HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3339SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT \' FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No.7114 FURBEARER STUDIES SPRING 1985 TRAPPER SURVEY FINAL REPORT FEBRUARY 1986 DOCUMENT NO.3339 Alaska Power Authority --- - "..., - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FURBEARER STUDIES SPRING 1985 TRAPPER SURVEY Report by LGL Alaska Research Associates,Inc. James D.Woolington Under contract to Harza-Ebasco Susi tna Joint Venture Prepa red for Alaska Power Authority Documen~No.JJJ9 Susitna Fil I No. TK \L-\;;1S ,sg Fg~ ~.3331 Final Report February 1986 ARL S Alaska Reso fees Library &lnfonnat on ServIces Anchorage.raska - - ..... ..- - - - NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE Alaska Reso rees Library &Informatl n ServIces Anchorage.Ar I ..- TRAPPER SURVEY I.Introduction Trappers in the Susitna River drainage are able to make firsthand obsen at ions of wildlife resources in the region.Many trappers maintain informal rec rds of the furbearers they catch,the distribution of the furbearers,and a parent population fluctuations.A survey was conducted of trappers in the ar a that might be affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Proj ect.S ecific objectives of the survey were: 1.To gain information on historical and present use of fu bearer resources in the Susitna basin,and especially in areas that m'ght be affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project;and 2.To gain insight into furbearer distribution and abundance from Jersons directly utilizing the furbearer resource. II.~I,.pproach and Methods A.Definition of Survey Area TrappE~rs interviewed for this survey included those that trapped within definE~d as:north and east of the Talkeetna River,east of the Parks between the Susitna River bridge and Cantwell,south of the Alaska Range the Parks Highway and the Richardson Highway,west of the Richardson between Paxson and Glennallen,and north of the Glenn Highway between Gle and the Chickaloon River (Figure 1). B.Compilation of List of Trappers n area ighway etween ighway nallen The sources used to compile the list of names of trappers to be inte viewed included:Appendix A from Gipson et al.(1984)listing names of trappers and other persons knowledgeable about furbearers in the area,furbearer ealing forms from Alaska Department of Fish and Game records,and information p ovided by trappers during interviews. C .•Development of Interview Guide <:""" ex> '¢ 0,-..... '¢ '¢ 0 0 0 lD lDr-- (") (") """" "" A qUE~stionnaire was prepared for use during the interviews (Append X A). Categories of questions included: 1.Trapping operations -location and size of trapping area -number of years the person had trapped in that area mode of transportation portion of income derived from trapping 2~Furbearer species what furbearer species were present what furbearer species were sought by trappers 1 -~1 '..·~··l )~.1 J t 1 ~-).:'_.")/-~J -)-J miles o 10 20 40i, '"......~. ,. ~ ~ \,\ \-_--I'.>-~:~.g ~ ,~s:\\I.~ Q Glenn II .-----..-c:__.-,-,....:,-.. ~~ I Ei:&'--~-r ~R Figure 1.Susitna River above Talkeetna.Dashed line encloses trapper survey area. - ..... numbers and species of furbearers trapped information on the population status of each species 3.Other comments how the Susitna project might affect the trapping area -names of other trappers information regarding moose or caribou falling through ice an lor drowning D.Interviews with Trappers Interviews were conducted during April.May.and June 1985.Persons on t e list to be interviewed were contacted by telephone and in person at their resi ences. Trappers in remote areas were sent letters requesting them to call the inter- viewer at their convenience. III.Results Twenty-three trappers from the survey area were successfully contact d and interviewed.Of these.17 responded that they had trapped within the survey area during the 1984-85 trapping season.Six responded that they h d not trappl~d in the area during the 1984-85 season.but that they had trapped in the area during previous seasons,and would probably trap in the area agai.Two persons trapping only within the proposed impoundments and adj acent areas responded.It is probable that other trappers operated inside or adj a ent to 'the impoundment areas during the 1984-85 season.Evidence of possible tlapping activity along the lower parts of the Oshetna and Tyone rivers and in the Fog Lakes area was observed in mid-February 1985.Trappers subsequentlyinte viewed did not know who might have been trapping in those areas,or how many tappers might have been involved.Because these unknown trappers could ot be contaeted,information concerning their numbers and the distribution of their trapping areas could not be obtained.The total number of trappers opera ing in the survey area during the 1984-85 season is unknown,but survey re ponses indicated that as many as twice the number of trappers interviewed may a tually trap :i.n the area. In this report.information on most trapping operations (size of method of transportation.and portion of income)and numbers caughlt is presented only for persons trapping during the past season. tional information on the number of years the person had trapped in th opinions on furbearer population status,and other comments are present inte~liews of persons trapping during the past season and also from int of those that did not trap during the past season,if they had remained edgeable about furbearer populations in the area. A.Trapping Operations area, earers Addi- area. d from rviews knowl- To protect trappers'proprietary information.locations of the operatin areas of individual trappers are not presented in this report.Trappers report d that the amount of area trapped varied among different seasons and during the same season.Trapping area size also varied by mode of transportation.For e ample, 3 - trappers who walked covered small areas,whereas trappers using ai planes usually covered the entire survey area (including the impoundment ones). Length of trap line was considered the basis of measurement for trappe s not using aircraft to cover the entire area,and ranged between 5 and 150 miles (Table 1).-Length of trapping experience in the area varied greatly (Table 2),rangi g from 2 to 40 years.No trappers were interviewed that reported the 1984-85 season as their first year of trapping in the area.Because the interview I"st was based on known trappers,it is likely that some persons trapping in the a ea for the first time during the 1984-85 season were overlooked. r A variety of methods of transportation was reported by trappers (Tab e 3). Snowmachine was the most common.Most trappers used more than one method of transportation;for example,a common combination was snowmachine and dog team. Most of the trappers interviewed considered trapping income supplemen al to their regular income,with ten of the 17 trappers active in 1984-85 stati g that 25%or less of their income came from trapping.Three trappers con idered trapping income to be over 50%of their total income (Table 4).The ortion contributed by trapping income varied annually for trappers,depend ng on trapping success,fur prices,opportunities for employment,and other fac ors. B.Furbea.rerSpecies m only and the the his 1.Wolf:The wolf population of the survey area was considered though some trappers reported localized increases or decreases the past several years within their respective areas.In g trappers felt wolves were stable to decreasing in the northern of the survey area,stable to increasing in the southeastern p and occurred only infrequently in the southwestern portion.0 ly of the 17 active trappers reported they did not trap for wolves. 2.Coyote:Coyote numbers apparently increased wi thin the past years in the eastern and southwestern portions of the survey ar were perceived to be low in the northwestern portion.Ten of the 17 active trappers reported trapping for coyotes,though numbers taken were low.Several of the coyotes reported trapped were taken i ciden- tally to trapping for other furbearers. The n!ported numbers of furbearers caught (Appendix B)were obtained fr the 17 trappers interviewed that had been active during the 1984-85 seas should be considered minimum estimates of numbers of each species taken area.In Appendix C,the status of each furbearer species is presented apparEmt abundance noted by each trapper during the past several years, or her particular trapping area. 3.Fox:Fox numbers were thought to be stable,though some ar as of localized decrease were noted.Fox continued to be an im ortant furbearer,and all but one trapper reported actively trapping f r fox. 4 Table 1.Trapline lengths reported by trappers interviewed. limitl:!d to trappers operating in the Susitna basin survey area 1984-135 trapping season. -Length of traplines reported 1Numberoftrappers Info at ion duri g the - - 1 variable 1 5 miles 1 10 1 16 1 25 1 30 2 40 1 50 2 60 2 80 2 150 1 trapped entire 2 4area Three trappers reported having more than one trapping area. reported traplines are presented. Lengths of all - 2 Used aircraft.Note:one other trapper used an aircraft in the sa e area ,.here he trapped by dog team and snow machine. 5 - - Table 2.Number of years each person interviewed had trapped in the River basin.Includes trappers that operated in the area during the trapping season,and others that had trapped during previous seasons during the 1984-85 season. usitna 984-85 b t not - - - - - - - - 1 Number of trappers Number of Impoundment Entire 1yearsareasrea 2 0 3 4 0 1 5 0 1 6 1 3 7 1 2 10 0 4 12 0 2 16 0 2 17 0 2 25 0 1 31 0 1 40 0 1 Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 6 - Table 3.Method of transportation reported by trappers interviewed.I eludes only t:hose persons that trapped in the area during the 1984-85 season. Number of 1-trappers Method Impoundment Entire 2areasrea """ walking a 1 horse 1 1 dog team 2 6 snowmachine 2 12 automobile a 1 airplane 0 5 - 1 2 Eight trappers reported using more than one method of transportation. Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 7 Table 4.Portion of income derived from trapping during the past y ar as reported by trappers interviewed.Includes only those persons surveyed t at had trappe:d in the area during the 1984-85 season. -Number of trappers Portion of income Impoundment Entire 1areasrea r""I up to 10%0 6 11 to 25%0 4 26 to 50%0 3 51 to 75%2 2 76 to 100%0 1-did not respond 0 1 - - - 1 Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 8 -. 4.Wolverine:Wolverine generally occur in low numbers through ut the Susitna basin.Trappers described wolverine fluctuations as di ficult to determine (because of low density),although ten trappers felt wolverine numbers had decreased during the past several years This trend was particularly noted in the central and southern port ons of the survey area. - ~, 5.Marten:Marten remained one of the most actively sought and e cally important furbearers in the area.Only six of the 17 trappers reported they did not trap for marten,usually because did not occur in their areas.Marten numbers appeared to be i ing within the past several years,particularly in the eastern of the survey area.Some trappers reported marten in areas whe had not observed them before.Throughout the rest of the surve marten appeared to be locally distributed in areas of suitable forest.The area along the Susitna River between Talkeetna a Creek continues to be an area with few marten. onomi- active marten creas- ortion e they area, mature d Gold - 6.River Otter:Most trappers reported that river otter numbers were stable or increasing throughout the survey area,but only six tappers stated that they actively sought to catch otter.Low pelt pric s were generally cited as the reason for not trapping otter. 7.Mink:Mink numbers were reported as generally stable througho of the survey area,with some areas of localized decrease or in Despite areas of local abundance,ten of the 17 active t reported they did not trap for mink.Low pelt prices were ofte as the reason for not trapping mink. appers cited - ~ I - 8.Weasel spp.:A notable increase in short-tailed weasels was r from the eastern portion of the survey area.No trapper r trying to catch them~but large catches of up to 40 or 50 wease made by some trappers incidentally to trapping for other fur (mostly marten). 9.Lynx:Low lynx numbers were reported for the entire survey a decrease in already-low lynx numbers was reported by trappers eastern portion of the survey area.Trappers in the western reported that lynx numbers were so low that it was difficult anything about trends in the population.Because of low lynx n mbers~ most trappers did not trap for lynx even though pelt price were relatively high. 10.Beaver:Beaver numbers were described as stable or increasing trappers.Beaver were reported from throughout the survey are suitable aquatic habitat occurred.Only six of the 17 active t reported they trapped for beaver.Most trappers did not a trap for beaver because of low pelt prices. 11.Muskrat:Muskrat were reported from throughout the survey are where suitable aquatic habitat occurred.Trappers generally de cribed muskrat numbers as stable and low,and most (15 of the 17)did not trap for muskrats. 9 '""" - ..... ..- - 12.Snowshoe hare:Although the snowshoe hare is not considered fur- bearer,information on hare abundance and distribution was re uested from trappers because hares are prey for many furbearers.Most trappers described the snowshoe hare population as having de reased from past levels,with few or none in most places.A notable excep- tion was in the Talkeetna area,where most of the trappers inte viewed felt the previously low population had increased slightly duri g the past several years.It is likely that low snowshoe hare ab ndance contributes to the correspondingly low lynx abundance reported by the trappers. C.Other Comments Most of the trappers interview~d indicated that the increased access cre ted by project construction would be more detrimental to the area furbearer pop lation than 'would habitat loss.Some expressed concern that increased numb rs of people in the area,including other trappers displaced by the impoun ments, would create competition in their own trapping areas.Many felt th t the Susitna project would have beneficial effects on the local economy. Trappers were asked if they had observed moose or caribou falling throu h ice and drowning.Most indicated they had observed this,though it was not c romon. IV.Conclusions Because the interview list was based on known trappers,and because a nu er of trappE~rs on the list were not available to be interviewed,the results pr sented on thl=extent of trapping that might be affected by the Susitna Hydroe ectric Project·should be considered a minimum.As noted by Gipson et al.(1984),only several persons trapped exclusively within or immediately adj acent 0 the proposed impoundment areas during anyone year.However,this should ot be taken to imply that only those few trappers might be affected by the p oj ect. Most of the five trappers using aircraft trapped over an extended area f the SusitIla basin,and reported taking furbearers from the impoundment area.In addition,numbers of persons trapping,areas trapped,and take of fur earers during the period covered by this survey reflected conditions such as i terest in trapping,employment opportunities,furbearer population levels,an pelt prices;.These conditions would not likely remain the same from year to year. Consequently,the number of trappers operating within the area that mi ht be affect:ed by the Susitna project could change from year to year. Most of the trappers interviewed indicated that they tried to catch all of furbearers occurring in the survey area except beaver ,muskrat,weasel,and river otter.Few reported trapping for lynx because of low lynx n mbers. IncomEl from trapping was considered by most of the trappers to be suppl mental to income derived from other sources. V.Literature Cited Gipson,P.S.,S.W.Buskirk,T.W.Hobgood,and J.D.Woolington.1984.usitna Hydroelectric Project.Furbearer Studies.Phase I Report Update.Alaska Cooperative Wildl.Res.Unit.Prepared for Alaska Power Aut ority. 100pp. 10 - APPENDIX A:Trapper Questionnaire Name: Address :: "'""Trapping area: size: Number of years: Mode of Transportation: - Species Wolf Coyote Fox Wolverine Marten River 01:ter -.Mink Weasels Lynx Beaver- Muskrat SnowshoE~ hares Present? This Year Trapped for? Number caught Last Year Trapped for? Number caught Population Status Comn ents -What part of income is derived from trapping?: -How might the hydroelectric project affect your trapping area?: -Name of other trappers,or knowledge of other areas being trapped: -Information regarding moose or caribou drowning,or falling through ice: 11 1 Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 12 ~(cant.)APPENDIX B Number of trappers SpeciE~s Number trapped Impoundment Entire 1areasarea f""'"Marten 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 1 7 0 20 0 22 0 ~.25 0 32 0 44 0 45 0 110 0 did not trap for marten 1 River Otter 0 1 3 0 did not trap for river otter 1 1 Mink 0 0 1 0 3 1 4 0 5 0 6 0 did not trap for mink 1 1- Weasels Trapping of short-tailed and least weasels was usually incidental to trapping for other furbearers,and numbers were not recorded. Lynx Beaver 0 1 did not trap for lynx 1 0 1 2 0 20 0 did not trap for beaver 1 1 1 1 Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 13 APPENDIX B(cont.) Number of trappers - - ,.... ! SpeciE~s Number trapped Impoundment areas Muskrat 3 1 40 0 did not trap for muskrat 1 1Entirearea 1 1 Includes trappers from impoundment areas. 14 APPENDIX C:Apparent furbearer abundance in the Susitna basin survey a ea as described by trappers interviewed.Information is from persons that tra ped in the area during the 1984-85 season.and others that had trapped during p evious seasons but not during the 1984-85 season. Descriptions.of Relative Furbearer Abundance by All Trappers r .- ,..... ,..... - - SpeciE~s Wolf COyotE~ Fox Wolverine Marten Number of trappers Status Impoundment Entire 1areasarea stable 1 increased 0 decreased 1 unknown a very few,or not present a stable a increased a 1 decreased 0 unknown a very few.or not present 2 stable 0 1 increased 1 decreased 1 unknown 0 very few,or not present a stable 1 increased a decreased 1 1 unknown 0 very few,or not present 0 stable 0 increased 2 decreased 0 unknown a very few,or not present a 1 Inc.ludes trappers from impoundment areas. 15