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r: X II T R JT r: P r: V I r: •: \t:ll P '( S ff) P
Dec ember 14, 1982
P5700 .13.30
Tl 041
Arctic Environmental Infonmation
and Data Center
707 "A" Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Attention: Mr. Bill Wilson
Dear Mr. Wilson:
A copy of the minutes of the meetings held on November 29 th~ough
December 2 , 1982 at which Acres environmental project team
discus sed the Draft Exhibit E for the Sus itna H~'droe 1 ect ric
Pro ject FERr licens e application are attached. A copy of the
minutes have been provided to the oarticipants in the meetings ~s
we ll ~s FtR C. The attached copy of the minutes is for your use
o:i nd rc tc nt ior:.
The Pm\'cr Authori ty a!!d Acres greatly apprP.::iat e you.r p e rso~n el
li ul ·tic i pation in tt-1<:-1 11eetin g~.
S i nee re 1 y,
J / L ' / ~tjcU ~
1 r;~n ~r i ayder:!
·Co ordinator of Environmental Stud ies
cc: C. Debe 1 i us
p 5 71)0 . 70 . l) 1 00 -00
FERC License Applicati •.1 Exhibit E Pre sentation and Discussion
Anchorage, Alaska
HoI i day Inn
l~ovember 29 -December 2, 1982
1. Update Federal, State and local agencies regarding signifi c ant
changes in project features since the Feas i bility Report was
published in March, 1982.
2. Use the presentations and discussions as an interactive process
whereby Federal, Sta t e and loc~l agency review of the draft Exhib i t
E can be facilitated .
3. Develop a mechanism for continued interact 'on as the finalized
Exhibit E is prepared for submission to FERC .
Monday, Novenber 29
I :00 P.M.
Project Operational Description
Watana Dam
Devil Canyon Dam
Schedule for Preparation of Exhibit E
Group Definition
Tuesday, November 30 9:00 A.M.
Group Water Use and Quality and Fishery Resources (H . Dyck, L. l·l0u l t on /
Group 2 Wildlife and Botanical Resources (R . Sener, M. Grubb)
Group 3 Socioeconomic/Land Use (P. Rogers, P. Lukens, K. Young)
Group 4 Cultural Resources (G. Smith, D. Follows)
Wednesday. December 1 9:00 A.M.
Group 1 Water Use and Quality and Fishery Resources
Group 2 Wildlife and Botanical Resources
Group 3 Recreation and Aesthetics (R. Erickson, J. Chappell)
Thursday, December 2 9 :00 A.M.
Group 1 Water Use and Quality and Fishery Resources
Group 2 Wi 1 dl i fe and Botan i ca 1 Resources
Michael P. Storonsky
Philip Hoover
Thomas Lavender
Tony Burgess
Michael Grubb
Charlotte Thomas
Steve Fancy
Martha Raynolds
Robert Sene r
Dave Tremont
Roland Shanks
Priscilla Lukens
Michele Urban
Tom Arminski
Leonard Corin
Larry Moulton
Jean Baldridge
Keith Quintavell
Robert Mohn
George Gleason
John Bizer
Jack Robinson
Randy Fairbanks
Gary Lawley
George S. Smith
E. James Dixon
B. Agnes Brown
Carole A. Ellerbee
Robert M. Erickson
Tim Smith
Richard Fleming
Bob Madison
Bob Lamke
Bob Martin
Don McKay
George Cunningham
Randy Cowart
Al Cars~n
Paul Janke
Gary Prokosch
Mary Lu Harle
Robin Hill
Peter Roge r s
Steve Zrake
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, AK
Monday, November 29, 1982
Alaska Power Authority
LGL Alaska
LGL Alaska
LGL AlaskA
Dept . Conmunity
Regional Affairs
Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
Alaska Power Authority
Alaska Power Authority
Alaska Power Authority
University of AK Museum
University of AK Museum
Tyonek Native Corp.
Tyonek Native Corp.
EDAW, Inc .
DNR-Parks (History and
Alaska Power Authority
ADNR-Water Management
Frank Orth & Associates
Frank Orth & Associates
716-853 -7525
Jan Hall
Gary Stackhouse
Brad Smith
Bill Lawrence
Floyd Sharrock
Bruce Bedard
Ann Rappoport
Bob Everett
Eric Myers
John Rego
Lee Adler
Bill Wilson
Chris Godfrey
Ted Rock we 11
Larry M. Wright
Alaska Power Authority
USCE Reg. Function
Alaska Power Authority
Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs
Al aska Department of Environmental Conservation
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Artie Environmental Information and Data Center
(University of Alaska)
Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Parks Service
Northern Alaska Environmental Center
United States Bureau of Land Management
United States Corps of Engineers
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
· ~inutes of Meeting -
Subject: Susitna Hydroelectric Project Workshop-FERC License Application
Exhibit E~ Presentation and Discussion
Location: Holiday Inn~ Anchorage~ Alaska
Attendees: see attached
Date: Monday~ November 29~ 1982 1:00 P.M.
Minutes recorded by: Michael P. Storonsky
I. Introduction -Dr. Richard Fleming (APA)
A) Sunmarl:
Dr. Fleming provided an overview of the purpose of the workshop~ the
schedule of the license application process and introduced some of the
B) Purpose of Workshop:
To provide an informal informational session for the various agency
attendees. Solicit comments and concerns to improve the final license
document to be submitted to the FERC.
C) Application:
submitted draft Exhibit E to the FERC and the various agencies
November 15~ 1982
-workshop November 29 -December 2
-prepare and distribute a copy of the minutes of workshop week of
December 6
-incorporating agency comments into draft as received
-meet with FERC s t aff 14 December to review Engineering Exhibits
meeting with the FERC staff December 28 to receive their comments on
Exhibit E of draft application
-agency comments due January 15~ 1983
-submitting license application to the FERC February 15~ 1983
- a supplementary report of 1982 fis heries information and analysis to
be submitted in June 1983.
-additional supplemental information as required.
D) Introduced representatives of the Harza/Ebasco/ team that will be
handling Phase II of the Susitna Project.
II. Project Operational Description -Dr. John Hayden (Acres)
A) Summary
Dr. Hayden first provided a slide presentation of the major project
features and location, and then a series of overhead viewgraphs of the
filling and operational processes. Through the use of wall maps Dr.
Hayden provided a description of the access routes and transmission
lines, their locations and schedules of development. Following an
intermission Dr. Hayden outlined the organization of the workshop for
the balance of the week.
B) Major Project Features -Watana
-overview of the drainage basin and the relative position of the dams
-location of the proposed damsite looking both upstream and downstream
-location of the proposed borrow areas D&E, existing field camp,
intake tunnel, emergency spillway
project features discussed including the 54 mile length of reservoir,
upstream boundary -just above the confluence with the Oshetna River,
site of construction camp and village, and location of access road
-construct ~un development schedule described
• access road construction
• diversion tunnel excavation
. completion of diversion cofferdams
• diversion of water through 2 tunnels, to be ultimately sealed
• plug tunnels 4-5 years into construction and begin filling
. complete dam, power facilities and above ground structures
• 1993
• 6 units x 170 MW = 1020 MW
120' depth of intake structures rather than previous 140' depth
. 4 intakes levels
• outlet facilities
• main · spillway for floods > 1:50 years
• emergency spillway for flood> 1:10,000 years.
C) Devil Canyon Project Features
-location of the proposed site looking both upstream and downstream
-pertinent features
• access routes
• borrow area locations
powerhouse location on north side of river
• long tailrace proposed to provide additional head
• 4 units at 150 MW = 600 MW Total capacity
• Fixed-cone values will be used to maintain instream flow during
filling as well as prevent gas supersaturation during operation •
• multiple level intake structure -2 intakes within upper 50 feet of
the reservoir.
-Operational Data
• 50' drawdown in August of some years
. commissioning date 2002
D) Filling and Operation Processes
(i) Mimimum flow requirements at Gold Creek
-Fi 11 i ng
. 1000 cfs in winter
6000 cfs in spring
flows spiked to 12,000 cfs in August and through mid Sept.
5,000 cfs in winter
• spring and summer same as during filling
(ii) Filling Process for Three Filling Scenarios Based Upon the 32
Years of Historical Hydrologic Data
-three year filling flow scenarios examined with
• 90% chance of exceedence
• 50% chance of exceedence
• 10% chance of exceedence
-filling begins 1991 -1993
not a lot of difference between 3 scenarios
(iii) Comparison of Monthly Average Pre-project and Filling Flows
at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station
-greatest l change in the summer time
(iv) Operational Water Levels at Watana
~ normal maximum elevation 2185'
-surcharged to 2190' during September after the risk of floods
dim i nished
-mean drawdown 105'
-maximum drawdown 120'
-maximum, minimum and mean drawdown scenarios compared
-very slight water level change with Devil Canyon on line
( v) Dev i 1 Can yon Water Leve 1 s
-wet years; reservoir full all year
-mean years; 50 ' drawdown in August and September with filling
as rapidly as possible in October
-dry years; slight drawdowns during April -May also
(vi) Comparison of Monthly and Annual Pre-project and Post-project
flc·ws with Watana alone and with both projects on line
(vii) Operation of Projects
-Watana alone will be operated as a base-load plant
-with Devil Canyon on line, Watana will be peaked and Devil
Canyon wi 11 be base-load
(viii) Temperature conditions
-modeling taking place
-may need to consider a low-level intake to achieve more
desirable fall temperatures
E) Access Roads -wall maps
(i) Watana Route
-railroad transfer point at Cantwell
-use Denali Highway for 21 miles to Watana access road
-from Denali Highway, 43 miles south to damsite
(ii) Construction Schedule -Watana
-begin immediately after issuance of license
-construct a primitive access road from Denali Highway to Watana
damsite first
-within 1 - 2 years upgrade to allow for additional construction
-following 1993 it is uncertain as to whether the access road
will be public or private, this dec i sion wi l l be made at a
later date
(iii) Dev il Canyon
road from Watana to Devil Canyon north of r i ver
-railroad access from Gold Creek to damsite, south of river
-schedule not as critical
-public vs. private road to be decided at a later date
F) Transmission Line
-two lines from Watana to the intertie
-two lines from Devil Canyon to the intertie
-winter construction of a significant portion of corridor, therefore
avoid need for "access road"
-use existing trail from Cheechako Creek to the intertie
-pursuant to a question from the audience
• outlined project boundary
• identified land holdings in the area: native, private and state
-set of drawings of project reproduced from Exhibit F provided
H) Organization for Balance of Workshop
Identified groups, group leaders, and locations and times of meetings
-(see attached agenda).
NOVEMBER 30, 1982
Frank Orth & Associates, Inc. lead a discussion in which the following topics
were addressed: objectives of Section 5 of Exhibit E; the methodology and
assumptions used In the socioeconomic analys i s; the ma j or areas of Impacts;
and the proposed mIt I gat I on process. Cop I es of the agenda and the I I st of
participants for this workshop are attached. Significant Issues brought up
by part ic ipants are summarized below:
1. It was requested that clarification be provided on the reasons that
impacts resulting from the use of the power that the project wll I
provIde are not Inc I uded In the FERC I I cense app I I cat I on. 0 I scuss I on
followed on the distinction between direct/Indirect and Induced I mpacts.
2. The possibi I lty of dam fal lure and the need for an alarm system for
residents I ivlng near the river, downstream of the project, was
3. One participant suggested land use restrict ions In the areas that cou l d
be affected by flooding In case of dam failure.
4. Several participants commented on the need for pol lcles that wou l d
encourage local hire at the community level. Suggestions Included
requiring unions to enroll workers from rural areas, use of tax
policies, and review of NANA Corporation's local hire req u irements at
the Red Dog min i ng project.
5. It was requested that more discussion of the possible magnitude and
significance of people that wll I come from other areas of the
country, without finding work on the project, be provided. It was
stressed that this could change the magnitude of Impacts signif i cantly.
6. A table listing the various assumptions regard i ng the origin and
characteristics of the construct i on work force was recommended.
7. One participant commented that the assumption that 50 percent of the
workers whose jobs are terminated upon completion of Watana will rema i n
In the area may be too high. He cited the smal I economic base and
resultant lack of job opportunities In the smal I communities as t h e
8. One participant asked about the possible access of local planners to t he
study team's socioeconomic Impact model.
9. It was asked whether cumulative Impacts that included othsr proj ects In
the Impact area were taken Into account.
10. Several questions were asked and I ssues were raised concern i ng the work
camps/vii !age Including: a) who pays for the camp; b) whether the
workers would pay rent; c) the concerns of the Mat-Su Borough and
Individual communities; d) the degree of access; and e) the Implicat i ons
of the camp! on l and use In the Upper Susltna Basin.
11. A discussion of the objectives of the mitigation process occurred.
Several participants emphasized the need for a continuing mit i ga ti on
process that will anticipate Impacts and Initiate measures to mitigate
Impacts before tney occur, In which other agencies be Included.
12. One participant suggested additional clarification be put into the
sect I on concernIng the ongol ng studIes on Impacts to fIsh and w II d II fe
user groups.
13. It was suggested that more research be conducted on part-time and
subs I stance use of resources In the Impact area. Another partIcIpant
commented on the need to Include discuss i on of subsistence
considerations In Section 8l0 of ANCSA.
14. Additional use of resources on private land by individuals gaining
access with the projects's access road was mentioned as a possible
adverse Impact that should be monitored and mitigated.
15. Additional use of aircraft to transport workers was mentioned as a
poss I bi e ml.tl gati on tool.
16. It was commented that ranges of population Influx. or some form of
confidence levels associated with the projections. would make the
discussion of Impacts more useful to the communities. Threshold levels
of population Influx that wou l d spur the need for new public facilities
were also suggested.
Randy Cowart
AI Carson
Ron Stanek
I Kevin Young
Robert Mohn
.Herbert Smelcer
S. 0. Simmon·s
Ed Busch
Ken Hunt
I · Bruce Bedard
Robert M. Erickson
Charlotte Thomas
Nancy Blunck
Jim Richardson
Peter Rogers
RobIn Hill
NOVEMBER 30, 1962
ADNR, Research and Development
Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources
Alaska Dept. of Community and Regional
Acres Mlerlcan
Alaska Power Authority
Ahtna, Inc •
ADCRA Anc., Dlv. of Community Planning
Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources, Water
Alaska Power Authority
EDAW, Inc.
Alaska Power
Alaska Power
Frank Orth &
Frank Orth &
Frank Orth &
Inc .•
Anchorage Holiday Inn
November 30, 1982
Subject: Mitigation Planning for Susitna
Purpose: To review research design and methodology used in 1980-82 work.
To review and discuss draft FERC License Application.
To discuss cost effective means by which the initial survey may
be completed.
To seek approval from the SHPO on the overall mitigation approach.
In Attendance: Beth Walton, State Archeologist, Bureau of Land Management
Diana Riggs, Department Natural Resources
Tim Smith, State Office of History and Archeology
Floyd Sharrock, Chief Archeologist, National Park Service
George Smith, Project Leader, University of Alaska Museum
E. James Dixon, Curator of Archeology, University of Alaska
Richard Fleming, Alaska Power Authority
Don Follows, Acres American, Incorporated
Guests: Phil Hoover, Acres American, Incorporated
Jack Lobdell, Consultant
The Cultural Resources Program Manager, Don Follows, opened the meeting at
9:10 a.m. in Room 227 of the Holiday Inn, Anchorage. After the introductions,
the point was made how critical the cultural resources are to the hydroelectric
project schedule . Compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act
of 1966, Executive Order 11593 and Title 36, Part 800, Code of Federal Regu-
lations and related laws direct the process for Cultural Resources investiga-
tion and mitigation planning.
Dr. Dixon presented a synopsis of the field work which has been completed
and repor t ed on over the past three field seasons. To date, about 50 percent
of the total project area has been surveyed. Of special interest is the
location of four tephras which provide dating references for the artifacts
recovered. It is hoped that the cultural chronology of the region can be,
for the first time, established.
Or. Dixon explained that in his approach to mitigation planning the term
"potential impacts" had been developed to address those sites outside the
adversely effected areas. This third category allows for a more flexible
means by which tc address the large number of sites recorded (167} to date,
many of which will not be impacted directly, and only potentially in the
future. Potentially, impacted sites would not require systematic testing
at this time, but should be monitored from time to time by the appropriate
land managers to detenmine conditions. If conditions warrant, mitigation
would then be required.
Dr. Sharrock (NPS) asked at what point the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation should become involved in the project. The infonmation that
both Acres and the Power Authority had received in separate meetings with
FERC in Washington, D.C. was that FERC would not contact the council until
the basic reconnaissance was completed.
Serious scheduling problems could arise if FERC requires the Cultural
Resources field survey to be completed next summer. The Alaska summer is
only two and a half months long . The project size and remoteness introduce
unique conditions under which a large workforce can become less efficient
because of support logistics required. Based on his many years of Alaska
experience, Dr. Dixon felt it would be unrealistic to expect completion
in one year. It was the group consensus that two years would be best.
Another significant factor in attempting to complete the work in one field
season is the Alaska Power Authority fiscal year which begins July 1. Unless
funds are available at present time to launch the spring 1983 workforce,
the goal will be difficult to attain because of the University's administrative
procedural delays in hiring employees.
Dr. Fleming said that a decision on whether to proceed with a one or two year
program will be made by the end of January, 1983.
In summary, the group consensus seemed to favor a two year survey program as
outlined in the mitigation plan, and the early (if possible) involvement of
the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation so that procedures can be
established which satisfy both the FERC scheduling concerns and the Advisory
Phil Hoover will meet with FiRC the end of December to discuss the involve-
ment of the Advisory Council.
Questions & Comments
1. CIRI and the village corporations asked that the Power Authority request
that DNR identify lands suitable for exchange. They feel that land
exchange with the state may offer one mechanism for the Power Authority
to acquire project lands from them. Potential lands for exchange are
becomming limited. DNR has not commenced such a study.
2. Clarification was requested on the content of Section 24 of the Federal
Power Act.
3. Discussion occurred regarding induced land use changes on Native
corporation owned land resulting in public pressure to provide increased
access, e.g.: potential of fishermen wanting improved access to Portage
Creek. Natives are concerned that the project not lead to trespass on
their lands.
4. Concern was expressed about the compatability of the proposed access
plan with the Denali Scenic Highway plan.
-Discussion related to potential recommendations of the ongoing study.
The report on Denali Scenic Highway will need to be adopted by the
Land Use Council before being released. As identified by BLM, the
only incompatability with the Denali scenic Highway would be temporary
transmission going into the Watana site.
5. It was suggested that an assessment should be conducted on the long term
economics value of having a more appealing access road.
6. A suggestion was made that a land use committee be established. The
potential of having the Power Authority participate on the Mat Su land
use planning team was discussed as an option.
7. A request was made that a substation and distribution be located at
Cantwell as part of supplying construction power to the site, and thus
make Intertie power available to that community.
8. It was suggested that additional assessment of land use changes at the
community level will be undertaken, particularly with respect to
9. It was mentioned that Native concerns should be presented in the FERC
license appl i cation.
10. The Native corporations will not initiate planning until definite
project requirements are received.
11. The Native corporations propose the following methods for the Power
Authority to acquire project lands: purchase, lease or Pxchange.
12. Effects of land acquisition procedures on land use development were
Land Use Workshop
Tuesday, 11/30/82
Charlotte Thomas
Robin Hill
Ron Stanek
Herb Smelcer
Bruce Bed ard
Steve Si11100ns
Nancy Blunck
Randy Cowart
Robert Erickson
Dave Tremont
Priscilla Lukens
Kevin Young
Alaska Power Authority
Frank Orth & Associates
Alaska Dept. Fish & Game
Alaska Power Authority
Alaska Power Authority
EOAW, Inc.
Alaska Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs
Acres American
Acres American
December 1, 1982
1. Questions were asked regarding FERC policy on location of facilities
off-site. When recreation resources are off-site or when there are
problems developing the reservoir, FERC has accepted development of
off-site facilities. State Parks concurs with this position
The Power Authority stated their position is to a) take advantage of
project facilities (roads & reservoirs), b) be responsive to landowners
concerns (avoid trespass), c) direct use away from sensitive fish,
wildlife and archaeologic resources.
2. Why is an expansion of Brushkana campground recommended? The need has
been discussed already by BLM and it appears in their management plan.
The project would increase demand for camping along the Denali Highway
and this is a logical location. It would also keep some auto traffic
and camping from penetrating the pr oject area. BLM would manage the
area, and BLM and Power Authority would enter into a memorandum of
understanding regarding construction, operation and maintenance.
3. State Parks Department is pleased with the plan as presented and
confirmed that the plan is in agreement with the state-wide recreation
plan. DNR supports the plan.
State Division of Parks will open a new trail along Curry Ridge line,
from Coal Creek to Troublesome Creek, in 1983. They would like the
Power Authority to consider adding three whistlestops, consisting of
small campsites and possibly shelter cabins, at Gold Creek, Curry Ridge
and Indian River.
4. Question: Is a full range of recreation facilities provided at Watana
Village and are facilities provided for other than rugged hikers?
Answer -Power Authority: Yes, extensive recreation facilities and
activities are included in the plan for the village. There is a full
range of recreation opportunities provided in the recreation plan, from
driving and pull-offs along the road, to a visitor center with
educational exhbits, to rugged hiking.
5. Question: There are no improved trails in Denali National Park. Why
does State Parks want improved trails?
Answer -State Parks: Brushing out and hardening is done only where
necessary (e.g., inclose-in forested areas). In further out open
areas, r·ock cairns may be all that is necessary.
6. Concern was mentioned about Caribou ki1 ls on the Watana access road.
The reports recommends lower design speed and lower profile for that
road (Section 8, Aesthetics). Caribou kills are not known to be a
problem on the Denali Highway now. The Denali Highway presently has an
AADT of 50 vehicles; Parks Highway, 200. The project i s projecting 20
truck trips/day. While no firm traffic pr~jections on the Denali
access road are available, it will be much lower than the Parks Hi ghway
today and lower than the Denal i Highway at that t i me. Recreation
traff i c will be limited primarily to July, August and September.
7. Question: Are any facilities proposed adjacent to the Watana access
Answer: In add i t i on to the turn-outs and trailheads shown on the
project maps, rehabilitation of borrow areas for camping is a "Phase 5"
item . They cannot be located at this time because the loation of
borrow areas is not know. A note to this effect wi ll be added to the
map of recreation facilities.
8. Question: Why do we assume that demand will build up over time and not
be instantaneous when the facilities open (p E-7-42)?
Answer : National Park Service experience has shown this to be the
case, even in well-known recreation areas. It takes time to build a
sustained marked. If a new salmon fishing area close to Anchorage were
opened, it would get i mmediate heavy use. Project facilities will not
be that type of area.
9. Demand f i gures were discussed and agreed with; if anything, they may be
high. This is why some facilities have been put in Phase 5.
10. What is the capacity of the Susitna River Boat Launch? 6 vehicle
places. This will be checked against DOT's Denali Highway Study.
11. Three facil i t i es r equire Native concurrence-the Chulitna trai l, Fog
Lakes trail and campground, and Stephan lake trail.
Quest i on : Is there a statement that says land acquisition costs will
be in addit i on?
Answer: Yes. The plan also recogn i zes that additional private
recreation development may take place on pr i vate land.
12. The plan should men ti on that snowmobiling will probably i ncrease along
the Denali Hi ghway. No specific areas need to be set aside.
13. Page E-7-39, paragraph 3 states fishing is decreasing . The data source
should be re-checked to confirm this.
14. Capital investments wi ll be part of Power Authority project financing.
Operational costs will be partly done as part of regular operations.
MOU's wi th the agency would deta i l arrangements.
15 . Effects on downstream recreation appear to be mixed. Water quality
will i mprove but quantity will decrease dur i ng the open water season.
See Chapter 2 -Water Quantity and Quality.
December 1, 1982
Larry Wright, USNPS
Randy Cowart, AONR
Gary Stackhouse, USFWS
Dave Dapkus, USBLM
Mike Mills, ADF&G
Roland Shanks, CIRI
Jack Wiles, ADNR
Richard Fleming, APA
Bruce Bedard, APA
Nancy Blunck, APA
Gary lawley, Harza-Ebasco
Jack Robinson, Harza-Ebasco
Peter Rogers, Frank Orth & Associates
Robin Hill, Frank Orth & Associates
Bob Erickson, EDAW, Inc.
Jim Chappell, EDAW, Inc.
Kevin Young, ACRES
Priscilla Lukens, ACRES
Workshop on Aesthetics
December 1, 1982
1. Be sure that discussion of Watana access road clearly stat es EDAW's
recorm~ended restudy of that alignment.
2. It was suggested that a mitigation measure be to take a film of the
river from Tyone River to Gold Creek today, and again periodically after
construction, in a "time-lapse" fashion.
3. Discussions of the construction camps and the townsite took place, with
agreement that additional location studies and design studies are
4. Discussions of the transmission lines took place, with agreement the
north and south stubs need additional location studies but the line from
the powerhouses to the intertie is well located. (The alignment between
Watana and Gold Creek which was assessed in the application and
discussed at the workshop was subsequently relocated to provide improved
access for construction and operation.)
December 1, 1982
larry Wright, USNPS
Randy Cowart, ADNR
Gary Stackhouse, USFWS
Roland Shanks, CIRI
Jack Wiles, ADNR
Bruce Bedard, APA
Nancy Blunck, APA
Bob Erickson, EDAW, Inc.
Jim Chappell, EDAW, Inc.
Lee Adler (LA)
Roseann Densmore (RD)
Bob Everitt (BE)
Randy Fairbanks (RF)
Steve Fancy (SF)
Michael Grubb (MG)
Gary Liepitz (GL)
Ann Rappoport ( AA )
Martha Raynolds (MR)
Karl Schneider (KS)
Robert Sener (RS)
Gary Stackhouse (GS)
Judy Zimicki (JZ)
Tuesday, November 30, 1982
Room 225, Holiday Inn, Anchorage
LGL Alaska
Acres American
LGL Alaska
LGL Alaska
No. Ak. Environ. Ctr.
Box 6 Copper Ctr.
Vancouver, B.C.
Phone No.
Discussion of Preparation of Exhibit E: Baseline Description, Impact Section
and Mitigation Section.
KS -What will the February and June submittals entail?
What data will be in which document?
Discussion of Schedule for Submitting Documents and Agency Review Procedures.
AR-What about after June 30? Will there be continuing studies?
When will those data be incorporated?
Discussion of Schedule after June 1983. Discussion of Baseline Vegetation
LA -Is the Susitna basin key winter moose range?
Discussion of Areas That Might be c. itical During a Severe Winter.
AR -Is a new classification system being used to help characterize moose
Discussion of Viereck & Dyrness System and Relation to Moose Browse
RF -Was all vegetation mapping described in Exhibit E done from 1:120,000
1980 U2 photography?
AR -Does Exhibit E contain all work completed up to this point, so that new
data wi 11 go into the June 30 document?
Wildlife S
KS -New census this fall showed more moose on the Susitna River downstream
of Devil Canyon than have ever been measured there before.
Discusion of Mopse Calving, Food Habits and Mortality.
KS -Black bear predation on moose cal ves is important as well as brown bear
predation. Early green-up of vegetation in the river valley may be
important to cows that are about to calve, even if the area is not a
true winter range.
Discussion of the Caribou in the Area, and Dall Sheep.
KS -Sheep sighted in the Watana Mountain -Grebe Mountain area are probably
a sub-group of the main Talkeetna Mountains group. The number within
the Susitna watershed could vary.
Discussion of Brown Bear Baseline Description.
KS -Yes, one would expect brown bear population to decrease downriver due
to poorer habitat and lower elevation.
Discussion of Black Bear, Wolves, Coyotes, Wolverine, Belukha.
KS -Belukha feed on anadromous fi s h. Smelt runs in Cook Inlet are also an
important food source. Have they been studied?
Discussion of Furbearer, Bird and Small Mammal Baseline Descriptions.
AR -What is your perception of the c ompleteness of the baseline
AR -How about information on population increases or decreases, or the
quality of the habitat? Ar e there any gaps in that type of
information? Are the data being gathered? When will they be
Discussion of Data Gaps and 1983 Field Season.
KS - I hope we can get the 1983 field program set up this winter. All issues
should be identified.
AR -I'm glad to see the vegetation mapping is being re-done and that you
(LGL} are not just accepting the inadequacy of the earlier data.
Will the original researchers (principal investigators} be given the new
vegetation maps to re-work their data?
Discussion of Importance of Early Planning, Expecially if This is a
Severe ~inter. Discussion of Impacts to Moose Due to Watana Development.
AR -Hunting regulations are political, and these are not predictab le.
Unless commitments are actually a part of the license, they will not
necessarily be followed.
KS -Projec t personnel are easier to regulate than the public. Many
different regulatory options are available. Permitting to restrict
harvest is easier than closing the road.
Discussion of License Application Approach to Issues Outside the Power
Authority's Jurisdiction.
LA -Has any consideration been given to regulations Nat i ves may impose?
They can control access -trespass -but can't directly regulate
Discussion of Moose Impacts and Moose Browse Studies.
AR-Both summer and winter vegetat i on sampl i ng will be needed to accurately
determine energy and prote i n content of browse.
Discussion of Pl~nned Moose Studies and Those in Progress.
AR -The document (Exhibit E) should clearly describe any work that is go i ng
to be done, and its schedule.
Discussion of Species Prioritizat i on and Mitigation Tradeoffs.
KS -In many cases, compensation may be the major mit i gative technique.
Discussion of Impacts to Downstream Moose and Caribou.
RF -How is FERC going to respond to the lack of specificity in the caribou
impact and mitigation section?
KS -The effects on caribou are difficult to mitigate except through the no
project option. Out-of-kind mitigation will be determined after impacts
have been assessed during construction and operation.
~i;;.ussion of Impacts to Dall Sheep.
KS -~ight be useful to do a slope stability study of Jay Creek sheep lick.
Inundation might even enhance the lick through erosion exposing fresh
mineral soil.
Discus~ion of Impacts to Brown Bear and Black Bear.
KS -Both bedr species use several different, scattered food sources, which
will be more or less important in different years. Pinpointing the
factor limiting bear populations is difficult, consequently the effect
of the dams is difficult to predict.
Discussion of Impacts to Wolves of Watana Development.
KS -Activity sensors on wolves showed that helicopters caused reactions, but
the wolves, even one in a den with pups, became habituated. Good data
are available on the optimum time of day and season to minimize
Discussion of Impacts on Wolverine, Belukha, Beaver, Marten, Raptor,
Waterfowl, and Small Mammals.
AR -looking at the project as a whole, is diversity being maintained through
mitigation or are moose being favored to the neglect of other species?
In some areas, different spec i es may be more important than moose.
Discussion of the Impacts of Devil Canyon and the Access Roads.
AR -Are there any plans to quantify the impact of different alternative
construction methods?
Discussion of FERC's Request to Emlhasize Commitments Over Options and
Recommendations in the License App ication.
KS -If the project is not clearly defined, with the associated impacts of
each decis i on, then reviewing the project is difficult.
AR -The construction method with the least impact shou l d be strongly
GS -Are the costs of the different options included?
Ar -Exhibit E should contain a table of project impacts ~nd corresponding
mitigation measures. All project aspects should be presented and
GS -It is important for the groups to keep up with any changes.
KS -Is there any mechanism to let agencies know of any changes?
Discussion of Decision Making Process.
AR -What was the level of communication during the engineering design?
Discussion of Formal and Informal Interactions.
GS-Access route has potentially severe impacts. Strong recommendation may
be made to FERC to change it. The road between the dams might change,
too, due to Native bargaining.
Discussion of the Impact of the Access Roads.
KS -There is not a direct relationship between caribou herd size and range
size. Management goals for the Nelchina herd are now +20,000, but that
could change. Changes in potential caribou habitat are important, even
if the population is not immediately affected. 70,000 is too high a
population for that herd-caused a crash, however a higher ceiling is
being considered, 30,000 -40,000. You should assume an eventual
population of 40,000.
LA -The population is presently increasing and will continue to increase
unless there is some regulatory change.
KS-When access increases, hunting demand will ~ncrease.
Further Discussion of Access Road and Traffic Patterns.
KS -Traffic data averaged over a year is not good enough. It is important
to know about peak traffic flows -when they occur and what the maximum
number of vehicles would be. The impact on animals depends on the time
of year.
GS -We need clear traffic data to be able to estimate imp~cts.
KS -The time of day of peak traffic might be more important than the time
of year.
AR -Suggestions aren•t being followed in the Terror Lake project. Need to
tie mitigation down, be specific.
KS -We should request some socioeconomic data on traffic predictions.
Discussion of Impacts of Railroad Traffic.
KS -Trains should be scheduled to minimize moose encounters. Scheduling
trains close together and using longer trains would also minimize
GL -Have the effects of the access road mentioned earlier -roadside dust,
ATV use -been quantified in terms of loss of habitat or animals?
RF -Roadside dust could actually be beneficial, causing earlier melting and
thus early browse.
KS -Impacts should be examined to determine if their effects are
Discussion of Mitigation Measures for Borrow Sites, Access Roads,
Transmission Corridors.
AR -Do Exhibit E transmission corridor studies include the intertie?
Helicopter construction was agreed to on some sections, but then
maintenance was not going to be done by helicopter. The result was less
helicopter use.
MG -How do these issues get dropped through the cracks?
AR The decisions are not written down. If it is written in the permit,
then it happens. But if only recommendations are made, then they aren•t
always followed.
Discussion of Areas of Uncertainty.
AR -Gray areas (where changes are possible) should be identified, so that i f
things change we have some idea of the impacts of the new option.
Construction bids should include all details to make sure the
stipulations don•t get forgotten.
Discussion of Actions Outside Power Authority Jurisdiction.
LA-Ahtna has no plans to develop project area land if Susitna is built-
there is no cash incentive.
Discussion of Plan for Periodic Spring Floods.
AR -Has the plan for 30,000 cfs spring floods been discussed with the
aquatic group?
KS -How about the legal effect of causing destruction of property?
Discussion of Negotiations Required for Compensatory Mitigation Measures.
KS -Enhancement of moose habitat is possible, but some impacts cannot be
mitigated. Quantification of impacts is perhaps not too important in
these cases. General enhancement actions could be taken to preserve the
quality of the area (i.e. preserve Stephan Lake area from development).
Discussion of Monitoring Programs.
KS -the cost of mitigation options is difficult to estimate. There may be
some trading of State land, and some outright purchase.
• • I
Lee Adler (LA)
Roseann Densmore (RD)
Bob Everitt (BE)
Randy Fairbanks (RF)
Steve Fancy (SF)
Michae 1 Grubb (to«i)
Gary Liepitz (GL)
Ann Rappoport (AA)
Martha Raynolds (MR)
Karl Schneider (KS)
Robert Sener (RS)
Gary Stackhouse (GS)
Judy Zimicki (JZ)
Tuesday, November 30, 1982
Room 225, Holiday Inn, Anchorage
LGL Alaska
Acres American
LGL Alaska
LGL Alaska
No. Ak. Environ. Ctr.
Box 6 Copper Ctr .
Vancouver, B. C.
Phone No.
RS began the meeting with a description of the preparation of the Wildlife
and Botanical Resources sections of Exhibit E. Research reports from ADF&G
and the University of Alaska provided much of the data for the baseline
description. These data were substantially supplemented with a thorough
literature review. The impact section was prepared in a manner consistent
with the Susitna Project Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy. Impacts were
prioritized by:
1) percent of population affected;
2) certainty of impact occurring; and
3) severity of impact.
The ~it i gation section is still in progress.
SF Following FERC's request, the impact section assumed normal engineering
practices with no special mitigatinn measures.
RS -Continued his description of the mitigation section.
KS-What do the February and June submittals entail?
John Hayden (JH) entered, and the question was deferred to him.
JH-We expect feedback from FERC on December 28, which will result in
correction of the document before the February submittal. FERC will
have a 60-day review period, then any further requirements can be
addressed by June 30. We have 90 days to respond to FERC's request for
improvements. The June 30 document will be a response to FERC's
evaluation, not a total re-write of Exhibit E.
AR-How about after June 30? Will there be continuing studies?
JH -After June 30, FERC hopes to have enoug h data to be able to start an
EIS. FERC will then incorporate 1983 data as they come in from
fisheries, wildlife, and archeological studies. Approval could be
contingent on certain aspects of 1983 field data. Not until the EIS is
prepared will the agencies have an official comment time, probably in
fall 1983.
SF began the p ~esentation of the baseline descriptions. He emphasized the
draft nature of the document, particularly the literature cited, the tables
and figures, and the mitigation section. An effort was made to be
comprehensive and supply all the background material that the reviewing
agencies would need.
No endangered plant species were found. Vegetation maps are inaccurate, and
will be re-done with a more detailed classification system (still Vi ereck and
Dyrness) and large scale imagery.
LA -Is the Susitna Basin key winter moose range?
SF -Yes, particularly when the snow is deep. Sampling revealed 20%
utilizat i on of browse. This winter might reveal browsing patterns in
severe winters.
AR -Is a new classification system being used to help characterize moose
SF -No, still Viereck and Dyrness, but past Level 3 to subcategories. The
goal is to stratify browse so that heavy and light browse areas can be
RF -Was all vegetation mapping described in Exhibit E done from 1:120,000
1980 U2 photography?
SF -Yes .
AR -Does Exhibit E contain all work completed up to this point, so that new
data wi 11 go into the June 30 document?
RS -Yes. We will ind i cate work in progress if it is not complete.
SF Described the ground truth data available. No endangered wildlife species
were found except 2 transient peregrine falcons sighted in 1974.
Prioritization of species: 1) moose, 2) caribou, 3) brown bear, 4) black
bear, 5) other big game, 6) furbearers, 7) raptors, 8) waterfowl, and 9)
other birds and small mammals. Moose in the middle basin were studied
separately from moose along the downstream floodplain.
KS-New census this full showed more moose in the Susitna River downstream
of Devil Canyon than have ever been measured there before.
SF described moose calving areas, food habits, and mortality. A strong
relationship was found between calf mortality and snow depth. Brown bear
predation was also important.
KS -Black bear predation is important as well. Early green-up of vegetation
in the river valley may be important to cows that are about to calve,
even if the area is not a true winter range.
SF discussed the Nelchina Caribou Herd, its present and historical size and
range, traditional calving areas, and its subgroups. He then described Dall
sheep in the project area.
KS -Sheep sighted in the Watana Mountain -Grebe Mountain area are probably
a subgroup of the main Talkeetna Mountains group. The number within the
Susitna watershed could vary.
SF discussed brown bear, their denning habits, food sources, density
estimates for the impoundment areas and downstream.
KS -Yes, one would expect brown bear populations to decrease downstream due
to poorer habitat and lower e lev at ion.
SF discussed brown bear productivity and hunter harvest. He then discussed
black bears, their distribution, denning habits, food sources, and mortality.
He further described the wolf packs of the middle Susitna basin, the lack of
coyotes, the ranges and densities of wolverine, and the studies of belukhas
in Cook Inlet.
KS -Belukhas feed on anadromous fish. Smelt runs in Cook Inlet are also an
important food source. Have they been studied?
15 Minute Break
SF continued his presentation with the baseline descriptions of beaver,
muskrat, marten, red fox, lynx, coyote, and weasels. He then described the
field work that has been done to characterize birds in the project area
135 species were recorded in the middle basin, including, in 1981, active
nests of 6 golden eagles, 5 bald eagles, 1 gyrfalcon, 2 goshawks, ~~j many
raven. Relatively low numbers of waterfowl were found in the middle basin.
The data from these years of small mammal trapping were used to characterize
these species.
AR -What is your perception of the completeness of the baseline information?
How about i nformation on population increases or decreases, or the
quality of the habitat?
SF -Much of that information is included in Exhibit E.
AR -Are there any gaps in that type of information? Are the data being
gathered? When will they be available?
SF -Yes, some gaps have been identified.
RS-We are still trying to determine which gaps are most important and
design the 1983 field season around these data needs. We have made
preliminary recommendations to the Power Authority, but the actual
program is still being worked out.
SF -We are expecting input from USFWS and other investigators.
RS -Technical meet i ngs between now and December 6 should also provide some
SF Ann, do you have any particular data gaps in mind?
AR -No, since I haven 't had time to read Chapter 3 yet, I don't know what's
already covered.
KS - I hope we can get the 1983 field program s et up this winter. All issues
should be identified.
AR -I'm glad to see the vegetation mapping is being re-done and that you are
not just accepting the inadequacy of the earlier data.
SF -The new vegetation maps will change some of the wildlife population
estimates that are based on densities.
AR -Will the original researchers (principal investigators) be gi ven t he new
vegetat i on maps to rework their data?
SF -All the data wi ll be r eworked, but not necessarily by the origina l
researchers. The new vegetation maps will be digitized.
RS-Early planning for field studies will be important, especially if this
is the severe winter we have all been waiting for. We need a
contingency plan to see where t he moose are dur i ng a severe winter, and
to conduct early spr i ng vegetation studies to check the importance of
green-up for moose.
AR -Are there any bear studies being planned?
SF -Yes, but those studies will be done in August, so there's more time for
SF then began a description of the impacts of Watana development on moose.
Prioritized impacts included: 1) permanent loss of habitat, 2) blockage of
movement, 3) disturbance, 4) accidental mortality, 5) alteration of habitat,
and 6) increased hunting mortality.
AR -Hunting regulations are political, and thus are not predictable. Unless
recommendations are actually part of the license, they will not
necessarily be followed.
KS -Project personnel are easier to regulate than the public. Many
different regulatory options are available. Permitting to restrict
harvest is easier than closing the road.
RS-The license application can state what the Power Authority will do, but
can only state options for issues under ADF&G jurisdiction.
LA-Has any consideration been given to regulations that Native corporations
may impose? They can control access -trespass -but can't directly
regulate hunting.
RS -This is another issue that is not directly under Power Authority
jurisdiction. We are not presently planning to discuss options open to
private landowners.
SF resumed the discussion of moose impact. Two approaches are being used to
predict impacts to moose: a population based assessment, and a habitat based
energetics model. To determine the quality of moose habitat, energy and
protein content of browse must be known. Vertical distribution of browse,
and consequently the amount available at different snow depths, is also
important. In order to get this data, trial moose browse sampling studies
will be conducted in the field next summer and the vegetation of the area
will be re-mapped to identify variation i n moose browse potential.
AR-Both summer and winter vegetation sampling will be necessary to
ac curately determine energy and protein content of browse.
SF agreed, though most work would have to be done in the summer when the
whole plant was available for sampling; some sampling would have to be done
in the winter. Bro~n bear predation and critical winters are probably two
factors limiting moose population. A large browse sampling program is
planned for the summer of 1984, the data will be worked up that fall, then
modelling will be done the next spring (1985).
AR -The document (Exhibit E) should clearly describe any work that is going
to be done, and its schedule.
SF -We are also working on mitigation and enhancement techniques, and
identifying candidate areas.
KS -Compensation may be the main mitigative technique for moose.
SF described impacts to downstream moose. Changes in vegetation succession
should favor moose during the license period. Frozen condensation on
vegetation due to open water could reduce browse availability. Open water
could cause changes in plant phenology and will act as a barrier to moose
Although caribou are excellent swimmers, the impoundment may influence their
movements, as may ice shelving and drifted snow. Long-term monitoring
programs will be necessary to determine impacts.
RF -How is FERC going to respond to this lack of specificity wi th respect to
KS-These types of impacts are difficult to mitigate except through the no
project option. Out-of-kind mitigation will be discussed after the
impacts have been assessed during construction and operation.
RS-FERC realizes the limitations of biological prediction and would prefer
no numbers to unreliable numbers. Indicating that further
investigations will be done is acceptable, if sufficient detail is
SF discussed the impact of borrow areas on caribou, then went on to Dall
sheep. The two major impacts on Dall sheep are: 1) aircraft disturbance,
and 2) inundation of 20-40% of Jay Creek mineral lick. The consequences of
the inundation of the lick are not certain.
KS -It might be useful to do some slope stability studies of the lick.
Inundation might even enhance it through erosion exposing fresh mineral
30 Minute Lunch Break
SF continued the description of impacts likely to result from Watana
development. There will be no poplation effects on brown bear due to
facilities or borrow areas. However, the impoundment might alter movement
patterns. Any mitigation measures to enhance brown bear populations will
conflict with moose mitigation since brown bears are their predators.
The resident bear black bear population in the Watana area could be
eliminated due to the inundation of den sites . The transient black bear
population might be affected by decreases in salmon runs.
KS -Both bear species use several different, scattered food sources which
will be more or less important in different years. Pinpointing the
factor limiting bear populations is difficult, consequently the effect
of the dam is difficult to predict.
SF -No known wolf dens or rendezvous sites will be flooded. Disturbance
during the denning season could cause increased pup mortality.
KS -Activity sensors on wolves showed that helicopters caused reactions, but
the wolves, even one in a den with pups, become habituated. Good data
are available on the optimum time of day and season to minimize
SF -Human harvest of wolves seems to be the limiting factor, not food
supply. The same is true of wolverines.
Impacts on belukha whales could occur through changes in water temperature on
fish runs, as has been shown for the St. Lawrence 'River. Neither is expected
to change detectably at the Susitna mouth as a result of the project. Bears
are expected to benefit from downstream flow regulation. Marten will lose
habitat and are also expected to suffer from increased trapping pressure.
More precise data on the altitude of raptor nests is necessary to quantify
impacts. Possible mitigation methods include: 1) building new nest
structures, 2) moving nests, 3) exposing new nesting rock by blasting, 4)
building artificial cliffs, or 5) topping trees to improve their nesting
Waterfowl should benefit from the increased open water. Other birds and
small mammals will suffer from habitat loss. Some species will benefit from
the mitigation measures proposed for moose.
AR -Looking at the project as a whole, is wildlife diversity leing
maintained or are moose being favored to the neglect of other species?
In some areas different species may be more important than moose.
SF -Other species are being considered, but there has to be some
prioritization of species.
Impacts due to Devil Canyon are similar to those expected to result from
Watana development, but generally less severe because of the smaller size of
the impoundment and the steeper slopes of inundated terrain.
Transmission line impacts will be minimized by constructing in the winter
time or using helicopter support. Some trees will be :ut, but bru s h wi l l be
left -no clear cutting.
AR -Do you have any plans to quantify the impacts of different alternative
construction methods?
RS -No, Chapter 3 is not supposed to review options, but rather to present
the impacts of the chosen option.
KS - l f the project is not clearly defined, with the associated impacts of
each decision, then reviewing the project is difficult.
AR -The construction method with the least impact should be strongly
GS -Are the costs of different options included?
AR -Exhibit E should contain a t able of project impacts and corresponding
mitigation measures. All project a~pects should be presented and
evaluated .
GS -It is important for the reviewing groups to keep up with any changes.
KS -Is there any mechanism to let agencies know of any change?
RS -The Power Authority would do that. Decisions such as the access road
design speed have been changed due to environmental involvement, and we
have written Chapter 3 according to the new decision, but we haven't
seen the maps from R&M incorporating that decision yet.
AR -What was the level of communication during the engineering design?
RS -We have had formal interaction by memorandum (RS passed around several
examples), and a l so much i nformal communication in meetings wit project
GS -The access road has potentially severe impacts. A strong recommendation
may be made to FERC to change it. The road between the dams might
change also, due to Native bargaining.
RS -That would not be surprising, since the environmental issues really
haven't changed. However, we are writing Exhibit E as if the decision
on access was firm, and including mitigative measures rP.levant to the
route in question.
SF described the impacts of the access road including increassed hunting
pressure, increased road mortality, increased disturbance, increased ATV
KS -There is not a direct relationship between caribou herd size and range
size. Management goals for the Nelchina herd are now +20,000, but that
could change. Changes in potential caribou habitat are important, even
if the population is not immediately affected. 70,000 is too high a
population for that herd, and historically caused a population crash.
However, a higher ceiling of 30,000 -40,000 is being considered and
should be used for your planning.
LA-The population is presently increasing and will continue to increase
unless there is some regulatory change.
KS When access increases, hunting demand will increase.
SF described the potent i al effects of the access roads on caribou. Predicted
road traffic levels are low: 20-30 trucks/day.
KS -Traffic data averaged over a year is not good enough. It is important
to know about peak traffic flows: when they occur and what the maximum
number of vehicles would be. The impact on animals depends on the time
of year.
GS -We need clean traffic data to be able to estimate impacts.
KS The time of day of peak traffic might be more important than the t imP o·=
AR -Suggestions are not being followed in the Terror Lake project. We need
to tie mitigation down, to be specific.
KS -We should request some socioeconomic data on traffic predictions.
AR-The access plan includes a railroad which will also have an effect on
SF -In Canada, plowing railroad tracks with a wi de plow that left no berm
did not decrease moose mortality. Eight additional train cars per week
will be travelling as a result of the project.
KS-The trains should be scheduled to minim i ze moose encounters. Scheduling
trains close together and using longer trains would also minimize
GL-Have the effects of the access route mentioned earlier-roadside dust
and ATV use -been qua ntified in terms of loss of habitat on animals?
RF-Roads i de dust could actually be beneficial, causing ~~arlier melting, and
thus early browse.
KS -Impacts should be examined to see if they're signif1cant.
RS described in-kind mitigation . Borrow sites will be upland areas
preferentially. First level terraces will be mined using draglines.
Guidelines to minimize impacts of borrow areas were described. Locations of
borrow sites for Watana and Devil Canyon dams were also described.
Guidelines for camp facilities, access roads, and transmission l ines were
AR -Do Exhibit E transmission corridor studies include the intert i e?
RS -Yes, but most of the data is from the Environmental Assessment Report
prepared by Commonwealth Associates.
AR -Helicopter construction was agreed to on some sections of the intertie,
but then maintenance wasn't going to be done bJ helicopter. The resu l t
was less helicopter use.
MG -How do these things get dropped through the cracks?
AR -The decisions are not wr i tten down.
JZ -It is not clear exactly when the decisions are made.
AR -If a decision is written into the permit, then it will happen. But if
only recomendations are made, they often aren 't followed .
RS -The scope of work for subcontractors has to be very detailed. Salary
and schedule provisions should be established in the design consultants'
contracts to facilitate their working as a team with the project
environmental spec i alists. At present, a few gray areas still ex i st-
the regulation of access by workers during construction, extent of
c l earing and hel i copter support for building and ma in ta i ning the
transmission corridor. But these are basical ly policy decisions .
AR -These gray areas should be identified, so that if things change, we have
some idea of the impacts of the new option. Construct i on bids should
include all details to make sure the st i pulat i ons don't get forgotten.
RS -So far we have only prepared g~i del i nes, but our portion of the
application assumes that they will be followed. There is an important
need for consistency, to make sure the commitments are really acceptable
to all parties, and are reflected in all sections of the license
RS went over the l ist of environmental guidelines, which are included as an
appendix of Chapter 3 in Exhibit E. Management decisions by some
organ i zations other than the Power Authority will have an effect on
mitigation plans: ADF&G, USFWS, BLM , etc.
LA -Ahtna has no plans to develop land i f Susitna is built -there is no
cash incentive.
RS discussed the recreatio~ plan developed by EDAW, which includes phased
i mplementation, with interdgency r evi ew and concur r ence between phases. He
described b i ological input to that plan.
SF discussed us i ng periodic flood releases (30,000 cfs) to mi tigate for
maturation of downtream floodplain vegetation.
• ~
AR -Have these plans been discussed with the dquatic group?
KS -How about the legal impacts of causing property destruction?
SF -These questions and others such as candidate areas and alternative
methods for habitat enhancement will all take lots of negotiation.
Ideas such as controlled burning, irregular selective logging,
vegetation crushing are all being considered.
KS -Enhancement of moose habitat is possible, but some impacts cannot be
mitigated. Quantification of impacts is perhaps not too important in
these cases. General enhancement actions could be taken to preseve the
quality of the area, such as preserving Stephan Lake from development.
RS -FERC is interested in the mitigation process that is being set up,
including long-term monitoring studies. They want a description of the
program, expected products, and the schedule.
RF -I'm interested to learn specifics of what will be in the FERC license
application, and FERC's response to non-specificity.
RS -FERC wants a mitigation plan, not a plan for a plan. However, FERC
realizes that some aspects of planning may be beyond the Power
Authority's jurisdiction. They are also interested in cost estimates
for the mitigation plan.
KS -The cost of mitigation options is difficult to estimate. There may be
some trading of State land, and some outright purchase of compensation
RS -Some measures are easier to assign a cost to, such as engineering design
modifications, incinerators, and other points mentioned in the
environmental guidelines. The cost of long-term compensatory measures
is much more difficult to ascertain, especially since some decisions
won't be made until later in the project.
Bruce Bedard (BB)
Roseann Densmore (RD)
Richard Fleming (RF)
Chris Godfrey (CG)
Michael Grubb (MG)
Jon Hall (JH)
Priscilla Lukens (PL)
Dave McGillivary COM)
Ann Rappoport (AR)
Martha Raynolds (MR)
Ted Rockwell (TR)
Robert Sener (RS)
Bill Steigers (BS)
Judy Zimicki (JZ)
Thursday, December 2, 1982
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Power Authority
E nv i rosphere
Alaska Power Authority
USCE Reg. Functions
Acres American Inc.
Acres American Inc.
USFWS, Regional Office
LGL Alaska
USCE Reg. Functions
LGL Alaska
U of A, Ag. Exp. Sta.
No.Ak . Environmental Ctr.
Phone No.
RS introduced the meeting. He discussed the ambiguity of the wetlands
classification system used in previous mapping. The goal of this meeting was
to come up with a practical method of defining and mapping wetlands to
facilitate USFWS review and Army Corps of Engineers (USCE) permitting under
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and possibly Section 10 of the Rivers and
Harbors Act of 1899, and to aid facility siting. LGL is looking into the
possibility of incorporating wetlands mapping as part of the vegetation
re-mapping program.
MR presented a summary of wetlands wor k that has been done to date. Some
work was done to characterize aquatic vegetation of ponds in the project
area. That work has been presented as part of Chapter 3 in Exhibit E.
Wetlands mapping was done using the Cowardin classification system of the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Two sets of maps were produced.
One, at a scale of 1:24,000, consists of 7 maps of the two i mpoundment areas.
The other, a set of 3 maps at a scale of 1:63,000, mapped alternative access
routes . Vegetation maps of the same scale were used as base maps. A system
for convert i ng Viereck and Dyrness vegetation classes to Cowardin vegetation
classes was developed (see Table 46, Phase I Report, Plant Ecology). Using
Cowardin's definition of wetlands, all wet herbaceous, all shrub, and all
forest vegetation-types were mapped as potent i al wetlands . A subjective
judgment of slope was made to elim i nate steep, well-drained areas. No
re-interpretation of the imagery or ground truthing was done .
JH, when asked how USFWS maps wetlands, replied that they use aerial
photography, following the Cowardin system, look for one of three
characteristics : flooding, hydrophytes, or hydric soils.
RF -According to Cowardin's definition then, wetlands were appropriately
mapped for the Susitna Project.
JH -Some plant species occur only in wetlands. Many, however, occur in both
wetland and upland areas. Then you have to look at the other criteria.
RS -In order to identify procedures and criteria for wetland mapping, we
need to know if the Co~ps accepts Cowardin for Section 404 permitting.
TR -We accept and use Cowardin, but it is not always sufficient for Section
404 decisions. Often the USCE jurisdictional boundaries are different
from the wetland boundaries. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps
are at a good scale for large projects. However, we often need soil
data because all three parameters (flooding, hydrophytes, and hydric
soil) are necessary to define USCE wetlands. The Corps also needs
hydrologic data to know how a given wetland ties into the watershed.
RF -The huge scale of the project area (over 60,000 acres) makes it
difficult to map. How much sampling would be necessary?
TR -Sampling areas can be representative of other areas. Maps are only
needed of impact areas: roads, borrow sites, camp sites, etc. No
wetlands maps of the impoundment areas are needed.
JH-For USFWS, you do need wetland maps of the .impoundment area.
RF-No need for soils maps of the impoundment.
JH -Slopes should not be arbitrarily excluded from wetland categories.
Larger scale color infra-red photography should have been used. In the
Tanana River basin, USFWS is using the Viereck and Dyrness
classification system and a wetland·s modifier to map the area. The
resulting map is easy to convert to the Cowardin classification system.
The water regime modifiers in Cowardin's system are especially useful to
RS -Remapping of vegetation will be done to Level 3 and beyond for moose
browse vegetation types.
RF For most areas, we have vegetation maps and slope is available from
contour maps. Might need more soil work.
TR -Once we have maps of the vegetation, hydrology, and project impacts,
we'll be able to see where more data such as soil types is necessary.
RS -Are the soil parameters USCE needs available from engineering borings
and soi 1 pits?
RF -Some soil maps exist, though I don't know their scale or adequacy.
RS -The Soil Conservation Service has not mapped all of the Susitna area.
Several questions still need to be answered:
1) Appropriate level of detail of vegetation mapping to be useful for
wetlands classification?
2) What soil parameters are important to USCE?
JH -Even Level 4 of the Viereck and Dyrness system doesn't allow direct
conversion to wetland categories. Often, other data are needed.
TR-Ground truthing will be very useful. The USCE personnel who will b~
responsible for permitting should go along.
RF -What time of year is best for ground truthing?
TR -Anytime during the growing season.
RS -The people doing the vegetation mapping will be working on the ground
truthing next summer.
JH-With a group of people who are familiar with the area, we should be able
to sit down with the USCE and a wetlands map and decide which areas need
USCE permits and which areas are marginal and need ground-checking.
RS -Is it proper procedure to involve USFWS and USCE in the preliminary
process and ask you to review drafts?
JH -I'd be glad to work with you.
TR -Yes, certainly, we prefer it that way.
BB -Have you discussed the types of permits required? They are:
USCOE Section 404 -all waters of the U.S.
11 11 Sect ion 10 -navigable waters -be low Devil Canyon.
U.S. Coast Guard -navigable waters -south of Portage Creek.
TR -The USCE ~~finition of navigable waters may not be the same as other
agencies. If Section 10 jurisdiction hasn't been taken yet by USCE,
then it will not be.
RS -We need to alter the approach to vegetation mapping to be sure to
distinguish wetlands. We may need t< map more ~egetation types beyond
Level 3.
RF -Only in access and transmission corridors.
RS -We can restrict the mapping to known corridors and impact zones. The
major borrow areas for the dams have also been identified. The borrow
areas for the access road have not been finalized, but some potential
borrow areas have been indicated.
RF -Those p0tential borrow areas aren't likely to change much.
RS -What should be included in FERC ap~lication? I would suggest:
1) Wetland maps already prepared.
2) Discussion of their preparation and coverage.
3) Plans to rectify problems.
4) Revised maps cow.ing later . (The new maps can be submitted as
supplements ~hen they are done).
JH-I would be concerned about .including the old maps.
TR -Could you modify the old maps by double-checking them with some aerial
RF -Might be possible, but pro~ably not by February 15.
JH -It would only take 3-4 days to map wetlands in the whole area
(impoundments only). The cartographic work, however, would take awhile.
From the slides (John Hayden's talk on Monday), upland wetland areas
looked fairly easy to define.
RS -We want to confirm to FERC that we are handling wetlands thoroughly. We
should list soil features that will be supplied to USCE.
TR -USCE ne eds soil profiles, from the litter layer down to ground water,
depth to ground water, chroma, mottling, gleying, soil type, location of
soil pits. Primary interest is in the root zone, the top 18" -24". We
would be glad to work with any field personnel for a few days to explain
the USCE requirements and sampling methods.
TR - A few days work should £ive us a fairly good jurisdictional map.
JH -The first step would be a wetlands map; regulatory wetlands will be a
subset of that.
TR -Fina l COE regulations are expected by December 15. Our jurisdiction
could change.
OM -JH might be interested in talking to Dr. Talbot who did some vegetation
sampling in the Susitna basin several years ago.
AR - I would like to clarify the timing -the vegetation maps will be drawn
up first, so there will be no new maps by February 15. Would the new
wetlands map be ready by June?
RS-The vegetation and wetlands mapping will take all spring. We hope to
have the preliminary maps by June 30. Ground truthing will be done
during the summer, then the final maps will be drawn up. FERC has
stated that they will welcome any new data or maps after the June 30
RS -To summarize our agenda:
1) Get together with Jon Hall and Ted Rockwell to identify
appropriate level of detail for vegetation mapping.
2) Clean up previous work using aerial photography.
3) Prepare discussion of mapping, past and future, for February 15
4) Coordinate with USCE to get soils data.
5) Summer ground truthing.
6) Fall: final maps available.
TR -When do you expect to need the first USCE per~it?
RS -For building the access road.
MG -Access road construction is scheduled to begin spring 1985.
TR -After the final maps are available in late fall 1983, there will still
be time for further field work in the summer of 1984. If construction
begins before 1985, then all permit fieldwork has to be done next
RS -There may be wetlands permits required for test drilling and other
pre-construction field activities that are planned for next summer.
TR -If so, they should be identified this winter to avoid any permitting
BB-There will be a major staging area around Cantwell, widening the Denali
Highway, and a transmission line from Cantwell to Watana. These
activities may also need permits. Will the Section 404 permits requi re
socioeconomic input?
TR -Section 404 is not strictly biological, but must also consider the
public interest which includes socioeconomics, etc.
RS -How should wetlands be included in various sections of the FERC
MG -The whole wetlands section could be repeated verbatim in both the
Botanical and Land Use sections.
RS -I would suggest that permit related discussions go into the Land Use
chapter of Exhibit E, and biological discussions into the Botanical
Resources section of Chapter 3.
RS-I would like to set up a project/agency group that will work together on
a regular basis . (General agreement).
BB -Someone should look into the Section 10 question.
TR-I'll do that and useRS and RF as contacts.
AR -Any plans for future work on wetlands should be clearly laid out in the
• I
Monday, November 29 1:00 P.M.
Project Operational Description
Watana Dam
Devil Canyon Dam
Schedule for Preparation of Exhibit E
Review Process and Group Definition
Tuesday, November 30 9:00 A.M.
9:00 -10:45 A.M. Baseline, Reservoir Filling and Post Project Flows
and Water Levels
10:45 -11:00 A.M. Break
11:00 -12:00 A.M. Reservoir and Downstream Sedimentation and Ri ver
Morphology Changes
12:00 -1:00 P.M. Lunch
1:00 -2:30 P.M. Reservoir and Downstream Water Temperatures
2:30 -2:45 P.M. Break
2:45 -4:30P.M. Ice Processes -Existing, Construction, Reservoir
Filling and Operation
Wednesday, December 1 9:00 A.M.
9:00 -10:45 A.M. Groundwater Upw~lling and Water Temperatures in
10:45 -11:00 A.M. Break
11:00 -12:00 A.M. Other Water Use and Quality Concerns
12:00 -1:00 P.M. Lunch
1:00 -2:30 P.M. Fishery Phenology of Susitna River System
Impoundment, Devil Canyon to Talkeetna, Talke~tna
to Cook Inlet.
2:30 -2:45 P.M. Break
2:45 -4:30 P.M. Presentation of 19~2 Fishery Data
.... , __ ,_. ·>-.· ~--~ . ... ~
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<J :Otl -lll :-1:., A.M. ~ J')ltt'ry l•"P·I Ct·, .uul l-111.11j<ll1oJII~-!.tJII ',IJu t:l lll ll
10 :45 -11 :00 A.M. !Jrcill<
11:00-12:00 A.M. Fishery Impacts dOd Mitigdtions-Reservoir
F iII in g
12 :00 -1 :00 P.M .
1:00 -2:30 P.M.
2 :30 -2:45 P.M.
2 :45-4:30 P.M.
Fishery Impacts and Mitigations-Filling and
Fishery Impacts and Mitigation -Operation
Friday, December 3 9:00 A.M.
Summary Session -Reports by Each Group Leader
-Minutes of Me e ting -
Subject : Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Use and Quality and Fishery
Resources Workshop (see attached agenda)
Location: Holiday Inn (Anchorage Room)
Anchorage, Alaska
Attendees: see attached
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 198?. 9:00 A.M.
Minutes recorded by: Michael P. Storonsky
I. Baseline, Filling and Operational Flows and Water Levels -Wayne Oyok
A) Summary
Mr. Wayne Oyok provided an overview of the existing, and the proposed
fillin1 and operational flows and water level conditions aided by the
use of overhead view graphs.
B) Baseline Flow Condit i ons
(i) Flows
location of gaging stations
identified the process by wh ic h the 32 year flow scenario was
developed from the available data
-various Susitna River basin flow contributions to Cook Inlet
-monthly flow duration curves
• wi nter low flow provided by ground water
May -breakup occurs with substantial variation in flows
• August flows > 10,000 cfs approximately 97 -98% of the time
-1, 3, 7, and 14 day low flow frequency curves at Gold Creek
for July and August
-1, 3, 7, and 14 day high flow frequency curves at Gold Creek
for July and August
-Annual flood frequency curve at Gold Creek
• mean annual flood 49,000 cfs
(ii) Water Levels
-cross-section near Sherman at River Mile (RM) 131
• water level elevation with various discharges
6,000 cfs MSL 604'
52,000 cfs MSL 611"
C) Construction -Watana
( i) Flows
-no interruption of flow
-a sill will be maintained during construction of the tunnels,
then removed when the lower tunnel is complete
-lower tunnel diameter 38', between MSL elevations 1420' and
1458 1
thalweg of river MSL 1450'
-upper tunnel for higher flows only
(ii) Water Levels
• pool maintained at elevation 1470'
• backwater effect approximately 1/2 mile
• mean annual flood increase elevation from 1468' to 1520'at dam
• backwater effect 2 miles
D) Filling -Watana
-minimum flow requirements at Gold Creek
• November -April 1,000 cfs
-described expected downstream flows, based upon pre-project
conditions for the three hydrological sequences: 10%, 50% and 90%
• little difference during winter
• October significant difference during 1992
-Gold Creek choosen as representation of Talkeetna to Watana reach
-water levels at River Mile 131
• during August, with 22,000 cfs pre-project average vs. 12,000 cfs
filling average, there will be a 1 1/2 foot change
• approximately 3 foot ch~nge during early summer
. however, maintain at least 2 feet of water in river channel at all
summer f 1 ows
-compared Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station and indicated that
differences in both flows and water levels will be moderated as you
progress downstream
E) Operation -Watana
-minimum downstream flows 5,000 cfs during winter
-post-project flows at Watana, Gold Creek and Sunshine
-Flow variability -Natural and Filling Conditions -Discharge at
Gold Creek
-Summarized operational change expected
• substantially increase winter flows
. substantially reduce summer flows
Is there any upper limit to winter discharge and if so is
it based upon fisheries requirements or power demand?
-Maximum Watana powerhouse flows will be 19,000 cfs.
-no upper limit has been established yet
-it may be desirable in future to establish maximum winter
flow criteria
-Gold Creek post-project winter flows will average 10,000
-can probably establish a maximum winter flow of 14,000 cfs
at Gold Creek
-Sunshine post project flow
• still substantial winter increase from baseline
• May and summer much closer to baseline
-Susitna Station post-project
winter substantial increase
summer -very little difference
What is the difference between winter pre-project vs.
operational flows at Susitna?
14,000 cfs operational flow vs. 7,000 cfs pre-project,
therefore, winter flows will be doubled at Susitna Station
How will Watana operate if Devil Canyon is never built?
Have impacts been assessed for Watana alone or with both
dams operational?
Watana will be base-load. Most of impact
assessment has been concentrated with both dams on line.
Consideration of peaking should not be ruled out. It is
possible to peak if only Watana is built. May have
sufficient attenuation of peaks downstream in a short
distance if peaks are of short enough duration, with only
minor impacts further downstream as a result of
Filling-Devil Canyon
- 2 stage scenario
-1st stage
• 76,000 ac-ft.
• fill within a couple of weeks
• maximum elevation 1,135'
-one year at constant elevation 1,135 to plug diversion tunnel and
complete dam
-2nd stage
• fill as quickly as possible
• filling will take approximately 5-8 weeks depending on energy
• 25 foot drop in Watana water level
G) Operation -Watana and Devil Canyon
-Watana peak
-Devil Canyon baseloaded
-Devil Canyon outflow similar to with Watan~ alone
-Devil Canyon will experience approximately a 1 foot daily drawdown
with Watana peaking
H) Watana Drawdown and Flow Scenario Derivation
(i) Minimum flow requirements
- 7 scenarios studied
-no difference between winter flows; all 5,000 cfs
-different summer flows
-August was determined the critical time frame because of the
need for salmon to gain access to the sloughs
(ii) Net benefit from project ($) vs. August flows
-10,000 cfs $1,220 x 106
-12,000 cfs
-14,000 cfs
$1,140 X 106
$1,050 X 106
-selected 12,000 cfs
• compromises economics somewhat
• provides a starting point upon which mitigation can be based
Question Are the economics of the project based upon the 1981
Batelle forecast?
How would the benefits vs. flow scenario change if the
Batelle load forecast is incorrect and the load is
Ans.er Not able to answer without further investigation. (Ed. note
-shape of curve would basically remain the same.
absolute value of benefits would decrease with lower demand
fo r ecast)
II. Baseline Slough Information -Woody Trihey (Acres Consultant)
A) Summary
Mr. Woody Trihey provided a description of a side slough in the Susitna
River including morphological characteristics (cross sectional profile,
gradients), flows, and water profiles with various flows.
B) Introduction -River System and Typical Slough
-river broken into 3 segments
-only discuss the Watana to Talkeetna segment
-will look at flow regime only, however, quality and availability of
habitat may also be affected
several different types of habitat in the river system
• mainstem
• tributary
• side channel
• side slough
-will talk about side slough habitat only, potential for most impact
-currently evaluating August as most important time of the year
-typical slough and river sketch
• interim channels have eroded from river to side sloughs
• very often no water through the interim channels
• sloughs typically clear water, low flows
• river turbid
• backwater effect at mouth of sloughs
-high flows
heads of sloughs can be overtopped at high flows causing turbid
• flows up to l,OOO's of cfs during flood conditions
• flush out the fines
• act as a sid~ channel during flood
C) Slough 9
(i) Longitudinal profile
-noticeable gradient difference between upper and lower ends
• upper 18ft/mile
• lower
• river
5 ft/mi le
11 ft/mi le
(ii) Flows and Stage
-irregular nature of the sloughs causes pools to occur at low
• discharge of 3 cfs. creates three pools of approximately
0.7 feet, 1.5 feet and 3.0 feet.
-staff gage at mouth of slough
• 11,000 cfs 590' MSL
• 33,000 cfs 594' MSL
slough profiles provided at various mainstem flows
• 12,500 cfs
• 16,000 cfs
• 18,000 cfs
. 22,000 cfs
• between 18,000 -22,500 cfs remove barrier to upstream areas
of the s laugh
• 16,000 cfs creates 0.25' depth for 140' length of slough
• 20,000 cfs creates 0.5' depth for 30' length
Question Where are the spawning areas in Slough 9?
Answer Some chum salmon were observed during 1982 above the first
barrier, however many were observed attempting to spawn at
the mouth of the slough. However, August 1982 had
unusually low flows of 11,000 -12,000 cfs and salmon had
difficulty attaining access to sloughs. Normally, flows
are in the 18,000 -25,000 cfs and access is not usually a
It looks like 14,000-17,000 cfs is needed to obtain
access to slough?
Yes, if only looking at flow, however utilizing engineering
techniques, backwater effects could improve access.
How did we arrive at 12,000 cfs? Don't we need flushing
flows to clean out sloughs?
We believe that this is a starting point and that we are
progressing towards a set of unique flows for each month,
not there yet.
Isn't the backwater effect going to change with reduced
What percentages of sloughs with 12,000 cfs flows will
salmon have difficulty with access?
Can't answer right now, but should have a better handle
next summer.
Reservoir and Downstream Sedimentation -Mr. Brent Drage (Peratrovich,
Nottingham and Drage)
Mr. Brent Drage provided a description of the anticipated sedimentation
process in the reservoirs, among the major topics included were the
mechanisms influencing sedimentation, the existing situation, and the
expected changes in particle size distribution, suspended sediment
concentrations and turbidity.
• I
B) Sedimentation Process Factors
-if 100% trap efficiency assumed, over 100 years, only SS of the
reservoir volume lost, or 12% of active storage
-factors influencing sedimentation
• operational schemes
• mean monthly volume
• live storage volume
• dead storage volume
change in surface elevation from the previous month
-driving mechanisms
• inflow
• outflow
flow thru velocity
• detention time
• ice cover presernt
• mean ambient temperature
• mean reservoir temperature
• thermal trend
• inflow temperature
• flow pattern
. mixing potential
• thermal current velocity
• wind driven current velocity
C) Existing Conditions at Gold Creek
i (i) Suspended sediment concentrations at Gold Creek -May -Sept.
-minimum range 10 200 mg/1
-average range 200 -1,000 mg/1
-maximum range 2,000 3,000 mg/1
(ii) Average monthly particle size distribution
-May, June, July and August
fine silt and clay particles less than 12 microns most
0) Expected Conditions
(i) Particle size range passing through
-3-4 micron range particles will pass through during quiescent
-mixing action of wind and waves will allow up to the 12 micron
size range to pass through the Watana Reservoir
(ii) Settling rates-Stolkes Law
-assume quiescent conditions at 40°F
• 5 micron glacial particle. 3.7 x 10-5ft/sec •
• 5 micron spherical particle, 4.3 x 10 -5 ft/sec.
(iii) Depth of particle settling over time-quiescent conditions
- 2 micron particle -400 days to settle ~0 ft
- 5 micron particle -60 days to settle 200 ft
-10 micron particle -20 days to settle 200 ft
(iv) Settling column study
-sample taken at Watana at flows of 17,200 cfs
-10 foot column
-350 mg/1 at time 0
-10 -20 mg/1 after 72 hours
(v) Effects of wind and waves
-wind waves will significant l y effect settling within 25' of
surf ace
-10 -12 micron particles wi l l be re-entrained within the top
25 feet
-wind waves wi 11 effect at 50' depth signigicant ly less
(vi) Prediction of particle size distributions -using Camp's (1943)
-gives us an idea of the size of the particles that will settle
and amount of sediment for different settling conditions
-results for maximum mixing, minimum mixi ~g and quiescent
• • 11
(vii) Results of deposit model runs
-maximum and average mixing
(viii) Turbidity vs. suspended sediment concentrations
-appears to be direct correlation
-maximum mixing 100 -200 mg/1 = 20 -40 NTU
-normal mixing 80 -120 mg/1 = 15 -25 NTU
-minimum mixing 10 -30 mg/1 = 2 - 5 NTU
(ix) Literature search
-extensive search conducted, but not much information available
-however Eklutna Lake appeared to have the most similar
What will the difference be between pre-project vs.
post-project turbidities during winter?
Probably safe to say it will be between 20-40 NTU
post-project discharge.
Has input from other sources been included?
They were considered, but not included in the model . It is
expected that the material contributed from other sources
will be coarser and settle out shortly, contributions should
not be significant.
IV. Eklutna Lake Study-Steve Bredthauer (R&M Consultants)
A) Summary
Mr. Steve Bredthauer provided the following discussion regarding the
Eklutna Lake turbidity studies that were conducted due to the lake's
close similarities to the Watana Reservoir.
B) Information Collected
-Kamloops Lake, British Columbia, information available
-sampling scheme at Eklutna
• April und ;r ice 7-10 NTU
• May isothermal 7-10 NTU
mid June starting to increase, 14 -15 NTU at the lower end of
. mid July thermocline developing, plume was evident in the 10 -30
meter range at head of lake, down the lake-turbidity diminished
• September -unusual turbidity at reservoir bottom -flows probably
entering as underflow
-summary -Eklutna Lake data i ndicates the sedimentation process at
Watana will be heavily d i ctated by densities of the r i ver and
reservoir waters
V. River Morphology -Steve Bredthauer (R&M Consultants)
A) Summary
Mr. Steve Bredthauer utilized overhead view graphs to facilitate his
River Morphology presentation which highlighted the basic morphological
systems of the river, a breakdown of the river by morphological reaches
concentrating on the river downstream of Devil Canyon and the expected
morphological changes.
B) Morphology of the River
(i) Four basic systems
-main channel
-side or split channel -(Sloughs)
-braided channel -floodplain 1-2 miles wide, large bedload
-Delta I slands 50 -60 miles upstream of the mouth
• ~
(ii) Morphological reaches of the river
-upstream of Devil Canyon
• first 20 miles braided headwaters
• next 55 miles split channel
• west from Tyone River to Devil Canyon damsite-steep canyons
-Below Devil Canyon
• RM 144 -149 -single channel
• RM 13S-144 -valley broadens, with split channel
• RM 129.5 -139 -well defined split channels, sloughs
• RM 119 -129.5 -split channel configurations, stable
RM 104-119 -well defined single channel
RM 95 -104 -Susitna-Chulitna confluence -braided system,
aerial photo comparison shows this section to
be a very dynamic are of the river
RM 61 -95 -braided, debris damming, very dynamic
RM 42 -61 -Delta Islands -rapid erosion evident
RM 0 -42 -Yentna River confluence, major tributary, 40%
of river flow
(iii) Expected Changes
-bedload movement curves
• 10 -30 mm size range moved with 10,000 -20,000 cfs flow
immediately downstream
. armouring will allow a well defined stable channel to occur
• analyzed 17 streams for degradation
• six were found to have potential problems with either
perching or degradation
-in summary the river wi 11 be better defined, more stable and
more deeply extrenched
VI. Eklutna Lake Water Temperature Study -Steve Bredthauer (R&M
A) Summary
Following lunch, Mr . Steve Bredthauer provided a discussion of the
results of the 1982 Eklutna Lake water temperature montoring program and
the Susitna River temperature data that is being and will be used to
calibrate the DYRESM temperature model for Watana.
B) Results -Eklutna
May 2S
June 18
July 2
July 14
July 28
August 10
August 24
Sept. 9
Sept. 21
Oct. 14
Nov. 4
isothermal 4 -soc
a little surface warming to 8°C
gradua 1 warming
sharp thermocline in some areas, gradual temperature
variation in others, 12°C -soc
same as above
sharp thermocline maximum 13°C
1S°C maximum, lessening thermocline
isothermal 7 -9°C
isothermal 6 -soc
isothermal soc
C) Susitna River Data
average weekly temperatures at Watana gaging site
• October-April 0°C
• May starts to climb
• r:taximum of 12 -14°C during summer
-1981 temperature variations at Vee Canyon, Denali and Susitna Station
• warming with distance downstream
-1981 Denali and Watana water temperature comparison
-1982 Susitna River vs. Indian River and Portage Creek temperatures
• lower temperatures in tributaries than mainsteam
• temperature var i es between tributaries
• • •
VII. Reservoir Temperatures -Mr. Wayne Oyok (Acres American)
A) Editor's Summary
Mr. W~ne Dyok provided a generic description of expected reservoir and
outflow temperatures during the filling and operation processes and the
DYRESM model used to estimate the temperatures.
8) Filling • Watana
-1st year fill from 1470' • 1800 ft
• outflow temperatures will be a composite of inflow temperatures
• low level outlet will not allow the normal temperature variation
-from autumn of the 1st year until powerhouse is available for use,
4°C temperature water will be discharged
• no mechanism for mitigation at this time
-investigated all available temperature models and found DYRESM to be
as good as any
-used successfully i n Austra l ia and Brit i sh Columbia
How close will DYRESM model the Watana temperatures?
Currently working on it. We feel confortable with the summer
modeling that has taken place. Ice cover subroutine has some
bugs but we are working with the author t o correct them .
0) Temperatures
(i) Res ervo i r temperature profile June 1 -September 30
-Eklutna Lake inflow water temperature 3°C
• glaciers very close to head of lake
-Watana inflow temperatures as high as 10°C
- di fferent thermal structures between the two reservoirs
-multi-level intake structures
• 4 intakes within upper 120' of the reservoir
(ii} Watana outflow temperatures
-July -mid September, we feel confortable that we can maintain
very close to natural temperatures
-mid-September-early winter, we will only be able to provide
4°C water
• 0°C water that naturally occurs will not be possible
• over the course of the winter, temperatures will drop to about
Where will the tnermocline be during winter?
Probably very close to surface as was observed at Eklutna.
Within the first two meters the temperature was 3.6°C and
virtually isothermal below.
Are these downstream temperatures at the immediate outlet of
the project?
Answer Yes.
Discussed water temperatures at Williston Reservoir on the
Peace River where a gradual winter profile varying form 0°C
at the surface to 3°C at 300 feet existed.
Best guess when ice cover on reservoir will form?
Depends on wind conditions, ambient air temperatures, and
when an isothermal situation occurs.
Has the model been run for win~er yet?
No, but we are estimating that outflow temperatures will
probably be between 2 -4°C.
Investigations into the expected winds on the reservoir?
Will wind increase?
Yes, Lake Ontario has 20S higher winds than adjacent lands.
A lake this small may have about a 3-4S increase in winds
over what currently exists.
(iii) Devil Canyon Temperatures
-temperatures will largely reflect Watana temperatures
-DYRESM model not run yet for Devil Canyon .
VIII. Downstream Temperatures -Mr. Tom Lavender (Acres)
A) Summary
Mr. Tom Lavender provided a description of the Heatsim heat budget model
that is being used to describe expected downstream temperatures during
the various phases of the project.
B) Heatsim -Heat Budget Model for River Reaches
-streamwise, daily heat balance, reach by reach from prescribed
upstream boundary thermograph and inflow hydrograph
-uses: air temperature; vapor pressure; wind speed; solar radiation;
cloud cover; albedo; i.e., a complete heat baiance
-accounts for: heat content of rainfall and snowfall, insulating
effect of ice cover on small (well mixed) reservoirs; hydraulic
mean depth and velocity of stream in each reach
-yields: components of heat balance; net daily heat gain or loss to
r iver reach; inflow and outflow temperatures for reach; length of
ice-free reach (optional)
-based on (in large measure): J.M. Raphael, ASCE Journal of the Power
Division, V88, No. P02, p. 157, July 1962.
C) Temperatures
-Watana alone
-Watana/Devil Canyon
Did you use the ice formation option of model to determine
i ce c over formation location?
We will cover that in my next discussion
Analyzed temperature variations with mainstem discharge
We have not done a sensitivity analysis yet. During summer
probably not significant variation during winter could be
more significant.
If Watana peaks will it affect temperatures?
No not on a daily average basis.
What flows is the model based upon?
Normal operational flows expected, not minimum flow
requirements .
Need for sensitivity analysis with various climatic and flow
Why multiple intakes at Devil Canyon if temperatures will not
be altered from Watana?
Two month residence time will create slight variations, try
to match outflow temperatures as close as possible to
Question Will there be additional graphics in the report that further
describe the expected minimum winter temperatures of 2°C+
when both projects are operating?
Ans.er Yes
IX. Ice Processes, Ca~ses and Effects -Tom Lavender (Acres)
A) Summary
Mr. Tom Lavender presented a description of the major factors
influencing the ice processes, namely the hydrologic and thermal regimes
and their impacts upon the ice front location, water levels and the ice
B) Hydrologic and Thermal Regimes
-described existing variations throughout annual cycle
-principal factor controlling the ice process is flows
-described proposed hydraulic and thermal regimes
• flows will be smoothed out throughout the year
• thermal energy will be transferred from summer to winter
C) Ice Front Formation
(i) Natural lodgement points are a constriction in the river where
the ice cover formation process begins
-construction of the Watana dam will not affect the ice cover
formation process since a natural lodgement point exists
(ii) Temperature immediately downstream
-water temperature
• when bulk water temperature reaches O.l°C, ice will begin
to form at surface of river
-air temperature
• discussed ice front location with warm, average and cold
climatic conditions and regulated discharges
(iii) Expected ice front location
0) Water Levels Leading Edge Stability (Froude No.)
-Froude No. will be between 0.08 and 0.154
-gives the range of the change in the water surface elevation given
the discharge rate
• 3' -4' increased river stage between Sherman and Talkeetna
-areas with an ice cover will experienc ~ increased stage levels
-areas without the ice cover may experience slightly lower stage levels
than normal winter conditions
E) Ice Cover Thickness
-effects of discharge
• thickness dictated to a large measure by discharge at the time of
F) Effects of Varying Discharges on Ice
-same processes govern spring break-up as govern freeze-up
-hinging of ice occurs with raised water level
Will there be an increased ice
thickness at Susitna Station due to doubled winter fluws?
Will there be problems with ice breakup due to this increased
ice thickness?
No, due to the thermal degredation of ice in the upper
Susitna and the regulated flows.
• • I
Will increased flows and staging cause flooding of sloughs
dur i ng winter with accompanying increased ice thickness?
It will depend upon the elevation of the upstream berm.
Will the magnitude of breakup in the downstream reaches be
more severe or less severe?
Magnitude unknown. (Ed. note -breakup should be less severe}
Do you know if ice will form and where between Devil Canyon
and Talkeetna?
It will depend upon climatic conditions.
What will the stage increases be?
3' -4' increase between Sherman and Talketna.
Definitely have overtoppng of sloughs with these increases.
Will erosion problems occur with these increased flows?
None that don't already occur under natural flow conditions
with ice jams. With ice jams, velocities can reach 9 -10
ft/sec. Normally 3 ft/sec velocity under ice is required
before the ice front can progress upstream.
Will any analysis be done of impacts to sloughs from ice
Talk to AEIDC, who will be handling the impact assessment.
No comment from AEIDC.
How will sloughs be affected morphologically from ice
Have to do a detailed analysis of ex i st in g cond iticns fir st.
• • • • • •
Wayne Dyok
Woody Trihey
Steve Bredthauer
Tony Burgess
Bill lawrence
Brad Smith
Len Corin
Mary lu Harle
Gary J. Prokosch
Ken Florey
Eric Myers
Tom lavender
Tom Anninski
Steve Zrake
Gary lawley
John R. Sizer
Jack Robinson
leslie Griffiths
Brent Drage
Phil Brna
Bill Wilson
Ken Voos
larry Moulton
Jean Baldridge
Michael P. Storonsky
Kevin Delaney
David Wangaard
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, AK
Tuesday, November 30, 1982
Acres Consultant
R&M Consultants
AONR-Water Management
ADNR-Water Management
Fish & Game
Alaska Power Authority
-Minutes of Meeting -
Subject: Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Use and Quality and Fishery
Resources Workshop
Location: Holiday Inn (Anchorage Room)
Anchorage, Alaska
Attendees: see attached
Date: Wednesday, December 1, 1982 9:00 A.M.
Minutes recorded by: Michael P. Storonsky
I. Slough Access Mitigation Ideas -Woody Trihey
A) Summary
Mr. Woody Trihey presented some possibl~ mitigation techniques that
should be considered for maintenance of adequate slough water levels,
namely increased mainstem discharges, amplication of backwater effects
at the mouth of slough, increased flow through the sloughs, or
modification of slough channel and entrance.
B) Introduction
-profile of slough discussed yesterday with flow effects on various
barriers to upstream movement
-pre-project August flows
. 18,000 + cfs very common occurence
• 10 -12,000 cfs very rare occurence, however these flows are
natural occurences in early September
flows of 12,000 will provide problems for fish to gain access
C) Mitigation Ideas
(i) Increase mainstem discharge
-variability of tributary inflow
• Project should not have significant effect on weather patterns
in river valley therefore, natural tributary variability would
occur and create downstream flows of 20 -25,000 cfs •
• Try to quantify the occurrence and magnitude of these
-use of controlled releases variable spikes
• duration and magnitude of variable spikes sufficient to avoid
attenuation and provide access
(ii) Amplify mainstem backwater effect
-submerge a sill downstream of mouth of slough
-construct dike to protude into mainstem and cause back water
effect in slough
(iii) Increase flow in slough
-collect and concentrate local surface runoff and channelize
-divert water from mainstem
-withdraw water from a local storage pond
stored via natural runoff
• pumped from rive·.-
. pond could contribute to local groundwater upwelling
-increase groundwater inflow
(iv) Modify slough channel and entrance
-deeper entrance of some sloughs
have to be careful if deepening slough, spawning
habitat could be degraded since most spawning is in riffle
areas, need to maintain riffle/pool ratios
-constrict channel width, therefore deeper water levels
-submerged weirs, create pool and drop scenario
(v) Sunmary
-Mr. Trihey does not recommend any of above at this time,, but
providing them as possibilities for everybody to think about.
How many sloughs are we talking about? number being used?
how many can we modify?
Get a better answer if you ask later , Tom Trent's unit more
• 12 -15 sloughs quite heavily used -similar to slough 9
• trying to maintain the chum and sockeye fishery above
• approximately 38 sloughs between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
Are there problems with ice, with the use of weirs and
submerged sills?
Not advocating any of these alternatives, there could be
problems with ice. We have to look at all the various sloughs
more closely and evaluate the alternative mitigation more
thoroughly before deciding. Just trying to emphasize that
there are many ways to attain access to sloughs besides
increasing flow. A lot of work still needed.
Emphasized that he was only talking about access to the
sloughs and not the quality of habitat th ~will be
May get variations in slough morphology due to ice processes
and flow. Look at the gradation of material and the rainfall
events that might alter sloug h morphology.
Not a lot of change in sloughs expected, cobble s ize substrate
at most slough mouths, little change anticipated. However,
significant changes in tributary mouth morphology expected.
Ice processes are probably the primary force causing s l ough
Ice probably a major factor but flows can also work to form
High flows move sand and silts, but there is larger substrate
at the slough mouths and probably will not be greatly
Larry Mculton•s group will be discussing these thoughts in
further detai 1.
Groundwater U~welling and Water Tem~erature in Sloughs -Tonl Burgess
Mr. Tony Burgess presentea a discussion on the various factors that
influence slough groundwater regimes, the investigations that have
occured, the modeling that has been conducted, and the conclusions that
have been drawn. In addition, he discussed the factors that i nfluence
ground water temperatures and the iMpacts expected.
S) Introduction
(i) Slough morphology
-bar separates slough from mainstem
-bar may be over~opped
• as ice front passes through
. during breakup jams
• under open water storm discharge
(ii) Stratigraphy
-silt/sand up to 6 feet deep
-sand/gravel/cobbles/boulders -possibly occur with depth
-bedrock at unknown depth
• drilling to 40' has not reached bedrock
C) Groundwater Investigation
( i) Techniques
-walk overs
-test pits and installation of standpipes
-soil drilling and installation of piezometers and glycol tubes
-observations of surface and groundwater elevations, water
temperatures, slJugh discharge, seepage flux
( i i) s 1 ou gh 9
-drill holes identified
-continuous monitoring
-Slough 9 overtops at approximately 20,000 cfs
-significant ice jam last winter -bulk of river flow went
through Slough 9 rather than through the mainstem
(iii) Seepage flux measurements
-identified upwelling area
-estimate flux into sloughs
-haven't done many of these yet and haven't reduced data yet
( iv) Slaugh SA
-groundwater gradient approximately the same as river gradient
(v) Slough 9
-general gradient in downstream direction
0) Groundwater Modeling
-geometry, boundary conditions and material properties all influence
the constitutive relationships that in turn create a response
-constitutive relationships
• Laplace's equation
• Darcy's law
Q = K i A
flow = (Hydrologic conductivi.ty) (gradient) (cross section)
-Flow lines orthogonal to and from river
-groundwater flows - 3 types
• shape of area being modelled
. 3-0, 2-0 (plan, cross section) 1-D (along flow line), thickness (0)
-boundary conditions
• values of dependent variables (head, flow) along boundaries
-material properties
• hydraulic ·onductivity (K) (permeability)
• porosity (n)
• transmissivity (T = K x 0)
• storage coefficient (S)
-hydraulic conductivity
. laboratory grain size analyses with empirical formula
K = (100 to 150) x d1o2
• field tests in drillholes
constant head
falling head
pumping test
• flow net sketching and discharge measurement
• response of aquifer to well defined boundary event
-Grain size analysis of Slough 9 bank
• gravel and sand
-Slough 9 flow net
• identified flow lines
-Hydrographic Response
• sudden change in mainstem water level influences the aquifer
looked at the response in the Slough 8 wells from a sudden change in
water level. Reasonable response on the increasing limb of the
hydrograph, however higher than expected water levels occurred on
the decreasing limb of the hydrograph. We will continue to
-Summa r y of Results
. grain size analysis
K = 6 x 10-2 cm/s
• field tests
not yet completed
• Flow net
T = 9000 ft-1 dm/x
for D = 100' (assumed)
K = 3.2 x 10-2 cm/s
• ~ydrograph response
T a 1260 !O 306000 ft2/d
for D = 100' (a$sumed)
K = 4.27 x Io-3 to l.v ~ ~m/s
• Groundwater flow
flow net sketches and hand calculations
finite element analyses using computer
• Temperature
no flow thermal regime
coupled groundwater-thermal regime
-graphic slough model
-contours -boundary heads
fixed heads in mainstem and sloughs
• identified high bedrock and valley side slope
• remainder of slough constant saturated thickness
• General groundwater regime can be modelled using 2-D plan
idealization. Locally, match not so good: may be due to variation
in saturated thic~ness, variation in hydraulic conductivity, or
boundary recharge •
• Flow is generally downstream and laterally towards slough from
upland areas.
E) Thermal Processes and Modelling
(i) Baseline
-Susitna mainstem
• mid October to mid April 0°C
• maximum +10°C July
• Annual mean approximately 3°C
-Talkeetna air temperatures
• minimum mean monthly -13°C
• maximum mean monthly
. annu a 1 mean
• upwelling approximately
• we 11 s o. 05 •c <May> to 6
as 11 •c
(ii) Preliminary conclusions
-a•c (September), locally as hi gh
-Air temperature variations do not have a signif i cant d i rect
impact on groundwater
-Upwelling temperatures nearly constant but shallow well
temperatures show seasonal fluctuation lagging main stem
-Upwelling temperature is approximately mean annual ma i n stem
(iii) Dispersion
-Dispersion theory developed for contaminant transport
-apply to thermal problems by mak i ng temperature equivalent to
contaminant concentrat i on
-dispersion occurs in all porous media. The extent of disper sion
increases as the medium becomes more heterogeneous
. diagrams of dilution variations with different materials
• example cited
(iv) Conclusions
-upwelling temperatures can be explained in terms of dispersion
(mixing) of mainstem seasonal variations within groundwater flow
-but why do near surface grounwater temperatures show less
Possible factors:
• path length shorter
• gradient steeper
• materials more homogeneous
-recent deeper drilling, piezometer and glycol tube installations
should provide important data
f) Project Impacts
( i) Geometry
May be some changes due to deposition and scour.
(ii) Material properties
Generally will not change except possibly due to scour/deposition
(iii) Boundary Conditions
-River stage: higher in winter, lower in spring/summer with
less variability
-Temperature: mean annual little change, slightly higher in fall
and lower in summer.
(iv) Response to Stage Change
Based on data from September hydrograph, response is quite rapid,
in near surface wells. Deepe r wells may respond slower due to
longer flow path.
(v) Effect of Stage Change on Extent of Upwelling
Could be modelled but unlikely that sufficient data (spatial
variation of K) available. Field monitoring and observation
(vi) Mitigation
Not l ooked at yet
Question Will river stage be higher during winter or lower?
Answer There could be lower water levels without an ice cover
depending on the particular circumstances. Ice cover will be
Both upper and lower water le~·els would drop equally therefore
the same gradients would still exist so groundwater flow wi ll
continue but at lower elevations .
Does the storage of water in the gravel from late summer flow
provide winter groundwater flows?
Some water is stored, but not alot. There were rapid
responses observed in the wells due to mainstem discharges.
During October upwelling continued with a decreased discharge.
If there is not much storage from late summer flow, this would
indicate upwelling continues at low discharge.
A fair amount of upwelling occurred throughout February and
Freezing near the banks cold be concentrating upwelling
towards the middle of the slough.
If you drop the invert elevation 3 - 4 feet would it intercept
more grounwater?
No, that only amounts to a small portion of the 2000 feet of
head upstream of the slough.
Is there a monitoring program envisioned for grounwate r
Recommended continuous temperature and flow monitoring in
wells. Half-barrel technique to quanti f y seasonal var iation .
So far only 1 field trip to a half-a-dozen locations.
Isn't there variability between the sloughs? Why only slough
9 i nvestigated?
Trying to understand the processes, first. Now we can look at
other sloughs and determine the variability.
With post-project winter flows of 10,000 cfs, will the
location of ice formation dictate upwelling?
Probably not change upwelling, upstream and downstream
elevations experience equal change, therefore the gradient is
the same.
Will absence of flushing flows cause disturbances to upwelling
Only affect near surface sediment, may move upwelling area
May shift location of upstream most upwelling areas.
III. Other Water Quality Concerns -Mr. Steve Bredthauer (R&M Consultants)
A) Surm~ary
Following an intermission, Mr. Steve Bredthauer discussed the balance of
the major water quality concerns including nitrogen supersaturation,
eutrophication, leaching, and dissolved oxygen.
B) Nitrogen Supersaturation
-caused by high plunging spills
-measurements above and below Devil Canyon indicate supersaturation
currently exists
-project will employ fixed-cone valves to avoid plung i ng spills that
might create a problem
C) Eutrophication
-limited data available for the four nutrients, N, P, C, Si
-phosphorous is the limiting nutrient
-two methods available
• Dillon and Rigler modei -rejected due to the limited ability to
estimate phosphorous retention coefficient
• Vollenweider model chosen-used at Crescent Lake, Alaska with good
-Vollenweider model used by Larry Pederson of Fairbanks
• predicted oligotrophic situation
• need approximately 115,000 residents dumping untreated waste into
Watana reservoir to produce eutrophic situation
D) Leaching
-increased concentrations of metals and other parameters immediately
after closure of dam
-decreased leaching with time -Watana
• buried with inorganic glacial sediment
• most readily dissolvable materials will dissolve first
-effects of leaching at Devil Canyon will remain longer
. little sedimentation expected
effects expected to be confined to reservoir bottom
-no significant impacts anticipated
E) Dissolved Oxygen
-decreased potential for oxygen saturation with increased depth
-COO coming into reservoir is low
-no vegetative growth expected along shoreli.Je during drawdown
-no dissolved oxygen problems expected in the upper levels of
reservoirs or downstream
If you expect the reservoir to act as a nutrient trap, how
will this effect the productivity downstream?
You do not see organisms taking advantage of nutrients in t~e
mainstem since the nutrients are so low. Most organisms
taking advantage of nutrients in the system are in the
oa~kwater areas and tributary mouths.
Impacts from reduced nutrient concentrations should not affect
the rearing that is tak i ng place in the tributary mouths.
Most primary and secondary productivity is occurring in the
side sloughs, side channels and tributary mouths.
Very high levels of hydrogen sulfide were observed at a hydro
project in southern Alaska. Is a similar problem expected?
Answer No
IV. Summary of Water Quality Discussions Mr. Wayne Dyok (Acres)
A) Summary
Mr. Dyok provided a sumary of the water quality discussions of the last
day and one half including: flows and water levels, temperatures, ice,
suspended sediment and turbidity, and sloughs.
B) Flows and Water Levels
1. Construction: Impacts limited to immediate area of damsites
2. Filling: Winter flows-similar to natural regime except for
reduction in October and November 1992 at Gold Creek. Summer flows
-substantial reduction at Gold Creek. Downstream -reduced
percentage difference (maximum reduction 18 percent Susitna
Station). Stage reduction up to four feet May through July. Stage
reduction of about two feet during August, Talkeetna to Devil
3. Operation: Winter flows increased to about 10,000 cfs at Gold Creek
with extremes at 6,000 cfs and 13,400 cfs. Susitna Station flows
increased by a factor of two. Summer Gold Creek flows reduced to
12,000 cfs during August. Susitna Station monthly flows reduced by
maximum of 13 percent. Water levels -Watana reservoir maximum
drawdown 120 feet. Devil Canyon drawdown up to 50 feet August and
September. Summer water levels Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reduced by
about two feet in August. Min i mal water level changes downstream of
Talkeetna during summer.
Where is the information on expected water level changes in
the Report on Water Use and Quality?
Not included, water levels changes will be addressed in f i nal
6) Temperature
1. Construction: No impact.
2. Filling: 4°C water at outlet during second year of filling. Gold
Creek temperatures could be as low as 6°C.
3. Operation: By selective withdrawal Watana outlet temperatures can
be made to approximate natural reg i me during summer. Fall
temperatures will be warmer than natural at outlet and for some
distance downs tream. Winter outlet temperatures will ikely be
between zoe to 4°C.
C) Ice
1. Constru c tion : No impact due to natural lodgement point near
Wa t ana dams i te.
2. Filling: Minimal impact because natural flows are approximated
during freeze up and natural temperatures are attained at Devil
Canyon. Reduced ice jamming during spring breakup because of
decreased flows from Devil Canyon to Watana and thermal decay.
3. Operation: Approximately three to four foot increase in stage
during freeze up with effects to Cook Inlet. Reduced ice jamming
during breakup Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet. Watana alone -ice front
will be between Sherman and Portage Creek. Watana/Devil Canyon-
ic ~ front will be between Talkeetna and Sherman.
It was indicated that there will be a reduced ice breakup
downstream nearer to Cook Inlet. Is this correct, since there
will be an increase in ice thickness due to higher flows?
Although there will be more ice, spring flows will be reduced
and therefore ice jams should be fewer and less severe.
Ice will be gone above Talkeetna before the rest of the river
breaks up, therefore no ice going downstream from the upper
What effect will the change in flows and water levels have on
the estuary?
Resource Management Associates modeled the change in salinity.
The model indicated a 1 1/2 part per thousand (ppt) maximum
change from natural conditions. The salinity range under
project conditions is expectd to be less than which presently
occurs. This change is not expected to be significant.
D) Suspended Sediment
Particle sizes of three to four microns will pass through reservoir.
Approximately 80 percent of suspended sediment will be removed.
Turbidity at Watana outlet will be between 10 to 50 NTU. Lower summer
turbidity. Higher winter turbidity. Downstream channel will remain
stable because of armoring.
E) Sloughs
-Backwater effects
-Surface water runoff?
-Groundwater upwelling -dominant flow in direction of mainstem flow -
upwelling flow rates basically unchanged although there is a potential
for dewatering spawning areas in upper locations of some sloughs that
are adjacent to ice free reaches of the mainstem Susitna.
-Groundwater upwelling temperature -function of l ong term average
annual mainstem Susitna River temperature.
Overtopping under post-project conditions where ice in mainstem is
adjacent to sloughs.
-Morphological changes?
Have navigation and rec reation impacts been addressed?
Yes, River divided into sections above and below Talkeetna.
Numerous cross-sections studied, no problems were immediately
ident i fied above Talkeetna. However, one site l ocated between
sloughs 8 and 9 was difficult to navigate th i s past summer
with natural flow conditions. The area was navigable. During
post-project conditions caution will be needed in this one
section. The normal variations in river morphology that
currently occur below Talkeetna-probably will not be as
significant. Kayaking will be eliminated in the Devil Canyon
reach. Recreational boating on the reservoirs will be
available if the reservoirs are open to public .
Add i t i onal information available i n the Recreat i on Report.
V. Possible Flow Variations -Or. John Ha~n {Acres)
A) Suulftary
Or. Hayden provided a brief impromptu discussion about possible
variations in river flows that might be available to benefit salmon.
B) Selective Flow Spikes
-spring, 6 days at 20,000 cfs to facilitate outm i grat i on and flush
-summer, 12 days at 20,000 cfs to facilitate entrance to sloughs
-we have to learn more about the fishery system to determine the most
desirable time frames for these spikes
State.ent We also have to keep in mi nd the other uses of the river,
i.e., recreation, when considering spikes.
The impacts of increased temperatures on over-wintering fish
is not discussed i n report. Increased temperatures will cause
i ncreased metabolic rates in the over-wintering salmon wi thout
an availab l e food supply. As a result these f ish cou l d go
i nto the ne~t spring i n a weakened cond i tion.
This wil l be addressed in the Fisheries Presentation.
We don•t have enough i nformation on the over-winter i ng
locations to assess impacts and provide mit i gat i on at t hi s
point i n t i me.
9:00 a.m.
1 :00 p.m.
Jean Baldridge
Michael P. Storonsky
Tom Lavender
Tony Burgess
Woody Trihey
Steve Bredthauer
Bill Lawrence
Brad Smith
Len Carin
Mary Lu Harle
Gary J. Prokosch
Chris Godfrey
Ken Florey
Eric Myers
John Wiles
Dave Wangaard
John Hayden
Wayne Dyok
Bi 11 Wilson
Ken Voos
John R. Bizer
Steve Zrake
Stuart Burnell
Larry Moulton
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, AK
Wednesday, December 1, 1982
Acres Consultant
R&H Consultants
ADNR-Water Management
ADNR -Water
U.S. COE-Reg. Function
Fish & Game
State Parks
Morrison Knudsen
Additional Attendees:
Judy Zimicki NAEC
Larry Hechart ADF&G
Kevin De 1 aney ADF&G
Mike Mills ADF&G
Dan Wilkerson ADEC
Tom Trent ADF&G
Dana Sctrni dt ADF&G
Bruce Barrett AOF&G
Christopher Estes ADF&G
Alan Bingham ADF&G
Richard Fleming Alaska Power Authority
Water Use and Quality and Fisheries Resources Section
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, Alaska
December 1, 1982 Afternoon Session
Name Organization Name Organization
Judy Zimicki NAEC John R. Bizer Harza/Ebasco
Woody Trihey Acres Steve Zrake ADEC
Bill Lawrence EPA Larry Moulton Woodward-Clyde
Brad Smith NMFS Jean Baldrige Woodward-Clyde
Len Corin USFWS Larry Hechart ADF&G
Mary Lu Harle ADNR Kevin Delaney ADF&G
Gary J. Prokosch ADNR Mike Mills ADF&G
Chris Godfrey COE Dan Wilkerson ADF&G
Ken Florey ADF&G Tom Trent ADF&G
Eric Myers NAEC Dana Schmidt ADF&G
John Wiles State Parks Bruce Barrett ADF&G
Dave Wangaard USFWS Christopher Estes ADF&G
John HaydP.n Acres Alan Bingham ADF&G
Wayne Dyok Acres Richard Fleming APA
Ken Voos AEIDC
INTRODUCTION -Larry Moulton, Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC)
We have focused on habitat for impact assessment and mitigation
planning. Although we cannot presently quantify impacts or present a
detailed mitigation plan, we can discuss the general t ypes and
magnitudes of fisheries impacts likely to occur. Studies to quantify
impacts and determine the level of mitigation necessary are e i ther
ongoing or in the planning stage .
We have divided the river into four general habitat types:
o mainstem,
o side channel,
o slough, and
o tributary.
We considered three general reaches of the river:
o Impoundments Zone,
o Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, and
o Cook Inlet to Talkeetna.
Each reach will have different impacts associated with the various
stages of the development.
We did select evaluation species based on the criteria developed by
U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) and Alaska Department of Fish and Game
(ADF&G). Because of expected impacts, we focused on salmon spawning
activities in slough habitats between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
(Table 1).
l. Chum salmon are most abundant in these habitats.
2. Sockeye salmon are not as abundant as chums but sloughs
provide almost all spawning habitat for sockeye in this
3. Chinook and coho salmon do not spawn in the sloughs . So
here we are mainly concerned about juvenile fish which rear
in slough and mainstem habitats.
4. Pink salmon spawn mainly in tributaries with only slight use
of slough habitats.
For the Impoundment Zone, w~ selected Arctic grayling as the
evaluation species.
The different species occupy the river at slightly different times
(presented phenology chart, Figure 1).
Q Could some of the differences from 1981 to 1982 could be due to
differences in catchability of fish between the high and low flows
experienced between 1981 and 1982.
A ADF&G (Su hydro) staff will be here shortly to answer your
Impacts expected during construction are expect o.>d to be similar to
those experienced by other major construction projects. In the case
of the two dams, the impacts are expected to be fairly localized. A
construction practices manual will be prepared to assist the
contractor in avoiding and minimizing environmental damage.
Major Impacts
1. Loss of habitat in mainstem due to river diversion.
2. Diversion tunnel will have high velocities and fish losses
are expected to result.
3. Short-term turbidity problems.
4. Concrete hatching operation will produce effluent requiring
S. Accidental spills are a consideration.
6. Material sites and borrow areas will be located withi n the
impoundment with the exception of Borrow area E, known as
the Tsusena Creek borrow area. This area will be
rehabilitated to provide aquatic habitat.
Tom Trent (ADF&G Su Hydro Project Manager)
ADF&G conducted reconnaissance during the winter of 80-81. We began
full scale investigations in June 1981. Presently, we have completed
two cycles of open-water season studies and are ge tting the winter
1982-83 program underway. Our program is divided into three areas:
o Adult anadromous,
o Resident and juvenile anadromous, and
o Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies.
Our task is mainly one of data collection but we are doing some
analysis to describe preproject relationships. Our reporting schedule
includes our basic data reports which will be produced by Jan. 31,
1983. These will contain very little analysis. Our interpretive
reports which will contai~ our analyses will be produced by
June 30, 1983.
Christopher Estes (ADF&G Su Hydro -Aquatic habitat and instream flow
Discussed ADF&G 1981 reports and 1982 habitat report.
During the 1982 field season, the aquatic habitat program collected
habitat data to assess the influence of the mainstem discharge on
other habitat types. We established study sites in slough habitat and
collected water quality, hydraulic, and substrate data in six side
sloughs upstream of Talkeetna: 8A, 9, 11, 16, 19 and 21.
Downstream of Talkeetna we established study sites in two areas , Chum
channel, a side channel and Rabideaux slough. We will evaluate the
influence of mainstem discharge on these habitats.
The aquatic habitat program also provided support for the resident and
juvenile anadromous studies.
Dana Schmidt {ADF&G Su Hydro -Resident and juvenile anadromous fish
In addition to the resident and juvenile anadromous program, I have
also been involved in a dissolved gas study upon whi ~h I recently
presented a paper at the American Fisheries Society meeting in Sitka.
Devil Canyon has large plunge pools which cause entrainment of air
resulting in nitrogen supersaturation. A conti.nuous recorder was
installed near the mouth of the canyon to measure ni.trogen
concentrations in the canyon. Measurements were colle .. ted to
determine the downstream di.ssolved gas profile to assess the decay
rate of nitrogen in the system. Peak concentrations of 117% were
recorded in the canyon.
Resi.dent and juvenile anadromous fish program.
The adult anadromous program is tracking the adult salmon. We will be
following through with the incubation of the embryos. In conjunction
with the USFWS, we will determine development rates under various
temperature regimes. In addition we will be evaluating:
o Rearing habitat in sloughs and side channels,
o Timing of outmigration {smolt trap 6/18 to 10/10)
o Population estimates of grayling i.n the impoundment zone.
(These estimates will be stratified by age classes and may
be available by Jan. 31.)
We will be determining fish distribution and relative abundance,
through electrofishing and minnow trapping. Telemetry studies are
being conducted on rainbow and burbot.
We wil l be assessing changes in habitat in response to changes in
We have begun a study of food habits and availability of invertebrate
B~ce Barrett (ADF&G Su Hydro -Adult Anadromous Program)
Conducted adult anadromous investigations from the confluence of Devil
Creek to the estuary mainly on eulacon, salmon, and Bering cisco.
Eulachon studies were conducted from Hay 15 to June 9 using gill nets
and electrofishing units. Spawning activity was located from RH 4.5
to RH 48 primarily below the Yentna River confluence. There appears
to be two populations of eulachon using the lower Susitna River. The
size of the run is in millions of fish. The spawning run is mainly
composed of 3 year old fish. The fish were spawning in riffle zones
with unconsolidated sands and small gravel and relatively high
5 stations with side-scan sonar and fish wheels were established.
Hilling activity and mainstem spawning were evaluated with
electrofishing and gill nets. Spawning surveys were conducted from
RH 100 to 160.
Chinook Studies
Population estimates were determined from tag and recapture. The
escapement in 1982 was far greater than in 81. They were n~ar the
1976 levels. There was lots of milling in the canyon. Chinook were
found above the Devil Canyon Dam site in Cheechako and Chinook Creeks.
Sockeye Salmon
We had a larger escapement of sockeye salmon in 82 than in 81. Host
of the sockeye were found in the sloughs. Sockeye did spawn in Chase
Creek, a tributary to Indian River and Prairie Creek in the Talkeetna
Drainage. Sockeye spawned in 9 sloughs between Talkeetna and Devil
Canyon . We did document an early run of sockeye in the Talkeetna
Pink Salmon
The escapement was less than average for an even year. Pink salmon
spawn mainly i n the tributaries. We found pink salmon using mainstem
spawning sites in addition to slough habitats.
Coho Salmon
Coho salmon spawn mainly in tributaries. One mainstem site was
located and coho were found spawning in one slough.
No mainstem spawning areas were located below Talkeetna.
Bering Cisco
We had a much smaller run than last year. Fish were spawning in the
same area (near Montana Creek) as they did last year. We had one
repeat spawner from last year and fish were 3 and 4 years old.
Q Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) How many sloughs are there?
A We have located 33 sloughs, 10 are heavily utilized for
Q Kevin Delaney (ADF&G) How many are mapped?
A We have planemelric maps on 6 sloughs and will be able to
assess access in these sloughs.
Q Brad Smith (NMFS) How important are mainstem spawning sites?
A Some areas are heavily utilized. We may have 1000 fish in one
area. The majority of the mainstem i s not used.
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G} How are the chum salmon spawning densities?
Given the flow we had, how is the habitat utilization?
A We had good utilization of existing habitat . We are fairly
close to capacity with 82 populations and flow conditions.
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G) Is the utilization of the sloughs dependent
on flow levels or are they density dependent?
A Our population estimates show an increased number of salmon in
the system this year and fish moved faster in low water. Low
levels kept fish out of the sloughs until late .
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G) With regard to pulsing the discha rge in the
spring and during the spawning season, is there any evidence to
support this concept ? I realize that the studies are not
complete enough to define pulses.
A We did observe fish passing into sloughs when flows came up in
September, which lends some credibility to the pulse concept.
However, both mainstem and slough flow increased.
Q Are you going to do any winter food habitats study?
A We will be looking at the distribution of fish in slough and
water t ~mperatures will be monitored but we are not doing food
habits. We will have some information on growth but the small
number of fish scattered over the large channel makes sampling
Q Will you be able to tell turnover rate in overwintering
A No. We don't have the resources to determine the relationship
between fish over.rntering in sloughs and fish overwintering in
the mainstem.
Q Brad Smith (NMFS) Does the large amount of milling behavior
mean that fish will go upstream if they have the opportunity?
A We think they will as evidenced by the movement of chinook this
year into Devil Canyon. We see a lot of interbasin movements
and we have a sizeable population in Portage Creek.
Q Has anyone taken a look at the parent year to see what the
flows were?
A We only had about 50 fish upstream of Devil Canyon and no
scales were collected. We attempted to trap juvenile fish but
didn't find any salm~n.
Q Lenny Corin (USFWS) Will you generate a new estimates of the
grayling population in the impoundment?
A Yes. We expect to have a substantial increase in the
population estimate. We will have some information on Watana
Creek and we have divided the Oshetna River into riffle pool
reaches to refine our estimates .
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G) Were there any age differences relative to
the two runs of smelt?
A Most fish were 3 yr old.
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G) Any repeat spawners?
A No way to tell. Hales have a longer spawning period than
females probably S day as opposed to l day . The two runs
appear to be genetically different due to size and weight.
Q Ken Florey (ADF&G) How long is incubation?
A We could not recover eggs but it is probably 2 weeks. ADF&G
Interpretive Report Dana Schmidt (ADF&G Su Hydro). Our June
report will integrate data fr0111 the various programs into a
common base to determine the relative importance of populations
at risk and the response to changes associated with natural
variation. The report will be confined to the lower river and
will integrate by species data on:
1. Adult migration and spawning
2. Embryo development
3. Freshwater rearing
a . habitat selection
b. response to changes in discharge and water quality
4 . Outmigration timing
It will address:
o Relationship of behavioral response and changes in flow
o Hydraulic change in habitat
o Change in surface area
o Change in availability of cover and substrate
o Response of chum and sockeye salmon embryos to thermal
variation which presently exists in the habitat
Water Use and Quality and Fishery Resources Section
Holiday Inn, Anchorage, Alaska
December 2, 1982
Name Organization Name Organization
Jean Baldrige Woodward-Clyde Larry Rundquist Woodward-Clyde
Larry Moulton Woodward-clyde Eric Myers NAEC
Brad Smith NMFS Bill Lawrence EPA
Garry Stackhouse USFWS Dan Wilkerson ADEC
Kevin Delaney ADF&G Paul Krasnowski ADF&G
Michael D. Kelly AEIDC Bill Wilson AEIDC
Mike Prewitt AEIDC Kevin Young Acres American
Wayne Dyok Acres American Tony Burgess Acres American
Dave Wangaard USFWS Gary Lawley Harza/Ebasco
John Bizer Harza/Ebasco Paul Janke ADNR
Tom Trent ADF&G Kevin Florey ADF&G
Gary Prokosch ADNR Steve Zrake ADEC
Nancy Blunck APA Tom Arminski t ?A
Mary Lu Harle ADNR Dave McGillivary USFWS
Patricia Lukens Acres American
MITIGATION FRAMEWORK -Larry Moulton (Woodward-Clyde Consultants)
Approach to mitigation was based on the USFWS and ADF&G mitigation policies
which present the criteria and categories c ontained in Figure E 3.1
(Exhibit E). Keeping these criteria in mind let's review the impacts.
Impoundment Impacts:
Lotic habitat will be innundated as a result of filling Watana
Reservoir. Figure 2 shows the portions of the mainstem and tributaries
innundated by Watana Reservoir . We believe that much of the grayling
population presently occupying this habitat will be lost. The summer
habitat in the streams seem to be fairly well occupied so few additional
grayling could probably be accomodated in adjacent habitats. Grayling are
not generally found in turbid lakes. In addition grayling may encounter
difficulties in sucessfully incubating embryos spawned during reservoir
operation. Spawning under reservoir operation will be difficult for most
species. As the reservoir fills, sediments carried by the tributaries will
settle out ove~ the spawning areas, suffocating the eggs. Figure 3
illustrates how reservoir operation and biological activities overlap. The
portion of the streams near the reservoir will be innundated by the
reservoir filling schedule before the embryos hatch. The portion of the
grayling population spawning in habitats above the 2135 ft level will not
be affected by the reservoir filling schedule as these embryos would hatch
before the habitat would be inundated. Table 1 in:iicated the miles of
tributary innundated by the reservoir during the grayling spawning and
incubation period. The amount of overwintering habitat is expected to
A population of Lake trout may develop in the reservoir but again
production is expected to be limited. Figure 3 shows that most of the
available spawning habitat will be dewatered during the winter before the
lake trout embryos have completed their development. The spawning depths
for lake trout, whitefish and burbot were taken from Morrow's Freshwater
Fishes of Alaska. Some deep spawing lake trout may survive. The
probablility of sucessful whitefish or burbot production appears slight.
If these fish spawn in tributary channels the embryos may survive.
We expect a little different situation in Devil Canyon Reservoir.
The reservoir will innundate riverine habitat and the grayling populations
occupying those habitats may be lost. However, grayling populations in
these streams do not appear to be as large as those in the Watana Reservoir
streams. The streams in Devil Canyon Reservoir are fairly steep and many
appear t o have migration barriers which will not be innundated by the
Q Silt load covering deposited eggs interfering with success. Als ~,
what will the fish be feeding on?
A Upwelling may clear some of the gravels. Loss of riverine habitat
i n impoundment zone with very little gained. Do n ot expect a
productive littoral area and do not expect much food production.
Q Is there an access problem if fish overwinter in the reservoir?
A May actually improve accessibility as some fish barriers will be
removed, e.g . falls on Deadman Creek will be inundated. Dolly s have
the best chance of surviving and may occupy reservoir habitats.
Mitigation for the Impoundment Zones -Larry Moulton (WCC)
Since the impacts for the reservoir can not be avoided, mimimized
or rectified , compensation is planned for the lost resource. The best way
to compensate these losses is with inkind replacement of grayling. We
propose investigating the possibility of implanting grayling in barren
lakes in the project area or possibly other lakes in southcentral Alaska if
none are found within the vicinity of the project. Grayling could be
raised in a hatchery and released in suitable lakes. It may be effective to
deepen some lakes to provide overwintering habitat.
Q Has the success of such a hatchery program been proven?
A ADF&G has a grayling program at Big Lake Hatchery
Agency Comment -I'm fa~iliar with the ADF&G program which is at Clear Ak.
and it is my impression that the technology is not all that dependable. I
don't believe it can be done on this scale.
There were successful plantings in southeastern Alaska where the fish began
reproducing on their own.
ACCESS ROADS -Larry Moulton (WCC)
The primary impacts to a ~uatic habitat expected to occur are related
to road crossings and borrow pits. To the extent practical borrow areas
for the access road have been moved to upland sites. Road crossings will
be designed according to ADF&G fish passage criteria in accordance with the
title 16 draft regulations. If desirable, the borrow areas near lake may
be rehabilitated to provide aquatic habitat.
Access to this area may result in an impact from the additional
fishing pressures. Natural populations in streams and lakes could be
protected if more restrictive harvest techniques and bag limits were placed
on areas such as Deadman Creek. The lakes that are stocked with grayling
may provide a place for the guy who just wants to catch a lot of fish while
the natural streams could provide more of a quality fishing experience.
The road has been routed as far away from Deadman Creek as the· corridor
Q Do you expect people to drive 200 miles to fish in a gravel pit?
A Yes, they drive that far now. We expect people to leave Anchorage or
Fairbanks with a camper or Winnebago, pull up to one of these areas
and fish for the weekend.
Q Are you familiar with Copper Highway gravel pits?
A Yes.
Q Is this access discussion only for the Denali-Watana portion?
A No both segments are discussed.
Q What is the type of borrow material? Volume?
A lhe borrow material should be relatively easy to get. We need about
200 surface acres for Denali-Watana and about same for Watana-Devil
Canyon portion. We feel we can get this from upland sites and will
not need to use any streambed material.
Q If borrow areas are so easy to locate, how about alignment of the
A They have done some realignment.
Agency Comment -We have not yet quantified loss, but we don't think that
there is any way to raise the number of fish that we are talking about.
There is no compensation for 1nique experience that can be had today at the
mouths of some of these streams.
Before we begin on the downstream impacts I would just like to take
a few minutes to discuss our approach to assessing downstream impacts and
where we are in the process. Our approach is based on habitat. We looked
at areas where the project would alter habitat conditions. Then, we
evaluated the changes to determine if they would impact the fishery
resources. This is basically a sequential process . First we have to know
what the project area is and how the system works. Then we can overlay the
project operating scenario and determine the project impacts. After
assessing the impacts we develop a mitigation plan to address the expected
Where are we in this process? Well, we have a good general
understanding of how the basin works, what the processes are , the general
distribution, and timing of the fishery resources. We know what habitats
are important. We have identified generically, the type of impacts likely
to occur and we have developed a conceptual approach to mitigati on and
established some priorities. We have some concepts regarding mitigation
features. Larry Moulton will talk more about mitigation later today.
In reviewing the physical processes in the basin as Wayne Dyok and
other talked about yesterday, tnost of the changes will occur i n the
Talkeetna to Devil Canyon section . We expect most of the changes to occur
under the filling and operation of Watana. Devil Canyon Dam may result in
slight increases in the types of impacts which will occur under development
of Watana.
Q What is filling time for the Devil Canyon?
A About a month . Downstream flows would be maintained at 5000 cfs.
(Ed. note -actual filling time from elevation 1135 to 1455 will be
in the order of 5 to 8 weeks)
Q Why stick with a 5000 cfs value? Do we know enough to say that's
what we need?
A That is what we have had to work with. We feel that in the 8-10 yr
period in which Watana alone would operate, a new fishery habitat
will develop and substantially changing the established regime will
hurt that new fishery.
Filling Watana Reservoir is expected to take three years . This
figure presents a comparison of streamflows expec ted for f illing Wat a na
reservoir. I hav~ combined parts of the second and third years to show the
months of the greatest changes expected . Many of the changes expected
during the open-water season will occur during the initial filling of the
reservoir. We expect changes in:
o Streamflows
o Water quality
o Water temperature
Hainstem and Side-channel Habitat
Hainstem and side-channel habitats will be directed influenced by
the project.
o Outmigration
Break-up will be diminished which may affect outmigration. Sufficient
water will exist to transport fry downstream but both the rising water
levels and temperatures that may stimulate outmigration may not occur under
post project condition.
Q Asked whether the reduced flows are indeed sufficient for the fish
A Yes, for river migration.
o Chinook inmigration
There should be sufficient water to pass fish upstream. Studies on
navigation by the ADNR show that chere will be depths of at least two feet
in the shallowest cross-section which is located between sloughs 8 and 9.
Chinook will also be able to gain acess to tributary habitats under filling
flows as R & H discussed yesterday . Chinook are also expected to be able
to ascend the canyon and utilize tributary habitats below the Watana dam.
Q These effects during filling -what about operation?
A Similar effects.
Q Would you really get a decrease in velocity through Devil Canyon.
A Yes, due to the rectangular shape and the confined nature of the
canyon, we expect that when we decrease the discharge, the
velocitie~ will be reduced. There will still be high velocities in
the cayon but chinook should be able to pass.
o Spawning season
A few spawning areas were located in mainstem and side-channel
areas. Lower flows during the spawning season may adversely affect some
mainstem and side channel spawning areas. Many of these areas are located
on the margins of the system in areas protected from high flows. Because
these habitats are located on the perifery of the system they are more
susceptible to dewatering.
o Water temperatures
During the second year of filling we expect water temperatures in
0 the range of 5 to 6 C during the summer time. Temperatures in this range
may deter adults form entering the system.
the cool temperatures may retard sexual
If they do enter the system,
maturity and delay spawning
activity. Low water temperatures could affect resident and juvenile
anadromous fish by retarding growth or by causing fish to move into warmer
waters in the tributaries and sloughs.
Slough Habitat
Slough habitats will be slightly buffered from changes in the
mainstem, but we expect some adverse impacts in these habitats. In the
spring, under the filling flows we will not have the kind of break-up and
flushing action we have now. However, we will still have some inc'rease in
slough discharge and stage from the increase in local surface runoff as the
snow melts and the rains come. This may provide sufficient stimuli for the
fry to outmigrate.
In August under 12,000 cfs we may have some passage problems as
Woody Trihey discussed yesterday. This afternoon we will discuss ways to
rectify this situatio~ We may also see some reduction in the areal extent
of upwelling and perhaps the rate of upwelling. As the backwater effects
from the mainstem are reduced, some of the lower spawning areas may be
affected. A decrease in depth may reduce the amount of spawning area
available as well as affect holding areas.
Another result of regulated flows would come from increased beaver
activity. Beaver dams have already caused some passage problems. At
slough 8A, the beaver dams precluded upstream migration until the flow
levels increased in September. Then with the additional stage and
backwater effects the fish were able to pass.
Q What is the source of flow and ice formation in the slough.
A Right now the sloughs form a thin ice cover over much of their
length. At the slough mouths, the ice may resemble the ice cover in the
aainstem in its thickness. At slough SA ADF&G observed that the slough was
overtopped as the ice front proceeded upstream past the slough. The
discharge increased to 150 cfs. In the spring, the ice melts off the
sloughs earlier than break-up in the mianstem. In April the sloughs are
open and free flowing .
Q Is there a spawning population in these sloughs? What velocities
are we talking about?
A We don't expect that the velocities are high enough under ice
formation to cause scouring.
Comment -Acres clarified the path length of the groundwater flow that
influences upwelling on the slough picture.
Groundwater moves along the downriver gradient and not really cross wise
through the island.
I u
The only portion of the tributary which will be influenced by the
project will be the tributary mouths. As in slough habitats, the mainstem
causes a backwater to form which provides passage and rearing habitat for
residents and juvenile anadromous species. R & H performed an analysis
that indicates that, with an exception of three, the tributary mouth will
not become perched. The backwater zone may be slightly reduced. Tributary
habitat above Devil Canyon will become available to chinook salmon as we
discussed earlier.
Q Of those streams that are going to be perched, why is it that they
will perch.
A Size of stream bed material.
Under operation, the flows will be a bit higher in the spring and
fall, definitely higher in the winter and about the same much of the
summer. We will have greater control on the downstream temperatures. In
addition we will reduce the number and magnitude of floods in the system.
Presently we have an annual flood of 50,000 cfs. Under operation that
annual flood will be about 13,000. We will also have a change in the
sediment transport in the system. Right now the system carries lots of
san& suspended in the water . You can hear it hit your boat. The reservoir
will remove the sand. The river will pick up some sediments below the dam
and will carry some sediment but it will be much clearer than the existing
Because of these physical changes we expect rearing conditions to
improve in mainstem and side-channel habitats. We expect increased benthic
production from improved light penetration and reduction of suspended sands
which presently sandblast the substrate .
Q Is there a seasonal consideration of your discussion with regard to
increased benthic production in mainstem habitats?
A Mainly summer.
Winter Conditions
Discharges will be higher in the winter. Water temperatures will
also be increased. Upstream of Portage or Sherman, temperatures will be 2
0 to 4 C at the dam outlet thus there would be no ice on that portion of the
river. Warmer water temperatures are expected to benefit overwintering
fish by reducing mortalities associated with freezing . Stable flows will
prevent dewatering of overwintering habitat and spawning areas available
under the postproject summer flows. Warmer water temperatures may alter
the embryo development rates. Temperature increases may result in early
emergence, which has been linked to decreased survival. If these fish move
0 downstream, they will encounter 0 C water in the Chulitna and may
experience thermal shock. Chum slamon would be less susceptable as they
select areas with upwelling, which would buffer the embryos from mainstem
temperature changes. The suspended sediments will increase slightly during
the winter.
Downstream of Sherman, we will have an ice cover. Here again,
increased winter discharge is not expected to adversely affect rearing
fish. We may have some increased velocities but we expect there will be
sufficent areas along the margins of the river and in pools for fish to
overwinter. Juveniles spend much of their time in or near the substrate
so mean column velocities may not be as important to them in the winter as
they are in the summer.
The change in ice processes will affect s1.ough habit.3.ts. Upstream
of the ice front we will have open-water condition. As Tom Lavender
discussed yesterday we will have less stage than under the present ice
cover. Since winter and summer discharges are virtually the same, spawning
habitat available under the post project summer flows should be maintained
by the winter flows.
DownstreaJI of the ice front we expect an increase in stage over
pre-project conditions. This stage is expected to increase sufficiently to
overtop the sloughs at the head end which would allow cooler mainstem water
to enter the slough system. This would reduce surface temperatures in the
sloughs and may adversely affect the qt· ..1 lity of overwintering habitat.
If this process causes aufeis formations in the upper portion of the
sloughs, water temperatures in the sloughs may be reduced well into June .
No flushing flow would be available to remove the ice and it would have to
melt. If cooler water temperatures persist through the spring it could
adversely afffect nursey areas for emergent fry.
Q What river mile is Watana? So we are talking about 30-55 miles of
open river under post-project winter ice conditions.
A Yes.
Q What temperature is causing this? I thought the ice front would be
at Talkeetna.
A Under the operation of Watana we expect the ice cover to be between
Portage Creek and Sherman. Under the operation of Devil Canyon we
expect the ice cover to be somewhere between Sherman and Talkeetna.
Q Do we have any idea of relative percentages of overwintering in
mainstem vs. sloughs.
A Do not have percentages but both habitats are being used.
Q Aren't we also seeing a lot of stranded river ice now?
A Yes, but they are much smaller than an aufeis field.
Q Juvenile fish coming out of tributaries -will there be enough water
to get back into sloughs?
A Outmigration from tributaries occurs all summer long.
Q What do Indian and Portage contribute to flow.
A The contribution is relatively small.
A (Acres) Gave some numbers.
Q When we hear discharge at Gold Creek, that is not the discharge at
A That is correct. We will have u.tedi.ate feedback of Gold Creek
streamflow data to modify releases at the dam.
Q Trying to figure out slough access co111111ents in FERC -Exhibit E
(Chapter 2). What is most sloughs?
A Access not a well-defined factor on a slough-by-slough basis. Fish
did get into many sloughs under 12,000 cfs but access was difficult.
Wayne Dyok (Acres) presented some information on ice processes in sloughs.
Reiterated that presently the ice front causes mainstem water to flow
through the slough and the mainstem ice cover progresses up the slough.
This is probably of short duration.
Q Ground water seeps small -Will large flows cause scour?
A We don't expect they will but we don't know.
Q Won't this have an effect on changing the upstream berm?
A They may change the height of the berm at the upstream end. We will
have to evaluate this.
Filling of Devil Canyon will be a short time, 5 weeks. We reported
5 months in the Exhibit E. Filling will be accomplished in the winter.
Downstream discharges will be maintained at 5000 cfs. Under the operation
of Devil Canyon you can see that we have small increas"'!s in the percent
change of streamflow (Figure). We do not expect these changes to result in
new impacts but the magnitude of impacts discussed under the operation of
Watana will be slightly increased. One notable difference as we mentioned
earlier, the ice front will be between Talkeetna and Sherman after Devil
Canyon comes on line.
Let's just take a brief look at the system below Talkeetna. You can
see here at Sunshine station (Figure) that the changes are of a smaller
magnitude. In addition we do n ot expect much difference in either the
temperature regime nor the sediment transport processes.
Moving down to Susitna station we see even a further dampening of project
effects. The Eulachon will be in the system in May which has a decrease of
about 10 per cent. Changes of this magitude are not expected to
significantly affect t he Eulachon spawners.
Q Have you considered the relatively short time that the Euluchon are
in the system and does mean monthly represent the situation?
A It may not but under peak flows the percent reduction would be less.
This will be looked at when the data is available. We will be
trying to get into daily and weekly streamflow values for all fish
and the entire system if appropriate. AEIDC will be looking at this
in their quantitative impact assessment.
Q Processes will remain the same as under Watana, just be more of it.
A Wayne Dyok (Acres) Yes.
Q During filling and operation may there be large slides in~o
reservoir affecting water quality downstream.
A There will be some slumping especially under the initial filling,
but we do not expect much effect downstream. The slide would
contain large soil particles which would pro~ably settle out in the
Q With the loss of some sloughs can something be done to mitigate by
making new sloughs or are they a total loss.
A We do have some ideas 0\~ slough mitigation which we will discuss
Q What level of turbidity do you expect downstream in winter months?
A Slightly hipher than now.
Q What is that comparable to under present conditions up-and
downstream of Talkeetna?
A Similar to those experienced in September.
Q How is this all going to be compiled into a composite impact?
A (WCC) (ADF&G-SuHydro) and (AEIDC) will be doing this in the next
several months.
Q Will also have to integrate the terrestrial and other studies.
A There is coordination between the different groups.
Agency Comment -ADF&G had a good point on cumulative impacts.
Q I'm not happy with the philosophy of "We have only a 10 percent
change and therefore we don't expect alot of impact ." Many of our
species already at the edge of a range and 10 % can push it over the
A We are still trying to refine and define these problems.
Wayne Dyok (Acres) made announcement regarding handout.
Larry Moulton (WCC) announced typo changes on Table E34.
MITIGATION -Larry Moulton (WCC)
Water Temperature
The muliple level outlet will provide some temperature control
during operation and the last year of filling. Temperatures during the
second year of filling are still a problem. We may b e able to solve this
problem by including a low-level intake. This would also give us more
temerpature control during the spring and fall when we may want to provide
warmer or cooler water. The engineers are presently looking into this.
Under the present operating senario, we can't avoid all impacts to
the fish, but we may be able to rectify some of these impacts through
habitat modification. One concept is through slough modification. (Figure
E 3. 9). We would modify a slough using downstream control structures to
increase the depth and allow fish passa~e . The upper end of the slough
would be diked off to prevent the mainstem discharge from entering . A gate
with a pipe would allow us to have flow through the slough for f lushing or
for outmigrants.
Do you have a generic price to go along with the generic design?
6 $3-$4 x 10 per 30 million eggs .
Q How many would be built.
A However many are required to mitigate the loss.
Q Have you compared this to hatchery costs.
A Yes, It appears to be about ~ the cost.
Q Who would operate the valve?
A Manual operation.
Q You are thus proposing to design an artificial slough?
A We would use an existing slough.
Q Do the flow control we ~~s get removed for flushing?
A They will be dropped or laid back but we haven't worked out the
details yet.
Q How would you get to these areas for maintenance?
A Most of these areas will be near the existing railroad.
Q Will the juvenile chinook and coho be able to use the sloughs for
A We presently have no mechanism for them to get in but can consider
it .
Q When holding the chum, do the coho and chinook feed on the chum?
A They probably would.
Agency Co~ent - I think they would really be able to chow down since the
chum would be held in confined areas.
Agency Comment -Seems like these slough modifications are ge tting down to
the bottom of the list.
Agency Comment -We have already covered flows. These plans are "a joke".
I don't think they will work. We might as well be looking at hatcheries.
Q Do you know what the effects of time would have on these plans.
River changes abandoning slough.
A We would not propose a mitigation that would be abandoned.
Acres Comment -Ice scour is not a problem under project operation and we
do not expect the river to change its channel.
Q What is the objective of this slough modification program?
Q Are you trying to create new habitat or maintain existing habitat ?
A We are trying to maintain the existing habitat.
Q Is the information that ADF&G and AEIDC will provide going to be
helpful in defining which areas will need this mitigat~on?
Agency Comment -That's right -if it is not broken, don't fix it.
A Yes definitely, The information on habitat relationships and
impacts will provide the basis for mitigation. This is a sequential
process. We are going to undertake a feasibility study to determine
i£ these concepts are practical. We need to understand better how
specific sloughs work and then design a specific mitigation for each
Q Bow is the tt.e of emergence span going to be accounted for on the
release schedule.
A We don't have that information yet as to when the emergence time is
and what flows would be required.
Q We tried feeding chum in Cold Bay and the fish wouldn't leave. Bow
are you going to get the fish out?
A We were proposing to feed the fry only if we had early emergence and
downstream conditions were not suitable. With the recent results of
groundwater studies it looks as though we will not have to feed the
Project Ca..ent -These are proposed aitigation measures and combined with
flow regulation, we have soae flexibility. We will probably use a
ca.bination of mitigation techniques. Soae sloughs may not require
.odifications, others may require a structure at the entrance to help the
fish get in, others may require only the berm at the head end. The goal is
to aaintain as natural and passaive a set of modifications as possible.
Agency Co111111ent -There are no spawning channels in operation in Alaska.
The ones at Fourth of July Creek in Seward were washed out. I think you
will probably have a lot of problems with these.
Agency Ca.aent -Beaver will love these channels and will be hard to
Q Are we going to talk about priorities.
emphasis on alternative flows.
A We have been covering this.
lst is flow regiaes
2nd is modification of sloughs
3rd is hatchery.
I'd like to see more
First, I would like to review the problelllS in slough habitat under
operation of the project. Through slough modification we would attempt to
resolve these problems:
o Access for adult salmon
o Winter thermal regime (overflow from mainstem)
o Reduced upwelling
o Sedimentation
o Vegetation encroacn.ent
o Beaver activity
The objective of the demonstration project is to test the feasibiliy of
slough modification as a mitigative measure for the Susitna Project. We
propose to modify a slough to demonstrate that we can provide access and/or
enhance upwelling.
We have started a site selection process to find a suitable area to
use. At the end of October, Woodward-clyde in conjunction with Fish and
Game conducted a reconnaisance to find some candidate sloughs. We
established some criteria to assist us in this selection.
o Marginal fish use
o Ground wa~er upwelling
o Suitable substrate
o Surface water source
o Adequate water quality
o Accessibility for heavy equipment
We are in the process of screening the sloughs accordi.ng to this
criteria. We hope to identify likely candidates to begin a baseline data
collection program on this next field season and we will then be able to
actually modify a slough after that. Presently we don't understand
[specific] slough processes well enough to be able to design a modification
progam that we know will work.
Acres Coa.ent -With regard to the sloughs. we have a pretty good handle on
the processes . The aajor IDissing link is applying the processes to each of
the sloughs individually to get the t.pacts to each slough. A few s l oughs
have been studied and results will be available . We may find that no
modification is necessary for some sloughs. minor modifications for others.
and major modifications (artificial channels) to others. Is it worth doing
the major channel modification? We don't know enough right now to decide.
ADF&G (Su hydro) Comment -Exhibit E Bas been prepared on one flow regime.
Mitigation is based on one operational flow. One problem to be dealt with
is avoidance. Flow aay be available for avoidance but it may not be
prudent to go with that flow and the flow regime will still be under
negotiation. Our studies and AEIDC's models will help address the question
of flows.
Q Is slough modification a technique proposed to the 3gencies or is
this the mitigation proposed in Exhibit E?
A This is a proposed IDitigation for the project.
Q We aren't going to know until we try it. If it doesn't work what
happens since the project will be well along the way?
A Most FERC licenses stipulate a certain acceptable limit of
escapement or production that is monitored during construction and
operation. If the mitigation does not work then we can undertake
additional mitigation.
Agency Comment -Whenever we are mitigating. we have to mitigate whatever
potential there is under natural patterns.
Agency Comment -Mitigation policy has been established but a program is
needed to outline a plan for monitoring.
A It's included in the Exhibit E.
mitigation plan.
Monitoring is part of the
Q Is the slough modification project going to look at i mproving an
existing slough.
A Yes.
Q Are you using the fish to see the effects of mitigation. You aren't
doing anything about fish production to evaluate the impacts or
effectiveness of these modifications. How is fish production being
A We do not evaluate the habitat in terms of x number of coho units.
We are c onstrained to use the physical parameters, we identify
current conditions and try to maintain those conditions. The
measure of success of those modifications would be in terms of
escapement or fry production as gathered through a monitoring
Q I didn't get the idea how conceptual are the mitigation plans that
are proposed in the Exhibit E. Today' s presentation has cleared
this up. No one wants to see hatcheries on the Susitna River except
as the last alternative but why aren't hatcheries mentioned in
Exhibit E. Don't you want to include some hatchery program t o
address what can be done if the other mitigation pr.we not to work.
What would be the senario with a hatchery ?
A Krammer, Chin and Mayo have just completed a hatchery siting study.
FRED divis i;:;n is looking at upper basin enhancement possiblities
without the project .
Comment -We have already selected a case that allows release such that
hatcheries are not required .
Q What is your perception as to how FERC looks at these mitigation
approaches. What is your understanding of these approaches. Are
they put in to placate the agencies?
A We can not state what FERC will do.
ACHS Comment -FERC has not reacted to anything proposed to them yet. That
is the way FERC works -they will not plan the project for the Alaska Power
Alaska Power Authority Comment -We are dealing with a continuous series of
mitigation schemes and a continuous series of flow regimes to deal with
changes in a continuous series of habitat types.
Q Are we where we should be on the mitigation plans for the FERC
A Regs say that a workable design drawing is required, but definition
of a design drawing is vague. Design drawings usually not required
except where an integral part of the dam, though schematics for
systems usually are included.
Agency Comment -It is a continuum; they may request more data or accept it
as is. We may feel that we are not very far up on the continuum, but FERC
may not be concerned about this. They may require that problems be worked
out between the Alaska Power Authority and the agencies and return to FERC
with resolution. How is FERC going to properly review the Exhibit in the
short time frame?
A This is a Draft review.
Q What is FERC going to come back with.
A We don't know .
Wayne Dyok (Acres) gave a handout.
John Hayden (Acres) thanked everyone.