloTAREA: The Susitna·Wei!t c;,.,i.: Inlet area consists of ;ill fre~h ·water _dniinagcs which lluw 'into Cook Inlet. ll:;uni~h:tk !lay .111d ~'tlntiguo1is hays north <>f the 1.11illH.lcor Cape Douglas (58 4 52' N. lat.);.c•clufJing the watcrs·of tile Kenai. l'cninsula· area, aild · exduuing the uprx:r Susima River drainage upstn::un of the C:(lnlluencc of the Oshcin;i Kiv.:r .. 5 i\i\C 61.005 · . 4.Wt:4 ~. 0, '\ , ~rot:.'"\. ··lilt'.!o.H'IAo\ftM R·\ ... :: t.Wi.4. J I" ~.1·\'lt;;o.piii:NtClHl' "'"t1W.4tt.tl Gulf nf ;!;Iaska "' ()ru.•u. ·st•ason.· tsc:c..· E.\,c..'eJ'11o·u.,J' Joarau;ary ·i><'<'<:llli;CI .11. 5 1\t\(. (II .!IIIJ 01. S~dfi8UID. <llhc..tr fh:111 kil_lg .. '\allllUII·,~ Jfl·iitl"fH:~ Of IIIUfl" Ill lcu~lh; three fish. 5 AACI\I.<l20(al(l) h. In ;I(J<.Jitiou, .KinK s~amun, 20 indre'. or lll<lrl' Ill length: one-fish. 5 1\1\C f>I.020(a)(2) c. in a<.l<.lirion,.Triull, (;rayli"K• Char, KinK Sah10un lcs' 1 han .20 indres an<.l otlicr. ·salmon spe.:ies .less ·1 han I(, rnches i.n length: len fish e.cept as follows: 5 AAC 61.020(ai<3)(A) I) Nor more I han five fish may be l{yirnhoow Trout, ol which .. onl)' one rna)' hi: 20 irkhes. or ·more in· io:ngth;5 AAC 61.020(a)(J) 2 1 Nor m 0 re 1 han 1 wo I.Hke Truut and GruylinK may· be 20 .. inches. or .more in· length: 5 AAC t\1.020(a)(J)(A) J JC!aren<:e l.ake: l"-'O Graylin2;· i\1\C 61:020(a)(3)(1J) <.J. Srncft (hooligan): 200 fish. 5 AAC 61.020(a)(J)(C) c. \'earl)' haK.Iimit:Sce King Salmon Summary. Special 11 rnvisiulls ..\ nonrransfcrable, llarvesl l{ecord is requirc<.J and rnusr llc in· rhe possession of all. persons taking King Salmon an<.l/or rainbow/stcclhead trout.. A Harvest Record forrn aprrears un .the back of the regular ·a<.Juil license. Non- licensed anglers (those under 16 years of age or those who. arc 60 years of age or inorc and have been a resident for JO ur more corisccutivc vcars) must ha<·e a numbcre<.J l{ecurd Card in posscssio.n. ·.(Sec King Salmon/Srectltea<.l Sumrnary.l 5' AI\C.61.015(a) 46 Sml'it (houlr~o:anl: :\lay l>r lak~n tn· dip lll'l. r>t .ti.IS(hl .rdl lrl·~h waler' and dr~tina~l·~ ol Cook Inlet o_uc c..:lo._cU In lhl" ~akin!-! t•f (in~ 'almu_n ,!() iudJe5 anti O\'C'r 111 lc:ngll1 c.:.,- ..:cpl c.Juring ~pcL·ial opcnin~~ li~1cd -111 the Spcc..·iiJI Kin~ Salnurn/Steelh~ad Sununary. 5 ,\1\C 61.1l50(a) In insranc:L·~ ·where frCshwarcr di"ainagc..·s arc "_c.:Jo.~cd In fistiin~·fur salrnoir,'' irt' lotalur in rr:rn·. I his closure arrpties 10 king salmon zo· inches in length an<.l over an<.J all other . ,;rlmun .~rrel'ies ·It\ indrrs in length an<.l over. S f\,\(' · (>I .050(a) EXC~:J'T!ONS All !lowing warers insi<.le the otrca houn<.lc<.l by Willow Creek un the itorth, Susitna River on .the west, Cook Inlet an<.l Knik 1\rni on .lhc :~oulh, anu.·Matani.Jska River an<.l Moose Creek on the cast arc dose<.lto all fishing froni 'April_ G 15 through June 14. (llouniJary streams remain open: I This · dosure ·UOCS noi _a['l['liy in areas. whcr.e !lowing waters arc open 10 fishing" for king salmori 20 ini:hes or more iri length. 5 AAC'61.050(b}( I) . Ah!~M~der Creek: Sec King Salmon/Stccfhea<.l Sun11nary. 1\AC 61.010(1)(1 l(Al liireh Creek: ( IJirch Creek Slough) closed 10 salmon fishing above a marker approximately onc:fourth mile upstream from it's coniluencc with the Susitna River. .5 1\1\C 61.050(b}(Jl llird Cr~ck: above a point one-fourth mile upstream from ·rhc Scw.ard Highway. bridge· is closc<.l 10 salmon fishing. 5 1\AC 61.050(b)(4) llndenburg Cn·ek: (Old Glenn Highway, Palmer) in- clu<.lin~ Knik River waters ..;,ithin a 100-.yar<.l rat.lius· of Bo<.lenb\rrg Creek 1erminus is dose<.l 10 salmon fishing. 5 ·\AC ~ 1.050(h)( (\ 4i I I i i ll..,•ni•· Lake: rhcouth:t ol Upper llunnic:l.akc w tlu:·;.,. let nf l.,ow.:r lklllrii.:.l:akc dmcd Ill fi,hin~ frmn i\f!ril 15 ,·honq~ll l11nc .10 ~AI\(. ftl.ll50(h)(7) U~·l·rs ('n.•t•k: U~aJttagc. nh.:ludlng, Uyer:-. t.akc.·l~ dose~ au \Odrlum li,hiu~ up~trc~un frc,m !he Park). i t"lghway. S ,\1\( · 61 .!1~01 ht{f•l ;1. ,\hove· th.: Old· Seward Highway hrit.lgc do;~'l.l lo f,,hm!(. S ,\,\(.' f>I.050(bl(lil h. llclow the 01<.1 Seward Highway l>ridg.: dosed IU .,almiut lishing. S t\1\C: (>I.OSO(hl!lll Cas .. ·~!!. Cr.,o:k: frurn it~· mouth upstream t"o the Park~ l!tghwav.•~ dosed to all fishing from June I througli July 6 · :~.,~cpt. duri;>g ·king salmon ~cason. See King ·Salmon/ Steel head Suimnary. S ,\1\C .6l.OSO(b)(2)(0l Cltunihla Cr~k: SeeKing Salmon/Stcclhead St~inmary. Clarenc~ l.alu:: the hag and. possession li.mit.i.s two,grayi. 1ng of Jny sile. Cottonwood Cr~k and drainage (Wasilla area): :1 ().:signaled a sin~le-hook 'area (see ,'v\ethods and Means. page 16) b. Closed to salmon fishing above a department marker. pla..:et.! on~ mile 'below Fairview Loop Road crossing. 5 · AAC 61.050(b)(9) c. Do,.·nstream from a department marker one mile t>e\ow. the Fairvi.ew Loop Road crossing, is open to fishing on Saturday and Sunday. 5 AAC 6l.OIO(b) Ut:-.-t"lttinn _Cr~~_k: (\V11luw area)-1' dn:'lot. . .'U I<~ ..;ahuun ri,hiu!!:· 5 1\i\C fd .O~O(hl( 101 J)~sllkH Ki•.~r: Sec King Sahnun/Stcclhcall Sunnnarv. .. :~w.h.• l(h·,•r: .ahtHoC' ;r poln1 ttnc·four!h miic-HJ"-Irc:uu '""" tile old i\nc'hur:rgc·l'ahncr lli~hway hrid~c. di"cd '." ,alniotl fi,hing; ~ !\,\(' l•l.ll50(hll II l Fish ( ·n·•·k llriiin"K"(Wa~ill:• areal: a: ,;. c.lesigmnnl a ,;n~~:!e·ll~>t~k area (sec :O·•Idhod~ and. Means, pat4e IC>.) 5 1\A(.' 61.(l45(hl b. dil"-'d .ill lhhing downstream. frmtt the Knik·l;.,,;,e liay Road except on Saturdays and Sundays beginning the.~cc<ir•d Saturday in August: 5 1\i\C 61.010\CI .:. bnirc drainage is clo~cd 10 salmon fishing upstream · frurit the Knik·Goosc !lay Road: S.i\AC.61.050(1:>)( 12) ·, ( · . Gn•ise Creek: that portion or the stream downstrc:unoi. · .. the l'arks'liighway and all watcrs·within.a one-fourth n1ile Iii radius'uf 1hc stream's ~onlluencc with the Susitna Kiv<!r is !ml dosed to all fishing from June I through 'July 6. 5 t\AC .61.050(b)(2)(i\) Indian Creek: (Anchorage) closed to fishing from July through August 14. S AAC 61.050(b)(l Jl John'son l.Jike: (Palmer area): Closed to t'ishing. ) ,\ AC ni.050(bl(l4l · l~ake Creek: See· King Salmon/Steelhead Summar.y. Lilli" SusitnM Ri•er: a. River drainage is closed to salmon fishing upstream from the Parks Highway. 5 AAC 61.050(biO Sl . b. King. Salmon/Steelhead Summary, ~9 ,. i· ,. l.iuh: N\'ilfuM' Crt~l"k: that pttrtlut·t uf I hl' 'itrl·a·tu dtt\\'H~trc:uu ·pf -fht.~ l':trL::•• ltighway ;and ;:sU_ ~v;u·cr, \\·fthin·;a. Olll"zfounh rude radluv nl lht.~ \lf'C;ut·,·;o..-t.THtflucnL"t: \\ti.th lhl' Su"ipt:t ~ivcr 1.., ._:lu,.._·{J ru. aU fishiug_ l'nun .rune I Jh_ruut:th .luly ft. ~ !\t\( fii.!I~O(hl(.:!)(lll Lou_.·<·n~t·k: ,;lo:'\..:c.l io fi!\hmt.t, fut r:unh(nl: trotH I runt iL'i l'll,llfhu:rn:t.' \,·tfh tht: C'hull Ki~l'l tu a l'"'iiU ont:·ftt~lllh mjlt,~ upMream fnuu Apnl 15 thruu~h .lime 14,, ~h·:~(·iJ 'Kin·r Srac-.··( ;:uuc_ San«.·c'iaar~: 1 he ;JrC;t wit hn(tHIC· half nuk ol the: l'vkNc:il 1<1vcr .I' all~ lo(:UecJ apprnxim:lldy ~HI(." ruih.a up'rr~·anl rrnm ,\1cNt.~it'· L;tgO()~l. i~ L·tuscd It'; (j,hing. ~ t\t\C (,J.050(h)( I f1) 1\.h·wdcow Crcd( Ur~i""ll<' (W~silla :&rl'l!l: c.•c:cpt'for Lake. Lt.ocilc. dO\cU Ill salmon fishin~. ~. AACf11.050(hl(l7l · .,\fnntanu Cro:l'lc a. :\h(l\'l•. a llllitk~r .one. m'ilc upstn:aru l'rurn .. th\: .Al:t~ku l<;tilrtlali ~.britl,t;c do<cd ril 'almon fi~hir\~,:. ~ At\C 61 .050(hU I !II h. From it' IIHHith upstream ui ·rhc l'ark' Hi!!h.way ..:l("ccJ Ill all fi,liin.!( June I lhrou~h July(> c~t:l:l>l Jur- ing kin~"""""' 'Ciosoq. Scc.Kit)~ Salmon/St~-clhcad StHiHnary. 5 t\t\C61.rJ50(bi(2l(EI· ' ·1•-.·u.•r:ror.· Crt"ck·: a hove a ptlim ~ru:·founh mile upslrt.:~IH from the ,olcJ Andooragc·l'alml.'r'Highway br.idgcdosccJ Ill 'almonfishrng, 5 :\:\C f11.050(b)(l':l) b. Dow"'trcarn from the Old Seward. High"-·ay dosed to (i,hiiHL 5 .-\!\(.' ol.050(b)(201 . . 50 sftt"t~,, Cft..-N:_rhat;ptirfHHI ol ttit~ 'HC':lHlt.hn .. ·Jt,lll'afH of rht.• P:ll~"-flt_uhwa:· ;utcJ all "al•.:t-. ,,,flhiu :t nm..··l'uur'lh ltllil' f:uluh ol lhl' ·-..lr._·;t.~u·, '"·onlluc.,•u~.,·L· w11fl !ht.• S1hltua K, .... t", ·,., dll'<'diu ,;JI·I'I\IIII.t)!·lwnr hin<: I rhwoi~h July I•. ~ ·\·,\( hi U~O(in<ZH< -,. a ·1u".:d to lr,hlll!! from Janu~l1r 1-rhrou!J,h ·\u-~~oht 17. 5 :\,\( l>l.lllll(tl) I'. 1\ th:'tttnarcti -a . ..;iui,!h.• .. huuk :.~n·a (\t.:t: .~·h.•t hod,-atH.J :-.kan'. I'"~' 161. 5· /\AC ld <hl~(dr ,·, UrNrcam I rom a· poult .HMI·tcct lldnw rile Chu(lat:h i'i1wt:r 1•1aul' d;ull ,,;hl'l;d ftl 'almon (i"-fllng. 5 1 \:\( · 61 JI)O(h)(~ll Tahn·huliln:.a Kivf.•f' and ti-ihutaric' ~.hlwnslrcam frnm .lmJ u L:r k<·; a Only tHth:tllc_U :-.ingi'C-l_luok ar~i.fkial lurcY may h(! usccJ. 5 At\C (,1.!1-lS(cl h. Entire area j, ·a rainht•''> truul· !lo,ll\-~·iruJ-r~.:h:~t~(· fish~~"\ aU rainh<.lw·lrodt GHit.th·t·-.h:III bt..~ tntnu.:diutd .. · rclca5~d. 5 AAC ili .. OSO!Ili(!il . . Thn·..-·Mile Creek: closed, 10 'almun l"hong .1<~1 r~ct upstrciun ;md .1()0 t'cct cJl)wo.rstrc;uH frnm the StancJarcJ Oil KoucJ. 5 Ai\C 6UlSO(hl(ll) Wasilla Crl't'k ( ~aht>ic Sluul(hl ;r. Dcsignafcd a sin~h!',lwuk ar~a ,(,~e .\kihOlh and \kan5. na~c 161. 5 :\t\C 61 ,!W5!<:! 51 G I \ i I L I. I I •&E7 11. Clusetl 10 s;olnullo.rishing upstrcano :from I he t\l:"k". l{ailrnad trestle hrld~,:c. 5 t\A(' ni.050(h)(2~) 1.:. ·hu: area ht.•low riu: railroad,,r~·sllc hrid~c 1.' opt.'ll 10 rishing on S:uurday and Sunday. ~ i\,\·C·I,I_OIIJ(·,., Willuw ('reek (Willow area) a .. Upslrc:am from ifs·cunlluC:nc.:c willa l>t.;t:c:pr_ic,n C_rct;~ anti indutlinu .i)eceptioil Creek is_ dosed In 'almon rishing: 5 t\AC 61.osochi<Z51 h' from its rnt.ntdl upsrrcam ·ro rhc: Park:-. lfill.h,wav I'• dmecJ 10 fishing Jui1c ..' lhrough .July 6 c.•cc;tdu;,.,.·· kirig salmon season. Sec 1\ing S:&.lmon/Stcclhead Sun;- m:&ry. 5. t\t\CI\ 1.050(h)( 21(1'1 Wulv<•rine L2kc ou1le1 lo .Wof•·erine Creek dosed 10 rishing ri~m 1\pril 15 rhrciu~h .June 1~. 5 ,\,\C 61.050(b)(26) ,-iiip.- Fit•ht ,\lulcs: Kc~..·p I r:ll.:k of ynur ri;.,h: you 1111~111 fl.'Cl'I\'C ;t Spon 1-'! .. h I t.arv.: ... r c)ut:"itiOrtll~lln.·. Tha,. 'lin·c:y j, 111aah.:U cacJ_1· !'all 10 :1 raaH.Jt~1f1 'tilllpk· p/ -.. \la'k~t·, Sport Fi,hc:rmcn t1~ki11g '''"·'ll.' wll;u kanth-of fi,h \\C,,'r.,.' 1...'~1l1gh1 lhL' J'fL'\IOUS "UIIIItlt:t rtw .. \·ailltlhlt: lilfOflll.il· tiun i:-u,c:<.J 111 m.anagcrHl'lll l)f ~~~~ow .. lol"J.. ...... Io lldp in-,url' lhl•rc wi.ll alway-, he· hcalt/1~· g.~imc (io.;h popul~111on-, and 111a.\i.JIHHII "Pllr.t l"i:-.l11ng oJlrnrruniiiL''\. Sitt.• 52 1\INC; SAI:MON/STEEI.JII-:AII TIHH.IT SUMMAIH' ·\.no_n·lran ... lcrah.lc .ll:arvt.•sf·Kl·~·urcl i.' required and nl~!' !1(:' ,j, ihc . ."pn!oo!ooc~!ooi<~ll ·nf all· pc:r!--un\_ laking f..:ing Salmor and, or. r:uilhow/\ll'dhc:aU trnul. A l..far\'C:SI" Rc,.:urtl lorn :appeal\ pn !hC·. hac:k .of rhc regular· adult lic:cn.,.c. Non ·ll~o.'L"II\I,,"d ,aii~Jcr~ (l.ho<c UU<.JC:r .J(l yc:_ar-, of a~C Of 1 ho ... l' \"-'"ht :"·'-' (,ll Yl'ar ... of a~c_or murc amJ have hccn a rc.•stdcn~ _fl~r JC "' morl· dlll:".c~uli\~C yean) mus1 have a· f(et.·urct C:.ard 11 l'""c"ion-. 5 i\t\(')(dliS(a), 5H:OI5(al. (,I.OIS(al .-\ 1\in~: Sa!nwn/Sie<•lhc:ad l'erri1_i1 Slian1p is r<'tluired fno lht.· l~kirlc uf lhest.•. Sltt.•t:ieS in rhe waCt.•rs· uf .-\l~ska. I St.·~ :l.i<·•~""' Fccsse<·tinn ur luuiklet.) fill .. " required when ·fishirlg r~lr I he following: a. f..:ing ·,afinu.n 20 jnc.:hc:s· or ovCr 'in lcn~th in ;Ill i'rc:,hw:itc:r~ tif _t.hc Kcn;;1i Pcninsula ·north dt thl· l;unud~.or l'd'inr t\c.larn (Area[); that rmrrion of til<· marine \V~IIcrs or Cook lnlo:r·l{esurrc(!ion B:iy (/\rc•;o Finorrh or a line rrorn Point ,\darn 10 Care Doo.ogla,: and 1hc fresh wa~cr.s of th~ Susiuw Ba."iin/\Vl·~tL"rr, Ct~ok Inlet drainage' (t\rea (ii.S-.'\t\C-51UJ15(;t)( 11. 5H OIS. 1\1 .. 015 h.· f{ainhow/,leclhead trout 20 inches or over"' len~111 '" the freSh water!; of the Kenai P~ninsuia lhn,·ing· ~rHo Cook lnlo:1. 5 t\t\C 5n.OI5(a)(21 lmml·diatcly uron .landing a_ king ~alrnon or ra111hl'\",., ''~elhcad dc~"ih~d above, the arrropriiuc w:uer 'hall he· re,ord~d on the form or card and the d:uc rc~ordcd. ~-.-\.-\(_' 56.015(hl.5~.015 61.015(bl. M··¥"'="4-""""-@--o4!'-4f!t¥A, ~ ·A*fiY.·@ItM;-.$-rhfl@ 53 a. i'hl" rearly ~lggH.:gatt~ h;ag !111111 tnr lr..111~ '~al111n1i 20 Ill· .:ht.·' ur U\.'t."f iu l~..·n~rh" l11ot.: (.:'i)l\11 !IH"t..:' wal1.."l' li:-.lt.:d 111(:11 ahuw. < ·\.-\( <1,.11( ~kl( 1.). IX.Ill ~k): ld llll(c) h. rlu: yearly O&Kgrcg~art.·.ha~ 1111~11 lor rawhuwt,lcclhe:l~ 1(0\ll ~{) 11\C.:hC'~ (Jf 't_J\;Cf Ill kll~l!l 1~ five (5}. rhi~·lilllil .applic!'I·UI11y to rlu;,c lh:~h waiC~!'I ol the 1\cn:u l~cnin·­ 'ula wl11~h rlow 11110 Cook In lei. ~ 1\1\C )1,.'111 )(~1(2) No.lc: Noihing in th" ,c..:lion·a.llc..:r~ or IIHH.Jific~ any t!xistinK h:1K and .posscS!'Iion lunit~. Foi hag .and posses>ionlinuts\ee 1\r.eas 1'.. F amiCi Bag J.nnits and 1he King Salmon/Sreclheau Summary. 1 .• \1\C 56.015(e); 5 !\1\C 5H.Ill5: 51\:\C 61.tll5 All rre>h wale" and uraina!;e> ur Cook lniel arc closed il) .(he laking or kin~ >~lnion-20 in~he' and uver·in lenglh ex-. :)..:c~t as nt~.~~o·in thi'\ ·set.:tion;.hoWcvcr', king S;IIn·u.m under 20 'I inches in·lengih 111:1y be laken rrum any w;I(C" open.(() · fishin!;. (Area>~.: and li.) 5· o\1\C 51i.IJ51llal. Ill ll51l(al S'pecial l,ruvisiuns , AREA E-KEN AI I' EN INSU 1..-\ FRES II\\' ATEH lb~ and l'ossession Urnits are: a. One rainbow/sic.:lhcau 20 111Cllc' (>r t>vc·r 111 kngth. AAC 56.020(a)(J)(AI b. One kin~ salmon 20 m~hcs ,, over 1i1 lengiiL 5 ,\,\C 56.020(a)( 2) rill· fnlluwing. w:uc:r~ ;uc llllt..:'f1 IU kinK, :•.a:1hnun l"i~hin~ duri1ig the! Ja,cs li~l..-t.J: ·.,. Anchor .IUv~r below ihe junction of 1he Norlh am: Snulh ·Forks May 29 . .10, J I; June 5, 6, 7: June 12, 13. I ,I and.Junc 1'1, 20, .21. .5 I\AC56.011l(c)(6) . ··.h. ·f>o:o:p Crr"lt in I he lower 1wo miles as pusied; May 2'1 ·)O,JI; JuneS, 6, 7: June 12, 1j, 14 and June 1'1. 20 21. 5 AA( 51i.OIO(c)(5) .I :I ! I I c. Ninilchik Kivo:r in· I he lower two miles as posted opcr I· May 29, JO. Jl; June 5. 6, 7 and June 12. 13,14. 5 AAC 56.011)(c)(4) Ll. Kiosi!of' Kivrr January I through June JO.· 5 :\1\<. 56.0 II)( c)()) c, Kenai Riv"r (from its. mouth upstream IO· Skila> Lake)January I 1hrough July J I. However, I hat pur· lion of .I he. Kenai River from 1he Sterling Highwa) ·Bridge al Soldotna downstream 10 1he .. upper hreakwaler alI he C~nWmialf'ark boat.l;tunch is clO>· ed.IO fishing from boats from May 15 ihrough Jul) J L Gaffs may not b~ used 10 land-king salmon .. · 5 AAC 56.0 II)( c)( I l f. Moose Ri•rr (from is conlluence with ihe Kenai RI''L'r upslream 10 ihe Sierling Highway 13ridg~): January I 1hrough July J I. This is a fly fishin~-onty area from r"-.lay 15 1hrough :\ugustl5. 5 AAC 56.010(<:)2. 55 I I Kin~ .~:almnn; m1i: p<:r <hly 20 inch~s or <•v.:r inlcng1h: '"'" in -pu~scssitln: a. t\luander Creek from ils mouth ups1ream 10 Alex-· antler .Lake; open toki.ng salmon fishing froln"'fay :~z· 1hrough July 6. 5 AAC lii.OJO(t)(I)(Al. b Chuniln" (Cieml'l Crloek.frorh 'its.moulh 10 a depart- , mcm mar.kcr placed two mileS upstream and ~II waters with iii a one-founh mile radius of the strc:un:s con- lluc~cc with the Talkeetna River: open 10 king salmon fishing from May. 22 through July' 6. 5 AAC 61.011){J)(I)(B) .. . . .. .c. l)eshka River.from its moulh up.stre:mi 10 !lie forks (conlluence of Moose Creek and Kroto Creek): open 10 king salmon fishing from ·May 22through July 6~ 5 AAC 61.010(1)( I )(C) d. Lake Creek from it.s mouth upstream to a departmeru marker atBulchitna Lake , appro~imately two miles and all waters ·within a one-fourth ·mile radius of its conl1ucncc. with '.the Yentna · River: .open to king >almon fishing. from May 22 through July 6. 5 AAC 61.010(1)(1)(0) . e. Lillie Susitna River from its mouth upstream to the Parks Highway 'Bridge at Hous19n: open· lo king salmon fishing May 22 through July 6. 5 r\AC 61.010( f)( l )(El . . . 56 f C•sweUCn~.-k ,!'rom '" mumh ,,;""'""' .cu.chc Parks .{ ~lg,f~,.,·ay and aU ,,·a let''-, within ·a unc~fffun'h mil~ r:u.Jiu~-or rht: ,,;~cam·-... ..:uunucnL't' with 1hc Susitua. Rivl•f :· t)t1i:U lo kin~_ ~~lhtlf.Hl {i,hUh! ·_ l'ur f'(ltn .:uq· . '!cl-L'uli\·l~ wc-t:kcnth, hcgulning Jum.• ·i Z.' Closed. tn ail fi~tnn~ from June t ·rhrough .li1iy It <'XCCfll during the km!! 'almnn,c:"nn: 5 AAC lti.UIO(f)(~)(A) ~· Mt~t~'can;t Cft.•t•k from il~ mouth ·~J-lslrf.!"aitfl·o fhc P:trks I l•~hway · ;irhl' all w~tc" withm a. OIIC·fuurth mile. r~1diw.· ~11' .1hC· 4\lrcar1·t., 1.:0ntluc·l1«.:e -~vilh 1hc Susitna Killer. <lf>Cn, 10 k;ng 'alnmn fishing for four .;on-. ,Cc.:ulivt•._\\'c.:c.ketlds. ~lCe'!iniling June ~~~ Ctusctl to all-.· rishing f'rom' June I thruugh July li except during lhC. ~ing ·"thn<HI <c:ISt111, 5~\AC:6! ,(ll0(1)(2)(11) ~ . . h. Willn .. Cr~~k from its mouth upstrcain to tl\e l'arks "lli~/1\V:IY. atid all l"atcrs '.;.,.i1hir1 a (ine,f<!lirth !llilc radou; ni' chc .~ticam·, conllucm:c· witttdrc Susi1na . River:. <ipcr• tel. king salmon tlshin~. for 'four .;on-· . '<:coiti,·c.:wcckcntls. beginning June ·12 ... Closed to ail fi,hintt !'rbm June 1 through July 6 cxccpr tllJring rhc kin!i 'almon, '>cason. 5 AAC 6l.UJO(I)(2l(C). AI~EA .F-COOK INLf1T IU:SUI{IU:CTION RAy SALTWATEI{ llli~ .l.imil (·\rea F) The ba~ ;ontl flos.ses,;ion limi; •s two ~ing salmon. EXCEI'TIO:"S The watas withirr a on~-mik; radius e)(tending from rhc mouth of .-\nchor River. Deep Creek, Ninilchik River" 3nd Stariski Creek are dosed tO the taking or kin~salmo11 from .January i lhroug,h June.JO. 57 60 MIDDlETON iSlAI\100 c ··· !Hover upstream lmm ots Junction, the drainage with the Chulitna !River; the drainage into the east bank of the OF 6A H AlASKA so 0 50 I P'3 ll:i=!! ISF -"" "" .. 4 MilES uoo 150 ''*'*·· "'"'' 4 ...... .J GAME MANAGEMENT UNIT BOUNDAR~ES SUBUNIT BOUNDAR ~ES AREAS HAV~NG SPECIAl STATE RESTIAiCHONS I'•"'~~" U NATIONAl !PARKS, MONUMENTS PRESERVES IEX~ST!NG HmHWAY SYSTEM 0 llJo '-'UI.JUIIII. '"·"ut-Ut;~IIIIIHIY (n tl the Copper River and the Gulkana Ri1 east bank ol the Copper River to the the Gakona River, then up the Gakon Gakona Glacier to the boundary of Ga Unit 13, then westerly along the bou Management Unit 13 to the Susitna Gla erly along the west bank of the Susitna Susitna River to the Tyone River, then and across a divide to the headwaters o of the Gulkana River, then down the Ill Gulkana River to its confluence with th the point of beginning. C. Subunit lJICI-That portion of ment Unit 13 east of the Gakona Ail Glacier. D. Subunit 13(0)-That portion ol ment Unit 13 south of Subunit 13(AI. E. Subunit 13(E)-The remainder o ational f< into Knik Arm including the drainages o of the Chickaloon River and aU drair confluence with the Matanuska Rover; ia Cook inlet east of the Susitna Riva tributaries into the east bank of 1M upstream to the north bank of the hilr.H- rains Cape ~lver feam I 18911$ i'Uver ng at uiong 1 rum· other _; ··.' ' 10. SW~Ibun!t 9(101-That portion of Unit 9 south and! west of a line drawn from the head of Port MoUier Bay to the head of American Bay, Including the Shume· g!n !sOandls and other Islands to the west of that line. E. Subunit 9CED-The remainder of Unit 9. '110. Un!t 1\!li, Aleutian U1Uand~. Thfl Aleutian islands and the l'rlbliof island~. n. Unit U, Wrenge!M Mountaln~·Ch!tl~r~e Rftvev. That area draining Into the headwaters of the Copper River south of Suslota Creek and the arlli!ll · · · drained by ail 1lrlbutarles Into th0 east bank of the Copper River batween the confjuence of Sus!ota Creek with ths Slana !River end MlieB Glacier. 12, UnDf! 12., Upper Tenana·Whlte IFU11sr. That area dre!nedl by the T enena River end It! tributaries upstream from tlha iliiSt bank oi the Robert· son River to the Alaskl!l·Canad!& boiJJnderv and the Wh!te River and lt1 tr!butarln except the ladue IA!v'er lying w!th!n Alaska, 13. Unit 13, Nelch!na·Uppar Susltnm. That area westerUy of aha east bank of" the Copper River and dna!111ed! by all tributaries Into the west bank of the Copper River from M!laB Glacier and Including the Slana River drainages north of Susiot& Creek; the drain· agel'! Into the Delta River upnream from Clear Creek and Black Rapids G~acler; tha drainage 'nto the Nenana River upstream from the $OUtheast corner of Mt. McKinley National Park ;t Windy: the drainage Into the Susltna River upstream from It!! ~une1l.Don. the dralnag1 with the Chu~hna River; the drainage Into the east bank of the Chulitna River upstream to Its confluence with Tokosit· na River; the drainages oU the Chulitna· River. (s~uth of Mt. McKinley Natlonan Park) upstream from Its conflu· ence with the Tokositna River: the drainages Into the north bank of the Tokosltna River upstream to the base of the Tokositna Glacle~; the drainages Into the Tokoslt· na Glacier; the drainage into the east bank of the Susitna Rlvell" betWeen its confluence with the Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers; the drainage Into the north bank of the CMckaloon River drainages of tha Matanuska River above hs confluen'ce with the Chickaloon River, A. Subunit 13(A)-Beglnning at the Chickaloon River bridge at Mile 77.7 on the Glenn Highway, then aiong the Glenn Highway to Its Junction with the Richardson Highway, then south aiong the Richardson !Highway to the foot of Simpson Hill at Mile 111.5, then due east to the east bank of the Copper River, then northerly along the east bank of the Copper River to its ~unction with Gulkana River, then 01orther!y along the west bank of the Guikana River to !u !unction with the West fork of the Gulkana River, then westerly along the west bank of the West Fork of the Gulkana River to its source, an unnamed iake, then across Ill divide into the lryone River, then down an unnamed stream Into the Tyone River, then down the Tyone River to the Susitna River, then down the southem bank of the Susltna River to the mouth off Kosina Creek, then up Koslna Creek to Its headwaters, then across a divide and down Aspen Creek to the Talkeetna River, then southerly along the boundary of Game Management Unit 13 to the Chicka- loon River bridge, of beginning. lB. Swbunlt 13UU-1Beginnlng at the confluence of the Copper River and the Gulkana River, then up the east bank of the Copper River to the confluence with the Gakona River, then up -the Gakona River and the Gakona Glacier to the boundary oW Game Management Unit 13, then westerly along the boundary of Game Management Unit 13 to the Susltna Glacier, then south· eriy along the west bank of the Susltna Qlacier and the Susltna River to the Tyone River, then up Tyone River and across a divide to the headwaters of the West Fork of the Gulkana River, then down the West Fork of the Gulkana .River to its confluence with the Copper River, the point of beginning. C. Subunit 13IC)-That portion of Game Manage· ment Unit 13 east of the Gakona River and Gakona Glacier. D. Subunit 13(0)-That portion of Game Manage- ment Unit 13 south of Subunit 13IA&. E. Subunit 13{EI-The remainder of Unit 13. A. Subunit 14(A)-Tl ed on the south by Cook I bank of the Knik River fr• junction with Knik Glad Knik Glacier and along th1 the Unit 6 boundary; on River; on the north by W and along a line from the the headwaters of the Chi by the eastern boundary o B. Subunit 14(8)-1 north of Subunit 14(A). C. Subunit 141C)-l ed on the north by Knik ary of Subunit 14 (AI; or Unit 6: on thl! south by Turnagain Arm. 15. Unit 15, Kenai. That part of the K1 Gulf of Alaska, Cook I Gore Point to the point crosses the coast line o Arm and lying west of mouth of the Russian R Chugach National F ores Upper Russian Lake; a Upper Russian Lake 1 Forest boundary. A. Subunit 15(Al- ed on the south by the K B. Subunit 15(B)- of the Kasilof River. Tus Tustumena Glacier; and Skilak lake. C. Subunit 15(C)- of the Kasilof River, Tw Tustumena Glacier. 16. Unit 16, lower Susi The drainage into t and including Redoubt northward to _and in~ drainage from the west upstream to its ju11ctic drainage from the west River below its conlluer drainage from the soutf na River upstream to tl whichincludes the drair •. ,. t:! I .Q_ \ GEI\IHEIRAl UINIFOIRMATUON SOMIE COMMON VIOlA TOONS IHIOOIHWAY U1f'TIEIAII\IIO. It !s.uniawrun to leave any portion of a game animal on a lhinghway or highway uight'()lf-way. li'Dease leave entlrauls, hides, etc., in tire fneUdl o11t oil' sight or roads orr balls. Take your grocery litter home II'ou disposal. SHOOTING 011\1 OR ACROSS' A IHOGIHIWAY. nt_ is unlawful ~~ shoot !from, on, or across a hoghway. FAftiLURIE TO VAUDATIE A HARVEST TOCKET.IHiauvest tickets (stubs) must be validated !MMIEIDDATIELV arteJ the ldll is made by completely removing !from the t!dtet the day and mo11th on which the game was taken. ll'iCKUIII!JG UJ!> lOVE Ml!i'lf Al\lliii\IIAILS. Taking or holding live game (illlcludling lbnrdls) is 111rrniawful without a JPllll'mit from the Deplllitment of fish and Game. If you ehi1111t animals have bee1111 albarndl011edl or hurt, caDI ilbe neuest ll>eptitmeiiBt olf 1!'11blic Sl!.!eay omce (JF!sllil rund wudiire IP'rotectioli). ' ' . . . . .. ' ' OOW 1!'0 IRIEIPOIRY VVOILAlnONS fir yo111 observe 111 'llilollat!on oil'. ihe game laws, fOil can assist ilbe Fish and WildUife Protection D!visiorn by In~c1mll!ng dne foiDowing information ood repotting It to tlbe ooarest omces olf ehe Allaska State Troopers/fish and WildUilfe Jl>rotectimn. llJJPOllli observing a 'llilolatlon, accurately record the lfoUowlng lnformatlolll!: n. Type ohio!ation .. .· 2. Location off: vlolntloU'll · 3. ~ Time olf vlolaft!on 4. Date ohio Dation 5. Photographs nr possible 6. l!)escdptiorrn olf SQllspeci(S) (cloilbes, physical dleSC!I'iption, type olf eqlllfipment 111sed In violation, mo!or vehlclle-mallte, yeliJr, color, U!ce1111se lllllllmber) 7. l!)irectlon or travel If lmOWlll 8. Brief but condse statement of 'llilolaUorn In orlller of events 9. Names llln4lladdresse8 olf witnesses If possible. · HAIRVIESY RIEIPOIRTS·Al\10 HARVEST TICKETS IHIAI1\IVIEST RIEPOIAT JI'IEIRlftOIDI. On certain cases, h11nters must possess harvest reports (see licenses, MetaU Locking Tags and Fees). Harvest reports are valid during the period July n tlllmugh Jlune Jl) or the lfoliowillg year, but must be i"U!!ed Oil( totally and mailed w!ihin IS dmys aller taking the mppmpriate animal OIR within H S days after tile closing dale or that species' season. The reports NIEIEII> NOT be caliliiedl afielkll. lii!Jotfil: Minit.lii.Iry person1111eD may hunl lblg game w!ihout G state Hice1111se on any militaJry prro- perty open to Dn.mtilllgllll the slate, but mllliStalblde by i!.BII other provisio11l1S of slate law. Such areas llllsualily require e permmit from mllifllllry muthoritles. IHIAIP!VIEST 1!'1CKI£T us the IJIQllmberedl stub iss~edl with dne huvest report The stubs must be cal!ried when hunting a particular species. (See !further instrucl!orns under !Licenses, Melallocldng Tags arnd !Fees.) CUilA?'lER (U. HUNTING. AR'l!'DCliE f. UCIEI\ISIES, IHARVIES1T IR IEIPOR iS ANID IHARVIEST T8CKIE1TS. S AAC 81.0!0. DIPAIRVEST THCKIETS AN[) IRIEII'OIRlfS. (a) No persons' may hunt !for deer, sheep, or m.oose in any game management unit, or !for caribou in IUnils 9, R2, and !6·26, unless he has in his personal possession a nontransferable harvest ticket for the species or game anirilaB being hunted; l1owever, no harvest ticket is requiredll[o' big game taken by a permiHee under the conditions of a permit !hunt. (b) No person may hun~ I for moose or sheep In any game management unit, or' for caribou in Units 9, n 2 and 1!6·26, unless lue rust obtains a harvest reporl which accompanies tire harvest fid:el for the species. Persons issued! l!narvesl reports shall comply with the reporting 1equhements or (g) oil' this section. (c) UmmediateGy upon lkiiUmg a big game animal! II'or which a harvest ticket is requhedl -~Y. (a) olf this sect non, dne hurnter shall validate Uue.huvest ticket by com- pletely removing ll'rom the ticket the day and month on which the !kill was made w!dnotJJ¢ obliterating or destroynng any other month or day printed! on the ticket. ' (d) · A person taking a big game animal If or which z harvest ti~ket is required by (~) of this section shalln keep the validatedllltarvest ticlket in his actual possession at all limes unlll! the animal is delivered lo the location where it will be processed for consumption. · · • (e) No person may refuse to produce or permit inspection of a big game harvest tickeilllpon tile request of any penon authorized by AS B6.05.150 to ernl'orce prrovisions or AS 16.05 or regulations adopted! under il. (f) Harvest liclkets and! accqmpanying harvest repo;t forms may be procured! wnilbout cost lfrom any llicendng agent or depiiEt.ment office. At the time oil' issuance, tile lllllllmberr or llie lluuvest tidtel must be _entered 0111 the hunter's license; the number of each harvest I!Acicet Issued! the previous callendar year must also be entered! on the hunter's !license if' tine harvest ticket is stlll valid. (g} Within IS dlays after laking the bag llim!t allowed! I!' or the· species or game for whiclil. 1!1 harvest ticket iis ~requi.red, the hunter mall fiilll out the information reqtJJestedl on the harvest report and mall fit to ilbe address printed on the report· a person not biking game, or laking less !ltarn the ai!Jowabie bag limit, shall nu out the Information ffequestedl 0111 tille harvest report amlJ mall it lo the address printed! on lbe report, within ns d:nys mfter the closing date or the opening season for the species listed! on title report. · S AAC 81.020. UCENSIES, AGE RIEQIUIREMIENTS AN[) SHOWING Of UCENSIES ANI!) TAGS TO OfFICERS. Upon request, licenses and tags, and birds, mammals or !fish taken or otherwise dealt with 111uller the provisions of Ibis title apparatus designed lo be, amll capable oil' being used to take bOrds, mammals or rish shall be shown to 2111yone autllorlzedl lo enforce .these regulations. S AAC 81.021. MUSKOXEN TAO FlEES. (a) The resident tag fee for bull and cow muskoxen taken on Nelson Island pursuant loS AAC 81.320 (RO) is $25.00. (lb) The resident tag ll'ee lfor cow muskoxen taken on Nunivak llsland pursuant to S AAC 8U20(10) Is $25.00. Ncle: The resident tag lfee lfor bull 'lllusltoxeudn the remainder or the state is SSOO.OO: the nonresident tag ~fee irn the remainder of the state is S n ,oOO.OO. ,, j .,. .. UCIENSIES, MIETAllOCKOil\llG TAGS, ANID IF!EIES ILk:GIMiill period. !hmUng ilcennes and big game meftallocldng tag~ .are vaud·ror tlloe I!Mlriolll hn11mry I to !December 3A, l!rocllislve, or the year lror wllicllo nhey aue lsmelil, rexceva that ihe residelllt tuapR~I11111 iicen~~e Is valid !!'rom October n fto the rolliowlng September lC, inchns!ve. RIESIOIENT !!.!ICENSI!! flEE$. Trapping license .••.••.•.•..••..•........ , .•••.•......• $ IHuntin!ll license .....••.....••....•...•......•......•.. HQJint!ngandl trapping licenw •••.•.........•..•.•.•. ; ..... . Hunting andl sport fishing license .....•......•......•..... HQJintilllg, trapping, and sport fishing license .•...••.•...•.••• 3.00 112.00 15.00 22.00 25.00 However, the fee is 2.5 cents for a he head or a ramily or 111 depemlenl member ofi!Jis famoiy or Ollie rolefty dependen~ IDIJ!OIII himselr for suppon upon JPfOOf presented bf the applicant nhatii!Je awlicann (A» is obtaining or ltias obeained assislance during ollle preceding sill months under 111ny stale or federal welfare IPfOllram to aid nhe indigenn, or (B) has an annual gross income of less Jhan 11!1,600 ror ahe year p1receding applicatimi. Tlhe 2S cen~ license is a regular hunting, napping and S\J!Orl fishing license and entilles the licensee to all or nhe lflrivileges, lbua only_ those privlleies, amn1ed loamy mher n>erson with a ltiunaing, arap- pi~~g and spora lishing license. No D!cen~~e is requored lfor al"i AllmsltM resid~t over (i(JI years o« age wlilo illas Hived In tllne state lror 30 or more consec11111ive years. Ai or .Duly II, 1980, a IJ)ermanent nde~~~tlilcation anrdl issued by the State or Almslui! !Department or Revenue b req111lred. The ft. D. card ~repBaces tille sport foslln!ng, l!nnntlng, and trapping Incense at 11110 charge to the resident. fur dealer Ulcanse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • • • • . • • • • . • • • 50.011» T ax!dermy O!cense . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • . • • • • . • • • • • . • • 75.00 IF6sllil, fll.llr or game farming Oicanse .••••••.•••••••••••••.•••• ~ 00.00 No Blcense i1 requ!Jred! olf Ei111 ADasb1111 Jell!denlluniler n6 yeu9 of age, for hulllltilllg Oil' tlrlllppmg. AS J fri.OS.400{a). Uc:enses :l!ld big game tags ae requrured or d III!O!'IIIle!ildenng, regar!illness of a;e, lfol! llnuunft!l!lll and!. ti1l!lpplng. l!lloweve~. d iesldlenls, lleglllldDess of 1113e, llmnelllldins to DIIUIIJllt brown/griz:I!By bell!', are ~~equlred to poS~~ess fil llesfidenQ brown/grizzly beu m~. 81!0Will/ii!Jtml!y bear «~i~i~J expll!e oo December :H of the yeu rm wllllk:h dney ue !9Siied. RIES~IOHEN!T !BOG GAME TAGS AND FIEIES IV!IiJJskoxen (lln»BD) (INJQJin!vak DsBandi and ArcUc National W!idilfe !Refuge) •••.•••.••••.•.•••.•••.•.••• (NeUson Osland) ••••••.••...•.•..••••.••••••• (cow) «Nensou-n and NlQJinlvalk Dslau-nd) •••••••••••••••••• Bear brown or grizzly ••••.••.••...••.•.••••••.•..• each lf1leside~r~u or II'Donres!dentpermi~ application fee (all :~pecies for which a limited drawing os conducted, • excapt muskoxen& .• , •••••.•..••.•...••.•.•.•..••. · .. 4 $500.00 25.00 2!Ull0 2!5.00 5.00 UCIENSES, MET An. lOCiONG TAGS, ANID FrEIES Resident or nonresident permit application fee for mQJiskoxen ...•.....•..................•..... each 110.00 MiUitary small game hunting license... . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 2.00 Military small game hunting and sport fishing license •......................•................ 22.00 NONRIESDIDIENT BaG GAME TAGS AND f!EIES A nonresident may nol lake :n big game animal wilhoul previously purchasing a numbered, nontransferab~e. appropriate lag, issued no him as provided in this !lllbseclion. The 1tag shain be amxed lo 1the animal immediately upon capture and shall remain affixed unUII the animal is prepa1ed for storage, consumed, or exported. !Fees [or NONR!ESDDIENT fth:enses are 111s Wollows: Hunting license •...•.•.•.................•............ $ 60.00 IHQJII-nting andl sJPort fishing license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 IHIJinting andl trapping license . . • . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . 200.00 !Fur deaier licenw . . . • . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 T axidlermy license . • . • • • . • . . • . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 200.00 !Fees ll'or NONJRES111!)1ENT lll!g game Dm::Bt!rng lags are as Uo!Dows: !Bear, bl;cil< .•..•....•..•....................... each $ 100.00 Bear, brown or grizzly .•.........•.........•..... each Bear, polar ••.••..•.•..•....................... each Bison .••••..••..•.••••............ -~ ...... each- Caribou . . • . . . . • . • • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . • W ...... each !Deer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••. each IEDik • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S) .......... each Goat ••.•.•••..•••••.•••.••• Moose •..•.••• , . • • • . . • . • . . . . ••...•.......• each Muskoxen . • . . . • . • . • • . • . . ••..•.••..••..... each Sheep .•................ :'\:> •••••••••••••••••••• each Walrus .•..•.................................. each WoO'/ •....•..•.••..•.......................•.. each Wolverine ........•...•........................ each 250.00 250.00 2!50.00 200.00 35.00 1125.00 1125.00 200.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 50.00 50.00 Al!L INONRIES!DENTS regardless or age, must have a valid hunting license amll lag(s) in their possession while laking or allemptlng to take game. AS 116.05.330(a). Allien IJ)ersom llllot lawr1111iy admined no ihe United Slates are prohibited ffrom talking game in tille Sitale oi Alas!ta or lis waleu. Melal locking tags are Issued to an individuan and are nonrefundable and nontransferable. MetaD locking t~~ must be affixed 1111d locked lo an animal immediately upon Uaking and must remain affixed and loclced until ill!e animaO is prepared ror storage, OOil!lllmed, or exported. · 5 ,_ ~ l I j UCENSIES, MIET Al lOCKiNG----~=~­ TAGS, AND FIEIES A single metal Bocl!tilll tag may be uselll to smibfy ihe tagging requirements for mny ~pec!es folf which the lag fee is or equan Oil' less value, but only during the Callendari yeau fill which the tag It Issued. GUIIDfE$. RIEQUORIEID FOR I\IIONRIESIIIDIENT IHIUNTIEIPIS. Nonresidents are requ!Ked to have a guide or be acrompanied by an_AGaskan resident over 119 years or llige within the second degree of kindred (see "Definitions,") when hunting brown/ Jgl"i:uBy lbeal! and DaiD sheep. ~age 67. Fe>~ moue information regarding gu""· ._,..,~,"'ntact lhe Depal!tment of Commerce and IEcoilllomiC Development in Juneau -phone 465·2542. Addreu: Department ofCo..J:..~ .• JM;and Economic Development Guide Licensin troD Boaud Pouch D ·-S e Building Juneau, A :':.> DWiclk Stamp. No person, esndent or nonresndent, Hi years or age or older may ~mite watedowl unless he carries l!l cuminl, signed rederal migratory bird hunting stamp (duck stamu>) on his person. UCIENSIE$, !METAL LIDCKING TAGS:,ANID IFEIES 71: 'W&aiw<B tc olbtmln ileGn.s, m€11lllll i'oddng t8!1!1, hllll'vllllt r11po,tli flndl tDdtll>ts.. Licenses may lbe o'btainetil ruom !lny designated l9$Uing agent or blf mall f11om the !Ucensing Section, ABmslta Department or Revenue, 11117 W. 8th St., Juneau, Allasltm 99801. IH!Illll'Yest treporls with aetadled harvest tfidcets may lbe obtained without ch:uge from ooy leen!!lng agent or Depl!ilrtmoot o( Fbh and Game office. liiiSJII O!C!W!-., !Mil1!1!li \!ocldll'll!l t11911 « h!ln19!1t rrapovtl! md htWI!!Ii1l «ldtrats. Any lfullll price ~~eSident 101r nonresidena license, or 11 visitor's license may be duplicated ll'or a $2 ree mt -lf 81C!Inr;s VQndlo!r (spo~U!ng goods slore9,. etc.), upon completion or an llilf"lld~vil. D1111plicate liuvesQ ~repoulls mmD tickets can lbe obtained at no oosl rrrom ahese I!!!BMvendlors. A dupUicete bljJ game metaD locking tag can be obtained ruom tile ICii>plll"1moot ""g ll'emv®I!We, Fish and Game Llcen!ling Division, 1 R07 W. 8th Street, Juneau, ADub, clllell' compietlolltl oil' approprllate mrfidavit, and remittance olf' $2 for eac!n big game lag req111ested. fol!l:!l !it!ltsmwntll, oDto,etlom, mnd l:lrl1lnslisrs. Any ranre statement as to any malerial II" met iin an IIIPPIIIcalion for a license renders the license nuOI and void, andl 4he pu!IOIIII malting lllae false simiemeni Is guiOay of a violation olf these regulat!on11. . A111y pe11son who aSters, changes, Domns or· iransren any license, tag, or Jhal!1'est tklke~ amied lo Mm IIIIDdlilK these uegulations i' guilly or a vioDalion or these qulmaioi!IIS. Sllmliarly, any person who uses any O!cense, tag, or harvest ticil:et other .·Qulll'll lllae Oll1le lmoed to him undeu these regulations is guiiiy of a violation or lhese ll'egllnDal!ions, except ag provided for blind penons. AS B6.0S.4 20(a}(b) ; ' '· .. ~-, . .J • HUNTING means the laking of game under the rules ami rcgulntions of the Alaska fish and Game Code and the Board or Game. GAME means all species of lbiros and mammal!, including feuai domestic animals., found or that may be introduced in Alaska except domestic birds and mammals; !PHOVided, however, thai "game" as herein defmed is further classified by reguBaUoP!S as big game, small game, fur animals, marine mammals, and unclassified game. SUIBSISliENCIE HUINITUNG policy and ddinitions; seeS AAC 99.010, page' 69-70. HUN"H"DNIG lli\i STAlE PARKS. Portions of the Slate Park Systemare open to Uawful hunting; IHOWIEVER, tile laws pertaining to discharge or firearms vary from park to park. Many Stale parks, recreation areas and other areas closed to the discharge or !firearms are open to hunting by other means, such as bow and arrow. for specific infor· malion, call tile offices of tlhe State Division of Parb, Department of Natural !Reslurces. MAIAVNIE MAMMAl. Hlllli\!Tiii'IG is presenliy controlled by the federal government. Piease contact the IIJ.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for information on hunting walrus, ~tar bear, andl sea otter. COilliact lllle IIJ.S. Department oil" Commerce f01 information 011 hunting seals, sea lions and lbelulcha. OIFIF·ROAD VIEHUClE USE: Slate law requires that any motorized veliicle aossing of anadromous ll"islt streams (salmon. trout. sheerish, or whitefish). be reguOaaedl under lerms of a Department peumit. I!Junten are advised to contact the Alaska Department of fish and Game, Habitat Division, at Anchorage, !Fairbanks, Juneau or Nome for further informalion before going afield. WJllcrlte 11'11EGUILA1rHOiliS may establish an open season on certain game, local regulalimu, ordinances, or rules by the landowner or municipality may prohibit 5c<eess Oil' discharge of furea1rms. UNUT BAG UMHlS. "No game may be taken in any unit or subunit in which the bag !Dmil is equal to or less than tllle total number or the same species previously taken in any area or the state during the cunenl regulatory year. (See definition or bag limit.)'" 7 .· ,;. GEUI!HERAl UN!FORMATIOII\IJ SOMIE COMMOII\IJ VDOft..ATUONS·. ":.; HOGHWAV llJV"'TIEAONG. It Is unlawful 1o leave any.porlion on a higftuway or highway rigM-olf-way. ll'lease leave entrails, lhndlekeh!i!J out or sigh I or roads or ttrail1. Take your grocery Diller home for SHOO'U'~NG ON OR ACROSS. A HOGHWAV. D~ As unUawlful to . Oll' across a highway. FADILUIRIIE l'O YAUOATIC A HARYIESll' 'lfOCKET. ~Harvest ~fickets (stubs~ most be vaHidlmted IMMIEIOIATIEILY.arter the kill is made by oompletely removing f'rom the ticket the day and month on which the game was taken. Tt" .. lf'UCK.OIMG UP lQYIE BABY AIMDMAU. Taking or holding !i~e game (anchndlng birds) Is unBawlfnll without Ill permit from the Department oil' Fish ~rod Game; af Y.ou think 111n!mals have been sbaBIIdoned o~ Dn_nut, call dine nearest Deput.~~~-~. ~~l~!'~ Sall'ety office (Fbh etmd Wlldiill'e IP'roteedon). :.i:• 11 .... Jiri!'fjliP, .. . . . . ·.~.,."'Jt<'nn IHARVlEST IREIPORTS-AND HAI!WIEST TUCIKIETS HAIRVIEST REPORT .II'IEI!UOO. n n certain cases, hunt en must posses.s hau:vesl reports (see licenses, Metal locking Tags aJlld Fees). l)bJrVest reports are va!nd dur!BJg the period July 6 through June 31()) or the fo~Uowing year, but ~ust be flllle~ out llotall~y and llilalled wiihin IS days aner taking the appropriate ammaH OR withm .15 days after the cfiosing date or that species' season. The rep~nts NEED NOT be earned afield. li\lotill' MiDitary personnelmBy hunt big game wii.hornt 111 state lficense o!" aD"By military Pr: perty• opei!D to ftni!li1111U11(J in the state, but Jlll11!$t, ~bide by i!UD Other prOVIS!OIDS of Sta~~l!a . i, ' $1J1ch areas IJlSIIIillY ~eqiJl!re a pelfmi¢ I!' rom mniitary authorities. , ·''!;.. , IHJAIRIVEST TnCKI!'l.l' I§ the numberred stub iss11,ed witln the harvest r~ . stubs must !be cudecil when lnunt!ng a pmrticubr species. (See fudhe~ IJltrnder License§, Metal Locl!ciBJg Tags and Fees.) ' · a ICIHIAIPTER 811. HQJI\IlTO!\!IG. ARTBIClE 1. UCE!\!ISIES, HARVEST REPORTS AII\IJO HARVEST TIICIKIETS. 5 AAC 81.1())10. Uli'ARVIEST TICK JETS AND IRJEPORTS. (a) No persons may hunt £or deer, sheep, ot moose in any game managemenluBJII, or fot caribou in Units 9 H2 and 16-26 unless he has In his personal U'ossessfion a nonlransferabDe harvest tl~lket' for the sp~cies or game animal being bunted; however, no harvest tickel is requiredllfor big game taken by a permittee under the condilions of a permit hunt. (b) No person may hunt for moose or sheep in any game management unit, or for carfibou in Units 9, D2 and ft6-26, unless he fusl obtains a harvest report which accompanies the harvest ticlket for llle species. Persons issued harvest reports shall comply w!i.ID the reporting requirements of (g) of this section, {c) Ummedblely upon killing a big game animaD lfor which a huvesl ticket is requilredl by (a) of this sectioil, the hunter shall validate the hatrvest ticket by_ com- pletely removing !from the ticket the day and montl!. on which the !ciU wu made, without obliterating m destroying any other month or day printed on the Ucket. (d) A person laking a bug game animal for which a harvest Hekel is required by (a) of this section shallllkeep t!ne validated harvest Ucket in his actual possession at all limes untift the animaD is delivered lo lhe location where it wilD lbe processed for consumption. ' {e) ·No person may rel"use to produce or permit Inspection of Ill big game harvest tidcet upon the request of any person authmized by AS 16.05.!50 to enforce provisions of AS n 6.05 or reguUations adopted under !it. (f) lH!arvest l!cllcets and accompanying hiiD'est report forms may be procured witl!.out cost !from mny IT!censing mgent or department olffnce, At the time of issuance, the numbelr..of ilie lliiiD'est'iiclcet must lbe e~lered on the hunter's llieense; the number of each harvest ticket Issued the previous CUendaJr year must also be entered on the hunter's ~icense if the harvest ticlket Is still vll.!lid. . "•-.> •• (g} Within iS days after taking the bag limit,aiHowed Cor the· species of game £orr which a harvest ticket u required, the hunter shall fill out the information requested on the harvest report and mail it to the address printed on lite report; a person not taking game, or laking less than the alllowable bag limit, shall fill out the !nformaitlon requested on the h:uvest Jreport and mail it to the address printed on the report, witllin U days ailer the cHosing date of the opening season for the species listed on the report 5 AAC 81.020. UCENSES, AGE RIEQUDREMIENTS AND SIIOWING OF LICENSES ANJD TAGS TO OFFICERS. Upon request, licenses and tags, and birds, mammals or fish ta&:en or otherwise deaU with under the provisions of. 'Utis title, apparatus designed to be, and capable of being used to !alee birds, mammals or fish shall be shown to anyone authorized to enforce these regulations. 5 AAC 81.02~. MUSKOXEN TAG IFEIES. (a) The resident tag fee ror bull and cow muskoxen tali:en on Nelson island pursuant to S AAC 81.320 (10) is $25.00. (b) The resident lag fee for cow muskoxen taken on Nunivak lslland pursuant to 5 AAC 111.320(10) Is $25.00. Note: The resident tag fee ror bull muskoxen in the remainder or the stat~ is $500.00; ibe nonresident tag fee in the remainder of t!ne stale is $! ,000.00. . . . . ' -. · CHAPTER 8'11. HllJNI"if'ING. AIRT8ClE t i.DCENSES; HARV~ST REPOIR:fS ANUl . HAifWEST THCKETS. S AAC 8UUO. WAR VEST.. TICKETS AND REPoRTS. (a) No perwi~~S may hunt for deer, sheep, or moose iru an1rgame management unit, o~ for c:aribou in Units ·. 9, 12, and 16-26, tmlesz he has .illl his persona!! possessio111 a nontl!llllllsferable ha!!VeSt ticket for·the species .of game anima! being hunted; however, no.lwvest ticket is, required for big.game ta!ten by a pennittee under·the conditions of a permit hunt. ·. (b) No person may hunt for moose or sheep illl any game mmagement uiuit, or for cardbqu in Units 9. 12 and ·16~26. 'unless he rarst obtains a ll~st report which accompanies the. harvest ticlcet Jor the species; Persons issllled harvest reports shall comply with the. reporting requitemmts ot (g) of this sec~io~ . . (c)·· lmm~imtely upon killing a big game iUilimai r~~ ;which a harvest ticket is .. required by (a) .of .this section, die hunter siWI validate the harvest ticlcet by. com- pletely removing from ·the ticket the day. and mo~mth·O!ll which the.lcill. wu made, without:obliterating ou desuoyilllg mny other mol!llth or day printed on the ticlcet. (d)·· A person talcing a big game aulima!. for which a iw"vest tk:lc.et is ~equired by · (a) of this section si'!a.lllceep the va!ldated hai:vest ticket in his 2d:ua.l possession aUll times until. the aK~im.3.! is delivered to the location where it .will be processed . for · conSIAmptioll. · · (e) No. persOn may re(Use to produCe: or .permiU~tion of a .big game h2lll'Vest ticket upon the request of any·persollll a111thorized by AS 16.05.150 to enforce .P~ovisioi!S ofAS 16.05 .o~ regulations adopted under it:. · · · , . . . . (f) .·. fU.rvest tickets and. accompanying harve~~t rej,on fomu may. be procured . .. Wlitliout cost from any licenmng agent or depilirtment office. At the. time ofimllsnc:e, the number~of tHe !Wvest, ticket mlliit be ~tued on. the hunter's license; the ntimber of esch harvest tic~et issulld the previous dl.lemiar yGu" mlll.St abo be .entered on the hunter's license :if th.e Jwvest ticket is still valid; (g). Withim IS days after taking. the bag limit allowed· for t~ species of game for. whiclr a harvest ticket is required, the· hunter shall. flU out the infom.tation . requested on .the harvest report and mail it tO the address printed on the report; .a person not taking game, or. ta!ting less. than the. al.lowable bag limit, shall fill out the information requested on the. harvest report and mail itto ·the address printed on .the report, within .15 days after the closing date of the o!Jening season for the species : listed on the report. · · 5 AAC 81.020, LICENSES, AGE REQUIREMENTS AND SHOWING OF LICENSES .AND TAGS TO OFFICERS. Upon request,· licenses and tags, and birds, · mammals or fish· taken or otherwise dealt. with·under the ·provisions of this tiUe, apparatus designed to be, and capable of being used to ta!te birds, mammals or fish shaU be shown to anyone authorized to enforce ,these regulations. . 5 AAC 81.02L MUSKOXEN. TAG FEES; (a) J"he resident tagf~ for bull arid cow muskoxen taken on Nelson Island pursuant to 5 AAC81.320 (10) is S25.00~, . (b) The resident tag fee for eowmus!coxen taken on Nunivak Island pursusnt. to 5 AAC 81.320(10) is $2S.OO. · Note: The resident tag· fee for· bull '1!1uskoxen in the remainder of the state is S50V:OO; the nonresident tag fee in the remainder of the. state is SI,OOO.OO. 9 ARTDCliE 2. PERMDTS AND REPORTS S AAC 8!.030. PERMITS JR.EQUftRED. The ·activities listed in sec. 40 or th~s hap lei axe permitted onfiy in accordance with abe terms of a nonhansfera~e pe~~nt ~hat ma be issued al nhe discretion of nbc commissioner: A person willo ma es a a se tateme!t as to any material fact relating to a permit, affidavit, or reporl fo.;n' :equired by these regulations, or as prescribed by ah~ boaxd or department un er these regula lions, is guilty of a violation of these regufiahons. S AAC SUMO. PEIRMnTS RSS1JED BY TIHIIE DIEPARTMIENT. The following per- mits may be issued by the Department for; (I) exporting raw sllins of wild fur animals; (2) Ulldnts, holding, importing or releasing any live game; (~) ulfilns oldns or tropllie3 in compliance with provisions of S AAC 8U .200(3); (4) hunlln6 bfi~:~dc bell~ with dogs or bait; . . . I· . (S) GIDl? ~ ofl (l!UIIlil fer scienn.lftc, edue~~tio~D, ~Dinbn~on, propagai.ioll, or ;flal!llil<limlilf ~ '<:1haa ~tioM o~bo prol!nibnt IDienr n&kmg; · . ~~ lbiuaata ~er i:l!n. In of nbis'titJe;" "-'~•b··~'~~'';.-.4 "'"'"~"''"'· Application ror permils shall be Mllll.ll>a~ne. ,Game Division, :Jll Raspberry Rlh~· ,.,i;;,;r,..,t~~~c:n ~n!lnlll 8/l. mile or Rwnd Island illl &lncruarY (BristoU Bay • Ulllil B1). Applications for per· AWka< Department or F"n.sDI mill Game, Game !Division. Doll 99576;~ preseJVe permits;~ imll'~~ion o! raptors ror the purpose or falconry, under provi- by. fliui'eommissioner. Copies of permit conditions are available Ill poll )reQUc:s(:lrro,m the 10epai1ment. !For the purpoae of tbis paragraph, "IRaptor" means any . lUiie 'foUowing species: goshawk (Accipiler genlilis), sharp-shinned hawk (Ac· stlliatus),gyrfalcon (falco rusliconis), Americ:an kestrei_(IF'alc:o sp~rvernus), merlin IIFsJoo,·rolim•batrus:llllld red-tailed or Harlan's hawk (llluteo Jamalcensns.)p• · '··"~<. < .-~ (ft I) ialvage of muskoxen stranded on drifting sea ice. Permits are subject to the foi- .lowing conditions: (A) The Department will, in its discretion, issue permits upon request only to Village Coundlll'residents of Mellmryuk, Tununak and Toksook Bay. < (B) Permiuee may authorize persons €rom that villase to take muskox~n stranded on sea ice, provided: (i) animals are on drifting (non land-fast) sea ice will! no probability of retuming 10 land, (ii) animals so naken are salvaged, and meal, heads and hides are ~eturned to the vil- lage and turned over to the Village Council for disposal 10 satisfy subsislence needs within lhe vi!lage. •for full text oD these regulations, see booklet, "MisceD~aneou5 Game Regulations." PERMDTS ANIIli REPORTS I C) Perrnillce shaOinoliry the nearest office of Game Division, A!aslka Departmenl or IFish and Game, of each laking as soon as practicable after the naidng, end shal!, in addition, submil an annual written report of all animals Ia !ken under this permil; (0) Tile lower jaw of each animal taken shall be salvaged ami presented Go a represenlaaive: of the Department. S AAC II!.OSS._PEIRMDT HUNTS, (a) The following conditions apply 10 all permit hunts: (D) inconecl permit applications are void; (2) dupfiicale permit applications for any hun! are void; (3) permits musl be 011 the possession of lhe ltaunler while llllllning; (4) permit issuance: (A) perlllllils shaD! be issued in the order applicatiON ue lfeCeived or on a lot- tery basis; (IB) successrull eppUcaurnls must obtainlheir s>e~miftS and appropriate lliceDlsel! ruuf bis game tap wiaillin a specified afime period; · (C) unless otherwise provided, when a drawlns is undersubscribed, surplus permil5!become void and will not be aO!ocau:d; (Sb permits are lllOIIl~oosfeuabBe; (6) immediately 11.11\)0111 !dining a bls pmi'l uimaD for whidl! s s>ermin Is lfequircd, the hunter sbaU amcel !hila s>emlil by completely ~emovin,g from the pell'lllrnin the day ulll month on wllnich the killwiiS made without obUiteradng or cies~oyAng MY other day « montlln printed 0111 the permit. (b) The foDiowinscondilions, alllle commissioner' a discretio1111, may apply no ill!e collll- duct of ann s>ermln hunns& the commissioner may, however, waive ally o[ a he ue- quiremellls of abis seclion nlnan are not neeessary lo the management olf 1ille speciet bunted. (I) m buo4er sllnaDD resisi« 11t desigllllaled smliowl before enlell'fumg the llieDd, and again upon Beavina; U) I'! ll1untcr sh!ill demolll$ill'!llfte: «a) ability lo idmtlfynhe species hunted; (b) ability no ilileniify abe area invoDved; {c) lmowledl11e or weapon safety Mdl use; (:31) !!I hunter may be required IO allendi_U oll'ienialion COII!Iiiei (4) 111 JPOrtalble radio must be in lhe hq.mner's possession while in llhe fiddl; (S) 11 illuouer who b iuccessfuB i111 ial!dnao uimllll COli' which Ill pemit !a iAued lllllll$4 present apecfified lbioioaJcaD spedmel!ll fto GJ cDiecll an&lioua or llllei!JI'esa deparn- mena olfllice within ll specU'!ed lime> (6) n hunne~ fill required! oo be ll!C:COmpa~~~!ed by !:! deputment rep~esentadve; (7) anne department l!illlJ ratrict the 1\lllmbeir of permltac:a h'lllnll6q dlurln!J l!llllf lime period, udl lili'lliY aDfiocate the pelflllllitaees to specified oubd.lvislcms w!tDMIID the 11rea lbeiq bunted; (3) the use o' mecUnemized vehicles ~Oil' lh!!Ditiuns bls t~ame IIDil!l trllllliiportiq elf mean lfrom the bunanns uea may be u:esl~jcltedl; H I'IERMOlrS AND RIEPORTS (9) permillees who ca111cel illeir hunls are required 10 notify ille deJParlmenl al designaled offices and witlli11 a specified lime; (RO) the deparlmenl shall, in ils discretio111, estabUisll minimum baiUislic specifica- tions Cor weaiJlons used and lhe lype of weaJPOIIS which may be used in permit lu.nnls; (I!) before the issuance o! a permil, th~ deJPalilment may require ahallille permil- tee sign an acknowledgemenl indlicaling ihat fne has read andunden1a111ds and thai he agrees to abide by the condilions specified for that hunt; ( 12) the depanmenl shall, in ils discretion, designate the hours of each day(s) during which hunting may occur; ( 13) applicants Cor a permil musl be at least no yean old; (14) duplicate permil app!icalions Cor any species are void; (IS) lhe department shann, i111 ius discretion, require uhau·au permillee.s submil, within a specified lime period!, in!orma1io111 on !lie Rum! on a form supphedlby llhe deparlmenl; (16) any individual aJPpBying fm any permil hun I musl be a licensed lmnler, el!- cepl rssidents B:S yean of age and younger; llile 111umlber or !lie appRicann's validllhulll- ning license m.usn be enlered on the permin aJPplicaniolll; residenls D S yeau of age and younger muSi enler 11ieir age i111 place of a Uice11se 11umber; ., , . . (c)The following conditions aJPJPIY, irn ~ddition lo those o! (a) and (b) of IIIlis seclion, only 10 specific referenced! permin hums: ~ (A} permils for hun ling DalW sheep in nine 1'ol!t Ma~J~agemellll AKea shallll be issued! on the basis olf W percenl lo nomesidle1111 hunlen a~~dl 90 percenft no residenl hunters; any noruesidle1111 pennins non appHiecll for wilD be available no residents; · (2)(A) permits !or hunling brow111 bear in IU11i1 8 will be issued on !he basis of a maximum of 40 percennto nonresidlenl hulllers and a minimum of 6lll percent lo residlenl hunters; (IB) applications by nonresidents accompanied by residenn reialives witlnirnlhe second! degree of !lindredl shaRI be ~n~ered i11 !lie r~sidenl drawing. !For each season a maximum of four permals for nonresudenn hulllers accom- panied! by residenl relalives wilhin llie second! degree of kindred! may be issued, providing that nol more nhan one such permil shall be issued per iDll- dividual hun! in each canendar year. (3) subsistence permits for hunting caribou in IJnil U3 will be issucxlunder llile foRiowing conditions: (A) nonresidenls o! Alas~a are ineligible 10 aJPpiy for or receive permils; (IB) bag !imil per permil is one caribou; (C) 450 subsistence permits wi!n be available; (D) during ihe .January D -March 3! seasorn, permils are valid! only for 1ha1 pori ion o! IIJnil 13 which excludes subunil 0 3(11)) and Ilia I JPOrlion of subunil 8 J(A) willlin one-hal! mine of the Trans-Alaska l?ipeline; 12 t'l. I !'IE!RMOTS ANDIRIIEPOIRTS (E) to quani!y for a subsistence hun1i1111 pennOn for caribou BID UKDin Dl, a penon musl submit arn appiicaniorn, 011 a form provided by lille Depanmenl, OlD wlliclh lhe allesls 10 lhc followi111g: .~ ·"··. (i) lhe applicant is or wm be at Beast Rl years oBdl by Augusi 20 of lille year i111 which ulhe application is made; (ii) nile applicanl is a rural residlenl of AUaska, willo alllile lime of ap- plicalion mailllains lnis principal place of abode willilirn Game Manageme111 IJnil D 3 a111d maintai111s no permanenl abode elsewhere; (iii) lhe appiicanl lives 8011 a household i111 wllicill fos!l a11d game 01101 commercially pmcllased or laken has comprised more lillarn one-hal! o! l!le meat and fish o! I he diel of Ilia! llousehoidl; (f) subsistence permils nol issued i011 lhe general dlrawi11g wilD be issued on a regislralion basis al IDeJParlmenl o!foces wi1hi011 ll.lnii D3 begi111111nJg November i, ltlul only 10 persons quali!yi11g umler (IE) of 1Rnis seclion. 1'~e number of regislralion subsiSience pcrmils wilD 01101 el!ceedJ nine IIUmber of sub- sislence permils uDlldlemnbscribeli by drawinB. (4) permils ror llurnling caribou iiD IJrnins l:Z(Ab, 22(9}, 23, 24 and! 26(A) wilD be issued under lhe roiRowiDllll condlilions: (A) 111 perso!D may irnioiaDDy obnain apermil o11Dy mfner foni~DliB 111 bag Bimil or five caribou am!! JllrovidliDllll informalion 011·11 DeparumeOlll· fform sllowi11113 number of caribou nake!D, llate or kiBU amll localion of !liDO; (IR} perm ins issuell BID· (A) mbove wiii aD Dow m lliarvesft of five cuilbou !o~ each permin; (C» successive g:H:rmins, each aUiowing iille amlile of 111111 mddliuio111aD lfive caribou, may be issuedllo Ill perso11 willo illas 1ake011 S'ive cmribou amde~ an ex- islillllg. g:H:rmil alll(ll willo ~elums lfnis permiu lo a.ille Deparnmeull winh t!le !harvest informa1io111 compleled. S AAC !Ill .060. RIEI?IO!ii.'I!'S REQUDRIEIDl. «mb A iiepoa11 o[ adivn~ll!l auallnom.eclllby JIIC!f- mi~ i1111 sec. ·40 of allii11 «:llepaer aRnail be madle illllmccorcll!lliiCe wlolh I11S~ctlo1111 on ulli~~: pemda Mil sllllbmiaaccll ao nille commmissionw lbe!ore ou 11.111\)QUD olhe upir~:~ltio1111 oli' olh~~: l!ll:ll'mil •. (\b) A wri!ll:1a n:pon lllelaoinng illie cin:umsl21111ces olf ·ahe Oallti~; otr gaunme illll lildense olf Dife or prropeuiy shaDD \be m~dle io !llle llepuim~:n! wiaillill U dlays mlfn=r lllie &al!ting of game ll"or !IBis re;a5o111. (c) The paucllase or acquillilioll lhrough co11sig111meni or illlalfler of lfuraor llidles olf game slhaDI be repmledl ao lhe i!leparimeDlll 0011 lforrms puovidlelll lfor Iillis purpose, wiallnin 30 days olf lhe close or each calendar mo111nlli in wlhicill suc!D lbusi111ess is lra111sacl=dl. (dl) Willem a ueJ110&11 of huvesl iDllffomn!llruiOUII is requirccll undler IICC. SS o! Iiliis <eill!liJIIIer, a permiuuee wfno fiaibl Qo ~UpJII!lfnlhlli: requirccll reJ110111 may UIIOI be lssuccllalllllf dlrawlns rlnuDlll permin,during ahe lroDiowi111g re1Julanoll'lf ye&~T; a pelfmilllee awfievccll illy allis IICCiioDll sbail be lilli!miedl o lhellllfilllll! before abe commissio11er or llios dlesi~Jillee !!!' aline J!lermiMee mal\u:~~ uuch !!l [C(jjUICSi iBll writtiuni!IO tile I:OU/IliUllBSSHOIIIer wililliiD !IMillli!lllfS lllfiCJr Rile CODII:DIISHOII of IDle l!ll:umia illu011ft fl'or wlliicill llne ll!ilS failed lo JllliOvidle o lfeJIIOII1. :i .· ; ,--::: t'l(,. +·f?ID'' HUNTING SEASONS ANID BAG liMITS (Co~till'llued) BROWN BEAR (Ccll'lltimnedl~ Unit 10 .· (Uniinalc Is. only) Unit!! ·Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit l4(A) and 14(C), except that portion of 14(C) in Chugach State Park. Unit 14(8) Unit 14(C) ii1 Chugach State Park. Unit IS Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18, 19(AI. 19(C) and 19(0) No open season . Oct. !-Oct. 21 l\l!ay 10-l\l!ay 25 Sept. 1-0ct. 31 Apr. 2S-May 2S Septl-JunelO .. Sepi. 1 -May.31 • 0 Sept. 1-0~t. 10 Sept. 1-0ct. J. l May 10-May .25 No open season· Sept. t-Oct. to' May 10-May 25 } Sept. I . Oct. 3 I May !0 -May 25 Oct. 7 'Oct, 21 . MaylO-May 25 Sept. 10-0ct. 10 May 10-May. 25 • See beapealing requiremerus. page 18. 37 Bag limits ·one bear. every four regulatory· years by drawnrig permit only; however the taking of cubs or fe- males accompanied by. cubs is ,prohioited. See. S AAC Si.OSS and separaie drawing ' permil hunt supplement. One. bear every four. regulatory · · years; however the taking of cubs or femides accompanied by cubs is prohibited. · · One bear; however the. taking of" cubs or females accompanied by cubs is prohibited. Bears taken in these units .are not to count ·against the one bear every 4 years bag limit in other units; statewide bag limits shall not exceed I bear annually. One bear every four regulatory years; ho...,ever ihe taking of cubs or. females accompanied by cubs is prohibited. One ·bear every four regulatory years; howev'er the taking of cubs or.females accompanied· by cubs is prohibited. HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS (Contirntiedl CARIBOU (Continued) Species a1J11d UIJ1lits Units 13 and 14, exc:ept 14(C) Unit 14(C) Unit 15 Un.it 16 Unlit 18,.that portion SOIIIth of .Yukon River Remai.lllder of Unin 8. Unlit 19(A) Unit 19(8} Unit l9(C) Unit 19(0), that portion south and east of the Kuskokwim River Remainder of Unit 19(0} and Unit 21 Oi>en Seasons Residents: Aug. 20 • Sept. 20 Jan. I • Mar. 31 Nonresidents: : No open season No open season ... ~ N~ o~n season . . Aug. 10.0ct. 31 · F.eb. 1·Feb. 2ll Feb.l-Mar.Jl Bag limits One caribou by permit only; how· .ever only am:.lerless c:anbou may be taken between Jan. I and Mar. Jl • .1750 p!.mlits will be issued by ·drawing, including.4SO subsistence permits. Subsistence pennits. not allocated in Lhe drawing may be issued on a fli'Sl.:C:Ome; first-served basis to persons meeting the hunt requiremc;nts, beginning Nov. I. · The.nilmber of registration subsis-· tena:: permits shall not exc:eed the number of subsistence permits un- dersubsaibed by· drawing. See 5 AAC 81.0SS and seP;uate draw- ing and registr.ltion permit . hunt supplement. One caribou Oneearibou Onec:aribou Aug.lO-Sept. 30 Two caribou Nov. 1-Feb. 28 Aug. I 0-Mar. 31 Two caribou; however no more than one may be taken per day, nor may more than one caribou be taken from Aug. 10. Oct. J I. Aug. IO'OcL Jl One caribou Aug. IO"Sept. 30 · One caribou Nov. !·Jan. 31 Aug. !0-Sept. 30 . One caribou 42 '· HUNTiNG SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS (Co~rotinuedl MOUNTAIN GOA 1' (Continued) Unit. I (C), that portion drain· · ing ·into Lynn Canal, Stephens Passage .and Taku Jillet be· tween Antler . River ·and Taku Glacier Remainder. of Unit I(C) . Unit 1(0), that portion east of · Taiya Inlet and River between· Chilkoot Trail and White Pass. · and. Yukon Railroad Unit .1(0), that portion lying nonh of· the Kau:ehin River and east of the Jiaine$ Highway Remainder of Unit I(D) and Units 4·and :S Unil. 6(8) and that ponion of· Unit 6(A} lying wesLof Seal River and Bering Glacier Unit 6(0}, that ponion of the mainland between Cape. Fair· field and Tiger. Glacier. and Units 7 .and IS · Unit 8 Upit II U.nits 12 and 13 Unit 14 (except that portion of Unit J4(C) within ·Chugach State. Park) Open Seasons Aug; I· l':lov. 30 Oct. I • OcL IS Bag limits One goat by regiStl'llltion permit only. See S AAC 81.055 imd parate .registration permit hunt Sept. IS. Nov. 30 supplement. · Aug. I • Ike. 31 Sept. I • Dec. 31 ·Aug .. 10 • Sept. 30 One goat ··by drawing ~mit only; . 350.. permits will be issued .• See S AAC 8 LOSS 'and separate ·drawing· permit hunt supplement. Oct. IS· Nov. 30 One.soat by.registration permit .o,nly. See s' AAC. 81.055 arid separate registraaion permit hunt ·supplement. Aug. ! ·.Jan. 3 I Sept. 1-0ct. jJ SePt. I·Oee. 31 No open season One goat by. registration permit only. See 5 AAC 81.055 and separate registration permit hunt supplement. One goat by drawing permit only; 51 permits will. be issued. See S MC SLOSS and separate draWing permit hunt zuppiemcnt. One. goat by registration permit only. See S AAC 81.055 and separate regmradon permit hunt supplement. Aug: 10 "No:vc 30 One goat by drawing permit. only; 100 permits will be issued. See ' AAC 8l.O.S5 and 46 separate drawing. permit hum· supplement. HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG liMITS (Continued) ·MOOSE (Continued) Unit6(C) · Sept. 6 ·Sept. 15'"' .. Gne .bull moose by· registntion · permit. See S AAC 81.055 and separate registration permit hun i supplement. Unit6(D) Sept. l·Sept. 30 One bull · Unit 7, that portion drained by Resurrection Creek downstre:un from Rimrock and .· Highland . Creek (including P:llmer Creek~. No open season Unit 7, the Pl:lcer River drainages . . Sept. 1-Sept. 20 and that portion of PlacerCreek (Bear Valley} outside the Portage Glacier closed· axea · and Unit 14(C) within .the Twentymile .River d~ges. · · 'Remaindei' of Unit 7 Sept. l·Sept.10 Unit !I · Unit9(A) Unit 9{B) and 9(C)9 except the drainage of the Naknek RiVer · Unit 9(C), .that po~ion draining into the Naknek River • Unit9(D) U1.1it9(E} No open seaSon '.1 . Sept,j:.sll'Pt.: 2S . Sept. 5'-Sept. 25 Dec, 1-Dec:. 31 · ·No open se:ilson . Sept. 10-Sept..; 20 Dec. 1-DeC. 31 One moose by drawing permit only; 30 permiu for · antlcrc:d moose and 15 pcrmiu Jor ander-. less · moose will be ismed. See S MC Si.OSS and separate .draw- ing l)l'mlit bUilt suppkment. One buill ·. Onebwl One• m00$C; howe'Ver antler less moose may be taken only from Dec, 1 "!Xc. 31. . . One ,lltOC*; however antk::rles:s . moose. may be taken by ~ tnWori .. permit . oruy. Peimits 3R Valid. from Dac:. l ~· Dec. 31; See 5 MC SU.OSS and separate regis- . . tmion ~ hunt supplement. One moose:· however ·antlered moose mu5t .:have an antle.r spread of·;lt least SO inches or three brov.i tines on one·of the antlers and anderless moose may be t;tken only from Dec. I • Dec. 31. · Unit 11 Sept.l·Sept. 20 One bull Unit 12. Sllpt. I • Sept. 20 One bull · Unitl3 Sept, 1-Sept. 20 · ~.Season subja."! to closure by Emergency Order. 48 One bull having an. .antler spread of at least 36 inches or at least three brow tines on· at least one of the antlers HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG liMUTS (Co~rnti11111LDedl SHEEP Species a~rno1 Urouts 'Ope~rn Seaso~rns Bag limits (11) SHEEP, MOUNTA~N OR DALl Units6;7,9,11,14(8),1S,I6, 17 and 19 · · Units 12, .13 and· 20, that por· tion !t11own as the To!t Manage"· ment Area (S AAC 81.238, Management Areas) · Remainder of Units 12, 13 and 20 (except thai portion known as the Delta Controlled U5e Ai'ea and .. the Glacier Mountain Con· trolled UseArea) · · Units 13 and 20, thai portion known as the Delta Controlled .Use Area (see 81.237, Controlled Use Areas) Unit 14(A) Unit 14(C) · Aug. 10-Sept. 20 One ram with 1/8 cud hom or luger. Aug. 10 • Sept. 20 One ram wi1h full (4(4) curl. ·hom or larger, e:veey four regu· huory years, by drawing permit only. I :W permits will be issued. SeeS AAC 81.0SS md separate permit hunt supplement. Sepl. 25-Qct. 30 Aug. l'O·Sept. 20 Aug. 10~Sept. 20 Aug •. IO·Sept. 20 Day after Labor Day-Sept. JO 55 One ewe sheep by registration permit only; 20 ewe:Sheep may be taken. See 5 AAC 81.055 and ·separate registration permit hunt supplement. · One ram. wnth. 7/8-curl. horn or larger. One ram with 718 curl horn or larger; by drawing permit only. ISO permits will·be issued; how- ever only 7S permits wil! be is" sued:. for the period Aug. 10 ·Aug. 25, and only 7S P~:rmits will be issued for the ·period , · Aug. 26 • Sept; 20. See S AAC 8l.OSS and separoit~ drawing permit hunt supplement. One sheep; rams must have 7/8 curl .horn or larger and ewes may be taken only. by drawing permit. 10 ewe sheep .permits. will be issued. See S AAC 8 LOSS and separate drawing permit hunt supplement. . One . ram with 7/8 curl horn or larger by drawing permit. only. 120 permits will be issued; howev- er only 60 permits wiU be. issued for· the period Day after Labor Day-Sept. 18 and·only 60 per· mits for the period Sept. 19 -Sept. JO. See 5 AAC Bl.OSS and separ- ate permit hunt supplement. I ! HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG l!MRTS (Continued) BiG GAME HUNTING (Continued) Species and Vnits Open Seasons Bag Limits {12) WOLF Refer· to. fur animal hunting, seasons and b~g limits. (13) WOLVER!NE Reier to fu~ animal hunti~g. Seasons and bag limits.. · ·FUR ANiMAl. HUNTING ·-. ' . S AAC 81.330 •. FUR AN.IMAL: HUNTING. Following' ue .the seasons and· bag limits for fur animals, and.thc units or portions of units to which. they apply: (Note: shociting of fur animalS for which there is· no open tiuntil13 season may be· allow¢ under trapping. regulations. Consult Trap11ing. R~uladons S AAC 84.060.) (l) BEAVER Units I through 26 ·(2) .. COYOTE Units through 26 ex.ccpt that portion of Unit 14(C) in· Chugach StatcP:u"k Unit 14(C) in Cnugach State Park. (3) FOX,· ARCTH; Nci ~pen hunting season ... · · Sept. !·Apr; 3Q Day .after Labor. Day·Apr; 30 . Two coyotes Two coyotes (Including white or blue color phases) Uni\10 No closed s.eason No limit Units 9 and 17 Dec. 1-Mar.l5 No limit U,nits 18, 22., 23 and 26 Sept; l·Apr. 30 Two foxes · 57 HUNTDNIG SEASONS ANIIll BAG Lli\IIIO'fS·-FUR ANIMAL HUNTING leonlinue>dl Species and Uinits Opero SeasOII'DI Bag limits (4) FOX, RED (Including cross; b/Qck or siiver color phases) Units I through 26, except 21(0) and that portion of Unit 14(C) in Chugach Stale Parle Unit 14(C) in Chugach Slate P:uk Unit 2l(ID) (5l lYNX* UnitS 1 through 26 except that portion of Unit 14(C) in ·· Chuga~ State P:uk Unit i4.(C) i11 Ch111gach Stmte P:uk Sept. !·Feb. IS Day after Labor Day-Feb. IS Nov, 1-Feb •. IS Two foxt:S Two foxes·· Two foxes Sepl. !-Mar~ 31 Two lynx · Day afte~~ ILaixn · Two lynx · Day~Me~: 31 • See lynx sealing requiremenls, page 18. (6) MARMOT . Units 1 through 26 No opern huriaing season ·fl)·· MARTEN Units i through 26 No open hunting season. {8) M~NK AND WEASEL Units I through 26 No open hunting season (9) MUSKRAT Units I through 26 No open hunting season (1 0) OTTER, LAND Units I through 26 No open hunting season 58 HIIJNTING SEASONS AND BAG I.OMU'I"S -IFIIJR Aflll8MAO.. HIIJNTiNG (Co,.tinuedl (12) RACCOON Units I tlirough26 (13) SQU~RREl (flying, parka or ground} Units 1 through 26 (14) SQUUUlEL (red} Units I through 26 except that portion. of Unit 14(C) in Chugach State Park IJnnt 14(C) in Chugach· Slate Parlt (15) WOlF 11 Units 1 through 5 Units 6 through II Units 12, 13 and 19 through 26. Unit· 14 (other than Chugach State .Park) •.. and Units 15 throtigh!8 .. Unit 14(C) in Chugach State P,ark Ope111 Seasons Bag limits No closed season No limit No open hunting ~ason No closed season No limit No open hu11ting season No closed seas0 11 No limit Aug. 1 ().A~pr. 30 Two wolves Aug. IO.Apr. 30 ~o limit Aug. !(}-Apr. 30 Four wolves No open season (16) WOLVER!NEl!f Units 1 through 5 Units 6 through 26 except for that portion of Unit 14(C) in Chugach State Park Unit 14(C) in Chugach State Park Nov. 10-Feb. 15 One wolverine Sept. !·Mar. 31 One wolverine No open season .0 Wolves and wolverine are classified as both big game and as fur bearers. The Alaska Hunting Regulations apply if they are taken under a hunting license (seeS AAC 81.072, 81.075 and · 81.330); the Alask.a Trapping Regulations apply if they are taken· under a trapping licea5e (see 5 AAC 84.060 and 84.270). •. See wolf and wolverine scaling requirements. page 18.' 59 ~===========---'====:;;:;;;:miPfCi:-aPtVvPir:--t vu!~ u iiVo-=-----. ---~--·-----......... HUNTiNG SEASONS AND !SAG UMHTS Ope~ Seasons Possessoo1111 limit S AAC 81.340. SMAlL GAME UDUIN1!'DNG. FoHiowing rure lhe seasons and lbag limnis on small game, and lhe Ill nits OH pm!ion~ or IIIIDIS lo which lhey apply: (1) GROUSE (Spruce, blue, ruffed and sharp tail} Uulfins I, 2, 4, !1, 6 Aus. !-May D5 !Five a day Unia 31, Minllmr Island only, Sept. B -May IS Five a day within !.4 miRe or the ~Highway System !Remaindu of llJI'Ilil 31 Aug. H-May IS five a day Unfits 7. 9, Rn, 13 through R9, a~~dl 21 dlnrough 26 el!cept ior A11111. 90-Apr. 30 fifteen a day Url!t B4(C)a~~d 2S(C), U111its n 2, 20 amli25(C) Aug. DO-Mar. :n Firaeern a·day Unit U4(C) Day after Lalbor five a day Day-Apr. 30 ll.Jun!t 8 No open season (2) 1HlAfR1E AWJD RABBiT (snowshoe end tUctic) UnUs D lilluoillgln 5 Units 15 through 26 excepa for Unit D4(C) Unit D4(C) (3) PTAfl'H~UGAN (willow, rod or whitetail) Sepl. D·Apu. 30 Five a day No elosed season No l!mil Day anerr labor Five a day Day-Apr. 30 Aug. Hhy U Twenly a day 60 10 30 )0 IS 40 HUNHNG SEASONS ANIJ OAG ILIMI IS SMAliL GAME II UN I GN!; ICnnlimmdl Species amll Units Units 7 through R9, and 2n through . 26, except ror Units !4(A),I4(C)and 25(C). Unit 04(A) Unit i4(C) Units 20 and 25(C), those por- tions within five miles or AK Route 6 (Steese Hlwy.), and AK Roufte 5 (Taylor IUwy. both lo Eagle and the Alaska-Canada !boundary). Remainder or Units 20 & 25(C) Open Seasons !Sa!ll Umots Aug. 10-Apr. 30 Twcnly a day Aug. 10-Aprr. JO Thn a day Day after ll..alborr IJiay-Apr. 30 Ten a day Twenty a day Aug. 00-Apr. JO Tweniy a day lUmia 40 20 20 40 40 WATIERFOWJL (including snipe ami cranes) IIUNTING. following are the seasons and bag limits on wa!errowH mnd ihe units ami portions or unib fto which they apply: (4) WAlERFOWl (a~ Ducks (Except sea dudu) Units ll-4 Sepl. I-Dee. D 6 Seven a day Units 5-7, 9, 14-R6 and BO (Unl-Sepl. 8-Dec. 16 lEight a day mak h. only). Units 8 amll ]0 (except Oct. 8-.Jan. 22 Seven a day Unimalt hiland) Units n 1-13 amll 11-26 Sept ll -Dec. D 6 Tern a day (b) Sea !D~t~cks (eiders. scolers, old squaw, horlequit~) andl Mergansers Units 1-7, 9, 10 (Unirnalk island only) and I ll-26. Units 8 and n 0 (except Unimalc Island) Scp[. ~-[)ec. 06 61 IFirlecn a day D'ifleen a day 2R 24 2ll 30 JO 30 (/Ex~ep8/F.mpetron) I!Jrnins C-7, 9; 01[]1 qi!JIIIimalt Osland! oUIDy) arnlil 0 U-26 ilJI!IUft9 lhmdl H I{J) (exceJPft 'Oillmak llslaundl) SeJPi. B-II>ec. nr.s Six alilay•, u Ocl. 8-]m. 22 •IH!ow~ver lion more ilrnim ro11r lilaiDy, eigiul in possession may be Can.ada oli wluoidmnied. geese or amy combiilaiiorn illereor, except irn GaiVJe .Mailagemenl· il.JIIils 0-9 (except 9{1E))mmll 04-06> 110 more lilian o111e wlliidrol!lied goose in ille danDy bag and2 ill posses- sio!! silaDI be allowed, al!ld.in UJnii9{1E) llhe daily bag arnd poss~;ssio11 Dim in. shall be I ami 2, respeciiveDy, Ca1111indla a11dl/or wiliudroilled geese. 00 Howeveir Uilii uqq is cDosed io nhe ual!tiuig or srimw geese. 0001fllne lml!tiilg o! Cmlllalilm geese in Gmmre M:milgemeni Uliil 01[]1,. excepl oil II.JIIiumnk Dsllmnd~ is prollibined • . hllD IBlff'aJ~lt tU1111iis n-7, GJ, nlli (~ilhuimk hDa111d Sepl. II'Jl)ec. 16 1Fo11r a day II o111iy),.amdl I fi-26 llJI!MU !lam!! fi I{J) (except Ocl. !J..]ain.-2.2 fo11umdmy II Ui!Dimmlt Bsbmdl) (eB Srnipe llJI!'Ilofts n~7, 9, BID (U111oma!t lsD:mdl Sep!. D-Ji)ec. D6 !Eiglln a day !6 lii!D!y~, :irndl B 1-26 \Uin!fts II anllll UB (except Urumaft HsBamilli) . Ocll. 11-Jai!D. 22 !Eigili a day n6 m Crrarne!i l!JII'Il!i' R-7, 9, Hll (UII'Ilomalll hlall'lld Sepi. fi-IDec. Hili> Ti.vo a lilay 4 oll'llly), arndl·H-25 U111its II anltll I «D (excepi Oci. 8-.Jan. 22 1fwoadlay 4 . Urumlllik Bslland) «~» IEmpemrr Geese. U111iis U-7, 9, no (UUI!mmltbDam!l Sepi. 0-Dec. 116. Six a day 12 Oll'llHy), mild n B-216 tUJI!Ufifts II anqi · U I{J) (except ll1Dilliruialt llslland) Oct; 11-]:liUI. 22 Six a dlay 12 62 • •,c 2_::"-_'' '. ... ··._;. .. : ----~.::; IVIJ\f\ll'dt.:. IVII\iVII\'11\.i..:-HVI" lll'dU Species ai'ldliUII'Iits 10pe1J11.5easons IBa!IJ Umots 5 AAC 8USO. MAIRHNlE MAMMAIL m.JNTHNG. . . . Umler nlhe provisions or iile Marine Mammal IPmleclion Acl or 1972, lhe IJepartment or Comnu!rce, Naiiouial Marone IFoslheries Service, presenily has managemeni aulhorily ror sea Hions, porpoises, beluklua, wilales, ami all species or seals. The IJepartment' or Hnlerior, IU.S, fisli ami Wilc:lmfe Service, has inainagemenl authority ror polar bear; sea oller, ami walrus. CoUIIacl nile apprc:)priale federal agency for cuneni luunling regulations. 63 S·AACSU60. UNCLASSifiED GAME HUNTING. FollloYifing.are the sea.wns :md bag limitnm unchnssiu!ed game, and tlile units or portions .of uniiS to which they apply. . . . _(1) BATS, SHREWS, RATS~ MICE AND PORCUPINES Units I through 26 except for thai portion o{ '!4(C) in Chugach Stale Park Unit 14(C) in Chugach Stale Parle No closed season No limit No open season (2)· CORMORANTS~· Units 10,17, 18, 22 and D No closed $11lMol!l No limit · Remainder of Alaska No open season ·. 0 . Federn! RepJadons PlfOI!ibit. ccmmorat · h-iag except. wha used· (ol!' food. Contact U.S. F"IS!n al!ld W't!dlife ~ for f11nhe!r imlfOil'Dlalioo. · · (3) CROWS Units I through 26 ... . (4)· ·RAVENS** UniiS lthro11gh 26 Mar. 1-Aprr. 15 Sept. i-Nov. 17 No open season Forty per day Forty per day os Not,hing in these regulationS prohibits a person from taking ravens iii defense of property.· (5) SNOWY OWLS* Units 17, 18, 22, 23 and 26 No closed season No limit when titDii:zed for food Remainder of Alaska No open season • .Federal Law prohibias hunting of snowy owls; e.l«:ept for food. Contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service' for further infonnalion reprdi111g taking, :or possessioln of skins. (6} MAGPIES Units 1 through 26 No open season .64 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Alaska Regi ana 1 Off. ice 540 West Fifth Avenue. IH UPL Y IU!:l"Eit TO! Anchorage, Alaska 99501 L3031 (ARO-P) .. .! · Mr. EriC: P. You 1 d, Executive Director . A 1 as ka Power Authority Nl.SKA POWER .AUTHORITY 334 West Fifth Avenue. · Anchorage, A 1 ask a 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: We have reviewed the proposed Susitna Project recreatian plan as presented in. the draft license application Exhibit E and have the following comments. Cultural resource mana,gentent i·ssue comments were . .addressed previously in the December 3, 1982, letter from our archeologist. Dr~. Floyd Sharrock . . The recreation plan appears to be well-conceived •.. A diversity of recreation resource opportunities are plarmed w.ith facility development in stages whi.ch · wi11.permit future modifica:tion. where. it is appropriate.· The plan also reflects excellent coordination between its, authors and appropriate public agencies and. theprivate sector. · We support the following. rec.ommendations, many of which were shared with the · EDAW, Inc. , represeritati ves at the December 1, 1982, workshops for recreation and aesthetics. 1. Before constructi.on begins, existing river conditions .from upstream of the project(perhaps the confluence of the Tyone and Susitna Rivers) to Gold Creek should be recorded on film~ . A high quality motion picture with narrative describing preconstruction resource conditions could be an effective interpretive tool for the visitor center(s). A permanent film record of the Devil Canyon whitewater is especially important. A film record of the project construction process and the project in operation, including a description of the recreation opportunities, should also.be made and perhaps tombined with the preconstruction film for use at the visitor center(s). 2. If nonnal operation of the Watana Dam will m1n1mTze the danger now asso- ciated with kayaking the unregulated Devil Canyon ~hitewater, consideration should be given to providing public access to the Su.sitna River below the damprior to the completion and operation of the Devil Canyon Dam. 3. Consideration .should be given to providing public access from the project transportation corridor to Portage Creek for fishing and/or kayaking. 2 4. Appropri'ate .day use and/or overnight facilities should be considered. for Gold Creek. These facilities could. accommodate: river users coming out of the project,. backpackers who enter the. project area vi a the Devil Canyon Dam construction right-of-way, and other·r~creationists using the Alaska Railroad who wish to lay over in the Gold.Creek area. 5. · . The,·status of the Stephan Lake.,.Prairie Creek corridor is presented on pages E-7-83, 84 as a lower priority resource area. The priority should be elevated to Phase One implementation as. negotiations with Cook Inlet · ·Region, Incorporated, and/or .the village corporations coul(j be lengthy. Public access to the Talkeetna River (a potential State Recreation River) via the Stephan Lake-Prairie Creek corridor. is an important issue that needs to be resolved early so that public use may continue during project construction • . There is an incorrect statement 1n paragraph 6, page E-7-15, that should be revised .. The text i.ncorrectly states that the Susitna River has been studied .. for potential inclusion in the N~tional Wild and Scenic Rivers System. A study and evaluation .under the authority of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act has never been undertaken. · · · · . . . RecentlY it came to o~r attention .that. the electrical. transmfssion,corridor betwee~ the!WatanaDam and Gold Creek will now be relocated closerto the transportation corri dar to· faci 1 i tate>maintenance. We trust. that careful atte.ntion will be giVen to the development of appropriate mitigation measures to safeguard, as much as possibles the scenic values assoCiated with the corridor. My staff looks forward to continued involVement with the project and is avail- able to answer anY. questions you may have concerning the above recommendations. Sincerely, Associati Regional Director Planning, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Alaska Region cc: . . . Jack Wiles, Division of Parks .. · Al .carson, Division of Research and Development. Robert Erickson, EDAW, Inc. Bruce Bedard, Alaska Power Authority ·---··-- ~ '.~.(_ t II',..,,...:..~.· ";...-\ ..... r ~t:· ~ : ·' .:···~·.-;. t·V ., KANT@SHNA H~l!LS/DIJNKlE MBNIE STUDY AREAS Dt .. All NATIOffAf.. ,AflC ---Alta HtU4 L'iVil 00t.fltDAAV 6SSJ ~:'i' :.:~'J:~s: :.l,a:' KANliSHNA HILLS I CHUnJVNA IDENAU NATIONAl !'AIIIIt ANIII I'RUIEIME Ul=llii011Af(I804N.A'lltect=f0f JNU IRII!IUOQ. CIAll*'l r?AQ 610¥Kiiil 1:' ,., 30' c;...,.~ Prrrinr/l'im /, H~rt Knn•Pfi¥ L r. . w.,!f r. 'Hurdyg,urdy· j --• . --Mtn F.:ciolr l:.11ke Symphouy LtJ/;_ ~ _· ____ . ____ .,. __ ~agle_ -~~-- Peak Cc{ntata' Peak .jPeak· ctalliooe· ! · Mtn :c:l "'"-I ·1--;:: , ... 0 ---.... , ~ ··- -:f :;;, (),'!j(ll~ (;I_ -... iOrga_n · Mtn ;.:--;.-- ·sell icc -PE ·r II HI!~!~!_!_:_'"';' IOL <: -T:;· l·J~ - f- 1 I T ... : f 1 ...... f ;nwltna f'\ObS \ ~ (~ s.-.~ ... · · ... · ' '· \_/l_ . .r'- 'I \ 1'-., ., ·-. ,., } I ( '· ·)' ·,_} ._..,. Mount tutgton ({ "" ••••• t._....i)': .l Muunr § Barnllo "('• .• ~ --J;,. 1 ,~~ Pt~~se Pedk .E = ~.:I Q.t'~ i 7". ~ Tl. -· ·t· ·y ;:c <:": ~ ';!:. j_ -, 'l -Gizt~JCr Point ) 0 -.~-~ ~ .:<> ·v.t,,->:: ''r +· ~-- 1 I I I ,J. ';;· ~ ,.., t Tt 1 LEGEND Viewpoint/Parking Art Byers Lake Campgrou and Highway Rest Are lii nchorage, Alaska's Iarg- ~t city, blends Alaska's colorful past with its con· temporary sophisttcatlon. Home to half of Alaska's population, Anchorage is situated. at the base of the ever-changing Chugach Mountains, surrounded by unspoiled wilderness. An· chorage is the "air cross- roads" of the world and plays host to airlines serv- ing northern Europe, and the Orient, as well as the U.S. and Canada. Sky- scrapers now tower next to log cabins, yet the Alaskan spirit is still prevalent. Vou create your itinerary. We handle your hotel accommoda- tions, baggage and transporta- tion to and from the. airport. Choose any of the tows in our main brochure to add to your Free Time Tour. Nights at your hotel need not be consecutive so why not join a multi-day tour as well? 3 D.AVS/2 IJIGBTS S/1/82·9/30/82 Sl!iE:RATOM/~ Explore Alaska's largest city on our comprehensive Anchorage City Tour. Visit GovG'ru'llmt Hm, DowntoW1!!. Anchorage,· · Ca.ptam Cook Monument and the Anchorage Historlc:al and Rne Arts Musewn. See and learn about the busy Port Facllltia, The Aluka Ra.l.lroal:l, 1\llemll Pleld, Elmendorf Air Force Base, the modem Univer- sity Complex, Lmka Hood & Spmard and the devastating ef- fects of the 1964ll Good Friday Earthquake still visible at Earth· . quake Park. 3·0 TOUR, DlW'..Y Dep~ 8:00 JU.I/3:00 Pl!iii 5/1/82-9/30/82 514.00 Adult $7.00 ChUd• ·s-11 yrs. Visit AllllSka's "Bread Basket", the famous Matanwka Vlil&:y, home of 7()-pound c:abba~. Enroute to this agricultural valley you will visit Eagle Rlvu. and Chugach State Park Wor· 1Dil1don Center and Eklutna ln· dian. VIUage and Burial Grotmds. See P!oneu Peak, Bodenblug Butte, Knfk and Mauwuslua ru.v~. Palmu and the Sdsmologl!c:al Obsmrarory. Visit the WasWa Museum. the 1\llatanWJka Vaky ~­ tal. farm. and enjoy lunch on the shore of Wasilla Lake at a local resort lodge (lunch not in· cluded). 6·Bli TO'mlt, D'iputs 8:30 1Uilli DlW'..Y 5/1/82-9/30/82 522.00 Adult 511.00 ChUd• "5-11 yrs. Save by combining A-1 and A-2. Take both tours in the same day. FUU. DAY TOUR, l'»<!pllris 8:30 .lUll DAILY 5/1/82-9/30/82 $32.50 Adult $16.25 Child• • 5-11 yrs. Enjoy magnificent scenery on our 6-hour tour · to PoruAge Glaciu, 50 miles southeast of Anchorage. Travel along beau- tiful TumagamAtm. famous for its unusual Bore Tide, to Alyak!il Ski Resort. Lunch and enjoy optional activities -a Chaidift Ride to the top of the mountain, or a gold panning ex- cursion at Crow Creek Gold l\lllfte. Either available for an ad- ditional sa.so per person. Cono tinue past the ghost town of Portage for a stunning view of Portage Glacier. View such wildlife as Bald Eagles, Moun· tam Goi!.t and 1\l[ool(ll. Potter 1\IW:sh is a wild bird sanctuary and migratory resting place for Whlst.l!ng Swans, W!dg~. Canadian Geese and Jlllallards. S..D TOUR, Deputs 11 :30 Alii DAII.'Y 5/1/82-9/30/82 522.00 Adult s 11.00 Child. "5·11 yrs. Save by combining A-1 and A-4. Take both tours in the same day. · PUll. DAY TOUR, Depms 8:00 .AM DAILY $32.50 Adult S 16.25 Child • "5-11 yrs. (2 Days;, 1 Ni3l1rt} Between Anchorage and Fairbanks lies magnificent Denali National Park. home of Mt McKinley, elevation 20.320 feet. North America's highest peak: The 3()0(}- square-mile park is the largest protected wilderness area in the United States. Denali or "Great One" was the name given by the Indians to Mt. McKinley which towers I 7.000 feet above its surroundings and is perpetually sheathed in ice and snow .. Glader~fed rivers. tundra meadows and lowland forest serve to off~et the stark white beauty of the mountain massif. Denali is home for over 3 7 different mammals. includ~ ing moose. Dall sheep. caribou and grizzly bear. Golden eagles. jaeger. hawks and. ptarmigan are among the 156 bird species found in the park. Mt McKinley tours include an overnight in the park and depart Anchorage or Fairbanks daily. Four itineraries are available: I. Round trip to Denali from Anchorage. 2. Round trip to Denali from Fairbanks. 3. One-way Anchorage-Denali-Fairbanks. 4. One-way Fairbanks-Denali~Anchorage. All tours include motorcoach transportation. park wildlife tour with box lunch. accommodations at Denali National Park based Ol'l double occupancy. and baggage handling. DAY 1-Depart Anchorage or Fairbanks via motor- coach with experienced driver-guide at the wheel. Arrive Denali National Park in mid-afternoon. Free time to take optional float trip or a narure, walk or attend one of the natural history lectures by a park ranger. DAY 2-Rise early for wild life tour in one of nation's great game preserves. Weather-permitting. you'll get a spectacular dose-up of the mighty mountain in all its rugged splendor. Wildlife abounds and even the elusive Da!l Sheep will. on occasion. pose dod!ely to have its portrait taken. In the afternoon, you motor- coach to Anchorage or Fairbanks. Dep.mtrt:l!!ure: Daily, May I 5 to Sept 30 from Anchorage or Fairbanks. !Farres: Simugle iiwi1111 11ripAiil Aclh1lllt/ Child • Aillllllllt/ChiBd• Anchorage/Denali/ Anchorage: . $205 $170/1 15 $1601100 Anchorage/ Denali I Fairbanks: $185 150/100 1401 95 Fairbanks/ De.naii/ Fairbanks: $170 135/ 90 125/ 80 Fairbanks/ Denali/ Anchorage: $185 150/100 140/ 95 • Ages 5-1 I yrs. inclusive Tours which use rooms without private bath are avail- able at a lower cost. ~~-:. '.?,'.· .~ ~ '·~ :·' . ~ i': Build your own Alaskan vacation with a rental car llNCLUDIES: 0 Camping, fishing equipment, or both G Avis rental cars with 100 free miles per day PRiCE: o Graphite spinning rods and reels for trout or salmon G Assorted lures and tackle @ Complete camping equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, stoves and cooking utensils Pick the package that suits you best. Car plus fishing or camping equipment OR car plus fishing and camping equipment. From $40.00 (per person per day) ALASKA TRAVEL ADVENTURES Shera10n Anchorage Hotel 40 I East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, AK 9950 I 907-276-6645 !C.>II fo< Rese<valion•) Enjoy the Park wilderness and its prof- usion of wildlife in an exciting and var- ied one-day package tour. Travel north via the ALASKA RAILROAD. Tour Denali ~ational Park, returning to Anchorage by ALASKA AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRIES (AAI) twin turbo-jet flight. Even your lunch is in- cluded enroute on the train. SENIOR C:TJZENS ENJOY A 5: DISCOUNT ~~--~"-~ ·: ·. -~:;-::;1} i ~J:·K~G~~!!~!i! I ~ ~eservat1ons .!t •our iravei .!.qent Jr -~ieonone ·~07-2.7!-,5:!.9 ?21 .,., Otl'l ll.ve., J <J. 3ox ZJlS. lncnori!qe • .:01dska ~9510-Z:!iS J. . A TIENT~ON BElUGA AREA RECREATIONAL· USERS . ·. COOK iNlET R~GKON. iNC. lAINJIOlS iN l'!H~ B!Eli!.BGA AREA . OP~N fOR PllJIBliC IIJSE Starting May 1, 1982 Cook Inlet Region, Inc. is opell'lil'lg 97% of its lands in the Beluga area for pub!ic recreationa! use. A $5.00 recreational use permit will be required for persons p!anning to use the above lands. This is a tria! program and its continuance rests on the public's wise use and protection of CIRI lands. Lands owned by the Tyonek Native Corporation are not covered under this permit program. These lands should be respected as private property. For more information contact: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. 2525 "C" Street, Anchorage. Alaska • · 99503 or call 27 4-8638. J Division of Parks STATE HISTORIC PARK Saturday, August 21, 1982 ribbon-cutting-1:.30 p.m. I park facilities open-1:.30-6:00 p.m. THE PUBU.C IS CORDIALLY INVITED SHUTnE BUSES \.-iFJ ~ For safety purposes, roads to the area will be dosed, and no private vehicles will be allowed. Transportation will be provided by shuttle bus from the south parkG ing lot of the Alaska State Fairgrounds in Palmer (see map and schedule below). Please follow directions in parking your vehicles in the fairgrounds lot. INDEPENDENCE 1\IUNf STATE HiSTORIC PARK O 2 3 MILES SHUTTLE BUS SCHEDULE: Shuttle buses will depart for the park every 15 minutes beginning at 11:30 a.m. Return buses will depart the park every 15 minutes beginning at 12:30 p.m., with the last bus leaving at 6:00p.m. FOR THE HANDICAPPED: Facilities at the park have been made as accessi- . ble to the handicapped as possible. and transportation for the h;:mrlir:m......-1 will -~' :···~ l ~ 0 Miles =BOUNDARY PREPARED BY TES BIOPHYSICAL COASTAL BOUN OARY MATANUSKA -SUSITNA BOROUGH COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FIGURE 6 ' 'I I I I I :. " :[ 'I ., :! I '. I , I j i i 0 0 m-~ Mile~ 10 10 20 r ... . ~ : .. Kilometer~ PREPARED BY TES ·~ 20 )0 [J [!] ;· -~ B ~ ~ ·. . ,, ·. !. ... "'> .. STUDY AREAS FOR LAND USE ANALYSIS FtiGURE 1 .·I . .. ..... . ,f-f ..... -; ~ . ·.-: . : :~. . . ' ·TYONEK NATIVE CORPORATION April 6, 1981 9!2 ~ast 15th Avenue, ~uHc 200 · Anchotra.~c, Alusl<u DH:'i01 (907) 272-4S1!-H RECEIVED ,\PR 8 19·Sl Mr. Eric Yould, Eiecutive Dir~ctor Alaska~Power Authority 331 Wes~ q~h ~ve.~ Suite 31 Anchorage, Alaska99501 Dear Mr. Yould; . ;. .~ .' ...... ·\ We fully sup~ort the Southern Road (Acc~ss Ro~te A) as preferable .to our affected villages. There is, as we understand, socie possibility of a railroad from Gold Creek to Watana tieing a part of the construction activity. Our teelinga a~e that permanerit access to the damsites should be by road. Iri then~ the rail~oad is built to support con- struction~ctivities we feei the roadhed ~hould b~ converted after construction into ~ permanent rond acce~s to the Parks Highway. 1 Emp.lQYlllent~. of .,Ala:slcaris.<.in maintenance and opera t 1 on po- sij;.i'Pii~·n:fi,~he':·s'ilsi'b1a Dain Projects is also of importance to o·ur~'iv'i1T~fg.es. We feel the Power /\utr10rity should establish a training program to allow our shareholder~, as well as Alaskans in general, ·to be tPained f'or· opr~r8.tions posit tons. ThiS training should commence early cnou~h so that newly ··trained technicians would be available for i.ni tial start up of the facility. · We would· be pleased to meet with you to recommend procedures and assist in establishment of train:i.nrr, guidelines. Sincerely, k · B. Agnes Brown qhairman, · CIRI Villarr,e Pres idcn \::-: ·.t'h\:! '' _ ·_;_.:::...::...;..1~...:;;;t·;,;_~~··"""t~-:.:..-_· ... .-~~-'~ :~~-~;-11 ,_;;l;_!ll_4;ittJt~!&_~~~~·~,.t-~~i,tii\ .. ,o,.,;~itwC•·.{.~ 1; • ~-,~ • • 1 r---------------------------------------------~------------------------------------ DENALI FAULT N MILES l_£JLATE 6 U~PER SUSmTNA BASrnN UNDIFFERENTIATED SURFICIAL DEPOSITS [p~ w~ ~ Q.,~90 ,{:A L~ ! f?; L~.· f ., .. ' '·. [···· . ·.i [··-: ' -~ _;;_ flJ !_j I ~t . ' ·-' i.. \ _.I I ; " ! ' ..... ~ i_ .. ; ' . ! ! ~.- ' I 0 'I 0 5 ........ ,_'";'J.itl... 5 10 . .LEGEND "Blli'.l!l STUDY AREA BOUNDARY &:2!::] PAIVA TE LANDS 10 I J Iii ~ FE~ERAL RAIL ROAD WITHDRAWAL ···•···• CIRI "IH LIEU" BOUNDARY ~~-~~NATIVE SELECTED .LANDS ·c,K,T VILLAGE SELECTIONS (Individual :village selo'cllons ln. llie center · ol ·secllons.) C CHICKALOON SELECTIONS K KNIK: SE~ECTIONS .. T TYONE!( SEp;cnoNS PRE PAAED OY TES LAND OWNERSH JP iSTEWARDSHI P, DEVIL CA!'!YON PORTI ON . • • . . ' . • . i • • • 'II .; ':'",, ·.~.. 0 ' Q I ,'· 1, .,'; •• •' ; ', ~ o1 I • :~ L, "•',"', ,',· 0 .·:·.~·', <•,r ••. -.· s,.,.:.. • '··.','.,, ,01 .·e. ' •,_ 0 ' 0 0 •• ·,,· •. ' •• • •• ·_.· .', : ,, ''::. ': 1 '1', ·#-IO• i -.. ~ -t'' ~ w ~.~---~.f ~ ...... ;;:~_:~~fi.. ... z ::::; :z: u ~ :1 .., ... « :> Cl ii: FIGURE 4 lAND OWNERSHIP/ STEWARDSHIP. WATANA PORTiON II.. lEG IE/NIDI l'l!!ll!ll!i Slflllll'lf A fL ~'J if'RIVAiE , ·~ i!'IEIOIEIRAQ. , •••••••• CIIRU "iN [~1 ':-: IINlAlfDVE s C,K,i VIQ.Q.AGIE (UIId!v!du. In ihe c· c K 1f I· 0 =e 0 fA& Miles 10 20 20 JO .. a.AlJIIO USE AGGREGATIONS:. . RECREATION, MINING, RESIDENTIAl IHIEINSIJY 0 !lECIIEA'IIlOII!. a ow j MUlliNG tOW 3 lilECIIiA ~sON. tOW ~ i!.lliMIHIIIIII/Il$!!1. lli\EOM4 A -lli\EOM4 8 lli\EI!IIUell f UIW a I!. OW 0 lOW. . , .. II. OW _.:P"'*' .. ,. o' ; ... •.':· 0:. .. ·l .\ f:"::j-- _, .. ~ s 'i '":.!' ·.~. ., . .· ..... Kilometers 0 .· • .. .:(' \ .. · : . ( \:: ' !· . -. EXISTDNG STRUCTURES . {a) . .. . . .. .· TABLE 5: ZONE 1 -EXISTIN&·STRUCTURES (b) (c} Currently Map N Structure Access Maintained 2 90 91 112 119 107 6 Boat cabin S. bank S.us1tna: on boat9 foot Yes Hunting 1 ean-to Cab1n Line cabin Trailer; · work shack Cabin Cabin founciat ions · tributary 4.8 km (3 mi) S.W. of fog Creek/Susttna · confluence S.L bank of Kosiila/ boat, .foot, Susitna confluence floatplane .. 3 knC(2 mH N.E. . floatphne of Watan).'}Sus1tna .. confluence Yes No N.L corner of Jay/ Sus i tna confluence foot.~ dog team, No boat, floatplarie .. N. bank of Susitna: .. helicopter 1.6 km (l mil W. ot' Deadman/SusH;na .. confl uent:e S. bank of Susi tna · at Devil Canyon N. shore·of Susltna: W. bank of Jst tributary W. of . Tsusena/Su.sHna conflueiJ'lce 4WO foot, .. __ · dog team Yes J • • • a. Zone 1 is the. impoundment zone plus a 6l•m (200 ft) perimeter. b. Se~ Figure 2. . c. Almost all sites ()re accessible by helicopter. Built 1n 196Q 1 s for Stephan lake lodge; currently used season a 11y by Stephan boating( hunting guests , .. Built in .fate 1970's .for hunting/ . fishing p~rp~ses; fresh supplies indicate turrent tise . Built in 1950's; used as . seasonal hunting andAishing · cabtn; supplies lndi~ate_ · currelflf use E. Shqcons Hne (trapping) . and hunting cabin. oun~ .in 1939;. dates and game record~ indicate annual lise Built in. l970ns by Army Corps for Susana .study ·Built and u~ed ·in .. l950's for Bureau of Rec. study; currently not .. in use . . . . . Built 1n 1939 by Oscar Vogel as .a trappin~ ltne cabin; used until 1 ate 1950 1 s, now co 11 apsed; no · lor~ger used · (b) Map II 120 92 111 Surrmary: Structure Sll ack Cabin/ cache Cabin .... Location S. bank of SusHna: 1.6 km (l mi) W. of Deadman/Susitna c()nfl jlence ·. · N.W. bank of Watana/Susitna confluence S. bank of Stisttna: L6 · km (1 llli ). E.. of Watana/Susitna confluence " " " TABLE 5· ( Conthu~ed) .. (c) .. Access · tie 11 copter · dog team~ .. · foot· · dog team»· foot ·· .. · Curren~ly Maintained No No No . . . . . . . , Use···Shtus Used and bui a Jn 1970" s .as a research site; since Army Corps. s~udy D has co 11 apsed; no ·longer used · . Built inl960 1 s for hunting. purposes; cabfn c;o11apsed; no· longer in use Built in 1945 as a tr~pping ltne/bu~ttni cabtn; used for trapping until. mid 19~0's, presently covered wtth brush; no longer used · Ten structures exist within this zone. Of these, fhe are currently used on· a .seasonal basis in connection w~th fishing» boatirig, hunting» and rese•tch. TABLE 8: USE INFORMATION .FOR-EXISTING STRUCTURES IN THE UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Zone 1 PRESENT CONOrTION OF STRUC:riJRE Remains of structured foundations only {no use) · Badly weathered; partial structure remains -use no longer possible · Structure intact; not curre1!11tly.matntained -seasonal use -past & present -no current seasona 1 use Structure intact; maintained, . with seasonal use -past & pres·ent · Structure intact; maintained, with year-rol.lll'ld use Structure intact; maintained; no current use i nformat io1!11 Hu~ting, fishing. trapping ' Hunting. fishing .· Hunting only Fishing only Boating Skiing Mtning Research/exploration Air: Airstrip ·Floats/skis ATV 4WO Boat Foot, dog team Snowmachine Horse Rail Car USE TYPES. ACCESS 1 2 2 2 3 3. 2 1 . 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 6 .Zone 2 5 2 7 49 9 4 7 43 7 1 21 6 4 .2 26 34 20 16 3 37 6 4 1 1 Zone 3 1 2 1 12. 3 3 1 3 t 6 6 5 1 1 9 1 2 2 TABLE. ~2: SUMMARY OF PRESENT AND FUTURE LAND MANAGEMENT ACHVHIES IN TIU: PROPOSED SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT AREA Land Management Agency U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of land Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Power Authority Matanuska-Susitna Borough Matanuska-Susitna Borough (in affiliation with the Federal Office of Coastal Zone Management and the Alaska Coastal Management Program) Cook Inlet Region. Inc. and several villages Current Management Protection of natural environment; no activit1es other than fire control and the issuing of some special use perm1ts. land use planning being undertaken. Planning for the disposal of state lands that 'are immediately adjacent to the west side of the project area (north and south of Chulitna). Performing hydroelectric development feasibility studies. Borough has no lands in the project area. Project area does fall within the borough 1 s boundaries and ~s part of the borough 0 s Talkeetna Mountain Special Use District. Project area is a ~mixed use" zone. ' Currently has designated the Susitna River to and including Devil Canyon as part of a biophysical area for the Coastal Zone Management Program. None; lands currently being trans= ferredl to hldiv1dua1 v111 ages-:···· future Management D~rect1on future management w111 be guided by SouUncentral Planning Area Management Framework Plan and am easement management plan. State w111 select lands in project area not s~lected by the Natives. Management planning on these lands w~11 not begin before 1983. Dependent upon outcome of feas1bi11ty studies. By Ordtnance. No. 79-35 creating the Talkeetna Mountains Special Use Otstr1ct~ the borough can exercise planning and zoning authority over pr~vate lands within its boundaries; will commence further activities when hydro studies are completed. Continu1ng CZM studies will determ1n~ any addtttonal management direction. Management planning not yet underway: -·-····--·····----- T. 20 S,R. lOW, F. ~1. -Section 22 T. 21 S, R.~ll \J, F. H. Section 35 · T. 21 s I R. tl 'W· '-F. H. Section 36 T. Z2 s, R. 1.0 \J, F. ~I. Sections ll' 5; and 9 T . 22 s ' R. 1 1 w I F. N. Section 1 . T. 22 S 1 R. 12 WI F .• M. Sections 16, 1 7' 20, and -Sect ions ''15_, 16 ·.·_ --' :z 1, and Sections 2 I and 28 Sections 27 and 28 T' 31 N I R. 2 w' S ... · M. Section l -.Sections 20 and 21 Sec t'i ons 23 and 2~ Sections 21, 22, 26, Sections 26, 271 _)1;, \,; Section 36 T. 31 N, 2 W, S. H. Sect1ons 27 and 28 27, 35. LIST OF /'liNING Clflfi1S 21 22 ·and 28 and 36 HI DOLE. fO 1~1\ DISCOVERY 1· CHULITN/\ FORKS PLACER L r. L. -1111-IING CLAII-l fiOfiOLULU CL(I I /·IS Nns. 516 ,7, 9 I i 0 ,I 1, !i1, 15, 18,19 -· L (,_ L r:l_ll·/1 NG C lt1 I.H RIIODEIIlH No, I COAL CRE fK XI -liS Pi\RTI N CREEK I( I. und //7. E LOR IDGE //1 -/{3 SECOND CREEK CL!\1~ No. 1 - GO(DCREEK ASSOCIATION No. I CALJFORNIA #i and #2 GOLD CREEK_ASSOCIATION No. Z ELDORADO CREEK ASSOCIATION No. ELDORADO if I , !i 2 • .w d //3 - 1\ C 11 -(J . u n d 1\C 1·\ -5 . ,· COMiiONWEAlTH ASSOCIATES LEHER/~11riii~G CLAIHS LIST· Sections 33 and ]/1 T. )0 N! R.-6 \J I s. H. Section 2.4 T . 30 N, R. 5 \J. S. M, Sect ion 19 r . 2 7 N ; R . 4 \.J , S . ~1. Section 3 " -2-Novc111bcr lJ, 1980 AC~l :-l, 2, 3 and It · TOI<O S lll\ tin, 3, /1, dlld 5 . TOKOSHA flo .. 3 , /1 , .1n d 5 . HIs~, MH/ IllS S Mill n I.SS Mil' I 1.1 ·----===~~----~__;_ ______ , __ , """- X f!lhting claim or g• ·-~ of claims (§I§ Ana of many .closely spaced mining claims ali. Mining claim or group af claims with. recorded pr,oduct ion Area of many :lcsely 'spaced ~ining chims "i th, recorded production 1'1 · l'li nel"& 1 deposit and (or l accu.rrence Source: u.s: Bureau of Mines .•. 191.3; U.S. Bureau.c of Mines minera 1. property fll es; references cited· in text.· L Valdez Creek Hl!ning district 2,3,4,5;7. Gold' lode· and placer 'claims 6. ·fllineral ized zone 147"· -~,..;.~..,;;..,;_ ____ =+_ 1>4" ) ·.·.·.· · ... '. ~ 2~5ma=:li=23!::===~0======:525mi 40 . 0 401<m Susitna liiver proposal 5howing mining .claims, mineral occurrPnces, and terranesc geologically. favorable for the .. o·ccurrence of miMr&l deposits. '·I, II il f .• : . ~· ·mJ . ·I] li .. · ll m· }(j. 'I@., (l ·~· 00 ' . SHEET· SEGMENT NUMBER 1 ) 2 3 4 6 .·. 7 . . 14 15 8 9 18 17 16 Totals Table2 Summary of Cabins and Lodges located in (a) Each Segment Ate•, Associated with Access Routes· . CABINS & RESIDENCES BY ROUTE 11. ) 7 5 2a,b 2 2 8 3 2 3 1 . 3 1 1 1(9) ·1(10). 3 1 24 17 4 . 2(10) 1(10) 1 (a) This table summarizes only residences and lodges wh.ich are located in proximitY to .aHernate routes outside of communities; it. does not include residences or other structures which may be affected within corrnnunities. (b) Numbers in parentheses indicate number of buildings associated with each lodge .. 8 " .· MAXIMUM SIZE PER ENTRY: 20 ACRES I'M?t:t.l. 901.!: 75 ENTRIES NE r ()FV(fi!NG: 1500 ACRES IOWrlSHIP 3t, 32 NOf.!Hl, RANGE 2 WEST, SEWt.RO MERI·OIAN i' USGS QUAO TALKEETNA l.iOUtlTAINS (0-6)! .. For Vicinity See Map No. 15 . I ~ I i"· .'J' •;!.· P~ AC f.l ~OtJNOt.R y 100' ~fAtc:/kG Sl:l6ACK fAt.'!.~ llf11{A f'•I!;Til'<IG PoUlC!t.S OR "14T(A 00!>1($ PA~tNflO CA L(A,(O PAACLL~ ---._.., (ltjfiNG TR.D.Il . ; ,· '• ~:.lC I il llv ..... ~·.-wJ •·A •• ~ ....... ~~-~-;--:.·:·-:-=--.:.;.:·i..~-· • ~ ---~ - '.# ....... I __ .... •·• ,,_ .__ -•"' I~·P -"'"', , •• ._ "';-~ ..~ ..... ~· ................ -... ·.,-'""-·._ ... r,•· ... 1•\ •tt' 'It,. __ • r State of Alaskil Department. of Natural 'Resources Proposed Competitive S,ale of Coal Leases . ' . . . The Department of.Natural Resources, Division of Minerals and Energy Management,. is proposing to (::onduct a competitive $ale of coal leases for state Iandi within the Beluga River area, considered to have moderate or high potential for commer:cial coal resources. The .sale is proposed to occur in.February l98Je .. · The sale area is wtthhi Townships nand 14 North,. Range 12 West of the Seward ··Meridian. This is northwest of Anchorage. south. of BeluqaLake, in the vicil1ity· of ·. existing Beiuga area coal leases. The saJe will include land in both the .. Kenai· Peninsula 11orough and the Matanuska Susitna Borough. · Approximately. 25,000 acres are proposed for. disposal. Individual sale area tracts wiU be delineated after feasible coal management units are defined~. Successful bidders for tracts offered in thns sale will' acquire a coaUease granting the exclusive right to mine coal resources locatedwil:hln lease area. The term of the coal lease is indetermin~te, S'-lbject to.dUigent development and co~tinued .. operation .of ~he mine. Leases will be ~viewed regularly to ensure that steady development 'JI!arranting · . conti.nuancif of. the Jease has. occurred. · · .The lessee wm be required to subunit acc~ptable plans of operation and to comply with . . other lease terms. AU·•activnties ~:.~~rider coal leases will·b·e subject to the Alaska Surface CoaLMining Controland Redi:lmationAct. . ·. J · ·. , The competitive coal sale will not be held untill formaA public notice is issued to solicit comments and a finalwritten .. finding is made by the Director of the Division of Minerals and Energy Management. that issuance of thoseleases will best serve .the . interests of the State of Alaska.. The development of that finding will include·review of socio-economic and environmental concerns of the public, as well as locaA, state and federal agenCies •. · The finding of best interest will contain an analysis of the potential effects of issuing leases. in .the proposed area and the means by whieh negative impacts Vlfill be .mitigated. · ;,. Rl4 W R r RIOW T 14 N T 12 N .. 'ra:·-(·-;:: ·~==-;·;~·~Ai v~1' 9(£~ a.at.:;! ~·· w-.( 'fU[JI fH£ s ~ ~ ~ t ... ~ . ~ .. ' THIS I.E "st SLt£ ... .,.~ 5":0~~ •S IPd fu[. PAXl 5~ ::-~.=, '! l--f~;t'G ~IJClAL, • tN·~a •14 :"v.: a.. r :-:.. a. tco .. o-..•c 'l',J ':;•P-.D"A "'l:~ :!-t \NHitH fQ ll!··t . ·:"···~ .. ft.., A i,.._ •'-Jl, State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Proposed Non-Competitive Coal Rnqhts Disposal The Department of Natural l~asources, Division of Minerals and Energy Management~ is proposing to conduct a non-competitive disposal of coal rights. This disposal wiU involve the issuance of coal prospecting permits (CPP) from existing applications for state land within the S~Usitna Basin considered to have low or unknown potential for commercial coaA resources. · The disposal is· proposed to occur in December 1982. The disposal. area is north of Cook Inlet~ northwest of Anchorage including land north to DenaH State Park and as far south as the Beluga River. Most applications are for land west of. the Parks Highway in Townships RB-26 North, Ranges 4=!0 West, Seward Meridian. More than 90 percent of .the appllications are for aand within ·the · Matanusl<a-Susitna Borough, with the remainder for land within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Permittees wiU acquire the right to prospect for coal on the area covered by the . permit, for e term of two years. The opportunity tor one two-year extension exists, if the permittee can demonstrate that diHqent explloration is being performed. AH activities under CPPs and coall leases wm be subject to· the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Contrail and Reclamation Act. If the permittee counplies with aU terms of the permit, observes app.licat?le statutes and regulations, discov.ers commercial quantities of coal and submits a satisfactory mining plan9 he is entitled to convert the prospecting permit to a non<>Competitive coal lease for that area of the permit which contains coal.· The Department of Naturall Resources wiU review 384. existing appl.ications for CPPs, which cover app.roximatelly 920~001l acres. '··,Applications· may reqll.llest up to 5,120 acres each. Individual permits may be issued for less than.their entire application area, if a feasiblle coall management unit can be maintained. The foUowiog land· wiH not be available for issuance of CPPs: land under prior or existing CPPs; coallleases; land desiqnatod for competitive disposal of coal resources; areas under conflicting land use classifications; and, land determined to have other values higher than the potential for coal development. CPP issuance wiU also be prohibited on land with existing or potentiall for high density settlement. Any CPP applications existing within these identified areas will be denied. Surface entry for · exploration activities will be restricted on portions of CPPs where third-party interests that may be converted to fee-ownership of the surface estate exist. -. Coal Prospecting Permits will not be issued until forme~! public notice is issued to solicit comments and a final written findinq is made by the Director of the Division of Minerals and Energy Management under AS 38.05.035 that issuance of those permits will best serve the interests of the State of Alaska. The final finding of best interest will consider socio-economic and environmental concerns from the public, as well as from the federal, state, and local agencies. The finding will provide an analysis of the potential effects of this disposal and the rneans by which negative impacts will be mitigated. !_·: SUSITNA BASIN COAL PROSPECTING PERMiT APPLICATION AREA STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MINERALS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT EX!STi NG APPUCAT!OR'if AREA I ''•f!?Ji SCALE~ I: 1,014,000 NOTE t.o rECISIOH Hll$ vn !l£EH MAO£ Qi'j WU/I:THE~ THit STAT!!: Wll ~·lfOI 0 Tlli.•OIS" PO::III..TIIF !HAll': 1:1 1~ VOf( 11«'Ct ~:I llf" GAT t<t IUifQ ENV1A0Niii(~TAI.. 1'1 II:COHOIIolllC li'II'()A,'<!II fiO!If ON WHICH fO , PA~E A l•fl:;t:,:lf)H I I I' I ....: ) \'· ,I r ' I I I I l Access Road/Bridges Cons tt·uct ion Ca1np ·Village Site Site Construction Roads Contractor!s Work Areas Including Batching and· Processing Plant Intakes Service Spil h1ay Emergency Spillway Saddle Dam DEVIL CANYON -----·- J\ct ibn Construct Trans-Dam Link Construction Initiation . Construction Completion Di smarit 1 e and Reel aim Construction Ini tia.ticin ConstFuction Completion Dismantle and Reclaim· Construction Iri.itiatiori Construction Completion . . ~ . ConstruCtion Initiation Construction Construction. Construction Completion Constnic"t <:• Construction initiation · Construction Completion " . Construction "Initiation ~onstruct.ion Completion Construct Activitx_ Borrow Area K Main Dam R~servojr Clearing Reservoir Filling Action Excavate E~cavate and Rec1aim Excavate·and Recl~i~ Excavate and Reclaim Reclaim Excavati:ti"n and Foundation Begin Cant inue Completion Begin Continue Completion Year .19g5 1996 1997 1998 1999 1996 -1997 1999 2000 2001 2000 2001 2002 Requirements Excavate 110 acres Excavate .110 acres, reclaim 110 acres Excavate 110 acres, reel aim 110 acres ·.Excavate 35 acres, reclaim 110 acres Reclaim 35 acres . . 3. acres 3 ac~esv' 1,500 acres 1 ,BOO acres . 1, 500 acres 1 ,800 acres 2,400 acres 1 ,700 acres --·-~-:...- {l_ctivity Access Road/Ra.i 1 road/Bridges Construction Camp Pennanent To~lil : ,. Village Site Site Constru~tion Roads Contrattor's Work Ar~as ~~~-~ ,. Airstrip ·, Borrow Area .D Action · Initia1 Clean and Strip Upgrade Construction Initiation Con~truction Compl~tidn Disb~nd and Recl~im Di~band and Reclaim ·construct Construct Construction initiation Construction Completion Disband and Reclaim Disband. and Reclaim Construction lniJ:iation WilT/INA Construction Continuation Construction· Comp1eiion Construction Initiation Construction Continu('ltfon Construction Completion Temporary Construction Permanent Construction Excavate Excavate and Reel aim Excavate and Reclaim Excavate and Reclaim Excavate and Peel aim Excavate and Reclaim Excavate and Rec1aim Excavate and. Reclaim Reclaim Year 19135 1986 1985 .1986 1994 1995 1987 1988 . 1986. 1987 1994 1995 1985 1986 1987 1985 1986 1987 1985 1985 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Requirements 788 acres - 75 acres 70 acres Reclaim 75 acres R~claim~70 acres 31 acres 35 acres 60 acres 60 acres 60 acres .60 acres 120 .acres l20 acres 60 acres 190 acres 360 acres 190 acres . jS"O_~~ 8 acres. 20 acres Excavate 70 acres Excavate 70 acres, Excavate 70 acres, Excavate 100 acres, Excavate 100 acres, Excavate 100 _acres, Excavate wo acres, Excavate 100 acres, Reclaim 100 acres reclaim 70 reclaim 70 acres reclaim 70 acres .r~cl aim 100 acres recla.im lOO'acres reClaim wo acres reclaim 100 acres Activitl_ Borrow Area fi · 1 Borro~1 Area F !. Main Dam Intakes Service Sp1llway Emergency Spillway .. WATANA .(cbnt'd) -g . Action Excavate Excavate Excavate Excavate Excavate· Reel aim (remainder !Jnder water) Excavate E~cavate and .Reclaim Reclailn Excavation of Right Abutment· Found(ltion. Construction anil Clearing Foundation Construction and Clearing Foundation Construction pnd ClearinQ · Construction Initiation . co.nstriict-ion Completion Construction· Initiation · Construction Compl!!tion Constructi.on Initiation . Construction Completion .1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 ' 1985 1986 1987 1985/ 1986/. 1987./ 1988./ ' 1987· ...... 1988i 1988./ 1989 . .1990 ':; 1991 v Requirements Excavate 40 acres Excavate 40 acres· Excavate 80 acres. Excavate 120 acres Excavate 45 acres Reclaim .90 acres Excavate SOO.acres Excavate 200 acres, reclaim 500 acres · Reel aim 200 acres 50. acres 80.acres 80 acres 50 acres 10acres 3 acres 12 acres & acres · 25 acres 10 acres • Activity Transmissirin Line ;i\ Reservoir Clearing .', ReservoirFilling · Re l i ct Char~ne 1 · . :HAT AN~ (cont'd) -3. Gold Creek. to Watana Constructio~ Initiation Gold ~reek to Watana . Construction Comp1etlon .. · Constr:ue,.tion of'flealy'.:. ·Fairbanks Initiation . Construction of Hea\y-· Fairbanks Completion Construct ion of' ~lil.l ow- Anchorage Initiation. . . ' . Construction of Willow..: Anc~orage Comp 1 etion Clear. Clear Clear Clear Fi 11 to 1460 ft. Fi 11 to 1865 ft Fill to 2o5o ft Fi 11 to 2185 ft Fi 11 1985 1987. 1989· 1990 .1989 1990 1989 1990 1991 19?2 1990 . l !t~J 1992 19.93 1992 Requirements 400 acres· 400 acres 400 acres 400 ·acres·. 400 acres 3, 000 acres 9,000 acres 9,000. acres 10~000 acres 3,000 acres 9,000acres 9,ooo·acres 10,000 acres 460 acres LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEVIL DAMSITE A single parcel of ·land located in Central Alaska, encompassing a portion of the Susitna Riv.er at the approximate geographic latitude of 62°49'0011 and longitude of. 149°18'19u; being ·more • particularly described as follows: W"~SE~, W!zNE~SE~, W~SE~SE~, Section 32, T.32N., R.1E., Seward Meridian, Alaska. · Containing 120 ac~es, more or less. 1 n. Accord~mce with .Exhibit A -1 - DEVIl DAMS!TE TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM" Township 32 N Range IE Meridian ALASKA 36 I 3 i 6 7-31-33 Jj - 2 - ''::1""':'1 -- LEGAL DESCRiPTION WATANA DAMSITE ' A single parcel of land located in Central Alaska, encompassing a pvrtion of the Susitna River at approximate. geographic latitude of 62()49'22 11 . and longitude ·'of 148°321 10 11 , t?eing . more partieu~arly described as follows: T.32N~, R~SE., SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Section 28: Section · 32:. Section 33: S~SW\SW!a,. :s~E%SW~ 5-E~N E'k SE'kN et.N E,. Nl<.N E~SE1.~ 4 . "' . "· " "' ~ ~ ~ . . Wi"2NE1.:INE1a, · NW\NE'Ia, WlzSW1aNE·\, NE1iSW'IaNEla, NW~SE\NE~, W~NW\SE\; NW\SW1aSE'\a, .·N~W\,. N~SE\SW~, NW\ Containing 500 acres; more or less. ln. Accordance With Exhibit A WATANA DAMS!TE TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM" Township 32N Range 5E Meri.c:li.sn SEW ALASKA 32 33 34 3 Q I 3! I ....... .....,. .. _ -==--- 1 I I T .32N., .. R.1W., SEWARD· MERIDIAN( ALASKA section 34: E\SE~ ' . . : Section 35: Section36: · · · In Accordance with Exhibit .. 8 r30/e •4 =· EXHIBIT B TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM tt _,_ I I , 5 I 4 1 PROTRACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS -5 = T.31N., R.1E., .SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Section 1: Section 2: .·Section 3: Section 4: Section 5.: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 11: Section 16.: r30/e S~S E1:iN E1:i, N~SW~SE\, S~SW~NE1:i, N~SE1:iSW~, . N~E1:i, ·· N~SE\SE1ai. N~SW\SW1:i; N~SWU~, .SE\NE\; S~SW\NE~, N~SE1a, N~E~SE~, SW\SE~SE~, SW~SE\, SW%, S~E1.aNW"la, SW~NW~ S~NW~NE1:i,. SW~NE1:iNE~, S~N~~~ N~SE\, SE\SE~SE~, N~SE\SE~, NE1iSW%SE~, N£1:iSW-a, E~NW!aSW%, NW~, NW1:iNW~NE~ N~NE'ia; N~E1aNE%, W~E~SW%, W~NE%SW%, W~SW\, NlzNW%~ SW%NW~, W1z,SE~NW%; NE1t-5W%N E~ ALL ALL ALL ALL W!zSW~, W~NE"!:iSW1:i, W~SE1:iSW~, W~NW\, WlzNE1aNW"!:i,. W~E\NW1:i I I I I I I ! I Section 17: Section 18: In Accordance with· Exhibit C r30/e ~ 7 - I, il II II ,J [I H II [: i I EXHIBiT C TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM* Range IE · Meridiam SEWARD ALASKA I 31 I __ I_ s I 5 1 4 ' I PROTRACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS • SCAL.E: l INCH :I MIL..E -8 - ·T.32N., R.1E~; SEWARD MERIDIAN,.ALASKA Section 31: ALL · Section 32: AU .. EXCLUDING NE~NE~NE~ Sectiori 33. ·section 34 In Accordance with Exhibit D r30/e - 9 ... EXHHHT U TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM"' $ I ACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS -];0 - T.31N., R.2E., SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Section l: Section 4: Section S: Section 6: Sectiori 7: Section 8: Section 12: Section 13: Section 24: r30/e ~NW%NE~, W~SW%NE~, S E%SW\N E%, E\S:t:%N~'la, NW\SE%NE%, N~W%NE'la, N~NE%, N~NW%, NE~ElaNW~, N~W%NW~ E~NE~~ S~NW~NE~, SW%N:E~, NW%SE~, NW%NE~SE~, · W~SW%SE%, E~SW%, N~SW%SW\, NW~SW%, S~W%N~-a, S~SE~NW%, NE'i.aSE~NW%, SE%SW%SE% W~NE'ia, E\N-E~SE%, S~SE%NE'Ia W~NW%SW%·. W~N E'l.a, W\5 E'iaN E~, W~S E%; W~N E~S E%, W~S E'laS E%, E~N E\SW%, E~SE\NW%, E~N E1:iNW\ W~NE1:i, W~NE'laNE%, W"~SE'laNE"-a, E~SE1a, N~-aSE\, N~W%SE'la, SE%SW-aSE~, NE'i.aNE~SW%, E\SE\NW%, E~NE'i:iNW% In Accordance with Exhibit E -11 - 3!N 6 PROTRACTED I EXHIBiT E TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM"' 2 E· SEWARD 35 I __ I_ 5 I 4 I UNSURVEYED LANDS -12 = ALASKA 31 6 .! 'I 1: 1: \: ' u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D l ._) T.32N., ·R.2E~,.-SEWARD··MERID~AN, ALASKA Section 27:. E~W~NE~,. W~NE~NE\, .. SW~NE\1 ·· W~E':iNE~, ~NE'!:aSEla, ElzNW\SE~, E~W!:iSE\, W\SE~E~ . Section 31 : S-E1aSE'!aSE"a Section 32: S~W'laSW\, ·. S~E\SW'a, S"\IIAiSW"45El.i, .· E~Wl,aSE'l.a, ·. Wlpe!aSE\ Section 33: NE\NE\NE\~ · .. · SltN·El,aNE%, SE\NW\NE\, · SE\NE\, . E~SW\NE\, . S·E'a, . S\SE\SW'a, · ·. N E'!aSE'l.aSW\, · 5-E~SWl.iSW'la, SE'l.aNE\SW% Section 34: NE\NE\, N~E\NE~, . SE'l.aSE\NE\, . S~NW\NE\, NE~NW\NEla, W~NW'-aSW\, NW\l SW.~N:E1:i Sectli'Jn 35: ·.· SE\NE\, S~SW\NE'l.a, · NE%SE\t• NE~SE~E~,. NW\SE'a, N E"aSWl,i, ElzNW%SW-a, · SW%NW'I-a, S·E\NW\NWla; W~NWlaNW'!ai S~SE\NW%., NW\SE\NW\ Sec;;tion 36: ~SW\SE\, S~SW%;. NW\SW%,. W~NE\5~';. S~W'!aNW\, SE\NE'l:iS~ In Accordance with Exhibit F r30/e -13 - I I I I I l . '~ 0 EXHH:HT F D TOWNSHIP DiAGRAM"' 32 N Range 2E Meridima ALASKA 0 Tcwmsl:!.p :H 0 D 0 0 0 ,, 0 0 D 0 0 0 I ,. 0 PROTRACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS 0 -""" . -··H --= . ---,,-.-.,._,."" •~~ 0 • SCAL...E; I INCH: I Mll...E Q> U.S. Co""'cam>nC P1:1AC1n(l Off1ca:U7J.,.764·2~6/214a kl111""' D -14 -. u 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 J J J J ] T.31N., R.3E., SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA . . . Section~l3: · · SE'iaSE1.aSE\, S~W\SE"a, 5\SW!a, NW\SW\SE\ Section 14: Section 15: Sectioo 16: section 17-: · .. sec~ion 18: Section 19 Section: 20: Section 21: Section 22: Section ·. 23: Section 24: r30/e S\SE'l.a; s~w~ . . ' . -. ' ' . . . . . SE'I;aNE1;aSE\; S~SE'a,• SE'aSW\, S]§W\SW~ · st.~ E.~s:ft.: g'!.c::W'kSE'k · "2W .. .,., \ -z..,J ". 41 S~W~SW~r .. NW\SW\5~~ , -. SlzSE~, S~W1a, · S~NE"aSW~, · S~NW\SW\ . . . . . NE~, NE\SEl:iNW\, NE!.i~Wt.i1 NE1iNW\NW!.i .N\NE\, N~NW"a, N~SEl;iNE\, ·.·· N~W\NE'a,. SE\NW\, N~Wl:iNW'a, SW\SW\NE\ N\NE\, . NlpE\NE\, N\SW!.iNE\, . N~NW\, Nl§W\NWla, · N~ E.\N W1.i . . N~NW\, N\NE\, N~SE\NE\, N\SWI-aNE\, N\5~-aNW\, N\SE\NW\1 In Accordance .with Exhibit G = 15 ~ { i . I . \ 0 0 ,, ~----~;-.· · ... ·, J·: ; ' 0 TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM" 0 Tcwnsh.ip 3 E· Mleri.diam SEWARD Sta~te ALASKA 35 3 6 I 3.~ I ----0 0 0 0 . i i 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 I ------'- Ei I I 5 4 . ~ 0 0 PROTRACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS 0 0 • SCALE: 1 INCH : 1 MIL.f. li' u.s. Co""'""""'ag l'r1.111t1Rtl Off1ca:l973=78lo·2~6/214D B.oa1as D -16 - D 0 D 0 D D D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 D T.31N.,. R.4E., SEWARD MERiDiAN; ALASKA Section 2: Section · 3: · Section 9: Section 10: Section 15: Section ·16: E~NE%, E~NW~NE1:i, SW~NE1a, SE~, . SE1:iSW'l:i, S~NE1aSW~, NE1aNE1:iSW\, SW%NW\NE% SW\SW\NE~, E1NE%, E~NW\NE'la, SW\NE'la, SE1a, SW\NWl.iN€%, . . S€1:iSW-:i, E\NE~SW-a, SE~SE%N\'V'::i Section 18: . · S~Wl:iSW~ Section 19: Section 20: Section 21: Section 29: r30/e S~NE'laNE%, S~NW'l:iNE%, S~NE'la, N~E%, · N~E'laSE%, SE%SE%SE%, N~Wl:i; NW~, NE1:aSW\SE'la SW%NE%NE%, S~NE'la, S~, S~NW\, S~NW~NW~; S~NE%NW\, S~NW'l:iNE'la -~~NE'la, N~NE'laNE%, SW!:iNE%NE1a, S~NW'la, NE'laNW%, NE%NW%NW!:i, S~NW\NW%, NWl.iNW~SE%, N~SWlar SW\SW%, NWl.iSE%5~~~ NW%SE%NE1a · In Accordance with Exhibit H -17 - 0 TOWNSHIP DIAGRAM". 0 Township :31N 4E SEWARD. State ALASKA 36 I 31 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --·~ 6 5 I I 2 0 PROTRACTED I UNSURVEYED LANDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. o·· 0 .. 0 0 0 D 0 ·o 0 -·- 0 0 0 D . . . . . . . .. . ' . ·, . . .. . . ·. T.32N., R.4E·., SEWARD,MERlDIAN".ALASKA.. '· ·. section. 25 : .. . . \' . . . • s·~tion· ~: .. Section 34: ·· Section 3.5.: . Section 36: ·. r30/e . ·. . . . . S~N E~~ S~N E1iNE'!i1. S~ E\N~'a, S~W1aNW!il S~ : . .. ·. .: S~E~NE%J•·.Sf;~SW~N~1a, ...... S~c%,·· NE~E\,.··e'tNW1aSE~,;·· .•.. SW1aNWliSE%, S~E~lN~~ NE1aSE\SW\',<Sir-aSW~W1a .· . . . . -· . . ' . --. ---•. . . Nlt, .. SWla, Nlt.SE!a, N~W!'~~\,NW\SE\SE\, SW'!:iSW1aSE1,a;. · NltN'E~, N\SE\NE%, N~SW"aNE\, • . N~~WlaSW~r SW'-aN~SW\; NW!.l ·-· .~.. . -19 - u· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 J J 6 PROTR ! s : 4 u I UNSURVEYED LANDS .6 J J o· 0 D o· 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • ... T .. 32N., · R~SE., SEWARD MERIDIAN, AlASKA···· ". ' '.·.. . . .; .. ·:. .· '• . ·. Section 1 3 : SW'-aNE'i.aSW~,;. W~ E\SW~r SW%SWJ.:i,. S~NW!aSWla , . ' ,_ . , . . -. . Section 14: . . . S'tNE~SE1i, S~SE~" · .. S~Wll:i, S~N~SE"'a~ S~N E~W~,. ·.· S\NW%SW\, NW~NW~W",· SWl:iSW%NW\ . . . . . . ·, ' . . . . '' . ' . . ·Section . $~, S~E~NEla, S~W1;iNE~, S~E%NW%1 SltSW%NW%. Section. 16 :. · . · SE':i,,. · s~·E'iaN e,~, -S\SW%.N E'!,a, . E~\ilf~; SW"-aSW~, SE%NW%SW% Section-17: . . -Section 20: S~, N£i4, _ SE%NW~, sE%NE%NW%·, Slt.SW~NW1a,. NE\S~NW'I;a section 21 : A L.L Section 22: All. .. ' ·•ALL Section 24: ·Section 25: Section 26: ALL S~ction 27: ALL r30/e -23 - J . J J . Section 28: ALL .. / ] ·.Section 29:. ALL J .:' ·· Section 30: . ALL J o· Section 33: · ALL D. Section 34: 0 0 Section 36: 0 In Accordance with Exhib.it K 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D r30/e o- o 0 D. D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 J 6 PROTRACTED I LANDS fi ~d studi s design and con ttruciUon · p~ nning . . mllfolract: qu ntif§cq1tnon mU:igaiUorn strategm Mi i ati n1 ~an . nB11g · ·-p r.mU: . . . pp~m tion " revm w an . . con tru tmon ~ong t rm. moiUg~tio!ril ' . . . J J J J J J J 0 0 ]. J J J J J J l . . 94 STAT. 248() PUBLICLAW Hfl-487:-DEC:. 2. 1 91.{0 · · IG USC :1201i. . 16. USC'46L .-,·;· ·' L .) . ( ..... . _: ; . ; I ' ~ ~ \ ; ' }' . . .. -. •' ··. -. sT~~WlDE CUL;UR~L ASSisTANCE ~ROGRAM . . . . SEc. 1318.,Iri;,furtherance !)fth~nationalpolicy setforth in the iirst section of the Act en tiW:~d ".An Act to provide. for. the. preservatio11 of historic Am~rican sites,. buildings• objects, and antiquities of national· ·significance; and for other purposes", approved ~<\:ugust. 21, 1935 (49 Stat: 666), and.in furthe.rance.of.the need to protect and in~rpret for the public penefit cult.ural and ari:heologicatresources and objects of. . national significance relating to prehistoriC and historic human use and occupation oflallds ·and waters. in ·Alaska, the SecietMy may, . upon the application of a Native Corporation or Native Group, · .·· provide advice;.assistauce, and techn.ical expertise to the applicant in . the· preservation, diSplay, and interpretation of.cultural resource$, . without regard as to whether title to such resources is in the United States .. Such assistance.· may include makihg. avaiiable ~rsonnel tq assist in the planning, design, and op(!iatioll of 'Quildings,Jacilitit:s; and interpretive ,displays for the public and I>ersoriner to train . i~Jdividuals in the identification, recovery; preservation, demonstra,. ·. tion, and management of cultural.res<>urces. · · · . ' . . . EFFECT ON EXISTING IUGHTs Sec;. 1319: Nothing in this Act shall be const.rucd a . .;. limiting or restricting the power and.aut.hority ofthcJ.Jnited S!at.cs ur::.....; . (1) as affecting in any way any h1w governing appropriation or use of, or. Federal right to, watei' rm lands· within the State of Alaska; · · ·· · · · C2l as expanding or diminishing Federal or State jurisdiction. · responsibility, intereStS; M rights. in wal~r reSOUrC(:S d(!Vt:lop-.. mentorcontrol;,or · · · · (3) .as super.:;eding, modifyjn~; or rcpeulim~.except its specili-· cally·setJorth in this Act, existing Iii ws "pplkubie to the various . Federal agencies which <>rc authorized ·to develop or participute in the developmentof.watcrresources or to exercise liccn:>ing or . ·regulatory Junctions ill rdnti<;onlht!reto. .. l THE ALASKA lANDMARKS REGISTER Alaska landmarks may be so designated by the Governor on the recom~ memdation .of the historic sites advisory· committee and, writterrn consent of private owners. landmarks are eligible· for State ma i ntemance subsidy approved on an i ndii ~ vidual basis. THE NATIONAl REGISTER OF HISTORIC PlACES Districts j sites g buildhngs, structures, and objects identified in the Statewide SUJJrvey may be nomi natedl to the Na- tional Register of Historic Places by the. State liaison Officer for Historic Preservation with approval of a professional Review Board!. Nationa '· egister entries· are afforded certain protections from Fed~ era11y-financld projec.ts and may be the su.nbjects of grant applica- tions under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. They may also be considered for designation as Alaska landmarks. THE STATEWIDE SURVEY OF HISTORIC AND PREHISTORIC RESOURCES Historic~ prehistoric, and archaeological resources in this inventory are. identi"fied in the event archaeological salvage authorized by the 1971 Alaska Historic Preservation Act is necessary, and! are coililsidered for possible nomin~ atioilil to the National Register of Historic Places. A resource is coililsidered identified in the Statewide Survey when an adequate 11 Alaska Historical Survey Record Card 11 is filed with the Historic Preservation and Archaeology Unit 9 Alaska Division of Parks, 323 East Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. 35 o~--.-·_ D " ' ·.Toblo 1 · Cultu~&l Resources. Locatod · Botwoo:n .hnoo •iod July., 1980 D· 0 0 0 0 D 0 D · UA•B0=-68 -* U~-\..,80;;.;69· . ~.: UA-.. 80= 70 lTA-80--72' UA-80--75. ]t UA-BO~ 76 . .. *-U.A-8Q-o 7 7 ' . ·. UA~B0--78 UA=B0-79 0 . ~UA-80-80 0 D 0 0 0 A'UA-80--142 UA-80-143 UA-80~ 144 USGS Map· . ('f&!lkeetna> Mts.) C2 04 D4 04 DJ Cl D4 Cl D5 D4 .•.. DJ r. JON, R s; r. 32N, R 41 T 32N; R 4E T 32N, R 4E T 31N; R· 6E T 30N, R. 11 T J~IN I R 4E T JON, R 121 T JlN, R 4E, l'. JlN, ·R 4k, r· 31N~ R 7E,. T J1N 8 R BE, . 03 T JlN, R ·s.;:, . DJ D4 T JlN, R 4E, . ··D4 T 32N, R 5E, T. 31N, R B.S, D2 r 31N, R BE, DJ ' ' .•·· .... '.,., ..,..;~~.i~_....;.»!:;·~~-:~ ... ,. -.. '' ..•. , ... ; ii.I:<J!<f.l<~i~~:',:·, '":~.~·;.:.:..:c.r:::.o:;~ .• ,, .... . ·Location ' ! ' . , ' ~ . -:-. ·, ·: , .. "J (. ~ .••• }· • "!·' ·. ./ ' { ,_; ,· /.. ,' t. . ~ • . . \ , I .., I 'r l. J .. 1 J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UA-80=68. * UA-8(}.-69 . ;,j.. UA-8(}.. 70 * UA ... so-n. UA-80=72 UA-80....73 *trA-80...74 UA=8D-:-75 *UA-80=76 *UA-80...77 UA-80....78 UA-80=79 ~UA-SQ-80 ~UA-8()...141 >¥uA-80=-l42 UA-80-143 UA-80-144 USGS Map· (Talkeetna. Mea. ) C2 D4 04 D4 DJ Cl D4 Cl D5 D4 DJ D3 D3 D4 D4 D2 D3 ' * / -.# .;-/--.1~ ,.., ·.-,l)' .:·..i j T JON, l' 32N, ·'r 32N, T 32N, T' 31N, T JON, T 31N, I JON, T 31N, I JlN 9 T 31N~ T 31N, T 31Nv T 31N, I 32N, T 31N, T 31N, Lo.c.ation ·,...; ~· R 8Eo S~ of tbi! SEJ.i: of the· S~, s 5 R 4E, S~'% of the ~ of the NE!...;v s 36 R 4E, s~ of the NE~ of the NI-l~~ s· 36 R_4E, StJI-t,; of the W.J" of the Nll%. s 36 R 6E, NE~ of the St~ of. the S~,; s 2 .. R 11:£,. N~ of the NE~ of the sw!.z;. s 32 R 4E. NE~ of the SE!t of the Nl:1.th _S 3 R 12!, S~ of the N!~ of the SW~, s 17 ... R 4E, S~of the SE~ of the NE~; s 3• R 4!,. St$,: of the~ of the s~, s 15 R 7Eil m.J% of the s~ of the sw~, s 5 R BE, ~of the SE~ of the SE~. s 6 R 5!, SE~ of the s~ of the SE!.z., s 7 R 4!, NW':oc; of the SW!t: of the W-:~;, s 21 R SE, S'tl% of the ~ of the SE~, s . 30 . R 8E, NE!t: of the ~ of the SE!.t, s 5 R 8E, SE!t of the mV"t of the NW~~ s 5 0 -0 D D 0 b I . [] ~ .. f] D I J J D D 0 D D 0 0 T. Name of. Site z. Nature ot. ~u:e 3. Location 6. Significance EXPLANATION OF ITEMS l!.l. 1. Enter-common name, also any other n~e8 site is known by. 2. Is it mdistric:t, elite, buUdingD ~tructure, or object? 3. Locate the item .sull exactly as poiUlibl@ll. If in a surveyed townsite, give lot number. If not, locate it on m IIM\P e~nd attach map. 4. Give date of ciOlnstru~~:Uon or d&te~ of significant events aseoc:iated with mubjec:t. 5. Desc:ribe subject in BUll much detaU ae ·possible. Include sketches, diagr~~. photographs. 6. Tell why this site is significant in National State, or local history. 7. Report any immediate or potential danger to this site. 8. Enter any source material important in your research of the site. 9. Give name and address of property owner. 10. Giv~ current date~ 11. Enter your name, address, and telephone number. Indicate organiz~tion or institutional affiliation. . 10-521 June 1911 HiBitoric Site Survey Ala~ka Divi~ion of Parks 323 E. Fourth Ave:nue: An~horage. Ala~km 99501 -, I EVALUATION OF HISTORIC AND PREHISTORIC RESOURCES NOMINATION: Check one or more categories in Section I or ti I. Criteria of Evaluation The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and. association, . and: (AI that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to ·the broad· patterns of our history; or tBI that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or (Cl that embody the distinctive characteristics of. a type, period, or method of construction,. or that represent the. work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a·significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or (0) that have yielded, or may be· likely to. yield, information important in pre-history or history. II. Criteria Considerations Ordinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, or graves of historical figures. properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purposes, structures that hlllle been moved fnm their original lcx:ations, reconstM:ted histcil'ic: buiidings, pi'Opllrties primaril\1. commemol!'ative in nature, and properties that haM! a1:tii!!NGd significani:e within the past· fifty years shaU not be con~idered eligible for the NATIONAl REGISTER. However, ~t:h pii'QPerties will qua!ify if they are integra! pam of districts that do meet the criteria or if. they fail within the following cateiJories: (AI a religious property deriving primary significance from aid'iitectural or artistic distinction or historical importance; or (81 a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the surviving structure most importantly associated with a historic person or event; or ICI a birthplace or grave of a historical figure of outstanding importance if there is no appropriate site or building directly associated with his productive life; or (0) a Cemetery which derives its primary significance from graves of persons of transcendent importance, from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events; or lEI a reconstructed building when accurately executed in a suitable environment and presented in a dignified manner as part of a restoration master plan, and when no other building or structure with the same association has SUIVived; or IFI a property primarily commemorative in intent if design, age, tradition, or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical significance; or (G) a property achieving significance within the past fifty years if it is of exceptional importance. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE: National 0 Eligible· State 0 Comment Local D (Date) (Board Member s Signature) (Fir';Ure 4} o. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D D J J J ARCHEOlOGY UNIVERSITY MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF AlASKA I. SITE LOCATION SUSITNA HYDROPOWER PROJECT USGS QUAD: Talkeetna Mountains Scahr: 1:63 9 360 ----.A. B •. c .. AIR PHOTO REFERENCE: Roll Frames--~- TWP ~----=· RNG -----~~ Seward Me!l"idian 'F""""----~·· of the of the of Section -~-=- lJTM: Zone 6 Easting Northing~--"""""""-~=-= lATITUDE: 0 11 lONGITUDE: 0. 18• GEOlOGICAl UNIT: No,---~~ . G~ REGION: Devil Carnyon Watana Othe1r~ ------------------~----~-=~ II. ENVIRONMENT: A. Site· morphology. (See back of fo~ for info~ation required.) B. Surrounding terrain morphology. (See back of form for information required.) C-2 i l •. - ·i ~. ··~ I I I ~ I -~ -~ • -1 • ~ r ~ ' . t ' .. t• J. ~ t • i f ·f -1 -r t ~. I 1' '~ ·l~ .\ ~' ~ ; ~ l 1:-~ ~: }. -1 :: Q t: ·~ ~~ ·' ~ f' -~ l. -c-t /:: f. f i t f I t t J {· ' ~ FIELD SITE NO~ ·===~~=~-- li 0 Co Ecosystemo · (See back of sheet for· descriptions.) l. Moist Tundra High Brosh --~ lowland spruce-hardwood -~~Upland spruce;,hardwood 2o Site vegetation and surface description: · I~LC 3o Vegetation in surrounding area and surface description: 0 .• J 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIELD SITE NOo·~--====;'=~ UL. SITE: ·A. · Description: 1. Characteristics. (ltttrnc. scatter~~ stratified site~ cabin, etc.). (indicate on map) 2.. NW~~ber,. size and spatial relationship of features$ etce 3. Stratigraphy {if relevant): J J J n qug D ·o 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIELD SITE NO .B. Artifact inventory. 1.. Surface: · a. Artifacts collected: b~· Artifacts observed but 111ot collected: 2. Systematically excavated artifacts: Period: ~Unknown ______ Precontact Histor.ic: Nat:ive ~ Non-Native~~ D. s·ize: .1. Observed S 1 ze : __ x meters Justification for boundaries: meters Justification for boundaries: E. Site disturbance (current and anticipated). Indicate expected effect of the hydroelectric project on the site. 1. Natural.====--=------=~=====-~===-=-~~---=--==-=====-==-== C-5 j ! D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 D FIELD SITE F. What prompted you to survey this location? · G., Draw and attach map(s) of site with location of tests and. surface features;. soil profile(s}; and general locatioll'l and vegetation map. . IV 9 PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD: Frame I Direction Content Site ID with date and Crew V. CREW: (include relevant pages in fieldbook) A. Names: B. Oate(s} visited: =-------------------~--------==--==-==-====--~-- VI. Field. Recommendation for further testing: C-6 .o ·0 ~0 '0 .. 0 .o ·D 0 0 0 0 D· 0 0 0 0 J II. A •. II. B. -¥ Site. mo.rphology. 1. 2. What terrain feature is the site on: flat plaii'B, slopi111g pla.in, cont"imJJous ridge, hill, poirnt, shoreline, terrace» valley, etc. What is the topographic context: · a. no topographic relief relative to surrm.1ndiU11g terrain9 higher topo~ · graphic relief ·than surrounding terrain~ lower topographic relief than surro~nding terrain. . · b~ give elevatioU'll: 1) above sea. level;; 2.) Relative to s~rrounding terrain. 3. Is the terrain feati.llrre contirmolll!s or discrete? 4. What is the size, shape alild direction of this feature? So · What is the relative position of the .site Oll1l this feature? 6. · Field of view: 7. 8~ a. direction ali'lld range of view; b. what is in view? c.. wmJld a change irro the present vegetation increase or decreas.e view? How? _ Describe a11y special attribUJtes ·that make this· site 1ocatiol1il a.mique •. Are there other settilrigs similar to that of this site inr the uunit? Where? SUJrrounding terrain morphology. Describe surrounding la1.1ndforms and! water features ilfl relation to the site. What is the direction, d'istanu::e and difference in elevation of surrounding feat~Jres? The following characteristics should provide a guide~ 1. 2. . Streams and rivers: a. proximity to site b. access from site c. are any in view from site? d. has downcutti!lilg created valley wall co~r~striction ii'i this area.? e. 'is stream or river (1) shallow with rapids al1ild sandbars, or (2) deep f. g. h. and"smooth in this vicinity, etc. is water clear or turbid? what is the general width il'1l this vicinity? is terracing prese11t? i. il1il this area is the river course: 1. straight; 2. bending; 3~ serpenti~r~e. j. are coli'llfluences with other streams or rivers nearby? How far? , k., what k'ilfid of terrain does this stream or river drain? (lakes~~, hills·,. marsh) · lakes: a. size·in hectares using template. b. inlet present? Oijtlet present? c. single lake or part of lake system? d. characterize terrain surrounding lake (low~ wet, steep, etc.) e. is there any evidence that lake s"i:z:e· is changing (vegetatio1111 overgrowth, old shorelines, etc.) f. characteristics of shoreline. Old shorelines present? r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EC~SYSTEMS.LIKELY TO BE ENCOUNTERED IN PROJECT AREA MOIST TUNDRA: . Moist tundra ecosystems UJsuany form a complete ground cover and are extremely productive during the growil'llg seasc:nDo They vary from almost continuous and uniformly developed cottongrass tussocks with sparse growth of other sedges and dwarf shrubs to stands .. where tussocks are scarce orr lacking and dwarf shrubs are dominant ... Associated species are ar.ctagrostisj) bluejoint, tufted haiirgrass~' mosses'~~ alpine azalea, wood rush~ mountain-avens, bistort, low-growing willows, dwarf birch\) labrador teas green alder, lapland rosebay~ blueberry and mountain cranberry. HIGH BRUSH: These are dense to open·deciduous brush systems. Floodplain thickets: The subsystem is similar from the rivers of the southern coastal areas to the broad-braided rivers north of the Brooks Range. It develops quickly on newly exposed alluvial deposits that are periodically flooded. The dominant shrubs are willows and alders. Associated shrubs are dogwood~ prickly rose, .raspberry, buffaloberry and high bush cranberryo Birch~alder-willow thickets: This subsystem is found near timberline in interior Alaska.. It consists of resin birch:p American green alder~ thinleaf alder and several wnlow species. Thickets may be extremely dense, or open and interspersed with reindeer lichens, low heath type shrubs~ or patches of aJpine tundra ecosystems. Other associated species are Sitka alder, bearberry, crowberry~ Labrador tea, spirea, blueberry and mountain cranberry. UPLAND SPRUCE~HARDWOOD FOREST: This ecosystem is a fairly dense interior forest composed of white spruce, birch, aspen and poplar. Black spruce typicany grows on north slopes and poorly drained flat areas. Root depths are shallow. Fire scars are common. White spruce averaging 40; to 80 feet in· height and up to 16 inches in diameter occurs in mixed stands on' south facing slopes and well drained sons; forms pure stands near streams. Aspen and birch average 50 feet in height. Poplar averaging 80 feet ·;n. height and 24 inches in diameter occurs in scattered stands along streams. Undergrowth consists of mosses with grasses on drier sites and with brush on moist slopes. Typical plants are willow, alder, ferns, rose, high and low bush cranberry, raspberry, current and horsetail. LOWLAND SPRUCE-HARDWOOD FOREST: This ecosystem is a dense to open interior lowland forest of evergreen and deciduous trees, including extensive pure stands of black spruce. Black spruce are slow growing and seldom exceed 8 inches in diameter or 50 feet in height. Cones of this tree open after fire and spread abundant seed, enabling black spruce to quickly invade burned areas. The slow=growing stunted tamarack is associated with black spruce in the wet lowlands. It seldom reaches a diameter of more than 6 inches. Rolling basins and knolls in the lowlands have a varied mixture of white spruce, black spruce, paper birch, aspen and poplar. Small bogs and muskegs are found fn the depressions. Undergrowth species include willow~ dwarf birch, low bush cranberry, blueberryt Labrador tea, crowberry, bearberry, c:ottongrass~ ferns, horsetail, lichens and a thick cover of sphagnum and other mosses. large areas burned since 1900 are covered by willow brush and very dense black spruce sapling stands. AFTER: Major Ecosystems of Alaska. Joint Fe<~ral=State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. July 1973. C-8 0 na . . rf :.0. 0 ~ nO D k D 0 0 0 D Museum Archeology University of Alaska Fairbanks,. Alaska 99701 SURVEY LOCALE:.==--~~--- SUSITNA HYDROPOWER PROJECT S.URVEV LOCAlE EVALUATION. FORM This form is intended to insure that three kinds. of data fo·r each locale are. recorded,. These data will guide additional survey!) evaluation of areas that may need no 'further work, and documtmt areas surveyed and tested on=the~groull'ild. If supplementary information to this forrm is included· in fieldnotes. please note this· on the form along with your name(s) and field book page number(s). I. A field description .of the loca.le i~ needed,. The field description of the locale should include the uniformity· and variability of surface. morphology a The· information which you record will be used to compare this 1oca.1e with other locales to determine simi·larity and aid in furwre locale selection and testing •. a. Describe the surface morphology noting topographic ~eatures 11 drainage, soi1s 11 variation in surface slope, etc. D .0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. wnat 9 if any,. are the discrepancies between the definition of the geological unit . (based on air photo interpretation) and the field observation of the unit? Would you characterize the total area as a single unit based on the homogeneity of surface · morpho 1 ogy? II. Identify areas within the locale that potentially may be eliminated 'from further archeological survey. Please provide objective criteria in your evaluation such as: 1) areas where testing· ·is not feasible using standard archeological field techniques (areas of standing water$ talus rubble}; 2) areas where the subs.trata have been removed · by natural erosion (.indicate whether these. areas have been surlace examined for archeo- logical materials); and 3) overly steep slopes. This would include slopes of greater than. , I , 15° to· horizontal which you deem unlikely for site occurrence (describe and measure slope' angle). C-10 o. 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 Iii. Identify· areas within the· locale which may have· high archeological potei'Dtial n based on known sHe locales from other areas. and your field experience,. in'1lchading overlooks, river terrace and bluff· edges» lake a1r0d stream margins» etc. Describe the 1ocati!)n, · extent9 salient features, and. tests (i.f applicable) ror these locales, record these. locations. on USGS maps •. High archeological potential areas that should be investigated -- IV. locate on maps where the su.rvey .team actually went on-the~ground, arnd location!) number» size, and depth of test pits excavated and natural exposures examined. Describe the· topographic setting!) and relation tO other physical features~ such as lakes» streams 11 rivers, bluff,. edges, nearby hills~> elevation, etc:.~> for sterile test pitso NAMES OF FIELD TEAM: (include relevantpages in fieldbook) -------~~~~ Date----~ --~---~~--~ Date----~ Date ==~---------=----===----------Date ----------------=----=---=-= -~-------~~--Date-~~=- ~~----------Date=---- -----~--=~--Date=~==== -----~~--=== Date~=-~= ~--~~=~=~=Date====­ ~-----------= Date==~~­ ---~-~~-~=-Date=-~=- Date ----------=========== ======-- ! ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEFINITIONS OF GEOLOGICAL UNITS G=G1acia1 L=late Glacial R=Recent M=Modern b. Surfaces mapped as 11 b'1 are sloping bedrock surfaces that formed the valley walls of glacial troughs. In. most cases slopes are very steep, and 1.1sual1y bedrock is exposed direc~ly underneath the thin recent soil mantlea In some places patchy thin drift may be present within the boundaries of areas mapped with the subscript "baa. This Ulnit commonly grades both upward and downward. in elevation to rock slopes above the glacial trough (r) or to drift mantle slopes {d, d/b). Minor windbloWII'! sedimentation and solifluction processes have occurred, but in most cases the glacial trough is relatively unmodified. d. Surfaces mapped as 61 d 11 include those areas thickly mantled wfth glacial drift •. Relief is generally very low and the unit can have a monotonous gradually sloping undulating expression.. Drainage is typically poor, with small ponds fanning in a few· places. The surface character is controlled largely by the varying thickness and composition of the till mantleo Most of the sediment 1.mderlying the surfaces mapped 10 d10 is probably stonyl) clayey!) dense till,,. which may be overlain by a thin gravel cap. d/b. Surfaces mapped as 18 d/b61 are underlain by thin or patchy drift which overl tes · bedrock.. Both ice ... scoun·ed bedrock: and a mcmt1e of poorly drained drift can occur locally. The topographic relief is usually lower than 11 r 111 surfaces because the drift fills in the original depressions. It is higher than 11 d10 surfaces because the surface irregularities are not completely masked by a drift mantle., locally» this unit can be well drained (as in the gravelly areas)s but usually well drained bedrock areas are randomly interspersed with poorly drained drift areas., Minor areas of subdued morainal topography can be present locallyo m. Surfaces mapped as 10 m11 are uli'llderhin by hummocky irregular, commc:mly gravelly drift which extends to some depth. The surface expression is morainal. Topographic relief is generally les~ than 100 feett but numerous chaotic small ridges (morainal) or isolated mounds (kames) typically less than 100' relief may be present~ In most areas, the surfaces mapped as •nmu are well drained and gravelly. Sman lakes are commonly present, and large irregular poorly drained areas may be present as well. Very little morainal topography is present west of the Watana Dam Site. Extensive areas near the Tyone Riveri although morainal in fonn (m)» are more subdued and poorly drained, possibly because they are partly buried by eolian sediments. m2. Surfaces mapped as '1m2 16 are similar to '1mn surfaces arrnd grade directly into them. They are~ however» more irregular in. form~ with more prominent ridges, and better drained topography. In the vicinity of Tsisi Creek and the Oshetna River, '0m2 16 surfaces include some prominent valley lateral moraines. v. Sl.llrrfaces mapped as 11 V 18 include all bedrock surfaces that were formed by recent incision of tributaries and the Susitna River. The surfaces are very steep, commonly gullied, and are still conmonly in the process of being eroded. The country between 16 V 16 surfaces and the next higher surface is usually sharpo · '9 V11 surface also includes some c·olluvium, small talus cones\) and a few possible landslides., a. Surfaces mapped as 11 a's include all alluvium of modern or relatively recent age. The alluvium is generally well drained and vegetation covered, especially in the Susitna Canyon. A11uviu~ in the tributaries may contain minor colluvial debris and some fine material, but along the Susitna and Chulitna River 11 a 16 is indistinguishable from outwash. The alluvium is derived largely from reworked outwash, hence the similarity. The contact between alluvium (a) and steep gullied slopes (v) is usually abrupt, but difficult to map because of the narrow outcrop pattern. C-12 0 0 b 0 0 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALASKA HERITAGE. RESOURCES SITE SURVEY FORM (ARCHEOlOGY) (Attach continuation sheets as needed.) RECORDER~ t. Name(s) -~----~-......... ------~ SITE REFERENCE/lOCATION: OH&A 5/76 Page 1 1. Field Designation~.......,---~-~-2• (A~RS). Designation ~~-=--=~ 3~.Na~{s) of Sit•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 4. Map Name --~~---~-~~-~-p Map_ Scale~~--~,.,.;_~-~-~~ 5. Latitude .....,_;,_ Deg. ~Min .. ~ Sec. I Longitude _ Deg.Q _ Mino ~ Sec .. ~ 6. Legal Description~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ . 7. /\erial Photo Reference-----=~~-~~' Photo Scale~--~=~~~= 8. lJ1'M Grid Reference --~-=~~-~=~~~-~-~~~~~=~~~~ 9. Bibliographic References (marrwJsc:ripts, etc.).~~----~~-=~=~-~~ LAND USE CONDITIONS: 1. Present Land Use~~~"""==~---~--~~---~~-~~~=-~=.,-= 2. Recent Surface Modifications -~-~--~~-~~~~-~=-==~~~ · 3~· Natural Er.osion: Kind~-~~-~=~~~-= Extent=~-~~~~~~= 4. Vandalism: No Yes Heavy~ Medium_ Light~ 5. Past Surface· Modifications =---~---=---==-=--=====-====-==-~=====-==== 6. Future Surface Modifications~~-~=--~--~~~~=--~=~~~~ 7. Prope"rty Owner/Manager """"F~-~-~--~-~~-~=-~~~~~-=~~ [] ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION: D D 0 0 1. Vegetation at Site~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~=-~~~~~-~~~ 2. Surrounding Vegetation-~-~-~-~-~=-=~~~=--~-==-~~=~ 3. Topography at Site~~~~----~=-===~=~~~~~~==~= 4. Surrounding Topography~~-=--~-=--=-=~====~~=-=:===~ 5. Geology (surface/bedrock)-===-=-=--=~~-====~---~ 6. Neare$t Water to Site: Distance ----Direction ~~~= Type ____ = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0· 0 0 0 0 0 AlASKA HERITAGE RESOURCES SITE: SURVEY FORM (ARCHEOlOGY) (Attach continuation sheets as needed.) SOil MATRIX: Site Reference . From Page l OH&A 5/76 Page 2 =~=--- L. Thickness (sod}. __ . =-~~-ll (soH) -~--~~' Description~~-~~-~ 1. Field Book(s) ~------~-~~-~~= Pages -=~~-~-~-- 2. Photographs. Taken: B&W Color Slides ~ Color Prints -~' Description of Subject(s) -~~--~-~~-~---~-=-==~~-~-=-==-""'"" ARCHAEOlOGICAL OBSERVATIONS/DATA COllECTED: 1. Estimated Extent of Site (use sketch map) ~~-~-~---~-=~~~====~== 2. Number of Cultural Components----~-~---~~-~-~~~~=~ 3.. Stratigraphy: No __ Yes_~ (attach profile) 6. 7 .. 8. Number of Test Pits Oi.llg (indicate their relative positions on sketch map)· Organic Preservatioli'il: No ~--Yes ; Good · Moderate -~~= -~= ---Poor · Faunal: No Yes Description-~~~-~=-=~~~=~~=--;- H~man Remains: No_ Yes __ » Description ~~~~-~~~~~~-~- .Charcoal: No Yes __ Collected Description/Provernience ~~~=~ 10. Artifacts: No Yes Co11 ected ~=· Description~=-~~-==- SKETCH MAP ATIACHED: 1. Indicate North, give scale, provide appropriate labels, and include landmarks. C-14 'Ti ..... tO c "'$ (I) w (./) E! c.. '< Cl "'$ 11) PI -fl 0 "'$ ~ "'$ w ...... N "'$ I (I) N lA 0 c -s "0 (I) CA .. Cl ::::1 c.. Cl CA (Ill 0 0 ..... Cl rt (I) c.. Cl n rt ..... < ..... rt ..... I'D II\ . ViC!NilV MAl? Impoundment Limit Archeology Study Area Outside Impoundment L~mit Paleontology Study Area Pleistocene Geology/ Paleontology Study Area'" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 Time cutt.ura 1 Chronology Glaciation, CHmate ~oro _, ~' I I I I UISO I B I I I .I I I I I I I I g I ' I I I 1500 ,. ? ' ' & . I I z & I I I. I I ;'2 I 'I' 8 I I ' 0 0 0 Moden. 1000 ,.,, I 0 ..... a~· I I. Vegetat.ioill 0 0 -z '""" I i 500:A.D. :;1. ~ ,=, I I 0 I. z ..... a!,i 1 g I ? ..... Q I . 0 Q Minor oscillations I ,. ... ~ of va11ey.g1aciers Cooler·· Slimb !;c ...... during Neoglacial I tuvudrr& 500 B.C. fl="' DO ' -I I ' " ' 0 tim&" ' B • .,. 1 c I 0 1.000 ., 'l'g 1-0 ' I ' ' I ' I II ' -I ' I ' u ' .... .0. ' :r 1,500 . I I < I 'i' :E: I 0 "" I ' I 8 I 8 2,000 ..... • I 0 y -I ' ' -.... ' e c ~. y. I . I 2,500 :::: I I uz: •c• I I «O ,. ' ~ I . ' c-' 1 ' . Bored 3,000 ..... ' =-I ' • 0 a:o I 0 ' I . forest .... c Maximum glacial ' 3~5()0 :::: a:: ' I ,:;;; ... ' I ' retraction ' I ' 'c I I 4.000 ? 'i' z. I I 0 I 0 I ' I ' I 0 I ' I Possibly ' 4,500 I ' I I I . I I warmer I -~ • I ' s.ooo -· • v and· drier I .... , ? I ~. I I I ~ I I 5.500 ...., I I • 0 0 I I ._. ' I ' ' I s.ooo z ' ' 0 c ' ' 'II -I 0 ... 0 9 0 6,500 -Possible I 0 Q 0 I c re-advance of • 0 .. a:; ' 0 7,000 t= va11ey glacierrs 0 0 0 y 0 ' ' -0 0 I 7 .sao ... 0 0 0 u I • 0 a: 0 ' ' < I 0 0 8,000 c 0 ' 0 ... 0 ' ' .... I ' 0 < Continued • 0 8,500 ... • ' I I z: deglaciation of. 0 0 c I ' 9,000 u smaller valleys .. 0 -0 0 a: ' ' 0 .... 0 0 Shn.!lb 9,500 :E: 0 0 c I ' • 0 tundr& ' ' 10,000. Main va11ey ' 0 a 0 0 0 and lowlands ., B 0 • 0 JO,SOO 1 ' ice-.free I 0 ' • • A ' ' I I 0 0 11,000 • 0 O$ci 11 a tory 0 ' ' ' glacier • 0 • 0 11,500 retraction and ' Steppe ' ' staqnation ' tundra lZ,OOO Ice ~overed • ' • 0 ' ' 'f va 11 ey ca. 13,000 ' ' 0 to 20,000-30,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ,. Figure 4. Speculative cultural chronology and inferred glacial, climate= logical and vegetational regimes of .the Upper Susitna Valley. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 150. 0 n . . . 0 • • 0 • • . : . . . . . . 0 ... Generalized Stratigraphic Section of Oshetna~Mouth B1ufi. 5-12 'TI ..... tC b ..., Ill &-" 0'1 !>-' G'l m m ::I 30 Ill "'1 !» ....... ..... N Ill 2~10 t 70 Q. (/) ('1' 20 "'1 !» rt ..... tO 0'1 "'1 i I» ""'V' ~ ... 1-' "'C ' w ::r O..q ..... JDFHfT l n (/) 10 Ill n rt ...... 0 ::::1 0 ..., fT1 0 I» "'1 1'1' ::r NOT TO SCAILE ..., _. 0 ~ OJ .... c ..., ..., . 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 30. 35 45 1 uan .. TUR:A r..» 2a 3.a (CUIL.TlUilAIL) 3b · 1a 9 Figure 125~ Composite Soil Profile Locus A TLM 042Q 4~76 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D~Ul!l'UIIlle ** ~ ... T W' @@d.&:,..,-,~ \ Standing Structure Fallen Structure Metal Debris Spruce Edge of Clearing Drairage Ditch _I_ * j 0 4 8 12 16 J METERS .I Contour Interval: ca. 1 m Talkeetna Mts. C-2 T. 30 N., R. 8 E·., S.M. SW 1/4 SE l/4 NW 1/4 Sec. Figure 107~ Site Map TLM 071. 3-398 9 " I~ - ~ , .. ' ~ a d. g Fi.gur·e A •. Site. TLM .027·. h g Figure· B. Sites TLM 026. TLM 021, TLM 025. 3-399 0 0 0 0 ill d 0 0 0 g h 0 CM 0 0 0 a c 0 0 e r J CM u d D. Sites TLM 031, TLM 032·. TtM 033, TLM 036. J Figure J J 3-400 ,. i: ~ v Figure E. Site TLM 032. b g d e Figure F. Sites TLM 039, TLM 040, TLM 042. ft l U.S. Department of the futmor BW'I!.'iallll of Land MawJ~gement . . 701 C Street,'.Anchorage • .A.bsb· 99513 ... . . ' . :·· ... · . . . · .... ~ .·• 0 0 0 0 i. I I. 0 0 !. i I 0 ! I 1 I I ! 0 "i• 0 0 0 0 · .. 85 STA'I'. 689 mtF'I:'ITXTIONS ::iEc. :t~I<'m· the:pul'tloses of:this Act,tlu.'l tenn....;,. . · ·· · .· . (a.) ••!:)ecJ."Ctacy·' means the Sect:et11ry ofthe!nterior; .. . .. . ..• ·. · . .· .. · tb) '6 Na.ti ". e·~ '.lu~ttilS. a. cit. i:oon of the .{.·it.lit~d. ::::;ta .. tes\\·l~o is a. p~rso·n .• of .. • one~ fourth . degres or . more: Alnska.· .Indaru1 (1nd uding · Tstmshum . ljl(liauis il.ot ~m·olled.'iuthe ~[etJa.ktlR..lndinn Comrnimai~yf l~skhrio, or . Aleut bl()Od, c:n• ~ombinit~ontheroot.: The. term, includes auy>Nat.ive as·.· :-;o defined citlu~r or both of whose mdoptNe parents are ito~ N'n.tives. It. :a!su iR1cludt!S~· in·the .. 11hsence of t>1·o~f: of·a minimum bloodqmu~tum, .. ~u1y citizen of thu United Stll!.t.CS .wliois r.c,.,.<W:J.rded.as an: Alw.ikt. . .Na.tive . by' the Native village orNativepupof.·whiehrurcla.im.tJto:IJca·meme-.. l.Jer ·ll!.ud. whose Jn.ther· or. motheris (or; if. de1!eased, wns) 1-egardrdCas ~ativ!J ~Y; ~y-village or-group~ Any decision of. the Secretary, regard:.· mg ehg1babty for enrollme~t sludl be fim~l; . . .. . .. · · · ·· .· •. ~ ·(c} ''!\n.tiv& villnge" menms 1Luy tribe~ hamd, cla1i, group; viU ,·oamwm it'Y. oa~;ls:~odiltiouin .Almdnt listed. in sections U and 16 of: · 6\ct, or wl1idlmectsthei1!«Htia~pumts·of thisAc:f~ nnd whic:h.the SeeZ"e" · · ria ry ·dl~te11u'ina-.s.wns; on t hc19';0 census e1iumemtiondate· ( a.ssh the census< or other e:viden~e.sati:sf&c:tocy to.the Secre~ry, who s · · uutkc findings> of· fact. in: cacb instcmee}:; ~om posed· ofh\·enty~five or · n1oa·e N o.ti ves; . . . . · · · . · . · .. · · ··· · · ·· ·. ·· · . · .. ~ (d) '"Nath·r. ~.roup!: mc•:msnny trihe~hnnd. dnn~ \~ina~~~ community., ~~~~ '~inn~ nssodtdion Of· Ku.th~cs .in AHaska composed of 1ess>than twcmty-fh·e.l\11tives;· wFto coxitprise n.. majority of tbe~ re.c;idents .. of·~e loc.•idity: . ·· . · · · ·· .· · . . . · . · .. · · . . • ·. ' .. · * . ( P.). "Public hmdsn tnCI\US. tdt li"edcral I minds rmd in.tcresfs, therein .. l9eated in .Alask:J. e~cept: { l)' the smnUest pi·~J.~Cticable tract,~ 1\S deter .. · ... miiwd~hv thJeSt•<·t-etnry,.en«"losingJ:mdn<"tmalty t;&'d in connr,ction ,,·ith .. Hnf'mimlnil'ltnttinn of n.nyFt•dernl irtstnllation.-nnd (2) Ia~«l'seiPrtinu!J · of' .th'• Htatt• of.· .\!nskn which lua\·e uel•n. patented. or h•nhatin•ly · n.ppl'OYe«.l under seet.mn B (g) of .the Alii.Ska. Stn.tehood 'Act;, 1\.'l':tmendeci .· · 4d usc· (7'2 Stat~ 341. i'i Stnt. 22!-l),. en· idP.ntHill"d-for Sl~lcction by the:St.nte prec.:?.Lnote. pt·im·to.T!Utmu!·y11~l!)G9; .· · ·. ·· , .· · ~rior la.ncl conveyances 9 ai:'origil'llll titles a::d cl&ir.:s, {f} "St,ntri~'ntmmstht\Shat4'of.\1a;;ka; · . . · . ..U· (g) "Re~ional Corporation~' means an Aln$ka. .. Nat.ive Re~ional Col"Q poi1ation f'loltnhlil'lhPd nncltol· th(• haw~ of the Rtnte nf J.laskn in a~C'rm·d., am·t~witltthe p!'O\·isions o.fthis Act: · . · .. . (h) "Pc-r5on" means .any individunl. firm 1 corporation. associntion, oq~artnership; · . · ·· . . · · . · · (i). "1\!unicipal· Corpox;at!on" means amy ~n.ernl unit of municipal. · l!O'•ernment underthehnt:s of the State ofAlatska; . . +. (j). "V111n~c;Corporn.tion" means 1m Alnskn..Native. ViHntze, Core · · porat1on oa·~nmzed under the la 1;vs o.f the State of. Alaska, u· a busi· ness for profit or nonprofit. rorpQra.tion to .hold, invest, m!Ula~ n.nd/or.· distribute hmds. propert.y, ful'ad3,. rtnd other. rip:hts and assets for. and em bP-ha.lf of n .. .Xa.th·e vil)al{ein' .aecorda.nce \Vith the terms ofthi.s Act. (~) "Fund" menn~ the Aln:sk~ Native Fund· in the Tr~sury of the· Umted Fitatcs estabhshed bv section 6; nnd . . .·. {l) "Planning Commission" mel\ns the ·Joint Federa,l.State Land UsP. Planning Commission established by section 17. · · * S~o:c. 4. ( n) AU prior conve:nmces of publicJand o.nd 'vnter nrens in Alaska, ot• any inte:-est therein, pursuant to FederallMv, n.nd all· tcutntive approvn.ls pursuant to sectton 6(g) of the Alaska Statehood Act, sh9:1l be regarded as an extinguishment of the aboriginal title ext il'lu'"!.:iShl:.ent. thereto, lf any. I • . • . 4 } J J J i J • I ~ r ~ J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STA~ OF Ull!lTATroN8 · S2e. 10~ (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any civil action to oolllf:est the authority of the United States to · late· on the subject matter or the legality of this .Act shall. be ba unless the oomplamt is filed. within oDe yee.r of the date of enactment of· this Act, and no such action shall be entertained wn!ess it is commenced by a dully a;u.thorized offieiall of the State. Exclusive jurisdiction over such a.ct1on is hereby vested in the United States District Count for the Dis- trict of .Alaska. The purpose. of this limitation on suits is to insure . . that, a iration of a reasonable period of time, the' right, title; and interest f the United States; the Natives, and the State of .Al~a will vest with certainty .and finality. and may be relied. upon by all other~persons in their relations with the State, the Natives, and the United. States. · (b) In the event t.hat the Sb.te initiates litiption or" vohmtarilv becomes a party to litigation to contest the authority of the United States to legislate on the subject matter or the legality of this Act, aU rightS of land .selection granted. to the State by the Alaska Statehood Act shall be suspended as to any pubHc lands which are dete1·mined by the Seeretary to be potentialiy valuab]e for minere.l development, tim- ber; or other commercial purposes, and no selections shall be made, no tentative approvals shall be granted, and no patents shall be issued for such lands during the pendency of such litigation. In the event of snch suspension, the State~s right olland selection pursuant to section 6 of the Alaska Statehood Act shall be. extended for a period of time equal to the period of time the selection right was suspended. WITHI!liRA WAll.. OF Pt.:r:srr.IC lt..\NlDS -*" . SEC.ll •. (a.) (1) The following public lands are withdn.Wl!l, subject to-valid: existing-rights, •from an :foll."l!lrnS of: appropriation·· 'llJ.Dnder the pubHc land.Jaws,. including the mining and mmeral leasing ]aws, and from selection under the Aluka Statehood Act, as amended : (A) The lands in each township that encloses aU or part of any Native vmage identified pursuant to subsection (b) ; (B) The lands in each town.s4ip that is contiguous to or cornet'S · on the township that encloses aU or part of such Native village; and (C) The hmds in E>aeh to'''llShip that is ('Ontiguous to or con1t>rs on a to,Ynship contnining lands ,,·ithdra wn by. paragraph (B) of this subsection. The follo,,·ing lands are excepted from such \'1.-ithdrnwal: ]anrls in the )lationa.l Park System and hu;tdl; withdrawn or reser,·ed for national defense purposes other than Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 4. (2) All lands located withiin the townships described in subsec- tion ( n) ( 1) hereof that hn.ve been selected by, or tentnth·eoly approved to. bnt not yet patenterl to, the State under the A1nslm Statehood Act nre withdrn.wn, subject to Ynlirl exist.inll rights. from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, indndnntr the mining and mineral }easing ·laws, and from the creation of third pnrty interests bv the State nnder the Alaska Statehood A('t, · {3) (A) If the Secretax:Y determines that the lands wit.hch'flrn bv subsections (a) (1) nnd (2) hereof are insuffil"ient to pennit n Vinage or Rt>gionaJ Corporation to selE-ct the acren~ it is entitled to select, th" ~cretnry shaH withdraw three times the OP.ficien<'v from thP nenn>st nnreserved. vacant and nnappropriatP.d public lands. In mnkin~ this withd:rnwn1 t.he S(>Crl'tnr:v shaH. insofar ns possible. 'vithdraw punblic lands of n character similar to those on which the village is located nnd u Jurtadietion., Land seleetion·,- suspemicn of rlghtsc 72 Stat. 339o 48 usc prec. 21 note. 72 Stat. 340; 78 Stat •. 168. ! ' 0 0 J J J J December 18~ 1971 Pub., Law 92.-203 (d) the Secx-etary nur.y apply the rule of :appu-oximntimu with u·espect to the acreage !imitations contt\i_ned in this s~tion., . . . ., (e) bmnedmtely aftersl"lerhon hy11. Ueg10nm.l ( orpnl'!ntnon. the ~eca reta.ry sha.U 00111.'\'e to the Regio!utl Cou·po:nt.iou~ title to t.lne SUJ!rf~ac..·e &nd/or.the snbsm· ll"Stute~, m; ts apflill"opn:ute-. m the hmds selP.<'ted. (f) "\Vhen the Secretary-issues a patent to a Vinage Corporation for the surfilce esbate in lands pUllrsmmt to subsect.ions (a) and· (b), he shall isstue·to t.he · Re~Eional Corllot•;tt.ioh for the 1·e~ion in whtdu Hue hmds are located a; patent ~.o t.he subsurfa(•e t>stute in such lands, exl•ept lands located in the National '\ViMiife Reiuge System a.nd hmds with~ dn.,vn or resen·ed fo!!' m.»tionaul defense pUllrposes, including Naval Pet.roleum Reser,·e Numbered 4, for whi("h in lit>n rights are pro,·i<led for in subsection 12(n) (1): Prol•idcd, That. the ri~ht to explore; develop, or. remove minerals from thf' snhsmrfacE> est~uc in the lands \\~ithin the boundaries of MY Nat.ive vmagi-' shall be suubjeet to the (~onsent of the vmage Corponation. .-. . (g) AU rom·eyanoos made 1mrsuanfto this Act shall be subject to vmH<l exist' rights. Where, prior·oo patent of vmy hmd or mhnera.ls under this a. lease, contract, permit, rig'ht-of-w~ay, or ease· ment (in.clnding a. lease issued under section 6(g) of t.he A~askn. State· hood Act) has been issued for t.l1e surface or minerals revered under such patent, the patent s~m.U. contain prm·isions making it saubje~t to the lenSl", contract, permxt., r1ght-of-wav; or (>llSCm~mt, nnd the r1ght of t.he lessee, eontmctee, perm.ittee. or grantee to the complete enjoy- fl!ent. ~f aU rights, privil~, and benefits thtoreby ~ranted to hinu. ~ T ·p~m Issuance of the patent, the patentee shall sm•feed rmd become entlltled to any and all interests of the State or the lTnited States as lessor, contractor •. permitter, or ~ran tor, in tuuv such leases, contrncts, permit~ rights-of-way, ?r easements co\·ering the estate patented. and . a lease 1ssued under sectmn 6(A') of the Alaska Stat4:>hood Act shall be treated for an purposes as thou~h t.he patent had been issued to the ·State. The administration of such lease. ,contract., permit~ ril!ht·of- way, or easement. shaH continUlle to he b.v the State or the Pnited Stat~.._ ttnl~ss the agenry r~sponsible for admnnistnntinn wain~s adnmustratmn. In the t>Vtmt tluut. the pntent doeR not. ecwer nH of the, land embraced \'l:it.hiil any such lease, contra<'t, permit. riA'ht-of-wav, or easement, t.he patentee shall only be entitled to the proportioMte amouunt of the re\·enues resern~d under such lease; ('Onh·nc·t. permit., right-of-way, Oil" easement. by the State or t.he lTnited Stn.tes which results from multiplvin~ the total of such re,·enues hv 11. fraction in which t.he num(•t·ator is the acreag'e of such lease, eontract, permit, l'ig-ht-of~way, or ea.st>ment which is inC'IUd<'d in tlm pat<'nt ·and Uue denominator is the total ··acn.·a~e fontained in sunr.h lease, <·ontrart, permit, r·ight-of-w·ay. or easement. . (h) The Secr~tary is authorized to ,,·ithdrn ,,. nnd com·l•y 2 minion a~res of UJ~Il"eser,·ed and tm.appropriated publiC' lands Ioeated outside t:he areas wut hdrnwn by sect1ons 11 a.nd Hi, and follows: ...::t-.. ~ {1) The .St>cret.?'ry rna~ withdr~w and <'~my(>.y to the ap~roo 7' ~ prtate Re~1omal ( orpornt1on fee tlt.le to ex1st.mg rt'metery sttes and h istori<'n 1 places; (2) The Secretary may wit.hdraw and rml\·ev to a Native l!'l"OUup that d()(>,s not. qualify as a Nat.ive dllal!'e. if it'in('orporates under t.he Jaws of Alaska, title t.o the sm·fuce E'state in not mm-e tlmn 2~,040 acres surrounding-the Native group1s l~alih·. The !'mb- surface estate in such land slmll he rom·t>yed to the appropriate Regional Corporation; (3) The Recr.etary mn:v withdmw nnd com·py to the Xatives residin~ in Rit.ka, Kenai, .Tuneau, and Kodiak, i{they in('orpomte under the laws of Alaska, the suda('e estate of lands of a similar 19 85 STAT., 704 · Subsurface estate, pat-· ent •. 72 Sta.t. 341; 77 Sta.t. 323& 48 USC preco. 21 note. Land convey- ance, autho.""" L>:ation • ~fb 0 n u 0 0 0 0 0 0 .·f: 0 0 0 0 D D J J J (b) The Secretary is direct~d to promptly iSS1.lle patents to aU per., so.ns who hav~ made a lawful entry on the public _la.ndS i~:complianre w1th the pubhc land }&.\\"S for the purpose of gammg hUe tO home· steads, headquarters . sites, . trade and manufacturing sites,. or small tract sites (43 U:;~.C. 682}; ~n~ who hase fulfilled alll'IMJuirements of the }aw prereqUisite to obtammg a. patent. Any persoxr who has made aJa.wful. entry.· prior to. August 31, .1.971, for. any o.f the. foregping · purposes shall be protected inhis right of use and.occupa.ncy Jintilall. the requirementS .. of.la.w for a. pD.tenthaYe beenmet eYenthough·the ln,rids invohred have been reserved or withdnnvn in accordance 'Yith · Public Land Order 4582; as amended, or the ,\·ithdra wa.l provisions of this:. Act: P-rovided; That occupancy must have been:.uminta.ined in aecox:_dance>with the appropriate public land law: Provided further, That any person who entered on public .l!i.nds· in. violation of Public• Land Order458~, as amended~ shall gain no rights. (c) On any hmds conveyed tq Vilhtge and RE'gional Corporations. . anyperson.who prior to August 31, 1971, initia.ted a .valid mining claim or location under the general mining laws andrecor.decl notice · ofsaid.loc~tion with the .appropriate Sta~e or local office shall be p~·o­ tected m hts possessory rights, lf all reqmrements of the general mm,.. ing law~ are complied with, for ~ period of five year~ .and. may, if all reqturements of the general m1nmg.laws are :comphed w~th, pro- ceedtopat.ent., · · . · · . · (d) · The provisions of Revised Sta.tute 452 .. ( 43 U.S~C. 1_1) shall not.a.pply.to any hind grants or other l'l@;hts granted under this Act.. · (e) If hmd_,,-ithin the Nati()nal Wildlife Refuge System is selected b_y a. Y. illage. · Corp.oration pursuant t? th.· e pro .. visions o .• f • this· A~t, the . secretary shall add to the Rl:'!fu(J'e Syst~m other_pubhc lands m the Mining claims, . possessory . · rights., State to replace the la-nds selected by t.he.:Village .Corporntion. . · · (f) The Secret,arv, the Se<'retaJ-y of Defense, and the Secretary of ··Land. · Agriculture are <i.uthorized to ~xcl:la.nge an v lands or int.er~¥>ts therein · · exc~.s.nges • · in Alaska under their j\uisdiction for lai1ds o·r interests therein of the ViHa~e. Corporations, Regional.Corporations, individuals, or the · State. fort he purpose of effecting land· consolidations or to fa<'ilita.te t.he management or development of the land. Exchanges shall be on the basis of equal nllne, a-nd either pa1·ty to the exchanl!e may pay or accept cash irt order to equalize the ,-alue of the properties excha.ntzed. . (g) If a patent is issued to any Village Corporation for land in the .National \Vildl ife Refnl!e System; the patent shal 1 reser,·e .to the United States t-he right of -first refusal if th" land is p,·er .sold by the Village Corporation. ~otwithstan:dingany other provision of this Act, · every paterit issuedby the Secretary pursuant to this Act-which cov-ers lands lyin:,r },vithin the boundaries of n. National 'Wildlife Refnge on the date of e1iactment of this Act shaU contain a· pro\'ision that such lands. remain subject. to the Jaws and regulations gO\·erning use and de,·elopment of such Refutre. (h) (1) All withdra\\·als made under this Act.. exrept as otherwisl' pro-..-ided in this subsection. shall temninate within four ,VI:'lli'S of the- date of E'nactment of this .Art : Prm•irletl, That 1my lands selected by Village or Regional Corporations or by a Nati,·e group mH1f:'r section 12 shall remain withdrawn until conveyed pursuant to sertiou 14. · (2) The withdrnwa.l of lands made bv subsection ll(a)(2) and section 16 shall terminate three vears froin the date of enactment of this Act. · (3) The pro,·isions of this SPction ::;hall not apply to :my withdra.w- !!ls madE' nnder se.ction liofthis Act. · · ( 4:) The Secretary is authorized to terminate any withdra,Yal made by or pursuant to this Act whenever he determines that the ·withdmwal is no longer necessary tb accomplish 'the purposes of this Act. 29 Withdrawals, te nnination dates. 0 &t~ oi 0 ', 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. 0; 85 STAT, 715 !..and: ps;l.er!tS in ~ttor.!ll.l forests, . ~ondittons. 'tand sdee~­ t ior. l!n:lta· tion •. Re,H')J"ts to ;:::~mgress. ?ublie.ation in f'ederal Register. 60 Stat. 237. 5 usc 5tll !.!9.• Pub., Law 92...,203 December 18', ·. ·1971 · .. · .· · :· (i) Prior ton com;eyancepurs\umtto sect.ioni4? lands w.it~~mwn hy.or pursua~t ~o.®ctions 11, 14i and JG,shn.H be su~Ject to o.~lnumstra­ tton by the St'ct·ehuy,.or by the Secretttl'Y .of AgriCulture: m the ca~e · of. XntionnJ Forest lrtnds, 1.mdtmapplicabl0 laws and regula.tions; nnd ... . their uuthoritrto makt>. contracts and to'J~l!ltnt leases. permits, rights" of-wav. or en5emcnts shall not·oo impairedbythe'withdra\,·al. · · · . ·_.· · . (j) ~In any. area of Alaska. for which }H:otraction diagbuns of the · . Bnreauof··r...and . .Mana:.,~ment m~theSt.at.e do not exist,orc'vhich d®s not. <.·on form to the rllited:St;ttes LalHlSm\·ey · Systl•m, or wh1ch has ll.~t been Sll.r\·eycd in_ . a ITUUH\~I' adGf!l.Ui.tc 'to wit!. \.·clr&\\. ':and: gi:'antt the . hutds · prondcd for. under . thiS Act', the Secn~t:;:.ry shall take, such · 1\CtimtS ns.1u-c rwcessary to ll.C'<'omplishtho. purposes of this Ae.t, aml · t.}u, dt~<~ds ;!Mi.n!ed slltt:ILnote tha~ ··upon' comple~ion of. nn ndei]uate .• su~eyappropnate t\djustmcn.ts.wJU.b~ made to I.nsut~e that. the bene" .. ficm1"1cs of-the hmd,.grnnts. recen'e then· full.ent1tlement. . ... ·. .· · · · (k) Any patents to 1:i.nds under this .\ct .which <tra located withi11 .. the boundurios nhttutt.iotm.lforP.st. shall contain such d>ildifions ast he ~Cl'l1tnrv.de\mn; 1ieccssarvto assure that: . . . . . .· · .. ( i) the sale of :my t.imu<ir from. such lands shalJ;for a period . of. finfyears, be subject to .• the same ·restrietions N!lil.ting to the · t~xport of timherfrom the linited Stat<>.s as are applicmble to· n~tionul fot'l'!lt lands in. Alaska under I'Ul(>s :i.nclrt!gulations of. tlw ~«"rr('tnry. oL\~rriculture; and · . . . · . . . . . · . (:,{) snch land::uare manng-ed .1..tnde-r the prinriple of sustained yit•ld.nnrlunder mana~rem~rit practict•sfor prot(~~rion andl'nluuicc.: iru:mt of.· em·ironnu~n~al .. qmdity no· h:~ss striilgent. than such · nmm~,cmmmt practices. on adjaeent natjonal·.fm•est landl'! for a . periCKtof twt-lv<l years~ . , .. . . . · . ·. •··. · .. ·. . . . . · . · .. (l) Not.wit.hstancling any· p.t·o,~ision of. this .:\:et, · tio Yilln.ge or .. · R.egiona.l Coqloi"lttion ~hall: &~lect lands· whidr are·· within bvo. miles:. from:the honndaJ·y, as 1t. <~x1sts on the date of. enu.etment. oftlus Act, M :my home r:ule or first class c·iry ( exdudirig }){~roughs)· or· ,\·hich are ,,·it.hin six miles from the bouud1u·,;·.o:f Ketchikan. . . . . . ICE\'!1.:\\' ny ('ONGRr:SS . · · · Sr.1·. 2:t The Secn•t1u·y sha11 subm itto the Congre::~s annual reports· on implern(mtatimtof this Act. Sud1 repoi'ts shall be filed bv the. Sec" 1'l!tary n.nrmal1y until 1!)84. At the beginning of the first ~.ssion· of C9ngressin 1085the Secretat·y shull_submit,throught.hc Prt~sidimt; · aL r<lport of. t.lm stntns of.the Nati\·es. ·ami N<tti\·c .groups in Alaska,, · and n snn1mary of adions tnkr.n unrlcr this Ad; tobret.her 'Yith such· recomml'ndnfiotts us may be appropria.fe. · · . · . .. ·. . · . .\I'PROPUlA 'l'IO~S . . . . . . ' ·. SE<:. 2.!. There ate anthorized to he appropriated suC'h sums as may he neeessn i'Y to rnrry out. the provisions oft his 4\.ct. . •. . PUBLICATIONS Sr.r: .. 25. T~e Secrr.tary is 11uthorized t<? !ssuP .and puoli:-;h in the Federal Re~pster) pursuant . to ·the Admuustratrn~ Procedure Act, · such reh;;t1atlOJIS as mny be nceessary to carry 01tt the purposes of thi.s .let .. 81\ VIXG ('L.\ 't:SE . SEc. 26. To the extent that there is a conflict between any provision oft.his Act n11d any other Fedt>i·allnws applicable to _\lu:~a, the pro- Visions of this Act shall govern. · 30 r !' ·. T· f . i .r ;-. . I I . ' n~tb · b . · 89 !n'f'.T. nso .I . . tbver disenrollment of Natives shall mJfoot land entit]emente of any · · . 'on!i'L or Village Corporation ·or any Native viUage or group · :r . . ' Cl l d el ty. . . ... · .'. 43; usc: uus .. ·.. . m., · 9.· Sectio11 18 of the Settlement Act, is amended by insertmg at the end thereof a new subsectiol1 (d) to read as foUows :, .. · ·.. . · .· . ''.(d) The:la!lds enclosing and su.rrouriding th~ villas-e of:Klukwan ·· wiueh: were wxthdr&W1l by subsect:wn (a) of th1S;sect1on are hereby. rewithdrawn to the same extent .and• for the ~e purposes.as providea . by said su~ction ·· (~) for a._periodpf one year fro~· the date of en':ct• ment of.·thllS· subsechon, dunng wh1ch · per1od the VIllageCorporatxon· . fen·. the village of 1\]ukw~n shall select a~ &rea equal.~ twehtycthree .·· . thousand and forty acres nn aeoordance wnth the prov1swns ofsubse~.,. · tion. ('b) of .this; section· lllnd· such . Corporation an4 the shareholders ·th~reo. f . shall. otherw.. ise.part. ici pate.· fuUy in .. the ben~~ts provided:: by · ·.· th:m Act to the same extent as. they would have pari1c1 pmted had they· · not··electedlo acquire.titleto their. former reserv~·as provided. by sec• 43 usc 1618., tion19{b) of thb:rAct: Pro1Jided, That.nothingJnthis su~ct.iori shall affect· the existing .entitlement of. n.ny ·Regional Corporation. to lands 43 usc uns .. , . pursuant to section U(h) (8) of.this Act:Pro-videdjurther; Th&t the foregoin.g.provisjons of this sub.s~ction sh&lln~t·becom~eft'ective··unlesa ~~.nd.untH the··V!Hage,CorpoNhon··for the.vnllage of. Klukwansha.U · quitclaim. to Chilknt Indian Village, o .. ized: v.m.der the.provisions.· . 2S. USC: '"1" · of the Act of Jt~.ne·l8, 1934:. ( 48 Stat. 9. h rur amended by the Act of · is. usc 413a., May 1:,1936 (49 Sto.t. 1250). an its right, title, an~ interest'iri the lands of. the. reservation defined in and. vested by the Act of September 2~ 1951 (11· Stat 596),.which lands are hereby. conveyed and confirmed. to said qhilkat Indian ym~a~. in·. fee simple· absolute~ fre~ o H rus~ ~rmd allrestr1ctums upon aUxcnJthon,.t!mcninhmnce., orotherwxse:Pro1n'ded 'further, That•the. United.States .and the Village Corporation for.the . ·· vma~ of Kluk,,·an shaH also quitdaim to saiclChilkntimlnma~.vmnge . tmy right. otr interest they may ha\·e ilrirand to incomederiv:erl from .. · . the·reservn.tion lnnrls definedin·n.~d.vested.bythe·:A.ct.ofSeptemher 2, · · 11 State 596~ 19,57 (71 Stat 597). after the rlnh! of ennctment of this Act and prior t.o the date of enn.ctment of this .snllRe("tion.". . .· · . . . . 43 USC HilS, 43USC 1613 43 USC 16U SF.r:; 10. S('ction lR(h) of tht> Settl('mf'l!ilt Art is nm<-nded·b:v addinl!' . nt the end. the1-eof thE> follo,,·ing: "Snch allocation n.s the Re~~rionnl f'orporR.tion f<n· the southenstE"lm A1raska "'~ion shall receive under section 14 (h) (~) shnH be seled,.d rmcl rmn·eyed from lnnds not sel~cted by ~nch ViHn$le (;orporntions that~ were. withdrrawn by subsection (n.) of this S('>ction. I.'XCt'Ot lands on Admirn lty Ishmd ·in the An~oon with-·· · rlrawnl al'e'n· nnd.' withont the. consent. of the Governor Of the State of A~nska or his delr:rnte, hu1ds in the Saxman and Yakutat ,,·.ithdrn,,;..-&1 areas.", SF.c. 11. The boumdttry be>tween . the; southt'!n.c;tem nnd Chu~ach regionsshn.H beth<' 141st.meridian:.Provided. Thn.tthe Regional-Cor-· porntion for the ("hu~n.<'h .region shaH accord to the Natives enroUed to the Villa~Ze of Ynkutat th('! snmll' rifrhtS and privileges to use any lnncls which may be convl'yed to the Regi-onal Corporation in the ,·ieinity of· Iry Bny fm· sneh purposes as, such· Natives have tradi-·. tionnHy made· thes·('of. including. but not limited to. subsistence hunt- ·ing, fishing·mnd gnthering. RS the Regionn.~ Corporation nccords to its. own shn.reholde~~ 1md shnH take no unrensonl!.b]e or arbitrary action relativedo such lands for the primary purJ?Ose and ha \'ing the effect, of imtmiring orcurtniHng such rights and prnrilPgf's. . · ~i&f.l2;;.(a) The purpose of this section is to provide fm· the settle-· ment of certam clnims, and in so.doing to consolidate ownt>rship among · the United.States, the Coo. k Inlet Region, Incorporated (hereindteor .. in this section referred to as the "Region"), and! the. Sta:te of Alaska,. 38 ..... ·.-I . ·---:-·.--·'! -·· ,· .. ., . s~ .. ~ -~-.t. . ~2 ' ·~ ·J ::J: ... .. ) . :~ •, ' t .,i :; .. ",';t· ,:~it ...... ··r .. ::. ·. -~ ~ .. ~· . . , ' :?f .,, :. ~i I·~ . . . . . . ~~ ~, •; 0 y{& .. 0 ' D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 January Z, 1976 ·. within the Cook Inlet area of .Alaska in order to fficiHtmte Red. m~mc ·· &gement and t© create hmd ownersbi p patterns which encolll!n.ge ~ttlfl!lc mmt a.nd d®velopment in approprimte areas. The provisioM of tl!nns ~tion sh~U take eft'ect at such time u aU of the following hav® tJ.bn · p~: ... ( ll ths State of AJmska. hu comreyed or irmvocmlbly oblliptool lltsei£ ~o convey lands to. the Unntoo Stmtes forr e:!Kch~1 b®ftby &1l.tnthorized, with the Region fin lllCIOOl!'dance with . th® d~Mmtmt · mfened to in aubsectiolm (b) 9 · . (2) tbe ·Regioall &!md all pbl.intitfs/appeHruats hav1111 withdn.wn from CookJiniet v.pimllt Kleppe, nUllmbf!n"Cd 15--2232, xninth cli~unint, ·.· . and such p1rocee~:Hngs hs:ve 100en dismi8Rd wi~h pre]6ndice; md (3) aU Native village selections undeli" sectiolll\ 12 of the ~t~Ye­ ment Act of the lands within L.mke Clau·k. Lake Ko1!Utll'Uhlib11llll'na, and JMf\U\ldn~ma Rivu deficiency witlllldnwan.ls hav® been iJrRv· · oe~.bDy withdralna 1md \waived. . · 89 STAT. HSl .. Tbe conve7mnces describ«;~ in para.g~pXn ( ~) nf !:his sunlbst."Ctiolli\ shaH not be sub]ect to the provnsmirns of S1!Cb.ol!1 6(1) oftll'M!l.ARnskm Statehood Act {72 Stat. 339). 48 usc pli'®©o (b) The Secll'Eibury shaH mmke UnB foUm"'•in1g conuveyMceSJ to th® ~1 ~ .. Ri!!giqnn, in mccm·damce with the !!pecific terms, coirnditiolrn~, p~ll!lra~ cmren.mnts, n'e~n·,·mtions, al!ld othelf restid.ctiom!l set folrth m ~ d001m= ment. entitled wren·ms. lll.nd CmuH.tio!rnS. for Lamd Co~rnoollidatitw ·.lilJl!ld Man.nagem,mt inn Cook Inlet Areli", which wu s\U\bmitted to the HoU® Committee 0111 Interior m.nd Insu]an· Affairs on Decembeli"' W, 197'5, the . teD.'l!ll1S of ,,·hlich tin-e hen-eby ratified ·as· to the duuties ·and· oblligations of the Unnited State:~:!'md· the Region, ms a matter of Fed~ral law: · · .. . .· (l) t.it~eto appn-oxiin~Ullte]y 10,240 ucx-es of land witlhlilll fin® Kenai · .· N ~atiomal .• Moo~ Hunge; · exc..oept dnlllt theR-e sh~ rno .con'f'fljl'l.nes · ufthe bed ofJ .. ;mke_Tustamena; orr, the minen~lestmtein thel wilter- front ZOnlt!l described nn the QOCUllmentJ."El'ffll!'reU to illl this SUl!Daction; < ( ~) tiUe ~o oi~ mnd. gM annd ooSlJ in not to exc~d 1).5 to'Wl!Bship! wnthm the X~emu Nnhon~ai Moose Range; · (3) tide to Federal interests in township W south7 n».n~ve 0 \'l.'il!l!!t., F.M., rmd township 20 non·th, rmJnge 9 east, S.:M.; · ( 4) title to towuship ·1 south, range 21 WeSt, S.M.: sootiom 3 to W, 15 to 22, 29,nnnd 30; lll.nd rights to metnmf~nrolllsmili'Aem~&.i:n tbe fo1Mwinug ·sections in tc:nmsbip 1 north,· rnnge 21 west, S.M.: sections 1 a, 14, US, 2~, 2.1, 24~ 25, 26, 21, 28, 32, 3.1, ~' 35, 36; . (5) .title to tweinty~nillle a.nd sixtycBix lhiumdredtlhls toWMhlps off land outside the ooundaries of Cook InAet Region : umlem. pwur- suant to the dooumellll.t referlt'l!d to il!l thiis SUllOOectiolll a -~Ui!f Clr l~r e:ntiUemefi~ shall exist, in which c~ tbe Seeli"Wl.ey shaU comrey slllich ent1tlemtmt; · . (6) tide to lands selected by the Re.giolll\ from ·SJ. pool which shaH oo established by the SecJretacy allld th® Administn.to~r of General Services: Provided, That colfliveyn.nces p\U\I!"llrul!il.nt to this pi!brngraph shm!l no~ be SIU\bject to the jpl!'OVlSions of sectio~n 2-J ( l) of the Settlement Act: Provided fv.rthe'l",. That conveyances pmr~ SIU\a.nt to . this ~an.graph shaH be made in exchMge foli" la!ill®:l or rights to select l&nds outsBde the bmmdaries of Cook In]ISt Regiolll,M described il!l pa~agraph. (5) of this sUllbsection and.o!ill ths bullS . of n.lues determmed by . agreement among the partxes, . notwithstanding any othf'r provision~ of law. Ei!fec.tive upon their con!eySJ.ncs, the lands referred !O i~ par~graph ( 1) of this sui be ~ct1on IU'e excluded from the l\.ena1 N abonal Moose Range, b1Ult they shaH automatically become part of the rnJrnge m.nd s\U\bject 39 J) tb ·s~i STAT. 1152 ' 4.3 usc 1621. 43 USC 1tUO., .. 43 USC Ui11, 1613 .. Pub. Law 94-204 to the la\'fS and regulations applicable thereto. upon title there- after vesting in the United States. The Secretary is authorized to acquire ln.nds formerly within the range with the concurrenre of the Region so long as the Region owns such lands. Section 22 (e) of the Settlement Act, concemmg refuge replacement, shall apply with res~t to lan~s conn~yed .to··parmgrapbs (1) ·ami (2) of this subsection, e~cept t . e Secretary may desJgnate for replacement la.nd twice the Ill mount of Rny land conveyed with· out restriction to a native corporation. . No hunds outsidfl the txterior bo11.mdl!llries of Cook Indet Rebvimn shan be com·eyed to tba~ · Re~ion 9 unlE>.ss •. in the fonlowing cireumstanCfls, the coni!Mmt of other N II'J!.tnre Cm·porntiomds obtained : . (i) )Vben-e the township to beG non12inated is loeu.ted ':'ithin an IU'Eln. ,,.1!hdrawn as ofDecembt>t' la, lP d1, paarsuantto section 11 (a) ( 1) of ~e Settlement· ~ct, the ·on shall obtD:in the consent of the 1on and Corporation aft'ected. ( ii ere the township to be nominated is located within an mrem witb.dra uant to section ll(a) (3) of t!'ae Settlement Act u of De 15, 1975~ the Region shan olbta1n the consent . ofthe ReiD on in which the township is located. There shalf be established a buffer zone outside thl8 wiilidn.,,·als .de~eri~d in subparagraphs.(i) ··and (H.) which zone shaH extend one township from any such seetion 11 (a) (3) withdra.V!.·m.l and one and .oneobalftolt·nships from anysection lll(m) (l) withdrawal. Any nomi~ nation of &· • within such. zone shall be subject to the .consent . of the Region, or the .Village Corporation if adjacent to 11!. section 11 (a) ( 1} withdrawal :·Provided, ho:WtWer, That ther affected ·Regional· Corpomtion. may designate additionalJands to be included by sub~ .stitntion in the buffer zo~e ~ Ion~ as the buffer zone location is no greater than two townsh1ps llli w1dth and the total acreage of the buffer zone is not enll!l,rged. The affeeted Regional Corporation shall · designate the enlarged buffer zone, if any, KMIJ later Hum sb: months follt?wing the passage of thi2 Act. Any use or development by the R .. egton. oflan~ ~om ·under this paragraph shall give du~ protec· t1on to. the extstmg ce uses of such lands by the reslldents of the area:7 and no e~ment across Village Corporation lands to lands eonveyea under this. paragraph shall be established without .the cona . sent.cf the said Village Corporation or Corporation~. · .. (c) The lands and interests conveyed to the Region undeir the foJr&o· going subsections of this section and the lands provided by the State exch11.n~ tmder subsection (a) ( 1) of this section, shaH be considered and tremted as conveyances under the Settlement Act unles.o; oth~nv1se provided9 and shall constitute the Regioo's fuH entitlemell'l\t under sections 12(c) and· 14(h) {8) ~f the Settlement Act. Of such lands, . 3.58townships of oil and gas and CIOO.l in the Kenai National Moose · Range s~all constitutE! the full snr.f&.ce mnd snbsur:face entitlement .of the Region under sechon 14(h){8). The lands wlucb. would comprise the differen("e in between the lands actually con,·eyed under. and referred to in the re,_.POing subsections of this section. and any· final determination of what the Region!s acn>&.IQ'e rights under ~ctions 12(c) and 14(h) (8) of the Settlement Act '\'WOUld han!l been. if the cona vey~tn('es set forth in this section to the Retlion had not been exernted, shall be retaiMd by the r"nited States nndshnlU not be ra\·ni1able fon· oonveyrmce to o.nv Re~ionnl Corporn.tion or ViHn~ Con·pm·ntion, not~ withstanding n.ny provisions of the Settlement a\ct to the eont~ry. (d) (1) The Secretru·y shall convey to the State of Alaska all rtght, title. nnd intPrest of the United Stntes in and to aH of the following la.nds: . . 40 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 '· 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 r- 0 0 J J Pub. Law 94-Z04 89 STAT. 1153 ( i) . At least. 22.8· townships· and no mo!Nl. than 21 townships .. of lamd from those preRen.tly withdrawn und~r section 17(d)(2) of . Ute· Sf!tUement Act in the IAke ·Iliamna area and within ·the 43 USC 1!5ll.6., Nusbag~k River·or Koksetna.River drain~ nea.~.·I.ands here~o-- fore selected by the State, the amount and 1dent1ties of whu:h shall be determined pursuant to the document referred to in sube . section (b) pmd · . . (ii) . 26 townships of lands in tb.e Talkeetna Mountain., Kamisbak Bay, and Tutna J .. ake areas, .ther identities of which . · .are &•t forthjn the document referred to in subsection (b). AU lands granted to the State of Ala.<Jka pursuant to this subsection .. shaH be regardoo for. an purposes as if conveyed to the State ~d~r mnd p'lllrsuant. to sectum 6 of the A Iaska Statehood . Act: P~, 48 USC ~e .. · hQWe1Jer,Tha.t. this g!1U~t of landK sha!l not.constitute a eha_rge ~ai:Mt 2l!. n~ .. the totalacreage to whwh the Rtate xs entitled under secbon 6(b) of the Alaska Statehood Act. . (2) The .Secretary is ·&uthorized and directed to convey to. the S~te ot Alaska, .without coMiden.ti@n, aU right, titJe, and interest of the United States in and to a~l of that.tn.ct.gene~ly known asthe Campo bell tract and mora p&rtlculady 1dentified m the document .referred· to. in s?bsection (b) excep~ for ?ne com.1<pact .unit of.· land. whi~ .. he determmes~ after consultat1on w1th the· State of Alaska, IS .. actually . the. Bureau of Land Management for its present ope~tioM: · That in no event shall the unit of land so exc~pted exceed · 1,000 ic:rea in size. The land I!Ullthorized to be conveyed pursWiint to thiS pa~ph shall.be .used for public· parks and roore&tional puro poses mndL other rom patible public purposes in accordance~ "With the · · zed land 'Ill$ pla1m outlbned in .the Greater · · Area gh's Far North Bicentennial Park Master Deve lam of : Sept.ember 1974. Except as proyided otherwi~ in this panpph, in. makmg the conveyance mutlionZI&d and · ell by thm pa~ph, · the Secretary sh&ll.utmze threprocedures'of RecreationmdPubHc Purposes Act {44 Stat. 141), as amended,.a.nd regulations developed 4)3 usc 869~ punuant to that Act, .mnd the oomreyance of such lands shaH also contain a provision that, if the lands cease to be ll!Sed for the purposes for which they were com~eyed; the lands and tide thereto shall revert to the.United States: ProVided, lunoewer, That the a.crea~ limitation provided by , section ·1 (b) of that ·Act, as amended . by the Act . of June 4,1954 (68 Stat. 113), shall not a.pply.to this. conveyance, nor 43 USC 869" . shaH the lalllds conveyed. pursuant to this paragraph be· COI.nnted against that acrea~ limitation with respect to the State of Alaska or any subdivision thereof. · . . ( 3). The Secretary is 1.1!Jlthorized and directed to make available for selection bv thl" Stat~. il!l itR rli~retion. undE>r Sf'Ction 6 of the Alaska Statehood ·.\.ct. 12.4 to\\'11ships of land to be selected from 1andswithin the. Talkel!!'tna 'M:ountmins and· Koksetna. Rh·er areas as de5cribed ·in · the document referred to in su:0sediQl!\ (b). · . . (e) The Secretary may, notwithstanrlin~ rmy other provision of law to the contruy~ t'onvey title to lands; and intere~ts in lands selected by Native corpohations within the extE>rior boundaries of Power Site · Classifica~ion. 443. February 13, 1958. to such corporations. subject to C}u.........-t\.. the reser,~ations noquuired. by section 24 of the Federal Power Act. Th'is Hi USC IU.S., oom·eyance shall be consudered and tJ."Eiated as a conveyance tmder the Settle1iumt Act. .. . 43 usc 1601 (f) All con"'·eynnces of lands made or to be made bv the State of n~o Ab.ska in sntisfaetion of the terms and conditions of' the document referred to in subsection (b) of this section shall ptn's.~ all of the State's right., title, and intef'll"st in such lanris, indudingtheo minE>rals therein, 41 G~~ . . -. 89 STAT. 1154 ------··--- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pub. Law 94~204 January 2, 1976 as if those com·eyances \'re>re ma\~e pursuant to section 22 (f) of the 43 USC 1621& Settlement Act, exceptthat. dedicated or platted section line easements and· highwa,y and other rights-of.,,·ay may be n:ser:ed to the Sta~te. Appreprb.t!w (g) The ~ecretury, through the Nahonal Park ::;ervtce, shall pl!'U)\'Hic ·· · authOlrlzattc.m.. financial !lSSistance, not to exceed $25,000, .lu.~n·by a.uthoriz.ed. to be appropriated, and technical assistance to the Hegion for the pa~rposc of de\·reloping and implementh hmd use plan foa· the ,,·est side of Cook . Inlet, mcluudingan analysis o iteJ:native useS of such lands. . (h) Village .Corpm-ations within. the Cook Inlet Region shall ha.ve until December 18, 1976, to file selections under se!!tion 12(b) of the 43 usc 1(U.1., Settlement· Act, notwithstanding any provision· of· that . Act . to· the c:ontrary.· · · · . . . ( i) The Secretary shall report to the CongreSs by April liS, 1976, on · the implementation of this section. H the State fails to agree to engage in' a transfer with the ~"ederal Government, pu!!'Suant to subsection· . (a) ( 1), ·the Secretary shall prior to December 18, 1976, mn.ke ~o eol?-Q veyance of the lands that were to ba c to .the Reg1on · m th1s sec~ion,. nor shall he convey prior to such ·. te the Point ~ampbel.l, Pomt 'Voronzof, and Campbell tracts, so that the Congress 1s not preo duded·f,rom·:fashioning an llJ?propr.i~te remedy. I. n,~he event that the State fa.1~s top;gree as. &f~re.sn.ld ... , all n~'ht. so .. f the Regwn that may have been extmguzs~ed by th1s; sect10n · shail be ~stored. . · . · . · 43 USC 1620~ SEc. 13.Sectlon 21 of theSettlem~Snt Act 1s amended by addmg the following subsection at the end thereof : · : · · " (f) Until J anus.ry 1, 1992, stock of any Regional Corporation .43 USC 1606e · organized pursuant to section 1, including the right to receive qistrihu= tio.ns ~rider subsection 7(j), and stock of an;r ViUage porporation :43 usc 1601o orgamzed pursuant to" sectlon a shan not be mcludable In th~ gross 26 USC.2031., 2033., . 43 usc 1618 estate of. a decedent under sections 2031 and 2033~ qr li\f\Y successor provisions, of the Internal Reveniu! Code.". · .·· · . ·• . . . . .. . · .· ·. · . Szc., 14. (.a) The Sec~taey shall pa.y~ by gra~t, $250,000 to each· of . the corporatiOns estabh,shed pursuant to seet1on 14(h) (3) of ths nm:t!., Settlement ·Act. · · . 4 3. USC 1613 o (b) The Secretary shaH pay, by grant, $100,000 to each of the fol- lowing Village Corporations: ll Arctic Village; 2 Elim; 3 Gambell; 4 Savoonga; (5 Tetlin; and (6 Venetie . . (c) Funds authorized umder thils section may beused onlffor plan-· mn~~. ~evelopme.n.t, and other r.urposes fo.r which the co!fPOraiions set forth m subsections (a) and (b) ·are organized under the Settlement·· 43 .l.JSC 1601 · . Act. ·.· · . · note., A PFopl'iadcm. a.uthorhatian., 43 usc .16i1 · {d) There is authorized to ba appropriated to the Secretary for.the purpose of this section a sum of $1.600,000 in fiscal year197S. . . . · SF.c. Hi. (a) The Secretary shaU conv~y l]nders~tions 12(a) (1) and · 14(f) of .the Sett!ement .Act to Komlijf9 Incoll'POrated, a Regional Corporation estabhshed ptn'SU&.Irlt to section 7. o:f said Act, such of the . snbsurlace estat~, ?ther th~n title to or th~ right .to remove gravel · and com ~!ion vanetles of. mmeru.ls and matena.ls;. as IS selected bv said 43 CFR app, ~orpc::raho.n from lands. withdra.wn by Ptiblic Land. Order 5307 for u1ent111cn.tlon for selection by it located in the following described . · area:· · ·. · Township 36 south, rant,te 52 west· Township 37 south, range 51 wrest; 42 0 0 0 1156 43 USC 1613o 43 usc 1621. 43 usc 1625 n«e .. 43 usc 1601 ~" Pub. Law 94-204 The Secretary shaH com·ey such hmds selected punuant to tb.is S~.uthoriz.m.tion whid1 otherwise comply with the applicable statutes and regulations. This seC'tion shall not be construed-to incf'MlSS the entitle- . pa.1!nt of the corp<n-ation. of the ~~Hed residents of T&titlek ?W ·to ·tncrease the amount of land that may ba selected from the Nat1onnl Forest System. The subsurlmce of any land selected pursuant to this sectioD shall bs OO!lVC}y.ed to the Regxonal Corporation for the Chu- gach ·on p~rsunnt·to section l&(f) of the S~ttlcment Act. . Sro. Section 22 (f) of the Settlement Act lS amended to l>rovtde u follows: "(f) the Secretary7 the Sccret&ry of Defense 7 the Secl'etary of Agri~ culture, and the State of Ala.-1kn &re authqrized to lmiuJ.s or interests therein, including N athre oolection ri~hts, corpOra· ti · d by Native groups, Vin&J6 Ccu:porntions9 Re~onai Corpo and the c · ons orpmzed by Natives residmg in Juneau, Sitka, Kodiak1 enai, aU as defined in this Act, and other· municipalities and corporations or individuals, the State (acting fn•e . of the restrictions of section 6 ( i) of the Alaska· Statehood Act) , or any Federal a~ncy for" the purpose of effecting land conoolidat.ions or to facilitate the management or development of the land, or for other public purposes. Exchanges shuU be on the basis of equal valne, arul either party to the exchange may pay or accept cash in order to equal- ize the· value of the property exchanged : Provided, That wbf'n the ~arties agree to an exchange and the appropriate SecJretary"determines · 1t is in the public interest, sucb. exchanges may be made for other than equal value.". · Szc.18. Except as specifically provided in this .Ad, (i) the provi~ sions of the Settlement Act are fully applicable to this Act, tu'ild (ii) noth~n~ in this Act shall be construed to a.Uer or Amend any of sueb. provuuons.. Approved January .ap 1916. LEG 'ISLA TlVE HISTORY~ HOUSE :R.!PORT No., 94 ... 729 acemnpgymg H. R.. G6-&4 (Ccmm., oo mtmOi.' :ma l':mrulg Affab).. SmA'!"E REPORT No,. 94e361 (Comm.., on Interim md Tmul~ Aff.ah'.l!)., CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol., 121 (1975) Augo 19 comlldllll'ed a'!ld ~ed Seate .. Dee.. 16, c:Oi'll!!i~d md put®d Home, :W'UllOOiid, m ll!.®u at H..Ro 6644., D®c.. 18 9 Saate e~ m. ~~<~ ~~~m~miit with amwdm~ .. Dec.. 19, ~ e~d m S®~ ame!id:mr;u!tllle { ,. .. '· Dp {f3/ 0 !// 0 0 D 0 0 wt•.· .. • 0 ·' --.. ·. 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 ~I .1 •J •• 0 • 1 ... . -. '-'-:-. :.:.. D •. --. 0 _ .. · ... . . , .. J~::; ..... :~. ~'.;(: .... . ~··· .... .• , ._::, ::; .... h ;: . : ~: ~;·::•:')" ?'. . :' . - .. ·, w ....... 5 .. ~Air··"':.:­... n. .1 :"'~ •.::.. ,M1-t_ o1 ~ .. We"""nesdav· . u ~ · · ; ::· .... -•. ""1 u . . ~ 3 " M .;.t ~: .• ~ . I r. .October. 2Z, 1980 .Nov •. ·. " . 7 16 OG AH. tB.O ..... :-: ..... ~~ ..•. ::· .. :· .. . ~ . . . _:: .. ...... '· ... · ~ . ' ~:,:.._~ .. :··: 1 • • -;<I j • '. · .. · .. ''• ..... ~· .'' ' '• .·• ~· ~ .. : ... I ··:1.;,- 1 W±EH· ·., "t t ...... ·... . .. :l;' .. } ,_·;:• •........ J .. t ·-~·· ·.·.; ........ - ·' -· '·2t·: .. ~. --~! •••• .•• !..·~;. . .·' ... : _,:~~:·._\:·.- "' \:.' ~ .. ·~ ..... :., .... ; ') ~· ~ -~.·;:~ ·; . ~. ' ' . . ... --~~>""'•': " ..... ":: .. '. ", .. ; . : "~":"i·:·;' · .. i; ·•. ... : -~·-~:! :.;;: ..,.. ..... ___ ,;_ ___ ~---------==.,...--.,.--..,:-=..:..----- ........ !.,, ·, ... .,._ · ..... ., ...... ;· ; ,• ·:.· ~:~· \ : ... -. ,. ·1.r ... :··r·~! :.:-. · . .,._.~.~ ~:.:_::~: . . ~ ,.. .:[) a m •• >;··· ..... ~ .. :;;·{,' lnte r~otr \" . ··1 ..... .,~. ··: ... :r· ....,·,··: .. ~ .····· · ~ : .. :·~ .!SW'eau: of land Management •"' . . .. federal [nsta~UaUons;; rmplementation' of' , 7 .• '.' . Sectfon 3(~} of the Alaska N!~tlv.e Clafms .. :: -.~!~ Settaemer:'dl. Act; .f'Jnafi Rule· ' :-.. ~~~=-··.\.:.·--~~ ' ..... :; ":r:._;.1tJ;;:·:~·~· ~.~::: .·.~.;;~·;f\·.: ';: ~ .• .. ,:· ·-; ·;~: ·: :· · .. · . . •\:-·' .· .. , .. ~ :·:.·,: •• -~ 4 .,, ... · .. ·~· . .... ' -:, .... ·. •,• .· U!>t~ /. ,A·-·'· Fed~~aR ·Regi~ter (Vol. 45, No. 2oo.iw~dnesday, October 22, 1980 I Rules and Regulations · 0 I . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D J J J ] ·· . .& ctS~·kbHPNtli?c tf& f"""t•!f-fW·-§Q#!§-#P¥¥¥ ·-"""·t:Fi-c_ a •miE"'-1WY>-t &&#i#Hi§¥1$&*&>~-'?1 ,.. -Hbh& .. 0 ¥~?£.ttfi&Gf iM -f!*Hu35424f"'t·Uf* it .. J,iJ! /DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. important to note tnat the status of each questions raised by§ 2655.1(c) (1), (2) '· . ... ·:-:. tract will be addressed by .the Bureau of and (3) in the proposed rulemaking, Bureau-of land M~nafl)~~tment ·~ : · Land Management on a case-by-case which listed specific time periods for : . . . . : · ... 'l ;.>-;.1 · :·,:. :..: • \ ~· ~ .• :;'.. basis. It is impossible in one rulemaking, selection. Since the Alaska Native · 43 CfR P,art 265Cil. -~ .·, .. ::.~·.;.,-;,~,·:,• ·,_ ,.·.,.,.: . to· take in~a account. aU of the individual: Claims Settlement Act itself. its [Cireulti INJo. 24781 •· . · -.~. ·. ;,>:;;;,i::;:. · ~:.~ ·Issues ~hu:h cowdlaff~ct section 3(e} implementing regulations and · .. , . . .. . .. _ : ·;~,;::. :·. ; . .t .. ;.,·:~ .. : .; ·, ·~. ·•'" dete~aticns. For th1s reason, the fmal subsequent congressional enabtments, ct f'edenllnst!lllatlons; lmplementaru!on · rulemaking does not .contain specific : · list the appropriate selection periods for • · ofSection 3(e) oHku~i·Aiasklll Nataw . examples. .·' ":-. .. • . .;· . , .. ,. Native corporations,' it is unnecessary to Claims SettJemcnt Act · '· • , · . :The comments also recommended mclude that infornnation in this final . · '· · · · · · · ·-· · ·, . epecific..changes that would make the rulemaking. This will avoid amendi~g . . AC~ Bureau of· Land Management.''~: fma.l rulemaking clearer and more . . 'the regulations each time Congress acts :. Interior.. . .~ :·· .,;;~:::'. ·. · _. ~ ::t , tm.derstandable. The {allowing ~:; .?: ·on selection periods. The third definition : •. ACTION: Final ruJemaldng. -: .... _discussion summ'arlze9 the comments ~· added to the final rulemakipg is "State ,i .• .• ·.SUMMARY: This final ~ema t.r".;. .' ~:;, .. imd l!Uggestioni receiv~d op. a sectio~o -Director" which means Director. Alaska · ..... ..,. :. by'oGiection basis. · • . ; . . · ~~·;-:·>•' State Off!ce, Bureau of I..a.qd .. ,.. ::· providea·the procedures ~o-be useu by_ · . ··. ·· >·~·.··-,-'··,: -;,..·.-~(-;·: . ·.;;:::•.;;, · ... Management. .·· : the Secretary. of the I.ntenor to carry ,out A1.dhonty · . , ':.~~·-~:-..,·;.,;~~:-. ·:·. .·:;,,'1':-,;.:-::,~;.··~·:;·~· . -: . ·. . . . • _'.· .. '~ . the provisions· ofs~ctioa3(e) of.the ,·. :• ·~t~~~~·suggest~d tb~t th& ~orci· :.'.-· L,Jmds Subjecttc Detemililatiol\ ·, .. Alaska Native Cl.al.llls Settlement A!rt: .. :~certain" be deleted frOm the phrase " ~s section of the proposed · . · ·'~ < · .Th~_ p~ocedure-wUl be·u.sed to-.dete~a-: ~certain Federal ins.tallatfoiis in Alaskan· .ru{emaldng drew a few comments which ~, . which J~ds .heJd by ~ederal . • · ' . • ~.:: •; ... RIJ it appeared in the propOsed .. ·· · · .. : ' pointed gut three omissions in the fll'St · · :. ~epartm.ents or _agenc1es ~ere· l;DSctui.U rulemaldng, As explained in the section ·paragraph of the section, First, there is ' WJe d~ng the time prescnbed ~ th& Act on "iandi:i subject to determination••, .the · no mention of Feqeral department or · and w,hlch such lands were not~ ~ctual Pl'9Vlisioris of sedion.3(e) o£ the Al~ska agency lands located within. the areas· WJe and ~an be con.veyed·toNativa · Native Claims Settlement Act and this · withdrawn: second. the withdrawal. Corpo!-'alions W!dex:-the Act.·· . . · •· · ·. rulemaldng apply t~. Federal . ,_ . authorities cited should. i.nc!udesection rmrt:c::nVIEDATE: Novembe.r 21, 1980;·: · . metallations located.within areas 16(d) of the Alaska Native Claims . ·. iFORu~um-HeR'INFOi!UiiATI!ON eotir'Acm-·~ .. · ., withdrawn by section.a i1(a)[1),16(a), or . ·settlement Act: and third, there is no .. ~.Beaumont McClw-~. (20%)~11 · _".:~, 16(dlouelected ln accordance wi!Jl · < referebce in the paragraph to selectioll$ · .. ·.;; · ;·--.or :· · ..... :·. · i:'-:~:-:.::--~-.;~,,~,:~;:,~~'ii;t.:~{::': !ihflcUon t4(h)(8]1,B). Since the Federal made by the regirl;ntal corpora lionJor . . i~b~rtc.:s~;·(i%)~~5 :~~:;~¥RJ.ftnds mbject to dete~~tion !i1'fl •· , ~~;.:..southeast Alaska under section . . • :: •.. llf .::~.; -~-·.:...o;·,:.. :.S: .... ; .~ .. :.:i~~~~qpeciflically fden~ed m the ft.nal · · ..:. l.4(h)(8)(B} of the Act. These omiss1onm :·0 • .. · -·--~-;;~~4-•~":·:f.::,."".' _rwem~ the word .. certain" bas been ·.have been corrected. The final ~· .·.Robert Arnold. Bureallll of: Land · ·.J:r~;.:~·:!felet~ci:, .. ~;;·::~:-r:~ ·'!.')t; .. :, ; ,,,: ;2. · · .... : .. :~. rulemaking does not include a reference .. __ Management. 701 C Street. Box 3, :·.:_ · :; · . ·' ·.·>.· -:.. :-·:-·~~'-',. •·.:· ::: ~ ·. · to section 11(a](3) ol the Act as · ·. ~ .. · Anchora~e~. ~~sk~o~~~· (~.~;,,.,.;,.,..iC'~~!l@~· ... ·. #'ir,' '1 .:--·:, :·· 'lr:· ~... . SUggested in some comments. This· · 5760 •. · ..... ·~ .'·' r.::• . .;.:, f~'j.~.~-JT,hi~a~ctionrecelv,dthelargest . changelsnotappropriatesince .. SUPM.EMENTAIRY INfFOR~ATlJOIIr. 0~ .... ::;: .. ~number of comments~' generally . ... determinations pursuant to·section 3(e) · . Septe!Uber 18,.1979 .. ~ropoaed ,. · ·-' .. : · ;,; SliggesM.g that the defmitions were of the Actdo not. apply to lands · .· rulemaldng was pubhshed in the Federm.l incomplete o~r unclear. After~careful withdrawn under section 11(a)(3). As R81Pst~r (44'FR54254J. Comments were .... analysis and.in response to comments, explained above. several comments Invited f~r 60 days '!!riding November 19.: .. the definitions section of the. final . . questioned the need .for stating· specific . 1979. Wntten responses were recel~ed . ·· rulemaldng defines three tenn~ · · selection periods and this has been .from the Stat.e of Alaska. the· .' --~ -;;..::.~'='="~ "holding agency", ''appropriate. selection deleted. Depsrtm.ent of Transportation. the .· · .. ~ :~'1 period'~ and ~·state DD.rector". Other · AlasRa Railroad; Alaska Federation of,. .o_: t~rma which appeared in the def!fli.tions · Nalives.Ine .• Bering Straits Native .. · ·. (~, sectien of the pt:,oposed rulemaking are . : '· Corporatio'il..Bf!stol Bay Native <:<"':~ .:l;;..; now coKRtain.ed· in a new section, .. · :·:Corporation. C~!ista Corporation:.· ... ~ .ii.\"Crlteria for determiriation''. The term . . : : Cbciggiung, Chugach Natives, Inc.? · .~ , .... smallest practicable tract" is contained· ··. Eklutna I.nc.. Galena, Cana~a' yoo, Ltd.. · In the Authority section. wliich uses that .. : Holy Cross,.:Koniag, I.nc.. Interior·VWage :. term as it ia.U~~ed in. the Alaska Native '·. ·Association. Northway, Sealaska · · · . : · Claims Settlement Act. ' . .. .· '( · --~Corporation. Unalakleet Native · . · ".:-:.~·~ .• '!\-defiriition of the term "holding · ,.., : Co.rporation and Yak-Tat Kwaan. Inc. · agency'' haa been adde~ The term was . 'These responses have been reviewed ' added in response to a comment that the >· and analf.:ed. .· . ~··.<. ,.·-.:.. ' · .. agency a~tually C?ntrolling the lands' · · · ·,. Generally, those who commented . . ·may not necessanly be the agency ···. ·e~ress~d the opinion that the proposed· which was tising the lands on December •. ··.i: rulemaking was. necessary in order to · 18,1971. The term "Federal installation:' :. : carry out the Congressional intent o£. . . as used In the proposed regulations ·~.section 3(e).ofthe AlaskaNative Claims.. defined the lands subject to · . · Settlement Act. This rulemaking sets up · determination and is now addressed in the general guidelines under which the . the sectfo1r1 on "Criteria for · · , 1 '>Department of th'e Interior will · · .. · :determination'', . ,. . .. , . determine which lands held by Federal· · The term "appropriate selection · :'.agenCies are ava.ilable for ·conveyance to period .. was.added as suggested by one -Native corporations-under this part It is coinmenL in order to avoid the ' \ Criteria. for Deteimi.nation .... . . . . ' . ' . . This section has been added to further clarify the procedures lor making' a · detenn.ination and clarify some of .the misUnderstanding expressed in the. ·· comments on the defmitions section. Almost all of the comments found the definitions section of the proposed rulemaking un.cl~ar. Therefore, the final rulemaldng has been redrafted to reflect the three criteria which the Bureau of Land Managtment will use in order to mak~~a 3(e) determination as to whether. the lands are ptiblic lands and; thus, subject to conveyance to a Native corporalion. These criteria, which were previously reflected but not expressly . stated in the definitions section are: (1) Nature and time of use. (2) area to be retained by the Federal agency, and (3) interest to be retained by the Federal · agency. Each point will be discussed individually. ' ' ' · ..... ' .. , 0 October 22. 1980, I Rules andi 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · .... . -., -' . . ·:'\, .. .... ,:· .. . ,, 0 i . ; ·~ ·. ..... :. I . o A~{!/ Vol. 45, No. 206 I October 22. 1980 Rules and V .~at the 1rst of n"shts. interests. or u.s.c: 1001 et.seq.J. a new subpart 2655 § 2sss.2 cntart.m tor datarmlnatton& • 0 .. -permitted uses g.ranted to other~ should ·is added to P.art 2650, Group 2600, Land subject to determination under· ·include the dates of issuance and· · · · Subchapter B. Chapter II. Title 43 of the. section 3(e)(1) of the act will be subject ·expiration~ This information should · · Code of Federal Regulations as set forth to conveyance to Native corporations 1.( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 prove helpful in..making the section 3(el below. ' · · · ' ; they are determined to be public lands ., 'determination, and consequently the · GIUiy R. Martin. · · · ·. under this subpart. lf the lands ara 11uggestion was adopted. · · · : .• .·;,: :\"' · '~, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. detennined not to .be public lands, they ·· · ~ ' :Paragraph (c) in· the finahulemaldng . October 17,1980. • · ,.. , , • · ·' · •. will be retained by the holding agency. · ·· , . incorporates paragraph (g) of the . · · ·· The Bureau of Land Managemen.t shall ·, · •. . proposed rule pertaining to Native · :.-· Subpart 2~55--f'ederal Bnstalla_tlonl11 · · determine: · · . . • · · · · 'i 'comment$. and provides that Native ·· .: Sec. . · ·>:~'·t: · .: :~ · ·· (a) Nature arid lime ofuse: !. · .:~. ~· -_.~: ~/('~ ·,.: corp9ratjons have !he same time period ~' Auth~rity~ · · ·. ·~ 1 .' · · .· ·· • (,1) If the holding agency used the . . ~· •.. :. for comment as.agencies do Ia submit · 2855.~ · Defimtl~ne. . .. ·:· land& for a purpose directly and ··· '. information. In order to aUowfor delays• 2655.1 .LIII~da. subJect to d~te~ation. nesessarily i::oMected with the Federal ... , • · · ·~:1 . ·. in mailina the time period commences : .21!55.2 • Critena. for determmations. agency as of December 18, 1971: and' · ·· · u .... · ·. -, •L . · . · ;.:~·, • 2655.3 Detem:unation procedures. · (") ·~ ·"" · · • . from:~e date ofrecet~ 0& we :.. · ··: ·,:·~· 2855,,4 Adverse-decisions. . . · . . \ .. ) u use was continuous, taking into , 4 '' info~ation~ b(yd.)the Nativ.e ~~obratidon. · . ~-. AWJlhoriay. Alaska Claims Settle~~nt Act of account. thte typ 1 e otif use, t~doughodut the · >.. . . · ... _l;i · Paragrapu conce~mg we ~ en · ... 1971 (4J u.s.C..lOOl et seq.) •. ~ .. · · appropna e se ec on peno : an :. ·~ , . ~:~ .of proof on the y as a reworkmg of . . . · . .., · •. . · . ..' ' · (3) If the function of the holding · , : ; :~: ·P.~ragraph"(c](1 second and third · &JbPart 21)55<-f®derall~stailatloi'll agency issim..iliar to that of th!ll Federal . sentences of paragraph (d), and · :...· · • · .··.:. ·· · ·'•., · ·: · ·"' .· ' · agency using the lands as of December -paragraph(e)ofthepmposed -.····•.'<· ._!f265SA-::t·.Authority •.. ..:'>';. · •· 18,1971. · '··· . ··. - rulemaking, This stipulatiqn resuHed .; . · · Section 3(e](1) of the act provides that .(b) Specifications for area to be· · . from one comment. . · , • · ... ;·:;~:.:::,1~~~,11.?./ ·the Secretary shall !feterinine the . retained by Federal agency., '. · Paragrapb(e) is a rewrite of . · .. <:'.~smallest practicable tract enclosing land · (1) Area shall be no.larger than . graph (h}' which clarifies poinls of. . . •. actUally used i..ti connection. with the · reasona~ly.necessa.ry to support the·· sioi!..on the issuance ofdecision · ·. ·• · administration of Federal.fustallations agency's use. · · ' ·· • .documents that were raised m several of . in Alaska. ' : .·"·: ·. ·: :. ~··. , .< , · ' · · ·. . (2) Tracts shall be described b ~·.the comments... .. ·. ·:< .::,, ~-·:.'~: ...;.\~·, ··~·~} ·· .. ., · ·' .;.:·' •·· ··:,:· . ':) ...... ' ... ,,.'. Survey (or portion thereof). smal · The disctuisioti cifwhetfier.land snounld' . § 2654~5~ . Da111nltfon@., ~: : ,, !'-~ ·~ .· ,.,;'"aliquot part. metes and bounds or . · be retained In ·full fee.or' as. an. esusement ·. ~ ' As uaied in thlil subpart. the tenn: · · .. protraction diagram. as appropriate. ~ as provided In paragraph (c}(2) of ~e . · ·_.:: , .. (a) ~·Holding ag'fmcy'~ means any· · · {3) Tracts may include: . ·. · ... : > .. ·-. pl'oposed rulemaking has been de.a!t · · · '· :·: Federal agency claiming use of a tract of. {i) Improved lands: · · : ·:-'; ' . ·~ w.ith in the criteri~ !i~C.~~:'L ~.,., :.:: :;:;~t~~-l~d subject .to .these re~ations7 · (iirBuf!er zone surrounding improved · >;;i:..n · · ~-·;.-:"' ·· · •. :"::·tA.':'~:· ;~;;,,·,:::,);.:.-.f:':' (b},'"Appropriate selection:penod.. 'lands lll.lllsreasonably necessary for .. ... .rr.~AVerse J!.RIC1S10!!llil · ·~~· ... ; ........ ,..~ ... ,.,_ . · .,, · · ~.1 • d h , t ·· .· .i.. .. , .-. : ~ ... / .. h· . · .. ~ ; .. ~,: · ::."'.:.·~·.•~eax:a:.we. ~s.tutory pr ... 5 .... ato~ peno purpases sue as S~1e y me~sures, · · < •• ~". '· .. . . . Jhia section 1s almosr u:fentical to. the 1. ~ withm which the lands were avallable mamtenance, secu.nty, erosum control, . ·proposed ru!emaking. One a,ddition to. ·.:···.·!or Nalive·selection under the act; · noise·pmtection and drainage; ·f.".. · · · . . , paragraph j).)'i~ that the StateD!re~tor; ~;,. (c.r·state Director'~ means the ·: : ' ' (iii) Unimproved lands u.sed for . . • Alaska; be noh.fied of the .Secre,tllry ~ ........ Director, Alaska State Office. Bureau of storage; . . · · · · · decisioh.·-· .:i~ ·' -·-. : · ... ,.~~.-:~:'~~;,;'·:..::.Land Management . · -·. .. . • · .· . · (iv) Lands containing gravelm: other .. 'Paragraph (b) of §"2655.4 was''•.;: .''·;:"l<o .• C!'i. ' ' ···.:.: •. ,. ; :· . ~ .. ,_, : •... : :- 4 .•. , -materials used in direct connection with . ·:·modified because the comme~ us'. . . . ~·:: 7 · f 2555.1 Lands 8Ubl,.ct to detemllnatl~l'l. the agency's Pl.U'JlOSe and not used . suggested thatbaseless appeals mtght . .. (a) Holding agency lands located simply as a source of revenue or . be filed on any.determination that w~s .~ . .'.,within areas ~ithdrawn by sections services. The extent of the. areas· objectionable to a Federal_agency o~r a .".: · 11(a)(1); 16(a), or tB(d)of the act and reserved as a source of materials will be · . :Native interest. ~Jso, the (U'st sentence .. ,,,., subsequently selected by a village or · the area disturbed but not depleted as of ~::'W8S:Changed 'to,indJcate ~at·l;flis .': .. ~·,:;:;_;; reiPonal corporation uriqer. aecti'ons 1.2 the date of the end of the appropriate ~·provision appli'es·whether the appealts · ,.·.or 16. orselected by the regional. . · · · · selection period: and , ·. · · ·~ · · · .·loqged br an agen~r.· ~r_.~~~~:~V,,i:::i·g~t;_,:.;~~i: corporation under ~actio~~ 12. or 16, 01' .. ;:. (~)-l~ds _used by anon-governmental;· .. corporation. ··~· · : ! •• ·: J; :::: .• : .. ·:::~ ·i:!'-."'':.fr•;;.t=!{l&elected by the regmnal corporation for enti~ or pnvate .person for· a use that · . ·. · ~ditori~l chang~s af!!d~correctton~.~..: .... ~~ ,,, southeast Al~ska in accordance with has a direct. necessary and substantial .· hav~ been made as,;necessa~. .. : ;.~ ·,. •.;/ section 14(h)(8)(B) arcrsubject to a . connection to the purpose of the holding .: .. · Tlie principal author o£. this final:: ~·.::,:·~"!:determination made under this subpart. agency but shall not include lands from -rule making is Beaumont' ~cClure. , . r:. i ~!1 . (b) Landa in the National Park System. which proceeds ofthe lease, permit, · ... ·Alaska Program Staff;asststed ,by the.,;· •.. ,. lands withdrawn or reserved for ,' _ . : contract, or other means are used · :··~·staff of thirOCfice of Legi~lation and.' .:: ::national defense pUrpOSes ·imd those primarily to derive revenue: . . ,, .. :'·Regulatory Management, Bureau of Land fomiel"lnd.!an reserves elected under (c) Interest to be retained by Federal . Management an.d _Susan Shands of the . section19 of the aict are not subject to a agency. . ·· · · . · ·~Office of _the So~tc.tt<?.~· D.~partm~~t.~~ ili:~>-·determination under section 3(e)(1) of (1) Generally, fu1l fee title to the tract :: Interior. : ... :,· l' ·:;.;.~,' .• ·~-' .. 4'-"-':.:.:~:~·~i:~~ the act or this subpart. Lands withdrawn shall be retained; however, where ~1e · ... ~·Not;;. The Dep~rtment of..the Interior has · under section 11(a)(3) or 14(h}, except tra,::t is used primarily for access, • detennined that this document is not a · ·14(h)(8){B), of the act dq not include electronic. light or visibility dear zones ,:. · aignificant regulatory action requiring the lands withdraWn or otherwise ·or right-of-way, an easement may be · .• p!'eparatlon of a regulatory analysis under appropriated by a Federal agency and. · reserved in lieu of full fee title where the •:·., Executive Order 1~ ~d. 43 ~_Part, 1.41.. '· therefore. are not subject to a . · ·. State Dlrectol' determines that an . . Under the authority of the Alaska detennination under section 3(e}(1) of : ease~,Denf affords sufficient protection, . Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (43 . the act of this subpart. ··that an easement is customary for the ~ . ' ~ . . . ' ..... ' ·~."' ·.- ...... · ..... • '· .. ; ' .. ·' I· :: •• ' 'It!> •• ; :...·. c.._ • .. . ' D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / Vol. 45, No. 206 I Wednesday. October 22. 1980 I Rules ~u1d Regulations 70207. u~e and that It wculd·further · corpor~tion shall be as provided for the obtectives of the act. ,. . agency in i 2655.3(arof this title, but .. , -:. (%}Easements resel"'/ed In lieu of full · shall commence from the date of receipt ~· .. -:fee tide shall be reserved under the of the latest copy ofthe holding agency's .• provisions of section 11(b) of the act arid · submission. : · :. · . _ · '· · • -§2.650.4-7 of this Iitle. • .. . .· ., ~ -~ . .' .. , • ... (d) 'The holding a.gerucy has the burden · : · •. ' · ·. = : • ·-• ·. -:-:· .. , '·-··' of proof in proceedJirng9 before the State .:-~ '· § 2655.3 104iltfll"ff''IMtlon pmeoouli'lil& . . .. · · Director under this subpart. A .. , ~ .' · . . -(a) 'The Sta.te DirectorahaU make. t!te . . determination of the. lands to be . . . determination pursuant to the pro~sAons _ retained by the holding agency under · · .. · . in this subpart. Where sufficient : .. section 3(e] of the· act and this subpart :· · . infonnation has not already been . , · ·shall be made based on the iruonnation ·. provided. the State 'Director she.ll' issue· . · available in the case file.· If the holding .,·. : written notice to any Federal agency-:. 'agency fails to present adequate ·• · ..... :: which the Bureau of. Land Managem~~t · informs tion on which to. base. a ··' has reason to believe might be a holamg . determination, all lands selected shall ;. : ; . agency. The.written notice shall provide be approved for conveyan~ to the · ' .. that the information requested be . , ·.'selecting Native corporation. · :. fum.iahed in triplicate to the State . · · : ·.·(e) The results of the determination . . ... ··Director within 90 days from the rece1p~, : shall be incorporated into appropriate .·},;; . ·. of the notice. Upon receipt of · ··~;: .. decision documents. .. ~ - ; .. : · ·. information the State Director will ... . . ~· · · · · · ·, - : ; ... -: . · promptly provide affected Native . . ' ; .i 26~4 A<tfYQ.nllll decision& · · .. : corporations with copies of the , , · ·. . (a} Any deculion adverse to the documents. Upon adequate and . / ··;.holding agency. or Native corporation jWitifiable showing as to the need for an · . ·shall become fmal Wlless appealed to ·extension by the holding agency, the· ·. the Alaska Native Claims Appeal Board State Director may grant a time · · ·:. in accordance with 43 CFR Part 4. . . ·,extension up to 60 days. to provide the •· . Subpart J; If a decis~on is appeated; the . ··, · ... : information requested in this subpart. · Secretary may take personal jurisdiction . '•"-:..·. · ·. · (b) 'The information to be provide~ by . · over the matter in_ accordance with 43 ~ ~-:·., . the holdmg agency shall include the . . . : tFR Pm4.5. m the ease of.appeals ~om · :··· .: . .-· ·following for each tract w~~ ja: subject.:: affected Federal agencies, the Secretary ... ~::,·ito determination: · · ·~ ;::·~:· ••·.·· ~ ... ;~{may 'take jurisdiction upon written '· ·.>:,;; · ...... · (1)-'The function and scop~:~f ~"!·: . .:.<..,..:-~;:request from the appropriate cabinet : ... ·:.,.;. •·.: lnsta.Ualion; · . ··: ,:.:;;:~.;;:·'::"'lf~'':J.':-: ·~·revel official; The requesting official, the ::;· . .::·.:.'::·. :·.:(2) A plottable legal des~ptlo~J)f .. the , State Director and any. affected Native . : .' lands used: · · · :<:: ·,·,•·'·'·;·"t:.'··.~';l . ..;:~l'·:;:.:,~f{'l:oa,}oratloia'shaU be notified in writing .. · (3) A list ofstructures or other· '1 ·.;. _,·~.-·:ofthe Se~tary's decision regarding the· .<-·.:;· · alterations to the character orlands and . request for Secre~arial jurisdiction and ' ..... : their function. their location on th~ tr;tct. •: ,the reasons for the decision shall be :;;,: ·. and date of construction:·· . : : l .... ~:::·,\:~ cammUn.icated in wiiting to the · . (4) A description of the use and. . · .::·requesting agency and any other parties function ofany unaltered lands; · • · • 'to the ·appeal. , · -· · · . :-: t.s) _Alist of any rights, interests or . (b).When an appe~J: to a decision to. · pe.x:.mxtted ,uses ~e agency has grante~ . ·.issue a conveyance is made by a holding ,: to ot.h~rs,·includm_g other Fed~ral . . :: . agency or a,Native corporation on the 'agencxes, along Wlth.dates of Issuance..! .. · .. basis that the Bureau of Land · ·: !~ .. , and expiratiqn .and ~opies o!~Y.. ;~,; .•.. :h~=.Manag~ment neglected to mak~ a ...... :. relevant do~ent~, :-.-· · . · : -:.~··.·determmatfon p~uant to sectlon 3(e)(1). ~i. :. .· ·, · (6) If a:vailable, ~1te plans, drawmgs · , . of tlie act. the matter shall be remanded fi ·-an~.annotated·aenal pb~~ograph~ . . ,; by the Alaska Native. Claims Appeals . ·~ debneafi.ng the bounda:nes of the · . 7. Board to the Bureau of Land 1 '. ·Installation and location~~:oq!~~·~,':.~~ :.: Mamigement for a detenninalion . · q used: and . , ''" ·~-·-= · ·<··. ~· .. ·: · .. pursuant to se·ction 3(e}(1}"of the act and h'.'"'. (7) A narrative explan~tion: stating. . .. these regulations:. Provided, 'That the ~~ .: . ·. w~en Federal ubst; of eaclid arfetha belgand, holding agency or Native corporation . ( . , . · · wnat use was emg ma e,o e an s bas reasonably satisfied the Board that .\\ .. . ~.·,as of December 18, 1971: whether· any .. :. its claim is not frivolous.· -~ ·. <~ ·action has taken ·place between . · ·. . . · .. . 'r'·· ··. D b · 181911 andtheendofthe {FROce.8ll03ZiliWll'lledto.n~a:45 •ml " ·' ec~ er ' • d th ld ·wwHG COOl!! 43t~ appropriate selection perio at wou . reduce the area needed, and th~ date. ~ · · .... _ _;..:-·~ ·... _ this .action ocCWTed. · · ... < · ~ · ·.· . :: .. · ..... ~· (c) The State.Director shall request .. , .-. . " .~--; ··~ t-·•• ·-·~ i ., ·• · comments from the selecting Native . ·. : .. ·.> .. ~. ; .. ·.·;:.: · · · .• .-corporation relating to the identification . ,. . - . --- . ;.;· .. " oflands requiring a detennina.tion. The . , , , . "·: · ·_ · . · : :· -period for comm~n~ by the Native · · · .. : .. _· -~ ~ ~. . . -. ... . . '.:: . "-~ . .::. ·:.. . ~·"" ·~ ::~ ... ·-:: .. ··: .• ~! ·:· •• ' ":-•• ~.... • • "".:, ·.~ --~ .. ••. :· ' ... ; ~~> ~~>::\-:·~· . .. ~ ,: -· .:.-:· ~ ... _., . ·: ... ·~··~ . ~:. . . , . . .. , ... :··.:. ' ' ; · . .''·.,. ·::: ... r '>,;'.-''· .. '<~:::·:-. . .' '·! ~· . ·.;r 4 ·-~·'. "'-'.:·,..:}··.-.~ .... _ . . ..~ .... ·· '- : .i ;.: .. ,.: ....... _ '. . -~ .... . ( : ... -. .. · _ ... _ .. __ . . : . ~.:-:~ ,:;..;.',•': ' •. •.• >· . , "·. {.· ~--: :.~ ' . ·. ··: :: ~~· ~: .. : ;;·.~ :.~~·~-~} .. • L'( .. \ .. •:. J. ·.·,. ..... ' . -.. ....,; ', ... ··, ., . ' ' .... ,._ : 1 ·, :··. ·~ ' • :. , 'r• •• t. • '· !' • ' ....... :.· .... :·~ •' ' . . .~· ~ .;..;._ :::: ... ::"" : ' ~:. ·.: . .:. , '· ...... .:-~{~.' ~· ·r '. . · ..... :.,.' . .. ~< . .-... ··::· • . ~ t,~_:;:.;· J~. .... ,• • 1.. . ';" . ... -•1'., ·~:~ ,: ···". . . · .. .. ' . . u D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANALYSIS. OF ECONOt~IC DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ON ALASKA NATIVE LA.NDS .AND;· . · LIMITED. RESTRICTIONS ON THESE LANDS AS DEFINED FOR. DEVEL08MENT BY P.L. 92-203 ANCSA, P. L. 93..:153; P. L. 94-204, P. L .. 94-456, P. L. 95-178 -P. L. 95-600, P. L. 96-55, and P. L; 96-487 ANILCA D2 RESEARCH PAPER ONLi not to b~ used as an official position of the State this paper represents the findings of the author ·only and requires legal review for validity cf findings. Sruce o Rerj,=1rd ~·1a. i'Ch 27, l9R?. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 P, L. 92-203 12-18~71 ANCSA · Sec. 2(b) De~laration of Policy Real Economic and social needs of natives, without litigation, '""ith · maximum participation by natives in decisions affecting thP.ir' rights and · property~ · Sec. 2(G) No provision.of t~is Act shall be construed to termin~te or otherwisecurtail the activities of the Economic DeveTopment Administration or other federal agencies conduc:ting loan or loc:ri c1nd ·grant progr.qms in Alaska .. F01~ this purpose only, the terms ~'IndiRn Reservation'1 and "Trust or restricted Indian-owned land areas 11 in Public Law 89-136, the Public Works Bnd Economic Development Act of 1965. As amended, shall be 'interpreted to include lands granted to natives under this Act as 1 ong as such .1 ands remain in the owners flip of the nati villages or. the r.eg ion a 1 corporations. Corporations Sec. 7(h){i). Organized undel~ the laws oftbe State of Alaska rr.s a business corpqration for profit.·. (See Sec. (7)(0)} .. (Canntlt s.ell stock· or u.se · .collateral until December 19, 1991.) · 7(0). Report.to Secretary of Interior, ."andthe Committees on· Jn riot and Insular Affairs of the Senate and the House of Repre~entative. (Note here is con~ern that ecbnomtc development is revi~wed by Congre~s) (Does not apply to villages because villages.are responsibh: to the Region;) · Statute of. mitati ons SRc. lO(a): The right, Ti11e and interest of the Uri States~ the natives.and the State of Alaska will vest ''lith certai!'llY and finnlity i!nd may be relied upon by all other per·sons in their relations. vtith State, the natives, and the United States,·• (Note het~e natives·rights . supetsede state ri~h on economic viable land s~e lO(R)). Sec. 10(8). In the event that the State.initiates liti tion en~· voluntarilv becomes a oa.rtv to l itig.ati(m to contest the c.:uthc 1·ity of the Uni "states to legislate on the subject matter or-the le£!ality of this act, all riahts of land selection qranted to the State thP i~1ask.a Statehood~ACt shal.l be suspended-as to any public lands v:hich il:'e determined by the Secretary to be potential valuable r mine a! development, timber, or other commerci2l purposes, and no se ections shall be made, no tentative approvals shall .be grahted, and. n pa cnts shall issued for such lands during the pending o~ such lit gat on. · ( 7 ? <:;·~at a LB. 1 iSC. ·p .. er 21 no to' · .... ~ ...... ""' • _; ' ,U . ' I ~ .':"" .. .1. l ._ l 2 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D· 0 0 0 0 0 0 Convevance of lands Sec~ 14. (f). Provided the right to explore, develop or. remove minr?rals from the .s.ubsurface estate in the lan.ds within the. boundc.ries of any Native village shall be subject to the consent of the village corporation. (Village powers over the region). · Sec. 14{h)(l). Cemetery sites, Historical Sites (Conveyed to natives for their mana:gementand ownership) (Archaeologi.cal sites i.ncludP.d). .,Joint F~deral-State Land·use Planning Commission for Alaska. S.ec. 17(10)(.0)(1). Federal D-1 Lands not closed to n(ltive sP.lections. Sec. 17(IO)(D)(2)(A) .. Creation of the D-2 Bill not barring native villages to select lands in these areas; only regional corporations. (This· is. the cri ter.ia that set the· stage for environrnenta L ptotecti on for the future so that the natives and the State could select the lands they needed for economic development.).. · · Revoca tion .. of Reservations .Sec. 19(a); Revoked all reserves in Alaska: except .~etlakatla Indian Cofnmun i ty. TaY.c. t i ori Sec. 21(8). Stock not taxed ~tan~ level of Government. Sec. 2l(C). Receipt of land or of c~sh in order to eq11alize the vi',ltiA of properties exchanged pursuant to Sec. 22(f) exempt from taxation. Sub~equentsale of land can only be taxed on that difference of the · yalue of .land at time of receipt and the .sales prices for' pro 1: or· loss. Sec. 21(0). · Undeveloped land 20 years from d~te of receipt bcco~es subj to taxes at that time. f'1 i see ll aneous . 22(~). All valid exi ng rights on native land~ must vr bee~. acquired prim' August 31, 1971. (Homt~steads, fll~r~dqual~ter:: s _Gs, trade and manufacturing sites, small tract sites and mining cl?.ims. '; ~nd must also fulfill all requirements of th~ lAw prorFcui te to obtaining a Federal patent.) ((;-). t1!ational 1-/ildl i Refuae i.s the only .stipulations r tal ',:;ntrol to development, \vhe~e natives havP l;:;rd selections. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJ ,' .. o··. D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sec. 22(K) is the only stipulation relating to timbr.r resources ovmed by natives on ~ational forest, Th~t they must manage and .protect thr enhancement of environmental qua.l ity no less stringent thCI.n such 1~1anagement practices on adjacent na.t ion a l forest lands for a period of twelve years. · . Saving Clause Sec. 26 to the extent that there is a conflict between any provision of this Act and any other Federal laws applicable to Alaska, theprovisions of this Act shall gov~rn. P. L. 94-204 January 2, 1976 "Temporary L<emption from Securities Laws 11 . . Sec. 28 ncit subject to the Securities Act of 1933, Investment Compun.Y Act 1940 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 until DecembPr :n, 1991. . . . Sec. 12(a).· The purpose of th.is section is to provide .for. the settlement ·of certain. claims and in so doinq to consrl idate .ownershiD a~cing the United States~ the Cbok Inl~t Reg~on, Inc. and the State o~ .· A·laska, \•Jithin the Cook .Inlet area of Alaska in order to facili.tatr. land management and to create land ownership patterns which encourage settlement_and development in appropriate areas. (Condition~ of a l<·nd e x c h a n g e . Feder a l , S tate a n d Nat i v e s . ) · Sec. 12(E). The Secreta.ry may, not vJithstanding any other provisicr~ of law to the contrary, convey title to lands and interest in lands .selected by Native Corporations Viithin the exterior boundaries of pO\·/er stte classification 443 Feb~uary 13, 1~58~ to such corporations, subject to the. reservations r~quired by Section 24 of the Feder~l Power Act. This convevarce shall be considered and treated as a conveyance under the Settle~ent Act. (Susitna Project area,) Sec. l2{F). All conveyances of lands mad~ or to be made by the State of ;\laska in s2tisfaction of the terms and conditions of the document rr~ferred to in Subsection (B) of this section sha1 1 pass all of the State's right, title, and interest in such lands, including the minerals therein, as if those conveyances were made pursuant tn Section ?((T) of the Settlement Act, except that dedicated or platted section ltne easements r:nd right-of-way and other ri ghts-e:f-v;ay ma:-; bP. n::~t>rlfeci to the State. s:ec. 15(a). Note he.re Congress had t..o s'·pe lTY re·str.1ints to r·lati\'P. selections on Kodi~k Island that werP on N tional P~rk l~nd~ by PLO 5119 stating the conditions on development to p ot~ct ~hQ ~c0logy rr0n1 pennnnent hai'm. 4 J J J 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P. t~ 96-~87 ANILCA December 2, 1980 Purpose~ Definitions Sec. lOl(C} to provide the opportunity for rural residents e11gaged in a subsistence way of life to continue to do so. {Allowanc~ for subsistence use to continue.) Sec. 101(0). This Act provides sufficient protection for then nnal intl:rest in the scenic, natural, cultural, and environmental values on the public .lands in Alaska, and at the same time provides adequ,ltr: opportunity. for satisfaction .of the economic and soci a 1 needs. of thr State of Alaska and its people; accor~ingly, the desig~ation and disposition of the public lands in.Alaska pursuant to this Act (Native Land Claims) are found to represent a proper balance between the reservation of national cons~rvation sy~tem units and those public lands. necessary and appropriate for·more intensive use and disposition and · thus Congress behooves that the need for future. legislation designating new. conservation system units··ne¥i NationalConservations areas or nevJ national recreation ~reas, has been ob~iated hereby. . . . -. . . . (ltis ·interesting to note here the intent of Congress is for ecoriom development on remaining fede.ra 1 lands in Alaska and this seem interest is applicable to the Native and-State Lands but more so. to the. native .. lands. as defjned in ANCSA.) · · · It must be made clear that Native lands arenotpublic lands, t.hey are private lands and enj.oy the same rights asthe Sta on its 1ar:ds, and other rights that ANCSA has given them. They are not subject to the Subsistence laws, and can close these l ancts to hunting pressures rr trespass of any. nature. It is· by an Act of Congress and a ia taxation issue that.economic. development will· toke place on Native lands between now and 1992 dr twenty (20) year from date of con~eyance and pressures from shareholders who will want a return an their stock hol~ings. · · Sec. 103((). No lands ~·Jhich, before, on or after the date of enactment of this Act are conveyed to the State, to any. natiVe Corporation or to any private party shall be subject to the re.gulations app1icab1e solely to public lands within such units. Sec. 708(4) unless expressly authorized by Congress, the Department of Agriculture shall not conduct any further statewide roadless area revir-:'.'1' and evaluation of Natio.nal f='orest System lands in the Stn.te oft1li1Sk<: for the purpose of determining their suitability r inclusir·r. ~n .r.he National Wil rness Preservation Sy Sec. 80!(4) in order to ful 11 the policies and ourposes of the Alask2 !l ive-Clain1~. Settletnent P.c-t ari·d· as:~· mntter tif equ~it~!, .it is r·e~e.ssar:/ l' the Congress to invoke its Constitutional authcrit.y over nat~vr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 affairs and its Constitutional authority uoder the property clause ilnd the Commerce c_l a use to protect and pro vi pe the opportunity for .cant i nued subsist~nte uses on the public lands by native ~nd non~native rural ~esidents~ · (5). SubsistenC..e way of life require that an administrative sb·ucture be .estab.lished by' the. State. Sec. 901(a) .. Submerged Lands Statute of LimitCition. Native lands that the water covering such parcel is not nilvigable, shall not be subject to judicial determination unle.ss a civil action is fillPd in theU .. S. Di.strict Court within fiveyears·of interim conveyance. (Reference 67 Sta:t. 29 Nav i gab 1 e as determined by. GU1.) Sec. 904(d)(1)(?.} Tax Moratorium. Developed, leased lands, to third parties tl1at are native lc.nds can be taxed immediately, all.other lands have a twenty (20) year rind .from date of conveyance. Sec. 906(N)(2)(3). Cook Inl.et Regions .Rights to land selectior1s ... · P. · L ~ 94-204 q re ~upertor to the State .. Natives have select~d-lands such as Susit~a that cnme under this. :Jec. 907. \>./hole sect ion Land Bank promise not to deve 1 op for a period · of ten years, etc. National Environmental Policy Act . Sec. 910. The NEPA Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 852) shall not be construed, i~ whole or part, as figuring the preparation or submission of ~n environmental impact statement for withdrawal-s, conveyances, regulations, orders, easement deterrninatiof1S, or other actions 'tihich lead to the issuance of conveyances to natives or native corpornt·inns, pursuant to th~ Alaska. Native tlaims Settlement Act or this , nothing in this section shall construed a~ affirming br deDying the validity any \vithdrawals by the Secretary under Section 14(h)f3) r;i= the Alaska Hative Claims ttlement Act. Sec. 1307(a),(8),(1),(2),(3). Revenue ProducinC) Visitor' rvices :lative Rights to develop, manage arid hire on Federal 0 Lands. c . 1 311· ( . \ ..;ec. • .i a). Scenic Highway StGdy . nsmission ine Susitna could have an imoact. · to ',~atana cou d have an impact.· Not· effected at Dena·l i Hi present. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D . . Sec. 138 Archaeological Preservation Native assistance and technical advise for pre~ervation, display and interpretation of cultural resources. (Recognition of native ownersh.ip' and management responsibility.) Sec~ 1323(a) Access The Federal Government to provide access to private land~ under fhe Federal Land Policy Management Act 1976 (43 USC 1701-82). Sec. 1410~ Interim Conveyances v1ill be treated with the same risJhts as patented land to natives only. The author's 'opi[lion is that the lands conveyed to Native Alnsk0ns are economic development lands and that. any State laws or local zoning lav1s to do otherwise or procedure to b 1 ock access to ni1ti ve lands for economic development would be in violation o~ the (onstit~tional ihtent of Congress and the ACts Telated to the issuance of Native Lands .. 7 0 0 o· 0<. . 0 0 0 0 0 D -· . Published: o3716/72 No.:: ·52 VoL.:. l>:r!je : (P:d.lllll Lilnd Or1icr 517·1]. ALASKA 37 5576 Withdr~wols ·for Sulcciiom !Jy Vil!oa~ Corocrotions cmd Rc{lionnl Ct•r;-o~ roti~n in Cc.clc Inlet R1!0ion 1:md. (r,r ClossHI.:~.~Hon for lc111ti:1 i:l \'iiih· ·· drawals · · Tiy virlt:e. ol the r.uthority ·;p:;tc<l ln the SecL·etnrY of thu Iutcticr ill s~el!on l1C:tl (3) of tile .A!:';~k.1 i'Llt!YC C!.,im!> l}l'lllemcnt Act, IJ5. Sl;\1. ,;~J. GOii Ch:·n:~ il~nfll.'r cn\Jcd the "Act."), i'. i~ onl~rc<d as IQllo•.':s: · · _ 1~ SUL'}_(:(;t. t~l \·~!icl c;7.i:d_i:~~ J·:~~-i:~-,~-·;t ... ~~.: prior ~!Pproprt~Hon~.--_L.c foLo\. \nb ,'·•' .... ";) cril)cd i~1i1ds :ere llc:ri:bY \':1!:1dr:F;n .;·G_:n nll· ftJr1l1~· o( i7\ijni·~\')ri~UC•rt · 1~n:r\r~,· · tnc. ,,ubHr htni.i·h~tv~;. _incJl~:Hn~i :;,~k·el:nn:.: .b:;l'; tile st~1t~. cr A!aFka und··: Uw. /~:l:~~=b~ i. r-t) r•f. !· .... ~'"' 'l" •f fr~··11-. sr.~·,tcl:!\h~d r.c'-·~ , ..... ...:: ... :!i.o.· ·"'''··'· ............. :· ~ lcc:\t.i~1t-:~.nd cntT~, UtHl~r !~·.c ~-nt:~-~nr~ .. 1~''::;. :10 .l.:J.B_.(.: .. _ Ch_ .. 2, n.ud· fl·~:_t~~.t ;c·.~,·~_, __ n:' mule:· t.hc r-::ncrnl Lc:tc:i:1:; Ac: of Fi:h· l'U'll'l' '>~, F•"~O as :ti~H!llC\Ccl, 30 H.fJ.C. i.c~t:ixn~;~idi.::_2ll7 (Hl'i0', nnd. :-.rc l:::rcby l'Ci:iern:d: f<iJ fol' scl<.;;~:on um!c!· :;-:c- Lion 1::! of s~tid Act hy th::: ,;rm1oraUon:> csta.bii~hetl iJilrsunat t<"f sc1:Uon1J o! :;t.ld ·Act. fo1· t!1~ .v:llnr;\:S lH:.rnrd l)t•k•W <ll~rr..: 1n:lflc1· C::l\llcd . ''Vi1!n>(a . C0rp:>n!1.10!ls''l ; nn<l ·(b) rcr' l'cn1l<'<":'.~i.:nl to Vll~•:i:c Cor-·· porat!<:Yn;: lHHic-r section 1:?.(1Ji of ::>:\id l-.ct' 15y the cot·por.\ticn c:.~nhlishc!l put·- sn:mt t.o s•ortiOI&. 7 of s::uct Act "-·~ the ·· Rc'•ic•nn t corpor;\f.ion . for the :-.ppt·c:-:1-· mntc 1\l'N\ covered. b;r ! he O]iCl':ttio:ms of ·the: cod: Inlet .'\;;sec in Uo:-1. (said corpora- tion bdng rc!crrect to hercln:l.ftcr :•.:;. tlw "RC6ionnl Corp~rnUon'.') : n.. ·Tronck: SEWARD Mr.ntDIA:; PtiOTR~C'!"T.t». DT.SC~II"'rtO~S T. 10 N .• n. 16 W. (W.%). . T. JON .. P.ll. 17 to 20W. T,ll N .. l·~s. 17 t<'J 20'W, .-T. l~fN., H:-:.· lG to 20 VI .. 1', J;l N., R!i. IG to 20 W. 'r. 11){., P .. ~ ... lO. to :o \V. ·r. 15 z;., fi<~-l!i to 20. w. '1':'16 N:. I!;;. i~ to ·:1.0 W. T.17 N., H.~. 15 ~o20 W. T. !3 ~:., rc:J. lfi to ?.0 w. T. 1a H .• Hs. !~ to lll W. ·r. 20 N.~ n:-t. l:S to IT\V. Hit~te!)': .~!r~:l·,sao ncrc_s .. b. Ekhtt!H\.~ S~\\~-AnD !.!t·:tw._TOf,\:-t I-'P.OTnA'Cl"F:n c~:~C:tiVTIO!t!l 'I'. 12 N .• f'_'>. ·I anJ 5 !':. '~· ~:} ~~-; 1!··~· ·~ t"-.1 ~ l~; '1 •. .tA •. L. t.;,, '4 to , h .. '!'. 1!J:-r.. to.G 1·:. ·r. 1u N .. n,~. to tv:>. T. !'1 N'., ~-,._~,. •t •.o tn I·~.· "r~ in N ... n;;. 4-tt.) ro :r:. •1\ 1.0 H., I?"":. 1; n.rut-7 F~. R<~fcrcncn· No. PLO. r!o.: Ct.< to PLO ~il.gned: 'I\ ~~o· N .. n.: a J~. ·r :n N., v~. i to 5 P.. . .. 'I'.:::!.~ .. ns.l.to ·) i·:. . · T·,::!:l!i.,H.ll':. . ·r. 21 n.. H.~ •. l n.ud.:: w. T. 2:l"H ,li:J, ! :md. :l \'/. 5174 03/09/72 Tho ~\1·t;rr, dt:::crlhcd. ~·\t.:.;rc:;nlcr, · np1n·oxl--. 2. Aft.f'r c::~Gh Vi!lar.o GonJorn.tio.~l has C'~}H'.t.t·~!':·:l it-"; rir;ht .... ; ()f ·,,;·~··lcct!on Hnr.h:r ~a:b:!r:•eU,;\··r;.I:.:!(t~.) f:nti J:.'!tlJ). Gf-!;._t.id .:\cJ.1 !n the. :1.te~, ;.-,:u.h~ir::..wn \n it .. 'i b-~~i:11f ia pa.rt.f!'.l"i\t~h-t. P~ .t.hi:~ \1r{:;.:o!". .;.:~id H·~·~~ionrd f:t"1~·porathrn ·nt;l~l ~t·Ic~:t. ·.::'\~,· or the r·.')- inninin~· !·u~~~ i ~n~dt:_!" k·ec! :on. 'I~ o! Silid ''d. ;i. i'ri~"lt' to the cc·!~vt·.-:~·:"!~cF:! of ~!l:>:"·oc th~ l~tnds ;~.·Hhd~·~vn1 "'b:r t!ti~: .·ordc_r-:to any Villi'l~;c Cotpm·,HiPn en· ~<n.irl. iti'~::on:t! C<r.-rmr;\(!on, t\,:·! l~md;; :•l1:1U b~ snbjcct to ndmillbl.r•.\tion !Jy the :Scct·cbry D{ the Jti!\'ri(:l' nm!cr ::;)p!kable J:w;s ~.ntl rc::;n- . lat.iom;, and hb nu!horit.:; t9 mnt~ ('On· tr:;.ci:; :lnfi to r:1·::mt lta·;es, P·~nnils; rlchts-uf .. ,·.·:1-:J. ·or h:\tC:l!Cnts ·~hi':.tl noL be· impr:!r:::d. h? '.his ·.•:!thd: ,-:,;r:\1. :\!)plic::..- tion:;.· !or lea:~~~;; iH1<~·~t~ th:-: ;.iith~~·~l Len:;~. in1r )\Ct. !~l:p1: .. t, '' Bl L!~ r~"'Jcr.tc·d !lr~tll this ... o1der ·is' mndifil~·.l or. tile kl:d:~ <''!'~ np'-· · PtOpt·iatc>ly c:Jn,.;.o;jOud to. p;:rmit rnincml. lcasin~::: · . ·• , . . '· ·· .· .. ···· · -· . . ·~. By. Yirtuc o! t.h(! autl:orl L}' vc:itcrt In !he t'l'!'::-!dr:at.:>.nd pm:?.t\<11\t. to f·:xcCl!- tivc oi·r!·~i: ~fu. 10355 of J:v<ay 2G, 1052 Cl'l l''.R. 13:; U, nne! ll~· vir tile or the mtlllcr-· !ty YC:>tld in lhc fccrdnry or thr) IIitcrior in scr.t.ion 17(c\)(l} of.s:::t.l<l /,ct, It is ordC'l'C(i (<.') fOlli)WS: . S~ll)jnct to Yitlirl e~:i::tin~ l'lf.M:;, the lnnds dcsc1·ibcd in:· par:1.1:r;:lph 1 of this order nrc llr:rchy witildrav:n rrom ail ·forms or npprcpri:>.tion •.mc:cr tl1.c pubiic lnnd 1::'.\'.'S, i!lcludin!: sclccti0113 b:.• the State of. Alnrka under .thn Alaska Stn~.;­ hood Act, '12 Stnt;. 330, :md from loc.Hion ~ .. !1tl r.ntr:Y. undct· tho mhlillil' In w~:; 30 . U.S.C. Ch. 2, and ft'om lc!' . .sin~ uncler .lhc Mineral Lc:::;in;..; Act c.f Pdll'lll\£Y 25, l!l2ri, M o.m<:mdcd, 30 U.S.C. s.~ct:cms 181- ::!!l'l (1!.)'[0). b\lt. not irom sclc::ticn ]1 1.\<t'~ su:mt to scet-ioa 12 Oi said Act by COi"ilO- rati0ns foriw~d punm::mt to r.ection 7 or section 3 of Hr>.!d Act. :\nd r. r~ !~C'rc!J~· re- scl·vcd iot· study :t!l(lrcvic·.v i;y the Scc- rctnr:t of th~ Tlitcr:or fo:· tlti: pnrposc or clrus.>ificn~ic·n or rcclas.sific:ttion o! r.n:r lfu1ds not r.OlW~j·cd pnrsu:1.nt to section 11 or snid .!\r:t. · , · 5. IL i;; hereby dc!crmil~cd lh:t t the pror.n\l(;n.tio'n of Chis r:ublic 1.-:.mt <:<~··::cr is ll.Jt n ~~ntjcr -Fcci6t':t.l ?.cUcn. · si:n~lu ... c::mtl:r :l!'fC'ctim; l he qur.m:; c! •.!:·~ !lut•lan . cnvironnwn.r. :1.nd til,lt no (!.":~.' i!f:.i :;t:"..l<;- rnC.lt pn~· .. a.t~tilt t1) ·.:;:cl~un ··te:~(:n (C)_ of· ~l i•:; ~-;;~t-:L,;~:1J Z£,nvin1nnu:\\t:fl. ;.'.;.l!·i:.t ·} .. c: of .t~Jlh}, ;'.:! TJ.S.G., ~;cc~ian 13~:!f:::·) {( ;~ ::; rcctui rcct. · Roc~:;.:; C. TI. ~.~cR·.rc::, St<crcietr!t nf Ow Il!£cricr. . !>.IIA!!Clt (),19'12. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1. D 0 J J J J J J .. Fcdcr;.\1 R·:;~tJ~ntcc D~1tt\ ~---··-- PuhU.shcd: 03/16/72 Vol. .. : 37 52' [I"ubtic 'ttllld Orcl<;,. 51t!O} At.i\Sl<A 5583 1!viihdrav1ai uf Lc·nds kr Cl:.ts5ii'iC:t:!tlon uncl for Pr(Jiecli•1n uf rut..lic: luhucst • jr. !.~nds · B;Q-yirtneof tllc ?.utboriiy·,·~st~d in the Pre~idC'l~~ "!Jy P;e Act of .'·i,~:io:: !'!.5, 1910. ns as r~!nc:1C.~ .. d, ·~~ D.G··.C·. ~r.P• ~~: .... ~ ]tr1.-.<19701, :-.r.d parn,·,11t t.o i:.:;'!~·ut:\ Qrct•-r No. 10355 o( ~.fr::·.~ :;"'j, tr.~~:~ \i: i··· ·i~l3.1) ,-r.n.d lw '.irt~lf: o! the >iut!':or!!v n·.<il<'rl in the· S·t~c::·p~_::tr.··. ot-the' J.i.11".r.;,_-ifl:.: i)Y r-r:-Ct!or1 17 <d) ·(1) \ .. J~ th~ .. \!a!jkn !~r:t:·~-~ C"ln~.1ri.,"j S-::t .. t.1Cf~ic:..:ri, l,ct, 85 st.~'-· ~-~;~;, ,703. i~ is-. orccre~l ui rono··:o.·s: · · 1. Sub~.:ct to .~·:ilid r-~:l:1tinz ri;;llts. the !cE~:·;r;h1~ dcscr!b~d ;;,j·lrls-riro ht'rcbY, \-::ib.i{;rn\t·n. fron.1 ~n f0··:~1!.: -~: o.p;rorniaq -,dOii-U!:~Q(;'fthe t:i\tiJlic l~,_,tl-1 i.,:.:::.t i:.1:..·lu:\il:~ -~:~~l~·~.Uo!iE :~y the st11t·! ·r.! _~\~·1::1:r., t!!!c1cr t.b.~ .?~i0~ktl · ~.anf.f!hccd .:\ct. 72·· ~t:. t. 330, ~'.i'!'! · frt~nl .'ltJt·~.t1nn-_r.J:td t htr:\·-,r::!d~r-t\)c :~;;;,In~);: w~ :(~;;~-::j)~ !u ... \;:::;i;sTcinnr.Eal~ I.. --m;~m::Jiei'nJs-), 2~-:~"r.~:.(~. Ch·~--~~ r..ncl f.tom !c?::~itl~'! 'i)ild!~r 't!~~ ;~' ;-.-~nt·rr..i r t:'?~.~!ng t .. c.~·._(,f F~"~ryrua:-~;·~S. l~:t'•~:~:· -nmdri·.l~?J, 30 TJJ>~. ;el"!t)or"J:'! :lt!l-~·;:o.-; ,·1~~70). ~i1C· rr.re 1~;./:.:.C:· ·:r-e~t·~-:·, cd -for ~:L~L_l~~~ t:; ·:~c.L~r:!,int:f the-: -r:ro~~·:-, · -~~1~s!,fflc.aUsi1 oi. ~!'lC: htndtf t1ndnt ~ctt!c.i: ·:.-_~"i :ct: (.t··· · 01 t::-~,:a Air,.:.k~ 1-ifi~-t,~c t...1?.~_~:.f:_, ~.:\:.:'..1dii1~.~nt~ · ;\ct., ·anrl to ~~:::certai:-! 1:1". ~·.t'tt-H..::. ·::~_:·~~·~-z. in thn lr~ncl \~;hirh nnc-rl :;-~ :~ P~-~ ::-,a: T. l2 N .. n.. t) It:·. '1'.-~lz·l· ..• Y~.:i .. '/~ lO, qflci ll_E>l!;-a~tto:a.J). 1.\ 13 N., 'ttt. ·~·. ti.-l L :H'ttl 12 )::.- T. 12 l;.,l:{s, G n::<.i lfl r:. (f~-,cUbn::-1). T. 1·: ~·:-., Rr.. e, n, 1.1. o:1d 12 E. T. 14 l'?., n. :;o 1::. (fnctionel}. T~ HI N .. Hs. 9 anp.· 10 X::~ T. '<<j N., !~. 1 ~hl'Otl!jh l2 :r:. T. ~0 ~\ .. !-1~. 1 -~.brott~i!. : Z)':. T, 3llC Hs. 1 tl'rNu;h l::! :S. T. a_2 N .. H-1. 1 U1-!'0US!112 T!... T-. 23 N"' Rs.·l t.11t thli!l l ~ '!:. {l"rt-..!t.t.:.n.nlj~ '1\ J N .. 1-:~. 30. 61 't!ir.,u~~ GG ",r;. T. 2 ~., F,.c.;.':!G. Cl·thf0\!1,?;h D'-1 ., ... ,•. T~ 3 N., !=!.~. JG. Cl t:::r\:.1;~:lJ ~6 -r:::: ·r. 4 ~~ .. H~. :H·. ~3. 38,01 U:rf:lu~·h·eG ,v; "t"; 5 ~: .. R:). :n. t~ro~ir,h f·S. '"-'· "I'. G -N .• n ::;. en t1!rntt~~" ·G.: ··{/. 'r. 7 N .• ru. ro thr·:Ju~b. G;) N:. · T. 8 N .. R·s. GO t~-ro•1gh·u:; '\V. •r. !l N., ns. !'!l l·:·,;ou::;~l ~ l \". T. 10 N.* Hs. 5~ :hrC'',.'\g.:t,83 \\ .. , T. t 1 -r-;., n~~. ~~ nnd co \"l! .. T. 12~;:-L, U·;. ~\G !\l'ld eo.,, .... ~. ~r. 1~ ~-i--~ H:... ::.'3 thro1.,·.~l"!. 5:J -... '.", T. 11 ;-;., H:i: ~fl LhroU£:!i -~1~ \"":," T. 17 N.: ne. :.~ii nnd ;_f7 ·;.",,, ·ifr;:.c·. CJnc.O.· ~ .. ~.,:~·~.:.;PIS. 3~:-U:.n:.Hlt::~"". 3'1 V,"'; T. ltt ~':-, .. ~:t~\. ~-2 th·rout;:.!~:-27 V/. . T. 2D ;; . H:·:·_· :·)2 uuc· . .:':::-. ~.-; \\ .. '1'. ~;-~ ~~, Pr3 ~·:j-•,:"t1'tHt:~::. ~;,7 V·.''. ·:~, _:":: ~~ 'r: .. -. ~.;: l.l,r·.:·~.:;;:: .... --; ·:t. 8.6: P:.tge .l of :3 PJ~O t! :J.; : Date l'LO oit~r;:d: :·UlO 03/09/72 T. ~3 N.t nn./3:J,.i.1lrou~~ll !":7 \\.r .• 'l'. ~·'-~· .. J\'~. ?.3 t~1rn-.;1;h ;.!J \V·. T. 2.:;.-~-1 ·t~--t: :10 tlJ'r'.'n~l1 :~~ '."''{•. 1.• ... 2G N' •• It.;.;~~~-thtott·~-h :1n \V,· . '1"~-21" l·;~-· n~1. Z'l t.l\rcu~l1. :3.} Y-."~. ·r. 2S N .• J-~. ~8 \V·. '1.u. 2a H., l\5. 1 h:1d 2: 't,V~ T-._2o:N ... ~~ 25 -;.?· ·(:-;:-ar.tion!:..l) ~-T.~~91 ~~·., n:,._;G tll~\)t1{':ll ·_sa !ll1cl :lO fll!'OUZ~~ t •• J \\. . .T .. ~)') ~·L. fl...<J. 1 : .. r~.zi-2 YI. ·r. ~-t: 1:·.~ n. ;~t' ''t. t: :!\cti«_n;",l). , T . .:t•.l : •.~ n_!;. ~Q_ throttF.ll :';J :-.-n't 31; i.·lHt·~;;;h :n~ ,:,: .. ··r:· ~1 ::·~ n. 1 w. . ?,; \:.1 ;~·'-H_~';. 30 1..!~7~\:-~l\ :'::.! \7~ .l; :':·· !t. 1 w. . ,1 ~· ····) :~·· n.~. _::tCi t!·.::n:~.~, ~~z '"''" ..:.·: \."~ _J~~ •:-l::S~ 30_ !~ll~l;:?J··~:.r. ··· 1 .,•> ••. n_~. ·:-!··;;_ 3~. -TJ 1~\':'\'.\tgh 501 r.nc! ,.6! • thro:.:t:tlt t:!l \~.!'. T., :;·.,::;~l~'·;,-0 \"!f; sa, 4.~. tl:r,.u:·~ 50, :\:J.-1 c 1 :ii'lfti.l~~~iift~:~i}i:~~~~~;i: ;~ '.!". 11• i ..• n. 5~ 'a-. ·r. 1:: ;:~.~ r~s. 48 t.!:lrc-u?J•.s:r: .. --:. ·:'. ·1J ~;., n .. -~f1 \"''~ ".!.'. ]_ ·= s·. !-~. 1a '!>,7 • . ~.-lG_~ .. --~---~·/~~·~u<L 6r: -'-?~ (f:.·itCtioti~l). 'l' 17 c;., ... •14 ... , ':"'. i': ;;., Rr-. Gil ~.\t{ ll9 W,. (fr~.cMil!Wl). .,~. 1 o u.,'.n.~ .f.·l· \V'. . ·T.lilt'., !~r.. na c:~:! en w. (!:-ac:!.!::mrJ)• T.-!9 S .• I' . .s. ".c::J n.t1d ~"i \.f.., . ·r. :ilO s .. H:!. ~tJ n.::d ~~4 y;. T. :;o s., tl,. ·15"W. (!tc~ctt.:::n.'l.l). -T. !l~ ~"":, R. 40 W. (ftu.ctton~krr .• T.-~!7 ;;H 1i. •. '.!1 .. "'-.'"/·. -~!r~c:.tcn~l} .. T. 2f:: f:;., ?.,.-;. ·lG :u~"':J. 47 \\f. .T. ~~n s .. n .. -t7 vv. . T:· :JQ,~! .• p;i. _4C ;1.r..c:t -i:'1• \\1. T. 31 .>., i.?.:i •• ;;:, r.w147 W. 'P. 32 5 .• !(s~ 411 ~ncl 47· \'I:J, '1'~ 3~ 3., I!r.I."ili _t111-~·nl~h-·in W~ '1". :33'S., U.s,14 1-'~:0d ;;; (i.!";1-!:".ltJ1.Hl.l) .. ~r. J~ s., R:;. ·16. thrw .. 1;;·t-:. 5:.:! \"t~ T. :3·1 fi .• jts. 44 t".:H.l 45 ·(fr?.c.'t!OU9.l}. T,:l5 S .. R$.1!\ tllrrou-;ll 50 W. ~-~.r; __ ~-l~,J't..:"i. ·1·~ -~lHi !J5 \t:> (tr:tctioo~l}. '1 .. Ju d., Rs. ·1.3 '.l:i.fll\1(:!\ 5(l :md 52 ,.:l;ot:;l'h ~-~ Y!·.. ·-. T . .,jG ~., t,S. 4.v thro~:gh 47 -r.t;. li'r:.ct~C·It.'l.!j'. 'l'. 37 S., R.::. 4!) t:uou1::1 51 W. · · 1.'. 3": 3 .• ?.:f . .;s··-:::-onr;h ~3 ~''t'~' \!r£~t!or~~ .. l). T. :?U .:i .. !~ 50 a.nt! Jl ·,v. · ~. -.t:''J. ~ •• r....; . .;_7 throu~th J.f:~ \7. (tr~~!-=>Da.!}. T. ·,7 .; {; •• '!'..-·:l. 1~.i t!"' .. ~(·U*6l' 61 'ti. (::a.ot.:·:·lle:i.). T. >'!.r, !~., n.~. 54 thn.>ut~:--~ !la 77. T. 1::7 ~; •• rb. ttitl~r<:n::Jh c2 \V. ·r~ '~ t ~ .. n:!. 5-t ! .. ::d !;G ( .:rn.ct:iona.l). T. ~2 ~· .• n. o2 t.•:. 'l'. -1.2 i3.~ ns. ~r. th;:oll~h 00 0\nci 5·1 throt_t:"b. r.u \'!. (fr:1c'. <ln<dL 1_";,•,\:1 ::.L, n:;. G:' "~nd Gl '\V. T.?:>::;,. !V3.,[·1 tht'eu~h· .~G \T"l. (:"r:l~tlt~iud) • '1\ 11 .:::;.,P .. t;. 5•;, t.l~d &5 Vl. (f':-:t.ct1•.;:.:r.' .. 1} •. 0.6'i~~P. \. 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ,D 0 0 0 0 0 0 -· 0 0 D D ·J.'ubl:Lf>hed: 03/)..6/72 No •. : 52 ...... ·· VoL.: 37. Page: 5589 [l'\lbll~ Land: Orrler 51!16) AlASKA · 'Withdrciwol for Clc.ts~ifico!icn und Pro- . teciion of the Public: Interest· in · LCinds Not Sel.~dod b.y tho State of Alaska · By virtue ol thu authority velitctl l.u the Presid;::.-nt by the Ace of June .25, 1910, as ,.mended, 43· U.S. C. section Hl • 197()) • and pursuant to !!::cccutivc 01·der No. l0355.o.f May 26, 1952 <17 F.R. 4831}; ·. nni:\ byvirtuo of the authority vested in the Secretary oi the Interior i.>y section l7Cdl •.1) of. the Alaska....Native.,claims. Settlement Act of December 18, 19'11, 85 • Stat: 63R;""i08··<hercina!ter cnllcd tho .. Act'') , it is ordc1·ed n.s foilows: 1. Subject to •;a!id extst.hll! rieht3, t.he !allowing tlesca·ibed lands n.rc hereby w.ithd1:awn !rom :ill Ioqns of appr.op.rlo.- t.ion under the publ1c land ln.ws, includ- i:1g locnticn :u1d entry u.:-:ttor the mining laws (cxe..:pt· fot· 1oer.tion:; fr)!." m~~n.lll­ {,crou.; -m.illt!:r?Js,) 20 u.S.c. ch. 2~··1i.nd. Cl'Om l<:t.::in;J ·unaol" tt:e Mlncml Lcn~ing Act t'! Febru:\l.'Y ·25; 19!!0; •<'-!.amended, 30 U.S.C. secLiom 131-287 tl:>70i, but.uru. !l:.Q!!l-li~!lctlc_~-:_..:J~:r., the ~c of Aln~~ill. U.'1d21' tllu J:!L'1ska m~tteho•M AUt;-'tZ .:iLat •. 339, nnd :we. hr.rel.l7 res•it.Y<:!d r.n· <.lud~ and l'e\1ew t:o.dctcrmh-:.c the :proper c!as~ SiflC:ltiOn \UldC!.' SCCtion l'f' d). ( 1) of :;aid . Act or la ni:ts nut sciected b:; tM St::J.t•1 of Aln.ska, so'th:ft the public intcrc::t in the lnrids will ·11e protected. . l"ArRn'Am<;a ~.t-:nnn.uf (P!IOTRM'!Tu DZSC?lM'Ic>NSl T; ! H .. Its. 5 r.:l<l l3 E. T. 1 N , R. lO E., number of tnilttnr; rescr;:a- ticn. · T. a N .• Rs: ::!, f> V: a, !l, .1.nd 10. E •. · T. 3 N., R.s, 2 n11d 8 E. T. •:. N.~ R~. 1 a:1t.l. 2··E. ·· T. r. n .. r..s. 13 .... :\tt s ;~ 1s :><:. T. 1 N. R.'<. <!; 6, ll, t<nct 12 W. ·T. :1 tl.. Rs. :.l through'S, ll :1n:l t2 W · T. 2 'L ns. 1 th.rcmgh ;;, ll. 11nri 12\V.. T. -1 :a., Rs.,!, through lLW. 'l'. 5 N.;n.s. 5 ~-l~rough ow. •r 1 s .• :EW. 1. 5, nnu 11 t1>rm.lgb t:l w. T. 2 s .. R.-;. 1 and 11 tbrct!:;:!t 1:s w. '1'. 3 S .. R,~. 4. 5, nlld 11 thr~·t•~!l 13 \V, T. 4 S .. n.s. ~l rmrt 1 t tbl'Oui;h l:l w. T. 5 S~. E-..3. 't 1 throc~h 13 Vt!. 'l'. tl S., !~3. llthrou~!t 13W,' .'1'. 7 s: .. ns. '7 n.nct 10 tllrou~;ll t:.nv. T. '7 s .. Rs. S nnd o· W., sontll o! tnll\t:>rv res· erv<tt!on. · • T. !l ~ .. P.3. 7 tllro\lgh 10 w. T. 9 6 .. n~. 6 through 0 VI. '1'. 10 s .. H. G W. T. 11 a .. n. s w. T. l:t 13., P.s. S, 7, nnd () thrr:\lr;h U '>l. T. !3 S., H<:. 6 through U w.· T. 1-lo S .. Rs. 6 nnrt '7 ,.,, . ·r. 15 s .. ns. o n:.d 7\v. T. 20 s .. n. 10 w. T. 21 .;;., ~~l'. lv rmrl ll w. T. 22 s .. Rs.l1 a.n<l 1~1 w. I i Re.fct'cnce No. Pl.O No.,·: 5186 Date PLO signed: 63/15/72 T. 1 s .. Rs. 3 through 6 E. T, 1 s.. R~. 'I nnd g ·E., nor_th · <..( mntt.•.ry · · rescr\·ntlon. •r. 3 s., 10:;. II thr<'ugh 1 t E .. O?ntl~ of m!Ht.rtry msci"Vn~!on. T. -~ 8., Ils. B a.nd!) 0:. T: •l s .. R~. 5 through 7 E .• south of. m l!ltary rescr'.':tt.on. T. 5 8., .ns. 5 through S 1::. T. 5 S .. R.. -! E., cn.st of mUltary · r!!serva.tlon. • . . ·r. 6 s .. n.,, s through s E. · -::. a s .. n. .. 4 E., ens~ ot m!lltary reserva.ttoti.. T. 7 S .. Rs. ·i through 6 E. . . . .T. as;, ns. 5 thro\lgil..')' F:. {att .v.z tovmslltps). · T. ns., u. a E. · · T. t:.l S.; rl.'l. a. 11 nnd t2 E .. '1'. 13 S.,Rs. lli 11nd lG E. T, 13 ·a., R ~o ·E., sO\ltl' of mtutnry-rci!<Crva~ t!on. · · . '1~~ t4s ... 'ns .. l5 r~.nd 1trE. . ·.; T. l!l 3., nl'l. 12 nnct 13 E. T. 2:> S .. :Rs. ll nnli WY.z 12 E • . T. 21 S., :Rs. o :tlld EW· U E. . T. 22 S., H .. 9 E. • UMIAT' ~b:?.IDIAN (PP.OTR.\CT~:il O~l!CR~l'TtONS) T. l N~. rl.S. 16 tlm,mgll. 23 E. . . ., . . T. l N., R. :!•£ E.,wr::st of Mette N'e.t1oll~! Wild·· ·ure R<lCu~n. · T. 2 N., 1:':.:1. l:.lJ:md 1/i tli.rou(lll <!~ E. ~· 2 N .• ·.n. 2·l E., w·e-.t or 1\.:f.W.R. •• 3 N., R.~. 12 :tnd 1.;. t:;,.::ou:;h ~:l E. T. 3 N., ~. 2-!,.J!:, wc.~t o("A.N:W.R.. ·r.;i;:~ N,. Hs .. 0 ~:wcm;;b 12 ('.llti 18 t11rottt;!l 23 T; •\ N., Lt. 2-! 1:: ••. wcot o! A.lf.W.f!. •r .. 5 N., Rs. -l tl\:rou;;!\ 1:1 and 1~ throagh 22 Iil. ' . ' T. 5 H .. R. :'1 E., _cms·:: ot N:tv::!! 'l?tltrolcnrn :ne~ $t!I'VB No. ·~s ·. . · ' 1' .. 5 N ..• n.·~a I:~ .• wcs;; oi: I~L~t".V.!( . T. 6 !;.l';·H:;. 1 t!trougb.'\2 :-:nct ld trwc\l!\'h :.!2·E. T, 5 ••·• R. :l E., C:l.Si;. of :::l':\''"1 ii'ct:olct:n1 Rt!· servo. Nt). 4. · T. 6 N,,· Ft. 23 E .• w·est of A.N.1~<f.~. T~ 7 .. rr .. r~-.. 3_ t-hroufsh.~?.: :'I!'F! lG "hrt'~'~h ~2 1:-;. T;·7 N~. n. 2 !:.,-C1nt o{ -=.;~,-.,·n.I !'ct-:oh:n.t~n t!~-· .;."!r-. .. c No. 4.-. T~_.'l·-N" 1:?.. 23 ·E., , .. ·cs~ o( ~\.~.\V.E. r. _8 l'L. ·r"""'· 5 -_~Jitb\~!7!L _J ~ 4~cu tti t:1.rot!!!h 2-! .E. T.--3 _N:. P..:;. 3 throt.t-~h-1 i-J., cn:st oi thO Nn.~;.:ll Petrc.'lC'lt~\1 Re;jcrvn No~ 4. -T. 8 N .. H.i. 2~~ :20 r-1 •• _ '\'C:3t oC A.N.Vl.R.~ 'T'. 9 N., _R::;. 5 throu • .;:1. 1_0 ii.nd 2:.1 E: . . . _ . 'r .. D N .• R.c;. 20, 21, nni.1. ~1 th:.·oug 1.t :!5 E. (rt.H fml)t!cm:-.1). · T. !:' N .. · r~ •. ~ F.., .e:t.:St .of N'P.vnl Petre-! emu 1\.e~\!t:vn No. ·\. '!'. 10 ~r .. I~s. 7 ~-hrou~;h El E. . . T. 10 N .. R': 17 tbrour,h 25 ;:;, lnH !r:tctlon.U). T. 11 N., Ur.. 7 thtO\l!!h H P. . . T: 11 ~ .. Ril.15 t-l1twt;.;l1 2u E. I nil !l'llC~lon:-l). ·r. 111 :t-t •• a.:;;. 7 th=on!l'h u F.. · • · T. 1:! !-<., U.s. t2 tiirotH;h ltl: 18. 19 E. (nil · !rr.ct.loanl). · ' ''1'. 13 N:. ns. ~through 12 E. (nil rmcttomu). . T. lN.,_ Rs. l:J ~nd tii) ,."/. (!'rtlettonal). ' T. :lN .• I'..."l. ·15 nn<i•19 W. (ftMt!Oltl\1), T:!! H., R.'l. -12 nnrt 4:l W. (frnutlonnll. T. :J·N.,l'!s •. 10 nnct n w. (rrnc~lonlll). •r. 10 N .. R.~ .. ·!O •uvt -tl "'· (~mct.lonnl). . 1'. ll N., n.. 40 vr. (rm,,r.tona:) ~ ·, . ~· .- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' -·-Fc~crnl Repintcr D~t~ -. Vol.. 37 Page: 5589 Si:Wo\RD .t.isu-.>JAN' (PI!.OTnA::TI!:D D&.scl'.l'M:IO.NII) T. 10 N., R.. 2 It. T. 11 N., n:1 Z. . T.l2 N., :!'UI. 1 t~.ro'Ugh 3 .l!l_, T. lltN., r'w. 1 thrvush 3 .:::. -T.l7 N.,R..3 E, T. 18 N., R.. 3 E~ . T. ioN., R.~. 1~ .tr% ::!. S.1, U ~· T. 20 N., &s; 1, 2; 4,·~P/~ 'l, N~ 8 E. T. 23 N.,R.12,E; · . T.24 N.,R; 12 E. T.25N.,R..12 E.. . , : T. 1 N: •. n. 1 \V. (!l'Mtlonal) .south of Kcnni ::-l'Mlon&J. :M:Ml:c Rat1g~t. · T. 1 N., R. 11. W., west oC Kattnl Nn.tloao.l '!;loose Rang'!. T. 1 N .. !'.~. 54 tt<rougl\ 57 W. T. 2 N .. R .• l1 w. ( rr:u:tluna.l), west of I'.:an.l1 N:Hion:U Mc.ose.Rnnge. T: 2 N., Rs. 5·1 through 57 W. '!'. :J N., R. 11 w., .west o! !<::cn.•J H••ttono.l, · -~~·~Oo3e Ran~e. T. 3 ~-~ R. Ill W, (frnctiUll:\1). . T. 3 N .. n,,, 55 and, 56 ',V; T. 4 N .• R•. 15 :.\nd 16 \V.-(it·::.•1tl<mr.l). ·r . ., N •• a,, ss ::..i1d saw. · · · T. 5 N .. R.l5 W.(!riietlonnl). T.SN.,rt.5i\W. . T. 10 N .• E!.s. 1 rtnd. 2 w:, 110rtl1 oi Cool~ Inlet. T. ll N., l~s. I ,,nrl :l W. T. 12 N., R. 2 '.'!. ' T .. l2 lJ., R~ i. >t;r.~o •• ::out~ t'".tf Xa.~lonn.l I·~orcst. ·T~ 1_3 Zt.~ .. ·n_. ·::f\V •.. _. -. T. 1(} N., R."' .. t :t'nd 2 \'<. T. 2C• N'., l'!s. I l'rtd :~ \V, '!'.21·N.,H..:!W, . T:_:;2N:., E.·3 W~ . T. ?.3 N., R. 3 w .. T. 2•1 N., E. 3 W. · T. :::s ::;r,. n,,; 3 nnd 4. )V, T. 26 N., B.s. 3 l\!\tl4 \'h · T. 27 N . .-.Rs •. 3 nnd 4 W. T. 2il N., Rs.:hmd 4 W. T. :29 N., Rs:a thrn'ug!\ 'd w. •r. 30 N·., Rs. 3 t!-.rou~l\ 5.W. T. :n N., Es. 2 through 5 W. T. 32 N., P..!l. :l through 4 W. T. :J;J N., !'!s."ll tllf<')l1!~!".1 W. (M\ i(:lr.t!ol\1\l). T. I S .. :1s. 11 ami 5:.! ~hl'OUt~h 57 W., E·% 56 ,~\'\ . . .· T. l s .. E .. 1 v:. (.fr:~.ct1<:!:!11). T. 2 s .. Rs. :1 w. and 1'>3 thro\lgh 57 w .. F.% :>!! ,,,., T. 2 S .. n.. l W. (fr:.ct.!Ont\1), T. 3 s., R.~. Yl%'9, 10. 11, ~md 51 through 57, . r:~~ 58 w. T. 3 S., n.. l W. ( Cractt.Jnnlt, T. 4 s .• :1-1. w:~ 9; 10. 1\, N\~ 12. nnd 53 throur:h 57; J::%~ 58 w. T. 1 s .• a. 1 w. (fmci•!nnnt}. T. 5 ~ .• f'~<i. 54 CuotJtl)i .. 58 \V. T. 5 S .... n. tO \~.t. (fra~cnon:tl). ~r. 6 s .. Rs·. 3·k thtr~•~rrh 53\."'/. T. G $ .. :R. ll \V.·\frrtc!'.lt'~na!~; T.· 7' s., Rs. t'·l thron~·h ~~l ·-v. 1.·. '1 S .. ·rt .. lt ',\"', (lrio.~ttoltnl.) .. . T. 0 3 .. H~.11 at:r!5il W. ·r. !l s .. <ts. 10 :.1\d l:l w.-- 'l'.!:! I'!. p,.,;, 13. 9. ~5 ...... nrt '::IJ W. (r.!! rmction:\1). T. !O 'J., a~. a th:ougtt ·-12, ':5, :\nd ·:{3 -'.v~ ta!t !rr.ct!onal). ... T. 1: S .•. .F'...s~ ·10 t11rt)nr,h l t3 \"!. t :'\1,1 !r~d.:ttonrt1). T. 1:1 s. H~. ~G n,:·opqh ::!:J w. ::1H rr~dt0t•:d). '!' . .lH .'J .. fU;. :.~ :~nd ~0 .\</ .. {ftaeth':;lftl). · T. !9 8 .. lls. 10. '20, ;;nd •H '.V. (nll C>".•ct;un:tl\. T. ~~0 ~~ .. n5. ·):1 r.:;rOu~i'i ;. t-'\V. . . T. 20 :;., ·~i. ~;.":·.1.-=)" (f:nctiutlid), '1'. ::.1 ::;., H •• ·Hi '.t/, · ' ?agr; 2 o.E t~ PLO No-:: Dnt:c: PLO slgn11d: 5186. OJ/ 15/?2 T.2.'.l.S.,It!l.lflarid i7W (frru::tlr.mnl). ·r. 23 s.; f.'.s. 16 and 17 w. (fl•lctlonal) .. T. 24 S., ns. 24a;ld Z5 W. {tr~tlonnl), T.25S.,R.25W. (frnctlonal). ··. T. !!6 S., R.o;. 47 throl:gh 30 W. . T. 26 s .. R. Gl W • .(Crac~lona.l); T. 27 s .. Rs. <\7 throt1gh 50 w, ··r. 27 5 .• .n.. 5l w. (fraetlon;~.l). T. 2R 8 .. n.. ·18 W.; . T, 29 s., R.~. 1s through ~ow. (a.U tr.lCttonnt). T .. 30S .. Us. 21 throu;;h 2J w. '1'. 30 s., Rs. lU through 20 w. (all !rnctlona.l). T.31 S .• R.24W.. · · _T. :11 S., Rs. 1!.1_ through 23. and 54 w. (nil fractional). T. 32 S., P.. 22 W. T. :3.2 S;, ·I>-~. 21 nnd 54 W. (frncttono.l). T. ::!3 s., n.~.-.5;J and 54 '.V. T. 33 S .. lls. 21; 22,_ :~..tiel 54 throttgh 56 w. (all tractional). . . · T; 34 S., Ros. 53 tlil'ono;h 55 w. . T. H s:, R~. S6 2m! 57 W. (!mctlonnl). ·r. 35 s .. r:s. 51 throu'!!l 56 w. 't'. 36 s .. Rs. 5 t. 50. n nd :.7 ·.v . . T. 37 f·;,, rt~:. ~il nt~d 26 W. ltrnct:on"ll.t). T. 3() s., rts. 27 ~md 2!.1 W. (!mctlonal). T. ·~0 S .•. rts. 59 tllrot~gh 131 w. T. ·10 S., ~:;. 2a throti'l::l 31, 62, r.nd 63·W. 'r.'l frn~llonr.ll. · · · ' < T~· <:ll d., n. ,;:J '"· .. T. ·11 .-;: .. 11.1. ~! throm::h 34 .:md 0-t 1,1\mugh · ~5 1.c~. (a!ld~rtCUOll:tJ), '.~. ·~:l fl_. ~:; .. ~l!l ~h.·v·.t!;h 5f$ \tf. 'l'. ~~2 ::;~~··.P~. ;:;) 'tiYrout;h· !1•: •.rl.~. ·r.a t'..tld.rr_.' ~,V, . (~.!! (rn<:tl•'ml!•). · .. · '.:'.':13 U.~. H .. i.' ri:'i ~hrt1H~h 61 .. -r:'l. T. ~3 ~.: r~; :.·~. ~5; :md !!El jV. (aJHrn.:tlonnl). T. 4·~ s.,·ll:,.~o.::.._throH1b oa .,..,, .· . .T. i;l S., ns: 35, !39, ulld 7JW. (nil t:acttonal). ccwr~:~ ·t:u~~'.R ·:,r•.~t~ut.\~r (.rncrtr..ACT·KiJ Cl4f.:lttt'!L4.l!'IH_)-'· '\'. 12 N., H.~~ J·:. ·r .. ·1'3 ~r .. n. ~t<E~ . T. ~l N:. H.:. 3. ( ~nd tO '~V. 1'. ·! !·l., H.". ·I :w•l 10 W. ·r. ,j N .• t\.1.· ·L ~. ntHt tO".-'!. T. 1j N.,!~·l. ·1. :1, :.nt\ l.O W. T. 7 ~T., !'!.:;."! throut;h. a·w. Tw :J :;., n ... a_·,.•t. __ . . T. 8 3.1 H~. N ~~ 2t·:19 ::.\:·~. ~~ ,fi, :1l>d. 7 \'/, 'r. !J s .. H.;. 3. ·l. 5, s \" ti, :~om! .s•,~ 7 w. 'l'. ISS., r1..3 W. ' . ·r. 1 o s .. n. 1·; ;.:, • T. :ZO 1> .. R•. l3 thr<'m:h 17 !:! • T. :10 fL, H. !~E. ( rr:,r·tton:tl·), · T. ·u !1.,· H.~. 0 tluou<;:l Jt, nnct 10 through ;:!:) F.. 'r.' 21 s .. 11. \''1 !-7·. 2l r::. T. ·z2 a .• !\: .. !.1, !!t. n..nd 22 .:·:. T. ::!!.5 3 •• H. .. Ch1 K. -r. 26 !'i40 ns. :10 n:lcl 60 r: .. T. :~ 1.3:3.; n·..:;. !!: :. ; .'Hl, ~~~ .. _ \V ~~ 5t) 1:: .. ·r. ·.'S S .. !t. :j(l E. . ~r. ~~ H., n.-;. 5~J ilnd ~:1 R. 'l'. !:1 G.,!!"'~ i\1 :-hro~r:."ll r:'J· \V . -:· •. 1) a .. H> •. ·;o.amt'·;i i'~.·(tmct!IJnll.l). T .. ::~ !.t. a~. t>!l U~!·~.n:~~:1 70 \'{~ '!\ -~•3 s .. ltt, 7t .\:~tt ·;;j \'!. { i':.h:.ttoncl}. J~. ·.~·t ::.i., !~.; .. 'f'.l thru 7t·'.V. T'. -~7 s .. '~. ~/'.! \'1. (Cr::,~t~ona1) ." T. •H) ~L :::;. 70 n.~Hl'7t \V. T. ;.~ s~~ n:~~ 7:1 tiu\: ... ~0h 7n 1.'/. (~:!1 (r!'u:U·~~l,~d). T. ·li) s .. ,lVt. ':"()and 71 \V. - , ·:·. -~0 :-1.~ H '· ·t L ;u:~l 7:.! .. t~titlU~~!:' .'1 t \'l. (ail rr.u!t.~~!~~ 1) ~ .. " .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . -·· -Pub lishcd: 03 /J6/72 No •. : 52 ...... -·~ Vol..: Pngc: T. so s .. n~. '17 t11rou:::h sa w. 37 5589 T. !;I) S., 11~. ·I!, ·':.!, 'it\, ~nd St W. (nil !r:.c• t10l'H\~). T. Sl S., I:l. 71l thrO\u:h P.l ';.:/, ·r. Sl s .. ns. -~t. •l:l," ·;;;,and 83 v:. (nil frnc- llo!l:tl)·. T. 52 5 .. n~. 70 thi"QIIg\1.133 W. .• T. 52 s., n. B-t \'1. ( rractlnno1!). T. 53 S .. H. 53 W. (fr;H:t!,'l!al), T. 5-lr S., H. G5 \"'./., !l~l'nhcr o! li'Ctnhe':k N:1..,. t~n~:;\l ~.r:'id!l!ll R::Lu:,r:t. T. 1 5 .• I!::. I, 2, w;·~ ;J, K ·r. 2 ::i .• t~. 1 !;:.!·,jur;h 5 E.-r~·~n frn.cttonni). T. 3 s .. l~s. 1 rlH<Hl<;h 5 F:. (0\ll {t·~cLioni\1). '1'. ·• s .. !~. 1 E. l fr.lcUon.nl). T. 30 :5., I·~·i. :1n t11U;\::~:\ 61) F... T. ~ \ :3 .. l::..S. :;.:. ~:l;~,~~il 6~ ~~ ••.• ,. T. J2 :j., rl.;. r.:" .,,, ~0 n••d Ul E .. 'r. -t·J s., n.:~. S :•-! c,;.t, ~\\' ~-~ G·; E. T. •1l S, rts. F;~! CG ntld eriE. '!'.~as .. IC>. <::3 nncl w;~ tH 1~. ·r. 5tl S .• t'...s. N ~.; UJ ntJd N\V ~~, G~' J.;, T; 73 S., P.. 110 ~ .. {!ru.•:tlnuul). COPP&n J:r.'7.n ~\fE~rur.\:r (i.>:torn." T&D Di':~jCRirTto:;;~} , . . •' . ·r. 1r:i N ... n.-;. •J nr.tl '1 l'l. . T. 17 :-:., n~~-5 tbt·ou~ll '1 E. T. 10 N .• p_c;_ 5 t!"H"I)\If-'11' .7 E:. 'r. \9 i"'-· rts. L"' thfouc-!t 7 E. }'·\!~~U.'\:o-:!~~ -:.(J::t.i'OL\"ll (\':\0T)c..\C1'li:O D>:';t:taM'lO.>:.I) ·r. 2 N .• n~. :1 n~r""nr;h. 5' .t-~ .. · r-r_ ~·N .• !1. G ~~-. ~.V~·~· 1". 3 ~!., !~~-:l t!\r,,t:~ll a. o. :1-nll .tO E. 'l\ 3 N., !"!.. 7 :: .. ''il,~ n.nd :'t"l•: ~~~-· '1."'. :• ~;., n.s. :J t!~rough lO .~:. '.(". 5 N ., 1{."(. 5 t~H'OU7h fJ 1~:. '1'. 6 N .• I\3. 7 ~nd ill!!. 1'. ~· ;<., !l.ll E. '1'. :~3 ~l.. R:>. I nnrl :~ -:;:, T. ~~l N .. !1. J E .. ~-lr."l~ ,:..t 'lC!!:~t!it lndlnt\ I!~s~l''r':\t\on. 'r. :!!.l N .• n.1. l t h ron~~il 3 l~. ·r. 3l) i-1:, 1t:1. 1 t hi·nu;{h ~1 I·~. ·r. :n N., ){,_,, t :;,rouc:h :l :;:. • '1". :)2 ~~, n_:;. l l~l!'OUl~h ;) ~.'~. 1.'. :l:J N .. H.".. I L",~rou:;!t J :m•l \ '1 Lhl\)llGll 2!1 F., T. H ~1 .. ~-17 I hro\lt;ll :.!~J ~·:. '1'. 3!j ~L.lh~. ti thrOUGh 2:1 :-!. T .. j5 N .• n:;, :-t tbraur;h 2a ::.::. (H~.l oC e:1.ch tow n:'h I !I ior ::IIi . ·r. 313 N., H.~. 17 :tml IB E. ·r. u ::-r., n. 2.:a \'1. T. 6 N., n .. ~u w. (!mctlcnnl), T. 7 ~-.H.. 2.'i '.V. T. r; ;·(,, n.. ~!1 VI. ( rrnt".t.lon~l). T. :17 N. It::~. 1 l ilrnuo:;h U :\ntl 1r,• I hrcH.1j.'.!t :~ ~ ,_,,, 'T. 2U N .. H.:;, l throu~h G ru~d 17 U;n~n:;i., ~~-! l,V. T. :!~ :1., n;;. I t.hrrn'!;h li n.nrl IIi lhrott;;h ::3 W. 'r. :n u .. tt;. t thrt.'ur~~ f3 nnrt t7 throttr,h :.J.:t \V. '1'. 31 N .. £1~. I tl•rmt!;h G, 1'7, !,:H.J !3 W. T. :)?. :-< .• R~. I lht"l•llf;h (j ""d lB W .. '1'. 3:~ N., It-;. l thrr~llt!i\ U \V. T. 7 S., !! .. ,. l thrC\ur;h :l.W. T. n S., ~~1, l thrrH;g-h t} VI. T. ~l s .. Hs. 1 ':hro~1~h 1 \"'fl. 1'. 10 S., f!s. I tl:rlllq;lt S W. '.r. II R., I(''· !· ~ht"Collt~h •.1 \'i. 1.", 1:1 3., Hs .. 1 tt"HO\i!jh 5 ''1. ,T. J:l S., H.<. 1 t!trOIICh .~ \'l, 'r. U s., n,., l th:·flu;:;lt .o; W. L'. 15 tJ., n~. t ·:hrol;.~h 5 \"'/, ---..T! 16 ~-}., H:~. l ti1rr)ogh :1 \V. -'T s .. r~~-t :\IVl !! \V. -.1 :> .. n. 1 w. Ref crt~ nee No • Page 3 of 4 PLO No._': ])ate PLO ~l3t\cd: T. 7 H., 1""'..:1. 1 th ron•:ll :J Jo:. T.:::: S., n;;. i ~hrour;h ·~I::. 5186 03/15/72 T. n s .• :t. s l::., wl·~~-or ~:lllt:r.rr I~:::::·vnl!on. T. 0 S., r:s~ 1 :h~our;!1 :l :;:, T. ~ S., n. 4 E:., •.n·:.t nr :llililnry nc:;crvnt!'ln. T. 10 s .. Hs •• 1 thro11~;!1 3 Ji!. T. 10 !3 .• .a.,\ E., o;:c~t o! :,utitnry Rcscn·atlol\. . T. t t ~3., n. t r::. ·r. J 1 s., n. ... ?. n:v:t 3 !:!., '.'test o! ~rll!tnr:r ncse:r- ·.·:tt!on. '1'. I?. S., P-;, I .u~rl :: !-;, '.l'. !2 ,;., lt. J !-: .• '.'::•:i', o{ c.ntit:r.ry n~s·~rvatlC'~l. ~,-I3 :-1 •• !1..:;. t. 2. 11, ~-':ld 12 !::D ,'I' .. 13 Q., U-;. 3 t\H'ilU~~'\ 7 E., nil !:Ollth t){ ~tJll ... t.:\.ry Hc::c1 vnti·"Jn .. 1': 11 s., i1.•;. l rlunu~!1 tl :1om! t I throur:h 1-1 K '1'. H s., !:.;. 7 a::cl ::1 E., soutll or ~.!ll11n;r n~scr::-.tion. T. l5 s . .-H·-;. e ~h.rcu~h R nnd t 1 thrl)11(t~l 10 ~­ T. 17 r;., R;;. !2 t.i\rnt:;_;h 16 1':. ·r. 13 ::;., !~r.; 1A thrcu:-:h 10 E. 'I'. l:l s., n:j. l·' lllr:.Juyh lt'i r..: .. l~•~:n. lt:v>:>t. M<.r.mr.\N (I'noT:to\C"l'CO CWCP.t:»r:ONS) . 1.'. 1 N., R;. 21) th~r.nr;h 27 E. '1'. l N., n. 2<1 :;;. (f:·:-.ct!rm:-.:1). 'r~ L·! rt .• !i:;. ta n~:-ounh '.!~E. 1'. L!">-~i .• H-,. 11, 1-~. :\1'\(l 2 t t.t\rOt.tE;h 2\ E. T. 16 N"., r-u. 13, l'l, :met :1 tht·ouell 2-l. E. ·r. 17 ~--!~;:. Ll, ::1 t!t:-•>t,~!l ~n ro: .. i..'. Ul :--r .• 1~.-.;. I a, l·t :\U~l t_t; t!\rOl.if;h. \8 E. ·r. ttJ :-t., P.i .. 1:! _tln·,-::n~~, 1!1 !·:. T. ;!•J ~:-., n,,, 1:1 thrm:gh 18 Jo:. ':'. ?.t H .• !{:;. i~! thL"Olll.!h tJ E."" rr. ! H., t-:H. ltJ llno~t~~1l ~0 \'l'. . 'r. :~ ~ .• !l.i. 1Cl !.l:r.oag:h 113 W. •r. :1 N., !~ . .:;. t!J throu~t-.~. 15 \V. 'I'. 1 f;., rl::. 10 t!1rour,h Ill W. ·r. 2 s., E~:.:. t•J ttn·ough 1;J , .. ,. ·r. 3 5., R 10 w. 1". t 3., P.:;. 20 ttu·ot:gh :~:": E. 1". 2 S., H3. '2·J t~a-ont;h 2:=1 g, . 'l'. ;1 s., n.$. :!1) tllrnu~~h :1fi ro:. T. ·1-:;., Hi. ~U l.i\rnu;;l-i ~~3 F.. T. 5 ~3., H. 20 g_ 't'. l1 ~-. n:.o. 1~ .~;\r\ 1-! r-:. 't'. t:! :;.,a~. 11 t.hr;.:..n;:h 10 r.. 1". !:~ ~~-. H•:. 11 n~t·c~tr:~h 'tt !·!. T. t·b ~~ .. t~ . .i. ·~ t-lnour,h :! l 1·~. '1'. i!i ~~ .• 1~-~--~ lhrr'Hit~'.\ '.!l t~~­ '1'. t!j :3 .• H.·:. J : :1rnttf~h :~ 11•:. '.i". 1~{ 8 .. P..:"'.;! ~lll'Oli;t.:\ :1l l::. ·r. 1~1 [;., [~::. u thrnt•r.:\ :n l·~. 'J'. !!.' ~;., ~~:o. <> :;tu·ou~-~h :..:1 :-:. '1\ 20 s .. !\..~. 1~1 1-1l:-ou:-;h :n 1•:. 't'. 'Ll ~L. t~.::. I:~ lht'iJl.!g:\ 'Jl ;·:. T. :~j S., H:•. Ll :-lH't'HI'·~it ~ t E. 'L'. ~:1 !3 .• n.;. to ti._r,)t~~~h :1 t 1-:. 'r. ~!'bu .. !·::;.!., ~~~rdtt~h '2L 1!:. 'l". ~5 :J., n.•:. /I) lhtTHEttl !IJ 1•:, 't'. ~~~~ ::;., n:J. to r h i'lJU!~h. .I :t. r-:. T. ~.:·r ~~-. r~ . .:;. :t :ln-l,,t~h l'.! N. '1'.:-.!:J.~ .• n~.n :: r·1.1:· i.!i.·:. •' 1". :.!J ~;., H:~. U ~!H'r•u:~~l !~I:. {:t:l rrnct.ton:1l)~ ~~. ~1 !t .. Jl.:. 0 l.hrnu~:'1 10 :~. · 1". 2~ :-r.. !?.;., .1 r~:l'r:t1'';'l J') 1·~ ...... T. :.!:t :-:., ::.::. :~ : !'),·:~1-'ll l t !-;:. f :1'. ~ t ~L. ;.~:>. l t llr:.:·.t~~-, 1! ~~­ ;1'. ~!5 N., !\..:.:. 1 t!n,l:.l:_;ll ll 1·~. ''1'. ~:) N., H .. i. 1 t\trrtt,~1 "1 1 t fo:. •l\:.!i N .• (I.e;, t lhl"':t1~::, II I·:. 'l'. ~3 ~~ .• lt..;. i tl~r:~\li~,, ll ~-:. 1~. l N, H;\. :!7 !h:-on·"!'!. ~'"! .. 1') •• 1nct GO '.V. '1'. 2 !T .• !tL 31 tllreu ~h ;.i·.~. :0:1, nnct r:n VI. 0~. --' .. -·. -.:.-. ~~(L.~~o '. ~.. • • 0 " ' 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ,..., 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 VOd~r~l Register Datn .Published: 03/16/72 VoL.: 37 Page: 5589 No •. : 52 ., . _, ,lr.,· ' ·r. 3 N., re;, ·n tt.ruw~h 51 l!.nd 57 throut;h cow. T. ·I N .. R.:;, .37 !hrcug~. !i-1 nnct G7 thrcugli ·lio ·~v. T.-·5 :-f., n.~. 30 ihrc·ur;h 51 ond sa. Lllro)ug·h 59\V. T. 6 N., n.:;: ~I) lh!'011~!1 ,'j') W, -. 'r. 7 N., H-~~ 2!l Lhrnuo:;h S!l w, · T. 8 N., !'.s. 29 throng!\ 5!1 W, T. !lN .. n~. 2R t!~~11!.!''i 5~ '."1 / .. T. 10 N .• R~ .. ?.3 thrcur',h 53.W. •r. 11 N .. lt; .. l!R tJ1r::>1•!!;., 5ll W.. . T. 1:1 ~:;, Rn. 27 thrr>u~h 3 L. n,!ld 37 ~hrour,h !j:l \V. T. J:J N., ns. 27 throu::ih :u nnd 37 Lhrough. 57\V .. 'l'. l-1 N., n.s:· 2.~ thrryugh 31 nnd 37 Lhrougl\ 5'/ w. . 'r. u; N . .-R.s; :a through at· and ~7 throu;;h· 1 • so •.v. T.Hi N.', !'!.~. 21, tllrO\!f-1\ :11 nnd 37 W. T. L7 :-r.. H11. 2l t~n-~t;:ll :n W.. . ·r: 10 N .. n.s. 20 thmu~n :n w .. ·r. 10 ?1 .. r-t.;. ltJ throu~h :u VI. . · '1'. 20 N., P..;. Ill t!'>l'l':u·~ll !)l.VI. ·r. :!L N .• P.s. 1.~ thr<"n~~h :n w. '1'. ~·2· ::-1 .• P...:;. 15 th ri'H.•<!h 31 \~'. T. ?.:l ~T., Tis. l5 thron~lt31 W. T. 2·1 N.,JC.·l:i tr.rc·u~!\ 3: Yl. ·r. 25)-4'., r::;. ~a t~r~_uP.1l_~a_· ... '"· ·T,2G :·1.;1-t'-. 20 thi'L'••:~h :!!l·W. "T• .l"'"; "'.f ,.,., ..,O·th•rr•H"'1_2~ ',Tl· ·.!-." ;o ~~~:~ .. ·1;~~ ~n· t•.::O\.t"~!~. ~a· and·:}~ thrcugt\ ... ·.s::JW. 'T'. 1!l N'.; n,,, H' il"rC111~h 25 :l.lld ~:> thi·ot•y,h :\·t w .. 1'' .10 H., Rs. t!l thmu!fh 25. :tncl ::'l thrnut;l\ 51 \V. . '!'.51 N .• !'ls. lO, l!l •. !\•.•c' ~'J thronr:h d3.W •. 1.':::2 N .. ;is; 17, •:1, :\r.<l :1:1 l,hrnur,h -l:l W. T. :13· ~-· TI:i.·3!J _t11:-;.,l1~i\ 4~'. ,V. . 1.·. 3·1 N .. ns. :jD tn~·ongh 4?. Yt .. ((\!1 ft-r.1;tlcnnl) ·.: Tl~e :ll·c;J.~ · _dc~·=·~l·ii~!"!d r .. ~·r:ren·.a lc-ai)·- pmxlmalelv 3.i :'1illinn ncrcs. :~. Prier; to t :~e cnn \"~'."!11~cc of r1.ny of !.he l:md~ ·.•.:ithdnw·n ov lhis a;·~r:t·, t.he lall(~t; sli~llt :Jt~ s1.:hjcct tt) ad:nlnist r~lion !Jy. ~11c flccrctil':: ui t!~c Tntct':<!t' under tht! ::.ppl!.c::.:l!c 1:-,,::; :lthl l'~!';ni.1ti:;\\s. nnit !lis aut !1ority to m:~!'c ccnlmd:>. _:mel to r~r:,nt ltiase:'i. r'\rtn~t~. ri·1!lt;-:;-n{-\1:~Y. at· cn~ct.n,~nt.'i, ~l1;'tll not bn in~!J~lircJ by thi.s \Vithdr:.\\':at. _.\ppli~~th~nfi for ·~c:l:;('s un- del' tlic !'-. (ii1Pr:tl LL'!'l>'i: \!~ !.ct; ;.t; ;n·:t, will l:e n~iccled until this oi·cie!· is nwdifi•)t! lll' tc!lc lnncl!l ~rc i\!1\ll"J)'ri:tt\'ly c!;t~:sitlcd . to !;crmit m inera! k::.sin;::-: 3. H \s hel'cl'll'l ddr:rnti11l'il ti 1:1t !.!H) !H'otn!\l~~~,ti-~n c( ~t-~~13 l··\ihlie T.·::r.d <)rder is not :\ tnf\ iot· T-\:d:ral nctil:1~ ~;i::ni!t ... c:1.11! ly :l·rrl'ctii1~: i~e qu~'..Uly of lhe J~Jtrna'.\ e-t\·.,irc.Jntnl .. nt 4Ht'd~ nn d~·L:.ilcd ::t.~ttt'nH:'nt Plll'::t::ll\1 .. tn ,,,:d!C'!l til:~ I:~) (G) .;( tlw Na- : :nnnl I•:n...-ircnn'll'-nt~d PotiC.'/ Ace o[ !GGJ, ·l~ U.S.C. sediun ·J:~:I:~t:.!) (C), i~ rr.;,ull'C(L · Hoc::-:ns TI. ~.r·-":\'!O:'-r, Secrciary oi lhc l'i!t,:rio1', :'.·L\HCH 1!1, 107~?.. !1-'H DtW,'/.: .. (!:1:.J l•'HI·d :1-15-l.~;!l:S·i ~l\\ I Reference tlo • Pa_ge. 4 of t .. PLO .No.·: .Date PLO signad: 5186 03/15/72 .. 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 5u~~+t=~o... ~tv'er( Federa.l·Register Data Published: 9/16/72 No'l.: 18L Vol.,: Page: [PubUc Lam1_0rder 5255) ALASKA 37 18915 Amendment of Public: land Orders Nc.S174,No.S179;No.51BO, and No. 5186 By Yirti:leo.c the authority vested in the Secre~ry of Lhc Ir.tcrior by sections 11CaJ(3), 17<d)(ll, :nd 17<dH2HAl ol the Alaska. Native Claims Settlement Act "of December 18. 1911, 85 Stat. 6138. 6!JG, 708, ·and 709 <hcn·;.-.;~.!ter rc!erred to as the "Act"), and P•.Irsuant t-0 Executive Order No. 10355 o£ ~1:>!Y 26, 1"952 \ 17 P.R. 4831), it is ordered as follows: 1. Public Land . Order .No. 5174 o£ M~uc~1 9, 1972, \\ithdra ·.~·in~ .lands !or selection under section 12 of. the Act by ·the villar;c corpcratio:~ and Lhe Regiona·i Corporation for the app!·oximate are:~. covered by the oper:.ttions o! the Cook Inlet Association, is hereby amended to add the follo\\ing described lands to said order: · SltWAlU!: MEallliAN· .ll'li!O'ms.= !IIE.SCIUPTION'S T •. S N., R. 18 W~ (E% ). . 'l'. 8 N., n .. 29 W. . T. II N;. Rs.: 28 ancl 2!> W, T. 10. N:, Rs. 28 and 29. W. T.ll N.;R. 28 W; . . . V"T. 29 N;, Rs. 1 a.nd 2 W. L--T.30 N.,R.l W. . 1..-T.:ll N~ R,l \V.- ._... T.32N.,R.l W. r,... · T 33 N .• R. 1 w. ( fract!onr:~l). ·, L-T 29 N.,.Rs. 1 throur;h 4 E. IN ; ~ c.l,. ~....,{ 5 · · p s e ~</'I 3 ..,. T •. 211 N .• R. 11 E. ......-T •. 30.N., R.s. 1 through 11 E. . ·...., T. 31·N., R.s. 1 through 10 E. ,_ T.3:!·N., ns, 1 through 7 E. _;,. T. 33 N., R. 1 E. (Cractlonal). v · T. 33 N., R. 2 E. (WT,). T. 3 S., Rs. 20 througH 22 W. (fractional). T.3 5., R. 23 W •. T. 3 S., R. 24 W. (E\:. ). T. 4 5., Rs. 22 end 2J w, (Cra.r.t!onal). T. 4 S .. R. 24 W. . T. 5 s., R. 22 w. (tractional) TS 8., R.23 W .. T.5S.,Rs.24a.nd25W. (fractional). T. S 5., P.s. 24nnd :!5 W. (Cractlon:J.I). T: .7 5 .. ns. 25 nnd 26 w. (irnctlonal). T. 7 S., R. 27W. (E~~) T. 8 5., R. 26 w, (!ractlcnal). T. BS.,R. 27W. .. T. 8S.,R.28 W. (E~':,), T. 9 S., Rs; 27 and 28 W. ( fnct!onal). T. 9 S., R. 29 W. (E\~). Page 1 of 2 PLO No._: Date PLO signed: 5255 9il2/72 The areas described nggregate ap- proximately 1;416,000 ~crcs. 2; Subject to vnlid existing riqhts. all of the lands described in paragr:::.ph 1 C'f this order are added to Public Land Order No. 51 H. and immedi:nel:r become.· subject to all of the terms and condi- tions of that order, including the with- ciJ:awnl of the lands fl·om selection b3' •he ' State of Alaska under the Al:ts!;:a. S•a~e-­ hood Act, 72 Stat .. 330, and from location and entry unc!er thee minin~ laws. :JO U.S.C. Ch. 2, and !rom leasing undt:r ! itc Mineral Leasing Act cf l"ebruar~· :s. 1020. a.s amended, 30 U.S.C. sP.ctions 181-237 <1970>. Any of the lands descrilocd. in pa.rag:rn.ph. 1 . o! this ord~r-nre .ddetcd !1-om those listed in Public Land Orclt::-c No. 5179 of March 9, 19i2, as am:encted· · by Public .. Land Order No·. 5192 of March 17, 1972, Public Land Order No. 5180"0~ March 9, 1972, as o.mended by Publlc Land Order No. 5193 of March 17, 1972, · and Public' L:~.nd Order. No. 5186 of·· March 9, 19.72.. · • . . 3. The pu1-pose of this order. is to sup~ plement Public L:~.nd Order No. 5174, bY' reserving. addit1onnl l:t.nds fer. selection by those .village ccrpor:~.t:.ons that will be· determined by the Sec1·etary of the In= : terior to be eligible to make stich selec:- . -t1ons, and by the Regional Carp oration for the approximate :~.rea covered by the Cook Inlet Association, as· provided for· by section 12 of the Act .. 4. Public Land Order No. 5174 as here. amended, is ·further amended , to rna ke . the following. described lands available for selection by the State of AlaR!~:~. i:r.der the Alaska Statehood Act, supra, after December 18, 1975: a. Tyonek: ., · SEWARD Ml!:llmiAN PBOTRACTEII DESCRIPTIO:I"S T, 10 N., R. 16 W. (W:I, ). T. 10 N.~ Rs. 17 through· 20 W. T. 11 N .• R.s. 17 through 20 W. T. 12 N., Rs. 16 through 20 W. T. 13 N., Rs. 16 through :io w. T. 14 N., Rs. 16 through 20 W. T. 15 N., Rs. 15 through 20 W. T. 16 N., Rs. 15 through 20 W. T. 17 N., Rs. 15 through 20 W . T. 18 N., Rs. 15 through 20 W. T, 19 N .. Rs. 15 :hrough 18 W. T. 20 N., R.s. 15 ~hrough 17 W. b. Eklutn:~.: ._.: .... ·o;~ ,"fl 0 0 0 0 0 D· 0 0 0 0 D 0 G 0 0 .{ 0 0 0 t; 15' d' .• ' Page 2 of 2 Federal Register.Deta <II»',..,_ . Published: 9/16/72 No<\,; 181 '. · Volo. :. ·Page: 37 18915 Sl!:WAIUI lll(EaXDIAN· l'llO'rRACT!tD DESCI'I.Il'T10lli'S T.l2 N •• as.4~a 11 E. T. 13 N., Rs. 4 through 6 E. T.14 N., Rs. 4 through.7 E. T.15 N., Rs. 4 throUgl18 E. T. 16 N., Rs. 4 througll. 10 E. T. 17 N ... Rs. 4 through 10 E'. T. 18 N;, Rs •. 4 throu~~:l:l. 10 E; T. 19 N., Rs. 5 o.nd. 'T E •. T.20N., R.3 E. T. 21 N .•. :a.s~ l ti:U'ougl:!. 5 E. T. 22,N.;Rs. I· through 4 E. T. 23 N.,R. l E. T. 21. N., Rs.'l and 2 W. T. 22 N., Rs. 1 a.nci 2 W. PLO No.,;: 5255 Date PLO signed: 9/12/72 The ·areas described aggregate ap- . proximately 2,290,300 acres. · · 5 ... Prior to tlle conveyance of any of the lands described . .in paragraph 1 of this order to any village corporation, or said Regional Corporation. the lands ·shall· be subject to the administration or the ·Secretary of the l'nterior under applicable laws and regulations, and lus· authority to make contracts and to gr:J.Il.t leaseS, permits, rightsoof:.way; or ense- ments, . shall not be Impaired by the · withdrawal. New ,applicatic:>i1s !or'leases under the Mineral Lea$lng Act of li'ebnt-. ary 25,-1920, supra. w111 be rej!!Cted until tllis order i•; modified or the l::mds .are approprlntely> cl!lssifted .· for mineral . · leasing. · 6. It. Is hereby determined that the promulgation or this public l:md order . Is not a. ·major Federal action signifi- co.ntly affecting the qunlity of the h•.unan · environment and that no detailed state- . ment pursuant to s~tion 102<2> (C) of the·. National Envirorimenta.l. Policy. Act ·.of Ui69, 42 .Stat. section 4332(2) \C), i3 ~uired. . ... RoGERS C; B. MOl!. TON, SecretarY ot tJie.Interior. SEPTEMBER 12, 1972. · (FB Doc.72-l5.7.86 Flied 9-13--,72!8:_!.2 am) '., -....... ~·· 0~ , I'· 0 ·o 0 ): 0 0 D 0 0 ;J 0 ...... 0 0 0 D 0 D t 0 0 0 p} ·..1:.. Published: 12/14/72 No •. : 241 Vol.. J7 rage: 26595 Charter !V-i:h:rcau of lrmd MaMgeQ m«:tr.t, Departmen& oi the Interior APPENDiX-PUBLIC lAND. C:.RDSil.:i [Public r,and Ord"r S321l A!.ASKA A~endmeni ofP10bli~ Land Ordl!rs No. ·517::1' and No; 5180, t'ls Am~r.c!P.d ·By virtue of tht! nuthority vesteu in the SeCl·ctary of t:te l11.t.:rio1· by sectfoJJ.S .. ll<nl <3> and 17Cdl en of the Alaska. Native Claims S-~ttlement Act of Decem~ ,. ber 18. 1971, 85 Slat.. Gf,3. 6!l6, 70B <here~ ina.!ter referred to a.s tl1e "Ar.t"l; ami purs>l~Ult to E:<ecut!..-e Orc!<i'.." No. 10355 of May 2!l, 1:?52 <17 l~.R. 48:lll, it. Is ordered ''~ follo'l\·s: ·· 1. Public Land Ol'dcr Ito.· 5173 of M:.:.rr.h n, 1072, ns amended, withdmw!ng land!! for sele~tion by the V!ll::.;:;e Corvo~ ration~ and the r!cgional Corporation for t.hc anproximate area.·· cc·;ercd by tho oper:.Jions of tl1c 'l'.nn::mn. Chiefs' Con- ference, is llerch:; r,rn.ended t-Q r.dd the following .clt:s(:r!bed l:mds to ·:,~:~.r:urraph · 2 o! s:1id o!·der: · FAIRt!ANI'tS · Mr.Rto.L'Ilf l'I!Oll!AC'!'l.D \:E::cn=o.Ns T. 2 N., Rs. 23 throurlh 25 E.' T. J <N., P.s_. 23 through 25 .. E. '1'. 4 N., R.•. 2·~ and 25 E. •r .. 1 S .. R:;. 25 throu~~h 29 E. T. 2 s., ns. · 2!1 through '::!!l E. T. J S., R. :!'1 E .. S'·!:. T. :l S., R~. 25 lhrottgh 29 E. '!'. 4 S., P.s. ::!4 through 33 E. T. 5 s; rw. ::'lo tllron~h 3-\ E. T G S., .. R. 23 E., E~·~. T. 6 s .. Rs. 2~ t.hrough 25, and Sl through 3~ E .. T. 7 6 .. I'.s. 19 1\llcl :!0 E. T 7 5., R. 22 K, 5%. 'L 7 s., n.s, 2:1 through ~G. :~.nd :H throug-h 34 E. '!. a S., R.1~ l!J through 25 E. COPPE!! RIVE:! MERJDI'AN . PROTP.Ac'riD DESCRII'TIONS T; 2C N., Ils. 11. thro\lgh H E; T;27 N'., Rs •. A throu:;h'1.~ E. . T. 20 N., Rs. II thro\lgh 14 E. (pnrtln.l). K.\TEEI. niVER MEIIIDIAN 1'1\0Tl!AC'rED .DESt:Ril"l'ION:l T. 10 N., R.s. 5 through .15 E: , T. 11 N., ns. s through R. :md 11 throt•gl113 E. ':'. 12 N .. Rs. 5 through B. and 11 through 12 !:. }o'AIDBJ!.NKS. MERIDIAN I'R.OTl!ACTED DESCttii"l'IONS T. 2a s., Rs: 26 through :!8 w. _ . ._ ___ .. ,. --·· ....... Pabc: l of. J ·2520 ~'LO Nn. : 5321 - Date ?LO si~n~J: 12/07/72 SEWA!!D ~ !!:R!IltAN' T. :H :1-T., ns. 20 tl:rougb :.>~ W. T. 32 r: .. r<s. l!l th .. ·ci.t~h ~4 \'V. T. ~:1 N.,.n~. 17 tlnot~gl~ 2'" W, 't':~N., H.s. 2!J''l•IOU!;h 2<i. W. 2. T.1~ SP·!~lflecl port!o;1:; of the ~ol­ Jo~::hJg c!eslgnn.tcri townships a;;c with- dro.·.;·n Olo' Fui.Jlic Land 01·dcr No. Sl'i~ of March o; 1072, a:; <•.mended. andwi!i. rt'~ main :;o withdrawn. The 1:md5 in ti:.is paragraph n1·e, ther<,forc, cxcrptcd from the aduiticn to Pll!Jlle Lsntl O.-dct· N'o. 5173 lJ~· IJS.L'U()'l':::.pll 1 o! thi~ (;xdcr: Ail land.~ wtthi~ the prot1•iv~tcd :.w·vey !oect.fons wh!c.h nrl! whol.ly .or 1n o"rt wlt.hln 1 mile of th~ me:m hi~h 'vr.ter marl: of thr: rl•:cr's b::m~;.i; Rnd.r.ll isi;:-..nd;; anrl islct.i w!tl>!n' the following nain~d Ti\'Ci'S and ~heir named . trlblltarles l'-S they _tl'nversc thr: i'ollowln:r descl·ibcd lands: 9 C1&arlcy R lt·cr . '~>Ali!RANK9 .1\{EnJDIAli PI!OTRAC'iT.ll DESC:l'.I~o:lNS '1'. 3 H •• )l. ~3 E. · •r. ~ N.; n,,, ':!4 k\nd 25 E. "':."•I For tyinll•: Jr.ft":.r 'FAir.rt.l\rtv..e ~tk!nrr·r.u·r ALL ·PROTn.'lC'i:'LD !'lES~:-· !:~rtONS·· 7'. 7 s., r~~-:n th;ct!~h ::3 r::. '1'. 7 S., R. :1<1 F.. (fr~.ct\onrlJ. Jl::acU!'' For;.; (Ti'ibutrtr1[) FAIRBAH::.s !\;i'£KII:ri.'N' T. 5 S., It.'i. 25 t.hrot1~!l 2:.1 !:. ·'1'. 6 S., ?.s. 24 and :l:i E. . T. 7 s,, n:;. 22 nuct 21 E. T.!: 1)., ilz. 21 r.ud ::!2 ::;::. COPPI:R P.Ivra ·MF.r:x:::AN T. 27 N., P.. 9 E. T. :!6 N., Rs. 9 ::nd 10 E. Jl!olly C:rclfl~ ( TributC!r-j) . . CO!'I"ER RlVf:& hlE<>~Pt.UI' • 'l'. :l7 N., ·R 10 E ... T. 21Uf., R: 10 E. FAIRBANKS l\il."lllDIA.I{ '1'. a s.,.P.s. 21 o.~.d 22 E. Jo~~ph Crrei; (Tributary) FAlRn.L ... K::: MJ::P.IDt.\N T. 6 s,, R. 23 E. McKinley Creel' (Trtbutar:t) l•',\IlUIA.IU>S lV1EiliDLAN'. T. as .. n. ?.4 E. T. 7 S., R. 24 E. 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 I ' 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 .. P·ublished: 'i2/14/72 Vol..: 37 Ho •. ·: 241. Paee: 26595 . Little n'hitc :.:im Creek (TrifJutaT!/; li'AIII'D.'I.:Nli'.S M<.1UDIIIN' . T. '1 s .. Ra .• 24 and 2:i E. Fbi• Creek. (Tributary) FAU:JJAHlCs Mr::m.tA:tr T, G B., R. 25 F ... Pittaf:n117;h Creek (Tributcry) T!'AIJUIANKS Z.fF.l<iDIA:N T. 5 S., R. 25 E. Portag.:: Creel: (T~illu~ary) l"lllllllANKS l\I'I."Ritli:JI.N T. 5 S., ll.s. 25 and l!G E. North. ,f'ork (1."nbu.tart') l;'Al'liBA.'iKS Mlo:l:IniA:N T. 3 S., :Rii. 27 1\nd :.\8 E. T. 4 S.; n. 28 J·:. T. li s., n.s. 21! nnd!l9 E. Slata.Creek (Trtbuta17) FAI:BSAN'KS MEl\lllL'I:N T. S 8., Rs. 2S l.hru 27 E •. T. 4S.,R5, :ZS Md 26 ?.. 'Bubp Cree;.: (Trlbutarv} . FA!r.ll;lN'KS M:E!!IDL\:N T. 3 s .. n.s. 24 &nJ 2s :e. Independence Creek. (Tributary) l"AIJI.IIA.NH:S UEll.IDtAN . T. 1 8., ns. 27 and 21! E. T. 2 S., R. 27 E. T. 3 S.,R. 27 E. North Peak. Creek (Trtbutar!f} FAnt11ANX.''l MEKml:A:ct T.3 S.,R. 28 E. T,45.,R.2SE, Comet Creek (Trlbutarv) i'Al'ltliiANK5 MERIDIA..'f T.3S.,R.29E, T •. 4. S., Rs. 23 and 29 E. Dear Cre.ck (Tributary) • . T AIIUIA NltS ~n:R:mi.A • .N T. 4 a., R.a. 28 1\nd !19 E. Chll.mpwn. CT!'ek. ( Ti'ibutiU'y) .FAm!iiANKS MJ:RIDlAN' T. ~ S., ll.s. 2B through St E. -r; 5 S., &s. 30 and 31 E.. O'Brfcn. Creek (Tril:tutary) :t'ADI.BA.NKS :t.U::SI!lUN T. 6 S., II.&. 32 and 33 E. T, 6 S., R. 32 E. · T. 7 s .. n.. 32 E. SrM~h. Creek (Tribuiuv) c li'Atil.l!ANKS Ml:aiDL\:N T. "/ S., R. :l-iE. RC!ferc.nc~ uc. rn;::;c 2 of ~ P!.O Ho •. ~ 53.H D«.h; l'LO sign:.~tl:··12/07/72 ~~i<WIT!itO f'orJ: (TriiJt.; iary} CO~l'l~ lUV~".r. MI:l!l!JiA!·' T. ~:I H., R.14 f~ • J:c.echtt!nstitT: Crrck (Tri1>tUarv) . CON•L"R r.Ivr.:a JU.i.P.!!Jr;.~r T. !!fl ~i.. Rs. 13 tmd 11 F.. . 'l'. ::r; N., lw; .la nud 11 :r::. 'l'hc zm:ms of l:md cksr.ribcct i.n pn.t"a:- t~n.rh l o! l.'h.is order. :c:;:s ll!.osc. excepted In P~•rnurnph 2, ar::~;zem~tc a;mro::im~tLcly 2,!l72,1tl0. ncrr.s. · · 3. SubJect to vr.lid c:u:;tir:g rh;hls, aU of tluH~.nds de!:cx·1br:d In n:J.rn~1·a.~h 1 of this o:-dcr, les;; ~hose excc!;tl:cl in. para.:. t"l'lll>h 2, n:-r. n.:ii!Cd lo Putltc ~L.:wd Onlcr No~ 5173, as r·.mendccl. ancl immcdi:•tely become suhjl!et. to 1~!~ of the! t•:n·ms n.ud conditions ·o!. tlmt crd.:r. in-::lutling t.hc · withrlr:J.w:ll <tf ~he lands from selection b~· U1c Stalr, of Al:~.ska ~meier the· Alasl:a· . St::r.tei1cidd ·AcL 72 Slnt. ::!39; a.nd fti'lm .to:.. cnllon and entry under the r.linlng"la\\·s. ... 30 U.S.C. Ch. 2, and irom le:tsing under· the Mlno.rnl.Lcasin!"!' At';t of FcLruo.ry 25, l\.1~0. 30 TJ.S.C. sections 181-::!87' (1970) . . The lanc!s. r\~$cribcd In po.!·r.~·rn.ph ·l a.re deleted from thcs<:' listed !n: Pubiic L!ind .Order No; !H80 o.f March 9, 1972, a.s amended. · .4. Public Lnnd Ordt'r No: 5180 o! March !1, 1972; ns arr.c'ndcd, withdrawing lands. for <'le.s..o:;iiicat!on and fur protec- tion of u.e ptibli~ lnrc!·eit in the l&lld~. is h~reby. amcnd~d to. ndd t.llt:l fo.i..iowtng d()Scribcd. lands • to paragri>.ph l oi said order. . PAJJIIIANKS Mli:li.IDIAN I'ROTI'.AC';t;D lll!:sc't!.ll'TlONS '1'.16 s., n.:4 w. ' T. 17 S.,l'l.s. ~nncl.4'v;. '\ 1. T. 18 S., 1'!.8. 2 through 4 \'t'. ' ·T •. l!l S., R.s. l Un·ou~h 1 W.' T.1~S.,R..l E .. T. :!0 s., Rs. l through s :: .. T. 21 ~·· n.s .. \ through: !l E. K4n:zr.. RI\"ER MERIDUN' PJ:O'i'llAC'TQ . DESCF.'IY!:tOHS T. lG S.; Rs. 22 through 30 F. •• T. 17 S., Rs. 22 through 20 E. T, 18 :::;., ru. 22 through :::a E. T.l9 S.,P..::!2E, 61::\VIll!:D 1\.iC.tmAH l'll~ DES::::IIlM'IOliS T. :13 N'., ns. 51 th.rcmgh 53 \V. T. ::4 N., :ea. 45 ~hrougt 53 w. T, 25 N., n.,, ~9 throt1gh. 52 W. T • .25 N., .IW!.. 3:1-. t.'lrougl:l. 45; a.nd 43 throu0h 52 IV~ T. 27 N'~ Rs. 39 through 45, a.nd 48 i.!lrou:;h 52 w. The arca.t~ dcsrr!bed a.ggre>;"nte a:pprold..,. , ma.tely 2,257,920 :l.Cl.'CS. . :·, I .. :. ] '·· ] ·;i ;·. J J J. , .... '> Y:~ 0 .. ,. 0 ·>.: 0 0 0 0 0 .... t 0 . .. ' 0 0 ,. .. ~irD "~ .... ,., Page 3 of 3 · ·P~deral Register D.::.tn F-..thl ished ;• !2/14 /72 No,: .241 VoL.: 37. P\'lg~.: 265.95 PJ.O Fo •. : 5321 Dnt~ .P.to. sirnt.~ci:l~/o-;~2 0 .•-/J. 5. Subject to valid existing rltlhts. an· of. the lands described i!l pnrarrrap!l.1. r:C this o1·dcr arc added t,o ?tlblic Land Order. No. Sl&O, as nmcn:lcd .. and im,.. mediately bcr~:llne subject. to nil o! the terms and r.onclitlons ot that m·c!er, ill- .eludhg tl:e withdra·.vc<l of Lh~ l:mcls f:'om ::cht:linn by .the State of Al:\ska. il.."Hier the Alaska. Statehood Ac!, 72 Stat. 33'9, o.nd from loc.nWon and cnL1"Y under the mining )aws· <cxc-:!pt; for locp.tionl'!. !or lllC,talli!erous mineral~ •. 3d 0 .s:c::t.l •• ;;,- nnd.---mm leasing "tinder thr: Min<?ral . Lensing Act of Febru.1:ry .25, 1920, as runcndcd, sect,ions lB1-237<1!l70). Them lands nrc dcle~d rron1· those. listed In ·Public Land Ordcr.No. 5173 o! March 9, 197'2, as amended.. . . G. The purpose o! this orrle1· Is to sup~ plement Pnbl!c Land · Order .. 5173. · r..s , amcndC'd, by :rcscr\'1ng add1Uotlll.l .l::.r.ds for ;ch~ct1o11 by the Regional Coroorntion !or llle approximate nrea ccrverl!d by the . <meratiOllS or the 'I'annnn Chli!f:;• Con- !crcnca, ns proridc-d !or Ly sccL1ci:1 .12 of the Act. and to. supplement Public Lrind Orctrir No. 5130 or March !'!, 1972, as. !Uncnded, by: reserving il.Uditional lands · for st\Jdy to dete1·m1ne the pro11cr clnssi~ fknt.ion o!thc lands :md to'r.sccrtnin the · pub!lc ·.-alues in the lands til~& need pro- tection, as rwov!dcd fol' by sej!\.loli: 1 'II d) n) of tht.l.'\{,t, 7. While lh(!· lands described in this orctrr remain \Vithclrawn, the l::l.nds shall be subject to nriminlstration b:; the Sec-. ret:uy of the In tcrior uhdcr the ltJlJ)l!c::t.- blc laws' ~md rcqulations und hi.; ::mthor- ity to make eontn,cts, :ind to rrrr..nt leases, permit!'>. rir,hts-of-1•:ar. o1· cn:;cmcnt:; shall not be hnpnircd by: this w:~ildrawnt. New :wplicn.tiom: for. lt•:,sl!s ·under the Mlrternl L.cnsincr .'\ct of Fcbru:wy 25,19!:0, supl'a. will be rejected until this order is . modified or the lnnds arc n.ppt;opria~ly classified to permit mil'lcraLlcnsing, 8. It is lierchr determined tl;;l.t the pro- mulgation qf this publlcland order is not a. major l''cdt~ral nc.tion sJgnificant!y 'a!- !eot111g the quality o!. t,ho numan, cn- viromncnt nne! thnt no dctn!lcd sta.tc- m~mt pul'suarit to-section 102(2) (C> ·of. the Nat.lonal Env1romnental· Polley Act of 1969, 42 u.s.c. section 4.:'.32(2) <C), Is required. . . · . RciCt:IIS C.n. MORTON, Secretary of the inter.ior. DECEMBER 7, 19'72. JPB Doc.72~2141'3 l-'llcd. 12-13-72;8:47 am) . l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Refercmce No. 2.520A. · Federal Re;ister Data -t·A Published: 07/25/73 Yol..: 38 . PLO No.;,: 5321 Date PLO sign:cd: 07/17/73 No.~: 142 Page: ·19911 ! AP~===:~~53~7'ERS . I .I. .. . . l ·> .· A~KA·. . . . Com!!Ctiow Gt fi'Utriie Land Order No, 5321·1 :Tile description ot the landS. m Public .. Land . Order. No. 5321 of· December 7, 1972, :tppe~ in 37 .FR. 28595->26596 at the !s.Sua ol December 14, 1!172, amend- . Lng· Public La.:!:ld . Order No. 51'13.; a.S . amended; is b.ei"eby corrected ·by cha.xig.. ' . 1ng T. 24 N., to T. 34 N\, Seww:d Meridi.IIJ:l. Pmt~l:ed. Descri¢;1rm£.1n. pangra,ph .. l of said.order;. · JACK o. Hcm.ftm, htl&:ita:n;tSecr!'Jf:!1;'1"!Jot..: .. 1 · tMintlirior. 1 I .ltn.T 17,.19'!'3. I (P~-~:~16:1!25 Ptled 7-24.:-73;8:43 ~~ . \ D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ...;,; ... ~,. :· United States Departn1ent (~f the Interior . UFFICI<: OF THESOLICITOR ,\:\C'l!O!L-\(;1.; tn:(;!ON 5\ill Sire'<'!. Sui:,• .fiiH ·\lll"ill•.i·"'"· \\;"k" ';')~II\ July 21, 1980 !'1 ENO RAl'W UM To: State Director From: Subject: Bureau of Land Management Alaska At to r·ney -Advisor Office of the Regional Solicitor Alaska Region Cook Inlet Village Entitlements Under Section 12(b) of ANCSA (961) By a lengthy 1and detailed memorandum o ~ April 24, 1980 y6u raised numerous questions concerning the proper procedures tor satisfying the Section l2(b) of ANCSA entitlements of the Cook Inlet Region village·corpor~tions. The questiotis. relate in part to the .meaning of "statutory entitlementn as .used in Section 4 of P.L. 94-456 (90 Stat. 1934) and yoti have asked us to reconsider our earlier opinion of November·2, l97 9 \vh ic h c-oncluded that the tenn "statu tory en tit lernen t 11 was li1id.ted to Section l2(a) of ANCSA entitleme-nts. The remainder of your questions relate to. hmv and ~<'here the Cook Inlec Region village corporations will receive their 12(b) e.n ti tlemen t s. DISCUSSION I CAN 12(b) LANDS BE CONVEYED TO CIRI FOR RECONVEYANCE TO VlLLAGE CORPORATIONS? Section t4 of P.L. 9i+-456 authorizes the Secretary of 1_h(~ lnt:t:~rior to conVE:y lands to ClRl for rE:conveyance tu Cook Inlet villagE: corporaticlilS '' ... as partial satisfact~o!'1 cd~ the staL.r.itory_ ent_itl~m~n-~ of such Village Corporati.ons. '·. (;::mphasis added). !I Since· this ~12ction ~s the so1e ~3taruu.n~_'i basis foe c·::>nveying VL1l.:1ge land:·j t.o C:ll\l, th<~ Deparunent would be without authority to convey to CTHI any lands that fell outside o t-Lht~ per iweLers rJ[ •wlHL is inc lude•:l ns "scaLutc.:iry ·2nt i tl\::ment." / l 1 ]· l ] J J 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 ·In our legal opinion of November 2, 1979 we concluded that 11 Statutory entitlement;" as u.sed in Section 4 of P.L. 9.4.:..456, encompassed only 12 (a) entitlements. However, after a series of meetings and discussions. ~Alith CIRI' s attorney · · and members of the BUt's Division of ANCSA Operations, as well as a thoro~gh recdnsideration and review of the matter in. this office, we are n.ow of the opinion that the phrase "statutory ent~tlement" can be construed .to include 12(b) entitlements as w·ell as ·12(a) enti.tlements .. Our rationale is that 12(h).entitlements are·"statutory entitlements" in as much as they. are derived directly from a statute (Section 12(b) of A..I\ICSA). The fact tha.t Section 12(b) of A.:.'iCSA does not set out specific entitlenu~nts ot even gwarantee that any given village corporation will receive· any acreage, ·does not alter the ,fact that 12(b) entitlements are stai::utorily crea.ted ~. Given this fact, it is possible that a court, in con- struing Section 4 of P .. L. 94-4.56, would.not look beyond the face of. the statute,. as we did in reaching the conclusions . set forth in our opinion of November· 2, 19 7.9. · Reither,. a court could hold that. the t,erm ·~statu tory entitlement, 11 . on ·its face; encompassed both l2(a) and 12(b) entitlement.s. This would be iri accord.with the general rule of statutory construction that specifies when a statute is clear on its face 'it is improper to ·look to the legislative history. See, U.S. v~ Rone, 598 F.2d 564, 569 (~th Cir. Jg79). ~nd . F.2d 653, 656 (9th Cir. 1961) ... On the other hand, if.Section 4 of P.L. 94-45~ were considered to. be ambiguous, the general TU of stattitory construction, which provides that ambiguities in Indian legislation should be construed in f~vor of lndians 1 would apply. See, Brvan v. Itasca County, L126 U.S. 373, 392 (1976); and Alnska PGblic Easement Defens~ Fund v. Andrus, 435 F. Supp. ·· 664, 671 (Alaska. 1977) . Thus , even · i. f the term "statutory entitlement 11 \vas nor. considered ,by a '-~burt to facially encompass both 12(a) and 12(b) entit.lements and was treated as ambigti6u~, it could still. be cbristrued to include 12(b), as well as l2(a), entitlements as CIRI ass~rts. · These general rules of statutory construction aside, new factors nave come to light \•lhich lndicat.c? the S·:~cr:etary can convey Section 12(b) lands to CIRI for reconveyance. Host significantly, you have advised us.thar. Appendix A of. the Agreem~nt of August 31, 1976 between CIRl and the Se~re rv ) F r he-., ,... t F· r l. (\.,.. l. n c l u u: .,, s·· 1 ? ( ~D ) 1 ·o n·c·i s s v• r~ <' 'L. f" ; c·· ·lil' \' <-: C> t· 1' ') ..,. (_ -~. J.. J • -.-, -<::: •. ~-· . , <e< l , , jJ •. -.o. ~. • c • •• ~ <c: -L l !. Lr:t Secti.on V or the Tenus and Ccmd tions for Land Con:·::;<)l i.- . dation and Hanagement in th<.;: Cook In e.L A.rr::a as ·:~L1-ci Ci·:':d D 0 o• 0 0 o. D 0 0· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] ~· .. Finallyi while we conside~ it to be more of a policy de termination than· a legal. question, we do concur with·· the req~irements you p~opose to utilize and set forth at page 8 of yo~r memorandum of April 24; 1980 . . II ALLOCATION OF 12(b) ENTITLEMENTS Section Vll.A. ·of the T&C prbvides .that " ... CIRI shaLl allocate Section 12(b) selection.s to the follo\.;ing areas ... ~~ It is our view that this section should be construed con- sistently with Section 12(b) of ANCSA itself. Since we construe Section 12(b) to mean that a regional corporation can only assign· acreage amounts and. it. is .up to the village corporations. to select that acreage from available lands, we conclude that the phrase .. 1' ••• CIRI shall allocate Sectie.n 12(b) selections to the following areas~ .. " should be construed to mean that GIRl can allo~ate acreage·amounts to its village artd those villages. ca~ ~~lect th~ir 0Ilocated shares from ·· land avai lab1e pursuant to Sections VII. A. or I. C. ( 2) ( k) of the< T&C .. s.ection IX. of the T&C' supports the consistency of this po.si tion by providing, .1 ~ [1 ]ands conveyed co CIRI and/o t- its village and group corporations. in accordanc.e with this Doc1.unent; notwithstanding 'their source (whether Fe de ra 1 or State), shall· be. considered and treateg. Ci.:?. S:E.!!.'!_~yances !:lnd~~ _§nd pursuant to ANCSA. . . (Emphasis added),'' ·. 2_:ee. also, · · Section 12(c) and Section 18 of P.L. 94-204 (~9 S . 1152 and 115&). · \~e do find, bm..;t:~vcr, that rlH: phr·;1se " ... Ci!<! ~:;haLl allocate Section 12(bl selections to t.he follo~ing ateas ... ·· has the limi.ti . feet of narn>\.ving a \:i.1l.:q=~:e. coq)or;ition',:; selection of land to the geographical areas. lis'ted in Sect Lon VII of the T&C or to in lieu St:lections under Section l.C.(2Hk) ·of the T&C. _1.-h; fu~th~r cor:clude t.hat thi~ limitation~appl~c:s to all Cook Inlet F:eg1on village corpor::rlions except: t.klutr.a. Thus, with .. th·e exception of Eklut:.n<J., .atter C allocate.s acreage amounts; thf-Cook lnlet F:e:glon \.7i llage corporat"ic:ins · 12 (b) se le~ ~i?ns ":'i 11 be ~ imf7ed to .the areas and · ro the. extent spec1f1ed 1n the T&C.~ · . · · Eklutrra, not\v:ithstanding the above, is an exception nnd ca.rr receive allocations of 12(b) an-ea outside o.f Sections v -~ ~ . d ,. ~ ( ') ' r k ) t h . T·&C' ~ .. "'' ' . . . vll .. A. an· . .L.l.. ~J.' o L e . :::.1nce ,:.l<Lut.na. dHi not h.ave to t'elinquish sr:lections, ds x..,·as r-::~quired of other Cook cstood t.hat these viLJagr.::s ha··.'e blanker L2 b)· se areas and that t.h•.::y l 1 r:e.;-·d to pr-Lud c.i :::.·,: · .t. hem follcw .. 'ing CIRI 1 5 allocation of -!cr..-~at~.e ':;nti tletient:s. · J J 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . Inlet Region village~ by S~ction 12(a)(3) of P~L. 94-104, it cannot be considered a party to the T&C, nor wer€ the liruiling provisions of Section VII of the T&C intended to apply tc) Ek1 u tna. Moreover, the Agreement of August 31, 1.97 6 which, as a conte~poraneous agency in terpre tat ion, is entitled to great weight, specifically provides for the preservation of Eklutna's 12(b) selectiQns. In particular, Section F(3) of the Agreement of August 31, 1976 memoralizes the fact that the ~ithdrawals made. ih PLO 5174 and PLO 5425 for l2(b) selections by Eklutna remain avaiL-1hle. for s ection by. Ekltitna. Convey~nc~ of any acreage ClRI allocates to Ekfutna under l2(b) would thus fall outside of· .. the per-imeters of t:hf: T&C and would be directly from the Uni~ed States Lb'EkluLnu. While other Cook Inlet Region village corporations initially had selection rights. under1 thes.e same PLO' s, i.r. is note~·Jocthy that _the Agreement of ·August 31; 1976 fails to. specifically · p~eserve th r selection. rights. This omission further supports our conclusion that all Cook Inlet Region vil , other t.han Eklutna, can obtain their 12(b) entitlements only in the geograph a~eas e~tablished in Section VII of the ·. T&C or pursuant to Section l.C. (2) (k) of the T&C. CON CUTS ION . . Consequently, <vJe have arrived at the . op i. nion that the t e rm " s ta t u to ry en t i t 1 erne n t" as used in Sec t ion Lt o f P . L. 94~456 can be construed t6 include 12(b), ~as well as l2(a), en tit lemeR ts. . We have also .reached the cone Ius ion that \liLA. of the.T&C should .be construed consistently with . Section 12 (b) of ANCSA in as much as CIRI n. assign ac re;;ge amounts and the Cook Inlet .Region village corporations, with ihe.exceptipn of Eklutna, can sele~t their 12(b) allo~ations in the areas and manner ptovid ·in. the T£"-C. t:klutna is ari exception in as much as it does not haVe to make its 12(b) . se lee t ions under the T.S,C. · . ln closing, i.t should be noted that it is possible that .the resolution of a recently filed Federa1 court case, Ch·icka1oc·n .~ic\o.se C e·-k N9.ti\,-E! AS.S(>·c .·, r·nc. \l, C(J(;k lnl.e.t; Re~ion, Inc. , e t al. , No. AoO-2<Jt-(~{v. , U.S. D-.-c-.-,-. D:. Alas 1night alter some of the conclusions arrived at in this op icm. In particular, th<:. lawsuit r ses quest:ions ,_:oncerni. the convevance of l~nds to CIRI for ceconvevance. Lf ~.he lawsuit ultimately affects any of ~ advic~ we have render~d in tb"is memorc.4ndum, we will be cet-tc:J.in to advise u. r, . r n:nnLs·_.. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _J :' Memorandum To: Regional Solicitor, Office of the Solititor Anchorage, .Z\laska Attn: Den..T'lis ·Hopewell, Attorney Advisor From: State Di~ector, Bur~au of Land Mariagement Subject: Cbok Inlet Village Entitlements Under Section 1.2(b} of ANCSA Reference is made to a· memorandum from your office dated··. November 2, 1979; made in response to our request for advice on September 25, 1979, concerning problems encountered in. implementing Section 4 of P.L. 94~456 (90 Stat. 1934) and the Agreement of August 31, 1976. · In the memorandu1·1l, ''statutory entitlement,11 as used in P.L. 94-456, was defined as including only section 12(a)· entitlements. It was also concluded that the Secretary of the Interior is not.authorized by this Act to convev 12(b) entitlements to CIRI for reconveyance. to the village corporations. Further discussions have been held on the 12(b) problem and additional questions have been raised. The pu.:·pose of this memorandum is to provide all pertinent information for another review by your office, for ·reconsideration of your op1n1on; as we understand, CIRI has informally requesi:.ed such reconsideration. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~~4:'~n~~~(~0~t~j~·~~~~·1 ~ 1 .2 .• on November 91 1979, we mailed to.CIRI and .the appropriate village corporations a_draft decision approving conveyance r.c CIRI of lands described in .~ppendix A of the Agreement of Aua_ust 31, 197_ 6. Usin_g the establis_hed -definition of 11 -::: ... :1-•·-.-..r-:· _~_._ ..... :..4,\,..'-"'~~· . - entitlement 1 11 .the acreage of all lands selected under section 12 (a) o ANCSA was. to be charged against the 12 (a) entitlement of the participating village corporations, subject to .adjustment. The acreage of· lands not under· 12 (a) s.elections was to be ch:::rged against .CIRI Is 12 (c) .. entitlement, as any acreage conveyed to CIRI, in excess of that needed to fulfill village 12(a) . . entitlements, would. be regarded as conveyances of land outside · the boundaries .of Cook Inlet Region pursuant to .section I. c. ( 1} · . . . o{ the Terms and Conditions for Land Consolidation and t-l!anagement in the Cook Inlet Area. Copie~·of pages 1~ and 16 of our draft · DIC are enclosed,. in which the· acreage chargeabili ty is explained. Iri response to our draft DIC, CIRI informed us by telephone and personal contact that they did not agree with our opinicn and that it was their intention to include12(b} lands ·within Appendix .~ of the Agreement of August 31, 1976, between. the Secretary of the Interior and-CIRI. AfterBLM decided tha-c. the questions were of a legal nature, and not policy questions, c I reauested issuance Df a DIC onlv for c~rtain lands selected under . ..... . . . . . -' section 12(a) of . .::...~CSA. This was issued on November 30, 1979. On January 3, 1980, we .:received a letter from. CIRI stating that 11 ••• c IRI does not waive its right to appeal BLI1 1 s terpreta. tion of Sec. 4(a) of Public Law 94-4_56 and the applicable agree:ne!1 •..;hen properly raised.,, A copy of the letter. is enclosed. Follo',.;ing the story of events leading questions concern~ng conveyance of 12(b) lands in Cook Inlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 3 : . . May 7,· 1976-The.majority of total village selections filed · under section 12 (a) of. A-N'CSA were rejected due to nonccmpli- ance.with the requirement for-compactness and contiguity; decisions. were appealed; A.NCAB remanded the cases to BDL · August 28, 1976 -A-N'CSA Section 12 (a) Conveyance Agreement entered ipto between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. ·and the 'tillage corporations of Ninilchik, Knikatnu,. Alexander Creek, Salamatof, · Tyonek,. Chickaloon and Seldovia .. . . The parties recognized the questions in the. validity Of -c..l-).e village selections in the deficiency l.ands and agreed that legislative actio"n was needed to resolve the problem to < ' • .. • uinsure thatthe village corporations received their ·statutorY eri.ti tlement under ANCSA. u (See i tern 2 undet . 11 \v1iEREAS 11 of the agreement, which is Appendix B of the Agreement of.il.ugust 31, 1976.) .. They agreed to form boards "with one representative from each of the villa,ge ' . ' . corporations that has • selected lands· under S.ection · 12 (a). 11 They established standards to be followed by CIRI 1n reconveying 11 .land to the village.corporation entitled thereto under their Section 12 (a) selections ..... 11 Emphasis added. ·August 31 1 1976 :.. Agreement between CIRI and the secret::try .. of the Interior. The Secretary agreed to convey all lands \ -. in Appendix A to ClRI, Appendix A having more lands than that under section 12{a) selections. CIRI agreed to reconvey the surface estate to the.village corpcrat:..ons according to the CIRI/Village agreement., 11 and 't~hich agreement may be modified by the parties thereto.11 October 4, 1976 -P.L. 94-456~ Section 4(a) of which authorized the Secretary to convey lands under applic en .for selection by the villag~ corporations to Cook Inlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' . .,.. Region, Inc., for reconveyance.by CIRI to the village corporations. nsuch. lands shall be conveyed as partial satisfaction of the statutory entitlement of such village corporations . from lands withdrawn pursuant to section . ll(a)(3) .... 11 Does. the Secretary of the Interior have statutory authority to convey 12(b) lands to CIRl·for reconveyance·to the village corporations? The relationships between Section 4 of P.L. 94-456, the Agreement of August 31/ 1976, and Section VII .A, of the Terms and Conditions ·for· Land Consolidation and r-12magement in the cook Inlet Area is discussed below. Statements made in the Agreeme-nt ofJ:ll1gust 31, 1976, indicate . ' . . that the Secretary and CIRI did not have only 12(a) selections in mind/ and. that. 1.2 (b) lands·· may be conveyed to CIRI for·· . . reconveyance to the .villages. The provisions in Section E of the agreement refer to village entitlements only under Section 14 of ANCSA, without specifying subsections 12(a) a:nd/or 12(b). Also, section F of the agreement provi.des that only certain lands shall be conveyed to village corporations within cook Inlet. Region. Th~ list of lands therein makei no mention of'·selections filed under Section 12(a) and/or 12(b) o.f l\.NCSA; hm.;rever, it implies that the villa_ges, other than.Eklutna., would .receive lands directiy from the Secretary only in the section 11 (a) ( 1) and {_2) withdrawals and from CIRI in the deficiency •,;.ithdrawals.. Section . . -. F of the agreement reads as follows:- Only the following lands shall be conveyed to Village Corporations within Cook Inlet Region: 1) Valid selections made by any Village Cornoration within an area 't!i thdrawn by Section 11 ( .=.) ( 1) and ( 2) of the Settlement Act; D 0 D 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2) Valid selections made by Eklutna, Inc., from lands withdrawn by Public Land Order (FLO) 5174, as amended by FLO 5425; 3) Lands conveyed by CIRI pursuant to this section; and pursuant to the Terms and Conditions as clarified AUgUSt 31, 1976. Under F ( 3), do the conveyances by CIRI pursuant. to the Terms and Conditions include l2(b) lands? Does this imply that the Secretary has authoriza:tion to convey 12 (h) lands to CIRI? Although no explicit authorization exists, such conveyance may be . . required in this case. The .conveyances to village corporations which are provided for in the Terms and Conditions include, in our ~nalysis, only lands from within the Exchange Pool under ·.Section I ,c. (2) ( K) and lands· from the State reconveyances under Section I.C .. of Appendix C. As will b~.explained later, Section VI I. A. b f the Terms and Conditions only specifies areas in 'H'hich 12 (b.) selections Can be filed. It does not provide for ·conveyances to be made to CIRI. According to c.onversa tions with our Alaska Program Staff in \'-i'ashington, CIRI was told during the negotiations for. the August agreement that the ANCSA amendment ·.~as intended only to satisfy ·. 12 (a) entitlements. The Department of Interior had no intention of conflicting with Section VII.A. of the Terms and Conditions. It ~as pciinted out that a contract, or the August agreement, could not overturn statute (VII. of the Terms and Condit::i.i;)r~s). One argument used to support the contention that the Secretary has the authority to convey l2(b) lands to CIRI is that Appendix A of the agreement of August 31, 1975, was written to include 12(a) selected lands and lands which would likely ce Co·n-re·.~-~c· t:1 ·r·,·-,,,~ge ~~rT'\o·rat·,·on-= .L~·-~r .~...~1ulfil~-~--~·~"'n~.:_ .':f 1.?(','"'.) .L\ _:.c ........ ',_ ... __ a. ·~.:...~~_.!:-' -• ,.., -· -----•------- 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. 0 0 0 -6 entitlements. · Appendix A does indee.d include more lands than those selected under 12 (a) of .WCSA, · and CIRl has stated that the intent in writing Section 4 of P.~. 94-456 was to include lands within Section VII.A. of the Terms and Conditions. Does the inclusion of 12(b) larids within Appendix A of the Agr~ement of August 31, 1976, give the Secretary the authority to make s1,1ch· conveyances to CIRI? The definition established for 11 statutory entitlement!! in. the memorandum of November 2, 1979, and the reasons provided·,· r..;ould indicate otherwise. P...nother argument is that by the wording given in Section VILP. .. of the Terms and Conditions/ the villages will receive their 12 (b) ·.entitlement only from those . lands describ~d in that section; the Terms a.lld Conditions is statute and Section VII.A. of the Terms and Conditions mandates cnn to allocate Section l2(b) selections to certain specified areas. The areas 'include 4. 5 tovmships in the. Talkeetna· Nountains withdrawal. This is comparable to the a.rnount of land· within Appendix A of the Agreement of August 31, 1976, which is selected only under section 12 {b) of .A.NCSA. CIRI has queried, 1t~here els.e would the villages receive.their 12(b) entitlement if the.4.5 tcl\mships are accepted by CIRI as part of its 12(c) entitlement? CIRI 's intent to include the 12 (b) lands in App~ndix ,c,. is · understandable, ·but. there are other· l.ands the Talkeetna Mountains Withdrawal available for 12 (b) selections 1,.Jhich included in ."\ppendix A. l/ .!\lso! the village corporati l/ There are, in t:he Talkeetna !!1ountains alene, approx1ma ly 2 ,633 acres north of the Susitna River which are net in Apperidix A. There are also approximately 80,640 acres 1n Tuxedni-Iniskin area. which are in VILA. of t!:e Terms and Conditions and not in Appendix A. 0 0 0 0 0 .o··· ... D 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' given an extension for filing their 12(b) selections by Section 12(h) of P.L. 94-204, indicating that the village corporations .had the right to select lands and to receJ. ve title to them · directly from. the·. Se.cretary. ' .. . . Incidentally, what is the meaning of the phrase within Section . VI L of the T.erms and Conditions i 11 ••• CIRI shall · alloc.ate s.ection · · 12 (b) selections. ~ .. 11 ? standing alone, it surely cap_rlOt meq.n that the 12 (b) lands would .be conveyed to CIRL The Terms and Conditions were written prior to P.L. 94-456, and at the time .there was no need for any la:nds to be conveyed to CI.RI for . ' ,. . ., ·• reconveyance to the village corporations. It appears thaf the ·. whole intent a.nd. need for tb.e. authorization given in Section 4 .of . :P .. L. · 94-456 was to resolve the problems caused by the 12 (a) selection pattern of the village corporations. However, since · are obliged to convey the lands in Appendix A to CIRI, and .Cook · Inlet Villages are entitled t;o 12(b) allocations.; .. some of which. ·.··could come. from .1\.ppendix A, it· may.·be ne.cessary to construe· the ·.agreements to allm~ our conveyances of. 12.(b) lands to CIRI. ·• Whether or not thel2(b) lands· are conveyed to GIRl for reconveyance to the villages, can the villages receive title to 12 (b) .l.ands outside .of VI I. A. and the Excb.ange Pool? Or does the ohrase· 11 ••• CIRl shall allocate Section 12 (b) selections ... 11 in ... . ' .. .. ' section ~II .• mean that C1RI is obligated to select specific lands for specific village.s? If so,. are we authorized to make an exception for Eklutna because of the provisions given in :Section . F(2) of the Agreement of August 31, 1976?. Could. the other· village corporations justifiably demand exception? It appears that from the beginning there has been confusion caused by lack· of conununication in the various agreements. · (See COpies of correspondence enclosed COncerning a conflict betHeen a 12(b} selection filed by Seldovia and the·provisions of P.L, 94-204). Decisions mus.t be made to .resolve the l2(b) questions.· ·"·''. ·o . o_· 0 0 o-· 0 0 o .. 0 0 ' . . . ., rf. it can be construed .. that the Secretary has statutory authority· to convey 12 (p) lar1ds to CIRI forreconveyance to village • corporations 1 · we feel that BLM should require: 1. that CIRI and all villitge CO!J)orations involved·· enter · ... ih.to a modifie9. conveyance agreement to' include 12(b) lands. The agreement shouldspecif:y:.the amount of 12(b} lands to. be conveyed to . CIRI (all or _in part. ) 2. · sUbmission of Board resoltitiohs approving the. signatories· to .enter into th;e ·agreement.· . ·: .. ·.. ' . . . '·' '. . ' ' ·'· .. -_ : . 3. . that CIRl provide an allocation of 12 (b) entitlement for . Ekl utna 1 · Inc. {Eklutna, Inc: is no·t a partY to the 1.2(a) · . 12{b) agreements ,between· ClRI and the other villages I and .~ny-lands Eklutna1 Inc. is· entitled·. to under12(b) should. be . C<;)riVeyed directly to Eklutnar Inc.,·· if we are authorized to make an exception_ to the .provisions .in Section VII. of. ·the. : · .'l'erms and-·col1diticiTls.) 4 .. tha~. Cl~I provide an a,Llocaticm of 12(b) entitlement for the. othervillages. . . . 5. that CIRI provide. proof of conveyances to the village . . corporations as . they are made .. · Your prompt response will be appreciatect: Enclosures: 1) pp. 15 and 16 of draft DIC .of 11/9/79 · .. . . 2) letter from CIRI dated. January 2, 1980 . . . 3) Agr~ement of August 31,, 1976 4) Correspondence re Seldovia's 12(b) selection J '0· [J' 0 IJ Il D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' '' . ' co: · DM-A (100) AM (016) .. AM (017) L & MO Library · 961 :AJohnson: eaj: 3/27/80: x5766 eaj .: 4/14/80 eaj:4/16/80 · 1121/g eaj: 4/17/80, '• I I I I I 0 o··· 0 o· 0 AGREEHENT ThiS. Agreement is made this 31st da;.r of August, 1976 1 between Cook ln.let Regiori, :Inc~·· (CIRI) and Thomas s< Kleppe, Secre,tary of the Irfterior (hereafter .0 the· Secretary").· A.. The Secretary shall, subject to valid existing rights, ·convey, as soon as reasonably possible,. the surface and· ·subsurface esta in all public landsAescribed in Ap~endix .At~ CIRI. -· I . -,.......__;. B .•. CIRI shall reconvey th4!., s1.1rface estate of such lands to the Village Corporations within the Region pursuant. to an agreement between .CIRI ~nd the affecteq, Village Corporations, •,..rhj_ch ' ' . ·.· ; is attached as Appendix B to this agreeoent and ·..;hich .agreement may be modified by the parties thereto.· C. To the extent the lands· conveyed pursuant to paragraph A when added co lands otherwise heretofore received or to be receiv~d by such Village Corporati(Jns are .insufficient satisfy their . . statutory entitlement,· the .Secretary shall, fdr the purpose stated in paragraph B, convey subject: to valid existing rights to Cook ~ecessary to fulfil~ such enticlemenc~ except to the. ex~ent conveyanc~s of such land are inconsistent with the requirements of Section 12 Df P.L. 94-~04 (unless the provisions of that section.do not take effect) and this paragraph C. ConVeyances hy the Secretary u:::der this paragraph C shall be made from the lands. therein lis ted in App~ndix C and in the order therein lisceci until the requirements or this subsection are r::et. \{nenever only a par.t of a t-ed t:or .. .rhs hip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: D is n.eeded to rneet the reg1.1irements of this paragraph .G; then a: part of a listed to'lroship shall be conveyed from l.ands. adja.cent to lands· already conveyed~ D. For the purposes of counting at.t;"es received in .computi.ng s ta.tutory entitlement U:nder paragraphs B and C the Secretary shall. count .. c:be nu.nb.er of acres surrendered by Village Coi;"porations in any exchange ·for any· other land or selection rights, not· the number of acres · r.eceived in such excha.~ge. .In the event it finally determined that the.Secretar.y has Gonveye · more la,.nd to CIRI pursuant to ·this Agreement than the Village Corporations are actually entitled to teceiv.e under. Section 12 of the Alaska Native Sett"lement. Act, (A..."iCSA), when added, to lands pther.::ise received by such Village Corporations, the excess. acreage shall be retained by CIRI and sh.ail be charged against CIRI 's entitlement u:.1der. Section 12 (c) of the tt:lement Act; however, if the provisions of Se~tion 12 of P.L. 94-,204 te1ke ettect, such ex.cess acres shall be regarded as conveyances .of land outside the bou..•daries of, Cook Iniet Region pursuant to P.::.:ragraph I.( C) (1) of t~e Ter-;ns .I . . and Conditions incorporated .in that Act and out-of-r ion ~ntitl·ements ',.;ill be adjusted accordin~ly. F. Only the follo.wirig lands shall be conveyed to. Village Co orati:Jns wi·thin Cook Inlet Region: 1) Valid selections· made by any Village Corporation wir.hin a:.• area withdraw-n by Sect.ion 11 (a) (1) (2) of the .Set:lement Act; 2 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 .0 0 0 . . . . . . ·. . . . K. · . Except as provided herein, conveyances· to CIRI and reconveyances -frou:v CIRI co its Village Corporations under this A.gree!Ilent conveyances ~der ANCSA, be considered L. If the provisions Section of P .L.. 94-204 ·take effe , the . . . . . . . . : . . . . following lands, which are also described. in Appendix C to this Agreement, . ~hall.only be conveyed to CIRI whete.there are tion l2fa) .seiec.tions on. file with the Bureau of Land Hanagement, December 18, 1974, within such lab.ds or .where the provisions. of Section 12 of .p. L. 94-204 permit conveyance: . . ' ( larids within withdrawais in th~ Talkeetna Mol.int.ains; c:trid .(ii) lands from within Village Region ~ithdrawals on the West . . Coast of the.Cook Inlet: Region which lands ·oetween ToWnship 4 SoucJ:r and . . . . . • Township 4. North, Seward Merid:i.a,n, generaHy kno:.m as the Chinitna PeniJ:lsuia;, (iii) lands South oLTowriship 8 South in areas withdrawn on ·, West. Coast of.che ,cook Inlet; and (iv) lands 'Within the Lake Clark, Lake Kon ibuna and Mul0hat~a River withdrawals. M. (1) This Agr~ement shall become effective atsuch time as the Sec..; re~ary has sta:.tutory authority to convey lands to Co~k Inlet Region, Inc., in .the manner prescribed in this Agreement:. (2) The draft legislation attached as Appendix D provides suf statutory authority to convey iands to· Cook Inlet Region, Inc., "'' . . the man:1:er prescribed 11'1 this Agreement. 4 0 0 o· 0 :·-' D 0 0 0 n Lj 2) Valid· selections made by Eklutna, Inc., from lands wit:hdra;.'i:l by . Public Land Order (PLO} 5174, as amended. by PLO 5425; .. · 3) .Lands conveyed by CIRI pursuap.t to this section; pursuant to . . the Terms and Conditions. as· clarified August 31, 1976; . . ' . G. CIRI shall have .the power to admi~iste.r the Ends convev . ' · pursuari t. · ·'. to this. Agreement L'l accordance with the Region:_ Village agreement Apl)endix B. H. Lands autho~ized to be conveyed pursuant to.~his Agreemept Shail . ' . . . . . .. . ---, subject. to the administr~tion of the. Secret~ry c:-nd his a4thoricy. to .ni:ake •.. . . ,-. ~ . c.oritract:s and to grant leases, permits, rigl;:lts-of-r..;ay ·or easements skill. -. . ;-. . . _· _·_,. ' :. ' be impaired p):ior t,o coCiveyan:ce to CIRI pursuant to this . . ·. . . -. . . " ' --: · proceecisderived from· such adif.inis.tration sqall be held. and tion 2 of P .. L 94--:204. !. .· Title to lands and interests in lands cori.ve.yed :withirl boundaries 9f Pow~r Site Classification 443, · February 13, 195;3, subject to the reservations required by Sec::tion 24 of the Federal (16 u.s.c. ~18) . .J. ·As soon as re~sonably pos~i~le after lands to any· of the separate geographical areas have been conveyed t.:."lder. t . ority bey the Secr.etary, .the Secretary shall survey. those lands ·with Section 13 of /u'ICSA, except that for the purposes of this Section., he shall surjey only the exteriqt boundaries of .each entire area conv·~yed to .• . ' . ClRI and monument the. boundary lines. at angle l.:its ar:.d a.t int:et-..:als o£ approxir::lately two miles on straight lines: Each t0'-'1lShip c.otner· lo.ca.ted · . ·. within the.extetior boundaries of the land·conveyed shall loca t:e·:l a:-,d monumented. 3 ... L. . . );; r.trt ~~.J.•.··-~··j):~,_.;,;, t/ .t< .... f:"{, ·Thomas S. Kleppe ·· · · .· .. · · · RoY,W9'H.ulm¢oif, .. Presi.den:t: Secretary of. the Interior Cool;/tnJ,et: Region, Inc~ . · ....... ··.~ ' . 5 0 0 0 o·· JJ 0 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 0 D A.. ·APPENDIX A Talkeetna ~1ountains Seward Meridian, Alaska 'r a-~-3 ,N·., R. l :E~, Sees. 25, 26, 34 arid 35; v T . 33 N . , R, 2 E . , Sec. 30, all;. ·' ,..,, 32 N. R. l \;J : ' .. i.. • ' Sees. :;:: -10, all, Sees. 13 -36 all; v ·r. 3? N. ' R. 1 E.' ·Sees. 3'' 4, 7 -9' all; Sees. 18, 19,, 30 -34, all; v' T • 32 N. , R: 2 E. i Sees. 'I') ..__, 27, 32 -36, all; L 32 N. l R. 4 E. )• • St:;cs. ?~ 34 ...; 36, all; _), T. 32 N. , . R. 5 E. ·) Sees. 25 -28, 30 -36' all; T. 32 N. ' R. 6 E. ' Sees. 25 -29, 31 32, 36, all· . ' T. 32 N. ' R. 7 E'' Sees. 30' 31, all; T. 31 N. R. ' W. ' .!. ' Sees. l -3 all; T. 31 N. . ' R. 1 E . ' Sees. l -6 all; T. 31 N • . R. " E.; ' "- Sees. l, 4 -6, 12 -· 13, 24, all; T. 31 N. R. 3 I;' ' .... . ' Sees. 13 2 7) 35 -36, all; T. 31 N. ' R, 4 E., Sees. 2 -3' 9 -10, 15 -' r 19 -..LO, T. 31 N. ) R. 5 E-' Sees. 3 -4 9 -11, 13 -16, all; .. ' ; T. 30 N. ' R. 2 E. ' Sees. ?~ -25, 34 -36, all; _ _;, T. 30 N. ' R. 3 ·E., Sees. 1 -3, 9 -1 ? 15 -17, 19 -...,._, Sees. JO -31' all;· ') 1 31, i l . _.....,.! ~-, ?1 _ ..... , ]· .. . '- o· 0 0 [] 0 .o 0 0 1'.-29 N., R. l.E., ·Sees. 25, 36~ all; T. 29 N., R. 2 E., Sees. 1.:... 2, 10 ·.·'-ll, .15 -16; 20-21, 29 -:JO, all; B. Talkeetna Mountains. Up to 103~680 acres to be cbnveyed fio~ in th{s subsection B. Seward Meridian 1 Alaska T. 32 N., R. 6 E , Sees. 33 -all; T..32N., R. 7 E., Sec. 32 (south of Susitria River); . T • 31 N • , . R. 1. W • , Sees. 4 -~2 all; ·. T. 31 N., R. 1 E.~ Sees~ 7-12.all; T. 31 N .. , R. E., Sees. 2 .~ J, 7 -11~ 14 -15, 22 -23~ all, .. Sees. 25·-26, -36:, all; T. 31 N~i. R. 3 E.~ Sec5 .. ze ..:. 34,, all . T . 31 N. , . R. . 4 E . , Sees. l, -14, 22 '-30, 32/-.36;: all; N., R; 5 E.,. Sees. 1-2, 5,8, 12, 17,... 24; 26-34, all T. JlN;, R.·6E., Sec~ .. 1 .... 8 t I7 -18, all; T. 31 N.,.R; 7 E., Sees. 2 -~. 11 -12, all (sou~h of the Susi~na River); T. 30 N .. , R, ·z E., 1 -2' ·. 11 -14, 26, a 1 1 ~ ' ...-. ..... __ , R: 3 E., Sees. 30 N., Sees. 4-8, 13-14; 16, 22, 28-29, 32, all; T. 30 N. , R. 4 E, , ·Sees. 1 ~ 9~ alli . T. 30 N. , R. 5 E. , Sees. 5 -6, all~ T .. 29 N., R. 1 E.,· sec s ; 13, 2 3 -.24 , 2 6 -2 9 , 33 3 5 , all T. 29 N.i R. 2 E., Sets. 3-·4. 8-9, 12-14, 17-19,'all; Sees. 22 ...:. 28, 31-33, 36, all; T. 29 N.,.R. 3E., Sees. 5_-.8, all. C. North Tuxedni · Seward Meridian, Alaska ·. /r: / . 4 N. , R. 21 Sec:s. -15; 23 -25 , .· all; 2 ' • J .·, ,, I ! I . I lands .· ~ .. · .. f ' '.J_l l 0 o· 0 o ... 0 · .. o:·· o. !] 0 0 0 0 n u T. 4 N.' R. 20 \.J. l Sees. 30 -33 ). all; T. 4 N.' R. 19 W. ' Sees. 21 -2? 25. -· ? ' all; -, T. 4 N., R. 18 W. , Sees. 4, · 9, 16 .... 17, 20. -21, 28 -33, a,ll . · ·.r. 3 N., R.20H., . Sees. 2 -·u, 13-15, 22-25, 36, all; T; . 3 N. , R. 19 i.Z. , Se~s. 19, 25 -36, all; T. 3 N.; R .. 18. W. , Sees. 1 ~ 6~ 8-12, 14-11, 21-, 27-34, all; T. 3 N.j R. 17 W.~ S e cs . 5 -7 , a 11 ; . ' . T. 2 N. , R .. 21 l·L I Sees.)-J., :).1, 13-15, 23-26,.aH.; ...-·T: 2 N. , R. 20 H.·, Sees. 1J -30, 32.-35, all; / L 2 N~ , R: .19 H . , Sees~. 1 ·-: 23, 27 -34, all; . I . /.T. _2 N., R; 18.\-7., Sees~ 3 ~. 8, all. D. ·lniskin . . ' ' . -. . • Seward J1eridian; ·Alaska . . · T . 3. S . , .R . 2 3 W • , . S~cs. 4 .... 8, 13 1 16 ~ 17, 20 7 11~ S~es. 31 -36~ all; . . T . 4 S • , . R . 24 W . , ·Sees. · 12 c 1!.;, T. . 4 S. , R: 23 1-i. , Sees. l -4, 7 T .. 4 S. , R. 22 W., S.ecs. 1'4 -36, 23 -24, all; -9, 14 ~ 35, all~ all; T .. 5 S. , R. 26. \.J'., s'ees. 29 .· 30, 32-35 •. all;. T . 5 S . , R. 25 \-l. , S~es. 1-2, 10-15, 23 -24, all; T . 5 S . , R. 24 \.J., Sees. 1 -2, 6 -7, 10 T. 5 S., R. 23 W., 15' 22 Sees. 1 ~ 15, 17 -35~ all; T ; 5 s . I R ... 22 w . ' ') () -.U' Sees. 3 -10, 16 ~ 21, 28 -33, all; T . 6 S . , R. 2 6 W . , . Sees. 1-2, 12-13, 10 .. -29, all; 3 -29, all, 33 -3 5 , 2.ll ; 0 n u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 .,.. 6·s . R, 25 w. ' .... ' Sec. 6, all; T. 6 s. ' R. 24 \~. ' . Sees. 1 -5, 8 -23, 26 -. 28, all; T. 6 s. ' R. 23 w.' Sees~ 1 -12, 14 -22, 29 - L 6 s ~·' R. 22 \.J •.• Sees. 5 '-6' all; .r. 7 s. ' R . 26 ~~. ' Sees. 12 .:.. 13, 20 -24, 29, E. Iniskin · · Seward Heridian, Alaska T, 4 S., R. 24 \-1.; .Sees. 19 -22:; 25 -36, ;3.11; T. 5 s., R. 24 W., 30, all; alL Sees. 3-5, 8-9, 16-18, 21, all;.· T. 5 . S. , R • 25 \.:{. , Sec:s. 3-9 1 16-17,.20-22, -29, Jl ~. 36, all; 6 S., R. 26 W., Sees; 3, 10.:..· , 14.-15, 34·-'-36,.all; T, 6 S. , R; is W. , Sees. 1-.5, .7-23, 27 -32, all; T. 7 · S. , R. 25 W, , S Eic s .• 4 -9, l7 -2 0 , all ; T. 7 S .• R. 26 w:, . Se~s. 1 ~ ll, 14 -19, ~11. 4 . . ' "" . -'-'~ .. ' · .. ·.·;;,. ;.::.· APPENDIX C ·· A. Tu::-;:edni, South (Priority Otl.e lands) B. Sewaid Meridian, Alaska. T. 2 N. , . R. 21 W. , Sees. 10,.16, 20 ~ T. 1 N., R. 26 W., . S~c~. 6 -10, 15 T. 1 S'. , R. 2.1 \J., . Sees. 13.~'14,· 23- T. 1 S., R. 20 rtJ., Sees .. 1 ~·4, 9, 12~ T .. 1 S. , R. 19 1-1. , 21, 10, 25, /1 ........... ' 27 - 22 all; .27 - 28, 33 - 26, 35 - 34,, all; Sees. 7 -8, 17 -18, 20, 29, 32, all; T . 2 S . , R. 21 .H • , Sec.· 36, all; T. 2 S.7 R:.20 l..r •. , 34; all; 36, all;·· s ~ t s . 1 - 3 ' . 10 ... -15 ' 2 2 -24; . 2 6 -,. 2 8 31 -.34 ; aH; . · T. 2·s.1 R" 19 w~, Sees: 5 ,.. T, 18, ··ill; T .. 3 S., R, 21' W.', Sec~. 12 -16,. l~ -36, all; T. .J S., R. 20 \ol., Sees; 3 -10, 15 ~ 21, 30, all~ K~khonak Lake.and Bruin Bay {?riocity Two Selections) S~ward Meridian., Alaska T. 7 S . , R. 2 9 W~ i Sees. l, 11-12~ 14 -16, 21-23, all; T .. 7S.,R.28W.,. Sees. l -2, 4 -7, 10 ~ 11, 14 -15, 21 -22, all, Sees. 28-29; 31.~ 33, all~ T. 8 S. , R. 29 ~~. , Sees. 1, 3-5, 8 -20, all;, T. SS., R. 2SH., Sees. 5 -7~ all; T. 9 S., R .. 28 W., Sees .. 1, 12, all; T.9 S., R. 27 \·L, Sees. 6, 7, all; C. Lake Cl~rk (Priority Three Section lands) Se\.,ra:rd He rid ian, Alaska T. ll N., R. 28 W., Sees. 16 -27, all; T: 3 :·l., R. 29 W., Sees. 1, 25 -17; 33 ~ 36, all; ··, I · T. 3 N., R. 28 \.f., . Sees. 5 ~ 8, .13 ~ 14, ll ~ 18, 20 -23, 25 -26, all, Sees. 28 -32, all; T. · 2 N. , . R. 30 I.J. , Sees. 2 -3, 11 -14, 23 -27, J3 -36, all; T; 2N., R. 29 \.J., Sees. 1 -5, 7 -, 16 ....: 21, 24 -25, all,.· Sees. 29 -30, 35 ~ 36, all; T. 2 N., R. 28 W., Sees. 1, 6~ il-15, 19 -23, 26 -32, all; T. 2 N., R. 27'..!., Sec~. 2 ~ 8, .10 -14, all; ·T. 2 :1., ~-26W,, Sec. 18, all; T. lN., R. 29 VI., .·Sees. 1-4, ·s-23, 29-30, all; .T. 1 N,, R. 28 \.f.,, ·Sees. 1.-2, ] -12, 16 18~ ·all; T:·lN.,"R. 271-J.,. Sees. 7 .., 8, 16 -18, ZO -23,. 25 -26, 36, all; T •. 1 N., 2.6 W., Sec. 31, all; T . 1 s '. ' R .. •. 29 w. I Sees,· 25 ..... 27; 3:3 -36, ail; T; 1·s:, ?,.. 28 W,, . Sees. 30 -· 36, all; T; 1 S .. , R. 27 w:~ Sets. 31 -32, all~ D. .South Tuxedni (Priority Six· lands) Seward Meridi~n, Alaska T . l ~ . , R. 2 0 \.J • , Sees. 17 -· 21, · 2} -34, all; T. l S., R. 20 W., Sees. 5 -8, 16 -20, 35, 36, all; T. 1 s., R· 19 w., Sees, 19, 30, 31, · 2!.11; l. L S. , R. 21 \.J. , Sees. 1, 2, 11, 12, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, all; T. 2 S. , R. 20 \.J. , Sees. 4 ~ 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 29, all; T. 2 S., R. 211-l., Sees. 1 .., 3, 10 -12, 14, 29 -32, T. 3 S. , R. 21 H. , Sees, l, 2, 5 -11, 17, 18, all; 2 a j 1 . ..1..:-' r ... ·~ I I I 0 D· o·- o· 0' ,·. 0 0 0 0 . G •. Tuxedni (Priority Four larrds) · · Seward Meridian, Alaska . · T.. 4 N. , R. 18 H . , Sees. 5 -8, 18, 19; all; T. 4 N .·, R. • 19 W • , .. S~cs ~ l -2·, 10 ~ 14, ~ 7 ...: 20, . 23. ...: 24, Sees. 28 "" 29, 33: -36, all; T. 4'N. .. , . 20W., . sec.,s. 28. and 34, all; T.3N.,R.l8W.-, cs~. 7; 18 -20, a:ll; T. 3 N., R •. 19 IV.,,. S e e s ; 12 -13 , 15 , 17 -18 , .1 0 . T. 3 · N. , R~ 20. H. , S e , 12 , 2 6, 2 7 , T. J N., R.· 1 \{., Sees •. 31 "'35, all;. T ..• 2 tL , . R. ' 20 ~~ ~ , , all; ·Sees. ~. 1,2, all; T; 2 N. • , R" 21 W , , .Sec: · · -1~ · ;,11.·· .... ,., ' ""' ) • c..l. ) Iniskiri '(Priority Five lands). Se.ward Ne:(idia.~ ;: · .'\laska · T. 3 S. , R. 23 W . . Sees. 18,. L · 4 S;., .24 Sci~s. 1 -2, all; T. 4·s.,·R.·2J.W.; Se 5 "" 6, all; -5 S. , R ~ 26 \.J. , . Sees. 25 ~-28, 31, 36, all; r.• s s.,_R. zs·w .. ~-· Sec.. 30, . all; · T. 6 S. , · R. 26 1:1 ~ , . Sees. 19, 30 :-33, all; T.7 s.,R. 261-1., Sec.s.-30.-31,-all; Kakhonak Lake .and Br.uin Bay .(Priority Seven land!:;) · .· Se·.,rard Herfd.hin, Alaska T. 7 S. , R. 29 \~. , Sees: ·2 _. 10, 13, 17-20, 24 - , all; . . 7 s.~ R. zs·H,, __ _ S~c~. 3, 8 -9~ 12 -13, 16 7 20, ZJ .~ 27, all_, . 30~ 34 -J&, all; L. 7 S., R. 27 W., Sees: .1 ...;; 2, _11 -12, ::_] 14, 23...: 32, 36, all; 3 . '. :--~ .. .::-:"-:r~·--,.:~--~-. ·""!---;··· D 0 D D 0 D 0 0 T. 8 S., R.29 \.J., Sees. 2, 6 -7, 21 -32, ~11; T. 8 S., R. 28 w:, S~cs. L-4, 8-30, 34-36, all; T. ss.,.R; .. 27.w.,. Sees. 1, 5-8; 12 --'. 13, 17-20, 24 -25·, all, Sec s, 2 9 -: 32 , 3 4 -3 6 , all ; T. 8 S , , R. . 2.6 \{ . , ·.sees. 5-9, 16:-21; 28-.32, all; T ... · 9 S., R. JO W., . S~cs. 1 "' 36, all; 1'. 9.S., R. 29t-L, .Sees. 7, .... 36, all; T. 9 S. , · .28 W. ~ . · . . . · ·Sees .. 2 .··":" 5., 8 -11, 13 :... 23·,. 26 -35; all;··. T. 9 S., R. 2T'W.; . . ·. . Sees. 1 -5, all; T. 10 S. , R. 30 T..J. , Secs.l -36,.al1; T~ 1~ s.; R. 29 w~, S~es. 1. -'23, 26.-34, all; 1o' s, ' R, ... 28 w ...• Sees.·' 4 -8, all; · T. 1L S . , R. JO \.J. , S~cs .. 3, )0, , . 22, T~. 11· S.1 R. 29 W . J, .10, 15-16; 20-23, 26-33,· aLL; H. Lak~ Clark iority f,:ig·ht lands) Seward Meridian, .Alaska T. 3 N., R. 29 W., Sees. 2, 10.-12, 14 __. 15, 22 -23, 28, all; T . 3 N ; , R. 2 8 \L , ·sees. 9,. 12, 15-16, lQ, all;· . T .. 2 N. , R. 30 W. , ·Sets. 15 ~ , 19 -22, 28 -32, T. 2 N., R. 28 W~, Sees. , 34 -. 36, all; T. R. 27 W~~ . 9, 24,. all; T. 2 N., R. 26 W., S~cs. l, 2, 8-11, 16 -17, 19 -20, all, Sec:s. 28-30, 33-36,, a T. lN., R. 29W., Sees. 24, 26, 35, all; T . 1 N . , R ; 2 8 \.J • , Sees. 13, 15, 19 -20, all; 0 0 0 I. 0 D 0 D D 0 D 0 0 0 ... .~. T. 1 N. , R, 2 7 II. , Sees .. S-6, 9, 15, 24, 27-28,, nll; T. 1. N., R,. 26 \{., Sees: 30 1 32, all; T. l S., R. 29 H .. , . SeccS. 3, 11, 14, 21 -·24, 28, 31-32, all; . T. 1 S. , R. 28 H. , · Sees. 25 -2 9, ·alJ.; T. 1 . s . ' R. 2 7 'I{. ' Se~s. 1 -2; 30, ~11; T • 1 S • , R • 2 6 . H. , Sees. I+ -6, .:ill . . Talkeetna t-!oun tains (Priori t:.y Nine .f.:mds). Sc\.;a 1-!eridL:~n ,c AL:.!ska T•·JJN.,·R.l.\·1., ..... · Sees. lJ, 2 3. ..:.. 24, 26 -" 27; 33 -J4, all; • T. 33 N. , · R. 2 E. , Sees .16 ·~ 17, 19 -20 ~11; T. 32 N • , · R • 1 i-1. , . , all; Sees. 1 ~A, 11 ~ . T, 32 N. . R. l E., Sets .. 1-2, 10 '-17,• 20··.:. T. 32 N ... , R .. 2 E,; Sec,s~ 15 -21, 28 -31, a.!-1; }2. N . ., .R •. 7 · · Sees. '-4·, 8 -9, 17·-20, Sees. .:.. 36, (ali north sGsitnaRiver) T. 31 N., R. 7 , . Sees. 1 -3, 12 (allnorth Q.f Susitna River) · sets. lJ, 24, 25, J6,. ::111; . T. 31N., R. B L, Sets. ·1 -24 30 -:--· 31 ·· all· "• J·. . ' . ' ' ' T; .31 N., R. 9 E.; · Sees. 7, 16 ""29, 36, all: · T. 31 N., R. ].OE .. , .. Sec. 3l, all; · _T. 30 N., R .. 7 E., · Sec. · 1, ·all; . T.. JO N. , R. 8 E . ,. Sec; 6, .all; L 30 N;, R .. 9 E., Sees. 1, 12, 311; 1\ 3 0 N • , R ~ l 0 E ~ , . · Sacs. 6 -17, all; T .. 30 -N.; R·. ll E~, Sees.· 7~ 17 -21~ 25 -29, 32 -36, all; . I . T. 2 9. !~·JI. , R. 2 H. , Sees. 1 -22, 27 ~ 34, alli T. 2 9 H!. , R. ll E. , Sees; 1 ~ S, ~11. 5 ,l\PPENDIX D ~ec. 4.(a) The Secretary is auth~riz to ~dnvey lands selected . . by Village 6o~porations within Cook Inlet Region .to the Cook Inlet Region, ·Incorporated, for reconveyance by t!Je Region to: such Village Corporations. Such lands shall be conveyed as parxL:i.l. satisfaction ·of . . . the statutory entitlement of such Village Corporatioi1s under section. 12 . of .the· Alaska Nci.tive Claim Settlemen~ Act {ANCSA) from land.s •..;ithdrawn .·.· pursuan~· to section ll{a)(J) and., with the consent of the Region . . affected, as provided in section 12 of P.L. 94-204; from lands outside th~ boundaries of Cook Inlet Regio~. . . This authority shall not be· .· ' --. . . eoployed to increase ·oi. detrease the statutory entitle~ent of any .v~11age Corpora~ion .o.r' C.ook Inlet. Reg{6n, Incorporated, uqder ANCSA or to alter th.e ,obligations. of the S~cretary pursuant to. sec onl2 of P 94-204. Fo·r tlfe .purposes of. counti~g> acres receiveci ~owputir1g statutory emti clement, the Secretary: ~hall count the numb~r . . . . ·- .of acres. or, acre selections surrendered by Village Corporations in anY exching~ foi any other land~ or seleciions. O·· (b) After lands have ;,een conveyed by the Secretary under subsectiot1 .(a); the· Secretary sha~l s:urvey those lands in accorda.nce •.vith section 13 of ANCSA, ~xcept that for purposes this s.ection he shall,· survey only the exterior boundaries of each entire area .t,o Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated, and rnonun:ent .the boundary lines ac a:1gle. point:.s and at intervals cf approximately two miLes on s gSt: line.s~ Each tm.mship corner located. within the exterior boundaries of the land conveyed s ll be locat and :nondmented. 0 o···· 0 0: 0 0 0 D. . .. (c) Conveyanc'es made under the authqriti of SIJbsi::cd.:on: (a.) of this section shall be. considered conveyances under AJ."'CSA and. subj . . . . . . to the. provisions of that Act~ .. except <is provided by·this Act. l I I f-".arch 7, 1916 Honorable Kay Poland Chai:rr.rta.n Senate Resources eorn.m.ittse St:ate of Alaska Pouch V JUneau. Alaska 99811 Dear senator Poland: .Enclosed is the report cantaininq the de~t:..:.l..oiM of the Joint Federa.l-Stat.e L&.ad (7se Pl.lu:miln;q OOiiltnltissicn on the CoOk Inlet land settlement a Time did not. d:l..mf for mass reprod:t!lction of the repOrt for distribution to. each m6!D.ber of the L69isl.atw!:'<e. '1"..10 copies of the background mat.arial.s are. al..ll1o enclosed for use by :oaembers of the Le<]islatureo We appreciate the inf~tion f'lJil:'nished by the Joint RP.sou.rces commit.tae for tl1e ~sion's u~ in consideri.nq the matter. Sincerely. ~urton w. Silcock Federal Co~irman EM'S :go Enclosures (2) L A Report TO 'l'ha Senate And U.oWl!e Of Representatives Resources Ccmni ttees of The hlaska State Legislature O:l The Proposed Cook Inl.et I..and TraJ.~. · l' IJ .. ··~ If ~······· ~······ ·. ~·· ... u ~· .. ~··. ~··· ·~···· .~·· ~······ ·~··· ~.··.· w ~··· .. ~. ~····· ~· ~· fl.' ~······ Federal-State · Lamt Use Plan.ning .Commission · For Al<iska 1:1:1 W. rli!JitTII AVr::-;t:r:. SUIT!-: .!(Ill . ASC/I(IIt,\Gr: • .,\I."SKA · !)!lfiUI . . . :· . __ . . . A HEPORT TO ·THE SENATE AND HOOSE OF REPRESEN'£ATIVES RESOURCES CO:-!}fiTTEES OF THE ALASKA STATE . LEGISLATUP-E . 0~ THE P ROPO:SED, COOK INLET LAND TRADE This ·. r~port. is .a . ~ummary of the primary consid,erations ··under-. lying the recom..~et).(;latiori of th~ Commission on the proposed Cook · Iniet Land Trade. It is submitted in response to a request for Commis$ionreview.and recommendation made on February 11, 1976 by, the Resources Com.."nittees of the Alaska State House of Representatives and.sei1ate.and by the President oft~e Senate, Senq;tor Chancy Croft, on.February 17, 1976. The C.ommission 's recommendation is: ' . . . That.appropriate legislation be passed authorizing the Cook IrUet Settlement under the terms and conditions of .P • .L. 94-2()4. . ( I !. . ! 0 D. ] J J ] J'· CONTENTS ITEM SYNOPSIS .. OF PROPOSED L.AND TRADE Map-Current.Land Status .•• . Map -Proposed Cook Inlet. Larl.d 'Exchange Table·~ Prol?osed Cook Inlet LandEXchange • . . COMMISSION Q s ; ROLE:' G •••• . . . . . . . . ,· ·-. '. ~ ' . . commission Ixwol;vement in .cook. ~Inlet seiect.ion Problems.··. • • • • • .•• •. • • • • Commission • s·.·Review • . . . . .· ' ·:.· .· .· .. · .. · .•.•... J?RIMA,RY . CON~IDERATIONS overall Considerations. Le9~1considerct~lons Land Use·Considerations • ;:E~C>nomic.con~:f,Ciefo:ttion~ . . · ·· ·. REcoMMENDAi'iaNs .. Cook Inlet Land Trade ·.Future ·Land ; Trades .. ·~.. • . . .• . ... ·: ... ,.~ '·01>. • • -' . ' . • 111.; a • :Appendix A -Commission.In~olvement. in Cook ·Inlet Land Selection . . . . . Appendix B. Altern-atives to .La.nd settlement· Appendix c -Legal Iss.ues . .. _ . . . Appendix · D -Land Use and Planning. ·Implications . . Related to Proposed and :E:Xisting . Federal. and St!'Lte. Reserves Appendix E -Cook Inlet Land Trade: someEconqmicConsiderations PAGE I 2 3 4 . 6. . • • • . •. 6 7 8 .9 10. 11. ·. 13. ··.13 SYNOPSIS. OF PROPOSED L.l:\ND TR.WE Section 12 of Public Law 94-204;passed by Congress on January 2, l976, tO<Jether with an agieemerit entered into December .10, 1975, by representa- of the Department· of the Interior, Cook Inlet ,Region, Inc., and ···the State of Alaska, which is incorporated by reference in the Act, sets out the .terms ~nd condltions. of the Cook I!1let Land Trade •. ·The major elements of this comp:J.ex trade are: ..... Agreement. by Cook Inlet Region to shift more thzm half. of its ·stututory. entitlement·. under ANCSA away.·.el:om the Cook Inlet area arid, wi'th the consent of ,other regio,ns and villages; into . . adjacent regions.·· ·'· ... Conveyan~e by the. Federal ,goverriznent of approximately .50 town- ships ofland to the .Sta · of Alaska. above the entitlement provided. in. the Alaska Statehood Act, as well as key· tracts . such.as C~mpbell Airstrip, Campbell~Point, Poi~t Woronzof, and Goose Lake in. the AAchorage J:iowl in exchange for' approximately •2a.S.townships ~fState.land to beconveyed to the. United States for the bem:~fit of the Cook .Inlet, Region and certa''in of its viliageqorporations. This. results in an increase' of total State land selections .. of approximately 30 townships. ·-··,· •' '• .. ·. " ,' .· . .. . ··., . ·.· ... Conveyance. bX:. the Federal govenJ!nent· Of app~o:idma~ely 10,000 acres in fee arid220 1 0QO:a:cre?·Of sllb,surface rights outside: of ·. · kfto:..ln producing oil fie),ds. in the; Y~nai. National Moose Rah<;e and certainother·landsto Cook· Inlet Region, Inc.~ in addition to the. lands received .from the State. The lands received by Cook Inlet arein complete satisfaction of·its entitl~ment under Section 12 (c) and Section 14 (h) (8) of. ANCSA. A map illustrating the current lana· status of the region and one delineating the larids·proposed for exchange with an accompanying chart of' the size of. the trac:ts are on .the following pages. Full details. of the settiement may b~~. found in the agreeme~t whl.ch is reproduced in House. Report 94-729, dated Decernber15, 1975. ·State, ratification of the endorsement .requires ·legislative concurrence 'no Liter than sixty days after the. convening. of the .second session of· the Ninth .Alaska State Legislature, or by ~·larch 12, 1976. l MARCH 1976 ;r, ALASKA ~ CURRENT LAND STATUS COOK iNLET REGION State Owned PENDING & State APPROVED N t ' AREAS FOR a ~ve SELECTION D FED RAL CJ MIIRCH 1976 PROPOSED COOK INLET LAND EXCHANGE SETTlEMENT lli2] Native~ X State Federal SMALLER AMOUNTS OF LAND TO BE SELECTED FROM AREAS (see attached table) * 29.66 Townships to be selected outside region by Cook Inlet, Inc. Hill 1\,\1_ STATI LM\lll'Sl. I'L,\:\'\I'\1.; CO~I~tiSSIO-; 0. 0 0 0 . i 0 0 0 J J I J rl J I ! Map No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Area Name Nushagak-Chulitna Tutna Lake Koksetna Lake Clark Tuxedni Kamishak Bay Kenai Tustumena Moose Range Moose Range Nikolai ) ) Beluga ) Alexander Knik-Willow Point Mackenzie Campbell Tract Chickaloon Matanuska Glacier Sheep Creek Kashwitna Talkeetna River :;: PROPOSED COOK INLET LAND EXCHANGE Approx. Area Size in Twnshes. 19 1 7 28 2 13 25 .5 4 ) ) 6 ) 16 2 12 4 .2 7 1 4 10 3 Approx. Number of T~wnships to be Selected, and Notes 23-27 -depends on village lands relinquished ·1 in Lake Clark. Additional from d-2. 7* See No. 22 All village selections to U.S. .5 -plus road and port easement. 13* 5 -scattered sites from State land, subject to State guidance. .5 3.6 to 9.6 -varies with other selections. Subsurface oil~ gas, and coal only. Excludes existing production. 13.5 -excludes Beluga and Nikolai gas fields •. Depends on area relinguished in Lake Clark. Probably less than .25 .19 see note, area 7. .14-see note, area 7. .2 .2-see note, area 7. All U.S. interest. 4* 1.7 3* 22 Susitna-Chunilna 36 l 1* (Chunilna) u 12~4 -option here and area 3. l~~--------~~~·~ """"l' l ~-· Onot;shmro .on map:_ A·~~chor~ge . area 0. H'ealy 0·. •· ..... Iri.tra-Reglonaf . :e~tha~ge podi 0 0 J j•. J J J ] J •, . Approx. l\ren Size ·· ' " '· ·. . . · ~!n,T~.J!.:~_SltpS ._ Appro:·: .. Number o[. tmmshi~s .to he Selec:_~e<J_? and Notes 6 N .. A. · ·. 't-t,isceilaneo.us tracts if surplused ~ 1 0-6-from:sui.plus or re~oked u~s. reserv~s and unperfected land. entries. Available .for exchange only on acr;e/equivalent basis for extr'a. ··regional· selection. . ' . . . ·. ; ... · . · Up to. 2.9 ~6 ~ subject irf part to exchange, appropriate village r.eg·ional, U ..S .• . artd State agreement,, ahd State %-strike . provisiohs. J J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I Di I oi l 0 THE COMMISSION'S ROLE The Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska was created ·by Act of Congress in the Alaska ~ative Claims Settlement Act and by Act of the Legislature of the State of Alaska (A.S. 41.40.010). The primary goals.of the Commission as established by law are to: (1) insure that the economic growth of Alaska is orderly and compatible with environmental values and the economic and social well-being of the Stateas residents; and (2) plan for the wisest and best use of Alaska's lands. The Commission is expressly directed to: (1) seek ways to avoid conflicts among the State, the Federal government, and Alaska Natives over the selection, use, and management of lands; (2) improve coordination between the State and Federal governments; and (3) recommend changes in laws, policies, and programs affecting land use and management in Alaska. The Commission has ten members, half of whom serve as Federal appointees and half appointed by the State of Alaska.l/ Providing executive leader- ship are the ·Governor of Alaska or his designee as Sta~e Co-Chairman and a Federal Co-Chairman appointed by the President of the United States. The ~overnor is required by law to name an Alaska Native to, at least, one of the State seats on the Commission. A small staff, including planners, resource specialists, lawyers, and economists, supports the Commission in its deliberations. The Commission as a body upon which State, Federal, and Alaska Native int~rests are represented and whose mandated intent is to promote coopera- tion and resolve conflicts among these major landowners, occupies a . unique position from which to provide oversight on land trades and adjustments. Commission Involvment in Cook Inlet Selection Problems Section 17(a) (7) (B) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act directs the Commission to make recommendations concerning proposed land selections by Native village and regional corporations. Pursuant to this and other authority provided ip. Section 17(a) of the Act the Commission has been involved since 1972 in seeking a satisfactory solution to the land selection problems which hav.e confronted Cook Inlet Regione Inc., and its constituent villages. In general and specific recommendations the Commission recognized-the necessity of·providing lands of "similar in character" to. Cook Inlet Region, Inc. to fulfill their entitlement under the Claims Act. Constraints imposed by the Claims Act prohibit selections of State lands, selections within the Kenai Moose Range, selections out of the Cook Inlet Region, or selections within a two-mile buffer zone of first class municipalities. In recognition of these constraints and problems they posed for fulfill- ment of the Native enti~lement, the Commission recommended on Mar~h 29, 1974 that acreage in the Lake Clark area be withdrawn for Cook Inlet Region, Inc. When it appeared that Congressional amendments to the !( Two vacancies, one State seat and one Federal seat, currently exist on the Commission. 6 C10 i:;--.:, Act would r<~m0ve. most of the~;·: pro:1ibitions and ti;a.t negotiations )}..;:.\-/f;i!n ttH, IJC:pi:!Ctr!l~nt of uv~ Int:or.ior and Cr.Jok Inl'·!t P,t~(jion, I\<G. <:ll.~;u i.nclud,,cl thr.1 parti,;ip; .. ti.on of Stato qov-~rmrF.!Ht, tlv~ Commi~:;ion on Or.: tJJlY: r 30, 197 S cor:r.mun i.r.:<.~. teu it:; un;.mimou;; su:lpor t of the approach tai~·-!n by the rwgotiator:,;. 'i'hc Corruni:..;~;i.un !J'~t out the vr,.:rni.Sf.!S of it:.> ~;U!Jl"JOrt of tl!(: C.:UnCt;.![.>L anu r;autionr~d th.;J.t t0::;bnical prob.Lf~m::; required ~;olur.ion c;mu that the vi·~w:; of neighboring regiont; and thu full pa:x;-tici- pation oE Cook Inlet villages be obtainii!d. (Copies of the letters communicating the actions cited above, as well as a det<.~.iled summary of Commission involvement in the Cook Inlet land selection problems, are included as Appendix A.) Public Law 94-204 was enacted by Congress January 2, 1976 incorporating the agreement reached through the negotiations entitled "Terms and Conditions for Land Consolidation and Management in Cook Inlet Area." In its deliberations on the agreement, the House and Senate Resources Committees met in joint session on February 11, 1976, and passed a motion to request Commission review and report to the Legislature on the agreement. 'I'he Commission's Review In ceuponse to the Legislature's reque~t, all staff were committed to an inten~:;ive compilation and analysis of land and resource data· and legal is~ue-;. A special session of the Commission vias scheduled for r1arch 5 and 6. Data >'las solicited from all parties to the e:x:change, other Fed•.:!ral and State agencies 1 and the public. Transcripts of legislative and udlJ\inistrative hearings and minutes of legislative committee meetings on the proposed settlement were reviewed, together with testimony both sup~orting and opposing the settlemen~ in order to assure that all major issues and questions would be addressed in the Co~~ission delibera- tions. Data previously compiled in the Co~~ission's Statewide Resources Inventory and research conducted in prior instances when the selection problems of the Cook Inlet Region have been considered by the Commission were reviewed. Staff presentations reflected multidisciplinary expertise and individual evaluations of alternatives to the proposed settlement. Commissioners had the opportunity to review staff memoranda and informa- tion submitted from other sources prior to the meeting and to consult directly with the staff a day in advance of the meeting. Problems vlith the settlement >.;ere cited by staff, as v1ell as. benefits accruing to the settlement parties. At the meeting, comprehensive presentations were made by the lead negotiators of the Federal and State governments and the Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated. Commissioners posed questions on all major aspects of the proposed settlement to the negotiators. Each geographical area subject to the proposed exchange was examined. ~·iritten statements and documentation from Harold Galliett, David S. Jackman, and Bristol Bay Native Corporation. Copies of these statements and documents are included in the notebooks transmitted to the two Resources Committees. 7 J I ""'I j I -J ~ ~ J i c' cl Ci I q 0 0 Jl I J J J J J PRIMARY CONSIDERATIONS In evaluating the proposed land trade, the Commission considered how the wide variety of interests of different citizen groups affected by this trade had.been accommodatede The Commission and the State have a responsi- bility to protect the interests of the 6,000 citizens of Cook Inlet as they strive to receive their rights from the Federal government under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. At the same time, the interests of the citizens of the State as a whole, of which the Cook Inlet people are a part, must not be sacrificed. The effect of the trade on the State's overall economic well-being must be assessed and the rights of other Native regional corporations m,ust be considered. The Anchorage area, which has been the center of the State's rapid population growth, has a need for close-in recreation space which must be considered, and plans for Anchorage's north/south runway and for a new State capital site must not be jeopardized by the trade. In addition to these and other factors which concern both the Commission and the State, the . Commission has a responsibility to consider the national interest),n. Federal lands and in nationally and internationally important resources such as the Bristol Bay fishery. Among the many different interests affected by the proposed trade, the Commission identified the following as primary considerations: OVerall Considerations 1. The decision on this proposal is not simply whether or not·to approve this trade but, rather, whether this is the best of a range of congressional and judicial alternatives.!/ One element is certain--cook Inlet's entitlement under the Settlement Act to approximately 54 townships of land must be satisfied in some manner. 2. The negotiated approach embodied in this proposal represents a far better means of harmonizing conflicting interests than the other alternative means by which the Federal government might meet its · obligations to cook Inlet. Without a three-party negotiation, the transfer would be between the Federal government and Cook Inlet, and the State would have little or no input. Through the terms and conditions built into this negotiated proposal, checks and balances have been provided to insure that the interests of all parties are protected. 3. The cooperation of Federal, State, and Native interests to come to a mututally acceptable trade sets a healthy precedent for future land planning in Alaska. In the future, joint planning by the three major landowners within the State is essential if the massive redistribution of land tenure caused by the Statehood Act and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act is to be arranged into a satisfactory management pattern. !( Detailed in Appendix B. •• l ,. " 4. This agreement involved a great deal oE give and take by the parties involved. For· example, cook Inlet agreed,~d to. takt~ ovt":r half of 6 •. its entitlement outside its own region in areas that are gener<;>.lly · remote from the Cook Inlet people, . and . to accept Ft:~deral. and' State control.s over ·land selection and. usc that ;,,·ould not h'~ required under the regular provisions of the Settlement Act. ' ' ' --' ' ' ' Thep:toposal provides protectionfor the interests of Native.corpor.,-. ations in other regions .by gJving both village and regional coipor-· atioris veto powers over selections adjacent to .and up to 12 miles t:rom lands withdrawn for sel~ction by Native corporations within the region. State selections in. the early .year's of. Alaska statehood were . c~ncentrated in the area that was to become the Cook Inlet Region. By 1971 ,. when the· SettlE!."llent Act passed/ the lowlands of the region were virtually i:til in State and private ownership except for Federal withdrawals such as the Moose Range and the military reservations. Given this situation, without the proposed settlement; and without State assistance and the State s~lected lands, there is' little lE?:eway within the Cook Iniet Region to satisfy cook Inlet's entitle- ment• to .lands "o.f a charcter si:nllar" to village' sites·. Legal Considerations . . . 1. The probability of protracted la"i suits is l~~s under this proposal than under other alternative ways by which the Federal obligation to cook Inlet could be fulfilled. 2. 3. JIJ.ost of the legal impediments to the proposed trade were removed by Public Law· 94-204 .Y The only remaining legal ·necessity to enable the trade is. for the State L~gislature. ·to approve the conveyance of subsurface by the State 9overnmentand to waive. requirements for determination of equal. value on a purely monetary basis~ The conflict be.tween Anchorage's proposed north/south runway extension and park. and· recreation U$eS .is recognized by .. all parties · involved. .This problem may be solved by the Federal process of surplusing Federal wi thdrawaTs. "'hich would eliminate land identified as needed ·f!J)r airport purposes from the parcel before conveyance to·. the State fer park and recreation purposes. . . 4. All vested thirdparty interests are protected by the terms and conditions of the proposed agreemenL ·Lands made available for Native selections were in areas t..rhcre there. were already many private land holdings which will be protected. Y D.ctailed. 1.n. Appendix C. 9 I i \. I I i l 0 0 o~ i [} 0 0 0 Ol , I 0 0 0 J 5. Approval of the proposed trade would assure. the continuance of the 1972 settlement between the State and the Department of the Interior.2f Without this trade, the Cook Inlet Region will continue its litigation which challenges the 1972 settlement. A decision in favor of cook Inlet would jeopardize approximately two-thirds of the State's existing land selections. Land Use considerations 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. Under the terms of the agreement, the State obtained powers to guide and control the selection process and to keep lands with particular values for recreation and other public purposes in public ownership. Similar planning powers would be unavailable to the State under the unnegotiated alternatives to this proposal. The trade is designed to protect the large regions in Southcentral Alaska which have high values for public purposes.i/ Ownership boundaries around such areas, for example, Lake Clark, Iliamna Lake, and the proposed Talkeetna State Park, have been drawn to establish workable management units. Where possible, land ownership units have been consolidated and simplified. For example, blocks of State owned land are e.Xpanded in the Susitna Valley and west of Iliamna Lake, and village hold- ings on the west side c:>f Cook Inlet have been consolidated. This trade provides substantial protection for the Kenai National Moose Range, which has high public value as a prime recreation area for the State's rapidly growing population. Other proposed alternatives could have conveyed large areas of Moose Range surface ownership or producing oil fields to Cook Inlet. Native villages will receive lands closer to village sites than under existing selection withdrawals which were far removed from villages. Such lands generally have more use and value for village purposes. The proposed trade will enable Cook Inlet to acquire lands that are suitable for private land use purposes. Lands which have currently been made available for Cook Inlet selection are primarily mountainous areas which would have little or no value for a 'private corporation. The trade retains proposed capital site areas in State ownership. The trade will accelerate and assure the transfer to the State of prime areas for recreation and public purposes in the urban area of the Anchorage bowl. Of special concern to the Municipality of Anchorage is the Campbell tract. The agreement specifies that this l( copy of 1972 agreement included in notebook submitted to the Resources comrni ttees. Detai.led in Appendix D. tract will be managE:d in accordanc·::: •.vith a .gen-::ralized land use.plan already proposed for the area •. If and \1/hen other Federal tr'acts, i.e., Point t-Joronzof,. Point Campbell, and Goose Lak~., are· declared. surplus for Federal use; they, also, will be convcy.:;d to the State. Economic <:::onsiderations 1. Because of.the nature and complexity. of the trade,. and the very . realdifficulties in applying ordinary valuatiol"\ methods, broad · · . economic standards must be used .. in judging the trade, These st<3.ndards must include the Com."Uissiori' s mandat~. to make recorn.'1lendations · . relating to orderly economic grmvth compatible witn other social, · cultural, and environmental values. The standards must also include an asse,ssmerit of the .impact of the trade oh the ·future fiscal, and economicwell-being.of Alaska. 2. ·rhe economic losses that the State will. purportedly incur as a ·result of the trade. appear t() be exaggerated~ Whenhighlyspeculative .. gr~ss ass~t values are converted to "net present value" of probable. foregone revenues, the State's exp~ctedlosses are minimal.2/ . :3. ·rhe future fi~cal viability 'of the State is largely unaffected by· the ,trade. This isso for a variety of reasons, including the folloV/ing: b. Economic developm'eritis at 'ieast as likely to .occur if resources . . are in private ·O)Nnersrlip as. WOtlld be the Case if the. State . retained ownership of the resources.. Thus, State revenues from corporate income ·taxes, personal income taXes, and most .. other tax sources. will. be at least as great under. private resource ownership as public. Economic rents that might possibly be foregone (in the forrn of royalties) can for the ·most pa~t be .. recouped thro\.lgh the State's power of taxation . .§I . . It is probable that revenues. foregone under the propos.ed trade . w{ll. constitute ortly a minute fraction of total State revenues in the future. Anticipated revenues in the l990 's, amounting to several billion dollars annually; .dwarf pbtential foregone revenues. For example, expected coal royalties from a: proposed dev~lopment in the Beluga fields are only abqut 1. 5 million dol.lars per year, which amounts to about 0.03 percent of projected total State revenues in 1990. 4. The general level of economic act:ivi ty will be largely independent ·of. resource ownership. In fact, if Cook Inlet Region is assumed. to be at, least· .as development oriented as the State, then total economic activity can be expected to increase. E) ·Detailed in Appendix E. §! Detailed in-Appendix E. 11 r ' l I l n .· .. . ; .... . 0 0 0 0 0 . . qfl a WI¥& te*~~·Jii$, ... ~j;J@! ; rif#<<i.;§Vjfh\ J;·?Nikd%Y%:d& ' I 5. Economic benefi.ts toCook Inlet willu in part, be redistributed .to <:).tiler regional corporations· in tlu:i State under the provision in the Settlement Act which req\lires . tha.t 70 percent bf the revenues from resource·. development by <any one Native . regional corporation be · · . shared with all the regional corpQX:ations:. 6. · The proposed trade protects the State•s Swanson River petroleum revenues by excllidinq all. producing· oj_l fields with:i.n the Moose Rarl,ge froo.conveyance tocook Inlet~ ( t .. ~.~ .... ~l ( .Q -~ · .. ~.··.·.·· , P.ECOML'4ENDATIO:-JS · · cook Inlet Trade After its consideration qf the major·issue::;.arid .aspects of the proposed settlement, .Commissi.oner James Hurley moved and Commissioner Celia Hunter seconded "That this Commission recommend to the Joint Resources committee df. the ~k~gislature ~appropr"ia.""te .legislation be passel:! authorizing ·the Cook Inlet settlement under the terms and . conditions o P.L. 94-204." The motion c.arried unanimously, with Federal Co.,...Chairmi:m Burton W. Silcock,. Ac.ting State Co:-Chairrnan George W. Roger, and commissioners James J. Hurley, Celia H. Hunter, Phil R. Holdsworth, Joseph H. FitzGerald, John ~'J. Schaeffer, a~d Richard A. cooley voting "aye"~· The r~commendation made, the Commission proceeded to address guidelines for future land exchanges. Summarized belm-. are tentative general· guidelines· accepted by the C~mmission .. · Future Land Trades It has becom~ .· increasingly •. apparent. that.a series·· of· trades and· exchanges v1ill be necessary .f7oadjust · land~ownership patterns .. established by. the · Statehqod Act to enable sound land use pL~nriing and. management by all involved. r£()th the Commission arid members of the State L~gislature have recognized.thenecessity for legislation 'which would guide and racilitate the exchange prOcess. With clearer ground rule~, much of. the complexity and dif.ficulties experienced in the Cook .Inlet land trade could be reduced. The Cook Inlet experience offers an excellent. test case. which. should be carefully. studied in developing guidelines for· future land trades. The basic elements for such exchange legislation, as suggested by the Cook Inlet experience, are as follows:. · L Lahd ·trades should further. the establishment of land ownership patterns that will enable p;Lanningand management to foster the wise. use and disposition land and ·land resources. 2. Land trades should .result in an equitable exchange of. values between the parties involved. In determining equity, intangible values such as sound land use andmanagement aswell as·social and economic benefits should be included. 3. Trade procedures should include consultation with affected local governments and relevant State and Federal agencies, as well .::ts a specific program for public consultation. 'l'he Commission plans to· analyze 'the Cook Inlet trade process in detail, as Wi~ll as .to revieW land trade and exchapge procedures Utilized else- \<fherc. On this basis'· the Commission will make recommendations for lcqislation that .would establish guidelines for future land exchange. 13 D 0 0 0.· 0 10 D . . . 0 0 0 ·o ~!& 94 STAT. 2486 PUBLIC LAW \)6-487 __:_DEC .. ?.. I !l~O . COOK INLET VILLAGE SETTLEMENT SEC.l432: The Secretary is directed~:. • . · ·· ·· · .. · . . . (a).rermmate the .review of the ehgib1hty·of Salamatof.Natlve · Association, 'Incorporated and withdraw any determination thatsaid · village cor.poration ··is·. not eligible· for benefits under section 14(a). of, thisAct. . · . . · (b) Implement .the. agreement among . the. • Secretary,. Cook. Inlet Region, Incorporated and Salamatof Native Association, Incorpo- rated, which agreement dated August 17, 1979, bad been filed with· the Committee on Energy and .Natural.Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Interior and··Insular ·Affairs ·in•· the. House of·· Representatives, the terms of which are hereby a11thorized.; .·. . · (c) Remove: from the Kenai National Moose Range the surface · · esta.te of any land, therein to be conveyed to Salama to f. .and the · . · subsurface estate ofany lands. therein conveyed or to be conveyed to .CoOk Inlet Regiqn, Incorporated, pursuant to the agreement author~ . · ized to be implemented under subparagiaph (ii)' of thiS paragraph. (d) Implement an agreement among Cook Inlet. Region, Incorpo- . rated, the corporation representing the.Village of Alexander Creek, the corporation representing the group of Al.exander Creek and the United. StateS, if such agreement is flied with the .Committee on Energy a:nd Natural! Resources. of the Senate and.the Committee on · · Interior and Insubur Affairs of the HolllSe of· Representatives prior to Decemberl8~··1979,.the.terins of; whlch are hereby authorized, and, .• upon performance. of the conditions precedent . set· forth in. said :agreement, certify Alexander Creek, Incorporated, as a group coJri»- .• ration~ eligible forland and other benefits under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement:Act and this Act. .. . · ·. ·. ·· . . (e) Treat lands conveyed to Alexander Creek as lands conveyed to Village Corporations for the linii~d purpOse of calculating the acreage to. be charged against the entitlement of CoOk Inlet Region under section 4 of Public Law 94-456. 43 usc 1611 .. . :note . L. note. . <0 Accept any lands that are tendered by the State of .Alaska for the ~urpos~ of implementing the. agreement desc?bed in subparagraph (A) of thiS paragraph, such ~nder: not to be subJect to the provisions of section 6(i) of the Alaska Statehood Act (72 Stat. 339); · 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;: ' . ,, I ,, !''• ; ___ _ . ( I I I I I I ·~_-. [J LAKE .CLARK. LAND .TRADE AGREEMENT SETtH:':EN COOK IN.LET. REGION, .INC. AND. THE VILLAGES. OF_ NINILC.IK NATIVE~ASSOCIATION~ INC., KNIKA.TNU, ._INC. 1 ALEXANDER CREEK NATIVE ASSOCIATION,· INC.~ SALAMATOFF NATIVE ASSOCIA~ION;· lNC.~ AND. CHICKALOON NATI .. . ' . ~ . . The purpose of this Agreem~n t is ~o haye the above-named. Native . ' . . . Vi1hges withdraw t)'l.eir selection applications-and relinquish. . . . all claim~ to lands. _in the Lake_ Clark·, . Lake· K~ntrashibuna _and Malchatna River areas (hereafter refer~ed .to· as the "La·ke Clark .-' ' . . -~ . area")' in exchan_ge for lands .more adjacent to the respective Village,· Each Village shall' "trade.:.out" of the Lake .c'lark ·area by receiving one_ acre for every _two. acres it relinquishes. The State of Alaska ·shall' prov id~ one -half of the .. "trade-out\' _acre-· age, and Cook Inlet Reg ion, _Inc' sh a 1'1 provide the ot~:ter one- hal-f. Cook Inlet, Region,. Ide; ~hall app_oint members ·Of each. Village to neg~otiate with the State of· Alaska for the identifi- cation of the lands the State is to provid~ the respect~ve Village. All lands owned by the' state of Alaska which are I ' ' ' tified for: convey~nce to the Vill.ages in accorda:nce .with this Agreement shall be conveyed by the sta.te to the united states. . . . . . The. U~ited States shall. then convey said lands to _Cook Inlet Regior,, In!=. and Coo!c'Inlet Regio'n, Inc .. shall then convey .the lands to th~ respective Villaga. Each Uillage's land entitlement under ANCSA shall be diminished in an amount ~qual to one-half (l/2) of th-e acreage it· reli-nquishes i.;_ the Lake Clar_k are·a~ I. NINILCH-IK. NATIVE 1\SSOCIATION., INC. Ninilchik has.s'electe·d 13',376.:!:. acre~ in .the ·Lak'e Clark area. ·, s ·,;trade·-out'' acreage entitlement is therefore· 6,688 ::_ acres •. (If the Alaska Native Claims. Appeal Board or th.e Court. eventually -. determine that B~rough salectio~s ara available ~or Villa~e selection, Ninil_chik's "t.rade.;..out" acreage would th~n be 4,229 " . ' . acres. For purposes of this Agreement:· it is a:ssumed that Borough select~dn~ will not be available for Village selectio~ and the 6,688 :!:. ~ere& ~igure will therefore be used._ If Borough . . . selections are later aetermined to be available for Village. selection, the acreage which -the State ;;nd· CIRI are to prov-ide Ninilchik shall be adjusted according!~); The St:ate.of Alaska I I I I I I I ! . l I. 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 ,',I ··' ! ; I I' !· ' 0 ~~~ll ?r~vide one-~'1£ of the trade-out ac~eaqe (3i3~4 acre~), &lll'lldl ~oolc . .tnlet Region, Inc. shall provide the other one-half acres·) • . . . ' . . A. Cook Inlet Re~io~, Inc~~ th~ Stat~ of ~Iaska and Niri~lchik Na.tive Association, 'Inc. ·jlave Aqreed t,hat .th'e lands described in the document attached hereto• as. Append.ix "A" s.hall' be conveyed· to Ninilchik. Ninilchik shall receive all of said ' . . . . . lands in Appendix "A~' '(6,020· . .:!:. acres) in. the event that Borough :sele~tions are• determined by ANCAB or' the Court not .to .be available for Village seiection under ANCSA. In the event that. Borough: selecftio·ns. are deter.mirted to be av.ail'able . . . ~or Village selectionJ Ninilchik ~hall be.entitled to.4,229 £ acres.. In either Ei!Vent, the lands desc.r·ibed in Appendix "A" . . are .described in pdo~ity cirder and they shall b,e conveyed to Ninilchi·k .in that order. B.· Ninilchik is entitl~d to an additional 6~a, .:!:..·acres which cook Inlet· iegio~, inc. is obligated to~provide~ Co~i Inlet Reg ion, • ~nc. shall prov.ide sai.d. 68.8 . .:!:. a.cres as follows: (i) The lands to be identif.ied ·shall b~· within what is commonly known as Ninili::hik's·ll(a) (1) w.ithdrawal, unles~ .. 6therwise mut~ally agreedupon bet~een •inilchik and CIRI. (2) Ninilchik and CIRI sh~ll ~ake good f~ith efforts to . mutually iden.ti'fy tlie 698 .:!:. acres which CIRI is obligated t~ provide Ninilchik.. Sal~ mutual identification shall take place within ninety (90) ·days of the date ,of this Ag.reement .. (3) .To the extent that Ninilchik and CIR.I ·are unable to . . ~ . -. mutually identify 68S::!:. acres •. the difference,betweep 688 .::!:. acres, and the number of acres which· the parties h,ave mutually identified shall be mul~iplied by one and one-half. Ninilchik shall then nominate and identify acreage equal to one-half of this. latter figur~e. ·CIRI shall th.en nominate and identify the other. one-half' -2- I I I I I l I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! ' 0 0 0 0 0 ,. I 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 .- Ninilchik shall select from this entire pool the· acreage . . t~ which it is entitled i~ order to.recei~e 'the full 688. =-acres which 'ciRI .'is . obtig<ited. to provide. This pooling process an~ the id~ntitication and selection of ' ' l:ands. shall be completed within 180· days of the signing' 6f this Agreement. II,.· KNIKATNU, INC. Knikatnu· has .. sel·e.cted 15,336 =.·acres in the· Lake. Clark area •. Its •t~~de~obt" acre~ge e~~i~lemen~· i~ therefore 1,683 t acres. ·T.he state. ·of Alaska shall· provide one-half' of this trade-o.ut acreage (1~841,~ adres)/ •nd. Cook Inlet Re.ioni Inc. shall ~ro­ vide the other ·one-half (3.,841.5 acres!. A. Th.e :state of Alaska shall provide. the .3.;841.5 + acres as follows; · ( 1) The lands to b'e identified shall be within what is commonlY· known. as Kri'ikatnu's• .ll(a) (];)· withdrawa,l.,. unless ' . . ·-. :-.-,. {-. , ·otherwise mutually agreE! d. ~pon betw~en, Knikatnu. and th~ · stat.e •. (2) ~nikatri~:and the State shall make.g6od fai~h ~ffprts . . . . . to mutually identify the 3,841.5 acres which the. State is ~blig~ted'to pXovide Knikatnu. Said mutual identification shall take.place within ninety (90) .days. of the daie of this Agreement. (3) To the. e·x·tent that ··Knikatnu and the. State are unable to mutually identify 3,841.5 acres, .the difference between 3,841.5 acre.s and the.number of acr.es w.hich the parties· have mutually identified shall be multiplied by one and one-half. Knikatnu shall then npminate and identify acreage equal to one-half of. this latter figure .. The State.shall nominate ~nd:identify the other one-hilf. Knikatnu. shall select f·rom this entire. pool of. lands the acreage to which it is entitled in order to receive the full' 3 ,841. s' acre's which th.e State is obligated to provide -3 :o··_·· " ·o '· . D 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 ,. )•] I r ,,,/ I· 'r:·l B• ,~ ·U Knikatnu. This pooling proce•s and the id~ntification a~d sel~ctiori of lands _shall be. completed within _180 days of t~e s~gning of this Agr~ement. Cook Irilet Region, Inc. ~h~ll p~ovide the 3,841.5 acres which it is obligated t'o provide Knikatnu as follows: I I I. (1) The lallds to -be· identified shall be within what is commonly known as Knlkatnu's ll(a) (ll withdrawal, unless otherwis~ mutually agreed upon bet~eeri Knika~nu and ~IRI. (2) Knikatnu and _CIRI shall make gbod fai~h efforts to ·mutually identify the 3 ,841. 5 acres )"hich CIRI is obligated to provide Knikatnu.· Said mut·ua·l idell.tificatiori ·shall take place within ninety j9Q) days o~ the ~ate of this Agreement·.·· (3) To the extent that Knikatnu and CIRI are unable tO mutually identify 3,84i.5 acres, ,the difference between J ,841.5· acr';'!S, and the:.,_number of acres·' that .the· parties .. · have mutually identiffed shal.l be muitiplied.by one and one-half. Knikatnu shall then. nominate and identify .acreage equal to bne-half of this latter figure .. CIRI shail then nbminate and identif~ the other One-half.: Knikatnu shall select from this en~ire pool the ac·reage to which it is entitled -in o.rder to .. receive the full 3,841.5 + acres which CIRI is· obligated to provide. This - pooling process and the identification and·selection of lands shall be completed within 180 days of the date of this Agreement. SALAMATOFF NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. This ·Agr.eement· between· Cook ·Inl.et Region, Inc. and Sala·matoff is contingent upon Sal-amatoff· re'taining its Village eligibil'ity status under ANCSA. If Salamatoff fails ~o retain its Villag~ eligibility status 'under ANCSA, this Agreement between Cook Inlet 'Reg{on, Inc. and Salamatoff. sh~ll be of no force and effedt. -4- I I I I 'I 0 0 '• . 0 D· Sala~~toff has sel~cted 21,~16!. acres.inthe Lake cfark area •. Its "trade-out" acire~ge·entitlemen:t.is therefore 11.,855,5.!. acres. Th~ State of Alaska shall'provide one-half ~f ' • • < trade-o'ut acr.eage !5,94.2'.75 acres•>·, arid cook Inlet. Region, Inc. shall provide the other one:-half (5,942.75 acres). A. The state o~ Alasks shal~_provida the 5~9~2,~5!. acres as. follo.ws: Ill ·The lands to ·be identified .shall be within .what is ~()mmonly'known as Salamatoff's ll(a)(l) withdrawal; unless otherwise mutually ag~eed upon b~tween •alamatof~ and the State. (2) Salamatoff and the State.shall make good'faith efforts to mutually.lde'ntify the 5,942>75 acres .which the State is obligated to.~rovide sai~rnatotf. Said mutuaL identifica- . . ·.' ... tiori shall :ake place within. ninety (90) day.s of.the. date of this ~gr~ement. ·_ ... :_ . . . . . .. . ( 3) To th~ extent that ~~lamatoff and t~e'Sta~~ . ,-'' . -~ ,.__ ,,"" . . . . ·-' .. to:.mutually identify 5~942.7S acres;the ,difference . " : . . - 5 ,9,42.75 .acres and. the number of'acres w!)ich thE;l parties havl:l mutually identified. ~hall b~ multlplied by~ne and one-half. Salamatoff shall then n()minate and. identif.y · . . . . acreage· equal to one-half .of this. Latter figure. The s~ate ~hall nomlnat~ ~nd i~e~tify the other one~half. ·Salamatoff shall select fro.m this .entire pooL of ·lands the acreage to which it i~ entitled in order to receive the full 5.,942. 75 acr.es which the State· i~ .obligated .to pro- vide. This pooling process and the identification ~nd • s•lecti~n of linds ihall be dbmpl~i~d within 180 days of the date of thi~ Agree~eht. B. Cook Inlet Region, Iric. shall provid'e the 5,942.75 which it is obliiated to p~ovid• ~alama~off as follows: . . . Ill Th~ land~ to'be·ident1fied shall. be within wh~t is commonly known as Salamatof('s ll(a) Ill withdrawal. unless otherwise mutually agreed upo~ between Salamatqff an~ CIRI. -5- ' ~ I I D 0 ~- D (2) Salamatoff and CIRI shall make good faith efforts to mutually identify the 5,942.75 acres which CIRI is obligated to pr~vide Salamatoff. Said mutual identifica- 0 tion shall take place within ninety (90) days of the date of this Agreement. 0 ;,, - '.'_. (3) To the extent that Salamatoff and CIRI are unable to mutually identify 5.942.75 acres, the difference between ' 0 ; ' ~. I 5,942.75 acres, and the number of acres that t&e parties have mutually identified shall be multiplied by one and ~~ ' I ~ one-half. Salamatoff shall then nominate and identify 0 acr~age equal ~o one-half of this latter figure. CIRI 0 I., s·hall then nominate and identify the other one-half. Salamatoff shall select from this entire pool the acreage to which it is entitled in order to receive the full .; 0 5,942.75 ~acres which CIRI is obligated to provide. pooling process and the identification and selection of This D lands shall be completed within 180 days of the date of this Agreement. 0 IV. ALEXANDER CREEK NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. This Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and Alexander Creek is contingent upon Alexander Creek retaining its 0 I: Village eligibility status under ANCSA. I~ Alexander Creek fails to retain its Village eligibility status under ANCSA, this 0 Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and Alexander Creek shall be of no force and effect. 0 Clark Alexander Creek has selected 18,224 ~acres in the Lake area. Its "trade-out" acreage entitlement is therefore 0 ..... i•l' 9,112 ~acres, The State of Alaska shall provide one-half of the trade-out acreage (4,556 acres), and Cook Inlet Region, Inc . shall provide the other one-half (4 ,556 acres). 0 : ,' A. The State of Alaska shall provide the 4,556 +acres as follows: 0 (1) The lands to be identified shall be within what is commonly known as Alexander Creek's ll(a) (1) withdrawal, 0 unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between Al~xander Creek and the State. -6- 0 0 h u J ! I l i ] I l J ''!\ ·v (2) Al~xandet Cre~k and the State shalL make good.~aith eff~rta·to mdtually identi!y ~~e 4.556 acre~~hich the State is obligated to provide Alexander Credk. Said mutual identification shaLl take piace withia nine~~ (90) diys of the date of this Aqr~ement. (3) To the, extent that· Alexander Creek. a.nd the State are unable· to mutually identify 4 ,_556 acres,. the difference between 4,556 acres and the ·number _of acres which .the parties hav~·~utually ~dentified'shall be multiplied by· one and one-half. Alexander Creek shall then nominate and identi.fy acreage equal to one-half of this latter !igure: ·The St~te-shall nominate arid ~d~ntify tb~'other on-e,..half. Alexander creek shall select. from .this entire pool of lands the acreage to which it is. e.ntitled in-order to receive the ~bll'4,556 acres ~hich the State •is obli~ . . . gate.d to pt"ovide. This pooling_ process _and the identifi- cation. and selection. of lands shall l:ie completed. within 180 ,days Of the sJ.ate of-this Agreeme·nt; a.·. cook· Inlet ·Region, 'Inc .. shall provide the 4,556 !. acre-s . . which it. is obligated .to provide Alexand_er Creek as fo.Uows: Ill The lands to be identified sh&ll be-within what is commonly known as Alexander Creek's ll(a) (l) _withdrawal; ~~ the Beluga area,. uniess o~herwise mutually agreed .upon ·betwe·en Alexander Creek and CIRI. (2) Alexander Creek and CIRI. shall· make g_o'od faith efforts to mutually identify. the· 4,556 acres-which CIRI is obli- gated to provide Alexander Creek.' Said mutual ideritifica- ' ' . . . . tiori shall take place within·,ninety (~Ol days of the date of thi~ Agreement. (3). To the extent that Alexarider.Cr.eek··and CIRI are un- able. to mutually identifi 4,i56 acresi the difference between 4,556 acres, and th~ _number of acres which the parties have mutually identified shall be multiplied by -7- nate· ter other entire to ed to ion and ays of lns and area· State . ~e of low .filled ickaloort erato. o acres · ch are tate of The t deter- are _!scribed .ckaloon e Clark: shall c. as nlet ' i I ! 0 0 D 0 ·.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 l'l ,; I· ,, ,1, i: ·''_ ~- ·?J In the event thit the Bureau of Larid Management fin•lly determines that .Chickaloon has validly selected in the Lake Clark area, .and the State of Ala'ska loses the Men.tal Health case,. Cook ·Inlet Region, tnc~. shall be reimbursed by Chickaloori in the a~ount of 2rSOo·~cres from. the following lands ~£·which Cook Inlet Region, Inc' shall. select in descending order. of. priority until it: has reached the acreage to· .. wh"ich it is entitled from Chick~·loon :. TOWNSHIP RANGE. SECTION .LEGAL ACRES 19 N 3 E 29 W/2 NW/4 80.00 19 N 3 E 13 N/2 NW/4 80.00 20 N 5 E 30 E/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4, SW/4 SE/'4 160.00 21. N 6 E 32 6"40. 00 21 N 6 E 33 ·640.00 20 N 4 E 24 640.00 20 N 4 E 23 640.00 .21 N 6 E 28 640.00. 21 N 6 E 29 640.00 19 N 4 E 4 640,00 19 N 4 E 5. 640.00 19. N' 4· E 6, 640.00 :Chickaloon shall s~lect the a·bove· l .. ands and shall not ·in any waY_ encumher them without "the consen.t of CIRI until it· is finally ~eter~ined wh~ther or no~ Cook Inlet Regioni Inc. is entitled to them. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j, i' :< VII. This Agreement is entered into for the·purpose of effectuatinq.the Agreement reached between Cook Inlet Region, Inc., the United States and the State of Alaska as contained in, the document entitled "Terms and Conditions for Land Consolidation and Management in Cook.Inlet Area,• and as ~on- tained in Public Law 94-204 of January 2, 1976. VIII. This Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the below signed Native Viilages is conditional upon the Villages receiving patent of the lands to which they are entitled under this Agreement. It is understood by the parties hereto, that the said Native Villages' relinquishment of their interests in lands in the Lake Clark area shall not take effect until said Villages have received patent to the lands to which they are entitled under this Agreement. IX. Xhis Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the respective Villages is predicated upon the Villages exercising t'heir "Method A" s·erec'tion procedure. The exercise of the "Method A" selection procedure is dependent on Alexander Creek Native Association and Salamatoff Native Association retaining their Village eligibility status under ANCSA. In the event that .either or both of said Villages fail to retain their Village eligibility status, i~ ir understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the Villages shall then select under the next appro- priate selection "Method", and the acreage which the State of Alaska and Cook Inlet Region, Inc. are obligated to provide the respective Villages under this Agreement shall be adjusted accordingly. x. All conveyances of lands made under this Agreement shall pass all of the State's right, title and interest in the lands, including the minerals therein, but excluding any encumbrances, as if those conveyances were made pursuant to section 22(f) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, except that dedicated or platted section line easements and highway or other right-of-way may be reserved to the State. -9- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' . ' ' I, : 1 . XI. . ·-~ . .;; !mmed~~tely after Cook Irilet Region, Inc. ·receives the lands from the United States to which the Villages are entitled, under this Agreement it shall convey said lands to the respective Villages. xu. The subsurf~ce ~state in all lands conveyed to the Villages under this Agreement shall be.retained by Cook Inlet Region, Inc·. XIII. All conveyances under this Agree~ent shall be considered and treated as conveyances under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 688, 43 U.S.C. 1601 ~~··and the amendments thereto as contained in Public Law 94-204 of January 2, 1976. XIV. If a~y provisions of this Agreement or the applicability thereof is held inva.lid the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. XV. Attached to this Agreement are copies of the legal descrip- tions of the lands which some of the Villages and the State of Alaska and Cook Inlet Region, Inc. have mutually agreed shall be conveyed to the respective Villages. Those legal descriptions of lands which the Villages have not yet received under this Agree- ment will be attached hereto when the lands are identified for conveyance to the Villages in accordance with this Agreement. From the date of the signing of this Agreement, the State shall not enter into any leases or sales or approve any Borough selec- tion applications in the Lands described in the attached appen~ dices or in the Sec. ll(a) (1) withdrawals of Villages which have not identified lands to which they are entitled under this Agreement. XVI. Attached to this Agreement is a copy of the corporate resolution giving each of the undersigned Village representatives authority to sign this Agreement. COOK INLET REGION~ INC. /. .'. ' , . ( . / . I J ,<:./ /. I v ( l·: .• / PRESIDENT NINILCHIK NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. CHAIRMAN £:~ /,--~-,. ~ .... -. ~~,./-:/~we&~' GENERAL !·tANAGER -10- 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ,, ~; !: f' 0 1 \. : i i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i' 0 ,-::> 0 0 0 "' 'I i· i I, l KNIKATNO, INC. u.~~ ALEXANDER CREEK NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. il~¥f..GJ;:,~ TYONEK NATIVE CORPORATION CHICKALqON NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. PRESIDENT State of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this,.;2 daY ofr::-~ 1976, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in a~ Alaska, personally appeared Roy M. Huhndorf to me known and known to me to be the President, of Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and he acknowledged to me that he had in his official capacity aforesaid executed the· foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the_day and year in this certificate first above written. Not~ My commission -11 in and far Alask~ expires: ·1• "" ~ ~8' J J 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: :J I . i ~, I I '" ; ' L !' ··) State of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this."J...,.('day o~~··'/r'&:ftv 1976, before me, the undersiq~ed a Notary Publi~ in and for Alaska, personally appeareg,jf~..{?.-7 ;..:( .,.(J. / /:>crd<'::-/...X.;t.o me known and known to me to be thef'fl'/·'(z,·.,.-z·J,.;,.,,A9t<".'-·Of Ninilchik Native Association, Inc. ,::'and he acknowledqed7o me that he had in his official capacity aforesaid executed the foreqoinq instru~ ment as the free act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the day and year in this certificate first above written. state of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District ..:? • /), ./ . THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this~.day 0~-(¢<'.<"'((7,-et 1976, before me, the undersigAed, a Notary Public in and for Alaska, personally appeare~~?'z~,c /9fj .. 7-,?~~~ to. me known and known to me to be the.c1'@'¢.?ff/,.-~j).....-.!·<U?ic·• .. of Kn~ka.tnu, Inc., and he acknowledge9/~o me that he had i his official capacity aforesaid executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of the sa~d corporatio~ for the uses and purposes therein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the day and year in this certificate first above written. State of Alaska Third Judicial District Notary:Public iri·· and f ~asJ<a· My com~ission ~xpires: ~(~~/77 _ ss. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on thisc:2 day of~ , 1976, 'before me, the undersig~e , a No a9 Pub_lic in atldfOr Alaska, personally appeared ----------~-~ to me known and Rnown to me to be the · of Chickaloon Native Association, Inc., and he acknowledged to me that he had in his official capacity aforesaid executed the foregoing instru- ment as the free act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the day and year in this certificate fir~t above written. -12- ] 0 0· 0 0 0 0 , I D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 ·.} State of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District . THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this3.ti,.day ~k<1'.t'.d.?Jl" 1976, before me, the undersi~Aed,. a Nqtary PubU,c in and for:; Alaska, personally appeare_~A"?."'r.-z('d ~;,..;.•r~J: · to :me known and known to me to. be thec:.;b;:o-~/...£.0/ /fr/ <""'~_9£ Alexander Cr_eek Native. Association t':''Inc., and he acknowU'd<Jed -to· me that he had .in his official capacity aforesaid· e_xecuted the· fore9o'inq · instrument as t~e free act and deed of ~he said corpor~tion for the uses and purposes the~ein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on th~d~y and year in this certificate first above writteri. State of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this,~day ot-;:?'4;,·;.~-a--?~ 1976 1 before me, the undersigned 1 a Notary Public· in and for ,:·:.-· Alaska! pers~nal.ly a~~:~ea_redr!)''Z', ·>//~: .--t((1<{·4 a. to me.knciwn:·. and known to me. to be_ the · <;/k:&.<· ?ccz/·., •/ .. / · of S.a lamatof L . Natiye AssociatJon, Inc._, and he acknowl,edged·to me· that he had in. his ·official· capacity .aforesaid execut-ed the ,foregoing instru.,. · ment· as the' free act and deed of the said .. ' corporation -for th'e uses and purposes therein stated. · · · · '· in WITNESS my ·hand and notarial seal on the day and y-ear. thi~ certificate first above written. State of Alaska ss. Third Judicial District THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this._:_:;,:{.'aday o~t4 r :4·· 19.76, before me, the unde·rsig~d,_ a Notary .:rubliC in and for . v Al a'sk a I personally appeared •. ::::>. ao2-.--:~,> &:>a_,.......,..,._.,~/-to me kn.own and known to me to be the ;-.z{,.,,,.;-,('>7 >.z·-Y of· Tyonek . Native C6rpor.ation, and he acknowledged· ·to me 'that .. he had .iri his official ~apicity afo~esaid executed th~ foreg6ing instrurne~t as the free ict and de.ed of the said corporation for: the. ·u.ses ·and purposes therein stated. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the day:and Y~!r in this certificate first a·bove written. -13- J 0 0 0 0· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l ,. l l . ~ j' '• ' ' R76-9 JY'w.e4.}i JY'at:E<Z~ ~ .JlJ .PJ/Jaa: I?.J JVw.ik..{d, Jdiada .996'.J9 S6'?-<i?.JI RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED THAT Richard Greg Encelewski and Edward Jackinsky is hereby given fuJ.l power and authority to sign on behalf of the Ninilchik Native Association, Inc. the Lake Clark Land Trade Agreement between Cook Inlet Region 1 Inc. and the Ninilchik Native Association, Inc. Dated this ~ day of ~ ·-, 1976 -. -·' ·. ---Secretary .... • J -- ·. 0 0 0 o· 0 0 D. 0 0 0 D .• RESOLUTION ;_ ;,._, io -l is hereby given fu::U power and authority t.q sign on behalf of· tt1e Salamatof Native Associationr. ·Inc. the Lake Clark Land Trade Agreement betw,eenCook InletR.e:gion, Inc. and the Salamatof Native Associ'ation; Inc. 0 ~;· ·: .. , . ~ }· i .. ·~; ., .. .; " · . .,. . , 1.976 I "~ : .!: . 1 ' ;~Jr.~ ···~ J J J J 0 0 ,, - i ! '' ,, 0 1 t·v l,.'' I·. 1 0 0 D ',, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f" i' • \I i 'c- '' '.6> • ' .•= TYONEl NATIVE CORPORA1loN -US' frtJI s/1! ,:f,t·mtto, mu'k 9 .rlnrl!r.tnlr, .. rflnJa !J!JSOI f!kft.jdu:m! 901-219·4213 RESOLU'riON January 29, 1976 BE IT RESOLVED that B. A9nes Brown is hereby qiven full power and authority to siqn the Lake Clark Land Trade Aqreement between cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the Tyonek Native corporation ~n behalf_of the Tyonek Native corporation. DATED this ~f~ay of ~~~-~~~~~,~u~·~~~~~Y~-~-------' 1976 #J~d Secretary . ·~· ' ·1· ' .. ·-- J J J J J 0 0 ;, 0 0 0 .r 0 0 0 0 0 "'1 0 0 0 0 Resolution flo._ Be it resolved that on this Jrd day of Oecerbet· 1975. The Knikatnu board of directors has approved ~1r. _ai_d/dy L-1~-~~-u:.i..;!L._rf... _-·-- to sign legal documents binding the corporatio11 to a land trade between; Cook Inlet Region Inc., The State of Alaska, The United States Department of Interior, and the village of Knik. ~-lhere as Knikatnu Inc. 1~ould agree. to 1•i thdraw land aopl ications in the Lake Clark area,and l·lhere as the State of Alaska and Cook Inlet Region In::. ag1·ee to ~1ake. certain state held lands available to Knikatnu Ire., 11nd Where as this land traoe shall be specified in a senanlte contract agree- ment beD-teen Cook: Inlet Regiol'l Inc., StAte of Ali!ska Division of Lands, The United States Department of Interior ilnd l<nH:atnu Inr.. Secretary ~-- : l. e ·~ , , ", • .• '--~·-· I V--'.!::.!L.!!:.f---~~-r r ,·{ ,., -·~ "-.... ,I President' ' '., ... ~: .............. ~ ·"'.~;;:·~·'". ·~-·J .! .. .. ~. . . ;' ~...i· •• . · .. ,.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,, i l· ., l<i' i 0 ' ~: 0 0 0 0 0 ' L 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ;.- ,0 j / ·' RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that is hereby given full power and authority to sign on behalf of the .Alexander Creek Native Association, Inc. the Lake Clark Land Trade Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the Alexander Creek Native Association, Inc. DATED this i : :· .. ..;,~{. '! '· r:. ,;.::>1'·;~~,-~~~~i:~~f~~~ 4 c- <tl 4 day of President r£1~ cretary .. :r-~; · .. "::I'~;:.:.. .• 0 is hereby given full power and authority to siqn on behalf of the Chickaloon Native Association, Inc. the Lake Clark Land ~rade Agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and the Chickaloon Native Association, Inc. DATED this ~ day of ~;.~ , 1976 C2.t:2_~~ President ~_£~4<../ ~;~~2f!· ~ ,., I l -''t_ -· ,.: ,,4 :~;,: .,·t:~ .'.i ' . :!>·~.:;; :~;_;At.i; "0"" "" 0 0 0 n u 0, 0. 0 0 0 0 0 Tiut state of Alaska, by and through ,Michael C.T. Smith, Director, Division of Lands, Agrees to convey the"following described lands to e~nit:ed,Stat:es fo7 eventuaLconveyance toNinilc:hik Native Association, in accordance WJ.th the take Clark Land Trade, Agreement, reached between, ~k Inl!!t Region,, Inc. and Ninil,chik Native Assoc~at~on, Inc. The lands , , ,to be conveyed to Ninilchik Native Association,. Inc. are described in priority order as follows: PRIORITY 1 1 l l l 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TOWNSHIP l N 2 N l s 1 s 4 s 1 N 3 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s l s 1 s 1 s l 5 2 s 1 N 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 2 s 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N RANGE - 13 W SM 12 ~~ SM 14 W,SM 13 W SM 15 W SM 13 W SM 14 W SM ·14 W SM l4 W SM 13 W SM 13 W SM 13 W SM 13 W SM 1j W SM 13 W SM 13 WSM 14 W SM· 13 w Sf4 13 W SM 13 W SM 13 W. SM 13 W SM 14 W .SM 12 W SM 12,. W SM 12 W SM 12 W SM . 12' W SM SECTION l3 29 12 07 22 27 19 35 ' ' 25 30' 20 15 29 02 11 12 13 35 33 34 32 "01 01 32 31 ' 10 11 15 W/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4, TR.c 160.49 LOT~4 32.61 LOT.;.;l . 33, .24 LOT~3 30. 77 · LOT-3 . 33;. 50 LOTS, · B, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 1~~ 17, 18 ·50.23 E/2 SW/4, 'li!'/2 SE/4 . 160. 00 E/2 NE/4 · 80.00 SW/4; NW/4 NW/4 " , 200.00 SE/4 ·" 160.00 E/2 SW/4 80.00 NE/4,. E/2 NW/4,· E/2 W/2NW/4,.N/2 SE/A. ,360~00 ·· SW/4, NN/4 SE/4; W/2 NE/4~ .S/2 NW/4, NE/4 N'W/4., ,",' LOTI 1,. 2, S/2 NE/4," ' W/:2 SE/4' / NE/4 NE/4 . SE/4 , ty2 ' SE/4 SE/ 4 , . W/2 NE/4.SE/4 .. NE/4 NW/4 ,. N/2 Sw/4; N/2 SE/4 , .. . " .. , W/2 E/2, SW/4i,E/2 NW/4, S/2. NW/4, NW/4, SW/~ NW/4, .NE/4 NW/4 NW/4 E/2, E/2 W/2 N/2 SE/4 ALL . W/2 NE/4, NW/4, NW/4 · SW/4 , . S/2 NE/4, NE/4 NE/4, SE/4, E/2'SN/4 LOT 4, SE/4 NE/4, SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 N/2 SE/4 E/:2 NE/4J,E/2 SE/4,. SW/4 NE/4, NW/4 SE/4 E/2 W/2, LOTS .1, 2, 3, & 4 S/2.SE/4 SW/4 .. E/2 4oo.oo 289. a·g 200.00 470.00 480.00 eo 640.00 2.80.00 360.00 279.93 80 .• 00 ·240.00· 319.16 so. 00. -~160<. 0'0 320.00 Michael C. T ~ ·Smith Director of Division of Lands APPENDIX "A" (NINILCHIK) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r •l(';:- ·~· ,:; k· i l' f:-.. 'i - l". i h !r i· I i• ,·~ ; :·., .. •, 1 I '} ' 0 of Alaska ss. Judicial District THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on thi~'-"a'ay of , '1 bet, a , ~ 1976, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public 1n and for Alaska, p~~~onally appeared Michael C.T. Smith, to me known and known to me to be the Director· of the Division of Lands of the State of Alaska, and he acknowledged to me that he had in his official capacity aforesaid executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of the State of Alaska for the uses and purposes therein stated. WITflESS . my hand and notarial seal on the day and year in this certificate-first above written J :' .. ]· -; tj' ] D ' - ' ' i l;' 1·' 0 f 1 ' j ~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 J J .• J I ~ t J ] A.·.· v . . 0 . . . The State of. Alaska, by and throuqh Michael c~T~ Smith, Director· e. Division 'of Lcinds, Aqrees to convey the followinq described lands. to . . United States .. for: immediate conveyance to Knikatnu, Inc. in accordance th ·the.Lake Clark Lafld Trade Agreement reached between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. and Knikatnu, Inc. The lands to be conveyed toKnikatnu, Inc. are described as .foll.ows: · · · TOWNSHIP RANGE s·ECTION ·LEGAL ACRES ·• 16 N 3 w 23 E/2 NW/4, NE/4 SW/4, NW/4 SE/4, (Has 25' .R/W Permit . lJ 63389) 160.0 16 N 4 W' .·.n W/2 NE/4 SW/4,. NW/41 SE/4. SW/4, NE/4· NE/4 SW/4, 40.0 16 N 4 w 15 .W/2 NE/4 (BO' Letter. Permit i 57236) 80.0 16 N 4 w 25 NE/4, N/2 SE/4, S/2 SW/4., NW/4 SW/.4, N/2 .NE/4 SW/4,. W/2 SW/4 NE/4 .SW/4, SE/4. 'NE/4 SW/4 395.0 17 N 3 w 6 Lots .1, 2, 1; . 4; 5, 6, 1, a·, g, 10, SE/4 NW/4, SW/4 NE/4, E/2 SW/4, W/2 SE/4 592.94 17 N 3 w 7 r.Ots 1, 2, 3, & 4, E/2, E/2 W/2 632.20. . 17 N 3 w 23 SE/4· (30. R/W Permit f 56178) 16o.o• ·1.7 N 3 w 24' W/2, NE/4, 480.0 1? N 3 w 3.1 · Lot 16 (33' R/WPermi't ·. ~ 54294) . 5. 0 17 N 4 w 12 Lots l, 2; ·s, 6, 7, a, 9, 10,. ll, 13 76.71 NE/4 NW/4, SE/4 NW/4 NW/4 ,.· ·. N/2 NW/4 NW/4, N/2 NE/4., N/2 SE/4 NE/4, SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 180.0 uss 35la, Lots 1,. 6, 7, a, .9, 10 19.53 ·. 17 N 4 w 33 Lots7, 10, 11, 12., 21,. 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, . 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 9.6. 93 and, NW/4 NE/4, SE/4 NE/4 I. S/2 SE/4, S/2 N/2 SE/4, N/2 NE/4 .SE/4, NE/4 NW/4 SE/4, S/2 SW/4, S/2 NE/4. SW/4, NW/4 SW/4 ,. W/2 SW/4 NW/4 390.0 18. N 3 w 31 Lots 3. 4, SE/4, E/2 SW/4 313.4.0 18 N 3 w 32 W/2, SE/4, S/2 NE/4 . 58 0. 0 18 N .3 w 33 \i/2, W;:;! NE/4, SE/4 580.0 . 18 N . 3 w 34 W/2 SW/4, 80.0 TOTAL ACRES SELECTED 4,861.71 . ~· ffi C:./. . Hichael C.T. Smith . Director of Division of Lands . · AI?I?ENDIX "B'" ... "''"".'' l . . ,_: I. J J J 0 ., 0 0 0 ," D '" 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~. ~ ) ) . l .. ss. ) THIS .IS TO CERTIFY that on this:3dday of '. :fr h .. , , befoli:'e me, tneundersigned, a Notary Public.in and. for Alaska, pgo11onally appeared Mich<;'e; ~~T.Smith,·toille known and known.to me to IN tJ:Ie.Direct:or C?f the Dl.Vl.Sl.On of ,Lands of the Stat;.e .of.Alaiska.; and he meknowledqed to me that be had ihhis official·capacity aforesaid executed t!ile foreqoinq instrwnerH:: as .the free· act and deed .of the State .of Alaska for the uses. and .purposes therein stated; WITNESS my hand and notarial. sed on the day. and year in this cc:rtificate:f±rst·above written.· · APPENDIX .".B" (!(NIKA'I'NU) J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ! I I I I I ------------ ·~. . The State of Al.aska, by and thr~uqh Michael C .• T. Smith, Direc::to.r of the ·Division of Landsv Aqrees to convey the followin9' described land? ·to theOnited States for immediate conveyance to.Alexander Creek. Native Association, Inc. in accordance with.the Lake'C:lark Land' TradeAqreement ,reached .between cook Inlet Region, Inc. and Alexander creek Native ... Association, Inc. It is understood that six. (6) sections.!. of said lands. are owned by the Mat-Su. Borouqh and that its. consent\.to makin9 said sec- tio~s available. for conveyance t.o Alexander Creek is a condition preceden't to the State.•s obliqation to convey said .. lands to Alexander Creek. · The lands .to. be conveyed to Alexander Creek Native Association; Inc.· are> described as follows: · TOWNSHIP ~ SECTION ACRES· . 16 N 8 w l6 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 16 N 7 w 15 N 7. w 15 N 7 w TOTAL ACRES State of Alaska Third JUdicial District 25 l9 21 29 30 31 17 16 32 6 5 ss. - ALL 640.00, Ul available·excludinq. Alexander Creek , ·.. 549,00 All availableexciuding Susitna River.. . . 50'0• 00 All lands: excluding the susitna River 620. oo All·availablelands excluding Alexander creek and ASLS 74-32 499 ~08 · · Ail available lands excludinqAlexander Creek · 523.69. E/2 excluding Susitna River · · 290.00 · All .available lands... . excluding. Susitna.Ri:ver ·170.00· All available lands West of the right, (west) .. bank of the Susitna River · · excluding Alexande.r Creek ·. · .. · · .. 195.00. · All. available lands . excluding Alexander. Creek; · and the s1lsitna River 399.00 All available lands in the W/2 excluding Alexander Cre.ek and the Susii:ha River. . . 220. OQ~ 4,605.77 Ml.chae1 C.T. smith Director of Division of Lands THIS IS TO CERTIFY that cin thiJt.,f~ay of . · , '=fr Q . ..· .. 1976, before me, the uhders.igned, .a Notary Public in and for Alaska,·. . personally appeared.Michael C.T. Smith; to me. known.andknown to me t;o' be the Director of the Division of·Lahds of the State of Alaska, and.he acknowledged to me that he had in his official capacity. aforesaid executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of the State of Alaska for the uses and ~urposes therein stated, · WITNESS my hand and not aria 1 seal en the day and year in: this· certificate first above written. APPENDIX "D" (ALEXANDER CREEK) .! J . J J J 0 0 0 ,., ' l'' j: \' 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 i, 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 ;, 11• 1 l2(b) SELECTION AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into on this ~ day of November, 1975 by and between the following villages in Cook Inlet Region: WITNESSETH: Chickaloon-Moose Creek Native Ass~ciation, Inc. Knikatnu, Incorporated Alexander Creek, Inc. Tyonek Native Corporation Salamatoff Native Association, t'nc. Ninilchik Native Association, Inc. Seldovia Native Association, Inc. A. An identical land selection will be made by all the above listed village corporations and filed with the Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage, Alaska, by Decmeber l, 1975. Covering all selections made under methods A, B, C, & D. B(l) When the eligibility of all village corporations within Cook Inlet Region has been finalized and, (2) When the 12(a) deficiency entitlement has been established and furthermore (3) When an updated 12(b) entitlement figure has been established by the Bureau of 4and Management. Then the above village corporations agree to meet and prioritize their 12(b) land selections such that no overlapping conflicts will arise. Village Corporations will then inform the Bureau of Land Management of these priorities such that the Bureau of Land Management can proceed to adjudica~e the 12(b) selection applications. J J J 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D ~ ' . \ i ,, 1 i. ,. ·~ ,, C. The l2(b) allocatio~s shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Chickaloon-Moose Creek Native Assnr, Inc. Alexander Creek, Inc. --~· f!i0' ~ ,• .. ~ ... .,.,; ~· ~ C---r/(('•.' .t I. .. / ( :CC.<"(P '€:::_. o..><'-t, Salamatof& Native Association, Inc. r: · 11 e)t/ d-/~.£~ /1. c-'v../-u.--c~ Seldovia Native Association, Inc. J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 • 1 -• ' ' ~ I ~· 1 ~· ... ' i ,:,. ;,. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TilE INTERIOR BUREAU OF I...AND MANAGEMENT VILLAGE SEI.ECTIOH APPLICATION FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 42-RI652 AA-6707 Sees. 12 and 16(b), Act of December 18, 1971 (43 U .S.C. 16011 INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSe Name of village corporation Tyonek Native Corporation Address (include zip code} 445 East Fifth Avenue, suite 9 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2. Give evidence oi eligibility H~ve you attached (a) certificate of incorporation, (b) evidence of approval of articles ~f incorporation by Region- ai Corporation, and (c) certification of eligibUity by Bureau of Indian Affairs? 0 Yes ~ No Have you previously filed this infonnation? [ij Yes 0 No (I( "yes," give serilll number of prior application and where information is filed} AA-6707-a 3a. Give written legal description of lands requested (attach separate :sheets, if necessary} See attached lists. b. I..ist U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps used to portray requested la'nds See attached list. c. Have you attached a copy of each map? SiX] Yes 0 No d. Have you indicated any mining claims to be excluded from this selection? 0 Yes @ No 4. Indicate land "Use--and occupancy 0 Occupied @Unoccupied []Mining ·claim 0 Entryman ~Native Use 0 Other fspeci(yJ s. Indicate Entitlement ((rcresJ Total entitlement "2. Previously filed 6. Give numerical preference, if selection application is filed pursuant to Sec. 2651.4(0 of the regulations 7. Authority for signature []Attached [].Previously filed in Serial No. I CE:RT!!'Y That the statements made herein are true, complete, and correct to and are made in good faith. the best of my knowledge and belief 4~ .. ~ (Title) Tltle 18 U.S,C. Section 1001, mak~5 it a crime for any person knowtngiy and wi.Hfu11y to make to any department or egeru:::y of the United States any false, ficutious. or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Form 2650-:2 Uune 1973) r ' . I . I J I' J i' l 0 j:.. ; 0 0 0 '· ' o· . ' ~' ,._., D 0 J ' r -Talkeetna Mountains: C-1, c-2, C-3, c-4, Seldovia: C-2, D-2,· Lime !I ills: A-4, Kenai: A-7, 1\-8, Lake Clark:: 1\-2, A-3, ' 1\-4, A-5, Iliamna: 1\-3, A-4, 8•2, B-3, I I I u.s.G.s. QUADRJI.NGEL MAPS •I c-s, D-3, C-6, o-4, 0-l, o-s, D-2, D-6. i! t -~. D-3, 0-8. ,. B•7, C-7, B-8, c-a. B-2, c-4, B-3, D-3, B-4, D-4. B-5, B-4, C-4, C-1, o-t, C-2, D-2. C-3, J J J J 0 0 0 '• 0 0 0 0 D D i '- D D D '! 'l'Owltlship 4 N. 4 N. 5 N. 5 N. l s. 1 s. PRIORITY 1 (a) ~est Side Cook Inlet Deficiency Withdrawal Seward Meridian, Alaska 19 w. 20 w. 19 w. 20 w. 20 w. 21 w. 5-8, 17-22, 25~36 l-4; 29-33; 22-27' 34-36; 1-4, a, 9, 12, 13, 16, 11, 19-21,-27-35; 3-10, 14-19, 23-25, 36. TOTAL ACREAGE! 51,330 J J J 0 0 'i,,' ,, ~ ~, f I j' 0 L 0 D I" 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 ., J J J ~~ 3 N. 3 N. 2 N. 2 N. 2 N. 2 N. 2 N. 1 N. 1 N. 1 N. l N. l s. 1 s. 1 s. Lake Clark Du!ieiancv Withdr~wal 28 w. 29 w. ·2& w. 27 w. 28 w. 29 w. 30 W. 26 w. 27 w. 28 w. 29 w. 27 w. 211 w. 29 w. / 5-8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20-32; 1, 25-27, 33-36; (,, 7, 17-:!0; 1-B, 1'0-111; 1, s, r., u-.ts, 19-23, 26-35; 1-s, 1-12, 1s-21, 24, 25, 29-31, 35, 36;. . 2, 3, 11-14, 23-27,'.33-36; 31; 6-B, 16-lB, 20-23, 25; 26, 36; 1-12, 16-18; 1-S, 8-23, 29, 30; 31, 3:!; 19, 2~-36; 25-27, 33-36. TO'l'J\1, 1\CREI\t;l::: 87, 149 J. J J J ] 0 0 0 0 D 0 D J J 0 J J 'l'ownshie 29 N. 29 N. 30 N. 30 N. 31 N. 31 N. 31 N. 31 N. 31 N. 31 N. 32 N. ·32 N. 32 N. 32 N. 32 N. 32 N. 32 N. 33 N. 33 N. PRIORITY 1 (b) Talkeetna Deficiency Withdrawal Seward Meridian, Alaska Range Section l E. 25, 36; 2 E. 1-J, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29, 30; 2 E. 23-26, 34-36; 3 E. 1-3, 9-12, 15-17, 19-21, 29-Jl; 1 w. 1-9: 1 E. 1-6; 2 e:. 1-6, 11-13, 24: 3 E. 7, 13-27, 34-36: 4 E. 1-3, 9, 10, 15-21, 30, 31; 5 E. 1-6, 8-17, 22, 23; 1 w. 4-36; 1 r::. 3, 4, 7-9, 18, 19, 30-36;. 2·E. 22, 26-28, 31-36; 4 E. 25, 311-36; 5 E. 23, 25-36: 6 F.. 25-36; 7 E. 30, 31:" 1 E .. 25, 26, 34, 35; 2 E. 17, 19, 20, 30. TOTAL ACREAGE: 115,693 J 0 PRIORITY 2 Talkeetna Mountains Deficiency Withdrawal 0 Seward Meridian, Alaska Township Range Section 0 29 H. 2 If. .2, 10, 11, 14-21. 29-n: 29 N. 1 &. 24, 26, 35: 29 N. 2 E. 4, a, 9, 12, 14, 17-19, 0 22, 23~ 27, 28, 31, 32: 29 N. 3 E. s-a: · 30 N. 2 E. 1, 12-14' 22, 27; 30 N. 3 E. 4-8, 13, 14, 1a, 22, 28, 32; 30 N. 4 E. 5-1: 0 31 N. 1 w. 10-12; 31 N. 1 E. 7-12: 31 N. 2 E. 7-10, 14; 23, 25, 26, 36: 31 N. 3 E. 6, 28-33: 0 31 N. 4 E. 4, 5, 8, 11-14, 22-24, 26-29, 32-34; 31 N. 5 E. 1, 18-21, 24; 31 N. 6 E. 4-8, 18; 31 N. 1 E. l-4, 11-13; 31 N. 8 E. 4-10, 15-18; 0 32 N. 1 w. 1-3: 32 N. l E. 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, ·16! 17,,2,0, 21, 24-29; •32 N. 2 E. 14, 15, 19-21 23, 25,, 29, 30; 32 N. 4 E. 26, 32, 33; 0 32 N. 5 E. 2•h 32 N. 6 E. 21-24; 32 N. 1 E. 19-21, 28, 29, 32-36; 33 N. 1 w. 26, 27, 33-35: 33 N . 1 E. 33, 36. . , . D 0 0 TOTAL ACREAGE: 115,596 0 0 0 0 ; .? 0 •·.· ... 0 0 0 0 PRIORf'l'Y 2 Lake Clark Deficiency Wi.thdrcwcl 0 Township Range Ss.:!!2!!. 0 l s. 26 w. 6; ~ :· l s. 27 w. 1, 33: ! . 1 s. 28 w. 25, 28; I l s. 29 w. 22··23, 32; l 0 0 •;. l N. 26 w. 32; l' 1 N. 27 w. 27, 28; j' l N. 29 w. 13' 15, 19; ~· ' j; l N. 29 w. 24: j· ~ . 2 N. 26 w. 29; L ,, 2 N. 27 w. 9, 24; ;· ' ' 2 N. 2B w. 25, 36; 2 N. 30 w. 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32i l N. 28 w. 9, 12, 15, 16, 19; 3 N. 29 w. 2, 12, 22. 0 f' 0 D TO'rl\!, 1\t:RE/\GE: 22,772 0 0 0 .: . 0 i' 0 ! 0 '· 0 J ·. 0 D Townshi£! 0 4 N. 4 N. 4 N. 3 N. D .2 N. l N. 1 s. 2 s. D 2 s. 3 s. 4 s. 4 s. 4 s. 0 5 s. 5 s. 5 s. 5 s. 0 I 6 s. 6 s. I 6 s. 7 s. 7 s. 0 7 s. 8 s. 8 s. 8 s. 9 s. 0 9 s. 0 0 0 J J l __; PRIORITY 2 West Side Cook Inlet Deficiency Withdrawal Seward Meridian, Alaska 19 w. 20 w. 21 w. 20 ~~~~ 21 w. 20 1~. 21 w. 20 w. 21 w. 21 w. 22 w. 23 w. 24 w. 22 w. 23 w. 24 w. 26 w. 23 w. 24 w. 25 w. 26 w. 27 w; 28 w. 26 w. 27 w. 29 w. 26 w. 27 w. Section 13, 23. 24; 28, 34; 13: 16, 21: 4, 12, 19, 30; 17, 21, 27, 28, 34; 26, 35; 29; 30; ll, 17; 22, 23, 26-28, 33-35: 5, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33; 7, 18, 19, 22, 25, 36; 4-6, 8, 18, 19, 30, 31; 6, 7, 18, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31-34; 1, 3, 12, 23, 34; 28, .31; 3-8, 10, 17, 18; 15, 16, 22; 14, 17; 9, 16, 19, 29-31; 23-27, 36; 8, 9, 16, 17; 5-9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28-J2; 1.33-:16; 21-24, 29-31; 6; l-5. TOT~L ACRE~GE: 75,836 J 0 0 West Side Cook Inlet Deficiency Withdrawal Seward Meridian, ·Alaska. 0 Townshi~ Range ~~.!!. l 1!11. 20 I'll. 18-20, 29-33: 0 ·.·· 2 N. 20 w. 4-9; 2 II!. 21 w. 1, s-a, 17, 18, 29, 31, 32, 36; 3 N. 20 w. 17-20, 28,33; 0 4 N. 18 w. 6; 4 N. 19 w. 2-4, 9-ll, 14-16; 4 N. 20 w. S-24, 26, 27, 29; 4 N. 21 w. 1-3, 10-12. 22, 26, 27, 34-36; 0 5 N. 19 w. 1-28, 34-3G; 5 N, 20 w. 1-21, 28-:33; 1 s. 19 w. 19, 30, 31; 0 1 s. 20 w. 5-7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 22,-26, 36; I 1 s. 21 w. .1, 2, ll-13, 20-22, 27-34; 2 s. 20 w. 5, 7, 8, 17-20, 30; 0 2 s. 21 w. 1-29, 33-35; 3 s. 21 w. 1-4, 7, 10, 18; 3 s. 23 w. 1-3, 9-12, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23, 30; 3 s. 24 w. All; !• 3 s. 25 w. All; 0 ~ 4 s. 23 w. 6; 4 s. 24 W-. l-6, 8-ll. 15-17, 20, 21, 26-29, 33-35; 4 s. 25 w. All; D 5 s. 24 w. 4, S, 9; 5 s. 25 w. 3-9, 16-22, 26-35; 5 s. 26 w. 1-25, 36; 0 6 s. 25 w. 2-5, 8-11, 15, 16; 6 s. 26 w. 3-11, 14-19, 30-34; 7 s. 1.6 w. 1-8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18; 0 7 s, 27 w. 1-22. 28-35; 7 s. 28 w. 12-13, 18-20, 23-27, 30, 34-36; 7 s. 29 w. 2-10, 13, 17, 18, 24-29, 31-36; 8 s. 26 w. 18, 19; 0 8 s. 27 w. 2-32; a s. 28 w. 1-4, 9-17, 19-36; 8 s. 29 w. 2, 25-28, 32-36; 9 s. 28 w. 2-8, 18; 0 r. 9 s. 29 w. 1-20, 29-33; 9 s. 30 w. 1-36; 10 s. 28 w. 1\ll; 0 10 s. 29 w. 1\ll; 10 s. 30 w. All; i 0 i 11 s. 29 w. 1\ll; 11 s. 30 i'i. 1\11. n J D ,_ 0 ·,f:::':; . :•C' ,,.... ~: ,.. -~ .; ir F.-. i- 0 :!"" i i '. 0 ·~ ' ,. !' ';. ;! ' i 0 I' D -' \; ' f 0 '. l f l 0 1 0 ·~ i. ' 0 0 i. 0 0 0 ' 0 t• 0 ,! ' 0 ~ l if 0 0 0 ToWnship 1 N. 2 N. 2 N. 3 N. 4 N. 4 N. 4 N. 4 N. 5 N. 5 N. 1 s. 1 s. 1 s. 2 s. 2 s. J s. 3 s. 3 s. 3 s. 4 s. 4 s. 4 s. 5 s. 5 s. 5 s. 6 s. 6 s. 7 s. 7 s. 7 s. 7 s. 8 s. 8 s. 8 s. 8 s. 9 s. 9 s. 9 s. 10 s. 10 ·s. 10 s. 11 s. 11 s. West Sida Cook Inlet Deficiency Withdrawal 20 w. 20 w. 21 w. 20 w. 18 w. 19 w. 20 w. 21 w. 19 w. z.o w. 19 w. 20 w. 21 w. 20 w. 21 w. 21 w. 23 w. 24 w. 25 .w. 23 w. 24 w. 25 w. 24 w. 25 w. 26 w. 25 w. 26 w. 26 N. 27 w. 28 w. 29 w. 26 w. 27 w. 28 w. 29 tv. 28 w. 29 w. 30 w. 28 w. 29 lv. 30 w. 29 w. 30 w. Seward Meridian, Alaska 18-20, 2?-33; 4-9; 1, s-a, 11. 1s, 29, 31, J2, 3G: 17-20, 28,33; 6: 2-4, 9-11, 14-16: 5-24, 26, 27, 29: 1-J, 10-12. 22, 26, 27, 34-36; 1-28, 34-36; l-21, 28-33: 19, 30, Jl; 5-7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 22-26, 36; 1, 2, ll-13, 20-22, 27-34; 5, 7, 8, 17-20, 30: 1-29, 33-35; 1-4, 7, 10, 18; 1-3, 9-12, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23, 30; All; All; 6; 1-6, 8-11, 15-17, 20, 21, 26-29, 33-35; All; 4, 5, 9; 3-9, 16-22, 26-35; 1-25, 36; 2-5, 8-11, 15, 16; 3-11, 14-19, 30-34; '1-8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18; 1-22, 28-35; 12-13. 18-20, 23-27, 30, 34-36; 2-10, 13, 17, 18, 24-29, 31-36; 18, 19; 2-32; 1-4, 9-17, 19-36; 2, 25-28,' 32-36; 2-8, 18; 1-20, 29-33; 1-36; 1\ll; All; All; All: All .. J J J J I D ·, ,-: J ;il ·- 0 : [ !J 0 0 ·J o· f; 0 j 'll 0 r ~I I 0 D D J ,, , ... J J ...., J J ' >, ll• 1 s. 1 s. l s. 1 s. 1 Ill. 1 Ill. 1 N. l N. 2 N. 2 N. 2 N. 2 Ill. 2 N. 3 N. 3 N. 3 N. 3 N. 4 N. 4 N. 26 w. 27 w. 28 w. 29 w. ,26 If. 27 w. 28 w. 29 w. 26 w. 27 w. 28 1'1. 29 w. 30 w. 28 w. 29 w. 30 IL 31 w. 30 w. 31 w. PRIORITY 3 Liikc,Clark. 1-S, 7-36: 2-30, 34-36~ l-18, 20-24, 26, 27; l-21, 24, 28-31; l-30, 33-36; 1-5, 9-15, 19, 24, 29-35; 14, 20-JC.; :!5-28, Jl-36; 1-5, B-16, 21-28, 30~36; 15-23, 25-36; 24: 6; 1, 4-10, 16-20, 30; 1-4, 10, ll; 3-11, 13-21, 23, 24, 2B=32; All; All; All; 1\ll. J J J PRIORITY J J Talkeetna Mountains Ocficicncy Withdrawal 0 Seward Meridian, Alaska !!:!_wn...!.h !12. Ra.nqe ~t:.!::!2!.!. 0 29 N. 1 w. All; 0 29 N. 2 w. 1, 3-9, 12, 13, 22-28, 32-36; 29 N. 1 F.:. 1-23~ 27-34; 29 N. 2 E. 5-7, 13, 24-26, 33-36; ~ ',' 0 29 N. 3 E. 1-4, 9-36; 29 N. 4 E. All; 0 29 N. 11 E. All; 30 N. 1 w •• 1 E., 5-Il E. All; 0 30 N. 2 E. 2-11, 15-21, 28-33; 30 N. 3 E. 23-27. 33-36 0 30 N. 4 E. 1-4, 8-36; 31 N. 1 w. 13-36 0 31 N. E. 13-36; 31 N. 2 E. 15-22, 27-35; 0 31 N. 3 E:. 1-S, 8-12; Jl N. 4 E. 6, 7, 25, 35, 36; 0 31 N. s E. 25-36; 31 N. 6 e:. 1_-3, 9-17, 19-36; 31-N. 7 E. 5-10, 14-36; 0 31 N. 8 e:. 1-3, 11-14. 19-36; 31 N. 9 E., 10 E. All; 0 ; < • c 32 N • l r:. 11-15, 22, 23; ·! 32 N. 2 E. 1-13., 16-18, 24; 0 32 N. 3 E. 1\ll; 32 N. 4 E. 1-24, 27-31; ~ ' 0 32 N. 5 E. l-22; 32 N. 6 E. 1-20; 0 32 N. 7 E. 1-Ja, 22-27 (Continued) ,_, --.- J , J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 I !. It ' p· 0 ,I, ~ 0 ]!. ' ' . :1· 0 J J J ; ,; I J i. J I,', .. J .f' .. Frac::tio.nal !2_wnship 33 N. 33 N. 33 N. (Continued) Talkcatna Mountains Deficiency Withdrawal Seward Meridian, Alaska ~ng:_e §.!!~~ 1 w. 13-25, 28-32, 36; 1 E:. 13-24, 27-32; 2 E. 16, 19, 21, 28, 29, 31-33. J J . J D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D J J J , i I· i· I• f l ' r l!' i· i' ll N. 10 N. 10 N. 9 N. a N. 4 s. 4 s. 5 s. 5 s. PRIORITY 3 VILLAGE SF.I.~:C:'l'ION Tclcquana ~~d_!teridian, Alaska U~,!31£. ~'! 28 w. l-36; 28 w. l-36; 29 w. 1-JG: 29 w. 1-36. 29 If. l-'3r-; Dinql!"!st,1dt <;1 i.lt:: icr H w. l .. ract ional, <) ~1. 10: l/2, plus H(!t:. 1H -JJ 7 ~'l. l·'r,H:t ion<.~ I ll N. <11 J !·.·· 2. 3. 4. 0 0 l- 0 21 II i· .. 22 \; p 0 .2:S " 24 ,: ,I ' D .25 :I !i :i " 25 :1 il J 27 !! lj 26 '• li 29 'I :, 0 I "'"' ; .. -v ;; -- 32 ·!. J ~ : : :~. '. ' . ·_,.,-. .· .,· trf'.' ·0 '" • ""'i'*·"'!$;;;t1 ;;: ;:i¢11i.JMit;lli/#,1 . . I llE:TUE:£N COOK INLET REC!C~:. l!~C., A~D THJ: '.'I!.LA~i': CORPORA!!Ot<S OJ' N 1:-: LLC!HK. l:.::tK..-\niv. A!.!.':XA~OE!L cn::tK, St.l./.1·l~l0rl', T':Ci{l::Jo:. CHICIUd.OOfl ANLl SELDOVlA There have ari$en certain quescicns about ch~ validity c:f selections of che \'i.Uase Corporaeions in Cook InliH Re~ion in areas: .... i:hdra''''~ b)' the St!c:~e~ary under !'lec~i.on ll(a) (J) of MlCS:.; anc lesisla:iv.e reselucion thae shall insure ::ha~ che '.'illage Coq:oracions receive their ~H<~tutory entitle.:nenc under f..:.;r.sA: and conveyance co the Region and cha Village Cor~aracicn o! ~any lands ·-·ithin such deficiency areaR; and Such a resolution c<~u be Jccompanierl by fair ad~inistracion of such lands by Cook tnlee !!,esh'n :~n:! r~convt-yaneit' to :he Village Corporation as rllpidly as possible: Cock lnl~t Re~ion, and ch~ und~rsl~ned (hereinafter referred co as . V1lla~e Corpnrations) supporc the legisl~ticn jt:achcd uR Append'x A within che areas to be conveyed to ~oak !nler R~Gin~ unci~; :he legis- lacian de~cribed in ~ppend1x A. It shall ~e chc (unct~cn =~ this graph J(C) oi chi~ t\greer.-.!lnt. l!;:ch 'Jilla;~: Cor;>Clra:icn shal:. desig- ·nace i:s OWl\ :aprcsentative r~ che 3c~rd. :he term of :ha 3oard shall been I•' I~ "': --' ..-:.~ -:- .'··: J.. J j _,; J ] J J J J D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 :~ ;\ "l" !' '"'-;! ~~ 3. ment, the m:~tter shall be arbri~rated under the rules oC c:he Amel:'ic::in Arbritration Assoc:iat1on •. llpon rec:eipc c:.f a ccnve>':lncr o'f suc:h de£icienr.y land from che Sec- retary o( the lneerior pursuant to the legislation attached as Ap- pendi.r. A, Co'Jk lnlec Region will reconvey the sut"fac:e estate to such land to the VLllaAe Co:poration entitled thereto under chei~Section 12(:~) s~lecrfon• as r~ridly as possible, ~uided by che following I: I standards: A. Unless the a!Fec:ed Village Corporations otherwise agree, cheir Se.ction 12(a) selections, includins the specific: tract selcc:ed and the priorities listed in chose selections~ shall I. go\'ern. I B. ~.'here chere is no conflict .:~mong the Village Corpor;:;:ions arising fro:n the aleernaee methods of_ filing CHethods A, B, C and D), see Appendlx B, and vhpre it is clear thae a Village Corporation will be eligible for che land and will r~ach the parcel in its prioricias, che Resion s!'lall imrnediatelj' reconvey the land. 11uc::h rec::otwey;u:•c::e co be madE! wiebin 10 I.'Orkin& days of receipt af· such c::onveyanee ~o the Region from th~ Secretary. C. ~here, as a resul~ of conflict in ~hP above-stated Se~cion lZ(a) filings or where. as a result o[ outstanding litigation c:oncernin,:. Vil.lagc Corporati:=n eligibility, scHus of l!~nc:ol Corporation to immediate rec:mveyance is :10: cerc<Jin, C::>c~ Inlet R<gion shall holcl anc administer t!'le lands ~o ~hi~h the Vill~ge Cor~oracion ~ill ulcimacelr be enci:lad in :;ust for the benefic of such Villa~e CarporacionR, with the £ollowi~g limi:ac1ons: (i) Cook lnl;H Region shall nnt develop ::r cau~e to be :ev!!loped any por~ion of the sttrface or ~tbsurface esc~ce ~( any such ] ] ] J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J J ! •I 2:5 :: .. " 2 ' il "1' l! H 25 ii 26 r 1 ·I 27 ii ' 28 II 29 f! li 30 i! ,, _, ., ~.!. ii 32 ii il o. Cool: lnlee Region shall reconvey such lanes as soon as ehe uncertnincies are re~alved. 4. Conveyance of 1.1nds under any of the fol:"mula.s {A, B, C and 0) ~o~ill result in·isolated islands of land wichoue access ~o such lands. In s. order co gunrun:ee ac:cl:!ss for e.:~ch of ehe aHec:~ed villag-es, the Board, as described in· Paragraph 2 shall wichin one year adopc an ·j, intervilla~e ac::~ess ~asemcnc agr~ement satisfactorr to all villages party eo chis a~,:;;eere~nc. lt~ the e\'IHlt !I /, I' the parties c:mnoc re<~ch such I ther shilll arbicr<lte in accorclanc::e 1 wi t:h the rules oi th~:: ,\moat i.can AI"\Jic.::ac:ion '\ssociac:ion. E:xc:ept a-ft spec:ificall:; pro·.-ided in thi.~ a~rel?men:, the ill":H'isions of ANCSA are fully :~ppl.icable co this agreemen::., such pro~·is:i.ons eo be insured by the lt!Sis~ation aetached. -1 - I i. I I I I I ,, 1 ] J J J 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 :; 11 .! ., , " :' -w i' 1 -' -0: 17 12: l9' 2:!.: .22 ~c. .... -! 25· 27 28· 29 :;c l'R!::SLiJE:':T .( N!~~r:..:H!I-: NATIVE ASSOC!AIION, INC. (-~, ;_.'. __ · .. ·. ·-'!( :" ,'" .. · .. / --PR~Sl~C.~X~T~--------~~~~~~·-·~~~~~----- . ~ At.::::·::.::DER CRt::E:-:. ;·:;;r:•:a ;,ssoc.:.urc:>. INC. . SAL,\~:.'.TOfF :'1.\TIVE ,\SS0CLH!ON, rNC. / ,~· / ' ... -,.""...t::. ,..-::.....:-... ,.L.-...; _....-;:_...;.--: ·•·;:~ ,•!,.. PRE:~ i :;:;::~ ~ '' ' ' .,.,:\..- --·---· ,, . -. ··- ••• ' I - ,\:;:: '', .... -·------·-___ _. .... ___ ,.._ "'Hr .. ,.\.,. 0 .,· .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 ;; j. 16 !~ Scace of Alas~.a Third Judici~l :is~~ic: ss. befoce _/_. of~~~;.....:~~", 19761 me, the uudersi;ned, a Notary Public in and for Alask~, personally appeared Region, !nc., and he acknololledged c.o me that ha had in hi.!' offi::~al caila::icy said corpor:;~:ion for ~he uses and purrnses therein ~t-H<:>d. WITNESS =r h~nd and notarial smal nn the dn~ and ~~~r 1~ this :erci- eicate ~irsc abov~ ~r!c:en. ···-J' . . { --. / ./':' -.:::::::/ ... ~· ~~ ~-L-. ----·.":'.:::..:..:;..~~ ~ntJr~ Public 1~ and fc: Alas~a >! • l. ·~, ~''P'rnc• ; ''·••/; l'/.' /C''J.,...·"'l' . v cornm S;:. .. ;n ~,;;.r. "" ..... ~ "":"""~....:..: ... ~··· __ 1 /· '-! 17:: 7':-:i:-d Judicial Oistri.:t ss. 19; i< 20 :; ~: :lle, ,.-· -' I TillS IS 70 CERT!F'i th;lt on :his.:{J_~~~~-of/>"-·~:-,o.L;[{~. :·no, before ~~e undarsigne~. a Notary ?ublic in P•rsonally a~;eare~ ~ .... :...,...., · ... · ,;, ___£. .. to Ce :h.~ 1 .~ ."' .... _./ ... 1t'"..,,/ _ ~~"'-"'-"'::!...:·--~·';.~ ......... :..; .... ~ ~~2 ~o :ne 22:! 23 l 29 "':' . ~ --· .· ---------~~---------·· ~~ ~~--~-~~~~~-=-~~-=-----=-~------------~~·~:~--~~~----H::r;::Si:r~;;~~~::~;.;':i.f,:·::>./~~5~?~~.:.r-;_·-,~7:~ -·. :;·.:;. ·<~-~ ,··:. :_~(~:;:;;:<.~~~-::;;;:~;t-:-;;-~- I- I J J J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 J J J J J '" J lr lll S :a ee o£ .-\hska 1: ~IW 17 2 /i Third Judicial Oiscricc ii -11 ss. .:: I; I, li ,,.~·-...{. 4 !; rll!S lS TO CSi;Tf!'\' ~hilt 0:'1 tlti.!; :::.:~ d<~y of: •.. ::.:,;;;~,:~~,::'_, l?/6, before 5 [' '", <ho ""' m I'"". ' """'>' M li' b '"' I'' Aluko , '" ""' li ;· '"'"'' !I ' . I ,• 5 1: ..-;'(/(':~ 1 /[.;;; 1r ,:·c..t:.;:: ra me i.:no·.Tl .:;.n::: kncc.-n to me t:l be j;/' "7 • .-. . .-, . ....__...._ --- 7 ;;. -'.· i/?'?.._·T'"'"P: Al~l:.:!:1:ler ::re~k ~=.'l~ive Al'l~oc::aci.o:'l, Inc., and he ackno..:-J.edg!l:d Jl ~-~· a ~~ Bl' to me thac h~ had in hi~ ofFicial capacity ~foresaid ex~cueed the !ar~goine ,, I gL ins~rumenc as =~• free a~c and deed oC che said corporacion for che uses and 10 a I' ,I , • j. -l. il i. , . .., l' \>'!T.N~SS m:.' hand and no:arial seal on ·::he dar and year i:'l chis cerci- ficace firse above wr!::an. --·i H 13 !i 15 i; II 17 ;' Sra~e o£ Alaska !i ss. 18 i; Third Judicial Dis:r1c: . , . ; !HlS IS -:-~ CERI~F? c:hn:: o~ th!s ."7-~L ciJ:: .22.:: '2-l.~.:id~/?"/~..o:::.....a-t_ ' / « :·,, 23. / 29 32 ._ ...... ;,.. __ c·,···' ·.·-·.·. -L-_, ....... ~ ..... . : .......... :-•,;;,; .. "'~·""" --·~ J J J I J 0 0 l ' I I j ' ! 0 l I l I I 0 -·. "' 0 i ·' 0 0 0 o· D 0 of Alaska j ~ 9} .:.;,d deed oi the. svid corror<l:ion f.,r the ust!s and purrvses Chirreir. s;:a~ec:f. ,, 12·~~ !~cace· eirsc iihOVI:' '-'ri:.:en . . I !. 12 ~; !l 15 ;i . I l:q! St:il.te vi Alaska '1>, ·'' 17 !i Jhird Judici.al :nscrict i: 18 ii . ii ) ) ss. ) J.9 ~: THIS. IS TO CERT!FY C~vc ~n this ,, 20:: :ne, :heunde~signo::d, Ji t .... "u~?., ,::(~ '/!(~. day of. I I :o· 0 0 0 < < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < •• 0 D -.... l Sea~e of Alaska ... :s ;: 'I H I« .;1 .; ., 10 ;, -"".!t 20il ., ss: < Third Jud':i,:ial Dis:: riCe: had in his official c;.pacic~r aforesaid execu.ced. t!le foregoing bsrru:nenr as the free ai:t and deed of :he said c-ol"porilticn fo1' the uses and purposes· che.rein I.'I!NESS :ny· hand and notarial se'a::. 0:1 che day and year in chis c:eni-· ihird Judicial. Di~cricc ss.· <. ,;"" r_:·t:f~ T!HS lS TCl C!::iH[i''( ~hat o~ cllis~·:.::J_ ···-'i ,•• 21 1; me·., c:~~ unCersi·gncd,. a ~~-,~tl:-y r~..~:,t:rc .:..~ I • ., s:::.' ,' . ~e:sdtlal:y appeared 1 1 _ r ,r ~ :'' ? .·22.{~\ ~·)1 a ''!"'"'"' j·'>-;,~ .. ~"i/j·.~ :o ::e ).:no\ .. '11 ,•,.." ar.d :o '::·e :i:~~-::·:·;;.,;/,q.<[ .• ;7.;. 23 :1 "---------'-- 25·. ir.scrumant :;.s C.he free ac:e and dEted :Jf Che said .::or?o~anon ·for· !;::e usa.; anc '• ,. 25 :i p,;~poses chere~:~ s:ated. I 28 !: f!..:ate ·!irs~ ab.c•:a · ... ·r:i::cen_· 3C 32 ----'----.. -· i ;· 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 .. J .,t 'o .• :~..::P...;- Seward Meridian, Alaska (l~~.:~t_:yeycd) T. 31 N., lL l E. Sees. 1 to 5, inclusive, all. Containing approximately 3,:.<00 ._;en~,;. T. 32 N., R. 1 1::. Sees. 31 and 32, ~11. CuntainincJ"<::.pprox.irnaf.cly L,:~.:;, ,,,;,,,;. T. 31 N., r~. i E. Sec. 1, all; Sec. 12, n.ll. Containin':) apprL1x.imdtcly l,:~oo .,::r: .. ,.:. T • 3 1 ~! • , 1~ • 3 t:; •. Sees. 19 to 22 1 i.nclttsivr>, ,-,; i; S..:c • 2 4 , a 1 .1 • Ccntainin9 :1p:)rox.imate:ly 3, .l7J . ·r·•: . .;. T • 3 l N. , J{. 4 E • Sees. 2 ;:lnl'3 3, ."lll; Sec. 16 1 ;1ll; S,:!cs. 19 -1nd 21, all. T • 3 2 ~4. , ~-. .:1 E • Sec.. : S! all;---- s~cs. 3'3 and 3u, .111. T. 32 N., R. 5 E. Sees. ~6, 27 ~!ld-~8, .:ll!; Sees. ~·J ::o 3~, :i.~~clu.si.·/'1, r-Lll. -~·. 3 2 ~ ,.; . Sees. 25 to ~8, inclu~-:i--.i,-., --li; Sec s . ::: l, ; 2 , -~ J ,1 nci J c~, , 1 Agsrr12srct.LJ1.._: ~.1:_ ~-:·--::i !l .: · ·.,, J ::· ··---·----._-.::f. _-:-·: :.',;~~-~:~~::-:... ........... ® n:2t·q /l.f'Uru. utu.. ~ '1'~ '-!f._; Ltlu. ~ Jtau i~~: Serial Nuriiber ::..A-21'117 T. 31 N., R. 1 E. Sees.~ toS~lu!;i·vc·, T. 31 N. , R. ?. E. Sec. 1, all; St~C. 12, :111. .. '1 ,, ...... Containin•J il.[.)proximal:t~ly 1, ::1!!0 .:~c;r•~l:i. T. 31 :~., R. 3 E. Sees. 19 to 22, inclll!.;iv•~, .111; Sec. 2'l, ull. Contain.i.n9 il['pt:oxilai.li.:C'ly 3, l7l <•en:,;. T. 31 N., 1<. 1\ r-:. Sees. 2 ~;-;J-3 ;--;-ll; Sec. ::.6, all; Sees. 19 .. 1nd :::1 .. 111. 1' • . 3 2 li . , R . l. 1; • Sees. 3 L ~l'nll ) :T;-,, L 1. :·.. ·= .... ~~:: .. :: .... --:~.: :---- ::.:-' •. ..:! .·c. :::' . -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 F :-• . ' AA-2H31 ~· .... ----·--·--~~:.;s. :.:: ~ ~>j, 'l .. : St::cs. :JJ to 33, inc!.u;:~.·v·(:, T. 32N., H. 1\1/. Sees. 25 to 28, inc.lu~;i.v•:, .1ll; Sees. 3.1, 32, :.u .:mu J!>, .d ·. ; l..f'u:t_ lJJu., J,Li~ ~~ r PrPt-111 53_ U) :. i N.,R.lF.. 1 to 5, inclusiv<~, all. o· [. . '. 0 0 0 0 0 D· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o·· 0 T. 32 t~., R. l E. Sees. Jl and 32, all. Containing a~;:>proximately 1,24!> ilcrc!~l. T~ 31 N., R. 2 E. Sec •. 1, all; 'SP.c •. .1,2·,,. au·. Containing aHproximately···l., 21JO•; uc.t·.cs:• ... . . . . . . . I . . ,.,,. 3 2. N' If z·· K' . · :;· '· · · · ,A:,,.".-0 , • .. • ' • • • • Sees. 32 to ·36, inclusive~, niL . j Containing apprnlt'imattoly 1,100 o~...:rr2H .• T.. 31 ~I. , R. 3 E. St:!CS. 19 to 22, inclusive, .1Ll; S(.!C. 24, all. Containing ilpproxirnatc:ly 3, l7J <ten!:;, T. 31 N., R. 4 E. S=cs. 2 and 3, all; Sec. 16, .:~.11;· St~cs •. 19 and 21·1 nll. Containing appr_oximately .3',,173 .1crcH. T~ 32 N., R. 4 E. Sec. zs, all.; Sec~. J5 and 3~, all. ·Containin9 approximately 1,920 acros. T. 32 N., R. 5 E. Sees. L6, 27 and 28, all; Sees. 10, to 33, inclusivu, illl. Contain! ng approxim.::~te J 'i I, ·It 1; ;'lc:J:r!H. T. 32 N., R. 1 \•1. Sec s • 2 5 to 2 S, . inc 1 us i Vf) , all ; Sacs. 31, 32, ·33 and Jo, ,,l!. Containing approximately 5, c;nr-·1-.:n:~. 0 0 0 ·- " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ~ ' • f i I I i ! I ~ ~ ~ . Seward Meridian, Alaska· (Unsnrveyed) T. 31 N., 1~. 1 E. Sees. ·1... to 5,-inclusive, .::111. Containing approximately J,lOO acrcti. T. 32 N., R. 1 E. Sees. 31 and 32,· all. containing approximatel.y 1, 2. 4 u .:u.:rus. T. 31 N._,· R. 2 B. Sec. 1, -9.11: Sec. 12, al.l. Containing approximately 1,280 ncres. T. 32 H~, R. 2 E. Sees. 32. to 36, inclusive, alL Containing approximately 3, 200 ·lcrcs. T. 31 N. I R. 3 E. Sees. 19 to 22, inclnsivn, ~11; . Sec. 24, :;.ll. Containin~ approximately 3,t7J acre~. T. 31 N., R. 4 B. Sees. 2 and 3, all; Sec • 16 1 all; Sees. 19 and 21, all. Containing approximately 3,173 acre~. T. 32 N. I R. 4 E. Sec. :5, .:lll; Sees. .3 '3 and 3v, all. Containi11g approximately 1, Y20 .\eros. T. 32 1-i., R. 5 E. Sees. ~6, 27 ~nd 28, all; Sees. !0 to 33, inclusiv~, nll. o----;- . ·· ... • i; I 0 -D 0 D 0 .o D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l ! ~ ·-·---- I T: 32N., R. Sees. 25 to. 28, inclusive, all; Sees. 31, 32, 33 and 36, ,,1?.. Containing approximately 5,08G acrcn. Aggregating approximately 2<,,61J:1 .JCt'<!S. ------------ .. . /. ·~~::·. ~ .. i--. -., ' ----------~-- -·---~IY.~~ ~--~-w~-~t ~/u~~~un__~~~) -· -~~~---· -·-··--·---.------·. ·. ·. ' A= lol#~5 -D T. 3;;:~ P.), R. J e-. ·--·-· '• -----·· ... I '.· A,u. 3) tU..l.' -,......---------------.. -· ) , I • --~ -------··· · -~~ ~A.l~ {AOtU/U.A·_·. --__ ! ____ _ __ L._ ____ _ -----, -------· ' r--·-------· ·--+---. ·-----· . ___ T. -~' A)., R. 1 e:. .~.s,w. ~~ ~u-Yt~ f41f0 £U.A.u .. . ' 0 ·o-•· 0 _, •."··- .-·-... ·., . ' 0.' 0 0 0, .. 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 ' ' I-']; ... ~j . ·~ I . ),-': -,~ ·1.- '. ·' ~ .'*-- . ~ . .:--. ~ -~ -'.H ~. t i j • ;/11:._ _ _.' ~ \JjJi/LAD•; A J:Ai..·..:..,• !:.,._ _ _._ __ ..,;,.·,.;.,!~l:J!U7~""''!..Ln...,M...,J..,.__-:-__ 11 ~------~..!k<-~-~~-'----'----~- f; '3 uJ. R .r e. ___ ..4.u.: J.:..Xo. ~~ ~/JJJl 4Lit.:t,o.JJ. '-----~----c~ ·-'--- ~~ ~~~:~,~(,D~.----~ -.,......-.,.----__,;_ -----' ·-· ---· - -------<·-.• -- ···~,~:~=-:~~~~·~:¢~~;:. T, 3/ D: .f.. :J B. -,----·-' . ' .· _ ----~: .. ttinJ..[a, w. -+--···-- I .. --+ --·-----·--·- l i ~---- i -------~--,...-- -·----~~~i~~~~&'OaMAJ•.c. ---r· --· ·----:.c··· ·.··· -~------.... ___ --------. _· ~ -:::.1.9,~01 al OJt&.. ;;14~ W · -~ . ---~-~ ~~~;.:.t,s-w~. _(, 310. R.'i-E- .-~. a,_"?.1 liD 1 1£1 D..l1.a ~/1 ill: I .J ------- -~ t~GLUu ~~-~-3)~~~- ... -------+:---··C·-·-.. 1> 3:l r0. !£. 4-t.. 1 i -----~. 3$" Q_;,_d,. 3ft,, w. ~~ <'1 £Lb.tu.41 -~f. "'S'0 ~· .. -·------·:· .. u """rl' -,.,L ... Cj /"" .. _LLA·-~ o •.... o:. 0 0 o. o· 0 0 D~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ·.1 l -. ..,..!llAuA;.,.....~8"---tlw:&r~S---.l::::~-· -. -JT..!...' ,3 Ull O.u. • ..,.,, ::..e .~...~!! .... E-.. . _ ··-·----.· .. __ ;_;_ ____ ......_,kut.lJ:,_i.l.~O-ve~4~)--'l.tQ .. :.~..:_ __ ~ ~ ... _ .. ;;.....,...,"--- ----.------. ~:..4~-~~-~-.;}00·~-~--_.· _·._. _ ____, ________ ---··-- ' .. •' •' ;-·-•¥•• ... T. 31.AJ •. R.r E. . ~; '3J ttr~tl 3'). .ai, . • ----~---····· ·-;--...... t. . . ... -----·- . ~-~~~ ~t~l,~g(,_~:~ .. -~~-T: 3110. R.il e:. j. -~, j p-td_ 1;}1 iUJ' . ~~~~l,Ji0£U.AM· ...... .T. ~a,u .. €.~E-. 4.tA!A. 3.;) {l 3(p 1 .\..1.~ .U 1 J-( J a.J..Q. · -~-t!:.,~~~~-·~31~001Utw. T. 31 tJ. R. ~e. ; . . ~-. 1q J::£• ~, ~) w/ k.J</, w. . ~v\t~ a.~~~-3,1~3-~- ~: ~tra- 0<· ·o··· 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 A:lt-~*~~-~c~u.L~!~R!.tl~: , ... _______ ..:..__ __ · __ · __ ___.beL~-~,.:3r! f.b, L'-¢n_4~ ;;tJ~~W;:::__ =-:; ___ _ ___;__ ____ ............._._.....;_ &nt:;..;_ . ..=;._ · ---~~cm~:.3;11a_~: ---,----·-----------·-... ···-· . ---,----·-·-----... -. I j. .. '.~. ·~ 0 0 0 ' " 0 ---' 0 0 D 0 -·~·. .. ·-· 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 ' •• • .,. 9 . .. '-,.. --~.· ·. . . I DEED OF TlTLE 1 Kr.m·J ALL. ~IEII BY THESE PRESENTS· that Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Z <Ill Alaska Corporrrtion; as·GRANTOR, acting !Jursuant to and in accordance 3 with Section 4, Pub. L". 94o456; (90. Stat. 1935), 43 U.S.C: 1611 no~e 4 (1976), as' implCIIlented. by the ANCSA Section 12(a) Conveyance Agreeniant, DOES HEREBY COI~VEY AND QUITCLAIM .to Kniltatnu~ -Incorporated, an Alaska • 6,. · cdrporation,: as. r.RArlTEE.._·a H of the GRJ\iHOR'S _r-ight, title. and interest 7 in the surface esta_te therein in and to the following described real 8 property situqted in the Matanuska ... Susitna Borough, State of Alaska: 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T. 32 U., R. 1 E.., Sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 2 E., Sec. 33. r . 31N.,R.3 E. • Sec. 22, T. 32 N., R. 5 E., Sec. 26' Sec. 27, Containing approximately 3,200 acres. -' 24 TO HAVE ANO TO HOLD the surface estate of said lands,"·together 25 \·lith the ilppurtenances thereof unto said GRANTEE and its assignees forever. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 EXCEPTING MiD RESERVING to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., as GRANTO?.., the subsurface estate in the above-described property and· a 11 rights appurtenant thereto. THE GRAtH OF THE ABOVE-DESCR !BED RE1\L PROPERTY IS SUi3JECT to valid exis-ting rights therein, if any, including, but not limited to, any C!Rl DEED r:uu:ber 01)? ~-.. ---------·------· _______ .;.. _____ .,. _______ _ I I I I --.... _ ---. ~"'-:-~--;r;;;··8:~~· ... ·"t'.,..:;~~·~ .. ~~~~=-~':'~~.z:..~~,~~-==-~1-~~ ... ~"r~~=-:~·;.,-~""~'..-~··~ --~ ~ ..... ~~:h-~+:'v-:-;.~~ .... ~~~.f~·~-?Z~:;.,!~~;.~~~~~•D~_,.r-~~~~~~~ ---·--·----- 0' 'It ... · .. ( l . ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~' 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 , __ :, 0 .. .· ! .J !· ·. .~ u 1 .easements, reservations, covenants, conditions, restrictions, plat notations 2 3 and agreements contained or noted in United States of AP1erica, Interim Conveyance. Number 285, recorded·at Talkeetna Recording,oi.stric:t. B?ok ~lumber. . 4 . 73, Page Numbers. 503 -·528, comreying, the above-describ.ed real ·property s G· 7 8 9 10 to Cook· In.1et. Region,. Inc •• dat.ed -February 1.1', 1980. · · Thfs .. Deed of Title shall become an effective conveyance. of the .. real propet·ty and interests in real property described herein only upon accep.tance by Knikatnu, Incorporated, the GRANTEE, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 4, Pub. L. 94-456, (90 Stat. 1935) •. 43 U.S.C. 1611 note, . , . 11 (1976), as implemented by the ANCSA Section 12{a) Conveyance Agreement, 12 dated August 28, 1976, which acceptance shall be complete upon placement of 13 the signature of the duly authorized representative of Knikatnu, lnc:or- 14 porated, in the. space provided below.· lS 16 Hl TESTH-10f!Y WHEREOF, Cook Inlet Region, Inc •.•. as GRANTOR, has 17 caused these presents. to be executed by the President of Cook Inlet 13 Region, Inc., on the date belo1~ written. 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~/ 111 .lr:L dn/ Pr/<lent, Cook Inlet Reg1on, ,~nc. STATE OF AL1\SKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ss. Date: L....Lt.-,+ 4. .. IZ .;?":, I .., "l THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this -:..7'\&""r• day of February 1980, before me, the undersigned, a Notury Public in and for Alaska, personally appeared Roy t·l. Hu hndo1·f, to me knoMl and kno1·m to me to be the President of Cook Inlet Re':)ion, Inc., and he acknO\~ledged to me that he had in his official capacity afor·esaid executed the foregoing instrument as the fr·ee C IR I DEED :lwlloer _()JL:L_ Page THO -2- L ---.. . . -·-,_;,·----------~·'~ ~.-"!:~~~· .. l'l'!!o'~~~~.....:."'-·~._,.::o-. ool';-..r"!""'"'.;"~""~.,..~ ,;:iti~~ "V"~-.. -.. J._....~".........;.-,,~,:.·~.:.... ........... : ..... ·..,~~~~ -~'•·~~~..h... j;O'r!.::>~~~'>;.i;;,o:0.::;,...._......._'7--:~~~~~--::;:"""_s....:"'S..<...f.,....~.::;;,~~~..::>--~~~~';:=,;;..."'1.~~~~- -·-·---------·-----·-· . I [ 0 o,·· . ·. ···o··.:, ... Tl 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 .· 9' 10 11 11 13 16 17 lS 21 22 23 24 . . 25 28 29 30 31. and deed of the said corporJtion ·for the' .uses and purposes thereifl '·", -·· .. ·. C.li\ I DEED ilun:ber ____QQ_,J_ Page. THREE -3- ., ' . ,. ·~ . I I I I t .j_ . ~ . o···· .. 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~· ! ACCEPTANCE BY Kl'l I K..'\TIIU, WC. , AS GRAfiTEE 1 ·This Deed to Title is· hereby accepted by Knikatnu, Incorporated 2: pursuant to the provisions of Section 4, Pub. L. 94-456, 90 Stat. 1935, 3 4 s u:· 7 8 9 10 11 4~ U.S.C. 1611 note (1976). as. imple111ented by the ANCSA Section 12_(a) Conveyance Agreement, dated August 28., 1976. on· the date ·below written. Ti tlc: ·------~--~ O"ate: ~-..;_ ___ _;._,;.,..,_ STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. 12 THIRD JUDICiAL DISTRICT 13 14 Before me-appeared -~~-~-----~--· who. lS is. known to me and who stated that he is the person designated by the 16· United States to· accept the. foregoing Oeed of Title pursuant to Pub. 17 L. 94-456,. 90 Stat. 1935; 43-U .S.C. 1611.note .. (1976}, as implemented 18 by tile ANCSA Section ·12(a) Conveyance Agreement •. dated August 28, 1976, 19 that he has accepted such Deed of Title pursuant to the provisions of 20 such law, and that such act was perfonned freely and voluntarily in 21 partial fulfillment of such provisions. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for A 1 aska t•\y Commission expires; ---- CIRI DEED tlumber 00 9 Page FOUR ~--J ____ _ :t~ . . ~···· ',······ ~ ,. ---.. . . . ., _____ . ·~-:.:.:__ .. _. ' ·:~:-:·:.~. ~~-"""'1t.p;:-!...~·.:a..:h~ .. ~~~;"'~~~~--=-~......f ....... ;~-~~..:...~ ':"l.~c~~4'11> .. ~ .. :'2...~~-""~--~-. .. .......... .:.:: .. ~~~~~~---~4~;-;~"',·'if.:.~JoL~~~-\;~;~:c.,-:::r.r-: :--:.·~~~--:.V:.~;;i..,.:;~.;.,;:x.m._·~-!.:~~~.._1.-.:. ·-~,...!> .. -~-: ·~· • ..,. .. -~~")p .,.....,_,, ~:,.a.~r,-.~,...~-~;.~ .. ~~-:.~~""'1;i' -•~-:-~-w-·.--~,....~~,.~~~~~ 1 I ' I 0 ...... . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·j' ... ., ¥ ... 6. I::: ,;. .. ~ \· ... :i-·.,· . -· ··~ . ': .. ---.-·-- ,I . _ .:.:~-:;,_ .. :~~~~c •. ,.;;~~;·-::,:.;~A:87:;:~-~-:;~::~;::;:~-~~ ... ~~:·~;,:-::-:-;'~~~?:~:;;\:~-'?~~-~~~,:::_' t='""'';-~~= , 0- _"""" ___ _ AA-l..JJSa· BOOK13 PAGf.5o3 INTERUI CONVEYANCE WHEREAS. Cook In fet Reg ion, Inc. .. ts:• en.ti.t.led to· a coiwey.::mce pursuant: .. to Sees. 14 (a) and 2.2 ( j) of the:.Alilska Native Claims-Set::tlem~nt AcJ: ·of Dec~nnber 18,' 1971 (85· stat. •. 688·; 70.2:,, 715; 43 u~s.c-•. 1601, .161J(a), 1621(j}), as amended. by Sec·. 4•: of' the act. of October 4, 1976; (90'. Stat •. 1934, 1935; 43 U.S.C. 1611), of· the• surface and subsurface· estates.· of. the following described l~nds: Se\'lard l-Ie rid ian, Alaska (Unsurveyed) T. 31 N., R. 1 E- Secs •. 1 to 5, inciusive, ·all .• Containing approximately 3,200 acres. T. 32 N., R. 1 E. Sees. 31 and 32, all •. Containing approximately 1,246 acres. T. 31 N., R. 2 E. Sec. 1, all; Sec. 12, all. Containing approximately 1,290 acres. T. 32 N., R. 2 E. Sees. 32 to 36, inclusive, all. Containing approximately 3,200 acres • T. 31 N., R. 3 E. Sees. 19 to 22, inclusive, all; Sec. 24, all. Containing approxi~ately 3,173 acres. T. 31 N., R. 4 E. Sees. 2 and 3, all; Sec. 16, ·all; Sees. 1• and 21, all. Co~tainiFg approximately 3,173 acres. T. 3 2 N. , R. 4 E:. Sec. 25, all; Sees. 35 and 36, all. Containing ap?rcximately 1,920 acres. T. 32 H., R. 5 E:. Sees. 26, 27 and 28, all; Sees. 30 to 33, inclusive, all • Containing approximately 4,410 acres. 285 INTERIM CONVEYANCE NO. DATE FEB 11. 1So0 .~:<:·· '!'.:. ·. ·~ 0 ' I I : <··· j ! . 0 0 0 ',-'-' 0 i 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 j D 0 ~-13358 -lq . . V.o INTERIM CONVEYANCK WHEREAS Co~k Inlet Region, Inc. is entitled to a conveyance. pursuant·to Sees. 14ta:) and 22(j) of· the. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December· 18,:1971 (85 stat.. 688,. 702.,. ns~ 43 a9s.c. 1601,. 16l3(a), 1.621(j)),. as amended .by See. 4· of the act of: October 4·,· 1976 (90 Stat •. 1934, . . 19.35; 43 o.s.c •. l6ll)r of· the .. surface and. suQsurface: estates of. the following· described lands: Seward Meridian, Alaska (l'insurveyed) 'r. 31 N., R. ·1 E. Sees·. 1 to S, inclusive, all. Containing approximately 3,200 acres. T. 32 N., R. 1 E. Sees. 31 and 32, all. Containing approximately 1,246 acres. T. 31 N,, R. 2 E. Sec. 1, all; ·Sec. 12, all. Containing approximately 1,280 acres. T. 32 N., R. 2 E. Sees. 32. to 36, inclusive, all. containing app;r:oximatcly 3,2-oo ilCt"t!s. T. 31 N. , R. 3. E. Sees. 19 to 22, inclusive, ~11~ Sec. 24, all. Containing approximately 3,173 ncrm~. T. 31 N., R. 4 E. Sees. 2 and 3, all; Sec. 16, all~ Sees. 19 and 21, all. Containing approximately 3,173 acres. T. 32 N., R. 4 E. Sec. 25, all; Sees. 35 and 36, all. Containing approximately 1,920 acres. T. 32 N., R. 5 E. Sees. 26, 27 and 28, all; Sees • .30 to '33, inclusive, all. Containjng approximat~ly 4,410 ctcr,~s. INTERIM CONVEYANCE NO. 285 DATE FEB 11 1960 .[ 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 i. ,, g ~~ ~-· . ·- '• -"; ~ . . i' ' -- l' -ct.. " -'· : ~ ·-,, 0 Q AA-13358 T. 32 N., R. 1 W. Sees. 25 to 28, inclusive, all; Sees. 31, 32, 33 and 36, all. Containing approximately 5, 086 acres. Aggr~gating .:tppr:oximately 2G,r>1Jfi <Jci:"•!S. NOW KNOI\l YE, that there is, therufom; •Jrant~d by the UtHTED . STATES OF A~iERICA, unto the. above-u.:1med' ·corporation the surface and. subsurf«ce estates i.n the l.:twl ao•lvr.-.-ic!~<:rihed, •ro HAVE AND 'TO·HOLD'_the said estates \'lith all tl1c ·r:;i':lht.\i; privileges, -immunities• and. appur:tnnanccs , .. of wha·l:~mev•l.r.· n.1.tti'rc,. thcrcu~to·-, -·belonging, unto the .sa.i.d cor:porat-ion, it.s_. succe::;sors-u:nd .ass·igns-,.· forever: · THE GRANT OF 'fHE 1\BOVE-DESCRIBgl? T.ANDS IS SUBJECT TO: 1. 2. 3. 4. Issuance· of a patent confirming the b•)Undary description of the lands hereinabove granted after approval and filing by the D11ruau of Land Management of the·official plat of survey covering such lands; Valid existing rights therein, i.E any, including but npt limited to those created by any lease (including a lease issued under Sec. 6(g) of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 19.58 (72 Stat .• 339, 341; 48 u.s.c. Ch. 2, Sec. 6(g))), contract, permit, right-of-way, or. easement, and the right of. the lessee, contractee, permittee, or grantee to the complete enjoyment of all rights, pri-vileges, ·and benefits ·thereby granted to him. Further, pursuant to Sec. 17(b) (2) of the· Alaska Nati.ve. Claims Settlement Act of D~cember 18, 1971 ~~~ Stat. 688j 708; 43 U.S.C. 1~0~, 1616(b)(2) (ANCSA)), any valid existing right recognized by ANCSA. shall continue to have whatever. :dght of-access as is no1~ provided. for unucr cxist:iny law;· The terms and conditions of the ·liJrc!emcnt rlatccl· August 31, 1976, between Cook tnlet Region, Inc., and the S.::cretary of th«3 Inter:ior. A copy of the a<Jre-=ment i::; hereby attached to and mode .:1 pa..tt of this conveyance document; at~ Thost~ lands and interests in the l<J.nds conveyed ~Jithin the extarior boundaries of Power Site Classification No. 443, February l3, 1958, are subject Lo Sec. 24 of. the Federal Power Act of June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. 1063, 1065; 16 U.S.C. 791, 818), pursuant to Sec. 12(e) of P.L. ~4-204 {89 Stat. 1145, 1153). IN \ITITNESS I~HJ::REOF, the und~rsigned authorized officer of the Bureau of Lar;.d ~!anagement has, in the name of the United States, set his :1and and caused the sc~al of the nurcau to. be hereunto affixed on this 11th day of February, 1980, in Anchorage·, Alaska. INTERI~ CONVEYA~CE NO. UNI'rED S'rA'rES OF Am-:RICA Assistant t:::> tl1e State DireGtor for 1\NCS!\ 285 DATE FEB ll 196G ----~~~-~L_ ________ __ 0 .·· n 0 0 ~ j ' ! ; 1 ' .· .. Thi~ Ag reenent.· i's made this .___....;;.. " ~:·.,~I '),,J>·-.. :: :•_._>'·: .. ·: , :::. '.>:.-·>·;.;:· •._. ~--;: .-._ .. : ',;. '', • '.· >~:.: C"'. ._:-. , _·; >_:.,. '·, ---~-~-~' ~~ ,·,<'·' '198G:tiy:and.,~~tween,Cookil~Je;i;~~gfol1::~ In~:~.;(f\egi,on)• . ~ .. ~otpo~ti on ~reat~d ~p~~~t.ia'ntA:ci:the;:Al ~ska . N~ti veCl ~ims!, Settlement.· . ---· --· ' -·· . -··' --. ------. ' . --· .. ,. Ac:tr.(ANCSA) as a ~.at1veregional ,:orporatfon,,Alexander .C.reel<, Inc., '·. 5 (Alexander) an.Alaska corporation created pln;;suant'. to J.!.NCSA' as a . . . •' . . . ---._ 6 Nat.i ve• village c()rporation, .· ~9d .·the Ma tanuska.,.Susttna Borough·, . (the . T ·. Bor~ugh} an Alaska municipal corporation, and the state of Alaska, . 8 (the State); 9 10 .11 13:: . .14 ·.·There are compet1 ~g. c l~ ims. be.tween the: Borough and · ·• to• certa:ht state. l anc!s; .afld · _.,· .. - 15 2, There is· pendihg before tll~ Secretary of the Interior . . -. 16 a claim by Alexander for certific<lt,1on of. Village Corporation status· 17 which, if achieved, would result in .certa.in .claims to lands; and 18 19 3. The.re is pending before the Department df the Interior . . . . 20 on remand from the United States Court of Appeals, .District of Columbia. 21, Circuit, an appeal from a finding· of ineligibility of Alexander for -·--·· 22 . ; benefits· as a.Native xillage under ANCSA to which a·ppeal the. State ... . I -. 23 24 ··25 26 ·1· is a party; }nd I 4. There is an agreement to which Alexander, the Region I and. the Borough are parties which is. dated December 18, 1971\, .and 27 j which could ob.l i gate Alexander to convey 1 ands to the Borough; and 23 I I 29 30 II 'I 5. There is a contract to 'ilhich Chickaloon-Noose Creek I Native. Association (Chickaloon), Knikatnu; Inc. (Knik)., the Region I . 3l and the Borough are parties which is dated.July 3b. 197(and which, 32 among other things obligates Chi cka 1 oon, Kn i k, and the Region. to ·' I I I . .I I ,I I i I l I .. , I D' ·:. •. 0 0 ',. ~ I ' 0 D --,. ;·; 0 '• 0 D 0 0 0 0 . ~., ' 0 ·.·:-·: ... ...... "-. .. .·· .. ;~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1· of record and valid existing rights •. If required by law, in appropr.iate 1!f~iver of p.latting and subdivision requirements~ shallbe delivered z : l'i'. . 4" s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t:r 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 by.' the·. Borough to.· the. Region to· be' recorded: with the: deed. -·-·~···· . -..... ,_.__ ... ___ _ ,..:: ~. .. COOK. INLET REGION, INC. By: '/ Attest: nc. Attest: <:"". . _qOJ~'-!.~ Secretary, Alexander Creek, Inc. MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH,-INC. Attest: By: STATE OF ALASKA Robert LeResclle; Commissioner Department of Natural Resources Attest: Approved as to fonn: Attorney General's Office 8 -------·--- D.· .• . 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 . .,.._ ~· ~ ,• ... .. --· ---~-----------===-----~ APPENDIX A seward Meridian All, Sec. 23, Al~. ·sec.' 24, Sl/2, NWl/4; Sec. 25, Nl/2, Sec. 26, Nl/2, Nl/2SWl/4, Sec. 27, Nl/2, SW'l/4, Nl/2SEl/4, StU/ 4 SEl/ 4 ; Sec. 29, Lot 7, Lot a, Lot 9, Lot l2i Lot 17, Lot 25, Lot 27 Lot 28, Sec. 32 ,. All, excluding Talkeetna Lakes . ... __ , __ ------·-----~· ... ·~ ~. ~----~--- .. , 0· .. · ·- 0 0 APPENDIX B 0 Seward Meridian 0 :'!'~: 16: Me q·· Ito. 14· W •. , S.M. 0 Sec. ·30;, 0 o- 0 0 0 . :: ., ~ ...... ,; .... '::::: : ~: ·,:·· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------------- .. ,' ."' '· D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 D 0 ·· .... :·. :: ·~ ' .. ~ .... ~ ... ; - . s. .• :_ G .. A. ,;:: i .. il .• _,P ... --,~-••.•••... APPENDIX C: Seward Meridian 'l!';,:.-_.1:5:. N •••. RD-7.•. w •• sec .. s. ·.··-. that portion of the Wl/2 northwesterly of. the Susitna River excJ.uding uss 4628 Lots 2-4, USS 3409, ASLS 71-4 and Alexander Creek. Sec• 6, all northerly and westeriy of Alexander Creek excluding USS 1824, USS 3168_; .. USS _4628 Lots 1,-3, USS 3409, and AS~S 75-45. / T. 16 N., R. 7 N., Sec. 30, / all excluding USS 3733 Lots 3-6, USS 4626, and ASLS 74-32. Sec. 31, all excluding USS 3733 Lots 1 & 2, and USS 4627 Lots 1 & 2. ·---------------· -------;----···--------·.· .. ---.--· --------· • ."" ·.: '.<, • , ••• ~ ~-.:.. • •• :.:.·: ·., • • ~ i·o :-.~ · ,• : -· .. - o: 0 0 :· . .: ' - 0 .. ?: . 0 o· 0 " : 0 ... ., . .. .. .. \.•:·. •. .. 0 " .. .. ·" 0 '"• ':.'"• ·c . _.,,; •' .. ... .. " ' .. 0 ....... -., ..... APPENDIX D Seward Meridian· . -~ . ' tt-•• ~·~ tsr N;..,.: R;.: <i ·'il' •. ~.: . Sec.· s:, that portion of the Wl/2 northwesterly of'the Susitna River excluding USS 4628 Lots 2-4, .USS 3409, ASLS 7l,,-,4 and Alexander Creek. Sec. 6, all. northerly and westerly of Alexander· Creek excluding-uss. 1824 ~ USS 316'8',. USS 4628 LO.tS 1~3, OSS 3409, and. ASLS 75-45. l T. 16 N., R. 7 W., Sec. 30, all excluding oss 3733 Lots 3-6, uss 4626, and ASLS 74-32. SeC'• 31, all excluding, uss 3733 Lots 1 & 2., and uss · 4627 Lots 1 & 2. Sec •. 32, that portion of the Wl/2Wl/2 excluding USS 4627 and Alexander Creek. ·-···----· ------------ ":. . ··~ .:. : 1'7' 0· .. :~~-.··;).:a:;,:'. '·.;. ··~·r:;·-,·.' .'~~,~-":€~>. ··. . _·: .-·._ /. -~ .. ' . . . .. . 0 "CCII;oaz>·.·..,·,:-_:...,..D_. 0 D 0 -o···_ ' - 0 0 .· 0 0 ~ ·-··-~;i 0 . :·"~.-:-~: .. · .. ...:·:.;;;_~-:., .. ~,-.:.;"""' ·-~~';"""_-:--. --~~~~r~-:'?.'S-~~0 .......... 0 _.· ..... ·<~ ... ~:·:=·.· . !. :--·--· .. ... •. #l."'-- 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 . ~· .. .... . .., ~:~-:~n-a· c-··•'~n»· .. <-~-.. .,.· ___ ., -. UNU1l't:n STATP.S nl':i'AH'ii'llii"H 01' TUI~: INTF.!UOH IBUNt.:AU.II 01' LANill II&AI<A«'I'"'t:I!T . ··.·.. ·. H'~PIIIII~~'i'\IISil!:APoP~UC~~~OIIl·ANIII·~f~~~jr -.·· '> • 'fAS&e· A;· 5G>c. ::mrt -a.C~-11• S.UIGI'OC& -~~~moar. 'AC'II·-o4 lta:n, Jill U.S.C •. I 05~ oo-mcoz:od- od;,!IH&.JGll!o)o"" •IIIWII<>Iool u•.L. 9f:"'ii9; o.:o<>h>• 2 u.·J97eo. ~A _11:-l!I;C:; i !J3, uo.,.:l-=",o,;;:.>Yuo=~g,..__.;.;.,.;.;., __ = ___ _ . . . . . , o\~~tac.\not4• -. . .... -.. T~Silill' I·· AA:ii1CiE' ·I· SECTIOla See Attachment A.-legal Description Um&daao I SIIS!IIIl · Seward and Fairbanks Alaska . 4e. Alr&ymll )"as.~"" a~"""·'ow.~.:' JjYfll@-: CJNo ,. ~~fi?D l~b11~1, .. ' JQ0:l44 O§Q .. b. """ Y~;~ ciliz ..... cd1ba u6;aG.J.s'~'~'~ ...,., .. y~d<>e!""'Ml , ·'""""'"''""'"'"l? :CIJ:van·.o.~~~ .· ·.· .' .. · · .· ·, . i=. Am· spP!ieooa. a"' :rn " . ~ Partooll\ihlp, ~ Aasocioaima, C CmP.,.alia&;: r-1 lnd!vidual(s>i -. .. . .... ·oa.llgnq ol• :JIF'mllllflli.C...,om""''" a·saai&·Gov"""""""' · 3 Pol!4icOJI subcliviGioo.<ll<_uynteia?·-··· , .. 5. A•" )'""·"""""'!ll.iilfis opplles&i..,. !cit l""" """"'t~~~e·ooi~Kin<l{ai~ :J.'VI<ou ., LI! N.o< (If ''nO. •• aap4m;.l · The acUvit.ies··descr1bed ln the at.t.aehed nllrrat.he.wi11 be accomplished by vilrious subc:ontli'actors of the Alaska Pl!l>llil!li" Authority •.. 6. Aso·thlll':ln:.d~_now.improved, aecupiied, oa·.umed?· ~Yes-0 No U/ .. )'tPst./0 J~n,t:YihtP ;mp•Or.:e>~rrntB. lf!JRd~ptn::> prUif'S. idMUi{.\•' IIID111ff.S 11raf ~e11p~1SJ Residential and camnerehl uses exist. within the Anchorage-Fairbanks railbelt are&. W1t.llin the Susitna Rivelf' Basin, Sllllle recre&tfonal and residential structures are present: othenthe. the· Rher Bas in· hi genel"ally undeve.lopecl •. '1a. 'll"boa-d .. )'""· F-•lo Ulll> th"' lands (a.?· l'eli'fcmu-.the field study-pii"'gr'am aetiv'l!t.1es .. required for the,, Susi tn&' Hydii"'iel~tli"ic. Feufbill ty·Study. · b. l11>efi imF'""'"""'"Ill!,.i...,h•diH\l:Z!lnilm&iiuo loc8Di0i~ta. do l""'· i11&end' to'· llllilhr. IDeacrih··i"'f'IGB"ee<lfiiOB-at«J a11etil> ·Jeau-iR~So ,., CUriifl;lf'r:JJi~AiJ \\'hal is the ·runimmBt"d c. ca:n a! FOpGt"•d imprGIII'.,... .,...,,? ·S N/A lUll 1 CF.RTI.F'Y Th;~t llie .. inionnalicn. gi~e~-by' I'M" iR thir. .. applic:ation is-tNe. camplc:le~ and coruc~cl ·to· t.he b:sll 0! azy kn...,ied~;;,·Dncl bOID.-4 and iz given· in· gocol faith. C· '?.· .Jl Tttlf" 10 IIJ.$.(", :r-~-~~~~ annv . .-abf"O It 8-CI"it'""" ,_ DG'D'f' P'=l""tlll:l::li& &ct0\!1'~·, m_. ~.auu&ao lo mobCP 110 110"19'"V4-PDt'.le:M"nt OV'· CICf"A:'' 00 :•be' UAoe~ Saeth1. Gl•• lalmc;ao;-a .. ·t•t•cuo, w II'I!!II ... &..~PAt memeorta"""Oa 011' ••ft:lll"•rfllmUED~C QQ to DllfiJI' cat~~4GR 1Z701h111 Ua l...,u::~~ariGCDQ, ·~l-.&1!!!0 .cq ·01 ~"• 4ofdtt~p .co v:toe '"4t 't;J»tt'f40ll t:>O .l)IIIIQ ·<J1U P'w<~~q lot t1 or toea~ tm) ~~~~~;a.z,(:;Cit"" e til'\) *ttotQ :pc:~o1 bCJt et '"~·100 0t11f 10 ,...,"".., acu ~u •,6uo It .....,..,,_,~nl ;o ·notd bt~t ~t~• p.apt'lf.;..cy .!>tl ot gotMQc:;ot!lf Jt6~J'I)'OU....-.VIll mtl •oae:» !P.IIDG<mttU<D "'"CO•O:•IIAOO.O~.J p ... .At 'u!IJCt~u•..-,tt• .-..1 J,uaQO'fa liiWJGHW .aq Ct 40t0aop 03 •.tQG o!>'tl po CmS: 6 or OOG.tf l)o. 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RS~,·-s;gw~. . ·_· '· .· · .. ·. . R ... 9 E~ ... · ... R'~. "g· E~ RS~ 7.;;.8E .. ,. A -5 .All·( · .. :'All'. All All ' . .... '· .·, ··. .. _._····.· Copper River·Meric!.ian.· :Copper River NeVi"idian· . • . topper RiVer Meri dfail . . . . . . . C()pp~er River: Meridian. .· .. All Copp,er' River~ Mer.fd,i_an•<. .... • . . ' .. ' ;_. ,-: ·.. ~ . . ;' ~. ;>·;' ····0All'.· ·· .'~·Coppev:-··Rfver;Meridiail ·~·-.. ·;<:· ... '·. ·. <<. : .. . . .:· .··. AlT. · Copper River M~r.idian·: ·All · A11·· .. : Copper River: ~1eridi an .·Copper River _Meridian I.·.· . . . I I . June ··19SO 1- I I I I I o·- o: 0 . ' 0---_ ... 0· 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 II GENERAL ·STIPULATIONS-· __ · · 2/.;1 .. Responsibilities of Permittee 2~2 Wilderness~Preservation 2-.3: Modifica'tions 2i.4 Field. Representatives S.tlptilations· 2.4., 1 ·. BLM· _:_ AOFR. 2.~4e2: . : APA~ ~-FRi. t .. .s:.. Resolut±bn of Co1t11flic-t 6 · -Notice· to: Ptocem:· · · 2 ... 6-.,l · NTP' 2;0:Q2 · Discrete·. Operations -· 2'c6 .. J' . • .. ·Pl~--of Operations .. ·· 2.6 .. 4_ Pla._ns of Operations. w.;. Content· 2'._6 • .5 _ Daily NTP, -Stop Work-Orders,. Field Foms .. 2.1· Envitonmenta1 Briefings 2 .. 8 · ~ollution Cot1trol 8.1 General 2 .• 8. 2 , Water.. and Land Pollution 2.;._8 ... 3 • Sanitation and 1-laste. Disposal 2'.,9-· Zones of Restricted .Activities. 2:.:.io Cha:nges, in~ Condi t:Lons . 2 .. 11Righ.t of the United States to Perfo-rm 2 .. .12 Term·-of. the Permi_t . 2 .. 12~ 1 Te~-of the· Permt_t 2:.12..2 . Termination:. II!... OPERATIONAL. ST.IPULA'I'IONS Personnel lil©tising and. Tra.nsporu.tion J.lel Temporary Camps 3~1.2 BLM Personnel . 3 .. 1 .. 3 · Permittee Personnel . 3.2 Fuel Transportation and St:o.rage ·.3.2ol-F11fel Storage S.ites . 3.2o2 · State/EPA Regulat..Lons l 3 .3 'J 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 _s· . 5 . .s 6 6 6. 6 6 n 7 7. 7 1 .-u:_&· 0: 0. 0 0 0 0 .. 3.4 3.7 3 ... 8 3 .. 9' · Ja 10 ~ ··~~~~;: l~aste Disposal·. . '3.3.1 State/Federal Regulation Compliance Air Opera t1cms 3.4.1 Altitude Requirement 3·.4.2 · FAA Regulation Compliance Foundations and Materials Exploration 3.5 .. l Plan of Operations .. 3.5.2. Seismic Monitoring 3.. Access Road Studies :;L 5·.,4 . Damslte· Geology and Related .Exp !oration Activities . .. s:. · Geophys ic.at·. Investigations. · -... ~ . · 6: · Trenching · J: ... 5 .. 7' Aug~r Dr~lling Prev.eneion and· Suppression 3.6.1 Necessary Measures 3' ... 6 .. 2: Fire· Suppression Restrictions 3·.6.3 Noti·f'ic:ation of Authorized Officer 3 .. 6.4 Ground Equipment Approval Hydrological and.Climatological Studies 3 .. 7 .. 1 Minimal 'Disturbance Requirement 3 .. 7.2 Access to Sites Biological St:udies 3,8,.1 Minimum DisturbanceRequirement 3 .. 8·,.2, Access fer Studies· Aerial and Land Suneying ~" 9 .. 1 Clearing· 3 .. 9 .. 2 .Flagging Removal 3 .. 9.3 M:!.nimum. Disturbance Requiremen1:· 3 .. 9.4 Acli:!ess to Sites Demobilization J 0.·1 Demobilization Plan 0 IV~ RESOURCE PROTECTION STIPULATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.1 Cultural Resources 4.1.1 Archeological Services 4.1.2 Pre-Activity Requirements 4 .. LJ Preservat:ion of Cultural Resources 4ol.,4 Authorized Officer Notification 4. Section 106 Compliance 4 .. L 6 Annual Report 4a2 Threatened and Endangered Species · •. ·.~ 4.2.1 · -AOFR. Notification 4. Plant Species 4 .. 3. Fish and Wildlife Protection 4 ... .3 .. 1 State Regulation Compliance 4-.3 .2 Harrassment .of \Jildlife 4 .. 3 Nuisance Animal Removal 4 .. .3,4 Blasting Limitations 7 1 i 7 8 8- 8 8 a. 8 10· . · Ul 10' 10 10 ' 10 10 10 11 11 . 11 ll 11 ll lt Jll l.l 11 ·11 12 12. 12 12 12 12 12; 12 13 13 14 14 14· 14 14 15 15 15 .· -.. :.- 0 o·- D-• 0 o· _-·- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• V-lsuar Resources . . . ·· ._ .· ·· •· · ·. ·· -4~4 .1 Route Approvals -· 4.,4 .. 2 . Clea-ring Restrictions . -. -4.4-.. J,·-Road· Construct!on Res.trlc:tion. ·. .4:o4;4 'vm·r Class.li'·Rest~!ctloris' . Surface· Resources · ._ •. · .• • ·. __ · ____ .. · ... · 4;~s'!r. ····Surface ••Veg.etatton···Pro.tection- 4'!5~2_ . ., ~::::~--~ ,;.&.un· /&:.,cS;oJ, )~·Ls:~4:··_. 0 o· 0" "" .. . 0 0 o· 0 0 0 I' '·" " '" ~~"·. c' Deflnlt1nns a~d G~rieral Stlpulatlons : Definitions lo l. vrs·tate D.lrectcn:·06 means the Alaska State Dir"ector. or a person dele- gated" to act as State Director~ 1~2 r!BUi Authorized Off .leer (AO) u means the District Manager. Anehcn:·age. Bistric::t. Office .Of'" a person· delegated to· exer"c.ise his-author'i:ty w.Lth- respeet to these stipul~ftions:· and" the'·.Permit .. · I'~l:·" 111BU!-.-.: Authorized " Otfice.r ·.Field . Representative (AOFR)9w "means "t'li!.e" '8on-site~'' representative" of the Authorized Officer ~i.th " "f.i.eld. · delegation of authorit;r as:. contain~d in· these st·ipulations .• 1.4 uePermittee 91 means the Alaska Power Author.ity (APA) ·and lts employees~-.agent and cont:rac:tors 0 (including subcontractors at. any tier). L.S Permittee to eoordinate activities with other State and Federal ageneies and its contractors.. The Project Hanager w:Ul be the APA of.f·ic:ial respc:.nwibla for the resolution of. ccmflicts thai;· may arise dud.ng the operation of this permit. through negotiation wi.th the: BLN Authcn::ized Officer. · lo.6 a~ield Representat!ve (FR)~' as used herein ·means: al!'Ay person.author:.. i2ed. ,by th'e APA .. Project Manager. -eo act for the· Permi).tee: in .regard to· all the field. aetivit:ies. wi.thin the Project Area., 1 .. 7· '~Project 89 means· any and all activities encompassed by this. permit regarding hydropoYer investigations on the. Susitna River. L 8 1Wrojec:t Arean. means the land areas and associated air traff.ic routes affected by the activities authorized by this permit. 0. II.. General Stipulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.,1 Responsiblit.ies of Permittee With· regard to operations conducted under this Permit: (1) Per- mittee shall ensure full compliance with the provisions of this Permit lncludJ.ng these Stipulations.,. by their agents. employees and com:ractors: (including subccm.traetors of any tier), and the~ em- ployees of each of· them.. (2) Unless c:learly inapplicable.. the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon the Permittee by these . Stipulations are also imposed upon Permittee·1 s agents~ employees, c:ontractors~ and subcontractors. and the employees of each of them. (.J) Failure or-refusal of a Permittee 1 s agents, employees. con- tractors. subcontractorsv or their employees to comply w.l th these Stipulations shall be deemed to be the failure or refusal of the Pe~ittee. (4) Permittee shall require its agents~ contractors and -1- 0 o· D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 ... · ., ~­ \t.ilil.· .. I ···suhc:ontr&Actor~ to lndu~~ thc~c St.irml<Iticms in :dB c:::nntr.·u:ts anrl subcontracts which ·are entered into by any of them, together wl th its-acents 9 er.~ployecs. contractors and s.ubenntr.ac:tors·. :met the employees of each of them;, shall l!kcwlsc be bound. to comply with these Stipulations. 2~2 Wilderness Preservation The Permit.tee 9 its agents,: employees·, and its c.ontrac:tors:.(lnc.ltu:!lnJ; su'bc:cmt"ractors of any t:!er) s.hall not engage· .in a.nr· aet.lvity wi:thln ·. the; project area Which· will: knowingly .violate the'· intent: ·of. Sccttcm '603' .of:" P~Le.-94--5'79-·(Federal. Land-Policy and~-: ~ianasernent' Act).~.-,\l.r' aC1;ivi.tie$ ·permitted: 'Will. be c:cmch.JJCted .itt a" .IM!l!'UH~t" .so:_ as not·· t:o: impair· the· suitablity of the . project area for preservation\ as wil., de.rness. ThJ.s will not preclude actions by the above parties to save loss of. life· which might violate these intents or other stipu- lations. 2~3 Modifications 2.5 The Authorized Offieera at this discretion, may require Perr.~ittee to make sucll modifications of the permitt·ed. activities·~ without liabil- ity or expense to t.he· United States. as· he deems tfec:essary t·o pr.e- vent serious and. irreparable ham to-the environment (including but nat limited. to fish or wildlife populatioM 9 or their habitats); or removf: ha_zards t~ pl!llblie· health ·and safety. · -:t BLH will design<!U::e one Authorized Off leers Field Repre= senta'tive (AOFR) who will act as the Authorized Officer's field representative · for monitoring all activi ti~s. Alaska Power Authority (APA) APA and its. agents. or contrac.t.ors will designate a~ respon~ si'ble Field Representative (FR.) with authority to assure compliance with these st·ipula.tions: and having the author= ity to rnod.i.fy or suspend any fi~ld operations. APA or its agents 11 employees or-contractors will provide a respon= si'ble official with professional biological training ~v+to will accomplish environmental monitoring of the field operations and will cheek critical areas-at the appro= priate t . .imesa Resolution of Confl.i.ct Procedure if BLl·l AOFR and the designat.ed FR for APA are not able to come to agreement conc:ern.l.ng a field activ.l.t~·. the activity w.l.ll cease anc! the actlv.i.ty in question 1.1111 be· referred to the BU1 Authorized D. .~:it 0 0 2.6 0 D. : ··" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "·-~. "·Qi,;i' ,, -;; ·. . : . :~ ... ' ' . •--'··· '·:, ·'· .Offleer and the APA Project· Hana.ger. If thes~ p<Drtles are. not able t.o agree. the matter w.Ul be ·resolved by the Bl.M State Director and 'the lHrec:tor. Alaska Power Author! ty. · Notices to Proceed (NTP) Permittees shall not initiate any. discrete· operation ._ \l'ithout prior: ""ri tten pel-mission. of the Authorized· Officer~ '.· or AOFR.. Such permission'. shall be given solely by· means. · of·.· a:o.. ·Wr.itten: Not'ice. to"' Prroceed:" issued by, the' Authotized :' ·. (lffic-er ct". AOFlt .. : _· Each ·Notice' to .. Proce~d~:shalr~ c:n.i!thorize activity only as,.therein: expressly stated·.· A sample>NTP· (field memo) is attached. and made. a part. hereof. The Authorized Offieer or AOFR· shall issue' a Not.ice t.o Proceed only· when in. h!s judgement· the activity is in confondty with the provisions of these Stipulations or future modifications thereof. By writtl!!n notice,. the ·Authorized Officer or· AOFR may rev©ke in whole or inp~rt any· Notice to. Proceed which-has b~Em. issued· when. in his· judgement unforeseen conditions later arising r.equire al t-er.ations ·in. the' Notice to .Pto~~:eed in order tc: ' prevent' serious;· and i:r:reparable·· hci!!.nill'; to. the· envircmnent (::Wcl uding but· not. limited to fish· ot" wildlife popul~ticnl.s » or their habitats.); or remove'' . hazards . to public· health and saf~ty0 Discrete--Operations are the. major activities to be con~ ducted in accordance with uuPlans of · Operations'a to be submitted to the Authorized Officer on September 1 and March 1 throughout the life of the Permit for. each Dis~ creta Operation. A Plan of Operaticms Yill be required for geoteehnical. and seismicity operations for Summer 1981 activities prior to issuance of an: NTP •. The Plan of Operations, upon approval by the AO wi.ll become a part of these stipula.tionse Plan of Operations = Contents The Plan of Operations vill revise and update project description for 1980 (pp. 24-27). and will include: 1. A description of the activity in sufficient detail so BLM can assess its potential to disturb the surface 0. c. -•. .··v;ib' 0 . o· 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 2.8 . . ':.· ~ rn ~· cYwtrC'Im,mt. C'lr .wilrllifC' J"OIHil:ulC"n~. if n. ~rf!fi= •mnual Plan for an activity lnd.i.e.;JJtc::~ ffnvironr.'!cntill ir.~pacts. not ~nvc:-rcd hy the January ~ 97q <u;,::t•s:c;mt:>nt. the Permlttee will prcp•u·c a rav.i~C'd 3SSC'SRrnt'nt and mit.isatlng r.u~astH"CS to cover thlt! n~w ir.~pact~. 2. Timer of the activity.· 4 ... : · ~teasures .to be taken .ln order.· ~o'. mlni~:h~ .. en\~inm­ r.'!en·tal. disturbance:~. 5. A repc)rt·. which 'summarizes the past .·. slx r.1nnths activity if· any. Notices t.o Proe.eed and ·Stop tlork Orders (St·:O) for Daily Operctions. N'o.tice to Proceed and Stop t?ork Orders for operatJ.ons i.la~· be ac:tioned by the BLH AO ·or AOFR by written instruction. The normal procedure for a notice fo proceed or stor t-;ork order will be: use ·of a wri t:ten field memo ·with aU involved part.ies• signing and receiving a ~opy of t!'lt!i Held'. memcc .. Following issuance of· the S\..JOt. the BLM .. AO or AOFR shall .Wmediately notify ·the· .APA FR., Environmental Briefings - Prier to, and during, t~e field cu::t 1 vi ty ~-Perl'ilittee shall. provide fer. environmental and other per.t.!.nent brief.!.ngs for c.c::mstruetlon and other personnel by. such Federal employees as may be desi1=nated hy the Authorized Officer. Permittees shall arrange . the time 9 place and attendance for such brief.ings uporn . request by the Authorized Officer.. Permittees shall bear all costs of such briefings other than sala.ry B per diem~ subsistence~ and travel costs of Federal employees. In addition~ Permittees shall separately arrange with the· State of Alaska for such similar briefings as the. State may desire. · Pollution Control 2..8.1 PeiT.!i ttees sh<d.l conduct all activities associaterl with the pe.rmit in a marmer thar. Yill avo:id or minimize de~ra­ dation of air. land and. water quality. , In the operation, maintenance and termination of the Permit, PeiT.!ittee shall perfom ac.tlvitles in accordance Yith applicable .. air and water quality standards~ related facility siting stan= dax·ds ~ and related plans of .lr.rp lementation, lnd ucim: but not lim..Lted to standards •. adopted pursuant to the Clean Alr Act. as ar:ll!nccd, 42 U.S.C. 1857 et ~eq •• an~ thl" Federal t.J'ater Pollution Control Act, as amended, JJ U.S.C. 132.1 et. seq. 0 0 0 0 0 . ~'-a~·z···· ·-•. . . \\c:nter and Land• Pollut.lcm '" ··-.. Permittees· sharl· comply. '~:lith appUcnb le. oot~.n·ter . Quallty Stattuiardsu of·. the· State of Alaska as approv()ld ·by the El'rvfrortinental ·Protection Agenc;y~ Mobfle, ground 'equipment· shall .not be. operated' ·lri .l&~kes o. streams;. or:., rivers unless such;. op.eration approved. in· . '!:lf!i t.tng: by·: the: Authori'zed Officellr.·. · · including • .:but~ · , . . . . . Yastel trash, garbage;.. refuse:r, O.il drurfiso' petroleum p_roduct:s. ashes and equipment.~ All: waste generated .shall r~moved. or otherwise disposed ··of. in: a manner ·acceptable. to the. Authorized Officer.. :Ail applic:abler standat:ds artd gul,delines of ·the Alaska Sta.te Department of Environmental Conservation, the United States Publfc Health Service, the Environmental Protection Agenc:y,. · other Fed.etai, . and State agencies . shalL be adhered .. tO'•: bye Permittee~ All inciner.ators shall be:. used: w.td~·, :maximum precautions' to preven:t and. tundra' : .. ···· fi'res·... After ·incineration 9 material:, not' c:ons.umed. in , the' . ··.·. ;incinerator shalL be· disposecV of:. :lxtc a;. manne't"· ·approyed b.y . the. AU:thorized Officer .. or AOF.R;. · · ~ · · · · · · · · .· 2.~9.' Zones of: Rest1:icted Activities Pemitt.ees Q activ! . may be·.· restricted by. the Autho.rized. Officer during periods fish and·. wildlife. breeding;, nesting&· spawningv lambing or calving activity and during major migrations of fish and w:ildlife. The· Authorized Officer shall . give Permi.ttee written notice of· such restrictive act·ion,. 2.~.10 Changes in Conditions Unforeseen condi.tions .arising:. d:uring· the· ·Hfe of. the· PfH'ilil':Lt, may· make it .necessary to revise or. amend• these Stipularions .. t:o control· or prevent damage to the envlronm.en.t or hazards to public·: health and safety~. In that· event, Permitt·ee and the Authorized Officer. shall agree as to what revisions or. amendments shall be 'madeo 2 .. 11 Right. of the United States to Perform If, after. thirty (.JO) days, or in an emergency such ·shorter period. as shall not 'be uru:easonab le, follot~ing the making .of a demand therefore by the. Authorized Officer. in the manner that ls provided in -stipulation 2.61 thro\,lgh .4 for giving wi-itten notices. Permit= tees,. or their. respective agents. employees. contractors or sub= contr.actors Cat any tier).· shall fa.Ll or .refuse to perform any of the actions. required by the Authorized Officer. the Uni~ed St,ates shall have . the right:,. but not the. obU.gation, to perfonn any or all o,:.~i~···. 0 0 o·. 0. 0 0 0 o-· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; -. • gf. such'·· actl.orns 'at th(l> s1t'11lc. ~xpt•nse of l,c-mi.ttC"il." •. · Prior to the · delive ey of any such demand., tl:le-Authorized Off leer shalf confer. with· Pennl.tte~ •. if he deems J.t practlc:nble to do· so. rer.t:~rdlng the r.equ_lred a.c:t!on or actions that are. included ln ~he demand. The. Authorized Offlcer, shall submit to Permittee a· stat:cr.~ent of .the ex}>enses . !nc:urred by the United States . during the-preceding. siJc months in· the. perforeanc:e by the t:nited States of any requlred: . action, 4nd9 in. the· absence of: a dispute·9 the. amounts shown to l;le due. · on ea.d~r· such. ·statement shall· be· p<lld by Permlttees; •. , Perm.t:t:tees may . , ... dispute whether: the work ln:volved. was~ an' ac:tl.on .required. by., these . Stipu-lations:e.· whether .. Pe·nnlttee 1 s; : f aU ure.. ·or .:refusa,l. ta per.fo.m .any;· suchr· "action.. ·was.,.· Jus.tified,: '4S:_ 'well. as· .. the: rJ~·asonableness· of· the,'.· ... specif:ic·atioxu• · fo:r. ancL the; cost: such work.. . 2: •. 12 Term· of. the Permit 2 .. 12 .. 2 The Permit. shall expire. on Decembe.r; 31, 198.3, unless extended or terminated. in whole· or in part~ by the AO o· • Termination Termination of the Permit in whole or in· part, at th_e. discretion of: the AO& may ·be:. accomplished by written notice to the Permittee· .. Operat4.cmal Stipulaticrns :l.l Personnel Housing and Transportation 3.1 .. 1 Temporary Camps All Permittee personnel may set up tempor~ry camps utilizing tents· for perio.ds of up to one. week per loca~ tion.. This provision intended to facilitate. study groups operating within the project area but not at or near the. damsiteso · BLM Personnel Permittee will· provide transportation for Bureau. of Land Ha.nagement (BLZ.i) AOFR. and one other BLM employee-from· Talkeetna to all field operations. No less than three days advance notice will be given through coordination 'W'i.th. the APA FR in order to minimize helicopter require- ments. Advance notice Yill include activities to be inspected and length of study at the camp. Upon establishment of field camps, BLH AOFR. vill be 'fur= nished access to room ·and board as needed and if avail- able. No less than three days advance notice will be g'iven through coordinat~on vith the APA FR. APA will be reimbursed for room and board at the average daily cost per unit. which is no't to exceed BI.M per diem rat.e. ~· ·:: ~·'ib 0 0 0 ... 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pem! ttee Personnel contractors) (includes eo1rU:rac::tors and· sub- Transportation for Permittee personnel or Pe.rmittee~s contractors involved in the daily drllling or s.tudy activities wU l be by helicopter or f!xed-Y"ing aircraft between the work ·areas and quarters · for housing unless o.thervise authorl.zed by the AOFR .. 3 .. 2 ·Fuel and Transportation and Storage 3.2 .. 2 •. . q - ~ Fuel· Storage Si.tes ·A,Ll:: fuel storage areas over 1,000 gallons capacity will be diked and lined Yith impervicms materiaL Absorbent pads will be in close proximity of all drilling operations and .· fuel caches. · Spill. clE:anup and eont:ainment devices shall :t>e readily available. Sta:te/EPA Regulations Fuel Storage and ·Transportation will be in accordance with State of Alaska, and EPA_ regulationsa l .. J. Waste Disposal Jo.l State/Federal Regulation C~pliance · Solid vaste». vaste water, .. sewage ~nidi ga·rbage will be disposed of in accordance with State and Federal require- ments and methods of. disposal shall comply with standard's set forth by the Department of Environt:lental Conservation 9 State of Alaska., Permits will be obtained by the Permit- tee as "required by State of Alaska and Federal . agencies. 3.4 Air Operations 4 .. 1. . :" Altitude Requirements 3 .. 4.. 1 3 .. 4.1.2 Routine· During all air operations, unless. otherwise authorized. by BLM. aircraft will maintain 1 ~000 fenet altitude above ground level except. during take· off and landing operations or during restrictive weather conditions~· . Low level. helicopter flights to supply drill sites will be alloved but shall be kept to a minimum and shall avoid known wildlife populations. In Proximity of Wildlife Aircraft will avoid disturbance of knoYn vild- Hfe populations and vUl maintain 1 ~000 feet. . -.:· i 0.' :·. ·''·····.··< o·:~~) 0 0 0 D· 0 0 D· 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 D ' . 3 .. 3 '" 3.5.4 J .4 ol•) elevation in thefr. vfc!n.J.ty uni ass oth11n·wJ.se Sluthor .t:ued. Helicopter .activity shall not be allowed within 132.0 feet (Oe25 · rnlle) of any' raptor nest. bet'.leen 15 March and 31 August. FAA Regulation Compliance All· a-irc:Taf:t ·associated. operations: wtll .be conducted tn .. . ae€iordance' with current· ·Fed~ral .Aviation. Admin.lstr.adon · · : regula.t.ions;',,"< · · , . P.lan _of Operations A. 98 Geotechnical and Seismological Exploration Plan'0 ·will be sub~tted by. the. Permittee on or before September 1 of each year which will cover activities from November. 1 ·. through April 30 of the following year. A· similar plan will. be submitted by the Permittee March l each· year which. will ccrver· ·.the activities: from May: 1. · through October:. 31.., · SupplemEmtal details af . operations to· .. be conclucted .tn 198.0 ·wilL furnished within; three: w-eelts of. · the: signing of. the: perm! t . by. the Ao .. All monitoring•; stati9ns will b~· installed and maintained. using helicopter access., Access Road. Studies All clearing required will be using hand tools and. be kept. to a minimum.,. 3 .,3 .. 2 .Daily access to drill rig$· for personnel and.·· fuel will· be using·· Tru!licopter unless otherwise: authorized .. 3 • .5.3 .. 3. Reconnaissa:nce activities prior to drilling w-ill: be by helicopter.· All ground vehicles uuoff road'u will be-operated only when ·soils are frozen to a depth of. six inches and there is one. foot of snow c:over9 unless otherWise authorizedc Damsite Geology and Related Exploration Act.ivities Core drills will be sited and transported by helicopter unless othervise approved by the · Authorized Officer. ''. ~--~ --. 0 ·. 6·b~6' 0 0 0 0 -0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.. . . . 3 •. 5 .s --~-_· ~iliL~ 3.5·.4.2 -~-. . ·, ,·_. AU ground vchidc~ u:o;c.>d in rlrlr!ln~ ~~t:ti.-vltilt'~ · Y.i.ll be operated only when soils ~u:·e frozen to a depth of six inch-es nnd there is on(!' foot snnw cove-r. BUK AOFR will work with the Permittee in deve!- oping· the: rc:nAtc schedule. to explora-tion sites to r.itlnimize the environmental. damage . to: the: area. J~S.4 .4 · . Pumping {permeab.LH.ty); test. if· c~IF'!duct~d-~. Y.Ul'· -·· 3 .. 5 ... 4. '1 · b~ eonducte:d, in:. accordance; ~ith an· a~provecL Plan· -.. · of·· Operations~. for, ·Foundatfooo .. ·amf' ~la.teri•d.s .•... The t~sts' will b~-(:onducted Sit»\ as:· .to ·. reduce · wrf&ce disturbance and wat.er· quality l.mpaets to a mi~.imum. No ground _·water will be· pumped direedy into. live st.reams. Prior to c:onduct..ing any pump tests. the Perm.Lttee w-ill ftn:.nish the BLM AOFR with a plan of pump.i.ttg and location· of. discharge of pumped \Jaters. In general. areas sudt as low depressions and small ponds will be seleeted for discharge of ground water;. Toxic material or sediments shall not· be re,. leased ~n: any lake or ~a.ter. dr.;dnage:. Eve.1:y effort. shall be. made to protect wa.ter,bodies from . damage. by erosion, and unnatural. dJ:aina.ge con'dii=. ' ticms., Criteria for compliance. will be the · ~uAlasu State Plam-Water· Qual tiy Sta_ndards-for·. Interstate Y'a.ters. within the State of· Al.aska,ou. as rwi.sed e All cased holes will be suitably capped to protect the public safety and the integr.i.ty of the test hole. 'No casing shall be left extend~ ilrng more than tt.~o feet above ground surface. ~11 drill cuttings will be scattered to a depth of no more than tYo inches. . . During break-up~ wen frost. is going. outw lt .. will become· necessary to temporarily curtail o.r modify operat:lons involving the movement·· of. ground vehicles. This ccmdl.Horr Yill be ~eter= mined jointly by the APA FR. and th~ BLM AOFR,. Geophysical Investigations Explosive charges· will be limited to 50 pounds maximum.. All seismic llnes w.Ul be agreed upon in advance of field activity. Upon cm:tpletl.on of testing arc:tivitles. holes will be back filled .. 0 D D D -o D· 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 :.,_ .. ·. .. . ·-. :~ ' -·~~. 5. 6 - -.. --''&. \}~ill}._ -. 3.5.6 •. 1. All trcnching·. ___ G'lctivlt-ies will. .he C!C'Iine ~.tith .; __ .• ·:-:i_ backhoe and upon coop let: ion of activity .wU1 b~ _ backfll lf:!d ,. rcvcg~tated, c:m.d S!radecl 1 to ori~in~L __ --·-- contours~-Rehabil!tatforr shaLl -he accciMpl !shed that· the irnpnr;t-is suhstt~r'l'tii'lll~· unno·ti·ccahlc _- t.rlthJ.n:• .• five years aft~r issuance: of t·he -------·._ J~5-~ T -Drill!~~: -·-__ _ ..... · .... ,F.·Li'~Y·. • ··'.f':tf?~~Sr:t::<' !~r~~~:;~;·r.t~~~&t~~~~r.;~~~~~~~~~:~orif!d%;::. snow, and six. inChes · ofi frozen .. g~ou~d: •. - ·~.. .. . . ' . : __ :. ' .. '. _:· < . -. • .. -~ . • . ,· • • 3.6 _Fire Prevention/SiiJ!ppresslon Permit tee shalL_ t_ake all measures· necessary for the p.re,.,. vention of• fires on the PetTO.lt area -and on other Federal lands:. ·This includes providlng hand·· 'tools on site .at the field camps. for _all personnel I'egularly 'W~rking on the. projecto . ... :,.:, --. . Perm! ttee .. shalL' take.,'immedia:.t~-acti~n. to. suppress.: any .. fire utilizing hand. equipment". or aircraft cml'y~- Not1ficaticm of Authorized Officer Permittee shall ~mmediatdy notify-the Authorized Officer of any ·fire Yhich threatens surrounding wlldlands. ·. Ground Equ,ipment Approval No> mechanized. gr.ound equipment: shall be used ln. fire' suppressiotk without prior ap.prov-al. of the Authorized Officer of AOFR except as required t.o. save lives .•. 3"<.7: HydrologicaLand. Climatological Studies 3o7ol 3.7.2 Minimal Dlstu;-bance Requirement· All stations installed for hydrological and/or· c:lirnato= log,tca.l.monltorin~ shall be. inst,alled> and operated with a mininn.un-of st.n:'f.ace disturbance and the least amount of ·visual attractlcm reasonabl~· possib Ic. Access ··to Si tcs All stations installed "off'u road systems Yi11 utilize helicopter for access during inst~llation, moriltoring and d.emob 1 liz at: lon. D~. ·. D.··.· ... · ,.-.·-·. .·-·. 0 0 .o· . 0······ 0 0 0 ·o·. . . 0 . . ·, .• ·. i•. -.· •. : •• · Mlrdmum Dfsturb.ance ·. _.:.·--. . ' . ': .--. : ·. . __ :-. . All. biolog.i:cal s.tudies. shqll be. conducted. ln a f:'arumr .S.O · to create· the mln!I:lum disturbance • posslbl'e to the and/or the. flsh 'and:~ wlldllfe . . .. being:. Al! clearing ·vitl" be· done. by hand, tools and kept to :an~ .. absolute.· minimum •. Flagging Rem'ovai .· .... All··· flagging.,. ·t-atrg~ts;, . and· ... pho.t'O• panels. will• · upcni compfetion:·of t~e· field: ~.tudy•: prog:pam ..... Minim~m,Dis.tui~~~ceRequifenie~~s . :All .. S'Uryeyfng'a~ti'oriti~S'· shai.f·be condUcted in a man.ne~ s.o . . to~ . create·· the .minimum. disturbance: possible'· to the surface ··visual. attr«H:tion,. and. w·ildlife resources.· Access to Sites · Whenever possil>le throughout: the survey area not serviced by . existing roads the survey personnel .will utilize heli,- copter for. access.:. Demob1liza t!on Plan. .. . . A nDemob.U.1zai1on · Plan 10 may be deve1oped during the last year· of. the: Permit as, dete.rmlried · to. be necessary by the Author:ized Of.fiC:eo , .. 0 IVw Resource Protection Stipulations; 0 0 4.1 wltural Resources 4 •. 1.1.· Arc:heologic:al Services 0. ''· .. ~·:.i· .. } {j D~. Iff: D 0 0 0 D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ' :. .4.1.6 ·-.··. Annual Report By January 1 of ~ach year oi the Penni~-•. a· preliminary archeological report "Will be submitted. to· the: Authorized Officer. After allowing 60 days for comments. an accept.;. abla! final report .will be submitted to the Authorized. Off!ce.r within 30 days.. An acceptable report contains~ at a. minimum· the f ollow!ng .it ems: l. Identif1eatlon · of th~ Federal Antiq.ui ties . Permit' under which the work was performe,IL.. . ~. :2· .... ; .Identific~u:.ion of· the.:,·:rn:·ojec:t:;. :·an11k the •. BLMLi· serial ease: file number. :for . Yhii:h the ·. report J.s, be·ing wri tte.n. · 3. Desc:ripticrn of da'ta review and field inventory methods used. int·ensity of field inventories, the names of individl!lals employed. in the work. and ·the·· commencement and termination dates of field inven~ 4 .. . A general. background discuss·ion of eultural resources-- of the area, as well as a. brief' summary· of prehis- toric and historic \USe· of the· area. • . Identification. and description» ·including drawings and" photographs,. of specif.ic cultural resource sites:.· and values found; evaluation of their. significance;; and . whether such. sites might be.. eligible for: p.lace- ment in the Rational Register of ~Storie Places with specific citation to qualifying criteria under· 36 CFR 800.10. Site. inventocy records (BLM accep~able form) completed for invento.x:-ied with appropriate loca. tilbllrn. of e_aclil site. Form 8110 or. other each cultural property maps indicating the Sui.table maps that dearly define all areas surveyed a.111d. intensity . of survey in relation to ident.ified. cultural resources and the relationship of sites found t@ the project. Mi.nimum acceptable base map should ba USGS 15-minute· series quadrangles or best available substitutee 8 .. · C<l!talog of all cultural resource: objects collected al!ild J.ndicaticm of where they are stored, as well ·as disposition of original notes and records. 9. Identification of the probability of finding add.i- tional sites and their probable ~ign.lficance. •••. ·. '> • 0 0 .. 0 0 0 D· o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ~ ' . . . _: ,:~ . · ~ia~· .· · 10~. · Identlf icatlon. nf the pr.obably d.lr'ect ~nd indin•ct effects of the project upon known. and unknown· cul- tural rescYurces. lL Professional .recomf!'lendations. to realistlca.lly mltl- ga.te the direct and . indirect adverse effects uporn cultural resources which will. result from the pr;o- ject • .. 4~:2~1, • · .'.'.· AOFR. Notlf:ication .. . .. -: . 4 .. 2.2 -· -;'_ . . --. . .. If-fn· the. course·· of. @lny· act:ivlties; a~thor.i:z.ed: by this PetT.l! t 0 . any ey idence· of· Peregrine · Falcori · occurrence, nes:ting habitat or. disturbance of· bi.rds or habitat l.s discovered, the AOFR. is. to· be imrnediat~ly notifl~d and any f1eld qperations which may affect the birds or habltat immediately suspended untll further notice by BLN. BL~i v!ll contact t'.S. Fish and tHldU.fe. Service who \..rill consul~ withthe Peregrine Falcon Recovery Team • Plant Species .. No threatened or. endangered. plant. species are known ·to be· present. on. the project area. If: any species curren_tly proposed. for· protection \meter the. Endangered Species Act are. found to be. present:. in: the project' area.;. any·· surface · dis:turbfng .activit'ies in that area· will cease... BUt a.Xlld· Ues· .. Fish and Wildlife Service t-1ill be ... notified within two days and APA, USF&t? and BLM will jointly provide protec- tive measures to .be followed. \ 4.3 Fish and Wildlife Protection .. State Regulation.Compliance Any activities <mthorbed by this ·agreement wil comply with the requirement' of Alaska State Regulation 5AAC · SL.218. These. regulations make 1 t unlawful to deliber-- ately feed bears, Yolves. foxes or wolverine. or to delib,... erately leave human food ot" garbage-in such a· manner to attract such animals ... Harass~ent of ~lldlif~ Harassrnent or molesting of wildl!f.e or destruction· of kno'bffU habitat is prohib.i. ted. \I>'Udlife shall not. be nherc! e>cl • II 0"buzzed 00 Of' otherwise harassed through use of aircraft: or ground vehicles. 0· .. ·· .. ·.-~· .-... . . . . :6t ; 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0' D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4·.4 4 .. 5 . •. -®:··. If .wild anl.rnals b~:come R threat nr nuisam:e. an immediate c.ontact wU 1 be made with RLH. AOFR and the Alaska Oe>part- r.~ent of fish and Came so the rcmov.nl of the. an.l.r.~<il hy fish and. Game or project alteration, can proceed~ .Permittee will stand the cost· of ani.ma.l removal actlvLtles br acccn:dance with e~isting. State/BUt a~reernents .. J:Ha:s.ting Lir.ti ta tlons .... ·No., b.lasFting· shalL l:u~· permi~ted underr.1ater~ or.-t.roith!n . . :. ,';.,cne.a'qua.rter· milia . of· streams;: or lakes,, Yi thout ·review:· a rut · appr.oval:. from; .. the_ Alas·ka· Depar"tment: of' F_ish ·and'· Gamee Visual Resources 4 .. 4.3 4.4.4 Rout e. Approvals Overland movement of drilling or support equipment between . drilling sites will take advantage of high ·ground and a. sinuous· travel route to avoid creat..ion of-· a "straight line" surface d!s.turbance pa tterne SUi-AOFR and, APA Fl will agree to 'the route in. advance of equipment movt:r.~ent. •. Clearing Restrictions All clearing done for helicopter l~nding areas and drilling sites· vill be hand-cleared and. will kept to the min:f.mum necessary within safety requirement. · Road Construct!cun Restriction No· road or airstrip construction is allowed. V'RM Class II Restricti.on Permittee shall c~nduct all activities so that; the surface dist1Jlrba.tM:e. effects do not exceed \'R..'I Class. VRN Class II is defined as: · .•wchanges in any of the basic elements (form, line, color~ texture) caused by management act·i:vi ty should· not be ev !d-ent in the character is tlcs landscape., A ccmt.rast ·may be seen but should not· attract attention. ur . Surface Resources 4 ... 5.1. Surface Vegetation Proeection All equipr:~ent movement· and dr ill.ing activities will be conducted in a manner so as to pr-otect the surf ace vege-· tation resources. o· .. 0· .• · ... D 0 o. 0.·. .. 0···· 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 ,· :, 4 .. 6 •. 2. ' . ' . ' •' . ·~:-· ' ' : . ' ' ' . ' . -' . actlvitles. shall. he condi.icted ht a manner to.· prnt~ct: against. any dlst\J,rb~nce of perr.tafrost laden snlls·, . · -, -· . . c;ause cor:tp li:antH!" witll. Sect:ion· 604 · o.f Clilan . t;a,ter .i\c.t: csnd ... ··with U.s. · Depar.tmeint .of .. the· Interior · regulations. wh.IC.h: imp.lement . Executive~ Orders. ·•li9S8 •. and 119~0. . · . .• '' . . . . ' .. ·Rehab.llitatlcin Al?proval. ·. R:'ehabllitatlon:~f d!st~tebect ·ar.eas \J:tll: ba accompl.lshed' by:~ • Permittee ... a.t····· eacllt··.location: .. as·.··soon: .. as;:~ .prae'tieabie·· .upon completion· of. ~ork •.. After· joint inspection by.' BL'i AOFR·. . and. APA FR: and'· wr£'tten accep<'tance.> by .'BUt.·AOFR 'of .. reha., . .,,. ,.bllltatl.on measures·,< no: f.urther:··work· wJ.:lL .be required: o.f Pemi:ttee · or~ Lts agents .. or: contractors at each ~o.rk loca:-· t.ion .• Test Pit~ !rench!ng, · Seismic, and Dr.illing Rehabilitation All. surface dls.turbing activities will be refilled, recon~ . t.our:ed,. and , revege tat ed · to · red.uce ·. v isua 1 impacts . and ·. safety hazards. This. rehab Hi tat ion shall be such. that. the . .impact .is;, substantially unnotlcable within f.l:ve years after· the: J.ssuance of the pernit. ' . S t~d:rillza tlon: Pra.ct.Lces 'All <:Hsturbed: areas shall he:· left. in a:.stahlll:r.ed condi;;_ tio~.. ·Stabilization practices ·shall be determined. by: sp-.:cific site .conditions' as ag.reed upon by BUt AOFR and. ,WA FR. 0 0 0 0 D 0 0. o:·· D 0 0 0 D 0 · The Suaima Rydroposer Project is a federally l.ie.ensed· project for :he State of Alaska.. As sueh11 the legal. f:-amework and authority .for. .. the · \ corulid.~erad:ou. Qf:. cultural resources· are. spelled out >m a~ n~er of 'Federal ·. ·•meL State::<:;igUl::altions. .As> early" as: 19.06, ·en~ Alld;quit:tes·~Ace·. (:r~ .. L):S~209}.' -:direc.tl7lcthe·/preservatian gf,properties 81 c.f. n~tio~:utl9•· 1\±st:t)ric.al::•Qr,;·ar;cne~. .~. '){• .. ·~: .logical: $ignifi~ce· atul. a\u:hori.&es~ iutaraganey p:, iru:ergovernmental,' ·and-·. -·.· .. · '' ?.·\~·-!·]i;;; interdisciplinary-· effores· for: the. preservat:itrni of. such<-resotirees·s au: The· · Reser"~.~oir .. Salva Act . of' l96o:· t;. 86.;,;, rovides.'. for-the recove~ab!d f.ederally· funded · or licensed The Ristcr~e Preservation Ac.t of 1966 (:P. t. ag.;,.655). declares it to· c~ a. national policy· ·eo ·preserve md protect· historic · and prehistoric-. sites 0 · · buildi~gs:t l!l.nc:tcibjects .of na.ti()ll§!.al. significiance~. Continuing vith this .. policy·~ the· National Enviromnenea.l Policy Act ·of: 19.69, (P;~. L.,.; 91=180) requires ... evaluaacm. of the affect$;. of: major: federal ~&c~ions;; au: ·tha en;vironmflint: . inclutling c~ltural resources.: . ·The-Archeological .. andlU.storlc Preservation . . Aet: of 1974 {P~ t. 9~391) is an amendment·'to the R.eserrvoir Salvage Act. · - of 1960. The•l974Act::provides,,.for: the~:pr9teet:ion-•.of his:co-gote anct.·archeo-: logicaJ; .sitM: · · . ·. · · ·· ·. ····. · · · · .. • · · . ···. . · ·· · · .•.. · .. ··.·• · . · · · · .. ·· ·· ..... vhi~ might: ot:h~M.se be,irrepa~abiy lost or,dest:roy~d ~s. ·. ·. · ... · rtl!sult~. of (l);, floodingD ... the.·· building of; access• roads, railroads: · and> highways 8 and other alterations. of terrain, <:a used by the const:ruetion of a dam· by any agency and (2) any alteration. of . the terrain caused.· aB' a• result of any federal construction project or. federally licensed aceiViey or program.. (Sec •. l) S'ection r of this Act authori:i:eS that up 'CO 1% of the total budget of a federally f.utl!.ded or licensed .. project· may· be. allocated for· a:rcheological survey,. .. ·reeov~n:,'Y~ analysis.~. ·and publication. The:.A..l.Uka Ris:toric. Preser,.,.-. · . vat: ion Act of 19.75: specifies:. that prior· to ~m:y: construction, or public :improveml!:at. by a;,. S.tate agency,. or .by· a. prl:vate coocem under: contract with or licens·Eu.tby the~ State,. cultural. resource.s must'be ccm.siqered.. Cultural. -resour.ce. prese"at:ioo .. e:ffl:)rts a:re required. by Federal and State law, to- satis:fy.Ucexu»ing_ requirements. for-the Susitna,Hydrcpower· Project •. ·These ·easks are~ . l) identifieat:ion and documeueaeiou of cultural. resources . 'Within proj eet areas; and 2) fprmulaticn and expl:te<!tion of recommeuda.tious for: mitigatio!cr for each histcric or. archeological. site identified. However, it is: also ~ecogni.zlllld tha;t· the initial studies essential to meet: licensing ....., requirements limy have directe impact. on cultural resources which may pose iumu~di.ate adverse ef.fect.so Examples of such activ:f,.ties are c::onst-::uctism of camps to house study personnel~ test holes to locate proposed borrow areas, access· roads to s·~dy locale, etc:. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 ,0 -~--.. -. 0 WltRD£5.-SCJ.tAIBbL rAL.rT a ccusaoo INC.. GT'W G .. q,o' OUII.DIFIO'•· DODCIIII LOC'I'I Z7D•007tl AGREEMENT BE'l.'WEEN THE ALAsKA POWER Atl'rHOR;!:'l.'Y. AND THE, INDIVIDUAL COOK INLET NA'l.'IW VI:r..LAGE CORPORATIONS AND THE COOK INLE'l.'.REGION, INC~ ATI. 8 CONCERNING THE SUSITNA HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY. ANALYSIS ·• . ·. This'' agl::'eement entered· into on ;:t;#u;~i!v eft 11.11:£ .·· ·; the· presidents. of. the·. undegosiqned: individual Cook·· In.let: I ·. ' INat.~~"~~~~vi~lag® __ Cc~o_rations. on._ beh~lf~.:~~--.th(;l: ~~_di~~dual ~~c;;k.~I~~~t: I· ~- -... ._;":··::~··~~::~•' •: ;:-::.··•:l~:;~~~~'''",•:.':•~:~.~';·~-.. ·"':~:0 0\ ~" .,-~~~ > t""',j•,<.•'~~·. ·~.-T _'.• ,,·,,.:.._•• • •·,.•_ ,. ~ ' 0 ·;:·.: .. ~:~, ... -,~•,).::,,••(·:-• Native:''Villaqe' C:o~oraticms ·liuld~~t:ha' prall!id®nt of: t:he.·.Ccok: Inl._€llt. __ ·.· ·· ' InG •. · on.;b~h:&u-~-·~·i the· c6~\:niet: aegi6~L Inc~. ·. (beli:~~ri~i~~~: :. "N<Ative· C:crpc:n:at.ionsf') and the .Uasll:a. Povci~' Au.t:n(,rity (hereina.~ter .·· 'the'· ''ABJ~.t:hority" ) ~ · .. ,· · ~HEREAS, thtJ~ Authority desil;'es a: feaSibility . the Susi tn.!il Bydropoveg: 11'-eaject:• in· t:he Su2it.na. Basin em land ' d1111scribed and ' set· f~ll!'th o~-the, Ep; at. Appendix A':: a t:~i!lched, Na. t:ive:• COeycra t:icms:.c under the AJ.asJI:a.:: Na t:i v~: CJ:aims; Sett..l.emrl!lnt.: A:ct'; · .43' U~S.C~; lEiOll et.seg. I ,and·the.-Nat;;iVe''Cc~a'f'ati~ns ·will; soon:: receive' interim c::onveyan«:::e 'and event.ual.ly• patent: t:a .these. lands. . . from .the federal government (heu:einafter the· lands in the: susitna.) Basin selected· by and/or c:onveyed:tc the Native Corporations will II be ~:eferred to as "lands of the Native-Corporations");. and. WHEREAS, · t:he'-Au thor.i ty nas provided the .. ~a ti ve I Corporations with a·. copy of the Plan of Study· fc:ir the Susit:na Hydropower ~easi.bili ty . Analysis which. describes: the'' act.i:vit:ies which wil.J. be. perfcrmed· on. the lands• of thai Native:i:i::frporatio1,1s. in. the .. Susitna• Basin, and a-copy of: the: envirorimerit:aJ:, assessment·: prepared by the United States Army· Coi=pS of· J::ngineers:.which· assesses the impact of the-feasibility analysis. of_ the Susi.tna Hydropower Project on the:' lands of the. Native Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Authority will. I?I:'OVide the· Nati.ve'. Corporations with any plans of study, p-roposed or otherwise, for the· Susitna Hydropower feasibility Analysis and environmental. assessments prepared. by private business entities 1 and =l- o· D wHEREAS, the. Native Cogoporatic:ms believe: that the- feasibility analysis of the Susitna Hydrop<:?wer Project will eventually benefit thei:; lands by proviaifiCJ tham with _valuable . . . infol:mation c:::onc:ernii.ng. the. biol.ogicall: mineral,. cult:~ral,. ·recreational and .. r:~eoPhysical:aspecta.' 44·. 56.0~0.-•. and· th: 13oa7:cf. of: ... 1('1/. j' "£, C)'? D • .· . • . ·.: ·. ·. ·.;·. oitac:taf:s, of the Authority lias.· autbo~:i~ed the:: ~::xec:udve tH.rector to· enter-:·into-a• contract: with thee• ·Native Corp,or~tions ·foi:·· the . ' ~urpose of assuring. the performance of. the Susitna: study areaJ and . . . wu.E:REAS, th~ Bcardsi of I'Jirectora•. <if· the· ·Inlet. Natiire:0Villagfr Corpor~tions,,•hav&. _a.jthorized·-t::ha,·~ndersi;ne.d pres :i.den ta~-of .•.. the•· i~di-vidual-. vi.UaCJI:llf CO'l:'fiiOJ:<i tiomo~ to; enter: in to-' _thi£k cont:raci.-:.,;,.itb;·;hn._.:Autnori ty and,:·.t:h~c; BO;rd:;.of•' Directon.::~f~ ... Cook~ ·Inlet~ R~9ion,~ In~~ ·has:: ~u~hoz:oizea··· .the' pr:Q~-i.de~~-gf' ~eH ' ' • • c '· • • • • •• , -~ • • ,_--·-•• • ••• " -_,. c:orpotiation to.enter ·into ··thia.-.c:ointract with: t.he.Authority• NOW~.· THEREFORE, the &larties agree as· folltms: AR'l'ICI.E I. 1. 'l'he Native Coeyoraticns. authori:z:e t:he~.Authcrity, its I contractors' subcontractors' iUJents, employees' -successors,. and :RCU. SCHAUiut. l..rt'"$ Ca:&..USIO. IHC.. J wctar 81'14 AVQ:.NWit 1'H a -t;•• &UtLIIIfll0 ...... assigns to perform all act:i.vi ties as qeneralJ.y described· irt the Plan of·.studyPrepared by ACRES.American.Corporat:ion: for·t.he· ,Susitna· Hydropower Feasibility Analysis, at.t.acheci' her:.eto'-as I . . . . . . . . . . . j Appendix B· and~ .. m~de a part hereof , on. lands~ described in Appendix lA· in the·· Susitrta River Basin during the··period of: this contract •. I z.. The Native Corporations aut.hori:z:e·' the· Authority, its lccnt.ractors,. subcontractors, agents, eniployees-; successors., and. i·assigns, to take· material test samples. during·. the feasibility i study. and the Native Corporations agree tO" make: av:ailable .to.· the u thori ty, its con tractors, subccntr:act.ors, agents., ellfEiloyees, D D .. _ .. ,_. 0 0 0 0 D J J , ',. . . fogo the construction of the airst::i.pc and f':!.eld camp in Appendix s and further authcn:ize the Aut:.hcn."it.y, its subcontractors' agents, employees •.. s~ccessor.s' ' and igns., to construct.. a, :oad fJ:Om· .the.· q:avel .. nmte_l:'ial,s s:Lte, t() .. aic:i: _c:a.uip and airstrip, l.il. of ~Jticb a.ctbitiellF.m.y·t&Jte,pJ.ci.ce~ . &xu:I;; ~~~:.eneo:Nativ~~tcCogopo&"I'Ations ~url.n~~ th'fi,··~er:iod of.:itb,is:,: .• '• ; ·;~;:~:t. ~~~-~~~i~;s~~~cli,;~~~~f~·~;~;~J,:~~o~ ~~; PQ;p~se~-)··.· Plio~i~~ sh~j_i; en~~~ intox:~. sepanee: · .. for suc:b sand' ana. 91:'avel ae a ~~~onablcir pt;:ice~ . 'reMpa~a'z.Y· structtu:es util.bad u ·camp -~~~~ilitie:s,~ii.t: .emoved. by the iutnodt:yr at. tne ten:l"iinadon of this aqr~emtutt, , · P~n:m~insnt· S·t:-ucturl!.s/ and _· _· . . ., . ·.' •, ,- ir:Jtrip and roadS• C:Onst:rti:cted· will b~C--' property of the• pp~:oprfate ~at:.:i;ve cC:u:porations. if! the'c: p~ject-does1. n~t appear . . '• .. · eaaible. ar;, 't:.na,. termination.: of tjle. study. · If,: th~ pro]1111ct >appears• aaaible,· .. tb•' permMent cuii facilit.i~s. ·J:CI&ds· arid· ili:"Stdp· will: .. eill<iin av&.:l.labie··t:a·'the' .1\ut.bcn:'~ty far, continued woi:'.k· in t.h~ ·-·:; • . r~ject• al:e~' bas~~· up~n an' ex~~na·ion· t~ l:h~·' present: ~qnement· o:~:: a, ' . -·. . < . .· If~ the.--pt:.'Oject• is not felll!!ible,.: the· Nativec- direct the Authority·, at·: ncr cost to the• Native. · remove eit:.ner all or any part· of· the .permanent make the roads and airstr.ip unse.rviceable . . . . . ithout requiring. the t>emoval of gravel pads or foundation The· permanent improvements: will. not be· considered. in· e· fai~:--market value·c of Native .land wnic:b may· be· ai:quired as a: esult:. of; condemiultion, in lieu lands" o:r:.·land:· trade with the··· . . j tate" if the pz:ooj!!ICt proves feasible·, .. pl:'avidinq said· condemnaticm r· n l.ieu lands, or· land trade is. made--within three· (:3) years· of. the 1Ft:u.dy submit.t:ed to the Governor or. oth~r~appr:t'lpriate public · ~~u.thorities. After conveyance, the Native .. Corpo;ations;.jointly·· :1 nd severally shall indemnify and snall hold· and save the i . 1 uthority harmless from liability of a.ny nature or. kind~ including MllROU. $04AtQbL' i STAI..&:Y 81: O&t..UUct. INC..l osts and expenses, for or on account of any or all c::laiiUS wnic::n ~40 •«ar ant Alt&NULJ: !J t!ITN t) •7q,~' BIPiJ..OI.*" I -3- . , I ~-;G1J· ~~ . . I .jJ £}~ . . J! .•. ·· .. ·. OCO~Q · . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. may adsesutlsequent to the date: of acceptance and "'hicb conc:::ei:ns the permanent .structures and aii:str.:i.P, constructed on Nat:ive land which. the Native Corporations "''"'"a,n•>Corporadon~inut. timelY U.otheJ: ... ' .·, '·... . ·(b)··· •. 'J!O:· bire; ac full,. time> in.Spl!lctc:n:y (ha!:Ei:.in~fter.~ •. • ·. ·~tnspecto~:'")' ~~ bG!I selec:te~7 t~y·, the NativeYtcrr~'PQrati~~lih subject\~o:. IFetu!t• li!Zmll"'o~waJ . of: the . AU t:hoJii. ty/. wh;i.dl,.apprava.Ji . may: noti.l.b~;; .. · · ... . . . . ' . . . !-~-{ ''}-~.:-.:,.··. .t£RDU~ S~AUl'-L .4C..&T & C&US&O .. INC. P o. aoa: .l8«1h 4l'tCHORA4!t. ·'.u..AI!IAA all: emi;J1gyee--benef:l..fse COJ!IIilensulfate: witlr; sa.utq::lti&nge• ;tep A·,. of' the:. Gene~a_l· Gcive~mant.: Sal~ey S<:b~dul~ .A• of· the . ' -_ .. , Department of Administration of the State of Alaska period of. the study. The initial job description of the shall include, but ·not be limited to, the responsib£+ities · describe.d in Appendix C, a.nd: may be·· modified f.rom. eime to·. time by· • ' i. expenses' of: .the' Irispectc:rr. undel:C tnis;, C::ont:rac:: w'tll .be> approved and·~ . . . ' . . ' . . ' are' made. available by the Governor of. the State of. Alaska for expenditure· on the' project'. Disagreement among t:he· Nativ~ Corporations concern:i.nq selection of the Inspector will: not. be . · grounds for termination of this contract by any party . to. the , v/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J . Ml.ft0£9~ Sc:a4AUiiii..L TAU..r'f' Q.Cd..JS:IO. 1HC0 006011 "'· o. aoa .tOCft· ... ..ct.t~t!IAGC. A""""'Dti.A, 'tH10·' contract: or t;Jl:'CIU'IQS tO!:' a c:J.al.tli aqal.nst tbe Auenonty tor: 'tcu..l.Ul:e eo nu:e or re:~.mt~urse tne 'Inspectcr. A lllaJC?t:l.tj·_ ot:· tae Nauve corperataons or tne AL.u:.nonty may termnau. trie Inspect.ar tor. . . '· . . . :-ea.s·-;::: ..;hat:soever; and the part:i.GS;<Sbal.L h~re a l'itiW fUl:l""tl.me:·. . . . the> study~. j.;anclu&ei> t:entai t~ onit~d' B~ftlc ~! •Alaska'··' nere:1.ncu;; ter:: called tlh!' "'b ~ow. A~entSI) ~:gy c~~tifled: che~ t;.ne' Eacrm~ A9ent.-,. w:lt:b ·.tne initial.. p~o· rata· ~yment. t.hiS· agreement/ , . ~ : . . ' -' . . ... -. . . -. . . . ., . monthly• payments< t.i:un:e$-.fter to I:!~ in on' the last day• of~ eilC:h ll.·mD:n>::n , .. fOr:'' tnQ•, nlli~&t: Dl>f:Jrl,th,1 S~ Ji~ntai.. · ~lft;.':~~~-G~cJ.Usi~V~ W(,i 118\lll~ , : d!illposit.ed ~i~h. the--r:se~ow. Age~t· shall:" be> hela .by .the Es~cw ~~· IIA·CJe:ntc U.l:ltll'.t; the· Vill:<iUJI!il Ccn:porations·. J:G&c:h~ a,· sepuatm _agreement.. . · . . .. snail> dirl!ct•: 'tne; taC:rm~·· Aqent': bow_,:to:.~ dist:iJ:!Qt~,, the. said;;: .. [:: , . . . , .:,: . .: .. '·'··; . L ·usa· renal.. ·'!'be,~ Authcn:i.tt·· ful.fUla> its' obliqat.;on · b:::rpay•tne·l said ~ana· use. t:>ental: by timely pal'!fient of ·th~: r:a~tai to 'the: Es:row.\,· . . ' i Aqent'• The Village Corporations jointly ~nd. severally shall · indemnify and t;~i)all hold and save the Authority harmless: from liability of any nature. or kind, iiu::lucl:l.ng .casts and expenses, fer or on. account of . any or all suits or claims. which 'may arise ccnc:e:-niriq .. the .. distribution of the-saic:t land .usa" rental to the ~ . . . . . . -' . . . ' . individual.. Vil.lage·>Corpontions. for. the~ land: c:lesc:J:ibed: in Appendix. Disagreement:.. among; the· Village-. Co-cporationa:. c:cnc:e;rning. . . dist:.rilmtion of tnis" rental. to. the·· i.ndiv.idualViliase: CorpoJ:atioris ill not be grounds for t.er:minat,ion of this< r:cnt:ract: by any !:')arty I to the. contract. or; grounds for a claim against the Authority for . failu.re· to !,')ay the said land use rental. (dl To ri!imburse· the Native. Ccrporations. for· reasonabl;e attorney •s or business adviser's. fees actuaJ,.ly incurred· by them in the negotiation and drafting of this contract, net to exceed the sum of $14,000.00. Each Native c:orpo!!'ation requesting -!)- ' ·-y· ·.f4t'.· 0 r· j·: ·~ . · (-' 0 0 '" I, 0 ;•{ 0 0 0 0 'j 0 0 ., • I MCROitS. 5c.HAIG'Ut,. :T ALrt a o:n .. uuo. tH(;.. Uli! WCBI' GYM A"JIUMUti Gn4 &I -yt•• mvtUJIMG oun-. P. o. aon :'l').fl0 .ii.ACMOPAOil. 4"-AtlflllA """"' the Authority within ten (10) days after siqninq tbis eontractq ~he cost bill shall. distinctly set forth each item claimed in I or:cer: tbat. the natun of tbe c:har:ye can b~ readily understood. It I"' Shall l:le.' V«<lr.ifil!!ld by the Oath of the pat:ty, Oll:'. hili; agent,· attc:n:ney I! . . . . ·. . . . . . I, .c:u: ~visor or of. the elerk: of sudlo at.tcu::nl!il:f> ego llldviaor, s~atinq . , , . I )that/ thSK it.em' &1:'\lil"'eon~ct.., .. t:haec t.be:,SI!l'!:Viofi!S• hava ... ~r<!lan actually j. and· necessarily performed/ and: that. the, disbuaement;s;. haver been I · necassarily incuned in the· neqotiation. and draftinq of. this contraetq Failure· of a Native Corporation to file its. cost bill with the Autno:~:·ity as. required above shall be' construed. as. a.· waiver of its right· t.o. recover. costs and. fees • ~be. period of performan~e unda~ thi& contract shall commence· whEnt··· the. Goveu;:nor· ~~~likes· the fonds .. available'; o:g;o· J'anuat;y . . . . ' . ·l, ueo. wltidlever:· oecma::-fiat. in· timt~t• and the contra~ s!iail fcn:ty-eight (481 IIIC!nths\ latr;~r.; .. 'rhis:: c:ontioact. shall .. bt1~c mali and void· if the·· Gova;u:.not:. I'Uiis. not. made• funds• av&ilabllll · a~;r· of ·January t·,:, l.91H)', but. tbis· Aogree!lll1lnt.· or performance l:tereunder may be· extended for additiona~ periods· by the mutual written· agreement the parties. ARTICLE III. Additional Contract Provisions. l. Inspection. (a) The Inspector shall have' the right to inspect, at... all reasonable times: as he' deems appropriate, and. in a. 1 reasonable--m•u•ner., al.l acti.'ll'ities of the Au.thority, it:sc l contractors., subcontractors, aqents, employees, successors and j assiqns, arising in the couJ::Se: of. it;s undertakings under this i !contract which take ~lace on land· or affect land of the Native· ! I Corporations.. The Inspector shall su.bmit: written monthly reports jto the Native Corporations, with copies tc the·Aut:hority. In addition, any.matters of concern of immediate importance shall also be reported to the Authority and the Native Corporations without unnecessary delay. ' 0 D 0 . . .. 0 0 tROI!.S .. SCliAI ElL&.: &&UOG P. o. ooa. aei!D I D07) 37thOG74 0 (b) In addition to the inspeceion rights prOvided · subsection (a) above, the Native Corporations shall have the . to inspet:t, at; the ~xpense of the Authority 1 on an a:nnual . . and in; a,, reasonable· manner, . all . activif:£es·. of. Native ·%~ • Nativ~!!r-ccn:porat:ions Savl!ild aaml'es.S •.. Th®•· Authority shall. indemnify and; shall .hole:! Native-Ccn::pox:'ations harmless f:-em liab$-lity of" includin9: c:csta ,, expenslills: an~ atto1:'!1BY 's·~ fees;, fo:: or:. damaqe!i.'· of; any:· cha:t>act!er: d.!UII<1llqes-• ~i.ulltained: by~ any persan-or ~c~.o:f:~e' Aut.bodtt·.~,:·· .. · it:S.'· ~ . ' . . ·"""~"'~'"'''<;;l><l'""'"'"u;,,., aqent!ii., employeu.•,. suec::e~sors, or:· Bydropower E'easil::!ility" A.nalyflis; or. by :c:e.aac:m;. of it~ beinq upon t.t'Ull' land described in. ,Appendix:~ o~ ~ny ' . . . the Authority in its feas,ibility analysis.· any act. constituting liability by 'a o~: partially owned by a Native Corporation, provision as to that ... ...,,,. ... , ... , •.. Native·: Corporation&. 3.;., • Injuey to· Land· of: the Native,-co,:Po;:'ati!)ns ... emp,loyees, successors, or·assigns:sha.ll.not. waste; or . . unrea.sonable. damage or· in jury eo the· land or pxioducts of land of. the Native Corporations by virtue of the !?erformance Susitna Hydropower Feasibility Analysis. 4. EquaL Employment OP!?Ol:'tunity. (a) The Authority will not discriminate against. any ; applicant for employment because of race, color, -7- 0 0 . . . i ·o·' 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 reli9ion, ·national or:.igin, ancestry, age. or: SQXo. 'l'he Author:ity will. take affirmative action. to insure that. applicants are employed and that employees an treated during.employmentwithout 're9ilra·· to.: their race, color,. religion., .. national origin, ancest:ey; • "<:' t~pgJ:adinc;, demotion, en:· l:~<n'1~fer; ·;~~~~r~¥~~,;i&'f:of~"~#,f~~n~~ti~~~· :···:;<\ .. ·, :.'" ...... ·.. .·c-···: pay • or ~ther, fo~· of C:OIIIplliiUili!!. tiort·J cmd SCllietion; fof!·,· . training includinq, <kPPrilntieesbip·e ~e Authority· agrees> to pCllilt. in cc:rnspiwoua plau::es. availai:llei tor e'~loiees and applicants . • EUI'ipl(lymefU!e,. notices; Sl!itt:big. forth:•. the p~viSiOM; of? thiS; nondiscrimination·elause. (I::!) a:'l.l.: advertisements for: employ~es: to work: on: t;he; prodect:,. th~t· ~uaUfiedapplicmat.s: !s!ill receiva. eo~sideJ:ation··.··for: eJl\'.llay!Dent· ~itllo~t i:'ll~;r:d' to r~~~·,·ea:or:. r:el.i.~~Qft; nati~n~~ odqtn~ ancSst:y.i> age:,. o~ .:~.~·;capy._-. the Nadve-~COJ:PO~ati.ans: .·· (e) 'I'hreF Authority· will. send: ta; e!ach , ' ' . . . . ; -~ . . . . --'' representat.iveof workers with whidl Authority h.as' a. contract or: understanding a, notice advising the said labor union or workers' repre51entative of the Authority's commitments' under this I section, . and shal.l post copies of the notice in conspicuous· places . available·t:c all.employees and applicants fol:'empioyment. (d)' 'l.'he.• Authol:'ity will, :i,ne.tude the pl:'ovisicns, of .· ' . P8-ragrclpbs. r~ .. ) thrOUqtr-('el t;)f.: th'is. section. _in· every·, ccnt_ract·;-·-and. I;:, . . il.t require: inclusion. of these>,provi.sl.ons in; every:. subcontract, entered., into by· any of its: subcontractors·; so that. such provisions will be binding. upon each subcontractor, as the· case may ·be. (el The Authority agrees that 'it will fully. cooperate with the office or agency of the Stateof.Ala.ska which ..... a Ill c • ..,lua. i,.c:, eeks to deal with the. problem· of unlawful or invidious t4& WCO'T 'lil'f'M Ati'I!Ueuct·.· ...... ~--~~ ... ,...,,...,. crimination, and with all other State. efforts. to guarantee. f~ir •. IIOIUO -a- U· 0 0 -o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ' ' ' l ..,} 0 c ' '~ ' < ·, •• ··.' :: .. -:. i 1: employment practices under this contract, and said Authority will comply promptly with.all requests and airections from the State Commission for Suman Rights 01: any of its officer:s or agents relating to prevention ·of discriminatcn:y employ:ment practices~­ eXCI!JjU~ such c:n:aea or reque$t.s as, i;:·elect.s in·: good faith to · t,. I ! i I I~ .contest in .;my .. app;rop:dat:E!I proceeding~. .·. 1 .. . ·' ._..:,c~r' ·:p~~L:J:o~peratum;·-~~; ExPre'sliedc i~_claus~-C_ei,: · .. · _j i . . . . . fOre<Jcinq sball includa,. but not: be~ lill'li.t:ed-eo,. bainq-ar ~r~if.nesa inl-: r any proceeding involvinq quest.ic:Jns .. of unlawful. or-i.nviaic::n.ts discr:iminatian if such is deemed necessary ~·any official or agency ·of t:l!e State of Alaska. •. pon:."lllittin9' empl.cyees af said Autho~ity to be witnesses or eemplainants in any p~ocaeding I I involving questions of unlawful. or invidiou.s c:Usc:imiriaeion, if ; ! sudr· is, deemed necessar:y by any offic'ial or ageficy' of' tbe· State. of: ! . -. . . ' ' . . .· witb all. State, direetivea d01emed: esl!u:ntial by: any official or. Federal and State· laws, regulations. ana policies pertaining to the .prevention. of discriminate~ employment praoticeso (g) Failure to perform any·of the above aqreements pertaining to equal employment opportunities shall be deemed a· material bread!. of the· contract. (h) The· Authority. adopts· the· goals. for· minority hirer as outlined in the Alaska: Plan in effect: as· of the· >late·· of this agreement. The respc:msi.ble officer overseeing compliance-with such !fair practice and non-discrimination provisions shall be the I !Executive Director of the Authority. The Executive·Director shall I !report to the State Commission for Human Rights whenever !discriminatory practices are brought. to his attent.iono P~tl:tJUJU: .. -SCMA19!..lt. I ~TA&..rr a oau.seo .. INC:..\ 048 WIS.I:JY tnt AV«aW oeooo II'. o. 00!1 Ol8100 DCQIO u ,: 0 0 Cl 0 :· \. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 ' .. ; ./ 0 0 .-: Minority Hire and Con~raeting. (a) The· Authority agrees to implement meaningful and realisti<: opportunities for employment on the Susitna I I I !· i . Bydropowego Feasibility Analysis. to· .those penons who are. enrolled ~.- .in: t:he Nati.ve' ccn:-po~ations ot: their: spouses or: ebili:igoen, provided. '!- ·1 fat:·· minority'· td.r• .· Ollltl.ineO:: in: the Alaska ~Ian:·· and:. ac;;ress: ~o' ! • ' • • '. l. (b) It is the ·polic;y of .. the Authod11y that: business !. conc:er:ns OJ: oener entities ow~ad or cc:m.troll~d in wbole, or ~ pcu:t: / by. signatcn:-::i.es .. of. this cc:m.traot shlllll have ~e· u:imum. practicable i oppcn:.tunity tc ·p:ou:tieipate in the pe!::'for!llllnce of ecmtracts let by I I than· ten:· per:cent: i ba· awardad, ~o~hichevE.u:-: is. grliUI.t:.e·r, for the Susitna. !lydrgpower Faas:i.bility Analysis 90. to the undersigned' NiaUva Cc:u::po:f:oatic:ms or their joint ventures f.c: work: in· whi~h they are qualified~ An I undersigned Mative Corporation or joint venture is considered !qualified when qualifications, experien~e, or specific: performance I has demonstrated the firm's capability to perform the ser.vice. I . ' !For bid contracts, an undersigned Mative Corporation or: joint I venture qualified to perforiill the services will be c:cmsidered I c:ompetiti ve if·: the Corporation:' S' bid is loli thin 10 fr of the lew bid · 1for the contract:.o I I jpolicy in the awarding of ccntracts for the· feasibility anal:fsis Jof the-Susitna liydropower PJ:ojec:t to. the fullest extent consistent· I ; ith the efficient ~erformance of the Project. Specifically, the ·Authority agrees to expressly inco~orate the policies set forth "I<RDES. scH.-uu& i in Paragraphs 5 (a) and 5 (b) herein in any· and all contracts, "At..CY & cc.• •. u:na. tNC.. I I '""w""v••""¥"""" ': .. ·,documents, commitments and any other actions with agencies or OTto Cl •*q:•• BUIL.CtllfO OGt)Q!j ~ •o.aoaaooo i ~ ;v· ·~c"o"::: ....... •"" , -ro-~i~ j//· ! 001'1. 1'7'0•0074 < "I' ' · .. 0 .. .o o.·· .. ·· 0 0 0 0 J J .· ·. 0 entities par.ticipatin9 in implementing .the i?.la.tl of study susitna aydropO'!:Ier reas ibili.ty Analysis. Ei. Disputes • . r:xcapt:: <u;~; ot:herw:;se• provideq ...................... ,arising.· under t:his .. contract.:..vtitdi' -' . .·. . . ..-;, ·,. -' lli!ltif~=•~t!f!Eml:f.~~l:u~;.lJt:.l:lec·clecided·,:by• tlie;cS~~~~iof.;¢eiA~··Admt~ist.T:atar;:far. . .. ···.··~ii~:·Judlbi~~:·•~j~~·t~~<:'~~;J:~1(tf~~~ZiJi~:ifi~~~:l:':·~;1:'~~~h~f.:·~~~~i;.li Muam~ ·SOiA&Ob&. STALt't ·a ~GJO. UIIIC:.. &4D 'wUT GYM A~SJHNI:· 41'fM Cl ·•A.•' SUiUJlfiliS-. ...... P.o. noa AC~e·· ·~t40RAGC.. AUBM ;·' >.-·;~-. " - -·_ ·:::·· -.· -: j SUch Other tl:li;g;od pEU~~On 1!1!1 th!:t pa~fes;:~ay Wutua.lJ.y:. agree i' . . .·.. I as an informal. arbit:at.or. As an· in:i:cu:lll&l a:r:klitratcr, the i person shall.: t:'adu~e a is·.· de~ is ion· t:o; wl:i:tin.~, and· mah orr . I (J~e~ise' furnish .&:>COpy· th~rilof' .. to:.·the Na,tiye. c~~orations,· .. ~nc:l.· :.··l···· the: A.l<:u11.ka. Pwer AuthQdty~ the. P!llrties ana· shall. be final: and:<::an~lusiv~ 11nlfl:!u1, within fifteen·· tlS)''days;from the: date: receipt of ~~chicc:rwS~~ w .. cow:porat:l.ons ol:' t:ne:Alaska !?ow~~ Autharity;: .. ~J~ or,c: .. ·.·. .. p~~~~t•ao~. .. shal:i the'n~ be.-· .decided by: fomal?il;'bit%'atiiiini.<: Pendin,!J·i: .. ""· """'" .. -'" ·. · decision'• of: mdi$putiol. hGreunder by·•···ar~itrat:i.on~. ,pertoB:'!Minri~• 'un~~:r: the:.cont.:act· sna.U. continue. in· accc:n:·~an.ce~with. f:ha,.decision.~f: ~e third !?arty 1 except that seasonal type performanc;e•. may go· forward as dli!termined by the Executive Director of the Authority, even. . . . ·. . . : . c:ontracy to said decision~ provided it. is further.· uride~stocd that . . . . in sa doing if tne• Native Cog,oration(s:) is. or. are. the prevailing rty under· thet forma.l. a~:bitrator,•s·.deciston·, .. itc:shail.. .bi'.!l!::elntiUed.· . ' .. . ...... -, . '. to r:ecover any; and. aU damcUJes;-rec:eival:!ie,:by·• statute' or· under:. . . arbitl:'ator or;· arbitrators agreed .. to by the. parties; .OT:i' if no. agreement· can be reached, by an arbitrator. designated. by the' .\rl:lit~ation Association. The award of· the ar:bi.tratcrs· bindinq, fina.l., and conclusive on. the' parties. A Native IIC<~r•OO'!"l'ltiOI'I Ilia'!{ not be a party tO a diSpUte WhiCh dOes. net affect; land which has been conveyed tc, or if thet:'e·has not. been a c:onveya.nce ·selected by, that Native Corporation unless the· dispute ·.·~· ·.. a . ("' D 0•··. 0 0 0 0 concerns a matter or common, question .wtdch is: generally to· all the Native Corporations •. All. other other· than; be.tw~n; Natj, '178! Corporation~ •.••.. · sbail.l'•. onlY,~ :·.· :,'· '-·.·· : · -tJnifC:u:'llll: Arb:l.triu:ion Act; AS' 09.-1J3. 010'• · =;;...;;;;.;;;.;3.- 7:. ·'rerminatl.ono 'fl:!a: Executive .Director, .. by this, c::ont:ract: at any time~:if1 the~ Board.:: of' ~e·.UaskaPat~er 1 Aut:horfty'deeides·,_to tei:mina~~e·t:hEt 'P~jecti .. ~:has: Aut:hodt.Y•· cian;;nies,Tto; tne"-&n:ovisians .of.ArtiC::l:e:;;~~,·.· .. J· II pGill!:'IIIIUUiUILt''··:. structtu:es •• ', ciuap ' facilities;,.; roac:lS;:.aru::!/or:.: ·air:: s •l::lt:lp:s;.·;.: ..... ·, --. . , ,. ,.,_ ._, . . --. . .. -" !A~.ItS • .SCHA&BU.. 1..£'1' & C)(SbUIIO. INCot 11 Wf.lD'i'·&ftO·AWCWUil TM e ··lt'• ZUtLJ'JU'OC ·-CJ '-"<~. ·, ~ ·. ' -_-' --. ·-_· --~:-·-~-~----··_ -·•._ .. ·_,. notice• bQcomesj· effective·-thirty' {'311); '' ~ay~·~r:olll' thee· date: of' 'fhe Autnot::Lt! 's!iau be~ liable,. onil.y· for.paymena in· uaceor·aa.nce with the. payment provisions. of· this· c:ont:ra:ct which·. are due prior to the effective date of termination •. 8. Notices. AlL notices required or permittedi under this • r• ,• •" contract shall. l:)eaiade: by certified mail;, postagi!:.; p,r.epaid~. t:o:t;h.'e parties' at: the. addresses. listed~ belw each party;•.s-sisnature~:a~. lJ of this.· contrac'l::., . -9~ · . Governing. J:iaw. This. contract shall be governed by the Laws of. the '. ' . f I I I I u .. 0 0 i ., 0 ,_ < 0-;. . ' ' .0 J· 0 l :·-... ,;, l l' I ·i' j 0 '· 0 o· ' 0 0 0 o· 0 !. I 0 .-:· j : lj 0 I 1 ·:! :II il i 0 j, •· !. ( 0 i ~- ~- i ,• ~.~ 1',. I I ~ ,,._ .< l~ ,r ::, ·. 0 0 .· :. ... (./' .II £.ROO., Sc:HA!iD'=& AL.Jl:'f e 0& .... 810. INC. t48 QUUf1 Gftil Attltf~Ml oTR c -,..• s.,n . .o•toGJ '"· .··, '-~lilt N&'i'd.'ll'llll.-~:a:d.o!iil. , 445;.: ~ Stlt. A-N-o,, SW.tlll 9 • . .::: - :~e. ~· 99!100. · ·• • ' ~-~Moolil0 Q:IM!I; IJ<iti'11'1'3 Aasee.:!J!!.t:l.on, :tne. . 2600 !'ai:l:~-Street: llri.~CJti!• A.1.l:lska 99SOl ~~ff li&t:.:!.W ~-eiml., P. o. a--21!oB2 ' lUu!ca. 996ll P:t:as:i.dem:t. Seldovia. Native l'Uiooc.:l.a.t:!.on, Inc:. SOX lBS Alull:a 99663 ~va Oi:i::~ ~ . ··AlM!ca• ~ Aui:M ey 33Jl Wtil1i11!:'' 4th: Avtll. •· SW.t:!3 -31,, -·:·~·· ~,: 99501-'- ~1:. ..114.$'/4 .?$'$" A£;/M(' .r- K:QiJc.at:l'IU, Inc. l?, o. sox 2130 Was:i.lla., lUa.s.l!:.lll-99687 oat&:-.., z~k~.£.../lj~&;~- 'E'res.:i.danT. Ninilchik Native Associat:..:i.on, P. o. Box 174 Ninilchik, Alaska 99639- Anchoraqe, Alaska 99509 Deve1ojllllent ' _j -• -/'~f::'· . i U:' ·-- 0 0 0 1,'' 0 ' i ·'· ,_ ' ~; . 0 0 ; ,a 0 1 ' I ~ 0 I ·;. ._]•. ·I \ 1 ' ,, 0 i!: y 0 I !i :· ' ; h 0 L ', ,; 'l : ~ 1: 0 •I' 0 ' ~ ' ' 0 ' 0 0 ,· :·' o· o.· .·. >~ d ".·· Appendix A 1} Tlurprlmar;, activities, ·whieh 1nc:lude field fnvestigatiOi'!S and ccnstruc:t1on wr~· anci comj:lris~ appi"'Xiiilltely eighty perc:ent (Bm). of ·the: activi tfes . set forth i n.•Appefldix B. to be· perfa~ ·by thet Alaska · : •. :::,· .. Pawer·_Au.thority.,1ts;:ea~tral:ton~~~~~l:u:ontractors.,agerot$c~; eillplo~ .•. .. :~J/;;,c;~~C:~SOI"S" ancLas~igneti$ s!'il:ll be'·~eStrfeUd·. ~:·'th~~fcll~ing~idO!S~bed lands: Seward·Mell"id1an · · T~. 32 M. •· R, 1 W. • Sea;.· 25-36, A11; T. 32 N. • R. 1 E., Sees. 30-34 .• All; · · T. 32 M • "' R ~ 2: ~~ , Sees. ZT. 32-Jfi. All;. T', 32 Nl.~. R~· 4·. £., Sees. 25. 34-36, .. All; -., T.JZlll.,R.SE.,- Se;cs; zs,za. JO-Jfi,_ All; T. 32 N. , Ft. 6 E. , Sees. ZS-29, 31=36, All; T. 32 N. ·' R. 7 E., Sea. 30 & :n •. All; Sec. 32, · All, Soutil' of Susitna River;· r. 31 N • • R •. r w. , Sees. 1-6. All; T. 31 N., R. 1 E~, Sees. 1-6, 10-12, All; T. 31 H., R. 2 E., Sees. 1-14, 23-26, All; T. 31 N. , R. 3 E. , Sees. 13-30. All; T. 31 N., R. 4 E., Sees. 1-3, 9-11 , 14-16, Ail; T. 31 N. , R. 5 E. , Sees. 1-10, 15-18,· All; c 0 0 '' 0 o· -·o··· . ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Author.fty,.~ its contractorsl!., sutu:antr«u:tori» agerrts 11 ~ml)l¢lYees9 successor~" ... · and.assigm!esmt those·.lands ·a.f the. Cock. ln1et· Nat1.ve .. Corporaticms .. ·w1thin the Upper·Susitna.Basincriot: descr1bed;~bove\o ·The· _term~· ,;Secanda~: actiVities. · ·. as; u~ed; herein: snai I: be' defined a~' f,i e 1 tE i.nvestigations; eompri s ing·:approx~ ; ... · imately twenty, percent (:2~)af;' the: work~ set:fOr~hfn·Appendix B and' m1i' ' .• •• -' ' ·-' • 0 '' • " ' 'o-:; • • '• •. : ·, -• ,_ • • ' •, : • ' ' ~; · .. . causing~ s1gnifi~ant enviromenta1 impact· to the natural rands.·.· 3) The Cook Inle.t· Native Co~porat::tons and. Cook Inl~t· Region., ~~~--------~------~ Inc. do not object: to . the Alaska Power Authority; .. its contractors, · .. ~ub-ciont:ra.ctors~. emp.·loyees,,., agents; and' a.ssig11.ee:r performing· . .. .. J those activiti.es: set· forth 1n Appendix: .B on those·. rand& located . I within· one. half.milecot" theSusitna:River that have. been selected by the Cook . Inlet Native Corpora.tiol)s or Cook Inlet · Region, Inc. and are not described. in paragra:phs 1 and 2. above. U>?>-: 0 0 t=--. ....... D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 -c: c . . APPENDIX C . . · ... I~itial Salary·:: .. · $2",:79-t ..... (Hl'/month,, plus. b~nef'its ... :·~ .. i\ .. "::.." ,: ' ' . ·: '. R~sponsibilities: \ .. Inspect the: activities d~~eribea· in the. susitna !iY;dr..oeleetri·c :tUan of ~tudx. on behalf the. Cook Inlet Corpc:::rrations with interest ir.t lands of· the. Uppe.go Susitru!!., Basin .. Instu:::e: t:h.at study activities are perfa11!'I1le<S in a manne:c": that . will not resul.J:. in significarrt .long ... term .. impacts~: Oll'i the; land the environment(>.. Monitor.· l!ictivi.ties to advise the. Alaska Power Au.thority· and the Native Corporations· measures to: minimi:e · impacts on the land.. Wcn:k· ~ith the. Alaska ... Power .. ,Authorit:y·, ·its. contr.ac:tor:s,. subcontractorsiR, ~u·.;ents ,. and· assigns to promote minority hire and contracting practices· for W'Cn::k to. be performed on the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Analysis., Submit; writ.ten reports to the Native Corporations and th:lr"'A.laska Powex; Authority .. on a monthly basis .. on the status of study activities, problems that are :Ldent;x,fiedu and activities of the inspector in the per.formance of his responsibilities.. Coordinate inspection vis by the. Native Corporation. representatives to the project. site with the Alaska Power Authority, and assist the Alaska Power Authorit;{ in its compliance· with the provisions the Agreement. between the Power Authority the Native·· Corporations" ·-J 0 0 .o 0 0 0 ·o·· ' . ' 0 0 D. 0 0 0 WHEREAS, Tyonek Native _Co:~:poratio:a, Inc •. and the . Alaska Power Authority; a leqal entity, are. aqreaf to enter .. into·. a 'i:~~m aqre~t ·r~qardi.nq ~-~art.ain study;., and: .. . _ , ~-. ~:a~ .l-lativei· C:o~()r&tion• me;;;: !las· .&91:~- ~ :; . ' .. \ -· .. . . . . . . . . . ·' .. ' . . . . . . . . . . ' .·····:···_:.:::····.···.·· ... ·.· ... ~.:~.~-~.::-.~:.:~.·.:--~.--~.:.~:.~.--~-.~.·-~.i ... :: •• ~ .. -.:.·.~ .. ~.i§·!····)·•· ... l .•. •.r .. ·.~.:.r.·.i.:._ .. ·.~:~· .. :·~.·.{ .•. :.~.~--.·_.~~.: .. ·.·.··•.· •.. -_-.. ,:..,_ •. ·= .. ~·"·-·.·.: .. ·.~-~·-,····.i_.• .... :_;:. · .. :;~···u~(IW-· ~~sJ~:~·:Pow~-~~~r+~t.§.t~~·e~:;e~~-~~~~i.•:/ .· ·····•···. "· . ··•· -· ~~-i~c-.=.cc~·~~~~ · Now:: ~ou· ba it aqr~ a&J: foUawi!i: · · : .. , 0 .. . -· . . l.. Aqrillts' Bro'W as: Chal~·· and Pr~.;Qid~t" o:f . . .. . ' . .. Tyonek• Native (:arporiit.ian·,. Ill.c. ig•,;.autha:da:ad to: ~iqn and . . ·.-. . . Inc• and .Alaska<.:·PCIW~ Aut:hodty: , aHd: ·. · . ,: .. ~ 2.; .. 'l'o neqotiata. tha· term's and: eonditionm·· th~eof' .. so/tha:r,· t;he sast. i.ntarel>Jt·· of' 'fyonW;':,NatiVG C:Orpara.tio:a,. ,,· i ,, ,. ... - ~-~ ., ,. ,> - ..... ·._/'.·/ ' ~/··.··· >< :By:·~'~'···.··· . . . . . ..• <p' ... ·. .... .· .·.· Pres:t.ctiliit .£~;;_41'~· / . Secretary · The Secretary, :S:C..~MSY"''-~re.7-Y.P~f'/.1.X, hereby certifies that the abcl'lre: u a true and correct copy of the Resolution made at a/ re911larly scheduled meetinq· of Tyonek Native Ccri:loraticn,. Inc. held en: Auqust. 23., l979:• at:. Aneharaqeh . Alaska. · · · · L . ~-.· . . . . . . . . ' ::·-.. _· .. · ' ·.' . ~<eeL;... ~=-6--. / · · · Secretaey .. .• ... :_. o- .. 0 ...... o· D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · {1333 V\IEST 4th AVENUE· SUITE 31 o ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 '. . ' . . . Mil.. 11'~ .. Agries. Jh:awu, Chai:rmaD; -·:cn.I, Villagili' Presid.lmtsr · · ··· :. · :tYonek Nac:Lve·. Cot:"Poratiou· • · ·-::,: :, 44'S:i East' Sth· AvemwD";~.: ··;. ··:: '• . :·~cho'!fag~il ·naski•. Dear Agnes: -D~cem1ber 2lg 1979 Phone: (901) 277~7641 (001) 276~2715 .. .. . . . ·:'-:· : .• ' · .... ~·-:· ·:·.: ... '"; ···~w:;""':· :·:£:_ .... ·:' . ··--~-~·\: .~----. ' ·. ·: .. _:· .> -.. .:_ .· . . . ..~.:. .· J -.··. · · · Mr~-: C~o had' requested• that · Wfi~. provide & tfjl'illCpais. of ·thti 3Ctiv±d.es .. · tr.K · ~~·::~ ·.• .b():·; perfo~. d~:.tK· Susitm:k l!'~aibillt.y· AwUysur.; .• · It ~-b~ •. ~f:tcW.t' ~~:f'' . .· .. ·.· " syoopsize th&SG•. actiji.ti4U!!·• iD;. 'too .. : two• pageg·., r~U&Sted;.-~~awl . . . . .. · . . . · ,;··.'.··.~.; .. _would ;e_cc~w:l y~~:i'aviev: th~~ A~ .beeuclw s~:::d"f~ th@t'plm .. of •.. a'tll!ltl'J'• ;'P'~·· ::::o.·:.f~;j:':"'a:-:"·~;e7" 9,etllilecl~-;:.~~:~f' wet:iid~s .,.~;._ O'bv±cn:id' dv±ti~Si~·D ...... _ ... • '• · ·--··· '"'i1itlo • • .,. . .,. f"' "" • •. • ••• · A"',.. ·.;.. "~-"· ~·· .••. ••• •• :: ·;·:.~, ·:.~--are of:"' mca-t-1ntere.st to· -·· which: re.q;aira·: <!J.Ciqu;:Ls:l~c.ot~,", ....... :....;..·~.~:~:Z"· " .. ~·~. ... ~. .. . ' '_ .. '" •. ...·. ~-·· !t'-is ·:those actiVities · ·· ·· • .;.,._.···~*'M...... .· b:o~' 0 0 0 .. r-, :......,J .. iines.. Surveys of access roada aud transmission line routes w:Ul be conducted to eatalogue soils. susceptible to seim'idcallyinduced.fallu:r:a .. The geotechnical i.nvestigat:tou.s wlll serve to detem:!ne• s~face and.· suba11.n:face geqlogy and geote~cal. condidous .. ,. '11\is• prag;mtlh-will. eousist: of . auger. drill.:f.ng· o-· . anc:t;· sampiing., test. tr.enching·9 and· seismic: refraction .. , ~--tenta:ti'li:ft• schedu.ler of a:ctivities are, prese'!ltti~ ',a;s l:ask;: S in: the·. plan:· of studY•· ~-program. is laid': out · ./'in: se;me:-detaU, on 'fables A~S,3' owd. A~S .. 4.; !mpbasis::Wil.t. bti'' placed ou· le~catiDI; and···. ;i,:> studying; adverse• geological:. features~ .· Sucb"-features•.~/:includa faults,, uegssi;ve ;,. ::•:•: . . .. i' ai!<pth's·:·o :e~·ovei:bW:da·~;xt.-·. r:tverbedso ·mwt·· bun~\: cmm:ru~l$i••wbidlt· .. v.UJ;" si~icmt;J;y· ' 'affee~. :he:; df.U&igu~· and· cost: of::a/.Cimlil, proj~SC1:: a~ tP.va. s:U::e~-Thei; aplorat,n:-y· .· D 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . •' 0 · i.nves::iga~iotul. fen:~. eonstrucrlounuae~s . w::Ul compris~ g!!.ologic. upp:lng 9~ po~eab1e · . auger drill.ing 9 , and. geophysielll. slldsm:ic refract::iou s~yg., · .It~: is· .. strougly sus-· gested tha:t. yo~ .. cousult:' .·the plJm.· of •. st'ij({y . foil: .. a_, fuller·· 'I.!!Ddm::st~ of ·. t~: act:i~ • rtt.:te.s· to be eonduct:ed• unch~r this · subtult;., · ~ . . •·. ' ' .. ~;~ ...... - f'· .. ..... ·" . -. ·\. .. .. -.P•' v-=. •. ~d.,~~~.:_· I u; 0 oCo 0 0 -- 0 0 ··•': .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D .. 0 0 -· 0 the· plarr of scudy• ·. -If yeu hav6. UY' questionu. or. would like: clarl~icaticm<t~' p.lu.eec do net hesit:atr=· to; call:: ou:: me.. .. -. --• -. . . . -. •. -.. ·.·. . . Ed~:: P~ -· ·!:ecueiv\1 Dime tor · ' -i. -~. ;.~~: .. <Ill> J.'Q: •• -~ -~~: .. -;.._. "'· .. ,·"'-,., .. . s·. 0 0 0 o· 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t'\ "-"' (. 0 " ., 0 :-.. - WHEREAS Q Tyonek Native Corporation~ Inc,.. and the Alaska Power Authority, a leqa.l entity, are aqreed to enter into. a certain agreement. regardinq a certain· study fJ ·and. · · :·: ~--. : . w.aER~JUl ,. · 'ryonftk._ NaUve Co:rpor·ation o .. In~" aqre~d . ·..: .. ~didbU1RI'. · iuaslu{' Powu : Authori.ty. to; .. ;~oi ··a~to:·;c~ili ... p~ope;r:ty ~ · snbj to . NOW: ~OM be ·it Cil.9're_ed as. follow~:: 1.. Aqnes BroWi!l as Chairwema~ and: President. execute::. any aqreeml!!llnt between.. Tyonek Nat.ive Co:rpor.ation.,· Inc... and. Alaska Pow~: Authority;. and' . . . 2.. To· neqotiate the-te.r.ats: and· co:riditiorur thereof' . so· that the best. intl!!llreSt of 'ryonek: Native. Corperation, . are. properly served .. I The Secretary, $.~~dllo'J.. ~~-.Jtii(JJt, hereby certifies that the a~ve ~s a true and correct copy the Resolution made at a regu.larly scheduled meetinq of Tyonek. Native··Corporation, Inc .. held on August 2:3 u 1.979 at Anchorage, Alaska.. · 0 n ·- 0 0 0 . "!'conclude· that it· ns a oonstitutioaalxv p~bl11·• · .meaJilS of allowitig lndiaJM• participa~on in thlllir own affair~," Fit~md filled~ He added that ~ prefer·· enavdid net ViOlate the coimstitution smce theiradai: c!amfication serves a com-Pellins govemment .irltwts • . Thth~laska Chapter of the ~ted Oenenil Con· .. tractom ·had· asked the: court to block· the NJ.NA · Regional Housing Auhoitty, KOdiak Island. Rll!ioMI Housing: Authority and the Association of YIDage Coi.meil Presidents. from:•· awardm1 my. of the contractll unless: ill! CW'IIilnctors ;,;, both NatiVe . mel · men-Native -could bid on the hO'!Uiq prcj~~ .. . At issue are.· OOi'lltnlctll. for( S60 milliOn m now-oo$t .· hoUsing scheduJed for COi!S~n lin v:!Uapucroa mmhllorthcenUa.i:Abska. · .. Attorneys fox:othe conm~on~;that t!llelW" fmmce ill·mil'}ll blilCmwi ie d~ea by. moo. but. · ·l'ittomeys · ror th01· n8~ve .. BJOillPll coatended' thm: tl$u pmfell'llnee il)epl becaw;u,of the·N~tive~~ ."ip~· . . . mm reliltioNhlp'~: with .. th€1 lfederal~entl.ful» · the 1800's. . . .. . ·. · . · · ,· .• Fiupral!.i agreed )hit thi·: .. fmc!U@ioll'l WW~ b!iood .. · solely 011 raee, .but lur held·ttuci.prefmnee for Native· contnctors to be .just one step toward the .mtonS<> menHor past treatment of Natives., ''That sufficient fmdings of adveme effects. or prior· discrimination ~gainst Indians haw been made· is clear," ruled Fitzgerald. ''The federn! po&y of corntrolling· the poUtica! and economic Zlffm . of Indians. has smved to exdude them.rrom·. opportum.o ties generally available to othlllr. citizeM." He said .that the U.S. Congress hll:i slowly~attempted . to~.· improve: the Native~s . plight; with.·. prelferent.lal .legislation. congres3 made'such an attempt ift; 197.5· ·whew it .passed the lndfan· Self·Determmation and Education· Assistance· Act.. HUD backed thec.move with. · an· administrative· rule requiring, whillllle<rer possible> the use of Nativ~wned. businea for·fedcralc ly funded Native projects. Last week Fitzgefald said he: expected an appul regardless of who he niled for~ He hu a!ready aslced · ·the Ninth Circuit Court of Ar~D~~s to expedito im review of any appal• · • .. .o· o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·912 Anchorage, Alaska oJa'lcPUf (907) 27245:'±8 · Mf".,. Eric· Yauld~. Executive~· Dire.ctor · 'Alask?;:.'Power' Authority ··· · 313 West 4th Ave:~>,. Sui·te. 3L · 'Anchorage, Alask(;l; 99501 Dear .. Mr .. · Yould·; . . . We fu:lly support the Southern· Boad: (Acce:3s Route·.A) as< • .· · .. ·•· pref;erab.Ie· to. our af:('ect..ed vi:llages. Tfuere is·, as·/ we . . ... ··.·····•···· · .• under standi. ,some. P.bs·s;ibi:ti.ty:. Qf <:r: railroad frGm .Gold ... • Creek<' t·o Wa:tana· being· a,part~;·or··,the c()n~?truct·iqn activitY~ Our .. · · · . feelings' are. that. per-manent acc.ess to~: th'e· damsites; s:l1ou±d: .by road'~ :Ir:,. then 3 the railroad·: is built ·to. support? con.,., ·Struc.tion· activit.ies we .. feel. the'.roadbed shouldi.be .. converted·· . . after construction into. a perm;;.rient. road access. to>the: Parks. ·Highway. · ·· · Employment of Alaskans in maintenance and operation po- sitions on the Si.lsitna Dam Projects is also of.importance to our villages. We feel the Power Authority should establish a. training program to allow our sharehol.ders, as w.eil as Alaskans in general, to be. trained for operatiOns positions. This training should commence early enough so that newly · tra·ined technicians wouTd be available for init.ial start Up of the facility.. · · · · . . . -' We, would be pleased. to meet with. you to: recommend procedures a.nd. assist in es.tablishment ·or· training guide:lines.. · Sincerely_, ~.·· 17 -B. Agnes Brovm Chairman~ CIRI Village Presidents U·:'<.·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 ., . ·•. tJn~ied' Siar~s Department 'of"the:·rntei,or<. 29201013 · . . BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Anchorage Distric.t Office 4700 East 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 APR 1 5 1982 :~askS. Power Authority· <Soard of Dire·c.tors ·· .. ·. ~:.334 West Fifth:Aven~ Anchcn::age; Alaska 9950r -:. . ' Gentlemen: The Bureau of Land Management appreciates the opporttinity to address and ·comm.ent.to this board on the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project~ Curt McVee,.A:laska BU! S'tate·Dire.ctor regrets that he is unable to attend .and comment today· due to other commi.tm.S.nts.. I am Dick Vernimen, Associate District Mauager,.BLM Anchorage District. . . Since the Anchorage District w:U~ be the.office mak::ing the re.couimen- . dations on the project I will be speaking from, that: positiouo ·The BLl."1} s. charge. as a multiple-use agency is to allow the use· of the .public;land:;; to its highest capacity and values and to mitigate impacts where possible. In the case of tb..is project we are involved with a mixed. land. pattern requiring· us to act' as interim.: land mana.gers in · regards. to unconveyed Nacive and State selected. lands. Our charge is the same. but: the land st:atus requires more concurrence .concerning decisions on what is allpwed to happen on these lands. Based on what: we know about the project: today from reviewing documents and meetings with both ACRES and APA we do not forsee any reason why the continuation of project development. should not proceed. We offer the following information for your use: L Pioneer Road Routes-. As we ~derstand the situation, for those routes that ·originate either on the· Alaska Railroad or the Parks Highway, the Pionee·r Road would have to be constructed during the years 198.3..,.1984 in order to arrive at impr.oved access during 1985 and ~arly 1986, which would then provide for a state of continuous access from the middle of. 1986 onwards. !he Pioneer Road concept requires road rights-of=way and relat:ed permits during the year of 1982 which is prior to the FERC licensing p~ocess. There are obviously several problems with the Piqneer Road concept. As we now understand the situation, they are as follows: U_· .. > .. :· ... ·.:... .·.,,",. . .· '·. -co·.,· • 0 D o· D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~- 2. l. Early construction of the Pioneer Road would have t:9 be permitted by a BLM ·right.=of-way that would require an environmental impact statement separate from those documents now being prepared for the project. Approach-. ing the Pioneer Road Project in. a separate EIS without evaluating the entire Susi.tna ProJect may· lead to a .~ le.ga.J... c.hillenge of piecemealing a bigger proj"ec.t. · In· other.· words.~ we: could. be. . challenged. that.· the· road· is . :: :.'}merely. a part of~. a. larger. overall. hyd;r:oelf!ctr~~ project· ' .. ···~''''wbich:t should; be 'analyzed at .Otlli! ;time... . ... , ·· · 2. The Pioneer Road would deviate from the location of the final access road particularly on the route south. of. the Susitna.. Riv~r between Devil.' s Canyon and the Watana. site ... • 3. .The Pioneer Road concept requires decision ma.k.ing by . . the Cook Inlet Native Corporation, State of Alaska, and the Bureau. of Land Management~ prior to: licensing by FERC".. We are: very much. concerned that. a. decision on the. pioneer road may lead. to serious enviromnental. and economic. consequences prior to the actual licensing ·of. the praj ect. While it. is .. not likely a FERC license will. be denied: after. the feasi.b:i.l.±ty of the. project, has· been established, time' has a way of changing the values set by many. of our pa.St de·cisions and we· as separate agencies; cannot. take the Pioneer Road c"oncepc: light:ly. There are three· other. aspects of. the Pioneer Road· concept we should mention. Those are: l) it. is very ·likely a Section 10 permit will be required for· crossing navigable waters (Susitna River), 2) a Section 404 permit for wetlands will be required from the Corp of Engineers, and 3) the decision on the Pioneer Road concept. will be. elavaeed to the level of the Secretary of the. Interior. All. of the mentioned probl~ areas t~e time and, as time is of. the essence·, it is extremely important that, if a route. is choseri that requires Pioneer Road construction, thae the decision be 2ade as early as possible and that the application~ for· right:- of-way and other permits. be made to the Depar~t of ...... :Interior and Department of Defense agenc:ies at the earliest possible moment. En~ronmental Impacts: We are concerned about. the relative environmental tradeoffs that must:. be made if this project: to be constructed. We cannot at this time recommend to you a preferred access t'Oute and mode. There are obviously some. routes however that pose relatively higher environmental costs. Those routes -------· u· .... .... -_.· .. \)...,_: . ~ . ·. 0 ' 0 0 0 .· '-,, 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ·.': .. . . ; .,, ' .~ ·::,:_·: .. · '·)~-••;:,-, r .•,.· ,·; .. . .. are the one south of the Susitna River between Devil's Canyon and Watana and secondly, the ·corridor parallelling the Indian River. Also of significant environmental concern is the route proposed south from the Denali Highway.·. The impact here· is somewhat mitigated by the western route as-opposed. to. the route via: Butte Lake. It is still unclear. as-to the relative magnitude .. of ·the impact qn. caribou posed by the western. route. south; from the .. Denali Highway. Wh±le we are ' ~-c::.o~cerned .. as: to:<the:-impact on_:that> _carihou. herd, we. f'eel that ·.'·>:the' envi:ro'!lm.ent:ai 'tradeoff' in question .. is, one qf >ilnp~ct.s · · · - on· the: caribou herd: versus:· .the im.pact:s·. of. more. productive: · · .habit:at:s in the area of Indian River or Fog Lakes area. From an envir.onmental standpoint:,· the route southerly from the Denali Highway seems preferrable from the aspect of minimizing. dis.turba.D.ce of productive habitat. The route .fr.om the Denali,. however, poses a secondary !inpact; that of human access to the project area: after construct.ion. Public access to the project area is a. two=edged. sword. We recognize. that the Watana Project may provide a val~ble recreation source for people of the southcentra.L liask.a. It is also ·recognized. however, that public:. recre.at.ion can be, avery destructive· activity.. We, submit: that. control: of the·. access, the. State Game. Laws,. and .. the project management:, after ··construction, are ·tools that can be used to: manage the adverse effect~_9f increased-recre.at:ion opportunities. The question of public. access _to the project area is a spinoff· of the type of: access that is developed. for project construction~ While many problems are present. we submit· to you the following conclusions: · a. Both rail and road access will be required for construc- tion. We feel this concept provides adequate flexibility and logistics during construction phases. b. It is improbable the State· of Alaska can. construct a project of this magnitude. w:i.thout. some form of readily available. public access as: a residual product. c. The .entire Susitna project is surrounded by primarily · .. ·two kinds of land ownership; approximately 215, 000 acres of private lands, in. Native ownerships, and a very large acreage of State Land. The Cook. Inlet Region Corporation has indicated they prefer development of their lands as a means of generating revenue. We can deduce that the State of Alaska likewise is committed to the. development of the highest and best use of its land. ·This land ownership pattern and the respective management· philosophies lead one to believe that road access will be supported by these two very important landowners in. the area of· the project. a !, 1'.·.· I. ~ ".: ·1·. ·a I I ~ s·· I I I ··~ I I · It is .our position to work with you on the proj~;.ct: proposal in the most eX'ped:i.ant manner .we can while working ~ithin the 'laws and regulations placed. · If ·there are further q.uestions concerning our: . please at (907} 267-1246\ · Thank. you~ · 0 0 0· ,_" ', .- •, BUREAU OF !;..ANC .. MANAGEMENT · Anchorage District Of:fic.a ·4100 East. 72ndA.venue Ant:horage 1 ll.a.ska 99507· ·, ·. •< · ..• ;. -~./. ·.···• , ·\~-~~ot:i';'~.' ~-.·~ ............ :: ;· . 'JAM 7 1982 . · J1::t .... Ei:iC .. YCUld,.:•~ve.~. D . . •... · ·· ... . !!~s~,.~Anr~~~t.!:r:~ · , · .· ·. · ·· ;.J~ 'fll.·: ~~.a .. ...,,.' :kl.l.Y. I: ..u.JV.& ·. Ancba.rage,· Alaska . 9950! D . · ·.·near. Mr •. Youid: · h BIM has been contacted bY &:res ~-~t:irtg fczmal. coo:t'dinatiOil ·. 0. · aod·· .. ·rev.ial'oo:··:five Susit:na:.Ryt:b:oelect:d.c ·Px:oj.ect• do~ts.~ .. ·.· .. c~. on .these·· . . · docnrimrs. ~t be: aceompHsherL 1mder tbe guidance· of. t.:he AeaES: COOrdiilat:ion· Elm uatil a: ·~·· i;c:tera&mcy< ~-.• is developed;: for .~· ami .. D .. · .. . . · Cf"'lfljMYJQJ. . . Sum: , .. bas· been J:ProJ!!IP!jded~ by• tile: Susitila' Stee:ril:lg. COin- .. mi.t:t.e!! acd .. iS• ·~· ap~~ ' . . . . . . .0. . . . YdtJr,;···rece:tt: ~~~·acd:brl.ef:ings·· ~,;~e· i:cr~···fo~··s~~···.~.-.• :·.6£:: •. _ tbe~-, ~5r study· that I: ~ like t:'.o 6J<wetii: CD.' .. ·· 'll1aie:·S¢ject: a;rea,s,. are.· .· ·· I.rmd: st:.a1.:l.ls', l?'filoeer: Read . ca:icept:;. ~-i:mpacts,. aDd· the:. P.~ _ · effa¢ ao. t:i::la project ... • · · · · · 0 . Briefly; t::b.e. 1.and s't.attis. an tb.e. project arwt: bas .. oot clumged sig;nificantly · 'Within d:l.e last:,··~; h~, th.ere. wm s~al problems ~ l..and · .. · 0 s'ti.t::us We feel s.b.ocld be brought to ~-a~.. '!'h.ese problems-a:re.ias. are . as follows: 0.. L 'Ihe. Cbi.ckalooo Na:tive Corpora:t.:i.on.'s admirrlst:f'ative appeal to BIM :rnterim ~>No,_ 285, ·mich ~·lands· to COOk .. Wet Region-Tile ... (CIRIJ·~ t:aSe.file No ..... vtS-80=1, has· been. dismissed. by the · 0 A.las~ Nad.~ C1 a+rmt. Appe.d BOm:ti (ANCAB) • · · ·. · · · z·... Accther ac~: filed. by· tte Chi ckalom Native· ~-is ~ civil · 0 suit. fihid. in U .. S~ Dism ct: Court. ( casefile ~ A=80-207) • '.Ill:Ls ·Cotitt suit ms filed. on village deficiency lands wch encompass the. . · .. . en1:i:t'e project~ area;,; ".l:b.m:e ··.are·.·· also lands witi'tin· t:hi.<3 a.:rea.· that: D. . have.· been· selected by the. ·. St:a.te af A.laska a:cd CI:R.I. Mro Der.in:is Hop~ of the U.So ·~ of Int:erio:i:: R~ Solicitor 1 S Office is the· ~-on t:be ai::love case fm: · the Oepa.:rtmant:~ aE ~~ The civil ·court case will be a cor.!Siderati.on in the 0 gr:artt:ing• . af <m.y· ~t:-af-ways by the Depa:rtment: . aE. Inte-~or for o. 0 · ~s to tile project.. iohlle· the~· may grant. right-of=wa.y pei:mi.t:s on 1.a.mis unde:r litigat:icl:l, · the st:a:cdaid ~ practice • I Ur.· 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ',,.., ·'! /' . · .. :'• -"·' ? • • ',' I • >~ inchn:3es oot:ificatim of t±!e plai:nt:Lff (Chic.~) of the p:r:oposed issuance of rigb:t:=af ~. 'lllis pract:ice al:l.ows tbe plaintiff to file. for a :r::estta:i nipg orr:ier that: would stop the issn.arrce of the rigb:t-of ~. We· recO'fif1W"ld tba:t. tile APA investigate :futt±J.erp with: the. BIM. alld. t:be. RegLooal Solicit.o:r:1 s· Office, !:he questiOm of la:cd . m. litiga:t:iaa ata:tfls.;, . · . 3: ...... ~: erd~: · a:I:ea witlrl:tt. t::be: Cook. Inlet. ~ ~, .. is~ l..m:ld .. · :'. 'a::.'ll!lS~.on as ~.!...lands .. · . -.. .-: ........ . · ·:., · · .. ~.. . · ··· · 'Ib.e seamd caxept: we ·would l:i1te to di:se"':lSs is the p~ road: as proposed by Ac:re.s ~ c::hitiPg t:ha Octcbe.'r 20th btie,-FiPg, d:lis year.. As ~ .. ~t::an.d t:be sitllat:i6a., for ti::u::lse. · ~. t:ha.t. originate either en the Denali . ~, Alaska .Ra.iJ.l:cad; err t;;be". Pa:dts ~,. the: Pi.aleer Road ~d. b.ave to be com~ drrd:cg: t:be. yem;s·.· 1983-1984. in: o:r:t:3er to. am-ve. at imp:toved ~s dtJ;x:f:ng 1985 and early 1986 ~·· miclt. would t.fu:m.. . a:. stat:e of ~ access frcm. the. middle. of 1986 ~.. Road•. coocept. ~ · mad: r.ight-of~way aDd. related ~ts c::hitiPg tbe yem: af 1982 ~ is prl;or to: t:b.e FERC. licend.ng prt'X!!Ss... ~ a:re.. obviously s~ problems,. witb.. the .. a~ Road c:rmCept... As,~:~ 1m~t'alod dle sit:mrdm,.. d::lese. are soma-af. th.re p~:obl.ems .. 1... Early ~~a£ ~ l?i~ !Wad. ~d ha.ve. to be. pe:rmi.~ by. ·a. RIM. r.igb.t:~=WaT mid::t-··~d. ~ m ~ impact. st:atem em:.. serpa:.rate frcm. tmse. dor:rments llOW' being . prepared for t:he.· ~ s~ pmjed:... App:roadliPg. t:b.e ~Road. Project. in a separate EIS ~ ev.altm:d~ t±ls,. ~. Susit:na Project may lead to a legal cha11 enga af piec:emaHng a b:igg'e:r.' pre jed:.. !n o~ ~' ~-could be dlallqed. that: the road is ~y a part. of a 1aJ:ge:r ove:rill ~ project ~ sb.oald. be analyzed .a;t: Otle.· t.:Um .. 2.. '!he. Pi~e Road Would ~ :f:r::an the. locati.on of the final access :road "parti ctx1a:rly an t:he rCut:e sou:tfl of. the Susitna Rive:t'-be~ De:vil.' s: Cm:l.ytm. and tb.e: ~a site .. • t i < 3.. The !?ioneer · Road cmcept:" reqttf,xes decisim ~ by t±le: Cook Iblet: Native ~~ Sta:eae of Alaska, at1d the Bureau. of La:c.d·Ma:flag~· ~?-priar to tbte li cFfls±og by-FERC.. we a.:re cot~Cemerl that: a. ded.s::i..oo. oo. the P1 oneer Road ~:~~.~y lead to e:!!lVi:t'~tal ao.d ~ cons~ p;d.or to t:be acttml. 1 i cens:Wg of the· project~ ~ it is ~t: likely a EERC li~e. will be· derrf e.d after tile feasibility of tile proj'ed:. has been est'.abH shed~ ~ has a wa:y of changing the values set: by rmny of <J'tfr past: qeclsi.a::m and we c.ar.mct t:aJ.te the Pi aoeer Road coocept. ligb.t:l y. · '.!llere are t±.t:tl!e otb.e::r. aspects af the. Pi.onee:r Road ~t we should TTPf!ti m.. These a:re: 1) it is. -va.ry likely a Se:c:t:ion 10 pe.mit will be reqttf,xed. for crossing navigable 'Nate-?S (Su:sitt:!a Ri-ve:r), 2) a Section 404 pe:tmit: for wetlands will be requi:red fran the Corps of Engineers, and 3) the dec::ision en the Pi~ Road c.cncept wi.ll l.ikely be elevated to the level of the U· .. , 0 0 0 0 p ' ··: .~ ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ."··' ·-. ' ' ' '·''-' . ' : ' - Secretary of t'.ti.a In:t:m or. All of ti:l.e· afor~ problem. areas take t:.i:tT.e acd, , as ~ is of the essence, it is e:s:r::remel y :import:ant t:ha.t a rou:t:e is· cbcsm t±Ja.t· requi:red Pi.oneer Road ccnst.::t'tl.ction the· , decision be made· as early: . as possible a:cd t:ba.t· the appl.i.c.at:i:.on , far· rigb.t:~-way sed othe:!:-permits be. made to the. Depa:c hnpnt af the. .Imter:i.o:r.m::d ~·of Defense.~· at the: eaxliest po'ssible. . 004::>mmt ~ , , ' · · :·.:>:. ··~:;,:,.'-~' .. ·' .. . .', . · · · · . . · .:· · · · · . . .. c;_,:. : .. . · · ':; .. -: •. ~ ' .. . .,. . . .;;. >; "• .... --• · .. ~: ~·major: Snbj~ece ~t: eo; ~:sUmMon ... ts; ~-­ impacts;... A&. ~ ~-~ all Ct.':ID.CeTI'led abottt:;· the rela:tiw.: en- v.i:t:c« "'errtal . ~s t:b.a:t: U':iiJs:t: be. mad.e if thi.s project. is to· be. ~~~ ·-wa cmm.ct, ~, a.t: t:±ti.s t.i:n:le; 'J!'P!"Qff'fflP11d to yqt;L. a;, . prefer.f'ed access ~ aJ!ld n:tede., ~·. m:e obviously· s~. J:Ct!t:es tba:e .. post mlati'Wly higher emr.b:onment:a:L costs~ ~e ror.:xtes a:re, the ace south. af the. Susit:l'm.. Ri:w:r ·oo~ Devil.' s·· Cac:yon acd Wri'!!:anav-ard secondJ-:y', a signifir:ane a:rea af ~-~ 1$ tbB ~-.pm:apeling: t:b.a hldian River .. · Alscl, a. significant· ~-ciacrt"Ff"il is · posed by t:.b.ee. ~ soat:b.: &em. the. Denali . Hi gi'mmy... 'llle. ±mpact· he:at. i,a, ~ mi.H ga:t.ed by · west:.em. roat:e ru:::e prefe:rred. as opposed. to t'be:. :t'Ot:Ite. via.. Bttt1:e. ~"':· .· It i:s still mel ear: as to the :eel attw. magnit.nde of: impact an ~-posed. by':· tfl£lh~ ~ saath. :f:t'tm the. Denali B::ighrwy e.:' ·~· w:a are·· ~T cone~. abaul!:. tbe.. ±mpad: on: t:bat: ~hard, ~·-feel tba:e ~ ~. ~· in. qoest:::Lr..il is; ·we.. af~ iTl"p'1Cts Oil. tb.e caribou. bm:cf· \ll€'L:sas. the impac:ts: dE~ prodru:d.ve babi~. in; the ama: aE I:ndf:m Ri~ or Fog I.akes.. lf.ro.m;· m ~ ~-· · poil:tt:,. tfle. ~. oontherly :f.l:om. tb.e.. 1\enaH . Highway· seems· prefen'able frtm'. tile aspect; aE mirrimfzit~g dis~ af prodtld:ive babit:ar .. 'lhre:. :t::'OUte ft'Qjji tile. Denali,.. ~., poses a s~ impa.c:e, d:1at: of hnman. ~a. to ·t:ne: p-roject: a:rea a::ft::er cam't:'::netia.rl.. Public access· t:o d:la project:. ctt'eR is a·~ ~.. Wa. r~ that tb.e Wat;;na· Project" may provi.da~ a vaJm~hle. ~-soo:rc:e people. of tb.e ~Alaska., It. we ~9 ~' tbat:;. a public ~~-em. be a,. destl:t!A::tive-activity. . . We stlbmit t:imt. catt::rol of tb.e ~s, the State. ~. ~, arxi. the project l'f!;Wa~ after· OX1St.::t'tl.ction., .n'B tools tha.t. can. be. ooed to l'!'J!l!Ti%age t:±te. ~e. effects. ~~ed. r~t:ion oppo:~:trroi ties. '!he· qnest:i.cl:l. af; pablic:. ~s· to t:±l,e; project:. ~ is. a spinoff of the. ~ of ~s. t:hat. is. de.valoped for· project. COCS~a r..:bile nm:ty" p:roblems. cn::e presem:. a submit:. to :yoa,. the. follOw±cg· cooclu- siacs:. . a-. Both nd1 arxi road a.cces · will be ~ for cam~.,. 'We feel this C:CilCept:. ~ a.dequ.a.te fle:ri.bilit:y aiJd logis= t:ics .cim=j ng c.onst.::t'tl.ction phases.. · b.. It. is imp:mbabie the Stat.a of Alaska ca:n c:onst:rtJ.c:t: a project~ of tl:lis-magrlito.d.e mth.ou:.t: sane fo:rm. of readi 1 y ava:Llable public. a.ccess as a. resj dnal. p:rodru:t:. c... The ent:ire Susit!:la project: Sl.'ll:tcmvded. by p.r:im:t':il y t"NO k:i.:cds · af land ~p, approxiwt:.el y 21.5, 000 a.c:res. af. pri v:a.te la:ads u: ,. -. . ' . .:.--.. 0 0 0 -o.-. •' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 . '• ·-' in Native ~bips, and a _ve:ry· large ao:"eage of St:at:e lacd .. 'Ih.e ' O:lak ' Inlet Region Col:pora.t:i.or1 ruas iodica:ted they· prefel: ~ af t:he.ir.· lar!,ds· as a. ·ream of . ~-r~ ... · ~em ded.m:e: that: the State af Alaska. ~e is·.c.ommttted· eo · -~-dewli:sp~ -af tbe highest: and. best. use of it's ·lacd:~ · T.bi:s · lmd..-~ ~. and. the:-resped:ive. ~nt· philo= _ $aph:f ~ lead .. ~ to: b~ tba:t; mad access, wfll be i:lttpport.ed · ' . ~~ti:lese ·t~rmi: ~-. iinp:u:taJu:t::~ ~~. m t:be',. a:re.a:. of the 'i"f''"''"I'J·e.i:t... . :.· .·', ' ' ' . . '" ' ' ,' ·. . - !:"""--- The 1993 ~: :fr~ for· power:=an'C"'lim deadline hsls• b!en a.~ lrlgbl:y· ~ia.l. Subject=. cmd:.. iS .a6t_.· 'Well. ~ . b.Qw· this ~ · estab1 i shed. ·· We would ·appreciate: clarlficada:t i::!f the· jtlstific:rdott for establishing !993 as a pl:mrd:cg object:i'\m.. . -. . ' " . . . It is: bopect tb.at tbis-le~.cJariftes m:M's position on: lands~, EIS, ·acd ROW-gx:au;dngg E'ERC',.. and ~O'll.,. Sbould. :you...~ ~ ~t:i.ccs that ~ ~ aad:. e!udd;tdnn feel. :ft:ea to Cfl!"'l!;'act ma.. · · ........ D ... . 0 0 . .,. ... 0 ,.. . 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 · .·· .flee · -K~· ... ) .... . . l := CH :=) . Surface Estate· · · · .·. ); .. Individl!lal Villag~ .. ~); ' ' . G;.; , T~ansm ss.ion · lines. tJu-~idcr~ Hl·~ . ~nd;:· ifllc:t Gr~vel l.. Camp Sites/Village Sites Potentia 1. 1'4ati ve ·. Dewel opmant· .. . A., .. Villages -Re~t:reil.tion B.... Villmges;. -'·Residential ,"-' , . c~.. Villages ..;,; Ti ilDIU"' 0~ Region -1\finerals U·., .. , 0' o·.· 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·lar~d ll!ianagement A., Rotk.houf!!ld:i ng Pri wate Lands . · Fi sfra· aSid: Giaue itianageen~ .· ·. . .... · .. · ... Atcess Pri ~ate tcands. . . . HiistoricaJ':!) .. Cu1tu5"al Sites Protet:t1on: Priwate~c. ta1nds: ··.·.See ANCSA/MilCA . . . . H~ .Creatio~·of .. PrivateRecre~t1on Us;es,.l .. e.,,. Prtwate P.~rk. l.; . forest fire f4Glna geent. J.. · Co~rleial TintbEU-~ Harwest · · K:.. · · . Sand· aJtud Grawe]· Remwal .·l.,;. Access~ Roads· 2 .o D. 0 0 0 0 D· 0 . o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .;_· ,:: . . . A.,, · Sur.falte !Estate. 1.. Timber SubsMrface Esta~te ·.· ·. ·. · (.IU l; nri unl!ra h.: .. to Reg1 on) . Set!' 4 abcinfe· Sa!i'lld: and .. G~rawel ., :·: ·. -.. ··.' __ .· ' . ··-:: ·.··;:. ;.,·.· 3 0 0· 0 .0- 0.·· ... 0·.· o.- o 0 o·· D 0 D- O 0 0 0 . · .. ··.'·:. :,-.. ·. -;· . . FERC RrEQlU REMENTS: --·-. . . Lands (ANCSA} . 1.. AcquisitioU1J ProcedQilres A.. Cash -Fee Si~le -Sufl"face/Subsurface ' -. . . · F~. .Coi&d~matlon. (s«!e Psc·-443) Fee Si~le>sanrlace/Subsw~ace· c.:= . ·:--_-: :R~f--::· -__ P_-~-L·e -94'c-204~-- .. . . .· ·. ·.-:· ·. . . > .--. · · 2'o .··.~Jl· of·· ttde· Project. Boundary . Exhil bit . !:JG!I . .··3"'-. ·Project B«ile.mdaury. A~:. .See EjtG'ftibit. ~API' E~mclosin~JtpMrncipall project: writs . ~st· enc-lose·, ~ly· ia~ds roeces~ar,Y,··fou-OlS'tJ· agyd:~othefl" ; pull"poses~ i.;,E!.;,ll Public Recreation~~ Shotreline•.·.Coi'Bt~rolS> Protec:tioifii .of Enwiron~Re111taT ResoiUirms~ -Flo~age _ .. ···· ~o-• land-stH''Wey. to·. date?; • -!_.,-_ .. · Best: awaHable legal dr:scription 4 •, ': -.- ·'·-:· .-.--·,, 0 · ... ·." o· ·o· . ' 0 -o: ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. . . . . (1}12~041 §' 4 .. 41...;;.;.;;;....;;;..;;..;.;,;;..;;.=;;.;..;..;::;. .· NMT -. 200 a (Horizorota l ·M!!asu reme~ts) from Exterior margin. of the . reservoir., Defined by Norrmal ~&xi mum .sMrface Elewatton ... •• • ' •• _,, < . · · Dles«:ll"i pti ~~ . A'.. · ..... Cowutour ih'les includil'lg·C!!ilnt«»as~·EJevation:.~ (preferred .. meth«lldsl B ... · ~pecified;·~u~r.Ses. awud, distaft1ces.~ (MlETIES' 8L B~u~dsl, .:~· ' '· • ' • ' • • -< .;. .... . · C~' ···•!fi pHroject.laU"Sds: hawe:a,p~lbl]]c;/,sUJir~ey;(Jin(!!!S.;paralJeli to: .• the·~ .··• Saaw.wey). .. <·· c · · •• · · · · ·· .. :,·.. '· .... ;· .. _:·_ .. ' . . . . ~ . . : .·.· · .. :· ..... ·., 5 0 ~o . 0: 0 .· 0 0 0 0 (.:il):. Conti ~uous; features~: Lhuear Project Features .. · A.. Access Roads .·. . s~·· . . Descri~d by Sped fi ed di staR'&ces · Centerlines orOffse't'.Lines< · Bb: · Sp~c1·fied>• courses. a~d':lllltstaraces. or .. C~ • lines;, lllpO~··~~ para'1iel. to•, t.llle··lil'll~ ~f>i>pu~JiC::SU&r.vey<> .. · · · Fed~ra:rt lands. ort: lands" ;admni sten!d~ b_y;:. BL~l~PS/USFSIIndi.an, latmds .(See :16> u .. s~c:....)96 (lH2l· · ··.··. : · · ·.··· · ·.· · · ·.. ·.. · · · .... ·. ... e;:. : .. \ ·· .·· · .. · 6 -.. , ..... ~-,: -- 0 " 0 ' ,• 0' "" -~--;_ ... 0 , .. --- 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 o·- 0 0 0 0 1\SI!llllll~federal __ lalll!ds: la~rnds not_. in H(3) of this sectiolfQ 1.. Idemrtify by ·legal Sl.!lbdfvision 2~-. lali'llds~ (ff;l]trned i11 fee-by. the appl,i cant (state_ tarm:is) . and la~ds that . -. " . . . -. ·. ~·.:. . ::~-·.. ; -: . ··-: . . : -, ... ---too.' appJiant plaris: ~oi acqudre illl!:, fe~·i.c (Natiive· T.Mba!J;:Lalllldsl .. · --· ---. · . _.' :·· . .• ".. ' ' '.' ~ c •. -~_:, • --'-~·: _--.--.-... ~:;->_-:_;. ··~~;!~~!~~~~E·t~t~~~~~%~~~~~~·:~f~tf~~Y~•.·.•4'i1;'1i'f'l'~;l 10;£; .· ... .-·· . . . --. or to--be' acqasil ted by eaiseuxm!rnt.,.: 1 emse -or< Right. of -llllay.,_ . . . ·. -_· . ·. .-. -_ . ,· -.. .. . . :: ._· _ _-,. ____ Exhibit E ·(Water Rightsl: --l~: --·_ ~oll1l;,.umawi gab 1 ed~rom Dewn s. Canyori. E&stti~urd " 2 .. , ~ Reqrurfres tOE permit wetlands. _ -, ---__ : __ _ __ _ _ _-__ _ 3-~--' -·--Reqlllli res USCG Perm t' fC!Hr· Brridg~~: Sl!lluth~ of· D~!fWills. Canyor; " -• --dmJnstr~amfro~, dam~ fa~: c~oss~~g~~ : , , 4·., ..... see· PSC 443 %iiatelr Power-wtihd~iit:?all .. 7 :: -., ··.· .-... ~ ; . ·.··: .. ··: :. . . 0· ... ·.·.· .. · . 0 0 ,0 ... [J:c··· o·· o- o 0 0 0 0 0·· D 0 0 0 0 Exhibit . filf 1111 : Deta~ils t«» title to the JainHds A..;AppHcai'Bts pla~ros:~o acqa.airtng title· onrmRi ghts _to use and' occupy the 1 aU"ads o ··.· ·. Ao;'•_······ Easeent·, .. ·1ease-~,frai1Dchise~rr othermrise·.ilcq~'ir~Hlll;t~e· · ..•. i;c!:;tW7;(/~i.~~~~ ;..~l~~~cbyi~~~£~;;t~,"~;~~~i.(.~ •. l hn~R 11 iiih-'c.lkln~"-'il:ll.l1ta"1ilk•''. ' ;-_,. . " . _·.:...:;:: "'·~ )~:-::·::~·}~::~ >·: .··· ·:. "><·{·).~;~·-~·-··':.· q::.:_:·.'~,. · -sepaJU"aJte Mghi: oiJ«lCcinpcmcy; and·.use:'~ , ... ·_ .· ~ ·. . . . 2~ . ··.date· acqud~e~ . :··-' ·-,·. ·. -. . . · IIJ. .. : peU"petua·l or jtmited terms .. (: 5•... ' ... 1 i m ted; date· of expi nti ~11 .... • 6;, .... · · .· fo~ each •.. ~reel acqa!lirfld;.the· a~li-ea -~thin atBd. ttne: area' '·. ' . . . . " ~-. . _.-._ ·. 8 o. D 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , . . ·-. . ··Exhibit ~~ll!l·: land ·status ~p:. · . .Detartl nap ,entire projett ~~ea 9 Project ooundary see·. (l}(i )(ii) FERC § 4 .. 41. 12 .. 04l.through (ix). · ~p. ~. •em:t·re: project.•·area; .· .. ·. location.of pr~ject.lands: a~nd·~ater. . . ' : ;.. . : . , ., .·· . , .~ · .1... ··. alrE!ady.-developed:· lt.. destgnated· for initial di.e'W®lopEnt . . Htti. ult.t&tely,··planned for. recreat1o!f8al. .9 ··. 0 .0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 A.. Existirag recreation.al .use 8.; Plarmed for inmedii!te developme~t _ · t·.,e;;., Access' Roads . - -ba~thirog" .. ·_-boot 1a~mchirag; •· fishing . . _----. _:., , ... ::::·., __ :· htllnt.ili'II~F etc;.,; . . ·-_:~:~ _··.: ... - · .... : :. __ ,:>" ' ·. ' .. ,·.. . . ~-.: .~ :. . . ...... ·.. : : ·-~- · .. -' . -. ~ : -:·_,_ . ·._ · · Provisioli'lls for· saanitatiomJ, amJd tiias~e ·d1~posal planwned .f~ctlit1es:.awucai·: _ . develop~l'i!t based 00 a~idpated< dei~Ni~lllld~ .. (see: Exhil:r8t m~GI ftda!psf . . . . . . ' . 10 0 D :-··: ..... :0. o· 0 :0 o·. D 0 0 0 D o- 0 D 0 0 · Exhilbrfit -m~Rr;:J: Coll'!till'!ued !hfrnrich facilities or dewelopmeret ttue ipplicant will prowtde at its sole cost or il'll cooperatioiiTl with others., .. · ·, :L;.: ' ·' ·. mti ga~t.irog ~masl.llres. for pwotectJorn: ill'ild-renmrwal ... · ,,._. "_!.". ·. : .. 11 0 D :o o: ~0 0 0 n u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . July 1 9 1982 ;_. 114arch 31, 1983 Plann1 fil9 .. · Process: July 1, 1982· O·Deceder 311!, 1982 · .:..;..,;:;;;;.;;.;:;;:;;:;~ ""· . . . Sand. anci gravel 2~ : Gold c·reek Asso,ciation. . -. : . . . ~-~.-Chick.a]oon ~ose C!!"eek · · . ' . . · 5 .... · . ~ttaod ot·lill'lld• Acquis1tiorr 6;, ... · .. . -, . T.. •· . Recrreati onal· o~ve1opment ·a~ . ·rtntber Renroval 12 D D· ·o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . ~ . . . . . ·August 10~ 1982 . .. . . . . QUESTIONS FOR CIRl-Roland Shanks (274=8638} ' ' . . . . --,---. .-:·. . . . L .. How long is. tt expected<to take to resolve and transfer State . selection suspended lands Jn the. Susitna study, qrea?. · . . -' ' .. -. CIRt<-int~n~s,/ to~ ,~revf!nt _· th~, transfer· -or: these · lands · u~ti t j•ts. . ..... ···._· .. -·"'· ;other: .. land' fssues;such:: as: its·· claims .. on·:)9 out~ ofregiort lands~~;. are:.;;·· ::'?: ,;e•. \ ·· ... < .. · .. ·-" -:-~se;ttled;, _·>_At: that· time,.·. it.· appears-:qnly ·CIRI~--Tyoni·k, 81. Knik wi11_: __ ._;: :<. :~:. :. :c,,;.~~-,, · ~->· :--~., ... :·-_,:.·have· suffic.ient · sel'ec.tions·.· remaining:·~to: obtain'·some: of~ these lands.<~.--:-.. _.·~''·'- . · ... ' _·. _';;;·:,,;,·::•1ft any case·.•not"crlT: of tt'lll!se· lands wi.lT~ be•--.self!cted~_·'Ohcerthey,.are' · ·., " ... :-.. ··, selected--it \\Ji!lTtake ~--to: 3morithsfor: conveyance-. .: ·· 2. ·, How:Cinany. vill~ges·-·may:·9et. land,? · •· . State SeTectfon Suspended:· r.,_·_. Chicaloon •. « . 2. Seldovia· 5., • 3~ • Salamanof 6-~ Appendiir A'• lands (inside.·bl~e Jjne) · .. r~ ... ··Kn1k··.· .. · Z'~ .. T.Yo~ilc · · ..... ····_. CIRt:.has. agreed that wi:t;h 'the; Villages• . tha·t·. once land' iS· conveyed·: · . tel• them .. from BLM ··they -will:. reconvey to:. the· villages:-within .. 10. clays •.. · 3·. · · Wil r Ahtna Corporation. obtain··•-land' in the Sus.ftria· study area? 4-. 5. In general, what does CIRl want from, the State wi.th regards to Susitna study area lands? · · · L . Acces·s to the south side: of Sus ;,tna River. . 2... . op·portuniti es for· sand' &. gravel sa 1 es· •. 3. ·Tourism· opportunities~ What Sections of the Appendix A lands will go to GIRT? All lands within Appendix A must be picked up by CIRL CIRI will have to take. what the villages do not take in • this area, ess~ntially filling ih the holes~. 1 o· o·. 0 0 o· ·o 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 6:. ·. What is· the effect of the-Power Site Withdrawal Act o'n lands transferred .or to: be transferred to C!Rl and· the, villages? . . Decis.ion to issue. conveyance (DIC), for the Susitna area at. BLM ·· should show the effect. of this; withdrawal on conveyed Hmds (talk ·.to BLM< people fo.r AN~CA 9 CIRl, pool}~ . Must CIRI' accep~·' conveyances of: lands in this· that:. are: designated' . State·.selection s.uspended·, but, not transferred to. the yillages? · ·.'No . . . . · ... 9~ ; How w,i ll. the Alexander Cre~kcase ·effect'J and conveyances by CIRI . . ., ' ' . . . ·~ ' ~ 10. · ·to, the< villages? issue., Once· reso fved;, GIRl ca'n· convey.: Appendix A' lands under method B to ~he villages (which can occur in 2 to 3. months). How will 7i litigation .(required sharing w.ith other .Native Regio11al · .. Corpor!ltions of certain revenues)' effect GIRI's int~rest in. the.· sand and· gravel in the Susi·tna Project? All regions have signedoff on an agreement but it has not been -. . . . . ratified by thE! corporation boards (if ratified, sand & gravel wi.ll not be shared as a 7i mineral). 2 o:···· o: :0 ·o··:·'::'·;·_ .... : ·:-,-:• o· 0 ·o 0 o·.· 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 D. 0 0 lL Does ClRL have a preference on access rout.~s or are. they · comp~tible with whatever the vi'll ages. prefer? .· ·, ' .. ' . ·. ·. ; village. land conveyanc~s? '< .. --._ -:-; · l\greement releasing l~nd f~om Lis Penden~· ~houJd be· sig~edthis ·. week.~. • BLM wiJT now complete conveyance, to ClRI ;. but CIRt may ;; reconvey to th~ vhTag~s ·ur{tti ·Ai~~and~r Creek~· is,.reso] ved •. ··· : ' "".-. ·· .. : .. · .. · .. ··· 3 ·o···· .. . . 0·· . ·D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' _-" . . .. ' ';.. . .. " "-- 334 wEST 5th AVENUE·ANCHC?RAGE, ~LASKA99sot Phone: (9o·h ).At~ c,l?m!.. a.-h. c,Uk_~ ux,;{7 ~'it} . .. (907) 276~0001 . • ' . ·.'Yrl· .:71 ./ I. ;/.;_., 4 , . · · 1( t"(J.-I 'I. ·. rflt../'-YI.cZ.'" '-j-·' .· .·. r .. J, i / /) ·. J.. .. . ' · · ']) J.c /Li·t.C?..Q.J (/1 at!~t..'f"YI . ., ' .. · ~·The .• ·s:~a"rd: o(Dir~ctors of on Septembt=r g:l98Z, .. chose a plan.foiaccess to· the SJ1sitn;:r flh;,if~ct . for incorpor'attonin·. the FERflj'cense· application~ Tile Boarr!· sel1'::c'ted · · . route that come.s. into ttl.e p_roj ect area from the Denali ·H·i gh~;riiy. the secOnd proje.ct, DeyHCanyon-,. is e~;ent~illJy constructl~d, a side con·r:ect i ng li nl< ~;ould be added~ ~. )\t the san'1e timE:, !.'1. n)ad .. ra i 1 road \'IOtlTd. pe .cor.s·trus'tedpn the• south si,d'~ of .the· Sus i · from:'the ratlhe?.q·at Gold··Cree.k:to the-OevjJ,Canyor::site~.· · ·. In .mak i l)~ ... ·•tni's. '~ids.foh~~L~he'.:s~~~-~: .• recc;n fz~·~···· ·that··• the . . does not close· 'fhe issue .:.lhrough./the FERC Ttce.ns;ing process. ····<t!JE'l1Ci es ,, affecte'a; 1 and O~·mer.s· and tht:• i fit?.t.e,sted pub.Ti C'vl'i 11· t')ppprtuni ty to• comment on the acce.s:; plar.1 .. FERC inc.y or may not. · the Poi.·:er t\uth01·fty1s access ·pt·op6s.ii1. · · · · a:: t.r!lUSUi1.1·1:'-r :: ~' r: ,, r1 .,..,r·"'·c·r··:·:-:J"''0.:· .... -1,...,\t>'l. ·,~, ...... ~\SCi""'.J-'")..-1 ~/ ... r:•"!,...,~. + n":;; t S -.,.i,...,p n 't·l~ ,·r,,.,,l ! r:;t....: __ ~t<llHt.:l_l ~ ... t .• ~..,:t;-':· ~.t 1:: .. ~1·t.L-....U ~-~;-\.h'i, t. [>.._,_\..~ ~ G·.iL' ! ... L;J;_. .. -~,\.~-· .:- ,:;(:tt~SS to tilr;· south de of ri'.:et over the: dam .:tt cz~J::i ;~r:d .:t [:.ridse JL<St dm·tnstre~un Devil i'jyOn. !\Tso include~i, of. COUVS!,', .i:~ 'ar. in·.proved ~\cn:ss frorri Gold Creek to De,ri l.CdliYOn nn tho:.::~ suut.h ;~ ·[ dr~ the' river~. ·The 8oc.·:~d accepted the atlditional. costs. irnr:"rlicit +n in:ourinq ·south sioe .r;t ~latana. Specif·!cblly, tile Board.appTO\fed the foll ~a r. :: ERC .. l i ·cer!-S e· a pp T-·i cc:t 1· on·, rtdop t t!~(e D~·~~a T ·j ·,·:itr':. tU:: .;:ol 1 0"'inq "'nd? "'ic1Hnt•;s · , 1 I " . ::. ill" ... I , < ..... -.. • , North si connector b. Westerly shift in .Denali routtng. c. s·outh b.a_r-:k accc:ss a r \·!a-tc~na _'·dn~' ·c In license application, p hi ·in::-1.ud·~(:9 pub1ic--cctess ~:tnd r1 recre8.cicn ·1 rllCc..·Ct scc~na r .. ·i o · pL:n', but: ;'.;. ·1''u t! 'Y'f: ;-,l ,j-. 1·:, ;• -, r ,~ ~. ':: ,.~ ') ntj . ..,. t ~ '..J I •~ !"' .l .. ,l o , '•• f_i \. ,_, l.-•·' ....: ( , I n ccnsul.tation w: -resour.c.e o~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . ' . ·. . . . . . l . · c.. propose to' FERC that the .a:ccr2ss ~'lnd r~creati oil decision be heJd in abeyance wrtil tht: lC~ttet· sta.q~ ofconstruction · Continue tb rev · ·improvements, ·. ·Sincerely)· .. .. ··~, :.:. ,/. . •'•···~ Er.i c r .. voJ 1 d Di r'ectol~ 0 .• . . 0 o· ·D· ,0 0 o···. ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·Mr'. Eric .Yould Alaska Power .Authority 334 West. 5th . Avenue · Anchor;lge •"· Alas.~a. 99.501-.· At the• Alaska· .... ,..,,,,,...,. P'l an 18, 'otherwise· ·to be· i.ncorpo.rated ·.·September 20, 1982 · · P5700.07.02.02 . T00872_· . 14,. 1982', selected. as .. the. • · .. For your·infa:.rnatfon, it has been,· de.c:1ded that the road-will be· (gtaveJ SUrfadr·} ;. and have. a 24• ft. ri.Ji:Jning $Urface Wlth. 5 ft Shoulders .. This js in recognition of the current concerns bf the Resource-Agencies ·with regardto·potential environmental impa.cts, together·wjth a' re,.-evalu-. ation of projected traffic volumes.·.·. · ··· .. As, part of the Ljcense~Application, a TechhicaiAppendi.x is _beingprepated~:. .. which.>will cover·the detailed engineering, environmeritaJ:; recreatio'r~ar,' . . SOCiOeC()nOmic,, ... arid other .re lated:,issues:specific;.to>the: selected access ... ·· plan. · · · · ·. ·· ·· · · .. To make. sure that the relevant sections wlthi.n .this -·Technical Appendix. . . ·· .. are· consi.stent with the; res.t of the L:icense· Applic;ation,. and truly· reflect< the concerns and comments of the specialists in each of their respective ·fields of expertise; I· ask you to prepare a· short summary o.utl infng . .p-r-e- . fer.ences of the Native .organizations associated with the selected access p 1 an. · · · · Of particular iQterest· vmu.l d be :.. identificat:lon of Nati.ve organizations in project area ... extstingN'ative land.use in and .a.round project area. 1 -futurg plans · -mitigation measures .. o·ue to .. the .lateness of the APA Board 1 S deti s ion with respect to the access plan selection, your qu.ick response to this request \'/ould be very much appreciated.· RDC/gh ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED /-."; . .. : Sincerely, Robert Chamberlain Ci vi 1 Engi nee1· 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 o···· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334 WEST 5th·AVENUE ·ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 September 28, .1982 11 DRAF.T11 ... RE: Susitna Hydroelectri.c Project (Land Acquisition) · .. Phone: (907) 271·7641 (907) 276·0001 REF: B. R. Bedard Land Management Research, Alaska Power Authority Dear The Alaska· Power Authority is in the process of a Federal. Energy · Regulatory Commission application for a major construction of a Hydroelectric Dam Project oil the upper Susitna Ri'ver. This application. · is targ.eted to be forwarded to FERC in early. 1983. One of the major requirements of the application is Land Ownership; Methods of Land Acquisitirin~ Proposed and existing l'nd uses of the Project area and adjacent Land Owners. ·· It is imperative for an order.ly and timely manner for land ·.acquisition and 'planned uses, that the following steps be taken by all .parties concerned, Bureau of Land Management, Department Of Natural· Resources,. Cook Inlet Region,lnc., and.its CJRLVillageCorporations and Ahtna Region, Inc. , and the Vi 11 age of Cantwell. · · L Reservation for an access corri.dor on Federal D=llands that. have been recently opened for mineral leasing and mineral entry known as the. Denali Block. This corridor will be· necessary for a first. class gravel road to a.ccommodate heavy. loads and a low. voltage transmission.line from Cantwe.ll. 2. Permit to use and upgrade a 21 mile segment of the Denali Highway from mi 1 e Post _. _. _ to Cantwe 11. 3. That the BLM take a 11 necessary. steps.to place a· higher priority of land conveyances needed for this project to the State .of Alaska. Native Regiona 1 .. and .Village Corporations· and any bther classified .lbnds needed for this Project ~nder BLM jurisdiction. 4, That the State Attorney General and the State Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources. take immediate action to·· resolve the Alexander Creek. Native Corporation issue. 5. That the Bureau of Indian Affairs take immediate actiori to either certify or deny certification bf Gold Creek Native· Grou~ as a Group and if certified that the Bureau of land .r~anagement identify .the lands and convey these to the Group with an-expeditious a proces~ as possible. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. That the Bureau of Land Management provide the Alaska Power Authoritywith a solicitors opinion of the. intent of Sec •. 24 of the Federal Power Site Act as it relates to PSC #443 and PL. 94-204 granting _conveyance to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and its Village· Corporations. · · . 7. That all mining claims be identified with date of entry and ·the current validity of these claims federal and state. . . . 8. .That all existing water rights be identified in the inundatibn areas, their tributaries, and down stream of Devil Canyon by · the State. Department of Natural Resour'ces. 9. That all existing litigation be identified with an update of their status~ federal, statei native~ and other private inholdings. · 10. Future ~nd current plans of any Federal, State Land Disposals in the area that. could have significant impacts on land acquisitions. · · · 11. . Current status or plans on state selections· suspended that are reserved . for Cook. In 1 et Region, Inc. , the overselecti ons by · the State of Al~ska was suspended to the. state pending final conveyance to CIRI and its villages until full entitlement has been met. It is imperative that the CIRI villages conveyances be given full conveyances to their larids as soon as practicable so that the state can complete its selections in this area for theSusitna Hydroelectric Project. 12. That the State Department of Natural. Resources change its priorities to a higher: priori.ty for its land selections in the Susitna Hydroelectrit Project area. 13. That the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) consider the possibility for land exchanges with the CIRI Village Corporations as provided for in the_Alaska Statutes and if such exchanges are practical, mitigating measures~the State DNR and the Native Corporations should initate immed.iate negotiations for an exchange. · 14. It has been inferred by FERC that a land .lease could be acceptable for certain features of the proj~ct, ie,: village and camp sites, Borrow and gravel pits. This could be a mitigating measure with-the CIRI Villages. 15. It will probably be necessary that the surface and subsurface estate of the inn~ndation area be purchased or exchanged with the CIRl Villages. I I I 'j I~ ll ] ~­ o- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16. -Easement, Right of Way on access roads, transmission lines on Native lands will be necessary, these should be negotiated . · in one package. · · · -· 17. That the Department of Natural Resources'reservea ROW between- Go 1 d Creek and De~il Canyon for the railroad/and. road on the -southside of the Susitna-Rive on state owned 1 and. · -A. -600' transmission Tines· · B. ··· · 200 • rai 1 or road 18. Revi.ew andacquire all necessary permits for upgrading the Denali Highway and implications of the scenic highway study with the Bureau of Land Management. A. Upgrade 15 miles of road,. - ·B. corridor for low voltage transmission line, -G. --cut in at mile post ___ -_ of the one mile corridor . . 19. Identify the fa 11 owing land needs at Cantwe 11. A. Railroad staging yard, 150acres, L State land · __ 2~. Community land · 3. ·• ·Native land (Ahtna Inc.) 4 ._ other private 1 and ___ _ _ __ B~ Avoidance of the. Cantwell School area.via old abandoned road at Cantwell . (Wi.ll need to be rebuiltJ} · -- 20. Identify land for a substation at Cantwell for low voltage transmission line and distribution system._ 21. Identify as soon as possible aU CIRI Village Corporations that will_ receive reconveyed landsfrom CIRI in the SUsitna Hydroelectric Project study area, in order that the CIRI native agreement will reflect only those Village Corporations ·_that will receive land in the study area. 22. -.Update the feasibility study native. agreement (see 21 above) to-include all necessaryactions·for.land disturbances. archeological sites on native lands, removal procedures and •protection (trust policy}, and other necessary changes prior to land acquisition. 23. The Alaska Power Authority needs a_ master land status map that reflects all impacts and ownership of the 1 ands to be atquired. · · A. Impoundment area. B. Dam sites C; Transmission.corridor D. Access roads/rail road E. Village and campsites J· J ]' J ~·· D· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. " · Rep£r~ · Bri.icet e ard December9, 1982 I. Native Agreement Amendments CIRI and method nsou villages •.. A.··· Who are· they? B~ Is there. a possibility of other villages having land in the Susitna a~ea? Who? C. . Do you know if at t)lis time. will ClRI end. up with surrace ownership in the. Sus i tna area? . · · · · o~ Do you know if any of the remaining lands identified as state . selection suspended will be. acquired by CIRI or any of' lts · villages? lf so, whaf townships, ranges, section~? · IL ·Archeology.: Section 4 Exh~bit nE". .·· ·· .· . . . A. · ·. Native comments. B~. Surface -Subsurface disturbance. C. . . Inventory of ·i terns .removed: · 1. . Froirl where ts , R, Sec. 2. · Where .ke'pt. · · 3. Statu~ of signiffca~ce on nati~e land. 4. ·.National register historical places. I I L Land . Use -Ownership. · A. Power site classification PSC=443, February 13 ~. 1958 .• L Section 24. 1920 Act, FPC now FERC •. 2. Does the provisions of Section .24 compensate the natives for these lands because they are fee simple title to them bot subject to the provisions of SeCtion 24? (these · lands are now private lands and not federal. public domain .· · lands as Section 24 usually ~pplies.Y 3. What was the intent of Congress here under PL 94-204 GIRl 1 and exchange? · I I !; . I• i i I l J , 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 / Bedard December g-, 1982 Page 2 -4. ·What was the provisions ofSection 24the·Secretary of . l~terior imposed on these lands? · ···.-.. · · · . : . ' '. . . . . 5. · Wh~n these 1 ands· w.ithdrawn by Congress but subje~t. to . . ·. Section 24i but with an understanding that the intentwas ··to reserve. the lands. under Section 24 but compensate the natives for .taking them bad if a power proJect was to . . occur? T:t does. not seem.;l ogtca l for' Corngress airDd the Interior to convey land in fee simple and than take them back with .no compensation .for the value of the surface · arid subsurface ·of t~e lands because this definitely is not .. the intent of. theL.and Claims Act {ANCSA) or-.the intent of· 0;.,2 (ANILCA) to do. that.. · . . . . . B. . Need additional soliciiors opinions here. 1. Go.ldCreek Native Group · a~ · Certification stat~As BIA what is the present status. · b.. lf certified, what lands ,under 14.:.H wilt they receive in the :upper Susitna area?· How 111ay acres? · . .. ' . -. 2~ · Alexander Creek native .(group) or (village).· a. ·what is th~present status on·thecagreement? .. · i. Stat~ DNR signed off -yes~ i:i. State Attorney General signed off = no. · . . . . b. · What needs . to be done for it he Attorney .General and CIRI and. Alexander "Creek to complete this .doci.unent? i ~ Establish an effective date. · ;;, . Establish confirmaticm as a group. iii. Havea1.1 vi.llage attorneys sign off as well. . . .. -. . . . . 3. Chickaloon Moose. Creek Native Association (village) law . suit has been dropped. . a. Need to i nvo 1 v.e this vi 11 age in the new amended agreement. · · . . . ·b. ·Need their input for involvement in recreational and· other surface land uses and planning. · 4. · Need to .estab 1 ish procedure for· intervenor status for CIRI and its villages for. the FERC 1 icens'ing process. 5. Land Acquisition Proced~res a. • Identify the .actual lands. surface -subsurface .that the project needs (which villages) (total agreed). 0 " 0 ' 0 D ... 0 0 0 0 0 . . D D o· .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B.edard. Decernber 9~ 1982 Page 3 · b.· Identify the type of acquis.ition.·· c •.. .. i. · Sale ii. Lease iii. Exchange iv.. Easement · v. . other . . . Identifythose.landS·Which COIJ.ld.be sold or. exchange<; and which coulctbe leased or,accomplished by easement. · ··· · · d~ . ldemtify land value to compare with the state . · · appraisals. · · · · · · · e ... ' . ' . . · Identify. other· values such as ·land use disruptions, p.pportuntties lC)SS, subsurface uses impaired9 etc •. CJ "'{) QWI·trnSIIII'ISlf:WAnllmiiP. OEVIL !:ANYON POIUION lAND OWNERSHIP/ STEWi\llOSIUP. W.t\l ANA I'OilTION ff(lUtll ~-----------li.J'AI1lU Rt tl~ ·------------------·------------------ Selection Ekl11l11a AI'AI/2 (M-:-45155) 1-:klu tna · K1\l k. J(e) I'!\,\ (M-46849) 10/31 ~alamatof (In-Refuge)· (Hal~nce) · Sal:una tof IC Sal amntof. Seldovia Tal ke<·tml ~fts. Tttxeilni/ Append be C Hayocs'NI'Pit .· ;, ~ Gallace NPPR Q(} t, . . .· (1/1 . · · •.' j.fJ.K. . . Wallace NPl'.R c.-~ -. OEM OEM CJ ll/.30 12/Jl Ol/31 OZ/28 03/31 04/30 05/31 06/30 CH/31 ()8/)1 09/30 AC{{EAGE lC LD/NAV . L!)/NAV DDlC LD . ODIC .. DlC IC DNM 1(: ODIC lESR NPE i.C . DN!'i DNH :oecision. IC rc ore lC I ·DeciSion' DDIC. V/H .IHH ODIC V/P!I NM I IC. LD 2ESR . 1.' 15,900 l5,030 •.• (57,4SO ac charged) Dtll !)DIC DIC DIC 9',028 .L29l . 172,880 6,978 88,000 :·;·· ~ '_! ; . ~o~· 160 1.60 '·-. .L . ·' CIR! Pg 5 of 5 ll/ll/82 Section Chl.ef Saltdy 1'i1ornas • i ~. L.....-._j u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J ' '/?. 4.. ·;~fV/' All.-13358 '!'. 3 2 N. , R. 1 1'1, ·, sees. ~5 to 28, inclusive, a-ll; Sees. 31, _32; 33 and 36, all. Containing approximately 5,086 acres. A<;gregating appro::dmately 26, US acres. NOiv KNC~v 'lt, that there. is, therdore, lJranted by tho UNITED STATES OF Mi.E:RICA, unto .tha abova-na..11ed corporation the surface and subsurface estates in the land abovci-des:::ribed, TO RAVE AND TO HOLD. the:! said estates \"lith all the rights, privileges>.·.· .. · immunities and·.appur.t:.enanc!ls, of whataoever natut'e, thereunto .••.. belonging, unto t.he said· corporation, it.s successors and .assigns, forever: T?.E GRANT, OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LAl~DS IS SUBJECT TO:·. L Issuance of a i?atent confirming' the boundary description of the la.n.cl.s ·hereinabove granted after. approval and filing by the · Bur<!.au of Land l-1a.nagement of the official plat of survey. coverinq such lands;. 2. Val.id exiSting. rights therein, if any, including but not limited to those •created by-any lease .linc::luding a lease issued.under Sec" 6(q)of the Alaska Statehooc:'l Act of July 7, 1958 (72 Stat •. 339, 341; 48 u.s.c. Ch. 2, SE!c .. 6(g) )), ·contract,. permit,. dght.,.of=wa.y, or easement, and .. the right of the lessee, contractee, permittee~ .or grantee to _the complete enjoyl:!ent of aU. rights, privileges, afld benefits thereby· granted t6 him~ ·rurther,. pursuant. to Sec . .l7(b) ( 2) .df the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act . of December lS, 1.971 (83 Stat. 6~8, 708; 43 tL.s.c:• 1601; 1616 (b)( 2) · (ANCSAll, apy valid existing right recognized by ANCSA shalL ccmtinue to. have wna.tever ;e:iqht of access--as . is no1"· provided for• under· existing -lawi · · · .3. The terms and .conditions of the •a'JrP.ement dat~d . , · .. August 31, 1976, between Cook, Inlet Req·ion; Inc::.; and' the Secretary of the,Interior. A copy, of the agreement is hereby attached· to. and made a part of this conveyance documenti and 4. Those lands and. interests in the lands conveyed within the exteriorboundaries of !?ower Site Classification. No. 443,. February .13, .1958, are subject to Sec. 24 of theFederal Power. Act.ofJune 10,1920 (41,Stat:. 1063, 1065; 16 u.s.c. 791., .BlS), pursuant.to Sec. l.2(e) of P.L. 94-204 (89 Stat. 1145, 1153). . . . . IN WITNESS i·<HEREOF, the undersiqned authorized officer of the B:.1r.eau of Land Plana<;ement has, in the name of the United Statas, set his. hand. and caused· the. seal of. the Burea.u to be ·hereunto affixed on this llth day of February, .1980, in Anchorage, Alakka. · · ·UNITED .STATES OF At!ERICA Assi~tant to the State Director for·ANCSA 285 u o· 0 0 o· .D 0 D 0 .0 0 0 0 0 piP· .. yj,.A-13358 / · INTERUi CONVE'iAfiCE Cook Inl~tRegion, Inc. is entitled to a conveyance pursuant .to Sees. 14tal and 22(jl of the Alaska Native Claims Se.ttlement Act of .December 18, 1971 (85 Stat~ 688, 702; 715; 43 u.s.c. 1601, 16131a.), 162l(j)), as ame:'lded by Sec. 4 of the ac.t of October 4, 1976 (!>O.Stat. 1934, 1935; 4~ u.s.c .. 16U),,ofthe surfaceaand subs11rfa.ceest::ates of the following. described h,nds:· · · . . . ·seward Meridian, Alaska (Unsurveyed) T~. 3l N., R. 1 E. Sees.· 1 to 5, inclusive, all.· Containing approximately 3,200 aeres. 'T. 32 N., R.l· E • . sees. 31 ancl32, alL Containing approximately 1, 24 6 acres .. T. 3l N. , ~. 2 E; Sec. l, all; Sec~ 12,.· all. 'Containin9 approxi~at,ely ·1, 280 ·acres. T~ 32 N.,. R• 2 E.... . .. Sees.· 32 to 36,. in,cilusive, all • . <;ontaining approximately 3, 200 acres •. . ~ ' . . . T. 31 ~3 1 R. 3 E; Sec:;:s. 19 to·22,.inclusive, all; Sec; 24 1 all. · · · containing approximately 3,173 acres. · T. 31 N,, R. 4 E~ Sec:s • 2 and. 3, au·; Sec. 1.6, all; Sec:s. 19 and 21; alL Conta!:ning approximately 3, 17 3 acres.: I . . T~ 12 N., R~ 4 E~ ·Sec.·. 4:5, ·all; .s·ecs. 3.5 and 36, all. · · Containipg approximately 1, 920 acres; T. 32 . .t:l., R. s·E. . sees .• 26, 27 and 2B;:all: S.;ics. 30 to 33; inclusive;. all. CC)ntaining approximately 4,410 acres •. 285. FEB 11 1S60 i: i .; • l .J I 0 0 -/ . 0 D 0 0 D i '. '· 0( 0 0 0 .. ·. 0 0 ·~wl', ·o .. \.· i\. ~ ' ."';- Unit( . States Department of thL ,nter{ . . . . t'U REAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT AA-21417, etc. :l/ (-2620) Al.:tska State Of! ice . --~.A-13358 ( 2.651) ~ .· · iOl c sheet, Be:{ 13 AA=6685=A2, etc. 2/ · ( 2651 :\n.chor.age Alaska 90513 AA-11153-20 (2652} . · ' ·"' · AA:...l1160 ( 2653) · AA~16637 (75 .4) . ( 961) CERTIFIED MAIL . . Gl!Jr! 'fJ fils . . RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED . . . ' . . . . ·. . . DECISION ·Ninilchik Natives Association, Inc. P.O. Box.l73 ·Ninilchik/ Alaska 99639 Salamatoff Native Association, Inc. · . P.O. Box '2682 · .. Kenai, Alaska · 99611 Seldovia Native .Association, ~~~ . ·,. . :p .o.:~ Box .las . . Seldovia~ Alaska 99663 ·Tyonek Native Corporation 445 . ·. 5th Avenue,· Suite ·9 · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ·· Kriikatnu, Iric ~· · P.O. Box 2130. ··. Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Alexander ·Creek, Inc. 8126. Tri-Lake Road .Anchorage/ Alaska 99502 . . . . . Chickaloon Moose creek Native AssociatiC:m, Inc·.· 2600 Fairbanks. Street Anchorage,. Alaska 99501. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. •· . . . .. · AA..;6685.;.A2 ·. AA-6685.,.;D Village Selections · M-6698.;.B2 Vi~lage Selection AA:...6701=A2 .. AA-670l:...B2 . • ·.·.· Village:Selections· .· AA~6707-B2 AA-6707-F · Village Selections ·AA-8485""'A2. · )I..A-8485 .. B Village selections A.~-8487~:82 Village Selection AA-8489-A2 ·AA-8489-B Village Selections ±I JI..A-21417 I AA-21418 I A.~=21419 I AA-21420 i AA~21427, AA-21428, ? I ~/ .;A-21430, A.l\;.,2],.431, AA=:21540. . . . . AA=6698-B2, AA-=670l.=B2, AA-6707=B2, AA=8485-A2, f..A=5487=B2, · · JI..A-8489=A2. -~ ',/ . 0 , . D 0 i \, -- D 0 D 0 0 0 0 ( \ \ ' -..._. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '--~ 0 Gold Cr~ · Sus~~a Native 'Assocfa~.-.~.on, Inc. Mile 263 · c/o Alaska Railroad Gold Creek, Alaska 99695 State of Alaska Division of Research and Development 323 East Fourth Avenue Anchoragef Alaska-99501 Cook Inlet Region, Inc. P.O. Drawer 4-N Anchorage, Alaska 99509 . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . ( AA-11'., 2 Native Group Selection AA-21417, AA-21418, AA-21419, AA-21420, AA-21427, AA-21428, AA-21430, AA-21431, AA-2~ State Sel~ctions AA-13358 ·· AA-11153-20 Regional-Selections On December 17, 1974, the village corporations of Chickaloon, Tyonek, Seldovia, Ninilchik and Knik, filed village selection applications AA-8489 , AA-6707-F, AA-6701-F, AA-6685-o·and AA~8485-B and AA-8485-C, respectively, under Sec. 12(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (hereinafter ANCSA) of December 18,· 1'971 (85 Stat. 688, 701; 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1611 (1976)), for lands withdrawn under Sec. 11(a}(3) of ANCSA. Sec. ll(a){3) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw deficiency lands from the nearest unreserved, vacant and unappropriated public lands·when the lands withdrawn by Sees. 11(a)(l) and 11(a)(2) of ANCSA are insufficient to permit a village or regional corporation the acreage it is entitled to select. Because of the unresolved eligibility status of Alexander Creek and Salamatoff,. currently in litigation, their applications were filed in four different methods to cover alternatives in the event both, either or neither Alexander Creek and Salamatoff were determined eligible. In ~976, each of the applications was considered for compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements of ANCSA. The selections filed did not comply with the mandatory selection requirements for compactness and contiguity and included lands not available for.selection. Decisions rejecting these applications for these reasons were issued on May 10 ~~rough 17 of 1976. These rejections greatly reduced the village entitlements under Sec. 12(a) of ANCSA. . A petition for reconsideration of the decisions was led with the Bureau of Land ftlanagement on May 26, 1976, and denied on June 7, 1976. On June 8 and 18, 1976, notices of appeal were filed by the villages. On July 2, 1975, the Bureau of Land D ' . . o· 0 0 0 0 0 D D.c 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ - 3 , '· · · Managem( reque'~ ad that the Alaska Nativ~ .... laim£ :.')eal Board : · remand· t.. __ decisions for reconsideration in accordance with a .memorandum from the Acting Assistant Secretary I Land ana Water Resources, dated June 14, 1976. The Alaska Native Claims Appeal Board remanded the decisions to the Bureau of Land Management on July 8, 1976, and suspended the appeals pending reconsideration and further action by the Bureau of Land Management. Since the validity of the selections filed by the eligible villages was questioned, and Alexander Creek and Salamato are still pending a determination on their eligibility, no conveyances of lands within the Sec. ll(a}{3) withdrawals ·Could be made without some remedial action. To resolve the problems of validity, the villages entered into a conveyance agreement with Cook ~nlet Region, ·Inc., on August 28, 1976, which provided that upon con= veyance of the deficiency lands to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., the surface estate of the lands under their Sec. 12(a) selections will be reconveyed by Cook Inlet Region, Inc., to the village corporations entitled thereto. (See Appendix B of agreement of August 31, 1976.) Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and the Secretary of the Interior entered into an agreement on August 31, 1976, wherein the Secretary of th.e Interior shall convey to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., the surface and subsurface estates of all public lands,. subject to valid existing rights, so described in Appendix A· to said agreement. Cook Inlet Region, Inc., shall then reconvey the surface estate of some of the lands to certain village corporations pursuant to the conveyance agreement dated August 28, 1976, between Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and the affected village corporations. On October 4, 1976, Public Law (P.L.) 94-456 (90 stat. 1934, · 1935) was passed in which Sec. 4 amended ANCSA to authorize the Secretary of the Interi.or to convey lands under application for selection by village corporations within Cook Inlet Region to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., for reconveyance by the region to such village corporations, such conveyances constituting a portion of their Sec. 12(a) entitlement. On June 28, 1977, Cook Inlet Region, Inc., filed selection application AA•13358 under the provisions of Sec. 12(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement P..ct of December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688, 701; 43 u.s.c. 1601, 1611), as amended by sec. 4 of P.L. 94-456 (90 Stat. 1934, 1935). Upon the conveyance of these lands to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., the Sec. 12(a) selection applications of the above-named village cornorations for the lands involved, and serialized as P..P.-6685-D, &~-6707-F, AA~8485-B, and AA-8489-B, are considered as rejected and idll be removed from the official land status records for the lands conveyed. This will include all lands selected within Power Site Classification No. 443. ll I I I i li ! 0 0 D 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' . --- ( 4 Alsp, o{ .:embel 15, 16 and 17, 1975, the ~.~.llagJ .cporations of·Chicka.~.oon, Seldovia, Tyonek, Knik, Ninilchik, Alexander·creek ·and Salamatoff, filed selection applications P~=8489~A2, AA=670l=B2, ~~-6707=B2, AA=8485-A2, ~~~6685=A2, AA=8487=B2 and AA=6698-B2, respectively, under S~c. 12(b) of ANCSA. (The eligibility of Alexander Creek and Salamatoff as village corporations under ·the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act has not been determined; however, the corporations formed for these communities are parties to the conveyance agreement of August 28, 1976, whereby it was agreed that the lands involved should be conveyed to Cook Inlet Region, Inc.)· These identical applications cover all lands with- drawn under Sec. ll(a)(3) of ANCSA. Since some of these lands · are to be conveyed to Cook Inlet Region, lnc., pursuant to Sec. 4(a) of P.L. 94~456, these applications are hereby rejected as to the lands herein approved for conveyance. On December 15, 1975, Seldovia Native Association, Inc., also filed selection application AA-6701-A2 under Sec. 12(b) of ANCSA. Some of the lands are within the Sec. ·ll(a)(3) withdrawal area. Since these ·lands are to be conveyed to Cook .Inlet Region, Inc., pursuant to Sec. 4(a) of P.L. 94-456, this application is hereby rejected as to the lands herein approved for conveyance. On.December 17, 1975, Cook Inlet Region, Inc., filed selection application AA-11153-20 under the provisions of Sec. 12(c) of ANCSA. The application includes lands withdrawn under. Sec. ll(a)(3) of ANCSA. Since these lands are to be conveyed to Cook Inlet Regipn, Inc.r pursuant to Sec. 4(a) of P.L. 94~456, the appli- cation is hereby rejected as to the lands herein approved for ___ . conveyance. The Gold Creek-Susitna Native Association, Inc., filed selection application AA-11160 on January 15, 1976, under the provisions of Sec. 14(h)(2) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971. Since Sec. 14(h) authorizes conveyance of unreserved and unappropriated public lands located outside areas wi thdra\~"'Il under Sees. 11 and 16 of ANCSA, and some of the lands in the application were withdrawn under Sec. ll(a)(3) of ANCSA,· this application is hereby rejected as to the lands herein approved for conveyance. On November 14, 1978, as amended, the State of Alaska filed· general grant applications under the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958 (72 stat. 339; 48 u.s.c~ Ch. 2, sec. 6(b)). The lands selected had been withdrawn by Public Land Order 5255 dated September 12, 1972, under Sec. ll(a)(3) of ANCSA, were selected by village corporations under Sees. 12(a) and 12(b) of ANCSA, and therefore were not available for selection by the State of Alaska. Additionally, portions of the lands selected are also under applications filed pursuant to various public land laws or were reserved by Po·Her Site Classification No. 443, February 13, 1958, and were not available for selection. In view of this, the I i I I I I I I j I J II I' I J ] J ] 0 D 0 . ·' 0 0 0 0 D ' ' D 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ( '• -\ . ""---"' ~~ '· · .· fo'llowi( tate 1.. lections are hereby rejel~...-d as ( describe~ ~elow: Serial Number AA-21417 AA-21427 AA-21418 AA-21428. ,· AA.-21419 : AA-21420 AA-·21430 · A]\~,..,21431 Descrintion Seward l'<leridian, Alaska (Unsurveyed) T. 31N., R. l E .. Sees~-1· to 5, ~nclusive, all. Containing approximately 3~200 acres. T .. 32 N.i R~ 1 E~. Sees .. 31,.· 32 and 33,· all. · .. . ··_. Containing. approximately 1,886 acres. .. T. 31.N., R. 2E. Sec: lJ all; .... S•cs. 5 to 6, all; · Sees. 12 ·and 13, all. Containing·approximately 3,167 acres . T ~ 32 N. , R. 2 E. -· Sees. 32 to 36,. ~:n:clusive, all. Contain'ing approximately 3,200 acres. · ·. ~~c~~ ~a<~· z!.E~nclt~sive;. all. . :. ' . . ' Containing .. approximately 4 t 424 acres. T . 31 N . , R .. 4 E . . Sees. 2 and 3, all; Sec~. 10,. all; · Se.cs ~ 15 and 16, all; Sees. 19, 20 and 21, all~ Containirig approximately ·Si0~3 acres. T 0 32. N. I R. ·. 4 E ... Sec. 25, all;· .. Sees .. 35 and 36, all. Containing approximately 1,920 acres. T. 32 N., R. S.E. Secs .. 26, 27 and 28, all; Sees. 30 t.o 33, inclusive, all. Containing approximately 4,410 acres. ----· --- 5 bhe lands I \ ; i .. '· .. J ]· J 0 0 0 0 0 D -o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / \ 6 . . . . ' ~=~15.4_~, .. ' T: j2 N., R. 1 W. Sees. 2S.to 28, 1nclusive, all; Sees. 31 to 36, inclusive, all. ( I \.........~ ' \ '-....: Containing approximately 6,366 acres. The State-selected lands rejected above aggregate approximately 33,666 acres. These State selections were not valid selections, and the 331666 acres will not be charged against the village corporations as State selected lands. Further action·on the subject State selection applications as to those lands. not rejected herein will be taken at a later date. As to the lands qescribed below, the application, filed by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. 1 AA-13358, as amended, properly filed and meets the requirements of the Alaska Native Claims ,settlement Act, as amended by Sec. 4 of P.L. 94-456, and of the regulations .issued pursuant thereto. These lands do not include any lawful entry perfected under or being maintained in compliance with laws leading to acquisition of title. They do include the lands and interests in lands within the exterior boundaries of Power site i Classification No. 443, February 13, 1958. Sec. l2(e) of P.L. 94-204 (89 Stat. 1145, 1153), authorizes the Secretary·to convey those lands and interests in lands selected by the Native corporations within the exterior boundaries of Power Sit~ Classification No. 443, subject to Sec. 24 of the Federal Power Act of June 10, 1920 · (41 stat. 1063, 1065; 16 u.s.c .. 791 1 818). This conveyance shall . be c9nsidered and treated as· a conveyance under ANCSA. In view of the foregoing, :the surface and subsurface estates of the following described lands, ag_gregating 33 1 666 acres, are con- sidered, proper for acquisition by Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and are hereby approved for conveyance: J J (~' 0 0 0 0 0· 0/ \• 0 0 0 0 0 ·--~ 0 / 37--N · / T. l . .L I· R ~ i, E;, . . ·-.. sees. 32 to 36, .inclusive,· all. Containing approximately 3,200 acres. IT~ 31 N., R. ·3. E.. . · · ·· Sees. 18 :to 24, ~nclusive, all .. Containing ... approximately 4,424 acres. · /T. 31 N., R .. 4 E. sees. 2 anCi 31 all; Sec .. 10, all; Sees. l5 and 16, all;···· Sees. 19, 20 and 2lt all. Containing approxima:tely·S,093 acres;, / T. 32 N. I R .. 4 E. Sec·. 25 I all; Sees. 35 and 36, all. Containing approximately 1,920 acres. T • 3 2 N . I R. 5 E . . 1' Sees. 26 1 27 and 28 1 .•• all; .sees. 30 to 33, inclusive,· all . . ·. ' . -. containing. app.r_oximcately 4,410 ·acres .. · .r .. T. 32 N~ I "R .. 1 w. . Sees~ 25 to · 28, 1nclusi ve ,·. all; Sees. 31 to,36, inclusive, all. Containing approximately 6, 366 acres .. ( ·. Aggregating approximately 33, 666 acres.· { ·.Pursuant. to Sec~ 4 (a) of P .L~ 94~456, the lands described above · will be conveyed as "partial satisfaction of the statutory entitle- ment of certain village corporations within Cook Inlet Region. "Statutory entitlement".· of village corporations includes only the land entitlements granted under Sec. 12 (a) of ANCSA.. Therefore, the lands described above, and under 12(a) ·s~lections, will be charged against the 12(a) entitlement of.the participating village . . corporations. . . section E of the agreement. o August 31, 976, .· provides that ~f the Secretary has conveyed more land to Cook Inlet Region, Inc. , pursuant to this·. agreement than the village .corporations are .actually .entitled to receive under·sec. 12 of ANCSA, when added to ·lands otherwise received by such village. corporations; ·. · · the. excess acre.age. shall be. retained by Cook Inlet. Region, Inc. I and shall be regarded as conveyances of-land outside the boundaries J J J ( \ -- J 0 0 0 0 0 0.~·/ \ \ ' 0 "--. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I l \ ........_. 0 8 of cook. ( ~t ReJ:ton pursuant to Paragraph ;· (C)(l(~ ;. the Terms. and Conditions for Land Consolidation and Management in the Cook ·Inlet Area, and the corporation's out-of-region entitlements will be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, any lands conveyed herein which are not reconveyed to any village·corporation by Cook Inlet Region, Inc., will be charged against the out-of-region entitlement of Cook Inlet Region, Inc., under Paragraph I (C}(l) of the Terms and Conditions, and the Sec. 12 (a} entitlement of the village corporatio11s will be adjusted accordingly. · There are no easements to be reserved to the United States pursuant to Sec. 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims s·ettlement Act (ANCSA). The grant of the lands shall be subject to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Issuance of a patent confirming the boundary description of the lands hereinabove granted after approval and filing by the Bureau of Land Management of the official,. plat of survey covering such lands; I Valid existing rights therein, if any, including but not limited to those created by any lease (including a lease issued under Sec. 6(g) of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958 (72 Stat. 339, 341; 48 U.S~C .. Ch. 2, ·sec. 6(g))), contract, permit, right-of~way, or easement~ and the right of the lessee, contractee, permittee, or grantee to the complete enjoyment of all rights, privileges, and benefits thereby granted to him. Further, pursuant to Sec. 17(b){2) of the Alaska Native·Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688, 708; 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1616(b)), any valid existing right recognized by ANCSA shall continue to have whatever right of access as is now provided for under existing law; The terms ·and conditions of the agreement dated August 31, 1976, between Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and the Secretary of the Interior. A copy of the agreement shall be attached to and become a part of the conveyance document and shall be recorded therewith. A conv of the agreement is located in the. Bureau of Land iv:anage- ment easement case file for Cook Inlet Region, Inc., serialized AA-16637. Any person wishing to examine this agreement may do so at the Bureau of Land I·lanagement, Alaska State Office, 701 C Street, Box 13, Anchorage, Alaska 99513; and Those lands and interests in. L~e lands conveved within the exterior boundaries of Power Site· Classification No. 443, February 13, 1958, are subject to Sec. 24 of the Federal Power Act of June 10, 1920 I !, l I J J J ( J D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . -.. ......... ( \ "-...,;_., ' ( I .( n sti. . 1063, 1065; 16 U.S.C. 7~_, BlS _>Ursuant to ~ ~ec. 12(e) of P.L. 94-204 (89 Stat. 1145, ~153). There are no inland water bodies considered to be navigable within the above described lands. conveyance of the remaining entitlement to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., of Sec. ll(a)(3) lands shall be made at a later date. Enclosed are copies of current status plats showing the lands approved·· for conveyance. In accordance with Departmental regulation 43 CFR 2650.1(d), · notice of this decision· is being published once .in the Federal Register and once a week, for four (4} consecutive weeks, in the Anc orage Times. Any party claiming a property interest in lands affected by this decision may appeal the decision to the Alaska Native Claims Appeal Board, P.O. Box 2433, Anchorage, Alaska 99510 with a copy served upon both the Bureau o£ Land Management, Alaska State Office, 701 c Street, Box 13,· A...'lchorage, Alaska 99513 and the Regional Solicitor, Office of the Solicitor,• · 510 L Street, Suite 408, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, also: 1. Any party receiving ser\Tice of this decision shall have 30 days from ·the receipt of this ~ecision to file an appeal. 2. Any unknown parties, any parties unable to be located after reasonable efforts have been expended to locate, and any parties who failed or refused to sign the ---·· · return receipt shall have until to file an appeal. JM 2 m&o 3. Any party known or unknown \-tho may claim a property interest which is adversely affected by this decision shall be deemed to have waived those rights which were adversely affected unless an appeal is timely filed with the Alaska Native Claims Appeal Board. To avoid summary dismissal of the appeal, there must be strict compliance with the regulations governing such appeals. {See enclosed ASO Form 2650-4). If an appeal is taken·, the parties to be served with a copy of the notice of appeal are: ·cook Inlet Region, Inc. P.O. Drawer 4-N P..nchorage, Alasl<a 99509 Ninilchik Natives Association, Inc. P.O. Box 173 Ninilchik, Alaska 99639 0 0 n( 0 ·o D o· 0 ~ ' 0··(··.-··. '·\' -.-. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 ' .·. "'-.. 1, -.. Sa:,l( :.off h·. ~ive Association, . In'"". . . P.O. Box. 2682 . Kenai, Alaska . 99611' ·Seldovia N(ltive Association, Inc. P.O. Box 185 Seldovia, Alaska 99663 : . . . , ·. . . . Tyonek Natiye Corporation. 445 E. 5th Avenue,. Suite 9. Anchor:age, ··Alas.ka ·· 99501 Knikat.nu, Inc . •. . P. O~ Box ·2130 . 9 . 96 . 8 . 7 · . vlasill a, Alaska •. · Alexander creek, Inc. . 8126 Tri~Lake Road . Anchorage, Alaska ·99502 Chickaloon, Moose Creek Native · · ·. ·. Association, Inc. · · · · 2600 Fairbanks street Anchorage, Alaska . · 99501 Gold,.Creek. susitna:Native· .Associationi·· Inc. ~ !>1ile 263 ·. .. . ... ·.. ..·. · cj.o Alaska RailrOad. · .· Gold Creek, Alaska · ,99G95 State. of Alaska · · Division. o.f Res.earch and·. Development · · · .. 323 ;. East Fourth Avenue . . .. Anchorage,· Alaskp. 99501 · .. • · /_8/ Sue A. . Welt. Enclosures: ASO. Form 2650-4 Cy 43. CFR Part .4, ·subpart. J . Plats. Legend . Chi~f,. Branch of 'Adjudication ·10 0 0\'-c- o.· 0 0 0 . o·· ·o o.··· 0 0 0 0 ·",..,-r ,·. r \ .. ".....__. .~ ( cc: . . . Mr~ Earle Williams ( flp) . 17th Coast. Guard District . 1?. 0, Box 3..;SOOO . . Juneau, Alaska· 99801 11 . ( . ( Silver Dome !>lining Company ( CM-RRR) ~· ~· : cjo .. William R. Elan . ·. ··. · . . · · . . . · · ·. . . 1416 West .23rC1 Avenue · . .· .,1 •. ·$.. o)_L o. h~-~1 .. -~ . . Anchorage, Alaska·····99503 ... tA. ·· ... ..?~~ ... ·Y··· ... ] Ms. Peggy Gould (cM:..RRR) . . ~· -~. ~~ ~~~o:~;:r!iM!~c~;5b3 . ... . (1 ~~ r:sir .:? 9·6 7 .1 · .. · :£! u A·~ 'f/..1 . D~I-100 · ... · (~; -_--~~ . ····1~ AM-016 . . .. ... · .. · < .· II .AM-017. I! . • . II . 961:--fandofsky:mr:l0/3/79:5762 ·. . j] · Disk.#4/H-mr:lO/ll/79 · ~: · mr :10/31/79 il n1r :11/5/79 .· · .. .hd: 11/7/79. hd -11/9/79 mr: 11/21/79 ···. mr:l~/23/79 0 0 0 0 0 0 o·· 0 0··, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robert M .. Goldberg James B. Gottstein GOLDBERG ~ GOTTSTEIN ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS 1107 WEST SEVENTH AVENUE. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) .277-8561 '·-.. ,..: c ·:I. ·.March 26 ,. 1981 ·Eric P. Yo1,1id ... . Alaska Power Authority.· · · 333 West 4th ·Avenue, ·Suite 31 A,nchorage, Alaska 99501 · Dear I·ir. Yould: . . . . , Th.is is in regards to tpe recent reques.t by the Alaska ·Power Authority. for Ahtna,· Inc. to grant permission to enter upon1 survex across, and to clear treest brush, 01:'' other objects as are reasori<?-bly necessary to. make t[le suryey. or surveys . across the land described in Exhibit A·, attached hereto., for the Willqw.,;Healy electr'ical transmission linE3 . intertie .. , Ahtria, tnc ... will interpose no objection to. the· ·conduct of. activities· .reasonably. necessary to:. achieve the. completion.' the field . activi t:ies proposed, so long as the following ·conditions are agreed to by the A,l~ska Power. Authority: 1. Ahtn~, .lnc. will be paid :the sutn.of $10,000 ·. to ·cover monitoring the aboye proposed · · activities and land use for the l98lwork sea:;;on~ ·. (This, is consistent with sums . ·paid by Northwest Pipeline for sii[lila:r pre-construction activities.and.planning on Native village land along the gasline route during the 1980 field·. season.) . . ' ··2. Ahtna,· :Inc. w.ill be compensated for any damage. to it:s land,,. including aesthetic .considerations. 3. 4 .• The .. Alaska Power Authority agrees to provide Ahti,Ia with all. information regarding the project and wi1.1 fully involve Ahtna in the. planning 2!.nd locatiori·of the route. ' . . ' The Alapka Power Autho.r.i ty will provide ·Ahtna with all.information in pOSSE3SSiOn relating to health effects resulting from the intertie. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. . . Mr. Eric P. Yould March·· 26, 1981 ·Page 2 5. 0 . . TheAlaska Power Authority agrees to hold harrnless•andindemnifyAhtna for any. claims· for damages .or losses which -arise as .a· · . · .. resul.t Of·. the activitie.s conduct~d hereunder, whether·bythe Alaska Power Authority, its ·agents, employees, contractors orsub- corttractors. , · . 6 ~ The Alaska Power Authority will provide Ahtna withdJ:'awings whfch will ·showthe 7. . visual effec of the pro:posed route •..• The aCtivities wii1·· be· conduc:ted so as. to minimize any adverse·irnpactson the land and.people• . ·• 8 • Local .Ahtna shareholders will .be provided jobs .to work on the project to the rnaxin:mrn amount practicable. ·. · · Ahtna enjoyed· meeting .. with Bob and Del and\ looks .J;o~ard ;to·. working with you in the future on. this ri'roject> . iours truly, . . QJ_J.··~ .. ·CJJv*~ · Robert·· .M. Goldberg . ) Counsel for Ahtha, Inc. · ~\1G: jrrn Encl. Exhibit "A" cc: Herbert SrnelceJ:' Ahtna GenE:!ral Manager 0 0 D. D 0 .o .. D 0 D 0 D D D D ~:___-_..:. EXHIBIT 11 A11 AHT~A INCORPORATED The belCh' 1 isted sections contain land to \-Jhich this survey permit applies: Tl5S, R6W,F.M. Sections 4 through 9, 17, 18, 19; 30, 31> T I 5 S , R 7~1; F. H. Sections I, IJ, 24, 25, 26,' 35; 36 T16S,. R6\·J, F.M. Sections 6; 7, 13, 19, · 30 . ·rr6s, R7W, f;H. ·Sections 1, 12, · 13, 21~, 25, 36 T.17S, R7W,. F~H. Sec:tiops l,. 2, 10 t'hro~gh 15, 19 through 36 T 1 8 S , R 7'--1, F. M. Secti oris 2: through 10, 16 th~ough · 2o, 30 .. Tl 85 , R3W, F; M. ·sections T, 10 through 36. Ti8s, R9¥/,F~M. · Sections 25, 35; 3G Tl9S.; R8W, F. H. Sections 4, 7, 8, 17, 18,. 19., .20, 30 T19S, R9W; F.M. Sections 1, 2, 3, 9 through 15, 20 through 29, · 32 through 36 . 0 0 0 (] 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 334 WEST 5th AVENUE ·ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 SUSITNA LAND QUESTIONS · FOR F ~ E.R~ C. Phone: (907)277-7641 . (907) 276-0001 .·. 1. May project facilities of the type listed.belo~ be place~ on leased . Land? a. Dam and penstock . . . b. Inpoundment .area plu·s up to 200 feet surrounding the impound- ment a.rea. · c~ ·Village. sites, construction camps, air strips and service areas. . . -. · 2. . If such facilities cannot be placed onleasedland, can th'ey be conveyed to. the Power Authority subject to a reversionary clause to take effect at .such time .as the area is no longer used for/power project purposes. · · ·. . . J. The Power Authority is requiredby:.FERC to control a maximum area . o.f up to· 200 feet surrounding the impoundment .area~ What is the m.inimum number of f:e.et around ·the impoundment area that the Power · A!Jthorit.Y, must control? · · 4. wn 1 the. a 1 iquot parts method of 1 and description. as currently. being used by the Power Authority to describe the 200 foot . surrounding the impoundmentarea.be acceptable? . . . . . ' .. . . 5. May the Power Authority award cor1trol of any or .all recreational development within the project boundaries to. a private corporation, and if so, with .what restrictions? · · · 6. FERC regul at.ions require that land owners hi p11 and proposed uses be identified nwithih and abutting the project boundary11 • What size area is meant to be included by this clause? 7. How general a statement of future anticipated land uses will FERC accept· from private owners (i.e. , native corpora:ti ons) of 1 ands fn and q.buttJng the project area? 8. Would access to project facilities obtained by leasing a private road be acceptable. 9. What fs the width of the transmission line Right-of-Way which must . be identified upon submission of the FERCL icense Appl icati'bn? 10. Is it necessary to include in the FERC License .Application a p~oject land acquisiti6n scheme ~nd,schedule? .. ' I ! i i ! u 0. 0 0 0 0' 0 0 D. 0.· 0. 0 fl ""-! J J J ] . . . 334 WEST 5th AVENUE ·ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ~1EMORANDUM TO FR0~1 · : ··SUBJECT: Dave Wozni-ak "Richard f.leming Gary Ransom Ch~rl je Isg~ J .. ·· Robert Mohn ··~ · August 6, 1982 Susitna Hydroelectric Project Licensing, Meetings of August 3 & 4, 1982 · Phone: (907) 277 • 7641 (907) 276~0001 .. 1. · Paul Carrier indicated that the )ands required for. the project are those minimally necessary to copstruct and operate the project. The rights in those lands must be, at a minimum, those necessary to insure the operation of the project. FERC prefers. fee simple ownership but easements orleases .are acceptable land rights. However,.the·agreements for those. easements and leases mustbefor a. minimum of fifty years in ··.keeping with the period of thelicense. Generally, FERC will be .. · flexible·on the project boundaries •. The key in the. reservo .. ir·area is to insure that sufficient landhasbe~:n identifiedto take care of maximum anticipated inundation~ e.tJil Hoolter of .. Acres is responsible for Exhibit "G".which is the po~tion of the license addressing project boundarie~: · Phil will insure proper definition of the boundaries and will advise us of alternatives reg9-rging the extent of. project boundaries, FERC indicated thatthe Power Authority is free ·to award control of any or all recreatiOnal development within the project boundaries to a private corporation. However, it is the responsibility of. the Authority as the licensee to i~sure that the recreationafdevelopmentbccurs iri con~ sonance ~ith the license. A land acquisiti~n schem~ and sch~dule is not required by regulation, but Paul indicates that such a plan would be. helpfuL It should be included i.nExhibjt 11 G11 •. Phil Hoover has the.' lead on this item. Charlie ;~.welcome to call Phil to insure Phil is sensitive to P?Ssib1~ problem~~ (301..;,992.;..5300) · . . 2. Paul indicated·that the temporary facilities, suchas con- struction' camps, do not have to be within the project boundaries al- though it does not adversely affect the license to include them within the bbundafy. Pa~l did not see any problem in changing the construction plan or the.construction camp layout or location during the licensing process .. Any alt~rnative project airangements th~t we conceive as at . an likely shouJC!be identified in the license appllcation so that they can be treated in the environmental impact statement. This wi 11 permit mar~ rapid license fevisions later on if w~ decide to move to an · . i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 []: 0 0 0 0 j ~(.' ' Memorandum August 6, 1982 .Page 2 alternative. This would include access alternatives, transmission corridor alternatives, alternative project flow regimes, etc. Richard take note. 3. The plan for preparation of the license application exhibits, with the exception of Exhibit "E", offered by Acres was generally acceptable. The plan allows for FERC and Power Authority review and genera)ly i·ncl udes some float time in case of emergency. Dave Willett assured us that sufficient Acres resources would be made available to comply with tbe plan as proposed. Acres was requested to prepare a plan~ including personnel responsibilities arid scheduling, for selection of the transmission corridor from Watana to the Intertie. This wtll be undertaken as soon as the access plan is determined. Acres was also requested to prepare a plan, including personnel responsibilities and schedule, leading to the decision on the project operation scheme. Both of these items, the transmission corridor selection and the decision on project operation, are essential ingredients to the timely preparation· of license application exhibits. Dave Wozniak is responsibl~ for insuring that these two items are provided by Acres and the schedules complied with. 4. Acres will provide the Power Authority with a list of docu- ments that will accompany the license application, along with the required number of copies. The Power Authority, under the lead of Dave, will set aside those required documents and prepare them for shipment when required. 5. In a meeting with Don Giampoli, FERC review of draft license application documents was discussed. FERC is very willing to offer such a review, John Lawrence will follow up on this matter with Ron Corso in the near future. The scheduling of draft documents for review should be coordinated by Phil Hoover with Paul Carrier for all items and also with Mark Robinson for Exhibit 11 E11 items. Both the Division of Hydropower Licensing under Corso and the Division of Environmental Analysis under Edson are requiring coordination by the applicant. Neither entity seems. willing to let the other be the primary contact. As a result, we will have to be very careful to keep both sides informed and try not to step on either 1 s toes. ' 6. Acres will provide the access decision paper on August 16, 1982 for immediate distribution to the Board of Directors of the Power Authority. Richard Fleming is charged with insuring that Acres is provided copies of all letters from resource agencies just as rapidly as possible upon receipt. Dave has a similar responsibility for letter·s from Native land owners and engineering firms. 7. Acres will present their plan for the preparation of the sections of Exhibit "E" on or about August 20, 1982. Richard Fleming and Robert Mohn, as a minimum, should. attend this presentation. We decided after some discussion that letters would be sent to each agency in the very near future requesting agency comment and guidance in preparing mitigation plans for various aspects of the Susitna project. This letter will be a follow-on to the letter that accompanied the draft D 0 0 0 0 0 o·· 0 o··· 0 0 0 ] J J J ] 1-\Ul~U!> I. IJ, .· I:1U'- .·Page 3 ·feasibility reports last Spring. ·Pri-or to sending that letter, John Hayden wil.l insure that Acres environmental· staff and key environmental team 1eaders review the consultation to date. by each agency .. That · review will i.nclude both documentation of consultation (whether it be meetings, letters, etc •. ) and a summary of trye content of that consul-·· . tation. This previous consultation should be referenced in the letters requesting the next round of advice. Richard Fleming has the lead to ·insure that this review of previous cohsulation and documentation of that consula~ion ·is accomplished in the very near future. Richard . should include Dave to insure: that all previous. consulatii:m is identi- .· fi ed. Tht! Linda Dwight report ts a good; example of something. that · ·should be included jn·•thi s htstorical.;accouriting of previous· .consul- tation. Also be sure to inc-lude tne· very recent ADF&G le.tter dated July 27, 1982 .. · . . .. . .. · .. · .. · .. ·... . .. · ·. .·. . .. ·.. a~ ·.Richard Fleming has the lea·d on determining, the capability and ·. acceptability of i hdivi duals that Acres is proposing. as princi p1 e authors for the recreation,· landuse'and.aesthetic sections of Exhibit uEn. Richard should dear directly.wfth ·John Hayden on th.is matter. I ··. will call Dave .Htckock of AEIDC .and hav.e already~alled Larry Moulton of Woodward-Clyde to convey our very deep concerns .that those two entities are not gearing up with sufficient speed and enthusiasm to tackle the very impo.rtant job facing. them. · · · . . . . . -. 9. .From now on, contacts on matters other than substantive. enyi romne.ntaJ .issues with John Hayden. should be minimized .. · Jhese .. adminiStrattve·.matters should be funnelled through.Vern Smith>or other·. ,L\cres. staff. The obje.ctive .here· ts. to free John Hayden. so that· he· can · ·. concentrate· on the-environmental program and the coordination of that ·· . ' progra!TI. I . ! I I I ! ···~ I D; fi. Qll 41 0 I C1 c~ Cl [l ~~ ""'"' 0 0 0 .0 0 0 -Minutes of Meeting .. Subject: · Susitna Hydroelectric Project Workshop FERC License Application Exhibit E. Presentation and Dis.cuss'ion Location: Holiday Inn. Anchorage. Alaska· Attendees: see attached Date: ·. Monday~ November 29, 1982 1:00 P.M •. Minutes recorded' by: Michae.1 P •. Storonsky .. ·r~, Introduction A) Summary: . Dr> Fleming provided_ an overview of the purpose of the workshop, the schedule ofthe.license application process and introduced some ofthe attendees. B) . Purpose of Workshop: To proVide ~n informal infor~ati~ha1 session for the various agency attendees. Solicit comments and concerns to improve the final license document to be submitted to the FERC. C) Schedule: -s~bmitted draft Exhibit E to the FERC and the v~rious agencies November. 15, 1982 . -workshop week of November 29 -December 3 -~repare and distribute a copy of the minutes of workshop week of December 6 -in.ccirpori3,ting agencycomments into draft as received -meeting wi _th the. FERC staff December 28 to receive their comments on d~aft applicati~n -agency comments due January 15, 1983 -submitting final license application totheFERC February 15, 1983 0 D1 [} .. • 01 Cl Oi or·. o' o··· 0 0 0 0 0 -a supplementary report of l982·fisheriesdata to be submitted in June 1983. -addition.al supplements as necessary 0) Introduced representatives of the Harza/Ebasco/ team that· will be handling Phase Il of the~ SusitnaP.rojeC:t. II. Project Operational Description -Dr. John Hayden (Acres) A) ·Summary Dr. Hayden first provided a· slide presentation of the ma:for projeCt features and location~ and then.·a series. of overhead v:iewgraphs of.the. filling and opera tiona 1 processes. ·ThrougtJ ·the use of wall maps. Dr. H~yden provided a description of the access routes and:transmission lines, th~ir locations and schedules of develop~ernL ,· Fo llqwing -an· . -.-. -. -.-----. -... intermission Dr.' Hayden outlined the organization of/ the workshop fo.r. the balance of the week. B)· Major Project Features .;. Watana -overview of the drainage basin anq the relative position .of the dams -location of the proposed damsi.te looking both upstream and downstream··· -location of the proposed borrow areas D&E, existing field camp, intake tunnel, emergency spillway . . .. -project features disciJssed including the 54 mile lengthofreservoir; upstream boundary ... ·just above the confluence with the. Oshetna River, site of construction camp and village, and location of access road . . -constructi.ort development schedule described . access road construction . diversion tunnel excavation· . completi.on of diversion cofferdams diversion of-water through 2 tunnels. to be ultimately sealed plug tunnels 4-5 ye.ars into construction and begin filling reservoir . . complete dam, power facilities and above ground structures -operation . 1993 I: I' ! i. l ll ;..J ~ 1l JJ.J []··· .. · ·~ .. ] . o!- d ;.J . ~ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ···--···-----,...------ 120' depth of intake structures rather than previous 140° depth . 4 intakes. levels outlet facilities main spillway,.F'or floods> 1:50 years • emergency spillwayfor flood> 1:10,000 years. -location of the proposed site looking both upstream and downst.ream -pertinent 1eatur~s access routes • borrow area locations . - • powerhouse location on north side of river • long tailrace proposed to>provide additicmal head • 4 ·units_at-1~0 MW = 600 MW Total capacity • F i ~ed-cone values wi H be used to maintain in stream· flow during ·filling as well as prevent gas supersaturation -during operation. ~ mult.iple level intake structure 2 intakes within upper SO· feet of . the reservoir, -Operational Data 50' dr<3,wdown in August of some years_ . commission i n9 date zoo2 D) Filling and Operation Proces~es (i) Mi.mimum flow requirements at Gold Creek F;lling • 1000tfs in wiriter _. 6000cfs-in spring flows spiked to 12,000 cfs in August and through mid Sept. .. Operation 5,000 cfs in winter spring and sumner same as during. fi lring I I. \I 1 ] (ii) Filling Process for .Three Filling Scenarios Based Upon the 32 Years of Hi storica 1 Hydro logic Data (iii) ~ thr~e year fi I ling flow scenarios examined with • 90% · chance of exc.eedence • 50% thance.of exceedence • 10% chance of exc.eedence -filling.begins-1991 -·1993 · ~· not a .lot of difference between 3 scenarios Comparison of Monthly Average Pre.;;.project and .Fi11ing Flows :· . . at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station . -g,reatest % change in the summer time Uv) Operational Water ~evels. at Watana -.norma 1 maximum elevation 2185 Q . • . . · -· su~charge<l to· 2190° ·during September. after the risk of. floods diminished . . . · ..•. -mean·· drawdown 105 8 -maximum drawdown 120' 1 -maximu~. minimum and mean drawdown scenarios compared -very slight water level change with Devil Canyon on line · (v) Devil Canyon Water Levels -wet year~; reservoir full all year -mean years; SO' drawdown in August and September with filling as rapidly as possible in October -dry years; slight drawdowns during April -May also (vi) Comparison of Monthly and Annual Pre-project and Post.:..project flows with Watana alone and witM both projects on line (vii) Dperation of Projects -Watana alone wi 11 be operated as a base~ load plant ~with Devil Canyon on line, Watana will be pe~ked and Dev~l Canyon wi 11 be base-load ' i q 0 L q 4 [J C1 OJ.· Cl Cl 01 Ol Ol ol .. o• ol o! ol ] ]· 'Sl. G) Other -pursuant. to a. question from the. audience .. outJ i ned.· proJect boundary • identified land. ho 1ding.s ·ln · t~e area: .. native. private and state· -set of drawings ·of prqject ·reproduced. from. Exhibit F provided INTERMISSION · H> Organization for Balance of Workshop Identified groups 9 group leaders, and locations and times of meetings . -. . -. ' -(see atta.ched agenda) •. ..... MEETING, ADJOURNED II I. l I l . i oi .. Dtl· o~.·· 01] 011.· 01' 01 01 Ol Ol 0 0rr D ~ •. . LIST OF ATTENDEES SUSITNA .HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WORKSHOP .Name. Mlchael P. Stor:onsky· · Philip Hoover ···.Thomas Lavender Tony· Burgess · Michael Grubb. Charlotte Thomas Steve· Fancy .·· Martha·Raynolds · Robert Sen.er Dave. Tremont Ro 1 and Shanks·. PriScilla Lukens . Mi che 1 e Urban Terri Armi nsld . Leonard Carin Larry·Moulton · · Jean Baldridge . Keith·Quintavell Robert Mohn . · George Gleason John Bizer · Jack Robinson Randy Fairbanks Gary LawleY · · ·George S. Smith E. James Dixon B. Agnes Brown . . Carole A. Ellerbee Robert M. Erickson. Tiin ·Smith Richard Fl em i ng Bob Madison Bob Lamke Bob Martin Don McKay· Gedrge Cunningham Randy Cowart · · Al Carson Paul Janke Gary Prokosch Mary Lu Harle Robin. Hf1 1 Peter Rogers Steve Zrake Holiday Inn, Anchorage, AK . . Monday.., November 29 • 1982 · ... · ..Organization ··Acres Acres Acres Acres· Acres Alaska Power Authority · · . lGt Alaska ··. LGL Alaska .LGL Alaska Dept.Commerce/ Regional Affairs . CookJn1et·Region, Inc. · Acres·. · · Harza/Ebasco . . .. ·. . Alaska. Power Authority USFWS·· . . . . . · Woodward-Clyde Woodward-Clyde . · DNR -DLWM · · Alaska Power Authority · · . Alaska Power Authority Harza/Ebasco · · · Harz a/ Ebasco· Harza/Ebasco Harza/Ebasco . . · University of' AK Museum University of A.K Museum Tyonek Native Corp. Tyonek·Native :corp. EDAW, •Inc. DNR,.:.Parks (HiStory and Archaeology) Alaska Power Author1ty USGS:-WRD USGS~WRD ADEC 'ADF&G ADF&G .. ADNR-R&D ADNR ADNR ADNR-Wa ter .. . ADNR-Water Management Frarik Orth & Associates Frank Orth & Associates ADEC · Telephone · •. 276-4888 II ~~~-~0g~i"~7525 · . 479~2669 274-5714 274-5714 264-2206 . 274;..8638 . 276-4888 .. 277-1561 276-0001 271;;,4575 276-2335 276-2335 . 275-2653 . 276-0001 II . 277.,1561 II , ID. II 474-7818 II . 272-4548 II 274-3035 .254--2139 275-00D.l 271-4138 II· 274-2533 267-2284 344-0541. 276-.2553· 276-2653 II 276-2653 II 206-455-3507 II 274-2533 ! ! 0 [J. [l. ·c1 .• ~·.· .. d d d d d H "d I q o. 0 0 0 0 0 LIST OF AJTgNDEES -cont •• Name·.·· Jan Ha 11 Gary Stackhouse · Brad Smith.·· . Bill Lawrence Floyd Sharrock· .. . Bruce Bedard Ann Rappoport ·Bob . Everett ·Eric Myers · John · Rego · ·Lee ·Adler· · Bill Wilson Chris Godfrey · ·Jed ··Rockwell . ·Larry M~ Wright Or9anizati.on · USFWs· USFWS ·· NMFS. · U.S. EPA . NPS . . A1aska·P6wer.Author:ity OSFWS-WAES . ESSA Ltd •. NAEC Blt4 · .. Ahtna Inc •. · AEIDC. .coE USCE Reg. Function NPS . Telephone .263-3403' . 263"-3475 271 .. 5006 . 271-5083 . 271~4216 .. .276~0001 . .. · : 271-4575. 274~.5714 . . 276-4244 .·.267-1273. ·822-3476··· .... 279-4523 552-4942 II 271-4236 . . i l :. ! 01 D1 o;· 01 01 01 Ol Ol oil ol ol o• !I D . I o·<" .. D~ !] D . Ji ]~ CULTURAL RESOURCES MEETING. Ancho~age Holiday Inn '> Novemb~r 30, 1982 Subject: MitigationPlanning for Susitna Purpose: To review research design and methode 1 ogy used in 1980..;82 work. To review and discuss draft FERC· License Application. To discuss cost effective means by which the initial survey may be completed. · · . . . . . . . '• _·-. . . -' . . To seek approval from. the s.HPO on the overall mitigation approach. . . . . . . . . To resolve differences· between APA and Univer.sity ~f Alaska. Museum subcontractors. · · · · · In Attendance:· Beth Walton.; State Archeologist. Bureau of Land. Management Diana Riggs. Oepa rtment Natural . Resources · ·Tim Smith, .state ... Offfce ·of History andArcheol()gy floyd ·Sharrock, Chief Archeologist., National Pa.rk Service , · George Smith, Project leader. University of A 1 ask a Museum · E. James Dixon~ Curator of Archeology, Univ.ersity of Alaska Museum ·Richard Fleming, Alaska Power Authority. Don Follows. Acres American I ncorpcira.ted . . Guests: Phil Hoover, Acres American· Incorporated Jack Lobdell., Consultant The Cultural Resources Program Manager, Don Follows, opened the meeting at 9:10a.m. in Room 227. of the. Holiday Inn, Anchorage.· After the introductions, the point was made how critical the cultural resources are to the hydroelectric project schedule. ·Compliance with Section 106. of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, E'xecutive Order 11593 and Title 36, Part 800, Code. of Federal Regu- lations and related. laws direct the process .for Cultural Resources investiga- tion and mitigatiori planning~ · · Dr. Dixon presented a synopsis of the field work which has been completed and reported on over the past th,ree field seasons. To date, about 50 percent of the total project area has been surveyed. Of special interest is the . . 1 ocation of. four tephras which provide dating references for the artifacts recovered. It is hoped that the cultural· chronology of the region can be for .the first time established. · · · Dr~ Dixon explained that iM his approach to ~itigation planning the term "potentia 1 impacts" had been deve 1 oped to address those sites outside the adversely effected areas. This thi.rd category allows for a more flexible . means by which to account for the unexpectedly large number of sites recorded .I . I I , I ,J ' l I I · .. , l 01 J CULTURAL RESOURCES -.2 (167) to date. Potential impacts will not require systematic testing. but should be monitored from time to time by those appropriate land managers. Dr. Sharrock (NPS} asked at what point the Advisory Counci 1 on Historic Preservation should become involved in the project. The information that both Acres and the APA had received in separate meetings with FERC in. Washington, D.C. was that FERC would not contact the council until the basic reconnaissance was completed within two more seasons of estimated work. If this is so~ serious scheduling problems arise with FERC requiring the Cultural Resources field survey to be completed in one field season. The Alaska summer is only 2.5 months long. The project size and remoteness introduce unique conditions under which a large workforce can become less~ efficient because of support logistics required. Based on his many years of Alaska experience, Dr. Dixon felt it would be unrealistic to expect completion in one yea·r. It was the group consensus that two years would be best. Another significant factor in attempting to complete the work in one field season is the Alaska Power Authority fiscal year which begins July 1. Unless funds are available at present time to launch the spring 1983 workforce, the goal will be difficult to attain because of the Universityns administrative procedural delays in hiring employees. Dr. Fleming said that a decision on the matter will be made by the end of January. In summary, the group consensus seemed to favor a two year survey program as outlined in the mitigation plan, and the early '(if possible) involvement of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation so that eligibility determina- tion for the National Register can begin in a manner which satisfies the FERC scheduling concerns. In a prior meeting with APA and the subcontractor on the 29th. the mitigation plan was discussed. Because of final editing of the mitigatjon plan in Buffa 1 o, New York. by the APA, the previous goa 1 of seeking approva 1 from the State Historic Preservation Officer was not requested at the November 30th meeting~ Numeri ca 1 differences in reported data are a source of conflict . between APA and the University of Alaska Museum scientists. Dr. Fleming and Hayden will resolve the conflict in separate meetings prior to January 15th. The potential impacts on cultural resources from the recreation plan develop- ments also need to be determined prior to the final draft. In a third meeting involving Cultural Resources, Mr. Gary Lolly and Mr. John Robinson of Harza-Ebasco were requested by Or. Fleming to meet with Dixon and Smith to discuss the magnitude and project logistics required for a one year survey completion and to make them aware of the program needs in general. Dr. Dixon will revise his budget to provide the option of completing work in. one year. The meeting with FERC in December will provide more direction for the APA management decision. lj u [j "[I o·· ·o d· . .. r '0. o· 0 0 ... · o·· o· 0 0 D. 0 .0. 0 ~: I ' }j CULTURAL RESOURCES - 3 l ; .. PhiLHoover will meet·wfth FERC the end of O.ecember. to discuss the involve:.. ment of the; Advisory Counc:il. · .. · .. · . ... . · ·.··. · · · · · .. · · ..• · · · .. ·· .. , .·. · .· · ... ' . ' . . ~ . . •. . Respectfully submi tt~:d, .· .... ·· . ·.. · .. · ~r$~~' · . · Dona] d~ •. Fo news ... ·· . • . ·• ·. ·. · . · ·.· ·.. . •..•.. ··• .. IU ••• q.····. n ___ ~-·· .. ··-··. L..;R q ·4.··· ··~······ Jl. '{1 .. · 01 01: 0~ o~-- oi 01 n~ . ,n o·;. nl o~··· n !!(-".· a: ATTENDANCE LIST . ' Land Use Workshop ·.· Tuesd,ay, 11 I 30/82 Charlotte.Thomas · · RabinHill Ron s'tanek . · · · Her-b. Smelcer . . -. -- .. B~uce·Bed~rd·· . ·steve .. simmons · · · Nancy Blunck · Randy Co~art .. ·-· ,. ' ·Robert Erickson .. ·. . . ·< . '; . ·Alaska Power Authority · · FrankOrt:h & As~socfat~s . . Alaska Dept. Fish & Game.·. . Ahtna Inc •. ·. · Alaska Power)\uthority Harza-Ebasco · · · . Af~s l<a•· Po~e~ At.ithori ty.: AONR ... R&O 0• EQAW, Inc~ · ·'· · Alaska Dept. . . -. -. · ·.···Acres·. American .· ···-·"'-;--£ __. .... - 'U :~~~~~==~,~~~~··,~--~~~·~~·.··<~~~~1 s q q q q q 01 Dr D1 D1 OJ 01 01· Ol 01 Ol oi ol LAND USE Questions & Comments 1. The Power Authority should request DNR to consider lands suitable for exchange. Alternative potential lands are becomming limited. DNR has not commenced such a study. 2. Clarification was requested on the content of Section 24 of the Federal Power Act. · 3. It was questioned as to whether or not CIRI is subject to Section 14C of ANSCA regarding reconveyance of lands to· the villages. 4 •. Discussion occurred regarding induced land use changes resulting from public pressure to provide increased access» i.e.ll potential of fishermen·wanting improved access to Portage Creek. 5. Concern was expressed about the compatability of the proposed access plan with the Denali Scenic Highway plan. -Discussion related to potential recommendations of the ongoing Denali Scenic Highway study. The report will need to·be adopted by the Land Use Council before being released. 6. It was suggested that an assessment should be conducted on the long term economics value of having a more appealing access road. 7. A suggestion was made that a land use committee be established. The potential of having the Power Authority participate on the Mat Su land use planning team was discussed as ~n option. 8. Locally a request was made for a new substation at Cantwell as part ·of supplying construction power to the site. 9. It was identified that additional assessment of land use change at the· community level will be required. 10. It was mentioned that Native concerns should be presented in the FERC license application ~ 11. The Natives are not making further plans on their 1 oads unti 1 definitive project requirements are received. The Natives could propose the following land use alternatives; acquisition, right- of way, 1 ease or exchange. 1 12. Effects of land acquisition procedures on land use development were discussed. . · ,, i 0 0 o· D D .o·. CD 0 . ;o· ~0 J 0 ·0 .o D· 0 ATTENDANCE LIST . WORKSHOP QN RECREATION .December l. 198Z . Larry Wright. USNPS . . . Randy Cowart, ADNR Gary Stackhouse~. usFWs Dave Dapkus, USBLM MikE! Mills, ADF&G , ··. '· " ". ·. ·. ' ' .. Roland. Shanks, · CIRI · · . ' ·. . . Jack W11es ,. ADNrf . ' . . . Richard Fleming) · Bruce.Bedard ) APA · Nancy. Blunck .· ) Gary Lawley.· ). . .... · .:Jac{Robi ~son).·.Harza;,.Ebasco . · P~ter Rogers ) . RoblnHill.) .. ·FrankOrth &.Asso~iates· .· Bob Erickson) · Jim Chappel]) EDAW. • Inc. ·. Kev.in: Young . ·· ) . Priscilla Lukens) Acres· l I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMENTS RECEIVED WORKSHOP ON RECREATION December 1, 1982 1. Questions were asked regarding FERC policy on location of facilities off.;site. FERC is in agreement that~ as in this case» when recrea ... tion resources are off-site and not at the reservoirs, it is accept- able to develop off-site facilities. State Parks is in agreement. APA stated their position is to. a) take advantage of project facilities (roads & reservoirs), b) be responsive to landowners (avoid trespass)D c) direct use away from sensitive fish, wildlife and archaeologic res~urces. 2. Why is an expansion of Brushkana campground recommended? The need r has. been discussed a] ready by BLM and it appears in their management plan. The. project will increase demand for camping along the Denali Highway and this is a logical location. It will also keep some. auto traffic from penetrating the project area. BLM w.ill manage the area, and BLM· and APA will enter into a memorandum of understanding regarding costs. 3. State Parks Department is pleased with the plan as presented and confirmed that it is in agreement with the state-wide·recreation plan "DNR supports the p1an 11 • State will open a new trail along Curry Ridge line. from Coal Creek to Troublesome Creek, in 1983. They would like EDAW to consider adding three whistlestops. consisting of small campsites and possibly shelter cabins, at Gold Creek, Curry Ridge and Indian River. 4. Is a full range of recreation facilities provided at Watana Village and are facilities provided for other than rugged hikers? Yes, extensive recreation faciliti-es and activities are included in the plan for the village. Then is a full ·range of. recreation opportu- nities provided in the recreation plan, from driving and pull-offs along the road, to a visitor center with educational exhibits, to rugged hiking. 5. There are no improved trails in Denali National Park. Why does State Parks want improved trails here? Brushing out and hardening will be done only where necessary (e.g., in close-in forested areas). In further out open areas, rock cairns may be all that is necessary. 6. Concern was mentioned about Caribou kills on the Denali access road. The report recommends lower design speed and lower profile for that road (Section 8, Aesthetics). Caribou kills are not known to be a problem on the Denali Highway now. The Denali Highway presently has an AADT of 50 vechicles; Parks Highway, 200. The project is projecting 20 truck trips/day. Worker travel will most likely be regulated. While no firm traffic projections on the Denali access road are available, it wi~l be much lower than the Parks Highway today and lower than the Denali Highway at that time. Recreation traffic will be limited primarily to July, August and September. _,; I I ~ 0 D· D o···· 0 :0; 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMENTS RECEIVED WORKSHOP ON RECHEATION = cont ... 7. Are. any fadl ities proposed adjacent to the north access road?· . . In addition to the 'turn-ou.t,s and tra i 1 heads shown .on the project -maps, rehabilitation of borrow areas for camping is a u_Phase. 5ve item~ . They cannot be located at this time because the location of borrow areas is. not know.n~· .A note to this effect wil1· be added to the map. 8~ .Why do we assurrie·thatdemand.wi11 builcf up over time and. not be instantaneous: when the facilities open (p E=7:--42)?, National P;irk Service· experience has shown this to be the case,. ~vera in .. well-. known recreation areas. It takes time to build a sustained market~ .. . If a new. salmon fishing area close<to Anchorage were opened, ·it would'get immediate heavy use. · Susi.tna is not that type of area .. -., · 9 •. Dema~d figures· were .discussed and agreed with; if anything, they . ·may be high •. Thi-s is why some faciJities have been put in. Phase 5. 10. What is .the.capadtyof•the Susitna River. Boat Launch? 6 vehicle ·places. This will be checked against OOT~s Denali Highway.Study.· ll. Three facilities• require Native concurrence -the Chulitna trail. . ·Fog . Lakes trai 1 .and campground, and ·Stephan Lake tra i 1 . Is .there a statement. that says. land acquisition costs will be in addition? Yes~· Th~ plan also recogn'iies t~at additional' privatf;:!.•recreation development may. take place on pr1Vateland. 12: · The plan should menti()n·that snowmobiling will probably increase. along the Denali Highway .. No specific areas need to be set aside. . . .· . 13. Page E~7-39, paragraph 3 states fishing is decreasing. The data sour:ce should be .re..;checked to. confi nn this; . 14. Capital investments will be part of APA project financing~ Opera~ tional costs will be partly done as part of regular APA operations (e.g .• ,. providing helicopter rides to park rangers), and partly via MOVu s with the agency in question. )5~ Effects on.-downstream recreation appear to be mixed. Water quality. · .. wi.ll improve but quantity·wil1 decrease. I i i I !. ·: .I I :: I I! i '· 'i ! ; ; q q fl. Lt.· .. o-.·· ,.J c~· Dt 0 :o1·· · :o· 1···· ... ·· '!, < • ·or ·o·.~ .. · . . ·.· '. . . • ATTENDANCE LIST . . -: . . . · WORKSHOP ON.AESTHETICS ·· December 1 , 1982 . • · ~:~~::!~~:~~~::sj J.·· .·· Gary Stackhou~e~· usrws Roland Shanks, tiRI .. Jack Wtles, AONR:. / .·. > ·· Bruce:~edard) · Nancy .. B11J~ck) .... APA. . . ·. Bob EricksoQ}. ·· · · · · E.DAW. i>.;.lhc. Jini Chappell:)' . · ,. ,-.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 COMMENTS RECEIVED Workshop on Aesthetics December 1, 1982 1. Be ,sure that discussion of Denali access. road clear1y states our recommended restudy of that alignment. 2. It was suggested that. a mitig~tion measure be to take a.film of the river from Tyone River to Gold Creek today.,. and again periodically after· constructions in a utime-lapse 10 fashion. 3. Discussions of the construction camps and the townsite took place, with.agreement that additional location studies and design studies . are required. 4. Discussions of the transmission 1 ines took place, with agreement the the north and south stubs need additional location studies but the 11ne from the powerhouses to ~he intertie is well located. ' : j .I ! 1!' • n. I . [l. :.[ I ~I I h II l l I 1 l I 0 0 0 d d d d I ~ 01 Da o. u~ J~ ]~ ]l] ]:I ]I WETLANDS MEETING -2 RF -According to Cowardin's definition then~ wetlands were appropriately mapped for the Susitna Project. JH -Some plant species occur only in wetlands. Many, however, occur in both wetland and upland areas. Then you have to look at the other criteria. RS -In order to identify procedures and criteria for wetland mapping~ we need to know if the Corps accepts Cowardin for Section 404 permitting. TR -We accept and use Cowardin, but it is not always sufficient for Section 404 decisions. Often the USCE jurisdictional boundaries are different from the wetland boundaries. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps are at a good seale for large projects. However, we often need soi 1 ,. data because all three parameters (f1o.oding, hydrophytes, and hydric soil) are necessary to define USCE wetlands. The Corps a·1so needs hydrologic data to know how a given wetland ties into the watershed. RF -The huge scale of the project area (over 60,000 acres) makes it difficult to map. How much sampling would be necessary? TR -Sampling areas can be representative of other areas. Maps are on.ly needed of impact areas: roads, borrow sites, camp sites~ etc. No wetlands maps of the impoundment areas are needed. JH -For USFWS, you do need wetland maps of the impoundment area. RF-No need for soils maps of the impoundment. JH-Slopes should not be arbitrarily excluded from wetland categories • . Larger scale color infra-red photography should have been used. In the Tanana River basin, USFWS is using the Viereck and Dyrness classification system and a wetlands modifier to map the area. The resulting map is easy to convert to the Cowardin classification system. The water ·regime modifiers in Cowardin's system are especially useful to USC E. RS -Remapping of vegetation wi 11 be done to Leve 1 3 and beyond for moose browse vegetation types. RF -For most areas. we have v·egetation maps and slope is available from contour maps. Might need more soil work. TR -Once we have maps of the vegetation, hydrology, and project impacts, we' 11 be able to see where more data such as soil types is necessary. RS -Are the soil parameters USCE needs available from engineering.borings and soil pits? 0 r1 I ~ o .. 11 q~ OIJJ ·-~~·~ •• ~ •• J:f>~. ,~' .. •• "." ·:";< .:~. WETLANDS MEETING Thursday~ December 2, 1982 Holiday Inn, Anchorage~ Alaska ATTENDEES Name .Qrganization Address Phone No$ Bruce Bedard (88) Alaska Power Authority Anchorage 276-0001 Roseann Densmore (RO) Envirosphere Anchorage 277-1561 Chris Godfrey (CG) USCE Reg. Functions Anchorage 552-4942 Michae 1 Grubb, (MG) Acres American Inc. Buffalo 716-853-7525 Jon Ha 11 (JH) USFWS, NWI Anchorage 263-3403 Priscilla Lukens (PL) Acres American Inc. Anchorage 276-4888 Dave McGillivary (OM) USFWS, Regional Office Anchorage 276-38DO Ann Rappoport (AR) USFWS~ WAES Anchorage 271-4575 I" Martha Raynolds (MR) LGL Alaska Anchorage_ 274-5714 Ted Rock we 11 {TR) USCE Reg. Functions Anchorage 552-4942 Robert Sener (RS) LGL Alaska Anchorage 274-5714 Bill Steigers (BS) U of A, Ag. Exp. Sta. Palmer 745-3257 Judy Zimicki (JZ) No.Ak. Environmental Ctr. Anchorage 277-2134 RS introduced the meeting. He discussed the ambiguity of the wetlands classification system used in previous mapping. The goal of this meeting was to come up with a practical method. of defining and mapping wetlands to facilitate Army Corps of Engineers·(USCE} permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and possibly Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and to aid facility siting. LGL is looking into the possibility of incorporating wetlands mapping as part of the vegetation re-mapping program. · MR presented a summary of' wetlands work that has been done to date. Some work w.;ts done to characterize aquatic vegetation -of ponds in the project area. That work has been presented as part of Chapter 3 in Exhibit E. Wetlands mapping was done using the Cowardin classification system of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Two sets of maps were produced. One, at a scale of 1:24,000~ consists of 7·maps of the two impoundment areas4 The other. a set of 3 maps at a scale of 1:63,000, mapped alternative access routes. Vegetation maps of the same scale were used as base maps. A system for converting Viereck and Oyrness vegetation classes to Cowardin vegetation classes was developed {see Table 46, Phase I Report, Plant Ecology). Using Cowardin's definition of wetlands, all wet herbaceous. all shrub, and all forest vegetation-types were mapped as potential wetlands. A subjective judgment of slope was made to eliminate steep, well-drained areas. No re-interpretation of the imagery or ground truthing was done. JH, when asked how USFWS maps wetlands, replied that they use aerial photography, following the Cowardin system, look for one of three characteristics: flooding, hydrophytes, or hydric soils. ·'-· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WETLANDS MEETING - 3 RF -Some soil maps exist, though I don't know their scale or adequacy. RS-The Soil Conservation Service has not mapped all of the Susitna area. Several questions still need to be answered: 1) Appropriate fevel of detail of vegetation mapping to be usefu 1 for wetlands classification? 2) What soil parameters are important to USCE? JH -Even Level 4 of the Viereck and Oyrness system doesn't allow direct conversion to wetland categories. Often, other data are needed. TR -Groundtruthing will be very useful. The USCE personnel who will be responsible for permitting should go a long. RF -What time of year is best for ground truthing? TR -Anytime during the growing season. RS -The people doing the vegetation mapping will be working on the ground truthing next summer. JH -With a group of people who are familiar with the area, we should be able to sit down with the USCE and a wetlands map and decide which areas need USCE permits and which areas are marginal and naed ground-checking. RS -Is it proper procedure to involve USFWS and USCE in the preliminary process and ask you to review drafts? JH -I'd be glad to work with you. TR -Yes, certainly, we prefer it that way. BB -Have you discussed the types of permits required? They are: Section 404 -all waters of the U.S. Section 10 -navigable waters -below Devil Canyon. U.S. Coast Guard -navigable waters -south of Portage Creek. TR -The USCE definition of navigable waters may not be the same as other agencies. If Section 10 jurisdiction hasn't been taken yet by USCE, then it wi 11 not be. RS -We need to alter the approach to vegetation mapping to be sure to distinguish wetlands. We may need to map more vegetation types beyond Leve 1 3. RF -Only in access and transmission corridors. i i . I 0 0 iJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WETLANDS MEETING -4 RS -We can restrict the mapping to known corridors and impact zones. The major borrow areas for the dams have also been identified. The borrow areas for the access road have not been finalized, but some potential borrow areas have been indicated. RF -Those potential borrow areas aren 1 t likely to change much. RS -What should be included in FERC application? I would suggest: 1) Wetland maps already prepared. 2) Discussion of their preparation and coverage. 3) Plans to rectify problems. 4) Revised maps coming later. {The new maps can be submitted as supplements when they are done). JH -I would be concerned about including the old maps. TR -Could you modify the old maps by double-checking them with some aerial photography? RF -Might be possible, but probably not by February 15. JH It would only take 3-4 days to map wetlands in the whole area (impoundments only). The cartographic work, however, would take awhile. From the slides (John Hayden's talk on Monday), upland wetland areas looked fairly easy to define. RS -We want to confirm to FERC that we are handling wetlands thoroughly. We should list soil features that will be supplied to USCE. TR -USCE needs soil profiles, from the litter layer down to ground water, depth to.ground water, chroma, mottling, gleying, soil type, location of soi 1 pits. Primary interest is in the root zone, the top 18 11 -24". We would be-glad to work with any field personnel for a few days to explain the USCE requirements and sampling methods. TR -A few days work should give us a fairly good jurisdictional map. JH -The first step would be a wetlands map; regulatory wetlands will be a subset of that. TR -Final COE regulations are expected by December 15. Our jurisdiction could change. OM -JH might be interested in talking to Dr. Talbot who did some vegetation sampling in the Susitna basin several years ago. 0 [] WETLANDS MEETING -5 0 0 0 0 0 d d IT n ;)11 AR - I would like to clarify the timing -the vegetation maps will be drawn up. first, so there wi 11 be no new maps by February 15. · Would the new wetlands map be ready by June? RS -The vegetation and wetlands mapping will take all spring. We hope to have the preliminary maps by June 30. · Ground truthing will be done during the summer, then the final maps will be drawn up. FERC has stated that they will welcome any new data or maps after the June 30 submitta 1. RS -To summarize our agenda: 1) Get together with Jon Hall and Ted Rockwell to identify appropriate level of detail for vegetation mapping. 2) Clean up.previous work using aerial photography. 3) Prepare discussion of mapping, past and future, for February 15 submitta 1. 4) Coordinate with USCE to get soils data. 5) Summer ground truthing. 6) Fall: final maps available. TR -When do you expect to need the first USCE permit? RS -For building the access road. l MG Access road construction is scheduled to begin spring 1985. TR-After the final maps are available in late fall 1983, there will still be time for further field work in the summer of 1984. If construction begins before 1985, then all permit fieldwork has to be done next summer. RS -There may be wetlands permits required for test drilling and other pre-construction field activities that are planned for next summer. TR -If so, they should be identified this winter to avoid any permitting delays. BB -There will be a major staging area around Cantwell. widening the Denali Highway, and a transmission line from Cantwell to Watana. These activities may also need permits. Will the Section 404 permits require socioeconomic input? TR -Section 404 is not strictly biological, but must also consider the public interest which includes socioeconomics, etc. RS -How should wetlands be included in various sections of the FERC application? ., u [j a .CJ .[JI [I .,_,1·._-_-_-_· ·-c __ : . - · WETLANDS MEETING - 6 · -MG -The· whole wetlands section could be repeated verpatim ~n both the_ . Botani.cal and Land Use sections~ ---. RS -1 would suggest that perm1 t related discussions<go into th-e Land Use-- cnapter of Exhibit E, .. and ·biological discussions into the BotanicaJ-· Resources section Of'.Chapter 3. ' '. . ·-. . ' . . RS· -'I wou 1d like to set .up a project/agency, group that< wUl work together on - . a regular basis. -{General agreement).. . . ' -' .. -. . . . ~ . . BB -Someone should. look into the Sed:ion,lO Qllestion• TR · Pll do that and. use RS and Rf .as contac~s. -AR _>Any plans for future work on wetlands should be clearly laid out in tile app 1 ication~ · .. ·.' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o···· 0· 0 0 ·~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUS~TNA HYDROELECTR~C PROJECT. OFF~C MEMORANDUM· To: .See Distribution FROM: Robert Chamberlain SUBJECT: . SUSITNA -Information Package for Access ~nd Transmission· Recent/comments. from FERC have. indicated that. in .general the treatment of both the transmission line and.· the main access road throughout· Exhibit E is incomplete. Speci{ically a more thorough discuss.ion ·is ·required regarding identificat-Ion of impacts· an9 explanation of miti.gafion measures. The· identification of impacts. is to be discussed as fully as the. existing data allows, and where data. is incomplete ·explanations given as to why and when the data will be provided. The d.iscussion of mitigation is to describe. wha:t changes have taken place since the original route was selected (such as. real igf)ment in certain areas where wi l d.l i fe or fisheries would have . been impacted), and mitigation measuresthat will·be adopted during construction (such .. as· development of. borrow areas, avoidance. ·Of newly discovered cultural · resource sites).· 'These discussions are to be supplemented by the use of maps a11d figures .where appropriate. · · · · Attached find an. information package. the ·purpose of ·which •· is· to .· present to all persons involved in the·. pre~arati..on Qf Exhibit. E; the finalized alignments and key design features of, and associated with, . the transmi.ssion line and rna.in access road. · . . . . A detailed list of comments and deficiencies is expected.from.FERC later this week arid wi lJ be circulated to you. If you have any ·questions, or ·points .of clarification arising from this memorand1,1m, or require any assistance in the. pr.eparation.of figures etc. for the FERC license final draft please contact me at the Buffalo office. Attachment Robert Chamberlain Access & Transmission Coor.dinator .RDC/pg. 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJ D. o·· ·. Page - 2 Distribution: c. Debelius -Acres/Columbia P. Hoover · . -., . · J. Hayden ~ Acres/ Anchorage . · J. G,i 11 .. · W. Dyok D. Fall o:ws . M. Storonsky P. · Lukens · ·. s. Thompson -Acres/Buffalo J •. Plummer. K. Young . M. Grubb · . R. Steele R. Mohn .. APA R~ >Fl~mirig . , . ·· .. ~····· .R •. Sener .:.. LGL L. Mou han. -. WCC G. $mit h ~. U · of. A · . p.; Rogers .. FOA · R. Erickson -EDAW. R. Stutchberry L Kozi ~ek -R&M. J. ·Coffin I I I ' .. i I I . ·i 0 o.···.·. '0 0 0 0. 0 0 IJ 0 0 o· D ROC December 21 ~ 1982 . SUS ITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INFORMATION PACKAGE FOR ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION 1. Route Modifications/Finalized Alignments Ln the past week both the access .road and transmission· line have undergone minor route modifications. . The .finalized . routing for· each is given on. the enclosed full sized_ 1 inch to 1 mile mg,p dated December. 1982~ and ·titled 11 Proposed Access Plan and Transmission· Corridor.10 . These> plans supercede al T previous maps and are to be used for the FERC ·lic.ense final draff. The modifications made since. the last set of plans was issued are:·. (a) Transmission line: An extra bend in the transmission line . has been. introduced in the Swtmmi ng Bear Lake area .. The · purpose ofthis change was to (lvoid siting towers on the steep · ·hillside•immediately adjacent to the. access road •. · .. The al terdtiave was to eros s the road twice and · locate the l.i nes between the road and the 1 ake. However. by keeping to the north (uphill) side of the road visual and aesthet.ic impacts.· have:be~n minimized. (b) Access· road: The high level suspension bridgE! downstream of Devi.l ··Canyon has recently been redesigned. The revised location of the approach roads and bridge is .reflected in the ·above map. · The ·a 1 ignment of the road between· .the · Dena 1 i Highway and Wataria has bee'n mod.ified between Milepost (MP} 24 and· MP · 30. The reasoning behind this was to ··eliminate iJpproximately 3 miles of diffic'ult sidehill cutting .around the drainage immediately. west of Deadman Mountain, (it is likely.· . that erosion related problems. \'IOUld occur with the prior alignment}. To alleviate concerns. about. crossing Deadman . Creek it has been decided tci construct a bri.dge instead of a culvert, ·and thereby ensu·re adequate fish passage .. 2. Access ahd Transmission Map Besides showing the finalized location of the access and ·transmission routes the accompanying map also shows; · (a) Mi 1 eposts every two miles a long the proposed access route.· I . ' 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D o·· 0 0 0 0 0 Page - 2 (b). Location of borrowp.its. for the access route ·(c) Location of environmentally sensitive areas close. to the · proposed· access and trarismi ss ion corridors· •. 3.· Access Road Data (a) Design.Parameters: The design parameters for the access road are: Surfacing . Width of running surf ace Shoulder width Design speed r~ax imum grade Maximum curvature Design Loading -du~ing construction ·~ ~fter.constri.Jction Unpaved (gravel surface) 24 feet · 5 feet 55 inph . 6% . ·50 80 k axie 200 .k total . . . . . ' . . . HS-20 A·SS·mphdesign speed.was· chosen for the effic~ient,.econo~ical·.· ,and safe movement of> supplies ... Howev~r. in. ~reas wher:e. a 55 .. mph de sigh speeo <WQU ld. result irl ~)(CessiveTy' .·deep cuts. and ·. extensive fills the design speed has been. reduced to 40 mph. thereby allowing steeper grades and shor.ter radius turris .. · (b) Mileages. The mileages of the various segments of the access planare:. . . . . . . . Rai.lhead to junction Denali/Parks Highways · 2.0.miles Dena 1 i Highway ·segment' ('upgrade of· present lfighway) 2L 3 miles Denali Highway to Watana Camp · 41.6miles Dena 1 i Highway to South side of Watana dam 44.2 miles watana to Devi 1 Canyon segment · · 37.0 miles· Railroad extension, Gold Creek to Devil Canyon 12.2 miles ,In addition note that the road will be pavedfrc:lm the railhead facility at Cantwell. to four miles east of the junction of the . Parks and Denali Highways. This is to eliminate the problem of dust and flying stones iri the community of Cantwell. (c) Roadway Construction (i) Upgrade of Deriali ·Highway: The 21.3 miles .of existing road along the.Dena1i Highway ·will be upgraded to the ·standards mentioned in 3(a), however, the . present alignment is ·such . that any I I I . i l I . I ': I J 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page -3 realignment required sho.uld be possible within .the existing easemerit. · (ii) Dena.l i Highway to Watana damsite: The section of road' from the Denali Highway to the. Watana carnp (41.6 miles) follows.terrain and soil types which, :for the most .part, allow construction using side· borrow techniques. This technique results in· minimum .. disturbance to areas .· away ·from the . alignment by confining road construction activities to .a narrow strip each ·side of the finished roadway:. The borrow material required to form · the road surface is excavated from trenches directly alongside ttie rei ad. as s.hown. in sketch SK R001 · attached. This sketch illustrates the · construction pr.ocess ·from the first sfep of stripping away the overburden. to ... the: final step. of · rehabi 1 i tati ng · the slopes. Careful phasing of the various construction . stages allows . all stripping~ excavation; road. ·construction,.backfilling and revegetating to behandled . within the limits of the .trenCh· excavations, thus limiting .disturbance to an area 50 feet to 70 feet each side of the road·centerline. The advantages of this type of. construction over conventional end dumping techniques are: --. . . . . . ' -the' fini~hed .road section is such. that the crown of the road iS only 2 ft to3 ft abov~ original ground level compared .with 5 ft to 6 ft .for an end dumped section. Le. the section presents less of a physical and .visual barrier to migrating wildlife. · · All borrow material required for the end dumping technique is obtained from borrow pits away from the alignment, whereas b~rrow excavation and construction activity for the side borrow technique is confined to a narrow strip each side ofthe roadway, thus minimizing dis'turbance to vegetation and wi.ldlife habit at. · (fii) Watana damsite to De~tl. Cany6n damsite: The connecting road between Watana and Devil Canyon generally crosses good soi 1. types with bedrock at or near the surface, and will .be constructed largely by sidehill cutting. Erosion ·and thaw settlement should not be a problem· since the terrain has gentle to moderate slopes which will allow roadbed construction. without deep cuts. However, where it is necessary to minimize the. extent of. cutting and fllling, the design standards wi 11 be reduced to those applicable to a 40 ! .·.·.! 0 0 0 o. 0 0 n .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page - 4 4. mph design speed .. The .affected areas are the approaches· to some. of. the stream crossings, the_ most significant being those of the high level bridge. crossing the Susitna R1ver downstream of Devil Canyon. With careful balancing of cut and fill the amount of borrow material· required from borrowpits will be minimized •. (d) High level bridge at Devil Canyon Recently a more refined engineering· design· for the high level suspension bridge downstream of Devil . Canyon· has been developed; with the following changes resulting: . .. · ( i) · The bridge is located approximately 800 .ft upstream of the previou~ location. -. . . ( ii) The deck elevation .of the bridge is· • 1420 ft compared to-EL. 1550 ft previously. · ·· (iii) The overall length of the bridge 'is now 1790 ft, 810ft ·less than the previous design. Similarly;the main span has .been reduced 350 ft s() that it is now 1250-. fL ·• A drawing 'of the. bridge is attached as ·sketch number SK· R002. _· These changes have resulted in a m()re economic sol~t-ion of crossing the Susitna ,River_ at Devil Canyon. The alternative means of making the river crossing· is. by utilizing a low level crossing, however for the reasons outlined below a bridge is . considered superior~ · Essentially-the travel distance from cine side. of theSusitna . River to the .other is less.than one mile with a.bridge, whereas · if the switchback road .do.wn· each side of the Canyon and· a low· leve 1 crossing . is used the travel distance would be approximately: eight miles. Whei'J taking the . seven year construction· period of the Devil Canyon dam into account, and also the· amount of construction. traffi-c crossing the Sus.itna River, the cost savings of a bridge in terms of time, fuel, and equipment renta_l_ are such that the capital cost of building a 1790 ft .long suspension bridge is justified. -Other advantages · of a bridge are that; ( i) fuel spillages are less likely· ( ii) traffic congestion along the switchback road would be -lessened, Railroad Extension The railroad extension wi 11 be designed in accordance with the following design parameters. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .o 0 0 D 0 Page - 5 :Maxi mum grade 2. 5% Maximum curvature 10° Design loading E-72 A drawing of the typical railroad' cross section is enclosed as' .sketch SK R003. Except for a 2~ mile. section where. the route traverses steep terrain alongside the SusitnaRiver~ the railroad climbs steadily for l2~2 mi.les ·• fr.om Gold Creek .to: the ·railhead facility near the Dev i 1 · Canyon tamp. · · · .· · .. Nearly all of the route traverses potentially frozen;. Basal till on. side slopes varying from flat to moderate.ly steep .. Sidehill cut ·techniques w.i 11 be used and therefore the amount of borrow material required from pits is expected to be small. 5. Borrow Pits The locations of. borrow pits for the access route have been marked · on the accompanying full. size draw.irig. By util·izing .side borrow tecliniqueswher.everpossible and carefully balancing cut and fill in sidehill cut areas the amount of borrow< materiai needed from pits bas·. b.een minimtzed; The. borrow. sites i.nd ica:ted on· the .. maps ··.have been. located using existing terrain unit mapping. A more ·detailed geotechnical• investigation in subsequent field . seasons· will identify the extent .• and depth_ of· suitable material .in these areas. In addition final design.will determine more accurately the amount of borrow material required at various ·points along the access route •• However, the borrow pits shown assume the worst case . in terms of the number. and size required. · In genera 1 it· has. been assumed that each site will be exca.Vated to an average depth of 8 · ft and·· wi 11· range. in area from 10 to no more than 20 acres, The borrow sites have been located in well-drained upland locations and selected so as to; -avoidactive floodplains ana streambeds (thereby minimizing impacts to fisheries) . -avoid directly impacting known cultural resource sites -avoidenvironmentally sensitive areas such as denning areas and· gold eagle nests · -be located no more than l/4mile from the main access road, (and therefore minimize disturbance to vegetation and habitat away from the alignment). Amongst the various mitigation measures. suggested by the various sub~ohsu 1 tants are: -All. material sites are to be developed in phases by aliquots, and· portions.of the site which .are more sensitive from an environmental standpoint are to be left unti 1 last. (R •. Sener to provide figure(s)). I [ J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. Page -.6 . -For rehabilitation purposes sJtes are to have irregular boundaries, including projections of undisturbed, vegetated terrain into the site. · · .:.·.Organic overburden, slash, and debris. stockpiled during clearing is. to bed.istributed over the excavated area prior to fertilizati~n •. • · · -The rehabilitation of sites .isto.;becomp]eted· by th~ t;nd of the·· · .. growfng season immediately following last use. ··· . . . All these measures are t.o be fu 1Jy incorporated into the text and · supported .by appropriate figures and sketches. 6~ Transmission Line (a) General The· transmission facilities for the Susitna Project. are ~omprtsed'of three distinct study areas. · North. -Healy to Fairbanks. South :.. Willow to. Anchorage .. ·Cenfral·.-: Damsi.tes·tointert.fe .. ··• Comments re~eived from· .• FERC' indicat~ ,that ident.ilication. of . impacts and dev.el~pment of mitigation measures for b(Jth the · North· and South study areas· ... is inadequate .. · These areas· are.to .. · be discu s.sed in :as much detai 1 . as present knowledge allows. Where data .. is. incomplete explain what addit.ional data is needed, .a11d when it win be provided~ ·Impacts associated with the tentral study area sho~ld al~o be di~tussed ~n more detail and related:. to the impacts of the access road<. since for much of ·the route they faTl wifhin.the.same general corridor •. (b) Right~of~Way Widths TheR.o.w, widths to beused in all FERC License Exhibits have been finalized as; One tower Two towers· Three towers · · Four towers 170 ft 285 ft 400 ft 515 ft These rights-of-way are based on the following tower spacings . . Centerline to Centerline d.istance Centerlin~ to Edge of R.O.W. us ft· . 85 ft' I l \I J ] J ]··· J 0 .. ·.· o· o .. D .. :0 0 D .... 0 0 0 0 0 Page - 7 (t) Cl~aring Li~its -The extent of clearing along the transmission, line. R~O.W. is described and i nustra.ted in sketch SK.TOOl attached. · -From a plan vi.ew the insid-e edge of the 45 ft edge strip each side ofJhe R.o.w. is to be cut in an irregular fashion .to break up the visu a 1 linearitY of the. corridor • .. This is · illustrated 1n sketch SK T003. Bob Erickson of EDAW win he.lp develop a more detailed illustration .for. the license ~pHc~i~. ·· · · · · · -·Slash and debri.s created by the clearing process will be hauled to • a clear area, stockpiled, 1 eft to dry. ouit through the summer and .be control burned. ·• This wi 11 reduce the .. · _· • _potential for. spread of spruce bud woni1 or other destructive organisms •. Further recommendations and a more detailed plan. will pe developed by R. Sener of L~L and myse 1 f. . . (d) Acces•s to Transmission Corridor It is a requirement of APA that the traJlsmission ·Tine has ~round access for ·maintenance jn all :weather conditions. • In addition. to having sh.ort trails from the main access ·road to each tower a trail wfil ,exist alor)g' the length of the corridor. However, these. trails ·wfll be of minimum standard, and suitable for ATV use only. · · ·· · ·· To mainta.in · ground· access . to the· transmission line, .the connecting road between the two damsites wi 11 be· maintained ·throughout the winter, (this is necessary for normaLoperation and maintenance· anyway). · However the trails leading. to and running along the transmission corridor wilT be cleared only as. ~ . . . . . . . . necessary. The standard of connecting road between the • damsites is dependant. on whether or· not construction of .the Devil Canyon dam proceeds. If at the time of building the transmission line .. between Watana··and theinter.tie, it.has been.dec'ided not to· . proceed with Devil Canyon then the connecting road wi 11 not .be·. bui1t.. The. road running along the transmission corridor would therefore be upgraded for-use as a construction road. If construction of Devil Canyon has been given the go-ahead then the connecting road would be constructed as planned.· ·· However, if the decision to build Devil Canyon· is stilL undecided it is proposed to construe t a lower arade road . (approximately 20 . ft ·wide) along the ·same al{gnment as, l 0 0 0 o- o 0: 0 0 '0· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... Page ,_ 8 originally planned ... Therefore if Devil Canyon does proceed the access can be upgraded' without any changes in alignment being necessary. · RDC/pg. · Robert Chamberlain. · '···•·· .. · , ... ·· Access. & Trarismi ssion Coordfnator Attachment I l I I ~. .. • .. . _,. .... ·-·.'· = 0 5 'SCALE I ' I ·-. Nt5§Wfo@Lc;f¢Ci4¢~M~t·""'utt:ilWffii *·?*A# --------------------- 0-G<:--;:, !. O.G-.-:.. !J-!t:~*Rf¥%¥#4d&¥ CJ = Ro<iJ-. d~clop....l' '"' ?.00':\b ~000 l' s~'""e.-."h. overlo·...-deo1. ""CO:\ed! Gllo~!l lcs.;.-1-'ow ·~rt<!h· :'t"o f'<ev• "'••'r dewe.loy>....l ~...,.,..;-. ~P ;;<_ E"-<:<w&e ..:,<I.e borrow pi-Ts ,\ ~p-::3 ~,\\ +..,. e""-Ae, '-pia=--sulo~,.J.e, ~"•S\:-·y-o,.tl .,. .. .-t.ce . (~.,e.\ ..,._.,..t,..,d ...-o".{ J 'I;Z {-;- w"lil\<1!.. ..-u,.,...',..~ su .-+,.<.,._, S4-t-'5\-\ou\.l.e• ~ ~oc:l.,...\-,\1 -5"1"' """'"''''"" -h-v~s .;,h..... prev\ou.s\7' e_.,...,c:.~v,q-E"_;. 'ove.-\c.u....J..,.... ..,~.._\ , .;.T A-!' +o "' 1 -s\opQ_ . o;t. -:DC 1 <g -:DEC. ,;;:z. ~. s"=fO'. -=f-'l 1190' -1600 -1500 1% -1400 1300 1200 -1100 -1000 900 R oo:;:z I, -BOO D4'-o" 22'-o" 9'-o" 2' SUB BALLAST SCALE Ill FEET ' . 14'-o" 3•-o" l<:~e-7 '0 -:::tl~ c li';Z- \"'. 'S'"'f-OI,--=f-i .. ('\ \, Towe-v-'''=:::::>peA -::\11\:j CeJ.-'\"tev\\v-~ -\-:.::, Ce~TeK\W\'~ · c\\"Si't.\VIc-~ c~-re.-\.1"'€ +c · Ec~e. ot > R. 0. W. .. 1 ~5. -ti- 'B:'5. -f-1"' .·.1'"1-0 :Z~'5 Jr-00 "5'\5 ~"\"' -ec\<je' ~1·~ ,,-~ "'\ov.tj . E:: dkex-$1d.e -or R. 0 • W. . \1\~x,w.,uw-""e.~.~!Af ~ +ree. o:...., '"'s,c'\e ~d~~ 10f-t. \JOIYjiWj. 1\M~ov\/' _-t"· bG·(j · ~\ eA~e. c:::..t:· 'R..G.W~ (,,). ,A._.,.f"r;. \oE-\•·~q'1 , \w.c-:;: citt (>\\. ,Z,:o\iv1h. e.,.n::-rj· .. ~{l \O .f.-t '"' \-.;e.iek+ e..'l<ee.IP"t A.t" -t-<:~we-.-c;.;l'te:f c\E~o'(" · c(rt. <' ,_.SOH· . w1d.<2. +ro.l'\5 ve;,·s:¢ . -s\ r1p. cThv-.:.u~\.--\t::. a.c\jo.e<:'A"t \\"'et:.). (,,i) f\'l'c::....,. U\>\ck..-hli\e~, \v-.ductl\1\3 +t b,li!y6~d o·.,-T~;Je p'hO.ses 1 -\b. loe C.,\e£1\y CM-1' '"'"o w''l"thi~ '=> h'\. a+·· ~....-ou~~ \~~' e.-.c<:e~pt -th.o't E:Y""O\,;J\1-.:' •.n,Jr.:-v -;1..4-'' sk~l\ loa \~t-~ 'u•i p\ace:... ( •.. i) I"' 0\VC'(;\~ c<i:<euf>\ed. l.:.y '-sl.,uct .... ve.s, t::\CCC':O.S ':h·<Xck~/Q~ -te.""'f>Cnll't'.(', f"'c::.:,\;1-\es; fov-: coYis"Tryc:-tlohJ a\\ . VCC)C·\;~.,\;v-:-W\oy l.:::ie c._'\-. ~t ubh~ <:>.(. . :$\~H'\}'5 o\.\c\ ~Y.\'f'pih<J ~ 0'"'3~VI\c::. s-...:..(,ic-e... \o.ye..-icc be.. .l;~1tc.J -fo '1"\r-.F~C" ri'<C;'~S •. . E~-·.· I o\ .. . .· f(:.Q_ w .... I I ' '~ ' ·' ' Typ1cl··\ IE_. __ o.~ . 0~ . iR,O.W .. "'0 so .40 '30 XJ 1o 0 . R.';l) <:..: ... .... "' " i:j ' l: 0 w -... "' < ., 0: w ~ RECOMMENDED ~45 KV TANGENT TOWER I I \ I I ~= =::-Gl I I I I DETAIL A I I I I I ~ VCHAMBER HOLE TO ACCEPT HEAVY DUTY GUY-THIMBLE WITH GUY· WIRE, 6 PREfORMED GUY ATTACHMENT I PILE "'5 01..\l"CC:.... ·, Su..i~o-. DETAIL B g SECTION A-A " . / '\·, ~CHAMBER HOLE TO . SECT ION B· B ACCEPT HEAVY DuTY GUY THIMBLE WITH GUY WIR! 6 PA[• fOAMED GUY ATTACH • MENT X -FRAME GUY ED STEEL TOWER ~~c. :AO~EC. '6::Z. I'. "'.5~ 0 1. '""T '£: FIGURE 14.6 I . ll 'I I I 1 : . r ·l . ·~ ! •! I i 1 ·~-1:::... ~c-o·k:..~ ·o . 't J, b l I t}:' ~;;;). ct_ . • :><:::t~ ! i ;· 0 ,§$ . ..~ "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D D 0 0 0 [ J J J 0 D 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '\1:' q : " ,. ' , . lhlltA§llfiA\ ·no®WIEIFl A tUTrml®IRlli'JrJr·. Research by~ B. RQ Bedard · . Alaska. Power Authority SPECIFIC DEFICIENCIES: Page 4, Item 6 •. · DRAFT SUSITNA DISCUSSION . FROM FERC Geological. and Soil Resources. Item 1-There is an existing>ruby mine of considerable size fn the Portage .Creek drainage. This is. , an active mine that h~s not gone to patent under the federal mining l~s. · · · , , There are a number of mirring claim~ 'in the Gold Creek area . · containing mostly .. gold and silver~· · · · There are some. mining claims beyond Devil canyon-on .tile Susitna ·River that h~v.e been apparently abandoruid that were worked for go14 . placer deposjts. · :. ' ·. . . _:. ..· . The Native corporations have made extensive studies for minerals in the area.and various minerals have been discovered but at this time this information is not available for public information .. · 7. .Recreation Resources Page 4,_ It~m 1. Existing recreational maps exist for this area very little use in · the project boundary _exist at present (see page 51, Item 12. · Comments maps) the Native corporations as adjacent land owners hav~ . i!1dicated some ·desire for recreational development in the future, but did not want to expend funds to study this at this time until . the project was assured. These deve 1 opments included 1 odges, trailsg guide services, etc~ · · Cultural Historic Preservatton Resources: Page 33. · ' ' .. ' , . Should-include. the· Native corporations as a landmanagement agency REF: CFR 43, Part2650, Section 106 of the Historic Preservation· Act of 1966, Exetutive Order 11593 and Title 36, Patt 800 CFR. · . (Ref: ANCSA). 1 I . I ,j I I I ; ' I I l J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Does the statement on page 34, Item 9 appropriate land-managing agencies include the Natives). Page 35. Permitting Agencies -This should include the Natives Item 11. Page 37, Item 1. Other than using the area for hunting, fishing~ berry picking, there. are no Native American Alaskans living within the project boundary and only one Native family at Gold Creek, 12 miles from the Devil Canyon dam site. The Native village of Cantwell has approximately 72 Native inhabitants and approximately the same number of .non Native inhabitants though the community was identified in 1971 as a Native village by the Department of Interior Under the Alaska Native Land Claims Act. This community as a whole is still unincorporated. This community is approximately some 60 miles away via the proposed access road to the Watana camp site. The residents of Gold Creek have no commercial power or local generating facilities whatsoever, the village and community of Cantwell have no commercial power at present though various entities do have privately owned diesel generators, and some residences have no power systems at all. The community of Cantwell is somewhat separated politically. THe Native and non Native community operate from a non-profit status more or less seeking the same goals, but accomplishing these goals separately. This could be as a result of an unincorporated community and the large land ownership of land by the Cantwell Natives and their regional corporation, Ahtna, Inc. There are various commercial facilities in the community of Cantwell for its size, grocery stores, bars, two lodges, railroad yard, community center and some small contracting servicesg where Gold Creek has no such activity for the total population of seven inhabitants. The cost of living for both of these communities is hfgher than Anchorage or Fairbanks and mostly related to transportation cost and the remoteness and small populations of these two communities. The overall cultural settings for these two communities has been a subsistence life style with mining, trapping, and guide services as their prime sources of revenue. Though this is rapidly changfng due to land ownership patterns 9 the Ahtna region and the Cook Inlet region wi 11 eventua 11y own over three mi 11 ion acres of 1 ands in the Railbelt area of which approximately 553 square miles of this land is in or adjacent to the Susitna· Hydroelectric project and the Anchorage/Fairbanks IntP.rtie. The State of Alaska is also disposing of largP. amounts of state land to private ownership in the same vicinity. These new largeprivate holdings do not have to allow trespassers on their lands for subsistence users or open their lands to recreational uses for hunting, fishing~ etc., trappers, guides and miners could ~e held in trespass on these vast 2 J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 acreages by the private land owners Natives and non Natives alike whereby totally affecting existing cultural settings regardless of the Susitna project. Page 37, Item 2. Item 2 is somewhat answered in Item 1. (may need more data from the 1980 census). Page 37 9 Item 9. Ahtna Inc. is the-Native reoional corporation located at Copper Center, Alaska for the village of Cantwell. (a profit corporation). THere is no relationship between the Ahtna .Inc. region and the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. other than they were both established under the. Alaska Native Land Claims Act (ANCSA) on a geographical basis within the state and are neighboring regions. The Cook Inlet Native Association and the Copper River Native Association are separate non profit arms from the appropriate regions to manage the social,·educational9 health and welfare problems of all Natives in their respective regions though not controlled in any way by the profit regional corporations, Page 37, Item 12. The largest impacts the project will most likely create to the two regional corporations will be the infringements of their lands as the largest adjacent land owners comprises 553 square miles of land. The Cook Inlet Region and its villages owns or will own 315 square miles of land surrounding and abutting the two dam project~ they do not physically reside on the lands they do represent some 6,200 shareholders who own these lands. If access is denied to them to get to their lands during the construction of the project this could curtail their development by as much as twenty years, creating undue hardship for them when there lands unlike Lower 48 Indians is taxable twenty years from date of conveyance. Other impacts would be destruction, trespass and other land disturbances created by the project especially recreation uses. The Native community of Cantwell on the other hand would have siJTlilar land problems but not as severe as Cook Inlet lands. The project would most likely have more positive aspects to Cantwell then negative as at present Cantwell being unincorporated is presently limited in services and employment opportunities. The project through mitigation could do more for Cantwell than what they presently have, Cantwell does not have any tax base to rely on and receives most of its support from federal and state funding. (See item allowed for funding). · 3 J a J J J J D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t> Page 38~ Item 25. Ahtna Corporation and the Cook Inlet Corporation both have the capability to provide camp services and the management construction to develop land for housing anywhere in the State of Alaska. Page 39, Item 26. There is sufficient lands at Cantwell to house construction crews for a temporary camp, or new construction. THere is insufficient adequate housing or transient accommodations at present to house a large influx of construction workers. Page 39, Item 31. There is no question that the non Native population will drastically increase and could increase to about 300% over the Native popu1_ation though both the Native and non Native community has expressed their acceptance to this'change. Page 40, Item 46. See page 3_9 Item 26 response. Ahtna Inc., presently own and manage a large lodge and restaurant at Glennallens Alaska and have~ joint venture with the village of Knik a Native village corporation of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. to provide camp services for the present Susitna studies. The Cook Inlet Region Inc. presently has a joint venture with CIRI Holmes and Narver to design and construct camp facilities both temporary and permanent. Cook Inlet Region also has the capabilities to construct homes .and do provide camp services for the North Slope oil fields through another joint venture. Both Regional Corporations separately or jointly have the competency and capability to handle enterpreneurial housing activity. · Page 40, Item 50. In the proposed rail line the likelihood of development would come from the Cook Inlet Natives as they will own most of the land on the new rail spur~ There is no contemplated housing development proposed or planned for this segment. Other land improvements will probably be dictated by the demands the rail link would need as ongoing operations for the rail, the Native land owners are open to any potential this may have for them. Page 40, Item 51. Conflicts will exist even withbut the project as stated in previous comments subsistence uses, guiding, trapping and mining will - virtually come to a standstill because of the restrictions that could be placed on the large land area owned by the two Native 4 II ! .! ·I ,j J J J J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 regional corporations and their villages. The present uses by these current land users is very small, probably less than 50 people are involved in one way or the other, in the project area boundaries it probably less than 10 people who actually mine, trap, guide or use this land for subsistence. · The Cook Inlet Region and its villages are open to any alternative needs for their lands, to support project purposes preferably on a land lease use basis or land exchange. Page 40~ Item 54. The commyni_t,Y. Cantwell a~d the Ahtna and CIRI Regional Corporation both des1re Jobs for _the1r people. THe Alaska Power Authority will do everything possible within the law to accommodate this desire· for employment. · Page 41, Item 57. Ahtna Inc. does not receive any revenue sharing from the state as it is a corp for profit for its regional members. Cantwell village corp is. a non profit arm, the village council and the non Native community arm has received funding for schools and other community services from the federal and state governments. · To be eligible for revenue sharing the community as a whole would have to incorporate under the laws of the state. Page 41, Item 58. There are no known guides that are Native from Cantwell or Gold Creek. Subsistence uses for fish and wildlife could be disrupted especially if restrictions are placed by Fish and Game during the phase of construction for access to the Natives. Though subsistence uses in the project boundary at present do not exist because of remotenes5 9 accessibility and distance from the Native residence. Page 41, Item 59. There are less than half dozen guides in the area of the studies. Most guides cater to big game hunting rather than trophy or sports fishing though Stephen Lake does offer pote"tial for such activity it is not a prime _source for revenue for the guides. Page 41, Item 60. ·Subsistence catch for Natives or non Natives does not now exist between the two dam projects and.very little subsistence use by both groups exist on the adjacent lands. Natives at present do not 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o 0 0 0 .o ·o· . . ' D 0 0 require any different permit than non Natives and present 1 aw . requires only a subsistence use license cost is .25¢ per year. Page 41 9 Item 67 ~ The project roads could increase trapping on federal and state lands but .economics for trapping in Alaska does not. dictate any. such increase. ·ne Native land owners may further frustrate this activity by restricting accessto their553 square miles of land they own, and trapping is not a high priority item to them .as a whole. · · Page 41~ Item 69. It is not known whether there are any recreational trappers in "the area the requirement for a trapping license does not dictate any . differentiation between commercial and recreational trapping. Page 42~ Item 76. Ahtna Inc .. would be interested in potential empioyment, services9· contracts afld leasing of any of their lands for staging areasg .etc • Page 42, Item 83. Ethn1c distributions figures can be provided by the 1980 census. Gold Creek is classed all Native except one who is married to a Native. Cantwell is about half Native. Page 49~so, Item 6 .. Lak.e Louise recreation area is an input area for the Tyone River . which empties into the upper Susitna e~st of Watana currently ~sed by rafters, canoeist and fisherman. The tangle lakes. area is over 100 miles away from the Watan~ dam site; The segment is only open during the ·summer months for recreation use. · The Kepler lakes is over 200 road miles from Watana dam site and 39 ·miles north of Anchorage and is all privately owned and open to fee use only. · .The Nancy Lakes and the Denalt State Park which is much closer to the project area with ample room for more users, should be addressed more in depth for alternative recreation uses. Page 50, Item 7. ~u~ to. the large N~tive ownership of lands and the fact that this area was eliminated as a candidate by the Alaska National Interest (onservation Act for parks and scenic and wild rivers and that the Denali and Tiekel planning-blocks which is federal D-1 lands have . 6 I h ! .; ~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~--~~~~~~~--~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 16 0 0 D 0 0 sihte been opened to mining, trade and manufacturing~ homesites, headquarters, sites, mineral entry (oil andgas leasing) •. The remaining state. lands are scattered and small in number, does not 1 eave to ml.llch room for federa-l or state recreation a 1 · p 1 ann i ng. The ·. highest and best use of this area. has been determined to be energy, mining, recreational and residential use by all land managing· ,agencies. · · Page 50~Item9. The structures at· High Lake include some cabins; 1 odge, power . p 1 ant, airstrip, storage sheds. The structures on Portage .Creek· are primarily related to mining and most cabins are old and have· been abandoned~ Both areas are presently operated as a complex. ·Page 51, Item 11. There. are no PIJbl fc trai 1 s 1 ocated on 1 ands selected by the Natives.. There is an easement on Stephen Lake to the state for ·. publiC: purposes. Other valid easements to inholders of .small·. ·parcels within Native selections. Page 51, Item 12. Should use the Susitna Basin Land Use/Recreation Atlas, Talkeetna mountains, extsting re~reational l~nd use map. Page 51, lte~ 13. With the fai1ure:6f the.capital move to Wil.low there is no other _major project in the region that would effect future recreation. Page 51, It~m 14. ·Many rivers, stream~, ponds, lakesj mountains and canyons are unnamed in Alaska esp~cially in the Susitna study area t,he only other ~eans or identification would be by range, township, section · and mer.idian. · · Page 51, Item 15. The Denali planning block which is over one milllon acres of federal D-1 lands covering almost the entire northern study area of · the .upper Susi tna River. These federal 1 ands were opened on September 14, 1982 for minera 1 1 easing, mining and other land uses for private purposes,: to describe a 11 of these lands wou 1 d be a major undertaken at this time though maps can be provided to show where all these lands are. THe access road does cross throu9h these lands. 7 i I I I I I l ' i . i I I ! 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 Page 51, Item 16. It would have to be a policy established that company employees would not be allowed to hunt or fish during working hours. It would be unconstitutional under state law to prohibit employees on their own time from hunting and fishing unless the whole state was also prohibited from the same area with the exception of subsistence users. · Page 52, Item 21. The most likely parties would be the Alaska Power Authority~ the Native land owners, National Park Service, and the State Parks Division along with.the Alaska Power Authority contractor to study such activity. Page 52, Item 24. THe level of recreation would most likely be controlled by State · Division of Parks and the Alaska Power Authority, but the level and expansion could be dictated by the adjacent land owners9 CIRI Natives. The Natives would also dictate to some extent the policy created for recreation, where trails and other uses crosses their lands. Page 55, Item 1. Existing land values in the study area has not been established though nearby the state has had recent land disposals to place some value on surface ownership at Gold Creek and Indian River disposals. The land to be acquired has not been determined for value by any federal, state or Native agency to date. The transmission corridor has been .recently determined and finalized in most cases. Page 55, Item 2. THe Denali planning block which opened to·entry over one milli.on acres of land for various private uses will dictate the policy for those lands which most likely will be mining interest. The Native lands which is more than 350,000 acres will be dictated to a great extent. The economics of recreational, residential and mining values of their lands. These are relatively unknown factors at this time due to the fact the land is still in a conveyance process which most of these lands will be conveyed by mid 1983. THe state lands would most likely be open to homesites and minin9 uses. THe land managers of the area would be the major land holders. The Rureau of Land Management, the State Department of Natural R~sources Division of Land, the Ahtna Regional Corp, its villages, the Cook Inlet Regional Corporation and its villages. The borou9h 8 o· ·' 0 0 . 0 ·D ·o 0 :0 I I, 0 0 I !'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I . . . . ' . government located at Palmer Alaska may have, some zoning· powers · over these ·1 ands • Page559 Item 3. There .is no· question. that .the t)llfo ·dam pro .teet would enhance ·the . ··. land<values of the adjacent land owners. .· Alask~ experience has shown ~his' to be a .tru~ indicator of increased values to lands that have. access by road,· with development of some kind with it •.. · The land· values of the. · transmission lines could become somewhat less due to the fact people. ·are afraid to 1 ive under or near such Hl1es. · . . . Page 55 g .Item 5. . . . There is no question that the adjacent .land owners will be studying any potential for development. The Native corporations have ·indicated their interest:forservices and other uses for their lands that are compatible to thei r<pl ans ;: they will address these developments on a case by cas~ .basis as the need is i<:lentified. Page55,.ltem7.. · .. · ... · .·.· .· .. ··•··· ...... ··.···•• · ·•· · .. The major land. use changes in the p~oject are'a will b~ primarily· energy orient~d to hyd.ropowers with a secondary impact of . recreation uses ontbe large lakes created by the dams. The land value for some would change not in dollars but 1n its unique .·. prestiness that many. Alaskans in the area· consider most important L e. , remoteness • ·Page 55, Item 8. ·No known agricultural land in the area •. The Native corporations ha.vf! shown no known desires at this time. for any st,Jch development 'other than some small timber potential south of the. project area. around Stephan Lakes~ Page ·ss, Item 10. None·Projected. All previous sales have taken place in the r~cKenzie area near Knik across the Cook. Inlet Arm. Page 55, Item 11. If lands are purchased from the Nativ.~s for the two damsites tne state ONR will dictate to some extent their policy or land ·uses. under Title 38 of the Alaska statutes. Jf the lands are leased from the Natives. the Native 1 and. owners wi 11 mo5t 1 i kely dictate the pblicy by virtue of a permit subject to federal. or state law. Lands surrounding the project area will be mostly Native owned 9 . I j . I I ' ' . !j I I l ·. I .ri I, I' i 'i i II I, I u .I i .I I I I t .· I ]I • . I . . Ji· I .· ]: I 01 i· ql . D1 ol . , ... o:, ·.·'·.1 .. d d · .. ···I . I 0 .i I n u .'.1 . I a dl I rn j m· . . . " '' ··-. -. . . . . . lands, other than laws directed by .the Alaska Native Claims · Settlement Act and other federal and state laws that do not . · .. conflict with this act 9 the Natives. will control most land uses as given to them by the u.s. Congress in 197h .Such Native Controls . could be ·trespassers, ATV use, rockhounding ;restrictions, limited : access to recreational trails that cross their lands. Permit.·· hunting and fishing' to trespass and IJSe ... thei r lands.. · . . . . -. . . ' · Page 56, Item.l3. . . . The NatiVe Corporations of Cook Inlet Region INc. has shown a great · . amount of interest in recreational development~ that. they could ·• · . participate in for the. benefit. of their shareholders and are . willfng to negotiate and mitigate :any recreation scheme where they• can. derive some .economic benefit.' · · · '· --', 10