HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3404SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 7114 CLOSE-OUT STATUS REPORT FOR INVERTEBRATE ANALYSIS PhcPARED BY 1Hhey& Associates ~esource UNDER CONTRACT TO 00~00~~=~~~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE FINAL REPORT MAY 1986 DOCUMENT No. 3404 Alaska Power Authority ======~ SOSI~ BYDRO~C PROJBCT 011:-.t Na. ,.... su.ttna File No. CLOSB-00'1' S!'A!'OS RBPOR!' POR IBVIftl!fBBllAH MIALYSIS Report by Trihey and Associates Under Contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alcska Power Authority Final Report May 14. 1986 RO'fiCB AllY QOBSTIORS OR COIIMBII'IS CORCBBNIIIG ftiS RBPOR'J.' SIIOULD BB DIRBC!BD '!0 lftiB ALISO POIIBB AtmiORift SUSITIIA PROJBCT OPPICB StorM! W Pi'eeervation of Iavertebrate S..les. Bach .orted 1181i1p}e ia atored iD a glua vial of 7~ etlumol with a cotton plug. Bach vial baa a label with date of a.ple, site DUIIber tmd replicate ~. Within each vial is a -ner vial which coataiDa the chironc:.id larvae 8Dd adults which have been separated for additiooal aoal~is. !be vials are stored in plutic jars with screw tops which alao contain a reservoir of 70. ethanol. This level should be checked bi-8DDUally to eDSure that it covers the vials and thus prevent dehydration of the .-plea. tmaorted S811Ples are atill stored in the original Whirlpack bags in which they were collected. These are typically double-bagged and coatain 7~ ethanol u preservative. The levels in these b&gll should also be cbecked bi -aaDually. '1'heae bags alao contain labels siailar to the urted vial aa.ples. e.q. 85 -10 -11 - 4 -82 DATI SITE 2 = Replicate No. No. 8 = Benthic D = Drift For Drift a.-plea the labels will read Dl or D2 u two replicates were takeD at each aite. For Benthic aaplea the label will read fro. 81 -85 and location of these sa~~ples by 1"811&.-coordiaatu at the a.pliog aite are give in the yellow rite-in-the-rain notebooks eaclOHd. Depth, velocitt and aubstrate characteristics are given for each .-pie. For drift .-plea aet tille and pull tt.e of the net are given together with the depth and the velocities at these ti.as. The location and description of the nine ea.pling ai tee were giveD ia tbe Jeauary 1986 Tw:Dlical Me.onmctu. on Invertebrate Drift. lt:pdy to Date· Sorted A~~Plea llawJ be. cow;.ated 8DCI ideDti'fied to geaera, aad iD .c.e c:ue. apeciea, for the aquatic m.ect larvae 8Dd a,..,U. ~trial iDHcta iD clri'ft AI!Ples were talreD to order or f..tly. ,._ reRl.t. are prenated OD the eacloud spread sheet• frc. the fiOIIPJ' diaJI: aa which the data u 111tored. l'or drift .-plea at l .. t aae u.ple at ..-b. aite for each of the tripe baa beeD .._i'aed. Jor betholl --.lea, iD 11011t CMM 1 at leMt tr.~.pe 1 ad 3 have been proce.•ed -.1 tbe totala for the lalber ot lleas UIIPlea have beeD praeM&tecl. &.pli.Dg ~ were outliDed iD the 1986 'l'ecJmical Naloi'IIDCI.-OD !J~Verteb~te Drift. !be ~d larvae frc. both beDthic 8Dd drift ..-.plea were ...taed UDder the biDDOCUlar •icroscope IIIICI iui tially aorted into the cliffenmt priDcipal types. 'l'bese larvae were cleared iD hot pot.ai• hydroxide and head capsules mero-diaected before being .ouuteci in pol,.-viDyi lactophenol OD •icroecope slides. Theile alidae under a CCliiPO\IDd llicroscope aDd de'fiDite speciea were codecl. 'l'belle coded apecilleDa were aeat to Dr. D. Oliver of the Bioeyat-.tica Iuatitute of the Cauacliau Depariaelt of Aericultare for identification. To date no ideatificatiODS have beeD received frc. Dr. Oliver. Iu the ..U.te. aad ..U.tt. aaociated habitats 8 priDcipal apeciea -re ..,..-ated aad coded fro. A - H aud iu the tributaries 2 priDcipal apeci• were cliffereutiated IIDd coded Tl aud T2. Prepared alidM ad pbot~ of these opec.meaa are eacla.ed iu the tnmafer -terial. Preli•iuary aualyab of thb categorzation of the chi~d larvae wu begiuiug tc• abow iDtereeti.Dg reeulta. .,...... ·wr. dl•tiDct diftereace8 betueea cldroac.t.da tbat iDbab: eel the 1MilrtboiJ cd the tributary sit• -CCJIIPU'8Cl to •iD•t• aii8ociated •it•. .Aa chi~da were one of the -.Jor dritttaa orpaU.. a ccap&riHD of apeci• between the drift and the beattao. coulci provide aa iDdicatiOD of the principal source of the drift. Plecaptera were 8DGtber group tbat were begiDiaa to iDdicate apeciatiOD treDda betweeD •it•. OUtliDe for StudY ec.pletiOD. l+gptoa 1. ea..lete ao~ of SIIIIPlea iD lftairlpack b.,. aDd • .,...te o~i-tra. detritu. .Aa there are duplicat• for 8IICh drift •a.ple aDd five replicates for each beDthic •a.ple at each •ite thi• effort could be acaled accordiqly. Bowever it i• ~ that at leut three bemthic S811Ples be exs.iDecl for each trip to cover the variatiOD betwee~~ a.-plea. 2. IdeDtify these saples above to gtmera, and if poaaible, species to .aiDtaiD coDtiDuity of the resulta. Separate the chiron..td larvae and adul ta fr• each .-ple liDd sort into principal typea. Olear and IIOUDt aa.e of the bead capeules fr• these ..-plea to verify ideDtificatiOD with the slides ideDtified by Dr. Oliver. 3. Weigh the above a.-plea a outliDed iD the 11ethods sectiOD of the 1986 Teclmical *-onmdua. 1. For beathic ....,1. recalculate invertebrate dea8iti• at aDd cootraat deeiti• betwea each trip. 2. For drift include re.ulta iD plots of drift deuaity aptDSt at•t• dia~ for aat•t. •aociated sites 8Dd agaiD8t tributary diacbarge 'for tributary sit•. Calpare aad CODtraat drift deaaitl• at differeat sit• OD a te.poral bMia. 3. Calpere the pre.euce 8lld DUIIbera of principal apeciee of cbir-.icla aDd, to a leuer exteDt Plecoptera, iD th;~ drift at ..-u. auociated aites to the relative abuncleace in the .._tlrl.c ....,1. at the aiDe sites. '!his .ay iDdicate the relative coatributioa of the various habitats to drift at the Mlected •U.t• aitee. Use aaalysis of variaace IIDd siJiilar tecbDi~ to teat these differeaces. Batiaate tbe caatributioa of ten•trial iDput to the drift at each stte lllld overall. 4. Ca.pare juveaile chinook distributioa aad chmlity data with drift rates at tbe aiDe •it•. 5. Bvaluate poteatial .,a.t-project CODditiODB 011 iavertebrate drift aacl likely CODBeqUeDCell for juveaile chiaook. • -, -' l j "' l ~ ~ IIIW 1 (IN 131.1) 4t• o~ 3a1y Creek DDIIJC RIP 1 B/26-8/31 5 .... lea TRIP 2 TlliP 3 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/29 5 s-.1 .. 'l'BIP 4 10/10-10/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------lpla•aroptara laetidaa lpla ... rellldaa lpll.,ralla ap. Serratella ap. Baptacuildae c,..._t. ••· lpeoru ••· laetidae Paeadodoeoa ap. 4 6 8 23 4 1 44 2 I 1 4 11 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------Placoptara Cll1oroperlidae .... aridae ••leaka •!· ~---·-----r==;= -r• TOtAL Placoptera -triclloptera G1oaaoaoaatidae 8loa1oaoaa •2· &ydropayclaldae Al'cto!•rclae •!. u ..... tn••• lccliaOIIYia ap. Rlt.,acoplaiUdee Rr:acophila ap. lraclayceatridae lraclafceatr'lla .,. tOtAL Tricboptara Diptora + Cbiroaoaidae Siaaliidae Proaia111ia •!· Biaallu fi~alidao tOtAL Diptera nNAfODA OLIGOCBAITA ap. + -Coaata Iacoaplete 1 10 16 27 45 1 1 47 9 13 22 2 1 3 I 21 l 34 32 1 1 1 1 36 1 8 9 2 20 arn 2 (IN 131. 7L) &i4e Clauael B&HB!C TRIP 1 TRIP 2 !HIP 3 TRIP 4 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/11 2 Saaple• 4 s .. plea ~-------------------------------------------------------------- •••eaeroptera &pll ... rellidae lt .... rella ap. Berratella ap. Beptaceaiidae RithroiUa ap. laetldae TOTAL &ph .. eroptera Plecoptera Perlodidae Iaoperla •P• rorAL Plecoptera Trichoptera Arctopayche ••· Liaaephi1idae PasrchoClnha •P· TOTAL !richoptera OLIGOCIIAIYA 33 3 1 37 19 1 20 3 3 5 22 27 118 6 123 1 1 2 2 ' l I t" i ••• 7 (IN 139.8L) 8ti• Clloael ·•mate a~optera .,...,rellidae •••·••l'•lla .sp. s.-ra'tella ••• Repta.eaiidae Bithroaena ap. YOTA£ lpbeaeroptera Plecoptera Beaouridae Perlodidae !O!AL Plecoptera !RIP 1 TRIP 2 TRIP 3 TRIP 4 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/11 5 s-ple• 12 2 4 18 58 1 8 67 ---~----------------------------------------------------------- !richoptera B7'dropa;rchidae 4r~top.J'clle •P. Lhiilepllil idae Bccliao•J'ia ap. Greaa:l.aap. TOTAL Trichoptera Diptera Si•uliidae Pro•U.uliu. ap. Si•uli-•P· TOTAL Diptera 4 1 1 6 1 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- I l . ~ rRIP 1 YRIP 2 !RIP 3 !RIP 4 8/26-8/31 9/10-9/lS 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/11 5 s-r1e• ~~~------------------------------------------------------- -~·-~-­..... r.lltft• AIMeteila.ap. aarr ... lla ••· leP.tace•i"tdae •.. ., ... ,. !Otl£ lpbeaeroptera 1 4 1 6 --------·------------------------------------------------------ Plecoptera 705 fOfAL Plecoptera 705 --------------------------------------------------------------- friollo•t•ra Glon•011atldae CJlo••••• •t· Li-ephil~d.a• .......... _L....._~ .... ~11..::..;.o... --.-.7gUVW"~l'r-•P• . ---~---.. . -----·~-·-. -·· ---. -.---· ~At lfricboptera Diptera !ipalidae tOfU Diptera 1 2 , ... 4 1 1 ------------~-------------------------------------------------- '. •' i:tfl~ :4 (JIM133. '7R) j:,f~··h 9.& •• , .. 10 .-', ,, ~ ~::..': . . . . . . TRIP 1 TRIP 2 TRIP 3 TRIP 4 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/16 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/11 5 Saap1e• 3 saap1ee "7---~---------------------------------------------------------- •••••t-optera tpl•ere11idae lfl!!!•.-•1la _t(p. 8err•tel1a •P• Beptaje.i:idae ipeoru• ••· RitliroCeba ••· 30 73 3 3 25 134 1 7 1 9 -~-------------------------------------------------------------Plecoptera Ohloroperlidae lelliro•&&·idae Zap ada •P• Perlodldae I•oper1a ep. totAL Plecoptera !richoptera Q1o••o•o•atidae Gloti•o•cn~a cp. Bydrop•ychldae Arctop•yche •P· Liliaephilidae P•ychoglypha •P· Kccli•o•yia •P· Rhyacophi1idae Ryacophi1a •P· tOTAL Trichoptera 1 54 55 2 62 4 1 69 108 1 24 133 1 1 9 1 1 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- Diptera Tipu1idae TOTAL Diptera 1 1 0 ,--------------------------------------------------------------- OLIGOOBAITA 1 f - r r I I I L. . ,. 183.8·) · ... · · lillRcl A•Jaceut to 8lo1111a 10 YRIP 1 YRIP 2 YRIP 3 8/26-8/31 9/10-9/16 9/23-9/28 5 s-p1ea ftiP 4 10/10-10/11 ~~~~,~~~--... -~-------------------------------------------------- IPiljiarWt•r• ·-:=~:~. ltiittfP . '''· lit~----·· .•. aaetida~· 2 1 5 3 fo.fU &pll ... roptara 11 ~~~-~-~------------------------------------------------------ Plecoptara 6 fOIAL Plecoptera 6 Sl'fl 6 (IN 138.6) lll#a"tc Rher tRIP 1 tRIP 2 tR~~ 3 tRIP 4 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/ll & s .. p1ea 5 Saap1ea 5 S .. plea ---------------------------------------------------------------!:ohaeroptera lpla .. erellidae 121taerel1a ap. lerratella ep. BeptaaeiiUdlle cee•l• ••. l£eor•• ap. Iroaodee ep. ••• u •••. Sipllloaurldae Baetidae Paeudodoeo!! ap. totAL lplle•eroptera Plecoptere CbloroperUdae Mal .. ka ap. Zapada ep. Perlod.ldae I•operla ••· tOtAL P1eooptera tricboptera cnoaaoao•atidae Qloa•o•oa• sp. Li•aepbi1ldae lccllaaayia ep. Bbracopbilidee Rl"ac• ·tbila ap. totAL trlcboptera Dipten lpbydridae + Cbiroao•idae st••Uidae Proat••liu tipulldae tOtAL Diptera OLIGOCI:AitA ACARI ••• + -Count• Ineo•plete 280 s 10 73 2 1 5 3&4 7 11 5 23 59 3 62 14 3 17 2 1 204 5 65 2 276 13 7 8 14 13 55 96 2 1 99 1 1 4 21~ 1 2 1 29 4 250 15 18 l 5 2 2 24 67 1 1!5 14 1 131 1 2 3 6 4 r ' r l [ r l ·" tlfl 140o.O) --'lalaad Dowariver of Sloach 20 .· . ~ . ' TRIP 1 !RIP Z !RIP 3 !RIP 4 8/Z&-8/31 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/ZB 10/10-10/11 6 a-p1•• ~~~~~-------------------------------------------------------- Plecoptera TO!AL Plecoptera Diptera Si-liidae Pro•iaa1i'UI •P· z 4 1 7 16 16 1 1 -----------------------------------------------------------·---- [ I [ . I r- l [ l L f L .··· ... t (.lfO.IR) ••• !RIP 1 !RIP 2 ~RIP 3 ~RIP 4 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/15 9/23-9/28 10/10-10/11 s s ... l- ~~-----------------------------------------------------------~-ropte,.. ...... re11:t.4ae "Si~rat•ll• ap. 22 lif'lll .. 11rldae 3 Baetidae 6 Plecoptera R.-ouridae Maleaka ep. z., ...... ~orAL Plecoptera 'frlchoptera Qloaaoeoaatldae Gloaaoaoaa aD. L-l ... epla-11-tdae Gr ... ia ••·· Paycllojl~pha·ap. Rh7acojJailidae RJrt~cophl1a ap. ~OfAL !richoptera Diptera 87rphidae Siau1iidae Proaiauliu.a •r. fipu.lldae !O~AL Diptera 31 28 3 7 38 2 1 4 2 9 12 1 4 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------, OLIGOCBAITA 40 --------------------------------------------------------------- r ., '~~~~ ·~: -... 'IIIJP 1 ftJP I DlP * lUI' 4 ana-aJal 1/l.-./16 ., .... /Z. ll/11-ll/11 ........ 1 .... 1. 1 .... 1. 1 .... 1 .. -- .... lr .. Hn (I) (I) (l) ... ,, ... I 1 biMi••nllt.,_ M..Ui-aa ••· 4 1 I ~IIIP• ' ····.··· .... ........ !!. 1 ~ 1 ftt7&J. .,...-.&_ • (I) 4 (3) 1 I (1) Pl .... ,.,.. Clal---11 ... 1 ........... ....... !1· 1 I I 1 ..... .,. 1 Pet'1Ml ... 1 fH!' PlMO,tNa I I I I -------·· ·---------------------------------lrt...,ten 11 ....... u ... ........... ' 141 10 I '"""~ ... .ant ...... !P• l ........ u, ... ....... lnb!P· 14 4 • 1 !Of&l. ~~ten n 11 1$ 4 .,., .... • CUr_. ... 4 (I) 1 (I) (10) ......... (I) IIIN1U .. o (I) (I) 1 (J) (1) b:•&BI&• ••· 4 'lal&ll-•1· II ., 11 I • , ....... 1 (1) ,,,.u ... 1 (I) ...... , ... 1 1 !O!Al !!~ !! (1!) 1! (!0) 1. (!) ! C!?) ____ .... -------------·-·----------------------------------------OU410ChftA 1 1 AC&al J ------------------------- •••i•t•r• 1 1 ••OIIO•t•r• 11 14 12 z -------------- Co1.,tora 1 (1) • I&Qallpl .. o (l) totAL c.:a .. toro 1 (1) 0 0 (I) r --....---i ••,..••ptero 11 .. ., s ----------------------------------------L ,., .. ,.ouoptoro u ( ) -AdDlh • -Torrootriol Iooocto • -Coooto loooep1oto .,. • ('lilil lll. '11.) ......... 1 jHft ':UP 1 8;1 .... 8/11 51 ... 1 .. ftiP 2 8/10-s/15 1 .... 1. ftl1!' I 8/23-8/21 1 .... 1. DIP 4 10/lD-10/11 1 laaple ------------------------------------------- ---·· ••• 2 !KAteUa ap. I •••taae.u.- cz-.-.I• ••· 1 !O!&L lpla .. aroptera Plec:optera ... oarldae z., •••••. TOTAL Plecoptera !rlclaoptera Lt.aeplaU :lclaa 12 3 3 P•toii!Jlun ••· s n,..cepJaUtdee Jlpcoplalle ep. 1 TOTAL Trtclaoptera 10 D:lptera 6 + Cla:lroao.iclaa Cuctl:lclae Si•ulitdae st .. lt .. ••• 15 Tipalidae * Jhaacidae 1 'IOT&L Dlptera 12 0 0 0 1 .. 1 .. 0 0 0 0 (11) 3 ( 15) (1) (1) 1 1 (1) (1) (3) (11) .. (15) 1 (1) -----------------------------------------------------------ACARI 2 ••••iptera 2 17 4 *Bpeaoptera 30 3 $Tbyaaaoptara 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( ) -Adult• * -rarreatria1 lD•ect• + -Coaata Iacoaplete · ••· a .·tit t3l. 3J.> ii._ c..._1 .. '*"ft .. YRif' 1 • 8/28-8/31 1 saapla HIP 2 11/10-8/15 1 ·-·1• '!RIP 3 8/23-1/21 1 ·-ple '!RIP 4 10/10-10/11 -----------~-------------------------~-------------------------------....... opt era Jp(e_e,,~11 idee .. ,.-~!!:1• ••. !Ot'AL lph ... ropter• Plecoptera CJ&loro:parllclae ..... rJ.ctaa z•u•"· Perlocllclae t'O'!Ali P1ecoptera '!ri.ptera G1oaaoiii011atidae Glo••~•o•• ap. B7clropa,.ohidae Arctopa7clae ap. Li-apb.Uiclae *cclia0117ia ap. Piii7Cl&Oilnha ap. toTAL !ricboptera *LttPidoptera Diptera + Chiroaoaidae Siau1Udae SiavUaa ap. '!O!AL Diptere MIIIIA!ODA ACARI •Beaiptera Coloptera '!O!AL Coleptera 0 0 1 7 8 1 (1) (4) 1 1 (4) 2 24 0 0 ., 1 8 1 7 8 3 (4) 3 (4) 13 2 2 {1) 1 1 (1) 3 1 4 21 2 23 1 2 8 11 1 1 4 3 3 (1} (3) (4) --------------------------------------------------------------------$8paaoptera 29 1 *fh7aaaoptera 2 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( ) -Adulta * -terreatrial Iaaecta + -Couata Iacoap1ete [ r i I L r . l I l. [ [ I l atu 4 c• ID.7a) ll._.N Mlrt ~ ....... W ........ llidao Hr-rrt..a&l! ••. lleptqerd1dft ~· ........... •uJarot••• ••· !O!AL lpla .. oroptora ftiP 1 8/le-8/11 2 Seaploa 3 1 2 5 11 DIP I 8/10-8/15 1 lup1e (1) (1) ftZP 3 8/13-8/28 1 Saplo 1 1 ftZP t 10/lG-10/11 1 .... 1. 0 -------------------------------------------------------~------------ 4 1 1 1 0 4 1 7rlclaoptora cu ........ u ... fll,oaJtoav•a !P• 1 8~dr41paJ'cJaldaa £rst.pzs= =t • .A .... UaMPitl:U-daa Pa~clao(lnlaa .,. 18 3 1 8 to!At frlcboptara 23 3 1 8 Diptora (1) + Clairoaoaicloe 12 (11) (8) 1 (54) 1 (17) Cac1Uclae (1) Siw11lUclao (5) Si•ali\m ep. ! tipalidao (1) H'rAI. Diptera 13 (13) (11) 1 (55) 1 (17) $8oaoptara 15 1 1 31 3 3 Iaoptera 1 *!byaaaoptera 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- C ) -Adalta * -!erraatria1 Iaaeeta + -Couata Iaeoap1ete jrld I (illlf3.8) · .. : -~~-•tea .. l.lud AclJaceat to s1ou1h 10 II*" rRIP 1 'fliP 2 8/28-8/31 9/10-9/15 1 Sup1e 1 Saaple 'fliP 3 8/23-9/19 1 s .. ple 'fliP 4 10/10-10/11 1 Sqple -~--~-----------·---------------------------------------------------Jpll ... roptera (1) .... u ••• 1 lph•erdlidae lf!!aerella ••• 2 leptQellildee l&oru •t· 2 ilithryeae ap. 1 Siphloaaridae Aiteletua ••• 1 ~OtAL lpheaeroptera 1 4 (1) 0 2 -----------------------------------------------------------·~-------- Pl~coptera 5 3 Chloroperlidee 1 ... ouridae Zepeda ap. 1 1 TOtAL Plecoptera 2 6 0 'fricboptera (l) B7dropayclaidae ~rctol•lche ep. 1 Liaaepllilidae Pe7clloa17Ph• ••· 3 1 tOTAL trichoptera 3 1 (1) 0 1 Diptere + Chiroaoaidae 3 (8} 14 (6} :l (6) 4 (10) iapidiciae (l} Siauliiclae (4) Proeiauliua ••• 1 Siauliua ••• 10 3 1 fipulidae ( 1) (2) tOTAL Diptera 13 (11) 18 (9) 2 (5) 5 (12) --------------------------------------------------------------------ACARI 1 *Boaoptera 25 9 9 *Byaeaoptera 9 1 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( ) -Adult• * -T~trr~t.tria1 Ia•ech + -Couate locoaplete [ i I i . f -\ J Silt 8 (a 138.1) tutu River DRift !RIP 1 8/28-8/31 1 s .. p1e !RIP 2 l/10-1/15 1 a .. p1e !RIP 3 8/23-9/29 1 Suple !RIP 4 10/10-10/11 1 Saaple --------------------------------------------------------------------lfla~ropt:era · •••••relUdae Bpllwrella ••. lept••••Ud .. IDI0£118 .,. Slphloauridae laetidat fO'f&L lpheaeroptera 26 13 1 40 4 7 23 ., 1 (1} 31 (1) 3 3 --~------------------------------------------------------~----------Plecoptera 1 2 2 1 Chloroperlidae 1 ••aouridae Zapada •P· 1 2 P-er1odt'dae (2) 3 !O'f&L Plecoptera 1 2 4 (2) 6 ----------------------------------------------------~---------------'frlchoptera G1o••oaoaatidae Gloaeoeo•• •!· Lt .. ephilldat Bcclieuz:ia .,. P•zuho«lrpiia •p. !O'f&L 'frlchoptera Dipttra + Chiroaoaidae lapididae Si•uliidae Si•uliua tOtAL Dipt&r& OLIGOCB&I!& .UCBRID& ••• !O'f&L Bo•ptera Coloptera Dytiecidae TOTAL Coleptera 4 3 7 0 1 1 7 7 0 3 6 9 c 1 1 0 15 11 26 9 2 ll 7 ., 1 1 2 (17) (1) (18) 5 13 18 4 (1) (1) 4 (2) 0 1 l -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( ) -Adults * -Terre•trial lnaecta + -Count• Inco•plete 2 4 4 a1n ' c• u•. ''> at• ftaual ltirt Placoptere ClaloroperUdae B..a•rtdaa f07AL Plecoptara DIP 1 1/26-8/31 2 .... 1. 8 (1) (1) 1 1 (1) 'fricboptera G1oaaoao•atldae Glo••o•o•• ••· 1 1 Diptara (1) + Clliroao•iclae 2 (5) 11•uliidae Proai•ulia ••• Shnalia •E· 1 flpuUdae 'fHll Diptera 3 (6) t'RIP I 1/10-1/15 1 .... 1. 0 0 G 5 (3) 5 (3) DIP S 1/11-1/29 1 .... 1. 1 (2) 2 2 (7) (3) 1 (5) 1 (15) HIP 4 10/10-10/11 1 .... 1. 0 0 1 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~==-~~ $Bo•optera a,.euopter Colle•bolla *B,..eaoptera ( ) -Adalte * -Terreetrial Iaeecte + -Coaate Ioco•plete 2 3 2 1 1 17 1 r I I r r··· I [ tt•• (Ill 140.0) Wi:J•t• t•lQd 'Donatreu of 81ou11a zo :.ai'ift ftiP 1 HIP 2 8/21-8/31 . 1/10-9/15 1 Sup1e 1 Suple ftiP 3 9/23-5/21 1 Sup1e tRIP 4 10/10-10/11 1 ·-•1• -~·--. ____ .._ ____ _... _______ ~--------------------------------·---------- 1 4 5 0 (1) 1 1 (1) 0 ~~--------~---------------------------------------------------------Plt~c«Jptera 3 3 ••ao•rldae Zapaela ••· 1 1 Period lela• 2 tOtAL P1acoptera 3 3 1 3 triclaoptera z WrdropaJ'claidae Ars:loeazcba ••• 1 Lineplailldae (1) hrcJacoclyplaa ap. 1 1 !OfAL tricllopt•r• 2 (1) 1 2 0 DiPtera (1) + Clairoantdee 2 (4) 2 (3) (2) Si•alUdaa (4) (1) (1) J:ro!i•al11D1 ••· Si-111111 ., • 2 9 1 • tab.uldaa (1) tipulidae (1) * lluacidae 1 tOtAL Diptera 2 (5) 12 3 (I) (3) --------------------------------------------------------------------OLIGOCBAI!A 1 $Bo•optera 8 2 23 ----------~---------------------------------------------------------Co1optera tOtAL Coleptera *Bpeaoptera ( ) -Adulta * -!erreatria1 Iaaecta + -Couat• Iaco•plete (1) (1) 2 3 (2) 'IUP4 lelll-lOtll I .... to ~----._----------~---------------------·---------------- 1 I 1 I (I) 7 (I) 1 1 (I) 1 1 (I) I 0 -----------··· ---------------·----------~---------------------~----P1-..tara Olalor ... rll._ .. 1 ...... . ,....... .•. ftUJ. Pl.......-a • • 1 I 1 4 1 1 --------------------------------- Trt ....... ...... .,,uu- a..u..., ... . 1 ........ , .. . M!!l!!fl .... ••· I 1 1 HY~bl~ I 1 I 1 ~..,.._.. 1 -------------------------------------·-·----- Jiptan + Cltir ..... ._ J1 (IU) 1 (I) s (12) 118alU·-1 (I) (I) £!.n..Ua11· I •IIIUllill •t· I ·~•us-a. (2) rtJ,.l••-1 (1) (2} .......... Z (I) . tor~ Jtpten I (8) 21 (lU) 1 (I) 7 (16) -------------------------------------- 1 ·-------------------------- 11 2 10 (1) (1) 1 tor.U. Co1optara 1 (l) 0 (1) , Collaeltolla 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------*1)'80ooptara *flaJ'ouoptora ( ) -A41alta • ·· 'forrootria1 laoect. + -c ... t. rac..,1ato • 40 z 1 12 1 r j I ! I I L r· I i L r· l r-c l Photo Jro. Type 1-4 A 5-11 B 12-13 c 14--16 I 1&-20 F 21-25 G 26-28 H 29-32 T1 33-3'1 T2 lnatllutde ~~ 86-110 ..... ldll--.. 8IMcee Slnllce ndanll cfldllllllcalfan ~OF RECEIPT OF SPECIMENS ....... DE...S.INI 1014 r Dr. Alexander Milner -, L .Trihey I Assoc. Aquatic Res. Specialists 2606 C Street Suite 2 Anchorage. Alaska 99503 u.s.A. _j D PlANTS. FUNGI-PLANTEI VAICULAIRES. CHAMPIGNONS WILliAM 8AUNDER8 IUILDrNG -i!DIFICE WIWAM 8AUNDER8 NEMATODES. ARACHNIOIB,.. INSECI'S -NEMATODES. r'il ARACHNIDEI. IN8EC1'E8 . ~ K.W. NEATBY BUILDING -mACE K.W. NEATBV "CKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF SPECIMENS AS FOLLOWS: ACX::US~ DE R~OEPTION DES SPB:iMENS SUIVANTS: Sixteen slides of Chironomidae have been received by Dr. D.R. Oliver for detennination. IdentHication will be forwarded in due course. Please refer to Lot No. 86-110 in any further correspondence or. this matter. -S;z;:.·~Aa IS, Alhfson """ FOR: DIRECTOR POUR: DIRECTEUA BIOSYSTEMATJ IN INSTITUT DE RECHERCHES BIOSYST~TIQUES AGRICULTURE CANADA MtNIS'TtAE DE L'AGAICULTUAE DU CANADA 18 II 1986 arTAWA, ONTARIO OTTAWA, ONTARIO CANADA K1A OCI CANADA K1A 0C1 MR•tCMJOl) Canadl f ll - I r· I I . I l i 'ti;~-·' .. Cldraac.id Bead eep.ule Sliclelt Set to Dr. D. Oliver by DBL 2/26/fiS Sllde Jlp. Label ldellt.ifieatiaa 1 2 A 9-28-4 B4 3 a &-31-9-13 4 a 8-31-9-B3 origi.Dal1y typed u 82 6 orifiaally typed .. I 6 I 9-28 4 84 orit1Dal1Y typed .. D 7 B 9-28-4-14 ori,iDally typed .. I 8 I 9-28-4-84 9 8 9-28 4 84 origiDally typed a& I 10 c 9-28-2-82 11 c 9-28-2-82 12 , lD-11-4-82 13 , lD-11-4-82 14 , 1D-11-4-B2 orignially typed • 1'2 15 , lD-11-4-82 16 G 8-6-3D-Bl 17 G 8-6-3D-Bl 18 B 8-31-9-83 19 B 8-31-9-83 20 Tl 9-24-6-83 21 Tl 9-29-6-83 22 T2 9-29-6-84 23 1'2 9-29-6-M ,,~ ~ I I .... 2&-1-13 Raile .... 29611 '!1-5 '12-6 r-1 G-1 86-8-28-1-115 NoDe 86-8-30-&-13 Tl-7 115-8-30-6-1& Tl-4 G-1 2 pupae 81-8-30-&-12 M-6 '1'2-1 B-1 86-8-28-1-12 RoDe r 86 82&-1-Bl Jioce \ I ! 86-8-28-1-14 Noae r 85-9-29-6-85 T1-19 ! ... ! T2-2 2 UDicieDtified I 86-8-30-8-84 T1-9 A-1 G-1 [ ~ 4 pupae 86-8-28-1-81 Nolle [ 86-9-29-6-82 Tl-6 '!2-5 85-8-~81 Noae 86-9-28-1-15 Heme l 86-9-28-3-83 1 UDicleDtified 85-08-29-4-84 NoDe L 85-9-28-3-83 I-1 86-8-29-4-83 None 85-9-28-3-82 Nolle r - ' L a•-·•4 c..ta tor Drift apd leatJdc B=r'• Ccoatipued) 15-9--28-3-82 85-9-28-3-83 85-9-28-3-81 86-9-28-4-82 86-9-28-2-83 !-4 pupae 6 A-10 B--9 C-2 B-2 n-s n-22 G-10 82-3 A-5 8-8 82-3 IJ-1 UDideDtified 5 rt-3 1'2-1 G-2 1-1 !1-2 A-3 UDideatified 1 e-3 c-1 D-1 rl-2 1-1 B-2 82-1 A-3 unideDtified 2 r1-2 pupae 1 D-1 B-2 1-1 8-6 pupae 1 A-2 uaideDtified 1 A-3 pupae 5 B-8 82-1 Fl-2 H-2 A-1 pupae 1 H-1 r1-2 PbotM ... of lDywtebrate St!l!lr Site. Siy Jfo. 1 1 -4th of .July 2 3 2 4 -Side Channel above 4th of July 5 tbat br~ at 5,000 cfa. 6 3 '1-Side Channel above 4th ot July 8 tbat breecbM > 12,000 eta. 9 -Aerial Side Cluumel above 4th of July DOt u.ed 10 -Side Sl~ above 4th of July DOt UHd 11 6 12 -Iadian River 13 8 9 7 14 15 15 ~ Ml$i.Date;;; Site above IDdian River 17 -~te. Site -Aerial 18 -Slough 10 above ID<Iian River 19 with input ff'O!!! Lone Qed 20 -Side Cbaumela above IDdian River 21 -Side Chalmel above Iadiu River 22 23 -Aerial of Side Chalmel above Iadiu River 24 -Mai.aat• Site-Aerial 25 ~­ t I I I i I l . r . l r L r l . l l I l