HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3315{}{J£00~& Cl §1]3£®©© Susitna Joint Venture Document Number 3315 Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL I Prepared by: SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEASiBILITY REPORT COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY VOLUME 1 AND VOLUME 2 OCT08ER 1982 .___ __ ALASKA PO \PIER .AUTHORITY __ __, - 11 ll ll ·~ ll 11 ll 11 I I I I I I I BIBLIOGRAPHY -VOLUME 1 Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, February 1980. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study -Revision 1, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, September 1980. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectr·ic Project -Plan of Study -Revision 2, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, December 1981. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan OT ~tudy -Revision 3, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority; February 1982. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroe 1 ectri c Project -Task 1 P~wer Studies-Subtask 1.01 Closeout Report, Review of ISER,'tJork, prepared for the Alaska Power-Authority, December 1980. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Task 1 Power Studies, Termination Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, September 1980~ Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -1980 Geotechnical Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, June 1981. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project "" 1980-81 Geotechnical Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, February 1982. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Develop- ment Selection Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, June 1981. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric ,Project -Tunnel Alternative Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, ~uly 1981. Acres American Incorporated. Susi tna Hydroelectric Project -Trans- mission Line Corridor Screening Closeout Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, September 1981. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelect~ic Project -Task 2 - Access Route Selectign Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Author·i ty, March 1982. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Evalua- tion of Arch Dam at Devi 1 Canyon Site, prepared for Alaska Power Authority, August 1981. >I I··~ ~ ll . . I·~ ,, il j I. ' I I I I I I I I I I I Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Planning MemoranL'Jm Subtask 8 .. 02 -Preliminary Transmission System Analysis (Draft), ~"'repdred for the Alaska Power Authority, November 1981. Acr·es American Incorporated.. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Electric System Studi ~~, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, FebruarY" 1982. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Pro,ject -_Economic, Marketing, and Financial Evaluation, prepared for Alaska Power Authority, March 1982 • Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development. The Alaska Economic Information and Reporting System9 July 1980. • Alaska Agreements of Wages and Benefits for Construc- --t~,--o-n-r .... r-a""'l'd-es, in effect January 1982. B. ~· Business, August 1981. Barton, et al. 11 Engineering Classification of Rock Masses for the Design of Tunnel Supports,11 Journal of the International Society of Rock Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 4: 1974. Battelle P~cific Northwest Laboratories. Alaska Coal Future Availabil- ity an, Price Forecast, May 1981. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Beluga Coal Market Study, Final Report, Richland, Washington, 1980. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Stud : Evaluation of Railbelt_ Electric Ener Plans Draft , prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor•s Policy Review Committee, February 1982. Baumol, W. J. 11 0n the Social Rate of Discount,11 American Economic Review, Vol. 58, September 1968. Canadian Resourcecon Limited. Industrial Thermal Coal Use in Canada - 1980 to 2010, May 1980. • Caterpillar Performance Handbook, Caterpillar Tractor --~c~o-.-,~P-e-or-,~·a, Illinois, October 1981. • Coal Week International, various issues • ------- --~~-----~· Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Parts 1 and 2, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1981. Commonwealth Associates, Inc. Anchora I ntert i e -Transmission S stem -::D~a""'!"t_a_,..."*-~=--"'"--- A1aska Power Authority, fitivember 1980. f ;~ "' J. { fi l I J' ! n J il ; ! J _j • i l .. .J ~ • ' jj l ' it .J " ,.~ ,i! ' ! ! r ;~ ' ,J ) f ! ..: ;; ! '.' , '1 '• Data Resources, Inc. U~ s. Long-Term Review, Fall 1980, Lexington, MA, 1980. Hargreaves, G. H. 11 Closing Discussion on Irrigation Requirements Based on Climatic Data, .. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Division, Vol. IR1, January 1958. International Engineering Company, Inc., Robert Retherford Associates. Economic Feasibili~L Study, prepared for the Alaska Power Authm"ity, December 1979. Kramer, M. A. Analysis and Automatic Design of Gravity Dams, Bureau of Reclamation, Division of Design, Denver, Colorado, Novembe\· 1973. Lindvall, Richter, and Associates. Final Report for the Investigation and Re-ana lysi ~ of the Big Tujunga Dam, for Los Ange 1 es County Flood Control District, Vol. II, October 1975. Meyers, R. 11 Snow ·creep Investigations in Southeast Alaska, .. Cold Regions Specialty Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, American Society of Civ~l Engineers, May 1978. ~ Michel, B. Winter Regime of Rivers and Lakes Cold Regions Science and Engineering Monograph I I I - B 1 a, U. S. Ar.my Corps of Engineers Co 1 d Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory; Hanover, New Hampshire, 1977. Mishan, E. J. Cost-Benefit Analysis, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1975. • 11 Natural Gas and International LNG Trade, .. Noroil, ----:-v,_.o.,...l -. -9~,-o,....c"'""!'t-ober 1981. Patrie, J. H. and Black, P. E. Potential Evapotranspiration and Climate in Alaska by Thornthwaite 1 _L Classification, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Research Paper, PNW-71, Juneau, Alaska, 1968. Penman, H. L. 11 Natural Evaporation from Open Water, Bare Soil, and Grass, .. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Ser. A, Vol. 193, 1948. Prest, A. R. and R. Turvey. 11 Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Survey, 11 Economic Journal, Vol. 75, 1965. Price, w. H. "Factors Influencing Concrete Strength," Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 47, Feuruary 1951. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Task 2 -Surveys and Site Facilities, Access Planning Study, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, January 1982. I I ! I l l 1 l l l I I ., I I I I· I I 'll ' \ I I. I ·11_ 11 R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Field Data Collection and Precessing, prepared for Acres American Incorporated~ December 1981. . R&l~ Consultants. Sus itna l-!ydroe 1 ectri c Project -Fie 1 d Data Index" prepared for Acres American Incorporated, June 1980 (Revised January 1982). R&M Consultants. Susitn~ Hydroelectric Project -Regional Flood Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December 1981. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Hydraulic and Ice_ Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, March 1982. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Reservoir Sedimenta- tion, prepared for Acres Amer'ican Incorporated, January 1982. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -River Morphology, prepared for Acres hnerican Incorporated, January 1982. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Terrain Analysis ,of the North and South _Intertie Power Transmission Corridors, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, November 1981. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Hydrographic Surveys, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October 198J. R&M Consultants.,. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Hydr_9ulic and Ice Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, March 1982. R&M Consultants, University of Alaska. Susitna Hydr9e~ectric Prcject - Glacier Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December 1981. Raphel, J. M. 11 Properties of Materials of Crystal ~prings Dam, .. Personal Communication, University of California, Berkeley, July 1977. Roberts, J. 0. et al. Treatment of Inflation in the Development of Discount Rates and Levelized Costs in NEPA Aralvses for the Elec~ric Utility Industry, u. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Wash·ington, D.C., January 1980. Roberts, Willi am s. Regi ona 1 i zed F easi bi 1 tty Study of Cold Weather Earthwork, Cold Reoions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Speci af"'Report 76-2, ... July 1976. Sega 1 , J. 11 Slower Growth for the 1980 • s, 11 December 1980. Petroleum Economist, --------..........;.....;..;.---.....~.- Segal, J. and F. Niering. 11 Special Report on World Natural Gas Priting:i 11 Petroleum Economist, September 1980. I 'IJf . l I IJ jl I ~! ~ ·Terrestrial Environmental Specialists. Susitna Hydroelectric Project - Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Land Use Analysis of Alternative Access Plans, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October T981. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists. Susitna Hydroelectric Project - Transmission Line Selected Route, prepared for Acres America .. Incorporated, March 1982. Texas Water Development Board. 11 A Completion Report on Stochastic Optimization and Simulation Techniques for Manca.gement of Regional Water Resource Systems, .. Vol. IIB -FILLIN-1 Program Description, 1970. Thorndike Saville, Jr., M. ASCE, Elmo W. McClendon, Albert L. Cochran, Freeboard Allowances for Waves in Inland Reservoirs, ASCE Paper No. 3465, Vol.-128, 1963. Thornthwaite) C. W. 11 An Approach Toward a Rational Cl~.~sification of Climate," Geographic Review 36, Vol. 38, 1948. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Plan of Study for Hydropower Feasibility Analysi~, prepared for the State of Alaska, June 1978. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Reservoirs Temperature Stratification User Manual, 1972. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska -Upper Susitna River Basin -Interim Feasibility Report -Appendix 1, Part 2, December 1975. U. S. Department of the Army, Coastal Engineering Research Center. Shore Protection Manual, Volumes 1, 2, 3; Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 1973. ---- U. S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. Eng-ineer Technical Letter No~ 1110-2-221, Washington, D.C., November 29, 1976. · U. S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. En~ineer Technical Letter No. 1110-2-8, Washington, D.C., August 1, 19 6. · U. S. Department of Commerce. issues. Survey o·; Current Business, various Ue S. Department of Commerce. Climatological Data, Alaska, Annual Summary, Environmental Science Services Administration, Asheville, North Carol ina. U. S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. Annual Report to Congress, Washington, D.C., 1980. U. S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Hydroelectric Power Evaluation, DOE/FERC-0031, August 1979. U. S. Department of Labor. Monthly Labor Review, various issues. I ' I ' . 1 .l I 11 ~; I! l :1" 'j: ·1 I f l! 11 Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates. "Economic Council of Canada CANDIDE Model 2-0 Run," Philadelphia, December 18, 1981. Woodward-Clyde Consultants. _F~or~e~c~a~s~t_i~ng~_P_e~a_k __ ~E_l_ec~t_r_i~c_a_l~_D_e_m_a_n_d~-f~or Al aska• s Rail belt, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December 1980. ~~oodward-Clyde Consultants. Interim Report on Seismic Studies for ~~~~~~--~~~~--~------~~~-Susitna Hydroelectric Project, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December 1980. Woodward-..Clyde ConsultantsG Final Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Incorporated, Februaryll982. Report on prepa~ed Seismic Studies for for Acres ~nerican World Bank. Commodity Trade and Price Trends, Washington, 1980. BIBLIOGRAPHY -VOLUME 2 Preface and General Description of the Loca~ Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1979. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980. Acres American Incorporated. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Subtask 6.05: Development Selection Report, Second Draft, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1981. ADF&G. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Environmental Studies Annual Progress Report Subtask 7.11: Wildlife Ecolo9Y Studies, 'Big Game, Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the Alaska Power; Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1981. Ba i 1 ey, R. G. Ecoregi ons of the United States, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ogden, Utah, 1976. Bailey, R. G. Description of the Ecoregions of the United States, United States Department of Agriculture, Ogden, Utah, 1978. Hartman, C. w. and P. R. Johnson" EnvironmentaJ Atlas of Alaska, Institute of Water Resources, Uni ver·sity of Alaska': Fairbanks, Alaska, 1978. Searby, H. W. Climates of the States: Alaska, Environmental Data. Service, ESSA, No:-65-49, 1968. USACOE. Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin -Interim Feasibility Report, Anchorage, Ala'ska, 1975. USACOE. Hydroelectric Power Deyelopment~ JJ.Rper Susitna River Basin - Final Environmental Impact Statement, ~nchorage, Alaska, 1977. USACOE. Plan of Study for Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Analysis, prepared for the State of Alaska by the Alaska . District of the United States ArlllY Corps of Engineers, An~horage, Alaska, 1978. USACOE. Southcentral Rail belt Area, Ala~ka,? Up;';:~; .... ~Susitna River Basin Supplemental Feasibility Report and ,&>e~nctic~, Anchoragi:" Alaska, 1979.. ·- Wahrhaftig, C. "Physiographic Divisions of Alc;1ska," United States Geologica1_2urvey, Washington, 0.8., 1965. I I Water Use and Quality Balke, E. L., and K. M. Waddell. 11 Chemical Quality and Temperature in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming and Utah, and The Effect of the Reservoir on the Green River, .. U. s. Geological Survey, Water- Supply Paper 2039-A, 1975. Drachev, s. M. "The Oxygen Regime and the Processes of Self Purifica- tion in Reservoirs with Retarded Discharge, 11 Advances in Water Pollution Research, Pergamon Press, New York, 1962. Erickson, P. A., and J. T. Reynolds. 11 The Ecology of a Reservoir, .. Natural History, 83:11:48-53, 1969. Fish, F. F. 11 Effect of Impoundment on Downstream Water Quality, .. Journal American ·Water Works Association, Vol. 51, 1959. LaPerrerie, J. D., T. Tilsworth, and L. A. Casper. 11 Nutrient Chemistry of a Large, Deep Lake in Subarctic Alaska:' EPA-600/78-088, U. s. Environmental Protection AGency, Corvallis, Oregon, 1978. Love, K. s. "Relationship of Impoundment to Water Quality, .. Journa1 American Water Works Association, Vol. 53, 1961. Mackenthun, K. M. "What You Shaul d know About Alga 1 Control, 11 Public Works, 91:9:114-116, 1960. Mortimer, c. H. 11 The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Bet\<Jeen Mud and Water in Lakes, Parts 1 and 2,11 Journal of Ecolog~, Vol. 29, 1941. • 11 The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Between Mud and ----:-~-~~ Water in Lakes, Parts 3 and 4,11 Journal of Ecology, Vol .. 30, 1942. Neal, J. K. 11 Reservoir Eutrophication and Dystrophication Fo1lowing Impoundment, 11 Reservoir Fish Resources Sympos i urn, Georgi a Uni ver- sity, Athens, 1967. R&M Consultants. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -River Morphology Studies -Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, 1982. Symons, J. M. Water Quality Behavior in Reservoirs, U. s. Public Health Service, nureau of Water Hygiene, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1969. Turkheim, R. A. "Biophysical Impacts of Arctic Hydroelectric Develop- ments,'' Impacts of Mining and Hydroe 1 ectri c Projects and Associ a ted Developments on Arctic Renewable Resources an9 the Inuit, Univer- sity of Western Ontario and University of Waterloo, 1975. USGS. u\~atP.r Resources Data for Alaska," U. S. Geological Survey, Water-Data Report AK-80-1, 1981. Weiss, C. M., D. E. Francisco, and D. R. Lenat. Preimpoundment Studies -Howard Mi 11 s Project, Department of En vi ronmenta 1 Sciences and Engineering and the University of North Caro 1 ina Hastewater Research Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1973. ,I I I I Fish, Wildlife, and Botanical Resources (a) Botanical Resources ADF&G. Susitna H droelectric Pro ·ect-Environmental Studies Quarterl Reporl:Subtask .11: Wildlife Ecology Studies, Big Game-Upstream Moose Studies, Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980. APA. Susitna H droelectric Pro·ect -Environmental Studies Procedures Manual Subtask .12: Plant Ecology Studies, submitted by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. and the University of Alaska to Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980. APA. Sus i tna H droe 1 ectri c Pro· ect - E nvi ronmenta 1 Studies Annua 1 Report Subtask .12: Plant Ecolog~ Studies, submitted by Terrest~ial Environmental Specialists, Inc. to Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980. APA. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Environmental Studies 7.12: Plant Ecolo Studies -Preliminar Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project Impact Area scale 1:63,360}, submitted by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. and the University of Alaska to Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980. APA. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Environmental Studies Summary Annua 1 Report, submitted by Terrestr i a 1 Environmental Speci a 1 i sts, Inc. to Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1981. APA. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Environmental Studies Report Subtask 7.14: Access Road Anal sis-Environmental, Socioeconomic and L~nd Use na1ysis of lternative Access Plans for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, submitted by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., Frank Orth & Associates, and the University of Alaska to Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska, 1981n Argus, G. w. 11 The Genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon,11 National Museum of Natural Sciences Publications in Botany, No. 2. Ottawa, 1973. Auclair, A. N. and F. G. Goff. "Int!raspecific Diameter Differentiation as a Measure of Species Replacement Potential," Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 4(4): 1975. Bailey, R. G. Ecoregions of the United States, United States Department of Agriculture, Ogden, Utah, 1976. Ba i 1 ey, R. G. Descriptions of the Ecoregi ons of the United States, United States Department of Agriculture, Ogden, Utah, 1978. I I I ~· I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I Batten, A~ R., D. F. r~urray and J" Cc Dawe. 11 Threatened and Endangered Plants in Selected Areas of the BLM Fortymile Planning Unit, Alaska, .. BLM-Al aska Technical Report 3, Anchorage, Alaska, 1979. Baxter, R. M. and P. Glaude. 11 Environmental Effects of Dams and Impoundments in Canada: Experience and Prospects, .. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 205: 1980. Bliss, L •. C. and J. E. Cantlon. 11 Succession on River Alluvium in Northern Alaska, .. American Midland Naturalist, 58(2): 1957. Boelter, D. H. and E. S. Verry. "P~at 1 and and Water in the Northern Lake States, .. General Technical Report NC~31, _United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1977. Clements, F. E. Ecology 22: 11 The Relict Method in Dynamic Ecology, 11 Journal of 1934. Conrad, H. A. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts, Wi 11 ia.m C. Brown Company, Philadelphia; Pennsylvania, l979. Cowardin, L. M.,.v·. Carter, F. C. 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United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Juneau, Alaska, 1970. Henry, J. D. and J. M. A. Swan. 11 Reconstructi ng Forest Hi story from Live and Dead Plant Material: An Approach to the Study of Forest Succession in Southwest New Hampshire, .. §.sology 55(4): 1974. Hettinger, L. R. and A. J. Janz. 11 Vegetation and Soils of Northeastern Alaska, .. Arctic Gas Biology Report Services 21, North Engineering Services, Company, Ltd., Edmonton, Canada, 1974. Hironaka, M., E. W. Tisdale and M. A. Fosberg. 11 Use of Satellite Imagery for Cl ass1fying and Monitoring Rangelands in Southern Idaho, .. Forest, Wildlife, and Ran e Ex eriment Station Bulletin, No. 9., University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 19 6. " Hulten, E. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1968. I tow, s. •'Grassl and Vegetation in Uplands of Western Honshu, Japan; Part II: Succession and Grazing Indicators, .. Japanese Journal of Botar.z, 18(2): 1963. . Krebs, P. v., K. G. Dean ~nd W. S. Lonn. Geomorphology and Vegetation of the Lower Susitna River Basin, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Anchorage, A1~ska, 1978. Kuchler, A. w. 11 Where is What?11 , Bio-Science, 14(7): 1964. Kuchler, A. w. Vegetation Mapping, Ronald Press, New York, New York, 1967. La Roi, G. H. 11 Ecological Studies in the Boreal Spruce-fir Forests of the North America Taiga: I. Analysis of the Vascular Flora,11 Ecological Monographs, 37: 1967. Leeuwen, G. G. 11 A Relation Theoretical Approach to Pattern and Process in Vegetation, .. vJentia, 15: 1966. McCormick, J. 11 Ecology and Regulation of Freshwater Wetlands,11 Fresh- water Wetlands: Ecological Processes and Management Potential, Academic Press, New York, ~ew York, 1978. McKendrick, J. D. and P. C. 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