HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3393•• .. . \ • !It-_-,-..a.~. CATALOG OF WATERS IMPORTANT FOR SPAWNING, REARING OR MIGRATION OF ANADROMOUS FISHES AS REVISED MARCH 27, 1988 EFFECTIVE MAY 8, 1988 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REGION II WATERS FOR ANAOROMOUS FISHES ARE LISTED f'URSUANT TO AS 16.05.870(a) f'ROOUCEDSY STATE OF ALASKA DEf'ARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME HABITAT DIVISION JUNEAU, ALASKA SALTWAïER MI6.RATION 70 OPEN oceAN SOCKEYEE, COI-IO, AND CJ-IINOOK ReMAIN IN FRESI-l WATER AND S/'w10L.T UP. SPAWNING RUN YOUNG WHiïEFISH MAY .STAY ~OR ONE YEAR IN FRESI-l WATER OR MIGRATE. TO ESTUARIES A!=TER 1-/ATCJ../ING. THE. LIF=ë CYCLE OF- SALMCJ/'1 PINK AND CI-IUM MOVE TO E.5ïl.IARIES. ..SOCKEYE MOVE 10 L.AKES. CJ-1/NOOK ANO COI-/0 ..SrAY IN RIVERS AND STREAMS. THE LJFE:-CYCLE OF ANADROMOUS WI-HTEI=fSJ-1 EGGS .SETTLE INTO GRAVE.L TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose Au tho ri ty ..................................... . The law ....................................... . Permi ts ....................................... . Limitations ................................... . Update Procedures USERS" GUIDE 1 1 2 3 6 7 Catalog and Atlas Format .............•.....••.. 9 Ma p s • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • . . • 9 Stream Numbering ....•......•.•........•..•..... 12 Symbo 1 s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 15 Interpretation of the Catalog . . . . . • • . . . . . . . .. . • 15 Streams and Rivers by Number ••............ 15 Lakes by Number . . . . . • . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Waters by Name ························~··· 18 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Waters by Number . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . • • . • • • . . • . • . . . 23 Waters by Name . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 88 FIGURE 1 Obtaining a Habitat Protection Permit •.•••..... 4 FIGURE 2 Regional Boundaries ......•••..........••....•.. 10 FIGURE 3 1:250,000 Quad Numbers ....•................•... 11 FIGURE 4 Stream Numbers and Symbology ......••........... 14 INTRODUCTION Purpose The Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes (referred ta as the 11 Catalog 11 ) contains a record of the streams, rivers and lakes documented as used by anadromous fish for spawning, rearing or migration. The Atlas ta the Catalog shows cartographically the location of the anadromous fish waters, the fish species using these waters and the fish life history phases for which the waters are used (ta the extent known). Waterways containing anadromous fish are protected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game through Alaska Statute 16.05.870. A Habitat Protection Permit is required from the Department for activities which affect those waterways. Authority Implementation of AS 16.05.870 is carried out through the Habitat Protection Permit which can be obtained from the appropriate ADF&G Regional Habitat Division Superviser. The applicant may be required to submit plans and specifications for the proposed work, plans for the protection of anadromous fish, and the approximate date the construction or use will begin. Refer to the section titled 11 Permits 11 • Plans for the work are reviewed by Habitat Division personnel and approval given for procedures which have minimal or no harmful effects on anadromous fish or their habitats. In sorne cases, work may be restricted to certain seasons to avoid interference with fish, or recommendations given for operational methods which would have minimal effect upon spawning and rearing areas. In sorne instances, damage may be unavoidable and the permit may be withheld. The Law 11 Sec. 16.05.870. Protection of fish and game. (a) The Commissioner shall, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (AS 44.62) specify the various rivers, lakes, and streams or parts of them that are important for the spawning, rea ring or migration of anadromous fish. ( b) If a pers on or governmenta 1 a geney desires to cons tru ct a hydraulic project, or use, divert, obstruct, pollute, or change the natural flow or bed of a specified river, lake, or stream, or ta use wheeled, tracked, or excavating equipmert or log-dragging equipment in the bed of a specified river, lake, or stream, the persan or governmental agency shall notify the Commissioner of this intention before the beginning of the construction or use. (c) The Commissioner shall acknowledge receipt of the notice by return first class mail. If the Commissioner determines ta do sa, he shall, in the letter of acknowledgement, require the persan or governmental agency ta submit ta him full plans and specifications of the proposed construction or work, complete plans and specifications for the proper protection of fish and game in connection with the construction or work, or in connection with the use, and the approximate date the construction, work, or use will begin. The Commissioner shall approve the proposed construction, work or use in writing unless he finds the plans and specifications insufficient for the proper protection of fish and game. If the Commission er fi nds the p 1 ans and specifications i nsuffi ci ent for the proper protection of fish and game, he shall notify the persan or governmental agency which submitted the plans and specifications of his findings by first class mail. The persan or governmental agency may, within 90 days of receipt of the notice, initiate a hearing under AS 44.62.370. The hearing is subject to AS 44.62.330 -44.62.630.11 11 Sec. 16.05.880. Violation of Paragraphs 870-895 of this chapter. If a persan or governmental agency begins construction on a work or project or use for which notice is required by paragraph 870 of this chapter without first providing plans and specifications subject to the approval of the Commissioner for the proper protection of fish and game, and without first having obtained wri tten approva 1 of the Corrmi ss ion er as to the adequacy of the plans and specifications submitted for the protection of fish and game, his is guilty of a misdemeanor. If a persan or governmental agency is convicted of violating paragraphs 870-895 of this chapter or continues a use, work or project without fully complying with paragraphs 870-895 of this chapter, the use, work, or project is a public nuisance and is subject to abatement. The cast of restoring a specified river, lake, or stream ta its original condition shall be borne by the violator and shall be in addition to the penalty imposed by the court ... -2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Sec. 16.05.890. Emergency situations exempted from paragraph 870 of this chapter. In an emergency arising from weather or stream flow conditions, the Department, through its authorized representatives, sha 11 issue ara 1 permits to a ri pari an owner for removing obstructions or for repairing existing structures without the necessity of submitting prepared plans and specifications as required by paragraph 870 of this chapter." "Sec. 16.05.895. Penalty for causing material damage. If a persan or governmental agency fails to notify the Commissioner of any construction or use that causes material damage to the spawning beds or prevents or interferes with migration of anadromous fish, the persan or governmenta 1 agency sha 11 be gu il ty of a misdemeanor." "Sec. 16.05.900. Penalty for violations. (a) A persan who violates paragraphs 830, 870-895, or 920 of this chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated under this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by bath. A persan who violates a rule or regulations promulgated under this chapter for the regulation of commercial fisheries shall be punished as provided in paragraph 720 of this chapter. (b) The court shall transmit the proceeds of all fines to the proper State officer for deposit in the general fund of the State." Permits Habitat Protection-(Title 16) Permits are required "to construct a hydraulic project or use, divert, obstruct, pollute or change the natural flow or bed" of a river, lake or stream listed in the Catalog, or "to use wheeled, tracked or excavating equipment or log-dragging equipment in the bed" of a river, lake or stream listed in the Catalog (quoted portions from AS 16.05.870(b)). This includes construction, raad crossings, gravel removal, placer mining, the use of vehicles or equipment in the waterway and bank stabil ization. A persan or agency desiring to use the waterway can obtain information about the permit requirements from the Alaska Permit Information Center (see Figure 1). The Permit Information Center will advise the potential user which permits may be required and who to contact. Permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources as well as the Alaska -3- FIGURE 1 OBT AINING A HABIT AT PROTECTION PERMIT CALL ALASKA PERMIT INFORMATION CENTER SUBMIT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS POUCH 0 JUNEAU 88811 P 0 BOX 1801 FAitBANKS 88701 452-2340 TO ADF&G .,__ _________ _ HABITAT DIVISION -4- - - - - - - - - - - - - Department of Fish and Game may be required for certain activities or work in specifie waterways. Applications for Habitat Protection Permits from the Department of Fish and Game may be required, as indicated below. The Habitat Division will inform the applicant about what information is required for the proposed project. The applicant may be required to supply the following information: location of the waterway. type of project; eg., bridge, culvert, utility line placement, erosion control, gravel removal, placer mining, etc. a project outline of materials, methods and equipment proposed for use; eg., specifications for construction, design blueprints, type or amount of fill, description of stream at project site, etc. inwater use of wheeled or tracked vehicle; eg., type and size of vehicle description of proposed or anticipated stream diversions, channelization or bank alterations removal of material from or deposition in the waterway description of proposed blasting or use of explosives the approximate project schedule other contractors involved in the project mitigation measures -5- Limitations The inch-ta-the-mile maps are used when available for the Atlas. Exceptions are in the Arctic and Southwest Regions where sorne 1:250,000 quadrangles have not yet been subdivided by USGS. Where inch-ta-the- mile maps do not exist, anadromous fish streams are drawn on 1:250,000 quadrangles. These maps are folded and included in each volume. The most recent editions of USGS maps were used for the Atlas, however, many of these maps have not been revised since the early 1950's. Locations of the stream reaches were described as accurately as possible but inaccuracies in the legal descriptions may occur because channel and coastline configurations have changed since the maps were published. As updated maps become available from USGS, the coordinates of the channels and coas tl ines in the A tl as whi ch are i naccurate wi 11 be changed. In situations where the stream configuration has changed, permits are required for the present waterway, regardless of its actual distance from the mappea or legally described channel. Virtually all coastal waters in the State provide important habitat for anadromous fish. Small tributaries, flood channels, intermittent streams and beaver ponds are often used for rearing. Because of their small size or ephemeral nature, these systems are often not included on 1:63,360 scale maps. Most surveys are conducted by aircraft for purposes of determining escapement ta manage the commercial fisheries. The presence of juvenile fish and the actual upper limit of anadromous fish are not observed during these aerial surveys. Therefore, the upper points of stream reaches recorded on the fis hery maps usually refl ect the extent of fish surveys in a particular waterway rather than the actual limits to fish occurrence or of habitat use. In addition, only a limited number of the waterways in Alaska have actually been surveyed. It ~tlill be many years before ADF&G has surveyed all of the waterways in this vast state. -6- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Update Procedures The updating procedures of the Atlas and the Catalog allow for continuous revisions. Waterways can be added or deleted and the upper range of anadromous waterways changed as more current surveys document the presence or absence of anadromous fish. Proposals for additions or changes ta the Catalog can be made by ADF&G personnel, private individuals and ether agencies. All proposed changes or additions will be field checked or approved by ADF&G. Proposals for revisions to the Catalog, including addition of newly identified anadromous waterways, deletion of waterways determined to not contain anadromous fish, or changes ta the upper points, should be submitted to: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division, Region II 333 Raspberry Raad Anchorage, Alaska 99502 The proposed revision must include a nomination form which lists the name and location of the waterbody, the fish species using the waterbody, the date the fish were observed and the life stages for which the waterbody is being used and any other clarifying information. The nomination form, which is available through the Habitat Division•s regional offices, must be signed by the persan submitting the proposed revision. A map showing the mouth of the waterway and the upper known extent of anadromous fish usage must be included for each change. The waterway should be located on a 1:63,360 scale USGS map (or 1:250,000 scale if 1:63,360 scale is unavailable for the area). All ether quadrangle maps needed to del ineate the specifie uses of the proposed waterway should be included. The species using the waterway must be specified and the activities for which the waterway is used (migration, spawning, rearing, or overwintering) should be specified if known. -7- Changes to the Catalog and Atlas will be made in accordance with the regulation adopting procedures of the Administrative Procedures Act (AS 44.62). It is anticipated that the Catalog and Atlas will be revised annually. -8- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - USERS' GUIDE Catalog and Atlas Format The Catalog contains a numerically ordered listing of all of the identified anadromous streams by stream number, and a listing of those named streams in alphabetical arder. The Atlas to the Catalog illustrates cartographically the documented anadromous fish streams. The Catalog and Atlas are divided into six volumes corresponding to the State's six fish and game resource management regions (Arctic, Interior, Western, Southwest, Southcentral and Southeast) established in 1982 by the Joint Boards of Fisheries and Game (see Figure 2). The figure on the front caver of each Catalog and Atlas shows the geographie area covered within the respective volume. Maps The State of Alaska is covered by one hundred and fifty-three 1:250,000 scale U.S. Geological Survey quadrangles (see Figure 3). The quadrangles have been included in the Atlas to aid th.e user in locating maps which contain the anadromous fish stream information for the area desired. Most of the 1:250,000 scale quadrangles are further divided into 1:63,360 scale (also known as quadrangles), inch-ta-the-mile maps. In sorne instances anadromous fish streams are shawn on bath the 1:250,000 scale and 1:63,360 scale maps. These smaller quadrangles are numbered according to an established convention. Numbering begins at the lower right corner across to the left. The quadrangles on the bottom row are numbered Al, A2, A3, etc. Quadrangles on the second row are numbered -9- l f 1 ..... Q 1 1 1 SOUTHEASTERN 2 SOUTHCENTRAL 3 SOUTHWESTERN 4 WESTERN 5 ARCTIC 6 INTERIOR t 0 • 1 , 1 ' ~ \) 6 /'-\ .-'"'v \.....,.....\ r-~ ' ( 2 1 ) \..."\. 1 FIGURE 2 REGIONAL BOUNDARIES t 1 1 1 ' 1 ' , l l 1 -" '""" 1 1 1 1 - " " '1 '1-• " 1 * 1 fi]' . . l .__: 'j 1 u,J d u (' t• ·i "~iâ'âl&ql-~~f'" AKTIC 130 lat CMAIOOAl ... 121 c-•u•• 127 ;;;·~r ~J~i 111;;:::\~ -· .. "ii .. 1 ~, ....... , .. •! 17 GULF OF pAcJFIC --~ FIGURE 3 1:250,000 QUAD NUMBERS .... ~ ~IAIUH MILl~ -L_ _ __,-!'t' from Bl, on the third row from Cl and on the fourth row from Dl. This numbering system is consistent for all quadrangles. Stream Numbering All streams, rivers and lakes have a unique identifying number (please refer ta Figure 4). The number starts with a body of saltwater identified by the ADF&G statistical fishing district number in use in 1982. Although sorne of the statistical fishing district numbers will be changed, the stream numbers will a lways be based on the 1982 number. Each district has a five digit number (a three digit number and a two di gît number separated by a hyphen). The fi rst arder streams ( those streams which flow into the saltwater) are identified by a five digit number added ta the fish district number into which it flows. This second group of five digits is started by the number 1 which signifies a first order or primary stream. For example, Big River (at the top) is 101-52-10100 (101-52 identifies the statistical fishing district and 10100 is the first arder stream within that district). A stream branching from this first order stream (second-arder) is identified using the same base number (101-52-10100) plus a four digit number indicating that specifie tributary. · In the example for Big River this number is 2021 for the tributary on the left. Therefore, the entire number for the example second arder stream is 101-52-10100-2021. Third, fourth and higher arder streams are numbered in the same way by adding a four digit number for each branch. The first digit for each branch sequence a lways i ndi ca tes the stream arder. By definition, the 1 ast digit in the number sequence used to identify second and higher arder streams is even numbered if the tributary branches to the right (facing upstream) and odd numbered if it branches to the left. Because of space limitations on the maps, only the number sequence identifying a specifie tributary is written next ta that tributary; however, the entire number sequence dawn to the statistical fishing district number can be determi ned by fo 11 owi ng the waterway. The ent ire number sequence i s used in the Catalog. -12- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lakes are designated by a number sequence with a first digit of O. In the example shawn for the Blue Creek drainage, a lake occurs along a third arder stream. Therefore, the lake number incorporates the third arder stream number (101-53-10100-2010-3005) pl us the four digit 1 ake identifier (0010) ta give the lake's number as 101-53-10100-2010- 3005-0010. There are four possible lake-river systems. In the first system, the outlet river is named (in this example, "Kleen River"). The named river does not conti nue above the 1 ake. The fi rst arder ou tl et ri ver i s numbered with the statistical fishing district number 101-53, and the first arder number 10200. The lake above this first arder river retains the base number, 101-53-10200, adding the lake identifier, 0010. All tributaries flowing into the lake retain the base number of the first arder stream, adding second arder identifiers. The lake above the second arder tributary has the same number as the secondary tributary, with an added lake number: 101-53-10200-2016-0010. Any streams flowing into this lake would be third arder and would be numbered accordingly. In the second lake-river system, Rain Creek continues through a series of lakes. Therefore each lake is numbered with the tributary number 101-53-10300, and its unique lake number, 0010 for the first lake, 0020 for the second. Tributaries branching from either Rain Creek or the lakes are designated with second arder numbers added to the base number. The river in the third lake-river system is not named, however it has a distinct main channel with tributaries (see left side of Inoue Passage). Therefore, numbering is the same as in the second system: each lake is numbered from the main channel with an added lake number (101-53-10400-0010, for the first lake, 101-53-10400-0020 for the second lake). In the fourth example Great River, Little River and Small Creek are numbered as first, second and third arder tributaries, respectively. The lake above each tributary has the same number as the tributary below with an added lake number. In this example, the first lake (above the -13- ..... Il ~ 1 1 ' 1 \202.1 81~0 .,,_ ~ JOHN'S 8 A y 10100 /_ 3011 \.00/0 ~ . ~ \ ) 0010 r- "0 ~;02.00 ~ ~ ~~ .,. CA ZOSI ·~ f-... •Y cr ... ~ 0010/ /IO+oo\ ~ ,o' L~~ 0010 ~ hotoo ...... ·~ Jt ~-~ 101-6+ _, lm 1 ~ .. ·"··'·1·--CO/Ml c.i."----lo ~:::.. 1.::::.. '""w''' · , .... ~...... ······" s,..-.... ~ ~ .: ~::: .. :::;;. •• , .:: !:;::.:_ IIV-~ Dv DoM, ""'""" ............. ,.. •••••• ,1 .......:.vaollL. ~~ ~~::·: •• ~ .. •• ::~::~ •:.:::·-Dt.il _±!ji w w~ .... ,,,.., -·•-• lillil fi("' Cl c ..... ,_, '••~• ~-:::,.,.,,..,..----1 1 l 1 1 1 N $CAlf t'a IMilE 1 •>.:160 - 0010 r- i( -·· .soos '-"-,.. ....... , ...... ..... ANADROMOUS WATERS CATAlOG fiKlJ. TillE 0 ANADIOMOUS WAllU A.ll USUD PUIWAHT 10 AS .. 05170 .... IY OAII BB ' ..•. IMN' IITLt 1 STNf Of AlA51CA lltlNTMfNT Of fi:IH AN> GAMf FAIRtANI(.$ (A·J) ~ ~ .'li'IDiw -»CAU, AlAIAA REVISIONS ( ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 "TT ëi c JJ m ~ Il (/J ~ JJ m > s: z c 1 s: m m JJ (/J Il > z 0 (/J -< s: m 0 ï 0 Ci) -< 1 1 1 ----~---------------------~----~~· first arder tributary, Great River) is 101-54-10100-0010, the second lake (above the second arder tributary, Little River) is 101-54-10100-2014-0010, and the third lake (above the third arder tributary, Small Creek) is 101-54-10100-2014-3005-0010. Symbol s The legend on the bottom of each map contains the symbols for each fish species. The number on the lower left corner identifies the 1:63,360 scale quadrangle of the 1:250,000 scale quadrangle. (Numbers for the 1:250,000 scale quadrangles are identified on Figure 3.) Arrows on the maps delimit the distribution of the fish in the stream. A single arrow at the beginning of the stream shows which fish migrate upstream. Arrows at upper regions indicate the highest point where the fish species are currently known to occur (see king salmon spawning on Chance Creek, Figure 4). Double arrows painting in opposite directions are usually added to clarify information and to indicate that the range of the anadromous fish continues onto adjacent maps (see king, chum, coho salmon and sheefish migrating on Main River). Interpretation of the Catalog Streams and Rivers by Number Each stream in the Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fish is listed on two lines. The first line contains the stream number and information about the location of the mouth of the stream. The second line lists the stream name (if known) and locates the upper point. Column headings occur at the top of each page. For example, the Grant Creek would be listed: -15- STREAM/LAKE MAP SHEET LAT./LONG 101-75-10100 Bradfield Canal A-4 56 2 21 131 12 45 Grant Creek Bradfield Canal A-5 56 6 31 131 20 40 The first line gives: 1. the stream number (101-75-10100); LEGAL C 67S 92E20 C 66S 91E33 2. the quadrangle name containing the mouth of the stream (Bradfield Canal A-4); 3. the latitude-longitude of the mouth of the stream (56 degrees, 2 minutes, 21 seconds latitude, 131 degrees, 12 minutes, 45 seconds longitude); 4. the legal description of the stream mouth, given by meridian (Copper River), range (67S), township (92E), and section (20). The second 1ine gives: 1. the stream name, if known (Grant Creek); 2. the quadrangle name containing the stream's upper point, if different from the quadrangle containing the mouth (Bradfield Canal A-5); 3. the latitude-longitude of the upper point; 4. the legal description of the upper point. -16- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ······-·-~-····~-·---·----· Lakes by Number Lakes are also listed in the Catalog on two Jines. For example, Hidden Inlet Lake (in Southeast Alaska) is listed: STREAM/LAKE MAP SHEET LAT./LONG LEGAL 101-11-11000-0010 Prince Rupert D-2 54 59 15 130 24 1 C 79S100E30 Hidden Inlet Lake The first line shows: 1. the lake number (101-11-11000-0010); 2. the quadrangle name on whi ch most or a 11 of the 1 ake occurs (Prince Rupert D-2); 3. the latitude and longitude of the approximate center point of the lake (54 degrees, 59 minutes, 15 seconds latitude and 130 degrees, 24 minutes, 1 second longitude); 4. the legal description of the approximate center of the lake, given by meridian (C= Copper River), range (}9S) township (100E) and Section (30). The second 1 ine gives the name of the lake, if known (Hidden In let Lake). Lakes wi 11 not have mouths or upper points. Where a 1 ake accu rs on several quadrangle maps, the quadrangle which contains the largest area of the lake will be listed. The locational information (latitude-longitude and legal description) is taken from the U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps. Most of these quadrangles are now out of date, with many streams and portions of coastlines having been displaced. The maps may no longer accurately -17- represent the true geographie location of the stream or lake, however, the locations provided in the Catalog are within the tolerances of the USGS maps. The intent of the lo~ational information is to avoid any ambiguity in referring ta a specifie stream or lake, and therefore the locations listed in the Catalog should be compared to the USGS maps and not ta field surveyed or photo-extracted locations. Waters by Name To reference an a nad ramous water by name, the re i s an a 1 phabeti ca 1 listing of those known named rivers, streams and lakes as they are named on the USGS Quads. Sources Sources of information for this C~talog were the ADF&G 11 Alaska's Fisheries Atlas 11 (1978), ADF&G field notes from a rea and regional offices and various ADF&G individuàl reports. Additional information for Southeast Alaska was obtained from U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service field notes and the series Revised Anadromous Fish Stream Catalog of Southeastern Alaska (1977) by John Edgington, Robert Larsen, Jim Eastwood and Paul Novak. Information from the Arcti c-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Commerci a 1 Fi sheri es Region was supplemented by Bureau of Land Management survey notes, and Index to Northslope Stream and Lake Surveys (1982) by Terry Bendock and John Burr. Data for the Southcentral Region were supplemented by the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Many Federal and - ... - - - - - - - - - - - State agencies and individuals contributed information and verified the - anadromous fish data. - - - - -18-- Definitions 1. 11 Anadromous fish 11 means fish that enter fresh water from the sea for spawning purposes. These include anadromous Dolly Varden, rainbow trout (steelhead), arctic ch~r, sheefish, smelt, lamprey, whitefish, coastal cutthroat, and salmon. 2. 11 Anadromous fish stream 11 means a river, lake, or stream from its mou th to its uppermost rea ch as i t i s presently 1 i sted in this Catalog and depicted in the Atlas and includes all sloughs and backwaters adjoining the 1 isted waters, and that portion of the streambed or lakebed covered by ordinary high water. 3. 11 Atlas" means The Atlas to the Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes. 4. "Braided stream" means a river or stream consisting of intertwined branches or collateral channels as further characterized by the successive division and rejoining of two or more interconnected channels separated by bars or islands. 5. 11 Catalog" means The Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes. 6. "Lake" means a ponded body of inland water that has a restricted outlet or no outlet and contains fish. 7. "Migration" means the predictable, purposeful, or seasonal movement of fish, unrestricted by ether than natural influences. 8. "Mouth" means a line drawn between the seaward extremities of the exposed tideland banks of any anadromous fish stream at mean lower law water. -19- 9. 11 0verwintering 11 means inhabitation by fish of a \'later body, including its substrate, at any time during October 1 through April 30. 10. 11 Permi t 11 me ans a habitat protection permit, incl udi ng an anadromous fish protection permit and any amendment or condition issued or approved by the commissioner or his authorized designee that has not expired or been suspended or revoked; a permit constitutes approval of the plans and specifications required by AS 16.05.870. 11. 11 Pollution•• means causing alteration of a stream, river, or lake to the extent that the water fails to meet the water quality standards of the Department of Environmental Conservation set forth in 18 AAC 70.010-110. 12. 11 Portion of the streambed which is covered by ordinary high water11 - - - - - - - - - means 1) in the portion above the high tide, the stream and exposed ~ banks, except that if the stream is braided the exposed stream bed and banks are delimited by the natural vegetation bordering the most distant channels; and 2) in the portion below the mean high tide and the mouth, the stream between the tideland banks exposed at lower law water. 13. 11 Rearing 11 means the life phase of a fish from hatching until spawning or any portion thereof. 14. 11 Regional and area office 11 means the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division, offices located as follows: -20- - - - - - - - - - Region I -Southeast Post Office Box 20 Douglas, Alaska 99824 415 Main Street Ketchikan, Ala~ka 99901 Post Office Box 510 Sitka, Alaska 99835 Post Office Box 667 Petersburg, Alaska 99833 Region II -Southcentral 333 Raspberry Raad Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Region III -Arctic and Interior 565 University Avenue Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Region IV -Western and Southwest 333 Raspberry Raad Anchorage, Alaska 99502 15. "Spawning" means deposition or fertilization of eggs, including preparation for deposition or fertilization. -21- Stream/Lake 200-10-10010 Arvesta Creek 200-10-10020 Katalla River 200-10-10020-2020 200-10-10020-2027 200-10-10020-2030 200-10-10020-2033 200-10-10030 200-20-10070 Edwardes River 200-20-10080 Campbell River 200-20-10100 Nichawak River 200-20-10110 8ering River 200-20-10110-0010 8ering Lake 200-20-10110-2030 Gandil River 200-20-10110-2030-0010 200-20-10110-2030-3011 200-20-10110-2030-3021 200-20-10110-2030-3031 200-20-10110-2030-3037 200-20-10110·2030-3041 200-20-10110-2030-3041-0010 200-20-10110·2032 Shepherd Creek 200-20-10110-2032-0010 Charlotte, Lake 200-20-10110-2032-3020 Carbon Creek 200-20-10110-2032-3020-0010 200-20-10110-2032-3028 Maxwell Creek 200-20-10110-2051 Stillwater Creek 200-20-10110-2051-0010 Kushtaka Lake 200-20-10110-2051-3012 Clear Creek 200-20-10110-2051-3016 Trout Creek 200-20-10110-2051-3023 200-20-10110-2055 Dick Creek 200-20-10110-2055-3003 200-20-10110-2055-3009 200-20-10110-2060 3/25/86 ~ ,, ____ .,__.~-----~~ ....... ...,""-"" Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .......... --...... ---.. -............ --........................ -...... .. COROOVA A-2 COROOVA A-2 CORDOVA B-2 CORDOVA A-2 COROOVA B-2 CORDOVA B-2 COROOVA B-2 CORDOVA B-2 CORDOVA A-2 CORDOVA A-1 BERING GLACIER CORDOVA A-1 BERING GLACIER CORDOVA A-1 BERING GLACIER COROOVA A-1 8ERING GLACIER CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA 8·1 BERING GLACIER CORDOVA 8-1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 8ERING GLACIER CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8-1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA B-1 BERING GLACIER CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA 8-1 CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA 8-1 Southcentral 60 11 4 144 26 31 C 19S 5E36 60 11 14 144 26 3 C 19S 5E36 60 12 14 144 29 34 C 19S SE27 60 16 34 144 25 59 C 18S SE36 60 14 33 144 25 32 C 19S 6E 7 60 15 32 144 24 51 C 19S 6E 6 60 15 16 144 26 10 C 19S SE 1 60 15 38 144 27 16 C 19S SE 1 60 15 34 144 25 52 C 19S SE 1 60 15 41 144 24 59 C 19S 6E 6 60 15 48 144 26 2 C 18S SE36 60 16 16 144 27 12 C 18S SE36 60 11 0 144 34 45 C 19S 5E31 60 11 6 144 34 33 C 19S SE31 60 7 2 144 8 19 C 20S 7E26 60 10 25 143 55 38 C 20S SE 1 60 8 47 144 12 19 C 20S 7E17 60 14 21 143 55 13 C 19S 8E12 60 11 36 144 11 42 C 19S 7E28 60 16 8 143 57 50 C 18S 8E35 60 11 37 144 11 44 C 19S 7E28 60 23 21 143 56 55 C 17S 8E23 60 17 41 144 17 57 C 18S 6E23 60 16 4 144 10 31 C 18S 7E33 60 16 15 143 57 53 C 18S 8E35 60 18 22 144 0 7 C 18S 8E16 60 16 30 144 5 56 C 18S 7E36 60 17 0 144 7 3 C 18S 7E26 60 18 2 144 6 17 C 18S 7E24 60 18 29 144 6 22 C 18S 7E13 60 18 46 144 4 40 C 18S 8E18 60 19 11 144 4 44 C 18S 8E18 60 18 55 144 3 56 C 18S 8E18 60 19 11 144 3 56 C 18S 8E18 60 18 50 144 3 46 C 18S 8E18 60 19 21 144 0 9 C 18S SE 9 60 18 11 143 58 54 C 18S 8E22 60 18 0 144 14 40 C 18S 7E19 60 24 47 144 12 17 C 17S 7E 8 60 25 35 144 11 15 C 17S 7E 4 60 22 21 144 13 13 C 17S 7E29 60 23 4 144 11 44 C 17S 7E21 60 23 1 144 12 18 C 17S 7E20 60 24 29 144 12 29 C 17S 7E 8 60 24 30 144 10 49 C 17S 7E 9 60 21 48 144 0 22 C 17S 8E33 60 23 42 144 4 0 C 17S 8E18 60 22 55 144 6 32 C 17S 7E24 60 23 51 144 1 58 C 17S 8E17 60 26 14 143 58 24 C 16S 8E34 60 23 52 144 2 35 C 17S 8E17 60 24 28 144 3 33 C 17S SE 7 60 22 38 144 5 27 C 17S 7E25 60 22 21 144 4 32 C 17S 8E30 60 19 30 144 18 26 C 18S 6E11 60 22 43 144 19 41 C 17S 6E22 60 19 33 144 18 25 C 18S 6E11 60 19 42 144 18 32 C 18S 6E11 60 21 23 144 18 32 C 17S 6E35 60 21 27 144 19 24 C 17S 6E34 60 19 43 144 19 34 C 18S 6E10 60 20 16 144 19 20 C 18S 6E 3 Page 23 .................. ~:~=~~~~~~=---··············· -----~~~-~~=:: ........ ----~~::~~?~~:.... ---~=~~~---.. 200·20·10110·2070 CORDOVA 8·1 60 18 58 144 20 9 C 18S 6E15 60 18 52 144 21 2 C 18S 6E16 200·20·10110·2075 CORDOVA 8·1 60 18 21 144 20 39 C 18S 6E16 60 18 36 144 21 13 C 18S 6E16 200·20·10110·2080 CORDOVA 8·1 60 17 58 144 20 30 C 18S 6E22 60 18 13 144 21 1 C 18S 6E21 200·20·10110·2085 CORDOVA 8·1 60 16 57 144 20 30 C 18S 6E27 60 17 23 144 21 46 C 18S 6E28 200·20·10110·2095 CORDOVA 8·1 60 16 38 144 20 34 C 18S 6E28 60 16 10 144 21 29 C 18S 6E33 200·20·10110·2100 CORDOVA 8·1 60 16 21 144 20 25 C 18S 6E34 60 16 10 144 21 4 C 18S 6E33 200·20·10110·2105 COROOVA 8·1 60 16 13 144 20 0 C 18S 6E34 Split Creek 60 15 21 144 22 5 C 19S 6E 4 ... ... ... 212·10·10010 COROOVA 8·4 60 24 47 145 29 44 C 17S 2W12 _. Alaganik Slough 60 26 10 145 12 40 C 16S 1E33 212·10·10010·2011 CORDOVA 8·4 60 25 1 145 28 41 C 17S 1W 6 Tiedeman Slough 60 25 18 145 28 19 C 17S 1W 6 212·10·10010·2011·3006 CORDOVA 8·4 60 25 16 145 28 4 C 17S 1W 6 ._ 60 28 43 145 21 37 C 16S 1W14 212·10·10010·2011·3006·4016 CORDOVA 8·4 60 26 22 145 23 53 C 16S 1W33 60 28 12 145 21 29 C 16S 1W23 212·10·10010·2021 CORDOVA 8·4 60 25 22 145 22 20 C 17S 1W 3 60 28 54 145 21 21 C 16S 1W14 212·10·10010·2031 CORDOVA 8·4 60 25 30 145 19 52 C 17S 1W 1 60 29 22 145 19 44 C 16S 1W12 .. 212·10·10010·2041 CORDOVA 8·4 60 26 38 145 16 12 C 16S 1E31 .- 60 29 6 145 15 23 C 16S 1E17 212·10·10010·2041·3010 CORDOVA 8·4 60 27 19 145 17 33 C 16S 1E30 60 28 2 145 18 6 C 16S 1E19 212·10·10010·2041·3015 CORDOVA 8·4 60 27 16 145 17 44 C 16S 1E30 _. 60 28 14 145 19 7 C 16S 1W24 212-10·10010·2041·3015·4009 CORDOVA 8·4 60 27 38 145 19 12 C 16S 1W24 60 28 32 145 19 5 C 16S 1W13 212·10·10010·2041·3025 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 12 145 18 8 C 16S 1E19 _. 60 28 43 145 18 58 C 16S 1W13 212·10·10010·2041·3032 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 31 145 16 11 C 16S 1E19 60 28 30 145 15 45 C 16S 1E20 212·10·10010·2047 CORDOVA 8·4 60 26 55 145 15 50 C 16S 1E32 _. 60 27 34 145 16 28 C 16S 1E30 212·10·10010·2051 CORDOVA 8·4 60 26 59 145 15 38 C 16S 1E32 60 27 23 145 15 34 C 16S 1E29 212·10·10010·2061 CORDOVA 8·4 60 26 10 145 12 41 C 16S 1E33 .- 60 27 9 145 10 27 C 16S 1E26 212·10·10010·2061·0010 COROOVA 8·4 60 27 40 145 11 3 C 16S 1E27 Mckinley Lake 212·10·10010·2061·3010 CORDOVA 8·4 60 27 8 145 10 28 C 16S 1E26 .. 60 27 56 145 9 27 C 16S 1E23 212·10·10010·2061·3010·4009 CORDOVA 8·4 60 27 56 145 9 27 C 16S 1E23 Salmon Creek 60 28 39 145 10 2 C 16S 1E23 212·10·10020 CORDOVA 8·5 60 25 50 145 31 54 C 17S 2W 2 _. Glacier River CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 26 145 24 23 C 16S 1W21 212·10·10020·2021 CORDOVA B-4 60 28 19 145 25 7 C 16S 1W21 CORDOVA C-4 60 32 10 145 22 46 C 15S 1W27 212·10·10020·2028 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 26 145 24 24 C 16S 1W21 _. CORDOVA C·4 60 30 34 145 17 43 C 16S 1E 6 212·10·10020·2028·3011 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 26 145 23 51 C 16S 1W22 60 29 22 145 19 53 C 16S 1W12 212·10·10020·2028·3011·4007 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 39 145 23 40 C 16S 1W15 ._ 60 29 52 145 18 58 C 16S 1W12 212·10·10020·2028·3011·4007·5007 CORDOVA 8·4 60 28 44 145 23 41 C 16S 1W15 60 30 0 145 21 1 C 16S 1W11 212·10·10030 CORDOVA B-5 60 27 10 145 31 40 C 16S 2W26 -. CORDOVA C-4 60 33 0 145 28 22 C 15S 1W19 212·10·10030·2050 CORDOVA C·4 60 31 52 145 28 59 C 15S 1W31 60 31 46 145 27 24 C 15S 1W31 212·10·10030·2050·0010 CORDOVA C·4 60 31 50 145 28 38 C 15S 1W31 -. Island Lake 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 24 ... Stream/Lake 212·10-10030·2050-0020 Cabin Lake 212-10·10030·2070 212·10·10030·2070-0010 Elsner, Lake 212·10·10030·2070-3010 212·10-10030·2070-3020 212·10·10030·2070-3030 212·10·10030·2070·3040 212·10·10030·2090 212·10·10040 Goverment Slough 212·10·10050 Eyak River 212·10·10050·2010 212·10·10050·2020 212·10·10060 Mountain Slough 212·10·10060·0010 Eyak Lake 212·10·10060·2200 Currin Slough 212·10·10060·2200·0030 212·10·10060·2200·3025 !beek Creek 212·10·10060·2200·3100 212-10·10060·2240 Power Creek 212·10·10060·2250 212·10·10080 212·10·10084 212·10-10094 212·10·10094·0010 212·20·10020 Martin River 212·20·10020·0020 212·20·10020-2040 212·20-10020·2040·0010 212·20·10020-2050 212-20·10020·2050-0010 Martin Lake 212·20·10020·2050·3009 212·20·10020-2050-3015 212·20·10020·2050·3020 212·20-10020-2050·3020·0010 3/25/86 Map Sheet ........................................ ~ CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C-4 COROOVA C-4 COROOVA C-4 CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C-4 COROOVA C-4 CORDOVA 8·5 CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA 8·5 COROOVA C-5 COROOVA 8·5 CORDOVA 8·5 CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA 8·5 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C-4 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA 8·6 CORDOVA B-6 CORDOVA B-6 COROOVA 8·6 CORDOVA 8·3 CORDOVA 8·1 CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA B-2 CORDOVA B-2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA B-2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 Southcentral ···-~·---·---'"'_"_"'·-·----·------- Lat./Long . Legal 60 31 49 145 27 26 C 155 1Y31 60 32 14 145 28 52 C 155 1W30 60 32 41 145 27 52 C 155 1W30 60 32 56 145 27 19 C 155 1Y20 60 33 6 145 26 24 C 155 1W20 60 32 58 145 26 18 C 155 1Y20 60 33 8 145 26 24 C 155 1Y20 60 33 4 145 26 1 C 155 1W20 60 33 9 145 26 24 C 155 1W20 60 33 19 145 25 54 C 155 1W20 60 33 9 145 26 25 C 155 1W20 60 33 19 145 26 4 C 155 1Y20 60 33 0 145 28 22 C 155 1W19 60 34 13 145 25 40 C 155 1W17 60 27 49 145 38 51 C 165 2W19 60 33 0 145 28 23 C 155 1W19 60 28 10 145 41 5 C 165 3W24 60 30 35 145 39 43 C 165 3W 1 60 28 51 145 40 12 C 165 3W13 60 30 0 145 34 47 C 165 2W 9 60 29 42 145 39 55 C 165 3W12 60 33 39 145 29 44 C 155 2Y24 60 28 35 145 44 15 C 165 3W15 60 31 57 145 38 35 C 155 2W30 60 33 9 145 40 23 C 155 3Y24 60 31 39 145 38 1 C 155 2W31 60 37 22 145 25 8 C 145 1W28 60 37 34 145 24 50 C 145 1W28 60 32 25 145 33 20 C 155 2W27 60 33 58 145 30 16 C 155 2W13 60 36 38 145 26 37 C 145 1W32 60 36 42 145 26 5 C 145 1W32 60 35 1 145 38 32 C 155 2W 7 60 35 35 145 34 40 C 155 2W 4 60 35 21 145 38 29 C 15S 2W 7 60 35 16 145 37 40 C 155 2W 8 60 27 34 145 54 22 C 165 4W27 60 27 42 145 53 11 C 165 4W23 60 27 38 145 54 29 C 16S 4W22 60 28 10 145 54 37 C 16S 4W22 60 27 55 145 56 47 C 16S 4W21 60 28 16 145 55 38 C 165 4W21 60 28 21 145 55 22 C 16S 4W22 60 24 11 144 52 37 C 17S 3E16 60 27 33 144 17 49 C 165 6E26 60 27 11 144 16 27 C 165 6E26 60 24 28 144 41 30 C 175 4E 9 60 23 19 144 38 22 C 175 4E23 60 24 3 144 39 9 c 175 4E14 60 23 51 144 36 31 C 175 4E13 60 23 21 144 35 28 C 175 5E19 60 22 6 144 32 21 C 175 5E28 60 21 35 144 33 35 C 175 5E32 60 21 18 144 33 47 C 175 5E32 60 21 19 144 33 7 C 175 5E32 60 20 49 144 33 27 C 185 SE 5 60 21 22 144 31 1 C 175 5E33 60 20 17 144 25 54 c 185 SE 1 60 21 21 144 27 8 C 17S 5E36 Page 25 Stream/Lake 212·20·10020·2050·3021 212·20·10020·2050·3027 212·20·10020·2050·3035 212·20·10020·2060 212·20·10020·2060·0010 Little Martin Lake 212·20·10020·2070 212·20·10020·2070·3020 212·20·10020·2070·3020·0010 Tokun, Lake 212·20·10020·2070·3030 212·20·10020·2070·3030·0010 Deadwood Lake 212·20·10040 212·20·10040·2011 Sheep Creek 212·20·10040·2011·3010 212·20·10040·2011·3020 212·20·10040·2011·3030 212·20·10040·2031 212·20-10064 212·20·10080 Copper River (Hotcake Channel) 212·20·10080·0010 Miles Lake 212·20·10080·2100 Brenner River 212·20·10080·2100·3089 212·20·10080·2100·3089·0020 212·20·10080·2100-3089·0030 212·20·10080·2100·3110 Eagle Creek 212·20·10080·2100·3112 212·20·10080·2100·3112·0020 Steam Boat Lake 212·20·10080·2100·3113 Little Bremner River 212·20·10080·2100·3115 Salmon Creek 212·20·10080·2100·3115·4015 212·20·10080·2157 Whiting Falls Creek 212·20·10080·2159 Tasnuna River 212·20·10080·2170 212·20·10080·2225 212·20·10080·2225·0020 3/25/86 Map Sheet CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA 8·1 COROOVA 8·1 COROOVA 8·1 COROOVA 8·1 COROOVA 8·3 COROOVA 8·1 COROOVA 8·3 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA C·3 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 8·3 NABESNA 8·6 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 0·2 BERING GLACIER VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·1 VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·2 VALOEZ A·1 VALOEZ A·1 COROOVA 0·3 COROOVA 0·3 VALDEZ A·4 VALOEZ A·3 VALOEZ A·3 VALDEZ A·3 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 20 48 144 31 44 C 18S SE 4 60 18 56 144 31 30 C 18S 5E16 60 20 32 144 31 27 C 18S SE 4 60 19 10 144 30 50 C 18S 5E1S 60 20 54 144 30 46 C 18S SE 3 60 19 47 144 28 2 C 18S 5E11 60 24 0 144 31 34 C 17S 5E16 60 23 50 144 31 21 C 17S 5E16 60 23 35 144 29 7 C 17S 5E14 60 24 31 144 27 51 C 17S 5E11 60 27 3 144 22 46 C 16S 6E29 60 24 45 144 21 22 C 17S 6E 9 60 24 27 144 19 23 C 17S 6E10 60 24 22 144 17 34 C 17S 6E14 60 26 25 144 22 25 C 16S 6E32 60 26 35 144 15 42 C 16S 6E36 60 26 32 144 15 18 C 16S 6E36 60 27 14 144 49 42 C 16S 3E26 60 29 48 144 20 22 C 16S 6E 9 60 27 24 144 46 23 C 16S 3E25 60 30 51 144 44 4 C 16S 4E 5 60 28 13 144 44 32 C 16S 4E19 60 30 10 144 35 41 C 16S 4E12 60 29 44 144 43 38 C 16S 4E 8 60 29 18 144 41 5 C 16S 4E16 60 30 52 144 44 4 C 16S 4E 5 60 31 54 144 43 21 C 15S 4E32 60 27 14 144 39 12 C 16S 4E27 60 28 31 144 30 29 C 16S 5E21 60 33 33 144 47 5 C 15S 3E24 60 35 43 144 43 55 C 15S 4E 5 60 27 49 144 53 27 C 16S 3E29 62 25 25 143 39 38 C 7N 9E 1 60 40 50 144 40 5 C 14S 4E10 60 49 52 144 30 35 C 12S 5E15 60 57 47 143 50 33 C 10S 9E32 61 0 8 144 35 39 C 10S 5E18 61 1 57 144 42 55 C lOS 4E 4 61 0 38 144 40 54 C 10S 4E10 61 2 25 144 44 3 C 9S 4E32 61 0 28 144 19 51 C 10S 6E1S 61 0 18 144 19 55 C 10S 6E15 61 0 57 144 31 32 C 10S SE 9 61 0 44 144 29 6 C 10S SElO 61 1 11 144 30 19 C lOS SElO 61 2 4 144 26 32 C 10S SE 1 61 4 28 144 22 50 C 9S 6E20 61 1 36 144 18 49 C 10S 6E 3 61 2 9 144 19 18 C 10S 6E 3 61 2 10 144 19 19 C 10S 6E 3 61 2 26 144 19 44 C 9S 6E34 60 59 35 144 48 29 C lOS 3E24 60 59 28 144 50 15 C lOS 3E23 60 59 39 144 48 31 C 10S 3E23 61 2 52 145 12 23 C 9S 1E34 61 3 52 144 46 19 C 9S 4E30 61 4 8 144 45 53 C 9S 4E19 61 12 50 144 51 55 C 7S 3E33 61 13 10 144 52 9 C 7S 3E33 61 13 21 144 52 30 C 7S 3E33 Page 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,.,. ..... ,., .• ....,...«,.,,_~~···""'.,....., •. "." "'"""""'""'"...-'"""'"""'--'""""'-----··--... -~·~"'~ ·--·~-·,.."~~···"~,.,...__.., ... -,..,..,·-·-'"'"""''~""'·~~""'"'""' ""·----·~--·"·~····--· ... Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .............................................................................................. .................................................. ......................................... -........ ---........ 212·20·10080·2235 VALDEZ A·3 61 13 0 144 51 5 c 7S 3E34 Tiekel River 61 13 36 144 53 10 c 7S 3E28 212·20·10080·2240 VALDEZ 8·3 61 16 38 144 49 34 c 7S 3E11 61 16 43 144 49 16 c 7S 3E11 212·20·10080·2240·0010 VALDEZ 8·3 61 16 44 144 49 11 c 7S 3E11 212·20·10080·2244 VALDEZ 8·3 61 17 1 144 49 27 c 7S 3E 2 61 17 7 144 49 10 c 7S 3E 2 212·20·10080·2244·0010 VALDEZ 8·3 61 17 14 144 48 58 c 7S 3E 2 212·20·10080·2246 VALDEZ 8·3 61 17 32 144 48 55 c 7S 3E 2 61 17 37 144 48 32 c 7S 3E 2 212·20·10080·2248 VALDEZ 8·3 61 18 5 144 48 27 c 6S 3E35 61 18 9 144 48 17 c 6S 3E35 212·20·10080·2248·0010 VALDEZ 8·3 61 18 12 144 48 11 c 6S 3E35 212·20·10080·2254 VALDEZ 8·3 61 19 3 144 47 10 c 6S 3E25 61 19 1 144 46 49 c 6S 3E25 212·20·10080·2254·0010 VALDEZ 8·3 61 19 1 144 46 46 c 6S 3E25 212·20·10080·2261 VALDEZ 8·2 61 21 18 144 42 6 c 6S 4E16 Uranatina River 61 21 51 144 41 8 c 6S 4E 9 212·20·10080·2300 VALDEZ C-2 61 30 47 144 24 4 c 4S 6E19 Chitina River MC CARTHY A·4 61 7 15 142 11 40 c 9S 18E 3 212·20·10080·2300·3310 MC CARTHY 8·8 61 23 43 143 59 24 c 5S 8E33 Tebay River VALDEZ A·1 61 14 18 144 11 8 c 7S 7E29 212·20·10080·2300·3310·4085 VALDEZ 8·1 61 17 2 144 3 20 c 7S SE 6 Hanagita River MC CARTHY A·8 61 14 24 143 48 23 c 7S 9E28 212·20·10080·2300-3310·4085·0010 Hanagita Lake MC CARTHY A-8 61 14 4 143 47 41 c 7S 9E28 212·20·10080·2300·3371 MC CARTHY 8·8 61 22 21 143 46 52 c 6S 9E 3 Gilahina River 61 26 36 143 42 46 c ss 9E12 212·20·10080·2300·3371·4041 MC CARTHY 8·8 61 25 34 143 43 54 c 5S 9E23 Chokosna River 61 28 36 143 46 8 c 4S 9E34 212·20·10080·2300·3421 MC CARTHY 8·7 61 19 13 143 35 13 c 6S 10E27 Lakina River 61 29 57 143 23 26 c 4S 11E27 212·20·10080·2300·3421·4062 MC CARTHY 8·7 61 22 53 143 19 24 c 6S 12E 6 MC CARTHY 8·6 61 23 16 143 13 39 c 5S 12E34 212·20·10080·2300·3421·4062·0010 Long Lake MC CARTHY 8·7 61 23 9 143 16 51 c 5S 12E32 212·20·10080·2300·3511 MC CARTHY 8·6 61 20 55 143 14 17 c 6S 12E15 Nizina River MC CARTHY 8·5 61 24 55 142 35 12 c 5S 16E20 212·20·10080·2300·3511·4110 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 22 7 142 41 37 c 6S 15E10 May Creek 61 20 57 142 41 37 c 6S 15E15 212·20·10080·2300·3511·4120 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 22 37 142 38 24 c 6S 15E 1 Lake Creek 61 21 55 142 37 43 c 6S 15E12 212·20·10080·2300·3511·4120·5003 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 21 55 142 37 42 c 6S 15E12 61 22 18 142 36 41 c 6S 16E 6 212·20·10080·2300-3511·4130 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 23 10 142 35 2 c 5S 16E32 61 24 9 142 33 51 c 5S 16E28 212·20·10080·2300·3511·4130·0010 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 23 39 142 33 49 c 5S 16E33 212·20·10080·2300·3540 MC CARTHY 8·6 61 19 47 143 8 7 c 6S 13E19 Chakina River MC CARTHY A·6 61 10 4 143 6 49 c as 13E20 212·20·10080·2300·3540·4100 MC CARTHY A-6 61 10 4 143 6 49 c as 13E20 West Fork Chakina River 61 8 45 143 11 44 c as 12E26 212·20·10080·2300·3540·4100·5018 MC CARTHY A-6 61 8 45 143 11 44 c as 12E26 Monahan Creek 61 8 38 143 14 2 c as 12E27 212·20·10080·2300·3660 MC CARTHY A-5 61 12 44 142 50 8 c 7S 14E35 Tana River 8ERING GLACIER 60 53 5 142 46 8 C 11S 15E28 212·20-10080·2300·3660·4201 8ERING GLACIER 60 59 26 142 43 5 C lOS 15E22 MC CARTHY A-5 61 1 5 142 41 2 C 10S 15E11 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4207 8ERING GLACIER 60 59 13 142 43 6 C 10S 15E22 60 57 20 142 41 1 C lOS 15E35 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4258 8ERING GLACIER 60 53 25 142 46 26 C 11S 15E29 West Fork Tana River 60 53 48 143 7 55 C 11 S 13E20 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4258·5050 8ERING GLACIER 60 53 6 142 53 33 C 11S 14E27 60 53 39 142 55 51 C 11S 14E21 3!25/86 Southcentral Page 27 ················--~~::~~~~~~: .................. -----~~~-~~::: ........ ----~~::~~~~~=-··· ... ~:~~~---~ 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4258·5081 BERING GLACIER 60 52 52 143 1 13 C 11S 13E25 60 52 5 143 1 4 C 11S 13E36 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4258·5091 BERING GLACIER 60 53 3 143 4 13 C 11S 13E27 .. 60 52 31 143 4 6 C 11S 13E34 212·20·10080·2300·3660·4258·5100 BERING GLACIER 60 53 30 143 5 39 C 11S 13E27 60 54 5 143 5 46 C 11S 13E21 212·20·10080·2300·3751 MC CARTHY A·4 61 7 15 142 11 39 C 9S 18E 3 -. Clear Stream MC CARTHY A·3 61 6 30 142 2 45 C 9S 19E 9 212·20·10080·2310 VALDEZ C·Z 61 32 26 144 24 34 C 4S 5E12 Kotsina River 61 32 25 144 22 35 c 4S 6E 7 212·20·10080·2331 VALDEZ C·Z 61 38 24 144 36 30 C 3S 4E 1 .. Tonsina River VALDEZ C·4 61 31 16 145 29 43 C 4S ZW13 212·20·10080·2331·0020 VALDEZ C·4 61 30 55 145 Z9 50 C 4S 2W13 Tonsina Lake 212·20·10080·2331·3005 VALDEZ C·2 61 38 31 144 37 11 C 3S 4E 2 .. 61 39 8 144 38 56 C 2S 4E34 212·20·10080·2331·3055 VALDEZ C·3 61 39 53 144 46 4 C ZS 3E25 61 39 25 144 46 17 C 2S 3E36 212·20·10080·2331·3063 VALDEZ C-3 61 42 15 145 3 3 C 2S 2E 9 ._ Oust Creek 61 35 17 144 57 30 C 3S 2E24 212·20·10080·2331·3068 VALDEZ C·4 61 39 59 145 9 56 C 2S 1E26 Squirrel Creek 61 40 3 145 10 28 C 2S 1E26 212·20·10080·2331·3071 VALDEZ C·4 61 39 48 145 10 6 C 2S 1E26 .. Bernard Creek VALDEZ C·3 61 36 55 145 6 39 C 3S 2E18 212·20·10080·2331·3081 VALOEZ C·4 61 35 41 145 13 55 C 3S 1E21 Little Tonsina River VALDEZ 8·4 61 28 8 145 7 30 C 5S 2E 6 212·20·10080·2331·3081·4050 VALDEZ 8·4 61 30 0 145 12 36 C 4S 1E27 .. Slate Creek 61 29 31 145 13 1 C 4S 1E27 212·20·10080·2331·3093 VALDEZ C-4 61 31 21 145 29 35 C 4S 2W13 Quartz Creek 61 31 13 145 28 12 C 4S 1W18 212·20·10080·2331·3100 VALOEZ C·5 61 30 49 145 30 27 C 4S 2W24 .. Greyling Creek VALOEZ 8·5 61 25 10 145 44 8 C 5S 3W22 212·20·10080·2401 VALOEZ 0·4 61 57 19 145 16 59 C ZN 1E18 Klutina River VALOEZ 8·6 61 27 19 146 3 20 C 5S 5W12 212·20·10080·2401·0020 VALDEZ C·5 61 44 1 145 48 3 C 1S 3W32 .. Klutina Lake 212·20·10080·2401·0030 VALDEZ 8·6 61 27 16 146 2 37 C 5S 5W12 212·20·10080·2401·3061 VALDEZ 0·5 61 45 50 145 38 43 C 1S 2W19 Manker Creek VALDEZ C·5 61 34 8 145 40 21 C 3S 3W36 _. 212·20·10080·2401·3071 VALDEZ C·5 61 44 13 145 44 24 C 1S 3W34 Mahlo River 61 41 52 145 40 17 C 2S 2W18 212·20·10080·2401·3100 VALDEZ C·6 61 44 19 145 57 59 C 1S 4W33 Saint Anne Creek VALOEZ 0·6 61 49 45 146 3 10 C 1N 5W36 - 212·20·10080·2401·3120 VALDEZ C-6 61 38 31 146 1 15 C 3S 4W 6 61 38 57 146 3 9 C 2S 5W36 212·20·10080·2401·3130 VALOEZ C·6 61 36 18 145 59 48 C 3S 4W17 Hallet River 61 33 29 146 10 2 c 3S 5W32 ..,. 212·20·10080·2401·3145 VALOEZ C-6 61 31 13 145 58 2 C 4S 4W16 61 30 40 145 58 1 C 4S 4W21 212·20·10080·2401·3145·0010 VALDEZ C-6 61 31 1 145 57 55 C 4S 4W16 212·20·10080·2405 VALDEZ 0·4 61 57 29 145 17 21 C 2N 1E18 Yetna Creek 61 57 58 145 18 36 C ZN 1E 7 212·20·10080·2431 GULKANA A·3 62 2 20 145 Z3 8 C 3N 1W15 Tazlina River GULKANA A·5 62 0 4Z 146 14 7 C 3N 6W25 212·20·10080·2431·0040 GULKANA A·5 62 0 9 146 16 23 C 3N 6W35 Tazl ina Lake 212·20·10080·2431·3027 GULKANA A·4 62 4 57 145 33 33 C 4N 2W34 VALDEZ 0·5 61 55 7 145 36 38 C 2N 2W33 212·20·10080·2431·3075 GULKANA A·4 62 4 16 145 55 41 C 3N 4W 3 Durham Creek 62 1 9 145 59 22 C 3N 4W29 212·20·10080·2431·3082 GULKANA A·4 62 3 55 145 59 49 C 3N 4W 5 Tolsona Creek GULKANA A·5 62 9 31 146 1 52 C 4N 4W 6 212·20·10080·2431·3113 VALDEZ 0·7 61 59 7 146 18 42 C 2N 6W 3 Kaina Creek VALDEZ C-6 61 41 52 146 14 26 C 2S 6W13 212·20·10080·2431·3113·0010 VALDEZ 0·6 61 50 20 146 11 50 C 1N 5W30 Kaina Lake 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 28 - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet lat./long • legal ......................................................................................... .......................................... .. 212·20·10080·2431·3113·0020 VALDEZ C·6 61 41 39 146 14 32 c 2S 6W13 212·20·10080·2431·3122 VALDEZ 0·7 61 58 3 146 24 50 c 2N 7\.112 Mendeltna Creek GULKANA A·6 62 8 7 146 37 56 c 4N 8W14 212·20·10080·2431·3122·0010 GULKANA A·6 62 8 51 146 39 8 c 4N 8W11 Old Man Lake 212·20·10080·2431·3122·4010 GULKANA A·S 62 2 28 146 29 10 c 3N 7\.115 Woods Creek GULKANA A·6 62 3 5 146 30 18 c 3N 7\.19 212·20·10080·2431·3122·4021 GULKANA A·6 62 8 35 146 39 59 c 4N 81J10 62 11 29 146 47 27 c SN 81J30 212·20·10080·2445 GULKANA A·3 62 7 53 145 25 0 c 4N 11J16 Dry Creek 62 9 3 145 28 30 c 4N 11J 6 212·20·10080·2461 GULKANA A·3 62 13 16 145 23 38 c SN 11J15 Gulkana River MT HAYES A·4 63 10 47 145 31 0 F 20S 12E18 212·20·10080·2461·0040 GULKANA 0·4 Paxson Lake 62 54 34 145 31 54 C 13N 2W14 212·20·10080·2461·0060 Sunmit Lake MT HAYES A·4 63 8 22 145 32 50 F 20S 11E36 212·20·10080·2461·3023 GULKANA 8·3 62 15 22 145 23 46 c 6N 1W34 8ear Creek 62 15 58 145 24 44 c 6N 1W28 212·20·10080·2461·3050 GULKANA 8·3 62 23 42 145 23 1 c 7N 11J15 62 23 52 145 22 51 c 7N 1W10 212·20·10080·2461·3080 GULKANA C·4 62 31 27 145 31 25 c 9N 21J36 Sourdough Creek 62 31 29 145 30 57 c 9N 2W36 212·20·10080·2461·3091 GULKANA C·4 62 34 29 145 37 33 c 9N 21J 8 West Fork Gulkana River GULKANA 0·6 62 48 45 146 40 49 C 12N 81J23 212·20·10080·2461·3091·0030 GULKANA 0·6 62 48 19 146 41 29 C 12N 81J22 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021 GULKANA C·4 62 35 18 145 52 17 c 9N 31J 6 62 34 15 145 53 20 c 9N 41J12 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·0010 GULKANA C·4 62 32 44 145 51 7 c 9N 3W19 Fish Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020 GULKANA C·4 62 31 4 145 50 12 c 9N 31J32 Dog Creek GULKANA 8·5 62 24 19 146 0 7 c 7N 4W 8 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020·0020 GULKANA 8·4 62 26 46 145 55 54 c SN 4W27 Dog Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020·0030 GULKANA 8·4 62 26 23 145 57 39 c SN 4W28 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020·0040 GULKANA 8·4 62 25 1 145 58 48 c 7N 411 4 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020·0050 Crosswind Lake GULKANA 8·5 62 21 51 146 1 37 c 7N 41130 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4042 GULKANA C·S 62 38 25 146 1 14 C 10N 41120 GULKANA 0·5 62 47 29 146 3 34 C 12N 41J30 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4122 GULKANA C·S 62 43 31 146 26 3 C 11N 61J19 Keg Creek GULKANA 0·5 62 49 36 146 20 54 C 12N 61J16 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4142 GULKANA C·6 62 44 15 146 32 46 C 11N 7\.116 Moose Creek GULKANA 0·6 62 47 2 146 30 7 C 12N 7\.134 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4159 GULKANA C·6 62 44 13 146 38 49 C 11N 81J13 62 43 14 146 39 1 C 11N 8W24 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4163 GULKANA C·6 62 44 46 146 41 29 C 1-1 N 81J10 62 44 53 146 42 4 C 11N 81J10 212·20·10080·2461·3161 GULKANA 0·4 62 49 12 145 39 34 C 12N 21J18 Twelvemile Creek 62 48 38 145 44 21 C 12N 3W23 212·20·10080·2461·3171 GULKANA 0·4 62 50 47 145 39 59 C 12N 21J 6 Middle Fork Gulkana River GULKANA 0·5 62 55 25 146 5 58 C 13N 51J12 212·20·10080·2461·3171·0030 Dickey Lake GULKANA 0·5 62 56 4 146 6 29 C 13N SIJ 2 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032 GULKANA 0·4 62 54 24 145 54 11 C 13N 41J13 MT HAYES A·4 63 4 5 145 42 38 F 21S 11E30 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032·0010 1Jait·a·8it Lake MT HAYES A·4 63 0 30 145 44 47 F 22S 10E13 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032·0020 MT HAYES A·4 63 1 46 145 43 10 F 22S 11E 7 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032·0030 MT HAYES A·4 63 3 44 145 42 46 F 21S 11E30 Octopus Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032·0040 MT HAYES A·4 63 4 23 145 42 6 F 21S 11E30 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 29 Stream/Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4042 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4042·0010 Swede Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3232 212·20·10080·2461·3241 212·20·10080·2461·3241·0010 Mud Lake 212-20·10080·2461·3272 Fish Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3272·0010 Lower Fish Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3272·0020 Upper Fish Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3292 Gunn Creek 212·20·10080·2481 Gakona River 212·20·10080·2481·3071 Spring Creek 212·20·10080-2481·3071·4050 Gallespie Creek 212·20·10080·2481·3071·4050·0020 212·20·10080·2481·3177 212·20·10080·2481·3181 212·20·10080·2481·3188 212·20·10080·2500 212·20·10080·2500·3053 212·20·10080·2561 Sinona Creek 212·20·10080·2563 212·20·10080·2571 Chistochina River 212·20·10080·2571·3062 East Fork Chistochina River 212·20·10080·2571·3062·4042 Eagle Creek 212·20·10080·2571·3062·4042·5010 212·20·10080·2576 212·20·10080·2576·3014 212·20·10080·2576·3014·4008 212·20·10080·2576·3014·4012 212·20·10080·2583 212·20·10080·2591 Inclian Creek 212·20·10080·2598 Drop Creek 212·20·10080·2598·3018 212·20·10080·2605 Slana River 212·20·10080·2605·3019 Ahtell Creek 3/25/86 Map Sheet GULKANA 0·4 GULKANA 0·4 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·4 MT HAYES A·4 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·4 MT HAYES A-3 GULKANA B·3 MT HAYES A·3 GULKANA C·3 GULKANA 0·3 GULKANA 0·3 GULKANA 0·3 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·3 MT HAYES A·3 GULKANA B·2 GULKANA B·2 GULKANA C·2 GULKANA C·2 GULKANA C·2 GULKANA 0·2 GULKANA 0·2 GULKANA 0·1 GULKANA 0·1 GULKANA 0·1 GULKANA C·2 GULKANA C-1 GULKANA C·2 GULKANA C-1 GULKANA C-2 GULKANA C-1 GULKANA C·1 GULKANA C-2 GULKANA C·1 GULKANA C-1 NABESNA C-6 NABESNA C-6 GULKANA C-1 MT HAYES A·l NABESNA C·6 GULKANA 0·1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 62 55 5 145 55 43 C 13N 4W11 62 58 30 145 54 0 F 22S 10E30 62 59 31 145 52 54 F 22S 10E20 63 0 48 145 29 56 F 22S 12E17 63 1 6 145 29 21 F 22S 12E 8 63 1 28 145 31 2 F 22S 12E 7 63 1 51 145 31 13 F 22S 12E 6 63 2 14 145 31 12 F 22S 12E 6 63 6 7 145 29 26 F 21S 12E17 63 4 47 145 24 12 F 21S 12E23 63 5 14 145 24 58 F 21S 12E22 63 3 56 145 23 29 F 21S 12E26 63 10 13 145 31 50 F 20S 12E19 63 7 52 145 20 37 F 21S 13E 6 62 17 55 145 19 13 C 6N 1W13 63 5 40 145 13 59 F 21S 13E15 62 37 0 145 14 40 C 10N 1E28 62 46 57 145 25 53 C 12N 1W33 62 46 57 145 25 52 C 12N 1W33 62 47 13 145 28 38 C 12N 1W30 62 47 20 145 29 3 C 12N 1W30 63 5 2 145 15 26 F 21S 13E21 63 6 15 145 15 56 F 21S 13E 9 63 5 19 145 14 54 F 21S 13E16 63 8 9 145 14 47 F 20S 13E34 63 5 40 145 14 0 F 21S 13E15 63 3 4 145 9 51 F 21S 13E36 62 26 58 144 50 28 C 8N 3E27 62 26 5 144 42 7 C SN 4E32 62 26 5 144 42 8 C SN 4E32 62 26 52 144 39 51 C SN 4E28 62 33 48 144 38 26 C 9N 4E15 62 38 20 144 47 34 C 10N 3E23 62 34 9 144 37 31 C 9N 4E10 62 35 13 144 38 30 C 9N 4E 3 62 35 18 144 35 37 C 9N 4E 2 62 46 47 144 39 32 C 12N 4E33 62 46 49 144 39 30 C 12N 4E33 62 59 22 144 28 45 C 14N 5E16 62 57 44 144 27 21 C 14N 5E27 62 58 15 144 26 1 C 14N 5E27 62 58 15 144 26 1 C 14N 5E27 62 59 13 144 24 9 C 14N 5E23 62 36 28 144 33 44 C 10N 4E36 62 37 16 144 28 12 C lON 5E28 62 36 54 144 30 35 C 10N 5E29 62 36 55 144 28 11 C lON 5E28 62 36 51 144 30 11 C 10N 5E29 62 36 28 144 28 55 C lON 5E33 62 36 59 144 29 27 C 10N 5E28 62 36 55 144 28 56 C lON 5E28 62 37 34 144 32 46 C lON 5E30 62 38 39 144 31 58 C 10N 5E18 62 38 26 144 26 38 C 10N 5E22 62 44 18 144 26 7 C 11N 5E14 62 40 13 144 6 42 C 10N 7E 4 62 39 57 143 59 29 C 10N 8E 7 62 39 57 143 59 30 C 10N 8E 7 62 35 30 143 57 13 C 9N BE 5 62 41 59 144 0 36 C 11N 7E25 63 0 24 144 17 1 C 14N 6E 9 62 42 28 143 56 52 C 11N 8E29 62 47 18 144 4 38 C 12N 7E27 Page 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake 212·20·10080·2605·3030 Suslota Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3030·0020 Suslota Lake 212·20·10080·2605·3050 Mentasta Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3050·0010 Mentasta Lake 212·20·10080·2605·3050·4021 Fish Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3060 Sone Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3080 212·20·10080·2605·3085 212·20·10080·2605·3090 Alteration Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3101 212·20·10080·2605·3101·4010 212·20·10080·2655 Tanada Creek 212·20·10080·2655·0010 Tanada Lake 212·20·10080·2755 212·20·10080·2755·0010 Copper Lake 212·20·10100 212·20·10110 212·30·10016 Mirror Slough 212·30·10016·2016 212·30·10020 Martin River Slough 212·30·10020·2050 221·10·10010 221·10·10015 221·10·10017 221·10·10020 Hartney Creek 221·10·10020·2204 221·10·10030 Nicolet Creek 221 ·1 0·10040 Heney Creek 221·10·10050 Eccles Creek 221·10·10060 221·10·10070 221·10·10080 Fleming Creek 221·10·10100 221·10·10110 Humpback Creek 3/25/86 Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal ......................................... .................................. .. NA8ESNA C·6 NABESNA C·6 NABESNA 0·6 NABESNA 0·6 NABESNA 0·6 NA8ESNA 0·6 TANACROSS A·6 MT HAYES A·1 MT HAYES A·1 GULKANA 0·1 MT HAYES A· 1 GULKANA 0·1 GULKANA 0·1 NABESNA C·6 NA8ESNA 8·5 NABESNA 8·5 NA8ESNA 8·6 NABESNA 8·6 COROOVA 8·3 COROOVA 8·3 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA A·2 COROOVA A·2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·6 CORDOVA 8·6 COROOVA 8·6 COROOVA C·5 COROOVA C·S COROOVA 8·5 COROOVA C·5 COROOVA C·5 COROOVA C·S COROOVA C·S CORDOVA C·S COROOVA C·S CORDOVA C·5 COROOVA C·5 Southcentral 62 44 12 143 48 57 C 11N 8E13 62 41 52 143 36 50 C 11N 10E31 62 42 35 143 35 20 C 11N 10E29 62 54 9 143 44 41 C 13N 9E17 62 54 57 143 45 27 C 13N 9E 8 62 55 17 143 46 0 C 13N 9E 7 62 55 7 143 49 12 C 13N 8E12 62 56 10 143 50 46 C 13N SE 2 62 57 16 143 56 22 C 14N 8E32 63 1 5 143 47 46 C 14N SE 1 63 0 25 144 11 12 C 14N 6E12 63 0 40 144 11 59 C 14N 6E12 63 0 10 144 12 54 C 14N 6E11 62 59 55 144 13 22 C 14N 6E14 63 0 8 144 14 9 C 14N 6E11 63 0 26 144 14 40 C 14N 6E10 62 59 56 144 14 39 C 14N 6E15 62 58 39 144 17 40 C 14N 6E21 62 59 38 144 16 52 C 14N 6E16 62 59 25 144 17 52 C 14N 6E16 62 37 16 143 47 35 C lON 9E30 62 27 6 143 22 48 C SN 11E28 62 25 23 143 22 28 C 7N 11E 4 62 25 24 143 39 38 C 7N 9E 1 62 24 57 143 38 37 C 7N 9E 1 62 25 34 143 33 32 C SN 10E33 60 26 36 145 5 11 C 16S 2E32 60 26 52 145 5 30 C 16S 2E31 60 25 50 145 7 7 C 17S 2E 6 60 27 30 145 7 15 C 16S 1E25 60 15 46 144 41 44 C 18S 4E33 60 14 20 144 35 10 C 19S SE 7 60 14 42 144 37 38 C 19S 4E12 60 14 3 144 36 34 C 19S 4E12 60 16 5 144 42 6 C 18S 4E33 60 23 38 144 43 53 C 17S 4E17 60 19 37 144 39 38 C 18S 4E10 60 20 3 144 38 1 C 18S 4E11 60 28 49 145 54 7 C 16S 4~15 60 28 32 145 55 1 C 16S 4~15 60 29 0 145 53 31 C 16S 4~14 60 28 43 145 53 4 C 16S 4~14 60 29 21 145 52 51 C 16S 4~11 60 29 12 145 52 30 C 16S 4~14 60 30 9 145 50 26 C 16S 4~12 60 30 13 145 48 43 C 16S 3~ 6 60 30 8 145 50 23 C 16S 4~12 60 28 58 145 50 58 C 16S 4~13 60 31 10 145 47 24 C 15S 3W32 60 31 8 145 47 0 C 15S 3W32 60 31 26 145 47 24 C 15S 3~32 60 31 25 145 46 22 C 15S 3W33 60 31 59 145 47 2 C 15S 3W29 60 31 49 145 46 19 C 15S 3W33 60 32 18 145 45 25 C 15S 3W28 60 32 17 145 44 59 C 15S 3~28 60 33 25 145 45 0 C 15S 3W21 60 33 15 145 44 45 C 15S 3W22 60 33 51 145 44 22 C 15S 3W15 60 34 10 145 42 45 C 15S 3W14 60 36 32 145 41 9 C 14S 3W36 60 36 24 145 40 39 C 14S 3W36 60 36 50 145 40 40 C 14S 3W36 60 36 33 145 40 24 C 14S 3W36 Page 31 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 221·10-10130 221-10-10140 221-10-10160 Rude River 221-10-10160-2011 221-10-10160-2100 221·10-10160-2165 221-10-10160-2175 221-10·10160·2185 221·10·10160-2190 221-10-10160-2210 221-10-10165 221-10-10170 Robinson Falls Creek 221-20-10180 221-20-10190 221-20-10200 221-20-10210 Rogue Creek 221·20·10220 221·20·10230 Raging Creek 221-20·10240 221-20-10250 221-20-10255 221-20-10260 Simpson Creek 221-20-10270 221-20-10280 221-20-10290 221-20-10300 221-20-10310 221-20-10318 221-20-10320 221-20-10330 221-20-10340 221-20-10350 Koppen Creek 221-20-10360 Sheep River 221-20-10370 3/25/86 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 COROOVA C-5 CORDOVA 0·5 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA 0·5 CORDOVA 0·5 CORDOVA 0·5 CORDOVA D·S CORDOVA 0·5 CORDOVA D-5 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C·S CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C-5 CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C·5 CORDOVA C·6 Southcentral 60 38 29 145 38 33 C 14S 2Y19 60 38 4 145 38 23 C 14S 2Y19 60 39 4 145 37 19 C 14S 2Y17 60 38 46 145 37 9 C 14S 2W20 60 40 4 145 37 18 C 14S 2Y 8 60 46 55 145 31 47 C 12S 2Y35 60 41 49 145 34 44 C 13S 2Y33 60 42 6 145 35 0 C 13S 2Y33 60 46 37 145 31 9 C 13S 2Y 2 60 46 53 145 30 28 C 12S 2Y36 60 45 36 145 31 8 C 13S 2Y11 60 45 33 145 31 23 C 13S 2Y11 60 45 36 145 31 8 C 13S 2Y11 60 45 38 145 31 33 C 13S 2Y11 60 46 21 145 31 13 C 13S 2Y 2 60 46 18 145 31 39 C 13S 2Y 2 60 46 29 145 31 5 C 13S 2Y 2 60 46 46 145 30 17 C 12S 2Y36 60 46 56 145 31 24 C 12S 2Y35 60 46 54 145 30 28 C 12S 2Y36 60 40 27 145 37 21 C 14S 2Y 8 60 40 53 145 37 8 C 14S 2W 5 60 40 12 145 38 29 C 14S 2Y 7 60 41 16 145 39 39 C 14S 3W 1 60 37 2 145 52 25 C 14S 4Y35 60 36 56 145 52 12 C 14S 4W35 60 38 13 145 48 31 C 14S 3Y19 60 38 5 145 47 47 C 14S 3W20 60 38 40 145 48 24 C 14S 3W20 60 38 35 145 47 37 C 14S 3W20 60 38 46 145 48 31 C 14S 3Y19 60 39 17 145 46 56 C 14S 3W17 60 39 31 145 47 57 C 14S 3W17 60 39 46 145 46 43 C 14S 3W 8 60 39 31 145 48 41 C 14S 3Y18 60 40 50 145 46 20 C 14S 3W 4 60 39 0 145 52 20 C 14S 4Y14 60 39 20 145 50 59 C 14S 4Y13 60 40 38 145 51 4 C 14S 4Y 1 60 40 39 145 50 18 C 14S 4W 1 60 41 16 145 50 14 C 14S 4Y 1 60 41 36 145 49 3 C 13S 3Y31 60 41 28 145 50 13 C 14S 4W 1 60 43 15 145 46 11 C 13S 3W21 60 37 57 145 56 19 C 14S 4Y28 60 38 13 145 56 56 C 14S 4W21 60 37 31 145 58 21 C 14S 4Y29 60 37 52 145 58 11 C 14S 4Y29 60 38 32 145 59 52 C 14S 4Y19 60 38 30 145 58 54 C 14S 4Y20 60 39 24 145 58 51 C 14S 4W17 60 39 8 145 57 43 C 14S 4W17 60 39 46 145 57 35 C 14S 4W 8 60 39 55 145 56 26 C 14S 4W 9 60 40 21 145 57 7 C 14S 4Y 9 60 40 7 145 56 14 C 14S 4Y 9 60 40 24 145 57 2 C 14S 4W 9 60 40 36 145 55 34 C 14S 4W 9 60 41 15 145 55 37 C 14S 4W 4 60 41 18 145 54 43 C 14S 4W 3 60 41 52 145 54 27 C 13S 4W34 60 42 10 145 53 26 C 13S 4W35 60 42 25 145 53 51 C 13S 4W27 60 42 30 145 51 8 C 13S 4W25 60 42 56 145 53 53 C 13S 4W27 60 45 0 145 50 41 C 13S 4W12 60 40 9 146 1 21 C 14S SW12 60 40 27 146 2 32 C 14S SW11 Page 32 - - ..... - ... - - - ... - - - .. - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal .......................................... 221·20·10380 COROOVA C·6 60 38 43 146 7 13 C 14S 51121 60 38 49 146 7 29 C 14S 51121 221·30·10400 CORDOVA C·7 60 38 22 146 15 50 C 14S 61122 60 38 26 146 15 5 C 14S 61122 221·30·10410 CORDOVA C·6 60 39 59 146 12 52 C 14S 61112 60 39 1 146 11 38 C 14S 61113 221·30·10420 CORDOVA C-6 60 40 41 146 11 56 C 14S 611 1 60 40 30 146 11 46 C 14S 61112 221·30·10430 COROOVA C·6 60 41 19 146 10 59 C 14S 511 6 60 40 44 146 10 0 C 14S 511 6 221·30·10440 CORDOVA C-6 60 41 49 146 9 20 C 13S 51132 60 41 6 146 8 30 C 14S 511 5 221·30·10450 CORDOVA C-6 60 42 26 146 7 39 C 13S 51128 60 41 19 146 6 34 C 14S 511 4 221·30·10460 COROOVA C-6 60 42 36 146 4 5 C 13S 5W26 60 42 38 146 2 5 C 13S 5W25 221·30·10460-2006 CORDOVA C-6 60 42 36 146 4 5 C 13S 5W26 60 42 24 146 4 18 C 13S 5W27 221·30·10470 COROOVA C·6 60 44 12 146 3 17 C 13S 5W14 60 43 41 146 2 15 C 13S 51124 221·30·10480 COROOVA 0·6 60 45 17 145 58 20 C 13S 4W 8 60 45 53 145 57 9 C 13S 411 4 221·30·10490 CORDOVA 0·6 60 45 22 146 2 12 C 13S 51112 60 45 44 146 0 31 C 13S 4W 7 221·30·10498 CORDOVA D-6 60 47 40 146 2 46 C 12S 51125 60 48 47 146 0 26 C 12S 41119 221·30·10500 CORDOVA 0·6 60 47 50 146 3 6 C 12S 51126 Gravina River 60 49 43 146 1 6 C 12S 4W18 221-30·10500·2015 CORDOVA D-6 60 49 43 146 1 4 C 12S 41118 60 50 19 146 2 51 C 12S 51112 221-30·10500·2015-0010 CORDOVA D-6 60 50 30 146 3 11 C 12S 51111 221-30·10510 CORDOVA C-6 60 44 47 146 8 6 C 13S 51117 CORDOVA 0·6 60 45 11 146 6 45 C 13S 511 9 221·30·10513 COROOVA C-6 60 44 0 146 10 13 C 13S 5W19 60 44 31 146 9 34 C 13S 51118 221·30·10516 COROOVA D-6 60 45 35 146 10 19 C 13S 511 7 East Fork Olsen Bay Creek 60 46 6 146 8 25 C 13S 511 5 221·30·10517 COROOVA 0·6 60 45 36 146 10 25 C 13S 511 7 West Fork Olsen Bay Creek 60 47 4 146 10 48 C 12S 51131 221·30·10520 COROOVA C·6 60 44 51 146 13 25 C 13S 6W14 Control Creek COROOVA 0·6 60 46 24 146 13 38 C 13S 611 2 221·30-10530 COROOVA C·6 60 43 53 146 13 39 C 13S 61123 60 43 55 146 14 1 c 135 61123 221·30-10540 COROOVA C·7 60 42 50 146 16 57 C 13S 61128 60 43 14 146 16 31 c 135 61122 221·30·10550 COROOVA D-7 60 45 46 146 17 28 c 135 611 9 60 45 30 146 17. 18 c 135 611 9 221·30·10560 CORDOVA D-7 60 46 46 146 16 13 c 125 61134 COROOVA 0·6 60 47 31 146 14 22 c 125 61135 221-30·10570 CORDOVA 0-7 60 46 8 146 18 42 C 13S 611 5 60 46 25 146 19 0 c 135 611 5 221-30·10600 COROOVA 0·7 60 45 29 146 19 39 C 13S 611 8 60 45 40 146 20 16 C 13S 6W 7 221·30·10610 CORDOVA C·7 60 43 56 146 20 49 C 13S 61119 60 44 26 146 21 46 C 13S 7W13 221·30·10620 COROOVA C·7 60 42 26 146 22 57 C 13S 7W25 60 43 37 146 22 50 c 135 7W24 221·30·10630 COROOVA C-7 60 42 24 146 22 54 c 135 7W25 60 43 21 146 23 54 C 13S 7W23 221·30·10640 COROOVA C·7 60 41 16 146 25 41 c 145 7W3 60 43 2 146 27 20 c 135 7W28 221-30·10640·2005 CORDOVA C-7 60 41 34 146 26 45 c 135 7W34 60 41 34 146 29 9 C 13S 7W32 221·30·10640·2010 COROOVA C-7 60 41 38 146 26 20 c 135 7W34 60 42 48 146 25 16 c 135 7W27 221-30-10640·2011 COROOVA C-7 60 42 12 146 26 56 c 135 7W34 60 42 41 146 26 53 c 135 7W27 3/25/86 5outhcentral Page 33 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -........................................................................................... ........................................... ...................................... .......................... 221·30·10670 CORDOVA C·7 60 41 53 146 34 53 C 13S 8W35 60 42 12 146 34 6 C 13S 8W35 221-30-10670-0010 CORDOVA C-7 60 42 21 146 33 54 C 13S 8W25 - 221-40-10680 CORDOVA C·7 60 43 2 146 37 21 C 13S 8W27 60 42 51 146 35 43 C 13S 8W26 221-40·10700 CORDOVA C-7 60 43 49 146 34 24 C 13S 8W23 -60 43 30 146 33 26 C 13S 8W24 221-40-10710 CORDOVA C·7 60 43 48 146 33 58 C 13S 8W24 60 43 32 146 33 5 C 13S 8W24 221·40-10720 CORDOVA C-7 60 43 55 146 31 14 C 13S 7W19 -60 43 30 146 31 0 C 13S 7W19 221-40-10730 CORDOVA C-7 60 44 16 146 29 31 C 13S 7W17 60 43 44 146 28 34 C 13S 7W21 221·40-10750 COROOVA 0·7 60 46 19 146 27 55 C 13S 7W4 .... 60 45 31 146 28 13 C 13S 7W9 221-40-10760 COROOVA 0·7 60 45 20 146 25 55 C 13S 7W10 COROOVA C-7 60 44 14 146 25 37 C 13S 7W15 221-40-10760-2015 COROOVA 0·7 60 45 3 146 25 8 C 13S 7W11 """ 60 46 5 146 22 58 C 13S 7W1 221-40-10760-2015-3020 COROOVA 0·7 60 45 43 146 23 41 C 13S 7W11 60 45 15 146 22 56 C 13S 7W12 221-40-10760·2019 COROOVA C-7 60 45 0 146 24 52 C 13S 7W11 -60 44 28 146 24 9 C 13S 7W14 221-40-10770 CORDOVA 0·7 60 47 18 146 20 16 C 12S 6W32 60 47 7 146 20 25 C 12S 6W32 221-40-10780 COROOVA 0·7 60 48 38 146 15 21 C 12S 6W22 -60 48 16 146 15 58 C 12S 6W27 221-40-10790 COROOVA 0·6 60 48 48 146 14 52 C 12S 6\.123 60 48 31 146 14 41 C 12S 6\.123 221-40-10800 COROOVA 0·6 60 49 10 146 10 59 C 12S 5W19 -60 49 12 146 7 51 C 12S 5W21 221·40-10800·2010 CORDOVA 0·6 60 49 9 146 10 20 C 12S 51./19 60 49 3 146 9 51 C 12S 5W20 221·40-10806 COROOVA 0·6 60 49 16 146 12 13 C 12S 6W24 -60 49 34 146 12 12 C 12S 6\.113 221-40-10810 CORDOVA 0·6 60 50 17 146 5 10 C 12S 5W10 60 50 56 146 5 25 C 12S 5W10 221·40·10820 CORDOVA 0·6 60 50 59 146 7 25 C 12S 51./ 9 -60 51 16 146 7 17 C 12S SI./ 4 221-40-10830 CORDOVA 0·6 60 52 5 146 10 28 C 11S 5W31 60 52 59 146 8 41 C 11S SW29 221·40-10840 COROOVA 0·6 60 52 11 146 10 47 C 11S 51./31 60 52 17 146 10 44 C 11S 51./31 -221·40-10850 CORDOVA 0·6 60 52 17 146 11 8 C 11S 5W31 60 53 0 146 10 5 C 11S 51./30 221·40-10860 COROOVA 0·6 60 52 33 146 11 14 C 11S 5W31 6Q 53 54 146 7 55 C 11S 5W21 -221-40-10861 COROOVA 0·6 60 52 38 146 11 39 C 11S 5W31 60 52 55 146 11 33 C 11S 5\.130 221·40-10870 COROOVA 0·6 60 53 7 146 14 4 C 11S 6W26 60 53 28 146 14 22 C 11S 6W26 -221·40-10875 COROOVA 0·6 60 53 24 146 13 59 C 11S 6W26 COROOVA 0·7 60 53 53 146 15 50 C 11S 6\.122 221·40·10878 COROOVA 0·7 60 51 59 146 15 52 C 11S 6\.134 60 52 13 146 16 37 c 11 s 6\.134 -221·40-10880 CORDOVA 0·7 60 51 17 146 16 19 C 12S 6W 3 60 51 24 146 17 24 C 12S 61./ 4 221·40-10890 CORDOVA 0·7 60 50 30 146 22 52 C 12S 7W12 60 51 23 146 22 10 C 12S 61./ 6 -221-40-10900 CORDOVA 0·7 60 50 33 146 23 21 C 12S 7W12 60 51 18 146 23 23 C 12S 7W 1 221-40·10910 COROOVA 0·7 60 50 27 146 23 44 C 12S 7W12 60 50 52 146 24 28 C 12S 7W11 -221-40-10920 COROOVA 0·7 60 50 15 146 24 25 C 12S 7W11 60 50 47 146 24 41 C 12S 7W11 221-40-10930 COROOVA 0·7 60 50 11 146 24 36 C 12S 7W11 60 50 27 146 25 25 C 12S 71./11 - 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 34 - Stream/Lake 221-40-10940 221-40-10946 221-40-10950 221-40-10952 221-40-10960 Banzer Creek 221-40-10970 221-40-10980 Horsetail Falls Creek 221-40-10990 Lagoon Creek 221-40-11000 221-40-11010 221-40-11020 221-40-11080 221-40-11090 221-40-11110 221-40-11120 221-40-11130 221-50-11030 221-50-11040 221-50-11050 221·50-11055 221-50-11060 Gladhaugh Creek 221-50-11070 Black Creek 221-50-11140 221-50-11150 Millard Creelc 221-50-11160 Duck River 221-50-11170 Indian Creek 221-50-11180 221-50-11185 221-50·11197 221-50-11200 221-50-11210 221-50-11220 221-50-11230 221-50-11240 3/25/86 Map Sheet -......................... --.. ----... - CORDOVA 0·7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA 0·7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA D-7 CORDOVA 0·7 CORDOVA 0·7 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·7 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA D-8 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·8 VALDEZ A-8 VALDEZ A-7 VALDEZ A-7 VALDEZ A-7 5outhcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 49 28 146 25 55 c 125 7Y14 60 50 18 146 26 42 c 125 7Y10 60 49 15 146 26 53 c 125 7Y22 60 49 39 146 26 38 c 125 7Y15 60 49 18 146 27 3 c 125 7Y15 60 49 40 146 28 13 c 125 7Y16 60 49 9 146 27 16 c 125 7Y22 60 49 8 146 27 56 c 125 7Y21 60 49 1 146 32 43 c 125 7Y19 60 49 11 146 31 57 c 125 7Y19 60 49 57 146 33 11 c 125 8~13 60 49 45 146 32 44 c 125 7Y18 60 51 0 146 31 10 c 125 7Y 8 60 50 45 146 30 13 c 125 7Y 8 60 51 30 146 31 6 c 125 7Y 5 60 52 23 146 28 56 c 115 7Y33 60 53 11 146 37 45 c 115 8~27 60 53 24 146 37 37 c 115 8~27 60 53 17 146 38 16 c 115 8~27 60 53 29 146 38 18 c 115 8~27 60 52 19 146 39 34 c 115 8~33 60 52 35 146 39 38 c 115 8~33 60 49 51 146 43 2 c 125 8~18 60 49 33 146 44 16 c 125 9~13 60 50 13 146 43 33 c 125 8~ 7 60 50 7 146 44 0 C 125 9W13 60 50 49 146 43 33 c 125 8~ 7 60 50 53 146 43 53 C 125 9W12 60 51 1 146 42 20 c 125 8~ 6 60 51 2 146 43 13 c 125 8~ 6 60 50 51 146 46 20 c 125 ~11 6Q50 36 146 46 29 C 125 9W11 60 52 53 146 41 43 c 115 8~29 60 52 51 146 41 27 C 115 8W29 60 53 15 146 41 46 c 115 8~29 60 53 1 146 41 25 C 115 8W29 60 53 26 146 41 40 c 115 8~29 60 53 4 146 41 10 C 115 8W29 60 53 34 146 41 42 C 115 8W29 60 53 35 146 41 4 C 115 8W29 60 53 56 146 41 57 C 115 8W19 60 53 56 146 40 1 C 115 8W21 60 54 44 146 43 34 c 115 8~18 60 54 29 146 42 23 C 115 8W19 60 55 29 146 37 15 c 115 8~10 60 55 20 146 37 14 C 115 8W15 60 55 29 146 35 28 c 115 8~11 60 55 18 146 35 17 C 115 8W14 60 56 32 146 33 48 c 115 8~ 1 60 56 53 146 33 9 c 115 8w 1 60 57 17 146 37 43 c 105 8~34 60 58 26 146 35 28 C 105 8W26 60 56 58 146 40 51 C 115 8W 5 60 57 31 146 40 22 C 105 8W32 60 57 57 146 42 2 C 105 8W30 60 58 14 146 40 53 C 105 8W29 60 58 55 146 41 39 c 105 8~20 60 59 15 146 41 1 c 105 8~20 60 59 23 146 41 33 C 105 8W20 60 59 28 146 40 16 C 105 8W20 61 1 28 146 38 37 c 105 8~ 4 61 o 26 146 37 52 c 105 8w15 61 1 19 146 36 50 c 105 8~10 61 o 24 146 37 3 c 10s 8w15 61 1 11 146 36 11 c 105 8~11 61 0 21 146 34 43 C 105 8W13 61 0 48 146 33 13 C 105 8W12 61 0 39 146 33 35 C 105 8W12 Page 35 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -............................................................................................... ............................................ ...................................... .. -........ -... --.. 221·50·11250 VALDEZ A·7 61 0 38 146 32 19 c 10S 7\.17 61 0 18 146 32 33 c 10S 7\.118 -221·50·11260 VALDEZ A·7 61 0 12 146 30 55 c 10S 7\.117 61 0 0 146 31 7 c 10S 7\.117 221·50·11270 VALDEZ A·7 61 0 10 146 29 20 c 10S 7\.116 61 0 0 146 28 33 C 10S 7\.116 -221-50·11280 VALDEZ A·7 61 1 31 146 33 26 c 10S 8\.1 1 61 1 29 146 32 41 c 10S 7\.16 221·50·11290 VALDEZ A·7 61 2 13 146 33 6 c 105 8\.1 1 61 2 5 146 30 43 c 105 7\.15 -221·50·11510 VALDEZ A·8 61 3 32 146 41 38 c 9S 8\.129 61 3 34 146 42 0 c 9S 8\.130 221·50·11520 VALDEZ A-8 61 4 13 146 47 11 c 9S 9\.123 Twin Falls Creek 61 4 44 146 46 26 c 9S 9\.123 -221·50·11520·2011 VALDEZ A-8 61 4 43 146 46 30 c 9S 9\.123 Clear Creek 61 5 7 146 47 52 c 9S 9\.115 221·50·11530 VALDEZ A·B 61 3 10 146 48 35 c 95 9\.127 5tellar Creek 61 2 45 146 50 7 c 95 9\.133 -221·60·11300 VALDEZ A·7 61 4 41 146 33 4 c 9S 8\.124 61 4 16 146 32 16 c 95 7\.119 221-60·11310 VALDEZ A-7 61 4 39 146 29 34 c 9S 7\.120 61 3 53 146 28 36 c 9S 7\.128 -221·60·11320 VALDEZ A-7 61 4 57 146 26 11 c 95 7\.115 Salmon Creek 61 4 11 146 26 27 c 9S 7\.122 221·60·11330 VALDEZ A-7 61 5 3 146 25 48 c 95 7\.114 Sawmill Creek 61 4 33 146 23 46 c 9S 7\.124 -221·60-11350 VALDEZ A-7 61 5 9 146 21 6 c 9S 6\.118 Allison Creek 61 4 31 146 21 15 c 9S 6\.119 221·60·11353 VALDEZ A·7 61 5 0 146 19 50 c 95 6\.117 61 4 20 146 19 50 c 95 61.120 -221-60-11356 VALDEZ A·7 61 5 1 146 19 5 c 95 6\.117 61 4 30 146 18 48 c 95 61.121 221·60·11360 VALDEZ A-7 61 5 8 146 18 17 c 9S 6\.116 61 4 24 146 18 9 c 95 6\.121 -221·60·11360·0010 VALDEZ A-7 61 4 2 146 17 50 c 9S 61.121 5olomon Lake 221·60·11364 VALDEZ A·7 61 5 9 146 16 13 c 9S 61.115 61 5 5 146 16 31 c 9S 61.115 -221·60-11366 VALDEZ A-7 61 5 7 146 15 52 c 9S 6\.115 61 4 52 146 15 52 c 9S 61.122 221·60·11368 VALDEZ A·6 61 5 13 146 15 0 c 95 61.114 VALDEZ A-7 61 3 51 146 15 4 c 95 6\.126 ..... 221·60·11370 VALDEZ A-6 61 5 24 146 14 47 c 9S 61.114 Lowe River VALDEZ A·5 61 6 9 145 48 42 c 9S 31.1 8 221·60·11370·2145 VALDEZ A-6 61 4 31 146 10 5 c 9S 51.120 61 4 33 146 8 51 c 9S 51.120 -221·60-11370·2165 VALDEZ A·6 61 4 20 146 8 34 c 95 5\.120 61 4 13 146 4 34 c 9S 51.123 221-60·11370-2165-3012 VALDEZ A·6 61 4 24 146 6 15 c 9S 5\.122 61 4 18 146 6 4 c 9S 5\.122 221-60-11370·2219 VALDEZ A·6 61 3 52 146 4 50 -c 95 5W27 61 3 47 146 1 19 c 9S 5\.125 221-60-11370·2219-3011 VALDEZ A-6 61 4 1 146 3 11 c 9S 5\.123 61 4 8 146 2 44 c 9S 5\.124 221-60-11370·2219-3015 VALDEZ A-6 61 3 48 146 1 30 c 9S 5W25 -61 3 59 146 0 33 c 9S 4\.130 221-60·11370·2230 VALDEZ A-6 61 3 46 146 6 38 c 9S 5\.128 61 2 44 146 3 16 c 9S 51.135 221-60-11370-2250 VALDEZ A·6 61 2 50 145 58 42 c 9S 4\.132 -61 1 56 145 54 55 c 10S 4\.1 3 221-60·11370-2254 VALDEZ A-6 61 3 7 145 56 27 c 9S 4\.133 61 3 4 145 55 13 c 9S 41.134 221·60-11370·2258 VALDEZ A-6 61 3 26 145 55 12 c 9S 4\.127 -61 3 21 145 54 37 c 9S 41.127 221-60·11370·2317 VALDEZ A-5 61 5 49 145 51 30 c 9S 4\.112 Bear Creek 61 5 59 145 51 28 c 9S 41.112 221·60-11370-2317-3006 VALDEZ A-5 61 5 59 145 51 28 c 9S 41J12 -61 6 15 145 50 47 c 9S 41J12 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 36 - ..... -~---........-~ .. ~_.,.-~ ,,.,,~--' ' . --~-·....,..,.,~--·-~··-----,~-----~---·--_,--.~------............... -.......... ,...._.. Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ............................................................................ ........................................... .................................. ..................... 221·60·11370·2321 VALOEZ A·5 61 5 56 145 51 17 c 9S 41112 61 6 3 145 50 48 c 9S 41112 221·60·11380 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 39 146 14 36 c 9S 61114 Robe River 61 5 26 146 10 36 c 9S 51118 221·60·11380·0010 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 15 146 8 18 c 9S 51116 Robe Lake 221·60·11380·2095 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 25 146 10 37 c 9S 51118 Corbin Creek 61 6 52 146 11 24 c 9S 511 6 221·60·11380·2095·3015 VALOEZ A·6 61 6 34 146 11 28 c 9S 511 7 61 6 37 146 11 54 c 9S 611 1 221·60·11380·2099 VALOEZ A-6 61 5 31 146 9 38 c 9S 51117 61 5 43 146 10 3 c 9S 51117 221·60·11380·2105 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 42 146 7 35 c 9S 51116 61 6 53 146 10 43 c 9S 511 6 221·60·11380·2107 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 40 146 7 39 c 9S 51116 61 5 37 146 6 0 c 9S 51115 221·60·11380·2107·0010 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 37 146 5 53 c 9S 51115 Oeep Lake 221·60·11390 VALOEZ A·7 61 6 53 146 16 12 c 9S 611 3 61 7 19 146 15 39 c 9S 611 3 221·60·11410 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 15 146 16 52 c 9S 611 3 61 7 54 146 15 0 c as 61135 221·60·11420 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 29 146 17 10 c as 61134 VALDEZ A·6 61 8 16 146 13 20 c BS 61136 221·60·11425 VALDEZ A·7 61 7 32 146 17 17 c as 61134 61 7 54 146 16 58 c as 61134 221·60·11430 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 43 146 17 39 c as 61134 61 8 26 146 15 0 c as 61126 221·60·11440 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 58 146 18 6 c as 61133 61 8 30 146 15 13 c BS 61126 221·60·11450 VALOEZ A-7 61 8 12 146 19 53 c as 61132 61 8 28 146 19 47 c as 61129 221·60·11460 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 25 146 21 12 c 9S 611 6 61 8 7 146 20 10 c as 61132 221·60·11470 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 46 146 24 4 c as 7\J36 Mineral Creelc 61 10 2 146 21 13 c as 61120 221·60·11470·2006 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 54 146 23 13 c as 7\J36 61 7 56 146 22 20 c as 61131 221·60·11470·2015 VALOEZ A·7 61 8 57 146 21 21 c as 61130 61 9 26 146 21 33 c as 61119 221·60·11475 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 55 146 24 23 c as 7\J36 61 8 17 146 23 25 c as 7\J36 221·60·11480 VALOEZ A·7 61 8 2 146 24 32 c as 7\J36 61 8 19 146 23 39 c as 7\J36 221·60·11482 VALOEZ A·7 61 8 10 146 24 40 c BS 7\J36 61 8 24 146 24 4 c as 7\J25 221·60·11490 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 56 146 28 15 c as 7\J34 Gold Creek. 61 9 2 146 28 23 c as 7\J27 221·60·11500 VALOEZ A·7 61 7 31 146 29 41 c as 7\J33 61 7 40 146 31 2 c as 7\J32 221·60·11520 VALOEZ A·7 61 8 38 146 35 20 c as 81125 Uno Creek. 61 9 8 146 33 40 c as 7\J30 221·60·11530 VALOEZ A-7 61 8 5 146 35 43 c as 81135 McAllister Creelc 61 8 7 146 36 24 c as 81135 222·10·12010 SEIIARO 0·1 60 57 3 147 1 3 C 11S 1011 4 60 57 2 147 0 33 C 11S 1011 4 222·10·12020 COROOVA 0·8 60 58 10 146 58 15 C 10S 101127 60 58 14 146 57 49 C 10S 101126 222·10·12030 COROOVA 0·8 60 59 39 146 58 11 C 10S 101122 60 59 45 146 57 7 C 10S 101114 222·10·12070 SEIIARO 0·1 60 59 27 147 9 47 C 10S 111122 60 59 41 147 9 33 C 10S 111115 222·10·12080 SEIIARO 0·1 60 59 17 147 10 9 C 10S 111122 60 59 30 147 10 17 C 10S 111122 222·10·12090 SEIIARO 0·1 60 56 59 147 10 45 C 11S 1111 4 60 57 12 147 10 5 C 10S 111134 222·10·12100 SEIIARO 0·1 60 56 54 147 11 30 C 11S 1111 4 60 57 31 147 11 41 C 10S 111133 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 37 Stream/Lake 222·10·12110 222·10·12130 222·10·12140 222·10·12150 222-10·12157 222·10·12157·2019 222·10·12170 222·10·12180 222·10·12180·0010 Bit Lys Hole 222·10·12190 222-10·12197 222·10·12200 222·10·12210 222·10·12220 222·10·12230 222·10·12235 222·10·12990 222·20·12242 222·20·12250 222·20·12270 222-20·12280 222-20·12290 222·20-12294 222-20-12300 222·20·12310 222-20-12310-0010 222·20-12320 222·20-12330 222·20-12335 222·20·12338 222·20·12338·2005 222·20-12340 222-20·12350 222·20-12360 3/25/86 Map Sheet SEI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 ANCHORAGE A·1 ANCHORAGE A· 1 5EI.IARO 0·1 ANCHORAGE A· 1 ANCHORAGE A· 1 5EI.IARO 0·1 ANCHORAGE A ·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·1 SEI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·1 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·2 5EI.IARO 0·2 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A·2 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A·2 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A·2 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 57 3 147 12 43 c 115 111.1 5 60 57 2 147 12 6 c 115 111.1 5 60 59 56 147 12 26 c 105 111.117 61 0 8 147 12 2 c 105 111.116 61 0 47 147 13 32 c 105 111.1 8 61 2 24 147 13 40 C 95 111.132 60 59 12 147 14 22 5 10N 12E 1 60 59 38 147 14 59 5 11N 12E36 61 0 24 147 16 7 5 11N 12E35 61 1 29 147 16 21 S 11N 12E23 61 1 19 147 16 21 5 11N 12E26 61 1 23 147 16 40 5 11N 12E23 60 59 50 147 16 51 5 11N 12E35 61 0 24 147 17 41 5 11N 12E34 60 58 3 147 16 48 S lON 12E11 60 58 44 147 18 52 5 lON 12E10 60 58 16 147 17 55 5 lON 12E10 60 57 41 147 16 49 S 10N 12E14 60 57 44 147 17 0 5 10N 12E14 60 55 52 147 15 57 5 lON 12E26 60 56 27 147 15 55 5 10N 12E23 60 55 34 147 17 40 5 lON 12E27 60 56 1 147 17 39 S 10N 12E27 60 56 0 147 19 27 5 lON 12E28 60 56 16 147 19 11 5 lON 12E21 60 55 57 147 19 42 5 lON 12E28 60 56 4 147 20 31 5 lON 12E28 60 54 21 147 19 44 5 9N 12E 4 60 54 36 147 20 8 5 10N 12E33 60 54 10 147 19 39 5 9N 12E 4 60 54 10 147 19 58 5 9N 12E 4 60 53 3 147 16 7 5 9N 12E11 60 52 48 147 16 23 5 9N 12E11 60 54 1 147 22 46 5 9N 12E 6 60 54 17 147 22 12 5 9N 12E 5 60 54 34 147 23 39 5 10N 12E31 60 54 42 147 23 24 5 lON 12E31 60 56 5 147 23 7 5 lON 12E30 60 56 30 147 21 56 5 lON 12E20 60 57 49 147 23 12 5 lON 12E18 60 57 53 147 22 46 5 lON 12E18 60 58 36 147 22 22 5 lON 12E 8 60 58 44 147 21 32 S lON 12E 8 60 58 43 147 22 49 5 10N 12E 7 60 59 7 147 22 30 S 10N 12E 5 60 58 37 147 23 49 5 10N 12E 7 60 58 45 147 23 43 5 10N 12E 6 60 57 34 147 25 55 5 10N 11E13 60 57 32 147 26 2 5 10N 11E13 60 57 25 147 26 13 5 10N 11E14 61 0 7 147 24 34 5 11N 11E36 61 0 0 147 24 31 S 11N 11E36 61 0 15 147 24 12 5 11N 12E31 61 0 3 147 22 34 S 11N 12E32 61 0 20 147 24 8 5 11N 12E31 61 0 42 147 23 10 S 11N 12E30 61 0 51 147 24 14 5 11N 12E30 61 1 2 147 23 15 5 11N 12E30 61 0 53 147 24 0 5 11N 12E30 61 1 9 147 23 38 5 11N 12E30 61 1 6 147 24 53 5 11N 11E25 61 2 10 147 22 30 S 11N 12E20 61 0 27 147 28 40 5 11N 11E34 61 0 27 147 28 15 S 11N 11E34 61 0 55 147 28 57 5 11N 11E27 61 1 7 147 28 34 S 11N 11E27 Page 38 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake 222·20·12370 222·20·12638 222·20·12640 222·20·12640·2020 222·20·12642 222·20·12643 222·20·12644 222·20·12647 222·20·12650 222·20·12654 222·20·12660 222·20·12670 222·20·12690 222·30·12700 222·30·12710 222·30·12715 222·30·12730 222·30·12740 222·30·12750 222·30·12760 222·30·12770 222·30·12780 222·30·12790 222·30·12790·2008 222·30·12800 222·30·12810 222·30·12825 222·30·12830 222·30·12840 222·30·12860 222·30·12870 222·30·12880 222·30·12890 222·30·12900 3/25/86 Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ..................................................................... SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·2 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 Southcentral 61 0 0 147 29 12 S 11N 11E34 60 59 37 147 29 49 S 11N 11E33 60 57 36 147 40 22 S 10N 10E16 60 57 43 147 40 10 S 10N 10E15 60 57 31 147 40 53 S 10N 10E16 60 57 55 147 43 33 S 10N 10E 8 60 57 45 147 42 29 S 10N 10E17 60 57 59 147 42 30 S 10N 10E 8 60 57 20 147 40 51 S 10N 10E16 60 57 19 147 41 7 S 10N 10E16 60 57 14 147 40 48 S 10N 10E16 60 57 13 147 41 8 S 10N 10E16 60 57 6 147 40 51 S 10N 10E16 60 57 8 147 41 11 S 10N 10E16 60 56 57 147 39 6 S 10N 10E22 60 56 49 147 39 13 S 10N 10E22 60 57 1 147 36 44 S 10N 10E13 60 56 29 147 36 59 S 10N 10E23 60 55 12 147 36 50 S 10N 10E35 60 55 19 147 37 7 S 10N 10E26 60 52 29 147 36 42 S 9N 10E13 60 52 41 147 37 2 S 9N 10E14 60 52 6 147 36 50 S 9N 10E14 60 52 9 147 37 21 S 9N 10E14 60 51 5 147 37 15 S 9N 10E23 60 51 16 147 37 20 S 9N 10E23 60 50 48 147 38 33 S 9N 10E27 60 50 58 147 38 39 S 9N 10E22 60 51 39 147 39 28 S 9N 10E22 60 51 35 147 39 1 S 9N 10E22 60 52 41 147 39 28 S 9N 10E10 60 52 48 147 39 5 S 9N 10E10 60 54 8 147 39 3 S 9N 10E 3 60 54 17 147 39 22 S 9N 10E 3 60 53 38 147 40 0 S 9N 10E 3 60 53 58 147 40 6 S 9N 10E 3 60 53 33 147 41 38 S 9N 10E 4 60 53 45 147 41 17 S 9N 10E 4 60 54 19 147 42 34 S 9N 10E 5 60 54 24 147 41 23 S 9N 10E 4 60 55 17 147 43 16 S 10N 10E29 60 55 30 147 42 8 S 10N 10E29 60 55 37 147 43 9 S 10N 10E29 60 55 35 147 41 42 S 10N 10E28 60 56 24 147 41 36 S 10N 10E21 60 56 24 147 40 56 S 10N 10E21 60 56 24 147 41 5 S 10N 10E21 60 56 17 147 41 4 S 10N 10E21 60 56 34 147 43 49 S 10N 10E20 60 57 5 147 43 33 S 10N 10E17 60 56 14 147 44 55 S 10N 10E19 60 56 42 147 46 26 S 10N 9E24 60 56 6 147 45 13 S 10N 10E30 60 56 7 147 46 11 S lON 9E25 60 55 21 147 45 14 S 10N 10E30 60 55 27 147 45 53 S 10N 9E25 60 55 12 147 48 3 S lON 9E35 60 55 19 147 48 7 S 10N 9E26 60 54 45 147 48 24 S 10N 9E35 60 54 29 147 48 38 S 10N 9E35 60 54 37 147 47 27 S 10N 9E35 60 54 24 147 47 26 S 9N 9E 2 60 52 44 147 49 4 S 9N 9E11 60 52 51 147 49 4 S 9N 9E11 60 52 38 147 49 49 S 9N 9E15 60 52 46 147 50 52 S 9N 9E10 60 52 29 147 49 34 S 9N 9E15 60 52 21 147 49 37 S 9N 9E15 Page 39 ················--~~~~~~~~~~~----·············· ··---~~~-~~=~~---····· ----~~~:~~~~~: .... Legal -....... -............ - 222·30·12910 SEWARO 0·3 60 52 15 147 48 51 s 9N 9E14 60 52 1 147 49 16 s 9N 9E15 222·30·12920 SEWARO 0·3 60 50 29 147 47 53 s 9N 9E26 -60 50 31 147 47 22 s 9N 9E25 222·30·12930 SEWARO C·3 60 42 3 147 57 26 s 7N 8E13 60 41 51 147 57 29 s 7N 8E13 222·30·12940 SEWARO C·3 60 42 33 147 55 11 s 7N 9E 8 -60 42 19 147 54 55 s 7N 9E 8 222·30·12950 SEWARO C·3 60 41 22 147 54 22 s 7N 9E20 60 41 12 147 54 23 s 7N 9E20 222·30·12955 SEWARO C·3 60 41 47 147 54 26 s 7N 9E17 -60 41 52 147 54 6 s 7N 9E17 222·30·12960 SEWARO C·3 60 41 57 147 54 57 s 7N 9E17 60 42 7 147 55 2 s 7N 9E17 222·30·12965 SEWARD C·3 60 41 47 147 55 1 s 7N 9E17 60 41 53 147 55 20 s 7N 9E17 222·40·12960 SEWARO C-2 60 39 18 147 25 53 s 7N 11E36 60 39 10 147 25 25 s 7N 12E31 222·40·12970 SEWARD C·2 60 41 24 147 22 59 s 7N 12E20 -60 41 18 147 22 45 s 7N 12E20 222·50·12400 SEWARD 0·2 60 59 25 147 31 44 S10N11E5 60 59 9 147 31 43 S 10N 11E 5 222·50·12410 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 0 56 147 30 59 S 11N 11E28 -61 1 7 147 30 26 S 11N 11E28 222·50·12420 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 2 50 147 31 4 S 11N 11E16 61 3 12 147 29 10 S 11N 11E10 222·50·12420-0010 ANCHORAGE A ··2 61 3 0 147 29 51 S 11N 11E16 -222·50·12440 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 4 7 147 28 51 S 11N 11E 3 Miners River 61 5 38 147 24 30 S 12N 11E36 222·50·12440·0010 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 4 58 147 26 22 S 12N 11E35 Miners Lake -222·50·12450 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 5 11 147 30 31 S 12N 11E33 61 5 13 147 29 34 S 12N 11E34 222·50·12460 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 6 10 147 31 12 S 12N 11E28 61 6 16 147 30 26 S 12N 11E28 -222·50·12470 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 6 41 147 31 5 S 12N 11E21 61 7 3 147 29 21 S 12N 11E22 222·50·12480 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 7 38 147 31 58 S 12N 11E17 61 7 53 147 31 8 S 12N 11E16 -222·50·12490 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 9 12 147 31 31 S 12N 1 1E 5 Ranney Creek 61 9 24 147 32 0 S 12N 11E 5 222·50·12490·2010 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 9 21 147 31 42 S 12N 1 1E 5 61 9 38 147 31 42 S 12N 11E 5 -222·50·12500 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 8 18 147 33 47 S 12N 11E 7 61 8 41 147 35 1 S 12N 10E12 222·50·12510 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 7 48 147 34 9 S 12N 11E18 61 7 40 147 34 52 S 12N 11E18 222·50·12520 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 6 30 147 33 27 S 12N 11E30 61 6 47 147 33 59 S 12N 11E19 222·50·12530 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 6 13 147 33 18 S 12N 11E30 61 5 57 147 33 32 S 12N 11E30 -222·50·12540 ANCHORAGE A-2 61 5 10 147 33 14 S 12N 11E32 61 5 19 147 33 59 S 12N 11E31 222·50·12550 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 3 49 147 33 50 S11N11E7 61 3 46 147 34 43 S 11N 11E 7 222·50·12565 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 1 27 147 39 6 S 11N 10E22 61 1 53 147 39 1 S 11N 10E22 222·50·12570 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 1 24 147 39 43 S 11N 10E22 61 2 12 147 40 42 S 11N 10E21 -222·50·12580 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 0 44 147 40 28 S 11N 10E28 SEWARO 0·2 60 59 33 147 42 41 S 10N 10E 5 222·50·12590 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 0 12 147 40 2 S 11N 10E34 SEWARO 0·2 60 59 50 147 39 47 S 11N 10E34 -222·50·12620 SEWARO 0·2 60 58 35 147 36 44 S 10N 10E12 60 58 42 147 37 0 S 10N 1 OE11 223·20·13000 SEWARO 0·3 60 51 57 147 54 19 s 9N 9E17 60 51 53 147 53 38 s 9N 9E17 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 40 - Stream/Lake 223·20·13010 223·20·13020 223·20·13030 223· 20·13040 223·20·13045 223·20·13050 223·20~13060 223·20·13070 223·20·13080 223·20·13330 223·20·13420 223·20·13430 223·20·13440 223·20·13450 223·30·13090 223·30·13100 223·30·13110 223·30·13120 223·30·13130 223·30·13140 Avery River 223·30·13160 223·30·13170 223·30·13180 223·30·13190 223·30·13200 223·30·13210 223·30·13220 Coghill River 223·30·13220·0010 Coghill Lake 223·30·13225 223·30·13270 223·30·13280 224·10·14000 224·10·14010 224·10·14020 3/25/86 Map Sheet ...... -............. --............ -.. SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 SEWARO 0·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 53 25 147 55 1 S 9N 9E 7 60 53 42 147 54 32 S 9N 9E 6 60 54 12 147 55 48 S 9N 9E 6 60 54 5 147 55 7 S 9N 9E 6 60 54 25 147 55 48 S 10N 9E31 60 54 33 147 55 22 S 10N 9E31 60 54 22 147 56 15 S 9N 9E 6 60 54 39 147 56 17 S 10N 8E36 60 54 18 147 56 35 S 9N SE 1 60 54 36 147 57 1 S 10N 8E36 60 54 52 147 58 45 S 10N 8E35 60 55 18 147 58 41 S 10N 8E26 60 55 32 148 1 9 S 10N 8E27 60 55 42 148 0 30 S 10N 8E27 60 55 47 148 1 25 S 10N 8E27 60 55 55 148 0 59 S 10N 8E27 60 56 10 148 2 37 S 10N 8E21 60 56 28 148 2 24 S 10N 8E21 60 52 16 148 5 53 S 9N 8E18 60 52 6 148 5 46 S 9N 8E18 60 51 54 147 59 3 S 9N 8E14 60 51 41 147 59 2 S 9N 8E23 60 52 4 147 59 7 S 9N 8E14 60 52 14 147 59 20 S 9N 8E14 60 52 2 147 58 42 S 9N 8E14 60 52 14 147 58 56 S 9N 8E14 60 52 24 147 56 23 S 9N 8E13 60 52 30 147 56 39 S 9N 8E13 60 57 41 148 1 0 S 10N 8E15 60 57 31 148 0 44 S 10N 8E15 60 57 57 147 59 52 S 10N 8E10 60 57 42 147 59 24 S 10N 8E14 60 58 4 147 59 37 S 10N 8E11 60 58 0 147 58 48 S 10N 8E11 60 58 19 147 59 5 S 10N 8E11 60 58 27 147 58 20 S 10N 8E11 60 58 31 147 59 9 S 10N 8E11 60 58 41 147 58 39 S 10N 8E11 60 59 47 147 57 42 S 11N 8E36 60 59 34 147 57 44 S 10N SE 1 61 1 3 147 56 31 S 11N 8E25 61 1 24 147 55 37 S 11N 9E19 61 2 8 147 56 31 S 11N 8E24 61 1 57 147 55 39 S 11N 9E19 61 2 16 147 56 39 S 11N 8E13 61 1 10 147 54 45 S 11N 9E30 61 2 56 147 55 43 S 11N 9E18 61 2 24 147 53 45 S 11N 9E17 61 3 34 147 54 39 S 11N 9E 7 61 3 1 147 54 3 S 11N 9E17 61 3 41 147 54 26 S 11N 9E 8 61 3 18 147 53 8 S 11N 9E 8 61 4 25 147 54 28 S 11N 9E 5 61 7 43 147 45 38 S 12N 9E13 61 5 44 147 48 55 S 12N 9E26 61 4 20 147 54 12 S 11N 9E 5 61 4 11 147 52 53 S 11N 9E 5 61 9 46 147 53 12 S 12N 9E 5 61 9 45 147 53 36 S 12N 9E 5 61 8 36 147 54 49 S 12N 9E 7 61 8 38 147 55 24 S 12N 9E 7 61 0 42 148 5 22 S 11N 8E30 61 0 59 148 4 54 S 11N 8E29 61 1 36 148 5 13 S 11N 8E19 61 1 39 148 4 39 S 11N 8E20 61 2 15 148 4 53 S 11N 8E17 61 3 19 148 3 16 S 11N 8E 9 Page 41 ···············---~~~~~~~~~~: .................. -----~~~-~~::~---····· ·---~~==~~~~~=----Legal ...................... - 224·10·14140 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 59 30 148 11 44 S 10N 7E3 60 59 51 148 11 53 S 11N 7E34 224·10·14140·2006 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 59 42 148 11 44 S 11N 7E34 60 59 52 148 11 37 S 11N 7E34 - 224·10·14150 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 58 18 148 11 41 S 10N 7E10 60 58 22 148 12 3 S 10N 7E10 224·10·14160 SE\.IARD 0·4 60 57 36 148 12 39 S 10N 7E16 60 57 49 148 12 44 S 10N 7E16 - 224·10·14170 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 57 37 148 14 19 S 10N 7E17 Hobo Creek 60 58 54 148 16 5 S 10N 7E 6 224·10·14180 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 56 43 148 16 1 S 10N 7E19 60 56 57 148 15 36 S 10N 7E20 224·10·14190 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 57 42 148 18 11 S 10N 6E13 60 57 52 148 17 38 S 10N 6E13 224-10·14200 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 57 49 148 18 25 S 10N 6E13 60 58 17 148 18 "5 S 10N 6E12 - 224·10·14210 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 57 14 148 19 41 S 10N 6E14 60 57 27 148 20 5 S 10N 6E14 224·10·14210·2005 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 57 9 148 20 7 S 10N 6E14 60 57 6 148 20 17 S 10N 6E14 - 224·10·14220 SEWARO 0·4 60 57 6 148 19 31 S 10N 6E14 60 56 29 148 21 24 S 10N 6E22 224·10·14230 SEWARO 0·4 60 56 46 148 18 37 S 10N 6E24 60 56 38 148 18 41 S 10N 6E24 - 224·10·14240 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 54 38 148 18 54 S 10N 6E36 Hunmer Creek 60 55 0 148 19 59 S 10N 6E35 224·10·14250 SEWARO 0·4 60 54 23 148 19 4 s 9N 6E 1 60 54 11 148 19 49 s 9N 6E 2 - 224·10·14250·2005 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 54 11 148 19 28 s 9N 6E 2 60 54 3 148 19 44 s 9N 6E 2 224·10·14260 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 52 57 148 17 57 s 9N 6E12 60 52 41 148 17 54 s 9N 6E13 224·10·14270 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 52 7 148 18 30 s 9N 6E13 60 52 17 148 18 39 s 9N 6E13 224-10·14280 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 51 40 148 18 26 s 9N 6E24 60 51 24 148 18 36 s 9N 6E24 -224·10·14290 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 51 21 148 21 48 s 9N 6E22 60 51 31 148 21 23 s 9N 6E22 224·10·14300 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 51 39 148 23 2 s 9N 6E21 60 52 10 148 22 35 s 9N 6E15 - 224·10·14310 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 51 22 148 23 27 s 9N 6E21 60 51 48 148 24 36 s 9N 6E21 224·10·14320 SEWARO 0·4 60 50 55 148 24 36 s 9N 6E28 60 51 57 148 25 50 s 9N 6E17 -224·10·14330 SEWARD 0·4 60 48 47 148 20 16 s 8N 6E 2 60 48 53 148 20 43 s 8N 6E 2 224-10·14340 SEWARO 0·4 60 48 38 148 20 45 s 8N 6E 2 60 48 41 148 21 5 s 8N 6E 2 -224-10·14350 SE\.IARO 0·4 60 49 45 148 25 4 s 9N 6E32 60 49 49 148 24 50 s 9N 6E32 224·10·14360 SEWARO 0·5 60 50 14 148 30 25 s 9N 5E26 60 50 37 148 30 47 s 9N SE26 -224·10·14370 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 48 55 148 37 11 s 8N SE 5 Bill i ngs Creek 60 50 25 148 36 4 s 9N SE29 224·10·14380 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 48 51 148 37 50 s SN SE 6 60 49 2 148 38 27 s SN SE 6 -224-10·14380·2010 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 48 56 148 37 54 s SN SE 6 60 49 12 148 37 51 s 8N SE 6 224·10·14400 SEWARO 0·5 60 46 43 148 42 42 s 8N 4E14 60 46 28 148 43 49 s 8N 4E22 -224·10·14410 SEWARO 0·5 60 46 41 148 41 35 s 8N 4E14 lolhittier Creek 60 46 39 148 41 35 s 8N 4E14 224·10·14420 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 46 46 148 39 23 s 8N 4E13 Cove Creek 60 46 40 148 39 31 s 8N 4E13 -224·10·14430 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 48 10 148 34 30 s SN SE 9 60 48 1 148 34 40 s 8N SE 9 224·10·14440 SE\.IARO 0·5 60 47 27 148 33 52 s 8N SE15 60 47 22 148 34 6 s 8N SE16 - 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 42 - ~~·,,-.. ~·-·--.-------.. ·~--··-~-~~---- Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ........................................................................ ......................................... ..................................... ..................... 224·10·14450 SEWARO 0·5 60 47 5 148 33 55 s SN 5E15 60 46 44 148 34 41 s SN 5E16 224·10·14460 SEWARO 0-5 60 46 50 148 34 9 s SN 5E16 60 46 36 148 34 26 s SN 5E21 224-10·14470 SEWARO 0-4 60 48 14 148 29 9 s SN 5E12 60 48 1 148 29 16 s SN 5E12 224·10·14500 SEWARO 0-4 60 45 32 148"28 25 s SN 6E30 60 45 4 148 29 0 s SN 5E25 224·10·14510 SEWARO 0·4 60 45 18 148 27 11 s SN 6E30 SEWARO C-4 60 44 44 148 27 4 s SN 6E32 224·10·14520 SEWARO 0·4 60 45 41 148 23 34 s SN 6E28 60 45 44 148 23 40 s SN 6E28 224·10-14520-0010 SEWARO 0·4 60 45 50 148 24 17 s SN 6E21 224·10·14530 SEWARO 0·4 60 45 18 148 23 35 s SN 6E2S 60 45 10 148 24 2 s SN 6E2S 224·10-14540 SEWARO C-4 60 43 3 148 24 50 s 7N 6E 9 60 42 1S 148 25 45 s 7N 6E S 224·10-14540·2002 SEWARO C·4 60 43 4 148 24 49 s 7N 6E 9 60 43 12 148 25 23 s 7N 6E 5 224-10·14540-2005 SEWARO C-4 60 43 2 14S 25 10 s 7N 6E 9 60 42 41 14S 25 31 s 7N 6E S 224·10·14540·2006 SEWARO C-4 60 43 4 148 25 16 s 7N 6E 9 60 42 58 148 25 33 s 7N 6E 8 224·10-14550 SEWARO C-4 60 42 4 148 23 43 s 7N 6E16 60 40 48 14S 25 30 s 7N 6E20 224·10-14560 SEWARO C·4 60 40 46 14S 23 20 s 7N 6E22 60 40 47 14S 24 4 s 7N 6E21 224·10·14570 SEWARO C·4 60 39 27 148 25 46 s 7N 6E32 60 39 37 148 25 44 s 7N 6E32 224·10·145SO SEWARO C·4 60 39 6 148 26 46 s 7N 6E32 60 39 20 148 27 56 s 7N 6E31 224·10·14590 SEWARO C·4 60 38 49 148 26 40 s 7N 6E32 60 39 13 148 28 15 s 7N 6E31 224·10·14600 SEWARO C·4 60 37 33 148 25 56 s 6N 6E 8 60 37 12 148 26 25 s 6N 6E 8 224·10·14600-2006 SEWARO C·4 60 37 25 148 26 3 s 6N 6E 8 60 37 29 148 26 22 s 6N 6E 8 224·10-14610 SEWARD C·4 60 36 59 148 25 39 s 6N 6E17 60 36 30 148 25 16 s 6N 6E16 224-10·14610·2005 SEWARO C·4 60 36 54 148 25 23 s 6N 6E17 60 37 1 148 25 7 s 6N 6E16 224·10·14620 SEWARO C·4 60 37 51 148 24 31 s 6N 6E 9 60 37 42 148 24 26 s 6N 6E 9 224-10·14630 SEWARO C-4 60 38 52 148 23 30 s 7N 6E34 60 38 40 148 23 29 s 6N 6E 3 224-10-14640 SEWARO C-4 60 38 40 148 21 28 s 6N 6E 2 60 38 23 148 21 26 s 6N 6E 2 224-10·14650 SEWARO C·4 60 39 25 148 20 37 s 7N 6E35 60 39 48 148 20 15 s 7N 6E26 224·10·14655 SEWARD C-4 60 41 9 148 20 34 s 7N 6E23 60 41 12 148 20 14 s 7N 6E23 224-10·14660 SEWARO C-4 60 41 45 14S 20 1 s 7N 6E14 60 41 40 148 19 52 s 7N 6E13 224-10-14670 SEWARO C-4 60 43 10 148 18 6 s 7N 7E 6 60 42 52 148 17 54 s 7N 7E 7 224-1 0·14680 SEWARO C·4 60 43 29 148 17 30 s 7N 7E6 60 43 19 148 17 17 s 7N 7E 6 224·10·14690 SEWARD C·4 60 44 19 14S 17 0 s SN 7E31 60 44 27 148 16 20 s SN 7E32 224·30·14700 SEWARO C·4 60 44 18 148 14 54 s SN 7E32 60 44 19 148 15 19 s SN 7E32 224·30·14705 SEWARO C·4 60 43 53 14S 14 59 s 7N ?ES 60 43 36 148 15 34 s 7N 7E 5 224· 30·14 710 SEWARO C-4 60 43 34 148 15 4 s 7N 7E 5 60 43 22 148 15 36 s 7N 7E 5 224·30·14720 SEWARO C·4 60 42 53 148 15 21 s 7N 7E8 60 42 52 148 15 34 s 7N 7E 8 3/25/S6 South central Page 43 Stream/lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ......................................................................................................... .................................................... ..................................... .......................... ,.., 224·30·14730 SEWARD C·4 60 41 49 148 15 51 S 7N 7E17 60 42 6 148 15 58 S 7N 7E17 224·30·14750 SEWARD C·4 60 41 7 148 16 56 S 7N 7E19 - 60 41 2 148 17 30 S 7N 7E19 224·30·14760 SEWARD C·4 60 40 32 148 17 31 S 7N 7E30 60 39 9 148 18 35 S 7N 6E36 224·30·14760·0010 SEWARD C·4 60 39 13 148 19 13 S 7N 6E36 .. Shrode, Lake 224·30·14770 SEWARD C·4 60 38 11 148 12 11 S 6N 7E 3 60 38 26 148 12 9 S 6N 7E 3 224·30·14780 SEWARD C·4 60 37 48 148 12 26 S 6N 7E10 .. 60 38 2 148 12 57 S 6N 7E 3 224·30·14790 SEWARD C·4 60 37 34 148 12 20 S 6N 7E10 60 36 57 148 12 36 S 6N 7E15 224·30·14800 SEWARD C·4 60 39 36 148 10 54 S 7N 7E35 .- 60 39 35 148 10 44 S 7N 7E35 224·30·14810 SEWARD C·4 60 40 20 148 12 12 S 7N 7E27 60 40 21 148 11 55 S 7N 7E27 224·30·14850 SEWARD C-4 60 43 5 148 13 0 S 7N 7E10 .r 60 42 52 148 12 12 S 7N 7E10 224·30·14860 SEWARD C·4 60 43 20 148 13 8 S 7N 7E 4 60 43 34 148 12 53 S 7N 7E 3 224·40·14800 SEWARD C·4 60 35 50 148 15 1 S 6N 7E20 .. 60 36 18 148 14 47 S 6N 7E17 224·40·14810 SEWARD C·4 60 35 6 148 16 3 S 6N 7E29 60 35 4 148 16 14 S 6N 7E29 224.·40·14820 SEWARD C·4 60 33 54 148 17 54 S 6N 7E31 - 60 34 3 148 18 24 S 6N 6E36 224·40·14830 SEWARD C·4 60 32 50 148 18 39 S SN 6E 1 60 33 1 148 18 54 S SN 6E 1 224·40·14840 SEWARD C·4 60 33 58 148 20 28 S 6N 6E35 _. 60 34 13 148 20 33 S 6N 6E35 224·40·14850 SEWARD C-4 60 35 46 148 23 47 S 6N 6E21 60 36 5 148 23 12 S 6N 6E22 224·40·14860 SEWARD C·4 60 34 24 148 28 27 S 6N 6E31 _. 60 34 55 148 27 49 S 6N 6E30 224·40·14867 SEWARD 8·5 60 27 29 148 42 44 S 4N 4E11 60 27 17 148 43 40 S 4N 4E10 224·40·14868 SEWARD B·S 60 27 28 148 42 43 S 4N 4E11 _. 60 27 12 148 43 34 S 4N 4E10 224·40·14870 SEWARD B·S 60 27 9 148 42 18 S 4N 4E11 Kings River 60 27 28 148 46 56 S 4N 4E 8 224·40·14880 SEWARD 8·5 60 26 41 148 42 23 S 4N 4E14 _. Nellie Juan River 60 25 15 148 43 23 S 4N 4E22 224·40·14890 SEWARD 8·5 60 27 37 148 39 12 S 4N SE 6 60 27 26 148 39 19 S 4N SE 7 224·40·14895 SEWARD C·S 60 31 8 148 30 39 S SN 5E14 _. 60 30 54 148 30 16 S SN 5E24 224·40·14898 SEWARD C·4 60 31 21 148 26 49 S SN 6E17 60 31 4 148 27 48 S SN 6E18 224·40·14900 SEWARD C·4 60 31 1 148 26 6 S SN 6E17 ._ 60 30 41 148 27 17 S SN 6E19 224·40·14904 SEWARD 8·4 60 28 45 148 21 28 S SN 6E35 60 28 55 148 22 19 S SN 6E34 224·40·14909 SEWARD 8·4 60 28 22 148 20 21 S 4N 6E 1 60 28 15 148 20 3 S 4N 6E 1 224·40·14910 SEWARD C·4 60 30 33 148 22 11 S SN 6E22 60 30 37 148 22 27 S SN 6E22 224·40·14915 SEWARD 8·4 60 28 54 148 13 43 S SN 7E33 _ 60 29 6 148 13 37 S SN 7E33 224·40·14920 SEWARD 8·4 60 29 45 148 14 25 S SN 7E28 60 30 0 148 14 17 S SN 7E28 224·40·14930 SEWARD C-4 60 31 3 148 13 28 S SN 7E16 _ 60 30 29 148 13 7 S SN 7E21 224·40·14935 SEWARD C·4 60 31 42 148 13 10 S SN 7E16 60 31 25 148 13 7 S SN 7E16 224·40·14936 SEWARD C-4 60 32 25 148 12 14 S SN 7E10 -60 32 9 148 12 11 S SN 7E10 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 44 - • o-•·•-•o"~-·•<"•-""" Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .............................................................................................. ................................................. .......................................... ............... -...... 224·40·14950 SEWARD 8·4 60 29 21481131 s SN 7E34 60 29 7 148 11 56 s SN 7E34 224-40·14960 SEWARD 8·4 60 28 39 148 11 12 s SN 7E35 60 28 23 148 11 22 s 4N 7E 2 224·40·14970 SEWARD 8·4 60 29 32 148 10 54 s SN 7E26 60 29 22 148 10 41 s SN 7E26 224·40·14980 SEWARD 8·4 60 29 38 148 913 s SN 7E25 60 28 53 148 8 38 s SN 7E36 224·40·14988 SEWARD C·4 60 32 54 148 9 42 s SN 7E 2 60 32 59 148 9 26 s SN 7E 1 224·40-14990 SEWARD C-3 60 34 54 148 6 58 s 6N 8E30 60 34 41 148 6 45 s 6N 8E30 225·20·15020 SEWARO C·3 60 32 21 148 5 1 s SN 8E 8 60 32 21 148 5 40 s SN SE 8 225-20·15030 SEWARO C·3 60 31 11 148 5 31 s SN 8E17 60 31 4 148 5 37 s SN 8E17 225·20·15040 SEWARD C·3 60 32 10 148 3 0 s SN 8E 9 60 32 19 148 2 28 s SN SE 9 225·20·15050 SEWARD C·3 60 31 2 148 0 48 s SN 8E15 60 31 1 148 1 1 s SN 8E15 225·30·15060 SEWARD 8·3 60 29 30 147 58 18 s SN 8E25 60 29 57 147 59 0 s SN 8E26 225·30·15070 SEWARD 8·3 60 28 28 147 59 41 s SN 8E35 60 29 17 148 0 36 s SN 8E35 225·30·15070·0010 Gunboat Lakes SEWARD 8·3 60 28 49 147 59 31 s SN 8E35 225·30·15070·0020 SEWARD 8·3 60 29 12 147 59 51 s SN 8E35 Gunboat Lakes 225-30·15070·0030 SEWARD 8-3 60 29 16 148 0 30 s SN 8E35 Gunboat Lakes 225·30·15080 SEWARD 8-3 60 27 47 148 3 6 s 4N 8E 3 60 28 6 148 2 57 s 4N SE 3 225·30·15090 SEWARD 8·3 60 27 52 148 4 16 s 4N 8E 4 60 28 2 148 3 58 s 4N SE 4 225·30·15100 SEWARD 8·3 60 27 52 148 4 30 s 4N SE 4 60 28 6 148 4 53 s 4N SE 4 225·30·15110 SEWARD 8·3 60 27 12 148 5 53 s 4N 8E 8 Eshamy Creek 60 27 9 148 6 18 s 4N SE 8 225·30·15110·0010 SEWARD 8·4 60 27 4 148 8 19 s 4N SE 7 Eshamy Lake 225·30·15120 SEWARD 8·3 60 26 56 148 3 12 s 4N 8E10 60 26 45 148 3 11 s 4N 8E10 225·30·15130 SEWARD 8·3 60 27 20 148 0 22 s 4N 8E11 60 27 11 148 0 18 s 4N 8E11 225·30·15140 SEWARD 8-3 60 26 33 147 59 51 s 4N 8E14 60 26 21 148 0 12 s 4N 8E14 225·30·15150 SEWARD 8·3 60 26 46 147 59 35 s 4N 8E12 60 26 32 147 59 16 s 4N 8E13 225·30·15160 SEWARD 8·3 60 26 49 147 58 27 s 4N 8E12 60 26 37 147 58 15 s 4N 8E13 225·30·15163 SEWARD 8-3 60 26 58 147 58 6 s 4N 8E12 60 26 51 147 57 55 s 4N 9E 7 226-10·16890 SEWARO 8·2 60 27 35 147 40 19 s 4N 10E 2 60 27 24 147 40 26 s 4N 10E11 226·10·16900 SEWARD 8·2 60 25 57 147 43 47 s 4N 10E16 60 25 52 147 43 43 s 4N 10E16 226·10·16900·0010 SEWARD 8·2 60 25 21 147 43 45 s 4N 10E21 226·10·16910 SEWARD 8-3 60 25 3 147 47 13 s 4N 10E19 60 24 49 147 47 17 s 4N 10E30 226·10·16920 SEWARD 8·3 60 26 25 147 47 6 s 4N 10E18 60 26 11 147 47 25 s 4N 10E18 226·20-16000 SEWARD 8·3 60 25 57 148 1 13 s 4N 8E14 60 26 8 148 2 17 s 4N 8E15 226·20·16000·0010 SEWARD 8·3 60 25 54 148 1 44 s 4N 8E15 226·20-16010 SEWARD 8·3 60 24 52 148 3 55 s 4N 8E28 60 25 11 148 3 16 s 4N 8E22 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 45 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ................................................... ~----·-----··----------· ..................................................................................... .. ..................... - 226·20·16020 SEIJARD 8·3 60 25 6 148 5 53 s 4N 8E20 60 25 27 148 6 2 s 4N 8E20 226·20·16030 SEIJARD 8·4 60 24 3 148 10 14 s 4N 7E35 -60 24 19 148 10 41 s 4N 7E26 226·20·16030·0010 Ewan Lake SEIJARD 8·4 60 24 33 148 10 42 s 4N 7E26 226·20·16040 SEIJARD 8·4 60 22 40 148 8 56 s 3N 7E 1 -60 22 24 148 9 56 s 3N 7E 1 226·20·16050 SEIJARD 8·4 60 22 12 148 8 15 s 3N 8E 7 60 22 0 148 9 5 s 3N 7E12 226·20·16070 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 30 148 12 17 s 3N 7E10 -60 21 28 148 12 10 s 3N 7E15 226·20·16075 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 50 148 12 30 s 3N 7E10 60 22 3 148 12 26 s 3N 7E10 226·20·16078 SEIJARD 8·4 60 22 6 148 13 17 s 3N 7E10 -60 22 31 148 12 48 s 3N 7E 3 226·20·16080 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 47 148 14 20 s 3N 7E 9 Jackpot Creek 60 25 16 148 14 13 s 4N 7E21 226·20·16080·0010 SEIJARD 8·4 60 23 56 148 14 11 S 4N 7E33 -Jackpot Lakes 226·20·16080·0020 SEIJARD 8·4 60 24 36 148 14 54 s 4N 7E28 Jackpot Lakes 226·20·16090 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 58 148 14 33 s 3N 7E 9 -60 22 19 148 14 50 s 3N 7E 9 226·20·16100 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 47 148 15 47 s 3N 7E 8 60 21 55 148 16 27 s 3N 7E 8 226·20·16110 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 30 148 15 56 s 3N 7E 8 -60 21 11 148 17 4 s 3N 7E17 226·20·16120 SEIJARD 8·4 60 21 24 148 15 38 s 3N 7E17 60 20 54 148 15 58 s 3N 7E17 226·20·16130 SEIJARD 8·4 60 19 34 148 16 34 s 3N 7E29 -60 20 10 148 18 47 s 3N 7E19 226·20·16130·2009 SEIJARD 8·4 60 19 6 148 16 53 s 3N 7E29 60 18 11 148 16 30 s 3N 7E32 226·20·16150 SEIJARD 8·4 60 19 41 148 13 2 s 3N 7E27 -60 19 42 148 13 17 s 3N 7E27 226·20·16160 SEIJARD 8·4 60 16 57 148 15 8 s 2N 7E9 60 17 7 148 14 59 s 2N 7E 9 226·20·16170 SEIJARD 8·4 60 16 24 148 17 31 s 2N 7E 7 -60 16 25 148 17 42 s 2N 7E 7 226·20·16180 SEIJARD 8·3 60 22 18 147 59 35 s 3N 8E12 60 21 55 147 59 55 s 3N SE11 226-20·16190 SEIJARD 8·3 60 21 5 14S 1 30 s 3N 8E14 -60 20 40 148 1 12 s 3N SE14 226·20·16200 SEIJARD 8·3 60 21 36 148 4 57 s 3N SE 9 60 21 19 14S 4 26 s 3N SE16 226·20·16210 SEIJARD 8·3 60 20 37 14S 5 8 s 3N 8E17 -60 20 21 14S 4 37 s 3N 8E21 226·20·16220 SEIJARD 8·3 60 20 13 148 6 2 s 3N 8E20 60 19 40 148 6 9 s 3N SE29 226·20·16230 SEIJARD 8·3 60 19 2 148 7 9 s 3N 8E30 -60 18 46 148 7 9 s 3N SE31 226·20·16240 SEIJARD 8·3 60 17 41 148 7 28 s 2N 8E 6 60 18 0 148 7 9 s 2N SE 6 226·20-16250 SEIJARD 8·3 60 17 42 148 6 42 s 2N 8E 5 -60 17 49 148 5 55 s 2N 8E 5 226· 20·16260 SEIJARD 8·3 60 16 41 148 2 43 s 2N SE10 60 17 4 148 2 42 s 2N SE10 226·20·16270 SEIJARD 8·3 60 17 36 148 1 32 s 2N 8E 2 -60 18 2 14S 1 36 s 3N 8E34 226·20·16280 SEIJARD 8·3 60 19 57 148 0 43 s 3N 8E23 60 19 41 148 1 21 s 3N SE26 226·20·16290 SEIJARD A-4 60 13 52 148 15 43 s 2N 7E29 -60 13 17 148 16 24 s 2N 7E32 226·20·16300 SEIJARD A·4 60 12 19 148 17 47 s 1N 7E 6 60 11 57 148 18 22 s 1N 7E 6 226·20·16310 SEIJARD A·4 60 12 12 148 17 10 s 1N 7E 5 -60 12 3 148 16 35 s 1N 7E 5 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 46 - ,,.,, ..,_ •-,,,, ... _~.....,._,~-r·-e~>••·---•"'' Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ........................................................................................... ........................................... ....................................... -.......... -.......... 226·20·16320 SE\.IARD A·4 60 12 53 148 12 33 s 2N 7E34 60 12 20 148 12 51 s 1N 7E 3 226·20·16330 SE\.IARD A·4 60 9 31 148 13 4 s 1N 7E22 60 9 50 148 13 30 s 1N 7E22 226·20·16340 SE\.IARD A·4 60 9 2 148 12 54 s 1N 7E27 60 8 29 148 13 36 s 1N 7E27 226·20·16350 SE\.IARD A·4 60 8 44 148 12 13 s 1N 7E27 60 8 21 148 12 12 s 1N 7E34 226·20·16360 SE\.IARD A·4 60 10 0 148 10 30 s 1N 7E23 60 9 51 148 9 47 s 1N 7E24 226·20·16362 SE\.IARD A-4 60 10 27 148 10 5 s 1N 7E13 60 10 25 148 9 30 s 1N 7E13 226·20·16368 SE\.IARD A·4 60 12 28 148 8 40 s 1N 7E 1 60 12 21 148 8 28 s 1N 8E 6 226·20·16370 SE\.IARD A·3 60 13 5 148 7 3 s 2N 8E31 60 12 43 148 7 4 s 1N 8E 6 226·20·16940 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 20 13 147 48 27 s 3N 9E24 60 19 58 147 48 23 s 3N 9E24 226·20·16950 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 21 8 147 45 44 s 3N 10E17 60 21 24 147 45 35 s 3N 10E17 226·20·16960 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 20 20 147 45 16 s 3N 10E20 60 20 24 147 45 0 s 3N 10E20 226·20·16965 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 19 17 147 43 49 s 3N 10E28 60 19 4 147 43 32 s 3N 10E28 226·20·16970 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 18 47 147 45 39 s 3N 10E32 60 18 32 147 45 28 s 3N 10E32 226·20·16980 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 17 14 147 48 20 s 2N 9E 1 60 17 2 147 48 15 s 2N 9E12 226·20·16990 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 17 3 147 50 25 s 2N 9E11 60 16 51 147 50 18 s 2N 9E11 226·20·17410 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 24 22 147 47 54 s 4N 9E25 60 24 25 147 47 59 s 4N 9E25 226·30·16810 SE\.IARD A·3 60 12 36 147 45 29 s 1N 10E 5 60 12 42 147 45 4 s 1N 10E 5 226·30·16820 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 15 40 147 46 12 s 2N 10E18 60 15 46 147 46 48 s 2N 10E18 226·30·16830 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 16 41 147 43 36 s 2N 10E 9 60 16 58 147 43 55 s 2N 10E 9 226·30·16840 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 19 36 147 41 9 s 3N 10E27 60 19 19 147 41 21 s 3N 10E27 226·30·16844 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 21 4 147 41 17 s 3N 10E15 60 21 12 147 41 44 s 3N 10E15 226·30·16850 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 20 43 147 40 23 s 3N 10E14 60 21 5 147 40 12 s 3N 10E14 226·30·16860 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 21 44 147 41 34 s 3N 10E10 60 21 36 147 41 42 s 3N 10E10 226·30·16870 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 22 51 147 45 37 s 3N 10E 5 60 22 43 147 45 50 s 3N 10E 5 226·30·16870·0010 SE\.IARD 8·3 60 22 33 147 46 4 s 3N 10E 6 226·30·16880 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 24 55 147 39 8 s 4N 10E26 60 25 15 147 38 40 s 4N 10E24 226·30·16880·0010 SE\.IARD 8·2 60 25 22 147 38 17 s 4N 10E24 Otter Lake 226·40·16380 SE\.IARD A·4 60 10 51 148 7 36 s 1N 8E18 60 10 46 148 8 41 s 1N 7E13 226·40·16550 SE\.IARD A·3 60 7 33 148 7 16 s 1S 8E 5 60 7 28 148 7 30 s 1S 8E 5 226·40·16557 SE\.IARD A·3 60 7 5 148 6 51 s 1S 8E 5 60 6 46 148 7 5 s 1S 8E 5 226·40·16560 SE\.IARD A·3 60 7 5 148 6 42 s 1S 8E 5 60 6 45 148 6 46 s 1S 8E 5 226·40·16570 SE\.IARD A·3 60 6 30 148 5 40 s 1S 8E 9 60 6 11 148 5 49 s 1S 8E 9 226·40·16590 SE\.IARD A·3 60 5 57 148 0 5 s 1S 8E12 60 5 29 148 0 0 s 1S 8E13 226·40·16600 SE\.IARD A·3 60 6 3 147 59 50 s 1S 8E12 60 5 54 147 59 34 s 1S 8E12 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 47 .................. ~:~=~~(~~~=-················· ··---~~~-~~=:: ........ ·---~~::(~?~~=-··· Legal ------------ 226·40·16604 SEWARD A·3 60 6 17 147 59 30 s 1S 8E12 60 6 0 147 59 12 s 1S 8E12 -226·40·16610 SEWARO A·3 60 6 30 147 57 55 s 1S 9E 7 60 6 6 147 58 15 s 1S 9E 7 226·40·16620 SEWARD A·3 60 7 30 147 55 52 s 1S 9E 5 60 7 8 147 55 57 s 1S 9E 5 -226·40· 16630 . SEWARD A·3 60 7 25 147 55 20 s 1S 9E 4 60 7 4 147 55 37 s 1S 9E 5 226·40·16640 SEWARD A·3 60 7 25 147 54 15 s 1S 9E 4 60 7 7 147 54 14 s 1S 9E 4 -226·40· 16650 SEWARD A·3 60 5 10 147 56 10 s 1S 9E17 60 5 49 147 56 4 s 1S 9E17 226·40·16652 SEWARD A·3 60 5 3 147 56 20 s 1S 9E17 60 5 8 147 57 1 s 1S 9E17 -226·40·16660 SEWARD A·3 60 4 39 147 59 46 s 1S 8E24 60 4 56 147 58 47 s 1S 9E19 226·40·16665 SEWARD A·3 60 4 46 147 59 52 s 1S 8E24 60 5 18 147 59 8 s 1S 8E13 -226·40·16665·2012 SEWARD A·3 60 5 11 147 59 16 s 1S 8E13 60 5 12 147 59 0 s 1S 8E13 226·40·16670 SEWARD A·3 60 3 56 148 0 56 s 1S 8E26 60 4 19 148 0 50 s 1S 8E23 -226·40·16680 SEWARD A·3 60 3 28 148 3 7 s 1S 8E27 60 3 26 148 3 41 s 1S 8E27 226·40·16690 SEWARD A·3 60 3 4 148 3 56 s 1S 8E34 60 2 54 148 4 8 s 1S 8E33 226·40·16695 SEWARD A·3 60 2 37 148 3 17 s 1S 8E34 60 2 29 148 3 31 s 1S 8E34 226·40·16715 BLYING SOUND 0·3 59 59 22 147 59 39 s 2S 8E24 59 58 50 147 58 49 s 2S 9E30 -226·40·16720 BLYING SOUND 0·3 59 59 38 147 59 1 s 2S 8E24 59 59 16 147 58 37 s 2S 9E19 226·40·16730 BLYING SOUND D·3 59 59 36 147 58 43 s 2S 9E19 59 59 41 147 57 35 s 2S 9E19 -226·40·16740 SEWARD A·3 60 0 8 147 58 31 s 2S 9E18 60 0 25 147 57 58 s 2S 9E18 226·40·16750 SEWARD A·3 60 1 5 147 56 24 s 2S 9E 8 60 0 52 147 56 55 s 2S 9E 8 226·40·16760 -SEWARD A·3 60 1 11 147 56 5 s 2S 9E 8 60 1 4 147 55 37 s 2S 9E 8 226·40·16764 SEWARD A·3 60 2 2 147 55 39 s 2S 9E 5 60 1 49 147 55 43 s 2S 9E 5 -226·40·16768 SEWARD A·3 60 2 15 147 54 41 s 2S 9E 4 60 2 5 147 54 43 s 2S 9E 4 226·40·16770 SEWARD A·3 60 2 18 147 54 33 s 2S 9E 4 60 2 11 147 54 18 s 2S 9E 4 -226·40·16779 SEWARD A·3 60 0 49 147 51 34 s 2S 9E11 60 0 53 147 52 7 s 2S 9E10 226·40·16780 SEWARD A·3 60 3 57 147 50 15 s 1S 9E25 60 3 40 147 50 27 s 1S 9E26 226·40·16785 SEWARD A·3 60 1 48 147 50 24 s 2S 9E 2 60 1 51 147 50 49 s 2S · 9E 2 226·40·16797 SEWARD A·3 60 12 15 147 48 57 s 1N 9E 1 60 12 6 147 49 6 s 1N 9E 1 226·40·16800 SEWARD A·3 60 12 28 147 47 8 s 1N 10E 6 -60 12 29 147 46 40 s 1N 10E 6 226·40·16810 SEWARD A·3 60 14 1 147 46 22 s 2N 10E30 60 14 14 147 46 10 s 2N 10E30 226·40·16820 SEWARD A·3 60 14 31 147 47 16 s 2N 10E30 -60 14 47 147 46 49 s 2N 10E19 226·50·16070 BLYING SOUND D-5 59 57 20 148 44 14 s 2S 4E34 59 58 1 148 45 54 s 2S 4E33 226·50·16080 BLYING SOUND D·S 59 56 20 148 39 51 s 3S SE 7 -59 57 24 148 38 18 s 2S 5E32 226·50·16080·0010 BLYING SOUND D·5 59 56 56 148 39 30 s 3S SE 6 226·50·16080·2010 BLYING SOUND D·5 59 57 2 148 38 39 s 3S SE 6 -59 57 13 148 37 45 s 2S 5E32 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 48 - 226·50·16090 226·50·16100 226·50·16120 226·50·16300 226·50·16410 226·50·16420 226·50·16430 226·50·16460 226·50·16510 226·50·16520 226·50·16530 226·50·16530·2008 226·50·16535 226· 50. 16540 226·50·16550 226·50·16_700 226·50·16710 227·10·17000 227·10·17000·0010 227·10·17000·2007 227·10·17000·2011 227·10·17000·2015 227·10·17000·2019 227·10·17010 227·10·17020 227·10·17030 227·10·17030·2004 227·10·17040 227·10·17050 227·10·17060 227·10·17070 227·10·17070·2011 227·10·17080 227·10·17090 3/25/86 Stream/Lake Map Sheet ................................... -........ BLYING SOUND D·S SEWARD A·S SEWARD A·5 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A·4 SEWARD A-4 BLYING SOUND D-3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D-3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D-3 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D-1 BL Y 1 NG SOUND D · 1 BLYING SOUND D·1 BL YING SOUND D·1 BLYING SOUND D-1 BLYING SOUND 0·1 BLYING SOUND D·1 BLYING SOUND D·3 BLYING SOUND D-3 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 59 58 22 148 34 50 S 2S 5E27 59 58 30 148 34 54 S 2S 5E27 60 1 31 148 33 17 S 2S 5E11 60 1 30 148 33 38 S 2S 5E10 60 1 27 148 31 7 S 2S 5E12 60 1 37 148 30 49 S 2S SE 1 60 11 31 148 18 46 S 1N 7E 7 60 12 31 148 18 45 S 1N 7E 6 60 9 12 148 21 31 S 1N 6E26 60 9 17 148 22 27 S 1N 6E27 60 8 11 148 21 30 S 1N 6E35 60 8 18 148 22 17 S 1N 6E35 60 3 33 148 23 49 S 1S 6E27 60 3 49 148 25 22 S 1S 6E28 60 0 17 148 28 19 S 2S 6E18 60 0 36 148 27 52 S 2S 6E17 60 2 27 148 11 4 S 1S 7E35 60 2 35 148 10 14 S 1S 7E36 60 4 18 148 10 56 S 1S 7E24 60 4 30 148 9 52 S 1S 7E24 60 5 23 148 11 4 S 1S 7E14 60 5 34 148 9 53 S 1S 7E13 60 5 29 148 10 19 S 1S 7E13 60 5 17 148 10 16 S 1S 7E13 60 5 19 148 14 22 S 1S 7E15 60 5 48 148 12 52 S 1S 7E15 60 5 23 148 15 48 S 1S 7E16 60 5 44 148 15 43 S lS 7El6 60 7 9 148 14 40 S 1S 7E 4 60 7 28 148 14 19 S 1S 7E 3 59 58 20 148 1 47 S 2S 8E26 59 58 23 148 1 11 S 2S 8E26 59 58 49 148 0 26 S 2S 8E25 59 58 32 147 59 8 S 2S 8E25 59 49 3 147 53 29 S 4S 9E22 59 49 5 147 53 2 S 4S 9E22 59 48 47 147 52 5 S 4S 9E22 59 49 15 147 51 49 S 4S 9E23 59 49 32 147 51 11 S 4S 9E14 59 49 12 147 51 8 S 4S 9E23 59 49 25 147 50 46 S 4S 9E23 59 48 49 147 50 58 S 4S 9E23 59 49 24 147 49 48 S 4S 9E24 59 48 40 147 51 9 S 4S 9E23 59 49 15 147 49 52 S 4S 9E24 59 52 20 147 50 2 S 3S 9E36 59 52 2 147 50 33 S 3S 9E35 59 52 27 147 46 25 S 3S 10E32 59 52 7 147 46 52 S 3S 10E32 59 52 44 147 44 32 S 3S 10E33 59 52 46 147 43 52 S 3S 10E33 59 52 43 147 44 32 S 3S 10E33 59 52 31 147 43 54 S 3S 10E33 59 53 0 147 44 2 S 3S 10E28 59 52 48 147 42 38 S 3S 10E34 59 53 25 147 44 1 S 3S 10E28 59 53 19 147 42 52 S 3S 10E27 59 53 40 147 44 13 S 3S 10E28 59 53 41 147 41 52 S 3S 10E27 59 53 52 147 44 15 S 3S 10E21 59 53 59 147 41 58 S 3S 10E22 59 53 56 147 43 17 S 3S 10E22 59 54 38 147 42 3 S 3S 10E15 59 55 27 147 46 56 S 3S 10E17 59 55 8 147 47 24 S 3S 10E18 59 55 32 147 46 24 S 3S 10E 8 59 55 24 147 45 58 S 3S 10E17 Page 49 ------------------~~~=~~~~~~=------··---------------~~~-~~==~------------~~~=~~?~~=----Legal -...... -............. - 227·10·17100 BLYING SOUND D-1 59 57 0 147 41 20 s 3S 10E 2 59 56 47 147 40 21 s 3S 10E 2 227-10-17100-2002 BLYING SOUND D·1 59 57 0 147 41 19 s 3S 10E 2 -59 57 5 147 40 58 s 3S 10E 2 227-10-17110 BLYING SOUND D-1 59 58 25 147 39 33 s 2S 10E25 59 58 40 147 37 49 s 2S 11E30 227-10-17120 BLYING SOUND D-1 60 0 0 147 40 6 s 2S 10E14 -59 59 25 147 39 56 s 2S 10E24 227-10-17130 SEWARD A-2 60 0 17 147 39 5 s 2S 10E13 BLYING SOUND D-1 59 59 50 147 39 12 s 2S 10E13 227-10·17140 SEWARD A-2 60 1 9 147 35 58 s 2S 11E 8 -60 0 49 147 35 42 s 2S 11E 8 227-1 0·17150 SEWARD A-2 60 1 21 147 35 9 s 2S 11E 8 60 1 3 147 34 7 s 2S 11E 9 227·10·17160 SEWARD A-2 60 1 38 147 34 39 s 2S 11E 4 -60 1 21 147 34 19 s 2S 11E 9 227-10-17170 SEWARD A-2 60 1 51 147 34 10 s 2S 11E 4 60 1 43 147 33 41 s 2S 11E 4 227-10-17180 SEWARD A-2 60 2 3 147 34 11 s 2S 11E 4 -60 1 50 147 33 15 s 2S 11E 4 227-10-17190 SEWARD A-2 60 2 10 147 34 9 s 2S 1 1E 4 60 2 2 147 33 17 s 2S 11E 4 227-1o-1noo SEWARD A·2 60 3 15 147 32 42 s 1S 11E34 -60 2 50 147 32 58 s 1S 11E34 227·10·1n1o SEWARD A·2 60 3 20 147 31 58 s 1S 11E27 60 3 1 147 31 48 s 1S 11E34 227-10·17220 SEWARD A-2 60 3 29 147 31 28 s 1S 11E27 -60 3 16 147 31 5 s 1S 11E35 227-10-17230 SEWARD A-2 60 3 42 147 31 10 s 1S 11E26 60 3 30 147 30 38 s 1S 11E26 227-10-17240 SEWARD A-2 60 4 9 147 29 59 s 1S 11E26 -60 3 52 147 30 6 s 1S 11E26 227-10-17250 SEWARD A-2 60 4 11 147 29 25 s 1S 11E24 60 3 56 147 28 52 s 1S 11E25 227·10·17260 SEWARD A-2 60 4 36 147 28 45 s 1S 11E24 -60 4 22 147 27 35 s 1S 12E19 227-10·17270 SEWARD A·2 60 5 3 147 27 36 s 1S 12E18 60 4 45 147 26 56 s 1S 12E19 227·10·17280 SEWARD A-2 60 5 25 147 26 34 s 1S 12E18 -60 5 11 147 26 23 s 1S 12E18 221-10-1n9o SEWARD A-2 60 5 29 147 26 19 s 1S 12E17 60 5 24 147 25 1 s 1S 12E17 227·20·11710 SEWARD B-1 60 15 54 147 4 29 s 2N 14E18 -60 15 38 147 3 47 s 2N 14E17 227-20·17300 SEWARD A-2 60 6 27 147 24 59 s 1S 12E 8 60 6 8 147 24 49 s 1S 12E 8 227-20-17310 SEWARD A-2 60 6 36 147 24 43 s 1S 12E 8 -60 6 23 147 23 56 s 1S 12E 9 227-20-17320 SEWARD A-2 60 6 50 147 24 8 s 1S 12E 4 60 6 40 147 24 7 s 1S 12E 9 227-20-17330 SEWARD A-2 60 7 30 147 23 19 s 1S 12E 4 -60 7 5 147 22 42 s 1S 12E 3 227-20-17340 SEWARD A-2 60 8 1 147 22 51 s 1N 12E33 SEWARD A-1 60 8 9 147 21 26 s 1N 12E34 227-20-17370 SEWARD A-1 60 10 2 147 21 6 s 1N 12E22 60 9 47 147 21 21 s 1N 12E22 - 227-20-17374 SEWARD A-1 60 10 6 147 20 42 s 1N 12E22 60 9 44 147 19 41 s 1N 12E23 227-20-17377 SEWARD A-1 60 10 14 147 20 25 s 1N 12E15 -60 10 2 147 20 25 s 1N 12E22 227·20·17380 SEWARD A·1 60 10 29 147 20 8 s 1N 12E15 60 10 22 147 19 36 s 1N 12E14 227-20-17384 SEWARD A-1 60 11 4 147 19 7 s 1N 12E14 60 10 45 147 19 5 s 1N 12E14 - 227·20-17386 SEWARD A-1 60 11 12 147 18 53 s 1N 12E11 60 10 47 147 18 15 s 1N 12E14 227·20-17390 SEWARD A-1 60 11 30 147 18 14 s 1N 12E11 60 11 2 147 17 24 s 1N 12E13 - 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 50 - Stream/Lake 227·20·17393 227·20·17393·2008 227·20·17393·2008·0010 227·20·17398 227·20·17400 227·20·17410 227·20·17420 227-20·17430 227-20·17440 227·20·17440·2008 227·20·17450 227·20·17460 227·20·17464 227·20·17465 227·20·17470 227-20·17480 227·20·17490 227·20·17500 227·20·17504 227·20·17510 227·20·17520 227·20·17530 227-20·17540 227-20·17546 227·20·17550 227·20·17560 227·20·17570 227·20·17582 227·20-17584 227·20·17586 227-20·17590 227·20·17590·0010 227·20·17590·2003 227-20·17596 3/25/86 Map Sheet ---------------------- SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A·1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A·1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD A-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B·1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B·1 SEWARD B·1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B-1 SEWARD B·1 SEWARD B-1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 11 33 147 18 23 S 1N 12E11 60 11 41 147 18 0 S 1N 12E12 60 11 46 147 18 24 S 1N 12E11 60 11 53 147 18 30 S 1N 12E11 60 11 47 147 18 32 S 1N 12E11 60 12 20 147 18 10 S 1N 12E 2 60 12 9 147 17 37 S 1N 12E 1 60 12 32 147 17 42 S 1N 12E 1 60 12 20 147 16 39 S 1N 12E 1 60 13 10 147 15 21 S 2N 13E31 60 13 7 147 13 32 S 2N 13E32 60 13 19 147 15 3 S 2N 13E31 60 13 21 147 14 53 S 2N 13E31 60 13 40 147 14 36 S 2N 13E32 60 13 24 147 14 5 S 2N 13E32 60 14 9 147 13 20 S 2N 13E29 60 13 48 147 11 58 S 2N 13E28 60 14 0 147 13 9 S 2N 13E29 60 13 39 147 12 42 S 2N 13E33 60 14 34 147 11 50 S 2N 13E21 60 14 16 147 10 45 S 2N 13E27 60 14 53 147 11 18 S 2N 13E21 60 14 42 147 9 55 S 2N 13E22 60 15 21 147 9 53 S 2N 13E22 60 15 0 147 9 22 S 2N 13E23 60 15 39 147 11 30 S 2N 13E16 60 15 42 147 11 8 S 2N 13E15 60 16 20 147 11 5 S 2N 13E10 60 16 2 147 11 2 S 2N 13E15 60 16 23 147 10 55 S 2N 13E10 60 16 18 147 10 20 S 2N 13E10 60 16 42 147 11 43 S 2N 13E 9 60 16 41 147 10 55 S 2N 13E10 60 16 56 147 12 9 S 2N 13E 9 60 17 4 147 11 31 S 2N 13E 9 60 17 18 147 12 17 S 2N 13E 4 60 17 7 147 11 46 S 2N 13E 9 60 17 53 147 11 43 S 2N 13E 4 60 17 29 147 11 34 S 2N 13E 4 60 18 17 147 10 54 S 3N 13E34 60 18 1 147 10 27 S 3N 13E34 60 18 22 147 10 18 S 3N 13E34 60 18 3 147 9 58 S 3N 13E34 60 18 26 147 10 4 S 3N 13E34 60 18 32 147 8 55 S 3N 13E35 60 19 2 147 10 3 S 3N 13E27 60 18 47 147 9 26 S 3N 13E34 60 19 37 147 11 28 S 3N 13E28 60 19 51 147 10 49 S 3N 13E22 60 19 58 147 12 38 S 3N 13E21 60 20 15 147 12 3 S 3N 13E21 60 20 24 147 12 30 S 3N 13E21 60 20 43 147 11 26 S 3N 13E16 60 20 26 147 8 34 S 3N 13E23 60 20 31 147 9 16 S 3N 13E23 60 20 11 147 8 31 S 3N 13E23 60 20 5 147 9 15 S 3N 13E23 60 20 6 147 8 17 S 3N 13E23 60 19 43 147 8 17 S 3N 13E26 60 20 7 147 7 26 S 3N 13E24 60 19 56 147 6 46 S 3N 13E24 60 19 51 147 6 15 S 3N 13E24 60 20 6 147 7 26 S 3N 13E24 60 19 40 147 7 10 S 3N 13E25 60 20 14 147 6 6 S 3N 13E24 60 19 52 147 5 54 S 3N 14E19 Page 51 .................. ~:~:~~(~~~: .................. -----~~~-~~::: ........ ----~~::(~~~~: .... ---~:~~~---.. 227·20·17600 SEYARD 8·1 60 20 16 147 5 12 S 3N 14E19 60 20 9 147 4 51 S 3N 14E19 227·20·17610 SEYARD 8·1 60 20 26 147 2 11 S 3N 14E21 .. 60 20 20 147 2 4 S 3N 14E21 227·20·17620 SEYARD 8·1 60 17 32 147 5 9 S 2N 14E 6 60 17 35 147 5 58 S 2N 13E 1 227·20·17630 SEYARD B-1 60 17 21 147 5 11 S 2N 14E 6 .- 60 17 18 147 5 43 S 2N 14E 6 227·20·17640 SEYARD B-1 60 16 47 147 6 6 S 2N 13E12 60 16 53 147 6 39 S 2N 13E12 227·20·17645 SEYARD B-1 60 16 23 147 6 29 S 2N 13E12 ._ 60 16 25 147 7 6 S 2N 13E12 227·20·17650 SEYARD 8·1 60 16 7 147 6 41 S 2N 13E13 60 16 3 147 7 20 S 2N 13E13 227·20·17653 SEYARD 8·1 60 15 52 147 6 59 S 2N 13E13 .- 60 15 52 147 7·44 S 2N 13E14 227·20·17657 SEYARD B-1 60 15 46 147 7 1 S 2N 13E13 60 15 35 147 7 42 S 2N 13E14 227·20·17660 SEYARD B-1 60 15 36 147 6 49 S 2N 13E13 .- 60 15 13 147 7 36 S 2N 13E24 227-20·17670 SEYARD B-1 60 15 37 147 6 30 S 2N 13E13 60 15 10 147 6 58 S 2N 13E24 227·20·17680 SEYARD B-1 60 15 40 147 6 21 S 2N 13E13 .. 60 15 0 147 5 59 S 2N 13E24 227·20·17690 SEYARD B-1 60 15 39 147 6 13 S 2N 13E13 60 15 14 147 5 57 S 2N 13E24 227·20·17700 SEYARD B-1 60 15 49 147 5 15 S 2N 14E18 ._ 60 15 42 147 4 50 S 2N 14E18 227·20·17720 SEYARD B-1 60 16 2 147 4 13 S 2N 14E17 60 16 4 147 3 22 S 2N 14E17 227·20·17730 SEYARD B-1 60 16 22 147 3 12 S 2N 14E 8 .- 60 16 14 147 2 32 S 2N 14E17 227·20·17740 SEYARD B-1 60 16 48 147 1 59 S 2N 14E 9 60 16 23 147 1 37 S 2N 14E 9 227·20·17750 SEYARD B-1 60 17 44 147 0 25 S 2N 14E 3 ._ 60 17 6 147 0 29 S 2N 14E10 227·20·17750·2007 SEYARD B-1 60 17 23 147 0 20 S 2N 14E 3 CORDOVA B-8 60 17 8 146 59 44 S 2N 14E 3 227·20·17760 CORDOVA 8·8 60 18 4 146 58 5 S 3N 14E35 ._ 60 17 47 146 58 3 S 2N 14E 2 227·20·17770 CORDOVA B-8 60 18 30 146 56 32 S 3N 14E36 60 17 27 146 56 52 S 2N 14E 1 227·20·17880 SEYARD B-2 60 17 37 147 22 44 S 2N 12E 4 ._ 60 16 58 147 23 26 S 2N 12E 8 227·20·17890 SEYARD B-2 60 16 6 147 26 22 S 2N 12E18 60 15 45 147 26 53 S 2N 11E13 227·30·17780 SEYARD A-2 60 1 10 147 22 46 S 2S 12E10 .- 60 0 49 147 29 42 S 2S 11E12 227·30·17780·2010 SEYARD A-2 60 1 26 147 23 18 S 2S 12E 9 60 1 54 147 23 18 S 2S 12E 4 227·30·17780·2020 SEYARD A-2 60 0 42 147 25 7 S 2S 12E 8 _. 60 0 46 147 26 15 S 2S 12E 8 227·30·17780·2020·3007 SEYARD A-2 60 0 38 147 25 49 S 2S 12E17 60 0 32 147 26 18 S 2S 12E17 227·30·17780·2026 SEYARD A-2 60 0 27 147 25 32 S 2S 12E17 .- 60 0 26 147 26 2 S 2S 12E17 227·30·17780·2031 SEYARD A-2 60 0 10 147 26 44 S 2S 12E18 60 0 4 147 26 48 S 2S 12E18 227·30·17790 BLYING SOUND 0·1 59 54 52 147 29 59 S 3S 11E14 _. Nellie Martin River 59 53 28 147 35 49 S 3S 11E29 227·30·17790·2011 BLYING SOUND D-1 59 54 49 147 30 13 S 3S 11E14 59 53 42 147 32 33 S 3S 11E27 227·30·17790·2011·3007 BLYING SOUND D·1 59 54 3 147 31 52 S 3S 11E22 .- 59 53 45 147 31 53 S 3S 11E22 227·30·17790·2020 BLYING SOUND D·1 59 54 56 147 30 15 S 3S 11E14 Patton River 59 55 18 147 31 31 S 3S 11E15 227·30·17790·2020·3008 BLYING SOUND D·1 59 55 5 147 30 55 S 3S 11E14 ._ 59 55 15 147 31 17 S 3S 11E14 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 52 ... Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ................................. -......... 227·30·17790·2040 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 54 23 147 32 45 s 3S 11E22 8raided Creek 59 54 55 147 33 49 s 3S 11E16 227·3D·17790·2040·3011 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 54 27 147 32 52 s 3S 11E22 59 54 13 147 34 10 s 3S 11E21 227·30·17800 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 54 30 147 28 59 s 3S 11E24 59 54 5 147 29 36 s 3S 11E24 227·30·17810 BLYING SOUND D·1 59 54 19 147 27 59 s 3S 11E24 59 53 34 147 29 9 s 3S 11E25 227·30·17820 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 52 24 147 26 46 s 3S 12E31 59 52 17 147 29 43 s 3S 11E35 227·30·17820·0010 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 52 35 147 27 42 s 3S 12E31 227·30·17830 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 51 16 147 34 11 s 4S 11E 4 59 51 34 147 33 35 s 4S 11E 4 227·30·17835 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 51 18 147 35 24 s 4S 11E 5 59 51 40 147 34 57 s 4S 11E 5 227·30·17837 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 51 9 147 36 49 s 4S 11E 6 Jeanie Creek 59 51 43 147 36 47 s 4S 11E 6 227·30·17840 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 50 18 147 38 38 s 4S 10E12 Slide Creek 59 50 32 147 39 20 s 4S 10E12 227·30·17870 8LYING SOUND D·1 59 48 22 147 44 35 s 4S 10E28 Strike Creek 59 48 52 147 43 37 s 4S 10E21 228·10·10010 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 55 146 8 10 C 17S 51117 60 23 28 146 9 35 C 17S 51118 228·10·10020 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 57 146 9 37 C 17S 51118 60 23 26 146 10 5 C 17S 51118 228·10·10020·2011 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 42 146 10 7 C 17S 51118 60 23 24 146 10 16 C 17S 51118 228·10·10030 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 54 146 10 21 C 17S 51118 60 23 25 146 10 31 C 17S 51118 228·10·10040 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 45 146 11 18 C 17S 61113 Snake Creek 60 22 46 146 13 50 C 17S 61123 228·10·10050 CORDOVA 8·6 60 24 21 146 10 26 C 17S 511 7 Fish Creek 60 24 56 146 10 44 C 17S 61112 228·10·10050·2007 CORDOVA 8·6 60 24 36 146 10 40 C 17S 61112 60 24 40 146 12 59 C 17S 61111 228·10·10050·2007·0010 CORDOVA 8·6 60 24 49 146 13 31 C 17S 61111 228·10·10050·2013 CORDOVA 8·6 60 24 52 146 10 43 C 17S 61112 60 25 0 146 11 34 C 17S 61112 228·10·10060 CORDOVA 8·6 60 24 38 146 8 32 C 17S 511 8 60 24 51 146 8 25 C 17S 511 8 228·10·18480 CORDOVA C·6 60 30 39 146 0 3 C 16S 411 6 Hidden Creek 60 30 51 146 1 16 C 16S 511 1 228·10·18640 CORDOVA C·5 60 35 13 145 52 26 C 15S 41111 60 34 33 145 51 28 C 15S 41112 228·10·18650 CORDOVA C·5 60 35 10 145 48 21 C 15S 311 8 Deep Creek 60 34 30 145 50 17 C 15S 41113 228·10·18660 CORDOVA C·5 60 33 30 145 50 28 C 15S 41124 60 33 42 145 50 15 C 15S 41113 228· 20·18330 CORDOVA 8·7 60 27 39 146 21 59 C 16S 71124 60 27 39 146 22 18 C 16S 71124 228· 20 ·18340 CORDOVA 8·7 60 26 43 146 22 9 C 16S 71136 Honker Creek 60 25 22 146 28 11 C 17S 7115 228·20·18350 CORDOVA 8·7 60 25 36 146 21 59 C 17S 7111 Cutoff Creek 60 23 49 146 26 22 C 17S 71116 228·20·18360 CORDOVA 8·7 60 24 16 146 22 28 C 17S 71112 60 23 58 146 23 55 C 17S 71114 228·20·18370 CORDOVA 8·7 60 24 2 146 21 47 C 17S 71113 Dan Creek 60 23 35 146 25 2 C 17S 71115 228·20·18370·2007 CORDOVA 8·7 60 23 49 146 22 8 C 17S 71113 60 23 21 146 22 11 C 17S 71113 228·20·18370·2017 CORDOVA 8·7 60 23 30 146 24 22 C 17S 71114 60 23 16 146 24 52 C 17S 71122 228·20·18380 CORDOVA 8·7 60 24 17 146 20 20 C 17S 611 7 60 23 48 146 20 55 C 17S 61118 228·20·18390 CORDOVA 8·7 60 24 45 146 18 39 C 17S 611 8 60 24 31 146 17 52 C 17S 611 8 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 53 ------------------~~~~~~~~~~: .................. -----~~~-~~~~=-·-····· ----~~~=~~?~~=----Legal ................. --.. - 228·20·18400 CORDOVA B·7 60 25 3 146 16 42 C 17S 6Y 4 60 24 42 146 16 46 C 17S 6Y 9 228·20·18408 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 22 146 15 57 C 16S 6Y27 -60 27 28 146 15 57 C 16S 6Y27 228·20·18410 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 9 146 16 41 C 16S 6Y28 60 27 28 146 16 30 C 16S 6Y28 228·20·18420 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 54 146 19 15 C 16S 6Y20 -60 28 6 146 18 50 C 16S 6Y20 228·20·18430 CORDOVA B·7 60 29 3 146 18 59 C 16S 6Y17 60 29 21 146 18 15 C 16S 6Y17 228·30·18440 CORDOVA C·7 60 30 31 146 17 43 C 16S 6Y 4 -Makaka Creek COROOVA B·7 60 28 53 146 16 53 C 16S 6Y16 228·30·18440·0020 CORDOVA B-7 60 28 48 146 17 9 C 16S 6Y16 Makaka Lakes 228·30·18440·2015 CORDOVA B-7 60 29 17 146 15 50 C 16S 6Y15 -60 29 28 146 15 50 C 16S 6Y10 228·30·18460 COROOVA C-6 60 30 52 146 13 26 C 16S 6Y 2 Hawkins Creek CORDOVA B-6 60 29 37 146 11 21 C 16S 6Y12 228·30·18460·2008 CORDOVA C·6 60 30 37 146 13 19 C 16S 6Y 2 -60 30 18 146 13 26 C 16S 6Y 2 228·30·18470 CORDOVA C-6 60 31 8 146 12 27 C 15S 6Y36 60 31 1 146 11 42 C 16S 6Y 1 228·30·18470·2004 CORDOVA C·6 60 31 1 146 12 51 C 16S 6Y 1 -60 30 51 146 12 25 C 16S 6Y 1 228·30·18480 COROOVA C-6 60 31 37 146 10 14 C 15S 5Y31 60 31 16 146 9 53 C 15S 5Y31 228·30·18490 COROOVA C-6 60 31 7 146 8 46 C 15S 5Y32 -60 30 42 146 9 52 C 16S 5Y 6 228·30·18492 CORDOVA C-6 60 31 8 146 8 35 C 15S 5Y32 60 30 49 146 8 2 C 16S 5Y 5 228·30·18500 CORDOVA C·6 60 30 51 146 6 52 C 16S 5Y 4 Canee Creek 60 30 3 146 8 26 C 16S 5Y 8 - 228·30·18510 CORDOVA C·6 60 30 27 146 5 0 C 16S 5Y 3 Canyon Creek 60 30 18 146 4 44 C 16S 5Y 3 228·30·18513 CORDOVA C-6 60 30 13 146 3 59 C 16S 5Y11 60 30 9 146 3 13 C 16S 5Y11 - 228·30·18516 CORDOVA C-6 60 30 13 146 4 0 C 16S 5Y11 60 30 19 146 3 36 C 16S 5Y 2 228·30·18520 CORDOVA C-6 60 30 42 146 4 14 C 16S 5Y 3 60 30 46 146 3 18 C 16S 5Y 2 - 228·30·18520·0010 CORDOVA C·6 60 30 49 146 3 52 C 16S 5W 2 228·30·18520·0020 CORDOVA C-6 60 30 50 146 3 6 C 16S 5Y 2 228·30·18530 CORDOVA C·6 60 31 43 146 5 31 C 15S 5Y34 -60 31 39 146 5 24 C 15S 5Y34 228·30·18540 CORDOVA C-6 60 32 44 146 4 33 C 15S 5Y27 60 32 27 146 4 6 C 15S 5Y26 228·30·18550 CORDOVA C-6 60 32 54 146 2 44 C 15S 5Y23 -60 32 21 146 2 24 C 15S 5Y25 228·30·18555 CORDOVA C-6 60 32 51 146 2 8 C 15S 5Y24 60 32 26 146 1 59 C 15S 5Y25 228·30·18560 CORDOVA C-6 60 32 59 146 1 16 C 15S 5Y24 -Paul Creek 60 32 15 146 0 49 C 15S 5Y25 228·30·18570 CORDOVA C-6 60 33 25 146 0 13 C 15S 4Y19 Cedar Creek 60 33 0 145 59 27 C 15S 4Y19 228·30·18570·2015 CORDOVA C·6 60 33 23 145 59 45 C 15S 4Y19 -Hemlock Creek 60 33 12 145 58 46 C 15S 4Y20 228·30·18580 CORDOVA C-6 60 33 50 145 59 31 C 15S 4Y18 60 33 32 145 59 3 C 15S 4Y19 228·30·18590 COROOVA C-6 60 33 38 145 58 10 C 15S 4Y20 -60 33 19 145 57 58 C 15S 4Y20 228·30·18600 COROOVA C-6 60 33 33 145 57 4 C 15S 4Y21 60 33 5 145 56 43 C 15S 4Y21 228·30·18605 CORDOVA C-6 60 33 29 145 56 24 C 15S 4Y21 -60 33 6 145 56 7 C 15S 4Y21 228·30·18610 CORDOVA C-6 60 33 33 145 55 49 C 15S 4Y21 Yindy Creek 60 33 20 145 54 21 C 15S 4Y22 -3/25/86 Southcentral Page 54 - ,._, ___ ,~,_-,,_<-,,._ ,, "~''"""'"··""-,~--·-- Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat ./Long. Legal ---------------···-··------·-----··········--·-................................................................................... ....................... 228·30·18620 CORDOVA C-6 60 34 57 145 56 14 c 155 4\J 9 60 34 25 145 55 27 c 155 4W15 228·30·18630 CORDOVA C-6 60 35 3 145 53 58 c 155 4W10 Crea Creek 60 34 34 145 53 3 c 155 41111 228·30·18630·2007 CORDOVA C·6 60 35 3 145 53 56 c 155 4W10 60 35 4 145 53 15 c 155 41111 228·40·18240 CORDOVA B·7 60 28 56 146 34 29 c 165 81114 60 28 30 146 35 31 c 165 81114 228·40·18260 CORDOVA B-7 60 27 58 146 33 18 c 165 8W24 60 28 11 146 33 36 c 165 81124 228·40·18270 CORDOVA B-7 60 27 32 146 33 47 c 165 8W25 Eagle Creek 60 26 55 146 35 46 c 165 81127 228·40·18280 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 23 146 32 3 c 165 71130 Anderson Creek 60 26 24 146 33 19 c 165 8W36 228·40·18290 CORDOVA B-7 60 27 19 146 28 28 c 165 71128 Bear Creek 60 26 30 146 31 40 c 165 71131 228·40·18290·2005 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 17 146 28 33 c 165 71128 60 26 39 146 28 50 c 165 71132 228·40·18300 CORDOVA B·7 60 27 20 146 28 16 c 165 71128 60 27 5 146 28 16 c 165 71128 228·40·18310 CORDOVA 8·7 60 27 35 146 26 53 c 165 71127 Double Creek 60 26 15 146 29 46 c 165 71132 228·40·18320 CORDOVA B-7 60 27 48 146 26 15 c 165 71122 60 27 28 146 26 5 c 165 71127 228·50·18160 CORDOVA B-8 60 21 59 146 43 8 c 175 9\J25 60 22 12 146 42 27 c 175 9\J25 228·50·18165 CORDOVA B·8 60 23 13 146 42 52 c 175 9\J24 60 22 45 146 42 34 c 175 91J24 228·50·18170 COROOVA B-8 60 23 31 146 42 20 c 175 9\J13 60 22 47 146 41 33 c 175 81119 228·50·18170·2011 CORDOVA B·8 60 23 16 146 42 11 c 175 9\J24 60 23 21 146 41 0 c 175 81118 228·50·18180 CORDOVA B-8 60 24 15 146 42 9 c 175 9\J12 60 24 14 146 40 19 c 175 811 7 228·50·18180·2015 COROOVA 8·8 60 24 26 146 41 49 c 175 8W 7 60 24 32 146 41 35 c 175 8W 7 228·50·18180·2019 CORDOVA B·8 60 24 26 146 41 50 c 175 8\J 7 60 24 40 146 41 1 c 175 8W 7 228·50·18185 CORDOVA B·8 60 25 29 146 39 27 c 175 8W 5 60 25 11 146 39 49 c 175 8W 5 228·50·18188 CORDOVA B·8 60 25 24 146 38 20 c 175 8\J 4 60 24 54 146 38 19 c 175 8W 9 228·50·18190 CORDOVA B·8 60 25 40 146 38 0 c 175 8\J 4 CORDOVA B-7 60 25 2 146 36 5 c 175 811 3 228·50·18195 CORDOVA B·8 60 26 4 146 39 16 c 165 8W32 60 26 30 146 39 6 c 165 8W33 228· 50·18230 CORDOVA 8·8 60 28 23 146 37 30 c 165 8W21 CORDOVA B-7 60 27 14 146 37 12 c 165 81127 228·60·18000 CORDOVA 8·8 60 15 7 146 39 16 c 195 8W 5 60 15 25 146 38 26 c 195 811 4 228·60·18030 CORDOVA 8·8 60 17 2 146 41 14 c 185 8W30 60 16 37 146 40 31 c 185 8W30 228·60·18040 CORDOVA 8·8 60 17 52 146 37 50 c 185 8W21 CORDOVA B-7 60 17 1 146 36 57 c 185 81128 228·60·18050 CORDOVA 8·8 60 18 3 146 37 43 c 185 8W21 CORDOVA B-7 60 17 26 146 36 0 c 185 8W22 228·60·18060 CORDOVA B·7 60 19 6 146 34 26 c 185 8W11 Etches Creek 60 18 3 146 33 29 c 185 8W23 228·60·18070 CORDOVA 8·7 60 19 22 146 33 36 c 185 8W11 60 18 53 146 31 26 c 185 71118 228·60·18080 CORDOVA B-7 60 20 2 146 31 40 c 185 8W 1 60 19 37 146 31 13 c 185 7117 228·60·18090 CORDOVA B·7 60 20 10 146 31 19 c 185 7116 60 19 39 146 30 42 c 185 7117 228·60·18100 CORDOVA B-7 60 20 31 146 30 50 c 185 7116 Garden Creek 60 20 55 146 29 22 c 175 71132 228·60·18110 CORDOVA B·7 60 21 52 146 28 57 c 175 71129 60 21 35 146 27 15 c 175 71128 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 55 .................. :~~:~~~:~~: .................. -----~~~-:~::~---····· .... :~~:~:?~~=---· Legal -................... 228·60·18120 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 57 146 28 49 c 175 7\.129 Nuchek Creek 60 22 38 146 24 45 c 175 7\.122 228·60·18130 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 13 146 34 53 c 175 8W35 -60 21 31 146 34 20 c 175 8W35 228·60·18140 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 19 146 35 54 c 175 8W34 60 21 40 146 35 3 c 175 81.127 228·60·18150 CORDOVA 8·7 60 22 27 146 35 29 c 175 81.122 -Constantine Creek 60 23 52 146 32 13 c 175 81.113 228·60·18152 CORDOVA 8·7 60 22 21 146 36 14 c 175 8W27 60 22 42 146 36 4 c 175 81.122 228·60·18153 COROOVA 8·7 60 22 11 146 36 32 c 175 8W27 -60 22 16 146 36 42 c 175 81.127 228·60·18154 CORDOVA 8·7 60 22 0 146 36 54 c 175 8W28 60 22 8 146 36 58 c 175 81.128 228·60·18155 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 55 146 37 5 c 175 8W28 -60 22 0 146 37 14 c 175 81.128 228·60·18156 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 40 146 37 27 c 175 8W28 60 21 51 146 37 26 c 175 8W28 228·60·18157 CORDOVA B-8 60 21 37 146 37 44 c 175 8W28 -60 21 43 146 37 43 c 175 81.128 228·60-18158 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 34 146 38 6 c 175 81.128 60 21 43 146 37 58 C 17S 81.128 228·60·18160 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 31 146 38 28 C 17S 8W33 -60 21 47 146 38 32 C 17S 8W29 228·60·18162 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 18 146 39 15 C 17S 8W32 60 21 25 146 39 18 C 17S 8W32 228·60·18163 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 13 146 39 31 C 17S 8W32 -60 21 21 146 39 32 C 17S 8W32 228·60·18164 CORDOVA B-8 60 21 10 146 39 42 C 17S 8\.132 60 21 18 146 39 45 c 175 8W32 228·60·18165 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 8 146 39 59 c 175 8\.132 -60 21 14 146 40 4 C 17S 81.132 228·60·18166 CORDOVA 8·8 60 21 4 146 40 8 C 17S 8W32 60 21 9 146 40 19 C 17S 81.131 228-60·18168 CORDOVA 8·8 60 20 48 146 40 56 C 17S 8\.131 -60 20 55 146 41 9 C 17S 81.131 228·60·18170 CORDOVA 8·8 60 20 14 146 39 3 c 185 8W 5 60 20 25 146 38 16 c 185 8W 4 228·70·10500 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 2 146 15 5 C 17S 61.134 -CORDOVA 8·6 60 21 23 146 14 9 C 17S 61.135 228·70·10500·2011 CORDOVA 8·6 60 21 23 146 14 36 C 17S 6W34 60 21 34 146 14 20 C 17S 6W27 231·30-10040 5EWARD A·7 60 2 56 149 26 14 s 1S 1W34 -Tonsina Creek 60 1 51 149 29 20 s 2S 1W 5 231·30·10070 5EWARD A·7 60 6 59 149 26 12 s 15 1W 3 60 7 22 149 26 37 5 1S 1W 3 231·30·10078 SEWARO A-7 60 7 25 149 24 7 5 15 1W 2 -60 8 3 149 24 59 5 1N 1W34 231·30·10080 SEWARD A-7 60 7 26 149 23 39 5 15 1W 2 Resurrection River SEWARD 8·8 60 19 39 149 48 4 s 3N 31.128 231·30·10080·2010 SEWARD A-7 60 8 6 149 24 5 5 1N 11.135 -Salmon Creek 60 10 43 149 23 32 5 1N 1W14 231·30·10080·2010·3011 5EWARD A-7 60 9 11 149 24 57 5 1N 1\.127 60 9 32 149 25 24 5 1N 1\.122 231·30-10080-2010·3019 5EWARD A-7 60 9 44 149 24 22 s 1N 1W23 -60 10 8 149 24 30 s 1N 1W23 231-30·10080·2010·3029 SEWARD A-7 60 10 42 149 23 32 s 1N 1W14 60 14 22 149 21 56 5 2N 1W25 231·30·10080-2010·3029·0010 5EWARD A-7 60 12 7 149 22 23 5 1N 1W 1 -Grouse Lake 231-30·10080·2010·3029·4010 5EWARD A-7 60 11 10 149 23 14 5 1N 1W11 60 13 13 149 20 57 5 2N 1E31 231·30-10080·2010·3029·4010·0010 5EWARD A-7 60 12 4 149 21 9 5 1N 1E 6 -8ear Lake 231·30·10080·2010·3029·4010·5006 5EWARD A-7 60 11 49 149 20 35 5 1N 1E 7 60 11 38 149 20 16 5 1N 1E 7 231·30·10080·2010·3029·4010·5010 5EWARD A-7 60 12 26 149 20 30 5 1N 1E 6 -60 12 44 149 20 5 5 1N 1E 6 3/25/86 5outhcentral Page 56 - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ........................................................................................... .......................................... ...................................... ......................... 231·30·10080·2017 SEWARD A·7 60 8 18 149 24 48 s 1N 1\.135 60 8 17 149 24 56 s 1N 1\.134 231·30·10080·2017·0010 SEWARD A·? 60 8 19 149 25 4 s 1N 1\.134 231·30·10080·2021 SEWARD A·? 60 8 23 149 24 53 s 1N 1\.135 60 8 19 149 26 49 s 1N 1\.133 231·30·10080·2021·3010 SEWARD A·7 60 8 38 149 26 37 s 1N 1\.127 60 9 15 149 26 40 s 1N 1\.128 231·30·10080·2040 SEWARD A·7 60 9 29 149 26 42 s 1N 1\.121 60 10 24 149 29 20 s 1N 1\.117 231·30·10080·2040·3010 SEWARD A·? 60 9 58 149 27 7 s 1N 1\.121 60 10 11 149 26 30 s 1N 1\.122 231·30·10080·2040·3018 SEWARD A·? 60 10 6 149 27 47 s 1N 1\.121 60 10 13 149 27 48 s 1N 1\.116 231·30·10080·2055 SEWARD A·7 60 9 52 149 30 4 s 1N 1\.120 60 10 1 149 31 35 s 1N 1W19 231·30·10080·2055·3018 SEWARD A·7 60 10 7 149 31 23 s 1N 1\.119 60 10 8 149 31 52 s 1N 2W24 231·30·10080·2070 SEWARD A·? 60 10 55 149 33 28 s 1N 2\.113 60 11 17 149 33 33 s 1N 2W12 231·30·10080·2080 SEWARD A·7 60 12 13 149 35 22 s 1N 2\.1 3 60 12 19 149 35 8 s 1N 2\ol 2 231·30·10080·2090 SEWARD A·8 60 14 26 149 38 42 s 2N 2\.128 Martin Creek 60 14 23 149 37 40 s 2N 2\.128 231·30·10080·2100 SEWARD 8·8 60 15 16 149 39 30 s 2N 2\.120 60 15 35 149 39 26 s 2N 2\.117 231·30·10080·2103 SEWARD 8·8 60 15 13 149 39 45 s 2N 2\.120 60 15 12 149 40 35 s 2N 2\.119 231·30·10080·2119 SEWARO 8·8 60 16 13 149 40 44 s 2N 21118 Placer Creek 60 16 1 149 41 45 s 2N 2\.118 231·30·10080·2120 SEWARD 8·8 60 16 16 149 40 41 s 2N 2\.118 Boulder Creek 60 17 2 149 40 6 s 2N 2W 8 231·30·10080·2130 SEWARD 8·8 60 17 10 149 42 26 s 2N 3\.1 1 60 17 39 149 42 25 s 2N 3\.1 1 231·30·10080·2135 SEWARD 8·8 60 17 12 149 43 3 s 2N 3\ol 1 60 16 39 149 43 17 s 2N 3\.112 231·30·10080·2138 SEWARD 8·8 60 17 20 149 43 16 s 2N 3\.1 1 60 18 0 149 43 36 s 2N 3\ol 1 231·30·10080·2141 SEWARO 8·8 60 17 10 149 43 29 s 2N 3\.1 1 60 16 46 149 43 30 s 2N 3\.112 231·30·10080·2155 SEWARD 8·8 60 18 3 149 45 17 s 3N 3W35 Moose Creek 60 17 56 149 46 25 s 2N 3\.1 3 231·30·10080·2158 SEIJARD 8·8 60 18 14 149 45 36 s 3N 3\.135 60 18 28 149 45 30 s 3N 3W35 231·30·10080·2164 SEWARD 8·8 60 18 20 149 46 19 s 3N 3\.134 60 18 42 149 46 32 s 3N 3\.134 231·30·10080·2169 SEWARD 8·8 60 18 18 149 46 44 s 3N 3\.134 60 18 20 149 48 11 s 3N 3\.133 231·30·10080·2169·3005 SEWARD 8·8 60 18 15 149 47 4 s 3N 3W34 60 18 0 149 47 11 s 2N 3\.1 3 231·30·10080·2175 SEWARD 8·8 60 19 7 149 47 56 s 3N 3\.128 Summit Creek 60 18 38 149 49 21 s 3N 3\.132 231·30·10090 SEWARD A·7 60 7 44 149 22 57 s 1N 1W36 60 8 29 149 23 10 s 1N 1W25 231·30·10094 SEWARD A·7 60 7 36 149 22 54 s 1S 1\J 1 60 8 22 149 21 22 s 1N 1E31 231·30·10096 SEIJARD A·7 60 7 32 149 22 37 s 1S 1\.1 1 60 7 57 149 22 10 s 1N 1\.136 231·30·10104 SE\.IARD A·? 60 7 20 149 22 5 s 1S 1\.1 1 60 7 21 149 20 58 s 1S 1E 6 231·30·10110 SEWARD A·7 60 5 43 149 21 43 s 1S 1\.113 Fourth of July Creek 60 5 54 149 20 3 s 1S 1E 7 231·30·10130 SEWARD A·7 60 4 51 149 20 28 s 1S 1E19 60 5 49 149 18 23 s 1S 1E17 231·30·10160 SEWARO A·7 60 0 53 149 17 10 s 2S 1E 9 Likes Creek 60 1 16 149 16 57 s 2S 1E 9 232·10·10330 SELDOVIA 8·3 59 21 11 150 50 34 s 9S 9\.132 59 22 34 150 51 39 s 9S 9\.119 3!25/86 Southcentral Page 57 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ........................................................................................... .......................................... ................................... .................... ..... 232·10·10330·2015 SELDOVIA B·3 59 21 25 150 52 2 S 9S 9W31 59 21 57 150 53 23 S 9S 10W25 232·10·10340 SELDOVIA B-3 59 18 44 150 56 17 S 10S 10W15 _. 59 19 16 150 56 58 S lOS 10W10 232·15·10260 SELDOVIA B-2 59 18 11 150 42 33 S 105 9W24 59 18 45 150 42 4 S lOS 8W18 232·15·10270 SELDOVIA B-2 59 19 57 150 44 5 S lOS 9W 2 _. 59 19 37 150 43 16 S lOS 9W12 232·15·10280 SELDOVIA B-2 59 20 42 150 43 47 S 105 9W 1 59 20 20 150 42 46 S lOS 9W 1 232·15·10290 SELDOVIA B-2 59 21 26 150 42 38 S 95 9W36 _. 59 21 18 150 42 43 S 95 9W36 232·15·10300 SELDOVIA B-2 59 21 33 150 42 18 S 95 8W31 59 21 28 150 41 30 S 95 8W31 232·15·10310 SELDOVIA B-2 59 22 27 150 41 39 S 95 8W30 w. 59 22 18 150 40 46 S 95 8W30 232·15·10320 SELDOVIA B-2 59 22 32 150 41 26 S 95 8W30 59 22 37 150 40 59 S 95 8W19 232·21·10220 SELDOVIA B-2 59 25 27 150 39 9 S 95 8W 5 .- 59 25 44 150 39 34 s 95 8W 5 232·21·10230 SELDOVIA B-2 59 23 33 150 37 35 S 95 8W16 59 23 44 150 37 53 S 95 8W16 232·21·10240 SELDOVIA B-2 59 23 32 150 37 46 S 95 8W16 _. 59 23 28 150 38 2 S 9S 8W16 232·21·10240·2006 SELDOVIA B-2 59 23 34 150 37 56 S 95 8W16 59 23 39 150 38 6 S 95 8W16 232·21·10240·2010 SELDOVIA B•2 59 23 34 150 37 56 S 95 8W16 .w 59 23 35 150 38 13 S 95 8W16 232-22·10010 SELDOVIA B-2 59 28 29 150 30 12 S 85 7W20 59 28 18 150 29 46 s 85 7W20 232·22·10020 SELDOVIA C-2 59 31 46 150 28 35 S 75 7W33 .. Babcock Creek 59 32 27 150 27 22 S 75 7W27 232·22·10050 SELDOVIA C-2 59 31 18 150 31 4 S 75 7W32 59 32 2 150 29 52 s 75 7W32 232·22-10080 SELDOVIA C-2 59 36 3 150 30 30 S 75 7W 5 .. 59 37 21 150 29 9 s 65 7W28 232·22·10090 SELDOVIA C-2 59 35 55 150 32 57 S 75 8W 1 59 36 33 150 33 34 S 65 8W36 232·22·10090-2010 SELDOVIA C·2 59 36 27 150 33 27 S 65 8W36 -. 59 36 34 150 33 27 S 65 8W36 232·22-10130 SELDOVIA C-2 59 33 22 150 38 27 S 75 8W21 Nuka River 59 36 4 150 40 52 s 75 8W 5 232·22·10135 SELDOVIA C-2 59 33 15 150 38 32 S 75 8W21 .. 59 33 26 150 39 5 S 75 8W21 232·22·10140 SELDOVIA C-2 59 32 59 150 39 3 S 75 8W21 59 33 15 150 39 24 S 7S 8W21 232·22·10145 SELDOVIA C-2 59 32 52 150 39 36 S 75 8W28 - Ferrum Creek 59 32 55 150 43 17 S 7S 9W25 232·22·10160 SELDOVIA C-2 59 31 12 150 38 21 S 85 8W 4 59 30 53 150 38 39 S 8S 8W 4 232·22·10190 SELDOVIA B-2 59 28 18 150 39 31 S 85 8W21 - 59 28 25 150 39 59 5 85 8W20 232·22·10210 5ELDOVIA B-2 59 27 43 150 38 30 5 85 8W28 59 27 21 150 39 24 S 85 8W28 232·23·10100 5ELDOVIA C-1 59 32 20 150 20 36 S 75 6W29 - 59 32 38 150 18 36 S 7S 6W28 232·23·10100·0010 5ELDOVIA C-1 59 33 6 150 16 38 S 75 6W22 Del i ght Lake 232·23·10120 SELDOVIA C-1 59 34 56 150 17 12 S 75 6W10 - 59 35 19 150 15 52 S 75 6W11 232·23·10120·0010 SELDOVIA C-1 59 35 50 150 15 2 S 75 6W 2 232·23·10260 SELDOVIA C-2 59 35 3 150 24 37 5 75 7W11 59 36 37 150 24 48 s 65 7W35 - 232·30·10190 BLYING SOUND C-8 59 39 44 149 59 52 S 65 4W17 59 39 52 150 0 0 S 65 4W17 232·30·10250 SELDOVIA C-1 59 40 46 150 6 16 S 65 5W 3 59 41 15 150 5 10 s 65 5W 2 - 3/25/86 5outhcentral Page 58 - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .................................................................................................................. ................................................. ............................................... ........... --............. 232·30·10250·2008 SELDOVIA C·1 59 41 17 150 5 9 s 6S 51.1 2 59 41 15 150 3 51 s 6S 5W 1 232·40·10150 BLYING SOUND D·8 59 54 45 149 39 9 s 3S 2W17 59 54 54 149 37 50 s 3S 2W16 232·40·10160 BLYING SOUND D-8 59 55 36 149 39 46 s 3S 2W 8 59 55 33 149 38 36 s 3S 2W 9 232·40·10170 BLYING SOUND D-8 59 56 12 149 40 20 s 3S 2W 8 59 56 25 149 38 53 s 3S 2W 5 232·40·10180 8LYING SOUND D-8 59 57 0 149 40 50 s 3S 2W 6 59 57 12 149 39 38 s 3S 2W 5 232·40·10190 8LYING SOUND D-8 59 57 21 i49 43 2 s 2S 31.136 59 58 2 149 43 5 s 2S 3W36 232·40·10230 BLYING SOUND D·8 59 52 42 149 44 23 s 3S 31.135 59 54 10 149 43 54 s 3S 3W23 232·40·10230·0010 BLYING SOUND D-8 59 53 20 149 44 23 s 3S 3W26 232·40·10230·0020 BLYING SOUND D-8 59 54 28 149 44 11 s 3S 3W23 232·40·10280 8LYING SOUND D-8 59 47 10 149 47 12 s 4S 3W34 59 47 14 149 47 56 s 4S 3W33 232·40·10280·2007 BLYING SOUND D-8 59 47 11 149 47 19 s 4S 31.133 59 47 2 149 47 25 s 4S 3W33 233·20·10050 8LYING SOUND D-6 59 58 38 148 56 43 s 2S 3E28 59 59 17 148 56 51 s 2S 3E21 233·20·10080 BLYING SOUND D-6 59 59 1 149 1 20 s 2S 2E24 59 59 51 149 1 3 s 2S 2E13 233·20·10082 8LYING SOUND D-6 59 59 0 149 1 22 s 2S 2E24 59 59 29 149 1 20 s 2S 2E24 233·30·10040 SEWARD A-6 60 1 58 149 9 31 s 2S 2E 6 60 2 24 149 10 9 s 2S 2E 6 233·30·10050 SEWARD A·6 60 2 47 149 7 25 s 1S 2E33 60 3 7 149 7 30 s 1S 2E33 233·30·10060 SEWARD A-6 60 3 17 149 3 42 s 1S 2E26 60 3 45 149 2 45 s 1S 2E26 233·30·10070 SEWARD A·6 60 2 38 149 1 55 s 1S 2E36 60 3 8 149 0 48 s 1S 2E36 241·11·10680 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 26 19 151 47 50 s as 151.134 59 25 13 151 46 30 s 9S 15\ol 3 241·11·10730 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 23 20 151 40 58 s 9S 14W20 Seldovia River 59 20 45 151 35 35 S 10S 14W 2 241 . 1 1 . 1 0740 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 23 48 151 40 57 s 9S 14W17 59 24 7 151 36 , s 9S 14W14 241·11·10740·2010 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 23 49 151 38 45 s 9S 14W16 59 23 25 151 36 22 s 9S 14W15 241·11·10770 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 26 6 151 42 39 s as 14W32 Seldovia Slough 59 27 6 151 42 5 s as 141.129 241·11·10770·2010 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 26 22 151 42 10 s as 141.J32 59 26 21 151 42 0 s as 14W32 241·11·10800 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 29 2 151 39 3 s as 14W15 Barabara Creek 59 24 19 151 34 3 s 9S 141.112 241·11·10a00·2017 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 27 5 151 36 45 s as 14W26 59 26 34 151 34 23 s as 141.136 241·11·10800·2020 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 26 53 151 36 44 s as 14W26 59 26 19 151 37 41 s as 141.134 241·11·10a00·2030 SELDOVIA 8·5 59 26 22 151 36 10 s as 14W35 59 26 10 151 36 44 s as 141.135 241·13·10760 SELDOVIA C·4 59 40 59 151 22 12 s 6S 12W 5 Fritz Creek 59 42 33 151 20 34 s 5S 12W2a 241·14·10510 SELDOVIA C-4 59 39 39 151 a 42 s 6S 111.115 Humpy Creek SELDOVIA C·3 59 37 25 151 5 17 s 6S 11W26 241·14·10510·2011 SELDOVIA C-3 59 39 20 151 7 30 s 6S 11\.115 59 39 12 151 6 54 s 6S 11\J14 241·14·10530 SELDOVIA C-3 59 40 58 151 6 54 s 6S 111.1 2 59 40 51 151 5 33 s 6S 11W 2 241·14·10540 SELDOVIA C·3 59 41 39 151 5 51 s 5S 111.135 59 41 3a 151 3 33 s 5S 10W31 241·14·10600 SELDOVIA 0·3 59 45 48 151 0 11 s 5S 10W 9 Martin River SELDOV!A C·3 59 41 45 151 0 5 s 5S 10\J33 3!25ta6 Southcentral Page 59 ···············---~=~:~~~:~~: __________________ -----~~~-~~::: ........ ____ :~==~:?~~=----Legal -..................... 241-14-10600·0010 SELOOVIA C-3 59 41 38 151 0 7 s 5S 101133 241-14·10610 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 45 51 150 58 43 s 5S 1011 9 -Battle Creek SELOOVIA C-3 59 44 20 150 53 55 s 5S 101113 241-14-10625 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 47 34 150 55 48 s 4S 101136 59 50 1 150 53 55 s 4S 91118 241-14-10625·2010 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 48 14 150 54 22 s 4S 10W25 -Bradley River 59 47 56 150 51 56 s 4S 9W29 241-14-10625-2030 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 49 59 150 53 53 s 4S 9W18 59 50 51 150 52 51 s 4S 9W 7 241 -14. 1 0630 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 47 40 150 56 31 s 4S 101135 -Sheep Creek SELOOVIA 0·2 59 49 49 150 40 27 s 4S 81116 241-14·10630·2045 SELOOVIA 0·2 59 49 49 150 40 23 s 4S 8W16 59 49 16 150 37 34 s 4S 81122 241-14-10645 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 48 5 150 59 18 s 4S 10W27 -Fox River SELOOVIA 0·2 59 56 15 150 33 52 s 3S 8W12 241-14-10645-2060 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 53 22 150 51 18 s 3S 9W29 Clearwater Slough SELOOVIA 0·2 59 53 34 150 42 1 s 3S 8W29 241-14-10645-2060·3010 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 53 52 150 48 31 s 3S 91122 -59 53 16 150 47 36 s 3S 91127 241-14-10645-2071 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 54 30 150 50 30 s 3S 9W21 59 54 45 150 50 30 s 3S 91116 241·14-10645-2081 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 55 31 150 49 27 s 3S 9W 9 -59 55 36 150 49 49 s 3S 9W 9 241-14·10645-2101 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 57 34 150 49 29 s 2S 9W33 59 57 28 150 50 0 s 2S 9W33 241-14-10645-2131 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 58 59 150 46 20 s 2S 9W23 -SELOOVIA 0·2 59 58 58 150 41 52 s 2S 81120 241-14-10660 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 47 40 151 3 25 s 4S 10W31 Fox Creek 59 53 40 151 1 38 s 3S 10W29 241-14-10660-0010 SELOOVIA 0·3 59 54 16 151 3 0 s 3S 101119 -Caribou Lake 241-15-10340 SELOOVIA C-4 59 33 3 151 20 37 s 7S 12\.J21 59 30 30 151 11 19 s as 1111 5 241-15-10345 SELOOVIA C-4 59 33 17 151 18 43 s 7S 12\.J22 -Stonehocker Creek 59 31 52 151 19 36 s 7S 121133 241-15·10350 SELOOVIA C-4 59 33 11 151 18 14 s 7S 121122 Silver Creek 59 32 32 151 18 7 s 7S 12W27 241-15-10370 SELOOVIA C-4 59 33 6 151 14 18 s 7S 121124 -59 32 55 151 13 9 s 7S 11W30 241-15-10420 SELOOVIA C-4 59 35 27 151 13 46 s 7S 1111 7 59 35 16 151 13 57 s 7S 121112 241-15-10450 SELOOVIA C-4 59 33 45 151 11 45 s 7S 11\.J20 -59 33 15 151 10 47 s 7S 111120 241-16-10040 SELOOVIA 8·4 59 27 2 151 29 5 s as 13w27 Jakolof Creek 59 25 38 151 27 19 s 9S 13W 3 241-16-10040-2010 SELOOVIA B-4 59 26 41 151 28 25 s as 13w34 -59 26 18 151 29 25 s as 13W33 241-16-10040-2013 SELDOVIA B-4 59 26 23 151 28 12 s as 13w34 59 26 10 151 27 30 s as 13W34 241-16·10040-2013-0010 SELOOVIA B-4 59 26 8 151 27 19 s as 13W35 -241-16-10040-2020 SELOOVIA B-4 59 25 48 151 27 37 s 9S 13W 3 59 25 36 151 28 45 s 9S 13W 4 241·16-10090 SELOOVIA 8·4 59 26 9 151 24 46 s as 13\.J36 59 24 55 151 22 49 s 9S 13W12 -241·16-10130 SELOOVIA 8·4 59 24 50 151 17 17 s 9S 12W10 59 24 23 151 11 6 s 9S 11W 7 241-16-10130-2010 SELOOVIA B-4 59 24 35 151 15 48 s 9S 12\.J11 59 23 0 151 13 12 s 9S 12W24 -241-16·10130-2031 SELOOVIA 8·4 59 24 28 151 11 44 s 9S 11W 7 59 25 41 151 11 38 s 9S 11W 6 241-16-10240 SELOOVIA B-4 59 27 33 151 20 51 s as 12\.J29 59 26 3 151 14 16 s 8S 12W36 -241-16-10245 SELOOVIA 8·4 59 27 39 151 20 36 s as 12\.J28 59 27 48 151 18 22 s as 12w22 241-20-10550 SELOOVIA B-5 59 19 11 151 46 20 S lOS 15W11 59 18 21 151 39 52 S lOS 14W17 - 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 60 - Stream/Lake 241·20·10550·2018 241·20·10560 241·30·10500 English Bay River 241·30·10500·0010 241·30·10500·0020 241·30·10500·0030 241·40·10300 241·40·10320 241·40·10325 242·10·10196 242·10·10196·0010 242·10·10200 242·10·10200·0010 242·10·10200·2003 242·10·10200·2003·0010 242·10·10220 242·10·10230 242·10·10240 242·10·10250 242·10·10270 242·20·10190 242·31·10090 242·31·10100 242·31·10100·2011 242·31·10100·2014 242·31·10100·2014·3012 242·31·10110 242·31·10110·2013 242·31·10120 Rocky River 242·31·10120·2155 242·31·10120·2160 242·31·10120·2160·0010 242·31·10130 242·32·10140 3/25/86 Map Sheet -..................... -...................... .. SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA 8·6 SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA 8·6 SELDOVIA 8·6 SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA 8·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·S SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA A·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 5ELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOV!A A·4 5ELDOVIA 8·4 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 59 18 17 151 43 28 S lOS 15~13 59 16 13 151 42 25 S lOS 14W31 59 19 28 151 45 24 S lOS 15~11 59 19 33 151 41 12 S lOS 14W 8 59 20 56 151 54 58 S 9S 16W35 59 15 5 151 44 14 S 11S 15W 1 59 19 52 151 54 19 S 10S 16W12 59 19 4 151 52 33 S lOS 15W18 59 16 41 151 46 39 S lOS 15W27 59 14 23 151 48 36 s 11S 15~ 9 59 14 47 151 47 2 S 11S 15W 3 59 15 0 151 51 32 S 11S 15W 6 59 15 31 151 49 28 S 11S 15W 4 59 15 0 151 51 40 S 11S 15W 6 59 16 6 151 51 54 S lOS 15W31 59 7 25 151 42 42 S 12S 14W19 59 7 24 151 42 25 S 12S 14W19 59 7 26 151 42 16 S 12S 14W19 59 9 54 151 41 43 s 12S 14~ 6 59 10 19 151 42 14 S 12S 14W 6 59 10 29 151 42 25 S 11S 14W31 59 9 56 151 41 43 S 12S 14~ 6 59 10 20 151 40 56 S 12S 14W 5 59 10 24 151 40 48 s 12S 14~ 5 59 12 13 151 42 3 S 11S 14W19 59 11 58 151 41 48 S 11S 14W30 59 13 17 151 41 56 S 11S 14W18 59 13 6 151 41 13 S 11S 14W17 59 13 30 151 41 37 S 11S 14W18 59 13 35 151 39 45 S 11S 14W17 59 13 30 151 42 6 S 11S 14W18 59 14 15 151 41 42 S 11S 14W 7 59 9 15 151 48 1 s 12S 15~10 59 10 14 151 48 21 S 12S 15W 4 59 11 6 151 37 47 S 11S 14W34 59 11 4 151 38 58 S 11S 14W33 59 13 22 151 12 51 s 11S 12~13 59 13 37 151 12 39 S 11S 12W13 59 13 25 151 13 39 S 11S 12W13 59 14 33 151 14 13 S 11S 12W12 59 14 27 151 14 9 S 11S 12W12 59 14 26 151 14 20 S llS 12W12 59 14 25 151 14 3 S 11S 12W12 59 14 32 151 13 10 S 11S 12W12 59 14 24 151 13 40 s 11S 12~12 59 14 19 151 13 19 S llS 12W12 59 14 40 151 17 55 S 11S 12W 9 59 15 0 151 17 37 S 115 12W 3 59 14 52 151 17 48 s 11S 12~ 4 59 15 0 151 18 24 S 11S 12W 4 59 16 48 151 24 21 S lOS 13~25 59 20 36 151 26 22 S lOS 13W 3 59 17 20 151 25 5 S 105 13W26 59 17 36 151 26 3 S 10S 13W23 59 18 16 151 25 11 S 10S 13W14 59 18 30 151 24 12 S 10S 13W13 59 18 4 151 24 32 S 10S 13~23 59 16 23 151 26 21 S lOS 13~34 59 16 31 151 26 13 S 10S 13W27 59 14 53 151 26 55 S 11S 13W 3 59 16 33 151 29 46 S lOS 13W29 Page 61 -----····---------~~~~~~~:~~~------··---------------~~~-~~~~~-------- 242-32-10160 242-32-10170 242-32·10180 242·41·10380 242·41·10390 242-42·10430 242-42·10440 242-42·10442 242-42·10450 242-42·10460 Port Dick Creek 242·42·10460·2010 242·43·10400 242·43·10410 242-43·10420 243·10·10030 Little Kamishak River 243·10·10030·2015 Strike Creek 243·10·10030·2015-3091 243·10·10030·2015-3100 243·10·10030·2015·3110 243·10·10030·2015·3151 243·10·10040 Kamishak River 243·10·10040·2021 243-10-10040-2031 243·10·10040·2041 243·10-10040·2059 243·10-10040·2069 243-10·10040-2073 243·10-10040·2087 South Fork Kamishak River 243·10·10040·2125 243-10-10040·2141 243·10·10050 243·10-10070 243·10·10150 Douglas River 243·20-10020 Paint River 3!25/86 SELDOVIA A-5 SELDOVIA A-5 SELDOVIA A·5 SELDOVIA 8·3 SELDOVIA 8·3 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 SELDOVIA 8-4 SELDOVIA 8-3 SELDOVIA 8·3 SELDOVIA 8·3 I LIAMNA A·4 MT KATMAl 0·2 ILIAMNA A·4 MT KATMAI 0·2 MT KATMAI 0·2 MT KATMAI 0·2 MT KATMAI 0·2 MT KATMAI 0·2 ILIAMNA A·4 MT KATMAl 0·1 MT KATMAl 0·1 MT KATMAl 0·1 MT KATMAI 0·1 MT KATMAI 0·1 MT KATMAl 0 ·1 MT KATMAI D ·1 MT KATMAI 0·1 MT KATMAI 0·1 MT KATMAI 0·1 ILIAMNA A-4 MT KATMAI D-1 ILIAMNA A-3 ILIAMNA A·3 ILIAMNA A·1 ILIAMNA A·4 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 59 14 7 151 33 34 S 11S 14W12 59 14 43 151 33 59 S 11S 14W12 59 13 52 151 34 19 S 11S 14W13 59 14 19 151 35 59 S 11S 14W11 59 13 38 151 34 14 S 11S 14W13 59 13 16 151 35 20 S 11S 14W14 59 15 24 150 58 21 S 11S 10W 4 59 15 23 150 57 59 S 11S 10W 4 59 16 43 150 57 57 S 10S 10W28 59 16 30 150 57 13 S 10S 10W27 59 17 32 151 8 40 S lOS 11W21 59 19 0 151 8 25 S 10S 11W16 59 18 27 151 12 7 S 10S 11W18 59 19 5 151 11 59 S 10S 11W 7 59 18 29 151 12 42 S 10S 12W13 59 18 51 151 12 42 S 10S 12W13 59 18 43 151 18 8 S 10S 12W16 59 19 25 151 17 35 S 10S 12W10 59 18 36 151 18 52 S 10S 12W16 59 18 42 151 22 28 S lOS 12W18 59 18 38 151 21 32 S 10S 12W18 59 19 41 151 21 21 S 10S 12W 7 59 18 44 151 1 4 S 10S 10W18 59 18 37 151 0 25 S lOS 10W17 59 19 26 151 1 12 S 10S 10W 7 59 19 26 151 0 54 S 10S 10W 8 59 19 10 151 2 20 S 10S 10W 7 59 18 44 151 4 8 S 10S 11W13 59 1 28 154 10 31 S 13S 29W30 58 58 3 154 27 16 S 14S 31W16 59 1 19 154 13 34 S 13S 30W26 58 48 2 154 27 47 S 16S 31W 9 58 53 2 154 20 43 S 15S 30W18 58 52 31 154 20 0 S 15S 30W18 58 52 6 154 22 26 S 15S 31W24 58 52 36 154 23 19 S 15S 31W14 58 51 28 154 23 35 S 15S 31W23 58 51 58 154 24 48 S 15S 31W23 58 48 45 154 26 30 S 16S 31W 3 58 48 23 154 25 38 S 16S 31W10 59 1 11 154 9 47 S 13S 29W29 58 47 24 154 20 0 S 16S 30W18 58 59 27 154 9 20 S 14S 29W 5 58 58 43 154 8 12 S 14S 29W 9 58 58 42 154 10 12 S 14S 29W 7 58 58 25 154 8 39 S 14S 29W 8 58 57 35 154 9 58 S 14S 29W18 58 57 3 154 8 56 S 14S 29W20 58 56 27 154 11 12 S 14S 29W30 58 55 41 154 10 8 S 14S 29W30 58 55 0 154 11 52 S 14S 30W36 58 54 38 154 10 8 S 15S 29W 6 58 54 50 154 11 57 S 14S 30W36 58 54 3 154 10 52 S 15S 29W 6 58 53 8 154 11 40 S 15S 30W12 58 49 48 154 8 44 S 15S 29W32 58 50 21 154 13 31 S 15S 30W35 58 48 55 154 15 28 S 16S 30W 3 58 49 18 154 16 12 S 16S 30W 3 58 48 34 154 15 43 S 16S 30W10 59 1 18 154 8 5 S 13S 29W28 58 59 43 154 0 48 S 14S 28W 6 59 4 30 154 0 48 S 13S 28W 6 59 4 13 154 0 58 S 13S 28W 7 59 3 40 153 45 27 S 13S 27W10 59 0 0 153 43 7 S 14S 27W 1 59 9 27 154 14 28 S 12S 29W 7 59 10 40 154 30 0 S 11S 31W33 Page 62 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet .................................................................................................. ........................................ .. 243-20-10020-2016 Dunuletak Creek 243-20-10020-2021 Sulukpuk Creek 243-20-10020-2051 Kenty Creek 243-20-10035 Mcneil River 243-20-10050 Mikfik Creek 243-20-10050-0010 243-30-10200 243-30-10200-0010 Chenik Lake 243-40-10010 Amakdedori Creek 243-40-10010-0020 243-40-10010-2008 243-50-10040 243·50-10050 243-50-10050-2014 244-10-10010 Anchor River 244-10-10010-2011 North Fork Anchor River 244-10·10010-2011-3031 Chakok River 244-10-10010-2021 244-10-10010·2025 244-10-10010-2088 244·10-10010-2090 244-10·10010-2100 Bridge Creek 244-10-10010-2100-3011 Twitter Creek 244-10-10010·2103 244-10-10010-2150 Beaver Creek 244-10·10010-2150-3020 244-10-10010·2201 244-10-10050 Stariski Creek 244-10·10050-2040 244-20-10090 Ninilchik River 244·20-10100 Deep Creek 244-20-10100-2010 Clam Creek 244-20-10100-2019 244·20·10100-2030 South Fork Deep Creek 3/25/86 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA A-4 ILIAMNA B-4 ILIAMNA 8·4 ILIAMNA B-4 1 LIAMNA B-4 ILIAMNA B-4 ILIAMNA 8·4 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-4 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA C-5 SELDOVIA C·5 SELDOVIA C-5 SELDOVIA C-5 SELDOVIA C-5 SELDOVIA 0·5 SELDOVIA C·4 SELDOVIA C-4 SELDOVIA D-4 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-5 KENAI A-5 KENAI A-4 KENAI A-5 SELDOVIA D-4 KENAI A-5 SELDOVIA 0·5 KENAI A-5 SELDOVIA D-4 Southcentral Lat./Long • Legal 59 9 28 154 17 3 S 12S 30W11 59 11 50 154 17 37 S 11S 30W26 59 9 20 154 17 29 S 12S 30W11 59 8 49 154 18 21 S 12S 30W10 59 9 33 154 23 34 S 12S 30W 6 59 9 6 154 23 33 S 12S 30W 7 59 7 14 154 15 26 S 12S 30W24 59 2 40 154 29 19 S 13S 31W17 59 6 41 154 15 8 S 12S 30W25 59 4 59 154 16 20 S 13S 30W 3 59 4 55 154 16 47 S 13S 30W 4 59 13 3 154 8 30 S 11S 29W15 59 12 37 154 11 14 S 11S 29W20 59 12 19 154 12 23 S 11S 29W20 59 16 39 154 7 37 S 10S 29W26 59 18 8 154 13 18 S 10S 29W19 59 18 10 154 13 42 S 10S 29W19 59 18 5 154 8 51 S 10S 29W22 59 20 19 154 10 23 S 10S 29W 4 59 22 32 154 7 45 S 9S 29W26 59 23 23 154 7 34 S 9S 29W23 59 22 31 154 8 15 S 9S 29W27 59 23 33 154 14 39 S 9S 30W13 59 22 49 154 14 15 S 9S 29W19 59 24 24 154 14 8 S 9S 29W 7 59 46 29 151 51 13 S 5S 15W 4 59 47 28 151 13 4 S 4S 11W32 59 46 25 151 49 51 S 5S 15W 4 59 48 15 151 38 52 S 4S 14W26 59 47 50 151 44 19 S 4S 14W30 59 51 12 151 40 27 S 4S 14W 3 59 45 26 151 46 53 S 5S 15W11 59 45 54 151 46 3 S 5S 15W12 59 45 7 151 45 45 S 5S 15W12 59 45 12 151 45 13 S SS 15W12 59 42 41 151 41 45 S 5S 14W29 59 42 26 151 41 31 S SS 14W32 59 42 51 151 41 6 S 5S 14W29 59 42 50 151 40 45 S 5S 14W28 59 43 8 151 38 31 S 5S 14W27 59 40 48 151 32 50 S 6S 13W 6 59 42 23 151 37 9 S 5S 14W35 59 42 24 151 36 37 S SS 14W35 59 43 15 151 37 42 S 5S 14W27 59 43 56 151 37 57 S SS 14W22 59 45 12 151 30 31 S 5S 13W 9 59 44 55 151 24 45 S 5S 13W13 59 44 31 151 26 42 S SS 13W14 59 44 23 151 26 24 S SS 13W14 59 48 32 151 24 6 S 4S 12W30 59 50 21 151 22 48 S 4S 12W 8 59 52 53 151 47 46 S 3S 15W35 59 54 54 151 31 49 S 3S 13W16 59 52 33 151 44 28 S 3S 14W31 59 53 8 151 40 36 S 3S 14W27 60 3 27 151 39 37 S 1S 14W27 60 9 55 151 19 9 S 1N 12W23 60 2 3 151 41 49 S 2S 14W 4 59 58 57 151 14 50 S 2S 11W19 60 1 4 151 38 51 S 2S 14W11 59 56 50 151 33 22 S 3S 13W 5 60 0 25 151 37 26 S 2S 14W14 60 1 37 151 30 0 S 2S 13W 3 59 57 50 151 29 20 S 2S 13W34 59 53 17 151 16 33 S 3S 12W25 Page 63 Stream/Lake 244·20·10100·2030·3013 244·20·10100·2030·3015 244·30·10010 Kenai River 244·30·10010·0010 Sk.ilak Lake 244·30·10010·2001 244·30·10010-2001·3004 244·30·10010·2003 244·30·10010·2005 244·30·10010·2007 244·30·10010·2008 244·30·10010·2010 244·30·10010·2015 244·30·10010·2020 244·30·10010·2022 244·30·10010·2025 8eaver Creek 244·30·10010·2025·3011 244·30·10010·2025·3040 244·30·10010·2025·3045 244·30·10010·2025·3049 244·30·10010·2026 244·30·10010·2030 Slikok Creek 244·30·10010·2030·3025 244·30·10010·2030·3025·4010 244·30·10010·2030·3060 244·30·10010·2031 244·30·10010·2033 244·30·10010·2034 244·30·10010·2035 244·30·10010·2036 244·30·10010·2039 Soldotna Creek 244·30·10010·2039·0010 Tree Lake 244·30·10010·2039·3029 244·30·10010·2039·3029·0010 244·30·10010·2039·3029·0020 Mackeys Lakes 3/25/86 Map Sheet SELOOVIA 0·4 SELOOVIA 0·4 KENAI C·4 SE\.IARO 8·8 KENAI 8·2 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C-4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·4 KENAI C·3 KENAI 8·3 KENAI 8·4 KENAI 8·3 KENAI 8·3 KENAI 8·4 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C-3 KENAI C·3 KENAI 8·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C-3 KENAI C·3 KENAI C-3 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 59 55 40 151 22 38 S 3S 12\.1 8 59 56 47 151 18 20 S 3S 12\.1 2 59 55 18 151 21 55 S 3S 12\.117 59 54 22 151 16 13 S 3S 12\.124 60 32 55 151 15 43 S SN 11\.1 6 60 29 29 149 49 52 S SN 3\.129 60 26 26 150 26 10 S 4N 7\.114 60 33 5 151 15 26 S SN 11\.1 5 60 34 4 151 16 2 S 6N 11\.131 60 33 11 151 16 13 S SN 11\.1 6 60 33 38 151 15 33 S SN 11\.1 5 60 33 7 151 13 54 S SN 11\.1 5 60 33 45 151 13 16 S 6N 11\.133 60 32 33 151 13 12 S SN 11\.1 9 60 34 13 151 11 25 S 6N 11\.134 60 32 29 151 13 19 S SN 11\.1 9 60 32 42 151 12 31 S SN 11\.1 9 60 31 19 151 13 44 S SN 11\.116 60 30 27 151 13 8 S SN 11\.121 60 31 36 151 12 26 S SN 11\.116 60 30 29 151 10 18 S SN 11\.123 60 32 24 151 10 22 S SN 11\.110 60 32 42 151 10 11 S SN 11\.111 60 31 28 151 9 7 S SN 11\.114 60 31 29 151 8 24 S SN 11\.113 60 31 34 151 9 9 S SN 11\.114 60 31 39 151 8 32 S SN 11\.113 60 32 31 151 8 40 S SN 11\.111 60 41 39 151 3 47 S 7N 10\.117 60 33 42 151 7 21 S 6N 11\.136 60 34 7 151 8 38 S 6N 11\.135 60 37 46 151 4 34 S 6N 10\.1 8 60 39 1 150 59 29 S 7N 10\.135 60 38 31 151 5 1 S 6N 10\.1 5 60 38 44 151 5 42 S 6N 10\.1 6 60 39 5 151 5 14 S 7N 10\.131 60 38 57 151 6 18 S 7N 10\.131 60 32 35 151 7 36 S SN 11\.112 60 32 28 151 6 56 S SN 11\.112 60 29 0 151 7 30 S SN 11\.136 60 24 13 151 8 40 S 4N 11\.126 60 25 24 151 7 20 S 4N 11\.124 60 26 29 151 3 3 S 4N 10\.117 60 26 35 151 4 55 S 4N 10\.118 60 26 46 151 4 49 S 4N 10\.1 7 60 24 18 151 8 36 S 4N 11\.126 60 24 30 151 9 20 S 4N 11\.127 60 32 17 151 5 53 S SN 10\.1 7 60 32 26 151 4 9 S SN 10\.1 8 60 31 59 151 5 43 S SN 10\.1 7 60 32 1 151 5 19 S SN 10\.1 7 60 31 36 151 5 44 S SN 10\.118 60 31 26 151 6 7 S SN 10\.118 60 31 36 151 5 30 S SN 10\.118 60 31 14 151 5 12 S SN 10\.118 60 30 21 151 7 17 S SN 11\.124 60 30 12 151 6 54 S SN 11\.124 60 29 2 151 3 19 S SN 10\.133 60 33 37 150 54 55 S SN 9\.1 6 60 33 48 150 54 34 S 6N 9\.131 60 31 33 150 57 18 S SN 10\.113 60 31 38 150 59 10 S SN 10W14 60 31 48 150 57 57 S SN 10\.113 60 31 50 150 59 30 S SN 10\.114 Page 64 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ............................................................................................ ............................................ ...................................... ...................... 244·30·10010·2039·3040 KENAI C·3 60 32 43 150 56 53 s SN 10\.112 60 33 25 150 55 16 s SN 9\.1 6 244·30·10010·2039·3045 KENAI C-3 60 32 49 150 56 43 s SN 10\.1 1 60 32 58 150 59 8 s SN 10\.1 2 244·30·10010·2039·3045·0010 KENAI C·3 60 33 8 150 57 59 s SN 10\.1 1 244·30·10010·2039·3053 KENAI C·3 60 33 34 150 55 11 s SN 9\.16 60 33 36 150 55 34 s SN 9W6 244·30·10010·2039·3053·0010 KENAI C·3 60 33 34 150 55 54 s SN 9\.16 Cisca Lake 244·30·10010·2042 KENAI 8·3 60 28 29 150 59 4 s SN 10W35 60 27 53 150 59 45 s 4N 10W 3 244·30·10010·2050 KENAI 8·3 60 29 31 150 51 45 s SN 9\.128 Funny River KENAI 8·2 60 20 33 150 40 45 s 3N 8W21 244·30·10010·2063 KENAI C-3 60 32 10 150 45 19 s SN 8W 7 Moose River KENAI C-2 60 40 27 150 29 23 s 7N 7\.127 244·30·10010·2063·3025 KENAI C·2 60 35 4 150 40 5 s 6N 8W27 West Fork Moose River KENAI C·3 60 38 16 150 48 28 s 6N 9W 2 244·30·10010·2063·3025·0010 Camp Island Lake KENAI C·2 60 38 1 150 43 21 s 6N 8\.1 5 244·30·10010·2063·3025·0020 KENAI C·3 60 38 42 150 47 46 s 6N 9W2 Silver Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3025·0030 Mosquito Lake KENAI C·3 60 38 4 150 48 45 s 6N 9W 2 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010 KENAI C·2 60 37 6 150 39 22 s 6N 8\.115 60 38 47 150 36 10 s 6N 8W 1 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010·0010 KENAI C·2 60 39 10 150 35 42 s 7N 8W36 Loon Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010·5009 KENAI C-2 60 37 42 150 38 45 s 6N 8\.111 60 39 9 150 38 42 s 7N 8\.135 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010·5009·6005 KENAI C·2 60 38 0 150 39 7 s 6N 8W 3 60 38 21 150 39 56 s 6N 8W 3 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010·5009·6005·0010 Meadow Lake KENAI C-2 60 38 38 150 40 11 s 6N 8W 3 244·30·10010·2063·3036 KENAI C·2 60 36 17 150 36 1 s 6N 8\.113 East Fork Moose River 60 31 17 150 23 18 s SN 6W18 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0010 Afonas i Lake KENAI C·2 60 33 27 150 29 42 s SN 7\.13 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0020 Imeri Lake KENAI C·2 60 32 40 150 28 41 s SN 7\.110 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0030 KENAI C·2 60 32 21 150 27 52 s SN 7\.111 Watson Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0040 KENAI C·2 60 31 35 150 25 46 s SN 7\.113 Egllllen Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0050 KENAI C·2 60 31 22 150 23 49 s SN 6W18 Peterson Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0060 KENAI C·1 60 30 55 150 22 16 s SN 6\.120 Kelly Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3041 KENAI C·2 60 36 50 150 35 26 s 6N 8\.113 60 39 31 150 33 14 s 7N 7\.132 244·30·10010·2063·3041·0010 KENAI C·2 60 38 40 150 34 14 s 6N 7\.16 Moosehorn Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3041·0020 Swan Lake KENAI C·2 60 40 29 150 32 31 s 7N 7\.129 244·30·10010·2063·3041·4015 KENAI C-2 60 38 28 150 34 54 s 6N 7\.16 60 38 27 150 35 12 s 6N 7\.16 244·30·10010·2063·3041·4015·0010 Clam Lake KENAI C·2 60 38 0 150 36 7 s 6N 8\.1 1 244·30·10010·2063·3048 KENAI C-2 60 37 36 150 33 10 s 6N 7\.18 60 38 16 150 31 3 s 6N 7\.14 244·30·10010·2076 KENAI 8·2 60 28 57 150 37 34 s SN 8\.135 Killey River KENAI A·1 60 14 3 150 19 23 s 2N 6W28 244·30·10010·2076·3018 KENAI 8·2 60 27 5 150 38 23 s 4N 8\.110 60 25 52 150 38 10 s 4N 8\.115 244·30·10010·2076·3050 KENAI 8·2 60 21 11 150 34 20 s 3N 7\.118 60 21 1 150 34 33 s 3N 8W13 244·30·10010·2076·3067 KENAI 8·2 60 18 7 150 28 40 s 3N 7\.134 60 18 10 150 27 37 s 3N 7\.134 3/25/86 Southcent ra l Page 65 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .................................................................................................................................. ., ....................................................... .. ............. -.......... - 244·30·10010·2076·3070 KENAI 8·2 60 17 31 150 28 13 s 2N 7\13 60 17 13 150 28 19 s 2N 7\13 244·30·10010·2076·3072 KENAI 8·2 60 16 57 150 27 17 s 2N 7\.111 -60 16 10 150 26 26 s 2N 7\.114 244·30·10010·2076·3072·4008 KENAI 8·2 60 16 33 150 27 7 s 2N 7\.111 60 16 5 150 27 38 s 2N 7\.115 244·30·10010·2076·3085 KENAI 8·2 60 16 11 150 23 50 s 2N 61118 -KENAI 8·1 60 16 33 150 22 2 s 2N 611 8 244·30·10010·2076·3085·4010 KENAI 8·2 60 16 24 150 22 40 s 2N 611 7 KENAI 8·1 60 16 15 150 21 40 s 2N 61117 244·30·10010·2076·3095 KENAI 8·1 60 15 22 150 21 16 s 2N 61120 -Benjamin Creek: 60 15 26 150 20 9 s 2N 61116 244·30·10010·2076·3110 KENAI A·1 60 14 30 150 20 25 s 2N 61128 60 13 54 150 20 20 s 2N 61128 244·30·10010·2082 KENAI 8·2 60 28 13 150 35 54 s 4N 811 1 -60 24 54 150 36 16 s 4N 81126 244·30·10010·2096 KENAI 8·2 60 24 34 150 28 17 s 4N 7\.127 King County Creek: 60 23 20 150 27 44 s 4N 7\.134 244·30·10010·2110 KENAI 8·1 60 23 11 150 20 47 s 3N 611 5 .... 60 22 13 150 20 56 s 3N 611 8 244·30·10010·2120 KENAI 8·1 60 23 11 150 17 20 s 3N 611 3 Cottonwood Creek: 60 22 12 150 17 31 s 3N 6W10 244·30·10010·2130 KENAI 8·1 60 23 49 150 12 41 s 4N 51131 -Pipe Creek: 60 22 51 150 12 25 s 3N sw 6 244·30·10010·2137 KENAI 8·1 60 26 14 150 12 19 s 4N 51118 Hidden Creek: 60 28 1 150 12 24 s 4N 511 6 244-30·10010·2137·0010 KENAI C·1 60 30 2 150 18 48 s SN 6W27 -Hidden Lak:e 244·30·10010·2145 KENAI 8·1 60 28 56 150 6 45 s SN Sll35 Jean Creek: KENAI C·1 60 31 23 150 11 48 s SN 5W17 244·30·10010·2145·0010 KENAI C-1 60 30 21 150 10 14 Jean Lak:e s SN 51121 - 244·30·10010·2158 SEWARD 8·8 60 29 11 150 0 0 s SN 4W33 60 17 50 149 53 0 s 2N 4W 1 244·30·10010·2158·0010 SEIIARD 8·8 60 26 18 149 59 15 Lower Russian Lak:e s 4N 41116 - 244·30·10010·2158·0020 SEWARD 8·8 60 20 22 149 52 33 s 3N 3W19 Upper Russian Lak:e 244·30·10010·2158·3029 SEIIARD 8·8 60 20 37 149 52 10 s 3N 3\.118 -60 20 52 149 51 35 s 3N 3W18 244·30·10010·2162 SEWARD 8·8 60 29 7 149 52 36 s SN 3W31 Cooper Creek: 60 27 41 149 51 40 s 4N 3W 6 244·30·10010·2165 SEWARD 8·8 60 29 22 149 52 24 s SN 3W30 -Juneau Creek: SE\.IARD C·8 60 30 52 149 54 2 s SN 4W24 244·30·10010·2177 SEWARD 8·8 60 28 35 149 43 23 s SN 3W36 Quartz Creek: SEWARD C·7 60 35 46 149 32 49 s 6N 2W24 244·30·10010·2177·3012 SEWARD 8·8 60 29 56 149 41 14 s SN 2W30 -Crescent Creek: SE\.IARD C-8 60 30 6 149 38 53 s SN 2W28 244·30·10010·2177·3020 SEWARD C·8 60 30 29 149 40 48 s SN 2W19 Daves Creek: SEWARD C·7 60 31 27 149 30 31 s SN 1W18 244·30·10010·2177·3030 SE\.IARD C·7 60 33 13 149 3S 35 s SN 2W 3 60 32 59 149 34 50 s SN 2W 2 -244·30·10010·2188 SEWARD 8·8 60 24 0 149 40 10 s 4N 2W32 Porcupine Creek: 60 23 58 149 40 25 s 4N 2W32 244·30·10010·2225 SEWARD 8·7 60 24 38 149 22 3S s 4N 1W2S Trail River 60 26 9 149 22 19 s 4N 1W13 -244·30·10010·2225·0010 SEWARD 8·7 60 26 46 149 21 50 s 4N 1\.112 Lower Trail Lak:e 244·30·10010·2225·0020 SEWARD C-7 60 30 45 149 22 11 s SN 1W24 Upper Trail Lak:e -244·30·10010·2225·3010 SEWARD 8·7 60 25 53 149 22 19 s 4N 1W13 Falls Creek: 60 25 49 149 21 36 s 4N 1\.113 244·30·10010·2225·3013 SEWARD C·7 60 30 11 149 2S 13 s SN 1W22 Moose Creek: 60 30 39 149 27 40 s SN 1W21 """' 244·30·10010·2225·3013·4009 SEIIARD C·7 60 30 13 149 2S 59 s SN 1W22 Carter Creek: SE\.IARD 8·7 60 29 33 149 27 17 s SN 1W28 244·30·10010·2225·3020 SEWARD 8·7 60 27 31 149 21 39 s 4N 1W12 Grant Creek: 60 27 38 149 20 16 s 4N 1E 6 - 3!25/86 Southcentral Page 66 - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ............................................................................................................................................................................. ................ -.. - 244·30·10010·2225·3021 SEWARO C-7 60 32 5 149 20 36 s SN 1E 7 60 32 5 149 21 54 s SN 1\.112 244·30·10010·2225-3021·4008 SEWARO C-7 60 32 3 149 21 14 s SN 1E 7 60 32 20 149 21 24 s SN 1E 7 244·30·10010·2225·3031 SEWARO C-7 60 32 2S 149 18 46 s SN 1E 8 Johnson Creek 60 33 48 149 17 42 s 6N 1E33 244·30·10010·2225·3031-4010 SE\.IARO C-7 60 32 29 149 19 18 s SN 1E 8 60 33 37 149 20 6 s 6N 1E31 244·30·10010·2225·3040 SE\.IARD C-7 60 32 16 149 18 11 s SN 1E 8 Trail Creek SE\.IARD C-6 60 33 25 149 8 35 s SN 2E 5 244·30·10010·2225·3040-4017 SE\.IARD C-6 60 33 24 149 10 51 s SN 2E 6 60 33 39 149 10 8 s 6N 2E31 244·30-10010·2231 SE\.IARO 8·7 60 24 12 149 22 11 s 4N 1W2S Ptarmigan Creek 60 24 53 149 18 43 s 4N 1E29 244·30·10010·2250 SE\.IARO 8·7 60 20 13 149 21 0 s 3N 1E19 Snow River SEWARO 8·6 60 21 6 149 3 1 s 3N 2E14 244·30·10010·2250·3018 SE\.IARD 8·7 60 18 8 149 21 2 s 3N 1E31 60 17 25 149 21 15 s 2N 1E 6 244·30·10010·22S0·3024 SE\.IARD 8·7 60 17 3S 149 20 29 s 2N 1E 6 60 17 16 149 21 28 s 2N 1\.1 1 244-30·10010·2250-3030 SE\.IARO 8·7 60 16 52 149 20 25 s 2N 1E 7 South Fork Snow River SE\.IARO A·7 60 13 44 149 18 7 s 2N 1E29 244·30·10010·2250·3055 SEWARO 8·6 60 19 10 149 6 42 s 3N 2E28 60 19 39 149 6 21 s 3N 2E28 244·30·10050 KENAI 8·4 60 23 14 151 17 52 s 4N 12\.136 Kasilof River KENAI A-4 60 14 2 151 9 53 s 2N 11\.127 244·30·10050·0010 KENAI A·4 60 14 0 151 8 16 s 2N 11\.126 Tustumena Lake 244·30·10050·201S KENAI 8·4 60 21 14 151 16 49 s 3N 12\.113 Coal Creek 60 22 30 151 8 14 s 3N 11\.1 2 244·30·10050·2024 KENAI 8·4 60 19 23 151 16 49 s 3N 12W25 Crooked Creek KENAI A-3 60 2 48 150 57 45 s 1S 10\.135 244·30·10050·2024·3036 KENAI A·4 60 8 13 151 10 17 s 1N 11\.134 60 7 37 151 10 11 s 1N 11\.134 244·30·10050·2040 KENAI A·4 60 14 26 151 10 5 s 2N 11\.127 60 14 23 151 11 11 s 2N 11\.128 244·30·10050·2059 KENAI 8·3 60 17 28 150 59 3 s 2N 10\.1 3 Shantatalik Creek 60 18 50 150 59 9 s 3N 10\.134 244·30·10050·2059·3010 KENAI 8·3 60 17 39 150 58 36 s 2N 10\.1 2 60 18 6 150 56 57 s 3N 10\.136 244·30·10050·2060 KENAI A·3 60 11 45 151 0 30 s 1N 10\.1 9 Nikolai Creek 60 4 30 150 53 23 s 1S 9\.119 244·30·10050·2060·3015 KENAI A·3 60 8 3 150 59 15 s 1N 10\.134 60 0 4 150 55 30 s 2S 10\.113 244·30·10050·2070 KENAI A·3 60 8 52 150 54 34 s 1N 9\.130 Fox Creek 60 7 50 150 53 47 s 1N 9\.131 244·30·10050·2075 KENAI A·3 60 12 49 150 48 13 s 1N 9\.1 2 8ear Creek KENAI A·2 60 12 20 150 32 37 s 1N 7\.15 244·30·10050·2075·3025 KENAI A·2 60 13 5 150 39 30 s 2N 8\.134 60 13 36 150 35 6 s 2N 8\.136 244·30·10050·2085 KENAI A·3 60 12 10 150 45 32 s 1N 9\.11 60 12 12 150 45 0 s 1N 9\.1 1 244·30·10050·2099 KENAI A-2 60 9 1 1 150 42 15 s 1N 8\.129 Moose Creek 60 9 59 150 33 36 s 1N 7\.119 244·30·10050·2099·3009 KENAI A·2 60 9 39 150 40 58 s 1N 81J21 60 8 56 150 38 18 s 1N 8\.127 244-30·10050·2099·3010 KENAI A·2 60 9 39 150 41 3 s 1N 81J21 60 11 8 150 33 42 s 1N 7\.17 244·30·10050·2115 KENAI A·2 60 6 49 150 37 14 s 1S 8\J 3 Indian Creek 60 8 13 150 26 18 s 1N 7\.135 244·30·10050·2121 KENAI A-2 60 6 23 150 37 12 s 15 8W10 Glacier Creek 60 4 42 150 34 57 5 1S 8\.124 244·30·10050·2127 KENAI A-2 60 6 11 150 37 28 5 15 8\.110 60 4 18 150 35 26 5 15 8\.123 244·30·10050·2127·3006 KENAI A·2 60 5 56 150 37 16 s 1S 8\.110 60 4 33 150 35 58 5 1S 8\.123 244·30·10050·2127·3008 KENAI A-2 60 5 54 150 37 14 5 1S 8W10 60 5 12 150 37 52 s 1S 8\.115 3!25!86 5outhcentral Page 67 Stream/lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 244·30·10050·2134 Crystal Creek 244-30-10050·2135 Clear Creek 245·10·10010 Fritz Creek 245 ·10-10020 Wrong Branch Trail Creek 245·10·10030 Chinitna River 245·10·10030·2007 Clearwater Creek 245·10·10030·2007·3007 Roscoe Creek 245 . 1 0. 1 0040 Marsh Creek 245·10·10050 Silver Salmon Creek 245·10·10060 West Glacier Creek 245·20·10170 Johnson River 245·20·10170·2010 245·20·10170·2020 245·20·10170·2031 Red Creek 245·20·10190 245·20·10190·0010 Silver Salmon Lakes 245·20·10250 Shel ter Creek 245·20·10270 East Glacier Creek 245·30·10010 Crescent River 245·30·10010·2025 North Fork Crescent River 245·30·10010·2026 Lake Fork Crescent River 245·30·10010·2026·0010 Crescent Lake 245·30·10010·2026·3009 245·30·10010·2026·3015 245·30·10010·2026·3021 245·30·10010·2026·3040 Lake Fork Crescent River 245·30·10060 245·30·10070 245·30·10080 Tuxedni River 245·30·10090 Open Creek 245·30·10100 245·30·10110 Oifficult Creek 245·30·10120 Hungryman Creek 245·30·10130 Bear Creek 3/25/86 KENAI A·2 KENAI A·2 I LIAMNA 0·1 IliAMNA 0·1 ILIAMNA 0·1 ILIAMNA 0·1 I LIAMNA 0 ·1 ILIAMNA 0·2 lllAMNA 0·1 ILIAMNA 0·1 ILIAMNA 0·1 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 SELDOVIA 0·8 KENAI A·8 SELDOVIA 0·8 SELDOVIA 0·8 KENAI A·7 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 LAKE CLARK B·1 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 LAKE CLARK B·1 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 KENAI B·8 LAKE CLARK A· 1 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 KENAI A·8 Southcentral 60 2 21 150 40 17 s zs aw 4 60 0 28 150 39 3 S 2S 8W16 60 2 33 150 38 53 S 1S 8W33 60 0 41 150 36 52 S 2S 8W11 59 48 27 153 8 55 S 4S 23W25 59 46 20 153 12 26 S 5S 23W 4 59 48 42 153 16 0 S 4S 23W20 59 46 42 153 18 58 S 5S 24W 2 59 49 13 153 17 7 S 4S 23W19 59 50 12 153 18 7 S 4S 23W18 59 49 7 153 17 12 S 4S 23W19 59 48 40 153 19 53 S 4S 24W24 59 48 40 153 19 52 S 4S 24W24 59 48 10 153 23 19 S 4S 24W27 59 49 50 153 16 43 S 4S 23W17 59 50 42 153 17 15 S 4S 23W 7 59 51 51 153 12 51 S 4S 23W 3 59 53 43 153 16 32 S 3S 23W29 59 51 43 153 12 15 S 4S 23W 3 59 55 39 153 17 14 S 3S 23W 7 60 1 34 152 37 43 S 2S 20W 1 60 4 39 152 49 38 S 1S 21W23 60 2 43 152 42 4 S 1S 20W34 60 4 12 152 40 42 S 1S 20W23 60 4 9 152 45 59 S 1S 20W20 60 5 15 152 44 11 S 1S 20W16 60 4 4 152 48 14 S 1S 21W25 60 2 13 152 50 8 S 2S 21W 2 59 58 13 152 40 31 S 2S 20W26 59 59 27 152 40 30 S 2S 20W23 60 0 6 152 40 44 S 2S 20W14 59 53 39 152 48 46 S 3S 21W25 59 54 25 152 48 28 S 3S 21W24 59 52 46 152 54 50 S 3S 21W32 59 54 28 152 58 47 S 3S 22W24 60 13 33 152 33 22 S 2N 19W34 60 21 16 152 44 28 S 3N 20W15 60 21 16 152 44 28 S 3N 20W15 60 24 17 152 49 51 S 4N 20W30 60 21 16 152 44 31 S 3N 20W15 60 21 30 152 50 39 S 3N 21W12 60 23 55 153 0 24 S 4N 22W36 60 21 23 152 50 34 S 3N 21W13 60 20 15 152 49 2 S 3N 20W19 60 21 21 152 54 35 S 3N 21W15 60 20 19 152 56 20 S 3N 21W21 60 22 12 152 58 44 S 3N 21W 7 60 21 24 153 0 0 S 3N 21W18 60 24 6 153 0 47 S 4N 22W25 60 25 1 153 1 56 S 4N 22W24 60 15 17 152 47 32 S 2N 20W20 60 16 24 152 46 36 S 2N 20W 8 60 15 24 152 50 33 S 2N 21W24 60 16 25 152 49 53 S 2N 21W12 60 17 59 152 58 17 S 2N 21W 5 60 12 33 153 15 15 S 1N 23W 3 60 14 2 152 54 23 S 2N 21W27 60 12 50 152 56 46 S 2N 21W33 60 12 18 152 50 3 S 1N 21W 1 60 11 10 152 51 13 S 1N 21W12 60 10 42 152 44 8 S 1N 20W15 60 10 34 152 47 47 S 1N 20W17 60 9 1 152 40 36 S 1N 20W25 60 9 1 152 44 31 S 1N 20W27 60 8 10 152 40 51 S 1N 20W36 60 6 44 152 43 18 S 1S 20W 9 Page 68 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake 245-40-10010 Harriet Creek 245-40-10010-2015 245-40-10010-2015-0010 lladell Lake 245-40-10010-2015-0020 Bear Lake 245-40-10020 Redoubt Creek 245-40-10020-2016 245-40-10050 Polly Creek 245-40-10050-2002 Little Polly Creek 245-40-10050-2017 245-40-10050-2017-3004 245-50-10010 Kustatan River 245-50-10010-2040 245-50-10010-2040-0010 245-50-10010-2040·0020 245-50-10010-2047 Blacksand Creek 245-50-10020 Johnson Slough 245-50-10020-2014 Bachatna Creek 245-50-10020-2014-3048 245-50-10040 245-50-10050 Big River 245-50-10050-0010 Big River Lakes 245-50-10050-2011 South Forie: Big River 245-50-10050-2011-3010 245-50-10050-2011-3010-4008 245-50-10050-2011-3010-4012 245-50-10050-2011-3014 245-50-10050-2015 245-50-10050-2015-0010 Big River Lakes 245-50-10050-2016 245-50-10050-2016-3035 245-50-10050-2016-3044 245-50-10050-2016-3070 245-50-10050-2016-3070-4010 245-50-10050-2016-3090 3/25/86 Map Sheet .... -..................... --......... --.. KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-7 KENAI B-8 KENAI B-8 KENAI C-5 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI C-6 KENAI C-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI C-6 KENAI C-6 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI C-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI C-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI 0·6 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-6 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 KENAI D-7 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 24 44 152 17 19 S 4N 171130 60 26 31 152 27 19 S 4N 181117 60 25 1 152 19 29 S 4N 181124 60 24 58 152 21 34 S 4N 181123 60 24 29 152 21 14 S 4N 181126 60 25 13 152 21 48 S 4N 181123 60 21 49 152 18 32 S 3N 1711 7 60 23 46 152 24 35 S 4N 181133 60 22 49 152 22 51 S 3N 1811 3 60 24 40 152 23 14 S 4N 181127 60 17 3 152 27 18 S 2N 1811 8 60 19 43 152 35 18 S 3N 191128 60 16 59 152 27 35 S 2N 1811 7 60 19 52 152 33 50 S 3N 191122 60 17 53 152 36 17 S 2N 1911 5 60 19 33 152 38 32 S 3N 191130 60 18 51 152 37 44 S 3N 191132 60 19 12 152 37 34 S 3N 191129 60 44 16 151 50 32 S 8N 15W36 60 57 41 151 59 43 S lON 151118 60 54 15 151 55 42 S 9N 1511 3 60 54 42 151 55 39 S 10N 151134 60 54 31 151 56 1 S 10N 151133 60 54 44 151 56 3 S 10N 151133 60 57 3 151 58 44 S 10N 151117 60 56 56 152 3 39 S 10N 161123 60 43 9 151 54 55 s 7N 1511 4 60 44 20 151 58 58 S 8N 151131 60 44 20 151 58 58 S 8N 15W31 60 51 57 152 11 11 S 9N 161118 60 51 59 152 11 4 S 9N 161118 60 52 13 152 11 17 S 9N 16W18 60 40 57 152 0 12 S 7N 16W24 60 43 19 152 0 32 S 7N 16W 1 60 39 32 152 2 42 S 7N 16W35 60 48 20 152 19 19 S 8N 17W 7 60 48 15 152 21 9 S 8N 18W12 60 47 0 152 15 36 S 8N 171116 60 41 57 152 18 37 S 7N 171117 60 45 47 152 18 27 S 8N 171120 60 45 0 152 19 1 S 8N 171130 60 45 32 152 18 48 S 8N 171129 60 45 51 152 19 10 S 8N 171119 60 45 13 152 18 54 S 8N 171130 60 45 22 152 20 2 S 8N 171130 60 45 16 152 17 36 S 8N 171129 60 44 3 152 18 1 S 8N 171132 60 47 18 152 16 38 S 8N 171116 60 47 5 152 18 29 S 8N 171117 60 47 6 152 19 51 S 8N 171118 60 46 53 152 15 0 S 8N 171115 60 48 13 152 30 28 S 8N 18W 7 60 49 59 152 11 26 S 9N 161131 60 49 50 152 13 9 S 9N 171136 60 51 21 152 14 29 S 9N 171123 60 52 11 152 14 2 S 9N 171114 60 50 38 152 20 31 S 9N 171129 60 50 5 152 21 54 S 9N 171130 60 50 29 152 21 23 S 9N 171130 60 50 36 152 21 40 S 9N 171130 60 49 38 152 21 54 S 9N 171131 60 50 2 152 23 22 S 9N 18W36 Page 69 ················--~~::~~~:~~: .................. ··---~~~-~~::~---····· .... :~~:~:~~~=----Legal 245·50·10050·2016·3090·4011 245·50·10050·2016·3090·4011·5008 245·50·10050·2016·3090·4020 245·50-10050·2020 245·50·10050·2020·3005 245·50·10050·2023 245·50·10060 Seal River 245·50·10070 Montana Bill Creek 245·50-10085 Drift River 245·50·10085·2050 245·50·10085·2056 245·50·10090 Cannery Creek 245·50·10090·0010 245·50·10090·2004 Rust Slough 245·50·10110 Little Jack Slough 245-50·10120 245·50·10120·0010 245·50·10140 246·10·10010 246·10·10010·0010 246·10·10030 246·10·10030·0010 246·20·10020 Packers Creek 246·20·10020·0010 Packers Creek Lake 246·20·10020·2010 246·20·10020·2010·0010 246·20·10020·2020 247·10·10070 Middle River 247·10·10080 McArthur River 247·10·10080·2010 Chakachatna River 247·10·10080·2010·0010 Chakachamna Lake 247·10·10080·2010·0020 Kenibuna Lake 247·10·10080·2010·3040 Straight Creek 247·10·10080·2010·3040·4010 3/25/86 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0·7 KENAI C·6 KENAI C-6 KENAI C-6 KENAI C-7 KENAI C·7 KENAI C·7 KENAI C·6 KENAI C·7 KENAI C·7 KENAI C·6 KENAI C· 7 KENAI C·7 KENAI C·7 KENAI B·7 KENAI C·6 KENAI 8·6 KENAI 8·6 KENAI B·6 KENAI B·6 KENAI 8·6 KENAI B-6 KENAI B·6 KENAI B·6 KENAI 0·5 TYONEK A·S KENAI 0·5 TYONEK A-7 KENAI 0·5 TYONEK 8·8 TYONEK A·8 TYONEK A·8 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A-6 TYONEK A·S TYONEK A-6 Southcentral 60 49 44 152 22 5 S 9N 17W31 60 49 21 152 23 45 S 9N 18W36 60 49 35 152 22 59 S 9N 18W36 60 49 39 152 23 23 S 9N 18W36 60 49 56 152 22 49 S 9N 18W36 60 50 11 152 22 53 S 9N 18W25 60 49 7 152 16 9 S SN 17W 4 60 49 49 152 16 17 S 9N 17W34 60 49 23 152 16 0 S 9N 17W34 60 49 38 152 16 35 S 9N 17W34 60 48 56 152 18 8 S SN 17W 5 60 49 17 152 18 13 S 9N 17W33 60 38 36 152 3 32 S 6N 16W 3 60 41 23 152 6 12 S 7N 16W21 60 38 9 152 4 22 S 6N 16W 3 60 39 55 152 10 7 S 7N 17W25 60 35 26 152 7 45 S 6N 16W20 60 35 56 152 36 13 S 6N 19W22 60 38 19 152 20 46 S 6N 18W 1 60 38 0 152 25 52 S 6N 18W 4 60 37 58 152 23 53 S 6N 18W 2 60 37 27 152 26 19 S 6N 18W 9 60 34 35 152 10 16 S 6N 17W25 60 36 41 152 21 12 S 6N 18W13 60 36 52 152 21 4 S 6N 18W13 60 34 49 152 10 6 S 6N 17W25 60 37 11 152 13 41 S 6N 17W10 60 32 11 152 15 55 S SN 17W 9 60 33 49 152 17 59 S 6N 17W32 60 31 40 152 16 52 S SN 17W16 60 35 29 152 22 11 S 6N 18W24 60 34 43 152 21 20 S 6N 18W25 60 27 13 152 19 52 S 4N 18W12 60 29 7 152 21 26 S SN 18W36 60 30 14 151 53 30 S SN 15W22 60 30 24 151 55 43 S SN 15W21 60 29 58 151 55 47 S SN. 15W28 60 29 32 151 57 30 S SN 15W29 60 29 26 151 57 8 S SN 15W29 60 29 21 151 56 51 S SN 15W29 60 26 23 151 53 54 S 4N 15W16 60 27 17 151 54 50 S 4N 15W 8 60 28 17 151 55 14 S 4N 15W 5 60 28 33 151 54 57 S SN 15W33 60 29 21 151 53 31 S SN 15W27 60 29 21 151 53 5 S SN 15W27 60 28 59 151 55 47 S SN 15W33 60 29 54 151 56 1 S SN 15W29 60 58 12 151 35 39 S 10N 13W 9 61 2 23 151 46 50 S 11N 14W16 60 55 1 151 43 33 S 10N 14W34 61 6 39 152 19 44 S 12N 17W20 60 56 36 151 44 31 S 10N 14W22 61 20 13 152 59 34 S 14N 21W 2 61 12 12 152 42 26 S 13N 19W20 61 10 9 152 54 56 S 13N 20W31 61 9 18 151 50 24 S 12N 14W 6 61 12 56 151 57 32 S 13N 15W16 61 10 8 151 50 25 S 13N 14W31 61 13 43 151 57 11 S 13N 15W10 Page 70 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake 247·10·10080·2010·3058 Nagishlamina River 247·10·10080·2010·3068 lgitna River 247·10·10080·2010·3068·4045 Another River 247·10·10080·2010·3075 Neacola River 247·10·10080·2020 247·10·10080·2020·3029 247·10·10080·2020·3029·4020 247·10·10080·2020·3033 247·10·10080·2020·3033·4015 247·10·10080·2020·3033·4018 247·10·10080·2020·3033·4022 247·10·10080·2020·3033·4026 247·10·10080·2020·3035 247·10·10080·2034 247·10·10080·2034·3005 247·10·10080·2034·3011 247·10·10080·2038 247·10·10080·2042 247·10·10080·2042·3010 247·10·10080·2051 247·10·10080·2051·3029 247·10·10080·2051·3029·0010 247·10·10080·2051·3029·4036 247·10·10200 Nikolai Creek 247·10·10200·2215 Stedatna Creek 247·20·10002 Threemile Creek 247·20·10002·2019 247·20·10010 Chuitna River 247·20·10010·2020 Lone Creek 247·20·10010·2020·3020 247·20·10010·2020·3020·0010 247·20·10010·2020·3020·4011 247·20·10010·2020·3020·4012 247·20·10010·2020·3020·4014 3/25/86 ··---~~~-~~::: ........ ·---~~==~~~~~=-··· Legal TYONEK A·7 TYONEK 8·8 TYONEK A·8 LIME HILLS 8·1 LIME HILLS A·1 TYONEK A·8 KENAI 0·5 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·5 KENAI 0·5 KENAI 0·6 KENAI 0·5 KENAI 0·6 KENAI 0·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A-6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A·6 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·3 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·5 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 Southcentral 61 14 4 152 27 36 S 13N 18Y11 61 23 53 152 43 37 S 15N 19W 8 61 10 47 152 58 52 S 13N 21W35 61 15 30 153 2 42 S 14N 21W33 61 11 15 153 0 34 S 13N 21W27 61 9 56 153 9 19 S 12N 22W 3 61 9 17 152 53 46 S 12N 20Y 6 61 7 39 152 58 4 S 12N 21W15 60 59 49 151 51 58 S 11N 15W36 61 5 30 151 47 11 S 12N 14W32 61 2 37 151 51 17 S 11N 15W13 61 7 27 151 54 51 S 12N 15W15 61 3 21 151 57 44 S 11N 15W 8 61 3 3 151 53 30 S 11N 15W14 61 2 49 151 51 8 S 11N 15W13 61 6 3 151 54 3 S 12N 15W26 61 3 23 151 52 26 S 11N 15W11 61 4 1 151 52 56 S 11N 15W 2 61 3 38 151 52 1 S 11N 15W12 61 4 31 151 51 25 S 11N 15W 1 61 3 50 151 52 21 S 11N 15W11 61 4 49 151 52 22 S 12N 15W35 61 3 53 151 52 28 S 11N 15W11 61 4 22 151 52 30 S 11N 15W 2 61 4 21 151 49 29 S 11N 14Y 6 61 6 33 151 50 45 S 12N 15W24 60 59 28 151 51 53 S 10N 15Y 1 61 0 0 151 57 20 S 11N 15Y33 60 59 22 151 52 18 S lON 15Y 2 60 59 10 151 56 15 S 10N 15W 4 60 59 33 151 56 16 S 10N 15Y 4 60 59 43 151 57 52 S 11N 15W32 61 3 8 151 58 7 S 11N 15W 8 61 10 34 151 59 53 S 13N 15W32 61 3 57 152 0 0 S 11N 15W 7 61 5 8 152 3 55 S 12N 16W35 61 5 1 152 3 2 S 12N 16W35 61 5 30 152 3 3 S 12N 16W35 61 1 44 151 53 22 S 11N 15Y23 61 1 10 151 59 10 S 11N 15W29 61 1 10 151 59 27 S 11N 15Y30 61 0 46 152 4 40 S 11N 16W26 61 0 45 152 3 13 S 11N 16W26 61 0 48 152 4 6 S 11N 16W26 61 1 44 152 4 10 S 11N 16W23 61 0 45 151 28 50 S 11N 12W30 61 9 45 151 47 31 S 12N 14W 5 61 2 48 151 32 2 S 11N 13W14 61 5 23 151 28 21 S 12N 12W31 61 8 37 151 4 18 S 12N 10W 9 61 9 58 151 10 4 S 12N 11W 2 61 9 17 151 8 56 S 12N 11W 1 61 8 20 151 9 19 S 12N 11W12 61 5 46 151 7 44 S 12N 10W30 61 12 1 151 39 27 S 13N 13W20 61 7 10 151 17 39 S 12N 11W19 61 13 28 151 18 8 S 13N 11W18 61 10 44 151 17 46 S 13N 11W32 61 12 57 151 19 6 S 13N 11W18 61 13 1 151 19 28 S 13N 11W18 61 12 1 151 18 32 S 13N 11W19 61 12 17 151 19 16 S 13N 11W19 61 10 50 151 17 42 S 13N 11W32 61 12 32 151 16 32 S 13N 11W20 61 12 2 151 18 15 S 13N 11W19 61 12 42 151 17 3 S 13N 11W17 Page 71 ------------------~~~:~~(~~~: __________________ ·----~~~-~~::~------------~~~:(~?~~=-------~:~~~---.. 247-20·10010·2020·3035 TYONEK A-4 61 12 56 151 21 43 S 13N 12W14 61 13 25 151 23 22 S 13N 12W14 247-20-10010-2020-3045 TYONEK A-4 61 13 9 151 21 48 S 13N 12W14 61 13 40 151 22 51 S 13N 12W11 247-20-10010-2020-3055 TYONEK A-4 61 13 33 151 20 12 S 13N 12W12 61 13 46 151 20 28 S 13N 12W12 247·20·10010·2020·3055·0010 TYONEK A-4 61 13 53 151 20 36 S 13N 12W12 Denslow Lake 247·20·10010·2030 TYONEK A-4 61 7 5 151 19 40 S 12N 12W24 *Middle Creek 61 12 32 151 24 1 S 13N 12W22 247-20·10010·2030·3006 TYONEK A·4 61 7 54 151 19 44 S 12N 12W13 *Culvert Creek 61 9 27 151 19 54 S 12N 12W 1 247-20-10010·2030·3018 TYONEK A-4 61 11 25 151 22 53 S 13N 12W26 61 11 58 151 22 17 S 13N 12W23 247-20·10010·2030·3021 TYONEK A-4 61 11 28 151 23 21 S 13N 12W26 61 10 51 151 23 58 S 13N 12W34 247-20-10010-2040 TYONEK A·4 61 8 56 151 26 46 S 12N 12W 8 *Base Creek 61 14 34 151 26 40 s 13N 12W 4 - - - - 247-20-10010-2040·3009 TYONEK A-4 61 9 11 151 26 49 S 12N 12W 5 ._ *Wilson Creek 61 10 6 151 28 5 s 13N 12W32 247·20·10010·2040·3017 TYONEK A-4 61 9 30 151 26 31 S 12N 12W 5 *Hunt Creek 61 12 31 151 27 51 S 13N 12W20 247-20·10010·2040·3017-4019 TYONEK A-4 61 11 5 151 27 54 S 13N 12W29 .. 61 11 34 151 29 23 S 13N 12W30 247-20·10010-2040-3031 TYONEK A-4 61 10 55 151 25 54 S 13N 12W28 61 11 45 151 26 54 S 13N 12W21 247-20·10010-2040-3048 TYONEK A-4 61 13 5 151 25 29 S 13N 12W16 .. 61 13 7 151 24 49 S 13N 12W15 247-20-10010·2052 TYONEK A-5 61 9 18 151 30 11 S 12N 13W 1 Chuit Creek 61 14 12 151 36 4 S 13N 13W 9 247-20·10010·2052·3060 TYONEK A-5 61 10 19 151 31 4 S 13N 13W36 .. 61 13 23 151 32 11 S 13N 13W13 247-20·10010-2052-3060-4012 TYONEK A-5 61 10 48 151 30 57 S 13N 13W36 61 11 2 151 30 37 S 13N 13W25 247-20·10010·2088 TYONEK A·5 61 12 1 151 39 29 S 13N 13W20 .. Wolverine Fork 61 14 55 151 40 8 S 13N 13W 6 247-20·10020 TYONEK A-4 61 3 53 151 8 20 S 11N 11W12 lndian Creek 61 4 34 151 9 19 s 11N 11W 1 247-20-10040 TYONEK A-4 61 2 39 151 11 20 S 11N 11W14 .. Tyonek Creek 61 3 41 151 14 30 s 11N 11W 9 247-20-10050 TYONEK A-4 61 1 57 151 18 22 S 11N 11W19 Old Tyonek Creek 61 5 10 151 23 26 s 12N 12W34 247-20-10050-2025 TYONEK A-4 61 2 43 151 20 24 S 11N 12W14 .. 61 2 12 151 21 47 S 11N 12W23 247-30-10010 TYONEK A-2 61 14 47 150 44 8 S 13N 8W 5 Ivan River TYONEK B-2 61 18 9 150 42 9 S 14N 8W15 247-30-10070 TYONEK A-3 61 14 2 150 47 55 S 13N 9W12 - Lewis River TYONEK B-3 61 27 37 150 49 44 S 16N 9W23 247-30-10080 TYONEK A-3 61 13 49 150 49 53 S 13N 9W11 Theodore River TYONEK B-3 61 29 17 151 5 27 S 16N 10W 9 247-30·10080·2310 TYONEK B-3 61 26 30 151 5 21 S 16N 10W28 - 61 29 14 151 0 55 S 16N 10W11 247·30·10090 TYONEK A-3 61 12 23 150 56 10 S 13N 9W20 Beluga River TYONEK B-4 61 23 47 151 27 39 S 15N 12W17 247-30-10090-0020 TYONEK B-4 61 21 33 151 22 2 S 15N 12W26 ._ Lower Beluga Lake 247-30-10090-0030 TYONEK B-5 61 24 32 151 35 58 S 15N 13W10 Beluga Lake 247·30·10090-2010 TYONEK B-3 61 15 8 150 58 26 S 13N 10W 1 _. Pretty Creek 61 19 58 151 2 19 s 14N 10W 3 247-30·10090·2010·3015 TYONEK B-3 61 17 11 150 59 57 S 14N 10W24 61 18 6 151 4 5 S 14N 10W16 247-30·10090-2010-3015·4015 TYONEK B-3 61 17 10 151 3 6 S 14N 10W22 ._ 61 17 36 151 4 57 S 14N 10W21 247-30·10090·2020 TYONEK A-3 61 14 33 151 3 53 S 13N 10W 4 Olson Creek TYONEK B-4 61 19 39 151 9 4 S 14N 11W 1 247-30·10090·2040 TYONEK A-4 61 13 45 151 8 30 S 13N 10W 7 ~ Coffee Creek TYONEK B-4 61 15 52 151 8 20 S 14N 10W31 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 72 - Stream/Lake 247·30·10090·2105 Bishop Creek 247·30·10090·2105·3015 Scarp Creek 247·30·10090·2105-3015·4012 247·30-10090-2109 247-30-10090-2120 Drill Creek 247-30-10090·2130 247-30·10090-2150 Coal Creek 247-30-10090·2150·3110 247-30-10090-2150-3110·0010 Coal Creek Lake 247-30-10090-2150·3121 West Fork Coal Creek 247-30-10090·2150·3121·4010 247-30·10090·2150·3121-4017 247-30-10090·2150·3160 247-30-10090-2150-3165 247·30-10090·2180 247-41-10100 Little Susitna River 247-41-10100·2010 247-41-10100·2010·0010 247-41-10100·2010·0020 247-41-10100-2010-0030 Horseshoe Lake 247-41·10100·2080 247-41·10100-2080-0010 247·41-10100-2080-0020 My Lake 247-41-10100-2089 247-41-10100-2089-0010 247-41-10100·2095 247-41-10100-2095·0010 247·41-10100-2100 247-41-10100·2100·0010 247-41-10100·2100·0020 Finger Lake 247-41-10100-2129 247·41-10100-2129-0010 Delyndia Lake 247-41-10100·2150 247·41-10100·2150·0010 3/25/86 Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal TYONEK 8·4 TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK 8·4 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK 8·4 TYONEK 8·4 TYONEK B-4 TYONEK 8·4 TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK C·S TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK C·S TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK C·S TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK C·S TYONEK C·S TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK B· 1 ANCHORAGE 0·6 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK 8· 1 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK 8·1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK 8-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 Southcentral 61 19 4 151 19 14 S 14N 11W 7 61 16 7 151 37 16 S 14N 13W28 61 18 59 151 19 39 S 14N 11W 7 61 14 18 151 21 38 S 13N 12W12 61 16 5 151 19 8 S 14N 11W30 61 15 28 151 20 11 S 14N 12W36 61 21 10 151 20 30 S 15N 12W36 61 21 0 151 14 31 S 15N 11W33 61 23 30 151 26 47 S 15N 12W16 61 24 47 151 18 53 S 15N 11W 6 61 24 9 151 28 13 S 15N 12W 8 61 25 35 151 25 59 S 15N 12W 4 61 24 33 151 31 8 S 15N 13W12 61 36 46 151 50 46 S 18N 14W32 61 28 29 151 33 13 S 16N 13W14 61 29 11 151 32 51 S 16N 13W11 61 29 25 151 33 58 S 16N 13W11 61 28 53 151 37 48 S 16N 13W16 61 31 56 151 43 52 S 17N 14W25 61 29 25 151 38 57 S 16N 13W 8 61 30 13 151 40 38 S 16N 13W 6 61 29 28 151 39 56 S 16N 13W 7 61 29 35 151 41 59 S 16N 14W12 61 34 25 151 46 9 S 17N 14W11 61 37 13 151 45 36 S 18N 14W26 61 34 24 151 46 47 S 17N 14W10 61 34 34 151 50 8 S 17N 14W 9 61 26 7 151 40 37 S 16N 13W31 61 28 10 151 40 53 S 16N 13W19 61 15 21 150 17 37 S 14N 6W35 61 47 13 149 10 1 S 20N 2E31 61 18 0 150 16 6 S 14N 6W13 61 21 28 150 8 54 S 15N 5W27 61 20 29 150 10 29 S 15N SW33 61 21 17 150 9 51 S 15N 5W27 61 21 36 150 8 51 S 15N SW27 61 26 32 150 9 32 S 16N 5W27 61 26 48 150 6 21 S 16N SW26 61 26 46 150 7 8 S 16N SW26 61 27 6 150 6 15 S 16N SW25 61 31 23 150 10 17 S 17N SW34 61 31 23 150 10 34 S 17N SW33 61 31 30 150 11 5 S 17N 5W33 61 32 14 150 9 6 S 17N 5W27 61 32 14 150 10 20 S 17N 5W27 61 32 11 150 10 33 S 17N SW28 61 29 41 150 8 13 S 16N SW10 61 30 51 150 3 43 S 17N 4W31 61 30 42 150 3 47 S 16N 4W 6 61 31 8 150 2 37 S 17N 4W32 61 33 46 150 7 53 S 17N 5W14 61 35 16 150 6 50 S 17N SW 2 61 35 37 150 7 42 S 17N SW 2 61 33 28 150 5 59 S 17N SW13 61 34 13 149 57 3 S 17N 4W14 61 33 33 149 57 25 S 17N 4W14 Page 73 Stream/lake 247·41·10100-2150·0020 Horseshoe Lake 247-41·10100-2150·0030 247·41·10100-2150·3010 247·41·10100-2150-3010·0010 Papoose Twins 247·41·10100·2150·3051 247·41-10100·2150-3051-0010 247·41·10100·2150-3070 247-41·10100·2150·3070·0010 247-41-10100·2171 247-41·10100·2171·0010 Butter ft y Lake 247-41·10100-2171·0020 247-41·10100·2171-3020 247-41-10100-2171-3020-0010 247·41·10100-2171·3021 247-41·10100·2171-3021·0010 247·41·10100·2231 Lake Creek 247-41·10100·2231·0010 Nancy Lake 247·41·10100-2231-3050 247·41-10100·2231-3050-4011 247-41-10100-2231-3050-4011-0010 247·41-10100-2231-3080 Lilly Creek 247-41-10100-2291 247-41-10100-2291-0010 Bench Lake 247·41-10100-2351 247-41-10200 Susitna River 247-41·10200·2015 Alexander Creek 247-41-10200-2015-0010 Alexander Lake 247-41-10200-2015-3010 Deep Creek 247-41·10200-2015·3017 Granite Creek 247·41·10200-2015-3020 Fox Creek 247-41-10200-2015-3025 Trail Creek 247-41·10200-2015-3025-4011 247-41-10200-2015-3025-4015 247-41-10200·2015-3025·4035 3/25/86 Map Sheet ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C-1 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 TYONEK C·1 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-7 TYONEK B-2 TALKEETNA MTS D-4 TYONEK B-2 TYONEK C·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK B-2 TYONEK D-3 TYONEK C-2 TYONEK C-2 TYONEK C-2 TYONEK C-2 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 61 34 31 149 55 19 S 17N 4W12 61 34 40 149 56 25 S 17N 4W11 61 32 57 150 5 32 S 17N 5W24 61 32 37 150 5 22 S 17N 5W24 61 32 13 150 5 34 S 17N 5W25 61 33 9 149 59 7 S 17N 4W22 61 33 46 149 58 33 S 17N 4W15 61 33 54 149 58 29 S 17N 4W15 61 34 6 149 55 13 S 17N 4W13 61 34 12 149 54 41 S 17N 4W13 61 34 35 149 54 4 S 17N 3W 7 61 34 41 150 3 12 S 17N 4W 7 61 36 22 150 3 59 S 18N 4W31 61 36 4 150 4 56 S 18N 4W31 61 36 37 150 3 54 S 18N 4W31 61 35 51 150 4 8 S 17N 4W 6 61 35 52 150 3 57 S 17N 4W 6 61 35 46 150 3 17 S 17N 4W 6 61 36 14 150 5 47 S 18N 5W36 61 36 14 150 6 14 S 18N 5W36 61 36 22 150 6 30 S 18N 5W36 61 37 33 149 56 11 S 18N 4W26 61 40 28 149 59 24 S 18N 4W 3 61 40 43 149 58 45 S 18N 4W 3 61 41 11 149 58 30 S 18N 4W 3 61 41 7 149 55 30 S 18N 4W 1 61 41 17 149 56 31 S 19N 4W35 61 41 41 149 55 35 S 19N 4W36 61 41 57 149 55 45 S 19N 4W36 61 42 16 150 0 18 S 19N 4W28 61 41 48 149 52 9 S 19N 3W32 61 38 9 149 41 55 S 18N 2W19 61 39 37 149 40 44 S 18N 2W 8 61 39 30 149 40 26 S 18N 2W 8 61 40 34 149 17 16 S 18N 1E 4 61 41 32 149 16 34 S 19N 1E33 61 18 10 150 34 47 S 14N 7W17 62 46 35 148 42 57 S 31N 4E16 61 24 48 150 35 42 S 15N 7W 6 61 43 53 150 52 6 S 19N 9W14 61 45 12 150 53 57 S 19N 9W10 61 45 30 150 53 52 S 19N 9W10 61 46 28 150 54 36 S 20N 9W33 61 27 4 150 35 54 S 16N 7W30 61 26 51 150 37 22 S 16N 8W25 61 45 8 150 54 40 S 19N 9W 9 61 45 41 150 56 1 S 19N 9W 5 61 32 42 150 36 51 S 17N 7W19 61 33 22 150 42 32 S 17N 8W22 61 32 30 150 38 45 S 17N 8W25 61 31 45 150 38 56 S 17N 8W25 61 32 43 150 39 58 S 17N 8W23 61 32 9 150 40 21 S 17N 8W26 61 33 22 150 42 35 S 17N 8W22 61 32 21 150 43 59 S 17N 8W28 Page 74 - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................ --- 247-41-10200-2015-3035 TYONEK C-2 61 36 19 150 39 32 S 18N 8Y35 Lower Sucker Creek TYONEK C-3 61 39 5 150 52 59 S 18N 9Y15 247-41-10200-2015-3035-0030 TYONEK C-3 61 39 21 150 53 47 S 18N 9Y15 Sucker Lake 247-41-10200-2015-3035-4019 TYONEK C-3 61 36 37 150 46 4 S 18N 8Y32 Yolverine Creek 61 30 25 150 49 29 S 16N 9Y2 247-41-10200-2015-3035-4223 TYONEK C-3 61 39 13 150 54 21 S 18N 9Y16 Upper Sucker Creek 61 37 54 150 53 2 S 18N 9Y22 247-41-10200-2015-3035-4225 TYONEK C-3 61 39 39 150 54 6 S 18N 9Y9 61 38 27 150 57 28 S 18N 9Y20 247-41-10200-2015-3035-4225-0010 TYONEK C-3 61 39 48 150 54 37 S 18N 9Y9 247-41-10200·2015-3040 TYONEK 0·3 61 45 0 150 54 52 S 19N 9Y9 Clear Creek 61 45 36 151 6 33 S 19N 10W 4 247-41-10200-2015-3117 TYONEK C-3 61 43 48 150 53 6 S 19N 9Y22 Bear Creek 61 40 24 151 5 22 S 18N 10\J 4 247-41-10200-2015-3117-4208 TYONEK C-3 61 43 28 150 57 28 S 19N 9Y20 Texas Creek 61 43 51 151 0 48 S 19N 10Y13 247-41-10200-2020 TYONEK B-2 61 21 59 150 29 53 S 15N 7Y27 Fish Creek TYONEK C-1 61 40 8 150 3 22 S 18N 4W 7 247-41-10200-2020-0010 Flat Horn Lake TYONEK B-2 61 28 1 150 25 34 S 16N 6Y19 247·41-10200-2020-0015 Red Shirt Lake TYONEK C-1 61 37 32 150 10 3 S 18N 5Y27 247-41-10200-2020-0020 TYONEK C-1 61 40 14 150 4 47 S 18N 4\J 7 247-41-10200-2020-0030 TYONEK C-1 61 40 1 150 4 1 S 18N 4\J 7 247-41-10200-2020-0040 TYONEK C-1 61 40 16 150 3 10 S 18N 4\J 8 247-41-10200-2020-3031 TYONEK B-2 61 29 0 150 26 23 S 16N 7Y13 61 29 44 150 28 18 S 16N 7Y11 247-41-10200-2020-3031-4016 TYONEK B-2 61 29 16 150 26 54 S 16N 7Y12 61 29 49 150 26 22 S 16N 7Y12 247-41-10200-2020-3041 TYONEK B-2 61 28 42 150 25 23 S 16N 6Y18 TYONEK C-1 61 33 0 150 19 22 S 17N 6W23 247-41-10200-2020·3041·0020 TYONEK C·1 61 33 21 150 19 23 S 17N 6W23 247·41·10200·2020·3110 TYONEK C·1 61 35 35 150 12 24 S 17N sw 5 61 35 24 150 11 56 S 17N 5W 4 247·41·10200·2020·3110·0010 TYONEK C-1 61 35 2 150 11 22 s 17N sw 9 Cow Lake ~-247-41·10200·2020·3130 TYONEK C·1 61 37 32 150 9 31 S 18N 5Y27 61 37 23 150 4 29 S 18N 4Y30 247·41·10200·2020·3130·0020 TYONEK C·1 61 38 20 150 3 10 S 18N 4W20 Lynx Lake 247-41·10200·2020·3130-4020 TYONEK C·1 61 37 41 150 3 28 S 18N 4W30 ANCHORAGE C-8 61 39 3 149 58 51 S 18N 4W15 247·41-10200·2020·3150 TYONEK C·1 61 38 53 150 7 44 S 18N 5W14 61 38 40 150 6 26 S 18N 5W13 247·41·10200·2020·3150-0010 TYONEK C·1 61 38 34 150 6 9 S 18N 5W24 247-41-10200·2020·3185 TYONEK C·1 61 39 39 150 7 11 S 18N 5W11 61 39 56 150 7 30 S 18N 5W11 247-41-10200·2020·3185·0010 TYONEK C-1 61 40 7 150 7 26 S 18N 5W11 247·41-10200·2020·3195 TYONEK C-1 61 39 51 150 5 9 S 18N 5W12 61 39 56 150 5 24 S 18N 5W12 247·41·10200·2020-3195-0010 TYONEK C·1 61 40 16 150 5 34 S 18N 5W12 247-41-10200·2030 TYONEK B-2 61 25 53 150 28 25 S 16N 7Y35 61 26 57 150 25 59 S 16N 6W30 247-41·10200·2043 TYONEK C·2 61 31 46 150 34 13 S 17N 7Y29 Anderson Creek 61 33 45 150 34 38 S 17N 7Y17 247-41-10200-2050 TYONEK C-2 61 33 34 150 27 36 S 17N 7Y13 61 33 38 150 26 22 S 17N 6W18 247-41-10200·2053 TYONEK C-2 61 34 4 150 27 57 S 17N 7Y13 Yentna River TALKEETNA B-4 62 16 50 151 46 25 S 25N 14W 1 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 75 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 247·41·10200·2053·3020 Kroto Slough 247·41·10200·2053·3020·0010 Whitsol Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3020·4015 Fish Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3100 Moose Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150 Kahiltna River 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060 Peters Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5012 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5026 Kenny Creek 247·41;10200·2053·3150·4060·5033 Martin Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6006 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6009 Black Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6010 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6015 Sand Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6019 South Fork Martin Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6025 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6033 String Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5040 Oeep Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5044 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5050 Cottonwood Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5050·6003 Wi llow Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4080 Bear Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4090 Pickle Creek 247-41·10200·2053·3150·4090·5008 Hungrymay Creek 247·41·10200·2053-3150·4115 Treasure Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120 Cache Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5017 Dollar Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5021 Falls Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5023 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5027 Nugget Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5032 Long Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170 Lake Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·0010 Chelatna Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4027 Yenlo Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4039 3/25/86 TYONEK c..:2 TYONEK C·2 TYONEK C·2 TYONEK 0·2 TYONEK 0·3 TALKEETNA B-3 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA C-2 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA B-2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA C-2 TALKEETNA C-2 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA B-2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA·B-2 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA C-2 TYONEK-0·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A·3 Southcentral 61 35 23 150 27 40 S 17N 7W 1 61 40 18 150 26 5 S 18N 6\.1 7 61 40 6 150 25 24 S 18N 6\.1 7 61 36 28 150 28 20 S 18N 7\.136 61 41 41 150 32 44 S 19N 7\.133 61 47 34 150 41 44 S 20N 8\.127 61 50 9 150 41 21 S 20N 8\.110 61 51 13 150 46 44 S 20N 8\.1 5 62 22 46 151 7 57 S 26N 10\.1 4 62 10 36 150 52 41 S 24N 9W14 62 34 22 150 53 8 S 29N 9\.125 62 12 18 150 44 38 S 24N 8\.1 4 62 12 23 150 43 20 S 24N 8\.1 3 62 20 49 150 42 51 S 26N 8\.114 62 24 34 150 39 49 S 27N 8\.124 62 22 39 150 44 16 S 26N 8\.1 3 62 26 35 150 47 7 S 27N 8\.1 8 62 22 44 150 44 32 S 26N 8\.1 3 62 23 21 150 45 20 S 27N 8\.133 62 22 52 150 46 15 S 27N 8\.133 62 22 47 150 48 26 S 26N 8W 5 62 23 16 150 46 34 S 27N 8\.133 62 24 7 150 45 58 S 27N 8\.128 62 23 45 150 47 45 S 27N 8W29 62 24 11 150 50 10 S 27N 8W30 62 24 21 150 48 40 S 27N 8\.129 62 24 39 150 49 43 S 27N 8\.119 62 24 30 150 48 41 s 27N 8\.129 62 25 30 150 49 0 S 27N 8\.118 62 25 34 150 48 1 S 27N 8W17 62 26 23 150 47 40 S 27N 8\.1 8 62 25 13 150 44 5 S 27N 8W22 62 26 37 150 41 53 S 27N 8\.111 62 29 53 150 46 15 S 28N 8\.121 62 30 6 150 45 48 S 28N 8\.121 62 32 32 150 49 14 S 28N 8\.1 6 62 33 52 150 47 26 S 29N 8\.133 62 32 53 150 49 15 S 28N 8\.1 6 62 34 10 150 49 38 S 29N 8\.129 62 12 0 150 53 7 S 24N 9\.1 2 62 15 26 150 48 3 S 25N 8\.117 62 17 13 150 58 45 S 25N 9W 5 62 17 49 150 58 44 S 26N 9W32 62 17 49 150 58 45 S 26N 9W32 62 19 42 150 58 5 S 26N 9\.120 62 21 35 151 11 29 S 26N 10\.1 7 62 26 1 151 16 1 S 27N 11\.114 62 22 46 151 7 53 S 26N 10\.1 4 62 32 14 150 53 45 S 28N 9W11 62 27 7 151 2 17 S 27N 10\.112 62 28 30 151 3 45 S 28N 10\.135 62 28 33 151 0 46 S 28N 9\.131 62 29 26 151 1 31 S 28N 9\.130 62 29 51 150 57 18 S 28N 9\.121 62 30 0 150 57 18 S 28N 9\.121 62 30 37 150 55 2 S 28N 9W15 62 30 56 150 55 40 S 28N 9\.115 62 30 52 150 54 43 S 28N 9\.115 62 31 20 150 53 5 S 28N 9\.114 61 54 21 150 54 21 S 21N 9\.115 62 26 12 151 23 59 S 27N 12W13 62 28 25 151 27 8 S 28N 12\.135 62 3 48 150 59 19 S 23N 9W19 62 12 23 151 11 17 S 24N 10\.1 6 62 13 35 151 6 36 S 25N 10\.127 62 12 53 151 16 3 S 25N 11W35 Page 76 - - - - - - - - - - .... .... - - - - - - - Stream/lake Map Sheet .............................................................................................................................................. 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4039·5017 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4045 Home Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4057 Camp Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4057·5011 Mills Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4057·5011·6017 Twin Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4067 Sunflower Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4088 Coffee Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4093 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4095 Cripple Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3180 Fish lake Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0010 Fish Lakes 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0020 Fish Lakes 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0030 Fish Lakes 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0040 Fish lakes 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0050 Fish Lakes 247·41·10200·2053·3205 Skwentna River 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4050 Shell Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4050·0010 Shell Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053 Talachulitna River 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5009 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5028 Thursday Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5038 Oeep Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5046 Friday Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5046·6011 Saturday Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5046·6020 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5053 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066 Talachulitna Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·0010 Judd Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·0020 Talachulitna Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6012 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6012·0010 Trinity lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6012·0020 Movie Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6026 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6034 3/25/86 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA C·3 TALKEETNA C-4 TALKEETNA C·4 TYONEK 0·3 TALKEETNA A·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·7 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK C·4 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK C·4 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C·4 TYONEIC C·4 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C-5 TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C·4 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C·4 TYONEIC C-5 TYONEK C·5 Southcentral Lat./long. Legal 62 14 31 151 13 15 S 25N 11~24 62 13 58 151 13 36 S 25N 11~25 62 15 9 151 9 29 S 25N 10~17 62 18 43 151 23 8 S 26N 11~30 62 18 48 151 14 36 S 26N 11~25 62 25 31 151 35 56 S 27N 13~13 62 20 48 151 21 3 S 26N 11~17 62 20 7 151 27 50 S 26N 12~22 62 20 7 151 27 50 S 26N 12~22 62 20 24 151 33 12 S 26N 12~17 62 22 0 151 17 42 S 26N 11~ 3 62 28 0 151 34 16 S 28N 12~31 62 30 56 151 28 4 S 28N 12~15 62 31 29 151 26 54 S 28N 12~11 62 32 0 151 30 0 S 28N 12~ 9 62 32 32 151 30 54 S 28N 12~ 4 62 31 45 151 30 31 S 28N 12~ 9 62 32 28 151 31 13 S 28N 12~ 4 61 55 32 150 57 29 S 21N ~ 8 62 0 58 151 1 40 S 22N 10~12 61 56 13 150 58 31 S 21N ~ 5 61 56 34 150 57 37 S 21N ~ 5 61 57 30 150 57 32 S 22N ~32 61 57 44 150 57 48 S 22N ~29 61 58 15 150 57 31 S 22N ~29 61 59 10 151 8 23 S 22N 10~20 61 58 49 152 20 56 S 22N 1~23 61 52 31 151 25 1 S 21N 12~26 61 55 53 151 30 19 S 21N 12~ 8 61 57 58 151 33 36 S 22N 13W25 61 52 2 151 24 47 S 21N 12~35 61 36 56 151 9 8 S 18N 10~30 61 51 30 151 21 50 S 20N 12W 1 61 48 45 151 14 56 S 20N 11~22 61 47 45 151 24 45 S 20N 12~26 61 47 36 151 31 3 S 20N 12~30 61 44 10 151 27 34 S 19N 12~16 61 43 55 151 31 43 S 19N 12~18 61 42 51 151 27 19 S 19N 12~28 61 41 18 151 32 8 S 19N 13~36 61 41 28 151 29 27 S 19N 12~32 61 40 47 151 36 34 S 18N 13~ 3 61 41 19 151 32 6 S 19N 13~36 61 42 14 151 33 39 S 19N 13~25 61 40 56 151 23 5 S 18N 12~ 2 61 42 37 151 21 19 S 19N 12~25 61 35 47 151 16 32 S 17N 11~ 4 61 34 8 151 40 2 S 17N 13~17 61 34 16 151 33 19 S 17N 13W13 61 34 16 151 37 27 s 17N 13~15 61 34 40 151 19 42 S 17N 11~ 7 61 37 14 151 26 49 S 18N 12~28 61 36 3 151 26 46 S 18N 12~33 61 37 33 151 26 55 S 18N 12~28 61 33 57 151 29 39 S 17N 12~17 61 34 24 151 31 11 S 17N 12~ 7 61 34 18 151 34 3 S 17N 13~11 61 34 38 151 35 49 S 17N 13W10 Page 77 Stream/Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6045 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5072 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4057 Quartz Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4064 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4067 Canyon Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4070 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4078 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4082 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4082·5003 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4099 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4099·0010 Red Salmon Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112 Happy River 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5037 Canyon Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5045 Squaw Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205:4112·5045·0010 Puntilla Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5049 lndian Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3213 Hewitt Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3213·0010 Whiskey Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3213·4050 247·41·10200·2053·3213·4050·0010 Hewitt Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3220 Oonkey Creek Slough 247·41·10200·2053·3220·4030 Oonkey Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3220·4030·5030 247-41·10200·2053·3220·4030·5030·0010 Donkey Creek Lake 247-41·10200·2053·3225 Johnson Creek 247·41·10200-2053·3225·4015 Red Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3225·4035 247·41·10200·2053·3229 Kichatna River 247-41-10200·2053·3229·4002 Gagnan Creek 247-41·10200·2053·3229·4002·5022 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4009 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4050 Nakochna River 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4075 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4079 3/25/86 Map Sheet TYONEK C·5 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·5 TYONEK 0·6 TYONEK 0·6 TYONEK 0·7 TALKEETNA A-6 TALKEETNA A·6 TALKEETNA A-6 TALKEETNA A-6 TALKEETNA A-6 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·4 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA B-4 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A·3 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A·4 TYONEK 0·6 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA A·4 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A-5 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 61 34 8 151 40 3 S 17N 13W17 61 33 45 151 40 24 S 17N 13W17 61 34 34 151 14 50 S 17N 11W10 61 33 2 151 18 27 S 17N 11W20 61 51 12 151 27 33 S 20N 12W 4 61 50 55 151 31 46 S 20N 12W 6 61 52 54 151 30 47 S 21N 12W29 61 55 31 151 35 8 S 21N 13W12 61 52 54 151 32 2 S 21N 12W30 61 51 11 151 40 39 S 20N 13W 5 61 54 2 151 33 28 S 21N 12W19 61 54 43 151 33 53 S 21N 13W13 61 58 2 151 47 16 S 22N 14W26 61 59 18 151 46 22 S 22N 14W23 61 58 8 151 47 55 S 22N 14W26 61 59 12 151 50 21 S 22N 14W21 61 58 12 151 47 55 S 22N 14W26 61 58 48 151 47 44 S 22N 14W23 61 57 31 151 59 52 S 22N 15W34 61 56 51 152 0 39 S 22N 15W34 61 56 25 152 0 22 S 21N 15W 3 61 58 52 152 20 55 S 22N 17W23 62 6 1 152 42 41 S 23N 19\.111 62 2 1 152 34 55 S 23N 18W33 62 3 36 152 44 32 S 23N 19W27 62 4 11 152 40 3 S 23N 19W24 62 5 6 152 43 10 S 23N 19W14 62 5 19 152 43 48 S 23N 19W15 62 6 0 152 42 44 S 23N 19W11 62 8 0 152 46 57 S 24N 19W32 61 59 20 151 11 3 S 22N 10W19 62 0 0 151 24 34 S 22N 12W14 61 59 20 151 24 4 S 22N 12W24 61 59 5 151 21 23 S 22N 11W19 61 59 11 151 21 39 S 22N 11W19 62 0 20 151 23 25 S 22N 12W12 62 1 58 151 17 58 S 22N 11W 4 62 5 13 151 19 44 S 23N 11W17 62 5 14 151 19 46 S 23N 11W17 62 17 15 151 32 26 S 25N 12W 5 62 8 26 151 25 43 S 24N 12W26 62 9 43 151 26 20 S 24N 12W22 62 9 3 151 26 18 S 24N 12W22 62 5 12 151 29 45 S 23N 12W16 62 3 39 152 3 54 S 23N 15W29 62 3 54 151 36 10 S 23N 13W23 61 59 41 152 3 32 S 22N 15W17 62 3 38 152 3 52 S 23N 15W29 62 3 17 152 4 10 S 23N 15W29 62 5 54 151 30 10 S 23N 12W 8 62 11 9 152 16 12 S 24N 16W 7 62 5 58 151 30 22 S 23N 12W 8 62 10 46 151 42 34 S 24N 13W 8 62 8 55 151 32 59 S 24N 12W30 62 11 40 151 40 2 S 24N 13W 4 62 5 52 151 33 33 S 23N 13W12 62 6 50 151 35 33 S 23N 13W 2 62 9 12 151 44 59 S 24N 14W24 62 12 24 152 1 0 S 25N 15W34 62 8 36 152 1 2 S 24N 15W27 62 7 42 152 1 7 S 24N 15W33 62 8 30 152 1 58 S 24N 15W28 62 7 42 152 2 28 S 24N 15W33 Page 78 - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - Stream/Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4087 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4099 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4099·5007 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4110 247·41·10200·2053·3238 Clearwater Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3249 West Fork Yentna River 247·41·10200·2053·3249-4101 247·41·10200·2053·3250 East Fort Yentna River 247·41·10200·2060 247·41·10200·2070 247·41·10200·2075 247·41·10200·2081 Deshka River 1 Kroto Creek 247·41·10200·2081·0010 Kroto Lake 247·41·10200·2081·3050 Trapper Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3057 247·41·10200·2081·3065 247·41·10200·2081·3065·4019 247·41·10200·2081·3065·4027 Yenlo Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3081 Twentymile Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3094 Seventeenmile Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3100 Moose Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3100·4155 247·41·10200·2081·3100·4167 Gate Creek 247·41·10200-2081·3124 247·41·10200·2095 247·41-10200·2120 Willow Creek 247·41·10200·2120·3010 247·41·10200·2120·3010·0010 247·41·10200·2120·3017 247·41-10200·2120·3020 Deception Creek 247·41·10200·2120·3020·4010 247·41·10200·2120·3020·4018 247-41·10200·2120·3020·4021 247·41-10200·2120·3020·4031 3/25/86 Map Sheet .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. -.................. .. TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A-5 TALKEETNA A·5 TALKEETNA A·5 TALKEETNA 8·5 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·5 TALKEETNA 8·5 TALKEETNA 8·4 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK C·1 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TYONEK 0·1 TYONEK 0·2 TYONEK 0·2 TALKEETNA A·2 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA A·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TYONEK 0·2 TALKEETNA 8·1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA 8·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 TYONEK 0·1 TYONEK 0·1 ANCHORAGE 0·8 TYONEK 0·1 TYONEK C·1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK 0·1 TYONEK 0·1 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE 0·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE 0·8 ANCHORAGE C·8 Southcentral Lat./Long • Legal 62 8 58 152 10 18 S 24N 16W22 62 7 46 152 13 19 S 24N 16W33 62 9 36 152 11 36 S 24N 16W22 62 9 8 152 13 26 S 24N 16W21 62 9 25 152 12 13 S 24N 16W21 62 8 53 152 12 47 S 24N 16W28 62 11 11 152 16 9 S 24N 16W 7 62 16 2 152 19 26 S 25N 16W 7 62 11 58 151 36 32 S 24N 13W 2 62 19 5 151 36 37 S 26N 13W25 62 16 52 151 46 31 S 25N 14W 1 62 26 49 152 18 10 S 27N 16W 7 62 23 40 152 6 1 S 27N 15W29 62 24 21 152 10 3 S 27N 16W25 62 16 54 151 46 20 S 25N 14W 1 62 22 47 151 55 51 S 26N 14W 6 61 35 34 150 22 19 S 17N 6W 4 61 35 51 150 20 53 S 17N 6W 3 61 40 18 150 17 55 S 18N 6W11 61 40 34 150 14 29 S 18N 5W 6 61 41 37 150 18 36 S 19N 6W35 61 41 41 150 19 18 S 19N 6W35 61 41 38 150 18 25 S 19N 6W35 62 27 30 150 39 11 S 27N 7W 6 62 26 53 150 39 28 S 27N 8W12 61 50 57 150 22 8 S 20N 6W 4 61 58 30 150 12 17 S 22N 5W28 61 50 51 150 22 52 S 20N 6W 4 61 53 59 150 31 2 S 21N 7W23 61 53 2 150 23 52 S 21N 6W29 62 9 33 150 38 19 S 24N 7W19 62 2 14 150 32 35 S 23N 7W34 62 2 42 150 34 25 S 23N 7W33 62 8 37 150 37 58 S 24N 7W30 62 8 55 150 40 41 S 24N 8W26 62 15 0 150 39 11 S 25N 7W18 62 19 40 150 40 29 S 26N 8W24 62 17 31 150 36 33 S 25N 7W 5 62 19 52 150 33 40 S 26N 7W22 61 59 16 150 23 43 S 22N 6W21 62 29 24 150 23 50 S 28N 6W28 62 12 33 150 26 51 S 25N 6W31 62 11 57 150 28 43 S 24N 7W 1 62 13 59 150 26 45 S 25N 6W30 62 18 28 150 31 45 S 26N 7W26 62 24 48 150 34 28 S 27N 7W21 62 28 20 150 30 25 S 28N 7W35 61 52 33 150 10 2 S 21N 5W27 61 54 12 150 10 1 S 21N 5W15 61 46 56 150 9 35 S 20N 5W34 61 46 43 149 46 40 S 20N 3W35 61 46 38 150 7 5 S 20N 5W35 61 44 45 150 5 57 S 19N 5W12 61 44 30 150 6 7 S 19N 5W13 61 46 6 150 3 26 S 19N 4W 6 61 46 37 150 0 29 S 20N 4W33 61 45 55 150 2 28 S 19N 4W 5 61 41 12 149 42 6 S 19N 2W31 61 45 31 149 58 23 S 19N 4W10 61 45 9 149 57 35 S 19N 4W11 61 45 0 149 56 21 S 19N 4W11 61 44 40 149 55 32 S 19N 4W13 61 44 54 149 55 11 S 19N 4W12 61 45 42 149 49 29 S 19N 3W 4 61 44 31 149 54 29 S 19N 4W13 61 44 43 149 51 43 S 19N 3W 8 Page 79 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... '247-41-10200-2120-3020-4041 247-41-10200-2120-3020-4051 247·41-10200-2120-3020-4071 247-41-10200-2120-3020-4071-5011 247-41-10200-2120-3020·4071-5018 247-41-10200-2120-3020-4071-5050 247-41-10200-2130 Little Willow Creek 247-41-10200-2130-3011 247-41-10200-2130-3011-0010 Kashwitna Lake 247·41-10200-2180 Kashwitna River 247-41-10200-2180-3061 North Fork Kashwitna River 247-41-10200-2190 Caswell Creek 247-41-10200-2190-0010 Caswell Lake 247-41-10200-2190-3020 247-41-10200-2200 Sheep Creek 247-41-10200-2230 Goose Creek 247-41·10200-2250 Montana Creek 247-41-10200-2250-3050 South Fork Montana Creek 247-41-10200-2250-3061 Middle Fork Montana Creek 247-41-10200-2250-3061-4009 North Fork Montana Creek 247-41-10200-2254 247-41-10200-22S4-0010 247-41-10200-2254-0020 247-41-10200-2261 247-41-10200-2291 Rabideux Creek 247-41-10200-2291-3011 Queer Creek 247-41-10200-2291-3011-4030 247-41-10200-2291-3041 Sawmill Creek 247-41-10200-2291-3049 247-41-10200-2300 Sunshine Creek 247-41-10200-2300-0010 Sunshine Lakes 247-41-10200-2300-3011 Question Creek 247-41-10200-2300-3011-0010 Question Lake 247-41-10200-2300-3011-4016 Answer Creek 3/25/86 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 TYONEK D-1 ANCHORAGE D-8 TYONEK D-1 TYONEK 0·1 TYONEK 0·1 ANCHORAGE D-6 ANCHORAGE D-8 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TYONEK D-1 TALKEETNA MTS A·6 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 ANCHORAGE D-8 TYONEK 0·1 TALKEETNA MTS A-5 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 T ALKEETNA A -1 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 Southcentral 61 43 53 149 53 4 S 19N 3W18 61 43 50 149 50 56 S 19N 3W17 61 43 6 149 51 43 S 19N 3W20 61 42 53 149 50 6 S 19N 3W28 61 41 46 149 46 26 S 19N 3W35 61 44 32 149 38 58 S 19N 2W16 61 42 37 149 45 18 S 19N 3W26 61 43 13 149 45 36 S 19N 3W23 61 43 2 149 44 25 S 19N 3W24 61 42 54 149 43 31 S 19N 3W25 61 44 47 149 40 38 S 19N 2W 8 61 44 11 149 39 12 S 19N 2W16 61 47 57 150 9 31 S 20N 5W27 61 55 31 149 47 51 S 21N 3W10 61 48 57 150 6 44 S 20N 5W24 61 49 47 150 4 55 S 20N 4W18 61 50 0 150 4 27 S 20N 4W 7 61 54 57 150 5 49 S 21N 5W13 61 56 58 149 9 55 S 22N 2E31 61 59 9 149 50 44 S 22N 3W21 62 3 51 149 35 0 S 23N 2W23 61 56 27 150 4 45 S 21N 4W 6 62 0 46 149 58 20 S 22N 4W10 62 1 1 149 58 6 S 22N 4W11 61 59 18 149 59 41 S 22N 4W22 61 59 21 149 58 22 S 22N 4W22 61 58 16 150 5 7 S 22N 4W30 62 7 19 149 26 22 S 24N 1W34 62 3 21 150 5 25 S 23N 4W30 62 4 10 149 55 2 S 23N 4W24 62 6 14 150 4 20 S 23N 4W 7 62 10 55 149 57 14 S 24N 4W11 62 10 55 149 57 12 S 24N 4W11 62 11 39 149 45 32 S 24N 3W 2 62 10 55 149 57 14 S 24N 4W11 62 12 2 149 51 42 S 24N 3W 5 62 11 24 149 57 9 S 24N 4W11 62 13 35 149 52 46 S 25N 3W29 62 6 31 150 4 9 S 23N 4W 6 62 8 25 150 3 0 S 24N 4W29 62 8 11 150 3 7 S 24N 4W29 62 8 40 150 2 50 S 24N 4W29 62 7 5 150 7 10 S 23N 5W 1 62 7 10 150 9 13 S 23N 5W 3 62 10 14 150 11 11 S 24N 5W16 62 16 47 150 14 5 S 25N 5W 5 62 11 27 150 12 33 S 24N 5W 9 62 10 41 150 15 24 S 24N 5W 7 62 10 41 150 15 26 S 24N 5W 7 62 12 11 150 16 50 S 24N 6W 1 62 14 45 150 14 22 S 25N 5W20 62 17 21 150 19 25 S 25N 6W 2 62 16 46 150 14 5 S 25N 5W 5 62 20 1 150 17 57 S 26N 6W24 62 10 35 150 7 33 S 24N 5W14 62 10 55 150 3 6 S 24N 4W 8 62 10 58 150 2 43 S 24N 4W 8 62 10 45 150 5 38 S 24N 5W12 62 13 20 150 4 41 S 25N 4W30 62 13 29 150 4 25 S 25N 4W30 62 12 10 150 4 29 S 24N 4W 6 62 12 11 150 3 46 S 24N 4W 6 Page 80 - .. .... - ..... - - - - - - - - - - ... ....,., 'lill' - Stream/Lake Map Sheet ............................................................................................... ......................................... . 247·41·10200·2318·3073 247·41·10200·2320 Birch Creek Slough 247·41·10200·2320·3010 Birch Creek 247·41·10200·2320·3010·0010 Fish Lake 247·41·10200·2320·3010·4010 247·41·10200·2341 Trapper Creek 247·41·10200·2370 Talkeetna River 247·41·10200·2370·3041 Chunilna Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4010 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4010·0010 Marna 8ear lake 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4010·0015 Popa 8ear Lake 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4080 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4101 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4131 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4180 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4190 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4200 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4200·5021 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4200·5021·6020 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4200·5021·6021 247·41·10200·2370·3080 247·41·10200·2370·3080·0010 Larson Lake 247·41·10200·2370·3080·0015 247·41·10200·2370·3080·4007 247·41·10200·2370·3090 Sheep Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3090·4049 247·41·10200·2370·3090·4049·0010 Rainbow Lake 247·41·10200·2370·3171 Disappointment Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3301 Prairie Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3301·0010 247·41·10200·2370·3301·0020 Stephan Lake 247·41·10200·2370·3301·4021 247·41·10200·2370·3301·4034 247·41·10200·2370·3301·4044 3/25/86 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA MTS B·6 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA 8·1 T ALKEETNA B · 1 TALKEETNA 8·1 TALKEETNA MTS 8·4 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 TALKEETNA 8·1 TALKEETNA MTS B·6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS B-6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS B·6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS 8·5 TALKEETNA MTS 8·5 TALKEETNA MTS 8·5 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 TALKEETNA MTS C-5 TALKEETNA MTS C-4 TALKEETNA MTS C·4 TALKEETNA MTS C·4 TALKEETNA MTS C-5 TALKEETNA MTS C-4 TALKEETNA MTS C-4 Southcentral- Lat./Long • Legal 62 30 2 150 14 33 S 28N 5W20 62 30 23 150 15 16 S 28N 5W20 62 13 20 150 6 51 S 25N 5W25 62 16 29 150 6 58 S 25N 5W12 62 14 0 150 6 25 S 25N 5W25 62 17 33 149 56 37 S 25N 4W 1 62 14 58 150 3 24 S 25N 4W20 62 15 20 150 4 15 S 25N 4W18 62 17 52 150 2 37 S 26N 4W32 62 15 21 150 10 13 S 25N 5W15 62 24 11 150 19 46 S 27N 6W26 62 19 29 150 7 11 S 26N SW24 62 24 14 148 31 50 S 27N 5E28 62 22 9 150 0 31 S 26N 4W 4 62 38 17 149 30 0 S 29N 1W 5 62 22 24 150 0 26 S 26N 4W 3 62 24 49 149 55 32 S 27N 4W24 62 24 11 149 56 55 S 27N 4W26 62 23 57 149 56 12 S 27N 4W25 62 30 16 149 51 41 S 28N 3W20 62 30 7 149 51 16 S 28N 3W20 62 31 39 149 50 21 S 28N 3W 9 62 31 57 149 50 0 S 28N 3W 9 62 32 13 149 48 48 S 28N 3W10 62 32 46 149 49 29 S 28N 3W 4 62 35 54 149 38 44 S 29N 2W16 62 35 46 149 38 41 S 29N 2W21 62 36 35 149 37 37 S 29N 2W15 62 36 28 149 37 25 S 29N 2W15 62 37 17 149 36 46 S 29N 2W10 62 39 28 149 30 8 S 30N 1W29 62 38 25 149 35 12 S 30N 2W35 62 39 54 149 36 2 S 30N 2W26 62 39 33 149 36 9 S 30N 2W26 62 39 40 149 35 32 S 30N 2W26 62 39 34 149 36 13 S 30N 2W26 62 39 35 149 36 48 S 30N 2W27 62 22 16 149 51 11 S 26N 3W 5 62 18 0 149 55 21 S 26N 4W36 62 20 21 149 53 23 S 26N 3W18 62 17 56 149 55 24 S 26N 4W36 62 21 31 149 51 24 S 26N 3W 8 62 20 56 149 50 22 S 26N 3W16 62 22 27 149 47 4 S 26N 3W 2 62 18 0 149 19 38 S 26N 1E31 62 18 0 149 19 38 S 26N 1E31 62 20 4 149 18 23 S 26N 1E20 62 20 32 149 18 20 S 26N 1E17 62 27 21 149 40 3 S 27N 2W 4 62 28 36 149 36 41 S 28N 2W34 62 35 59 149 3 42 S 29N 2E15 62 41 0 148 56 3 S 30N 3E17 62 40 33 148 56 50 S 30N 3E20 62 42 22 148 52 39 S 30N 3E10 62 37 46 149 1 38 S 29N 2E 2 62 38 15 149 2 25 S 29N 2E 2 62 38 46 148 59 16 S 30N 2E36 62 38 33 148 57 53 S 30N 3E31 62 39 59 148 57 41 S 30N 3E30 62 39 53 148 51 29 S 30N 3E27 Page 81 Stream/Lake 247·41·10200·2370·3320 247·41·10200·2370·3328 247·41·10200·2370·3332 247·41·10200·2370·3340 247·41·10200·2370·3350 247·41·10200-2381 Chulitna River 247·41·10200·2381·3051 247·41·10200·2381·3090 247·41·10200·2381-3130 Troublesome Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3161 Tokositna River 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4016 Alder Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4016·5010 247·41·10200·2381-3161·4071 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4071·0010 Swan Lake 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4071·5020 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4071·5031 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4071·5031·0020 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4085 Bunco Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4085·0010 Bunco Lake 247·41·10200·2381·3179 Spink Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3179·0010 Spink Lake 247·41·10200·2381·3180 Byers Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3180·0010 Byers Lake 247·41·10200·2381·3220 Horseshoe Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3240 Honolulu Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3240·4020 Little Honolulu Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3260 East Fork Chulitna River 247·41·10200·2391 IJhiskers Creek 247·41·10200·2391·3021 247-41·10200-2391·3033 247·41·10200·2391·3036 247·41·10200·2391·3039 247·41·10200·2420 247·41·10200·2420·3004 3/25/86 Map Sheet TALKEETNA MTS C-4 TALKEETNA MTS C·4 TALKEETNA MTS C·4 TALKEETNA MTS C-4 TALKEETNA MTS C·4 TALKEETNA B·1 HEALY B·5 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 T ALKEETNA C · 1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA 0·1 TALKEETNA D·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA 0·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 HEALY A·6 HEALY A-5 HEALY A·6 HEALY A·6 HEALY A·5 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA B·1 TALKEETNA B·1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 62 33 3 148 58 56 S 28N 3E 6 62 32 55 148 59 50 S 28N 2E 1 62 32 1 148 58 5 S 28N 3E 7 62 31 49 148 58 57 S 28N 3E 7 62 31 57 148 57 33 S 28N 3E 7 62 31 30 148 58 10 S 28N 3E 7 62 31 12 148 54 37 S 28N 3E16 62 30 40 148 54 27 S 28N 3E16 62 30 56 148 48 12 S 28N 3E13 62 30 23 148 48 18 S 28N 3E24 62 20 13 150 9 6 S 26N 51.114 63 16 53 149 7 30 F 19S 81.1 8 62 26 18 150 14 40 S 27N 51.1 8 62 27 34 150 16 43 S 27N 5W 6 62 31 40 150 13 13 S 28N 5W 9 62 32 4 150 12 6 S 28N 5W 9 62 37 40 150 14 9 S 29N 51.1 5 62 40 51 150 5 20 S 30N 41.119 62 40 43 150 17 6 S 30N 51.119 62 37 7 150 35 52 S 29N 7W 9 62 40 27 150 20 6 S 30N 61.123 62 40 50 150 20 46 S 30N 61.123 62 40 33 150 20 6 S 30N 61.123 62 41 41 150 19 28 S 30N 61.113 62 34 9 150 24 0 S 29N 61.128 62 30 12 150 24 12 S 28N 61.121 62 31 24 150 23 34 S 28N 61.116 62 31 54 150 24 21 S 28N 61.1 9 62 32 15 150 25 12 S 28N 61.1 8 62 30 24 150 23 9 S 28N 61.121 62 29 42 150 22 12 S 28N 61.127 62 29 35 150 21 59 S 28N 61.127 62 32 49 150 30 9 S 28N 7W 2 62 30 15 150 34 58 S 28N 71.121 62 32 21 150 30 28 S 28N 7W 2 62 43 45 150 14 48 S 31N 51.132 62 46 16 150 14 24 S 31N 51.117 62 46 54 150 14 17 S 31N 51.117 62 43 1 150 12 47 S 30N 51.1 4 62 45 15 150 4 0 S 31N 41.129 62 44 19 150 6 54 S 31N 51.136 62 52 22 149 52 30 S 32N 31.1 8 62 50 40 149 51 26 S 32N 31.121 63 3 19 149 35 25 F 21S 111.135 63 4 15 149 27 39 F 21S 101.128 63 3 10 149 34 36 F 21S 111.136 63 2 43 149 33 20 F 21S 111.136 63 6 32 149 31 24 F 21S 101.1 7 63 11 38 149 15 40 F 20S 91.110 62 22 38 150 10 6 S 26N 51.1 3 62 31 7 150 10 8 S 28N 51.115 62 25 26 150 9 59 S 27N 51.115 62 26 27 150 10 50 S 27N 51.110 62 27 24 150 10 1 S 27N 51.1 3 62 27 50 150 10 23 S 27N 51.1 3 62 28 11 150 9 58 S 28N 51.134 62 29 24 150 9 39 S 28N 51.126 62 29 1 150 10 50 S 28N 51.127 62 29 22 150 11 22 S 28N 51.127 62 26 44 150 7 46 S 27N 51.112 62 26 51 150 5 20 S 27N 41.1 7 62 27 16 150 6 37 S 27N 51.1 1 62 27 8 150 6 29 S 27N 51.1 1 Page 82 <'_') - - - .... '~ ...; .... ..... .... .... - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 247-41-10200-2420-3013 247-41-10200-2426 247-41-10200-2436 247-41-10200-2440 Lane Creek 247-41-10200-2441 247-41-10200-2443 247-41·10200·2450 McKenzie Creek 247-41-10200·2452 247-41-10200-2454 Portage Creek 247-41-10200-2457 247-41-10200-2459 247-41-10200·2462 Oeadhorse Creek 247-41-10200-2463 247-41-10200-2470 247-41-10200-2473 247-41-10200-2474 247-41-10200·2510 247-41-10200-2511 247-41-10200-2540 Gold Creek 247-41-10200-2551 Indian River 247-41-10200-2551-3015 Salmon Creek 247-41-10200·2551·3015·0010 Sunnit Lake 247·41·10200-2551·3201 247-41·10200-2570 247-41-10200-2585 Portage Creek 247·41-10200·2585-3100 247·41-10200·2585·3201 Thoroughfare Creek 247-41-10200-2585·3223 247-41-10200·2596 247-41-10200·2630 247-41-10200·2696 Fog Creek 247-50-10050 Chester Creek 247-50-10060 Ship Creek 247-50-10090 Sixmile Creek 3/25/86 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TALKEETNA MTS 0·5 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0·5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0-4 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE B-8 Southcentral 62 27 2 150 5 30 S 27N 4W 7 62 27 13 150 5 17 S 27N 4W 6 62 30 2 150 5 58 S 28N 5W24 62 30 12 150 5 7 S 28N 4W19 62 30 13 150 6 6 S 28N 5W24 62 30 45 150 5 42 S 28N 4W18 62 31 55 150 6 6 S 28N 5W12 62 33 2 150 0 16 S 28N 4W 3 62 32 3 150 6 27 S 28N 5W12 62 32 21 150 7 7 S 28N 5W 1 62 33 30 150 5 18 S 29N 4W31 62 33 44 150 5 41 S 29N 4W31 62 34 2 150 3 29 S 29N 4W32 62 34 8 150 0 39 S 29N 4W27 62 34 14 150 2 57 S 29N 4W29 62 34 14 150 2 26 S 29N 4W28 62 34 49 150 2 26 S 29N 4W28 62 34 46 150 1 56 S 29N 4W28 62 36 4 150 2 1 S 29N 4W16 62 36 1 150 2 33 S 29N 4W16 62 36 13 150 2 7 S 29N 4W16 62 36 16 150 2 37 S 29N 4W16 62 37 6 150 0 20 S 29N 4W10 62 36 38 149 59 28 S 29N 4W15 62 37 17 150 0 24 S 29N 4W10 62 37 26 150 0 47 S 29N 4W10 62 38 52 149 57 24 S 30N 4W35 62 38 35 149 57 24 S 30N 4W35 62 39 15 149 57 25 S 30N 4W26 62 39 30 149 57 36 S 30N 4W26 62 39 34 149 56 3 S 30N 4W25 62 39 13 149 55 37 S 30N 4W36 62 42 47 149 48 34 S 30N 3W 3 62 42 26 149 47 29 S 30N 3W11 62 42 59 149 48 5 S 30N 3W 3 62 43 47 149 48 45 S 31N 3W34 62 46 6 149 41 20 S 31N 2W20 62 45 38 149 34 40 S 31N 2W23 62 47 11 149 39 19 S 31N 2W 9 62 57 45 149 21 16 F 225 9W31 62 52 16 149 35 47 5 32N 2W11 62 54 41 149 37 18 5 33N 2W34 62 54 19 149 36 22 5 33N 2W35 62 56 57 149 22 47 5 33N 1W13 62 57 32 149 23 20 F 225 10W36 62 49 22 149 29 41 5 32N 1W32 62 48 5 149 23 11 5 31N 1W 1 62 49 53 149 22 41 5 32N 1W25 62 58 13 149 0 59 F 225 8W35 62 52 2 149 21 4 S 32N 1E18 62 52 0 149 20 27 S 32N 1E18 62 55 22 149 10 46 S 33N 1E25 62 58 29 149 9 49 F 22S 8W30 62 56 59 149 7 22 S 33N 2E17 62 59 19 149 5 42 F 22S 8W21 62 49 1 149 17 30 S 32N 1E33 62 48 43 149 17 19 S 31N 1E 4 62 48 9 149 9 32 S 31N 2E 6 62 47 24 149 8 27 S 31N 2E 7 62 46 35 148 42 52 S 31N 4E16 62 46 32 148 41 46 S 31N 4E15 61 12 33 149 55 21 5 13N 4W24 61 12 9 149 42 42 S 13N 2W19 61 13 34 149 53 36 S 13N 3W 7 61 13 31 149 38 4 S 13N 2W 9 61 17 38 149 49 55 S 14N 3W21 61 17 6 149 46 23 S 14N 3W23 Page 83 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ..... ............................................................................................ .............................................. ..................................... ............ ., ......... 247·50·10090·0010 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 17 26 149 48 1 S 14N 3Y22 Sixmile Lake 247·50·10095 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 18 28 149 49 6 S 14N 3Y16 -61 18 38 149 47 44 S 14N 3Y15 247·50·10095·2006 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 18 27 149 48 20 S 14N 3W15 61 18 19 149 48 12 S 14N 3W15 247·50·10095·2010 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 18 30 149 48 2 S 14N 3W15 -61 18 31 149 47 22 S 14N 31115 247·50·10110 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 19 43 149 44 13 S 14N 3\J 1 Eagle River ANCHORAGE A-6 61 10 45 149 11 11 S 13N 1E36 247·50·10110·2033 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 16 51 149 23 45 S 14N 1W26 -61 16 28 149 22 35 S 14N 1W25 247·50·10110·2070 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 17 53 149 28 24 S 14N 1W16 South Fork Eagle River 61 17 0 149 28 32 S 14N 1Y21 247·50·10110·2095 ANCHORAGE A-6 61 11 45 149 12 22 S 13N 1E24 ... 61 11 53 149 12 18 S 13N 1E24 247·50·10150 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 24 32 149 32 47 S 15N 2W12 Fire Creek 61 21 26 149 34 5 S 15N 21126 247·50·10160 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 25 40 149 29 56 S 16N 1Y32 -Peters Creek 61 23 9 149 22 39 S 15N 1W13 247·50·10175 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 27 43 149 24 22 S 16N 1W23 Eklutna River 61 26 45 149 21 21 S 16N 1E30 247·50·10200 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 29 5 149 15 52 S 16N 1E10 -ANCHORAGE 8·5 61 26 13 148 38 51 S 16N 4E36 247·50·10200·2071 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 30 20 149 1 38 S 16N 2E 1 Palmer Creek 61 33 47 149 2 21 S 17N 2E14 247·50·10200·2071·3025 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 33 44 149 2 17 S 17N 2E14 ..... 61 34 35 149 2 23 S 17N 2E11 247·50·10200·2081 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 31 10 148 58 6 s 17N 3E31 Jim Creek 61 32 24 148 52 33 S 17N 3E27 247·50·10200·2081·3021 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 32 16 148 54 56 S 17N 3E28 .. 61 32 41 148 55 26 S 17N 3E21 247·50·10200·2081·3021·0010 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 36 148 56 25 S 17N 3E20 247·50·10200·2081·3025 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 15 148 54 53 S 17N 3E28 -61 35 9 148 59 43 S 17N 2E 1 247·50·10200·2081·3025·0010 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 33 45 148 56 52 s 17N 3E17 247·50·10200·2081·3025·4010 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 37 148 54 32 s 17N 3E21 61 33 5 148 54 54 S 17N 3E21 -247·50·10200·2081·3025·4010·0010 Jim Lake ANCHORAGE C·6 61 33 18 148 55 31 S 17N 3E21 247·50·10200·2081·3031 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 10 148 54 10 s 17N 3E27 61 31 49 148 54 2 S 17N 3E27 -247·50·10200·2081·3031·0010 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 31 40 148 54 0 S 17N 3E34 Swan Lake 247·50·10200·2081·3041 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 31 57 148 52 46 S 17N 3E27 ANCHORAGE C-5 61 31 14 148 48 42 S 17N 4E31 -247·50·10200·2126 ANCHORAGE 8·5 61 28 4 148 51 6 S 16N 3E23 61 27 35 148 49 47 S 16N 3E24 247·50·10200·2131 ANCHORAGE 8·5 61 29 40 148 46 14 S 16N 4E 8 Friday Creek 61 30 0 148 45 2 S 16N 4E 4 .. 247·50·10200·2135 ANCHORAGE 8·5 61 29 3 148 46 53 S 16N 4E17 61 29 39 148 46 13 S 16N 4E 8 247·50·10200·2140 ANCHORAGE 8·5 61 27 53 148 47 50 S 16N 4E19 Hunter Creek 61 25 10 148 48 47 S 15N 4E 6 -247·50·10220 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 29 44 149 15 27 S 16N 1E10 Matanuska River ANCHORAGE 0·2 61 47 9 147 39 13 S 20N 10E33 247·50·10220·2036 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 43 149 6 49 S 17N 2E21 61 30 38 149 9 19 S 16N 2E 6 -247·50·10220·2037 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 33 22 149 7 37 s 17N 2E20 61 33 31 149 7 49 S 17N 2E17 247·50·10220·2041 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 34 32 149 17 39 S 17N 1E 9 61 34 50 149 16 54 S 17N 1E 9 -247·50·10220·2080 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 40 5 149 2 49 S 18N 2E11 Wolverine Creek 61 39 5 149 0 0 S 18N 2E13 247·50·10220·2080·3019 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 39 8 149 0 20 S 18N 2E13 61 39 32 148 58 37 S 18N 3E 7 -3/25/86 Southcentral Page 84 - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 247·50·10220·2080·3019·0010 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 39 49 148 58 4 S 18N 3E 7 Wolverine Lake 247·50·10220·2085 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 40 27 149 2 9 S 18N 2E 2 Moose Creek ANCHORAGE 0·6 61 45 42 149 1 20 S 19N 2E 1 247·50·10220·2095 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 42 18 148 54 58 S 19N 3E28 Eska Creek 61 43 38 148 54 28 S 19N 3E21 247·50·10220·2105 ANCHORAGE C·5 61 42 32 148 50 55 S 19N 3E26 Granite Creek ANCHORAGE 0·5 61 46 31 148 50 18 S 20N 3E36 247·50·10220·2109 ANCHORAGE C·5 61 42 54 148 50 15 S 19N 3E25 Little Granite Creek 61 43 26 148 49 37 S 19N 3E24 247·50·10220·2109·3012 ANCHORAGE C·5 61 43 25 148 49 37 S 19N 3E24 61 44 13 148 46 24 S 19N 4E17 247·50·10220·2115 ANCHORAGE C·S 61 44 0 148 45 7 S 19N 4E16 Kings River ANCHORAGE 0·5 61 51 56 148 36 14 S 21N SE31 247·50·10220·2171 ANCHORAGE 0·4 61 47 8 148 27 2 S 20N 5E36 Chickaloon River 61 49 47 148 24 59 S 20N 6E17 247·50·10220·2260 ANCHORAGE 0·3 61 46 49 147 59 41 S 20N 8E34 61 46 35 147 59 38 S 20N 8E34 247·50·10220·2260·0010 ANCHORAGE 0·3 Tatondan Lake 61 46 40 147 58 53 S 20N 8E34 247·50·10220·2341 ANCHORAGE 0·2 61 47 9 147 39 13 S 20N 10E33 Caribou Creek 61 48 11 147 40 39 S 20N 10E20 247·50·10260 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 30 53 149 20 36 S 17N 1E31 Rabbi t Slough ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 28 149 10 43 S 17N 1E25 247·50·10260·2019 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 32 6 149 15 52 S 17N 1E27 61 32 58 149 17 27 S 17N 1E21 247·50·10260·2019·3020 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 32 33 149 16 24 s 17N 1 E21 Spring Creek ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 39 149 10 21 S 17N 2E19 247·50·10260·2019·3020·4015 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 33 0 149 12 17 S 17N 1E24 61 32 58 149 11 8 S 17N 1E24 247·50·10270 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 30 58 149 22 54 S 17N 1W36 Wasilla Creek ANCHORAGE C-6 61 44 1 149 6 47 S 19N 2E16 247·50·10270·2020 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 32 21 149 20 2 S 17N 1E30 61 32 50 149 19 58 S 17N 1E19 247·50·10270·2066 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 36 28 149 14 33 S 18N 1E34 61 36 56 149 12 45 S 18N 1E26 247·50·10300 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 29 50 149 35 32 S 16N 2W11 Cottonwood Creek ANCHORAGE C·7 61 37 46 149 15 26 S 18N 1E22 247·50·10300·0010 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 35 1. 149 24 38 S 17N 1W11 Wasilla Lake 247·50·10300·0020 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 35 55 149 19 0 s 17N 1E 5 Cottonwood Lake 247·50·10300·0030 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 37 38 149 17 17 S 18N 1E28 247·50·10300·0040 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 37 44 149 15 59 S 18N 1E22 Nicklason Lake 247·50·10300·0050 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 37 40 149 15 23 S 18N 1E27 Cornelius Lake 247·50·10300·2055 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 37 18 149 17 0 S 18N 1E28 61 37 24 149 19 42 S 18N 1E30 247·50·10300·2055·0020 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 37 15 149 20 30 S 18N 1E30 Kings Lake 247·50·10300·2055·3008 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 37 27 149 18 56 S 18N 1E29 61 37 29 149 18 56 S 18N 1E29 247·50·10300·2055·3008·0010 ANCHORAGE C-7 Dry Lake 61 37 33 149 18 56 S 18N 1E29 247·50·10330 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 26 15 149 46 3 S 16N 3W35 Fish Creek ANCHORAGE C-8 61 32 26 149 49 54 S 17N 3W28 247·50·10330·0010 ANCHORAGE C·8 61 31 49 149 54 1 S 17N 3W30 Big Lake 247·50·10330·0015 ANCHORAGE C·8 61 32 4 149 59 0 S 17N 4W27 Mirror Lake 247·50·10330·0020 Flat Lake TYONEK C·1 61 31 56 150 0 34 S 17N 4W28 247·50·10330·2020 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 28 35 149 48 58 S 16N 3W16 Threemile Creek 61 29 52 149 45 59 S 16N 3W11 247·50·10330·2020·0010 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 29 51 149 45 28 S 16N 3W11 Threemile Lake 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 85 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 247·50·10330·2050 Meadow Creek 247·50·10330·2050·3007 247·50·10330·2050·3007·0010 247·50·10330·2050·3007·0020 Little Beaver Lake 247-50·10330·2050·3025 247·50·10330·2050·3025·0010 247·50·10330-2050·3025·0020 247-50·10330·2050·3030 Lucile Creek 247-50·10330·2050·3050 247·50·10330·2050·3050·0010 Blodgett Lake 247·50·10330·2050·3050·4027 247·50·10330-2050·3050·4040 247·50·10360 Goose Creek 247·50·10360·0010 Stephan Lake 247·50·10360·0020 247·60·10100 Pincher Creek 247·60·10100·2016 247·60·10100·2016·0010 Two Island Lake 247·60·10110 Chickaloon River 247·60·10110·0010 Swan Lake 247·60·10110·2011 247·60·10110·2063 247·60·10110·2080 Mystery Creek 247·60·10110·2080·3010 247·60·10110·2080·3010·0010 Moose Lake 247·60·10110·2080·3019 247·60·10110·2120 Thurman Creek 247·60·10120 Big Indian Creek 247·60·10130 Little Indian Creek 247·60·10140 Porcupine Creek 247·60·10150 Resurrection Creek 247·60·10150·2008 Cripple Creek 247-60·10150·2025 Palmer Creek 247·60·10150·2028 3/25/86 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C·7 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE B·8 ANCHORAGE B-8 ANCHORAGE B-8 KENAI 0·1 KENAI 0·1 KENAI 0·1 KENAI 0·1 SEWARO C-8 SEWARO C-8 KENAI 0·1 KENAI 0·1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C·1 SEWARO C·8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO C-8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO 0·8 SEWARO 0·7 SEWARD 0·8 Southcentral 61 33 2 149 52 33 S 17N 3W19 61 34 1 149 46 49 S 17N 3W14 61 33 36 149 52 22 S 17N 3W18 61 35 2 149 52 3 S 17N 3W 8 61 34 23 149 53 17 S 17N 3W 7 61 35 13 149 51 42 S 17N 3W 5 61 34 6 149 47 25 S 17N 3W15 61 34 40 149 46 32 S 17N 3W11 61 34 24 149 46 49 S 17N 3W11 61 34 41 149 46 1 S 17N 3W11 61 34 0 149 46 50 S 17N 3W14 61 34 26 149 30 6 S 17N 1W 8 61 33 59 149 .46 50 S 17N 3W14 61 34 32 149 41 0 S 17N 2W 8 61 34 39 149 40 18 S 17N 2W 8 61 34 30 149 42 45 S 17N 2W 7 61 36 46 149 38 1 S 18N 2W33 61 34 25 149 41 7 S 17N 2W 8 61 34 29 149 40 51 S 17N 2W 8 61 22 31 149 53 9 S 15N 3W19 61 29 12 149 54 58 S 16N 4W12 61 29 20 149 55 24 S 16N 4W12 61 28 37 149 57 5 S 16N 4W14 60 55 28 150 11 14 S 10N 5W29 60 52 41 150 10 48 S 9N 5W16 60 54 56 150 11 21 S 10N 5W32 60 53 0 150 15 54 S 9N 6W12 60 53 1 150 16 19 S 9N 6W12 60 54 23 150 2 22 S 9N 4W 6 60 37 58 149 53 1 S 6N 3W 6 60 37 27 149 51 47 S 6N 3W 7 60 49 33 150 4 37 S 9N 5W36 60 47 42 150 1 23 S 8N 4W 8 60 46 27 150 13 28 S 8N 5W19 60 43 41 150 5 14 S 7N 5W 1 60 45 0 150 14 35 S 8N· 6W25 60 44 2 150 16 33 S 8N 6W35 60 44 37 150 16 15 S 8N 6W35 60 44 28 150 18 33 S 8N 6W34 60 44 49 150 18 45 S 8N 6W34 60 44 2 150 16 33 S 8N 6W35 60 38 31 150 14 4 S 6N 5W 6 60 39 1 150 5 9 S 7N 5W36 60 33 56 149 56 15 S 6N 4W35 60 55 30 149 59 50 S 10N 4W28 60 52 40 149 56 29 S 9N 4W14 60 56 4 149 55 34 S 10N 4W26 60 55 6 149 53 47 S 10N 4W36 60 55 48 149 39 23 S 10N 2W29 60 55 38 149 40 10 S 10N 2W29 60 55 28 149 38 41 S 10N 2W28 60 42 57 149 43 53 S 7N 3W12 60 54 57 149 38 33 S 10N 2W33 60 54 47 149 39 11 S 10N 2W33 60 51 14 149 37 55 S 9N 2W21 60 50 51 149 32 5 S 9N 2W25 60 50 31 149 37 57 S 9N 2W28 60 50 11 149 38 19 S 9N 2W28 Page 86 - - - - .... - - - ""' - - .... ""' .... - - - - - --~·-·~""'"'~•~_,,,,,, __ ,_, "~"Hn>·~-•·:~~__,., .. .,._. __ "·-•" -· ...... -~-·--~~. .......... -... ,.<~·-· .. ·-·--- ------------------~=~=~~~:~~=-----------------------~~~-~~===--------.... :~==~:~~~=----Legal .. -.............. -... - 247-60·10150·2051 SEWARO 0·8 60 47 4 149 40 34 s 8N 2W17 Caribou Creek 60 46 50 149 40 2 s 8N 2W17 247-60-10160 SEWARO 0·8 60 55 29 149 38 5 S 10N 2W28 Bear Creek SEWARO 0·7 60 55 4 149 36 46 S 10N 2W34 247·60·10170 SEWARO 0·7 60 54 10 149 25 41 s 9N 1W 3 Sixmile Creek SEWARO C-7 60 43 10 149 17 51 s 7N 1E 4 247-60·10170-2030 SEWARO 0·7 60 46 57 149 25 25 s 8N 1W15 Canyon Creek SEWARO C-7 60 44 19 149 27 6 s 8N 1W33 247·60·10170·2036 SEWARO C-7 60 44 54 149 21 40 s 8N 1W25 Silvertip Creek 60 43 58 149 21 17 s 7N 1E 6 247·60·10170·2041 SEWARO C-7 60 43 13 149 17 43 s 7N 1E 4 Granite Creek SEWARO 0·6 60 47 7 149 13 29 s 8N 1E14 247·60·10170-2044 SEWARO C-7 60 43 9 149 17 47 s 7N 1E 4 Center Creek 60 42 24 149 15 5 s 7N 1E10 247-60-10170-2044·3008 SEWARO C-7 60 42 57 149 16 57 s 7N 1E 9 Benèh Creek SEWARO C-6 60 41 35 149 14 10 s 7N 1E14 247·60·10180 SEWARO 0·6 60 52 47 149 9 29 s 9N 2E 7 Seattle Creek 60 51 54 149 9 41 s 9N 2E18 247·60·10190 SEWARO 0·6 60 50 55 149 3 17 s 9N 2E26 Ingram Creek 60 50 0 149 4 55 s 9N 2E34 247-60-10190·2005 SEWARO 0·6 60 50 48 149 3 28 s 9N 2E26 60 50 31 149 2 46 s 9N 2E26 247-60-10200 SEWARO 0·6 60 49 14 148 59 57 s 9N 3E31 SEWARD C-6 60 43 6 149 3 43 s 7N 2E11 247·60·10200-2045 SEWARD 0·6 60 45 32 148 59 37 s 8N 3E30 60 45 31 148 59 25 s 8N 3E30 247-60·10200-2045-0010 Luebner Lake SEWARD 0·6 60 45 29 148 59 15 s 8N 3E30 247-60-10210 SEWARD 0·6 60 49 13 148 59 11 s 9N 3E31 Placer River 60 47 2 149 0 24 s 8N 2E13 247·60-10210-2015 SEWARD 0·6 60 48 33 148 58 16 s BN 3E 5 60 47 52 148 54 38 s 8N 3E10 247·60·10210·2015·0010 SEWARO 0·6 60 48 40 148 57 30 s 8N 3E 5 247-60-10210·2015-0020 SEWARD 0·6 60 48 27 148 56 21 s 8N 3E 4 247-60·10210·2019 SEWARD 0·6 60 47 58 148 58 33 s 8N 3E 8 60 48 7 148 57 18 s 8N 3E 8 247-60·10210-2025 SEWARD 0·6 60 47 19 148 59 55 s 8N 3E18 Skookum Creek 60 45 0 148 55 44 s 8N 3E28 247-60·10220 SEWARD 0·6 60 49 58 148 59 24 s 9N 3E31 Portage Creek SEWARO 0·5 60 47 9 148 50 16 s 8N 3E13 247·60·10220·0010 SEWARD 0·5 60 46 36 148 49 6 s 8N 4E19 Portage Lake 247-60·10220-2009 SEWARD 0·6 60 49 42 148 58 25 s 9N 3E31 60 51 40 148 55 59 s 9N 3E21 247·60-10220·2015 SEWARO 0-6 60 49 16 148 56 54 s 9N 3E32 60 48 49 148 54 25 s 8N 3E 3 247·60·10220-2021 SEWARD 0·6 60 48 41 148 55 14 s 8N 3E 4 60 48 15 148 53 3 s 8N 3E11 247-60-10220-2021-3006 SEWARO 0·6 60 48 31 148 54 23 s 8N 3E 3 60 47 48 148 52 42 s 8N 3E11 247-60·10220-2021·3010 SEWARO 0·6 60 48 16 148 53 29 s 8N 3E10 60 47 58 148 53 7 s 8N 3E11 247-60·10220·2027 SEWARO 0·6 60 48 21 148 55 5 s 8N 3E10 SEWARO 0·5 60 47 28 148 52 4 s 8N 3E14 247-60·10220·2027-3010 SEWARO 0-6 60 47 50 148 54 21 s 8N 3E10 60 47 38 148 54 13 s 8N 3E10 247-60-10220·2027-3014 SEWARO 0·6 60 47 26 148 53 30 s 8N 3E15 SEWARO 0·5 60 47 24 148 52 22 s 8N 3E14 247-60-10220-2035 SEWARO 0·5 60 47 15 148 49 19 s 8N 4E18 Placer Creek 60 48 47 148 46 59 s 8N 4E 5 247-60·10220-2035-3009 SEWARO 0-5 60 47 56 148 48 32 s 8N 4E 7 60 48 38 148 47 7 s SN 4E 5 247·60-10230 SEWARO 0·6 60 50 44 148 58 36 s 9N 3E30 Twentymile River SEWARO 0·5 60 57 50 148 52 30 S 10N 3E14 247-60-10230-0010 SEWARO 0-6 60 55 38 148 52 35 S 10N 3E26 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 87 Stream/Lake 247-60-10230-2009 247-60-10230-2009·3007 247·60·10230·2022 247·60·10230·2028 Glacier River 247·60·10230·2028·0010 Carmen Lake 247·60·10230-2028·3018 South Fork Upper Carmen River 247·60·10230·2033 247·60·10240 247·60·10248 Virgin Creek 247-60·10250 Glacier Creek 247·60·10250·2007 Californie Creek 247·60·10250·2018 247·60·10250·2018·3007 247·60·10253 247·60·10280 Bird Creek 247·60-10280·2008 Penguin Creek 247-60-10290 lndian Creek 247·60·10310 Potter Creek 247·60·10318 Little Rabbit Creek 247·60·10320 Rabbit Creek 247·60·10340 Campbell Creek 247·60·10340·0010 Campbell Lake 247·60·10340·2018 Little Campbell Creek 247·60·10340·2018·3005 247·60·10340·2018·3010 247·60·10340·2020 South Fork Campbell Creek 247·60·10340·2021 North Fork Campbell Creek 247·60·10340·2021·3021 247·80·10010 Seven Egg Creek 247-80·10015 Otter Creek 247·90·10020 Swanson River 247·90·10020·0010 Gene Lake 247·90·10020·0020 Pepper Lake 247·90·10020·2002 3/25/86 Map Sheet SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·5 SEWARO 0·5 SEWARO 0·5 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·7 ANCHORAGE A·7 SEWARO 0·7 SEWARO 0·7 ANCHORAGE A-7 ANCHORAGE A·8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE A·8 ANCHORAGE A·8 ANCHORAGE A·8 ANCHORAGE A-8 KENAI 0·2 KENAI 0·3 KENAI 0·2 KENAI 0·3 KENAI 0·2 KENAI 0·2 KENAI 0·2 KENAI 0·3 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 51 22 148 57 45 S 9N 3E20 60 52 25 148 57 30 S 9N 3E17 60 52 6 148 57 8 S 9N 3E17 60 51 43 148 58 11 S 9N 3E20 60 52 7 148 56 3 S 9N 3E16 60 52 29 148 53 55 S 9N 3E15 60 52 34 148 56 1 S 9N 3E16 60 54 54 148 47 11 S 10N 4E32 60 54 25 148 46 1 S 9N 4E 5 60 53 34 148 45 55 S 9N 4E 4 60 52 36 148 45 5 S 9N 4E16 60 53 51 148 54 58 S 9N 3E 4 60 54 7 148 54 54 S 9N 3E 4 60 52 32 149 2 14 S 9N 2E14 60 52 26 149 1 52 S 9N 2E13 60 56 1 149 9 54 S 10N 2E30 60 56 54 149 7 22 S 10N 2E20 60 56 20 149 10 1 S 10N 2E19 60 59 39 149 3 48 S 11N 2E34 60 56 32 149 9 41 S 10N 2E19 60 59 8 149 8 48 S 10N 2E 5 60 58 15 149 7 2 S 10N 2E 9 60 58 17 149 6 49 S 10N 2E 9 60 58 18 149 6 48 S 10N 2E 9 60 58 39 149 6 0 S 10N 2E 9 60 56 40 149 11 11 S 10N 1E24 60 56 50 149 10 59 S 10N 1E24 60 58 24 149 27 56 S 10N 1W 9 61 0 43 149 24 59 S 11N 1W26 60 58 40 149 27 16 S 10N 1W 9 60 59 27 149 24 9 S 10N 1W 2 60 59 7 149 30 0 S 10N 1W 5 61 0 27 149 29 49 S 11N 1W32 61 3 2 149 47 38 S 11N 3W15 61 3 13 149 47 12 S 11N 3W10 61 4 31 149 49 4 S 11N 3W 4 61 4 55 149 46 6 S 12N 3W35 61 4 41 149 49 12 S 11N 3W 4 61 5 12 149 49 16 S 12N 3W33 61 7 49 149 57 51 S 12N 4W15 61 10 32 149 49 18 S 13N 3W33 61 8 3 149 56 15 S 12N 4W14 61 9 22 149 52 28 S 12N 3W 6 61 7 15 149 46 16 S 12N 3W23 61 9 14 149 52 0 S 12N 3W 6 61 8 41 149 47 50 S 12N 3W10 61 8 57 149 51 22 S 12N 3W 8 61 8 30 149 50 54 S 12N 3W 8 61 10 31 149 49 17 S 13N 3W33 61 9 2 149 43 40 S 12N 3W12 61 10 31 149 49 18 S 13N 3W33 61 10 11 149 41 31 S 13N 2W31 61 10 39 149 44 55 S 13N 3W35 61 10 42 149 44 4 S 13N 3W36 60 56 18 150 42 20 S 10N 8W21 60 56 55 150 33 36 S 10N 7W20 60 52 9 150 51 54 S 9N 9W15 60 53 36 150 44 32 S 9N 8W 5 60 48 5 151 1 16 S 8N 10W10 60 50 7 150 26 23 S 9N 7W25 60 50 6 150 28 20 S 9N 7W26 60 50 44 150 26 28 S 9N 7W25 60 47 46 151 0 42 S 8N 10W10 60 47 41 151 0 57 S 8N 10W10 Page 88 - - - - - ... - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -........ --....... -..... --...... --....... -................ --...... ----...... ---..... -·--.... --.............. -......... --......... -.. -................ -... -.. - 247·90·10020·2011 KENAI 0·3 60 46 6 151 0 4 s 8N 10W22 60 46 35 150 59 12 s 8N 10W23 247·90·10020·2036 KENAI C·3 60 42 34 150 51 33 s 7N 9W9 Mink Creek 60 42 18 150 52 2 s 7N 9W9 247·90·10020·2040 KENAI C·3 60 42 39 150 50 49 s 7N 9W10 60 41 18 150 48 7 s 7N 9W23 247·90·10020·2046 KENAI C·3 60 42 55 150 50 21 s 7N 9W10 60 43 8 150 48 52 s 7N 9W11 247·90·10020·2046·0010 KENAI C·3 60 43 13 150 48 24 s 7N 9W2 Rainbow Lake 247·90·10020·2056 KENAI C·2 60 44 26 150 44 5"6 s 8N 8W31 60 43 53 150 44 19 s 7N 8W 6 247·90·10020·2058 KENAI C·2 60 44 40 150 44 8 s SN 8W31 swan Creek 60 43 23 150 35 52 s 7N 8w 1 247·90·10020·2058·0010 Ca~fire Lake KENAI C·2 60 44 37 150 36 22 s 8N 8W36 247·90·10020·2058·0020 KENAI C·2 60 43 3 150 36 30 s 7N 8W12 Little Merganser Lake 247·90·10020·2058·3018 KENAI C·2 60 44 4 150 39 8 s SN 8W34 60 41 19 150 34 57 s 7N 7W19 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0010 KENAI C·2 60 43 Canee Lake 7 150 41 26 s 7N sw 9 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0020 KENAI C·2 60 42 36 150 41 32 s 7N sw 9 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0030 KENAI C·2 60 42 31 150 40 56 s 7N sw 9 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0040 Contact Lake KENAI C·2 60 42 8 150 40 20 s 7N 8W15 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0050 KENAI C·2 60 41 46 150 38 59 s 7N 8W15 Martin Lake 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0060 Spruce Lake KENAI C-2 60 41 6 150 38 22 s 7N 8W23 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0070 KENAI C·2 60 40 51 150 36 45 s 7N 8W24 Trout Lake 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0080 KENAI C·2 60 41 29 150 35 54 s 7N 8W13 Gavia Lake 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0090 KENAI C·2 60 41 38 150 34 47 s 7N 7W18 Konchanee Lake 247·90·10020·2058·3018·4011 KENAI C·2 60 43 8 150 41 8 s 7N sw 9 60 43 15 150 40 51 s 7N sw 4 247·90·10020·2058·3018·4011·0010 Sucker Lake KENAI C·2 60 43 15 150 40 39 s 7N sw 4 247·90·10020·2064 KENAI 0·2 60 46 27 150 38 17 s 8N 8W23 60 47 28 150 33 41 s 8N 7W18 247·90·10020·2064·0010 KENAI 0·2 60 47 47 150 33 25 s 8N 7W8 Leaf Lake 247·90·10020·2068 KENAI 0·2 60 47 10 150 37 58 s 8N 8W14 60 49 33 150 32 10 s 9N 7W33 247·90·10020·2068·0010 Campers Lake KENAI 0·2 60 49 11 150 32 39 s 8N 7W5 247·90·10020·2068·0020 KENAI 0·2 60 49 52 150 31 11 s 9N 7W33 Swanson Lake 247·90·10030 KENAI 0·3 60 47 7 151 4 33 s 8N 10W17 Bishop Creek KENAI C-4 60 41 36 151 15 34 s 7N 11W17 247·90·10030·0010 KENAI C·4 60 41 27 151 12 54 s 7N 11W16 247·90·10030·0020 KENAI C·4 60 41 27 151 14 16 s 7N 11W17 247·90·10030·0030 KENAI C-4 60 41 52 151 15 33 s 7N 11W17 247·90·10030·2016 KENAI C·3 60 44 26 151 6 31 s 8N 10W31 KENAI C·4 60 44 12 151 8 39 s SN 11W35 247·90·10030·2016·0010 KENAI C-3 60 44 28 151 7 27 s SN 11W36 247·90·10030·2016·0020 KENAI C-4 60 44 36 151 8 46 s 8N 11W35 247·90·10030·2029 KENAI C·4 60 42 24 151 8 21 s 7N 11W12 60 42 16 151 8 10 s 7N 1 1W13 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 89 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -••••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••o-•m•••••••• ••••••••••••a••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• --.. ----... -.. - 247·90·10030·2032 KENAI C·4 60 42 37 151 9 12 s 7N 11\.111 60 43 48 151 10 1 s 7N 11W 2 247·90·10030·2032·0010 Oaniels Lake KENAI C·4 60 44 01511114 s 7N 11\.1 3 - 247·90·10030·2041 KENAI C·4 60 41 15 151 13 10 s 7N 11\.121 60 41 10 151 13 13 S, 7N 11\.121 247·90·10030·2041·0010 KENAI C·4 60 40 57 151 13 29 s 7N 11W21 - 248·10·10010 ILIAMNA C·3 59 31 29 153 47 12 s 7S 27W36 59 31 9 153 50 55 s as 27W 3 248·10·10020 ILIAMNA C·3 59 32 34 153 52 15 s 7S 27W28 59 30 50 153 54 34 s as 27W 5 - 248·10·10030 ILIAMNA C·3 59 33 3 153 49 14 s 7S 27W23 59 35 23 153 49 37 s 7S 27W11 248·10·10040 ILIAMNA C·2 59 32 58 153 43 42 s 7S 26\.120 59 35 36 153 41 27 s 7S 26W 3 -248·10·10050 ILIAMNA C·2 59 33 9 153 37 42 s 7S 26W24 59 35 5 153 36 58 s 7S 26W12 248·10·10200 ILIAMNA 8·2 59 26 49 153 44 24 s as 26W32 Sunday Creek ILIAMNA 8·3 59 29 20 153 49 33 s as 27W14 -248·20·10030 ILIAMNA C·2 59 37 21 153 40 39 s 6S 26W27 59 36 42 153 43 43 s 6S 26W32 248·20·10040 ILIAMNA C·2 59 38 4 153 42 33 s 6S 26W28 1 LIAMNA C·3 59 38 57 153 46 6 s 6S 26W19 -248·20·10040·2005 1 LIAMNA C· 2 59 38 9 153 43 4 s 6S 26W28 ILIAMNA C·3 59 37 14 153 46 15 s 6S 26W31 248·20·10060 ILIAMNA C·2 59 38 12 153 31 43 s 6S 25W21 59 39 6 153 31 42 s 6S 25W16 -248·20·10067 ILIAMNA C·2 59 44 7 153 27 11 s 5S 25W24 59 44 5 153 27 32 s 5S 25W24 248·20·10070 ILIAHNA 0·2 59 46 23 153 27 12 s 5S 25W 1 59 46 46 153 31 13 s 5S 25W 3 - 248·20·10080 ILIAMNA 0·2 59 47 13 153 26 57 s 4S 24W32 lniskin River 59 50 25 153 27 43 s 4S 24W 7 248·20·10090 ILIAHNA C·1 59 44 7 153 20 46 s 5S 24W22 Portage Creek ILIAMNA 0·1 59 46 25 153 18 0 s 5S 24W 2 - 248·20·10100 ILIAHNA C·1 59 43 44 153 20 28 s 5S 241122 Right Arm Creek 59 43 58 153 19 29 s 5S 24W23 248·30·10010 ILIAMNA C·1 59 40 2 153 19 8 s 6S 24W11 B.owser Creek 59 41 35 153 18 10 s 6S 24W 2 248·30·10020 ILIAHNA C·1 59 41 3 153 7 54 s 6S 23W 2 Brown Creek 59 42 25 153 8 46 s 5S 23W35 - - - - - 3/25/86 Southcentral Page 90 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 247·20·10010·2040 *Base Creek 247·20·10010·2030·3006 *Culvert Creek 247·20·10010·2040·3017 *Hunt Creek 247·20·10010·2030 *Middle Creek 247·20·10010·2040·3009 *Wilson Creek 244-30·10010-2063·3036-0010 Afonasi Lake 212·20·10080-2605-3019 Ahtell Creek 212·10-10010 Alaganik Slough 247-41-10200-2381·3161-4016 Alder Creek 247·41-10200-2015 Alexander Creek 247·41-10200-2015-0010 Alexander Lake 221-60-11350 Alli son Creek 212-20·10080-2605-3090 Alteration Creek 243-40-10010 Amakdedori Creek 244-10-10010 Anchor River 228-40-18280 Anderson Creek 247·41-10200-2043 Anderson Creek 247-10·10080-2010-3068-4045 Another River 247-41-10200-2300-3011·4016 Answer Creek 200-10-10010 Arvesta Creek 223-30-13140 Avery River 232-22-10020 Babcock Creek 245-50-10020-2014 Bachatna Creek 221·40-10960 Banzer Creek 241·11-10800 Barabara Creek 241-14-10610 Battle Creek 212-20-10080-2461-3023 Bear Creek 221·60·11370-2317 Bear Creek 228-40-18290 Bear Creek 244·30-10050-2075 Bear Creek 245·30-10130 Bear Creek 247·41-10200-2015·3117 Bear Creek 247·41-10200-2053·3150·4080 Bear Creek 247·60-10160 Bear Creek 3/26/86 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK A-4 KENAI C·2 NABESNA C-6 GULKANA 0 ·1 CORDOVA 8·4 TALKEETNA C-1 TYONEK 8·2 TYONEK C·3 TYONEK D-3 VALDEZ A-7 MT HAYES A-1 ILIAMNA B-4 SELDOVIA D-5 SELDOVIA D-4 CORDOVA B-7 TYONEK C-2 LIME HILLS A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 CORDOVA A-2 SEWARD D-3 SELDOVIA C-2 KENAI C-6 KENAI D-6 CORDOVA D-7 SELDOVIA B·S SELDOVIA D-3 SELDOVIA C·3 GULKANA B-3 VALDEZ A-5 CORDOVA B-7 KENAI A-3 KENAI A·2 KENAI A-8 TYONEK C·3 TALKEETNA A·2 TALKEETNA 8·2 SEWARD D-8 SEIJARD 0·7 Southcentral 61 8 56 151 26 46 S 12N 121.1 8 61 14 34 151 26 40 S 13N 121J 4 61 7 54 151 19 44 S 12N 121.113 61 9 27 151 19 54 S 12N 121.1 1 61 9 30 151 26 31 S 12N 121.1 5 61 12 31 151 27 51 S 13N 121J20 61 7 5 151 19 40 S 12N 121J24 61 12 32 151 24 1 S 13N 121.122 61 9 11 151 26 49 S 12N 121.1 5 61 10 6 151 28 5 S 13N 121.132 60 33 27 150 29 42 S SN 7W 3 62 42 28 143 56 52 C 11N 8E29 62 47 18 144 4 38 C 12N 7E27 60 24 47 145 29 44 C 17S 21.112 60 26 10 145 12 40 C 16S 1E33 62 40 27 150 20 6 S 30N 61.123 62 40 50 150 20 46 S 30N 61.123 61 24 48 150 35 42 S 15N 7W 6 61 43 53 150 52 6 S 19N 91.114 61 45 12 150 53 57 S 19N 91.110 61 5 9 146 21 6 C 9S 61.118 61 4 31 146 21 15 C 9S 61J19 63 0 8 144 14 9 C 14N 6E11 63 0 26 144 14 40 C 14N 6E10 59 16 39 154 7 37 S 10S 291J26 59 18 8 154 13 18 S 10S 29W19 59 46 29 151 51 13 s ss 151.1 4 59 47 28 151 13 4 S 4S 111.132 ~0 27 23 146 32 3 C 16S 71.130 60 26 24 146 33 19 C 16S 8W36 61 31 46 150 34 13 S 17N 71.129 61 33 45 150 34 38 S 17N 71.117 61 11 15 153 0 34 S 13N 211.127 61 9 56 153 9 19 S 12N 221.1 3 62 12 10 150 4 29 S 24N 41.1 6 62 12 11 150 3 46 S 24N 41J 6 60 11 4 144 26 31 C 19S 5E36 60 11 14 144 26 3 C 19S 5E36 60 59 47 147 57 42 S 11N 8E36 60 59 34 147 57 44 S 10N SE 1 59 31 46 150 28 35 S 7S 71.133 59 32 27 150 27 22 S 7S 71.127 60 44 20 151 58 58 S SN 15W31 60 51 57 152 11 11 S 9N 16W18 60 49 1 146 32 43 C 12S 71.119 60 49 11 146 31 57 C 12S 71J19 59 29 2 151 39 3 S BS 141J15 59 24 19 151 34 3 S 9S 141J12 59 45 51 150 58 43 s ss 101J 9 59 44 20 150 53 55 S SS 10W13 62 15 22 145 23 46 C 6N 11J34 62 15 58 145 24 44 C 6N 1W28 ·61 5 49 145 51 30 C 9S 4W12 61 5 59 145 51 28 C 9S 4W12 60 27 19 146 28 28 C 16S 71.128 60 26 30 146 31 40 C 16S 71.131 60 12 49 150 48 13 S 1N 91J 2 60 12 20 150 32 37 S 1N 71.1 5 60 8 10 152 40 51 S 1N 201J36 60 6 44 152 43 18 S 1S 20W 9 61 43 48 150 53 6 S 19N 9W22 61 40 24 151 5 22 S 18N 101J 4 62 12 0 150 53 7 S 24N 91J 2 62 15 26 150 48 3 S 25N 8W17 60 55 29 149 38 5 S 10N 2W28 60 55 4 149 36 46 S 10N 2W34 Page 91 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal ............................................................................................................................... c ................................................................................ .. 231·30·10080·2010·3029·4010·0010 Beer Lake 245·40·10010·2015·0020 Beer Lake 244·10·10010·2150 Beaver Creek 244·30·10010·2025 Beaver Creek 247·30·10090·0030 Beluga Lake 247·30·10090 Beluga River 247·60·10170·2044·3008 Bench Creek 247·41·10100·2291·0010 Bench Lake 244·30·10010·2076·3095 Benjamin Creek 200·20·10110·0010 Bering Lake 200·20·10110 Bering River 212·20·10080·2331·3071 Bernard Creek 247·60·10120 Big Indian Creek 247·50·10330·0010 Big Lake 245·50·10050 Big River 245·50·10050·0010 Big River Lakes 245·50·10050·2015·0010 Big River Lakes 224·10·14370 B il Li ngs C reek 222·10·12180·0010 Billys Hole 247·41·10200·2320·3010 Birch Creek 247·41·10200·2320 Birch Creek Slough 247·60·10280 Bird Creek 247·30·10090·2105 Bishop Creek 247·90·10030 Bishop Creek 221·50·11070 Black Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6009 Black Creek 245·50·10010·2047 Blacksand Creek 247·50·10330·2050·3050·0010 Blodgett Lake 212·20·10080·2605·3060 Bone Creek 231·30·10080·2120 Boulder Creek 248·30·10010 Bowser Creek 241·14·10625·2010 Bradley River 227·30·17790·2040 Braided Creek 212·20·10080·2100 Brenner River 3/26/86 SEIJARD A-7 KENAI B-7 SELDOVIA 0·5 SELDOVIA C·4 KENAI C·4 KENH C·3 TYONEK B·4 TYONEK A·3 TYONEK B·4 SEIJARD C·7 SEIJARD C·6 ANCHORAGE C-8 KENAI B-1 CORDOVA B-1 CORDOVA A-1 BERING GLACIER VALDEZ C-4 VALDEZ C-3 SEIJARD 0·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 KENAI C-6 KENAI 0·7 KENAI 0· 7- KENAI 0·7 SEIJARO 0·5 SEIJARD 0·1 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA MTS B·6 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA B·1 SEIJARD 0·7 ANCHORAGE A-7 TYONEK B·4 TYONEK B·5 KENAI 0·3 KENAI C·4 CORDOVA 0·8 TALKEETNA B·2 KENAI 0·6 ANCHORAGE C-8 NABESNA 0·6 TANACROSS A·6 SEIJARD B·8 1 LIAMNA C·1 SELDOVIA 0·3 BLYING SOUND 0·1 CORDOVA 0·2 BERING GLACIER Southcentral 60 12 4 149 21 9 S '1N 1E 6 60 25 13 152 21 48 S 4N 181J23 59 45 12 151 30 31 s ss 13\J 9 59 44 55 151 24 45 S SS 13W13 60 32 31 151 8 40 S SN 111J11 60 41 39 151 3 47 S 7N 10W17 61 24 15 151 29 22 S 15N 12W 7 61 12 23 150 56 10 S 13N 9W20 61 23 47 151 27 39 S 15N 121J17 60 42 57 149 16 57 S 7N 1E 9 60 41 35 149 14 10 S 7N 1E14 61 39 30 149 40 26 S 18N 2\J 8 60 15 22 150 21 16 S 2N 61J20 60 15 26 150 20 9 S 2N 6W16 60 17 41 144 17 57 C 18S 6E23 60 11 37 144 11.44 C 19S 7E28 60 23 21 143 56 55 C 17S 8E23 61 39 48 145 10 6 C 2S 1E26 61 36 55 145 6 39 C 3S 2E18 60 55 30 149 59 50 S 10N 41J28 60 52 40 149 56 29 S 9N 41J14 61 31 49 149 54 1 s 17N 3w30 60 39 32 152 2 42 S 7N 161J35 60 48 20 152 19 19 S SN 17\J 7 60 48 15 152 21 9 S 8N 181J12 60 47 6 152 19 51 S SN 171J18 60 48 55 148 37 11 S 8N SE 5 60 50 25 148 36 4 S 9N SE29 60 58 16 147 17 55 S 10N 12E10 62 14 0 150 6 25 S 25N SIJ25 62 17 33 149 56 37 s 25N 4w 1 62 13 20 150 6 51 S 25N Sw25 62 16 29 150 6 58 S 25N SW12 60 58 24 149 27 56 S 10N 1W 9 61 0 43 149 24 59 S 11N 11J26 61 19 4 151 19 14 S 14N 11W 7 61 16 7 151 37 16 S 14N 131J28 60 47 7 151 4 33 S SN 101J17 60 41 36 151 15 34 S 7N 11W17 60 54 44 146 43 34 c 11S 81J18 60 54 29 146 42 23 c 11S 81J19 62 22 52 150 46 15 s 27N 81J33 62 22 47 150 48 26 S 26N 8\J 5 60 57 3 151 58 44 s 10N 1Sw17 60 56 56 152 3 39 S 10N 16W23 61 34 39 149 40 18 s 17N 2w 8 62 57 16 143 56 22 C 14N 8E32 63 1 5 143 47 46 C 14N SE 1 60 16 16 149 40 41 S 2N 21J18 60 17 2 149 40 6 s 2N 2w 8 59 40 2 153 19 8 s 65 241J11 59 41 35 153 18 10 5 65 24W 2 59 48 14 150 54 22 5 45 101J25 59 47 56 150 51 56 5 4S 91J29 59 54 23 147 32 45 S 3S 11E22 59 54 55 147 33 49 S 35 11E16 60 49 52 144 30 35 C 125 SE15 60 57 47 143 50 33 C 105 9E32 Page 92 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal ........................................................................... ................................................ .................................... ... 244·10·10010·2100 Bridge Creek 248·30·10020 Brown Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4085 Bunco Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3161·4085·0010 Bunco Lake 247·41·10100·2171·0010 Butterfly Lake 247·41·10200·2381·3180 Byers Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3180·0010 Byers Lake 212·10·10030·2050·0020 Cabin Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120 Cache Creek 247·60·10250·2007 California Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4057 Camp Creek 244·30·10010·2063·3025·0010 Camp Island Lake 247·60·10340 Campbell Creek 247·60·10340·0010 Campbell Lake 200·20·10080 Campbell River 247·90·10020·2068·0010 Campers Lake 247·90·10020·2058·0010 Campfire Lake 245·50·10090 Cannery Creek 228·30·18500 Canoe Creek 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0010 Canoe Lake 228·30·18510 Canyon Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5037 Canyon Creek 247·60·10170·2030 Canyon Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4067 Canyon Lake 200·20·10110·2032·3020 Carbon Creek 247·50·10220·2341 Caribou Creek 247·60·10150·2051 Caribou Creek 241·14·10660·0010 Caribou Lake 247·60·10230·2028·0010 Carmen Lake 244·30·10010·2225·3013·4009 Carter Creek 247·41·10200·2190 Caswell Creek 247·41·10200·2190·0010 Caswell Lake 228·30·18570 Cedar Creek 247·60·10170·2044 Center Creek 3/26/86 SELOOVIA C·S ILIAMNA C·1 TALKEETNA C·2 TALKEETNA C-2 TYONEK C·1 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA 0 ·1 TALKEETNA C·1 COROOVA C·4 TALKEETNA B·3 TALKEETNA C·2 SEWARO 0·6 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA 8·4 KENAI C·2 ANCHORAGE A·8 ANCHORAGE A·8 COROOVA A·1 8ERING GLACIER KENAI 0·2 KENAI C·2 KENAI C·6 KENAI C· 7 COROOVA C·6 KENAI C·2 COROOVA C·6 TALKEETNA A·6 SEWARO 0·7 SEWARO C·7 TYONEK 0·5 COROOVA 8·1 ANCHORAGE 0·2 SEWARO 0·8 SELOOVIA 0·3 SEWARO 0·5 SEWARO C-7 SEWARO 8·7 TYONEK 0·1 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 COROOVA C·6 SEWARO C·7 Southcentral 59 43 8 151 38 31 S SS 14W27 59 40 48 151 32 50 S 6S 13W 6 59 41 3 153 7 54 S 6S 23W 2 59 42 25 153 8 46 S SS 23W35 62 32 49 150 30 9 S 28N 7W 2 62 30 15 150 34 58 S 2SN 7W21 62 32 21 150 30 28 S 2SN 7W 2 61 36 4 150 4 56 S 18N 4W31 62 43 1 150 12 47 S 30N SW 4 62 45 15 150 4 0 S 31N 4W29 62 44 19 150 6 54 S 31N SW36 60 31 49 145 27 26 C 15S 1W31 62 22 46 151 7 53 S 26N 10W 4 62 32 14 150 53 45 S 2SN 9W11 60 56 32 149 9 41 S 10N 2E19 60 59 8 149 8 48 S 10N 2E 5 62 18 48 151 14 36 S 26N 11W25 62 25 31 151 35 56 S 27N 13W13 60 38 1 150 43 21 S 6N SW 5 61 7 49 149 57 51 S 12N 4W15 61 10 32 149 49 18 S 13N 3W33 61 S 3 149 56 15 S 12N 4W14 60 S 47 144 12 19 C 20S 7E17 60 14 21 143 55 13 C 19S SE12 60 49 11 150 32 39 S SN 7W 5 60 44 37 150 36 22 S 8N 8W36 60 34 35 152 10 16 S 6N 17W25 60 36 41 152 21 12 S 6N 1SW13 60 30 51 146 6 52 C 16S SW 4 60 30 3 146 8 26 C 16S SW 8 60 43 7 150 41 26 S 7N 8W 9 60 30 27 146 5 0 C 16S SW 3 60 30 18 146 4 44 C 16S SW 3 62 2 1 152 34 55 S 23N 18W33 62 3 36 152 44 32 S 23N 19W27 60 46 57 149 25 25 S SN 1W15 60 44 19 149 27 6 S SN 1W33 61 52 54 151 32 2 S 21N 12W30 61 51 11 151 40 39 S 20N 13W 5 60 22 21 144 13 13 C 17S 7E29 60 23 4 144 11 44 C 17S 7E21 61 47 9 147 39 13 S 20N 10E33 61 48 11 147 40 39 S 20N 10E20 60 47 4 149 40 34 S SN 2W17 60 46 50 149 40 2 S SN 2W17 59 54 16 151 3 0 S 3S 10W19 60 54 25 148 46 S 9N 4E 5 60 30 13 149 25 59 S SN 1W22 60 29 33 149 27 17 S SN 1W28 61 56 27 150 4 45 S 21N 4W 6 62 0 46 149 58 20 S 22N 4W10 62 1 1 149 58 6 S 22N 4W11 60 33 25 146 0 13 C 15S 4W19 60 33 0 145 59 27 C 15S 4W19 60 43 9 149 17 47 S 7N 1E 4 60 42 24 149 15 5 S 7N 1E10 Page 93 ------------------~~~~~~(~~~~-----------------------~~~-~~~~~------------~~~:(~?~~: ___ _ Legal 247-10-10080-2010-0010 Chakachamna Lake 247-10-10080-2010 Chakachatna River 212-20-10080-2300-3540 Chakina River 244-10-10010-2011-3031 Chakok River 200-20-10110-2032-0010 Charlotte, Lake 247-41-10200·2053-3170-0010 Chelatna Lake 243-30-10200-0010 Chenik Lake 247-50-10050 Chester Creek 247-50-10220-2171 Chickaloon River 247-60-10110 Chickaloon River 245-10-10030 Chinitna River 212-20-10080-2571 Chistochina River 212-20-10080-2300 Chitina River 212-20-10080-2300-3371-4041 Chokosna River 247-20-10010-2052 Chuit Creek 247-20-10010 Chuitna River 247-41-10200-2381 Chulitna River 247-41-10200-2370-3041 Chunilna Creek 244-30-10010-2039-3053-0010 Cisca Lake 244-20-10100-2010 Clam Creek 244-30-10010-2063-3041-4015-0010 Clam Lake 200-20-10110-2051-3012 Clear Creek 221-50-11520-2011 Clear Creek 244-30-10050-2135 Clear Creek 247-41-10200-2015-3040 Clear Creek 212-20-10080-2300-3751 Clear Stream 245-10-10030-2007 Clearwater Creek 247-41-10200-2053-3238 Clearwater Creek 241-14-10645-2060 Clearwater Slough 244-30-10050-2015 Coal Creek 247-30-10090-2150 Coal Creek 247-30-10090-2150-3110-0010 Coal Creek Lake 247-30-10090-2040 Coffee Creek 247-41-10200-2053-3170-4088 Coffee Creek 3/26/86 TYONEK A-7 KENAI D·S TYONEK B-8 MC CARTHY B-6 MC CARTHY A-6 SELDOVIA D-5 CORDOVA B-1 TALKEETNA C-3 ILIAMNA A-4 ANCHORAGE A-8 ANCHORAGE 0·4 KENAI 0·1 SEWARD C-8 ILIAMNA D-1 GULKANA C-2 GULKANA 0·2 VALDEZ C-2 MC CARTHY A-4 MC CARTHY B-8 TYONEK A-5 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK A·S TALKEETNA B-1 HEALY B-5 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA MTS C-6 KENAI C-3 KENAI A-5 SELDOVIA D-5 KENAI C-2 CORDOVA 8·1 BERING GLACIER VALDEZ A-8 KENAI A-2 TYONEK D-3 MC CARTHY A-4 MC CARTHY A-3 ILIAMNA D-1 TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA B-4 SELDOVIA D-3 SELDOVIA D-2 KENAI B-4 TYONEK B-5 TYONEK C-5 TYONEK B-5 TYONEK A-4 TYONEK 8·4 TALKEETNA C-3 Southcentral 61 12 47 152 31 8 S 13N 18W16 60 56 36 151 44 31 S 10N 14W22 61 20 13 152 59 34 S 14N 21W 2 61 19 47 143 8 7 C 6S 13E19 61 10 4 143 6 49 c as 13E20 59 47 50 151 44 19 S 4S 14W30 59 51 12 151 40 27 S 4S 14W 3 60 25 35 144 11 15 C 17S 7E 4 62 30 49 151 28 45 S 28N 12W15 59 12 19 154 12 23 s 11S 29W20 61 12 33 149 55 21 S 13N 4W24 61 12 9 149 42 42 S 13N 2W19 61 47 8 148 27 2 s 20N SE36 61 49 47 148 24 59 S 20N 6E17 60 54 23 150 2 22 S 9N 4W 6 60 37 58 149 53 1 S 6N 3W 6 59 49 13 153 17 7 S 4S 23W19 59 50 12 153 18 7 S 4S 23W18 62 35 18 144 35 37 C 9N 4E 2 62 46 47 144 39 32 C 12N 4E33 61 30 47 144 24 4 C 4S 6E19 61 7 15 142 11 40 C 9S 18E 3 61 25 34 143 43 54 C SS 9E23 61 28 36 143 46 8 C 4S 9E34 61 9 18 151 30 11 S 12N 13W 1 61 14 12 151 36 4 S 13N 13W 9 61 5 46 151 7 44 S 12N 10W30 61 12 1 151 39 27 S 13N 13W20 62 20 13 150 9 6 S 26N SW14 63 16 53 149 7 30 F 19S 8W 8 62 22 9 150 0 31 S 26N 4W 4 62 38 17 149 30 0 S 29N 1W 5 60 33 34 150 55 54 S SN 9W 6 60 1 4 151 38 51 S 2S 14W11 59 56 50 151 33 22 S 3S 13W 5 60 38 0 150 36 7 S 6N 8W 1 60 23 51 144 1 58 C 17S 8E17 60 26 14 143 58 24 C 16S 8E34 61 4 43 146 46 30 c 9S 9W23 61 5 7 146 47 52 C 9S 9W15 60 2 33 150 38 53 S 1S 8W33 60 0 41 150 36 52 S 2S 8W11 61 45 0 150 54 52 S 19N 9W 9 61 45 36 151 6 33 S 19N 10W 4 61 7 15 142 11 39 C 9S 18E 3 61 6 30 142 2 45 C 9S 19E 9 59 49 7 153 17 12 S 4S 23W19 59 48 40 153 19 53 S 4S 24W24 62 11 58 151 36 32 S 24N 13W 2 62 19 5 151 36 37 S 26N 13W25 59 53 22 150 51 18 S 3S 9W29 59 53 34 150 42 1 S 3S 8W29 60 21 14 151 16 49 S 3N 12W13 60 22 .30 151 8 14 S 3N 11W 2 61 24 33 151 31 8 S 15N 13W12 61 36 46 151 50 46 S 18N 14W32 61 29 25 151 33 58 S 16N 13W11 61 13 45 151 8 30 S 13N 10W 7 61 15 52 151 8 20 S 14N 10W31 62 30 56 151 28 4 S 28N 12W15 62 31 29 151 26 54 S 28N 12W11 Page 94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal ................................................................................................ ........................................... .................................... .. 223·30·13220"0010 Coghill Lake 223. 30. 13220 Coghill River 228·60·18150 Constantine Creek 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0040 Contact Lake 221·30·10520 Control Creek 244·30·10010·2162 Cooper Creek 212·20·10080·2755·0010 Copper Lake 212·20·10080 Copper River (Hotcake Channel) 221·60·11380·2095 Corbin Creek 247·50·10300·0050 Cornelius Lake 244·30·10010·2120 Cottonwood Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5050 Cottonwood Creek 247·50·10300 Cottonwood Creek 247·50·10300·0020 Cottonwood Lake 224·10·14420 Cove Creek 247·41·10200·2020·3110·0010 Cow Lake 244·30·10010·2177·3012 Crescent Creek 245·30·10010·2026·0010 Crescent Lake 245·30·10010 Crescent River 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4095 Cripple Creek 247·60·10150·2008 Cripple Creek 244·30·10050·2024 Crooked Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·5020·0050 Crosswind Lake 244·30·10050·2134 Crystal Creek 212·10·10060·2200 Currin Slough 228·20·18350 Cutoff Creek 228·20·18370 Dan Creek 247·90·10030·2032·0010 Daniels Lake 244·30·10010·2177·3020 Daves Creek 247·41·10200·2462 Deadhorse Creek 212·20·10020·2070·3030·0010 Deadwood Lake 247·41·10200·2120·3020 Deception Creek 228·10·18650 Deep Creek 244·20·10100 Deep Creek 3/26/86 ANCHORAGE A·3 ANCHORAGE A·3 COROOVA B·7 KENAI C·2 COROOVA C-6 COROOVA 0·6 SEWARO B·8 NA8ESNA B-6 COROOVA 8·3 NABESNA 8·6 VALOEZ A·6 ANCHORAGE C·6 KENAI B·1 TALKEETNA C·2 ANCHORAGE B·7 ANCHORAGE C-7 ANCHORAGE C·7 SEWARO 0·5 TYONEK C·1 SEWARO 8·8 SEWARO C·8 KENAI B·8 KENAI A·7 KENAI 8·8 TALKEETNA C·4 SEWARO 0·8 KENAI 8·4 KENAI A·3 GULKANA 8·5 KENAI A·2 COROOVA C·S COROOVA C-4 CORDOVA B·7 COROOVA B·7 KENAI C-4 SEWARO C-8 SEWARO C·7 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA MTS C·6 COROOVA B·1 TYONEK D·1 ANCHORAGE C-8 CORDOVA C·S KENAI A·S SELDOVIA D-4 Southcentral 61 5 44 147 48 55 S 12N 9E26 61 4 25 147 54 28 S 11N 9E 5 61 7 43 147 45 38 S 12N 9E13 60 22 27 146 35 29 C 175 8W22 60 23 52 146 32 13 C 175 8W13 60 42 8 150 40 20 S 7N 8W15 60 44 51 146 13 25 C 13S 6W14 60 46 24 146 13 38 C 13S 6W 2 60 29 7 149 52 36 S SN 3W31 60 27 41 149 51 40 S 4N 3W 6 62 25 34 143 33 32 C SN 10E33 60 27 49 144 53 27 C 165 3E29 62 25 25 143 39 38 C 7N 9E 1 61 5 25 146 10 37 C 95 5W18 61 6 52 146 11 24 c 95 sw 6 61 37 47 149 14 57 S 18N 1E22 60 23 11 150 17 20 S 3N 6W 3 60 22 12 150 17 31 S 3N 6W10 62 32 32 150 49 14 S 28N 8W 6 62 33 52 150 47 26 S 29N 8W33 61 29 50 149 35 32 S 16N 2W11 61 37 46 149 15 26 S 18N 1E22 61 35 55 149 19 0 S 17N 1E 5 60 46 46 148 39 23 S SN 4E13 60 46 40 148 39 31 S SN 4E13 61 35 2 150 11 22 s 17N sw 9 60 29 56 149 41 14 S SN 2W30 60 30 6 149 38 53 S SN 2W28 60 22 17 152 56 33 S 3N 21W 9 60 13 33 152 33 22 S 2N 19W34 60 21 16 152 44 28 S 3N 20W15 62 31 45 151 30 31 S 28N 12W 9 62 32 28 151 31 13 S 28N 12W 4 60 54 57 149 38 33 S lON 2W33 60 54 47 149 39 11 S 10N 2W33 60 19 23 151 16 49 S 3N 12W25 60 2 48 150 57 45 S 15 10W35 62 21 51 146 1 37 C 7N 4W30 60 2 21 150 40 17 S 25 8W 4 60 0 28 150 39 3 S 25 8W16 60 31 39 145 38 1 C 155 2W31 60 37 22 145 25 8 C 145 1W28 60 25 36 146 21 59 c 175 7W 1 60 23 49 146 26 22 c 175 7W16 60 24 2 146 21 47 c 175 7W13 60 23 35 146 25 2 c 175 7W15 60 44 0 151 11 14 s 7N ,,.., 3 60 30 29 149 40 48 S SN 2W19 60 31 27 149 30 31 S SN 1W18 62 37 6 150 0 20 S 29N 4W10 62 36 38 149 59 28 S 29N 4W15 60 26 32 144 15 18 C 165 6E36 61 45 55 150 2 28 S 19N 4W 5 61 41 12 149 42 6 S 19N 2W31 60 35 10 145 48 21 C 155 3W 8 60 34 30 145 50 17 C 155 4W13 60 2 3 151 41 49 S 25 14W 4 59 58 57 151 14 50 S 25 11W19 Page 95 Stream/Lake '247·41·10200·2015·3010 Deep Creek 247-41·10200-2053·3150·4060·5040 Deep Creek 247-41·10200·2053·3205-4053·5038 Deep Creek 221·60·11380·2107·0010 Deep Lake 232·23·10100·0010 Delight Lake 247·41·10100-2129-0010 Delyndia Lake 247·20·10010·2020·3055·0010 Denslow Lake 247·41·10200·2081 Deshka River 1 Kroto Creek 200·20-10110·2055 Dick Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3171·0030 Dickey Lake 245·30·10110 Difficult Creek 247·41·10200·2370-3171 Disappointment Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021-5020 Dog Creek 212·20·10080·2461-3091·4021-5020·0020 Dog Lake 247·41·10200·2053-3150-4120·5017 Dollar Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3220·4030 Donkey Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3220·4030-5030-0010 Donkey Creek Lake 247·41·10200-2053·3220 Donkey Creek Slough 228·40·18310 Double Creek 243·10·10150 Douglas River 245-50·10085 Drift River 247·30·10090·2120 DriLL Creek 212·20·10080·2598 Drop Creek 212·20·10080-2445 Dry Creek 247-50·10300·2055·3008·0010 Dry Lake 221·50·11160 Duck River 243·20-10020-2016 Dunuletak Creek •212·20-10080-2431·3075 Durham Creek 212·20·10080·2331·3063 Oust Creek 212·20·10080·2100·3110 Eagle Creek 212·20-10080·2571·3062·4042 Eagle Creek 228·40·18270 Eagle Creek 247-50-10110 Eagle River 212·20·10080·2571-3062 East Fork Chistochina River 3/26/86 Map Sheet TYONEK 0·3 TALKEETNA 8·2 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C·S VALDEZ A·6 SELDOVIA C-1 TYONEK C-1 TYONEK A·4 TYONEK C·1 TALKEETNA 8·2 CORDOVA 8·1 GULKANA 0·5 KENAI A-8 TALKEETNA MTS B-6 GULKANA C-4 GULKANA B·S GULKANA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·3 TALKEETNA A-3 TALKEETNA B-4 TALKEETNA A-3 TALKEETNA A-3 CORDOVA B-7 ILIAMNA A·3 ILIAMNA A·1 KENAI C-6 KENAI C-7 TYONEK 8·4 GULKANA C-1 NABESNA C-6 GULKANA A-3 ANCHORAGE C-7 CORDOVA 0·7 ILIAMNA A-4 GULKANA A-4 VALDEZ C-3 VALDEZ A-1 GULKANA 0·1 CORDOVA 8·7 ANCHORAGE B-8 ANCHORAGE A-6 GULKANA 0·2 GULKANA 0·1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 61 45 30 150 53 52 S 19N 9W10 61 46 28 150 54 36 S 20N 9W33 62 25 13 150 44 5 S 27N 8W22 62 26 37 150 41 53 S 27N 8W11 61 44 10 151 27 34 S 19N 12W16 61 43 55 151 31 43 S 19N 12W18 61 5 37 146 5 53 C 95 SW15 59 33 6 150 16 38 S 75 6W22 61 35 37 150 7 42 s 17N sw 2 61 13 53 151 20 36 S 13N 12W12 61 41 38 150 18 25 S 19N 6W35 62 27 30 150 39 11 S 27N 7W 6 60 19 30 144 18 26 C 185 6E11 60 22 43 144 19 41 C 175 6E22 62 56 4 146 6 29 C 13N SW 2 60 10 42 152 44 8 60 10 34 152 47 47 62 27 21 149 40 3 62 28 36 149 36 41 62 31 4 145 50 12 62 24 19 146 0 7 S 1N 20W15 S 1N 20W17 S 27N S 28N C 9N C 7N 2W 4 2W34 3W32 4W 8 62 26 46 145 55 54 C 8N 4W27 62 27 7 151 2 17 S 27N 10W12 62 28 30 151 3 45 S 28N 10W35 62 5 14 151 19 46 S 23N 11W17 62 17 15 151 32 26 S 25N 12W 5 62 9 3 151 26 18 S 24N 12W22 62 1 58 151 17 58 S 22N 11W 4 62 5 13 151 19 44 S 23N 11W17 60 27 35 146 26 53 c 165 7W27 60 26 15 146 29 46 c 165 7W32 59 3 40 153 45 27 s 135 27W10 59 0 0 153 43 7 s 145 27W 1 60 35 26 152 7 45 S 6N 16W20 60 35 56 152 36 13 S 6N 19W22 61 23 30 151 26 47 S 15N 12W16 61 24 47 151 18 53 S 15N 11W 6 62 40 13 144 6 42 C 10N 7E 4 62 39 57 143 59 29 C 10N 8E 7 62 7 53 145 25 0 C 4N 1W16 62 9 3 145 28 30 C 4N 1W 6 61 37 33 149 18 56 S 18N 1E29 60 56 32 146 33 48 c 11s 8w 1 60 56 53 146 33 9 c 11s 8W 1 59 9 28 154 17 3 S 125 30W11 59 11 50 154 17 37 S 115 30W26 62 4 16 145 55 41 C 3N 4W 3 62 1 9 145 59 22 C 3N 4W29 61 42 15 145 3 3 C 25 2E 9 61 35 17 144 57 30 C 35 2E24 61 0 28 144 19 51 C 105 6E15 61 0 18 144 19 55 C 105 6E15 62 57 44 144 27 21 C 14N 5E27 62 58 15 144 26 1 C 14N 5E27 60 27 32 146 33 47 C 16S 8W25 60 26 55 146 35 46 C 165 8W27 61 19 43 149 44 13 S 14N 3W 1 61 10 45 149 11 11 S 13N 1E36 62 46 49 144 39 30 C 12N 4E33 62 59 22 144 28 45 C 14N 5E16 Page 96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal .. .. .. . . .. .. .. -...... -.. --....... -.. - 247·41·10200·2381·3260 HEALY A·6 63 6 32 149 31 24 F 21S 1011 7 East Fork Chulitna River HEALY A·S 63 11 38 149 15 40 F 20S 91110 244·30·10010·2063·3036 KENAI C·2 60 36 17 150 36 1 s 6N 81113 East Fork Moose River 60 31 17 150 23 18 s SN 61118 221·30·10516 COROOVA 0·6 60 45 35 146 10 19 C 13S 511 7 East Fork Olsen Bay Creek 60 46 6 146 8 25 C 13S 511 5 247·41·10200·2053·3250 TALKEETNA 8·4 62 16 54 151 46 20 S 25N 1411 1 East Fort Yentna River 62 22 47 151 55 51 S 26N 1411 6 245·20·10270 SELOOVIA 0·8 59 52 46 152 54 50 s 3S 211132 East Glacier Creek 59 54 28 152 58 47 s 3S 221124 221·10·10050 COROOVA C·5 60 31 59 145 47 2 C 15S 31129 Eccles Creek 60 31 49 145 46 19 C 15S 31133 200·20·.10070 CORDOVA A·1 60 7 2 144 8 19 C 20S 7E26 Edwardes River BERING GLACIER 60 10 25 143 55 38 C 20S 8E 1 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0040 Egumen Lake KENAI C·2 60 31 35 150 25 46 s SN 71113 247·50·10175 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 27 43 149 24 22 S 16N 11123 Eklutna River 61 26 45 149 21 21 S 16N 1E30 212·10·10030·2070·0010 Elsner, Lake COROOVA C·4 60 32 56 145 27 19 C 15S 11120 241·30·10500 SELDOVIA 8·6 59 20 56 151 54 58 s 9S 161135 English Bay River SELOOVIA B·S 59 15 5 151 44 14 S 11S 1511 1 225·30·15110 SEIIARO 8·3 60 27 12 148 5 53 s 4N SE 8 Eshamy Creek 60 27 9 148 6 18 s 4N SE 8 225·30·15110·0010 Eshamy Lake SEIIARO 8·3 60 26 59 148 6 58 s 4N SE 7 247·50·10220·2095 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 42 18 148 54 58 S 19N 3E28 Eska Creek 61 43 38 148 54 28 S 19N 3E21 228·60·18060 COROOVA 8·7 60 19 6 146 34 26 C 18S 81111 Etches Creek 60 18 3 146 33 29 C 18S 81123 226·20·16030·0010 Ewan Lake SEIIARO 8·4 60 24 33 148 10 42 s 4N 7E26 212·10·10060·0010 COROOVA C·S 60 33 9 145 40 23 C 15S 31124 Eyak Lake 212·10·10050 COROOVA 8·5 60 28 10 145 41 5 C 16S 31124 Eyak River COROOVA C·S 60 30 35 145 39 43 C 16S 311 1 244·30·10010·2225·3010 SEIIARO 8·7 60 25 53 149 22 19 s 4N 11113 Falls Creelc 60 25 49 149 21 36 s 4N 11113 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5021 TALKEETNA 8·3 62 28 33 151 0 46 S 28N 91131 Falls Creelc 62 29 26 151 1 31 S 28N 91130 232·22·10145 SELOOVIA C-2 59 32 52 150 39 36 s 7S 81128 Ferrun Creelc 59 32 55 150 43 17 s 7S 91125 247·41·10100·2100·0020 Finger Lake TYONEK C·1 61 31 8 150 2 37 S 17N 41132 247·50·10150 ANCHORAGE 8·7 61 24 32 149 32 47 S 1SN 21112 Fire Creek 61 21 26 149 34 5 S 15N 2W26 212·20·10080·2461·3272 MT HAYES A·3 63 6 7 145 29 26 F 21S 12E17 Fish Creelc 63 4 47 145 24 12 F 21S 12E23 212·20·10080·2605·3050·4021 NABESNA 0·6 62 55 7 143 49 12 C 13N 8E12 Fish Creek 62 56 10 143 50 46 C 13N SE 2 228·10·10050 COROOVA 8·6 60 24 21 146 10 26 C 17S sw 7 Fish Creek 60 24 56 146 10 44 C 17S 6W12 247·41·10200·2020 TYONEK 8·2 61 21 59 150 29 53 S 15N 71127 Fish Creelc TYONEK C-1 61 40 8 150 3 22 S 18N 4W 7 247·41·10200·2053·3020·4015 TYONEK C·2 61 36 28 150 28 20 S 18N 71136 Fish Creelc 61 41 41 150 32 44 S 19N 71133 247·50·10330 ANCHORAGE 8·8 61 26 15 149 46 3 S 16N 3W35 Fish Creelc ANCHORAGE C-8 61 32 26 149 49 54 S 17N 31128 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4021·0010 GULKANA C-4 62 32 44 145 51 7 c 9N 3W19 Fish Lake 247·41·10200·2320·3010·0010 TALKEETNA A·1 62 14 58 150 3 24 S 25N 4W20 Fish Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3180 TYONEK 0·3 61 55 32 150 57 29 S 21N 9118 Fish Lake Creelc TALKEETNA A-3 62 0 58 151 1 40 S 22N 101112 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0010 TYONEK 0·3 61 56 13 150 58 31 S 21N 9115 Fish Lalces 247·41·10200·2053·3180·0020 TYONEK 0·3 61 56 34 150 57 37 S 21N 9115 Fish Lakes 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 97 Stream/Lake Map Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 247-41-10200-2053-3180-0030 Fish Lakes 247-41-10200-2053-3180-0040 Fish Lakes 247-41-10200-2053-3180-0050 Fish Lakes 247-41-10200-2020-0010 Flat Horn Lake 247-50-10330-0020 Flat Lake 221-10-10080 Fleming Creek 247-41-10200-2696 Fog Creek 231-30-10110 Fourth of July Creek 241-14-10660 Fox Creek 244-30-10050-2070 Fox Creek 247-41-10200-2015-3020 Fox Creek 241-14-10645 Fox River 247-41-10200-2053-3205-4053-5046 Friday Creek 247-50·10200-2131 Friday Creek 241·13·10760 Fritz Creek 245·10·10010 Fritz Creek 244·30·10010·2050 Funny River 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4002 Gagnan Creek 212·20·10080·2481 Gakona River 212·20·10080·2481·3071-4050 Gallespie Creek 200·20-10110·2030 Gandil River 228·60·18100 Garden Creek 247·41·10200·2081-3100-4167 Gate Creek 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0080 Gavia Lake 247·90·10020·0010 Gene Lake 212·20-10080·2300·3371 Gilahina River 244-30·10050·2121 Glacier Creek 247·60·10250 Glacier Creek 212·10·10020 Glacier River 247-60·10230·2028 Glacier Ri ver. 221·50·11060 Gladhaugh Creek 221·60·11490 Gold Creek 247-41·10200·2540 Gold Creek 247·41·10200-2230 Goose Creek 3/26/86 TYONEK 0-3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 0·3 TYONEK 8·2 TYONEK C·1 COROOVA C-5 TALKEETNA MTS 0·4 SEWARO A-7 SELOOVIA 0-3 KENAI A-3 TYONEK 0·3 SELOOVIA 0·3 SELOOVIA 0·2 TYONEK C-4 TYONEK C-5 ANCHORAGE 8·5 SELOOVIA C·4 ILIAMNA 0·1 KENAI 8·3 KENAI 8·2 TALKEETNA A·4 GULKANA 8·3 MT HAYES A·3 GULKANA 0·3 COROOVA 8·1 8ERING GLACIER COROOVA 8·7 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA 8·2 KENAI C·2 KENAI 0·2 MC CARTHY 8·8 KENAI A·2 SEWARO 0·6 COROOVA 8·5 COROOVA 8·4 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARO 0·5 CORDOVA D-8 VALDEZ A-7 TALKEETNA MTS D-6 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA MTS A·6 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 61 57 30 150 57 32 S 22N 9W32 61 57 44 150 57 48 S 22N 9W29 61 58 15 150 57 31 S 22N 9W29 61 28 1 150 25 34 S 16N 6W19 61 31 56 150 0 34 S 17N 4W28 60 33 51 145 44 22 C 15S 3W15 60 34 10 145 42 45 C 15S 3W14 62 46 35 148 42 52 S 31N 4E16 62 46 32 148 41 46 S 31N 4E15 60 5 43 149 21 43 S 1S 1W13 60 5 54 149 20 3 S 1S 1E 7 59 47 40 151 3 25 S 4S 10W31 59 53 40 151 1 38 S 3S 10W29 60 8 52 150 54 34 S 1N 9W30 60 7 50 150 53 47 S 1N 9W31 61 45 8 150 54 40 S 19N 9W 9 61 45 41 150 56 1 S 19N 9W 5 59 48 5 150 59 18 S 4S 10W27 59 56 15 150 33 52 S 3S 8W12 61 42 51 151 27 19 S 19N 12W28 61 41 18 151 32 8 S 19N 13W36 61 29 40 148 46 14 S 16N 4E 8 61 30 0 148 45 2 S 16N 4E 4 59 40 59 151 22 12 S 6S 12W 5 59 42 33 151 20 34 S SS 12W28 59 48 27 153 8 55 S 4S 23W25 59 46 20 153 12 26 S 5S 23W 4 60 29 31 150 51 45 S SN 9W28 60 20 33 150 40 45 S 3N 8W21 62 5 58 151 30 22 S 23N 12W 8 62 10 46 151 42 34 S 24N 13W 8 62 17 55 145 19 13 C 6N 1W13 63 5 40 145 13 59 F 21S 13E15 62 46 57 145 25 52 C 12N 1W33 62 47 13 145 28 38 C 12N 1W30 60 16 4 144 10 31 C 18S 7E33 60 16 15 143 57 53 C 18S 8E35 60 20 31 146 30 50 C 18S 7W 6 60 20 55 146 29 22 C 17S 7W32 62 13 59 150 26 45 S 25N 6W30 62 18 28 150 31 45 S 26N 7W26 60 41 29 150 35 54 S 7N 8W13 60 50 6 150 28 20 S 9N 7W26 61 22 21 143 46 52 C 6S 9E 3 61 26 36 143 42 46 C SS 9E12 60 6 23 150 37 12 S 1S 8W10 60 4 42 150 34 57 S 1S 8W24 60 56 20 149 10 1 S 10N 2E19 60 59 39 149 3 48 S 11N 2E34 60 25 50 145 31 54 C 17S 2W 2 60 28 26 145 24 23 C 16S 1W21 60 52 34 148 56 1 S 9N 3E16 60 54 54 148 47 11 S 10N 4E32 60 53 56 146 41 57 C 11S 8W19 60 53 56 146 40 1 C 11S 8W21 61 7 56 146 28 15 C 8S 7W34 61 9 2 146 28 23 C 8S 7W27 62 46 6 149 41 20 S 31N 2W20 62 45 38 149 34 40 S 31N 2W23 62 3 21 150 5 25 S 23N 4W30 62 4 10 149 55 2 S 23N 4W24 Page 98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 247·50·10360 Goose Creek 212·10·10040 Goverment Slough 247·41·10200·2015·3017 Granite Creelc 247·50·10220·2105 Granite Creelc 247·60·10170·2041 Granite Creelc 244·30·10010·2225·3020 Grant Creek 221·30·10500 Gravina River 212·20·10080·2331·3100 Greyling Creek 231·30·10080·2010·3029·0010 Grouse Lake 212·20·10080·2461 Gullcana River 225·30·15070·0010 Gunboat Lalces 225·30·15070·0020 Gunboat Lalces 225·30·15070·0030 Gunboat Lalces 212·20·10080·2461·3292 Gunn Creek 212·20·10080·2401·3130 Hallet River 212·20·10080·2300·3310·4085·0010 Hanagita Lake 212·20·10080·2300·3310·4085 Hanagita River 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112 Happy River 245·40·10010 Harriet Creek 221·10·10020 Hartney Creek 228·30·18460 Hawkins Creek 228·30·18570·2015 Hemloclc Creek 221·10·10040 Heney Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3213 Hewitt Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3213·4050·0010 Hewitt Lake 228·10·18480 Hidden Creek 244·30·10010·2137 Hidden Creek 244·30·10010·2137·0010 Hidden Lake 224·10·14170 Hobo Creelc 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4045 Home Creek 228·20·18340 Honker Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3240 Honolulu Creek 247·41·10200·2381·3220 Horseshoe Creek 247·41·10100·2010·0030 Horseshoe Lake 3/26/86 ANCHORAGE 8·8 COROOVA 8·5 COROOVA C·4 TYONEK 8·2 ANCHORAGE C·S ANCHORAGE 0·5 SEWARO C·7 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARD 8·7 COROOVA 0·6 VALOEZ C·S VALOEZ 8·5 SEWARO A·7 GULKANA A-3 MT HAYES A·4 SEWARO 8·3 SEWARO 8·3 SEWARO 8·3 MT HAYES A·4 MT HAYES A·3 VALOEZ C·6 MC CARTHY A·8 VALOEZ 8·1 MC CARTHY A·8 TYONEK 0·7 TALKEETNA A-6 KENAI 8·7 COROOVA C·S COROOVA C·6 CORDOVA 8·6 COROOVA C-6 CORDOVA C·S TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·4 COROOVA C-6 KENAI 8·1 KENAI 8·1 SEWARO 0·4 TALKEETNA 8·3 CORDOVA 8·7 HEALY A·6 HEALY A·S TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TYONEK 8·1 Southcentral 61 22 31 149 53 9 S 15N 3W19 61 29 12 149 54 58 S 16N 4W12 60 27 49 145 38 51 C 16S 2W19 60 33 0 145 28 23 C 15S 1W19 61 27 4 150 35 54 S 16N 7W30 61 26 51 150 37 22 S 16N 8W25 61 42 32 148 50 55 S 19N 3E26 61 46 31 148 50 18 S 20N 3E36 60 43 13 149 17 43 S 7N 1E 4 60 47 7 149 13 29 S 8N 1E14 60 27 31 149 21 39 S 4N 1W12 60 27 38 149 20 16 S 4N 1E 6 60 47 50 146 3 6 C 12S 5W26 60 49 43 146 1 6 C 12S 4W18 61 30 49 145 30 27 C 4S 2W24 61 25 10 145 44 8 C 5S 3W22 60 12 7 149 22 23 S 1N 1W 1 62 13 16 145 23 38 C SN 1W15 63 10 47 145 31 0 F 20S 12E18 60 28 49 147 59 31 S SN 8E35 60 29 12 147 59 51 S SN 8E35 60 29 16 148 0 30 S SN 8E35 63 10 13 145 31 50 F 20S 12E19 63 7 52 145 20 37 F 21S 13E 6 61 36 18 145 59 48 C 3S 4W17 61 33 29 146 10 2 C 3S 5W32 61 14 4 143 47 41 C 7S 9E28 61 17 2 144 3 20 C 7S 8E 6 61 14 24 143 48 23 C 7S 9E28 61 58 52 152 20 55 S 22N 17W23 62 6 1 152 42 41 S 23N 19W11 60 24 44 152 17 19 S 4N 17W30 60 26 31 152 27 19 S 4N 18W17 60 30 9 145 50 26 C 16S 4W12 60 30 13 145 48 43 C 16S 3W 6 60 30 52 146 13 26 C 16S 6W 2 60 29 37 146 11 21 C 16S 6W12 60 33 23 145 59 45 C 15S 4W19 60 33 12 145 58 46 C 15S 4W20 60 31 26 145 47 24 C 15S 3W32 60 31 25 145 46 22 C 15S 3W33 61 59 20 151 11 3 S 22N 10W19 62 0 0 151 24 34 S 22N 12W14 61 59 34 151 22 10 S 22N 11W18 60 30 39 146 0 3 C 16S 4W 6 60 30 51 146 1 16 C 16S SW 1 60 26 14 150 12 19 S 4N 5W18 60 28 1 150 12 24 S 4N SW 6 60 29 7 150 15 55 S SN 6W36 60 57 37 148 14 19 S 10N 7E17 60 58 54 148 16 5 S 10N 7E 6 62 15 9 151 9 29 S 25N 10W17 62 18 43 151 23 8 S 26N 11W30 60 26 43 146 22 9 C 16S 7W36 60 25 22 146 28 11 C 17S 7W 5 63 3 19 149 35 25 F 21S 11W35 63 4 15 149 27 39 F 21S 10W28 62 52 22 149 52 30 S 32N 3W 8 62 50 40 149 51 26 S 32N 3W21 61 21 36 150 8 51 S 15N 5W27 Page 99 Stream/Lake 247·41·10100·2150·0020 Horseshoe Lake 221·40·10980 Horsetail Falls Creek 224·10·14240 HUIITier Creek 221·10·10110 Hl.~Jl'back Creek 241·14·10510 H~y Creek 245-30·10120 Hungryman Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4090·5008 Hungrymay Creek 247·50·10200·2140 Hunter Creek 212·10·10060·2200·3025 !beek Creek 247·10·10080·2010·3068 Igitna River 244·30·10010·2063-3036·0020 Imeri Lake 212·20·10080·2591 lndian Creek 221· 50·1 1170 lndian Creek 244·30·10050·2115 lndian Creek 247·20·10020 Indian Creek 247-41·10200·2053·3205-4112-5049 lndian Creek 247·60·10290 Indian Creek. 247-41·10200·2551 Indian River 247·60·10190 Ingram Creek 248·20·10080 Iniskin River 212·10·10030·2050·0010 Island Lake 247-30·10010 Ivan River 226·20·16080 Jackpot Creek 226·20·16080·0010 Jackpot Lakes 226·20·16080·0020 Jackpot Lakes 241·16·10040 Jakolof Creek 244·30·10010·2145 Jean Creek 244-30·10010·2145·0010 Jean Lake 227·30·17837 Jeanie Creek 247·50·10200·2081 Jim Creek 247-50·10200·2081·3025·4010·0010 Jim Lake 244-30·10010·2225·3031 Johnson Creek 247·41-10200·2053·3225 Johnson Creek 245·20·10170 Johnson River 3/26/86 Map Sheet ANCHORAGE C-8 CORDOVA 0·7 SEWARD 0·4 CORDOVA C·S SELDOVIA C-4 SELDOVIA C·3 KENAI A·8 TALKEETNA 8·2 ANCHORAGE 8·5 CORDOVA C·S TYONEK A-8 LIME HILLS 8·1 KENAI C-2 GULKANA C-1 CORDOVA 0·8 CORDOVA 0·7 KENAI A-2 TYONEK A·4 TALKEETNA A-6 SEWARD 0·7 ANCHORAGE A·7 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 TALKEETNA MTS 0·5 SEWARO 0·6 ILIAMNA 0·2 CORDOVA C·4 TYONEK A-2 TYONEK 8·2 SEWARD 8·4 SEWARD 8·4 SEWARO 8·4 SELDOVIA 8·4 KENAI 8·1 KENAI C-1 KENAI C·1 8LYING SOUND 0·1 ANCHORAGE C-6 ANCHORAGE C-6 SEWARD C-7 TALKEETNA A-3 TALKEETNA A·S KENAI A-8 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 61 34 31 149 55 19 S 17N 4W12 60 51 0 146 31 10 C 12S 7W 8 60 50 45 146 30 13 C 12S 7W 8 60 54 38 148 18 54 S 10N. 6E36 60 55 0 148 19 59 S 10N 6E35 60 36 50 145 40 40 C 14S 3W36 60 36 33 145 40 24 C 14S 3W36 59 39 39 151 8 42 S 6S 11W15 59 37 25 151 5 17 S 6S 11W26 60 9 1 152 40 36 S 1N 20W25 60 9 1 152 44 31 S 1N 20W27 62 17 49 150 58 45 S 26N 9W32 62 19 42 150 58 5 S 26N 9W20 61 27 53 148 47 50 S 16N 4E19 61 25 10 148 48 47 S 15N 4E 6 60 32 25 145 33 20 C 15S 2W27 60 33 58 145 30 16 C 15S 2W13 61 10 47 152 58 52 S 13N 21W35 61 15 30 153 2 42 S 14N 21W33 60 32 40 150 28 41 S SN 7W10 62 38 26 144 26 38 C 10N SE22 62 44 18 144 26 7 C 11N SE14 60 57 17 146 37 43 C 10S 8W34 60 58 26 146 35 28 C 10S 8W26 60 6 49 150 37 14 S 1S 8W 3 60 8 13 150 26 18 S 1N 7W35 61 3 53 151 8 20 S 11N 11W12 61 4 34 151 9 19 S 11N 11W 1 62 6 0 152 42 44 S 23N 19W11 62 8 0 152 46 57 S 24N 19W32 60 59 7 149 30 0 S 10N 1W 5 61 0 27 149 29 49 S 11N 1W32 62 47 11 149 39 19 S 31N 2W 9 62 57 45 149 21 16 F 22S 9W31 60 50 55 149 3 17 S 9N 2E26 60 50 0 149 4 55 S 9N 2E34 59 47 13 153 26 57 S 4S 24W32 59 50 25 153 27 43 S 4S 24W 7 60 31 50 145 28 38 C 15S 1W31 61 14 47 150 44 8 S 13N 8W 5 61 18 9 150 42 9 S 14N 8W15 60 21 47 148 14 20 S 3N 7E 9 60 25 16 148 14 13 S 4N 7E21 60 23 56 148 14 11 S 4N 7E33 60 24 36 148 14 54 S 4N 7E28 59 27 2 151 29 s s as 13W27 59 25 38 151 27 19 S 9S 13W 3 60 28 56 150 6 45 S SN SW35 60 31 23 150 11 48 S SN SW17 60 30 21 150 10 14 S SN 5W21 59 51 9 147 36 49 S 4S 11E 6 59 51 43 147 36 47 S 4S 11E 6 61 31 10 148 58 6 S 17N 3E31 61 32 24 148 52 33 S 17N 3E27 61 33 18 148 55 31 S 17N 3E21 60 32 25 149 18 46 S SN 1E 8 60 33 48 149 17 42 S 6N 1E33 62 5 12 151 29 45 S 23N 12W16 62 3 39 152 3 54 S 23N 15W29 60 1 34 152 37 43 S 2S 20W 1 60 4 39 152 49 38 S 1S 21W23 Page 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----·~···-~·~·•·•-•·-----·~·' ''''"'m'"'''"" Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 245·50·10020 KENAI C·6 60 43 9 151 54 55 s 7N 15W 4 Johnson Slough 60 44 20 151 58 58 s SN 15W31 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·0010 Judd Lake TYONEK C·5 61 34 16 151 33 19 S 17N 13W13 244·30·10010·2165 SEWARO 8·8 60 29 22 149 52 24 s SN 3W30 Juneau Creek SEWARO C·8 60 30 52 149 54 2 s SN 4W24 247·41·10200·2053·3150 TYONEK 0·3 61 51 13 150 46 44 S 20N 8W 5 Kahil tna River TALKEETNA 8·3 62 22 46 151 7 57 S 26N 10W 4 212·20·10080·2431·3113 VALOEZ 0·7 61 59 7 146 18 42 c 2N 6W 3 Kaina Creek VALOEZ C·6 61 41 52 146 14 26 c 2S 6W13 212·20·10080·2431·3113·0010 VALOEZ 0·6 61 50 20 146 11 50 c 1N 5W30 Kaina Lake 243·10·1 0040 1 LIAMNA A·4 59 1 11 154 9 47 S 13S 291.129 Kamishak River MT KATMAI 0·1 58 47 24 154 20 0 S 16S 30W18 247·41·10200·2130·3011·0010 TYONEK 0·1 61 50 0 150 4 27 S 20N 4W 7 Kashwitna Lake 247·41·10200·2180 TYONEK 0·1 61 54 57 150 5 49 S 21N 5W13 Kashwitna River ANCHORAGE 0·6 61 56 58 149 9 55 S 22N 2E31 244·30·10050 KENAI 8·4 60 23 14 151 17 52 s 4N 12W36 Kasilof River KENAI A·4 60 14 2 151 9 53 s 2N 11W27 200·10·10020 COROOVA A·2 60 12 14 144 29 34 C 19S 5E27 Katalla River COROOVA 8·2 60 16 34 144 25 59 C 18S 5E36 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4122 GULKANA C·S 62 43 31 146 26 3 C 11N 6W19 Keg Creek GULKANA 0·5 62 49 36 146 20 54 C 12N 6W16 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0060 Kelly Lake KENAI C·1 60 30 55 150 22 16 s SN 6W20 244·30·10010·0010 SEWARO 8·8 60 26 46 149 41 41 s 4N 2W 7 Kenai Lake 244·30·10010 KENAI C·4 60 32 55 151 15 43 s SN 11W 6 Kenai River SEWARO 8·8 60 29 29 149 49 52 s SN 3W29 247·10·10080·2010·0020 TYONEK A·8 61 10 9 152 54 56 S 13N 20W31 Kenibuna Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5026 TALKEETNA 8·2 62 20 49 150 42 51 S 26N 8W14 Kenny Creek 62 24 34 150 39 49 S 27N 81J24 243·20·10020·2051 ILIAMNA A·4 59 9 33 154 23 34 S 12S 30W 6 Kenty Creek 59 9 6 154 23 33 S 12S 30W 7 247·41·10200·2053·3229 TALKEETNA A·4 62 5 54 151 30 10 S 23N 12W 8 Kichatna River TALKEETNA A·5 62 11 9 152 16 12 S 24N 16\J 7 244·30·10010·2076 KENAI 8·2 60 28 57 150 37 34 s SN 81J35 Kil ley River KENAI A·1 60 14 3 150 19 23 s 2N 6W28 244·30·10010·2096 KENAI 8·2 60 24 34 150 28 17 s 4N 7W27 King County Creek 60 23 20 150 27 44 s 4N 7W34 247·50·10300·2055·0020 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 37 15 149 20 30 S 18N 1E30 Kings Lake 224·40·14870 SEWARO 8·5 60 27 9 148 42 18 s 4N 4E11 Kings River 60 27 28 148 46 56 s 4N 4E 8 247·50·10220·2115 ANCHORAGE C·S 61 44 0 148 45 7 S 19N 4E16 Kings River ANCHORAGE 0·5 61 51 56 148 36 14 S 21N 5E31 212·20·10080·2401·0020 VALOEZ C·5 61 44 1 145 48 3 c 1S 3W32 Klutina Lake 212·20·10080·2401 VALOEZ 0·4 61 57 19 145 16 59 c 2N 1E18 Klutina River VALOEZ 8·6 61 27 19 146 3 20 c 5S 51J12 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0090 KENAI C·2 60 41 38 150 34 47 s 7N 7W18 Konchanee Lake 221·20·10350 COROOVA C·6 60 42 25 145 53 51 C 13S 41J27 Koppen Creek COROOVA C·5 60 42 30 145 51 8 C 13S 41J25 212·20·10080·2310 VALOEZ C·2 61 32 26 144 24 34 c 4S 5E12 Kotsina River 61 32 25 144 22 35 c 4S 6E 7 247·41·10200·2081·0010 TALKEETNA 8·2 62 26 53 150 39 28 S 27N 8W12 Kroto Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3020 TYONEK C·2 61 35 23 150 27 40 S 17N 7W1 Kroto Slough 61 40 18 150 26 5 S 18N 6W 7 200·20·10110·2051·0010 COROOVA 8·1 60 22 55 144 6 32 C 17S 7E24 Kushtaka Lake 245·50·10010 KENAI C·5 60 44 16 151 50 32 s SN 151J36 Kustatan River KENAI 0·6 60 57 41 151 59 43 S 10N 15W18 221·40·10990 COROOVA 0·7 60 51 30 146 31 6 C 12S 7W5 Lagoon Creek 60 52 23 146 28 56 C 11S 7\.133 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 101 Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -................................................................................. ........................................... ...................................... -.... -............... 212·20·10080·2300·3511·4120 MC CARTHY 8·5 61 22 37 142 38 24 c 65 15E 1 Lake Creek 61 21 55 142 37 43 c 65 15E12 247·41·10100·2231 ANCHORAGE C-8 61 37 33 149 56 11 S 18N 4W26 -Lake Creek 61 40 28 149 59 24 S 18N 4W 3 247·41·10200·2053·3170 TYONEK 0·3 61 54 21 150 54 21 S 21N 9\115 Lake Cree!< TALKEETNA 8·3 62 26 12 151 23 59 S 27N 12W13 245·30·10010·2026 KENAI 8·8 60 21 16 152 44 31 s 3N 20W15 -Lake Forie Crescent River 60 21 30 152 50 39 s 3N 21W12 245·30·10010·2026·3040 LAKE CLARK B · 1 60 24 6 153 0 47 s 4N 22W25 Lake Fork Crescent River 60 25 1 153 1 56 s 4N 22W24 212·20·10080·2300·3421 MC CARTHY 8·7 61 19 13 143 35 13 c 65 10E27 -Lakina River 61 29 57 143 23 26 c 45 11E27 247·41·10200·2440 TALKEETNA C·1 62 31 55 150 6 6 S 28N 5W12 Lane Cree!< 62 33 2 150 0 16 S 28N 4W 3 247·41·10200·2370·3080·0010 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 62 20 21 149 53 23 S 26N 3W18 -Larsen Lake 247·90·10020'2064·0010 KENAI 0·2 60 47 47 150 33 25 s 8N 7W8 Leaf Lake 247·30·10070 TYONEK A-3 61 14 2 150 47 55 S 13N 9\112 -Lewis River TYONEK 8·3 61 27 37 150 49 44 S 16N 9W23 231·30·10160 SEWARO A·7 60 0 53 149 17 10 s 25 lE 9 Likes Cree!< 60 1 16 149 16 57 s 25 1E 9 247·41·10100·2231·3080 TYONEK C·1 61 42 16 150 0 18 S 19N 4W28 -Lilly Creek ANCHORAGE C-8 61 41 48 149 52 9 S 19N 3W32 247·50·10330·2050·3007·0020 ANCHORAGE C·8 61 35 13 149 51 42 S 17N 3W 5 Little Beaver Lake 212·20·10080·2100·3113 VALOEZ A·2 61 2 4 144 26 32 c 105 SE 1 -Little Bremner River 61 4 28 144 22 50 c 95 6E20 247·60·10340·2018 ANCHORAGE A·8 61 9 22 149 52 28 S 12N 3W 6 Little Campbell Cree!< 61 7 15 149 46 16 S 12N 3W23 247·50·10220·2109 ANCHORAGE C·S 61 42 54 148 50 15 S 19N 3E25 -Little Granite Cree!< 61 43 26 148 49 37 S 19N 3E24 247·41·10200·2381·3240·4020 HEALY A·6 63 3 10 149 34 36 F 215 11W36 little Honolulu Cree!< 63 2 43 149 33 20 F 21S 11W36 247·60·10130 SEWARO 0·8 60 56 4 149 55 34 S lON 4W26 -Little lndian Creek 60 55 6 149 53 47 S lON 4W36 245·50·10110 KENAI C·7 60 32 11 152 15 55 s SN 17W 9 Little Jack Slough 60 33 49 152 17 59 s 6N 17W32 243·10·10030 ILIAMNA A·4 59 1 28 154 10 31 s 135 29W30 -Little Kamishak River MT KATMAI 0·2 58 58 3 154 27 16 S 14S 31W16 212·20·10020·2060·0010 COROOVA 8·2 60 23 35 144 29 7 c 175 5E14 Little Martin Lake 247·90·10020·2058·0020 Little Merganser Lake KENAI C·2 60 43 3 150 36 30 s 7N 8W12 - 245·40·10050·2002 KENAI 8·7 60 16 59 152 27 35 s 2N 18W 7 Little Polly Cree!< 60 19 52 152 33 50 s 3N 19W22 247·60·10318 ANCHORAGE A·8 61 4 31 149 49 4 S 11N 3W 4 -Little Rabbit Creek 61 4 55 149 46 6 S 12N 3W35 247·41·10100 TYONEK 8·1 61 15 21 150 17 37 S 14N 6W35 Little Susitna River ANCHORAGE 0·6 61 47 13 149 10 1 S 20N 2E31 212·20·10080·2331·3081 VALOEZ C·4 61 35 41 145 13 55 c 35 1E21 -Little Tonsina River VALOEZ 8·4 61 28 8 145 7 30 c ss 2E 6 247·41·10200·2130 TYONEK 0·1 61 47 57 150 9 31 S 20N 5W27 Little Willow Creek ANCHORAGE 0·8 61 55 31 149 47 51 S 21N 3W10 247·20·10010·2020 TYONEK A·4 61 7 10 151 17 39 S 12N 11W19 -Lone Creek 61 13 28 151 18 8 S 13N 11W18 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4120·5032 TALKEETNA C-2 62 30 52 150 54 43 S 28N 9\115 Long Creek 62 31 20 150 53 5 S 28N 9W14 212·20·10080·2300·3421·4062·0010 MC CARTHY 8·7 61 23 9 143 16 51 c 55 12E32 -Long Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3025·4010·0010 KENAI C·2 60 39 10 150 35 42 s 7N 8W36 Loon Lake 221·60·11370 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 24 146 14 47 c 95 6W14 -Lowe River VALOEZ A·5 61 6 9 145 48 42 c 9S 3W 8 247·30·10090·0020 Lower Beluga Lake TYONEK 8·4 61 21 33 151 22 2 S 15N 12W26 212·20·10080·2461·3272·0010 MT HAYES A·3 63 5 14 145 24 58 F 215 12E22 -Lower Fish Lake 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 102 ----------~---'"""""'""-"·•m'N-• • Stream/Lake Map Sheet 244·30·10010-2158·0010 Lower Russian Lake 247-41·10200-2015-3035 Lower Sucker Creek 244·30·10010·2225·0010 Lower Trail Lake 247·50·10330·2050·3030 Lucile Creek 247·60·10200·2045·0010 Luebner Lake 247-41·10200·2020·3130·0020 Lynx Lake 244-30·10010·2039-3029·0020 Mackeys Lakes 212·20·10080·2401·3071 Mahlo River 228·30·18440 Makaka Creek 228-30·18440-0020 Makaka Lakes 247-41·10200·2370·3041-4010·0010 Marna 8ear lake 212·20·10080-2401·3061 Manker Creek 245·10·10040 Marsh Creek 231·30·10080·2090 Martin Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033 Martin Creek 212-20·10020·2050·0010 Martin Lake 247-90·10020·2058·3018·0050 Martin Lake 212·20·10020 Martin River 241·14·10600 Martin River 212·30·10020 Martin River Slough 247-50·10220 Matanuska River 200·20·10110-2032·3028 Maxwell Creek 212·20-10080·2300-3511·4110 May Creek 221·60-11530 McAllister Creek 247-10·10080 McArthur River 247-41·10200·2450 McKenzie Creek 212·10-10010·2061·0010 Mckinley Lake 243·20-10035 Mcneil River 247-50-10330·2050 Meadow Creek 244-30·10010·2063·3025·4010·5009-6005·0010 Meadow Lake 212·20·10080·2431·3122 Mendeltna Creek 212-20-10080·2605·3050 Mentasta Creek 212-20·10080-2605·3050·0010 Mentasta Lake 212-20·10080-2461·3171 Middle Fork Gulkana River 3/26/86 SE\.IARO 8·8 TYONEK C-2 TYONEK C-3 SEWARO 8·7 ANCHORAGE C-8 ANCHORAGE C-7 SEWARO 0·6 TYONEK C·1 KENAI C·3 VALOEZ C·S COROOVA C-7 COROOVA 8·7 COROOVA 8·7 TALKEETNA MTS 8·6 VALOEZ 0·5 VALOEZ C·S ILIAMNA 0·1 SE\.IARO A-8 TALKEETNA 8·2 COROOVA 8·2 KENAI C-2 COROOVA 8·3 COROOVA 8·1 SELOOVIA 0·3 SELOOVIA C-3 COROOVA 8·2 ANCHORAGE 8·7 ANCHORAGE 0·2 COROOVA 8·1 MC CARTHY 8·5 VALOEZ A-7 KENAI 0·5 TYONEK A-7 TALKEETNA C·1 COROOVA 8·4 ILIAMNA A-4 ANCHORAGE C·8 KENAI C-2 VALOEZ 0·7 GULKANA A-6 NA8ESNA 0-6 NA8ESNA 0·6 GULKANA 0·4 GULKANA 0·5 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 26 18 149 59 15 S 4N 4W16 61 36 19 150 39 32 S 18N 8W35 61 39 5 150 52 59 S 18N 9\.115 60 26 46 149 21 50 S 4N 1W12 61 34 0 149 46 50 S 17N 3\.114 61 34 26 149 30 6 S 17N 1\.1 8 60 45 29 148 59 15 S SN 3E30 61 38 20 150 3 10 S 18N 4\.120 60 31 50 150 59 30 S SN 10\.114 61 44 13 145 44 24 C 15 3W34 61 41 52 145 40 17 C 25 2W18 60 30 31 146 17 43 C 165 6W 4 60 28 53 146 16 53 C 165 6W16 60 28 48 146 17 9 C 165 6W16 62 24 11 149 56 55 S 27N 4W26 61 45 50 145 38 43 c 15 2\.119 61 34 8 145 40 21 c 35 3\.136 59 49 50 153 16 43 s 45 23\.117 59 50 42 153 17 15 S 45 23W 7 60 14 26 149 38 42 S 2N 2\.128 60 14 23 149 37 40 S 2N 2W28 62 22 39 150 44 16 S 26N 8\.1 3 62 26 35 150 47 7 S 27N 8W 8 60 22 6 144 32 21 C 175 5E28 60 41 46 150 38 59 S 7N 8\.115 60 24 11 144 52 37 C 175 3E16 60 27 33 144 17 49 C 165 6E26 59 45 48 151 0 11 s 55 10\.1 9 59 41 45 151 0 5 s ss 10\.133 60 16 5 144 42 6 C 185 4E33 60 23 38 144 43 53 C 175 4E17 61 29 44 149 15 27 S 16N 1E10 61 47 9 147 39 13 S 20N 10E33 60 24 29 144 12 29 C 175 7E 8 60 24 30 144 10 49 C 175 7E 9 61 22 7 142 41 37 C 65 15E10 61 20 ·57 142 41 37 C 65 15E15 61 8 5 146 35 43 c 85 8\.135 61 8 7 146 36 24 C 85 8W35 60 55 1 151 43 33 S 10N 14\.134 61 6 39 152 19 44 S 12N 17\.120 62 34 2 150 3 29 S 29N 4\.132 62 34 8 150 0 39 S 29N 4\.127 60 27 40 145 11 3 C 165 1E27 59 7 14 154 15 26 s 125 30\.124 59 2 40 154 29 19 s 135 31\.117 61 33 2 149 52 33 S 17N 3\.119 61 34 1 149 46 49 S 17N 3\.114 60 38 38 150 40 11 S 6N 8W 3 61 58 3 146 24 50 C 2N 7\.112 62 8 7 146 37 56 C 4N 8W14 62 54 9 143 44 41 C 13N 9E17 62 54 57 143 45 27 C 13N 9E 8 62 55 17 143 46 0 C 13N 9E 7 62 50 47 145 39 59 C 12N 2\.1 6 62 55 25 146 5 58 C 13N 5\.112 Page 103 ···············---~=~=~~(~~~=---··············· -----~~~-~~===---····· ----~~==(~~~~=----Legal 247·41·10200·2250·3061 Middle Fork Montana Creek 247·10·10070 Middle River 243·20·10050 Mikfik Creek 212·20·10080·0010 Miles Lake 221·50·11150 Mi llard Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4057·5011 Mi lls Creek 221·60·11470 Mineral Creek 222·50·12440·0010 Miners Lake 222·50·12440 Miners River 247·90·10020·2036 Mink Creek 247·50·10330·0015 Mirror Lake 212·30·10016 Mirror Slough 212·20·10080·2300·3540·4100·5018 Monahan Creek 245·50·10070 Montana Bill Creek 247·41·10200·2250 Montana Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3091·4142 Moose Creek 231·30·10080·2155 Moose Creek 244·30·10010·2225·3013 Moose Creek 244·30·10050·2099 Moose Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3100 Moose Creek 247·41·10200·20a1-3100 Moose Creek 247·50·10220·2085 Moose Creek 247·60·10110·2080·3010·0010 Moose Lake 244·30·10010·2063 Moose River 244·30·10010·2063·3041·0010 Moosehorn Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3025·0030 Mosquito Lake 212·10·10060 Mountain Slough 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·6012·0020 Movie Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3241·0010 Mud Lake 247·41·10100·2080·0020 My Lake 247·60·10110-ZOao Mystery Creek 247·10·10080·2010·3058 Nagishlamina River 247·41·10200·2053·3229·4050 Nakochna River 247·41·10100·2231·0010 Nancy Lake 3/26/86 TALKEETNA MTS A·6 KENAI 0·5 TYONEK A·5 ILIAMNA A-4 COROOVA C·2 COROOVA 0·7 TALKEETNA 8·3 VALOEZ A-7 ANCHORAGE A-2 ANCHORAGE A-2 KENAI C·3 ANCHORAGE C-8 COROOVA 8·2 COROOVA A·2 MC CARTHY A-6 KENAI C·6 TALKEETNA A ·1 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 GULKANA C-6 GULKANA 0·6 SEWARO 8·8 SEWARO C·7 KENAI A·2 TYONEK 0·2 TYONEK 0·2 TALKEETNA 8·1 ANCHORAGE C·6 ANCHORAGE 0·6 KENAI 0·1 KENAI C-3 KENAI C·2 KENAI C·2 KENAI C-3 COROOVA 8·5 COROOVA C-5 TYONEK C·4 MT HAYES A-4 TYONEK 8·1 KENAI C·1 TYONEK A-7 TYONEK B-a TALKEETNA A-4 TALKEETNA A-5 TYONEK C-1 Southcentral 62 10 55 149 57 14 S 24N 4W11 62 12 2 149 51 42 S 24N 3W 5 60 58 12 151 35 39 S 10N 13W 9 61 2 23 151 46 50 S 11N 14W16 59 6 41 154 15 8 S 12S 30W25 59 4 59 154 16 20 S 13S 30W 3 60 40 50 144 40 5 C 14S 4E10 60 55 29 146 35 28 C 11S aw11 60 55 18 146 35 17 C 11S 8W14 62 20 48 151 21 3 S 26N 11W17 62 20 7 151 27 50 S 26N 12W22 61 7 46 146 24 4 c as 7W36 61 10 2 146 21 13 c as 6wzo 61 4 58 147 26 22 S 12N 11E35 61 4 7 147 28 51 S 11N 11E 3 61 5 38 147 24 30 S 12N 11E36 60 42 34 150 51 33 s 7N 9W 9 60 42 18 150 52 2 S 7N 9W 9 61 32 4 149 59 0 S 17N 4W27 60 15 46 144 41 44 C 18S 4E33 60 14 20 144 35 10 C 19S SE 7 61 a 45 143 11 44 c as 12E26 61 a 38 143 14 2 c as 12E27 60 38 9 152 4 22 S 6N 16W 3 60 39 55 152 10 7 S 7N 17W25 62 6 14 150 4 20 S 23N 4W 7 62 10 55 149 57 14 S 24N 4W11 62 44 15 146 32 46 C 11N 7W16 62 47 2 146 30 7 C 12N 7W34 60 18 3 149 45 17 S 3N 3W35 60 17 56 149 46 25 S ZN 3W 3 60 30 11 149 25 13 S SN 1W22 60 30 39 149 27 40 S SN 1W21 60 9 11 150 42 15 S 1N awz9 60 9 59 150 33 36 S 1N 7W19 61 47 34 150 41 44 S 20N awz7 61 50 9 150 41 21 S 20N 8W10 61 59 16 150 23 43 S 22N 6W21 62 29 24 150 23 50 S zaN 6W28 61 40 27 149 2 9 S 18N 2E 2 61 45 42 149 1 20 S 19N 2E 1 60 45 4 150 18 35 S SN 6W27 60 32 10 150 45 19 S SN 8W 7 60 40 27 150 29 23 S 7N 7W27 60 38 40 150 34 14 S 6N 7W 6 60 38 4 150 48 45 S 6N 9W 2 60 za 35 145 44 15 C 16S 3W15 60 31 57 145 38 35 C 15S 2W30 61 37 33 151 26 55 S 18N 12W28 63 2 14 145 31 12 F 22S 12E 6 61 27 6 150 6 15 S 16N SW25 60 45 0 150 14 35 S 8N 6W25 60 44 2 150 16 33 S 8N 6W35 61 14 4 152 27 36 S 13N 1aw11 61 23 53 152 43 37 S 15N 19W 8 62 9 12 151 44 59 S 24N 14W24 62 12 24 152 1 0 S 25N 15W34 61 41 48 150 0 33 S 19N 4W33 Page 104 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal -.. ---.................... -...... -...... -................. -........ --.... .. 247·10·10080·2010·3075 TYONEK A·8 61 9 17 152 53 46 S 12N 201./ 6 Neacola River 61 7 39 152 58 4 S 12N 211./15 224·40·14880 SEIJARD B·5 60 26 41 148 42 23 s 4N 4E14 Nellie Juan River 60 25 15 148 43 23 s 4N 4E22 227·30·17790 BLYING SOUND 0·1 59 54 52 147 29 59 s 35 11E14 Nellie Martin River 59 53 28 147 35 49 s 35 11E29 200·20·10100 CORDOVA A·1 60 11 36 144 11 42 c 195 7E28 Nichawak. River BERING GLACIER 60 16 8 143 57 50 c 185 8E35 247·50·10300·0040 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 37 44 149 15 59 S 18N 1E22 Nicklason Lake 221·10·10030 CORDOVA C·5 60 31 10 145 47 24 c 155 31./32 Nicolet Creek. 60 31 8 145 47 0 c 155 31./32 244·30·10050·2060 KENAI A·3 60 11 45 151 0 30 s 1N 101./ 9 Nikolai Creek 60 4 30 150 53 23 s 15 91./19 247·10·10200 TYONEK A·4 61 0 45 151 28 50 S 11N 121./30 Nik.olai Creek TYONEK A·5 61 9 45 151 47 31 S 12N 141./ 5 244·20·10090 KENAI A·5 60 3 27 151 39 37 s 15 141./27 Ninilchik River KENAI A·4 60 9 55 151 19 9 s 1N 121./23 212·20·10080·2300·3511 MC CARTHY B·6 61 20 55 143 14 17 c 65 12E15 Nizina River MC CARTHY B·5 61 24 55 142 35 12 c 55 16E20 244·10·10010·2011 SELDOVIA 0·5 59 46 25 151 49 51 s 55 151./ 4 North Fork Anchor River 59 48 15 151 38 52 s 45 141./26 247-60·10340·2021 ANCHORAGE A-8 61 10 31 149 49 18 S 13N 31./33 North Fork. Campbell Creek 61 10 11 149 41 31 S 13N 21./31 245-30-10010-2025 KENAI B-8 60 21 16 152 44 28 s 3N 201./15 North Fork Crescent River 60 24 17 152 49 51 s 4N 201./30 247-41-10200·2180·3061 ANCHORAGE 0·8 61 59 9 149 50 44 S 22N 31./21 North Fork. Kashwitna River TALKEETNA MTS A-6 62 3 51 149 35 0 S 23N 21./23 247·41·10200·2250·3061-4009 TALKEETNA MTS A-6 62 11 24 149 57 9 S 24N 41./11 North Fork Montana Creek 62 13 35 149 52 46 S 25N 31./29 228·60-18120 CORDOVA 8·7 60 21 57 146 28 49 c 175 71./29 Nuehek Creek 60 22 38 146 24 45 c 175 71./22 247·41-10200·2053·3150·4120-5027 TALKEETNA C-2 62 30 37 150 55 2 S 28N 91./15 Nugget Creek 62 30 56 150 55 40 S 28N 91./15 232-22·10130 SELDOVIA C-2 59 33 22 150 38 27 s 75 81./21 Nuka River 59 36 4 150 40 52 s 75 81./ 5 212·20·10080·2461·3171-4032-0030 MT HAYES A-4 Octopus Lake 63 3 44 145 42 46 F 215 11E30 212-20·10080·2431·3122·0010 GULKANA A-6 Old Man Lake 62 8 51 146 39 8 c 4N 81./11 247-20·10050 TYONEK A-4 61 1 57 151 18 22 S 11N 111./19 Old Tyonek Creek 61 5 10 151 23 26 S 12N 121./34 247-30·10090-2020 TYONEK A-3 61 14 33 151 3 53 S 13N 101./ 4 Olson Creek TYONEK B-4 61 19 39 151 9 4 S 14N 111./ 1 245-30·10090 KENAI A·8 60 14 2 152 54 23 s 2N 211./27 Open Creek 60 12 50 152 56 46 s 2N 211./33 228-30-18630 CORDOVA C-6 60 35 3 145 53 58 c 155 41./10 Orca Creek 60 34 34 145 53 3 c 155 41./11 247-80-10015 KENAI 0·3 60 52 9 150 51 54 s 9N 91./15 Otter Creek KENAI D-2 60 53 36 150 44 32 s 9N 81./ 5 226·30-16880-0010 SEWARD B·2 60 25 22 147 38 17 s 4N 10E24 Otter Lake 246·20·10020 KENAI B-6 60 26 23 151 53 54 s 4N 151./16 Packers Creek 60 27 17 151 54 50 s 4N 151./ 8 246·20·10020·0010 KENAI B-6 60 28 17 151 55 14 s 4N 151./ 5 Packers Creek Lake 243-20-10020 ILIAMNA A-4 59 9 27 154 14 28 s 125 291./ 7 Paint River 59 10 40 154 30 0 s 115 311./33 247·50·10200·2071 ANCHORAGE C-6 61 30 20 149 1 38 S 16N 2E 1 Palmer Creek 61 33 47 149 2 21 S 17N 2E14 247-60-10150·2025 SEWARD 0·8 60 51 14 149 37 55 s 9N 21./21 Palmer Creek SEIJARD 0·7 60 50 51 149 32 5 s 9N 21./25 247-41-10100·2150·3010-0010 TYONEK C·1 61 32 13 150 5 34 S 17N 5W25 Papoose Twins 227·30·17790·2020 BLYING SOUND 0·1 59 54 56 147 30 15 s 35 11E14 Patton River 59 55 18 147 31 31 s 35 11E15 228-30-18560 CORDOVA C-6 60 32 59 146 1 16 c 155 51./24 Paul Creek 60 32 15 146 0 49 c 155 5W25 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 105 Stream/Lake 212·20·10080·2461·0040 Paxson Lake 247·60·10280·2008 Penguin Creek 247·90·10020·0020 Pepper Lake 247-41·10200·2053·3150·4060 Peters Creek 247·50·10160 Peters Creek 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0050 Peterson Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4090 Pickle Creek 247·60·10100 Pincher Creek 244·30·10010·2130 Pipe Creek 231·30·10080·2119 Placer Creek 247·60·10220·2035 Placer Creek 247·60·10210 Placer River 245·40·10050 Polly Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3041·4010·0015 Popa Bear Lake 244·30·10010·2188 Porcupine Creek 247·60·10140 Porcupine Creek 242·42·10460 Port Dick Creek 247·41·10200·2454 Portage Creek 247·41·10200·2585 Portage Creek 247·60·10220 Portage Creek 248·20·10090 Portage Creek 247·60·10220·0010 Portage Lake 247·60·10310 Potter Creek 212·10·10060·2240 Power Creek 247·41·10200·2370·3301 Prairie Creek 247·30·10090·2010 Pretty Creek 244·30·10010·2231 Ptarmigan Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5045·0010 Puntilla Lake 212·20·10080·2331·3093 Quartz Creek 244·30·10010·2177 Quartz Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4057 Quartz Creek 247·41·10200·2291·3011 Queer Creek 247·41·10200·2300·3011 Question Creek 247·41·10200·2300·3011·0010 Question Lake 3/26/86 Map Sheet GULKANA 0·4 SEWARD 0·7 KENAI 0·2 TALKEETNA A-2 TALKEETNA C-2 ANCHORAGE B-7 KENAI C·2 TALKEETNA B·2 KENAI 0·1 KENAI B·1 SEWARD B·8 SEWARO 0·5 SEWARD 0·6 KENAI B·7 TALKEETNA MTS B·6 SEWARO B·8 SEWARD 0·8 SELOOVIA B-4 TALKEETNA C·1 TALKEETNA MTS 0·5 SEWARO 0·6 SEWARD 0·5 ILIAMNA C·1 ILIAMNA 0·1 SEWARO 0·5 ANCHORAGE A·8 CORDOVA C·S TALKEETNA MTS C·5 TALKEETNA MTS C-4 TYONEK B·3 SEWARO B-7 TALKEETNA A·6 VALDEZ C·4 SEWARO B-8 SEWARO C-7 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK 0·5 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA A·1 TALKEETNA A·1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 62 54 34 145 31 54 C 13N 2W14 60 58 40 149 27 16 S 10N 1W 9 60 59 27 149 24 9 S 10N 1W 2 60 50 44 150 26 28 S 9N 7W25 62 10 36 150 52 41 S 24N 9W14 62 34 22 150 53 8 S 29N 9W25 61 25 40 149 29 56 S 16N 1W32 61 23 9 149 22 39 S 15N 1W13 60 31 22 150 23 49 S SN 6W18 62 17 13 150 58 45 S 25N 9W 5 62 17 49 150 58 44 S 26N 9W32 60 55 28 150 11 14 S 10N SW29 60 52 41 150 10 48 S 9N SW16 60 23 49 150 12 41 S 4N SW31 60 22 51 150 12 25 S 3N SW 6 60 16 13 149 40 44 S 2N 2W18 60 16 1 149 41 45 S 2N 2W18 60 47 15 148 49 19 S SN 4E18 60 48 47 148 46 59 S SN 4E 5 60 49 13 148 59 11 S 9N 3E31 60 47 2 149 0 24 S SN 2E13 60 17 3 152 27 18 S 2N 18W 8 60 19 43 152 35 18 S 3N 19W28 62 23 57 149 56 12 S 27N 4W25 60 24 0 149 40 10 S 4N 2W32 60 23 58 149 40 25 S 4N 2W32 60 55 48 149 39 23 S 10N 2W29 60 55 38 149 40 10 S 10N 2W29 59 18 36 151 18 52 S 10S 12W16 59 18 42 151 22 28 S 10S 12W18 62 34 49 150 2 26 S 29N 4W28 62 34 46 150 1 56 S 29N 4W28 62 49 53 149 22 41 S 32N 1W25 62 58 13 149 0 59 F 22S 8W35 60 49 58 148 59 24 S 9N 3E31 60 47 9 148 50 16 S SN 3E13 59 44 7 153 20 46 S SS 24W22 59 46 25 153 18 0 S SS 24W 2 60 46 36 148 49 6 S 8N 4E19 61 3 2 149 47 38 S 11N 3W15 61 3 13 149 47 12 S 11N 3W10 60 35 1 145 38 32 C 15S 2W 7 60 35 35 145 34 40 C 15S 2W 4 62 35 59 149 3 42 S 29N 2E15 62 41 0 148 56 3 S 30N 3E17 61 15 8 150 58 26 S 13N 10W 1 61 19 58 151 2 19 S 14N 10W 3 60 24 12 149 22 11 S 4N 1W25 60 24 53 149 18 43 S 4N 1E29 62 5 19 152 43 48 S 23N 19W15 61 31 21 145 29 35 C 4S 2W13 61 31 13 145 28 12 C 4S 1W18 60 28 35 149 43 23 S SN 3W36 60 35 46 149 32 49 S 6N 2W24 61 51 12 151 27 33 S 20N 12W 4 61 50 55 151 31 46 S 20N 12W 6 62 11 27 150 12 33 S 24N SW 9 62 10 41 150 15 24 S 24N SW 7 62 10 45 150 5 38 S 24N 5W12 62 13 20 150 4 41 S 25N 4W30 62 13 29 150 4 25 S 25N 4W30 Page 106 - - - - - - - .... - - - - - - - - - - ---·"·~-· .................. ----------·-·············· ........................................... . Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal 247·60·10320 ANCHORAGE A·8 61 4 41 149 49 12 S 11N 3\.1 4 Rabbit Creek 61 5 12 149 49 16 S 12N 3\.133 247·50·10260 ANCHORAGE C·7 61 30 53 149 20 36 S 17N 1E31 Rabbit Slough ANCHORAGE C·6 61 32 28 149 10 43 S 17N 1E25 247·41·10200·2291 TALKEETNA A·1 62 10 14 150 11 11 S 24N 5\.116 Rabideux Creek TALKEETNA 8·1 62 16 47 150 14 5 S 25N 5\.1 5 221· 20·1 0230 COROOVA C·5 60 39 31 145 48 41 C 14S 3\.118 Raging Creek 60 40 50 145 46 20 c 14S 3\.1 4 247·41·10200·2370·3090·4049·0010 TALKEETNA MTS 8·5 62 20 32 149 18 20 S 26N 1E17 Rainbow Lake 247·90·10020·2046·0010 KENAI C·3 60 43 13 150 48 24 s 7N 9W2 Rainbow Lake 222·50·12490 ANCHORAGE A·2 61 9 12 147 31 31 S 12N 11E 5 Ranney Creek 61 9 24 147 32 0 S 12N 11E 5 245·20·10170·2031 KENAI A·8 60 4 4 152 48 14 s 1S 21\.125 Red Creek 60 2 13 152 50 8 s 2S 21\.1 2 247·41·10200·2053·3225·4015 TALKEETNA A·4 62 3 54 151 36 10 S 23N 13\.123 Red Creek TYONEK 0·6 61 59 41 152 3 32 S 22N 15\.117 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4099·0010 TYONEK 0·6 61 56 25 152 0 22 S 21N 15\.1 3 Red Salmon Lake 247·41·10200·2020·0015 Red Shirt Lake TYONEK C·1 61 37 32 150 10 3 S 18N 5\.127 245·40·10020 KENAI 8·7 60 21 49 152 18 32 s 3N 17\.1 7 Redoubt Creek 60 23 46 152 24 35 s 4N 18\.133 247·60·10150 SE\.IARO 0·8 60 55 28 149 38 41 S 10N 2\.128 Resurrection Creek SE\.IARO C·8 60 42 57 149 43 53 s 7N 3\.112 231·30·10080 SE\.IARO A·7 60 7 26 149 23 39 s 1S 1\.1 2 Resurrection River SE\.IARO 8·8 60 19 39 149 48 4 s 3N 31128 248·20·10100 ILIAMNA C·1 59 43 44 153 20 28 s 5S 24\.122 Right Arm Creek 59 43 58 153 19 29 s 5S 241123 221·60·11380·0010 Robe Lake VALOEZ A·6 61 5 15 146 8 18 c 9S 51116 221·60·11380 VALOEZ A·6 61 5 39 146 14 36 c 9S 61114 Robe River 61 5 26 146 10 36 c 9S 5\.118 221·10·10170 COROOVA C·5 60 40 12 145 38 29 c 14S 2\.1 7 Robinson Falls Creek 60 41 16 145 39 39 c 14S 3\.1 1 242·31·10120 SELOOVIA B·4 59 16 48 151 24 21 s 10S 13\.125 Rocky River 59 20 36 151 26 22 s 10S 13\.1 3 221·20·10210 COROOVA C·5 60 38 46 145 48 31 c 14S 3\.119 Rogue Creek 60 39 17 145 46 56 C 14S 31117 245·10·10030·2007·3007 ILIAMNA 0·1 59 48 40 153 19 52 s 4S 241124 Roscoe Creek ILIAMNA 0·2 59 48 10 153 23 19 s 4S 241127 221·10·10160 CORDOVA C·5 60 40 4 145 37 18 C 14S 211 8 Rude River COROOVA 0·5 60 46 55 145 31 47 C 12S 21135 245·50·10090·2004 KENAI C·6 60 34 49 152 10 6 s 6N 17\.125 Rust Slough 60 37 11 152 13 41 s 6N 17\.110 212·20·10080·2401·3100 VALDEZ C·6 61 44 19 145 57 59 c 1S 4\.133 Saint Anne Creek VALOEZ 0·6 61 49 45 146 ~ 10 c 1N 51136 212·10·10010·2061·3010·4009 COROOVA B·4 60 27 56 145 9 27 c 16S 1E23 Salmon Creek 60 28 39 145 10 2 c 16S 1E23 212·20·10080·2100-3115 VALDEZ A·1 61 1 36 144 18 49 c 10S 6E 3 Salmon Creek 61 2 9 144 19 18 c 10S 6E 3 221·60·11320 VALOEZ A·7 61 4 57 146 26 11 c 9S 7\.115 Salmon Creek 61 4 11 146 26 27 c 9S 7\.122 231·30·10080·2010 SE\.IARO A·7 60 8 6 149 24 5 s 1N 1\.135 Salmon Creek 60 10 43 149 23 32 s 1N 1\.114 247·41·10200·2551·3015 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 62 52 16 149 35 47 S 32N 21111 Salmon Creek 62 54 41 149 37 18 S 33N 2\.134 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6015 TALKEETNA B·2 62 23 45 150 47 45 S 27N 8\.129 Sand Creek 62 24 11 150 50 10 S 27N 8\.130 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5046·6011 TYONEK C·4 61 41 28 151 29 27 S 19N 12\.132 Saturday Creek TYONEK C-5 61 40 47 151 36 34 S 18N 13\.1 3 221·60·11330 VALOEZ A-7 61 5 3 146 25 48 c 9S 7\.114 Sawmill Creek 61 4 33 146 23 46 c 9S 7\.124 247·41·10200·2291·3041 TALKEETNA A·1 62 14 45 150 14 22 S 25N 5\.120 Sawmill Creek TALKEETNA 8·1 62 17 21 150 19 25 S 25N 6\.1 2 247·30·10090·2105·3015 TYONEK 8·4 61 18 59 151 19 39 S 14N 11\.1 7 Scarp Creek TYONEK A-4 61 14 18 151 21 38 S 13N 12\.112 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 107 Stream/Lake 245·50·10060 Seal River 247·60·10180 Seattle Creek 241·11·10730 Seldovia River 241·11·10770 Seldovia Slough 247-80·10010 Seven Egg Creek 247·41·10200·2081·3094 Seventeenmile Creek 244·30·10050·2059 Shantatalik Creek 212·20·10040·2011 Sheep Creek 241·14·10630 Sheep Creek 247·41·10200·2200 Sheep Creek 247-41·10200·2370·3090 Sheep Creek 221·20·10360 Sheep River 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4050 Shell Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4050·0010 Shell Lake 245·20·10250 Shelter Creek 200·20·10110·2032 Shepherd Creek 247-50·10060 Ship Creek 224·30·14760·0010 Shrode, Lake 241·15·10350 Silver Creek 244·30·10010·2063-3025·0020 Silver Lake 245·10·10050 Silver Salmon Creek 245·20·10190·0010 Silver Salmon Lakes 247·60·10170-2036 ·Silvertip Creek 221-20·10260 Simpson Creek 212·20·10080·2561 Sinona Creek 247-50·10090 Sixmile Creek 247-60·10170 Sixmile Creek 247-50·10090·0010 Sixmile Lake 244-30-10010·0010 Skilak Lake 247-60·10210·2025 Skookum Creek 247-41-10200·2053·3205 Skwentna River 212·20·10080·2605 Slana River 212·20·10080-2331·3081·4050 Slate Creek 227-30-17840 Sl ide Creek 3/26/86 Map Sheet KENAI C-6 SEWARD 0·6 SELDOVIA B-5 SELDOVIA B·S KENAI 0·2 TALKEETNA B-2 KENAI B-3 CORDOVA B-3 CORDOVA C-2 SELDOVIA 0·3 SELDOVIA 0·2 TYONEK 0·1 TALKEETNA MTS A·S TALKEETNA MTS B-6 TALKEETNA MTS B·S CORDOVA C-6 CORDOVA C·S TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK D·S TYONEK 0·5 SELOOVIA 0·8 COROOVA B-1 ANCHORAGE A-8 SEWARO C-4 SELOOVIA C·4 KENAI C-3 ILIAMNA 0·1 SELDOVIA 0·8 SEWARD C-7 COROOVA C·S GULKANA C-2 ANCHORAGE B-8 SEIIARD 0·7 SEIIARD C-7 ANCHORAGE B-8 KENAI B-1 SEWARD 0·6 TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK D-7 GULKANA C·1 MT HAYES A-1 VALDEZ 8·4 BLYING SOUND 0·1 Southcentral Lat./Long. Legal 60 38 36 152 3 32 S 6N 16W 3 60 41 23 152 6 12 s 7N 161121 60 52 47 149 9 29 S 9N 2E 7 60 51 54 149 9 41 S 9N 2E18 59 23 20 151 40 58 S 9S 14W20 59 20 45 151 35 35 S 10S 14W 2 59 26 6 151 42 39 S 8S 14W32 59 27 6 151 42 5 S 8S 141129 60 56 18 150 42 20 S 10N 81121 60 56 55 150 33 36 S 10N 7W20 62 17 31 150 36 33 S 25N 7W 5 62 19 52 150 33 40 S 26N 7W22 60 17 28 150 59 3 S 2N 10W 3 60 18 50 150 59 9 S 3N 10W34 60 27 24 144 46 23 C 16S 3E25 60 30 51 144 44 4 C 16S 4E 5 59 47 40 150 56 31 S 4S 10W35 59 49 49 150 40 27 S 4S 8W16 61 58 16 150 5 7 S 22N 4W30 62 7 19 149 26 22 S 24N 1W34 62 22 27 149 47 4 S 26N 3W 2 62 18 0 149 19 38 S 26N 1E31 60 42 56 145 53 53 C 13S 4W27 60 45 0 145 50 41 C 13S 4W12 61 52 31 151 25 1 S 21N 12W26 61 55 53 151 30 19 S 21N 12W 8 61 57 58 151 33 36 S 22N 13W25 59 53 39 152 48 46 S 3S 21W25 59 54 25 152 48 28 S 3S 21W24 60 18 0 144 14 40 C 18S 7E19 60 24 47 144 12 17 C 17S 7E 8 61 13 34 149 53 36 S 13N 3W 7 61 13 31 149 38 4 S 13N 2W 9 60 39 13 148 19 13 S 7N 6E36 59 33 11 151 18 14 S 7S 12W22 59 32 32 151 18 7 S 7S 12W27 60 38 42 150 47 46 S 6N 9W 2 59 51 51 153 12 51 S 4S 23W 3 59 53 43 153 16 32 S 3S 23W29 59 59 51 152 40 29 S 2S 20W14 60 44 54 149 21 40 S 8N 11125 60 43 58 149 21 17 S 7N 1E 6 60 41 28 145 50 13 C 14S 411 1 60 43 15 145 46 11 C 13S 31121 62 33 48 144 38 26 C 9N 4E15 62 38 20 144 47 34 C 10N 3E23 61 17 38 149 49 55 S 14N 3W21 61 17 6 149 46 23 S 14N 3W23 60 54 10 149 25 41 S 9N 1W 3 60 43 10 149 17 51 S 7N 1E 4 61 17 26 149 48 1 S 14N 3W22 60 24 10 150 15 49 S 4N 6W26 60 47 19 148 59 55 S 8N 3E18 60 45 0 148 55 44 S 8N 3E28 61 59 10 151 8 23 S 22N 10W20 61 58 49 152 20 56 S 22N 17W23 62 41 59 144 0 36 C 11N 7E25 63 0 24 144 17 1 C 14N 6E 9 61 30 0 145 12 36 C 4S 1E27 61 29 31 145 13 1 C 4S 1E27 59 50 18 147 38 38 S 4S 10E12 59 50 32 147 39 20 S 4S 10E12 Page 108 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./long • legal ............................................ 244·30·10010·2030 KENAI 8·3 60 29 0 151 7 30 s SN 111ol36 Slikok Creek KENAI 8·4 60 24 13 151 8 40 s 4N 111ol26 228·10·10040 CORDOVA 8·6 60 23 45 146 11 18 c 17S 61ol13 Snake Creek 60 22 46 146 13 50 c 17S 61ol23 244·30·10010·2250 SEWARD 8·7 60 20 13 149 21 0 s 3N 1E19 Snow River SE\JARD B-6 60 21 6 149 3 1 s 3N 2E14 244·30·10010·2039 KENAI 8·3 60 29 2 151 3 19 s SN 101ol33 Soldotna Creek KENAI C-3 60 33 37 150 54 55 s SN 9W 6 221·60·11360·0010 Solornon Lake VALDEZ A·7 61 4 2 146 17 50 c 9S 6W21 212·20·10080·2461·3080 GULKANA C·4 62 31 27 145 31 25 c 9N 2W36 Sourdough Creek 62 31 29 145 30 57 c 9N 2W36 245·50·10050·2011 KENAI 0·7 60 47 0 152 15 36 s 8N 171ol16 South Fork Big River KENAI C-7 60 41 57 152 18 37 s 7N 171ol17 247-60·10340·2020 ANCHORAGE A-8 61 10 31 149 49 17 S 13N 3W33 South Fork Campbell Creek 61 9 2 149 43 40 S 12N 3W12 244·20·10100·2030 SELDOVIA 0·4 59 57 50 151 29 20 s 2S 13W34 South Fork Deep Creek 59 53 17 151 16 33 s 3S 12W25 247·50·10110·2070 ANCHORAGE B-7 61 17 53 149 28 24 S 14N 1W16 South Fork Eagle River 61 17 0 149 28 32 S 14N 1W21 243·10·10040·2087 MT KATMAI 0·1 58 53 8 154 11 40 S 15S 30W12 South Fork Kamishak River 58 49 48 154 8 44 s 15S 29W32 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6019 TALKEETNA B-2 62 24 21 150 48 40 S27N 8W29 South Fork Martin Creek 62 24 39 150 49 43 S 27N 8W19 247·41·10200·2250·3050 TALKEETNA MTS A·6 62 10 55 149 57 12 S 24N 4W11 South Fork Montana Creek 62 11 39 149 45 32 S 24N 3W 2 244·30·10010·2250·3030 SE\JARD B-7 60 16 52 149 20 25 s 2N 1E 7 South Fork Snow River SEWARD A-7 60 13 44 149 18 7 s 2N 1E29 247·60·10230·2028·3018 SEWARD 0·5 60 53 34 148 45 55 s 9N 4E 4 South Fork Upper Carmen River 60 52 36 148 45 5 s 9N 4E16 247·41·10200·2381·3179 TALKEETNA C-1 62 43 45 150 14 48 S 31N 51ol32 Spink Creek TALKEETNA 0·1 62 46 16 150 14 24 S 31N 51ol17 247·41·10200·2381·3179·0010 TALKEETNA 0·1 62 46 54 150 14 17 S 31N SW17 Spink Lake 200·20·10110·2105 CORDOVA B-1 60 16 13 144 20 0 c 18S 6E34 Split Creek 60 15 21 144 22 5 c 19S 6E 4 212·20·10080·2481·3071 GULKANA C-3 62 37 0 145 14 40 C 10N 1E28 Spring Creek GULKANA 0·3 62 46 57 145 25 53 C 12N 11ol33 247·50·10260·2019·3020 ANCHORAGE C-7 61 32 33 149 16 24 S 17N 1E21 Spring Creek ANCHORAGE C-6 61 32 39 149 10 21 S 17N 2E19 247·90·10020·2058·3018·0060 KENAI C·2 60 41 6 150 38 22 s 7N 81ol23 Spruce Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4112·5045 TALKEETNA A-6 62 4 11 152 40 3 S 23N 19W24 Squaw Creek 62 5 6 152 43 10 S 23N 191ol14 212·20·10080·2331·3068 VALDEZ C-4 61 39 59 145 9 56 c 2S 1E26 Squirrel Creek 61 40 3 145 10 28 c 2S 1E26 244·10·10050 SELDOVIA D · 5 59 52 53 151 47 46 s 3S 151ol35 Stariski Creek 59 54 54 151 31 49 s 3S 131ol16 212·20·10080·2100·3112·0020 Steam Boat Lake VALDEZ A·2 61 1 11 144 30 19 c 10S SE10 247·10·10200·2215 TYONEK A·S 61 2 48 151 32 2 S 11N 13W14 Stedatna Creek TYONEK A-4 61 5 23 151 28 21 S 12N 12Y31 221·50·11530 VALDEZ A-8 61 3 10 146 48 35 c 9S 91ol27 Stellar Creek 61 2 45 146 50 7 c 9S 91ol33 247·41·10200·2370·3301·0020 Stephan Lake TALKEETNA MTS C-4 62 42 22 148 52 39 S 30N 3E10 247·50·10360·0010 ANCHORAGE B-8 61 29 20 149 55 24 S 16N 41ol12 Stephan Lake 200·20·10110·2051 CORDOVA B-1 60 21 48 144 0 22 c 17S 8E33 Stillwater Creek 60 23 42 144 4 0 c 17S 8E18 241·15·10345 SELDOVIA C·4 59 33 17 151 18 43 s 7S 121ol22 Stonehocker Creek 59 31 52 151 19 36 s 7S 121ol33 247·10·10080·2010·3040 TYONEK A·S 61 9 18 151 50 24 S 12N 14W 6 Straight Creek TYONEK A-6 61 12 56 151 57 32 S 13N 151ol16 227·30·17870 BLYING SOUND 0·1 59 48 22 147 44 35 s 4S 10E28 Strike Creek 59 48 52 147 43 37 s 4S 10E21 243·10·10030·2015 ILIAMNA A-4 59 1 19 154 13 34 s 13S 301ol26 Strike Creek MT KATMAI 0·2 58 48 2 154 27 47 S 16S 31W 9 3/26/86 Southcentral Page 109 Stream/Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5033·6033 String Creek 247·41·10200·2015·3035-0030 Sucker Lake 247-90·10020·2058·3018-4011·0010 Sucker Lake 243·20·10020·2021 Sulukpuk Creek 231·30·10080·2175 Summit Creek 212·20·10080·2461·0060 Summit Lake 247·41·10200·2551·3015·0010 Summit Lake 248·10·10200 Sunday Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4067 Sunflower Creek 247·41·10200·2300 Sunshine Creek 247-41·10200·2300·0010 Sunshine lakes 247-41·10200 Susitna River 212·20·10080-2605·3030 Suslota Creek 212·20·10080·2605·3030·0020 Suslota lake 247·90·10020·2058 Swan Creek 244·30·10010·2063·3041·0020 Swan lake 247-41·10200·2381-3161·4071·0010 Swan lake 247-50·10200·2081·3031·0010 Swan lake 247·60·10110·0010 Swan Lake 247·90·10020·2068·0020 Swanson lake 247-90·10020 Swanson River 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4042·0010 Swede Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066 Talachulitna Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053·5066·0020 Talachulitna Lake 247·41·10200·2053·3205·4053 Talachulitna River 247·41·10200·2370 Talkeetna River 212·20·10080·2300·3660 Tana River 212·20·10080·2655 Tanada Creek 212·20·10080·2655·0010 Tanada Lake 212·20·10080·2159 Tasnuna River 247·50·10220·2260·0010 Tatondan Lake 212·20·10080·2431·0040 Tazl ina lake 212·20·10080·2431 Tazlina River 212·20·10080·2300·3310 Tebay River 3/26/86 Map Sheet TALKEETNA 8·2 TYONEK C·3 KENAI C-2 ILIAMNA A·4 SEWARD 8·8 MT HAYES A·4 TALKEETNA MTS 0·6 ILIAMNA 8·2 ILIAMNA 8·3 TALKEETNA B-3 TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA A-1 TALKEETNA A-1 TYONEK B-2 TALKEETNA MTS 0·4 NABESNA C-6 NABESNA C-6 KENAI C·2 KENAI C-2 TALKEETNA C-1 ANCHORAGE C-6 SEWARD C·8 KENAJ 0·2 KENAI 0·3 KENAI 0·2 GULKANA 0·4 TYONEK C·4 TYONEK C·S TYONEK C·S TYONEK 0·4 TYONEK C-4 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA MTS B-4 MC CARTHY A·S BERJNG GLACIER NABESNA C-6 NABESNA B·S NABESNA B·S COROOVA 0·3 VALDEZ A·4 ANCHORAGE 0·3 VALOEZ 0·7 GULKANA A-3 GULKANA A·S MC CARTHY B-8 VALDEZ A-1 Southcentral Lat./long. Legal 62 25 34 150 48 1 S 27N 8W17 62 26 23 150 47 40 S 27N 8W 8 61 39 21 150 53 47 S 18N 9W15 60 43 15 150 40 39 S 7N 8W 4 59 9 20 154 17 29 S 12S 30W11 59 8 49 154 18 21 S 12S 30W10 60 19 7 149 47 56 S 3N 3W28 60 18 38 149 49 21 S 3N 3W32 63 8 22 145 32 50 F 20S 11E36 62 54 19 149 36 22 S 33N 2W35 59 26 49 153 44 24 S 8S 26W32 59 29 20 153 49 33 S 8S 27W14 62 22 0 151 17 42 S 26N 11W 3 62 28 0 151 34 16 S 28N 12W31 62 10 35 150 7 33 S 24N SW14 62 10 55 150 3 6 S 24N 4W 8 62 10 58 150 2 43 S 24N 4W 8 61 18 10 150 34 47 S 14N 7W17 62 46 35 148 42 57 S 31N 4E16 62 44 12 143 48 57 C 11N 8E13 62 41 52 143 36 50 C 11N 10E31 62 42 35 143 35 20 C 11N 10E29 60 44 40 150 44 8 S SN 8W31 60 43 23 150 35 52 S 7N 8W 1 60 40 29 150 32 31 S 7N 7W29 62 31 24 150 23 34 S 28N 6W16 61 31 40 148 54 0 S 17N 3E34 60 37 27 149 51 47 S 6N 3W 7 60 49 52 150 31 11 S 9N 7W33 60 48 5 151 1 16 S 8N 10W10 60 50 7 150 26 23 S 9N 7W25 62 59 31 145 52 54 F 22S 10E20 61 35 47 151 16 32 S 17N 11W 4 61 34 8 151 40 2 S 17N 13W17 61 34 16 151 37 27 S 17N 13W15 61 52 2 151 24 47 S 21N 12W35 61 36 56 151 9 8 S 18N 10W30 62 19 29 150 7 11 S 26N 5W24 62 24 14 148 31 50 S 27N 5E28 61 12 44 142 50 8 C 7S 14E35 60 53 5 142 46 8 C 11S 15E28 62 37 16 143 47 35 C 10N 9E30 62 27 6 143 22 48 C 8N 11E28 62 25 23 143 22 28 C 7N 11E 4 60 59 39 144 48 31 C 10S 3E23 61 2 52 145 12 23 C 9S 1E34 61 46 40 147 58 53 S 20N 8E34 61 53 39 146 28 39 C 1N 7W 3 62 2 20 145 23 8 C 3N 1W15 62 0 42 146 14 7 C 3N 6W25 61 23 43 143 59 24 C SS 8E33 61 14 18 144 11 8 C 7S 7E29 Page 110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '"··-~-~-·" "' ••• ,...·-·«•"'"'" """"""""-___,,,....,.. •. ~·- Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long • Legal ...................................................................................................... ................................................ ....................................... ... 247·41·10200·2015-3117-4208 Texas Creek 247-30·10080 Theodore River 247-41-10200-2585-3201 Thoroughfare Creek 247·20·10002 Threemile Creek 247·50·10330·2020 Threemile Creek 247·50·10330·2020·0010 Threemile Lake 247-60·10110-2120 Thurman Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3205-4053-5028 Thursday Creek 212-10-10010·2011 Tiedeman Slough 212·20·10080·2235 Tiekel River 247·41·10200·2381·3161 Tokositna River 212·20·10020·2070·3020·0010 Tokun, Lake 212·20·10080·2431-3082 Tolsona Creek 231-30·10040 Tonsina Creek 212·20·10080·2331·0020 Tonsina Lake 212·20·10080·2331 Tonsina River 244·30·10010·2225·3040 Treil Creek 247·41·10200·2015·3025 Treil Creek 244-30·10010·2225 Treil River 247-41·10200·2081·3050 Trapper Creek 247·41·10200·2341 Trapper Creek 247-41·10200·2053·3150·4115 Treasure Creek 244·30·10010·2039·0010 Tree Lake 247·41-10200·2053·3205·4053·5066-6012-0010 Trinity Lake 247-41-10200·2381·3130 Troublesome Creek 200-20-10110·2051·3016 Trout Creek 247·90·10020·2058-3018·0070 Trout Lake 244-30·10050·0010 Tustumena Lake 245·30·10080 Tuxedni River 212-20·10080·2461·3161 Twelvemile Creek 247-41-10200-2081-3081 Twentymile Creek 247-60-10230 Twentymile River 247-41-10200-2053-3170-4057-5011-6017 Twin Creek 221-50-11520 Twin Falls Creek 3!26/86 TYONEK C-3 TYONEK A-3 TYONEK 8·3 TALKEETNA MTS D-5 TYONEK A-3 TYONEK A-4 ANCHORAGE 8·8 ANCHORAGE C-8 KENAI C-1 SEWARD C-8 TYONEK D-4 TYONEK D-5 CORDOVA 8·4 VALDEZ A-3 TALKEETNA C-1 TALKEETNA C-2 CORDOVA 8·1 GULKANA A-4 GULKANA A-5 SEWARD A-7 VALDEZ C-5 VALDEZ C-2 VALDEZ C-4 SEWARO C-7 SEWARO C-6 TYONEK C-2 SEWARD 8-7 TYONEK D-1 TALKEETNA 8·1 TALKEETNA 8·3 KENAI C-3 TYONEK C-4 T ALKEETNA C -1 CORDOVA 8·1 KENAI C-2 KENAI A-4 KENAI 8·8 LAKE CLARK A-1 GULKANA D-4 TALKEETNA 8-2 SEWARD D-6 SEWARD D-5 TALKEETNA 8-3 TALKEETNA 8-4 VALDEZ A-8 Southcentral 61 43 28 150 57 28 S 19N 9W20 61 43 51 151 0 48 S 19N 10W13 61 13 49 150 49 53 S 13N 9W11 61 29 17 151 5 27 S 16N 10W 9 62 55 22 149 10 46 S 33N 1E25 62 58 29 149 9 49 F 22S 8W30 61 8 37 151 4 18 S 12N 10W 9 61 9 58 151 10 4 S 12N 11W 2 61 28 35 149 48 58 S 16N 3W16 61 29 52 149 45 59 S 16N 3W11 61 30 9 149 45 58 S 16N 3W 2 60 39 1 150 5 9 S 7N 5W36 60 33 56 149 56 15 S 6N 4W35 61 47 45 151 24 45 S 20N 12W26 61 47 36 151 31 3 S 20N 12W30 60 25 1 145 28 41 C 17S 1W 6 60 25 18 145 28 19 C 17S 1W 6 61 13 0 144 51 5 C 7S 3E34 61 13 36 144 53 10 c 7s 3E28 62 40 43 150 17 6 S 30N 5W19 62 37 7 150 35 52 S 29N 7W 9 60 24 22 144 17 34 C 17S 6E14 62 3 55 145 59 49 C 3N 4W 5 62 9 31 146 1 52 C 4N 4W 6 60 2 56 149 26 14 S 1S 1W34 60 1 51 149 29 20 S 2S 1W 5 61 30 23 145 30 51 C 4S 2W24 61 38 24 144 36 30 C 3S 4E 1 61 31 16 145 29 43 C 4S 2W13 60 32 16 149 18 11 S SN 1E 8 60 33 25 149 8 35 S SN 2E 5 61 32 42 150 36 51 s 17N 7W19 61 33 22 150 42 32 S 17N 8W22 60 24 38 149 22 35 S 4N 1W25 60 26 9 149 22 19 S 4N 1W13 61 50 57 150 22 8 S 20N 6W 4 61 58 30 150 12 17 S 22N 5W28 62 15 21 150 10 13 S 25N 5W15 62 24 11 150 19 46 S 27N 6W26 62 21 35 151 11 29 S 26N 10W 7 62 26 1 151 16 1 S 27N 11W14 60 33 48 150 54 34 S 6N 9W31 61 36 3 151 26 46 S 18N 12W33 62 37 40 150 14 9 S 29N 5W 5 62 40 51 150 5 20 S 30N 4W19 60 23 52 144 2 35 C 17S 8E17 60 24 28 144 3 33 C 17S SE 7 60 40 51 150 36 45 S 7N 8W24 60 14 0 151 8 16 S 2N 11W26 60 17 59 152 58 17 S 2N 21W 5 60 12 33 153 15 15 S 1N 23W 3 62 49 12 145 39 34 C 12N 2W18 62 48 38 145 44 21 C 12N 3W23 62 15 0 150 39 11 S 25N 7W18 62 19 40 150 40 29 S 26N 8W24 60 50 44 148 58 36 S 9N 3E30 60 57 50 148 52 30 S 10N 3E14 62 20 7 151 27 50 S 26N 12W22 62 20 24 151 33 12 S 26N 12W17 61 4 13 146 47 11 C 9S 9W23 61 4 44 146 46 26 C 9S 9W23 Page 111 ··············----~~~=~~(~~~=--------·-········ -----~~~-~~==~------------~~~=(~~~~=-------~=~~~--- 244·10·10010·2100·3011 Twitter Creek 247·60·10100·2016·0010 Two Island Lake 247-20·10040 Tyonek Creek 221·60·11520 Uno Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3272·0020 Upper Fish Lake 244·30·10010·2158·0020 Upper Russian Lake 247·41·10200·2015·3035·4223 Upper Sucker Creek 244·30·10010·2225·0020 Upper Trait Lake 212·20·10080·2261 Uranatina River 247·60·10248 Virgin Creek 245·40·10010·2015·0010 Wadell Lake 212·20·10080·2461·3171·4032·0010 Wait·a·Bit Lake 247·50·10270 Wasilla Creek 247·50·10300·0010 Was ill a Lake 244·30·10010·2063·3036·0030 Watson Lake 212·20·10080·2300·3540·4100 West Fork Chakina River 247·30·10090·2150·3121 West Fork Coal Creek 212·20·10080·2461·3091 West Fork Gulkana River 244·30·10010·2063·3025 West Fork Moose River 221·30·10517 West Fork Olsen Bay Creek 212·20·10080·2300·3660-4258 West Fork Tana River 247·41·10200·2053·3249 West Fork Yentna River 245·10·10060 West Glacier Creek 247-41·10200·2391 Whiskers·Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3213-0010 Whiskey Lake 212·20·10080·2157 Whiting Falls Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3020·0010 Whitsol Lake 224·10·14410 Whittier Creek 247·41·10200·2053·3150·4060·5050-6003 Willow Creek 247·41-10200·2120 Willow Creek 228-30·18610 Windy Creek 247·41·10200·2015·3035·4019 Wolverine Creek 247-50-10220·2080 Wolverine Creek 247·20·10010·2088 Wolverine Fork 3/26/86 SELOOVIA C·S KENAI 0·1 TYONEK A-4 VALDEZ A-7 MT HAYES A-3 SEWARO 8·8 T.YONEK C-3 SEWARO 8·7 VALOEZ 8·2 SEWARD 0·6 KENAI 8·7 MT HAYES A-4 ANCHORAGE C-7 ANCHORAGE C-6 ANCHORAGE C-7 KENAI C·2 MC CARTHY A-6 TYONEK 8·5 TYONEK C-5 GULKANA C-4 GULKANA 0·6 KENAI C·2 KENAI C·3 COROOVA 0·6 BERING GLACIER TALKEETNA 8·4 TALKEETNA 8·5 ILIAMNA 0·1 TALKEETNA B-1 TALKEETNA C·1 TYONEK 0·4 COROOVA 0·3 TYONEK C-2 SEWARO 0·5 TALKEETNA C-2 TYONEK 0·1 ANCHORAGE 0·8 COROOVA C·6 TYONEK C-3 ANCHORAGE C-6 TYONEK A·S Southcentral 59 42 23 151 37 9 S SS 14W35 59 42 24 151 36 37 S SS 14W35 60 53 1 150 16 19 S 9N 6W12 61 2 39 151 11 20 S 11N 11W14 61 3 41 151 14 30 S 11N 11W 9 61 a 38 146 35 20 c as awzs 61 9 a 146 33 40 c as 7W30 63 3 56 145 23 29 F 21S 12E26 60 20 22 149 52 33 S 3N 3W19 61 39 13 150 54 21 S 18N 9W16 61 37 54 150 53 2 S 18N 9W22 60 28 52 149 21 45 S SN 1W36 61 21 18 144 42 6 C 6S 4E16 61 21 51 144 41 8 C 6S 4E 9 60 56 1 149 9 54 S 10N 2E30 60 56 54 149 7 22 S 10N 2E20 60 24 29 152 21 14 S 4N 18W26 63 0 30 145 44 47 F 22S 10E13 61 30 58 149 22 54 S 17N 1W36 61 44 1 149 6 47 S 19N 2E16 61 35 1 149 24 38 S 17N 1W11 60 32 21 150 27 52 S SN 7W11 61 10 4 143 6 49 c as 13E20 61 a 45 143 11 44 c as 12E26 61 28 53 151 37 48 S 16N 13W16 61 31 56 151 43 52 S 17N 14W25 62 34 29 145 37 33 C 9N 2W 8 62 48 45 146 40 49 C 12N 8W23 60 35 4 150 40 5 S 6N 8W27 60 38 16 150 48 28 S 6N 9W 2 60 45 36 146 10 25 C 13S SW 7 60 47 4 146 10 48 C 12S 5W31 60 53 25 142 46 26 C 11S 15E29 60 53 48 143 7 55 C 11S 13E20 62 16 52 151 46 31 S 25N 14W 1 62 26 49 152 18 10 S 27N 16W 7 59 51 43 153 12 15 S 4S 23W 3 59 55 39 153 17 14 S 3S 23W 7 62 22 38 150 10 6 S 26N SW 3 62 31 7 150 10 8 S 28N SW15 61 59 20 151 24 4 S 22N 12W24 60 59 35 144 48 29 C 10S 3E24 60 59 28 144 50 15 C 10S 3E23 61 40 6 150 25 24 S 18N 6W 7 60 46 41 148 41 35 S 8N 4E14 60 46 39 148 41 35 S 8N 4E14 62 32 53 1so 49 15 s 2BN 8w 6 62 34 10 150 49 38 S 29N 8W29 61 46 56 150 9 35 61 46 43 149 46 40 60 33 33 145 55 49 60 33 20 145 54 21 S 20N 5W34 S 20N 3W35 C 15S C 15S 4W21 4W22 61 36 37 150 46 4 S 18N 61 30 25 150 49 29 S 16N 8W32 9W 2 61 40 5 149 2 49 S 18N 2E11 61 39 5 149 0 0 S 18N 2E13 61 12 1 151 39 29 S 13N 13W20 61 14 55 151 40 8 S 13N 13W 6 Page 112 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - __ <_, ____ -----·-··----··-··· -~~-"~-~..--·-..--~·~·~"""'"'"" Stream/Lake Map Sheet Lat./Long. Legal --------------------·----·-------··-----··-·---................................................................................. .. .................... 247·50·10220·2080·3019·0010 ANCHORAGE C·6 61 39 49 148 58 4 S 18N 3E 7 Wolverine Lake 212·20·10080·2431·3122·4010 GULKANA A-5 62 2 28 146 29 10 c 3N 7W15 Woods Creek GULKANA A-6 62 3 5 146 30 18 c 3N 7W9 245·10· 10020 ILIAMNA 0·1 59 48 42 153 16 0 s 45 231.120 Wrong Branch Trail Creek 59 46 42 153 18 58 s 55 241.1 2 247·41·10200·2053·3170·4027 TALKEETNA A-2 62 3 48 150 59 19 S 23N 91.119 Yenlo Creek TALKEETNA A-3 62 12 23 151 11 17 S 24N 101.1 6 247·41·10200·2081·3065·4027 TALKEETNA A-2 62 8 37 150 37 58 S 24N 7W30 Yenlo Creek 62 8 55 150 40 41 S 24N 81.126 247·41·10200·2053 TYONEK C-2 61 34 4 150 27 57 S 17N 7W13 Yentna River TALKEETNA B-4 62 16 50 151 46 25 S 25N 141.1 1 212·20·10080-2405 VALOEZ 0·4 61 57 29 145 17 21 c 2N 1E18 Yetna Creek 61 57 58 145 18 36 c 2N 1E 7 3!26!86 Southcentral Page 113