HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3417J. . SUSITNA HYDROELECTR .. IC PROJECT FEDEti.AL ENERGY REGUt~ATORV COMM.ISSION.c PRGJE.CT No. 7114 DOWNSTREAM AQUATIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT R·EPORT PREPARED BY ENTRIX,INC. UNDER CONTRACT TO lW~).:~?£~~~~~~~@ SlJSilN,A JOINT VENTURE DRAFT REPORT FEBRUARY 1986 DOCUMENT No. 3417 ...__ ___ Alask~'fl Power Authority -,, .. ------- NOTICE ANY QOBSTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS RBPORT. SHOULD BB DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AOTBORI'l'Y SUSITRA PROJECT OP~ICB r: j L~ 1.0 2.0 3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCl'ION-•••••••• ~--., •.•.•••.••••• _ •••• ~ ••• e •• ~ ••• ·e ••••••••••••.•• (i ~ •• • • • 1 • 1 Backgroun.d •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • •· Q • • • • • • 1. 2 Project Are.a, .................................................. ~ .• , ••••• 1·.3 Organization ............... ; •••.• !'· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE ••••••••• ; •••••.•••.••• ~ .......... • • • • .. 2.1 Stage I -Watana Initial Reservoir ....... · ........................ . 2 .. 1.1 2 .. 1.2 2 .. 1.3 2.1.4 2.2 Stage 2.2.1 2.2.2 2. 2 .• 3 2.2.4 2.3 Stage 2.3.1 Construction ••••.•••••••••••• ~······················~···· F1111og~··•••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••c••••••••••···~ Testing and, Conwn1~si oni ng ................. ., ................. . Operation .• •: -o •••• ~ ••••• , •••••••• Cl ~ •• ~ ........... .,. .... o ••••.••• I I -Devil Canyon ................................ !» ••••••••••• Construction ••••••••.••.•••••• ·'• ........................... . Filling ••••••• G;······~·····~····~·········~····~········ Testing and Co11111issioning •••••••••••• ., •.••••••••••••••••• Operation· •• t.: ............. , •••••• ~ ••••••• ,~ ••• c ••.•••• It •••••••• III-Watana High Reservoir •.•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~···· Construction •••••• ~···································~·· 2.3.2 Filling •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~····· 2.3.3 Testing and Conmissioning ...................... ., ••••••••••• 2.3.4 Operation ................................................ . 2.4 Project Schedule •••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• ~··· EVALUATION SPECIES •••••• • $ e • • •· e a ~ e e • e G e ~ e 9 ~ • e .• • • ~ • e ~ e ·• • e • ~ e ~ e A ~ e • • e • Se 1 ect ion. •. • • • • • • • • • ....................... ~ .•••... ~ •••••• ~ ~ ••• --~ • ~ 1 1 1 6 7 7 9 10 14 15 18 20 20 21 22 24 27 ?.7 28 29 32 3.1 3.2 l:labitat Utilization~.'! Evaluation Species .•••••••••••••••••••••• 3~2.1 Mainstem and Si~~ Channel Habitats •••••••••••••••• ~······ 3~2~2 Side Slough and Upland Slough Habitats •••••••••••• ~ •••••• 36 36 39 41 47 52 3.~.3 Tributary and Tributary Mouth Habitats ............ :., ........ G. 4. 0 PHYSICAL t~HANGES RESULTING FROM. THE PROJECT •.••••••.•• ~ ............ •"·. 58 4.1 Flows and Water Levels ••••••• w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 58 4.1.1 Mean Monthly Flows and Water Levels ••••• ~··~·····: ••••••• 59 4.1.2 Floods ••••••••• ~··············o·······~·················· 71 4.1.3 Flow Variability .......................................... 79 4.2· River .Morphology ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••.••••••••• 88 4.2.1 Watana to Devil Canyon ...................................... 88 4 .. 2.2 Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (Middle River) .......... ~.,·."~-···· 90 4.3 Water Quality ............ ·'· •• ., ••• o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. : ......... 95 4. 3.1 Water Temperature ......... ~ • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 95 4 • 3 .• 2 Ice ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• _ ............................ -112 4.3~3 Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination •••••• 122 4.3.4 Dissolved Oxygen .......................................... l34 4.3.5 Total Dissolved G~s ••••••••• ~~···························l39 4.3.6 Nutrients and Organ·lcs. t• .................................... 144 4.3.7 Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Significant Ions, Alkalinity, and Metals ••• H••••n·········•••o'•••••147 ·~ '. r' .. _ .. : l . ~ .... ..: r·,; ...• J [· r . .,;J r \.~.,.; r L.J ~· t r "-j r w ~ : t· • .l f l {;.. t b t t L 5 .. 0 ,) \, ;I TABLE OF CONJ~NTS (Continued) 4.4 Groundwater Conditions.~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -, •••• 151 4. 4 .1 Watana to De vi 1 Ci.inycn ...................... o •••••••• ·~·· •••• 152 4. 4. 2 De vi 1 Canyon to T~,11 keetna ••••••••••••••••••••••••• o ....... 153 ,. \_ I' ,/' IMPA:C1~-·ANALYS'IS ................................ , ............ ~ .................. 159 5 .. 1 Altered Flow Regime· ................................................ 159 . 5 .. 1.l Su11111ary of Physical Changes ...... ~ •• n ••••••••••••••••••••• 159 s,.l. 2 Effects on Species Habitats ................................. 162 5. 2. · River Morph·o 1 ogy .................. , .................................. 407 5. 2 .J Su~~~nary of Physical. Changes ••••••••••••••••• ~} ••••••••••• 407 ,1 5.2.2 Effects in Species \:'iabitats .••• · ............... : •............ 407 1 5. 3 Water Qua 1 i ty ................. ·•-• ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 407 it 5.3 .. 1 Altered Temperature Regime ................................ 407 5.3.2 Ice ••••••• ~··············~·······························439 5.3.3 Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination •••..•. 448 _ 5.3.4 Dissolved' Oxygen •. .,. ............................................ 455 5.3.5 Total Dissolved Gas Concentratjon ••••• -•.•• : .•••••••••••. 455 5 •. 3.6 Nutrients and Organics ••••• c ...................... ., .......... 455 5 .. 3.1 Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Significant Ions, A 1 ka 1 in i ty, and Meta.l s •••• ~-••••••• e ....................... 456 ' . •.·.· ~ .. ·-. \\ ' f, I E r-, "'-~ ~ r-. r~ ·r .. r~ r-: l.._,...,~.'"' t_ r r '---" ~ L 1 l.., i ~ <) Table 1. -Table 2 .. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6, Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. LIST OF TABLES (S.ection 5 to be added) Page l Alaska Power l\uthority Susitna Hydroelectric Project Aquatic Issues list, March 6, 1984 ••• ~·········7····-······~·········· 2 location of information pertaining to :aquatic issues within the Aquatic Impacts and Mitigation Report Series ............. ~. • . 3 Flow constraints for environmental flow requirement Case E-VI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~···························· 12 Estimated sa]mon escapements by species and locations in the Susitna River, 1981-1984 ................................... 40 Natural and project mean monthly flows at Gold Creek~········· 64 Flood frequency at Watana during Qperation ...................... 73 Flood frequency and discharge (cfs) at Go1d Creek during • + . t. 7.1 proJec-. opera 1 on ................................................ . Downstream tributaries potentially impacted by pro!ect opera't ion. ~..0 ••• ~ .••..••••••••••••••• ~ •••.••••.••••••••.••••••••••• .o· .• 92 Influence of ma i nstem flow and wate.r qua 1 i ty on characteristics ••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• .-• • • • • .. • • .• • • 93 -.., I r r: f) :~/LIST OF FIGURES (Section 5 to be added) ~ Page '7(' ); ', , /--:Figure 1. -The proposed sites o.f the Watana and De vi 1 Canyon dams. • • • • • • . 4 Figure 2. . lieograph 1 cal section~ fo the Sus i tna River ••••••• ~ • • • • • • • • .. • • • 5 f " . Figure 3. E:nvi ronmenta 1 flow requirement~; ••••••••.•••• ". " .••..•• ~ c • • • • • • • • 13 • r-Figure 4. Watan~ Stage l construction schedule •••••••••.••• ~" ••.•••. ·:. 33 Figure 5. D1evil Canyon Stage Il construct1ion schedule .•.•••••••••••••••. 34 J;--, Figure 6.. Watana Stage III construction sc:hedule ••••••• , .................. 35 r_ [_ I. r C.,"' v- L ' ~ b'"" Figure 7. Me.a1n weekly natural and Stage I discharges exceeded 90%, soi,.,, and 101 of the time.. • • • • • • .. • . • • • .. • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • 63 Figure 8. Me1an monthly water 1 evel s ............................. ~ • • • . • . • • • 65 Figure 9. Mean weekly natural and Stage II discharge~ exceeded 901, 50%, and 1~ of the time •.••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••.••••••••• 67 Figure 10. Mean weekly natural and early Stage Ill discharges exceeded 9~, 50%, and 1~ of the time •••.•••••••••••.•••••.•. 69 Figure 11. Mean week.ly natural and late Stage III discharges exceeded 90%, 5~, and 10% of the time ....... ! .......................... ~. 70 Figure 12. F1ow variability at Gold Creek during Watana filling •••••••••• 75 IF i gure 13. Di schargu! and percent change of natura 1 ai•d Stage I mean weekly flows ••••••• s~~··································· 83 Figure 14. Discharge and percent change of natural and Stage II mean weekly flows ••••..•••.•••.••••.• '" . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . . • 85 Figure 15. Discharge and percent change of natura] ~nd early Stage III mean weekly flows ••. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 86 Figure 16. Discharge and percent change of natural and late Stage III 'mean week.l y flows •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• " ••••••••• a • • 87 Figure 17. Natural and Stage I temperatures ••.••••.•••••.• a•e••••••······l02 Figure .. ~ .10. Natural and Stage I temperatures at RM 130 .••••••••••••••••••• 104 Figure 19 .. Natur"1 and Sta~e ... II temperatures ••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••• l06 [_" [ r~ (",. ('' f' ,~ r r r ' ' G LIST Of FIGURES (Continued) '..~' Figure 20. Natural and StageD I I I temperatures .............................. 110 . Figure 21 .. · Natural and Stage I river ice conditions .......... •:-· ••••. ~~· •••• 115 Figure 22. Natura-l and Stage I I river 1 ce cond it 1 ons •••• 2 •••••••••••••••• 119 Figure 23. Natural and Stage III river ice ·conditions • .c •••••••• /i ••••••••• 121 . Figur~:;, 24. t~aturally o~,~curring turbidity vs .. suspended-sediment . 1l · concentration for rivers and lakes in Alaska ••••••.•.••• " •••••• l24 /! ,·/ Figure 25 .. Suspended sediment rating-curve at USGS gaging station Susitna River near Cantwell, Alaska ••• , •..•.••.••••.•••.•••.••. l25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I ,'_) r .. "' \ 1.0 INTROOUCTIOB · 1.1 Backqroung "sirtce the \original License Application for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project was filed before the FERC in February 1983, the, APA has engaged in extensive consultation with interested agencies wittf the common goal of identifying the project's environmental impacts, i.mproving project design and operation, and cooperatively resolving as many issuris-as possible. By March 1984, the APA, i.n. conjunction with the state, fed era 1 and 1 oca 1 resource agencies, identified 56 is~ues ranging from minor concerns to signifi.cant resource utilization issues. These issues have provided a mechanism for the APA, appropriate resources agencies and concerned citizens to focus nn environmental impact analyses and mitigation planning. Twelve of ths 56 issues are related to fisheries concerns or other effects on aquatic resources (Table 1). These 12 aquatic issues are addressed in a four volume Aquatic Impact and Mitigation Report Series. The location of specifi~ volume coverage fo~ each issue is provided in Tab1e 2. As indicated in Table 2, this report addresses issues related to physical changes downstream from the proposed dams. Downstream issues are further defined within the report. 1.2 Project Are~ The Susitna River is a large, glacial-fed river located within the northern portion of Southcentral Alaska. The sites of the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon dams ara located in the upper Susitna River basin., The basin is bounded by the Talkeetna Mountains to the southeast and the ,Alaska Range to the north and west (Figure 1) . The Watana dam wi 11 be sited betw~een river mile (RM) 184 and !tM 185; the Devil Canyon dam will be built 32 miles downstream at approximately RM 152. Geographical designations for sections of the Susitna River that would be affected by the project include the impoundment zone, middle Susitna River, and lower Susitna River (Figure 2). The impoundment zone includes those portions of the Susitna River that would be inundated following construction of each of the clams. The middle Susitna River refers to the reach of the Susitna River between Devil Canyon and its 1 -·' '"-~ ... ---~-~...,"" (\ l li EJ l t [ t l L l l l t L l l Ta~le I. Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project Aquatic Issues List, March 6, 1984. F-1. Significance of altered flow regime on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams, including effects on migration/access, spawning, and rearing during summer months, and effects on incubation and rearing during winter months. F-2. Significance of changes in water quality para'Jieters {turbidity, pH, heavy metals, dissolved nitrogen, tel\11perature, nutrients} on salmon and resident fish habitats and popul atior:.1s downstream of the. dams,. F-3. Signifi'cance of altered ice processes on sa1rnuil and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams, including effects on fish access and changes due to staging. - F-4. Significance of changes in stream morphology on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations dowk,stream of the dams. F-5. Significance of impoundment effects on resident fish habitat and populations upstream of the dams. F-6. Significance of physical effects of access corridors on fish habitats. . F-7. Significance of physical effe~ts of transmission line corridors on fish habitats .. F-8. Significance of water quality and quantity effects of construction camp and permanent village on fish habitat~. F-9. Significance of water quality and stream morphology effects of borrow and spoil areas on fish habitats. F-10. Significance of disturbance effects of human instream activities tln fish. F-11. Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options, including structural modifications, flow allocation, physical habitat modification, hatcheries, and management options. F-12. Formulation and implementation of post-construction plan to monitor significant impacts and the efficacy of specific mitigation measures. 2 I I I I I I I I ,I I I I ! l ~~ (,. l (~ l . Table 2. Location of information pertaining to aquatic issues within the Aq•.~atic Impacts and Miti~ation Report Series. Report No. 1 Access, Construction and Transmission Issue Line Impacts ··' No. and Mi ti gati on F-1 Report No. 2 Impoundment Area Impacts and MitigatiQn ./ Report No. 3 Downstream Impacts and Mitigation Flow River Water Alteration Morphology Quality * Report No. 4 Aquatic Monitoring Plan t F-2 * [ l l l l 11 L L ·~ L L F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-10 F-11 F-12 * * * * * * * * 3 ••--•a IB 1• as& m n l t l. l L l l r~ lJ L LIGIMO -~).. "'*-"" MltD~._.._ --~ ...,.a\INOMOID..._, ---~CIIUMR.~ --...,.,. ·. I • ! I I ' • t THE PROPOSED SITES OF THE WATANA AND DEVIL · ~NYON DAMS SOURCE: APA l985a AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRtC PROJECT: L HAAZA·EBASCO • __________ F_IG_u_R_E _l_._ ___ e_N_T __ R-_•x_,_I_N_c_. __ ..._s_u_s_,_r N--AJ_o_' _,.,_r _v_e_N_r_u_R_e-t = 4 I I I I I I ' . I I I I I I I I 11 ~j L t t l l t l [ L l L L l l l .--------...-----~"""""""''""""'~~t-o-~~~ .. ;~~~~ . N 1 • DEVIL CANYON DAMSITE • WATANA DAMS ITE ~. LOWER SUSITNA RIVER ~~~ MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER • DEVll CANYON IMPOUNDMENT ZONE WATANA IMPOUNDMENT ZONE GEOGRAPHICAL SECTIONS OF THE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 5 HARZA·E BASCO SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE ' I" l l I l t t ' l [ [_ [ [_ [ l f l ' t l l L confluence with the Ta 1 keetna and Cht~l i tna rivers whi 1 e the 1 ower Sus i tna River indicates the reach below the confluence with the Talkeetna and Chulitna rivers to Cook Inlet {Figure 2). The aquatic resources of the Susitn~ River include resident and anadromous fish which utilize a diverse range of mainstem-associated habitats for migration, spawning, incubation, rearing and overwintering. The upstream extent of anadromous ffsh use is generally con.si dered to be De vi 1 Canyon although a few chinook salmon migrate beyond this point to spawn in streams tributary to the Susitna River. The high velocities and turbulent conditions in Devil Canyon likely block the upstream passage of other fish species. 1~3 Organization The Downstream Fish Impact Assessment and Mitigation Plan report is divided into two parts. Part I of the document discusses the potential impacts to the aquatic resources in the mi ddi e Sus i tna .~ i ver and presents an appropriate mitigation plan. It also includes discussions of project-related effects on the reach of river between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon prior to inundation. Impacts and mitigation for the lower Susitna River are addressed in Part II. Within Part I~ Section 2 presents a description of the proposed three s~age project, with emph1si s given to features that may affect downstream aquatic resources. Potential impacts to aquatic resources, identified by linking the haPitat utilization by each of the ~valuation species {Section 3) to the predicted physical changes during each stage of the proposed project (Section 4), are described in Section 5. Section 6 presents the mitigation plan for these potential impacts.. Data and figures supporting summary information presented in the text ~re provided in the appendices. The organization of Part II of this report is outlined in the introduction to that document. 6 1 '· I I I l I I I I I I I I I ·~ 1 ,~ ' ·t t I [ (~ [_· [, [_ l l l l l l' " --, 2.0 PROJeCT DESCRIPTION ANP SCHEDULZ ,.I The propl:.sed Susitna Hydroelectric Proje\ct is .1 ocated in the southcentra 1 region 'Of Alaskaio apprilximately 120 miles, north-northeast of Anchorage ar11d 145 miles south-southwest of Fairbanks. The two proposed dams, Watana and Devil Canyon} are to be built at RM 184 and 152, respectively, on the Susitna River, the sixth largest river in Alaska. The project involves construction in three distinct stages at the two sites. The 'Stage I construction at the ~Jatana site is described in Section 2.1. Stag1e I I at the De vi 1 Canyon site is presented in Section 2. 2. The Stage I I I corH~truction at the-Watana site is summnrized in Section 2.3. The project schE~dule is presented in Section 2.4. Additional details are available in Exhibit A of the FERC License Application Amendment {APA 1985a). 2.1 Stage I -Watana Initial ReservoiJ: The Watana Sta-ge I dam wi 11 be 1 ocated at mi 1 e 184 above the mouth of the Susitna River, in a broad U-shaped valley approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the Tsusena Creek confluence. ·The dam will be an earth and rockfill embankment consisting of an impervious core protected by fine and coarse fi 1 ters upstream and downstream. The upstream and downstream outer she 11 s will consist of rockfill. The Watana dam will be built to a nominal crest elevation of 2t025 ft with a ma~imum height of approximately 700 ft above the foundation and a crest length of 2,700 ft. The maximum water surface elevation during flood conditions w111 be 2~017 ft.~ At the normal maximum operating level of 2,000 ft, a reservoir approximately 39 miles long with a maximum width of Gpproximately two miles will be created. The minimum operating level of the reservoir will be 1,850 ft resulting in a maximum drawdown of 150 ft. " ~~- The two power i nt&ke structures wi 11 be 1 ocated on the north 'bank ~!-l:h an approach channe 1 from the reservoir excavated in rock.. The excavated rock will be used in the construction of the dam and would Minimize or eliminate the need for opening a quarry site during Stage I. The ; ntakes will be 7 I ' I ' • I I ' t t lJ ~ I) IJ [ ·~ ~ L l L l t concrete structures with multi-level gates capable of op~rating over the full 150-ft drawdown range. From the intake structures, two 24-ft diameter concrete-lined power conduits and shafts will lead to an underground . powerhouse comp 1 ex, housing four generating units with Fra\'~ is type turbines "; . and,: synchronous generators.. Turbine discharge .wi 11 f1 ow through four draft "' tube tunne 1 s to a surge chamber downstream from the ptlwerhouse. The surg·e chamber will discharge to the river through a 34-ft modi fi ed-horses·hoe concrete-lined tailrace tunnel. The underground powerhouse complex will be accessed by an unlined access tunne 1 connecting to a road 1 ocated on the downstream toe of the dam. Overhead transmission lines will transport electricity from the powerhouse switching station. An outlet facility with a capacity of approximately 24,000 cfs will also be 1 ocated on. the north bank and wi 11 consist of a gate structure, pressure tunnel, and an energy dissipation and control structure housing located beneath the spillway flip bucket. The primary functioti of the outlet facility will be to discharge floods with recurrence frequencies of up to once in 50 years after they have been routed through the Watana reservoir o A flood storage pool is provided between el. 2,000 and el. 2,014 ft. In combination \~ith the average powerhouse flow of 9,200 cfs, the 50-year flood can be stored and re 1 eased without raising the poo 1 1 eve 1 above e 1 • 2, 014 ft and without requiring use of the s~illway. The structure will accommodate six fixed-cone valves which will discharge into the river 105 ft below. The use of fixed-cone discharge valves will ensure that downstream erosion will be minimal and the dissolved nitrogen content in the discharges will be reduced sufficiently to avoid harmful effects on the downstream fish population. A secondary function will be to provide the capability to rapidly draw down the reservoir during an extreme emergency situation. The spill way 1 ocated on the north bank wi 11 consist of an upstream agee control structure with thr~e radial gates, an inclined concrete chute, and a flip bucket designed to pass a maximum discharge of 278,300 cfs with a corresponding reservoir elevation of 2,014 fto This spillway, together with the outlet facilities, Will be capable of discharging the estimated Probable 8 I I I I I I I I I -I I I ~ liJ IT;) ) J k_'· ' : [ [ ,. L [ [ [ [ [ l l l l f L Maximum Flood (PMF) of 326,000 cfs, while maintaining eight feet of freeboard on the dam. Emergency release facilities will be located in one c,f the diversion tunnels after closure to allow lowering of the reservoir over a period of time for emergency inspection or repair of impoundment structures. 2.1.1 Construction During construction~ the river will be diverted into two 36-ft diameter circular diversion tunnelse The tunnels will be concrete-lined and located on the north bank of the river. The tunnels will have an average 1 ength of 3, 700 ft. Flows through the tunnels during construction will be essentially . uncontro 11 ed. The tunne 1 s are designed to pass a flood with a return frequency of 1:50 years, equi va 1 ent to a peak inflow of 89,500 cfs. Routing effects are expected to be sma 11, and thus at peak flow the tunnels will discharge 77,000 cfs. The estimated maximum water surface elevation upstream from the cofferdam for this discharge will be 1,532 ft. Downstream flows will be essentially the same as under natural conditions. The upper tunnel will be converted to the permanent emergency outlet after construction (Section 2.1.2} .. Cofferdams wi 11 be constructed upstream and downstream of the dams i te. The upstream cofferdam will be founded on the diversion dike. The diversion dike will be constructed to el. 1,480 ft, and will consist of finer material on the upstt·eam side grading to coarser material on the downstream side. Seepage wi 11 be contra 11 ed by constl"Uct i (i9 a s 1 urry trench cutoff through the rivet"' bed a 11 uvi urn to bedrock. The upstream cofferdam w·ill consist of an impervious core, fine and coarse upstream and downstream filters, and rock and/or gravel supporting shell zones with slope protection on the upstream face to resist ice action. This cofferdam will be constructed to el. 1,550 ft and provide an 18-ft freeboard for wave run-up and ice protection. The downstream cofferdam wi 11 be a zoned earth and rockfi 11 embankment. The cofferdam wi 11 be raised to crest e 1 evat ion of 1, 495 ft to a 11 ow dewatering of the river reach between the cofferdams. 9 I I I I I e WD ·gg;e 2 ~ 1 . 2 fill i ng As construction on the dam nears completion~ the upper diversion tunnel will be converted to a low-level outlet or emergency rele.ase facility. It is estimated that one year will be required to construct and install the permanent low-level outlet in the existing tunnel. During the construction .of the low-level outlet, the intake gates in the upper tunnel (No. 1} will be closed. This will require that the lower tunnel (No. 2} pass all flows during this period. The main dam will, at this time, be at an elevation sufficient to allow a 100-year recurrence interval flood (99,000 cfs) to pass through Tunnel No. 2. A flood of this magnitude will result in a reservoir elevation of approximately 1,618 ft. Upon commencing operation of the low-level outlet, the lower tunnel (No. 2} will be closed with a permanent plug and filling of the reservoir will commence. When the lower tunnel (No. 2) is closed, the main dam crest will have reached an e 1 evat ion st,ffi ci ent to start fi 11 i ng the reservoir and still have adequate storage available to store a 250-year recurrence period flood. The filling of the Watana reservoir, Stage I, is scheduled to commence in May 1998 .. During the filling operation, the low-level outlet is expected to pass summer flows of approximately 12,000 cfs,. In case of a large flood occurring during the filling operation, the low-level outlet would be opened to its maximum capacity of 30,000 cfs to maintain the reservoir pool at a safe level. It will take only one summer to fill the reservoir to a level sufficient to operate the units. If a dry sequence of flows were to occur in the first summer of filling, the reservoir water level would not be high enough to operate the mid-level (cone valve) outlet works and non-power releases would be made from the low-level outlet works. If an average or wet sequence were to occur, winter non-power releases may be made through the mi d-1 eve 1 outlet works instead of the 1 ow-l eve 1 out 1 et works. The res~rvoir would be filled to its normal maximum level during the second 10 I I I I ~ ' If' .) IJ ~ ' . I .::; I I I 11 ~ JLj ~~ !• ! Ll ~--·- summer. Testing and cormlissioning of the units is scheduled'-to begin during July 1998 (Section 2.1.3). Unit one is planned to become operable in October 1998 and unit two in January 1999.. .During filling, downstream flow requirements wi 11 be met and a flood storage safety factor wi 11 be maintained. {a} Minimum Flows The Case E-·VI flow requ·irementz will be maintained during the summer of filling. Case E-VI flow r~equirements are designed to reduce downstream aquatic impacts while maintaining economical project operation. M·inimum target flows at Gold Creek wi'll be attained by releasing that flow necessary from the Watana impoundment which, when added to the fi cw contribution from the intervening drainage area between Watana and Gold Creek, will equal the minimum Gold Creek target flow. During fi 11 i ng ~ flows at Go 1 d Creek wi 11 be monitored and the flow at Watana adjusted as necessary to provide the required Gold Creek flow. In the winter months {November-March), the maximum flow requirement of 16,000 cfs at Gold Creek is intended to provide a level of protection to aquatic habitat. The winter minimum flow requirement of 2,000 cfs is established to prevent dewatering of aquatic habitat and represents a high mean natural winter flo"'. Minimum summer flow requirements are established to maintain aquatic habitat and provide greater flow stability. The 9,000 cfs minimum flow requirement from June to early September may be reduced to 8, 000 cfs during June, July, and August during dry years (one in ten year low flow). Flows during the transitional periods between summer and winter are also constrained as shown in Table 3 and Figure 3. Flow will he released from the reservoir to meet the requirements at Gold Cr·eek.. Excess water will be stored in the reservoir. If a dry year should occur during filling, the 8,000 cfs flow requirement for the months of June through early September will allow filling of the 11 a :::::::: r~ ·.L{ ., l Table 3.. Fl~w constraints for environmental flow requirement Case E-VI. Water Week 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Gold Cree~ Flow (cfs) Minimum Maximum 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2}000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 9,000 * 9,000 * 9,000 * 9,000 * 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16~000 16,000 16,000 16,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 . ·Water Week 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gold Creek Flow (cfs) Minimum Maximum 9,000 * 9,,000' * 9 000 * ' 9,000 * 9,000 * 9,000 * 9,i000 * 9,000 * 9,000 * 8,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 35,000 35,000 3.5,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,,000 16,000 * Minimum summer flows are 9,000 cfs except in dry years when the minimum will be S,iJOO cfs. A dry year is defined by the one-in-ten year 'low flow. Source: APA 1985c 12 (\ .. I I' I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ...... w • ~­P" ' . 1 ' ~··, ·-·~-·.·J ao.ouo ~----~----~-----r--~-T----~~----r-----~------------------------------, NOTE 1 .. DISCHARGE FOR 8USJTNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 40.000 --~----1----1----+---+----t---t----t .......... 0 IL 0 ~o.ooo ~ w CJ cc c( X 0 20.000 UJ -a 0 U.N vr..-FEB UAR APR UAY JUN ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW REQUIREMENTS CASE E Jll SOURCE: APA l985c FIGURE 3 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC AlASKA POWE.R AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE reservoir to a level of sufficient for test·ing and commis.sioning of the first unit and commercia 1 power operation in the fo 11 owing winter. During the winter after the summer of fflling, the minimum flow requirement will be natural flows. This means that the Watana reservoir water 1 eve 1 would not be a 11 o~ted ~~a rise during the winter. Minimum requirements will be maint~lined by releases through the powerhouse supp 1 emented, if necessary, by re 1 eases from the low-level or mid-level outlet works dependilng on the height of the water level. (b) Flood Storage Protection Sufficient reservoir storage will be made available during the fi 11 i ng sequence so that flood volumes for a'11 floods up to the 250-year recurrence interval flood can be temporarily stored in the reservoir and discharged through the low-level outlet works without endangering the main dam. When floods occur and use part of this storage capacity, discharge from the Watana reservoir will be increased up to the maxi mum capacity of the out 1 et to 1 ower the reservoir level. 2 .. 1.3 Testing and Commissioning Testing and commissi,oning of the powerhouse units will commence as reservoir fi 11 i ng nears comp 1 et ion and the reservoir 1 eve 1 is above the minimum drawdown elevation {el. 1,850 ft) .. Testing of units is scheduled to begin in July 1998 with additional units tested at three month i nterva 1 s. The process of testing and commissioning each unit may take several months and will require a number of tests. I~ will be carried out in a manner to maintain downstream flow stability. 14 I I I I c.:·~ !, " I I I j I I I ~ I ~ ~ Jj ·~ l~ E~1 ' j ·' ' .; ) ~ ' l ~ -.· I . ""' ~ il ~ ,.,.. '' J'~ ~ r') u E ' (;" '" r~ ,, L1tJ c , I 0 u ~~-~ u u . , .. u 'll u [1 . i • ~ f 1 1J ! 1 ti1l . ~ r "\ l ! I The largest fluctuations in powerhouse flow could occur during the full-load-to-off or off-to-full-load tests when the flow through the turbine being tested wil'l be quickly reduced from approximate1y·3,500 cfs to 0 or increased from 0 to 3,500 cfs, respectively. This will be compensated for by opening or closing the outlet facility gates or other units which have previously been tested to stabilize flow downstream and to prevent sudden changes in downstream flows. When testing is done during su11111er, the Case E-VI requirements w·i11 be maintained and this will also help to stabilize the flow. If testing occurs in winter and flow is less than the test flow through the unit at Watana, flow will be gradually increased to that level over a one day period prior to the testing and maintained at that level through the testing period. If testing is temporarily halted, flow will be gradually reduced. 2.1.4 Ooeration - This sect1on describes the project during the period from the summer of 1999, when all fciUr powerhouse units are planned to be operational, to the construction and filling of Stage II. Watana will be operated in a storage-and-release mode, so that st "Mler flows will be stored for release in winter. Generai1y, the W"i;t'ana '··-··es~rvoir will be at or near its r.ormal maximum operat1ng level of el. 2, 000 ft each year at the end of September. The reservoir wi 11 then be drawn down gradually to·meet winter energy demand. The flow during this period wi 11 be governed by environmental flow constraints, the winter energy demand, the water 1 eve 1 in the reservoir, and the powerhouse characteristics. The turbine characteristics will allow a maximum powerhouse flow of approximately 14,000 cfs at full gate. Normal powerhouse discharges are simulated to range from approximately 2,700 cfs to 12,000 cfs. In early May, the reservoir will reach its minimum annual level of approximately el. 1,870 ft and then begin to refill with the spring 15 ~ (! • !! .. , • ! 1 l I ~ J ;) runoff. Flow in excess of both the downstream flow requirements and power needs; wi 11 be stored during the summer until the reservoir reaches the normal maximum operating level of el. 2,000 ft. If the reservoir reaches e l. 2, 000 ft and inflows exceed en vi ronmenta 1· and energy re~qui rements, excess fl CIW will be re 1 eased to prevent encroachment on dam safety requjrements. During prnJ!!ct operation the Case E-VI environmental flow requirements wfll be maintained. Minimum requirements will be met by releases from tht~ powerho;use and, if nece!ssary, the out 1 et works. Da i 1 y ~~·i '}Charge would be a.llowed to vary between 90 percent and 110 percen~, ~f the ave~ rage weekly discharges. The corresponding expected range of stage fluctuations in the middle river would be from Og2 ft to 0.7 ft. The operation of the project during floods will focus on dam safety. If the Watana reservoir 1 eve 1 E~xceeds the norma 1 maxi mum operating 1 eve 1 , dam safety ct~i teri ~ wfll sup•~rsede both weekly flow constraints and flow stability constraints. Envi-ronmental considerations are built into the dam safety criteria as: disc:ussed herein. Project operation at Wgtana will be similar for both Watana operating alone and Watana operating witlh Devil Canyon once the Watana reservoir reaches or exceeds the norma·.l ma.ximum operating level. If the water 1 evel in i;he Watana I reservoir reaches el. 2, 000 ft and con'tir.ues to rise, Watana discharge will be increased by releasing water thr1ough the 1:>utl et work:s. Because the intake to the outlet works is applroximately 80 ft below the water surface, operation of the outlet ~torks results: in reduced downstream water temperatures. In order to pro vi de for a.s gradua 1 a change in \"later temperature as poss; b 1 e, the following guidelines will apply: • Supply as much enel .. gy as possible from the Watana powerhouse within the constraints of the system energy demand, other generation, and Watana powerhouse capacity. i6 I ,. ; f I w; " .J I I I I) '0 I I I ~ fl ~l kJ ! . ~ ' . --· . . . . .... . -~ ...... ('7 . . j l. 1811': • Increase the outlet works discharge at the estimated minimum rate required to prevent the water 1 eve 1 from exceeding el . 2,000.5 ft. If the inflow to the reservoir is more than ~ 24,000 cfs greater than the powerhouse can discharge, then the release from the outlet works will be 24,000 cfs when the water level reaches el. 2,000.5 ft. If the outlet works are not releasing water at full capacity and the water' level rises above e~. 2,000.5 ft, the outlet works will be opened immediately to full capacity. If the full capacity of the outlet works and powerhouse flow are not sufficient to discharge all the inflow the water level will continue to rise. If the water level exceeds el. 2,000.5 ft but does not reach .el. 2,014.0 ft then the Watana discharge will remain relatively constant unti 1 the water 1 eve 1 decreases to e 1 . 2, 000 .. 5 ft. 1 f the water 1 eve 1 starts to decrease below el. 2,000.5 ft then the outlet works will be closed in a grad'Jol manner as they were opened. The rate of closure will be that estimated to cause the water 1 evel to reach el·. 2, 000.0 ft when the oHtl et works di.scharge reaches zero. The outlet works wi 11 be completely closed before the water level is allo\f,\ed to decrease below el. 2,000.0 ft. The outlet works capacity and flood surcharge level have been planned to store and release the 50-year flood without operating the spillway& Thus, there is less than a 1 in 50 chance that in any one year the water level will continue to rise to el. 2,014.0 ft. If the water level reaches el. 2,014.0 ft and continues to increase, the spillway will be opened. Since spillway operation may increase gas concentrations in the river downstream, the spi 11 way wi 11 a 1 so be opened up as gradually as possible, consistent with providing sufficient freeboard on the dam to meet safety requirem~nts. The powerhouse and outlet works releases will continue as before~ and the spi 11 way wi 11 be opened at the estimated minimum rate required to prevent the water level from exceeding el. 2,014.3 ft. If the water level reaches el. 2,014.3 ft and continues to rise, the spillway gates Will be opened as much as needed to prevent the 17 ,'::> .. f ' ' ' 1 ! i ' L· ,, ,,J ' I ~ ' f' l'>:i I ' ' I ' l ; t ' t.f water level from increasing any further. As explained in Exhibit F of the FERC License Application Amendment (APA 1985b), the spillway has the capac·ity to pass the 10,000-year flood at a reservoir level of el. 2,014.3 ft. Thus, there is less than a one in 10,000 chance in any year that the water level would exceed el. 2,014o3 ft. If the reservoir water level reaches el~ 2,014.3 ft and the fuliy opened spillway, outlet works antf powerhouse are· insufficient to pass the inflow, the water level will increase uncontrolled. The spillway is designed to pass the Probable Maximum Flood {PMF). The water ltvel would reach approximately el. 2,017 ft, eight feet below the dam crest during a PMF. Watana discharge would not be controlled again until the watev· level decreased to el. 2,014.3 ft. When this occurs, the spillway will be closed gradually in a manner estimated for the water level to reach el. 2,014.0 ft when the spillway discharge is zero. The spillway gates will be completely ~lased before the water level is allowed to decrease below el. 2,014.0 ft. In emergency situations, if powerhouse operation is not possible, outlet facilities will be operated to meet the flow requirements. Correspondingly, if another part of the energy generation system is temporarily 1ost, Watana may be operated to make up the deficit. The resulting discharge variation may exceed the maximum variation rate of 10 percent, and discharge may reach the maximum flow constraint. However, the discharge at Gold Creek will not be allowed to exceed the maximum weekly flow requirement and the rate of change of discharge wi 11 be constrained by ~he rates established for Case E-VI. 2.2 Stage II -Devil Canyon The Stage II Devil Canyon development will be located at mile 152 in a narrow canyon 32 mi 1 es downstream of the Watana deve 1 opment. A reservo; r approximately 26 miles long with a maximum width of 0.5 miles will be created. The dam wi 11 be a doub 1 e curvature thin arch concrete dam with a crest f 1 elevation of 1,463 ft (not including a 3-ft parapet) and maximum height of w • I I ) ,I ; 11 ] I ,, ,, l Jot-,.,.._, IJ ' I I .I ·' I II ~ I ~ j, ....... !Tl u (:--., ! \ t .} t ~ l l J ' ' { 1 l bf; 646 ft. The dam wi 11 be supported by mass concrete thrust blocks on each abutment. On the south bank, the 1 ower bedrock surface wi 11 require the construction of a substantial thrust block. Adjacent to this thrust block, a saddle dam will provide closure to the south bank. The saddle dam will be an earth and rockfill embankment generally similar in cross section to th~ Watana dam. The dam will have a nominal crest elevation of 1,470 ft and a maximum height above foundation level of approximately 245 ft. During normal 01peration, the reservoir ievel will reach a maximum elevation of 1,455 ft. lrhe minimum operating level will be 1,405 ft providing a drawdown of 50 fta The maximum water surface elevation during the design PMF flood conditions will be 1,466 ft (APA 1985b). A power intake on the north bank will consist of an approach channel excavated in rock leading to a reinfor~ed concrete gate structure. From the intake gate structure, four 20-ft diameter concrete-1 i ned penstock tunne'J s wi 11 1 ead to an underground powerhouse complex housing four units with Francis turbines and synchronous generators. The turbines will discharge to the river by means of a single 38-ft diameter tailrace tunnel leading from a surge chamber downstream from the powerhouse cavern. Access to the powerhouse complex will be by means of an unlined access tunnel approximately 3,200 ft long as well as by a 950-ft deep vertical access shaft. A cable shaft will connect to the switchyard at the surface. From the switchyard, electricity produced at the Devil Canyon powerhouse will be transported by overhead transmission lines. Outlet facilities consisting of seven individual outlet conduits will be 1 ocated in the 1 ower part of the main dam. These wi 11 be des; gned to discharge all flood flows of up to the estimated 50-year flood with Watana in place.. Each outlet conduit will have a fixed cone valve similar t.o those provided at Watana to dissipate energy and min1mize undesirable nitrogen supersaturation in the flows downstream. An overflow spillway will also be located on the north bank. As at Watana, this spillway will consist of an upstream ogee control structure with three vertical fixed-wheel gates, an inclined concrete chute, and flip bucket. This spillway, together with the outlet facilities, will be capcble of discharging the routed PMF from Watana without overtopping the dam. 19 I!) .. .. [1. ' ' fl . \ L ! ' ,. ' ! 2.2.1 Construction During construction, the river will be diverted by means of a single 35.5-ft diameter concrete-lined diversion tunnel on the south bank of the river~ The Devil Canyon diversion tunnel is scheduled to be completed in 1999 and construction on the main dam will begin in that year. The tunnel will have a horseshoe-shaped cross section with a major dime~sion of 35.5 ft. It will be 1,490 ft in length.· The tunnel is designed to pass a flood with a return frequency of 1:25 years routed through the Watana reservoir. The peak flow that the tunnel will discharg~ will be approximately 43,000 cfs. The maximum water surface elevation upstream of the cofferdam will be el. 944ft. Cofferdams will be constructed upstream and downstream of the damsite is a manner simi 1 ar to the cofferdams constructed during Sta!~e I. Tha cofferdams will be zoned embankments consisting of an impervious core, fine and coarse upstream and downstream fi 1 ters, and ·tock she 11 s with larger stone. Slurry wall cutoffs ~i11 minimize seepage into the main dam excavation. The flow regime during construction wi 11 be regula ted by the Stage I Watana dam. Under the proposed schedule, the Watana development will be operational during construction of the Stage II Devil Canyon dam. Little storage of flow is expected due to the diversion tunne1 and flows will be essentially controlled by the operation of the Watana development (Section 2. L.4). 2.2.2 Filling Upon completion of the Devil Canyon dam to a heilght sufficient to allow ponding to a level above the outlet facilities, the intake gates will be partially closed allowing for a discharge of minimum envir~nmental (Case E-VI) flows while raising the upstream water level. This first phase of the filling process will require from. 1 to 4 weeks depending on time of year and Watana powerhouse flows when filling is begun. Once the level rises above the lower level of discharge valves, the diversion tunnel 20 .. I I I I I I I I [ will be permanently closed and discharge will be through the 90-inch diameter fixsd-~one valves in the darn. The diversion tunnel will be p 1 ugged with concrete and curtain grouting performed around the P 1 ug ~· . Construction will take approximately 1 year. During this time the reservoir will not be allowed to rise above el. 1,135 ft unless a flood exceeding the outlet works capacity occurso In this case the water leve'11 will be allowed to rise as needed to store the flood. Filling of the reservoir to its normal operating le\'e1 of el. 1)455 fft will be accomplished as quick.ly as possible following the completion CJif construction. Case E-VI flow requirements will be maintained downstre1m of the reservoir. The Devil Canyon reservoir will be filled from the normal Watana release, for power generation and flood releases while maintaining the instream flow requirements. During the filling period, the Watana powerhouse will be operated to supply as much of the total railbelt energy demand as possible so that the Devil Canyon reservoir can be filled in a timely manner. The flow from the Watana reservoir in excess of the Case E-VI requirement will be used to fill the Devil Canyon reservoir. The rate of filling will also be dependent on the need to monitor dam and foundation performance during filling to assure a safe structure. 2.2.3 Testing and Commissioning Testing and commissioning is scheduled to begin in October 2004. Each powe:" generating unit will be tested individually. The testing and commissioning of the units involves many sequences of bringing the unit on-line and taking it off-line. These will be carried out in a manner to minimize impacts to flow stability., To compensate for flow passing through the units during testing, the flow through the outlet works will be reduced by a comparab 1 e amount as discussed for the testing and commissioning of the Watana Stage I units (Section 2.1.3)e 21 J .. , I l .... I I ;;.! ., I I -l 2.2.4 Operation After De vi 1 Canyon comes an 1 i ne, Watana Stage I wi 11 be operated as a peaking plant and Devil ·canyon will re-regulate Watan~ flows. Advantage will be taken of the two-reservoir system to optimize energy production with the constraint that the Case E-VI downstream flow requirements will be met. Devi 1 Canyon discharges may vary between 90 percent and 110 percent of the average weekly flow.. The Case E-VI environmental flow requirements will be maintained by releases from the powerhouse and, if necessary, the outlet works. Tha Devil Canyon reservoir will normally be at its maximum water level, el. 1,455 ft, between January and May. In dry years Devil Canyon wirl be drawn down below maximum level between May and December reaching its minimum level of el. 1,405 ft in August. In average flow years, the reservoir will be drawn down below maximum level between June and August reaching a minimum of approximately el. 1,435 ft in July. Average weekly Devil Canyon powerhouse flows will be similar to Watana, but slightly higher due to add it i ona 1 i nf1 ow in the intervening area between the two dams. With Devil Canyon on line, Watana will still be operated in a storage- and-releas,~ mode similar to Stage I, so that summer flows will be stored for release in winter. Generally, the Watana reservoir wi 11 be at or near its normal maximum operating level of ele 2,000 ft each year at the end of September. The reservoir wi 11 gradually be drawn down to meet winter energy demand. The flow during this period wi 11 be governed by winter energy demand, water level in the reservoir, and powerhouse . characteristics. The turbine characteristics will allow a maximum powerhouse flow of approximately 14,000 cfs at full gate. Normal Watana average weekly powerhouse discharges will range froffi approximately 3,000 cfs to 8,500 cfs~ In early May, the Watana ~eservoir will reach its annual minimum level of approximately el. 1,870 ft and then begin to reffll with the spring runoff. Flow in excess of both the downstream flow requ; rernents and 22 ! I (' r '·, t· . ' ' L.""" ' ' ' ~ : 1 " i ' ( power needs will be stored during summer until the reservoir reaches the normal maximum operating level of el. 2,000 ft. If the reservoir reaches el-: 2,000 ft, and inflo\'~ exceeds energy and instream flew requirements, excess flow wftl be released to maintain dam safety requirements. Dam safety'criteria at Watana with both Watana and Devil Canyon operating will be similar to Watana only operation when the water level in Watana reservoir exceeds e1. 2,000.0 ft, especially·in the early years of Devil Canyon operation. However, while while Watana reservoir is filling in the spring, and before the water level reaches el. 2,000.0 ft! the Devil Canyon powerhouse wi 11 be used to generate most of the system energy demand. Watana still must generate a portion of the energy in order to meet peak energy demands. This policy was adopted to minimize downstream temperature effects resu1 t i ng from the use of the De vi 1 Canyon outlet works*' When the Watana water 1 eve 1 reaches e 1 . 2, 000. 0 ft, it is necessary to switch energy generation from Devil Canyon to Watana 1 n order to pass the 50-year flood through Watana without using the spi 11 way. The change from the De vi 1 Canyon to the Watana powerhouse would be made in a gradual manner, but in no case would the Watana water level be allowed to r:se above e1., 2,000.5 ft without the Watana powerhouse supplying available system energy demands and the Watana outlet works releasing at 24,000: cfs. After the system load is transferred from Devil Canyon to Wat~na, the operation at Watana would be identical to that for Watana only operation. When the Watana water level reaches el. 2,000.0 ft, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be allowed to fill while minimum flow requirements ar~ · being met. The Watana and Devi 1 Canyon outlet works and ope rat in~ policies have been plan ned so that whi 1 e the De vi 1 Canyon reservoir ; s filling, the outlet works will be opened up in a gradual manner estimated to prevent the water level from exceeding el. 1,455.0 ft. When the water level reaches el. 1,455.0 ft, the otJtlet works will be opened as much as necessary to keep the water 1 evel stable. In this period, De vi 1 Canyon will operate as ess~ntially a run-of-river project, passing Watana outflows and intervening flows. The rates of change of Devil Canyon 23 discharge will be similar to t.hf:lse for Watana with small modifications resulting from variations in inte,.'·ening flow. Devil Canyon can pass all of the Watana outflows and all in~ervening flows through its out'iet works without using its spillway unless the Watana spillway is operating. The 50-year flood inflow may exceed the capact ty of the De vi 1 Canyon outlet works (APA 1985b). Therefore, surcharge stor'age is provided to store the flow in excess of the outlet works capacity. During floods, the Devi 1 Canyon water. 1 evel wi 11 be maintained at el. 1,455.0 ft until the outlet works are discharging at full capacity. If the inflow exceeds the capacity, the water level will be allowed to increase to el. 1,456.0 ft.. In this manner the 50-year flood can be stored and released without operating the spillway. If the water 1 eve 1 cant i nues to rise above e 1 . 1, 456.0 ft, the De vi 1 Canyon spillway must be opened to maintain freeboard on the dam. The chance the spillway would be operated in any one year is less than 1 in 50. The spillway ~ates will be opened at whatever rate is necessary to keep the pool at this level. The spillway has the capacity to pass the 10,000- year flood with the r~servoir at el: 1,456.0 ft (APA 1985b}. Thus, there is less than a 1 in 10,000 chanLe that the Devil Canyon water level would exceed this level in any one year. If the spillway gates were opened completely and the reservoir level continued to rise, discharge from Devil Canyon would be uncontrolled. The Devil Canyon spillway is designed to pass the PMF. The maxi mum water 1 eve 1 obtai ned during routing of the PMF is e 1 • 1, 465. 6 ft, which is 0. 4 ft be 1 ow the top of the concrete parapet and 4. 4 ft be 1 ow the crest of the rockffll sections of the dam. Control would not he regained until the water level receded to el. 1,455.0 ft. When the water level decreases to el. 1,455.0 ft the spillway and outlet wo;--ks will be closed in a manner to keep the water level at el. 1,455.0 ft. 2. 3 Stage I I I -Wata~•a High Reservoir Stage III involves raising the Watana dam 180 ft to el. 2,205 ft; at the maximum normal reservoir el. of 2,185 ft, a reservoir approximately 48 miles 1 ong with a maxi mum width of approximate 1 y 5 mi 1 es wi 11 be created. The 24 I I I I IJ I l l _ ... I ~ !fi ,'\ I 1 lL.J maximum water surface e 1 evat ion during flood conditions wi 11 be 2, 199.3 ft. The minimum normal operating level of the reservoir will be el. 2,065 ft, providing a normal drawdown of 120 ft. The Stage I internal zoning will be maintained. in raising the dam. Some excavation at the top of the Stage I dam will be necessary to ensure cent i nui ty of the zones. The nomina 1 crest e 1 evat ion of the dam wi 11 be 2,205 ft, with a maxim~m height of 885 ft above ·the foundation and a crest length of 4,100 ft. The embankment crest will initially be cambered to el. 2,210 ft to allow for ~otential settlement. The total volume of fill material placed in the dam during Stage III construction will be 26,363,000 cubic yards, bringing the total volume of the dam to 58,470,000 cubic yards. A new power i ntcrke wi 11 be constructed adjacent to the existing two intakes. The existing intake concrete superstructure will be raised to accommodate the higher reservoir level. Simultaneously, the concrete superstructure for the outlet facilities will also be raised. The approach channel constructed during Stage I wi 11 be adequate for the efficient flow of water to a 11 intakes. There will be no change to the outlet facilities downstream of the intake structure. Additional power capacity will be achieved by the increased head on the Stage I generating units, which were designed for this reservoir r"aising, and the two additional generating units installed during this stage. This installation will require an extension of the powerhouse chamber to the south of the service bay. Simi 1 ar extensions wi 11 be required to the south of the transformer gallery and surge chamber. A third power shaft and tunnel bifurcating into penstocks to supply water to the two generating units will be excavated and 1 ined with concrete from the new intake structure. The power conduit wi 11 have an ·; nterna 1 diameter of 24 ft. The penstocks will be stee 1-l i ned for a distance of 200 ft upst\~eam of th1e powerhouse.. The steel-'iined section will have a diameter of 15 ft. The remaining penstock reach to the bifurcation will be 18 ft in diameter. 25 The surge chamber extension will be hydraulically joined to the powerhouse cavern by two draft tube tunnels. The turbine discharges will flow from the south end of the surge chamber by a secnnd 34-ft diameter C(lncrete-1 i ned modified~horseshoe tunnel. This tunnel will intersect the Number 2 diversion tunne 1 (Section 2.1}, wh 1 ch wi 11 be used to camp 1 ete the tunne 1 ta i 1 race system, and discharge to the river downstream of the dam. The transformer ga 11 ery extension wi'~ 1 house the added transformers serving the two genera~ors. The spillway control structures, however, w~lll require substantial modification. The bridge wi 11 be removed, and the p,i ers and abutment wa 11 concrete wi 11 be raised. This wi 11 be fo 11 owed by raising th~ overf1 ow spillway to a crest elevation of 2,135 ft.. The Stage I radial gates and hydraulic hoists will be re-installed. The ogee section will, in effect, be a gravity dam section with its downstream face forming the upper reach of the spillway chute prior to joining the lower reach which was constructed during Stage I. The spillway will still have the capacity to pass the PMF without overtopping the dam. The emergency release facilities constructed in ·diversion tunnel No. 1 will still be available for lowering of the reservoir over a period of time to permit emergency inspection or repair to the impoundment structures. Work on raising the Watana dam to its Stage III crest level of el. 2,205 ft is currently scheduled to begin in 2006, follow·ing the completion of the Devil Canyon dim. Filling of Watana Stage III will occur at the same time the dam crest level is being raised. Therefore, construction and filling of Stage III are not distinct phases. As addressed in the following section, the construction phase wi 11 refar to the period between the year 2006 and the beginning of fi 11 i ng of Watana Stage I I I. This phase wi 11 end when the dam crest is high enough that the water 1 eve 1 can be raised without adverse 1 y affecting the safety of the structure. It is current 1 y p 1 an ned that the dam crest can be raised to el. 2,100 ft by the year 2010. Work on raising the power intake and spillway ogee crest levels will begin in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Filling of the Stage III reservoir will begin in 2011 even though construction is not scheduled to be completed until 2012~ 26 I I I I IJ I I I I ll The Stage III operational period refers 'to the period after the normal maximum water level has reached el. 2,185 ft, which may be between two and six years after the beginning of filling, depending on the reservoir inflow and energy production. Stage III operation is anticipated to begin in 2016. 2.3.1 Co~struction Passage of river flows during Stage III will ·be accomplished by in-place Stage I project features~ Stage III diversion will involve reconstructing the downstream cofferdam over the in-place slurry trench cutoff, and dewatering the area between the Stage I dam and the cofferdam by pumping.. The construction on the dam will be accomplished in the dry during the seasona 1 (lrawdown when the Stage I reservoir e 1 evat ion is below 1,925 ft. The placement of the fill on the downstream face of the Watana dam and raising of the crest elevation prior to filling will not affect power generati~m or flows as described in Section 2.2.4. 2.3.2 Filling Filling of the Stage III reservoir from a normal maximum water level of el. 2,000 ft to a fliormal maximum level of el. 2,185 may take between three and seven year:s depending on inflow to the project, energy demands and progress in construction of the dam, powerhouse intake and spillway. Flood flows Which would normally be released through the outlet works in Stage II will be utilized to fill the res~rvoir. This will result in a decrease in July-September flows and a stabilization of r·iver flows during the period of fi 11 i ng. Fi 11 i ng wi 11 take place in a gradua 1 manner as the dam crest, spi 11 w;1y agee crests, and intake tower are raised. Since portions 01e the spillway crest will be constructed during this period, storage will be provided in the reservoir so the remaining spillway capacity will be sufficient to ensure the safety of the dam. This will be one limit on the rate that the reservoir water level can be raised. A second 1 imit on the water level will be the amount of flow incomi.1g to the reservoir and the power gener~.r-ed by the project during this period. A third constraint \~f:: b~ the environmental flow requirements of Case E-VI. 27 .. ;J During ''ormal operation of Stage II, between zero and 2,000,000 acre-feet of water wi 11 be passed through th1e outlet works in the July-September period every year to maintain dam freeboard requirements and ensure the safety of the structures.. During Stage I I I fi 11 i ng, this water wi 11 be used to raise ttie normal maximum w:ater level. Power generation will be maintained at Watana during the filling process and water levels in the reservoir will vary in the same mafilner as for normal operation. That is, they will reach their highest point in ·September and be reduced throughout the winter. Beginning! in May, water levels will start to rise~ Water levels will generally continue to rise through July9 August, and September, provided that sufficient flood storage is avai 1 able to compensat~; for reduced spillway capacity during spillway constr·uction and provided t\~e multi-level intake tower has been raised. The maximum water 1 eve 1 attained in September wi 11 increase from year to year unti 1 the normal maximum level of ~1. 2,185 ft is reached. During the fill1ny process the Case E-VI flow requirements will be maintained. Since excess July-September flows will be stored in Watana the flows at Gold Creek will be reduced from normal operational flows in July through September. The flow~ will generally be near the minimum flow requirements during the summer. Flood flows downstream will be reduced since these will be stored in the reservoir. As noted before, sufficient storage will be maintained so that the structure is not endangered by floods. 2.3.3 Testing and Commissioning The fifth unit at Watana and the fir~t unit to be installed in Stage III is scheduled to be tested and commissioned in spring of 2012. The second unit will be tested and commissioned in the summer of 2012. The testing of th.e units requires several set:!uences of bringing the units on-1 ine and taking them off-line. These will be accomplished in a manner to minimize the effects on flow stability. This can be done in several ways, any of which may be selected. One method would be to reduce flows through the outlet works or other units by amounts compat'ab1 e to the test flow 28 I I I I I I • I I I I fl f l 1 • i ' . through the unit. A second method would be to store the test flow at Devil Canyon Reservoir w1thout releasing it downstream. 2e3.4 Operation After Stage III comes on line, Watana will be operated as a peaking plant and Devil Canyon as a baseloaded plant subject to discharge fluctuation constraints between 90 percent and 110 percent of the weekly average. Advantage wi 11 be taken of the two-reservoir system to optimize energy production with the constraint that the Case E-VI downstream flow requirements will be met. Minimum requirements will be met by releases from the powerhouse and, if necessary, the outlet works. Devil Canyon Reservoir will re-regulate peak disc~arges from Watana. The Devil Canyon Reservoir will normally be at its maximum water leve1 7 el. 1, 455 ft, between November and May. In dry years De vi 1 Canyon wi 11 be drawn down between May and November reaching its minimum level of el. 1, 405 ft in August. In average flow years, the reservoir wi 11 be drawn down between June and August reaching a minimum of approximately el. 1,440 ft in July. Watana will still be operated in a storage-and-release mode similar to Stage II, so that summer flows will be stored for release in winter. Generally, the Watana Reservoir will be at or near its normal maximum operating 1 eve 1 of e 1 . 2,185 ft each year at the end of September. Gradually, the reservoir wil1 be drawn down to meet winter energy demand. The flow during this period wi 11 be governed by winter energy demand, water level in the reservoir, and powerhouse characteristicso The turbine characteristics will allow a maximum powerhouse flow of approximately 22,000 cfs. In early May, the Watana reservoir will reach its annual minimum level of between approximately el. 2,080 ft and 2,130 ft, depending on energy demand and inflow, and then begin to refill with the spring runoff~ Flow in excess of both the downstream flow requirements and power needs will be stored during the summer until the reservoir reaches the normal 29 l [ l ;, • • ~ l I • l ' maxi mum operating 1 eve 1 o1~ ·a 1 . 2 11 185 ft. If the r~servo i r reaches e 1 . 2,185 ft, and inflow exceeds energy and environmental flow requi\~ements, excess flow will be released and the reservoir water level will rise as the flood is being stored. Project operation for dam safety criteria at Watana with both Watana and Devil Canyon operating in Stage III will be similar to Stage II . operations. However, the normal maximum water level in Watana Reservoir will be el. 2,185 ft and the flood surcharge level will be el. 2,193 ft .. Whi 1 e Watana reservoir is fi 11 i ng in the spring, and before the water level reaches el. 2,185.0 ft, the Devil Canyon powerhouse will be used to meet system energy demand~. Watana must st i 11 generate a por.·t ion of the energy in order to meet peak system energy demands. Wlhen the Watana water level reaches el. 2,185.0 ft, it is necessary to switch enE~rgy generation from Devil Canyon to Watana in order to pass the 50-year f"lood without using the spillway. The change from Devil Canyon to Watana would be made in a gradual manner, but in no case would the Watana water level be a 11 owed t.o rise above e 1 . 2, 185.5 ft without the Watana powerhouse supplying all available system energy demands and the Watana outlet works releasing at 24,000 cfs. AftAr the system load is transferred from Devil Canyon to Watana, the operation at Watana would be identical to that for Watana only operation. When the Watana water level reaches el. 2,185 ft, Devil Canyon reservoir will be allowed to fill while minimum flow requirements are being met. While the Devil Canyon reservoir is filling, thr~ outlet works will be opened up in a gradual manner estimated to prevent the water level from exceeding e 1 . 1 ~ 455 ~ 0 ft. When the water 1 eve 1 reaches el . 1, 455.0 ft the outlet works wi 11 be opened as much as necessary to keep the water level stable. In this per1od, Devil Canyon will operate as essentially a run-of-river project, passing Watana outflows and intervening flows. The rates of change of Devil Canyon discharge will be similar to those for W&tana with small modifications resulting from variations in intervening flow. 30 Devi'I Canyon can pass all of the Watana outflows and all intervening flows through its outlet works without using its spillway unless the Watan~ s;p~llt~ay is operating. The 50-year flaod inflow may exceed the capacity of the Devil Canyon outlet works (APA 1985b). Therefore, a surcharge storage is prov1d,~d to store the flow in excess of the cutlet works capacity. During f1 oods the ~~~vi 1 Canyon water 1 eve 1 ~; 11 be maintained at el. 1,455.0 ft until the outlet works 4re discharging at their fr~ll capacity. If the inflow exceeds the capacity., the water level will be allowed to increase to e·l. 1,456.0 ft. In this manner, the 50-year flood can be stored and released without operating th~ spillway. If the water level continues to t"ise above el. 1,456.0 ft, the Devil Canyon spillway gates must be opened to maintain freeboard on the dam. The chance the spillway would,be operated in any one year is less than 1 in 50. The spillway gates will be opened at whatever rate is necessary to keep the pool at this level. The spillway has the capacity to pass the 10,000-year flood with the reservoir water level at el. 1,456.0 ft (APA 1985b). Thus, there is less than 1 in 10,000 ~chance that the Devil Canyon water 1 eve 1 waul d exceed this 1 eve 1 in any one year. If the spillway gates were opened completely and the reservoir level continued to rise, discharge from Devil Canyon would be uncontrolled. The Devil Canyon spillway is designed to pass the PMF. The maximum water level obtained during a routing of the PMF was el. 1,453.1 ft which is 2~9 ft be 1 ow the crest of the concrete parapet wa 11 and 7 ft be 1 ow the top of the rockfill dam sections. Control would not be regained until the water 1 eve 1 receded to e 1 . 1, 455 o 0 ft. When the water 1 eve 1 decreases to e 1 . 1,455.0 ft the spillway and outlet works will be closed in a manner to keep the water level at el. 1,455.0 ft. When system energy demand increases, the oper-ation to pass floods would differ slightly from the early years of Devil Canyon operatic~. If the water level at Watana were to rise above el. 2,185.0 ft it would not be necessary to switch all the energy generation to Watana. Only that generation would be switched which would be necessary to keep the Watana water level from exceeding el.· 2~193~0 ft for the 50-year flood. It is estimated that this requires a Watana powerhouse discharge of 7,000 cfs .. 31 - ' 0 .. ~ I L l t ' f t l A SXXji Jk!.U • Additionally, the increased -Jnergy demand means that Devil Canyon would have the capacity to discharge some flow fr()m its p'owea"house before it becomes necessary to open the outlet works. The additional Devil Canyon powerhouse flow waul d make it possible to pass the 50-year flood :.without surcharging the reservoir. Overall, operation of the two dams with greater system energy demands Wi'~l result in more gradua 1 changes in discharge and 1 ess chance of outlet works or spillway operation than in the first years of Stage III operation. In an emergency situation where part of the energy generation system is temporarily out of operation, Watana and/or Devil Canyon may be operated tQ provide the nee~ed power as described in Section 2.1.4. 2.4 Project Schedule The proposed schedules for each stage of the Project are presented in Figures 4 through 6. Access construction for Stage I I wi 11 overlap the construct·i on on the Stage I Watana dam. Construction of Stage III wiil be initiated ·following completion of Stage II construction" 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I ·"' .r.J l'lliCAIPTlON ,,,._ Ot 02 INITIAL ACCESS (1987) 03 -04 MAIN ACCESS 05 08 MAIN SITE fACILITIES -07 08 DIVERSION TUNNELS 09 10 COFFERDAMS u 12 DAM EMBANKMENT 13 14 RELICT CliANNEL t5 16 SPILLWAY EXCAV. 17 18 SPILLWAY CONCRETe 1i 20 OUTlET FACIU~ ' 21 _, 22 POWER INTt.l<f 23 24 POWER. TUNt~ElS 25 28 POWeRHOUSE 27 28 <RANSFORMER GAllARY/CABtE SHAFTS 29 ~ T AILRACE/SURQE CHA~13ER 31 -32 TURBINE/GENERATORS 33 34 MEvH.IELECT. SYSTEMS 35 31 SWITCHVARD/CONTROL BLOO, 37 38 TRANSMISSION LINES 3~ 40 IMPOUNDMENT .. , .. 41 TEST AND COMMISSION 43 ... 'vVATANA STAGE I CON.STRUCTION SCHEDULE SOURCE: APA 1985a I , ... , .. , 111:1 1tU .., ~~ ,..,.., ............. ...... tl 1 -- K Itt ll m V ' -- ... ' LIGINt -ACCESS/FACILITif.S -£XCAVATION/FOUNUA110t~ TAt:ATMENT .. '"''''' filL -~Ut4CRETE ........ Mft..HM41t;Alii:L EC TfUCAl -IU .. uUNUMt.Nl FIGURE "'"' , ... , ... .. ., .. .. .... 01 02 03 1M 05 01 07 01 *UIVC.Hl'ilON ot ' ,,,,,,,,,,, to ·~!_ t~n :..·~D ~'iz:a u ................ ..,,,J ·''''''"'~ ......... ,y,.,,,,.: ,,y,.~'''' 12 13 ---... 1$ -~ .. ~ ..-;~ -,_ ,. . . 17 ,,. .. "-... _ ,., 21' 22 23 -24 :';!. " 27 21 21 :.0 :u -_ ... !--t-............ 32 33 .. ....... ,.. 36 .. __ ·--)I :J7 ••••••••••••• ...... --• ••• • • • • ••••••• • I!Cll ... ..-.."',.-~ .. H -40 UNITS l ! 10NLtHl .. , 4.2 u li ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .SVSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO 4 SUSITNA IOINT VENTURE -.. /; 011\CIIIPTlOM ,. .. , ... uer Ull ,, .. 1000 01 02 UAIN ACCESS 03 04 SITE fACILITIES OS 06 DIVERSION tUNNELS . ~ .... 07 . ~DIVI:H:>IUN oa COFFERDAMS ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 09 ~ to UAIN DAU --11 12 SADDLE OAU 13 " , .. OUTLET FACILITIES 15 16 SPILLWAY t7 18 19 .. 20 POWER INTAKE 21 22 POWER TUNNELS l3 ACCESS V~ 24 POWERHOUSE 2S .zt lRAkSFOAMER GALLERY /CABLE SHAFTS n l6 TAILRACE/SURGE CHAMBER -~ 2' 30 TUJII81NES/OENERATORS ll .. 32 MECH.IELECT~ ~\'STEMS 33 34 SWITCtftARO/CONTAOL SLOG 3S ' lS TRANSMISSION LINES I J7 ,_._ l. IMPOUNDMENT -39 40 TEST & COr.lMISSION --.. , -. •z <13 u 1. ...... -ACCESS/fACILITIES DEVIL CANYON STAGE II -EXCA\IATION/fOUNDATION l'AEATWE~T ·'"''"" fiLL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE -CONCRETE _.__ MfCHANICAL/EL£CTRICAL -IMii'OUNOi.;S:NT • SOURCE: APA 1985a FIGURE 5 •' lOOt 1001 1001 ..... •••• ..... .l . -DIVERSION PLU< • : --+-: -... - I i _.1,.... , _ ·''''''''''i '''"'''''' : : ! liaortoalatata ., •.•...•.. , -:- _,lllllllllllllliMIIIIIII Iii• IIIII ........... - -' hill-ill ill •••••• u ....... ' t LILT I ""· I ;- i ____ ......... fa--- PH CRANES ! .......... --··-·· ..... ·--STRUCTURES/I I"\ I ..,...._..,,,,,, .. .......... , I i -..... ,... ... t -· .1. EL • 1455 ! l. UNITS .. ,.., ' .. a ll .... 'nN.IIt.tl' . ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITN,t, HYDROELECTRIC PROJE.CT HARZA-EBASCO ENTRIX, INC • SUSITN~. JOINT VENTURE 01 02 o:a 04 05 ot· 07 at oe tO u ·~ u ~'* " -II " .. 11 20 :u 22 23 a• 21 at 21 It H • :It u » 1A • M 37 M H 40 .at 42 43 u . ! :-;"• l~· l l ! l~ l~ ~·;~ I .. w Ul ~ .. . DIICIIPTIOU 1014 0:1 MOBILIZATION Ill 03 SITf ROADS 04 IJ!. 1)6 SITE FACILITIES 1-<~1 o. DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM .... IO DAM EMBANKMENT FOUNDAl'!ON It 1.! OAM l.MBANKUENT IJ ... RELICT CHAt-INEl ·-llo ,, SPillWAY II ,. OATES (Rfi.&OVAl) .. , .'0 f-. OAUS (INSTALLATION) .n Jl· POWER INTAKE 2l ~· POWER TUMNE!..S 2:. ·-M POWERHOUSe .!1 lit TRANSFOrii.&ER OAllARY/CABLE &HAFTS l'l JU TAILRACE/SURGE CHAM9ER Jl ll TUA81N£/OENERA TORS J~ -)4 MECH./E~ ECT. SY'>TEUS n ..16 ' Jl 'JII T"ANSUI&SION LIN£8 J•j 41} w•~.ii40MENT 41 .!! 1!!11 AND COLIMISSION 1----•3 . -u WATANA STAGE Ill CONSTRUCTIOf\J SCHEDUlE SOURCE: APA 1985a ... .. •••• 1 ... U4a7 .... .. 0. lOti aeu .... Uti :aeu ....... ~ ~ •• --f;;; til, -· i~ -' :~ !4 -I M -· ---L-~ 01 -·-~ OJ ·--r----~--· -01 ----· " . ~ 2 _.Q 0 .. 0 10 : g ·~ ;:; .. -.... . ,,,,, ..... ,,,,1 ·"'"""""""''' .. ,"""' .. ;._""~''"' .,,Yt,.._,,flol\.,l '""'"....J -., ·-&j -._,.__':'" ,__,_..,.., ·, -.. -,, •• ...;,;.:..-... .~ II . ., . ---f-·- ... #..e.o:.t •• .. ---29 - ll -· -J2 -· --............. u 24 -.. . ~ M . 2f -·----l,;;;.. ~ ), -""-·"'-.:" -~~ ~""i ·-··· ·~ ... , ,~}( ~-i--. •I' ·"'I _ .... ~~ .. ,.--.. .... , ...... . ::;, ....................... . ...... ---. u ·-+;; -t 1" .. -e-E-;: ' .,. l! •" )I ll -··-........... -ll ·----..--ltl .0 UNITi 1 _1 Ot-t - LINE u .I. J 41 I -tl --•• I i Ll&fl•! -ACCEII/FACILITIES AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY -EXCAYATlO!I!/FOUNOATION YRfA!Uf .. T S U51 TN A HVDROEt£CTRiC PROJECT ·''"'"''\. fill ,, -C!lNCf'.CTf: i ·--W£CHANICAl/El£CTRICAl .._.. ILIPOUHOUfNT Et\~TRIX, INC. HARZA·E BA.SCO FIGURE 6 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ' I 3. 0 EVALUAJIOtLSPEC1ES 3.1 ,S..e.1 ect ion Various species and 11ife stages have different critical 1 ife requirements and respond differently to habitat alterations. A change in habitat conditions that benefits one species or 1 ife stage may 1dversely affect another. Moreover, project impacts on the habitats of certain sensitive fish species are of greater concern th~n changes in di stri but ion and abundance of 1 ess sensitive species. Sensitivity can be related to high human use value as well as susceptibility to change because of project impacts. Statewide policies and management approaches of resource agencies suggest that concern for fish and wildlife spet·ies wi-::.h tomtr.ercia1, subsi$tence, or othfH" consumptive uses is greater than for species -withcJUt .such value. These species are often numerous, and utilize a wide range of habitats, as well as having high human use value. ~~~~h characteristics nften result .! t these species being se"'Jected for careful evaluation when thelr habitats are sub.jected to alternative uses .. By avoiding or minimizing alterations to habitats utilized by these species, the impacts to other less sensit~'~e species that utilize similar habitats may a 1 so be avoided or reduced. Therefore, the criteria used in th~ eva 1 uat ion species selection process were: o High human use value; o Dominance in the ecosystem; and o Sensftivity to project impactse The e'Jaluation species for the middle Susitna River were selected after initial baseline studies and impact assessments had identified the important species and potential impacts on ava71able habitats throughout the year. Sfnce the greatest changes in downstream ha~itats are expected in the reach between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna) f·ish using that portion of the river 'f!ere considered to be the most sensitive to project effects. Because of differ- ences in their seasonal habitat requirements, not all species would be equally affected by the proposed project .. Of the species in the middle Susitna RiVf!r, chum and sockeye salmon appear to be the most vulnerable because of their depaqdence on slough habitats for spawning, incubation and early rearing. Of 36 .. i!lrliil( :: :!2i J I' s =., ... :q•a >~~~·--~.~;~WJ&iJ!iit!i,"":Mf:i'!!ll~~ IJ.!;I!!l!lll!lll.U-IIW••a•z•: --=--•••--•as---------· --· T_, _,_ .... ,_, ........ ----~-"' ··-·--· < .M, ' '"'"' ·- these two, chum salmon are the dominant species. Chinook. and coho salmon are less likely to be impacted by the project because two critical life stages, spawning and i\:icubation, occur· 'in habitats that are not 1 ikely to be altered, by the project. Similarly, while some pink salmon spawn in slough habitats in the reach between Ilevil Canyon and Talkeetna, most of these fish utilize tributary habitats. Project effects on the rearing 1 i fe stage of ju~en i 1 e salmon, particularly chinook salmon, are also of concern~ The chinook juve- niles rear in the river for up to two years and coho salmon juveniles for up to 3 years prior to outmigrationa Much of the coho rearing apparently occurs in clear water areas, such as in sloughs and tributary mouths, with the more abundant chinook rearing in turbid side channels as well as clear water areas. Maintenance of chinook rearing habitat should provide sufficient habitat for less numerous resident species with similar lif~ s~age requirements. In summary, the primary and secondary evaluation species and 1 i fe stages selected for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna Reach are: ); PRIMARY Chinook Salmon -Rearing/overwintering juveniles Chum Salmon -Spawning adult~ -Embryos and pt"e~-emergent fry SECONDARY Chinook Salmon -Returning adults -Outmigrant juveniles Chum Salrnon -Retur~ing adults Rearing juveniles -Outmigrant juveniles 37 I I I I I I I I I I I f\ ~~ LJ Sockeye Salmon -Returning adults Spawning adults Embryos and pre-emergent fry -Rearingioverwintering juveniles Qutmigrant juvenilei Coho Salmon -Returning adults -Rearing/overwintering juveniles Outmigrant juveniles Pink Salmon Returning adults -Spawning adults -Embryos and pre-emergent -Outmigrant juveniles Rainbow Trout -Adults -Juveniles Arctic Grayling "" Adults -J'tveni l es Burbot -Adults -Juveniles Dolly Vard~n -P~dults 38 fry !'¢ ' p " c ~~ .. ·o _--~ ~) (\ \.' ,_, "": 0 II 3.2 Habitat Utilization by Evaluation Species Twenty species of fish have been observed in the Susitna River (WCC 1985a). Of the twenty species, nine were chosen ?~ evaluation species for the assessment of project effects on fish in the middle reach of the Susitna River (Section 3.1). The e~valuatiort species include chinook, chum, sockeye, coho, and pink salmon, rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, burbot, and Dolly Varden. A detailed discussion of species. biology and utili;~ation of the various habitat types in the middle Susitna River is found in WCC (1985a)e Fishery resources of the Sl~sitna River comprise a major-portion of the Cook Inlet commercial salmon harvests and !}rovide sport fishing opportunities for anglers. Five species of Pacific salmon form the base of the commercial and sport fisheries. The annual escapements of the five salmon species to various locations in the Susitna River for 1981 th~ough 1984 are presented in Table 4. .Based on escapements to Curry Station (RM 120) for 1981 through 1984, the middle reach of the Susitna River provides habitat for annual escapements of approximately 13,000 chinook; 28,200 chum; 2,400 sockeye; 1,600 coho; 87,900 even-year pink; and 3,300 odd-year pink (Table 4). Chinook and ~oho salmon spawn in tributary streams and tributary mouths in the middle Susitna River, pink salmon primarily in tributary streams and tributary mouths (with a small number utilizing slough habitats), chum salmon in tributary streams, sloughs, and tributary mouths, and sockeye almost exclusively in sloughs {ADF&G 1985a). Relatively few salmon spawn in the mainstem and side channels in the middle Susitna River. Of those which do, chum salmon predominate (ADF&G 1985a). Four of the five salmon species present use middle Susitna River habitats for rearing (APF&G 1984a) .. From May to September, juvenile chinook salmott rear in tributarir .: ~ tributary mouths, and side channels.; coho mostly rear in tributaries, tributary mouths, and upland sloughs; and sockeye move from natal side sloughs to upland sloughs for rearing. From May to July raaring chum salmon are distributed in tributaries, side sloughs, and side channels. Pink salmon juveniles move downstream to Cook Inlet shortly after emergence and do not rear in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984a). 39 I I I . J IJ ~ I] r \ ! .., I 11 f ) fl Ll ~ r;r I t I ; l ; L .. -~· ' I " 0 J ~ v Table 4. Estimated salmon escapements by species a11d locations in the Susitna River, 1981-1984. Sampling Escagement!l SockeyeY Coho Total Location Year Chinook Pink ·Chum Flathorn 1984 11 605,800 3,629,900 812,700 190.,100 5,238,500 Station Yentna 1981 !/ 139,4CIO 36,100 19,800 17'' 000 212,300 Station 1982 113,800 447,300 27,800 34,100 623,000 1983 104,400 60,700 10,800 8,900 184,800 1984 149,41)0 369,300 26,500 18,200 563,400 Sunshine 1981 y 133,51JO 49,500 262,900 19,800 465,7no Station 1982 52,900 151,500 443,200 430,400 45,700 1,123,700 1983 90,100 71,500 40,500 265,800 15,200 483,100 1984 121,700 130,100 1k017,000 765,000 94,700 2,128,500 Talkeetna 1981 y 4,800 2,300 20,800 -3,300 31,200 Station 1982 10,900 3,100 73,000 49,100 5,100 141,200 1983 14,400 4' 20l') 9,500 50,400 2,400 80,·900 1984 24,800 13, 10tl 177,900 98,200 11,800 325,800 Curry 1981 y 2,800 1,000 13,100 1,100 18,000 Station 1982 11,.300 1,300 58,800 29,400 2,400 103;200 1983 9,700 1,900 5,500 21,.100 800 39,000 1984 18,000 3}600 116,90.0 49,300 2,200 19·tJ,OOO .lJ Escapement estimates were derived from tag/recapture population estimates except Yentna Statiou escapements which w~re obtained using side scan sonar. Y Second l,un sockeye .>almon escapements only. Y Chinook salmon were not monitored for escapement. Y Yentna Station side scan sonar equipment was not operational on the dates required to estimate the total Yentna River chinook salmon escapements for 1931-84 .. Source: ADF&G 1985a. 40 ... i\ ,, : ' G f . I ,;;) <\ !! Rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, and Dolly Varden spawn in tributaries of the middle reacb of the Susitr~a Rtver. Juvenile and adult rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, ~~nd Dolly Varden rear in tributaries, tributat'Y mouths, and to a 1 esser exttant. sloughs. Most fish of these three species apparently move from tributari~s to the mainstem to overwinter (ADF&G l984a, 1985b). Estimates of the rainbow trout population si~e in the middle Susitna River range from 1,000 to 5,000 fish (ADF&G 1984a, 1985b}. The Arctic grayling population size in the middle Susitna River is estimated to range from 2,500 to 7,000 fish {ADF&G 1985b). Dollv Varden are not abundant in the middle Susitna River, with insufficient numbers of fish caught to estimate population s,ize. From May to September in the middle Susitna River, juvenile and adult burbot are found in turbid mainstem-influenced areas, typically in low-velocity, deep-water areas of the mainstem and slough mouths. Burbot also spawn and overwinter in mainstem areas. Burbot densities in the middle Susitna River were estimated to be 15 fish per mile in 1983 (ADF&G 1984a). To facilitate the assessment of project effects on fish in the middle Susitna Rive~ .. , a summary of the habitat utilization of the primary and s-t~condary evaluation species and life stages is p~esented in the following sections. A detai1~d discussion of the habitat types and their response to changes in flow can be found in EWT&A and wee (1985). 3.2.1 Mainstem and Side Channel Habitats The mainstem of the middle Susitna River has both single and split channel configurations. Single channel reaches are generally stable with non..,erodible banks controlled by valley wallst bedrock, or an a,.mor layer Ji ' > 'v l l > .--._ r-J ! ' .. I ; ~' I f ! LJ il r~ I I I ·. ~· cor;;1isting of graval and cobbles. The channel is either straight or f' meandering. In straight channel reaches, the thalweg often meanders across the channe 1 • Sp 1 it channel configurations are character; zed by moderately stable channels with a gravel/ctlbble substrate. There are usually no more than two channels in a given reach. Channels are separated by well established vegetated islands. 41 f l r t f ~ l ' l r \• L f \: .. Side ch~linels are generally located in peripheral areas of th~ mainstem corridor. Side channels have a diverse morphology with some having broad channels while others are narrow and deep. Side channels are highly influenced by mainstem discharge and water quality. In general, a side channe 1 habitat conveys 1 ess than 10 percent of the total discharge in the rive·r, but conveys mainstem discharge more than 50 percent of the time during the summer high flow months (EWT&A 1984, 1985}. Side channels normally breach, i.e. convey mainstem water, at ma'instem discharges less than 20,00t1 cfs {EWT&A and AEIDC 1985). Side channels have relatively low ve·locity (less than 3-4 ft/sec), shallow depths, anu convey turbid water during the summer. When mainstem discharge decreases in the late fetll and winter, side channels may become complete·fy dewatered or may convey water derived from local runoff, tributaries, or upwelling groundwater. The utilization of the mainstem and side channels by the primary and secondary evaluation species and life stages is summarized below. {a) Primary Evaluation Species {i) Chinook Salmon -rearing/overwintering juveniles . Some rearing juvenile chinook salmon move into the mainstem from natal tributaries as part of their downstream redistribution to rearing areas in the middle Susitna ~iver or the lower Susitna River. Thust the mainstem serves as a migrational corridor for rearing juvenile chinook salmon. The movement of rearing juvenile chinook through the mainstem to rearing areas usually commences in May or June and cant i nues through September (ADF&G 1984a). Juvenile chinook also use the mainstem as a migrational corridor from September through November1 when moving from .~aring areas to ove~wintering areas. Side channels pro vi de habitat for the 1 argest proportion of rearing juvenile chinook salmon in the middle Susitna River, 42 \ D .. .... r . r· ' j\ •. I ! l r l i t L excluding tributaries. Approximately 23 percent of the catch per un·it effort for juveni 1 e chi nook salmon was from side channels in 1983 (AOF&G 1984a}. Rearing juvenile chinook ut·llize side channels from late May or ~arly June to October (ADF&G 1984a}. It appears that most juvenile chinook move out of side channels in September and October and move tQ over\t~i nteri ng areas in s 1 ou.ghs. ( i i) Q)um Sa 1 mon -spawning_ adults, embryos,__ and pre-emergent fry Chum salmon spawning adults utilize the mainstem and side chann~ls in the middle Susitna River. In 1984, when a concerted effort was made to locata mainstem spawning areas, approximately 3,800 adult chum salmon (8 percent of the estim~ted chum escapement to Cur·ry Stati~·n) spawned in the mainstem and side channels {ADF&G 1985a}. Most spawning activity occurred in areas o·f upwelling groundwater during September and October. Chum salmor embryos and pre-emer~ant fry remain in spawning sites until emergence in March or April. (b) Secondary Evaluation Spec~es {1) Chinook Salmon-returninq adults, outmigrant,juveniles Chinook salmon returning adults utilize the mainstem, and to a lesser extent sid~ channels, as migrational corridors to spawning areas in tributaries. Based on estimated escapements at Curry Station for 1981 through 1984, approximately 13,000 · chinook salmon armu&lly utilize the mainstem , ~r upstream movements. Migrational timing of adult chinook ~dlmon in the middle Susitna River extends from June through July (ADF&G 198Sa). The mainstem and side channels also serve as migrationai corridors for outm·igrant juvenile chinook salmon. Juvenile chinook salmon utilize the mainstem and side channels for outmigration from May through September i.n the middle Susitna River (AOF&G 1984a}. 43 ' '' I I I I I I I I I •• IJ rl""' -'>· L.,· ) (ii) Chum Salmon -returning adults, rearing :luveniles, outmigrant Juveniles Chum salmon returning adults use the mainstem and side channels for Movement to spawning areas in the middle Sus i tna .~i ver. Based on estimated escapements at Curry Station for 1981 through 1984, approximately 28,200 thum salmon annually migrate into the mi.ddle Susitna River (AD.F&G 1985a). The adult chum migratiJn 1 asts from mid-July through mid-September in the middle-Susitna River. Rearing juvenile churu salmon utilize side channels during May and June. Side channels and the mainstem are also important migrational corridors for outmigrant juvenile chum salmon. The juvenile chum salmon ,outmigration lasts from May to ea,~ly July in the middle Susitna River (AGF&G 1984a). {iii) Sockeye Salmon -returning aQ..y.Jts, spawning adults, embryos and ---.... pre-emergent fry, rearing/overwintering juveni 1 es ,_putmigrant juveniles Sockeye s~\mon returning adults and outmigrant juven~1as utilize the mainstem and side channels primarily as migrationat corridors. Returning adults migrate through the mainstem, and to a 1 esser extent side channels, from July through mid-September to spawning areas in side sloughs {ADF&G 1985a}. Based on estimated escapements to Curry Station for 1981 through 1984, approximately 2, 400 sockeye annua 11 y uti 1 i ze the mainstem fo~ upstream migration to spawning areas~ Juvenile sockeye utilize the mains tern and side channels for movements to other areas for rearing, overwintering, and outmigration. The outmigration timing of juvenile sockeye salmon extends from May throu~h September in the middle Susitna River {ADF&G 1984a). 44 ,, -. .:. L L [ I'· i' \ \ (iv) Sockeye spawning adults rarely utilize the mainstem or side channels. H~~nce, embryos and pre-emergent fry also o~cur infrequently in these areas. Rearing and overwintering juvenile sockeye primarily utilize sloughs and rar'ely use the mainstem or side channels. Coho Salmon returning adults, rearing/ov~rwintering juveniles, outmigrant juveniles Coho salmon returning a'Jults and outmig,..ant juveniles utilize the mainstem and side channels primarily as migrational corridors. Returning adults migrate through the mainstem, and to a lesser extent side channels, from mid-July to mid-September to sp~wning areas in tributaries. Based on estimated escapements at Curry Station for 1981 through 1984, approximately 1,600 coho annually utilize the mainstem for upstream migration to spawning areas (ADF&G 1985a}. Juvenile coho salmon utilize the mainstem and side channels for movements from nata 1 tributaries ove:rwi nteri ng, and outmi grat ion. main stem and side cha.nnel s occur September (ADF&G 1984a). to other areas for rearing, These movements thrnugh the primarily during Ma~ through Rearing and overwintering juvenile coho rarely use the mainstem or side channels. Coho salmon outmigrant juveniles utilize the mainstem and side channels for downstream movements from May through September {ADF&G 1984a}. (v} Pink. Salmon -returning adults, spawning adults, embryos and pre-emergent fry, outmigrant juveniles Pink salmon returning adults utilize the mainstem and side channels primarily as migrational corridors. Returning adults 45 ll • I ·I I ~~ ... I I I I I I I I L, ·,·. (vi) migrate through the mainstem, and: to a lesser extent side channels, from mid-July through August to .spawning areas in tributaries and sloughs. Based on estimated escapements at Curry Station for 1981 through 1984, approximately 87,900 even-year and 3,300 odd-year pink s.almon annually utilize the mainstem for upstream migration to spawning areas {ADF&G 1985a). Pink salmon spawning adults rarely use the mainstem or side channels. Hence, few embryos and pre-emergent fry are in the mainstem or side channels. Pink salmon outmigrant juveniles utilize the mainstem and side channels for downstream movements from M~y to mid-July {ADF&.G 1984a). Rainbow Trout -adults, juvenile..s. Rainbow trout adults move into the mainstem for overwl\"tering {ADF&G 1984a, 1985b). The movement of adult rainbow trout into the mainstem occurs from October to December. Rainbow trout l!tilize. the mainstem for overwintering until April or May, when they move into tributaries to spawn. Rainbow trout adults and juveniles also utilize the mainstem and side channels as migrational co7'ridors from natal tributaries to rearing areas in sloughs. The movement of rainbow trout into sloughs usually coincides with the timing of salmon spawning {August and Septerr~ber) {ADF&G 1984a), {vii) Arctic Grayling -adults, juvenile! Arctic grayling adults move into the mainstem for overwintering {ADF&G 1984a). Arctic grayling move into the mainstQm in the fall, reside primarily downstr&am of natal tributaries, and 46 r ' ' ' L_ I ! \iw. L. move from the mainstem into tributaries to spawn in late April and May (ADF&G 1984a). Arctic grayling adults and juveniles also utilize the mainstem, and to a lesser extent side channels~ as migrational corridors from natal tributaries to rearing areas in sloughs. The use of sloughs by Arctic grayling adults and juveniles appears to be limited {ADF&G 1983a). {viii) Burb9t -adults, juveniles ( ix} Burbot adults and juveniles utilize the mainstem throughout the year (ADF&G 1983a, 1984a). Side channels are also utilized during the summer high-flow season. All life stages of burbot (spawning, incubation, rearing, and overwintering) occur in the rnainstem. Spawning adults utilize the mainstem in late December to Febtuary. Incubating embryos are in the mains~em from mid-winter until MaYch to June. Dolly Vurden -adults Dolly Varden adults move into the mainstem from tributaries presumably in October and November (ADF&G 1983a, 1984a). Dolly Varden overwinter in the mainstem until April or May, when they move into tributaries to rear (ADF&G 19S4a). 3. 2. 2 Side Sl otJ~h and Y.P.J.and Sl oug~h Habitats Side sloughs are morphologically similar to side channels a.nd distinctions between side sloughs and side channels are somewhat arbitrary {EWT&A 19~35). Side sloughs may be distinguished fti3m side channels by the mainstem discharges required to breach the upstream ends- A mainstem discharge of approximately.20,000 cfs was selected (EWT&A and AEIDC 1985). Hence., side sloughs convey mainstem water less than approximately 50 percent of the time during the summer high flow months. 47 • r I Upland sloughs are analogous to sma11 tributaries (EWT&A 1984). Discharge in upland sloughs is derived from local runoff, smill tributaries~ and groundwater upwe~1ing. Many of the upland sloughs are inhabited by beavers. The upstream ends of upland sloughs are often separated from the rdainstem by vegetatt:., areas indicating that breaching of the upstream end occurs only at extremely high .mainstem discharge. The utilization of side sloughs and upland· sloughs by the primary and secondary evalu~tion species and life stages is summarized below. {a) Primary Evaluation Species ( i) Chinook s,lmon -rearing/overwintering juveniles Rearing juvenile chinook salmon utilize side sloughs and upland sloughs, but the proportion of the catch per unit effort in side sloughs and upland sloughs was only 16 percent in 1983 {ADF&G 1984a). Rearing juvenile chinook utilize side sloughs and upland sloughs throughout the summer (May through September). Juvenile chinook salmon also use side sloughs and upland sloughs fer overwintering (ADF&G 1985c). ( i i) ,khum Sa 1 mon.-spawning adults 3..~rt1bryos and j)re ... emergent fry Chum salmon spawning adults utilize side sloughs, and occasionally upland sloughs. Side sloughs are important areas for spawning chum sa~mon in the middle Susitna River. In 1984, about 50 percent of the ~stimated chum salmon spawning i~ the middle Susitna River occurred in side sloughs (ADF&G 1985a) ~ Incubating embryos and pre-emergent fry are present in side sloughs through the winter until emergence in March and April. 48 : ,-.~ (b) Secondary Evaluation Species (i) Chinook Salmon -returning adults. outmigrant juveniles Chinook salmon returning adults and outmigrant juveniles rarely utilize side slough or upland slough habitats. (ii) Chum Salmon • returning adults, rearing juveniles, outmigrant iuveniles Adult chum salmon in sloughs are considered spawning adults [Section 3.2.2(a)]. Chum salmon rearing juveniles utilize natal sloughs for rearing for one to two months after emergence (ADF&G 1984a). Outmigrant juvenile chum move out of sloughs from May to July (ADF&G 1984a}. {iii) Sockeye Salmon -returning adults, spawning adults, embryos and pre-emergent fry, reari ng/overwi nteri ng ;i uven i 1 es, outmi grant juveniles In the middle Susitna River, a;most all sockeye salmon spawning adults utilize side sloughs. Based on slough escape~t~ent surveys during 1981 through 1985, over 95 percent of the adult sockeye 1n the middle Susitna River spawned in side sloughs (ADF&G 1985a, 1985}. Hence, most sockeye incubating embryos and pre-emergent f~' in the middle Susit~a River are present in side sloughs. After fry emergence, juvenile sockeye rear in side sloughs for a short time before outmigrating in July and August (ADF&G l984a). Outmigrant juvenile sockeye either move to upland sloughs to rear and overwinter or move downstream to the lower Susitna River or Cook Inlet (ADF&G 1984a!. 49 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I n 1· I 1 l j \ L i _, (iv} ~ho Salmon returning adults. rearin9/overwintertng Juveniles, outmigrant juveniles Coho salmon returning adu1ts rarely utilize sloughs. Some rearing juvenile coho salmon move out of natal tribu~aries and into sloughs for rearing. From May through November 1983, the proportion of the coho catch per unit effort was about 35 percent in upland sloughs and approximately 10 percent in side sloughs {ADF&G 1984a}. Juve~ile coho salmon also use upland sloughs to overwinter. Outmi grant juveni 1 e coho move downstream out of sloughs ov· tributaries to other rearing or overwintering areas throughout the summer (May to September) (ADF&G 1984a). Some juvenile' coho outmi grants move into the 1 ower Sus i tna River or Cook Inlet. (v) Pink Salmon -returning adults, spawning adults, embryos and pre-emergent fry, outmigrant juveniles Some pink salmon spawning adults utilize sloughs in the middle Susitna River. The use of sloughs by s:pawning pink salmon is dependent on run size. During even years, the use of side sloughs for spawning is higher than during odd years .. Overall, the utilization of sloughs by spawning adult pink salmon is a small proportion of the estimated pink salmon escapement to Curry Station {ADF&G 1985a). Hence, incubating pink embr'yos and pre-emergent fry are present in sloughs, but not abundant. Juvenile pink salmon move out of natal areas almost immediately after emergence {ADF&G 1984a}. Thus, most pink salmon outmigrants move out of sloughs in April and May. 50 ., (vi) Rainbow Trout -~dults, juveniles Some rainbow trout adults and juveniles use sloughs in the middle Susi tna for rearing and overwintering. The use of sioughs by rearing rainbow trout occurs primarily during the salmon-spawning period (August and September).. Rainbow trout apparently feed on salmon eggs that are dislodged from spawning areas {ADF&G 1984a). Rainbow trout utilize slo.ughs in the middle Susitna River to a limited extent for overwinte&"ing (ADF&G 1983a). The mainstem and tributaries appear to be the preferred habitats in the middle Susitna River for overwintering rainbow trout. {vii) Arctic Grayling -adults, juvenilas The use of sloughs in the middle Susitna River by Arctic grayling adults and juveniles appears to be limited {ADF&G 1983a). (viii} Burbot -adults, juvenile~ The use of sloughs in the midd:le Susitna River by burbot appears to be limited. Juvenil~ burbot have been found in sloughs and adults are thought to use the deep, backwater areas in slough mouths (ADF&G 1983a, 1984a)~ However, the population size of burbot in the middle Susitna River appears to be low and few burbot have been caught in sloughs. { ix) Doll v Varden -adulli Sloughs are rarely utilized by Dolly Varden in the middle Susitna River. 51 I I •• I I I I •• I I I I ~ ~ ~. l .. 3.2.3 Tributary and Tributary Mouth Habitclil Tributaries that flow into the middle Sus i tna River a 11 convey c 1 ear water into the river. Tributary streamflowt sediment, and thermal regimes reflect the integration of the hydrology, geology, and climate of the tributary drainage. Hence, the physical attributes of tributaries are not dependent on mainstem conditions. The two major tributaries of the middle Susitna River are Indian River (RM 138.6) and Portage Creek {RM 148.8), . each of which have an annual average discharge of approximately 500 cfs. Tr~ butary mouth habitat extends from upstream in the tributary, at '~he point where backwater effects from the rna i nstem are observed, into the mainstem where mainstem water mixes with the tributary water. The downstream extent of tributary habitat is obvious during the summer when the mainstem water is turbid and the tributary water is clear. The size and the lat~ral location of the available tributary mouth habitat varies with mainstem discharge and discharge from the tributary itself. At high mainstem discharge, the habitat tends to be near the bank vegetation at the mouth of the tributary, whereas at 1 o'l.r mai nstem discharge, the habitat is further away from the bank vegetation. The utilization of tributary and tributary mouth habitats by the primary and secondary evaluation species and life stages is summarized below. {a) Primary Evaluation Species ( i) Chi nook Sa 1 mon -reari ng/c·verwi nteri ng j uven i 1 es Rearing juvenile chinook salmon utilize natal tributaries throughout the summer. From May through November in 19R3, ~ approximately 61 percent of the catch per unit effort of juveni 1 e chi nook was from tributaries (ADF&G l984a). Thus, tributaries arn important rearing areas for juvenile chinook in ' the middle Susitna River. 52 a {. ' I) .. Soll'Je juvenile chinook salmon remain in tributaries throughout tbe winter (ADF&G 1985c). Juvenile chinook that overwinter in tr'ibutaries move out of tributaries in May, June, and July (/~DF&G 1984a). Tributary mouths are utilized by rearing juvenile chinook salmon during summer. In August and September juvenile chinook move! tu tributary mouths to feed on sa 1 mon eggs dis 1 odged from the spawning areas of adult salmon {ADF&G 1984a, 1985c}. {ii) Chum Salmon -spawning adults, embryos and pre-em~rqent fry Tributaries are important spawning areas for chum salmon in the middl'e Susitna River. In most years approximat.ely 50 percent or more of thE! chum salmon spawning in the midd'le Susitna River occurs in tributaries (ADF&G 1984b, 1985a). Hence, chum embryos and pr'e-emergent fry are abundant in tributaries. Tributary mouths in the middle Susitna River are also utilized by churn spawning adults {ADF&G 1985a}. Thus, chum embryos and pre-emergent fry occur in tributary mouths. Tne use of tributary mouth.s is a relatively small J,.roportion of the total chum salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River. {b) Secondary Evaluation Species (i} Chinook Salmon -returning adults, outmigrant juveniles Chinook salmon v·eturning adults utilize tributary mouths as migrational corridors to spawning habitats in tributaries" Almost all spawning chinook salmon in the middle Susitna River ut·il ize tributaries (a few spawn in tributary mouths) {ADF&G 1984b, 1985a)~ Hence, nearly all returning chinook salmon in the middle Susi.tna River move through tributary mouths to spawn in tributarie!). The utilization of these areas by chinook salmon occurs in late June and July (ADF&G 1985a). 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I f ~ !Ji;, Outmigrant juveni ie chinook salmon begin moving out of natal tributaries in June. T~e downstream redistribution of juvenile . chinook continues throughout the sum1~er. Thus, outmigrant juveni 1 es move out of tributaries into tributary mouths or other areas from June through SeptembP.r (ADF&G 1984a). {ii) Chum Salmon juveniles returning adults, rearing juveniles, outmigrant Chum salmon returning adults utilize tributary mouths as migrational corridors to spawning areas in tributaries. Chum salmon move into tributaries in late July through mid-September in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984b, 1985a). The utilization of tributaries and tributary mouths by spawning chum salmon was discussed in Section 3.2.3{a). Rearing juvenile chum salmon use natal tributa~ies for one to three months after fry emergence (ADF&G 1984a). In 1983 about one-third of the catch per unit effort for juvenile cht~m salmon was in tributaries (ADF&G 1984a}. Outmigrant juvenile chum salmon move out of tributaries in May, June, and early July. By mid-July most juvenile chum salmon have moved\ downstream of Talkeetna (ADF&G 1984a). (iii) Sockeye Salmon -returning adults, spawning adults, embryos and pre-emergent fry, rearing/overwintering juveniles, outmiqrant juveniles Sockeye salmon rarely utilize tributaries and tributary mouths in the middle Susitna River. (iv) Coho ~almon returning adults, rearing/overwintering juveniles, outmigrant Juveniles Almost all spawning coho salmon in the middle Susitna River' utilize tributarie.·s {ADF&G 1984b, 1985a). Thu~, coho salmon 54 returning adults utilize tl"ibutary mouths ·as migrational r.:,ar\ridors to spawning areas in tributaries4 The migrational t'imi ng of coho sa 1 mon into tributaries extends from August into September (ADF&G 1984b}. Following· the emergence of fry, many rearing juvenile coho salmon remain in tributaries. From May through November in 1983, over 50 percent of the catch·per unit effort of juvenile coho salmon was in tributaries {ADF&G 1984a). Tributaries also provide overwintering habitat for juvenile coho salmon. Some juvenile coho salmon move downstream to rear in tributary mouths.. The greatest abun9ance of juvenile echo salmon in tributary mouths occurs in August and September during the salmon-spawning period. Presumably, the juveniles inhabit tributary mouths to feed on salmon eggs dislodgeld from spa~n1ng areas or drifting aquatic invertebrates {ADF&G 1984a). No overwintering juvenile salmon have been observed in tributary mouths. Coho salmon outmigrant juveniles move out of natal tributaries to other rsari ng or overwintering areas, or to the 1 ower Susitna River and Cook Inlet, from May through September (ADF&G 1984a). (v) Pin~ Salmon -returning adults, spawning adults, embryos and pre-~~ergent fry, outmigrant juveniles Most pink salmon in the middle Susitna River spawn in tributaries {ADF&G 1984b, 1985a). Thus, returning adults move through tributary mouths and into tributaries to spawn. The migrational timing of pink salmon into tributaries is from mid-July through August. Some pink salmon spawn in tributary mouths, but the use of these areas by spawning pink salmon comprises a relatively small proportion of the total pink salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River. Embryos and 55 'i I I I I I I I I I I I ~ LJ l ~ ! pre-emergent fry are present in tributaries and tributary mouths 1 n · direct proportion to the re 1 at i ve abundance of spawning adults~ Pink salmon outmigrant juveniles move out of natal tributaries and tributary mouths soon after fry emergence. Most juvenile pink salmon move downstream from natal areas· in May and June, and by mid-July almost all juvenile pink have moved downstream of Talkeetna (ADF&G 1984a). (vi) Rainbow Trout -adults, Juveniles A 11 of the known rai nbo·w t·rout spawning in the middle Sus i tna River occurs in tributaries (AOF&G 1984a, 1985b). Rainbow . trout move from the mainstem into tributaries {through tributary mouths) during May and June to spawn. Hence, rainbow trout embryns are present in tributaries. Tributaries are important rearing areas for juvenile and adult rainbow trout throughout the summer. In early fall (August and September) juvenile and adult rainbow trout move downstream to tributary mouths to feed on salmon eggs (ADF&G 1984a}. Most adult rainbow trout move out of tributaries and tributary mouths into the mainstem to overwinter {ADF&G l984a}. Rainbow trout usually move into the mainstem by late November or earJy December. Some adult and juvenile tainbow trout may remain in tributaries during winter. (Vii) ~rctic Grayling -adults, juveniles In the middle Susitna River, J\rctic grayling spawn in tributaries in May and early Jun:e (ADF&G 1984a, 1985b). Prior to spawning, there is a migration from overwintering the mainstem to spawning areas in tributaries. embryos are present in tributaries. 56 areas in Grayling Tri butariGs are 'important area~; for juveni 1 e and adult Arctic grayling rt~ari ng (ADF&G 1984:a) . Most grayling adults and ·juveniles rear in tributaries throughout the summer. In the '' fall (August and September) some adult a11d juvenile gra.Yling move downstream to tributary mouths. Most. grayling move into the mainstem to overwinter, although it appear~ that some grayl i ng may remain in tri butatri es to ovetwi nter. (vii) Burbot -adults, juveniles Burbot adults and juveniles are rarely found in tributaries in the mi dd'J e · Su;i i till a River. Burbot uti 1 i ze tributary mouths in the middle Susitna River, but the use of these areas also. app~r.trs to be limited {ADF&G 1984a). (viii) Dolly Varden -adults Dolly Varden adults move intcJ tributaries in May and ear·ly June in the middle Susitna River. They remain in tributaries throughout the summer to rear. Dolly Varden adults are thought to spawn in tributaries du'ring fall (October) (ADF&G l984a). After spawning, it appears that must adult Oo11y Varden move from tributaries to t.he mainstem for overwintering. The movement of Dolly Varden into the mainstem from tributaries likely occurs in November. 57 ~' ¥>•' i • I l I :, p:· .[ i •• ~~' !I ~~ l· r Jc. I I,, I I I I I I l I I l ·~ I I I I ' rr ' J _...._] ll J II _J' t, -~ '! p 4.0 PHYSICAL CHANGES RESULTING FROM THE PROJECT The physical changes in the middle Susitna River resulting from the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project as compared to natural conditions include variations in flows and water 1 eve 1 s, river morpho 1 ogy, water qua 1 i ty, and groundwater conditions. Details of project operations which would cause these changes are presented in the project description and schedule (APA 1985b). Flows and water levels in the middle Susitna River·will generally be increased in winter and decreased in summer during project operation.. The morphology of the middle Susitna River is expected to· adjust slightly to the altered flow and ~ediment regimes~ Changes in water quality include variations in temper~ture, ice conditions, suspended sediment concentrations, and turbidity levels in the middle Susitna River. Water temperatures during project operation are expected to be generally warmer in the winter and cooler in tha summer than during natura 1 conditions. Ice is anticipated to deve 1 op 1 ater and break up earlier, and the upstream edge of the ice front is expected to be located downstream of the ice front under natural conditions. Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidii~ levels are expected to be substantially 1 ess than natural 1 evels during summer and sl ight1y gre~ter than natural during winter. The water quality in the middle Susitna River is not expected to be affected by the use of fuel and hazardous materials or the production of concrete at the damsites, as potential contamination from these sources will be avoided or minimized as described in the Access Corridor, Construction Zone, and Transmission Corridor Impact Assessment and Mitigation Plan (Entrix 1985a). 4.1 Flows and Water Levels The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project would regulate the river and alter water levels downstream from the damsites. summer flows, generally high under natural conditions, will be reduced as water is stored in the r·eservoirs. Higher than natural winter flows would result from increased power generation during the winter. The flows would be less variable under project conditions compared with natural flows. Water levels during the open-water season would be lower in summer and higher in fall than natural 1evels. In winter, the water lt!vels upstream of the ice front would be similar Ol" lower than 58 natural}y occurring ice-staged\ ·:water levels. Oowns;treagt of the ice front, water levels wo,uld be increased from natural ice staged water levels. Flood frequency would be reduced and! flood occurrences ~tould be shifted fr·om the natural flood period of May to June to the July to September period. 4.1.1 Mean Monthly Flows and Water Leve;t In general, with-project flows will be reduced during the sunun~.r and ' I' I I I increased cluring the winter from natur'al flows. Water levels in the I summer will also be r.educed from natu\~•11 conditions. However, water levels in the winter will not reach the low levels which occur naturally prior to ice staging in the fa 11 • Water 1 eve 1 s wi 11 depend upon the location of the ice front; water levels upstream of the ice front will be simi 1 ar or 1 ower and water 1 eve 1 s downstream of the ice front wi 11 be higher than natural staged water levels. As the project progresses from Stage I to Stage III, flows and water levels wf~l become increasingly uniform throughout the year. (a) Watana to Devil Canvon - (i) Stage I -Constructiort Mean monthly flows and water levels between Watana and Devil Canyon will be minimally affected during Stage I construction. There vill be no significant change ·in flows and ~later 1 eve ls during construction of the two diversion tunnelsfl Upon completion of the diversion facilities, closure of the upstream cofferdam will be completed and flow will be diverted through the lower of the two diversion tunnels. Although the mean monthly flows and water levels downstream of the dam wi 11 not be a 1 tered, a 0. 6 mi 1 e section of the Susitna River will be dewatered in the construction zone. The resulting impacts are discussed in the construction zone impact assessment (Entrix 1985a). 59 .. I I I I I I I I I ' i [ I .. ' ~) ' l ' ) -Filling Mean monthly flows and water 1 evel s during May through September ( 1998) wi 11 be reduced from natura 1 conditions CJUring filling. Flows will be relatively steady and close to the Case E-VI criteria summarized in Section 2.1.2. During the winter fo 11 owing the one summer of fi 11 i ng, the minimum flow. requirement will be natural flows. The Watana reservoir water level is expected to be sufficiently high to begin testing and commissioning the first unit in July 1986; testing and commissioning other units would follow on three-month i nterva 1 s. Flows wi 11 be greater than winter minimum flows while testing and commissioning the powerhouse units. It is expected that the first two units would become operational in the 1998-1999 winter. The reservoir water level in the following spring (May) will likely be above the minimum operation level. Operation ln general, the downstream flow rate will be more stable than under natural conditions. Summer flows will be reduced and winter flows increased from natura 1 discharge rates. lowest flows occur in early May and October since the energy demands in these months are 1 ess than for other months. During most years of Stage I operation, discharges would likely be greater than the minimum flows experienced during the year of filling. The reservoir normally begins'to fill in May and the reser- voir operating policy is to try to fill the reservoir by early September to ensure adequate ~nergy production in the winter. Thus, May and June releases from the reservoir are penerally lower than in July and August. In average and wet years the reservoir may fi 11 before September. Re 1 eases 60 would then · be made in excess of power and en vi ronmenta 1 requirements. (ii) Stages II and III During construction of the Stage II dam, mean monthly flows and water levels in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach will remain unchanged from thQ$e during Stage r operation. Ouri ng fi 11 i ng of Stage I I, the reach wi 11 be inundated. Impacts to this reach of river during filling and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage I I I are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). {b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (Middle River) (i} Stage I -Construction No noticable changes in mean monthly flows or water levels in the middle Susitna River are expected during Stage I construction. Filling Flows and water levels will be reduced from natural levels during the summer of filling i:, a manner similar to that described for the Watana to Oevil Canyon reach. Flows during the following winter will be maintained at natural levels except during testing and commissioning of the powerhouse units, when the flows will exceed the natural flows. 61 -Operation Although mean annual flow will remain the same, f1ow will be redistributed from the summet" months to the winter months to meet energy demands. Mean weekly streamflows for 10, 50, and 90 percent exceedance 1 eve 1 s are shown in Figure 7. Stage l mean monthly flows at Gold Creek are compared to natural flows in Table 5. Mean monthly water levels at three locations within the middle Susitna River are compared graphically for natural and Stage I conditions in Figure 8. (ii) Stage II -Construction Downstream flows and water 1 eve 1 s during Stage I I construction will continue to be those described for Stage I operation. -Fi 11 ing Devil Canyon reservoir will be filled in two distinct filling periods. The first will last one to four weeks and will take place during the construction phase, while the, second wi 11 complete the fi 11 i ng at the conclusion of the dam construction. The tot a 1 fi 11 i ng time fo·r the De vi 1 Canyon reservo ·1 r wi 11 be short {5-8 weeks) • During both filling periods, flows will be reduced below Stage I operation levels at Gold Creek to near minimum requirements. -Operation After Devil Canyon comes on line, Watana Stage I will be operated as a peaking p 1 ant and De vi 1 Canyon wi 11 re-regul ate Watana flows. Devi 1 Canyon di schar•ges may vary between 90 percent and 110 percent of the average weekly 62 • 5oooo...-I~-----------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:=-========:======;~·\,~·.~ 45000 35000 _..... ~ 30000 - t!1 0:: (..) 25000 ~ 20000 (!) 15000 10000 5000 0 .. .. .. " .. " NATURAL ----·-STAGE I CASE E-VI MAXIMUM ---... ,..,...,..,.,.,. .. -.z-.r.r.,..., .. ..... . ' .. ---------------, ' ....... " ' ..... -~ ... ~~..... --....... . -., .,_..,__~_ ... ---- CASE E-VI MINtMUti--...-..-.. -,' JAN ~-I I I JUN JUL MONTH MEAN WEEKLY NATURAL AND STAGE I DISCHARGES I I f I I I ' I I I A . I I I • I ' I I I I I I AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SOURCE: APA 1985c AlASKA POWER AUTHORlTY S U S I T N A H Y 0 R 0 E L .E C T R I C P R 0 I E C T EXCEEDED9C%,50%,AND10%0FTHETIME ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~.A~R~ZA--E-O_A_K_O~~~ FIGIJRE 7 ENTRIX, INC<! SUSITNA JOINT VfNTURE L----------------... ..---a. ....... --...... --.~.._ ____ _.,, - .. 1 •J I ' l f j ! l q t - l f \ ~ I { ' ' ' ' . \ '':? ~ ·, t . --··, 1 t Stage III Stage III Percsnt Percent Month Natural Early Change Late Change January 1,500 8,300 +450 10,300 +590 February 1,300 8,100 +520 10,100 +680 March 1,200 7,300 +510 9,100 +660 April 1,400 6,600 +370 8,100 +480 :.::. May 13,500 7,600 -40 9,000 -30 June 27,800 9,200 -70 10,400 -60 July 14,400 13,200 -50 9,400 -60 August 21,900 18,500 -20 10,700 -50 September 13,500 13,400 0 10,800 -20 October ,5,800 7,700 +30 8,600 +50 November 2,600 8,200 +220 9,500 +270 --~ December 1,800 9,000 +400 11,000 +510 64 • ~, _; ,,, :,',1. MEAN ~ee see ~e-4 .... ._.. .. ~e.:s ~ ... ~ :S82 ~ ~ e~1 L...o...l ~eo e?sa t e.? a MEAN eo? eoe eo:s == S0-4 ·~. eo~ ~ 502 801 eoo eQsa MONTHLY \/VATER L .. EVELS AT RM L.P.:OENC 1 27.1 -, \ \ \ ~ \ .. ... -~ ... / ,.:;-............ ·•····· .......... ....... /. .... 1............. . ~······· . .... . ..... ,. ... ,.... .... ...,..-:-. .-,_,., ... """'-~-........... -~ , .. ...-::::::-. ....... --~· ···-· ~ ...... / \/ ..J Gr"l .... l:lo Mor" Apr" Moy ..Jwrt .J ... I Aw9 Sep Oct1: Nev Cleo MONT .... Stc:~.ge I Sto•• II s~~•• 111 (eo.-ty) Stave 111 (Ia,•> MONTHLY \/VATER LEVELS AT RM L.E:GENO 1 .29.3 -, \ \ \ .. ~ \ ~?~ ~ • ••• ·-·. ;-· • II. .. ·., \ .•'/ ~ ~< ··.. I····.J!. ................. ~ ··..... ·· .... .,\ ........... /' ········· ·-.~--......... ...~-...... .......... \ ........ .-:-::·T ...... , .... / \/ .Jot'! JPeb Mar" ....... ,. Mey .JUI"'' .J..,I A'-'9 Se .. Oca' No~ Cl•o MONTH S'tac;;e t stav• II s'aca• 111 C•a,.ty) Stao• Ill Cleat•) MEAN MONTHLY WATER LEVELS AT RM 136.68 -= --~ ·~ eee T 51!17 588 5ee 5e• 5e~J 5e:z 881 5eo L.EOENO -- S-tav• 1 St""q-II Stac;;-Ill C•ol"ty) S'tca.g• Ill Cia~•) ..aa,., ..... Mar" Apr" May.Jw" .Jwl Au.g S•p Oa1: Nov Cl•o MONT .... MEAN MONTHLY WATER LEVELS FIGURE 8 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. 65 .. [ f ~ t l .. flow. A more detailed discussion of Stage II operation is included in Section 2.2.4. The increase in hydraulic head and generating capacity when De vi 1 Canyon becomes operat i ana 1 wi 11 a 11 ow winter energy demands to be met with 1 ass flow than in Stage I. Thus, less water is needed to meet mid-winter (December-February} demands and more water can be used irn October, March, April, and May, thereby making Stage I I winter flows more uniform than in Stage I. Since summer energy demands also require 1 ess flow, Watana storage is fi 11 ed earlier in the summer and non-power releases are necessar·y earlier than i·n St;l.ge I. This accounts for higher July-September flows with Stage I I than for Stage I.. Stage I I mean monthly flows .at Go 1 d Creek are compared to natural flows in Table 5. Although mean annual flow will remain the same, flow will be redistributed from the summer months to the winter months to meet energy demands. Flows at 10, sa,, and 90 percent exceedance levels at Gold Creek during Stage II opera~ion are shown in c,'tnpari son to natura 1 flows in Figure 9. Wat~r surface elevations corresponding to Gold Creek flows with 10, 50, and 90 percent exceedance levels for selected weeks during May through September are illustrated in Figure 8 for three mai nstem 1 ocat ions between Portage Creek and Talkeetna--The figure illustrates the water level change expected as a result of Stage I I operation. In genera 1 , there is a decrease in water 1 eve 1 from natura 1 1 eve 1 s to Stage II operation levels in the summer and an increase in stages in winter. 66 I ") (; f 50000~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, 45000 40000 35000 ~ u 30000 ..__. ~ 0:: (...) 25000 § 20000 (.!) 15000 10000 5000 NATURAL STAGE II CASE E-VJ MAXIMUM I • I I • • I • • I ~0" • • • ' ' I -...... , ,.._.,.--I .... -------'---------~~'""' • • • ' "' I I I SOURCE: APA ::gasc MEAN WEEKLY NATURAL AND STAGE II DISCHARGES EXCEEDED 90~~ .. 50%, AND 10% OF THE TIME ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT FiGURE 9 ENTRIX, INC. ,, -.. HARZA·E BASCO SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE .. - {iii) Stage III -Construction No change from Stage II operation flows will occur. -Filling, Fi 11 i ng of Stage I I I wi 11 occur at the same time the dam . crest is being raised, so construction and filling are not distinct phases. Since excess July-September flows will be stored in Watina, the flows at Gold Creek will be reduced from norma 1 operation a 1 flows in July through September. Filling will take between three and seven years, beginning in 2011. The flows will generally be near the minimum flow requirements during the summer. Testing and commissioning of the last two units is scheduled to take place in 2012. -Operation Minimum flow requirements will be met by releases from the powerhouse and, if necessary, the outlet works. In general, operation results in higher than natural winter flows and lowe·r than natural summer flows {Figures 10 and 11). Lowest flows occur in early May and October. The flow regime during the early years of Stage III is simi 1 ar to Stage I I except in September and October of dry years when the early Stage III flows would be less than Stage II. As energy demand increases, the flow regime would become more uniform, and in average years during late Stage III, the flow wou'{d be very uniform throughout the year. In dry y~ars there would be decreased flows in September and October and in wet years increased flows in August and September. 68 • ? i. l \:} ! ' ' :· . I • " 50000~--------------------------------------------------------~--~----------~ 45000 40000 35000 -~. 30000 ___.. 3r.: ~ lli 25000 0:.: (_) ~ 20000 (!) 15000 10000 5000 NATURAL EARLY STAGE Ill CASE E-Vil M/ ... XIMUM • • I I I • I ' ,, ' . ' ' ' \ ' \ 50" ' ' 4 4 , .. ' -"t-":'"1 ........... -......... ... -c-._.. ••. , . .. .... ---.. -.--...... -------· .... .. o~~~~1-~~-r+•~•~•~1~•~•~•~• +1~•-r•~•~+l~l-rr+l~l-ri+t~•~l~•~•~•~+-~~~~~~~~~~~ JAN .,_.AR APR MAY JUN JYL AUG MEAN WEEKLY NATURAL AND EARLY STAGE Ill DISCHARGES EXCEEDED 90%, 50%, AND 10% OF THE TIME - MONTH FIGURE 10 .. SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS!TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. -.. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VfNTURf .. --rv~-:~··,---.... 1 ' ' ' ..... -·~···'·'" t l '! "· ; 'l' l ' t ! ! I I I '· l I l I • 50000~-------------------------------. ------~------------------------------~ 45000 40000 35000 ~ ~ 30000 -~ iH 25000 a::: (..) § 20000 (!) 15000 10000 5000 NATURAL LATE STAGE Ill CASE E.-VI MAXJMUM ------·1 0"----.. -·50"·--------.... --.. ' ..... _ --------.... -----.. QQ"'.-----... ------.... .... --.. ----~-- CASE E-Vi MINIMUM MEAN WEEKLY NATURAL AND LATE STAGE Iii DISCHARGES EXCEE·DED 90%, 50%, AND 10% OF THE TIME 10" • , -~ ' ... '' -: ____ ., .... ,,_ .. -~--# .... ' ..-·· .. .... ,-.... ,... 411 ,_ ,' .. -", ·------··::--..... ---... ...... .. .... SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA .POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT I FIGURE 11 ENTRIX, INC. HAil.ZA-EDASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,· With-project mean monthly flows at Gold Creek are compared to natural flows in Table 5. · 'Water surface elevations corresponding to flows at 10,. 50, and 90 percent exceedance levels at Gold Creek for selected weeks during May through September at three mainstem locations between Portage Creek and Talkeetna are illustrated in Figure 8 for early and late Stage III conditions. The figu~e illustrates the water level change expected as a result of operation of Stage III. In general, there is a d2crease in water level from natul"al to with-project levels in the summer. 4.lo2 Floods Flood peaks are expected to be reduced and flood durations would be extended compared to natura 1 conditions. Floods would be expected to occur during the July to September period a~:: a result of reservoir storage instead of the May to J ... me period f11lr most natura 1 floods. Floods would become less likely as the project progresses from Stage I to Stage III due to the increasing volume of the reservoirs resulting in increasing flood storage capability. {a} Watana to Devil Canyon {i) Stage I -Construction The two aiversion tunnels are designed to pass the 50-year recurrence interval flood of 89,500 cfs with a maximum water surface elevation of 1,532 ft and a maximum outflow of 77,000 cfs. For flows up to the SO~year flood event, water levels and velocities downstream of the diversion tunneis will be almost the same as pre-project levels. 71 '' • [;) I I I I I I I I I I I I PI t,_j ,~ l fi -~' -~---·l . t ~ ' -~ ' r .. " ' t' [' r;' E~ l;· [:.- k [ l [ [ L ~. Floods greater than the 50-year event could overtop the Watana cofferdams and cause failure of the cofferdams. If a flood event of a magnitude 1 arge enough to overtop the cofferdam did occur, the area that would be affected ,the greatest is the main dam construction site. If the dam height is less than the cofferdam when overtopping occurs, significant losses would occur. However, if the main dam is somewhat higher than the cofferd~m when overtopping occurs~ no damage is anticipated. Although damage could occur further downstream, the relatively small volume of the head pond and the attenuation of the flood wave as it moves downstream would significantly reduce the potential for downstream flooding. -Filling The filling criteria dictate that the reservoir must be capable of storing the flood volume of a 250-year flood less the flow which can be discharged through the outlet facilities during the flood event. The maximum discharge of the outlet facilities at Watana is 30,000 cfs, which represents a substantial f1ood peak reduction. After a flood event, the outlet facility will continue to discharge at its maximum capacity until the storage volume criterion is reestablished. This will cause the flood to be extended beyond its normal duration although at a greatly reduced discharge. -Operation Tab 1 e 6 presents the computed spring, summer, and annua 1 flood frequencies at Watana. During a wet year, the Watana reser·voir can be filled by July or August, after which time inflow will equal outflow. Consequently, with-project July-September discharges will be higher than May-June discharges, when the reser'voi r is recharging. Annua 1 Stage 72 t .... , ... ' ' F, L t l . ' l~ l [: L~ t l t L ~ Table 6. Flood frequency at Watana during operatiQn Stage I Period Mal:-June Jul~-Segtember Annual JYears). Natural Stage I Natural Stage I Natural Stage I 2 39,000 5,900 34,200 31,100 43,500 Similar 5 51,500 5,900 45,700 33,200 57,400 to July- 10 60,000 5,900 54,500 33,200 67,000 September 25 73,800 5,900 67,200 33,200 79,800 Series 50 84,400 5,900 77,800 33,200 89,500 Stages II and III Watana to Devil Canyon reach is inundated 73 ... ! '1 I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~·, ' .. } ~. ' "' r t [ t: t. 1·." Jf t [, [' "· 1 flood dischargt·s would nearly always occur in. the July-September period in contrast to '-naturally occurring annual floods, which typically occur in~the May-June period. (ii) Stages II and III During construction of the Stage II dam, floods in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach will remain similar to those during Stage I operation. During filling of Stage II, the reach will be inundated. Impacts to this reach of ~i ver during fi 11 i ng and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Cafli'_Q!Lto Talkeetna (Middle River) {i) Staae I -ConstructiQD. No changes to river flooding chara~teristics in the middle Susitna River are expec~ed during Stage I construction. -Filling Floods in the middle Susitna River will be damped due to the controlled Watana discharge. Using discharges measured during a typica1 August as an example (Figure 12), the daily natural and simulated with-project flows would be significantly different under normal operation. The amount of difference is dependent upon the reservoir level at the time of the flood, with the greatest difference associated wit~ the lowest reservoir level. In filling Sequence {1) in Figure 12, the reservoir is initially nearly full. While the peak of the flood is reduced by allowing the flood to surcharge the reservoir, 74 ,--;I ~ IJ ') t .. ; ' ' .L-1 tJ. -.1 . : I l l l~ F:' L-J 40 -., II. u 30 0 0 0 --VJ 0 II: c : u 20 crt s 10 -------~---------1-------- olJL-----~L-------~,0--------~,5~-------:zo~-------z~,~-------;;- LEGEND: AU(iUST 19~8 FlDWS Q5 FfWHG SEQlENQ: I, AUGUST 19SS Fl.OWS-WATANA MINIMUM STORAGE CRITERtA VIOLATED _(j;,_-FILUNG SEQJENC! 2, AU.GUST 19~8 Fl..OWS<Ja WATANA CAPABLE \1 ABSORSffG HYOROGRAPH FLOW VARIABIUTY AT GOLD CREEK DURING WAIANA FILUNG FIGURE 12 AuGUsr NOTES: L WAT.lNA FLOW ASSUMED TO SE 84 o/o OF GOLD CREEK f'l.OW. . 2e R£SERV1'JIR FilUNG CRITERIA EXCE£0ED WITH SEQUENC£0 3. NEGUGlS,LE CHANGE IN OAM HEIGHT DURING FlOOD EVENT 4. MAXf,t.tUM RELEASE AT WAT»>A 3 I, 000 CFS (COMBWED POWERHOUSE AND 0Ul1..£T FACn.~rry CISCHARGE). SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 75 HARZ.A·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE = .. • I I' I I I -· I I I .I I I ~ ~~ L·' I I l ! L [ L l ' k outflow is greater than inflow on the receding limb of the hydr·ograph in order to reestablish the reservoir stor•age volume criterion. Hence, during this time period, the Gold Creek. flow is greater than the natural flow. In filling Sequence (2) illustrated in Figure 12, the reservoir level is near the minimum level and able to absorb the entire flood hydrograph. ·The Gold Creek flow would remain constant at 9,000 cfs as excess flows are stored in the reservoir* -Operation For the area upstream of the confluence of the Chulitna, Talkeetna, and Susitna Rivers, the largest annual floods genf~rally occur' in June as a result of snowmelt and ra i nfa 11-runoff. Thus tin-natura 1 May-June series floods are larger than for the July-September series (Table 7}. The project will delay flood peaks until later in the year as a result of storage. Project floods upstream of the confluence will also be reduced in magnitude from natur~l (Table 7). (ii) $tage II -Construction and Filling The flood magnitude and frequency downstream of Devil Canyon will b~ the same as that described for Stage I operation. -Operation Flood flows will be less than for natural conditions in the middle reach due to Watana storage capacity. A small decrease in flood magnitude is expected for spring floods during Stage II operation as compared with Stage I 76 .. r:. ' ' t. ..._,, l I' , \· -,:} t ~1 Table 7. Flood frequency and d~scharge (cfs) at Gold Creek during project operation. Return Ma~-June Ser.i es Period Stage III (Years) Natural Stage I Stage II Early Late 2 42,500 19,800 17,300 18,000 19,700 5 56,200 26,800 24,300 25,000 26,700 10 66,300 30,600 28,100 28,800 30,500 25 80,500 33,900 31,400 32,100 33,800 50 92,100 37,900 35,400 ~;6, 100 37,800 Return Jul~-Seutember Series Period Stage II! (Years) Natural Stage I Stage II Early Late 2 37,300 36,500 36,500 35,500 15,700 5 49,800 43,100 43,100 43,100 21,300 10 59,400 44,000 45,000 45,000 24,000 25 73,200 44,000 45,000 45,000 26,500 50 84,800 46,600 47,000 47,300 29,500 Return Annual Series Period Stage III (Years} Natural Stage I Stage II Early late 2 48,000 Similar to July-September Series shown above 5 63,300 10 73,700 25 87,300 50 97,700 77 .. I I I I I I I. -~ ! I I I' I I I f l ( I J 1.11' r' l t tit:· o~eration. No significant change is expected for late summer floods {Table 7). ·Under natural conditions, the highest annual floods at Gold Creek generali'.t occur in June. With Stage II operation, the annual flood peaks will generally occur in the July-September period rather than June (Table 7). With Devil Canyon operational,· a sm.all amo~nt of flood storage will be provided to prevent spillway releases during floods with return periods of less than 50 years. This will cause the maximum outflow for these events to be less than or equal to 42,000 cfs, the outlet works capacity. Spring floods downstream of the project wi 11 be reduced by the discharged stored in Watana Reservoir. De vi 1 Canyon Reservoir will generally be full during this period and would not provide any flood storage. Peak flows will generally be passed through De vi 1 Canyon Reservoir without attenuation. (iii) Stage Ill -Constrc:tion and Filling The discussion of flood flows for Stage II operation is applicable to the Stage III construction period before filling starts. Filling of Stage III will occur at the same tirne the dam crest is being raised, so construction and filling are not distinct phases. Flood flows downstream will be only slightly reduced from Stage II operation levels due to increased storage in the reservoir. Sufficient storage will be maintained so that the structure is not endangered by floods. 78 i ' ' 11.' J ~. 1., .. ' ' .. J L( L t .... l (' {/ J ~ t~ k Ooeratjon Spring floods downstream of the project wi 11 be reduced by the discharge stored jn Watana Reservoir by a magnitude similar to those during Stage II operation (lable 7). Devil Canyon Reservoir will generally be full during this period and will not provide any flood storage. Peak flows will generally be passed through Devil Canyon Reservoir without attenuation. late in Stage III, July-September flood flows become sma 11 er than May-June flood f1 ows as energy generation at Watana is increased, and flood storage capacity increases accordingly. 4 .. 1 .. 3 Flow_Variabilit;t Flow variability downstream of the damsites will be reduced from natural conditions following dam construction~ Flow variations occurring upstream of Watana will be impounded in the reservoir, allowing a relatively steady flow to continue downst~eam. Variations in flow will become greater downstream because of natura 1 inflow fr·om tributaries. As the project progresses from Stage I to Stage III, flows will increase in stability as the reservoirs become more regulated to produce more constant powerhouse flows. {a) Watana to Devil Canvon (i) Stage I -Construction No changes to downstream flows are expected as a result of Stage I construction. 79 .. it.':!.i ~' .. I ~~t·; ~:-A ·' ' I I •• I I I I I I I I I J] t l. l [_ L l. l ~~ .~ -Filling Under normal hydrologic conditions, flow from the Watana development Will be totally regulated. The downstream flow will be controlled by the following criteria: downstream environmental flow requirements, minimum power demand, and reservoir operating rule curve. However, there can be significant variations in project discharge from one season to the next and for the same month from one year to the next. Substanti~l changes in flow, which can occur daily under natural conditions, will be reduced during the filling process. Flow variations occurring upstream of Watana will be impounded in the reservoir, allowing a relatively steady· flow to continue immediately downstream. Further downstream, the relative contribution of tributary and runoff flow increases such that flow variations become progressively more prominent. -Ooeration The Stage I discharge from Watana may be allowed to vary by ten percent above and bel ow the mean weekly flow. The maximum variation in the mean weekly flow from one week to the next will be 20 percent. Monthly flow duration curves have been prepared and presented in Chapter 2 of the FERC License App 1 i cation Amendment {APA 1985c) to illustrate the variation in with-project flows as compared to natura 1 variation. The Watana flows show little variability because of the high degree of reservoir regulation and the relatively constant powerhouse flow. 80 • L L t ' ( ,. ~\ 1\}, (ii) Stages II and III During construction of the Stage I I dam, flow vari abi 1 i ty in the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach wi 11 remain unchanged from that during Stage I operation. During filling of Stage II, the reach will be inundated. Impacts to this reach of river during filling and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment· impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (Middle River} (i) Stage I Construction No changes in flows in the middle Susitna River are expected during Stage I construction. -Filling Stage I flow releases will provide a relatively steady flow immediately downstream of Watana. Large changes in the outflow rates at Watana will be virtually eliminated during filling. With increasing downstream distance, flow variations will become greater as tributary inflows provide a la~ger percentage of the mainstem discharge. -Operation Vari~tions in flow at Gold Creek are greater than at Watana because of natura 1 inflow in the reach between. This is graphically illustrated in the flow-duration curves presented in Chapter 2 of the FERC Application (APA 1985c); these curves show a diminishing difference between natural and witho(project flow durations with increasing downstream 81 .. - I I I I I I I I I I I I .I .[} ' t;·'· ~ t [_ l L ' [,~ , t l distance. Another approach to illust~ating the flow vai'.,iability under natural and project flow regimes is to show the 10, 50, and 90 percent exceedance values of the percent cha.nge in discharge from one week to the next (Figure 13}. For the normal range of powerhouse discharges during Stage I, the expected range of stage ·fluctuations in the nri ddl e Susitna River for a daily change in discharge of 20 percent (10 percent +) would be from Oo2 to Oo7 ft. (i i) Stage II -Construction During the Devil Canyon construction phase, most differences in the flow variability from the natural conditions will be the result of the presence and operation of the Watana facility. Therefore, the conditions for Stage I operation will be applicable. F.ill ing Changes in flo~ during the short duration of Stage II filling will be similar to or slightly more stable than Stage I changes. -Operation Stage II operation out}lows will have little variability because of the high degree of reservoir regulation and the relatively constant powerhouse flow. Gold Creek flows exhibit more variation because of the variability in local inflow .. Flow duration curves ~how a diminished natural and with-project difference with distance downstream from Devil Canyon. 82 ) -. .. .. t ' ' r: <! """ [ l ' ,, ~ ......... ~· ' L t I ' ......... B' r: '~ f, f ·~ f ' l, I • 20000 NATURAL 1~000 STAGE I ~ w "" ~ 10000 "' a -:::lilt "' cc A. ~000 ~ "" "' ~ . . 0 ; • ' . ' , ....... -~· . ' . "" ~--~ ... . . . ' . """ i -sooo u "' -Q -10000 -1!5000 3~0 NATURA!. 300 ~ STAGE I """ '"" :a "' 2!50 a .... > '"" ~ ~ :200 w c.s ac 1~0 ~ u "' -Cl z 100 -..., ~ u so .... z: ..., u a:: """ a.. 0 DISCHARGE AND PERCENT CHANGE OF NATURAL AND STAGE I MEAN WEEKLY '10'1 -. DI:C ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 5USITNA HVDROELECTRIC PROJECT FLOWS FIGURE 13 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA-EBASCO ._----------------------------~~------------------JL--~S~U~SITNAJOINTVENTURE 83 1~:, "'.-! '· Y,,_ .. : ~ a1 I I I I I I I I I I I .. A series of charts of flow duration and variability at several middle Susitna River locati:'lns illustrate the improvement in flow stability for project conditions as compared to natural conditions (APA 1985c}" Graphs of percent change in flow from one week to the next also illustrate the relative stability of project flows (Figure 14). Stage II flows are expected to be less stable in July and August as the reservoir becomes full and 1 ess storage capacity for floods is available. (iii) Stage III -Construction and Filling The discussion of flows and water 1 eve 1 s for Stage I I operation is applicable to the Stage III construction period before filling starts. Filling will occur simultaneously with raising the crest. Flow variations will be bracketed by Case E~VI requirements (minimum} and flood control filling criteria (maximum). Flow variations immediately below Devil Canyon will be minimized by controlled reservoir re 1 eases. Tributary inflow wi 11 contribute more to flow variability as downstream distance increases. -Operation While project flows will show little variability at the Devil Canyon dam, Gold Creek flows exhibit more variability because of local inflow between the dam and the Gold Creek gage site. Flow variability at Gold Creek for natural and Stage III operation is shown in the form of 10, 50, and 90 percent exceedance values for the percent change in weekly average discharge in Figures 15 and 16~ 84 I' ,; .. • L -1~000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~~J~~~~~+*~S=~~~~~~tN=~~~~O~EC~ "'ONTH 3~0 NATURAl.. 300 ~ STAGE II a.. ""' :a en 2~0 ·~ -> ""' a&: ~ ~ 200 a&: '""' . \ .. ., ~ •• ' .. .. I • i 150 •• I • •• ' 10"' ••• ~ • • • • • •• • • • • -• • Q • • • • z ' ' 100 • . -• • • """' • c:.::ll • ' I • ' • u 50 . • 1-I ' z: • ""' • u a&: w ~ 0 DISCHARGE AND PERCENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY cHANGE oF NATUnAL AND sustTNA HvoRo,eLecrRlc PROJEcT STAGE II MEAN WEEKLY ~------------T---~--~~--~ FLOWS FIGURE 14 ENTRIX, INC. 85 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,.,1 ,, ... I r;, ~ t4,.. \.,_ . , \... y L 20000 NATURA!.. 1:5000 ....... EARL.Y STAG£ w ""' 10000 ""' :a f11 l5 -> ""' sooo "' &. ~ ... ""' 0 c.:s --~ u ""' c.:s "' -sooo ~ u "' -Q -10000 -t~OOO 3~0 NATURAL. 300 EARL.Y STAGE Ill ~ ""' ""' :II 2~0 "' $ -:> w "' 200 G. ~ "' ... w 1~0 c.:s "' ~ u "' -Q 100 z: -""' c.:s ~ so u .... z ""' u ex 0 ""' 0.. n:• Ill 10X ' .. I. •• .. f. I 1 If I I I I • I I f • I : ,'• I I f I I ~ .I el I t .. f • • • If I • • t ! • ' ' '. ' . ~ . . ,• . I o 10X • I • • • • ' • • • • • • • f • I f CCC DISCHARGE AND PERCENT r-------........ -------1 CHANGE OF NATURAL AN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EARLY ·STAGE Ill MEAN \AJEE~<L Y FLOWS SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 15 ENTRIX, INC. 86 ('·, ~~ [) I I :I i 0 .. r ' I 4',; f1 ~.,; rt r t. f' 1 ~. ,,. f' " ,., l l. F I ... r " f L. (' l ~ t_ 1 ~: ! l ... ~,.,;, ~ L ' ; i ~t:.J • ' l .. 20000~--~----------------------------------·--------------------~ ¥ 1M loU :a "' B -~ f ~· .... w ~ I u w 1I.:J ~ u en -Q 1SOOO 10000 sooo -eooo -10000 NATURAL. l..ATE STAGE HI . .. '. 3sor-~------~--------------------------------------------------~ -NATURAL. 300' ~ w • ••••• l..AT£ STAGE Ill w =-en a 2SO -> 1M CIC A. ~ 200 .... w CJJ CIC ~ u "' -Q z -w CJJ ~ u ~ eo w c.,) Ci! ...., "" DISCHARGE AND PERCEN1T CHANGE OF NATURAL Ar\10 LATE STAGE Ill MEAN WEEKLY FLOWS FIGURE 16 • ;-., . ' '. ' ' :lOX I • : .. ' • I • I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 87 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. l . r 4.2 River Morphology Changes in river morphology characteristics are expected to occur as a result of project operation. Summer flows and water levels during project operation are less than natural. Tributaries will downcut their beds to new equilibrium positions eorresponding to the lower Susitna level, and vegetation will encroach on sloughs, on side channels, and on the narrower mainstem upstream of the ice front and to a 1 esser extent downstream of the ice front. Overtopping of slough berms will occur less frequently and for shorter • duration during spring and summer. Sediment trapping in the reservoirs will decrease the downstream sediment suspended and bed loads, allowing the mainstem to e~ode the existing bed. Consequently, the river will narrow and deepen slightly, and the percentage of coarse material in the bed will increase as fines are picked up and carried downstream. Details of these changes are presented below and in Chapter 2 of the FERC License Application Amendment (APA 1985c). 4.2.1 Watana to Devil Canyon {a) Stage I (i) Construction Since changes in flow will be negligilJle during Watana Stage I construction, impacts on morphology of the Susitna River will be confined to the dam and borrow sites. Borrow Site .E wi 11 become a deep pond adjacent to the river~ ( i i) Fi 11 i ng The morphology of the river downstream wi 11 begin to change during filling of the Stage I reservoir due to changes in the sediment transport characteristics. Since filling the reservoir will require only one summer, changes in channel morphology will not become significant~ 88 ... r . L p >t.' t ' .. ( y l j "··· During filling, most flows in excess of the Case E-VI downstream requirements will be store<i in the reservoir. At the end of the summer of fi 11 i ng, approximate 1 y 75 to 85 percent of the incoming sediment {particles larger than 5 to 10 microns) will be trapped. The reduced discharge volume, combined with the sediment trapping within the reservoir, will result in smaller downstream sediment loads than under natural conditions. Some d.egradat ion may· occur, but it wi 11 not be significant bec~use of the small discharge and the short period ' requir6d to fill the reservoir. Reduced downstream water levels in the Susitna River during filling may also allow aggradation at the out 1 ets of some downstream tributaries. Delta aggradation will also be minimal, however, because of the short filling period. (iii) Operation {b) Duri.ng operation of Watana Stage I, virtually all the bedload ente···ing th~ reservoir would be trapped. Suspended sediments of about 0.004 mm and less will remain in suspension and pass through the reservoir (HE 1985, PND 1982). This sediment would be small enough in volume and particle size that it would not be deposited downstream. The river downstream of the dam will probably erode some bed material and therefore cause 1 owering of the streambed elevation {degradation) and possible coarsening of riverbed material {Section 4.2.2). Reservoir operatioq will moderate downstream discharges. Peak flood flows will be reduced along with the volume and size of bed materia 1 transpor-ted dur·i ng those flows, i ncl udi ng that contributed to the mainstem by tributaries. Stage II and Stage III During construction of the Stage II dam, river morphology tn the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach wi 11 remain unchanged from Stage I 89 .. • I I I ~~~· I I I I I I I I I ~) I . I tJ f! I' I " 1 __ , i ~' I 1 \. t' operation. During filling of Stage II, the reach will be inundated& Impacts to this reach of river during filling and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). 4~2.2 Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (Middle River} {a) Stage I {i) Construction and Filling ( i i) Change::; in river morpho 1 ogy ar,e not expecttd during Stage I construction and filling. Some bed degradation will occur during filling since dam releases will contain little sediment, allowing the flow to erode more of the existing bed. Tributary delta aggradation will begin a:s mainstem flows decrease. Both bed degradation and delta aggradation will be minimal, however, because of the short filling time. Operation It is anticipated that the Sus1tna River between Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers would tend to become more defined with a narrower channel witt, the reduced Stage I opev~ati on sununer flows. The main channel river pattern will strive for a tighter, better defined meander pattern within the existing banks. A trend of channel width reduction by encroachment of vegetation and sediment deposition near the banks is expected, especially upstream of the ice front. The tendency of the main channel to degrade and to be confined may cause the channel to recede from the heads of some sloughs and side channels. The estimated bed degradation in the middle Susitna River may be as great as 0.8 to 1.3 ft during Stage I. Degradation tends to be greatest immediately downstream of the dam and to 90 .. .. decrease further downstream although the amount of degradation at each site depends upon site-specific characteristics such as channel slope and bed material {Harza-Ebasco l985a). Actual degradation in the mainstem is expected to be less than tt:1.1 estimated values as additional sediment will be contributed to the system from tributaries and bank erosion-'" {Harza-Ebasco 1985a). In addition, sedifnents eroded upstream are likely to be redeposited downstream {R&M Consultants and WCC 1985). The rate of degradation may not allow equilibrium to become established during the scheduled period of Stage I operation. Because of reduction in flow ve 1 oci t i ~s in the rna in river, tributary streams, including Portage Creek, Indian River, Gold Creek, and Fourth of July Creek, may extend their alluvial fans into the river. Tributaries will either downcut their beds or remain perched above the Susitna (APA 1985c). If the tributary remains perched due to the presence of an erosion-resistant layer preventing downcutting, fish access to the tributary from the mainstem may be \ .. educed. Ho~·ever, most of the tributaries wi 11 adjust to a new flow regime t4i thout detrimenta 1 effects to fish access, bridges, or the ra fl road bed. Depending on the hydrau1 ic and sediment transport characteristics at the mouth of the tributaries, the adjustment may occur over a period of ' one wet season tw· a number of years (Trihey 1983, Harza~·Ebasco 1985a, R&M Consultants 1~\82). Potential changes to specific tributaries are 1 i sted in Tab 1 e 8. The re 1 at i ve amounts of change to physical characteristics in the Susitna drainage are shown in Table 9. Overflow into most of the side channe 1 s and s 1 oughs wi 11 be 1 ess frequent and of shorter duration during spring and summer as high flows wi11 be attenuated by the reservoir. The effects of. backwater from the mainstem to the sloughs also will be less during spring and summer because water levels in the mainstem will be lower. Thus, there will likely be some encroachment of vegetation to the upstre~m reach and periphery of some sloughs. 91 \ . it I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ., ~:I [J ~. t""' •. · T~ble 8. Downstream tributaries potentially impacted by project operationll Name River Bank of Reason Type ofy Mile Susitna21 for Concern Assessment 3 Portage Crt!ek 148 .. 9 RB fish access 2 Jack Long Creek 144.8 LB fish access 1 Indian River 138.5 RB fish access 2 Gold Creek 136.7 LB fish access 2 unnamed 13240 LB Railroad {RR) 1 4th of July Creek 131 .. 0 RB fish access 2 Sherman Creek 130.9 LB RR/fish access 2 unnamed 128.5 LB Railroad 1 unnamea 127.3 LB Railroad 1 Skull Creek 124.7 LB Railroad 2 unnamed 123.9 RB fish access 1 Deadhorse Creek 121.0 LB fish access 2 Little Portage Creek 117.8 LB Railroad 2 Gash Creek 111.7 LB RR/fi sh access 1 unnamed 110.1 LB Railroad 1 Whi.skers Creek 101.2 RB fish access 1 !/ Source: APA 1985c Zf Referenced by facing downstream (LB • left bank, RB = right bank) Y Type of Assessment: 1) Visual -bed material size not available Potent_!jl Impact 1 3 2 1 6 1 2 6 5 7 3 1 6 6,4 5 4 2) Comparison of transportable size vs. bed material size. !/ Potential Impact 1. Potential fish access problems less likely than rot categQry 2 since tributary bed material smaller than size transportable by mainstem. 2. Potentia 1 fish access problems more 1 ike 1 v than for category 1 unt i 1 tributary adjusts. ·Tributary bed material larger-than size transportable by mainstem. 3.. N·o data on tributary bed material. Visual assessment indicates potentia 1 for fish access prob 1 em for a period unt fl tributary adjusts. 4. No data on tributary bed material. Visual ass~ssment indicates no potential for fish access problem. 5. Visual assessment indicates potential for limited scour at RR bridge, potentially limited by geologic features. Depth of RR foundation may ~xceed scour depthi Vi sua 1 assessment indicates no potentia 1 for scour endangering RR bridge. Comparison of tributary bed material size to transportable size by mainstem indicates potential for limited scour at bridge. 92 /) c~ r :7~ . F ' ,, I ~ l ( ' ~· ' ' r I'; ' f ' ' ( 1 f, ~ l • c ( ; Table 9. Influence of main stem flow and of aquatic hatitat types.;11 Habitat Type Hydr·aul ic2/ Hydrologic Mainstem (MSj 4 Side Channel (SC) 3 Tributary Mouth {TM) 3 Side Slough {SS) 2 Upland Slough (US} 1 Tributary {T) 0 Lake (L) 0 0 -no influence 1 -small, limited influence 2 -moderate, occasional influence 3 -moderate, frequent influence 4 -direct, extensive iufluence ll Source; APA 1985c 4 4 3 2 1 0 0 Y Depth, velocity, wetted area, etc. 93 water quality on characteristics , . Temperature Turbidity Ice Total 4 4 4 20 4 3 4 18 2 2 3 13 2 2 2 10 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' . • I I I I I I I I I I I I fl· tJ ,;;-, r '; ' ' Li r ! f ( ! \ (b) Sediment will deposit at the confluence of the Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna rivers because of the 1 arge sediment discharge from th~ Chulitna River and the reduction in the peak flows of the Susitna River. Stage II ( i) Construction and Filling Since tJperation of Watana Stage I will not be significantly affected by the construction or fi 11 i ng of the De vi 1 Canyon Dam, the morphological processes discussed previously will continue to occur except at the Devil Canyon damsite. No impacts to the morphology of the Susitna River are anticipated fr0m borrowing of construction materials because no borrow site is located within the river. (ii) Operation The mean of the annual maximum weekly discharges expected at Gold Creek during Stage II operation will be about 28,000 cfs. -. Resulting riverbed degradation may be ~s much as 1.0 to 1.5 ft (Harza-Ebasco l985a). As described for Stage I operation, actua 1 degradation may not be as great as estimated and may occur over a longer period of time. The extent of degradation will decrease to near zero at the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers due to aggradation at that 1 a cation. Vegetation encroachment and tributary delta building in the reach will continue toward new equilibrium positions. {c) Stage III (i) Construction Impacts on Susitna River morphology will be the same as those for Stage II operation. 94 . f ' . (ii) Filling (iii} The fi 11 i ng of Watana Reservoir for Stage I I I operation may take about five years under average flow conditions. The impoundment will reduce the frequency of discharging large floods downstream; the additional impact on downstream morphology would be negligible. The potential for additional bed degradation from that described for Stage II will be insignificant. Operation Re 1 ease of 1 arge flows in excess of meeting the energy and downstream requirement will be less frequent in Stage III than in Stage I I. Reservoir operation studies indicate that the mean of the annua 1 maximum weekly flows wi 11 be sma 11 er than the mean of the annual maximum flows during Stage II operation. Therefore, the probability of further degradation (lowering of the bed level} beyond that under Stage II operating conditions will be reduced. Sediment deposition near the confluence of the Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna rivers will continue but the river will gradually stabilize with a better ~efined, narrower channel. 4.3 ~ater Qualit~ 4.3.1 Water Temperature River temperatures will be similar to but lag about 2 weeks behind natural conditions during Stage I operation. Winter temperatures between the upstre~m ice edge and the dam wi 11 be 0-2°C, whereas the natura 1 temperature in this reach is 0°C. Water temperatures greater than o0 c wi 11 persist downstream 1 anger into winter and arrive earl; er ; n the ... spring than under natural flow conditions due to warmer project outflows. 95 ~~ • I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ,~l L: l i II:"' !f' ' r F r Varying the depth of water wi thdrawa 1 from the reservoir waul d have no significant impact on downstream river ~Pmperatureso During Stage I I, temperatures relative to Stage I are coo 1 er from June through early August, warmer from mid-August to mid-April, and sirnila(" from mid-Apri 1 thrO\.tgh 1 ate May. Stage I I summer temperatures 1 ag natural conditions by one month. The use of a high-level intake to the Devil Canyon outlet works will increase the average river temperature at r~ver mile 130 by 1 to 2°C from natural condition!;. Summer temperatures simulated for Stage III are generally coo1er than those during Stage II. Winter temperatures are somewhat warmer. Temperatures would lag behind natural conditions by approximately one month. The procedures for developing downstream temperature regimes for project conditions is described in detail in other reports by the Applicant (APA 1985a, Harza-Ebasco 1985b, AEIDC 1983, 1984a, 1984b, 1984c, 1985). Briefly, the Watana reservoir outflow temperatures, which were simulated lfS i ng DYRESM were input to the program SNTEMP to eva 1 uate downstream water temperatures. Temperature simulations using SNTEMP were carried out for open water reaches of the river between the dams and the Sunshine stream gaging station (RM 84). In .sununer, the entire reach was simulated. In winter, only the reach from the dams to the location of 0°C was simulated. Temperatures for the three stage project were only simulated for the period May 1985 through September 1982. This represents a wet summer fo 11 owed by an average temperature winter fo 11 owed by an average flow summer .. Simulations for the three stage project were limited to the cases discussed above, in order to show the similarity between simulated temperatures for the original two stage and the proposed three stage project. Because the simulated temperatures for the three-stage project are similar to those for the two-stage project the simulations which have 96 .. .. ,, r ~ r ,, ,, r been made for the two stage project (APA 1984, Harza-Ebasco 1985c} may be used to determine the sensitivity of the river temperatures to various other hydrologic and meteorologic conditions. Simulations are also presented in other reports (AEIDC 1983, 1984a, 1984b, 1984c, 1985). The simulation results presented below were developed using the policy of withdrawing water from the reservoir which has as close a temperature to natural as possfble. This policy is known as 11 inf1ow temperature matching." Additional simulations have been carried out to evaluate whether other policies of multi-level intake operation would significantly affect temperatures. The policies considered were: o warmest water -draw warmest W4ter from the reservoir all year using the proposed multi-level intake 0 1 owest 1 eve 1 -use 1 owest 1 eve 1 of proposed intake in summer and winter regardless of outflow temperature to preserve reservoir heat in summer for use in winter o warmest water with other possible intakes at el. 1636 ft and el. 1800 ft -draw warmest water from the reservoir a 11 year but with the addition of intakes at el. 1636 ft and el. 1800 ft. The effect of the various operating policies on summer river temperatures at RM 130 is minimal,. The inclusion of intakes at el.. 1636 and el. 1800 ft on the Watana outlet works does not appear to affect summer temperatures.. The use of a high-level intake to the Devil Canyon outlet works has a noticable effect on river temperatures, generally increasing average temperatures during outlet works operation by 1°C to 2°c. Slough and side channel surface water temperatures are generally dependent on the temperature of groundwater upwelling, climate conditions and the temperature of mainstem flow wh~n tt~ upstream berm is overtopped. Si nee the frequgncy of overtopp,i ~ •( •tf ~h~ upstream berm wi 11 be reduced due to lower summer flows the ~lu\.il~il and side channel surface water temperature will be more often solt;:y a function of groundwater 97 • ' IJ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ t l LJ r· f r 1 f temperatures and climate, and thus independent of project stage. It has been determined that the temperature of the groundwater component of s 1 ough flow is ge~iera lly equa 1 to the mean annua 1 temperature of the river. Since thfs will not change significantly during project operation, the only change in surface water temperatures in sloughs and side channels will be a function of the frequency of overtopping of the upstream berm. When habitat areas in s 1 oughs and side channe 1 s are not overtopped in summer their surface water temperatures are genera 11 y 1 ess than the mainstem roflecting the groundwater temperature and the climatic conditions. Therefore, a reduction in overtopping of habitat berms will generally cause slough surface water temperature in summer to be somewhat lower, on the average, t'han natural conditions, but higher than the groundwater temperature. The variation in surface water temperature resulting from intermittent overtopping of the berms wi 11 be reduced. Side channels will be affected less than sloughs because summer discharges during project operation will keep most side channel areas overtopped. Surface water temperatures in tributary habitat areas are genera 11 y a function of tributary temperature and will not be affected by the project. The extent of the effect of the tributary temperature on the mainstem may change as a result of decreased summer mainstem flows. {a} Watana to Devil Canyon {i} Stage I -Construction Since operation of the diversion structure will essentially be run-of-river, no impact on the temperature regime will occur downstream from the tunnel exit. 98 -Filling .. The reservoir outlet temperatures during the first summer of filling should be similar to natural temperatures with short lags of about two weeks, bein~J slightly cooler in May and June a_nd slightly warmer in September (APA 198Sc, APA 1984}. During the filling period, water temperatures at Watana Dam wi 11 be as much as 7°C co·o 1 er than norma 1 during June, whereas in July and August outflow temperatures wi 11 be similar to the reservoir inflow temperatures. Downstream river temperatures during the summer of filling Watana Stage I are expected to be similar in magnitude to natural conditions with a similar lag time. Because river flows will be less than natural, heat exchange with the atmosphere and the river water will proceed more rapidly than under natural cQnditions and temperatures down~tream are expected to be clos~r to natural than at the darn. ·ouri ng the first winter after fi 11 i ng, the project wi 11 become operational when units one and two begin generating in October and January, respective 1 y. The temperature of the water discharged from the dam will range from 2-4°C depending upon which i ntaks-port is used to withdraw water from the reservoir ·and the air temperatures. Outflows are expected to be taken from near the surface of the reservoir, and since the reservoir will be stratified at this time, releases will have temperatures similar to operational conditions in later years. Since winter reservoir outflows would average 2,500 cfs to 3,500 cfs, the river water will cool down toward 0°C more rapidly than when more units are operating. During this period, instream water temperature is expected to decrease rapidly from 2-4°C at the Watana Dam to 0°C in Devil Canyon because of the small volume of water to be discharged~ 99 I I ' I . 11 IJ I I I I I I f{ \LI 81 r: J I ~...__; Ooeration The Stage I intake ports are located at five levels, and the discharge temperatures can be controlled to approximate the natural ir;;tream temperatures. The discharge temperatures would range from approximately 5°C to 12°C in the summer and approximately 0.5°C to 3°C in the winter depending on the meteoro 1 ogi cal co~d 1 t 1 on, and energy demand 1 eve 1 • In the summer, the inf~tows are. more responsive to variations in the meteorologica?-conditions than the reservoir due to the shallowness Jf the river. The river inflow warms up in the early summer and cools down in the late summer more rapidly than does the reservoir. Hence, the reservoir discharge water wor.ld be colder in the early summer and warmer in the early f?,11 than the natural river conditions. However, in most o~1 the summer months the discharge temperatures could be re~ulated to approximate inflow temperatures. During the wi nt,;~r months, discharge from the Watana Rest1r'voi r wi 11 be considerably greater under Stage I of the project than under natura 1 conditions. At the dam, temperature of the water will be between 1°C and 3°C depending upon the water surface elevation in the reservoir re 1 at i ve to the port in the intake structure being utilized at the time. As the water surface is dr~wn down through the winter, discharge temperature will gradually decrease. However, when the water surface e1evation is low enough to require use of the next lower intake port, the temperature of the discharge water will increase by approximately I°C followed by another gradual decline. Once the water is released from the reservoir, water temperature will decline to 0°C at a rate dependent upon the air temperatures. The water temperature is not expected to reach 0°C within the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. 200 ' ' 0 j ! 0 i /. r! {ii} ~tg_q.~s II and III During construction of the Stage II dam, water temperatures in the Watanc1: to Dev i 1 Canyon re~ch wi 11 remain unchanged from those dur·ing Stage 1 operation. Ot.iring filling. of StagE! II, the reach will be i rtundated g Impacts to this reach of river during fi 11 i ng and operation of Stage I I and a 11 phases of Stage Ill are discussed in the impoundment impact assessrr.ant {Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna {i) Stage I -,C,Q,nstruction No changes in river temperature fro~ natural conditions are exi)ected from Devil Canyon to Watana during Stage I construction. -Fi 11 ing Downstream river temperatures during summer of filling Stage 1 are expected to be similar in magnitude to natural condi- tions with a short lag of about two weeks. During the first winter after fi 11 i ng, the operation of two units with 1 ow flows will cause downstream river temperatures to be similar to but cooler than normal Stage I operating temperatures. -Operation Average weekly temperatures (natural and Stage I ~imulated) at RM 150, RM 130 and RM 100 are shown in Figur~ 17. Summer Stage I river temperatures exhibit a lag behind natural conditions of approximately 2 weeks. River temperature simulations were made at river mile 130 (between Devil 101 I I I I I I \ { I 11 rt l ~~ I I a'l r1 LJ .. f .. ,, 11' r. L r-·, (. L r { " f ,. l I ' 0 ~ 8 R E t s C:. 0 £ ; R E £ • c 12 .. ' 4 • 12 Ill • • I A I' . ' .l. t '• \\ •• \\ ' . .. , •• li •J ':\i I • RM 100 . tif~TES:. 1, CliMATOLOGICAl. AND HYOROLOGtCAl OAT A Pf:AIOO MAY 1a11-SEJtT. ... 2 a. :a. 4. I . •• INflOW TEMPERA TORE MA TCIUNG POLICY FOR MULTI-LEVEl ~TAK~ STAGE I OF 3 STAGE PAOJiCT AVERAGE WEEKLY VAL~S !-VI FlOW REQUIREM'SNTS TE~PERATURES S'MUL.~TED IY SNTEMP fOR PERIOD NOVEM8EA.~APA1l SHOUlD liE USED WUH CAUTION Aa AN ICt: COVER MAY EXIST ON AlYEA AND SNTEMP DOES NOT SlMULA TE TEMPERATURES UNDER AN ICE COVER (SEt; RiVER ICE SIMULATiONS} lEGEND SIMUlATED NATURAl TEMPERA TLIAES SIMUU7ED TEJ.IPERAT\MES Pt;•SE 1 OF TWO ST AQE PROJECT (FOfl COMPARISON l • f, / \'. .. '' l1 rh·l · 2 SIMUlATED Tf.WERATUAES STAGE I Of PftafiOSED PAO.JEGT a 0 !! ; R c ~ E s c .. 2 \ 1981 NATURA.L AND STAGE I TEMPERATURES FIGURE 17 \\ :v \ • • I J• : "I' I\, •• ~: ~~ \ . ''/'" .. ' • l"', ., il'N..t!.. I j • ·1\l I • I RM 130 RM ISO 19!2 SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOR()ELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. '---~--------~-.... ------11:&·~-.... -~p-------... HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 102 .. 'l l' ,I j I '\' \ \ ~l /' 1'\\ ,. .. f.' ' '· ' " l' I "'-· f f L. L , .......... , .. ....-,y.,.~-,~.4~~·~:"'\\;."ii''r~ =~"llt.'":;:"'' \, Canyon and Talkeetna); the results are ge·nerally applicable to the Watana to Devil Canyon reach during Stage I operation. Simulated temperatures at river mile 130 are generally near 4°C in early May, peak at near 10°C in late \Junre.: through early August and decrease t!" 0°C by mid-November. At RM 130, the water temperatures will be 2 to 3°C cooler in May and June, 0.3 to 0.9°C cooler in summer~ and up to 3°C warmer in· September through October compared to natural conditions. The mean annual temperature {time weighted) at river mile 130 ha.s been calculated for the period May 1981 to April 1982 to be 3.7°C for natural conditions and 4°C for with-project conditions. In wet years the reservoir fi 11 s by early July and thus the outlet works must be o~erated to pass flow. Because the outlet works draw from a lower elevation in the reservoir, its flows are generally cooier. This can cause a clrop in river temperatures in early July {APA 1985c). The effect of annual flow variability on temperatures at River Mile 130 is shown for natural conditions and for simulated Stage I operation in Figure 18. The temperature of the mainstem will remain above 0°C longer into the winter because of the warmer reservoir outf1 ows. The temperature in the spring will warm up above 0°C sooner for the same reason~ Between the upstream end of the ice cover and the dams the river temperature will generally be between 0°C and 2°C to 3°C, whereas the natural temperature in this reach is 0°C. (ii) Stage II -Construction and f)1ling There will be little or no difference in water temperatures in the Dev·i 1 Canyon to Ta 1 keetna reach during Stage I I 103 .. '( - I i, I I I I I I I' }·' i I I I -,!.) .. -w ~ :l ... < ~ w G., :E w ... 2 < w a: t-a 12 11 10 8 .. 3 2 1 0 1'2 10 ' i • 7 • ~ . c • ! 5 = 2 .. 4( ... ; 3 l 30 I . . I ; J 35 . ... ' WEATHER CONDITIONS~ ---1182 AVERAGE Ff..OW -• .._.-1111 HIGH FLOW ----1174 LOW FLOW -··-··-1171 AVERAGE FLOW Noll. IMAATIOHI WEill MADI ,011 NATURAL COHOITIONI AND AAI PAEIENTI!D TO LLUITRA !I TEa.tPERA TURE o•FERENCEI fOR WET, DRY AND AVERAGE fLOW CONOITIONI A 1' RIVE" tAILE 1 :SO JU!..Y AUG I I I I I 1 SEPT 1 ' I I I . I I OCT I • 1 1 r-.. o .. a WATER WEEK 60 1 WEATHER CONOITIOHS: ----1a12 AVERAGE FLOW -·-·-1811 HIGH fl.QW ---1874 LOW ~'1W -··-··-1171 AVERA(.&I! FLOW NOTE SIMULATIONS WERE MADil fOR FJAST STAGE Of TWO STAGE PROJECT FOR STAGE I ENERGY DEMANDS AND ARE PRESENTED TO ILbUSl'RATE TEMPERATURE oaFFERENCES FOR WET, DRY AND AVERAGE fLOW cor~~rr~Ns SOURCE: NATURAL AND STAGE I TEMPERATURES AT . RM 130 AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRiC PROJECT FIGURE IS '' ENTRIX, iNC. 104 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~-l< ; t (7 l r l w f I I I L ! .i i , l,.; 1 I - I. l r I' i v '~ ·--· .. -.-~~··>·~,.,...__.,~,~_,.._...,~~~""'N'¥f"ij'" ,.. ,, construction and filling as compared to these of Stage I operation. -9_g_gration Differences betw:.en wat~r temperatures under natural conditions and under Stage ~I project operation conditions are more pronounced than under Stage I operation at a 11 locations within the middle Susitna River. Summe"' Stage II river temperatur~~s exhibit a lag behind natural conditions of approximately one month. Simulated tempe~atures at RM 130 are generally near 4°C in early May, range from 6 tl 8°C during the summer, peak ·at near l0°C in '!ate August thrvt~gh 1 ate September, and decrea,se to 0°C by 1 ate December (Figure 19). Closer to the dam (RM 150} temperature effects of the reservoir releases are more pronounced, while downstream {RM 100} temperatures are close to natural (Figure 19}. In winter, the temperature of the mainstem will remain above 0°C longer than natural because uf the warmer uutflows from the projett. The temperature in the spring will warm up above o·i)C sooner for the same r·eason o Between the upstream end of the ice cover and the dams the river temperature will generally be between 0°C anj 2°C to 3°C, whereas the rtatura1 temperature in this reach is 0°C. This change in winter temperatures is reflected in ice simulations discussed later. From May through August, Stage I I operation wi 11 l~esul t in wateY temperatures 2 to 4°C cJoler than natural at RM 130 .. Fall watar temperatures would be 2 to 6°C warmer. Through th~ winter, water temperatures are expect~d to be less than 1°C most of the time with occasional periods of 0°C temperatures. During Stage II operation, an ica cover may occasionally form at RM 130 (Section 4.4.2}. 105 ' ! ~ ~ I I~ ':J I I I I •• I I I I I I ,_:.; '. I f r '· ' } . J,. '"~ h I L r 1: t L L t· i .. ~ I L t f-t ... -.~~lla.t,·-----.--------------.::··-.~--·· --------.., .. ,2 8 12 11 D E s Q R E E fJ f c .. 2 a 12 ,. D E a .. :9 ~ E E s s c <4 2 • A 1 I I ~ "'ry-\ .. . , : •\ : .. "'· l ~~-·., .. .• • ·.t ~-td ~ ·\· ... l, . I~: i \' '·... '( . \, J . . . \ \ ,..,;l . .. • • • • • ""'\'. •• , ... • • \• \ ~~r-\ ,, r·r.··/ e-.\/\ '• I•' , ..... "'' '·"'i _.: .. ,\,. .. \,,..~ • •· -~ ; -i A J '---·~~'-' •• \~ .. \" . • ~ • \ • ' • ' . ' ~-/ '~·--..... ..:·-·--· • • ·~~~·-,111 .... ., .... •"' ........ t I J I I I I I· --r-r-,---, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~81 1982 RM 100 MOTES: 1. CLIMATOLOGICAL Afo·') HYDHO'-OOICA~ OA 1'.4 ltERIOO WAY ti11-~I,.Y. , .. 2 1. IFJ.,ri.OW TEMPERATURE MAiCHING POLICY FOR M~$1. TJ-l£VEI., INTAKE '· Sl'~,QE 2 OF 3 STAGE ltftOJECT 4, AYE .. AGI! WEEKI.Y VAlU!S !. E-VI FLgW AEOUIR(;MENTS 1., TE~?~F,A TUAt:~ SIMULATED IV SM\'2WP' FOR PERIOD NOVEMBER-MARCH SnOIJlD B.e USED WITH CAUTIO~ AS "t.l lCE ;~~VEA MAY' \'EXIS7 ON fiiVER A!i!O SHaMP C:OES NOT SIMULA n: TEMPE~AT!JRSS UNDER AN ICE COVER (SEE RIVER ICE $Jl.~ULATIONS) 1.. UaYil CAf•WOt~ ORA WOOW~ 0~ 50 FEEt-7 .NELS OF SHUTTERS LEO!;NC SIMULATED N~T\1!ltA&. TEMPERATURES --•• eNOlA TED TEMP£AA l\JAES PHASE 2 OF TWO STAGE IIROJECT (FOft COMP~ONJ SM.Jl.ATEt'll ei.IP£RI'~S ST AO.: 2 OF PROPOSEG PROJECT RM 130 RM 150 SOURCE: APA l985c NATURAL AND STAGE H TEMPERPiTURES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSlTNA HYIJROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 19 ENTRIX, INC. '-------~~-~.--.-------~--------MD~~-------------~. 106 l ~ ..•. L ; . ' In wet years the reservoir fills by early July and thus the outlet works must be operated tc pass flow. Because the outlet works draw from a lower elevation in the reservoir, its flows are generally cooler. This will cause a drop in river temperatures in July in wet years. Based on the simulations of natural conditions and project operation, the mean annual temperature (time weighted) at RM 130 for the period May 1981 to April 1982 was calculated to be 3.7°C fo!" natural conditions and 4.2°C for Stage II project conditions. Simulations of other hydrological and meteoro 1 ogi ca 1 conditions for other flow requirements a 1 so indicated that the mean annual temperature with-project would be similar to natural conditions. The simulated Stage II operation results in a drawdown of Devil Canyon Reservoir in mid-June. This drawdown may be up to 50 feet in some years,, When the water 1 eve 1 decreases below the upper of the two levels, the lower level intake is opened. This intake, being relatively deeper in the reservoir, draws coldar water for a short period until the water level decreases further. Thus, there is a simulated decrease in river temperatures in mid-June to early July dependin~ on the year simulated. The effect of this drop is most noticeable near the dam, and because of climatic conditions, is not noticeable at RM 100. Two simulations were carried out with ~odifications to the operating policy of Devil Canyon and to the multi-level intake to attempt to improve temperatures. Because the effeacts of these two modifications on temperatures were minor, the Applicant maintained the Devil Canyon drawdown of 50 ft and the two level intake. The modifications which the Applicant considered are dis~ussed below. The first of these modifications was to hold the water level at Devi 1 Canyon above the upper 1 evel intake which 1 imi ts 107 .. i I I I I I I I I I I I L L.. L . t the drawdo"'" at Devi 1 Canyon to nine feet. This reduces project energy production somewhat since minimum flow requirement!; must be met from Watana storage rather than Devil Canyono This modification policy generally eliminates the drop in temperatures resulting from 1 owe red watel' levels. However, it also results in a noticeable increase in temperatures in mid-June and larger temperature decreases when the outlet work:-:: operate than for the 50-ft drawdo:wn policy. The second modification tested was to include a third level of ports between the two existing 1 eve 1 s of ports at. the Devil Canyon multi-level intake. This policy also el im·inated the drop in temperatures resulting from lowered Devil Canyon water levels, and provides a smaller decrease when the outlet works operate and generally more uniform temperatures in June and July than the other two policies. (iii) Stage III -Construction No change from Stage II operation is anticipated. -Filling During the filling of Stage III Watana Reservoir, the capacity to select the water temperature to be discharged will be increased as more ports in the intake become available for use. The increased flexibi-lity to select water temperature Pnd the increased volume of water available at higher elevations will enable the release of water with temperatures more closely matched to the inflow temperature early and late in the summer months. lOS .. r L Outlet works releases during the July-September period of filling will be reduced. The intake to the outlet works is located in the hypolimnion and releases through t-t1e outlet works are generally co 1 der than those through the powerhouse. Therefo~e, the reduction in these releases will result in temperatures in the river downstream of the dam being warmer than normal operation. Additionally, the reduced river flow in this per:iod will result in greater river surface area per unit discharge and more heat transfer between the river and the atmo::>phere causing an increased rat.e of warming toward natural temperatures.. Therefore .. during the fi 11 i ng period, river temperatures are expected to be closer to natural than for normal operation of the project as described for Stages II and III. Ooeration Stage III temperatures were simulated for early and 1 ate project energy demands. Summer temperatures simulated for early Stage III are generally cooler than for Stage II of the three-stage project. Thus, when Stage III begins operating; summer temperatures may be the same or decline slightly from those of Stage llo Summer temperatures will probably be below those experienced during stage III filling, since outlet works releases during Stage III fi 11 i ng wi 11 be mini rna 1 • As energy demands increase, the outlet works re 1 eases wi 11 decrease and summer temperatures will increase toward maximum energy demand levels. Stage III temperatures for late project energy demands are generally warmer than early Stage I I I tamperatures in May through July or ear1y August and cooler than early Stage III temperatures from August through October (Figure 20). Summer Stage III (late) simulated temperatures are closer to natural tha~ Stage II or early Stage III. 109 .0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I r1 lJ G J I ~I 0 £ G R £ E s c 0 E G R E £ s c 0 £ c; R E E s c RH 100 NOTES: t. CLIMATOlOGICAl AHD HYDROLOGICAL DATA PERIOD MAY ttet-.SEPT. •••z 2. INFLOW TEMPERATURE I.IA TCHING f'Ol.ICY FOR UUL. TI-LE VEl. INT AI<E 3. STAGE 3 OF 3 STAGE PROJECT ... DEVIL. CANYON DAAWOOWN OF 50 FEET-2 lEVEt.S OF SHUTTEAS L T'HE TWO SN.l.AllONS SHOMI lfAOYIX: IIO'.H>S ON TEJoi'£JIIAlUIES WHI04 CAN ll fXP!CTED DUING STAGE a. AS ENEAQY OEt.IAHD AIG PROJECT EJE:\GY PROOUC110H INCREASES TEIM'EAATlRS WU. lfAOGRESS FROM THOSE SHOWN FOI' EAAl.Y STAGE I OEt.IANOS TO lliOSE SHOWN F~ LATE STAGE • OEWfoCS L.EOEND -St.liJlATED NA'T\JRAL Ta.APERA T\JAIES ------lATE STAGE I ---EAfl.Y STAGE I RM 130 RM 150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1981 1982 NATURAL AND STAGE Ill TEMPERATURES FIGURE 20 SOURCE: APA. 1985c ---------~~,T,'·--------------------.. AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS~TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT t-w-------~-~~,-------------~--m.----------------------~ ENTRIX, INC. 110 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 0 {) .. -•• !: . "·.. • .. ··~ ~-'. _.. ... ~ • 1 l ' t r .·~ l " I t, I i i I l I ! l . .. ,• 1 ... -~ ~ -._· : • For 1 ate project .energy demands, summer with-project river temperatures wou7,d exhibit a lag behind natural conditions of approximately; one month. Simult!ted ternperatut·es at lt'1 130 are close to 4°C in early May, peak near 10°C between July and August, and decrease to 1°C by late November. In wet years the reservoir fills by early August; thus, the outlet works must be operated to pass flow. Because the outlet works draw from a lower elevation in the reservoir, these flows are generally cooler. Outlet works releases due to a full reservoir causes the drop in simulated river t~mperatures in July 1981 and July 1982. The open water temperatures in winter should not change much throughout Stage I l I. This is i 11 ustrated by river ice simulations undertaken for early and late Stage IJ1 energy demands {HE 1985b) \.rhich showed little difference in ice cover between these two energy demands. Open water temperatures in winter for all of Stage III are warmer than Stage II.. Winter open water temperatures will increase gradually from Stage II operation through Stage III filling to Stage III operation .. In winter, the temperature of the mainstem will remain above 0°C 1 onger than natura 1 because of the warming outflows fl"Om the project. The temperatur~ in th~ spring will exceed o0 c sooner than natura 1 for the same reason. Bet·r~een the upstream end of the ice cover and the dams, the river temperature will be between 0°C and 2°C to 3°C, whereas the natural temperature in this reach is 0°C. The mean annual (time weighted) temperature at RM 130 has been calculated for the period May 1981 through April 1982 to be 3.7°C for natural conditions and 4.7°C for late Stage III conditions. Simulations of natural and with-project conditions for other meteorological and hydrological conditions for other flow requirements also indicates that 111 I i I I i i I I I I I I I ) I I:'. I I ~ .... ·~--~ .. . . ~ .;_)1 r~ L, 1 ' i ' I ~. mean annual w·ith-pro.ject temperatures may be slightly greater than natural mean annual temperatures. Mean annual temperatures in dry year with-project simulations are generally closer to natural conditions than in wet years. River ice conditions between Watana and Talkeetna during operation of the ~toject were simulated with th& !CECAL river ice model (HE 1985b). The I primary objective of the ICECAL model is to simulate the timing and magnitude of river stage fluctuations resulting from ice processes. (a} Watana to Devil Canyon (i) St&ge I, -ConstructiQD. No downstream impacts on river ice are expected as a result of Stage I construction. The diversion tunnels are large enough to pass the 1 ar.gest ice floes that have been observed, so that no significant downstream effect during breakup is anticipated. During freezeup, some additional frazil ice may be formed in the diversion tunnels due to the high velocities and associated turbulence. The volume of frazil ice formed is not expected to affect downstream ice formation. ,.. ... , . -r 11 1 ng During the winte~ after filling of the Stage I W tana Res~rvoi r, reservoir re 1 eases waul d be warmer than natura 1 and would, therefore, delay frazil ice generation and ice cover formation, compared to natural conditions. River ice conditions durina the winter following the summer of filling are expected to be similar to the fil~ing simulations 112 0 .. l 1.. - I ! l f L. t ( L. L.- L., (ii) presented in the ".Instream Ice Simulation Study" (HE 1985b). Frazil ica g~neration and border ice growth would typically begin between 5 and 40 miles downstream of the dam, varying with weather conditi~ns, being closer to the dam during colder periods and further downstream in warmer periods. In the reach approximately 30 miles immediately downstream of the dam, an ice cover is not expected to form. River ice thicknesses and ice-induced stages would be ' somewhat less than those of natural conditions. Breakup of the ice cover would typically occur in May, similar in tirning to natural breakup. Breakup is expected to be somewhat milder than natural, due to the warmer than natural reservoir releases which melt and weaken the ice covero -Operation Based on the average winter weather conditions of 1981-82, the Case E-Vl flow requirements, and the projected Stage I energy demand, frazil ice generation would begin downstream of the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach. The ice front wi 11 advance a few miles upstream of RM 140 during a cold winter, but ~~ not expected to extend to the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. Upstr-eam of the ice cover, the ri v~j" wou 1 d remain open with some border ice and anchor i ee expected within approximately 10 miles upstream of the cover. Depending on climate, during relatively cold periods a greater length of river would have br"'der and anchor ice than in a warmer period. Maxi mum l"i ver stages upstream of the ice cover would be equivalent to or lower than those of natural conditions with an ice cover. Stages II and III DuriP!:I construction or the Stage I! dam, ice ,conditions in the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach wi 1 'l remain unchanged from those 1 .. .,.., l~oo~ r'"''"'·, ::;;~': a I ;.1 I I I I .:--- I ! I I ""F ~ I I I ! ~ ' ' 'h"" ·, -~,.,,.. ,-.[ ' ( I ! [ l_j f l L r· t ; L during Stage I operation. During fi 11 i ng of Stage I I, the reach will be inundated. Impacts to this reach of river during filling and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Canyon to Talkeet,!l! -Construction -· No tmpacts on i~e regime are expected to occur during Stage I construction. -Filling During filling, the ice front is expected to advance upstream to RM 140 during an average winter, gOd upstream or downstream a few miles during cold and warm winters, respectively. River ice thicknessrs and ice-induced stages will ba slightly less than those of natural conditions. ·· Operation River ice model ~esults during Stage I Watana operation are shown in Figure 21 based on the average winter weather conditions of 1981-82, and the Case E~VI flow requirements. For these conditions, f)"azil ice generation would begin where stream temperatures have cooled to 0°C, typically 35 to 6~ miles dO\·mstream of the dam {RM 150 to 120) and would vary with daily weather conditions and reservoir release temparatures. Ice cover progr~ss ion upstream of Ta 1 keetna is expected to begin in mid-December, approximately 3 weeks later than for natural conditions. Progression of the ice cover would reach a maximum extent near RM 140 in 1 ate 114 l (, L t ! t I' I I L I' ~ L~ t •' t...~ 1~~~~-------------T~hn~nr.~·--+·----~~~--------------------~ 0°C ISOTHERM FOR I • • ! ~-130 8~ -':'i .... a: 120 !~ ~!. 110 w y - 100 w 14 0 12 ~ en 10 CIC w-a >J--'II a:w 8 STAGE I~ : : : e • e .., I I ..... : .. , ()..,... : .: .... I I 1 I ,.-I "-: • .,.·=~·~ ll I I I I I ... ~. ~· I •• I I I Q 1 I Je lela -.~ I • : : I I I IIIII I 'II II ~ 1 1 I I 1 I • 1 0 e ··.. I 1 I I 1 I .... .... I I I _, II.,, II I•~ I 1 l'l II I ~··· : r· . . ~-··:~ I I II~~ .. . •,. I I If I •, .. 11 ·-!. • • • "-l!.. ~ ~ ~~~ ••••• ••• . ~~ il • • • • I \• i '~~ I ~ • -r----N-O-V--~----O-E-C--~-----JA-N--~~--F-e-8----~---M-A-=R~~.~---A-PR--~~ REFERENCE LINE· r 3000 cfs OPEI'w WATER SURFACe PROFILE 'JJ I _;9~ ! ' ~· ' . I ~· -, . ..._ ... ~·' \ ~I ~ I ·~~.l / -......... " ·, ~~ ~ ,I \ ~~ :::) 4 ~ __ _..., ..... ---~v " VI • ~ l/ ~ ~ .. / ' iJII"' l't ~ ~ --- X 2 .c ~ 0 ~ I 100 110 w (.,) -10 -J-...J~ 8 Cu.. .... _ J 6 etg :& w .. . ~' :::)' z ::E~ 2 -·-~--·-·-·-· -•• ~-r--'"' X~ 0 <t-~ I 110 100 NOTES: f. -STAGE 1 SIMULATION BASED ON CASE E-VI FLOWS. STAGE I ENERGY DEMAND. INFLOW MATCHING TEMPERATURE: POLICY. 2~ NATURAL. CONDiTIONS NOT S1MULATEO UPSTReAM OF RM 140. 3 3000 cfs REPRESENTS TYPICAl. WINTER FLOW UNOER NATURAl.. CONDITIONS AT FREE~!: UP. NATURAL AND STAGE I RIVER ICE CONDITIONS FIGURE 21 120 R.IVER MtLE ·'~ ·" r\..' .. ,/ /. -~~ . 120 RIVER MILE LEGEND: " ~ I 130 } ~ , " j' ~ I \ I -, '--•• • I 130 --..• NATURAL CONOITlONS ·-...,-STAGE I OPERATING ·~ -~ v r I 140 ' ·~ -- i 140 • NAnJRAL SLOUGH BERM ELEVATION I! SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, lf\IC. 115 HARZA~E BASCO SUSITNA JOlNT VENTURE i s (l 11 I I I ' I I I I ~~ '-"'"" ~ ,--- ' January. Maximum expected ice cover thicknesses range from 3 ft to 9 ft along the river, and are similar to those of natural conditions. Maximum river stages within the ice-covered reach (downstream of RM 140) would often be 2 to 6 ft higher than those of natural conditions (Figure 8) and a greater' number of s 1 oughs would be overtopped in this reach. ,A fiel1 program in the fall of 1985 collected topographic data along the perimeters of sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 11, and 21. The topographic data were compared to the maximum ice stages predicted by the ice simulation {HE 19S5b). The comparison suggests that the heads of sloughs SA, 9, 9A~ at'!~ 11 waul d be overtopped; a separate analysis of overtc;;ping of sloughs under winter conditions in the FERC 1 icense application amendment (APA 1985c) confirmed these results. However, the i sl a.nds separating the s 1 oughs from the mainstem are not expected to be inundated under average winter weather conditions. Flow in sloughs caused by overtopping may cause scouring in the sloughs. However, because of the increased backwater at the slough mouths due to mainstem staging, velocities at the downstream ends of the sl<Jugh~ should be reduced, thereby reduc1ng the chances of scouring in the lower reaches of the sloughs. Velocities upstream of the backwater effects may be as high as 3 fps {0.9 m/sec) unde!' the ice cover, which are sufficient to cause erosion of finer materia 1 such as sands or small gravel. Currently, the bed material in the sloughs becomes coarser with distance upstream and 1 s more resistant to flow, thus minimizing the potential flr erosion. Upstream of the ice cover, the river would remain open with some border ice and anchor ice expected within approximately 10 miles upstream of the cover. During relatively cola periods a g;~eater 1 ength of river would have border and anchor ice than in a warmer period. Maximum river stages 116 r [ t r f,. I L t' l f '· (. l t L L i t L upstream of the ice cover would be equivalent to or lower than those of natural conditions with an ice cover. Slough 21 and Side Channel 21 are not expected. to be overtopped (APA 1985c). Colder winters will move the ice cover upstream and increase ice thicknesses up to 2 to 3 ft. A field program in 1S85 collected topographic data along "the islands between sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 11 and 21 and the. mainstem. These are cons·idered . to be the major salmon-spawning sloughs of the middle Susitna River (ADF&G !985a). The topographic data were compared to the simulated maximum ice stages; the island at Slough,9A appears likely to be inundated under cold weather conditions. Conversely, during warm winters the ice cover will remain further downstream and ice thicknesses will be reduced by a few feet. The ice cover upstream of Talkeetna is expected to substantial'ly melt in place by the end of April. Mechanical break-up of the ice cover, which occurs during natural spring flow increases and results in ice jaffis and slough overtoppings, is expected to be substanti-a11y reduced or eliminated upstream of Talkeetna with Watana Stage I operating. {ii) Stage II -Construction and Fillina lee processes wi 11 be unchanged from those discussed for Stage I operation. -Operation Frazil ice generation would be limited to the reach downstream of RM 135 and would vary with daily weather 117 ' J 1-' i C, I I } I I I I I _I I I I I I ) ' ~ tr~l f,r l tJ ,1 I I j, t ;)I I ' c-.--1 I r conditions and reservoir release temperatures. At times, no frazil would be produced upstream of Talkeetna. Ice cover progression at Talkeetna is expected to bP~in in 1 ate December and waul d reach a maxi mum extent near RM 133 in late J~:1uary. This is approximately six miles downstream of the simulated Stage I maximum ice extent. Expected Stage II ice conditions are shown in ~igure 22. Maximum expected ice cover thicknesses would range from 2 ft to 6 ft and would be generally similar to or less than those of natural conditions. Maximum river stages within the ice-covered reach would often be 1 ft to 4 ft higher than those of natural conditions (Figure 8} :u1d greater overtopping of sloughs would therefore be expected in this reach if the mitigation measure of berm construction were not imp 1 emented. In genera 1, river st<\ges waul d be 1 ess than those during Stage I operation. Upstream of the ice cover, the river would remain open and maximum river stages would be equivalent to o·r slightly less than during natural conditions. The ice cover upstream of Talkeetna is expected to substantially melt in-place by late March. Mechanical breakup and res~lting ice jams and flooding events are expected to be substantially reduced compared to natura 1 condit.ions. With Stage II operating, the river ice effects of the alternative power intake designs and operating policies are expected to be less evident than those discussed for Stage I. Relative to the "inflow-matching" policy, the 11 warmest water" policy has ~s$entially no effect on the simulated river ice conditions with both dams operating. Simulations for the final stage of the three stage project show that the simulated maximum extents of the ice front for both policies are within one mile of each other and maximum water leve1s 118 ... ...... · ... ~ J ' 1!KJ--.-----·-..._ ___________ . ___ ........, ____________ ., I 140 - 0°C ISOTHERM FOR ·~ I STAGE II ~ .. , ··.··~--~~ : __ .. _.,.,. ····· • • • , •• , --• ..!t8 .... . ~ . . ~. . ,. . . . ,_ ......... • ~ ' : I '•'• : &. ' •• • •• \ . . .. :. . • J • ., ••• . . . . \,_ : 1.· ~ ~. : ... "-. . . .. , • • • : I ···~ • G • • .. .__. I ·~\ • • • 100 I I I ~-+--------~--------~---------~------~~-----------------~ NOV oec JAN FEB MAR APR I s R~FERENCE LINE: r3ooo cfs OPEN WATER SURFACE PROFJLE 1/ w 14 I <:J 12 ~ en 10 cz: ""-8 J ...... _,. ..... >I-.--·-'1 X ;, ........ ""'' -w 1-j~ a:w 8 -·--I 2~ .,..-•7 IJV ' ....._... ~ .·~ r, ~ ~ • :l 4 2 ['~~ -~ , lL ·-""' • ·' )( 2 ~ ' ~ 2 0 I I I - I I I 100 110 120 13f' 140 \ RIVER MILE w <.l -10 ! . f ' ~ _,_ ..J "' 8 ~~ ~'· o-8 J :'\.. .... t~ ......... ~ "· .L. .~, .... ~~ I 21el 4 ~----·-'· ·' ~ ~-l :)z i 2~ , ~· : ..... -~ 2 "" )(::: <t-0 I l l 2 100 110 120 130 140 NOTES: RlV~R MILE . 1. STAGE II SIMULATION BASED ON CASE . • .~ .. ...... \. .~ r' r~- I I 11 E-Vl FLOWS. STAGE Jr ENERGY LEGE NO: DEMAND, INFLOW MATCHING NATURAL CONDITIONS TEMPERATURE POLJCY 2. NATURAL CONOITlONS NOT SIMULATED -·-·STAGE II OPERATJNG P1 lJ UFSTREAM OF RM 140. • NATURAL SLOUGH B!:RM ELEVATI0~4 3. 3000 cfs REPRESENTS TYPICAL WINTER SOURCE~ APA 1985c FLOW UNOER NATURAl.. CONOITIONS AT FREEZE UP' . Jl tl . ! L..J ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY NATURAL AND STAGE II SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RIVER ICE CONDITIONS ENTRIX~ INC. HARZA·E BASCO FIGURC 22 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE !19 • \' L,, are within one foot of each othero The similarities between ice conditions for the two policies would be the same for Stage II as Stage III. Simulations with alternative low level intake ports showed only slight reductions in simulated river ice conditions. For Stage 11 operation the maximum simulated ice thicknesses, river stages arid ice front extent are substantially less than those for Stage I Watana operation~ Slough overtopping events during Stage II operation are therefore expected to be milder and less frequent than those of Stage I operation. (iii) Stage III -Construction and Filling The discussion of ice for Stage II operation is applicable to Stage I I I construction before fi 11 i ng commences. Conditions will gradually apprcach those discussed below for Stage III operation as the reservoir is being filled. Operation Frazil ice generation would be limited to the reach downstream of RM 115 and would vary with daily weather conditions and reservoir release temperatures. For much of November and December, no frazil ice would be generated Upitream of Talkeetna. Ice cover progression at Talkeetna during Stage III operation is expected to begin in t1arly January and would reach a maximum extent near RM 114 in late January9 Maximum ice cover thicknesses of two feet are expected and would be several feet less than those of natural conditions {Figure 23). Maximum river stages within the ice .. ·covered reach 120 t I ~/ (. 0 '' "' \,, L l. t •.. -.. ,. .... -:-~·":.. .... -~~,..~-· ~~ --:: ......,,.~. _...,..,-~~ ·-·-'"'~--~·-•. , •.•• ,,~, ,.._,_,_ .... ,. __ ..... '"'-·-+~>·•"--.....;.'"'" 1~~~------------------------------------------~------------- 140 -·-ICE FRONT z 0 ~-130 •• • • OCC ISOTHERM 8~ ~2 ... CIC 120 Zu,a 0> CIC-• v... ~ 110 .-, __ ,-~, -.. L t • --'\ :'·--~-.,. EARLY STAGE Ill ,.,.. , \, ,_ I .• \' ,, . . " : J r:--'' •I ':, I ; -~• ·~: •·•1 \' ~ .... ~ • '' • I I' •t : e •• .. \ t _,, •• g _.-\, \ " "' u -100 I •• • \' ~ • • \~• !.' '• I:···J I ··:: ·~, 'V.J ~.-r--L4TE STAGE Ill I• : • ~\ ' .: I ··~ ·= ' \. ...• ~-r--~~--~~~--,-------~--------r-------~------~ NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR "' 14 C) 12 < I ... en 10 CIC ""-8 > ... -w IJ:u,a 8 2~ :::> 4 :i -X 2 < 2 0 tOO "" (,) -10 ....... .~: 8 <· ,... ... o-8 ,_~ 2w 4 :;,Z 2~ 2 -!: x:: 4( ... 0 2 100 NOTES: .--REFERENCE LJNE: ' 3000cfs OPEN WATER SURFACE PROFILe: 31 I ---I I ·-.,LATE STA ~ 1 ~. -1..-..-.--.i.---__ .... ...... T -· 1 I 110 :il ID .J ~ 1-'"· '~ !" "' I .. / ... ,/ -r-- ,,~ , ...... lJ • ~: ' -·- 120 RIVER MILE ~' ...... -- EARl :y ~TA pE Ill "" J~ "' VI • ~ 'Oil.~ ... "'""" ·- l 130 i'-.. "-.. ' I ~ " ~' ~-··-·· ~ ,., ... ........ ------·-·-·-t 110 ·-... , ~ ... 120 RIVER MILE -' ... ;"' .... l 130 1. STAGE m S1MU\.AT10N BASED ON CASE lEGEND: l/ ~ ~ !-""'""' i" ~ ", L~ ,... ~P- ' E-VI Ft.OWS. LATE STAGe II ENERGY DEMAND, 1NF1.0W MATCHING TEMPERATU~E POUCY ---NATURAL CONDITIONS _.,_.,LATE STAGE R1 OP£RATING '-~ . -~ ·-· ~· ~~~-- T I 140 I 140 2. NATURAL CONOIT10NS NOT SIMULATED UPSTREAM or: RM 140. • NATURAL SLOUGH BERM ELEVATION -·s-EARLY STAGE Ill OPERATING ~f-t 3. J000 cfs REPRESENTS TYPICAL. WINTER FlOW UNOER NATURAL CONOITIONS AT FREEZE UP. SOURCE: APA l385c NATURAL AND STAG,E Ill RIVER ICE CONDITIONS FIGURE 23 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 121 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE i I tc I I I I I I I I I rl J J Lj • r: ' ,, would be approximately two feet higher than those of natural conditions {Figure 8} causing somewhat greater than natural slough overtoppings in this reach. Overtopping would not be expected where berms are elevated as a mitigation measure. Upstream of the ice cover, maximum river stages would often be 1 to 3 ft lower than those of natural conditions with an ice cover, and fewer than natura 1 s 1 ough overtoppi ngs are expected. The ice cover upstream of Talkeetna with Stage III operation is expected to be melted out by early March. As discussed for Stage I and Stage I I, the ice c :wer is expected to substantially melt in place without major ice jamming or associated flooding. The effects of differing winter weather conditions on river ice are expected to be generally similar to the trends discussed for Stage II operation. Relative to the river {ce conditions for the average 1981-82 winter, ice front progression for other weather ccmtjitions may occur a few weeks earlier or later and may reach a maximum extent a few mi 1 es further upstream or down~tream. Maximum ice cover thicknesses and river stages would also be expected to vary by a few feet among the various weather conditionso The effects on Stage III river ice conditions due to alternative designs and operating policies for the multi-level power intakes is expected to be similar to that discussed for Stage II. The alternative designs and operating policies are not expected to substantially affect the river ice conditions. 4.3~3 Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination Previous studies indicate that, with the projectt there will be an overall reduction in the suspended sediment load of 80 to 90 percent from 122 0 :o ... natural conditions. Turbidity levels will be measurably reduced from natural conditions in the summer (May through September) and increased in the winter (October through April). Turbidity is a water quality parameter important to the fishery resources. the water. It is a measure of the light transmitting characteristics of Low values of turbidity indicate high light transmittance and vice-versa. Turbidity is influenced by the size, concentration ~ ,,d mineralogy of material suspended in the water including sediment, dyes, and other organic and inorganic material. In the Susitna River the turbidity levels are. chiefly influ~nced by 1tne concentrations and grain size of suspended sediment; the ratio of turbidity to suspended sediments apprcpri ate for quiescent water bodies such as the reservoir is 2: 1 {Fi~ure 24). Vertical illumination is proportional to turbidity. The DYRESM model was used to simulate the suspended S\diments in the Watana Res~rvoir and in tne proj~~ct outflows {APA 1985c). Case E-VI flow requirements and 1970 and 19~1-82 meteorological conditions were considered. Data on the suspencled sediment concentration and size distribution in the Susitna River ~ere available from USGS. Figure 25 shows the esti~~ted relationship between discharge and suspended sediment load at the USGS gaging station on the Susitna River near Cantwell. {a) Watana to Devil.Canvon {i) Stage I -Construction During construction, suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity levels are expected to increase within the impoundment area and for some distance downstreamo This will result from the necessary construction activities within and immediately adjace1nt to the river as described in 123 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ : ,/ s ~ - LAICIS .UG UNTlC S'YSTtiiS--' MTU/TSS ::wz.o • • • • • • • • • 1...._ .................................. ......_.....w....w.~o..-..-~--.. ................ ...._ ....... _....,.w,w..._ .............. ~ ... • 1 1 10 100 lJOO . 10,000 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION , .. /liter) NATURALLY C·CCURlRING TURBIDITY vs. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION I FOR RIVERS AND LAKES IN ALASKA ft ;( if lr (Mt'JDIFIED AFTER LLOYD 1985) FIGURE 24 SOURCE: APA 1985c ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 124 HARZA-E BASCO .SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. • t-IOO,OOO....-.-.,..--.,_,_....-r II"Y" ,..-r--, ' I I I Q 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I • • ~ v . ~ ~- t-"' _, ~~ • ~~~o~------4---~----------~--~----------4----+----------+----+V~----~~t----t?,4--1 , -1-v / , ,' t--,' ,' ~ l , , ~ ..., ,,v' b.4~ ,·, , , , ~ ,, i • ,' , - - --. . . -- - I I j Jltl llf 100 iO 1410 ----~J--~·~·~LJLlJ~I~---._1_._1~1~~·~·~··~~-._I_LI.~ ~~ I I I " IU 10 iJO 5000 10, ~0 ~UIJ I.JU "" ~·"' I J I I IUIPIHDID IIDIMIHT Dll:tH.AIOI YONi/0~'4 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT RATING CURVE AT USGS GAGING STATION SOURCE: APA 1985c SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL~~ ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA H'JOROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·f BASCO • SUSITNA lOINT V~NTURf ENTRIX, INC. FIGURE 25 -.. ---.. ----- the Access Corridor, Construction Zone, and Transmissi~R Corridor Impact Assessment and Mitigation Plan (Entrix 1985a}. The excavation of the diversion tunnels and construction of the first diversion cofferdam may cause temporary increases in suspended sediment and turbidity. Cofferdams will be constructed upstream and downstream of the diversion tunnels to enable tunnel construction. Material ex~avated from the tunnels will generally be confined within the cofferdams prior to disposal. Thi$ wi11 minimize increases in suspended sediment and turbidity. The first diversion cofferdam will be located in the river. It will be constructed by dumping rock material into the river to divert flow to the diversion tunnels. During perigds when roct is being placed, some sediment will be washed downstream. The amount of materia 1 introduced into the river in this manner is not expected to cause significant increases in sediment concentration si nee the tot a 1 amount of m~terial in the cJosure cofferdam is small relative to the existing river sediment load. Summer flows wi 11 be passed through the diversion tunne 1 with no impoundment. Hence, little settling of naturally-occurring suspended sedime~cs is expected to occur. Pending is not expected upstream of the diversion tunnels in the winter, and so normally low winter sediment and turbidity levels will not be changed. -Filling In general, the suspended sediment concentration in the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach wi 11 be reduced from natura 1 conditioh3 during summer and increased during winter. 126 \ ~ As the reservoir begins to fill, water velocities in the river will be reduced and deposition of the larger suspended sediment particles ~ill occur. Initially, all but the larger particles will pass through the reservoir but as more water is impounded, smaller diameter particles will settle before reaching the reservoir outlet. As the reservoir approaches normal operating levels, the percentage of particles settling will be similar to that occurring during norma 1 reservoir operation. During the summer of fi 11 i ng, water wi 11 be passed through the 1 ow-l eve 1 out 1 et. As a consequence, 1 arger part i c 1 es are expected to pass through the reservoir during the summer of filling than during operation. This wi 11 result in concentrations of sediment higher than those during operation. Maximum suspended particulate sizes passing downstream through the project area will decrease from about 500 microns during pre-project conditions to between 5 and 10 microns when the project becomes operation a 1 .. During the winter fo 11 owing fi 11 i ng, concentrations would be similar to operation since units one and two wi 11 be on-11 ne and re1 eases wi 11 bs through the multi-level intake. Maximum suspended sediment concentrations would occur during wet years with high suspended load influent to the reservoir. l.inimum suspended sediment c;:oncentrati ons waul d occur during dry yaars with 1 ower suspended 1 oad inflow. Because of the c 1 ear water tributary inflow in the Watana to Ta 1 keetna reach, further dilution of the suspended sediment concentration may occur as the flow moves downstream. During periods of high tributary flow, the same amount of suspended sediment will be added to the river by the tribu- taries as for natural conditions. Ta'lus slides along the mainstem will also continue to contribute suspended sediment to the flow downstream from Watana. However, erosion of slide areas along the river should decrease due to increased flow stability and dec~eased flood frequencies and flows. 127 ~' ~,, .. ,, "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' t. ! f ) Summer turbidity levels will be reduced from natural levels ranging between 60 and 3,010 mg/1 to an estimated value of 100-300 NTU. These values will persist until December and wi 11 decrease during winter to a mini mum of between 20 and 40 NTU in early May prior to breakup. Because of the reduced turbidity in summer, the vertical illumination will be enhanced. Winter vert i ca 1 i 11 umi nation wi 11 be reduced from natural. -Operation Outflow suspended sediment concentration and turbidity level wi 11 be more uniform throughout the entire year than for natural conditions. The summer suspended sediment 1 evel will be decreased from about 60-3,010 mg/1 tc about 50-150 mg/1 and the winter suspended sediment level will be increased from about 1-80 mg/1 to about 20-100 mg/1, reaching a minimum between 10 mg/1 and 40 mg/1 in early May. Turbidities will average approximately 200 NTU from June through December and decrease to minimum values of 20-40 NTU by early May. Because of the reduced turbidity in summer, the vertical illumination will be enhanced while winter vertical illumination will be reduced. The susp~mded sediment concentrations and hence the turbidity in the reach between Watana and Devil Canyon will be controlled by the concentration in the reservoir release, and any contribution from the reach. The contribution from the reac' is not expected to be significant since the tributaries contain generally clear water and there is very lit~;·e fine sediment or glacial flour present in the streambed or on the banks which might be entrained in the flow. During summer flood periods the contribution from the intervening areas may increase concentrations in the mainstem river as a result of erosion and bank sloughing. Talus slides along the mainstem may continue to contribute 128 suspended sediment to the flow downstream from Watana as discussed for filling conditions. {ii} Stages II and Ill During construction of the Stage II da~, suspended sediments, turbidity, and vertical illumination in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach wi 11 remain unchanged· from those during Stage I operationa During filling of Stage II, the reach will be inundated. Impacts to this reach of river during filling and operation of Stage II and all phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment {Entrix 1985b}. (b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (i} Stage I -Construction Increases in suspended sediment concentrations in this reach during constrt!ction will be quite small. Proper sediment control at the construction site will minimize additional sediment inputs. Any changes occurring during the summer are expet:ted to be within the natural range of variation. Suspended sediment con~entrations may be slightly increased during wet, warm winters. -Filling The trends will be the same as those in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach during Stage I fi 1 1 i ng {Section 4. 3. 3 (a) { i ) ) . Suspended sediment concentrations will be reduced from natural conditions during summer and increased during winter. Maximum and minimum concentrations will occur in wet years and dry years, respectively. Turbidity will be 129 I I I I I I I I I I I 'i • .... #141£ ZJJ..Z .:z.*--,:-~L-~ reduced to 100-300 NTU during summer and increased from natural conditions to 20-4·0 NTU by winter's end. .. Operation In genera 1, the trends described for the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach during Stage I operation in Section 4.3.3(a}(i} are applicable. Summer concentrations of downstream suspended sediments will decrease from natural conditions of 60-2000 mg/1 to project conditions of 60-150 mg/1. Converse 1 y, TSS concentrations during winter wi 11 increase from 1-80 mg/1 to 20-100 mg/1. Turbidity will correspondingly in,crease and decrease in proportion with TSS, while verti1cal illumination will vary inversely. Turbidity wi 11 average 200 NTU from June to December, then decrease to minimum values of 20-40 NTU by early May. (i.i} Stage II Construction Construction of the De vi 1 Canyon faci 1 i ty is expected to cause increased siltation and turbidity similar to increases anticipated during Watana construction, but of a sma 11 er magnitude. Details of physical changes at the construction site are presented in the Access Corridor, Construction Zone, and Transmission Corridor Impact Assessment and Mitigation Plan (Entrix 1985a}. During winter, essentiaily all the suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity levels released from Watana are expected to pass downstream of the Devil Canyon construction site without significant chang~. 130 ""' ;<,_.o,. -Filling As reservoir filling progresses, the Devil Canyon reservoir will provide sett1ing capabflity in addition to the trapping of sediments by the Watana reservoire The net result will be a slight decrease in suspended sediment and turbidity and a corresponding slight increase in vertical i~1umination downstream from Devil Canyon. -Operation As in the case of Watana Stage I reservoir outflows, the Devil Canyon reservoir outflow suspended sediment concentration and turbidity levels will be more uniform throughout the entire year than under the natura 1 river conditions. As with Watana Stage I, the average summer suspended sediments concentration (90 mg/1} and turbidity level will be measurably reduced from natural conditions. The outflow. suspended sediment concentration from Devil Canyon wi 11 reach its 1 owest 1 eve 1 of about 20-30 mg/1 in Apri 1 or May and increase toward a maxi mum of about 130 to 150 mg/1 in late July or early August.. The corresponding turbidity level may vary from about 40 to 60 NTU in spring to a maximum of about 250 to 300 NTU in late July or early August. During Stage I! operation some of the suspended material in the Watana outflow waul d be trapped in the De vi 1 Canyon reservoir. Simulations show that during Stage II the outflow concentration of suspended sediment from Devil Canyon would be about 10-20 percent less than in the outflow from Watana. Additionally, tne Devil Canyon reservoir will tend to regulate the concentrations so that the abrupt changes in concentration resulting from changing multi-level intake port operations at Watana would not be apparent downstream of Devil Canyon. With Stagca I I the average 131 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I l ( . ffl i i 1 i d . , \ .j July~December outflow concentration would be approximately 80·100 mg/1. The maximym occurs in late July and would be about 150 mg/1, but the concentration would be relatively constant between July and December. Between January and early May the concentration generally decreases to approximately 20-30 mg/1. For Stage II, su::,:snded sediment concentrations were only simulated for an average year {1982). Based on the results for Stage I, low sediment {1970) and high sediment {1981) years would result in concentrations approximately 10-lO percent less and 10-20 percent greater than for an average year, respectively • The suspended sediment concentration between Devi 1 Canyon and the Chulitna-Susitna confluence will be similar to that in the outflow from the dam. Some sediment may be injected by tributaries during floods. However, the contribution from tributaries will normally be minimal. Thus the · turbidity in the Devil Canyon to Chulitna confluence reach is expected to be slightly less than in Stage I or about 160-200 NTU on the average, between July and decreasing to a minimum of 50 NTU in May. illumination will be increased slightly from conditions in the middle reach of the Susitna River. (iii) ~age It! -Construction December Vertical Stage I Fluctuations in TSS downstream of Devil Canyon are not expected to change from Stage II operation. Additional impacts on TSS, turbidity, and vertical illumination due to Stage III construction will not be noticeable downstream of Devil Canyon dam. Sediment input will be minimized using best management practices developed for the project {APA 132 • • I 1985). Most sediment that does enter the watercourse between Watana and Devil Canyon will settle in the I reservoir. -Fi 11 ing Downstream river flows during this period will be less than during normal operation of the project in the July-September period because normal excess releases will be used to raise the water level. Thus, the ability of the downstream flow to pick~ up additional sediment will be reduced from normal operation. The outflow concentrations of suspended sediment would gradually change from those described for Stages I axad I I normal operation to that described for Stage III normal operation; therefore, the suspended sediment/turbidity/vertical illumination conditions may be similar to the conditions described for those stages. -Operation As indicated in the Stage II studies, the Devil Canyon outflow suspended sediment concentration and turbidity level are expected to be more uniform throughout the entire year thar: the natural river condition. The outflow (suspended sediment concentration of the Watana Reservoir in Stage III in July and August would be less than for the Watana Reservoir in Stages I and II. The reduction in concentration may be up to about 50 mg/1. This reduction is due to t. e 1 arger and deeper Watana Reservai r formed in Stage Ill (retention time increases from 9 months to 20 months). The outflow suspended sediment concentration from Devil Canyon Reservoir is correspondingly less in Stage III than in Stage II. 133 I I I I I I I I I I I I ....,.w I I • t~· t_ [, LJ L f L 12 L ~. L The outflow suspended sediment concentration from Devil Canyon wou 1 d reach its 1 owest 1 eve 1 of about 10 to 20 mg/1 in ~pri 1 or May and approach a maximum of about 90 to 100 ~~/1 in July or August. The average concentration between August and January would be about 70 mgjl. Tu.rbidity levels in this reach would be less than Stage I and II because of the reduced· suspended concentrationse Turbidity in the summer would be reduced from natural conditions because of the irapping of material in the reservoir. Willter turbidity levels will be higher than natural because of the fine material which remains suspended in the reservoir. Summer turbidity levels are simulated to increase from values of 20-40 NTU in early May to maximums of 200 NTU in 1 ate· July and to decrease to approximately 100 NTU by September. Turbidity would be relatively constant at 100-140 NTU through December and decrease to minimum levels in early May. Vertical illumination would be greater than in Stages I or II. 4.3.4 Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen conc~ntrations downstream of the damsites are not expected to be substantially affected by the proposed project. Susitna River flow will likel~' remain high in dissolved oxygen concentrations. {a) Watana to Devil Canyon (i) Stage I -Construction Changes in dissolved oxygen concentration are not· anticipated during construction of Stage I. 134 t ,_. L· 1-·_ L. t: r~ t~ L.: t [_~ [ r l L L L ~ L. -Filling During the filling of Stage !5 stratification of dissolved oxygen concentrations will begin to occur. Water will likely be released from water near the reservoir bottom and would likely contain lower dissolved oxygen levels than are normally found in the middle Susitna River. However, the oxygen deficit of the water near. the bottom of the reservoir in Stage I is not expected to be high due to the small size I of the reservoir, the volume of freshwater inflow, mixing effects caused by the 1 ow 1 eve 1 out 1 et works, wind and waves, and the weaker stratification during filling than during normal operation. Moreover, additional reoxygenation of this water will occur naturally as it passes downstream through the turbulent rapids in the upper reaches of Devil Canyon. Operation Susitna River flow from the reservoir during Stage I operation will continue to have both high dissolved oxygen concentrations and high percentage saturations. Dissolved oxygen changes are not anticipated since water will be drawn from the upper layer of the reservoir. The oxygen demand of the water entering the reservoir will be low. A 1 ayer of Qrgani c matter at the reservoir bottom wi 11 be present and cou1 d create some 1 oca 1 i zed oxygen dep 1 et; on a 1 ong the reservoir floor. However, the · process of decomposition will be very slow because of the cold temperatures near the bottom. Any waters with low dissolved oxygen will be diluted by the larg:e reservoir volume of water with relatively high dissolved oxygen content. The stratification that is anticipated in the reservoir may limit the oxygen replenishment in the hypolimnion. The 135 . I I I I ! I I I I I I I • - I r1 { : -1, i..l• ..,. '., ~ spring turnover, with its large inflow of freshwater containing relatively high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, will cause mixing; however, the depth to which this mixing will occur is unknown. It is anticipated that the upper 200 feet {60 :n} of the impoundment should maintain high dissolved oxygen concentrations. {ii) Stages II and III The reach between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon wi 11 be inundated fo 11 owing construction of the Stage I I De vi 1 Can,yon dam. Dissolved oxygen conditions will remain similar to Stage I operation until inundation (Entrix 1985b). {b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna {i} Stage I Downstream iissolved oxygen conditions will remain similar to natura 1 cor. 'ii. t ions as desC;';"i bed for the Watana to De vi 1 Canyon reach. -Construction Construction of t~;e Stage II dam is not expected to affect the dissolved o~ygen concentration downstream. -Fi 11 ing Prior to filling, all large standing vegetation in the reservoir area will be selectively harvested or cleared and burned, the·reby eliminating some of the oxygen demand due to the long-term decomposition of vegetation following reservoir filling. 136 Because ·of the extremely short residence time, 0(1 hypolimnet·lc oxygen depletion is expected to develop either during tha one year that the reservoir is held at el. 1,135 ft, or during the final period of r-eservoir filling. -Operation Within the uppell layet's (epirimnion) of the reservoir, dissolved oxygen concentrations will remain high. 'inflow water to the impoundment will continue to have a high dissolved oxygen content and low BOD. Since water for 1 energy generation is drawn from the upper 1 ayers of the reservoir, no adverse effects to downstream dissolved oxygen levels are expected~ Reduction of dissolved oxygen concentrations can occur in the lower levels of deep reservoirs. Stratification and the slow biochemical decomposition of organic matter will p-.. omote 1 ower oxygen 1 eve 1 s near the De vi 1 Canyon Reservoir bottom over time. However, all large vegetation will have been selectively cleared and burned or buried prior to inundation thereby reducing the potential oxygen demand decomposition process. No estimates of the extent of oxygen depletion can be calculated. Ouri ng periods of re 1 ease through the De vi 1 Canyon outlet facilities, water with somewhat reduced oxygen levels may be di schlarged. Given the dynamic nature of the rive~, these reduced concentrations should quickly return to saturation levels. Quantitative estimates of these reduced oxygen levels are not possible. 137 l I 1 ] 1 • (iii) Stage III -Construction The Devil Canyon reservoir will act as a buffer to stabilize any decreases in dissolved oxygen concentrations. No changes in downstream oxygen concentration are expected during Stage III construction. Filling During the Stage III filling period, the reservoir stratification will be similar to that described for normal operation of Stages I, II and. III. A significant biochemical oxygen demand is not anticipated. The timber in the reservoir area between the Stage II clearing level and the Stage 1 I I c 1 eari ng 1 eve 1 wi 11 be se 1 ect i ve 1 y c 1 eared thereby eliminating some of the associated oxygen demand that would be created by the inundation and decomposition of vegetation. Further, the chemica 1 oxygen demand of the Susitna River is low. -.Qoer.at ion Dissolved oxygen levels in Stage III would be similar to Stage I I. In genera 1 , di sso 1 ved oxygen is expected to be similar to natural conditions because water will generally be withdrawn from near the reservoir surface. During periods when the Devil Canyon outlet works are operating, some water with lower than natural dissolved oxygen rr-;ay be released from the reservoir. This wate~ will be released as a diffused spray which Will tend to increase its dissolved oxygen content. Additionally, exposure to the atmosphere and mixing with water re 1 eased through the powerhouse wi 11 increase dissolved oxygen levels downstream. Continual operation of the Devil Canyon outlet works will cause 138 L- L.J [~~ L. replacement of water near the bottom of the Devi 1 Canyon reservoir with water from near the surface of Watana. Thus, after a period of releases with potentially lower dissolved oxygen 1 evel s, the cor·cnntrat ion in the water re 1 eased · through the o·ut 1 et works ·is expected to increase. 4~3.5 Total Dissolved~Gas Total dissolved gas concentrations are expected to r~main similar to natural concentrations as the outlet works wo~Jld be designed to minimize gas supersaturation. A flip bucket would be installed on the low-level outlet works and fixed-vone valves would control flow from the outlet works at Watana. The Devil Canyon rapids naturally entrain of dissolved gas immediately downstream. with-project are not expected to concentrations. {a) Watana to Devil Canyon (i} Stage I -Construction air and cause supersaturation Dissolved gas concentrations exceed naturally occurring No changes to the total dissolved gas concentration is expected to be caused by Stage I construction. Filling Changes in the concentration of total dissolved gas are not anticipated in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. Water that is released during the filling of the reservoir to meet environmental flow requirements will pass through the low-level outlet. A flip bucket is provided on the low-level outlet works to disperse the flow and to prevent a 139 hydraulic jump in order to minimize the potential for gas supersaturation. Gas concentrations in the river are expected to be similar to natural. Operation Supersaturated dissolved gas (nitrogen) conditions can occur belo~ high head dams as a result ~f flow releases. However, fixed-cone valves are planned to control flow from the outlet works at the Watana dam and wi 11 be used during project operation to release floods with return periods of less than 50 years. The amount of supersaturation in the Watana release is expected to remain constant between 100 and 105 percent for up to the 50-year event. (ii) Stages II and III During construction of the Stage II dam, dissolved gas concentrations wi 11 be unchanged from concentrations during Stage I operation. The reach between Watana and Devil Canyon will subsequently be inundated (Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil C~nyon to Talkeetna (i) Stage I -Construction Construction activities are not expected to change dissolved gas concentrations downstream of Devil Canyon. -Filling Supersaturated dissolved gas conditions currently exist in the Susitna River below the Devil Canyon rapids due to the entrainment of air and pressurization due to the plunging 140 .. f/. ~- r , L. I ;,. .... action as the river flows through this reach. Filling will cause reduced downstream flows and result in 1 ower s~mmet" dissolved gas concentrations below the Devil Canyon rapids. However, dissolved gas concentrations will be similar to concentrations occurring naturally at a similar flow. Based on observed pre-project conditions~ August flows of 12,000 cfs at Gold Creek should result in total dissolved gas saturation levels of approxi~ately IDS percent or less. Operation During operation, dissolved gas concentrations downstream o~ Devil Canyon are expected to be similar to natural conditions under low fall flowso As flows increase, flow in Devil Canyon would become more turbulent. The amount of supersaturation in De vi 1 Canyon waul d increase so that the tot a 1 gas concentration downstream of Devil Canyon would be approximately 115 to 125 percent for the 50-year flood. Gas concentrations have not been measured for natura 1 conditions for flows exceeding 35,000 cfs, and a direct comparison nf with~project and natural conditions is not possible for these floods. However, if the relation between flow and gas concentration developed for flows less than 35,000 cfs were extrapolated, gas concentrations for floods greater than the mean annual event for natural conditions would be higher than for with-project conditions. Although no measurements of dissolved gas levels exist for the winter period for natural conditions, it is anticipated that average with-project flows (5,000 to 10,000 cfs) will cause levels of dissolved gas below Devil Canyon which exceed saturation. Concentrations are not expected to exceed the water quality standard of 110 percent (18 AAC 70.020) based upon the available natural condition 141 I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , i ! measurements taken at slightly higher discharge conditions and higher ambient air temperatures. (ii} Stage II Canst ruction During c_onstruction, dissolved gas concentrations will be similar to those occurring during Stage I operation. -Filling Dissolved gas supersaturation will not be a concern during the filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir. As the reservoir is filled, the rapids between the mouth of Devil Creek and the Devil Canyon damsite will be inundated and the turbulence that presently causes the supersaturation wi 11 thus be eliminated. Thus, dissolved gas concentrations in the reservoir area wi 11 be 1 ess than those for Stage I operat ·ion. -Operation Fixed-cone valves have been included in the design for the Devil Canyon dam. This will minimize the potential for gas supersaturation to exceed naturally occurring levels during floods with return per-i ads of 1 ess than 50 years. Additionally, the inundation of the Devil Canyon rapids will eliminate a natural source of gas supersaturation. Gas concentrations downstream of Devil Canyon dam are expected to range from approximately 102 to 107 percent of saturation. This assumes that supersaturation occurring at Watana will not be reduced in Devil Canyon reservoir. The level of supersaturation will decrease downstream of Devil Canyon. 142 (iii) Stage III During construction of Stage III, the Devil Canyon dam operation will CChrtrol the dissolved gas concentrations downstream. -Filling During filling of Watana Stage III the water normally released through the outlet works for flood control and dam safety purposes will be stared in the reservoir to raise the . water level. Therefore, Watana outlet works use will be minimized during this period. Some water may be released through the Devil Canyon outlet works to meet environmental flow requirements and as a result of floods in the area between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon. However, there is 1 ess likelihood that the outlet works or spillway will be used during this period than at any other time during project operation. Therefore, super-saturated gas concentrations ar~ expected to be minimized during this periode -Operation As discussed for Stages I and II, the project operating policy and project design are planned to minimize the potential for downstream gas concentrations to exceed naturally occurring levels. Dissolved gas concentrations during Stage III operation would be similar to Stage II operation. Fixed cone va 1 ves are provided in th~ outlet works to disperse releases and minimize dissolved gas concentrations downstream. Floods with recurrence intervals of less than 50 years would be released without operating the spillway. Immediately downstream of the Devil Canyon dam, dissolved gas concentrations would not exceed 105 143 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r t percent to 110 percent. Furth~r downstream, g~s concentrations would be reduced. Gas (;Oncentrations are expected to be 1 ess than natural for some.· floods with return periods of greater than 50 years also, due to the inundation of the Devil Canyon rapids and mixing of spillwi!y, outlet works and powerhouse flows. 4.3.6 Nutrients and Organics Concentrations of nutrients and organic compounds are expected to remain similar to natural concentrations. Initially, a slight increase in concentration may be caused by the leaching of minerals in the reservoir areas. However, the settling of sediments would 1 ikely precipitate nutrients from the water co 1 umn. The magnitude of the net change is unknown, but concentrations are not expected t~ change substantially from natural levels. {a) Watana to Devil Canyon {i) Stage I -Construction Potential increases in concentrations of nutrients and organic compounds in the river from construction activities will be minimized as described in the report describing potential impacts in the construction zone {Entrix 1985a). Concentrations of waterborne nutrients and orga;jic compounds downstream of the Watana damsite may be slightly increased from natural levels during construction {Entrix 1985a). A retvrn to natural nutrient and organic compound levels is likely to occur within one summer {Entrix 1985a). 144 Filling Initial filling of Watana will likely cause an increase in nutrient concentrations due to leaching processes. However, this increase in nutrient concentration would be offset by the precipitation of the nutrients from the water column by settling of sediments transported into the impoundment. The magnitude of net change is unknown, but it is likely that nutrient concentrations will increase, especially in proximity to the reservoir floor for at least a short time during filling. Similarly the concentratiohs in release waters would be sxpected to increase. -Operation Concentrations of nutrients and organic compounds in the resetvoir discharge are expected to be below natural levels. Within the reservoir, sedimentation will remove some of these constituents from the water column, making them unavailable for downstream use. Settling of suspended sediments within the reservoir will continue during project operation an1 will result in a sediment blanket that will reduce leaching and biological cycling of macro and micro nutrients, primary and secondary productivity, and organic detritus oxydation {Wetzel 1975, Campbell et al. 1975, Crawford and Rosenberg 1984, Wiens and Rosenburg 1984, Hicky and McCo 11 ough 1984) • Deve 1 opment of sma 11 , 1 ow density biological communities in the. reser·,oir is expected to occur. The anticipated trophic status of the Watana Reservoir has been develCJped in part by Peterson and Nichols {1982).. The t .. ate of removal is unknown, although it is expected to be small relative to the flow rate through the reservoir. 145 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( i i ) Stages ll and I 1 I During construction of the Stage II dam, nutrients and organics in the Watana to Devil Canyon reach will remain unchanged from those during Stage I operation. During fi 11 i ng of Stage I I , the reach wi 11 be inundated. Impacts to 'this reach of river during fi 11 i ng and operation of Stage I I and a 11 phases of Stage III are discussed in the impoundment impact assessment (Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Canyon to Talkeetna {i) StagFLl -Construction, Filling, Operation The impacts on nutrient levels are similar to those in the reach from Watana to Devil Canyon, although they will be less distinct due to input from local tributary discharges. {ii) Stage II -Construction, Filling During Stage II construction, nutrients and organics in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach will remain unchanged from the levels described for Stage I operation. Also similar to Watana Stage I, two opposing factors wi 11 affect nutrient concentrations during the filling process. First, initial inundation will likely cause an increase in nutrient concentrations due to leaching. Second, sedimentation will remove some nutrients from the water column. Again, the magnitude of the net change in nutrient concentrations will increase in proximity to the reservoir floor during the filling process. 146 -Operation Nutrient l:vels downstream will be slightly reduced due to sedimentation in the Devil Canyon reservoir. (iii) Stage III -Construction, Filling, Operation· Impacts wi 11 be simi 1 ar to those for Stage I I Operation. The Cldd1t ion a 1 impoundment in the Watana Reservoir is not expected to change the downstream nutrient and organic compound concentrations measurably. 4.3.7 Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Significant Ions, Alkalinity, and Metals Changes in the water quality in the Susitna River downstream of the damsite are expected to include slight increases in sediment, metal, and salt ion concentrations resulting from construction disturbances and from leaching of soil and rock in the reservoirs. The water quality should not be substantially changed from natural conditions. {a) Watana to Devil Canyon (i) ,S.tage I -Construction The sma 11 increases in the concentration of trace meta 1;,; resulting from construction disturbances to soi 1 s and rock on ths river bank and in the riverbed are 11ut e.:xp~,.:ted to create adverse conditions in the ecosystem as thte concentrations of many metals currently exceed establishe:d water quality criteria (APA 1985b) .. 147 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Fi 11 ing The initial filling of the reservoir will inundate rocks and soi 1 s in the reservoir that cause short-term i ncteases in dissolved solids, conductivity, and most of the major ions by leaching processes (Peterson and Nichols 1982). Balke and Wad de 11 { 1975) found the highest concentration:> of a 11 major ions~ except magnesium, occurred immediately after dam closure. Symons (1969), also identified similar increases of alkalinity, iron, and manganese. These findings were all attributed to the initial inundation and leaching of rocks and soils in the reservoir. The magnitude of the expected changes cannot be quantified, but should not be significant (Peterson and Nichols 1982). Furthermore, Baxter and Glaude (1980) have found such effects are temporary and diminish with time. The effects of leaching will diminish for two reasons. First, the most soluble elements will dissolve into the water rather quickly and the rate of 1 each ate production will correspondingly decrease with time. Second, much of the inorganic sediment carried by the Susitna River will deposit in the Watana reservoir; the formation of an inorganic sediment blanket on the reservoir bed will retard the leaching process (Peterson and Nichols 1982). Concentrations of leaching products will be highest near the reservoir bottom, but may be re-entra i ned into the upper levels during overturns, The products of leaching are not anticipated to be abundant enough to affect more than a small layer of water near the reservoir bottom (Peterson and Nichols 1982). Some leaching products may be distributed throughout the reservoir during the fall overturn following the summer of filling. Dilution by the large reservoir volume would make th~ resulting concentrations biologically insignificant. Since the power intakes are located in the 148 upper 1 eve 1 s of the reservoir, water re 1 eased thrcagh the turbines should not be affected by leaching products. During the summer of fi.ll i ng, re 1 eases from the 1 ow-l eve 1 outlets could i ncr~ase downstream concentrations of the previously mentioned parameters but detr.:imental effects on freshwater aquatic organisms are not expected. -Operation During operation, the leaching process may result in slightly elevated concentrations of water quality parameters, especially near the reservoir bottom. As described far filling, leaching effects are expected to decrease over time. Di sso 1 ved su 1 ids concentrations near the reserve i r surface may also increase slightly due to evaporation in the summer months and rejection from freezing ice in the winter months. At no time, however, are these increases expected to be biologically significant in the reservoir. Changes in downstream water quality are not expected even during overflow spil1way operation as the overflow spillway will not be operated except during a major flood {Section 2.1.4) when all other outlet facilities will also be in operation. Surface water will thus be diluted considerably and increases in concentration are expected to be be 1 ow the detection limit. Metal concentrations within the reservoir and consequently in the discharge may be reduced by metal precipitation. Metals have been observed to precipitate in reservoirs, particularly those which are oligotrophic with high pH and dissolved salt concentrations (APA 1985c). Although neither pH nor dissolved salts have excessively high concentrations in ·the Susitna River, the reservoir is expected to be 149 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, .. ·..,,_ . oligotrophic (APA 1985c); a slight decrease in .metal concentrations may nccur. (ii} Stages II and III As the reach between Watana and Devil Canyon will be inundated following completion of the Devil Canyon dam~ further physical changes in water quality are addressed within the impoundment impact assessment {Entrix 1985b). (b) Devil Canynn to Talkeetna {i} Stage I -Construction Disturbances to soil ~nd rock adjacent to the river during Watana construction will increase dissolved and suspended materials in the river as described for the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. Although slightly elevated metal levels may result from construction activities, water quality should not be significantly changed. -Filling and Operation Chan0es in water quality are expected to be similar to those described for the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. (ii} Stage II -Construction, Filling, and Operation Changes in water quality resulting from Stage !I will be similar to those identified for Stage I. Leaching may occur over an extended period of time in the Devil Canyon reservoir as a blanket of glacial sediments will develop 150 \1 ... r {; i;) slower than in the Watana reservoir. However, changes in water quality due to the leaching process are expected to be diluted by the large volume of water in the reservoir and significant changes in downstream water quality are not expected. Stage III -Construction, Filling, and Operation Water quality changes will be similar to those described for Stage II operation. The Devil Canyon reservoir will act as a construction buffer capturing increased trace metal concentrations, salts~ or sediments releas~d during Watana Stage III construction. The water quality released during filling and operation of Watana Stage III dam will be similar to the water quality during Stage II operation. 4.4 Ground~ater Conditions Changes in the groundw.ater conditions between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon will be primarily limited to the floodplain of the Susitna River. Following construction of Stage I, the groundwater level adjacent to the rna i nstem is expected to decrease in the sununer and increasE! during the winter in comparison to natural levels. The filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir will inundate the reach between Watana and Devil Canyon. Project changes in the middle Susitna River affecting groundwater conditions will primarily consist of increases and decreases in groundwater levels adjacent to the mainstem. During the winter, groundwater 1 eve 1 s and upwe 11 i ng upstream of the ice front w·i 11 be decreased from natural mid-winter conditions. Groundwater levels and upwelling downstream of the ice front will be increased. In the summer, groundwater levels at the streambank will be decreased about 2 ft from natural levels as described for the Watana to ilevil Canyon reach. 151 I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I ~ t_~' 4.4.1 Watana to Devil Canyon (a) Stage I (i) Construction ~1ostantial changes in groundwater conditions are not expected during construction of the dam as ·there wi 11 be no change in mainstem discharge or water level other than in the localized area of the project. In the immediate construction area, minor groundwater changes will likely result from the construction of the slurry cut-off trenches and the dewatering of the construction area (Section 2el.l). (ii} Filling During the summer of fi 11 i ng, groundwater 1 eve 1 s adjacent to the mainstem are expected to be reduced. Decreased summer flows will cause a decrease in the water levels in the mainstem of the river which will cause a reduction in groundwater levels in the river fl oodp 1 a in area. The average change in groundwater level during this period will be a reduction of about 2 ft near the streambank with less change occurring with increasing distance away from the river. Winter groundwater levels are expected to be similar to natural leve 1 s as ice staging during the first winter fo 11 owing the summer of filling will be similar to natural conditions. (iii) Operation Groundwater changes during summer operation are 1 i kely to be similar to impacts during filling and will generally include a 1 oweri ng of the groundwater 1 eve 1 s in the fl oodp 1 ai n. The river flows in the summer will be increased slightly from 152 fi 11 tng flows and wi 11 result in groundwater 1 eve 1 s c 1 oser to but less than natural levels. In the winter, ice staging will not occur between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon as the flow wi 11 have warm temperatures. Groundwater levels are thus expected to be similar to the levels occurring under natural conditions in the early fall when natural river flows are approximately 10,000 cfs. (b) Stage II and III Following construction of the Devil Canyon dam, the reach between Watana and Devil Canyon will be inundated. Resulting changes in water levels are discussed in the Impoundment Zone Impact Assessment and Mitigation Plan {Entrix 1985b). 4.4.2 Devil Canyon to Talkeetna {a) Sj:age I {i) Construction No changes to groundwater conditions in the middle Susitna River reach are expected as ~ result of Stage I construction. { i i ) F i 11 i ng -Mainstem Changes in groundwater conditions of the middle Susitna River during filling will be similar to the changes described for the Watana to Devil Canyon reach. -Sloughs and Peri phera 1 _Habi ~at Lower groundwater levels in the river floodplain during the summer of filling will result in a dewatering of some of the 153 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ seep areas in the sloughs, mainly in the higher, upstream portions. The reduced sununer mainstPm flows and resulting 1 ower water 1 eve 1 s wi 11 cause changes in the groundwater levels in various sloughs. Flows have been investigated in three sloughs (Sloughs SA, 9, and 11), and equations derived that link mainstem stage to slough flow (APA 1985c), Based on these equations, a 2-ft reduction in mainstem stage will result in a reduction of 0.6 to 1.2 cfs in slough flows .. This loss will mainly occur in the summer. The groundwater flow from the mai nstem to other s 1 ough and side channe 1 habitat areas will be affected in the same manner. Groundwater recharge of slough aquifers wi 11 probably be reduced as overtopping of slough berms wi 11 occur 1 ess frequently due to reduced summer flows during filling. Ice staging during the winter of filling will be similar to natural conditions and thus groundwater flow in sloughs will be similar to natural. {iii} Operation -Mainstem Groundwater changes between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna during surmter Stage I operation will be similar to those changes described between Watana and De vi 1 Canyon. During winter, increased ice staging will occur during freeze-up and hence groundwater 1 eve 1 wi 11 be increased from natura 1 1 eve 1 s a 1 ong ice covered ~ect ions of the ma i nstem. Groundwater leve 1 s upstre: • .~ the ice front wi 11 be 1 ess than those occurring in mi~~inter under natural conditions. However, groundwater levels will be greater than the minimum natural levels which occur in the fall prior to ice-staging. 154 -Sloughs and Peripheral Habitat During winter in the Devil Canyon to ·Talkeetna reach, groundwater flow wi 11 be increased in s 1 oughs and side channels downstream of Gold Creek adjacent to an ice-covered section of the river (Figure 8). As an ice cover forms at the project operation flows of about 9, 000 cfs, the river will stage. The associated water level will be a few feet above normal winter water levels and will cause an increase in the groundwater table and thus an increase in groundwater flow. Sloughs upstream of Gold Creek may be adjacent to open water sections of the river. Because monthly average flows will be between approximately 4,000 and 9,000 cfs in winter, the unstaged water 1 eve 1 during project operation wi 11 be 1 ess than water levels during natural ice-staged conditions. Sloughs in this area may experience a decrease in groundwater flow in the· winter compared to natura 1 conditions. However, water levels upstream of the ice front wi 11 fluctuate 1 ess· on an al'nua1 basis than during natura 1 conditions, resulting in groundwater flows wh•1ch will be more stable all year than for natural conditions. In addition, the groundwater upwelling under project operation will be greater than the minimum natural upwelling rates which occur in the fall prior to ice-staging. Natural flows generally decline during the fall to near 5,000 cfs before an ice cover forms. This is the period of lowest groundwater flow. As Stage I discharges and water levels will remain higher than natural during this period, the minimum groundwater flow will be increased. During summer, the mainst&m-slough groundwater interaction will be similar to that during impoundment with the ('xcept ion that the summer operation a 1 flows wi 11 be greater 155 ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ \ than the downstream flows during filling. Summer groundwater levels will thus be increased from filling levels. {b) Stage II {i} Construction The construction of Devil Canyon will not modify the Watana operation or flows, and the groundwater conditir,;: discussed under Watana operation will remain relevant during tnis period. Some local changes in groundwater levels in the immediate vicinity of the Devil Canyon damsite may occur due to dewatering of open and underground excavations. (ii) Filling No major groundwater changes are anticipated during the filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir; conditions are expected to remain similar to those identified for the filling of the Watana reservoir. (iii) Operation -Mainstem Groundwater levels adjacent to the mainstem during Stage II operation will generally be less stable than for Stage I in summer (June through September), but more stable the rest of the year. During Stage II, higher mainstem flows will cause increased groundwater levels in late July to early September and 1 ate February to mid May. Groundwater 1 eve 1 increases due to ice staging will not extend as far upstream as during Stage I as the river ice cover will form further downstream with Stage I I. Groundwater 1 eve 1 s adjacent to the ice- 156 covered mainstem will also be slightly lower than for Stage I as winter flow releases will be less during Stage \1. -Sloughs and Peri ph era 1 Habitat :.l\reas Groundwater flows to s 1 oughs and other peri phera 1 habitat areas would reflect the flows and water 1 eve 1 s in the mainstem as discussed for Stage ·I. Groundwater flow during the period when natura 1 groundwater flow is the 1 owest . {October) will generally be higher than Stage I and higher than natura 1 (Figure 8). Winter ice cover wi 11 not extend as far upstream as in Stage I nor result in as high water 1 eve 1 s. Therefore, groundwater f1 ow in s 1 oughs and side channe 1 s wi 11 be reduced from Stage I, but wi 11 st i 11 be higher than natural. Upstream of the ice front, the rna i nstem stage wi 11 be reduced from natura 1 and wi 11 be simi 1 ar to fa 11 and spring 1 eve 1 s, thus i ncr~ as i ng the stability of groundwater flows. (c:) Stage III {i) Construction Groundwater changes from construction of Stage I I I wi 11 be similar to changes identified for Stage II operation as the mainstem flows for Stage II operation will be continued until Stage III filling commences. ( i i ) F i 1 1 i ng -Mainstem During filling, the groundwater levels along the mainstew wi 11 be reduced from July to September si nee excess flows normally released from Watana will be stored in the reservoir. Groundwater 1 eve 1 s a 1 ong the ma i nstem may be 157 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~l !'educed by up to 2 .. 5 ft near Gold Creek in August. Groundwater 1 eve 1 s are expected to be more uniform during May to November as mainstem flows will be more stable during filling than during natural conditions. -Sloughs and Peripheral Habitat Arill,. The ground·.1ater upwe 11 i ng to s 1 oughs wi 11 fo 11 ow the s arne general pattern as the groundwater table along the mainstem . . That is, groundwater upwelling ·Will be more stable in the May-November period during fi 11 i ng of Stage I I I. Upwe'l 1 i ng wi 11 be 1 ess than during norma i operation in the July-September period. Groundwater upwe 11 i ng during this period may be reduced by an average of 0.5 to 1.3 cfs based on relationships obtained for Sloughs SA, 9, and 11. (iii) Operation Downstream groundwater level changgs will be similar to those described for Stage I operat 1 on and wi 11 be confined to the river fl oodp 1 ai n area. During winter 1 the extent of river covered with ice wi 11 be reduced from Stages I and I I due to the warmer temperatures of the re 1 eased water. Change.s in groundwater conditions upst~"'eam and downstream of the ice front are discussed for Stage I operation. 158 .. S.J IMPACT ANALYSIS 5.1 Altered Flow Regime 5.1.1 Summary of Physical Changes (a) Stage I { i ) F i 11 i n_g The changes in flow regime due to the fi 11 i ng of the Watana reservoir, Stage I, is discussed in Sections 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 4.1.1, ancl 4.4; key changes are summarized below: o Flows at Gold Creek are expected to be at or slightly above the E-VI minimum flow requirements from May ' through September 1998. o Minimum flows during the winter following the one summer of filling will be natural flows; flow levels may exceed · natural flows during unit testing and commissioning. (ii) Operation Watana, Stage I operation and its effect on flow regime is discussed in Sections 2.1.4 and 4.1.1; major changes in flo\'1 regime are summarized below: o The Stage I operaticnal flow regime is scheduled to begin in the summer of 1999 and continue until the Devil Canyon dam is constr·ucted and filling behind that dam begins. o The Stage I operational flow regime will be more stable than natura 1 flows, with 1 ower flows and water 1 eve 1 s than natura 1 during summers and higher than natura 1 159 flows (and water le·~els downstream of the ice front) during winters. o The Stage I operational flows will normally exceed the flows during Stage I filling. (b) ,S_tage II o Groundwater levels will be higher downstream of the ice front and similar upstream of the ice front compared to natura 1 winter 1 eve 1 s and 1 ower than natura 1 summer levels. (i) Filling The changes in flow regime due to the fi 11 i ng of the Devi 1 Canyon reservoir are discussed in Sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3, and 4.1.1; key changes are summariz~d below: o Filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir will be conducted in two distinct periods totaling 5 to 8 weeks in length. o Downstream flows will be at or slightly above the E-VI minimum flow requirements during filling. (ii) Operation The changes in flow regime resulting from operatic" of the Devil Canyon reservoir are discussed in Sections 2~2.4 4.1.1, and 4.4; changes which cause impacts to fish resources are summarized below~ o Watana Sta~e I wi 11 be operated as a peaking p 1 ant and Devil Canyon operation will re-regulate Watana flows. 160 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ~ _;, ' o Stage II operation will generally result in higher than natural winter flows and water levels and lower than natura 1 summer flows and water 1 eve 1 s; flood peaks wi 11 be considerably reduced. o Stage II operation flows will be more uniform during the year than flows during Stage I operation. o Groundwater levels will be higher in summer than Stage I a 1 though 1 ower than natura 1 summer 1 eve 1 s; in winter, groundwater levels will be lower than Stage I and higher than natural levels downstream of tha ice front. (c) Stage III (i) Filling The changes in flow regime due to the filling of the Stage III Watana reservoir are discussed in Sections 2.3.1 and 4.1.1; changes which cause impacts to fish resources are presented below: o Filling will take between three and seven years, beginning in 2011. o filling flows will generally be neal~ the minimum flow requirements during the summer. (ii) Operation The changes in flow regime due to the Stage III operation are discussed in Sections 2.3.4, 4.1.1, and 4.4; changes which cause impacts to fish resources are presented below: o Watana will operated as a peaking p1ant and Devil Canyon as a baseloaded plant. 161 o The flow regime during early Stage III operation will be very similar to Stage II flow regime, with higher than natura 1 winter flows and water 1 eve 1 s and 1 ower than natural summer flows and water levels; flood peaks will be considerably reduced. o The flow regime will become more uniform as Stage III progresses. o Groundwater 1 eve 1 s wi 11 be higher than Stage I I and lower than natural levels in summer; in winter, the groundwater levels will be higher than natural levels. 5.1.2 Effects on Species/Habita~ (a) Access and Passage {i} Sloughs and Side Channell Access and passage of fish into .sloughs and side channels is provided through the interaction of channel morphology, mainstem flow, and local flow. The altered flow regime during project filling and operation may affect the channel morphology. Sloughs and side channels may degrade up to 0. 3 ft; potentia 1 rna i nstem degradat i 011 may range between 1 . 0 and 1.5 ft in the middle Susitna River (Harza-Ebasco 1985a}. This impact assessment has been prepared assuming that bed degradation will be minor. If the bed does degrade, a reevaluation will be done at that time as described in Section 5.2. The project flows wi 11 be 1 ess than natura 1 flows during the period of upstream migration of salmon adults. Access into sloughs and side channels will be reduced. 162 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l1 " 1 -Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Soawninq Adults • .. , Stage I Detailed analysis of mainstem flows required for succe3sful passage into the major chum salmon spawning sloughs have been conducted by ADF&G {Blakely et al. 1985, Sautner et al. 1984). However, a quantitative assessment of the availability of passage conditiotrs during reservoir fi 11 i ng using this information is not possible for average and wet years since the available flow data and mean monthly flows mask the monthly variability in flows caused by short-term rainstorm events that often provide passage. It can be assumed, however, that. since the mean monthly flo\'JS for filling are 1 ess than those occurring naturally in August and SeptemberJ for average and wet weather conditions that the frequency of successful passage conditions would be reduced.. In a dry year with 8,000 cfs E-VI minimum flows during the spawning period and assuming no precipitation {no variability around the minimum flow value), passage would be restricted beyond Passage Reach I in Slough SA, Passage Reach IV in Slough 9A, Passage Reach I in Slough 11, and Passage Reach VI in Side Channel 21 . .. Operation Passage conditions within sloughs and side channels will be restricted by the Stage I operation flow regime. Stage I -1996 project flows during the spawning season for churu salmon (August 12 -September 15) would be less 163 \ . ! J ,., than natural flows (Section 4.1.1}. Although the flows are substantially greater than E-VI minimum constraints, a reduction in the frequency of occurrence of successful passage conditions and availability of suitable habitat within sloughs and sirle channels would occur. The extent of these reductions for the major chum-producing sloughs and side channels (sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 11, 21 and Upper Side Cha~nel 11 and Side Channel 21) were analyzed. The percent of time successful passage conditions would be available at the passage reaches of each slough was estimated for the specified time period by selecting the exceedance value associated with the minimum mainstem discharge that provided passage either through backwater, controlling breaching flows or local flow from groundwater infiltration {excluding direct surface runoff). The appendix presents the passage exceedance eva 1 uat ion for each week and for the entire period from week 45 to 49 for the major chum producing sloughs. ThE.\ re~~nts of these analyses are discussed for individual sloughs below. ••. Slough SA Relative Utilization During the 1981-1985 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough SA was 442 {range: 37-917). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough were 1,029 chum (range: 112-2383). Slough SA mean estimated total chum escapement comprised 15.7 percent of the mean estimatei total chu~ escapement {6,552) to all sloughs in the middle Susitna River. 164 I I< I I I I I I I I I I I I Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of succe5sful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough SA under natural and Stage I flows are graphically depicted for each week and for a 11 weeks combined of the spawning period in Figure 26. The mainstem discharges for passage considering backwater, local flow and breaching effects and the passage frequency va1ues are listed for each week and for the entire period in Appendix Tables 1 to 6. Under natural and Stage I flow regimes, the frequency of successful passage conditions decreases progressively with each week of the spawning season as mainstem flows decline. The differences between natural and Stage I flows are greatest, a 1 though not substantial, at the beginning of the spawning season (Week 45) and gradually narrow by the last week {Week 49). This is attributable to the passage provided by the relatively high discharges required for successful passage at Slough SA whi tch occur at a greater frequency with natura 1 flows than with project flows early in the season. Later in the season the frequencies of these flows are at or near zero for both natural and project flows • ••• Slough 9-98 Relative Utilization During the 1981-1985 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough 9 (including 98) was 269 {range: 94-423). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough was 449 chum (range: 118-645). Slough 9 and 98 mean estimated total chum escapement comprised 6.9 165 '.:.·· ll f L L AUG 12- SEPT 15 AUGUST 12-18 AUGUST 19-25 .A.UG 26- SEPT 1 SEPT 2-8 SEPT 9-15 100 eo eo 41-0 20 0 100 eo eo 40 20 c:::J NATURAL E:3 STAGE 1 0 ~_.--~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~ 100 eo 60 20 0 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 eo eo -40 20 .,00 eo eo 20 0 100 eo 60 20 0 100 eo 60 40 20 0 100 eo 60 40 20 0 --~.~~--~~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ 0 100 ~00 eo eo eo eo 20 20 0 7-_.--~~~~._ .. ~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~ 100 0 ., 00 eo eo eo eo 20 20 0 II Ill IV V VI VII Vtll IX X P SSAGE REACH PERCENT OF TIME PASSAGE IS AVAILABLE Percent of time passage is possible under natural and Stage I mainstem discharges for weeks between August 12 and September 15 at SloJgh SA. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 26 ··· SUSlTNA HYDROEtECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 166 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • I I I I I I I I I I I I I -' I percent of the mean estimated total chum escapement (6,552) to all sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passa~e conditions at each passage reach of Slough 9 under natura 1 and Stage I flows are graph i ca 11 y depicted for each week and for a11 weeks of the spawning period combined in Figure 27. The mainstem discharges for passage and the frequency values are 1 i sted for each week and for the period in Appendix Tab1es 7 to i2. In general, the reduction in frequency of passage from natura 1 to Stage I for each week and for the entire period would not 1 i kely be sufficient to a 1 ter present utilization patterns. The frequency of passage thr~ugh passage reaches IV and V would be decreased sl ight1y from natural conditions to Stage I conditions • ..• Slough 9A Relative Utilization During the 1981-1985 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough 9A was 168 (range: 105-303). The mean estimated total escapements to the slough were 227 chum (range: 86-528) o Slough 9A mean estimated total chum escapement comprised 3o5 percent of the mean estimated total chum escapement (6,552) to a11 sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Impact Mechanism The frequencies of ocCb~~~~ce of successful passage conditions at each pa~~Jpe reach of Slough 9A under 167 t_; i . t! L ~. ' L L;: .:;> l c::J NATURAl... E3 STAGE 1 100 eo AUG 12-eo SEPT 15 ~0 20 0 100 eo AUGUST eo 12-18 40 20 I 0 .L.._, 100 eo AUGUST eo 19-.... 25 40 20 0 100 eo AUG 26-eo SEPT 1 40 20 0 100 eo SC:PT eo 7:-8 40 20 0 100 eo SEPT eo 9-15 40 20 0 Percent of time passage is possible under natural ~nd Stage I mainstem discharges for weeks between August 12 and September 15 at Slough 9. FIGURE 27 II Ill IV V PASSAGE REACH 100 eo eo 20 0 100 eo eo 40 20 0 .,00 so 40 20 0 , oo· .!SO 60 40 20 0 100 eo eo 20 0 .,00 eo eo 20 0 PERCENT OF TIME PASSAGE IS AVAILABLE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJE~T ENTRIX, INC .. . 168 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTUf<~ I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I ••• natural and Stage I flows are graphically depicted for each week and for all weeks of the spawning period combined in Figure 28. The mainstem discharges for passage and frequency va 1 ues are 1 i sted for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 13 to 18. The low breaching flow {13,500 cfs} and low mainstem discharges that provide the local flow necessary for passage at most passage reaches account for the slight and inconsequential reductions in passage frequencies from the natural to project flows. Slough 11 Relative Utilization During the 1981-1985 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 was 660 {range: 238-1,586). The mean estimated total escapements to the s 1 ough and upper side channel was 1,626 chum {range: 674-3,418). Slough 11 and Upper Side Channel 11 mean estimated total chum escapement comprised 24.8 percent of the mean estimated total chum escapement (6,552) to all sloughs in the middle Susitna River. Imoact Mechanism 'ihe frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Slough 11 under natural flows and Stage I flo.ws are graphically depicted for each week and for all weeks combined of the spawning period in Figure 29. The mainstem discharges for passage and frequency va 1 ues are 1 i sted for each week and fo~ the period in Appendix Tables 19 to 24. · 169 ~ i j ' l,. ' r. t. t . L_. c:::J NATURAL E:3 STAGE 1 100 t 100 eo eo AUG 12-eo eo . SEPT 1~ -+O -+0 20 20 . 0 L_~~LCLL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,00 0 ,00 eo eo AUGUST eo eo 12-18 .... o ~0 20 20 0 100 0 PERCENT ,00 eo eo OF TIME AUGUST eo tSO PASSAGE 19-25 40 40 IS 20 20 AVAILABLE 0 100 0 100 eo eo AUG 26-eo so SEPT 1 40 40 20 2.0 Q 0 100 100 eo eo SEPT eo 2-8 40 40 20 20 o 1-~~LC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-r 100 t 0 100 eo eo eo SEPT eo 9-15 -+O --4-0 20 20 0 l__L~~~~~~~JI~ILLI.lV~~V~~V~t~-V~II~V~1~11~~~~·~~~ PASSAGE REACH 0 Percent of time passage is possible under natural and Stage I main stem discharges for weeks between August 12 and September 15 at Slough 9A. FIGURE 28 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR~TY SUSt-rNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 170 HARlA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOtNT VENTLIRE 1{. I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I 1 J \,..,._,... L' I b.: At."J 12- SEPT 1S AUGUST 12-18 AUGUST 19-25 AUG 26- SEPT 1 SEPT 2-8 SEPT 9-1!S 80 eo .... 0 2.0 ~ NATURA~ E3 STAGE 1 100 ~0 eo 40 20 ~ ~--._--~~~~_._.~_.~-~~~~~~~~~-~ 1 oc... ) 0 eo eo .... 0 20 eo so -+0 20 I 1 oo ·eo eo .... o 20 0 100 eo eo ..... 0 20 0 100 J!SO eo 40 20 0 L_~~~~~~~~~~_LJ=~~=L~.-~-l 0 1 00 4 eo eo .... 0 20 eo eo 20 II 100 eo eo ..... 0 20 0 100 eo eo ..... 0 _j 20 0 VI VII Ill IV V PASSAGE REACH ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PERCENT OF TIME PASSAGE IS AVAILABLE Percent of time passage is possible under natural and Stage I mainstem discharges for weeks between August 12 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT and September 15 at Slough 111 ENTRIX, INC. HAR:ZA-EBASCO ._ ________ ..._..::_F)GURE 29 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~--~~1~7~1----~------~~~~~~~~-J o' Project flows would reduce the frequency of successful passage only to a minor degree in Slough 11. The relatively high breaching discharge at this site indicates that it contributes infrequently to passage. The 1 ocal flows required for successful passage occur more frequently under natural conditions than under Stage I conditions especially early in the spawning season {week 45). Frequencies of passage during Stage I become more similar to natural frequencies later in the spawning season {week 49}. ..• Upper Side Channel 11 Relative Utilization (See Slough 11) Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful passage conditions at each passage reach of Upper Side Channel 11 under natural flows and Stage I flow are graphically di sp 1 ayed for each week and a 11 weeks of the spawning period in Figure 3rt. Insufficient data were available to evaluate the influence of mainstem discharge on lccal flow and backwater effects at Passage Reach II (Appendix Tab1es 19-2~·). The difference in the per~ent of time passa~1c 1 s available under natural and Stage I project flows based on breaching flows would not 1 ikely affect the utilization of this site to a large degree. 172 I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I C.J I.".' f' ' I ; l .... _i r L AUG 12- SEPT 1~ AUGUST 12-18 AUGUST 19-25 AUG 26- SEPT 1 SEPT 2--a SEPT 9-15 c::J NATURAL.. E3 STAGE 1 100 " 100 eo . . eo . eo eo ~0 ~ I ~ 40 20 . 20 0 0 100 1-100 eo . . . eo eo · eo ~ 40 . 20 0 20 OL_ ____ _L __ i=~L__l __ l===L_ ____ J ,00 100 eo ·eo eo · 20. '1 o l_ ________ JL __ _jt====L----L----t====L·---------1 , 00 1- eo~> SO F , 00 . eo -4-0 • 0 -, 00 -+ I eo eo · :. I l J I F I . t -~ 0 L_ _______ _L __ ~==~----L---~==~-------1 1 PASSAGE REACH 11 eo 40 20 0 100 eo eo 40 20 0 '100 ~~0 eo 40 20 0 100 eo eo 40 20 0 PERCENT OF TIME PASSAGt: IS AVAILABlE . Percent of time passage is possible under n~tural and Stage 1 mainstem discharges for weeks between August 12 ALASXA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECt -and September 15 at Upper ENTRIX INC HARL:A·EBAsco .. .. Side Channel 11. FIGURE 30 · ' • SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~-----------~--------~--~~----------~--------~~~~ 173 • '. I, ' l l t ·~ l ~· L. .... .sJ ough 21 Relative Utilization During the 1981-1985 studies, the mean peak count of chum salmon in Slough 21 and Stde Channel 21 were 792 {range:. 274-2,354}. The mean estimated total escapement to the slough and side channel was 1,612 chum (range: 481-4,245). Slough 21 and Side Channel 21 and Side Channel 21 mean estimated total chum escapement comprised 24.6 percent of the mean estimated total chum escapement {6,552) to all sloughs in the middle Susitna Rivere Impact Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of successful pa~sage conditions ctt each passage reach of Slough 21 under natural flows and Stage I flows are graphically displayed for each week and for all weeks combined of the spat~ning period in Figure 31. The mainstem discharges for passage and the frequency values are listed for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 25 to 30. Project flows would reduce the frequency of passage slightly at passage reaches IIIL ak1d IIIR. Passage at other passage reaches would not be re~uced from natural conditions due to r~oject flows . .•. Side Channel 21 Relative Utilization (See Slough 21) 174 "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.J fl • ;; (. r· r·· L r t. l r ll L .. L. c:J NATURAL E3 STAGE 4 AUGUST 12-18 eo so ~·0 20 100 eo eo -4-0 20 0 ,.00 so eo 20 0 ~-----~--~--~~~-----~---- f ::0 AUGUST 19-2S AUG 26- SEPT 1 SEPT 2-8 SEPT t'-1!5 ,00 eo. ISO 20 0 100 eo II!SO ..... 0 20 0 100 eo eo •i-0 20 0 100 eo eo ~·0 20 0 Percent of time passage is possible under natural and Stage I mainstem discharges for weeks between August 12 and September 15 at Slough 21. FIGURE 31 40 f eo -_._ __ ._J. 200 C:-t-:=? . ,00 G.O 40 20 0 '100 eo cso eo .!SO 20 PERCENT OF TIME PASSAGE IS AVAILABLE ALASKA POWER Al.'THORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 175 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE •) ' ~ ' y " ImP.act Mechanism The frequencies of occurrence of passage conditions at f~ach passage reach of Side Channe 1 21 under natura 1 flow and Stage I flows are graphically disrlayed for ea~h week and for a 11 weeks combi net! of the spawning period in Figure 32. The mainstem discharges and the frequency values are also listed for each week and for the period in Appendix Tables 25 to 30. Due to the iow breaching f1~w {12,000 cfs} that affects the n •. Jjority of passage reaches in the side channel, proj~?.ct r ~ ~,;ws waul d slightly reduce the frequem-::y of passage at Passage Reach VI a 1 though no other passage teach waul d be affected by r·--oject flows. Stage II .. and III If slough modification measures are imp1ementad under Stage I, the natural conditions would be altered and consequently a comparison of the percent of time passage occurs under natural and Stage II and III flows is not i·easib1eo The mitigation plan {Section 6e0) addresses the frequency of passage which would be available following slough modification. There is also the possibility that the patterns of utilization of different habitat types may change during this time without a net decrease in productivity. Attempting to assess impacts for Stages II and III based on current uti 1 i zat ion patterns waul d therefore not be productiv,. Provision will be made in a long-term monitoring program to assess changes in productivity of the evaluation species. 176 I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I ., ,..._,_, • ~' ' I 1 t l \. ' l t l I l l l L AUQ 12·- SEPT 1 ~. AUGUS1' 12-18 AUGUST 19-2S AUG 26- SEP'Y 1 SC:PT 2-8 SEPT 9-15 I 1 STAGE 1 100 eo eo <40 20 0 --~--~~--~----.. ~----~~~~._~~--~~--_. ,00 eo eo 20 0 ._~_.~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ 100 eo· eo 40 20 0 ~~-+~~~~~~ .. ~~~L-~-L~~~~~~~-- 100 eo eo ~0 20 0 ~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~-L~~~~~~~--~ ,00 eo so 20 0 ._~--~~--~----.. ~~~~~-L~~~--~~~--~ 100 eo eo 20 0 II Ill IV V· PASSAGE · VI VU VIti IX 100 eo eo ~0 20 0 100 eo eo ~0 20 0 PERCENT 100 eo OF TIME eo PASSAGE 40 IS 20 AVAILABLE 0 10C;:- eo eo 40 20 0 100 eo eo -40 20 0 100 eo eo 40 20 0 Percent of time passage is possible under natural and Stage I mainstem discharges for weeks between Au~ust lZ and September 15 at Side AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY Channel 21. FIGURE 32 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJE':! ENTRIX, INC. 177 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,::; Chinook Salmon Rearing Juvenile$ • 0 Stage I ?assage into sloughs and side channels is required for chinook salmon juveniles to access rearing habitat within the sloughs and side channels. The Case E-VI minimum flows are expected· to provide adequate depths and velocities to allow passage of chinook salmon rearing juveniles. Stages ll and III Passage conditions into sloughs and side channels for chinook sarfmon rearing juveniles during Stages II and III are expected to remain similar to conditions during Stage I. -Secondary Evaluation Species Chum, Sockeye, Chinook! and Pink Salmon Outmigrant Juveniles • .. • Stage I Flows during filling and operation would reduce the frequency and amplitude of spring runoff flows that can act as stimuli for outmigration for juvenile salmon in sloughs and side channels. These reduct i.ons are not expected to impact seaward migration because other factors such as photoperiod, water temperature, and physiological condition also stimulate out1r-~tgration. Stages II and III I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I No additional impacts are anticipated for Stages II and III as the flow regimes will be similar to Stage I. ~ 178 --Sockeye and Pink Salmon Soawning Adults • • Stage I Sockeye and pink salmcn are smaller and generally have better swimming performances than chum salmon (Bell 1973, Scott and Crossman 1973). Therefore, the analysis of passage conditions for chum salmon provides a conservative estimate Gf the passage conditions within sloughs and side channels for sockeye and pink salmon. Hence, under similar flow conditions •t is expected that sockeye and pink salmon will have less difficulty gaining access to spawning areas in sloughs than chum salmon. Stages II and III Th~ flow regimes imposed by Stages II and III will not be substantially changed from Stage I. Access conditions are expected to be similar to those described for Stage I. {ii) Tributaries Access and passage of fish into tributaries is contro1led by conditions at the confluence of the tributary and the mai.nstem. The altered flow regime during project filling and operation wi 11 affect the configurations of the tributary mouths. The lower· mainstem stage resulting from reduced flows will initially perch the tributary mouths above the mainstem and inhibit the passage of fish intQ tributaries (WCC 1985b). Based on the analyses by R&M Consultants (1982), Trihey (1983) and Harza-Ebasco {1985a)s most tributaries in the middle Susitna River will rapidly adjust to the lower mainstem flows without impeding fish access (WCC 1985b). 179 I L L -Primarv Evaluation Specie1 Chum Salmon Spawning Adults 0 • Stage I Chum salmon access into important spawning areas within the tributaries may be slightly reduced by the perching of tributary mouths resulting from the lower than natural summer flows associa:ed with project filling and operation. However, tributary mouths are expected to be down cut rapidly and an equ i 1 i bri um condition wi 11 be reestablished. The flow regime will be more stable than previously and promote a rapid readjustment of tributary mouth configuration. The upstream passage of salmon is not likely to be restricted under the proposed project flow regime {Trihey 1983). S~age II and III Passage conditions in tributary mouths are expected to be similar to conditions established during Stage I following the downcutting of triburary mouths. -Secondary Evaluation Species Chinook, Chum: Pink, and Coho Salmon Returning Ad~lts • Stage!; I, II,Jnd III Chinook, pink, and coho salmon spawn a1most exclusively in tributaries. Passage of salmon into tributaries is not expected to be impeded as the tributary mouth configurations are likely to adjust rapidly tJ the lower· mainstem stage as described for chum salmQt.'l. 180 .. I I I I til I I 1 I ' L 1, L L. ~ 6 L (; i i} --Resident Salmonidl • ~tages I, II, and 111 Arctic grayling, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout generally migrate from tributary habitats into rna i nstem overwintering habitat and return into tributaries in the spring for sununer rearing and spawning. Access into tributaries is e~~ected to be provided by naturally occurring high flow events in the spring. Tributary mouths will likely r\nwncut rapidly duriilg spring high flows and passage of resident salmonids is not expected to be restricted. Main3tem Minimum project flows at Gold Creek of 9,000 cfs, or 8,000 cfs in a dry year (Section 2.1.2}, are expected tQ be sufficient to maintain fish passage in the mainstem. Under natural conditions, a discharge of 8,000 cfs occurs in the fall prior to the minimum natural flow o~ about 5,000 cfs (SeLtion 4.4.1). A study of water elevations at several middle Susitna River cross sections found that depths in the mainstem typically remain in excess of 5 ft at a discharge of 8,000 cfs (R&J~ Consultants 1982). Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Spawning Adults • Stage~ I, II, and III The proposed minimum summer flows of 9,000 cfs (8,000 cfs in a dry year) for all stages of the project are expected to provide depths sufficient for adult chum salmon to access mainstem spawning areas. 181 --~.!linook Salmon Rearing Juveniles • ~tages I, I I, and I I I Passage in the mainstem is important to allow chinook salmon juveniles to move from natal tributaries downstream to other rearing or oveniintering areas throughout the summer. Chinook salmon age l+ juveniles outmigi~"ate during the spring. Project flows wi 11 be sufficient in th~~ spring and summer to maintain downstream passage of juveniles in the mainstem of the Susitn& River. -Secondary Evaluation Species Chinook, Chum, Sockeye, Coho, and Pink Salmon Returning Adults • Stage i Minimum summer flows are not expected to impede the upstream migration of adult salmon in the mainstem of the middle Susitna River. Adult salmon generally do not migrate upstream of the Devil Canyon rapids {RM 152). However, a few chinook salmon {approximately 20 spawning pail"S) negotiate the rapids each year anJ spa\\'n primarily in Che~chakc and Chinook creeks (ADF&G 1985a). The upstream movement through the rapids occurs during July. Based on a comparison of nat~ra l and simulated with-project flaws at Gold Creek (RM 136.7) it is expected that the lower than natural with-project flows during July will facilitate the upstream movement of chinook salmon through the rapids. In 1982: 1983, and 182 I ' r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ! l .. • 1984 the mean monthly July flows at Gold Cr~ek were 24,120 cfs, 21,150 cfs, and 23,400 cfs, respectively. Minimum daily flows in July of 1982, 1983, ~nd 1984 were 16,600 cfs, 16,400 cfs and 18,600 cfs, respectively. Based on flow records since :951, the average mean monthly July flow at Gold Creek is 24,390 cfs, with a minimum monthly flow of 16,100 cfs. In contrast, the estimated mean monthly July flow during Stage I filling will be 12,740 cfs, with a minimum flow of 9,000 cfs (8,000 cfs during dry years). During Stage I operation, the me~n monthly July flow at Gold Creek ts expected to be 14,490 cfs, with a minimum flow of 9,000 crs {8,000 cfs during dry years). Because of the lower· flows ~1uri ng Stage I fi 11 i ng and operation, ve 1 oc it i es will also he reduced somewhat. This should increase the number of chinook salmon able tJ negotiate the rapids. In addition, it is probable that other salmon species may gain access to spawning habitats within and upstream of De vi 1 Canyon. Hence, during Stage I fi 11 i ng and operation an expansion of the use of spawnt -. ilabitats upstream of De vi 1 Canyon is expected for a 11 sa 1 mon species. Stages II and III Minimum summer flows are not expected to impede the upstream movements of adult salmon in the middle Susitna River. Any gains 'in the amount of spawning hab tat w~thin and _upstream of Devil Canyon {see prev~nus section} will be lost due to construction of the Devil Canyon dam. Additionally, the present util.ization of spawning habitat by chinook sal~.iJn within and upstream of Devil Canyon ~ill be blocked by the Devil Canyon dam. 183 • 1984 the mean monthly July flows at Gold Creek were 24,120 cfs, 21,150 cfs, and 23,400 cfs, respectively. Minimum daily flows in July of 1982, 1983, and 1984 were 16,600 cfs, 16,400 cfs and 18,600 cfs, respectively~ Bas~d on flow records since 1951, the average mean monthly July flow at Gold Creek is 24,390 cfs~ with a minimum monthly flow of 16,100 cfs. In contrast, the estimated mean monthly July flow during Stage I filling will be 12,740 cfs, with a minimum flow of 9,000 cfs {8,000 cfs during dry years). During Stage I operation, the mean monthly July flow at Gold Creek is expected to be 14,490 cfs, with a minimum flow of 9~000 cfs {8,000 cfs during dry years), Because of the 1 ow~r f1 ows during Stage I fi 1.1 i ng and operation, ve 1 oci ties will also be reduced somewhat~ This should ;ncrease the number of chinook salmon able ta negotiate the rapids. In addition, it is probable that other salmon species may gain access to spawning habitats within anti upstream of De vi 1 Canyon. Hence, during Stage I fi 11 i ng and · operation an expansion of the use of spawning habitats upstream of De vi 1 Canyon is expected for a 11 salmon species. Stages II and III Minimum summer flows are not expected to impede the upstream movements of adult salmon in the middle Susitna River. Any gains in the amount of spawning habitat within and upstream of Devil Canyon (see previous section) will be lost due to construction of the Devil Canyon dam. Additionally, the present utilization of spawning habitat by chinook salmon within and upst}"eam of Devil Canyon will be blocked by the Devil Canyon dam. 183 ! l ;:, i ' " .. Chum_,_ Pi n.k, Coho, and Sockeye Sa 1 mon Outmi grant Juven i 1 es Stages I, II, and III Project flows will be sufficient to pro vi de passage for outmigrating juveniles in the mainstem. Resident Salmonids • Stages I, II. and III During overwintering of Arctic grayling, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout, in the mainstem, project flows will be greater than natural winter flows. The higher f1ows will provide depths greater than those occurring naturally. Although velocities in the mainstem will be correspondingly greater, passage is not expected to be restricted by velocity requirements as the flows will not exceed natural spring flows when resident salmonids migrate to tributaries. Burbot • Stages I. II, and III Burbot primarily utilize mainstem and mainstem asso(iated habitats. Passage within the mainstem is not expected to be restricted for burbot. (b) Spawning/Incubati~n {i) Mainstem Mainstem habitat is comprised of those portions of the middle Sus i tna River that norma 11 y convey streamflow throughout the year. Few salmon spawn in the mainstem. Of those that do, 184 I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I r.~ '"""""" chum salmon predominate. Mainstem spawning appears to be 1 imited by the armored streambed, high velocities, and infrequent areas of upwelling. -Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Soawning Adults The amount of available mainstem spawning habitat for chum salmon remains relatively unchanged over a wide range of mainstem discharge, except for a slight increase in habitat at mainstem discharges of approximately 14,000 to 15,000 cfs (Figure 33). Hence, as so~e areas of spawnine habitat are lost due to changing mainstem discharges, others are usually gained. 0 •• $tage I Filling The available spawning habitat in mainstem margins for dry, ewer age, and wet years during Stage I fi 11 i ng is presented in Table 10. If a dry year occurs during the fi 11 i ng period, spawning habitat wi 11 be reduced by aporoxi mate 1 y 50 percent in August an~ 65 percet1t in September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be increased by about 75 percent in August, but decreased by almost 70 perc~nt in September. An increase in availarle spawning habitat in August a~i subsequent decrease in September is expected if a wet year occurs during filling~ •• Operation Habitat avai 1 abi 1 i ty in rna i nstam margins under nattJra 1 and Stage I flows is compared in seasonal habitat 185 () ...... co 0\ I l • 16 ,.._ +> 4- o- (J) 12 -o c <0 (/) ::l 8 0 ..c. 4-> . - <C ::::> 3:: 4 .,.,. ... ,..,...--, .. . ....... .., ~--' ,, ' ~ ~- 0 I 0 5 10 Chum s~lmon spawning habitat response ~urve and percent contribution to total avail- able habitat of mainstem areas in the mir:M1e Susitna River. 15 FLOW ·~ 100 eo HABITAT z 0 ... _... X CONTRIB . t-......... .., __ ::J . 60 ro -0::: . 1-z 0 .. 40 (.J t-z '" w u 0::: 20 w Cl.. . ' ..._ ... .. _ ""'-·-----~ ..... _ 1-----.. ~=~==p·· ----~ 0 ~ 20 (thousa FIGURE 33 I "\I:" 30 35 40 £~ nd cfs) I AlASKA POWER AUTHOR~TY SUSITNA HYOROElECYRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~-~------~------- { I. t t ' t . Table 10. Estimated change in ~hum spawning habit,..-(WUA} in mainstem margins due to filling of the Watana -Stage I Reservoiro Month Dry Year August September Discharge (cfsj_,_ Natural Filling 17,392 10,422 8,000 5,800 _ Chum Spawn1ng WUA (sg ftl . Natural Filling -· %Change 12,379 9,171 6,120 3,181 -50.56 -65.31 t Average Year August September Wet Year August September 22,228 13,221 25,236 15,124 12,415 6,800 15,505 6,800 187 7,362 14,466 5,207 15,797 12,929 4,484 15,285 4,484 75.62 -69.00 0 • • duration curves and weekly habitat time series plots (Figures 34 and 35}. During Stage I operation, a slight increasl in available spawning habitat will occur throughout much of the spawrli ng season. The contribution of mainstem margins to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural and Stage I operation is shown-in Figure 36. A slight increase in percent contribution is expected during August, whereas, the range of percent contri but i Oti is expected to be similar to natural conditions during September. Stage II Filling Filling flows for Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. H Operation Habitat availability in mainstem margins under. natural and Stage II flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots (Figure 34 and 37). During mid-August a slight increase in available spawning habitat is expected 50 percent of the time, whi 1 e in 1 ate August a decrease of up to 40 percent in available spawning habitat is expected. During the remainder o.f the spawning season, habitat availability is expected to be similar to natural~ The contribution of mainstem margins to availability provided by all groups for Stage II operation is shown in Figure 38. 188 the habitat natural and The range of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ,, \ { I -3 ~ - )C 2 • -. u - -MMM. --STAll: t --STAI:£2 -STAII:l -lAX STAll: 3 0 ~~--~--------------~--------~ 31 41 Ill ID UIJ Percent oF Tiee Equaled or Exceeded -20 ~ .... '-11 i" ltz ., ~ -. ..... < ..... --I:D .. ~ -KAlUW.. --STME 1 __ $TAG[ 2 -STitliiE3 -MXSTAGE l • 100 Percent of T i 11e Equa 1 ed or Exceeded -aa ~ ~ '-II -MllM. a-., --STMIE1 i t2 --STMiiE 2 ., ~ -STMiiE 3 -. -JIM STIG: 3 ..... < ..... (]l .. :s .... c ~ 41 Ill 1D ~ Percent of Time E~1aled or Exceeded Flow duration curve {upper) and seasonal (middle) and maximum weekly (1 ower) chum spawning habitat duration curve for mainstem. FIGURE 34 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 189 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE J\ • . ' .r··~ f: I ' .. ~ ' . fX -' ... ~· ············~············ o• 10 •••••••••·•····~OJI • oL------,2-------,.------2-.------2------~.------- 211 f 11 0 en 0 12 ~ ;:) 0 1 ~ -~ ~ 4 t-.:::-:...:------ .uouST STAiiiiE 1 _,. ____ ~._. ---!iDI --- 0~------------------~------- 12 1t Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for mainstem (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 70, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. AUGUST 19 AUCUSi FIGURE 35 S!:PY' 10 I 215 2 SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 190 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ... I I I I ·I ;. ) ' ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i .._.; a .MAINSTEM ~· -~ G:tl i -- - - - - - - --IGI i" /~~--~- It! ~~ I~-------- a 1===:=::=========--12 ,. 2• 2 • AUGUST SI:PT SIDE SLOUGH ~-~ i ''----~-----101 ~· . --------~ . ~a--------­ " .~--------------------------12 ,. 2 • AUGUST Percent contri but 1 on of chui~ spawning habitat in mainst~m, side channels, side slc~ghs, and up 1 and s 1 oughs to tot a 1 habitat during Stage I exceeded 90, 50 and 10 percent of the time. SOOT .. a , • UPLAND SLOUGH -=-----..,. i• ................ -----i ---. ··-----~ ·-----._ [ . • • 12 ,. at. 2 • AUGUST S~T SIDE CHANNEL • ------ ·~--------------------~-----,. AUGUST ITME1 AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. MARZA·E BASCO SUSi fNA JOINT VENTURE FIGURE 36 191 ·• , .... r f ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 ·····••······· o• oL------12------,-.------2-.----~a~----~~------ C.l Ill 0 12 z ~ J 0 • J: t. ~ j • L--~:-.:- AuousT sc~ STAiiE 2 --- ---••· -./-D --/ _________ _,.,. Q ~--------------+-------------~ t4; :J ?J ~ Ill 0 ~ 1 u ~ 12 28 2 ; SEPT ~ ri ~..::::===------::;::;.-------~ I w a. Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for mainstem (middle) and percent change in ~UA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. Hl AUGUST FIGURE 37 2tS 2 SEPT AlASK.A POWER .4.UTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 192 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rl r -, f L r- '>,.,,., I ' t. r I' ~ r h ' } ~ 0 ' ; i '-• MAINSTEM UPLAND SLOUGH -_,. a• - ~------------·· , _____ --i --~----·----~ - 1: -·~-----------------------12 ,. AUOUS1' 2 • SCJIIIT 12 ,. AUOVST 2 • S~T • SIDE SLOUGH SIDE CHANNEL ----, .. - I . -·----~------=---1:~=-=-=-===·=---=--------------~ 11 ~3 -~11 - ~c. ·~-----------------------• 12 2 • SEPT 12 ,. 2f'r, 2 • AAJGUST SEfOT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Percent contri but 1 on of chum spawning habitat in mainstem, side channels, side sloughs, and up 1 and s 1 oughs to tot a 1 habitat during Stage I t exceeded 90, 50 and 10 percent of the time. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 38 ENTRIX, INC(. 193 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • • • • percent contribution during Stage II is expected to be similar to the range of contribution under natural conditions. Stage III Filling Fi 11 i ng of Watana during Stage I I I would occur over several years and consequently discussion of habitat availability relating to this process are more appropriately addressed under operation. .. o Opg_rat ion Habitat availability in mainstem margins under natural, early Stage III operation, and late Stage III operation is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time -series plots {Figures 34, 39 and 40). During early and late Stage III operation there is a 50 percent chance or greater that available spawning habitat in rna i nstem margins wi 11 be reduced. However, during much of the spawning season there is a 50 percent likelihood that available spawning habitat will increase. Moreover, the percent increase in habitat peaks during water week 48. This is of particular importance since water week 48 coincides with the peak activity of the spawning season. Thus, although available spawning habitat is likely to be reduced during most of the spawning season, available spawning habitat would likely increase above natural during the peak of the spawning season. The contribution of mainstem margins to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural, early Stage I I I operation, and 1 ate Stage I I I operat; on ; s 194 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ',;,, :r ~· E~o I • 2A ! i 2~ i ,. tO • 0 1:1 ,. a • AIJC1UST 2;a.T ST~3 0 ~~-~----------------~----~ 1. AUCUST ~------·-------~------~----~~ 1~ 28 2 g •ucuST se:n Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for mainstem (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, SO, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY flows. FIGURE 39 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, IN(~. 195 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. l i i. ' Q' r [ [ L L f L ... 10 -~.....:·:....··---~-....... ... • 1 Q,. .. ···-········ •• •• .................. 10. .. -----.5,0'1 ------·---·--···-...5~~ ••••••••o•••••••••••••••••t•••••···~·••• .......... a,. oL------,a------,-.----~2~.----~2~----~.------ 0 en 0 ! :> 0 J: I c ~ AUOU111' ~ _,. ,. --'= ~==-=~~----~---D ---a ---------------/s -------------.......... . ~ .. ,--L---- a ~-------,-.----~2~.-------2----~ 12 SEJIOT ... UOUST ~ ~ ~ 11.1 " ~ , (J 1-z ~ o -su ~ L----------------------------~1 .,mL.--------:2~tS----:t2 ___ 'i.i 12 t~ S~PT AUGUST "" MAX STAGE 3 Mean weekly discharge {upper), chum spawning WUA for mainstem (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 p~rcent of the time for natura 1 and 1 ate Stage 1 I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY flows. FIGURE 40 SUSITN1\ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC" 196 HARZ",·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I i I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I .. .. shown in Figures 41 and 42. In late Stage III operation, mainstem margins would usually contribute a higher percentage of available spa\ti:.,ing habitat to the total available habitat provided by all groups, because of substantial reductions in available spawning habitat for other groups. Chum Salmon Embryos and Pre-Emergent Fry • • Stage I Filling Flows during the fall and winter after the summer of filling Stage I are expected to be similar to natural. Thus, conditions for incubating embryos are expected to be similar to natural. Stage I, II, III Operation Chum embryos in mainstern-influenced areas are subject to dessication and freezing as a result of reduced discharge in the river during the October and November period prior to ice cover formation. Under Stage I project operation, discharge in the middle river would be maintained at a considerably greater discharge than under natural conditions as indicated in Section 4.1.1. As a result, embryos deposited in the spawning areas are not expected to be as subject to dessication and freezing. In fact, water depths and velocities in the spawning areas will be maintained at higher than natural levels. This will increase the effective spawning area over natural conditions. Hence, conditions for incubation are expected to be maintained or improve during project operation because of the higher, stab 1 e flows in the fall and winter. 197 I [ r f [ MAIN STEM a ~--; a: 11 i IGI u -· ~ 11 --/ ~ / / ~~ / / ; ----0 12 ,. :zs 2 • AUGUST sen SIDE SLOUGH lS. .... -........ .... !i .... __ ~ IQI =· .... ~ u [ I 12 ,. :lS AUGUST Percent co11tri but ion of chum spawning habitat in mainstem, side channels, side sloughs, and u~l and s 1 oughs to tot a 1 habit<.t ~'ur'·ing early Stage III exceeded ~0, 50 and 10 percent of the time. a a 2 • SEPT UPLAND SLOUGH • ,. !i• -i --. ~ -~ 1: 0 12 ,. :ze 2 • .AUCUST SEPT SIDE CHANNEL • ---------·· - ~· !Ill -.... . m a:• ! -----• ·-------------------r t!i . II 12 ,. 2e 2 • AUGUST SEPT STAGE 3 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 41 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. ---------------~--------------~--------------------.&----------------~~--~ 198 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I r l L I ! t l MAIN STEM _...._------=-:------,,. ---~- ----------- 12 ,. 2 • AUGUST SU7T SIDE SLOUGH ~· -i ,,. -. g ---------------... ___ - .... u .... [ .... .... • 12 ,. 2. 2 AUGUST Percent contribution of chum spawning habitat in mainstem, side channels, side sloughs, and up 1 and s 1 oughs to tot a 1 habitat during late Stage III exceeded 90, 50 and 10 percent of the time. a • SD'T UPLAND SLOUGH • ,. !• -i ·-. ~ - 12 ,. 2 • AUCUST SEI"T SIDE CHANNEL ~«< -~ 0:» i .... [ II 12 -- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. FIGURE 42 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 199 .. -Secondary Evaluation Species Bur bot Stage I Filling Stage I filling will not affect burbot spawning and incubationn Filling wi.ll be completed by early fall, whereas burbot spawn during mid-winter. Thus, project effects on burbot spawning and incubation are more appropriately discussed under Stage I operation. Stage I Operation Within the middle Susitna River, the population of burbot is relatively low and because of this, spawning locations in this reach of river have not be~n identified. Burbot are thought to inhabit relatively 1 ow-ve 1 oci ty deep-water areas in the mai nstem of the middle Susitna River during winter. Stage I operation will substantially increase flows during winter. Mid-winter mean monthly flows, which typically range from 750 to 3,000 cfs {mean of approximately 1,500 cfs), will range from 5,000 to 11,500 cfs with an average of about 8,000 cfs during Stage I operation. This higher in flow is expected to increase the amount of 1 ow-velocity, backwater areas. If this occurs, burbot in the middle Susitna River are not expected to be adversely affected by the project flow regime. Stages II and III Because the project flow regime during Stages II and III will be similar to Stage I operation, no significant 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I effects on spawning burbQt due to the filling or operation of Stages II and III are expected. {ii) Side Channels In general, side channels convey 1 ess than 10. percent of the total discharge in the river, but ~onvey mainstem discharge more than 50 percent of the time during the summer high flow months (EWT&A 1984, 1985}. Relatively few salmon spawn in side channels of the middle Susitna River. Of those which do, chum salmon predominate. -Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Spawning Adults The amount of available side channel chum salmon spawning habitat remains relatively constant at mcdnstem discharges greater than 20,000 cfs (Figure 43}. As mainstem discharge falls below 20,000 cfs the available spawning habitat in side channels decreases substantially. This is primarily a result of receding backwater effects at the mouths of side channels. • • • Stage I Filling The available spawning habitat in side channels for dry, average, and wet years during Stage I filling is presented in Table 11. If a dry year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be reduced by approximate 1 y 90 percent in August adn 50 percent in September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be decreased by about 70 percent in August and by 80 percent in September. A 201 I() I\.) 0 N 100 12 80 _........ HABITAT :z -a-> 0 4---. X CONTRIB t-o------::J (/) 90 60 m ~ -a e::: c: t-<0 z ([) r'. 0 ~ , ..---\ u 60 ' '"" 0 r ./, ........ , -40 ' .. ..c ' -. ' t-...., I '\ z '~ .......... ' .., __ w • ,_. ... .J ......... __ u < -.... ... _ 0::: ... :::J 30 -...... .,. 20 w "-·· ~ Q.. r 0 0 ~-I· 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ~0 FLOW (thousand cfs) Chum salmon spiwn1ng habitat response curve and percent contr1 but 1 on to tot a 1 ava fl- able habitat of side channel ari~as 1n the middle Sus1tna River. ~--!Ill -- FlGURE 4l .. --- ;:_; ::") ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELE.rTRIC PROJECT Et\ITRIX, INC. --all - HARZA·E BASCO SUSilNA JOINT VENTUR( --- ~ \ ! l .l l l l I Table 11. Estimated change in chum spawning habitat (WUA) in side channels due to filling of the Watana -Stage I Reservoir. Month ~· Dry Year August September Average Year August September :let Year August September Discharge (cfsl Natural Filling 17,392 10,422 22,228 13,221 8,000 5,800 15,505 6,800 203 Chum Spawning WUA (sg ft) Natural Filling % Chaoge 84,027 23,985 160,644 35,486 186,379 46,174 18,869 14,087 33,642 14,600 57,734 14,600 -77.54 -41.27 -79.06 -58.86 -69.02 -68.38 ! n ! ~ .~ L; ~ ~ rL. ll~ E :' ' ' ' ~' {[ k~ ~4 i l ' ' • decrease in available spawning habitat in August of 40 percent and of 85 percent in September is expected if a wet year occurs during filling. . ., Operation 0 0 • Habitat availability in side channels under natural and Stage I flows is compared in.a seasonal habitat duration curve and a weekly habitat time series plot (Figures 44 through 47). During Stage I operation, a reduction in available spawning of 0 to 80 percent could occur throughout the spawning season. However, in September available habitat coul·d increase by up to 60 percent. The contribution of side channels to the habitat availability provided by all groups for naturai and Stage I operation is shown in Figure 36. The range of percent contribution is expected to be similar to natural conditions dtiring August and September. Stage ll Filling Filling flows for Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. .• Operation Habitat availability in side channels under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a seasonal habitat duration curve and a weekly time series plot (Figures 44 and 46} . During mid-August a decrease of up to SO percent in available spawning habitat could occur. 204 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;~ . .Iii l ~~:. . " ' t r ., '; C-. ( ' ! ffl ~ C ., . '~ l - )C z • ~-g - -·liM. _ .srMt t -..STMiE 2 -SfM13 -IAIStMEl o~~--·-----------------------3" ~ • • ~ -~ E -~· Percent. or T i.., Equa 1 ed or Exceeded -Ml\M. ·--STACE 1 --STMIE 2 -STACE 3 -MI STAGE 3 0~-+--._~--~~------~-.----~ ~ c m m ~ Percent oF Ti.., Equa 1 ed or Exceeded .... i~~-----MltiW. 1, j -.STMit t --STAlE Z -STACE ~ _, -1M1 STAiit 3 !:< ..... -i• 0 ~------------~------~------~ 211 c m m 1111 Percent of T i 11e Equaled or Ex~ Flow duration curve (upper) and seasonal (middle) and maximum weekly (lower) chum spawning habiiit duration curve for side channels. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 44 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 205 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • t I ' "~ ·IL· ~' Jiv ~ ' ' ! ... ... I. I ':::u ! .. I i ,. 10 • .. ..... ···-.. ·····-······-............ -~ ·····-..... • .... 10. ·········~---·Q···· ····-••••• Q • ········-----····- ·-·:::·······--..eo• oL-----------~,.~--~~~.----~2----~.-----~ 12 AUOUST liD"T ..... ..... ......... ..... ..... '--·---::_:::-D -- '------------------------·----~ . - 12 • o( i • ! • ~. 18 .4UC:UST 20 2 g SEPT ____ 101 i·~------~--------~11 u.,. ~ ... .., ~..., "' 12. -e.J.----~ -··--------:~----2~--~g 12 1Q 28 SEPT AUGUST No\llJIAI. 51'1;6;£ 1 Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side channels (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded VO, SO, and 10 percent of the t1me for natural and Stage I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY flows. FIGURE 45 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 206 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (' .[. ~~~ Lt lr . . . l ,_ I --211 I 1 .. I,. .. ······· •••••••••••o•••' .......... ....... ....... ···-.... 10. ··~·-·······-······ •••·•······ . ······~---··-··-·· .................. ~9~ •• oL------------,~.-----a~.~--~2~----~.------ 12 AUOUST S~ P.-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~~-~---------1m - - - - - -.... .._ _.;-::::---=-::::...=--=-:-...::-::..::... D .~----------------------------12 • <( i • i .. rl a 1!1 AUCUST 2S 2 sa SEPT ~ , l--------L.-----:;:: II u.,. ~-Q 11.1 ~--Ill IL -tDl------ -t----------:2~ .. ---~2:-----~Sl 12 '" .. AUCUST SEPT STAiiE1 Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side channels (middle) and ~ercent change in WUA (lower) exceeded VO, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natura 1 and Stage I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY flows. FIGURE 45 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 206 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "' ~ 1: ~ . ' Ji..·. ~ .. T 40 ~· I~ I • aa+ ·····~-. ! I ao ............ •••• QJII i ,. ... ... .. .-.. .. 10 ········•••••••••• OJIIl • 0 12 ,. N.JOUST ~---------------------------,. 12 ~· . ~ . 10 ~GUST 28 2 SEPT ':1 ~ :I~~ J : ~.,......_ · -------II u -· ... Q-41 . 0 ~-­w a. ... -•---------2:+:,--·--~~"'-----:sa 12 19 AUGUST SEPT ST-"E 2 Mea~ weakly discharge (uppe~), chum spawning WUA for side channels (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded fO~ 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSifNA HYORO:il~C:TRIC PROJECT ENTR!X, INC. HARZA·E BASCO flows. FIGURE 46 SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE 207 I :so I .a. !20 I i ,. 10 • -~--------~---~ .. .. .. ·-~­....... -.-•••• ~ 0111 --c.··· -----'•"··············-----·7'!,..80.!11 oL-----~,2----~,~.----~2.~--~2~-----~.------ .... .... .... ' ' ' AU~ST S~ ' ' ' ............ -..__ ____ -::;-:::::-D .... - ------·-----------~--!IIJI .~----~------~-----------2 a K" 12 28 • Ill j. ~. ~a ~o~----------~r=~-~~ o -z ... ~ .... u / _/ ~-­..... .L----~ -~----~---~------::~--~ 12 ,. 21 2 a Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawrii ng WUA for side J.UGl,I$T SCPT channels (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower} exce~ded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for naturtl.l and early ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Stage III flows. FIGURE 47 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 208 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE f f. I I_ f I i t. t r.m l L. [~ L~ t. L During the remainder of the spawning season, habitat availability is expected to be similar to natural. The contribution of side channels to the habitat availability provided by al1 groups for natural and Stage II operation is shown in Figure 38. The range of percent contribution during Stage I I is expected to be similar to the_ range of contribution under natural conditions. Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Embryos and Pre-emergent Frv • Stage I Filling Flows during the fa 11 and winter after the summer of filling Stage I are expected to be similar to natural. Thus, conditions for incubating embryos are expected to be similar to natural. Stage I. II. III Operation As rnentioned previously, conditi-ons for incubation in mainstem-influenced areas are expected to be maintained or improved during project operation because of the high~r/ stable flows in the fall and winter. -Secondary Evaluation Species Side channels in the middle Susitna River do not provide any known si<]nificant spawning habitat for the secondary evaluation species. 209 0 .. . Stage III Filling Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur ovar several years and consequently discussion of habitat availability relat·ing to this process are more appropriately ~,ddressed under operation . •• Ooeration Habitat availability in side channe·ls under natural, early Stage III operation, and late Stage III operation is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots (Figures 44, 47 and 48). During early Stage III operation there is a 50 percent chance that available spawning habitat in side channels wi 11 be reduced by up to 80 percent during the first ha 1 f of the spawning season. There is a 50 percent · chance that available spawning habitat will be reduced by at 1 ea~~t 50 percent during 1 ate Stage I I I operation. The contribution of side channels to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural, early Stage I I I operation, and 1 ate Stage I I I operation is shown in Figures 41 and 42. During early Stage I I I operation the range of percent contribution will be similar to natural. Percent contribution would likely be substantially reduced during late Stage III operation. Percent contribution would approach natural conditions at the 1 ower end of the range of contributions throughout the season and at the higher end of the range during late September. 210 [ L. .sa (.so I .2a ! 20 i i ,. • ·~---, '~'-·-"'-----.......--.. .. ,..,.,.,:'~""~'""·'~~..:,...""~~~~~~~-.. --...------., . . •• ~····· 10. -~,..;;_-..................... . .. ·· ~·•••-a·•·········10• .. ... -----aa. ..... ~---·-···-·--~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••t·-···········~-••••• .-o• oL------,~2 ----~,.~--~2~.----~2~----;.------ AuouST s~ ----.... ---... --~=-.... ooc:::~:""----1ar ' ' ' ..... .... taz --!IJZ ----·--------=-'-~---901 0~------------------------- • ~ ~ Ill ~ . Iii 31 () 18 .t.UGU$1' 28 2 Sl SEJII'T ~ 0 1-----_..:. ________ 101 (J -31 ... ~ ... 0 G:-4iD Iii ____ !DJ IL _., t-=========------~ !0 I -trm,~2-----,•.----~2~.~---~2----~. AUGUST SEPT IIATUW. Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawn 1 ng WUA for s 1 de channels (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded fO, SO, and 10 percent of the t1me for natural and late ALASKA PO\VER AUTHORITY Stage III flows. FIGURE 48 -- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRBX, INC. 211 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTU~E t r ! Chum Salmon Embryos ~nd Pre-emergent Fry • • Stage I Filling Flows during the fa 11 and winter after the summer of fi 11 i ng Stage I are expected to be simi 1 ar to natura 1 • Thus, conditions for incubating embryos are expected to be similar to natural. Stage I, II, III Operation As mentioned previously, conditions for incubation in mainstem-influenced areas are expected to be maintained or improved during project operation because of the higher, stable flows in the fall and winter. -SecondarY Evaluation Species Sockeye Salmon Spawning Adults Side channels in the middle Susitna River provide significant spawning habitat for sockeye salmon. Slough 11 provides habitat for almost 70 percent of the spawning sockeye in the middle Susitna River. (iii) Side Sloughs Side sloughs are morphologically similar to side channels, but the upstream ends of side sloughs are breached by mai nstem discharges of 20,000 cfs or greater (EWT&A and AEIDC 1985). Hence, side sloughs convey mainstem water less than 50 percent of the time during the summer high flow months. A substantial portion of the chum spawning and much of the sockeye spawning in the middle Susitna River occurs in side sloughs. Some pink salmon use side sloughs for spawning, mostly in even-numbered years. 212 -Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Spawning Adults The amount of side slough spawning habitat for chum salmon remains relatively unchanged below 20,000 cfs (Figure 49}. However, spawning habitat in side sloughs substantially increasas as mainstem discharges ~xceed 20,000 cfs. This is a result of side channels transforming to side sloughs at • various discharges above 20,000 cfs& • Stage I • • Fi 11 i ng The availab1P-.spawning habitat in side sloughs for dry, average, and wet years during Stage I filling is prasented in l~ble 12. If a dry year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be reduced by approximately 30 percent in August and September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be decreased by about 60 percent in August and by almost 30 percent in Septembero A decrease in available spawning habitat of almost 80 percent in August and 35 percent in September is expected if a wet year occurs during filling~ •• Operation Habitat availability in side s.l6ughs under natural and Stage I flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly habitat time series plots (Figures 50 and 51). Reductions in available spawning habitat of between 10 and 60 percent are expected 40 percent of the time throughout the spawning sEason, while increases of 213 r~ N J-l ~ r-,: ......-... -+> 4- o- (/) -o c co (/) :::J 0 ..c -+> ..__ <C :::J ::3: r~. ::. r-: r-7' ~ r-; ' l 80 40 0 0 5 10 Chum salmon spawning habitat response curve. and percent contribution to total avail- able habitat of side slough areas in the middle Susitna River. r-r-~ tr••'>c> r: ~ ~ !!. " -~ c-•>-->< (~,-_,,.,, 15 20 25 30 r:~ HABITAT ft"'"JJI!!IW!l c .,,·.~ 100 80 X CONTRIB 35 60 40 20 0 40 :z C> -._ ::J C!J --0::: t--z 0 u t-z w u 0:::: w a_ FLOW (thousand cfs) ALASKA POWER AUTHOP.ITV SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PR0~1 ECT F!GURE 49 . SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. ~---~-~~---~~---- (/ tJ r~ Table 12. Estimated change in chum spawning habitat (WUA) in side sloughs due ¥.--: to fi 11 i ng of the Watana -Stage I Reservoir. l.' ' .i Month lJ Dry Year L· . . l ( r~ Li l . August September Average Year August September Wet Year August September Discharge (cfs Natural Filling 17,392 10,422 22,228 13,221 25,236 15,124 8,000 5,800 12,415 6,800 15,505 6,800 215 Chum Spawning WUA (sg ft} Natural Filling %Change 24,385 18,982 49,721 20,241 100,845 22,547 16,595 13,287 19,559 14,594 22,812 14,594 -31.95 -30.00 -60.66 -27.90 -77.38 -35.27 rJ l t t .. ~ '' .... L L • -J ~ - : :r .... u - -MllM. --S1'ME1 --S1'ME 2 _srMi£ 3 --SfMi[ 3 o~----.-~--~--~--------------20 c sa m 1aJ Per-cent. or T i 11e Equa 1 ed or E.leceeded -Mn.IW. --STMiE1 __ srMi£ 2 -STMiE l -IMX sr.-a: l .. _.i 0 ~----~--~~--.-~~----------~ 20 c m m ~ -< ::) 311: .. ""'" cr ., ~ 2 ., ] ~ -1 !< ..... -~to Percent aF T i 11e Equa 1 ed or Exceeded -M'IlM. --STNiEt __ sr.: -~ -S1'Mt3 -!lAX STNiE 1 0~--------~----~----------~--~ 2Q 41 6D ll 100 Per-cent. of T i •e Equa 1 ed or Exceeded Flow duration curve (upper) and seasonal (middle) and maximum weekly {1 ower) chum spawning habitat duration curve for side sloughs. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. FIGURE 50 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOH•H VENTURE 216 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I r."''·· 'I .J t.::. ' J . .» '; + f "''l '··-:.11 t ) i _J rf . I ~ t; ' .r t. . I \ t·' -::...J, L. l ··. l L L L L L •• .. ····~-.................... 0~ 10 • oL------,a------~,.~--~2~.----~a~----~.------ AUOUST S~ -t 0 ill. 0 t z ~ :l 0 1 :t c STAQ: 1 a ~----------------~~------- 12 o( .. :l II ~ ~ • w ~ 0 ~ II 0 -211 ,.. z_,., w 0 ~· w 11. .. •I 12 1~ AUGUST HI AUGUST Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side slough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 10, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. FIGURE 51 28 2 g SEPT .__ ____ !OX 28 2 g SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO E~~TRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 217 • between 0 and 30 percent are expected 40 percent of the time throughout the spawning period. The contribution of side sloughs to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural and Stage I operation is shown in Figure 36. At the lower range of contribution, th·e percent contribution during Stage I operation is expected to be similar to natural conditions, whereas, at the upper end of the range percent contribution is expected to slightly decrease under Stage I operation. Stage II • • Fi 11 i ng Filling flows for Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this per 1.od is more appropriately dis~ussed under operation. .• Operation Habitat availability in side sloughs under natural and Stage 11 flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots (Figures 50 and 52). During the first two weeks of the ~pawning season, available habitat may decrease up to 25 percent. However, increases of up to 30 percent are expected -in late August coinciding with the peak spawning activity. The contribution of side sloughs to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural and Stage II operation is shown in Figure 38. The range of percent contribution during Stage I I is expected to be similar to the range of contribution under natural conditions. 218 I I I I I I I I I I • I ~ I I I I t' ;, t L..-1' ; <' L; f ~. ~ i J ! L ' ' f t ' I ......... I ' ..... =t .. f ~~o • :zs i ··t I , .. . .. .. •••••• 0" ............... -t 0 en a z ~ ::l 0 J l: 1 ... - ····· .. I 12 ' ' ' ,. AYOUST ' ' ' 2 0 J-_______________ _ 12 • ~ ~ ID ~ . ~ 2D Ul AUGUST 25 2 g SEPT ~ II I..c:::::::__-.,-----___;:::a,----~~ (J -31 ... ~_.., ~-~~~ w a. ... -tcmL..----..:::------:2':"5 ___ +;;2--~~ 12 1V SEI'"T AUGUST Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side slough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded VO, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II Al.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT flows. FIGURE 52 HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 219 ,• . ; ~ ,. """"' 0 0 • Stage III Fi 11 ing Fi 11 i ng of Watana during Stage I I I waul d occur over several years and consequently discussion of habitat availability relating to this precess are more appropriately addressed under operation. •• Operation Habitat availability in s·ide sloughs under natural, early Stage III operation, and late Stage III operation is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots {Figures S!i 53 and 54). During early Stage I I I operation, reductions in available spawning habitat from 0 to almost 50 p~rc~!'!t could occur early in the spawning season. However, during the middle and 1 a ter portions of the spawning period increases of up to 20 or 30 percent could occur. In late Stage III operation, reductions in available spawning of up to 50 percent or greater caul d occur throughout the spawning season. The contribution of side sloughs to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural, early Stage III operation, and 1 ate Stage III operation . lS shown . Figures 41 and 42. In late ln Stage III operation, the range of percent contribution would be more narrow, particularly early in the spawning season. 220 I I I I • I I I I I I .I I I I I. I I j ..... , t ' I ,...,, t , .. .sa ········--·"···········--······ •••• 0'1 .. .. ............... o,.: • o~-----,-a------,.-------a.-------a------~.------ ..... t: 0 rn Q 1 z ~ :J 0 t E. ~ 3 --... - AUOUIIT SU"T --..... ' ' ' ~ '\.m -= = =-= = -~--iii - -........... - -= • ~------------+-----~------~ 12 ~3 ~ ~ . w a " z ~~~--~-------=~~jl (,) oCD ... ~-4.) ~--"' G.. tcl"-o--·--------~----..... Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side 28 ~ . SEPT STMiE 3 s 1 ough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 70, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early A ~. A S K A P 0 W E R A U T H 0 R I T Y SUSI~fNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Stage III flows. FIGURE 53 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .... ------------------------------~--~~ ~~------~ .. --------~--------------~ 221 .------------------------------------·~·'--~ .. -------------------------, ~· ; ,_ I .u 120 I i ,. 10 • .... 0 eo,.•, • ..,0 ••• tO'I -.-•• ~ • ...._.__,_ ••••• •• •• • ........... , ......... 1 o•, .. :.:...___.....__ ~ ~ .......... ~~ •••••••••••••ue•••••••••••a ..................... ~oJI oL---~-,2~--~,~.----~2=.~--~2~----;.------ f 0 ln. 0 1 z iii g, ~ "" AUo~ST ~~ --........ ,.,. ......... .... .... .... ' ............ oL-----~------------------- ~ . i .. ~ . w 31 0 ~ a X u -211 ~ ... 1&.1 u a:: ;a w 11.-m _, 12 19 AUGUST' 28 2 ~ SEPT ~-----------~>-====11 ---- 12 2 ~ SEPT Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for side slough {middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded fO, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natura 1 and late ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY S\JSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Stage III flows. FIGURE 54 HARZA·E BASCO EN'TRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 222 .. ~' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If fj 1': 1.~ I l,- 1_ I. ~-~ IL IL JL l. t_ t i __ lr '~ l l Ch~m Salmon Embryos and Pre~emergent Fry • 0 Stage I Filling Flows during the fall and winter after the summer of filling Stage I are expected to be similar to natural. Thus, conditions for incubating embryos are expected to be similar to natural. Stage I. II. III Operation As mentioned previously, conditions for incubation in mainstem-influenced areas are expected to be maintained or improved during project operation because of the higher, stable flows in the fall and winter. Secondary Evaluation Species Sockeye Salmon Spawning Adults • Stage I Filling and Operation In the middle Susitna River, sockeye salmon spawn in side sloughs, with two side sloughs {SA and 21) providing habitat for 25 percent of the sockeye spawni.ng. The habitat requirements of spawning sockeye salmon are similar to those of chum salmon. Thus, the habitat modeling developed for spawning chum salmon (see above) can be applied to sockeye salmon. The habitat modeling for chum salmon provides a conservative estimate of available spawning habitat for sockeye salmon, because sockeye are able to negotiate more shallow passage reaches than chum sa 1 mon. Hence, at a se 1 ected flow, sockeye salmon will likely have access to more spawning 223 • habitat than the model predicts because of their ability to negotiate more shallow depths than the minimum depth criteria for successful chum salmon passage. Stages II and III Habitat availability for' sockeye would be similar to chum salmon. Pink Salmon Spawning Adults • Stag@ I Filling and Operation In the middle Susitna River, pink salmon spawn primarily in tributaries, and to a lesser extent in sloughs. In odd years, when the run strength is low, few pink salmon spawn in sloughs (ADF&G 1985a}. During years of high pink escapements (even years), pink salmon spawn in sloughs more frequently. Sloughs SA and 20 were areas utilized for slough-spawning pink salmon during 1982 and 1984 (ADF&G 1985a)~ Since habitat requirements of spawning pink salmon and chum sa 1 mon are di ssimi 1 ar (pink sa 1 mon tend to use areas with higher velocities and smaller substrate), the analysis of available habitat for spawning chum salmon cannot be applied to pink salmone • (section on pink spawning and incubation to be added upon completion of IFR secondary species evaluations in March 1985} 224 I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I • Stages II and III (section on pink spawning and incubation to be added upon completion of IFR secondary species evaluations in March 1985) (iv) Upland Sloughs Upland sloughs are analogous to small tributaries since their upstream ends are only breached by mainstem water at extremely high mainstem discharge (greater than 40,000 cfs). Chum, sockeye, and pink salmon spawn in upland sloughs, with Slough 11 containing most of the utilization in this habitat type .. -Primary Evaluation Species Chum Salmon Spawning Adults The amount of available upland slough spawning for chum salmon in the middle Susitna River increases substantially between mainstem discharges of 12,000 to 20,000 cfs {Figure 55}$ At discharges below 12,000 cfs and above 20,000 cfs there is little change in the amount of available upland slough spawning habitat. • Stage I •• filling The available spawning habitat in upland sloughs for dry, average, and wet years during Stage I fi 11 i ng is presented in Table 13. If a dry year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be reduced by approximately 75 percent in August and 40 percent ; n September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be reduced by 225 • N N 0\ ,_.,. ... ___ ::-, ~-· ·- ""'",.,.._ "#' ---. ~ ;...-:; _:_,:t '< -· '100 1 80 .-.,.. _,.,..., 4- z 0 ........ HABITAT o- (/) 1- =:J en ~ X CONTRIB 60 -o c «' (fJ :::J 0 ..c +> 0:: t-z 0 L) I-z 40 ......... w < ::l :::1: u 0:: w CL 20 0 ~----~~-----+------~------r-~---~·------~1------+•-· _____ _j 0 c 5 1 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 Chum salmon spawning habitat response curve and percent corr:tr1but1on to total avail- . able habitat of upland slough i'reas in the 11iddle Susitna River. FLOW (thousand cfs) FIGURE 55 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE }, ~ ' i "'~: 1' r l l . j· j. f I i· l l: !: i ~ ~ If~ lJ Table 13. Estimated change in chum spawning habitat (WUA) in upland sloughs due to filling of the Watana -Stage I Reservoir. Month Discharge (cfs _ Chum Spawning WUA (sg ft) Natural Filling--%Change Na~ural Filling tJ Dry Year f 1 t.J r; ~~) c l :. .. • J 1 b w l :· ~ ~ c: u August September Average Year August September Wet Year August September 17,392 10,422 22,228 13,221 25,236 15,124 S,.Q{JO r;,8oo 12,415 6,800 15,505 6i800 227 92,581 16,"755 127,335 50,922 125,723 69,518 10,828 8,798 39,526 9,380 72,374 9,380 ~88.30 -47.49 -68~96 -81 .. 58 -42.43 -86.51 ' \ \, approximately 75 percent in August and 40 percent in September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be decreased by about 75 percent in August and by alm9st 60 percent in September. A decrease· in available sp4wning habitat of almost 70 percent is expected in both August and September if a wet year occurs during filling. ... Operation • •• Habitat availability in upland sloughs under natural and Stage I flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly habitat time series plots (Figures 56 and 57) ~ During August a reduction of up to 70 to 80 percent of the available sp,awning habitat is expected 50 percent of the time. However, in September reductions in the available habitat will be less and there wou1d be a 50 percent chance that available habitat would increase by up to 50 percent. ~ The contribution of upland sloughs to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natural and Stage I operation is shown in Figure 36o A slight decrease in percent contribution is expected during August, whereas, percent contribution is expected to be similar to natural conditions during September. Stage II Filling Filling flows for Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. 228 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r \ 1_ ·;_"'~_· f ~ ' 'i.J f } I b.~ { ' k ,r I L .:_,;( -J ~ - )C z c: u -~t -M11M. _ ... sr• t --STMIE 2 -STMIE J -IAI~ili«J o~--~.~--~.~--~m~--~m~--~1~ Percent. of T i 11e Equa 1 ed or Exceeded -MAnM. --STMIE1 --STMiE 2 -STMIEl _ IIAl STMiE 3 31 • Percent of T i.e Equa 1 ed or E.~ceeded -, ~ -M'NW. --STMIE 1 --STMiiE 2 -STMiE 3 _MXSTMi£3 o ~~--a~--~~c~~~m~--~m~~~,~ Pereent. of Ti • Equa 1 ed or Exceeded Fl ow d urat1 on curve (upper) and seasonal (middle} and maximum weekly (lower) chum spawning habitat duration curve for upland sloughs. FIGURE 56 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 229 HARZA~E BASCO SUStfNA JOINT VENTURE ... u ~·i t-1 f: ' t.J 1! .J 10 • ...... --. .. •••o••••••~•••• ................. ....... ···~. ···--. ··---..... •••• ,o • .... --------------·:························· o• oL------,2------,.~--~.~.-----=a----~.------ ' ' .uouu s.,..,. ' ' "----'= D ~~----~~~-- aL-------------------~2----~. 12 ,. 2 • sorT AUGUST ~ . ~ . ~ .. 111 ~ a ~ a !...-----.......::::::::;..__ ____ :::::: II u ... ·! ... u c .. r .. L------ 12 ,. 2 • Mean weekly discharge (upper), AUGUST SEPT chum spawning WUA for upland slough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded fO, SO, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT flows~ FIGURE 57 HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 230 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r··. j I 00 Operation • Habitat availability in upland sloughs under natural and Stage II flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots {Figure 56 and 58). During the early part of the spawning season, available spawning habitat could be decreased by up to 70 percent. However, available spawning· habitat is expected to be similar to natural conditions during the rest of the spawni.ng period. The contribution of upland sloughs to the habitat availability provided by all groups for natuari and Stage II operation is shown in Figure 36. The range of percent contribution during Stage I I is expected to be similar to natural conditions, except early in the spawning season when the contribution is expected to be slightly less than naturale $tage III • • Fi 11 i ng Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over several years and consequently discussion of habitat availability relating to this process are more appropriately addressed under operation. . • Operation Habitat availability in upland sloughs under natural, early Stage III operation, and late Stage III operation is compared in season a 1 habitat dura't ion curves and weekly time series plots (Figures 56, 59 and 60). During early Stage III operation there is a 50 percent chance or greater that available spawning habitat in 231 4 i f j ~ .... ~· tO .. .. • .. .. .. .. ... ......... c •• ·········· o• ..................... a• oL-----,-2----~,.~. ~--~2.~--~2----~.~---- 0 ., AUOUST Sm-T ----.-- " ' ' ' ' ' .......... ..... , . ......_ ___ !ill -----------l~----------~----~2~--~s 12 ,. 2 e SEPT AUC\1$1' -, • ~-! c IU a 0 ~ 0 u -a Q1 1D,~2 ----1-.----='2e~---:2----:~ Mean weekly discharge (upper), chum spawning WUA for up 1 and AUCUS'J' SEPT II Ml1M. s 1 ough {middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY flows. FIGURE 58 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 232 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~.· 'U f l ll ' bJ u ' ' ; . ... 10 • ········~-~--..... ··- .. "'• ..... ..... ...... :tOJII •••••••·••· o•-................. , . o• ................. ···-~·-···· ·····-····-::r~·,···••o;oo,· ... o • oL------,2----~,~.----~2~.----~~~----~.---~-- <( II i 11 ~ . ~a ..... ..... ..... ' ..... ' ,. ' ' AUCUST AUouaT SIIPT ' ,. 2C , . ~---- 2 • 'SO'T' ~ 0 ~----===: ·"=::::::;:::::=--j! u-a 2 ... 0 a::_.., w --· Q. -til··,!-----~ .,..[ ' 111 AUGUST 28 2 a SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Mean weekly discharge {upper), chum spawning WUA for upland slough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded ~0, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early SUSITNA ;~YDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~----~··------~------r-----·~a.--------------~ Stage III flows. FIGURE 59 EN'TRIX, INC. 233 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOiNT VENTURE fi : J -~ 10 • -· .. .. .. 10JII ··Cil···'lll······· ······Q·-·-10 • ~-----..~to. ----------------~~~ •••••o~•••••••••••••••••••···••••••;••••••••••·--~ oL-----------~,.~--~2~.----~2~----~.-----~ 1 2 AU OUST SIEJII'T ' ;; j. ~ .. tl :II ~ I +-------------------10 t 0 -· ~ ~ ... 0 -=--.., ..------~~ A.--~· =====------------su -·-----~---:;:t::-----t2-----;. 12 1G 2.e se:PT Mean weekly discharge {upper}, chum spawn1 ng WUA for up 1 Jnd AU OUST s 1 ough (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent uf the AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT t 1me for natura 1 and 1 ate Stage III flows. FIGURE 60 HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSJTNA JOIN-T VENTURE 234 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I upland sloughs would be reduced by up to SO percent. However, in September of ear 1 y Stage I I I, ava i 1 ab 1 e habitat would be similar to natural conditions. During late Stage III operation substantial reductions in available habitat would occ.ur throughout the spawning season in most years. The contribution of upland sloughs to the habitat ava i 1 abi 1 i ty provided by a 11 groups for natura 1 , ear l;y Stage I I I operation, and 1 ate Stage I I I opeY~at ion is shown in Figures 41 and 42. During early Stage III operation a slight decrease in percent contribution is expected in August, whereas in September percent eontri but ion wfll approach ·natura 1 conditions,. During 1 ate Stage I I I operation, the range of percent contribution will be more narrow than under natural conditions and percent contribution will usually be less than natural. (v) All G·r·oups -Primary Evaluation_Species Chum Salmon Spawning Adults The amount of available chum salmon spawning habitat in all groups increases with increasing mainstem discharge over the range of 5000 to 35,000 cfs (Figure 61). All groups snow increases in available habitat between 5000 and 20,000 cfs. However, side slough is the only group that shows an increase in available habitat in response tomainstem discharges greater than 20,000 cfs. ~35 .. N w 0\ , r··~ ,_..,. ......, '-'- 0"" (f) -c c m (/) ::1 0 ..c. 4-> ...__ <C :::J :3: r ·.~ r-·~ 9-..~--.~ Jf!~·'t-""~~ ~;: ' _, ~' 0 +-------11---·"-• --..•~·----+---__ __._. ---+----• ---+t---·-t 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 FLOW (thousand cfs) Chum salm<~~n spawning habitat response crurve for a 11 habitat types in the middle Sus1tna River~ I FIGURE 61 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA IOINT VENTURE ·! " ~-----~-----------~ ' "'; i :~ '" ! I '·1 j J ·~ ~ li ii ~: ~· l· / ~· F tJ v f " r " •• Stage I Filling The available spawning habitat in all groups for dr~y, average, and wet years during Stage I filling is presented in Table 14. If a dry year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be reduced by approximately 75 percent in August nad 45 percent in September. If an average year occurs during the filling period, spawning habitat will be decreased by about 70 percent in August, by almost 65 percent in September. A decrease in available spawning habitat in August of 60 percent and in September of 70 percent is expected if a wet year occurs during filling . •• Operation • . . Habitat availability in all groups under natural and Stage I flows is compared in seasona 1 habitat duration ·curves and weekly habitat time series plots (Figures 62 and 63}. During Stage I operation, there is a 40 percent chance that available spawning habitat in all groups would decrease from 0 to almost 70 percent during August and from 0 to 20 percent during September. However, there is an equal chance that available habitat in all groups would slightly increase in August and be up to 40 percent higher in September. Stage Il Filling Filling flows for Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. 237 { ) I I Table 14. Estimated change in chum spawning habitat (WUA} in all habitats due I to filling of the Watana -Stage I Reservoir. Month Dry Year August September Average Year August September Wet Year August September Discharge (cfsl Natural Filling 17,392 10,422 22,228 13,221 25,236 15,124 8,000 5,800 12,415 6,800 15,505 6,800 238 Chum Spawning WUA (sg ft) _ Natural Filling %Change 213,372 68,893 345,063 121,116 418,154 154,036 52,412 39,353 106,056 43,057 168,206 43,057 -75.44 -42.88 -69 .. 26 -64.45 -59.77 -72.05 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ L4l f.i~ l t.J r~ ~ .J ~ ~ J ~ I, l r ) f: ! :i l i --~ -)( II; .... u .... ~ ii z f -M'RM. _ .srME t --SfME2 -SiAII:l -MitrME3 o ~-.--~.--~--.~----m~~--,~.----~,. Percent Cif T i H Equaled or Exceeded -*lUW. - -STI.IiE t --STAGE 2 -STMiEl -MI S'TAiiE l 0 +----t-...:.---~---..._.~--~-~----:!1_ ca c P.1 -- Percent of Ti ae Equaled or Ex~~ -MTIM. --S1ME1 --STIG: 2 -st'MIEl -IMI STIG: 3 0 ~---------o(---:!f!I\~'--~-=---~,IIJ 31 42 ..; - Percent. of T i ae Equa 1 ed or Exceeded Flow duration curve {upper) and seasonal (middle) and maximum weekly (1 ower) chum spawning habitat duratian curve for all habitat types. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS!TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HAR2A·E BASCO I 1 FIGURE 62 ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT V~NTURE 239 l. ' ' I I f J j; .. _;J ,--~-~--. ·]'~:IJU~~~=w..,;;~,~~.!'~·-~t~:.\ ·.~ -· '"-~·-"--.• '.~t-. ,_ I .. .aa I .ao I i ,. 10 • .............. ........... ....... !IQ. ............... ,., ....... ------.............. Q .... .:::::::~- • •• Cit ................ o• ~1-----~----~,.~--~a;.----~a~----~.------,a AUOUST S~ ........ .... '-.......... ______ IJI ,L------,~e------2~e------~2----~a 12 _..UGUST SEJIIT • <II( i • 10 I ~ .. w a ~ 0 t--========--------==·-= : i u-a ... ~-41 ~--t-------w L ... -t1 .L------~----~~----12------sg 12 HJ 215 S""..,... AUGUST .,,.., Mean weekly discharge (upper}, chum spawning WUA for all habitat types (middle) and STMiE t percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded VO, 50, and 10 percent of the ~i~ for natural and Stage I tlows .. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 63 HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 240 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r l o• Operation • Habitat ava i 1 abi 1 i ty in a 11 groups under natura 1 and Stage II flows is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots (Figures 62 and 64). During mid-August there is a chance that available spawning habitat may be reduced by up to 50 percent. However, during the remainrier of the spawning seasom available habitat is expected to be similar to or slightly greater than natural. Stage III • • Fi 11 i ng Filling of Watana during Stage II! would occur· over several years and consequently discussion of habitat availability relating to this process i~; more appropriately addressed under operation~ •• Operation Habitat availability in all groups under natural, early Stage III operation, and 1 ate Stage III operation is compared in seasonal habitat duration curves and weekly time series plots (Figures 62, 65, and 66). During early Stage III, available spawning habitat could be substantially reduced in August (up to 80 percent) and slightly reduced in September. A gain in available habitat of up to 30 percent could occur during 1 ate August. Under late Stage III operating conditions available spawning wil1 be substantially reduced. A loss of 20 to 80 percent is expected throughout the spawning season 40 2~1 (" 1 j, I' ' l J .-------------~--------------~~~· --------------------------~ ... :s• .......... ··"····· ... ... o• 10 o~--------------~---------------------'12 , • E' o- II 0 ~ :l 0 2 £ 0 12 c( • j • ~ . w 0 2D ,. AUGUST .AYOU.., .... .... .... M:lr * D 28 2 ~ SEPT ~ 0 ~-------~-~~ u -· ... ~ ... ~:I _,J_, ____________ __,. 12 1e 20 2 M 1 ~UGUST ean week y discharge (upper), SEPT M1tiW. STAC£ a chum spawning WUA for all habitat types (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 .----.... --..-.... ~.··---------------~ percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. FIGURE 64 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 242 HARZA·F. BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r i:l r *.1 i f ~ ' ' f; ' {:~· l; t: ... ~· 10 ••••o•••••••• .... ••••e.. -----._ ··-·········-···········.aOJI ,,.•••o•••••••c••••••••••••••••••••••• a. ............ .aOJII 0~------------------~---------~--------- -t: C.l w 0 z ~ ;:) 0 2 ); ~ -< ;:) 1 ~ 0 12 <. :1 ~ 112 ! .. ~ 3S ,. 2 • AUGUST SePT XATlM. STAii'E J. UJf ,. 2 g MJGUST SEPT 1 0 +----;;;.___...._. u "211 ... Q--«1 u • c ...g)' w 4., -tO.!-------- -1-----------b-----~--~ 12 tO 28 2 I Mean weekly discharge (upperj, AuGu~ chum spawning WUA for a 11 habitat types (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 9'0, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III flows. . FIGURE 65 SEPT ALASkA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E~ITRIX, INC. 243 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ff 1 ·,~ 't ' \ t-;11 l' t ~' F 'I' ,, r f . l '·, \ ~· I~ I •• ! 2iJ I i ,. 10 • .......... 10. ---:----..... •• • ···~···-···· •.~o ................ Oil .. -·· •••••••o••.!JO~ .••••••••••••,.•••••••••••••::::: .... .,... ..o-. ···•·•·•• .. L-----------~--~~-----~-----------0 1 :a 1 1l ae 2 • g 12 <( • j • ;r; 41 ~a ~~~QT ·~ UJI ~ Slr ~-___ u - -... - - - - - -.\": -~-- - - -a ,. 28 AUGUST ~ 0 !---------------101 u -a ~-·----!D t ... ~ .. CJ ffi -w ----. sn a. ... ~-=--------------1~JL-·-----2~8;----~2t __ ,;.9 '2 ;g SEr-T ~UGUST Mean weekly di~charge (upper), chum spawni~g WUA for all ALASKA POWER AUTHORiTY habitat types (middle) and percent change in WUA {lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natura 1 and 1 ate Stage I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1-----------r·:¢· flows. FIGURE 66 ENTRIX, INC. 244 -----.. HARZA-E BASCO SUSiiNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f!" I' \ ! ! ·' f-· ' ' r ,. r ,. {c) Rearing percent of the timeo Available habitat will be similar to natural conditions only 10 percent of the time. The principal effort in assessing impacts to the rearing life stage of fish species in the middle Susitna River has focused on chinook salmon juveniles, the designated primary evaluation species/1 ife stage. In order to describe the dynamic and site-specific response of juvenile chinook re~~ing habitat to flaw-related changes in this reach of the Susitna River, a set of distinct subenvironments was defined {ft.aserude 1985). This set of subenvironments consisted of nine groups considered to be representative of the range of habitats present in the middle Susitna River. The habitat for each group as a function of mainstem flow was then modeled {Steward et al. 1985). Response of rearing habitat to project conditions within each of the representative groups and for all groups combined are discussed in Sections 5.1.2(c)(i) below. The low abundance of rearing life stages of the secondary evaluation species in the middle Susitna River has precluded establishing definitive seasonal utilization patterns functions necessary for a quantitative and habitat response impact analysis. The response of the rearing life stage of secondary evaluating species are discussed in a qualitative fashion for each of the traditional habitat types {mainstem, side channel, side slough and upland slough) in Section 5.1.2{c)ii. {1) Representative Groups -Representative Group I This group includes upland sloughs, which are highly stable areas connected to the main channel at their downstream end, except in times of high flow events, when they may be 245 overtopped by turbid mainstem watersG The habitat response curve and percent contribution of this group to total middle Susitna habitat are shown in Figure 67a. Stage I • • Weekly simulations of Gold Creek flows during the first summer of filling were not undertaken, however estimates of month 1 y flows during June and September indicate 1 evel s to be at or near E-VI minimum 1 evel s. Flow levels during July and August would depend on the hydrologic conditions of that year. Under dry conditions flow releases in July and August would be at the E-VI dry year minimum of 8,000 cfs. In an average year July and August flows would be about 12,700 and 12,400 cfs and in a wet year about 20,500 and 15,500 cfs. The rearing habitat available during Stage I filling would be reduced substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, much below the flows that provide the maximum habitat levels for this group. Habitat associated with monthly flow estimates for June through September would be reduced 14 to 22 percent in a dry year, 3 to 18 percent in an average year, and 7 to 23 percent in a wet year (Table 15). Operation Habitat ava i1 ability under natura 1 and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series and a seasonal habitat duration curve {Figure 67b and 68). The rearing habitat provided by Stage I operational flows would be 246 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r r I .......... -I-) 4- o- (f) -c c «1 (/) . ::J 0 N ..c. ~ ....,J -+) -..,..... < :::J 3:: " . • f C'" F""" """'" t 100 80 :z: 0 ......... f- ::l GO CD 60 ...... HABITAT 0:::: t--z: X CONTRIB 0 40 ..._, .... '-"-u 40 t-z w (_) 0:: 20 20 w a_ 0 0:t----45r=-:.:::"·-::-:::··::-::,:.:1~::-::··=-:=·-~1F~-::--:::··:=-::::··+20:::··:-:::-·::-~-2F5::.:.:··=-:::··=-=+3~=-:::··:-:::··:3a-5--..l40 O Juvenile chinook rearing habitat response ~urve and per~ent contribution to total rear1 ng hab1 tat of Group 1 areas 1n the middle Susttna Rtver. --~--------" -~~ " -"~·" ~"--- FLOW (thousand cfs) fiiUit£ S7A ALASKA POWER AUTHO.RITV SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA tOlNT VENTURE ' I' L ·r 1 i ~: ,,, t i•' I' ~ ' I ~~ 'l"' •'" :.- L·, (~" ? IT· :'#, fp r ..... ~ ~~"'"" f. l' ~ !~ '-" f t "'~··' Table 15. Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 1 due to filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Discharge { cf~;} Rearing Habitat {sg ft WUA) Month Natural Fil 'I ing Natural Filling Change Dry Year June 21,763 7,800 72,419 58,605 -19.08 July 19,126 8,000 75,179 59,016 -21.50 August 17,392 8,000 75,075 59,016 -21.39 September 10,422 5,800 62j424 53,439 -14.3·9 Average Year "lune 27,815 8,800 69,495 60,403 -13 .. 08 -July 24,445 12,740 69,735 67,365 -3.40 August 22,228 12,415 71,846 66,153 -7.92 September 13,22.1 6,800 69,020 56,314 -18.41 Wet Year ,June 31,S80 10,752 74,925 63,531 -15.21 July 21, ;r53 20,547 69,345 74,160 6.94 August 25,236 15,505 66,822 73i238 9 .. 60 September 15,124 6,800 7~!, 727 56,314 -22.57 24:3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • r~,~-_.· ' ' .. , i_~ i I ' 1 ! '· ! """"-' : I I I t ' ~ I I • 8 ! ' I I j~ ; -~ I i .. ,. -MATWJ. ---STA'£1 0 8 __ STAiiE 2 0 ... )( _STAG£ 3 2 ., ---MAX STAGE J "-(J --= . ---0 -l 1 ..... 0 2D «J 60 IJ 100 . . ' Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded I Group 1 1 -0 0 0 .... x .:::C ::l 31: 60 ......, --ffi'~'H3E 2 ~ cr -ST~3 ., -4) -MAX ST~ 3 t-< .... -a:; 20 < :::t: T 0 ~ -+----. .. ~-· 1 ; , I I .I 2D «J ~ ~ 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Piow dur~tion curve and chinook rearing hab1t~t duration curve for Group 1. .---------..... _.~,, ... -----.-..iiiii;;:l=-----..... . AlASKA POWER AUTHORfTY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT . .. __ Fi_·,_~ UR£ &t_a L. L------------~----m.-----~--.. ~~--~'~-~-~~~~--------~--.. ----~--------~--_. i+.; ~ ·~ ENTRIX, iNC • HARZA·f :~ASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 249 ..... .. ... ... 10 I :t ' I I I 11D £1) z ~- !· <( ia I WAY JUNE Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 1 (middle) afld percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, ~nd 10 percent .of the t 1 me for natural and Stage I flows. I I 1 l 1 STMiE 1 JULY .fiUCUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 68 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA-E BASCO SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE 250 ·:::::::.::::::::~ fi ~·> I I I ) '[' ;.:;, I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I .. -reduct'!d as much as 28 percent i 11 1 ate May and gradua 11 Y increase throughout the season. By early August approximately half the time there would be an 1ncrease in habitat and half the time a decrease. The magnitude of ~.:he decreases, however, would be greater than the increases. By mid-September rearing habitat in upland sloughs would be greater under natural conditions. The habitat within sloughs in Group I would have about the same stability in June and July during Stage I as natur~l and have less stability than that provided und~r natural conditions during July through September (Figure 69}. The percent contribution of Group I to the total habitat available would exhibit less variability than levels but would remain about the same {figure 70). Stage II • • Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration and discussion of habitat availability are deferred to Stage II operation. Oper~tion Habitat availability under natural and Stage !'' flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curves {Figures 67 and 71). Reductions in rearing habitat during Stage II operation would be of greater magnitude and frequency than under Stage I and natural flows for the rearing period through mid-August. From mid-August to mid-September the habitat available would be similar to that under natural 251 fl l 1 ! ; ~ F) r \ ' ' .. ,' r~ ·~ ..• ! ' 200 1!50 ! i 100 ! :II ~ ~ ~ !50 ~ ~ ffi 11. 0 27 3 1 o 17 2~ 1 a 1 s 22 2sa s 12 1 sa 2a :z sa 1 a MAY JUNE JU~Y AUOUST SEPT MAY Percent change in flow {upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 1 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 69 .JULY AUGUST 2 9 16 SEPT --STAGE 1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 252 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 1 r .. tJ ·) r ' ,, ~ ~--,) .!._,_._.,t \ . .-l t .. l ·=' I: $ '~ .. .. ... (• I -Ill I •• I ao i ,. lO • 0 1t'!D £• 0 .. j• :) !· i a • • . ( II .i J .. STAiiE Z MAY JUNE JUL'Y AUCiJST S£PIT I :~---~~==---~--II §: 6-e L ... Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 1 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exeeeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. FIGURE 71 AUCUST ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC .. 254 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,. ,_ j ~- ' conditions but decreased somewhat from Stage I operational flowso The highly stable nature of the habitat within the group as measured by week to week changes in availability is depicted in FigU,re 72. The contribution of habitat· within this group to the total middle Susitna River reari~g habitat is quite sma 11 , a 1 i ttl e over 1 percent for both natura 1 and project conditions (Figure 73). Co~sequently reductions ·in habitat amounting to 20-30 percent represent only a fraction of the overall habitat. Stage Ill , • Fi11 ing Filling flows during Stage Ill wou1d be similar to those during operation and therefore juvenile habitat-flow relationships are discussed section. Ooeration chinook in that Habitat ava i 1 abi 1 i ty under natura 1 ant:~ early and 1 ate Stage III flow.s is compared in weekly habitat time series and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 67, 74 and 75). The rearing habitat provided by early Stage III operational flows would be about 10-20 percent less than natural in June, 0-20 percent less than natural in July to mid-August, and by mid-September would be similar to that provided by natural flows. In late Stage III, reduction in habitat would be similar to early Stage I I I through June; however, in contrast to 255 200T l ' . ' , ' , ' ,' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , -~---· '··-- • 1\ I \ . ' ,.... . I \ I I 1 l I I 1 t I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I l i I \I I I ' t I I • I I I I I ' I I I • • • I • I I ' s I I • I I • I • I ' • • I I I l ... I " . .... . .. ' ' ' \ ~ -~o._~--~~~~~--~-·~~-+•--~~--~1--~~~~--+-~--~--~_.~ -«J M - 2? 3 10 17 2.. 1 • 15 22 2g s 12 ,g 28 2 g 18 MAY JUNE .rui..Y AUCUST SEPT _.__ S"(Ab£ 2 -50 -. ·-f-I • I t I f t t I ~ 71 3 10 17 a~ 1 8 15r 22 29 5 12 19 28 2 9 1 s .JI.JNE .JULY AUGUST SEPT r -sr ··-AL.J..SKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYuROil~CTRIC PROJECT •• Percent change 1 n fl ow ( \~pper) and chinook rearins babitai; (lower} from previous week in Group 1 during· Stage II •xceeded 10, SO and 90 percent of the time,. ·-~--_.. _____ _. f.IGURE; 12 ENTRIX, INC. 256 HARZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ·Wtt 'Ill' ·~r-..-...... ~) .. w.• '~~ _..,..-... ~ .... ~ .. --. .,_...__," __ '"""/}__, __ , ... .,....>.,~-.... --~, ( I I I I , u GROUP 1 5 ~211 -~ a: 15 § u !i: iii ~5 o·L-~~~-4~-+~~~~~.-+-~ .o MAY .1\JNf: tO z I 0 5 CD a:• ~ 0 u §4 a: ~2 I ...... I JULY ..... __________ _ --------, ~,--_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I UAY JtJNE JULY YAY .IUNI: JULY \ \ \ \ SO"T GROUP 4 tl! ~· iil a:• § u ffi4 ~2 0 AUGUST s~ UA'f JUNE GROUP 7 tO ~· iil 0:5 § u I' 2 D loi)OUST Percent contrtbutton of chtnook reartng habitat ta Cnups 1-t tt total habitat during Stage II .. 257 -~· ·-·-.... .., ..... -""'. --·~ ...... ~ . -:. " 'r ,.__.., \ .~ .... , ,,.· ••• '":,. JULY JULY .M.Y . . ' GROUP 2 !II' GROUP 3 ~.., i -31) i u [ I I I -? _______ L ___ I II AUGUST SD'T ..... y GROUP 5 !i: to Ul ~5 0 AUGUST SEPT UAY GROUP 8 25 !211 ~ 0: 15 ~ u r II .. 0 ALIOUST WAY FIGURE 73 ,· JUNf: .JULY AUGUST SEPT GROUP 6 \ \ \ ~ I I I I J I / I I J -:: ---" JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT GROUP 9 IIAlUW.. STM£2 JUNC JUL.Y AUQUST SEP'T I ALASKA POWER AUTHOR!"TY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ... . .. : ... ,. . . ' .. f' ' • ' • ~ . '"',•"'• ( ... t4 •• t i ' 'I ! 1'- ! . """"" I -... ... ,,. ·-.. I•• I ao i ,. . . . . : . . • 10 • ____ ._.,., ' .,..•.: ••••• c. ............... . ·······.~o• il 0· - • Mean weekly discharge (upper), chi nook rearing WUJ~ for Group 1 {middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III flows. FIGURE 74 ·~ STAGE 3 .IULY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROEltCTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 258 --HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VEN'TURE '. -~~ .. •• • .. .... ~ .... ·····~-.. . • •••••••••••••••••::•••••o•••••••••••• -···········---~·~--------~~ . -····· ·~--~----------~--·--~~~~-----~--~~------~-~7.~ fCID -MATUW.. IIAXSTMiEl f. I a• i & e.• ~ ~~~ I t t I t I I I f I I I I I I t t • i • i 41 ~ 211 JULY ~ 0~ ~==-==:::::::::::::::=::::=., !· ~--L ... Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA fdr Group 1 {middle) and percent chan~e in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, SO, and 10 percent of the time for· natura 1 and 1 ate Stage I I I flows. FIGUR.E 75 AU CYST ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTJUC PROJECT ENTRIX~ INC. 259 HARZA~E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VEN'fURE - • early Stage III, rearing habitat in late Stage III would remain at depressed levels through mid-September. With-project stability of upland slough habitat in both stages would increase early in the season during the annual filling process. Later, during July and August, the weekly percent. change in habitat would increase under early and late Stage· III flows (Figures 76 and 77). The percent contribution of upland sloughs to total habitat available would be similar for both natural and Stage I I I flows, about 1 to 1. 5 per1Cent, a 1 though the variability would be somewhat less with project (Figures 78 and 79). Representative Group 2 This groups consists of side sloughs with with moderately high breaching flows (>20,000 ~fs) and enough upwelling \ groundwater to keep portions of the sites ice free during the winter months. Duri n~J the su11111er rearing season, the sites within the group are some of the more heavily utilized ones by chinook juveniles, particularly in the breached state. The habitat response and percent contribution of this group to total middle Susitna River habitat is shown in Figure SCL Stage I Fi 11 iillg The rearing habitat available during Stage I filling would be reduced substantially since flows frequently woul'd be near E-VI minimums, much below the natural 260 aoo 1~0 ~ i 100 ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~0 u ffi ffi a. , •• . ' • • I I f ' . ' ~ ' : ', 0 ' " . '. , ' I I ,'' I • ' # • f •' • I I • • • ' ' • f • ' • • • • I f I I I • ' I • I I I I I I •\ 1 •• ' .. ~ ' \ ' ' \ '---""'-' 3.7 3 10 17 2'4 1 8 1~ 22 2S 5 t2 1S 28 2 S 18 '~JAY JUNE JULY AUCJ-JST SEPT i 3) ~ 20 -10 i ~ I o f.'--·10 • ~ -~.i < -3) t i ·-«lit -.50-+ I I I I STAGE 3 -- I I t + I 20 27 3 10 17 2.C 1 8 15 22 29 s I I I lo ---+--! 12 19 26 2 s 1i MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow {upper) and chi nook re,ari ng habitat (lower) from previous week ·ln Group 1 during early Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 76 .JUL.Y AUGUST SEPT AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENT.RIX, INC. 261 HARZA-E BASCO SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE .., ' . •• I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I ,I I l l 200 1SO • •• . ' . . ,, ' . . ' . ' , ' . ' . ' . ', . ' ' . I t • • 0" -so~-+--~~--~~--~~--~~--~--~-~--~~--~~--~~ 27 ~ 1 o 17 24 1 a 1 s 22 2sa s 12 1s 28 2 • 1 8 MAY JUNE JUL.Y AUCUST SEPT MAX STAGE 3 -50 t I I I l f I I t I I I 20 ll 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19. 2S 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE PercQnt change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 1 during late Stage III exceeded 10. 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 77 .JUL.Y AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 262 HARZAvE BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. ----------~--------.._ IJ . . '1. 5 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 !Ill GROUP 3 11 t a• 531 ~CI ..,., -~l ~ i ~ Q!J a: ~!I 0::11 g ~ g u (.J (.J r -[ ~31 ~ tO \_-" ' ' I I -7----~---~------.J ' 0 , .... 0 .-+-0 YAY .IUNI!: JULY AU OUST SI!JI"T tU.Y .IUNI!: JULY AUGUST SEP1' YAY .IUNI!: JULY AUGUST SII!:PT GROUP 4 to GROUP 5 2!S GROUP 6 ~ID 5' ~31 ~.,. -~ .... ,..,, !:; , __ , ------...... -...... ~· CD -c ...__----~--, --.. a: .t5 § ... '\ tr.' ,.._ .... \ a :z 0 I u \ u (.J f; r· \ ~ 4 ~ tD I i UJ I u ..... , l ffi a: I UJ 31 a.. 2 a.. 5 _;~~~~~---L-L ____ \ J . • I I 0 D ( 0 ,._. I . t.IAY .IUNI!: JULY AUGUST s~ MAY JUI'tl: Jt!LY AUGUST SEPT UAY .JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT to GROUP 7 10 GROUP 8 Zl GROUP 9 ' -I I :Z I ,-==r-----z:!ll I 0 0 l ~ \ \ ,,j ~ l \ I ~' \ ii: 1!1 I !z !z L \ '/ l 0 I I 0 u I u .... ' \ __ _, l r \ I • ,J. ~ 10 I ·-~ I I 1' ~~ IIATIJW.. I \ I 1- 2 I r· SiMi[ J l I l , ___ I l 0 l D D loiAY .IUN!: .JULY AU OUST Sti"T t.&4Y .JUNE JULY AU OUST KPT MA'f ..UNE .JULY AU truST SEPT j I l i ~ contrtbutton of ' Percent ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY l chinook rearing habitat tn Groups 1-9 to total habttat SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I during early Stage III. I ENTRIX, INC~ HARZA·EBASCO I FIGURE 78 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE l ~ ~ 263 I I i :::.:".\.~ I !i ~ -~ Q:J § u I' 1 D 10 GROUP 1 W.Y .JUNE .JULY AUGUST GROUP 4 to / . ,----... /--.... __ ,, / .... \ \ UAY .JUNE .JULY AUGUST S!PT GROUP 7 10 .JUNE .JULY MAY JUNE JULY GROUP 2 AUCUST GROUP 5 AUGUST SEPT GROUP B · .... I' 1·\~ I \ I I I \ I :\ \ I \ \ ,' ~\ I \ I . ____ ......... ..; D ~.....-~>=-<-......:'----------~---=-• au.Y Percent contribution of chinook rearing habitat 1n Groups 1-t to total h1bitat during late Stage III. 264 JULY AU OUST FIGURE 79 II GROUP 3 au.y .JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT 25 GROUP 6 UAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT 25 GROUP 9 JUNEf ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·£8ASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • • ,_.. ' •. ;.J ... jA' •• N 0\ U1 • --·~---.. ·-.. . ·--·--·-----.. "---··--·----. F··= ·r-~~~ F -r ·- ....-- r---E - <C :::J 3: .... ----------___ _.... ___________ ... __ -------~ , .. .,/ HABITAT __ .. _ X CONTRIB ~----------------------· -- 100 80 60 20 :z 0 ....... 0::: .,_ :Z' 0 (J t-z w (J. cr; w a.. 0 +-----~------~----~~----~------+------;------~------+0 0 5 10 Juveni 1 e chinook rearing habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing habitat of Group 2 areas 1n the middle Sus1tna River. 15 20 25 30 35 40 FLOW (thousand cfs) ~------------~c----------------------~ A L A S K A ·P 0 W E R A U T H 0 R I T Y SUSITNA HYOROELECIRIC PROJECT ~----------------~.~~--------------· FIGURE 80 ENTRIX, INC~ SUStTNA JOINT VF,NTURf HARZA·E BASCO c, \ ,, flows that provide the higher habitat levels for this group. Habitat associated with monthly flow estimates for June through September would be reduced 19 to 61 percent in a dry year, 31 to 71 percent in an average year, and 40 to 75 percent in a wet year (Table 16). •. Ooeration Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series and a seasonal h~bitat duration curve (Figure 81 and 82)o Stage I flows would result in habitat reductions of approxi- mately 20 to nearly 80 percent through early August. During August and September about half the time there would be a decrease in habitat and half the time an increase over natural conditions. The habitat within s 1 oughs in Group 2 would be more stable in June and July during Stage I and have about the same stability as that provided under natural conditions during July through September (Figure 83)o The percent contribution of Group 2 to the total habitat available would decrease from natural levels of approximately 10 to 23 percent to Stage I values of 6 to 9 percent from the end of May to mid July. The percent i I I. I I I I I I I I I I I contribution of ~roup 2 waul d increase through the I remainder of the season and by the end of August approximate natural level (Figure 70)o ~~ 266 I I ~ ·~-"'~.! r ill ,. ', ' r r r r r L .. Table 16. Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 2 due to filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Month Dry Year June July August September Average Year June July August September Wet Year June July August September ___ Discharge (cfs) Natural Filling 21,763 19,126 17,392 10,422 27,815 24,445 22,228 13,221 31,580 27,753 25~236 15,124 7,800 8,000 8,000 5,800 8,800 12,740 12,415 6,800 10,752 20,547 15,505 6,800 Rearing Habitat (sg ft WUA) Natura 1· Fi 11 i ng Change 678,304 528,973 469,579 301,335 1,306,241 978,032 717,305 366,080 1,209,072 1,305,358 1,087,103 419,100 267 261,826 264,810 264,810 244,373 279,140 350,286 341,036 251,124 306,904 605,570 428,237 251,124 -61.40 -49.94 -43.61 -18.90 -78.63 -64.18 -52.46 -31.40 -74.62 -53.61 -60.61 -40.08 p i l . t .. l .. ... ... • I•• I ao i ,. , . • 0~~------~=-----~~--~~=----------.... .,. .AA.'V' AUOUWT 1.1 Si.~ 1 _, I ' I \ t.z f I \ ,I I ·• ~ a .• 101 i .3 a WAY JUNE JULY • i • ; . to r ¥ • j·~~-T----~--~~~---11 .. § .. s .. &. .. ~------ Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook rearing WUA fo~ Group .2 (middle) and percent change 1n WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. FIGURE 81 JULY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. 268 I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I ' \ i t -0 0 CJ 0 ....- )( , 4- CJ - 3: 0 ...J u.. 3 2 -----..... 1 -- _NATlJW.. __ STAG£1 _-STAGE 2 _STAii£ 3 _MAX STAGE 3 0 ~--+---~+---r---~~~~~~~.--~--~~~-4--~100' Per~ent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Group 2 -NATURAL --STAGE 1 --STAGE 2 -STAGE 3 --MAX STAGE 3 20 .4Q 6tl ~ 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 2. ALASKA POWER. AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 82 ENTRIX, INC. 269 t-IARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOiNT VENTURE f1 1, i. r ·' ' [ r~ [I l:, t t t ' I. ~ L " i i: __ t.. 200 1~0 -M ..... i ~ § -20 i I a I~: .... ·~-, .. .... ' .. ' .. .. .. ' .. .. .... ,. .. ·~ -· \ ' ' ' ' 10X \1on 'iO % I STAGE 1 -1 ~-+--+--r---+----4-+---+--+--+-~~--+-·· .. I t • t---4 m 21 3 10 17 2~ 1 e 15 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 1s ~UNE P1ercent change in flow (upper) a1nd chinook rearing habitat (low£r) from previous w~ek in Group 2 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent o-f the time. FIGURE 83 AUGUST !'lEPT ~:----------------------~----------------~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~~----------------~--------~-------~--~ ENTRIX, INC. 270 HARZA·E BASCO SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE l I I I I f;) I I ~ '"" ~ i i I -~ ~ ., I i i i ~ • • • Stage II Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration and discussion of habitat availability are deferred to Stage II operation • •• Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage II flows is comparerl in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat dur'ation curves (Figure 84 and 82). Stage II operational flqws would result in habitat reductions while May and June ranging from 20 to 80 percent with over half the reduction being greater than 60 percent.. Beginning in July the magnitude of the reductions would decrease until mid-August at which time the rearing habitat under Stage II would be equal to or greater than that available with natural f1ows. This pattern would continue through mid-September. The stability of Group 2 would increase with-project during June; however by July week-to-week changes would increase substantially, sometimes exceeding 100 percent. Stabi1 ~ity at the end of August through mid-September would be similar to natural conditions (Figure 85). The percent contribution of Group 2 to the total available habitat would decrease from a range of 6 to 22 natura 11 y to about 6 percent with-project during 1 ate May and June. The contribution of Group 2 would incY'fJase through mid-summer and by mid August and thr~ugh mid-September would be similar to ·natural conditions (Figure 73}. 271 • rl. f ~· . f' lj ' I. L. L / .. (.18 ·~ • 1 .. ~ ao ; ,. 10 • • • ' • • . .... . •• 4 : • eiP" .. ::•• • ••• • • • • •, • • . .· ...... . .. ••..,•••••••••o . .· . 0~~------~~----~----~~----------.AA.'f' AUOUII'i' ~ t.s 1.Z f I .I ·~ 3 :i .• .... / I , ___ .,.--..... --. ST~ Z ,,. J J ~----::::. ___ ..,., 0 WAY Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 2 (middle} and percent change in WUA (lower}exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. FIGURE 84 JULY AUQUST · SEPT JULY AUCUST AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 272 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • I I I I I I I I I r . ....... r· f It L I L l I 1. 200 1~0 ! i ,,oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ LW (.) a:: w a. 0 ' . ' I \ / . I \ I \ ··---- ' ' \ ----~ . .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... • •• I l c ' , •••• I l I I I I I I I 1 I I I \ 1 I I I 1 I ' , ' ' ' ' • ',1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I • I • • I • I t I I ' ' I I I, . .. . .. .. ' .. ' . ' ' . ' ' ..... ~ /0" .v -so--~~~~~~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~~~~~~ 27 3 1 o 1 7 24 1 a 1 s 22 2a s 12 1 a 28 2 8 18 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT 1 \ NAlUW.. -M STJ\GE 2 - i ~ 10 X ... i ~ 0 I~: -1 I I I I I I -1 . I I · t I . I f 20 Zl 3 10 17 2. 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 2 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 85 ..JUI..Y AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS IT N A H Y 0 R 0 ELECTRIC P R 0 J E CT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 273 0 • • Stage III Filling Filling of high Watana would occur over a period of several years and therefore rearing habitat availability is more appropriately discussed under Stage II I operation. .• Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage III flows is compared in weekly habitat time series plots and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 86, 87 and 82). Stage III operational flows would result in habitat reductions similar to Stage II, 20 to 80 percent in 1 ate May and June with over ha 1 f the reduct i ems greater than 60 percent. In July the magnitude of reductions would decrease and continue this trend through August. By September the habitat availability would approximate natural conditions. In the iate Stage III, the annual filling process would continue in July extending the period of habitat reductions through that month. In August through September, habitat would increase by remain below that available for natural, Stage II and early Stage III conditions. The stability of Group II would increase during late May and June of early Stage III (Figure 88). In late Stage III this increased stability would extend through July and August as flows are maintained at or above E-VI minimum constraints {Figure 89). The contribution of Group 2 to the total available habitat would ~ecrease from a range of 6 to 22 percent maturity to about 6 percent in early Stage III during 274 .. i I I j I r I I r t f l. l f .. L '" ' :t c~· fa • In I~· i ,. . . . . . . . ' . ' ' ' . . ,. ................ ~.--.. ..-.;-·.i •• -••• -•• -••••••••••••• • ...... 0 • • 0 1.5 t.~ f a .• z 0 3 5 •• ...... D • ~ . :1 ; . Ill 31 0 """' . .,..,. STAG~: 3 _ ... lll'l JUNE JULY AU OUST ~ • ~----4-----,..---.---,.~~~-j i u -· 2-c u ~ ... L ... r--.:;._ _ ___:::::;:_ ____ __, ~~~~-+-+-+~~~----~~.-------~~ .IUNE Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA far Group 2 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage II1 flows. FIGURE 86 .IULY AUGUST ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 275 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 1 [·· l r (· l l r [ r I t 1 • -..... 40·. ,. lao • ... 1- I,. tO • Q li6W - • l i • ; . I: ~ ·• I f \ . I ~- ~ ... a:: r--.. -1 WAY Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook reat~ing WUA for Group 2 (middle} and percent ch~nge 1 n WUA ( 1 ower) exceeded 90, 50 t and 10 percent of the time for natura 1 and 1 ate Stage I I I flows. FIGURE 87 - IIAXSTMi£3 ·. Al:l\SKA POWER AUTHORITY S U $ f TN A H Y 0 R 0 l!'l C C T RIC P R 0 J E C T HARZA-E BASCO ENTRIX, INCu Sl'SITNA JOINT VENTURE 276 i I I I I I I I r r r r l f l l t L ·-- -M -I = - 200 1~0 100 ~0 1 i 0 I ~ -20 ! -«J ......... ...... ' I. ; I I I . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' \ • • • • ' I • • I I I • • • • ' "' ' ,' ' ' , ' ' , ' ,, ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ... .. '----·-.. 0" ~90" 27 3 1.0 1? 2.., ~ · a 1 s 22 2sa s 12 1 ~ 2e 2 a 1 a WAY JUNE JULY AUCUS7' SEPT I I I ----· I l ' I 10% ~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~--~~~% sox =-m i :Oo:l~-+t--+•--~•~•~~~~~~--~•--+•--~r~•~~•--+•--~•--~•~•~~~--~ 2D ZJ 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE .JULY AUGUST SEPT NATtiW.. STAG£ 3 Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 2 durihg early Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent Al.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY of the ti,me. - FIGURE 88 SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC .. 277 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. i i r t . ' ~ f i f L 1 t. I I t .. { l L.~ 200 1!50 ! i 100 ! :a ' ., . \ ' \ • I \ ' \ ' ~ ' , ox -~oL-_.--+--+--+-~--~~--~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~ 27 3 10 17 24 1 IS 1 ~ 22 2SI S 12 1 Sl 21 2 Sl 'l e J.AAY JUNE JULY ..WCUST SEPT 1 -EM) M' -i 60 § «< -20 ~ 0 ~ -20 1-~ ~-so .... -I -eo, _,J 20 I I I I Z1 3 10 17 MAY .JUNE I I 24 1 Percent change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week i~ Group 2 during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent ' 8 of the time. FIGURE 89 \ MAX STAGE 3 10% I I I I I I I t ! t 1!i 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 1S .JtJt. y SE:PT -ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 278 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I late May and -Ju0e. Increases in July would bring the Stage III contribution to natural levels around August (Figure 78). In late Stage III the 6 percent contribution level would extend through July with some increase in August and early September but natural levels would not be reached (Figure 79). -Representative Grouo 3 This group consists of side channels which breach at intermediate mainstem discharges (8,000 to 16,000 cfs) and transform into side slough at lower discharge. In contrast to Group 2 side channels, sites within this group are larger and convey greater volumes of water when breached.. In addition, sites comprising this group represent some of the ~ most heavily utilized rearing areas in the middle Susitna River under breached conditions. The habitat response and percent contribution to overall habitat availability of this group is portrayed for the range of natural and with-project flows in Figure 90. __ , Stage I Filling The rearing habitat during Stage I fi 11 i ng would be reduced substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, much below the flows that provide the higher habitat availability for this group. Habitat associated with monthly filling flow estimates for June through September would be reduced by 87-88 percent in a dry year, 10-92 percent in an average year, and 22 to 93 percent in a wet year (Table 17}. 279 • .. -N (X) -0 E -..... < ::J :3:: 100 HABITAT :z 0 ..- t-----::::l CD .,.._ 0::: t-z 0 (.J 1--z w u a:: 20 w a.. 0 0~--~5~--~-----+----~----~----+-----~---40 1 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 Juveni 1 e ch1 nook rearing habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing habitat of Group 3 a.reas in the m1 ddl e Sus 1 tn; River. FLOW (thousand cfs) FIGURE g·o ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENT.RIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~· ~ Table 17. Estimated chang~ in chinook rearing habitat in Group 3 due to r 1 f !. j, l I t r 1 i1 i ,, I f l ( l I. filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Discharge _{ cfs) Rearing Habitat (sg ft WUA) Month Natural Filling Natural Filling Change Dry Year June 21,763 7,800 1,178,308 137,604 -88.32 July 19,126 8,000 1,293,441 150,046 -88.40 August 17,392 8,000 1,284,701 150,046 -88.32 September 10,422 5,800 553,277 73,345 -86.74 Average Year June 27,815 8,800 843,033 229,381 -72.79 July 24,445 12,740 993,691 1,101,905 10.89 August 22,228 12,415 1,153,420 1,035,368 -10.23 September 13,221 6,800 1,166,589 96,193 -91.75 Wet Year June 31,580 10,752 816,422 635,484 -22.16 July 27,753 20,547 844,924 1,250,440 47.99 August 25,236 15,505 951,618 1~365,033 43.44 September 15,124 6,800 1,347,903 96,193 -92.86 281 • Ooeraticm Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a waekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve (Figure 91 and 92)o Stage I flows would result in increases in habitat about half the time and decreases in habitat about half the time throughout the summer rearing period. From the end of August tnrough mid-September, the magnitude of habitat increases W{>U1d greatly exceed the habitat decreases. The stability of habitat in Group 3 sites would be less in May and early June thatv naturally and about the same for the remainder of the season (Figure 93)e The contribut1on of Group 3 to the habitat availability provided by all groups would be sl·ightly less than natura 1 ~ in 1 ate Mat and about the same as natura 1 for the rest of the season (Figure 70)e Staqe II • • Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under· operation~ Ogeration Habitat availability under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 94 and 92). Stage II operational flows would result in habitat reductions from 0 to 80 percent with refraction of 70 282 ... - I I I ·I I i I I ~ .. u • [ ,. .[~ [ 1. : ,•' r~ t [ L L -... , . • 0~--~--------~-------~--~-----~-~-~--~------.- 10 z I a I :+---1---~:=::::::::oo-------~ I i §: ~--.. Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 3 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower) exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. FIGURE 91 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 283 .. r t r r [ . [ r [ ' [ L r '~'-' t, f ~-~ r l 1 ' ~ L -0 0 0 0 -)( ., c.a- (J - 3: 0 -J u.. -< ::J 3: ....., "'- C" 0') c: 0 -- E - t-< ...... -a:l < :J: ~ -HATliW. 3 __ STAG£1 ~ -_STAGE 2 2 _STAG£ 3 -MAX STA;E 3 1 0 l---~~~~~--~~~~--~~=-~--~~~-+--~1100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Group 3 1. _NA'MAL _ ... STAGE 1 __ STAGE 2 ---STIJiE 3 ...... "' ' .6 \ _WAX STAGE 3 ' \ .3 0 --+-20 ~-60 (I) 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 3. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSIT'NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 92 ENTRIX, INC. 284 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE - I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ [ [ [. t .l L ; l L L 200 1~0 ! i 100 ~ ::I ~ ~ ..... ~ !50 ~ ~ f5 c.. 0 ..... ' ...... ... ' .. .. ' .. .. . . , ... , . .. .. .. ... ', ........... ' ' ..... .--''•• -••• • ••••••u•• ....... -~0 27 3 10 17 2-4 1 MAY JUNE ~ -M -i ' \ = -\ i \ ' I \ \ I '" ' 0 ~ ~ ... ~ _, 20 Z1 3 10 17 .2~ 1 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 3 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. 8 FIGURE 93 a 15 22 251 5 12 11 28 2 ' HI JULY AUCUST SEF'T NAlUW.. STAGE 1 50% 9.1% 15 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 16 .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, iNC. 285 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,., r , L r: L r-, .. L [ [ L L. r t.: L r , l ; L • Sa• I ao I ,. 10 • .. . • • • . , . ••• ••e•••••••••••••••~• . ··CI·•::·- o••••· . • • • . , . • , . • , . .. . .. ···-······ 0~------------------~------~------~~ Yoto'r .AA.T .,_,.,. t.S 1.2 E' 0 •. s z 0 3 5 ol ..... i .3 D • ~ . J; ; .., ~ 20 I I \ ! \-_I t.IAY JUNE II\ 11M. STME 2 ,_ -~ UZI I I I I I ---J D JULY AUGUST SEPT i t! ~-~~-__,__.~,___-I I 0 ... ; .. ~-­..., Mean weekly discharge (Upper}, chinook rearing WUA for Group 3 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. FIGURE 94 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 286 - I I I I I I I • • • percent or greater about half the timea In July the magnitude of the reduction would decrease and by mid- August habitat availability would be about the same as natural. With-project habitat stability would decrease substantially primarily as in week-to-week increases in habitat during July and August that may exceed 300 percent (Figure 95). The contribution of Gt'oup 3 to total middle Susitna River habitat would decrease under Stage II from naturag levels of 15 to 25 percent to 5 to 15 percent in May am,! June. The percent contribution would increase during July and would be similar to natural from mid-August to mid-September (Figure 73). Stage III Filling Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over several years and consequently dicussion of habitat availability relating to this process are more appropriately addressed under operation • •. Operation Habitat availability under natural and early and late Stage III operation are compared in weekly habitat time series plots and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figure 96, 97 and 92). Early Stage III operational flows would result in substantial reductions in habitat through July at which point the frequencies of reduction waul d decrease to about ha 1 f the time. In 1 ate Stage III reductions of 40 percent or more would be prevalent 287 '. ~ ... . . ( . \· ' ' .) '«."J f' L ·.L·.·.' ' . i L r ·. l ' L: L _______ .._,..,._.,_· . .------------------------ 200 1~0 ' . ' I \ / \ , ' ' ' ' ' • •• a ' . ' , ..... . ' , ' t t 1 I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 ,' I I I# I I • I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I c I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I ,,. . .. ' " .. ' ' ' \ ' . I \ ' \ I \ 10" -~0._~--~~-~~~~~--+--+--·~~~~~~--~-+--~ .·-_....,. 27 3 1 o '7 24 1 a 1 s 22 2sa s 12 1, 2e 2 8 , 8 WAY .JUNE JULY AUGUSl' SEPT -M - I : I • I I I • .~ i\ ' \ I ' '\ \ ,, # ' \ I\· ;' \ \ I -----\ . . • I • • I I I : I i • t 20 Z1 3 10 17 24 1 8 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow {upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 3 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 95 \ ' \ ' I \ \\ I \ I \ I I I \ \ I \ I . . \ . i i \ \ ,, STAGE 2 10 X 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 1S .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELECTRtC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 8 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..., ~ ~ ~ • ~ • .. =·-~---..-'~~~PP44CZZ2Ji!.J&.,._lWJt(_~~~~~~--". . . ["'; r L [ L L F L 1 .. L l. . .J. r L I, l j l {' l l .. ... .. Ia ·-• I ae I .. i ,. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . • -~~~~~----~-~---··-···--·--····· ............. " . 0 t.S 1.2 j • J • ~ a .....,. \_ ...-"\ \ \ ' I ~-----~--~---~--/ ' _, WAY .IUNE .IULY $TAli[, ~ I +----4---1-~~-~ II ... ! ... u 5 .. L • ~·~~--~----------------~------~ Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 3 (middle} and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 96 SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 289 H~.RZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. [j D r:~ ,j r·. ' l'' ,J,J f'' [i.' I ' \.,_ ,i f :' r tJ L ,, . f L'. ' -·•·~· .. ,..,.-,~-,,..-,«~'""'"''""'""'~" .-r,.-------....---~~~-----~~ • ..,. •• ,-~-..;---:·--·,....,-.-........ , ·--« -·......--;----.....-.. ---~--·~-~'"""' -.. 40 (:.a I .. I I a :iO ... ~0 ta 10 • . . . •o••••••••••• : .. ······-··········::·················· ·-···---~· •• ••••••••••••• .... llil' .... # •••• • ••••• -·· •••••••• OJI 0~--~------------------~--~-----~-*-W·-~-------~--- t.S IIAXSTMCl \ I \ _,..- \ \ ... '~-~--, \ .3 \ ---.-.. -·"------ I ...._ __________ ~"""_.... .. .. * • UAY JUNE JULY AUC\JST S£PT •' Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rear-ing \1UA for Group 3 (middle} and percent change in WUA {lGwer}exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and 1 ate Stage I~l flows. ~--·---------------------------------------~ FIGURE 97 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT a - ENTRIX, INC. 290 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I ;j • ~ • .. .. ·~J at least 50 percent of the time for the majority of the rearing period. Stability during early and late Stage III would be less than natura 1 , expressed principally as 1 arge week-to-\~eek increase in habitat during early June, July and early August (Figure 98 and 99). The contribution of Group 3 to middle Susitna River rearing habitat decrease from natural levels of 15 to 25 percent to Stage III levels of 5 to 15 percent in early summer to 5 to 25 percent in the second half {Figures 78 and 79). -Group 4 -Side Channels The group is comprised of side channels with low breaching discharges, intermediate to high mean reach velocit·ies, and substrates consisting primarily of cobbles and boulders. This group pro vi des a substantia 1. amount of the rearing habitat within the middle Susitna River as evidenced by the high utilization of these sites by juvenile chinook salmon during the summer months. The habitat response and percent contributions of this group to middle Susitna River rearing habitat ar·e depicted for a range of mainstem discharges {Figure 100). • Stage I Filling The rearing habitat during Stage I fi 11 i ng waul d be increased substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, which are flow levels that provide the gre:ater habitat avai 1 ability for this group than higher natural flow. Habitat associated with monthly 291 • ,-. I l' l.t..J r , I ' ) ' I : be_,,; (. ·-,. ! l f : L~ L··. . ' 0 -----·-- ·. • •' ' ' t , . ' . , t ', I ' ' ' ' ' .... ' .. . ' " ' ' ' . . ' ' \ . ' : ,.. 6. ' . . ' I a i ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I t ' • ' -.... .... Gect~ ~0" -so--~--~~~~.M~~~~--~~--~~--~~--~-+--+--+~ 27 3 1 o 17' 24 1 a 15 22 :zsa 5 12 1 sa 2a 2 sa 1 a t.IAY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT 1 I : l -I • M c\ l -•• ' i . \ t I \ ( t I = ' I \ I \ I -I i I t • \ I I I : .. , .. , I I 0 ~ .... -i -1ooi I I I t t I 20 27 3 10 17 2~, 1 8 MAY ..JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook: rearing habitat (lower) from previou.s week in Group 3 during early Stage III exceeded 10, SO and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 98 • . / l \,/ • \ \ STAGE 3 \ \ \ I 10% I t I I I t I I I -f 15 ?2 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 16 .JUL. Y AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORt.TY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INCc 292 HARZA·E BASCO SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE I I ~- I I I I I I I· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f .~ ~ r l L. f ,' l ' L , i: ...... ·: ! i ~ :a ~ I § ~ 1SO 100 :so 0 ••ca•._ ' ~ .. ~ ' I ' f I " I -·-····-.. ~' '~ ' •• . ' . ' . ' . \ . \ . ' . ' . ' . ' I ,I . \ • •• ' .,.·-··-·- -:50~-+--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~~~~~~ 27 3 1 o 1 7 2.... 1 a 1 s ~2 29 s. 12 1 8 2e 2 8 1 • ~.&AY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT -M MAXSTASE3 - ~, " \ /\ ---vi \ A A 1 ' /\ I \ i \ . \ ' ~ . ' ' I , ' I \ i \/'-1~10% 20 Zl 3 10 17 2. 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE .JUL.Y AI,J~~~T §~PT Percent change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 3 during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 99 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 293 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Q • • N \.0 ~ ~""""-·-· ~< -4-> 4- 5 o-3 (/) c 0 r--- .--2 --E ~ <C ::J :3: 1 r--·· --"-"""', ,....,... .. _,._, ,.... "'---l \ t l. ' !'<"----··; ..,-..• --..-.... .. ..... ~ _ _... ~ i < I L L ,.,, '·· ~ I..J . HABITAT ...._. __ _ % CONTRIB ........ '"'""" --------.... ,___ --.....__ ----· ·-~-----~--·-----.. ----. ,.......~ ~ f""""""" L:,_.' 4. .<J .L-. _ ... > . 100 80 :z 0 ~ 1- ::l m -a:: 1-z 0 u .._ z w u cr.:: w a.. 20 0 T-----+-----~----~----~----~----~----~----~0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Juven i 1 e chi nook rearing habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing hab1 tat of Group 4 areas in the middle Susitna River. FLOW (thousand cfs) FIGURE 100 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA IOINT VENTURE .. .. ~'"~ L A:l :, ·t " t t f I l l I t .. ·.[ \ ! l I l l I l l 1 r l l ! l l l j I 'j I I I I 1 I I 1 filling flow estimates for June through September would be increased 28-128 percent in a dry year, 55-158 percent in an average year, and 10~107 percent in a wet year (Table 18) • •. Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a w~ekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve {Figure 101 and 102). Stage I flows would result in substantial increases in habitat throughout most of the summer rearing period. From the end of August through mid-September, the magnitude of habitat increases would decrease somewhat and about half the time decreases would occur. The stability of habitat in Group 4 sites would be greater in May and June than natural and about the same for the remainder of the season (Figure 103}. The contribution of Group 4 to the habitat provided by all gruups in the middle Susitna River would be at levels much higher than natural for the rearing period through mid-August. In late August and September contribution levels would be similar to natural (Figure 70). Stage II • Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. 295 r i f \ k. L ' ! L. f l L . .:.. t J I L f I l .. Table 18. Estimated ch~nge in chinook rearing habitat in Group 4 due to fi~ling under dry, average and· wet conditions Month Dry Year June July August September • Average Year June July August September Wet Year June July August September Discharge (cfsl Natural Filling 21,763 7,800 19,126 8,~00 17,392 8,000 10,422 5,800 27,815 24,445 22,228 13,221 31,580 27,753 25,236 15,124 ,. 8,800 12,740 12,415 6,800 10,752 20,547 15,505 6,800 RearinQ Habitat (sg ft WUA) Natural Filling Change 1,326,195 1,461,067 1,611,530 2,484,311 1,145,028 1,242,762 1,312,223 1,957,028 1,326,195 1,461,067 1,611,530 2,484,311 296 3,028,000 3,020,000 3,020,000 3,112,718 2,954,752 2,009,926 2,037,382 3,079,226 1,461,067 3,020,000 3,020,000 3,112,718 128o32 106o70 87o4Q 25.30 158o05 61.73 55.26 57o34 l0ol7 106o70 87o40 25.30 I I I I I I I I I ~ w j ~ • ~ ~ • ' l • • F I L F l f 4... r ! L r I I L f 1 L f L f l f L r L { f, L. ! 1 l._ L l I L. l L . . • I •• lao . . i ,. ## .......... ••••••• .... .·· _,. .. 10:!~. I •' •• ••" 0 o••• .. · .·· .·· ':.~---·· J I I T I ..... .., -""« .1 Mean ~eekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 4 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. FIGURE 101 o• I • I I T a _., - - -STAiiE I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 297 H~.RZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE . ' l. I.. .• _H.\11JW. -3 0 --STAGE 1 0 0 ·...,:::) --STAGE: 2 .... X 2 _STAG£ 3 , q.. -MAX STAGE 3 (J - 3: 0 _. 1 u. 0 Percent or Time Equaled or Exceeded Group 4 -3. < => 3: ~ 2. -NA'MAL 4- C" --STAGE 1 G) c: -----STAGE 2 0 ---STAGE 3 --E --MAX STAGE 3 -1. 1-< ...... -cc .7 < :r: 0 20 43 60 al 100 Percent or Time Equaled or Exceeded Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 4. FIGURE 102 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 298 - I I I I I I I ~ " ....... 200 1~0 ~ t: i 100 ~ ::1 ~ ..., l:.:t ~ 50 ~ ..., (.) es ~ 0 " • . ' . \ . ' ' \ . ' I \ ' ' ' \ ' \ 10" \10~ 27 .l 10 17 2o4 1 a 15 22 2~ .:s 12 1sa 2e 2 • 1e MAY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT STAGE 1 20 'Zl 3 1 o 17 z• 1 a 1s 22 29 s 12 19 2S 2 9 1 s MAY ..I UN!: Percent change in flow {upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from pre·~ious week in Group 4 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 103 ..IUL.Y AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 299 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOiNT VENTURE .. 0 Operation Habitat avai1ability under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curves {Figures 104 and 100). Stage II operational flows would result in habitat increases from 0 to greater than 100 percent for much of the rearing season. In late August and September habitat availability would be about the same as natural. With-project habitat stability would increase during May and June, decrease in July and in August and September would be about the same as natural {Figure IOS)o The contribution of Group 4 to tot a 1 middle Sus i tna River habitat would increase under Stage II from natural levels of 20 to 30 percent to 55 to 70 percent in May and June. The magnitude of the percent percent contribution increase would decrease during July and would be similar to natural from mid-August to mid-September {Figure 73). Stage III .. • Filling Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over several years and consequently habitat availability is more appropriately addressed under operation. Operation Habitat availability under natural and early and late Stage III operation are compared in weekly habitat time series plots and seasonal (Figures 106, 107 and 100). 300 habitat duration curves Early and late Stage III I I I I I I I i ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t I I t- 1 l L. .. ... ~ ~~· 130 .. I•• I JIO i ,. 10 • 0 :.M.Y • • . • . • • . . . , • • . . . . . . --·····--·----..······ .· .-~--------------· ·---·········· 11 STMi£2 2.1 t 0 It 2.1 ! 3 ! , ... ~ ~ :1 ~ ~ 1&1 0 .7 ~ 1 (.) ... z ~ ..... ___________ ~101 ----------r \ \ n \ \ . ,. -- \ ', J a \ \ . /;:-,/' \ WAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT ~ 0~--------~--~----~-----~~ ~ 11. -tiJii--a.tA:+-:Y--+---+-.JU-N+-r;-+---+--+--.J+-U-LY--+--+-:A~U~OU-::ST~+:S=£P~T:- Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 4 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flowsc ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 104 SUSITNA HYDROELECiRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 301 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE l i . • .. r· L !' 200 1~0 ' , ' I \ ,' ' I \ \ ' ' \ • .. I \ • ' , ••• CJ I \ I I 1 \ I I I l I I 1 li I I ' I \ I I 1 I I ' . ' I e I '. ' • ' ' I • t I • I I I I I I • I , v I ' I t I I ~ I • I I ' ' 1 I ... . .. ' .... ' .. , ' , ' ' ' 27 3 1 o 1 7 24 1 a 1 5 22 20 s 1 2 1sa 2e 2 a 1 e MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT 1 NATI.RAL -M -I so § «l -20 i D ~ -20 1-~ STAGE 2 A__: ___ _ 10% -1 · · ·-+ I I e t f I I I ! I I t J I I 20 27 3 10 17 2~ 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 1 s MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow {upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 4 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 105 JULY A~JGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INt.":. HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOIN'r VENTURE .. --------~----0. ______________ ._ _______ 1 ________ ~---~----------~--------~-~ 302 • I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ • f'\ ,~ .. ... 40 ~~· ·-• 1 aa I ao I ,. 10 • 0 WAY J.sr . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . --·--............. . .· .... ·.·.--------~----·· .... -.. ------.... -..... --· .... !: ---1m: 2.1 + -.:::: = = =:. .,~ ~, = = ' ; - - - - - -... f /--_, \ ' 0 II 2.1 z 0 3 ! , ... i .7 + \ \ \ . \ ' \ \ .t ~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~•-+•-+·--·~·-~~~·--·~· ~ ::> :t ~ ld G ~ 1 (J 1-z .tUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT STMIJ ~ a l----------~-~-----== i I IIJ Q. Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 4 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage Iii flows. FIGURE 106 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 303 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • 10 s 0~-----------------~--· -----------~----------........ .IUHI: JU&.Y AUGU8T 3.!5 --,.------.-...... __ __ 2.1 I '· ___ .__ -----. ---r---1C!'I ~ ,..__._, ,_ .... _ !iUX • r .... ~ ~ z 1&.1 C) z .7 0 '/ / --~*"'' ,. ' a /---. /-\ ./ , ~/ ' .... -.,. , .._ _ _._. -· -1<-l!--tl---tt--+t·--+-+-·----------· "i -! MAY JUNE JUl.Y Jl..lJGUST SEPT ~, ~·----~ 10 I ~ ~~ ~ 0 ~-------------~~--...;::=--11 1&.1 Q, .JUNC: .JUt..Y AUGUST SEPT Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 4 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower}exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time fot 4 natura 1 and 1 ate Stage I I I flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 107 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 304 HARZA-E BASCO SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE w :sa:IWL. •• I ; "<) I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ u cl u ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .. .. • operational flo.ws would r·esult in substantial increases in hab'i tat through the majori t.y of the rearing season often exceeding 100 percent over natural. Stability during eariy and late Stage III would be greater than natural, except for a few weeks during July and early August in early Stage III when week-to-week changes in habit1t would exceed natural (Figure 108 and 109). The contribution of Group 4 t~1 m·~ ddl e Susi tna River rearing habitat would increase from natural levels of 20 to 30 percent to Stage III levels of 40 to 70 percent through mid-summer. The magnitude of the increase in percent contribution would decrease in July during early Stage I I I and in August during 1 ate Stage I I 1 and by mid-September approach natural levels for both periods of Stage III (Figures 78 and 79). -Group 5 -Mainstem Shoals This group inc 1 udes ma i nstem and side channe 1 areas which transform into clearwater side sloughs at lower mainstem discharges. Sites within this group are characterized by fine sediment although ltrger substrates are possible if the -shoal has stabilized and taken as gravel bar charact~ristics (Aaseraude et al. 1986). The Group V habitat response curve and percent contribution of the group to the tot a 1 middle Susitna River rearing habitat are depicted in Figure 110. As indicated in the figure, this group contributes on 1 y a minor portion of the juvenile chinook habitat, even under optimum flow conditions. 305 • • 1 r l r l r ~· l' j ~·· fi t 200 150 ! i 100 ! :I ~ I 50 § 15 a.. 0 ·. I I' . ' . ' I I . ' . ' ' ' I ', . ' I I ~ ' ' , , ' • ' 6 ' t \ I I . •' ' I I • • I I I • I I , • I I I ' ' ' • I ' • ' ' I• I I • ' . .., I '" \ ..... ' ' -so--~~--~-4~~-~~~--~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~ 27 3 1 o 17 24 1 e 1 s 22 2g s 12 1 g 2e 2 g 1 e t.IAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT -M - ~ -60 t--l-eo -1ooT I i I I I I 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 MAY .JlJNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 4 during early Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. I 8 FIGURE 108 STAGE 3 10 X I I I I I I I I I~ 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 ..JULY AUGUST SEPT I • ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 306 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • • ~ .. • I • I I ! .. tl tl tl . . ~ ~ d u 1 u u ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .. r-., i ~ 1 . [ f b r ~ .. ; I.e· 200 \ 50 ' ., I \ l ' . ' . ' I • • I • I I I ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 90" -so._-+--~~---~~~~~~~--~~--~-r--+--+.--*=~--~~ 27 3 1 o 17 24 1 a 1 s 22 2sa s 1 2 1 sa 21 2 sa , a UAY JUNE JULY At.:""UST SEPT -" - 1 80 20 27 3 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 4 during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 109 .JULY NATUW.. ----MAX STAGE 3 AUGUST SEPT ALAS.KA f!OWER .. 4.UTHOR11'Y SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 307 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • r-r--- ;> ·, ~ -+> 4- o- (/) ."0 -,.._ (0 (J) JJ ::l ::::> 0 ::0 ..c. -a-> ._.._, <C :::J 3:: • ,~··~':" ,~· ._,. F -· ~· r -~ ,....--r:' r··~,..,. ~--,., r--r~ ~--~~:.tr! ... ,..~-...... f7''~ ... "" ~ ~..--~...,.. tr'·"'-...,..~"'1"" ~-.,..""r-"""'l'"' • • f l ! t 400,· 100 16 80 0 80 HABITAT :z 0 ....,_ 1------:::J CD 60 ....... 0::: t-z 0 u 1-z uJ u ct:: w 20 fL -~----------~------__ .,..__ .. ....-.---..,--------··-----=-....._ ______ _ __ .-__ _ +-----~~~~------+-----~----~------+----~~-----+0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 FLOW ( t·housa.nd cfs) ALASKA POWER AUT·:~>DR I {Y Juveni 1 e chi nook rear1 ng habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing habitat of Group 5 areas 1 n the middle Sus 1 tna River. SUSITNA HYOROEL.fCTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 110 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTlJft·i ""'_ ... ,..,....., l lC I r l L r t l l f I i l I l l }, 1' I I f· l ! I l f l I t i ! l I I' I L f t t ! " J.. L I' f L r t. .. r l I ...... ,, L Stage I • Filling The rearing habitat during Stage I filling would be reduced substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, much. below the natural flows that provide higher habitat availability for this group. Habitat associated with monthly filling flow estimates for June through September would be reduced by 39 to 67 percent in a dry year, 8 to 72 percent in an average year, and 44 to 71 percent in a wet year (Table 19). Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve (Figure 111 and 112). Stage I flows would result in decreases in habitat from 0 to 60 percent more than half the time through July and decreases in habitat up to 40 percent about half the time for the remainder ·of the summer rearing period. Habitat increases would also occur throughout the season but with much lower frequencies than the decreases. The stability of habitat in Group 5 sites would be greater through July than naturally and about the same for the remainder of the season (Figure 113). The contribution of Group 3 to the habitat availability provided by all groups combined would be somewhat less than natural from 1 ate l\1ay through mid-July and about the same as natural for the rest of the season (Figure 70}. 309 r 1··· L ~ I L ,.,, L L f L L L f, ~ f J L Table 19. Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 5 due to filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Discharge (cfs) _ Rearing Habitat (sq ft WUA) Month Natural Filling Natural Filling Change Dry Year June 21,763 7,800 190,477 64,128 -66.33 July 19,126 8,000 168,576 66,308 -60.67 August 17,392 8,000 166,653 101,999 -38.80 September 10,422 5,800 101~999 33,396 -67.26 Average Year June 27,815 8,800 301,889 278,025 -7.90 July 24,445 12,740 278,025 171,206 -38.42 August 22,228 12,415 197,333 163,160 -17.32 September 13,221 5,800 177,797 49,232 -72.31 Wet Year June 31,580 10,752 201,352 112,927 ··43. 92 July 27,753 20,547 302,585 164,178 -4.5. 74 August 25, 2~6 15,505 301,969 170,178 -43.64 September 15,124 6,800 172,569 49,232 -71.47 310 j 1 u . _ . .. , "'-"'-~-=-'~..J.11 ,: & r ~r it,.wcfte;"ieiiRtl•l•t. ~--~--~# ... .AA-~~~;--,,...._·~-.... -.-~~· ..... ~--.:~-..,..,._......_..__,...._..._..,.,~;::;,..J.,...... • •· .. . • .. -····························-··· ... I ~~~~+-~~---+~~-~~--~~-·~• ~ i •' ! 41 ~ a lolA'( JUN!: JUL.Y AUGUST SEPT -- STM:£ '1 tO l ~ I ~-~------=~--~-------"""7"'"-; I u -Zil ~ ~ ... ~ ... L _,,-----~---t----:----~~::::-+"-~::--4 ..JUNE JUL.Y AUGUST SEPT Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook ~earing WUA for Group 5 (middle) and percent change in WUA {lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECYRlC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO FIGURE 111 SUSi'TNA JOINT VENTURE 311 • .. f; r t l ,. L l -0 0 CJ 0 -X fJ """ 0 - =-= 0 -l u.. -'< ::::J 3: ~ 4- tT ~ -c c: a ., :::::J 0 ..c: ....., - t-< ...... -CD < ::c: _NATlW.L 3 _ -STAGE 1 --SfAQ!, 2 2 _STAGE 3 __ MAX STAGE 3 1 0 l---+---~+---+---~+---+---~~--+-~~~--+-~100 Percent of T i me Equal ed or E; ~-~eeded Group 5 ., 0 t I i 2D -4{) so Em Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded -NATliW. __ STAS£1 -·-STMiE 2 __ ST'*£ :1 _MAX STAG£ 3 Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 5. ALASKA PO\'VER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO ' FIGURE 112 ENTRIX, INC. SUSilNA JOiNT VENTURE 31 I I , ' I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ [] J L] J J J -.: ~ ·J • r ! ) l [ [ r t l f L ~ \ L \.;; l l j L I l f' 200 -5C.' .!o---+--+----+-+--+--t---+---+---+--+---+--+----t--+---lr---!.r---+----f -M - i ~ -i I I 0 !c ...... -~ 27 3 MA"'r" \ ' ~ ,0 17 24 1 JUNE a 1 s .22 2a s 12 1 a 2e 2 a 1 e JULY AUGUST SEPT STAGE 1 + I t t I ·! I t ·· • ~ I ! t t I 20 ?:! 17 2~ 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY ~UNE Percent change in flo:w {upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 5 during Stage I ~xceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time .. FIGURE 113 ~ULY AUGU .• -;{,'r SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY S U S I. T N A H Y D R 0 E l E C T R I C P R 0 J E C T ENTRIX, iNC. 313 HARZA·c BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. • Stage II • • Fil 1 ing Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 114 and 112). Stage II operational flows would result in habitat reductions from 60 to 75 percent about half the time in May, June, and July. By the end of July the magnitude of these reductions would decrease and by end of August habitat availability would be about the same as natural. With-project habitat stability would increase substanti- ally in May and June, decrease in July, and be approximately the same or slightly greater in August and September (Figure 115). The contri but inn of Group 5 to tot a 1 mi dd'l e Sus i tn a River habitat would decrease under Stage II from natural levels of 2 to 5 percent to about 2 percent in May and June. The percent contribution would increase during July and would be similar to natural from mid~August to mid-September (Figure 73). 314 r·· t •:.i: n· ~· ., r L f .,. . L: r L L L r ! t LJ {. I ~- F . j! L r· L. L r l l L •• • ••• I ao i ,. ,0 • • . . • . . ... -····---········-··· .. . .... -: :·--~---..... - . : .· . • . -· . ·· -----···--· 0~~----------~--------~-~------~-a-u-~----------- I ::t ~ so i 3 .., Ill 20 0 UAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 101 ---.- STMiE 2 ~ 0 +-4---+---4----r----~~~-~1 ~ -20 ~-4) E ~--tO-t----- ~~----~--------- Mean weekly discharge (upper),. chinook rearing WUA for Group 5 {middle) and percent change in WUA (lowerlexceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. FIGURE 114 AUGUST ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 315 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE r.; ' f ·~ ; L r; . t -.J f L 1 li l I L. j L I' I i ~ .. i I L 200 1~0 V\ \ # \ / \ I \ \ \ \ . \ , ··-----· ', '---·-" # I I • .. I I . ' . , I I I I I I t ' ' I I I I '. .' I I I • I I • • • I ' I I ' • • , .... I I • I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I • ' I I I I I I ' • ' I ' ' • I ~ox -- ox 27 3 10 17 2... 1 a 1:s 22 29 s 12 1 e 2e 2 a us MAY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT "' :\ I \ I '\ I \ , ~ I , I \ . ' I , ' \ .. ~. II \\ ,./ \ ' ~· . ' .,..•.~"" \ I ' . ' -----· : \ i \ : I \ ,. .. / 0 \ I ': .-.-1 % ' ' ~ ' ~ '-·-===~~~;-;·-~~~"~--~~--------~~-~----~~~=-50% 1"" ----~ ---=:~~ ~-==--:a ,~7.:0::;::::> <,......__ ~ ---.;:: ... - MAY .... / ... ____ ~ ~-00% .JUNE .JULY AUGUST I 9 SEPT I 16 STAGE 2 Percent change in flow {upper} and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 5 during Stage II exceeded lOr 50 and 90 percent of the time. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 115 SUSITNJio HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 316 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I ! ~ ~ ~ '' J .. , . 1 J ~J J 1 .J 1 .I ' J 't u '! J ~ 1 J .. Stage III 0 • Filling Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over several years and C'onsequently habitat availability is more appropriately addressed under operation. Operation Habitat ava i 1 abi 1 i ty under natura 1 and ear1y and 1 ate Stage III operation are compared in weekly habitat time series plots and seasonal habitat duration curves {Figures 116, 117 and 112)~ Early Stage III operational flows would result in substantial reductions (up to 70 percent) irr habitat through June. In July the frequencies of reduction ~ould decrease and by August would occur about half the time. In late Stage III reductions of 40 percent or·more would be prevalent at least 50 percent of the time through July. In August, hab·itat availability would range from infrequent slight increases to more frequent decreases up to 60 percent. Stability during early and late Stage III would be greater than natural for the majm"ity of the rearing season, with the exception of some large increases (100 percent) in week-to-week habitat availability during July and early August in early Stage III (Figures 118 and 119). The contribution of Group 5 to middle Susitna River rearir.=g habitat decrease from natural levels of 2 to 5 percent to Stage Ill levels of 2 to 3 percent in early summer to 2 to 4 percent in the second half (Figures 78 and 79). 317 • .. •. ~~--'_;:7'0.'<:\:~~# ' ~ '·•' ·; ---------~--~ .... ~· .i.-r4l~j .~t•H~~*".,", .-~~; .. • ! •• lao I ,. 10 • . • . • . . . • . . . ................ .· . ::. . --.. ·.-.----... ~--·-·-· ..... --.. --... -. -· .C!-.. . ---··· 'Oll··~ ... ..eo• 0~--------~---------------------------­..... .,. 0 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT IU I ~-l ~ ~ . ~a I i :J u -· ~ <4 ~-- II -tO _, ~----~-------------------~----~ UAY JUNE JULY AUGUST "" Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook rearing WUA f~r Group 5 (middl~) and percent change in WUA (1i'1Wer) exceeded 90, 50, aiid 10 p~rcent of the time for natural a~~d early Stage III flows .. ~-..,.---.aa..-.atP.\11. -----------.:~---1 FIGURE 116 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZ ~E BASCO SUS!TNA JOINT VENTURE ._----------~·----------~~~~~~-~------~--~------~--~----~ 318 I I I I ~ 3 ~ j ~ \--, J l J J j ' ( J J j 1 J J J .. ao ... I•• l•o I ,. 10 • • . . ,···~\-.... .·· .£.:::.::·:::: • .............. '· ........ : ~= 7-.. . . -. --.. -...... -'o~~-~~~->-:1r-~~-------~""" .. .,..,.,..,. .... -(.·. -~ ~-... • ...... (' •• -0'1 0~*-~~~--------------~~-~----~N~~.·-,~--------~~- ~ i ~ 10% ~ m I·~~--~---------+~~~~ u -a SJ: i.., u ' ~-­.. ... Sl% JULY AUGtJST Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 5 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, SOF and 10 percent of the time for na'tural and late Stage III flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INCe FIGURE 117 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • • f I t f I ! j, r ~ r I t· t r . I L f ~ l l 1 '· ' ' L l t. l. 2coT ! l ~ 1SO i l 1oof ! 2 t5 ~ ~ 5l) I Q. 0 \ ..... ... ~ ' ~ .. .,.. .... ,.. ...... " " .. ...... .... _ .... ~--··········· ' •' . ' . ' ' ~ : '. I '. ' ' t ' I t t r I t • • I • • ' I • • • • ' ' ' t ' "' ' ., , ',. ' ~ ..,. \ ~ I ,.. t t • I I I • t ~ ' t • • . .., . ,-~ '•-', \ ' ' .....__ ___ ' 27 3 10 17 2-4 1 a 1~ 22 20 5 12 ua 28 2 Q 18 MAY JUNE JULY AU~UST SEP'f NATl.JRAl -M STAGE 3 - --10 X ~~~~~~~~----~==~--~-~------~~ 00% 20 ~ Zl 3 10 17 2~ 1 8 MAY JUNE Percant change in flow (upper} and ch1nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 5 during early Stage III exceeded .10, SO and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 118 --90 ~ I I 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 JULY AUGU$T SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E,.--..tTRIX, INC. 320 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE • •• I ~ d J ~ ~J \ J J J J • f I t k j L l L L l. f t l 200 150 -H - 1 1:51 22 2~ ..JULY ' ·~ I ~ . ' . ' . ' . ' I ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' • -----.... -.. . -, , .. ,so"' ---~-~...90" 12 ,. 25 AUCUST 2 • SEPT , . 0" NATURAL ---'!""'--· MAX STAGE 3 ~ -!-_ ! I t I I I t I . f I f 20 27 3 10 17 2~ 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY ..JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous wee~ in Group S during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 119 .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORI1iY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 321 ,. -Representative Group VI This group is comprised of overflow channels which parallel the mainstema nd represent a transition area between schools and side channels. The sites within this group breach at a wide range of mainstem discharge. The habitat response curve and percent contribytion of this group to the total , middle Susitna River rearing habitat are presented in Figure 120. -Stage I 0 • Filling The rearing habitat during Stage I fi 11 i ng would be reduced substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, much below the natural flows that provide the higher habitat availability for this group. Habitat associated with monthly filling flow estimates for June through September would be reduced by 58-75 percent in a dry year, 46-75 percent in an a\~·arage year, and 1 to 5 percent in a wet year (Table 20}. Operation Habitat avaiiability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve (Figure 121 and 122). Stage I flows would result in decreases in habitat ranging up to 80 percent throughout the majority of the summer rearing period. From mid-August through mid-September, the magnitude of habitat decreases would decrease and about half the time Stage I flows would provide an increase in habitat. 322 .. 1 I ! r ' i I I .J 1 J J ') J J J J . . .. r·" -+-> 4- r - 1 .B g-.s c 0 -- ----.4 -~-~=------....---..,., _.,...--•-.r;::s::e==:=a• .,.,.,. .. -.. ~ ... --..... _., ---f -r--:_ r-·- HABITAT ------% CONTRIB . ----~.....__,;;. ........... - G4. .. ~-- 100 80 60 20 z 0 ..,_ f-:::> m ....... a::: t-::z: 0 (J 1-:z w (.J 0::: w a.. __ , ~------~----_-_-~ __ -_.i~~-------;------~------~~----~~------.~----~1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 3D 35 40 FLOW (thousand cfs) Juvenile chinook rearing habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing habitat of Group 6 areas in the middle Sus~tna River. FIGURE 120 .---~3---------------------------~-----t ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ\ECT HARZA·E BASCO ENTRIX, INC. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I ! l l ! l j. I I ) 1 l l r I f l I j I I I f) ~i . '" •J'~·h ·\1} 0 ' Table 20& Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 6 due to filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Discharge {cfsl Rearing Habitat {sg ft WUA) Month Natural Filling Natural Filling Change Dry Yeqr June 21,763 7,800 708,711 177,698 -74.93 July 19,126 8,000 653,226 186,971 -71 .. 38 August 17,392 8,000 615,371 186,971 -69 .. 62 September 10,422 5,800 256,040 108,309 -57.70 Average Year June 27,815 8,800 850,918 211,848 -75.10 July 24,445 12,740 754,517 405,138 -46.30 August 22,228 12,415 726,215 387,206 .. 46.68 September 13,221 6,800 436~ l85 134,065 -69.19 Wet Year June 31,580 10,752 947,797 272'1748' -71.22 July 27,753 20,547 849,505 €J1,626 -20 .. 94 August 25,236 15,505 761,384 541ill9 -28~93 September 15,124 6,800 532,313 134,065 -'14.81 324 "' ~---------~-------------~ ..... -........ ~ .. !' ... 10 • .. ·· •' .. ..~ • t#t# , -........... . . . . -fo·_, ,. r~·-··· . .. .. . • . --·········· . ... . . .. ·-· . . . . .. .. 0~------------------------------~-------"'"""' .AA.Y 4I.IOUII'I' •• 0 . ·' z 0 3 s ""' • .f .2 • i 1111 ! • w a 0 j I (J ~ -ca u""'l 1: Iii ~. L . -1 '-,/ I ,. -/' ,. .... I .... ___ / I JUNE: JULY .......... 101 AUGUST SEPT Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 6 (mfddls) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded so, SO, and l 0 ~ercent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. ~. AtA.SKJ\ POWER AUTHORITY I SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJEC1' Fi6URE 121 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSnNA JOINT VENTURE 1 r·; { I i ~· '· 1 •. -1 r r f ~.' fl~ ~i:" . ~-,. ) i,; ': .. 1 r ; ·~ • < r ~i "~~----~--------------.a--------------------------------~--------· -0 0 0 0 ..- X ., 4- (J - 31: 0 -' LL.. 3 2 1 _NATUW.. --STAGE 1 --STAGE 2 __ STAGE 3 _MAX STAGE 3 0 ~--~--~---~--~--~--~--~~~~--~~100 20 .co 60 ~ Percent of Time Equaled or ~xceeded Group 6 -1 < :::J 3: ....., .a -NATUW.. 4- CT --STAGE1 f) c .& --STAGE 2 u --STAGE 3 -e -·"' -MAX STAGE 3 .... < .... -CD .2 < :r: 0 20 c 60 aJ 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 6. FIGURE 122 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ._--~-----~--------------------------------.. ------------------· 326 J J J J J J 1 J 1 .; • The stability of habitat in Group 6 sites would1 be somewhat 1 ess than natura 1 for most of the reat•i ng season, particularly mid-July to mid-August when weekly changes in habitat can reach 70 percent {Figure 123). The contribution of Group 6 to the habitat availability pr·ovided by all groups would decrease from natural levels of 10-15 percent to with-project levels of 5 to 12 percent through July. In August and September, percent contribution would be similar {Figure 70). Stage II • • .Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage 11 flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 124 and 122). Stage II operational flows would result in habitat reductions from 60 to 80 percent in May and June.. In July the magnitude of the reduction would decrease and by mid-August habitat availability would be about the same or slightly greater than natural. With-project habitat stability would decrease substantially primarily due to week-to-week increases in habitat during July and August. In 1 ate August and September stability would be similar (Figure 125). 327 I ( • l I . , j 1!SO ...... .... ... ... ... .. ' ' ., ' .. .. .. .. ' .. .. ... '\' , ____ . .... I •'.. , ' I \ ' ' ' ' I \ ' , .. , .. , .. , ', .-··--.... ' ' ' ' 10" \10" 27 3 1 o 17 24 1 a 1 s 22 2~ s 12 111 2e 2 sa , e MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT NATLIW. STAGE 1 20 27 3 10 17 2. 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 6 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent o.f the time. FIGURE 123 .JULY AUGUST SEPT .-----------------------------~-----~·------~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZ.-\-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. ----------~------------~----------------.. ~----------------· 328 .. I I ll J J J J J J J ... • I •• l•o ;,. • . I • I • -··· • ·::: ... a..:.:..:.:,.···----.-. ..... ·· ....... I • I I .. . , , ./ .·' . . . .. _....: .............. ·· 0~~-~-----------------~-~------~-ou~~----,----M#-,~ •• 0 .. ·' z 0 3 ! .• .2 0 • i • ~ . ~ a / I I I '--./ I "' --.... _-_________ -:_-_ .... --/ "' JUNE JULY AUCUST STA;E 2 101 StP'T I o +\-------,--.---,--~-~II () ... § .. c r--.t=~======~~----~ _, __ __._ _______________ _ .JUNE JULY AUGUST Mean weekly discharge (tJJpper), chinook rearing WUA fori Group 6 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower}exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the tiMe for natural and Stage II flows .. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 124 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 329 m: HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. • 200 1:50 0 -so -M -~ ~ -i I I 0 ~ .,_ -I -1 \ . ' , ' / ' . ' I \ ' ' ' • . ... , ' , ....... -'~ '···· c.oe .. ._~ ~ # .. ...... .. 27 3 10 17 24 MAY JUNE • , .... - 1 • I\ I ~ I ' ••o•-c I I 1 I I I I l I I I i 1 \ I I I t • • I I I I I I I I I I • • I a 15 I I I ' ' ' , ,. • 2~ 29 I I I I I • ~ I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I 12 I, ' .. ' .... I " I \ I 18 28 JULY AUCUST 10X _/o" 0" 2 8 18 SEPT I I I I I I t NATtiW. STAGE 2 20 27 3 10 17 2~ 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 2S 2 9 16 MAY ..JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chi nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 6 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 125 ..JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 330 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~- I I I I ! ] ~ J (] J q ,-~ .. ! ] .~ i.J J J J ' ·~ J J J J J • • •• The contribution of Group 6 to tot a 1 middle Sus i tna River habitat would decrease under Stage II from natural levels of 10 to 18 percent to about 5 percent in May and June. The percent contribution would increase during July and would be similar to natural from mid-August to mid-September (Figure 73) • .Stage III Fi11 ing Fi 11 i ng of Watana during Stage I I I waul d occur over several years and consequently habitat availability are more appropriately discussed under operation. . • Operat.ion Habitat availability under natural and early and late Stage Ill operation are compared in weekly habitat time s_eries plots and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figures 126, 127 and 122). Early Stage III operational flows would result in substantial reductions (60 to 80 percent) in habitat through June. The frequencies of reduction would decrease in July and by August occur about half the time. In late Stage III reductions of 50 percent or more would be prevalent through July. For the remainder of the rearing period \"educt ions would range from 0 to 70 percent. Stability during early and late Stage III would be similar ·to natural, except during mid-summer during early Stage III when 1 arge increases in habitat would occur (Figures 128 and 129). The contribution of Group 6 to middle Sus i tna River, rearing habitat decrease from natural levels of 10 to 18 331 .,_ ..... -.. 44t ,. ·-• I •• lao i ,. . . . . . ' ' ' . ' . 10 • • • .• c ------·-·----.--... ----.----........ ·-.::--..~ • 0 t •• f a ·• z 0 3 3 ... ..., ""'"' I I I I ' I MnM. STNC 3 101 '----I I .------....-.:::..------,---- I L&AY JUNE WAY Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 6 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III fl 0'.4S. FIGURE 126 JULY AU OUST SEPT II -IULY SEPT AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 332 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I J ' 1 J J } J • Pi .. · l:l ~·. , L r .. ... ... ,. ·-• ... 1-i ,. , . • 0 ""'"' HAT\IW. •• t a ••• ~ 3 ! .4 .i I I I ~ I ,. ' ..--'"~ ...... ..... ____ ----5(ll ------~-==.=:=--..... ;;~ ===--, ' D +------~-+--___ __, I I I I I UAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT • j •. I •. •s I :U-------------~~------,----------r: :~:: t~t:~==~~;;;;;;;;~~~~----~~-~ .. Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 6 {middle) and percent change in WUA {lowerl e~ceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and 1 ate Stage III flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 127 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 333 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ".\ ~~'..l!t":~;-=..:I'.~;>~•~.M-~"".{~I"f:>l.;<r£.)'F.i;i'•*;.~,..,,,,;.,~ . .,.,...,~ .. ,....,..,.;J;+ •• o,"';:~.-.~·~,_:_~.;....,..~·---;-,.._~.-._..._._~.·· -~...._~ _, ...;.,~--· -~-~. 200 1SO -" - ' •' . ' . ' ' ' • t ... ' 1!. ' ' ' ', . ' I I "' I # # I ' ' • ' # • ' I • ' ~ ' I • ' • ' I I ~ I ' # • ' , ' •' . ' I I I • ' ' I ' ' ' ' •, ~~-·', ••• ', :10-'-'_ ...... \ .. •• .••! A 27 3 1 0 17 2-4 1 8 1 :5 22 21 5 12 1 I 28 2 I 1 8 MAY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT 1\ I ' I I . \ I \ /\ ,. \ I \ I I I \ I \ i ' I , , '\ : . ., ' I I ' \ . \ I ...... "' i '\" I ' 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 9 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE .JULY AUGUST SEPT 10% NATURAL STAGE 3 Percent change in flow (upper} and chi nook rearing habitat (lower} from previous week in Group 6 during early Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 128 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 334 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I ! l f ~.J ~· 1 ., u J J • c ~ l ~ r .. :Y•' ~· I ~' f ' !>,;. "' l ~J f • t• f t ~· ~~ 200 1!50 ~ ; ~ 100 ~ ;i:&l :::a ~ ~ ~ so ~ ~ -~~~~--------~---·· ~ •• I \ . ' I \ , ' , ' , I , I I I , , , • ' ' \ ' ' \ 0" -50~--+--+--~--._-+--r--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--~-r--~-+~ 27 3 1 o 11 2~ 1 a 15 22 2Sil s 12 ,, 211 2 • ,. MAY JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT NATURAL -M MAX STAGE 3 - f· . \ J ' I , . \ . ' I , I \ ' ' I , I \ 20 Z1 3 10 17 24 1 9 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow {upper>' and ch 1 nook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 6 during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 pe~cent of the time .. FIGURE 129 .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA ROWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC Pt.~OJECT ENTRIX, INC. 335 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA J()INT VENTURE " ~;; . < . ..., . ..,..:.....;t~--··~...,... •+tttd!lft>tW ·-~~ percent to early Stage III levels of S percent in early . summer (Figure 78 and 79). -Representative Group VII This group is comprised of side channels which breach at low mainstem discharges. The areas within this group are composed of a single riffle extendin~ from the head down to a large backwater area at the mouth. The riffle generally consists of rubble and boulder size substrates in contrast to backwater areas in wh 1 ch sand and s i 1 ts tend to predominate. The habitat response curves and percent contribution of this gr·oup to total middle Susitna River rearing habitat as a function of mainsterr1 flow are presented in Figure 130. Stage I • • Filling The rearing habitat during Stage I filling would generally increase substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, near the range that. provides the higher habitat availability for this group. Habitat associ a ted with m1'lnth 1 Jf fi 11 i ng flow estimates for June through August would increase 106-226 percent in a dry year, 224-314 percent in an avera~1e year, and 35 to 367 percent in a wet year. In September there would be a decrease of 2 J percent in a d\"'Y year, a decrease of 1 percent in an average year, and a 31 percent increase in a wet year (Table 21). Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and 336 I I l.il f'1 j ~ ,,,j lJ J I' 1. ,''·~ j . 1 J . ·r ! i .J I l w.J ! J r J ~ -&-) 4- o- (f) -o 't:.J c «' (/) ::j w 0 w .c. -..J -&-) .....__ <C :::J eo :3: 0 • 100 80 HABITAT z: 0 ...... 1-----X CONTRIB :::l so CD ...... 0:: 1-:z: 0 u 1-z LU u a:: 20 u.; a.. ----....-----------.... . .. ............ .......__ ________ _ ~----~~-----+------~------+-------------~-~------------4---------c-·---~----~o 0 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 FLOW (thousand cfs) Juvenile chinook rearing habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rearing habitat of Group 7 areas in the middle Sus1tna River. FIGURE 130 ----------~~~,-------------------------1 AlAS:CA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE '~ t ~ tJ r t t u t l l L [ [ [ l L l l Table 21. Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 7 due to ·filling under dry, average and wet conditions. Month Dry Year June July August September Average Year June July August September ~et Year June July August September Oischaroe {cfs) Natural Filling 21,763 19,126 17,392 10,422 27,815 24,445 22,228 13,221 31,580 27,753 25,236 15,124 7,800 8,000 8,000 5,800 8,800 12,740 12,415 6,800 10,752 20,547 15,505 6,800 338 Rea~inq Habitat (sg ft WUA} Natural Filling Change 111,158 142,057 178,003 387,335 90,425 98,223 107,658 323,589 82,339 90,563 96,299 245,549 361,894 367,372 367,372 311,783 374,448 341,444 349,166 321,092 384,251 122,405 234,304 321,092 225.57 158.61 106.39 -19.,51 314.10 247.62 224.33 -0.77 366.67 35.16 143.31 30.76 r I, L l L L seasonal habitat duration curve {Figure 131 and 132). Stage I flows waul d result in substantia 1 increases in- habitat throughout the summer rearing period. Increases would range as high as several hundred percent, particularly in early summer. The stability of habitat in Group 7 sites would be greater in May and June than naturally and about the same for the remainder of the season {Figure 133). The contribution of Group 7 to the habitat availability provided by all groups would increase from natural 1 eve 1 s of 4 to 8 percent in May and June to 2 to 5 percent {Figure 70). Stage II • .. Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve (Figures 134 and 132). Stage II operational f'jows would result in substantial increases in habitat availability for this group throughout the rearing saason. Increases would be greatest in May through July often exceeding 200 percent. Toward the end of August and in September habitat availability would be about the same as natural. 339 r L ' f I L." I ' L .. i L 1M .... .... (.sa I~ .. ~--lao i ,. 'a • 0 £3ZD 0 .. 0 240 i :J 0 £ UiD ~ ~ 10 a ~ ... . . .. ... . . . -· --.. ·····--···· . . . ·······----·-·······-······---~-~-.. AU OUST ---..... __ ._. .... ---,. \ I ' I , ..... JUNE. JULt' .MJGUST SEPT • STAGE 1 Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 7 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower}exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage I flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 131 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO $USITNA JOINT VENTURE " I 1_·1_. 1·~ w • f l \" '\~:•1·<•• ~ i.:.~ L ... i L ·~· -0 CJ 0 0 ~- X (I) 4- (J - JC 0 ....J LL.. -< ::J 3: -f.) 4- 0" f) "'0 c ., ., :l 0 .£:. -1-) ~ t--en < :r.: _HAMAL 3 _STAGE 1 - __ STAGE 2 _STAGE 3 __ JW ST~ 3 1 0 +---~--~--·~~~--~--~--~--~---+---~ 20 40 so eo 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Group 7 m _N.\TlRAL -_STAGE 1 __ STAGE 2 _STAGE 3 __ )&AX ST~ 3 0 ~--+---~--~---r---+--~---r--~--~--~ 20 .40 GO 9l 100 Percent of T i me Equa. 1 ed or Exceeded ; Flow duration curve and chinook rearing habitat duration curve for Group 7. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 132 ENl'RIX, INC. HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. ------------------~--m.----.A------~~----~----~--------------------.. '1A1 .. .. ,, Li ! ' ', l l G... l l. .. ..... ·~ ci i :.C s :I ~ ~ ~ ~ tj ffi 0.. 200 1SO 100 50 ...... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _., ', . .. .. .. ' ' ........ -... ' .. .... , , .. , ', .. , ,' \ / .... , 0" \ , .... _............ !\ ' , '.. ' . .. .. .. " \ ' " ... " ' '" .. •.,; ' \10" -50~-+--+-~---~~--~~--~~~~--~-+--+--+--+--~~--~ 27 3 10 17 2-4 1 5 1~ 22 2i .5 12 1~ 2! 2 1J 18 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT 1 -M - .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower} from previous week in Group 7 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 pe~cent of the time. FIGURE 133 STAGE1 10% .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .SUS!TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 342 HARZA~E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I 1 ,_,) ) I -c: __ j i i L...l • f. ' l t..c~ I L j L r i b.: !,,. --~ .. .. 40 (n ·~ -!aa l•o i ,. 10 • • ' . . . . . ,• . ' . . -......................... .· ... ·· .... -: ;------------.-·-·--..... . ·--·-· • 0~-~~---------~-c-------~-~------~-~-~----------- 0 --==-===:::--------..... -r--.... \ i JUNE ' \ \ \ \ JULY .~--101 SEPT -1,R I iS I -111D~+--t-_-+-_-+-____ --<-_______ --+-_ ""y JULY AUGUST SEPT JUNE 51-"iE 2 Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 7 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 134 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 343 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. With-project habitat stability would increase substantially in May, June, and July. In August and September, stabi 1 i ty waul d be about the same as natural (Figure 135). The contribution of Group 7 to tot a 1 middle Sus i tna River habitat would increase under Stage II from natural 1 eve 1 s of 1 to 7 percent to· 7 to 8 percent in May and June. The magnitude of the percent contribution increase would decrease during July and would be similar to natural from mid-August to mid-September (Figure 73). Stage III Filling Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over several years and consequently habitat availability is more appropriately discussed under operation. Operation Habitat availability under natural and early and late Stage III operation are compared in weekly habitat time series plots and seasonal habitat duration curves (Figure 136, 137 and 132}. Early Stage III operational flows would result in substantial increases in habitat from May through August with September about the same as natura 1 • In 1 ate Stage I I I these increases waul d be similar but also extend into September. Stabi 1 ity during early and 1 ate Stage I I I would be greater than natural from May through mid-August (Figures 138 and 139). 344 .. t··~ LJ ~-~ r·:: : L_.l : ~- t " .. I ~~ l ~- I ' j ......, r . l ,.. .. , ..... .;:""~ ; ' 0 • ~~'"1~ ~) .. ' .· ' ·~j .... ~ ... --.... -.... .; .... ,..-~ ,..,." : ...... ,#;f .• e.._~. t'W«ri :re~s.r.t~auJl!'!..,_W.R!t••• ;._ 200 1:50 ~ § • 100 ; iA.. 0 ~ g 50 ~ ..... (.) a: ..... Q.. 0 • II I I I \ 1•oe~• t I I I I I I .I I \ I t I I I I : '~ I, ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I 1 I ' t I I ' , ' I \ I \ -·-~--· \ \ \ ' I 1 R I I I • I I I I I ---~--./ _______ .._,~ • • I I C I" I I ' I e '' I I ' I I \ I I ' • O='C 0" 27 3 1 o 17 24 1 a 1 s 2:1 2g 5 12 1 g 2e 2 g 1 a 1 -80 M - .JUNE JULY I \ ! ' ' I I \ I \ ,,, l \,/ '---1 .WCUST SEPT 10 I 50% 00% NATIIW.. STAt;E 2 20 ?J 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower} from previous week in Group 7 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 135 .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. ----------~------·------------~--------------------.. --~------------------.. • • t···· -) q .... , 40 .~ ! ) lao • I •• ! Ia. I ,. 10 a ~- Cl ······-·-···--~--. ..... ·:.·-----.. ,-~----·.:.-. --..... -.-.; ... ---~ ~-----..... 0. 0 ~ ;j J J -:::: = = :: =-- - -00:: - - - - - -___ , ___ 101 -r---""' \ ~ I \ \ STM:E 3 \ ~ 1 \ \ \ -l \ J ' . ~ '1 :..,J a JUNE JULY SEPT AUGUST I J A ~ ,. t l i ._.; /"'\ -J _l-----~-11 Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 7 (middle} and percent change in WUA {lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and early Stage III flows~ r---~----------------------~------.. J. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~--------~------r-----------------~ HARZA·E BASCO l ~- -~ ' ~ FIGURE 136 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ' •--~------~------------_.~--~----~--~_.----------------~· 1 ":f 'Will ENTRIX, INCi 346 r'"""' ·• l lr. ,,, . ' ' 't ~ - • I •• I ao i ,. . ~ ~~--"-"·-------..... -..... - . . . •,c•••••••.,,._ : ............ -'! ·-••• --::-----•... -· --. •• • .. • • •• ·---· • ...so• ·····--------. ____ _____. _____ ,.,, .. ,, .. .... ··----..... ••• OJIII • ~~--~---------~--------~--~------M-~-~~~-------~--· _______________ ---~=-- 1 CI _ _ MAX STitliiE 3 ,.,--- - -:----..----- -------_,...------, ._,. "D ,--.-' / D I JUNE Mean weekly discharge (upper}, chinook rearing WUA for Group 7 (middle) and percent change in WUA (lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natura 1 and 1 ate Stage I II flows. FIGURE 137 - JULY AUCUST '- I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 347 I • r I , .~:;; "'~~M ~--~1 I:' t'; ' l ,.._. f-:1 t·· """ I r" k. : "'"" f;' l· ~.-A r I, L ...... ... j' ' kJt ~"-...... t· n I· • t i ... .... I •· I I w· t ~ I ~ b;,.l l ,, t l ,;,.,.~ I I· j. I L l ' I . [, •· -....J l f \ . l I tJ l ' w 200 1~0 ' •' ' l . ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ', ' .. . ' ,' ' ' ' , ' ' • , f I t' I I t • • r I • ' • • ' ' • ' • ' < ' ' I ' I ' ' ' I l t ~ . -.. ,, '•"' \ ' ' ' ' '--_....._ \ ·-----___ ..... ~90" -so~~~~·~~·~~·~~·~~·--~·--~·--~·--~·--~·--~·~~·--~•--+•--~~~~~ 27 3 1 o 1 7 24 1 a 1 ~ 22 2v s 12 1 s 2s 2 v 1 a YAY .JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT -H - i § 1 -20 i 0 ~ -20 1-40 ~ -60 l STAGE 3 10% i ~~j I I Iii t iII I I I I I It I Zl 3 1 0 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 20 ~AY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 7 during early Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 138 .JULY. AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITN~\ HYDROELECTR.lC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 348 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ] '·' •< ·~~- l ·~ r~ u q .u f# J u I ~ J J i} J ~ ~ l ;,.,.J lr ~ _; ~ l ....,a g ', l :....J J ,·; 1 w.J· 1 .._; .,. i j, l --. ......... (Pi,'\ :-: ~ . .::.) r.Jj : l. ' 'o..-..J tt"1", /. Lt l l , ~--' r-: ,. , ' L r~<, ~ t /.T. i l' ~: ~~d r:·:. t ; l...J •· [' - I !, w ,t 200 1SO ~· ,: i 100 ~ :::1 ~ I 50 I .... ........... ... __ ...... .. .. ' ., I \ . ' I \ . \ I \ I \ I \ I ·~ . ' J ' J ' ' \ ' ' -~0~-+--+--+--~~--~-+--~~--~~--~-~,--~~--~~~ ~,7 3 , o , 7 24 1 a 1 s 22 . 2e s 12 ,. 2e 2 • ta MA'I• JUNE JULY AUCUST SEPT 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 MAY .JUNE Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 7 during late Stage III exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. FIGURE 139 NATt.IW. MAX STAGE 3 10% .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 349 HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,. .. The contribution of Group 7 to middle Susitna River rearing habitat increases from natural levels of 1 to 4 percent to early Stage III levels of 7 to 8 percent in May and June. In July the percent contribution of early Stage I I I flows waul d decrease and by August would be similar to. natural levels {Figure 78). In late Stage III the percent contribution would remain at high&~ levels than natural for the entire rearing .period {Figure 79). -Representative Group VIII This group is comprised of areas which tend to dewater at intermediate to high mainstem discharges although their hydrologic, hydraulic, and morphologic properties are similar to the side sloughs and side channels in Group II and III. The habitat response curve and percent contribution of this group to total middle Su~itna River rearing habitat are depicted in Figure 140. As indicated in the figure, WUA accumulates rapidly as sites become breached and peak values are attained at approximately 27,000 cfs. Due to the steep slope on the habitat response between 20, 000 and 27, 000 cfs, fluctuates in flow within the range either naturally or with project would result in habitat instability and wide variations in percent contribution to total habitat avai1ability. -Stage I • filling The rearing habitat during Stage I fi 11 i ng waul d be reduced substantially since flows frequently would be near E-VI minimums, much below natufal flows that provide the higher habitat availability for this group. Habitat associated with monthly filling flow estimates 350 .. J:; I .I I I l l I l. l 'l l 1 I 'J J J I J ,--r~ r-- ,....., -+-) 4- c- (j) -o c <0 II) I :J 'W 0 IU1 ..c. """' -aJ '"""" < :::l 12 3: 0 ~~ f ,---r-r-r~ r-' r-· r-r--: ~ ' r--:r· '· . * r . '(' ~ 100 80 z 0 ...... t- :::J 60 CD ...... 0:: 1-HABITAT z: 0 u ----% CONTRIB 1-z lJ.J (J 0:::: LJJ a_ 20 ·--------------------~ ..,--------, .. _, -------.,., +--~----~----~--~--~--------~+-----~~----~-------+------~------~0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 FLOW (thousand cfs) Juven fl e ch 1 nook rear1 ng habitat response curve and percent contribution to total rear1 ng habitat of Group 8 areas in the m1 ddl e Sus 1 tna River. FIGURE 140 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE r,.. .• 1f •. :; .. , • • • • for June through September would be non-existent in a dry year, reduced percent in an average year, and 33 to 100 percent in a wet year {Table 22). Ooeratio.n Habitat availability under natural and Stage I flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve (Figures 141 and 142). Stage I flows would result in substantial decreases in habitat throughout much of the summer rearing period. Beginning in mid-August, the magnitude of habitat decreases would gradually decrease and by mid-September habitat availability would be about the same or slightly greater than natural. The stability of habita·t in Group VIII during Stage I wou~d decrease throughout most of the summer due primarily to 1 arge week to week increases in habitat which often exceed zoo percent. In September natural and project changes in habitat would be about the same (Figure 143). The contribution of Group 8 to the habitat availability provided by all groups would be substantially less than natural in late Ma.y thtough mid-August during the filling process as high flaws are stored in the reservoir (F1gure 70). Stage II Filling Filling flows under Stage II would be of short duration, consequently habitat availability during this period is more appropriately discussed under operation. 352 l> -:-.-·'\ ; I ~~ I I ' ,) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 1 ' i r Table 22. Estimated change in chinook rearing habitat in Group 8 due to filling under dry, average and wet conditions. r· ~- Month Dry Year June July August September Average Year June July August September Wet Year June July August September Discharge Ccfs) Natural Filling 21,763 19,126 17,392 10,422 27,815 24,445 22,228 13,221 31,580 27,753 25,236 15,124 7.,800 s.,ooo 8,000 5,800 8,800 12,740 12,415 6,800 10,750 20,547 15,505 6,800 353 Rearing Habitat (sg ft WUA) _ Natural Filling Change 414,540 263,687 250,008 11,857 547,733 536,414 467,480 73,181 460,880 548,561 ,543,840 135,768 0 0 0 0 0 64,601 55,901 0 16,552 369,992 164,776 0 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -87.96 -88.04 -100.00 -96.41 -32.55 -69.70 -100.00 • c '• . f' L - l ...... L -,., .. ,. • . . .. ........ ~ ... · . ••• •* .·····4····-:-~ ......... •· ~ . _ .. ·· .................................... . . .. . ··· ,·· ~-· ... ··. . . .. . -----· 0~~~~~------7~~~~-----~~~~----~--~----------- e-• 0 It QlliD ~ ;:) 0 £ 28 <( I i12a I Q ' J.IAY • j • I • ~a I I i .. u .... ~--" I I I "* I I r--I I \ \ I \ I ., J -.... ..... ___ .,.,. '""---.,.. - ·~- Sll ----+-----~--~~----.JUNE .JULY AUGUST SEPT ST~, 111 II Mean weekly discharge {upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 8 (middle) and nercent change in WUA ( 1 ower) eAceeded 90, s.o, and 10 percent of the time 'for natural and Stage I flows. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY i :.~ ~ I T N A H Y D R 0 E l E C T R I C P R 0 J E C T FIGURF,. 141 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 354 .. a ··-·- """"t, i ~ l l !. \ Ji; ' I I I I I J J I I I _I ~• I I I J J f'( f l F t ... f""' )• L r· t r L. r· l. [ [ "'". l t. L -HATUW.. -3 _ ... STAG£ 1 0 0 0 --STAGE 2 0 ..- X _STAG£ 3 ., 2 4--MAX STAGE 3 (.) - 31: 0 ..J 1 u... 0 20 «l 60 9J 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Group 8 -< :::) 3: ~ "- c--HATlJW. f) '"0 --STAii£1 c: ., f) --STAGE 2 =' 0 .c. -STAGE 3 ~ --MAX STMiE 3 t-< t--CD 1 < :X: ' 0 ~ ~ ~ m 100 Percent of Time Equaled or Exceeded Flow duration curve and chino~k rearing habitat duration curve for Group 8. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FIGURE 142 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENTRIX, INC. 355 HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .. I r i t "' f-, t ~· ~ f L f ' L· r L r· I L, t II '-· L !t L ! i -,. s ::I ~ ~ ~ !Z ~ Q. 200 1!50 ' 100 50 , I~, , ' ,, I ' ' "' ~ ., , ' ' , ", -........ -... ' '"# ..... "' 10% -sol--2~7--~3--~10--~17--~24--~1--~5--~15-. ~22~~2~9~~~;,~2-;1~9~2~8~2~~~~~1~8~ Ju• .., AUGUST SEP'f MAY JUNE -• -M - i ~ -i I \ I I \ ' \ I I \ ' I \ \ A I I I \ : \ It ! \ i\ i \ l e,' ~ .. ~ I "'\ r' ' I \ \ I "' I ' I , I \ I I I \ i \ : \ /1 \ ;' I V \ \ \ I I I STAfs. 1 I ' • \ ' • I I I \ --~~ \! \ \1 10 % ~ 1--~ 0 -1J I 20 l1 I 3 \ A \ / \ \.., I t t f 10 17 2~ 1 ._,.AY ~Ut-.4E Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat {lower) from previous week in Group 8 during Stage I exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 .JULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HARZA·E BASCO of the time. FIGURE 143 ENTRIX, INC. SUSiiNA JOINT VENTURE .. • I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I •• Operation Habitat availability under natural and Stage II flows is compared in a weekly habitat time series plot and seasonal habitat duration curve {Figures 144 and 142). Stage II operational flows \'iOUld result in elimination of Group VIII habitat reductions 50 percent of the time through July and reductions ·to 90 percent or more in June. At the end of July the magnitude of these reductions would decrease and by mid-August habitat availability would be about the same as natural. With .. project habitat stability during Stage II would be less than under natural conditions for most of the summer rearing period. Week to week increases inhab1tat of 200 percent or more would frequently occur. In September natural and project weekly variations in the amount of rearing habitat would be similar (Figure 145). The contribution of Group 8 to total middle Susitna River habitaL would decrease under Stage II from natural levels of 3 to 9 percent to 0 to 1 percent in May and June. The percent contribution would increase during July and would be similar to natural from mid-August to mid-September (Figure 73). Stage III • FiJ 1 tnq Filling of Watana during Stage III would occur over severa1 years and consequently habitat availability is more appropriately discussed under operation. 357 ""''": I .,. ' ·' .. 10. • ., f 0 "3&0 Q i :l 0 240 ~ t:. 4( ::) :l t20 0 ID ~ ID ~ 41 ~ w 31 0 ~~: ___.,-:· • • . . . ~ . : .-••• •••·-~··•••·~-~~-~-•••e••••••• . ·····::·------~ ....... KAl\IW. \_~Q-STAiiE 2 Sll .,. !01 ~y .JUNE ,JULY AUGUST SEPT i o .t----,--r--·--,-~::::::---HI (J-20 ~ ..... (J ei;o a. -tD -tml-.-M,.6;;:~~::::::;:::::::J::w:;U~NE-t----+--J""'ut:::...:f--+-"!:AU:-:':G:t.U=ST::+--+-;S::!:EP~T Mean weekly discharge (upper), chinook rearing WUA for Group 8 (middle) and percent change in WUA {lower)exceeded 90, 50, and 10 percent of the time for natural and Stage II flows. AlASK.A. POWER AUTHORITY SUSITN,&. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIGURE 144 ENTRIX, JN,C. HARZA·E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 358 • •.. ' 'il ki iJ I ( I I I I I .I I I I I J I I I )' J f~l ;: L L f L. ! L l t. l l ., L .. 200 HSO \ , \ # ' / ' , \ , \ \ I ' , \ , . ........ -· .. , , ___ ,_ . .. • '' I t I I le••• ' ' , ' I l I l I I I l ' ' ~ 1 . '. ,' ~ : l I I I I I I l I I 1 I I • ' I I I ' I I ' I I • I I • I I I I I ' I i I I ' I I I ,.., ' ... ' ..... . ... , ' , ' . \ . \ I \ 10" \ or-~~----~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-------------------O!'C -M - E -0 ~-/ .......------___, 0" 27 3 10 17 24 1 a 1~ 22 2sa s 12 Ut 2e 2 sa us MAY JUNE JULY AUC1JST SEPT r 1 t I NATURAL ' I I ' I ' ' I I l I I I i i \ I l I ----· STAGE 2 I l I I I I I I \ i I I ; I 11 I I .. II .. i I ' I I ' I I • l I I • • i I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I ' Ia I I 'I ,, If I • l I • 1 I I \ • \ I I \ ' ' \ ' \ ' 10 % ~ -1~~-4~~~~~~~~~~--~~-r~--~~~~ 20 MAY ~UNE ~ULY AUGUST SEPT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELECTR:c PROJECT Percent change in flow (upper) and chinook rearing habitat (lower) from previous week in Group 8 during Stage II exceeded 10, 50 and 90 percent of the time. ... --------······.:·~..-----------· FIGURE 145 ENTRIX, INC. HARZA-E BASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ..