HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3286. 11' I I i i I I i i Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL l 2.165 J ~ " 'j ., ·I ACIR .,,· ... · ... _: ·" Susitna File Copy File# 5' '2.-S' Zt CAMP OPERATIONS PROPERTY OF; Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ~------------,"· .. --·· Acres American Incorporated 1577 C Street Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone (907) 27~-9631 ·~· ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED AGREEMENT NO. P5700.10.51 AMENDr~ENT NO . 2 for LOGISTIC SUPPORT AND OTHER SERVICES to be provided by COOK INLET REGION, INCORPORATED/HOLMES & NARVER INCORPORATED in connection with SUSITNA HYU~OELECTRIC PROJECT ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES FEASIBILITY STUDIES LEADING TO LICENSE APPLICATION May 1982 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Street Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone: (716) 853-7525 -' ~· ' '~ t 11 J ~ " g ~ ~ ~ lfl ~.:.::..Ij 1n ""-ll :1 11'1 ~~ ... q IJI ~~ ~·.:-,:fl ~~ "-.! "" ·;: ,, [l .,~!J • •YJ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS {1) (2) (3) (4) Page Revised Article IV -Compensation --------------------------------1 Revised Attachment 1 -Scope of Work------------------------------2 Revised Attachment 2 -Pricing Proposal---------------------------3 Signature Sheet for Acceptance------------------------------------6 j, • l ' I ARTICLE IV -COMPENSATION Under Article IV -Compensation, change second paragraph to read: "The total estimated cost of all the work to be performed under this Agr~ement~ as set out in Attachment 1 -Scope of Work, through ~~ptember 30., 1982 is $5,618,536, including escalation. Cc5t break- daiin i ~ indicated on Attachment 2 -· Pricing Propos a 1." Item 1, Paragraph (d): Change the Fee amount from $69,344-to $78,900. --Item ·s, the following paragraphs are added: ( i) Upon approva 1 of this Amendment No. 2, ACRES wi 1·1 a 11 ocate to SUBCONTRACTOR $293,713. This allocation plus previous nl1ot-· ments under this agreement will total $5,173,070, which is the escalated contractual budget in this Amendment through June 30, 1982. For services tt' be perfonned for Ju'iy 1, 1982 through September 30, 1982, ACi~£S will all ocate to SUBCONTRACTOR an additional $445,466 (including $10,572 fee increase) provided that funds will be appropriated by the Alaska Legislature for FY83 and v:,.~i gated for expenditures for~ the purposes of this Agreement. All closing costs are reflected in Attachment 2-Pricing Pro- pos~l, and in no event will costs for Phase 1 exceed the es- timated cost of $5,173,070 through June 30, 1982 and $5,618,536 through September 30, 1982~ except for the eventual demobiliza- tion-of the Watana Camp. If CIRI/H&N estimates that the allo·~ cation limit Will be exceeded prior to the completion dates and additional funds are not provided, then CIRI/H&N will cease activities in support of this project and will not be subject to any penalty or liability because of this action. Ri.MAINDER OF ARTICLE IV UNCHANGED Article V -Submission of Invoices and Paymnet ( 2) Subcontt"actor • s Fee, as determined in Tab 1 e 1, Attachment 2 shall be paid in six {5) monthly installments of $3,355 per month until 85 percent of the adjusted fee has been paid. The remaining 15 percent of th~ fee will be held in accordance with the contract provisions~ ll t.....:.l ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF WORK Extend services for CIRI/H&N labor from February 28, 1982 to ~1a rch 31, 1982 and extend services beyond March 31, 1982 to September 30!9 1982. 2 I 1 I ; -• . ; I ' I - ATTACHt~ENT 2 PRICING PROPOSAL Delete in its entirety Attachment 2 -Pr~cing Proposal of Amendment 1 signed February 19, 1982 by Roy Huhndorf of CIRI/H&N and p.c. Willett of Acres contained in Agreement P5700.10.51 dated March 1980 (signed by Earl P. Gilmore of CIRI/H&N and D.C .. \~i11ett of Acres on 26 F?.bruary 1980) .. Substitute the attached revised Attachment 2-Pricing Proposal . 3 I I I I I - Q I a I I I I \..,,:1 ~~ ._::J ~ ,, ~~ ,_.;\ _, ~i J ... ~ ~~ .J .:..:::..:-! ~ ~·; z.::: ATTACHMENT 2 TABLE 1 PRICING PROPOSAL FOR AMENDMENT 2 COOK INLET REGION, INCORPORATED/HOL~1ES & NARVER INCORPORATED Services . Sal a ry Cost . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • •• $ Fringe Benefit (32 percent) ................. . Payroll Cost of Services (PCOS) ·······u···••>$ 3/1 -6/30 41,370 13,238 54,608 Overhead ( 75 percent) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ,956 Subtotal ..........•...•...........•..... $ 95,564 Fee on Services . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 9 ,556 Subtotal ...........•..... d •••••••••••••• $ 105,120 Direct Costs Direct Costs ................•.....••......... $ 52,026 Handling Fee (2 percent) •..........•.......•. 1,041 Subtotal .••........•.................... $ 53,067 Subcontracts Subcontracts ................................... $ Handling Fee ( 2 percent) .............•....... 132,869 2,657 Subtotal ··························~·····$ 135,625 TOTAL ••.....••...•.....•.....••..•...•.• $ 293,713 $ $ //1 -9/30 45,766 14,645 60,411 45,308 $ 105,719 10,572 $ 116,291 $ 102,284 2,046 $ 104,330 $ 220,436 4,409 $ 224,845 $ 445,466 GRAND TOTAL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • ••••. $ 739,179 4 i I I I I I ' ~~ ~ .. a·.·-~ .. ~ r , . ~ ~ ' ' ' II I i '11 ·~ ... :J I t,.~ !q A ATTACHMENT 2 PRICING PROPOSAL COOK INLET REGION, INCORPORA'fED/HOLMES &.NARVER INCORPORATED Thru 6/30/82 Thru 9/30/8~ Services Salary Cost ...................... H •••••••••• $ 369,i!26 $ 414,992 Fringe Benefit ~32 percent) .....•....••...... 118,'152 Payroll Cost of Services (PCOS) OOOPOOOooooooo$ 487~378 Overhead ( 75 percent) 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 365,533 Subtotal ·····························~··$ 852,911 Fee on Services .......•...•..... 0 0 • • • • • • _]Ji, 900 Subtotal •.....••.......•.•...••••....... $ 931,811 Direct Costs Direct Costs Handling Fee Subtotal Subcontracts Subcontracts Handling Fee ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• c ••••• u •••• $1 '77 3' 180 ( 2 percent) ... 0 ••••••••••••••••• 35,4·64 a o • • • • a "'1 • • • a • o • o a a • • a a cs. • a c • a a a • • $1 -' 808 '644 •••••• , 0 ••••••• \. •••••••••••••••••• $2' 384) 917 ( 2 percent) ..... ~ ...... ~ ......•... 47,698 Subtotal ..........•....••...•••......... $2,432,615 GRAND TOTAL ..•.....•.•...•........... " .. $5,173,070 5 132 '797 $ 547,789 410,841 $ 9fJ8,630 89,472 $1,048,102 $1 '8~75 '464 ~~7 ,510 $1,912,974 $2,605,353 52,107 $2,657,460 $~618,536 I I a :Q a : ' i ~ •.. , .. 1 l ~ ! i~ :a_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have, this 7th day of June, 1982 ___ , caused this Amendment No.2 to Agreement No. P5700.10.51 to be signeq by their respective officers thereunto du1y authorized. INC. Title: Vice President Name: R. M. Huhndorf ------~~~~~-------=~------Name: 0: C: Willett 6 M. ~~ c I~ r lO lc 0 Subcontract No. 607800027AX Change Order No. 2 CIRI/H&N Project No. 6078.03 S U B C 0 N T R A C T SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA CAMP 0/M SERVICES This Change Order is issued by CIRI-H&N to exerci.se its . . option for renewal of its existing contract with KNIK/ADC Joint Venture for the operation and maintenance of Watana Camp. The renewal period is from July 1 through September. 30, 1982. However, the option to renew this agreement may be extended through, at least December 31, 1982. Chan~e~ to existing contract a~e in Article IV, Compensation and Tab~e 1, Labor Rates for KNIK/ADC. All other terms and I cond.i.tions 'shall remain the same. Changes in Article IV Compensation reflect the cost of operation and maintenance for the option period :from July 1 through September 30; 1982. . Previous TotaJ. Contract Price: Additional Project Expenditures as of 6/14/82 Increase Per c.o. 12~ Revised Total Contra=t Price: $1,448,6~2.82 274,695.l6 161,992.17 $1,885,.330.35 J ... abor rates f1or personnel which may be necessary to accomplish a1s required' work 'within the project ar~a are also p,rovidec\ within this change order in order to provide the basis for any future changes. However, KNIK/ADC Joint Venture will be required to obtain approval from CIRI-H&N .pt-ior to proceeding with ~ny non•scope work relating tu this subcontract, ... I I 0 J J J J ] ] ARTICLE IV COMPENSATION OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF WATANA CAMP DIRECT LABOR . Labor from July l throtlgh September 30, 1982 Based on use of 4-man crew @ $5,918.39/week for 12.99 weeks {3 months) 0\7E~HEAD 6\ Sub-Total $76,879.89 4,612.1S $81,492.69 TARGET COST ESTIMATES ,. ,. j' FEE 9\ 7,334.34 Total Direct Labor Cost Estimate $88,827.02 $88,827.02 II A .JT• HER DIRECT COSTS Consultants for power plant .and sewage/water treatment ' II ,, .. ·I il -,, l . . ' '· l I I I' ,, ,, II 1) fi ,l :I il I' I l· ! p .. 1 B. c. D. E • F. systems, -and water and sewage test kits Food & Consumables Supplies z.~ovies and/or Video Tapes Linen & Smallware Tools, Petroleum, Oil, L~bricants (POL) and Parts Freight deliveries and crew transportation from Anchorage to Talkeetna Sub-Total $ 3,897.00 48p063.00 8,053.80 2,935.74 4,884.24 3,897.00 71,730.54 Handling Fee @ 2% 1,434.61 Total Other Direct Cost Est.imate $73,165.15 $73,J.65~15 TOTAL TARGET COST ESTIMATE $161,992.17 ... I ] J J ] 1 . . TABLE l LABOR RATES FOR KNIK/ADC ------------------------------------------------------------ •I ., I •I BULLCOOK HOUSEKEEPER COOK/BAKER ; :1 li MAINTENANCE il .. i! il BASE WAGE SCALE (Standard Time) $ 14.50 14.50 16.25 17.75 OVERTI.fwlE RATE $ 21..75 21.75 24.38 26.63 ;I NOTE: i/ I. T~te below listed rates pe=sonnel necessary to site. These costs are Cost Estimate. are to cover the as required accomplish work at the project not reflected in the Target .• .. f • _,J [] 0 r1 j•,4 t..!d 0 J J J ] l J J l .. " ' I !I !i ,, .. ;, ,I .. II I lj l I .I 'I ,, !I . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have this ___ 3~0-t~h~--day of June , 1982, caused this Subcontract Change ~rder No. 2 to. be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, subject to approval by the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY and ACRES AMERICAN, INC. CON'l'RAC'l'OR Ccok Inlet Region, Inc. Uolmes & Narver, Inc. C;tRI/H&N By: llJd~;i Title: General Mar.ag~ SUBCONTRAC:TOR KNIK/ADC Joint Venture By:~~ Title: /'f,,.~~.---- 7 ...