HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3279ALASKi-~· POWER AUTHORlTY ., . . . ·_ . (. ~ ·,- SUS ITN1\ HYDROELECTRIC -·PROJECT ...... ' .. . -. ,. SUMMARY INFORMATION ·PAtKAGE ON JN-GC,ING HYDRAULIC AND . HYDROLOG{. STU1n£s APA . PA1~L MEtf·ING ANC:~GRAGEJ · AK •• JUNE 3,' 1981 , Acres American Incorporated • 1000 Liber:ty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 ·~ .. . :. -, -, = '""1 _j ;;;;) _. ~ "--' -, = r~ u [ [ I~. L~ t c -AlAS~ POWER AUTHORI1Y SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUf"Ml\RY INFORW\TION PACKL\GE ON ON-GOING HYDPAULIC AND HYDROLOGY STIJDIES P.PA PANEL MEETir£ ANCHOPAGL AK JUNE 3, 1981 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone: (716) 853-7525 I l ' l, ~ [~ [ i_J [ [ [ [ c c E [-= -' l~ t E L ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUMMARY INFORMATION PACKAGE ON ON-GOING HYDRAULIC AND HYDROLOGY STUDIES APA PANEL MEETING -June 3, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Hydrological and Climatological Stations 1.1 Station Location 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring 2. Lower Susitna Studies -Open Water Calculations 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Summary 3. River Morphology and Sediment Yield Extracts from the Minutes of the Coordination Meeting on Fisheries Habitat, Vegetation, Instream Flow and Engineering Studies- Programs on the Susitna River Below Devil Canyon up to River Mouth-May 7, 1981. 4. Energy Simulation Runs -Typical Computer Outputs L r· r~ ~ L L [ E [ [ [ c C E t l r:_:: l~ 6 l~ 1 -HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL STATIONS 1.1 -Station Location A map showing the.current hydrological and cl.imatological stations in the Susitna River Basin is attached at the end of this document. 1.2 -Water Quality Monitoring Copies of correspondence among APA~ ADF&G, and Acres on current R&M water quality monitoring and analyses are attached along with the Minutes of the Coordination Meeting held on May 7, 1981, and a technical discussion among ADF&G, USGS, and R&M held on May 14, 1981, dealing with the resolution of the differences in USGS and R&M data collection methods and their comparability. r-" l ~ [~ ~ r, [ [ [ c c t [ r L ~ i r-----= ~ r ' b MINUTES OF fvlEETING Coordination Meeting on Fishertes Habitat, Vegetation, Instream Flow, and Engineering Studi'es Programs on the Lower Susitna River. He 1 d in Acres American Offices in Anchorage, Alaska on Ma~ 7, 1981 File No. P5700.13.30 P5700.14.03 P5700.14.07 Present were: Name James D. Gill G. Krishnan t4ilo Bell Woody Trihey Christopher Estes Bob Lamke Bob Madison Andy Hoffman Bruce R. Bedard Thomas Trent Dana Schmidt · Leslie Griffiths Brent T. Drage Jeff Coffin Larry Peterson Russell Nemecek Robert 1~illi ams Bob Krogeng ITEM 1 Affiliation Acres American Inc. Acres American Inc. TES Acres American Inc. ADF&G USGS USGS ADF&G Alaska Power Authority ADF&G TES R&M R&M R&~1 R&M TES TES TES Jim Gill opened the meeting by introducing key project personnel in a.ttendance. He reviewed the meeting objectives and mentioned the review studies completed so far and planned for 1980-81. He also stressed the need to set up coordination procedures for ~groups involved in the downstream river (_Watana to Cook Inlet) studies on the Susitna River with special attention on fisheries habitat, vegetation, and instream flow studies. ITEM 2 Woody Trihey, a special consultant to Acres, reviewed the draft FERC license requirements as outlined in the Federal Register on February 2, 1981, in terms of downstream river studies on the Susttna River. Pertinent sections of the Federal Re.g_ister are i"ncluded as Attachment A. t4r. Trthey explai'ned that FERC would be looking for a general description of the project, i.e. setting, locale, nature of the project, as well as discussion on the project's potential ACTION BY [ L [ [ r [ L E [ [ [ c p L ~:~ 6 E c L r: 8 [ effect on existing uses of flow in the Susitna. Baseline data collected during the study should describe nonnal and seasonal variability in streamflow and water quality. With this information the long and short term effects of the proposed project on the natural variability_of background streamflow conditions can be explained. Mr. Trihey felt the baseline data collection currently bei·ng carried out on the river was adequate for the first phase of the study and initial license application in that the project effects on the normal and seasonal variability of stream flows can be described. As more specific infor- mati"on is obtained on instream flow uses which may conflict wi·th the. proposed hydro-:-development additional data collection and analysis can be incorporat~d into later work phases. He stressed that there is no requirement by FERC that the initial license application be based upon a detailed environmental analysis, but the application must be complete and comprehensive. Meaning that the magnitude and consequences of the proposed development needs to be considered with respect to all other existing/competing uses for streamflows in the project area. In addition the license application must describe actinns which could be undertaken to mitigate any adverse impact associated with the project. The mitigation plan must be prepared in consultation with State and Federal Agencies. The FERC "'!ill review the license application, request an outside review oy appropriate State and Federal Agencies, then decide on its adequacy. When FERC determines the license application is deficient they generally provide the applicant with a statement of what additional data, analysis, or inter-agency consultation is required. - 2 ACTION BY It was ~1r. Trihey's opinion that a license application could Acres/TES be submitted in the spring of 1982_, but it would be returned to the applicant with the statement that considerable additional work would be required in several areas. ITEr~ 3 r~r. G. Krishnan of Acres, Buffa 1 o opened the next section of the meeting by outlining hydraulic and hydrologic projects completed by Acres/R&~1 team during the first year of the feasibility study. These included the fall owing: -Compi.lation of his tori cal streamflow, cl imatol ogi ca 1 and water quality data on the Susitna River Basin. -One year of climate and hydrological data collection in the oasin during 1980. -Freezeup and breakup observations on the river. l:lydrographtc surveys completed in the reach from Talkeetna to Deadman Creek. ~, [ [ f' l~ [ [ -, [: c._. ·~ ~ L: I c~ ~~ I. -Regtonal flood analysis showing relationship of flood peak and flood volume, and recurrence in the Susitna Basin. -Preliminary report on Subtask 3.10-Lower Susitna Studies addressing pre and post project flows and flood peaks based on either a one or two dam scheme. He added that future analysis downstream will be based on the flows from a two dam scheme. Brent. Drage from R&r1 Consultants fo1l owed with· more detailed description of work items completed to date by R&M on the Susitna River. Attachment B is a summary of this description. Bob wn liams, a consultant working with Terrestrial Environmental Specialists (TES), explained TES's role 1'n the first phase of the Susitna project. They are currently compiling an. extensive literature review on fish species as applicable to the Susitna River system which should be available to project personnel by mid- summer. They have also provided input to Acres on selection of dam development plans, access route, and transmission corridors. Christopher Estes suggested they coordinate their fishery literature review with the ADF&G fish habitat preference literature review project supervised by Rich Cannon. He also requested a copy of the bibliography, listing all of the literature reviewed. Milo Bell, also working' with TES, described several literature reviews he has prepared in connection with this project including one on dissolved nitrogen studies in rivers. He is currently working on an extensive liter- ature review on the effect of silt on fisheries. Copies of this review will be made ava.ilable to interested project personnel when it is completed. Chri stophe.r Estes and Tom Trent from ADF&G concluded this section of the meeting bypresenting an outline of the fisheries studies to be conducted on the river pri"marily from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon. The field program has been designed to better define the relationship between various fish species and habitat in terms of water quality, substrate, and streamflow parameters. In addition, numerous staff gages will oe installed throughout the project area in order to identify those habitat areas where problems may occur due to flow regulation. - 3 ACTION BY Acres/TES TES Acres/TES -·~ ""' ;_;_;i __ji ...;; -~ ~ ~-ii ~J Christopher reminded Acres of their committment to supply Leitz Levels and an electronic distance finder. Bob Williams verified that John Hayden has agreed to this. Estes also referenced a November 30, 1979, letter to Eric Yould on this subject. Jim Gill said he would follow up on this. A procedures manual is being developed describing the specific data to be collected outlining the three elements of ADF&G's Phase I program: anadromous. adult study group, resident juvenile fish studies, and the aquatic habitat study group. Further discussion of this program was continued under Item 4 of the meeting agenda. The meeting proceeded to discuss the Acres/R&M water quality program as being conducted in the light of ooservationsmade by Tom Trent in a memo to APA (Attachment C). Krishnan briefly traced the development of the water quality program as currently being carried out by R&M citing the meetings last year with representatives of USGS, ADF&G, APA, DNR, TES, R&M, and Acres. Bob Madison of USGS stressed the point that the methods of USGS and. R&M for water quality sampling were not comparable. It was difficult, however, to say how the sampling procedure affected the anlaytical resu 1 :ts. Chris top her Es-tes emphasized the need for the compatability of results of the R&M and USGS observations so that R&M could compliment and extend the USGS historical records. He also stated that 1t would be logical to insure that the same paremeters be evaulated at each sampling·site as discussed in the memo from Tom Trent to Dave Wozniak (April 15, 1981). Dana Schmidt indicated that the vJQ parameters presently measured by R&M are adequate for purposes of preparing the initial license application and Phase II study plan; hence expansion of the present WQ data collection program is not necessary at this stage. After some discussion it was agreed that: la) R&M wi·ll call ect depth integrated WQ samples and three surface samples during their nex·t field observations at Gold Creek and analyz.e the two samples. The results would be evaluated jointly with USGS to determine the comparability of the two sampling procedures. - 4 ACTION BY Acres Acres/TES/ ADF&G [ [ [ [ c [ ! - I . -~ D u r = f.? l.-.P t I = L~ u l~ (_b) Brent will set up a meeting with USGS personnel to determine the sampling schedule and analysis tech- niques which will be followed to resolve the present question concerning incompatability of WQ data. Christopher requested that the APA·consider funding the Chulltna water quality program, with the understanding that R&M and the USGS would resolve the comparability issue, adding that the Chulitna data would be of value to all study participants. Jim Gill said APA would have to· make the final decision on the Chulitna water quality monitoring. ITEM 4 During this segment of the meeting, each of the agencies involved gave a short description of their 1981-82 field programs and analyses to be undertaken. Mr. Krishnan began. by outlining the proposed Acres activities for the comming year. Four key tasks were described: (a) Water Surface Profile Modeling Water level and discharge observations made during 1980 field program along wi{h river cross section data in the reach from Talkeetna to above. ~Jatana dam site gathered during hydrographic surveys is presently being computerized for input into the HEC-2 water surface profile model. This model will be"used to estimate water surface elevations during the open water seasons for various stream- flows at different sections along the river. The model is proposed to be calibrated using 1980 obser- vations and will be independently verified with 1981 data. The model will be used to predict water levels under pre and post project flows under open water conditions. (b) Ice Modeling Ice observation carried out during freezeup and break- up will be used to calibrate an ice model developed by Acres to simulate ice cover formation, stability, and thickness in the river reach. An associated backwater profile program will use the information from the ice simulation model to predict water levels for ice cover conditions under pre and post project conditions. - 5 ACTION BY R&M/USGS Acres/APA R&M/Acres Acres [ f~~ r~ L [ [ [ [ [ [ u [ c c L [ L [ ~ ~ (~} Reservoir Modeling Both HEC-2 and ice modeling wi 11 be carried out in the reservoir pools to determine the upstream effects of various water-levels in the reservoir. Ice cover formation on the reservoir, its behavior, and stability will also be evaluated with respect to various reservoir operations. (d) Reservoir Temperature and Sediment Modeling It is proposed to use HEC models for temperature and ·sediment modeling of the reservoirs. The prime objective in using the models will be to arrive at multilevel power outlets that may be required to con- form to environmental requirements as to temperature and sediment concentration in the downstream flow. There is essentially scant data available on river water temperatures and sediment loads. Data from the continuous water quality monitor near Watana Camp will be used as supplement to historical and 1980 data collected for input in the models. Correlations where possible will be made between observed long-t~tm air temperature and water tem- peratures fo extend the data base for analysis. A reevaluation of the extent of mathematic modeling is under way in view of limited base line infor- mation available. (e) Morphological and Sediment Yield Studies These were discussed by Brent Drage (R&M). For morphology studies below the dam sites the river will be divided into two parts -Susitna River upstream of the Chulitna River confluence and the river downstream of the confluence up to the mouth. Regime type relationships will be developed for the upper, more stable part of the river, above the Chulitna confluence. Once these regime relationships are developed for natural flow conditions, sediment discharge and flow parameters can be altered to identify possible changes in river characteristics such as gradient and channel width under regulated flow conditions. Significant problems of aggradation or degradation if expected to occur will be addressed. The river downstream of the Chulitna confluence is a more complex situation and much less historical data is available. Reports such as the Subtask 3.10 Preliminary Open Water Report provide some - 6 ACTION BY Acres Acres R&M [ r~ ,- [ [ L [' "' [ t 1: w ~ c [ F = [ l l~ b l~ guidelines for problem identification and further studies. The analysis carried out will be refined as more data becomes available and also extended to address needs of environmental groups for such tnformation. Bob Lamke of the USGS was asked about the status of a USGs· bedload measurement program for the Susttna. He explained that their-three year study for bedload, bed material, and suspended sediment data collectton was being negotiated with the Alaska p·ower Authority. Bill Emmett (USGS, Denver, Co.) is being consulted on developing the program based on his previous experienc~ in sediment transport and discharge on other Alaskan rivers. Bob Lamke did feel that it would not be possible to get geared up to begin data collection this summer. The aquatic studies program was outlined by Christopher Estes (ADF&G). Five locations are to be selected as representative of the reach between Devil Canyon and Chulitna confluence. At these selected sites substrate and water quality data will be collected at three times during the year based on seasonal discharge changes and will include pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, water temperature, and turbidity measurements. Hater samples will also be taken in the sloughs for more detailed analysis by the USGS. This wHl permit the ADF&G to compare the water qualtty/discharge relationships beb.reen the mainstream river and sloughs, thus adding further importance for all water quality data collected to be comparable. ADF&G need some tnput from R&M on selection of five typical reaches. Brent Drage wi 11 get together with Christopher Estes for finalizing the reaches. Numerous staff gages will be installed at sampltng sites in the side channels or sloughs of. interest for habitat studies and readings collected at varying intervals (from 3 times daily at selected sites to twi.ce weekly at others) to correlate water levels in the main stem with those in the· se 1 ected s 1 oughs and channe 1 s. Periodic discharge measurements and water velocities will be carried out at several sites to refine - 7 ACTION BY Acres/APA .. ADF&G/R&M ADF&G -, ,., ---, I_ ,~ l-. ~ ~.~ [ [ c [ '-" L A u [ E u [~ L l ~ t stage discharge relationships. Joint crews consisting of representatives from the adult anadromous section, resident juvenile section~ and aquatic habitat section will work on the river from Cook Inlet to ~Jatana · collecting the information outlined above, as well as maintaining fishwheels, sonars, and thermographs to be set up at several locations along the river. These fisheries studies should characterize and identify locations of typical fish habitat areas for different species, improve our present under- standing of fish movement in the Susitna River system and provide some initial insight as to responsiveness.of the various habitat types to changes in stream flow. From the data collected it would be possible to answer questions like how readily are the side channels or sloughs watered and dewatered, are they relatively stable or subject to rapid changes, etc. Woody Trihey stated that the final product from ADF&G Phase I field program should be an initial characterization of typical fish habitats in the· project area and uti 1 i zati on of these habitats. Knowing this and post project stream flow conditions TES could provide initial comments pertaining to the generic type of impacts that might occur to the various habitats due to the project. The final review of the 1981-82 program was presented by Bob Williams (TES). He explained that last year TES identified 50-60 impact issues associated with different phases of the project. During the coming year, they will take information generated by other involved agencies and apply it to the various impact issues. The detail of the impact analysis will be based on the relative importance of the issue as time and budget ~onstraints prohibit addressing all issues in great detail. A composite list of impact issues is included in the TES Procedures Manual produced last year, and a more detailed list will be available soon. Kevin Young (Acres) should follow up to obtain the details. Literature survey will be continued for species of salmon. Reviews are nearly complete for Chinook and Coho salmons; others are still being developed. - 8 ACTION BY TES/Acres TES TES/Acres I [ [ [ [ t ..--., =-~ I. 9 b r L~· f c [ I L~ L f = L" l~ Mr. Williams stressed that reports submitted toTES must be in good final form following the approved Acres• format as there is no time available for TES to do any rewriting. It was-agreed that TES will supply Krishnan with a detailed description of hydraulic and hydrologic information that is required for the:ir analysis and evaluation. A similar list should be drawn up by ADF&G as well. This will enable producing timely data/information to meet needs of different agencies. A p-lan for coordinating and channelizing information exchange among the study team members was discussed. It was concluded that Woody Trihey and Dana Schmidt should form the focal point of all field data collection and hydraulic analysis and information. Jim Gill would keep in touch with the progress. All corres- pondences should be copied to Kevin Young to continue coordination of all efforts in the environmental studies. , - 9 ACTION BY Acres/ADF&G TES/ADF&G/ Acres Acres/TES /? /) /~'1)~ Reported by G. K~ GK/ljr Attachments · .. /'' .--,. __;; ~ -., -~ -2 --, _;; ~ c:;; __ ;. MfNUT~~ OF MEETiNG Held at tile Office of Acres· American, incorporat.@d,. Anel"~r€-~~ May 14, 1981 WATER QUALiTY SAMPLJNG COOROlNAT!ON M!;ETING Sul!>itna Hyd~i~tric: Prel~t; SU.bta$k 3.03 Th~ m~ting WM ~M..t"!ded b.y ~ A A...&y ~ ... ffm-n it.... • ....... i -·~· Bob Lamke Bob Madison Derrin Cowing Brent Drage Leslie Griffiths .... ADF&G us~ USGS uSG$ R&ffl R&M BasicaHy, it wa$ d~id~ th&t to~l phosphorous and tota! nitrog~"'l sho~ld ~ reported as tota~ dissolved phosphorous and rd~~o since in CP..Jr analy~$ w~ o.nty an.alyz:e the di,s.solvsd fraction in thi!t water and not the t.otais availabi~ in th~ '#~~ ... $~!ment mhd:ura. The terminology conform$ to thO$~ 't!!!Nns as defined in the 19t9 "Water R~our-c5s Data for A~as,kau (USGS)- Th~t9 wa.t 6-l$0 ~e qLtest.ion as to what Eoxactiy was dsfiii!:d by the total suspended soHds analysis r~p.o;too in our water qua.Hty rsports. Br\'Jnt ~xpt~ir.ed how this related to the suspend~ sediment analysis and s-etti~bia solids fiefd tests. GenePally 1 it m!s.c7/e - 1 ... .-· .. ""<"' ~ _ _;, -, --~ wa$ &gt"'eed w~'d be saved a tot of ca."1fuslon tf this par-an'retar was deleted from our wa"tel" . quality· progr&-n, ie.aving the settJeabie solids .m"~uremmu ~nd ~tuat ~usp@nded ~tment i;in.alysl.s taken fn:tm t,.;. depth -in~r~Uid $~phts. There was s~-ne discussion on the value of I CAP ~-an vf:r$US w~t chemistry techniques for watef" quality analyses.. l t was ~reed that for this phase, the tCAP sc:an wouJd provide ba~~iin• d.~Ui that was adequate to da~cribe the sy$~. As $p~tfie p.~r~t.E:!"'S were. identified as being of gr-eater importance, diffareot, pam~ps mot"e ~ecur.a~ or r~fir.ed analysis techniques could be implemented. To NrSCtvs the lm~i.ato prob!tMn we ~sr-~ to coordinate a sa.rnpJing trip with this USGS where they wcuid do s~mpHns following their normal pro.cwures and we wouid ,;oH¢et beth Qf'"ab .. samples and d~pth fn~re~tAe=d samples for analysis and comparison.. As it standsf that trip is scheduled fur-t.!at~a 26th and 21th of May. R&M will meet again with the USGS to ¢0mpaNl! r~uft.$ for-the analyses and determine what, if a11ything n~s to be done tQ Improve or change. our program to optimize the usefulni.!t$$ or wa~ quality data COH~t.ttd. ·- r~ . .; R:-.-r-r\,1 ;-n ,, '·" c..~=..i 'i c:w r·~.~ .. :..: L ~~R~ ' h.l¥1 '-. r· ALASKA POWER AI.:'THORITY c •• " 333 WEST 4th AVENUE· SUITE 31 ·ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 [ r~ [ [ [ [ c ,....., I. ;:_:j c [ c ~ ~~ L l r • E ~ [ L Mr. John Lawrence Acres American Incorporated The Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Attn: John Hayden Dear John: May 1, 1981 Phone: (907) 277-7641 {907) 276-2715 Attached is·a memo dated April 15~ 1981 from Tom Trent that critiques the water quality sampling programs. His recommendations would incur a scope change cif at least $29~740.00 for USGS services and an undeter- mined amount for R&M services. . . .. ' .· · ·· · · . · · · f ALASKA POWER Please analyze t·h·_. :Trent • s :cd~ments ~nd hav~ your staff be prepare ti~r;~;~~ discuss them in the May 7 ~ 1981 meeting you have scheduled here in ··- Anchorage. · · FILE P~7_,QO ;JJ&~ David D. Wozniak) · · Project Manager ---.:.. ___ _ ----··-'·~-------··-·-------. --. -. // ...I ~ t: z -.)' ~ .... <. . ' ---4 -~ __.. _;, --, ...... -:~ =->0 w -, > w :::JO w -~a: -4 ....., MEMORANDUM To: Dave Wozniak Su Hydro Project Manager Alaska Power Authority 333 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 31 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ,1 .·/' State of Alaska DATE: April 15, 1981 FILE NO: TELEPHONE NO: ~ A:.f -~- FROM: Thomas W. Trentl-::,_y'f/1~ /I Aquatic Studies Coordinator Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Anchorage SUBJECT: USGS Water Quality Measurements ~· 02 .... 0 :I: cO .... en ~ .-.• c.: _. UJ C\1 ~ 0:: a.. a_ ;2 <t. ~ The present USGS and R&M Su Hydro Hater Quality sampling programs for sites on the Susitna River downstream from Devil Canyon (figure 1) have been reviewed by my staff. Inconsistencies with the types and level of analysis will prevent comparison of these sites for hydrologic appraisal of the overall lower Susitna Basin. Following is a summary of the existing USGS and R&M water quality program and our recommendations for improvement. According to the present USGS work plan, sediment samples are analyzed by particle analysis (Attachment 1) and suspended sediment at the Gold Creek Site; whereas the samples at ;he Sunshine site are analyzed to the sand break (Attachment 2). In addition, the water quality analysis at the Sunshine site is more comprehensive than the Gold Creek site (Attachments 3 and 4). · R&M is collecting water quality data above the proposed dam site and at Gold Creek (Attachment 4). There are three ba~ic differences between the R&M and USGS sampling and analysis schemes: 1) parameters; 2) methods of collection and preservation; and, 3) methods of analysis . Parameters The differences in parameters being analyzed are: USGS measures suspended sediment and R&M measures settleable solids and total suspended solids. These are not comparable (Madison 1981). The. specific nutrients which USGS and R&M measures are different. The USGS will measure a broader range of inorganic cations and anions than R&M. Collection and Preservation The differences between the methods of collection and preparation are significant and make comparison of samples questionable if at all possible at 3 stations. R&M composites 3 grab samples which are collected 1 foot under the surface across the river (right and left bank and center channel) (R&M 1980), whereas USGS takes a depth integrated composite sample at several points along a transect across the river. The USGS depth integrated method accounts for differences in concentration which will otherwise result if a sample is collected in too shallow of water or the water is stratified and not homogeneous, thus give a better representation of the river water Quality. The 3 R&M surface arab samoles mav not be sufficient .. ~­ r~ l.-~ r-~ [ t ' [ [~ [ ~~ I .. -4 c c c. ~ E [ r L~ B [ D=ve ;...;czr.iat; - 2 -April 15, l 981 techniques for nutrients are not the same; thus, data comparison is questionable. ~ Analysis The methods and level of analysis used for trace metals by R&M are different; thus data comparison is questionable. With this wide variety of differences in sample collection and analysis, comparison of the USGS data which are collected on the Chulitna and Sun- shine Stations to R&M data at their Gold Creek stations would be inadvisable. USGS concurred with us concerning the advantages of modifying their program (attachment 1) to permit comparative analysis. It was also their opinion that a coordinated uniform hydrologic appraisal of the lower Sl,!sitna Basin. would be beneficial to the overall Su Hydro Feasibility Study Program. In addition, the USGS suggested that ·the· Chulitna River station be included in this proposed revised sampling and an~lysis scheme because of its proportionally high contribution to the Susitna· River and potentially significant influence on water quality and channel geometry (Attachment 5). ~ A summary of the suggested revisions to the USGS program currently funded by the APA and R&M program follow: Gold Creek USGS Modifications WATER QUALITY* present: change to: / USGS mini-USGS compre- mal and hensive R&M data SEDIMENT* present: particle. size change to: -::- .· ! : j:;. ·.- ~- ' Sun- shine USGS com- rehensive __----·-//~and . ~.r:._e_ak -~-'.\~ particle size Chulitna none USGS com-Oo prehensive particle size *examples of minimal and comprehensive water quality and particle size and sand break analysis are attached. /: Estimated additional costs to the existing APA/USGS cooperative sampling program to implement these changes would be: :..,.~---'"c.o_ .! -, j ., -~ :c:! _j -, ·--" =-> ~ c,.l ... To enable the use of R&M data for comparison purposes wlth existing and historical USGS data, uniform data collection and analysis procedures which are approved by USGS should be adopted by R&M. R&M and USGS Ev4luation The Steering Committee should reyiew the overall USGS and R&M water quality and hydraulic sampling and analysis procedures to evaluate the validity of the existing programs and determine whether they - are integrated. It is our understanding that the only Su Hydro study participants which are presently required to author procedure manuals are TES subcontractors and the AOF&G. We strongly support the changes to the USGS program and believe they will benefit all study participants. With respect to the Department of Fish and Game•s use of this information, it will be evaluated to assess the-present relationship between discharge and water quality on the river and eventually used to determine the physical and chemical changes which will occur with changes in flow regimes if the proposed dams were constructed. Therefore we suggest and request that these minor changes to the existing USGS APA program be adopted and funded by the APA. Madison, B. 1981. Personal communication pertaining to evaluation of R&M water quality procedure manual. April 15, 1981. USGS . R&M. 1980 Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Procedures for water quality data collection. R&M Consultants. Anchorage. llpp. cc: R. George -USGS B~ Drage -R&M .,.., •. t.. -gu ~: ~ . 198i _} -, c.i -' -., ~-J. _, _, ~· _;, s~~:1ing sites for USGS and R & M Consu1tants. -:;;=., ... •.4:._ f n "" .. I" ~ "?.. 7 STATrDI\/ &'-oJ Q\,J~ .t,;1~ ~ SuN~ t1rJ'J E Cll.e' ._ • -sampling site ~ -. s S -sediment (particle size dist) USGS S* -sediment (to sand break) USGS QW -Water Quality by USGS QW* -extensive WQ by USGS qwR -Water Quality by R & M .. .. &·-. ~- L.' r' ~ l ~ u ~ ... ~--F ::--~ "~ c r=" I • ~ . c [ [ [ ~ [ ...... ; --:;- . .t..~ta:r1:-.2rit t E~a~ple of ~SGS particle site distribution ana1ys1s. SOUTri -CENTRAl. ALASU 159 • 15292000 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEt--Continued WATER-QUALITY RECORDS PERIOD Of RECORD.--Water years 1949·58, 1962, 1967-68, 1974 to current year. PERIOD Of DAILY RECORD.-~-. WATER"TEHPERATURES: June to September 1957, July 1974. to September 1978 (seasonal-and frag11entary), ·Oc-tober-_:------=::: 1978•to September 1979:-------·--·· ----.... -. SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT DISCHARGE: May to September 1952, .June t_o September 1957.----. 7 INSTRUMENTA.TlON.--Temperature recorder since July 30, 1974. REMARKS.--No record Dec.-1~ to May Zl and July 10-31, sensor frozen in ice and clock stopped; respectively. EXTREMES 'fOR CURRENT YEAR.-- WATER TEMPERATURES: Maximum, lS.o•c July 3~ 4 (may have been greater during period of no record July_lD-:H); _ minimum, o.o•c on most days during winter period. WATER DUALITY OAT·A. WATER TEAR OCTOBEQ 1978 TO SEPTE'48£R 1979 SA"'PLE DEPTH LOC-AT ATII)No SAMPLE CROSS S.t.HP-LOC- SECTION LING ATIONo T('1PEP- TIH( 1fT F14 DEPTH TOTAL ATUR( DATE L BANK) IFTJ lf"EETJ -IDEG CJ _ -.. _.,. ----- JUL 10 ••• 1431 60 1.6 8.00 12.3 10 ••• 1432 60 ... 6.4 e.oo 12.3.- to ••• 1433 13ft" 2o?. 1 o.a· 12.3 ~ -' ---- 1o ••• 1434 IJn 8.& 1 o.a. 12.3 _,_ ...... ·-.. ' ... to ••• t435 185 2.5 12.5 12.1 10 ••• 1436 185 10 12.5 12.2 to ••• 1437 230 2.5 12.5 12.1 ~ 10 ••• 1438 230 10 12.5 12.1 1n ••• 1439 ?.90 2.3 llo3 t2.0 to ••• 1440 290 9.n 11.3 12.0 Ill ••• 144t 345 .. 1.5 7.60 12.0 10 ••• 1442 345 6.1 7.60 12.0 to ••• 1443 400 J.'> 5.80 12.0 - SED I-c;EO. SEO. o;En. sF:o. HE,.T c;USP. SUSP. SUSP. SUSP. STQEAH-SED I-DIS-FloLL I'" ALL FALL FALL FLOW~ HENTo CHARGE. Dl-'Mo OlAM. DIAM, DIA14o INS TAN-sus-sus-i. FI,.ER i FINER i F"l,.(R i f'IN(R TIHE TANEOUS PENOED PENDED THIN THAN -THioN TH&"' DATE ICF"SJ IHG/LI IT /DATJ oOOZ HM -, OOio HM ,008 HM .111ft '4'4 .. NAY 21 ... 1450 17400 168 78QO JUL to ••• 1430 Z5700 627 43'i00 16 Zl 27 34 SEP os ••• 1430 88ZO fo7 1600 SED. <;ED. SED. SED. SED. 'iEO. SED. SUSP. 5USP, suo;P, SUSP, SU5P. SUSP. 'iUSP, FALL SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE DIAH. OIAH, OIAH, OIAM, OIAH. OIAH, Of&H. i FINER i f'INER i F"INEP i riNER 'l F'INER " FINER i FINER THIN THAN THAN THAN THAN THioN THUI OITE .OJ! HH ,01'>2 H'1 .125 ..... .250 ...... • o;oo HH l.oo "'H 2.00 ..... HAY 2! ••• JUL te ••• 40 47 56 72 91 98 9R SEP os ••• ' -...,.. I ... ,.:-.. ___ _..,_ J>-----=--~----·-:._ .:....:..~ :.,-_:.....:::.._. __ -..:_::.....::. __ -~~ -.-·:.c....-"'-·.,.-._,..- r-, l __ .:..~:cc.!-~;-:aent 2. ~~a~J1e of ~SGS sedi~~~~ See outlinec cciumr;. a~alysis to the send ~reak. ::.~:·'-'-;·~:~~-~~::~~~~-:if. I ~ [ [ [' [ l: [ .... DATE OCT 117. ••• nrc zo ••• JA., IS ••• &PR os ••• .... ,. 1" ••• JUIII lq··· JUL ?f> ••• .t.UG ;>q ••• SfD I 7 ••• OATF' "''-OCT I L;l c 1'7. ••• DEC ?.CJ ••• .JA., ts ••• APR os ••• MAY 14 ••• JIJN lq ••• .JUL 26 ••• F= AIJG I ; ":· •• ~ SF • 17 ••• R Lj F L) O.tTE: oCT l. oz ••• . Of.C -?0 ••• JAN 1s ••• APR I os ••• L WIT 14 ••• JU"f 19 ••• r: JlJL ~ .l~~--- ?9 ••• SJ:D I 1 ••• CO<IALT• sus- Pf.,ofD "'FCI'lV- fWAI'\LF lliG.tL .ac COl ~ II 6 0 5 .. AI\IGA- "'FSf•. : ,. sus- PF.:NnEo ~>Fcov. IIIG/L ....... 1 39 e 7.40 sso llNCo sus- PfNOEO I>F.CDV-· fi>ASLf: IIIG/L .&$ z~• 7 40 511 ~It [ E ESTIKATED COFIAI To OIS- 'SI'lL yFo IUGI'L AS COl <3 II 7 ''tJ. ).MANI.A- N(Sf, OIS- c;nL1/EO IUGI'L AS "'Nl 10 10 10 4 7!.,Co OIS- <;oLYfO IUGI'L 45 7"11 3 10 10 <3 SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION--Continued WATFR DUALITY OAT.t.. wAT(I> yfAR l'lCTOR~I> 197~ TO SEPTE~CI(R 1979 COPPFQ, TOT4L RF.COV- ERARLf wr.IL 4<; CUI 3 25 7.9 )7 • "fi>CUR'I' TOT4L~ · PJOCOV- (I>ABLf. IUGJ'L A'5 HGI .J .z .1 • 1 CAI>BO.,, OPG.&NIC DIS- SOLVED IHGJ'L 45 Cl 9.3 (,.8 .9 .6 COPP(Q. SIIS- Pf.,O(.Il PF.:COV- F'PARLF IIIGI'L Ac; CIJI ?.I 2'R 3 .. '4f.PCURY <;I.IS- PEI\IOEf'· RECOV- E~>.t.BLf IUIVL AS HGI • 1 ... • I • I CAQRON. OPGANIC sus- PE"'OED TOTAL 1'4GJ'L AS Cl .. ;. 1.1\ 2·"> 1.1 · \OPPfR,. Dis~·­ <;I')LVfl) IUGJ'L AS CUI ? 4 "IORCURY· FllS- SOlVEil IUGI'L 4S HGI .II .n .o .n LENGTH OF' E.lPO- SURE II)AYSI All 3 ... !l>ll"'o TOTAL- I>f.COV- (o&~LE 1115J'L .ac; Ffl 4QO 1'-1100 120110 ?,r,nno '· SELE- NlU..Co rnr At. IIIG/l AS SEl Pf.R[- PHYTO"I ~H)'44~c; aSH WEIGHT G/SO >4 .noo .ooo JOQN, c;us- PFNOEo ~>FCOV­ f.~>48LE IIIGIL 4~ FEl 400 1'-000 12000 SF:LE- "'!UH, c;us- I>(IIIDED .. TOTAL IIJGI'L .t.<; SEI II II e>F"RI- I>>iYTON A!OHAS-.· rnP•L DRY wriGHT !>ISO w .ooo .ooo I AONo .,._. DIS-·· SOLvED !UG.IL as FEI 911 170 0 ~on··· SELE'- NIUH,·- 015- SDLVEO !UG/L AS SEI 0 0 CHLOR-A PERI- P,.YTO., Cl<R0'40- c;RAPHIC FLU0R0'4 l"liiHZl .ooo .ooo LF.&D .... TOT4t;-.-..- RfCOV.;.' · f~>&RLE !II GIL 4'5 P8l 11 60 12 16-- SILVER. TOT4l' RECOV- EAARLE IUGI'L ac; 461 0 n 0 CHLOQ-~ PFRI- PI-iYTO., CH<I0"0- GPAPHIC FLUOA0'4 (1'1';/HZJ .1100 .ooo LE40o c;us- "f."'!lFil• oECnv::· (R&I!LE IUGJ'L tS P'll 1 .. II )II )'to .••• SILVI"A, suc;- Pf"'OFo PfC'lV- (I>A~LE !UGJ'L a<; .ar.l 0 0 n SF.Dt-·- .. E"'T • • c:us- "ENn~"o 1'4GJ'LI 3 4 F""'l 416 2370 742 9111 179 M&Ni';A- ~ ... ~ -· ftoiF!;J.:..;-.. - LF'40\...,....:-·ToTaL~~ ore;.:·-oEcnv.;. <;OLVF:Il -(A&RLE - IIJG/L I UI';IL "" 1>'11 A<; .... 1 4 II 2 .. .. <;JLVF.o,· ots- c;oLvEn IIJGIL ac; Ar.l 0 n 0 40 10 7'>0 SRn•· 71"1r:. TOT&L"·~­ oi;:COV- (1>4qLE IU!VL .&<; 7NI 10 c;o 60 I --1 l -~!':j. _,,. .---~C.J!! r ,, I I ! i' I ·' ·• .:~ ~~ .. · -~ /:."':. t::-~~~-~nt· 3. r • :.x=..::D • e 07 c:;::-;~~--=n~r-:s; ve \·rater quality ar.a:ysis tr,= t. 'n"i 11 )e ta~e~ at Surshine. Page 1 of 7. SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASlA 173 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION--Continued WATER-QUALITY RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.··Water years 1955, 1970, 1975 to current year. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD:~--c· - ---WATER TEHPERATURES: -~May• 1975 to· current year· (seasonal);.-.,·• .... ~.,..,.-.,.,~~..-=·'. • ·• -~ "'' _jj ...., :'=-- ...:; ":::"! ... ~ 3 -" ...c -~ ...i ~ ' INSTRUMENTATION.--Temperature recorder si~ce May 23, 1975. REMARKS.--No record Oct. 1 to May 14, when gage vas shut down for the winter. Records represent water temperature at sensor within O.S"C. Temperature at the sensor vas compared with the average for the river by temperature cross-sections Oct. Z, Jan. 15, Apr. 5, May 14, June 19, July 26, Aug. 29, and Sept. 17. A maximum variation of 2.5"C was found within the cross-sections. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.·· WATER TEMPEP~TURES: Maximum. l6.s•c July 9. 1976 and July 3 and 4, l9i9; ~inimum. o .. a•c on most days during winter periods. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.·· WATER TEMPERATURES: Maximum, 16.S"C July 3 and 4; minimum, o.o•c on most days during winter period. .,. .. l • .--:.;·~1--f ... BATE H,_Y lo\ ••• ·14 ••• t4 ••• l"··· ~~-.. 14 ••• J4 ••• )"•o• ~---· }4 ••• ~~ ... WATER QUALITY DATA. WATER YEAR nr.Tng~o \978 TO SEPTE~BER 1979. "DATE OCT oz ••• 01 ••• ·oz ••• oa ••• oz~ •• oa ••• oz ••• DATE JAN 1s ••• ts ••• 15 ••• TlH£ 15311 153i 1~33 1533 153- 1!i3S 1531!1 1537 1538 1!539 1541 TIME 1401 1402 1403 }404 1405 )406 1407 TIME 1231 1232 1233 DATE APR . os •••. os ••• os ••• SAHPt.E LOC- ATION, CROSS SECTION 1FT FM t.: BANICJ 150 150 •. - 25.0 250 450 ... so 100 700 950 950 .o SAMPLE LOC- ATION. CQOSS SECTION !FT FH I F>~NICl 1.0 180 .. 380 --. sao· .. 83o· 1030 1248 SAI'PLE L-oc- ATioN. CQOSS SECTION 1FT FM L RANICJ ISO 480 942 TIME 1331 IJ3Z 1333 SAMP- LING DEPTH (f"T) 19 4.9 14" 3.5 10 2.5 9.4· 2.4 7.0 1.8 SPE- CIFIC CON- DUCT- lNCE 011CQO--: MHOS I 155 ISS 158 1 60"· 167 168 160 SPE- CIFIC CON- DUCT- ANCE !MICRO- MHOS I 196 196 201 SAMPLE LOC- ATION. CROSS SECTION lf'T FH L BANKI 250 900 1000 PtR- CENT OF TOTAL DEPTH 80 20 80 20 eo 20 80 20 80 20 ·- PH ... ;;,.. IUNITSJ 7.6 7.6 7.8 7.6 7-.6 7.4 PH !UNITS I 6.7 6.8 7.0 SPE- CIFIC CON- DUCT- ANCE IHICRO- HHOSJ 199 212 218 SPE- CIFIC CON- DUCT- ANCE IHICRO- HHOSJ 9S 95 90 90 95 9S ::·; ,.-! :"" TEHPER- A_TURE ,.:_. • IDEG CJ OXYGENo DIS- SOLVED IHG.rt:J""" 4.0 3.9·-- 3.8 ·- 3.8:," 3.7 3.6 3.8 12.8 12.8. 12.8.- 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 OXYGEN. TE~PER­ ATURE IDEG CJ .o .o .o TE~PER­ ATURE IDEG CJ PH .2 .2 .2 I UN ITS I 7.6 7.6-·- 7.6 7.6 7.7 DIS- SOLVED IHGA..J 11.4 u.s 10.0 OXYGEN. DIS- SOLVE-D IMG.I'L) u.o 11.4 )0.3 TEMPER- ATURE IDEG CJ s.s 5.5-. s.s ·~ 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.6 .. 6.6. 5.6 OXYGEI'h DIS- SOLVED !PER- CENT SATUR'"': ATJONJ"' 98 98 98 .. 98.~ 98 98" 98 OXYGEN• 015- SOLVEO !PER- CENT SATUR- ATION) an 81 70 OXYGENo OIS- SOI...VEO IHGA..I 12.7 12.7 12.5 12.2 12.n 12.4 ~~.'-* r ::- --~ . = ~ = ~"?-.!! ;, OXYGEN. DIS- SOLVED !PER- CENT_. SATUR- ATION) 100 I oo ~ 99 98 97 98 ·'_ ........ &i!....;.- :::. ;t_ .. "- • ,. ...... --·h-,=-n~ 3. _.-. -~--~--.... -;:':::Je 2 of 1. I " !7L ~ [ -i.: .. ,. ----~--··;:-' . l> [ [· [ E [ . -.;_~ . -~ --.:. <-=.L-, . . .. .. -. ~ ~:~~-:--~::.t ..... ~ .... ~: .. :.. ---~--••• -~4;-. -: . -. [~ -=-=-·-=--+.· •=<"" [ c c r·~ -- 11 E [ l u [ DATE JUH 19-·· 19 ••• Jq .... 19··· 19-·· )9 ••• )9 ••• 19 ••• )9 ••• )9 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• )9 ••• )9 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• '19 ••• )9 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• J9 ••• )9 ••• }9 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• }9 ••• t9 ••• 19 ••• 19--- )9 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• )9 ••• 19 ••• )CJ ••• )9 ••• J9 ••• 19 ••• 19-~- 19 ••• 19 ••• )9 ••• SOUTH-CEXi?.Al., ALASU 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSJTNA STATION--Con•inued WATER DUALITY DATA. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1978 TO SEPTE~RER 1979 S.AHPL( LOC- AT lONe CROSS SAHP- SECTION LJNG TIME lf"T fH OEPTH-.i. L EIANKJ:-lfTl 1331 50 --1332 50 3.0 1333 50 9.1 1334 so 12 . 1335 50 . ;s- 1336 ISO --1337 ISO 5.9 1338 ISO 18" 1339 )50 24 1340 150 .s 131t1 200 -- 1342 200 s.s lJitJ j!_OO .•• 16 1344 200 22 1345 200 . '. -~s: 1346 250. --1347 250 4.6 1348' 250 14 131t9 250 ·--19 -·· ·. 1350 2so·. .. '.sr· 1351 JSO.· ... -- 1352 350 Jolt 1353 350 10 1354 350·, •• 14·~- 1355 350·' •• 5 .- 1356 450'-z'. 1--!_. 1357 450 3.0 1358 450 8.9 1359 450 12 14110 450 .s 1401 600' -- 1402 600 .. --3.0.:. 1403 600 8.9 )404 bOO" .. 12 ... 1405 bOD .5 1406 700 -- 14117 700 2.7 1408 700 8.2 1409 700 11 1410 700 .s 1411 850 -- 1412 850 3.1 1413 850 9.2 1414 850 12 1415. 850 -. •5. )416 1000 -- 1417 1000-2~9 1418 1000 8.6 1419 1000 11 1420 1000 .s DEPTH . SPE-. o- AT PER-Clf"IC SAMPLE STR(A114 CENT CON• . ·-.. -.. OF"n.:-DUC·T•:.-. -or. ~-· LOC-<.S VELOC-=>- A TJ ON. -·· I TY t.--TDlAL-.. ANCL. --· ·--~· -.====-: -· TOTAL;:-;. POJIII'f~o OEP.T~.:.;.. tHICRO~.: . lfEETt .... , !fPSJ .,., . -•r•r'f-~ 15.0 5-30 15.0 5.1tO 20 15.0 --bO 15.0 5-20 -80. 15.0--- 30.0 5.40 30.0 6.oo 20 30.0 --60 30.0 4.80 80 30.0 --27.0 s.bo 27.0 6.70 zo 27.0 --bO 27.0 4.bO so· 27 .o .. --~::-. . -~~- zJ.o: 5.4«1--; --:- 23.0 6o30 20 23.0· --60 23.0 4.60 . 80. '23.o:. ---"' --=~ 17 •. 0" 5.70--·-J7.1l 7.oo 211 }7.0 --60 17.0;. 4.60 ,so., 11~·a A -·" , __ ,.,.. 15.-0"J s. 70 ~$ '· :-~(&--. 15.0 ... 6o30 20 15.0 --60 15.0 5.20 80 15.0 -- 15.0 s.oo 15.0" &.so ... .20 .. 15.0 --60 15~0-J.ao -ao 15.0 -- 14.0 5.90 14.0 6.60 20 ]4.0 --. 60 14.0 5o40 80 14.0 -- 15.o 4.70 1s.o 5.90. 20 15.0 --bO 15.0 ).80 80 15.0 -- 14.0 3.90 14.0 4.90 .zo 14.0 --60 ]4.0 3-10 80 )4.0 HHOSf"'·' 112 110 .. 112 .. 112 liZ 112 110 112 llO-· 112-~ 110-- 115, .. ·us 113 ---:'\.> ll0-- 1157·C· 115 1ZD ---·'!.· .. 115 lZZ ·-·-·-llS 12 .. 126 126 --120 .. 127 ----1ZO IIJNITSJ·.:·,o·. ,...,_, 7.9-- e.o --~ 7.9 ' -7.8 ·- --~-~ 7.8-------- 7.7 --..... ----· 7.7 -- ... l.l ~ !"!~ ! ! :\ Ill\ .\'-lS. ., _, ·-..... ~ ,_ ...., ---.. -·--··-r-:..:! !""!';~ -., ?_A .7 ~- ---:.·~ .. ;. .t :: =: ~~~~ n: 3 . -; --~'~·-:.. ._.,., lo ·-..,-:~· .. ---·-· -t ~-=-;; ;~-:,_ :: .. -.~ ::·;:.no . '-~- "< -' o7 7. -~C I i< ,: ;i ~,; chj~:~:~tt :~)t~; :y~j DUE SOUTH-CEJi7RAL ALASU 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA. STATION··Ccntinucd • VATER OUALlTT DATA. WATER T(lR OCTOB(q 1978 TO SEPTEMBER 1979 TEMPER- ATURE IDEG C) OXYGENe DIS- SOLVED IMG/t.)!' OXYGENe DIS- SOLVED !PER- CENT_. SATUR•:: ATION),-l SED. IRON, SUSP. BtCAR-SULf"ATE-TOTAL SEDI-SIEVE : BONATE;:•:. Dts-£ii-AECOY•E. HENTi--~--DtAJC~: ~!2T-o·· :;"'~-<- IHG/L... SOLVED •.. ERABL£_ sus ... _.:_i F"INER-_:_-____ _:_ __ _ AS_,-;~!: 114GI'I:=.· (UGI't:;.:, 7 PENOEO:;;::·;_ THAN."'.!.:..:--~~~--~· • ......:=; HC031" 1 AS S9"PI1 · AS....,-EJll• ·· (MG~t;J.-... .O&Z·:M~E-:1-•-t10C&.rt.:t-·• .!!!>-;!:.~ ,. __ JUH .... ...... .__.li .:!: -~ -.; ~ f C: ~~.~ ...... ~~- ~~ ~~?;l~;:J.=''"~~-~·. :::-......, ~.1.~--i~· ;-·-:.::::-:::= --:; --' --" r·-"!1 r b -:~ f . ... ... -.. :'"t f" u l=- l!! OHE I I .p.:t JUL L~ -36 ••• 36 ••• f 26 ••• 26 ••• 26 ••• t: r. L.:i •-i:. 1' r- 19 ••• 19 ••• 19·-· 19 ••• 19 ••• 19··· 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• }9 .... 19-•• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• }9 ••• }9 •••.. 19.~. 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19-•• 19 • ..-. 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19-•• ·• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• 19.,;;,; 19 ••• 19 ••• 19 ••• TIME 1605 1610 1615 1&20 1625 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 lJ .o u.o 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.8 lO.J IO.J 10.3 1 o-.1 10.1 10.1 9.9 10.0 1o.o 10.1 1n.1 10.1 SAMPLE LOC- ATION. CROSS SECTION 1FT FH l BANKJ" 147 n.o .. n.o u.n .... _ ... --.. 11 ~a •• .--... 11.0.·. !--' ~. 11.0 ·-=--·---... llo1 ll.2 11.2 11.2 SPE- CIFIC CON- DUCT- ANCE IHICRQ-~ HHOS) 112· 247 ·--115. ..47 uz· 697 us 1097 120 46 ---99-· ~-,.;; 45 46 -- 45 99 -4S 99 46-~ -------99·-~;..'i 47 46 46· -~ .. --- 99 -.,;..;.1). -~:-:.:·· 47;.• .. --- 99 -49 _,_~_, 99 49 99 so 51 ------99 -- 51 99 ,.. .. -._, .. PH TEMPER- 10 ------ --Wi& u- 10 --10 -10 ---~~ 10 . ---__ .... --- --1") 11 u 11 ---... - --·19· 12-. .... ·---· -----}4 --~----- 15 15 15 -------- 1S 11000 ----------11000 12000-----11000 --11000 --!...:::, --------- 13000 llooo·· 12000 ---------=--.c·· 11000 ,.,,, .. 9000 --- 8800 8700 8100 ------8600 OXYGEN, DIS- SOLVED ·-:. ATURE···- OXYGEN• DIS- SOLVED !HGI'LJ -·.1 I PER- CENT SAT.UR-• ATIONI~: !UNITSi<• IDEG CJ' 7.5 n.z~,: 11.1 -:: 100 f 327 70 ------ 365 _:sa 362 398-- 469 --60Z 486 ------ 413 343 444 428 JSO -- 376 614 3llo 411 ---. --451 "68 60 -- 53 --39 48--------- --39._ '7o:-ss· ·· --------· t56 "•·-· 64 56 34 65 so ----45. SED.:-•. SUSPo·· SEDt-SIEVE MENTo.'-DtAH~­ SUS-i f"JNER PENOED-:...-THAN.;.;-. IHG/t..l! ~ .Of>Z ;H .. .-u. 2030.i 59··- ~~ ------( ..... .... .t;i& ..... _ ~t-c...; r..,.("wos.·• t r;. n-: 7.6 11.2_-11.1. .. 100---1880 .• 76_. ---7.7 9.11 .• 11.5-: 99 ' 21'50-•. at·=-.. 7.8 8.4 11.7 99 2790 -75 7.6 8.s· 11.7 -99 2980 ..• 7&·- _;.,;... !...4:! -~"' -. ·.··_-:;-. -··- .: ~·-~!'I .. ·~'t?' ~~ --- ~· [ . !..~~=:~.:-:-.en:· 3. ~>~ce 4 of 7 . [' l..7t SQ~TH-CEhTRAL ~L~SkA l S29435C SUSITI>A JU\i::R A.T SUS!Tii~ STA.Tl01ir·Con1inued Y•TE~ ou•LJTT DATA. ~AT[R YE•~ OCTOB[P. 1978 TO SEP1[M9ER 1979 SPE-OXTGENo SED. CJrJC ·-DIS• SUSP.- CON-SOLVED SED!-SJEVE 5AHPLE DEPTH LOC-AT DUCT.,.>-· ----___ , OXTGENo I PER-... HENT • . _ Dl AM. _. _ ANCfnn" PH '""'·TEMPER-DIS-.o 'CfNTt:"-SUs--r;;;-. '1. rl~RJ. •· '5\..~. 'i, 1'1.~ I.TlON• SAHPLE c~oss LOC- r· IHICRO.,.-· r~~--ATUR(,..,-SOLVED ..•. SIJUR.,._ •• PENDEil..v .)'!1lN_.-:_------····----HtfOSl·,..~CUNITSJ:r JIOEG .(;\I:-IHG.fLf~n AUONii'4,, (MIWtJ,.., .~---------~ .;.;:;::::;;::; 5ECTJON ATlOih TIHE 1fT f"M TOTAL.~ ·[-~~:::=...o::~: ~~TE . L BANK~E lrEETI --. . )402 110 ?4.0 : AUG -. 29 ••• 29 ••• 2'9 ••• 2'9-·• 2'9 ••• )40? 210 29.0 1403 1404 1405 [ ___ c:=-•• [ [_ TJHE OI.TE SEP 17... 1601 J7... 1&oz 17... 1606 17.-.. 160Y n... 1608 [ n... uo9 17... 1&11 [.;:.;;~,:_·' .. .;.:.:;.~;~ _ n .... __ . 1611 .,.,..,.., ·:--:~~._ ___ )7 ••• _._.1612' .JI::z..--·-'":' .. .,_ ~ .. -_.,.. .. 17 • .;;-,-· 1616 u... 1617 17... 1621 17... 1622 17... 1623 :n. •• 1624 7d;...~:i.r 17.;;;--o: 1625 -. -. -. 17... 1 626 }7... 1627 L: .. ,._ .. ~·--:;:;:- 17... 1631 17... 163! }7... 1636 c n... 163Y }7... l61ol 17 ••• 1642 17 ••• -. 1643 17... 1644 n... 1645 [ .\ 17... 1646 17... 1647 [ [ [ L r -~ i- L~ r -u I • l 360 17.0 660 15.0 91_1_.--13~o·-:: SAHPLE LOC- ATION. CROSS SECTION IF'T F'H L BANK) ;:;;;-. so so- 15o· ••• 150· 1so· --. 150 .•. 150-- 2001 ••• 2'00 . _._ 2501. ;,~-- 250 350 350 350 350--- 350T • .-•· 450 450; .. 550 550 650 650 800 800 BOO BOO BOO 950 950 SAH"• L)NG OfPTH lf"Tl .3 .• 3- 6.D~ 18 24 .. ·--· -.3 i --.3. -- .3 3.4 10 ... 13;;:~ --. ~37 --.3 --.3 --.3 2.8 8.4 11 --.' ~3 122 123 126 130 132 DEPTH - AT SAMPLE LOC- ATIONo TOTAL·- lfEETL. 16.0 16.0• 30.0 '· 30.0- 30.-0-::: 30.0 3o.o 27.0 :l. 27 _,. 2'6.0 \. 26.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 .. 17.0.~ 14.0 14.0 .- 14.0 )4.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 l ... o )4.0 )4.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 7.0 10.1 u·.o 99 608 84 7.0 10.0 ll.D 99 654 79 7.2 9.6 u.o 99 711 75 7.3 a.o 11.3 97 au 66 "t·•··· a.o". 11.z '" 9.7'"' . 927._-56"-'. ·---~ r--..,. .-SPE-.L-.::-_ PER-CIF"IC STREAM CENT CON• VELOC-or oucT- IT To TOTAL ANCE PH TEHPER- POINT DEPTH IHICRO--o.. to _ ATURE. If PSI 14HOSl IUNITSl IDEG Cl 3.20 -- '5.00---- 5.40 ·" 4.70 4.60::, --5.20 '.:: --5.811' --6.50 --5.10. 5.90 --6.80 --- 4.90 --"i.10 --.... 20 --4.00 2.90 sZO.: _-60 80 -;--:-3 ;~:t -- 20 60 '80~. 20 60 80 133 135 l 32 • 135-- 133-=.; 133 - 133 132.~ 135 ; 132"-j'· 131 131 131 131 131 131;:;, 124 124-. 125 121o !Zit 121t 127 127 128 128 127 129 129 7.2------ 7.2-- ----.. - ---~ 7.3·- ---~-7 ... --7.4 --;~· 7.6-- 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.6 8.2·--------.-! --e3,:.. ; ... ~ ----- -; --J~ --8~~-· .. .... -:OO)Z-'.'· -·!.:-·- 8.1 --8.1 -~.s~ .... ~-·· 7 ·!I·"' ---~ 7.!J 7.0 7.1 7.2 _,. ... : ·: ... ~ ... ! : .: !>-3 ··-- .a_..;_.· ... .o;.::;•' z:::.:...r - > • " ';. J " .!.}, • =t -~ -~ . ;J -~ ~· . f. .. ~··:a c. ~i~·~ r, ~ < v. ~a:e 5 o~ 7 . ........ -,• .'':·~~lo·0~>··_~t:· . .. :: , ~ ~){;~:(~ ;;~lfu~r~~r~ -·r; SOUTH·C~NTRAL ALAS(A 177 15294350 SUSI"!JiA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION--Con~inucd WATER QUALITY DATA, WATER YEAR OCTOBER_l978 TO SEPTEMBER 1979 .. ~Y -i ___,,....._~~---~­ ::.·~-,r---,·· .. .,: __ ._ __ .. .s . '~ -:ot-~- - " -.: " 31 ~ ~ ;( ~ ... ·:. ;Z::: .... ,; . ::~.:··f:C .. -··. ~ DUE SEP 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17·-· i7 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 1'1 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• 17 ••• OXTGfN• DIS- SOLVED IHGI'\.1 11.Z u.z ll-2 11.Z ll.Z 11.3 11.4 11.4 11 .... -17·-~--j~-~"'; --"'~~~i:--'j.: .Fr,-,~--g ::: ··· ....., ·~· .··~-~ ~J.-i~.:r=. ~..i'.t~=::~:: -~:~-...:-: __,.., ~ ...., "-~ _ __d OAT( OCT oz ••• ocr: zo ••• JAN 15 ••• APR 05 ••• HAT 14 ••• JUN TIHE 1400 1545 1230 1330 1630 19... 1330 JUL :.:: zr. ••• _; t6oo AUG .-. 29... 1400 <;F.P 17 ••• 1600" E ESTIMATED 17 ••• 17 ••• STRfAH WIDTH lf"Tl 1250 1195 960 11011 13511 11.5 STREAH- F"LOW• lNSTI.N- TANEOUS ICF"~I 28200 · 8410 9890 6700 1161100 1300 95200 189_7-. . . 186400. 1210 90700 1170 87700 [ NON-IDEAL COLONY COUNT ~ :. _ .. 81 CAR-· ,~""""', _, SULfAtE. Oli'.TG(No DIS- SOLVED I PER- CENT SA.TUR- ATIONJ- · 8001ATE ;,. CAR-""-015--.r.c I~G.ILS-80NATE:IT SOLVED._ . 98 ;. :!'9 •• ,.,__ ~ --... l !-r. • . ·- 98 98 -98 .:.. ~:-... : =---=-. '97 i -~ .• . '97 97 197,. .... -.· . -- '98 SPF- CIF"IC CON- DUCT- .\NCE IHICI'IO- Ht-105) 183 9~ 119 ;jlS 1311 AS.vfD IHG~~-IHG.ILS . HCOlJ : ·• AS COli-· AS 50" t· . PH 54 53 ~-~ 54-- 54-- 54-- 54 55 55, 55. 55- 55 56 57·---56-- 57 ~-:-.!• 58 57 57 58 IUNITSI 7.1, : 7-.7:·. 0 0 ---;:-;, 0·- o-- 0-- o- 0 0 --... 0 0-- 0· o· 0·----· 0-· 0 --~! ... 0 0-- o. 0 TE'1PER- ATURE. uo IDEG Cl -32.0 E-1.0 Zl Zl 2i :;L. Zl 54 21 54 zz t::• 21 21 20 zo ~-; Zl ~<: Zl 20 """' zo -=- 2Z ---.~ . 21 -.. 2l .-:.1. Zl 21 TUR- IHO- ITT INTUJ 2o2 1.5 Ell.o 160 170 790 ZM 11.5 !DO SED. IRDNo SUSP. TOTAL .. S£01,.--SIEVE..·-· RECOV-HENT•-~-OIAH•~­.... ~ .. n..l-"'"*·-· ERABLEt. · SUS~L.lq.-vi rlNER!'>" -~""'..,.-.--.. .-..-.-.,.. (UGI'I;./L:' PENOED--..~ THA ........ ·-:-~:.\In~ T~.S.~.' AS-F"P:t-·-iHG.IL,_......06Z"Hif"~· .. ~----~ ..,._.,_,...... 18000 543 75 15000 645 64 --....... ----.... i 7000 n 17000 0. 17000 0 19000 " l"B'Ifoo· 19000 17000 ·- 19000 =:. 16000 - 20000 21000 ... 19000.:;. 1'1000 . 18000 ~; 19000 o: 19000 18000 594 616 67S 768 780 737 628 7ft9 948 1380 1030 llZO 1190 767 1040 1400 1030 ~ARO­ HETIHC PRES- SURE IHH or COLI- FORHo FECALo 0.7 UH-Hr HGI 755 740 765 ICOLS • .I 100 HLI KJ Kll KlS 760-. -"1(7 760.. . . 1('91 -1(9 731 K211 i oa;u t6&o.u ; 61JO J SS>n - 57 61 ..71.. ~ 60~:: . 49-~ :42 ... :55 " ;53::.: --.· ~oa . . 7J-- '5Z''l "0 60 STREP- TOCOCCI-~-­ FECAL· KF .\G.a.ll ICOLS. PER 100 '4LI <I <I Kl <1 1(1•:> 1(65'--'· Kilt 1(8 :;q~ ~Tn 67') !A-.:1 -;.• ~t!llo-- lt t--..... ~ ~~ :.'> .!;..:;.,.. 1~4-d .• ~ ;,_;;.....&_ HARD- NESS I .. GI'L AS OC031 79 84 37 ....... 6Q-;-; SJ•- '59 ... ..... ~ ;;S,. :Rl'·'- HAPO-·!'~ ~>~F.<;s. NONC&R- 90NAT( IHG/L CACO)I 13 IJ 3 10·. 6 .. <; '9 IJ . -"'f [ [-, [ ['·._. A::c:~.~~~n-: ~ ria CALCJUOC ---~~ ·.. ors- --~~--SOLVED --.-:-.:-:-~ .. .-. c HGJ'L OAT£·-·· AS CAl OCT· 0? ••• DEC 20 ••• .JAN "AGNE- .Slll"• DIS- SOLVED IHGJ'L AS NG) ~- r-c;~ E of ' I • SOt;Tii • CEt;r;t~:. ALASU 152943!.0 SUSITtiA RIVER AT SUSlTNA STATION--Continued sooru .. ,_ DIS•o. SOLVEi).~" 1-oG.tL'L &S·NA),,, SOLIDS• SOLJDSt POTAS-CHLO-fLUO-. STLIC.\o RESIDuE 5U'4 Of ST1,1!4o SIC&R~ "-lllfAT( RIO(, I>JDEo 015• AT 180 CDNSTT- 015..-'-· BONATI;:-cu~-.!S-OJS-:Hf. DIS,.::-DIS~--<;OLVED . DE'Gr.-C. TIJIENTS~ ~.:.__.c. SDLVf;tl, w I.,G.IL,. •• RON.t..TE . ..._-,. <;OLVEO_ .• SQL.Y(O_~, . SOL'i.EO __ I._..!ZlL . .::__ .()IS·---=-___ DI~----:;._.:.:.::::::::.:··: INGJ'l.;-~ .t.S;;-.;_ 1 .. 0/'C;-~. 1 .. 6/t~, .-1'4G.f.t.--.:-_-1'4Gi't.::':;. .. 45~~-SOLVED.:_;_ <;OLVEO ·:::.-=..~": AS•ICI•·i.t >1C031n~IAS C031:! A<; S01t)l AS•CLL'!.t AS•ft{\<rl SIOl!li":LJ IHG{Lil.:. IHGTt.))·-~"J-l-'~ 71 0 [' ' .. 1'5:·:-:=· 25 3.,--7.·9 7.6 1. o;_ <: An •• -0.,"-HI 11 '!!' •z 9,8 130.~ 116 ... ~. L [ [ .&PR- OS ••• MAY- )4 ••• JUN l 9 ••• JUL ?E. ••• AUG .. Z9 ••• SEP ' 17 ••• 27 12 16 zo 17 19 "'ITRO- 4.~ •• . .Z'!. ... : 1.7 ?.3 2,4 2;.5 •• ~:-. 2.7. NlT<IO- GE'No f.(N• N02•N03 C ""''·'!,.,_._,_ :: .. , .~O~•N03 OJS- 'TOT Al.' ~ 50L VED f?o."$lf7."".::~JHGJ'l.:•·· . IHG'L.;: OAT( AS Nl AS Nl 3.0 2.6 3.0 z.s 2.6 1-~-' t.n }.4 }.7 1.5 . 1.5 116.~ 41 4ll 66 S).- Sit "'ITRO· NITRO•. NITRO·. GE"',AW- G(No GEN• HONJA • A>4'40NI4:~RGANIC-ORGANIC,, TIJT'L~• 'TOTaL= TOT&l.-=· INGJ'l.'l:. · II"GJ'L:tJ:. · 11'1>/L . ..:!-- J.S Nl • --AS Nl . &c; Nl -- EC --~ . .,~;::....""'~· ... --·-cc--c~-::-• . - Q.~ b 0 0. ~ n ~II Tl>n- IS -""·'· 3.7 17 9.2 16 }7 •IITRO·.·- 14 3.4 2.9 1.S 2.3 Z.3 •I .I ,J .3. ·'· .1 GICNo>l"4-Gf'"1<4>4------NITRO• u.:- 6.) 5.0 4.3 4.7.• 4,q • 0111; • .. 0"1 I" · ·• N I HiO-GfN, · PHI)S· SIJSI>, ··,,ORGANIC., GEN... QJS-.-~,PHORUc; •• TOTAI....C. OIS .. ~ · TOTAL.o::.:·. SOLV£D·c: TOTAL.!:!:.: (MG.Il./-1;-(NG/l...::_ ._ :IHG.fL.~I.,--. 1'4G.fL.~:J,f;. IO(G/l.~·.• ASNI t.SOfl·· .tSNI .ASNI'· t.SPI··· ~0~~------- ~~o·.-..:·:vc::'T-"f'--;""E;-¥"~..:: .. ·"'-E~~ .. ~~:-··: ~~N·· ... •"--.:;"'''f'•o• --~ '!'-_.'f·.-;:.: :~-:-: .. ~--. ·-·.: .. ~·.--;_-. ·:-_---... . ~ ~: ·. ----~ . -·-·:..·~~ ·:·~ .... 113.; (,4 '611 711 66 •. 70 .... os~- P .. oRus. lZ' '52' 71 75 72.-r 711 - 015~::.... &RSE>J1C:. "·~ .,.... SOL VEl)~ TOT.t..t.-'a!:.:.• . --;~.;..:!!.e. . I ... G/L ,.._,. I UG.f&.,..,_ ...• ...,.,...,.., ... ASP)·"· AS•AS'' '"' ~· ~-ts::.-.;~ .21--!·~---.06./1 .1f:-- ,03 .22 C"' .tz tr ·10.--., .4],.,... -~ ... "-.oz-""' T • Ot; -~ -z __ [ [ c l E [ I 0 L. b [ ,. .. " os ••• HAY 14-•• .JIIN· 19 ••• JilL 26 ••• AUG zq••• SfP 17 ••• . -~~-· •. ·oAT(. OCT oz ••• DEC: zo ••• JAN IS ••• APR os ••• >4AY 14 ••• JUN 19 ••• .JUL ?1, ••• AlJr. zq_ •• S(P 17 ••• .21 .sa .13 .09 .o7 .os ARSENIC sus· PENOED TOTAL' IUGJ'L AS ASI 9 .09 &QSI;;"'JC DIS· <;QLVEO IIJG/l AS 4SI· .2 2 .04 .01 .04 .oz .n3 .01 BARIU>4t TIJTA.L- Rf.COV· Ell&RtE·. IIIG/L AS Bill·· .0 zoo 200 100 .... 1.2 .45 .4n ,41 BARJUHo SUS• .07 - ) .17 1.2 .47 .43 .4?. PE'NDEO AARJUHo RIECOV• DIS• ERABLF··;·SOLvED_•• f lliG.fl." I UGII..J• A<;·BAI•-A5·8.t.l · 0 41) ZOII 0 2011 0 ·7n 30. .oo .n.o ·"" .46 .Jl .no CAO .. IUH TOTAL Rf:COV• fll.\RLE·• < I CIGJ'L. •: AS.•CDJ-.,. • 0 0 .u .zi ·32 -01 -12.: .42 . CADHIU" sus- PENDED <>Ecov- EA.t.Rt.E:-.-- IUGJ'L .• &<; CDI -• 0 0 0 .. .28 .67 1.3 .56 .so.- .so ... _ .ot - .nt .25 ,77 .46 ... .51 ,16 CHAO-C"RO~ HIU'4o O(IU>4, CAO~JU" TOTAL SUS-, DIS··--IIECOV-· I>E'NDED· SOLVED1 f, ERA8LEt.t:.. RECOV;;ti:l I U::i.fL "· ICIGJ't..._. lUG .I.!__.. 45 COL, • .t.<;,CIU:,,. AS~Cill...c: D 0 0 20 10 30 zo <1 o~oo 10 .oz -01 .oo . .Ill .no- -01". 8 ·}0 ----':" 11· CHQO-COil&l To "IUH. TOT 4L DIS-·---·-REC'lv-: ;. •-"..:-. SOLVEDI..f,. EAARLEv .• · :: 'Sl?l--'"= IUG/L:_ .IUG.IL __ .... ----:- AS:CQJ-:; AS:CO.l:-..:.. -.,.-~:_.,~ )I) 10 10 10 .;., .......... 1 - 6 7 "·- ~ '-.. ~ 't -~- . -· .... ;~ ·.~.:::::~::71en: 3. Page 7 of ., I • ,, ·~':, ~, t:ii,l%iJi'eft.H~~~~f~t~ " SOUTH-CENTRAL ALAS~ 179 -:-1SZ943SO SUSlTNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION--Continued waTFQ OU"LITY OAT&. w&TED yf&D OCTO~~q 197~ TO SEPTE'~"'(Q 1979·- COqALT• __ sus- ,.. Pf .. 0£0 --· ~ -"C:.::_: __ :Jilt ,,. .. c ov-· ; ,"-~:-~·-=.:-fllARLF.: l~ , . .., ~ D.tT( ... ncr nz ••• OEC ........ --.. ZO·-~!{ J&PO ... -l'; •• ;-t. ---"i.pq i .. ~~---_. 14 ••• · JU1'I l'l ••• ~ JUL =· I -• ?1. ••• ~ l. --=--=-·auG ·--;; -.JJ ... • ?9 ••• - Sf"D ~~---~ "" R I- t;.:J! ~ IIIG'L ""' COl 0 6 0 5 'IAIIIGA- CD"! AI T • 015- 'ii)L VF:I1 · IUG'L aS COl lie] .• · U>Q I) 7 .·--... <3 ,.-,._-o,_;.. . _._,..,. w lllfSE•: !'ANr.&- u~--..=..... ""-=~~-sus.,..:.·.c ... IIIESr.,_ .. ~~,· ~ .. I>F.NOED_,.._,_.DlS-· . .,........ . •· .·-"'= Qf"COV. <;OLIIED 1116/l. IUG'l OAT~ a<; NNI as ~1111 COPPFQ-. TOTaL·· RF.COV"-"- (DAPt.£\.f IIII>"L· A<; CUI 3 '! 25 Z'l )7 MEQCURY. TOTAI.;.S -~ . oecov-·· .. £1:>4B(F.: · IUGI'L AS HGI COPP(Q. sus- PF"lOEO" PF.COV- FP&~t:F•l IIIGI'L ac; Cuf· J • ' -- 21 ZR 3 .. '1!':RCURY <;l.l!i- ~ --=~~~-i·=. JP'l'f•- ("I)PPf"Po-TOTIL--:- Ots~~~uw oF.cnv~~­ <;1)(. venL -r E~> aRcEV!' I UGI'L-· 1115/L · · &c; CUI "<; F"fl 2 .! 4PO .. 141100 1201111 <!MOO PE"l0£0; MERCURY~ RECDV--· ll(S.,.•n·. · Ec:>ABLF'"' SOLve:o· • SEl£:."""--· N!UN•'" TnT&L '· ~ lllu 'L I Uui'L &<; HGI AS"HGI IIIG'L .. A'i SEI !''ION. LE 40. .. Hlr..l- c;us-,_.. --~~-.. Lf."AO~ -<;H<;-· =-·::::= "'F<;J!"";7~-- PfNOEO:-(RON~.-:'"_.TOTll . .:."'E>'IDF'I\..::: Lf'Ao:.=-TOTAL--- ~>FCOV~ '··-015?-'"='· llECO'IIi:~ l>fCiii:i:·~'.: · Df·c;.::~ Qf"COV.-:~:_;;:...-:::=::: F.~>A8L£"'~ .Sot:VEDL'£' f.I>&BUtl:f": fll&I\Lf~·· c;n(9F.n!';r-fDAR(£J'~'<;ri IIIGI'l:-·. (UGI'L·-IIIGI'L--lliG"L •·. ltiGI't:·,_. fUt;of.l;'•.·· .. S FEI .. s F£1 •s PSI &<; Pl\1 .lS PCIJ A'> >4NI 400 .. 90 .• u::: 14000 170 61) IZOOO 0 12 40. 16 <;F:l(- "f!UH. SELE-<;JLYER.- <;US~,;;i!!! NluM.~~"· TOTAl:-i• PE:NDED · . Dis--., oECov.-~·~· TOTAL ·' · SO~VEO· (QA~LE" IIJGI'L !UG/L !UG/L .l<; SEl •'i SEJ &'i &GI. 7-;-:, • !-l "'II n tn z .. --. 14 '2 SILVF"R; sue;-.--··"T·-~-··. P(NOFO• <;fLVEP.ot;:·; PECOV'-• .-O('l;.:.;n.. £1>~RLE""~ <;OLV£1''- IUG/L rur.'L 6<; .. r.) A<; Ar.l 40 ~-· JO . 7'i0. s~o.- 7T'ft:.-.- TOT&L-"-'="' -~!' • Qf;t:nv-7'"0.-r (Q&q[(" ___ _ !Ur.I'L A<; 7"'1 JJ.;i!F~~i~~~~::.:~~~~~:-~s-~""'::-~-;~;~,-.::;_,,;.;;~-;,;,:-~, ~~;-;,~~ .. ~-_,-~,;-~.,; :;·h, -.:-·:::·:.-:~ :.-:-_:::-.:.~ : __ .'-:-_;_-~--~ ----·~·.:. ~~.a:~ j~:·~:~~·-... ~~~:-:.-4.-. -~.~-:_~-:.• ' I 5... 30 1 o ~ = 'c ...... 9 ~ f-.:: I - L I- ____ ;; APR oo; ••• HAY l'-··· .It IN 19 ••• .JUL 26 ••• •uG 7.9 ••• SFD 17 ••• ... ----·- O.tT( ncr oz ••• oF:r. 20 ••• JI>H 15 ••• &Pit os ••• ,.AT 14 ••• JU"f 19 ••• JUl z~ ••• 4UG 2q··· SF;'" 17 ••• 8 240 SdD · ZINC• sus-,._i PfiiiDED ~>F.cov- fc:>aBLE IIIG/l.· A$ Z'fl 7 41 511 131t E: ESTIMATED 10 10 .. :O"fCo DT<i- <;OLVE"O IUG'L AS 71111 3'- 10 10. ~.CJ .-1 .2 .1 .1 CARBO"'o .1 .;:> .1 • J CJQEION• . ORGANIC oRGANIC::' sus~·'·~ DTS-PE'lDEO SOLVED TOTAL IMGI'L INGI'L AS Cl AS Cl 9.3 .? 6.8 1.,. .9. z .... .6 lol .II n 0 10 .II 0 0 0 I) c;o • .o n 1 " II 0 60 .o 1 1 0 0 0 II RO - c;FOI-----· . -.. F"NT -~'-'"'·~=-~ '":-of.~_-... .:....-~~--~. -~~ c;EOT-1)15-. <;;!ll--~r5 . -"ENTo CI·IIDr.l': o ... ·-- .. c;us-sus- i>ENO~<"D' Pf"'OF"O !14GI'LI ITI'DAYI . l an " 7:Z ,.,",. 416 }R701111 -~,. 2370 1190000 T42 18<!000 9111 213000 .. -.... ~,;- ,. v ...... ;,. t< t..t:achment 4. -.1:1 List of ~ara~e~ers measured bv R & ~ and USGS at Gold Creek. This is also an example of minimal USGS ~ater Qua1ity ar.alysis. WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS TO-BE MEASURED I' L._~ I l.~ [ [ [ t PARAMETER F. I ELD: ~:!2:.:.:!~_:: . Dissolved Oxygen pH R&M X X ~--~-=--Specific Conductance·· ·'_:::·:-:·:::·.~·-.:..::-;':"-'--X --· --· · :;,.-~~=~~ ~ Temperature ; •.:;r•p•:rdi iJ(f~ Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity Settleable Solids : LABORATORY:· ; -- .... :~- X X X X ~ Turbidity · _ X [~~:-;::~~2.~~-=p~s~~l_y~d ·solid~:~---:. ·-:_ ... -:--:-~-~~_X Total Suspended Solids X ' USGS X .X ------=--x~~ XX X X .·x:: _ Total Phosphorous X X X ,. ' ,, ... ~;~~"7t"h-'~-:l.~fi6~'P!i-~te··;;;-;r)~t-:;.~i'i1"·~,E~?;£4·r~:r. :~!;:.;.; .. ~)(:~·~1~:~~~g~&~ • .;~'-'x~~--.;~.,;:;~~~$~~=-'· -~;;_.::_,,,. ·--~~,, ------~·'{ .. ~-:--_.-.-.. ·" ~~-~-~....-.~--·. ·.:::·-··. ~. ~ ·. ---:_..·. -~ :.,.-=--·--.-'d ·hi--Nitrogen ~ K;e. a _ _. Total Nitrogen" ,.., -" -" -, """' --:-- :J ::=; Nitrate Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Chemical Oxygen Demand Hardness Chloride Color Sulfate ICAP Scan Uranium Radioactivity, GrCiss Alpha Organic Chemicals Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Carbon·:. Trace Metals X X X X X X X X X X X X ~ X X X X -· .. .":.~ ~ ~·~ ~ /~-~ ;:-~) Ut-..:ili::D STATES •2t~~ ( . •,.rtb·-·--.;::.· ~ -~ :r-5--.i-\ 11 • ~-~... .._. ~i.,...,;:---:;) -I DE?.~.RTI-..~ENT Or THE INTER102 AttachiTient 5. . ·-----G E 0 L 0 G i CAL S U R V E Y :· . .: ..... -:-'. -=;;- --~ . ,. Water Resources Division 733 W. Fourth Ave .• Suite _400 ... Anchorage, Alaska 99501 March 31, 1981----~--<-·· ----~· Mr. Tom Trent -·-susitna River Study~ :·.::c . .:.o.;----~~ ..... ~- ·-: .. .Department of Fi ~h. and·, -Game ;:-; 5;; -<Hid {;_,;.-.2 State of Alaska· .... :-:....:~_ .. ~_-'-- 2207 Spenard Road· .. -.-· Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ... Dear Mr. Trent-:.,.--;;... : =~-<.;.:r: ! This 1 etter is in response. to your recent request. for cost estimates_ for ___ _ r ~- r: ~ J the collection· of additional water··qucOity parameters =at· the:-·two"·~usitnan...-:-.i._..., -=-~c.-:t. River stations downstream from Devils Canyon presentTy operated ·under the .. ... · :·· .. : · ...-,; . cooperative program with. Alaska .Power .. Author.i ty .-... In. orde.r .t9 prov.i de _the_:..--~--=---·-- :=_..:;., .:~:' !<fnds~ of_j n formation. hei:!ded for~a:.hy.dro:l ogi'c .. apprai sa l::.q;f: th~.Sus i.tna-= ---· ---_. ·-·-· basin we~feel strongly that the sa~e types of data should also be collected at the Chulitna River site. The costs for the increased data collection··· --~• ar~ shown below and are broken_ down into periods to_ J:"e.flect__our _di ff~r_e_nt _ $s·~i£·,f.t~~al :Iears.--)·l:·~~,·-~-;--.. ~~=.::~ii.-h ~ -:-,-.. _;\·:c-··::·J-:.·,:=.=-·>·:'·-~,-::-: ._ .... -.. . . -.- April 1-July 1-October 1- ·sune 30, 1 981 . s~etember 30, 1981 June 30, 198l... -• Chulitna R 2,340 2,340 7,720 Susitna R at Gold Cree~ 4,120 4,120 9,100 Susitna Rat Sunshine. Total $6,460 $6,460 fi 6,820 -• These costs would be in addition to the present-operating cost for these stations. I ·-· ....... ~ ~·- L_.l listed be 1 ow is a-breakdown" of ·the ~s-pecific "parameters "that -waul d -obe' col--.;.·_:=;::~-:-_ .. _:-?~::: -~ [ i i ..... ~ [ 1ected at each of the stations and the _frequency-<" of .collection:. 1. Nutrients + Organics. 8/year NOz + N03 dissolved, NH4 dissolved, NH4 + Organic~N dissolved,· NOz + N03 total, NH4 total, NH4 ·+Organic N total, Phosphorus · dissolved total, Phosphorus total, dissolved organic Carbon, and suspended organic Carbon. ..... ·-·~ -~ ., " •'. , . i'· -~ !"- 2. ~ttachr.:ent 5 -Contin~ed Page 2 ,..... -;:: .. Inorganic Constituents. t;:· E Bjyear Silica, Ca 1 ci urn,· Magnes·; urn~·: :SodiUrn;:...:PotassfunipSul phate\:. Ch·l of.i.defi·~-'!o'.:,;.,I-t~·hif:.i~ Fl . de T bl" dl···· ... ' d d" . -...:, d ,,. d. ( ;z. • d ... t.:!"~ aoor.l ~--il Oi"'..!.l~!l..<.:~: __ -----·-. our1 , ur . ..:y7 .an 1.SS"U-~!V~ SO;L1 s;e .. r.c:Sl ue"a ;;;..j. . ··'"'r·-~"--~~-----,.~~ 3. ---~~-·-:=-·- ·-:-.:-~-... -;:-. .... ~;.~-r:.­,., ....... ::=-~-4': --:--.~~---~ . ,. 1-. . I. ~ Minor Elements (dissolved and total). 4/year Arsenic' Ba ri urir;:e:adrni um·;·Cnr.omium·,...:coba lL,...._Copper.~"':.lr.on ,-..:t:ead-;:-:------. ,-==~L Manaanese Mercur.v. ""· Ni ckeT-':...=-''el·Pmi urn -~t ::o nti ·v 1··n· """~"' ~-:.: ~.M .:2i n:c~.· .:.::=--·-'".:. :.-~·:::·-.• ~ i.::·I-::=.·· b: ~ ' . ...,, -~-·-···· ... ,---··----·--.~ ~~-. ) 'l ... ..n--.. -··-. --'7 Field Parameters:· .. ---. Specific conductance, and bacteria. =-··· ' , .. . 8/year I. .r-'·---f . i .. pH~ :temperature·; dissolved-oxygen;-:?;~~,u . .::.,a.~--: s: Suspended Sediment and complete part-icle size analYsis:Bjyear .. : · ·: p -. ;c~ ~~~ ~lRobert ... J :"' Madi s·on:.-: -~-:. :::;;::-:--:::;:: Actin~ District Chief r=::.:.-~:·.--=--~---~; --··· ::~~ I .. , -, · r ... : } · ~ ... i • · ·, · j '· i . ·' .. ~Bt-"f~~:~~~L -~i";~=-~:-. ..... ··.::· .. ·.:::;;,-:;..:~:· ~·-· "!_,:: ... =. ... <:; ~; ··-:.:.-.:: .. ··. •. ,.., -· = -' :J '-'-" -•J _] L· ·' ~~-~-~-:it·j . -l .. _] .·''I ~ ~I --~ -"' ...,. ._;; ~ 'C'i :-:., _] 2 -LOWER SUSITNA STUDIES -OPEN WATER CALCULATIONS 2.1 -Introduction The Lower Susitna River is considered to be the reach c;:fownstream of Talkeetna to Cook Inlet. At the confluence with the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, the Susitna River changes abruptly from a meandering single channel configuration to a predominantly braided pattern. Upstream of Talkeetna to the proposed damsites, the Susitna River is being studied quite extensively under Subtask 3.06 -"Hydraulic and Ice Studies 11 and Subtask 3.07 -11 Sediment Yield. and River Morphology Studies 11 • Downstream of Talkeetna, a reconnaissance level study is being carried out under Subtask 3. 10 . A prime objective of this interim report is to quantify, as best as is practical, the potential changes in the flow regime during floods. Vegetation and habitat study personnel indicated that estimates of change in water levels during various floods would benefit their programs. There are currently only two stations that have existing hydrologic data; Susitna River at Sunshine and Susitna Station. At these two reaches, the river is constricted into a single channel which is not representative of the predominantly braided river pattern. With respect to potential changes in water levels during various floods under pre and post-project conditions, these two stations would probably reflect the extreme case. Therefore, a third station was added to this study which would represent the flow regime in a braided reach. A sample section was selected 8,000 feet down- stream of the Willow Creek confluence at the Delta Islands. This -~1 I -, -,.-' I -, __, ~ __, - ~ -~ . ...- 9 - -~ -=== ~ -~ _ _. _3 .] ~I cross-section was synthesized from a reconnaissance field trip and hydraulic regime relationships which enabled estimating hydraulic characteristics under pre and post-project conditions. With three sections in the Lower River, it is possible to interpolate the following results to intermediate locations of interest. ·- j -. .J . . ' c-c·l .;a ,....,. i ~~~• A " I ~."' 3 l;l., Zl ' I ~JI Ul 0 ~ ,_..., ls.· ~ .,..,..., a ~ d ~ ' ...., rl -, j ---'!) J -. .::.:. J --"' J J ] 2.2 -SuiTIJiary Variances in flow and-stage in the Lower:-Susitna as a result of flow regulation are reasonably bounded by this analysis for open water floods. The magnitude of change for pre and post-project floods of ·2, 5, 10 and 25 year recurrence interval can be estimated from this analysis. Since the data base is scant, the procedures utilized in this study were basic and perhaps oversimplified. However, generally the assumptions made were conservative and reflect higher changes in flow and stage than may occur. A summary comparing each station is presented on Table 2. 1. At Sunshine, the stage in the river is expected to be J.Z to o.8 feet lower during floods with a recurrence interval of 2 to 25 years. At Susitna Station, a change in" stage for the same flood intervals could vary from 1 • .3 feet to f.~ feet. Comparing these two stations to the Delta Island Station shows that the potential - decrease in stage for a braided section would be less at just below 2 feet. Since the rivers width increases more with an increase in stage, this is expected for a braided reach. Based on these three points, estimates of post project stage changes could be made for intermediate river reaches. Sunshine is representative of an upstream constriction, Susitna station represents a narrow downstream section, and the Delta Island is representative of a broad braided reach. Therefore, other river reaches would have stage changes equal to or less than Sunshine or Susitna station and equal to or greater than the Delta Island section, depending on the characteristics of the river reach being considered. Local variances in river reaches and effects of debris jamming, transitional -channel changes and other natural influences could distort these results. However, for the purposes of establishing 1·"2. ~~ I • ....... ..;u " 0 ...... . .. ., d " &~ u ,., ~~:;] t .. ~·!~' ~ ~. I L)' . · .. -.-:. >(_. ~r~'~ :1 ·~~ :: . ~ u-~-4 "3 j1j L3 ~ j~ , j "1 :. • = I l ., I J] JI il )I guidelines, it can generally be stated that stages after flow regulation will be o.]. to l· S feet lower during floods,· depending on the reach of river Ulider consideration. Additional field data, that is scheduled to be collected during the 1981 open water season, should provide sufficient information to carry this study through another degree of refinement. Proposed activities for 1981 consist of: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Breakup observations by Acres, R&M, TES. Vertical aerial photography on 3 11 x5 11 prints at various water levels. Continuous stream gaging by USGS on the Susitna River at Sunshine and Susitna Station and on the Yentna River. Staff gage installation and monitoring by ADF&G. Field observations by hydrologists, aquatic biologists, terrestial biologists, etc. River Regime studies by R&M and Acres. [~-~ ~li~I:J .. J [;-;~ ,.-I I, , I' [1. IJ r:r: .:J t ,,,. J ~. J L: J l, . J l.. "lJ TABLE 2.1 REVISED TENTATIVE ESTIMATES OF PRE AND POST PROJECT DISCHARGE AND STAGE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS PREPROJECT POSTPROJECT j .1 Page 1 of 2 LOWER LIMIT {= TURBINE DISCHARGE) BEST ESTIMATE RECURRENCE INTERVAL YRS DISCHARGE {CFS) STAGE (FT) DISCHARGE (CFS) GAGE HEIGHT {FT) PERCENT CHANGE IN DEPTH OF FLOW A. Susitna River Below Watana Dam Site (Installed Capacity 800 MW) 2 5 10 25 42,000 54,000 63,000 75,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 B. Susitna River Below Devil Canyon Dam Site (Installed Capacit~ 600 MW) 2 47,000 5 61,000 10 71,000 25 84,000 C. Susitna River at Gold Creek 2 5 10 25 50,000 66,000 78,000 92,000 13.5 14.8 15.7 16.7 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 19,000 21,b00 23,000 24,000 9.8 10.1 10.4 10.6 3 3 3 4 DISCHARGE {CFS) 20,000 30,000 40,000 52,000 25,000 37,000 48,000 61,000 28,000 42,000 55,000 69,000 GAGE HEIGHT {FT) 11.1 12.8 14.0 15.1 PERCENT CHANGE IN DEPTH OF FLOW 17 14 11 10 l L" J L , " ~ ~, , : l J U , , J U, , ,J l, I Jl L , ,J L, J L., , "j U . .I TABLE 2.1 REVISED TENThTIVE ESTIMATES OF PRE AND POST PROJECT DISCHARGE AND STAGE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS PRE PROJECT POSTPROJ ECT RECURRENCE I DISCHARGE STAGE INTERVAL YRS (CFS) (FT) D. Susitna iver at Sunshine Station 2 96,000 57.9 5 125,000 59.2 10 146,000 60.0 25 176,000 61.0 E. Susitna ~iver at Delta Islands F. 2 5 10 25 105,000 136,000 159,000 193,000 94.6 95.6 96.3 97.3 Susitna River at Susitna Station 2 157,000 16.8 5 204,000 19.1 10 239,000 20.5 25 289,000 23.0 LOWER LIMIT (= TURBINE DISCHARGE) DISCHARGE (CFS) 65,000 80,000 91,000 108,000 74,000 91,000 104,000 121,000 126,000 159,000 184,000 217,000 GAGE HEIGHT (FT) 56.0 57.1 57.7 58.4 92.9 93.8 94.5 95.2 15.0 16.9 18.1 19.7 PERCENT CHANGE IN DEPTH OF FLOW 8 8 .8 9 11 11 14 11 5 5 6 7 DISCHARGE (CFS) 74,000 101,000 123,000 153,000 83,000 112,000 136,000 170,000 136,000 180,000 216,000 266,000 Page 2 of 2 IBEST ESTIMATE GAGE HEIGHT (FT) -- 56.7 58.1 59.1 60.2 93.3 94.8 95.6 96.6 15.5 17.9 19.6 21.9 ·--- PERCENT CHANGE IN DEPTH OF FLOW 5 4 3 3 8 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 [l -~ ~ ~· [11. -~"' ""···-<' .. ,_,.. ~ ~ ~ 0 lii ;a ~ r::r it ~ ~ I ll t1 lll Cl Ell 1:1 ll .. . SUNSHINE SUSITNA STATION LOCATION MAP LOWER SUSITNA RIVER ~ r ~.s~~.7.:!;'L:.;::.:~.Y~~-~';!!?; • T."t.! ---~ .., , w ' I :.n - ' . ..., :c '· I I ::0 en I I NJ. i' I ! I I i ~. ~~ .c:J ~ Nt ' I~ ! := :~ MAXIMUM DISCHARGE, CFS 1\) U1 ' ' ' ' I I I I ' I I i-\. ' ;, I ! ' .$:0 l~ro m l"t ' : : : ' N Oi ~ Oi en .L::I '3~'11.LS · ei3/\IH w I ' ""' I I Ill i! I ' II I! i I I ! I U1 ' I ' ' I I ' I 1.1 i ...... ~J en ......,00\DO :a> n ~l " l . ! J P- i -11 ,... ] ! "'~ II, I J ,, ] ' I J I ' I I J / J I J I ~ ] :! I ~: I II II I J I I II I II I ] ' I I I J I I J ' ' I ' ] J " L. 'L~ r_, L c [ _j =l ~ u n c [ [ [ l [ toG ---I --' I . . -... ·---I' ' ,-.. ' • , . -. . . I .. 'I -: I. . -.I . •I . ·t. 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I' I It !.i it:'·.: ! I il ·II I: : ' • . : : 2 5 ' ~0 25 !50 10-0 RETURN PERIOD-YEARS 61.0 1- 60.~ "- I 59.01- :::z: (!) 58.0~ 1&.1 57:0 (!) <X (!) 56.0 55.0 NOTE: BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA, SUBJECT TO REVISION ~~~f~ ~~ ~:~TSN~A H~~~:~c~R~:~~o~1:c~ SUSITNA RIVER AT SUNSHINE PRE AND POST PROJECT DISCHARGE -STAGE FREQUENCY CURVES DT ~ ~v· !:t.&!"J_ CO._N_S_U_L.:_:T:_'A_N_T_S_,-I-NC_J.r MARCH 19811 2.3 3/\tln::> )...~N3n03tl.:l 38'V'.LS-38CJ'V'H~SIO .L~3POtld .LSOd ON'V' 3 CJd SON'V'lSI 'V'J.l30 J.'V' CJ3/\ICJ 'V'NJ.ISnS l.:>3rOI:fd :>ll:fl:l3130t!OAH 'o'N!ISO'i J..li~OHln'V ~3.-\\0d \f){SV'l\f NOtStA3~ OJ. .l:>3rsns' 'ti.:u·a J,.~V'NIV\1113~d NO 03S"i18 :3.LON S~"i13J,. -OOICJ3d N~n.l3~ • 001 0!;1 s;z 01 s 3: l> X 3: c 3: [ .J l~ ] [ l [ ,J ~ [~ ..I r· ~· c ';i [ )' c ~ c lJ .. r ~ •• c L ~ ~~ L. t l ..... . , , t-: ---"i : , I ; . ;f-;; " i , tl· 10 6 . . ·I . : : . I ---·1--. . , ~ I . ,._ •. _.-t .. -" I . . -· -. • .•.. 1_. . I ·m· . t w . ' I .. . . ' I ---, . ' .. ·-•.•.... 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I i I ; I I ! ~ . \ ! : ' I ~ I ; ! . : ! i I 2 5 10 25 so roo RETURN PERIOD -YEARS <t (!J NOTE: BASED ON PRELIMINARY DA'TA 1 SUBJECT TO REVISION I j,~~rnl ~~~.s.~A. ~~'::': :~, ~.~ :~~0~~:,~ SUSITNA RIVER 4T SUSITNA STATION PRE AND POST PROJECT DISCHARGE-STAGE FREQUENCY CURVE D~ ~ ~v• !MARCH 19811 2.5 ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC • ... o.......... o•G&.OCIII•T• ~\. ...... .., .......... V • .-o•• r~ ,, [ r [ L [ [ F [ [ [ r: t: c L L I' l~ li l 3 -RIVER MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENT YIELD Details of the proposed morphology and sediment yield studies are included in the Minutes of the May 7, 1981 ·meeting presented in Section 2. -, -,_, __o __ ; ._CO ~"' _jj ~ -cJ _) --: 4 -ENERGY SIMULATION RUNS -TYPICAL COMPUTER OUTPUTS Typical computer plots and outputs of energy and reservoir conditions for Watana (400 MW) and Watana plus Devil Canyon (800 + 600 MW) are presented in the following pages. These simulation runs were based on maximizing firm power from the development schemes and do not impose restriction on the drawdown limits for the reservoirs. Ci~:: OCT ~·~ : j \i • ~ :·, ~.i \) ' 8 :.:' ~j () • ;j :: :; {) • 8 ;~ :':; \) • :·! ~-~ ::·j 0 . :. .. , .... , .("') .... ~ J \) • .... :.~ ~;:i () • 2 ~--) : .. , (, ' :J :' :; () • 0 '') f' " ~..:· •••. J \.1 ; ·' ) :.i () • : :.1 :.i () • 3 -·~·-:· .. .,:.., ,;.,~I U • -u :~~ ~-.. ; () • ~j :.~ ::, () • ·l :.~ !:·J () • ~=j :·~ .. 1 9 • 9 :.~ :· ..• \) • J. :' l 1). 9 . ) '·· ... , ·-~ ... d / • .j :.,\:)3. 5 :~(:·io. ::1 •-~ :::j ·I~ t C'') .. '!i ·\. 3 J I I ~.) • ' • J I t ~ '11-.• -•. J ., t w :. :I I I ti ~ ~ : I I • '~) . I ' ' ~ •.• J \). 0 [ -" NOV 2El~'j,9 283.9 285.8 2El6.7 285,5 28~) t 5 2.85. 5 285.7 286~6 285.4 286.1 286.4 285.9 286.3 2El5.9 286.0 285.9 285.0 285.6 285.0 275.4 288.4 288.5 280.3 279.5 275.~j 281.3 279.1 285.3 284.8 ~ LTl DEC 308.6 308.0 30El, 8 30 11. 0 :·5oB.4 30€1.7 308.4 308.9 309.4 :·508 t •\ 308.9 309.1. 30B,9 309.0 30B.5 ~~OB, 7 308.4 30Ei. 2 308.7 30B.:I. 307.2 :~07.0 30B.1 ]0El.2 307.8 30'?.7 308.0 30B.:3 309.:1. ~~ 0 f:l • ~:; ~ \;. 1 i ~ ~I u:--:u r.:l r-:l r:---1 '-"··· cJI r---'1 ' ~ riJ r---> DEVELOPMENT: l~ATANA 400 Mw 1': MONTHLY ENERGY, GWH JAN FEB MAR 283.3 267.9 240.4 283.1 267.8 240.2 283.6 268.2 240.5 283.4 268.0 240.4 283.4 268.1 240.4 283.6 268.3 240.6 283.2 267.9 240.4 283.7 268.3 . 2•l0.7 284.0 268.4 240.7 283.4 268.1 240.5 283.7 268.3 240.7 284.0 268.6 240 •. 9 283.8 268.4 240.~ 283.7 268.3 240.7 283.3 268,0 240.4 283.3 268.0 240.5 283.4. 268.1 240.6 283.3 268.1 240.5 283.8 268.5 241.0 283.0 267.8 240.3 282.2 266.2 237.9 280.4 264.1 236.7 282.9 266.6 238.2 283.0 267.7 240.2 282.7 267.4 239.9 282.6 267.0 238.6 282.8 267.6 240.1 283.1 267.8 240.3 283.8 268.4 240.8 283.4 268.1 240.6 APR 21b,O 216. 1 216.l. 216.3 216.1 216.~~ 216.0 2:1.6.2 216. •l 216. 1 216.:?, .216.7 216.5 216.2 216.0 216.3 216.4 2:1.6. 1 216,\!') 216.2 213.7 212.El 2:1.4.1 215.6 215.0 214.0 21 !'5. 9 215.~.) 21b.~j 216.3 MAY 199.9 200.9 19€1.8 201.9 200.8 199.5 201.1 200.4 200.5 200.4 201.2 201.'7 200.9 201.8 198.5 200.7 199.7 20:1.. 0 201..3 200.2 1 1!9.4 195,El 202.2 199.:~ 200.17 200.4 199.9 t 99, il 200.8 201. t JUN 198.0' 199.3 199.3 200.9 199.6 199.7 201.9 200.? 199.8 198.9 19fJ. 3 200.9 203.7 200,€} 203.6 199.8 ~!00.1 201.2 201.4 197.5 198.9 201.8 205.4 199.9 1.99.3 203.6 199.() 202.~) 19B.9 200.6 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained ,_ l ~ \ .. ll ~ JUL AUG SEP 197.5 207.2 223.0 198.2 207.2 290.2 200.6 289.6 291.8 19H,2 291.1 29:1.,8 197.7 287.7 291.8 200.7 290.7 291.8 286.6 291.8 291.8 199.8 291.1 291..8 198.9 291.2 ·219.7 198.3 287.8 291.8 196.7 28H.1 29:1..8 288.0 291.8 291.8 290.8 291.8 291.El 286.7 2~1.8 291.8 289.3 291.8 277.i 199.6 290.8 291.8 199.1 288.8 29:1..8 200.2 291.2 291.8 287.6 291.8 263.8 195.8 203.7 219.6 198.7 207.9 222.7 206.2 213.2 227.9 201.8 207.6 224.2 198.9 206.8 223.5 196.3 205.5 222.7 202.7 207.9 224.1 :1.9\3,0 207.1 223,0 201.8 207.3 223.9 197.5 206.0 222.0 200.5 291.7 29:1..8 ,_ .J ,---..., J l---c:; ~-) ~ r-:J r.r-:1 ~ c-J r:-:-:-J ~J r-n c-:J r-J ~ :---j lJ r-"' .I .---, J DEVELOPMENT: \~ATANA 400 MW 1:, MONTHLY INFLOW·, FT 3/S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JllL AUG SEP 'I? 1. '11 , 9 2083.6 116B,9 Ell.5.1 641.7 569.1 680.1 8655,9 :1.6432.1 19193.4 1.6913.6 7320.4 ,'f,2<J'i. 1 :1.107.:5 906.2 !308,0 6 7~5. 0 619 d3 1302.2 11649.8 18517.9 19786.6 16478.0 17205.5 /1:'.)92. 9 2:1.70. :1. 1~i01.0 1274.5 84:1.. 0 735.0 803,9 42:1.6.5 25773.4 22110.9 17356.3 11571.0 /;20~5.7 2756.8 1281.2 B1!3,'i 611 t 7 670.7 1382.0 15037.2 21469.8 17355.3 16681.6 11513.5 11:!.10. 9 :1.599 •• ~) 1Hl3.8 1087.8 803.1 638.2 942.6 11696,8 :1.9476.7 16983.6 20420.6 9165,5 3i3~::j9,2 20f~1.l. 1549.5 13138.:3 1050.5 BB6.1 940.8 6718.1 24881.4 23787.9 23537.0 13447.8 •1 102.3 :1. 58El. :1. 10313,6 El16.9 ni4. o 694.4 718.3 12953.3 271.71.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194.4 <1200.0 2276"6 1707.0 :1.:'573.0 1189.0 935.0 9•l5.:1. 10176.2 25275.0 19948.9 17317.7 14841.1 h03•l. ''l 2935.9 22~)8.~) 1480.6 104:1..7 973.5 1265.4 9957,8 22097.8 19752.7 18843.4 ~'i97(l,7 ~-~/>f.>B, 0 :1. 7 2 ''i. ~'.'i 1:l:l.~i.1 :I.OB1.0 949.0 694.0 B85,7 10140,6 18329.6 20493.1 23940.4 12466.9 ~=.=; :1. 6 ~s . ~j 221:~.~:; :1.6'72.3 1•100.4 :l13!3.9 961.:1. 1069,9 13044.2 13233.4 19506.1 1932~5.1 1608~5 .. ~) .~i () 4 9 • ~~ 2327~B 1973.2 1779.9 1304.B :t:~~H.O :1.965.0 13637.9 22784.1 :1.9839.8 19480.2 10146.2 4c)~·:~'7.6 226:L ·~ 1760.4 ~.60El.9 1257.4 :l176.El 1457.4 11333.5 36017.1 23443.7 19887.1 12746.2 ~.'i ~j ~~ () • 1 2508.9 1708.9 1308.9 11 8 •l • 7 1383.~6· 776.6 15299.2 20663.4 28767.4 21011.4 10800.0 :') l B7, 1 17139.:1. 1.:1.94.7 El52.0 /'81 , f.> • ~57~5.2 609.2 357El.8 42841.9 20082.8 1.4048.2 7524.2 4 /~'5'?. 4 23613.2 1070.~5 B63,0 772.7 80?.3 1.232.4 10966,0 21213.0 23235.9 17394.1 16225.6 :·) ~~ 21 . 2 1. ~iM'i, ;·5 12()~5.6 1.0M),A 984.7 984.'7 1~5~~8.4 7094.1 25939.6 :1.6153.5 17390.9 9214.1 :5269.8 1202.2 1:1.2:1..6 1102.2 1 O~H, 3 !3B9.5 849.7 12555,5 24711.9 219B7.3 26104,5 13672,9 401.9.() 19:54,3 1704.2 1617.6 1.560.4 15c><1.4 1.576.7 12826.7 25704.0 22082.8 14147.5 7163.6 ~:) :l ~:) ::) • () L5 ~5•l. 9 7~.'.i3,9 (.;19.2 c>0/,5 c>86, 0 1261.b 9313.7 13962.1 14843.5 7771.9 42f.>O,O :~403.1 1020.9 709.~1 C>:56. 2 602.1 624.1 986.4 9536,4 14399.0 18410.1 16263.B 7224.1 J'?6U.O 2496.4 l Ml7. 4 1097.:1. 77/.4 717.1 813.7 2857.2 27612.8 21126.4 27446.6 12188.9 •i '} 7'1. 1 2~587.0 1957.4 :1.670.9 1.•191.4 1366.0 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19820.3 17509.5 10955.'7 ·1 JO :L • 2 1.97/,9 1246.~5 103:1..~) 1000.2 B73.9 914.:1. 7287.0 23859.3 16351.1 18016.7 8099.7 ,·~()~')6. 5 :1.3~i4.7 931.6 706.4 689.9 627.3 871.9 12889.0 14780.6 15971.9 13523.7 97B6,2 :-:i\)i:lf:l' D 14'74.4 :1.271.>. 7 121~LEl :I.U0.3 1041..4 1211.2 1.1672.2 26689.2 23430.4 15126.6 13075.3 ~:.'1 ,:, / '} ' 1 :1. t.)Ol, :l 076.2 757.f.l 743.2 !.>90,7 1059,El 8930.8 19994.0 17015.3 18393.5 ~i711.:3 ~·-~ 9 '? :-5 • ~3 :1.921';,7 :1.6B7.5 l~548.7 1202.9 1110.8 120~5.4 8569.4 31352.8 19707.3 16807.3 10613.1 ';.)? 9 ~3. 9 264~).3 1.9'79.7 :l.~i7'7.9 1.267.7 1.256.7 1408,4 11231.~5 17277.2 :1.8~)B5.2 13412.1. 71.32,6 j i' / ~:i • 9 1944,S) :I.:H2.6 :1.1.:56, B 1055.4 110:1..2 1317.9 12369.3 22904.8 24911.7 16670.7 909f.>,'7 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained <--; -. l .1.,, I , , J L " , 'l 1 ; ~. I , IJ U .,, tl ~. , . J l , J L ·' . J L "J l." .) J DEVELOPMENT: WATANA 400 MW 1: MONTHLY TURBINE FLOW, FT 3/S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR A1PR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP i!dH6.0 7858.4 8624.6 8066.1 7770.9 7097.2 6.484.4 6027.0 5863.7 5668.1 5762.5 6108.8 ,sa65. •t 7901.1 8730~8 8181.5 7889.2 7209.3 6590.0 6123.0 5'729. 7 5693.1 5767.9 7925. (.) 6fl1b.O 7859.6 8626.4 8063. (.) 7760.6 70El1.5 64f.l6. 5 6007.4 5878.4 5645.2 7925.6 792~5. 6 .~IH6,0 7843.4 8~i84. 2 80:1.9.3 7723.0 7052.0 6441.0 5978.8 5761.2 5487.9 7925.6 7925.6 6016.0 7863.2 8640.5 8086.2 7788.1 7109.6 6.4<J4.2' 6033.7 58•\4.2 5604.4 79.25.6 7925.6 60:1.6.0 7El66.7 El643.4 80El0.7 7776.1 7093,2 6474.5 6012.8 5862.9 5618.6 7925.6 7925.6 ,.Si316.0 ·7864.4 8643.1 8090. 3. 7796.3 7120.3 6504.3 6044.7 5847.0 7925.6 792f.'i. 6 7925.6 6!3:1.6.0 7863.3 8633.5 8067.3 7761.3 .7078.1 6458. (.) 59'97.2 5820.1 ~i550. 4 7925.6 7925.6 .-sB16,0 7845.8 85!37.6 B01:L.1 7698.9 7019.5 6404.1 5942.0 5764.9 5522.7 7925.6 5978.7 .~dJ:t.6.0 7868.5 B6~:;o,9·· 8095.7 779f3.3 7118.0 6500.4 6039.7 5862.9 5642.1 7925.6 7925.6 Mll6.0 7854.2 861.3.7 8049.:~ 7743.3 7061.3 cl442.9 5980.9 57B1.0 5579.8 7925.6. 7925.6 •'lU :1.6, 0 7El45.7 El593.7 8025.B 7713.3 '7028.1 6407.1 ~5936. 6 5726.3 7925.6 7925.6 7925.6 .-s£!16.0 7859.2 B624.5 80:j8. 2 7749.4 7064.0 6442.7 5975.9 5786.3 7925.6 7925.6 7925.6 cdH6.o 7850.4 8602.2 8034.B 7729.5 '7048.6 6431. 2 5972.6 5757.8 7925.6 '7925.6 7925.6 Mll6.0 7854.0 8617.8 aot.~2. ~~ 7766.3 70~1.3 6477.6, 6020.9 589S, 7 7925.6 7925.6 7524.2 bBJ6.0 7858.1 8620·. 7 806'0. 5 7765.B 7090. f:l 6475.2 6011.7 5826.1 5579.8 7925.6 7925.b ,:dH6.0 7853.6 El619.4 8066.0 7767.9 70EI9.0 6470.2 6004.7 5848.8 ~)594. 7 7925.6 7925.6 6d3:l6. 0 7872.4 13665.1 8114.7 7817.1 7134.8 6513.9 6051.4 5855.6 5570.6 7925.6 '7925.6 .~dH6.0 7El65.2 8641. 2 .El078 • 2 7769.8 7080.5 6452.4 5981.2 5779,1 79:25.6 7925.6 7163.6 .~)016.0 7873.7 86b6.4 '811.8.1. 7829.0 7154.5 653B.O 6072.B 5899. ~3 5716.3 5862.5 6320.8 /2•14.5 8126.6 9256.7 8696.1 8412.2 7732.1 7138.4 6708.5 6544.6 6296.6 6;361.3 6719.~3 ?:'.'jf.;b. 0 8861.1 96~39.3 9061.6 8821. 4 8175.1 7583.8 7155.0 7107.8 6741.9 6565.6 676:5.5 '73'15.2 8623.2 937!3. 6 8'786.7 8477.3 77B0.5 7171.8 6726.8 6470.5 60:27.4 5997.8 6345.1 /06;2,0 8004.7 El957.9 8388.8 8091~7 7396.6 6762.7 6296.7 6144.5 ei8B3. 7 5939.9 6308.2 '7()1.;6,9 8019.9 9000.5 8440.3 8149.6 7457.3 6B2~5. 7 6373.3 61Cl9.2 5924.1 6058.6 6·473.3 7262.9 812 1J.B 1J258. '7 8686.2 8389.0 7690.0 7078.8 6640.7 6444.4 6056.9 5998.8 63:36.:5 /03~).8 7976.2 El896,4 83~~7.2 BO•i6.cl 7358.9 6730.9 6260.1 6089.9 58!55.4 5939.3 6291:1.9 709~).8 80:57.2 90:~4.1 8458.3 El1~i3.4 7450.2 c1809. 6 6345.1 6182.4 5841.6 5813.0 6159.3 6fl67.4 .7878.2 B662.7 8089.0 7778.2 709:l.5 6467.9 5999.!3 5811.0 5592.2 5686.6 6061.13 :.liH 4. 2 7884.1 8683.5 El122.9 7823.1. 7140.0 651C,.El 604El.7 58~j0. 8 5580.5 7925.6 7925.6 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained l .I' , i ' ' r:-:~ ; r -r; c :-~u l.~.~[J c~ ~-J L.: ') ~ c-:-:0 ____, r---"1 .r---"1 ' ' ' ~ r-"l 1 DEVELOPMENT: WATANA 400 MW 1: MONTHLY DOWNSTREAM FLOW, FT3/S I OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ' JUN JUL AUG .SEP .~)01.6.0 7858.4 8624.6 aoc,6. 1 7770.9 7097.2 6484.4 6027.0 5863.7 56.68.1 5762.5 6108.8 6B65.4 7901.1 8730.8 8181.5 7889.2 7209.3 6590.0 6123 •. o 5929.7 56'93.1 5767.9 12518.6 .~dH6.0 7859.1.1 ac,26.4 8063.6 77!.>0.6 7081.5 6466.5 1.>007 • 4 5878.4 5645.2 11170.3 11571.0 601.!,.0 7843.4 8~iEl4.2 ElO:J.9.:~ 7723.0 7052.0 6441.0 5978.8 5761.2 5487.9 14644.1 11513.5 6Bl6,0 7863.2 8640.5 8086.2 7788.1 710S1 .6 6494.2 6033.7 584•1.2 5604.4 8771.8 9165.~5 .~U:Lb.O 7866.7 El6A3. 4 8080.7 7776.1 7093.2 6474.5 6012.8 58b2.9 5618.6 20405.2 13447.8 (!/B 1 ,"S , 0 7864.4 8643.1 B090.3· 7796.3 7120.3 .6504. 3 60•\4. 7 5847.0 10943.4 19153.4 13194.4 c!IH c,. o 7863.3 El6:~3.5 8067.3 7761.3 7078.1 16458.6 5997.2 5820.1 5550.4 15305.7 14841.1 C!B16.0 7845.8 13587.6 8011.1 7698.9 7019.5 6404.1 59•\2.0 5764.9 5522.7 17029.7 597!3. '/ ..St:ll6.0 7868.5 El650. 9 8095.7 7798.3 7118.0 6500.4 6039.7 5.8c>2. 9 5642.1 12633.6 12466.9 cd:l 16. o 7854.2 8613.7 8049.3· 7743.3 7061. 3 6442 •. 9 5980.9 57B1.0 55?9.8 8806.1 16085.6 , .~016.0 7845.7 8~i93. 7 El025.8 7713.3 7028·. 1 6·107.1 :=i9:~6. 6 572{,.3 8900.2 19480.2 10146.2 6Ul6.0 7859.2 El624.5 ·8058.2 7749.4 7064.0 6442.7 5975.9 5786.3 20580.1 19887.1 12746.2 6016.0 7850.4 8602.2 8034.8 7729.5 7048.6 6431.2 5972.6 5757.8 14418.5 21011.4 10800.0 ill:! :I. 6. 0 7854.0 861.7.8 801.>2. 2 7766.3 709;1 • 3 6477.6 6020.9 5898.7 12887.7 14048.2 7524.2 .~U16.0 7858.1 8620.7 Eloc,o. ~5 7765.0 7090.8 6475.2 c>011.7 5826.1 5579.8 14577.7 16225.6 ;Hil6. 0 7853.6 8619.4 f.~066. 0 7767.9 7089.0 '6470.2 6004.7 5848.!3 5594.7 8806.1 9214.:1. /liJl6.0 7872.4 El665.:J. 8114.7 781.7.1 7134.8 6513.9 6051.4 5855.6 5570.6 24414.0 13672.~ r.'dLU>. 0 7865.2 8641.2 B078.2 7769.El 7080.5 6452.4 5981.2 5779.1 10122.6 14147.5 7163.6 ;~Bl6.0 7873.7 8666.4 ·a !'1e .1 7829.0 7154.5 6538.0 6072.8 5899.3 5716.3 5862.5 6320.B /~~44.5 8126.6 9256.7 8696.1 8412.2 7732.1 7138.4 6708.~) ,1,:544.c> c>296. f.> c>361.3 6719.3 ;:·)b6.0 8861,1 96:~9.3 90C:, 1. t.> El821.4 El175.1 7583.8 7155.0 7107.8 6741.9 6565.6 6763.~'j 7]9~i.2 8623.2 9378.6 8786.7 8477.3 7780.5 7171.8 6726.8 6•170.5 6027.4 5997.8 634~~. 1 7062,0 8004.7 89~'j7. 9 El3El8 • 8 8091.7 7396.6 6762.7 6296.7 61•14.5 5883.7 5939.9 6300. ~! 7066.9 El019.9 9000.5 El440.3 8149.6 7457.3 C>~l25 • 7 6373.3 61C>9.2 5924 t1 6058.6 6473.3 '/2t)2.9 8129.8 9258.7 H6B6.2 8389,0 7690.0 7078.8 6640.7 64•l4.4 6056.9 5998.8 6336.3 /OJ~.).8 7976.2 88<jl6. 4 B337.2 8046.6 7358.9 6'130. 9 6260.1 6089.9 5855.4 5939.3 6298.9 '709~'i. 8 8037 .• 2 9034.1 84~:i8. 3 8153.4 7450.2 6809.6 6345.1 6182.4 5841.6 5813.0 6159.3 .~D67.4 7878.2 8662.7 8089.0 7778.2 7091.5 6467.9 5999 .!3 58:1.1.() 5592.2 5686.6 6061.1:1 ,:liH 4, 2 7884.1 8683.5 8122.9 7823.1. 7140.0 6516.8 604El,7 58[j0. 8 5580.5 16309.3 909c>.7 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained r---"1 ' J ~ l-~) r.-:-: r:T: CT:u rr-J r-:-J c-J [;-: 1 r---"1 i.._ I J ~ r::1J ~ J _......., r--"", ,,__..., .J DEVELOPMENT: WATANA 400 MW 1: MONTHLY RESERVOIR ELEVATION, FT OCT ~.~ l 'I D • :! 1.94. ::~ li?H. :.~ ::~ 0 () • :~:1.'18. 2.1.9'7. 2l9B, 2 .l9El, 2199. 2.1.97. 2199. 2199. 219B, 2199. 2199. ::~ 1 '?13. 2'19'1. ;,! 97. ''! 90. 2 •n. 2 '!4. ;~ .~·) () . 2 69. 2 i3 ~'j • ::.! :1 f:l3. ::~ 1 '? ·l • :·~.I D'?, 21B:2. ::.! .l '/6 t :~. .I ') l) • NOV 2191. 2182. 2191. 219~). 2190. 2190. 2190. 2190, 2:1.94. 2189. 2192. 2194. 2191. 219:~. 2192. 2191. 2192. 2188. 21.90. 2188. 2142. 2115, 21:5:5. 2164. 2161. 21•l1 • 2169. :.?.158. 2188. 2186. DEC 2179. 2169. 2180. 2l.El3. 21'78. 217B. 2177. 2179. 2184. 217'7. 21 Ell. 2l.El3. 2180. 2182. 2U30, 21fJO, 2179. 2175. 217El. 2175. 21.28. 21.01. 2121. 2152. 2148. 2128. 2156. 2146. 2177. 2174. JAN 21C>6t 2156. 2167. 2170. 2165. 21t'>6. 21c'>4t 21C> 7. ~!17~5. 21C>4 t 21t'>9. 2171. 2168. 2170. 2167. 2167. 21c'>6. 2162. 21C>6. 2161. 2U.3 t 208~5. 21.08. 213!3. 2134. 21l·4. 2142. 2133, 2165. 2161. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained FEB 21 ~i3. 2143. 2155. 215B. :~152. 2154. 2151. 2155. 2161. 2151. 21~)7. 2160. 2l.57. 2158. 2154. 21 ~'j4 t 2154. 2150, 2155. 2148. 2097. 2063. 2093. 2125. 2120. 2100. 2129. 212:1.. 2154. 2149. MAR 2141. 2130. 2143. 2146. 2140. 2l.42. 21~5S>, 2144. 21~)0. 2139. 2:1.~5. 2149. 2145. 2147. 214:2. 2142. 2143. 2138. 2144. 2136. 2079. 2043. 2076. 2113. 2107. 2084. 211(;, 2109. 2143. 2138. I APR MAY 2130. 2127. 2120. 2120. 21~52. 212t!)t 2135. '2139. 2129. 2129. 2l.32. 2127. 2128. -2129. 2133. 2132. 2140. 2139. 2129. 2127. 2135. 2137. 2140. 2143. 2:D6. 21:36. 2136. 2139. 2131. 2123. 2132. 21:11. 21:~2. 2129. 2:1.27. 2128. 2135. 2137. 2125. 2123. 2062. 2058. 2025. 2011.. 20t!>l. 20c>5. 2102. 2097. 2094. 2094. 2069. 2068. 2105. 2103. 2097. 2093 t 2133. 2133, 2128. 2129. ·. JUN 2139. 2136. 2142. 2161. 2147. 2145. 2154. 2153. 2157. 2142. 2150. 21f.>5t 2168. 2161. 2154. 21~)0. 2148. 2151. 2161. 2133. 2072. 2032. 2099, 2114. 2110. 2096. 211.7. 2119. 214f:l. 2150. JUL 2161. 2160, 217·4. 2186. 2169. 21 7El, 21B7, 218•1. 2184. 2167. 2169. 2190. 2197. 2187. 2194. 217'9. 2175. 2182. 21El9, 2149. 209~5. 2075. 2133. 21•t0. 2:1.27. 213~L 21·40. 2154. 2170, 2182. AUG 2183. 2182. 2195. 21 1t8 t 2190. 2197. 2200. 2198. 21.98. 2190. 2191. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2198. 2192. 2199. 2200. 2159. 2U. 7. 2113. 2156. 21.1:.0. 2142. 2157. 2161. 2177. 2188. 2200. :---) SEP ,..--, J 2194. 21(16. 2200. 2200, 2200. 2200, 2200. 2200. 219B. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 220Q. 2200. 2158. 2127. 213B. 2170. 2172. 21.52. 217:L. 2172. 2191. 219t!). 2200. '"--"1 LJ,;,J,,. r:-~., 1:-:-1! CT:-IJ ~II-,-] ~J L-t:.; ~ ~ r-J r--: ·~ ::---J DEVELOPMENT:WATANA 800 MW 1: MONTHLY ENERGY, GWH O.CT : ~ ~·:j 'J • :·~ l~J 9 • ,.1 I :. •.. ~.1 ~.1 • ~ ) ,,~ ~ .... dl,j. . :! /11 • ; ! ·"' () • :·~ ,~ .. l . .!!'ji). :!!JJ. .! il ·1 • '"I i. '"I ··"·'"'-. ~! !'.iU, :! .~ J. :~ ~~, 4 • ::! f.; :5 • ~! .:1 () • :·:~ ~-J ~·.=; • :! .~~ /. .. !5/. :! .:1 ') • . ! .~ () • .. ! ·I I, .! !J 7. .. ~ .~ I • :!.:)•1. .. ! ,:1 J I 2::-; .l. 2 ,~, J • 256. 261. liD.V. 311. 312. (31 0. 309. :~ 11. 309. 313, ~~08. 306. 311. ~51 0. 310. 312. 313. 311. 31.2. 3 1 1 • 311.. 311. 313. :~03 • 290 .• 299. 309, 308. 303 • 307. :~ 01 • :ws. 306. lli. 339. 337 •. 338. 338. 338. 337. 339. 3 :~ 7. 333. 337. 3:~7. 335. ~53 8. 339. ~n9. 340. 337. ~537. 338. 340. :~ 27. 316. 323. 334 • 3~53. 32f.l. 3:54. 326. ~D4 I :B·1. .JAH 309. 306. 308. 309. 30'7. 307. :5 0'1 •. 308. 307. 307. 307. 305, :508. 309. 309. 3:1.0 .. ~~OEI, 306. 307. 309. 295. 287. -292. :304. 303. 295, 303, 2'18. 305. 304. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained .EE.B. 292. 288. 292. 292. 291. 290. 290. 290. 292. 289. 291. 290. 291. 291. 291. 292. 2"90. 289. 290. 291. 277. 26 1). 274. 285. 284. 276. 285. 280, 288, 287. MAR 258. , ~c.· .:.;1'-Jt 258. 259. 258. 258. 256. 257. 260. 256. 258. 256. 258. 259. 258. 2~j9. 257. 256. 257. 257. 243. 236. 242. 253. 251. 243. 2~j2. 2·HI. '1 cc cc .:.'.J.:Jt 255. AE.R· 225. 221. ,226. 226. 224. 225. .224. 225. 226. 223. 226. 222. 225. 227. 226. 226. 223. 223. 225. 223. 212. 204. 211. 221. 218. 211. 219. ~! 15. 223. 222. MAY. 183. 185. 199. 171. 156. 185. 1 •cc 0'-Jt 176. 184, 1 CC"J ;;..,, ~85. 177. 200. 176. 203. i92. 186. 182. 179. 193. 181. 181. 146. 197. 17=5. 166 t· 171. 165. 204. 194. JUN 174. 181, 141. 150. 149~ 157, 147. 159. 172. 157. 183. 143. 137. 155 •. 132. 162. 138, 159. 150, 188 t 154. 140. 13 ·l • 163. 170. 145. 159. 138. ":1.87. 186, JUL 170. 175. 162. 178. 171. 168. 312. ,173. 175. 159. 170. 260. 579. 416. 361. 159. 168. 158, 270. 190. 153, 165, 172. 183. 171. .158. 182. 171. 177. l.65. AUG 189 •. 186. 331. 480 • 276. 581. 581. 498. 548 •. 419. 212. ~i81. :581 • 581. !)24. •1.4 5. 275. 5B1, 52EI. 205. 173. 166. 1 ')9. 194. 187. 186. 202. 194. 188. 182. ,______, ) SEP 230 •. 236 • 418 • •116. 331. •185. 476. 536. 225. •150. 566. 366. . •16 0. 390, 272. 566. 333, •19 3 • 259. 226. 211. 210. 2.2=5. 228. 210. 205. .,,.,. .. · • .:.. ;J • 219, 2 2•1 • 279. ,--1 " ANN ~ 29:58. 2951. 3249. 3384 • 3075. =5561. 3679. 3527. 32B2. 3325. 3306. 3503. 3954. 3721. 3•10'7. 3523. 30El1. 3 5 6~5 • 3380. 3003. 2787. 27:t1. 2773. 2937. 2!372. 27ni. 2889 • 2815. 2946. 2975. ,~ L ' [ ''" t.:J r-T:i r:-IT]l l :;;-J ~ c --:--J 1l : J C-:-:J c:-:JJ r--J ,-----.\ ~ ~ '----, . J -J DEVELOPMENT:WATANA 800 MW 1: MONTHLY NATURAL INFLOW, FT 3LS j AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB · MAR APR MAY JUN JUL lj 71 't. 9 2083.6 1Ul8,9 El15.1 641.7 .569 .1 680.1 8655.9 16432.1 19193.4 16913.6 7320.4 3299 •. 1 1107.3 906.2 808.0 673.0 619.8 1302.2 11649.8 18517.9 19786.6 16478.0 17205.5 4~~i92,'t 2170.l. 1501.0 1274.5 El4:t.O 735.'0 803,9 4216.5 25773.4 22110.9 17356.3 11571.0 I 1382.0 15037.2 21469.8 17355.3 16681.6 11513.5 62B~j.7 2756.8 1281.2 818.1] 611.7 670.7 42Hi. 9 1.599.6 1:1.83.8 1087.8 803.1 638.2 942.6 11696.8 19476.7 16983.6 20420.6 9165.5 3135'),2 2051.1 15•\9.5 1388.3 1050.5 886.1 940.8 6718.1 24881.4 23787.9 23537.0 13447.8 l.588.1 1o:m.6 816.9 754.8 694.4 718.3 12953.3 27171.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194.4 <120[1,0 2276.6 1707.0 1373.0 u. 89. 0 935.0 945.1 10176.2 25275.0 19948.9 17317.7 14841.1 60:3·1.9 2935.9 2258.5 ·l.480.6 1041.7 973,5 1265.4 9957.8 22097.8 19752.7 18843.4 5978.7 3t.6U, 0 l. 72 11 t 5 111.5.1 1(>El1.,0 949.0 694.0 S85,7 10140.6 18329.6 20493.1 23940.4 12466.9 ~H 65,5 221 :L 5 1672.3 1400.4 1138.11 961.1 1069.9 13044.2 13233.4 19506.1 19323.1 16085.6 t,,(H9, 3 2327,fJ :1.973.2 1779.9 1304.El 1'331. 0 1965.0 13637.9 22784.1 19839.8 19480.2 10146.2 ·163/. 6 2263.4 1 n.o. 4 1608.9 1257.4 1176.8 1457.4 11333.5 36017.1 23443.7 19887.1 1274c:L2 5 ::);)() t 1 2508.9 1708.9 1308.9 1184.7 883 t 6' 776,6 15299.2 20663.4 28767.4 21011.4 10800.0 5:lf:l7.1 1709.:1. l.194.7 852.() 781, f.1 51'5.2 609.2 3578.8 42841.9 20082.8 14048;2 7.524. 2 •175'1.4 2368.2 1070.3 863.0 772.7 807.3 1232.4 10966.0 21213.0 23235.9 17394.1 16225.6 5221.2 :1.565.:5 1203tCl 1060.4 984.7 984.7 1338.•\ 7094.1 25939.6 16153.5 17390.9 9214.1 .~L~6'1. s' :1.202.2 1121.6 1102.2 1031.3 889.5 849.7 12555,5 24711.9 21987.3 26104.5 13672.9 •\ () l 9 t 0 1934.~i 1704.2 1617.f.l :1.560.4 1560.4 1576.7 12826.7 25704.0 22082.8 14147.5· 71Cl3t6 313:'5.0 1354.9 753.9 f.!19.2 607.5 686.0 1261.6 9313.7.13962.1 14843.5 7771.9 42f.l0t0 2•\0:~.1 1020.9 709.3 636.2 602.1 624.1 986.4 9536.4 14399.0 18410.1 16263.8 7224.1 3760.0 2496.4 1687.4 1097.l. 777.4 717.1 813.7 2857.2 27612.8 21126.4 27446.6 12188.9 •\'J'/'1.1 2587.0 1957.4 1670.9 1491.4 1366.0 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19820.3 17509.5 10955.7 4301.2 1.977.9 1.246.5 1031.5 1000.2 873.9 91·1.1 7287.0 23859.3 16351.1 18016.7 8099.7 3056.5 :1.354.7 9=51 I 6 786.4 689.9 627.3 871.9 12889.0 14780.6 15971.9 13523.7 97!36.2 30Bf:I,E! 1.474.4 l.27c! •• 7 1215.0 1110.3 104:1 .• 4 1211.2 :1.1672.2 26689.2 23430.4 15126.6 13075.3 5i~l '79. 1. :1.601.1 876.2 757.f.l 743.2 ~190.7 1059.El 8938.8 19994.0 17015.3 18393.5 5711.5 29'73.5 192~lt 7 16!37.5 13•\8.7 l.202.11 1110.8 1203.4 8569.4 31352.8 19707.3 16807.3 10613.1 57'1:5.9 2645.=~ 1979.7 1.577.9 1267.7 1256.7 1408.4 11231.5' 17277.2 18385.2 13412.1 7:1.32.6 37;1 3.9 194•l.S1 1.:H2.6 113f.~tEl 1055.4 1101.2 1317.9 12369.3 22904.8 24911.7 16670.7 9096.7 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained :~ ~ ~ c--,~ · r:--:-i1~i ~~; fT'":U l T":l ril L J L ~ J ~ ~ r---'· ,...---::-1 lJ '---, ) -J ; ----:J DEVELOPMENT:WATANA 800 MW 1: MONTHLY TURBINE FLOW, FT 3/S - OCT NOV DEC jAN FEB MAR APR I MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANN 69~~~~~. B726. 93cl5. 8691. 92cl3. 7564. 6956 • 5495. 5278. 4826. 5214. 6464. 7067. 73 :.~1/. 8902. 9493. 8812. . 9393. 7687. 7018. 5687. 5584. 5032. 5176. 6627. 722B. 7 I •i 8, 9707~ 9328. 8654. 9250. 7556. ~966. 6001. 4272. 4527. 8968. 11571. 7746. 611/ ·l. B635. 9292. Bcl42. 92:1.2. 7534. 6908. . 5032. 4404. 4889. 12928. 11.514 • 7989. 7 li .5 \1 • El735. 93t,4 •. 8702. 9256. 7576. 6929. 4670. 4473. 4793. 7520. 9165. 7351. 6 .,. '} ') ,· 13676. 9308. 8637. '7198. 7538. 6922. 5567. •\72:;-i. 4657. 15671. 13A48. 844cl• 7 I II,:, • f:l791. 938ti. 8723. 92C>2. 7555. 6958. 49:i6. 4343. 8531. 15582. 1319•1. 8704. 6 •i I J, !3652. 9318. 8651. 9200. 7512. 6913. 5255. •1716 • 4753. 13409. 14841. !D•l9 • 6 tJ ()::! • 1:1557, 911.7. 8567. 9170. .7496. c1867. 5410. 5071. 4819. 14766. 6249. 7741. 7 I \)'I , 8767. 9:550. 8666. 9219. 7541 .• 691•\. 4599. •1722. 4481. 11388~ 12467. 79:55. 7 ii .. ~ 1:1 , f.l6fl1.. 92El1. • 8608. 91B9. 7510. 6910. 5485. 5479 •. 4778. :i779. 15673. 7867. 6 'I :2 •I , 8660. 9210. !3523. 9125. 7•l11. 6741. 5161. •\155. 7083. 15582. 101•16. 8227. 7 o,:, ~! t 1:1745. '1341. f.l6~57. 9213. 7~16. 6905. 5930. 4003. 15641. 155El2. 12746. 9278. 7 I)'} :l • 13775. 9342. 8647. 9183. 7541. 6961. 5182. 4555. 11385. 155!32 •. 10800. 8754. 7i),:,•l' f:l734. 9355. 869~). 9249t 7567. ... cl969. 6157. 3920. 9783. 1•1048. 7524. 8255. 6'/')(), 8 7 4 •l • 9:599. 13723. 9277. 7579. 6966. 5725. 4842. 4421. 12017. 15673. 8363. 6 IJ ,:10 I B71. :~ • 9318. 8(151. rno5. 7505. 6863. 5574. 4123. 4678. 7447. 9214. 734cl. 717ti. U77El. 9365. B66b. 9225. 7540. c!1934 • 5472. 4751. 4348. 15643. 13673. El464. 717U, 13759. 9351. 136•19. 9:1.97. 7489. 6882~ 5302. 4413. 7366. 141•17. 7164. 7991. 7237, IHI14 • 944l.. 8760. 93l.9. 76l.4. 6973. 5856. 5793. 5508. 5858. 6694. 7322. 7514. 9216. 9870. '1172. 9824. 8066. 7479. 62-16. 5309. 4884. 5300. 6564. 7451. 74f..:'.'J. 92 l. 4. 996l.. 9354. :1.0042. 8275. 7661. 6808. 5:l66. 5386. 5079. 6366. 7565. 7512. 9143. 97•\9. 17036. 9662. '7917. 7311. 4834. 4293. 5046, 5637. 6413. 7213. 7·10!.,. El9:'55, 'i>Sc11. 88€18. 9462. 7753. 7149. 6230. 5162. 5343. 5497. 6560. 7331. 739'7. 9040. 96~17. 8'190. 9586. 7846. 7239. 5550. 5•\52. 5150. 5468. 62•\0. 7302• 752t:l. 9188. 9790. 1i>102. 9704. 7943. 7318. 5558. 4 7~) 8. 4688. 5318. 5924. 7235. 6•.1'/:~' B925. 9572. !3885. '7477. 7744. 7106. 5389. 5032. 5354. 5761. 6528. 722'}. 737~. El922. 9531. El905. 951.2. 7772. 7136. 531.8. 4383. 4932. 5403. 6197. 7115. 6983. B686. '7 :'53 3. 8675. 9~!4 2. 7547. 6953. 6147. 5687. 5050. 5227. 6359. 7150. 720 l • t:~B:a. 9476. El8l.2. 9398. 77t3. 7089. 5982. 5719. 4654. 4948. 7729. 729cl. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrain~d L L J,,j '" , }' r l , ,, b I J ~:-l~.jj L :1 • .il •, :::-:J " . t J ~· ~ ....----, ,-----, ( ' ' j r--'I ' . DEVELOPMENT:WATANA 800 MW 1: MONTHLY DOWNSTREAM FLOW, FT 3/S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR •APR MAY JUN JUL _:,'I il 6 • 8726. 9~H15o 8691. 9263, 75c>4. 6956. 5495. 5278. 4826. /:529, IN02. · 94'73. 88:1.2. 9~5'!3. 7687. 7018. 5687. 5584. 5032. /J·18. tl707o '1328. 8654. 9250. 7556. ,6966. 6001. 4272. 4527. citl74.· f~635. 9292. 8642. 9212. 7534. 6908. 5032. 4404. 4889. /0;3 4' B735, 9364. El702, 9256. 7576. 6929. 4670. 4473. 4793. ,"J99'1. 8676. 9~508. !36:57. 9198. 7538. 6922. 5567. 4725. 4657. /JB6, 8791. 9385. El7:~3' 9262. 7555. (,958, 4936. 43•\3, 8531. • ~) iJ7 :5' Elc>52. 9318 • El651, 92()0, 7512. cl9 :L 3, ~·., C" C" "'"}~~ ... ,. 4716. 4753. . !d::l02' 85~i7. '9117. 8567. 9170. 7496 • 6867, 5410. 507l .• ·1819. 7:1. () 9 ' 8767. 9350. 8c166. 9219. 7541. . 6914. 4599 • 4722. 4481. /020. f:lc>B1 • 92El1. Elc1<>B. 9189. 7510. 6910. q485. 5479. 4778. t~'/24. 8660. 9210. 8523. 9125. 7•\11. 6741. 5161. 4155. 7083. /0f.>2, 0745. 93-t l .• 8Mi7. 92l.~i. 751C>. 6905. ~)930. 4003. 19101. '/091. 8775. 9342. 8647. 9183. 75•tl. 6961. 5182. 4555. 11385. 7064. B734. 9355. · Bc>95. 9249. 7567. c>969 • 6157. 3920. 9783. ,,. 'i90. 137~14. 9:59'1. 8723. 9277. 7579. 6966, 5725. ~1a 4 2. 4421. •l i~ 6 () • 13713 •. 9318. Bc>51. 9205. 7505. 6863. 5574. 4123. 4678. /:1 7 !3. 8778. 9:5M.i, 13666. 9225. 7540. 6934. 547~~. •17 51. ~1348. /l 'l i:l. 8759. 9351.. El649. 9197. 7489. 6882. 5302. 4413. 7:366. ?:.::57. 8814. 94 ~u . 8760. 9319. 7614. 6973. '5856. 5793. 5508. 1:'.'1 I. 4, 921Clt 9870. 9172. 9EI24. 8066. 7479. 6216. 5309. 4884. /•16 ~'j. 9214. 996l.. 9354. 100•12. 8275. 7661. 6808. 5166. 5386. I !''i:L 2 , 9l. 43. 97~19. 90:~6. 9662. 7917. 7311. 4834. 4293. 5046. / ·i () 6 ' 895~;. 9561. 8888. 9462. 7753. 7149. 6230, 5162. 5343. /?i97. 9040. 9667. El9'10, 9586. 784clo 7~!39. 5550. 5452. 5150. /!:'i2D, 9l.fH3. . 9 790 •. 9102 • 9704. 7943. 7318. 55~.)8. •1758. 4c~BS. \~)972. 8925. 9572. {3885. 9477. 7744. 7106. 5389. 5032. 5:354. /.:\/2, f:l922' 953t. El905. 9512. 7772~ . 7136. 5318. 43El3. 4932. .','/iLl •. 136B6, 9333. !3675. 92•12. 7~'34 7. 695~5. 6147: 56!37. 50~50' / :.! () l • f:lEI27, 17476. 8812. 9398. 771.3. 7089, 5982. 5719. •1654. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained ,....___, ' " r---; :-J AUG SEP 5214. 6464. 5176. 6627. 8968. 11571. 12'128. 1151•\ • 7520. 9165, 20789. 13448. 22348. 13194. 13409. 14841. 14766. 6249. 11388. 12•\6 7. 5779. 16212. 23001. '10146. 23815. 12746. 2606•1. 10800. 14048. 7524. 12017. 16•192. 7~1·17. 92:L4. 29117. 13673. 14147. 7164. 5858. 6694. 5300. 6564. 5079. 6366. 5637. 6413. 5~197. 6560. 5468. . 6240. 5318. 5924. 5761. 6528. 5403. 6197t 5227. 6359. 4948, 7729. ~ :-----' ~ l-"-~,J r:-: rr: . ::-:rl: e-n r::-J ~ [ :-:1 r-:-:1 r.-:1 ,;;;--. j r--1 -' ' DEVELOPMENT: ~JATANA 800 MW 1: MONTHLY RESERVOIR,ELEVATION, Fl[ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 2196. 21El4. 2169. 2155. 2140. 2127. 2116. 2122. 2142. 2167. 218~5. 2.169. 2153. 2139. 2123. 2111. 2101. 2111 •· 21 ~54. 2161. 2J9~'j,. 2184. 2170. 2156. 2141. 2129. 2'118. 2115. 2153. 2185. 2 I '/9 • 2188, 2174. 2160. 2145. 2132. 2122. 2140. 2171. 2193. 2 1 '1'5. 2Hl2. 216El. 2154. 2139. 2126. 2116. 2128. 2155i 2177. 21 'i 4. 2183. 216'7. 2156. 2141. 2129. 2118. 2120. 2157. 2191. 2194. 21El2. ~: 167. 2152. 2137. 2125. 2114. 2128. 2169. 2200. 2195. 2184. 21.70. 2157. 2143. 2131. 2120. 2129. 2166. 2193. 2 .I 9 'I • 2189. 2176. 2164. 2149. 2137. 2127. 2135. 2166. 2193. 21'13. 2181. 2166. 2152. 2138. 2125. 2114. 2124. 2149. 2178. 21971 '2185 I 21.71.. 2159. 2144. 2132. 2122~ 2135. 2149. 2176. 21'Hl~ 21El7. 217-4. 2162. 2148. 213'7. 2129. 2144. 2177. 2200. 21 'i6. 2184. 21701 2158. 2144. 2.132. 2122. 2132. 2189. 2200. 2197, 2H16 • ~21 72. 2159. 2145• 213:~. 2122. 2140. 2169. 2200. 21'1'7. 21EI4. 2170. 2156. 21•\0, 21 =~a. 21U) • 2112. 2182. 2200. '· 2 I ')6 I 2185. 2:1.70. 2156. 2140. 2128. 2118, 2127. 2157. 2190. 21'l/. 2184. 2170. 2156. 2141. 21~50. 2120. 2123. 2162. 2182. 21'1'3. 2:1.79. 21{)5. 2151. 2136. 2125. 2114. 2126. 2162. 2194. 2 l 'J ·\ • 2182. 2168. 2156. 2142. 2132 •. 2122. 2135. 217·1. 2200. 2tin, 2179. :;! 1.64. 2149. 2134. 2121. 2111. 2117. 2132. 2148. 21:H1. 2124. ~! 107. 2089. 2066. 2047. 2031. 2039, 2062. 2096. 211:t. 2099. 2078. 2057. 2034. 2015. 1997. 1983. 2044. 2084. 2 I 3 ·l. 2123. 2109. 2094. :;_!073. 2057, 2042. 2070. 2120. 2146. 2170, 2158. 2:L4~L 2t29. 2113. 2101. 2086. 2089. 2125. 21•l5 • 21C;2. 2149. 2l3:~. 21l.f.l • 2102. 2085. 2069, 2088. 2108. 21:27. 2.140, 2l26. 2111. 2096. 2074. 205?. '2041. 2057. 2108. 2142. 2 .I 70. 2157. ::.~141. 2127. 2111. 2098. 2083. 2092. 2121. 2142. 2155. 2143. 212'7. 2l.15. 2:LOO. 2083. 2069. 2077. 2132. 2158. 2Hl4, 2174. 2160. 21.48. 21 :B. 2122. 2112. ~!121. 21·12. 21 .!>6. 21 7 ~)I 2164. 2149. 2135. 2120. 2108. 2097. 2109. 2140. 21:77. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained ~ AUG 2188, 2181. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200, 2200, 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2152. 2117. 2128. 2168. 2168. 2142. 2160. 2164. 2179. 2181. 2198. --, J SEP :--:1 2190. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200't 2200. 2200. 2200. 2200. 2148. 2118. 21:59. 2176. 2170 .• 2148. 2172. 2163. 2187. 2182. 2200. ·:-l ~ OCT 2.3 2' 222. 225, 235, 229. 231. 224, 232. 23 7. 227. 229, 233. 228. 227, 228, 23l. 235, 224. 224, 222. 2 31 • 24 4-. 23!. 224. 227, 23(), 240. 23\) I 2 3 !:i. 229, ~ ,-,-, b u r:-:-: 1\:T: ~ [_lD r-n c-:-1 ['~ r-:J c-1 ,.....---, ' J DEVELOPMENT:DEVIL CANYON 600 MW 1: MONTHLY ENERGY, GWH NOV 253. 2':'j3 • 254. 255. 253. 256. 252. 256. 258. . 253, 25 'l t 254. 253. 251. 253. 252. 253. 253. 2 5:~ t 252. :~ 61 I 2741 265. 256. 256 •. 261. 257. 263, 259. 25El, DEC 2761 278. 277. 277. 277. 2713 I 27tlt 2781 282. 278 • 278. 2130. 2U1. 276. 276. 274. 277. 278. 277. 275. 288. 299. 292. 281. 2811 289. 281. 289. 281. 281. JAN' 2~51 2581 256. 2551 256. 2~j7. 2 ~)5. 25tl. 2571 257. 257. 25'}. 256. '")I:' ••• .;....J...Jo 255. 254. 256. 258. 257. ::!55. 2691 277. 272. 260. 262. 269. 2cl 1. 266. 259. 2(l0. FEB 244. 248. 244. 2 •\4 • 245. 246. 246. 246. 244. 247. 245. 246, 245. 245. 245. 244. 246. 2•\7. 246. 245. 259. 267. 261. 251. 252. 260. 251. 255. 2481 249. MAR 222. 225. 221. 221. 222. 222. 223. 222. 220. 223. 222. 223. 222. 220. 22l .• 221. ? rl"Z -.:..wt 2241 223. 223. 236. 244. 237. 227. 229. 236. 228. 232. 225. ') ") C" .:.. .:.. \J • APR 198. ~02. 197. 198. 199. 1981 1991 1981 197 •. 200. :1.98 I 201. 198, 1 C} 6 I :1.97. 1'}7. 200. 200. 1991 200. 211. 2191 2121 202. 205, 212. 205. 208. 200. 201. Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained, Watana Development Upstream MAY 212. 210. -196. 224. 239 I I 209. 2301 218. 2111 242. 209. 218. 195. 21 C} t 192. 203. 209. 213. 216. 202. 2141 2141 2501 1 <JS. 222. 2291 224. 2301 1 9 1 • 2011 JUN 205. 197. 238. 229 •. 229. 222. 233. 220. 207. 222. 195. 2:-56. 243. 224. 249. 217. 241. 2l.9. 229. 190. ")")c:' ... ,.· .. t.J t 240. 246. 215. 2081 23-'l. 220. 241. l. 91. 192. lJ JUL 2031 197. 210. 194. 201. 205. 3451 2001 l.98. 213. 203. 293. 446. ·134. 336. 213. 204. 215. ~~ 9 4. 1B3, ~! 20. 208. 201. 190. 202. 215. 191. 201. 195. 208. ,----, ,, J :--J ·:---1 AUG 20c1. 2091 3261 4 4 fJ. 3231 446. 4461 446. 446 •. •\ •\ 6 • 2461 4 •\6 I 4 •\6 • 4 •\ 6 ·• 4 •\6 I •H 7 I. 29£1. •l•l6 • 4 4 C>, 1 '}0. 222. 230. 196. 201. 2081 209. 1931 201. 207, 214. SEP 199. 258. 3761 390. 3241 392. 4321 432. 2031 •\ 2 9 I 4321 3•\2. 413. 330. 247. 432. 304. •13 2 I 230. 202. 218. 219. 20() I 201. 219. :~ ~ -'l • 20•1. 2101 205. 2461 :-J ~' ANN 2704. 2756. 30221 316'7, 2998 •. 3:1. 6::!. ~13c>O. 32041 29()(). 3 2 :·w I 2969. :~:.~32. 3420. 3323 • 314c>• 31~56. 2947. 3209. 30'?3. 26:'19. 2855 • 29:5•\ I 28/2, 2;'o~::j. 27701 21360. ::!7531 2f.l2<J. 26'h'> I 2 7 6 •I. L .1,,. ,J ". l. "' ll . I, l ' J ~ ,i,, J l: I '. I "' j L .... ,J L , J r-· J I" ' . DEVELOPMENT:DEVIL CANYON 600 MW 1: MONTHLY REGULATED INFLOW, FT 3/S OCT ')(Hf:l, !HL'l:':l,, 1:1'1091 'iJ•1•l. UB:t9~ H 9 •\ 7, U2B l1 '}(1:"53. '/6()7, n::)791 UD22. 9173. D/'!01 u:':i90 1 [I.!. '11 • U'J.~.~5. '} :jJ '~ • t:l j :! 9 I tLLI3. u l :.!]. II •l •1 :! , '/•} :.!3 I \L~)31 I UOU2, tl :~ 6 B I II],.;; 4 I •; ;) 27. ll ::) :5 :l • ')2/:!. u .~ ~'~H • NOV 9366. ')150. 9445. 9586. 9377. 9587. 9192. '7646. 9866. 9305. 9499, 9523. 93051 9147. ')325 t 92'75. 9396. 9289. 9297. 9167. 9 •16 4. l03E)4, 97<74. 930 11. '7255. 9478. '7425. 9El53. 9817. 9585. DEC 9712. 9743. 9el41. '71330, 9770. 9 9 ·~ 5. 972:! .• 9876. 10411. 9863, 9959. 10137. '1777. 9716. 9739. 9580! 986El. 91352, 9803. 9.!104. 10072. l.0737. 10461. 9El43. 979'7. 10212. 91335. 1045:L 10116. 9949. JAN 8963. 9007. '1072. 900~5. ·8973. 9158. 8932. 9071. 91El6. 9:1.313. 9179. '7387. 9031. 9021. El946, 8847. 9087. 9177. 9116.' ElEl9•1, 9414. 9795. 9766. 9104. 9102. 9487. 9l.63t 9~j21. 925•\. 9145. FEB 9451. 9583. 9453. '1480 t ')51 0. 9648. 9539. 9600. 9~il0. 96130. 9591. 9702. 9525. 9589. 94EI7, 9389. 96l.1. '1700. 9633. 94!lEl, 10039, 10375. 103~i4. 9719. 9699. 101.71. 'i743. 10046. 9758. 9694. MAR 7766. 7840 •. 7742 ,' 7726. 7758. 7~312. 7870. 71352. 77i9. 7908, 7813. 8026. 7803. 7690, 774"4. J,'S'/8, 7910. 7'739. 7925. 7781. 8260. 8573. 8501. 7914. 7970, 8403. 8013. 8272. 7'194. 7839. APR 7200. 7423. 7115. 7200. 7306. 7256. 7255. 7241. 7212. 7 ~583. 7206. 7622. 7217. 7029. 7143. 71=50. 7425. 7342. 7310. 7293. 759.9. 8006. 7831. 7295. 7393. 7809. 7509. 7748. 7330. 7259. · 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained, Hatana Development Upstream MAY 91.67. 8822. JUN 9347. 8505. 7550. 12749. 10472. 11926. 11 fj 4 6 • . 11 8 9 6 • 8916. 10986. 91349. 9192. 1~~118. '1001. 9943. 7 ~j4 4 •. 9977. 7095, 8:~27. Elfl57. 922'7. 9612. 80El8, 8589, 7957. 12437. 7449. 9780. 102El1, 10126. 1.0607, 7069. 7910. 11121. 12273. 10994. 9701. 1.1136, 8432. 12726. 13328. 11417. 13866. 10635, 13131. 10920. 11930, 7769. 107•t4. :!.1988. 13295. 10225. 9424. 11984. 10665. 1.2E!82. 7966. 8015. JUl 9206. 8610. 10029. 8546. 9135. 9507. 1 :::i293. 9074. 8840. 10275. 9245. 13165. 24372. 113627. 13469. 10=H1. 9444. 10536. 12'7'42. 7:1. 2:~. 1 0 ;) •113 • 9016. 88::59. 7'78~1. 8786. 10204. 78213. B9~?8, 8438. 97~)t). AUG 9028. 9280, 13~j50. 17'197. 14822. 25673. 332•\l. t 1 n;9a. ~!1225. 21:~04. 11265. 28578. 31404. 3l.71~j. 17275. l.61307. 13154. 42271. 1.86£19. 7284. 10078. 10817. 7<726. 8419. B</34, 912EI, 7569. B531, 9055, 9620. SEP 7726, 111315, 15311. 16=54=i. 13993. :!.4530, 20858. 23013.. 8273. 18193, 25269. 14291. 1678El. 12754. 1o1ei6. 23042. 12474. 18071.). 92138. 7767. 900l1. 9261. 0272. 7El15, '141:~. 100El3, 80:55, 8805, 825(3, 98B1, L ,, L h~= U, . I~ ~ L ], IL~::-;J ~: J L J c-:-:J c-:1 c--J r--l ~ r--l r--""1 :----] r--""1 DEVELOPMENT:DEVIL CANYON 600 MW 1.: ·MONTHLY TURBINE FLOW, n 3;s OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANN. · 8010. 9045. 953EI. 8827. 9357. 7665. 7078. 7332. 7310. 7016. 7l21. 7096. 79~)(), 768:,!. 9026. 9618. El909, 94FJB. 7763, 7221. 7253. 7044. 6821. 7228. 9221. El :t. 06. I 77Au, 9076. 9584. 1Wu3. 9351. 76•19. 70•10. 6777. 8508. 7278. 112t"i9. 1~5·l•l1. B8U4, B I I 2. 9110. 956t. El822. 9346. 7630. 7058, 7751. 8165. 6717. 15434. 13928. 9303. 792.9. 9055. 9567. 8837. 9383. 7,-j67. 7118. 8257. 8185. 6964. 11171. 11579. !31309. 7976. 913l .• 962~). El897. 9423. 7674. 70El9, ·7244. 7920. 7082, 15434. 13989, '1291 .• 7735. (1991, 95ti:~. El827 • 9401. 7712. 7106. 796'0. El308. 11912. 154~H • 15434. 98()~). 8 \) 0 ,.:, • 9149. 95'16. 8861. 9400. 76l32. 7077. 7552. 78 5•1. 6913. 15434. 15•13•1. 941 ~~. 82.07. 921.l. 9n)~s. El875. ·9339. 7607. 7040. 7301. ·73EI5, 6830. 15434. 7263. El6EI U, 7844. 903~i. 9607. tl902. 9450. 7724. 7149. 835El. 79~!B. 7378. 15434. 1.5330. 9 ~:) :1.::!. 7927. 9090. '1620. 8893. 9390. 7661, 7058. 7242. 6956. 7012. 81::' .,., ..J .. · ..... 15•13•1. 87:34. BO!"i I , 9091. 9674. f.l955. 9413. 7710. 7l.82. 7550. El441, 10124. 15434. 1:~219. 94El8, 768B, '1024. 955'1. 8844. 9369, ·7659, 7061. 6736. !:1665, 15434. 15434. 14767. 1 00:'5'7. 7842. El960. 9529. f3834. 9386. 7c) 15. 6995. 7579. 798cl• 15006. 15•134. 11777. 9745. 7880. <}029 I 9~5·17. 8820. 9368, 7655. 7056. 6627. 8891. 11626. l.5•l34. 13840. '1231. 798\). 90Hl, 9489. 8785. 93:~3. 7638. 7048. 7026. 7738. 73El1, 14412. 15434. 9274. 8141. 9053. 9593. El8c!l9, 9408. 7707. 7144. 7217. ,' 8624. 7061. 10300. 1084•l. f:l6ll~lt I 7755, 9033. 9609. 8921. 9463, 7739. 7138. 7349. 7835. 7 4 •12 • 1.5434. 1543•l. 9429. 7747. '1028. 9577. 88El2. 9415. 7707. 7096. 7456. El172. 10154. 15•l3·1. B226. 9074. n. 81 • El990, 9522. 8827. 9394. 7697. 71:~:L 6972. 67fJO, 6315. 6572. 72~51.. 7760. 7979. 9339, 997l. 929:5. 9932. 8162. 7539. 7404. El024. 7616. 7689. '7789. 8395. 8446, 9799. 10350. 957~. 10209. 8423. 7833. 7386. 8~j70. 7201. 7948. 781•\. 8629. 8073. 9469. 10106. 9401, 1.0009. El207. 7571. El6:B, El794 • 694:~. 67El1. 7343. El·144. 7 7 4 ~'i. 9132. 'J702. 8<196. 'il591. 71333, 722:~ .. 6!340. 7692. 6564. 6958. 7189', '7 'I ~j ~.) ~ 7833. 9147. 9733. 9046. 9643. 7908. 73 :J. 6. 7664. 7438. 69c)e. 7201. 7828. €114·1. 7946. ·9:-s33, 10002. 9294. '1939. 8172. 7563. 7917. El37 1., 7446. 722:-s. 8004. 8 4 ~)4 • 8303. ?173. 9703. 9024. 9610. 7878. 7308, 7759. 7845. 6591. 6665. 7283. 8095. 7952. 9388. 9993. 92:1.2. 9779. 8022. 7442. 7964. 8628. 6965. 6967. 7502. El3J8. 81.30, 9251. 9724. El964, 9501.. 7770. 7141. cl607, 6826. 6744. 7l.41. 73l.O, 792b. 793\). 9206. 9712. El97El. 9546. 7775. 73.74. 6945. 68()7. 7205. 7384. 8E105 I E1127, 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained, Watana Development Upstream ' i L 1,;. I J •J c-:-~;: [I , IJ [T;J L ::, , J w, : .. ..1 L. ' j L , .. J r-:;-J c-;1 lJ LJ 1::-J LJ :---l :-l :-1 DEVELOPMENT:OEVIL CANYON 600 MW 1: TOTAL MONTHLY DOWNSTREAM FLOW,_ fi~~ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ---· --. 8010. 90451 9538. 8827. 9357. 7665. 7078. 73321 7310 ,· 7016. 7121. 70961 7382. 9026. 96J.El. 89091 94881 7763. 7221. 72531 70441 68:!1. 72281 92211 77fl(), . 9076. 95134. 8863. 9351. 7649. I 7040, 6777. 8508. 7278. 11259. 13•\41. 8112 .I '1110. 9561.. 8822. 9346. 7630. 705Ell 7751. 8165. 6717. 15472. l.3928. 7929. 9055. 95() 7. 8EI:~7~ 9383, 76Cl 7. 7118, El2571 8185. 69<::.4. 1117:1. i 11579. 79761 '}131. 96261 88971 94231 767•l. 7089. 7244. 7920. 70E12 I 2•\250. 13989, 77351 . f:J991 I 955:~ I 8827 • 9401. 7712. 7106. 7960. 830f:l. 11912. 297851 17557. t3 0 0 .:'1, 9149. 9596. BBcl 1, 9400. 76El2, 7077. 7552. 7854. 6913. 15526. 20623. 8207. 9211. 9765. 8875 •. 9339. 7607, 7040. 7301. 7385. 68301 1884'1. 7263. 7844. 9035. 9607. 8902. 94~)0. 7724. 7149. 8358. 792B, 7:~7B• 16cl50 I 153301 792l. 9090. 9620. 889~5. 9390. 7661. 7058, 7242. 6956. 701.2. 9522. 22•\25 I 80 ~'il • 9091. 9674. 8955, 9413. 7718. 71El2. 7550! El•\411 10124. 2clEl94. 12219. 7888. 9024. 9559. 8844. 9369, 7659. 7061. 6736. !3665. 22825. 290491 14767. 78·12. El960. 9529. El8341 9386. 7cl15. .6995. 7579. 7986. 150061 3000cl, 117771 7880. 902'/, . '1547. 8820. 9368 • 765S, 7056. 6627. 8891. 11626. 15737. 13!340. 7980. '}018. 9489. 87El5 • 9333. 7638. 7040, 7026. 7738. 7381. 14412. 21033. 81411 9053. 9593. ElEl69 I 9408, 77071 7144. 7217. 8624. 70611 10300. 10844. 7755. 9033. 9609. El921., 9463. 7739, 71381 73491 7835. 7442. 38082. 160211 77£17, '1028 I 9f577. 8882. 9•l15. 77Q7. 7096. 7•\56.'. 8172. 10154. 16 7 46', 8226. 7681 I tl9'~0. ' 9!:';22. 8El27 I 9394. 7697. 71:~:L (,972, 67EIO. 6315. Cl~i72, 7231. 797 1). 9339. 997l.. 9293. 99321 8162, 7539. 7404. 8024. 7616. 7ClEl9, 7789, 8446. 9799. 10350. 9573. 10209. 8423. ?833. 7386. 8570. 7201. 794B, 71H •\, 8073. 9469, 1010cl. 9401. 10009. 8207, 7571. 8633, 87941 6943. 6781. 7343. 7745. 9132. 9702. !3'~'/6. 9591. 7833, 7222. 6840. ?692. 6564. 6'~58. 71!39 .. 78J3, 9147. 9733. . 904il. 9643 • 790El, 73Ul, 7664. 7438. 6968 •. 7201. 7828. 79 4c;. 9333. 10002. 9294. 9939, 8172. 7563. 7'117. 8371. 7 44.6. 7223. 13004. 83\.d I 9173. 97031 9024. 9610. 787B, 730El. 7759. 7845. 6591. 66Cl5 I 72El3. 7952. 93138. 99931 921.21 9779. 80221 7442. 79641 8628. 69651 6967. 75021 8d3(), 9251. 97241 (19(,4. 9501. 77701 7141. cl607 • 6826. 67·14. 71·11· 7:uo~ 7930, S1 20CI. 97:1.2. 897El. 9546. 7775. .717•\1 . 6945. 6867. 7205. 73El4. 8El05, 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained,. Watana Development Upstream L , i; ~' ' " r--[, ,, r-:-i-J L I, ,, J L . : J L .... J L , ,J LTilJ c-:-:1 L:J r-----"""1 1 1::--J DEVELOPMENT:DEVIL CANYON 600 MW 1: MONTHLY RESERVOIR ELEVATION, Fi[ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL I 4:50 I 1450. 14501 14501 1450. 14501 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. I 4 :so I 11\50. 1•\50. ' 1450. 1.4501 1•\50. 1A50, 1•150. 1450. 1450. I 4:JO, " 1450. 1450, 14~)0, 1.450. 1450. 1450. 1450, 14501 1450. 14~j(), 1450. 1•150, 14501 :L •l5 0 • 1450, 1450. 1•150. 1450 '· 14501 I 4 ~'j 0 , 14501 1.4501 1450. 1.450. 1450. 1450, 14501 1450. 1450. .i 4 :'50. 14501 1450, 1450. 1.450. 1 •15 0 • 1450, 1450. 1450. 1450. I 4~'i0 I 1450. :1.450, :J. 4 ~jQ. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450, 1450. 1450. I 'l :~ () I 1•150. 1•\50. 1450. 1450. :1.450. 1 •150. 1•150. 1 •15 0. 1450. I 4 '50 , 14501 1450. 1450. :1.4 50. 1450. 14501 1450. 1450. . 1450. I 4:'~0, .1•15 0. 1450,· 1450. 1•150. 1•l50. 1450. 1450. 1450. 14 5o·. 14::'i0. 1450. 1. 4Ei0, l450. 14~)0, :1.450. 1•150. 1450. 14~50. 1450. I 4-:'50, 1450. 1•150. 1450, 1450. 1450, 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. I II :.'i \) , 14~W, 1450. l450. 1450. 1450, 1450. 1450. . :1.450. 1450. 1 4 ~:;o. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450, 14~~0. 14501 1450. 1450. 1450. 14~.!0. 1•150, 1450, 1•150. 1·450, 1450. 14~50. 1•15 0. 1•15 0 • 1 •l50. ~~~.ji), 1450. l450. :1.450. 1450, 1450. 145()1 :1.450. 14f'50, 14:50. I 4!:~0 I 14501 1 •150 I 1·t~:i01 1.450. 1450. 14501 1450. 1450. 1.450. I tj :.'i 0 I 1450. 1.450. :1.450. :1.450, 1450. 1450, 14501 1450. 1450. I 4~j() I 1•1501 :1.450. 1450. 1450. 1450, 1450, 14::;o. 1450. 1450. I 4 ::'i (). 1450, :1.4 50. l. 4~i0. 1450, 1450, ], 450 I 1450. :1.450. 14f:iO. .I 4!'10 I 1 •\50 t 14:10. 14501 1450. 1450. 1·l~j0. 14~j0. 1•150. 1·15 0. I 4 :') () I :1.450 I 14~)0, l.4~)0. l.450. 1450. 1450. l.450. 1450. 14~:i0. I 4~)0 I :l•\501 1450. 1·150. 1 •\ 50 • 1450. 14501 1450. 1•15 0 • 14~50, I 4 •;·j (). 1450, 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1. 4 50. :1.450. :L450. 14~j0. I 4 :'5 () I 1450. :1.450. 1450. 1450. :1.450. 1•150. 1450. 14501 14~)0. I 4!50 I 1•150. 1450, 1450. l. •i 50 • 1 •150 t 1·4 50. 1 •15 0 •. 1•\ 50. 14:50. 14::i0 I 1•150, :1.4:10. 3.4501 1450. 1450, 14eio. 1.450. 1450. 14~:i0. I 4 :') 0. 1450. 1450, 1450. 1450. 14501 14 ~50. 1450. 1•150. 14!50, I 4 :'J () I 1450. 1.450. :1. 4:io, :J. 450. 1450. 1•15 0. :1.450, 1.450. 14~50. I q ~j () I 14501 1450. 14~50. 1450, 1450, 14501 1450. 1.450. 14~50. 1 Reservoir Drawdown Unconstrained, Watana Development Upstream :---1 lJ ~-:-] ,--j AUG SEP 1450. 1450. 1450. 145(), 1450, 1450, 1450, 1450. 1450. ' 1450. 1 •15 0 • 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. 14501 1450, 1450, 1450 •• :1.4 50. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1450. 1.450. 1·150. :1.450. 1 •15 0. 1450, 1450. 1•150. 1450. 14~)0. 1450, 1•150 t 1450. '1450, 1450. 1·150. 1450. 1450. 1.450, 1450 •· 1450. 14~H> .• 1•150. 1450, 1450. :1.4 ~50 t 1•1 50. 1•1:'50. 1450, l. ·150. 1450, 14ti0, 1450. 1 •15 0 • 1450. 14~50. I I l l l ] ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J _] _j ! .J l. ·0 -·o ; llf 0 • ~~:-r t~ r~ r~ r~ f~ tt~ r~ f t~ t~t~t~t~1~ t t t~t r t~r r r~ r~ r~ f~ t P 1' ~0 1950 i9:Jl 13:J2 19:J3 i::J54 13:J5 l3:,6 i3:J7 13:;8 195'.) 13SO i:Jfil 1962 1363 i364 136:> 1366 i'J67 1368 1363 1370 l37i 1372 197J I~F4 1375 l976 i:J77 1376 1379 0::: ·w :z w i (l) AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY --. - n \ n il I ~ n J fl I 11 1 ~ m ~ l ~ ,fl '. 0 .tLo u. .._. 0 ; 3 ("J 0 _J LL ,:zg >-< • ft ~~ J JL l Jl h._ il...J ~ .IL r l ~ r jl J l .11-. j ~ lJ u ~J k L ~ ~ 1 ! l ~ lrj I IL., J ~ I r1 I fl \__ lJ ~ u L_ L_ .~J t 1-j ~j 1._.1~ ,__ lJ u ~ rJL "' ~ .-:I . .-"> ;;-, ' ,_ . ;;·:;-1 c :;· ' ~-'1: :;· ~ ., .,. c-'("\ . . ' ~. -. ~ 0 19;:.>0 ,g..,, I::LJ._ 19..,.., r9J4 19.;;:.> ,9..,6 r3.;7 r9::.>8 19..,9 1960 r951 196.: 195.; r354 195.; ,.,66 o367 r36o 1369 1970 1971 13Ui 1973 1974 1975 l::J76 l977 1971!) j::J7') . r-'"' 0 * 0 ........ 0 (./) . LLO u'" .._.. - I .. l ~ ~ ~ rJ ~ ./SPI lS I I ~ ~ ~ rJ ~ ~ ~ ~ AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLOW --------· ·---· • I I 111 WRBINE I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' --· ' • , ~t"" '· .. ~-'~-~ " .,. -. ~. -. ' . ' 0 e:::g <(. :ro 1950 r3::.1 19::.2 19J3 l!:b4 19;:>;J 1:L6 ,J.;,l 19Jo l::lJ<J 1960 r36o 196<.: 196.; r364 196:;, l966 r967 r96o 1969 1970 r9!r 197~. 1!)7J r9!4 1975 ,976 r977 r97'E 1979 (_) en AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE 01 -..,.-----. --. i l ------r---------------------.--...----·--- l ~ .. 1 0 ~.---.----.---,---.----r---.---.---~---.---.----.---.---.----,---.---.---,.---,---,---.----.---.---,.---~--~--.---~~~---:~~ ' -------------------~-~--------~~-----------------------· ------ ; I .-.. C"J C"J ' 1--iLL g i '-' - [Z <J 0 ~--MAXIMUM 1 LEV AT ON \ /\ /1\ (\ /\ /1\ r\ 11\ f\f\ /\ fl\/1\ !1\ /\I\ rl\ (1\--/r\ /\ r~ h ffL 11 1 A~ (~ J\ ([\ I v v v 1) v v 1J \J u v lJ v ·· LJ 1) \J lJ \f LJ lJ -v 1\ rl~ ; \ J \/ \ I \ I V \ ~ v lJ 3~ v \ J \J· ~ v ' . ~. -1---t---r---r---t---t--ir----+----i--t--t---t--t--+---t---+----t---t----t----+---+----+-ljJ~f----+---+-----+--+---1-----l-----! ~0 I _J ("J LiJ 0 ~· M NIMUM ELEVJlTION _,..v ~~iA<95~0~iA9c5'1• ~~9~5~2-,1~9J~3~rA3c54~019~5c5~l9~:,~6~1~9~57~'~r9~5~8~19~J~9~1~96NO~r~9~6'l~13M6~2~1~96~3~1~9764~~~9~67S~l~96N5~i~976l~"i9~6~8~1A-96~9~1~9~70~~,g~7~,~~=g7=2~.~~~9=73~~~9~7~4~1=97~S_JLl~9~76~~,3~7=7~,~9=7~~~~9~7•~~~ AVERAGE MONTHLY ELEVATION WATER YEJl._R: OCT-SEP WATANA RESERVOIR (400~w) t.JATtj:'JA;V'JTL rn~wr:t" flE')Fj nnvpr1 • l'u i J 1 ~ · l..iC· . .!. >J J 1! vl'i J.J 'i __ ._,r! L'1 '1 I ] J J J J _] I iO a a . ~a i I~­ ;~ I 0 ; .._. i>-o IC)a (\ "'-1" V\r r\ I ............ l) (\ ~\ ~ r\ ~\r v lJl '1r LJ .J -~ ] T\ lr\, ~f\, {\ r\_J ~~ {\ 1.,_.. '"-L '-U '11 l ., ~\ ~\ V\ r ~\ r~r f\ lr\_ lr\ f0~ ~V\ 'r ... lr"L_ lf\ r\ ~\ !/'\ [ \ .. l '-17 'L '1J ~ v 1.,-l l,f Lo-L-r' v lu' v ....... Lr , 0:::0 19.:.>0 19.~1 19.~2 19_,3 19_,4 19..~J 19Ai 19..~7 1Sl..~o I:L9 1'360 1:J6o 196.: 196J 1964 1365 l')66 ,967 196o 1969 19 7 0 1'F1 197~ 1973 1974 19l!.:.> l976 o9 7 7 197o 1979 c -r: •. . ;: . ;:: ;::. I C, .. t f ;: ..... . .;: . ' . ' "' 7 . ' . -· . ' --"' . ' - LU z: LU r,., a Oa * ~ (/) LL.a u c: ~a 3 ('J 0 ' _ _J ltL ' a ,Z:a r ~ fL. n ,.f'lr J . t J1 t ·- ~ n n J n 1 ) J J 1 lJ lj .l,_ ll-k lJ AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY --·- .. ] ~ nfj ~ ~-1 -(] I Jl l n J ~ ILl I r l 1,_ ll rl IL., 1 ~ l r1 I 1 ~ ls ~J u L IL-~ J l ~J ~J ~ UL rL ,h__ ~J lJ lJ ~ ' ,_, . a 1950 19:JI 19::-,2 19:J3 19:J4 19:JJ 19..~6 19..~7 19.Jo 19..~9 1960 196o 1J6e: 196J 1964 196J 1966 o967 196o 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 19!'5 1975 ,977 1978 I:F9 ~s IL ~J ~ IL-w ll. -· -· ----"' .. 'I L·.-, , ;:-· . ' "' ' 7 • ( "' . . -· * 0 ~a (f) • Ll_O u C'J (/1 ....... 0 ~ ~ "' .. . ~-1 r I! ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .. ') (. . , ;: , ... ·:- r n ol ~ N Nl f'J ~ ~ 1 { ~-''· ~-~ ~ ~ ,.., ,_ ;:-·, ,., . ' AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLOW ~SPILLS I I I n r n J/ lURE IN~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ /'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ') . ' ( r' t f. •• . ' . ~ ' . ' ' ( ( ., r '' '' 136.,_ 1963 1964 196J ,966 .967 1961:i 1969 1970 1371 1972 • 197j 1974 19J7..> ,;)71) o977 f978 1979 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE ~~--~--~--~--~--~----~--~--~--~--.---~--~---.---.--~--~~--.---~--.---.---~--~--~---.--~----~--~~~--~--­ C\J C\J ~0~ r~ J1\ i\ f~ J~ f~ J~ /1\f~ I~ I~ I~'~~~ s~ I~ J~ ~~ J~ r\ r, ~~ r ~~ r1 f ; ~ ~ \J \J 1J 1J lJ . \J \ lJ \J . V LJ ~ ~ V \ \) \J \J \i V ~ r n ~~ J \ f \ ~~ J \ f ;\ J \J \f I 1 §~ \ f \ I \ l) v \ 1r lJ I ~~ 1J \ u u l g 1 ~c---MIN ,I MUM ELEVAT ON I l ~~1 Mgs=o~i~3::,~:~1~3~~2~~~3~~73~~3~~~4~1~3~~5~1~3~~6~l~97~7~~~3~~cs~t~~)~~9~1~96~0~i~36~l~1~376~~-~~9~673~13~6~4~1~96~5~l~9N65~'~,g~s77. ~~9~6~8~13~s=9~1~97~0~i~3~7 1~1~9~7 -~2~·019~773~~9~774~1=97~)~:~g~71)~;~g=77~~19=7~8~19=7~~~ NOTE: WATER YEAR; OCT.-SEP ---------------~--·-- AVERAGE MONTHLY ELEVATION WATMJP.. RESERVOIR (800 MW) WAT.ANft/tfvi L CANYON DE.VELOA''tNT ~1~fn r . . \ ,· · r-~ L ~ . l l l l l l ] l J J J ] J J J J j 0 0 0 ~a Iv 3: 0 >-o (_JO o:::· 0 w. z· w ,,,., 0 Oo * ~ :(J) . LL '-5 . u'-. . ..._ 0 3 ("J 0 _I LL ,zg _,I', c: 19-.~0 "'lJ'I. n !'~ J~~J v-.,n f'J1-.,_,r-.l .. 13_,: ';': { ... . !3 ... 2 !9 ... 3 19...4 r nf _nr nf ''-'l.J-'" f'" '"'1,) '-'lj'-' '-'l..J n r _n cr"'-.,_, _,.,_ v,J V'"'t,,_, ?-, V'-.,n~ lr-., ( ?"'l,)L { ~ :-,, :: . ' ; ~ ~---. 19-.~o I ~ ( 19 ... 9 1960 ' 1361 ' r n ) n( f'-._ r 'L...r' f'"'-'l..J ''-'lJ u lJ" r'"''-'l..J ~ Lj r. r'l n r l ;J_! ~-., J v-,_nr 1'-.,) ~ ... -. 6__[ .1'~,_ .!'-., lr-., !'~ I'~ 'I /'~ v~,_ /'~ f?-., . ._, !:_~..., _,I', v, J ........ ~ ~ e· I' ' 19'5<-I 96J 19'34 I 96..> ,.:)66 I 31)7 ' r· 13'3o ' 1969 r ~ 197.J •() r '' I 9 71') .. ~ 197b ' 1979 AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY - -· r f ~-J nr "" ~ On -il .Il 11 '"\) -""lJ ~ ..-vv ''"'V ~-'l.J' .r''"'lJ f'~ :.r ·v '-....Ju I..J.,_ .r''""'l,ji..n.. !I . "'Lj .,_,. J,J u . "1.J L-.i LJ ...._ ~ ·v -· ·-•. . -~. .. ' ~ .. c ' ~ . --~ :~---t .• o 1950 19::-1 J9j2 19j3 19::.4 l9j':> 13j6 l9j7 19::..o 19..,9 1960 1961 1962 196J 1964 196..> 1966 l967 196b 1969 1970 1371 J97.z !973 l:J74 1975 1976 ,977 197o 1979 .f") 0 oo 0 * v r" VJ Q LLo u . ........ 0 ('J w 0 fr'"1,__ ~~ ' .. ;:·, AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLOW --- !4-SP LLS ) r r r [ ~ t ~ i_ ~RBIN~ j .. -r I ~ ~ ~ li"'U ~ ~ Z'"l..-.. ~ V""L.i r'lJ ~ rv lt"'V ~ ~ ~ V'1...r' I ~ ~-~ ,..-~ :r "l.rt_;. ~ ~ r· ............. fl"'~ ~ 'L....sL ~ IS"~ ( ~-;;· ~-r '" ;:_ • I;:_ ' L:.-, " . ' . t" I '. . ' ... . ( ~ .. .-' . 19-.~2 19_,3 19...4 19..,;:.> l:;-.~6 ,9_,7 19 .... o 19 .... 9 1960 196, 19'32 1963 1964 196.J r966 r967 196o !969 1970 1971 197~ 1973 1974 197.J 1976 ,977 1978 1979 -------·----·------·-·--t ---------·----------·--------· --------------------~- AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE 0 # t-AXIMl.J' ELEV~TION ~~4---~----~----~--~----~---+----+---~----4---~--~~----~--~----~--~~--+----+----4---~----,_ __ _, ____ ~----~---+----+---~----+---~----~--~ jl LL._ .,....... !;; k:J NOTE: WATER YEAR: OCT-SEP. AVERAGE MONTHLY ELEVATION DEVIL CANYON RESE~VOIR (E(0 M\VJ WPJPNP!TIEVIL CftNYCN DEVFJ nRvFNT