HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3360susitna river basi n RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY J J . J , ......'.. supplement 1979 alaska rivers cooperative studies [ [ [ [0 [ c c n.~u c o o Susitna River Basin RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Supplement 1979 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Research and Development Land and Resource Planning Section In Cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation Service,Forest Service, Economic Research Service) I I [ [ IJ [ [ c r ~, C> T"-oo LC) LC) '"('I) ('I) This project has been supported through funding by the United States Department of Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service. Compiled by DARCY LOCKHART AUGUST 1979 .ARLIS. Alaska Resources Lihrary &Inrormation Services Libral:Y."BuiIJing.Suit~J11 32 J I ProyiJcncc Dnve Anchorage.AK 9950R-I-614 lcJ J J J [].. ] J . o o J o o [] ] [J. u- ] J J '.-."".-.; [ [ [ [ c o c c o c [ [ [ [ PREFACE This update of the Susitna River Basin Resource Bibliography partially fulfills a November 1978 cooperative agreement between the State of Alaska,Department of Natural Resources and the u.S.Department of Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service.The update was prepared for use in the cooperative study on the Susitna River Basin,the first in a series of federally funded Alaska Rivers Cooperative Studies. III InIJ J J J o.. J J o [J J o J J J lJ. U· J [J J [ c [ [0 [0 [ c c o [ D o C [ E C [ [ [ SUSITNA RIVER BASIN RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY SUPPLEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Sections I.INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY STUDY AREA MAP II.GEOLOGY III.HYDROLOGY IV.SOILS V.VEGETATION VI.FISH AND WILDLIFE VII.RECREATION AND ARCHAEOLOGY VIII.CLIHATE IX.MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES A.LAND USE AND LAND STATUS B.SOCIOECONOMIC V 3 8 11 63 119 135 147 177 197 207 213 230 I J n J J o ] J o o J o o J J U. ll· J J J [ c rL~ [ [ [ c [ c [ c ru This bibliography supplements the 1977 Susitna River Basin Resource Bibliography,an annotated collection of reports and projects relevant to natural resource management in the Susitna River Basin in southcentral Alaska.Natural resource data provides the foundation for planning and resourc~management decisions by local,state and federal agencies.Because these agencies need to have access to the most current information,it is important that the bibliography be periodically updated.This is particularly true of the Susitna Basin, where continuing study and research is taking place due to the area's rapid growth.Therefore,this supplement represents ali important addition to the resource planning data base. The supplement summarizes publications and projects initiated or completed since 1977.It does not contain citations included in the originaLbibliography except for those "dngoing"·projects which have resulted in publications in the interim.Asa result,the supplement should be used as a companion to the 1977 volume.Together,the two represent the available data for planning and management purposes in the region.. Both bibliographies are products of 'the Susitna River Basin Cooperative Study,a joint resource planning effort of the u.s.Department of Agricultural (USDA)and the Alaska ,Department of Naturc:i:l Resources (DNR)• 3 SUMMARY Since the original bibliography was published,there have been extensive data additions··to the soils,geology and hydrology categories.Much of this new information is in the form of regional assessments. Regional data is an important prerequisite for effective planning since it provides a basis for comparing resource values over large areas.New regional assessments include the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's statewide fishery and wildlife atlases,which are noted in the fish and wildlife section,and background material prepared for the Matanuska~Susitna Borough and proposed capital site.A large amount of social,economic and environmental information has recently been published for the cap~tal site and some of this data can be extrapolated for areas where similar conditions exist.The supplement also includes information:categories that have not had extensive study in Alaska before;for example,new sources are listed for solar energy and meteorology in the climate section and for LANDSAT vegetation mapping in the vegetation section. The following is a brief summary of new information within each data category: Geology --The large amount of new material in this section,37citations, reflects the high level of interest in the basin's resources,particularly in site-specific areas.In addition,an effort was made to identify some of the relevant older publications not included in the original bib liography. Hydrology --Extensive hydrological work has been completed as part of the capital site environmental assessment program.Also,a U.S. Geological Survey regional hydrologic data compilation is now available. Many of the citations contained in this section report on the status of progress reports of studies listed as ongoing studies in the original bibliography,including the following: --The Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Level B Study --The Upper Susitna Hydrologic Development Project --Floodplain Information Studies --U.S.Geological Survey Basic Data Gathering Activities and Reports Soils --No complete soil surveys have been published since 1977, except for the capital site area.The supplement records progress on ongoing surveys being conducted by the U.S.Soil Conservation Service. Vegetation --Digitally processed vegetation mapping using remote sensing data is highlighted in the vegetation update.This type of analysis is relatively new to Alaska and was not underway when the original bibliography was published. 4 D [ ·n'.•i [ o o [ c o c c [ [ nu c [ [ [ 11LJ [ [ D [ [ c ru Fish and Wildlife --Fish and wildlife sources cited in the 1977 bibliography consisted primarily of site-specific studies;however, important regional inf,ormation is,now available con,cerning ,the species, habitat and potential conflicts with human development.In addition, new information has been gather-ed on specific species and problems occurring in the Basin~ Recrea tf.on and Archaeology --This section includes a wide variety of site oriented archaeological and recreational use analyses. Climate --Two projects concerning solar energy and meteorology highlight the'climate section.This.is a,new and important area in national research,and no information was available for the Susitna Basin at the time of the original bibliography's publication. Miscellaneous References --This section has been divided into two subcategories:land uses/land status and soc:i.oeconomic.In the original bibliography,land use/land status information was peripheral to the main subject of research,natural resource data.The large amount of land use planning :information compiled for the update reflects both the progress made in this area and the intense interest in the development of this region,espec:i.ally reflected in reports prepared for the Capital Site Planning Commission and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough;These two entities have recently produced considerable amounts of useful and comprehensive data. Since much of the hydrology and la~d use/land status information sources contain important socioeconomic data,a cross-reference was added for this category. 5 ------------- ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT The hibliography is arranged-in the following resource sections: geology,hydrology,soils,vegetation,-fish and wildlife,recreation and archaeology,climate and miscellaneous references.Each section has three parts:1)published information,2)ongoing projects and 3) a cross-index for publications and projects relevant to the category, but annotated in another section of the bibliography. The following are examples of the annotation format: DESCRIPTIVE EXAMPLE:Published Information (Report or Map) Title:Title of publication is underlined.Author;Agency, (date),(number of pages,illustrations). Area:Ge()graphicareacovered by the study. Interest:Each source-is assigned.number 1,2,or 3 to indicate the relevance to resource management decisionmaking, where 1 is most relevant and 3 is least relevant.It· should also be noted that the interest rating is not intended to bean evaluation of the source's overall quality. Maps:Title and scales of all relevant maps are listed along with any necessary descriptions. Tables:Relevant tables are listed or summarized. Description:The contents of the publication are summarized. Availability:Restrictions on data availability are noted.If the availability is E£!cited,at least ~copy of the referenced publication has been placed in a special "Susitna Collection"shared by the USDA Soil Conservation Service and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. When availability is cited,copies may be obtained as indicated. 6 n [ [ c o [ c o c c [ [ c [ [ [- [ c o [ c c [ [ c [ c r· ,~: U DESCRIPTIVE EXAMPLE:Ongoing Project; Title:Project identification,(not necessarily the formal project name). Contact:Name and address of person to contact for further information. Area:Geographic area covered by the study. Maps:Titles and scaleso~all relevant maps. Tables:Relevan t tables are listed or summarized. Description:A short explanation of intent,scope,methodology and expected results of the project. Sta~us:Progress ~o date. .Duration:.Anticipated completion date or length of study. 7 co SUSJTNA RJVER BA5JN Cooperat;ve Study Ar(U'l tnorth Figurel. [ c [1. CONTENTS:GEOLOGY PUBLISHED INFORMATION A.COAL,OIL AND NATURAL GAS STUDIES 1.Bedrock Geology and Coal Occurrences,Talkeetna-Kashwitna Area 19 MINERALOGY 2.Location of Anomalous Concentration of Metals in Alaskan Placer Concentrate Samples 1.Investigation of the Bailey Copper Prospect, Willow Creek Mining District [ c c o c c c r ..b [ E c B. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bituminous Coal Deposits in the Vicinity of Eska, Matanuska Valley Coal Fields Comprehensive Bibliography and Index of Environmental Information for the Beluga-Susitna,Nenana,and Western Arctic Coal Fields Feasibility Study of Mining Coal and Transportation by Slurry to the West Coast Geologic Resource Evaluation of the Talkeetna River Area Natural Gas Fields -Cook Inlet Basin Reconnaissance of the Beluga River Coalfield Resume of Information on Alaskan Bituminous Coals with Particular Emphas.is on Coking Characteristics The Reserve Base of U.S.Coals by Sulfur Content Mineral Appraisal of Lands Adjacent to Mt.McKinley National Park Mineral Appraisal of Certain Alaska National Interest Lands,Proposed Lake Clark National Park The Mineral Potential of Alaska's Mt.McKinley Region,A Summary Report Mineral Resource Maps dealing with the Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle (AMRAP)USGS Sampling a Gold-Copper Deposit,Golden Zone Mine,Southcentral Alaska 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 n U J J nu D J J o o ] o o D U u. u~ J nLJ n U GEOLOGY:PUBLISHED INFORMATION,continued c [C.RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGY II.ONGOING PROJECTS c c c c o (J [ E c rLJ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Gravity Survey of Beluga Basin and Adjacent Areas,Cook Inlet Region Reconnaissance Geologic Materials Map of the New Capital Site and Vicinity Reconnaissance Geologic Materials Map of the Talkeetna- Kashwitna Area Reconnaissance Geology of the New Capital Site and Vicinity Reconnaissance Geology of the Talkeetna-Kashwitna Area Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program (AMRAP) Analysis of Faults in the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys Assessment of Active Faults and Earthquake Potential Based upon Holocene Activity,Upper Cook Inlet Beluga Coal Project Embankment Dams on Permafrost Environmental Analysis of the Upper Susitna River Basin Using Landsat Imagery Geophysical Profiles across the Bruin Bay Fault System,West Side Cook Inlet Basin Hydrological Baseline Studies of Beluga Coal Area Landsat Imagery and Application in Alaska (AMRAP) Seismic-induced Liquification Potential of Surficial Deposits Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Hatcher Pass Recreation Area Surficial Geology Mapping and Hazards Identification on West Side Cook Inlet Surficial Geology of the Eastern Susitna River Basin Surficial Geology of the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys 13 36 37 38 39 40 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 nU J J o U ] J o J ] o o [J J [I. [..,---1u .. J J J [ [ [ [0 [0 [ [ [ c [ [ [ t [ t [ [ [ ru GEOLOGY:ONGOING PROJECTS,continued 15.Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle (AMRAP) 16.West Side Cook Inlet Geophysical Studies III.CROSS-INDEX 15 Pag~ 58 59 60 n J J J n o ] ] o o J o J U Uri.-- !• J [J J X~010a~:N01IVWHOdN1 aaHS11HDa °1 n U J d n J ] [] o D J D o J J .J ~J J J J In U J J D o J J o o J o o o J U. J. J J J [ c [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ ru Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Bedrock Geology and Coal ,Occurrences,Talkeetna- Kashwitna Area,Susitna River Basin,Alas'ka.McGee D.L.; Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,Open-File Report 107E,1978. Talkeetna-Kashwitna area.Area covers portions of Montana Creek,Sheep Creek,KashwitnaRiver and Little Willow Creek drainages. Level 2. (Scale 1:63,360). This map identifies quaternary deposits,'silt, claystone,sand,gravel and till of fluvial and glacial origin.Areas considered likely to contain coal are also indicated.Field reconnaissance wasconducted in 1976. 19 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: ~--~------~-~.~~- Bituminous-Coal Deposits in the Vicinity of Eska, Matanuska Valley Coal Field,Alaska.Jolley,Theodore R., Albert L.Toenges and Louis A.Turnbull;USDI,Bureau of Mines,Report of Investigation 4838,February,1952 (87 pp.,illus.). Eska Creek Area.North Side of the Matanuska River in the foothills of the Talkeetna Range. Level 2. Mines and geologic maps of Matanuska coal field, including Eska,Wishbone and Evans Jones plants. Reserved in the vicinity of the Eska mine,and analysis of coal cores. This report is an assessment of the reserves of the bituminous coal beds of the Matanuska coal field. Only one mine was in operation at the time,and it has been inactive for many years. Brief descriptions include topography,climate and aerial description,with character of the coal and coal beds as well as geology of the area. The study area is not in the immediate Susitna Drainage, but the information is still fairly complete,although dated. 20 c c [ c o c [ c c [ [ I~ L c [ [ [~ [ [ c [ [ [ [ E rL Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Decription: Comprehensive Bibliography and Index of Environmental Information for the'Beluga-Susitna,Nenana,and Western Arctic Coal Fields,3 vols.Report for U.S. Department of Energy,Washington,D.C.by University of Alaska,Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center,1978/79. Beluga-Susitna coal fields. LevelL Volume 1 includes three maps at a scale of 1:500,000 which provide an index of environmental information and indicate place names that are specifically defined in the reference. This bibliography contains author,geographic place name,earth science,taxonomic and key¥ord indexes.It was compiled to facilitate access to environmental information pertinent to three major coal areas in Alaska. 21 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Feasibility Study of Mining Coal and Transportation by Slurry to the West Coast.Anderson,Donald;USDI, Bureau of Mines,Open File Report 17(1,2)-78, January,1978,(35 pp.,i1Ius.)V.1-App.Cook Inlet Coal:Economics of Minin and Marine Slurr Transport. Hennagin,Brian David,95 pp.,illus.V.2--Report (1,2)prepared under contract for the Bur;au of Mines by the University of Washington,Dept.of Mining, Metal,and Ceramic Engineering,Seattle,WA. Cook Inlet coal field in the Tyonek quadrangle--Beluga coal. Level 1-2.The extensive subbituminous coal deposits near Cook Inlet have received considerable attention currently because of their size,nearness to tidewater and low sulfur content. Location of mine site,map of Chuitna coal area and pipeline route,terrain profile of proposed pipeline route. Beluga coal quality,slurry pipeline data,ship data,cost summary. The report evaluates m~n~ng and transportation costs to move Cook Inlet coal to Washington State as a slurry. It gives a general description of Beluga coal deposits and follows a mine site delivery of coal during all of the steps of mining,slurry transportation,delivery and final steps to usable,available coal at the delivery site.Costs are developed per ton of clean coal and final costs are given in million BTUs. 22 D·.i.·..I -' D c ~nl .--1 c o o c c o c c Flu [ [ [ c [ Title:Geologic Resource Evaluation of the Talkeetna River Area~Susitna Basin,Alaska.Reger,McGee,Carver & Hackett,;Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,1977-78. Area:Talkeetna~KashwitnaRivercareasincluding west flank of Talkeetna Mountains. Interest:Levell. Four maps are included at a scale of 1:63,360. 1. Tabulated gravity data. Maps: Tables: AOF 107G -Simple Bouguer Gravity Map of Talkeetna~ Kashwitna River Area. 2.AOF 107H -Aeromagnetic Map of Talkeetna-Kashwitna [River Area. ~J_._.._.AQ.~_J,OJ.l_:-_fJ;..Qyj,~_iQ!1a.L_GeQP..hYftiJ~j:tlJn.tex:p.r..eta_t.inu .. of Simple Bouguer Gravity Map,Talkeetna-Kashwitna River Area. AOF l07J -Preliminary Geological Interpretation (Basement Complex)of Aeromagnetic Map Talkeetna- Kashwitna River Area. 0.\ " c [ [ c Description:This report is a summary of present knowledge of geologic resources in the Talkeetna-Kashwitna area.Ten townships are ranked in their relative order of probable abundance of oil,natural gas,coal,hard rock minerals and construction materials. [ r L 23 Title: Area: Interest: Natural Gas Fields--Gook Inlet Basin,Alaska. Blasko,Donald P.;USbI,Bureau of M~nes,Open-File Report 35-74,September,1974,(29 pp.',illus.). The study area includes:The Cook Inlet Fields, particularly the West Side Cook Jnlet fields near to the Susitna River mouth area where it drains into Cook Inlet.Fields such as Beluga River,Ivan River,North Cook Inlet,Albert Kaloa and Moquawkie might be considered in the drainage and/or estuarine area (particularly Ivan and Beluga River natural gas fields). Level 2. n .[I --' c Although not listed as tables,the data on each field are listed in a semi tabular form so that the material is easily recognized and available. Maps: Tables: 1. 2. Natural gas fields in the Cook Inlet B~sin,Alaska. Generalized tertiary stratigraphy of the Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska. o Description:The material on Cook Inlet gas resources summarizes and consolidates material from several other reports and includes some previously unpublished gas analyses. Reserves are estimated,production figures are given, and other miscellaneous material is included. 24 fJ c o o [ [ [ [ r~ L [ [ [ [ c [ o c c [ [ E r L Title: Area: Interest: Maps:. Tables: Description: Reconnaissance of the Beluga RiyerCoalField,Alaska. Maloney ,R.P.;USDI,Bureau of Mines.Report of Investigatcion 5430,1958 (18 pp.,illus.). The Beluga River coal field is located in the Redoubt district,Spurr subdistrict (mining districts)and lies between 61°30'N.and 61 °51 'N.lat.,and 151°00'W.and 151°35'W.long,;about 10-15 mi.east of Triumvirate and Capps Glaciers,and 20 mfo SW of Mt.Susitna • .Level 2. Coal outcrops and cross·sections of the coal field and geologic location map of the Beluga River Coal Field. The usual fndexIilap included.10 maps. One table.Analysis of samples from Beluga River,Coal Creek and Tyonek beds. Because of the belief that the field might have economic significance,in 1957 the bureau investigated the Beluga field to determine extent of the coal deposits, location and thickness of beds and methods believed then most favorable for developing large reserves of strippable coal. Descriptions include the topography,geology and ecology of the area as well as economic assessment of the coal beds. 25 Title: Area: Interest: Description: -------.__._-~-------- Resume of Information on Alaskan Bituminous Coals with Particular Emphasis on Coking Characteristics.Warfield, Robert S.;USDI,Bureau of Mines;Open File Report 11-67,1967,(20 pp.). Statewide. Level 2. This is a summary report on available information,with particular emphasis on coking characteristics.Report is general in subject matter,dealing as it does with Alaskan bituminous coal fields,but gives a section to the Matanuska coal field--including Wishbone Hill, Chickaloon and Anthracite Hill districts. 26 D c ·[J o o o c c [ o c [ [ rL [ [ c [. [ [ c {J [ o o [ [ c Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: .Th,e .ReserVe Base of.U.'.S.Coals by Sulfur Content (in Two Parts).2.The Western States.Hamilton,Patrick A.,D.H.White,Jr.,and Thomas K.Matson;USDI, Bureau of Mines,Information Circular 8693,1975, (322 pp.,illus.). Not precisely defined.Given in the Bureau of Mines IC 8531 (Strippable Reserves of Bituminous Coal and Lignite in the U.S.,1971)as Susitna,Broad Pass and Matanuska. Shown on index map included in both publications. Level 2.Because-of low sulfur content of the Alaskan coals,interest could be fairly high for development during energy conservation periods. Coal fields of Alaska. Bituminous coal reserve base;lignite reserve base; subbi tuminous coal reserve base. The Bureau of Mines report delineates the coal reserve base of the various coals by mining method and sulfur content.The basis for the reserve base estimation and analytical data was the Fuels Availability System data bank,derived from publications of the Bureau of Mines, U.S.Geological Survey,state agencies,private publications,and company data.The reserve base presented involved totalling measured,indicated and inferred coal down to 3000 feet. 27 Title:Investigation of the Bailey Copper Prospect, Creek Mining District,South-Central Alaska. Raymond·P.;USDI,Bureau of Mines,Open File 3-66,(7 pp.,illus.). Willow Maloney, Report [ [ Area:Reed Creek in the Little Susitna River Basin SW corner of Talkeetna Mountains. Level 3. Two tables:chemical analyses of samples;spectroscopic and petrographic analyses. In 1963 a reconnaissance examination was made of the prospect as part of the bureau's mineral investigation program.The area has been an important producer of gold,and molybdenum prospects have been reported. Mineralization was detected and reported.A drilling program was recommended to determine the size,grade and character of the minerals.Values were found for bornite,chalcopyrite,covel lite,molybdenite,gold and silver. Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: 1- 2. 3. Index,Bailey prospect; Location map of prospect; Geologic map of Bailey prospect,showing other prospects and general area. 'n [ c c o c c [ c [ 28 [ [ c [ Title: Area: Interest: Location of Anomalous Concentrations Alaskan Placer Concentrate Samples. and C.L.Sainsbury;USDI,Bureau of Report 56-76,1976. Samples considered anomalous plotted areas of the Susitna River drainage: Lake Clark,Mt.McKinley,Talkeetna, Level 3. of Metals in Thomas,Bruce I. Mines;Open-File in the following Anchorage,Gulkana, Talkeetna Mts. [ [ c [ o [ c [ [ Maps:As described in title.39 clear overlays for 1:250,OOO-scale Alaska topographic quadrangle maps. Quadrangles included within the study area are: Anchorage,Talkeetna,Talkeetna Mountains. Description:Original samples,panned from stream sediments across much of Alaska,were collected by the U.S.Geological Survey between 1895 and 1953.The Bureau of Mines identified samples considered anomalous,plotted them with anomalous metal values coded in ranges of parts per million and indexed by sample numbers.25 different metals concentrates such as copper,lead,zinc,etc., are plotted.The overlays could serve as a useful tool in detecting lode deposits upstream from the sample location. 29 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Mineral Appraisal of Lands Adjacent to Mt.McKinley National Park,.Alaska.C.C.Hawley and Associates, for the USDI,Bureau of Mines,Open File Report 24-78, March,1978,(184 pp.,i11us.). Mt.McKinley National Park and proposed extensions on all sides. Level 1-2. 10 maps:General location map,Mt.McKinley Park--showing management boundaries and mineral districts,generalized geologic map with general structural index map,sample, claim and mineral deposit maps of various mining areas showing local geology,sketch map of some prospects, profiles of geochemical and magnetic data,location of claims maps. Twenty-four tables including:indices of mineral deposits in quadrangle areas (i.e.,Healy-Talkeetna Mts.,Talkeetna)and various mining districts and areas:Kantishna,Mt.McKinley,Yentna;annotated bibliographies of main mineral occurrences in the areas of interest;results of analyses;and summaries of reserves. The authors had previously examined and explored mineral deposits and mineral trends in the study area and in adjacent lands as well as acquired much data from other firms.This data was supplemented by intensive field work in the proposed additions.Field investigations within the present park were .forbidden. The study was carried on as requested by the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska through the Bureau of Mines Alaska Field Office Center by funds augmented by special congressional appropriations.The report contains all data available from government and industry sources and the new data resulting from field studies on mineral deposits and trends. 30 c c 4 U D c c o E c c [ r L c c Title: Area: Interest: Mineral Appraisal of Certain Alaska National Interest Lands,·'Proposed Lake Clark -National,Park:"A Summary ReporLLambeth,Robert H.;USDI,Bureau of Mines, Open-File Report 114-78,1978,(18pp.,illus.). Proposed Lake Clark National P~rk--part of which lies in the Tyonek and Lime Hills quadrangles and is part of the Susitna drainage area. Level 1-2. [ [ Maps:1. 2. '.3.' 4. 5. Index map of the proposed Lake Clink National Park. Map of the proposed Lake Clark National Park. Generalized geology map of the proposed Lake Clark Na tional Park. Mineral 'prospects,occurrences and anomalies in the proposed Lake Clark National Park. Mineral potential map of the proposed Lake Clark National Park. o c C E [ c c PLi Description:This document presents results of a recon~aissance ,examination of the Lake Clark region by the Bureau of Mines in 1976 and 1977 to identify and evaluate mineral depo$its and mineralized areas~The report summarizes and.presents findings on data developed from the survey and from background research and includes estimates of favorability for discovery of mineral deposits similar to those mined elsewhere. The estimates and data accumulated by this study indicated mineralization in the northern half of the region in three areas favorable for (1)tin and uranium deposits and copper-lead-zinc deposits;(2)pOl:"phyry-copper- molybdenum deposits with associated lead-zinc-silver-gold deposits;and (3)molybdenum or molybdenum-tungsten porphyry deposits.Other deposits are also indicated for other parts of the region. 31 Title: Area: The Mineral Potential of Alaska's Mt.McKinley Region: A Summary Report.Hawley,C.C.,for the Bureau of Mines,USDI,Open File Report 117-78,1978,(18 pp., iUus.). Mt.McKinley region;including Kantishna,Chulitna, Yentna,and Tonzona and rapid reconnaissance of terrain not previously reported,i.e.,the southwest flank of Mt.McKinley. c c c ~11.L1 Level 1. Classification of mineral deposit types with examples in the Mt.McKinley area. Interest: Maps: Tables: 1. 2. 3. Location of the Mt.McKinley area. Generalized geologic map of Mt.McKinley area and vicinity with structural index map. Summary of economic geology in the Mt.McKinley area. [ o Description:These summary reports are issued by the Bureau of Mines in order to acquaint planners and the public with some identification of new mineral areas,allow for better appraisal of known mineral areas and to suggest areas where further data are needed for evaluation.They cover areas of interest in (d)(2)and possible (d)(2) land. A survey of mineral potential in the Mt.McKinley, Alaska region indicates that mineral deposits and occurrences are relatively abundant.Known deposits occur mainly outside the present boundary of Mt.McKinley National Park.Three major mineral belts or trends are indicated:Chulitna-Yentna,Kantishna and Dall. 32 c c [ c [ [ ·r~ L [ [ Co [0 [ [ [ o [ c o [ Title: Area: Interest: Description: Mineral Resource Maps Dealing with the Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle.Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program (AMRAP),USGS. Talkeetna Mountains. Level.L The following are USGS quadrangle maps.They are listed by author,open~file number and date of publication. 1.Karlson,Curtain,Cooley &Garmezy,OF 77~530, 1977.Geochemical maps of selected elements and results of spectrographic analyses for heavy-mineral concentrates from the western.half of the Talkeetna Mountains.quadrangle,.Alaska. 2.MacKevett,Singer &Holloway,OF 78-I-E,1978. Maps and tables describing metalliferous mineral resource potential of southern Alaska. 3.Decker &Karl,OF 77~169-E,1977.Preliminary aeromagnetic map of eastern part of southern Alaska. 4.Steele &LeCompte,OF 78-558-D,1978 •.USGS map showing.interpretation.of Landsat imagery of the Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle,Alaska. 5.Csejtey &Miller,OF 78-558-B,1979.Map and table.describing metalliferous and selected nonmetalliferousmineral deposits,.Talkeetna Mountains.quadrangle,Alaska. 6.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-G,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of silver in stream sediments and heavy~mineral concentrates,Talkeetna·Mountains quadrangle, .Alaska. 7.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-K,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of molybdenum in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. [ [ [ c rL 8.Miller,Curtin&CseJtey,OF 78-558-E,1979.Map showing geochemic.al distribution and abundance of tin in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates.,TalkeetnCiMountains quadrangle, Alaska. 33 9.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-M,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of chromium in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 10.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-1,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of copper in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. ll.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-J,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of lead in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 12.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-N,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of tungsten in heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle,Alaska. 13.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558~O,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of barium in heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle,Alaska. 14.Mil1e~,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-H,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of gold in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 15.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-L,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of bismuth in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 16.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558-P,1979.Map showing geochemical distribution and abundance of arsenic in heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle,Alaska. 17.Miller,Cooley,O'Leary,Garmezy,Csejtey,Smith & Cleveland,OF 78-1052,1978.Analyses of geochemical samples from the Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 18.Miller,Curtin &Csejtey,OF 78-558~F,1979.Map showing geochemical uistribution and abundance of zinc in stream sediments and heavy-mineral concentrates,Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. 34 D D [ o c c o Flu D [ c r-, L [ c [ [ [ D [ [ [ [ rw Title: Area: Interest:· Maps: Tables: Description: Sampling a Gold-Copper Deposit,Golden Zone Mine, South-Central Alaska.Mulligan,J.J.,R.S.Warfield and R.R.Wells;USDI,Bureau of Mines,Open-File Report 9-67,1967,(59 pp.). A 6-mile-long sulfide deposit belt,straddling the West Fork of the Chulitna River in the Healy quadrangle,2 to 6 ,miles south ofMt.McKinley National Park.The belt extends from Costello Creek to Long Creek in the southwest corner of the Healy quadrangle. Level 3.Difficult drilling work brought the drilling to a close before sufficient data was accumulated (cost being prohibitive)to estimate probable reserves.The drilling was done in 1950 .andl951.Though data is not sufficient for an accurate estimation and the work done is old,it may be of interest,with other data,in giving an idea of mineralization in the area. Index map showing location,general area of mine/mine location map,geologic map of the Golden Zone mine and other nearby prospects,plan,assay and drill hole maps. 16tables.Of particular interest:production record of the Golden Zone mine,weather data for Summit, Alaska,unpatented lode claims of the Golden Zone and adjacent prospects,analyses records,log of drill holes,core recovery. The deposits are related to small diorite and diorite porphyry stocks and dikes.Gold and silver associated with other mineral pyrites and galena occur within the diorite-porphyry stock. Short descriptions of location,climate and accessibility (of that time as well as history)of mining in the area,and production may make this worth examination. 35 Title: Area: Interest: Gravity Survey of Beluga Basin and Adjacent Areas,Cook Inlet Region,Southcentral Alaska.Geologic Report 49, Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,(10 pp.).3 maps by S.W.Hackett,1977. Cook Inlet,Beluga,Susitna and Yentna basins,upper Shelikof Trough. Level 1.Structural geology and natural resource (petroleum)potential. [ [ [ Maps:1- 2. 3. Geologic map. Structural cross sections and geophysical profiles. Simple Bouger gravity map (Scale:1:500,000).[ Tables:Tabulated gravity data. Tabulated ground magnetic data.f;I . u Figures:1- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Location of study area. Cenozoic basin outline. Gravity stations in Beluga Basin and adjacent areas. Major Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic elements in the Cook Inlet region. Generalized geologic map of Southcentral Alaska based on ERTS-l photo interpretation and available geologic and geophysical data. Major structural features of Southcentral Alaska. ERTS-l mosaic photo of upper Cook Inlet region. Generalized Tertiary isopach map of the Cook Inlet region delineating the probable thickness of Tertiary sedimentary rocks;Beluga,Susitna and Yentna basin isopachs inferred from geophysical data. c c [ c Description:This study was conducted partially to eliminate a regional gravity data void in Southcentral Alaska,to gather and interpret the regional gravity and magnetic data over the Upper Cook Inlet Region;to trace the major structural features throughout the area and to delineate the basement configuration and gross thickness of tertiary sediments in the northern portion of the Shelikof Trough. Availability:Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys P.O.Box 80007 College,Alaska 99708 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Lands,Southcentral District Office 3327 Fairbanks Anchorage,Alaska 99501 36 [ [J p.IU n U L c [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ c [ Ti tie:ReconnCl issance Gewlogic Materials Map of the New Capital Site arid Vicinity•.Reger,Richard D.,Cheri L.Carver; ,Alaska'Department of Na:t;uralResources ,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,Open-Rile Report 1l13B (1978).".... Area:Willow capital relocation site. Interest:Level2~ Maps:1:63,360-scale base map is taken from USGS Anchorage (C-7)(c"'8j(15-1J{D-8),Tyonek (C-I)(D-I)quadrangles. Tables:A chart is presented which indicates the relative probability of locating good deposits of each construction material in thevariqus map units~ Description:Potential Clvailability of various .construction materials in geologic-materials map units at capital site and vicinity ts presented. 37 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Reconnaissance Geologic Materials Map of the Talkeetna- Kashwitna Area,Susitna River Basin,Alaska.Reger, Richard D.,Cheri L.Carver;Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,DGGS Open-File Report #107B,1978. Talkeetna-Kashwitna area,Susitna River Basin.The area includes portions of Montana,Sheep and Little Willow Creeks and the Kashwitna River drainages. Level 2. (Scale 1:63,360.) This map shows the geologic materials in the Talkeetna- Kashwitna area.It indicates the location of geologic materials such as sand and gravel,peat,volcanic rock and sandstone deposits.The map is based on field reconnaissance conducted and aerial photograph interpretation completed in 1976. 38 [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ n L rL [ f' L [ [ [ [ [ c c [ c o [ [ [ E r~ w Title: Ar~a: Interest: Maps: Description: Reconnaissance Geology of the New Capital Site and Vicinity.Reger,Richard D.;Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and cGeophysical Surveys,Open-File Report /lIl3A,1978. Willow capital relocation site. Level 2. 1"=1 mile;base map is taken from USGS Anchorage, (C-7),(C-8),(D-7),(D-8)Tyonek (C-l),(D-ll) quadrangles. This map shows bedrock formations of the WillowccapitaI relocation site and vicinity.It is based on field reconnaissance conducted in 1977 and aerial photograph interpretation completed in 1978. 39 [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Reconnaissance Geology of the Talkeetna~Kashwitna Area, Susitna River Basin,Alaska.Reger,Richard D.;Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,Open-File Report #107A,1978. Talkeetna-Kashwitna area including portions of Montana, Sheep and Little Willow Creeks and Kashwitna River drainages. Level 2. (Scale 1:63,360.) This map shows geological formations in the Talkeetna- Kashwitna area and is based on field reconnaissance and aerial photograph interpretation completed in 1976. 40 [ [ c c [ c c [ c [J [ [ [ r'L A~010~~:SIJ~fO~d ~NIO~NO °11 J d ] ] J ] J 1u J J o J J J 4J pJ J J J 'I J J J n o ] J J J J o J J ] [J~ Jr- .--IJ J J ] [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program (AMRAP). Henry C.Berg,USGS Branch of Alaskan Geology 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park,California 94025 (415)323-8111,ext.2266. Statewide. The Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program (AMRAP) began in 1975 in response to public and private concern about the classification,allocation and development of Alaska's lands.One objective of the program,based on a 1:250,OOO"';scale quadrangle format,is a systematic assessment of terrains having high economic mineral potential.The other objective,based ona 1:1,000,000- scale map format,is a synoptic mineral appraisal of mainland Alaska.Informally termed "RAMRAP"(Regional AMRAP),this appraisal has been completed and published. Geologists from the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys and the University of Alaska are also participants in the AMRAP program. Of importance to the Susitna basin are these general resource assessment reevaluations: -New potential resources of molybdenum,chromite, gold and tin were discovered in the Talkeetna quadrangle. -Significant increases were recognized in size of copper deposits in the Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle. More than 100 AMRAP-sponsored research reports on geology,geochemistry,geophysics and mineral resources are published to date.The following reports and maps pertaining to AMRAP are currently available through USGS. [ [ [ [ [ [ Status: 1. *2. 3. 4. Geologic map of Talkeetna quadrangle.1977 (1978). MF-870-A. Interpretation of Landsat imagery of the Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska,by w.C.Steele and N.R.D.Albert.1978.MF-870-C. Mineral resources of the Talkeetna quadrangle. 1978.MF-870-D. Geochemical and generalized geologic map showing distribution of gold and silver,Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska.1978.MF-870-E. 43 *Annotated in this bibliography. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ---------------------------------- Geochemical and generalized geologic map showing distribution of tin,tungsten,and beryllium, Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska.1978.MF-870-F. Geochemical and generalized geologic map showing distribution and abundance of copper,lead,zinc, and molybdenum in the Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska. 1978.MF~870-G. Geochemical and generalized geologic map showing distribution of chromium and nickel,Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska.1978.MF-870-H. Maps showing mineralogical data for nonmagnetic heavy-mineral concentrates in the Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska,by Tripp and others.MF-870-I. Surficial deposits,Talkeetna quadrangle,Alaska. 1978.MF-870-J. 44 [ c [ [ [ [ [ c [ c [ [ [ rc L .. c [••. ;; [ [~ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ E [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Analysis of Faults in the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys. Ross Schaff Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological &Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,AK 99501 Matanuska and Susitna basins arid surrounding foothills. The objective of this project is to prepare a structural geolog:ic map of the area indicating all known or suspected faults,theirhistory of movement and type or amount of displacement.Emphasis shall be on identifying faults that have been active during the past 10,000 years. A short article summarizing the results of trenches across the Castle Mountain fault is part of DGGS Geologic Report 61.Another article entitled,"Preliminary Stress Analysis Along the Castle Mountain Fault,Central Matanuska Valley,Alaska"has been submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research. Ends June 30,1979. 45 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Assessment of Active Faults and Earthquake Potential Based upon Holocene Activity,Upper Cook Inlet. Dr.R.G.Updike Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Anchorage,Alaska Upper Cook Inlet. This project is an examination and mapping of fault lineaments in upper Cook Inlet region with detailed examination of activity during the last 10,000 years to assess potential recurrence of movement along faults and thus shallow-focus earthquakes in the upper Cook Inlet area. Initiated 1979. Two years. 46 [ [ [ [ c o [ c [ [ c [ [ [ c [ c [ c c c [ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Beluga Coal Project. Benno J.G.Patsch Project Engineer 2500-0NE California Street San Francisco,CA 94111 Beluga coal field. This project is an ongoing economic feasibility and marketing study for developing the Beluga coal fields for nine-month power generation or for export. Ongoing. Continuing. 47 .._-~-----------_.------._.._--~~~ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Embankment Dams on Permafrost. Mr.Francis Sayles,Research Civil Engineer Geotechnical Research Branch U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Hanover,NH 03755 Upper Susitna River basin. With the increasing development of the Arctic and sub-Arctic and Alaska,in particular,the need for constructing earth structures and reservoirs on permafrost will necessarily increase.At the present time plans are being prepared for a combined flood control and hydroelectric development for the Susitna River basin in Central Alaska.Some of the alternative dam sites for this development are in permafrost,and all the reservoirs involve permafrost.In the past the Corps of Engineers has built small water supply dams for remote sites in permafrost areas,and it is expected that this activity will continue in the future. Other government agencies and private organizations will require information for construction of dams on permafrost,e.g.,Public Health Service,Alyeska,etc. There is every reason to believe that additional structures will be founded on permafrost in the future. Limited technical information is available in North America for design,construction and maintenance of safe,economical,water-retaining embankments on permafrost and for the preservation of natural permafrost slopes in a safe stable condition when they are subjected to thermal degradation,frost action,flooding and the actions of ice.The problems of excavating,hauling and placing earth and rock materials in permafrost areas,where the season of above-freezing air temperatures is very limited,impose many severe cost and feasibility constraints. Specific research is needed in the following areas: thermal effects;seepage control;stability and settlement;spillways on permafrost;construction;site selection;hydrology;hydraulic control works; instrumentation;erosion control;water quality; environmental effects and enhancement;frost action. Proposal Stage. 4-5 years. 48 [ [ [ c o [ c [ [ [ I L [ [ [ [~' [" [ [ [ n [ [ C b [ [ • [ [ [ rw Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Environmental Analysis of the Upper Susitna River Basin Using Landsat Imagery~ Lawrence Gatto,Carolyn Merry,HarlanMcKim, Daniel Lawson,Jerry Brown . U.S.Army Cold Regions'Research and Engineering Hanov~r,NH 03755 .. Upper Susitna River basin. The overall objective was to evaluate the utility of Landsat imagery for obtaining environmental data for preconstruction planningalld design ••.The'following" maps .were made from Lands?t interpretations:drainage network;lakes,glaciers and snowfields ,.lineaments, surticialgeologic'materials and poorly drained areas. Landsat imagery has limited use for detailed mapping of surficial geologic materials,of lakes sJ]laller than 4000 m and of small glaciers.It is very useful when regional geologic information is limited.or unavailable. Preparation of f~nal report. April 1977 to summer 1979. 49 [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Geophysical Profiles Across the Bruin Bay Fault System, Westside Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska. Steve Hackett Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Cook Inlet basin,Southcentral Alaska. The study objective is the acquisition of semidetailed gravity data across the Bruin Bay Fault system from Mt. Susitna to Tuxedni Bay.The data will assist in defining this hidden·structural feature along the west side of Cook Inlet Petroleum Province. Continuing. Ongoing. 50 [ ['•....•..'. [ c [ c [ c [ [ [ r' L [ [ [ [ c [ c c [ C A C [ E [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Hydrological Baseline Studies of Beluga Coal Area. William Long Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,Alaska .99501 Beluga area. This is along-term project which involves collection of water data-~surface,ground and water quality--for predevelopment resource information. Data collection is in progress:discharge stations, test wells and .waterquality sampling are underway. Approximately five years. 51 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: LANDSAT Imagery and Applications in Alaska (AMRAP). Nairn R.D.Albert U.S.Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park,CA 94025 (415)323-8111,ext.2025. Statewide. The principal objectives of this project are:to furnish AMRAP team leaders and principal investigators with state-of-the-art Landsat materials for reconnaissance purposes;to provide unique geologic,structural and tectonic information relevant to mineral resource assessment for each AMRAP quadrangle and to construct a controlled 1:I,OOO,OOO-scale Lambert conformal false-color Landsat mosaic of Alaska. The types of Landsat products used are:(1)black and white,single-band Landsat mosaic of Alaska;(2)computer- enhanced false color,color ration,simulated color and first-derivative black-and-white images;and (3)interactive computer displays allowing detailed analysis of specific areas. Talkeetna quadrangle manuscript is in review.Talkeetna Mountains "quadrangle has been processed and is being analyzed.Actual construction of the 1:I,OOO,OOO-scale mosaic of most of Alaska is ready to begin as of spring,1979. 52 [ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ C U ~ C [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c D c [ C b [ [ u C C C FLJ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Seismic-induced Liquefaction Potential of Surficial Deposits,Susitna Lowlands. Dr.R.G.Updike Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Anchorage,Alaska Susitna Lowlands and southern Matanuska Valley. Utilizing surficial geologic maps,existing subsurface data and newly acquired field data,surficial deposits of the area will be assessed for potential failure due to liquifactioninduced by strong motion seismic events. Begun January,1919 and thus only in preliminary stages. Approximately two years. 53 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Hatcher Pass Recreation Area. Richard D.Reger Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological &Geophysical Surveys Box 80007 College,Alaska 99708 Proposed Hatcher Pass Recreation Area in SW Talkeetna Mts. Based on detailed field observations and air photo interpretation,DGGS is preparing geologic reports evaluating the geologic hazards and including 1:24,000- scale maps of geology,materials and hazardous areas. Field mapping and photo interpretation of Little Susitna River drainage has been completed. Scheduled for completion in FY 81. 54 u c [ ~D , D' C C C C [ [ C [ C 0 a [ [ [ nu 55 Summer,1978-summer,1979. To begin summer,1978. Surficial Geology Mapping and Hazards Identification on . West Side Cook Inlet. Air photo interpretation. Field checking to produce a geologicmap~ Interpretation. Tuxedni Bay to Beluga River from Cook Inlet shoreline to Chigmit Mountain front. Jim Riehle Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (1) (2) (3) Status: Contact: Area: Duration: Description: Title: [ [ [ [" [c [ [ c 0 [ [ C 6 [ E A [ [ E r: Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Surficial Geology of the Eastern $usitna River Basin. Richard D.Reger Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Box 80007 College,Alaska 99708 Susitna River-Matanuska River basin between Susitna River as far north as Talkeetna and west and south flanks of Talkeetna Mts.,extending up Matanuska Valley to vicinity of Jonesville. DGGS is mapping surficial geology and bedrock using aerial photographs and field data.Geologic and geologic-materials maps will be prepared at a scale of 1:63,360 for parts of the following quadrangles: Anchorage C-6,C-7,C-8,D-7,D-8;Tyonek A-I,A-2, B-1,B-2,C-l,C-2,D-1;Talkeetna Mts.A-6,B-6 and Talkeetna A-I,B-1. Preliminary field work and photo interpretation has been completed.Final plotting has been done for 65%of area. Scheduled for completion in FY 81. 56 [ [ [ ~[ w,[ [ [ n L C [ C C C r~ U nHu A [ [ r-' U [ [ [ [ c· [ [ c [ [ c [ [ E [ Title: Contact': Area: Description: Status: Duration: Surficial Geology of the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys •. Richard D.Reger . Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Box S0007 College,Alaska 9970S Palmer to west of Wasilla. Project objective is to map surficial deposits utilizing aerial photographs and field checking. Geologic and geologic-materials maps will be prepared for each of 13 1:25,OOO-sccHe orthophoto maps provided by the USGS [Anchorage C-6SW,C-7SE C-7SvJ",C-SSE,c-ssw,·C-SNW,B-7NW,B:""SNE,B-SNW, and Tyonek B-1SE,B-INE,C:""lSE andC-1NE]. Field work and initial photo interpretation is completed. Geology is plotted for S of ·13 quads.·Anchorage C-SSE quad is being drafted for publication. Scheduled for completion in FY Sl. 57 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle (AMRAP). u.S.Geological Survey Skyline Building 508 2nd Avenue Anchorage,Alaska Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle. The objective of this project is the evaluation of the mineral resources of the Talkeetna 'Mountains quadrangle through reconnaissance geologic,geochemical,geophysical and telegeologic mapping. Field work has been completed.Portions of this project are complete.A list of those reports can be found under "Mineral Resources"of the GEOLOGY section of this bibliography.Remaining reports are scheduled for completion late summer of 1979. 58 [ ru [ [ [ [ o [ [ [ nu c L r~ L [ [ [ [ Co [ [ c [ [ c c [ [ E [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: West Side Cook Inlet Geophysical Studies. Steve Hackett,Geophysicist Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Tuxedni Bay to Beluga River from Cook Inlet shoreline to Chigmit Mountain front. Study objective is acquisition of regional gravity data to help define major fault zones (Bruin Bay Fault System)within the western portions of the Shelikof Trough.This is a continuation of the Beluga Basin Project. DGGS is planning to acquire new gravity data in conjunction with geologic projects along the western shore of Cook Inlet and to acquire enough data to publish a report on Castle Mountain-Bruin Bay Fault System in 1980,summarizing all geophysical and geological knowledge of the region. 1978~1980 field seasons. 59 III.CROSS-INDEX:GEOLOGY See HYDROLOGY SECTION for annotations of the following: LANDSAT Mapping -Level B Study Water Resources of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley Area See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: Alaska Coasta.I·Land Status Atlas Geotechnical Studies:Geologic Materials and Hazards Analysis, New Capital Environmental Assessment Program,Source Document No.3 Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie Highway Corridor Route Reconnaissance Matanuska-Susitna Comprehensive Development Plan Natural Site Conditions,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report,No.4 See VEGETATION SECTION for annotations for the following: Acquisition System Verification and Transfer (ASVT)Project or Denali Remote Sensing Project 60 84 108 213 221 215 217 224 143 [ D C "[ [ [ [ c [ c c [ [ D [ [ [ [ 1. CONTENTS:HYDROLOGY PUBLISHED INFORMATION [0 A.HYDROPOWER RELATED [ [ [ [ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Alaskan Electric Power,An Analysis of Future Requirements and Supply Alternatives for the Railbelt Region Electric Power Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study Final Environmental Assessment Record,Susitna Hydropower Feasibility Study The Politics of Hydroelectric Power in Alaska:Rampart and Devil's Canyon - A Case Study Power Market Analysis -Upper Susitna River Project Power Requirements Study,Alaska 2 Matanuska Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin Supplemental Feasibility Report,Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 [ c B. C. FLOODING 1.Alaska Communities Flood Hazard and Pertinent Data GROUNDWATER 78 D.SURFACE WATER WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT,GENERAL INFORMATION [ E [ [ E [ E. 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. Data on Wells in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Area Electrical Resistivity Survey,Water Well Site Selection Study,Capital Relocation Site,Willow Guide to Groundwater Data,Cook Inlet Basin Surface Water Records of Cook Inlet Basin Alaska Water Assessment Summary Report Landsat Mapping,Level B Study Summary of Water Supplies at Alaskan Communities 63 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 J J l J [] .. J ] o J ] U J J J J- ]- ] J ] HYDROLOGY:PUBLISHED INFORMATION continued 4.Sewage Facilities Plan for City of Wasilla [ [ [ [0 [ 5. 6. 7. 8. Water Facilities Plan for City of Wasilla Water Resources of Alaska Water Resources Data for Alaska Water Supply Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study 86 87 88 89 91 [ [ II. 9.Water Quality Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study ONGOING PROJECTS 1.Hydrologic Data Compilation for the Cook Inlet Area 92 95 c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Matanuska Electric Association 115 KV Transmission Line Matanuska-Susitna Boroughwide Flood Insurance Study National Stream-Quality Accounting Network Southcentral Alaska's Economy and Population,1965-2025, Level B Study Southcentral Water Resources Study,Level B Study Southcentral Water Resources Study,Phase I,II Southcentral Water Resources Study,Phase III,IV,V Upper Susitna River Basin Hydropower Feasibility Study Wasilla Sewer System Wasilla Water System Watana and Devils Canyon Hydroelectric Power Site Study Water Resources of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley Area Water Quality Assessment of Lakes in the Palmer-Wasilla Area WATSTORE Computer System Willow Creek Expanded Floodplain Information Study 65 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 113 J J J J n J J o o J o J J J J. J. J J J /, [ [ c [- [. [ [ [ c [ c C b [ [ [ [ E r<L-O HYDROLOGY:ONGOING PROJECTS continued 17.Willow Creek Companion Study III.CROSS-INDEX 67 Page 114 115 J J J J o J ] J J J o J J ] ]. (1 J- ] J J A~O~ORaAH :N01IVWROdN1 aaHS1~Hnd ·1 ] J ] J J ] J o ] J J J J ] .J .J ] J J ] J J J I].J - J J J J o J J ] J. J. J J J [ [ Co Co [ [ c [ c c Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Alaskan Electric Power,An Analysis of Future Requirements and Supply Alternatives for the Railbelt Region. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories for Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development,Division of Energy and Power Development,and·the Alaska Power . Authority,Final Report Vol.I,II,March,1978. Railbelt Region:Cook Inlet Region including the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage,Matanuska and Susitna valleys and the Fairbanks North Star Bo'rough. Level 1. Numerous,dealing with range of utility and industrial consumption,utility annual load,utility sales,cost ,analysis and load-resource analysis., 'Numerous,dealing with utility sales,utility peak 'load,industrial load,existing and planned installed capacity,comparative capital and -operating costs various types of facilities,load-resource analysis, levelized cost power generating option at 0%,4%and 7% inflation rate. This report has as objectives:to provide an integrated analysis of·alternatives for meeting the electric power requirements anticipated for the railbelt region of Alaska,to provide background or reference information for Alaska policy makers and planners as well as the general public,to identify the economic and state and federal policy cons:iderations and uncertainties that influence power system planning and to indicate the sensitivity of power cOsts to these variables. Volume II is an appendix which includes the following: [ [ L E r A B C D E - Supporting detail,power requirements forecasts. Hydroelectric project discussions. ECOST 2 Model listing. Power cost computation case details. Schematic outline of the Clean Air Act. 71 Title:Electric Power Needs Assessment.Phase I Technical Memorandum,Southcentral Water Resources Level B Study, March,1979. [ [ Southcentral Alaska. Levell. Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: l. 2. 3. 4. 5• .6. 7. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Utility market areas. Annual population,employment and utility customers. Energy sector ratios and annual energy generated or sold. Annual energy use per capita and per customer. Energy forecasts. Peak load forecasts. Installed capacity and power needs forecast. Summary of existing generating capacity 1977. 1977 installed nameplate capacity -MW. Electrical load data 1970 through 1977. Net generation. Average annual utility growth summaries. Subregion populations -historic and projected. [' '.•J ·C [ [ [ c Description:This technical memorandum is a draft assessment of present and future electric power needs.in Southcentral Alaska.The study period is generally 1975 through 2025,with emphasis on mid-term problems and needs through the year 2000.The southcentral region is divided into four hydrologic subregions--Anchorage, Cook Inlet,Kodiak~Shelikof,and Gulf of Alaska. Existing power facilities are inventoried,demands projected,the need for new generating capacity assessed and forecast methodologies are explained in detail. (See page 100 for a description of the Level B Study.) 72 [ [ c [ [j [ [ [ [ c [ c c· [ [ c c c c [ [ E r Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Final Environmental Assessment Record,Susitna Hydropower Feasibility Study,USDI,Bureau of tandManagement, Anchorage,Alaska,February,1979. Upper Susitna River Basin,Watana and Devils Canyon project areas. Levell. Seven support maps are included dealing with Watana and Devils Canyon projects,hydrology and transmission corridors and access route corri.dors. This report is a support document to an application Alaska Power Authority has filed with BLM to conduct a hydroelectric feasibility analysis for the upper Susitna River basin.If authorized,the feasibility analysis will deal with engineering,economic,social and biological aspects of the proposed project.The environmental impacts and ways to minimize and mitigate adverse impacts of the proposed activities are examined in detail. 73 Title: Area: Interest: Description: The Politics of Hydroelectric Power in Alaska: Rampart and Devil Canyon--A C,aseStudy..Naske,Claus H., and William R.Hunt;InstitUte of.Wpter Resources, University of Alaska,1978. Yukon,Susitna,Cook Inlet,Eklutna •. Level 3. This report was funded by U.S.Department of Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology.The interplay of political forces in contemplated hydro development in Alaska is discussed.An analysis of the construction of Eklutna Dam is included as an appendix. 74 [ c [ 'u [ [ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ L Level 1. 75 Anchorage-Fairbanks Railbelt Area. Numerous,dealing with railbelt area generation capacity, basic power and energy forecasting data,cost analysis. Upper Susitna River basin project--feature site location. Upper Susitna River project areas presently served by railbe1t utilities. Energy sector ratios Anchorage-Cook Inlet areas and annual energy generated or sold Anchorage-Cook Inlet area. Annual energy use per capita and per customer. Annual population,employment and utility. Anchorage-Cook Inlet area energy forecast. Anchorage-Cook Inlet area peak load forecast. Totalrailbelt area energy forecast. 1. This report updates the previous power market analyses provided for the Corps of Engineers 1976 Interim Feasibility report on the proposed Upper Susitna River Hydroelectric Project. 2. 3. The report includes a new set of load projections for the railbelt area through the year 2025 and a review of alternative sources of power.Load-resource and total power system cost analyses were prepared for different scenarios under various assumptions to determine effects on power rates.The appendix lists previous studies and a bibliography. Power Mar:t<et Analy~is,Upper SusitnCiRiver Project. (Draft),Department of Energy,Alaska Power Administration,January,1979. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Area: Tables: Description: Interest: Maps: Title: [ [ c c. [~ [ [ c 0 c c c c [ ~ [ c [ E [ Title: Area: Interest: Power Requirements Study,Alaska 2 Matanuska. USDA,Rural Electrification Administration,Matanuska Electric Association,Palmer,Alaska,May,1978,(25 pp.). Matanuska Valley and contiguous areas,primarily extending along the Parks and Glenn Highways. Level 2. [ n [ Tables:1. 2. Population projections for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Projected effect of natural gas fuel prices on wholesale energy.[ Description:This staff report of the rural electrification administration was conducted with the assistance of the Matanuska Electric Association to identify power requirements for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.It is an analysis of social and economic factors affecting the Matanuska Cooperative service area with regard to energy demands. 76 [ c c [ c c [ [J [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ c [ c c [ [ [ E [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Southcentral Railbelt Area,-Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin,Supplemental Feasibility Report,Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes.U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,February,1979,(4 7pp.). Upper Susitna River basin,Watana and Devils Canyon project areas. Levell. Six maps are inel.uded dealing with dam site plans of Watana and Devils Canyon proposed projects.Scale (L:725,000)1"=1l~miles approx •. This supplemental feasibility study was initiated to reevaluate the economic justification of the proposed upper Susitna River Basin hydropower development and is not a comprehensive document.The report consists of a main section which responds to specific comments and suggestions offered by the Office of Management and Budget and supporting appendix which corresponds directly to the sections of Appendix I of the 1976 Interim Feasibility Report.Annotation of the 1976 Interim Feasibility Report can be found on page 146 of the Susitna River Basin Resource Bibliography. -77 Title: Area: Interest: Description: Alaska Communities Flood Hazard and Pertinent Data. u.-S.-Army Corps of Enginee-rs,Cook -Inlet Subregion, November 8,-1977._ Southcentra1. Area 2. This is a computer printout which presents data by community on flood hazards.Data recorded include population,number of houses,number of houses in flood hazard areas,public facilities in flood hazard areas,transportation,e~onomic activities,power supply,sewage treatment systems,flood insurance, flood history of river,discussion of existing flood hazard maps and comments on the specific flood hazards of the area. 78 [ r L c c [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Co [ [ c [ c [ c [ [ E [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Desc ription: Data on Wells in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Area, Alaska.D.S.Geological Survey,Open~File Report, 1968,(25 Pl?). Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Level 2. Selected wells in a part of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area. Record of wells in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area; logs of wells in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area; chemical analysis of wells in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area. This report contains data obtained from wells on Susitna Borough area extending from Palmer to Talkeetna, Alaska.Data on depth,depth to water level,diameter, and yield of 125 wells is tabulated.Also presented are 32 well logs and 14 chemical analyses of well water. 79 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Electrical Resistivity Survey,Water Well Site Selection Study Capital Relocation Site,Willow,Alaska.Prepared for CH2M Hill Alaska,Inc.,by Harding-Lawson Associates, November,1978. Capital relocation site along the Deception Creek drainage. Level 2. Location map (Scale 1:25,000). Numerous,dealing with electrical resistivity soundings. This report describes an electrical resistivity survey conducted to determine the depth and extent of water-bearing materials to aid in locating water wells whlch would supply the proposed capital relocation site.An appendix is included. 80 [ [ [ [ c c [ c [ [] o [ [ [ [ [ [ [0 [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Guide to Ground'Water Data,Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska. Freethey,Geoffrey W.,U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Basic Data Report 78-439,207 (3 pp.)maps. The Cook Inlet Hydrologic Sub-region Level 2. Ground Water site locations,Lower Cook Inlet and Upper Cook Inlet -1:250,000 scale. Ground Water site locations,Anchorage and Vicinity - 1:48,000 scale. Insets -Ground Water Site locations,Willow and Vicinity, Palmer-Wasilla and Vicinity,Eagle River and Vicinity, Kenai-Soldotna and Vicinity,Homer and Vicinity - 1:125,000 scale. [ Tables: 2. 3. 4. 5. Cross-reference list of numbers and names used when referring to·groundwater sites. Types of groundwater quality records. Index of groundwater quality records. Current U.S.Geological Survey observation wells in the Cook Inlet Basin. List of selected publications by the U.S.Geological Survey personnel containing groundwater data for the Cook Inlet Basin. [ [ E [ [ E r Description:The report contains a guide for use by planners, developers and managers for locating and obtaining groundwater data within the Cook Inlet Hydrologic Subregion.The report describes types of groundwater data available,the U.S.Geological Survey's site identification and location procedure and the basic means of storage and retrieval of groundwater data in the WATSTORE computer system. 81 Title: Area: Interest: Surface Water Records of Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska. through September 1975:Scully,David R.;Larry S.Leveen and Raymond S.George;U.S.Geological Survey Open-file Basic Data Report 78-498,1978,(102 pp.). The Cook Inlet Hydrologic Sub-region. Level 2. [ c [ Maps:Location map of gaging stations,crest-'-stage partial-record stations and miscellaneous discharge measurement sites in the Cook Inlet Hydrologic Sub-region. Description:,This report presents compilation of miscellaneous discharge,dailydischarge and monthly and annual mean discharge of streams within the Cook Inlet Hydrologic Subregion.It also contains a tabulation of periodic and continuous water ,temperature measurements and a complete record of seepage:investigations. 82 [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I' L. [ [ [ [. [. [ c c c [ c C 6 [ D F L [ E r~ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Alaska Water Assessment Summary Report.Alaska Water Study Committee,August,1977,(183 pp.)'~ Statewide. Level 2. Numerous,dealing with climatic zones,hydrologic subregions,Alaska land status,water ,and related land problem areas with seven areas of major significance. Numerous,dealing with socioeconomic characteristics, volumetric requirements (water withdrawals),volumetric requirements (consumptive use of water),water supplies, instream flow needs. The Summary Report was the final step in the Alaska Water Assessment Project.It presents a summary of previous steps in the assessment and sets out the Alaska Region's views on relative importance and priorities for addressing water problems together with conclusions and recommendations for solving Alaska's water and related land.resource problems. 83 Title:LANDSAT Mapping,LevelB Study,Alaska Geophysical Institute,1979. Area:Cook Inlet Subregion and localized areas in the Gulf of Alaska Subregion. Interest:Levell. Maps:Land cover,land form and geologic hazard maps at 1:63,360 and 1:25,000. Description:This remote sensing mapping project was completed for the Land Use Management Committee by the Alaska Geophysical institute.It includes major portions of the lower Susitna Basin,with maps available at a scale of 1:63,360 and 1:25,000.The series includes land cover (vegetative classes)and interpretative mapping of land forms and geologic hazards~Its utility is in interpreting land suitability for various purposes and in identifying resource areas.(See page 100 for a description of the Level B Study.) Availability:Copies of the original mylar overlays are available from Bureau of Land Management,Federal Building, Anchorage,Alaska. 8.4 [ c [ ;,[ .[ c [ [ c [ c c [ [ "u ~ "L [ [ [ [ [ [ [- [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Sumniaryof Water Supplies at Alaskan Communities,Cook Inlet Subregion,Resource Planning Team,Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission,July,1973. Southcentral Alaska. Level 2. Scale l~"=50 miles. 1.Index map of planning regions and subregions, climatic zones,mean. 2.Minimum temperature,January,mean maximum temperature,_July •. 3.Mean annual precipitation,permafrost and glaciers. 4..Runoff,mean annual peak runoff,mean annual low monthly runoff,summer normal suspended sediment concentration. 5.Alaska r~gional.and area breakdown in square miles,availability of ground¥ater. This report is a brief summary of the climate,geology, permafrost conditions and glaciers,settlement patterns, groundwater availability,surface water availability, the sediment load of streams and the chemical quality 6f both groundwater and surface water of the Cook Inlet Subregion.Data on communities in the subregion include availability of power,the presently used water supply, sewage facilities,known potential hazards,the availability of water quality analysis and subsurface data in the community and a brief statement of the future potential for water supply developm~nt. o c [ c Tables: Description: 1. 2. Maximum,minimum monthly and mean stream runoff by regions and subregion~of the state. Estimated suspended sediment loads and yields at selected points on Alaskan rivers. [ [ [ E r Data is also given by community on population and community waste disposal facilities and water availability. 85 Tables:.Numerous tables indicating population projections,cost ·sUinmary,capital cos t and·salvage values. Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Sewage Facilities Plan for City of Wasilla. R &MConsultants,Wasilla,Alaska,March,1978. Wasilla. Level 2. General location map (Scale 1:63,360)~ Charts dealing with population projections;basic components of the biological treatment systems;overall treatment system evaluation matrix;proposed treatment ·facility plan. [ [ ·e '[ [ Description:This report presents a preliminary facility plan for construction of a sewage collection and treatment works ·for 'the City of Wasilla •.It has·not been implemented as of·s~tin~~1979.... 86 [ c [ [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [ [0 [ [ [ c [ c c [ [ [ E r: Title: Area: Interest: Tables: Description: Water Facilities Plan. City of Wasilla,R &M Consultants,October,1977. Wasilla. Level 2. 1.Population projections 1976-2000. 2.Water consumption information. 3~Fire flow requirements. 4.Summary of well water chemical analyses in the Wasilla.area. The purpose of this study was to review alternatives and recommend a master plan for the development of a water system for the City of Wasilla.Identified in the study are ~omestic and fire flows,the residential distribution and storage requirements,water sources, supply,quality and treatment. 87 Title: Area: Interest: Water Resources of Alaska. USGS,Water Resources Division,Alaska District Open-File Report,1971,(60 pp.). Statewide. Level 2. [ c [ Numerous,dealing with hydrologic subregions, climatological data,geology data,largest rivers in Alaska,runoff data,distribution of principal lakes, generalized availability of groundwater,representative quality of surface water,and of groundwater. This report summarizes the existing information on the water resources in Alaska and describes the availability and quality of surface and groundwater and their quality. Climatological factors and physical features that affect the occurrence of water are briefly discussed. The report presents the available water data in a regionalized format.A comprehensive bibliography of reports published on water resources in the state is also included. Maps: Tables: Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. Population of the state of Alaska by subregions. Climatological data. Major rivers,Alaska region arid runoff rates of selected streams in the subregion. Major lakes,Alaska region. c [ c [ c c r'L [ [ 88 [ [ [ c Co [ [ c c c c [ [ [ E n Title: Area: Interest: Descri:ption: Water Resources Data·for Alaska (Summary). U.S.Geological Survey. Statewide. Levell. An annual publication,Water Resource Data for Alaska gives basic data for quantity and quality of surface water and,in some cases,groundwater,in the state. The most recent edition is cited as a Water-Data Report (AK-75-1).The earlier volumes in this series do not have this title in the publication format and have no series number but are very similar in other respects. Listed below is an outline of the series of publications. Title Surface Water Records for Alaska,1961-64 Water Quality Records for Alaska,1964 Water Resources Data for Alaska,1966-78 The following description exemplifies information included in these reports: 1.Gauging station records:daily discharge in cubic feet per second and short description of the physical location of the site. 2.Discharge at crest-stage partial-record stations. Includes description of location,the drainage area size,the period of record,annual maximum gauge height and discharge amount. 3.Discharge measurement at miscellaneous sites. The above data are available for these surface-water stations within the Susitna Basin: -Knik River near Palmer -Caribou Creek near Denali -Little Susitna River near Palmer -Maclaren River near Paxson -Susitna River at Gold Creek -Talkeetna River near Talkeetna ~Skwentna River near Skwentna Water quality records include chemical quantities (for 13 chemicals)and temperature by sample site.Analyses of surface-water samples are for miscellaneous sites. 89 Suspended sediment analyses generally include a)discharge (CFS);b}sediment concentration (ppm);c)sedim,ent discharge (tons per day)and d)suspended particle size. 90 [ [ [ .[ ·r L [ [ c [ C C c D [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Title:Water Supply Needs,Assessment! Memorandum,Southcentral'Alaska Study,1979. Phase I,Technical Water Resources Level B Description:-The study is a comprehensive overview of Southcentral Alaska's current and future water needs.-It includes an inventory of the region's ground.,...and surface-water resources and existing public and private water systems. Projections are made for ~unicipal~industrial and private-domestic'demand.(Seepage 100 for a description of the Level B Study). c· [ [ c o c c c [ c [ Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Southcentral Alaska.Three subregions:Kodiak,Cook Inlet and Gulf of Alaska. Level 1. 1:250,000 scale maps of principal water users and priority streams for instreamflow maintenance.Also numerous other smaller-scale maps concerning various topics! ',Numerous,water use tables for communities and industries. E [ 91 Ti tle:..Water Quality Needs Assessinen,tPhase'I,.Technical .Memorandum,Southcentral Water Resources Level B Study, March,1979,(132 pp.). Area:.SouthcentralAlaska. Interest:Levell. Maps:Locations of gaging west of 150 0 longitude. Tables:Numerous,dealing with water quality projections, potential water quality problems,calculated effluent loading for southcentral region,projections of municipal waste-water treatment facilities,water quality and water discharge records'at six different locations. Description:.This report describes thesouthcentral region and inventories the area's water quality.Water quality demands,needs and conflict assessment are presented as well as current strat~gies for protecting water quality Q,ndabating,pollution.Water quality standards,points source management programs,governmental controls for nonpoint source pollution and areas with most need of protection are discussed.A case study of Palmer dealing with projections of municipal waste-water treatment facilities is also included.An appendix is presented.(See page 100 for a description of the Level B Study.) 92 [ [ we [ c c o [ [ D [ [ [ [ X~010~aXH :SI~arO~d ~NIO~NO oIl ] j J J J J J J J ] J J J ] .J oJ ] J J J J J J o 'J J o J J o J J ] ]. J. J J J Contact:David Scully U.S.Geological Survey Water Resources Division 1209 Orca Street Anchorage,Alaska 99~01 [ [ [ [. Title:Hydrologic Data Computation for_the,Cook Inlet Area. [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Area:Cook Inlet Hydrologic Subregion. Description:The purpose of this project is the collection,compilation and synthesis of all USGS data in'th~Cook Inlet Hydrologic Subregion ••Data will be present~d in a hydJ;ologic atlas format and-published in open file under the titIe,A Summary of the Water Resources,Hydrologic Atlas. Status:Data has been.compiled and theatlas·is due to be published during summer,1979. 95 Area:Willow-Wasilla Area. Title: Contact: Matanllska Electric Association lisKV Transmission Line. Kirk Morgan,Lands Project Officer Southcentral District Alaska Division of Forest,Land and Water Management Alaska Department of Natural ResourceS Anchorage,Alaska [ [ .[ Tn Description:Matanuska Electric Association has received a letter of entry from the State and·constructed the southern half of ailS KV transmission line to Willow.The power .line will run from Teeland Substation near Wasilla to Willow,crossing the Parks Highway north of Houston; the northern half will be constructed in the winter of 79-80. The project is part of a long-range program by MEA to increase power to the Susitna Valley.Another phase of the program calls for a line to continue to Talkeetna by the fall of 1981. Projected demand for power in the Susitna Valley and load forecasts--not including the future capital site--have been prepared by MEA. Maps indicating the transmission line right-of-way,the location of an existing 138 KV line and substation sites are available.The Southcentral District Office has additional detailed information on the MEA proposal. Refer to ADL 79951. c c c o c [ c Status: Duration: A letter of entry has been issued.Pending the receipt of an as-built survey,the right-of-way permit will be issued. The southern half of the line to Willow has been completed. The northern half will be cleared and constructed in the winter of 1979-80. 96 c o [ [ c [ c [ Co [ c c Title:(Proposed)Matanuska-SusitnaBorough-wide Flood Insurance Study. Contact:Paul Pinard U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage,Alaska Area:Entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough,communities over 100 -population. Description:Incompliance wi:th .the Flood Disaster Protection Act .(1973)the-Flood Insurance,Adminis-tra tion has requested the Corps of Engineers to conduct the flood insurance study. Detailed hydrologic computations will depend on funding; but delineation,extent and magnitude of the 100-year flood is anticipated. Previous flood insurance investigations have relied on available mapping,photos or testimony to delineate the lOO-year flood. [ c c [ [ [ Status: Duration: Project has been funded in part only.To date,the project has involved Willow,Deception and Little Susitna Rivers and will be completed October,1979. Ongoing. 97 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: National Stream-Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) Pat Still USGS Water Resources Division·· 218 E.Street Anchorage,AK 99501 Southcentra1 Alaska -Susitna River Basin. Periodic suspended-sediment samples are collected at theSusitna River at Susitna Station. Continuing. Ongoing. 98 [ [ [ ·c [ [ c c c [ [ o [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Co [ [ c o c c c [ [ [ c [ C [ Title: Contact: Area; Descrip;tion: Status: Duration: Southcentral Alaska's Economy and Population,1965-2025, Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Level B Study. Dan Wilkerson Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Southcentral Alaska Water Resources LevelB Study P.O.Box 3276 DT Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Southcentral Alaska This.stlldy is an econometric base study of the Southcentral Region prepared in conjunction with the Economic Task Force by the Institute of Social and E,conomi Research, U.A.A.It provides a historical perspective of regional ec()nomic and population growth along with a set of Gontrol projections 'of economic and population growth through 2025.It was designed to enable reSource planners to identify future demands for water and related land resources in the Southcentral Region and in each of the Subregions,Cook Inlet,Gulf of Alaska and Kodiak-Shelikof. The base study is complete and copies are available on request. Completed.It is anticipated that up-dates may be accomplished in the futllre,perhaps annually. 99 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Southcentral Alaska Water Resource Level B Study. Dan Wilkerson Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Level B Study P.O.Box 3276 DT Anchorage,Alaska Southcentral Alaska -'Cook lnlet Subregion. The Southcentral Alaska Water Resource Study is part of a nationwide program to encourage the conservation, development and utilization of water and related land resources on a comprehensive and coordinated basis by all levels of government and private interests.Under the auspices of the U.S.Water Council,three planning study levels were identified.Level A was·designed to determine the extent of water and land needs and problems. Needs and problems of the Alaska region were presented in Alaska Water Assessment Summary Report (see page 83 of this bibliography for annotation). The Summary Report is the precursor of the subsequent planning study level,Level B.Level B studies are reconnaissance~level studies of selected areas.The Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Study is a joint local,state and federal Level B planning effort focused on the Southcentral Region of Alaska.The study objectives ate to address and prioritize problems and issues of regional importance;to evaluate the interrelationships of water and resource allocation and land use and to recommend strategies for development, management and conservation of water and related land resources.The third planning study level,Level C, deals with program or project feasibility studies conducted.by a single governmental body to implement recommendations of Level A or Level B studies. Planning efforts are at the Level B stage in the Southcentral Alaska Region.The Level B study of the Southcentral Alaska Water Resource Study has been divided into five phases:Phase I,Needs Assessment; Phase II,Single Purpose Plan;Phase III,Alternative Resource Management Strategies;Phase IV,Preliminary Draft Report and Draft Environmental Impact Statement; and Phase V,Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement. Phase I and II are annotated in this bibliography on page 102. Annotations of Phase III,IV and V can be found on page 103 of this bibliography. 100 [ [ [ .[ [ [ c r.~ c c [ [ [ [ L [ [ c [ c· Co [ [ c c c c [ 6 f2.U [ C [ Status: Duration: Phase I is incomplete;draft Phase I documents were published March,1979.Phase II documents will be available summer,1979.Phase III,IV,V are due to be developed during FY 80 and 81. Phase!and II willc()utinue through summer,1979. Phases III,IV and V will conclude summer,1981. 101 Title: .Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Southcentral Water Resources Study-Phase I Needs Assessment and Phase II Single Purpose Plans. Level B Study. Dan Wilkerson Southcentral Water Resources-Level B Study Management Team Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Southcentral Alaska. These documents provide an assessment of needs (1975-2025) and single purpose plans for meeting those needs.The planning sectors include Electric Power,Fish and Wildlife,Land Use Management,Water Supply,Water Quality and Recreation.They provide an assessment and planning strategies both on a regional and subregional basis for southcentral and Cook Inlet,Gulf of Alaska and Kodiak-Shelikof.They are the products of inter-agency technical work plan committees in conjuction with the management team.(See page 100 for description of Level B Study.) Incomplete;Draft Phase I documents available in May,1979. Draft Phase II documents,available approximately June 15. Phase I &II will be complete in the summer,1979. 102 [ c [ .r-' _J [ c [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Co [ [ c c c c c [ [ '\ [ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Southcentral Water Resources Level B Study-Phases III, Alternative Resource Management Strategies;Phase IV, Preliminary Draft Report and Draft EIS;and Phase V, Report arid EIS. Dan Wilkerson or Jeff Richardson Southcentral Water Resources Level B Study Management Team Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Southcentral Alaska. These documents include an identification of conflicts among single purpose plans,alternative resource management strategies and response to public-review of the strategies with selection of a recommended strategy.A preliminary draft report will then be prepared along with a preliminary draft environmental impact statement.A final report and EIS will be completed,representing the findings and conclusions of the study.(Seepage 100 for a description of the Level B Study.) Incomplete;will be developed during federal FY 80 and 81. To be concluded spririg/summer,1981. 103 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Upper Susitna River Basin Hydropower Feasibility Study. Mr.Charles Bickley U.S.Army Corp of Engineers Anchorage,Alaska Susitna River Basin. The Susitna Hydropower Feasibility Study was authorized by PL 94-587,entitled,''Water Resources Development Act of 1976,"enacted oil 22 October 1976.The authorizing legislation provided for two options for the conduct of Phase I studies.The two options are as follows:The Corps of Engineers .could undertake the studies as a .federally funded project or as a state funded project based on a request from the State of Alaska.The State of A1a,ska,Alaska Power Authority,has requested the Corps of Engineers (CaE)to proceed with studies based on a 1976 feasibility report by the CaE which outlined a number of alternatives for developing the hydropower potential of the Upper Susitna Basin and identified the most economical scheme as a two-dam complex,one at Watana and one at Devils Canyon. The State of Alaska has proposed legislation pending, which would fund the CaE for initiation of studies that could lead to power-on-line at Watana in.1994. 104 [ [ [-'....•. ', -' [ c rL o o [ [j ~ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [~ [. [ [ c 0 [ c c [ [ [ ~ [ [ c [ Title:Wasilla Sewer System. Contact:Erling Nelson,City Clerk P.o.Box 430 Wasilla,Alaska 99687 Area:City of Wasilla. Description:Project objective is the developmentofa sewer facilities plan and master plan for the city and area north and east of Wasilla Lake. Status:Facilities plan approved by DEC,EPA approval pending. Duration:Indefinite. 105 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Wasilla Water System. Erling Nelson,City Clerk P.O.Box 430 Wasilla,Alaska 99687 City of Wasilla. This project is the development of a water facilities plan and master water system for the City of Wasilla. The facilities plan is completed and the City Council is presently searching for the best method to implement this plan. Indefinite. 106 [ c n c 0 [ C C C [ ~ [ ~~ l C [ [ [ c [ Co [ c c c o [ [ [ [ c Title: Contact: Area: Descript ion: Status: Duration: Watana and Devils Canyon Hydroelectric Power Site Study. Pat Still USGS Water Resources Division 218 E.Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Southcentral Alaska -Susitna River Basin. Periodic suspended-sediment samples are collected at the Susitna River near Denali and Susitna River at Gold C.reek. Continuing. Data are published on an annual basis in the "Water Resources Data for Alaska." Ongoing. 107 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Water Resources of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley Area. William Long Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Wasilla Area. Project objectives are to make map presentations of groundwater,surface water arid aquifer stratigraphy information.A surficial geology map of the area at 1:63,360 will be included in the final report. Data gathering. Groundwater atlas ready for drafting. Ongoing. 108 [ c c c o c o [ [ [ [ r'L c [ c c c· [ [1 c c c D c [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Water Quality Assessment of Lakes in the Palmer-Wasilla Area,Alaska:Lucile,Wasilla,Cottonwood~and Finger Lakes. Charlotte Chastain Department of Environmental Conservation 338 Denali Anchorage,AK 99501 Palmer-Wasilla. Lakes were samples·in late summer~1978 for temperature, specific conductance,dissolved oxygen,pH,total phosphate~total nitrate,total Kjeldahl nitrogen,and fecal coliform bacteria.. Discontinued. One year. 109 . Title: Contact: Area: Description: WATSTORE Computer l>ystem. Jilann Brunette U.S.Geological Survey 218 E.Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Statewide. WATSTORE is a computerized storage and retrieval system for.water r~sources data maintained by the Water Resources Division of the U.S.Geological Survey..The central computer is in Reston,Virginia and is accessed through terminals around the country.In Alaska there is one terminal in Juneau,which USGS shares with the Forest Service,National Marine Fisheri~s Service and Bureau of Mines.The Alaska terminals are hooked into the system via a telecommunications network.Data is filed in the system according to common characteristics (e.g.,groundwater sites,stream gaging stations,etc.) and data collection frequencies (e.g.,daily,annual, etc.). Daily Values File.This file stores data collected on a daily basis or through the use of continuous recording devices whose data can be reduced to a daily value. The type of information entered in the file includes streamflow measurements,reservoir volumes,water temperatures,sediment concentrations,water tables and others. Peak Flow File.This file stores annual maximum streamflow data and water levels (at a scale graduated in meters or feet)for surface water stations operated USGS and other agencies (Forest Service,National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration,etc.)in Alaska. The data can be returned on an entering agency basis (i.e.,one could retrieve only that information entered by Department of Natural Resources)or on a collective basis (i.e.,all the information entered by USGS, Department of Environmental Conservation,Department of Natural Resources,Department of Fish and Game,etc.) on a specific area. Water Quality File.This file is maintained in WATSTORE independently of the previously mentioned files. However,lab analyses are capable of being cross-referenced to the Water Quality File and water valuable table levels cross-referenced to the Daily Value Files. 110 [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [' , [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ c c c o c c [ [ [ Common forms of WATSTOREoutputinclude the follmving: Computer-printed tables which list the actual data are the most common output. Computer printed graphs,such as bar graphs,line graphs and site-location maps,,can be produced by the line printer. Statistical analyses,such as regression analyses, variance and correlations,can be performed. Digital plotting can be done with an off-line printer to produce hydrographs,contour maps of water table levels,x-y point plots and others.(NOTE:This capability is not available at the Alaska terminals due to the cost of the telecommunications link and the slow speed of the off-line plotter as compared to the line printer.However,the local USGS offices can have digital plotting performed at their regional offices at Menlo Park,then mailed to Alaska.) Primary locational entries into the WATSTORE files are by latitude and longitude,but they are also designated by township and range down to the quarter-quarter-quarter section (10 acres). Investigations are underway to determine if stream hydrology information could be stored and retrieved on a river-mile or drainage basin basis.All streams appearing on the Alaskan topographic maps have been catalogued according to EPA's STORET stream coding system. USGS has an agreement with EPA whereby all the WATSTORE water quality data is transferred into EPA's STORET system.However,STORET is not transferred into WATSTORE. An interface has been developed which will permit the access of STORET through a WATSTORE terminal. All water quality measurements put into the system as a USGS entry must meet USGS standards.For example, information on nitrates or phosphorus in waters must be done by the standard chemical analysis procedures for those parameters which are accepted by USGS.If a chemical measurement was entered by ADNR,ADEC,or ADF&G,for example,and if it was not known that their analytical standards were the same as USGS,then that data would be tagged ADNR,ADEC,and ADF&G in the output since they were the originating agencies.This would be of value in any event since a user may wish to III SUtu: Duration: go directly to information and the tagging would serve as a type of index. It is possible to have USGS produce a copy of the magnetic tape which includes all the water data stored for Alaska at any given time. Computerized storage for the Matanuska,Susitna and Knik drainage basins,the west shore of Cook Inlet and the Kenai Peninsula is complete. This is an ongoing,cooperative system for storage and retrieval of data that requires continual input. 112 c c [ c c c c c [ [ L c c [ Contact:Ken Hitch ,U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage,Alaska [ [ [ Title:Willow Creek Expanded FlOod Plain Information Study [ [ c o D [ [ C [ c Area:Willow and Deception Creek drainage basins. Description:The Willow Creek Expanded Plain Information Study,as requested by the State of Alaska and authorized by the Office Of the'Chief of Engineers~Corps of Engineers, provides a detailed data base including topography, flooding potential,existing and future1aIld use, animal and vegetation habitat,soil conditfons and hydrologic data.An analysis was made of existing conditions and two future conditions normal development in year 2000 and a state capital in year 2000.The study also provides the capability of 'a continuing means'of analysis as alternative development plans are proposed~The study area is the 241 square miles 'making up the Willow and Deception Creek drainage basins,approximately 30 air miles north of Anchorage. Sta tus :Oligo :lng. Duration:Scheduled for publication August,1979. 113 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Willow Creek Companion Study. Paul Pinard District Engineer U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage,Alaska Lower Susitna River basin. The purpose of the study is to delineate the floodplains immediately adjacent to Deception Creek,Willow Creek and the Little Susitna River.An attempt will be made to delineate the 10,50,100 and SOO-year floods. Development schemes,ranging from complete development of the floodplain to no development of the floodplain, will be studied to determine the ramifications of various potential growth schemes.The State will be asked to provide the criteria for the growth scenarios; for example 20 and 50-year levels of potential development within the study area.In return,the corps will model basin changes in hydrology economics and other environmental factors based on the growth criteria.The Capital Site Planning Commission will be asked for input the potential growth scenarios. The Companion Study will incorporate data and maps generated for the unpublished Little Susitna Flood Plain Information Report. The Alaska District,Corps of Engineers has received approval from the Office of the Chief of Engineers to proceed with the Companion Study. The project is expected to be concluded by October 1979. 114 [ c [ -0 [ [ c c c [ c [j [ [ [ c [ [ [ D C o [ o o c [ C " C c c L III.CROSS-INDEX:HYDROLOGY See FISH AND WILDLIFE SECTION for annotations of the following: Fisheries and Habitat Investigation of the Susitna River - A Preliminary Study of the Potential Impacts of the Devil's Canyon and Watana Hydroelectric Projects Moose Movements and Habitat Use Along the Upper Susitna River Raptor Studies Along the Proposed Susitna Powerline Corridors Upper Susitna Moose Population Study See GEOLOGY SECTION for annotation of the following: Hydrological Baseline Studies of Beluga Coal Area See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: Stream Gaging and Water Quality,Nancy Lake Limnological Study,New Capital Environmental Assessment Program, Source Document No.1 Well Water Availability,Surface and Subsurface Drainage, New Capital Environmental Assessment Program,Source Document No.1 Natural Site Conditions,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report No.4 Point MacKenzie Industrial Siting Study Water Sources,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report No.5 Environmental Guidelines and Assessment,Permits and Procedures,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report No.11 The Metropolitan Anchorage Urban Study 115 157 161 162 163 51 219 219 224 231 224 227 242 r i.JL J J J U~ U J J J Dr iL o J J [L J. J J J [ [ C Co C· C [ C o [ [ c c [ c. [ [ b [ CONTENTS:SOILS I.PUBLISHED INFORMATION 1.Soils of the Capital Relocation Site 2.Soils of the Skwentna Area II.ONGOING PROJECTS 1.Denali Trails Area Soil Survey 2.Soils of the Capital Relocation Site 3.Willow Area Detailed Soil Survey 4.Yentna Soil Survey Area III.CROSS-INDEX 119 Page 123 124 127 128 129 130 131 J J J lu C1" J J d o ] o '] J J J. J. J J J 81108 :N01IVWEOdN1 G3H811Hild °1 ] J J J J ] J J J ] U J J ] .J .J J J J J J ] J 0' J J J o J o J J J J. u· J U J c [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Soi180f the Capital Relocation Site,Alas'ka, USDA,Soil Conservation Service,1978,(118 pp.). Willow capital relocation site. Level 1. Maps:1. 2. 3. Index to map sheets (scale 1:63,360). Map sheets 1-8:aerial photos with soil names symbolized. Soil and water features. [ c D c c c c [ c. [ [ [ Tables: Description: Availability: 1.Engineering properties and classifications. 2.Physical and chemical properties of the soil. 3.Soil and water features. 4.Building site development. 5.Sanitary facilities. 6.Water management. 7.Construction materials. 8.Recreation development. 9.Map legend,acreage ~nd proportionate extent of the soils. This soil survey was conducted by the Soil Conservation Service at the request of the'Matanuska;';"Susitna Borough to provide soils information for planners,engineers and others involved in the capital relocation project. The survey provides location of soils on maps,a brief description of soil types in the area,a d~scription of representative examples of each kind of soil identified in the area as well ae information about properties of the soils pertinent to engineering applications and suitability and limitation of the soils for various uses. A copy of the survey is available from the Soil Conservation Service. 123 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Soils of the Skwentna Area,Alaska.Schoephorster,Dale B. and Clarence C.Widenfeld,USDA Soil Conservation Service. Skwentna. Levell. Skwentna area photo with soil mapping unit symbols on delineations (1:13,680 scale). [ c c Availability:This is an In Service Publication,and limited copies are available. Ten (10)soil series are recognized in twenty-one (21) mapping units covering 12,800 acres. Description:This report contains a general description of the area, an explanation of how soils are mapped and classified, a description of the soils,engineering applications and classifications of the soils. Tables:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Engineering classification. Physical and chemical properties of soils. Soil and water features. Sanitary features. Building site development. Construction materials. Water management. Recreational development. Soil classification. Acreage and proportionate extent. [ [ o c c o [ [ c. [ c 124 [ [ S~IOS :SI~~rO~d SNIOSNO ·11 J J J J oJ J J U J J J J J ] .J .J ] ] J I I ] J ] J. J ] ] d J J J J ] J J. J. J J J [ [ [ c· [ [ c [ c c ,[ [ [ ~ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Denali Trails Area Soil Survey (Denali Area Soil Survey) Louis A.Fletcher State Soil Scientist USDA-Soil Conservation Service 2221 East Northern Lights Blvd.,Suite 129 Anchorage,Alaska 99504 (907)276-4246 Watershed Program Manager Bureau of Land Management (907)277-1561 Upper'Susitna sub-basin The Soil Conservation Service is conducting soil investigations in the Denali Highway (Alaska Highway 8) area as part of a cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Land Management. The primary purpose of the soil study is to provide information on area soil properties to assist in the management of off-road vehicle use in this remote area. The soil studies will help in assessing suitability of relocating off-road trails or roads to other routes of less impact and in assessing the problems found in existing locations (e.g.,permafrost,ground instability, etc.).Soil limitations are based on features of undisturbed soil. The soil study may serve the secondary purpose of assisting the BLM in testing the correlation between LANDSAT imagery and soil patterns as part of an ongoing remote-sensing BLM project in the same area. The SCS soil surveys include the following:a)The Butte Lake Trail,4,500 acres;b)Butte Creek Trail, 5,000 acres;c)Hatchet Lake area,1,500 acres;d)a large area from the Denali Highway north to Seven Mile Lake including Land Mark Gap Lake,40,000 acres;e) Phalarope and g)Maclaren River site,640 acres. Geomorphic features in several areas along the Denali are also being mapped. The BLM is providing funding and transportation (via helicopter),and SCS is providing the manpower for the cooperative project. Preliminary maps are completed,and text prepared. In-house publication by BLM. SCS publication pending. 127 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Soils of the Capital Relocation Site Alaska. Louis A.Fletcher State Soil Scientist USDA-Soil Conservation Service 2221 East Northern Lights Blvd.,Suite 129 Anchorage,AK 99504 (907)276-4246 Approximately 100 square miles.Located in Susitna River valley near Willow,Alaska. The Soil Conservation Service has completed detailed (order 2)soil survey in and around the state capital relocation area at the request of Matanuska-Susitna Borough to provide soil information to planners,engineers and others involved in the project. Report will provide description,location,classification and interpretation of soils in the area. Mapping complete;test prepared;publication in progress. Expected to be available late spring,197~. 128 [ [ c [ o c [ c [ [ C L [ [ [ [ Contact:Louis A.Fletcher State Soil Scientist USDA-Soil Conservation Service 2221 East Northern Lights:Blvd.,Suite 129 Anchorage,Alaska 99504: (907)276-4246 [ [ [ c· Title:Willow Area Detailed Soil Survey. [ c c Area:Willow·sub-basin. Description:The Willow Area Soil Survey will provide evaluations of -soil conditions to aid in selecting locations for highways,buildings,recreation sites,airports.Basic engineering-properties of soils will-be given. The Soil Conservation Service completed a preliminary survey from the north boundary of the capital site to the southside of Kashwitna by fall,1977. Status:Northern extensioriof this survey would begin late summer,1979.There is no estimate on when mapping for this area would be completed. c c c [ ~ [ [ [ 6 [ Duration:Field season 1979 through 1980. 129 1978 through 1981.Publication scheduled in 1982. Susitna River basin west of Susitna River.South of Dutch Hills to Cook Inlet. 700,000 acres mapped field season 1978.700,000 to 800,000 acres to be mapped annually until completed. Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Yentna Soil Survey Area. Louis A.Fletcher State Soil Scientist USDA-Soil Conservation Service 2221 East Northern Lights Blvd.,Suite 129 Anchorage,Alaska 99504 (907)276-4246 Detailed (order 2)soil survey will provide soil description,classification and interpretations. maps are aerial.photos of scale of 1:24,000.The area size is approximately three million acres. 130 Base study [ c [ .[ '[ [ [ o c [ o c [, [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ III.CROSS-INDEX:SOILS See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations on the following: Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie Highway Corridor Route Reconnaissance Matanuska-Susitna Comprehensive Development Plan 131 215 217 J ] J l"---I ] ] J d ] J J J J .] U. J. J J J I PUBLISHED INFORMATION [ [ rl~ [- [0 [ [ [ o [ c c [ [ c c [ c [, II III CONTENTS:VEGETATION 1.Vegetation Management Impact Analysis ONGOING PROJECTS 1.Acquisition System Verification and Transfer Project (Denali Remote Sensing Project) CROSS-INDEX 135 139 143 144 J J J lu o ] J o o J J o ] ] J. J. U '] J N01lVl3~3A :N01lVWHOdN1 a3HS1~Hnd °1 J J ] 1LI J J J J J J J J J J .J .J J J J J ] J J !J J J d [] J J J J J U. J. J J J [ c [ c" c [ [ [ c c [ [ c [ [ Title: Area: Maps: Description: Vegetation Management Impact Analysis.U.S.Department of Transportation,Federal Railroad Administration, Alaska Railroad,Anchorage,Alaska,1977. Along the route of the Alaska Railroad. Geographic location map of route.Scale:1"=16 miles. This report is an impact analysis of an established method of managing vegetation in the right-of-way of the Alaska Railroad.Technical data and on-site photographs are included to illustrate and support management methods. 139 J J ] J [] J J D J ] J ] J ] U. J. rJ. < o ] NOIIVla~3A :SIJarO~d ~NIO~NO ·11 ] J J J J ] J ] J ] D J J J .J .J J ] J J J J -1•.-1 J ] J o o J J o J J Ll. j. J J ] [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ b [ Title: Contact: Area: Description Status: Duration: Acquisition System Verification and Transfer (ASVT) Proj ect or [Denali Remote Sellsing Project]• Lou Waller,Alaska Project Manager or Kevin Meyer,Remote Sensing Specialist Anchorage District Office Bureau of Land Management 4700 E.72nd Avenue Anchorage,AK 99507 Project area covers approximately two million acres along the Denali Highway in Southcentral Alaska...Two other project areas are located in Arizona andldaho~ The ASVT project is a multisite analysis of the utility of LANDSAT digital and manual processing for wildland vegetation and geologic feature mapping.The project is designed to allow comparisons to be made between conventionaJ aerialphotog~aphy interpretation techniques and new technology involving LANDSAT satellite imagery. Evaluations or aerial photography interpretations of 1:120,000 and 1:30,000 color infrared photography; LANDSAT 1:250,000 color images;LANDSAT digital analysis; and ground inventories are being made to quantify the cost effectiveness and quality of the resulting interpretation products for wildland resource management. The Denali phase of the project is now undergoing digital analysis product review.Products from manual interpretation effects were field checked during the summer of 1978.Activities over the next nine months will center on evaluating the accuracy of digitally classified vegetation maps. The second phase of the ASVT project is now underway in Arizona.The third phase is expected to begin during 1980.The Phase I final report is expected to be completed late in 1979. 143 III.CROSS-INDEX:VEGETATION See FISH AND WILDLIFE SECTION for annotations on the following: Wetland Inventory-Susitna River Basin See HYDROLOGY SECTION for annotations on the following: LANDSAT Mapping,Level B Study See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations on the following: Matanuska-Susitna Development Plan Moose Habitat Analysis,New Capital City Environmental Assessment Program,Source Document No.2. 144 173 84 218 220 [ [ [ ·c [ [ o c c o c [ [ C [ [ C [ [ [ r 1. CONTENTS:FISH AND WILDLIFE PUBLISHED INFORMATION l.Alaska's Fisheries Atlas,Volumes I and II 2.Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat,Volume I 3.Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat,Volume II 4.Fish and Wildlife Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical,Level B Study[ [ [ [ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fisheries and Habitat Investigations of the Susitna River - A Preliminary Study of the Potential Impacts of the Devils Canyon and Watana Hydroelectric Projects Inventory and Cataloging of the Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters in Upper Cook Inlet Lower Susitna Valley Moose Population Identity Study Moose -Calf Mortality Study Moose Movements and Habitat Use Along the Upper Susitna River 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 c c II. 10.Raptor Studies Along the Proposed Susitna Powerline Corridors,Oil Pipeline and in the Yukon and Colville River Regions of Alaska 11.Upper Susitna River Moose Population Study ONGOING PROJECTS 162 163 [ [ [~ c [ c [ 1. 2. 3. 4. Coastal Fish and Wildlife Resource Profile Inventory and Cataloging of Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters of the Copper River,Prince William Sound,and the Upper Susitna River Drainage Inventory and Cataloging of Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters in Upper Cook Inlet Moose Research 147 167 168 169 170 J J ] l"---' J ~] ] J 1J J o J J J J~ J. J J J [ [~ _.J [ c" C" [ [ C D [ C C C [ l. [ [ b [ FISH AND WILDLIFE:ONGOING PROJECTS continued Page. 5.Nelchina Moose Calf Mortality Study 171 6.Nelchina Yearling Moose Mortality Study 172 7.Wetland Inventory -Susitna River Basin 173 III.CROSS-INDEX 174 149 ] J J J n li, ] J d o J o ] n J J. J. J "'J J a&11a11M aNY HS1&:N01IVWHO&N1 aaHS11HDa 01 J J ] J ~J ] J D J ] J J J ] .J oJ ] ] ] J J l LJ J J J J J J J J .~ Lj J J J. J. ] J [ [ [ [~ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ c. [ [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Desciption: 1. 2. 3. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas,Vo1.land II.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game,1978. Statewide. Levell. Numerous maps at a scale of 1:63,360 presenting fish distribution and'impo:ttanthabitat.Quadrangles presented within the Susitna Basin are:Anchorage,Tyonek, Talkeetna and Talkeetna Mountains. Both volumes of the atlas are divided into three sections. Fish Species Accounts~-This section presents a general life history of each fish,species distribution in Alaska,and the general habitat requirements of each species. Area Accounts-.....A general description of each regulatory 'area as well as specific information regarding distribution, tiniing and the hu~an uses of each species within the area is provided in this section.Volume I deals with commercial fisheries managemeritareas while Volume II is confined to sport fish regulatory areas. Fish Distribution Maps--Distribution of each species maps at a scale of 1:63,300 is shown.These maps show seasonal changes in distribution and important habitat. 153 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat,Vol.L State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game,1973. Statewide. Level 1. Numerous maps at a scale 1:63,360 (reduced)showing wildlife distribution and important habitat.Quadrangles pertinent to the Susitna Study area are:Anchorage, Tyonek,Talkeetna,Talkeetna Mountains. [ [ [ This volume has four parts:Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. Physiography--This section discusses each of the 12 physiographic regions of Alaska in terms of topography,climate,geology and general vegetational characteristics. Wildlife Species Accounts--A general life history, species distribution and general habitat requirements are presented for the following species categories: terrestrial mammals,marine mammals,waterfowl and seabirds and invertebrates. Wildlife Distribution Maps--Maps at a scale of 1:63,360 (reduced)show distribution of each species as well as seasonal changes and critical habitat areas when possible. Game Management Unit Accounts--This section presents a general description of each game management units,specific information on historic and present distribution and abundance and human uses in the unit.Specific and critical habitat requirements of each species in the unit have been emphasized as well as land-use considerations and recommendations for land-use plans. 154 [ [ [ c [ [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [ c c c· Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat,Vol.II.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game,1978. Statewide. Level I. Numerous maps at a 1:63,360 scale (reduced)presenting wildlife distribution and habitat.Quadrangles pertinent to Susitna Study Area are:.Anchorage,Tyonek,Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains. The body of this volume has three major divisions:[ [ c c c c c [ [ [ [ [ Description: 1. 2. 3. W~ldlife Species Accounts~~A general life history of each species,species distribUtion,general habitat requirements and human uses is presented in this section.Species are separated irtto the following categories:furbearets,small game, raptors and seabirds. Game Management Accounts--This section is arranged by geographic area and species.It presents a general description of each game management unit and information regarding historic and present distribution, abundance and human uses within each unit. Wildlife Distribution--This section is arranged by geographic area and species and presents the distribution of each species at a scale of 1:63,360. 155 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Fish and Wildlife Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Southcentra1 Alaska Water Resources Level B Study,1979. Cook Inlet,Kodiak,She1ikbf,Gulf of Alaska. Level 1. 1.Study area (scale 2~"=200 miles). 2.Water resources council,Level B Study,Cook Inlet subregion (scale 2~"=100 miles). 3.Game management units. 4.Cook Inlet commercial fishery districts. Numerous,dealing with current and projected needs, demands on various wildlife resources. This technical memorandum presents an inventory of existing resources needs within the southcentra1 region. Regulatory and management tools to protect and manage the resource and to resolve user conflicts are presented. Appendices are included dealing with methodology for assessment supply and demand of fish and wildlife resources,subsistence and essential fish and wildlife use areas.(See page 100 for description of the Level B Study.) 156 [ [ [ o[ [ [ c c [ o [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ D [ c o [ [ c. [ [ [ Title:Fisheries and Habitat Investigations of the Susitna River -A Preliminary Study of Potential Impacts of ..the -Devils Canyon and Watana Hydroelectric Projects. Riis,James C.,Nancy V.Friese;Alaska Department of Fish and Game,1978. Area:Upper Susitna River. Interest:Level 1. Description:This study was conducted as part of a biological information gathering effort to enable the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to prepare a comprehensive biological study plan in the event a final environmental impact study is made to determine the feasibility of constructing the p~oposed Watana and Devils Canyon dams.Biological data was obtained on in~igenous fish populations,and water quality and quantity investigations were conducted with respect to the existing aquatic habitat of the SusitnaRiver drainage. 157 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Inventory and Cataloging of the Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters in Upper Cook Inlet,Vol.19. Watsjold,David;Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Annual Performance Report,Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, 1978. Susitna and Matanuska Valleys -Includes east side tributaries of the Susitna River,tributaries of Talkeetna River and portions of the Chulitna River drainage. Level 2. One map showing portions of the Big Lake Drainage. 16 tables dealing with information on spawning populations of chinook and coho salmon,and data on stocked lakes of the Susitna Valley. This project is presented in an annual report found in Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Annual Report of Performance,Job.No.G-I.D.It encompasses a wide variety of cataloging and inventory studies covering a period from July 1,1977 to June 30,1978.The report of the project presents information on chinook and coho salmon spawning populations in various drainages.Also included are population characteristics of chinook salmon in Willow Creek,Montana Creek and Chulitna River.Information on fish stocked in various Susitna Valley lakes is included.Life history investigations of coho salmon in the Big Lake drainage are discussed in this report. 158 [ [ [ [ [ c [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ c [ [ [. r L [ [ Title:Lower Susitna Valley Moose Population-idelltity Study.· -Final Report.Didrickson,J.C.and K.P.Taylor; Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,1978,(20 pp.). Area:Peters~Dutch Hills portion of Game Management Unit 16A (Lower Susitna River Basin). Interest:Level 2. Maps:5 maps showing locations and migrations of 49 female moose.(Scale 1:250,000) Tables:3 tables showing sex,age and productivity of 49 adult female moose. Descr~ption:This isa study of seasonal movements,home ranges~ calf production and survival in 49 adult female moose. These moose were marked with individually identifiable collars,including 24 radio transmitter collars.A total of 706 observations of these mOQse indicated that three separate winter ranges were used.:.Kahiltna Glacier Moraines,Peters Hills burn and Bunco-Home Lake area on the Tokositna River. 159 Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Moose-Calf Mortality Study.Game Managenent Unit 13, Project Progress Report,Ballard,W.B.and K.P.Taylor,Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration, 1978. Headwaters of Susitna River and Mendeltna Creek. Level 2. One map showing study areas,three maps showing locations of brown bears observed. Five tables showing measurements,blood values,bacterial cultures of calf moose;mortality factors and movements of cows and calves in relation to mortality. This report records the results of a study on neonatal moose calf mortality.By radio collaring 54 newborn moose calves in two study areas,causes of calf mortality were determined.Predation (mostly by brown bears) accounted for 90 percent of the natural mortality. Thirty-five of the 54 collared calves died during this study. 160 [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Moose Movements and Habitat Use Along ,the Upper StisitriaRiver.Taylor,KentonP.andWarien B.Ballard; Alaska Department of Fish arid Game,January,1979 (20 pp.).. Upper Susitna River within the Watana damsite area. Level 2. Maps: Tables:, 1. 2. 1. 2. Identifying moo~e movements in the study area. Seven maps indicating previous range and 1978 locations of radio-collared moose along the Susitna River in seven locations. Range size,number of radio locations and m1n1mum number of river crossings of radio-collared moose along the Susitna River. Number of observations of radio-collared moose in vegetation types along the Susitna River in October,1976 and December,1977. Description:The report is a progress report to the Alaska Power Authority of a study conducted in the vicinity of the propos~d Susitna hydropower project.Moese movements during the study period,April,1978 through September,1978, were monitored through use of·radio collars. 161 Title: Area: Interest: Tables: Description: Raptor Studies Along the Proposed Susitna Powerline Corridors,Oil Pipeline and in the Yukon and Colville River Regions of Alaska.White,Clayton M.,and Tom J.Cade for U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Bureau of Land Management,National Park Service,Arctic Institute of North America and American Museum of Natural History,1976,(28 pp.). Susitna Dam sites and the proposed power line corridor along the Parks Highway,Anchorage to Talkeetna to Cantwell to Carlo Creek. Level 2. One table pertinent to the study is presented:Itinerary of Travel for the Susitna Dam Power Transmission Corridor, 1975--listing date,time,aircraft and pilot and area surveyed. The purpose of the study relating to the Susitna River Basin was to determine the distribution,density and status of falcon populations in specific areas of human activity in order to assess and predict potential disturbances and to make recommendations to help mollify such impacts.An aircraft reconnaissance survey of falcon habitat was conducted along the proposed power line corridor from the Susitna Dam Site projects. 162 [ [ [ ·nL [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Co [ [ c c o [ [ c~ c [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Upper Susitna River Moose Population Study.Project Progress Report,Ballard,W.B.and K.P.Taylor, Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration,1978,(62 pp.). Upper Susitna Basin. Level 2. 17 maps showing movements and home ranges of individual moose--(Scale:1"=4 miles). 7 tables showing measurements,pregnacy status,blood chemistries,ages handling histories and serial resightings of collared moose. This project progress report deals with indentification of populations and subpopulations of moose occupying upper Susitna River Basin. A total of 105 adult cow moose were captured and marked with individually identifiable collars,including 40 radio transmitter collars.Tentatively,four separate populations of moose were identified.Their seasonal movements are described and discussed.Included is an appendix entitled,'~oose Movements and Habitat Use on the Susitna River and Its Relationships to the Proposed Susitna River Hydroelectric Project." 163 ] J J J J~ ] J J J J o ] ] '] ]~ J. " J j J ] J J 1u 'J ] J U o J J J J ] .J J~..'.....~ J J J J 1 J J J' J ] d U J J J ] ] ]- J. J J ] c [ [. [ Title:Coastal Fish and Wildlife Resource Profile for Southcentra1 Alaska. Contact:David L.Spencer University of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage,AK 99501 or Greg Konkel U.S.Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 E.Tudor Road Anchorage,AK 99503 Area:Southcentra1 Alaska. Status:Research is completed and graphic production is underway. Description:.The project's objective is to identify critical wildlife habitats of the region and seek out conflicts that could occur between wildlife resources and man-made development by the year 2000.The critical wi141ife areas and relationships will be displayed on large graphic illustrations and maps. [ c o [ o c [ [ c. [ [ [ Duration:10/78-5/79 167 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Inventory and Cataloging of Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters of the Copper River,Prince William Sound,and the Upper Susitna River drainages. Fred T.Williams Alaska Department of Fish and Game Box 47 Glennallen,AK 99588 Upper Susitna River Drainage,Copper River Drainage and Prince William Sound. Lake and stream surveys,area of lakes,volume,depth, fish species present,fish food grade,drainage are examples of information being obtained through this project.Similar information is gathered from selected streams.During 1977 considerable effort was expended surveying lakes in the area and all the primary tributaries to the Upper Susitna River. This is an ongoing project;however,little effort is planned in the Upper Susitna in 1979. Several years. 168 [ c [ c c c c E [ [ c [ c [ [ c [ [ [ c [ c c [ [ Title:Inventory and Cataloging of the Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters in Upper Cook Inlet. Contact:David Watsjold Alaska Department of Fish and Game P.O.Box 794 Palmer ,.Alaska 99645 Area:Susitna and Matanuska Valleys"",:,Includes east side tributaries of SusitnaRiver,tributaries of Talkeetna River and portions of the Cpulitna River drainage. Interest:Level 2 •. Description:Data.collected on this project will be presented in an anml,al report found in Federal Aid in Fish'Restoration, Annual Report of Performance,Job No.<rI-b •.,Vol.20. This JobeIll:QmpasseE!'m~my different types.of projects tha t 'i!:re co,ri4\icted each year.. -...- In the Susitna River Basin,inventories are being conducted on all clearwater streams to Cissess adult salmonspa.wuing.pop...ul.ations.Detai.le.d .w..ork is presently 'being conducted on Willow Creek an4Li ttle Susitna River.Salmonoid life history studies are being conducted on these streams.Studies are aimed at determini~g salmonoid growth rates,:migration patterns of fry andsmolt,habitat ,preferences and species composition in yarious habitat types.Willow Creek and Little Susitna River will be gaged shortly to determine flow patterns.Thermograph data have beEmand will continue to be collected onMontana,Willow and Caswell creeks as well as Little SusitnaRiver.Limited water chemistry data are available for these streams. Many of the lakes in the Susitna Basin have been surveyed and these data are available from Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Surveys usually include bottom contouring, water analysis,species composition and description of inlets and outlets. c. c [ [ Status:Volume 20 is due to be published September 1979.The project is a continuing program through 1980. 169 Title: Contact: Description: Duration: Moose Research Don McKnight,Research Chief Department of Fish and Game Division of Game Juneau,AK 99801 The moose,because of its extreme importance to Alaskans and the nuances involved in its management,receives a disproportionately large share of research effort. These studies can be classified as intensive and extensive, with the former being conducted at the Moose Research Center (MRC)on the Kenai Peninsula and the latter being field studies throughout the state. MRC Studies:Currently under study is moose physiology and behavior.This work is designed to mesh with studies of moose habitat conducted by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.The main emphasis in FY 79 is measuring the effects of various blood parameters which can be used to assess the condition of moose. Investigation and evaluation of techniques which would be applicable to moose management are long-term research projects at MRC. Field Studies:The bulk of these studies are designed to delineate various moose herds and determine the habitats seasonally used by these herds.Current activities are being conducted on the southern Kenai Peninsula,Nelchina Basin,Alaska Range foothills and the Susitna Valley. Through FY 80. 170 [ [ [ ~n LJ [ D c [ o c [ .C [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ c c c c E 6. C [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Nelchina Moose Calf Mortality Study. Dr.Don McKnight Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of·Game Juneau,AK 99801 Headwaters of Susitna River. Neonatal (from birth to age 3 months)mortality of moose calves is 'determined 'by radio collaring newborn calves and monitoring radio signals which indicate when the calves have died. This study 'terminated on June 30,1979. This was a two year study • 171 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Nelchina Yearling Moose Mortality Study. Dr.Don McKnight Alaska Department of Fish &Game Division of Game Juneau,Alaska 99801 Headwaters of Susitna River. Yearling moose will be fitted with mortality activated radio collars.These animals will be monitored to determine rates and causes of mortality. This study began in spring,1979. This will be a two year study. 172 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ c [ c [ [ c. [ c [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Wetland Inventory.....Susitna River Basin Gary Hickman U.S.Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 E.Tudor Rd. Anchorage,AK 99503 Susitna River Basin covering Anchorage,Tyonek,Talkeetna Mountain quadrangles. This project is a wetland inventory based on computer:-aidedinterpretationof LANDSAT data,supported by high-altitude,color infrared aerial photography; low level aerial reconnaissance and ground data.Maps of the above quandrangles at 1:250,000 scale will be pub lished.' Publication of the Anchorage quadrangle wetlands map is expected spring 1979.Fieldwork in this area will continue through summer 1979 and maps of the other quadrangles should be.published.with"in the next.year. Publication of an operational manual delineating procedures and techniques used for the inventory will be published within the next 18 months. Through 1980. 173 III.CROSS-INDEX:FISH AND WILDLIFE See HYDROLOGY SECTION for annotations of the following: Final Environmental Assessment Record,Susitna Hydropower Feasibility Study See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: Alaska Coastal Land Status Atlas Environmental Guidelines,and Assessment,Permits and Procedures,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report No.11 Fisheries Studies,New Capital City Environmental Assessment Program,Source Document No.2. Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan Point MacKenzie Industrial Siting Study 174 73 213 227 217 231 [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ .c b [ [ [ [ [ c- c- I. CONTENTS:RECREATION AND ARCHAEOLOGY PUBLISHED 'INFORMATION 1.Archaeology Survey in the Willow/Wasilla Area 2.Recreation Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study 3.Trails in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough 181 182 183 ONGOING PROJECTS 1.Alexander Creek River Analysis III.CROSS-INDEX [ n c C' .~ [ [ c [ II. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Susitna Basin Community and Regional Recreation Resource Assessments Historic Use of the Susitna River and Its Tributaries Little Susitna River Analysis Recreation Use and Land Use Patterns Assessments Tokositna Recreation Development 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 [ b. [ [ [ [ 177 ] J J J J' .n o J U ] J J J J J. J. ] J cl l~ A~0103VHJ~GNV N01IV3~J3~:N01IVWROdN1 G3HS11Hlla °1 J J ] J oJ J J o ] J J J J ] .J oJ ] J J ] J J J J' ] ] ] J J ], J ] ] ]. J. ] J ] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ • [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Archaeological Survey in the Willow/Wasilla Area. Reger,Douglas R.;Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks,1979,(20 pp.plus illustrations). Willow/Wasilla/Susitna Station. Level 2. Two quadrangle maps (scale 1:250,000)of archaeological/ historic sites in areas covered by Tyonek and Anchorage quadrangles. Eight photographs. This report lists known archaeological sites and those historical sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places within the Willow/Wasilla area. 181 Title: Area: Interest: Phase I Technical Memorandum,Recreation Needs Assessment.Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Level B Study,March 1979. Cook Inlet,Kodiak-Shelikof and Gulf of Alaska. Levell. [ [ [ This technical memorandum contains a detailed assessment of current and projected demands on the needs of recreation resources in Southcentral Alaska.Included in the report is a description of the Southcentral region,an inventory of recreational resources,recreation demands, needs and conflict assessment and a listing of governmental agencies managing and/or owning the recreational lands. Appendices are included.(See page 100 for a description of the Level B Study.) Figures: Tables: Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Recreation Planning Formula. Mapping Diagram. Cook Inlet Recreation Inventory. Recreation Needs Formula. Cook Inlet Recreation Demand. Cook Inlet Recreation Needs. Cook Inlet 1978 Recreation Inventory. Cook Inlet 1985 Demand Projections. Cook Inlet 1985 Needs Projections. Cook Inlet 2000 and 2025 Demand Projections. ·n L [ [ [ c [ [ [ [, [ [ 182 L [ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ c [ [ [ • [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Trails in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Tucker,Robert;Matanuska-Susitna Borough,1979. Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Level 2. Matanuska-Susitna Borough vicinity map. Trail head maps are provided for nine trails. This booklet provides a listing of 57 public trails in the borough.In all cases,the trail starting point is described.In many cases,more detailed information is included,such as scenery,wildlife,vegetation and geologic attractions along the trail. 183 J J ] J". J ] d J J J J ] ] ]~ J. J J J • ] ] J J ~J ] J J J J J J J ] .] .J ] ] J J J ] J J~ • J ] d U J J J J J J~ ;J--. <------ J J J [ [ [ c· [ [ c c [ [ c c [ [ [ [ Title:· Contact: Area: Description:: Status: Duration: Alexander Creek River Analysis Jack Mosby HerJtage Conservation &Recreation Service 1011 E.Tudor,Suite 297 Anchorage,AK 99503 277-1666 Alexander Greek from Alexander Lake to the Susitna River. In cooperation with the State of Alaska,Division of Parks,HCRShas completed afield examination and is in the process of preparing a wild and scenic river analysis of the entire Alexander Creek. Field work completed 1978. Report in preparation. August 1978 to October 1979. 187 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Susitna Basin. Douglas Reger Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks Anchorage,Alaska 1978 Willow/Wasilla Area 1979 Deshka River/Petersville Road This project is a reconnaissance level survey aimed at making a small sampling of archaeological sites in the Susitna Basin Study area. Ongoing •. 188 [ [ [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c· [ [ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Community and Regional Recreation Resource Assessments Nat Goodhue State-Wide Recreation Services Division of Parks Alaska Department of Natural Resources 619 Warehouse Ave. Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)274-4676 Statewide The Division of Parks is conducting an assessment of the supply arid demand of recreation resources in the °SusitnaRiver·Basin.The assessment will project recreation needs in the basin through 2025.The Division of Parks will make recommendations as to how these needs can be met. Field work and research are to continue through December,1979. Through ~furch,1980 189 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Historic Use of the Susitna River and Tributaries. Richard O.Stern/Terry Cole Title Administration,Lands Section Alaska Division of Forest,Land &Water Management 323 East 4th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)279-5577 Entire Susitna River drainage. In the determination of ownership of inland submerged lands,the historic uses of the water bodies figures importantly.This project will provide data to establish and defend the State's position of its ownership of the beds of nontidal navigable waters in the Susitna River drainage. Data to be collected includes:historic uses,physical characteristics,Native uses and place names,contemporary uses~ Project presentation will be in the form of a final report documenting the above data with supporting maps, graphics and other appropriate information. Planning stage.Research design and preparation.Will probably be contracted with University of Alaska, Fairbanks,Dr.James Kari and James Fall.If not contracted,will be done in-house by Cole and Stern under the general supervision of Ron Swanson, Navigability Project Leader. Through spring/summer,1979. 190 [ [ [ -[ ~[ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ c [ [ [ c. [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Duration: Little Susitna River Analysis. Kevin Apgar Heritage Conservation &Recreation Service 1011 E.Tudor,Suite 297 Anchorage,AK 99507 277-1666 Little Susitna River -the entire river. In cooperation with the State of Alaska,Division of Parks,HCRS has completed a field examinations and is in the process of preparing a wild and scenic river analysis of the entire Little Susitna River. Field work completed 1978. Report in preparation. August 1978 to October 1979. 191 Title: Contact: Area: Maps: Description: Status: Duration: Recreation and Land Use Patterns Assessments Dave Stephens Land and Resource Planning Section Division of Research and Development Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 E.4th Ave. Anchorage,Alaska 99503 (907)279-5577 Recreation use patterns assessment:Matanuska-Susitna Borough.Land use patterns assessment:Susitna River and Beluga River Basins. All areas have been covered at the 1:250,000 scale.In addition,areas which have greater levels of activity (primarily the lowland areas of the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys)have also been mapped at the 1:63,360 scale.Blueline or brownline copies can be made available upon request. As part of the Joint U.S.D.A.-D.N.R.Susitna River Basin Cooperative Study,the Land and Resource Planning Section is conducting a study of present and potential land and recreation use patterns in the areas stated above. The recreation study,in cooperation with the State Division of Parks,will be based on working sessions and personal interviews with user groups and government agencies which provide recreation services. The land use study will be based upon field work, aerial photos,published reports and interviews with local residents,flight operators and government staff. Papers which summarize land and recreation use patterns and discuss other topics relevant to the area's use patterns will be available in the Land and Resource Planning Section Library. An atlas which includes both recreation and land use information may be printed before the end of 1979. Research will be completed by September,1979. Through December,1979. 192 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [, .[ [ [ [ c [ [~ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c, [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Tokositna Recreation Development Vicky Sung Division of Parks Alaska Department of Natural Resources 619 Warehouse Ave. Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)274-4676 Tokositna The Tokositna project is an evaluation of the feasibility of constructing visitor facili.ties·in the Mt.McKinley area,at a slte south of the Tokositna River.The project is being conducted jointly by the Alaska Division of Parks and the National Park S.ervice in a fOjlr part process.Part one is a market analysis and -economic feasibility study;part two is a ski area development feasibility study;part three is an:environmental analysis of the site;part four will be a comprehensive development plan.... Ongoing. Findings will be presented to the state legislature by January,1980. 193 III.CROSS-INDEX:RECREATION AND ARCHAEOLOGY See GEOLOGY SECTION for annotations of the following: Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Hatcher Pass Recreation Area See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: Environmental Guidelines and Assessment,Permits,and Procedures,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report,No.11. Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan Our New Capital City:A Report to the People of Alaska Outdoor Recreation Resources,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report,No.8 194 54 227 217 229 226 [ c [ -[ W[ [ [ C c [ o [J [ [ .C C [ [J [ [ [ [ [ C. -' [a [ [ C C [ D C [ [ C. C [ b [ CONTENTS:CLIMATE I.ONGOING PROJECTS 1.Incoming Solar Radiation Measurement 2.Solar Energy Meteorology II.CROSS-INDEX 19J7 201 202 203 ] J J 1<.:...J J' J J d J J J ] J J J. J. J J J J J J J "J. J J o J J D J J ] .J ~J J J J J J J J ] ] J J J J J J ] J J. J. J J J [ [ [ [- [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: Incoming Solar Radiation Measurement James L.Wise Univeristy of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Anchorage. Continuous measurements of incoming solar rad~ation on a horizontal surface and a plane inclined 61 degrees to" the horizontal have been made at 707 A Street, Anchorage,Alaska since October,1978.This data is on file at AEIDC for use in solar energy conversion system applications. There are approximately five months of "data available. Hourly values of incoming solrradiation have been computed.However,there are also temperature and wind records on strip charts since September,1978. Ongoing and is expected to continue for the next three to five years. 201 Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: James L.Wise University of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Statewide. The project is an analysis of solar radiation based on 22 to 23 years of observations for Annette,Bethel, Matanuska,Fairbanks and .Barrow.The project also includes a method for estimating the solar radiation at the surface if the cloud cover between sunrise and sunset is known in sufficient detail. Analysis is complete and the report is being prepared for printing. Nearly complete as of spring,1979. 202 [ [ c ·c [ nL D c D c [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ Co [ [ [ c [ o c c [ c~ [ [ c [ II.CROSS-INDEX:CLIMATE See MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: Meteorology and Air Quality Studies,New Capital City Environmental Assessment Program,Source Document No.4 203 ...-------~----------_.._---------------- 221 J J J J J ] ] J U J J J J J J. J. (1 :.J J J PUBLISHED INFORMATION LAND USE AND LAND STATUS CONTENTS:MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SOCIOECONOMIC CROSS-INDEX [ [ [ c· c [ c [ c c [ [ [ [ 1. A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Alaska Coastal Land Status Atlas A Study of the Area Served Including Transporta- tion,Economy,Population Characteristics,and Education,Matanuska-Susitna College Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie Highway Corridor Route Reconnaissance Land Use Management Needs Assessment,Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Develop- ment Plan,Phase I Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Develop- ment Plan,Phase II New Capital City Environmental Assessment Program New Capital ·City Planning Process Background Reports Our New City - A Report to the People of Alaska Overall Economic Development Plan -Matanuska- Susitna Borough -Annual Report 1978 Point MacKenzie Industrial Siting Study The Urban Fringe -Methods of Land Use Direction Susitna Basin Cooperative Study -Plan of Work 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 223 229 230 231 232 233 234 [ [ 207 J J J 3 J~ .. J ] J J ] o o J ~-1 u J. J. [J J J II.ONGOING PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES,continued [ [ [ c· [ [ c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Coastal Zone Information Dissemination System Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission Final Report Matanuska-Susitna Borough Coastal Resource District Program Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan,Phase III Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan,Phase IV The Metropolitan Anchorage Urban Study 237 238 239 240 241 242 E [ c c [ [ [. l [ [ 7.Southcentral Land Use Plan III.CROSS-INDEX 209 243 244 ] J J J ]' .. J J J J J J J J J J. ]. J J U J ] J J "0 J ] J J ] J J J ] .J .] ] J J J J J o u". J J J U J o J J ] rJ.L ~ J. J J J [ [ [ [ c [ [J c [ [ [. [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Description: Alaska Coastal Land>Status Atlas.Planning and Research Section;Alaska Department of Natural Resources,1977. The atlas includes a total of 95 quadrangle maps;the Tyonek and Anchorage quadrangles are pertinent to the study area. Level 2. 95 maps -1:250,000 scale ~USGS quadrangles. The Atlas is composed of a series of three overlays, each showing resource uses and jurisdiction boundaries. These are as follows: Land Status -1)Federal lands;including park,forest, monument and wildlife refuge boundaries.2)State lands;including parks,game refuges,game sanctuary, recreation areas,critical habitat,tentatively approved/patente~land boundaries,city boundaries, management rights/patented land and tideland patents. 4)Private lands;interim conveyance/patented and tideland patents. Subsurface Use -1)Uplands;including boundaries of permits (coal),leases (coal and oil),mining claims, rights-of-way and classification (oil and gas).2) Tidelands;permits (offshore prospecting),leases (oil and gas),and classifications (oil and gas). Surface Use -1)Uplands;including permits leases, public interest lands and classified lands.2)Tidelands with permits,leases and classifications. 213 Title: Area: Interest: Tables: Description: A Study of the Area Served Including Transportation, Economy,Population Characteristics,and Education; Matanuska-Susitna College.University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center,1979. Statewide:Specifically the service area of Matanuska-Susitna Community College. Level 2. This report contains several tables dealing with population characteristics,education background, economy and transportation. This report is a study of economic factors,available transportation types,population estimates and educational background of the area served by Matanuska-Susitna Community College. 214 [ [ ·nLJ c [ c c c [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c [ c D [ c [ E [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie Highway Corridor Route Reconnaissance.R-&MConsultants,Wasilla,1979. West side of Knik Arm extending from Point MacKenzie to north of Goose Bay. Level 2. 1.Vicinity and location map. 2•Road Service Study ArE~a. 3.Alternate Routes,Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie. 4.Projected Point MacKenzie Access Traffic Gr?wth Rate .. 5.Typical Section of Proposed Roadway Improvement. 6.Typical Section of Proposed Pioneer Roadway Improvement. 1.Climatic Data. 2.Estimated Average Daily Traffic. 3.Summary of Alignment and Grade Design Criteria. 4.Estimated Construction Cost for Proposed Access Roads to Point MacKenzie. 5.Alternate Route Comparison. This report defines possible highway route corridors from Goose Bay to Point MacKenzie;evaluates geologic and soil conditions along each corridor;estimates construction costs for roads within each corridor and discusses possible environmental effects of roads within those corridors and makes recommendations with regard to development of alternate highway routes.Appendices are included. 215 Title: Area: Interest: .Tables: Description: Land Use Management Needs Assessment. Phase I Technical Memorandum,Level B Study,Alaska Water Study Committee,March 1979. Southcentral Alaska Level 1 Numerous tables concerning crop land,timber land,and grazing land availability and needs. This report,as part of the Level B Study,assesses present and future land use needs in Southcentral Alaska,particularly with respect to crop land,timber land and grazing land.(See page 100 for description of Level B Study.) 216 [ [ o c [ c c [ [ .C [ [ L [ Tables:Numerous,dealing with a climatic,demographic and economic data. [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan,Phase I:Background Report..Matanuska-Susitna Borough,April,1978 (pp.245). Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Level 1. Numerous,dealing with a variety of information such as soils,mineral resources,recreation sites,forested areas,wildlife habitat. [ [ c c [ c. [ [ Description:This report is not a policy document.It is a narrative, statistical,graphic report about social,economic and physical conditions in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Availability:Copies are available through the Matanuska-Susitna Borough office. 217 Title: Area: Comprehensive Development Plan,Phase II -Goals Statement. Matanuska-Susitna Borough,April,1978,(44 pp.). Entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough. [ [ [ Interest:Level 1. Maps:Several,including a vicinity map,climatic data power use and cost data,demographic information and resource maps. Tables:Numerous. Description:The goals are based upon a series of 13 public meetings held throughout the borough during the last half of 1977.Through open discussion and use of a questionnaire, issues related to assets,significant community problems and goals were identified.The purpose of this program was to define planning goals and objectives for each community and the Borough in general.Planning goals guide the preparation of land use,public facility and transportation plans. Availability:Copies of the plan are available from Matanuska-Susitna Borough. 218 I~ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ c. [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Description: New Capital Environmental Assessment Program,Phase I. Capital Site Planning Commission,December,1978. Capital relocation site at Willow. Levell. The New Capital Environmental Assessment Program was conducted to assess particularly important environmental features of the new capital site in Willow.In a five-volume study,prepared by a variety of authors, the report attempts to assess the Willow environment and provide base data for future environmental studies, particularly near areas of proposed intensive development. The report was also intended to be used by the Capital Site Planning Commission for any possible modifications in the Capital Site Development Plan.In.several of the volumes portions are prepared by separate authors, but each volume focuses upon a specific environmental resource.The first four volumes assess hydrologic resources,wildlife,geologic materials and meteorology and air quality,while the fifth volume is a summary and analysis of material presented in the previous four volumes. Source Document #1 -Stream Gaging and Water Quality, Nancy Lake Limnological Study.USGS Water Resources Division,December,1978. Tables:Summary of water quality information;values· for indicator bacteria. Maps:Location map;preliminary bathometric map;water quality data. Description:The overall purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality and quantity of surface water resources near Willow and to identify sensitive areas which would be adversely affected by development. Those conducting the study made a preliminary environmental assessment of the area over a three-month period but emphasized that a more thorough study would have to be conducted before an adequate environmental assessment could be completed. Source Document #1 -Well Water Availability,Surface and Subsurface Drainage,CH2M Hill. Maps:Principal surface water drainage basins;watershed boundary maps;bathymetric data;generalized groundwater table contour map;depth to water table;soil conservation service soil map. 219 Tables:Bathymetric data;land areas within designated watersheds;summary of soil properties and soil suitability of capital site soils;depth to water summary of test hole digging;electrical resistivity soundings;well data compilation. Description:The intent of this study was to identify the surface and subsurface water characteristics of the capital site,emphasizing areas of potential development. More specifically,the objects were to investigate the area's groundwater potential to meet the City's water needs and to locate near surface groundwater posing potential impediments to development.In addition,the report studied surface water movement,the depth of groundwater,and the physical characteristics of lakes in the proposed park area. Source Document #2 -Fisheries Studies.Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Area:Entire Willow Creek Drainage including all tributaries.Nancy Lake drainage including Lilly Creek,Lake Creek and Unnamed Creek.Various lakes within the same area. Maps:Three maps show the area studied. Tables:There are 17 tables in the text. Description:The primary objectives of the study is to assess the fisheries resources in the capital site area to determine the impact of development.The report includes an economic assessment of fishery resources in the study area.Abundance and distribution of resident species are discussed.Physical and chemical characteristics of the drainages are analyzed. There are 90 pages in the appendix,which includes all field notes,volumetric maps,physical descriptions of watersheds,identification of flora,detailed descriptions of areas studied,stream measurements,etc. Source Document #2 -Moose Habitat Analysis U.S.Soil Conservation Servirie. Maps:Vegetation type maps--1:25,000,1:63,360;both derived from high altitude aerial photography and enlarged. Tables:Numerous charts dealing with habitat suitability for moose in various ground cover types. Description:This study was conducted to gather data for the environmental assessment program of the New 220 [ [ [ [ [ D c [ [ [ [ .L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ L. Capital Site Planning Commission.The objective of the study was to map representing types of vegetation on the capital site,using a vegetation classification that will allow for future evaluation of the wildlife habitat in the area.This report presents tables and analyses regarding major vegetation types,annual forage productivity for moose browse. Source Document #3 -New Capital City Environmental Assessment Program Geotechnical Studies,Geologic Materials and Hazards Analysis,R &M Consultants. Tables:Terrain unit properties and engineering interpretations;soil erosion potential based on slope and geologic materials;calculated return interval for earthquakes occurring at various radial distances from the capital site;comparison of return intervals for earthquakes occurring within 75 kilometers of Fairbanks, the capital site and Anchorage. Maps:Terrain unit map;slope map;geologic materials; erosion potential;geologic hazards synthesis map; winter trail area. Description:This report's objectives were to collect geotechnical data for use in an environmental assessment of the capital site and to provide a foundation for future geotechnical studies.Additional goals were to assess potential geologic hazards,such as seismic disturbance,slope stability and erosion potential, which could assist in revision of the capital site plan.The report also includes descriptions of the area's soil and bedrock,subsurface soils,bedrock units,slope identification and geologic materials. Source Document #4 -Meteorology and Air Quality Studies. Maps:Numerous figures on individual impact of cogeneration plants,individual impact of district heating plants,combined impact of cogeneration plant and district heating plant. Tables:Numerous,including: [ [ [ 1- 2. 3. 4. Stack parameters and emission rates. Estimated maximum concentration of sources meeting preliminary design criteria. Estimated maximum concentrations of sources meeting EPA good engineering stack height design. Estimated maximum concentrations of sources. 221 Description:This report is an assessment of potential air pollution in the new capital based on meteorological and air quality studies done by Dames &MooreC:;onsultants. An appendix is included. The.second portion of the report deals with installation of snow depth measurement stations by the U.S.Soil Conservation Service requested by the commission to provide data on snow depth and snow pack water content. Source Document #5 -Staff Report. Area:Willow. Maps:Development plan evaluation map identifies areas proposed for medium-and low-density housing and transit served housing as well as composite development limitations of geological hazards.(Scale 1:25,000). Description:This report provides a summary and analysis of the important preliminary results of Phase I of __the Environmental Assessment Program,planning-implications of those results and recommendations for further continuation of the Environmental Assessment Program beyond Phase I. 222 [ [ [ ~[ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ r.L [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Description: New Capital City Planning Process Background Reports 1-14.Alaska Capital Site Planning Commission, March,1978. Willow capital relocation site. Levell. The Capital Site Planning Commission was a citizens advisory board appointed by the governor and given the legislatively mandated task of presenting a development plan including full cost estimates and financing recommendations for the construction of a new capital city.Its responsibility was to serve as a planning staff under the assumption that a new capital city would be built.The detailed development plan developed by the commission encompassed a wide variety of issues dealing with designing a new city.Environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the plan were presented.In many areas the existing information had to be tailored to the demands of the Willow project.The following is a list and brief description of the 14 background reports.They are a compilation of the data gathered and recommendations by the commission for the development of the Willow site. #1.Introduction and Overview,Enabling Legislation, the Commission,History of the Move,Planning Process,Consultants and Table of Contents.This report introduces the commission and its members and presents a summary and overview of the tasks and objectives of the planning commission. #2.Analysis of State Government. Leonard Lane Associates. This background report presents the space needs and relationship requirements for government facilities to be built in Willow.It also identifies those state government positions which would be appropriately relocated and presents a schedule for such a relocation. #3.Program Components for the New City. Rivkin Associates. The fundamental ingredients of the new city are described in this report.Its people,its (physical) environment,the social,cultural and economic services and activities are all components which are dealt with. 223 #4.Natural Site Conditions. R &MConsultants. Maps:Numerous,including terrain units maps,slope identification,geotechnical limitations to building construction. Tables:1.Terrain Units of the Capital Site. Description:This report deals with three aspects of the natural conditions of the proposed capital site: terrain and geotechnics,hydrology and climatology. The terrain and geotechnic portion presents a general geotechnical investigation .of the townsite area,including a slope identification study,a study of geotechnical limitations to building construction,identification of geotechnical hazards and a terrain unit map. The hydrology portion analyzes the hydrologic conditions of .the proposed site run off patterns,storm.system requirements,potential storage·of surface runoff, erosion potential and flood hazard. The metorological analysis presented is based on temperature records,satellite thermal infrared photos, general meteorological principals,weather tabulations and an analysis of on-site terrain and vegetation. #5.Water Sources. R &M Consultants Maps:Surface and Groundwater Potential,Recommended Alternative,Alternative Water Supply 1,Alternative Water Supply 2,Alternative Water Supply 3. Tables:Tables include information on preliminary water supply requirements,basic data on lakes and streams near the site and cost estimates on alternative water sources. Description:This study was conducted to evaluate the supply of wa~er in the Willow area and to determine which of the possible alternatives would most cheaply meet Willow's needs.Groundwater,Willow Creek and the Susitna River were the alternative water supply sources considered.The report concluded that groundwater should be used during the construction camp phase,and that eventually water should be pumped from Willow Creek to Twelvemile Lake via a gallery,and the water should then be run from the lake to the capital site by gravity. 224 [ [ [ c c c E o [ r U c [ [ c [ [ #6.Energy &Utilities Mark Fryer &Associates Maps:Figures for the community cogeneration,heating and electrical generation unit; Tables:Tables in the energy utilties unit are: Description:This report consists of five parts,each an individual unit prepared by a different consulting firm.The units are: [ [ c [ o [ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. District heating demand by year. Annual electric use and local generation (cogeneration plant). Capital cost of district heating and cogeneration facilities. Oil-fired/coal-fired heat generation cost analysis. Annual temperature duration curve. Annual district heating demand requirements. Cost of various space heating energy sources. Conceptual layout of basic energy utilities. Energy costs and density--Alaskan fuels. Real Alaskan energy price Southcentral Alaska. Project cost,of thermal energy $lOOBTU FOB Willow. Cogeneration plant characteristics. Heating energy demand requirements. Sewage Treatment and Disposal Alternative for the New Capital City. Solid Waste Disposal Alternatives for the New Capital City. Description of Energy Utilities for the New Capital City at Willow. Community Cogeneration,Heating and Electrical Generation. Communications. [ [. [ [ In each instance,the reports delineate alternatives for meeting the capital site's needs;in some cases a proposed alternative is recommended to the Capital Site Planning Commission. #7.Transportation Alaska State Department of Transportation,Bull, Field,Volkman &Stockwell/Sedway-Cooke,Conradt. Maps/Figures:Numerous--traffic projections and alternative routing systems. 225 Description:The Regional Transportation Planning Division of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities presents plans and cost estimates for air,rail,and highway access to the proposed capital site.An appendix is included which contains a Parks Highway realignment map,compilation of bids and transportation phasing and funding schedule. The second part of this report was prepared by a private consulting firm and is a traffic and transit plan analysis for the new capital site. #8.Outdoor Recreation Resources State of Alaska,Alaska Youth Conservation Corps Maps:Outdoor Recreation Resources at Proposed Willow Site. Description:This report was the result of field work conducted in the Willow area to identify potential community parks,regional parks,recreation areas, natural areas and watersheds and greenbelt buffer zones and preserves •.Twenty-three such areas in the Willow vicinity are identified.and described,and a brief description of site vegetation is given.Recommendations for the use of each area is given. #9.Financial Plan and Detailed Economic Projections, Parts A and B. The American City Corporation and Dean-Witter~Reynolds, Inc.,Hanscomb Associates. This report presents a description of the relevant costs involved in centralizing the state government at Willow.Taken under consideration are the scheduling of projected cash flows,the designation of accounts and methods by which they could be portrayed,reviewed and changed as necessary due to change of assumptions or newly revealed facts.Sources of funding or investment to meet the costs are also identified.Detailed costs are presented on an annual basis to reflect a phased development and governmental move. #10.Socio-Economic Impact Analysis for Juneau and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Rivkin Associates As assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the state capital relocation to Willow on the Matanuska-Susitna Borough as well as the impact the Borough would have on the capital are presented in this report.Impacts to be felt by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough are identified as:pre-construction,secondary employment,housing 226 [ [ o[ '[ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ ,C [ c c [ [ [ market,development patterns and impacts on schools. In discussing the impact the Borough would have on the capital,the report considered the following:overlapping markets and need for city-borough transportation lines, competition for secondary employment and challenge to commercial development in the capital..Profiles of the borough under the scenario of rapid growth are presented. The profiles address issues related to population growth;development plans and patterns;community services and facilities to be provided and environmental protection concerns. /111.Environmental Guidelines and Assessment,Permits and Procedures. Thomas Dowell,Jr. Tables: 227 #12.Implementation Plan,Development Start-up 1978-82, Construction Industry Assessment. The American City Corporation,William King & Associates. This report describes how the implementation plan was prepared and what its conceptual basis is.An overview of the plan is presented and management strategy and organization for the implementation is discussed.An Description:This report contains materials dealing with-the issues of environmental policy with regard to the use of land,cost assessments,impacts and agency review and permit approval processes. Estimate of Environmental Assessment Costs. Cost Analysis--Hydrological and Geotechnical. Cost Analysis--Biological. Cost Analysis--Meteorological. Air Quality and Noise Analysis. Project Management. The main body of this report describes Willow's existing environmental studies and review processes is included. A complete and detailed environmental assessment was not done because funds necessary and the length of time needed to gather data were inadequate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A brief description of state and federal requirements for environmental studies and review processes is included.A complete and detailed environmental assessment was not done because funds necessary and the length of time needed to gather data were inadequate. c [ [ c c [ [ [ c u. [ assessment of the building industry's capacity to meet the needs of the development schedule is also .presented. 1113.Legislative Package The American City Corporation with Ely,Guess and Rudel,Wohlforthand Flint. The body of this report is draft legislation considered necessary to implement the relocation planas proposed by the planning commission. 1114 •.Design Guidelines,Lifestyle and Environment Richard Morehouse with Mark Fryer &Associates This report discusses planning and design principles which should be followed in implementing the development plan.Focus is placed on decision making at the project level,and standards are offered to assist in design of streets,paths and neighborhoods. 228 [ [ .,[. _J [ [ [ [ [ [ .[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ c [ [ c. [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: .Our New CapitaL City:A Report to the.People of Alaska. The New Ca.pital Site PlanningCommissiort,1978,(28 pp.). Willow. Levell. Numerous maps and sketches of Willow area and capital site plan. State government positions slated to be located in Willow;Summary of state funding requirements. This was .a supplement to many Alaskan newspapers, prepared'to inform citizens of the capital move process and plans for a new capital in Willow.'Included are descriptions of the regional setting,the general development plan,a closeup of downtown,the government center,housing and community.life,parks and recreational facilities,the bus and auto system,utilities,the financial plan and other factors affecting the capital move.Many graphics are included depicting .the city's eventual appearance and organization. 229 !itIe: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: 0~y"'~=.:.ll-E~~~~~i.~~~v-21vpw~.llt-I'iaii;1;;78 .A.l1uuCll Rt:puri., Matanuska-Susitna ~orough,1978. Entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Level 1. Vicinity map of the borough. Numerous:demographic data,climatic data. The Overall Economic Development Plan is an annual report on economic conditions in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.The 1978 addition is more complete than previous reports because of information available from the Capital Site Planning Commission. [ [ c c Availability:The section of the report titled,"Trends and Changes in the Economy"is available for distribution from the borough offices. 230 D o c o [ [ .U [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ • c. [ c [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Maps: Tables: Description: Point MacKenzie Industrial Siting Study.Envirorunenta1 S~rvices,Ltd.,1978. Point MacKenzie Levell. 1.Vicinity map. 2.Availability of groundwater 3.Fish and wildlife critical habitat areas. Tables presented deal with water supply water quality and climatological data. This report presents baseline data for potential economic development of the Point MacKenzie area.A brief study of the physical,social and biological amenities of the area surrounding Point MacKenzie is included. 231 Title: Area: Interest: Description: The Urban Fringe:Methods of Land Use Direction. McCabe,Janet;Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska,May,1978. The study utilizes the Matanuska-Susitna Valley as a case study to raise issues and problems relevant to the urban fringe land use around Alaskan communities. Level 1. The report is a staff analysis prepared for the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission.It is one in a series of studies designed to obtain background information for land planning and policy recommendations. The report addresses aspects of land use patterns, planning goals and techniques for land use direction on the urban fringe.Techniques discussed are land ownersip, zoning,differential taxation,acquisition of development rights and transfer of development rights. Recommendations on how to achieve a desirable land use pattern on the urban fringe are offered. 232 c [ [ '[ [ [ c [ c [ [ .C [ [ [ [ [ [ Title: Area: Interest: Susitna Basin Cooperative Study,Plan of Work. u.S.Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the State of Alaska,February,1979. Susitna Basin is that area bounded by the Cooper River Basin and Matanuska River Basin on the east,the Tanana River Basin on the north,the Kuskokwim River Basin on the west and the Cook Inlet on the south. Level 1. [ [ Maps:1. 2. 3. Susitna River Subbasins (scale 111 =30 miles approx.[reduced]). Willow and Talkeetna Subbasin (scale 1"=15 miles approx.[reduced]). Susitna River Subbasins and State Priority Areas (scale 1"=30 miles approx.[reduced]). D c c [ [ Tables: Description: Numerous tables are included:organizational charts, inventory and analysis of each resource,evaluation of alternative resource uses. The Cooperative River Basin Study is a resource planning effort of Alaska Department of Natural Resources and U.S.Department of Agriculture conducted to develop basic land and water resource planning information. The work plan for the study is designed to refine and supplement the existing resource information by collecting and analyzing new field data,to analyze and evaluate potential alternative resource uses and to provide guidelines for the resolution of conflicting resource uses. 233 B.SOCIOECONOMIC CROSS~INDEX See Land Use and Land Status Section of MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES SECTION for annotations of the following: A Study of the Area Served Including Transportation, Economy,Population Characteristics,and Education, Matanuska-Susitna Community College Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Development Plan Overall Economic Development Plan -Matanuska-Susitna Borough Point MacKenzie Industrial Siting Study 214 217 230 n Socioeconomic Impact Analysis for Juneau and the Matanuska- Susitna Borough,New Capital City Planning Process Background Report No.10. See HYDROLOGY SECTIONS for annotations of the following: Alaskan Electric Power,An Analysis of Future Requirements and Supply Alternatives for the Railbelt Region Power Market Analysis Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin Supplemental Feasibility Report,Hydro-Electric Power and Related Purposes Southcentral Water Resources Study,Phase I Needs Assessment and Phase II Single Purpose Plans 234 226 71 75 77 102 c c c E [ r L c [ [ S3JN3E3~3E Sil03NVl13JSIH :S~J3fOEd ~NIO~NO 'II ] J ] J W] J J J J ] o J J J ,J .] ~l "- J J ] J J ] J' J J d U J J J J J J. J~ J J J [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ c [ c c. [ [ [ Title: Contact: Description: Status: Duration: Coastal Zone Information Dissemination System. Linda Perry Dwight University of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage,AK 99501 The purpose of this system is to provide assistance for informed coastal management decisions by state and local governments through a multidisciplinary approach to data interpretation,packaging and dissemination of general coastal information and ACMP products. Ongoing. Continuing. 237 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission Final Report Esther Wunnicke,Federal Co-Chairman Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission Statewide. The chapter on regional planning summarizes and maps planning work throughout Alaska and would be a useful way of obtaining a quick overview of planning encompassing the Susitna Basin. Draft report--ready by May,1979. Final report--summer,1979. 238 c [ [ ~[ [ c [J c [ [ [ .c [ [ [ [ I' Lj L......i' if c [ [ [ [ c. [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Matanuska-Susitna Borough "Coastal Resource District Program." Rodney Schul ling Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Department Palmer,Alaska Matanuska-Susitna Borough coastal lands. Planning Program:Lands below 1000 ft.elevation. Management Program:Lands below 200 ft.elevation. The District Coastal Management Program is directed at local needs.This program will be a part of the statewide coastal management program upon adoption by Alaska Coastal Policy Council.Pending legislation may extend due date from 12/79 to 12/81. Incomplete:Management Program due 12/79;Planning Program ongoing. 239 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Comprehensive Development Plan "Phase III -Regional Concept Plan" Matanuska-Susitna Borough Matanuska-Susitna Borough Palmer,Alaska Entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough. This plan is based upon a second series of eight community meetings held throughout the borough during the last half of 1978.For each of the community meetings,an individual conceptual plan has been prepared.Each plan is comprised of a series of transparent overlay maps and written material which attempt to consolidate general information by community.Phase III attempts to illustrate on maps and with words how the problems, assets and aspirations of borough residents might be achieved today and in coming years. Incomplete,under review of the planning commission. 1978-79 (approximately 100 pages). 240 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E [ [ .L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ r•·-~ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Comprehensive Development Plan "Phase IV -Land Development Code" Matanuska-Susitna Borough Matanuska-Susitna Borough Palmer,Alaska Entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Phase IV is based upon the information gained during the first three phases.It is designed to use a permitting system instead of zoning to guide growth. Incomplete;Tentative draft under review by planning commission and borough assembly during 1979. 241 Title: Contact: Area: Description: Status: Duration: The Metropolitan Anchorage Urban Study. William Lloyd U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage,Alaska Anchorage Bowl,Chugiak-Eagle River,Point MacKenzie to Palmer-Wasilla. The Metropolitan Anchorage Urban Study (MAUS),as authorized by resolutions of House and Senate Congressional committees on public works,is directed to provide a plan for the development,utilization and conservation of water and related land resources in the metropolitan region of Anchorage,Alaska.The study area has been defined based on the anticipated limits of urbanization over the 50-year time frame of the study and on the unique characteristics of water resource system development problems in the Anchorage area.It includes the Anchorage bowl (including military land),the Chugiak-Eagle River area,and the Point MacKenzie to Palmer-Wasilla portion of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.A list of maps, reports and appendices is as follows: 1.Summary Report. 2.Water Supply. 3.Water Quality,Knik Arm-Upper Cook Inlet. 4.Water Quality Management of Snow Disposal Operations. 5.Storm Water Quality Management for Existing Urban areas. 6.Runoff Data Collection Report. 7.Anchorage Area Soil Survey. 8.Sanitary Sewage Facility Plan. 9.Sanitary Sewage Facility Plan Appendices. 10.Background Information Appendix. 11.Public Involvement Appendix and Comments Appendix. Four of the 11 volumes of the report are in press and will be ready for distribution.The remaining reports will be printed in late 1979. This has been a three-year study done in conjunction with the Municipality of Anchorage,Alaska. 242 c [ '[ c [ c o [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [' [ Title: Contact: Area: Description: Southcentral Land Use Plan Lee Barkow Anchorage District Office Bureau of Land Management Anchorage,Alaska 99507 Southcentral Alaska. This plan provides a synopsis of current land capability and opportunities for development. allocations will be made to relieve conflicts provide for identified demands. use Land use and [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Status: Duration: The land use analysis _is in final draft.Socioeconomic analysis should be complete--summer,1979.Project completion--January,1980. January,1980. 243 III.CROSS-INDEX:MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES See HYDROLOGY SECTION for annotations of the following: Sewer Facilities Plan for City of Wasilla Water Facilities Plan for City of Wasilla See RECREATION AND ARCHAEOLOGY SECTION for annotation of the following: Recreation and Land Use Patterns Assessments 244 86 87 192 551-80 c [ [ ·l 'e c c c c o D D c c [