HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3318SNOW SURVEYS and WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK for ALASKA IL CONSERVATION SERVICE ~ u.~. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Cooperating with ALASKA SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT r---ASOf -......, FEB. 1, 1982 TO RECIPIENTS OF WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK REPORTS: Most of t he usable water in western states originates os mountain snowfall. This snowral l accumulates during th,e winter and spring, several month s before the snow melts and appears as streamflow. Since the runoff from precipitatipn as snow is delayed, estimates of snowme l t runoff can be mode well in advance of its occurrence. Streamflow forecasts published in t his report are based principally on measurement of the water equiva l ent of the mountain snowpack. Forecasts become more accurate as more of the data affec t ing runoff are measured. Al l forecasts assume tha t climat i c factors d uring the remainder of the snow accumulation and melt season wil l interact with a resultant average effect on runoff . Earl y season forecasts are therefore subject to a greater c hange t ha n those mode on later dotes . The snow course measurement is obtained by sampl i·ng snow depth and water equivalent at surveyed and marked locations in mountain areas. A tota l of about ten samples ore token at each location. The o verage of these ore reported as snow depth and water equivalent . These measurements are repeated i n t he same location near the same dates each year. Snow su rveys ore made monthly or semi -monthly from January 1 through J une 1 in most sta tes. There ore about 1900 snow courses in Western United States and in the Co lumbia Basin i n British Columbia. Networks of automatic snow water equiva le nt and re la t ed data sensing devices, along w ith rad io te l emetry are expanding and wil l provide a continuous record of snow water and other parameters at key locations. Detailed data on snow course and soi l moisture measurements ore presented in state and local reports. Other data on reservoir storage, summaries of precipitation, current streamflow, and soi l moisture conditions at valley elevations are also included . The report for Western United States presents a broad picture of water supply outlook conditions, including se lected streamflow forecasts, summary of snow accumulation to date, and sto rage in larger reservoi rs. Snow su r vey a nd soil moistu re data for the period of record are published by the Soil Conservation Serv ice by states about every five years. Data for the current year is summarized in a West -wide basic da ta summary and pub li shed about October 1 of each year. CO VER PH O TO: L ONE C ONE, NEAR NOR WOOD, C OLORADO, BLANKETED BY ITS WIN TER MANTLE OF SNOW. PUBLISHED BY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE The Soil Conservation Service publishes report s following the princ ipal snow survey dates from January 1 through June 1 in cooperation with state water administra tors, agricultural experim ent stat ions and o thers. Copies of the re port s fo r Western United States and all state reports may be obtained from Soil Conservation Serv i ce , West Te chnical Service Center, Room 510, 511 N. W. Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97209. Copies of state and local reports may also be obtained from state offices of the Soil Conservation Service in the fo ll owing states: STATE A DD RESS Alaska Room 129, 2221 East Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage , Alaska 99504 Arizona Room 3008, Federal Building, 230 N. First Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85025 Colorado (N.Mex.) P. 0. Box 17 107, Denver, Co lorado 802 17 Idaho Montana Nevada Oregon Utah Washington ) Wyoming Room 345, 304 N" 8th. St., Boise , Idaho 83702 P . 0 . Box 98, Bozema n , Montana 597 15 P. 0. Box 4850~ Reno 1 Nevada 89505 1220 S. W. Third Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204 4420 Federal Bldg., 125 South State St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84138 360 U. S. Court House, Spokane, Washi ngton 99201 P . 0. Box 2440, Cosper, Wyoming 82602 PU BLISHED BY OTHER AGENC IE S Water Sup ply Outlook reports prepared by other agencies include a report for California by the Snow Surveys Branch, California Department of Water Resources, P.O. Box 388 , Sacramento, California 95802 ---for British Columbia by the Ministry of the Environment, ~later Investigations Branch, Parliament Bu il dings, Victoria, British Columbia VBV 1X5 ---for Yukon Territory by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Northern Oper- ations Branch, 200 Range Road, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 3V1 ---and for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and N.W.T. by the Water Survey of Canada, Inland Waters Branch, 110-12 Ave nue S .W, Calgary, Al berta T3C 1A6. FEDERAL-STATE-PRIVATE SNOW SURVEYS AND WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK FOR ALIJSKA Issued by NORMAN A. BERG ADMINISTRATOR SOIL CDNSERVATION SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Released by WEYMETH E. LONG STATE CONSERVATIONIST SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -1 IITIIIIIIIII II IIIIITIIIIITIITI IITII I IITIIITIIIIITITITIIITIITI 1111 ITITITITI II I Ill IIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIffiiTTiffiTIIlHTfffiffilllTITl ITiffilTI 11111111 Report prepared by GEORGE P. CLAGETT, Snow Survey Supervisor RICK McCLURE, Hydrologist JASON RESTAD, Computer Specialist TERESA CRUZ, Secretary SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 2221 EAST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD., RM. 129 ANCHORAGE:, ALASKA 99501 WIND DATA IS RADIO TELEMETERED FROM MAX'S MTN. AT GIRDWOOD FOR AVALANCHE CONTROL WORK ALASKA SUMMARY AS OF February 1, 1982 The southern half of Alaska began the winter with the most early season snowfall in recent years. By early December, most of southcentral had a far above average snowpack--but then the weather patterns changed. Very little new moisture fell during December and January except in the southeast. The Juneau area received a record amount of new snowfall for the month of January. Alaska•s snowpack now ranges from twice normal to half normal. The east side of the Talkeetna Range is the maximum for the 18 year period of record. Portions of the North Slope, Brooks Range, central interior and lower Susitna Valley are as much as 50 percent below average. I n spite of this, all regions of the State report significantly more snow than last year. Also, well above average per- centage wise, are the Kenai Peninsula and portions of the Chugach Range . The Upper Tanana Valley and the Copper River Basin are slightly above average and the Yukon . River headwaters in Canada are about average. Southeast, although receiving a great amount of new snow in January, is still below average for February 1st. ~ 0 N 0 N ' ~ I ~ :> The regional summaries are as follows: Koyukuk Drainage Snow courses along the Dalton Highway indicate a snowpack that is only half the average near Atigun Pass--then gradually increases percentagewise, traveling south. The Prospect Creek area is slightly below average, while the Thirty Mile course (thirty miles north of the Yukon crossing) is well above average. Yukon Drainage Most of the Canadian Yukon snowcover is about average as reported by the Yukon's Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Tanana Drainage The Upper Tanana Valley has an average or better snowcover. The lower Tanana, by contrast, is well below average. The Fairbanks area and Chena Basin are about 30 to 40 percent below normal for February 1st. The break appears to be just north of Delta Junction. The entire Tanana Basin, however, has nearly twice as much snow as this time a year ago. Copper Drainage A record breaking snowpack was found along the east side of the Talkeetna Mn. ....... +o~;........ Ta..., "!lVU"\."!'1.1'-,.1"'"!'1..;_,,.. h.u +Lo..-n,..r,.._.,.._..._ /, .• h.:-L.. .... _.,..,,...,,,,,. ...1~-:--__ ,_ ..... .:-~- I"IVUII'-UIJI.;)o lilt: Ult:U.;> \.IIUIIJt:\.1 U.J '-lit: V-'>llt:'-IICl \VVIIJ\..11 Cl\..l,.UQII,Y UJQIII;:) IIUJ.l.ll llll.U the Susitna River) and Little Nelchina Rivers have the heaviest snowcover in the last 18 years, better than double the normal amount for February 1st, and far ahead of 1972, the next heaviest year. However, such a heavy snowcover seemed to have a limited extent. The Copper Basin floor was found to be about 10 to 15 percent above average, while snow courses along the Richardson and Glenn Highways in the Alaska Range were 15 to 20 percent below average. Susitna Drainage The upper Susitna Basin is generally 15 to 25 percent below average (except for the Talkeetna Range-see Copper Drainage above). The Susitna Glacier region is one of the very few locations in the State reporting less snow than a year ago. The lower Susitna Valley has one of the leanest snowpacks in the State, varying from 15 to 50 percent below normal. The one to two feet of snow is unusually dense, however, as. no new snow had been deposited since the Thanksgiving storm which was warm and heavy. Another notable aspect of the snowpack throughout the Basin was the effect of an unusual amount of northerly wind. Large drifts, scalloped snow and bare ridgetops were much more evident than usual. Airplane landings were not possible at numerous sites as a result. 2 Upper Cook Inlet Snow courses in the Ship Creek Drainage indicate a snow cover slightly below average (5-10 percent), but considerably more than last year. A new network of cour.ses has been established on the west side of Cook Inlet. Known as the Beluga Network, they are located on the Plateau Region between Trading Bay and Beluga Lake, and are drained by the Chuitna River. They are called Trading Bay, Congahbuna Lake, Cole Creek, Chuitna Plateau and Capps Plateau. A Wyoming precipitation gage, known as Botts Creek is also in place. They indicate a very lean and heavily wind blown snowcover. Kenai Peninsula A fairly heavy snowpack covered the Kenai Peninsula below 2000 feet on February 1st. Courses along the Seward and Sterling Highways measured 20 to 50 percent above average for their 12 year record period. The pack, below 2000 feet, is also far ahead of last year•s measurements. The deepest report- able snow for the State was measured at Bradley Cirque. The measurement was more than 14 feet. The Peninsula also is sporting a few new courses for 1982. Upper Russian Lake, Cooper Lake and Snug Harbor Road are to support the sockeye salmon fishery of the Russian River, Grant Creek and Grant Lake (to be read later) support a hydroelectric power study for Grant Lake, Ski Lake and Turnagain Pass help support the Seward Highway avalanche control work. Kodiak Island The Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, scheduled for start-up of construction this summer, has some new courses too. The Falls Creek site, at 2000 feet, measured nearly 8 feet of depth (probably a modest amount for February 1st for the site.) Southeast Juneau received 72 inches of new snow in January, a record for the month. The total winters snowcover for February 1st is far from setting records, however. The snow courses on Douglas Island, opposite Juneau, indicate the low elevation snowpack is well above average--but tapers off percentagewise rapidly with increasing elevation. The Cropley Lake course at 1600 feet elevation is about 20 percent below an average of the last 14 years based on a correlation with the discontinued Douglas Ski Bowl course, whose record began in 1968. 3 REGION TANANA COPPER RIVER MATANUSKA/SUSITNA COOK INLET KENAI PENINSULA KODIAK ISLAND NEW COURSES FOR 1982 (Measured February 1st) COURSE ELEV. Fairbanks 450 Paxson 2650 Little Susitna 1700 Risley's 930 Anchorage Hillside 2080 Botts Creek (Wyo. G.) 1500 Chuitna Plateau 1540 Cole Creek 1160 Congahbuna 500 Trading Bay 250 Cooper Lake 1200 Grant Creek 700 Rocky River 250 Ski Lake 700 Snug Harbor Road 500 Tttvu,.,'"!'l,..~.;-D'"!'l,..,_.. 1 nt:n IUIIIO.~O.IJJ I U.;).;) JU..JU Upper Russian Lake 700 Falls Creek 1980 Terror Lake 1450 LATITUDE LONGITUDE 64°51 'N 14]048'W 63°01' N 145°30'W 61°46'N 149°l2'W 6l 0 42'N 149°l3'W 6l 0 06'N 149°41 'W 6PlO'N 15l 0 38'W 6l 0 13'N 15l 0 38'W 6l 0 09'N 151°32'W 6l 0 04'N 151°26't4 61 °01' N 151°27'14 60°23'N 149°41 'W 60°29'N 149°20 I ~J 59°21 'N 151°26'W 60°16'N 149°21 'W 60°24'N 149°41'\4 t:nOJit:IM 1 II 0 0 1 ') I 1.1 VU '"TU l't I'"'T:7 I.J n 60°20'N 149°53'W 57°39'N 152°58' ~1 57°36'N 153°02'W A few courses have been renamed to represent an important named geographic feature at their location: A feature whose name was not known when the course was established. In a few cases, the name change represents a previous naming error or naming conflict. REGION KOYUKUK SUSITNA TANANA KOYUKUK YUKON KENAI PENINSULA COPPER/SUSITNA" KENAI PENINSULA YUKON SUSITNA SUSITNA KOYUKUK OLD NAME Bananza Creek Chunilna River Delta Junction (Wyo. G.) Dietrich Camp Koness Lake Lagoon Creek Little Nelchina Moose Pens Nation River Oshetna Lake Peters Hills Prospect Creek Camp 4 NEW NAME Bonanza Forks Chunilna Creek Rhoads Creek Disaster Creek Big Fish Lake Tutka Lagoon Horsepasture Pass Kenai Moose Pens Kandik River Square Lake Nugget Bench Prospect Airstrip z 0 ... 0 ,... ,... I z I .... :!: SNOW DRAINAGE BASIN and/or SNOW COURSE NAME I Number I Elevation AS OF DECEMBER 15, 1981 KOYUKUK: Bonanza Forks 4A09 900 Coldfoot 4A04 1040 Prospect Airstrip 4A06 1050 Table Mountain 4A07 2200 YUKON: Five Mile 3B16 600 Thirty Mile 3B16 1350 KENAI: Cooper Lake New 1200 AS OF JANUARY 1 ' 1982 KENAI: Bertha Creek 2A04 950 Fox Creek 2A13 1500 Kenai Sunmi t 2A06 1390 Moose Pass 2A07 700 Pass Creek 2Al2 1200 *Resurrection Pass 2A15 2250 Ski Lake New 700 Turnagain Pass New 1300 SOUTHEAST: Cropley Lake 1A03 1650 Eagle Crest 1A04 1000 Fish Creek lAOS 500 Petersburg Reservoir 1A06 550 Petersburg Ridge N. lA07 1600 Petersburg Ridge S. lAOS 1650 COOK INLET: Mt. Alyeska 2811 1540 TANANA: Bonanza Creek 3Al4 1150 Caribou Creek 3A19 1250 Caribou Creek S. P. 3A20 900 Haystack Mountain 3A18 1950 MATANUSKA/SUSITNA: Devils Canyon 2Cl6 1350 *Jatu Pass 2C37 4500 *Mt. Hayes 2C42 4200 Tyone River 2C38 2500 *West Fork Glacier 2C41 5050 *Effected to some degree by wind THIS YEAR Date of Snow Depth Surv&y {incheo) 12/11 21 12/11 18 12/11 23 12/10 11 12/11 23 12/11 32 12/19 39 1/6 49 12/27 30 l/6 40 l/6 19 12/28 26 12/27 30 l/6 35 l/6 57 l/1 29 l/1 22 1/1 9 12/15 6 12/21 24 12/21 27 1/4 58 l/5 16 l/4 16 1/4 15 l/4 22 l/7 22 1/6 40 1/6 26 1/4 17 1/6 57 5 LAST YEAR ,/ HISTORICAL AVERAGE+ Water Snow Depth Water Snow Depth Water Yean of Content Con rent Content Previous {incheo) {inches) (inches) {inches) Cinches) Record 3.9 14 2 .l -- -- 1 2.9 16 2.8 ----1 4.0 16 2.4 ----l 1.6 ---------- 4.5 14 2.1 ----l 7.4 20 ~.7 -- -- l l 0.5 -- ---- ---- 13.9 -- --------7.5 13 1.7 ----4 10.0 -- --------4.5 -------- --6.5 13 2.0 ----4 8.2 12 1.7 ----4 10.0 -- ------I --16.7 -------- --I 7.8 32 12.0 ----2 5.4 24 7.4 ----2 2.3 20 4.9 ----2 1.5 -- -------- 5.8 ---------- 5.9 ---------- 21.5 -- ------1 2.1 ------ -- 3 2.3 --------3 2.0 -- ------3 3.8 --------3 4.5 13 2.1 ----1 12.0 NO Sl RVEY ----1 6.5 28 7.8 ----1 3.5 13 1.3 ----1 17.5 61 19.5 ----l + F 0 R PERIOD 0 F REC:ORC z Q ... Q ... ... I z I .... I: SNOW DRAINAGE BASIN and/ar SNOW COURSE NAME 1· Number I Elevation AS OF FEBRUARY 1, 1982 KOYUKUK: Bonanza Forks 4A09 900 Coldfoot 4A04 1040 Disaster Creek 4A05 1550 Prospect Airstrip 4A06 1050 Table Mountain 4A07 2200 YUKON: Five Mile 3Bl6" 600 Hess Creek 3B21 1000 Thirty Mile 3B17 1350 TANANA: Big Delta 3A01 980 Bonanza Creek 3Al4 1150 Caribou Creek 3Al9 1250 Caribou Mine 3A10 1150 Caribou Snow Pillow 3A20 900 Cleary Summit 3A02 2230 Colorado Creek 3A11 700 Fairbanks 3A33 450 Fielding Lake 3A03 3000 Fort Greely 3A15 1500 French Creek 3A07 1800 Granite Creek 3A12 1240 Haystack Mountain 3A18 1950 Little Chena Bottom 3A27 1460 Little Chena Ridge 3A08 2000 Little Chena Slope 3A26 1100 Little Salcha 3A09 1700 Lower Chena 3A25 2000 Monument Creek 3A21 1850 Mt. Ryan 3A06 2800 Munson Ridge 3A05 3050 Teuchet Creek 3A22 1640 Tok Junction 3A04 1650 Totchaket 3A31 350 Upper Chena 3Al3 3000 Yak Pasture 3Al7 600 *Effected to some degree by wind a -aerial marker reading e -estimated / THIS YEAR Date af 'Snow Depth Survey (inches) l/28 18 l/27 18 1/27 14 l/28 23 l/27 12 l/28 24 l/28 21 1/28 37 l/29 10 1/29 15 l/28 15 NO SURVEY 1/28 14 l/28 18 l/28 14 1/29 13 1/28 31 1/29 16 l/29 13 l/29 18 , /')0 .,, 1/ '-U '-' NO SURVEY l/27 18 NO SURVEY l/29 12 l/27 15a l/27 17 1/27 18 l/27 29 l/27 13 l/28 15 l/20 20 NO SURVEY l/28 15 6 LAST YEAR / H1STORICAL AVERAGE+ Water Sna_w Depth I c~~.':~. S D 1 Water Years of Content "~ epth Content Previous (inches) (onches) (inches) (onches) (inches) Record 4.0 21 4.0 ----1 3.5 .28 5.2 30 5.7 11 2.0 23 3.9 21 3.3 11 4.7 25 4.4 25 4.5 11 1.9 25 4.1 22 3.8 10 5.4 18 2.9 22 4.0 11 4.0 17 2.9 ----2 9.4 27 5.6 ----5 1.2 8 1.4 14 2.3 22 2.0 9 2.0 20 3.5 14 2.6 13 2.0 21 3.7 12 11 1.7 25 4.2 16 2.3 13 2.0 20 3.5 12 3.7 15 2.2 24 5.0 22 2.8 8 1.2 21 3.7 16 2.5 ----------7.4 26 4.6 32 7.4 19 3.1 7 1.1 15 2.5 15 2.7 5 0.9 25 4.8 20 3.3 7 1.2 15 2.5 14 ., ., 10 .., n ,n .. . , ... "'·' IU ..... u '-0 ;).'+ I It: NO S RVEY ----1 3.3 12 2.2 24 4.7 20 NO S RVEY ----1 1.8 5 1.0 23 4.2 20 3.0e NO S RVEY ----3 3.6 8 1.3 19 3.4 8 3.6 16 2.4 28 5.8 20 6.8 17 3.2 37 9.5 20 2.2 8 1.0 ----3 2.6 10 1.2 17 2.8 22 3.8 12 1.5 ----2 16 3.1 27 6.4 15 2.8 13 1.3 20 3.2 22 + F 0 R PERIOC 0 F RECORC z Q "' Q "' "' I z I .... I: SNOW I I DRAINAGE BASIN and/or SNOW COURSE NAME I Number I Elevation COPPER RIVER: Haggard Creek 2D03 2540 Mankomen Lake 2D05 3050 Mentasta Pass 2D02 2430 Paxson New 2650 Sanford River 2D06 2280 *St. Anne Lake 2D04 1990 MATANUSKA/SUSITNA: Alexander Lake 2C02 140 *Bald Mountain Lake 2C03 2150 *Chelatna Lake 2C04 1650 Chunilna Creek 2C24 1750 Devils Canyon 2Cl6 1350 *Dutch Hills 2C28 3100 Fog Lakes 2Cl4 2120 *Horsepasture Pass 2Cl5 4300 *Independence Mine 2B06 3300 *Jatu Pass 2C37 4500 Lake Louise 2C06 2400 Little Susitna New 1700 *Monahan Flat 2C07 2710 *Mt. Hayes 2C42 4200 *Nugget Bench 2C10 2010 *Ramsdyke Creek 2C29 2220 Risley's New 930 Skwentna 2Cll 160 Sauare Lake 2C13 2950 Talkeetna 2C12 350 *Tokositna Valley 2C30 850 Tyone River 2C38 2500 *W. Fork Glacier 2C41 5050 Willow Airstrip 2C09 200 COOK INLET: Anchorage Hillside New 2080 *Arctic Ski Bowl 2805 3000 Arctic Valley #1 2801 500 Arctic Valley #2 2802 1000 Arctic Valley #3 2803 1450 Arctic Valley #4 2804 2030 *Bird Creek 2808 2250 *Chuitna Plateau New 1540 *Cole Creek New 1160 Congahbuna Lake New 500 *Indian Pass 2810 2350 McArthur 2807 120 Mt. Alyeska 2811 1540 *N. Fork Ship Creek 2816 3600 Point MacKenzie 2817 200 Ship Creek 2809 1750 S. Campbell Creek 2812 1200 *Trading Bay New 250 *Effected to some degree by wind a -aerial marker reading e -estimated / THIS YEAR Dote of Sn~ Depth Content T 'I Water Survey (tnches) (inches) l/28 ::t 16 3.0 DE AYED D TA 1/28 19 4.1 l/28 25 5.0 l/26 22 4.0 l/27 17 4.0 l/26 24a 6.0e 1/26 lla 3.0e l/26 20a 4.8e l/26 2la 4.6e 2/6 21 4.2 l/26 53a l6.5e 1/27 lSa 3.2e 1/27 33a 8.2e 1/28 41 12.0 2/5 43 14.1 l/26 16 3.4 l/28 25 6.0 1/27 20a 4.4 2/5 27 7.3 l/26 22a 6.0e 1/26 28a 7 .De 1/28 18 4.0 1/26 18 3.6 l/27 28 5.8 1/26 12 2.7 l/26 25a 6.0e 2/3 19 4.1 2/5 62 19.2 2/3 20 4.2 1/27 24 5.3 1/29 21 6.1 1/29 12 2.8 NO SURVEY l/29 21 4.6 1/29 21 4.9 l/25 33 1 o. 1 l/25 24 7.6 1/25 13 3.3 1/25 20 5.5 l/25 44 13.8 NO SURVEY 1/29 67 22.4 NO SURVEY 2/3 12 3.2 1/25 22 6.5 1/27 11 2.1 1/25 21 5.8 7 lAST YEAR / HISTORICAL AVERAGE+ "- Snow Depth Water Snow Dept~ Water I Year.• of Content (inches) (" h ) Content Prevoous (incnes) Inc es (inches) Record 15 2.3 24 4.4 17 8 .7 25 4.6 14 8 1.4 22 4.4 20 ----------14a 2.3e 21 3.7 15 18a 3.le 20 3.7 18 18 4.0 34 7.6 18 18a 3.6e 23 4.5 18 20a 4.4e 31 6.8 18 20a 3.8e ----1 17a 3.le ----3 59a l6.5e ----1 lla 2.De 24 4.3 12 28a 4.5e 22 3.9 14 25 5.1 ----2 NO S~RVEY ------NO S~RVEY 18 2.8 18 ----------24 4.0 27 5.1 18 40 10.2 ----1 39a 8.6e 46 10.2 14 NO s URVEY ----1 ----------21 4.2 33 7.0 15 16 2.7 16 2.7 18 I 17 3.7 26 5.6 15 NO SURVEY ----2 18 3.0 ----1 94 31.4 ----1 11 1.8 26 5.0 18 ---------- 18 4.4 29 8.5 18 2 .4 12 2.4 18 2 .3 14 2.6 18 16 3.0 22 4.5 i8 18 4.0 23 5.1 18 32 8.1 39 11.2 15 -- -- --------------------------52 11.6 51 14.6 15 l9a 4.6e 47 11.6 18 79 22.7 83 24.8 9 NO S RVEY ------0 0.0 ----1 16 4.1 30 7.1 15 8 2.1 22 4.4 9 -- -------- + FOR F'ERIOC z 0 "' 0 "' "' I z I ... I: --!--------------- SNOW DRAINAGE BASIN and/or SNOW COURSE NAME J Number I Elevation KENAI PENINSULA: Anchor River Divide 2Al8 1600 Bertha Creek 2A04 950 *Bradley Cirque 2Al4 3350 Bridge Creek, Lower 2A09 1100 Bridge Creek, Upper 2A08 1300 Cooper Lake New 1200 Cytex Creek 2A20 1250 Deep Creek 2A21 600 Demonstration Forest 2A10 780 Eagle Lake 2Al9 1400 Fox Creek 2Al3 1500 Grant Creek New 700 Jean Lake 2AOS 620 Kenai Moose Pens 2Al6 300 Kenai Summit 2A06 1390 Moose Pass 2A06 700 *Nuka River 2A24 1300 Pass Creek 2A12 1200 Portage Valley 2A25 50 *Ptarmigan Hi 11 s 2Al1 1200 *Resurrection Pass 2A15 2250 Rocky River New 250 Ski Lake New 700 Snug Harbor Road New 500 Trophy Lake 2A26 2000 Turnagain Pass New 1050 *Tutka Bay 2A23 1300 Tutka Lagoon 2A27 650 Upper Russian Lake 2A3i 700 Windy River 2Al7 980 SOUTHEAST: Cropley Lake 1A03 1650 Eag1ecrest 1A04 1000 Fish Creek lAOS 500 Petersburg Reservoir 1A06 550 Petersburg Ridge, N. 1A07 1600 Petersburg Ridge, S. lAOS 1650 KODIAK: *Fa 11 s Creek New 1980 *Terror Lake New 1450 ------------------------·----------------------------------- *Effected to some degree by wind a -aerial marker reading e -estimated THIS YEAR Date of Snaw Depth Survey (inches) 1/26 29a 1/28 50 1/26 17la 1/26 33 1/26 34 1/28 40 l/26 2la 1/26 26a 1/26 24 l/26 25a 1/28 28 1/29 27 1/28 18 l/27 12 l/28 38 1/28 18 1/26 29a l/27 26 l/27 25 1/26 33a l/28 29 1/26 9a 2/2 42 1/28 22 1/26 39a 2/2 58 1/26 57 a 1/26 36a NO SURVEY l/26 42a 2/1 62 1/31 57 1/31 41 l/18 26 l/29 59 1/29 61 l/19 94 l/19 39 --------------- 8 ,/ LAST YEAR HISTORICAL AVERAGE+ Water Snow Depth Water Snow Depth Water Years of Content Content Content Previous (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) Record 7.5e 38 9.1 -- -- 1 14.2 23 6.1 40 10.3 12 60.0e 120a 42.0e -- -- 2 8.8 23 6.4 33 8.1 10 8.6 29 7.3 33 8.2 10 12.4 ------ ----5.7e No S~rvey ------6.2e No S~rvey ------4.9 11 3.6 23 6.0 6 6.5e 36a 7.8e ----1 7.0 20 4.7 ----3 7.7 ----------4.4 0 0.0 14 2.7 12 2.8 0 0.0 ----2 10.7 33 8.3 38 9.0 12 4.8 0 0.0 16 3.6 12 9.5e 45a 13.5e -- -- 1 6.6 14 3.8 ----3 6.7 0 0.0 -- -- 1 8.9e lOa · 2.0e ----2 8.8 NO S~RVEY ----3 2.3e ----------13.9 ----------6.7 ------ ----l0.9e NO S~RVEY ----1 16.7 ----------16.0e NO S RVEY ----1 10.8 8a 2.0e ----1 --------I --12.5e 4a l.Oe ----2 15.5 3 1.0 ----3 12.0 0 0.0 ----3 8.2 0 0.0 ----3 4.9 NO S RVEY ----2 13.3 NO S RVEY ----3 13.9 NO S RVEY ----3 38.5 ----------16.0 ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- + F 0 R PERIOD 0 F RECORD PRECIPITATION DRAINAGE BASIN and/or SITE Increment Years of Date Since Last Accumulative REMARKS Previous NAME I NumberLEievation Reading :rotal Record WYOMING PRECIPITATION GAGES NORTH SLOPE: Atigun Camp 4808 3400 DELAYED DATA 4 Barrow 4801 25 10/1 INITIAL READING 6 10/15 0.4 0.4 11/2 0.0 0.4 11/16 0.2 0.6 12/1 0.2 0.8 12/15 0.1 0.9 1/5 0.2 1.1 1/18 0.0 1 . 1 Barter Island 4B09 30 INACTIVE -- Jago River 4B03 550 INACTIVE -- Kavik River 4B04 200 INACTIVE -- Meade River 4802 50 10/1 INITIAL READING 6 12/6 2.5 2.5 l/2 0.1 2.6 Prudhoe Bay 4B05 30 10/4 INITIAL READING 5 11/3 1.5 1.5 12/8 2.8 4.3 Some Rime 1/7 1.1 5.4 2/3 0.4 5.8 KOTZEBUE/NORTON SOUND: Candle 4C01 100 INACTIVE -- Nome Twenty Mile 4C02 250 10/1 INITIAL READING 1 11/11 0.8 0.8 12/24 2.9 3.7 YUKON: Atigun Pass 3819 4800 DELAYED DATA 5 Chandalar Shelf 3818 3300 DELAYED DATA 5 TANANA: Rhoads Creek 3A32 1225 9/28 INITIAL READING 1 11/2 2.1 2.1 12/2 0.8 2.9 1/28 1.2 4.1 COOK INLET: Botts Creek 2B25 1500 11/1 INITIAL READING -- 11/5 3.0 3.0 l/25 4.7 7.7 ·- Following is a list of active course locations and elevations. A complete map will be available pending completion of cartographic services. 9 AREA 1 MAP NO. SITE NAME 1A SOUTHEAST 1A01 Log Cabin (B.C.) 1A02 Speel <~ River 1A03 Cropley Lake 1A04 Eagle Crest 1A05 Fish Creek 1A06 Petersburg Reservoir 1A07 Petersburg Ridge N 1A08 Petersburg Ridge S 18 KODIAK 1801 Falls Creek 1802 Terror Lake * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 = February 1 3 = March 1 4 = April 1 5 = May 1 6 = June 1 7 = Special dates Southeast and Kodiak COURSE NO. EL.EV. LATITUDE 34KK1 2880 59.45'N 33JJ3 280 5s·os·N 34JJ2 1650 58°16'N 34JJ3 1000 58.17'N 34JJ4 500 58°19'N 32HH1 550 56°47'N 32HH2 1600 56°46'N 32HH3 1650 56.46'N New 1980 57.38'N New 1450 57°36'N LEGEND * * Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Servlca b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. A & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources 1n Active Data Collection Sites LONGITUDE MEAS. DATElf MEAS.BY 134°58'W 3,4,5 a 133°43'W 3,4,5,6 e 134°31'W 1,2,3,4,5 a 134°32'W 1,2,3,4.5 a 134.33'W 1,2,3.4,5 a 132°56'W 1,2.3,4.7 b 132°56'W 1,2,3,4,7 b 132°56'W 1,2,3,4,7 b 152.58'W 2,3,4,5,6 a 153.02'W 2,3,4,5,6 a * * * Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered AAEA2 South Central Active Data Collection Sites MAP NO. SITE NAME COURSE NO. ELEV. LATITUDE LONGITUDE MEAS. DATES MEAS. BY 2A KENAI PENINSULA 2A04 Bertha Creek 49LL2 950 60"45'N 149"14'W 1,2,3,4,5 a,i 2A05 Jean Lake 50LL1 620 60"31'N 150"11'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A06 Kenai Summit 49LL3 1390 60"40'N 149"29'W 1,2,3,4,5 a,i 2A07 Moose Pass 49LL4 700 60"31'N 149"30'W 1,2,3,4,5 a,i 2A08 Bridge Creek (Upper) 51KK1 1300 59"44'N 151"28'W 2,3.4,5 a 2A09 Bridge Creek (Lower) 51KK2 1100 59"41'N 151"33'W 1,2,3,4,5 a 2A10 Demonstration Forest 51KK3 780 59"40'N 151"39'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A11 Ptarmigan Hills 50KK1aPST 1200 59"43'N 150"42'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A12 Pass Creek 49LL5 1200 60"46'N 149"41'W 1,2,3.4 b 2A13 Fox Creek 49LL6 1500 60"44'N 149"43'W 1,2,3,4 b 2A14 Bradley Cirque 50KK2A 3350 59"43'N 150"41'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A15 Resurrection Pass 49LL7 2250 60"41'N 149"45'W 1,2,3,4 b 2A16 Kenai Moose Pens 50LL2S 300 60"44'N 150"28'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A17 Windy River 51KK4A 980 59"25'N 151"28'W 2,3,4,5 a . ·2A18 Anchor River Divide 51KK5aS 1600 59"52'N 151 "19'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A19 Eagle Lake 51KK6 1400 59"50'N 151"08'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A20 Cytex Creek 51KK7a 1250 59"56'N 151"14'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A21 Deep Creek 51KK8a 600 59"58'N 151"28'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A22 Grandview 49LL9 1100 60"36'N 149"04'W 3.4 a 2A23 Tutka Bay 51KK9 1300 59"23'N 151 "19'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A24 Nuka River 50KK3A 1300 59"40'N 150"41'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A25 Portage Valley 48LL4 50 60"47'N 148.52'W 1,2,3,4 b 2A26 Trophy Lake 51 LL.1 2000 60"03'N 151"05'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A27 Tutka Lagoon 51KK10 650 59.25'N 151 °22'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A29 Cooper Lake New 1200 60"23'N 149"41'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A30 Snug Harbor Road New 500 60"24'N 149"41'W 2,3,4,5 a 2A31 Upper Russian Lake New 700 60"20'N 149"53'W 2,3,4,5 a,g 2A32 Turnagain Pass New 1050 60"46'N 149"13'W 1,2,3,4,5 2A33 Ski Lake New 700 60"16'N 149"21'W 1,2,3,4,5 i "' .... "' .. ~--r... •• 01 ... -. Ne'v~ 250 59°21'N 151"26'W 2,3,4,5 a ~ .... nu\or~Y nnt;;;a 2A35 Grant Lake New 1690 60"27'N 149"10'W 2.3,4,5 h 2A36 Grant Creek New 700 60"29'N 149"20'W 4 h 2B COOK INLET 2801 Arctic Valley #1 49MM1 500 61.14'N 149"38'W 2,3,4,5 c 2802 Arctic Valley #2 49MM2 1000 61"14'N 149"37'W 2,3,4,5 c 2803 Arctic Valley #3 49MM3 1450 61"14'N 149"35'W 2,3,4,5 c 2804 Arctic Valley #4 49MM4 2030 61"14'N 149"33'W 2,3,4,5 c 2B05 Arctic Ski Bowl 49MM5 3000 61"15'N 149"31'W 2,3,4,5 c 2B06 Independence Mine 49MM10 3300 61"47'N 149"16'W 2,3,4,5 a 2807 McArthur 52Ll.1A 120 61"00'N 152"00'W 2.3,4,5 a,h 2808 Bird Creek 49MM6 2250 61 "06'N 149°20'W 2,3,4,5.6 a 2B09 Ship Creek 49MM7PS 1750 61"08'N 149"27'W 2,3,4,5,6 a 2810 Indian Pass 49MMAPST 2350 61"04'N 149"29'W 2,3,4,5,6 a 2811 Mt. Alyeska 49LL1PS 1540 61 "58'N 149"05'W 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 a 2812 South Campbell Creek 49MM11 1200 61"09'N 149"42'W 2,3,4,5 a 2813 Eagles Nest 49MM18 4050 61"08'N 149"01'W 2,3,4,5,6 a 2814 Gravel Bar 49MM19 3200 61"08'N 149"02'W 2.3,4,5,6 a 2B15 Raven Ridge 49MM20 1200 61"08'N 149"07'W 2,3,4,5,6 a 2B16 N. Fork Ship Creek 49MM21 3600 61"06'N 149"14'W 2,3,4,5 a 2817 Point MacKenzie 50MM3aS 200 61"23'N 150"04'W 2,3,4,5 a 2818 Max's Mountain 49LL8WT 3300 60"57'N 149"05'W 7 a 2819 Trading Bay 51MM2A 250 61"01'N 151"27'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2820 Congahbuna Lake 51MM3A 500 61"04'N 151"26'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2821 Cole Creek 51MM4A 1160 61"09'N 151"32'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2822 Chuitna Plateau 51MM5A 1540 61.13'N 151"38'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2B23 Capps Plateau 51MM6A 2750 61"15'N 151"48'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2824 Anchorage Hillside 49MM22 2080 61"06'N 149"41'W 2,3,4,5 a 2B25 Botts Creek 51MM7AP 1500 61"10'N 151"38'W 2,3,4,5 a,h,j 2C MATANUSKAJSUSITNA 2C01 Sheep Mountain 47MM1 2900 61 "48'N 147"29'W 3,4,5 a 2C02 Alexander Lake 50MM1A 140 61"45'N 150"53'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C03 Bald Mountain Lake 49NN1A 2150 62"15'N 149.42'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C04 Chelatna Lake 51NN1a 1650 62"30'N 151"25'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C06 Lake Louise 46NN2A 2400 62°16'N 146"31'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C07 Monahan Flat 47001APST 2710 63°18'N 147"39W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C09 Willow Airstrip 50MM2 200 61 "45'N 150"03'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C10 Nugget Bench 50NN1A 2010 63.31'N 150.56'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 2C11 Skwentna 51MM1A 160 61"58'N 151"12'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 1 1 2C12 Talkeetna 50NN2 350 62.19'N 2C13 Square Lake 47NN1A 2950 62.24'N 2C14 Fog Lake 48NN2A 2120 62.47'N 2C15 Horsepasture Pass 47NN2a 4300 62.08'N 2C16 Devils Canyon 49NN1a 1350 62.49'N 2C17 Deception Creek 49MM14a 700 61°42'N 2C19 Sheep River 49NN4a 4100 62°08'N 2C20 Kashwitna River Cirque 49MM13a 3900 6P57'N 2C21 Little Willow Creek 49MM12a 2100 61 •59'N 2C22 Talkeetna River Pass 48NN3a 5100 62.12'N 2C24 Chunilna CreeK 49NN6a 1750 62.32'N 2C27 Upper Kashwitna River 48MM9a 4300 61.57'N 2C28 Dutch Hills 50NN3A 3100 62°36'N 2C29 Ramsdyke Creek 50NN4AS 2220 62.37'N 2C30 Tokositna Valley 50NN5A 850 62°38'N 2C31 Moose 47003A 2750 63.04'N 2C32 Butte Creek 47004A 2900 63.01'N 2C33 Caribou 47005A 4100 63.25'N 2C34 Malemute 47006A 2600 63.23'N 2C35 East Fork 46003A 2900 63.24'N 2C36 Pyramid 46002A 4850 63°25'N 2C37 Jatu Pass 46004A 4500 63.26'N 2C38 Tyone River 47NN3 2500 62~40'N 2C39 Cirque 47008A 4700 63.28'N 2C40 Ice Cave 47009A 4000 63.30'N 2C41 West Fork Glacier 470010A 5050 63.33'N 2C42 Mt. Hayes 46006A 4200 63.31'N 2C43 Kosina Creek 47NN4 2600 62.41'N 2C44 Denali 470011 2650 63°05'N 2C45 Watana Camp 49NN6P 2200 62°50'N 2C46 Risley New 930 61.42'N 2C47 Little Susitna New 1700 61.46'N 2C48 Fern Mine Road New 2200 61.47'N 2C49 Fishhook New 2600 61 °46'N 2C50 Valdez Creek New 4400 63.13'N 2C51 Boulder Creek New 4000 63.13'N 20 COPPER/PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND 2D01 Worthington Glacier 2D02 Mentasta Pass 2003 Haggard Creek 2D04 St. Anne Lake 2D05 Mankomen Lake 2D06 Sanford River 2007 Gulkana Glacier A 2D08 Gulkana Glacier B 2009 Gulkana Glacier D 2010 Wolverine Glacier A 2D11 Wolverine Glacier B 2D12 Wolverine Glacier C 2D13 Lowe River 2014 Tsaina River 2D15 Valdez 2016 Kenny Lake School 2017 Paxson * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 = February 1 3 = March 1 4 = April1 5 = May 1 6 = June 1 \ 7 = Special dates 45MM2 2100 61°11'N 43NN1 2430 62.54'N 45NN1A 2540 62°42'N 46MM1A 1990 61 ·54'N 44001 3050 63°00'N 45NN2A 2280 62.13'N 45006 4590 63.15'N 45007 5460 63.17'N 45009 6037 63.17'N 48LL1 1950 so•23'N 48LL2 3500 60.24'N 48LL3 4250 60°25'N 45MM3 600 61.06'N 45MM4 1650 61.12'N 46MM2 50 61.06'N 44MM1 1300 61.44'N New 2650 63°01'N LEGEND * * Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. u.s. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. A & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources 1? 15o•o5'W 2,3.4,5 a,h 147°28'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 148.28'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 147°38'W 2,3,4,5 a.h 149°18'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 149°50'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 149°07'W 4,5 a,h 149°22'W 4,5 a,h 149°42'W 4,5 a,h 148.24'W 4,5 a,h 149°46'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 148°59'W 4,5 a,h 150.51'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 150°48'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 150°46'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 147•4Q'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°53'W 2,3,4,5 h 147.04'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°12'W 2,3,4,5 h 146°51'W 2,3,4,5 h 146°56'W 2,3,4,5 h 146.47'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°08'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°27'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°25'W 2,3,4,5 h 147.10'W 2,3,4,5 h 146.54'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°58'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°28'W 2,3,4,5 h 148°24'W 2,3,4,5 h 149°13'W 2,3,4,5 a 149°12'W 2,3,4,5 a 149°13'W 2,3,4,5 a 149.15'W 2,3,4,5 a 147.08'W 2,3,4,5 h 147°08'W 2,3,4,5 h 145.41'W 3,4,5 a 143.40'W 2,3,4,5 a 145°27'W 2,3,4,5 a 146°03'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 144.32'W 2,3,4,5 a 145°04'W 2,3,4,5 a,h 145.29'W 7 f 145°26'W 7 f 145°21'W 7 f 148.54'W 7 f 148.55'W 7 f 148°55'W 7 f 145"49'W 3,4,5 a 145°30'W 3,4,5 a 146°13'W 3,4,5 a 145•oo'W 3,4,5 a 145°30'W 3,4,5 a * * * Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered AREA3 MAP NO. SITE NAME 3A TANANA 3A01 Big Delta 3A02 Cleary Summit 3A03 Fielding Lake 3A04 Tok Junction 3A05 Munson Ridge 3A06 Mt. Ryan 3A07 French Creek 3A08 Little China Ridge 3A09 Little Salcha 3A10 Caribou Mine 3A11 Colorado Creek 3A12 Granite Creek 3A13 Upper Chena 3A14 Bonanza Creek 3A15 Fort Greely 3A17 Yak Pasture 3A18 Haystack Mountain 3A19 Caribou Creek 3A20 Caribou Snow Pillow 3A21 Monument Creek 3A22 Teuchet Creek 3A25 Lower Chena 3A26 Little Chena Slope 3A27 Little Chena Bottom 3A28 Jack River 3A30 Upper Chena Pillow 3A31 Totchaket 3A32 Rhoads Creek 3A33 Fairbanks 38 YUKON 3B01 Arctic Village 3B02 Black River 3803 Chandalar Lake 3B04 Eagle Village 3B05 Circle City 3B06 Coleen River 3807 Chicken Airstrip 3B08 Fort Yukon 3B10 Boundary· 3B11 Big Fish Lake 3B12 Squaw Lake 3814 Mt. Fairplay 3B15 Kandik River 3B16 Five Mile 3817 Thirty Mile 3B18 Chandatar Shelf 3819 Atigun Pass 3820 Atigun Cirque 3821 Hess Creek 3822· Circle Hot Springs * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 = February 1 3 = March 1 4 = April1 5 = May 1 -6 = June 1 7 = Special dates Upper Yukon COURSE NO. ELEV. LATITUDE 45PP1 980 64"12'N 470Q1A 2230 65"02'N 45001A 3000 63°12'N 43001 1650 63°18'N 46PP1PST 3050 64.51'N 46001PST 2800 65°15'N 46PP2 1800 64°35'N 460C2PST 2000 s5•o7'N 46PP3 1700 64"34'N 45002A 1150 64"41'N 46PP4S 700 64"54'N 45004S 1240 63°57'N 44001AP 3000 65"07'N 48PP1 1150 64.45'N 45005 1500 63"56'N 47PP1 600 64"52'N 47002 1950 65"08'N 47003 1250 65"09'N 47Q04S 900 65"09'N 45002PST 1850 65"04'N 45PP3PST 1640 64°57'N 4400A 2000 65.04'N 46004 1100 65"06'N 46005 1460 65.07'N 48001 2450 63"24'N 440Q7APST 3400 65"06'N 49PP1PS 350 64"46'N 450010P 1225 63"56'N 47PP3 450 64"51'N 45TT1A 2050 68"06'N 42RR1A 620 66"36'N 48SS1A 2040 67"30'N 41PP1A 900 64"47'N 440Q3A 600 65.50'N 42SS1A 1100 68"44'N 41PP2A 1650 64.04'N 45RR1 430 66"35'N 41PP3a 3500 64.08'N 44SS1A 1790 67.56'N 48SS2A 2150 67.38'N 42001a 3100 63°42'N 41QQ1A 2850 65.27'N 49001 600 65"56'N 50RR2 1350 66"13'N 49TT2P 3300 s8·o5'N 49TT3P 4800 s8·o8'N 49TT5S 4750 s8·oa·N 49002 1000 65"46'N 44QQ5 860 65"29'N LEGEND * * Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. R & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources 13 Active Data Collection Sites LONGITUDE MEAS. DATES MEAS. BY 145"56'W 2,3,4,5 a 147.26'W 2,3,4,5 a 145.38'W 2,3,4,5 a 143°00'W 2,3,4,5 a 146"12'W 2,3,4,5 a 146"09'W 2,3,4,5 a 146"45'W 2.3,4,5 a 146"44'W 2,3,4,5 a 146"45'W 2,3,4,5 a 145"43'W 3,4,5 a 146.37'W 2,3,4,5 a 145°24'W 1 .2,3,4,5,6, 7 a 144°55'W 3,4,5 a 148"18'W 2,3,4,5 b 145.46'W 2,3,4,5 a 147°51'W 2,3,4,5 a 147"37'W 2,3,4,5 b 147.36'W 2,3,4,5 b 147"33'W 1,2,3,4,5, 7 b 145"52'W 2,3,4,5 a 145"31'W 2,3,4,5 a 144"58'W 2,3,4,5 a 146"44'W 3,4,5 a 146"42'W 3,4,5 a 148"00'W 3,4,5 a,h 144"56'W 2,3,4,5 a 149"25'W 2,4,6 a 145"22'W 7 a 147"48'W 2,3,4,5 a 145.36'W 3,4 a 142°45'W 3,4 a 148"30'W 3,4 a 141"08'W 3,4 e 144"04'W 3,4 a 142"30'W 3,4 a 141.57'W 3,4 e 145"12'W 3,4 a 141"20'W 3,4 e 144•o5·w 3,4 a 148.12'W 3,4 a 142"16'W 3,4 e 141"33'W 3,4 e 149"52'W 2,3,4,5 e 150°15'W 2,3,4,5 e 149°35'W 2,3,4,5 e 149"28'W 2,3,4,5 e 149°29'W 2,3,4,5 e 149°23'W 2,3,4,5 e 144.38'W 3,4 a * * * Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia, Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered AREA4 MAP NO. SITE NAME 4A KOYUKUK 4A02 Bettles Field 4A03 Lake Todatonten 4A04 Coldfoot 4A05 Disaster Creek 4A06 Prospect Airstrip 4A07 Table Mountain 4A09 Bonanza Forks 48 NORTH SLOPE 4B01 Barrow 4B02 Meade River 4803 Jago River 4B04 Kavik River 4B05 Prudhoe Bay 4B06 Sagwon 4B07 Toolik River 4B08 Atlgun Camp 4B09 Barter island 4C KOTZEBUE/NORTON SOUND 4C01 Candle 4C02 Nome 20-Mile 4C03 Cottonwood Camp 4C04 Lower Chiroskey 4C05 Unalakleet River 4C06 Lower Unalakleet 4C07 Anvik River 4C08 Yellow River 4C09 North River 4C10 Tenmile 4C11 Old Woman River 4C12 Chiroskey River 4C13 Headwaters 4C14 Lower Anvik 40 IDITAROD 4001 Metozi Hot Springs 4002 Tozikaket 4E KUSKOKWIM 4E01 Farewell Lake 4E02 Lake Minchumina 4E03 Big River 4E04 McGrath 4E05 Tatalina Field 4E06 Moore Creek 4E08 Purkeypile Mine 4E09 Slow Fork 4E10 Katlitna River 4E11 Towahmina Lake * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 = February 1 3 = March 1 4 = April1 5 =May 1 6 =June 1 7 = Special dates North Slope and Western Alaska COURSE NO. ELEV. LATITUDE 51RR1PST 640 66"55'N 52RR1A 550 66"10'N 50SS1 1040 67"16'N 49SS1A 1550 67.42'N 50RR1 1050 66"49'N 49SS3a 2200 67"58'N 50RR3 900 66"40'N 56WW1P 25 71 "20'N 57VV1P 50 70"28'N 43UU1P 550 69"42'N 47UU1P 200 69"30'N 48VV1P 30 70"16'N 48UU1P 1000 69"26'N 49TT1P 3050 69"38'N 49TT4P 3400 68"10'N 43VV1P 30 70"07'N 61QQ1P 100 65"54'N 65PP1P 250 64"44'N New 100 65"07'N New 650 63"45'N New 900 64"11'N New 75 63"56'N New 1150 63"35'N New 1100 63"20'N New 600 64"20'N New 1100 63"54'N New 750 63"44'N New 1150 63"29'N New 1600 64"20'N New 450 63"14'N New 1000 65"08'N New 600 65"31'N 53NN1A 1090 62"33'N 52001A 730 63"54'N 54MM1 1600 61"52'N 55NN1 340 62"57'N 55NN2 800 62"54'N 57NN1 950 62"36'N 52NN1A 2025 62"57'N 52002A 1300 63"04'N 55NN3A 600 62"37'N 53001 600 63"19'N LEGEND * * Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. A & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources 14 Active Data Collection Sites LONGITUDE MEAS.DATES MEAS. BY 151"32'W 3,4 e 152"56'W 3,4 e 150"12'W 2,3,4,5 e 149"44'W 2,3,4,5 e 150"38'W 2,3,4,5 e 149"46'W 2,3,4,5 e 150"39'W 2,3,4,5 e 156"37'W 7 a 157"22'W 7 a 143"36'W 7 a 147"00'W 7 a 148"34'W 7 a,e 148"41'W 2.3,4,5 e 149"18'W 2,3,4,5 e 149"26'W 2,3,4,5 e 143"39'W 7 a 161"56'W 7 a 165"14'W 7 a 164"43'W 7 a 160"05'W 2,3,4,5 e 159"20'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"05'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"08'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"11'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"01'W 2,3,4,5 e 159"36'W 2,3,4,5 e 159"46'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"42'W 2,3,4,5 e 159"25'W 2,3,4,5 e 160"42'W 2,3,4,5 e 154"42'W 3,4 e 152"12'W 3,4 e 153"37'W 2,3,4,5 e 152"18'W 2,3,4,5 e 154"33'W 2,3,4,5 e 155"36'W 2,3,4,5 e 155"58'W 2,3,4,5 e 157"09'W 2,3,4,5 e 152"16'W 2,3,4,5 e 152"51'W 2,3,4,5 e 155"11'W 2.3,4,5 e 153"40'W 2,3,4,5 e * * * Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS COOPERATING IN ALASKA SNOW SURVEYS CANADA Department of Indian and Northern Affairs , Yukon Territory Ministry of the Environment , British Columbia FEDERAL STATE Department of Agriculture Forest Service Institute of Northern Forestry Tongass Nationa I Forest Chugach Nationa I Forest Soil Conservation Service Department of Commerce NOAA National Weather Service Department of Defense U.S . Army Corps of Engineers U.S . Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Geologica I Survey A Iaska Power Administration Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Department of Military. Affairs, Division of Emergency Services A Iaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Transportation Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks Alaska Association of Soil Conservation Sub-districts Alaska Soil Conservation District University of Alaska A Iaska Experiment Station Geophysica I Institute A Iaska Department of Natura I Resources, Division of Forest Land and Water Managerment A Iaska Department of Natura I Resources, Division of Geologica I and Geophysica I Surveys Alaska Power Authority MUNICIPALITIES Municipality of Anchorage PRI VA TE Mt. Alyeska Resort , Inc. NANA Regional Corporation R&M Consultants Kodiak Electric Association , Inc. UNI TED STATE S DEP ARTM ENT OF AGRI CULTUR E SOI L CO NSER VAT I ON SE RVI CE 222 1 E . NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ROOM 129 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99504 O FFICIAL BUSINESS PENA LT Y FOR PRI VA TE USE. SJOO FEDERAL -STATE -PRIVATE COOPERATIVE SNOW SURVEYS Furn i shes the basic data necessary fo r forecasting water supply for irrigation, domestic and municipal water supply, hydro -electric power generation , navigation , mining and industry "'The Const•rvation of Water bt>gins with th e Snow Surt•e y " POSTAGE AND FEES PAI D U . S. DEPARTME N T OF AGRIC ULTUR E AG!; -I 0 I ,~ -U.S. MAIL - FIRST CLASS MAIL