HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3433VOLUME 9 ALAS!(.J\LJ::iJ 1.~)l::i'~:.:.-j .:~SA.r,/\E 333 R3sp::.sn-y Rd. Anchorage,Aiaska 99518-1599 SIECTIONS 1 1'lIlIol~ EXHIBIT E CHAPTER 3 BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR MAJOR PROJECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT laska ower [x]~Wd~~=~rn3~@<oo SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE .t-('3 3 {'1'J I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J \'1 \i[ I.j {1 j ;1 .1 ! J } ,J '.f' ) :) 1 1 .J NOTICE .. J A NOTATIONAL SYSTEM HAS BEEN USED TO DENOTE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THIS AMENDED LICENSE APPLICATION AND THE LICENSE APPLICATION AS ACCEPTED FOR FILING BY FERC ON JULY 29,1983 This system consists of placing one of the following notations beside each text heading: (0)No change was made in this section,it remains the same as was presented in the July 29,1983 License Application (*)Only minor changes,largely of an editorial nature,have been made (**)Major changes have been made in this section (***)This is an entirely new section which did not appear in the July 29,1983 License Application 1 J J 1 J I ,1 ) ~1 1 1 I I , J j j 1 ] J VOLUME COMPARISON VOLUME NUMBER COMPARISON LICENSE APPLICATION AMENDMENT VSo JULY 29,1983 LICENSE APPLICATION JULY 29,1983 AMENDMENT APPLICATION VOLUME NO.VOLUME NO. j EXHIBIT CHAPTER A Entire DESCRIPTION Project Description 1 1 B C D Entire App.Bl App.B2 App.B3 Entire Entire App.Dl Pr9j~ct 9peration and Resource Ut 1.11.za t1.on MAP Model Documentation Report RED Model Documentation Report RED Model Update Proposed Construction Schedule Project Costs and Financing Fuels Pricing 2 3 4 4 S S 5 2 &2A 2B 2C 1 1 1 E 1 2 Tables Figures Figures 3 General Description of Locale 6 Water Use and Quality 6 7 8 Fish,Wildlife and Botanical 9 Resources (Sect.land 2) SA 5A SA SB 5B 6A 6B Fish,Wildlife and Botanical Resources (Sect.3) Fish,Wildlife and Botanical Resources (Sect.4,5,6,&7) 10 11 6A 6B 6A 6B 4 5 6 Historic &Archaeological Resources 12 Socioeconomic Impacts 12 Geological and Soil Resources 12 7 7 7 F F G 7 8 9 10 11 Entire Entire Entire Recreational Resources Aesthetic Resources Land Use Alternative Locations,Designs and Energy Sources Agency Consultation Project Design Plates Supporting Design Report Project LJ.m1.tsand Land OwnershJ.p Plates 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 8 8 8 9 lOA lOB 3 4 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LICENSE APPLICATION SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBIT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION A-2-1 A-1-2 A-1-4 A-1-6 A-I-9 A-1-10 A-l-13 A-1-15 A-I-IS A-1-l8 A-1-19 A-1-22 A-1-23 A-1-25 A-1-29 A-1-2 Page No. · . ·. ·. O'10 0 o .::'8 • .... Cl • • •e Cl •• . . . e 0 III 0 . . 1.1 -General Arrangement (**)•• 1.2 -Dam Embankment (**)••• 1.3 -Diversion (**). 1.4 -Emergency Release Facilities (**) 1.5 -Outlet Facilities (**)••••••••• 1.6 -Spillway (**)•••• 1.7 -This section deleted •• 1.8 -Power Intake (**)••• 1.9 -Power Tunnels and Penstocks (**) 1.10 -Powerhouse (**)•••• 1.11 -Tailrace (**)• ••••••• 1.12 -Main Access Plan (**)•••• 1.13 Site Facilities (**). 1.14 -Relict Channel (***) 2 -RESERVOIR DATA -WATANA STAGE I (**) Title 1 -PROJECT STRUCTURES -WATANA STAGE I (**) 3 -TURBINES AND GENERATORS -WATANA STAGE I (**)•GI 0 Q Cl A-3-1 3.1 -Unit Capacity (**)•••• 3.2 -Turbines (***)•••••••••••••••••• 3.3 -Generators (**)• • • • 3.4 -Governor System (0)•••• A-3-1 A-3-1 A-3-1 A-3-3 4 -APPURTENANT MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - WATANA STAGE I (**)•••••••••••••••• • • A-4-1 4.1 -Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment (**) 4.2 -Accessory Electrical Equipment (**)••• 4.3 -SF6 Gas-Insulated 345 kV Substation (GIS)(***) A-4-1 A-4-5 A-4-12 5 -TRANSMISSION FACILITIES FOR WATANA STAGE I (0)•••o ..A-5-1 5.1 -Transmission Requirements (0) 5.2 -Description of Facilities (0) 5.3 -Construction Staging (0)••• A-5-1 A-5-1 A-5-11 851014 i SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) 9.1 -scellaneous Mechanical Equipment (0)• • • • • •A-9-1 9.2 -Accessory Electrical Equipment (o)=--=----=--=-~-----A"':9-=:f- 9.3 -Switchyard Structures and Equipment (0).••A-9-6 8 -TURBINES AND GENERA'.l'ORS....DEVILCANYON STAGE II{**.).-. EXHIBIT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1~ J J 'j l ;-- '.j l ~1 ! j l 1 1 ! ,] J i 1 A-6-12 A-6-13 A-6-14 A-6-17 A-6-17 A-6-18 A-7-1 A-8-l A-6-1 A-9-1 A-6-1 A-6-2 A-6-4 A-6-6 A-6-8 A-6-10 A-6-12 A-8-1 A-8-1 A-8-1 A-8-2 A-Il-l A-1l-3 A-11-5 A-1l-6 A-lO-l A-ll-l Page No. • • • • • Co ..0 • •• ... o 0 • ••0 0 • 0 • ii •Cl •• . ... . .... o ••GOO •.00 11.1 -General Arrangement (***)•••-.••••••• n.2 ;,.,·Dam Embankment (***)• • • •• • • • 11.3 -Diversion (***)•••••••••••• 11.4 -Emergency Release Facilities (***)•• 8.1 -Unit Capacity (**)• 8.2 -Turbines (**)••• 8.3 -Generators (0)••• 8.4 -Governor System (0) 6.1 -General Arrangement (**)••••••••••••• 6.2 -Arch Dam (**)• •••••• 6.3 -Saddle Dam (**)• • • ••••• 6.4 -Diversion (**)• • • • • • • • • •••• 6.5 -Outlet Facilities (**)• • • • • • • • ••• 6.6 -Spillway (**)•••••••••••• 6.7 --Emergency spi 11 way • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (This section deleted) 6.8 -Power Facilities (*)• • • • • • ••• 6.9 -Penstocks (**)• • • • •• • • • • • • • • 6.10 -Powerhouse and Related Structures (**).-. 6.11 -Tailrace Tunnel (*)•• • • • •••• 6.12 -Access Plan (**)••.•. 6.13 -Site Facilities (*)• Title 10 -TRANSMISSION LINES -DEVIL CANYON STAGE II (**) 7 -DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR STAGE II (*) 11 -PROJECT STRUCTURES -WATANA STAGE III (*'h\') 6 -PROJECT STRUCTURES -DEVIL CANYON STAGE II (**) 851014 9 ,...APPURTENANT EQUIPMENT -DEVIL CANYON STAGE II (0)•• SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont I d) EXHIBIT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION Title Page No. 11.5 -Outlet Facilities (***) 11.6 -Spillway (***)••••• 11.7 -Power Intake (***)•••• 11.8 -Power Tunnel and Penstocks 11.9 -Powerhouse (***)••••• 11.10 -Trailrace (***)• • • • 11.11 -Access Plan (***)•• 11.12 -Site Facilities (***)• 11.13 -Relict Channel (***) D 0 0 • • 0 0 e 0 ... (***)• (II • •0 • • •••0 • A-1l-6 A-1l-7 A-1l-8 A-ll-ll A-ll-ll A-ll-13 A-1l-13 A-ll-13 A-ll-13 12 -RESERVOIR DATA -WATANA STAGE III (***)o • •e CD 0 ·.A-12-1 ... .. . 13 -TURBINES AND GENERATORS -WATANA STAGE III (***) 13.1 -Unit Capacity (***)• 13.2 -Turbines (***) 13.3 -Generators (***) 13.4 -Governor System (***) 14 -APPURTENANT MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - WATANA STAGE III (***)•••••••••••••• 14.1 -Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment (***). 14.2 -Accessory Electrical Equipment (***)•.•• ·. ·. A-13-1 A-13-1 A-13-1 A-13-1 A-13-1 A-14-1 A-14-1 A-14-1 15 -TRANSMISSION FACILITIES -WATANA STAGE III (***) 15.1 Transmission Requirements (***)• 15.2 switching and Substations (***) .. . .. A-15-1 A-15-1 A-15-1 16 -LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES (**)o e G ••0 • • 0 • •A-16-1 17 -REFERENCES 851014 00.• • • ••• •e _ •e _e • • iii ·.A-17-1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant I d) ]~ J I } l j- 1 l ~.\ j I 1 I \ I J 1 1 J. B-l-l B-l-12 B-l-17 B-2-1 B-3-1 B-I-1 B-1-4 B-1-S B~2-1 B-2-1 B-2-22 B-2-48 B-4-1 B-3-1 B-3-6 B-3-20 B-4-1 B-4-10 B-S-1 B-7-1 B-6-1 B"'5-1 B-5-1 13=S"'17 B-5-47 Page No. .. .... o • •iii ..". ..... •o·e 0 Q e c • 00.•0 e •• e •".••• iv •eo. •• • 0 0 0 • • • •G •0 e .0.0 0 .0. EXHIBIT B PROJECT OPERATION AND RESOURCE UTILIZATION 1.1 -Previous Studies (***)••••• 1.2 -Plan Formulation and Selection Methodology (***). 1.3 -Damsite Selection (***)•••••••••• 1.4 -Formulation of Susitna Basin Development Plans (***)• • • • • ••.• • • 1.S -Evaluation of Basin Development Plans (***) 3.1 -Hydrology (***)• • • • • •••• 3.2 -Reservoir Operation Modeling (***) 3.3 -Operational Flow Regime Selection (***') 2.1 -Susitna Hydroelectric.Development {***>• 2.2 -Watana Project Formulation (***)••••• 2.3 -Selection of Watana General Arrangement (***) 2.4 -Devil Canyon Project Formulation (***). 2.5 -Selection of Devil Canyon General Arrangement (***)• • • • • • • • • • • •B-2-60 2.6 -Selection of Access Road Corridor (***)B-2-67 2.7-Selection of-TransmissionFaciclities~(-*.*,*~-••--•.-•.-B..,,2 .....83 2.8 -Selection of Project Operation (***)B-2-131 S.l -Introduction (***)•••••••••••• S.2 -Description of the Railbelt Electric Systems (***) 5.3 -Forecasting Methodology (***)~..• • • • • S.4 -Forecast of Electric Power Demand (***) 4.1 -Plant and System Operation Requirements (***) 4.2 -Power and Energy Production (***)• •..• -POWER AND ENERGY PRODUCTION ••• •..•••....• ..-----_...._.._-_.._----------------------_.__..----_.- 2 -ALTERNATIVE FACILITY DESIGN,PROCESSES AND OPERATIONS (ir**).....••• • •0 ..""• 3 -DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OPERATION (***) S -STATEMENT OF POWER NEEDS AND UTILIZATION (***) Title 1 -DAMSITE SELECTION (***) 851014 7 -REFERENCES 6 -FUTURE SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT (***) SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT B -APPENDIX BI MAN-IN-THE-ARCTIC PROGRAM (MAP) TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION REPORT STAGE MODEL (VERSION A85.1) REGIONALIZATION MODEL (VERSION A84.CD) SCENARIO GENERATOR Title Page No. Stage Model 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 11-1 12-1 13-1 ·. o o'0 · ..· ..· . .,•0 Introduction •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Economic Module Description Fiscal Module Description Demographic Module Description • Input Variables .;:b....... Variable and Parameter Name Conventions Parameter Values,Definitions and Sources Model Validation and Properties Input Data Sources • • • • • • • • • • • Programs for Model Use • • • • • • • • • Model Adjustments for Simulation • Key to Regressions • • Input Data Archives • • • • • • • • • • L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1L 12. 13. Regionalization Model 1.Model Description ····1 2.Flow Diagram ..··.··.·.·.5 3.Model Inputs ..··· · 7 4.Variable and Parameter Names ···9 5.Parameter Values ···· · ···13 6.Model Validation ···.· · · ··31 7.Programs for Model ·38 8.Model Listing ···39 9.Model Parameters ··.·· ··· ·····..·.57 10.Exogenous,Policy,and Startup Values · ···.61 Scenario Generator · . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 • •0 • • • • • 1.Organization of the Library Archives •• 2.Using t):le Scenario Generator • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.Creating,Manipulating,Examining,and Printing Library Files • • 4.Model Output • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 8 14 22 851014 v SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTE'NTS(cont'd) EXHIBIT B -APPENDIX B2 RAILBELT ELECTRICITY DEMAND (RED)MODEL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION REPORT (1983 VERSION) 7 -PRICE ELASTICITY •0 • • • • 0 • • • 8·-THE PROGRAM-INDUCED CONSERVATION MODULE ]~ ,I i Page No.] 1.1 2.1 ] 3.1 I 4.1 5.1 1 6.1 !.1 8.1 I 9.1 10.1 I 11.1 112.1 13.1 J 1 j 1 ] 1 .1 r ••D CI o • • .. o • •0 •II .00 til . ... o •0 0 0 .0. vi • •.0.•0 •• o e 0 0 • 0 •0 •0 .. . o • •••0 • • 11 -THE PEAK DEMAND MODULE 10 -LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND 5 -THE RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE • 12 -MODEL VALIDATION • • • 13 -MISCELLANEOUS TABLES 2 -OVERVIEW • • 1 -INTRODUCTION • Title 3 -UNCERTAINTY MODULE • 4 -THE HOUSING MODULE • 851014 9 -THE MISCELLANEOUS MODULE 6 -THE BUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE • •or:..• SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant'd) EXHIBIT B -APPENDIX B3 RAILBELT ELECTRICITY DEMAND (RED)MODEL CHANGES MADE JULy 1983 TO AUGUST 1985 Title Page No. 1 -INTRODUCTION o 0 e eo.•1.1 2 -RED MODEL PRICE ADJUSTMENT REVISIONS 2.1 3 -RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE . . .3.1 4 -BUSINESS SECTOR 5 -PEAK DEMAND Cl • • • •Cl • • o DOC GOG 4.1 5.1 6 -EFFECT OF THE MODEL CHANGES ON THE FORECASTS •6.1 851014 vii SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT C PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 2.1 -Access (**)• • • • • • ••• 2.2 -Site Facilities (**)•••• 2.3 -Diversion (*)••••••••••-•••••••• 2.4 -Arch Dam (**)• • • • • ••••• 2.5 -Spillway and Intake (*)••••••••• 2~6":-"Powerhouse"aiidOtherundergI:ound~WOrks"ro) 2.7 -Transmission Lines/Switchyards (*)•••• 2.8 -General (*)'•••• 1.1 -Access (*).• • •••••• 1.2 -Site Facilities (**)•••••• 1.3 -Diversion (**)•••••••••••• 1.4 -Dam Embankment (**)• • • • • • • • • • 1.5 -Spillway and Intakes (**)•••• 1.6 -Powerhouse and Other Underground Works (**) 1.7 -Relict Channel (**)• • • • • • • • •••• 1.8 -Transmission Lines/Switchyards (*) 1.9 -Gen$ral"(**)••••••••••••••• 1~ 1 I I j j- J J ] I C-2-1 C-1-2 C-1-2 C-1-2 C-1-2 C-1-3 C-1-3 C-1-3 C-1-3 C-1-3, C-I-I C-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-2----_.........•_._-_.__.._---- C-2-2 C-2-2 C-2-2 Page No. ""• • •e""" o 0 0 •e ••~e • •G e 2 -DEVI.:L cANYON STAGE II SCHEDtJLE (*'*)0 1 -WATANA STAGE I SCHEDULE (**) Title 3.1 -Access (***)• • • • • • •C-3-1 3.2 -Site Facilities (***)• • • •••••••C-3-1 -3.;;3 ...DamEmbankm$ut--(***)-----"""~-.C;;;;3:;,;;-1 ~-""""~"-~----~----""--------""~3.4----Spi-Hway-and-Int-akes-(***}-"--.-.-.-"-.-.""..----.-.--;---';-----C-1-2----------- 3.5 -Powerhouse and Other Underground Works (**)•C-3-2 3.6 -Relict Channel (***)......".• •••C-3-2 3.7 -Transmission Lines/Swicchyards (***)••••••C-3-2 3.8 -General (***)• • • • • • • • • • • • • •••C-3-2 o G •0 •e 0 0 G • 3 -WATANA STAGE III SCHEDULE (***)"e e " 4 -EXISTING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM (***) "."e """"C-3-1 C-4-1 .j ] ] 1 ] J 851014 viii r SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT D PROJECT COSTS AND FINANCING Title Page No. 1 -ESTIMATES OF COST (**) . .1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 .0.• • • • 0 • • • • •e • • -Construction.Costs (**)••••• -Mitigation Costs (**)• • -Engineering and Administration Costs (*) -Operation,Maint'enance and Replacement Costs (**) -Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFDC)(**)•••••••••••• -Escalation (**)• • • • • • • • • • • • • • -Cash Flow and Manpower Loading Requirements (**). -Contingency (*)•••••••••••••• -Previously Constructed Project Facilities (*)•• D-l-l D-l-l D-1-6 D-1-7 D-I-I0 D-l-11 D-1-12 D-r-12 D-1-13 D-1-13 2 -EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE EXPANSION PLANS (***)•...D-2-1 . . 2.1 -General (***)•••••••••• 2.2 -Hydroelectric Alternatives (***) 2.3.-Thermal Alternatives (***) 2.4 -Natural Gas-Fired Options.(***)• 2.5 -Coal-Fired Options (***)••••••••• 2.6 -The Existing Railbelt Systems (***)•• 2.7 -Generation Expansion Before 1996 (***) 2.8 -Formulation of Expansion Plans Beginning in 1996 (*"**)e 8 •..• • • "Q ..0 '"CI • 0 •'"•• 2.9 Selection of Expansion Plans (***) 2.10 -Economic Development (***)• • • • • • • • • • • 2.11 -Sensitivity Analysis (***) 2.12 -Conclusions (***)•••••••• D-2-1 D-2-1 D-2-10 D-2-10 D-2-19 D-2-24 D-2-27 D-2-28 D-2-33 D-2-39 D-2-44 D-2-46 3 -CONSEQUENCES OF LICENSE DENIAL (***)o • • •~•Q •e D-3-1 3.1 -Statement and Evaluation of the Consequences of License Denial (***). 3.2 -Future Use of the Damsites if the License is Denied (***) 4 -FINANCING (***)• • • • • •0 • • • • • 0 • • 4.1 -General Approach and Procedures (***)• 4.2 Financing Plan (***)•••• 4.3 -Annual Costs (***)•••••••••• .."... •• • •• D-3-1 D-3-1 D-4-1 D-4-1 D-4-1 D-4-3 851014 ix SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT D PROJECT COSTS AND FINANCING • •o·0 • •e •e 0 0 •e e • •0 •• ,r 1 J d ! J j i .l 1 j I 1 j ] J ] 1 I J D-5-1 D-4-4 D-4-4 D-4-4 Page No. 0110 e e III 0 000 DOD G 0 COG x 4.4 -Market Value of Power (***)• 4.5 -Rate Stabilization (***)•• 4.6 -Sensitivity of Analyses (***) Title 5 -REFERENCES (***) 851014 .SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT D -APPENDIX Dl FUELS PRICING Title Page No. e • •0 0 e 0 c • • •e e •coo •1 -INTRODUCTION (***') 2 -WORLD OIL PRICE (***')•...-..••.....0... Dl-1-1 D1-2-1 D1-3-l Dl-2-1 Dl-2-2 D1-2-5 ... o .0 • •• • ...•••C De. 2.1 -The Sherman H.Clark Associates Forecast (***) 2.2 The Composite Oil Price Forecast (***) 2.3 -The Wharton Forecast (***) 3 -NATURAL GAS (***)••".• • 3.1 -Cook Inlet Gas Prices (***)• • • • •••Dl-3-l 3.2 -Regulatory Constraints on the Availability of Natural Gas (***)• . • • • • • • • • • • •Dl-3-10 3.3 -Physical Constraints on the Availability of Cook Inlet Natural Gas Supply (***). • • •D1-3-12 3.4 -North Slope Natural Gas (***)•••D1-3-20 4 -COAL (***)o •••••••eo •0 0 0 &)0 •eGG •0 •D1-4-l 4.1 -Resources and Reserves (***)•••••••• 4.2 -Demand and Supply (***)• • • • • • •••• 4.3 -Present and Potential Alaska Coal Prices (***) 4.4 -Alaska Coal Prices Summarized (***)• D1-4-1 Dl-4-3 D1-4-4 Dl-4-10 • •••eo.•a 0 0 0 •0 ••05 -DISTILLATE.OIL (***) 5.1 -Availability (***)•• 5.2 -Distillate Price (***) ••. . .... . . . . . D1-5-1 D1-5-1 D1-5-1 6 -REFERENCES • • • • • 0 e,e 6 •••0 •0 • • 0 &0 ••Dl-6-1 851014 xi SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant t d) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCALE Title Page No. 1 -GENERAL DESCRIPTION (*)"""••0 •0 0 G Q.0 0 e e 0 E-1-1-1 1.1 -General Setting (**) 1.2 -Susitna Basin (*) 3 -GLOSSARY "" 2 -REFERENCES ,851014 ••0 •Q •e •• •e 0 ceo 0 e o G D 0 0 •• •G •e e 0 ~•e e •0 e .00 ~•••eo.0·.e xii E-1-1-1 E-1-1-2 E-1-2-1 E-1-3-1 \- : ir1 1 J 1 1 1 I :J ,1 ",I'/:~. 1 I J SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY Title 1 -INTRODUCTION (**)• • • • ••••.•0 •e e Q •0 C>G 0 Page No. E-2-1-1 2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION (**)•• • ••.00 • 0 •lD 0 •.,E-2-2-1 . . . .. 2.1 -Susitna River Morphology(**)•• 2.2 -Susitna River Water Quantity (**)•••• 2.3 -Susitna River Water Quality (**). 2.4 -Baseline GroundWater Conditions (**)••••'•• 2.5 -Existing Lakes,Reservoirs,and Streams (**) 2.6 -Existing Instream Flow Uses (0)••• 2.7 -Access Plan (**)•••••••••••••••• 2.8 -Transmission Corridor (**)••••• E-2-2-3 E-2-2-12 E-2-2-19 E-2-2-46 E-2-2-49 E-2-2-50 E-2-2-63 E-2-2-64 3 -OPERATIONAL FLOW REGIME SELECTION (***)• 0 .........E-2-3-1 3.1 -Project Reservoir Characteristics (***)•• 3.2 -Reservoir Operation Modeling (***)•• 3.3 -Development of Alternative Environmental Flow Cases (***)••••••••••••• 3.4 -Detailed Di~cussion of Flow Cases-(***)• 3.5 -Comparison of Aiternative Flow Regimes (***). 3.6 -Other Constraints on Project Operation (***) 3.7 -Power and Energy Production (***)••••• E-2-3-1 E-2-3-2 ,E-2-3-6 E-2-3-17 E-2-3-37 E-2-3-43 E-2-3-53 4 -PROJECT IMPACT ON WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY (**)•••E-2-4-1 4.1 -Watana D~velopment (**)•••••••• 4.2 -Devil Canyon Development (**)••• 4.3 -Watana Stage III Development (***). 4.4 -Access Plan (**)•••••••••• E-2-4-7 E-2-4-110 E-2-4-160 E-2-4-211 5 -AGENCY CONCERNS .AND RECOMMENDATIONS (**)••0 •co.E-2-5-1 6 -MITIGATION,ENHANCEMENT,AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES (**)• 6.1 -Introduction (*)•••••••••••••••• 6.2 -Mitigation -Watana Stage I -Construction (**) 6.3 -Mitigation -Watana Stage I -Impoundment (**)•• E-2-6-1 E-2-6-1 E-2-6-1 E-2-6-5 851014 xiii 851014 1 ~ ] 1 1 J 1 0 - ,L j l i I J ] 1 1 j ] 1 ] r E-2-7-1 E-2-6-13 E-2-6-15 E-2-6-13 E-2-6-13 E-2-6-7 E-2-6-16 E-2-6-16 E-2-6-18 Page No. .0.e ••• • •0 • •~•••••0 0 0 • SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT.E -CHAPTER 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY -Watana Stage I Operation (**)• -Mitigation -Devil Canyon Stage II - Construction (**)• • • • • • • -Mitigation -Devil Canyon Stage II - Impoundment (**)•••••••••••••••• -Mitigation -Devil Canyon/Watana Operation (**)• -Mitigation -Watana Stage III - Gonstruction (***).. -Mitigation -Wata~Stage III - Impoundment/Construction (***) -Mitigation -Stage II~~Operation (***) -Access Road:and Transmission Lines (***) 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.7 6.8 6.6 Title 7 -REFERENCES 8 -GLOSSARY ..........e •..-....e e.0 e ....• •.........E-2-8-1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,AND BOTANICAL RESOURCES 1.1 -Baseline Descriptions (0)• 1.2 -Impact Assessments (*) 1.3 -Mitigation Plans (*) Title 1 -INTRODUCTION (0). ...o •Cl • .. . Page No. E-3-1-1 E-3-1-1 E-3-1-1 E-3-1-3 . . 2 -FISH RESOURCES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER DRAINAGE (**)•• • 2.1 -Overview of the Resources (**)••••••• 2.2 -Species Biology and Habitat Utilization in the Susitna River DrainageJ (*)••• • 2.3 -Anticipated Impacts To Aquatic Habitat (**) 2.4 -Mitigation Issues and Mitigating Measures (**) 2.5 -Aquatic Studies Program (*)• ••••• 2.6 -Monitoring Studies (**)••••••••••••• 2.7 -Cost of Mitigation (***)••••••••• 2.8 -Agency Consultation on Fisheries Mitigation Measures (**)• • • E-3-2-1 E-3-2-1 E-3-2-14 E-3-2-104 E-3-2-244 E-3-2-279 E-3-2-280 E-3-2-303 E-3-2-304 3 -BOTANICAL RESOURCES (**).••••0 ••00 ••••••E-3-3-1 3.1 -Introduction (*)•• 3.2 -Baseline Description (**) 3.3 -Impacts (**)•••• 3.4 -Mitigation Plan (**) 4 -WILDLIFE (**)••••• • .. .....•CD •••• • ... E-3-3-1 E-3-3-6 E-3-3-34 E-3-3-63 E-3-4-1 4.1 -Introduction (*).•.• 4.2 -Baseline Description (**) 4.3 -Impacts (*)..•••.••••••••. 4.4 -Mitigation Plan (**)•••••••• E-3-4-1 E-3-4-3 E-3-4-110 E-3-4-248 5.1 -Introduction (***)•••••••••••• 5.2 -Existing Conditions (***)• •••• 5.3 -Expected Air Pollutant Emissions (***)••• 5.4 -Predicted Air Quality Impacts (***)•••• .J j 5 -AIR QUALITY/METEOROLOGY (*'**)••o 0 •• • ...... . .. E-3-5-1 E-3-5-1 E-3-5-1 E-3-5-2 E-3-5-3 851014 xv SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) "]~ J ] ] J j- J 1 ] 'j ,I '] I .1 ] 'j ] J .J E-3-7-l E-3-6-1 E-3-5-3 Page No. •••...•••• METHODS USED TO DETERMINE MOOSE BROWSE UTILIZATION AND CARRYING CAPACITY WITHIN THE MIDDLE SUSITNABASIN STATUS,HABITAT USE AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF BIRD SPECIES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA BASIN EXISTING AIR QUALITY AND METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS PLANT SPECIES IDENTIFIED IN SUMMERS OF 1980 AND 1981 IN THE UPPER AND MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN,THE DOWNSTREAM FLOODPLAIN,AND THE IN·TERTIE PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS (THIS SECTION HAS BEEN DELETED) EXPLANATION ANl;t JUSTIF.ICATIONOFARTIFICIALNEST MITIGATION (THIS SECTION HAS .BEEN DELETED) FISH AND WILDLIFE MITIGATION POLICY ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES MEMORANDUM (THIS APPENDIX HAS BEEN DELETED) PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES IN THE INTERTIE AREA (THIS SECTION HAS BEEN DELETED AND ITS' ·lNF()lU-fATION-INCOIU'OJ.tATE]:f·n(TO~Al'PEND:tX .Ir3:~3:T • •0 0 ••• • • 0 • • • • • •0 ••0 0 0 •&e 0 0 •e 0 5.5 -Regulatory Agency Consultations (***)• EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,AND BOTANICAL RESOURCES 6 -REFERENCE • El1.3 E6.3 E8.3 ElO.3 E2.3 E4.3 E1.3 E9.3 APPENDICES 851014 E5.3 Title E3.3 7 -'GLOSSARY STATUS AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF BIRD SPECIES OBSERVED ON THE LOWER SUSITNA BASIN DURING GROUND SURVEYS CONDUCTED JUNE 10 THE JUNE 20,1982 .....".. .---··-·------------E-7-.-3---------------SCI-EN'r-I-F-IG-NAMES--QF-MAMMAL-SPECI-ES-FQUND--IN-'J.!HE---------:- PROJECT AREA SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 4 HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Title 1 -INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY (**)••co ....co • •• • • 0 Page No. E-4-1-1 1.1 -Program Objectives (**)• 1.2 -Program Specifics (**)•••• E-4-1-4 E-4-1-4 2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION (**)...•GO.••...0.• • E-4-2-1 '..2.1 -The Study Area (**)• • • • • • 2.2 -Methods -Archeology and History (**)• 2.3 -Methods -Geoarcheology (**)• •• 2.4 -Known Archeological and Historic Sites in the Project.Area (**) 2.5 -Geoarcheology'(**)••••••••••••••• E-4-2-1 E-4-2-2 E-4-2-10 E-4-2-12 E-4-2-13 3 -EVALUATION OF AND IMPACT ON HISTORICAL AND ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES (**)•••••• • • •'.• • 0 E-4-3-1 3.1 -Evaluation of Selected Sites Found: Prehistory and History of the Middle Susitna Region (**)• •••• •••• ••.• •••E-4-3-1 3.2 -Impact on Historic and Archeological Sites (**)•E-4-3-4 4 -MITIGATION OF IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES(**)•co •• • • • o co •co • • .00 E-4-4-1 4.1 -Mitigation Policy and Approach (**)• 4.2 -Mitigation Plan (**)•••• .00 . ..E-4-4-1 E-4-4-2 5 -AGENCY CONSULTATION (**)• • 0 • •••0 •e e &•0 0 E-4-S-1 J I 6 -REFERENCES 7 -GLOSSARY 851014 • • ••• • 0 • • • • • • •D • 0 0 •••• • • • • e • •e"• • • • • •e _••0 •• • • xvii E-4-6-1 E-4-7-1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E-CHAPTER 5 SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS Title Page No. ~--1 ~ J 'j I xviii ] 1 ] .1 1 j J ] ] l J 1 E-5-2-1 E-5-3-35 E-5-1-1 E-5-2-1 E-5-3-39 E-5-3-2 E-5-3-32 E-5-3-65 E-5-3-1 E-5-3-59 E-5-4-2 ••0 ••0 o 0 0 C'€I •0 o • •0 •• ••0 .,._c_.~.•__.0 .C __.•.0.•._.0 __.•_.c E~5..~.~.l_._, .0·0908 •••• • ----;:----._-------~-~~----------------------------~--:------:------ -Introduction (**)• • ••• • • • • • • •••E-5-4-1 -Background and Approach (**)•••E-5~4-1 -Attitudes Toward Changes • ••• •E-5-4-2 (This section deleted) -Mitigation Objectives and Measures (**) BASELINE·DESCRIPTION (**) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 2 3 -EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT (**) 1 -INTRODUCTION (**)• ••• • • 851014 2.1 -Identification of Socioeconomic Impact Areas (**)• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.2 -Description of Employment,Population,Personal Income and Other Trends in the Impact Areas (**) 3.1 -Impact of In-migration of People on Governmental Facilities and Services (**)••-ii.-•••00 302 -On-site Worker Requirements and Payroll, by Year and Month (**)•••0 • • • • • • • • 0 3.3 -Residency and Movement of Project Construction Personn~l (**)• • •0 3.4 -Adequacy of Available Housing in Impact Areas (***)•••••••• • • • ~~--~--3·.·5~-Di.splacement--and-Influences~on~~Residences-and Businesses''(**)•••' • • • • • • ••.•• 3.6 -Fiscal Impact Analysis:Evaluation of' Incrementa~Local Government Expenditures and Revenues (**)• • • • ••• • 3.7 -Local and Regional Impacts on Resource User Groups (**)• ••• ..---" SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 5 SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS Title 5 -MITIGATION MEASURES RECOMMENDED BY AGENCIES(**).... Page No. E-5-5-1 . . 5.1 -Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)(**) 5.2 -Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)(*) 5.3 -u.s.Fish and Wildlife .Service (FWS)(*) 5.4 -Summary of Agencies'Suggestions for Further Studies that Relate to Mitigation (**)••• E-5-5-1 E-5-5-1 E-5-5-2 E-5-5-2 6 -REFERENCES 851014 O~O •.•••••••-0 0 a •0 •0 e 0 ~ xix ••E-6-6-1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) 1 ~ j ] ] j 1- ! j ] .1 'J l ] ] ] -J 1J 1 .J E-6-3-1 E-6-1-1 E-6-2-1 Page No. E-6-2-1 E-6-2-2 E-6-2-3 E-6-2-4 E-6-2-11 E-6-2-17 E-6-2-23 E-6-4-1 E-6-4-3 E-6-4-4 E-6-4-4 E-6-5-1 E-6-6"'1 E-6-3-1 E-6-3-4 E-6-3-4 E-6-3-11 E-6-3-11 ·E....6-j~TI E-6-3-12 ••• ••• ·.. ... ••• e "•0 •• G • 0 G •• .... • •• ••• •• •• •• ...(*) o 0 0 0 o·0 •0 0 0 • 0'e Cl e 0 8 0 e e 0 G GOG •••• • •e e e •0 • • •9 e 0 e e o •e _ ••G 0 e $0 0 •e 0 0 e 0 0 GOG 0 2.1 -Regional Geology (*)•••••••• 2.2 -Quarternary Geology (*)• • • ••• • • ••• 2.3 -Mineral Resources (0)• • • • • • ••• ••• 2.4 -Seismic Geology (*)• •••• 2.5 -Watana Damsite (**)••••~••••••••••• 2.6 -Devil Canyon Damsite (0)•••••••••• 2.7 -Reservoir Geology (*).•• • • • • • • • EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 6 GEOLOGICAL AND SOIL RESOURCES 3.1 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (RIS)(*) 3.2 -Seepage (*)• • • • • • • ••• 3.3 -Reservoir Slope Fail.ures (**)• • • • • • • 3.4 -Permafrost Thaw (*)• • • • • • • • • • 3.5 -Seismically-Induced Failure(*)•••• 3~6-"~"'ReservoTr~FreeDoarar-orWIne:CWaves (*'*)•• 3.7 -Development of Borrow Sites and Quarries (**) 3 -IMPACTS (*)•• 1 ...INTRODUCTION (**) Title 2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION 5 -REFERENCES 851014 4 -MITIGATION (**).. 6 -GLOSSARY 4.1 -Impacts and Hazards (0)• • • • •••E-6-4-1 4.2 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (0)E-6-4-1 4.3 -Seepage (**).• • • • • • • • • • • • •E-6-4-2 ....-"4;4-Reservoir S-lopeFailures .(**);--;-;.;;~-;--.;--;-E-6-4=2 ..------~-----..--·-.----4,,5~---Pe-rm:a-f-rost-Thaw~+**-)••-..-----;:-~ 4.6 -Seismically-Induced Failure (*)• 4.7 -Geologic Hazards (*)•••••• 4.8 -Borrow and Quarry Sites (*)• • • • • • • • • SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 7 .RECREATIONAL RESOURCES Title Page No. 1 -INTRODUCTION (**)• •o ••00.o •• •Cl •0 o 0 E-7-1-1 1.1 -Purpose (**)• • 1.2 -Relationships to Other Reports (*)••• 1.3 -Study Approach ..and Methodology (**)•• 1.4 -Project Description (**)••••• E-7-1-1 E-7-1-1 E-7-1-1 E-7-1-3 2 -DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING AND FUTURE RECREATION WITHOUT TUB SUSITNA PROJECT (**)••8 • • •·..••E-7-2-1 2.1 -Statewide and Regional Setting (**) 2.2 -Susitna River Basin (**)••••••...E-7-2-1 E-7-2-8 3 -PROJECT IMPACTS ON EXISTING -RECREATION (**)• 3.1 -Direct Impacts of Project Features (**) 3.2 -Project Recreational Demand Assessment (Moved to Appendix E4.7) •••o •E-7-3-1 E-7-3-1 E-7-3-12 4 -FACTORS INP'LUENCING TIm RECllEATION PLAN (**)• • ••0 E-7-4-1 4.1 -Characteristics of the Project Design and Operation (***)• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.2 -Characteristics of the Study Area (***)• 4.3 -Recreation Use Patterns and Demand (***)•••• 4.4 -Agency,·Landowner'and Applicant Plans and Policies.(***)•••••••••••••• 4.5 -Public Interest (***)••••••••••• 4.6 -Mitigation of Recreation Use Impacts (***) E-7-4-1 E-7-4-2 E-7-4-2 E-7-4-3 E";7-4-12 E-7-4-13 5 -RECREATION PLAN (**)• • • • •8 •0 ••• • • •••0 E-7-5-1 5.1 -Recreation Plan Management Concept (***) 5.2 -Recreation Plan Guidelines (***) 5.3 -Recreational Opportunity Evaluation. (Moved to Appendix E3.7.3) 5.4 -The Recreation Plan (**)•• E-7-5-1 E-7-5-2 ' E-7-5-4 E-7-5-4 6 -PLAN I:MPL.EMENTATIOH (**) 851014 e 0 0 •••0 ••0 • • • •0 xxi E-7-6-1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) ')- j 1 :1 1 r 1 ,I ·"1 j ) ,I -] 1 1 I I 1 ) Page No. E-7-10-1 E-7-7-1 E-7-6-1 E-7-6-1 E-7-6-2 E-7-6-3 E-7-8-1 E-7-8-1 E-7-8-1 E-7-8-2 E-7-7-1 E-7-7-1 E-7-7-2 E-7-8....1 -E~7-9-1,. •• . . .... e e e til G •Co •0 Cl ... o •G •e •&0 e e e • •e e o ••••••0 e .~e '.e 0 e ••e xxii RECREATION SITE INVENTORY AND OPPORTUNITY EVALUATION' EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL RECREATION FACILITY DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THE SUSITNA PROJECT PROJECT RECREATIONAL DEMAND ASSESSMENT DATA ON REGIONAL RECREATION FACILITIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITES WITHIN THE PROJECT RECREATION ·'STUDY .AREA EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 7 RECREATIONAL RESOURCES 7.1 -Construction (**)••0 •••0 7.2 ~Operations and Maintenance (**)•••• 7.3 -Monitoring (***)•••••••• 6.1 -Phasing (**)••••0 ••0 •• 6.2 -Detailed Recreation Design (***) 6.3 -Operation and Maintenance (***)•• 6.4 -Monitoring (**)••••••••• 8.1 -Agencies and Persons Consulted (**)• 8.2 -Agency Comments (**)••••• 8.3 -Native Corporation Comments (***) 8.4 -Consultation Meetings (***)••• 7 -COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE PROPOSED RECREATION FACILITIES (**)•••e 0 0 • • • •0 • E2.7 E1.7 Title E5.7 8 -AGENCY COORDINATION (**) E4.7 851014 APPENDICES ,9._...REFERENCES 10 -GLOSSARY. " SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (eont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 8 AESTHETIC RESOURCES Title 1 -INTRODUCTION (**)•.....• •c e •0 • 0 C e ...... .... Page No. E-8-l-l eo.•e 0 e • ••• •0 • • • • 1.1 -Purpose (*)•••• 1.2 -Relationship to Other Analyses (*) 1.3 -Environmental Setting (**)o.eoe. 2 -PROCEDURE (*)....•••• 3 -STUDY OBJECTIVES (*) ..."c e •c·••• •·... E-8-l-l E-8-1-l E-8-l-1 E-8-2-1 E-8-3-1 4 -PROJECT FACILITIES (*)• • •Q.•0 &•0 • •0 0 •••E-8-4-1 4.1 -Watana Project Area (*).• • • • • • • • 4.2 -Devil Canyon Project Area (*)• 4.3 -Watana Stage III Project Area (***)• 4.4 -Denali Highway to Watana Dam Access Road (*) 4.5 -Watana Dam to Devil Canyon Dam Access Road (*) 4.6 -Transmission Lines (*)• • • • • 4.7 -Intertie ••••••••0 • 0 ••••••••• (This section deleted) 4.8 -Recreation Facilities and Features (*) E-8-4-1 E-8-4-l E-8-4-1 E-8-4-l E-8-4-2 E-8-4-2 E-8-4-2 E-8-4-2 5.1 -Landscape Character Types (*) 5.2 -Notable Natural Features (**). . . .. . . 5 -EXISTING LANDSCAPE (**)• •• •fIl •... . . e eo.• • ...E-8-5-l E-8-5-1 E-8-5-l 6 -VIEWS (**)• • • ••• • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • •E-8-6-l • • • • • • • 0 •••• 6.1 -Viewers (***) 6.2 -Visibility (***) 7 -AESTHETIC EVALUATION RATINGS (**) 7.1 -Aesthetic Value Rating (*) 7.2 -Absorption Capability (*)• 7.3 -composite Ratings (**) • • ·..·...· . . .. .. .. . ·. . ·... E-8-6-l E-8-6-l E-8-7-1 E-8-7-1 E-8-7-l E-8-7-2 851014 xxiii rI SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 8 AESTHETIC RESOURCES 1 ) ] lE-8-8-1 Page No. E-8-8-1 E-8-8-2 E-8-8-3 E-8-8-4 E-8-8-5 E-8-8-6 ·,..·... . ~Q 0 •e e • • •e •e 00 •• 8.1 -Mitigation Planning of Incompatible Aesthetic Impacts (Now addressed in Section 9) 8.2 -Watana Stage I (***)•••• 8.3 -Devil Canyon Stage II (***)•• • • • • ••• 8.4 -Watana Stage III (***)• • • •• 8.5 -Access Routes (***)•• 8.6 -Transmission Facilities (***)• 8 -AESTHETIC IMPACTS (**) Title 10 -AESTHETIC IMPACT EVALUATION OF THE INTERTIE _____(T!ttEJS~~t;:i.()~~~lec:::~~~) 9.1 -Mitigation Feasibility (**)• 9.2 -Mitigation Plan (***)••• 9.3 -Mitigation Costs (**)•••• 9.4 -Mitigation Monitoring (***)• e •0 II G •e _ •e I I 'iE-8-10-1 E-8-9-1 E-8-11-1 E-8-9-1 E-8-9-2 E-8-9-11 ·E-8-9-12 • • o •II • ••• ... •0 ..... e _ • •o • 11 -AGENCY COORDINATION (**)• 9 -MITIGATION (*'*)•e ••••• SITE PHOTOS WITH SIMULATIONS OF PROJECT FACILITIES E-8-12-1 li:-8-11-1 E-8-11-1 00 .. · . ......•0 .... D I)0 ••Cl .. e •• • • •e ... •• ..... • • •Cl EXCEPTIONAL NATURAL FEATURES 11.1 -Agencies and Persons Consul ted (**). 11.2 -Agency Comments (**) E2.8 E1.8 APPENDICES 12 -REFERENCES .. E3.8 PHOTOS OF PROPOSED PROJECT FACILITIES SITES E4.8 EXAMPLES OF EXISTING AESTHETIC IMPACTS 851014 xxiv SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 8 AESTHETIC RESOURCES Title APPENDICES (cont'd) Page No. E5.8 E6.8 E7.8 B8.8 E9.8 851014 EXAMPLES OF RESERVOIR EDGE CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE ANTICIPATED AT WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON DAMS . PROJECT FEATURES IMPACTS AND CHARTS GENERAL AESTHETIC MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT LANDSCAPE CHARACTER TYPES OF THE PROJECT AREA AESTHETIC VALUE AND ABSORPTION CAPABILITY RATINGS xxv SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 9 LAND USE Title 2 -HISTORICAL AND PRESENT LAND USE (***) r \ 1 1 ) l Page No. E-9-1-1 E--9-2-1 E-9-2-1 E-9-2-1 o 8oee o ·0 • COO e 0 e e 0 •00«1 2.1-Historical Land'Use (***) 2.2 -Present Land Use (***) 1 -INTRODUCTION (***)8 • • •8 ..• 0 e 0 3 -LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING IN THE PROJECT AREA (**'*:)• • • • • • •G eo.0 •o·•CD •0 e 0 e'•E-9-3-1 4 -IMPACTS ON LAND USE WITH AND WITHOUT THE PROJECT (***)•••••••••••e • • e 8 5 -MITIGATION (***)• • • •e I I ) .1 ] -,j .. E-9-6-1 E-9-4-1 E-9-5-1 8 0 e 0 0 ..0 0 e e "It e e lit • • ..0 e 0 8 •••• • •8 •eo.•0 •••e •6-REFERENCES 851014 xxvi ] 1 I 1 1 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 10 ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS,DESIGNS,AND ENERGY SOURCES Title 1 -ALTERNATIVE HYDROELECTRIC SITES (*)e •e e 0 C 0 o • • Page No. E-10-1-1 1.1 Non-Susitna Hydroelectric Alternatives (*)E~10-1-1 1.2 -Assessment of Selected Alternative Hydroelectric Sites (***)• • • • •E-10-1-2 1.3 -Middle Susitna Basin Hydroelectric Alternatives (0)••••••••••••••E-10-1-17 1.4 -Overall Comparison of Non-Susitna Hydroelectric Alternatives t~the Proposed Susitna Project (***)•••••••••E-10-1-32 e·• •0 0 e •e •e 02 -ALTERNATIVE FACILITY DESIGNS (*) 2.1 -Watana Facility Design Alternatives (*)• 2.2 -Devil Canyon Facility Design Alternatives 2.3 -Access Alternatives (0)••••••• 2.4 -Transmission Alternatives (0) 2.5 -Borrow Site Alternatives (**). . . (0)• • E-10-2-1 E-10-2-1 E-10-2-3 E-10-2-4 E-10-2-24 E-10-2-53 3 -OPERATIONAL FLOW REGIME SELECTION (***)••••••••E-10-3-1 · ..3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 -Project Reservoir Characteristics (***)• -Reservoir Operation Modeling (***) -Development of Alternative Environmental Flow Cases (***)•••••••••••••••• -Detailed Discussion of Flow Cases (***)• • • • • -Comparison of Alternative Flow Regimes (***) -Other Constraints on Project Operation (***) Power and Energy Production (***)• • • • • • E-10-3-1 E-10-3-2 E-10-3-6 .E-10-3-17 E-10-3-38 E-1O-3-43 E-10-3-53 4 -ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCES (***)•••.0.E-10-4-1 4.1 -Coal-Fired Generation Alternatives (***) 4.2 -Thermal Alternatives Other Than Coal (***) 4.3 -Tidal Power Alternatives (***)••.• 4.4 -Nuclear Steam Electric Generation (***) 4.5 -Biomass Power Alternatives (***) 4.6 -Geothermal Power Alternatives (***)•• · . . E-lO-4-1 E-lO-4-27 E-lO ....4-39 E-1O-4-41 E-lO-4-42 E-lO-4-42 851014 xxvii SUHMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 10 ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS»DESIGNS J AND ENERGY SOURCES 1: I I ·~l 1 ] I j j 1 j ] I ] 1 I ! ] l Page No. E-IO-4-43 E-1O-4-44 E-IO-4-44 E-IO-5-1 E-IO-7-l E-IO-6-1 •• . .. I!il tl • •0 xxviii • • 0 GOO 8 ••G e $• •e e •eGO e • ••• • •eo.•e 9 e 0 0 e e •e e _•0 e 4.7 -Wind Conversion Alternatives (***)•• 4.8 -Solar Energy Alternatives (***)• • • 4.9 -Conservation Alternatives (***)~• Title 7 -GLOSSARY 5 -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF LICENSE DENIAL (***) 6 -REFERENCES 851014 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 11 AGENCY CONSULTATION Title Page No. .0.• ••0 • • 1 -ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO FILING THE INITIAL APPLICATION (1980-February 1983)(***) 2 -ADDInONAL FORMAL AGENCY AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION (***).. .. ........ ....•............•O'• • E-ll-1-1 E-1l-2-1 2.1 -Technical Workshops (***). 2.2 -Ongoing Consultation (***)• • . 2.3 -Further Comments and Consultation (***)••• E-1l-2-1 E-1l-2-1 E-1l-2-2 851014 xxix SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont-d) 5.1 -River Flows (**)• • • • • • • • •••F-5-l 5.2 -Design Flows (**)• • • •F-5-1 5.3 -Reservoir Levels (**)• • • • • • • • • •••F-5-l -··-····-·······-5-.4-Reservoir0perating'-Rule (**).• • • •.~.•-F-5-2 .--~-·-·_-·_--_··----···_-·--5·•.s----·Rese-r.voi-r-Data--(-**-)......,.-..•--.--.---.-.-.--.•'-r-..----·.--.--r ..-.-·..-·-F--5-~-··-··..-..--.,.--- 5.6 -Wind Effect (**)• • •• • • •F-5-3 5.7 -Criteria (***)•••••••••••F-5-3 EXHIBIT F SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT (PRELIMINARY) 1= ·1 .'I 'j \ 1 1 'j ,I I 1 1 I j I 1 I I 1 F::q::..;;C F-4-10 F-2-1 F-4-1 F-5-1 F-3-.l F-6-1 F-l-l F-3-1 F-3-1 F-3-6 F-3-9' F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-2 F ...6-1 F-6-2 Page No. •• •• eo.0 ••• ••• e •.,(l •II • 0 •0 .. D iii "CI II Q 0 It Cl (0) o • • CI 0 e·0 (I "II •. . C Q •a •• • 0 .'. ~(I "D 0 0 0 0 e 0 Cl It 0 • 0 o (I II (I G 0 e G Ct II o •0 0 CI 0 •0 e 0 G 0 e e (0) • 0 • • 0 ••• 0 •• 0 e •• •0 Standards (0) · . .0. ••• 3.1 -Governing Codes and 3.2 -Design Loads (**)• 3.3 -Stability (*)• • • 3.4 -Material Properties 2.1 -Topographical Data (0)•••••••• • • • 2.2 -Hydrological Data (**)••••••••••• 2.3 -Meteorological Data (*)•••••••••• 2.4 -Reservoir Data (0)••.•• • • • • • • • • 2.5 -Tailwater Elevations (0)•••••••• 2.6 -Design Floods (**)••••••••••• 4.1 ;;.;Watans.(**).~.• • 4.2 -Devil Canyon (**) 6.1 -Design Codes and Standards (*)•••..•• 6.2 -General Criteria (*)••••••• 3 -CIVIL DESIGN DATA ('~) Title 4 -GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN DATA (**)'. 5 -HYDRAULIC DESIGN DATA (**) 2 -PROJECT DESIGN DATA (**) 1 -PROJECT DATA (***). 6 -EQUIPMENT DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS (**)• 851014 xxx .J SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) EXHIBIT F SUPPORTING DESIGN REPORT (PRELIMINARY) Title 6.3 -Diversion Structures and Emergency Release Facilities (*)••••• • 6.4 -Spillway (**)• • • • • • • • • • 6.5 -Outlet Facilities (*)• 6.6 -Power Intake (*)'.• 6.7 -Powerhouse (**)••••••••••• 6.8 -Tailrace Tunnels (**)• • • • •. .. Page No. F-6-4 F-6-6 F~6~6 F-6-8 F-6-9 F-6-12 7 -REFERENCES APPENDICES • •0 e e • • • • • •e •••0 •e • • • •F-7-1 F1 F2 F3 851014 THIS APPENDIX DELETED WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON EMBANKMENT STABILITY ANALYSES SUMMARY ANDPMF AND SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD ANALYSES xxxi } : 1 : 1 ) 1 1 -{"il \ I :j ) I I I ] :1 ,l :1 ;-1 J I I I' I I, I I I I I I I I I I I· I I CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE AND BOT ANIC··AL RESOURCES SECTIONS 1 AND 2 I I I . I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -INTRODUCTION I I ! IJ SUSITNA HYDROELECTROC PROJECT LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,AND BOTANICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS Title 1 -INTRODUCTION (0) 1.1 -Baseline Descriptions (0) 1.2 -Impact Assessments (*) 1.3 -Mitigation Plans (*). Page no. E-3-1-1 E-3-1-1 E-3-1-1 E-3-1-3 851022 i Number E.3.l.l 851022 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH AND WILDLIFE MITIGATION POLICY LIST OF TABLES Title MITIGATION OPTIONS ANALYSIS STRUCTURE RECOMMENDED BY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT,ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME AND THE U.S.FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ,]: ,'j 'j :1 ] .J .1 1 .\ .j J ] 1 'I j -j 'j J .J [1 I J i Number E.3.!.1 E.3.!.2 851022 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH AND WILDLIFE MITIGATION POLICY LIST OF FIGURES Title OPTION ANALYSIS MITIGATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION ~u. ]~ , j ) ] \ \- I i'J EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,AND BOTANICAL RESOURCES 1 -INTRODUCTION (0) This report discusses the fish,vegetation,and wildlife resources of the area that will be affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Each of the major subsections (2 -Fish,3 -Botanical Resources,and 4 -Wildlife)provides a baseline description of species and populations of the project area;an assessment of potential project impacts on this biota (assuming no mitigation);and a mitigation plan that explains how preliminary engineering design and construction plan- ning have incorporated measures to avoid,minimize,or rectify poten- tially adverse effects of the project on the biological environment. In appropriate cases,resource management options to reduce or compensate for adverse impacts that cannot otherwise be mitigated are discussed. 1.1 -Baseline Descriptions (0) These sections describe the distributions and characteristics of bio- logical populations and communities within the project area.The discussions are based on a thorough review of the scientific literature and emphasize documented studies conducted in preparation for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the Alaska Department of Fish"and Game .and professional consultants.They provide the most current available information through March 1985 on.fish,vegetation,and wildlife of the project area. Discussions of animals focus on vertebrate species:resident and anad- romous fish,big game·,furbearers,birds,and non-game (small)mammals. The plant descriptions deal .with species aggregations that occur in recognizable patterns,such as vegetation communities and successional stages. The baseline descriptions emphasize functional relationships among habitat components and animal communities.Factors that regulate species distribution and abundance receive particular attention, because knowledge of these regulating mechanisms can suggest where populations are most sensitive to potential disturbance.For example, water temperature and stream regimes are discussed as regulators of fish populations,and the role of plant communities in regulating wild- life populations is examined. 1.2 -Impact Assessments (*) It is expected that the distribution and abundance of fish,plant,and wildlife species in and around the area of the Susitna Hydroelectric 851022 E~3-1-1 Project will change as a result of project construction and operation • .The impact assessments presented in this report are based,in part,on the project description presented in Exhibit A,project operations described in Exhibit B,the proposed construction schedule shown in Exhibit C,the impacts on water use and quality presented in Exhibit E Chapter 2 and an analysis of similar activities associated with large construction and hydroelectric projects in similar habitats.In addition,the Recreation Plan presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 7,has been reviewed as a proposed project action to determine its potential impacts on fish,vegetation,and wildlife.The impact assessments link predicted physical changes with habitat utiliza.tion to provide a qualitative statement of impacts likely to result from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Quantitative assessments are presented where justified by current knowledge and research techniques.Changes potentially resulting from the project are discussed.with respect to specific project features and activities,assuming standard engineering design and construction practice without the incorporation of mitigation measures. Although some project impacts,if not mitigated,will be adverse,other impacts will be innocuous and some will enhance fish or wildlife productivity.Therefore,potentially beneficial itnpactsare given balanced treatment with.those to be mitigated,.Each potential effect, together with the action responsible for it,is called an impact issue. The identification and prioritization of impact issues have followed the procedures established by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy (Appendix E1.3)•This policy was ..pr-epared·-by-theAppiicant -through extensiveconsul tation wi ttl-" representatives of the following resource agencies: o Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G); o Alaska Department of Natural·Resources (ADNR); o Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC); o National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS); o U.S.Bureau of Land Management (USBLM); ."'0'"u.S;Environmental··Protection··Agency-(USEPA);··an-d ....----...-..... ·-·-·-····-o-U-.-S·.--F-i-sh~a·nd-W·i-ld-l-i-f~Ser·vi·ce-(-USF·WS-}...-----------···-·-··-··-······--· Criteria for assessing.the relative importance of biological impact issues have been provided by;(1)mitigation policies of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G 1982a),theU.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS 1981c),and the Applicant (Appendix El.3);(2)letters and testimony by local ,state,and federaL agencies;and (3}discus- sions of impact issues in workshops and numerous other technical mee t i l1gs i llvolvillg Susi tllapr6ject.pe rs6nllel,.alld-.resource ..agency:- representatives. All three mitigation policies from APA,USFWS,and ADF&G imply that project impacts on the habitats of certain sensitive fish and wildlife ,) 1 1 1 851022 E-3-1-2 I I species will be of greater concern than changes in distribution and abundance of less sensitive species.Sensitivity can be related to high human use value as well as susceptibility to change because of project impacts.The policies and comments also indicate that,for the Susitna Project area,vegetation is considered more important as a component of wildlife habitat than as a botanical resource in itself. Statewide policies and management approaches of resource agancies suggest that concern for fish and wildlife species with commercial, subsistence,and other consumptive uses is greater than for species without such value.These species are often large,sometimes numerous, and utilize a wide range of habitats,as well as having high human use value.Such characteristics often result in these species being selected for careful evaluation when their habitats are subjected to alternative uses.By avoiding or minimizing alterations to habitats utilized by these evaluation species the impacts to other less sensitive species that utiliie similar habitats can also be avoided or reduced. The mitigation policies all agree that resource vulnerability is an important criterion for impact prioritization.Resources judged most vulnerable to potential project impacts have therefore been given highest priority in impact assessment and mitigation planning.Simi- larly,impact issues have been considered with regard to probability of occurrence.Where there is a high degree of confidence that an impact will actually occur,it has been ranked above impacts that are predicted to be less likely to occur.Also,the mitigation policies and agency comments indicate that impacts on animal productivity and population size through changes in habitat availability are of high concern.Behavioral responses that have the potential for producing population-level effects are also important.Adverse impacts that are longer lasting or irreversible have priority over short-term impacts. 1.3 -Mitigation Plans (*) Mitigation plans have been developed for identified impact issues in accordance with the sequence of steps defined by 40 CFR 1508.20, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321 et seq.). The mitigation planning sequence includes,in priority order of imple- mentation,the following steps: o Avoiding the impact through project design and operation,or by not taking a certain action; o Minimizing the impact by reducing the degree or magnitude of the action,or by changing its location; o Rectifying the impact by repairing,rehabilitating,or restoring the affected portion of the environment; 851022 E-3-1-3 o Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation, monitoring,and maintenance operations during the life-of the action;and o Compensating for the impact by providing replacement or substitute resources that would not otherwise be available. This sequential strategy for mitigation option analysis and implementa- tion is shared by all three mitigation policies applied to the project (the Applicant -see Appendix E1.3,ADF&G 1982a,USFWS 1981c).The relationships of steps within the sequence are shown in Figure E.3.1.1 and further compared in Table E.3.1.1. The process by which mitigation will be implemented and continually refined throughout the life of the project is shown schematically in Figure E.3.1.2.The process involves the following steps: o Impact issue evaluation: Identification of the nature and extent of impacts: Populations Subpopulations Habitat types Geographical areas Prioritization of impacts: Ecological value of affected resource Consumptive value of affected resource _____Re_s_o_ur_c_e_Y'J,11nerabilLty~~~~_~c Confidence of impact prediction Long-term vs.short-term impacts o Option analysis procedure: Identification of practicable mitigation options: Type of mitigation option Sequence of implementation ---------------- ----------------Eva-l:uati-on-of----miti-gati-on-options-:------..-----------------------------------------------._. Effectiveness of option Conflicts with project objectives Residual impacts Documentation of option analysis: Impact issues Mitigation options Conflicts (if-any)with-project objectives ._.c __• 1 851022 E-3-1-4 J o Negotiation of acceptable plan o Mitigation plan implementation: Engineering design and construction planning: Participate in design development Participate in preconstruction field surveys and site evaluations Review designs,schedules,permit applications construction and operation monitoring: Review work accomplished Evaluate degree of impact Evaluate effectiveness of mitigation Identify modifications to the mitigation plan Submit regularly scheduled reports Mitigation plan modifications: Propose modifications Submit modifications for review Implement and monitor approved modifications Data from the baseline,impact,and monitoring studies will be used throughout the life of the project to plan and continually refine the mitigation process in a flexible,adaptive fashion. Mitigation measures proposed for operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project may be classified within two broad categories: o Modifications to design,construction,or operation of the project;and o Mitigation for impacts that cannot be mitigated through modifications to design or operation of the project. The first type of mitigation measure is project-specific and emphasizes the avoidance,minimization,rectification,or reduction of adverse impacts,as prioritized by the Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy established by the Applicant (Appendix El.3)and coordinating agencies (ADF&G 1982a,USFWS 1981c).As shown in Figure E.3.1.1,these measures must first be implemented to keep adverse impacts to the minimum consistent with project requirements.They involve adjusting or adding project features during design and planning so that mitigation becomes a built-in component of project actions. Mitigation of construction impacts will be achieved primarily by incorporating environmental criteria into preconstruction planning and design,and by good construction practices.Incorporation of environmental criteria into design activities and construction of the Susitna dams and related facilities such as transmission lines and access roads will avoid,minimize or rectify impacts to fish and 851022 E-3-1-5 The Applicant has prepared five Best Management Practices (BMP)Manuals (APA 1985a,b,c,d,e)to be.used in the design,construction and maintenance of the Applicant's projects.These manuals are entitled: 1.Fuel and Hazardous Materials Oi!Spill Contingency Planning 3.Water Supply 4.Liquid and Solid Waste Management 5.Erosion and Sedimentation Control A report entitled "Drainage Structure and Waterway Design Guidelines" was also prepared (Harza-Ebasco 1985b)to establish the proper procedure for the design of drainage structures and waterways. These manuals are the result of a coordinated effort involving federal, state,and local government agencies,and special interest groups.The manuals will be provided to the design engineer,who will utilize them in the preparation of both design and construction documents.The Applicant intends that applicable guidelines contained in these manuals will be incorporated where appropriate into the contractual documents for the Project. When impacts cannot be fully avoided or rectified,reduction or compen- sation measures are justified.This type of mitigation can involve management oJ:.the -r~~QJlrceit.~eU,-.-r~t:be!".t:bC!ll <iclJ1,!§tmE!.ltt:~t:c>tbe project,and will require concurrence of resource management boards or agencies with jurisdiction over lands or resources within and around the project area. Mitigation planning for operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project has emphasized both approaches.The prioritized sequence of options from avoidance through compensation has been applied to each impact issue.If full mitigation can be achieved at a high priority option, lower··opti-onsmayffot--oe-cons-idet'e-d-.--To:-thet'-estitti-ngtniti-ga:t-ion- ---.-.----~-------~-~pi-ans,_me-a·suresc-to-avoid,-minimi-ze-,-or--rec-ti-fy-potenti-a-l~impac-t-s--are-------.-.- treated in greatest detail. Monitoring and maintenance of mitigation features to reduce impacts over time are recognized as an integral part of the mitigation process. To assure that the mitigation plans achieve their intended goals, monitoring plans for aquatic and terrestrial resources have been develped and are described in this license application. ) , 1 851022 E-3-l-6 -c TABLES L __ TABLE E.3.1.1:MITIGATION OPTIONS ANALYSIS STRUCTURE RECOMMENDED BY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (~&G)AND THE U.S.FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS).DESIRABILITY OF OPTIONS DECREASES FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.EXPLANATIONS OR EXAMPLES OF EACH OPTION AS DESCRIBED BY AGENCIES ARE SHOWN OPTION AVOIDANCE MINIMIZATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Avoid Impact by Not Taking a Certain Action -Keep as much eXisting natural habitat as possible. -Maintain fish and game populations and critical habitats. Minimize Impacts by Limiting Magnitude of Action -Maintain habitat diversity and the capacity of each system to restore itself naturally. DEFINITION U.S.FISH &WILDLIFE SERVICE Modify Project Design to Avoid Impact -No-project alternative is one mode. -Design modifications in action type,magnitude,timing and locations are options. Modify Project Design to Minimize Impacts -Design modifications in action type,magnitude,timing and location are options. RECTIF IcA TION RESTRICTION COMPENSATION Rectify Impacts by Rehabilitating Environment -Repair,rehabilitate or restore abused aquatic or terrestrial systems. -Restore the same functions or structure of habitats. Reduce (or Eliminate)Impact Over Time by Maintenance -Operate and maintain mitigation measures to reduce impacts over time. Compensate for Impact by Substitute Resources -Create or restore fish,wildlife and habitat values, and resource use opportunities that were unavoidably lost. -Compensation by providing substitute resources or environments is least desirable;the preferred mode is onsite mitigation. Restore Damaged Environments -Reclaim disturbed sites by seeding,etc. -Restock lost fish and wildlife. Maintain Mitigation Effort to Reduce Impact -Monitor and maintain mitigation measures. -Train mitigation personnel. Restore Lost Resources by Management or Replacement -Intensify production through management. -Initiate hatcheries;restocking programs. -Lease or ·buy new lands for enhanced management. 1 J I J -} J I ~1 j I l I 1 ] 1 _J j .j' FIGURES SOME MINIMIZATION PA;~AV~,ANCE ...;...1-----...,_1:1\,1111-----1...-;;0.TOTAL AVOIDANCE ~,.,5'\.-.. NO AVOIDANCE '!:{.-~1_, If ({.(5-' t·\JL..--------......-t:·IIGlll1:t----....... \' ".--'r /1 , .:~..~:c;. ( I NO MINIMIZATION t. PARTIAL RECTIFICATION ......----IEI1~;~I::J-___'.... g ,Ir."r::.: NO RECTIFICATIO'N- TOTAL RECTIFICATION c (-,(~r. ~/,--(_.~_.\__~_.__1_,·--!IIIoffIlJIIIIII------l... J~'--.::'."'l,.~-C I [,r~:C'NO REDUCTION ,- \ SOME REDUCTION (. ''--- PARTIAL COMPENSATION("'11-..-..-[-_:--11:1)11111.....---......··TOTAL COMPENSATION .~'t ~,-' NO COMPENSATION ! . /", '""C·r~-_r---, ~"~- { j /./". ---._-,."---", c {' /' " OPTION ANALYSIS c- FIGURE E.3.1.1 '----------~-----------------------_.....,- .,'-..;. MITIGATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION .~--."- --------1------------- ~!!.-:....I ,.."'-~.--,-'- IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS AND GOALS OF PLAN STEP 1 it OPTION ANALYSIS STEP 2 ..... NEGOTIATION OF'ACCEPT ABLE PLAN STEP 3 ".- IMPLEMENT ATION OF PLAN :"":'"-.STEP 4 J, MONITORING OF PLAN STEP 5 ~-,,=-"... PLAN MO·DIFICATIONS STEP 6 .;'.~...".~,--- COMPLETION OF MITIGATION ...STEP 7,.. .-.._.-----_.. -/.~II '- ---_._._._...__.__._----·--..n-~..-..-~-·----..-·--·-··--·- TERMINATION OF MONITORING STEP 8· .. ".....'. -;1 :] 'l ,1 ,IIJ , j - :~ .! '~ ! '\ j I I] 1 ; 1 ,! FIGURE E 3,1.2 "I __~e-.11it116 HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I 2 -FISH RESOURCES O.F THE SUSITNA .RIVER DRAINAGE EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES ] j } ] 'I J J I ] I j -j ..,J ] j I J ] ] E-3-2-77 E-3-2 ....76 E-3-2-28 E-3-2-33 E-3-2-35 E-3-2-35 E-3-2-36 E-3-2-36 E-3-2-36 E-3-2-38 E-3-2-40 E-3-2-43 E-3-2-43 E-3-2-44 E-3-2-45 E-3-2-45 E-3-2-46 E-3-2-47 E-3-2-48 E-3-2-49 E-3-2-52 Page No. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (co nt I d) 851021 Title (iv)Chum Salmon (***) (v)Pink Salmon (**) (b)Other Anadromous Species (0)• (i)Bering Cisco (0) (ii)Eulachon (0) (c)Resident Species (***)• (i)Dolly Varden Char (***) (ii)Rainbow Trout (***)• • • • • (ii~)Arctic Grayling (*)•• (iv)Lake Trout (***) .(v)Burbot (**)•••••• (vi)Round Whitefish (**) (vii)Htunpback Wh itefish (**). (viii.)I..()ngTJ,()13 es.tlck.~r J**)•• (ix)Threespine Stickleback (**)• (x)Cottids (**) (xi)Lamprey (0)• • • • • • • • • 2.2.2 -Habitat Utilization (***)•••••••• (a)Oshetna River to Devil Canyon (**) (i)Mainstem Habitat Near the Conflu~nce of MajorTributaries(***-j '.• •E-3-2-52 (ii)Tributaries (***)• • •E-3-2-53 (iii)Lakes and Ponds (***)E-3-2-54 (b),Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (**)E-3-2-55 (i)Mainstem Habitat (**).• •E-3-2-55 (ii)Side Channel Habitat (**)E-3-2-58 (iii)Tributary Mouth Habitat (**).E-3-2-60 (iv)Side Slough Habita t (**)E-3-2-62 ···(v}··Upl-andSloughs (-**}-~•.•.~..•E-3-2:"65 ~-----._-...-'-'---~-----.-----~~--·--·-..-----:----(-v-i-)--'I'-r-ibu·t;-a·rc-y---:-Ha·bi-t;-a·t--s-·(-**-)--.-.-.---E-3-2-66- (c)Cook Inlet to Talkeetna (**)• • • •E-3-2-68 (i)Mainstem Habitat (**). •••E-3-2-69 (ii)Side Channel Complexes (**)•E-3-2-72 (iii)Tributary Mouth Habitat (**).E-3-2-73 (iv)Tributary Habitat (***)••E-3-2-74 2.2.3 -Habitat.Response~".tQ..,FlowChanges (*~~)E-3-2-74 (a)Surface Area Response to Flow -Chatiges{***}.•-...••• • •.' (b)Development of Representative Groups of Habitat Sites (***) EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER.3 FISH,WILDLIFE,.&BOTABICAL RESOURCES -TABLE OF CORTERTS (cont'd) Title (c)Principal Habitat/Species Combinat ions (***)• • ••. (d)Quantification of Habitat Response to Flow Changes (***). • . . .•• (i)Development of Suitability Criteria (***)•.••••• (ii)Determination of the Range of Habitat Conditions Available (***). • • . (iii)Habitat Response Curves (***) (e)Habitat Response Curves for Non-Modelled Sites (***)•••••. (f)Habitat Response to Natural F low Regime (***)• • • • • • • • • (i)Chinook Salmon Juvenile Rearing Habitats (***) (ii)Chum Salmon Spawning and Incubation Habitats (*) (g)Natural Ice Processes Effects on Fish Populations and Their Habitats (***). . . • • •.'. (i)Effects of Natural Ice Proc- esses on Resident Fish (***). (ii)Effects of Natural Ice Processes on Salmon Juveniles (***)•••. (iii)Effects of Natural Ice Processes on Incubation of Embryos (***) 2.2.4 -Streams of Access Road Corridor (**) (a)Stream Crossings (**) (b)Streams Adjacent to Access Corridors (**). • . • . . 2.2.5 -Streams of the Transmission Corridors (**)•.••.• 2.3 -Anticipated Impacts To Aquatic Habitat (**) Page No. E-3-2-79 E-3-2-81 E-3-2-81 E-3-2-82 E-3-2-83 E-3-2-85 E-3-2-88 E-3-2-89 E-3-2-91 E-3-2-97 E-3-2-99 E-3-2-99 E-3-2-100 E-3-2-103 E-3-2-103 E-3-2-104 E-3-2-104 E-3-2-105 J 851021 2.3.1 -Anticipated Impacts to Aquatic Habitat Associated with Stage I Watana Dam (***).E-3-2-107 (a)Construction of Stage I Watana Dam and Related Facilities (***). • • •E-3-2-107 l.U. Title 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF OONTERTS (cont'd) '. (i)Stage I Watana Dam (***) (iO Construction and Operation of Stage I Watana Camp,Village and Airstrips (*) (b)Filling Stage I Watana Reservoi r (***)• • • • • (i)Watana Reservoir Inundation (***)•••••• (ii)Watana Dam to Talkeetna (*)• (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (*)• (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***)• (c)Operation of Stage I-Watana Dam (**) (i}Effec tso f S ta gel Watana Reservoir Operation (**) (ii)Watana Dam to Talkeetna (***) (iii)Talkeenta to Cook Inlet (***) (iv)Cook Inlet Estuary (***) (d)Summary of Impacts Associated with Watana Dam (**)•••••• ~(-i)construction'Impact~s~(**1 . (ii)Filling Impacts (**) (iii)Operation Impacts (**) 2.3.2 -AntiCipated Impacts to Aquatic Habitat Associated with Stage II Watana/Devi 1 Canyon Dam (***)•••••••••••• (a)Construction of Devil Canyon Dam (Stage II)and Related ~~~J!~c::JHt!,~~~L~J~H!'__!.'.'!'!.•..!......•.....!. (i)Devil Canyon Dam~~~~:"-::"~'---'(Stage II)('-"*--)---- (ii)Construction and Operation of Devil Canyon Camp and Village(*).• • • (b)Filling Devil Canyon Reservoir (*)• (i)Effects in Impoundment Area (*)..•...•.....~'~.••• O.i 5 Devil CatiY01:tr~to'Talkeenta R.each (***r ~.~... . (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***)• iv Page No. E-3-2-l07 ] E-3-2-114 ] E-3-2-117 E-3-2-119 ,JE-3-2-l20 E-3-2-l32 E-3-2-l37 ]E-3-2-l37 E-3-2-137 1E-3-2-l43 E-3-2:-l71 E-3-2-l76 'j E-3-2-l76 E-3-2-l76 E-3-2-l77 jE-3-2-l78 E-3-2-l80 ) ....E.::,J:-2:-J~1Q .1 E-3-2-l80 j E-3-2-183 E-3-2-l85 j E"'3"'2"'185 E;:"'j:"'2-186 jE-3-2-l88 E-3-2-189 j .1 1 II I I 1"1 ~I I JJ Title 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) (c)Effects of Operation of Stage II Watana/Devil Canyon Dam (**) (i)Effect of Operating Devil Canyon Reservoir (**) (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (**)•••. (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) (iv)Cook Inlet Estuary (***) (d)Summary of Impacts Associated with Devil Canyon Stage II Dam (**)••• (i)Construction Impacts (***) (ii)Reservoir Filling (**) (iii)Operation Impacts (**)••. 2.3.3 -Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitat Associated With Stage III Watana/Devi1 Canyon Dams (***).••..... (a)Construction Impacts Stage III (***) (i)Watana Stage III Con- struction Effects (***) (ii)Operation of Stage III Watana Camp,Village and Airfield (**)• • • • • . (b)Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of Filling Stage III Watana/Devi1 Canyon (***) (i)Watana Reservoir Filling (***)••• (ii)Devil Canyon to Tal kee tna (***) (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) (iv)Es tuary at Cook Inle t (***)• (c)Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of Operation of Stage III Watana/Devil Canyon Dams (***). • • (i)Impacts of Stage III Watana Reservoir Operation (***) (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (***)• • (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***)• v Page No. E-3-2-189 E-3-2-190 E-3-2-192 E-3-2-207 E-3-2-209 E-3-2-209 E-3-2-209 E-3-2-209 E-3-2-210 E-3-2-210 E-3-2-211 E-3-2-211 E-3-2-213 E-3-2-213 E-3-2-214 E-3-2-214 E-3-2-216 E-3~2-218 E-3-2-218 E-3-2-218 E-3-2-221 E-3-2-235 E-3-2-237 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTARICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Title (d)Summary of Impacts Associated with Stage III Watana Dam (***)••••. (i)construction Impacts (***) (ii)Filling (***)•••••• (iii)Operation (***)•...• 2.3.4 -Impacts Associated with Access Roads, Site Roads,and Railroads (**) (a)Construction (**)••••••• (i)Construction of Watana.Access Road and Auxiliary Roads (**) (ii)Construction of Devil Canyon Access Road and Auxiliary Roads (**)••.• (b).Use,and Maintenance of Roads (**) (i)Use and Maintenance of Watana Access Road and Auxiliary Roads (**)••.•.••.• (ii)Use and Maintenance of Devil Canyon Access Road,Site Roads and Railroad (**) 2.3.5 -Transmission Lines Impacts (**) (a)Construction of Transmission Line (**)•. (i)Stage I Wataria Dam (**)• (ii)Stage II Devil Canyon (**) (b)Operation of the Transmission Line (**)••• (i)Stage I Watana Dam (**)• (ii)Stage II Devil Canyon Dam and .-'Sfage-nr-WafanaI5am"(*"~) Page No. E-3-2-238 E-3-2-238 E-3-2-238 E-3-2-239 E-3-2-239 E-3-2-239 E-3-2-239 E-3-2-242 E-3-2-244 E-3-2-244 E-3-2-245 E~3-2-246 E-3-2-246 E-3-2-246 E-3-2-249 E-3-2-249 E-3-2-249 E=3=2"'250 I.J :'J , j 2.4 -Mitigation Issues and Mitigating Measures (**) 851021 2.4.1 -Approach to Mitigation (**) 2.4.2 -Selection of Project Evaluation Species (**)•• (a)Devil Canyon -to Cook Inlet Reach (**) (b)Ttnpoun.dlll.en.t Area (**)• • • • • • .··2.4.3-Mitigat ionof-"Const ruc t ion Impacts Upon Fish and Aquatic Habitats (*) vi E-3-2-25l E-3-2-251 E-3-2-252 E-3-2-254 E-3-2-255 E-3-2-256 ] j 1 ] 1 ] ,;. 1 Title 851021 2.4.4 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,.&BOTAIlICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) (a)Stream Crossings and Encroachments (*)•••• (i)Impact Issue(*) (ii)Mitigation(*)•• (b)Increased Fishing Pressure (*)• (i)Impact Issue (*)•••••• (ii)Mitigation (*)••••• (c)E ro sion Control (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (*)•••• (d)Material Removal (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (**)••••••• (e)Oil and Hazardous Material Spills (*) (i)Impact Issue (*)•••• (ii)Mitigation (*) (f)Water Removal (*)•••• (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (*) (g)Blasting (*)•••••• (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (*) (h)Susitna River Diversions (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (*) (i)Water Quality Changes (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) (ii)Mitigation (*)•••• (j)Clearing the Impoundment Area (*) (i)Statement of Issue (*) (ii)Migitation (*) -Mitigation of Filling and Operation Impacts (***)• • (a)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Flow Regime (***) (i)Impact Issue (***) (ii)Measures to Avoid Impacts (***)• • • (iii)Measures to Minimize Impacts (***)•••••••• (iv)Rectification of Impacts (**) vii Page No. E-3-2-257 E-3-2-257 E-3-2-257 E-3-2-259 E-3-2-259 E-3-2-259 E-3-2-259 E-3-2-259 E-3-2-260 E-3-2-260 E-3-2-260 E-3-2-26l E-3-2-262 E-3-2-262 E-3-2-262 E-3-2-263 E-3-2-263 E-3-2-263 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-264 E-3-2-265 E-3-2-265 E-3-2-265 E-3-2-265 E-3....2-265 E-3-2-265 E-3-2-266 E-3-2-266 E-3-2-266 E-3-2-267 E-3-2-268 E-3-2-271 EXHIBITE -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS (co nt 'd) Title (v)Reduction of Impacts Over Time (0)• • • • • • • • (vi)Compensation for Impacts (**) (b)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Altered Water Temperature Regime (*)•••.• (i)Impact Issue (*)••••• (ii)Measures to Avoid Impacts (0) (iii)Measures to Minimize Impac ts (*)• • • • . • • (c)Mitigation of Inundation ~mpacts on, Mainstem and Tributary Habitats (**) (0 Impact Is.sue (**)• • • • .(ii)Measures to Avoid Impacts (0) (iii)Measures to Minimize !mpacts (*)• • • • (iv)Measures to Rectify Impacts (*)• • • • • • • • • (v)Reduction of Impacts (0) vi Compensation for Impacts ~***). . . • . . (d)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Nitrogen Supersaturation (0)•••• (i)Impact Issue (0)•••••.• (ii)Measures to Avoid Impacts (0) (iii)Measures to Minimize !mpacts (0)••~•• 2.4.S-Cumu1-ativeEffectiveness-of ........._-_..___-..__.._---·Mi-t-i.ga.t-ions--~o-)_··•.-•...•-.-•.-•._-•._.•-......_-•..-•..•.. (a)Construction Mitigation (0) (b)Operation Mitigation (**) (i)Mitigations of Access and Impoundment Impacts (**) (ii)Mitigation of .DC:>WI.l.~.t.re~III..Imp ac t s 2.5 ...Aquatic Studies Program (~*) 2.5.1 -Preconstruction Phase (**) 2.5.2 -Construction Phase (*) 2.5.3 -Filling and Operation Phases (0) 851021 viii .._.._..._.-..._.._.._...._.._.•.....__.....__....-._._._.--- EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CORTERTS (co nt 'd) Title 2.6 -Monitoring Studies (**)•••• 2.6.1 -Construction Monitoring (***) 2.6.2 -Long-term Monitoring (***) 2.6.3 -Long-term Monitoring Elements (***) (a)Dissolved Gas Supersaturation (***). (b)Temperature/Ice (***)• • • • (c)Turbidity/Sediment (***)•• (d)Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fish (***)•••••• (e)Dissolved Oxygen,pH,Organic Nitrogen (Total,Particulate - Organic and Inorganic,and Dis- solved),and Phosphorus (Total, Particulate -Organic and Inorganic,and Dissolved)(***) (f)Water Quantity(***)••••• (g)Fish Resources·(***)• • • • • • (i)Impoundment Area (***) (ii)Areas Downstream of the Project (***)• (h)Monitoring of Structural Habitat Modifications (***)•••••••• (i)Fluvial Geomorphology (***) (j)Special Monitoring Studies (***) (k)Contingency Planning (***) 2.7 -Cost of Mitigation (***) 2.8 -Agency Consultation on Fisheries Mitigation Measures (*'*)•.••••.•••..••. 2.8.1 -u.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (**)• (a)Construction Mitigations (0)• (b)Operation Mitigations (**)• • • (i)Reservoir Mitigations (**) (ii)Downstream Mitigations (**) 2.8.2 -Alaska Department of Fish and Game (**)• 2.8.3 -Alaska Department of Natural Resources (**) 2.8.4 -National Marine Fisheries Service (***)• Page No. E-3-2-287 E-3-2-288 E-3-2-292 E-3-2-294 E-3-2-295 E-3-2-296 E-3-2-298 E-3-2-299 :I E-3-2-301 E-3-2-301 E-3-2-302 E-3-3-302 E-3-2-302 E-3-2-308 E-3-2-309 E-3-2-310 E-3-2-310 E-3-2-310 E-3-2-311 E-3-2-311 E-3-2-311 E-3-2-312 E-3-2-312 E-3-2-312 E-3-2-314 E-3-2-316 E-3-2-316 851021 ix Nwnber E.3.2.1 E.3.2.2 E.3.2.3 E.3.2.4 E.3.2.5 E.3.2.6 E.3.2.8 E.3.2.9 E.3.2.11 SUSITNA.·BYDROELEcrR.IC PROJECT LICEBSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT E·-CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL BESOUR.CES LIST OF TABLES Title OOMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF FISH SPECIES RE OORDED FROM THE SUSITNA BASIN COMMERCIAL CATCH OF UPPER COOK INLET SALIDN IN NUMBERS OF FISH BY SPECIES,1954-1984 SUMMARY OF COMMERCIAL AND SPORT HARVESTS ON SUSITNA RIVER BASIN ADULT SALMON RETURNS ANNUAL SUSITNA BASIN SPORT FISH HARVEST AND EFFORT BY FISHERY AND SPECIES,1978-1983 SPORT FISH HARVEST FOR SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA AND SUSITNA BASIN IN NUMBERS OF FISH BY SPECIES,1978-1983 ESCAPEMENTS BY SPECIES AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS FOR 1981-84 ANAliYSI:S'OF~~GFH-IDOK~SALM}N.AGE ..DATA'BY .PERCENT FR0M ESCAPEMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUS ITNA RIVER STATIONS CHIOOOK SALMON PEAK SURVEY ESCAPEMENT OOUNTS OF SUSITNA RIVER BASIN STREAMS FROM 1976 TO 1984 CHIOOOK SALIDN PEAK ES CAPE ME NT OOUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY SJ'~AJ1S.A:ao V~.R:rYERMILE ..9.a.9...... --_......__.... NUMBER OF FISH,MEAN LENGTH,AND RANGE OF LENGTHS FOR AGE 0+CHINOOK SALMON BY SAMPLING PERIOD ON THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN TALKEETNA AND DEVIL CANYON ANALYSIS OF SOCKEYE SALIDN AGE DATA BY PERCENT FROM ESCAPEMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUS ITNA RIVER STATIONS' J 'j ,1 J 1 ,.)" ~l i'j !"l ,) I ) l I 1 ! Number E.3 .2.12 E.3.2.13 E.3.2.14 E.3.2.15 E.302.16 E.3 0 2.17 E.3.2.18 E.3.2.19 E.3.2.20 E.3.2.21 E.3.2.22 E.3.2.23 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,W~DLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES LIST OF ~LES (cont'd) Table ESTIMATED SOCKEYE SALMON ESCAPEMENTS TO SLOUGHS ABOVE RIVERMILE 98.6 SUMMARY OF LENGTHS OF AGES 0+AND 1+JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON BY SAMPLING PERIOD DURING 1984 ANALYSIS OF COHO SALMON AGE DATA BY PERCENT FROM ESCAPEMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUSITNA RIVER STATIONS COHO SALMON PEAK ESCAPEMENT OJUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY STREAMS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 NUMBER OF FISH,MEAN LENGTH,AND RANGE OF LENGTHS FOR COHO SALMON BY SAMPLING PERIOD ON THE SUSITNA RIVER DURING 1984 ANALYSIS OF CHUM SALMON AGE DATA BY PERCENT FROM ESCAPEMENT.SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUS ITNA RIVER STATIONS CHUM SALIDN PEAK ESCAPEMENT COUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY STREAMS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 ESTIMATED CHUM SALMON ES CAPE ME NT S TO SLOUGHS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 PINK SALMON PEAK ESCAPEMENT OJUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY STREAMS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 FISH SPECIES INHABITING STREAMS WITH IN THE ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION LINE CORRIDORS FISH SPECIES INHABITING LAKES WITHIN THE ACCESS AND TRANSMI S SI ON LINE CO RRI DORS ARCTIC GRAYLING HOOK AND LINE CATCH IN TRIBUTARIES WITHIN THE IMPOUNDMENT ZONE BY LOCATION AND MONTH xi EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER.3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES LIST OF TABLES (cont'd)j ) Number E.3.2.24 E.3.2.25 E.3.2.26 Table ARCTIC GRAYLING POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR THE REACH OF MAJOR TRIBUTARIES IN THE WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON IMPO UNDMENT AREAS PETERSEN POPULATION ESTIMATE FOR ARCTIC GRAYLING BY AGE GROUP IN THE WATANA IMPOUNDMENT AREA,SUMMER 1982 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INFLUENCE OF MAINSTEM FLOW AND WATER QUALITY ON CHARACTERISTICS OF AQUATIC HABITAT TYPES ) I )- ;~1 E.3.2.27 E.3.2.28 E.3 .2.29 E.3.2.30 E.3.2.31 E.3.2.32 LOCATIONS OF NAMED TRIBUTARIES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER IN THE RESERVOIR AREA IMPORTANT USES OF HABITAT TYPES BY EVALUATION SPECIES TOTAL SURFACE AREAS BY HABITAT TYPE WITHIN THE TALKEETNA-DEVIL CANYON REACH OF THE SUS ITNA-RIVER MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III ,\ 'I !~\ I OJ E.3.2.33 MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV I I ) ) ) J I 1 i MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V xii E.3.2.34 MIDDLE RIVER SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI E.3.2.36 MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESE NT ATI VE GROUP VII E.3.2.37 MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII E.3.2.38 MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX E.3.2.39 MIDDLE R.IVERHABI'1'AT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP X 851021 Number E.3.2.40 E.3.2 .41 E.3.2.42 E.3.2.43 E.3.2.44 Ed.2.45 E.3.2.46 E.3.2.47 E.3.2.48 E.3.2.49 E.3.2.50 E.3.2.51 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES LIST OF ~tEs (cont'd) Table PRIMARY urILIZATION OF SENSITIVE HABITAT TYPES BY EVALUATION SPECIES roVER SUITABILITY CRITERIA REOOMMENDED FOR USE IN JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT UNDER CLEAR AND TURBID WATER OONDITIONS JUVENILE CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AVAILABILITY AT IFG AND RJHAB MODELED SITES RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG ANDDIHAB MODELLED SITES RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT (WUA PER 1000 SQ.FT.) AT IFG AND DIHAB MODELED SITES INCLUDED IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS (RG)2,3,AND 4 RESPONSE FOR CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA TO DISCHARGE IN EACH OF THE REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS TOTAL CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AREA RESPONSE TO DISCHARGE IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS AND IN REPRESENTATIVE GRO UP S 2,3,AND 4 RESPONSE OF MIDDLE RIVER CHUM SPAWNING AREA REPRESENTED IN IFG AND DIHAB MODELLED SITES RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENrATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 TOTAL CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME SUMMARY OF LOCAL AND MAINSTEM DISCHARGES AT SUCCESSFUL AND UNSUCESSFUL TIiRESHOLDS FOR CHUM SALMON ACCESS TO SPAWNING HABITATS xiii EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH"WILDLIFE,&BOTANI CAL RESOURCES --'----E.,3..2 -.,-58------,-.WATER--BODIES-TO--BE':"CROSSE-D~BY-TH'E-SUS-rT NA TRANSM'fS SION LINE (HEALY TO FAIRBANKS) Number E.3.2.52 E.3.2.53 E.3.2.54 E.3.2.55 E.3.2.56 E.3.2.57 E.3.2.59 E.3.2.60 E.3.2.61 E.3.2.62 E.3.2.63 851021 LIST OF ~LES (cont'd) Table TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MODELLED SITES DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2, 3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABI TAT AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2, 3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME STREAMS CROSSED BY DENALI HIGHWAY (CANTWELL TO WATANA ACCESS JUNCTION) WATER BODIES TO BE CROSSEP BY THE SUSITNA TRANSMISSION LINE (ANCHORAGE TO WILLOW) FLOW CONSTRAINTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT CASE E-VI ESTIMATED MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,AT GOLD CREEK DURING FILLING OF STAGE I -WATANA RESERVOIR ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 2 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY, AVERAGE,AND WET OONDITIONS ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE,AND WET OONDITIONS OOMPARISON OF PASSAGE,OONDITIONS OF PASSAGE REACHES AmcTEIY-BY-"MA:I'N'STEM DISCHARGE---UNDER 'NA i'iJRAt AND FIL LI NG WET OONDITIONS FOR DRY,AVERAGE,AND WET YEARS ' xiv ) .') I, ,) ') )- '1 1 ,} J ) ) f ',I !l "I .1 ) l \ Number E.3.2.64 E.3.2.65 E.3.2.66 E.3.2.67 E.3.2.68 E.3.2.69 E.3.2.70 E.3.2.71 E.3.2.72 E.3 .2.73 E.3.2.74 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER.3 FISH,WTI.DLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Table ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN MODELED SITES DUE TO FILLING OF THE WATANA -STAGE I RESERVOIR ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP'2 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY, AVERAGE,AND WET roNDITIONS ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATI VE GROUP 3 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET roND ITIONS ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 4 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY, AVERAGE,AND WET roNDITIONS ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN AGGREGATE AREA OF REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE,AND WET CONDITIONS PERIPHYTON GENERA EXPECTED TO COMPOSE THE MAJORI TY OF AUFWUCHS COMMUNITIES IN MAINSTEM AND PERIPHERAL HABITATS WITH SOLID SUBSTRATES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA WEIGHTED USABLE .AREAS AND HABITAT INDICES FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON IN LOWER SUSITNA RIVER MODEL SITES SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF STAGE I FILLING FLOWS ON JUVENILE CHINOOK REARING HABITATS IN THE LOWER SUSITNA RIVER FROM TALKEETNA TO roOK INLET FEATURES OF NAMED TRIBUTARIES IN THE STAGE I -WATANA RESERVOIR AREA IDN1HLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK (CFS)DURING STAGE I OPERATION TOTAL CHUDOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIMES AND,WINTER 1981-82 CLIMATE DATA xv Number E.3.2.75 E.3.2.76 E.3.2.77 E.3.2.78 E.3.2.79 E.3.2.80 E.3.2.81 .E.3.2.82 E.3.2.83 E.3.2.84 -cE.3.2.85 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER.3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES LIST OF T&BLES (cont'd) Table '!OTAL CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME SUMMARY OF ACCESS OONDITIONS FOR THE CHUM SPAWNING SITES DURING STAGE I OPERATION BASED ON MEAN AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW,MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES DURING SUMMER MONTHS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2 ,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIMES '!OTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,. ...l,.AND 4:£\.vA:r:I.~~LE FORINCUBAJ·JQ~QJf~I1BR~(Q..Q.J2QR:rNG .. EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIMES SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,STAGE I WEATHER PERIOD: SUMMER 1981,STAGED CONSTRUCTION,CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS ,STAGE·I SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,WEA1HER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982,2001 ENERGY DEMANDS,CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS, STAGED "'CONS TRUCTIO-N;-S-TAGET--'..---....-..-------...- STREAM TEMPERATURES,WEAnIER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981, NATURAL CONDITIONS STREAM TEMPERATURES,WEA1HER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982, NATURAL CONDITIONS MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES FOR CASE E-VIFLOW -CONSTRAI--NTS,----I-NFI.OW---TEMPERA-l'uRE-MATGalNGSl'AGE I FLOW, AND WINTER 1981-82 CLIMATE DATA xvi J J 'I 1 1 )- ) ) ,·-1 ,) ] ) (\ I ,I .1 I ) \ j Number E.3.2.86 E.3.2.87 E.3.2.88 E.3.2.89 E.3.2.90 E.3.2.91 E.3.2.92 E.3.2.93 E.3.2.94 E.3.2.95 E.3.2.96 E.3.2.97 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 ,FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTABICAL RESOURCES LIST OF ~LES (cont'd) Table NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT OONCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDITY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT WATANA RESERVOIR DURING STAGE I OPERATIONS MO NTHLY MAX IMUM,MI NIMUM,AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUN SH INE (CFS),STAGE I -WATANA LOW OPERATIONS MONlHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUSITNA (CFS)STATION,STAGE I -WATANA LOW OPERATION JUVENILE CHIIDOK REARING HABITAT INDEX VALUE FOR MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE AT THE SUNSHINE STAroN UNDER THE NATURAL AND STAGE I OPERATING FLOW REGIMES TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF SELECTED TRIBUTARIES OF THE PROPOSED DEVIL CANYON IMPOUNDMENT,1982 MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT DEVIL CANYON (CFS),STAGE II -WATANA·(LOW)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABI TAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME SUMMARY OF ACCESS OONDITIONS FOR CHUM SPAWNING SITES DURING STAGE II OPERATION BASED ON MEAN,MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AVERAGE M:>NlHLY FLOWS TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES DURING SUMMER MONTHS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIMES TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT'AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME xvii EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER.3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTARICAL RESOURCES ·E;3;Z;TOo······.MONTHLYMAXIMUM;··MINIMUM;ANDMEAN··FLOWSAT··GOLD CREEK .~..-..--.~--__.··-···-·······-·-------(CFS-),·STA(m-I-n---WATkNA-(H·!"mi-)--~DE-VI-L--C.kNY0·N-···..--_.. OPERATIONS Number E.3.2.98 E.3.2.99 E.3.2.100 E.3.2.101 E.3.2.102 E.3.2.103 E.3.2.104 E.3.2.105 E.3.2.107 E.3.2.108 851021 LIST OF ~LES (cont'd) Table TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2, 3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIMES SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,WEA 1HER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981,CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS,STAGE II FLOW REGIME SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982,2002 CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS,STAGE II FLOW REGIME MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES,FLOW CASE E-VI, INFLOW-MATCHING,STAGE II FLOW REGIME NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN t-DN1HLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT <DNCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDITY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR DURING STAGE II OPERATION M:lN1HLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM,AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUNSHINE (CFS),STAGE II -WATANA (LOW)-DEVIL CANYON OP1:RATIO NS MONTHLY MAXIMUM ,MINIMUM,AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUSITNA .STATION (CFS),STAGE II -WATANA (LOW)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS FEATURES OF SELECTED TRIBUTARIES WITHIN 1HE STAGE III WATANA IMPOUNDMENT TOTAL CHIIDOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIMES TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROtJP8DURINGSUMMERWEEKS UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIME xviii .l j ! rl I I. f Number E.3.2.109 E.3.2.110 E.3.2.111 E.3.2.112 E.3.2.113 E.3.2.114 E.3.2.115 E.3.2.116 E.3.2.117 E.3.2.118 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDL~,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF ~LES (cont'd) Table TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIME SUMMARY OF ACCESS illNDITIONS FOR CHUM SPAWNING SITES DURING STAGE II OPERATION BASED ON MEAN,MAXIMUM,AND MINIMUM AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MIDEL SITES DURING SUMMER MONTHS UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIMES TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIME TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2, 3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARL Y WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE III FLOW RE GIMES SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,STAGE III,WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981,CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS, STAGED CONSTRUCTION,SQ.FT.DRAWDOWN AT DEVIL CANYON,2 LEVELS OF PORTS SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES,STAGE III,WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982,CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS, STAGED CONSTRUCTION,SQ.FT.DRAWDOWN AT DEVIL CANYON,2 LEVELS OF PORTS MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES,CASE E-VI FLOW ill NSTRAINTS ,INFLOW TEMPERATURE-MATCHING,AND WINTER 1981-82,CLIMATE DATA xix -...-~----.--.-----·-·-~--E·:·-3-:-2~r27--~--------ARCTIC'-GRA"YLING"POPULATION ESTIMATES IN SELECTED' TRIBUTARIES OF THE WATANA IMPOUNDMENT ZONE Number E.3.2.1l9 E.3.2.120 E.3.2.121 E.3.2.122 E.3.2.123 E.3.2.124 E.3.2.125 E.3.2.126 E.3.2.128 E.3.2.129 E.3.2.130 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF TABLES (co nt I d) Table NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT OONCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDI'IY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR DURING STAGE III OPERATION MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUNSHINE (CFS),STAGE III -WATANA (HIGH)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUSITNA STATION (CFS),STAGE -III -WATANA (HIGH)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS JUVENILE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT INDEX VAbUES FOR MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE AT THE SUNSHINE STATION 11 UNDER THE NATURAL AND STAGE III OPERATING FLOW REGIMES IMPACT ISSUES AND PROPOSED MITIGATION FEATURES FOR ANTICIPATED FILLING AND OPERATIONAL IMPACTS TO AQUATIC HABITATS,S USITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ESTIMATED OOST FOR WATER QUALITY AND FISHERIES M()NI-'l'(}Ri-NG-{I~N-1-98S~-DOLLARS-)-DURING~CONS'l'RUC-'I'ION (1986 TO 2012) ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME STANDARDS FOR BLASTING NEAR AN ANADROMOUS FISH STREAM MEASURED IN FEEt!1 PROPOSED FISHERIES MITIGATIONS WITH ESTIMATED CAPITAL AND ANNUAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE OOSTS,----.".'._--_.__..'......•-,....,'---,-.-.,--"-"-'-'-',,_-....•._.__._._-,-_,.__•....,.__..-._..,"_._----._~----_.,."_._..•__.___.__._- ARCTIC GRAYLING POPULATION ESTIMATES IN SELECTED TRIBUTARIES OF THE DEVIL CANYON IMPOUNDMENT ZONE ANNUAL OPERA'l'ING COSTS OF LONG-TERM MONITORING PROGRAM IN 1985 -DOLLARS SCHEDULE FOR LONG-TERM AQUATIC IDNITORING PLAN xx 1 J 1 j \ 1 I I J \ ) I J I,l 1 .1 Number E.3.2.131 E.3.2.132 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANI~·RESOURCES LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Table SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED OOSTS FOR HABITAT IDDIFICATION MEASURES IN SELECTED SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTING AQUATIC MITIGATION PROGRAM xx~ Number E.3.2.1 E.3.2.2 E.3.2.3 E.3.2.4 E.3.2.5 E.3.2.6 E.3.2.7 -E.3-.2.8 E.3.2.9 E.3.2.10 E.3.2.11 ,,:::::,:=3".:,:2.12 EXHIBIT E CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&:B01'ANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF FIGURE S Title UPPER,MIDDLE AND LOWER DRAINAGE OF THE SUSITNA PROJECT AREA S USITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES FROM MOUTH TO LITTLE WILLOW CREEK SUSITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBurARIES FROM IDNTANA CREEK TO DEVIL CANYON SUSITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES FROM DEVIL CANYON TO DENALI HIGHWAY POPULATION ESTIMATES OF ADULT SALIDN IN SUSITNA RIVER UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL SALIDN MANAGEMENT AREA TIMING OF LIFE STAGES OF SALIDN IN THE SUSITNA RIVER ,FROM TALKEETNA 'ID DEVIL CANYON SLOUGH AND'l'RI-BUTAR¥INDEX AREA,PEAKSPAWNINGOOUN'l'S SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA,PEAK SPAWNING CDUNTS SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA,PEAK SPAWNING CDUNTS SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA,PEAK SPAWNING CDUNTS I ! I l t \' j j ..1 I j J E.3.2.14 E.3.2.15 E.3.2.16 851021 STREAM CROSSING SITES ALONG THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WATANA ACCESS CORRIDOR STREAM CROSSING SITES ALONG THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WATANA ACCE;SS CORRIDOR,INCL UDING THREE STUDY REACHES OF DEADMAN CREEK STREAM CROSSING SITES ALONG THE EASTERN PORTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVIL CANYON ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR xxii ) 1 I 1 •.I Number E.3.2.17 E.302.18 E.3.2.19 E.3 0 2o20 E.3.2.21 E.3.2.22 E.3.2.23 E.3.2.24 E.3.2.25 E.3.2.26 E.3.2.27 E.3.2.28 E.3.2.29 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) Title STREAM CROSSING SITES ALONG THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVIL CANYON ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR,AND THE PROPOSED GOLD CREEK RAIL ACCESS CO RRI OOR DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE S USITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 101 TO 102 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE S USITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 102 TO 104 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN mE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 105 TO 107 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 108 TO 110 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE III TO 112 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 113 TO 115 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 116 TO 118 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE S USITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 119 TO 121 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 122 TO 124 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN mE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 124 TO 126 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN mE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 127 TO 129 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN mE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 130 TO 132 xxiii EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES 'l \ I \ .\ 1- I J \ j 1 ! .') \ DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREA IN 'IRE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 136 TO 138 LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREA IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 144 TO 146 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREA IN 'IRE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 142 TO 144 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 133 TO 136 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREA IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 139 TO 141 DENSI1Y DISTRIBUTION OF JUVENILE COHO SALMON BY MICROHABITAT TYPE ON THE SUSITNA BETWEEN THE CHULITNA RIVER CONFLUENCE AND DEV.IL CANYON,MAY 1HROUGH NOVEMBER,1983. Title JUVENILE CHIIDOK SALIDN MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT SIDE SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS BY SAMPL~NG PERIOD,MAY THROUGH roVEMBER,1983. DENSI1Y DISTRIBUTION OF JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON BY .~.~MICROHABITAT.1YPEONTHE~SUSITNARIVER.BETWEEN·THE .. CHULITNA RIVER 00 NFLJmlLGE_A1l!D_D.E.YIL_..cANY.QN.,__MAY___._ THROUGH OCTOBER 1983. E.3.2.39 E.3.2.38 E.3 .2.37 E.3.2.30 E.3.2.35 E.3.2.31 E.3.2.34 E.3.2.32 Number E.3.2.33 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREA IN 'IRE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER,RIVER MILE 147 TO 149 E.3.2.36 DENSITY DISTRIBUTION AND JUVENILE CHIIDOK SALMON BY MICROHABITAT 1YPE ON THE SUSITNA,RIVER BETWEEN THE c~~~---_c~~~-~-'-'~~~~--CHULITNA"~RIVER~ooNFLUENCE~AND--DEVIL CANYON;11A.Y~ THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983. E.3.2.40 --~.-._"'--""~""--""--'- DENSITY DISTRIBUTION OF JUVENILE CHUM SALMON BY __.,~_••..,_"',_._.__".,,",._,,_..__••.,•••.•"-~__.•"_..•__,.~".•_.,,.0--'"_..,,_.....__._.•_..._..~._"._,,_._,__..•..'""""."•••',"",.'..__•__••_""'..__ MICROHABITAT 1YPE ON THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN THE CHULITNA.RIVER ooNFLUENCE AND DEVIL CANYON,MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983 i .\ 851021 xxiv ,I~i :IIJ Number E.3.2.41 E.3.2.42 E.3.2.43 E.3.2.44 E:.3.2.45 E.3.2.46 E.3.2.47 E.3.2.48 E.3.2.49 E.3.2.50 E.3.2~51 E.3.2.52 E.3.2.53 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,1ilILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) Title JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT THREE MICROHABITATS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH OC1DBER, 1983 JUVENILE mHO SALIDN MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT SIDE SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983 JUVENILE CHUM SALIDN MEAN CATCH PER ALL .AT THE FOUR MACROHABITATS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH OC1DBER, 1983 SURFACE AREA RESPONSES TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA.-1D-DEVIL CANYON REACH OF THE SUSITNA. FLOW CHART FOR CLASSIFYING THE TRANSFORMATION OF AQUATIC HABITAT 'IYPES BETWEEN TWO FLOWS JUVENILE CHIOOOK SALIDN SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR DEPTH APPLICABLE 1D CLEAR AND TURBID WATER HABITATS JUVENILE CHIOOOK SALMON SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR VELOCITY APPLICABLE TO CLEAR AND TURBID WATER HABITATS mVER SUITABILITY CRITERIA RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN MODELING JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT UNDER CLEAR AND TURBID WATER mNDITIONS DEPTH SUITABILITY CURVE FOR CHUM SALIDN SPAWNING VELOCI'IY SUITABILI'IY CURVE FOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING COMBINED SUBSTRATE/UPWELLING SUITABILI'IY CURVE FOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING JUVENILE CHlOOOK HABITAT QUALITY RESPONSES TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE FOR MODELLED SITES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA. RIVER TOTAL HABITAT AREA RESPONSE CURVES IN CHUM SPAWNING SITES USING IFG AND DlHAB MODELS xxv ..--.-..-...-....--...-.....-....·-----E-.3.2.6:3-----------RE-S.P0NS-E-0F--(3H-UM-·S-PAWN-ING--ARE-A-T0---F-I:i0W---IN----·--·-·--·-·-..--.----.. REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 Number E.3.2.54 E.3.2.55 E.3.2.56 E.3 .2.57 E.3.2.58 E.3·.2.59 E.3.2.60 E.3.2.61 E.3.2.62 E.3.2.64 E.3 .2.65 ..----.- E.3.2.66 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL,RESOURCES .LIST OF FIGURES (co nt 'd) Title HABITAT QUALI1Y RESPONSE OF CHUM SALIDN AREAS (MODELED SITES) ADJUSTMENT OF THE WEIGHTED USABLE AREA (WUA)CURVE OF A MODELED SPECIFIC AREA TO SYNTHESIZE THE WUA CURVE OF A NONMDDELED SPECIFIC AREA TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENCES IN STRUCTURAL HABITAr QUALITY BETWEEN THE TWO SPECIFIC AREAS CUMULATIVE JUVENILE CHIOOOK HABITAT AREA RESPONSE TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN EACH REPRESENTATIVE GROUP RESPONSE OF REARING HABITAT AREA TO FLOW IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE.GROUP.S COMBI NED RESPONSE OF REARING HABITAT AREA TO FLOW IN REPRES ENTATIVEGROUPS 2,3,4 RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING AREA TO FLOW IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING AREA TO FLOW IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 2 RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING AREA TO FLOW IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 3 RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING AREA TO FLOW IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 4 CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA.UNDER NATURAL.FLOW_REGIME IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 SALM:>N PASSAGE CRITERIA THRESHOLDS xxvi Number E.3.2.67 E.3.2.68 E.3.2.69 E.3.2.70 E.3.2.71 E.3 .2.72 E.3.2.73 E.3.2.74 E.3.2.75 E.3.2.76 E.3 .2.77 E.3.2.78 E.3.2.79 E.3.2.80 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES .LIST OF FIGURES {cant 'd) Title CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN IFG AND DIHAB IDDEL SITES UNDER NA TURAL FLOW REGIME CHUM SPAWNING AREA,IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER NATURAL FLOWS CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN IFG AND DIHAB IDDEL SITES UNDER NATURAL FLOWS CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER NATURAL FLOWS WATER BODIES TO BE INUNDATED BY STAGE I WATANA RESERVOIR WATANA RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE DURING INITIAL FILLING JUVENILE CHINOOK WEIGHTED USABLE AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE SITES LOCATED IN THE LOWER RIVER WATANA WATER SURFACE ELEVATION IDN1HLY SUMMARY CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS CHIOOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN IFG AND DIHAB IDDEL SITES UNDER STAGE I FLOWS CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER STAGE I FLOWS CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN IFG AND DIHAB IDDEL SITES UNDER STAGE I FLOWS CH UM INCUBATION AREA IN REP RES E NTATI VE GRO UPS 2,3,4 UNDER STAGE I FLOWS xxvii EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL.RESOURCES Number E.3.2.81 E.3.2.82 E.3.2.83 E.3.2.84 E.3.2.85 E.3.2.86 E.3.2.87 E.3.2.88 E.3.2.89 E.3.2.90 E.3.2.91 LIST O~FIGURES (cont'd) Title STAGE I WATANA RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE SUSITNA RIVER PROGRESSION OF ICE FRONT AND ZERO DEGREE ISOTHERM AGGREGATE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT QUALITY INDEX FOR LOWER RIVER SIDE CHANNEL/SIDE SLOUGH HABITATS AGGREGATE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT QUALITY INDEX FOR LOWER RIVER TRIBUTARY MOUTH HABITATS WATER BODIES TO BE INUNDATED BYL STAGE II DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR DEVIL CANYON WATER SURFACE ELEVATION,M:lNTHLY SUMMARY WATANA WATER SURFACE ELEVATION,IDNTHLY SUMMARY CHINOOK REARING HABITAT -AREA UNDER STAGE"II FLOW REGIME IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN IFG AND DlHAB IDDEL SITES UNDER STAGE II FLOWS CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER STAGE II FLOWS -·~~~-~~-·~E-;-3--;;·2-;-92~-~--~-~-.--CH-UM-r_NeuBAT-r0N~~ARE_A-r_N-r_F~-AND-DIHkB~~illDEI:;~-S-I~'I'E_S-~-~~~-­ UNDER STAGE II FL OWS E.3.2.93 CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER STAGE II FLOWS E.3.2.94 SIMULATED S USITNARIVERcTEMPERATURES,RIVER MILE 150 E"3,,2.-95--~...-~-SIMULATED--SUSI'fNA'-RIVER-TEMPERATURES,RIVER MILE 130 E.•3.2.96 SIMULATED SUSITNA RIVER TEMPERATURES,RIVER MILE 100 851021 xxviii ( I j l ·1 ..(. Number E.3.2.97 E.3.2.98 E.3.2.99 E.3.2.100 E.3.2.101 E.3.2.102 E.3.2.103 E.3.2.104 E.3.2.105 E.3.2.106 E.3.2.107 E.3.2.108 E.3.2.109 E.3.2.110 E.3.2.111 E.3.2.112 851021 EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH,WILDLIFE,&BOTANICAL RESOURCES LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) Title S USI TNA RI VER PRO GRES S IO N OF I CE FRO NT AND ZERO DE GREE ISOTERM TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR CHIIDOK SALM:>N TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR SOCKEYE SALM:>N TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR mHO SALMON TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR CHUM SALM:>N TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR PINK SALM:>N WATER BODIES TO BE INUNDATED BY STAGE III WATANA RESERVOIR WATANA WATER SURFACE ELEVATION MONTHLY SUMMARY DEVIL CANYON WATER SURFACE ELEVATION,M:>"NTHLY SUMMARY CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIME IN ALL RE PRES ENTA TlVE GROUPS CHUDOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIME IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS rn:lmOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIME IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIME IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOWS CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN IFG AND DlHAB MODEL SITES UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOWS CHUM SPAWNING AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOWS xxvix EXHIBIT E -CHAPTER 3 FISH~WILDLIFE ~&BOTANICAL RESOURCE LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) Number Title'..::.:;..:;,:;;,.~----------------- E.3.2.113 CHUM,SPAWNING AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4, UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOWS E.3.2.114 CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN IFG AND DlHAB MODEL SITES UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOWS E.3.2.115 CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN IFG AND DlHAB MODEL SITES UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOWS E.3.2.116 CHUM INCUBATION IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOWS E.3.2.117 CHUM INCUBATION AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,4 .'m'lDER .LATE STAGE III ..FLOWS E.3.2.118 SUSITNA RIVER PROGRESSION OF ICE FRONT &ZERO DEGREE ISOTHERM E.3.2.119 DIAGRAM OF FISH STREAM .CROSSING _'Il:!3~-!-1~0 ."~RE!ll\BIL_I.'I'k.TEl>_~O~J>W·SI1''Il:..~ E.3.2.121 FISH PASSAGE MITIGATION UTILIZING BARRIERS E.3.2.122 FISH PASSAGE MITIGATION BY MOD:rFYING CHANNEL WIDTH E.3.2.123 OVERTOPPINGPREVE:Nr,rION MITIGATION BY INCREASING BERM HEIGHT l .\ 1 \ ~ 1 1 J ,\ 1 I } E.3.2.125 851021 .....FLOW"CHART FOR-RANKING'STTES:FORMITIGATION DECISION'''' OONCENTRATIONS OF DISSOLVED GASSES IN DEVIL CANYON RAPIDS COMPLEX xxx i i I 2 -FISH RESOURCES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER DRAINAGE (**) 2.1 -Overview of the Resources (**) 2.1.1 -Description of the Study Area for Fish Resources (**) The study area for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project fish studies includes the Susitna River mainstem,side channels,side sloughs,upland sloughs and tributaries (Figure E.3.2.l).From the terminus of Susitna Glacier in the Alaska Mountain Range to its mouth in Cook Inlet,the Susitna River flows approximately 318 miles (530 km)and drains 19,600 square miles (50,900 square kilometers).The mainstem and major tributaries of the Susitna River,including the Maclaren,Chulitna,Talkeetna and Yentna Rivers,originate in glaciers and carry a heavy load of glacial flour during the ice-free months.There are many smaller,clear water tributaries that are perennially silt-free,except during floodflows,including Tyone River,Oshetna River,Portage Creek, Indian River,Kroto Creek (Deshka River)and Alexander Creek (Figures E.3.2.2 to E.3.244). Streamflow is characterized by moderate to high flows between May and September and low flows from October to April.High summer discharges result from snowmelt,rainfall and glacial melt. Winter flows are almost entirely ground water inflow (see Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 2.2.3).Freezeup begins in the higher regions in early October,and most of the river is ice free by late May. Three study reaches have been defined for baseline data gathering and impact analysis based upon stream morphology,flow regime and anticipated impacts.These study reaches are:the impoundment from the Oshetna River (River Mile RM 236)to Devil Canyon (RM 152);Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (RM 98);and Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (RM 0).These are commonly referred to as the impoundment zone and the middle and lower river reaches,respectively. The Susitna River upstream of the Watana Reservoir will not be affected by the project and,therefore,is not included in the study area.In the impoundment zones (Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs),the existing flowing water habitats will become lake-like habitats in the reservoirs.Although fish resources will continue to exist in the reservoirs,it is expected that the productivity will be relatively low because the reservoirs will remain quite turbid throughout the year.Downstream from the reservoirs,the flow regime,temperature regime,water quality characteristics and ice processes are expected to be altered by the project and therefore will affect fish resources.The most affected reach downstream from the dams is the middle Susitna River from the Devil Canyon Dam Site to Talkeetna at the 851021 E-3-2-1 confluence with the Chulitna River.These changes are discussed in detail in Exhibit E Chapter 2 Section 4 and the effects to fish resources are discussed in detail in Section 2.3.Measures to mitigate for the expected adverse effects are described in Section 2.4.Effects to fish resources in the lower river (between Talkeetna and Cook Inlet)are not expected to be as great as those expected in the middle river.Basically,the effects expected in the lower river are less because the changes induced by the project will be masked by the flow,temperature and water quality regimes contributed by the Chulitna and TalkeE!tna Rivers as well as numerous other tributaries flowing into the lower river. 2.1.2 -Data collection and Analysis Methods (**)1 851021 (a)Anadromous Adult Investigations (**) Methods utilized from 1981 through 1985 to enumerate adult salmon within the Susitna River drainage included side-scan sonar moni toring,fishwheel monitoring,tag and recapture estimates and ground/aerial spawning surveys. Side scan sonars and fishwheels were used to determine the upstream migration timing of SOCkeye,pink,chum,and coho salmon in the Susitna River from July through early to mid-September 1981 and 1982 •.Sampling locations included Susitna Station (RM 26),and Yentna Station (Yentna RM 04), Sunshine Station (RM 80)located in the lower river,and . Talkeetna Station (RM 103)located in the middle river (ADF&G 1985a)as shown in Figures E.3.2.2 and E.3.2.3. Fi~hwheels were used from 1981 through 1984 at these stations,but sonars were only used for 1983 and 1984 at the Susitna and Yentna Stations.Fishwheels were also operated at Curry Station (RM 120)in the middle river from 1981 through 1984 and at Flathorn Station (RM 20)in the lower river during the 1984 season,but without associated sonar co.unt e rs .Wh(:UL:f:ish:wh~e:Ls.we!"eJ!se~L:i,Jl.~oni1,L1J,~~j·(>n_wH.h_t:he. sonar,the data from the nearby fishwheel was used to apportion side scan sonar counts.Fishwheels at all stations have been used to sample adult chinook salmon,but sampling for this species has been somewhat difficult because they migrate upriver either at or soon after ice breakup when the maintenance of sampling gear in the river is impractical. The side scan sonar..counts ...recorded at Susitna Station were not us for defiriirigsusTEiia'-R:iver salIlion .escapeIlients be- cause of suspected inaccuracy of counts caused by counter siting problems.Details of these problems are discussed in ADF&G (1983a).Yentna Station (RM 04)sonar counts were E-3-2-2 Ii 851021 considered suitable for reporting 1981 and 1982 Yentna River salmon escapements (ADF&G 1985b). A tag/recapture program was conducted from 1981 through 1984 to estimate numbers of the five salmon species passing upstream of Sunshine,Talkeetna and Curry Stations (ADF&G 1985b).In addition,fish were tagged at Flathorn Station in 1984.Salmon captured at all fishwheel sampling sites were measured,scales were removed for age determination, and then,the fish were fitted with tags,color-coded for each site,and released.Personnel 'surveyed all known and suspected salmon spawning tributaries (a total number of 15) and sloughs (34)in the middle river from the confluence of .the Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers at RM 101.4 to the lower end of Devil Canyon at RM 148.8 of the Susitna River at weekly intervals from late July through early October. Salmon abundance within the entirety of sloughs and selected tributary index reaches was determined by the above surveys from 1981 through 1984.The tributary index reaches were within 0.5 mile (0.8 km)of the confluence with the Susitna River.In 1984,lower river tributaries were also surveyed from their confluence with the Susitna River to one-third mile upstream.All tagged and untagged salmon were counted. Species population estimates were then calculated from survey and fishwheel catch data at each station. The entire lengths of selected tributaries were surveyed for spawning chinook salmon from helicopters.This was done from 1981 through 1984 in the Indian River (RM 128.6)and Portage Creek (RM 148.8).Cheechako Creek (RM 152.5)and an unnamed creek (RM 156.8)were also surveyed,starting in 1982.Other Susitna,Chulitna,and Talkeetna River drainage chinook salmon spawning areas were surveyed as part of an ongoing project since 1975.The purpose of these surveys was to determine chinook salmon escapement trends in the Cook Inlet drainage (ADF&G 1985b).The suitability of helicopter surveys as a census method for chinook salmon is discussed in Neilson and Geen (1981). Sockeye,chum,pink and coho salmon spawning activity in mainstem,side-channel,and tributary confluence locations of the lower and middle Susitna River was evaluated by a variety of techniques during 1981 through 1984 including: observation,electroshocking,and drift gill netting (ADF&G 1985b).Sampling of salmon spawning nests or redds was performed by egg pumping.This was done after fish spawning activity terminated. Adult chinook,chum,and coho salmon were fitted with inter- nal radio transmitters at Talkeetna and Curry in 1981 and E-3-2-3 1982.These fish were followed to evaluate directional movements,upstream migration rates,upstream migration extent,and spawning locations. Stationary gill nets were operated near Devil Canyon at RM 150.2 at five-day intervals from late July to mid- September 1981 and 1982 to detect adult sockeye,chum,pink, and coho salmon. The migratidn timing,upstream migration extent,and pro- bable spaWning areas of eulachon in the Sus tina River were evaluated from mid-May through mid-June in 1982 and 1983 by a variety of techniques.Upstream migration timing was assessed by stationary gill nets placed at selected Susitna River estuary locations._The extent of upstream migration was determined by dip net and electrofishing.Eulachon spawning habitat was determined directly by searching for eggs in substrate samples and indirectly by evaluating the spawning condition of female smelt collected by dip net and electrofishing at suspected spawning sites. During 1981 andT982,themigra-tion timing,upstream migration extent,and spawning habitat selection of Bering cisco in the SusitnaRiver were investigated.Electro- fishing was used to assess the upstream migration extent and spawning habitat selection by cisco,as evidenced by spawning condition of captured fish.A fishwheel,used for salmon investigation,was maintained through late September ---1981 an-d -T982-~t-o-ttiter-cep't-cci·s-cco-;-~ (b)Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Investigations (**) Fish investigations assessed the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of resident:fish in the impoundment area (including tributaries and adjacent lakes)and the middle and lower river.Because few anadromous fish (less ---than-60·adult ..Chinook_salmon.were_observed by_ADF&Gin1.9.84J _ ___ar_e_ab_Le_t_o_migka_t.ELllR stream through Devi 1 Canyon Lj uve nil e _ anadromous fish were only studied in areas downstream of the impoundment zone.Methods for sampling both resident and juvenile anadromous fish included baited minnow traps,trot (i.e.,set)lines,hook and line,electrofishing,stationary and drift gill nets,and beach seines.Studies commenced in November,·1980 and have continued through spring 1985. SeleC:tecJ.t:ri.bul::ariesaneJ.-EI'ibUl::aryCoIlffue-nces ,sloughs, side-channel andmainstem-locationsfromRM10.1 to 148.8 of t:heS~~it:I1.~Ri,;e~;e~esampled-ciuringthew:i.tlter·(November to April)and the open-water season (May to October).Fewer sites were sampleddufingthe winter than during the '.] ._\ ,j 851021 E-3-2-4 Il 851021 open-water season because of sampling constraints,including the short length of daylight,and ice conditions •. During the summer field season of 1984,fisheries resources and aquatic habitat were evaluated within the proposed access corridor (Plan 18,also referred to as Denali-North) and that portion of the proposed transmission corridor from the Watana Dam site to its intersection with the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie (referred to as the Gold Creek-Watana transmission corridor)(ADF&G 1984a).Forty- two proposed stream crossing sites and ten lake habitats were inventoried for fish species.General water quality (dissolved oxygen,pH,conductivity,and water temperature) discharge,and substrate data were collected at stream crossing study sites. Streams in the corridor were sampled using a backpack electroshocker.Lakes were sampled using either gill nets, minnow traps,trot-lines,or hook and line.Otolith or scale samples were taken at both stream and lake sites for age/length determinations. Extensive studies have been performed on the relationships between habitat and fish in the middle and lower river (Trihey 1982a;ADF&G 1983k;ADF&G 1984b;ADF&G 1984c;ADF&G 1985c).These studies have focused on examining presence of spaw~ing activity;access for adult salmon to slough and tributary spawning sites;and development of relationships between mainstem flow and fish habitat for spawning, incubation,and rearing.Methods used have included instream flow incremental methodology,habitat indices (ADF&G 1985c)and aerial photographic techniques (R&M Consultants and EWTA 1985a,b).Habitat characteristics measured included presence of groundwater upwelling,water temperature,dissolved oxygen,conductivity,turbidity, water depth,velocity,substrate and instream cover.In addition to the above studies,laboratory investigations were conducted with eggs from Susitna chum and sockeye salmon to provide a better understanding of the relationship between temperature and egg incubation (Wangaard and Burger 1983). Electrofishing was conducted in the lower and middle river during the 1982-1984 open-water seasons to tag resident fish and evaluate their seasonal distribution,relative abundance,and movements within theSusitna River.As part of this study,individ-ually identifiable radio transmitters of three-to-six months longevity were surgically implanted in adult rainbow trout and burbot during the open water seasons of 1981 through 1984 (ADF&G E-3-2-5 851021 1985c)at various locations along the Susitna River downstream from Devil Canyon (RM 152).These tags were used to evaluate autumn and winter movements and overwintering locations.conventional winter fish sampling techniques, under"';ice submerged gill net sets and baited tip-ups,were used to de~ect non-radio-tagged burbot and rainbow trout. Juvenile sa1monids outmigrating from the middle river have been sampled at Talkeetna Station during the open water seasons from 1982 through 1984.These studies have been designed to evaluat.e species .and age composition, distribution,timing of migration,and catch-per-unit effort.To provide additional informaiton on population numbers,outmigrant travel times,response to changing habitat conditions,and·survival,a .mark recapture program for post-emergent chum and sockeye fry was performed in 1983 and 1984 using half-length coded-wire tags (ADF&G 1985c). Fish were tagged in various areas upstream of Talkeetna Station and then recaptured at Talkeetna Station.To supplement this informaiton,'mark"'recapture by cold branding juvenile chinook and coho salmon was undertaken in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach.During 1984,outmigrant traps were used to sample downstream migrants at Flathorn Station (RM 20).In addition,intermittent trapping was performed on the Deshka and Talkeetna Rivers to examine outmigrants. Studies were conducted upstream from Devil Canyon (RM 152) to evaluate the seasonal distribution and abundance of -~~----ArctTc.gray U·ng·'(KDF&G~198:3b~)-.-E-i~ght~ma~jo-r-~G-lear,",water tributaries,located between RM 173.9 and 226.9,were sampled monthly from June to September during 1981 and 1982. Arctic grayling exceeding 8 inches (200 mm)in fork length were tagged with individually numbered tags.Seasonal movements and population estimates were derived from fish recapture data.Segments of the lower one mile of the above streams were.sampled for Arctic grayling during 1981, whereas the-entire reache_s.QJlili:lC_Qftheeight streams .that ··-·.---·--....~...-.-.._-_____w_oJJI9.be inundated by the Watana imp;~~dment-were-·sampTed during 1982.Fish were sampled by baited minnow traps,troe-- lines and seine to detect the presence of other resident fishes.Selected physical/chemical lotic habitat data were collected along these tributaries during 1981 and 1982. ~_..1._,,-~:::Threatened and Endangered Species (**) No th17eate~eclorendangeredspe~ies()f fis~have been.identified in Alaska.The-USFWS 0982eJ does -not list-any-fish species in Alaska as being threatened or endangered.The State of Alaska E-3-2-6 \ j -j ] Endangered Species Act also does not list any fish species as endangered. 2.1.4 -Overview of Important Species (**) Fishery resources in the Susitna River comprise a major portion of the Cook Inlet commercial salmon harvest and provide fishing opportunities for sport anglers.Anadromous species that form the base of commercial and non-commercial fisheries include five species of Pacific salmon:chinook,coho,chum,sockeye,and pink. Important resident species found in the Susitna River drainage include Arctic grayling,rainbow trout,lake trout,burbot and Dolly Varden.Scientific and common names for all fish species identified from the Susitna drainage are listed in Table E.3.2.L Both eulachon (anadromous)and round whitefish (freshwater)are present in significant numbers.However,both species receive little or no interest for either commercial,subsistence,or sport fisheries. Salmon utilize the mains tern river environments for migration, rearing,overwintering,and,to a much lesser extent,spawning. The majority of the escapement of chinook,sockeye,pink,chum, and coho salmon in the Susitna drainage spawn in tributaries of the Susitna River anq do not utilize the mainstem habitats extensively. The most important changes due to the project are expected to occur in the middle river (Talkeetna to Devil Canyon).The relative importance of middle river mainstem habitats as a travel corridor to returning salmon adults is indicated by population estimates made at the ADF&G fishwheel stations at Talkeetna and Flathorn (Figure E.3.2.5),ADF&G,1985b).In 1984,approximately 6 percent of all coho,12 percent of all chum,2 percent of all sockeye,10 percent of all chinooks,and 5 percent of all pink salmon spawning in the entire Susitna drainage basin traveled through the mainstem middle river to reach their natal grounds. The remainder of the population spawns in tributaries of the Susitna River,principally in the Yentna,Talkeetna and Chulitna River drainages.Adult migration timing varies by species,but generally the peak inmigration to the middle reach of the Susitna occurs from late June through September. Of those salmon that do spawn in the middle river,most spawn in tributary streams.Based on escapement counts for 1984,34 middle river sloughs,collectively,provided spawning habitat for 851021 E-3-2-7 only approximately 5.5 percent of all salmon migrating above the Talkeetna fishwheel station (ADF&G 1985b).Coho and chinook in this reach apparently spawn only in tributary streams,pink salmon primarily in tributary streams (with a small number utilizing slough habitats),chum salmon in both tributary and slough environments,and sockeye almost exclusively in sloughs (ADF&G 1985b).Despite their relative importance to the maintenance of both chum and sockeye salmon in the middle river, slough spawning habitats are not central to the maintenance of the total Susitna River stocks of either species.Only about 2 percent of all chum and less than 0.5 percent of all sockeye spawning in the Susitna River in 1984 utilized'sloughs.Spawning habitat quality apparently varies greatly between sloughs as,in the last four years,the majority (>88 percent)of the chum salmon that spawn in slough were found in 10 of the 34 sloughs. Three of these 10 (8A,11,21)have added significance in that they also supported over 90 percent of all sockeye spawning in the middle river. Relatively few salmon spawn in mainstem non-slough habitats~.Of those which do,chum salmon predominate.Generally,spawning habitats within the mainstem proper are small in area and widely distributed.In 1984,ADF&G made a concerted effort to identify mainstem middle river spawning habitats,identifying.36 spawning sites.Numbers of fish counted at each of these sites varied from one 'to 131 with an average of 35 (ADF&G 1985b). Four of the five salmon species present use middle river waters fo:r :rearing purposes (ADF&G-1984cJ.F'romMaytoSeptember juvenile chinook salmon rear in tributary and side channel environments,..coho mostly rear ..in tributary and upland sloughs, and sockeye move from natal side sloughs to upland sloughs for rearing.From May to July rearing chum salmon are distributed throughout sl.deslough and tributary st:reamenvi:ronment:s (ADF&G 1984c)• Rainbow trout and Dolly Varden were recorded at mouths of tribu- tary streams .-'Ral.nbowtro-tit'do'notC-occtir"upstream from--fjevrr '-..-----'-~·--Canyon.Arctic grayling are tJie Gominant species upstream from .--------..-- Devil Canyon. 2.1.5 -Contribution to Commercial and Non-Commercial Fishery (**) (a)Commercial (**) Figure E.3.2.6i;hows the .ADF&G upper Cook Inlefsa.lmc>n management areas~.With ·the exception of sockeyeai1.d chinook salmon,the majority of the upper Cook Inlet commercial catch of salmon originates in the Susitna Basin (ADF&G 1984h).The upper Cook Inlet area is that portion of ] -j '1 851021 E-3-2-8 ,1 851021 Cook Inlet north of Anchor Point and Chinitna Bay (Figure E.3.2.6).The long-term average annual catch of 3.0 million fish is worth approximately $18.0 million in 1984 dollars to the commercial fishery (ADF&G 1984p).In recent years commercial fishermen have landed record numbers of salmon in ' the upper Cook Inlet fishery with over 6.7 million salmon caught in 1983 and over 6.2 million fish in 1984.The quantitative contribution of the Susitna River to the commercial fishery can only be approximated because of: o the higher number of intra-drainage spawning and rearing areas; o the lack of data on other known and suspected salmon-producing systems in upper Cook Inlet; o the lack of stock separation programs (except for sockeye salmon);and o overlap in the migration t1m1ng of mixed stocks and :~ species in the Cook Inlet harvest areas. Therefore,the,estimates of contributions of Susitna River salmon to the upper Cook Inlet fishery should be viewed as approximations. (i)Sockeye Salmon (**) The most important species in the upper Cook Inlet commercial fishery is sockeye salmon.In 1984,the total sockeye harvest of 2.1 million fish was valued at $13.5 million (ADF&G,1984p).The commercial sockeye harvest h~s averaged 1.34 million fish annually in upper Cook Inlet for the last 30 years (Table E.3.2.2).The estimated contribution of Susitna River sockeye to the commercial fishery is between 10 to 30 percent (ADF&G 1985b).This represents an estimated annual commercial harvest of between 134,000 to 402,000 Susitna River sockeye over the last 30 years.In 1983,Susitna River sockeye contributed approximately 500,000 fish to the total catch of 5 million (Table E.3.2.3).The 1983 commercial sockeye catch was the highest in 30 years of record (Table E.3.2.2). (ii)Chum Salmon (**) Chum salmon and coho salmon are about equal in importance in the upper Cook Inlet commercial E-3-2-9 fishery and rank second and third in value after sockeye.The upper Cook Inlet chum salmon-catch has averaged 659,000 fish annually since 1954 (Table E.3.2.2).The contribution of Susitna River chum to -the upper Cook Inlet fishery is about 85 percent (ADF&G 1985b).This contribution represents an estimated annual chum harvest of 560,000 Susitna River fish in the commercial harvest over the last 30 years.In 1982,the Susitna River contributed approximately 1.21 million fish of the record harvest of 1.43 million chum salmon taken in the upper Cook Inlet fishery (Table E.3.2.2).In 1984,the total chum salmon harvest of 684,000 fish in the commercial fishery was valued at $2.0 million (ADF&G 1984p). (iii)Coho Salmon (**) Since 1954,the upper Cook Inlet coho salmon commercial catch has averaged 264,000 fish annually (Table E.3.2.2).Approximately 50 percent of the commercial coho harvest in upper Cook Inlet is from the Susitna River (ADF&G 1985b).This contribution represents an average annual Susitna River coho harvest of 132,000 fish in the commercial fishery over the last 30 years.In 1982,the Susitna River contributed an estimated 388,500 fish (Table E.3.2.3)to a record harvest of 777,000 coho taken by the upper Cook Inlet fishery.In 1984,the total -"~oh-os~lm(Yn·lra·rvest-·of-4-4-3-;000-fish in upper Cook Inlet had a worth of $1.8 million (ADF&G 1984p). (iv)Pink Salmon (**) pink salmon is the least valued of the commercial species in upper Cook Inlet.The upper Cook Inlet average annual odd-year harvest of pink salmon since ._.._____~954_i s_.abouL120,00.0_..£ish.,with ...a range of..12,500.t0 ..._..._.........._....._....._.544,000 fish.The average annual even::year harvest is approximately 1.58 million pink salmon with a range of 0.48 to 3.23 million fish (Table E.3.2.2).The estimated contribution of Susitna River pink salmon to the upper Cook Inlet pink fishery is 85 percent (ADF&G 1984h).This represents an average annual Susi tna Ri v.er contribution of 0.10 million 6dd';'yearand 1.34 million even-yearp~~I!~:.:_~~1111(')t1.to~l:1el1Pper.Cook Inlet fishery over the last 30 years.In 1984,the total pink salmon harvest of 623,000 fish in upper Cook Inlet was worth an estimated $0.5 million (ADF&G 1984p)• 851021 E-3-2-10 ] 1 j j j (v)Chinook Salmon (**) The commercial chinook harvest has averaged 19,200 fish annually in the upper Cook Inlet fishery over the last 30 years (Table E.3.2.2).Since 1964,the opening date of the commercial fishery has been June 25.The Susitna River chinook run begins in late May and peaks in mid-June.Thus,by June 25 the majority of chinook have already passed through the area subject to commercial fishing.Catches of chinook salmon have averaged 11,600 fish annually for the 20 year period of 1964-1983.Approximately,10 percent of the total chinook harvest in upper Cook Inlet are Susitna River fish (ADF&G 1985b).This represents an average annual contribution of 1,960 chinook to the upper Cook Inlet fishery for the last 30 years,or 1,160 fish for 1964-1983.In 1984,the-8,800 chinook caught in the upper Cook Inlet fishery were valued at $0.3 million (ADF&G 1984p). (b)Sport Fishing (**) Increases in population and tourism in Alaska have resulted in a growing demand for recreational fishing. Recreational fishing is now considered a significant factor in total fisheries management,particularly in Cook Inlet where commercial and non-commercial user conflicts have developed (Mills 1980).The Susitna River and its major salmon and resident fish-producing tributary streams provide a multi-species sport fishery.Estimates of the sport fish harvest are available for the Susitna River Basin as a whole and cannot be divided into specific areas which will or will not be affected by the Project.Since 1978,the drainage has accounted for an annual average of -127,100 angler days of sport fishing effort,which is approximately 9 percent of the 1977-1983 average of 14 million total angler days for Alaska and 13 percent of the 1977-1983 average of 1.0 million total angler days for Southcentral Alaska (Mills 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982,1983,1984). The sport fish harvests for 1978 through 1983 from the Susitna Basin,based on mail surveys to a sample of license holders,are shown in Table E.3.2.4 (Mills 1979,1980, 1981,1982,1983 and 1984).These are summarized in Table E.3.2.5. 851021 (i)Arctic Grayling (**) The annual Arctic grayling sport harvest for the entire Susitna Basin has averaged 18,200 fish and E-3-2-11 61,500 fish in Southcerttral Alaska over the last six years (Table E.3.2.5).The largest sport harvest of Arctic grayling on record in the Susitna Basin occurred in 1980 when an estimated 22,100 fish were caught.This represents about 32 percent of the total 1980 harvest of Arctic grayling in Southcentral Alaska (Mills 1981).Due to the rugged terrain and the remoteness of the impoundment area,it is believed that few grayling are harvested from this area.Instead,most grayling are harvested from areas more accessible by vehicles,boats or airplanes (e.g.streams along the Parks or Denali Highways). (ii)Rainbow Trout (*) The Susitna Basin and Southcentral Alaska annual rainbow trout sport harvests have averaged 16,000 and 132,900 fish respectiy-ely since 1978 (Table E.3.2.5).Between 1978 and 1983,an average of about 16,000 rainbow trout were harvested by anglers in the Susitna Basin,which represented approximately 12 percent of the Southcerttral Alaska rainbow trout sport catch (Mills 1980). (iii)Pink Salmon (*) The annual even-year pink salmon harvest has averaged 42,950 fish in the Susitna Basin and 134,400 fish -----------------------------ftcSCHftllccE:trtrat-':-A:ta-ska~sincc-e~t978 ~The---annuat- odd-year pink salmon sport catch has averaged 8,600 fish in the Susitna Basin and 58,300 fish in Southcentral Alaska since 1979 (Table E.3.2.5).The -largest sport harvest of pink salmon on record in the Susitna Basin occurred in 1980 when an estimated 56,600 fish were caught (Mills 1981). (iv)_CohoSalmon (-,\oJ Since 1978,the Basin and Southcentral Alaska annual coho salmon sport harvests have averaged 13,200 and 103,800 fish respectively (Table E.3.2.5). In 1982,about 16,664 coho were landed by anglers in t.he Susitna Basin (Mills 1983),-wliichis the largest anIluakcB:tch on record.In 1983,al'mostone of every five coho entering-thebaS1n-was caught by sport anglers (Table E.3.2.3). J I ] :·1 851021 E-3-2-12 Ij 11 I I (v) (vi) Chinook Salmon (*) The annual chinook salmon sport harvest has averaged 37,300 fish in Southcentral Alaska and 7,950 fish in the Susitna Basin since 1978 (Table E.3.2.5). This represents an annual Susitna Basin contribution of 21 percent to the Southcentral chinook sport harvest over the six year period.The largest Susitna Basin sport harvest of chinook salmon on record occurred in 1983,when 12,420 fish were caught by fishermen (Mills 1984). Chum Salmon (*) The Susitna Basin and Southcentral Alaska annual chum salmon sport harvests have averaged 6,800 and 12,150 fish respectively since 1978 (Table E.3.2.5).The largest sport catch of chum salmon on record in the Susitna Basin occurred in 1978 when 15,700 fish were landed (Mills 1979).For the years 1981 to 1983,chum salmon sport harvests have averaged between 1.4 and 1.8 percent of the estimated Susitna Basin chum salmon escapement (Table E.3.2.5). (vii)Sockeye Salmon (*) The annual sockeye salmon sport harvest ha~averaged 112,900 fish in Southcentral Alaska and 2,100 fish in the Susitna Basin for the years 1978 through 1983 (Table E.3.2.5).In 1983 over 5,500 sockeye salmon were caught by fishermen in the Susitna Basin,which is the largest annual sport catch on record (~ills 1984).The sport catch of sockeye from 1981 through 1983 has averaged 3 percent or less of the estimated Susitna Basin sockeye escapement (Table E.3.2.3). (c)Subsistence Fishing (*) The only subsistence fishery on Susitna River fish stocks that is officially recognized and monitored by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is near the village of Tyonek, approximately 30 miles (50 km)southwest of the Susitna River mouth.The Tyonek subsistence fishery was reopened in 1980 after being closed for sixteen years.From 1980 through 1983,the annual Tyonek subsistence harvest averaged 2,000 chinook,250 sockeye and 80 coho salmon (ADF&G 1984e). Although the Tyonek fishery occurs in Cook Inlet,it is 851021 E-3-2-13 suspected that it intercepts fish bound mainly for the Susitna River. 2.2 -Species Biology and Habitat Utilization in the Susitna River Drainage (*) 2.4.1 -Species Biology (*) (a)Salmon (*) The biology of the five species of Pacific salmon inhabiting the Susitna River is described in terms of their freshwater life stages.Specifically,the following discussion focuses on the upstream migration of the returning adults,population estimates of the spawning adults,spawning locations and utilization of spawning habitats,incubation and emergence of the juveniles,and juvenile behavior after emergence from the natal areas. (i)Chinook Salmon (*) -Upstream Migration of Returning Adults (*) Chinook salmon enter the Susitna River in late May and early June soon after the river becomes ice free.In general,90 percent or more of the chinook escapement moves past the Susitna Station (RM 26)and the Flathorn Station (RM 8)prior to __~-Jul*~L_ea.ch._y-ear.(ADR&GJ983a,198Ah,1985b).Once the adults move into the river,they begin to disperse into various tributaries to spawn. Movement of chinook past the Sunshine Station (RM 80)begins in early June,peaks in mid to late June and and is essentially complete (more than 90 percent)by early July (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b). MovemeiifOfaa.lil EcniiioO'K iiifo Ebemia.aTe--reachOf ---EliE!-Susi-tnaKiver u Beg-ins in-early June;-peaI.<snear-- the end of June and continues to mid-July with 90 percent of the migration past Curry Station completed by late July (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b, WCC 1985).The duration of adult chinook occurrence in the middle Susitna River is depicted in Figure E.3 •.2 ..7........ Adult chinook that reach Sunshine Station enter one of the three major upper subbasins of the Susitna River Drainage:The Chulitna River,the Middle Susitna River,or the Talkeetna River.Over 90 .] 851021 E-3-2-14 .1 1-1 I J IJ 851021 percent of the tagged adults observed in the Chulitna River were caught and tagged on the west bank at Sunshine Station.Similarly,over 90 percent of the tagged adults observed in the Talkeetna River were caught and tagged on the east bank at Sunshine Station.Tagged adults observed in the middle river (Talkeetna to Devil Canyon) were caught and tagged on both the east and west banks in approximately equal proportions (ADF&G 1985b)• Although adult chinook initially move into one of the three major subbasins initially,there is apparently some re-distribution prior to spawning. It is estimated that up to 45 percent of the adults moving past the Talkeetna Station (RM 103)and up to 10 percent moving past the Curry Station (RM 120)return downstream and spawn in either the Chulitna or Talkeetna Rivers or other tributaries downstream of RM",100 (ADF&G 1985b). The rate of movement of adult chinook from the Sun- shine Station upstream into the middle Susitna River iSe1.8 to 3.3 miles per day (mpd)from Sunshine to Talkeetna Station and 2.2 to 4.3 mpd between the Talkeetna and Curry Stations (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b). -Population Estimates (*) An accurate estimate of the total Susitna River chinook escapement is not available because the run in the lower river begins either before or during break-up of the ice cover and it has not been possible to sample the entire run.The only monitoring of chinook salmon in the lower river was conducted at the Sunshine Station where escapements have been quantified since 1982.Drainage-wide index counts from tributaries undertaken since 1981 established that most chinook escapement to the Susitna River occurs to tributaries entering the Susitna River downstream from the Sunshine Station. A summary of the estimated escapements upstream of the Sunshine,Talkeetna and Curry Stations in 1982, 1983,and 1984 is presented in Table E.3.2.6. Escapement estimates at Sunshine Station have ranged from 52,900 to 121,700,at Talkeetna from 10,900 to 24,800,and at Curry from 9,700 to 18,000 between 1981 and 1984. E-3-2-15 Assuming that approximately 10 percent of the chinook estimated to pass the Curry Station return downstream to spawn (ADF&G 1985b),the escapement of adult chinook into the middle river ranges from 8,000 to 15,000 fish annually. Age Composition (*) In general,adult chinook salmon return to the Susitna River to spawn as age 5 and 6 fish with with considerable variation age composition between years (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).Each year,some age 3 and 7 fish are also present in the population and occasionally may constitute a significant portion of the spawning population (ADF&G 1984h).A summary of the age composition of fish observed in 1981-1984 at each of the sampling stations is presented in Table E.3.2.7. Based on scale analyses of these fishi"',it is estimated that more than 95 percent of the adult chinook salmon outmigrated from the Susitna River as Age 1+juveniles (ADF&G 1985b). -Spawning Locations and Utilization of Spawning Habitats (**). Chinook salmon spawn exclusively in clearwater "tr·ibutaries-of ..the.$us"itn~iJl:er_._(ADF.&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b,WCC 1985).Index counts of chinook in tributaries throughout the Susitna basin have been collected since 1976.A summary of these counts is presented in Table E.3.2.8 and provides a general description of the distribution of spawning areas and their relative importance for chinook spawning activity. ""·fiiCIfanRiver (rocaEedaTIDfT38~5}"aiidPortage --.----"-.~._.-._---------~-------.-.--.------~..--..-_.---.-----------·-Creek -(at-RM~-1-40-)--pr-ovia.e-s-pawn:tn-g--h-a·b-i:t-a-t--·f-or-· nearly all of the chinook salmon migrating into the middle Susitna Rivers.A summary of peak index counts for all tributaries of the middle Susitna River since 1981 is provided in Table E.3.2.9 and is depicted graphically in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.-Thesetributary h~bitats will not be affected llythechanged flow regime attributable to the"proposed proj ec t .~.. A few chinook,approximately 20 to 45 individuals, were observed in small tributaries located upstream ] ] 851021 E-3.,..2-16 I I i I, I 851021 of the rapids in Devil Canyon (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b).Prior to these observations,velocity barriers in the rapids were thought to prevent salmon migration into the upper reaches of the Susitna.No other species is known to migrate upstream,through Devil Canyon. -Incubation and Emergence (**) Approximately 4,000 to 8,000 pairs of chinook salmon spawn in tributaries of the middle river. Spawning occurs in July and early August.Average fecundity of female chinook has not been estimated for Susitna River stocks,but Morrow (1980)reports average fecundities range from 4,200 to 13,600 eggs per female in Alaska.Incubation begins with egg deposition in July and ends with emergence of the fry from the spawning gravels in March or April (ADF&G 1983m).The incubation period for chinook salmon is depicted on Figure E.3.2.7.-.", -Juvenile Behavior (.**) Chinook emerge from the spawning g:r:avels in late-March to mid-April.The fry remain near their natal areas ~in tributaries for one to two months before initiating a downstr~am movement into rearing and overwintering areas (ADF&G 1983m, 1984c).The initial downstream movement may result from territorial behavior by the juveniles.Some age 0+juveniles move into the mainstem of the Susitna and have been collected throughout the drainage basin during the summer.The remainder of the age 0+juveniles apparently remain in the natal tributaries'for initial rearing and overwintering (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).In general approximately 40 percent of the juvenile chinook (all ages)in the middle river are found in mainstem-associated habitats from May through November.Approximately 60 percent are found in tributary habitats during the same period. The age 0+juveniles that move into the mainstem of the middle river generally become associated with areas with moderate water velocity «1.5 ft/sec), shallow depths «2 ft)and high structural diversity for cover (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).Where structural diversity is lacking,the juveniles apparently use turbid water for cover (ADF&G 1984c, 1985c,EWT&A and WCC,1985).In the lower Susitna E-3-2-17 River (i.e.downstream of Talkeetna),highest densities of Age 0+juveniles were collected in tributary mouth areas characterized by deep,low velocity,clear water (ADF&G 1985c). During the initial rearing period,juvenile chinook feed extensively on chironomid larvae (Insecta: Diptera)(ADF&G 1983m,1985j).Terrestrial adult insects obtained from the water surface also pro~ided a significant portion of the juvenile chinook diet (ADF&G 1983m,1985j).Growth of age 0+juveniles during the summer months was estimated from length measurements in 1982 and 1984 (ADF&G 1983m,1985c).In May,age 0+fish average between 40 and 45 mm in length.By Octobe-r.:,average lengths of age 0+fish range from 60 to 80 mm (ADF&G 1983m,1985c).Growth rates of·juveniles in tributaries tend to be greater than those in the mainstem (Table E.3.2.l0). Estimatesof thetotal nUIIlber of juvenile chinook have not been obtained far the middle Susitna River.However,it was estimated that in 1983, approximately 10,635,000 eggs were deposited by adult females in Indian River which provided a total production of approximately 3,211,000 chinook fry in 1984.Hence,survival from egg to fry was approximately 30 percent (ADF&G 1985c).Survival -~fromilie·fry-stage~"to-·outm:i'grationaskge0+or 1+ fish has not been estimated for chinook. From September through November,age 0+fish move into clear water areas such as tributaries, tributary mouths and side sloughs (wee 1985,ADF&G 1983m,1984c)where they overwinter.The juveniles apparently grow during the winter and spring since ..··Age ···l+juveni lesaverage ..be tween 85 to 95JIU'Il:i.f!...... ....'-"'-'.".'"-'---'."'_...l.engthin_la.t:e_May_(A:O'E.&~1983m)!._Averag~~engths of outmigratirig Age 1+fish are between 100 and 120 mm at the end of July and early August. Outmigration patterns of juvenile salmon from the middle Susitna differ between Age 0+and 1+fish. .Age 0+juvenileoutmigratiort,as determined from c>utmig'rant'triippIng'ratesa:f Talkeetna,o~cur at a xelatiyelyCQJ1StCilt.ltrate.tb.rotJghotJtthesummeJ."with two peak outmigration periods recorded in 1982 in late June and early July and mid-August (ADF&G 1984c).In 1983;several peak outmigration events were observed (ADF&G 1985c).A similar,relatively .j (j ), 851021 E-3-2-18 .) j 851021 constant rate of outmigration was observed at the Flathorn Station in the lower river.Age 1+ juveniles begin to outmigrate from the middle river in early May.Outmigration of Age 1+fish from the middle Susitna River is essentially complete by mid-July (ADF&G 1984b,1985c). Outmigration from the lower river peaks in mid-June and is completed by early August (ADF&G 1985c). It is not clear as to whether the Age 0+outmigrant juveniles survive once they enter the salt water environment.Although a large portion of the out-.. migrating juveniles are Age 0+fish,scale analysis of returning adults indicates that fish outmi- grating as Age 0+juveniles comprise less than 5 percent of the total escapement (ADF&G 1985b). The period in which juvenile chinook salmon inhabit the middle river is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7.In general,juvenile chinook inhabit the middle river throughout the year.A single age cohort moves into the river habitat from the tributaries in June or July.Some of these migrate downstream to the lower river while the remainder spend one winter in clearwater habitats associated with the mainstem. The following spring,these juveniles·outmigrate to the lower river and on to Cook Inlet.Outmigration of this age group from the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach peaks prior to early June and terminates by the end of July throughout the drainage. (ii)Sockeye Salmon (**) -Upstream Migration of Returning Adults (**) Sockeye salmon enter the Susitna River system in two distinct runs (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).The first run enters the river in late May and early June.The run passes the Sunshine Station beginning in early June and is complete by the end of June (ADF&G 1985b).Although a few first run fish initially enter the middle Susitna River,all first run sockeye migrate into the Talkeetna River and spawn in the inlet to Papa Bear Lake which is outside the area to be affected by the project. Second run sockeye enter the Susitna River during the last half of June.Migration of second run fish past the Sunshine Station occurs during the E-3-2-l9 851021 last half of July and the first half of August (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).Second run sockeye'enter the middle Susitna River in late July and are present through August each year.The occurrence of second run adult sockeye in the middle Susitna is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7.The escapement to the Flathorn Station in 1984 was approximately 605,800 fish.Of these only 3,500 fish were estimated to spawn in the middle river.This indicates that nearly all second-run sockeye spawn in tributaries entering the Susitna at or downstream of the Chulitna River confluence. As was the case for chinook salmon,a significant proportion of the sockeye that initially move into the middle Susitna return downstream and spawn in stream-lake systems in the Chulitna and Talkeetna River,subbasins."In 1984,approximately 35 percent of the sockeye that reached the Curry Station were fish·that returned downstream to spawn in other tributary systems. Because there are no stream-lake systems associated with the middle Susitna River,the viability of the sockeye spawners in the middle Susitna River has been questioned.Spawning sockeye in the middle river may be strays from the Talkeetna or Chulitna Rivers (ADF&G 1983a).Comparison of scales --collected,-fromc..fishinc-the~-respectivesubbasins did not provide conclusive evidence that the middle Susitna population is viable (ADF&G 1983a). However,the collection of overwintering juveniles and Age 1+Juveniles can be interpreted as evidence that the spawners in the middle r1ver do constitute a viable population (ADF&G 1984c).In addition, the fact that the number of sockeye using the middle river for spawning is relatively constant-ancf-Ehat-theyt-ena.---tci-'l:is .e-the-'-sameareaS"-ea-Cll year may also oe-interpreteaas support for t~-------' conclusion that the population is viable.These trends are discussed in more detail below. The rate of movement of tagged second run sockeye into the middle river is more rapid than for chinook ...Adults,-tagged at Sunshine Station,move b,E!twE!eI12.4 a.,11cl5~_amp.<i,fiQll1 the Sunshine to the Talkeetna Stations.The average tate ofttavel from the Talkeetna Station to the Curry Station ranged from 2.4 to 8.5 mpd ·from 1981 through 1984. (ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,1984h,and 1985b).Measure- E-3-2-20 \1 I "I I.",.,r' ~ ,) j j i) ) 851021 ments of rates of movement were not obtained for the first run. -Population Estimates (**) Estimates of the number of first run sockeye escaping upstream of the Sunshine Station into the Talkeetna River were approximately 5,800 fish in 1982,3,300 fish in 1983 and 4,800 fish in 1984. Minimum escapements of second run sockeye into the Susitna Basin range from 175,900 in 1983 to 605,800 in 1984 with an average of 248,400 fish (ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b,WCC 1985).In 1984, approximately 25 percent of the second run sockeye in the Susitna Basin migrate into the Yentna subbasin to spawn.Estimates of the numbers of second-run sockeye that migrate upstream of the Sunshine,Talkeetna and Curry Stations are summarized for the period 1981-1984 in Table E.3.2.6.In 1984,the second-run sockeye escapement for these stations were 130,000 (Sunshine Station),13,050 (Talkeetna)and 3,593 (Curry). Estimates of the total number of sockeye spawning in the middle river were obtained from periodic spawning area counts and estimates of stream life (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).Based upon this analysis,a total of 2,200 fish spawned in the middle river in 1981,1,500 in 1982,1,600 in 1983 and 2,200 fish in 1984.Similar comparison with the estimated escapement past the Talkeetna Station indicates that up to 95 percent return downstream to spaWn. -Age Composition (**) The age structure of the second run sockeye population is dominated by Age 4 and Age 5 fish. First run sockeye are predominately Age 5 fish whereas second run fish are predominately a mix of Ages 4 and 5.In 1981 and 1982,71 and 73 percent of the second run fish at Sunshine Station were Age 5 while in 1983 and 1984,64 and 63 percent were Age 4 (ADF&G 1985b).Some Age 3 and Age 6 adults are also present but do not represent a significant portion of the population. E-3-2-2l 851021 Based upon scale analysis of these fish,it is estimated that over 90 percent of returning adults spent at least one winter in freshwater prior to outmigrating to salt water (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b).A summary of the age composition of the sockeye population is presented in Table E.3.2.11. -Spawning Locations and Utilization of Spawning (**) Habitat Nearly all of the sockeye salmon that spawn in the middle river utilize slough habitats (wee 1985, EWT&A &wee 1985,HE 1984b,HE 1985a).Estimates of the number of sockeye spawning in particular sloughs were obtained for 1981-1984 (ADF&G 1984h, 1985b).Twenty-three sloughs were utilized to varying degrees.Estimates of the total number of sockeye in each slough and proportions of_the total escapements into the middle Susitna for each year are-summarized in Table E.3.2.12.The locations and relative abundance,in terms of peak index counts are presented in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.Sloughs 8A and 11 provided spawning habitat for over 80 percent of the slough spawning sockeye in the middle river in 1984 (1,812 of 2,227 sockeye spawning in sloughs). Up to 33 sockeye were observed spawning in side -----channe-l-s -and--ma-i-ns-tem..a-rceas-..Also,as many .as.13 individuals were observed in tributaries.(wee 1985,ADF&G 1985b~.Specific characteristics of the habitats utilized by the spawning sockeye are discussed in Section 2.2.2. -Incubation and Emergence ~,?~kEay~.salmon spawn between the end ofl\.ugust and the -endofSep-telii;er-CADF&ir1983a-,-1984h,T9850)~... Based on -the estimatea escapement-orsoc'Keye--t-o-th-e-- middle Susitna River,between 500 and 1,000 pairs of sockeye spawn.The average fecundity of female sockeye is approximately 3350 eggs per female (ADF&G 1984h).Therefore,between 1,500,000 and 3,500,000 eggs are deposited each year.Emergence of sockeye fry from the-spawning gravels occurs in March (ADE&G 1983e,1~a3mr.The incubation period is'depicfediri FigtireE~3~2~7. E-3-2-22 ,f :\ ,). :~ ) /( "j i,) 851021 -Juvenile Behavior (**) Juvenile sockeye generally rear in lake habitats and outmigrate as Age 1+or Age 2+fish. However,in the middle Susitna,suitable lakes are not available for rearing sockeye.Therefore, juvenile sockeye either rear in clearwater areas of the middle river or they migrate to the lower Susitna River during their first year (ADF&G 1983a,1984c).Based upon results obtained from outmigrant traps at the Talkeetna Station,a major portion of Age 0+sockeye evidently move to the lower river (ADF&G 1984c,1985c).A portion of the juveniles,however,remain in the middle reach where they rear and overwinter in side slough and upland slough areas (ADF&G 1983e,1983m,1984c, 1985c,wee 1985). Juvenile sockeye salmon feed predominately on chironom4d larvae,pupae and adults (ADF&G 1983m,1985j).The juvenile sockeye in the middle Susitna River grow from an average length of 30 mm in May to 56 mm at the end of August (ADF&G 1985c). In the lower river,Age 0+juveniles grow from an average of 36 mm in early June to an average of 60 mm in October (ADF&G 1985c).Age 1+fish grow from an average length of 71 mm in May to an average length of 92 mm in July.A summary of lengths of Age 0+and Age 1+juveniles in provided in Table E.3.2.13. It is possible that Age 0+fish that move out of the middle reach move into side channel,side slough or tributary mouth areas in the lower Susitna River where they overwinter.However, results of outmigrant collections at the F1athorn Station in 1984 indicate that significant movement of Age 0+juveniles to the estuary also occurs. (ADF&G 1985c).Based upon the results of adult scale analysis,it is likely that most of these fish do not survive (ADF&G 1985b)(See Table E.3.2.11). Outmigration of Age 1+juveniles begins and peaks in mid May immediately after the river becomes ice free.Outmigration rates of Age 1+fish then decrease and the migration is essentially complete by mid to late June (ADF&G 1985c).The duration of E-3-2-23 851021 juvenile sockeye occurrence in the middle Susitna is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7. (iii)Coho Salmon (**) -Upstream Migration of Returning Adults (**) Coho salmon enter the Susitna River begining in mid-July.The movement of coho past the Susitna Station peaks in early August and is essentially complete by late August (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b,WCC-1985).Coho migrate past the Sunshine Station begining in mid July with over 90 percent of the migration past Sunshine by mid to late August.Coho adults are abundant from the first of August .to early September in the middle river (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b).The duration of coho movement into the middle river is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7 •. Although coho initially move into the middle river, a.majority (75.percentof those migrating past the Talkeetna Station)return downstream to spawn in areas below the Talkeetna Station (ADF&G 1984h, 1985b).~p to 45 percent of the coho migrating past,the Curry.Station return downstream to spawn (ADF&G 1985b). __..T.b.e_t:.;;l.te.ofmovem~.!lt of adult.C:l)J'1Q_Jrom~un~l!!.Ile Station upstream into the middle Susitna River varies from year to year.The rate of migration from Sunshine Station to Curry Station averaged 4.0 mpd in 1981,5.3 mpd in 1982,1.4 mpd in 1983 and 2.9 mpd in 1984.Movement rates from the Talkeetna Station to Curry Station averaged 11.3 mpd in 1981,10 .•0 mpd in 1982,5.7 mpd in 1983 and 2.8 mpd in 1984 (ADF&G.1981a,1983a,1984b, -Population Estimates (**) The total estimated escapement of coho into the Susitna River rang~d from 25,000 to 190,000 fish annually from 1981-1984 (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h, 1985b).Estimates for 1981,1982 and 1983 minimum escapements are derived from the sum of the fish ....-estilllatedto-escape Intol:he Yentna 'River and to Sunshine Station (ADF&G 1984h,WCC 1985).The estimates do not include numbers of coho that spawn in tributaries entering the Susitna River between E-3-:-2-24 ) J .\ -) ,l 1 i) \) 851021 the Yentna River and Sunshine Station.A summary of the estimated escapements for 1981-1984 past the Sunshine,Talkeetna and Curry Stations is provided as Table E.3.2.6. Assumming th~t approximately 75 percent of the estimated number of coho migrating past the Talkeetna Station return downstream to spawn,the total number of coho estimated to spawn in the middle reach ranges from 500 to 3,000 fish annually (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).In 1984,the total middle river escapement accounted for approximately 0.3 percent of the total Susi tna basin escapement-. These fish spawn almost exclusively in tributaries which will not be affected by flow or temperature changes associated with the project. -Age Composition (**) The age composition of adult -coho.nindicates two predominant life histories in the population that spawns in the Susitna River.The majority of the spawning population consists of Age 4 fish which outmigrated from the freshwater environment during the third year of life (Age 2+juveniles). The remainder of the adults return to spawn as Age 3 fish which outmigated from the freshwater environment during their second year of life (Age 1+fish).A few coho adults return to the river as Age 2 or Age 5 adults (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b). A summary of the age composition of fish observed in 1981-1984 at each of the sampling locations is presented in Table E.3.2.l4. There are two distinct patterns of juvenile rearing and outmigration.It is evident that the majority of the juvenile coho rear for two complete years prior to outmigrating as Age 2+fish.However,a significant number of the juvenile coho rear for only one year and outmigrate as Age 1+fish. -Spawning Locations and Utilzation of Spawning Habitat (**) Coho salmon spawn almost exclusively in tributaries in the middle Susitina River.A few coho have been observed in mainstem and slough areas. However,these individuals were not observed to spawn (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b).Index counts of coho in tributaries of the middle reach were made E-3-2-25 851021 to determine the relative importance of each tributary for coho spawning.Of 25 streams surveyed for utilization by spawning coho,only 10 to 12 streams are used to any extent.Coho spawn primarily in Indian River (RM 138.5)and Whiskers Creek (RM 101).A summary of the relative importance of each tributary for coho spawning for 1981-1984 is provided in Table E.3.2.15.Peak index counts of coho are depicted graphically in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.These habitats will not be affected by changes in mainstem discharge ortempel:'ature regimes assQciated with the project.Spawning activity occurs between the first week in September and the first week of October (Figure E.3.2.7)•. Incubation and Emergence (**) Incubation of coho embryos begins in mid September. Between 250 and 1,500 pairs of coho spawn annually.Average fecundity is approximately 2,800 eggs par female (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b). Therefore,between 700,000 and 4,200,000 eggs are deposited each year. Emergence of fry from the spawning gravels occurs between late April and early May (ADF&G 1984c).The incubation pe~iod is depicted in 'Figure ~E;3:2-~T;'--'---',~~.~.~ No estimate of juvenile population size has been made,therefore,egg-to-fry survival cannot be estimated. -Juvenile Behavior (**) ·Af&er-emergencefromthe_spawning_g:J;'J;"Y~ll:),.."ju:y~ni!~ --'--.'coho_ini.tiat_e_a_g~neral downstream movement within the tributaries.Some of the Age 0+ juveniles move out of their natal tributaries into the mainstem.The remainder apparently remain in the tributaries for rearing and overwintering.At Age 1+,more coho juveniles move out of the tributaries into the main.stem.Agel+juveniles a.iso-~·remainhithe·tributaries,overwinter for a .secondy~al:'ar1<f._g!1~1!1igl:ate as Age 2+fish.(ADF&G 1983n 1984c, 1985c,1983n.)~- Juvenile coho that m6veinto the mainstem of the middle reach generally move into clearwater areas E-3-2-26 ..J!. " ") 'J I 1 ) r J I .J 851021 including tributaries,tributary mouths,upland and side sloughs (ADF&G 1983m,1984c,1985c).'Juvenile coho prefer low-velocity clearwater areas with high structural habitat diversity.During the fall, juvenile coho move into upland and side sloughs to overwinter. The average size of Age 0+juvenile coho in the middle river increased from approximately 40mm in length to approximately 70mm in length from May through September (ADF&G 1985c)as measured at the Talkeetna Station outmigrant trap.In the lower river,the average length of Age 0+juveniles increased from approximately 40 mm in June to approximately 90 mm in late September and early October (ADF&G 1985c).Age 1+juveniles (1982 Brood year)in the middle river grew from an average length of approximately 70 mm in June to over 115 mm in October.In the lower river,the average length of Age 1+juveniles increased from approximately 90 mm in May to ,approximately 1l0,mm in October.(ADF&G 1985c). Only a few Age 2+juvenile coho (1981 brood year),} were collected in each sampling period throughout the 1984 open water season.,Consequently,no significant increase in length through the summer was evident (ADF&G 1985c).Incremental increases in average sizes of juvenile coho during the 1984, summer collecting season are summarized in Table E.3.2.l6. Stomach contents of juvenile coho were examined in 1982 and 1984 (ADF&G 1983m,1985c).Chironomid larvae were found to numerically dominate the food items in both studies. In 1983,outmigration of Age 0+,1+and 2+ juveniles from the middle reach was relatively constant through the summer.A major peak of outmigrating Age 0+juveniles in August coincides w:i.th the redistribution of the fish to overwintering habitats in the lower river (ADF&G 1984c).In 1984,Age 0+juveniles outmigrated in early August and Age 1+and 2+fish outmigrated primarily in June (ADF&G 1985c). Outmigration of Age 0+juveniles from the lower river peaked in late August and again in early October in 1984 (ADF&G 1985c).Peak outmigration E-3-2-27 851021 of Age 1+and 2+fish occurred in early September (ADF&G 1985c). Based upon scale analysis of returning adult coho, it is likely that the outmigrating Age 0+juveniles do not survive once they move into salt water. Juveniles that outmigrate as Age 1+or Age 2+fish are the largest contributors to the adult population. The duration of occurrence of juvenile coho in the middle Susitna River is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7 (iv)Chum Salmon (***) -Upstream Migration of Returning Adults (**) Adult chum salmon enter the Susitna River basin beginning in mid July.Adult chum are abundant in thELlowerriver _~:O:l:il th.e end of August with 90 percent of the escapement passing the Susitna Station or Flathorn Station during the last two weeks of August (ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b). Over 90 percent of the chum which enter the Susitna River migrate past the Sunshine Station to spawn in one of the three major subbasins of the Susitna Drainage:"the Chulitna River,the middle Susitna River--or the--TalkeetnaRfver (Seeoelow).-- Migration of chum salmon past the Sunshine Station generally begins in early July and is essentially complete by the .end of August each year.Peak movement of chum past the Sunshine Station generally occurs in the last week of July or the first week of August (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h, Initial migration into the middle Susitna (i.e. past the Talkeetna and Curry Stations)begins during the last half of July,peaks in early August and is basically complete by the end of August (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,""1985b). Rates of.movement of chum salmon are greater than rates estimated fot thillook,sockeye and coho.The average rates of movement upstream from Sunshine to Talkeetna ranged from 3.3 mpd in 1981 to 5.8 mpd in 1984.From Talkeetna to Curry,average movement rates ranged from 4.2 mpd in 1981 and 1982 to 8.5 E-3-2-28 } ,1 \! , 1 I 1 .! ( I-' 851021 mpd in 1982 and 1984 (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h, and 1985b). -Population Estimates (***) Minimum escapement of chum salmon into the Susitna River in 1981,1982 and 1983 were 280,000, 460,000 and 275,000 fish,respectively (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h).In 1984,the estimated escapement of chum salmon to the Susitna River was 813,000 fish based on results obtained from the Flathorn Station (ADF&G 1985b). Apparently,more than 90 percent of the chum escapement migrates past the Sunshine Station. This is evidenced by the 1984 estimate of 765,000 fish moving upstream of Sunshine compared with the estimated 813,000 fish migrating past the Flathorn, Station (ADF&G 1985b).A summary of the estimated escapement af chum past the Sunshine,Talkeetna and Curry Stations for 1981-1984 is presented in Table E.3.2.6.Annual averages for these stations are 431,025 (Sunshine),54,625 (Talkeetna)and 28,225 (Curry)• Based upon estimated escapements to spawning areas in the mainstem,side sloughs and tributaries de- .scribed below,75 percent of the escapement past the Talkeetna Station and 45 percent of the escapement past the Curry Station returned downstream to spawn (ADF&G 1985b).Therefore,it is estimated that less than 2 percent of the entire Susitna River chum escapement spawn in habitats associated with the middle river. -Age Composition (**) The majority of the returning adults were Age 4 fish,followed by Ages 3 or 5.(ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h,and 1985b).In 1983,Age 5 fish were most abundant.A few return at Age 6.A summary of the age composition of chums observed in 1981-1984 at each of the sampling stations is presented in Table E.3.2.l7. All of the chum salmon returning to spawn in the Susitna River,outmigrated as Age 0+juveniles (ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,1984h,1985b). E-3-2-29 -Spawning Locations and Spawning Habitat Utilization (*) Adult chum salmon utilize the widest range of habitats for spawning of any of the Pacific salmon using the middle reach.Based on estimated escapements past each of the sampling stations, over 95 percent of'the total chum salmon escapement into the Susitna River spawn in areas upstream of the Sunshine Station at RM 80 (ADF&G 1985c). Chum utilize tributary,side slough,side channel and mainstem areas for spawning within the middle reach. Tributaries commonly used by spawning chum salmon include Indian River,Portage Creek and 4th of July Creek.Several other streams are used,but to a' lesser extent.A summary of peak escapement estimates in tributaries ·of·the~iddle Susitna River is provided in"Table E.3.2.18 and the peak ascapements are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.Based upon the peak counts,the total escapement of chum salmon to tributaries was estimated to be 3,400 fish in 1981,3,500 fish in 1982 (ADF&G 1983a),2,800 fish in 1983 (ADF&G 1984h),and 7,600 fish in 1984 (ADF&G 1985b). These numbers represent 16.3,7.0,5.5 and 7.7 ··~-~-percento~of~he-estimated~oescapements-past·the Talkeetna Station in each of the respective years (not accounting for return of adults downstream). Similarly,these represent 26.7,11~9,13.3 and 15.4 percent of the estimated escapements past the Curry Station in each of the respective years~ Chum salmon spawned in'nearly every slough within .........the.middle __S:us.itna ..d:uring.t:h~_19JU::1913.lt~!lJIl!ller~.' ._..~~.....__.__.Peak escal'ements to each slough are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.in 1983 an'dT984"- stream life surveys indicated that the average time chum salmon inhabit the spawning areas in sloughs was 6.9 days (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).Using the average stream life and the total number of fish-days for chum in each slough,estimates of the total number of chtJril spawning in the sloughS ware. calculated (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).Total slough escapements are summarIZed'for each slough in Table E.3.2.l9.The total numbers of chum salmon using slough habitats were 4,500 fish in 1981,5,000 fish in 1982,2,900 fish in 1983,and 14,600 fish in r· 851021 E-3-2-30 851021 1984 (ADF&G 1984h,1985b).These estimates represent 21.6,10.2,5.7 and 14.9 percent of the escapements past the Talkeetna Station in each of the sampling years,respectively.Similarly,these represent 34.3,17.3,13.8 and 29.3 percent of the estimated escapement past the Curry Station each of the sampling years.Sloughs 8A,9,11 and 21 support more than 50 percent of middle river slough spawning chum salmon. Chum salmon have also been observed to spawn in side channel and mainstem habitats.In the middle reach,nine.chum spawning areas were identified to have spawning in 1982 (ADF&G 1983a),and no estimate of the total number spawning in those areas was obtained.In 1983,six sites were identified to support chum salmon spawning (ADF&G 1984h).Less than 1,000 fish were estimated to utilize these habitats.In 1984,36 sites were identified as supporting adult ~hum,spawning.An estimated total of 3,000 fish used these sites. The increases in identified use of mainstem sites for spawning in 1984 was due principally to a more intensive survey and to the increased escapement to the middle reach over previous years.In 1984, mainstem and side channel sites provided spawning areas for less than 4 percent.of the escapement past Talkeetna and less than 8 percent of the escapement past Curry (ADF&G 1985b). Based on these estimated numbers of chum salmon observed to spawn in the middle reach,approxi- mately 75 percent of the escapement past Talkeetna and 45 percent of the escapement past Curry return downstream to spawn in areas below RM 98 where the Chulitna River merges with the Susitna River (ADF&G 1985b)• Chum salmon spawn almost exclusively in areas having groundwater upwelling (ADF&G 1983k, 1984b).Although groundwater upwelling is the principal factor associated with spawning locations,chum salmon spawning habitat is also characterized by water depths greater than 0.8 ft., water velocities between 0 and 2 ft.per second, and substrate ranging in size from large gravel to cobble (ADF&G 1984b).The sizes of substrate used by chum salmon are large in comparison with substrate sizes utilized elsewhere in Alaska (Hale 1981b,Wilson et aI,1981).This is probably due E-3-2-3l 851021 to the dependence of chums on upwelling areas and overestimation of the predominant substrate sizes by the investigators (ADF&G 1984b). Spawning by adult chum occurs between the middle of August and the end of September in all areas (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b).This period is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7. -Incubation and Emergence (**) Incubatibn of the chum embryos begin with deposition of the eggs in mid August to late September (Figure E.3.2.7). Emergence of the fry from the spawning substrate occurs in February and March (ADF&G 1983m,1984c, 1985c)• Based upon the estimated number of spawning chum salmon in the middle reach,between 3,000 and" 13,000 pairs of chum salmon spawn in areas associated within the middle reach.The fecundity of chum salmon is approximately 3,200 eggs per female.Therefore,between 9,600,000 and 41,600,000 eggs are deposited ea:ch year.Egg to fry survival is estimated to be 12 to ,14 percent (ADF&G 1984c,). -Juvenile Behavior (**) After emerging from the spawning gravels,juvenile chum salmon remain near the natal areas until earlytotllid-May.,,'They then begin a general downstream movement out of the middle Susitna River.All juvenile chumoutmigrate from the ll1ic.i<:ile dY~:J:1:lY'~h.~~!1,<:1Q~"-I:tllY{'\I>f&G 1983m 1984c,1985c).In the intervening period, --"""':::j:':::u"':v:"":e'-=niles increase in average si-zerrom aTemgth of 40 mm in May to 48 mm in July (ADF&G 1985c). Outmigration from the lower Susitna River into Cook Inlet similarly occurs between late May and mid- July (ADF&G 1985c).Peak outmigration of juvenile c,h'UlIl occlirS iIl.lIlid-:Jl.l11~"forboth the middle and lower reaches •(ADF&G 1985c). No additional growth increment was observed for chum salmon between the Talkeetna Station E-3-2-32 J ,.1.'\ J /,1 --J j 851021 outmigrant trap and the Flathorn outmigrant trap in 1984 (ADF&G 1985c). The outmigration period for chum salmon is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7. (v)Pink (**) -Upstream Migration of Returning Adults (**) Pink salmon enter the Susitna River in late June to early July.Movement of the adults upstream is rapid with the movement of fish past the Sunshine Station beginning in early July and ending in mid August (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b).Movement of pink salmon into the middle reach begins in mid-July and is complete by mid-August,as determined from the movement past the Talkeetna Station.Essentially all of these fish spawn in tributaries upstream from the influence of mainstem discharges and will not be affected by the proposed project. As with the other salmon species,the movement of pink salmon into the middle river does not indicate where they will spawn.Up to 85 percent of the pink that migrate past the Talkeetna Station and up to 80 percent migrating Past the Curry Station return downstream to spawn elsewhere in the river system (ADF&G 1985b). The rates of upstream movement of pink salmon ranged from 2.6 to 7.7 mpd from the Sunshine Station to the Talkeetna Station and from 5.7 to 17.0 mpd from Talkeetna to Curry (ADF&G 1985b). The migation period is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7. -Age Composition (**) Two distinct stocks of pink salmon use the Susitna River to spawn.All pink salmon follow a two year life history and return to spawn as Age 2 fish.The two stocks are distinguished as even-year fish (those which spawn in even-numbered years)and odd-year fish.As discussed below,the even-year stock is numerically dominant in the Susi tna River. E-3-2-33 -Population Estimates (**) The numerical dominance of the even-year pink stock is evidenced by the estimated escapement to the Susitna River.Minimum escapement of adult pink salmon in 1982,based on the sum of the Sunshine Station and Yentna escapements was 890,500 fish (ADF&G 1983a).In 1984,the escapement past the Flathorn Station was estimated to be 3,629,900 fish (ADF&G 1985b).Estimates of the minimum escapements in 1981 and 1983 were 85,600 and 101,200 fish,respectively (sum of Sunshine and Yentna Station escapements)(ADF&G 1981a,1984h). Estimated escapement of pink salmon upstream of the Talkeetna Station was 73,000 and 177,900 in 1982 and 1984,respectively.In 1981 and 1983,the estimated escapements past Talkeetna Station were 2,300 and 9,500 fish,respectively.Escapement estimates for all sampling stations are summarized in Table E.3.2~6.Based on 1984 results,less than one percent of the totalSusitna Basin pink salmon escapement spawned in habitats associated with the middle river. -Spawning Locations and Utilization of Spawning Habitats (**) ~~·-·-"More "than~90""percent~~()f-~the~pi·nk-sa.lmon-in.the. middle reach spawn in tributaries that are not affected by mainstem discharges and,therefore, will not be affe<::ted by the project.A summary of peak index counts of pink salmon in the tributaries is presented as Table E.3.2.20 for the four year sampling period.The distribution of spawning locations is depicted on Figures E.3.2.8 through r .1 A small portion of.the pink··saTmon"spawnTil"S!ough _.'.'.'-'" habitats.Even-year pink salmon tend to spawn in '1 sloughs more than 6dd-yearpink salmon.Whether \ this difference is due to stock differences or density differences is not known.Peak counts in slough areas are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 I I .........tb.r6ugh:E~.3.2 ;13;; 'spawningac::EiviEy'oCciirs duriIlgAugliSt and occasionally during the first week of September (See Figure E.3.2.7). 851021 E-3-2-34 :01 ,r -Incubation and Emergence (**) Incubation of pink salmon embryos begins with deposition of the eggs in August.Emergence of the fry probably occurs in March and April. In odd years,100 to 600 pairs of pink salmon spawn in the middle reach based upon the estimated escapement and the estimated return downstream (ADF&G 1985b).In even years between 5,000 and 12,000 pair of pink salmon spawn in the middle reach.The estimated fecundity of pink salmon is 1,500 eggs per female (ADF&G 1984h).Therefore,in odd years between 150,000 and 900,000 eggs are deposited.In even years,between 7,500,000 and 18,000,000 eggs are deposited.No estimate of egg to fry survival of pink salmon in the Susitna River is available. -Juvenile Behavior (**) After emergence from the spawning gravels,juvenile pink salmon move out of the tributaries and the middle reach almost immediately with no increase in size.Peak outmigration of pink juveniles occurs by mid June (ADF&G 1985c),and is complete by mid July. (b)Other Anadromous Species (0) (i)Bering Cisco (0) The Bering cisco is a coregonid (whitefish)that occurs from the Beaufort Sea to Cook Inlet. Although Bering cisco have been collected from upper Cook Inlet and the Knik Arm,the species was not known to inhabit the Susitna River drainage prior to 1980-1981 ADF&G studies.Interior and western Alaskan populations appear to contain both anadromous and freshwater resident forms.Susitna River Bering cisco appear to be anadromous (ADF&G 1981a). Bering cisco were collected in the lower Susitna River between RM 70 and RM 98.5 in 1981 and 1982 (ADF&G 1983a).In 1981,the migration began in August at Susitna Station (RM 26)and on September 8 at Sunshine Station (RM 80).The 1981 fishwheel catches peaked on September 21 at Sunshine.In 1982, the migration began on August 7 at Susitna Station 851021 E-3-2-35 and on September 4 at Sunshine Station.The 1982 fishwheel catches peaked on September 27 •. During 1981,spawning concentrations were identified at RM 78-79,76-77.5 and 75.In 1982,spawning was confirmed at RM 76.8-77.6 and 81.2 (ADF&G 1983a).It is suspected that spawning may occur throughout the reach between RM 30 and RM 100 (ADF&G 1981e).Spawning substrates were composed primarily of 1-to 3-inch (2.5-to 7.5-cm)gravel.Peak spawning occurred during the second week of October in both 1981 and 1982 (ADF&G 1983).Susitna River Bering cisco appear to occupy their spawning grounds 15 to 20 days.After spawning,these fish migrate downstream to sea (ADF&G 1981a).No spawning areas for the Bering Cisco are known to exist in the middle river. (ii)Eulachon (0) The eulachon is an anadromous member of the smelt family that spends most of its'life in the marine environment.-Adults are believed to live at moderate ocean depths in the vicinity of the echo-scattering layer and in clos~proximity to shore.In the north- ern portion of its range,eulachon spawn in May and June. During 1982,-the-spawni·ng-mi~grat·ion·appeared·tobe composed of two segments:an early run that started prior to May 16 and en4ed about May 31,'and a late run that started about June 1 and ended about June 10 (ADF&G 1983a).The second run was approximately 4.5 times larger in'numbers than the first run.Eulachon are known to utilize the Susitna River system at least as far upstream as RM 58 in 1981 and RM 48 in J9§2 C~:PF&GJ98~~}. ""--"--..~--_._---------_._--_._-_.-I-n~--'-r982-,--e-uI-~chon _·s·pawned -'-In'r':[f f1"e-a reas--'-a-nd-'---o-f-f-~--.._,_~_-_.,-----_._--­ shore of cut banks on unconsolidated sands and gra- vels.Spawning occurred at water temperatures be- tween 37.4 to 49.1°F (3.0 to 9.5°C)(ADF&G 1983a). (c)Resident Species (***) (i)Dolly Varden Char (***) Dolly Varden are found in lakes,streams,and rivers throughout Alaska.Three forms of Dolly ,1 ·rI '.\ j 'J 'I 851021 E-3-2-36 I 1 851021 Varden have been identified:an anadromous form that generally inhabits coastal streams,a resident variety that inhabits rivers and lakes,and a dwarf resident form that occupies stream and lake habitats generally north of the Alaska Mountain Range (Morrow 1980). Within the Susitna River drainge,Dolly Varden are known to inhabit various areas from the Oshetna River (RM 233.4)to Cook Inlet (ADF&G 1981f,1981e,1983m, 1983b,1984c,1985c).Throughout the drainage, populations are relatively low with insufficient numbers of fish caught to determine population size estimates.In the lower river (downstream from the Chulitna River confluence at RM 98.6)Dolly Varden were most commonly caught at the mouth of the Kashwitna River (ADF&G 1983m,1985c).Within the middle Susitna River,Dolly Varden were captured most frequently at the mouths of Indian River (RM 138.6), Lane Creek (RM 113.6)and Portage Creek (RM 148.8). Based on the data available for Dolly Varden populations in the middle and lower Susitna River (downstream from RM 150)it is presumed that Dolly Varden move into the tributaries during the summer months to rear and feed.In the fall,the Dolly Varden move into the mainstem in November and December to overwinter (ADF&G 1983m).Apparently, juvenile Dolly Varden move into the tributaries in the spring for rearing.Sexual maturity is attained at approximately Age 4.(ADF&G 1983m,1984c). Between the Oshetna River and Devil Canyon (i.e.,in the impoundment zone)Dolly Varden populations are apparently small but are widely distributed (ADF&G 1983b).Populations have been found in Cheechako, Devil,Watana,Jay and upper Deadman Creeks (ADF&G 1983b).Total lengths of the fish collected in the upper Susitna River ranged from 120 to 205 mm.Thus, these stocks appear to be representative of the stunted or dwarf variety noted by Morrow (1980). This occurrence appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of the dwarf variety described by Morrow (1980).However,Morrow's description is based on the limited information available prior to the present studies and these could represent a more refined definition of the range of the dwarf variety and is therefore,not unexpected. E-3-2-37 851021 Seasonal movements of the population in the impoundment zones appear similar to those described for the middle and lower reaches of the Susitna River. Populations of Dolly Varden were identified in numerous streams and lakes within the access and transmission line corridors (ADF&G 1984a). Summaries of the occurrence of Dolly Varden in the streams and lakes are presented in Tables E.3.2.21 and E.3.2.22,respectively.The locations of the streams and lakes are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13 and Figures E.3.2.14 through E.3.2.17. (ii)Rainbow Trout (***) Rainbow trout inhabiting the Susitna River constitute one of the northernmost populations of this species (Morrow 1980).Within the Susitna River,rainbow trout populations are found up to and including Portage Creek at RM 148.8 (ADF&G1983m).No populations have been identified upstream of Devil Canyon in the impoundment zone. During the spring and summer months,rainbow trout are distributed in clear water areas associated with tributaries and tributary mouths (ADF&G 1984c). -Highest·concentcrations~,of.rainbow_trout_hav:.e .b,een observed associated with the Deshka River in the lower Susitna River (ADF&G 1985c)and Whiskers Creek, Chase Creek,and Fourth of July Creek in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984c).Rainbow trout often follow salmon to their spawning areas in tributaries and side sloughs where they presumably feed on eggs dislodged from the salmon redds.During the summer period,highest densities of rainbow trout are"observedups treamlo'EhefriDiiE-a:ri es~C-'BY··. ~-.----~-_.-._~----_.-mfa--Septemoer;ra-iIiliow --troiit-move-·-to-t-t"i-b-utary--mou"t-h- areas and presumbly move into the mainstem to overwinter. Spawning activity probably occurs in late May to early June in upper reaches of tributaries.This is '..based upon the inability'to capture juvenile rainbow trout at locations associated with the mainstem in 'early to midsummer.Juveniles are collected more frequently in the lower portions of tributaries as winter approaches (ADF&G 1984c,1985c).Fourth of July Creek appears to support a significant spawning E-3-2-38 1.'J .\ ·1 851021 population.The ADF&G (1985c)believes that rainbow trout are produced in lakes in the Fourth of "July Creek drainage.These move out into the river and rear.Growth of juvenile rainbow trout is similar to other northern populations (ADF&G 1983n,1981e, 1983m)• Juvenile and adult populations in the middle Susitna River are relatively small.Estimates of the population range from 2,500 to 5,000 fish (ADF&G 1984c).The major contributor to the low population levels is attributed to the lack of suitable spawning areas (ADF&G 1984c).In addition,survival rates are relatively low.High mortality rates are attributed to poor spawning habitat,and low survival of juveniles and adults during winter months.In addition,fishing pressure during the fall,when this species is particularly vulnerable to capture at tributary mouth locations,contributes to the low population levels.Winter mo~tality is due principally to dessication and freezing (ADF&G 1984c, 1983e,1985a).Several instances of dead radio-tagged fish have been recorded under the ice (ADF&G 1983e,1985a). Habitats suitable for rainbow trout include clear water areas with velocities less than 0.5 ft per second and depths greater than 2 ft.Rainbow trout are also associated with areas containing cover in the form of undercut banks,debris and substrate greater than 3 inches diameter (preferrably boulders)(ADF&G 1984c). Movement of rainbow trout during summer and winter months has been documented through tracking of radio-tagged fish.Based on the results of the tracking,rainbow trout apparently move freely from tributary to tributary during the summer and throughout the mainstem areas during the winter (ADF&G 1981 e,1983m,1983e,1984c,1985a).I n the summer,the mainstem areas apparently serve principally as a migratory pathway;whereas,in the winter,the mainstem serves as holding areas (ADF&G 1985c,1983m). A population of rainbow trout was also identified in High Lake,near High Lake Lodge.High Lake is within the access and transmission line corridor between the Watana and Devil Canyon Dam sites.No estimate of the population size was made.(ADF&G 1984a). E-3-2-39 851021 (iii)Arctic Grayling (*) The Arctic grayling is also one of the most important sport fish of Alaska and northern Canada and contributes substantially to the sport fishery of the Susitna River and its tributaries.Grayling are generally residents of clear,cold streams and lakes (Scott and Crossman 1973). Silt-laden glacial systems,such as the Susitna River,are believed to support relatively few gray- ling;however,such systems may provide essential migratory channels and over-wintering habitat (ADF&G 1981f).The Arctic grayling is characterized by Reed (1964)as a migratory species.During spring breakup from April to June,adults migrate from ice-covered lakes and large rLvers into clear,gravel bottomed tributaries to spawn (Morrow 1980).In Alaska, Arctic grayling reach sexual maturity at age 2 to 7 years and are capable of spawning several times ''''. during their lifetime.After spawning~the adults move from the spawning a.reas"to spend the rest of the summer feeding on aquatic and terrestrial insects taken from the aquatic drift (Vascotto 197.0).A downstream migration to overwintering areas i~large rivers and deep lakes occurs in late August to mid-September (Pearse 1974)• .'~~-~Du·r-ing·c1980-81~g't'acy-l"ing-werce ·capt-urced between Al.exander Creek (RM 10.1)and the upper reaches of the impoundment area.Catches were low throughout winter,but increased sharply in May,both below and above the impoundment area.Below the impoundment area,catches increased during the period May 1-15 and then declined at all habitat locations throughout the summer,until catches again increased at tributary mouths in Sept~mbeI""Primarytributar~E!s of~he -tilidciTe-river whichsupp·ort··gra yiIng ·popuIa t:i.Ons·are· .....__...Indian R[ver~··and Portage CreeklADF&GT9-8".3mr.-WfffiTii the impoundment area,catches were highest in June and July and declined toward the end of summer and early fall (Table E.3.2.23). Changes in distribution and catch of grayling are associated with migrational movements to spawning ~groundsand.overwinteringareas.that may have been iriifiatedinre·sponse tostirface'water temperat·tire (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).Below the impoundment area, high catches in May are associated with migration E-3-2-40 :1 r J 1 ,.\ 851021 from the mainstem Susitna into nonglacial tributary spawning grounds immediately after ice leaves the tributaries (ADF&G 1983b).High catches in September are probably associated with migrational movements back to over wintering areas in the mainstem Susitna. Within the impoundment area in May and June,grayling appeared to move upstream into pool-type habitat in tributaries where they spawn.The movement may be triggered by increasing water temperatures (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).As surface water temperatures began to decrease in late summer and early fall,lower numbers of fish w~re observed in these upper stream reaches and tagged fish were observed migrating downstream.Small-scale distribution patterns and abundance within upper stream reaches are determined primarily by streamflow and channel morphology. Observed preferred grayling habitat is characterized .~ by high pool/riffle ratios,large,deep pools:,and moderate velocities (ADF&G 1983m,-1983b,1984c). Additional distribution patterns in the impoundm~nt reach were documented by catching,tagging and re- leasing 2,511 grayling during.1981 (ADF&G 1981f). Many tributary fish moved into the Susitna mains~em for overwintering.Analysis indicates that there is a wide range of intertributary migration as well as movement within individual tributaries. Grayling population estimates were calculated for the reaches of major tributaries to be inundated by the Devil Canyon and Watana impoundments (Table E.3.2.24).The 1982 estimates were based on tag/recapture data during July and August 1982,while the 1981 estimates were based on results from the entire summer period.There were insufficient tag returns from Watana Creek in 1981 and from Tsusena and Fog creeks in 1982 to derive estimates.The 1982 population estimate was calculated for age groups (Table E.3.2.25).The total grayling population in the impoundment zone was estimated to be at least 16,000 in 1982,while the population of grayling over 8 inches (20 em)was estimated to be 9,375,excluding Watana Creek in 1981 (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).In 1982, summer density estimates ranged from 323 grayling per mile (1.6 km)in Watana Creek to 1,835 grayling per mile (1.6 km)in Deadman Creek for the reaches to be inundated (Table E.3.2.24). E-3-2-41 851021 There was no evidence of grayling spawning at any sampling locations between Devil Canyon ana Cook Inlet.It is thought that adult grayling from the mainstem Susitna below Devil Canyon migrate into nonglacial tributaries to spawn in late April or May. In the impoundment reach,grayling fry were captured at the Watana Creek study area in 1981 indicating spawning in the immediate vicinity. Spawning apparently occurs from late April through early May under ice or during mid-May spring floods in the lower reaches of all eight tributaries sampled within the impoundment zone (ADF&G 1983b).Suitable spawning habitat,i.e.,proper spawning gravel in pool regions,was observed in all streams studied (ADF&G 1983b).Assuming favorable spawning conditions exist,it is not likely that-spawning habitat significantly limits grayling in the impoundment area (ADF&G 1983b). In addition to the tributary population,Arctic grayling populations were identified in Sally Lake, Deadman Lake and an unnamed lake on the south bank of the Susitna River near the mouth of Watana Creek.The population identified in Deadman Creek is associated with upper D~adman Creek.The lake apparently provides overwintering habitat for the population in the creek (ADF&G 1984a).The population found in .··Sally-:&ake~appears··t;o~be-·stunt;ed~·wit-hadul-t-gI'ayling· remaining much smaller than the adults associated with tributaries of the Susitna River (ADF&G 1983b). Arctic grayling populations were also identified in seven streams that will be crossed by either the access road or the transmission line between the dam 13.!.t ~13.a.1l.~L _G()J.~__Gl:'~~!t (A:Pl?&g!~~4~J_.'A l:l,l!~~~l:'y(?f the streams containing Arctic grayling populations is '-presented--·-as~TabIe ~302.2T:-----Mai>s···-depi c ti-ng the ..-..--------_.- access road and transmission line corridors and enumerating the streams to be crossed are presented as Figure E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.Two lakes within the access road and transmission line corridor contain Arctic grayling populations.These are n-eadfilatl··I;ake(desc-ri bed -above)and Beaver Lake.The locations of alL lakes within the corridors are -de'pieted in Figureslr~3.2'.14 throughE.3.2.17.The occurrence of grayling in these lakes is summarized in Table E.3.2.22 .. E-3-2-42 -j II I I 851021 (iv)Lake Trout (***) Near the Watana impoundment area,lake trout were collected in Sally Lake in the impoundment zone and Deadman Lake.Both lakes support a limited sport fishery.The population inhabiting Sally Lake is small,estimated at approximately 1,000 fish (ADF&G 1983b).The population of lake trout in Deadman Lake is somewhat larger.Numerous lake trout were observed in Deadman Lake in relatively shallow water near the inlet stream (ADF&G 1984a). In both Sally Lake and Deadman Lake,lake trout were located in relatively shallow water in June.Later in the summer,the fish were in deeper water,up to 75 ft deep,just below the thermocline (ADF&G 1984a).In October and November,the lake trout again moved to shallow water along the shorelines, apparently to spawn. Ages of four lake trout in Deadman Lake ranged from 15 to 26 years (ADF&G 1984a). (v)Burbot (**) In Alaska,burbot are distributed in the Susitna and Copper Rivers,Bristol Bay drainages, throughout the interior,and in the Arctic (McLean and Delaney 1978).Burbot mature between ages 3 and 6 in Alaska and may live a total of 15 to 20 years. Burbot are widely distributed throughout the mainstem Susitna River.Adults are found at tributary and slough mouths and in turbid mainstem areas.Burbot are typically sedentary but may move considerable distances during the fall prior to spawning in the winter (ADF&G 1983b). Burbot appear to be more abundant in the lower river from the Chulitna River confluence to Cook Inlet (ADF&G 1985c).In the middle river,population densites were estimated to be 15 fish per mile (ADF&G 1984c). In the Susitna River,spawning occurs from November to February (ADF&G 1981e,1983m).Although no spawning activity was observed,the increase in density of adult fish at the mouth of the Deshka River and the migration of radio-tagged adult fish to the mouth of the Deshka River indicated a high E-3-2-43 851021 probability that spawning occurs in the area (ADF&G 1985b)• Adult burbot apparently prefer areas with low light conditions (Morrow 1980),thus,the turbid mainstem areas provide the most suitable habitat.Burbot have been as characterized is being omnivorous carnivores (Morrow 1980)and are believed to be a major fish predator on other Susitna River fish species (ADF&G 1984c)• In addition to the burbot populations identified in the mainstem of the Susitna River;Beaver Lake, located along the access corridor,contains a population of burbot (ADF&G 1984a)(Figure E.3.2.15). (vi)Round Whitefish (**) Round whitefish are distributed across all of Arctic and interior Alaska.They are normally abundant in clearwater streams with gravel-cobble substrate but are also in large glacial rivers and lakes. Round whitefish mature between ages 4 to 7,and spawning occurs in late September through October over gravel substrate in t~e shallows of rivers and inshore areas of lakes (Morrow 1980).Upstream migrations are often associated with spawning. The densities of round whitefish tend to be greatest in the middle river between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna (ADF&G 1983m).Adult round whitefish move into clearwater tributaries in June to rear.In September,round whitefish move into the mainstem where they spawn and overwinter.Spawning adults have been ~ollected from the mouths of Lane Creek, Indian~iver,and I?ortage Creek in October (ADF&G19SSe).---..----.-------------------- Round whitefish appear to be the most abundant resident fish species downstream from Devil Canyon;in the impoundment zone,round whitefish are relatively uncommon (ADF&G 1983b). Round whitefish-are also-reported to inhabit Deadman Lake where they apparently serve as a forage fish for Arctic graylirig(ADF&G 1984a)~Dliri fig the sliilIlIleI' months,the fish occurred in small schools of 10 to 25 fish.In the fall,schools of 50 to 100 fish were E-3-2-44 1 J (vii) observed to spawn in 1-5 ft of water over sand and gravel substrate (ADF&G 1984a). Humpback Whitefish (**) In Alaska,there is a complex of three closely related species of whitefish:humpback whitefish, Alaska whitefish,and lake whitefish.Because of similar appearance and overlapping distributions,the data collected on the three species have been reported under the general heading of humpback white- fish. Alaska whitefish are largely stream inhabitants and undertake lengthy up-and downstream migrations to and from spawning grounds.Spawning occurs in September and October.Lake whitefish reside pri- marily in lakes but spawn in rivers or creeks between October and December.Humpback whitefish is appar- ently the only species of whitefish that is considered anadromous,although migration habits vary widely in different systems.Spawning migrations begin in June with spawning in October and November (Morrow 1980). Humpback whitefish are most abundant in the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach.Fish collected ranged from ages 2 to 7;Age 4 was the predominant age group (ADF&G 1981f,1983m). No evidence of humpback whitefish spawning was collected at any sampling location between Devil Canyon and Cook Inlet in 1981 or in 1983 (ADF&G 1981e,1984c). In 1983,humpback whitefish were collected from Deadman Lake (ADF&G 1984a).No estimate of the population was obtained.The youngest fish analyzed was 8 years old and all fish longer than 345 mm were 10 years old or more (ADF&G 1984a). 851021 (viii)Longnose Sucker (**) The longnose sucker,the only representative of the sucker family found in Alaska,is ubiquitous and occurs in most of the mainland drainages.Spawning usually occurs in spring after ice out.Spawning runs (i.e.,movement from lakes into inlet streams or from deep pools into shallower,gravel-bottomed stream areas)are initiated when water temperatures E-3-2-45 851021 exceed 5°C (41°F).Longnose sucker feed almost exclusively on benthic invertebrates but will occasionally ingest live or dead fish eggs (Scott and Crossman 1973). Longnose suckers were collected throughout the study area from Cook Inlet to the upper reaches of the impoundment areas.Adult suckers were captured in the impoundment zone from May to September,generally near the confluence of mainstem river and the tributary streams (ADF&G 1981f,1983b). Downstream of Devil Canyon,longnose suckers are considerably more abundant than upstream from Devil Canyon (ADF&G 1983m).Spawning occurs in late May and early June •.During this period,adults congregate in spawning areas.During the remainder of the year,adults are more dispersed throughout the mainstem (ADF&G 1983b,1985c).Juveniles appear to utilize clearwate·r sloughs and tributary mouth habitats to a greater extent than adults (ADF&G ~1983b)• (ix)Threespine Stickleback (**) Threespine stickleback have been observed and captured at several locations throughout ~he Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet reach of the Susitna River. They are found most often in shallow,slack-water areaswithsoftsand-to-mud-subst-rcate and.emer.gent or submerged,rooted vegetation (ADF&G 1984c,1985c). These areas are essentially limited to side-slough, upland slough,tributary mouth and tributary habitats. Two forms of the threes pine stickleback, distinguished by behavior~land morphological chaI'a.cteri~ti~§,Jl:J;5!lt!J:c::>~to•..occur in the Susitna basin.One form,trachurus,isanacfi:·omous: Trachul:us usually enters coastaL-rivers Tntlie earTy summer where it reproduces and then dies.The juveniles rear for a short time in freshwater habitats and then return to the marine environment in late summer (Morrow 1980,ADF&G 1983m).The second form,leiurus,spends its entire life in freshwater. AthirdfOiiI1~semiarmatusispresumedto be present although none have.been identified from project sampli.ng.SemiarmaEusis aliybrid of trachtirtis and leiurus (Wootton 1976). E-3-2-46 .j J '! ,i I J I J 851021 The distribution of trachurus within the Susitna drainage is limited to habitats with open access to the marine environment.They have been observed in mainstem,side sloughs,side channel and tributary habitats.They have also been collected from lakes with open access to the mainstem Susitna.Leiurus are also found in these habitats as well as small lakes and ponds with isolated drainages.No populations of threes pine sticklebacks have been found in the Susitna drainage upstream of Devil Canyon. Inter-population variation for several morphological traits has been identified in the Pacific Northwest (eg.,Hagen and Gilbertson 1972;Hagen and McPhail 1970;Moodie and Reimchen 1973).This extensive variation indicates that the species is capable of pronounced adaptation to local environmental conditions.In studies conducted in Southcentral Alaska within the Susitna River,Bell et a1.(1985) identified"several populations in small,isolated lakes that contained a high proportion of individuals with reduced or missing pelvic spines and associated anatomical structures.The importance of these findings is uncertain at this time and all populations are located outside the area which could be affected by"the project.It is highly unlikely that populations with such morphological variation occur in habitats closely associated with the Susitna River (that would be potentially exposed to effects ~f project operation)since a high degree of isolation seems to be necessary for the evolution and maintenance of these adaptations (Bell et a1. 1985). (x)Cottids (**) All sculpin species captured in the Susitna River have been grouped under the general heading of cottids.The slimy sculpin is the most common cottid found in the Susitna,although there is a possibility that three other species may be present below the impoundment area. Slimy sculpin are present in nearly all clearwater habitats in the Susitna Basin.Adults and juveniles occupy these areas and exhibit little movement between habitats.Low densities of the sculpin are also present in mainstem habitats (ADF&G 1983m, 1983b). E-3-2-47 851021 Presumably,slimy sculpins represent a major predator on salmon embryos and newly emergent salmon-fry. (xi)Lamprey (0) The Arctic lamprey,one of four lamprey species that occurs in Alaska,was observed in the Susitna River during 1981 (ADF&G 1981e).The Pacific lamprey,an anadromous species that has been reported to range into the lower Susitna River (Morrow 1980),wa..s not observed during 1981 investigations. Some populations of Arctic lamprey are composed of both anadromous and freshwater forms.It was speculated that a portion (30 percent)of the Susitna poulation is anadromous,based on analysis of length frequencies (ADF&G 1981e).The anadromous form is parasitic;hosts include adult salmon,trout,white- fish,ciscoes,sucker,burbot,and threespine stickleback (Heard 1966).The freshwate~pforms have been reported to be both parasitic and nonparasitic. Arctic lamprey spawn during spring in streams with low-to-moderate flow.Embryos develop into a larval stage,which spend one to four years burrowed into soft substrate.l,After an indefinite period,adults migrate upstream to spawn. --Arctic~-lampr.e.y-were--captured.at-14 sampling sites,. .be tween RM 10 and RM 101,that were surveyed from November 1980 through September 1981.During the winter surveys,the only habitat site to produce Arctic lamprey was Rustic Wilderness where one lamprey was captured.This area is in the lower river at RM 57.All other lamprey were collected during the summer.Lamprey wer~not cQllected in the ~lIl]?0tl"~~dlr1l~_I~.~.9.at:re~,a~(ADF&G 1981e). -·Tne1fignesf·~eatCli frequency wasreco"rdeo-··ourrngthe September 1 to 15 sampling period.All lamprey taken during this period were collected at tributary sites downstream from RM 50.5.The lowest incidence of capture for this species during the summer was observed in the July 16-31,1981 sampling period (ADF&G ·1981e);; E-3-2-48 1 ,I \ -j -! .J ,-) :! 851021 2.2.2 -Habitat Utilization (***) Every river system provides a complex array of hydraulic and physical conditions within which fish and other aquatic organisms must exist.Through the process of natural selection, each species has evolved to utilize specific sets of habitat conditions from the array of conditions available in the system. The suitability,availability and subsequent utilization by the fish of specific areas within a river system are determined by the physical conditions within and adjacent to the areas or habitats. On an instantaneous basis (i.e.at a given discharge in the river at a specific time),the suitability,availability and utilization of a particular area can be described by a relatively few principle hydraulic and morphologic parameters.The suitability of a particular area is dependent upon water depth, water velocity,substrate composition and structural attributes contributing to cover for the fish.This assumes that chemical characteristics and temperature are within the tolerance limits of the fish.It also assumes that there is sufficient food available to support the fish.The availability of suitable conditions is determined first by the presence of the particular set of conditions suitable for a particu1arspecie~and secondly by the continuity of the specific area with the rest of the water body such that the fish maygain~aGcess to the area. On a continuous basis,the suitability and availability of a particular area is dependent upon discharge in the river and season of the year.Also,the utilization of specific areas within the river system is dependent upon the season of the year, behavior a~d the habitat requirements of the species and life stages present. Within the Susitna River basin,specific areas have been categorized into one of seven basic habitat types based upon their instantaneous hydraulic and morphologic characteristics. These seven habitat types are: 0 Mainstem 0 Side Channel 0 Tributary Mouth 0 Side Slough 0 Upland Slough 0 Tributary E-3-2-49 851021 o Lakes and Ponds Characteristics of these habitat types are described in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 Section.2.1. Each of these habitat types responds,to some degree,to changes in mainstem discharge.Changes in mainstem discharge may change water surface area and water quality,depth and velocity within a specific habitat type.Aside from the basic changes in habitat conditions asisociated with changes in flow,a particular site may be categorized differently at different mainstem discharge levels (EWT&A 1985b).For example,at a given discharge in the mainstem,an overflow channel may convey mainstem water and would be considered a side channel.At a lesser mainstem discharge, the channel may no longer convey mainstem water but ·.will convey local surface runoff,tributary flow,groundwater,or a combina- tion of these and would be considered a side slough. In addition to the response of habitat conditions to seasonal changes in mainstem discharge,seasonal changes in water temperature and suspended sediment concentrations influence the suitability of-a particular habitats site for habitation by fish. As discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,dramatic seasonal changes in discharge levels occur within the river.Summer discharge is often 10 to 20 times the winter discharge.Also,the Susitna River carries a considerable suspended sediment load 4u~ing the summer,whereas,during the winter,the suspended sediment load is low (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,ADF&G 1983k,1983e). The seven habitat types identified above can be ranked ~ccording to the sensitivity of habitat conditions within the sites to changes in mainstem discharge (HE 1984b,1985a).This sensitivity to mainstem discharge is described below with respect to the proportion of time or the frequency with which mainstem discharge directly affects habitat conditions and is summarized in Table E.3.2.26~ _..>._-•._._._._.•_-~--•."••~_• .Matnstemlil..!'easare by definition mos to changes in mains tem di schargesTnce haM ta tc·onaItIonsTn·ternisof~surface area,depth and velocity vary continuously with discharge. Side channels are less sensitive but are directly affected by mainstem discharge sufficiently great to breach the upstream ends of the channels.In general,side channels convey mainstem water more than 50 percen.t 6fthe time during the summer,openwater seCison (SeeE'Xhibit E,Chapter 2 for discussion of discharge regimes during summer vs winter months). Tributary mouth habitats occur at the confluence of the tributaries with the mainstem.The aerial extent of this habitat E-3-2-50 type is dependent not tributary discharge. discharge will affect only upon mainstem discharge but also on To some extent both mainstem and tr-ibutary the specific location of this habitat type. Side sloughs are less responsive to mainstemdischarge changes in that mainstem discharges sufficiently great to breach the upstream ends occur less than 50 percent of the time during the open water season.However,at lower discharge levels,the mainstem discharge may affect slough habitat conditions, particularly at the mouths,through backwater effects (ADF&G 1983k,1984r,19851).Mainstem discharge less than that sufficient to breach the upstream end may also affect habitat conditions through the influence on groundwater upwelling (See Exhibit E,Chapter 2 Section 2.4;R&M 1985b,APA 1984g). Upland sloughs are relatively insensitive to mainstem discharge. The major effects on upland sloughs by changes in mainstem discharge are changes in surface area,velocity and depth due to backwater effects.Changes in mainstemdischarge generally will not affect discharge or water quality parameters in the upland I slough. Tributaries,although continuous with the mainstem,are not affected by changes in mainstem discharge.Habitat conditions in tributaries are d~pendent only upon tributary discharge. Similarly,habitat conditions in lakes and streams within the. basin are unaffected by changes in mainstem discharge.In some cases,the lakes or ponds are completely independent of the mainstem with no interconnecting body of water.In other cases, outlet streams from the lakes or ponds do provide a surface water connection with the mainstem. In describing existing conditions,and ultimately ~n evaluating the effects of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,it is necessary to identify the utilization of the habitat types by the fish species.The utilization of each habitat type is described below in terms of the species present in the habitats;when they occur in the habitats;the relative ~bundance of each species in the habitats;and the significance of the habitat type to the appropriate life stage of the species.As a matter of convenience,the discussion is divided into three major reaches of the Susitna River:1)The Oshetna Rivet to Devil Canyon (RM 233 to RM 152)representing the impoundment zone,2)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (RM 152 -RM 100)referred to as the middle river, and 3)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (RM 100 -RM 0)referred to as the lower river. 851021 E-3-2-51 (a)Oshetna River to Devil Canyon (**) The impoundment zone reach of the Susitna River flows thro~gh a steeply cut channel that is in the process of degrading the existing riverbed.From Oshetna River (RM 233)to Devil Creek,the river is wide and often splits into two or more channels with an average gradient of approximately 13 ft/mile (2.4 m/km).From Devil Creek (RM 162)to the downstream end of Devil Canyon (RM 150),the river forms one channel that lies in a deep valley with an average gradient of 31 ft/mile (509 m/km).Substrates throughout the impoundment reach and mouths of tributaries consist of rubble,cobble,and boulders,often embedded in sand;gravels are present in some locations (ADF&G 1981f). Utilization of the mainstem,tributaries and lakes within this reach are described below.Only a few isolated side sloughs,side channels and upland sloughs exist in this reach and,therefore,are not considered an important habitat component of the impoundment zone.Tributary mouth habitats are discussed in conjunction with the descriptions ofihe tributary habitats.Detailed data collected in this reach are presented in ADF&G reports (ADF&G 1981f,1983b)0 (i)Mainstem Habitat Near the Confluence of Major Tributaries (***) -~-Species~0ccurrence-and~·Relat~ive··Abundance~(·***) Of the five species of Pacific Salmon,only chinook salmon have been observed upstream of the Devil Canyon Dam site at RM 150 (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b).The lack of other salmon upstream of RM 152 is due principally to the hydraulic velocity present in the rapids within Devil Canyon.Adult ....t;h:i,.nQQJ.(,w.~.!'~QQ§.~!'y~4J!l .t:h.~..!IlQt1t:1:l.I:1c:>LCh ee ch~!to Creek,Chinook Creek,Devil Creek and Fog Creek....-_{ADF&G ·1985bY:-Peak index countsatthese---·······_··-. locatidnsranging from 1to35 fish,indicate that the relative abundance of chinook at these creeks is quite low. Seven resident species {Arctic grayling,longnose sucker;-hillnpback whitefish;r(5Und~hitefish,Dolly Varden,burbot and slimy sculpin (Cotd.d)~dso dccurin the mairiste11l arid tributary 11louth habit:ats. None of these species is present in high numbers at the tributary mouths or in the mainstem.Arctic grayling and Dolly Varden are more abundant in the } J j 1 j 851021 E-3-2-52 (II!,) I i I 851021 mainstem during the winter (ADF&G 1983b).Burbot are present in the mains tern throughout the year (ADF&G 1983b). -Significance of Habitat (***) The mains tern Susitna River provides overwintering habitats for all species of resident fish occurring in the impouridment zone (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).In addition,mains tern and tributary mouth habitats provide habitat for burbot,juvenile Dolly Varden, round whitefish and humpback whitefish during the summer. (ii)Tributaries (***) Eleven named and numerous unnamed tributaries flow into the Susitna River within the impoundment zone. The locations of the confluences of the tributaries with the mainstem are given in Table E.3.2.27. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (***) Arctic grayling,Dolly Varden,longnose suckers. and cottids occur ~n tributary reaches within the impoundment zone (ADF&G 1983b).Utilization of tributaries is seasonal,with the major occurrence during the Summer.In tributaries upstream of the Watana Dam Site,Arctic grayling are the predominant species.The total population of Arctic grayling greater than 200 mm within the impoundment zone is estimated to be about 19,000 fish (ADF&G 1983b). Between the Devil Canyon and Watana Dam sites, Dolly Varden tend to be the more abundant species present in the tributaries.(~DF&G 1983b). Chinook salmon spawning adults,embryos and fry also may occur in the lower reaches of Chinook and Cheechako Creeks within the Devil Canyon impoundment zone since spawning activity has been observed in these streams (ADF&G 1983a,1984h, 1985b). --Significance of Habitat (***) Tributary habitats in the impoundment zone provide Summer spawning and rearing habitat for Arctic E-3-2-53 851021 grayling.Because Arctic grayling require clear water for spawning and rearing,the tributa~ies provide significant habitat for the species. The utilization of tributary habitat within the impoundment zone by chinook salmon is insignificant relative to the tributaries of the Middle River. This is due principally to the low numbers of chinook using these habitats (see Table E.3.2.8). (iii)Lakes and Ponds (***) Thirty-one lakes and ponds occur within the impoundment zone.Nearly all of the lakes and ponds are small and shallow,ranging in size from one to 55 acres.Only four of the lakes are sufficiently deep to contain free water under the ice in winter. The largest lake within the impoundment zone is Sally Lake loaated near the confluence of Watana Creek with the Susitna River. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) Lake trout and Arctic grayling occur in Sally Lake. The only other lake known to be inhabited by Arctic grayling is on the south side of the Susitna River near the Watana Creek confluence. The lake trout population in Sally Lake is estimated to be less than 1,000 fish (ADF&G 1983b).Arctic grayling in Sally Lake are more abundant (approximately 5,000 fish).These fish are apparently stunted since all fish collected from the lake are relatively small (mean length of 42 fish =263 mm;range =220-325mm;(ADF&G 1983d).No estimate of the abundance of grayling ~...~In~EheunnamedTakersavaiTa-bre= -Significance of Habitat (***) The only occurrence of lake trout within the impoundment zone is in Sally Lake.This population is not considered important in the contextofc thebroad~dist:~ibutionof lake trout in the Susitna Basin,e.g.in Deadman Lake. The small number and size of Arctic grayling in Sally Lake compared to other lakes in the basin E-3-2-54 J ] J (e.g.,Deadman Lake)indicates that this lake is not a significant habitat for grayling. (b)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (**) In the reach of the Susitna River from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna,the river channel is relatively stable and straight with some meandering and minimal braiding. Numerous islands,gravel bars,and sloughs are present. Flow alternates between a single and split channels configuration throughout the reach.Between Curry (RM 120) and Talkeetna,the approximate gradient is 8.1 ft/mile (1.5 m/km).Typical substrate between Curry and Talkeetna is gravel,rubble,and cobble with small amounts of sand and silt.Above Curry the substrate varies from silt to bedrock.The majority of mainstem shoreline substrate is rubble and cobble whereas silt and gravel are the most common substrate in sloughs and slow water areas.Below Curry,streambank vegetation is dense spruce/hardwood forest.In addition~to numerous smaller streams draining the surrQunding hillsides,the principal tributaries to the Susitna River in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach include Portage Creek,Indian River,Gold Creek,Fourth of July Creek,Lane ~reek,and Whiskers Creek. All of the seven habitat types identified above are represented within this teach and are subject of effects of altered discharge,temperature,ice processes and water chemistry attributable to impoundment of the river by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Within this reach,habitats are utilized by the five Pacific salmon species and all of the known resident species of fish inhabiting the Susitna River basin with the exception of lake trout. The morphology,discharge regime,temperature and ice regimes,water quality conditions and substrate composition under existing conditions are described in detail in Exhibit E,Chapter 2.The occurrences and relative abundances of the fish species inhabiting the habitat types in the middle river are described below.Also,the importance of each habitat type for the respective life stages of each species is also discussed. (i)Mainstem Habitat (**) The Susitna River from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna has both single and split channel configurations 851021 E-3-2-55 (Figures E.3.2.18 throllghE.3~2.35).Single channel reaches are generally stable with banks of b~drock or a layer of gravel and cobbles.The channel is either straight or meandering.In straight channel reaches, the thalweg often meanders across the channel. Occasional fragmentary deposits can be found in the floodplain.Split channel configurations are characterized by moderately stable channels with a gravel/cobble substrate.There are usually no more than two channels in a given reach.Channels are separated by well established vegetated islands. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) Five species of Pacific salmon utilize mainstem areas primarily as a migration corridor.Life stages of the salmon that occur in the middle river are in migratingadults;"1spawning adults, incubating embryos ,'.rearing juveniles and outmigrating juveniles. Adult chinook salmon utilize themainstem primarilty as a migrational corridor to the .spawning areas in tributaries (ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,1984h,1985b).Estimates of the number of chinook adults using the mainstem habitats in the midd Ie reach··.for19 81-1984~at'ecsumma,t'-ized.in..··. Table E.3.2.6 and depicted in Figure E.3.2.5. The timing of the occurrences of chinook adults in the middle reach is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7.Since chinook salmon do not use mainstem areas for spawning,incubating embryos are not present.As described in Section 2.2.1,juvenile chinook move into the mainstem as ..........___part.of theirdownstreaID.IDigra,tion to rearing habitats:Elthi;mrddlElriver-~to··the Tower river, or to Cook Inlet.Hence,mainstemnaortats serve-- as a migrational corridor for juvenile chinook salmon as well as for adult chinook. Adult sockeye similarly utilize the mainstem as a migrational corridor.Estimates of the number of sockeye migrating through the mainstem are summarizediri.ta.Dle:E.3~2.6al1d depicted in Figure E.3.2.5~The timing of adult sockeye in the middle river is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7.Nearly all sockeye adults spawn in side slough habitat.However,a few adults have 851021 E-3-2-56 ] 1 IJ 851021 been observed to spawn in mainstem areas (ADF&G 1985b).The use of mainstem habitat for 'spawning of adult sockeye is uncommon and,therefore,few incubating embryos are in the mainstem.Juvenile sockeye use the mainstem primarily as a migrational corridor to other habitats for rearing,overwintering and outmigration (ADF&G 1981d,1983m,1984c,1985c). The utilization of mainstem habitats by the various life stages of coho salmon is essentially the same as for sockeye salmon.The estimates of the number of coho adults present in the mainstem for 1981-1984 are summarized in Table E.3.2.6 and depicted in Figure E.3.2.5.The timing of adult coho in the mainstem of the middle river is depicted in Figur.e E.3.2.7.A few coho salmon have been observed to spawn in mainstem areas (ADF&G 1983a).Juvenile coho,like sockeye and chinook,use the mainstem as a.migrational corridor to rearing and overwintering habitats and for outmigration to the lower river (ADF&G 1983m,1984c,1985c). Adult chum salmon utilize the mainstem primarily as a migrational corridor to spawning areas: Estimates of the'number of chum present in the mainstem in 1981-1984 are summarized on Table E.3.2.6 and are depicted in Figure E.3.2.5.The timing of adult chum in the mainstem of the middle reach is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7.In the period 1981-1984,up to 4 percent of the escapement of chum into the middle river (i.e., past the 'Talkeetna Station)and approximately 8 percent of the escapement past the Curry Station spawned in mainstem areas (ADF&G 1985b).Hence, incubating embryos do occur in mainstem habitats, probably in areas of groundwater upwelling (ADF&G 1985a,1983k,EWT&A and WCC 1985;WCC 1985). Juvenile chum salmon use the mainstem as a migration corridor during their outmigration from the middle river (ADF&G 1981d,1983m,1984c, 1985c)• pink salmon use the mainstem only for in-migration to spawning areas in tributaries and for outmigration to Cook Inlet.The timing of the adult and juvenile pink salmon in the mainstem is depicted in Figure E.3.2.7. Estimates of the number of pink salmon occurring E-3-2-57 in the middle river in 1981-1984 are summarized in Table E.3.2.6 and depicted in Figure E.3.2.5. A summary of the utilization of the mainstem by the various life stages .of the salmon-species is presented in Table E.3.2.28. •Resident Species (**) The mainstemhabitat is used by all species of resident fish known to occur in the middle river (Table E.3.2.28).However,only burbot and longnose sucker inhabit mainstem areas throughout the year.The other species are present in the mainstem only in the late fall,winter and early spring. -Significance of the Habitat Type (**) The principle use of mainstem habitats by salmon and resident species is as a migration corridor ......and.as.an.overwinteringarea.To_a.lesser degree, the mainstem provides spawning habitat for chum salmon,burbot,longnose suckers,and a few sockeye salmon.Themainstem is utilized throughout the year by burbot and longnose sUGker. (ii)Side Channel Habitat (**) Side channel habitats are generally peripheral areas of the mainstem corridor.Side channels have a diverse morphology with some having broad channels while others are narrow and deep. Side channel habitats are highly influenced by mainstem discharge and water quality.In general,a side channel habitat conveys less than 10 percent of the total discharge in the river,but conveys maiiiifteiii'aiscnat'ge'mcn:'e-than'50'p'ercentofthe-time ....--.....-..----...--..·-d1.1r ing:-·the-summerhrgh--fl-ow-months{EWT&A--·l-9 84,·····---··....· 1985b).Side channel habitats normally breach,Le., convey mainstem water,at mainstem discharges less than 20,000 cfs (EWT&A and AEIDC,1985). 851021 Side channel habitats have relatively low velocity .(less than 3,.,.4 ft/sec),.shalLow depths,and convey turbid water during the summer.When mainstem di-scharge·decreases ·in .the ·l.ite fal Laridwiiiter,.side channels may become completely dewatered or may convey water derived from loc:al runoff,tributaries or upwelling groundwater.The distribution of side E-3-2-58 1 851021 channels is depicted in Figure E.3.2.18 through E.3.2.35).The utilization of side channel habitats by the various life stages of salmon and resident species is summarized in Table E.3.2.28. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) The only life stages of salmon species observed to use side channel habitats extensively are juvenile chinook salmon,spawning chum salmon, and incubating chum embryos (ADF&G 1983a,1983m, 1983k,1984h,1984c,1984b,1985b).A few sockeye salmon adults have been observed spawning in side channel habitats (ADF&G 1985b). Side channels provide rearing habitat for the largest proportion of juvenile chinook salmon outside of the tributaries.Approximately 23 percent of the catch per unit effort for juvenil~ chinook is from side channel habitats·,(Figure E.3.2.31 (ADF&G 1984c).The mean catch per sampling cell for junvenile chinook increased from the end of May and remained relatively high through th~summer until mid,Dctober as depicted in Figure E.3.2.37 (ADF&G 1984c).The high densities of juvenile chinook in side channels are probably due to the low velocity,shallow depth and relatively high turbidity present in side channels.Turbidity is apparently used by juvenile chinook as a form of cover (ADF&G 1983a,1984c,1985c).The density of juvenile chinook in side channels is considerably reduced in late October and through the winter months. Therefore,it appears that they do not use side channels to overwinter (ADF&G 1983e,1985a). Juvenile sockeye,coho and chum salmon utilize side channel habitats to a limited extent.The occurrence of these species in the side channels is probably transitory and corresponds to the out-migration of the juveniles from the Middle River.The relative abundances of these juveniles in side channels in terms of the proportion of the catch per unit effort,are presented in Figures E.3.2.38,E.3.2.39,and E.3.2.40,respectively.The seasonal occurrences of the species is presented in Figures E.3.2.41,E.3.2.42 and E.3.2.43,respectively,as E-3-2-59 the mean catch per unit effort in each sampling period. Some adult chum salmon use side channel habitats for spawning (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b). Selection of side channels by chum salmon for spawning is highly dependent upon the presence of upwelling (see Section 2.2.3). •Resident Species (**) The only resident species known to utilize side channel habitats is burbot.Adult and juvenile burbot have been collected occasionally in side channels when mainstem discharge is well above that required to breach the upstream ends (ADF&G 1984c). Significance of Habitat (**) Side channels provide rearing habitat for j uveni le·chinook -sa lmon.Al though a larger portion of the catch per unit effort is observed for tributary habitats,the sensitivity of the side channels to mainstem discharge and the relatively high propprtion of chinook juveniles in side channels elevates the importance of this habitat type in evaluating the effects of changes in -------~c ----.-dischar.ge-and.cwater__q_u.cdity_at t'.t'iQl!.t:~1>l~to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. (iii).Tributary Mouth Habitat (**) The size and the lateral location of the available tributary mouth habitat varies with mainstem discharge and discharge from the tributary itself. At high mainstemdischarge,the habitat tends to be"near Eheb8,iikvegeE.ition-a:t -t:he'motith'6fthe .--trioutary ,-wnereas-a:t--l:-6w-marnst"em-di-scharge,the··' habitat is further away from the bank vegetation. Tributary mouth habitat is more obviously defined in summer than in winter because tributary water can be distinguished from mainst;em water by the extreme differences in their respective turbidities. Tributary mouth habitat extends from upstream in the tri'bl.lta.:ry,.a.t:the point whe.re backwater effects from the mainstem are observed,into the mainsliem where mainstem water mixes with the tributary water.This is obvious during the summer when the mainstem water is turbid and the tributary water is clear.At times J !I -j I 851021 E-3.,..2-60 .) i I j .\ I j .851021 the tributary mouth habitat can extend downstream as much as one mile (ADF&G 1983k,1984s,EWT&A 1985b). The utilization of tributary mouth habitat by various life stages of salmon and resident species is summarized in Table E.3.2.28. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) The utilization of tributary mouth habitat by salmon is limited.Adult salmon that use tributary habitat for spawning (chinook,coho, chum and pink)have been observed to hold at tributary mouths prior to entering the tributaries to spawn (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1984s, 1985b).A few chum have been observed to sp~wn in tributary mouth habitats,particularly at the mouths of 4th of July Creek and Indian River (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1984s).For the most part, however,adult salmon use tributary mouth habitat as a migration corridor between the mainstem and tributary spawning areas. Incubation of chum salmon embryos deposited in tributary mouth habitats is likely to be limited and relatively unsuccessful because of the movement of the tributary mouth habitat away from the deposition sites as mainstem .and tributary discharges decreases in the fall.Chum redds become dewatered and are subject to freezing (ADF&G 1984s). Juvenile salmon utilize tributary mouth habitat primarily as a migration corridor from the natal tributaries into the mainstem.Chinook and coho juveniles will remain in the habitat in the summer and can be collected from the mouths in August and September (ADF&G 1983m,1984c). Presumably,the juveniles inhabit these areas to feed on drifting aquatic invertebrates from the tributaries (ADF&G 1983m,1985j)or salmon eggs dislodged from the spawning areas (ADF&G 1983m).No overwintering juvenile salmon have been observed at tributary mouth habitats • •Resident Species (**) All of the resident species present in the middle river become associated to a greater or lesser E-3-2-61 851021 degree with tributary mouth habitats at some time during the year.Rainbow trout move through tributary mouth habitats into tributaries for spawning and rearing (ADF&G 1983m).In early fall,adult and juvenile rainbow congregate at tributary mouth habitats to feed on dislodged salmon eggs and to overwinter.Arctic grayling, Dolly Varden,and other resident species use tributary mouths in a similar fashion.Burbot are not generally present in tributary mouths (ADF&G 1983m,1983b,1984c).The longnose sucker is the only species that appears to be associated with tributary mouth habitats throughout the year (ADF&G 1983m 1984c). -Significance of Habitat (**) The major use of tributary mouth habitat by salmon is as a migrational corridor.Use of tributary mouth habitat for spawning,incubation and rearing is limited.Resident species use tributary mouth habitat for migration into and from tributaries and,to a seasonally limited extent,for rearing. (iv)Side Slough Habitat (**) Side slough habitats are morphologically similar to side channel habitats and distinctions between side -----slough---and-·s-ide-channe·1-s~a-t'e-somewhat-a-rbi tra-t'y (EWT&A 1985b).Side sloughs are distinguished from side channels in that mainstem discharges greater than approximately 20,000 cfs are required to breach the upstream ends.Hence,side sloughs convey mainstem water less than approximately 50 percent of the time during the summer high flow months. ....!\~.II1.a i n ~.t_li!lllcl~~c:l1_.a_;:gli!.EiJ§lfll:1_!:l1.al!tl1l:lt;_;:~_qtJi~_~(L~g _. breach the upstream ends,the side sloughs convey clear water.The clear water Is derived from local surface runoff,small tributary outflow and upwelling groundwater (R&M,wee &HE 1985;R&M 1985b;APA 1984g;ADF&G 1983k; 1984v;1984r;19851;wee 1984a,b).The total clearwater discha,rge in the side sloughs is dependent upon storm events and rates ofgroUtidwater upwelling-(R&M 1985b;APA 1984g). Habitat cOtiditions-withititJie niouth of side Sloughs at mainstem discharges less than breaching are also affected by backwater effects of mainstem stage.The stage in'the mainstem controls the water surface E-3-2-62 1 ,) '~ I 1 J \j 851021 elevation of the lower portion of the sloughs by forming a backwater that extends some distance upstream into the slough (ADF&G 1983k,1983n, 1984r,19851).This backwater is divided into two parts -clear water and turbid water.The mainstem water creates a turbid plug at the mouth that backs up clear water in the slough.As the stage in the mainstem drops,the size and character of the backwater changes.When mainstem discharge is between approximately 8,000 to 10,000 cfs at Gold Creek (RM 136.8),the backwaters are minimal at most side sloughs (ADF&G 1983k).A consequence of low mainstem discharge is that the depth of water at the entrance to the sloughs is reduced (ADF&G 1984r, 19851).A more detailed description of the hydrolog~c and water quality characteristics of side sloughs is presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2.The utilization of side slough habitats by salmon and resident species is summarized in Table E.3.2.28. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) Various life stages of all five salmon species utilize side slough habitat during the year. Although chinook salmon do not spawn in side sloughs,juvenile chinook move into these habitats in September to overwinter (ADF&G 1983e,1983m;1983n).The increased number of juvenile chinook in side sloughs is depicted in Figure E.3.2.37.Side sloughs also provide rearing habitat for juvenile chinook throughout the summer,but the proportion of the catch per unit effort in side sloughs is less than 10 percent (Figure E.3.2.36). All but a few adult sockeye salmon spawn in side slough habitats (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b). Peak escapement counts are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13.Estimates of the total number of sockeye salmon spawning in each slough from 1981-1984 are summarized in Table E.3.2.12.Incubating sockeye embryos are present in the side sloughs throughout the winter months. Once the fry emerge from the gravels,Age 0+ juvenile sockeye remain in side sloughs for a short time before out-migrating in July and August (ADF&G 1983m,1984c)as indicated in E-3-2-63 Figure E.3.2..41 by the reduced mean catch per cell.In 1983,44 percent of the catch per unit effort of sockeye juveniles was from side slough habitats as depicted in Figure E.3.2..38.Some sockeye juveniles overwinter in side sloughs but their occurrence is limited (ADF&G 1981d,1983e, 1985a). A few adult coho salmon have been observed in side sloughs (ADF&G 1983a,1984h).Some juvenile coho move into side sloughs to rear but the proportion is relatively small,less than 10 percent of the total coho catch per unit effort, (ADF&G 1984c)as indicated in Figure E.3.2..39. The densities of coho juveniles appear greatest in July (Figure E.3.2..2.4 probably coinciding with redistribition of the juveniles from natal areas to rearing areas (ADF&G 1984c). Up to 30 percent or more of the chum salmon spawning in the middle river occurs in side slough habitats (ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h, 1985b).Peak escapements to each of the sloughs is depicted in Figures E.3.2..8 through E.3.2..13 and estimates of the number of chum salmon spawning in each slough each year from 1981-1984 are presented in Table E.3.2..19."Incubating chum embryos are present in the side sloughs through Juvenile chum remain in side sloughs prior to out-migrating from th~middle river.The relative proportion of juvenile chum catch per .unit effort collected from side sloughs in 1983 is depicted in Figure E.3.2..40.Juvenile chum leave the side slough habitats by the end of June (Figure E.3.2..43,ADF&G 1983m,1984c)• 'J J ,~\ J ..-..~.--····~c····_··_··~··_·-A-·few..pink.salmon.ut.il.ize.sidesloughs--fo.r.··.---·..---- spawning as indicated in Figures E.3.2..8 through E.3.2..13.The total number of pink salmon found in side sloughs each year is dependent on the size of the escapement.During even years,use of side sloughs for spawning is higher than '.cltl:t'illg Oclcl..yea.rs(seeSe«;:don 2..2..1.a.v)• I >j \ 85102.1 E-3-2.-64 I ,) \ I 851021 •Resident Species (**) All resident species reported in this reach of the Susit~a River have been observed in slough habitat. Available data indicate that most resident species are present in sloughs as well as the mainstem throughout winter (ADF&G 1981e, 1983e,1985a).During summer,most adult residents are not abundant in sloughs (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).Those that were relatively abundant in slough mouth habitat during summer included burbot,longnose sucker,and rainbow trout.Previous studies indicated that juvenile whitefish,grayling,and rainbow trout were abundant in slough habitat during late summer (Friese 1975). -Significance of Habitat (**) A summary of the occurrence of the various life stages of salmon and resident species which use side sloughs is presented in Table E.3.2.28.The most important use of side sloughs is by chum and sockeye salmon for spawning and incubation of : embryos,by juvenile chum,sockeye and coho for rearing and by sockeye,coho and chinook juveniles for overwintering. (v)Upland Sloughs (**) Upland sloughs are analogous to small tributaries (EWT&A 1984,ADF&G 1983n).Discharge in upland sloughs is derived from local runoff,small tributaries and groundwater upwelling.Many of the upland sloughs are inhabited by beavers.The upstream ends of upland sloughs are often separated from the mainstem by vegetated areas indicating that breaching of the upstream end occur only at extremely high mainstem discharge.Upland sloughs are depicted in Figures E.3.2.l8 through E.3.2.35.The principle influence of mainstem discharge on upland sloughs is through.the backwater effect of mainstem stage (EWT&A 1984,ADF&G 1983k).The utilization of upland sloughs by salmon and resident species is summarized in Table E.3.2.28. E-3-2-65 -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) The principle use of upland sloughs by salmon is as rearing habitat for juvenile coho and sockeye.The relative importance of upland sloughs to sockeye and coho is evidenced by the large proportion of catch per unit effort represented by upland sloughs depicted in Figures E.3.2.38 and E.3.2.39.Upland sloughs are also used by sockeye,coho and chinook juveniles for overwintering (ADF&G 1983e,1985a).Generally, the juveniles become abundant in upland sloughs in mid to late June and remain at higher densities through September and.October as shown on Figures E.3.2.41 and E.3.2.42,respectively (ADF&G 1983m)."' •Resident Species (**) The·onlyresident species to be collected from upland sloughs in any abundance is rainbow trout,although individuals of all species have been collected in upland sloughs (ADF&G 1981e, 1983m,1984c). The primary use of this habitat type is for rearing and overwintering by juvenile sockeye and coho salmon as shown in Table E.3.2.28. (vi)Tributary Habitats (**) Tributaries that flow into the middle Susitna River all convey clear water into the river.The two....maj or-trIoutarTesofEl1e-MidctTeRiver-are ···Iucfiliiu ...--------+.--.------.----.---.--.---------+~.---~----------R-i ver --'-ana~Porfage ~Cr-eelf-;-e-acn 0 f--wlficn--nave .an -annual------ average discharge of approximately 500 cfs.Numerous other tributaries that flow into the middle river are identified in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.l3.The utilization of tributary habitat by salmon and resident species is summarized in Table E.3.2.28. :.) ,) ;) 1\ ) 851021 E-3-2-66 851021 -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) All life stages of chinook,coho,chum and pink salmon occurring in the middle reach utilize tributary habitat as depicted on Table E.3.2.28. The relative abundances of these species in tributaries are discussed partially in Section 2.2.1.a and are summarized below. The relative abundance,as evidenced by peak escapement counts of adult chinook salmon in middle reach tributaries,is summarized in Table E.3.2.9.Indian River and Portage Creek provide spawning habitat for the majority of the chinook using the middle river.Juvenile chinook remain into the tributaries at relatively high densities for approximately two months before some begin to· move downstream into the mainstem.Approximately 61 percent of the catch per unit effort of chinook was from tributaries as depicted in Figure E.3.2.36.Chinook juveniles tend to remain in the tributaries throughout the summer(Figure E.3.2.37)and some juvenile chinook remain in the tributaries throughout the winter and out-migrate to the mainstem in June and July the following year (ADF&G 1983m,1984c). The relative abundance of coho salmon using tributaries of the middle reach as indicated by peak index counts are summarized in Table E.3.2.l5 and are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.l3.Whiskers Creek,Indian River and Gash Creek provide spawning habitat for the majority of coho in most years.As with chinook salmon,incubating embryos occur in the tributaries in direct proportion to the number of adults spawning in the tributaries.Following emergence of the juveniles,many remain in the tributaries with over 50 percent to the catch per unit effort obtained from tributary habitat (Figure E.3.2.39)(ADF&G 1984c).Juvenile coho tend to remain in tributary habitats at high densities throughout the summer as indicated by the high catch per unit effort through the summer months (Figure E.3.2.42).Some reduction in the densities occurs as juveniles move out of the tributaries into side sloughs and upland sloughs E-3-2-67 (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).Tributaries also provide overwintering habitat for coho juveniles. Approximately 50 percent or more of the chum salmon spawning in the middle river spawn in tributary habitats.Peak index counts are summarized in Table E.3.2.18 and are depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.l3.Chum embryos are present in direct proportion to the number of adults spawning in the tributaries.Juvenile chum remain in the tributaries until early July (Figure E.3.2.43)when they out-migrate from the system.Approximately 34 percent of the catch per unit effort of chum juveniles was from tributary habitat (Figure E.3.2.40). pink salmon utilize a number of tributaries for spawning,particularly some of the smaller streams,as summarized in Table E.3.2.20 and depicted in Figures E.3.2.8 through E.3.2.13. Juvenile pinks out-migrate from the tributaries upon emergence almost immediately after the river becomes ice free in the spring.Hence,no rearing of juvenile pink occurs in tributary habitat. •Resident Species (**) AH:q~s:i.ci.a!!l:/;JJ)..a_c::i..af:lp:re/;J..ant inl:ll..a middle riY~:r, with the exception of burbot and round whitefish sculpins,utilize tributary habitats for spawning and rearing during summer (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).During winter,resident species tend to move out of tributaries to overwinter in the mainstem. -Significance of Habitat (**) Tributari-es-provi-deimportant--habi-tat-for near-l-y- all species of salmon and resident species . occurring in the middle river.Tributary habitat conditions provide the base for the majority of fish production occuring within this reach. (c)Cook Inlet to Talkeetna (*:*) ..The lowerSusitna River is moderately to extensively braided throughout most of the reach.From Cook Inlet to Bell Island (RM 10),the river is separated into two braided channels;from Bell Island to the Yentna River (RM 27),a ....1 J .\ -( ,l 851021 E-3-2-68 851021 single meandering channel is formed.From the Yentna River to Sheep Creek (RM 70),the river is moderately to' extensively braided,with forested islands and nonforested bars between the channels of the river.The river is reduced to a single channel near the Parks Highway Bridge (RM 84),and braiding is moderate from this point upstream to Talkeetna,(R&M Consultants and EWT&A 1985b).Gradients vary considerably in this reach.From Cook Inlet to RM 50, the gradient is 1 ft/mile (0.2 m/km);from RM 50 to 83,it is 5.9 ft/mile (1.1 m/km);and from RM 83 to Talkeetna,the gradient is 6.9 ft/mile (1.3 m/km).Typical substrate in the reach is silt and sand with some gravel and rubble. Major tributaries include:Alexander Creek,Yentna River, Kroto Creek (Deshka River),Chulitna River,and the Talkeetna River.Flows in these tributaries are considerable.The Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers contribute about 57 percent of the total flow below the confluence near Talkeetna (APA 1983b). A more complete description of the morphological character of the lower river is presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 and complete aerial photographic coverage is presented in R&M Consultants and EWT&A (1985b).The lower river channel is relatively unstable in that the main channel changes through time.These changes can occur relatively rapidly,primarily as a result of floods with some influence by ice processes (Exhibit E,Chapter 2~Section 2.3.2).Changes in channels over the recent past are described in R&M Consultants and EWT&A (l985b)• All seven habitat types described for the middle river are present in the lower river.However,upland sloughs and lakes comprise a relatively small proportion of the total area of the reach and,therefore,are not discussed below. Because of the extensively braided character of the lower river,distinction between side sloughs and side channels is not as easily defined as for the middle river.Also,side channels and side sloughs are intricately intermixed into complex channel configurations.Therefore,side channels and side sloughes are treated together as side channel complexes. (i)Mainstem Habitat (**) Braided river reaches such as the lower Susitna are characterized by two or more interconnecting channels separated by unvegetated or sparsely vegetated gravel bars.The active floodplain is wide and contains numerous high water channels and occasional vegetated islands.Active channels are E-3-2-69 851021 typically wide and shallow and carry large quantities of sediment at high flows.Bars separating·the channels are usually low,gravel-surfaced,and easily erddible.The lateral movement of channels within the active floodplain of a braided river that carries large quantities of bedload is expected to be high. The channels shift either by bank erosion or by channel diversion into what was previously a high-water channel.Gravel deposits may partially or fully block channels,thereby forcing flow to develop a new channel. Because braided river channels are wide and shallow, they are more sensitive to flow reductions than the deeper channels of a split channel system,i.e.,a drop in stage could result in a substantial reduction in the width of the river and loss of.large wetted areas along the margins of the channel. -Species Occurrence and Relativer<Abundance (**) ,;-Salmon (**) Adult salmon pass through this reach of the mainstem during their spawning migration. Generally,the migration extends from late May into September (specific dates are reported in Section 2.2.1.a).The relative abundance of adult-salmon--in -th-is--reach-ci-s--high=becausethe entire salmon run must pass through the lower sections of the river in order to arrive at spawning grounds.Population estimates of the number 'of salmon that pass various escapement monitoring stations are given in Table E.3.2.6 and Figure E.3.2.5. Spawning ofadult salmon and :rearing _of juvenile safrttonhave-not-been:-do-Cumentedlii-mafristem-- areas.JuveniTe'-cliinooK anasOCKeye salmon-are- abundant in some mainstemareas during winter (ADF&G 1983e).Some juvenile coho are also present in the mainstem but are more often associated with tributary mouth habitats during the winter (ADF&G 1983e).The mainstem also provides "a"migration corridor for out migrating juveniles. E-3-2-70 .J I 851021 •Other Anadromous and Resident Species (**) Other anadromous species observed in this reach include Bering cisco and eulachon.Although spawning activity by Bering cisco may occur throughout the reach between RM 30 and RM 100, three spawning areas were identified in mainstem areas (ADF&G 1983a).Eulachon were observed in the lower 58 miles of the lower river in 1981 (ADF&G 1981a),in the lower 48 miles in 1982 (ADF&G 1983a),and in 1983,eulachon were observed below RM 50 (ADF&G 1984h).A complete description of eulachon migration and spawning is presented in ADF&G (1984h).Habitat use of eulachon for spawning is described by ADF&G (1984q)• Burbot and longnose sucker are present throughout the year and utilize the mainstem for over- wintering,spawning,and juvenile rearing. Habitat utilization within the mainstem is probably similar to that previously discussed for the middle river. Apparently,burbot spawn at the mouths of the Deshka ~iver and Alexander River in December and January (ADF&G 1985c).juvenile and adult burbot inhabit the lower river throughout the year. Densities of habitat in the lower river are higher than in the middle river or impoundment zone. Arctic grayling,rainbow trout,Dolly Varden,and round whitefish are resident fish that use the mainstem as a migratory channel to tributary spawning habitat and as overwintering habitat. Movement from tributaries to the mainstem for overwintering is inferred from radio-tracking studies of rainbow trout in the lower river (ADF&G 1983m). -Significance of Habitat (**) The primary use of lower river mainstem habitat by salmon is as a migration corridor for both adults' and juveniles.The mainstem is also used to some extent for juvenile rearing and overwintering.The mainstem is also important for spawning of Bering cisco and eulachon.Burbot and longnose sucker are year-round inhabitants of mainstem habitat.These E-3-2-71 habitats provide a migration corridor for rainbow trout,Arctic grayling,Dolly Varden,and-round whitefish as well as overwintering habitat for all of these species. (ii)Side Channel Complexes (**) Side channel complexes consist of numerous inter- connecting channels that are sensitive to changes in total discharge in the river. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance •Salmon (**) Juvenile chinook salmon,chum,and sockeye utilize side channels for rearing.Highest . catches of juvenile chinook were from moderately turbid (less than 200 NTU)areas of side channel complexes.Juvenile chum and sockeye,on the other hand,were collected in greater number in the clearwater,slough areas within the side channel complexes (ADF&G 1985c). 1 851021 Some chum,sockeye and pink salmon spawn in side channel side slough complexes {ADF&G 1981a, 1985b).It is evident,however,that side channel complexes provide spawning habitat for ·--··small-~f-rac"1;'-ions~of~t;.he·t;.otal-·popu1cations of "I:;hes e species (ADF&G 1981a,1985b)• •Resident Fish (**) The occurrence and relative abundance of resident specie:occupying side channel side slough complexes are similar to that described for "lJ1i <i..Q1 ~.....l:'i,,~l:'s_j.<i.~...~11~111l.~1fl ~1l<i..flJ.Q~.fl1 C>.tl gh fl· Burbot,longnose sucker and rainbow trout are the more abundant resident species occupy-rng this····- habitat type (ADF&G 1981e,1985c). -Significance of Habitat (**) As with the side channels and side sloughs present .in "the middle river,sidechannel complexes of the lower river provide important spawning habitat forchWli saliJiori;"andoverwiiit::eririg habil::at::for chinook and sockeye juveniles. E-3-2-72 1 851021 (iii)Tributary Mouth Habitat (**) Tributary mouth h~bitat in the lower river is similar to that described for tributary mouths of the middle river.The major difference is that four of the tributaries,Yentna,Kashwitna,Talkeetna and Chulitna,are of glacial origin and,therefore,do not have clearwater plumes that extend into the mainstem. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) Utilization of tributary mouth habitat by salmon species is similar to that described for the middle reach.Upstream migrating adult salmon tend to congregate in clear tributary mouths to rest prior to resuming their upstream migration. The major difference in the use of lower river tributary mouths by salmon is that these habitats provide the major rearing and overwintering habitat for juvenile chinook,sockeye and coho (ADF&G 1981e,1983m,1985c).Within the tributary mouth habitats,juveniles use deep,low velocity clearwater areas with overhanging and emergent vegetation or undercut banks (ADF&G 1985c):In 1981 ~nd 1982,95 percent of all chinook juveniles collected in the lower reach were captured in tributary mouth habitats. •Resident Species (**) The occurrence and relative abundance of resident species in tributary mouths is similar to that described for the middle river. -Significance of Habitat (**) Tributary mouth habitat provides important rearing areas for juvenile chinook,sockeye and coho salmon.They also provide resting areas for upstream migrating adults of all salmon species. Tributary mouths also provide substantial rearing and overwintering areas for all resident species. E-3-2-73 851021 (iv)Tributary .Habitat (***) Tributaries in the lower river constitute a major portion of.the total habitat available for fish and also contribute nearly 80 percent of the total discharge from the drainage basin.The ¥entna River contributes approximately 40 percent of the total discharge,the Talkeetna River approximately 10 percent and the Chulitna River approximately 20 percent whereas the middle Susitna River contributes approximately 20 percent of the total discharge from the basin (USGS 1983).The remaining 10 percent of the discharge is contributed by intervening,mostly clearwater,tributaries.The Kashwitna River is of glacial origin and is turbid during the summer. -Species Occurrence and Relative Abundance (**) •Salmon (**) Tributaries of the lower river serve as spawning habitat for more than 90 percent of all salmon utilizing the Susitna River (Table E.3.2.6).As such,the tributaries provide significant incubation and rearing habitat for salmon as well as migration corridors • •Resident Species (**) The occurrence and relative abundance of resident species in the tributaries of the lower river is similar to that described for the tributaries of the middle river. -Significance of Habitat (**) 'rd.P~t~:t"Yl:gtb!f:~ts;,1'_,,-~ll.<:l.ea rwa t er ..and turbid, .__......~_provide the primary habi ta·!:for··saitno~·and-. resident species within 'the Susitna Basin ..""_Because each of the tributaries is independent of effects of mainstem Susitna River discharge,no effects, attributable to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are expected. A'partIcular set o£·physIcal habifaEcharactefistics caribe readily defined under steady state or instantaneous conditions. However,habitats,particularly in riverine systems,tend to change continuously through time and,therefore,are dynamic E-3-2-74 .j I 1 I .1 habitats.As flow or discharge in a river changes,basic habitat characteristics such as water depth,water velocity and-total habitat area at a given site will also cha~ge.In order to fully understand the relationship between the occurrence and abundance of fish populations in a particular system,it is necessary to describe how a specific habitat area responds to flow changes. An appropriate method to evaluate the habitat response to flow change is to define the physical habitat at several instantaneous discharges,simulate the conditions using a mathematical model, and interpolate the conditions for intervening flows. The process for describing habitat response to changing discharge in the Susitna River is described below.Briefly,the first step of the analysis is to describe how the total wetted surface area of the river changes with flow •.Since the total wetted surface area includes a diverse array of habitat types,the second step is to subdivide the 'total surface area into rela- tively discrete categories.The third step of the process is to select habitat/lifestage combinations most sensitive to mainstem discharge (HE 1984b,1985a).Once the species to be analy~ed y have been selected,the fourth step is to determine the par- ticular responses of suitable physical habitat conditions for those species to discharge changes. Since the wetted surface area does not necessarily describe the habitat conditions present under the surface,it is necessary to define what proportion of the surface area in a site contains suitable physical habitat characteristics such as depth, velocity,substrate or cover.The relationship between the total surface area and proportion containing suitable habitat is then calculated through a range of site or mainstem flows.By comparing depth,velocity,and substrate or other habitat characteristics present in the area with the ranges of these characteristics which are suitable for fish,an estimate of the usable area in the habitat sites through a range of flows can be made.These estimates of the habitat areas at given flows in turn can be used to quantify the response of the habitat area to flow.A description of the response of habitats to flow through time is then possible by comparing the flows in a given increment of time with the habitat response curves. The focus of the analysis presented below is for the middle river since the flows in this reach will be most directly affected by the Project.Downstream from Talkeetna,discharge in the Susitna River is highly influenced by discharge from the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers and,therefore,response of habitats to changes in flow attributable to the project are attenuated.Data are available,however,to perform the analysis as described below for the middle river.(ADF&G 1985b;HE 851021 E-3-2-75 (a)Surface Area Response to Flow Changes (***) The total wetted surface area of the middle river was measured from aerial photographs representing seven mainstem discharges measured at the USGS Gold Creek Gaging Station (EWT&A 1985b).The discharges were 5,100 cfs,7,500 cfs,10,600 cfs,12,500 cfs,16,000 cfs,18,000 cfs and 23,000 cfs.The surface areas for each discharge area were measured with a digital planimeter from the aerial photographs printed at a scale of 1 inch to 1,000 ft,as described by EWT&A (1985b).Examples of the aerial photographs used for measuring total surface at 23,000 and 12,500 cfs areas are presented in Figures E.3.2.18 through E.3.2.35. In the process of measur~ng the total surface areas,dis- crete habitat type areas were delineated.The same habitat type delineations were retained on each set of aerial photo- graphs so that the surface areas of.the sites at each·flow could be.Co Dlpareci •.The delineation of the'·sites at each of the flows is exemplifiedi.n compal:-:lson 0·£the upper (23,000 cfs)and lower (12,500 cfs)panels in each of the Figures E.3.2.18 through E.3.2.35 (EWT&A 1984). The initial classification·of the total wetted surface areas was ba.sed upon the seven habitat types described in Section ___~.2.2.Two of theseyen habitat types,lakes and tributar- ies ,-werenotTncluded -[It ttieanafysis since-me -surface· areas do not change with mainstem discharge changes.Hence, the total wetted surface areas were initially categorized into mainstem,sidechannel,side slough,upland slough and tributary mouth habitat types.In some cases,the inclusion of a particular site in the areas of side channels or side sloughs did not remain the same for all discharges.At a given flow,if.the particular site was conveying turbid ..mainstem--water·,.thesurfacea·rea-of.-thatsitewas .included ··---as-a-s·ide-channe-l-.-I-f-a.t-a-lo:wer.:_Jnains.tem_dj,~cha r g§..,t he ~_ site was conveying clear water,the surface area was classified as a side slough (EWT&A 1985b). The surface areas of the respective habitat classes at each of the seven mainstem discharges are summarized in Table E.3.2.29 and .a:t:'<?c:iepi.c:t:edin Figure E.3 .2.44.The.total surface area of the·mainste~·increa:ses -as malnstem discharge ..increases..•Si1l1ilarly,the.tota1wetl::ed$uri:a.c:~()J side channel habitats increases with increasing mainstem discharge however,the rate of increase is somewhat I ) .1 J ) \ 851021 E-3-2-76 u different than in the mains tern due in part to differences in the channel morphology.Most of this surface area-increase is due simply to the fact that more water in the riYer results in more surface area.However,part of the increase is due to the transformation of side slough into side channel habitats (EWT&A 1984).Also at higher discharges (e.g.greater than 16,000 cfs)some side channels transform to mains tern areas and as a result,the relative increase in side channel surface area is not as great as at somewhat lower discharges. The decrease in the surface area of side sloughs at progressively higher discharges is due primarily to the transformation of clearwater side sloughs to turbid water side channels.(Table E.3.2.29,and Figure E.3.2.44). Upland slough areas remain relatively constant at all- mainstem discharges greater than approximately 7,500 cfs. This is indicative of the relative independence of these areas from mainstem discharge.(See Table E.3.2.29 and Figure E.3.2.44). Surface areas of tributary mouth habitat show no consistent changes with respect to mainstem discharge.As discussed previously,this is because the total area of tributary mouth habitats varies wi th both mainstem .and tributary >, discharge.For purposes of the following discussion,·the response of tributary mouth habitat to changes in mainstem discharge is not considered further because of this evident inconsistent relationship.A more detailed discussion of the relationship is presented in ADF&G (1984s). (b)Development of Representative Groups of Habitat Sites (***) Although the classification of habitat areas into one of the five habitat types outlined above gives a first level picture of how habitat areas respond to flow change;inspec- tion of the aerial photographs and data from specific habi- tat study sites (ADF&G 1983k,1984b,1984i;EWT&A 1984, 1985b;EWT&A and AEIDC 1985)indicates that a more refined level of classification is necessary to adequately analyze habitat response to flow with respect to specific habitat/- species combinations.The classification of sites into representative groups was accomplished by first delineating 167 specific sites within the middle river.The apparent flow conditions in each of the sites was evaluated on the seven sets of aerial photographs to determine the basic response of the habitat to change in mains tern discharge.In order to identify the basic response of the site a flow 851021 E-3-2-77 chart was developed to track and characterize the response of each site to decreases in mainstem discharge.This flow chart is presented as Figure E.3.2.45.The response of a particular habitat site or specific area was based on comparison of the habitat type at that site at 23,000 cfs with the habitat type at that site ata lower discharge •• Thus,if at 23,000 cfs the site was a turbid side channel, and at 16,000 cfsthe site was a clear side channel with apparent upwelling groundwater;the site was put into Response Category 2 (see Figure E.3.2.45).If at 23,000 cfs,another site was considered to be a turbid side channel,and at 16,000 cfs it has remained a turbid side channel;the site was put into Response Category 4 (see Figure E.3.2.45).A complete description of this process and the results of the analysis is presented in EWT&A and AEIDC (1985). In addition to determining the response behavior of specific habitat areas,certain other characteristics of the sites were used to place the sites in relatively homogenous representative groups.A primary factor considered in the evaluation of the sites was the mainstemdischarge required to breach the upstream ends of defined channels.For example,defined channels which only convey mainstem water at discharges greater than 20,000 cfs and are breached at discharges less than 35,000 cfs were put into one group. Those channels for which the upstream ends become breached between 5,100 and 20,000 cfs were placed in another group and.cthose __whi.ch _conv.ey__mainstem_di scharcge~and~-are...consi dered to be side channels at less .than 5,100 cfs were placed in another group.Other considerations used for placement into a particular group included presence or absence of groundwa- ter upwelling,length to width ratios,cross sectional shape,mean channel water velocity,substrate composition andpool-to-riffle ratios (EWT&A and AEIDC 1985). Based on these considerations,ten groups of sites were ....··Tdeiifified~with···an ···siEeswiElliiia-groiiph-,iving·Similar -~_.~~-_._------~_.-------------..------"---------res pons es-to---Clfahges --i-ff-fl-ow and-cnannel-cna ra c t e t-i-s"ti-cs -~- The ten groups are presented in Tables E.3.2.30 through E.3.2.39.Brief descriptions of the groups and the specific sites included in the groups are presented with the tables. The sites are identified by river mile and their occurrence on the left or right side of the mainstem looking upstream. A complete description··of the dev~lopment-ofthe representative groups is presented in EWT&A and AEIDC (1985)• .j 851021 E-3-2-78 I I. I (c)Principal Habitat/Species Combinations (***) Although all salmon species and resident species inhabit the Middle River during some period during the year,only a few species utilize areas which are sensitive to changes in mainstem flow.Discussion of both the sensitivity of the habitat areas to mainstem flow change and the occurrence and distribution of the fish species have been presented previously in Sections.2.2.1 and 2.2.2 and Tables E.3.2.26 and E.3.2.28,respectively and are summarized in Table E.3.2.40. Several observations can be drawn from the habitat uses summarized in Table E.3.2.28.First,tributary habitat LS the habitat type used most commonly by the species inhabiting the middle river.Sockeye salmon and burbot are the only species that do not use tributaries extensively for important life history phases.SecondLy,the resident species make little use of side channel,side slough or ·upland slough habitats;whereas the anadromous salmon frequently use these habitats.The most common use of the mainstem habitat type is for migration and movement although resident species also overwinter in the mainstem (HE 1985a). Habitat requirements associated with migration and movement are less critical and restrictive than for the other life history categories (ADF&G 1984h,1984c,1985b,1985c). Suitable depths and velocities exist over a broad range of" mainstem flows.Flow requirements to satisfy the more critical needs of rearing and spawning/incubation will also satisfy the habitat needs for migration.Therefore,habitat requirements for rearing and spawning/incubation were emphasized for the remainder of the analysis. The four sensitive habitat types from Table E.3.2.28 (MS=mainstem,SC=side channel,TM=tributary mouth and SS=side slough)were selected for comparison based on their use for rearing and spawning/incubation (See Table E.3.2.40). Mainstem habitat (MS)is used mostly for rearing,especially overwintering (ADF&G 1984c,1985c).Use of the mainstem by chum juveniles is transient and short-term during their downstream movement to Cook Inlet (ADF&G 1984c,1985c).The major use of mainstem habitat by Arctic grayling,rainbow trout and Dolly Varden is for overwintering,although the populations of all the resident species in the Middle River, including burbot,are characterized as low density (ADF&G 1983m,1984c). 851021 E-3-2-79 851021 Arctic grayling and rainbow trout use tributary mouth habitat (TM)for rearing during the ice-free seasons.Use by rainbow is transient,occurring mostly in the late summer and fall (ADF&G 1983m,1984c). Side channel habitat (SC)is used by chinook salmon for rearing and by chum salmon for spawning (ADF&G 1983a,1983m, 1984h,1984c,1985b).The chum salmon spawning is limited to sites with sufficient upwelling and accounts for approximately five percent of the total chum spawning in the middle river basin (ADF&G 1983b,k,n,1984h). Chinook juveniles rear in side channels through most of the summer and early fall (ADF&G 1984c).The use of this habitat appears to be important to chinook produciton in the Middle River.Therefore,chinook rearing in side channels was selected as one of the critical uses of a sensitive habitat for primary consideratiQn in developing environmen- tal flow requirements (HE-1985a).Side channels are generally represented in Representative Groups 3,4,and 6. (EWT&A and AEIDC 1985). Side Slough habitats (SS)are used by salmon for both rearing and spawning/incubation.The chinook salmon rearing in side sloughs during the ice-free season is a lesser component of the total population than those rearing in side channels.Flow requirements to maintain side channel habitat would also serve chinook rearing in side sloughs. ----,Environment'a1~-flow··cases~,des·igned~to-pl:'otect~chi,nookrea ring in side channels should also provide for overwintering in side sloughs since,for the most part,the same fish use both habitats (ADF&G 1985a). Chum and sockeye salmon use side sloughs for both spawning and rearing.Sockeye use of this habitat is so similar to chum,in time and.location~that their habitat needs can be _,Rt:~rv:i.cl.~.gQy_c:()JJ,C:~!l_t.!'-~t:i,!lg(),!l_t;h~,_!Il,Q.~~tl'l:>1.1'l1:~ant ...chum ...salmon. Both species use side sloughs for short term,inItIal rear-. ing prior to outmigra'tion to Cook Inlet 'or movement to another habitat type.Chum salmon utilize side sloughs extensively for spawning.This is the most intensive use of a sensitive habitat in the middle river for spawning. Therefore,chum salmon spawning in side sloughs was selected as another critical use of a sensitive habitat for develop- ment of'envi rot1trfental"flow 'cases"'(HE'-1985ah .,.Side slough habitats are generally represented in Representative G:roup 2 (EWT&Aand'AEl:r5C T9·85T •. In conclusion,two principal species/habitat combinations were selected to evaluate the response of habitat to changes E-3-2-80 "J ,) ( 851021 (d) in flow and the subsequent effects on fish.These species/- habitat combinations are juvenile chinook salmon rearing in side channel habitats during the summer,and adult chum salmon spawning in side slough habitat during the summer and chum embryo incubation during early winter months.Juvenile chinook overwintering in side sloughs will also be discussed to a greater extent than other species habitat combinations. These two species/habitat combinations form the focus of the flow selection and mitigation planning process (see Exhibit B and Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 3).Effects of an altered flow regime on other species will also be discussed. Quantification of Habitat Response to Flow Changes (***) The fourth step is describing the response of habitat to discharge delineated in the introduction to this section is to quantify the response of habitat.This is accomplished in three steps.First,the range of physical habitat conditions that are suitab1e for each fish species must be described.Second,the range of habitat conditions present in a defined area at various flows must be described. Third,the proportion of the total wetted surface area within a defined area containing suitable habitat conditions for each species through a range of mainstem flows must be calculated. (i)Development of Suitability Criteria (***) Two basic methods may be employed to describe the particular ranges of habitat conditions that are used by fish.These are determination of preference criteria or determination of suitability criteria. Preference criteria is developed by comparing the range of available habitat conditions with the ranges utilized by the particular species.Suitabilility criteria are developed principally by defining the range of habitat conditions utilized by the species of interest.For juvenile chinook and spawning chum salmon,suitability criteria for principal habitat characteristics were developed (ADF&G 1983m, 1983k,1983n,1984c,1984b). Juvenile chinook suitability criteria were developed for depth,velocity and object cover by measuring these characteristics in areas where juvenile chinook were present (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).During the investigations it was noted that there was some distinction between the ranges of water depths, velocities and object cover used in clearwater E-3-2-81 851021 and those used in turbid water.Hence,two sets of suitability criteria were developed for juvenile chinook rearing (ADF&G 1984c;EWTA and WCC 1985). These criteria are presented in tabular and graphical form in Figures E.3.2.45 and E.3.2.46,respectively. Cover suitability criteria are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.47 and in tabular form in Table E.3.2.41.Detailed descriptions of the development of these criteria are presented in ADF&G (1984c)and EWT&A and WCC (1985). A similar set of suitability criteria were developed for chum salmon spawning habitat.The prime consideration in this development was the presence or absence of groundwater upwelling.Throughout the field program,chum salmon were observed to spawn only in areas where groundwater upwelling was present (ADF&G 1983k, 1983n,1984b).Due to the difficulty in determining the areal extent and the rate of groundwater1upwelling as it influenced the selection of spawning sites by chum,a simple binary criterion was developed (ADF&G 1983r1,1984bL The suitability index for the presence of groundwater is 1 and for the absence of groundwater is O.In areas where groundwater upwelling is present,suitability criteria in terms of water depth,water velocity and substrate composition were developed.No difference in the ranges of those characteristics was observed between clearwater·and-turbid water conditions. Therefore only a single set of criteria was developed and are presented in Figures E.3.2.49,E.3.2.50 and E.3.2.51,respectively (ADF&G 1984b). The ranges of depth,velocity and substrate composition determined to be suitable for chum salmon spawning in mainstem affected areas of the Middle Rive r ...(i.e.exclus ive.of ..tri but.ar_iesJar:~__p:r:e~'Lented._ in graphical and tabular form.The p.t"~senceof groundwater upwelling is incorporated in the substrate suitability criterion (ADF&G 1983k,1983n, 1984b;EWT&A and WCC 1985). (ii)Determination of the Range of Habitat Conditions Available (***) For the middle SusitnaRiver,two variations of the -instI:ealllFiow-Group (rFG)hydraulic models,the IFG-4 hydraulic model and the IFG-2 hydraulic model (BoVee and Milhous 1978,Bovee 1982)were used to determine the ranges of conditions available within E-3-2-82 .\ J 1 ·OJ 851021 the sites for use by juvenile chinook salmon and spawning chum salmon.Fifteen site~were selected to describe the available ranges of habitat conditions within the sites using the IFG models.(ADF&G 1983n, 1984b;EWT&A 1985c).Sites for which IFG hydraulic models were developed are identified on the list of sites within the 10 representative groups (Tables E.3.2.30 through E.3.2.39). Two additional types of models were developed for other sites within the Middle River.The habitat simulation model developed by ADF&G (1983m,1983n, 1984c),referred to as the RJHAB Model,uses field data directly in evaluating the available habitat for juvenile salmon r~aring.A direct input variation of the IFG Model (DlHAB)which also uses field hydraulic data directly was developed by.EWT&A (1985c).Neither of these models simulates hydraulic habitat conditions between the discharges at which the data were collected.The habitat conditions at set intervening flows are interpolated linearly.A total of 6 sites were modelled using the RJHAB Model and a total of 12 sites were modelled using the DIHAB variation of the IFG Model.Sites for which RJHAB and DlHAB Models were developed are identified in Tables E.3.2.30 through E.3.2.39. Each of the IFG models was calibrated using physical habitat data collected.at the model sites at 3 to 5 different site flows.Outputs of the hydraulic models include water surface area of the sites,and distributions of water depths,water velocities and substrate composition throughout the modelled sites at each calibration site flow and specified intervening site flows (ADF&G 1984b;EWT&A 1985c).The physical habitat characteristics versus site flows were then translated to physical habitat characteristics versus mainstem flows from concurrent measurements of site flow and mainstem discharge at the USGS Gold Creek Gaging Station. Mainstem versus site flow relationships are presented in (ADF&G 1983k,1984i).Specific procedures used for hydraulic model calibrations and verification are presented in ADF&G (1984b). (iii)Habitat Response Curves (***) The evaluation of the response of habitat for juvenile chinook rearing and chum spawning is E-3-2-83 851021 accomplished by determining the proportions of the total water surface of the areas within the 'modeled sites which have suitable physical habitat characteristics.The apportionment of the total surface area which contains suitable habitat is accomplished by multiplying the wetted surface areas of individual cells within the model site by the suitabilities with respect to depth,velocity and cover as substrate.This apportionment is generally accomplished for the IFG Model site through the HABTAT Model developed by the Instream Flow Group (Boves 1982).The ,surface areas of the cells are miltiplied by the suitabilities of the depth velocity and cover or substrate present in the cells.The output from this model is presented in terms of Weighted Useable Area (WUA)per 1,000 ft of stream for a range of flows appropriate to the "analysis. Also,output from the model includes the gross water surface area per 1,000 ft of stream. Usually,the WUA per 1,000 ft is used directly for the evaluatio11.of ha.bita.t response to flow.However, because the modelled sites in the Susitna River represent a variety of habitat types (Le.10 Representative Groups),an index or proportion of the total surface area which contains suitable "conditions was estimated.This proportion is determined by dividing the WUA/1,000 ft by the total ·-wettE!"d~surface-area-!l,OOO "ft-;--These ratios are multiplied by 1,000 sq.ft.to give a number that is more easily int~rpreted as the WUA per 1,000 sq.ft. of water surface area. Habitat response curves for juvenile chinook rearing were developed for 14 of the IFG Model sites (ADF&G 1984c,EWT&A 1985c).Six additional sites were modelledus.ing..the.RJHABMo.deLdeveLopedby-ADE&G ._(l984c)..!..The RJHABModel is a direct in~ut typ~_..... model in which the surface areas for individual cells within the model site are multiplied by the suitabi- lity factors and the cells WUA's summed.As with the IFG Model,the RJHAB Models provide WUA's and total surface areas.However,these are presented in terms of the total length of the model site and must be standardized to 1,000 ft of length or the proportions can be calculated directly from'the ouput.One of the s:i.iliJHABModeHrig sites wasaIsomodefed with the IFGModel for comparison.Habitat Response curves for juvenile chinook salmon rearing for 20 sites are presented in tabular form in Table E.3.2.42 E-3-2-84 } j and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.52. Sites for which IFG and RJHAB Models were developed are identified in Tables E.3.2.30 through E.3.2.39. Habitat response curves for chum salmon spawning areas were taken directly from the IFG and DlHAB model results without standardization to 1,000 ft of stream length or to WUA per 1,000 sq.ft.of surface area.Six IFG models and 12 DIHAB models were developed at sites used by chum salmon for spawning. Results of these models,in terms of the total WUA for chum spawning at the sites,are presented in Table E.3.2.43 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.53. The sites used by chum salmon for spawning are located throughout the middle river and.each can be placed in one of the Representative Groups,which are identified in the table.In addition to the use of all modelled sites for evaluating chum spawning habitat response to flow,standardization of the model results to WUA/1,000 sq.ft.,as described above for juvenile chinook rearing habitat,was done for the IFG model and DlHAB sites included in Representative groups 2,3 and 4.These standardized results are presented in Table E.3.2.44_and ar.e depicted in Figures E.3.2.54. (e)Habitat Response Curves for Non-Modeled Sites (***) A general characteristic of these curves response for modeled sites is that the WUA relationship is at its maximum at discharges above those required to breach the upstream ends of the sites.At discharges less than breaching flows,WUA remains relatively constant at all mainstem flows since flow in the side is relatively constant.At extremely high mainstem discharges (in excess of approximately 30,000 cfs)both chinook rearing habitat and chum spawning habitat decreases rapidly due mostly to increases in water velocity.Another general characteristic is that the shapes of the curves are affected by the particular morphological or structural characteristics of the sites.Because of generally uniform characteristics of the curves,it is possible to adjust the habitat response curves for the modeled sites to represent the response curves expected in the non-modeled sites (EWT&A and AEIDC 1985,EWT&A 1985a). Adjustment of the habitat response curves of modeled sites for representing non-modeled sites in the representative 851021 E-3-2-85 group is accomplished in two steps.First,the response curve of the modeled site is shifted to higher or lOwer mainstem discharges according to the breaching discharges for the modeled and non-modeled site.For example,if the breaching flow for a modeled site is 12,000 cfs and the breaching flow for a non-modeled site is 14,000 cfs;2,000 cfs is added to the flow coordinates for the modeled sites to give the flow coordinates for the non-modeled site.This shifting of the curve is demonstrated in Figure E.3.2.55. Although the general structural and morphological characteristics are similar for all sites within a representative group,differences between the sites will result in some difference between the habitat values of modeled and non-modeled sites for each mainstem discharge. The second adjustment to the habitat response curves for modeled sites to represent non-modeled sites is to multiply the habitat values of modeled sites by a ratio of an index of the the structural characteristics for the non-modeled sites to an index of the structural characteristics of the. modeled sit::es.Toaccomplish-this~aSttuctutalHabitat Index (SHI)for each site was developed (EWTA and AEIDC 1985).The SHI is based on channel characteristics such as: dominant cover-type/percent cover,channel geometry, substrate sizel substrate embeddednessand s·tr:eamside vegetation.The development of the SHI for each site is described inEWTA a.ndAEI~C (l985).The SHI's for all sites are presentea-in--Taoles-E-.3-:-2 :30-tnr0i1gh~E';-3;2~-39~In some cases,more than one modeled site is included in a representative group.Within the group,the range of SHI's is such that non-modeled arid modeled sites can be accumula- ted into sub-grOups with silll ilar SHI's •..The ratio of the SHIs for the non-modeled sites to·the SHI for the modeled sites are~hen calculated and the habitat coordinates of the habitat resPQnse curves for the modeled sites are multiplied ·-by-the-ratios-to....produ ce-.the-hab.itat values__foJ."_t_he -------------------non""mode.lecL_si.t.e._This.-p-r-o_c_ess is depicted in Figure E.3.2.55.A detailed discussion of the adjustnl;;nts-of--' modeled site habitat response curves fot non-modeled sites is presented in EWTA (1985a). Once habitat response curves (in terms of WUA/1000 sq ft vs flow)arliadevelopedfor each specific area,the total WUA fore'achslt::e 18 ob-tained-bYiriijlt:i.pJying~lj:E:~WUA/1000 sq ft at each flow by the total wetted surface atea at each flow. This is accomplished by first--di\i1.clTni-the·~WtfA/I000 sq ft by 1000 sCI,ft and then multiplying by the wetted surface areas. The WUA's at each flow are then added to obtain total WUA's for each group. J j 851021 E-3-2-86 r 851021 The chinook rearing habitat response curves for nine representati ve groups are presented in Table E.3.2".45 and Figure E.3.2.56.By adding these curves together a total habitat response curve for middle river chinook rearing is generated.The total habitat response curve is presented in tabular form in Table E.3.2.46 and is depicted in Figure E.3.2.57.Perusal of the habitat response curves for each of the representative groups indicates that some of the groups are more sensitive to discharge than others.The most sensitive groups appear to be Representative Groups 2, 3 and 4,Sites included in Representatives Group 2 appear relatively sensitive to discharge,with peak values of WUA at mainstem discharges greater than 20,000 cfs.This corresponds to the fact that all of these sites breach at mainstem discharges between 20,000 cfs and 35,000 cfs (see Table E.3.2.31).These sites are generally considered to be side sloughs.Juvenile chinook are generally not found in these sites when mainstem discharge is less than that required for breaching (ADF&G 1984 Rpt 2).However, juveniles are found in the sites when the upper ends are breached.Sites included in Representative Group 3 generally breach at mainstem flows between 5,000 and 20,000 cfs.These sites have been observed to be utilized by juvenile chinook for rearing more extensively than any other group of sites affected by mainstem discharge.Sites included in Representative Group 4 are generally large side channels which breach at mainstem discharges less than 5,100 cfs.Juvenile chinook have been observed in these sites to some extent.It is expected that these sites will provide significant rearing habitat under project conditions because peak habitat values are associated with discharges between 8,000 and 12,000 cfs which are approximately in the range of discharges expected during project operation (see Section E.3.3 below).Taken as a subset of the total habitat available for juvenile chinook rearing,Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 are used in the analysis to depict the effects of replacement of habitat in one group with habitat in other groups.The sub total habitat areas in these three representative groups vs flow are presented in Table E.3.2.46 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.58. A total habitat response curve for chum salmon spawning was developed simply by adding the WUA's obtained for each of the IFG and DIHAB models presented in Table E.3.2.43. Extrapolation to non-modeled sites was not considered necessary for chum spawning habitat because the modeled sites include the spawning area for approximately 90 percent of the chum salmon estimated to spawn in habitat areas affected by mainstem discharge under existing conditions.A principal characteristic of chum spawning area is the E-3-2-87 presence of groundwater upwelling in the site (ADF&G 1983k, 1983n,1984b).Since the presence or areal extent-of groundwater upwelling is primarily dependent upon characteristics of the alluvium,upwelling areas are not expected to change significantly with changes in discharge. Therefore,changes in mainstem discharge which are attributable to project operation will directly affect the habitat availability for chum spawning and any lost area is not expected to be replaced with suitable habitat at other locations without mitigation measures.The total habitat area response curve for chum salmon spawning is presented in tabular form in Table E.3.2.47 and is depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.59. However,in order to be consistent with the analysis performed for the response of juvenile chinook rearing habitat to discharge,the chum spawning habitat area response to mainstem discharge was also developed for all of the modeled and non~modeled sites included in Representative Groups 2,3,and 4.Although the extrapolation of the modeled sites to non-modeled sites for chum spawning is not necessary>as explained above,the extrapolation process was conduc:ted for these three groups of sites since each group is characterized as having groundwater upwelling present in the site and demonstrate a r:elatively high degree of sensitivity to mainstem discharge. In this analysis,it must be assumed that the groundwater ..._~-upwell ing"-wi thin the-non""modeled ....sLtes~is-proport iona lly similar to the modeled sites with respect to both the areal extent and the distribution of the upwelling.Ext'rapolation of the IFG amd DIHAB modeled sites to the respective non-modeled sites was performed in the manner described for the chinook rearing habitat area.The habitat area response curves for the Representative Groups are presented in Table E.3.2.48 and are depicted graphically in Figures E.3.2.60 through E.3.2.62.The total habitat are~response curve, Tnclud:i.ns"arr of··Ehe···IFG""·Il1()deI ed"and·non=mocfeIed"sitei"iti ---.the three groups,fsalso presentea-i"n-TaJ51aE:3"~2~48-and-is depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.63. (f)Habitat Response to Natural Flow Regime *** As indicated in the habitat area response curves ·presented"in··the previous'section,·the··availabi Ii ty of chinook rearing ha1>.itat a.nd chum spawning habita.t varies with 11lai lis tern di scha.tg·es~The·tdtal"h:abi:tat areas tend td remain relatively high over a relatively broad range of mainstem discharges.Because the fish are able to select suitable habitats from the array of habitats in the river, ·1 851021 E-3-2-88 1 I 851021 it is appropriate to evaluate the total habitat availability through time using the total habitat area response -curves for chinook rearing (Table E.3.2.46)and chum spawning (Table E.3.2.47 and E.3.2.49). The availability of total habitat area through time may be evaluated by translating the average weekly discharges at Gold Creek into total average weekly habitat areas.Hence, for every average weekly discharge in the 34 years of historic discharge record,equivalent habitat areas are derived from the habitat area response curves.Based upon these translations for chinook rearing and chum spawning, time series and frequency analyses may be performed.Time series analysis consists of plotting the average weekly habitat areas sequentially through the 34_years of record. The frequency analysis consists of determining the habitat values which are equalled or exceeded 90,50 and 10 percent of the time using the weekly habitat values derived from the average weekly flows under the natural flow regime.Results of these ana1yses~for chinook rearing and chum spawning habitats are presented in the following sections. (i)Chinook Salmon Juvenile Rearing Habitats (***) The evaluation of the response of juvenile chinook rearing habitats to the natural flow regime consists of determining the total area available in the Representative Groups that have suitable depth, velocity and cover characteristics.The habitat response curves presented in Section E. for juvenile chinook rearing were developed for the open~wate~'season.These curves are not valid for winter conditions,since the juveniles redistribute themselves into side slough-type habitats that generally have warmer water derived from groundwater upwelling sources.Instream hydraulics during winter months are greatly modified by ice processes. Therefore,hydraulic models developed for open water channels are invalidated with the formation of an ice cover.In addition,the behavior of the fish and their ability to maintain position is dependent on the temperature of the water.Thus,the suitability criteria are not valid for water temperatures less than approximately 4°c.As a consequence,the time series and frequency analyses presented below are conducted for the period June through September. E-3-2-89 851021 Frequency Analysis and Discussion (*) Using the 34 years of recorded weekly average dis- charge at Gold Creek and the habitat area response curve for juvenile chinook rearing,the median (50 percent exceedance value)total chinook rearing habitat area in the nine representative groups of sites ranges from approximately 5,000,000 to approximately 7,000,000 sq.ft. through the summer months.Habitat areas generally decrease near the end of the summer as discharge in the river decreases.Because discharge in the river can vary substantially through the summer period,the total habitat area also varies considerably.The median (50 percent) habitat areas for each week through the summer together with the habitat areas which are equalled or exceeded 90 percent and 10 percent Df the time are presented in Table E.3.2.49 and are depicted -graphically in Figure E.3.2.64.The lower habitat values,i.e.the 90 percent exceedance values, are associated with both extremely low mainstem discharge and with relatively high mainstem discharge .as shown in Figure E.3.2.64.The 10 percent exceedance value is clos~ly associated with the optimum flow providing the maximum habitat values.The 10 percent exceedance values of habitat area tend to be associated with those -~--~~ftowso-co-rresp-onding~to-the-'-Peakhabitat va-lues- presented in Figure E.3.2.64.Hence,the 90 and 10 percent exceedance habitat values do not correspond to the 90 and 10 percent exceedance flow values.Because the natural flow regime is not regulated either at the high or low discharges,the range of habitat area available through time tends to be large.Hence,chinook ..reari ng ..habit a t.du;t'iJ:1,g_t_hC:L_SJ~.mm~_;t'_J,md~_~.th~. ..~_.natural_flow regime.is C:haracterized.by high variation from week to week and from ·year -t-o·---- year. A similar relationship is observed for the subset of the total chinook rearing habitat response curves including only Representative Groups 2,3 and4(TaDleE~3~2.46aridFigtire E.3.2.58).Total habitat area for juvenile chinook in the three representa.t:£'vegroups generally ranges from approximately 2,000,000 sq ft to approximately 5,000,000 sq ft through the summer months.The range of habitat values in these group through the E-3-2-90 l -l :1 851021 summer weeks represented by the 90,50 and 10 percent exceedance values for the 34 year'of record are presented in Table E.3.2.50 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.65. Unlike the habitat values using the response curve for all site~,the median chinook rearing habitat areas gradually increase through the summer with the most noticeable increase observed in August and September (weeks 32-39)which is associated with the 'gradual decrease in discharge near the end of the summer.the increase in habitat area is associated with the replacement of habitat area in Representative Groups 2 and 3 by the habitat areas in Representative Group 3 and 4.This is indicated by habitat response curves for the respective groups presented in Figure E.3.2.56. During the middle of the summer,chinook rearing habitat in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 remains relatively stable from year to year. Considerably more variation is apparent in June, August and September as indicated by the difference between the 90 and 10 percent exceedance values in Figu~e E.3.2.65. (ii)Chum Salmon 'Spawning and Incubation Habitats (*) The evaluation of the response of chum salmon spawning and incubation habitats to changes in discharge in the mainstem consists of three principal elements:First,flow must be sufficient for the adult salmon to gain access to the spawning areas.Second,flow in the spawning habitats must be sufficient to provide suitable conditions for spawning activities as described in Section 2.2.3.d.i,that is,the habitats must have suitable water depth,water velocity,and substrates and groundwater upwelling must be present.Third,the sites must retain suitable depth,velocity and upwelling through the winter so that salmon embryos can survive and develop to the juvenile stage. -Access Conditions vs.Flow (*) The evaluation of conditions necessary for chum salmon to gain access to spawning areas is a key step in the overall evaluation of the effects of the proposed project on existing populations and their E-3-2-9l 851021 habitats.Approximately 15-25 percent of the chum salmon (approximately 5,000 to 10,000 fish}which enter the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach of the Susitna River spawn in side sloughs and side channels (ADF&G 1984h,1985b). Side sloughs and side channels are overflow channels of the mainstem which convey turbid mainstem water when mainstem discharge and,therefore,stage is sufficiently great to breach the upstream ends of the channels.Discharges of sufficient magnitude to breach the channels generally occur during the summer,open water months.When mainstem discharge is lower,the upstream ends of the channels are not breached and the channels are similar to small tributaries which convey clear water derived from local surface runoff,small tributaries and upwelling groundwater.During periods when mainstem discharge is not sufficient to breach the channels,side slough (EWT&A 1984)dischargesranlie from about 1-2 cfs to more than 10 cfs.The actual slough dischage at any given time is dependent upon whether or not small tributaries enter the slough,the amount of local precipitation,and the amount of groundwater upwelling.When the 'upstream ends of the sloughs are overtopped,slough discharges range upward of several hundred cubic feet per second (ADF&G 1983k,1984i, R&M 1985b). The ability of chum salmon to gain access to spawning areas within specific sites is dependent upon the depth of water in the channels.In general,the shallower the·water,the more difficult the passage conditions ar~for movement of salmon through.the reach (ADF&G 19851). ReachesCof"aslough in which the water depths are -oc"ca"shmally-stfffrci-e"n:tly"slral"low-to'restrict·· ·movement-of-fi~sh-a·re-termed-pa"ssage-reaches.". Generally,passage reaches are located in riffle areas within the sloughs when slough discharge is relatively low (i.e.the sloughs are not breached). For most passage reaches within sloughs,the depth of water is dependent upon the slough discharge derived from local surface runoff or groundwater upwelling. ...For passage:reaches "'loca ted near the ··downs·tream ends of the sloughs,water depth is influenced not only by slough discharge,but also by mainstem backwater. The backwater effect on the depth of water in a given E-3-2-92 ,j \ .J 1 I] I 1b 851021 passage reach is evident when the water surface elevation of the mainstem near the slough mouth is greater than the water surface elevation in the passage reach.Hence,suitable access conditions ~n passage reaches are primarily dependent upon the local slough discharge.However,at certain locations,the passage reach can be influenced by mainstem discharge and associated water surface elevation.When the sloughs are breached,discharge in the channel is greatly increased and provides access. To compare conditions at a passage reach at various mainstem discharges,ADF&G established three passage condition categories representing .degrees of difficulty for salmon gaining access upstream of the passage reach.These three conditions are termed: unsuccessful,successful with difficulty and successful (ADF&G 19851).These conditions correspond to the terms acute,restricted and unrestricted,respectively (ADF&G 1983k,1983n)and: described in the original License Application (APA 1983b).The three passage conditions are distinguished by threshold depths in the passage reach and their corresponding mainstem,local discharges or combinations of mainst.e1lli and local discharges.Early analyses of passage depths which distinguish the passage conditions resulted in the definition of threshold passage depths which are greater for longer reaches (Trihey 1982d,ADF&G 1983k,1983n,1984r).However,further refinement of the analysis and the incorporation of observational data indicate that chum salmon passage criteria are most sensitive to depth (ADF&G 19851).The depth criteria which distinguishes unsuccessful passage conditions from successful-with-difficulty and successful-with-difficulty from successful are presented in Figure E.3.2.66.The threshold depth criteria derived by ADF&G are similar to those derived by Thompson (1972). Detailed analyses of passage reaches in most sloughs in the middle reach of the Susitna River have been conducted to determine mainstem and/or local discharges needed to meet the threshold depths described in Figure E.3.2.66.Local flow required to provide successful-with-difficulty and successful access conditions through the various reaches are provided in Table E.3.2.5l.Mainstem discharges required to meet the threshold depths in the passage E-3-2-93 851021 reaches located near the mouth of the sloughs are also presented in Table E.3.2.5l. Perusal of the mainstem discharges required to provide suitable access conditions at some passage reaches presented in Table E.3.2.5l indicate that the required mainstem discharges are considerably greater than the median discharges observed in the river during the chum spawning period (August-September) (Exhibit E Chapter 2).There are two possible explanations for the apparent high mainstem discharge needs • The first consideration is that the results for local flow and mainstem discharge needs presented in Table E~3.2.51 were derived independently of each other. That is,the local discharge which provides suitable access conditions at passage reaches were derived without considering the backwater effect of the mainstem.Similarly,the mainstem discharge which has sufficient backwater to provide suitable.depths through the passage'reaches'were derived without considering the cOlltribution of local flow. Local flow is derived from both local surface runoff and from groundwater upw,elling..Local surface runoff tends to be episodical in nature since it is closely associated with the precipitation patterns in the clocal~··area~'(R&Mc@85b}.~c-G~oundwatet'upwe,Uing., on the other hand tends to be more constant through time with some.fluctuation in response to mainstem stage (Exhibit E,chapter 2 Sections 2.4.4,and 4.1.2 (f)ii).B~cause groundwater upwelling rates can be directly reLii:edi:o rnainstem'discharge,at least for some sloughs,it is likely that sufficient discharge ts available in the sloughs to provide sufficient ,QE!Rt:h.J:h!,().!J,gh .!'1~tl,Y,_QJ,.t:,hE!l'~.I3.I3~gE!.reaches at discharges considerably less than that necessary to 'breach the u'pstream ends or that ."necessary to proviae-.....-----------. sufficient depth due to backwater effects only (HE 1984d)• A second consideration which must be accounted for in the determination of maitistem discharge necessary to 'providesuitable'access'conditions into thesioughs is observations of adult chum salmon in sloughs relative'tothe ..average"daiTy'ai-scharges ill the river.Average daily discharge in the middle Susitna River in 1982 ranged between 13,000 cfs and 18,000 cfs from August 1 until September 15 (USGS 1983). E-3-2-94 ] ,1 I 1 LJ 851021 Periodic counts of adult chum salmon in the various sloughs during this period indicate that chum salmon did gain access to sloughs when mainstem discharges were considerably lower than many of the threshold values presented in Table E.3.2.51 (ADF&G 1983a). The conclusion drawn from this,then,is that the threshold discharges presented in Table E.3.2.51 error in favor of the fish resource. However,they do provide a worst case for analyses of impacts resulting from the altered flow regime on access conditions for chum salmon into slough spawning habitats. -Frequency Analysis of Chum Spawning Habitat Area (*) The second analytical step in the evaluation of chum spawning habitat is the estimation of the total amount of spawning habitat area given the range of mainstem discharges that occur during the spawning period.As stated in Section 2.2.1.a.iv,chum salmon spawn in the period August through September each year.Using the 34 years of record of average weekly discharges during this period and the chum spawning habitat area response curve presented in Table E.3.2.47 and Figure E.3.2.59,the range of habitat area during each week of the spawning period was determined. Given the 34 years of record,the median habitat area available in the sites used extensively by chum and included in the modelled sites for each week in the spawning period ranges from approximately 74,000 sq. ft.at the beginning of August to approximately 76,000 sq.ft.in the middle of September.The decline in available habitat area at the end of September corresponds to the general decline in mainstem discharge through the period (See Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 2.2).The total habitat area available in each week ranges from less than 26,000 sq.ft.to more than 86,000 sq.ft.The median (50 percent)habitat area available for each week in the 34 years of discharge record as well as the habitat areas equalled or exceeded 90 and 10 percent of the time are presented in Table E.3.2.52 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.67. As shown in the table and figure for chum spawning habitat areas,the range of habitat area can vary considerably from week to week and from year to year. A general characteristic,however,is that the total E-3-2-95 habitat area available for spawning peaks during the last week of August and the second week of September which corresponds to during the peak of the chum spawning period. Evaluation of the chum spawning habitat area under the natural flow regime was also conducted using the spawning habitat area response curve obtained from modeled and non~modeled sites in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 (Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63).A frequency analysis using the Representative Groups total habitat area response curve was performed.Based on this analysis,the median total habitat area is relatively constant through the spawning period at approximately 840,000 sq.ft.of usable area.The results of this analysis are presented in tabular form in Table E.3.2.53 and graphic~lly in Figure E.3.2.63.The decline in the estimated total habitat area corresponds to the gradual decline in mainstem discharge during this period under natural conditions.As discussed with respect to the estimated spawning habitat areas for the modeled sites,the total habitat areas in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 vary considerably from week to week and from year to year.The large difference in total habitat are~s between the values presented in Table E.3.2.52 and those presented in Table E.3.2.53 is due to the fact that the Repsenta- ------~~~----~--tiveGroups-inc1:ude-many ·more~-si·tes ··and-,-therefore, much ~ore surface area,than that contained only in the modeled sites.By indicating the potential spawning areas in the non-modeled (and presently non-utilized sites),the peak habitat area availability,observed for the utilized sites during the first two weeks of September,is not evident. -Fl:'~q~~!l~Y A!lI:!.JY·f;if;.Q[.Jil:!.bit:aJ;.....Al:'~I:!.Avl:!.:i.la.1:>l~fQ:r: ......__..._.__Incubation of Chum Embryos (*) The third analytical step in the evaluation of chum salmon habitats affected bymainstem discharge is the determination of suitable conditions for incubation of the embryos.Incubation begins with the deposition of the eggs during the spawning period~Iri tliefevaluation,itcail be assumed that if suitable conditions for spawning are maintained into tllefticubaEi()-11 -pel:icld;eiiib·ryos win be able to survive.This is not completely valid since embryo development can occur when water depths and velocities are less than those required for spawning. 1 851021 E-3-2-96 lII However,analysis of the total area which remains suitable for spawning,in lieu of ice processes effects,provides a minimum estimate of the incubation habitat availability. Estimates of habitat area available for incubation (in this case synonymous with spawning habitat area) were derived for the period October through November, discounting the effects of ice processes (see below). Median habitat areas available in the modeled sites under the natural flow regime for incubation for each week in the October-November period are presented in Table E.3.2.54 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.68.Also presented in the table and figure are the 90 percent probability of exceedance and the 10 percent probability of exceedance habitat areas. As indicated in the table and.figure,h~itat area in the incubation areas declines as discharge decreases in the fall period prior to freeze-up the river.The loss of habitat during this period,combined with the potential for freezing of substrates (ADF&G 1983m, 1985a)leads to the conclusion that the embryo populations are subject to high mortality rates due to freezing and dessication of the spawning/ incubation areas.It is estimated that under the natural flow regime,mortality of chum embryos is approximately 80 to 85 percent in the middle river (ADF&G 1984c,1985c). A similar trend is observed for sites included in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4.Results of the ~nlysis using the habitat area response curve for all sites in the three respresentative groups (Figure E.3.2.63)are presented in Table E.3.2.55 and Figure E.3.2.70. (g)Natural Ice Processes Effects on Fish Populations and Their Habitats (***) The analysis of the response of chinook rearing habitat area and chum spawning/incubation habitat areas presented in the previous sections are applicable only during the summer, open-water season.In the Susitna River,habitat for the fish is influenced by winter conditions for nearly seven months of the year.During the winter months,the Susitna River becomes covered with ice which changes many of the hydraulic and hydrologic relationships present in the river during the open-water season.In order to evaluate the effects of the project throughout the entire year,it is 851021 E-3-2-97 then necessary to describe how ice processes affect the mainstem and mainstem associated habitats under natural conditions so that the effects of project operation during winter months may be identified. Natural ice processes in the middle reach of the Susitna River consist of ice cover formation,maintenance of the ice cover through the winter months and deterioration of the ice cover in the spring.The formation of the ice cover in the middle reach generally begins between early November to mid-December and is complete between mid-December and mid-January each year (R&M 1984,1985a).The ice cover is maintained through the winter months with open water leads developing along the margins and in peripheral areas of the river.The process of ice cover deterioration begins in mid-to late-March with increasing solar radiation and is generally completed by mid-May (APA 1984f,HE 1984a, 1985a,1985f,1985i;R&M 1984,1985).A more detailed description of natural ice processes is presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 2.3.2. During the winter,resident fish and-juvenile salmon move into areas of the river that reduce their exposure to the physical hazards of cold water and freezing.Resident fish, including rainbow trout and Arctic grayling,move from tributary habitats into the mainstem of the river and move to the.mouths of tributaries,side channels and sid"e sloughs (ADF&G 1983e,1983m,1984c).Burbot maintain their posi- tions.inthemainstem~anddo_not__mov.e_extensi:velJ~during the __ winter months (ADF&G 1983e,1983m,1984c).Coho salmon, sockeye salmon and chinook salmon juveniles remain in freshwater for at least one winter after emerging from the spawning gravels.The juveniles move into areas protected from freezing and dessication.Coho salmon generally remain in deep pools of tributary streams or move into upland slough habitats (ADF&G 1983m).Sockeye salmon are found mos~often in side sloughs during the winter months (ADF&G -19g-.3mr~cfiiiio6ksalmoii..overwiiifeiTiieifhe-r f rioiiEary or -------=siaesI ougtlhalfna es-(ADF&"G-r9-83c)-:~-"-Uf-eliese-eliree ..spe~ci-es;-- chinook salmon tend to be the most abundant species in main- stem-affected areas (ADF&G 1983m,1983n,1984c). Salmon spawn in several habitats during the late summer. Selection of sites for deposition of eggs by adult females is based upon specific habitat -conditions--that,over the C:0t1I::se oJ Elvo1 t1 t:!01la.I::yJ:listory ,have led.to the highest probabilities of the embryos surviving-through the·winter incubation period.The majority of salmon (approximately 60,000 fish)spawning in habitats associated with the middle reach of the Susitna River utilize tributary habitats which 851021 E-3-2-98 are unaffected by the ice processes in the mainstem (ADF&G 1981b,1983a,1984h).Approximately 30 percent (5000 fish) of the chum salmon spawning in the Middle River utilize side channels and side sloughs (ADF&G 1983a,1984h).All of the sockeye salmon (approximately 1500 fish)and less than 5 percent of the pink salmon (approximately 1500 fish) spawning in the Middle River utilize side channels and side sloughs (ADF&G 1983a,1984h).Since all three species utilize similar habitat conditions for spawning (ADF&G 1983k,1983n,1984h),chum salmon are used as the focal point for evaluating the effects of ice processes on egg incubation because they are numerically dominant. (i)Effects of Natural Ice Processes on Resident Fish (***) In general,ice processes in the Susitna River adversely effect the survival of resident species through the winter months.Rainbow trout,Arctic grayling and burbot remain relatively inactive during1_' I I the winter (ADF&G 1983e). Burbot spawn during the winter (ADF&G 1983m,Morrow 1980).However,they tend to utilize areas with low water velocities,protected from ice processes (ADF&G 1983e). II lJ 851021 (ii)Effects of Natural Ice Processes on Salmon Juveniles (***) Juvenile chinook and sockeye salmon utilize areas that are occasionally affected by mainstem flow and ice processes.In side channels and side sloughs, areas over and downstream from groundwater upwelling have water temperatures which are greater than oDe and may attain temperatures approaching 4 De (ADF&G 1983e).Mainstem water temperature,by contrast,is near oDe from prior to ice cover formation until breakup (R&M 1984,ADF&G 1983e).The behavior of the fish during the winter indicates that the juveniles overwinter in or near the substrates and remain relatively inactive in areas receiving groundwater upwelling (ADF&G 1983e,1983m,1984c;AEIDe 1984a, 1984b,1984c). The survival of juvenile salmon in sloughs and side channels is affected by the formation of border and anchor ice,overtopping of the side sloughs and side channels resulting from mainstem staging and E-3-2-99 increased rates of groundwater upwelling due to mainstem staging. When border ice and anchor ice forms where juveniles are located,they may freeze if they are trapped in areas that later freeze.The potential for this is unpredictable and highly dependent upon air tempera- ture,depth of water in the pools and strength of upwelling that may occur in the pool. Overtopping of the upstream end of the sloughs or side channels can cause water to be diverted through the channels displacing juvenile salmon into mainstem areas.At O°C,metabolic processes of the fish may be sufficiently low to prevent them from maintaining positions in even low water velocity areas. Increased rates of upwelling associated with the increased stage of the mainstem due to ice cover formation probably contributes to the survival of juvenile salmon in winter (ADF&G 1983e,1985a;APA 1984g;AEIDC 1984c,1984b).The groundwater upwelling provides 2-4°C water temperatures in the sloughs and side channels (ADF&G 1983e,1985a).The upwelling also inhibits the formation of a complete ice cover (R&M 1984,ADF&G 1984c).It,is assumed that increased upwelling increases juvenile survival by providing warmer water temperature and greater habitatavailabi-l-i"cy~-"-c---~"-'--"~ (iii)Effects of Natural Ice Processes on Incubation of Salmon Embryos (***) .J 'I ] ] l .._...._-'-"------ 851021 Mortal.itY'of salmon emhryos in sloughs and side channels of the Susitna River during the winter has been estimated in both field and laboratory .c_QJl.ciif:.:i_Qll~(~J:>_F8rGJ9J~l.t~.,_!~§~.~,_.W.al1ga<!il}:::d all<!.~urg~t'.. 1983).Survival of chum salmon embryos from egg deposition tooutmigrationis estimated to be 12-fS-- percent (ADF&G 1984c, 1985a,1985c).This estimate is based upon the estimated survival of the entire population including those eggs deposited in tributaries.By contrast,sockeye survival is estimated to be approximately 40 percent (ADF&G 1984c,1985c)•.Since sockeye salmon in the middle rea.ch spawn almost exclusively in side sloughs and '-sIae'channelS,-itmayb'eiTJife'rrea that surviva.l of chum salmon embryos in these habitats is considerably higher (30 to 40 percent)than the survival of the chum embryos in tributary habitats (ADF&G 1984c). E-3-2-100 1 II J lJ \ I J 851021 Mortality rates of Susitna River chum and sockeye were estimated as part of a laboratory study·of the effects of temperature on embryo developmental rates (Wangaard and Burger 1983).Chum and sockeye embryos were incubated in the laboratory under four different temperature regimes ranging from averages of 2°C to 4°C,similar to the regimes encountered in the field.Because of the controlled conditions,the observed mortality rates of 2-5 percent are attributable either to temperature itself or to some other biological factor not associated with the physical environment (i.e.disease,lack of fertilization,or genetic disorders).It is assumed that approximately 5 percent mortality of salmon embryos in the field could be attributable to similar causes.Because of the nature of environmental conditions,it is assumed that much of the remaining mortality of salmon embryos is attrib~table to physical processes in the habitat. Two principal physical factors that could account for a significant portion of the estimated mortality are associated with mainstem flow influences on the slough habitats.These in turn are influenced by ice processes.The two factors are 1)dessication and freezing .of the embryos due to the reduction of mairistem flow prior to ice cover formation and 2) reduced temperature resulting from overtopping of the upstream end of the slough (ADF&G 1985a). Dessication of embryos occurs when the areas in which the eggs were deposited (redd sites)become dewa- teredo Spawning occurs during a period (August and September)when mainstem flow averages approximately 15,000 cfs (ADF&G 1984r).Subsequent to the spawning period,mainstem flow decreases to approximately 8,000 cfs in October and 2,000 cfs in December and January.With this decrease in mainstem flow,the wetted surface area in the individual sloughs and side channels decreases (ADF&G 1983k, 1983n, 1984r;EWT&A 1984).This is due to reduced flow in the side sloughs (ADF&G 1983m,1984r,R&M 1985b)and reduced areas of backwater influence at the mouths of the sloughs and side channels (ADF&G 1983a).It is likely that,as the water surface recedes,redds located along the margins of the sloughs become dewatered causing dessication or freezing of the embryos. E-3-2-l01 851021 As the ice front progresses upstream these areas could become watered again due to staging and increased groundwater upwelling.For sloughs and side channels in the downstream portions of the reach,the ice formation process could be early enough in the winter (mid-November to early December) to prevent dessication or freezing of the embryos. However,in the upper portions of the reach,ice front progression reaches the sloughs and side channels much later (December-January).Hence,it is likely that mortality of embryos due to dessication increases from the lower end of the Middle River to Devi 1 's Canyon. As the ice front progresses upstream,staging of the mainstem is sometimes sufficient to overtop the upstream ends of sloughs.A result is that O°C mainstem wBter is diverted through the sloughs and may overwhelm groundwater sources by downwelling of the O°C surface water.Depending upon the developmental stage of the embryos at the time of the overtopping event,the O°Cwater may cause death of the embryos or may cause developmental abnormali- ties (Wangaard and Burger 1983). Laboratory studies of salmon developmental rates vs. temperature indicate that sockeye embryos are especially sensitive to thermal (cold)stress early .__.0 __~in.-the.de.v:elopmentaL process..(Jlelson 1980.,-Bams 1967, combs 1965).The potential for increased mortality and developmental abnormality rates due to over topping was corroborated in the middle river by observation of large numbers of dead chum embryos, reduced fry size and higher frequency of abnormalities in Slough 8A (site 126.0R)following an overtopping event in 1982 (ADF&G 1983e).Embryos in other sloughs that were not overtopped did noteihIbitEfle··1.argenUrilber or dea·dembi·-yos or abnormal In contrast to the three factors discussed above,a fourth factor,the effects of staging on groundwater upwelling rates,contributes to the survival of sal- mon embryos.Upwelling groundwater benefits embryo development-by providing higher temperatures (2°C-4.3°C),more constant dissolved oxygen concen- trations;··andremoval'of -fine'sediments .that may have a detrimental effect on embryo survival.Upwelling rates are at least partially dependent upon mainstem water surface elevation (Exhibit E,Chapter 2 E-3-2-102 . 1 (I j ) Sections 2.4.4 and 4.1.2(f)ii),and staging caused by the ice formation processes.Groundwater upwelling rates increase with greater mainstem stage and may contribute to the survival of the embryos. In summary,several factors associated with winter flow and ice processes in the mainstem of the Susitna River affect the survival of salmon embryos during the incubation period.Factors that tend to decrease survival are: o Reduced mainstem flow resulting in dessication or freezing of the salmon embryos;and o Overtopping of the upstream ends of sloughs and side channels diverting the O°C water in to the sloughs and side channels causing thermal (cold)stress to the embryos. A factor which tends to increase survival of embryos is increased groundwater upwelling. 2.2.4 -Streams of Access Road Corridor (**) (a)Stream Crossings (**) The access road to the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites will depart from the Denali Highway and proceed south to Watana (see Plate F-32,Exhibit F).From there,the road will tra- verse the north side of the Susitna River to the Devil Canyon damsite.A railroad spur from Gold Creek will con- nect to Devil Canyon.The access road corridor,including that portion of the Denali Highway to be upgraded as part of the project,contains at least 45 streams and rivers in both the Nenana and Susitna River drainages (Tables E.3.2.21 and E.3.2.56). The portion of the Denali Highway between Cantwell and the Watana Access Road crosses 10 streams in the Jack River and Nenana River drainages (Table E.3.2.56).Fish species present in Jack River or Nenana River include grayling, northern pike,burbot,whitefish and sculpin.Of these,the tributary streams probably contain at least grayling and sculpin. From the Denali Highway to Watana,the road will cross Lily Creek,Seattle Creek,Brushkana Creek,and Deadman Creek as well as numerous unnamed streams.These streams are tribu- taries of the Nenana River or Susitna River,and contain Dolly Varden,grayling and sculpin (Table E.3.2.21). 851021 E-3-2-103 851021 Between the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites,the access road will cross Tsusena and Devil Creeks (Table E.3~2.21). The streams contain Dolly Varden and slimy sculpin. The road will cross the Susitna River approximately 2 miles (3 km)below the Devil Canyon damsite.Salmon and probably grayling,whitefish,cottids and longnose sucker occur in the vicinity of the crossing.The habitat in this reach of the Susitna is considered relatively poor when compared to reaches farther downstream. The railroad between Devil Canyon and Gold Creek will cross Gold Creek,three tributaries of Jack Long Creek and a trib- utary of Slough 21 that contains chinook and sculpins (Table E.3.2.21).The lower reaches of Jack Long Creek contain small numbers of pink,coho,chinook,and chum salmon.Gold Creek has been documented to contain chinook,coho,and pink salmon. (b)Streams Adjacent to Access Corridors (**) In additiotl to crossing streams,the Watana access road will parallel some streams,particularly Deadman Creek.The fisheries resources are described in Section 2.3.1(a)above. Devil Creek will also be paralleled by the access road while the railroad between Devil Canyon and Gold Creek will paral- lel a portion of Jack Long Creek. Transmission lines will be built from Watana and Devil Canyon to Gold Creek and from there to Anchorage and Fairbanks.From Wa- tana to Gold Creek,the transmis.sion line route is within 1 mile (1.6 km)of the Devil Canyon access road except near the Watana Dam.At Gold Creek the transmission lines will use the same right-of-way as the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,which extends ..from-Will ow.·to Healy........_- Resources of the Intertie are described in Commonwealth et ale (1982).At least 27 major salmon streams,including Willow Creek,Kashwitna River,.Talkeetna River,Chulitna River,and Indian-River will be crossed by the Intertie and,presumably,by the additional lines to be built in the right-of-way in conjunc- tion with the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The streams contain grayling,rainbow trout,Do11y Varde.n,and .sculpins .in addition to salmon. South of Wi 11 ow,the transmi s sion line wi 11 be routed between the Susitna River and the Parks Highway for much of its length.It will cross Fish Creek and the Little Susitna River as well as E-3-2-104 .!'\ If I _j J ') il \, 1 J ,) I I" many unnamed streams (Table E.3.2.57).The Little Susitna River contains coho,pink,chinook,chum,and sockeye salmon;as well as rainbow trout,Dolly Varden,and grayling.Fish Creek is known to support chinook,sockeye,pink and coho salmon,and rainbow trout.The unnamed tributaries to the Susitna River may also provide salmon habitat. An underwater cable will be used to cross the Knik Arm.The transmission line will then proceed east and south to the Univer- sity power substation.Knik Arm serves as a migration corridor for five species of Pacific salmon as well as other anadromous species such as Dolly Varden,Bering cisco,eulachon,and lamp- rey.The transmission line will skirt Otter Lake,which is stocked with rainbow trout,and will cross Fossil and Ship Creeks.Fossil Creek is not considered a fish stream.Ship Creek supports populations of pink,chum,coho,sockeye,and chinook salmon as well as Dolly Varden and rainbow trout,but because of the heavy development along its reaches,it is not considered prime fish habitat. North of Healy,the transmisson line will cross at least 50 creeks and rivers including the Nenana and Tanana Rivers (Table E.3.2.58).These are two of Alaska's major rivers and provide habitat for salmon,grayling,whitefish,suckers,burbot, sculpins,northern pike,and inconnu.Panguinge Creek has been documented to contain coho salmon,Dolly Varden and" grayling (Tarbox et al.1978).The streams in the Lit tIe Goldstream vicinity are not considered to be important fisheries habitat because of their steep gradients.While many of the streams go dry in the summer,some do support grayling populations near their mouths. 2.3 -Anticipated Impacts To Aquatic Habitat (**) Construction and operation of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project would result in both beneficial and detrimental impacts on the aquatic habitat and associated fishery resources in 'the Susitna basin.Many of the potential adverse impacts can be avoided or minimized through design and/or operation of the project,as described in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Sections 3 and 6,and Exhibit E,Chapter 3, Section 2.4.This section examines the anticipated effects of the project as proposed in Exhibit A and addresses the impacts likely to be sustained as a result of project construction,reservoir filling,and operation of Watana and Devil Canyon dams.Since the project will be constructed in three stages,impacts to the aquatic habitat are presented by project stage,and river segment.The discussions focus on the principal evaluation species/habitat combinations.Discussion of the impacts to other evaluation species is also presented. 851021 E-3-2-lOS In this section,the term"impact"refers to a change affected on a fish population or on its capability to utilize aquatic habitats resulting from project-induced changes in the physical characteristics of the environment.Impacts refer to changes or effects that are both beneficial and detrimental to fish populations.The project may alter physical characteristics of the aqugtic environment that do not affect fishery resources,and therefore,these changes are not considered to be impacts to the resources.The basic project-induced changes to the physical environment considered in this evaluation includes changes to the flow regime,temperature/iceregime,and suspended sediment.The effects of changes in other habitat factors,such as sediment aggradation,degradation,dissolved gas concentrations,heavy metals, nutrients,etc.are also discussed for each stage of project development. The description of impacts presented below is based on all available data and analyses through spring 1985.The types of impacts that have occurred'at>similar projects have also been considered when describing the probable impacts this project will have on the fishery resources. The discussion presents to the extent possible,quantitative estimates of the physical processes,habitat relationships,and likely response of fishery-resources. The majority of the anticipated impacts resulting from the construction and operation of the two dam development will occur during the first stage of the development of the Watana Dam.Additional impacts,but of a significantly lesser magnitude,would be sustained as a result of the addition of the Devil.Canyon Dam in Stage II of the development and the ·rai-st'ng~of~Wgtana~Dam··in~Sfage~III·.·~The~Stage····I~Wat·ana~Dam-wi~H;·alter-·. the character of the aquatic environment downstream from RM 224,the uppermost extent of the Stage I reservoir.The magnitude of change in aquatic habitats below the damsites decreases as the distance from the damsites increases.A1t;eration of the charactlar ofe.2!:isting aquatic environment would be most notable within the impoundment zones and the 53-mile (88.3 km)reach between the Devil Canyon damsite (RM 152)and Talkeetna (RM99).Lesser changes are anticipated in the 99-mile _(165~km)_r.egch_fromTg..I1,{eettta to Cook Inlet(RMO).Mos tof the _p-otential imp-acts ~.2..~q ua-ti-ch';bit~-tth~t·ari~~--frOOt da-;-cori~·tr~ctIon wi'li be avoided through careful design and~siting,and by 'eIilploying--~--"-.~_.,-------.- best construction management practices. ,J I \ f I "l \) .J ,j, I, i) 851021 E-3-2-106 2.3.1 -Anticipated Impacts to Aquatic Habitat Associated with Stage I Watana Dam (***) (a)Construction of Stage I Watana Dam and Related Facilities (***) Potential impacts to aquatic habitat associated with the construction of Stage I Watana Dam ~nd related facilities can be divided into three categories: o Effects of permanent or temporary alterations to water bodies (i.e.,dewatering,alteration of flow regime, or alteration of channels); o Effects on wa·ter quality (i.e.,changes in tempera- ture,turbidity,nutrients,and other water chemistry parameters);and o Effects,both direct and indirect,on fish populations. (i)Stage I Watana Dam (***) The period of construction considered for the proposed Stage I Watana Dam consists of those activities occurring from initial site preparation to the start of reservoir filling.The proposed dam will consist of a fill structure constructed between RM 184 and RM 185 of the Susitna River.The fill will be approximately 0.5 mile (520 m)wide,0.6 (950 m)mile long and 700 feet (267 m)high.Over 32.1 million cubic yards (24.5xl0 6m3 )of material will be used to construct the dam. Prior to construction of the Stage I structure, access will be completed;the diversion tunnels and cofferdams will be completed and the river diverted through the tunnels;and site-clearing activities begun.Heavy equipment will be brought to the site, and construction material will be stockpiled in the project area. Two cofferdams will surround the area of the main dam construction (see Plate F 5 in Exhibit F).The upstream cofferdam will be approximately 800 feet (242 m)long and 450 feet (136 m)wide;the downstream cofferdam will be 400 feet (121 m)long and 200 feet (60 m)wide.Water blocked by the upstream cofferdam will be diverted into two 36-foot (ll.O-m)diameter concrete-lined tunnels . 851021 E-3-2-l07 851021' approximately 3300 and 4000 feet long.The cofferdams and cutoff walls will be constructed during a two-year period and will remain in use until reservoir filling begins. construction of the main dam will have a number of effects on the river and its biota.Some effects will be the direct result of construction activities, while other effects will result from alteration of the river environment during construction.Impacts will vary in duration and overall extent,some being temporary or localized while others will be permanent or more widespread. -Alteration of Water Bodies (***) The greatest alteration of aquatic habitat during construction of S~age I Watana Dam will occur at the damsite and at the mouth of Tsusena Creek where Borrow Area E is located.At the construction site,the Susitna River flows through a confined valley with a surface wi-dth of approximately 400 feet (121 m).The river bottom is sand,gravel and boulders.The tributaries closest to the damsite are Deadman Creek at RM 187 and Tsusena Creek at RM 182.Burbot,sculpins, round and humpback whitefish,and longnose sucker occupy the dams.ite all year and grayling probably --~--~-overwinter there--(ADF&G-~1983b}-.·, The first major phase of dam construction involves placement of the two cofferdams,thereby permanent- ly dewatering 0.75 mile (1.3 km)of riverbed at the damsite.It is anticipated that fish normally using this stretch will move into adjacent habitats and that the effects on population size will be minimal.The ..Q,e.wat:e:J;'e<la:J;'ea:w:i,lJ .e.Y~Jlt:\1ally1:1e. covered by the Stage I Watana dam;thus,the effect will bea -permanent but relatively minor-loss of aquatic habitat and a permanent blockage of fish movements through this reach. Gravel mining will be an important activity associated with construction of the dam and related facilitiesl.A-nrt-ge--por-t-i(YiC6f the material for the Stage I dam will be excavated from Borrow Site -E-at'the-confluence of l'Sl.lSeIlaCreek between RM 180 and RM 182.In the construction zone,Tsusena Creek is considered more sensitive habitat than the mainstem of the Susitna River.Anticipated impacts E-3-2-108 ') I \ ') \-) j 'i ) I 1 i I !) 851021 from gravel removal operations include increased turbidity caused by erosion and minor instream activities,introduction of small amounts of hydrocarbons from equipment operating in stream~ and the possibility of accidental hydrocarbon spills.These impacts will be temporary and are not expected to last beyond site operation.A long-term impact to aquatic habitat is expected at the mouth of Tsusena Creek.The volume of material to be removed will result in a pit that will become filled with water.This pit will create lentic habitat in exchange for lost ri.parian and upland habitat.Guidelines and techniques detailed in the BMP annual entitled "Erosion and Sedimentation Control"(APA 1985a)will be incorporated into contractual documents prior to construction in order to minimize impacts to aquatic habitat from borrow activities. Completion of the diversion facH ities in the n; spring of 1994 will allow the closure of the upstream cofferdam.Flow will be diverted through both diversion tunnels during the summer,although the lower tunnel will pass the greater pOItion. The upper tunnel begins to pass flow at 8000 cfs. Tunnel velocities for the average summer flow (approximately 23,000'cfs)will range between 20 and 30 ft/sec.During the mean annual flood (43,500 cfs),the river stage upstream of the project will be raised for a distance of about 2 miles.Immediately upstream of the project this increase will be approximately 20 feet.Some ponding will also occur during the average summer flow. During the winter,flow will be diverted through the lower diversion tunnel,which has sufficient capacity to pass normal winter flows without significant change to the river stage upstream of the project.Water velocities in the tunnel will range from 15 to 20 ft/sec.River ice conditions are expected to be unchanged from natural conditions upstream and downstream of the project. Experiments with fish transport indicate that fish are adversely affected when water velocities exceed 9 ft/sec (Taft et ale 1975).Relatively few resident fish occupy the mainstem area immediately upstream of the tunnels during summer;however, grayling and other resident species utilize the E-3-2-109 iIla.iristem to overwinter.Fish that become entrained in the tunnel flow may be injured or kill~d by the high velocities,by rocks or other material transported by the river through the tunnels,or by impacting the tunnel walls. High discharge velocities at the downstream end of the tunnels will scour gravels,sands and silts from the immediate area of the tunnel outlet.The velocities will also deter fish from using the area immediately downstream from the tunnel (Bates and Vanderwalker 1964;Stone and Webster 1976b),and will act as a barrier to upstream fish passage (see Section 2.4.3). -Changes in Water Quality (***) The primary change in water quality that is expected as a result of Stage I Watana Dam construction is increased turbidity-predominately caused by increased concentrations of very fine -sized suspended-particulates.Increases in turbidity will vary with the type and duration of construction activity and may be~of significant local consequence,but are not expected to produce a widesp~ead detrimental effect upon aquatic habitat in the Susitna River system.Some of the first construction activities to take place will ~include--G-1ea-:t'-ing~-a-r-eas,--c-ons"t-r-uc-t-ion-----of-'--access­ roads,stockpiling of construction materials and fuel,movement of heavy equipment,and construction of support facilities.The construction of support facilities and the access roads are discussed below. Removal of cover vegetation may result in a number of effects.The removal of cover can increase the.-,.-----.....--".---,--,,------"·-··"-I~ocal------~·run:o-f-f-··:-·-·--c-a'u-sin'g--··-er'o-s-i--o-n-~------------increa-s-ed-----~-.-----~.----_.--~-,-.. .-.-~._--.._-~--_.-.--._.---·------··----------------turoial ty-,and-inc reas'ed di s'sol ved so 1 id s --{LikEi"ns --- et ale 1970;Bormann et ale 1970;Pierce et ale 1970).The removal of bank cover may also increase the exposure of fish to predators,and lead to a decrease in fish populations (Joyce et ale 1980b). Temperatures in local areas may also increase. ,) J I I 851021 The movement of nUlriateda1s and the actual pro- cEf~fs-~of coris!:-ructioii"6rthe-fiII dam -·wi 1I co ril:i1 ..... bute to turbidity and siltation.During the trans- port,storage,and placement of the fill material used in constructing the dam,a small percentage E-3-2-110 -,j (I 851021 will be introduced to adjacent water bodies, including the mainstem Susitna River through spills and erosion.Although the impact on the mainstem may not be severe,the impact on local clear-water streams could be significant. Operation of heavy equipment in streams also in- creases siltation and turbidity.The extent of the impact of siltation and turbidity is dependent upon the extent of machinery operation in the stream beds and the substrate of the streams affected. Finer substrates tend to be most affected (Burns 1970),but effects are also dependent upon stream- flows in the local area.If velocities are suffi- ciently high,deposition of suspended silts stirred up by the machinery will not occur locally and the effects would be minor (Shaw and Maga'1943).Since velocities can be expected to vary seasonally,the potential for impacts will vary seasonally as well. Impacts caused by machinery-induced siltation and turbidity are expected to be temporary in nature. Increased turbidity generally reduces visibility and decreases the ability of sight-feeding fish to obtain food (Hynes 1966).Most fish species will avoid highly tu~bid areas and many salmonids avoid spawning in turbid waters.Temporary increases in turbidity from activities such as clearing and gravel removal may occur. Siltation (sedimentation)is also associated with these activities.There is a considerable amount of literature dealing with siltation effects on fish (Iwamoto et al.1978),particularly the effect on spawning and incubation.A general conclusion reached by a review of the literature (Dehoney and Mancini 1982)is that the greatest adverse impact of siltation is on immobile eggs and relatively immobile larval fish.In general,siltation can cause significant losses of incubating eggs and fry in redds,particularly by interfering with oxygen exchange.Areas of upwelling ground water are affected to a lesser extent than other areas because silt is prevented from settling.Only resident fish in the vicinity of Watana Dam, including Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling,may be affected by siltation.Entrainment of suspended materials may also affect other water quality parameters,such as trace metals and pH,but this ts not expected to have a significant effect upon E-3-2-1l1 851021 aquatic habitat in theSusitna system.The measures planned to minimize impacts of construction on suspended sediment and turbidity are discussed in Exhibit E Chapter 2 Sections 4.1.l(c)iii. The production of concrete for tunnel lining,spill way and powerhouse construction,and grouting will generate concrete batching wastewater.Peters (1979)points out that the discharge of this wastewater,if untreated,can lead to detrimental effects on fish populations and habitat.A particular problem with concrete wastewater is the need to adjust its pH (10+)prior to discharge. The measures planned to minimize contamination by waste concrete are discussed in Exhibit E Chapter 2 Section 4.1.l(c)vi. Waterbodies can be contaminated during construction activities by petroleum products that enter from a variety of sources.Fuels can enter streams,lakes and wetlands from leaks in storage tanks and-pipes and from vehicle accidents during transportation. Poor maintenance of vehicles can also allow small quantities of petroleum products to enter water bodies. Diesel fuel will be used and will have to be stored onsitein lar-ge quantities-.-Newand--used. lubricating oils will also be in use.There is a great deal of literature (USEPA 1976b;AFS 1979) describing deleterious effects caused by oil spills.Aromatics in diesel fuel and gasoline are particularly toxic until evaporated.Heavier oi Is can coat streambeds and aquatic vegetation and interfere with production of food organisms consumed by fish (Kolpak et al.1973).In a river 'as-Targe-a-sthe-siisnna-~-sma:lrspnTsareexpected to arlute quiCkl:y and not causemeasural51eimpacts; Spills into smaller tributaries,especially while incubating embryos are present,could have a significant impact on resident populations.In the winter,it is difficult to recover petroleum spills that flow under ice in rivers.Substantial morta-li-tycould-resultiftoxic substances reach overWiriferirigfishcirid'oth.Eir organisms.The BMP --'--'--'--"-manual ent'ttted""0i!-'spillCdntingencyPlanning" (APA 1985b)identifies the major elements of an oil spill contingency plan and also details techniques for minimizing impacts. E-3-2-112 'J ) ,1 ~ -\ _I !j 851021 Waste oils containing trace metals require handling as a hazardous waste under 40 CFR 261-265.Sol- vents,while probably present in much smaller quantities than petroleum products,are usually considerably more toxic to aquatic life.Other chemicals of concern would include antifreeze, hydraulic oil,grease,and paints.Factors that will affect the severity of impacts of a spill are: o The substance spilled; o The quantity spilled; o Frequency of spills in that area; o The biota present; o The life stages present; o The season;and o Mitigation and cleanup plans and preparedness. -Other Effects on Fish Populations (*) Other effects that instream construction activities may have on fish populations include avoidance of the area,injury,and mortality caused by instream use of heavy equipment.Heavy equipment crossings can also damage incubating eggs and preemergent fry if the crossing location passes through a spawning area. Water will be needed for production of concrete, processing of gravel,and dust control during con- struction.Impac.ts can result from entrainment and impingement of juvenile fish as water is withdrawn from local water bodies.The use of low volume pumps equipped with proper intake screens will minimize the number of fish affected.Removal of water from local water bodies is not expected to have a significant effect on fish habitat. Current construction plans do not require instream blasting.Blasting is planned for areas 500 feet (150m)or more from streams.A review of the effects of blasting on aquatic life (Joyce et a1. 1980a,Appendix G)indicates that effects from such blasting would probably not be lethal (at least with charges of less than 200 kg of TNT).The transmitted shock waves from the blasting may dis- turb fish and perhaps temporarily displace them from areas near blasting activity.This type of behavior is well-documented for a variety of noise E-3-2-113 851021 sources (Vanderwalker 1967 and Latvaitis et ale 1977).Secondary effects of blasting include increased turbidity and siltation caused by loosened soils and dust (see effects described above).The extent of such effects would be dependent upon the location and amount of blasting. (ii)Construction and Operation of Stage I Watana Camp, Village and Airstrips (*) During peak construction activity for the Stage I Watana Dam,facilities to house approximately 3,300 people are anticipated (see Exhibit A,Section 1.13). The facilities must be located adjacent to the construction site to simplify transportation to and from the camps.One campsite is proposed:the construction camp and village will be located near Deadman Creek about 3 miles from the dam.This development will occupy approximately 250 acres (lot ha).The construction camp and vi llage are to ..be two communities withe separate roads and facilities.The two communities wi 11 be separated by natural features,lakes,and fences.After the dam is completed,a permanent townsite will be developed either at the construction camp or village site or at a site to be determined later. The constrl,l~ti91L~~mR.will.cO.l.!l:~ill t'h~J:Il~lll3._g.~.!Jl~nt offices,hospital,recreation hall,warehouses,com- munications center,bachelor dormitories,and other facilities.It is anticipated that the camp will be dismantled at the end of the Stage I Watana dam construction.The construction village will be made up of 310 temporary housing units and an additional 240 lots with utilities furnished.These temporary housing units will be used primarily for ·······workers·wlfoare:accompan:i·ed·by·familie-s .andwillat·so .··b-ere-move-d··wh·en--constructron-·of-Watana-i-s·comp];.et;e-.----··-···· The permanent town will be built to house the families of employees who will form the operation and maintenance team for Watana.The town will contain a hospital,a school,gas station,fire station,store, recreation center,and offices,as well as residences.·Constructionofthe town will not begin until the mid~1990s,since it will not be needed ··untllWatana is-operational.· A 2500-foot (758~m)temporary airfield will be built approximately 1 mile (1.6 km)from the construction E-3-2-1l4 1 ) ) ,! ) ..~ ,r 851021 camp/village site at approximately elevation 2500 feet (760-m).The temporary airfield will be expanded and upgraded to a 6500 foot permanent airfield. -Alteration of Waterbodies (**) Alteration of waterbodies resulting from the construction of camps and related facilities will be confined to the immediate area of the development.Few adverse impacts are anticipated. Gravel or other material required for facilities construction will be mined from local sources or Borrow Sites D or F,following the guidelines found in the BMP manual entitled "Erosion and Sedimentation Control"(APA 1985a).Project facilities will be located away from waterbodies to minimize the potential of increased sediment input.__ Overburden will be stored in areas where it will not affect watrerbodies. Operation of the camps and airstrips is not expec- ted to result in appreciable alteration of water- bodies. Water will be withdrawn from Deadman Creek. approximately 7 miles (10 km)upstream from its confluence with the Susitna River for domestic use in the camp and construction village. Approximately 0.5 cfs will be needed to meet peak demands in both the construction camp and construction village.This represents less than orie percent reduction in flow during the open-water season and less than 7 percent during the winter season.Little impact is expected to result from decreases of this magnitude. -Water Quality Changes (**) Changes resulting from camp construction areexpec- ted to be similar to those experienced during dam construction but impacts would be much reduced in magnitude because of the relatively great distance of the camp from waterbodies inhabited by fish. Turbidity and suspended sediment levels will increase in areas where erosion enters water bodies from activities such as installation of the water intake system,but such effects will be temporary. E-3-2-115 851021 The most significant impacts on water quality during camp operations will result from discharge of treated wastewater into Deadman Creek,oily and silty runoff from the camps,water used for dust control,and accidental fuel spills. Current plans call for pumping water from Deadman Creek or a series of wells to supply the camps and town during operations.Treated sewage during dam construction will be discharged into Deadman Creek. This sewage system will serve both the construction camp and village and may be used for the permanent town after the temporary camp and village are removed.The solid waste landfill shall be situated adjacent to the village and camp.Fuel will be stored within the village and the construction camp.Details of fuel storage and handling will be in accordance with contractual documents that include the information contained in the BMP Manual entitled "Fuel and Hazardous Material"(APA 1985d). The sewage treatment plant will provide secondary treatment (Chapter 2,Section 4.1.1.g).A lagoon system will be used to store waste during the year prior to completion of the treatment plant.The stored waste will be treated before its release to the receiving stream.Secondary treatment will a:v:oidc_many~~of~the~p-r~o_b1 ems ~s§9C tEl t~(LJ~'!~h-_p_l:"~mat'Y treatment,.such as decreased dissolved oxygen and increased BOD,increased metals,and bacterial counts (Warren 1971),although it will introduce increased levels of phosphorus and nitrogen into Deadman Creek.Also,if the discharge is treated with chemicals such as chlorine,residual levels may have detrimental effects upon aquatic organisms.Rainbow trout in the Sheep River in.--Canada.-were-reporteatoavoidtfte-a:s-where- -----clilorinat-e-d--s-ewcrge-e-rfluents-were-di-scharged-,----a-nd-- some fish mortality resulted (Osborne et al.1981). Grayling,the primary species in Deadman Creek,are considered to be sensitive to alterations in water quality (McLeay et al.1983;1984).The effects of treated-discharge into Deadman Creek and thence into the_reservoir will depend upon:(1)the water chemistry of the creek andreservoir;-(2)the composition of the treated sewage discharge;and (3)the dilution of the discharge within the stream. E-3-2-116 r:-'J J ,J -\ Storm drainage and oily water runoff are expected to occur at both the camp and the village,-but will be more of a concern at the camp,since this is where the vehicle maintenance areas,shops,and related facilities will be located.By providing proper drainage facilities,ponding areas,and if necessary,pump stations to pump contaminated water to the treatment facility,oily and silty water will not reach Deadman Creek.The small ponds within the town limits will be more susceptible than the creeks to intrusions of oily water,storm drainage,and fuel spills. Adverse effects may also 'result from oily runoff from dust control on construction roads and airstrips and from accidents involving vehicles transporting fuels.The possible frequency and severity of such occurrenCeS cannot be predicted at this time.Runoff from the solid waste landfill is not expected to adversely impact any aquatic habitat. -Other Effects on Fish Populations (***) Disruption of fish populations during camp and vil- lage constructiQn is expected to be limited due to the distance between the camp ,and aquatic habitats. Operation of the camps will result in increased access to an area previously exposed to minimal fishing pressure.The areas.expected to sustain the heaviest harvest pressure would be those stretches of Deadman and Tsusena Creeks and the Susitna River that are easily accessible from the camps and the damsite.The resident fish popula- tions are thought to be at their maximum level, (ADF&G 1981f,1984a).Studies to date have indicated a relatively high percentage of "older" age group fish (up to 9 years).Sportfishing will inflict heaviest impacts upon larger,older fish and would likely result in a change in the age distribution of the population (ADF&G 1984a). (b)Filling Stage I Watana Reservoir (***) Filling of the Stage I Watana reservoir will impact aquatic habitats both upstream and downstream from the dam.During the filling process,fish populations and habitats will be 851021 E-3-2-117 affected by changes in flow,tempera.ture,and suspended sediment regimes and changes in other physical and-chemical habitat factors such as dissolved gas concentrations, nutrients,and other water chemistry parameters and constituents.The filling period for Stage I Watana Reservoir,is expected to be approximately 6 months. Beginning in May 1998,it is expected that the reservoir will be filled to between el.1,900 and el.1,970 the first of October depending upon the Susitna River discharge upstream of Watana damsite during the summer months. Discharge from the Stage I Watana Reservoir during the filling process will be constrained by the Case E-VI flow requirements defined at Gold Creek (See Exhibit E Chapter 2, Section 3)from May through October.The Case E-VI flow constraints ate presented here as Table E.3.2.59.Estimated average monthly flows at Gold Creek during the'filling of Watana Reservoir are provided in Table E.3.2.60.The average monthly flows are presented for Susitna flow conditions cor'responding to years with a<verage,low (dry years)and high runoff (wet y.ears).It is anticipated that the first genera:ting unit will become operational in October of 1998.Although the project will become operational at that .time,the available volume in the reservoir for generation and the available capacity for generation will be relative~y small.Therefore,during the first winter of operation,flows in the Susitna River will approximate natural flows,~.e.they will approach the minimum operational constra ititsofCaseE-VI-.--- During the summer filling process,dqwnstream releases will be made through the low level outlet works located in one of the diversiontun9-els.The low-level discharge structure has limited capacity to control downstream temperatures. The effects of filling on river temperatures are discussed in EXhibit E Chapter 2 Section 4.1.3(c)i. I ....._~Once thefirsi:generating urlit becomes operational or_~he~__ water level exceeds the minimum operating level for the outlet works (cone valves),all downstream flows will be released through the powerhouse and outlet works.Water will be withdrawn from the upper part of the intake structure.Therefore~it is anticipated that winter discharge temperatures and ice processes wi 11 be similar to na.tura.l co"naitions:.':'.. ."impact-sto---the--aqua.-tTc-'reso"tirces are descr:i.he;i"below for the impoundment zone,the Watana Dam to Talkeetna Reach (middle river)and the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet Reach (lower river). 851021 E-3-2-118 851021 (i)Watana Reservoir Inundation (***) Filling the Watana reservoir will inundate approximately 20,000 acres (8,100 ha).The reservoir will flood 44 miles (71 km)of Susitna River mainstem habitat and 15 miles (24 km)of tributary habitats that would be converted from lotic to lentic systems with accompanying changes in hydraulic characteristics,substrate,turbidity,temperature, and nutrient levels.These habitat alterations will result in changes to all trophic levels of the aquatic community presently functioning in the area. Figure E.3.2.71 shows the area to be inundated by the Watana reservoir. Reservoir filling will begin in May 1998 with the spring runoff flows.During May;the water surface elevation of the reservoir will rise an average of 7 feet (2.1 m)per day reaching a .depth of approximately 220 feet (67 m)by the end of the month (to el.1,670 feet,or 510 m).Increases in water surface elevation of 5 feet (1.5 m)or more-per day are predicted in June,3 ft/day (0.9m)in July,and 1 ft/day (0.3m)in August and September.It is expected that the reservoir will be filled to an operational level of between el.1,900 and el.1,970 by the end of October,1998,depending upon the magnitude of the river discharge during this period. The first generating unit in the Watana Powerhouse is expected to begin generating in October,1998. Therefore,filling of the Stage I Watana Reservoir will be completed in 6 months (See Exhibit C).This is a significant reduction in the estimated filling time for the Watana Reservoir configuration presented in the original License Application (APA 1983b) -Mainstem Habitats (***) Impoundment filling will affect mainstem habitats and fish populations in the impoundment zone. Since filling of the Stage I Watana Reservoir will occur in approximately 6 months,discussion of the anticipated effects to fish population in the mainstem is more appropriately discussed under reservoir operations (Section 2.3.l.c.i) -Tributary Habitats (***) Impoundment filling will affect fish populations and habitats in tributaries to the mainstem E-3-2-119 within the impoundment zone.Since filling of the Stage I Watana Reservoir will be essentially complete by the end of October 1998 after beginning in May 1998,the effects on tributary habitats during the summer will be similar to those which will occur during reservoir operation.Therefore, the effects are discussed,more appropriately and completely in Section 2.3.1.c.i. -Lake Habitats (**) The filling of the Stage I Watana Reservoir will also effect 11 lakes and ponds in the impoundment zone.Because of the short duration of the filling process,the effects of the reservoir filling on these habitats is more approximately and completely discussed inc Section 2.3.1 .•c.i. (ii)Watana Dam to.Talkeetna (*) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime (*) The filling of the Watana Reservoir during Stage I will reduce natural flows at Gold Creek for a period of approximately 6 months beginning in May. Estimates of the discharge at Gold Creek during the' 6·month filling period are estimated for three flow conditions:dry,average and wet conditions. ----------.----.----'rhese-were-selected.·to~representthe-rangeof"­ possible discharge conditions which could occur during the filling process. The simulation of filling of Watana Stage I is discussed in Exhibit E'Chapter 2 Section 4.1.2(b). As stated previously,the rate of discharge release from the Watana Dam during filling will be constrained by the Case E-VI flow requirements. Aithough-'theCase 'E=vI"f'low"consEraTnEsclefine "mi:iiimumdiscnarge at"\;"oI<rCreeK"on a "wee'Klyoasts",--- average monthly minimum flow constraints were derived for evaluation of Gold Creek discharge during the filling process based on the E-VI constraints.The average monthly minimum discharge constraints,at Gold Creek;monthly average natural discharges during the dry,.average and wet conditions;and estilIlates of the average monthly discharges dtiringthefilling period in dry, average and wet discharge conditions are presented in Table E.3.2.60-.The anticipated effects of .\ ( 851021 E-3-2-120 I ) 851021 these representative discharges on fish habitats and populations are presented below • •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Conditions (***) Juvenile Chinook Rearing Habitats (***) Closure of the Stage I Watana Dam and initial filling of the reservoir will result in the first major alteration of the flow regime..in the middle river following start of construction. The changes to chinook rearing habitat availability during the Stage I filling period are estimated by translating the estimated monthly average discharges to estimates of the total chinook rearing habitat areas·at those discharges for all Representative Groups and for the subset of the habitat areas in Repre- sentative Groups 2,3 and 4.The translation is based upon the Habitat Area Response Curves presented in Table E.3.2.46 and Figures E.3.2.57 and E.3.2.58. Habitat values for May discharges were not cal- culated since,under natural conditions,May constitutes a transition month from winter to summer.During this period,juvenile chinook generally move from overwintering areas to summer rearing areas and outmigrate from the system.Age 0+juveniles are still in natal tributary habitats and have not begun to redistribute into mainstem affected areas (ADF&G 1983m,1984c). Considering the habitat area in all representative groups combined,the changes in discharge attributable to filling of the reservoir will cause a reduction in the habitat area available for chinook rearing by,at the most,15 percent from the habitat available under natural flows during dry average and wet discharge years.The habitat areas under natural and filling discharges and the percent changes expected in each month are presented in Table E.3.2.6l for dry,average and wet years • .This loss of habitat area is expected since the optimum habitat values are present at discharges greater than 20,000 cfs (Table E.3.2.46 and Figure E.3.2.57).For the most part,however, E-3-2-121 851021 the estimated reduction in the total rearing habitat is expected to be less than 10 percent. The reduction in habitat area is not expected to adversely affect the juvenile chinook population since the reduction will be of a short duration. Also,it is emphasized that the habitat area values presented are only indicative of the equivalent habitat area which is available throughout the middle river system and does not indicate whether or not all of the area will be used by chinook juveniles.Because of these factors,the apparent reductions in habitat area will probably not affect the populations appreciably. Considering only the habitat area present at given flows in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4, discharge at Gold Creek during much of the summer of filling will result in an increase in chinook rearing habitat under any of the flow conditions analyzed.The total habitat areas under na.turai and fi lling discharge regimes and the percent change for each month in dry, average and wet years are presented in Table E.3.2.62.The apparent loss of habitat area in August and September is not considered to be significant since the maximum reduction is ~n1n~r,v,m~tely'10 percent. The evaluation of habitat loss and gain presented here are based on monthly average flows.As a result,habitat gains and losses -due to daily and weekly variations of flow are not accounted for in this evaluation.Under the natural discharge regime,daily,weekly and monthly flow variation is expected to be --------considerabl-y--g·reater--thanduring.._the.actual .---~-.---._."----~·-f-i-l-l-i.ng--pe.t-i.o.d_.~en.c_e_,du ri ng_"._t he .!_ill~ng ..".. period habitat areas are expected to be more constant through time than under the natural discharge regime. The apparent increases in habitat area in R.epresentative Groups 2,3 and 4 during the filling period result from the replacement of lostsuitableha'bitat art3a pt:t313ent under natural flows in some sites (Representative Groups 2 and 3)with suitable habitat area in other sites (Representative Group 4).Thus,loss of habitat E-3-2-122 I J "! ,-j 851021 in some sites is replaced by suitable habitat in other sites with a net gain in total habitat area suitable for juvenile chinook rearing. Adult Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat (**) During the filling of Stage I Watana Reservoir,discharges from the dam as estimated at Gold Creek will affect the ability of chum salmon adults to gain access to spawning habitats presently used in side channels and side sloughs. Based upon the average monthly discharges at Gold Creek presented in Table E.3.2.59 and comparison of the threshold mainstem discharges presented in-Table E.3.2.49,it is apparent that there will be some reduction in the suit~bility of access to specific habitat areas.A summary of the suitability of the flows for access is presented in Table E.3.2.63.Based upon the threshold discharges for the twenty four passage reaches analyzed,eleven of 24 reaches will be more difficult for adult chum to pass during filling those under natural flows in August whereas only 4 reaches will be more difficult in September in dry years.In average discharge year,twelve of 24 reaches will be more difficult during filling than under natural flows in August whereas nine will be more difficult in September.In wet years,twelve reaches will be more difficult for passage in August and eleven reaches will be more difficult in September during filling than under natural flow conditions.This analysis is based on average monthly flows and access into the habitats is attained by chum salmon during a shorter time period.Short,high-flow events could occur which would allow access to the habitat.These high-flow events are not apparent in the average monthly flows.Also, this analysis does not account for the influence of local flow on the suitability of access conditions (see Section 2.2.3.f.ii). Although the analysis is conservative,there is an indication that access conditions for spawning chum salmon will be adversely impacted and could require mitigative action.However, since the effects of filling of Stage I Watana E-3-2-l23 851021 Reservoir on chum access will occur only during one summer,the need for mitigative action is most dependent upon discharge conditions during operation of Stage I and subsequent development of the.proJect. Effects of the discharge regime during the filling period on chum spawning habitat are evaluated by translating the estimated monthly average flows for August and September in dry, average and wet years presented in Table E.3.2.60 to total habitat areas in the modeled chum salmon spawning sites.These translations are based on the modeled habitat area response curve presented in Table E.3.2.47 and Figure E.3.2.59.The average available habitat areas for dry,average and wet years in August and September during the filling period and under the natural flow regime are presented in Table E.3.2.64.Also presented in the table is the percent difference between the habitat areas for natural and filling discharges. If a low discharge year occurs during the filling period ,chum salmon spawning habitat area in habitats currently.used for spawning (modeled sites)will be reduced in both August and September by 40 to 60 percent.If normal. --"(-a ver'age'7~di~schaLge-cis~mai nt'ained duri·ng the- filling period,the lower discharge in August, due to filling the reservoir,is expected to increase the available chum spawning area by about 20 percent.However,the continuation of. filling in September and the consequent further reduction in discharge will result in a loss of approximately 55 percent of the habitat normally ava iLab lefor spawning...A.::;:i,mi 1..!l.J:..:i.!1C:!'1?_~J'lE;Jil .availabl~_E.p-awning habitat area in August and decrease'in September [s expected {f-dl.scharge" in the Susitna River is higher than normal. This pattern of expected gain of habitat area ~n August and expected loss of habitat area in September is due to the relatively narrow range ,of flows (11,000-17,000 cfs)corresponding to optimum habit.g.t areas (more than 79,000 sq ft) d~p~cf:.ed:il1.FigureE.3.2••59.Under natural dischargereg:lmes,discharges in the range of 11,000 to 17,000 cfs normally occur during the first two weeks of September (see Exhibit E, Chapter 2).Although the anticipated loss of E-3-2-124 :{ I I 851021 spawning habitat during the filling period is significant and probably requires mitigative action,it must be recognized that the filling will occur in only one year,short-term,and is not expected to result in a long-term adverse effect. Effects of the discharge regime during the filling period on chum spawning habitat in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 are also evaluated by translating the monthly average flows for "August and September presented in Table E.3.2.60 to total habitat areas in the groups.These translations are based on the habitat area response curves presented in Table E.3.2.48 and Figures E.3.2.60 through E.3.2.63. Based on these curves spawning habitat available in Representative Group 2 sites will be reduced from the habitat available udder the natural discharge regime as a result of the flows expected during the filling period in dry,wet and average years.Chum spawning habitat in Group 2 sites under natural and filling flows, and the percent changes,are presented in Table E.3.2.65.The loss of habitat is expected because maximum habitat in these sites occurs at mainstem discharges between 25,000 cfs and 35,000 cfs as indicated in Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.60. Considerable loss of spawning habitat is also expected in Representative Group 3 sites except in August if wet conditions prevail. Comparisons of habitat areas present in Group 3 sites under natural and filling discharge regimes during August and September and the percent changes are presented in Table E.3.2.66.Habitat values for Group 3 sites reach a maximum in the range of flows between 15,000 cfs and 25,000 cf~(Table 3.2.48 and Figure 3.2.61).The slight loss in habitat area anticipated during August,given wet conditions, is not considered significant. As indicated for chinook rearing habitat,chum spawning habitat in Representative Group 4 sites is expected to increase in August and to decrease in September during the filling period as compared with the habitat available under E-3-2-125 natural flow conditions.Spawning habitat in Group 4 sites under natural and filling" discharge regimes and percent changes are presented in Table E.3.2.67.The gain in spawning habitat area in these sites is due primarily to the peak habitat values for chum spawning in the range of 8,000 cfs to 25,000 cfs (Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.62). Summation of the total chum spawning habitat under natural and filling flows in the three representative groups and percent changes are presented in Table E.3.2.68.Replacement habitat from Representative Group 4 sites for that lost in Representative Groups 2 and 3 is likely.The expected overall loss of chum spawning habitat is less than 5 percent in August and approximately 15 percent in September and is not considered significant.This expected reduction may be overestimated since chum salmon have been observed to gain access to and spawn in these areas at discharges similar to those expected during the filling period in average and wet years (ADF&G 1983b,1984a)• •Effects on Other Species/Habitat Conditions (**) During filling of Stage I Watana Reservoir, ~aisCfiarge~iii tliemiddl"'"E:'f riverwilt~affect other species/habitat conditions in various ways.It is not likely that upstream migration of adult salmon will be affected,by the reduced discharges in~the river.Access cat tributary mouths for chinook,coho ,chum and pink adults is not likely to be adversely effected (Trihey 1983a).Adult sockeye salmon adult access into spawning areas ..--.~---_._-.-----..-·-~in--side-sloughs{RepresentatiYe_G:c:.()_UP 21~w.Ut ..1:?~ ~------~~~---~-~ailected_dudng the filling period ina manner simi lar to that'described for the effects on----~~~---- adult chum access. Chinook,coho,chum and pink incubation habitats in tributaries will not be affected by the filling flow regime • .EffectsOJlcohoreat::'kIlg habitats in upland sloughs are not expected during the filling period because of the relative independence of these sites to mainstem discharge. I "\ ..~ f .1 851021 E-3-2-126 851021 No effects to outmigration of juvenile salmon are expected during the filling period since" sufficient discharge will be available in the mainstem to allow downstream migration. Rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling generally move into tributary habitats during the summer months.Therefore,these species are not expected to be influenced by mainstem discharges during the filling period until late August and September. In September all three species generally move out of tributary habitats in order to find overwintering habitats.Some rearing occurs in tributary mouth habitats and at the mouths of sloughs.Adult and juvenile rainbow·trout move into these areas to feed on salmon eggs dislodged from the spawning areas.Habitats at the mouths of tributaries and sloughs are expected to be similar to that observed under natural .. conditions,but possibly displaced to some extent. Burbot are not expected to be affected by the altered discharge durin~the-fi:lling period. Burbot are expected to occur in large quiescent mainstem areas which should be more numerous at the lower discharge expected during the filliqg period. -Effects of Altered Temperature/lee Regime (***) Estimates of changes to the water temperature at the out let of the Watana Reservoir during filling have been made using the DYRESM Reservoir Temperature model described in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 of this Amendment.(APA 1984g).Estimated outflow temperature is depicted for the first year of filling and is presented in Figure E.3.2.72.As described above,the Stage I Watana Reservoir will begin filling in May 1998 and will become operational in October 1998.During the filling period,water temperatures at Watana Dam will be up to 7°C cooler than normal during June,whereas, during July and August outflow temperatures will be similar to the reservoir inflow temperatures.This is analogous to the temperatures simulated for the first year of filling of Watana Reservoir described in the original License Application (APA 1983b). E-3-2-127 Although the outflow temperatures may be less than natural in May and June,the smaller volume released from the reservoir will facilitate warming of the water through Devil Canyon Reach. Therefore,water temperatures within the middle reach (Devil Canyon to Talkeetna)are expected to be similar to natural conditions with short lags of about two weeks,being slightly cooler in May and June and slightly warmer in September.(See Exhibit E Chapter 2 Section 4.1.2(e)i). From October 1998 until May 1999,discharge from Watana Reservoir is expected to approximate natural flows.This is due to the combination of low capacity for discharge frott the dam through the powerhouse (initially only one generating unit will be operational,with the additional units becoming operational in approximately three month intervals).During the first winter of operation, temperature of the water discharged from the dam '±' wiU range from 1...3°C depending upon which intake port is used to wl.thdraw--water from the reservoir and the air temperatures and will be cooler than those shown on Figure E.3.2.72 as discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 Section 4.1.2(e)i). During this period,instream water temperature is expected to decrease rapidly fr01ll 2-4°C at the--Watana Dam-tolfo-cinDeviT C-oinyon.The.rapid decline in temperature is expected principally because of the small volume of water to be discharged.Therefore,ice formation processes Ln the middle river are expected to be similar to those described for natural ice processes (Exhibit E,Chapter 2 and Section 2.3.l.c.ii below).The major difference between the expected ice processes ....-duringthefirstwinter-of--operationand--naturaL .-.------·-------------------ice-pt'ocesses-i-s---that--ice-.fo-rmatio_n__in__th_e roi dd 1e reach will occur several weeks later than it would under natural conditions.River ice thicknesses and ice-induced staging are expected to be less than for natural conditions. .•_PdncipaJ ..:Eyalua don S pecies/Ha bi ta t Combinations (***) During the initial filling of Stage I Watana effects on juvenile chinook rearing habitats and chum spawning habitats are not expected to be impacted by altered water temperatures in the j 851021 E-3-2-128 851021 river.This is due principally to the expectation that summer river temperatures will be similar to natural conditions. Similarly,no project induced effect on juvenile chinook overwintering habi~ats in the side sloughs or chum incubating areas is expected during the initial winter of project operation. This is due to the expectation that water temperatures and ice processes will be similar to natural. •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Because little change from natural water temperature is expected during the filling of Stage lWatana and during the first year of operation,no effects attributable to altered temperatures are expected to the other evaluation species/habitat combinations in the middle river. -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (**) Due to ponding of the influent river waters and turbulence reductions in the impoundment a substantial proportion of the incoming suspended sediments will precipitate and become permanently stored within the new impoundment zone.Downstream water released for power production,environmental, or other purposes will be constrained within the E-Vl flow regime,and will be released through the low level outlet works located in one of the diversion tunnels on the river's north bank.Since waters released during the Stage I filling process will be drawn from deep in the hypolimnion,near the floor of the reservoir,the quality of the released water will be less than optimum for the downstream biotic community.Although a large proportion of the la.rger suspended sediment particles influent to the reservoir will be trapped behind the dam,downstream releases through the diversion tunnel will still contain relatively high suspended sediment concentrations (TSS)and turbidity (NTU's).Stage I filling releases will continue from spring 1998 to about October 1998. Mainstem channels and any peripheral habitats inundated with these turbid flows will contain less E-3-2-129 TSS and turbidity than that wbich occurs during the normal open water season.Direct negative"impacts to rearing juvenile salmonids in the mainstem or inundated peripheral habitats are expected to be minimal as a consequence of suspended sediment and turbidity changes resulting from Stage I filling flows. It is expected that habitats inundated by turbid release waters during summer will experience slightly increased euphotic zones compared to what exists during much of the natural open water season.The turbid release waters,especially the particulate portion,will contain high concentra- tions of nutrients capable of supporting dense· epilithic communities wbere supplied with adequate light.Stable substrates immersed in less than 1 to 2 ft.of turbid release waters,with relatively low velocities (less tha.n 3 feet per second),wi 11 be expected to support epilithic colonization composed of periphyton (Table E.3.2.69),together with assorted bacterial,fungal and actinomycetes organisms. The luxurient growth and large standing crops of epilithon which naturally occur over much of the mainstem streambed in September,October and November may "be reduced in constantly turbid -tlabiia t s be c~use··olIi g1iE~nmiEaEi on ....cli.iEfEoh i gh turbidity.The impacts to the biotic community's secondary and higher trophic levels because of changes in the naturally cyclic peri phyton growth and standing crop of epilithic organisms are uncertain. All of the formerly mentioned characteristics of ····the·effectsof·Sl;-age·I-f·il-l-ing··flows.on.mainstem ....._._----_····-·__···_···-·-habi-t-at-s-a·1so-apply--to-side_cha.nne.l.s.,~.ide_§.1Ql!gh.§l. and other peripheral habitats inundated by turbid release waters during Stage I filling.However, since Stage I fi~lingreleases will follow the minimum flow constraints,and will be more stable than natural flows,the likelihood of breaching many peripheral habitats for prolonged durations will be less than under natural flow conditions. Th erefcfre ,continuous lywetJ:eQ...PertPl:1er~lha bi ta t s which are not inundated by turbid release waters wi111ikely remain as productive or more productive at the lower trophic levels as they were before flow regulation.Summertime rearing of juvenile L I I 851021 E-3-2-130 851021 chinook and other salmonids in clear peripheral habitats is not expected to be negatively impacted, when compared to the natural situation. Tributary habitats,for the most part,will not be affected by changes caused by Stage I filling flows.Impacts which will occur include reductions in clear hydraulically mediated,backwater zones at tributary mouths,and also include increased areas of the mainstem influenced by clearwater tributary plumes extending downstream. Stage I filling releases,since they will contain substantially reduced TSS concentrations,will result in less particulate deposition at the mouths of inundated peripheral habitats compared to natural deposition processes.The net effects of reduced TSS concentrations,reduced-replacement of perviously deposited fine sediments,and scour/removal of fine sediments by periodic high project discharges will produce a reduction in accumulated fine sediments and removal of fine sediments from many surficial mainstem areas and peripheral habitat mouth areas.The impacts to the riverine benthic communities will include:larger and more stable streambed substrate;larger volumes of and more heterogenous interstia1 voids among the streambed substrate;more voids for organic particulates to accumulate and be processed in; increased intragravel water circulation in surficial layers of the streambed substrate;and potentially better habitat for detrital processing microbes and some types of benthic invertebrate organisms. Minimal and/or reduced primary productivity and perhaps productivty at all trophic levels is an expected effect of the altered sediment and turbidity regime in the reservoir and in riverine habitats downstream which are chronically inundated by turbid discharges. -Effects of Changes in Other Water Quality Habitat Factors (**) During the filling of Stage I release waters will likely contain lower dissolved oxygen concentrations than are normally found in the middle river reach,because releases through the di version tunnel will be .from water near the reservoir bottom.However,the oxygen deficit of E-3-2-131 851021 the water near the bottom of the reservoir in Stage I is not expected to be high due to the sm~ll size of the reservoir,the volume of freshwater inflow, mixing effects caused by the low level outlet works and wind and waves and the weaker stratification during filling than during normal operation. Additionally reoxygenation of this water,however, will occur naturally as it passes downstream through the turbulent upper reaches of Devils Canyon rapids. Stage I reservoir filling discharges will contain substantial quantities of'organic detritus from the newly inundated impoundment.Some of this organic detritus may have substantial food value for macroinvertebrate communities downstream.However, such an enhancement in downstream drift of allochthonous detritus from,the upstream reservoir will be temporary and rather short-lived,perhaps decreasing within 1-5 years. Other water quality changes occurring in the open water or ice covered seasons due to Stage I Watana Reservoir filling are not expected to produce biologically important impacts to fisheries habitats downstream.It is anticipated that highly turbid conditions will substantially restrict reservoir and mainstem river euphotic zones thereby ~~iiiitfimizing-i:m.y-<ietrtment-d--effectsdue-to 'project induced changes in nutrient concentrations.No biologically important changes in oxygen concentration are anticipated for surficial depths of the reservoir(s)or riverine habitats downstream.Detrimental biological effects are not expected to occur in the project reservoir(s)or in riverine habitatsdownstreaIIl due to project induced -',changes-.indissotvednitrogenor inj:ota]<:li,,§$Qlyed _gas..conc_entJ::'_a_tions .._.Basic ionic changes in water quality which will be caused by the project arenot" expected to be detrimental to the fisheries habitat in the reservoir or in downstream riverine habitats (see discussions of water quality in Exhibit E, Chapter 2). (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (*) -Effects of Altered FiowReglme (*) Discharge in the lower river (Talkeetna to Cook Inlet)during the initial filling will be reduced by approximately 10,000 cfs to 20,000 cfs during E-3-2-132 -I 851021 May,June,July and August.The largest reduction in flow will occur in June with a reduction of approximately 15,000 cfs to 20,000 cfs. Natural mean discharges in the lower river,as measured at the USGS Sunshine gaging station during the six month filling period are as follows: May -28,000 cfs,June -63,000 cfs,July - 64,000 cfs,August -56,000 cfs,September - 33,000 cfs,and October -14,000 cfs. During filling the mean discharge during these months will be as follows:May -19,000 cfs, June -44,000 cfs,July -52,000 cfs,August -. 47,000 cfs,September ~26,000 cfs,and October - 13,000 cfs.Similar reductions in discharge at the USGS Susitna Station will also result from the filling Stage I Watana.However,the percent reductions will be 1es~since mainstem discharge at Susitna Station is greater than at Sunshine Station (see Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 2)• •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (**) Chinook Salmon Rearing Habitats (**) As discussed for chinook rearing habitats in the middle reach,the initial filling of the Stage I Watana Reservoir will be the first major effect of the project on fish species in the lower river.Eighteen sites were evaluated for chinook rearing habitat availability using either the IFG-PHABSIM or the RJHAB models described in Section 2.2.3.d (ADF&G 1985c). These sites are located in side channel-side slough complexes or at tributary mouths. Results of these models are presented in ADF&G (1985c).The results are reprinted here as Table E.3.2.70 and Figure E.3.2.73.The effects of the flow reductions due to filling Stage I Watana Reservoir can be estimated on a qualitative basis by comparing the habitat values for natural and filling flows at each site.A summary of the expected changes induced by the filling flows is presented in Table E.3.2.71.As shown in Table E.3.2.71,various responses of chinook rearing habitats to the altered flows in the lower river are expected E-3-2-133 851021 during the filling process.Some habitats will improve as a result of filling flows ana other habitats will deteriorate.Overall,it is expected that the beneficial and adverse effects will be approximately equal with no net loss of juvenile chinook rearing habitat through the filling period. Tributary mouth habitats,which are heavily used by juvenile chinook in the lower river (ADF&G 1985c),will likely be more seriously affected by the reduced discharges during the filling period.The principle cause for the adverse effects will be the loss of backwater effects in the tributary mouths which provide greater depth.Apparently,juvenile chinook utilize deep,clearwater areas with undercut banks or overhanging vegetation more extensively in the lower river than in the middle river (ADF&G 1985c).WeIghted Usable Area analyses for t:rlQ1,lI:8,:rY mouths increases markedly between mainstem discharges of 45,000 cfs and 60,000 cfs.This effect will be partially compensated for by tributary flows which will not be affected by the project.Observations and data from tributary mouths were collected at times when both mainstem and tributary discharges were low.Data were not collected under 'situations -'of -low .maIlls tem--drscharge and'liigncrioutary discharge.It is probable that under such conditions the habitat availability for juvenile chinook would be greater than is indicated from the habitat vs.flow relationships depicted in Figure E.3.2.73 for tributary mouth habitats. Chum Salmon Spawning Habitats (**) .......--'A·t"e-l·at-ive·ty-f.ew...chum-.salmon ha:v:.e_b_e_ell observed to spawn in areas associated with the mainstem in the lower river.In 1984,a total of 12 sites were identified that were used by chum for spawning (ADF&G 1985b).The most significant of these sites is located on the west side of the _river aJ:_BM~4~.2_ilIunediately upstream of the mouth of Trapper Creek.Anest::imated total of 3,000 to 5,000 fish were oQs~rved to spawn in mainstem or side channel habitats in the lower river in 1984.This is less than 1 percent of the total number of fish estimated to migrate past the Sunshine Station. E-3-2-134 I I J .J i 851021 As discussed above for chum spawning areas in the middle river,changes to the discharge regime associated with filling the Stage I Watana Reservoir are not expected to adversely affect the spawning habitats utilized by chum salmon • •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (**) All five species of salmon entering the Susitna River migrate through the lower river on their way to spawning areas.since salmon are able to migrate under a wide range of flow conditions, changes in discharge resulting from filling of Stage I Watana Reservoir are not expected to affect migratory behavior of the salmon. Rearing habitat for juvenile sockeye,coho and chum salmon in the lower river will be affecte4 by the changes in discharge as des~ribed for juvenile chinook rearing habitats.The affects to the habitats,however,are not expected to significantly affect the respective populations of juveniles.The majority of juvenile sockeye rearing in the ·Susitna Basin occurs in lake habitats which have outlet streams which flow into tributaries of the Susitna River.Principle sockeye rearing habitats are located in the Chulitna,Talkeetna and Yentna River subbasins which will not be affected by the project. Juvenile coho generally utilize small clearwater tributaries that will not be affected by changes in mainstem discharge.Rearing of juvenile chum salmon apparently does not occur in the lower river to a large extent as evidenced by the lack of increased size between juvenile collected at the Talkeetna Station and those collected at the Susitna Station (ADF&G 1985c). During the filling periog,rainbow trout,Dolly Varden,and Arctic grayling will be utilizing tributary habitats and,therefore,will not be affected. Burbot inhabiting the lower river are not expected to be adversely affected by the changes in discharge resulting from the filling of Stage I Watana Reservoir.The expected discharges during the filling period will be within the range of discharges occurring in the lower river E-3-2-135 851021 under natural conditions,and sufficient deep, quiescent areas will be available for the burbot populations as described for the middle river. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regime (***) Because little to no change in water temperature is expected during the filling of Stage I Watana and the initial winter of operation,no effects on the evaluation species are anticipated.Migration of adult salmon to spawning areas,incubation of salmon embryos ,rearing of juvenile salmon in mainstem affected areas (side channel complexes and tributary mouths),.overwintering of juvenile salmon,and out-migration of juvenile salmon are expected to remain the same as for natur,al conditions.Similarly,rearing of rainbow trout, Dolly Varden and burbot,spawning of adult burbot and incubation of burbot embryos are expected to remain the same as for natural conditions. -Effects of Altered Susp~nded Sediment Regime (***) Below Talkeetna,water from the middle reach of the Susitna will mix with other tributary flows. Little difference from natural conditions will be demonstratable in lower river suspended sediment concentrations or turbidity during June,July and ··--Augus t-aurtng-Stag-e-r-Fi-lling;. LateAugust,.Septemberancl October flows,under natural conditions,would begin to clear dramatically.Stage I Filling flows will continue to be relatively turbid cQmpared to natural flows. High turbidity is expecte<;l to minimize primary productivity~in constantly turbid aquatic No biologically important effects to an suspended sediment regime are expected to occur in the lower river,during Stage I Filling,with respect to fish because.of continuing effects from other tributaries. -Effects of Changes in Other Habitat Factors (***) Other itttportant::wal:erquaIfty changes {tithe lower river during Stage r Filling are not anticipated because of dilution effects from other tributaries. Therefore,no effects on aquatic organisms are E-3:-2-136 .:/ anticipated which could be attributable to such changes •. (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***) -Effects of Changes in Suspended Sediment Regime (***) Demonstrable changes in suspended sediment regime are not expected at the Susitna River estuary due to Stage I filling until September and/or October. Beginning during the fall of 1996,slight to moderate suspended sediment and turbidity increases may be expected because of continuously turbid discharges from the low Watana reservoir.These increases will be minimal because of substantial dilution by major upstream tributaries.Effects on .the estuary are expected to be mostly confined to mild fertilization due to the nutrients associated with particulates. -Effects of Altered Water Quality Due to Stage I Filling (***) Because of substantial dilution by the Chulitna, Talkeetna,Kashwitna,Deshka,Yentna and o.ther "." tributaries,no biologically important water quality changes are expected in the Susitna River estuary during Watana Stage I Filling. (c)Operation of Stage I Watana Dam (**) Operation of the Stage I Watana Dam will substantially alter the existing habitat conditions upstream and downstream from the dam.The changes attributable to Stage I will result from operation of the reservoir and from releases from the dam to meet energy demand requirements throughout the year.The impacts associated with the operation of Watana Dam are described below by river reach:impoundment zone,middle river and lower river. (i)Effects of Stage I Watana Reservoir Operation (**) When Stage I Watana Reservoir is filled and becomes operational,the reservoir will have a surface area of approximately 20,000 acres (8,100 ha)at its normal maximum water surface elevation of El.2000 ft.At the normal maximum water surface elevation, the reservoir will inundate approximately 40 miles of mainstem habitat,approximately 15 miles of tributary 851021 E-3-2-137 851021 habitat and 11 lakes and ponds ranging in size from less than one acre to approximately 5 acres. Seasonal variations in the surface area of the reservoir will occur as a result of project operation.The reservoir will be filled to the normal maximum operating water surface elevation of 2000 ft.MSL by the end of the summer (approximately by September 1).During the winter months (beginning approximately October 1),the reservoir will be drawn down because power release flows will be in excess of inflow to the reservoir.Drawdown will continue until approximately May 1,when the summer refill period will begin..The maximum drawdown of the reservoir by the end of April will be 150 ft.below el.2000 or to el.1850 ft.At el.1850 ft.,the reservoir will have a surface area of approximately 12,000 acres.During the winter months,the average rate of drawdown of the water surface elevation will be approximately 0.7 ft.per day.Refilling of the reservoir will begin at the onset of the open water period,approximately May!.If refilling is complete by the end of August,the average rate of rise in water surface elevation will be approximately 1.3 ft.per day.A schematic of the drawdown-refill cycle for the Stage IWatana Reservoir is..p:resented as Figure E.3.2.74. -Effe.~ts.1:0_Mainstem Hap~tat_(**) Impoundment of the Susitna River by Watana Dam will alterthe-physica:lcharacteristics of mainstem habitats and consequently affect the associated fishery resources.Burbot,longnose sucker,and whitefish generally occupy mainstem habitats year-round.Arctic grayling use mainstem habitats for overwintering (ADF&G 1981f,1983b). .....___.___. .-----.---Mainstem-habita-ts--woul-d--be--e-];-iminated--by-·the----_.------ impoundment and replaced by a reservoir environment.The expected physical characteristics of the reservoir are presented in Exhibit E, Chapter 2,section 4.1.1 Water quali.tyconditions expected in the reservoir are discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section -4.1.3,c and are not-expected to preclude fish utilization of the reservoir area. E-3-2-138 .! 851021 At present,mainstem habitats are utilized by bur- bot during the open-water season.Longnose sucker and whitefish generally occupy mainstem habitats only in the vicinity of tributary mouths (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).Burbot,longnose sucker,and whitefish are found in glacial lake environments Ln south-central and southwestern Alaska (Bechtel Civil and Minerals,Inc.1981;Russell 1980). Since these fish are associated with habitats similar to those that will be present in the reservoir,conditions within the reservoir during filling are not expected to adversely affect these species.Thus,these species are expected to utilize the reservoir habitats year-round after the reservoir is filled. Burbot are found throughout interior Alaska and inhabit both rivers and l~kes.They generally prefer low light conditions and are often associated with turbid water environments.The Watana Reservoir should offer suitable habitat for burbot.However,burbot spawn in relatively shallow water (1-5 ft)over sand,gravel and stone substrates.Eggs settle to the bottom where they develop (Morrow 1980).Since spawning occurs in January and February,it is likely that some burbot will spawn in shallow areas of the reservoir at a time when the reservoir is being drawn down.As the reservoir is drawn down further,the eggs may become dewatered and either dessicate or freeze. This will result in a reduced recruitment rate to the population.A few burbot may move into the upper Susitna or Oshetna River to spawn (Morrow 1980);however,mark-recapture studies indicate that burbot are rather sedentary (ADF&G 1983b, Morrow 1980). A burbot population is expected to remain in the reservoir area,and could expand over existing populations.However,the densities are expected to remain low due to reduced recruitment and reduced food supplies.Because this species is not highly sought by fishermen,any reduction in population density is not considered significant and,therefore,does not warrant mitigative action. Burbot spawning areas may be located in mainstem habitats near tributary mouths.These areas will be inundated during the first year of filling, E-3-2-139 -~-_._-_.._--- 851021 eliminating their present value as spawning areas. Since the habitat in the vicinity of tributary mouths would be changing rapidly,it is unlikely that stable spawning areas (similar to those presently existing)would develop during reservoir filling.The loss of spawning habitat is expected to adversely affect burbo~production in the proposed impoundment. Water depth,water quality,and food availability are critical factors associated with overwintering habitat (Bustard and Narver 1975;Tripp and McCart 1974).The reservoir is expected to provide adequate depth and water quality conditions for overwintering fish.Species which currently overwinter in mainstem habitats are Artic grayling and Dolly Varden.Suspended sediment' concentrations in the impoundment are expected to be tolerable for fish,although considerably higher than existing suspended sediment concentrations in the mainstem Susitna River during the winter. Particles less than 5 to 10 microns in diameter are expected to remain in suspension (Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.l.3(c)(iii».Overwintering fish in lake habitats with suspended glacial flour levels similar to those expected for the Watana Reservoir are reported from other areas (Russell 1980;deBrugn and McCart 1974).When filled,the res ervo i rwi-ll-inc-rease the amounto-f---habitat having suitable conditions for overwintering fish. The incr~ase in overwintering habitat may have a beneficial impact on fish resources of the upper s~s:i.tlla,J)asin above the Watana Dam,if lack of available overwintering habitat presently limits fish populations in the area. W.i!lt:~l:"_l:"~tl:lf?~l:'y():i.r !I1.a.I:.~r_t:_~IIlP~r~t:t1!'~~IIlc:lY!.!'!c r eo!:!.l;~. the quality of overwintering habitat in the upper Susitna basin.Reservoir temperatures in the top 100 feet (30 m)are expected to be in the range of ooe to 3°e (33.8 to 35.6°F)(Exhibit E,Chapter 2, Section 4.1.3.c.i.).Present winter water temperatures in mainstem habitats in the proposed impoundment area are near O°C (32°F).These warmer Water temperattiresmay benefit fish by increasing overwinter survival •.._During the winters of 1981...1982,1982"'1983arid1983~1984,fish·iIlhabitirig the middle and lower river apparently sought out water with warmer temperatures (ADF&G 1983e, 1985a).Other investigators have reported that E-3-2-140 ,] 1 l I 'J 851021 fish prefer warmer water areas in the winter (Umeda et al.1981). -Effects on Tributary Habitats (**) Stage I Watana Reservoir will inundate portions of four named tributaries:Deadman,Watana,Kosina, and Jay Creeks (Figure E.3.2.7l.)At the maximum surface elevation of 2000 ft.MSL,the reservoir will extend into the tributaries various distances, depending upon the location of the tributary confluence with the river or reservoir and the gradients of the tributary streambeds.The locations,lengths and gradients of tributaries affected by the Stage I Watana Reservoir are summarized in Table E.3.~.72.Because of the annual drawdown-refill cycle,certain portions of the inundated tributary reaches will alternately exhibit tributary or reservoir characteristics. Assuming a maximum reservoir drawdown of 150 ft, the approximate lengths of tributaries within the drawdown zone are generally less than 2 miles. These are presented in Table E.3.2.72.Lengths of tributary reaches which will be permanently inundated,i.e.not within the drawdown zone,are also presented in the Table. All of the four named tributaries are inhabited by Arctic grayling populations wh~ch will likely be adversely impacted by the Reservoir.The initial filling and annual refilling of the reservoir will begin in May each year.This coincides with grayling spawning activities in the lower portions of the clear water tributaries.Arctic grayling spawn during spring breakup,with embryo incubation lasting 11 to 21 days (Morrow 1980).Spawning areas in the lower portions of the tributaries will be inundated in May and June during the initial filling of the reservoir.During reservoir operation,artie grayling will spawn in the tributaries upstream of the reservoir surface elevation in May and June.Since the reservoir is at its minimum level during this time and will begin to rise as the summer high flows are stored, some of the spawning sites will be inundated prior to their hatching.Hence,only those spawning areas sufficiently far upstream from the reservoir that the embryos hatch before the area is inundated will provide a source of recruitment for the grayling population. E-3-2-141 Arctic grayling depend·on tributary habitats for summer rearing areas.Grayling are not expected to occupy reservoir habitats during the summer as they are not found in lake habitats with turbidity levels similar to those projected to occur in the reservoir (Russell 1980).(See Exh ibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4 .1.3(c)(iv)for projected impoundment turbidity levels).Under existing conditions, grayling population densities in tributaries range from 323-1835 fish per mile (Table E.3.2.24,ADF&G 1981f,1983b).The total number .of Arctic grayling estimated to occur wi thin the Stage I impoundment area is approximately 11 ,000 fish.Grayling occupying tributary habitats inundated by the reservoir will likely be lost because of lost rearing habitat.A small percentage of these grayling are expected to remain in the reservoir near tributary mouths. Approximately 2 miles (3.2 km)of Deadman Creek will be inundated by the reservoir at full pool. Presently ,a waterfall located about 1 mile (1.6 km)upstream from the mouth prevents upstream fish migration.The reservoir will inundate th is barrier and allow fish passage to the upper Deadman Creek and Deadman Lake.Since the available habitats in Deadman Creek are presently occupied by grayling,the inundation of this barrier is not .-__expec.te.d~to_imp.roy.e gray lin gp.rQduct_ion.i.t'LUP per Deadman Creek. DollyVardeii will beauly slightly affected by the inundation.Dolly Varden occupy a wide range of habitat types iii south-central Alaska including glacial lakes with a wide range of water quality (Russell 1980).In the project area,Dolly Varden occupy tributary habitats during the open-water ---------.-.--.-------se-asori--a:n:d~-cffEer--spawning·;returiftothems-instem .....c-:__._.__..·_·tcr-bverw-hftEn.~-r-t"""rs-anH-cip·ate·d-·-that-Dol·1y ··Varden---· will occupy reservoir habitat year-round. Dolly Varden spawn in the fall,the embryos incubate through the winter,and the alevins emerge in the late spring.Al though the reservoir will be drawn down durin.g the spawning and incubation peri('jd,arty·;sp~wtfingareas available in the fall ·would:~nothe~affected·'sincethe areas ·will be in tributaries upstream of the reservoir. • -,j ] ] ] 851021 E-3-2-142 851021 -Effects on Lake Habitats (***) Eleven lakes and ponds will be inundated by the Stage I Watana Reservoir.The only pond known to be inhabited by fish is located on the floodplain along the left side of the Susitna River (looking downstream)near the mouth of Watana Creek.The pond is inhabited by a population of Dolly Varden. However,no information .is available pertaining to the size of the population.The Dolly Varden present in this pond will probably respond to inundation similar to the populations inhabiting the tributaries. (ii)Watana Dam to Talkeetna (***) - E ffec ts 0 f Al tered F low Regime (***). Operation of the stage I Watana Dam is expected to begin in October of 1998 with the firat commercial operation of the first generating unit.The project will become fully operational with the commissioning of the fourth generating unit in the summer of 1999.Once the _pro ject becomes operational,the discharge regime downstream from the project will be al teredfrom the filling regime and the natural discharge regime.In general, operation of the project will result in lower than natural discharges in ..the river during the pe:riod Mayth rough September,and,higher than natural discharges from October through April. In addition to changing the general discharge regime through the year,a further change will be the reduction of peak flood events.As described in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,flood event peaks are not expected to be as high but may be of longer duration due to the storage capacity and operation guidelines of the reservoir. Discharge from the Watana Dam is constrained,on the one hand,by the Case E-VI flow cons traints defined for discharge requirements at Gold Creek. On the other hand,discharge and,thereby,energy production from Watana Dam are constrained by the storage capacity of the reservoir.Within these constraints,discharge from the dam and at Gold Creek will be dependent upon the energy demand in the system,the capacity of the units to generate power,and the amount of water available.Although E-3-2-143 it is expected that as energy demand grows from early years of Stage I operation,discharge should alsdincrease,particula~ly during the winter months,and,consequently,summer discharges ~hould decrease commensurate with a larger drawdown of the reservoir.However,because Stage I Watana Reservoir has a limited storage capacity,the total energy production capacity of the Stage I project is limited.As discussed in Exhibit B,energy demand in the system during Stage I operation is expected to grow from approximately 4,520 gigawatt hours (GWH)to approximately 4,760 GWH from 1999 to 2004.Energy production from the project,however, will grow from approximately 2,280 GWH to approximately 2,310 (;wH.Therefore,the flow regimes for Stage I operation may be represented by th9se associated with an average demand of . approximately 4,670 GWH and an average energy production of approximately 2,300 (;wH.The average weekly discharges at Gold Creek>for the 34 years of record are presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2, Section 4.1.3.The mean,minimum,and maximum ,average monthly flows at Gold Creek for the observed 34 years of record for the natural and Stage I flow regimes are presented in Table E.3 ..2.73.The average monthly and mean average monthly discharges were·derived from the average weekly discharges for natural conditions and Stage .I~oper.ation •..~Habitatanalyses.described __bel ow wer e conducted using the weekly average discharges for the 34 years of record. To determine the effects of the altered flow regime on aquatic resources,it is necessary to translate the weekly average discharge values to corresponding weekly average habitat area values. This translation is based on the habitat area,....._~---,--------~--"----_.-_.-----··,-~----"---~--:·r-~i-s:iio-iis~e~--c-u'rv-es---'p"res-eiit-e'f---'-iii-"·S"e-c---Ei-on--"'--2--~~2-'~-J--~--e-'-:- -----~~--_.---_...--------------··-----prCfbaDil-i-ey of,occurrence curves (per-cert-e-----.---.--.---.-.---- exceedence curves)and time series (sequential) analyses of the resul ting habitat area val ues were prepared and compared with the percent exceedence and time series analyses results presented in Section 2.2.3.f to determine the expected effects of the altered flow regime.For the purposes of thispreseritatiori,only the probabilities of 'oc'currence'(percentexceedence}val ues are presented with some reference to the time series analysis. 'J :..j '1 II II . I I ,'j ,Ie:..' 851021 E-3-2-144 j I .) 851021 •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat (**) Juvenile Chinook Rearing Habitats (**) As described in Section 2.2.1.a,juvenile chinook salmon inhabit mainstem affected areas in the middle river throughout the year. Throughout the summer,open-water months,the juveniles in the mainstem affected areas occupy habitats which are commonly characterized as having turbid water.Densities of juveniles in turbid water areas are generally more than twice those in clear water habitats (ADF&G 1984c).During the ice-covered period,juvenile chinook are found in the greatest concentration in areas influenced by groundwater upwel-ling. Because of these differences in habitat utilization between summer and winter months, the analysis of the effects of the altered flows associated with Stage I operation is separated into the two periods.Focus for the Qpen water season will be for the period June through September and focus for the ice-covered season will be for the period November through April. The months of May and October .corkeapond to the transition from winter to summer conditions and from summer to winter condi tions in both the natural and Stage I operation flow regimes. The probability of occurrence and frequency analysis of the weekly average habitat areas is based on the translation of weekly average discharges in the 34 years of record to weekly average total habitat areas.Total habitat area values for each weekly average discharge are derived from the total habitat area response curve presented in Table E.3.2.46 and Figure E.3.2.57.In addition,flows were translated to habitat areas included in Representative Groups 2,3,and 4.The translations using this subset of the representative groups were made because these groups represent the types 0 f habitats which are currently most heavily utilized by juvenile chinook (particularly Representative Groups 2 and 3)and those expected to be most similar,under project conditions,to those currently utilized.The habitat response curve for this subset of Representative Groups is presented in Table E.3.2.46 and Figure E.3.2.58. E-3-2-145 851021 Translations of the weekly average flows to Translations of the weekly average flows to habitat areas in each of the respective Representative Groups were not made.Therefore, the differences in habitat areas between natural and with-project discharges incorporate the replacement of habitat areas lost in one group of sites by habitat areas gained in another group of sites.Thus,the observed differences presented below represent the net changes in chinook rearing habitat areas attributable to Stage I operation for the open water season. During Stage I operation,the median total habitat area for chinook rearing in the 34 year simulation during the summer months is expected to be nearly the same as the median total habitat area available under the natural flow regime.The median habitat area values (i.e. the 50 percent exceedance values)for the Stage I flow·regime and the natural flow regime for each week are pre sented in Table E.3.2.74.Al so presented in the table are the 90 percent and_ 10 percent exceedance values for the Stage I and the natural flow regimes.These values are dipicted graphically on Figure E.3~2.75. Habitat areas expected to be equalled or ~XC e5!<ied.1Qp~et;'g~1'1I:QI _1:1l~t:Lm~._u.l'1d et;'.the.S t"",ge I flow regime during the first half of the summer are somewhat less than the areas equalled orex~eededlO percent of the time under the natural flow regime.However,by mid-summer, i.e.by Calendar Week 30,the range of val ues for available ch inook rearing habitat area under the Stage I flows is nearly the some as under natural flows.Two points must be emphasized ····_··_·_-_···,'_·witn-re·ifpeH::·t--tO·tne'ifpp;ifrelit-reduct iOn-ilithe ----··--ava-i-l-a-b-l·e-·ha'b-i1:at'-·areas-f·or~·the---£i:rs't~·part-of-'~--"'". the summer.First,as indicated in Figure E.3.2.37,juvenile chinook generally do not become prevalent in mainstem affected areas until the first part of July.Thus,reductions in available habitat area during the earlier time period wilL not affect the populations. Secondly,the resul ts of this analys is indicate ,only-the total equivalent surface area which is suitable for chinook rearing and does not necessarily mean that juvenile chinook will use all of the suitable habitat area available. E-3-2-l46 .j I J 851021 The reduction in the habitat area equalled or exceeded 10 percent of the-time,evident during the first weeks of the summer,is due primarily to the fact that Stage I discharges in the early summer weeks are not sufficiently great to achieve the peak habitat area values present in Representative Groups 2,5 and 8 (See Figure E.3.2.56).With the exception of Representative Group 2,groups which provide optimum habitat area at discharges greater than approximately 25,000 cfs (e.g.Representative Groups 5 and 8) are not known to be heavily utilized by juvenile chinook for rearing under natural conditions. Therefore,the apparent reduction of habitat area in these groups,reflected in a total habitat reduction,is not expected to affect the juvenile chinook populations. In contrast,by considering only the habitat areas included in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 (Figure E.3.2.58),it is evident that habitat currently used extensively by juvenile chinook will increase as a result of the Stage I flow regime.Habitat areas representing the 90,50, and 10 percent exceedance values for the three representative groups are presented in Table E.3.2.75 and depicted in Figure E.3.2.76.the values for the natural flow regime are presented for comparison.The major cause for the expected increase in habitat area is that considerable habitat is present in sites included in Representative Group 4 at lower discharges,in the range of project flows,than is present at higher discharges in the range of natural flows.Although the habitat areas that are used by juvenile chinook under natural conditions (i.e.in Representative Groups 2 and 3)may be lost due to the lower discharges associated with Stage I operation,habitat areas in Representative Group 4 sites will be gained. Hence,lost habitat areas used by chinook juveniles under natural flows will be replaced by suitable habitat areas in other sites. A further characterization of the estimated habitat areas under the Stage I flow regime is that the range of variation in habitat area from week to week and from year to year is relatively narrow as shown in the figures.Comparison of the range of habitat areas for natural E-3-2-147 851021 conditions,also presented in Figure E.3.2.74, with those expected during Stage I operation, indicates that under the project flow regime, even though the total ch inook rearing habitat areas will be less than under the natural flow regime,the habitat areas will be more constant through time •.This is also true for the Representative Groups 2,3,and 4.The range of habitat areas included in all sites and included in Representative Groups 2,3,and 4 under the natural flow regime are superimposed on the respective ranges of habitats under the Stage I flow regime in Figures E.3.2.75 and E.3.2.76 for comparison.Based on this analysis,it is evident that the primary goal of the Case E-VI flow regime to maintain the chinook rearing habitat is achieved.In fact,the chinook rearing habitat expected to be available in the three representative groups during Stage I operation wi~l be greater than that available with the natural flow regime. During the winter,juvenile chinook generally move into areas influenced by groundwater upwel- ling as described in Section 2.2.l.a.i.Because mainstemdischargeduring the winter months will be greater during Stage I than under natural conditions,the availability of clearwater area in",fu~e areas whisll~~~~~llrr~I!1::lJr_ll~~~~J)yJUYla- nile chinook is expected to be greater during Stage I.The increase in area used by chinook for overwintering is expected even though the mainstem i~expected to be turbid.Turbid water from the mainstem will not affect these over- wintering areas (i.e.the side sloughs).Thus, the clarity of mainstem water is not relevant. The increase in clearwa ter area is expected both ·as-a--resul-t--of--the increased mains tem-~discharge- ····--ca·us~ing~~increa·sed~-backwa·t:er~are·as--a-t-t:he--mou-ths---­ of clearwat!=!r channels,and as a result of increased rates of groundwater upwelling (APA 1984g).Since clearwater overwintering habitats aI'!=!expected to be more extensive during Stage I project operation,juvenile chinook survival is .also expected to be greater. However:;a factor which could offset·this expected increased survival is the effect of ice .process~s associated with the Stage I discharge and temperature regime.Given the Stage I E-3-2-148 1 \ ') .1 ,'j r J 851021 discharge regime,formation of the ice cover is expected to begin somewhat later than.un~er natural conditions.The formation of an ice cover will cause the water surface elevation to increase significantly.This process is discussed in more detail in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.l.3.c.ii,by HE (1984a),and by R&M (1984,1985b).Staging of the water surface would be sufficient to cause diversion of mainstem discharge into clearwater habitats used by juvenile chinook during the winter months. The diversion of O°C mainstem water into these habitats would increase the mortality of juvenile chinook because O°C water will reduce the ability of the juveniles to maintain their positions and the increased velocities associated with the diversion of water into the channels would tend to displace the juveniles downstream,out of the sites.In addition,it is expected that mainstem discharge will remain turbid through the winter months.Hence, diversion of turbid water into the overwintering areas could cause reduced survival of the juvenile chinook due to increased physiological stress.However,this is not expected to be significant. The ice front is expected to progress only part of the way up the middle river,with some of the reach remaining ice free.Chinook juveniles 1n sites within the ice-free reach are expected to exhibit higher survival rates than those in sites within the ice covered reach.In the absence of mitigation efforts designed to protect peripheral habitats,overtopping of the overwintering habitat sites in those areas influenced by an ice cover could result in a generally adverse effect on juvenile chinook. However,in general,survival of overwintering juvenile chinook is expected to increase under the with-project flow regime. Chum Spawning Habitats (**) As described in Section 2.2.La,chum salmon spawn during August and September each year. During Stage I operation,discharge at Gold Creek will increase over the previous months (June and July)because the Stage I Watana Reservoir will be filled.Therefore,most of E-3-2-149 inflow to the reservoir will be discharged downstream either through the turbines or through the outlet works.As indicated in Table E.3.2.73,mean discharge at Gold Creek will be approximately 18,000 cfs in Augus t and approximately 14,000 cfs in September as compared with mean flows of 22,000 cfs and 13,000 cfs,respectively,under the natural flow regime.Because the Stage I operational discharges in August and September will be similar to those under the natural flow regime, access to traditional spawning areas used by chum salmon in the mainstem are not expected to be adversely affected.A summary comparison of natural and Stage I operation access conditions at several chum spawning habitats is presented in Table E.3.2.76.Based on the mean average month ly discharge at Gold Creek,c access conditions through six of the 24 passage reaches evaluated will be adversely affected by the Stage I flow regime in August whereas only one passage r.eachwill.be adversely affected in September.In general,major adverse effects on access to chum spawning areas,particularly through those passage reaches directly affected by mainstem backwater,are not anticipated. Analysis of the effects to chum spawning __'-'~_habi.ta t_s_w.ascp.er~fo_rme.d_using_theha bikat ~re09. response curve developed for the modeled sites (Table E.3.2.47 and Figure E.3.2.59).Sites included in this curve provide spawning habitat for over 70 percent of the adult chum which spawn in non-tributary,mains tem-affec ted areas in the middle river. Translation,of the simulated weekly average "-drscha-rgesfo~rthe-34-yearsofrecofotoweekly .....-------.--.-------.---.---~--~.aver;:q~e~h-a-bt·t;:rt-ar·ea-s--us·tn-g-·-tn-i-s--curve-wa's--p'er"". fonned and a fr.eq uency analysis conducted.The analysis was conducted for simulated average weekly discharges during August and September. The habitat areas available in the modeled sites expected to occur at least 90 percent,50 per- ..--cent ·andlOpercent of the time are presented in Table E.3.2.77 for the expec ted flows during -'--StageI-operati-on-o'Habitat areas in these sites under natural flows are also presented for comparison.These.val ues are depic ted graphically in Figures E.3.2.77.Comparison of 'j ') 1 ,"'\ J 851021 E-3-2-l50 ) :l 851021 the median spawning habitat values obtained for the Stage I operational flow regime with the values obtained for the natural flow regime, reveals several conclusions regarding the effects of the Stage I operating regime under the Case E-VI flow constraints.Throughout Stage I operations median habitat values will be equal to or greater than the median values present under natural flow conditions.This is most pronounced for the last part of September when natural discharge declines prior to the beginning of winter.Discharge in the last part of September with Stage I operating will be the same as the optimum flows for chum spawning habitat (approximately 14,000 cfs,Table E.3.2.47). Spawning habitat areas equalled or exceeded 90 percent of the time will also be greater during Stage I operation due pri~ipally to the reduction of high weekly average discharge events which normally occur as a result of storms.Discharge of the storm-related high flow events through the reservoir will occur over a longer period and will not reach the peak levels observed in the unregulated river •. Similarly,naturalliY occurring··low flow events near the end of September,which are associated with low habitat area values,will be augmented by the Stage I operation in response to the minimum Case E-VI flow constraints and the need to discharge water for power generation.The overall effect of the Stage I operational flow regime,then,is that more habitat area is expected to be available for chum spawning and the week to week and year to year variation in the amount of spawning habitat area available will be reduced. A similar analysis of chum spawning habitat was conducted during the aggregate habitat area response curve for Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 presented in Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63.Using this habitat response curve, somewhat different results are obtained. Total habitat areas during Stage I operation for chum spawning during August and September are expected to decline somewhat from those available under the natural flow regime.Chum E-3-2-151 851021 spawning habitat areas in the three Representative Groups,expected to be-available fifty percent of the time during Stage I operation,are presented in Table E.3.2.78. Habitat areas expected to be equalled or exceeded 90 and 10 percent of the time in under the Stage I flow regime are also presented in the Table.Similar values for natural flows are also presented in the table for comparison. These values are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.78.Comparison of these values indicates that the range of variation in the availability of suitable spawning habitat for chum during Stage I operation is less than the variability observed for the natural flow regime.This is due primarily to the reduction in flow variation from week to week and from year to year during the spawning period.Hence,although it is anticipated that the total habitat area for chum spawning in mainstem affected areas may be reduced in the three Representative Groups, spawning habitat area is expected to remain relatively constant through the spawning period and from year to year as was observed in the analysis usi~g only the modeled spawning sites. As described in Section 2.2.l.a,chum embryos in mainstem affected areas are subject to dessica.tionandfr.eezing.as aresuLto~f reduced discharge in the river during the October and November period prior to ice cover-formation. Under Stage!project operation,discharge in the middle river would be maintained at a co-nsiderably greater discharge than under natural conditions as indicated in Table :E.3.2.73.As a result,embryos deposited in the spawning areas are not expected to be as subject ...-·to-dessicatTonan:Cl"free-zTrig .(ADF·&G-I9-85h):--tri- -----~f ac t-;-wate t-dep ElfS-a nCl----velcH:i:ti es -illtlle---~~---­ spawning areas will be maintained at higher than natural levels.It can be assumed that the total spawning habitat area,as calculated using the models and habitat criteria described above and in Section 2.2.3,is also indicative of the suitability-of·the area for incubation:If the area is suitable for spawning,it is also ·--·suitable··forincubation of the embryos.Thus, calculations of the spawning habitat areas for discharges in October and November may be used to evaluate the availability of the areas for E-3-2-l52 -) -I ,} I I .•.} -) 1 -J ! 851021 incubating embryos.Using this assumption, estimates of incubation habitat loss or reduction will be overestimated and estimates of habitat gain will be underestimated.However, this approach is useful as an index of the effects of the altered flow regime or the incubating embryos.Also,the use of open water models to discuss incubation habitat areas under project conditions can be justified,at least in October and November,since it is expected that the formation of an ice cover in the middle river during project operation will not occur until late November or December as discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 and when ice does form,it will not progress as fa~upstream as under natural flow conditions. Total habitat area in the modeled sites available for incubation in October and November for the Stage I flow regime is presented in Table E.3.2.79 and is depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.79.Values associated with the natural flows are also presented for comparison. Comparison of the Stage I values with the natural flow regime values indicates that suitable habitat areas fo~incubation will be much higher under project operation than under natural conditions.Hence,it is anticipated that chum embryo survival will be enhanced .in mains tern affected areas as a result of project operation. Similar results are obtained using the spawning habitat response curve developed for Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 (Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63).Spawning habitat areas expected to be equalled or exceeded 90 percent,50 percent and 10 percent of the time in the three Representative Groups during Stage I operation are presented in Table E.3.2.80 and Figure E.3.2.80.Results of the analysis of spawning habitat areas in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 for the natural flow regime are also presented in the table.Again,the total spawning habitat available for incubation of chum embryos in these sites will be greater with the Stage I operating flows than with the natural flows. .E-3-2-l53 851021 As discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.1.3,ice cover in the middle river is expected to form later than under comparable natural conditions.In addition,the ice cover will not extend as far upstream.Thus,upstream of the ice front,chum salmon incubation areas are not expected to be affected by overtopping of the upstream ends of the habitats as a result of staging of mainstem water surface elevations associated with the ice formation process. However,downstream of the ice cover,staging and,therefore,the probability that a site will be overtopped by mains tern water will be greater than under natural conditions (see Exhibit E, Chapter 2 Sections 2 and 4.1 for a complete description of the ice processes).The ,overtopping of a particular chum spawning/ incubation site'would adversely affect chum embryo development (ADF&G 1983m,Wangaard and Burger 1983).Hence,al though th ere is some? gain in the expected survival of .chum embryos ~ueto ,tIle tnai:nt;ena:nce,of higher th,an natural discharge in the river during the winter months, the anticipated probability that si tes located downstream of the ice front will be overtopped could eliminate th.e ..anticipated gains.Overall, in the absenc,e of mitigation measures"to protect the peripheral habitats,survival of chum embryos in mains tern affected areas would be lesstil-an under"na t1.I.r al-condItIo 05--:---- •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (**) Baseline conditions in the reach of the Susitna River within the Devil Canyon impoundment zone will be altered as a result of the Watana facilities-~-:"""Theprincipal'physica1""changes·wiH· --~---------be--l;he-a-1-l;e·r-a·t-i:ou-o·f~l;he--f_l:ow--l."_eg-:i-meT-l."_educ-t-iau--,····-· in the total suspended sediment loads during May through September,moderation of the temperature regime,and increase in the turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations during the winter months.In general,all of these regimes wilLbechangedfrom exhibiting considerable extremes in magnitude between summer and winter ..·,--coriditioris--to-relIlairii rig relat ivelycous taut throughout the year. E...,3-2-154 1 ,,J 1) J I I .( I \ ) 851021 Adult salmon generally do not use this reach of the Susitna River for spawning;however,a few chinook salmon are able to negotiate the rapids within Devil Canyon and up to 20 spawning pairs have been observed in both Cheechako and Chinook Creeks (ADF&G 1983e,1984h).In addition,five to 10 individuals have been observed in Devi1's Creek and one spawning pair has been observed as far upstream as Fog Creek (ADF&G 1985b). The absence of the other salmon species in the Devil Canyon impoundment zone and upstream is apparently due to velocity barriers at the rapids within Devil Canyon.This is supported by radio telemetry tracking results of chinook and chum salmon adults and gill net captures of coho,chum and pink salmon adults in the lower portion of Devil Canyon.Radio tagged chinook and chum salmon were tracked into the Devil Canyon reach (ADF&G 1983m).These individuals subsequently returned downstream to spawn.Movement of coho, chum and pink salmon into the Devil Canyon reach was demonstrated by the capture of adults of each species at RM 150.2 and 150.4 (ADF&G 1983m).Presumably,these fish would have returned downstream to spawn,since none has been observed upstream of the lower rapids area at the Devil Canyon dam site.It can be inferred from these results that farther upstream movements of adult coho,pink,and chum salmon are largely blocked by the rapids. Because of the somewhat lower flows in this reach during Stage I operation,it is expected that the number of chinook salmon able to negotiate the rapids in Devil Canyon will increase.In addition,it is possible that individuals of the other species may be able to gain access to spawning habitats in Devil Canyon.Hence,during Stage I operation an expansion of the use of habitats upstream of the Devil Canyon Dam site is expected. As discussed under the effects of Stage I filling flows on other evaluation species/habitat combinations,no adverse effects to the upstream migration of adult salmon are expected as a result of the altered flow regime. E-3-2-155 851021 Chinook,coho,chum and pink salmon adults that spawn in tributary habitats will not be affected by project discharges in the middle river. Sockeye spawning and incubation habitats will be affected by project flows similar to the effects to chum spawning and incubation described previously. Juvenile coho and sockeye move into upland slough sites (Representative Group 1)which are not affected to a large extent by mainstem discharge. Outmigration of juveniles of all salmon species will not be affected by the altered flow regime since there wiLl be sufficient discharge in the river to accommodate outmigration. Rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling generally move into tributary habitats during the ·st:illlfiferlllonths a.nd,th t=rt=fore,will not be affected by the altered summer flow regime. Since discharge in the river during the winter months will be greater under projec t condi,t ions than under natural conditions,it is expected that more habitat with suitable conditions for overwintering will be available for these res i-dent -spe'cie's;-"'Some los s 0 f habitat may occur in the reaches of the middle river that form an ice cover.However,since the ice cover will form later than under natural conditions and will not extend as far upstream,it is expected that rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling survival will be greater under project conditions than under natural winter flows.Burbot -_populatLons.in..the.mi ddleJ;"iyer_C!xe nQ~..E:!JCP-~<:ted to be adversely affected by project operation since they commonly inhabit-ieep~owvelocii:y areas which will bt=maintained and possibly increased under project flows. Effects of Altered Temperature Regime (***) Effects of the c:j.lteredtelllpera.ture!ice regimes attributable to Stage I Watana operation may be .,dIvl'dedInEo two·se'ason·s:the summer open water period and the winter ice covered period.As with the discussion of effects of the altered flow regime,each of these seasons is discussed with E-3-2-l56 ) 1 1 I. I r 851021 respect to the average flow and temperature regime expected during Stage I operation. Water temperature during the summer months 1S a function of discharge from the reservoir, temperature of the water at the dam,climatic conditions and distance downstream from the dam. Estimates of water temperature at various locations downstream were made using results of the reservoir operations model for determination of discharge;results o.f the DYRESM model for temperature at the dam;and results of the SNTEMP instream temperature model which integrates the results of the other models with climatic conditions to predict wa.ter temperatures at various locations downstream from the reservoir (HE 1985a, AEIDC 1984a,b,and c).The sensitivity of river temperatures to extreme hydrological and meteorological conditions and various project operations is discussed in Exhibit E,Chapter 2, Section 4.l.3(c)i:The selection of cases for simulation is also discussed in that section. Instream temperatures for the summer months were estimated using 1981 and 1982 discharge and climatic conditions.Summaries of the instream temperatures at various locations for the period May through October using 1981 and 1982 climatic and flow conditions for the Stage I energy demand are presented in Tables E.3.2.8l and E.3.2.82, respectively.Tables E.3.2.83 and E.3.2.84 present comparable instream temperatures for natural conditions.These estimates were based upon the assumption that outflow temperatures were to match inflow temperatures as nearly as possible given the constraints for operating the temperature control ports of the intake structure.The assumptions for estimating instream temperature are discussed in detail in Exhibit E,Chapter 2. During the winter months,discharge from the Watana Reservoir will be considerably greater under Stage I of the project than under natural conditions (Table E.3.2.73).At the dam,temperature of the water will be between 1°C and 3°C depending upon the water surface elevation in the reservoir relative to which port in the intake structure is being utilized at the time and the preceding climatic conditions.As the water surface is drawn down through the winter,discharge temperature will E-3-2-l57 gradually decrease.However,when the water surface elevation is low enough to require use of the next lower intake port,the temperature of the discharge water will increase by approximately 1°C followed by another gradual decline.This pattern is depicted in Figure E.3.2.81 for the period November through April assuming the inflows and climate for the 1981-1982 winter. Once the water is released from the reservoir, water temperature will decline to O°C at various rates depending upon the air temperatures.As depicted in Figure E.3.2.82,the zero-degree isotherm will occur at various points within the middle river depending upon the time 0 f year and the particular climatic conditions.The depicted location of the zero-degree isotherm assumes climatic conditions observed during the 1981-1982 winter months and discharges from the reservoir during Stage I operation.In general,during cold periods,the zero-degree isotherm is located further upstream"whereas during relatively warm periods,the zero degree isotherm is located further downstream.Once the river instream temperature becomes DoC,formation of ice occurs as described i~Chapter 2 of Exhibit E.The ice cover will begin to form in the middle river in December and will progress upstream to approximately RM 139 by theend'~o~fJanuary;The icecover-wHI .then begin to recede through the remainder of the winter as the amount of solar radiation increases during the late winter and early spring months.It is expected that the middle river will be ice free by the end of April (a.s depicted in Figure E.3.2.82)• Effects on aquatic habitats will occur during this p-e_riJ~.c:i~.~H;.~L~e~J!..lJ:_..0 f~wgJ:;e r.~JlJ!.r.fa.~~..eleYEt::i,(>11 ...~.._.__.___staging de scribed in Exhibi t E,Chapter 2.The---p--r--~=·nciple changes in the temperatures ~·andice-..~._-_~ regimes associated with operation of Stage I of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are: o Summer river temperatures at the Watana Dam will be up to 3°C cooler in May than under ,.natUra.l·condi:tions;nearly the same as natural in June,July and August,and up to······1°c·warmer {Ii'October. o Summer water temperatures at Portage Creek (RM 149)will be approximately 2-3°cooler in 1 851021 E-3-2-158 ,) 851021 May,approximately the same in June,July and August and up to 4.5°C warmer 1n October. o Summer water temperatures at the downstream end of the middle river;i.e.near RM 99 will follow the same basic pattern but the differences from natural conditions will be reduced (See Tables E.3.2.8l through E.3.2.84). o During winter months,from November through April,water temperature at the Watana Dam outlet will be I-3°C warmer than under natural conditions (Figures E.3.2.8l)and will remain above O°C for some distance downstream (Figure E.3.2.82). o An ice cover will begin forming in the middle river in December,reach its furthest upstream extencTin January and will likely recede to somewhere downstream of the middle river by mid to late April (Figure E.3.2.82). o Because water released from Watana Dam throughout the winter will be between 1°and 3°C,water temperatures upstream of the ice front will be a-3°C warmer than under natural conditions • •Effects on Principal Species/Habitat Combinations (**) Juvenile Chinook Rearing/Overwintering Habitats (**) As described in Section 2.2.l.a.i,juvenile chinook begin to move into the mainstem as Age 0+fish sometime in June and July each year. Age 1+fish,which overwintered in tributary habitats also move into the mainstem.During June and July,it is expected that water temperatures in the mainstem will be nearly the same as under natural conditions.Therefore, rearing of juvenile ch inook in side channel habitats in June and July is not likely to be affected by project induced temperature changes. However,because warmer water temperatures are expected in the mainstem from August through the end of October,it is expected that the Age 0+ E-3-2-l59 851021 juveniles will remain in side channel habitats and continue to grow for a longer period than under natural conditions.Once water temperatures begin to decline to below 4°C, juvenile chinook are expected to move into and slough habitats to overwinter.It is expected that juvenile chinook in the upper portions of the middle.reach (RM 130-RM 150)will begin moving to side sloughs somewhat later in the fall than chinook juveniles in the reach between RM 99 and RM 130.The difference in the timing of the movement to overwintering habitats is due to the differences in temperature between the upper and lower portions of the middle reach shown in Tables E.3.2.8l and E.3.2.82. As a result of the extended warm water pe~iod in the fall,it is expected that the juvenile chinook will begin the winter,ice covered period at .sizes similar to those attained under natural conditions.An estimate of the incremental increase in size cannot be made given the.information which is available.It is possible that the sizes of Age 0+fish in the mainstem.affected areas (i.e.side channels and side sloughs)may approximate those attained by juvenile chinook in tributary habi tats (Table E.3.2.l0). During late fall,juvenile chinook move into side channel and side slough areas that are llorIllallyollly illdirec t1y af fec ted by mains tem discharge and temperature.In side sloughs, particularly,certain areas have water tempera.tures which are greater than O°C and may attain tempera.tures approaching 4°C (ADF&G 1983e,·1985a)due to the presence of groundwater ...····upwening~MaiiiEftemareas~Dy·c6rttraEft;·nave· ·~~_···-o~o·C~wa·t(;rr-temp·e·ra:ture-·from-p·rtor-:-t·o~·i~c·e~. formation until breakup (R&M 1984,ADF&G 1983e).Circumstantial evidence pertaining to the behavior of the fish during winter months indicates that the juveniles overwinter in or near the substrates in the upwelling areas (ADF&G1983e,1983m,1984c;AEIDC 1984a,b ,c). the s{de·sloughs,overwintering Juvenile chinook may be affected by water temperature and ice in the mains tem indirectly through the E-3-2-160 . J \ 1 j 851021 groundwater or directly as a result of the staging of the mainstem water surface. sufficiently to overtop the upstream end of the sloughs.Increased water elevation (less than that sufficient to overtop the upstream end of the slough)tends to increase the rate of upwelling in the sloughs and thereby provides greater amounts of warm water (Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.l.2(f)(ii».This,in turn,increases the likelihood that juvenile chinook will survive through the winter. On the other hand,if staging of the mainstem water surface is sufficient to overtop the upstream berm,significant amounts of O°C, mainstem water could be diverted into the slough.At O°C,metabolic processes of the fish may be sufficiently low to prevent the fish's ability to maintain their positions in even relatively low water velocity areas.Thus,_the diversion of O°C mainstem water could cause the juvenile chinook to be flushed out of the side sloughs and,thus decrease their probability of survival.Under natural conditions,mainstem discharge is quite low during the winter (1500-2500 cfs)and~staging due to ice formation seldom attains sufficient elevations·;..to overtop" the upstream ends of the sloughs.However,with Stage I of the Project,mainstem discharge will be considerably greater during the winter (5,000-12,000 cfs between November and March). Simulation of the ice formation process under natural and Stage I conditions indicates that more side slough and side channel sites will be overtopped downstream of the ice front (Table 3.2.85)and overtopping will be of a greater magnitude than under natural conditions. However,upstream of the ice front,staging due to ice cover formation will be less under Stage I than under natural conditions because no ice cover is expected to form under Stage I flow and temperatures. Hence,the survival of juvenile chinook in all side slough habitats in the winter months is expected to increase as a function of the increased rates of groundwater upwelling in the sloughs.However,without mitigative measures, this gain is countered by potential loss of the habitats resulting from more likely overtopping E-3-2-161 851021 of the upstream ends of the sloughs and diversion of DOC mainstem water into sloughs downstream of the ice front. In summary,altered temperature and ice regimes attributable to operation of Stage I of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are expected to have the following effects on juvenile chinook salmon: o Delay in the onset of the summer rearing in the mainstem due to lower than natural (.water temperature ~n May. o Prolongation.of the summer rearing period in the fall due to the persistence of warmer water temperatures into the fall. o Increased overwinter survival due to the delay in the formation of an .ice cover and higher mainstem discharge which maintains higher rates of warm groundwater upwelling I:nihe snie sloughs. o The greater likelihood of overtopping of the upstream ends of side sloughs due to ice formation and cover will cause'loss of juvenile chinook salmon from the side sloughs if no mitigation efforts are taken t::0 p~ot::e Ctt::he seJ:1 ab it::a ts~~-~ Chum Spawning/Incubation Habitats (**) As described in Section 2.2.2.a.iv,chum spawning occurs in August and September of each year in side channels,side sloughs and to some extent mainstem·habitats.During this period,~~mainste:m~~temperature·wil~l··be ---~_.app,~ox-ima.te~l.y--the--s.ame-under-~S.tage-~I~-ofthe--~..~~--­ Project as under natural conditions.Thus,the principle factor governing the availability of spawning habitat is mainstem discharge as discussed in the previous section and no affects due to an altered summer temperature regime are c~p~e~c:t:~dcl:u,J::itlg S_ta,ge I operation. Inc ubationof..chum ~embryos in the various habitats begins with deposition of the eggs and continues through emergence of the fry from the gravels in March and April each year.During E-3-2-l62 'j 1 1 r 851021 this period changes in the winter temperature and ice regimes will affect the survival rates of the chum embryos. Under natural conditions,winter mortality of chum salmon embryos have been estimated in both field and laboratory conditions (ADF&G 1984c, 1985c;Wangaard and Burger 1983).Survival of chum salmon embryos from egg deposition to outmigration of the juveniles is estimated to be 12 to 14 percent (ADF&G 1984c).This estimated mortality is based upon the total estimated number of eggs deposited in tributary,side channel,side sloughs and mainstem habitats and the estimated total number of outmigrants from the middle river. The causes of chum embryo mortality may be partitioned to some extent to account for effects of temperature and ice processes on survival in side sloughs and side channels. Mortality rates of Susitna River chum embryos were estimated as part of a laboratory study of the effects of temperature on development (Wangaard and Burger 1983).Chum embroys were inc1,1bated under four di fferent temperature _ regimes varying from averages of 2°C to 4°C, similar to regimes encountered in the field. Because of-the controlled conditions,the observed mortality rates of 2-5 percent are attributable either to the temperature or to some other biological factor not associated with the physical environment (i.e.disease,lack of fertilization,genetic disorder,etc.).It is, therefore,safe to assume that an approximate 5 percent mortality of chum embryos in the field situation could be attributable to similar causes.Because of the nature of environmental conditions,it is safe to assume that much of the remaining mortality of chum embryos is attributable to physical processes in the habitat. TWo principal physical factors which could account for a significant portion of the estimated mortality are associated with mainstem flow influences on the spawning habitats which are in turn affected by ice processes in the river.The two factors are;1)dessication and freezing of the embryos due to the reduction of E-3-2-l63 851021 mainstern discharge prior to ice cover formation (ADF&G 1985a);and,2)reduced temperature in the spawning areas resulting from staging of the mains tern water surface and overtopping of the upstream ends of the sloughs.Mortality due to dessication and freezing was discussed previously under the effects of the altered flow regime. When the upstream ends of side channels and side sloughs are overtopped as a result of ice formation and water surface staging,DoC water is diverted into the channels and may cause water temperatures in the substrates to decline to near DoC.Depending upon the developmental stage of the embryos at the time of an overtopping event,the DoC water may cause death of the embryos or may cause developmental abnormalities to·occur (Wangaard and Burger 1983).Laboratory studies of salmon developmental rates vs.temperature indicate that sockeye embryos are especially sensitive to thermal (cold)stress early in the developmental process (Velson 1980,Barns 1967,Combs 1965). Although not documented for chum embryos,it is likely that the embryos are also susc.eptable to low water temperatures during the early developmental period.The increased mortality and--deve-lopmenta-l-abnor.mal i ty ra-tesobserved by Wangaard and Burger (1983),were.corroborated in the middle SusitnaRiver'by observation of large numbers of dead embryos,reduced fry size and higher frequency of abnormal ities in Slough 8A following an overtopping event in 1982 (ADF&G 1983m).Embryos in other sloughs which were not overtopped did not exhibit the large number of _.__._.~d::.e,a d em b z::~o~_()t:'!i1:>.1l:l:>..r tIlli ~.~EY.' In contrast totne tnree '-facTors ais-c us sea' above,a fourth factor,the effects of staging on groundwater upwelling rates,likely contributes to the survival of chum salmon embryos.Upwelling groundwater benefits embryo development by providing higher water .temperatures -(2°C-4°C)in the spawning gravels, more constan.t:dissolved oxygen concentrations, ....-.."arid remoValOffi"nesedimertts which may have a detrimental effect on embryo survival. Upwelling rates are at least partially dependent upon mainstem water surface elevation (Exhibit E-3-2-164 .1 I 1 ·"1'-'1 \) .1 .] 'r 851021 E,Chapter 2,Secitons 2.4.4 and 4.1.2(f)(ii» and staging of mainstem water caused by the ice formation processes results in increased groundwater upwelling rates which in turn contributes to the survival of the embryos. In summary,several factors associated with winter flow and ice processes in the mainstem of the Susitna River under natural conditions affect the survivorship of salmon embryos during the incubation period.Factors which tend to decrease survival are: o Reduced mainstem flow resulting in dessication or freezing of the salmon embryos;and o Overtopping of the upstream ends of sloughs and side channels diverting the O°C water in to the sloughs and side channels causing thermal (cold)stress to the embryos. A factor which tends to increase survival of embryos is increased groundwater upwelling and maintenance of higher water temperatures in the gravels. The changes in water temperature during winter months resulting from operation of Stage I of the project will have several effects depending upon the particular location of the spawning/incubation areas.As discussed previously under the effects of the altered flow regime,increased mainstem discharge will maintain groundwater upwelling rates in the sloughs at a higher level than under natural conditions.Therefore,the warm groundwater temperatures will be maintained in the slough spawning areas and will increase the survival of chum embryos through the winter months. An adverse impac t of the higher discharges during the winter is that in those areas in which an ice cover will form,mainstem water surface staging will likely be sufficient to overtop the upstream ends of the sloughs, thereby diverting aoc water into the areas having incubating chum salmon embryos.As discussed with respect to juvenile chinook E-3-2-165 / 851021 overwintering areas,the magnitude of overtopping will be greater than under natural conditions and may penetrate into the substrates sufficiently to.retard developmental rates. Retardation of chum embryos development rates due to lower temperatures has been demonstrated both in the laboratory (Wangaard and Burger 1983)and in the field (ADF&G 1983e).The influx of O°C water could also increase the mortality of chum embryos in the side slough substrates.However,because the progression of the ice front into the middle river will occur 2-4 weeks later than under natural conditions, it is likely that chum embryos will have developed sufficiently such that the influence of O°C water will not affect development or mortality of chum embryos significantly.Also, some portions of the middle river will not have an ice cover or the duration of the ice cover will be considerably reduced such that overtopping events will ei ther not occur or will be .relatively short in duration (see Figure E.3.2.82 and Table E.3.2.85). In summary,the major impacts to chum spawning incubation due to temperature and ice process changes associated with Stage I of the Project are as follows: o Chumspawlliilg in side channels ana side sloughs will be unaffected by mafnstem water temperature. o Chum embryo survival and development will be benefitted by the extension of warmer water conditions into the fall. ·······-··o--Maintenanceof ...g roundwal:er-upwelli·ng·rates··· .-----__-th·r,.ou·gh-:the__wcinte.r-.-wi.l-l--pr-event--fr.eeztng.._...._- of the chum embryos. o Potenti~l adverse effects to embryo development and survival associated with overtopping of the sloughs may be greater ...tll.a_n...:u1'!g~rll~tural conditions •However, delay of ice·formation in the middle reach ~y_.~llevia:te.potentia:Ladverse effects of O°C water on embryo development and survival. E-3-2-166. .•...•..........•.__..•__._----.•......_-.-._-_..__..-.-_._..~'.'...•.. ~'] .1 I 't \ 1 ) o The dispersal of the ice cover earlier in the spring and the influence of.somewhat warmer mainstem temperatures in April may enhance the survival of chum fry after they emerge from the gravels. Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) The impact of the altered temperature and ice regimes in the middle Susitna River resulting from Stage I operation on other evaluation species/habitat combinations are summarized below. Since chinook migration occurs during July in the middle river and the estimated temperatures under Stage I operation are nearly the same as under natural conditions,no effects are expected. Chinook spawning/incubation occurs in tributary habitats and therefore,will not be affected by the mainstem temperature and ice regimes under Stage I conditions. Sockeye migration early September. temperatures will occurs in late July,August and The minor change in mainstem . not affect sockeye migration. 851021 Sockeye spawning and incubation occurs almost exclusively in side slough·habitats under nearly identical habitat conditions used by chum salmon (ADF&G 1983k,1983n,1984b,EWT&A and wee 1985.) Therefore,the impacts of temperature and ice regime changes are the same as those described for chum spawning and incubation.Sockeye juvenile rearing and overwintering habitats include side sloughs and upland sloughs.The impacts on sockeye juveniles rearing and overwintering in side sloughs are essentially the same as those described for juvenile chinook in side sloughs.Upland sloughs are generally unaffected by water temperatures in the mainstem during the summer and winter.Therefore,the anticipated temperature and ice regime changes under Stage I conditions are not expected to affect juvenile sockeye in upland sloughs. Outmigration of juvenile sockeye from the middle river generally occurs in June and July (ADF&G 1983m,1984c).Since water temperature at this E-3-2-167 time would be similar to natural conditions,no effect to outmigration is expected. Upstream migration of adult coho salmon generally occurs during August and September in the middle river.Since water temperatures are expected to be nearly the same as natural at this time,no adverse effects are expected.Coho spawning and incubation occurs in tributary habitats and, therefore,will not be affected by al tered temperature and ice processes in the mainstem. Most juvenile coho rearing occurs in tributary habitats (ADF&G 1984c).Therefore,no effects due to mainstem temperature changes are expected. A few.juvenile coho move out of the tributaries and in to upland sloughs for rearing and overwintering.Again,these habitats are not influenced by mainstem temperature and ice processes and,therefore,no project-induced temperature impacts on coho juveniles are anticipated. Outmigration ri ver occurs tempera tur es Project will conditions. anticipated. of coho juveniles from the middle in June and July when water under Stage I operation of the be nearly the same as natural Therefore,no impac ts are 851021 Upstream migration of adult chum and downstream outmigration of juvenile chum occurs in July and August;and June and July,respectively,when mainstem temperatures are expected to be nearly the same as natural conditions.Therefore no impacts are expected as a result of Stage I project-induced changes in water temperature. Upstream mIgrat::Ion-of pInk salmon occurs in July ~~a-n~d-August at atime When projei:tTnduceClcl:ianges·- in water temperatures are similar to natural temperatures.Mos t pink.salmon spawn in tributary habitats where incubation of the embryos are not affected by mainstem temperatures during the winter months.For the few pink salmon which-do spawn in side sloughs habitats, ··the Impacts on incubating embryos will be the .-clfam:e'as~-tli(H3-edesc·riDedfor chum embryos. Outmigration of pink juveniles normally occurs in May and early June.under Stage I operating E-3-2-168 I .) 851021 conditions,mainstem temperatures will be up to 2-3°c less than under natural conditions.This could result in a delay in the outmigration of juvenile pink from the middle river.However, since the outmigration of pinks appears to be closely associated with breakup of the ice cover under natural conditions,the cooler temperatures may not affect the outmigration of the juvenile s. Utilization of mainstem and mainstem affected habitats by rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling generally occurs from late summer through the winter months into early spring. During these periods,mainstem water temperatures are expected to be greater than natural conditions except the reaches of the river downstream from the O°C isotherm in mid winter. In this reach,water temperatures will be,the same as under natural conditions.The predominance of somewhat ..warmer water temperatures in the mainstem through the winter months should enhance winter survival of these populations and could result in increased winter growth assuming an adequate food supply. However,the enhanoement may be offset by higher than natural turbidity levels 'as discussed in the following section. No major effects to burbot populations are expected as a result of the anticipated changes in temperature and ice regimes associated with Stage I operating conditions. Effects of Changes in Suspended Sediment Regime (***) Water released through the turbines at Watana Stage I will be drawn from five,vertically spaced intakes placed between elevations 1,800 and 1,980 ft MSL.In general,the uppermost and,therefore, generally,the least turbid and highest quality reservoir water will be used for power generation and consequent discharge to downstream habitats. Stage I operation flows will be increasingly larger as power production increases and new generation units come on line.Because of the relatively smaller Stage I reservoir storage volume,summer flows may be approximately 4,000 cfs greater,and winter flows about 2,000 cfs less than those E-3-2-169 originally proposed for the two stage project. Stage I operational flows will be maintained within the Case E-VI flow constraints. A major consequence of the al tered suspended sediment which will have potentially positive biological effects in all riverine habitats affected by mainstem flows will be flushing and removal of the finer sediments in the streambed. Removal of fine sediments (sand and silt)should almost always be expected to improve streambed habitat for aquatic organisms at all trophic - levels.Because of greatly reduced suspended sediment loads in all project flows,re-deposition on and within streambed substrates will be substantially reduced in most riverine habitats downstream of the project.Estimated changes of suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity values during Stage-I operations have been made (Table E.3.2.86.) Few other biologically important effec ts di fferent from the natural situation are expected to occur in relatively deep (great~r than 1 to 2 ft.)mainstem habitats of the middle reach during the open water seasons of Stage I operations.In peripheral habitats,two potentiaL beneficial -effects of Stage I Operations will be less flooding and greater than n~t:1,1~.51l.flQ~f:lt~l:>il~t:Y.__Th~former two effects.maY result in greater than naturaibiomass -productivfty at all trophic levels in predominantly clear water habitats and in very shallow turbid habitats during the open wa ter seasons. Incident illumination.reaching stable streambed substrates may increase during the open water season,especially along the edges of the mainstem arta-it'l-snallowri:verine-habi:tats peripheral to the-- ---..-----------~--..---~---.---~-----------------~~-ma_i_nstem.--·--However.,-cont-i-nuous-ly-h-i-gh--~ut'--bi_di_~y-·i-n- relatively deep (greater than 1 to 2 ft.)mainstem habitats may eliminate or substantially minimize the spring and fall periphyton growth periods and the consequent fall and winter epilithon standing crops which have been observed under natural .conditions.•'.-- Inwintet',·~illcidellt light reaching stable mainstem streambed substrates will be reduced when compared to natural.An unquantifiable duration and rate of primary productivity and an unquantified -1 .! 851021 E-3-2-l70 851021 epilithon standing crop which naturally occurs during the clear water,winter season in.many middle river mainstem habitats may be absent or considerably reduced during the Stage I operational phase.In fall,winter and spring the invertebrate processing 0 f epilithon and alloch thonous organic materials will be affected in unknown ways by fine inorganic particulates released from the upstream project.Resultant changes at the detritivore and primary producer trophic levels will have unknown effects on rearing invertebrates and the fish utilizing these food sources.Some habitats may be affected positively and others negatively with respect to lower trophic level biomass production. The net cumulative effects may remain similar to the natural situation,but may require more than one annual cycle to stabilize. Light to moderate "dusting"of stable substrates with fine glacial flour particulates may have a fertilization effect,particularly where incident sunlight will allow photosynthesis.Esp~cially in relatively warm,low velocity habitats, sedimentation of rock flour particulates may stimulate profuse periphyton growth and epilithon standing crops.Analagous situations ..have been observed on another south central Alaskan river which is chronically turbid (Kasilof River). Turbid mainstem discharges caused to overtop peripheral habitats containing incubating eggs and larval fish,if the organisms are not protected by relatively warm and clear,upwelling ground water, may cause detrimental effects to the developing organisms.Effects will depend,at least in part, on the organism,its life stage and the amount of rock flour deposition. Ice related staging of cold,turbid winter dischar- ges into peripheral habitats or any habitats used by juvenile or rearing/overwintering fish is not expected to cause direct,detrimental effects to the fish.Particulate concentrations of Stage I Operational discharges may be stressful,but are not expected to be lethal to juvenile salmonids. Altered suspended sediment regimes during Stage I Operations are not expected to detrimentally alter access to,or use of tributaries.Clear water upwellings and clear water tributary plume habitats E-3-2-l7l 851021 will likely become more important to rearing and overwintering fish in the middle river.. -Effects of Other Water Quality Changes (***) Except for the changes in suspended sediments and turbidity,anticipated water quality changes are not expected to significantly alter habitats affected by Stage I flows in mainstem riverine habitats within the middle reach,with respect to the biotic community.High chronic turbidity will substantially restrict reservoir and mainstem riverine habitat euphotic zones thereby minimizing any detrimental effects due to project induced changes in nutirent concentrations.No bilogically detrimental oxygen concentrations are expected for either the surficial depths of the reservoir or for riverine habitats downstream.The project is not expected to cause biologically detrimental concentrations of dissolved nitrogen in either reservoir or riverine habitats downstream.Basic changescinwaterchemistry which are expected to be caused by the project are not expected to be detrimental to fisheries in either the reservoir:or downstream aquatic habitats (see discussions of water quality in Exhibit ..E,Chapter 2). (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) -Effects of Altered Flow.Regime (***) Discharges in the lower river will be affected in a manner similar to that described for the middle river.However,the proportional reduction in discharge during the summer months will be less due to the influence of maj or tributary contributions to the lower river discharge from the Chulitna,Talkeetna "and "'renfna Rivers";"as .welT .ifsotner- ~-sma I Ier tr iout::arie s •Avera"g-er-rifonth-ly""d"i-s"ch"arge during Stage I operation at Sunshine and Susitna Stations are presented in Exhibi t E,Chapter 2, Section 4.L3.a.A summary of the maximum,minimum and mean average monthly flows for natural and Stage I operation in 1996 and 2001 is presented in TableE.3.2 ..87for·theSunshine Station and Table E.3.2.89 for:the Susitria Station. E-3-2-172 ) 851021 •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Juvenile Chinook Rearing Habitat (***) The effects of the Stage I operating flow regime on chinook rearing habitats are evaluated based on the monthly average discharges at Sunshine in comparison with the habitat response curves for side channels complexes,and tributary mouth habitats presented in Section 2.3.1.b.iii.The curves presented in that section are aggregated into two curves representing side channel/side slough habitats (Figure E.3.2.83)and tributary mouth habitat (Figure E.3.2.84).The method for aggregating the individual curves is not the same as described fo~-the middle river Representative. Groups,since these curves represent the - response of habitat quality in the sites and do not represent total habitat area.However,the curves may be used in a qualitative manner to evaluate anticipated changes in lower river chinook rearing habitat in side channel complexes and tributary mouths resulting from Stage I operation. During the period June through September, chinook rearing habitat in side channels and side sloughs is expected to improve slightly over natural conditions.This is indicated by comparing the habitat quality values,estimated from Figures E.3.2.83 and E.3.2.84,at the mean average monthly flows in June,July,August and September for Stage I operation demand years (Table E.3.2.87)with the habitat quality values at the mean average monthly flows under natural conditions.The estimated habitat index values for the mean monthly discharges at the Sunshine Station are presented in Table E.3.2.89. Habitat quality in tributary mouth habitats is expected to decrease to some extent during Stage I operation.Since considerable numbers of chinook juveniles inhabit tributary mouth habitats in the lower river,the expected reduction could be considered to be significant. However,a limitation of these curves is that the habitat qualities are a function of both mainstem and tributary discharges.Hence no E-3-2-173 851021 values for the habitats are available when the tributary discharge is high and mainstem discharge is low.Hence,the apparent loss is not expected to be as great as that indicated in the available data. Juverti1e chinook are expected to be less susceptible to overwintering mortality because of the greater mainstem discharges in the river. The higher survival rates of overwintering chinook juveniles is expected for the same reasons described in Section 2.3.1.c.ii for middle river habitat effects. Chum Spawning Habitats (**) As discussed in Section 2.3.1.b.iii,few chum salmon spawning areas are known to exist in lower river,mainstem-affected areas, specifically in the side channel-side slough complexes.Therefore,changes attributable to Stage I operation are not expected to significantly affect chum spawning activity in habitats associated with the lower river • •Effects of Other Evaluations Species/Habitat Combinations'(**) O...c-A1-teri-ng-o·f--the-·lowet'rivet'dischat'ge regime as a result of Stage I operation is not expected to significantly affect other species/habitat combinations. Discharge in the lower river will be sufficient to accommodate upstream migration of adult salmon since they are able to migrate under a wide range conditions. -"----------------.--------·Since--few---sa Imon -~are '-known-to--s-p-awri-In-----rOwtir~---­ river mainstem associated habitats,incubation of embryos will not be affected significantly.As discussed for the middle river,increased discharg~in the lower river during the winter months is expected to increase the survival of those embryos which do incubate in lower river habitats.° Rearing of juvenile salmon in lower river habitats is not extensive (ADF&G 1985c and Section 2.2.1.a).Hence,rearing habitats in the E-3-2-174 OJ I i I 851021 lower river are not expected to be significantly affected by the altered flow regime. As discussed in Section 2.3.l.b.iii,rainbow trout,Dolly Varden,Arctic grayling and burbot populations using lower river habitats are not expected to be adversely affected by the altered flow regime during Stage I operation. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regimes (***) As discussed in Section 2.3.l.c.ii,water temperature at.Talkeetna is expected to be approximately the same under Stage I operating conditions as under natural conditions.The only difference anticipated is that progression of the ice front upstream during the winter·months may be somewhat slower and reach Talkeetna 2-4 we_eks later than under natural conditions.Therefore,no impacts,either beneficial or adverse,on salmon, other anadromous species or resident species using mainstem or mainstem associated habitats are anticipated as a result of project induced changes to the temperature and ice regimes in the lower river. -Effects'of Altered Suspended Sediment (***) The e.f fec t 0 f chronically turbid flows from Stage I Watana Reservoir operations on lower river habi- tats are expected to be similar to those effects occurring in the middle river reach.In the lower river reaches,however,dilution by additional tributary influents is expected to lessen most project induced effects (refer to previous discussions of water quality changes in Exhibit E, Chapter 2). Below Talkeetna,waters from the middle river reach will mix with other tributary flows from the Chulitna,Talkeetna,Kashwitna,Yentna and other tributaries.Because of these dilution effects, project discharges will not demonstrably alter suspended sediment concentrations,turbidities,or riverine biology during the May through September period of open water flows in lower river habi ta ts. During the naturally clear water season,October through April,turbid waters flowing beyond the E-3-2-175 middle river reach will mix with clear,non-turbid water from major tributaries.The dilution from clear tributary influents will help maintain chronic winter suspended sediment concentrations within levels which may be stressful,but which are not expected to be lethal,to overwintering fish. The effects of chronically high suspended sediment concentrations on lower trophic level biological activities in mainstem and peripheral habitats in the lower river will be similar to those described for the middle river reach (See Section 2.3.l(b)(ii).Tributaries to the lower river reach will not be impacted by Stage I operational flows. -Effects of Other Water Quality Changes (**) Other water quality changes resulting from Stage I operations are not expected to cause biologically important effects on mainstem,peripheral or tributary habitats in the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach (see previous discussions for Stage I construction and operation and discussions of water quality in Exhibit E,Chapter 2). (iv)Cook Inlet Estuary (***) Low suspended sediment concentrations and low ...turc.bi-di.ty~are-expec.ted.~to.center .the·Cook.Lnl.et estuary on a continuous basis due to Watana Stage I operation.No important biological effects other .than mild fertilization are anticipated.Because of strong currents and high ion concentrations in the' inlet,riverine borne particulates will be relatively rapidly dispersed,diluted and precipitated. (d).Sunnnary of Impacts Associated with Watana Dam (**) The primary long-term aquatic impact related to construction of Stage I Watana Dam will be the increase in harvest pressure resulting from the increased access afforded by the project roads.In the absence of stric ter harvest regulations,the increase.in access near the impoundment could cause substantia I al teratidnlf itfreS ident fish popul a tion structure,with the present population of large, older grayling being replaced by younger individuals. I 1 \ 851021 E-3-2-176 851021 There will be an alteration of aquatic habitat at stream crossings but with proper construction practices as discussed in Section 2.4.3,this impact is not expected to noticeably affect fish populations.Construction activities and reservoir clearing activities will cause temporary increases in siltation and turbidity in some of the project area's clear-water streams.These impacts are not expected to extend beyond the construction period.Similarly, alterations in water quality and disturbance to fish populations are expected to impact fish only during the construction period.There will be a continuous possibility of fuel spills during the construction period when numerous construction vehicles are present in the project area.The possibility of acute spills will be reduced under operation,but the potential for spills will continue for the life of the project.Acute spills could cause locally significant impacts to fish populations,while chronic spills wi 11 affect habi.t:at quality., particularly along roadways. Borrow Site E,at the mouth of Tsusena Creek,will convert riparian and upland habitat into aquatic habitat.The newly-formed lake will have potential as a productive feeding and overwintering area for resident fish,but rehabilitation measures for this borrow site will not be undert~ken until Stage III is completed. (ii)Filling Impacts (**) The primary long-term impact associated with the filling of the Watana reservoir is the loss of clear water tributary habitat.The tributary habitat that will be inundated by Stage I development currently supports a substantial population of grayling,estimated to be at least 9,140 (Table E.3.2.24).Aquatic habitats within the reservoir are not expected to support a significant grayling population (Section 2.3.l.b.i). Between Watana Dam and Talkeetna,the primary impacts associated with filling will be a reduction in spring and summer flows,reduction in sediments,and an altered temperature regime.Mainstem and side-channel habitats will contain less turbid water and be subjected to less extreme fluctuation in water levels and flow during the summer.These changes are expected to provide more favorable fish habitat than E-3-2-l77 now exists in these areas.During filling,effects on juvenile chinook rearing habitats and chum spawning habitats are not expected to be impacted by altered water temperatures,primarily because it is expected that summer river temperatures will be nearly the same as natural conditions.Similarly,no project induced effects on juvenile chinook overwintering habitats in the side sloughs or chum incubating areas is expected during the first winter. This is due to the expectation that water temperature and ice processes will be similar to natural conditions. Slough habitats between Watana Dam and Talkeetna are expected to be·the habitat type most significantly affected by filling flows.In the absence of mitigation features,filling flows are expected to cause access problems for returning adult chum and sockeye salmon.For salmon that do gain access,the spawning area within tqe sloughs may be reduced in area because of the lower mainstem flows (see Section 2.3.l.b.ii).If un-mitigated,these impacts would reduce the number of spawning chum and sockeye salmon in the sloughs above Talkeetna.However,with proposed mitigation measures (see Section 2.4),it is expected that these populations will be maintained. Tributary habitats below Watana Dam and all habitats below 'I'alke~tna.are notex1>ect~d tobe significantly i~p~cted d~ring the fi(lin:~fthe Watana reservoir (Section 2.3.1.b.ii and iii). (iii)Operation Impacts (**) operation impacts,as with filling,are divided into impacts due to the impoundment and downstream ,impacts. _..-----------------------.-.----------.--_·----.--The--habi-ta·t-w±th-in--'the-W·at-ana-reser-vo·i-r-is--noe--------- expected to support substantial fish populations (Section 2.3.1 c.i).The annual drawdown cycle will limit spawning habitat of grayling,lake trout, burbot,white fish and longnose sucker.Littoral rearing habitat is also not expected to be productive because.ofthedrawdowncycle and summer turbidity levels and suspended sediment concentrations. --Gray--iing -are,-expecEedtoreside--at t:hemouths-of the tributaries.Lake trout and Dolly Varden are expected to develop small resident reproducing populations within the reservoir.However,the 1 ·:1 I 1 ,\ 851021 E-3-2-178 851021 population is not expected to increase sufficiently to form a significant sport fishery.Other species are expected to migrate into the reservoir from upstream habitats,primarily to overwinter,and may establish small resident populations. Between Watana Dam and Talkeetna,the primary operational impacts will be similar to those discussed for filling:decreased summer flows, decreased flow variability and decreased sediment load.During winter,however,flows will increase over pre-project conditions and will be accompanied by increased temperature,turbidity,and suspended sediment concentrations. More stable summer flows and decreased sediment loads and turbidity are expected to improve summer rearing habitat in mainstem and side-channel habitats. Eventually,-mainstem and side-channel spawning habitats are expected to become available as the project flows remove accumulated sand and sil~ deposits and maintain the upper level of the substrate in clean condition (Section 2.3.1(c)(ii). Case E-V1 flow constraints,implemented during Watana Stage I fi lling,will be followed.These cons traints plus the mitigation measures already implemented during Watana -Stage I construction are expected to maintain the number of chum and sockeye salmon spawning in the sloughs ups tream from Talkeetna.The worst case scenario would be total loss of slough spawning habitat in this reach,with a reduction in the total run size. The increase in winter flow is expected to increase overwintering habitat and will benefit resident and rearing anadromous species.The reduction of flow variability,peak flows,turbidity,and sediment load in the mainstem during summer combined with increased winter flow may lead to increases in the populations of some resident species such as rainbow trout and Dolly Varden;and rearing anadromous species such as chinook and coho salmon.The amount of increase,if any,will depend on the extent to which these physi- cal factors presently limit the populations. The increased winter temperatures may increase embryo development in mainstem and side-channel spawning habitats and lead to early emergence of alevins. These early emerging fry may experience increased E-3-2-179 mortality if they move downstream and encounter O°C (32°F)water below Talkeetna.This impact will likely affect relatively few fish,primarily pink salmon, since only a small portion of the salmon spawning upstream from Talkeetna utilize mainstem and side-channel spawning habitats.Other salmon species using these habitats exhibit behavior patterns that reduce their vulnerability to these impacts (Section 2.3.1.c.ii).Impacts are not expected in tributary habitats upstream from Talkeetna. Downstream from Talkeetna the main impact will be an increase in overwintering habitat in the mainstem and side channels because of the increased winter flows (Section 2.3.1.c.iii).No significant adverse impac ts are expec ted. 2.3.2 -Anticipated Impacts to Aquatic Habitat Associated with Stage II Watana/Devil Canyon Dam (***) Stage II of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project conSi.ists of .the cons truction of·the Devil Canyon Dam to supplement the power generation capacity of the Stage I Watana Dam.In general,the construction and operation of the Devil Canyon Dam will be as de scribed in the original License Application (APA 1983b).The principal differences between the Stage II configuration and the original configuration will be that the Watana Reservoir will have a maximum normal operational water surface elevation of ----2~,000-~feet -MSL -r-ather.-thalL_2,185_fee.t__MSL.,,the ,,1Lv:.e_s_toxage_wiU__ be reduced from 3.7to 2.4 million acre-feet,and the flow regime during construction and operation of Stage II will operate under the Case E-VI flow constraints rather than the Case C scenario described in the original License Application.This section addresses additional impacts on the aquatic resources attributable to the development of the Devil Canyon Dam,assuming the Stage I Watana Dam is operating. --{aT"-c-onsEruc iron'of DevilCariyoii15am (Stage--Il)arid ReHrte-d --_._-~,_._------~..Fac i lif ies (~) (i)Devil Canyon Dam (Stage II)(*) Devil Canyon Dam will be located at RM 152 of the Susitna River,approximately 32 miles (53 km)down- streamfrom-the--Watanadamsi-te.A thin arch concrete dam wi 11 be buil t near the downs tr eam end 0 f Devi I Canyon andan'earth/rockfillcsaddle dam will be constructed at the south end of the arch dam to provide closure of a low area on the south abutment. The reservoir behind Devil Canyon will cover 7,800 J I ·l 851021 E-3-2-180 I,J u 851021 acres (3,120 ha)and will be about 26 miles (42 km) long (32 miles along the river before impounding)and not more than 0.5 mile (0.8 km)wide. The concrete dam and foundation will be 646 feet (195 m)high and will have a crest length of 1,650 feet (503 m).An estimated 1.7 million cubic yards (1,300,000 m3 )of concrete will be needed to construct the arch dam.The saddle dam will be 950 feet (287 m)across and 245 feet (75.m)high and will require about 2 million cubic yards of material. As with Watana,Devil Canyon Dam will have an under- ground powerhouse,intake structure,outlet works, and main spillway.A 38-foot (11.7-m)diameter tailrace tunnel will convey the turbine discharge approximately 1.3 miles (2.2 km)downstream from the arch dam. During construction of the dam,the river will be blocked above and below the construction site by cofferdams.The flow will be diverted into a 35.5-foot (10.8 m)diameter horseshoe tunnel,1,490 feet (451 m)long,and discharged back into the river channel.The upstream and downstream cofferdams will be about 400 feet (120 m)long and 200 to.400 feet (60 to 120 m)wide. The adverse impacts upon aquatic habitat at the Devil Canyon damsite are expected to be similar to those at the Watana site but of lesser magnitude. At the Devil Canyon damsite,the Susitna River is confined to a canyon approximately 600 feet (180 m) deep and 200 to 400 feet (60 to 120 m)wide at river level.The river bottom is primarily composed of cobbles,boulders,and blocks of rock;the water is extremely turbulent.Few fish live in the area of the damsite (ADF&G 1981f).Some chinook salmon migrate upstream past the Devil Canyon damsite(ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b) -Alteration of Waterbodies (*) Impacts from Devil Canyon Dam construction will be primarily restricted to the vicinity of the damsite.A 1,100-foot (333-m)section of the Susitna River between the cofferdams will be dewatered for 7 years during construction. Although a small population of Dolly Varden, E-3-2-18l sculpin,and other resident species inhabit that stretch of river,it is not expected that dewatering will have more than a minor impact upon availability of suitable aquatic habitat.The dam foundation will cover about 90 feet (27 m)of river bottom.This is considered to be a minor impact. During construe tion,wa ter velocities with in the diversion tunnels will be sufficintly high to prevent the upstream migration of chinook salmon. The Devil Canyon Dam will be a permanent,total migration barrier upon its completion. The greatest impacts during construction of the dam are likely to be associated with gravel mining and processing in Borrow Site G.Gravel for filter material and for concrete aggregate will be removed from the Susitna River and from Cheechako Creek alluvial areas upstream from the damsite (Borrow Site G).The effects of gravel mining on aquatic systems have been discussed under Section 2.3.l.a. Since themateI'ialremoval.sites will be inundated, impacts at the sites will be transitory. -Changes in Water Quality (0) Potential impacts to water quality would primarily be caused by increases of turbidity due to erosion .a.nd ..throughcdisc harge-o,Leffluen tfrom the . concrete batching process.To minimize water quality impacts,all processing waters will be treated before being discharged to the S~sitna River.Turbidity increases in the Susitna River are expected to be:negligible.See Section 2.3.1.a for discussion. -Disturbance of Fish Populations (0) I 851021 -·--rnstreamac t-ivi-t:ies-durifig ml:fteri"c~ftejrtra-c-ti-orftfe-a:r Cheechako Creek could disrupt fish movements, spawning,and rearing in the creek,depending upon location,type and duration of activities.It is unlikely that the damsite itself is located in a stretch of the Susitna regularly inhabited by fish; therefore;the excavation and blasting required at the damsite would.not be disruptive to fish ····_poputa:t-ioni;". E-3-2-l82 1 II 851021 (ii)Construction and Operation of Devil Canyon Camp and Village (*) During construction of Devil Canyon Dam,housing will be constructed for approximately 1,900 persons (Exhibit A,Section 6.13).The construction camp and construction village will be located between 1.7 and 3.4 miles (2.8 and 5.6 Ion)southwest of the damsite. The camp will include bachelor dormitories, cafe teria,warehouses,0 ffices,hospital,and recreational buildings.The village will contain housing for 160 families and will include a school, stores,and a recreation area. The camp will be approximately 0.5 mile (0.8 Ion)from the village.Both developments will be more than 700 feet (210 m)above the Susitna River and more than 4000 feet (1,200 m)from the edge of the canyon. Water,sewage,and solid waste disposal facilities will be shared by both developments.Water will be withdrawn from the Susitna River and effluent from a secondary treatment system discharged into the river below the water intake.The upper reaches of Jack Long Creek border the camp and the village to the south,coming to within 200 feet (60 m)of the camp. A small unnamed creek drains a series of lakes 3,000 feet (900 m)to the east of the camp and enters the Susitna at RM 150.The creek is paralleled by the sewage outfall line for 1,000 feet (300 m)or about 20 percent of its length. Both the camps and the village are temporary develop- ments to be removed when Devil Canyon construction is completed.Permanent personnel responsible for operations of the Devil Canyon dam will live at the Watana permanent town.No airstrip will be built; air access will be via the permanent runway at Watana. The unnamed creek and lakes may support grayling, Dolly Varden,or sculpin,while Jack Long Creek contains pink,chinook,chum,and coho salmon. Portage Creek contains chum,pink,chinook,and coho salmon,rainbow trout,round whitefish,and humpback whitefish.Chinook salmon,grayling,and Dolly Varden are found in the lower reaches of Cheechako Creek (ADF&G 1983a,1983b,1984a,1984b,1985a). Temporary impacts resulting from camp/village operations are expected to be limited to the area within a few miles of the damsite. E-3-2-183 851021 Alteration of Waterbodies (*) No water bodies are expected to be altered as a result of Devil Canyon camp construction other than those resulting from gravel mining within the Susitna River floodplain at Borrow Site G.Since this borrow site will eventually be inundated,no permanent effects from gravel mining will occur. Camp construction is not anticipated to affect Jack Long Creek or the unnamed stream. -Changes in Water Quality (*) Erosio~into the Susitna River from 'gravel mining at the mouth of Cheechako Creek is not expected to resul t in ad ver se impacts to fish.Because 0 f its proximity to the developments,Jack Long Creek could receive uncontrolled runoff from the camp area;however,required drainage facilities and retention ponds should prevent this impac t and no increase in sediment levels in Jack Long Creek are expected .. Water for camp use will be withdrawn from the Sus itna River,and treated effluent will be returned to the river.The treated effluent will not affect the waste assimilative capacity of the Susitna and is expected to have no significant effect on the·aqua·t-iG envcironment {Exhibit ..E,. Chapter 2,Section 4.2.l(g)(i)).Storm drainage and oily water runoff from the construction camp ~itl be collectecf and treated as noted above. The fuel storage area fs loca.ted on the south side of the construction camp about 200 feet (60 m) above Jack Longereek.A.ccidental fuel spills are notexpec ted to l:"each the creek since st()rage fac iIi tIes ··wi:I.Tbe desIgneir--to-conta 1.n moi:ethan ...-the maximums toraoTevol ume ~---rt-is-not-expec tecr- that runoff from the solid waste disposal site and the construction village will adversely affect any waterbodies since both will be collected and treated the same as the runoff from the camp area • ...Direct Construction Activity (*) -Tne camp -a.nd CviTlage-a-t the-Devil Canyons i te will hous e ap prox imate ly 1,900 wor ker s fo r sever al year s (EXhibit A,Section 6.13).As a result,streams E-3-2-184 j I J, I ,'j and lakes in the vicinity may be subjected to increased fishing pressure.This area has -not been heavily utilized for sport fishing in the past. The waterbodies most likefy to be affected include Cheechako Creek,unnamed creeks and lakes in the vicinity,Jack Long Creek,and to a lesser extent, the Susitna River and Portage Creek.With the exception of Portage Creek,these waterbodies are within walking distance of the camp/village and the damsite.Portage Creek enters the Susitna River from the north about 2.5 miles (4.1 km)downstream from the dam location. (b)Filling Devil Canyon Reservoir (*) Filling Devil Canyon reservoir would inundate approximately 32 miles (52 Ian)of Susitna River mainstem habitat and 6.2 miles (10 Ian)of tributary habitats.These habitats would be converted from lotic to lenti&systems with accompanying changes in hydraulic~characteristics,substrate,turbidity, suspende&·sediment concentrations,temperature,and nutrient levels (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.2.2). The filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir will be done in two stages.Upon completion of the dam toa height sufficient to allow ponding above the low level outlet facilities,the water level will be raised to an elevation above 1,050 feet (315 m)but not exceeding.1,l35 feet.(343 m).This filling will be accomplished in approximately 4 weeks.As soon as the power facilities and main spillway are completed (approximately two years),the reservoir will be raised to 1,455 feet (440 m),the normal operation elevation as explained in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.2.2.(b).During filling of Devil Canyon,discharge from the project will be maintained within the Case E-VI flow constraints defined in Table E.3.2.59. !Iu 1···1 I.J 851021 (i)Effects in Impoundment Area (*) Closure of the Devil Canyon Dam and filling of the reservoir will result in the inundation of approximately 32 miles of the Susitna River and a total of approximately six miles of the lower reaches of the five named tributaries (Figure E.3.2.85). The lower reaches of several unnamed tributaries will also be inundated,but the lengths of these tributaries have not been determined.The only presently existing lake to be affected by the Project will be a shallow,five-acre pond at the damsite, E-3-2-185 851021 which wi 11 be fi 11ed by the saddle dam associated with the main,concrete arch Devil Canyon Dam.The reach of the Susitna River within the Devil Canyon Reservoir presently supports small populations of Arctic grayling,burbot,longnose sucker,whitefish and Dolly Varden (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).In addition, a small population (25-75)of chinook salmon spawn in tributaries within the impoundment zone.Impacts on mainstem,tributary and lake habitats will be similar to those described for Stage I Watana Reservoir.Due to the short period of time necessary to fi 11 Devil Canyon Reservoir,the effects of the reservoir are more appropriately and completely described in Section 2.3.2.c.i. (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeenta Reach (***) Effects of Altered Flow Regime (***) During the filling of Devil Canyon Reservoir, discharge from the dam to the middle Susitna River will'be maintained within the Case E-VI flow constraints.The effects of the altered flow regime during filling are discussed as part of the initial Stage II operation.The effects on middle river aquatic habitats,therefore,are discusse,d in Section 2.3.2.c.ii.During the period the water level is being held constant at el.1,135 --~,the--effec'ts~wiH~be--the'-same-~as··fot"-Watana ··S tage I oper ad on (di scus sed in Sec tion 2.3.1)since discharge wi 11 be regulated only at Watana. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regimes-(***) As with the discussion of the effects of the altered flow regime during filling of Devil C.a:g,Y_9nR~§l~~YQi~L~ijl3c:uSf:).!o_l1o_Ll:h~....~.~Jec ts f the ............... anticipated altered temperature and ice regimes --during filling of'-the--n,evil'.Canyon Reser"vo-fr-are --------------------.---.. more appropriately discussed under Stage II operation effects.Changes in temperature regimes during filling will occur for 4-6 weeks in October and November of the year 2004 and,hence,any changes associated only with Devil Canyon filling win-becif 'a short duration and'will occur at a time when fish utilization of mainstem and mainstem "-S;ssocfiEedna.bifiEs istloE likely to be extensively affected.Also,since filling of Devil Canyon Reservoir will occur prior to the onset of winter conditions,filling of Devil Canyon will not affect E-3-2-186 .] [I [J I 1lJ 851021 ice processes ~n the river.Ice processes, however,will be affected by operation of Stage II as discussed in Section 2.3.2(c)(ii).During the period when the water level is being held constant at el.1,135,the river temperature and Ice conditions are expected to be similar to those discussed for Watana Stage I in Section 2.3.1, since the storage volume in Devil Canyon will be very small (see Section 4.2.2(d)). -Effects of Altered Sediment Regime (**) Effects of filling will be relatively short lived in relation to the projects life time and most effects are more appropriately discussed under the topic of Stage II Operations (Section 2.3.2.c.ii). In general,downstream water discharges during Devil Canyon filling will have a higher 1'8S and turbidity loads than that expected during Stage I operations.The al tered sediment regime associa.ted with filling Devil Canyon Reservoir will be detectable within the middle river reach,but the lev~ls of TSS and turbidity will likely be less than or well within the ranges of values.,for these same parameters which have been observed under natural conditions.Effects at the aquatic biological community level are expected tro be minimal.During the period when the water level is being held cons tantat el.1,135,the suspended sediment and turbidity are expected to be similar to Watana Stage I operation,as discussed in Sec tion 2.3.1. -Effects of Other Water Quality Changes (**) Effects of any additional water quality changes resulting from filling will be relatively short lived in relation to the project's life time,and are more appropriately discussed under the topic of Stage II Operations (Section 2.3.2.c.ii). Dissolved and particulate organic materials of allochthonous origin are expected to increase in concentration during the short filling period,but the long term effects associated with these increased organics are expected to be minimal at the level of the aquatic biological community. E-3-2-187 851021 (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime (***) As discussed in Section 2.302.b .ii,discharge from the Devil Canyon Dam during filling of the reservoir will be maintained within the Case E-VI flow constraints and will be similar to operation of the project given the energy demands at the time filling occurs.Therefore,the effects of the al tered flow regime during fill ing of Devil Canyon Reservoir on habitat in the lower river are more appropriately discussed tmder project operation (Section 2.3.2.c.iii).During the periods the water level is being held constant at el.1,135, the effects on streamflow would be similar to Stage I Watana oper~tion discussed in Section 2.3.1. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regimes (***) As with the discussion of the ..impac ts of the altered flow regime during fill ing of Devi 1 Canyon Reservoir on aquatic habitats in the lower river,the effects of altered temperature and ice regimes are more appropriately discussed in Sec tion 2.3.2.c.iii.During the period the water level is being held constant at el.1,135~the effect on temperature and ice would be similar to Stage I .~-Watana~operation~cdiscussed..in-Section..2.3.L. -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (***) Effects'of filling will be short lived and are more appropriately discussed tmder the topic of Stage II Operations (Section 2.3.2oc.ii).During the period the water level is being held constant at el.1,135 the effects·on suspended sediment wouldbesImilarto·SEage·::CWatana·op(ira tionci i s Cuss·ed iil.- In general,open water season levels of suspended sediment and turbidity may be higher t9an those expected during Stage I or Stage II Operations. However,during the open water season,the influence of Stage II filling on the suspended se<iime!1tl::~gim.ejnt:heJ9werriveris expected to be negligableduetodilution by other tributaries with high and naturally variable sediment regimes. Effects at the aquatic biological community level are expected to be negligible. E-3-2-188 851021 -Effects of Changes in Other Water Quality Factors (**) Effects of any additional water quality changes resulting from Stage II filling are expected to be both.short lived,with respect to the project's lifetime,and relatively negligible with regard to the aquatic biological community. Dissolved and particulate organic materials of allochthonous origin are expected to increase substantially in concentration during the short filling period,both within and downstream of the reservoir.Long term effects to the aquatic biological community due to these increases in dissolved and particulate organic materials are expected to be negligible. (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***) Effects of filling on the estuary are expected to be temporary and are more appropriately discussed under project operation (Section 2.3.2.c.iv). (c)Effects of Operation of Stage II Watana/Devil Canyon Dam (**) As stated previously,the Devil Canyon Reservoir will inundate approximately 35 miles of mainstem habitat and approximately 6 miles of the lower reaches of·five named tributaries. The Devil Canyon Reservoir water surface elevation will remain stable at near maximum operating levels most of the time.No drawdown of the Devil Canyon Reservoir is anticipated during wet years.A drawdown of approximately 20 feet may occur in median flow years during July,with refilling occurring in August (Figure E.3.2.86).A drawdown of approximately 50 ft is anticipated for dry years.During Stage II operation,Watana Reservoir will be drawn down in a manner similar to that described for Stage I operation.The expected drawdown cycle for Watana Reservoir during the operation of Stage II is depicted in Figure E.3.2.87.The lengths of tributaries to the Devil Canyon Reservoir within the drawdown zone are provided in Table E.3.2.90. Suspended sediments transported to the Devil Canyon Reservoir generally consist of particles less than 5 to 10 microns in diameter (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.2.3(c)(iii».Larger particles will be trapped in the E-3-2-189 851021 Watana Reservoir.Sediments will also be introduced into the flow from the tributaries dtiringfloods and erosion 0 f reservoir shorelines.Some of the particles will settle in the Devil Canyon Reservoir,but the majority will pass through,contributing to turbid.ity in the reservoir and in waters released downstream.Small deltas will likely form at the mouths of the tributaries.However,these are not expected to significantly alter fish habitats. Temperature regimes in Devil Canyon Reservoir will be highly dependent upon the temperature of the water released from Wat~na Reservoir.The Devil Canyon Reservoir will stratify during June and July each year as warmer water from Watana enters the reservoir and remains at the surface.Maximum outflow temperatures will range between 8 and 10°C (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.2.3(c)(i»).In July and August in most years,the outlet works in Devil Canyon Dam will be operated to release water in excess of .that required for generation.This excess water will result because the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs will have reached full storage capacity.Once the outlet works are operating,the cold,turbid,deeperwater(4~C)wilLbe evacuated from the reservoir and replaced by warmer Watana water (Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.2.3(c)(i)).In some years the reservoir will become uniformly mixed at about 8-10°C by mid-August and will remain relatively warm through September.The reservoir will then cool unt{l it becomes· isothermal at 4'!C in October.After that time,the·surface ___~at~t"~~il..L~QQ.LJ::oOoGan(L~!Lice~Qver~ttLfotill_.II1 general,the seasonal temperature regime in.Devil Canyon Reservoir wi 11 closely follow that of Watana. (i)Effects of Operating Devil Canyon Reservoir (**) Effects on Mainstem Habitats (**) The mainstem habitats within the Devil Canyon Reservoir presently .supp<:rrt ...small-po-pul-ationso·f·· --burbo·t-and-louglios·e····-su·cker·s-throughout-·the--year.-- Arctic grayling,Whitefish and Dolly Varden populations use the mainstem for overwintering (ADF&G 1981f,1983b). The stable water level in Devil Canyon for most of the year wilLhelpcreate.more.favorable spawning conditions for most fish species.Arctic grayling, lake trout,·burbot,whitefish and·"longiiose sucker spawning is expected to be unaffected by the drawdowncycle.Dolly Varden eggs that are deposited in the draw down zone of reservoir E"-3-2-190 I I 1.) i.1 I j 1. :I 'j I I "\" I.'l j ,J 851021 tributaries during September and October may experience a higher mortality than those ,deposited above the draw down zone.The impact to Dolly Varden populations in the reservoir is expected to be minor. Productivity in the 'Devil Canyon reservoir is ex- pected to be low because of the turbidity levels-- the expected turbidity in Devil Canyon is described in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.2.3(c)(iii)--but should be greater than the productivity in the Watana reservoir because of the less extreme draw-down cycle.It is expected that the Devil Canyon reservoir will develop limited resident populations of Dolly Varden,burbot,whitefish and other species.Arctic grayling will occur in and at the mouths of clear-water tributaries. -Effects on Tributary Habitats (**) As with the.tributaries that flow into the Watana impoundment,the lengths of the tributaries to be affected by the Devil Canyon impoundment will vary according to their gradients and location within the impoundment.The locations of the tributaries,the stream gradients and lengths of affected reaches are summarized in Table E.3.2.91. Effects on tributaries and associated fish are also expected to be similar to those presented for the Watana Reservoir.Most of the tributaries in the Devil Canyon impoundment area are characterized by steep slopes with occasional barriers,such as waterfalls.Cheechako,Devil and Tsusena Creeks, three tributaries entering the Devil Canyon impoundment,all contain waterfalls.These falls will not be inundated by the impoundment and would still function as barriers to fish passage. Species presently using tributary habitats include Dolly Varden,Arctic grayling and whitefish. The loss of clear-water tributary habitat in Tsusena and Fog Creeks will eliminate habitat utilized by approximately 1200 grayling longer than 8 inches (20 cm)(Table E.3.2.24).However, because the water surface elevation in Devil Canyon Reservoir will remain relatively constant during the Arctic grayling spawning and incubation period, the effects of reservoir filling and operation on E-3-2-191 Arctic grayling are expected to be less severe than those anticipated in the Watana Reservoi~. As discussed in Section 2.3.l.c.ii,a small population (25-75)of chinook salmon presently use habitats near the mouths of four tributaries for spawning.This utilization is expected to increase to some extent during the period between initial operation of Stage I and closure of the Devil Canyon Dam.Diversion of the Susitna River for construction of the Devil Canyon Dam will eliminate salmon population use of the areas within the Devil Canyon Impoun:dmentZone. (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (**) Effecfsof Altered Flow Regime (**) operation of Stage II will begin after completion of the Devi I Canyon Dam and filling of the reservoir.The completion of the Devil Canyon Dam is scheduled for the year 2005 with initial operation beginning in late 20050 Discharge from the Devil Canyon Dam will be influenced by the discharge from Watana Dam.The annual discharge regime and changes to the discharge regime between Stage I and Stage IF are,therefore,limited by "the storage capacity in the Stage I -Watana Reser_v:oir. During the Stage II operation period,the system demand for energy is expec ted to grow from approximately 4,800 GWH annually to approximately 5,500GWH annually.Growth with corresponding average annual energy production from the Stage II project is expected to be from approximately 4,200 GWH annually to 4,560 GWH annually.To repre sent -----------------------tne-StageTt -fl-ow-ri'fgime-;---dis"charg es a t-"Gold"Creek '''-'----a.-s-so-c"i-a."tea-whh~s:Y"s.t-eln-en-e-rgy-dema.nd-o-f---"---,---~--­ approximately 5,270 GWH and an average annual energy production of approximately 4,440 GWH were used for the habitat analysis.Average weekly discharges at Gold Creek for the 34 years of record to meet this energy demands and average energy production are presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2 Section4.2.3~a~'MaxiIIJ.um,minimum and mean monthly average-di-scharges~~a1:G()];-d-Creek associated with this production are summarized in Table E.3.2.9l along with the same values for natural conditions. Comparison of the mean monthly average flows at 1 .) :I j '"I ,J 1 ( .,J () !J 851021 E-3-2-l92 \ I .)1 851021 Gold Creek during Stage I operation (Table E.3.2.73)with those during Stage II operation (Table E.3.2.91)indicates that little difference in the discharge regime is expected between the two stages • •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (**) Chinook Rearing Habitats (**) Chinook rearing habitat areas associated with Stage II operation flows were analyzed in the manner described for the Stage I flow regimes. Total chinook rearing habitat areas were derived for the average weekly flows under Stage II project operation and from the total chinook rearing habitat area response curve presented in Figure E.3.2.64 and Table E.3.2.46. Probabilities of exceedance values were calculated for the 90,50,and 10 percent exceedance levels and are presented in Table E.3.2.93 and in Figure E.3.2.88.Also presented are the habitat values for the natural flow regime.Comparisons of these values with the probability of exceedance values for Stage I (Figure E.3.2.75),which indicate that little change in the rearing habitat area associated with the Stage II discharge regime is expected. Total chinook rearing habitat areas during the early summer weeks under the Stage II flow regime are expected to be slightly less than under the natural flow regime (Table E.3.2.43). By mid-summer (after Calendar Week 27),the ranges of habitat areas available in each week will be nearly the same as under the natural flow regime as depicted in Figure E.3.2.88. Under natural conditions,juvenile chinook become prevalent in mainstem affected areas after the early part of July,beginning in Calendar Week 26,(See Figure E.3.2.37).The apparent reduction in total suitable habitat area available in June under the Stage II flows occurs when few chinook juveniles are expected to be present in the mainstem affected areas and,the apparent loss of available habitat is not expected to affect the juvenile populations. As observed for the Stage I flows,variation in the amount of habitat available from week to E-3-2-193 --_.--.---_.- 851021 week and year to year would be less during Stage II operation than under the natural flow regime. The median chinook rearing habitat in Representative Groups 2,3,and 4,however,is expected to be greater under the Stage II operational flow regime than under the natural regime.Median (50 percent),90 and 10 percent exceedance values of habitat area in the three groups under Stage II flow conditions are presented in Table E.3.2.93,together with the habitat areas estimated for the natural flow regime.These are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.89.The range of available habitat areas is somewhat less during the early part of the summer,corresponding to the filling period for Watana Reservoir.Later in the summer,once the Watana Reservoir is filled,the median and range of habitat area is nearly the same as under natural conditions._ During the winter months,the probability that juvenile chinook survive through the winter is expected to increase from the Stage I flow regime.Al-though discharges during the winter months in Stage II will be simelar to those in Stage I,the ice front is not expected to --""'-~~progress-as--farupset-ream (s eed-i-scuss-ion-o f Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regime presented below).Thus,some additional habitat sites which.may be used by juvenile chinook for overwintering wilJ not be subjected to overtopping due to staging of the water surface. Hence,juveniles inhabiting the sites will not be subjected to O°C,high velocity water.Also, .....!J~~g!_Ilg~1.l__~h~J~_~=£gy~:re d ....._:r.~c:l Cl:l_..!S .~:lCJ)E!C~E!<i ..._..~()._ be less than during Stage I operation with the ---.-----result that srEes In the -lce covered reach wiTt----- not be as likely to overtop or if they do overtop,the volume of water diverted through the site will be less.A more complete discussion of the ice processes during Stage II is presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4~2~3~.The effects of ice processes on juvenile chinook are_discussed in more detail in Section 2.3.Le.ir~Effeets6fAlteredTemperature/Ice Regime. E-3-2-194 ..) .) ,.) ,I :,) 1.1 IJ \...- , I 851021 Chum Spawning Habitats (**) Additional changes from those expected during Stage I operation in factors affecting chum spawning habitats are not expected to occur as a result of the transition from Stage I to Stage II operating flow regimes.As discussed previously,little change in the discharge regime is expected in the transition from Stage I to Stage II (Table E.3.2.91).Hence, conditions for chum access into spawning habitats will be similar to that described for Stage I.A summary of access conditions at passage reaches affected by mainstem discharge during Stage II operation is presented in Table E.3.2.94.Access conditions at natural discharges during August and September are also presented in the table for comparison. Total chum spawning habitat areas for average weekly discharges in August and September were calculated using the 34 years of average weekly discharges anticipated under Stage II operation. Translation to total spawning habitat areas were based on the habitat area response curve for the modeled chum spawning si tes presented in Table" E.3.2.47 and Figure E.3.2.59.Probable habitat areas exceeded 90,50 and 10 percent of the time were calculated for each week in August and September.These values are presented for the Stage II flow regime in Table E.3.2.95 and are depicted graphically in Figures E.3.2.90. Comparison of these habitat areas with those presented for total chum spawning habitat areas during Stage I (Figure E.3.2.77)demonstrates that the total habitat areas available during the spawning period in those sites traditionally used by chum under the natural flow regime will be somewhat less during Stage II than during Stage I operation.The available spawning habitat will be nearly the same as that observed under natural flow conditions (presented in Table E.3.2.95).In addition,the week to week and year to year variation in chum spawning habitat during Stage II will be nearly identical to that observed for the natural flow regime. This is due to the fact that the Watana Reservoir is expected to be refilled by the first part of August each year with subsequent E-3-2-195 average weekly discharges approaching natural flows. Analysis of the chum spawning habitat availability in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 during Stage II operation yields similar results.Spawning habitat areas derived using the aggregate Representative Group habitat response curve presented in Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63 are presented in Table E.3.2.96 arid are depicted in Figure E.3.2.91. The median habitat areas expected to be available in Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 during Stage II operation are nearly the same as those expected during Stage I operation.As wi th the previous'analysis'of chum spawning habitat in modeled sites,the week to week and year to year variation in the availability of spawning habitat will be greater during Stage II than during Stage I operation and will approach that variation observed under the natural flow regime. Survival of chum salmon embryos during the incubation period is expected to be similar to that expected under Stage I.'!his is i.ndicated by the habitat area values for suitable spawning habitat in the modeled chum spawning sites during.t.he .•Q(:t.ob"e,"t'.andNo..Y_emh"er.p.e,"t'i.Qd,p"t'es.ented in Table E.3 ..Z.97 in comparison with the values fo r Stage I operation presented in Table E.3.2.79.Habitata:reas in the modeled sites for the natural flow regime are'also presented in Table E.3;;2.97 "for comparison.Habitat areas for the Stage II flow regime,presented in Table E.3.2.97,are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.92.During Stage II operation,. '-e-ssent:ially"n<f"vafi"at'ion is'evident ..in'thechUfil ......,,---''.---".,,,.---,----.,,.--------'s'p'awn-ing-h'a'bitat-a-re'a-avai-l"a'b,te'-fo'r-inc'ub'arion' of the embryos during October and November. This is due principally to the ability of the Stage II operation to consistently meet the energy needs of the system. ;( ,I '1 ( ~~l l 1 \ l ( 1 :l ) 851021 Similar.results are obtained using the habitat area response curve for chum spawning habitat "'area.~·in:Representa.1::FveGroups 2,3 and 4 (Table E.3.2.48).The 90,50 and 10 percent equalled or exceeded habitat areas included in the three representative groups for the Stage II flow E-3-2-196 I J \ i II i I I, '_,J 851021 regime are presented in Table E.3.2.98 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.93. Some increase in the survival of chum embryos in some sites is expected as a result of changes in the ice processes associated with Stage II operation compared with Stage I operation (Exhibit E,Chapter 2 Section 4.2.3).Since the ice cover is not expected to extend as far upstream during Stage II as expected during Stage I,some spawning areas that were subject to overtopping as a result of staging,will be less likely to overtop under Stage II.Also, sites located in the reach expected to become ice covered will be less likely to over top because staging is expected to be less than during Stage I • •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Because the discharge regime during Stage II is expected to be nearly the same as that described for Stage I,no additional effec ts due to altered flow regime to other evaluation species/habitat combinations are expected. Hence,the changes to habitats described for Stage I will be maintained through Stage II.The prolongation of habitat conditions associated with Stage I is expected to benefit the various species/habitat combinations by providing long term habitat stability. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regimes (***) Differences between water temperatures under natural conditions and under project operation conditions are more pronounced during Stage II operation than under Stage I operation at all locations within the middle Susitna River.These differences are depicted in Figures E.3.2.94,E.3.2.95 and E.3.2.96 for RM ISO,130 and 100,respectively. The regimes depicted in these figures represent the expected temperatures assuming discharges expected During Stage II operation.The estimated temperatures also assume climate and flow conditions recorded during 1981 and 1982.The expected temperatures at other locations in the E-3-2-197 middle river through the summer using the same climate,flow and demand assumptions are .presented in Tables E.3.2.99 and E.3.2.l00 for 1981 and 1982 respectively.Because river temperatures expected under Stage I operations are nearly the same as natural conditions,the temperature changes induced by Stage II operation represent the major project induced changes in summer temperatures which could affect the utilization of aquatic habitats by various fish species.At RM 150,near the mouth of Portage Creek,summer.water temperatures are expected to be 2°to 6°cooler than under natural or ,Stage I operating conditions from May through July.In August,with-project temperatures are similar to natural.From September through mid- November,water temperatures will decline but at a much slower rate than under natural qr Stage I conditions.Thus,temperatures are expected to be 2°~6°C warmer.During the period November through March,water temperatures are expected to be between 1°and 2°C with no ice forming in the upper end of the middle.river. AtRM 130,cool water temperatures are maintained from May through July •Differences between natural and Stage II operation range from 2-4°C cooler. After October,water temperatures are 2°to 4° warmer.Through the winter,water temperatures are expected to be less than 1°C mos t of the time withoccasToiiaIperlodsof=-O~oc water in~the mafnstem: During Stage II operation,an ice cover may occasionally format RM 130 as depicted in the ice simulation presented in Figure E.3.2.97. At RM 100,near the confluence of the Chulitna River with the Susitna River,water temperatures are expected to be 2-3°c cooler during Stage II ...~-----~------·---------than--naturaI-tempera tures--fo rthe .May-July-o-After -__..~--m-id""'Sep.tember-,-,-wa-ter-temp e-rca-turce.-i-s-ex-pected-to-be~---.. 2-5°C warmer until mid-to late November (See Figure E.3.2.96).Ice.cover is expected to form in the lower portions of the .middle river in late December and will remain in the area until late March,at which time the ice cover will melt out (SeeFigure~.3.2.9Z).From the end of March until the beginning of May"water temperatures are likely tobel~2~C'tYarlIler.~~than_undernatural conditions. As with the other locations in the middle reach and as under Stage I conditions,the seasonal temperature pattern is expected to be shifted about 1r I J 'f.lfi'!-- ) 851021 E-3-2-198 I, f 851021 one month later in the season than under natural conditions.This is due principally to the large time required for Watana reservoir to gain and lose heat relative to the natural stream,which is shallower and better mixed than the large reservoir • •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Juvenile Chinook Rearing Habitats (***) During operation of Stage II of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,water temperatures during May to July are expected to be 2-6°C cooler than under natural conditions.These cooler temperatures could affect j.uvenile chinook rearing by retarding the growth rates of those fish occupying mainstem associated habitats such as side channels.However,based upon size data collected in tributary habitats, juvenile chinook which remain in the tributaries generally grow to somewhat larger sizes than those occupying side channel and mainstem habitats (See Table E.3.2.10).Water temperatures in tributary habitats are generally 2-4°C cooler than mainstem temperatures between May and July,similar or slightly cooler than mainstem temperatures in August,and slightly warmer than mainstem tempertures in September and October (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 2.3.l{c).Brett (1952)suggested that although most rapid growth 0 f juvenile sockeye fed to satiation occurs at approximately 15°C,juvenile growth efficiency (i.e.conversion of food biomass to fish biomass)is probably greater at some lower temperature.The observed difference in growth between juveniles in tributary and juveniles in mainstem habitats could be accounted for through higher growth efficiency or more food available.Water temperatures in side channel rearing habitats are expected to be more similar to tributary water temperatures and,therefore,juvenile chinook incremental growth could approach that observed for juveniles in the tributaries.Specific growth rate for a population is highly dependant upon ration (food available),the temperature regime to which they are exposed and inherent physiological adaptations.Hence,statements E-3-2-199 851021 regarding the effects·of temperature on juvenile chinook cannot be conclusive.Based on temperature tolerance curves developed by AEIDC (l984b),water temperatures are expected to be within tolerance ranges through the summer (Figure E.3.2.98). During winter months,juvenile chinook generally move into side slough habitats to overwinter. In the upper reaches of the middle Susitna mainstem and side channel habitats will remain at I-3°C throughout the winter,similar to water temperatures in unbreached side sloughs under natural conditions.Therefore,the warmer water released from the Devil Canyon Dam is expected to increase the total habitat area with water temperatures in a.more amenable range for survival through the winter months.Downstream from the action of the ice front,side slough ha.bitats will be the only areas likely retaining water temperatures greater than O°C.However, ···becauseo,fthe staging associated with ice cover formation,many of the sloughs may be breached as depicted in Table E.3.2.101.Survival of juvenile chinook could be reduced in side sloughs which are breached and convey O°C mainstem water. Outmigration~o.£j.u~eniLe_chinook.from tributaries intomainstem areas and ultimately out of the middle river would not be to significantly impacted by the cooler temperature.Some delay in outmigration from the middle river due to the lower mainstem temperature may occur (AEIDC 1984a).However, the delay is not expected to be sufficient to lead to excessive mortality of juvenile chinook Tn Elie'lower-ii"ver·or Til"Ene riia rine· Effects on Chum Spawning/Incubation Habitats (***) Upstream migration of adult chum salmon into the middle·,river·gener·ally occurs be tween late JlilyartdlateAliglist.During this period,water 'temperatures "are-generally expected to be within the natural range of temperatures.During the early part of the migration season,however, somewhat cooler temperature may re tard the rate E-3-2-200 ,1 'J \" J i 1I ) \\} 851021 of upstream migration to some extent.Because chum salmon tend to remain in mainstem areas for sometime prior to moving into spawning habitats, this retardation is not expected to adversely affect spawning activity.Once chum salmon move into side slough habitats to spawn (i.e. Representative Groups 2 and 3),water temperatures are expected to be similar to temperatures encountered prior to construction and operation of the reservoirs.It is likely that a key factor in chum salmon selection of spawning sites is the temperature difference between the surface water temperature and the temperature of the water in upwelling areas. Since groundwater upwelling temperatures average from 2°C to 4°C,temperature differences will still be detectable and,therefore,spawning activities are not expected to be adversely af fec ted. Incubation of chum embryos in side sloughs is not expected .to be adversely affec ted by mainstem temperatures unless the spawning area is breached as a result of staging associated with the ice cover.Breaching of spawning areas due to ice cover formation is expected at most sites downstream from the location of the"ice front.The maximum upstream location of the ice front is at approximately RM 133 in an average winter and may be a few miles downstream or upstream in a warm or cold winter, respec tively. Breaching of a site between RM 100 and RM130, if it occurs,will occur beginning in late December and subside in mid-March at the lower reaches in an average winter.The duration of overtopping may be a few weeks more or less in a warm or cold winter,respectively.Further upstream,the breaching will occur somewhat later and will subside somewhat earlier as de- pictedin Figure E.3.2.96 and Table E.3.2.l01. In the upper reach affected by ice cover forma- tion,a particular site may be breached two or more times in a single winter,e.g.Slough 8A, located at RM 126.0,may be overtopped twice given the ice progression and recession depicted in Figure E.3.2.96.If the chum embryos are sufficiently developed prior to a breaching event,no significant effects on development of E-3-2-20l the embryos or mortality is anticipated due to altered temperatures as discussed in Section 2.3.l.c.ii. If ice formation and subsequent breaching of the site occurs early in the season,some excess mortality and possible developmental abnormalities may occur.However,the mortality and abnormal development associated with such events is not expec ted to be greater,overall, than under natural conditions.This is due principally to the fact that sites upstream of RM 133 are not expected to be breached with zero degree mainstem water and,hence,no mortality due to zero degree water intrusion,freezing of the substrates or dessication is expected under pro j ec t cond i tions • •Effects On Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Upstream migration of adult chinook salmon into the ,middle reach occurs in late June and July. During this period,temperatures due to Stage II operation are expected to be the most different from natural water temperatures.Some delay in the rate of ups tream migrat ion is expec ted. However,the range of temperatures expected is wi thin ..thetoler.ance~-range for~adultchinook migration (Figure E.3.2.98)and,therefore,the adults are expected to reach the tributary spawning habitats within the normal time period. Upstream migratl.on of adult spawning sockeye salmon may be delayed slightly as a result of the altered temperature regime due to Stage II __'.....____,_.9per_a~i0.!l._~.!~_ver...L the mains tem temperaturesexpected'cfurl.ng .S ta geII"op-eratIon-arewrthlnthe-- '~'------tolerance range ror migration of"SocKeye --(Figure E.3.2.99). Spawning and incubation of sockeye adults and embryos occurs exclusively in side slough and side channel habitats (Representative Groups 2 and'3).Since <spawning and incubation habitats for sockeyeare'coincident wi th chum spawning and ",'TilcubatiOu'hab'itats",the effects of the''altered temperature and ice regimes on sockeye are expected to be the same as those described for chum. .J ,.j I ,1 "'1I" I J . J 851021 E-3-2-20 2 ,1 851021 Juvenile sockeye remain in side sloughs,move to upland sloughs or outmigrate to the lower river after emerging from the natal areas.For those juveniles which move out of the natal areas into upland sloughs,water temperatures in the mainstem may retard or inhibit the movement. However,once into upland sloughs,water temperatures are independent of mainstem temperatures (ADF&G 1983k,1984u)and,therefore, no effects on rearing or overwintering are expected.Effects on juvenile sockeye which move out of the middle river are discussed in Section 2.3.2.c.iii.Mainstem temperatures throughout the summer months are expected to be within the tolerance range for juvenile sockeye (Figure E.3.2.99).However,some delay in the outmigration of Age 1+sockeye.could result~from the lower temperatures (AEIDC 1984b).However, the delay is not expected to result in increased mortality of juveniles in the salt water environment. The rate of upstream migration of coho adults may be retarded to some extent as a result of the reduced water temperatures attributable to Stage II operation.However,spawning of \:he .."adult coho in tributary habitats is expected to occur within the time frame spawning occurs under natural conditions. Redistrihution of juvenile coho fro~the tributaries into upland sloughs may be delayed to some extent because of the cooler mainstem water. However,because mainstem temperatures are expected to be approximately the same or slightly warmer than tributary water temperature,no adverse effects on the redistribution is expected.The range of mainstem temperatures is expected to be within the tolerance range of coho juveniles (AEIDC 1984a;Figure E.3.2.100).Since water temperature in the upland sloughs is independent of mainstem water temperature (ADF&G 1983k,1984u)changes to mainstem water temperature due to Stage II operation are not expected to affect coho rearing and overwintering. Outmigration of juvenile chum salmon generally occurs over a two month period in June and July. Juvenile chum generally outmigrate relatively E-3-2-203 slowly and grow to some extent prior to leaving the middle river (ADF&G 1983m,1984c,1985c). The lower water temperatures resulting from operation of Stage II may slow the rate of outmigration to some extent and may reduce any growth which may occur in the middle reach. Expected temperatures in the middle river are within the tolerance range for juvenile chum (AEIDC 1984b)(Figure E.3.2.l0l).Because juvenile chum do outmigrate relatively slowly under natural conditions,a delay in outmigration from the middle river of 1-2 weeks is not expected to have significant ad verse effec ts. Also,since outmigrating chum salmon range in size from newly emergent fry approximately 49 rom) to approximately 65 rom total length,a reduction in the growth rates in'the middle reach is not. expected to adversely affect the population.If additional growth is necessary to promote survival of the juveniles in saltwater, additional growth is likely in habitats associated with the lower river (ADF&G 1985c). As with the other salmon species,upstream migration of pink salmon is expected to be delayed somewhat as a result of~the lower mainstem temperatures associated with-Stage II operation.During operation of Stage II,water temperaturesthrough~thesummermonths~are~. expected to be within the tolerance range for .pink salmon migrat ion.(AEIDC 1984b)(Figure E.3.2.102),henceany'de1ay in the upstream migration due to temperature effects is not expehted to cause significant changes in the spawning period of pink salmon.The majority (more than 95 percent)of the pink salmon spawning and incubation occurs in tributary "'habrta-tsWh-ich'-wHTno'thearfectec!'hy'maTiisfeIli"' --_.__.__..._~-_.------,---,--.---,------------.temp'er at,ures.OU tmigrat-ion of-p~nk-juveniles------- occurs in late May and early June immediately after breakup of the ice cover under natural conditions.Since the river is expected to be ice free as early as late March,outmigration of pink juveniles is not expected to be adversely affected.Even though mainstem temperatures in May and June are expected to be 2-6°c lower than natural,it is expected that the mainstem temperatures will still be higher than the tributary temperatures.Hence,outmigration of 1 '1 } ',j ..1 ,J 851021 E-3-2-204 851021 juvenile pink is not expected to be adversely impacted during Stage II operation. Rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling generally move into tributary habitats to spawn and rear during the summer months.Therefore, the expected lower mainstem temperature will not affect these species.During the winter months, adults and juveniles of all these species move into mainstem and mainstem associated habitats. Since water temperature in much of the middle river will be higher than under natural conditions,temperature induced changes in survival rates of rainbow trout,Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling are not expected to be detrimental when compared to natural conditions. Project induced thermal changes may even enhance survival of these fishes. Little is known of the effects of temperature on burbot growth,spawning and incubation.Lower summer temperatures could retard growth of burbot.However,since burbot are found in large lakes within the area,where they would e~perience lower water temperatures,the lower temperatures are not expected to adversely affect the population.Similarly,warmer temperatures in the late fall and winter,particularly upstream of approximately RM 130,are not expected to adversely impact the population. -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (***) The effects of an altered suspended sediment regime during Stage II Operation conditions will be similar to that described in Stage I Operations (Section 2.3.1.c.ii).Estimated suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity values expected in the discharge from the Devil Canyon Reservoir during Stage II operation are presented in Table E.3.2.102.The major change is that Devil Canyon Reservoir will trap additional portions of the suspended sediment discharged frm the Watana Reservoir.Average annual turbidities downstream will be slightly less than during Stage I Operations (Table E.3.2.86). Also,concentrations of suspended sediment will be slightly less during Stage II (Table E.3.2.102) than during Stage I operations (Table E.3.2.86). E-3-2-20 5 The direct effects of the suspended sediment concentrations on fish in mainstem and peripheral habitats will still be stressful,but are not expected to be lethal.Vertical illumination will slightly increase due to slightly lower turbidity. The reduction in suspended sediment concentration and turbidity will allow more extensive periphyton and epilithon colonization along shallow riffles and margins of the mainstem channel and in shallow peripheral habitats chronically inundated with turbid water. In general,detrital,primary and secondary trophic levels will be slightly enhanced in middle river habi~ats over the produc tion expected during Stage I operation.Peripheral habitats not chronically affected by turbid release waters are expected to . be as productive or more productive at most trophic levels during Stage II operation compared to productivity during Stage I operation.The major reason for this is the net removal of increasing _a,IIlQ~nl::~_gtf:i.tl~paJ::l:::i.culates from the surficial streambed substrates. As previously described,tributary habitats will not be affected by Stage II or any other operational flows from the project. -Effects of Other Water Quality Changes (***) No additional water quality changes due to Stage II operations are anticipated to cause biologically important habitat changes within the middle river reach. Dissolved and particulate organic materials of allochthonous origin are expected to increase in concentration during-the-fil-lingand-theearly -------.-..------.------oper.,.at-iona-I---year.-s-o-f-De:v-i-I-Canyon--Resel:-voi-r-.----These concentrations of organic materials will gradually decline in waters released from Devil Canyon as their rate of erosion and leaching from the newly inundated impoundment zone decreases.Long term effects associated with these increased organics areexpec:tecL_to_be n.egligi.ble wi.th respect to aquaticbiologicalconnnunities located downstream. J I i J ·1 j ;J 851021 E-3-2-206 ..------_..._._.._-_.-._-....._--_......."......-._------- 851021 (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime Stage II (***) As discussed in Section 2.3.2.c.ii,little change in the discharge regime in the lower river is expected between Stage I and Stage II operation. The lack of difference in the discharge regime is due primarily to the limited storage capacity in Watana Reservoir.The discharge regime during Stage II operation will,however,be different from the natural discharge regime.Monthly average discharges at the Sunshine and Susitna Station gages during Stage II operation are presented in Chapter 2 Section 4.2.3.a.Maximum,minimum and mean averaga monthly discharges are summarized here in Table E.3.2.103 for the Sunshine S.tation and in Table E.3.2.104 for the Susitna Station.The same values for the natural flow regime are presented in the tables for comparative purposes • •Effects on Principle Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Because the discharge regime in the lower river during Stage II'operation will be nearly the same as during the Stage I operation,no· additional effects,attributable to the altered flow regime are expected.Changes to chinook rearing habitats (Table E.3.2.89)and chum spawning habitats in the lower river between natural and Stage I flow regimes will be maintained through Stage II operation • •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) As discussed above,no additional changes to the other evaluation species/habitat combinations are expected as a result of Stage II operational flow regimes.Habitat conditions influenced by ma ins tem discharge for other anadromous species life stages and resident species are expected to remain the same as during Stage I operation (See Section 2.3.1.c.iii). -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regime (***) Water temperature differences between Stage II and Stage I operation downstream from the E-3-2-20 7 851021 Chulitna River confluence are expected to be , considerably reduced due to the influence of the colder water in the Chul itna and Talkeetna Rivers. Differences of up to 2°C during the summer are expected and are within the natural variation occurring in the reach (see Tables E.3.2.81 and E.3.2.82 and E.3.2.99 and E.3.2.100).During the fall,warmer than natural temperatures will prevail until late October or early November.After that time,water temperatures are expected to remain at O°C through the winter with an ice cover forming throughout the lower reach.Initial formation of the ice bridges in the lower river is expected to occur at approximately the same time as under natural conditions.Progression of the ice front upstream from the Yentna River to Talkeetna will progress somewhat slower.The ice front is expected to reach Talkeetna in late December. Because temperature differences between Stage I and Stage II operation are not expected to be significant,no impacts to salmon,other anadromous fish or resident fish resulting from temperature changes are expected.Principal habitats used by various life stages of salmon are more likely to be influenced by other factors such as tributary temperature and slough temperatures which are independent of mainstem water temperatures (ADF&G 1985d,1985g). -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (***) Conditions in the lower river during Stage II Operations are essentially like those described for Stage I Operations (Section 2.3.1.c.iii)except that the.suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity values are expected to be lower. Dtrecfeffec t-Son-'iTsh'wln.st i 11 be st:res s £ur~buE ··----notletlia~Lower 'troplficlevels are expectea--to' be more productive than natural conditions during June through August,but less productive than during natural conditions from September through May.The indirect effects of changes in the temporal regimes of the lower trophic level activities'on·the 'fisheries populations is unknown.The rnost d~tri,lI1enta1 effec ts envisioned .....are"p<j'teH:ft'ial-r'educt'ii:>nff'in .annual prima ry and secondary biomass production in relatively deep and chronically turbid mainstem and large side channel habitats. E-3-2-208 J .1 -Effects of Other Water Quality Changes (***) No additional water quality changes (other than those previously mentioned)due to Stage II Operations are anticipated which would cause biologically important habitat changes in the lower river reach. (iv)Cook Inlet Estuary (***) Lower suspended sediment concentrations and lower turbidities will enter the Cook Inlet estuary on a continuous basis due to Stage II Operations than for Stage I.No important biological effects are presently anticipated.-Because of strong water currents and high ion concentrations in the inlet,riverine borne particulates will be relatively rapidly dispersed,diluted and precipitated. Cd)Summary of Impacts Associated with Devilt>:.Canyon Stage II Dam (**) (i)Construction Impacts (***) ·As with Stage I Watana Dam,the m9st significant long-term impact associated with Devil Canyon Dam will be the increase in fi~hing pressure.Other impacts resulting from construction activities will be transitory and are not expected to significantly affect fish populations. (ii)Reservoir Filling (**) Filling the Devil Canyon reservoir will inundate portions of clear-water tributaries,two of which (Tsusena and Fog Creeks)presently provide summer I habitat within the reaches to be inundated for,i approximately 1100 gray ling longer than 8 inches (20 cm)Table E.3.2.24).Aquatic habitats in the reservoir are expected to support more productive resident fish populations than those in the Watana reservoir because of the timing arid magnitude of the annual draw-down cycle.The reservoir will be filled while maintaining Case E-VI flow constraints downstream.Downstream impacts are not expected during this period. 851021 E-3-2-209 (iii)Operation Impacts (**) No significant impacts (other than those imposed by filling)are expected upstream from Devil Canyon Dam.The reservoir is expected to support very limited populations of lake trout,Dolly Varden, Arctic grayling,burbot,whitefish,and longnose sucker. The most significant downstream impact resulting from the addition of Devil Canyon Dam will be the change in winter water temperature,which will result in the maximum ice front extent to be near RM 133 in an average year as compared to RM 139 in Stage I.The maximum upstream extent of the ice .cover may be a few miles downstream or upstream of this in a warmer or colder winter,respectively (Exhibit E"Chapter 2, Section 4.2.3(c)(ii).The river stage in the open-water reach will be lower than the stage present under an ice cover.This ,.change will reduce available habitat in areas that previously formed an ice cover,as was discussed for impacts associated with Watana Stage I Dam (Section 2.3.1.c). With the addition of impacts of Devil Canyon Dam, .habitats between Talkeetna and Cook Inlet are not expected to increase over conditions for Watana Stage 1. 2.3.3 -Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitat Associated With Stage III -Watana/Devil Canyon Dams (***) Stage III of the development of the Sus itna Hydroelectric Projec t will consist of raising Watana Dam such that the normal minimum operating water surface elevation is at el.2,185.The Watana reservoir is expected to begin filling in year 2011 and the Stage III will become operational in 2012.Once the reservoir is full ··~·~----atfd--(Yp'era·tional-;-the'proje'c-t···-wi'U;--be--nearty-~the~'s-ame--~as-the'-~---"'" .-.....---_.--.'--~--~·-comple·ted-proJec·t-de·scribed----in-the-ori-gi-n-a'l----r..icense-App-l--ica·t-ion·..._- (APA 1983b). Impacts on aquatic habitats as a result of construction of the Stage III WatanaDam will be of lesser magnitude than those occurring during the construction and operation of Stage I or Stage ..II •.LittLe.ornoinstream workwilLberequired and the support facilities will already be in place.Filling of the reservoir to e1.2,185 will req uireapproximately three to seven years and will increase the effects of the Watana Reservoir further upstream in the mainstem and tributaries. 1,! 1 \ :.\ I ,( .1 'j 851021 E-3-2-210 .J (a)Construction Impacts Stage III (***) (i)Watana Stage III Construction Effects (***) The period of construction considered for the proposed Stage III Watana Dam consists of those activities related to the initial lowering of the reservoir to allow for the raising of the dam,the spillway and the intake structures and the raising of the reservoir to el.2,185 feet.An additional 27.5 million cubic yards (21.1 x 10 6 m3 )of material will be required to construct the Watana Dam to its ultimate height of el.2,205 feet.During the construction of Stage III,river diversion will not be required.Operation of the power facilities would continue during construction of Stage III. -Alteration of Water Bodies (***) The greatest alteration of aquatic habitat during construction of Stage III Watana Dam would again be the borrow activities at Borrow Site E at the mouth of Tsusena Creek.The degree of change will depend on the mining procedure used to remove the-. material needed to comple te th is stage of the. project.Removal of riparian and~upland material will increase the surface area of the lake created;c by Stage I mining activities;a dredging operation will result in a deepening of the lake •.Both operations will result in temporary increases in turbidity and sedimentation in the lake,the introduction of small amounts of hydrocarbons from equipment,and a permanent change in the geomorpholo'gy 0 f the lake.BMP manual guidelines and techniques (APA 1985a)will be incorporated into contractual documents to ensure that the environmental goals of the Applicant are met. -Water Quality Changes (***) The movement of fill materials and the process of constructing the Stage III dam will contribute to an increase in turbidity and sedimentation. Introduction of material into the mainstem Susitna River will be less severe than during Stage I due to the smaller total volume of material deposited for dam construction.Some material will settle out in the Watana Reservoir,further reducing the influx of material into the mainstem Susitna River. Some material will pass downstream during 851021 E-3-2-2l1 851021 construction but most of this will become trapped in the Devil Canyon Reservoir preventing .any increase in siltation or sedimentation rates in anadromousfish habitats downstream. The production of concrete for raising of the spillway and power intake,and for grouting will generate.concrete-batching waste water.Adjustment of the pH of this waste water will be necessary to prevent detrimental effects.on fish populations and habitat.The measures that will be taken to minimize concrete contamination of the water during Stage II construction are discussed in Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.3.1Cc)(vii). The possibility of contamination of waterbodies by petroleum products is similar to that.during Stage I construction.Fuel leaks,vehicle accidents,and handling of hazardous materials (sol vents, antifr~eze,hydraulic oil,paints,waste oil,and, grease).are possible sources of petroleum c:ont:.l3.mJtlat:i.()Il~,.B~.!n§.tlu.l3.:.t techniques and guidelines (APA 1985b)incorporated into contractual .documents will reduce or elminate the possibility of impacts from these sources. -Other Effects on.Fish Populations (**) ______.,~c"(Vithd-Eawa~.2.L~~J:e::s_H_0!!1=~~~a.~_s()tl'J:'~~~~()y.:_... production of concrete,processing of gravel,and dust control could result in entrainment and impingement of j:uvenile fish.Use of low volume pumps equipped with proper intake screens will minimize the numberq f,£ish affected.Dewatering fish habitat in either the summer or winter low flow period could occur,but will be minimized by pumping from streams .with relatively high flows. ·-Nocc-ins·E-l"eam-bl·as·t-i-ng-,-i-s-e.u'l:-l"ent-ly····pl·anned.•................---....,...... Blasting for areas 500 feet or more from streams may occur.Such blasting may disrupt normal fish behavior temporarily,but no mortalities are anticipated.Secondary e~fects of blasting may include increased tUJ:'bidity and siltation of str.eamsby loosened.dirt and dust.The extent of such effects wquldciep~ndupon the location and amount Of·bl a.stirig~.:....~_c ••••• E-3-2-2l2 J 1 (ii)Operation of Stage III Watana Camp,Village and Airfield (**) During peak construction activities for the Stage III Watana Dam,facilities to house approximately 2,000 people are anticipated.The same facilities used during Stage I will be reopened for Stage III. A 6,500 foot permanent airfield will be available for use during Stage III construction. Impacts associated with reopening the camp will be significantly less than during its construction. -Alteration of Water Bodies (***) Operation of the camp and airfie~d is.not expected to result ~n the alteration of waterbodies. Water for camp use will again be withdrawn from Deadman Creek,with little or no impact on fish habitat (see Section 2.3.1.ii)• .-Water Quality Changes (***) During camp operations,the most significant impacts on water quality will result from discharge of treated wastewater into Deadman Creek,oily and silty runoff from the camps,water used for dust control,and accidental fuel spills.Section 2.3.1 (ii)describes these impacts in details. (b)Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of Filling Stage III Watana/Devil Canyon (***) Filling of Watana Reservoir from el.2,000 to el.2,185 will require approximately three to seven summers to complete. During this period of time,discharge from the reservoir will be maintained within the E-VI constraints.During the filling period,effects of the reservoir will be extended upstream in the mainstem and tributary habitats.Downstream of the project,the effects will be similar to those encountered during operation under Stage II.Therefore, detailed discussions of the habitat conditions in the reservoir and downstream from the project are presented in Section 2.3.3.c,Effects of Operation of Stage III Watana/Devil Canyon Dams.A brief description of the filling of Stage III Watana Reservoir is presented here. 851021 E-3-2-213 851021 (i)Watana Reservoir Filling (***) During the operation.of Stages I and II,the annual refilling of the Watana Reservoir was complete when the reservoir water surface elevation reached el.2,000 ft.After the reservoir was filled excess inflow was released downstream.Once the Watana Dam is completed to its full height,the inflow, previously released,will be stored and the water surface will be allowed to rise to el.2,185 ft. Because the storage volume in the upper 185 ft.of the reservoir is quite large,it will require three to seven summer filling cycles to raise the water surface to the maximum level.As the reservoir is filled above el.2,000,additional mainstem tributary and lake habitats will be inundated.Since the reservoir and dams will be operated to generate power during this period,the effects of the impoundment are appropriately discussed in Section 2.3.3.c.i.A comparison of the area td be inundated once the reservoirach ieves el.2,185 with the reservoir area at eL'2,000 is presented in Figure E.3.2.103. (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (***) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime (***) Discharge from Watana and Devil Canyon Dams will -------rema-:i:n~~wi-th-in~t;he Gacse-E-V-I--f10wc0nst.'Eai-n,ts throughout the filling of the Stage III Watana Reservoir.However,flows wi 11 generally be near the Case E-VI minimum constraints during the summers'of fi 11 ingas water normally released through the outle t works will be.used to raise the water level in Watana.Because the project will remain operational during filling discussion of the ...:i,!!1P.li_c:::ts.~:i,U_J;>,~_!:h ~_,~.!i~_....a s ,_t;h.!i.~__()_~~_~E:~.,~E~_l:.a~_~_<:)E.a_l effec ts.Therefore,the effects of the al tered flow regime on the principle evaluation----~----~-- species/habitat combinations and the other evaluation species/habitat combinations in the middle river are discussed under the effects of operation of Stage III in Section 2.3.3.c.ii. "-"'Effectsof Altered Temperaturellce Regime (***) "'fiiiii'ng EheiTiTli ng'o£'St-a-ge-tITWa tifi:i8 Res e tva it ; the capacity to selec t the water temperature to be discharged will be maintained and the outlet works releases will be minimal.This,in E-3"';'2-214 J 1 '\ r .851021 combination with the flows which are redcued from operation of Stage II will result in warmer downstream temperatures in the summer than in Stage II (see Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.3.2(d)(i». Because the project will be operational during the filling of Stage III,discussions of the temperature differences and the effects on evaluation species/habitat combinations are appropriately presented as part of the effects of Stage III operation in Section 2.3.3(c)(ii). -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (***) The Stage IiI filling process involves raising maximum reservoir surface stage from el.2,000 MSL to el.2,185 MSL.During the three to seven year filling period for Watana Stage III,the project will still be generating power.During the Stage III filling process the maximum Watana Reservoir water surface elevaeions may increase by between 75 and 25 feet per year each year the rate decreasing with each year as filling approaches the range between el.2,000 and el 2,185.Erosion of particulates from the fluctuating reservoir shorelines is expected to contribute an additional unquantifiable amount of suspended sediment and turbidity to the reservoir water.At present this addition of suspended particulate material is expected to be minimal when compared to that derived from riverine influents. As a consequence of the previously mentioned ercosive actions,slightly increased levels of suspended sediment and turbidity will be measureable in waters released from the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs during Stage III filling. However,the effects on the downstream aquatic biological community are expected to be negligible and relatively shortlived.In general effects will be similar to those discussed under the Stage I filling and operations sections. -Effects of Other Altered Water Quality Factors (***) No additional water quality changes,other than those previously discussed in Exhibit E, Chapter 2 and previous sections of Chapter 3,are expected during Stage III-Filling.Effects on E-3-2-215 851021 aquatic biological communities downstream from the Devil Canyon Dam are expected to be negligible. Increased concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC)and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)are expected to occur in downstream releases due to inundation,erosion,and leaching of a110chthanous organic matter from newly inundated shorelines. Increased organic matter concentrations in project releases will likely serve as an additional nutritional base for detritus processing microbial and macroinvertebrate populations in downstream riverine habitats.The effects of the increased organic nutritional base,however,are not expected to be long-lived in relation to the project's operational lifetime.,nor are the effects expected to be quantifiable with respect to the riverine fish community. _(iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) -Effects ·o·f Altered Flow Regime (***) Effects of changes to the flow regime in the lower river during filling of Stage III Watana Reservoir will be essentially the same as the effects of operation of Stage III.The effects of the altered flow regime during filling of Stage III Watana-Rese,y;voir--in'-cthe~10wer-riv-erare,-therefore, appropriately discussed in Section 2.3.3.c.iii. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regimes (***) As discussed previously in Section 2.3.3.b.ii, water temperatures in the middle river and, therefore,the lower river are expected to be somewhat warmer during filling and operation of '-"'SEageIII-tiian-<fu ring"'op eratIon-'o'fSta-ge--fI . Because the projec t wl.Il continue-operation-Enrougn the filling of Stage III Watana Reservoir,the effects of altered temperature/ice regimes on aquatic habitats in the lower river are appropriately discussed in Section 2.3.3.c.iii of Stage III of the project. -Effects of Altered-Suspended Sediment Regime (***) During the months of May through September the suspended sediment concentrations of the middle river reach will be less than the normal amount of E-3-2-216 1 1 851021 suspended sediments occurring under natural conditions.With-project flows from the ~iddle ri ver reach may dilute TSS concentrations downstream of RM 96 during the summer.Changes in the suspended sediment regimes in habitats in the lower river during May through September,however, are not expected to be biologically significant because of the influence of the Chulitna,Talkeetna and other glacical tributaries. During the winter the suspended sediment concentrations and turbidities of the middle river reach will be greater than the natural levels. With-project flows from the middle river reach will increase TSS concentrations and turbidity values downstream of RM 96.However,the biological effects of the TSS concentrations during the winter are expected to decrease with increasing distance downstream from the mouth of the middle reach (RM 98.5)because of the dilution by the relatively clear water from the lower river tributaries. Biological effects are expected to be limited primarily to riverine habitats directly affected by mainstem flows and ice processes. Direct effects on resident and rearing juvenile fish are expected to be stressful,but not lethal. Indirect effects to fish because of changes at lower trophic levels are both unpredictable and unquantificable. Tributary habitats,as previously noted,will not be affected by Stage III-Filling. -Effects of Other Altered Water Quality Factors (***) Additional water quality changes due to Stage III-Filling that have not already been disc~ssed, which will cause biologically significant habitat changes within the lower river reach. As previously discussed,concentrations of POC and DOC are expected to increase in lower river habitats inundated by riverine flows which are influence by Stage III-Filling releases.The anticipated increased organic matter concentrations in lower river aquatic habitat will likely serve as an additional organic nutritional base for microbial and macroinvertebrate detritus processors.As discussed previously (see middle E-3-2-217 river discussion sections),these effec ts are expected to be short-lived in relation to he. project's operational lifetime and their effects are expec ted to be negligible wi th respect to the lower river fish community. (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***) StageTII-Fillng effects on the Cook Inlet estuary area at the Susitna River mouth are expected to be 1 imited to mildly increased fertilization of biological production during the winter.The mild fertilizationeffec t is expec ted to be due to nutrients associated with the suspended particulates carried to the estuary by constantly turbid riverine flows. As discussed previously,high marine environment ion concentrations and relatively strong inlet currents will rapidly disp.erse,dilute and precipitate the suspended particulates.Ecological effec ts on the inlet are expected to be minimal. (c)Anticipated Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of Operation of Stage III Watana/Devil Canyon Dams (***) The impacts on aquatic habitats during operation of Stage III of the Susitna Project are continuations of the impacts associated with Stage II.Some changes to the reservoir operatlons·wInbeimpIem.~nEedas'de-scrrbedTii Sect fon'--- 2.3.3.c.i,below.Changes to the flow regime will result from the increased capacity to generate power as a result of StageIII.The flow regime,however,will remain limited by the Case E-VI constraints. (i)Impacts of Stage III Watana Reservoir Operation (***) ------···-Gomple--t-ion-o·f-t-he··Scta·ge-;-I-I-I-Wa·t-ana··nam··w-i·l·l---ra-i·se··the--········_·· reservoir to a normal maximum water surface el.of 2,185 ft MSL,the same elevation proposed in the original License Application (APA 1983b).The Stage III Watana Reservoir will-increase the total inundated reacllesof theSusitna River to 48 miles (54 miles along the river ·befo re impou nding)•The lengths of reaches of,the four named tributaries af:fectedby=th e"Sfage:r:reservoi rwi l.lbe.increa sed and the lower portions of two additional tributaries, Goose Creek and Oshetna River,will be affected (total of 11 mi additional).TWenty-four additional .~.­"j J 1 J 851021 E-3-2-218 ./- 851021 lakes and ponds will be inundated by the higher Watana Reservoir including Sally Lake,a 55 acre lake located near the confluence of Watana Creek with the Susitna River.The maximum surface area of the Watana Reservoir will be increased by 17,000 acres to a total surface area of 38,000 acres.The Stage III reservoir area is depicted on Figure E.3.2.103. The drawdown-refill cycle of the Stage III reservoir will be similar to the cycle described for the Stage I reservoir.A major difference is that the maximum drawdown under Stage III will be 120 ft.rather than 150 ft.This difference is due p.rimarily to the larger volume of water per foot of depth with higher water surface elevations in the reservoir.The average rate of drawdown in the reservoir will be decreased to 0.5 ft.per day and the average rate of rise in the surface elevation during refill will decrease to 1.0 ft.per day.A schematic of the drawdown-refill cycle in Watana Reservoir during the early years of Stage III operation and _when the project is operated at full ..capacity in later years of project operation is presented as Figure E.3.2.104. Devil Canyon Reservoir will also be drawdown periodically in a manner similar to that de,scribed for Stage II operation.A schematic of the expected drawdown of the Devil Canyon Reservoir in early Stage III operational years and late Stage III operational years and is presented as Figure E.3.2.l05. With the increased length of the reservoir due to construction of the Stage III Watana Dam,the deposition of sediments will occur primarily the newly inundated reaches of the Susitna River. Deposition and redistribution of the sediments will be similar to those described for the Stage I Watana Dam and Reservoir.Turbidity in the larger reservoir will approximate that described for the Stage I reservoir.Turbidity in the downstream portion of the reservoir may be somewhat less than with the Stage I due to the increased storage capacity and the consequent increase in the residence time of the water. The water temperature regime in the larger Stage III reservoir will be similar to that described for the Stage 1. E-3-2-2l9 -Effects on Mainstem Habitats (***) With the raising of the Watana Reservoir,mainstem habitats,upstream to approximately RM ,will be inundated.Additional burbot,and longnose sucker habitats will be inundated with end results similar to those described for the Stage I reservoir.Also,additional overwintering habitats for Arctic grayling and Dolly Varden will be lost as a result of the impoundment. -Effects on Tributary Habitats (***) At the maximum water surface elevation of the Stage III Watana Reservoir at el.2,185 ft.MSL,the reservoir will be extended further into the tributaries previously affected by the Stage I Reservoir.Also,the Stage III Reservoir will affect two additional named tributaries.The locations,lengths and gradients of the tributaries affected by the Stage III Reservoir are summarized in Table E.3.2.l05..The,increases from the Stage I and Stage II reservoir in the lengths of the tributaries affected by Stage III are also presented. Although the total lengths of tributaries inundated by the reservoir will increase after Stage III is complete.d:,~the ..lEmgtb_sQ:L the .tJ"i.butal:'i.~lLwithJn the drawdown zone will be less.This is because the reservoir will not be drawn down as far. Summaries of the tributary lengths in the drawdown zone that are permanently inundated are presented in Table E.3.2 .105. Based upon the estimated populations of the Arctic grayling in the tributaries under natural ·con.ditions-an···addiEiona14;-OOO-fislf·win-be .~_-~--_-..--.-----.~-----_..-.-a-ffc:fc-te-d-by-rars-ing-Wae-ana-Res-ervoi-r-to--el':'.·-2,1~85~;-~---- Most of the additional fish affected by the higher reservoir inhabit the Oshetna River and Goose Creek.The actual populations affected by the Stage III reservoir will be dependent,in part,on how well grayling populations succeed in the Stage I Reservoir. 1 .\ 851021 E-3-2-220 I) 851021 -Effects on Lake Habitats (***) As stated previously,24 additional lakes and ponds will be affected by the St~ge III Reservoir.The only lake known to support fish populations is Sally Lake.This lake has populations of lake trout and grayling that appear to be stunted (ADF&G 1981f,1983b).Since grayling populations are not usually associated with glacial lakes or turbid water,they will likely be lost.Lake trout will be able to survive in the reservoir if an adequate food base exists.Lake trout are found in glacial lakes,incl uding Chakachamna and Kontrashibuna Lakes (Bechtel Civil and Minerals,Inc.1981, Russell 1980),with physical characteristics similar to those expected in the Watana reservoir. (ii)Devil Canyon to Talkeetna (***) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime (***) When Watana Dam is raised to its full height,the Watana Reservoir maximum water surface elevation will be raised to el.2,185.Since this additional height will greatly increase the storage capacity of the reservoir,the capacity of the project to regulate discharge in the river will also be increased.During the early years of operations of Stage III Watana Dam (i.e.once the reservoir is filled),the discharge regime is expected to be quite similar to that experienced during Stages I and II.This flow regime is characterized by some annual variation in discharge wi th somewhat higher discharges occurring in the summer months than in winter months.As the demand for energy increases, discharge from the Watana/Devil Canyon Dams will gradually assume a more constant discharge through the year.In other words,discharge during the winter months will gradually increase as demand for power increases.Additionally,demand for power during the summer months will also increase.As a result,more of the inflow to the Watana Reservoir will be required for generation of electric power. Hence,the time required for refilling the reservoir during the summer months will be extended and the mean discharge during the summer months will gradually decline toward the minimum flows allowed by Case E-VI.When the demand for power reaches the total capacity of the project, discharge from the dams will be nearly constant E-3-2-221 851021 through the year as indicated by the discharge presented in Table E.3.2.106 for the late years of Stage III operations. The flow regime associated with initial years of operation of the Stage III project is represented by simulation of project operation given a forecasted energy demand expected to occur early in the Stage III operational period.For this purpose,an annual energy demand 0 f 6,100 GWH and an average annual energy production from the project of approximately 5,540 GWH was used in deriving the expected from regime of Gold Creek. Average monthly discharges from the project for the 34 years of record are presented in Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.3.3.a.The possible maximum, minimum and mean average monthly discharges at Gold Creek for this demand level are summakized in Table Eo3.2.106. It is expected that the demand for power will reach maximum capacity of the project sometime between the years 2030 and 2040.In order to evaluate the discharge regime when the project reaches its maximum production capacity,an annual energy demand of approximately 8,300 GWH were and a maximum average annual energy production for the system of approximately 6,850 GWH were selected for ._--.e-val-ua-t~i0n-·0·f-·the·f.1-0w-1'-eg·imeass0ciated-·wi-th··the- maximum energy production possible from project operation.possible average monthly discharges at Gold Creek for this demand level are presented in Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.3.3.a. Maximum,minimum and mean average monthly flows at Gold Creek for late Stage III operation are summarized in Table E.3.2.l06.-.---'.'--_...---.--_....__..•..,...._--_.-_.- .·-:-·E-HectsonPrIncipa1~riiatioo·specIeS7HaDiE~it-­ Combinations (***) Chinook Rearing Habitats (***) Total chinook habitat areas for the summer ·-months were·derivedby translating the weekly average discharges at Gold Creek for early Stage ........······III-lind·Tate .Stage·III··demand·levels·into habitat areas,using the chinook rearing habitat area response curve presented in Table Eo 3.2.46 and Figure E.3.2.64.As discussed previously, E-3-2-222 -1 -j j .l , j 851021 total habitat areas are calculated only for the summer period,June through September. During the early years of operation of Stage III,the total chinook r.earing habitat area will be similar to that available during Stage I and Stage II operation.Total habitat areas which are 90 percent likely,50 percent likely,and 10 percent likely to be equalled or exceeded given the forecasted energy demand during early Stage III operation are presented in Table E.3.2.107 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.106.Habitat areas estimated for the natural flow regime are also presented for comparison. Comparison of these values with those presented in Table E.3.2.74 and Table E.3.2.92 indicates that no immediate change in the total chinook o rearing habitat area during the summer months is expected with initial operation of the Project. As discussed previously,for Stage I and II,the total chinook rearing habitat area in the middle river during initial Stage III operation is expected to be slightly less than what is available under natural conditions during the first half-of the summer.Again,by mid-summer, when juvenile chinook become prevalent in mainstem affected areas,the range of habitat areas available in these areas will be nearly the same as under the natural flow regime (See Figure E.3.2.106).However;the week to week and year to year variation in total habitat area is expected to be somewhat less under the early Stage III flow regime than under the natural flow regime. As the demand for power increases through time, summer discharge in the middle river is expected to decline to an average of approximately 10,000 cfs through the summer (Table E.3.2.106).Even with the gradual decrease in the summer flow regime,ototal chinook rearing habitat area is expected to remain relatively the same through the summer.Total chinook rearing habitat areas that are 90 percent,50 percent and 10 percent likely to be equaled or exceeded,given the forecasted Stage III flow regime when the project is operating at maximum capacity,are presented in Table E.3.2.108 and are depicted E-3-2-223 graphically in Figure E.3.2.107.Comparison of the habitat area values for the late Stage III flow regime with those for the early Stage III flowiregime indicates a very slight reduction in the median habitat areas available through the summer period.The major difference between the habitat area values for early and later Stage III operation is the reduction in the year to year variation in the amount of habitat available.This is evident particularly during the months of July and August (Weeks 28-34).It is important to recognize here that the apparent reduction in the h.abitat area available from early Stage III to late Stage III will occur gradually over 15~20 years.Hence,it is likely that the juvenile chinook population will adjust to the change with no appreciable adverse effect.Again,it is emphasized that the equivalent habitat area values resulting from this analysis only indicate the amount of habitat area.available for use by juvenile chinook and does not make any prediction as to whether or not all of the area will be utilized. A somewhat di fferent trend emerges if only the habitat areas included Representative Groups 2, 3,and 4 are considered.Translation of the ...·early··S·~age I-FE·flow regime intohabi-tatareas were made using the habitat response curve for the three r'epresentative groups presented in Table E.3.2.46.Median,90 percent and 10 percent exceedance values of habitat area in the three representa.tive groups resulting from the translaHons are presented in Table E.3.2.l09 and are depicted graphically on Figure E.3.~!JQ~•..gQ1!1p~:cJ..~()tLQtthE!l;E!Yc:JJllE!$w.ith . similar values for the natural flow regime,also .....~~..__..--'~---"-'---"--~~~presented in TableE.3.2.l09,8ndforthe S~tage-· I and Stage II flow regimes indicates that habitat for juvenile chinook rearing will be greater under Stage III project operation than under the natural flow regime.A notable feature of the rearing habitat areas is that ..·there'isessentially-no week to week and year to year variation<expected during the first part of ....-...the ··summe-i'-Cthiougo",.'rulY)dtiiirig·£herefiI fing period.Considerably more variation is expected during the later part of the summer. .\ ,I 851021 E-3-2-224 851021 Similar results are obtained for the flow regime expected late in Stage III operation,·once the energy production from the project reaches capacity.Median,90 percent and 10 percent exceedance values of habitat area in Representative Groups 2,3,and 4 are presented for late Stage III operation in Table E.3.2.1l0 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.l09.Again,total rearing habitat areas available in the three representative sites will be greater than under the natural flow regime. The reduction in week to week and year to year variation,observed for the first part of the summer in the early Stage III operation,is extended through the entire.season.Hence,it is expected that not only will the available rearing habitat be greater under project operation,but the availability will be more reliable t-han under natural conditions. During the winter months,Stage III discharge in the initial years of operation will be similar to that described for Stages I and II.A difference that will be observed during the first years of Stage III operation is that the ice front wi 11 form somewhat :later and wi 11 not progress as far upstream than during-·Stage II.1:1 As a result it-is expected that overwintering habi tats used by juvenile ch inook in the ice free reach of the Middle Susitna River will increase because more of the habitat will not be affected by ice.Consequently,survival of the juveniles could increase. In the reach of the river with an ice cover, staging of the water surface elevation associated with the ice cover will not be as great as during Stage I or Stage II and, therefore,the likelihood that overwintering habitat areas will be overtopped and influenced by O°C water will be less.As discharges increase during the winter months with the long term increase in the energy demand,the progression of the ice front is expected to decrease both in rate and in upstream extent. Hence,the duration of the open water period in the reach will gradually increase and the effects of staging will decrease.In addition, particularly in the upper portion of the middle river upstream of RM 130,backwater areas at the E-3-2-225 851021 mouths of overwintering habitats will increase due to the higher mainstem discharges-during the winter.Also,in areas adjacent to ice covered reaches of the mains tern,rates of groundwater upwelling will be greater (APA 1984d). Consequently,it is expected that overwintering habitat areas will be greater than during Stages I,II and the initial years of Stage III once the energy production from the project reaches capacity.These habitat areas are also expected to be greater than those available under natural conditions.The overall result is that overwinter survival of chinook juveniles is expected to increase. Chum Spawning/Incubation Habitats (***) During the initial operating years of Stage III of the project,chum access conditions,and spawning and incubation habitats will be nearly~ the same as that described for Stages I and II of the p.roj ect. Access at the mouths of sites traditionally used by chum for spawning are expected to be nearly the same as conditions,~during Stages I and II. The status of.access at selected sites in the middle river during initial Stage III operation, ~".r~e.p_re~~ent_ed.Qy~t..-l:l.e rangg ..QfgiJi~hJ:!.J::gSLa~.p~c teg during early Stage III operation (Table E.3.2.106),are summarized in Table E.3.2.111. The status of access for maximum,mean and minimum ayerage monthly discharges in August and September which occur naturally are also provided in the table for comparison.Based upon the evaluation of passage conditions presented in Table .E.3.2.111,6 passage reaches ...······wil1·.·····present·m6re·~di"fficurt-c·ondi~tionif···than ·-.-n.a.tural-----fo·r~a-·me·an-di:scharge-ye-ar-±n-·Augus·t-;~._ _-.. Only one reach will be more di ffi cul t during Stage III operation than during natural mean flows in September. As the demand for energy increases,average monthly "discharges..during Augus t and September, represented by the discharges for late Stage III,areexpected·to decrease.Consequently, access conditions at many of the mainstem affected passage reaches in the selec ted spawning habitats will deteriorate.The status E-3-2-226 j l 851021 of access conditions at the selected passage reaches given the possible maximum,mean and minimum average monthly discharges in August and September expected during late Stage III operation are summarized in Table E.3.2.111. Based on these analyses,over half (14)of the 24 passage reaches will present more difficult conditions than natural under mean discharge conditions in August.six reaches will present more difficult conditions in September.When maximum discharge conditions prevail,seven and four passages reaches in August and September, respectively,will present more difficult conditions.Under minimum flow conditions,no difference in access conditions between late Stage III and natural are expected. The availability of chum spawning habitat area during the initial Stage III operation, represented by the probable discharges associated early Stage III operation,is expected to be approximately the same as uuring Stage II operations.Weekly average spawning habitat area for the early Stage III flow regime in August and September were calculated from the average weekly discharges and the total habitat response curve for sftes traditionally 'used by - chum salmon for spawning and were included in the modeled sites (Table-E.3.2.47 and Figure E.3.2.59).The weekly average habitat areas that are 90 percent,50 percent and 10 percent likely to be equalled or exceeded given the energy demand and average energy production in early Stage III are presented in Table E.3.2.112 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.110.Comparison of these values with those presented for Stage II operation (Table E.3.2.95 and Figure E.3.2.90)indicates that, initially,little change in the available spawning habitat area from Stage II is expected during the initial operation of Stage III.The spawning habitat area available in the traditional spawning sites during the initial Stage III operation will be nearly the same as that available under the natural flow regime. These are also presented on Table E.3.2.112 and Figure E.3.2.116 for comparison.Also,the range of week to week and year to year variation during the initial Stage III operation will be E-3-2-227 nearly the same as that which occurs naturally and under Stage II operation. As the energy production from the project reaches capacity,represented by the energy demand and average energy production expected during later Stage III operation,average dis- charge from the project in August and September will be less (Table E.3.2.l06).The total chum spawning habitat area in the modeled sites will also decline.The total·spawning habitat area in the modeled sites expected to be equalled or exceeded 90 percent,50 percent,and 10 percent of the time are presented in Table E.3.2.ll2 and depicted on Figure E.3.2.lll.Once the energy production from the project reaches capacity during late Stage III operation,the spawning habitat area in the modeled sites will,on the average,be less in August and will gradually increase through September.A major difference in the availability of spawning habitat area is .that more habitat will be available 90 percent of the time,represented by the bottom line in Figure E.3.2.l06.This is due principally to the fact that peak flows,greater than the optimum flow,will be reduced in frequency because the filling of the reservoir will be achieved later in the year.Hence,high flows __~.~.in Augus t ~wil Lbestored.in the rese't'voi~r·rat:heI;' than released downstream as was done during Stages I and II.The result is that the week to week and year to year variation in the spawning habitat area will be less than that expected duririgStages I and II and during the initial years of Stage III operation. A similar analysis was conducted using the..."'--cntilnsp'awrii ng·liabTt-.iErespon·securvefor ···sItes···· ..~._-_._~_---"'-'''--'''---incluaea-~inRepresentative 'Groups Z;~-3ancCq:-- presented in Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63. The total habitat areas in August and September likely to be equalled or exceeded 90 percent,50 percent,and 10 percent of the time early and late in Stage III operation are presented in Tabl.e E.3.2.H3 and are depicted graphically in FigtJresE.3.2.1l2 arid E.3.2.1l3,respectively. As'discus sed for the spawning habitat in the modeled sites,the total habitat area available in the three Representative Groups is expected to decline slightly as the flows change from l 1 851021 E-3-2-228 I 851021 early Stage III to late Stage III ope~ation. Also,the range of week to week and year to year variation,particularly during August,is expected to decrease from early to later Stage III operation as more time is needed to refill the Watana Reservoir. The effects of the Stage III flow regime on the incubation of chum embryos are similar to those described for Stage I and II.As described for the other Stages of development,the total area that will be maintained through the early winter months for incubating chum embryos during the first years of Stage III operation will be similar to that maintained in Stages I and II. Again using the assumption that spawning area is a good estimate of incubation area for chum embryos,the total habitat areas that are 90 percent,50 percent and 10 percent likely to be equalled or exceeded in the modeled chum salmon spawning sites (Table E.3.2.46 and Figure E.3.2.59)under the early Stage III discharge regime were calculated.The results are presented in Table E.3.2.1l4 for the months of October and November and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.1l4. With the increase in the demand for energy,the winter discharge regime will gradually increase. As a result,the availability of area in the modeled sites having suitable conditions for incubation will also iricrease.This is indicated by comparing the habitat areas 90,50 and 10 percent likely to occur given the late Stage III flows with same values for early Stage III discharges in October and November.The habitat values for the late Stage III flow regime are presented in Table E.3.2.1l4 and are depicted graphically in Figure E.3.2.115. Another facet of the spawning/incubation habitat area,given the discharge regime expected during late Stage III operation,is that habitat available for spawning in August and September, even though it is less than that available earlier in Stage III or under natural conditions, will be maintained at a constant level into the incubation period.Hence,habitat sites where embryos are deposited will not be as likely to dewater or freeze as under natural or earlier E-3-2-229 project operational regimes.This is because under th~other regimes,discharge declines from the August-September period to the October-November period.Under the late Stage III flow regime,habitat area available for spawning in August and September will be retained in October and November.Hence,the survival of chum embryos is expected to increase. Another factor leading to the conclusion that the survival o~the embryos is expected to increase is that the ice front is expected to move into the middle river later and not extend as far upstream during Stage III as under the natural Stage I or Stage II flow regime.~Hence, the ice-free habitat area upstream of the ice front is expected to be greater than under the other flow regimes.Consequently embryos present in the sites are not as likely to be subjected to the diversion of O°C water into the sites. Downstream of the ice front,staging effects are expected to be less during the late Stage III flow regime than the early Stage III flow regime or other flow regimes and,hence,the embryos depo~ited in sites within the ice covered reach ...'are·less-Hke·ly-c-to-be affected-by overtopped conditions. Ana~ysis of the incubation areas using the agg~~g~te sp~w~ing habitat response curve for Representative Groups 2,3 and 4 (Table E.3.2.48 and Figure E.3.2.63)leads to conclusions similar.to those observed for the modeled sites • ...._.........._..'_'_._..____1'oh!itl.rrabi.t.g..t_jH·.~g.~_il:l_th~th!:~~._R~R~8.~§nl:g..l:tv.8.. __.__._.~__._.______Groups expected to be equalled or exceeded 90 .-----·-percent·;-50 percent .andlOpercent·Ofthelu- early and late during Stage III operation are presented in Table E.3.2.1l5 and are depicted in Figures .E.3.2.116 and E.3.2.117 respectively • •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat .•CQlIlbitja t iO Ill3 ••.(***) ·:1 851021 ····fhellabi"t.aEcoiiditions for other evaluation species/habitat combinations are not expected to be changed from Stage II as a result of the initial operation of Stage III of the projec t. E"'3-2-230 il I ' l 851021 Hence,the habitat conditions described for Stages I and II will be maintained into Stage III operation. The gradual decline of summer mainstem discharges and the gradual increase in winter discharges (Table E.3.2.106)are not expected to affect overwintering juvenile salmon,salmon embryos or resident fish species.Hence,the additional changes to these species/habitat combinations associated with the flow regime when the project is operated at maximum capacity are not expected to be significant. -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regime (***) With Watana Reservoir at el.2,185,and as project energy demands increase and late summer outle t works releases are reduced,the capacity 0 f the Project to regulate theLtemperature of the water released from Watana Reservoir will be increased. The temperature of water released from Devil Canyon Dam during early Stage III will be slightly lower than for Stage II during the July to October period and slightly higher than for Stage II during the December to April period.During late Stage III the Devil Canyon1release temperature will be slightly warmer than Stage II in June and July, slightly cooler than Stage II in August and September,and warmer than for Stage II in December through April.Release temperatures in late Stage III will be closer to natural than in Stage II or early Stage III. Expected water temperatures at several locations in the middle river through the summer months are presented in Table E.3.2.116 and E.3.2.117 for the natural flow and climate years 1981 and 1982, respectively.The temperatures presented in these tables are estimated assuming the flow regime expected late in Stage III operation.Comparison of these tables with the similar tables for natural (Tables E.3.2.83 and E.3.2.84),Stage I (Tables E.3.2.81 and E.3.2.82),and Stage II (Tables E.3.2.99 and E.3.2.100)conditions illustrates that,in general,temperatures are expected\to be 2-3 °c higher than under Stage II operation July and slightly cooler in the August to October period.Stage III temperatures are slightly cooler than Stage I temperatures during the'May through E-3-2-231 851021 August period and slightly warmer the rest of the year.During Stage III higher temperatures are expected to persist somewhat longer in the September through November time frame than during Stage I operation.Winter temperatures are expected to be higher than for either Stage I or II by about 1 0 c. The prolongation of warmer water releases in the fall will,in turn,delay the formation of ice cover in the winter.Initial ice cover formation in the middle river is expected to occur 4-6 weeks later than under natural conditions and 2-3 weeks later than under Stage II conditions.Simulation of ice cover formation,progression and recession, assuming the 1981-1982 winter climate,is presented in Figure E.3.2.1l8.This simulation is for late Stage III operation and an average winter.The ice front was simulated to extend upstream to RM 114. Depending on cl~matic conditions,the ice front's maximum upstream extent would be a few miles upstream or downstream in a cold or warm winter, respectively (Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.3.3(c)(ii)). In conclusion,water temperatures in the mainstem during operation of late Stage III are expected to b~higher than Stage II mainstem temperatures in ~June-atid·-Ju-1y--and·cooler-than·Stagerr-inSeptember- and October.Higher temperatures are expected to persist longer in the fall during Stage III operation than during Stage I.Ice cover is expected to form later in the fall and recede earlier in the spring under Stage III operation than under Stage II.Finally,the maximum upstream progression of the ice front during late Stage III .()p~:t"~l:.i ()11 ..:i.~..~P~.fJ;~c:LJ;o _Q~..!!Qlllih.ZO_Jlli.1eJL downstream of the limit expected during__[l:.§l_g_~.II __. operation • •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Effects on Juvenile Chinook Rearing Habitats (***) --The--expecfea·Iiicreasesin maitist:em water temperatures from Stage II operation to Stage III operation are expected to benefit juvenile chinook salmon inhabiting side channel habitats E-3-2-232 J I.j 851021 (Representative Groups 3 and 4).The warmer temperatures may promote growth proce&ses of the juveniles to some extent.However,as discussed in Section 2.3.1.c.ii,specific conclusions regarding the effects of altered temperature on chinook growth cannot be made. Overall,impacts of the changes in water temperatures associated with Stage III are expected to be less severe than those expected under Stage II and the response of juvenile chinook rearing is expected to be similar to that described for Stage I operation. Similarly,effects on juvenile chinook overwintering habitats in side sloughs and side channels (Representative Groups 2 -and 3)are expected to be similar to those described under Stage I and Stage II operation.A-major difference is that overwintering habitats located downstream from the ice front are not as likely to be overtopped as under Stage I or Stage II operation.Estimates of sites in the middle river expected to be breached during Stage III operation given the 1981-1982 winter climate conditions are presented in Table E.3.2.118.These are compared with the sites expected to be breached during operation of Stage II under similar climatic conditions. Upstream of the ice front,survival of juvenile chinook during the winter is expected to be greater than under natural conditions as described in Section 2.3.I.c.ii. Effects on Chum Spawning and Incubation Habitats (***) The effects of the altered temperature/ice regime during Stage III of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project operation are expected to be similar to those described for Stage I arid Stage II of project operation.The major di fference is that chum salmon embryos deposited in sloughs and side channels upstream of the expected ice front progression under Stage III but within the potentially affected reach during Stage II will be more likely to survive than under Stages I or II conditions. E-3-2-233 •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitats Combination (***) The changes in water temperature/ice regimes associated with Stage III of project operation are expected to affect the other species/habitats combinations in a manner similar to those described in Sections 2.3.1.c.ii and 2.3.2.c.ii. Th.e prolongation of higher water temperatures in the fall and the reduced progression of the ice front upstream in the winter will further enhance the effects described previously for the other salmon species and resident fish.No additional effects to upstream migration,spawning and incubation,rearing and overwintering or outmigration are expected. -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regimes (***) Downstream water releases during Stage III operations are expected to be less turbid and to contain less inorganic suspended sediments than water releases during other project operational conditions.Total suspended sediment concentrations and estimated turbidity levels under Stage III operations are presented in Table E.3.2.119.,.During the ,open water season of May through September the middle river mainstem flows _______________shoulLbe somewhat~ess~turbid_,_andthe_sus_pended sediment concentrations are expected to be substantially reduced relative to natural conditions.During the October through April season,.however,the project water releases are expected.to contain greater than natural concentrations of suspended sediments and turbidity values. Thed iieEE ef fecfa-of-p roje-cf-induceda:rter~i"tio-ris-- ------of-tlie TS-S-ana---turoi<i-tey----regimes--t-o---j uv-enit-e-"rn-a---- adult fish in the middle river reach are expected to be stressful,but not lethal during any seasonal period.Juvenile and adult fish which are chronically exposed'to turbid mains tem flows are expected to survive.The indirect effects to the -fish -communi-ty'of--disturbances of detrital,primary p:t'gdtlcerand sec:ondaryproducer trophic levels by .-the----alteredsedimentregime are'presently'uncertain and unquantifiable. 'j .J ] 851021 E-3-2-234 1 IIJ II 851021 It is anticipated that most salmonid spawning and incubation subjected to chronically turbid conditions will be substantially curtailed. Mainstem and peripheral habitat spawning and incubation sites not protected by clear upwelling flows and subjected to chronically turbid mainstem waters fall into this category. -Effects of Other Altered Water Quality Changes (***) No additional water quality changes attributed to Stage III operations are anticipated to cause biologically significant habitat changes within the middle river reach. (iii)Talkeetna to Cook Inlet (***) -Effects of Altered Flow Regime (***) In general,the flow regime in the lower river during Stage III Operation is not expected to be significantly different from the flow regimes described for Stages I and II.The gradual increase in winter discharge and decrease in summer discharge described for the early and late Stage III flow regimes in the middle river will be reflected in the respective flows regimes in the lower river.Summaries of the maximum,mean and minimum average monthly discharges expected at the Sunshine Station during early and late Stage III operation are presented in Table E.3.2.l20. Summaries for the Susitna Station in the lower river are presented in Table E.3.2.12l • •Effects on Principal Evaluation Species/Habitat Combination (***) Chinook Rearing Habitats (***) During Stage III-Operation in the lower river, chinook rearing habitats will be approximately the same as that described for Stages I and II. Habitat areas in side channel and side slough habitats are expected to be slightly greater than under natural conditions.Habitat areas in tributary mouths are expected to be less than under natural conditions.This is evident from the comparison of the average discharges at Sunshine presented in Table E.3.2.120 with the E-3-2-235 851021 aggregate habitat quality relationships provided for lower river modeled sites in Figures E.3.2.83 and E.3.2.84.A summary of the estimated rearing habitat indices for side channel side slough complexes under the natural flow regime and the Stage III flow regimes is presented in Table E.3.2.l22.Estimated rearing habitat indices for tributary mouths are also presented for the natural and Stage III flow regimes in Table E.3.2.122. The slightly greater discharges during the winter months for the late Stage III flow regime are expected to increase the survival of juvenile chinook in overwintering areas for the reasons discussed for the middle river habitats in Section 2.3.3.c.ii.Hence,no significant changes to chinook rearing habitats are expected to occur in the lower river between the Stage II and Stage III flow regimes. Chum Spawning/Incubation Habitats (***) As discussed previously,little chum spawning activity occurs in habitats influenced by the lower river mains.tem discharge.Hence,the changes in habitat conditions associated with the Stage III operational flow regime are not -expected to affect chum-spawning popuLations L •Effects on Other Evaluation Species/Habitat Combinations (***) Because the differences in flow regime between Stage II and Stage III in the lower river are not great,effects of the Stage III flow regime to other evaluation/species/habitat combinations are····not·_·expecTecl-Fo--oe-significant: -Effects of Altered Temperature/Ice Regime (***) During operation of Stage III of the project changes in the temperature and ice regimes from those expected during Stage II operation are expected-tobeminimab,-Therefore,the e·ffects on Evalitation species!hal>itat combination in the lower -~riverar-enot expected-to··differ from those expected during Stage II operation.Summer temperatures are expected to be within the ranges present under natural conditions principally E-3-2-236 j. [) I , [1 I because of the influence of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers.Winter ice processes will, likewise,be similar to those experience during Stage II. Overall no additional effects beyond those described in Sections 2.3.l.c.iii and 2.3.2.c.iii are expected which are attributable to changes in water temperature. -Effects of Altered Suspended Sediment Regime (***) Conditions in the lower river during Stage III - Operations are essentially like those described for Stage II -Operations (Section 2.3.2.c.iii) except that the suspended sediment conce~trations and turbidity values are expected to be lower. Direct effects on juvenile and adult fish will be stressful,but not lethal.Lower trophic level biological activities are expected to be more productive than during natural conditions during May through September,but less productive than during natural conditions from October through April.The indirect effects of changes in the temporal regime of biological activities of the lower troph ic level organisms on the fisheries popul at ions is unknown.. -Effects of Other Altered Water Quality' Factors (***) Stage III -Operational conditions are not expected to cause major water quality changes other than those previously discussed which would be of biological significance to riverine habitats within the lower river reach. (iv)Estuary at Cook Inlet (***) As previously discussed,all project filling and operational conditions are expected to cause continuous (i.e.during all seasons)riverine transport of suspended sediments to the river estuary at Cook Inlet.Ecological effects on the estuary are expected to be minimal,as previously discussed in sections regarding Stage I and II. 851021 E-3-2-237 851021 (d)Summary of Impacts Associated with Stage III Watana Dam (***) (i)Construction Impacts (***) The effects of construction of the Stage III Watana Dam will be significantly less than those during Stage I and Stage II,since project roads and the camps will be constructed prior to the beginning of this stage.Some transitory impacts,such as increase in turbidity and sedimentation of local waterbodies,will occur during the excavation and movement of the dam fill material.These are not expected,to have a significant effect on fish populations. Increased fishing pressure without specific harvest regulations will continue to affect local fish population. Borrow Site E will create a lake at the expense of ripariananduplandhabita.t...Rehabilitation measures will be undertaken to convert this lake into productive aquatic habitat. (ii)F.illing (***) The primary impact associated wi th filling of the .-.Watanac c~S_tag.e_iILrce_sj~.rxo_Lr:.Lw.il1_Qe__the~ddi.hiQl:l~J loss of clear water tributory habitat.The incremental loss of gray ling is ~stimated to be at least 8,800.The reservoir is not expected to provide any replacement habitat. Flows downstream of Devil Canyon Dam will remain within the CaseE-VI flow .constraints throughout the fi llingprocess.Wi th increased storage,the .'capab i Iity-oftliiiFP-foTec~ttoregura:te-d(YwnErEre-am _..---ftows--wil-1-be--gre-at-ty-in1':r-e-a-sed-;--~-A-s-pro-j-e-ct--energy----·------ production'increasesandoutlet works releases are reduced water temperatures can be regulated to be more closely aligned with the natural temperature in the summernionths.Warmer releases are expected to persist longer into the fall (September to November) wicthicecover -··formation occur-ring later and receding earlier irlthe spring.These conditions are expected ------to--benefit---d-owns tream fisheri-e-s'resourc es.- E...3-2-238 >1 r] J ] ,;.] ] (iii)Operation (***) Potential impacts are expected to be similar to those for operation of the Devil Canyon Dam (see Section 2.3.2.c)and those for filling of Watana reservoir (see previous Section 2.3.3.b.i).Case E-VI flow constraints will be followed throughout operation. Measures implemented in Watana -Stage I will continue to mitigate for impacts. 2.3.4 -Impacts Associated with Access Roads,Site Roads,and Railroads (**) (a)Construction (**) (i)Construction of Watana Access Road and Auxiliary Roads (**) The main access to the Watana damsite will be from the Denali Highway (APA 1982a).The Watana access_ road will depart the Denali Highway at Milepost 114 and will run 41.6 miles (69.3 km)south to the dam and campsites (Figures E.3.2.14 and E.3.2.lS).The northern portion of the route traverses high, rolling,tundra-covered hills.The road will cross numerous small streams such as Lily Creek,Seattle Creek,and Brushkana Creek (Table E.3.2.21).The northern streams,which are part of the Nenana River drainage,contain grayling and other resident species.The southern part of the road will cross and para~lel Deadman Creek,which also contains grayling and other resident species. The gravel road will have a crown width of 24 feet (7.3 m).Before road construction is begun,a corridor at least 10 feet (3 m)wide on either side of the road itself will be cleared. Short access roads will be needed to reach material sites and disposal sites.The locations and alignments of these auxiliary access roads will be determined when material sites and disposal sites are identified during final road design. Prior to access construction,ADOT/PF plans to upgrade the Denali Highway from Cantwell to Paxson. Upgrading will include straightening road curves, improving bridges,and topping the road with more gravel. 851021 E-3-2-239 851021 Within the project area,the Denali Highway crosses several small drainages,side channels of the Nenana River,Edmonds Greek,and Jack River.Jack River contains grayling and the Nenana River in this region supports several species of resident fish (Table E.3.2.56)• Arty bridge work or straightening associated with road upgrading will have the potential to cause impacts similar to those resulting from new construction. Extension of culverts in pI aces where the road is widened could affect fish passage. -Alteration of Water Bodies (**) Stream crossings can be a cause of adverse impacts. Bridges and culverts used to cross streams containing primarily grayling on the main access road need to be properly sized and bedded to ensure fish passage.This subjec t is discussed further in Section 2.4.3.Other causes of adverse road con- sfructiorii1ll.pactsc8.n result··from the following: •Clearing (**) Areas of dense or tall vegetation will have to be cleared before road building begins.In some upland areas with tundra vegetation,clearing -~--w~:ttl-b-e--TIf1n~:tttfa-I-.--Cb:arrng-causes degradation of habitat when: o Cleared areas near streams and lakes are not stabilized alld erode into the water body; o cleared material is pushed into water bodies causing blockage of fish movements,deposi- .tionof .organics on substrates,and o clearing along streams affects cover, availability of food organisms,and temperatures in the stream• •In-Stream Activity (**) Q.t!_~JI!g_!c<:>_~d_C:~I!.~_f:E~c:_~:i:.<:>_I!.'_c_it is often necessary for heavy equipment to enter water bodies. This can alter the substrate and can cause local and turbidity sedimentation problems. E-3-2-240 :J \n ! 851021 •Eros ion (**) Erosion can result from in-stream use of heavy equipment,placement of fill with high organic and/or fines content,lack of stabilization or revegetation on fills and cuts,and incorrectly placed or sized cuI verts.The increased sedimentation that may result can degrade downstream habitats. •Fill Placement (**) Fills that are placed within floodplains and streams can remove habitat previously used by fish.The severity of the impact depends upon the type and amount of habitat covered. Roads can block sheet flow to or across wetlands. When a road with insufficient drainage bisects a wetland,one side becomes ponded while the other side dries.The change in water quantity affects the vegetation and the nature of the wetland. Some wetlands that are contiguous with streams provide rearing habitat for juvenile fish.If the w~tlands are dewatered,that habitat can be reduced or lost. -Changes in Water Quality (**) As with dam construction,impacts on water quality during road cons truct.ion wi 11 resul t mai nly from erosion and petroleum product spills.Erosion may occur as the result of excavation for placement of drainage structures in streams,runoff from borrow sites,or unstabilized fills,placement of material within water bodies,and heavy equipment operating within streams. Since many of the systems to be crossed by the road are clear-water grayling streams,they will be among the habitats more sensitive to increases in turbidity,sedimentation,and petroleum products. When equipment is operated in streams or if refueling of equipment takes place within a floodplain,petroleum products may enter a waterbody.Chronic or large spills into these streams during construction could have severe effects upon the biota,either ca~sing mortalities or avoidance of contaminated areas (Maynard and Weber 1981;Weber et ale 1981). E-3-2-241 -Disruptions of Fish Populations (**) Fish.will tend to avoid areas where in-stream work is being conducted,areas contaminated by petroleum products or,depending on the circumstance,areas experiencing excessive turbidity or sedimentation. Temporary barriers to fish movements and migrations can be created when streams are diverted,flumed, or blocked during installation of drainage structures.Fish can also be prevented from moving ups tream if drainage structures are incorrec tly installed.Pumping of water from streams can adversely affect local populations by entraining juvenile fish or by reducing localized flows. During road construction,the area between the Denali Highway and the Watana damsite·will be occupied by hundreds of workers.Al though th is area has been recreationally utilized in past years,it:~as never experienced such a large influx of people.This influx could increase fishing pressure on the streams·and lakes in the area. (ii)Cons.truction 0 f Devil Canyon Access Road and Auxiliary Roads (**) Access to the Devil Canyon damsite will be by road north of the Susitna River from Watana and by rail "from··Gold Creek along-the .south-side.of-theSusitna River.The road will depart from the Watana road north of the Watana townsite at mile 38.5,and will parallel Tsusena Creek for approximately 1.5 miles (2.5 km).The route then roughly follows the 2900-foot (878-m)contour west to Devil Creek.The road turns south along Devil Creek for about 2 miles (3 km)and proceeds southwesterly to intersect the Susitna River at approximately RM 150.The road-crossesthe--ifusTfna..and ·p·ar;illeTs-a:n---unnamecr-creek· .------.-~.~-~------~~-_.~_.__.~------.----------'---£0 r ----a-sn 0 rt --a-i s tance-;---en,ri ng ---at~flie cons tru c fion--camp----- and village si teo The road between Watana and Devil Canyon will be constructed in the same manner as the segment from the Denali Highway (see Section 2.3.4.a.i)• .The Devil-Canyon access-road traverses high tundra th~oughout most of its length.Dense shrub -veget-ationandtrees areen'counteredwhen the road nears the Susitna River crossing downstream from Devil Canyon.The road crosses numerous small streams between Tsusena and Devil Creeks.A ,J ·l l J ) 1 851021 E-3-2-242 851021 waterfall 3 miles upstream of the confluence of Tsusena Creek and the Susitna River divide&Tsusena Creek into an upper and lower watershed.The lower watershed contains grayling and sculpin,while the upper watershed contains stunted Dolly Varden and sculpins.The road crosses Tsusena Creek approximately 3 miles upstream of the waterfall (ADF&G 1984a).A waterfall on Devil Creek 1.5 miles above its mouth presents a barrier to fish migrations.Grayling are present below this barrier, while only sculpin were found upstream,in the area of the road crossing (ADF&G 1984a).Between Devil Creek and the Susitna River,there appear to be few areas that provide habitat for fish.The road between Watanaand Devil Canyon will be constructed in the same manner as the Denali to Watana segment. The railroad access will depart from the existing railroad at Gold Creek and proceed north and east to the construction campsite (Figure E.3.2.17).It will remain on the south side of the Susitna River.The railroad will cross Gold Creek,known to contain chinook and pink salmon (ADF&G 1983a,1984h,1985b); Waterfall Creek,known to contain grayling,chinook salmon,and sculpin in its lower reaches;an unnamed tributary of Slough 21 that contains chinook fry and sculpin in its lower reaches;and three tributaries of Jack Long Creek,which is known to contain chinook,pink,chum,and coho salmon,rainbow trout, Arctic grayling,and sculpin (ADF&G 1984h).The rai lroad parallels Jack Long Creek fo.r approximately 3 miles (5 km)to the railroad terminus and turnaround at Devil Canyon,adjacent to the upper reaches of Jack Long Creek. -Alterations of Water Bodies (**) Impacts to aquatic habitat can result from stream crossings and other instream activities.Flood- plain and side-channel habitat in Devil Creek, Tsusena Creek,and Jack Long Creek could be affected by road and railroad aligrnnent.Stream crossings and drainage structures are discussed in Section 2.4.l.c.Impacts identified for the Denali Highway to Watana segment are also applicable to the Devil Canyon access. Railroad construction between Devil Canyon and Gold Creek would have impacts similar to road construc- E-3-2-243 tion:aquatic habitat could be affected by fills, clearing,and stream crossings. -Changes in Water QUality (**) It is expected that water quality could be affected by turbidity and petroleum product spills as was discussed for Watana access. -Disruptions.of Fish Populations (**) Fish populations in areas affected by the Devil Canyon road,auxiliary roads,or the railroad could experience disruptions similar to those previously described for Watana access. (b)Use and Maintenance of Roads (**) (i)Use and Maintenance of Watana Access Road and Auxil iary Roads (**) -Alteration oLWater ,Bodies (**) Impac ts on water bodies during road operation could occur as a result of continued maintenance ac tivi ties .,.Maintenance involves road grading and replacement of ma·terial.Improper maintenance techniques can resul t in gravel being pushed 0 ff the=r9,a"clw'~.y:·illt9 streamJL and~,WE:Lt::lancl,~~t!Q!I1 increased erosion.Road maintenance can have a greater impact on the smaller streams,such as Deadman creek,than on the Susitna River. TIl is section considers only the road section from the Denali Highway to Watana Dam;therefore, impacts resulting from road construction will be confined to streams along this road alignment • ."."'"~",.",,,~-~~,.",,-,,--....,.,.."'''C'~',~",....,'"'''''C'''''''''."..,''•._,,'',,,,,,_'',.__......"__,,,, During continued road use,changes in water quality can occur as a result of fuel spills and erosion from poorly stabilized road surfaces and fill areas.Large fuel spills would have the greatest impact on the ,aquatic habitat. TheWatana"access road will cross numerouss treams , some of which contain grayling.In areas where the roadcrossesorencr.oaches on a waterbody,an accident involving transport vehicles,including ..) ') ) ,1 I J ) '.'I 851021 E-3-2-244 1 851021 those carrying petroleum products,could occur. The impacts associated with spills will depend upon the season,the type and amount of substance spilled,the size of the waterbody into Which the spill occurs,and the fish species present. Erosion from unstable road cuts could be locally chronic;however,these activities are not expected to cause major impacts.The measures planned to minimize these impacts are discussed in Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.4 and 6.11. -Disturbance of Fish Populations (**) Fish have been known to avoid areas co~taminated with petroleum products (Maynard &Weber 1981; Weber et al.1981)and areas of excessive sedimentation or turbidity (Iwamoto et al. 1978).Chronic seepage of oil into streams or lakes could render some areas unusable. Obstruction of fish passage caused by either physical or velocity barriers have been discussed under Section 2.3.4.a.i). The adverse impacts upon fish populations from the increased accessibility of fish streams and lakes to fishing pressure via the network of access roads could be a greater impact than that resulting from construction and maintenance of the road system.As stated in Section 2.3.4.a.i,the Watana access road will cross Brushkana,Lily,Seattle,. and Deadman Creeks as well as other small,unnamed streams.The se creeks are clear-water streams and many are inhabited by grayling.Deadman Creek,in particular,is known for its abundant population of large grayling.The reach of Deadman Creek between the falls and Deadman Lake is considered prime grayling habitat.By subjecting this stream to increased fishing pressure,many of the larger, older fish will be removed from the population, altering the age structure and possibly reducing reproductive potential.A similar impact may occur to other grayling streams in the area. (ii)Use and Maintenance of Devil Canyon Access Road,Site Roads and Railroad (**) Aquatic habitat and fish populations will be influ- enced by the existence of roads and railroads E-3-2-245 through activities such as road traffic and road maintenance. -Alteration of Water Bodies (**) The majority of adverse impacts will have occurred during road construction.Activities such as road grading and replacement of drainage structures could continue to affect stream systems. -Changes in Water Quality (**) The impac ts on water qua lity that may occur during operation of the Watana access road,are also applicable to the Devil Canyon access road and site roads. -Disruptions of Fish Populations (**) Disruptions of fish populations that could result from operation of the Devil Canyon access road-,auxiliary roads,-and railroad are:avoidance of areas of unacceptable turbidity,sedimentation, and contamination;blockages of fish passage;and increased angling pressure. 2.3.5 -Transmission Lines Impacts (**) (i)Stage I Watana Dam (**) A detailed description of the Stage I transmission facilities is presented in Exhibit A,Section 5. -Alteration of Water Bodies (**) Adverse-impacts-to water-bodIe-sdurlng con;itrucEIon --._-~-_.._-of the Stage I transmission II~nes-coul-d-··--result-----··_----_··- primarily from clearing stream crossings,road construction,and instream activities associated with installation of the towers and conductors. Permanent roads may be built to provide all-season access.The effects of clearing a right-of-way, and-heavy-equipmenttrafficonan 'aquatic environIIlenthave been previouslyd.iscussed in Secfion-2:3.4. The transmission system can be divided into four segments:central (Watana to Gold Creek),Intertie ') ( r 851021 E-3-2-246 851021 (Willow to Healy),northern (Healy to Ester),and southern (Willow to Anchorage).In the central section,,the lines will closely parallel the Watana-Devil Canyon access road and railroad spur for much of their length.They will cross Tsusena Creek,Jack Long Creek and several small tributar- ies of the Susitna River.The impact of constructing transmission line through this area will be similar to,but less than,that of the access road.See Section 2.3.4 for a description of river and streams to be crossed in the central segment. In the Intertie segment,the lines cross the Nenana,Talkeetna,Susitna,and Kashwitna Rivers, Chunila Creek and other smaller streams.The waterbodies crossed and their fish resources are described in the Environmental Assessment Report prepared for the construction of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie (Commonwea1~h et al. 1982). In the southern segment,the lines will cross several Susitna River tributaries,Knik Arm and Ship Creek.Table E.3.2.57 lists the major streams to be crossed·and the species that inhabit them. The streams and fish ~pecies fornthe northern leg are listed in Table E.3.2.58. During the transmission line construction,it will be necessary for heavy equipment such as hydroaxes and drill rigs to cross streams.Several factors will influence the severity of impact on the aquatic habitat. o Season in which construction takes place; o Size of the stream; o Type of habitat in the crossing area; o Species present; o Frequency of crossing; o TYpe of crossing (i.e.temporary bridge, temporary culvert,low water crossing); o Streambank configuration;and o Streambed composition. It is expected that small,confined streams will be more susceptible to adverse impacts from transmis- sion line construction than will larger streams. E-3-2-247 851021 If "all-weather"access is maintained for the transmission line,a gravel road would be built along their entire length and permanent stream crossings installed,with attendant,long-lasting impacts.The road and stream crossings would have to be monitored to ensure that fish passage is maintained and aquatic habitat is not degraded. Although the transmission corridor would be many times longer tha~the access road previously described,the range of possible impacts is similar. The access points for construction of the transmis- sion lines will be decided during the detailed design.The Willow to Healy section will probably use access established during construction of the Intertie.It is likely that access will require crossing streams and wetlands. Details of the installation o,f the cable under Knik Arm are to be developed during final design. Knik Arm is primarily a migration rou te for anadro- mous species that utilize the Knik and Matanuska River drainages,including five species of Pacific salmon,Dolly Varden,eulachon,and Bering cisco. Benthic organisms and other resident species are sparse because of the excessive amounts of glacial material on the sea floor.It is unlikely that instalLation ofth~u_nder_w.~tgJ:'__cablg irt"j;hJ..s ~:rga will have any effect upon resident or anadromous species. -Changes in Water Quality (**) It is expected that temporary increases in turbidity and sedimentation will occur in streams subjected to instream activities during .--co1:isEruction.'of'Er-ansmiss'i'oiCliuefs:'"'Sman;c Leat" ...,,.·waTer-sy-s-tenn;;-wi-l-l-tn'o's·t--Uke-ly-be---a·ffected-to--a--'· greater extent than will large systems.The effects are not expected to be long-term. In addition,streams that are crossed will be exposed to possible contamination by petroleum products due primarily by vehicle accidents.The measures planned to tninimize the impacts on water ,quality are 'discus'sedin-Exhibit E,Chapter 2, Sections 4.5 and 6.11. E-3-2-248 -\ ( .1 I 1 I l Disturbance of Fish Populations (**) Avoidance reactions associated with increased turbidity and sedimentation may occur.Fish may also avoid areas where instream activities occur and,depending upon the timing,migrations could be affected.Where transmission lines cross a stream, clearing may remove overhanging vegetation that provides cover for fish. Construction of the lines could result in increased fishing pressure.During construction,this will most likely be confined to workers.The effects will be greater in the northern and central seg- ments where access has previously been limited. (ii)Stage II Devil Canyon Dam (**) A detailed description.of the Stage II and Stage III transmission facilities is presented in Exhibit A, Sections 10 and 15,respectively.Significant new impacts are not expected with these additions~since the majority of the system will be completed during Stage I (see Exhibit A,Section 5.2.1). (b)Operation of the Transmission Line (**) (i)Stage I Watana Dam (**) Once the transmission lines have been built,there will be few activities associated with routine maintenance of towers and lines that could adversely I .affect aquatic habitat.However,maintenance of I all-weather roads would entail efforts similar to I i )that for the access road. -Alteration of Water Bodies (**) Some localized habitat disruption could occur when maintenance vehicles need to cross wetlands and streams to repair damaged lines or towers.Where roads are not built in conjunction with transmis- sion lines,some revegetation is allowed to proceed around the towers.This is usually limited to grasses,shrubs,and small trees by selective clearing so that vehicles are able to follow the cleared area associated with the lines.Streams may need to be forded in order to effect repairs. Depending on the season,crossing location,type and frequency of vehicle traffic,aquatic habitat 851021 E-3-2-249 851021 in the immediate vicinity of the crossing could be affected.,In addition,downstream reaches may be affected by increased sedimentation caused by erosion. -Changes in Water Quality (**) Changes in water quality during maintenance of the transmission lines may result from increased turbidity and sedimentation,instream activities and fuel contamination. -Disturbance of Fish Populations (**) Instream activities associated with line repair and maintenance could cause disruptions of fish popu- lations in limited areas.The greatest disruption would result from the increased accessibility to some fishing areas via the cleared transmission corridor.Because the vegetation would be kept relatively low ,h ikers and all terrain veh icles could use the corridorsastrai Is.In winter,snow machiries would also be able to traverse these cleared areas.This would result in greater numbers of fishermen being able to reach areas previously experiencing little or no fishing pressure.This effect would be more acute in areas where the new transmission route diverges from existing-roads ,',and-e.ransmission-,line s,~---such--as, south of Willow and north of Healy.The area between Healy and Willow has been subjected to disturbance and increased fishing pressure during construction of the Anchorage/Fairbanks Intertie. Any increased fishing pressure along the Intertie as a result of the Susitna lines being added to the corridor would probably be minor.The presence of ,_"'~__t~aJ:l:.~lll:i l;_1?:iQ1'!~a'\)t~__tJ..!l_ci~_~_l,{tl:i ~AI'1Il sh o_tJ._!ci"cause no ts to fish ations. (ii)Stage II Devil Canyon Dam and Stage III Watana Dam (**) The addition of lines following construction of Stage II Devil Canyon Dam and Stage III Watana Dam is t'iot'expected to result in significant incremental maintenance impacts over those for S tageI theWliEan:a Dam.-_·_-"_,..0._",--_••_•••• E-3-2-250 ,) "-,'..\ 1 I 1 j 2.4 -Mitigation Issues and Mitigating Measures (**) 2.4.1 -Approach to Mitigation (**) The objective of fisheries mitigation planning for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project is to provide habitat of sufficient quality and quantity to maintain natural reproducing populations where compatible with project objectives.This is consistent with the mitigation goals of the USFWS and the ADF&G (Table E.3.!.!). The priorities for aquatic mitigation,as discussed in Section 1.3 (Figure 3.1.1),were determined by employing the hierarchical approach to mitigation contained in the Applicant's,USFWS and ADF&G mitigation policies.The five basic mitigative actions,in order of priority,are: o Avoid impacts through design features or schedule activities to prevent loss of resources. o Minimize impacts by carefully scheduling and locating operations,timing and controlling flow releases,and control impacts through best management practices. o Rectify impacts by repairing disturbed areas to provide optional fish habitat and reestablishing fish in repaired areas. o Reduce or eliminate impacts over time through monitoring, maintenance,and proper training of project personnel. o Compensate for impacts by conducting habitat construction activities that rehabilitate altered habitat or by managing resources on project or nearby public lands to increase habitat values. Avoidance of impacts to the aquatic environment has been considered throughout projec t studies.During the initial si te selection screening process (Exhibit E,Chapter 10),the proposed project was selected from 91 potential sites as the most favorable for meeting the future energy requirements for Southcentral Alaska.One of the key criteria amongst other environmental,engineering and economic criteria was whether or not significant anadromous runs existed upstream of the site. The proposed site scored high because no anadromous fish pass upstream of the Watana site and only a few (less than 100)p~ss upstream of the Devil Canyon site.Therefore,the selection process showed that the location of the proposed site would avoid many of the potential impacts that would be found at other sites 851021 E-3-2-251 where large numbers of anadromous fish migrate upstream of the si teo Avoidance or minimization of impacts were also heavily considered in the initial design of the dams.The two most prominent mitigation features incorporated into the dams are fixed cone valves used to avoid downstream dissolved gas supersaturation and multi-level intakes which are used to minimize any potential impacts from an altered water temperature regime.These features will be incorporated into both dams.Details about them are provided in Exhibit E,Chapter 2. Once site selection and initial design features were considered, the main priority for aquatic mitigation was through flow regulation.Habitat improvement measures that increase the productivity of the habitat or provide additional habitat within the Susitna Basin were the next priority.These measures will be used for impacts that cannot be mitigated by flow regulation. Fish propagation facilities would be proposed as compensation, the least preferred mitigation option.£~ Eachof··the following impactissues·is addressed·in terms of the five mitigation actions.Table E.3.2.l23 summarizes mitigation features for major imp~ct issues associated with operation of the project. 2.4.2 -Selection of Project Evaluation Species (**) _--c...~~-~~Se'lec·t·ionc'of-·evaluat-ion·spec-iescis-a.cnecessar¥-,--s.tep,in assessing impacts and in developing mitigation plans.Various species and life stages have different critical life requirements and respond differently to habitat alterations.A change in habitat conditions that benefits one species or life stage may adversely affect another,and mitigation plans fororie species may conflict with those proposed for another.Selection of evaluation species can provide a mechanism to resolve potential conflicts and .·..Rl:'OYi~t(;!,Q.it:~~t;!9tl..~C?r.a.Il.a.JY~!,~,a.J:l~p!a.t.J:.J:l~J:l~."_.,,"'__.. .···-·--.--~~e eval uation'species were'selec tea---aner 'iniTial---oas'eli-n'e-s'tu-;;; die sand impact assessments had identified the dominant species and potential impacts on available habitats throughout the year. Mitigation plans designed to reduce impacts on habitat parameters that control populations were then developed. ¥ish~ryres-oul:'cesof'the Susitna River--and -activities-associated _".!1_i_~~the PE?J~()~_:~_project were reviewed.EV.'lluatiorispecies were '1 (·1 851021 E-3-2-252 .1 selected on the basis of the following criteria: o High human use value; o Dominance in the ecosystem;and o Sensitivity to project impacts. Species with high regional visibility and commercial,sport,sub- sistence,or aesthetic value were given priority.Within this category,species sensitive to project effects were rated at a high level of importance.Since the evaluation species playa dominant role in the ecosystem,they may serve as indicator species.By maintaining critical habitats for evaluation species,many of the potential impacts on less sensitive species or species with a lower evaluation priority will be mitigated. Five species of Pacific salmon (chum,chinook,coho,sockeye and pink)were designated as evaluation species for the,S'usitna River downstream from Devil Canyon.In addition,rainbow trout,burbot and Dolly Varden were included as evaluation spe~ies.Arctic grayling was selected as the evaluation species for the impoundment zone. Since the greatest changes in downstream habitats are expected in the reach from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna,fish using that portion of the river were considered to be the most sensitive to project effects.Because of the differences in their seasonal habitat requirements,not all fish species nor life stages would be equally affected by the proposed project.In the middle river, chum and sockeye salmon spawning,incubation,and early rearing in sloughs and juvenile chinook salmon rearing in the mainstem appear to be most vulnerable because of their dependence on these habitats.Between chum and sockeye,the former is the most dominant species in the middle river. Spawning and incubation life stages for chinook and coho salmon occur in tributaries.This habitat type will not be affected by the project.Much of the chinook rearing occurs in tributaries (again,not affected by the project)and in turbid mainstem side channels.Coho rearing occurs in tributaries and upland sloughs, both of which should not be affected.Chum spawning and incubation occurs in both tributaries and side sloughs.It is only those that spawn in the sloughs that will be potentially affected.Sockeye salmon in the middle river only spawn in sloughs.Spawning in these areas is considered atypical because this species generally spawns in streams that have nearby access to a lake for rearing.No such lakes exist in the middle Susitna River,however,the few sockeye that do spawn in the middle river are able to utilize upland sloughs for rearing.While some pink salmon spawn in slough habitats in the middle river,most of these fish utilize tributary habitats. 851021 E-3-2-253 Mitigationtneasures proposed to maintain chum salmon productivity will allow sockeye and pink salmon to be maintained as well. Maintenance of chinook rearing habitat will provide sufficient habitat for less numerous resident species with similar life stage req uirements • The greatest change to resident fish will occur in the impound- ment zone.In the impoundment zone,Arctic grayling was selected as the evaluation species because of their abundance in the area, their sensitivity to impacts during all seasons and life stages, and their desirability as a sport fish. Based on the habitat utilization by various li fe stages,certain evaluation species were given more emphasis in the analysis because some of these life stages would be directly affected by the project and this could be critical to their survival.As a consequence,the evaluation species and life stages,selected for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are: (a)Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet Reach (**) PRIMARY Chum Salmon Spawning adults -Embryos and pre-emergent fry Chinook Salmon -Rearing juveniles SECONDARY Chum Salmon Chinook Salmon -Returning adults -Out-migrant juveniles Sockeye Salmon -Returning adults -Spawning adults } I,I J '\ 851021 E-3-2-254 -Embryos and pre-emergent fry -Rearing juveniles -Out-migrant juveniles Coho Salmon -Returning adults Rearing juveniles -Out-migrant juveniles Pink Salmon -Returning adults -Spawning adults -Embryos and pre-emergent fry -Out-migrant juveniles Arc tic Grayling -Adults -Juveniles Rainbow Trout -Adults -Juveniles Dolly Varden -Adults Burbot -Adults -Juveniles (b)Impoundment Area (**) PRIMARY Arctic Grayling -Adults -Juveniles 851021 E-3-2-255 2.4.3 -Mitigation of Cori13ttt:lctibrt Impacts Upon Fish and Aquatic Habitats (*) Mitigation of construction impacts is achieved primarily by in- corporating environmental criteria into pre..,C:onstruction planning and design,and by good construction practices.Best Management Practices (BMP)manuals (APA 1985a through 1985e) and a report on bridge and culvert design (HEl985b)have been prepared through a coordinated effort involving federal,state and local government agencies and special interest groups.These manuals contain environmental guidelines and techniques to be incorporated into contractual documents prepared for the construction of the Susitna Hydroelect:dc Project. The aquatic studies program will continue to make major contributions to pre-construction planning artd design.Studies will be used in siting,design and scheduling of project facilities and activities.For example,the final alignment of the Watana access road will take into consideration the fish streams along its route.The route will be sited to avoid encroachment on streams and to minimize cut banks. Biological information has been incorporated into the BMP manuals.A high degree of communication and cooperation will be maintained between environmental staffs and design and construction personnel in order to facilitate continued integration of biological criteria into designs,specifications, and construction practices. Monitoring of the construction facilities and activities (as described in Section 2.6.1)will ensure that impacts to the aquatic environment are avoided or minimized~Monitoring can identify areas that may need rehabilitation or maintenance and areas where previous mitigation measures are proved inadequa te and remedial action is needed.Costs associated with construction monitoring are outlined in Table E.3.2.124. PotentIB::C··Im·piic ts ···are·IdentifIed···In ···sec-':fon2::L ········rhefoTlowitig .i-sacH seils s ionortlfeimpac t-·iSsue·s-·~fnd-·fne mn:igafion·measures·· that will be applied during and after construction.Those issues considered to have the greatest potential for adverse impact to the aquatic environment are discussed first.Avoidance, minimization,rectification and reduction of impacts are discussed.There are no direct costs associated with these mitigations because they will be implemented as part of construction activities. J .l I i 851021 E-3"'2-256 ,1 I 851021 (a)Stream Crossings and Encroachments (*) (i)Impact Issue(*) Improperly constructed stream crossings can block fish movements and/or increase siltation in the stream.Roads with inadequate drainage structure can alter run-off patterns of nearby wetlands and streams.Encroachments on stream courses can alter hydraulic characteristics and increase siltation of streams,thereby affecting fish habitat. (ii)Mitigation(*) The objective of constructing stream crossings is to maintain the natural stream configuration and flow (Lauman 1976)so that passage of fish is assured. Maintenance of fish passage is required under AS-16 .05.840.-Procedures and guidelines prepared by the Applicant (APA 1985a)and HE (1985b)will be utilized to design and construct stream crossings. Appropriate control measures will be undertaken as part of routine maintenance to insure that beaver dams and accumulated debris do not interfere with fish passage needs.For the project area,the evaluation species used in developi~g criteria for stream crossings is Arctic-grayling. -Presence or Absence of Fish/Fish Habitats (*) Streams having documented fish or fish habitat at or upstream from the road crossing will be designed to pass fish.Only those streams without fish or fish habitat at,or upstream from,the road crossing will be designed solely on the basis of hydrologic and hydraulic criteria. -Location of Crossing (*) Project roads will be aligned and located to minimize the number of stream crossings.When crossings are unavoidable,they will be located, whenever possible,at a right angle across the stream in a straight stretch with narrow,stable banks that do not require cutting or excessive stabilization.The crossings will be located so as to avoid,to the greatest extent prac ticable, important habitats,such as spawning beds and overwintering areas. E-3-2-257 Type of Crossing Structure (*) Bridges will be utilized wherever streamflows are large.Open-bottom arch culverts,which maintain the natural substrates,will be installed wherever possible (Figure E.3.2.119).Multip1ate elliptical and oversized circular culverts can also be used to maintain the natural streambed (Joyce et a1.1980a;Lauman 1976)and will be used when open-arch culverts are not feasible.Standard-size circular culverts will only be used in drainages that are not considered fish habitat. During winter transmission line construction,snow and ice bridges will be used to cross streams. These will be removed before breakup to avoid blocking stream flows. Flow Regime (*) Culverts will be designed to allow grayling passage at critical times using the velocity criteria detailed in the "Drainage Structure and Waterway Design Guidelines Report"(HE 1985b).Multiplate elliptical and oversized circular culvert inverts will be set below the streambed elevation to avoid perching and will be armored,-when necessary,to minimize erosion at the outlet.Natural stream ~~~---"--~·~-subst-t'ate-w·i~l-l~be~placed~onthebottomof-the, culverts over their entire length. -Methods of Installation (*) When culverts other than open-bottom arches are used,streams will be diverted around the work area until the crossing is completed.On small systems,thestreammay be flumed.Diversion or £1 W1i:Fo.g will-reduce ~theamouii-t·o·f sfIEiiEion downs treamrrom---Ehec ons t ruc tionar ea .-·DTver sian wi 11 be accompl ished using the procedures detailed in the BMP Manual entitled "Erosion and Sedimentation Control "(APA 1985a)and ''D rai nage Structure and Waterway Design Guidelines"(HE 1985b)and will adhere to ADF&G permit -..requirementsC ; -In--sonla-areas·',rOads-ana.'tratismissiotilines must p'arallel a stream or river.The al ignment will be away from the floodplain to the greatest extent feasible.Where this is not possible,the road -\ I.1 J '\ ~'.J',~/, 851021 E-3-2-258 )I (b) will be aligned to preclude channelization of the stream.Culverts and drainage structures will be installed under the fill to maintain the integrity of the road and the existing water drainage patterns. The transmission towers will be spaced and aligned so that structures are out of streams and flood- plains to the best extent practicable.Instream activities will be confined to installation of drainage structures on access routes using guide- lines to minimize impacts (APA 1985a,and HE 1985b).Where practicable,construction will be scheduled for winter months when heavy equipment can cross frozen creeks without elaborate constructed crossings.Stream crossings at major fish streams will be avoided by utilizing secondary trails from existing roads and railroad corridors. Increased Fishing Pressure (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) The sport fishing pressure on the local streams and lakes will substantially increase.The access road and transmission line will allow fishermen to reach areas that previously received limited use. (ii)Mitigation (*) )J During the construction phase,access to the streams will be limited by closing roads to unauthorized project personnel and the general public.Some watersheds,such as the Deadman Creek/Deadman Lake system,may req uire modification 0 f current regulations if stocks are to be maintained.These changes may take the form of reduced seasons or catch limits,imposition of maximum size limits,or control of fishing methods.Since public health regulations will not allow sport-caught fish to be stored or prepared at public food service facilities,the project policy will be that all fishing by project personnel be restricted to catch-and-release. (c)Erosion Control (*) (i)Impac tIssue (*) Sustained high levels of sediment in a system can change the species composition and productivity of 851021 E-3-2-259 the system (Bell 1973,Alyeska Pipeline Service Company 1974).Siltation can affect development of fish eggs and benthic food organisms. (ii)Mitigation (*) The primary mitigation measures that will be used to minimize construction erosion are detailed in the BMP Manual entitled "Erosion and Sedimentation Control"(APA 1985a). The natural vegetation is a major factor in preventing erosion (Alyeska Pipeline Service Company 1974).Clearing for roads,transmission lines,and other facilities will be confined to the minimum area and level necessary.For transmission lines,only taller trees and shrubs will be removed;the lower vegetation will not be disturbed.Adjacent to streams,especially small.systems,clearing will be done by hand.Cleared material will be removed from the floodplain to approved disposal sites,salvaged or burned ons i te • Disposal sites that contain cleared slash,sub- standard materials,and overburden will be located and configured so that neither run-off during breakup nor rainfall Mill wash silty material into streams. This may entail run-off control structures, sur.rounding.the...dis.posalc.s.ite-w.ith~berms.,.or­ channeling run-off through containment ponds. To preclude run-off from carrying silt to water bodies near construction sites,drainage control will direct silty water into settling basins.Clarified water will be discharged into receiving waters in accordance with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)permit req':l.!l:'ements-...----(.AS=4'6--:--<fj"":-f"(}(j'·'j-:--------.·..--.--,'.'".---,-,,-'.---,--.','.'---..'-,----._,-------.-----.'.,---,,'.'---.---..--.,.-,. Prompt grading,mulching,and revegetation of cut- and-fill areas will also be used to minimize erosion. (d)Material Removal (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) Removal of floodplain gravel can cause erosion,sil- tation,increased turbidity,increased ice buildup 1 1 I j 851021 E-3-2-260·1 J 851021 caused by ground water overflow,fish entrapment,and alteration of fish habitat. (ii)Mitigation (**) Adverse impacts on aquatic habitats will be avoided or minimized by application of guidelines contained in the BMP Manual entitled "Erosion and Sedimentation Control"(APA 1985a). Buffer zones will be retained at stream margins. Instream activities will be restricted to the installation of stream crossings;material removal from active channels will not be necessary if the material quantity and quality at other sites is as expec ted. Surface runoff and water used in material washing will be circulated through sediment settling ponds and reused in material washing.Runoff control structures will be installed at borrow sites. Discharged water will conform to the water quality standards of the ADEC (18 AAC 70)and the USEPA. Material will be stuckpiled outside the floodplain or armored to avoid erosion.Overburden will be stock- piled for use in borrow site rehabilitation. Material stored in areas which will be inundated will be stabilized and covered with riprap prior to inundation. The Tsusena Creek material site (Borrow Site E)will be rehabiliated following the cessation of excavation activities at the completion of Stage III.Man-made objects will be removed;exposed slopes will be contoured and revegetated.The site will be shaped to enhance fish habitat (Figure E.3.2.l20).This area will be monitored to ensure that grading, revegetation and other mitigation measures are effective. The Cheechako Creek borrow site (Borrow Site G)will be inundated by the Devil Canyon reservoir and will not require rehabilitation beyond that needed to control erosion. E-3-2-26l (e)Oil and Hazardous Material Spills (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) Spills of oil and other hazardous substances into streams can be toxic to fish and their food organisms. (ii)Mitigation (*) A Spill 1?r'evention Contairunent and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)will be developed as required by USEPA (40 CFR 112.7),using the information contained in the BMP manual entitled "Oil Spill Contingency Planning"(APA 1985b). Equipment refueling or repair will not be allowed in or .near floodplains without adequate provisions to prevent the escape of petroleum products.Waste oil will be removed from the site and be disposed of using ADEC/USEPA-approved procedures.The guideline and techniques for handling fuel and hazardous wastes are described in a BMP manual (APA 1985d).Fuel storage tanks will be located away from waterbodies and within lined and bermed areas capable of containing the tank vol ume pI us freeboard fo r precip- itation.Fuel tanks will be metered and all outflow of fu~l accounted for.All fuel lines will be loca- ---:--ted-in-abo:v:eground_or~gro.und~surface..ut ilidors to facilitate location of ruptured or sheared fuel lines. Vehicle accidents,although difficult to fully protect'against,can be minimized by constructing the roads with properly designed curves to accommodate winter driving conditions.The roads will be adequat~ly signed,and during the winter,difficult.......--------.-----.-sEreEches-wiIr~beregurarl.y-cTeared ··ana-sanaed ~-.:ti:i .'sUIIimer;-aus feo nfr 0 1 wi:n--be-accompl-isned-witli. water. State law requires that all spills,no matter how small,be reported to the ADEC (18AAC70.080). Personnel.will be assigned to monitor the storage and transfer of oil and fuel,and to identify and clean up spilled oil .9.11c1 ()t:h~r_I:t.9.:;::.9.I'c10US material. All personnel employed on the project,especially field personnel,will be trained to respond to fuel spills in accordance with an approved oil spill ,I I 851021 E-3-2-262 contingency plan.The plan will describe: o Actions to take as a first response in the event of a fuel spill. o Persons to contact in the construction organization and in state agencies. o Locations of sensitive habitats. o Location of all oil spill control and cleanup eq uipment,the type s 0 f eq uipment at each location and appropriate procedures. o Records to keep during an oil spill and cleanup operation. Oil spill equipment will beprepositioned and ade- quate to handle the largest spill expected. Personnel will be trained in the operation of the equipment,and the equipment will be inventoried and tested regularly to make sure it is in proper working order in the event of an emergency. Impacts from any major oil spill will be assessed in conjunction with monitoring activities .(see•.S,ection 2.6).Appropriate mitigation measures will be negotiated in consultation with the involved resource management agencies. (f)Water Removal (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) Fish fry and juveniles can be impinged on intake screens or entrained into hoses and pumps when water is withdrawn from water bodies for miscellaneous uses during construction. (ii)Mitigation (*) Measures to be employed during water removal are detailed in the BMP manual entitled "Water Supply" (APA 1985e). If possible,surface water withdrawal will be from streams or lakes that do not contain fish.If water must be withdrawn from a fish-bearing water body,the Alaska Department of Fish and Game intake design 851021 E-3-2-263 criteria will be incorporate<1into contractual documents. The ADF&G criteria are that:(1)all intakes should be screened;(2)openings in the screen should not exceed 0.04 sq in;and (3)water velocity at the screen should not exceed 0.1 ft/sec (0.03 m/sec).No. more than 20 percent of the instantaneous flow will be removed at any time. (g)Blasting (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) Blasting in or near fish streams can rupture swim bladders and damage incubating embryos. (ii)Mitigation (*) The ADF&G has standard·blasting guidelines that establish the distance from water bodies at which charges can be detonated without harming fish" Blasting wi 11 be accomplished using these guidelines (Table E.3.2.l25). (h)Susitna River Diversions (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) The high diversion tunnel velocities and the heavy bedload of the river make screenirtg of the diversion tunnels infeasible.Fish passing downstream through the diversion tunnels are expected to be lost due to injuries caused by the high velocities encoctntered in the tunnel.During summer, relatively few fish are present in the vicinity of -...-..-.....----...the_t_unne_l_e:gJ:_rJ/'~:Lce_.___Dt,J:~_:i,,!,1gW_:i,I!l;el:',_l:'~1:l~cle~fi.sJ:!_ are expected to be entrained into the diversion._._-~~.intake and~-passed-~downstr·eam.~---'------~.-_._~-~-----------.--.---.--- The Devil Canyon diversion tunnels will act as barriers to the upstream migration of the few chinook salmon (less than 100)that spawn in tributary habitats upstream of this site. (~:iJ Mi t i gat ion (*) The segment of the fish population lost in the diver- sHort turtrtel would be lost -subsequen t to reservoir filling,because of lost tributary habitat and the ~..\ 851021 E-3-2-264 expected low habitat value in the reservoir (see Section 2.3.1.b).Mitigation for these losses will be achieved by additional impoundment mitigation efforts,as discussed under Mitigation for Inundation Impacts in Section 2.4.4{c). The loss of chinook habitats above Devil Canyon will be offset by the increased survival of juvenile chinook due to the improvement of mainstem and mains tem-associated habitats downs tream 0 f the dam. (i)Water Quality Changes (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) Discharge of camp effluents result in increased levels of metals and nutrient loading.Concrete batching plants release high alkaline effluents. (ii)Mitigation (*) Effluents will comply with ADEC/USEPA effluent standards (AS 46.03.100;18 AAC 70.020;18 AAC 72.010). The concrete batching effluent will be neutralized and treated prior to discharge to avoid impacts r~lated to pH and toxic substances (see Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Sections 4.1.1{g),4.2.1(g)and 4.3.1{g). (j)Clearing the Impoundment Area (*) (i)·Statement of Issue (*) The major adverse impact associated with removing vegetation from the impoundment areas is accelerated erosion into the streams. (ii)Migitation (*) Clearing will be scheduled annually as close to reservoir filling as is feasible.Vegetation will be cleared to the elevation of the high water level anticipated for each year of filling.Disturbance to the vegetated mat will be avoided.Erosion control me thods described in the BMP manual "Erosion and Sedimentation Control"(APA 1985a)will be employed to minimize potential impacts to the aquatic habitats. 851021 E-3-2-265 2.4.4 -Mitigation of Filling and Operation Impacts (***) (a)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Flow Regime (***) (i)Impact Issue (***) As described in the Exhibit A,the proposed project would be constructed in three stages.Stage I would be a dam constructed at the Watana site to an elevation of 2,025 feet resulting in a full pool elevation of 2,000 ft.Stage II will add the Devil Canyon facility.Stage III would raise the full pool elevation of Stage I at Watana to 2,185 ft. Even though Case E-VI flow constraints will be in effect,the actual flow release schedule for initial filling and opera~ion will vary between each stage. The reasons for this are the differences in runoff patterns,storage capabilities~;and energy requirements.Accordingly,impacts would differ in magnitude as well as time of occurrence. One criterion that influences the establishment of the flow constraints is the choice of the key fish species and/or life stages to be protected.In the reach between Talkeetnatzand Devil Canyon,chum salmon spawning and juvenile chinook salmon rearing were .giv:enprimar-y_co.ns_ider_ad.o_n_(Sj~cd.Qn 2."4 .21. As discussed in Section 2.3,a major fishery concern is the provision of flows between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna that: o Allow adult salmon passage into and within slough and side channel spawning habitat; ···o-·~·.Ma~itifi.fin""·-~a""-·sii-i-fa:Dl-e··---wtft-er----dep'-th-·-""Otf-'-fh-e----"sl)awfiirrg-~-'­ ···b~eaff ...·th-roll-gh-out-·th-e-·-s·p-awning:per·iod-;----~-~--··- o Maintain flow through the spawning gravels during the incu~ation and preemergence period; o Provide flow of sufficient quantity to allow the out-mig17ation·of fry;and o Maintain overwi.nterIng"and summer rearing habitat for juvenile chinook. J "j 851021 E-3-2-266 851021 (ii) Additional fisheries concerns related to instream flow needs of resident and other juvenile anadromous fishes include the need to: o Maintain overwintering and summer rearing habitat;and o Maintain access to tributary spawning and rearing habitat. The aquisition of additional information on the relationships between physical processes and habitat utilization of these two species in the middle river subsequent to submittal of the original License Application has permitted addressing these concerns and has resulted in refinement of the original Case C flow regime.Eight environmental flow cases were developed,each designed to achieve specific environ- mental goals (APA 1984b).These environmental flow cases can 'be grouped into three broad categories of which Case C,Case E-V,and Case E-VI are represen- tative.These three flow regimes were evaluated and compared in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984a). Case C emphasized providing flows that allowed chum salmon access into sloughs for spawning.Case E-V was designed to minimize impacts to both chum salmon spawning and chinook salmon rearing.Case E-VI,the Applicant's preferred regime,was designed primarily to minimize impacts to chinook rearing. Although the flows under Case E-V minimize impacts to chum spawning,some habitat modification measures would still be necessary to rectify the residual impacts.Furthermore,the effort expended on habitat modification measures necessary to offset the resi- dual impacts to spawning habitat under the Case E-VI regime would not be substantially greater than those for Case E-V.The primary difference between the two regimes,therefore,would be the degree to which impacts to chinook juvenile habitat are minimized or avoided.The hierarchical approach to mitigation option analysis that follows considers flow release schedules for each stage of development with Case E-VI constraints in effect. Measures to Avoid Impacts (***) Adverse impacts to fishery resources resulting from flow alteration will be avoided or minimized through selection of an appropriate flow regime.While E-3-2-267 hydroelectric developments with storage facilities al ter the na tural flow regime in the river,.changes in streamflow patterns do not necessarily result in adverse impacts to fish populations.For example,if low flows ara limiting fish populations,then supple- menting low flow may result in enhancement to that population.However,under the proposed flow regimes for filling and each stage of development,passage into sloughs by adult salmon may be impaired and mitigation measures in addition to flow regulation are needed to reduce these impacts. (iii)Measures to Minimize Impacts (***) The Case E-VI flow constraints are designed to ml.nl.ml.ze impacts to Juvenile chinook rearing.Loss of spawning habitat for chum salmon,however,would not be minimized by Case E-VI flows.The minimum discharge constraint for Case E-VI is greater than natural flows in the winter months and less than ICo natural discharges in the summer months. -Winter Flow Regime (October-April)(***) Stage I -Filling (1998)(***) 851021 Filling of Watana reservoir is scheduled to occur in the first spring-summer runoff period. ---c--During-the--first~winter-foHowingHH-ing,. November 1998 to March 1999,the reservoir level would be held constant or reduced as energy is produced so that releases would equal or exceed inflow.Since no impacts are anticipated, mitigation measures are not proposed • •Stage I ~.Operation (1999)(***) --._---,.~..._~-_._-..-.-....••..•.'.".-._-.....,._.".._..".__.._-.'_..~"._._..__._-"",,,'._--.'.,.--.-.'.'._.-",.-.',,_....-.'.,-_....-._-. Winter flows during the first year of operation -would range from approxlmatefy-7 ,OOO-toI0~(ro-O------- cfs.As the winter ice cover forms,the staging associated wi th the higher than natural flows would resul t in increased upwelling benefitting incubation but might also result in near -a°c mainstem water overtopping some sloughs and possibly retarding·the growth and delaying the emergence of.embryos tha tordinarily incubate at 2"';3°C~This ups-fream prOgressioti of the ice front and potential for overtopping would extend to RM 139 in anaverge year and would be a few miles upstream or downstream of this in a cold or E-3-2-268 .J II 851021 average year,respectively.Mitigation measures would be necessary for those sloughs with a high likelihood of overtopping • •Stage II and III -Filling and Operation (***) Case E-VI flow constraints will continue to be followed.Since measures to mitigate impacts are based on these constraints and were in place during Stage I,no additional measures would be necessary. -Spring Flow Regime (May-June)(***) With-project,the ice cover is expected to substantially melt in place rather than break-up as under natural conditions.During the May-June period flows would be reduced under project flow regimes.Project flows of sufficient quantity would be provided to allow sa1mo~.fry to outmigrate from natal sloughs and,side channels. -Summer Flow Regime (Ju1y~September)(***) •Stage I -Filling (1998)(***) Summer flow release levels during July and August would depend on the ~ydro1ogic conditions of that year.September flows.would be within Case E-VI flow constraints.Under dry conditions, flow releases in July and August would be at the Case E-VI dry year minimum of 8,000 cfs.In an average year,July and August flows would be about 12,000 cfs and 13,000 cfs,respectively, somewhat higher than E-VI minimum (9,000 cfs)yet reduced from average natural flows of 24,000 cfs and 22,000 cfs.In a wet year,flow releases would increase to 15,000 cfs and 20,000 cfs, closer to the average natural condition. Chum salmon enter spawning areas during the summer.Most of the spawning in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach is confined to sloughs and tributaries.Access to slough spawning areas is apparently provided by a combination of high summer flows in the Susitna River mains tern and local surface inflow.Flow into the sloughs is at least partly controlled by water levels in the mains tern.Upwelling ground water in the sloughs attracts adults,maintains the E-3-2-269 permeability of spawning gravels,and provides a stable winter flow and temperature during the embryo'incubatidn per iod. Detailed analyses of mainstem flows required for successful passage into the major chum salmon spawning sloughs have been conducted by ADF&G (1984r).However,a quantitative assessment of the availability of successful passage conditions during reservoir filling using this information is not possible for average and wet years since the available flow data,mean monthly :flows,mask the monthly variability caused by short-term rainstorm events that often provide passage.It can be assumed,however, that since the mean monthly flows for fi lling are less than those for natural years in August and September for average and wet years that the frequency 0 f success ful .passage'condi tions may be reduced.In a dry year,with Case E-VI minimum flows during the spawning period,and assuming no local runoff (no variability around the minimum :E:\.owvalue).,passage would be possible at only two passage reaches of the seven sites evaluated -one in Slough 8A and one in Side Channel 21. Additional mitigation measures would be necessary to offset these·impacts. Stage I summer flows would be less than natural, although the flows are substantially greater than E-VI minimum constraints during the chum salmon spawning seasOn (August 12 -September 12).A reduction in the frequency of occurren~e of successful passage conditions and availability of suitable habitat would occur.The extent of.--.__._.._--_._-------._...-.,..•_~..---....'""..--_...-.'.---_._-------_._-,,_.....--~_.,._._--"._---,---.'-..-"-'.'.'--_•..._--_.-_._........,-.-_._.. these reductions for the major chum producing "'sloughs and side 'channels-rS[o-ughs 8A~9~"9A;IT~ 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21) were analyzed'.The results are found in the mitigation plan (WCC 1984a).Mitigation measures in addition to flow regulation would be necessary to reduce the impa.cts • •Stages I and II -Filling and Operation (**) Case E-VI flow constraints will continue to be followed.Since measures to mitigate for I j 851021 E':'3-2-270 r) 851021 impacts are based on these constraints and were in place during Stage I,no additional measures would be necessary. (iv)Rectification of Impacts (**) -Winter Flows (**) Impacts to chum salmon embryos resulting from overtopping of sloughs and side channels during the winter will be rectified by construction of berms at the head of the slough. The ice staging with Stage I flow will require construction of berms such as those described in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984a).Details of the length,height,location and cost"of berming that may be necessary for passage are being discussed through consultation with the respective resource agencies.Habitat modification measures proposed for spawning (summer flows)are also being discussed.Cost estimates for berms only at the head of sloughs range from $24,000 to $161,000. -Spring Flows (**) If it is shown through monitoring (Section 2.6) that salmon fry require a high flow at breakup in order to stimulate out-migration,a properly timed pulse of sufficient magnitude may be provided. -Summer Flows (**) Impacts to salmon spawning areas will occur if mitigation measures are not employed in coordina- tion with the proposed project flows (or the alternative regime of short-term augmented flows). The rectification methods selected are (1)to maintain access to the sloughs;and (2)to ensure suitable spawning and incubation habitat by physi- cally modifying the sloughs,to maximize use of reduced filling and operational summer flows.The following habitat enhancement measures will be applied either singly or in combination on sloughs, depending on the type of impacts that limits salmon production.These methods will maintain salmon productivity in the sloughs. E-3-2-271 851021 •Slough Excavation (**) Mechanical excavation of certain reaches of sloughs will be used to improve fish passage and fish habitat within the sloughs.At slough mouths,excavation will provide fish access when backwater levels are negligible during low mainstem discharges.Mechanical excavation will be used to facilitate passage within sloughs by channelizing the flow or deepening the thalweg profile at the passage reach. On a larger scale,mechanical excavation to lower the profile of the entire slough is expected to increase the amount of upwelling.Increasing the difference in water level between ithe mainstem and the habitat area would result in additional local flow in the slough. An additional benefit of the excavation process would be the opportunity to improve the substrate in the slough.Replacement of exis ting substrate with suitable spawning gravels would provide additional spawning habitat.Sorting of the existing substrate will be undertaken to remove unsuitable particle sizes.The excavation process would be designed to develop additional spawning and rearing habitat. An estimate of the cost to excavate a typical slough mouth in the middle portion of the Susitna River is $26,000.An estimate of the cost to lower a typical slough profi Ie by 2 feet fo r a length of 2,000 feet in the middle section of the Susitna River is $34,000. FISh ac-cess~l:hroughpass~ige-reacheswiTI·be· improved by creating a series of pools.Barriers will be placed to break the flow on long,steep passage reachs and create pools between obstacles.Fish passage over the obstacles is accomplished if sufficient steps of decreased barrier heights .g.reprovided to permit surmounting the~original barrier (Bell 1973). Channel barriers will be used on long slopes to create fish resting pools,as shown in Figure E.3.2.l21).'lhese barriers,with heights of 10 E-3-2-272 1 I,1 ,J to 14 inches,act as weirs.They have a section of decreased height to improve fish passage between pools.The barriers are constructed of various materials.Concrete,cobbles,or boulders placed to create a sill may be used. Logs or gabions may also be attached to the banks and anchored securely to the bed to prevent movement at high discharges (Lister et ale 1980). Channels will be constrained in width to form effective pools.For a wide channel,channel widths will be modified where a pool and weir structure is desired. Estimates of costs per barrier on the basis of a two barrier sys tem are lis ted below.Each slope will require more than one barrier to create a series of pools.As more barriers are built on a site,the cost per barrier will decrease because of the economics of scale;the major cost involved in the construction of the barrier is the cost of transporting equipment. 11 \ J Barrier Concre te sill Rock sill Gabions Anchored logs available on site Anchored logs not available on site •Channel Width Modifications (**) Cost/Barrier $12,000 16,000 12,000 11 ,000 12,000 851021 Channeling slough flow will improve fish access through passage reaches by constricting the width and increasing the depth of the channel.This is especially useful in modifying short,wide passage reaches (Figure E.3.2.l22.Wing deflectors extending out from the channel bank or rock gabions restructuring the cross section of the natural channel may be used to constrict the flow width (Bell 1973). In determining the modified width for the channel,a maximum velocity criteria of 8 fps will be used to permit fish access through the reach (Bell 1973). E-3-2-273 •Wing Deflectors (**) Wing deflectors will be used to divert the flow in a channel.TWo wing deflectors placed on opposite banks will funnel the flow from a wider to a narrower cross section as shown in Figure E.3.2.l22.The narrowed channel is designed to provide fish passage at a minimum flow.At higher flows,the wing deflectors are inundated;fill between the banks and the wing deflector walls is sized to prevent scouring at higher discharges.Fill will typically be composed of large cobbles available at the sloughs. Wing deflector walls will be constructed either of rock or gabions formed of wire mesh and filled with cobbles.Another alternative is the use of l2-inch-diameter timbers,anchored to the banks and channel bed."~A wing deflector cos ts $31,000 when constructed of rock,approximately $24,000 when constructed with gabions,arid $22,000 if timber logs available on site are used.For sites where timber is not available,a log wing deflector would cost $23,000.Estimates are based on a typical passage reach of approximately 200 feet for a slough on the Middle Susitna River (Figur~E.3.2.l22)• •Rock Gabion Channel (**) Reshaping the original cross section of the channeLwi,thrpck.gabions is an alternative method of channelizing the slough flow.The channel is excavated and gabions are used to establish the new configuration.The new channel -.sha pe.-isdesigned.to.maximi zedepth a tm inimum .......f.Lo.-W..s..;_a_t...higber discharges ,.the_gabionSRreVetlt _ scouring of the channel banks.Figure E.3.2.122 i llus trates a typical cross sec tion for a reshaped passage reach.For long passage reaches,resting areas are created by widening the channel between the rock gab ions forming the minimum discharge channel.The gabions are proviciecithroughout the length of the passage 'reac:h~aIld.protec:ted upstream byripra.p or ~ing wall gabions.The gabion banks extend higher than the height of the maximum slough discharge to prevent collapse from erosion. 1 ,J 851021 E-3-2-274 r !I 851021 The gabions composing the channel banks prevent scouring of the banks;the channel wilt be more stable than a similar channel modified by wing deflectors.For passage reaches with greatly varying discharges,the added stability of the rock gabion channel is an advantage.The cost of constructing the gabion channel is approximately $60,000 for a typical passage reach 200 feet in length • •Prevention of Slough Overtopping (**) Project flows are higher than natural discharges in the winter.Ice staging at these discharges can result in an increase in mainstem stage and increase the probability of overtopping of sloughs downstream of the ice cover'front. An influx of cold mainstem water into the habitat used for incubation in the Slough 8A in 1982 caused adverse impacts (ADF&G 1983e).To prevent overtopping,the height of the slough berms will be increased as shown in Figure E.3.2.l23. Cost estimates per berm range from $24,000 to $161,000 or higher depending on the slough head configurations and the anticipated mainstem stage • •Gated Water Supply System (**) In the absence of large flows in sloughs and side channels,debris buildup,siltation,and algae growth may create passage restrictions and decrease available spawning habitat.Side sloughs and side channels are breached under natural conditions with a recurrence frequency from 1 to 4 years.The large breaching flows remove obstacles and scour the channel bed. Flows of 50 cfs or greater may be required for the removal of debris and channel scouring. Under project conditions,breaching of the sloughs and side channels will occur less frequently in spring and summer months and may not provide sufficient flushing of the channel. A gated pipeline extending under the berm at the head of a slough or side channel could provide large quantities of flow during unbreached cond i tions. E-3-2-275 851021 The gated water supply system consists of a corrugated pipe with a gate valve structure.The pipe intake is protected by a riprap cover to prevent the entrainment of fish and debris.The riprap will stabilize the bank of the berm at the intake by preventing scour.Large riprap at the outlet will create turbulent conditions for improved air entrainment and the dissipation of energy to prevent excessive channel bed erosion. The gate valve structure will enable the manual opening of'the pipe to.allow large flows into the channel.In order to provide the required flow, the pipe system will be operated at a high mainstem discharge.To prevent the influx of turbid water during chum spawning or near-freezing water during incubation,the pipe gate valve will remain closed during the fall and winter months. The water supply system will be designed to', provide as much flow as necessary to maintain the substrate in Clea.ricoriditio11 a.nd to prevent scour of spawning gravels.The pipe diameter and length will depend on the hydraulic~~onditions in the ma.instem and slough.The estimated cost of a system with 3-foot ~iameter pipe and a 2,500 foot length is $100,000. Asecofcrtteriahasbeendevetoped to establish a means.of ranking sloughs for modification on a benefit-cost basis.The criteria applied to each slough include the relat ive utilization,the frequency of overtopping,the extent of berming required to prevent overtopping,and the location and extent of passage reach modifications.The use of these criteria in a decision making flow ....chartis.presented.in Figure.E .J.2.12.4.A~.... ______..inl:tic_aJ:~_d3n_the_char.!;.,..5!..slough with higher relative utilization,low probabilit-yof wInter·· overtoppin.g,and minor passage reach modification requirements will receive the highest ranking. As information on the extent of berming necessary for each site is acquired,this set of criteria will be applied to each of the major chum salmon pr odtl.cing sloughs • ..",..,-,,,......•_-,,,..,..,..,.,.,,,.,,.,..•-,', If the cost of modifying one or more of these sloughs is excessive,alternative sites will be evaluated for modification as replacement habitat.A sufficient number of sites will be E-3-2-276 ,..1 851021 modified to insure there is no net loss of habitat value. (v)Reduction of Impacts Over Time (0) A monitoring program will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures (see Section 2.6). (vi)Compensation for Impacts (**) It is anticipated that flow-related impacts will be adequately reduced with the preceeding mitigation measures.However,if for some reason they do not work,the Applicant will compensate for the lost fishery resources.The goal of this compensation will be to produce the number of fry expected to be lost from the impacted area. A technique for incubating-chum salmon eggs current ly in use in British Columbia referred to as an incuba- tion chamber is proposed.The subsurface incubation chamber consists of a wooden box 10 x 20 x 5 ft deep set to a depth of '3 feet below the lowest water table elevation.A slotted wood floor installed in the bottom of the box approximately 6 inches above the base intercepts the groundwater flow. The incubation chamber can accommodate a monolayer of 500,000 eggs and requires a flow rate of approxi- mately 50 gpm.The advantages of the incubation chamber over the traditional egg incubation box include:1)a wide range of potential sites for installation,2)direct installation in a slough eliminating the need to construct rearing ponds,3)a constant reliable water source somewhat independent of weather conditions,and 4)access to the same source of upwelling groundwater that surrounds naturally incubating embryos. It is estimated that one or two of these incubation chambers would replace all of the chum salmon that might be impacted by the proposed project.The total cost for these chambers would be from $50,000 to $70,000.Al though th is is the leas t preferred mitigation option,it is the least costly.The reason that this option is not proposed is that it includes artificial propagation which is the Applicant's third priority mitigation option. E-3-2-277 (b)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Altered Water Temperature Regime (*) (i)Impact Issue (*) The creation of Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs will change the downstream temperature regime of the Susitna River.Reservoirs act as heat sinks, reducing the annual variability and the rate of change in water temperatures by moderating summer and winter temperatures and introducing a time lag.The magnitude of change in the thermal regime downstream depends on the thermal stratification of the reservoir and the design of the power intake and release structures. Some seasonal stratification is expected to occur in Watana Reservoir.(See Exhibit E,Chapter 2,Section 4.1.3(c)(i)).The water temperatures downstream from the dam are set in part by the elevation of the intake structures,which in turn determine the temperature 0 f the water drawn from the reservoir. Since growth rate of many aquatic organisms is temperature-dependent,changes in the thermal regime can affect aquatic communities.Potential adverse effects of higher winter temperatures include acceleration of incubation and early emergence of salmonid embryos and benthic invertebrates.The ------imp ac-f:Of-,-tbwer~summer~temper-a:tures~i:n-ctt:n:le-s.slow er growth of invertebrates,juvenile anadromous,and resident fish.Changes in the thermal character and its effects will decrease downstream as tributaries contribute to the flow and as the temperature regime approaches an equilibrium state.The impacts related to the thermal changes are expected to be confined to the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. u~(iil.__Measures to Avoid ImRacts~(~L__ The only mitigative alternative that would completely avoid temperature changes downstream from the project is the no project alternative.Hydroelectric projects involving reservoir storage dams will alter the natural temperature regimes. -(iii)Measures c to·Minimize.Impac ts (*) The impacts associated with alteration of the temper- ature regime during reservoir operation will be 851021 E-3-2-278 minimized by incorporating multiple-level gates in the power intake.Multiple level intakes nave successfully regulated temperature of downstream releases (Nelson et ale 1978). The success of temperature regulation depends on the thermal structure of the reservoir and the location of the intake ports.A reservoir operation model was used in the design of the multi-level intake structure.Results of the modelling show that the multi-level intake will maintain downstream water tempera tures wi th in acceptable limits.Detai Is 0 f the modelling are provided in Exhibit E,Chapter 2. The cost of providing multi-level intake structure for temperature control is provided in Table E.3.2.126. (c)Mitigation of Inundation Impacts on Mainstem and Tributary Habitats (**) [j 851021 (i) (ii) Impact Issue (**) The Arctic grayling population in the impoundment area of both reservoirs was estimated to be ,~ approximately 20,000 grayling greater than 8 inches (20 cm)(Tables E.3.2-.127"artd E.3.2.l28).This population uses the clearwater tributaries as spawning and rearing habitat and the tributaries and Susitna River mainstem as overwintering habitat.A major project impact will be the loss of grayling spawning .and rearing habitat in the inundated portion of the tributaries.Some grayling that will be displaced from inundated tributary habitats are expected to utilize habitats in tributaries above the impoundment water levels or in the impoundment near tributary mouths.Although fishery resources are expected to exist at some level of productivity,for planning purposes,the Applicant is assuming that all existing grayling habitat in the reaches of clearwater tributaries to be inundated will be lost. Although the Stage I Watana impoundment will affect somewhat less area,the Stage III Watana impoundment will ultimately inundate the same area described in the original License Application. Measures to Avoid Impacts (0) The only mitigation alternative that will avoid im- poundment impacts for the proposed project is the no project alternative. E-3-2-279 (iii)Measures to Minimize Impac ts (*) Mitigation measures that would substantially m~n~m~ze impoundment impacts to fish populations would be to substantially lower the surface elevation of the reservoir or to maintain water levels during the grayling spawning and incubation period (May through June).Neither measure is economically feasible. (iv)Measures to Rectify Impacts (*) Since the impoundment is essentially a permanent impact,rectification measures are not feasible. Rec tifying measures,such as providing replacement grayling spawning habitat within the impoundment are not considered feasible because of the timing and magnitude of the drawdown cycle. (v)Reduction of Impacts (0) Impacts cannot be reduced over time since no effec- tive mitigation measures have been identified. (vi)Compensation for Impacts (***) Measures to compensate for the loss of grayling habitat are the only feasible options proposed for impoundment mitigation planning.Compensation ---------------------~meastires --havebeen-"re-f-ined---to re-fl-e-c-t---Ehe Alaska Department of Fish and Game's preferred measures of compensation.In a letter to the Applicant dated 31 December 1984,the Department indicated that acquisi tion of public access to the Susitna River and its eastside tributaries below Talkeetna and the enhancement of spawning habitat for salmon are preferred mitigation measures.Compensation by .-.----propagacingand stocking rainbow trout-is not ..pr-efer.red..-Therefore.,..impoundment.mitigat.ion-options..... to compensate for lost grayling habitat include: o acquisition of public access to the lower Susitna River and its eastside tributaries; and o improvement of habitat for selected salmon and resident fish stocks:in the middle and lower river reaches. 851021 E-3-2-280 ·1 ] ,I 851021 Acquisition of public access to the lower Susitna River or its eastside tributaries would provide additional recreational opportunities in the basin as public access to the Susitna River below the Parks Highway bridge (RM 84)is presently limited to a private boat launch at Kashwitna (RM 61)and some eastside tributaries along the George Parks Highway. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has proposed the acquisition process as a mitigation measure to offset impoundment area impacts.The Applicant considers the acquisition of public access a feasible option and will evaluate site selections in coordina- tion with resource agencies.A recreational plan prepared in late 1984 by the State of Alaska recommends the acquisition of several land parcels in the Susitna Basin t.o insure public access to present and future fishing areas (Alaska Department of Natural Resources 1985).This recreational plan and any subsequent planning documents on public access in the Susitna Basin will be used in the site selection process. Habitat improvements for selected salmon and resident fish in the middle and lower reaches of the Susitna River have the potential to compensate for lost habitat in the impoundment area.Such enhancement - - could include opening presentlyunutilized areas to access by fish or modifying sloughs in the middle river to improve rearing or overwintering conditions for juvenile salmon and resident fish.The Applicant plans to evaluate potential habitat improvement sites in further detail. The propagation and stocking of Arctic grayling is not a proposed measure to compensate for lost habitat in the impoundments at this time.The agencies have noted that hatchery production of grayling finger- lings is presently in the developmental stage and cannot be fully relied on to provide compensation. Reasons for this position have been:(1)the lack of reliable egg sources;(2)low survival from the green egg to fry stage;(3)unsuccessful attempts to rear grayling fry to fingerling in hatcheries;and (4)the inability to evaluate survival of stocked fry because of their small size.However,the Applicant has . continued to evaluate this option because of the desireability of in-kind compensation.Moreover, recent studies at Clear Hatchery,Alaska,suggest that large scale fingerling production 0 f grayling is feasible.Fingerling production at Clear Hatchery E-3-2-281 apparently hinges on the rearing of fry to.the fingerling stage with acceptable survival rates,as egg sources and incubation technology are adequate and appear to be somewhat secure in the future (Parks et aL 1985).In 1984,over 100,000 two-gram fingerling were produced at Clear Hatchery with an average fry-to-fingerling survival rate of 22 percent (Parks et al.1985).However,in feeding experiments that tested various kinds of commercial feeds,the.survival ra te exceeded 70 percent'for fish fed a diet of krill.This success would appear to make artificial propagation and stocking of Arctic grayling a viable option for compensation. Since compensation for lost grayling habitat is the primary concern in impoundment mitigation planning, the cos ts developed in the original License Application for propagating and stocking grayling can be used as a bas is to budge t for the acq ui sit ion 0 f public access and habitat improvements.The costs associated with public access acquisitions and habitat improvements are presented in Table E.3.2.126. (d)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts Associated with Nitrogen Supersaturation (0) (i)Impact Issue (0) I J ,\ ·1 '1 Nitrogen supersaturation in outflow waters has caused 'J significant fish mortalities from gas bubble disease.' Water passing over a high spillway into a deep plunge pool entrains air.Nitrogen passes into solution at depth and 'a state of supersaturation exists when the water returns to the,surface.The degree to which this occurs depends on the depth of ..................-,.......----.the ··plunge-pool .,heightof the-spiHway.,amount'of· .......~.__~-__water beirtg-s.pU..led.,.-and downs.trc-eam.··tu·r'bulence·.·····,.,~--. Supersaturated water is unstable and eventually will return to equil ibrium levels if exposed to the air.i l However,travel time downstream during high flow I,I periods can be fairly short,causing supersaturation to extend considerable distances downstream. ~._.... (ii)Measures to Avoid Impacts (0) Gas supersaturation will be avoided by including fixed-cone valves in the outlet facilities.These valves,in combination with flood storage pools at 851021 E-3-2-282 ) 1 !l (iii) Watana and Devil Canyon Dams and the powerhouse flows,will discharge all flood flows up to·the 1:50-year flood without causing supersaturation to exceed naturally occurring levels.A discussion of the effectiveness of the cone valves is in Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Se~tion 6.4.4.Costs associated with providing the gas supersaturation control structures are provided in Table E.3.2.126. Measures to Minimize Impacts (0) The likelihood of creating gas supersaturation down- stream from the dam will be further minimized· through reservoir management.Releases occur when the reservoir is full and inflow exceeds releases required for power and instream flow requirements. The reservoir must reach maximum storage level by September 30 to meet winter power demands.Storms do occur in the Susitna drainage that may require release of water;however,the structures and operation criteria have been designed to minimize releases and spills. 2.4.5 -Cumulative Effectiveness of Mitigations (0) (a)Construction Mitigation (0) Through siting and design of project facilities,appropriate construction practices,and careful scheduling of activities as discussed in Section 2.4.3,adverse impacts to aquatic habitats resulting from project construction will be avoided or minimized.The indirect impacts caused by increased access to harvestable fish populations will be reduced during construction by instituting a catch- and-release policy for project workers,and by supporting such harvest regulations as the Alaska Board of Fisheries imposes.It is expected that impacts will not be totally avoided and that increased access will have long-term impacts on fish populations caused by the increased harvest pressure. Aquatic habitat will be altered by removing gravel from the floodplain.These impacts will be rectified by rehabilita- tion practices discussed in Section 2.4.3. Fuel spills and road runoff may decrease water quality in streams downhill from project roads.These impacts will be reduced by having a properly trained and equipped spill response team at the construction site. 851021 E-3-2-283 Monitoring during construciton (see Section 2.6.1)will verify that environmentally acceptable construction practices,as defined by the bid specifications,required permits and the BMPmanua1~are being followed.Monitoring will be conducted during project construction to recommend changes in construction practices or mitigation features·to further avoid,minimize,or reduce impacts. (b)Operation Mitigation (**) (i)Mitigations of Access and Impoundment Impacts (**) Road access to the project area will result in in- crease resource use.Angling pressure will be controlled by the Board of Fisheries through" fisheries management techniques,perhaps including catch limits,restrictive capture techniques (e.g., fly fishing only and single hook),and adjustments in the open season. The loss of clearwater tributary habitats in the impoundment zones'wiTl becolIlpensated by the following mitigation measures:(1)acquisition of pul:>l ic access to the lower Sus'rtna River and its eastside tributaries;and (2)enhancement of habitat for selected ~a1mon and resident species in the middle and lower Susitna River reaches.Mitigation measures offsetting the expected losses for the Stage .--~..c"='~'==--r~'n--aiiCf=ttt~deveropments=wiTt=De"=impremenfed,'dtlring the Stage I measures because the greatest impacts in the project area are expected with the initial development. The acquisition of public access to the lower Susitna River and its eastisde tributaries will provide additional fishing opportunities in the basin and wi-ll help even out resource utilization.Habitat _.impxo:v:ements __that...enhance":':impor.tant._s.p,or.t_species_o£,,_ salmon (chinook and coho)or important resident species (rainbow trout and Arctic grayling)would offset expected habitat losses in the impoundment zones.Sites will be selected after field evaluations of potential sites are done. (ii)Mitigation of Downstream Impacts (*) The goal of the downstream mitigation program is to provide adequate habitat downstream from Devil Canyon Dam that will minimize adverse impaCts on fish ,l :I ,I 'I \\) 1 851021 E-3-2-284 resources.It is anticipated that the mitigation program will fully maintain,and probably enhance, salmon productivity in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach.Essentially all proposed mitigation measures for downstream impacts will be implemented with Stage I Watana,primarily because the mitigation measures needed for this stage will be sufficient for Stages II and III.To assure that the measures meet their intended purpose,a monitoring plan will be implemented (see Section 2.6). Several project features have been incorporated into the design of the project to avoid or reduce impacts. Fixed-cone valves will be installed in the outlet facilities to minimize the potential for gas supersaturation to exceed naturally occurring levels. The multiple-level power intake gates will allow water to be withdrawn from the upper levels of the =- water column over the full drawdown range.This ability to withdr~w water from the upper levels will allow control over downstream temperatures to remain within acceptable levels. The Case E--VI flow constraints will alter the hydraulic characteristics of the sloughs,thereby reducing ease 0 f access and available spawning area for adult salmon and increasing embryo mortality if the sloughs dewater or freeze after spawning is completed. The project operational flows will allow downstream impacts to be minimized when used in conjunction with proposed rectifying and compensating measures (wee 1984a).The primary rectifying measure is to use stream enhancement techniques to modify natural slough habitats to maintain natural salmon spawning and fry production.The slough enhancement process is composed of a series of steps to rectify the loss of natural slough habitat.These steps may be used singly or in combination in any particular area, depending on the controlling factors in an affected slough.These steps are (wee 1984a): o Provide an upstream berm that will prevent the river from entering the enhanced slough during winter staging.This control maintains the integrity of the spawning gravels and reduces thermal impacts. 851021 E-3-2-285 o Select a slough that retains ground water flow with suitable thermal characteristics'under operational flow levels.The selection process is evaluating a number 0 f criteria to assess the potential for the slough to maintain sufficient ground water flow under operational flows to maintain salmon embryos through the winter and allow properly timed development. Emphasis will be on sloughs that are currently most productive. o Provide adult salmon with access into the slough by enhancing the backwater effect at the slough mouth and lowering the slough profile. o If ground water flow cannot be naturally maintained by lowering the slough'profile, areas where the ground water flow can be artificially maintained will be considered. The extent and type of habitat enhancement depends on~ natural site cha.racteristics ,"such as ground water flow rates,size of natural features,and factors that appear to limit salmon productivity in each slough.The number of sloughs modified will depend on the desired level of production.It is the Applicant's intent to maintain production at historical levels. 2.5 -Aquatic Studies Program (**) Aquatic studies are an integral part of the continuing planning and design for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The information presented in this document is based primarily on results of the 1981 through 1984 studies.The mitigation plan (wee 1984a)has been refined based on these studies and analyses. __TJJft-_em~hasis for~he .C!quatic studies prog~am~as shi~~~~~oward developing design criteria needed to implement the mitigatfon fea-tures- and to baseline monitoring (see Section 2.6).These studies,described in the following sec tion,can be divided into precons truction, construction,filling,and operational phases of the project. 2.5.1 -preconstuction Phase (**) ..During the preconstruction.phase,..the aquatic studies program will: o Provide supplemental information required for pre-project baseline monitoring; J., I /. I 851021 E-3-2-286 ] -' o Refine the proposed mitigation measures. The need for specific tasks will be translated into study programs. 2.5.2 -Construction Phase (*) During the planning for construction,information will be needed to properly design site facilities and schedule construction activites to avoid impacts to aquatic habitats.Incorporating environmental design criteria into design,siting,and scheduling activities is a major feature of the construction mitigation plan.Review of proposed actions and facilities will generate the need for some additional data and information.These needs will be incorporated into the study program.Environmental design criteria will be incorporatad during the planning stage in order to avoid or minimize impacts. 2.5.3 -Filling and Operation Phases (0) During filling and operation,monitoring studies,as discussed below,will permit refinement of mitigation features to improve performance. 2.6 -Monitoring Studies (**) As discussed in Sec tion 1.3,monitoring studies are recognized as an essential project mitigation feature that provides for a reduction of impacts over time.Monitoring will be conducted during project construction and operation: o To insure that good construction practices are being employed on the project; o To evaluate the effectiveness of the operation and maintenance of mitigation features;and o To recommend changes in construction practices or mitigation features to further avoid,minimize,or reduce impacts. Aquatic monitoring for this project is divided into two broad ca te gorie s: o Construction monitoring and regulatory compliance o Long-term monitoring Construction monitoring will be extensively involved in assuring that the licensing and permitting stipulations for construction activities are carried out.Long-term monitoring will be conducted primarily to: 851021 E-3-2-287 o Evaluate impact projections o Assess levels of resource production to ensure that these levels are maintained o Evaluate the effectiveness of project mitigation measures for area$downstream of the project and within the impoundment zones o Provide input needed to refine operation and mitigation measures o Provide supplemental baseline information During the development of the dams,there will be considerable overlap of pre-project,construction,and operational periods..Due to this overlap,some construction monitoring and long-term monitoring will occur concurrently.(F.or example,fish monitoring will be needed for both categories of monitoring but because it is believed that such monitoring will be needed for a period of time after construction is comple te,fish monitoring is grouped into long-term monitoring.)Even though this overlap will exist,construction monitoring and long-term monitoring will be considered separate categories for monitoring. 2.6.1 -Construction Monitoring (***) Construction monitoring activities will co.verall project facilities,including access road construction and maintenance, transmission line construction,camp and village construction, material removal,material washing operations,reservoir-nearing";-~ana rel"ia1fiTn:ai:icfif-neeaecrauefo··cons t rucfTorC-~ activities.Monitoring will be done to ensure that proper construction practices are being followed and that project facilities are being properly maintained. The Applicant has prepared five Best Management Practices (BMP) manuals (APA 1985a,1985 b,1985c,1985d,1985e)to be used in the design,construction and maintenance of the Applicant's o Oil Spill Contingency Planning o Erosion and Sedimentation Control o Liquid and Solid Waste o Fuel and Hazardous Materials o Water Supply These manuals are the result of a coordinated effort involving :Fl:'cl e:r.al,st:.ate.al1clloc.aLgoYl:':r11llll:'Ilt:.agl:'l1ciel:l:,.al1cl-ot:l1er group£;~ The manuals are compendiums of typical practices that can be used to avoid or minimize environmental impacts from construction, operation,and maintenance of the Applicant's energy projects. In addition,a report entitled ''Drainage Structure and Waterway .1 ) 851021 E-3-2-288 Design Guidelines"(HE 1985b)has been prepared for the specific purpose of assuring that culverts and bridges are designed to meet the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's proposed regulations for these structures. The BMP manuals will be provided to the design engineer,who will utilize them in the preparation of both design and construction documents.The Applicant intends that guidelines contained in these Best Management Practice manuals be incorporated where appropriate into the contractual documents of the project.In this way,they become an integral part of the contract requirements for construction activities. construction monitoring will be implemented to ensure that proper construction practices,as detailed in the BMP manuals and Drainage Structure and.Waterway Design Guidelines,are being followed and that project facilities are being properly maintained. It is anticipated that environmental concerns and regulations during construction will be addressed through a continuing process of consultation between the Applicant and the resource agencies.This process has been ongoing since the Applicant initiated project-related studies.Agencies have already been involved in the review of the BMP manuals and Drainage Structure Guidelines,initial design of project features (as presented in feasibility reports and the original License Application),and other project documents.It is anticipated that this process will continue through the design,construction,and operation periods. The Applicant will continue its practice of regular consultation with individual agencies and.other project participants.The Applicant envisions that these meetings will be held at least once every two months and will be the forum in which participants will be apprised of the current status of the work.These meetings will also provide for interactive discussions with the Applicant and its design contractors. During the design process,specific features will be described in detail.For each major project feature (e.g.dam,spillway, camp,etc),design memoranda will be developed based on the criteria and plans presented in this License Application Amendment.In areas where environm~ntal concerns may be involved,these memoranda will be distributed to resource agencies for review and comment.Prior to construction,the agencies will also review the final design and means of construction with regard to permits,permit stipulations,and design and construction criteria.This will ensure conformance to approved practices. 851021 E-3-2-289 construction of the main access road will begin in April 1990. From that time until all stages of the project are complete, construction monitoring will occur.To build the project,the Applicant will hire a firm that will manage construction.This firm will hire contractors needed to build the project.To provide overall onsite responsibility for the Applicant,~here will be a resident manager,at the site;for the construction manager there will be a resident engineer.One of the main responsibilities of the resident manager will be to assure adherence to requirements of the FERC license and other agency permits and regulations.This will be implemented through the resident manager. Mitigation measures for construction will be part of contractual documents and will be adhered to just the same as any other contrac tual requirement (e .g.,safety>procedures required by OSHA).By incorporating the environmental concerns'in the contract documents,the Federal,state,and local ageneies can be assured that these concerns will be enforced in the field.In order that environmental and regulatory concerns receive the same level'of attention as is being devoted to other phases of project ---development;theApplicanthajf fOrmed thepositiot'FOf-Director of Environment and Licensing (DEL).The DEL has the same stature as the Dire-ctor of Engineering,Director of Construction,and the Director of Administration.All of the aforementioned directors, as well as the Susitna Project Manager,are responsible to the Associate Executive Director of Projects. CC-CCC-~Ks~the~ons-tteYepnrsent-ative--of~th-e~-DEL~;--th-e-.Appcticaireintends to have at least one member of its staff designated as an Environmental Field Officer (EFO).The EFO will be required to be thoroughly familiar with plans and specincations ,as well as the special regulatory permit stipulations and general environmental statutes and regulations.It will be the EFO's responsibility to enforce those portions of the'construction contract documents that incorporate the environmental ....stipulati onss p ecified in_the permit s.and __license_._ The EFO will directly interface with the Applicant's resident engineer and the cons truction manager.The onsi te construction manager will be thoroughly familiar with the regulatory requirements and plans and specifications.These quality control assurance personnel will give equal weight to technical and environmental concerns in carrying out their field itispec tiollres ponsibi liiies :The-EFO -through tJieDEL--wi 11 be the -Applicant'sJie!cl'!ic':ii~,?_n .w~th .:r~sourcelreg':l!at'?ry agencies. The Applicant is committed to working with an interagency review team and will support its effort by providing data,analysis and technical support.The resource agencies may,at their own 1,,'J 1,) l ,I f ,J 851021 E--3-2-290 discretion and funding,have an observer onsite to assure themselves that agency interests are maintained.The Applicant will provide this observer with field support as needed.It will be the responsibility of the resource agencies to select this observer.If the observer sees a problem,he can relate this directly to the EFO,the agency concerned,or the FERC.Whether or not the resource agencies desire an onsite observer,the DEL will contact the appropriate agencies prior to the contractor beginning a major work item,in order that the agency may have the opportunity to request a site inspection. The EFO will have a staff that assists him in assuring that environmental requirements of the contracts are carried out.If a violation of the contract occurs (such as principles of the BMP Manuals are not being followed),the EFO will take action by notifying the appropriate person in the constru~tion manager's organization.If no response occurs,the EFO will notify the DEL and the resident manager.The resident manager,in turn,will notify the construction manager to take corrective action.It is envisioned that this entire procedure will require only a short period of time (minutes).Depending on the incident,the appropriate resource agency will also be notified. Once construction has begun,onsite changes in permit stipulations may be required because of changes in construction techniques or unforeseen problems that are not included in contracts.If a variance is required,the agency observer onsite should have the authority to authorize field actions that were not specified in the permits.It is strongly suggested that the observer have this authority because offsite decisions would require time and potential costly delays.After facilities or portions of facilities have been constructed,the EFO will review the designs and ver{fy that the facility is in compliance with contracts,permits,and license stipulations. If a facility or activity is found not to be in compliance with existing stipulations and if a variance was not requested prior to implementing the activity,a certificate of non-compliance will be issued and all responsible parties will be notified. The construction schedule and proximity of activities will dictate the size of the EFO's staff.During Stage I Watana construction the staff will be large since activities will include construction of the access road and,soon after,the Watana dam. This level will be high through Stage II Devil Canyon completion. During the Stage III Watana Dam construction,EFO staff and the extent of their coverage will be reduced since most activities will be limited to the damsite.As indicated by the current 851021 E-3-2-291 schedule,construction activities,including the construction monitoring program,will end in 2012. The Applicant believes that the above procedures are a prudent approach since both the Applicant and the resource agencies will need flexibility to resolve the day-to-day implementation of monitoring plans in an expeditious and cost effective manner. Regardless of.how many contingency plans are developed,some of the field problems that occur during implementation are typically resolved as they occur.Therefore,some procedural flexibility is necessary in order to develop workable solutions. 2.6.2 -Long-term Monitoring (***) Long-term monitoring will focus on areas downstream of the project and in the impoundment zones.The purposes of this plan will be to: o Evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures o Provide input to refine operation and mitigation measures o Provide supplemental baseline information The.general approach to long-term monitoring will be to monitor selected na·tura1'eonditions for a number of years (in some cases, monitoring for natural conditions is complete).The length of time needed and the data requirements will depend on the -pat:'ame·ter-oE--s·ituat-ion-tobe -monit oE-ed.~.Cond·it-ions·-w-i~1-1···then be monitored after Stage I Watana Dam construction begins and will continue through project completion.The natural and with-project information wi 11 then be compared to determine if significant impacts have occurred and to determine the effectiveness of mitigation measures.The parameters that will be monitored will only be tho se that are considered good indicators of change (for the sy stem)and are readily measured ....................__..and anal ts associated with 1 term monitoritlg~re Tab1eE..2.29. Project planning is separated into the following time periods: o Existing conditions o Stage I Watana Dam a.Construction of Stage I Watana Dam .b.Operation o Stage II Devil Canyon Dam 1 ,) .1 1 .j ) 851021 E-3-2-292 851021 a.Construction of Devil Canyon Dam and operation of Stage I Watana Dam b.Operation of Devil Canyon and Stage I Watana Dams o Stage III Watana Dam a.Construction of Stage III Watana Dam and operation of Devil Canyon Dam b.Operation of Stage III Watana and Devil Canyon Dams Long term monitoring of the aquatic environment in each of these periods is necessary.Prior to initiation of project construction,existing conditions will be monitored to establish baseline conditions.For the Susitna Project,a major portion of this baseline monitoring has already been accomplished,primarily since.1980,when field studies were initiated by the Applicant. Once construction begins,monitoring of the other periods will be necessary to de termine if pre-project projections are correc.t and to assure that mitigation measures are successful in achieving their intended goals O'!r. During project development,there will be considerable overlap of pre-projec t,cons truction,and operat ional periods.Due to this overlap,some ,construction monitoring (Section 2.5)and long-term monitoring will occur concurrently.For example,fish monitoring will be needed for both categories of monitoring but because it is believed t~at such monitoring will be needed for a period of time after construction is complete,fish monitoring is grouped into long-term monitoring. The plan outlined in this section will begin with the 1985 field season (Table E.3.2.l30).This will not preclude the possible· analysis and use of previously collected data.The plan will continue through project construction with some of the studies continuing into project operation. The with-project monitoring schedule will depend on the specific parameters to be monitored and the degree of preC1S10n necessary to determine if project-induced changes have been detected at an acceptable level. The long-term monitoring plan encompasses the entire project period and not anyone stage.The reason for this is that once construction begins,the environment of the project area will be altered.This will then continue through all construction phases and into operation.This plan should not be considered unchangeable however,because studies will be refined through consultation with resource agencies,both individually and in the interagency group forum.Likewise,the effectiveness of mitigation measures will be determined through monitoring. E-3-2-293 Should mitigation measures require modification,the resource agencies as a group,or individually,will be consul ted·and agreement will be reached on specific modifications. During construction and initial project operation,the Applicant will,on an annual basis,submit a report on aquatic monitoring to the FERC and resource agencies for review and comment.This repo~t will describe the results of monitoring for the year and provide an analysis of whether or not mitigation measures are achieving their purposes.The need for continued monitoring will be reviewed periodically.It is envisioned that as the project matures,any significant impacts will be fully mitigated and the need for field studies/monitoring will decrease,i.e.,portions of the aquatic monitoring program will be terminated when the need for further mitigation is considered unnecessa~. Consequently,the need for reports on an annuaL.basis may also decrease. 2.6.3 -Long-term Monitoring Elements (***) Af3ar~sul~ofstudJ~sL analyses,alld .ggellcyconsultation, specific elements of project development and operation that will need long-term monitoring were identified.These monitoring elements include: o Water qua lity upstream and dowtfstream of the project incl uding: 1.Dissolved Gas Supersaturat 2.Temperature/Ice 3.Turbidity 4.Mercury/Heavy Metals o Critical fish Ii fe history stages including: 1.Adult salmon ·······2;-Eggincubation,·juvenile·-rearing',-and·outmigration ·3.-Res·ident-·f-ish··----._--.--.---.----.---..--------. o Fluvial geomorphology o Structural alteration of habitat,suchas slough modifications ---The plans proposed for long term monitoring are primarily ·co-riceinea W:i-:-thareas~downsfreamo f thepro)'e·ctarea ~···A monitoring plan will.be developed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed,impoundm~p.tarea mitigation program.This will be done following finalization of mitigation plans for this area. ) I J J \ I ·l 851021 E-3-2-294 I I The following sections provide additional details on the scope and activities associated with the various monitoring elements. (a)Dissolved Gas Supersaturation (***) Dissolved gas supersaturation from dams primarily occurs when water is released over a spillway and plunges into a pool.This entrains air and carries it to depth where the hydrostatic head forces it into solution.If the hydrostatic head at depth is sufficient,the air will stay in solution.At shallower depths,however,supersaturated gas comes out of solution as the gases equilibrate with the atmosphere,thus causing bubbles to form.If the gas comes out of solution within a fish,it may cause mortality,or sublethal stress. To avoid potential impacts from supersaturation (and minimize the need to spill water over the spillway),the Project will provided means for storing and releasing all floods with recurrence intervals of 50 yeats or less without the need for using spillway discharges.One of the means will be to provide fixed cone valves for both dams (all project stages).Releases from these valves would be dispersed as a spray and,therefore would not plunge to depth nor be expected to cause gas saturations in excess of 110 percent downstream. Six cone valves are planned for Watana Dam (same valves for both Stages).These valves will "have a 24,000 cubic feet per second (cfs)discharge capacity (maximum).Devil Canyon will have seven cone valves with a 38,500 cfs discharge capacity. Natural turbulence in Devil Canyon causes supersaturation, with higher discharges resulting in higher dissolved gas concentrations (Figure E.3.2.125).These concentrations can exceed the State of Alaska maximum allowable standard of 110 percent total gas saturation when flows in the river are greater than about 15,000 to 20,000 cfs.Naturally occurring gas supersaturation levels decrease by approximately 50 percent in the first 20 miles downstream of Devil Canyon.Fish collected in the area of highest:gas concentrations have not exhibited any of the signs associated with bubble disease (ADF&G 1983n). The data collected thus far is sufficient to provide a general understanding of the relationships concerning dissolved gas concentrations in the Devils Canyon reach. Additional pre-project data will be needed to provide a more complete record of baseline conditions. 851021 E-3-2-295 The primary purpose of this portion of the monitoring plan will be to evaluate cone valve operation in order to assure that significant impacts due to gas supersaturation do not occur. The main objectives of the dissolved gas saturation monitor- ing wi 11 be to: o Document the relationship between flows and natural dissolved gas concentrations o o Monitor fixed-cone valve operation to de termine if with-project dissolved gas concentrations agree with projections Evaluate the effects of~spillway discharges on I 1 dissolved gas concentrations. To comple te the evaluation of the fixed-cone valve operation,the following sourc:esof information wi 11 be utilized: o Baseline data on dissolved gas concentrations previously collected on the Susitna River by the ADF&G o Additional pre-project monitoring of dissolved gas concentrations o Data from monitoring of dissolved gas concentrations during testing of the cone valves and spillways at both Watana and Devil Canyon Dams Monitoring to complete baseline data collection will occur during the 1985 field sampling season (Table E.3.2.l30). With-project monitoring will occur when each stage of the project i-s·complete (i..•.------_-_..-_.--- (b)Tempera.ture/lce (***) The Watana (Stages I and III)and Devil Canyon Reservoirs will cause temperatures in the river downstream from the dams to differ from natural conditions (see Exhibit E, Chapter 2,Section 4.0).Water temperatures in the spring are expec·fed to be below naturalbyafe,w degrees Celsius <cJ..Inmid...summer,.theyw.i11benear.naturaL In the fall,water temperatures will be above natural by a few degrees C.In the winter,due to releases of water ranging from 0 to 4°C from the reservoir,a large portion of the river downstream of the dams will remain free of ice.When :1 I 851021 E-3-2-296 851021 the three stages are complete,the open water is estimated to be about 15 to 35 miles downstream from the dam.In this ice-free area,temperatures may remain above natural (O°C) by up to 3°C throughout the winter.The variation from natural will be greatest near the dam,and will decrease with distance downstream.Under the ice cover,temperatures will be O°C,the same as for natural conditions (AEIDC 1984c). During the winter,warmer releases will cause the ice front progression up the middle reach to be delayed by 2'to 6 weeks.Higher than natural winte~discharges will result in elevated water levels downstream of the ice front.Upstream of the with-project ice front,water levels will be lower than natural because natural staging due to the ice cover will be eliminated. Changes from natural conditions will result in the more frequent overtoppings of slough berms wherever an ice cover forms.This overtopping will introduce cold (O°C)~ater and ice into the sloughs.Plans to prevent this overtopping include increasing the height of the berms at the upper ends of the sloughs (wec 1984a).The Applicant has included mul ti-level intakes in the designs for both ·,the Watana (both low and high phases)and Devil Canyon developments to mitigate for these potential temperature impac ts.These intakes will be operated to provide as near natural t~mperatures as possible. The purposes for monitoring water temperature and ice will be to: o Determine the range of temperatures experienced in the Susitna under natural conditions o Monitor with-project temperatures o If necessary,refine multi-level intake and cone valve operation after actual with-project conditions have been observed o Monitor with-project ice conditions o Monitor occurrences of ice-induced slough overtopping with-project conditions The main objective will be to determine if the water temperatures and ice conditions downstream of the projects agree with pre-project projections. E-3-2-297 The primary sources of data will be: o Temperature c!tnd ice data already collected by the Applicant at various locations throughout the Susitna Basin o Additional pre-project data o Data collected when the dams begin filling and operating (c)Turbidity/Sediment (***) During the ice-covered season,the natural turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations of the Susitna River are near zero.During much of the open water season,the river is highly turbid and carries large volumes of suspended sedimerits.Open water suspended sediments average approximately 700 mg/l (HE 1984c).Peak turbidity values may be as high as several thousand nephelometric turbidity unit's (NTU's)• Most sediments tha t presently depend on the river's tractive force fOT downstream transport are expected to be trapped upstream of the dams.Particles passing downstream through the dams will be fewer and smaller,and the average mineral composition and three-dimensional shapes will be altered. The present suspended sediment and turbidity regimes should oec6memore seaso~ra.rty cotl.titl.uousand-l·esTvariaDle~ Enhancement of biological productivity is possible if sufficiently clearer water can be combined with river temperatures and a flow regime which protects critical aquatic habitats during appropriate seasons. Biological changes are expected to occur at all trophic levels iri aquatic habitats directly affected by pt"oject-induced.changesinsuspended--sediment-andturbidity... --------.---.__.__..____r_eginies_.Bec_aus.e chang~ts.__in_th.e_s.e_lta r ame_t.er s can .e i ther positively or negatively affect fishery resources,it is important to understand how much change will occur. The purpose for monitoring turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations under existing and wi th-projec t conditions will be to determine whether or not<changes in these parame ters sIgni.fi.c::antIy affect Hshery resource s d.ownstream ():ft:.hep'~()ject~S~gtlif~ca.tlt:.C!l1Il()unts of~tlf()rmati()t1 have already been recorded concerning baseline turbidity and suspended sediment levels (HE 1984c). -j ll j 851021 E-3-2-298 'T The main objectives of these studies will be to: o Determine if with-project conditions agree with pre-project predictions o Determine the seasonal changes in turbidity and suspended sediments that occur due to the project o To the extent possible,determine how these changes have affected the fishery resources downstream of the project One year of pre-project monitoring will be needed to establish a better record and understanding of natural conditions.Most efforts will be applied to the open water season.Another year will be necessary when Watana (Stage I)begins operation and at least one additional year when Devil Canyon and Watana (Stage III)begin operation. Monitoring of turbidity and suspended sediments will likely be required as part of the construction monitoring program .)0 and during reservoir filling.Therefore,it is expected that this program will be almost continuous from the start of construction through early operation of both dams. (d)Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fish (***) A number of metals naturally exist in the·Susitna River at detectable levels.The most biologically significant of these metals are mercury,copper,cadmium,and zinc. Post-impoundment water quality studies in existing reservoirs have shown that only one of these metals,mercury (Hg),systematically bioaccumulates to relatively high concentrations in fish tissue as a direct result of impoundment (Bodaly et ale 1984,Meister et ale 1979). These concentrations in fish tissue might exceed (greater than 0.5 mg-mercury/mg of fi~h tissue)those that are considered safe for human consumption.After impoundment, microbial methylation of mercury associated with the organic matter in soils and newly inundated detritus of the project reservoirs may result in higher than natural mercury concentrations in reservoir fish.Several environmental factors in the project reservoirs will tend to minimize mercury biomethylation and subsequent concentration in the tissues of fish and higher trophic level organisms such as man and vertebrate predators: o Low year-round water temperature o Low rates of benthic microbiological activity 851021 E-3-2-299 o Blanketing of inundated organic matter with a layer of inorganic sediments o Relatively limited fish populations Although information exists on mercury concentrations in fish in impoundment areas,no comparable information exists on mercury concentrations in fish downstream of dams,at least not directly related to a dam.If concentration of mercury potentially occurs in fish downstream of the project,resident fish,in contrast to anadromous species, might be more affected by freshwater mercury concentration because anadromous species (such as salmon)will acquire most of their mercury tissue burden from the marine environment and will therefore be relatively less affected by the project. Cadmium,in contrast to mercury,is not present in high concentrations in the Susitna River.Thus,it is not likely that appreciable concentratigns will be leached from the soils inundated by the impoundment.Therefore,although cadmium is know.nto bioaccumula te (principa 11y in non-muscle tissues:liver,kidney,etc.),the element is not likely to have adverse effects on the fish or fish predators in the Susitna River.Zinc and copper are quite toxic but not consistently known to bioaccumulate in fish tissue in newly impounded reservoirs.. ~Le_ac_b_iJ).g_o_f.b~'y)T me tat s is neither 'Rredictabl~~<:>'J:. quantifiable.Leaching will be exacerbated by the presence of humic substances,.which are abundant in the watershea, but the toxicity o.f me tals bound to humics is usually much lower than that of free metal ions (Jackson,et al.1978, Moore and Ramamoorthy 1984). The purpose for monitoring mercury and other metals will be to identify whether or not uptake andbioaccumulation occur -as··aresultoft:heproj-ect;_·· The main objective will be to analyze sufficient numbers of preproject and with-project fish tissue samples to determine if mercury and/or other metal bioaccumulation has occurred and the extent of the occurrence. Preproject data will ..be.developed from.two.sources: o A review of scientific literature with application o·f· this information to the Susitna Project 851021 E-3-2-300 .~..'-'1 ) I o Laboratory analyses to determine the present status of mercury (and possibly other metals)in resident sport fish in the Susitna River and adjacent lakes With-project data will be used for comparison to natural conditions.Fish muscle tissue burdens of toxic metals will be developed from laboratory analyses of metal concentrations in resident sport fish in the Susitna basin, both in the Watana Reservoir and downstream. Preproject sampling will begin with the 1990 field season (see Table E.3.2.l30).It is expected that sufficient samples will be collected within one season to provide basel ine data. Samples will be taken following filling of Watana (Stage I) reservoir and then again after Devil Canyon and Watana (Stage III)Reservoirs are filled.It is expected that these samplings will be completed within one year.Plans will be made to collect samples approximately five years af ter Watana (S tage III)begins operation and periodically thereafter,if necessary.This set of data will be used for long-term comparisons. (e)Dissolved Oxygen,pH,Organic Nitrogen (Total, Particulate -Organic and Inorganic,and Dissolved), and Phosphorus (Total,Particulate -Organic and Inorganic,and Dissolved)(***) Collection of data on these parameters is useful to understanding changes that may occur in fish resources as a result of the project.Sampling of both natural and with-project conditions will take place coincidentally with turbidity sampling.Winter sampling will be needed for natural conditions to define baseline levels that in general will otherwise be excluded for turbidity s~mpling. (f)Water Quantity (***) As part of normal project operation,mains tern discharges will be continuously monitored at several locations, including: o Upstream of the Watana impoundment zone o Watana Dam o Devil Canyon Dam o Gold Creek 851021 E-3-2-301 o Sunshine Station TIl is information is needed to as sure that minimum and maximum flow constraints are met. (g)Fish Resources (***) (i)Impoundment Area (***) It is assumed that all existing habitat and fish populations wi thin the impoundment zone will be altered as the river changes from a flowing water system to two reservoirs.It is also assumed that although fish will inhabit the reservoir,the productivity of the impoundments will-be low. Furthermore,it was assumed that the potential for effective mitigation measures in the impoundment zones is low.,primarily because the reservoirs will not be highly productive.Therefore,offsite mitigation isuproposed.The need,scope,and extent of monitoring for offsite mitigation will largely depend on the mitigation option that will be pursued. (ii)Areas Downstream of the Project (***) Based on aquatic baseline studies,impact assessments,and harvest contributions,five species·of Pacific salmon (-chum,sockeye,chinook, coho,and pink),and Arctic grayling,rainbow trout, Dolly Varden char,and burbot have been identified as evaluation species for this project (see Section 2.4.2). Not all species will be equally affected by the proposed project.Mitigation measures have been ci~~ign~ci ..1::9 t:l.Y9ici9;J;J!:Li,g.i.T!1i.2;~.imp..t:I.C:t~tQtl:1~~?._. species with special emphasis given to juvenile chinook and adult ch-i.tm salmon because oftheir---------------- dependence during certain life stages on habitats directly influenced by mainstem flows.Once initia I site selection was made and preliminary designs completed,the priorities for developing mitigation ..measures have been: o Flow regulation-to maintain habitat o Structural habitat modifications,such as slough modifications,to assure continued production from natural systems .[ 851021 E-3-2-302 ,1 851021 o Artificial propagation Studies have shown that flow regulation accompanied by habitat modification will have a high likelihood of success in achieving the goal of no net loss in habitat value.The Applicant would implement artificial propagation as a last resort if the other means of mitigation did not meet the Applicant's goal of no net loss.To assure that this goal is met, monitoring of both salmon and resident fish will be implemented. The primary study area for the fish monitoring program is the middle reach of the Susitna River (from Devil Canyon downstream to the confluence with the Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers).Of the downstream areas,the fish populations in this reach are the most likely to be affected by the project. Therefore,concentrating monitoring efforts on this reach will provide the best opportunity to determine if mitigation measures are achieving their goal. Chances of detecting changes in the lower river (Cook Inlet to Talkeetna)due to operation of the project are greatly reduced because the lower river is influenced to a much greater extent by non-project related instream and tributary conditions. The primary emphasis of the Applicant's mitigation plan has been to achieve no net loss in habitat value due to the project.Therefore,it is felt that the best indicator for this will be to monitor the number of juvenile salmon produced from a given escapement. In addition to the monitoring of salmon'populations, key resident species will also be monitored. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)ha~ performed adult salmon spawner escapement studies on the Susitna River dating back to 1974.Escapement estimates were derived from survey data for the years 1974, 1975,1977,and 1981-1984.The escapement estimates were determined from tag recovery data and spawning ground surveys conducted by helicopter, fixed-wing aircraft,and ground surveys.Survey techniques and sampling designs were refined periodically over the years,taking advantage of increased understanding gained with each year of study.Emphasis has gradually changed from a general coverage of the entire system to more concentrated coverage of the middle reach. E-3-2-303 A study program has been conducted over the past several years to provide information on the·habitat and seasonal distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon in the middle Susitna River.In 1983,the SuHydro Study Team-(part of ADF&G)initiated a program to provide estimates of fry-smolt production. The program entailed marking outmigrant salmonids (primarily chinook,chum and sockeye)in tributary creeks and sloughs,and then recovering them downstream at the Talkeetna Station (River Mile 103). Methodology and statistical considerations have been developed to the point where reasonably good estimates can be obtained from a nominal survey effort. Abundance and distribution 0 f resident fish have been extensively examined in the middle reach since 1982 (ADF&G 1984c).These studies have primarily involved sampling at fixed sites between river miles (RM)98.6 -and 132.0.Three major macrohabitats (ma ins tem, slough,and tributary mouths0 have been examined usingmul tiplege'ar-types---(electroshocking ,seining, hOdk-and-line,traps,fishwheels,outmigrant traps, and trotlines).Although sampLing has been intensive,only limited success has occurred in developing esti-mates 0 f population numbers,primarily because recapture numbers have b~en low.However, extensive information has been developed on -----------~-~-cat_ch-per -uni-tef-f0-l:'-t~,----s-i-ze-,~age-,distribut ion and relative abundance of fish species. Objectives: Resident Fish.The objective of the resident fish monitoring program is to provide an index of pre-project and with-projec t populations of rainbow trout and Arct~c grayling.__Totheextentpos~ible,____.._____bt"hers-pe-~{es-wiT:cbeexamrne(I:---F or-·example,------- although Dolly Varden are -alsoevaruafion species-;--- estimates of population numbers are difficult if not impossible because so few have been captured over four years of intensive sampling at mul tiple locations using a wide variety of sampling methods. For burbot,a similar situation exists in that few fish have heencapturedandto capture those few has generally required use o:f!!!81I1P1i Ilg techniques that sa-criffee -thefish~-----Therefo'tEf,--because --low numbers of burbot are present,it is not justified to use methods that could significantly impact the resource. i j .J ._( Ii 851021 E-3-2-304 :J The monitoring period will extend over a period of years encompassing natural and with-project" conditions.Trends in population numbers will be related to the index.The se trends will then be used to determine if projec t effec ts have occurred. To the extent possible,it will also be necessary to follow patterns in the sport fishery harvest which is anticipated to increase whether or not the Susitna Project proceeds. Salmon -Adul ts The objective of the adul t salmon monitoring program is to provide spawning population estimates (escapement estimates)of five salmon species over a period of years encompassing natural and with-project conditions.The estimates will be used to assess the effect of the project on the populations.The extended number of years is necessary to de tect "real"trends in escapement patterns that naturally vary considerably.It will also be necessary to follow patterns in commercial and sport fishery harvest that with time vary in their effect on escapement.Determining what factor or factors are affecting or controlling population levels will be difficult.The level of de tec tabi lity will depend 0 f the "na tural" variability in the population,the degree of change induced by the various factors controlling the population,the variability induced by the sampling program,and the number of years of study. Sub-objectives include the following: o Monitor the long-term trend in catch at fixed fishwheel stations o Monitor the long-term trend in spawning ground counts o Monitor the long-term trend in age and sex composition of spawners o Relate trends to physical,chemical and biological changes in the system,including changes induced by the project 851021 E-3-2-305 851021 -Juveniles The objective of the juvenile salmon monitoring program is to provide estimates of fry and smolt production in the middle river-over a period of years encompassing natural and with-project conditions.Production estimates and changes in production patterns over the years can be compared directly with changes in physical conditions due to project operation.In addition to production estimates,survival rates obtained from the ratio of egg production to fry-smolt production can be monitored over the pre-and with-project period. Sub-objectives include the following: o Monitor long-term trends in the t,iming 0 f emergence and outmigration of juvenile salmon o Monitor long~term trends in the development, growth,and relative condition of young salmon Monitoring Locations: Resident Fish.Resident fish sampling stations will be located at the twelve sites between~RM 98.6 and 132.0 that have been examined since 1982.In addition to continuing sampling at these index sites, .i t-ha's-beenp'ropo sed~t-o--samp·letht'ee-addi·t-iona·l- sites,beginning with the 1985 field season.This will provide a total of 15 fixed sites.Furthermore, any resident fish sampled during the salmon studies (such as those captured in',the fishwheels and outmigrant traps)will be incorporated into the analysis. _S a,ltn().l1.!.~p;:t.J1:l:l,j.l1g P.<l]?'1,l.!.;:t.t:i.<ll:l,§.J.tl:tl1~!1l~<!ci!~r i veE .... will be studied from just upstream of the confluence of the three main tributar-iesneai-the-town -0£------ Talkeetna to the Watana Dam site,including tributary creeks and sloughs.Sampling by fishwheels will be conducted at Curry Station and Sunshine Station. Spc1iwning ground counts will be concentrated on sloughs,,side channels,mainstem areas,and tributaries of the middle river.Additional counts wilL be .made ,as needed,.inperipheral areas such as the Chulitiia arid Talkeetna subb,isiris: The study area for the juvenile salmon monitoring program includes the middle river and many of its E-3-2-306 .J \ J r I 851021 tributary creeks and sloughs.Young salmon will be collected and marked in selected creeks and sloughs. Recovery samples will be obtained at Talkeetna Station. Techniques: Resident Fish.The type of sampling gear will depend on the site to be sampled.Sampling methods will include electrofishing,seining,fishwheels, outmigrant traps,and hook-and-line.The type of gear will be the same from year to year to maintain consistency for analysis.The data analysis will be focused on providing information on relative abundance,distribution,and densities.This information will be developed through a mark-recapture program.Migrational patterns will be analyzed by tag-and-recapture of tagged adult resident fish. Salmon.Fishwheels will be used"to capture adult migrant salmon on their way upstream.Fish will be counted by species and sex,and tagged with individually numbered tags.Length;:of each fish will be recorded.Weights and scale samples (for determining the a:ge'of fish)will be obtained from a' subsample 0 f each fish species collec ted. If found to be feasible,sonar counters will be used near the fishwheels to provide an independent estimate of escapement.These counters may eventually be used to replace some of the fishwheel operations • Spawning ground surveys will be primarily conducted in the middle river.Air and ground visual surveys will be the main survey method.Counts by species will be obtained.Tag data (type,color,and identification number)will also be recorded when possible. Emergence and outmigration studies in spawning areas will be conducted.Salmon fry will be captured using seines,minnow traps,and/or electrofishing gear. Fry will be marked using tags (e~g.,coded-wire tags, cold-branding,dye). Salmon fry and smolts will be recovered in juvenile traps located at Talkeetna Station.Total fry production for each species will be estimated. E-3-2-307 Timing will be determined from catch-per-effort data compiled from spawning area samples and from the downstream traps. Schedule: The preproject monitoring schedule for both salmon and resident programs will begin during the 1985 field sampling season and continue each year into the construction phase of the project (see Table E.3.2 .130).With-project monitoring will commence in the year immediately following the last preprojec t year. Data Analysis/Interpretation: Preproject data will be compared to with-project data to determine if significant changes are occurring as a result of the project.In addition,the data collected from the above studies,data from the commercial fish harvest,sportfish harvest surveys, and subsIstencE{fishing will be considered in the overall evaluation of the salmon resources. (h)Monitoring of Structural Habitat Modifications (***) The Applicant has proposed plans for specific structural habitat modifications to protect middle river fish resources ---~-(WCC-T981'-ar~-'One-of-~tn(FnigJjer prtoritymiTigationoptious will be to structurally modify slough habitats so that they continue to provide fish habitat at existing or higher levels.If this option is implemented,the following monitoring plan for slou~h modifications is proposed. The various features incorporated for slough habitat enhancement will be monitored to de termine whe ther they are ..---------meeting -their-intended ...func.tion.ancLar-eoperatingpr_oper_ly. .._Mit.igatLo.n._fea.tu.r_es__de_s_ig:ne_d__t.~La_U.9~_adu 1 tJ;la 1mon _~c ce ~..._.... into the sloughs will be inspected annually after breakup to identify and.implement any needed repairs prior to the adults'return.Annual monitoring of returning adults will identify access problems or passage delays and appropriate corrective actions will -be taken. Slough moc1i fIca !::ion designed to Illain:t.iin spawning areas will 1>eilJ,§J peC l:ec1cllJ,lJ,1.1ally·priortothe=·13P.a~ing .sea s orlto ver iJy that the area contains suitable spawning conditions such as adequate flow (oepth and ve10city)and suitable substrate. If flows oiminish so that spawning is no longer possible, appropric9.te corrective action will be taken so that adequate -j 851021 E-3-2-308 flow and substrate are restored.The annual slough monitoring program will include an evaluation of general slough conditions including beaver occupation and general condition of the spawning and rearing areas.Appropriate corrective actions will be performed to maintain slough productivity.For example,if productivity is decreased due to increased silt deposition,gravel cleaning in the slough will be undertaken. The number of spawning adults returning to the modified sloughs will be monitored annually to determine if the combination of minimum flow and slough modifications is maintaining natural levels of production.This monitoring will also serve to determine whether the capacity of the modified areas is being exceeded.Fry production will be monitored annually to verify incubation success.Fry monitoring will include an assessment of out-migration timing and success. Following initiation of river flow regulation by Stage I Watana Dam,representative sloughs will be instrumented with temperature and flow recording instruments to monitor physical characteristics of the sloughs throughout the year. Monitoring of the physical processes will be continued until slough conditions stabilize under the regulated flow regime. TIl is physical process monitoring will be used in par.:.t to determine whe ther further modifications to .the physical habitat can be made to assist in maintaining slough productivity. (i)Fluvial Geomorphology (***) The Susitna River is a dynamic system that is undergoing continual morphological changes due to physical processes such as ice and floods.These changes will be altered by with-project flow regulation.Therefore,it is important to document these changes on a periodic basis. The primary means of providing this documentation will be through detailed air photography of the river from the upper end of the Watana Reservoir to Cook Inlet.Numerous photo series of the basin are already available. Existing photos of the middle and lower river will be used as a baseline.For comparison,additional photos will be taken periodically.This will be performed in conjunction with air photography for wildl He studies. 851021 E-3-2-309 (j)Special Monitoring Studies (***) It is anticipated that there may be a need for other additional monitoring studies or modifications to this proposed draft.During the annual review process wi th the resource agencies,proposals for these studies will be considered.If approved,these proposals will be implemented during following years. (k)Contingency Planning (***) Although long-term monitoring results will be reviewed on an annual basis,there maybe some unforeseen instances in which additional monitoring may need to be initiated on a shor.t-term notice.In those cases,the Director of Environment and Licensing (DEL)(see Section 2.6.1)will notify the'appropriate agency or agencies and,the situation will be discussed and agreed upon action taken.If the unforeseen instance is first observed by the resource agency (e.g.,by ADF&G fishwheelcrews),the agencies should notify the DEL and request a meeting to address the situation.It is ,the.intent of the Applicant to resol.ve.these situations on a case-by-case basis wi th the appropriate agencies.For cases that cannot be resolved in this manner,the FERC will be consul ted. 2.7 -Cost of Mitigation (***) .T~:L d~velop~~~ti"!!l1;ll:;~§QJ"!!litig1;ltj._QJL~Q~Ll:;,.l985co$.b es tiIIl~l:;'g§"W~..!:gpr.g­ pared for each activity (Tables E.3.2.l24,E.3.2.l26,E.3.2.l29). These cost estimates were based upon unit cost information derived from recent experience in Alaska or~'upori experience eljH~where and/or earlier,and.escalated to arrive atl985 cost estimates for South- central Alaska.Costs for the mitigation program were separated into construction cost and average annual operating cost.For the major mitigation activities,these costs are: Downstream Mitigation (Table E.3.2.126) Impoundment Mi,tigation (Table E.3.2.l26) Dam Structure-Multi-level intakes and fixed cone valves (Table E.3.2.l26) Water &Fisherit;s Quality Monitoring .(-'rable E.-3.:2 •.124) .Total Cons.truction-Cost-- $1,088,000 940,000 80,100,000 .11,600,000 $93,728,000 1 \ 851021 E-3-2-3l0 Average Annual Operating Costs Longterm Fisheries Monitoring (Table E.3.2.129) Operation and Maintenance of Facilities (Table E.3.2.l26) Total Average Annual Operating Cost $1,2~O,000 50,000 $1,270,000 These costs do not include any contingency costs or owner's administra- tive costs. The costs for downstream mitigation (Table E.3.2.126)are based on modifications to Sloughs 8A,9,9A,11,21 and side channels 11 and 21. Details of these costs are provided in Table E.3.2.131. The schedule for implementing the aquatic monitoring program is described in Table E.3.2.132. 2.8 -Agency Consultation on Fisheries Mitigation Measures (**) Four agencies,USFWS,ADF&G,Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR)and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)have provided comments on fisheries mitigation measures.The following sections contain comments by the agencies and responses by the Applicant concerning ~quatic mitigation.These are the major comments made prior to submission of this license ·amendment.Additional comments and consultation are described in Chapter 11. 2.8.1.-U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (**) The USFWS provided formal comments on fisheries mitigation mea- sures on October 5,1982,January 14,1983 and December 18,1984. The USFWS comments are divided into construction-related mitigations and operation-related mitigations. (a)Construction Mitigations (0) Construction mitigations primarily concern siting,design, and scheduling.The comments are: o Siting and Design (0) The access road and transmission line between Watana and Devil Canyon should use the same corridor. The diversion tunnel should be screened to avoid entraining fish.The siting of construction and permanent villages and other facilities should be reviewed with the goal of minimizing impacts. 851021 E-3-2-311 o Scheduling (***) construction activities and reservoir clearing should occur in the winter to minimize impacts.Work in aquatic systems should be scheduled to avoid conflicts with sensitive life history stages. These comments are addressed in Section 2.4.3.The BMP manuals,prepared by the Applicant in coordination wi ththe resource agencies,specify environmentally acceptable construction practices to be used throughout project construction.During the detailed design phase of the project,a.criteria manual will be prepared to present the siting and design criteria. This manual wi 11 include the timingandschedul ing of construction activities based on the identified sensitive periods and the needs of the cons truction contractor. (b)Operation Mitigations (**) Comments on·operation·mitiga tions·were di vided into those concerning reservoir mitigations and downstream mi tigations. (i)Rese.;cvoir Mitigations (**) Recommendation:The viabi~ity of a reservoir fishery needs to be evaluated •. Response:The Watana arid Devil Canyon reservoirs were evaluated in terms of their suitability as fish habitat.It was concluded that the drawdown cycle and turbidity levels in the reservoirs will limit fish populations and·will probably not support a quality reservoir fishery.A grayling fishery, however,would develop in,and at the mouths of,····trIbuEarIes·cU:sc-hargT;ig··lnto·-the·re ser voIr :--.... (ii)Downstream Mitigations (**) Recommendation:Mitigation options for the dewatered area between the Devil canyondam and its powerhquse need to be considered. Respotls~:The habitat lost between Devil Canyon dam artdthepowerhouseis .typified by'velCfcities between 9 and 16 ft/sec (2.7 and 4.8 m/sec),the substrate is bedrock.The area is not expec ted to provide significant fish habitat,thus the dewatering of the '\ 851021 E-3-2-312 .1 851021 section is not expected to result in substantial impacts.The few chinook that migrate through the canyon will be blocked by the dam.Milling areas will still be available at the powerhouse outlet. Because of these factors,mitigation measures are not proposed. Recommendation:The potential to establish/expand the salmon fishery between the Devil Canyon and Watana damsites,in the absence of a Devil Canyon dam,needs to be addressed. Response:The flows downstream from Watana Dam are expected to permit chinook salmon to ascend to Tsusena Creek,at the base of the dam.If the Devil Canyon dam is eventually eliminated from the planned development,it would be possible to establish a fishery in this reach.Since Devil Canyon dam is a part of the present plan,developing these chinook stocks for the period between Watana development and Devil Canyon development is not considered cost- effective mitigation. Recommendation:Adjustments to the Watana reservoir filling schedule to minimize impacts to fish resour- ces should be considered •.Addition of a low-level intake po rt sh~uld be eval ua ted. Response:initial filling of the Watana-Stage I reservoir is expected to take one season,whereas Stage III is expected to slowly fill over several years.With these filling schedules,Case E-VI flow constraints will be followed,thereby maintaining downstream aquatic habitat.Any additional lengthening of the filling period would only delay but would not reduce impacts to grayling. Lengthening the filling period would potentially increase downstream impacts to salmon,if Case E-VI constraints could not be met.A low-level intake port is not considered necessary due to the revised filling schedule of the three stage project which eliminates the cold tempertures due to the second year 0 f f illi ng. Recommendation:An expanded discussion of the salmon hatchery mitigation option should be provided. Response:The salmon hatchery mitigation option is a low priority compensation alternative.It is anticipated that the proposed mitigation will E-3-2-313 851021 maintain salmon populations in the historical locations and that a hatchery will not be n~eded. Nevertheless,an independent hatchery siting study has been completed for the Fishery Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division (FRED)of ADF&G.(Kramer,Chin and Mayo,Inc.1983). Recommendation:Slough modifications to increase fish habitat need to be demonstrated.It has been suggested that a demonstration project be developed in the middle reach of the Susitna River. Response:At an appropriate time,the Applicant intends to test slough modification measures with a demonstration project. Recommendation:Impac ts to species lis.ted in the F&WS Categories 3 and 4 should be discussed. Response:~otential impacts for all secondary evaluation species/life stages are addressed ..in the draft Middle River Fish Mitigation Plan (APA 1985g). 2.8.2 -Alaska Department of Fish and Game (**) '!he Alaska Department 0 f Fish and Game (ADF&G)pt'ovided comments on mitigation measures on July 27,1982,January 13,1983 and .~..----December.~31.,-1.9,8.4_.__.The.AD.F.&G_comment.s_.r_el_a t edto_mLtig_at itm .0 f lost grayling habitat and mitigation for alterations to downstream salmon habitat. Recommendation:.Increasing access and public facilities for recreational.fishing in the Susitna Basin,along with habitat improvements to enhance salmon spawning habitat,are the preferred compensation measures to offset losses in the impoundment zones..ADF&G does not support stocking the '--impoundmen"Es]iuc,f"-d'oes'-iio""""t"favor-a:"rairi:l)o\:;r-Eroiit-'sEockirig 'flrograrif ....----'--asami"t"tga eion-olftt-011.-;--·..:.....---:-------·-··-·-··----··--.----.- Response:The approach to impoundment mitigation has been modified to reflect the ADF&G'.s preferred measures of compensation.The option of stocking rainbow trout has been dropped. Recommendation:I.tls t:-r:earn flowsandt~lIlP~-r:atures required to maintain present populations should be carefully evaluated to provide a basis for further mitigation measures. E~3-2-314 ! J .1 Response:Extensive studies and analyses on instream flow and temperatures have been made (see Section 2.3).These have been used to formulate the Fish Mitigation Plan (wee 1984a). Recommendation:If onsite mitigation of fisheries impacts cannot be accomplished,hatcheries should be considered. Response:The salmon hatchery option is a low priority compensation alternative.It is anticipated that mitigation in the form of instream flow releases and habitat modifications will be effective at maintaining production of slough and mainstem spawning salmon.These mitigation measures are presented in the Fish Mitigation plan (wee 1984a). Recommendation:The ADF&G supports the selection of chum spawning and chinook rearing as the species/life stages of primary importance.Impacts to other anadromous and resident species/life stages need to be evaluated. Response:Potential impacts for all secondary~valuation species/life stages are addressed in.the draft Middle River Fish Mitigation Plan (APA 1985g). Recommendation:The ADF&G's preferred mitigation options to avoid or minimize downstream impacts are to provide sufficient instream flows to maintain habitat requirements of species/life stages and implement structural habitat :modications ..' Response:The Applicant is pleased that the Department agrees that instream flows combined with habitat modifications is a feasible approach to achieving the goal of no net loss 0 f habitat value. Recommendation:The mitigation plan should contain a detailed monitoring and contingency plan. Response:A monitoring plan has been prepared and outlines the evaluation process for determining the success of mitigation measures.If mitigation measures are not effective in achieving their intended goal,contingency plans will be in place to either improve the measures or implement other mitigation options. Recommendation:A pilot program to test the effectiveness and feasibility of mitigation measures should be undertaken. Response:At an appropriate time,the Applicant intends to test slough modification measures with a demonstration project. 851021 E-3-2-315 Recommendation:During habitat modifications riparian vegetation must be rehabilitated if disturbed,and stipulations for the disposal of gravel and spoils should be developed. Response:The Applicant has prepared a BMP manual on Erosion and Sedimentation Control which de tails me thods to dispose 0 f gravels and spoils and rehabilitate disturbed sites.These practices will be a required stipulation of all projects undertaken by the Applicant. 2.8.3 -Alaska Department ofN'atural Resources (**) The Alaska Department of Natural Resources'comments of January 13,1983,requested that downstream mitigation,other than slough modifications,be included.The discussion of downstream mitigation has'b~en substantially revised to indicate more clearly that a series of habitat enhancement techniques will be undertaken,rathe~than construction of an artificial spawning channel.Also,replacement habitats will provide new habitat in previouslyunutilized areas. 2.8.4 -National Marine Fisheries Service (***) The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)provided formal comments of fisheries mitigation planning on December 31,1984. The NMFS comments related to downstream mitigation planning. Recommendation:Clarification should be provided on primary and seconda·r-y evaluat-ion-s'pec-ies···and·howt-he·se-·s·pec-ie·s--wer-e selected. Response:The rationale for selecting evaluation species has been presented in the Fish Mitigation Plan (WCC 1984a)• .Mitigatiorimeasures will be developed for se(:ondary species if impacts are identified • .___.._Recommendation:._J.I:!.~~.¥.~_~~p;:~~~~4c~c:>~~.E!.!:"!1__.~~~'!~_..4.E!.~~~E!t:~!1g incubating embryos during winter with minimum project flows • ......._---_._.....------:::--..Refinement of project flow releases are needed. Response:Project release schedules'have the objective of establishing minimum flows such that survival of.embryos deposited at spawning flows will not be compromised at.reduced incubation flows.Under natural conditions,redd dewatering is known to occur.It is anticipated that witl1.-project flows willafter'thIs"natural ..condl.t:i.()nancr-·pi-ovlde positIve'benefi ts by 'mairi"ta"iniiig'flowcsf Or ..redasTtes"~~"""'"...c'cc~.•L..c,....c. Recommendation:The mitigation plan should address rearing habitats in greater detail and discuss mitigation measures .J .j ,j 851021 E-3-2-3l6 r J designed to maintain rearing conditions in known important rearing areas. Response:At this time,it is anticipated that mitigation for rearing can be achieved by flow releases.Should flow releases prove to be inadequate in maintaining or replacing rearing habitats,additional mitigation measures will be developed and incorporated into the fish mitigation plan. Recommendation:Support the inclusion of additional sloughs and side channels for habitat modifications. Response:It is anticipated that the habitat modifications proposed at selected sloughs and side channels will improve the habitat value substantially beyond that which is presently avai ~able. Recommendation:The periodic removal of fines and organic material should be discussed further. Response:Removal of fines and organic material from sloughs that would not be overtopped under project flows can be accomplished by:(1)the spawning action of fish themselves;(2) the use 0 f gated berms to provide fl ushing flows;and (3)the use. of a mechanical gravel cleaning machine as proposed in the original License Application.,. Recommendation:An evaluation of project impacts from an altered temperature regime should be discussed in the Fish Mitigation Plan. Response:Control over downstream temperatures through multi-level intake structures is an important mitigation feature and has been extensively analyzed by the Applicant.Discussion of the results of these analyses are presented in Chapter 2 of Exhibit E. Recommendation:Impacts associated with filling flows of the Watana Reservoir and load following should be addressed in The Fish Mitigation Plan. Response:Impacts and mitigation measures associated with filling the Watana Reservoir and load following will be incorporated into an updated Fish Mitigation Plan. Recommendation:NMFS supports a demonstration project to test· the effectiveness of the mitigations options. 851021 E-3-2-317 Response:The Applicant intends to test the effectiveness and feasibility 0 f mitigation measures proposed for slough modifications at an appropriate .time 0 :-1 851021 E-3-2-318 TABLES TABLE E.3.2.1:CO~ION AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF FISH SPECIES RECORDED FROM THE SUSITNA BASIN II.....J I i i I Scientifi:c Name 12 Petramyzontidae Lampetra japonica Salmonidae Coregonus laurettae Coregonus pidschian Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus nerka Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Prosopium cylindraceum Salmo gairdneri Salvelinus malma "8alvelinus namaycush Thymallus arcticus osmeridae Thaleichthys pacificus Esocidae Esox lucius Catostomidae Catostomis catostomus Gadidae Lota Iota Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungitius pungitius Cottidae Cottus sp. Source:Morrow 1980 Common Name Arctic Lamprey Bering cisco Humpback Whitefish Pink Salmon Chum Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Chinook Salmon Round Whitefish Rainbow Trout Dolly Varden Lake Trout Arctic Grayling Eulachon Northern Pike Longnose Sucker Burbot Threespine Stickleback Ninespine Stickleback Sculpin TABLE E.3.2.2:COMMERCIAL CATCH OF UPPER COOK INLET SALMON IN NUMBERS OF FISH BY SPECIES, 1954 -1984. 1954 63,780 1,207,046 321,525-2,189,307 510,068 4,291,726 1955 45,926 1,027,528 170,777 101,680 248,343 1,594,254 1956 64,977 1,258,789 198,189 1,595,375 782,051 3,899,381 1957 -42,158 643,712 125,434 21,228 1,001,470 1,834,022 1958 22,727 477,392 239,765 1,648,548 471,697 2,860,129 1959 32,651 612,676 106,312 12,527 300,319 :J'1,064,485 1960 27,512 923,314 311,461 1,411,605 .;~.659,997 3,333,889 1961 19,210 1,162,303 117,778 34,017 349,628 1,683,463 1962 20,210 1,147,573 350,324 2,711,689 970,582 5,200,378 1963 17,536 942,980 197,140 30,436 387,027 1,575,119 1964 4,531 970,055 '452,654 3,231,961 1,079,084 5,738,285 1965 9,741 1,412,350 153,619 ~23,963 316,444 1,916,117 1966 9,541 1,851,990 289,690 2,006,580 531,825 4,689,626 1967 7,859 1,380,062 177,729 32,229 296,037 1,894,716 '1'96S 4,53-6 1~r04;904 470,450 2,278,197-1,119,ll4 4,977,201 1969 12,398 692,254 100,952 33,422 269,855 1,108,881 1970 8,348 731,214 275,296 813,895 775,167 2,603,920 1971 19,765 636,303 100,636 35,624 327,029 1,119,357 1972 16,086 879,824 80,933 628,580 630,148 2,235,571 1973 5,194 670,025 104,420 326,184 667,573 1,773,396 1974 6,596 497,185 200,125 483,730 396,840 1,584,476 1975 4,780 684,818 227,372 336,359 951,796 2,205,135 1916 10,861---1-,664,150 --·-208 ,710 ---1,256,744---.,--469,807 3,610,278 -~-~-_._---~-----------1.91"1..,14-,-7-92,.--~-2-,054,,-020---192i,9'5 -544.,,184.-1,233.,.'233 '1 ,_049_,_70.4 1978 17,303 2,622,487 219,234 1,687,092 571,925 5,118,041 1979 13,738 924,415 265,166 72,982 650,357 1,926,658 1980 12,497 1,584,392 283,623 1,871,058 387,078 4,138,648 1981 11,548 1,443,294 494,073 127,857 842,849 2,919,621 1982 20,636 3,237,376 777,132 788,972 1,428,621 6,252,737 1983 20,396 5,003,070 520,831 73,555 1,124,421 6,742,273 1984 (1)8,800 2,103,000 443,000 623,000 684,000 3,861,800 1 :1 -,I I ] ) ~ -j ~ j ,1 1 1 ) 'j 'j I 1 1 Total 3,059,170659,190 Pink .... 263,785 even-1,576,646 cx::3d-120,4161,340,339 (1)ADF&G Preliminary Data. SCA.1rCe:ADF&G 1984p Average 19,247 Year '~:_-'--" ~ TABLE E.3.12.3:SUMMARY OF COMMERCIAL AND SPORT HARVESTS ON SUSITNA RIVER BASIN ADULT SALMON RETURNS Commercial Harvest Sport Harvest Upper Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Susitna Cook Inlet Percent Susitna Susitna Susitna Total Basin Sport Percent of Species Harvest l Contribution2 Harvest Escapement Run Harvest4 Escapement Sockeye ~Range 287,0003811,443,000 20 (l0-30)288,600 575,600 1,283 0.4 82 3,237,000 20 (10-30)647,400 279,0003 926,400 2,205 0.8 83 5,003,000 10 (10-30)500,300 185,0003 685,300 5,537 3.0 84 2,103,000 20 (10-30)420,600 605,8005 1,026,400 Pink 127,000381128,000 85 108,800 235,800 8,660 6.8 82 789,000 85 670,650 1,318,0003 1,988,650 16,822 1.3 83 74,000 85 62,900 150,0003 212,900 4,656 3.1 84 623,000 85 529,550 3,629,9005 4,159,450 Chum 297,000381843,000 85 716,550 1,013,550 4,207 1.4 82 1,429,000 85 1,214,650 481,00Q3 1,695,650 6,843 1.4 83 1,124,000 85 955,400 290,OoeP 1,245,400 5,233 1.8 84 684,000 85 581,400 812,7005 1,394,100 Coho 68,0003 j15,00081494,000 50 247,000 9,391 13.8 82 777,000 50 388,500 148,0003 536,500 16,664 11.3 83 521,000 50 260,500 45,0003 305,500 8,425 18.7 84 443,000 50 221,500 190,1005 411,600 Chinook 81 11,500 10 1,150 ------7,576 82 20,600 10 2,060 ------10,521 83 20,400 10 2,040 ------12,420 84 8,800 10 880 250,0006 251,000 1 Source:ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division 2 B.Barr tt,ADF&G Su Hydro,February 15,1984 Workshop Presentation 3 Yentna tation +Sunshine Station estimated escapement +5%for sockeye,+48%for pink,+5%for chum +85%f r coho (Source:B.Barrett,ADF&G Su Hydro,February 15,1984 Workshop Presentation). 4 Mills 1 82,1983,1984 5 Flathor Station (RM 22)Escapements (ADF&G 1985b)6 Source:ADF&G 1985b ~,::,"#:"•.; I TABLE E.3.2.4:ANNUAL SUSITNA BASIN SPORT ~ISI1 HARVEST AND EffORT BY fiSHERY AND SPECIES -1978 TO 1983. !. Locations Days Fished j ; Chin'oole Sallnon I ' Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon; Pinle Salmon Chum Salmon Rainbow Trout Dolly Varden Lalee Arctic Trout Grayling Burbot 905 56 18,901 2.458 913 280 0 208 9 2,451 85 15,619 4,429 1,193 633 O'958 9 2.~00 28 2,074 1.912 1.501 1.811 0 859 27 418 14 6,981 1,697 470 108 0 461 18 151 28 3,142 1,015 334 63 0 334 0 '.798 0 697 0 3.634 0 0 579 0 2.212 254 2.833 1.015 2,721 154 36 2,115 45 2,401 183 1,146 215 2,640 136 0 1,871 0 88 141 31·234 0 235 0 99 0 i 4;r 1408! 12 ;256 o 1850 * 1326 * 1769* 12* 22,682 25,762 5,040 11.869 5,687 9,111 8,767 6,914 732 13,161 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.522 2,278 2,947 ~Cl70 ij63 2.188 56 3.994 2.692 1.519 2.739 871~3.770 208 1978 WI llowCreek Caswell Creele Montana Creele Sunshine Creek Clear (Chunilna)Creek Sheep Creek little Willow Creek Oeshka River lake Creek Alexander Creek Talachulitna River Lake Louise.Lake Susitna Tyone River . Others 1978 Total 124,695 2)843 15,012 845 55.418 15,661 14,925 6.165 3.435 13,532 3,263 ; I lli2. WHlow Creek 18.911 1 459 462 94 3,445 582 1.500 618 0 1.654 18CaswellCreek3,710 i 156 624 0 100 9 282 91 0 354 0MontanaCreek22,621 1312 1,.135 346 2.412 745 1.536 521 0 791 9SunshineCreek3,317 I 10*174 151 700 55 382 264 0 0 45Clear(Chunllna)Creek .5.125 j312 1,248 31 645 355 1,373 827 0 1,045 9SheepCreek6.728 i 10 462 31 2,418 682 513 127 0 645 64LittleWillowCreek5,171 0 262 141 745 118 345 336 0 1.091 0DeshkaRiver13.236 2l81~973 0 109 0 3.182 0 0 1,463 82LakeCreek13,881 1~796 2,671 440 882 136 4.527 164 9 1,963 109AlexanderCreek8,284 i 71~1,560 19 236 45 1,182 ·182 0 745 145TalachulitnaRiver2,185 i 293 125 47 100 55 0 155 0 664 45LakeLOUise.Lake Suaitna,i ' Tyone River .12,199 I ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,618 2,936 2,363,Others 1 I 12.639 i 39 1.997 '220 664 1.245 3.412 909 412 4.918 282 1919 Totlll '128,001 6].91 10 12,893 1,586 12,516 4,072 18,354 4.200 3.099 13,342 3,171 I :*Chinook less than 20 'inches "j ---,-'~~"---'---"~---"- ."------_.-....~-------- -__,__r _._-~~-'-"'-'''-;'~.-...-'~>---~--- \I, , TAB E E.3.2.4 (Page 2 of 3 ) I ,.;---------- Days Chinook Coho Sockeye Pink Chum Rainbow Dolly Lake Arctic Locations Fished Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Trout Varden Trout Grayling lIurbot !2ID! WI llow Cree 29,011 289 1.201 83 23,638 989 1,168 636 0 1.868 0 Caswell Cre k 4,963 215 1,124 11 1.663 19 154 83 0 353 26 Montana Crelk .19,287 559 2,684 257 8,230 571 854 161 0 655 13 Sunsh I ne Crl ek 5,208 132 1,534 116 2,408 225 193 39 0 0 39 Clear (Chun lna)Creek 4,388 172 661 6 622 385 950 751 0 1,348 32 Sheep Creek 8,041 45*430 9 6,362 648 385 83 0 725 45LittleWUIIwCreek8.190 32*494 77 6,420 270 353 122 0 1,156 0DeshkaRive19,364 3.685 2,290 0 689 0 4,305 0 0 1.811 224LakeCreek8,325 115 2,351 267 2.101 69 2,144 121 9 1,912 0AlexanderCIeek6.812 1.438 999 52 809 121 1,945 353 0 1,145 0TalachulitO!River 2,542 121 491 112 276 17 379 982 0 1,713 0LakeLouise,Lake Susftna, Tyone Rivl r 10.539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,609 4,477 6,:gOthers1221645*2 234 251 3 403 1 445 2 658 790 261 4 854 1980 Total ·138,886 7,389 16,499 1,304 56,621 4,759 15,488 4,127 2.816 22,083 7,203 Days Chinook Chinook .Coho Sockeye Pink Chum Rainbow Dolly Lake Arctic Locations Fished .Salmon·Salmon Salmon Salmon Selmon Salmon Trout Varden Trout Grayling Burbot 1981 Willow Creel 14,060 144 441 747 11 2,797 1,533 .1,475 249 0 1,188 4f Caswell Cre4 k 3,860 77 172 901 38 335 "0 326 38 0 144 ( Montana Cre4k 16.651 239 422 2.261 182 1,782 805 1,111 240 0 891 ( Sunshine Cr4 ek 3.062 57 0 968 220 958 125 249 10 0 57 11! Clear (Chun lna)Creek 3.584 86 287 422 29 19 57 1,226 1,418 0 996 ( Sheep Creek 6,936 0 0 326 105 1,236 987 201 57 0 872 ( Little WUll w Creek 3,845 0 0 29 67 604 192 374 48 0 623 ( Deshke Rive 13,248 738 2,031 632 0 ;'9 o \ 3,631 10 0 1,255 9lLakeCreek6,411 163 632 1,035 211 412 48 2,874 .\67 19 1,600 2' Alexander CI eek 6,892 218 843 891 67 57 10 2,290 287 0 1,130 2'Talachul itnl River 1,318 57 0 240 172 29 0 0 0 0 479 I Lake Louise,Lake Susitna, Tyone Rlvtr 14,391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,093 4.892 5.29:Others 7 850 277 0 939 115 412 450 3 851 814 287 1 OA9 l§ 1981 Total 102,240 2,748 4.828 9,391 1.283 8,660 4,207 13,757 3,238 4,399 21,216 5,66· •Chinook lt 55 than 20 inches. TABLE E.3.2.4 (Page 3 of3) .. --I Days Chinook!Chinook Coho Sockeye Pink Chum Rainbow Dolly Lake Arctic Lo'cations Fished salmoni Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Trout Varden Trout Grayling Bus-bot i !ill I,I"Hlow Creek 19,104 220 1 409 1,069 94 4,189 2,086 891 262 0 1,520 63 Ca 1sweU Creek 5;101 118 293 116 52 1,092 0 189 13 0 252 0 Montana Creek 23,645 126 115 3,060 514 3,595 1,708 2,243 356 0 849 ,0 Sunshine Creek'3,187 52 0 1,719 189 1,132 231 545 42 0 42 13 Cll'ar (Chunilna)Creek 3,856 52 398 996 115 220 31 608 1,069 0 943 0 Sh~ep Creek 9,093 0 0 361 88 2,599 1,750 325 409 0 123 0 LI~tle WllloNCreek 5,579 0 0 '398 1Q5 1,520 199 335 189 0 371 '0 Deshka River 18,391 1,142 3,165 2,463 0 311 0 3,804 0 0 1,457 252 Lake Creek 8,649 356 1,289 1,603 252 398 199 3,134 482 0 1,955 0 Al~xander Creek 10,148 681!1,825 1,901 335 482 0 2,505 42 0 1,582 84 Talachulitna River 1,911 Oi 0 '524 63 220 0 0 31 0 587 0 Lake Louise,Lake Susitna, 14,024 01lyoneRiver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,056 3,532 5,565 Others,9.980 220i 0 1.782 398 398 639 2.400 1.666 335 5.041 63 I 19.82 Total 1.34,468 3,021!1,494,16,664 2,205 16,822 6,843 16,979 4,621 4,391 18,860 6,100 i 1983 i I-".; "Iillow Creek 136113,405 398 576 425 1,647 1,490 1,689 336 0 1,794 21 Caswell Creek 5,048 101 262 408 151 126 0 231 157 0 315 31 Montana Creek 17,109 199i 305 1,402 534 902 1,311 1,332 325 0 336 C Su.nsh i ne Creek 3,429 1051 0 722 685 241 42 178 84 0 31 367 Cl~ar (Chunilna)Creek 1,564 2521 682 836 534 73 650 .1,836 1,962 0 1,553 8~ Sheep Creek 6,231 93il 0 596 310 682 902 409 52 0 839 1C Li~tle~illoN Creek 2,791 0 52 110 157 147 514 73 0 84 ( Deshka River 23,114 3,955 1,036 0 21 0 2,434 0 0 1,280 12t lake Creek 14,749 535'1,888 1,392 726 430 52 2,287 262 0 2,224 28: Aliexander Creek 9,425 6721 1,039 408 69 126 0 608 136 0 483 ( T&lachulitna River 4,556 63i 213 84 41 0 0 0 105 0 3,118 ( K~shwltna River 1,344 2311 0 52 0 0 0 357 3~4 0 514 ( l~ke Louise,Lake Susltans 01iTyoneRiver12,948 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,210 4,217 4,071 Others 12.367 3031 118 861 1,892 251 639 4.625 1,061 281 3.387 53· I 19.83 Total 134,156 3,4401 8,980 '8,425 5,537 4,656 5,233 16,500 4,863 3,497 20,235 5,52..1 ...!Chinook less than 20 inches Sc)urce:MILLS 1979,1980,1981,]'982,1983,1984 ,\ Table E.3.2.5iSp'rt fish harvest for Southcentral Alaska and Susltna Basin In numbers of fish by species,1978-1983. Arct Rainbow Trout Pink Salmon Coho Salmon Chinook Salmon Chum Salmon SockeYt Salmn South South-Susitna South-Susitna South-Susitna South-Susitna South-Susltne South'Sualtr Vear centra central Basin central Basin central Basin central Basin central Basin central Basir 1978 47.866 13,532 101,243 14,925 143,483 55,418 81,990 15,072 26,415 2,843 23,155 15,661 118,299 84! 1979 70,31j 13,342 129,815 18,354 63,366 12,516 93,234 12,893 34,009 6,910 8,126 4,012 17,655 1,581 69.46 22,083 126,686 15,488 153,194 56,621 'F;8,660 4,159 105,914 1,301980127,958 16,499 24,155 (/7,389 1981 63.6951 21,216 149,460 13,757 64,163 8,660 95,316 9,391 35,822 1,576 1,810 4,201 16,533 1,28 1982 60.972 18,860 142,519 16,919 105,961 16,822 136,153 16,664 46,266 10,521 13,491 6,843 128,015 2,20 1983 56.89il 20,235 141,663 16,500 41,264 4,656 81,935 8,425 51,094 12,420 11,043 5,233 170,799 5,53 Average 61,53 18,211 132,908 16,000 even-134,413 even-42,954 103,774 13,157 37,294 7,943 12,149 6,797 112,869 2,1; odd-58,264 odd-8,611 Source:MILLS 979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984 Source:ADF&G 1985b TABLE E.3.2.6:ESCAPEMENTS BY SPECIES AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS FOR 1981-84 1/Escapement estimates were derived from tag/recapture population estimates except Yentna Station escapements which were obtained using sidescan sonar. Z/second run sockeye salmon escapements only. ~/Chinook salmon were not monitored for escapement. !±/Yentna Station side scan sonar equipment was not operational on the dates required to estimate the totai Yentna River chinook salmon escapements for 1981-84. 1981 1/ 1982 52,900 1983 90,100 1984'121,700 1 J 1 1 J I [ .j ---1 I 1 } \ 1 1 I I I 1 31,200 141,200 80,900 325,800 18,000 103,200 39;000- 190,000 212,300 623,000 184,800 56J,400 TOTAL 465,700 1,123,700 483,100 2,128,500 5,238,500 Coho 3,300 5,100 2,400 11,800 17,000 34,.100 8,900 18,200 19,800 45,700 15,200 94,700 190,100 1,100-'--2,400 -800-- 2,220 Chum 19,800 27,800 10,800 26,500 20,800 49,100 50,400 98,200 13,100 29;400 21;100 49,300 812,700 262,900 430,400 265,800 765,000 pink Escapement 1.1 2,300 73,000 9,500 177,900 36,100 447,300 60,700 369,300 49,500 443,200 40,500 1,017,000 3,629,900 2,800 1,000 C30·0 ·-S8,80a 1;900-----S;500 3,600 116,900 4,800 3,100 4,200 13,100 133,500 151,500 71 ,500 130,100 139,400 113,800 104,400 149,400 sockeyel/ 605,800 !±/ 1/ 1/ 10,900 14,400 24,800 1/ IT,30b -9-;700- 18,000 Chinook 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Year 1984 Sunshine Station Curry -'Station Talkeetna Station Yentna Station Flathorn Station Sampling Location I I I J j TABLE E.3.2.7:ANALYSIS OF CHINOOK SAlM)N AGE DATA BY PERCENT FRCM ESCAPEMENr SAMPIES COLlEClED lJ.SEVERAL SUSITNA RIVER STATIONS 1981 Sample Age Class lJ Collection Site Size 31 32 41 42 51 52 61 62 72 Susitna Station 33 3.3 36.1 -39.4 -12.1 -9.1 -Yentna Station 37 -18.9 -40.5 -13.5 -27.1 -Sunshine Station 414 2.0 25.6 1.4 30.5 1.2 21~8 0.3 16.6 0.5 Talkeetna Station 70 3.1 12.6 2.6 27.1 -21.4 5.6 24.4 2.9 Curry Station 227 3.7 14.8 4.5 29.8 2.1 25.7 1.4 18.0 - 1982 Age Class lJ , SBf!lPle Collection Site Size 31 32 41 '+2 51 52 62 72 Susitna Station 10 -40.0 -40.0 -10.0 10.0 -Yentna Station 67 -43.3 -29.9 -14.9 11.9 -Sunshine Station 1351 0.2 14.8 0.2 27.2 0.4 20.5 36.1 0.4 Talkeetna Station 358 0.6 20.1 0.6 35.2 1.1 19.5 22.3 0.6 Curry Station 441 1.1 15.9 0.8 28.5 2.5 20.0 30.8 0.5 1983 SBf!lPle Age Class lJ Collection Site Size 31 32 41 42 51 52 62 72 Yentna Statwn 15 -33.3 -13.3 -13.3 26.7 13.3 Sunshine Station 1307 -1.5 -3.9 0.1 38.9 45.0 10.6 Talkeetna Station 664 1.4 21.1 0.2 9.2 1.1 32.9 27.9 6.2 Curry Station 712 0.3 9.1 -3.9 -24.4 43.5 18.8 1984 Sample Age Class lJ Collection Site Size 31 32 41 42 43 51 52 61 62 71 72 F1athom Station 30 -56.7 -16.7 --16.7 -10.0 -- Yentna Station 13 -7.7 -38.5 --7.7 -46.2 --Sunshine Station 1245 0.5 6.6 0.2 4.9 0.1 0.2 18.0 0.5 44.3 0.1 24.7 Talkeetna Station 652 0.2 0.9 0.6 4.3 -0.3 17.5 0.6 47.1 -28.5 Curry Station 468 0.9 9.8 -6.0 --13.3 -40.6 0.2 29.3 Y Gilbert-Rich Notation. Source:ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b TABLE E.3.2.8:CHINOOK SALMON PEAK SURVEY ESCAPEMENT COUNTS OF SUSITNA RIVER BASIN STREAMS FROM 1976 TO 1984 . Year ] 1 I "I I I I I 4,191 !?/ !?/ ·39 !?/ 51.!!! Y Y 6,138E! !?/ !?/ __1lJ' 1984 lUE! 1,028 258 2,309 22 1,456 2,341 9,000 ·1,520E! 4,620 16,892 2,789 b 1983 297 945 477 1,641 12 1,193 3,140 3,200!¥ 806 3,846 !?/ BI---w- !?/ 523 2,272 7,057 10,014 575 !?/ ...!?L 1982 U9.!!! 156.!!! 527.!!! 140.!!! 887.!!! 47 1,053 1,253 3,844 ·982 2,546 3,755 16,000!!1 19,237 592.!!!777 316.!!!1,042 1981 y 644.!!! !/100!!! a/27.!!! ~N--·--7!!!-.... Y 36!!! !/198 Y !l!/3,577 2,129 3,101 84 !?/ 8 !?/ .......7¥l.....-BI !/y y !/ !/1,357 !/459 !/557 !/1,013 !/262 !/814 !?/40 !/422 !/659 a/1,900 !/!/ 1980 y !/ af .-"!/- y !/- y !/ !/ !?/ !?/.-w 1979 457 778 BI 1,094E! BI 285 190 il 8649- 6,215 27,385 1,086 324E! 59 1978 362 1,209 283 881 BI 114 140 5,154 997 900 Y 62 !/ 13 37 -!/-28- Y y !/58 1,335 !/ 8,931 4,196 1,375 1,648 BI BI !?/!?/ .~8~L ..·....··....El. 5,854 24,639 1,661 436 168 1977 336· 630 133 1,443 BI 393 374 5,790 769··· 9,246 39,642 1,065 598 112 1976 203 455 160 1,445 BI 537 702 6,513 1,237 5,412 21,693 1,660 883 Stream Alexander Creek Deshka River Willow Creek Little Willow Creek Kashwitna Ri ver (North Fork) Sheep Creek Goose Creek Montana Creek Lane Creek Indian River Portage Creek Prairie Creek Clear Creek Chulitna River (East Fork) Chulitna River (t-F)1,870 1,782 Chulitna Ri ver 124 229 Honolulu Creek 24 36 CBylfl"-S-CrceeM ·------53---~69- Troublesome Creek 92 95 Bunco Creek U2 136 Petters Creek 2,280 4,102 Lake Creek 3,735 7,391 Talachulitna River 1,319 1,856 Canyon Creek 44 135 Quartz Creek BI 8 ---RedCreek___!?/_l,5.U TOTAL 50,615 77,937 54,790 y No tot~l count due to high turbid water !?/Not counted E!Poor counting condit~ons .!!!Counts conducted after peak spawning !¥EstimatedpeEikspawning count Source:ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,1984h,1985b I 1 I 1 I I 1 J TABLE E.3.2.10:NUMBER OF FISH,MEAN LENGTH, AND RANGE OF LENGTHS FOR AGE·0+ CHINOOK SALMON BY SAMPLING PERIOD ON THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN TALKEETNA AND DEVIL CANYON 1 I \ .!/Includes all mainstem,slough,and side channel sites sampled during .thecoded.wire tagging.andcoldbranding ..s.tudi~sintbeJllidc::lle.:J:"eo!l(,::llC>J:t:lle ...Susitna River. Source:ADF&G 1983m,1985c e/Not Sampled. May 0 60 40.8 35-45 June 1-15 1 40 40 b/ June 16-30 19 49 34-70 'E./ July 1-15 67 55 36-74 100 47.8 38..;..67 July 16-31 139 154 36-77 50 52.2 42-69 August 1-15 84 161 39-88 50 52.4 .".40-77 August 16-31 65 64 42-94 100 56.1 43-72 September 1-15 100 69 41-95 100 57.6 47-88 September 15 -October 15 42 69 47-100 200 61.0 45-90 50-89 ] \ Range (mm)I I 1 47-90 49-80 1 1 I ! I I I j j I., 42-64 47-67.:-) 47-90 Mean (mm) Mainstem Indian River ~/ ~/ ~/ 50 48.9 50 54.9 100 58.8 100 61.1 100 63.8 No. 300 65.5 Range (mm) Mean (mm) 1984 Mainstem Susitna River.!/ No.Rang.e (mm) 1982 Mean (mm) Mainstem Susitna River No.Sampling Period TABlE E.3.2.11:ANALYSIS OF SOCKEYE SAI.MJN PnE Il!\TA BY PERCENI FROM.ESCAPOONI' SAMPlES <XJIJ..F.GIED AT.SEVERAL SUSTINA. RIVER STATIONS 1981 Sai!Jple Age Class JJ Collection Site Size 31 32 41 42 43 51 52 53 62 63 Susitna Station 1709 0.0 0.6 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 83.9 2.7 0.1 4.3 Yentna Station 1193 0.1 0.7 0.7 7.5 0.4 1.9 80.0 3.5 2.4 2.0 Sunshine Station 976 0.0 1.1 0.6 21,,0 0.6 0.0 70.2 2.6 0.2 3.7 Talkeetna Station 110 0.0 0.0 1.8 22.8 0.0 0.0 70.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 Curry Station 270 0.0 0.7 1.1 27.4 0.0 0.0 65.9 3.4 0.0 1.5. 1982 .Age Class Jj Collection Site SaI!lPle 31 32 41 42 51 52 -;,61 62 7I hSize43 Susitna Station 996 0.1 0.4 0.1 22.4 0.2 '0.1 65.8 2.1 -8.8 -Yentna Station 708 0.4 3.5 0.4 27.7 0.4 -52.7 4.0 0.6 10.3 -Sunshine Station -- --- - - --- - First Run 314 ---6.4 --89.5 --4.1 -Second Run 648 0.3 2.8 1.2 22.1 0.5 _;,1 69.8 0.9 0.3 2.0 0.2 Talkeetna Station 373 -4.3 -21.2 2.1 -70.8 0.8 -0.8 - Curry Station 105 1.0 21.9 .-:-;t.30.5 9.5 -32.4 4.8 -- - 1983 Sai!Jple Age Class JJ Collection Site Size 31 32 41 42 43 51 52 53 62 63 Yentna Station 1024 0.4 4.7 0.4 66.8 0.9 0.5 22.6 1.8 0.2 1.7 Sunshine Station . First Run 290 - - -26.9 --71.4 0.7 1.0 - Second Run 994 0.1 -0.1 63.4 0.5 0.1 33.7 1.7 -0.4 Talkeetna Station 344 0.3 4.1 -50.9 4.9 -38.1 1.7 -- Curry Station 1984 SaI!lPle Age Class JJ Collecticn Site Size 31 32 41 42 43 51 52 61 62 7I 72 Flathom Station 1780 1.0 5.8 -1.5 43.3 1.1 1.0 40.3 4.4 0.1 1.4 Yentoa.Station 2253 0.2 1.3 -1.6 23.7 0.3 -59.7 6.5 0.1 6.7 Sunshine Station First Run 365 -- - 0.3 3.0 -0.3 96.2 -0.3 - Second Run 970 0.8 3.3 0.1 2.2 59.3 1.0 -29.3 3.3 -0.7 Talkeetna Station 452 0.7 0.4 4.4 79.0 0.4 0.4 12.6 1.5 -0.4- Curry Station 212 1.9 1.9 -3.8 65.1 3.8 0.5 16.5 5.7 0.5 0.5 11 Gi]bert-Rich Notation. Source:ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,19841:1,1985b TABLE E.3.2.12:ESTIMATED SOCKEYE SALMON ESCAPEMENTS TO SLOUGHS ABOVE RIVERMILE 98.6 1981 1982 %Curry %Curry %Curry %Curry Slough River Slough Station Slough Station Slough Station Slough Station Mile Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement 1 99.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0.8 2 .100.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0.6 3B 101.4 0 0 0 0 10 0.5 36 1.1 3A 101.9 13 0.5 0 0 0 0 29 0.9 5 107.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.1 8 113.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.2 8C 121.9 0 0 5 0.4 0 0 0 0 8B 122.2 0 0 13 ~.1.0 0 0 0 0 Moose 123.5 0 0 20 1.5 31 106 0 0 8A 125.1 195 7.0 131 10.1 130 6.8 532 16.6 B 126.3 !J -20 1.5 10 0.5 23 0.7 9 128.3 18 0.6 13 1.0 0 0 16 0:"5 9B 129.2 212 7.6 0 0 0 0 18 0.6 9A 133.8 4 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 135.3 1,620 57.9 1,199 92.2 564 .29.7 1,280 40.0 15 137.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.1 17 138.9 11 0.4 0 0 11 0.6 26 0.8 19 139.7 42 1.5 0 0 10 0.5 29 0.9 21 .·141-~1 &3 2~3 87~-6.7 294 15S 154 4~8 22 144.5 Y -Y -0 0 5 0.2 Y Not Survyed Source:ADF&G1984h,1985b 1 I I I .! ] TABLE E.3.2.13 :SUMMARY OF LENGTHS OF AGE S 0+AND 1+JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON BY SAMPLING PERIOD DURING 1984 Lengths of Age 0+Sockeye May 213 32.0 26-41 June 1-15 305 36.5 28-60 June 16-30 509 41.9 25-71 July 1-15 570 48.8 30-75 July 16-31 748 53.4 35-87 August 1-15 547 51.8 33-88 August 16-31 90 58.6 42-79 September 1...:15 95 59.8 40-91 September 16 thru October 15 15 60.4 48-90 Sampling Period n At Talkeetna Mean Range (mm)(mm) At Flathorn n Mean Range (mm)(mm) 134 32.8 27-45 284 40.4 29'"':'.60 343 42.7 25-70 313 49.2 25-80 337 52.2 30-85 239 53.0 29-85 185 52.8 30-93 41 55.6 42-75 37 57.2 38-81 Length of Age 1+Sockeye Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet n Mean Range (mm)(mm) May June 1-15 June 16-30 July 32 71.3 40 71.3 15 77.8 3 91.7 56-99 61-100 71-91 81-102 II Source:ADF&G 1985c TABLE E.3.2.14:ANALYSIS OF COHO SALMON AGE DATA BY PERCENT FROM ESCAPEMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUSITNA RIVER STATIONS 1981 Age Class l/ Sample Collection Site Size 31 32 33 42 43 44 52 54 Susitna Station 224 0.0 22.0 0.4 0.9 68.8 1.3 0.0 6.6 Yentna station 323 0.0 16.1 0.0 0.0 82.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 Sunshine Station 424 0.0 31.8 0.0 0.0 65.1 0.0 0.0 3.1 Talkeetna Station 164 0.0 11.6 0.6 0.0 84.8 0.0 1.2 1.8 Curry Station 77 1.3 27.3 0.0 0.0 68.8 0.0 0.0 2.6 1982 Age Class l/ Sample Collection Site Size 32 33 .42 43 44 54 Yentna Station 311 14.5 1.6 0.3 79.1 1.0 3.5 Sunshine Station 516 35.9 -0.2 63.1 -0.8 Talkeetna Station 231 39.4 -0.4 60.2 --Curry Station ; 1983 Age Class l/ Sample Collection Site Size 32 43 44 54 --SusJ:fila .--299-,'33-;;-8---_..-~_..........._,_..-64-.-o--~-'I~-'-1;7 1---Yentna Station 422 31.8 66.8 -1.4 Sunshine Station 342 49.3 50.1 0.3 0.3 Talkeetna Station 212 59.0 41.0 -- C.urry Station 98 54.0 46.0 -- ,1984 Age Class l/ Sample Collection Site Size 31 32 33 42 43 44 52 54 S.usitna~S.tation~______8A2._~__O_.lL.___.31_.A.___.___~.2.---__.Q...i_~_61.9 2.4 1.1 0.4 377 27.9 --69.5 -----0.5----_.--z.-r------,~....-----,--1-Yentna Station ---Sunshine Station 562 -34.2 -0.2 64.2 -1.4 -Talkeetna Station 309 -31.7 --67.3 -1.0 - Curry Station 166 -46.4 --51.8 0.6 1.2 - 11 Gilbert-Rich Notation. Source:AFD&G 1981a,19838,1984h,1985b 'j '.! I !. Sampling Number of Mean Range of Period Fish Length Lengths May 5 133.2 120-1fjO June 1 -15 7 135.6 114""'157 June 16 -30 1 136.0 136 July 1 -15 2 130.0 130 July 16 -31 0 August 1 -15 1 126.0 126 August 16 -31 13 138.0 125-176 September 1 -15 2 134.0 134 Sep.16 -Oct.15 13 141.0 135-150 *From Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon Source:ADF&G 1985c 1 I I 1 1 I ,1 I j I ! I ! I I ] ! 1 1 I I j TABLE E.3.2.17:ANALYSIS OF CHUM SALMON AGE DATA BY PERCENT FROM ESCAPEMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT SEVERAL SUSITNA RIVER STATIONS 1981 Age classl/ Collection Site Sample Size 31 41 51 Susitna Station 158 3.2 88.6 8.2 Yentna Station 754 6.6 84.1 9.3 Sunshine Station 1088 4.1 88.7 7.2 Talkeetna Station 438 4.1 85.2 10.7 Curry Station 632 1.9 84.0 14.1 1982 Age classl/ Collection Site Sample Size 31 41 51 61 Yentna Station 553 2.2 88.6 51.3 0.4 Sunshine Station 1043 0.3 40.1 58.4 1.2 Talkeetna Station 620 0.8 30.3 68.7 0.2 -Curry Station -,456 0.8 30.3 72.1 --- 1983 Age classl/ Collection Site Sample Size 31 41 51 Susitna Station 333 4.5 84.4 11.1 Yentna Station 629 3.3 90.3 6.3 Sunshine Station 906 5.5 91.1 3.4 Talkeetna Station 526 4.9 87.1 8.0 Curry Station 480 2.1 85.8 12.1 1984 Age classl/ Collection Site Sample Size 21 31 41 51 61 Flathorn Station 1363 -----15.5 73.9 10.2 0.4--- Yentna Station 702 0.1 19.7 69.2 10.2 0.7 Sunshine Station 711 ---6.5 69.2 22.9 1.4 Curry Station 576 ---10.4 7.11 16.7 1.9 1/Gilbert-Rich Notation Source:ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b. TABLE E.3.2.18:CHUM SALMON PEAK ESCAPEMENT COUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY STREAMS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 Source:ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b Peak Count Stream Whiskers Creek Chase Creek Lane Creek Little McKenzie Creek Little Portage Creek 5th of July Creek Skull Creek Sherman Creek 4th of July Creek Indian River Jack -liongCreek Portage Creek River Mile 101.4 106.9 113.6 116.2 117.7 123.7 124.7 130.8 131.1 138.6 144 ..5 - 148.9 1981 1 1 76 14 o o 10 9 90 40 o o 1982 o o 11 o 31 1 1 o 191 1,346 153 1983 o o 6 1 6 o o 148 811 526 1984 o 1 31 23 18 2 4 6 193 2,447 -4 1,285 ] I 1 -) "] ] ill J J I I I I l I ;.1 1 ] 1 II t , 11 11 TABLE E.3.2.19:ESTIMATED CHUM SALMON ESCAPEMENTS TO SLOUGHS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 1982 %Curry %Curry %Curry %Curry Slough River Slough Station Slough Station Slough Station Slough S~ation Mile Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement Escapement 1 99.6 10 0.1 0 0 0 0 46 0.1 2 100.2 43 0.3 0 0 96 0.5 188 0.4 3B 101.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 0.2 6A 112.3 19 0.2 5 <0.1 0 0 0 0 8 113.7 695 5.3 0 0 0 0 217 0.4 Bushrod 117.8 Y Y Y Y Y ]!/161 0.3 8D 121.8 0 0 53 0.2 0 0 60 0.1 8C 121.9 0 0 108 0.4 8 0.1 207 0.4 8B 122.2 0 0 99 0.3 261 ;1.2 860 1.7 Moose 123.5 222 1.7 59 0.2 86 0.4 284 0.6 Al 124.6 200 1.5 0 0 155 0.7 217 0.4 A 124.7 81 0.6 0 0 4 <0.1 8 0.1 8A 125.1 480 3.7 1,062 3.6 112 0.5 2,383 4.8 8B 126.3 Y Y 104 0.4 14 0.1 168 0.3 9 128.3 368 2.8 :;603 2.1 430 2.0 304 0.6 9B 129.2 277 2.1 12 0.1 0 0 132 0.3 9A 133.8 140 1.1 86 0.3 231 1.1 528 1.1 10 133.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0.2 11 135.3 1,119 8.5 1,078 3.7 674 3.2 3,418 6.9 13 135.9 7 0.1 0 0 8 0.1 16 0.1 14 135.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.1 15 137.2 0 0 0 0 4 <0.1 67 0.1 16 137.3 5 <0.1 0 0 0 0 20 0.1 17 138.9 135 1.0 23 0.1 166 0.8 204 0.4 18 139.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 0.1 19 139.7 5 <0.1 0 0 6 <0.1 102 0.2 20 140.0 24 0.2 28 0.1 103 0.5 329 0.7 21 141.1 657 5.0 1,737 5.9 481 2.3 4,245 8.6 22 144.5 Y Y Y Y 105 0.5 187 0.4 21A 145.3 14 0.1 0 0 0 0 38 0.1 !I Not Surveyed Source:ADf&G 1984h,1985b TABLE E.3.2.20:PINK SALMON PEAK ESCAPEMENT COUNTS FOR TRIBUTARY STREAMS ABOVE RIVER MILE 98.6 Peak Count River Whiskers Creek 101.4 Chase Creek 106.9 Slash Creek 111.2 Gash Creek 111.6 Lane Creek 113.6 Clyde Creek 113.8 Maggot Creek 115.6 Little McKenzie Creek 116.2 McKenzie Creek 116.7 Little Portage Creek 117.7 Fr~~I!~~Q:t'ee~.119.3 Downunda Creek 119.4 Dead Horse Creek 120.8 Tulip Creek 120.9 5th of July Creek 123.7 Skull Creek 124.7 ·········ShermancCreek ··130·0·8· 4th of-July Creek-·-·-·-T31 :T·----. Gold Creek 136.7 Indian River 138.6 Jack Long Creek 144.5 Portage Creek 148~9 Stream Mile 1981 1982 1 138 38 107 1/0 0 640 291 0 1/1/ 1/1 0 23 0 17 1/140 1/1/ 1/ 1/ 0 1/ 1/ 1/ 2 113 8 12 ············6 ·······24 ····~f9·--..-·--··-70-2-- 0 11 2 738 1 21 0 169 1983 o 6 o o 28 17 o 7 9 1 ··0 ·----·78- 7 886 5 285 1/Not Surveyed Source:ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984h,1985b TABLE E.3.2.21:FISH SPECIES INHABITING STREAMS WITHIN (Page 1 of 3) THE ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION LINE CORRIDORS Stream Number and/or Name Date Species Observed Number Captured Range (mm) Denali High to Watana 1 1/830817 2 -Lily Creek 830817 3 -Seattle Creek 830817 4 830817 Dolly Varden 9 Sculpin 1 Dolly Varden 10 Sculpin 2 Dolly Varden 50 Arctic grayling 9 Sculpin 3 Dolly Varden 3 85 -150 70 105 -190 60 -85 70 -195 100 -310 70 -95 80 -125 I IJ 5 6 7 8 -Brushkana Creek 9 10 11 12 -Deadman creek 13 830817 830818 . 830818 830818 830818 830818 830818 830818 830813 NONE NONE a Arctic grayling 3 Sculpin 2 Arctic grayling 9 Sculpin 10 Dolly Varden 30 Arctic grayling 20 Sculpin 10 a Arctic grayling 3 Sculpin a 350 -385 80 -95 60 -380 60 -95 90 -205 95 -285 80 -95 240 -365 50 -95 a -did not sample 1/Location of numbered streams identified in Figures E.3.2.14 thru 17. TABLE E.3.2.21 (Page 3 of 3) Length Stream Number Species Number Range and/or Name Date Observed Captured (mm) Watana to Devil Canyon 28 831815 Dolly Varden 1 105 Sculpin 1 65 29 830815 Dolly Varden 1 80 -100 Sculpin 1 65 11 30 830815 a 31 830815 Dolly Varden 20 90 -190 Sculpin 6 50 -90 ']I ,32 830815 Dolly Varden 15 150 -375 Sculpin 2 60 -80 33 830815 Sculpin 1 65 34 -Devil Creek 830815 Sculpin 2 75 -80 35 830815 Dolly Varden 1 155 Sculpin 1 65 36 830815 Dolly Varden 1 140 Devil Canyon to Gold Creek 37 830813 Sculpin 1 60 38 830816 a 39 830816 a 40 830816 Chinook salmon 20 40 -60 Sculpin 3 50 -95 41 -Waterfall Creek 831816 Arctic grayling 1 140 Chinook salmon 30 40 -60 Sculpin 8 40 -85 42 -Gold Creek 830816 a a -did not sample TABLE E.3.2.22:FISH SPECIES INHABITING LAKES WITHIN THE ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION LINE CORRIDORS Length Species Number Range Lake Geographic Code Date Observed Capj:ured (mm) Ridge Lake F 22S 05W 25 DCA 830917 a Beaver Lake S 33N 05W 34 DDC 830917 Burbot 1 275 Arctic grayling 3 260 -335 Sculpin 3 65 -90 Long Lake S 32N 05W 15 CAC 830915 Sculpin 1 85 Round Lake S 32N 05W 15 CCC 830915 NONE Swimming Bear Lake S 32N 07W 04 BAa 830916 Dolly Varden 13 125 -380 Sculpin 7 65 -95 High Lake S 32N 02E 20 DBB 830918 Rainbow Trout 15 160 - 430 Sculpin 2 60 -85 Little High Lake S 32N 02E 19 MC 830918 Rainbow Trout 7 160 -285 Sculpin I 65 IslandL-ake-.S :32NOIE -25 ABD--8309-18--Do By Varden .-20 300-445 Sculpin 2 65 -95 Highest Lake S 32N OlE 14 ADD 830920 Dolly Varden 7 115 -245 Sculpin 1 75 Source:ADF&G -1 ,] -\ ] 1 ) ~1 1 1 ] 1 I 1 ] I I 1 I ] TABLE E.3.2.23:ARCTIC GRAYLING HOOK AND LINE CATCH IN TRIBUTARIES WITHIN THE IMPOUNDMENT ZONE BY LOCATION AND MONTH 1981 CATCH Tributary May June July August September Total Oshetna River 19 92 155 73 167 506 Goose Creek 121 136 82 37 6 382 Jay Creek 3 178 70 16 50 317 Kosina Creek 136 246 143 67 i87 779 Watana Creek 1 49 16 172 28 266 Deadman Creek 53 86 42 6 3 190 j Tsusena Creek 23 19 74 18 1 135 Fog Creek 22 17 23 5 5 72 TOTAL CATCH 378 823 605 394 447 2,647 1982 CATCH Tributary May June July August September Total Oshetna River 10 288 243 172 713 Goose Creek 38 91 76 2 207 Jay Creek 3 79 130 108 4 324 Kosina Crek 37 232 491 604 320 1,684 Watana Creek 128 175 208 36 547 Deadman Creek 40 51 110 1 203 IJ Tsusena Creek 7 10 29 26 7 79 Fog Creek 1 5 17 2 25 TOTAL CATCH 58 528 1,260 1,392 544 3,782 Source:·ADF&G 1981£,1983b TABLE E.3.2.24:ARCTIC GRAYLING POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR THE REACH OF MAJOR TRIBUTARIES IN THE WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON IMPOUNDMENT AREAS Petersen Population Estimatell 1982 1982l/Number Stream Reservoir 1981.U Number per mile Oshetna River Watana 2,017 2,426 1,103 Goose Creek Watana 1,327 949 791 Jay Creek Watana 1,089 1,592 455 Kosina Creek Watana 2,787 5,544 1,232 Watana Creek Watana 3,925 323 Deadman Creek Watana 979 734 1,835 Tsusena Creek Devil Canyon 1,000 ..440 Fog Creek Devil Canyon 176 664 II Estimates for·tributary reaches below El.2135 ft.MSL in Watana Reservoir a.rea and below El.1455 MSL in Devil Canyon Reservoir. 2..1 1981 Estimate based "on Arctic grayling greater than 8 inches (200 mm)long. JJ 1982 Estimate based on all ages,but underestimates ages 1 and 2. Source:ADF&G 1983b 't ! ) I 1 j .1 I \) j -j ) J .J TABLE E.3.2.25:PETERSEN POPULATION ESTIMATE FOR ARCTIC GRAYLING BY AGE GROUP IN THE WATANA IMPOUNDMENT AREA,SUMMER 1982 Number Number Number Estimated Number Age Marked Recaptured Caught in Age Group 1 & 2 91 3 84 1,955 3 226 10 222 4,602 4 263 23 263 2,904 5 321 44 342 2,454 6 204 48 270 1,134 7 81 16 107 521 7 and above 27 7 41 180 Totals 1,281 153 1,337 13,750 Source:ADF&G 1983b TABLE E.3.2.26:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INFLUENCE OF MAIN STEM FLOW AND WATER QUALITY ON . CHARACTERISTICS OF AQUATIC HABITAT TYPES Physical Characteristics Habitat Type .Hydraulicll Hydrologic Temp.Turbidity Ice Total Mainstem (MS)4 4 4 4 4 20 Side Channel (SC)3 4 4 3 4 18 Tributary Mouth (TM)3 3 2 2 3 13 Side Slough (SS)2 2 2 2 2 10 Upland Slough (US)1 1 0 0 0 2 Tributary (T)0 0 0 0 0 0 Lake (L)0 0 0 0 0 0 o -no influence 1 -small,limited influence 2 -moderate,occasional influence 3 -moderate,frequent influence 4 direct,extensive influence II Depth,velocity,wetted area,etc. Source:HE 1985a } \ I ) J I ·1 ) I I ,I ) 'J TABLE E.3.2.27:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOCATIONS OF NAMED TRIBUTARIES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER IN THE RESERVOIR AREA Tributary Susitna River 11 Confluence (River Mile) Oshetna River 233.4 Goose Creek 231.3 Jay Creek 208.5 Kosina Creek 206.8 Watana Creek 194.1 Deadman Creek 186.7 Tsusena Creek 181.3 Fog Creek 176.7 Devil Creek 161.4 Chinook Creek 157.0 Cheechako Greek 152.4 Source:ADF&G 1983d TABLE E.3.2.29:TOTAL SURFACE AREAS BY HABITAT TYPE WITHIN-THE TALKEETNA-DEVIL CANYON REACH OF THE SUSITNA RIVER Surface Area (acres)by Discharge 5,100 7,400 10,600 12,500 16,000 18,000 23,000 Habitat Type cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs Mainstem 2,458.1 2,599.6 2,805.9 2,850.4 3,158.5 Data 3,737.2 Side Channel 729.7 768.7 968.7 1,095.5 1,222.2 not 1,240.7 Side Slough 121.4 144.0 134.2 118.1 85.8 Avail-52.5 Upland Slough 15.3 22.9 19.6 23.6 22.6.able at 24.4 Tributary Mouth 15.9 15.1 18.6 26.2 25.3 Time of 12.1 Gravel Bar 2,518.5 2,301.2 1,848.4 1,727.7 1,419.2 Publi-815.8 Vegetated Bar 1,945.4 2,130.5 2,080.2 1,919.1 2,011.4 cation 1,718.4 Source:EWT&A 1985b TABLE E.3.2.30:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I Description:Habitat character is dominated by high breaching flow (40,000 cfs).This group includes all upland sloughs and Slough 11 (RM 135.6R).Specific area hydraulics are characterized by pooled clear water wi th veloci ties frequently near zero and depths greater than 1 ft.Pooled areas are commonly connected by short riffles where velocities are less than 1 fps and depths are less than 0.5 feet. Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 RJHAB =ADF&G Habitat Model ~':':"':':":::D.ata.not.ayailahl.e I ~ 1 ! l J } I 1 1 I -·1 I I j t ) r Model RJHAB RJHAB U.I:);) 0.64 0.44 0.70 0.68 0.45 0.50 0.83 0.45 0.67 0.58 ~;0.44 0.67 0.99 0.~2 0.54 0.69 0.45 0.74 . Structural Habitat Index >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000- >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 >35,000 Breaching Flow (cfs) Slough 10 Slough 12 Slough 11 Slough 6A Slough 5 Known As 102.2L 105.2R 107.6L 108.3L 112.5L 119.4L 120.0R 121.9R 123.1R 123.3R 127.2M 129.4R 133.9L 134.0L 135.5 135.6R 136.9R 139.0L 139.9R Specific Area TABLE E.3.2.31:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II Description:Habitat character is dominated by relatively high breach- ing flows (20,000 -40,000 cfs)and the presence of upwelling ground water sources that persist throughout winter.This group includes the specific areas that are commonly called sloughs.These specific areas typically have relatively large channel length to width ratios. Specific Area 100.6R 101.4L 101.8L 113.1R 113.7R 115.6R 117.9L 118.0L 121.8R 122.4R 122.5R 123.6R 125.1R 125.9R 126.0R 126.3R 131.8L 133.9R 135.3L 137.5R 137.5L 137.8L 137.9L 140.2R 142.1R 142.2R 143.4L 144.4L Known As Slough 3B Slough 8 Slough 8D Slough 8B Moose Slough Slough 8A Slough B Slough 22 Breaching Flow (cfs) 33,000 22,000 22,000 26,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 26,000 20,000 25,500 20,000 26,000 33,000 27,000 26,900 30,000 23,000 22,000 29,000 20,000 21,000 26,500 23,000 32,000 30,000 21,000 Structural Habitat Index 0.60 0.54 0.60 0.43 0.51 0.54 0.62 0.39 0.27 0.29 0.51 0.43 0.48 0.56 0.51 0.59 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.44 0.60 0.64 0.50 0.50 0.65 0.52 0.55 0.60 Model RJHAB RJHAB IFG DIHAB RJHAB IJ DIHAB =EWT&A Direct Input Model IFG =Instream Flow Group Habitat Model RJHAB =ADF&G Habitat Model --=Data not available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 TABLE E.3.2.32:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III . ] j Description:Habitat character is dominated by intermediate breaching flows (5,100 cfs -20000 cfs)and relatively broad channel sections.This group includes side channels which become nonbreached at intermediate lIiainstem discharge levels and transform into slough habitat at lower discharges.Breaching flows are typically lower than for Group II,upwelling is present and the length to width:] ratios of the channels are genera lly less than ratios for Group II. Specific Area Known As Breaching Flow (cfs) Structural Habitat Index Model Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 DlHAB =Direct Input Model Developed by EWT&A lEG:::Ins tream.Flow-..Group..Ha b itat..ModeL.._. ..RJHAR.=.AIlF..&.G....Hg..Ql..tat Model...............~_...._.._... --=Data Not Available Slough 9 Side Channel 21 I I J IFG IFG DIHAB IFG DIHAB DlHAB ~-lFG,RJHAB DIHAB 0.51 0.48 '0.56 0.61 0.46 0.67 0.55 0.48 0.56 0.48 0.49 0.34 0.64 0.60 0~49­ 0.44 0.49 0.56 12,500 9,200 9,200 14,000 9,600 12,000 12,000 8,000 16,000 10,400 15,000 16,000 8,200 12,000 10;-500 11,500 10,400 11,500 Whisker's Creek Side Channel Lower Whisker's Creek Side Channel Upper Whisker's Creek Side Channel Oxbow V Mainstem II Curry Side Channel 21 Oxbow II Side Channel Side Channel 9 lOO.4R 100.6L lO1.2R 101.6L 101.7L 110.4L U5.0R 117.8L 119.3L 128.5R 128.7R 128.8R 130.2L 130.2R '132";'6L'Si:aeCnant1et"10A~ 133.7R 137.2R 141.4R TABLE E.3.2.33:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV Description:Habitat character is dominated by low breaching flows (<.5100 cfs)and intermediate mean reach velocities.This group includes the specific areas that are commonly called side channels.These specific areas possess mean reach velocities ranging from 2-5 fps at a mainstem discharge of approximately 10000 cfs. Breaching Structural Specific Flow Habitat Area Known As (cfs)Index Model I 100.7R <5,000 0.49 108.7L <5,000 0.53 I 1l0.8M <5,000 0.48 111.5R <5,000 0.48 112.6L Side Channel 6A <5,000 0.60 IFG 114.0R <5,000 0.43 116.8R <5,000 0.48 119.5L 5,000 0.54 119.6L <5,000 0.53 121.7R <5,000 0.48 124.1L <5,000 0.46 .,'-- l25.2R Side Channel 8A <5,000 0.61 DIHAB 127.0L <.5,000 0.65 -- 127.4L <5,000 0.46 129.5R <5,000 0.56 131.7L 4th of July Creek Side Channel <5,000 0.47 IFG l34.9R Lower Side Channel <5,000 0.56 IFG 136.0L Doug's Delight Side Channel <5,000 0.55 IFG l39.4L <5,000 0.61 DIHAB l39.6L <5,000 0.51 140.4R <5,000 0.48 145.3R <5,000 0.53 IFG =Instream Flow Group Habitat Model DIHAB =Direct Input Model Developed by EWT&A --=Data Not Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 IJ TABLE E.3.2.34:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V Description:Habitat character is dominated by channel morphology.This group includes shoal areas at higher flows··which transform to slough or clearwater habitats at lower flows as mainstem discharge decreases. ] .] Breaching Structural Specific Flow Habitat Area Known As (cfs)Index Model 101.7lL 10,000 0.86 DIHAB 117.0M 15,500 0.55 118.9L Lower Little Rock Spawning Site <5,000 0.86 DIHAB 124.0M 23,000 0.91 132.8R 19,500 1.02 139.0L <5,000 0.77 DIHAB 139.7R 22,000 0.91 141.6R Slough 21 21,000 1.00 IFG 143.0L 7,000 0.55 .j IFG =Instream Flow Group Habitat Model DIHAB =Direct Input Model Developed by EWT&A =Data Not Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 TABLE E.3.2.35:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI Description:Habitat character is dominated by channel morphology. This group includes overvlow channels that parallel the adjacent mainstem,usually separated by a sparsely vegetated gravel bar.These specific areas mayor may not possess an upwelling of groundwater source. Breaching Structural Specific Flow Habitat Area Known As (cfs)Index Model 102.6L 6,500 0.69 106.3R 4,800 0.53 107.1L 9,600 0.69 117.9R 7,300 0.49 119.7L 23,000 0.51 l33.8L Slough 10 Side Channel 17,500 0.49 IFG 135.7R 27,500 0.32 136.3R 13 ,000 0.54 IFG 138.0L 8,000 0.53 138.8R 6,000 0.31 139.5R 8,900 0.31 140.6R 12,000 0.61 142.0R 10,500 0.53 IFG =Instream Flow Group Habitat Model --=Data Not Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 TABLE E.3.2.36:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIvE GROUP VII Habitat character is dominated by a characteristic sequence.The Little Rock IFG modeling site (RM 119.2R)is a riffle just downstream of the side channel head that flows backwater pool near the mouth. Description: riffle/pools typical with into a large Specific Area Known As 114.1R Lane Creek Spawning Site 119.2R Little Rock Side Channel 121.1L 123.0L 125.6L 127.5M 131.3L Breaching Flow (cfs) <5,100 10,000 7,400 <5,100 <5,100 <5,100 8,000 Structural Habitat Index 0.31 0.41 0.43 '0.39 0.52 0.31 0.31 Model DIHAB IFG DIHAB 1 \ .j "'l-i~ IFG =Instream Flow Group Habitat Model DIHAB =Direct Input Model developed by EWT&A .-No Data Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 ••j.' I r I TABLE E.3.2.37:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII Description:Habitat character is dominated by the tendency of these channels to tidewater at a relatively high mainstem discharge.Channels in this group are frequently oriented with a 30°+angle to the mainstem flowline at their heads. Specific Area 101.3M 102.0L '104.3M 109.5M 112.4L 117.1M 117.2M 118.6M 119.8L l20.0L 121.5R 121.6R 123.2R 124.8R 125.6R 128.4R l32.5L 135.0R l35.1R 140.0M l45.6R 146.6L Known As Breaching Flow (cfs) 9,200 10,000 21,000 16,000 22,000 15,500 23,000 14,000 15,500 12,500 19,500 15,500 23,000 19,500 26,000 9,500 14,500 23,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 26,500 Structural Habitat Index Model 0.57 0.43 0.48 0.49 0.27 0.32 0.32 0.26 0.51 0.32 0.32 0.60 0.26 0.46 0.54 0.56 0.57 0'.44 0.44 0.31 0.62 0.48 --=No Data Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 Description:Habitat character is dominated by low breaching flows -and rela- tively swift velocities.This group includes specific areas that were catego- rized as mainstem at 5100 cfs,as well as side channe1s (Category 5)and indistinct side channels (Category 6)with mean velocities greater than 5 fps at 10,000 cfs mainstem. TABLE E.3.2.38:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX Specific Area Known As 101.5L Whisker's Creek West Side Channel 104.0R 105.7R 108.9L 109.4R 11 I.OR 113.8R 117.7L 127.1M 128.3R 129.3L 129.8R 13I.2R 135.0L 139.2R 141.2R -141.3R: 142.8R 144.0R 144.2L 147.1L Fat Canoe Island ·IFG =Tnstream Flow Group Habitat Model .. ..-""-=No--Data-Ava-i-lable-.--_-~~--_...-----. Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 Breaching Flow (cfs) <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 <5~bo····. <5,000· <5,000 <5,000 <5,000 Structural Habitat Index 0.45 0.48 0.53 0.58 0.45 0.35 0.53 0.41 0.53 0.63 0.62 0.56 0.59 0.48 0.61 0.69 0:69 0.56 0.96 0.53 0.57 Model IFG IFG I I I J \ 1 J ] TABLE E.3.2.39:MIDDLE RIVER HABITAT SITES IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP X Description:Habitat character is dominated by channel morphology. This group includes large mainstem shoals,and mainstem margin areas that had open leads in the March 1983 photography. Specific Area Known As Breaching Flow (cfs) Structural Habitat Index Model 105.8lL 109.3M 1l1.6R 113.6R 113.9R 119.11L l21.1R 133.81R 138.71L 139.3L l39.41L l42.8L l48.2R MSS MSS 11,500 10,500 7,000 MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS 0.57 0.48 0.49 0.55 0.48 0.41 0.47 0.48 0.57 0.56 0.41 0.36 0.48 HAB HAB HAB HAB HAB MSS =Mainstem Shoal HAB =Direct Input Model developed by EWT&A --=No Data Available Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 TABLE E.3.2.40:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PRIMARY UTILIZATION OF SENSITIVE HABITAT TYPES BY EVALUATION SPECIES s"";spaWiiing/incubati6tl R -rearing Habitat Types Evaluation Species Chinook Salmon Chum Salmon Coho Salmon Sockeye Salmon Pink Salmon ", Arctic Grayling Rainbow Trout Do lly Varden Burbot Source:HE 1985a Mainstem R R R R S,R Side Channel R S Side Slough R S,R S,R Tributary Mouth R R l I j I I ·1 ! ~\ ! \ I I I i j I 1 j .~-- ~ABLE E.3.2.41:COVER ~UITABILITY CRITERIA RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT UNDER CLEAR AND TURBID WATER CONDITIONS Percent Cover No Cover Emergent Aquatic Debris & Veg.Veg.Deadfall Over Hanging Riparian Undercut Banks Large Gravel Rubble 3"-5 Cobble or Boulders <5" Clear Water 0-5%0.01 0.01 0.07 0.11 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.09 6-25%0.01 0.04 0.22 0.33 0.20 0.32 0.21 0.27 0.29 26-50%0.01 0.07 0.39 0.56 0.34 0.54 0.35 0.45 0.49 51-75%0.01 0.09 0.53 0.78 0.47 0.75 0.49 0.63 0.69 76-100%0.01 0.12 0.68 1.00 0.61 0.97 0.63 0.81 0.89 Turbid Water 0-5%0.31 0.31 0.31 0.48 0.26 0.44 0.31 0.39 0.39 6-25%0.31 0.31 0.39 0.58 0.35 0.56 0.37 0.47 0.51 26-50%0.31 0.31 0.46 0.67 0.41 0.65 0.42 0.54 0.59 51-75%0.31 0.31 0.52 0.77 0.46 0.14 0.48 0.62 0.68 76-100%0.31 0.31 0.58 0.85 0.52 0.82 0.54 0.69 0.76 Sources:ADF&G 1984c,EWT&A and WCC 1985 Table E.3.2 42:JUVENILE CIHNOm~REARING HABITAT AVAILABILITY AT IFG AND RJI1AB 1'10DELED SITES Mainstem Dl scharge -----------~~----------------r-~----------~-------~---------~------------------------------------------------- Si~elLocations By Riveri Mile Designation (Representative Group) I I', -----------1-------------------~----------------------.------------------------------------ 101.2R ~01.4L 101.5L 107.6L 112.5L 112.6L 113.7R 119.2R 126.0R 128.8R mG 3)Ims 2)(RS 9)(RG 1)(RG 1)ms 4)(RS 2)(RB 7)(RB 2)(RG 3) -----------~-----------------~-~-----------------~----------------------------------------------------------(cfs)(WUA/1000(WUA11000(WUA/1000 (WLJA/r1000 (WUA/1000(WUA/1000 (WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000 sq.ft.)sb.ft.)sq.f~.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.) sq.ft.))i ; 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 90IDID 10ID00 l1QUliID 12IDIlI0 131211l1ID 14IDID0 15IDIDI2I 160ID0 17000 181lJ00 190fl10 20fl100 211210121 22000 23000 2401110 25000 26ID00 27000 28000 29000 3f2112l1210 3101210 32000 33000 3401210 351211210 36012l1ll 37000 38lf.l0121 :3''712l0121 4001210 41000 42000 43000 441210121 45000 0.1210 0.00 0.00 31.66 95.00 158.34 313.71 326.44 271.48 218.77 177.51 147.::)5 121.45 112.39 104.35 97.17 90.73 84.92 79.65 74.85 70.47 66.45 62.75 59.34 56.19 53.26 50.55 48.02 45.66 43.45 41.39 39.45 37.40 35.40 33.30 31.30 29.30 27.20 25.20 23.20 21.10 19.10 '145.25 114$.25 '145.251'~45.25 145.25 i145.25 i145.25 145.25 145.25 145.25 114$.25 :145.25 1 149.25 145.25 1 14.9...25145.25 145.25 1145.25 1 145.25 158.20 1185.'71 1253.70I , '322.79134~.47 347.54133~.02 298.34 I '126~.23 246.60II122~.15 215.96II!206.38 QI1I1.20 i181.00 1 161.60 14~.90 130.90 1 '11'1 060 108.70 1101.30 94.2121 87.40 39.00 39.00 41.81l1 43.90 42.80 52.70 49.60 46.60 40.70 41.60 41.50 39.50 37.70 34.10 34.50 36.10 36.10 42.00 43.70 44.7121: 44.80 '45.70 50.60 51.80 52.50 51.70 49.30 47.30 46.60. 44.90 43.20 41.70 40.20 38.50 36.80 35.10 33.40, 31.70 30.00 28.30 26.60 24.90 119.10 118.75 118.49 11:r.86 116.85 115.48 113.76 111.69 109.30 109.60 11l13.61 100.38 96.93 9::;).29 89.48 8S.53 81.34 76.79 72.02 68.17 65.48 58.88 54.00 51.77 56.32 5t·42 57.64 58.01 57,.94 57.88 I57.9 III 5'7..35 57.35 57.35 57.35 56.70 56.70 56.70 56.70 56.1.0 56.10 56.10 41.70 41.70 41.7121 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.7121 41.70 41.70 41.7121 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.7121 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41 •.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 317.50 317.50 258.70 227.80 185.9121 144.40 109.00 73.55 55.30 48.80 45.1lI0 50.7121 53.30 53.90 47.50 40.80 35.2121 31.00 27.10 24.70 22.20 20.60 19.10 17.60 16.20 14.80 13.70 12.80 11.90 11.1210 10.90 10.70 10.50 10.3ID 10.10 9.90 9.70 9.50 9.30 9.1121 8.90 8.70 133.40 132.45 131.58 131.36 133.07 136.61 141.60 146.81 152.29 158.46 165.87 176.37 185.92 195.63 204.121121 213.84 224.56 235.08 244.04 251.67 257.72 259.44 267.58 283.56 312.19 360.16 403.44 425.53 424.34 41217.45 387.73 369.38 351.03 332.68 314.33 295.98 277.63 259.28 240.93 222.58 204.23 185.88 .~ 185.99 185.99 185.99 185.99 226.21 306.64 387.10 394.50 344.70 353.50 301.80 250.50 199.10 159.20 137.00 111.70 85.60 73.32 63.23 54.72 47.51 43.23 41.17 39.26 37.48 35.82 34.27 32.81 31.45 30.16 28.95 27.80 26.70 25.60 24.50 23.40 22.30 21.20 ~~0.10 19.00 17.9121 16.80 .~ 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.4121 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 242.60 232.60 225.10 217.60 210.10 202.60 195.10 187.60 180.10 172.60 165.10 157.60 15vl.10 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 43.90 101.66 263.90 278.80 262.60 242.2121 214.90 169.30 139.90 111.60 83.90 61.40 60.90 60.90 67.90 68.7121 80.70 78.10 ' 76.30 74.50 72.70 70.90 69.10 67.30 65.5121 63.70 61.90 60.10 58.30 TABLE E.3.2.42: I'----- (CONTINUED) l'1ainstem ischarge (cfs) Site Locations By River Mile Designation (Representative Group)I --------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------1 131.7L 132.6L 133.8L 134.9R '136.0L 136.3R 141.4R 141.6R 144.4L 147.1L I (RG 4)(RG 3)(RG 6)(RG 4)(RG 4)(RG 6)(RG 3)(RG 5)(RG 2)(RG 9)I (WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000(WUA/1000 sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.)sq.ft.) sq.ft.)sq.ft.) 411I11I11I 511I11I0 611I011I 711I11I11I 80011I 911I11I11I 1011I0121 1111I12111I 1200121 1311I121121 140121121 150121121 1600121 171211210 18000 19011I11I 200121121 210011I 22011I121 2311I11I121 2401210 2511I12111I 2611I00 2711I11I121 280011I 2911I0121 30000 3112100 32000 3312100 3412l012l 35000 3601210 3712100 3812100 391211210 4121000 4112l0fl1 42000 4311I12111I 44000 450011I 278.20 278.2121 298.20 .313.311I 332.6121 328.511I 296.2121 256.8121 2511I.80 2::'~7.611I 215.5121 211I2.4121 187.9121 179.6121 167.3121 158.10 152.11I121 147.92 141.1219 134.611I 128.45 122.59 116.91 111.63 111I6.64 11211.89 97.38 92.19 88.31 84.95 81.73 78.64 76.711I 74.8121 72.911I 71.11I121 69.1121 67.211I 65.3121 63 411I 61 5121 59 6121 0.011I 121.12111I 0.00 37.25 74.5121 111.75 149.00 283.311I 270.9121 262.0121 251.70 243.10 219.60 211I5.8121 18121.8121 151.711I 134.2121 132.90 114.11I121 105.811I 11216.6121 99.1121 91.80 91.2121 92.4121 88.7121 82.70 78.47 75.85 73.37 71.1214 68.84 62.3121 57.7121 54.2121 511I.8121 47.40 45.111I 42.90 4121.7121 38.80 37.121121 111I6.6121 111I6.611I 111I6.611I 11216.6121 11216.6121 111I6.6121 11216.611I 106.6121 111I6.6121 111I6.611I 106.6121 11216.6121 If7.16.6121 11216.6121 192.38 218.2f7.1 213.3121 229.5121 2f7.13.6121 185.6121 150.4121 14121.111I 15121.30 146.121121 132.8121 113.611I 15121.7121 143.1210 126.90 118.1210 11213.5f7.1 95.8f7.1 88.1121 80.40 72.7121 65.1210 57.30 49.60 41.9121 34.20 26.50 18.8121 171.5121 149.121121 126.5121 1011I.2121 11213.8121 81.411I 61.6121 59.4121 45.80 39.7121 32.6121 28.10 26.3121 24.9121 23.7121 21.90 17.5121 17.2121 17.90 18.60 19.2121 19.90 20.5121 211I.70 21.20 21.4121 21.5121 22.7121 23.511I 23.90 24.20 24.30 24.3121 24.4121 24.3121 24.20 24.1121 23.9121 23.8121 23.90 24.00 24.00 287.1121 253.3121 219.5121 184.70 154.111I 131.7121 '110.80 87.11I11I 111.211I 11218.111I 11210.9121 83.80 79.6121 72.40 64.311I 63.811I 71.5121 70.9121 69.70 67.611I 66.2121 64.1121 59.7121 59.1121 58.4121 57.011I 55.70 56.1121 55.211I 54.3121 53.60 53.03 52.4121 51.80 51.::'~121 50.80 50.30 49.711I 49.3121 48.70 48.?121 47.70 106.3121 11216.3121 11216.3121 111I6.30 106.3121 106.3121 106.3121 106.3121 106.30 11216.3121 18121.39 238.47 285.2121 250.5121 256.10 225.1121 21218.8121 196.1121 185.8121 174.30 185.1121 177.90 17121.9121 156.90 154.5121 178.4121 179.7121 179.5121 178.6121 185.11I121 189.3121 J95.20 19121.121121 185.0121 18121.0121 175.00 17121.121121 165.00 160.1210 155.121121 150.121121 145.121121 189.121121 189.00 189.121121 189.0121 189.121121 189.00 184.16 179.75 175.7121 14121.5121 134.20 135.9121 122.50 110.2121 11214.70 88.811I 96.2121 90.5121 81.60 76.311I 76.80 71.50 6121.70 58.911I 56.30 57.70 5~.1II121 55.50 55.411I 55.70 54.6121 54.9121 53.5121 53.11I0 52.121121 51.12111I 50.011I 49.11I11I 48.00 47.11I11I 46.1210 45.00 134.11I11I 134.11I0 134.00 134.11I0 134.11I11I 134.011I 134.12111I 134.11I11I 134.11I11I 134.11I11I 134.011I 134.00 134.11I11I 134.11I11I 134.11I11I 134.11I11I 134.011I 134.11I11I 21211.411I 257.42 304.90 297.711I 280.711I 251.811I :?1II2.00 166.311I 137.811I 111I6.911I 86.11I0 70.611I 61.1121 57.40 .53.90 50.411I 46.90 43.4121 36.9121 33.411I 29.90 26.411I 22.911I 19.40 35.62 35.62 35.611I 35.54 35.46 35.35 35.21 35.11I3 34.82 34.57 34.29 33.97 33.62 33.23 32.82 32.44 32.75 41.14 90.1217 178.44 241.78 277.11I5 297.4121 287.83 247.84 189.13 14121.18 105.13 77.11I1 58.19 45.53 36.57 27.711I 18.811I 9.90 9.00 8.111I 7.211I 6.311I 5.411I 4.50 3.611I 31.911I 29.411I 26.9121 24.311I 23.80 26.311I 25.40 25.111I 23.30 24.811I 27.60 24.411I 28.011I 24.911I 28.80 3121.5121 29.511I 28.711I 31.30 32.811I 36.11I11I 36.2121 35.7121 35.411I 34.8121 32.211I 32.20 35.411I 34.6121 32.ll11 311I.1121 28.::;11I 26.5121 24.711I 22.9121 21.111I 19.30 17.511I 15.70 13.911I 12.10 10.3121 TABLE E.3.2.431 RESPONSE OF Cl-IUM Sf'At'ININ8 HABITAT AREA IN IF8 AND DIHAB MODELLED SITES 4121121121 512100 600121 7121121121 801210 9000 1001210 11000 12000 1317.100 1417.100 150121121 1601110 1700111 1800121 1912100 2000121 2101210 22000 2300111 24000 2500121 26000 2712100 2812100 29000 31iJ12I0121 311iJ01l1 3201iJ0 33000 341211210 35000 '------' I .. '.,'I-------------------------T-~----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whiskers I I i IMairistemWestSCItIS I I SC Slough 9 4 Jul y SC ~::~~~~~:~~~:~:l_J~~~:~:~~~:~~__L~~~:~~~~~:~:~__~~~:~:~:~::~~:~:~~~~~:~=__ !I ;Gp 3!:Gp 1111 Gp 7 i Gp 3 .'Gp 5 Gp 1121 Gp 4 Gp 3 Gp 7. I ! --------~----------------l-l-----------------~--------------~-------------------------------------- <Cfs)(sq.ft+!(sq.ft.(sq.ft.:(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(eq.ft. (eq.ft. WUAi '.WUA)WUA)I WUA)WUA)WUA)WUA)t'JUA)WUA) III 121 21216 926 363.,121 121 2367 4~121 .21216 926 444 '121 121 2367 4 ~59 21216 926 525 211 667121 2367 4 ~117 21216 926 61216 445 14121B2 2367 4 III 2BB 359 112171 677 723 IB622 2367 4o513B3B152472B11219617121612123674 8187 737 1316 1976 778 1469 15497 2367 4 28655 961 1795 2429 9B3 1738 13935 2367 51 3611213 1218 1768 2882 1253 1961 12372 2367 21219 34B7f 1488 1741 2953 1524 21B5 112181121 2367 366 33631 1759 1714 3024 17~5 241219 9571 2367 524 3241217 21213121 16B7 3161 212166 2633 BB17 2367 682 312112182 212147 1387 3366 19~5 2694 8064 2367 839 27288 1955 112158 3571 1885 2737 731121 2978 1073 24495 1863 .756 3776 1781 2780 6557 3588 1315 22599 1897 71218 3981 1724 2823 5803 4199 1557 2161212 2058 659 4186 16'67 2866 4567 5466 1749I.,. . 212161215 2218 61121 439121 16'10 2909 3277 6493 1485 1961218 2379 562 4595 1552 2952 1987 710B 1221 18610 2539 513 48121121 1495 2995 697 7508 957I. 17613 2700 464 5005 1444 312138 0 8014 693 1661b 2861 416 521121 1393 312181 121 8219 429 15618 312121 367 5414 1341 3124 121 8954 165 14621 3182 318 5619 129121 3167 0 912105 121 13624 3342 27121 5824 1239 j21121 0 8559 121 1262'1 .3,503 221 6029 11 88 3253 0 7436 121 11629 3663 173 6234 1136 3296 121 5852 121 1121632 3824 124 6439 112185 3339 121 4541 121 9635 3984 75 6643 1034 3382 121 3229 0 8638 4145 27 6848 983 3425 121 1918 0 7640 431215 121 7053 931 3468 0 61216 121 6643 4466 0 7258 880 3511 0 121 0 ! '-------------------.._-----j------------------------------------------------------------_._-------';""'"--- Source.ADFl!d3 1984b J EWntl~11985c TABLE E.3.2.43 (CONTI NUED) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mainstem SC 10 LSC 11 USC 11 SC 21 Slough 21 Discharge 133.7R 133.8L 133.8R 134.9R 136.3R 137.5R 138.7L 139.0L 141.4R 141.6R --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gp 3 Gp 6 Gp 10 Gp 4 Gp 6 Gp 2 Gp 10 Gp 1 Gp 3 Gp 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (cfs)(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.{t.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft.(sq.ft. WUA)WUA)WUA>WUA)WUA)WUA)WUA)WUA>WUA>toIUA) 401210 96 0 168 6248 1644 121 21212 25lZl 1260 5231 5000 96 121 183 7811 2055 0 407 250 1575 5231 6000 106 0 197 8934 2465 1 611 25lZl 1890·5231 7000 117 0 211 9640 2876 3 816 2512)221215 5231 B01Zl0 126 0 221 9921 3284 4 1021 250 2520 5231 912100 134 0 231 10137 4028 5 1226 250 2835 5231 112100121 litl 0 26121 112114121 4769 7 1431 250 3159 52~H 1101210 133 0 29121 9816 5334 8 1758 266 3465 5231 12000 116 0 291 9462 5899 9 2167 293 385121 5231 1312100 98 0 272 9087 6434 11 2576 320 3708 5231 1401210 81 0 253 8569 6968 12 2985 347 3665 5231 15000 63 0 234 8300 7567 14 2965 366 3464 5231 16000 46 0 216 7929 8165 15 2516 378 3252 52.3 I 17000 41 0 197 7588 9876 20 2068 389 2845 5231 1801210 37 0 167 7248 11323 25 1630 ,400 2482 5231 19000 33 162 137 6907 12470 3121 1290 4f2l121 2132 5231 20000 30 722 11216 6566 1328121 45 1196 372 1828 5231 21000 26 958 77 6226 13671 60 1103 344 1632 5231 2212100 23 2056 69 5885 14127 75 1009 316 1480 6261 230121f2l 19 3408 61 5545 14311 90 915 289 1337 7292 240121f2l 15 496121 53 5204 13516 105 822 261 1203 8207 25000 12 6228 44 4863 12437 120 728 233 1186 10134 2612100 8 7310 36 4523 11242 135 634 205 1253 11205 270f2l0 5 9392 28 4182 10048 150 541 177 1366 13902 28000 1 9474 20 3842 8853 165 447 149 1650 16083 29000 0 10556 11 3501 7659 18Ql 353 121 2366 161~4 312112100 0 11638 3 3160 6464 195 260 93 3118 14572 31000 0 12720 0 2820 5269 210 166 66 3884 12444 32000 0 13472 III 2479 4075 225 72 38 4653 If2lf2l97 3312112112l 0 14884 0 2139 2880 24121 121 10 5421 7666 ::'~400f2l 0 15966 121 1798 1686 255 0 0 6190 5237 3500f2l f2l 17048 0 1457 491 270 f2l III 6958 28f2l8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._----.._------------- Source:ADFll,13 1984b;EWn,A 1985c r I TAF.ll.E 'E.3.2.44s R~S~'C1NSE OF CHUM SF'AW~ING HABITAT (WUA PER 10121111 sa.FT.) Air IFG AND DIHAB NODE~ED SITES INCLUIlED IN REP~ESENTATIVE GROUPS I (RG)2,3,AND 4.I , ------o----------·----;;;~;~--r;;;~;~---;;;~;~---;;~~;~---;;;~;~---;;;~;~---;;;~;~---;;;~;~---;;;~;~- Mainstem I Whisker's Ms II Slough Slough Lower SC Discharge I West SC 'sc BA 9 SC 11 21 (cfs)I (RG 3)(RG 3)(RG 4)(RG 2)(RG 3)(RG 3)(RG 4)(RG 2)(RG 3), ----_._------:------------------'j""--:"'-----------------~-------------------------------------------------- 401ll11l 512100 611100 71210121 B01210 9121flJlll 100111111 11121f21121 121llf21111 13f210f21 141210121 150f21121 161llf210 17f21111f21 IBI1I1210 1911lf21121 2017.11ll121 21f21f21121 22f211l1f21 231l1f211i'l 24f211l11i'l 25f2101ll 261l1f211l1 27f21f211ll 2BIlIlZIf2I 291Z11ll1ll 31Z11i!l11l1Zl 3112l1ll121 321l1f21121 331Zl1ll1ll 340121111 351ll1Zli21 36flllZllll 371l1f210 3BIlIf2If2I 390111f21 401l11l11i!l 411Z1i211i!l 421l1ft11l1 431lJf2IIi!l 44121f211i!l 451i!l12lf21 f21.f21 0.III f21.1i!l Ill.III 0.III 0.III 50.8 125.2 136.4 124.B 114.3 11114.9 92.2 79.1 67.4 59.2 53.9 49.2 44.B 41l1.B }37.1 33.7 30.5 27.6 24.B 22.3 19.9 17.6 15.5 13.5 11.6 9.B 8.0 6.2 4.4 2.6 f21.9 121.0 121.121 0.0 0.121 121.121 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 12.9 IB.l 23.3 4 33.3 2 21.B 19.2 17.6 16.5 15.5 14.B 14.2 13.7 13.2 12.9 12.5 12.2 12.121 11.B \11.6 :11.4 '11.2 11.1 110 •9 ;1121.B ,lfll.7 i10.6 'lfll.5 :10.4 11111.3 :10.2 11f21.1I.;10.0 9.9 9.B 9.7 9.6 0.111 0.0 33.2 46.4 49.6 44.5 39.6 34.9 30.4 26.1 22.6 20.3 18.1 16.(1) 14.!2I 12.1 9.3 6.5 3.9 1.3 111.0 0.0 0.!2I 0.0 1ZI.121 fll.0 0.III fll.12I 0.111 121.0 l2I.fll 0.III 111.111 121.0 fll.fll 0.0 fll.1lI 0.0 fll.12I 0.0 0.III 0.0 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35,.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 38.7 41.B 44.8 47.8 62.9 6fll.fll 65.2 4 75.4 81?J.3 184.9 '89.4 ,94.0 9B.6 .1lI2.8 11216.III ~09.0 11219.4 ~09.2 1III 8.8 1III 6.121 100.4 91.121 82.121 7121.121 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 38.'4 4121.1 42.6 45.fll 47.3 49.6 51.B 54.1 56.3 58.4 66.121 73.5 7B.4 B3.3 82.B B2.2 82.3 B2.4 77.3 72.2 58.5 44.9 34.fll 23.1 2fll.11I 18.III 17.5 17.III 16.5 16.III 15.5 15.III 14.5 14.III 13.5 13.121 12.5 8.8 9.5 10.2 1121.B 11.3 11.2 11.1 10.9 1111.5 9.B 9.1 B.4 7.B 7.1 6.III 4.9 3.8 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.III 0.7 fll.4 0.1 Ill.III 111.111 0.111 fll.1lI 0.111 13.!2I 0.0 121.111 0.111 0.0 0.0 121.III fll.0 fll.1ll 0.0 45.0 44.8 44.7 42.2 39.7 38.5 037.4 34.9 32.3 30.8 29.2 27.7 26.2 24.9 23.6 22.3 21.1 19.9 IB.6 17.5 16.3 15.1 13.9 12.7 11.6 10.6 9.5 8.4 7.3 6.2 5.1 4.fll 2.9 1.8 Ill.7 0.fll 121.0 111.0 Ill.0 12I.1i'J Ill.III 0.121 3121.B 31l1.B 30.B 31l1.B 33.4 36.1 3B.7 41.2 54.3 51.8 56.3 6111.7 65.1 69.3 73.2 77.1 B1.1 B5.1 BB.7 91.5 94.0 94.4 94.2 93.9 91.5 B6.6 7B.5 7111.7 61l1.4 51l1.1 39.B 29.5 19.2 B.~ Ill.III 0.III 0.III Ill.III 0.III 0.0 Ill.III 121.III 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 24.1 2B.B 27.0 25.1 23.0 21l1.9 17.6 14.4 12.0 9.5 8.3 7.2 6.4 5.7 5.7 5.7 6.4 7.1 9.9 12.B 15.6 IB.4 15.7 14.5 13.3 12.1 9.9 B.7 7.5 6.3 5.1 3.9 2.7 1.6 1.1-------------..:.-------o-------t---------------------·-------------------------------------------------- Source:ADF&G 1984b;EWH,A 1985c ~ l-- TABLE E.3.2.45:RESPONSE OF CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA TO DISCHARGE IN EACH OF THE REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS Weighted Usable Area Mclinstem Dilscharge (cfs) 5Q1 l21 !il 6l21l210 7l21l21l21 8l21l21l21 9l21l210 1012100 11l210l21 1212100 1312100 1401210 15l21l21121 161211210 1701210 18Q10l21 191210121 21Zl01210 2100121 22000 23000 2401Zlfll 2501210 2600121 27000 28000 29000 312101210 31000 32000 33000 3412100 35000 RGI (sq ft) 58382 61249 63491 65213 66487 67361 69512 69891 71233 72256 72907 73164 73486. 73193 72625 71702 7121338 68667 67931 67708 ·64491 62257 64045 66273 67891 68818 69848 70504 71144 71836 7211134 RG2 (sq ft) 211176 218344 225752 238554 257475 270380 287565 31111749 339377 373909 395242 417797 444568 473671 513739 554029 6l211.492 662735 754585 866243 1008703 1169711 1314448 1406222 1444974 1462318 1458037 1438566 1451848 1397423 1313099 RG3 (sq ft) 153979 163299 188181 229113 . 294676 402029 658174 856488 1173219 1294098 1359539- 1353576 1329916 1295405 1296231 1268329 1237917 1179275 111118650 1062812 111119704 972946 925935 905280 901735 887624 889489 879814 867872 846441 85711161 RG4 (sq ft) 3677949 3863286 41211217191 4258077 4175694 3797023 336331217 3347555 3239630 301114490 2871869 2744514 2672308 252141216 241531112 2351648· 2316387 2245428 2177461 2111344 2047623 1977679 1917723 1861423 18121311163 • 1746746 1689974 1645426 1604911 1567743 153111289 RG5 (sq ft> 2112119 36522 52449 66314 76593 86794 120917 15111913 177206 177463 173343 1'65896 160448 168233 168962 164835 167174 192991 216495 262627 296116 319718 317828 299814 279143 242398 214603 191810 167887 151771 141533 RG6 (sqft) 95987 111160 142146 186170 217614 251758 292143 36111336 426912 486412 543176 564189 61211939 655729 67481114 687275 70319111 744392 755478 76151117 798554 864035 894882 949701 991364 1065805 1095351 1123087 1138026 1138884 1126165 RG7 (sq ft) 28111801 319996 319897 367372 377098 387789 381298 350522 333379 292832 249206 21911142 188665 163502 144490 127988 118041 10911188 103862 99894 96847 94536 92256 90014 87814 85655 83542 81475 79457 77481 75551 Rr:l8 (sq ft> 111 o 111 121 111 24873 37412 5188111 63942 69686 11511199 196152 21115595 212097 219207 238956 274356 347437 429862 517133 596966 648188 658:388 642629 61217215 539873 47111130 416385 369505 322716 282871 Rr:l9 (sq ft) 36121966 373281 378925 384095 463673 453914 447278 410868 436612 468255 436154 464664 422027 46530111 49581117 491800 525173 565358 591065 627531 640311 671899 681802 685405 659181 647658 67121398 661724 628836 60121512 575164 SIt!URCE:EWT8,A 1985a TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA RESPONSE TO DISCHARGE IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS AND IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3 AND 4 Total Weighted Usable Area TABLE E.3.2.46: Mainstem' Discharge (cfs) All Representative Groups (sq ft) Representative Groups 2,3,and 4 (sq ft) 5000 4860259 6000 5147138 7000 5378032 8000 5794908 9000 5929310 10~00 5741921 11000 5657606 12000 5909202 13(zlgll?l 6~615~0 14000 6239400 15000 6216535 16000 6198995 17000 6098952 18000 6028537 19000 6001167 _____._____~(2)00g>__~2~65~2_ 21000 6014068 22000 6115371 23000 6205389 24000 6376799 25000 6569315 26000 6780969 27000 6867308 28000 6906761 .....---------.-.--.--...-..·-29000---·--·-·-,·-------6842379 --.------....-....-···--·--------·-·---50000-~------6_746895- 31000 6642272 32000 6508791 33000 6379487 34000 6174806 35000 5973767 36000 5770350 37000 5566933 38000 53635~6 39000 5160099 40000 4956682 41000 4753265 42000 4549848 43000 4346431 44000 4143014 45000 3939597 4043104 4244929 4421124 4725744 4727845 4469432 4309046 4514792 4752226 4672497 4626649 4515888 4446792 4290482 4225272 4174006 4155796 4087438 4040696 4040400 4076030 4120336 4158107 4172926 --4-149772 ... .----4096688-- 4037500 3963806 3924631 3811607 3700449 3588400 3476351 3364302 3252253 3140204 3028155 2916106 2804057 2692008 2579959 .1 ~) j -1 :J .1 'j J 'I TABLE E.3.2.47:RESPONSE OF MIDDLE RIVER CHUM SPAWNING AREA REPRESENTED IN IFG AND DIHAB MODELED SITES Mainstem Discharge Total WUA in Modelled Sites IJ ------------------------------------------------------ (cfs)(sq.ft) 4000 18965 5000 21554 6000 30653 7000 40102 8000 46690 9000 48205 •It. 10000 57720 11000 79214 12000 87451 13000 86041 14000 84911 15000 ""~f 84052 16000 80588 17000 78110 .18000 75454· 19000 74083 20000 74195 21000 72925 22000 73265 ·23000 73381 24000 73316 25000 74209 26000 74557 27000 76993 28000 76752 29000 75168 30000 71487 31000 67562 32000 63094 33000 59223 34000 55137 35000 51791 TABLEE.3.2.48:RESRONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN R~PRESENTATIVE GROUpSi2,3,AND 4 ~!.r ,I :'_-..:_~.:.-_-.:.·w .....:.~_ (cfs) I WEIGHTED USEABLE AREAS IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS Total HabitatI.NAINSTEM I 'Area in DISCHARGE I G~O~P 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 Groups Ii'-------------------F;~-ft)-------·----"(;~--ft)-----------"(;q-ft)------------"(;q-ft)--------- ,, 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10011.10 11000 1212100 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19011.10 201210121 211211210 22000 231210121 2400121 25000 2611.100 270121121 2811.100 2900121 3000121 31121121121 32000 3300121 3411.11210 35000 3611.10121 3700121 38000 39000 400121121 41011.10 42000 43000 44000 45000 5612135 :26538 398699 481271 57530 29778 434326 521634 59030 33402 596691 689123 60548 37889 658767 757205 64581 , 44927 675473 784981, 71346 55924 667328 794598, 77846 94752 655907 828505 85560 157839 622324 865723 1~0418 186273 583403 870095 112454 189401 556573 858428 i 13121125 193207 529487 85282121 145288 198148 50711121 850546 15860121 197312 483362 839275 1?5686 193239 461484 830409 200945 188456 438668 828068 220704 190576 415029 826309 24581212 I 387124196412 829338 I277165201763 358172 837100 I31262520978121 327165 849570 314436 21121301 299101 853837 37275121 Z1l019 275098 858866, 409889 215585 257668 883141 I , 425942 220196 239687 885825 4~5208 218058 221189 884455 461654 215509 203963 881125 470803 199854 188083 858740 471975 182797 170040 824811 467095 196205 151612 784911 457526 149012 132819 739358 4~1734 139506 113679 694919 420823 13395121 94207 648981 393133 1*0802 74419 598353 3~8573 1:p937 54328 536838 3.21432 123226 33947 478605 279346 li8950 13287 411583 248864 114936 0 363799 220502 110381 0 330883 193579 I1f16762 (i]300341 i 167421 106045 0 273466 ,138447 1~1538 0 239985 I110969 98809 0 209778 91822 97402 0 189223 -'-- ~--- TABLE E.3.2.49:TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME -------------------------------------~-------------------------- Natural Flow Regime I 1-----------------------------------~---t Total Habitat Area Exceeded Calendar I 901.501.101. Week I Percent of Time ------~-------------------------------------------------------- (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 22 5887756 6131097 6843402 23 5476820 6222510 6893240 24 3494928 6151734 6780969 25 5218277 6187294 6840933 26 5958463 6372627 6892074 27 5960915 6245443 6836489 28 5963999 6108808 6790478 29 5954151 6240076 6873055 30 5971538 6137691 6847559 31 5517503 6294162 6815705 32 5954772 6171091 6823350 33 4956682 606~~121 6376799 34 5561034 6096961 6376799 35 5517503 6138112 6292156 36 5685606 6000258 6316496 37 5690184 6008042 6228691 38 5292193 5960600 6259540 39 4987661 5809273 6216278 ------_.._- I Calendar Week 22 =Week Beginning.May 27 .' TABLE 1 E'.,..'?~nl.I i---'•..:...\:1"'.TOTf'\LCHINOOI<REARING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DU~ING SUMMER WEEKS UND~R NATURALRLOW REGIME I ~~-~-------~-~~-~------------~-~---------~---~---~--~----------1";,.!--. , Calenpar WeeJ(, I I 1--- I I I Natural Flow Regime I --~-----------~---------------------I Tot~l Habitat Area Exceeded I :90%50%10%I Percent of Time i~~------------i~-------------~--------------------------------- I (s;q ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) I 2:2 ""8~"':!'1""""4125226 4543200"_'i:J "_,"_,"_, 2:3 ""41'"'671""-4124438 4449608....'I"::'--' 2'4 '?~-~0'?0 4071885 4488465L.31"::'~..:.. 2:5 32i84299 4076823 4581977 2'6 3~28240 4113942 4220266 217 40,25392 4119204 4230208 r 2:8 39t76770 4125798 4258885 2;9 "'=*"i~-;r '?'4091048 4245477".)~iJ...,1 ...,7 30 3~66421 4137456 424046::~ 1 31 34149123 4101473 4181791 '13:2 412P9301 41::~8079 4230401 3;3 31140204 4171382 4496151 34 4040200 4176297 4629213 3:5 4O,37705 4332384 4712545 36 4121 96 153 4398222 4734924 3,7 41151235 4528447 4721533 38 41145776 4450270 4718252 39 41'16902 4504139 4720054 :;-----:-0004-- i I ICalen~ar Week 22 =Week Beginning May 27 TABLE SUMMARY OF LOCAL AND MAINSTEM DiSCHARGES AT SUCCESSFUL AND UNSUCCESSFUL THRESHOLDS FOR CHUM SALMON ACCESS TO SPAWNING HABITATS I I I Mai nstem Di !Icharge I I I Local Discharge Thresholds (c)I Backwater Thresholds(d) Bite Name I River Mile IRepresentativel Passage I ---------------------------------------------------------- Designations (a)I Group I Reach (b)I Successful I Unsuccessful I Successful I Unsuccessful --------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------- Whi!lkerl's Creek sloubh 101.4L 2 I II (cfs) 14 5 (cfs) 6 1 (cfs) e e (cf!l) e e Mainste/n II 115.0R 3 I 1 0.5 9200 S600 II :5 1 12500 I1SI1I0 III 13 4 e e IVL 4 1 e e 2 IVR 11 3 1970111 18800 VR 4 2 e e VIR 2 I1I.S e e VIIR 7 3 e e VIIIR 2 0.7 e e Slough A 126.IllR 2 I 2 Ill.8 771110 721110 II 5 2 1601110 14600 III 4 1 19001ll 17600 IVL f 2500111 2360111 IVR 6 2 e e VR 6 2 e e VIR 3 0.6 e e VIIR 7 3 e °e VIIIR 11 3 e e IXR 4 0.8 e e XR 2 0.8 e e Blough 128.8R ::5 I II III IV V 5 6 5 3 0.9 4 3 2 1 111.9 e e e e 11600 e e e e 11119111111 Slough ~A 133.9R 1 I 9 4 11500 11118QlIII II 3 2 e e III 4 2 e e IV 4 2 e e V 4 3 e e VI 6 3 e e VII 4 1 e e VIII 9 3 e e IX 3 0.8 e e X 2 111.6 e e XI 9 3 e e TABLE E.3.2.518 (CONTINUED) ___________________~-------------~---~--~-------------J _ Site Name Ii I I i I River Mile l~eprmBentl Designati ons (a)I!Group I I Mainstem Discharge Local Discharge Thresholds(c)I Backwater Thresholds(d) Passage ----------------------------------------------------------Reach (b)Successful I Unsuccessful I Successful I Unsuccessful -------------------~-----------------t--------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------i i (cfs)(cflll)(cfs)(cft!l) Side Channel 1111 133.8L 6 I f f 183111111 177111111 II f f e e III f f e e IV f f e e V f f e e VI f f e e --~-----------------~----------------+--------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------Slough 11 1:53.6R i 1 I 4 1 163111111 134111111 II 1.4 9 194111111 183111111 1.11 9 3 334111111 32111121121 IV :5 1 41113121111 388111111 V 3 1 e e VI 2 111.6 e e VII 111.3 111.4 tit e -------------------------------------+--'------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------Upper Side Channel 11 136.3R 6 I II 8 9 2 9 e e tit e I 9 9 e e II 9 9 e e III g g e e IV 9 9 e e V g 9 e e VI 2 111.6 13121111111 13111111111 VII 2 111.7 153111111 1450121 VIII 2 111.9 191211210 181111111 IX 4 1 256111111 2480111 1139.9R -------------------~-----------------+--------------------~~------------------------~---------------------------------Slough 19 139.7R·3 -------------------~~----------------+--~-----------------~~~---------~----------------------------------------------- 710121 97121121 123111111 211100111 e e e e e e e 78121111 1031110 e e e e e e e 2 3 3 1 1 4 5 2 2 5 7 7 4 4 17 2111 7 5 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 5 2 3 141.6R 14111.2R 141.4RSideChannel21 Slough 2111 I 2 111.6 130121111 II 2 111.5 2111110 III 3 1 e e IV 9 gee V 9 gee VI 1111 4 e e -------------------------------------~--------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------I·• I '----- TABLE E.3.2.511 (CONTINUED) ----------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site Name I I I River Mile I Represent I Passage DesignationB(a)I Broup I Reach (b) I Local Discharge Threshold.(c)I Successful I Unsuccessful Mainstem Discharge Backw.ter Thresholda(d) Succes.ful I Unaucce.aful (cfs)(cf.)(cfs)(efa) Sloughl21 142.1R 2 I 4 1 at e II 2 121.4 e e IIIL 3 121.8 e e IIIR g g e e Slollghl22 144.4L 2 I II III 3 2 4 1 121.7 2-e 178121121 227121121 e 16121121121 219121121 a/SoU' b/SOli rea c/SOli d/Sou e/Inf at f/Val g/No EWT~A and AEIDC 1985 ADF~B 19851 Design.tions of "L"and "R"refer to p ••••ge in left .nd right ch.nnels,looking upstream. ADF~B 19851 eel ADF~B 19851 uenee of backwater w.s not evalu.ted .ince bre.ching flow occurs ischarges lower than those required for providing b.ckwater influence. ee not available ross section data available. 1 1 ) .l \ I I. I j ) 1 1 1 .j I (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 32 72935 74117 76821 33 35061 73755 78712 34 45002 74129 84101 35 44286 76030 85363 36 47448 75257 86202 37 47448 76554 85219 38 36322 74376 86928 39'·26285··'62440·86438··· TABLE E.3.2.52: Calendar Week 32 =Week Beginning August 5 Calendar Week TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT .j IN IFG AND DIHAB MODELED SITES DURING SUMMER MONTHS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME ------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10%:•.{1 Percent of Time I I I 1 !I TABLE E.3.2.53:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME Calendar- Week Natur-al Ffow Modelled Habitat 90%50% Per-cent of Regime Ar-ea E>:ceeded 10% Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 32 826654 849978 883525 33 330883 832670 858434 34 689191 836728·862500 35 620955 852626 868158 ~6 789790 840645 866908 37 789790 840943 864098 38 729972 844361 867598 39 608728 825264 865603 Calendar-Week 32 =Week Beginning August 5 TABLE E.3.2.54:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded Calendar 90%50%10%___________~==~~=~==~~_~~_~~~:~~_~~ll (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft). 42731 80392 4915738552 21348 20021 29479 16393 21148 13242 19511 12294 16391 11547 15172 108:Z2~.~14053 . 44783 5552 21116 19923 15404 11066 8127 7586 7112 6230 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ·48 TABLE E.3.2.55:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER NATURAL FLOW REGIME <sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 40 514813 776940 855079 41 496205 746040 797989 42 390912 518425 768288 .43 280822 497739 667517 44 206225 415999 515297 45 192508 336047 489788 46 180477 311984 415938 47 158098 293034 385017 48 140892 275889 356622 il I] I IlJ Calendar Week Natural Flow Modelled Habitat 90%50%· Percent of Regime Area E)·(ceeded 10% Time lJ 11 Calendar Week 40 =Week Beginning October 1 TABLE E.3.2.56:STREAMS CROSSED BY DENALI HIGHWAY (CANTWELL TO WATANA ACCESS JUNCTION) Miles from Stream Richardson Highway Trib.to Jack R.132.5 Trib.to Jack R.132 Unnamed Creek (Jack R.System)128 Edmonds Creek 121 Nenana R.Oxbow 119.75 Nenana R.Oxbow 119.5 Trib.to Nenana R.118 Trib.to Nenana R.117.8 Trib.to Nenana R.116.8 Unnamed Creek (Nenana System)114.5 Species Present grayling grayling not sampled Various species from thE Nenana River,including grayling,northern pike, burbot,whitefish,and ! sculpin.r " j 1 I TABLE E.3.2.57:WATER BODIES TO BE CROSSED BY THE SUSITNA TRANSMISSION LINE (ANCHORAGE TO WILLOW) Stream Fish Species Present Ship Creek pink,chinook,coho,chum,and sockeye salmon;Dolly Varden;rainbow trout. Fossil Creek none Otter Creek rainbow trout Knik Arm pink,chinook,coho,chum,and sockeye salmon;Dolly Varden;Bering cisco; enlachon;lamprey Unnamed Creek (T,R4W,Sec.18)unknown Little Susitna River coho,pink,chinook,chum,and sockeye salmon;rainbow trout;Dolly Varden; grayling lJ Tributary to Fish Creek (Tl7N,R5W,Sec.18,19) Fish Creek Unnamed Creek (T18N,R5W,Sec.8) Unnamed Creek (T18N R5W,Sec.5) Unnamed Creek (T19N,R5W,Sec.) Willow Creek unknown chinook,sockeye,pink,and coho salmon; rainbow trout unknown unknown unknown coho,chum,pink,and chinook salmon; grayling;rainbow trout;Dolly Varden; whitefish TABLE E.3.2.58:WATER BODIES TO BE CROSSED BY THE SUSITNA TRANSMISSION LINE (HEALY TO FAIRBANKS) Page 1 of 3 .] Stream Nenana Rive r 1F! Dry Creek Panguinge Creek Little Panguinge Creek Slate Creek Tributary to Slate Creek Rock Creek Unnamed Creek T98,R9W,836,FM June Creek Bear Creek Nenana River 112 -Unnamed creek·'" T88;R8W.,.811,FM---- Windy Creek Tributary to Windy Creek Unnamed Creek T82,R9W,81,FM Unnamed Creek T78,R8W,818,FM Unnamed Creek T72,R7W,88,FM Unnamed Creek T78,R7W,85,FM Fish Species Present coho salmon,grayling,round whitefish, longnose sucker,slimy sculpin,burbot, Dolly Varden unknown coho salmon,longnose sucker,round whitefish,Dolly Varden,grayling, slimy sculpin coho salmon,grayling,round whitefish, slimy sculpin,Dolly Varden,longnose sucker unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown grayling;northern pike;slimy sculpin; chum,chinook and coho salmon;inconnu; whitefish;burbot -·unknown- unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown -, -( r TABLE E.3.2.58 (Page 2 of 3) 8tream Fish 8pecies Present lJ Unnamed Creek T68,R7W,832,FM Tributary to Fish Creek T68,R7W,821,FM Tributary to Fish Creek T68,R7W,822,FM Fish Creek Unnamed Creek (2 crossings) T68,R7W,810,FM Unnamed Creek (2 crossings) T68,R7W,83,FM Unnamed Creek T48,R7W,834,FM Unnamed Creek T48,R7W,828,FM Tanana River complex Tanana Tributary complex Little Goldstream Creek Little Goldstream Tributary T38,R6W,84,FM Little Goldstream Tributary R38,R6W,83 FM Little Goldstream Tributary T38,R6W,82,FM Little Goldstream Tributary T38,R6W,81,FM unknown unknown unknown grayling,round whitefish,slimy sculpin,Dolly Varden,longnose sucker unknown unknown unknown unknown chum,coho and chinook salmon; inconnu;northern pike;grayling; whitefish;burbot unknown grayling,round whitefish,blackfish, longnose sucker,slimy sculpin unknown unknown unknown unknown Little Goldstream Tributary T28,R5W,832,FM (2 crossings)unknown Bonanza Creek Tributary T28,R5W,833,34,36,FM (3 crossings)unknown TABLE E.3.2.58 (Page 3 of 3) Stream Fish Species Present Ohio Creek Tributary T2S,R5W,S7,FM Ohio Creek Tributary T2S,R4W,S5,FM (2 crossings) Ohio Creek Tributary TIS,R4W,S33,FM Ohio Creek Tributary TIS,R4W,S27,FM Ohio Creek Complex Ohio Creek Complex Alder Creek Complex Emma Creek Alder Creek Tributary .__rl~LR3W,813,FM Sources:ADF&G 1982g Tarbox et ale 1978 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown ! j j -I J j 1 I IIJ TABLE E.3.2.59:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FLOW CONSTRAINTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT CASE E-VI Gold Creek Flow (cfs) Calendar Water Week Week Period Minimum Maximum 1 14 31 Dec -06 Jan 2,000 16,000 2 15 07 Jan -13 Jan 2,000 16,000 3 16 14 Jan -20 Jan 2,000 16,000 4 17 21 Jan -27 Jan 2,000 16,000 5 18 28 Jan -03 Feb 2,000 16,000 6 19 04 Feb -10 Feb 2,000 16,000 7 20 11 Feb -17 Feb 2,000 16,000 8 21 18 Feb -24 Feb 2,000 16,000 9 22 25 Feb -03 Mar 2,000 16,000 10 23 04 Mar -10 Mar 2,000 16,000 11 24 11 Mar -17 Mar 2,000 16,000 12 25 18 Mar -24 Mar 2,000 16,000 13 26 25 Mar -31 Mar 2,000 16,000 14 27 01 Apr -07 Apr 2,000 16,000 15 28 08 Apr -14 Apr 2,000 16,000 16 29 15 Apr -21 Apr 2,000 16,000 17 30 22 Apr -28 Apr 2,000 16,000 18 31 29 Apr -05 May 2,000 16,000 19 32 06 May -12 May 4,000 16,000 20 33 13 May -19 May 6,000 16,000 21 34 20 May -26 May 6,000 16,000 22 35 27 May -02 Jun 6,000 16,000 23 36 03 Jun -09 Jun 9,000*35,000 24 37 10 Jun -16 Jun 9,000*35,000 25 38 17 Jun -23 Jun 9,000*35,000 26 39 24 Jun -30 Jun 9,000*35,000 27 40 01 Jul -07 Jul 9,000*35,000 28 41 08 Ju1 -14 Ju1 9,000*35,000 29 42 15 Ju1 -21 Ju1 9,000*35,000 30 43 22 Ju1 -28 Ju1 9,000*35,000 31 44 29 Ju1 -04 Aug 9,000*35,000 32 45 05 Aug -11 Aug 9,000*35,000 33 46 12 Aug -18 Aug 9,000*35,000 34 47 19 Aug -25 Aug 9,000*35,000 35 48 26 Aug -01 Sep 9,000*35,000 36 49 02 Sep -08 Sep 8,000 35,000 37 50 09 Sep -15 Sep 7,000 35,000 38 51 16 Sep -22 Sep 6,000 35,000 39 52 23 Sep -30 Sep 6,000 35,000 40 1 01 Oct -07 Oct 6,000 18,000 41 2 08 Oct -14 Oct 6,000 17,000 42 3 15 Oct -21 Oct .5,000 16,000 43 4 22 Oct -28 Oct 4,000 16,000 44 5 29 Oct -04 Nov 3,000 16,000 45 6 05 Nov -11 Nov 3,000 16,000 46 7 12 Nov -18 Nov 3,000 16,000 47 8 19 Nov -25 Nov 3,000 16,000 48 9 26 Nov -02 Dec 3,000 16,000 49 10 03 Dec -09 Dec 2,000 16,000 50 11 10 Dec -16 Dec 2,000 16,000 51 12 17 Dec -23 Dec 2,000 16,000 52 13 24 Dec -30 Dec 2,000 16,000 Note:Minimum summer flows are 9,000 cfs except in dry years when the minimum will be 8,000 cfs.A dry year is defined by the one in ten year low flow. Source:HE 1985a Low Discharge Year (Dry) May 13 ,051 4,903 3,90311 June 21,763 8,800 7,800 July 19,126 9,000 8,000 August 17,392 9,000 8,000 September 10,422 6,800 5,800 October 4,515 5,032 4,032 Average Discharge Year May 13,240 4,903 4,903 June 27,815 8,800 8,800 July 24,445 9,000 12,740 August 22,228 9,000 12,415 September 13,221 6,800 6,800 October 5 771 5,032 5,032--_..•.__...~._.._..-..,-_.._---_._- High Discharge Year (Wet) May 15-,032 4,903 4,900 June 31,580 8,800 10,752 July 27,753 9,000 20,547 August 25,236 9,000 15,505 ','--,--_..._-,--.-.,-,--.._--,--,----,.September -15,124 -6,800-----_.-----6,800 ----_._.__._~_..__..-0ct-obe-l"~----6-,-5-52-----5-,032---~-5-,-O32- Corresponds to E-VI constraints in dry years presented in Table E.3.2.59. TABLE E.3.2.60:ESTIMATED MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE AT GOLD CREEK DURING FILLING OF STAGE I -WATANA RESERVOIR II Month Gold Creek Natural Flow (cfs) Gold Creek Constraint (cfs) Gold Creek Filling Flow (cfs) .l 1 l ) j I ·1 j 1 ! I 1 I I t 1 1 r IJ IJ 1/Percent change calculated as (HA filling -1)x 100,where HA is the spawning habitat area.HA natural TABLE E.3.2.62:·ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 2,3,AND 4 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET CONDITIONS +12.4 +12.1 +8.0 -4.6 -10.7 +13.4 +16.8 +14.9 -7.4 -3.5 +9.0 0.0 +12.6 -5.0 -6.8 4,641,503 4,725,744 4,725,744 4,203,558 3,260,358 4,730,676 4,735,806 4,685,654 4,387,290 4,049,400 4,351,079 4,170,911 4,600,640 4,387,290 4,049,400 Rearing Habitat Area 4,130,942 4,216,389 4,376,438 4,405,591 3,650,922 4,170,847 4,055,560 4,077,757 4,739,112 4,197,559 3,991,031 4,170,150 4,084.,473 4,620,411 4,345,335 Natural Filling Changell (sq.ft.)(sq.ft.)(%) ling -1)x 100,where HA is the'-';;;'';''';;;';;~..l::. HA natural 7,800 8,000 8,000 5,800 4,032 8,800 12,740 12,415 6,800 5,032 10,752 20,547 15,505 6,800 5,032 Discharge Natural Filling (cfs)(cfs) 21,763 19,126 17,392 10,422 4,515 27,815 24,445 22,228 13,221 5,771 31,580 27,753 25,236 15,124 6,552 Percent change calculated as spawning habitat area. Month Average Year Wet Year Dry Year June July August September October June July August September October June July August September October .11 ~----.._--~-----------~--_.,----~-~--- ---.~---------_.".~- TABLE E.3.2.63:COMPARISON OF PASSAGE CONDITIONS OF PASSAGE REACHES AFFECTED BY MAINSTREAM (Page 1 of 4) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE UNDER NATURAL AND FILLING WET CONDITIONS FOR DRY,AVERAGE, AND wET YEARS . Dry Year Average Year We Year River Mile Passa§e Na ura 1 Fill'ng Na ural FiU'ng Na ural FiU'ng Site Name Des igna t io n~1 Reach-I Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep. Whis~er's Creek lO1.4L I ---------------- -------- SIc ugh II --------------------- ---- cl Maine tem II l1S.0R I S S SiD U S S S U S S S U II S S U U S S SiD U S S S U III ---- ---------------- -- -- IVL ------ ------------------ IVR U U U U U U U U S U U U VR ------------ ------------ VIR -- --------------- -- ---- VIlR ------ -------------- ---- VIIIR ---- -- ------------------ Slou~h BA l26.0R I S S S U S S S U S S S U II S U U U S U U U S SiD SiD U III U U U U S U U U S U U U IVL U U U U U U U U S U U U IVR ------.------------------ VR ---- ---- ------ ---------- VIR -----------_.------------ VIlR ------------------------ VIIIR ------------ ------------ IXR ---------------------- -- XR ---------------- -------- TABLE E.3.2.63 (Page 2 of 4) , ;,Dry Year Average Year Wet Year River Mile ~a~saBe Natural Filling Natural Filling Natural Filling 8ite Name Designations.!/Re~ch-/Aug.8ep.Aug.8ep.Aug.8ep.Aug.8ep.Aug.8ep.Aug.8ep. i I ' !, 1'8lou gh 9 128.8R I 8 U U U .8 8 8 U 8 8 8 U I II --------i -------- -- ------ II III --i-------------------- -- I IV --1----------------------II ,V --1·--------------------- I'iI ,18lough 9A 133.9R I 8 IU U U ,8 8 8 U 8 8 8 U 'II --1-------------------- ii iIll --1---------------------- ,IV --1_---------------------II V --j,---------------------- I VI i--1---------------------- 'VII --i·------:---------------- \!'III i·------.'--------.--------Ii :IXIi --1"';'-------------;-------- I X --1------ -- --------------I i Xl ------------------------. Ii I 118ide Channel 10 133.8L I U IU U U 8 U U U 8 U U U II -------- ---------------- III -- -- ------------ -- ------ IV ---- ---- ---------- ------ V --i------------------ ---- VI ------------------------ I " i--"---' -~._..- ---- TABLE E.3 2.63 (Page 3 of 4) Dry Year Average Year We Year River Mile Passage Natural Fill'ng Na ural Fill'ng Na ural Fill'ng Site Nam Designation~/Reach-/Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep. Slough 1 135.6R I S U U U S U U U S U SiD U II U U U U S U U U S U U U III U U U U U U U U U U U U IV U U U U U U U U U U U U V -------------- -- -------- VI -------- ---------- ------ VII -------------- -------- -- Upper Si e Channel 11 l36.3R I ------ ---------- -- -- ---- II ----....-------------------, Slough 1 139.7R I -------------- -------- -- II -- ------------ ---------- III ---- -------------------- IV ---------------- -------- V ------------------------ 139.9R VI S U U U S S U U S S S U VII S U U U S U U U S SiD S U VIII U U U U S U U U S U U U IX U U U U U U U U SiD U U U Slough 211 140.2R I S U U U S S SID U S S S U II U U U U S U U U S U U U III -------------------- ---- IV ---------- -------------- V ----------.-------------- I VI ------------------------ TABLE E.3.2.63 (Page 4 of 4) [Dry Year Aver ge Year We Year River Mile p;as~age Natulra 1 Filling Na ural Filling Na ural Filling Site Name Designations!!1 R!each-I Aug.S!ep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep. !, I I •141.4R I S is S U S S S U S S S US1deChannel21 i ,II S IS U U S S S U S S S UII I III --;---------------------- ,IV --f---------------------- I V --i------------- --------, I VI ----------------------I VII ----I -------- ------------ i 141.6R VIII ---------------------- I IX ------------------------i i Slough 21 142.1R I --i--------------------I I II ------------------------ I nIL ------------------------ I IIIR ------------------------ I SiD~lough 22 144.4L I IU U U S ·U U U S U U u I II U IU U U SiD U U U S U U U I !III --'-------------- --------I !al bl ~I ---I Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 Source:ADF&G 19851 S =Successful Conditions SiD =Successful with Difficulty U =Unsuccessful Conditions ._--' TABLE E.3.2.64:ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN MODELLED SITES DUE TO FILLING OF THE WATANA -STAGE I RESERVOIR Chum Spawning Area Natural Filling Changes~/ (sq.ft.)(sq.ft.)(%) Discharge Natural Filling (cfs)(cfs)Month Dry Year August September 17,392 10,422 8,000 5,800 77,069 66,790 46,690 28,833 -39.4 -56.8 Average Year August September 22,228 13,221 12,415 6,800 73,291 85,791 86,866 38,212 +18.5 -55.4 Wet Year August September 25,236 15,124 15,505 6,800 74,209 83,622 82,220 38,212 +10.8 -54.3 ~/Percent change calculated as (HA filling -1)x 100,where HA ~s the spawning habitat area.HA natural TABLE E.3.2.65:ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 2 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET CONDITIONS Discharge Chum Spawning Area Natural Filling Natural Filling Changesl/ Month.(cfs)(cfs)(sq.ft)(sq.ft.)(%) Dry Year August 17,392 8,000 185,588 64,581 -65.2 September 10 ,422 5,800 81,101 58,730 -27.6 Average Year August 22,228 12,415 312,625 104,413 -66 •.3 September 13,221 6,800 116,359 60,244 -48.2 Wet Year August 25,236 15,505 413,678 152,010 -63.2 September 15,124 6,800 146,939 60,244 -59.0 --11 Percentcnall.ge calcul~:i"t:ed as (HA filling";'1),x 100;wnere-HA-:ls the spawning habitat area.HA natural J ] I 1 J I ] .j ._'J 1 ) I.) ] j I J Ii I 1 TABLE E.3.2.66:ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 3 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET CONDITIONS Discharge Chum Spawning Area Natural Filling Natural Filling Changesll Month (cfs)(cfs)(sq.ft)(sq.ft.)(%) Dry Year August 17,392 8,000 191,364 44,927 -76.511 September 10,422 5,800 121,375 32,677 -73.1 Average Year August 22,228 12,415 209,899 187,571 -10.6 September 13,221 6,800 190,242 36,992 -80.6 Wet Year August 25,236 15,505 216,673 197,726 -8.7 September 15,124 6,800 198,044 36,992 -81.3 11 Percent change calculated as (HA filling -1)x 100,where HA is the spawning habitat area.HA natural TABLE E.3.2.67:ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 4 DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET CONDITIONS Discharge Natural Filling (cfs)(cfs) i 1 J I I ) J ! +78.4 +17.4 +49.3 -12.1 572,268 646,352 675,473 564,218 Chum Spawning Area 320,766 550,587 452,540 641,735 Natural Filling Changesl1 (sq.ft.)(sq.ft.)(%) 8,000 5,800 12,415 6,800 17,392 10,422 22,228 13,221 Month August September Average Year August September Dry Year Wet Year II Percent change calculated as (RA filling -1)x 100,where HA 1S the ---s pawrfing-JjaoitaE atea~~·~~---ID\~~t~r~l-------- August September 25,236 15,124 15,505 6,800 253,424 504,165 495,117 646,352 +95.4 +28.2 ,I 1 i ) ! ) j ) \ TABLE E.3.2.68:ESTIMATED CHANGES IN CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN AGGREGATE AREA OF REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DUE TO FILLING UNDER DRY,AVERAGE AND WET CONDITIONS Chum Spawning Area Natural Filling change sl1 (sq.ft.)(sq.ft.)(%) Discharge Natural Filling (cfs) (cfs)Month Dry Year August September 17,392 10,422 8,000 5,800 829,491 835,133 784,981 655,625 -5.4 -21.5 Average Year August September 22,228 13,221 12,415 6,800 850,543 857,189 865,253 743,589 +1.7 -13.2 Wet Year August September 25,236 15,124 15,505 6,800 883,744 849,148 844,854 743,589 -4.4 -12.4 II Percent change calculated as (HA filling -1)x 100,where HA is the spawning habitat area.HA natural TABLE E.3.2.69:PERIPHYTON GENERA EXPECTED TO COMPOSE THE MAJORITY OF AUFWUCHS COMMUNITIES IN MAINSTEM AND PERIPHERAL HABITATS WITH SOLID SUBSTRATES OF THE SUSITNA RIVER,ALASKA l Algal Classifications Cyanophyta Chlorophyta Bad llario phyta Genera Nostoc sp.,Ca lothrix sp., Phomidium sp.,Lynghya sp., Nodularia sp.,Anabaena sp., Arthrospina sp.,Rivularia sp. Spirogyra sp.,Zygnema sp., Ulothriz sp.,Hydrurus sp., Stigeoclonium sp.,Cladophora sp., Microspora sp.,Chaetophora sp. Cymp§l1a sp.,Coconeis sp., Gomphonema sp.,Achnanthes sp., Meridian sp.,Navicula sp., Fragillaria sp.,Nitzschia sp., Diatoma sp.,other pennate diatoms I ) I ,)' I'~- I ) TABLE E.3.2.70 WEIGHTED USABLE AREAS AND HABITAT INDICES FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON IN LOWER SUSITNA RIVER MODEL SITES. RlI.L YCREEl /lOUrH CASIIEU.CREEk /IOUIH BEAVER Dllll SLOUGH IlIllllSrEIl SHE .cHINOOK CHINOOk IlAIHSrEll SUE CHIHOOk CHIHOOK llAlHSrEIl SIlE CHIIlCOK 'ill NiJOk DISCHARGE AREA"ll\lA H.I.DISCHAIl6E AREA IIIlA H.I.DISCiiAR6E AREA NUll H.I. 12000 B4901>3900 1).05 12000 111200 BOO 0.05 12000 11601i 1300 1).11 15000 B4900 3900 0.05 15000 16200 BOO 0.05 15000 111100 1300 0.11 18000 84900 3900 0.05 IBOOO 16200 800 0.05 18000 11600 1300 0.11 21000 B4900 3900 t.05 21000 111200 800 0.05 21000 11100 1300 0.11 24000 es3CO 3900 0.05 24000 111200 800 0.05 24000 11900 1300 0.11 27000 I830i 39M ....27.16300 lOG 0.05 27000 12200 1300 0.11 30000 moo 3tOO 0.04 30000 16700 1100 0.07 30000 12500 1300 0.10 33000 99800 4100 0.04 33000 moo 11100 0.09 UOOO 13000 1300 0.10 36000 108900 4200 0.04 36000 18000 2200 0.12 36000 13400 1300 0.10 39000 121000 4SOO 0.04 39000 18900 2700 0.14 39000 13900 1400 0.10 42000 13S000 4400 0.03 42000 19800 3200 0.16 42000 14400 1500 0.10 4SOOO 152600 4500 0.03 45000 21000 3700 0.18 4SOOO 15000 1800 0.12 41000 17BSOO 7300 0.04 48000 21800 4200 0.19 4SOOO 15700 2100 0.13 51000 198800 14101 0.07 51000 22701 4700 0.21 51000 16300 2600 0.16 54000 213000 20100 0.09 54000 23700 5200 0.22 54000 16800 3000 0.18 57000 223200 23400 0.10 57000 24600 5700 0.23 57000 17600 3700 0.21 60000 229800 25800 0.11 60000 moo 6200 0.24 60000 IIl500 4200 0.23 63000 235000 21000 0.12 63000 26300 6700 0.25 63000 19700 4600 0.23 66000 231700 30000 0.13 66000 27200 7200 0.26 06000 2ot1OO 4800 0.23 69000 2411100 31500 0.13 6mo 27900 7600 0.27 69000 21600 5000 0.23 72000 243200 32800 0.13 72000 .2BnO IJOOO 0.28 72000 22100 5100 0.23 75001 2436eO moe '.14 750tt 2me ....••21 75000 22600 5'200 0.23 IIOIIl.lliM SIll CIIMIIEL kllOlO SLOUIiIt IlEAl 8EARlA1 I SI~CIlAlIIlEl. ItAllSrat SITE CHINOOI D111llll11 1IAIllS fEJI SITE D111ll1l1K CHIIIQOK IIAIIlSTEIl SITE.CHIHQQt.tHlHOllk DlSC1lA1t6E AREA IIUA IL.I.OISCHAll&E MEA llUA It.I.DISCHARGE tlIiEA lIUA H.I. 12000 63400 500 0.01 12000 41200 100 .00 120tl0 310(1 20 0.01 15000 63400 500 0.01 15000 411200 100 .00 15000 31tlli 2,)u.iJ! 18000 63400 500 MI 1BOOO 48200 100 .00 1B1.'W 31f)i/Z('.)••)1 21000 63400 500 0.01 211100 48::00 "lfI .00 21VOV 31IJQ 20 0.01 24000 79800 7600 0.10 24000 48200 100 .00 241i00 3HJ(J 21i IMII 27000 86900 noo O.OB 2701)0 48200 100 .01;27000 310&2\:iI.1l1 30000 90800 6700 0.07 30000 48200 100 .00 30000 3100 20 iI.ill 33000 96S00 6100 0.011 33000 48:100 100 .00 33000 3100 20 0.01 36000 104800 510 0.05 36000 51'100 2700 0.05 36000 5700 200 0.04 39000 113700 490t 0.04 39000 61'100 4800 0.07 39000 10&00 350 0.03 42000 122900 4200 0.03 42000 77500 11200 0.01 42000 14600 530 0.04 eooo 131SOO 3600 1.03 4900 IU:IOO 7300.0.01 4SOOO 17900 6SO 0.04 48000 141200 2900 0.02 41000 95100 8100 0.09 4BOOO 21100 720 0.03 51000 152000 2200 e.Gl 51000 102200 7900 0.011 51000 moo 790 0.03 54000 163000 2000 0.01 54000 106700 6900 0.06 54000 26400 BOO 0.03 57000 174100 2000 e.ol 57000 110200 l1OOO 0.05 57000 29000 150 0.03 60000 186llOO 1901)0.01 I10OOO 113500 5100 0.04 60000 31500 700 0.02 63000 200800 1800 0.01 113000 lll1iOO 4300 0.04 63000 33900 6SO 0.02 6l1OOO 213300 1800 0.01 66000 119000 3400 0.03 6/1000 36300 610 0.02 69000 22IIOGO 1800 0.01 119000 120100 2'100 0.02 119000 31300 590 0.02 "nooo 231000 lllOO 0.01 72000 121000 2500 0.02 72000 40000 570 0.01 7SOOO .2S09OO 1BOO O.Gl 75000 121400 2200 G.02 15000 41500 5110 0.01 SOURCE:ADF & G 1985c TABLE E.3.2.70 (Page 2 of 3) I LAST CIlAlICE S.t.RUSJ1t IIILDERNESS S.t.ISI.AIID SIIl€tllANII£l. .1 ·MIIISTEII SITE tHlllOlIK tHlNllOl MIII5TEII SItE tlIll100K tlIllll1l11C MIIISTEII SITE tHlNlD tHllIOOl 8IStHAR6E A\l£A lIIIA H.I.IIStlIAIIliE AR£A !lUA H.I.DISCIWl6£MEA lIllA H.I. 12000 17500 110 t).t)1 12000 4809 30 0.01 12000 31500 400 0.01 'I15000175001100.\11 lSOOO 4900 30 0.01 1'000 31500 400 0.01 IBOOt)17500 '110 0.01 18000 4900 30 0.01 18000 moo 400 0.01 21000 17500 110 0.01 21000 31'100 4800 0.15 21000 31500 400 0.01 24000 moo 110 0.01 24000 49300 5100 0.10 24000 moo 400 0.01 27000 S1700 200 0.01 27000 60700 4300 0.07 27000 SI500 400 0.01 30000 50600 370 0.01 30000 69700 3700 0.05 30000 31500 400 1),01 33000 113900 540 0.01 33000 76800 3000 0.04 33000 SISOO SOO 0.02 36000 moo 700 0.01 36000 83300 2400 0.03 36000 44600 3500 0.01 39000 BOOOO 900 0.01 39000 B9900 1900 0.02 39000 411100 4800 .0.10 42000 11590I 1030 0.01 42000 97000 1500 0.02,42000 53200 4100 0.01' 45000 V0600 1220 0.01 45000 104000 1200 0.01 4SOOO SItOO 3400 0.011 48000 94000 1520 0.02 48000 109000 900 0.01 48000 6SSOO 2900 0.04 51000 96300 1990 0.02 51000 114000 700 0.01 51000 72000 2400 0.03 54000 98500 2560 O.OS 54000 117400 500 .00 54000 79400 2100 O.OS 57000 100200 2620 0.03 57000 119200 500 .00 57000 16700 1100 0.02 ...6OCOO ··'101800 .·2540 0.02 60000 120700 600 .00 ·60000·93100 1700 0.02 1130OO 103200 2460 0.02 113000 121700 600 .00 63000 99800 1100 0.02 66000 104400 2350 0.02 66000 122200 600 .00 66000 106200 2100 0.02 69000 105SOO 2240 0.02 69000 122700 700 0.01 69000 lU900 2400 0.02 72000 186300 2100 0.02 12000 123000 700 0.01 72000 118200 260e 0.02 1SOO8 107.1900 G.t2 75000 I2350G 800 0.81 7soee 123308 2700 o.e2 ..11II111I lIUT IlIlIII ..2 1111 CIMIL ~llIQlLAIl Sill ClIME. lIA'dB !lITE tltl....DlJ....MIII5TE11 SIIE ptlllOlll(CItIIlllOl MIIISTEli SITE tlIlrm DlUlIlIIIC !:HAR8E IlEA lIIIA II.'J.IlstIWlGE AIIEA lIIIA No I.IISCIIAR&E AIlE,lIIIA H.I. .2000-61603 1012 0.02 12000 0 0 0.00 12000 594114 747 0.01 5000 61603 1012 0.02 lsooe 0 0 0.00 15000 59464 747 0.01 .)........·,8000 61603 .1082 0.02 ..--18000..0.._L.,_0.00 ............J8000_594ol._...741 ,0·9.1 !IOOO 73426 10041 0.14 21000 0 0 0.00 21000 5941a4 74'~fli..,.__._--~_._--------,"'---!4000'80904-'832:5'---0~1O '24000'r''0'"'0;00 ·...··24000--5fl404--747 -O;OJ' t7000 933S'S 5224 0.06 27000 0 0 0.00 27000 59464 747 0.01 30000 108613 4045 0.04 30000 9600 1500 0.16 30000 59464 747 0.01 S3000 U4738 3959 0.03 :s3OOO 215M 2900 0.13 33000 59464 747 0.01 36000 117696 3161 0.03 36000 34300 4000 0.12 36000 71590 1717 0.12 moo 120505 S775 0.03 39000 47800 5100 0.11 ·39000 76534 &404 0.11 42000 123S97 J85S 0.03 42000 61400 6100 0.10 42000 eoss7 BOIS 0.10 45000 129211 4113 0.03 4SOOO 72000 6'100 0.10 45000 15140 7472 '.09 41000 13364'4630 '.03 4lIOOt 81400'~"7000 '.09 4lIOOO 92944 7077 0.01 51000 13l181S 5011O 0.04 51000 moo 6700 0.08 51000 102S30 6998 0.07 $4000 140161 5554 0.04 "-_....--54000 93200 ..6000.0.06 54000...113m ....69911 0.06 57000 144269 6217 0.04 57000 97100 4600 0.05 57000 12S753 61134 0.05 60000 147m '728 0.05 60000 99900 3100 0.03 60000 1342111 6516 0.05 1130OO 151842 7092 0.05 113000 102000 2700 0.03 63000 143575 6906 0.05 66000 154205 75911 0.05 66000 103200 2400 0.02 66000 IS0869 7926 0.05 6'1000 156425 7913 0.05 69000 104200 2100 0.02 69000 134657 11561 0••'72000 IS8S22 8078 0.05 72000 104800 1110O 0.02 72000 157074 11I4O 0.011 7SOOO 160818 843B 0.05 75000 105loe 1600 0.02 7SOOO 159211 lIlIS4 0.06 \ \ \ .1 TABLE E.3.2.70 (Page 30f3) SAUIM SIDE CllAIIIlEL SlICl£R SIDE CIIAIIEL -:.,8€AV£Il IlAII SIDE CHANliEL MIIiSIEII SITE CHINOII*:CHIIlIllll IlAIIISIEII SITE C11111OO1 CHIIllIlIIl IlAIIlSI~SITE CKIIIOOK CHIHOOr.. DISCHAR&E AREA IIlJA K.I.DISCIIAR6E MEJ;IIlJA H.I.DISCHllR6E AREA HIlA H.1. 12000 42093 165 .00 12000 0 0 0.00 I~18900 ~"IlO 15000 42093 165 .00 15000 0 0 0.00 15000 18,00 50 .00 18000 42093 165 .00 18000 0 0 0.00 lllOOO 18900 50 .00 21000 42093 165 .00 21000 0 0 0.00 21000 IB900 SO .00 24COO 47093 115 .00 240c0 .0 0 0.00 24000 18900 SO .00 2700u 42093 165 .00 27llOi 1600 0 0.00 27000 18900 50 .00 30000 42093 165 .00 30000 IISOO 1060 0.12 30000 IB900 50 .00 33000 47611 5470 0.11 33000 14900 1600 0.11 33000 lam 50 .00 36000 48790 S7l3 0.12 36000 111900 1570 ••09 36000 18900 50 .00 3..49127 sm 0.12 moo .,.1510 '.01 39000 11900 ~.00 42000 4mI 5740 0.12 42000 23600 1450 0.06 42000 18900 50 .00 45000 ~289 5303 0.11 4900 29600 I~O 0.05 45000 19900 50 .00 41000 50889 4980 0.10 41000 37100 2070 0.06 ,48000 22400 820 0.04 :51000 51451 4470 0.09 51000 4WO 2940 0.06 51000 21000 2370 0.08 54000 52011 ~0.08 54000 moo 4230 0.07 54000 32600 3560 0.11 57000 52678 ~5 0.07 57000 66900 4680 0.07 57000 35700 3840 O.ll 60000 53294 3365 0.06 60000 moo 4490 0.06 110000 38000 3570 0.09 1130OO 54275 311.0.0'63000 milO 4230 0.06 Ii3000 39600 30110 0.09 11IIOOO 55184 2947 0.05 66000 moo 3940 0.05 66000 40800 2510 0.011 119000 56053 2757 0.05 119000 'moo 31110 0.05 119000 41500 2260 0.05 72000 57142 2671 0.05 72000 71100 3270 0.04 72000 41900 2100 0.05 75000 IIItll 2714 1.04 75000-mot 3010 0.04 75000 42100 2000 0.05 ;~'.:;J?"" .-0 SIDE QIIIIlIIEI,..lSI:SIDE ciMEL ......;....l'W'O CJUl S.C• IIAIIlSIEII SITE CHIIIIOK CltINOOK'IlAINSIEII SITE CltIIlOOl CHIIlllOK IlAlllSTEII SIlE C11INOOt.CHllIOOl DISCIIAII6E AIlEA IIIlA H.I.DI!iClIM6E AIIEA WII H.1.'DISCIIAIIS£AREA HUll H.I. 12000 495112 561 0.01 12000 0 0 0.00 12000 73300 1100 0.02 15000 49562 568 0.01 15000 0 0 O.~O 15001)moo 1100 0.02 18000 49562 568 0.01 18000 0 0 0.00 lBOi/O moo 1101)O.O~ 21000 4"112 561 0.01 21uOO 0 0 O.Oti 2111Oi/i3301i llW Ii.02 24000 49562 5'8 0.01 24000 0 0 0.00 24000 moo 1100 0.112 27000 MU8 3928 0.06 27000 0 0 0.00 2JOW mOil ll11ti 0.02 :soooo 69129 4091 0.011 30000 I)0 0.00 JOOOO 73300 1100 001>2 3JOOO 71488 4311 0.011 33000 •0 0.00 33000 73300 1100 0.02 3lIOOO &9472 4420 0.05 3110OO 19000 1110 0.03 36GOO 75600 2000 0.03 39000 mu 41130 0.05 3900.moo 3250 0.06 39000 1l51UO 9100 0.11 42OGO 106320 4984 M5 42000 7COO 51160 0.07 42000 97100 8300 0.09 «10M lm3I 5436 0.04 '45000 97100 '6090 0.06 45000 101700 7100 0.07 4MOO 1354711 ~0.04 48000 115400 4270 0.04 48000 119100 5700 0.05 51000 149241 5IhI 0.04 51000 I~Uoo 3820 0.03 51000 128900 4000 0.03 54tOO 165990 5768 0.03 S4000 146900 3540 0.02 54000 137400 2700 0.02 57000 173483 5417 o.o~57001.l6060t 3250 0.02 57000 14J300 IBOO 0.01 IIGOOO 111m 5931 0.03 60000 175600 3180 0.02 60000 148800 1300 0.01 lI3000 194419 6000 0.03 6Joeo 192000 34110 0.02 63000 154800 1300 0.01 6'000 203000 6231 0.03 611000 207300 3760 0.02 6110OO 160700 1300 0.01 69000 2011972 UII3 0.03 119000 221400 4080 0.02 119000 111II100 1300 0.01 72000 210728 11157 0.03 12000 229000 4l'IO 0.02 72000 169800 1300 0.01 15000 215861 5&48 0.03 75000 233300 4210 0.Q2 75000 172bOO \300 0.01 TABLE E.3.2.71:SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF STAGE I FILLING FLOWS ON JUVENILE CHINOOK REARING HABITATS IN THE LOWER SUSITNA RIVER FROM TALKEETNA TO COOK INLET I Site Name May June July August September October Rolly Creek Mouth 0 0 0 Caswell Creek Mouth 0 0 Beaver Dam Slough 0 0 0 Hoologan Side Channel +++++++0 Kroto Slough Head 0 +++0 0 0 Bearbait Side Channel 0 0 +0 0 Laet Chance Side Channel 0 +0 .1RueticWildernessSideChannel+0 ++++0 Island Side Channel 0 ++0 ++0 0 Mai nstem··West Bank ++0 Goose 2 Side Channel 0 +++++++0 Circular Side Channel 0 0 +0 0 Sauna Side Channel 0 +++++0 Sucker Side Channel 0 ++0 Beaver Dam Side Channel 0 ++0 0 Sunset Side Channel 0 Sunrise Side Channel 0 ++++0 0 Trapper Creek Side Channel 0 ++++++++0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .! I TABLE E.3.2.72:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEATURES OF NAMED TRIBUTARIES IN THE STAGE I WATANA RESERVOIR AREA1/ Tributary Susitna River Confluence (River Mile) Total Length Affected (mi) Stream Gradient (ft/mi) Approximate Length in Drawdown Zone (mi) Approximate Length Permanently Inundated (mi) Deadman Creek 186.7 2.0 253 .6 1.4 Watana Creek 194.1 7.5 60 2".5 5.0 Kosina Creek 206.8 2.8 118 1.3 1.5 Jay Creek 208.5 2.1 143 1.0 1.1 1/Stage I Watana River Surface Elevation:2000 ft.MSL Source:Adapted from ADF&G 1983b TABLE E.3.2.73:MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK (CFS)DURING STAGE I OPERATION Natura 1 Conditions Stage I Flows Month Max Min Mean Max Mean Min Oct 8,212 3,124 5,825 9,958 5,124 7,903 Nov 4,192 ·1,215 ·2,578 9,519 4,686 7,800 Dec 3,264 866 1,828 11 ,420 5,922 9,120 Jan 2,452 724 1,524 9,529 5,181 8,135 Feb 2,028 723 1,309 8,490 5,175 7,591 Mar 1,900 713 1,173 6,677 4,050 5,732 Apr 2,650 745 1,441 5,292 2,830 4,108 May 21,890 3,745 13,483 10,186 5,012 6,380 Jun 50,580 15,500 27,795 16,736 8,470 13,324 Jul 34,400 16,100 24,390 23,575 8,045 14,492 Aug 37,870 8,879 21,911 35,192 8,251 18,276 Sep 21,240 5,093 13,493 20,028 7,027 14,230 Annual 11,961 5,596 9,781 12,004 6,594 9,774.. \ J I 1 I I '1 I I I I .1 l I I I ) .-j TABLE E.3.2.74:TOTAL CHINOOK R~ARING HABITAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME Stage I Flows Natural Flows ---------------------------------------------------------------; Calendar Week Total Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Total Habitat Area Exceeded: 90%50%10% Percent of Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 22 5171857 5771260 6055777 5887756 6131097 6843402 23 5668626 5929310 6250932 5476820 6222510 6893240 24 5725980 6161086 6258065 3494928 6151734 6780969 25 5767946 6195761 6251396 5218277 6187294 6840933 26 5850003 6206316 6256064 595846::-6372627 6892074 27 5795649 6187609 6260385 5960915 624544::-6836489 28 5795575 6186~578 6259993 6963999 6108808 6790478 29 5706604 6209704 6261246 5954151 6240076 6873055 30 5712567 6077043 6321585 59715~58 6137691 6847559 ~;1 5769172 6212813 6799170 5517503 6294162 6815705 :::',2 5738414 6177955 6593384 5954772 6171091 682::-350 33 5306173 6078478 6246680 4956682 6063121 6376799 34 5722170 5994016 6260493 5561034 6096961 6376799 35 5727~?22 6064021 6259540 5517503 6138112 6292156 36 5707805 6012659 6316796 5685606 6000258 6316496 37 5715499 6015482 6255674 5690184 6008042 6228691 38 5700721 5993625 6255846 5292193 5960600 6259540 39 5707155 6033980 6248407 4987661 5809273 6216278 --------- Calendar Week 22 =Week Beginning May 27 i TABLi I I , !E.3.2.75: 1 TOWAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN!REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME 4721533 4718252 4720054 4543200 4449608 4488465 4581977 4220266 4230208 4258885 4245477 4240463 4181791 423040l 4496151 4629213 4712545 4734924 4528447 4450270 4504139 4332384 4398222 4125226 4124438 4071885 4076823 4113942 4119204 4125798 4091048 4137456 4101473 4138079 4171382 4176297 2335020 385313:::'~ 4145T16 4116902 3976770 3966421 3449123 4039301 3140204 4040200 40~':;7705 4096153 3284299 3828240 3853137 3426713 4025392 4151235 4740480 L~717551 4728496 4735962 4 1734032 41727844 4j738400 41719153 ~732680 4174~$006 4744736 4j741::;95 4j746239 ~7412l669 4738638 41735541 4703242 4712545 4476442 4662600 4613678 4634967 4661693 4658602 4660950 4461505 4546587 4224526 4279622 23 33 35 24 26 27 25 39 36 37 38 34 22 32 29 312l 31 iI ! ----------------------I-~----·_---------------------------------------------------I Stage I Flows 1 Natural Flows ----r-r-------------~------------------------------------------1 Totai kabitat Area E~ceeded 1 Total Habitat Area Exceeded 1 Calendar I 9~~50%10%I 90%50%10% Week 1 I'Percent of Time 1 Percent of Time --------~~~-----------r-r~------------:------------------------------------------- (sql f [t ) (sq f t)Osq f t )(sq f t ) (sq f t )(sq f t ) I ' 424~9145 1 i 432r-1,814:71:~42 ~~ 4~?~06?455~~8'441 11 ~65 ko_0- 443b3:64 424181194 1 , 407f39f57 4(l)317~94 404i7213 4 12l4!0 cJ95~~~1""7!j 6•.:.....:.....:...1..::.!. 40~0~00 4322421 403i77i05 439610441~57t89 4420596 416~a06 4540606 417j2012 4552071 42~4~32 4597813 Calendar Week 22 =We~k iBeginning May 27 ~,--'-~'-- 1__--.i.. .---~._.------~--_..._~---~- ._~---~~._-----~---"-----_.---'-...-._---'~._~-_..~~~ TABLE E.3.2.76:SUMMARY OF ACCESS CONDITIONS FOR THE CHUM SPAWNING SITES (Page 1 of 4) DURING STAGE I OPERATION BASED ON MEAN AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW,MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS River Mile Represen-Nat ral Discharge Stage I Flow Re ime Designa-tative Passage Maximum M an Min'mum Maximum M an Minimum Site Name tions~/Groups Reach.!:/Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep Whisl er's Creek 101.4L 2 I _c/- - ------- - - Sl<ugh II --- ---- - -- - - Main tem II 115.0R 3 I siY S S S SiD U S S S S U U II S S S S U U S S S S U U III - - - - - -- - ---- IVL -- - - - - - ----- 2 IVR S S S U U U S S U U U U VR - - - -- - - - -- - - VIR --- ---- - --- - VIIR ---- - - -- -- - - VIIIR -- ---- - -- - - - Slou h SA 126.0R 2 I S S S S S U S S S S S U II S S S U U U S S S U U U III S S S U U U S S SiD U U U IVL S U U U U U S U U U U U IVR ----- -- - - --- VR -- - ---- - - - -- VIR - - -- ---- - -- - VIIR ---- -------- VIlIR - --- --- - - --- IXR -- -- - - - - -- - - XR -------- - --- TABLE E.3.2.76 (Page 2 of 4) River Mile RePf e 4en-Natural Discharge Stage I Flow Re ime Designa-tative Passage Maximum.M an Minimum Maximum M an Minimum Site Name.tions~1 Grbups Reach~/Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.i ' Slough 9 128.8R 3 I S S S S U U S S S S U U II ---- - - - --- -- III -----------, IV T - - ----- - --- V I --- - ----- - - I· Slough 9A 133.8R 1 I S S S S U U S S S S U U, II I ---- ------- III I ----- - ----- -IV I ---- - - -- - -- V r ------- ---- VI T ----- ------ VII r -- --- - ----- VIII I ----------- Xl - - - - - ------ X T"----------- Xl i"- - - - ------- Side Channel 10 133.8L !SID6IS S S U U U S S U U U II !-- - - - ------rIIIr --- - - ------ IV r --- -------- V i"--- - --- ---- VI T ------- - - -- i r··.__'_.S-.---. '--_..-.-- TABLE E.3.2.76 (Page 3 of 4) River Mile Represen-Natural Discharge Stage I Flow Re ime .Designa-tative Passage Max "mum Mean Min"mum Maximum M an Minimum Site Name tions~.1 Groups Reach~1 Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep. Slou/h 11 135.6R 1 I S S S U U U S S S U U U II S S S U U U S S SiD U U U III S U U U U U S U U U U U IV U U U U U U U U U U U U V - -- ------- - - VI --- -- ---- - -- VII - - ---- - -- - -- Uppel Side l36.3R 6 I -- - - ---- - - -- Cl annel 11 II -- - -- - - - -- - - Slou~h 19 139.7R 5 I - - - ---- - - - - - .II - - - -- - --- --- III -- -- -- - --- - - IV ----- - - - ---- V -- - - - - - - - -- - 139.9R 1 VI S S S S U U S S S U U U VII S S S U U U S S S U U U VIII S S S U U U S S SiD U U U Xl S U U U U U S U U U U U Slou~h 20 l40.2R 2 I S S S S U U S S S S U U II S S S U U U S SiD U U U U III --- ---- - ---- IV ----- - - - ---- V - ----------- VI -- --- - -- - - -- TABLE E.3.2.76 Page 4 of 4) Side Channel 21 141.4R Site Name Slough 21 Slough 22 River Mile Designa- tions~/ 141.6R 142.1R 144.4L Rep~eJen- I !ta~ive GroupsI, 3 5 2 2 Stag I Flow R pme Passage Maximum Mean Minimum Reach.~/Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep.Aug.Sep. , I S S S S S U S S S S S UI II ~S S S U U S S S S U U III T --- - --- - -- - IV T - - - - -- - - --- V I -- ------ ---TVIT -- -- --- - --- VII T -.-- - - ----- - VIII i'"- - - - -- - - - -- !IX T ---- - - - - -.-.- I I - - - - ---- - --rIII --- - - -- - ---TIIlLr --- - - - ----- IIIR r --- - - - - - -- - I I I~I ;/DI ~I~I~I;I~I~I~I~I ~I SIIIS III ~ dl U =Unsuccessful condition,SVD =Successful W1 was no ~valuated since b backwa er influence. al '01cl Source:EWT&A and AEIDC Source:ADF&G 1985 Influence of backwater required for providing 1985 1 ching flow occurs at discharges lower than those Difficulty and S =Successful. TABLE E.3.2.77:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES DURING SUMMER MONTHS UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME Caletndar vJaek Stage I Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Pet-cent of Ti me Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Pet-cent of Ti me (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 32 71996 74257 86129 72935 74117 76821 33 40810 74173 86365 35061 73755 78712 34 46690 74944 85791 45002 74129 84101 35 46690 76725 85363 44286 76030 85363 36 56390 80021 86493 47448 75257 86202 37 51134 83756 87201 47448 76554 85219 38 52687 84683 87218 36322 74376 86928 39 47070 84763 87136 26285 62440 86438 Caldndar Week 32 =Week Beginning August 5 i i i I i jTABLEE.!3.!2.78:TOTAL!CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN RE~RESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE!I FLOW REGIMES ,,i. iii ------------~----------~~~~~-~-;~~:-~~~~~+-------~---------~~~:~~~-;~~:-~~~~~:------------ Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded I Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded Calendar 90%1 '50%10*I 90%50%10% Week P~rcent of Time'I I Percent of Time____________~------------J-~-------------~------------~_ (sq ft)!(sq ft) , (sq oft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) '-~- i i32826534 855238 879186 826654 849978 883525 33 398113 ,847968 866300 330883 832670 858434 iii3478498~.836728 869498 689191 836728 862500,i 35 78498~851962 868158 620955 852626 868158I' 36 823765 !856520 868428 789790 840645 866908 37 805035 I 851897 868813 789790 840943 864098 i 'I38810568!855986 868130 729972 844361 867598 39 787395 !859769,8687 1 5",8 608728 825264 865603 ..i I-------------------------1-1-------------1------------------------------------------------ Calendar Week 32 =Week Beginning August 5,I 'I ','1 "1 ~ ,_i__ TABLE E.3.2.79:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG ANDDIHAB MODEL SITES UNDER STAGE I FLOW REGIME ..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal~ndar W~ek Stage I Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq H:)(sq f"U (sq ft)(sq ft) 40 36757 81940 86899 21116 4478:::'~80392 41 30653 44796 52392 19923 38552 49157 42 21554 39025 47219 15404 21348 42731 43 20326 40891 47516 11066 20021 29479 44 21266 4:::::849 48178 8127 16393 21148 45 25117 47100 48187 7586 13242 19511 46 29616 44569 51107 7112 12294 16391 47 34075 46971 56224 6230 11547 15172 48 38842 47841 49004 5552 10872 14053 Cal~ndar Week 40 =Week Beginning October 1 ---------------------_._---~-~~-~----------~----------------------------------------------- , •I.TABLE E.=f.2.8Q.): 1 ITOTALCHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IINREPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 AVAILA~LE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURINGI EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE [FLOW REGIMES Calendar Week Stage:I Flow Regimel ModelledlH~bitat Area Ex~eeded 9Q.)%i I 50%10%1 Percemt of Ti me Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time 838855 866409 877949 9338Q.)Q.) 807872 754469 762341 788863 812041 857300 739687 676018 723848 761343 797933 821592 850131 819360 684023 605669 457804 414471 446820 513934 585116 649601 71078Q.) 44 45 40 41 46 47 48 42 43 --------------------------t-,----·--~------I----------------------------------------------- (sq ft)I 1(sq f t )(sq f ft )(sq f t )(sq f t )(sq f t ) I , 1 i I7331Q.)41 :863614 8693~7 6891231 776995 8Q.)9517 5216341'i 749444 7889V.'2 502494 .:760530 7902:26 5171461 I 773Q.)01 7944129 5872231 '787586 794~86 67Q.)0291 I 776037 8049140 713782 i 7j867658231175 7481231 i 792285 7974146 i , , I t ------------~~------------~~---------~~--~------------------------------------------------ Calendar Week 4Q.)=Week Bepi1nnin g October 11 ---' TABLE E.3•2•81 :SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES STAGE I WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981 CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS STAGED CONSTRUCTION RIVER MAY JUNE JULY MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 18411 2.2 2.8 3.8 4.8 6.6 8.1 8.8 10.3 9.5 8.4 8.4 10.2 10.5 10.5 173 2.5 2.8 3.5 4.7 6.4 7.7 8.8 10.3 9.4 8.4 8.4 9.9 10.4 10.4 162 2.8 3.6 4.2 5.3 7.0 7.9 9.1 10.6 9.6 8.7 8.6 10.1 10.6 10.5 150 3.1 3.7 4.2 5.4 7.1 7.9 9.3 10.8 9.7 8.9 8.7 10.1 10.7 10.7 140 3.3 3.9 4.3 5.5 7.2 7.9 9.4 10.9 9.8 9.0 8.8 10.1 10.7 10.7 130 3.6 4.3 4.6 5.8 7.3 7.8 9.4 10.9 9.6 9.0 8.6 9.8 10.4 10.5 120 4.0 4.9 5.3 6.4 7.9 8.1 9.8 11.3 9.9 9.3 8.9 10.1 10.7 10.7 110 4.3 5.5 5.8 6.9 8.4 8.3 10.2 11.6 10.1 9.5 9.1 10.3 11.0 10.9 992:.1 4.7 6.0 6.4 7.4 8.8 8.6 10.5 11.9 10.4 9.7 9.3 10.6 11.2 11.2 9all 4.4 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.7 7.0 8.5 9.4 8.5 8.5 8.2 8.6 9.0 9.3 84!±1 4.8 6.4 7.1 7.4 8.5 7.5 9.2 10.1 9.0 9.0 8.7 9.1 9.5 9.8 RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 18411 9.7 9.1 8.3 9.2 8.8 7.9 8.0 7.1 6.1 5.1 4.8 4.3 3.7 173 9.8 9.1 8.4 9.2 8.8 7.8 7.9 6.9 5.7 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.0 162 9.9 9.1 8.5 9.4 8.9 7.9 7.9 6.7 5.4 4.5 3.8 3.3 2.5 150 10.1 9.3 8.7 9.5 9.0 8.0 8.0 6.7 5.3 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.2 140 10.2 9.3 8.8 9.6 9.1 8.0 8.0 6.5 5.1 4.2 3.4 2.9 1.8 130 10.2 9.2 8.8 9.6 9.0 7.9 7.9 6.3 4.9 4.0 3.2 2.6 1.4 120 10.4 9.3 8.9 9.8 9.2 8.0 7.9 6.2 4.7 3.9 3.1 2.5 .9 110 10.5 9.3 9.0 10.0 9.3 8.1 8.0 6.1 4.7 3.8 3.0 2.4 .5 992:.1 10.7 9.4 9.2 10.2 9.5 8.2 8.0 5.9 4.4 3.7 2.9 2.3 .1 9all 9.3 8.2 8.3 8.7 7.9 7.2 6.7 4.7 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.1 .1 84!±1 9.7 8.2 8.6 9.3 8.2 7.3 6.8 4.3 3.4 3.1 2.6 2.0 0.0 11 Downstream of Watana Damsite 2:.1 Upstream of Chulitna-Susitna confluence j 11 Downstream of Chulitna-Susitna confluence !il At Sunshine stream gaging station TABLE E.3.2.82:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982 2001 ENERGY DEMANDS CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS STAGED CONSTRUCTION STAGE I RIVER MAY JUNE JULY MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 18411 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.7 5.2 6.3 6.6 8.7 10.9 10.6 9.9 9.9 9.4 173 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.7 5.1 6.2 6.7 8.7 10.8 10.6 10.1 9.8 9.6 162 3.4 2.9 3.3 3.4 4.3 5.5 6.4 7.1 9.1 11.0 10.8 10.4 10.0 9.9 150 3.6 3.0 3.4 3.5 4.5 5.6 6.5 7.3 9.3 11.0 10.9 10.6 10.2 10.1 140 3.8 3.0 3.5 3.6 4.7 5.7 6.6 7.4 9.4 11.1 11.0 10.8 10.2 10.3 130 4.2 3.3 3.7 3.8 4.9 5.8 6.6 7.5 9.4 10.9 10.8 10.7 9.9 10.1 120 4.7 3.7 4.3 4.3 5.4 6.2 6.9 7.9 9.8 11.2 1l.2 11.1 10.1 10.5 110 5.2 4.0 4.8 4.8 5.9 6.5 7.1 8.2 10.2 11.5 11.4 11.4 10.4 10.8 992)5.7 4.4 5.3 5.2 6.4 6.8 7.3 8.5 10.6 11.8 11.7 11.7 10.6 11.2 981/5.2 4.3 5.2 5.3 6.2 6.7 6.5 7.2 9.1 9.2 9.0 9.3 8.3 9.0 841.1 5.6 4.7 5.9 6.0 7.2 7.7 7.0 8.0 10.1 9.7 9.6 10.0 9.0 9.8 RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 .__.....•.-.-_.__...._.•.__-. 18411 9.8 9.4 9.9 9.2 9.3 9.6 8.4 7.3 173 10.0 9.6 10.0 9.3 9.1 9.2 7.9 6.9 162 10.2 9.8 10.2 9.4 9.2 9.2 7.9 6.8 150 10.5 10.0 10.4 9.6 9.2 9.2 7.8 6.8 140 10.7 10.2 10.6 9.7 9.2 9.1 7.8 6.7 130 10.6 10.2 10.6 9.6 9.1 8.9 7~5 6.5 120 11.0 10.5 10.9 ·9.9 9.2 9.0 7.6 6;4 ......-.--.--.··--·_-110--·.--11.-3-1 0.-7-H.-L-10;1-··9.-3-··9 .-0··7.-6-·-6.4---. ..-..-----..------·9-92:.1.-1-1-.-7-11-.·0-1-1-.-4·....,.10-•.,3--9-0'4--9-.-1-.·7-.-7--6-.,4-_·_. 9811 9.2 8.7 9.2 7.9 7.8 7.2 5.7 5.3 84£t/9.8 9•3 9•8 8.5 8.0 7•2 5.9 5 .1 11 Downstream of Watana Damsite 2:.1 Upstream of Chulitna-Susitna confluence 11 DowIlstream ...o.fChulitIla....Stil3itnaconUtience ~I At Sunshine stream gaging station 1 ) .1 j 1 1 1 I -1 1 1 ( -I .1 I 1 l 1 TABLE E.3.2.83 STREAM TEMPERATURES WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981 NATURAL CONDITIONS WATER ·.WEEK NO. River May June July Mile 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1841/4~8 7.6 8.6 8.2 9.2 8.9 11.6 12.2 8.5 8.4 9.2 9.5 9.8 9.4 173 4.8 7.4 8.2 7.9 9.1 8.7 11.4 12.1 8.6 8.5 9.2 9.5 9.9 9.5 162 4.9 7.5 8.4 8.1 9.3 8.8 11.6 12.3 8.7 8.7 9.3 9.6 10.0 9.6 150JJ 5.0 7.6 8.3 8.1 9.3 8.9 11.6 12.4 9.0 8.9 9.5 9.9 10.2 9.9 140 5.1 7.6 8.3 8.1 9.4 8.9 11.6 12.5 9.1 9.0 9.5 9.9 10.3 ]0.0 130 5.1 7.5 8.2 8.1 9.4 8.8 11.512.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 9.9 10.3 10.0 120 5.3 7.7 8.4 8.4 9.7 9.0 11.7 12.6 9.3 9.3 9.6 10.1 10.5 10.2 110 5.5 7.9 8.6 8.6 9.9 9.1 11.9 12.8 9.6 9.5 9.7 10.2 10.7 10.4 99 1/5.7 8.0 8.8 8.9 10.1 9.3 12.1 13.1 9.8 9.7 9.9 10.4 10.9 10.6 98 !/5.0 7.2 7.9 7.8 8.8 7.7 9.5 10.2 8.5 8.6 8.8 9.1 9.5 9.3 84 lj 5.2 7.5 8.3 8.2 9.4 8.0 10.0 10.7 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.5'9.9 9.8 WATER WEEK NO. River August September October Mile 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 1841/9.4 6.8 7.5 9.9 7.2 7.0 6.2 1.6 0.3 0.3 1.2 0.5 0.0 173 9.5 7.0 7.6 9.9 7.3 7.0 6.2 1.8 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.0 162 9.6 7.1 7.7 10.0 7.5 7.1 6.2 1.7 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.0 1501./9.9 7.5 8.0 10.1 7.7 7.2 6.4 2.0 0.7 0.6 1.3 0.5 0.0 140 10.0 7.6 8.1 10.2 7.8 7.3 6.5 2.1 0.8 0.7 1.3 0.5 0.0 130 10.0 7.6 8.1 10.1 7.9 7.3 6.5 2.2 1.a 0.9 1.4 0.5 0.0 120 10.1 7.7 8.3 10.3 8.1 7.4 6.6 2.2 1.0 0.9 1.4 0.5 0.0 110 10.3 7.8 8.5 10.5 8.2 7.5 6.7 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.5 0.0 99 1/10.5 8.0 8.6 10.7 8.4 7.6 6.8 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.5 0.0 98 !/9.2 7.4 7.9 8.9 7.4 6.9 5.9 2.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.0 0.0 84 if 9.6 7.7 8.3 9.4 7.8 7.1 6.1 2.3 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 0.0!] II 1/Downstream of Watana Dam Site 1/Downstream of Devil Canyon Dam Site.'2/---------~A~---4U~p~st~r~e~am of Susitna -Chulitna conflueace !/Downstream of Susitna -Chu1itan confluence (full mixing assumed)~/At Sunshine stream gaging station at Parks Highway Bridge SOURCE:APA 1984e 420723 840817 TABLE E.3.2.84 STREAM TEMPERATURES WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982 NATURAL CONDITIONS WATER WEEK NO. River May June July Mile 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 18411 5.5 4.9 7.2 7.1 8.8 9.2 8.0 9.6 11.9 10.2 10.6 10.6 9.7 10.5 173 5.2 4.6 6.8 6.7 8.5 8.9 7.9 9.5 11.7 10.2 10.7 10.7 9.7 10.6 162 5.5 4.7 6.9 6.9 8.6 9.0 8.0 9.6 11.8 10.4 10.8 10.9 9.8 10.7 1501:./5.4 4.7 6.8 6.8 8.6 9.0 8.1 9.7 11.9 10.5 11.0 11.1 10.1 10.9 140 5.4 4.7 6.8 6.7 8.5 9.0 8.1 9.7 11.9 10.6 11.1 11.2 10.1 11.0 130 5.5 4.7 6.7 6.6 8.4 8.9 8.0 9.6 11.8 10.6 11.1 11.2 10.0 11.0 120 5.9 4.9 6.9 6.8 8.6 9.1 8.2 9.9 12.0 10.9 11.3 11.5 110 6.2 5.1 7.1 7.0 8.8 9.2 8.3 10.0 12.2 11.111.5 11.7 10.4 11.4 99 J.I 6.6 5.3 7.3 7.2 9.0 9.3 8.5 10.2 12.5 11.4 11.7 12.0 10.6 11.7 98 ft.1 5.8 4.9 6.7 6.6 8.1 8.3 7.4 8.6 10.5 9.3 9.6 10.0 8.8 9.7 84 .2./6.1 5.2 7.0 6.9 8.4 8.6 7.6 9.0 11.0 9.8 10.1 10.5 9.3 10.2 WATER WEEK NO. River August September October Mile.45 46 ..47 48 49 50 51 52..1 2 3 4 .5 1841/10.5 10.5 10.5 9.0 7.6 6.1 6.4 4.1 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 173 10.6 10.6 10.6 9.1 7.6 6.2 6.3 4.1 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 162 10.8 10.8 10.7 ~..~.7.7 6.3 6.4 4.1 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -.-.--.---.-~.-.-.--.-...----..~-.---...--.---,.......-•........._...._•...-•......_..,.__..---_........_._..._..~_._.._----.-._..._.._..._..._.- 15J)lL ._.11.•.1..11.•0._.10.9 9_.~..7 •.9 .6.5 ...6.•6.._~.3 ..2.2_.0.•2 _O.•Jl O.OJ)~. 140 11.2 11.1 11.0 9.5 8.0 6.6 6.6 4.4 2.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 130 11.2 11.0 11.0 9.5 8.0 6.7 6.6 4.4 2.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 120 11.5 11.2 11.3 9.7 8.1 6.8 6.7 4.5 2.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 110 11.7 11.4 11.5 9.9 8.3 6.9 6.7 4.5 2.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 .99.U.12.0 11.6 11.8 10.1 8.4 7.1 . 2.3 0.1 0.0 98 ft./9.6 9.1 9.4 8.0 7.3 6.3 5.6 4.4 2.5 0.8 0.2 0.0 Q.O g4 .2.1 10.1 9.7 9.9 8.5 7.6 6.6 5.8 4.5 2.6 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1/Downstream of Watana Dam Site 1/Downstream of Devil Canyon Dam Site 11 Upstream of Susitna -Chulitna confluence il Downstream of Susitna -Chulitna confluence (full mixing assumed) II At Sunshine stream gaging station at Parks Highway Bridge SOURCE:APA 1984e 420123 840817 l j j 1 I .! I .~ j I \ I I I j \ 1 .r TABLE E.3.2.85:MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES FOR CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS,INFLOW TEMPERATURE-MATCHING,STAGE I FLOW, AND WINTER 1981-82 CLIMATE DATA STAGE I Slough or Side Channel Whiskers Gash Creek 6A 8 MSII West MSll East Curry Moose 8A West 8A East 9 9 u/s 4th July 9A 10 u/s 11 d/s 11 17 20 21 (A6) 21 22 River Mile 101.5 112.0 112.3 114.1 115.5 115.9 120.0 123.5 126.1 127.1 129.3 130.6 131.8 133.7 134.3 135.3 136.5 139.3 140.5 141.8 142.2 144.8 Threshold Elevation 367 453 (Upland) 476 482 487 (Upland) 548 573 582 604 617 626 651 657 667 687 (Upland) 730 747 755 788 Simulated Natural Conditions ~I~ 457 Simulated Sta~e I Conditions [3701 @!J 459 475 f4871 EB9l 526 729 747 753 787 2.AI L river stages in feet. Notes: lee Front Starting Date Maximum Ice Front Extent (River Mile)Melt':"out Date IJ 11 L o 12-10 139 4-28 Indicates locations where maximum river stage equals or exceeds a known slough threshold elevation. Source:Exhibit E,Chapter 2 'l TABLE E.3.2.86:NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT } CONCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDITY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT _______________W_A_TA_N_A_RE_S_E_RV'_O-'-I_R_D_U_R_IN__G_S_T_A_G_E_I_O_P_E_RA_T_I_O_N_S l STAGE 1 OPERATION Month Observed Suspended Sediment Concentratiops~/Estimated Mean Suspended Estimated Meal Sediment Concentrations~/Turbidity 1 j J 1 I ] I t .j i ] '\ (mg/1)NTU.f./ 65 130 55 110 45 90 30 60 35 70 85 170 130 260 110 220 90 180 100 200 95 190 85 170N.A. N.A. 158-1,040 N.A. 7-140 1-6 100-2,790 151-1,860 N.A. <.1-8 23-812 65-1,110 (mg/1) April October May November August September December March June February January July ~/Data derived from Table E.2.4.23;from Exhibit E,Chapter 2 data """---"--"~-" .--~/-...Turbidi:ty-estimated-byusingfactol.of +2x-)--times T:SS-concenl:;-ral;-ions (See discussions in Exhibit E,Chapter 2). j j j ",'. TABLEE.3.2.88 MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT 'SUNSHINE (CFS) STAGE I - WATANA (LOW)OPERATION -;.{...•'-.":'"'--..,,-.':-;-'"':':'..!,---.. MONTH NATURAL CONDITIONS STAGE"I i7hows '. -fio.",.:-._..,_.•~'-:-.,;._._."F~ MAX MIN MEAN MAX MIN MEAN OCT 20837 8176 13799 22367 11039 15942 NOV 8775 4020 6185 14272 7491 11438 DEC 6547 2675 4426 14730 7916 11705 JAN 5216 2228 3674 12066 6973 10267 FEB 4664 2095 3115 10992 6867 9386 MAR 3920 1972 2786 8548 5668 7344 APR 5528 2233 3585 7875 4905 6148 MAY 43121 10799 27674 36142 12001 20611 JUN 116152 40702 63268 81098 33618 48797 JUL 85600 45226 64143 71496 37340 54227 AUG 84940 25092 56148 82750 24281 52562 SEP 54110 14320 32867 54096 16243 33546 ANNUAL 28262 14431 23607 28439 15426 23597 .~: j ! TABLEE.3.2.B9 ~N',l'HLY MAXIMUM,MINIMyM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUSITNA STATION (CFS) :STAGE I -WATANA (LOW)OPERATIONI' MONTH NATURAL cONDITIONS .,. STAGE I FLOWS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB HAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL MAX 58640 31590 14690 10120 9413 8906 13029 .88470 165900 181400 159600 109700 63159 "INI ! . 13476 8251 5"53 6365 5614 5271 4613 28~13 73838 :~~~f 37~92 38930i MAN 32777 15063 9267 8112 7383 6412 7684 56770 112256 126590 109084 67721 46871 i IMAX ! I 59759 36073 23150 17556 16058 13917 15764 79365 141399 162487 155696 107286 i 63066 ! H~N 16273 13057 10806 11059 11096 9378 7259 19442 58483 86221 80080 39515 ~8377 MEAN 34847 20345 16563 14707 13654 10972 10383 49672 97743 116638 105490 68491 46868 I ~I TABLE E.3.2.89:JUVENILE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT INDEX VALUE FOR MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE AT THE SUNSHINE STATIONlI UNDER THE NATURAL AND STAGE I OPERATING FLOW REGIMES AGGREGATE HABITAT INDEX VALUES11 Month Natural Flows Side Tributary Channels Mouths .Stage I Flows Side Tributary Channels Mouths [ I June July August 0.028 0.027 0.035 0.140 0.142 0.120 0.045 0.037 0.038 0.064 0.108 0.095 September 0.040 II From Table E.3.2.88 0.055 0.04 0.055 LJ 11 Estimated from Figures E.3.2.87 and E.3.2.88 .' TABLE E.3.2.90:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF SELECTED TRIBUTARIES OF THE PROPOSED DEVIL CANYON IMPOUNDMENT1/,1982 Approximate Approximate Total Length in Length Susitna River Length Stream Drawdown Permanently Confluence Affected Gradient Zone Inundated Tributary (River Mile)(mO (ft/mO (mO (mO Cheechako Creek 152.4,1.7 321 0.4 1.3 Chinook Creek 157.0 1.3 308 0.4 0.9 Devil Creek 161.4 1.5 176 0.7 0.8 Fog Creek 176.7 1.3 72 1.3 0.0 Tsusena Creek 181.3 0.4 82 0.4 0.0 1/Proposed Impoundment Elevation:1455 Ft.MSL. Source:ADF&G 1983b I ,f J I ,J j ,',,1 ] ,'I J :1 ] j 1 1 :1 ] ,I TABLE E.3.2.91 MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT DEVIL CANYON (CFS) STAGE II -WATANA (LOW)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS MONTH NATURAL FLOWS STAGE II FLOWS MAX MIN.MEAN MAX MIN MEAN OCT 7518 2867 5363 8638 4777 7167NOV395511462402800929317686DEC29058101703887629738424JAN22126871429824150377931FEB185868212168211.5055 7387MAR17796641086747846066245APR24056971340685839835831MAY19777342812462734843056106JUN4781414710260431095662917582JUL32388156512307524991625213542AUG3525684842065435114742319164SEP.19799 4796 12555 19799 6458 12583 ANNUAL 11254 5352 9159 11254 5613 9160 TABL'E iE ..,.......9 .....·-I !•0_)•.it..•L. j j ! TdTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA[IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS D~RING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER S~AGE II FLOW REGIME ______________________L~~_ i ;.I Stage II Flows Natural Flows ----t---t-----oo ----..-------.---------------------------..----------..----I Calendar Week Total iHabi tat Area ENceeded I '~0~50%10% "Percent of Ti me Total Habitat Area ENceededl 90%50%10% Percent of Time -----------------------~---------------------------------------------------------(s~f,t)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) i ! 22 5147~38 5743374 5908472 5887756 6131097 6843402!I 23 57~4908 5929310 5929310 ~,)476820 6222510 6893240 24 57557.97 5929310 5929310 3494928 6151734 6780969I! 25 5751478 5929310 5929310 5218277 6187294 6840933I [ 26 57CJl4~08 5929310 5929310 5958463 6372627 6892074 27 579 4 '1°8 5929310 5929310 5960915 6245443 6836489 28 57CJl4'1 08 5929310 8634608 6963999 6108808 6790478 [ 29 57~4't08 5929310 6569315 5954151 6240076 6873055 !30 5794908 6002177 e,750031 5971538 61:;':;7691 6847559 t :31 57~41'08 6085761 6784760 5517503 6294162 6815705 32 57~4908 6006532 6780969 5954772 6171091 6823350 3:2.,504-8 749 6044573 6376799 4956682 6063121 6376799 34 5080832 6091090 6219749 ~i5610::::;4 6096961 6376799! [ 6474147-:rC'56Jr805:3 6186194 5517503 6138112 6292156._"\oJ t : 36 5704::::;46 5998999 ~316496 5685t.,17.l6 61lH210258 6316496 ! "37 5690164 6008042 6228691 5690184 6008042 6228691 !![38 5292~93 5960600 625954121 529219::::;596121600 6259540 39 5180~62 5839273 6216278 4987661 581119273 6216278 --------- Calendar Week 22 ==VJe~k I Beginning May 27 --'-'---~-~~::::;;... x. --ii....~--'~---J:..,...; TABLE E.3.2.93:TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage II Flows Natural Flows -------~--------------------------------------------------------l Calendar Week Total Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Total Habitat Area Exceededl 90%50%10% Percent o·f Ti me (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 22 4244929 4543461 4729671 3853133 4125226 4543200 23 4482101 4727844 4727544 3426713 4·124438 4449608 24 4493376 4727844 4727544 2:-$35020 4071885 4488465 25 4485923 4727844 4727544 3284299 4076823 4581977 26 4488544 4727844 4727544 3828240 4113942 4220266 27 4161529 4727844 4727544 4025392 4119204 4230208 28 4069175 4727844 4727544 3976770 4125798 4258885 29 3963805 4726794 4727544 3853137 4091048 4245477 30 ~,966421 458963~.5 4727544 3966421 41.37456 4240463 ~'1 3923086 4143477 4727544 3449123 410147::::;4181791 32 4039:301 4158415 4727544 4039301 4138079 4230401 33 3190918 417~,285 4685963 3140204 4171382 4496151 :34 3197573 4176297 4634:::::42 4040200 4176297 4629213 ::::;5 4037705 4348078 4725744 40~,7705 4·3~'2384 4712545 ..".,4047992 4430849 4734924 -4096153 4·:,98222 4734924·_'0 :37 4165806 4528447 4728666 41512~,5 4528447 472153~.5 38 4172012 4450270 4718252 4145776 4450270 4718252 39 424492'-j 4504139 4720054 41:1.6902 4504:1.39 4720054 --------- Calendar Week 22 =Week Beginning May 27 TABLE E.3.2.94:SUMMARY O~A~CESS CONDITIONS IFOR CHUM SPAWNING SITES DURING STAGE II qPE!RATION BASED ON ~AN,MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AVERAGE MO NTHLY FIlo WS (Page 1 of 4) I I !I Natu"al Disc arge Stag II Dis harge River Mille~/PassaGe IMaximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean MinimumIi Site Name!Des igna ~ioins Reach...)IAUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP I I - Whisker's Creek 101.4~1 E:./---------- Slough ,II ---- --- ---- II i ~Mainstem II 115.0R 1 S S S SiD U S S S S U :11 S S S S U U S S S S U U I 111 --- --------!- i IVL ----- - -- - - -- i IVR S S S U U U S S S U U U I VR - - ---- - ----- I VIR ---- -- ---- - -I !V11R -------- ---- i VIIIR ---- - - -- - -- - I Slough 8A 126.0R I s S S S S U S S S S S U i II S S S U U U S S S U U U III S S S U U U S S S U U U IVL S U U U U U S U U U U U I IVR ---- -- ------ I VR ------- - - --- !VIR ------.--- - - - VnR ---------.:..-- I Vl11R ------------ IXR - --- ---....---- XR ---------- - - I ",--~-pt TA BLE E.3•2•94 :(Page 2 of 4) Ri ve r Mile~1 Natural Discharge Stage II Discharge Passage Max'mum Me n Min'mum Max'mum Me,n Min'mum Site Name Designations Reach-I·AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP Slough 9 l28.8R I S S S S U U S S S S U U II -- - ------ --- III -- - - - - - --- - - IV ---- --- ----- V - ------- ---- Slough 9A 133.9R I S S S S U U S S S S U U II ------------ III ------------ IV -------- ---- V ---- - - ------ VI -- -------- - - VII ------------ IX ------------ X ------------ Xl - - ------- --- .Side Channel 10 133.8L I S S S U U U S S S U U U II --- ------ --- III ---------- - - IV ---------- - - V - - - --------- VI --- ---- ---- - TABLE E.3.2~94:(Page 13 4) ,Natural Discharge Stage II Discharge River iMiil~1 PassaGe Max'mum Me n Minimum Maximum Mean Min'mum Site Name Desigriat:ions Reach-I •AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP Slough 11 135.6R I I S S S U U U S S S U U U II S S S U U U S S S U U U III S U U U U U S U U U U U IV U U U U U U U U.U U U U V -- ----- - - - -- VI - - - - - -- - - --- VII ---- - -- - --- - Upper Side 136 I ----- ---- - -- Channel 11 II --- - - -- - - --- Slough 1 139.7R I ---- - - -- ---- II - - - - ----_.--- III --- - - - - - -- - - IV ---- - --- - --- V -- - - - ----- - - 139 9&VI S S S S U U S S S S U U VII S S S U U U S S S U U U VIII S S S U U U S S S U U U IX S U U U U U S U U U U U i ./.-:-,.....;-- .....,.,., --~..~ TABLE E.3.2 •94 :(Page 4 of 4) River Mile.!/ Natu al Disc arge Stage II Disci arge Passa§e Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Site Name Designations Reach-/AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP Slough 20 l40.2R I S S S S U U S S S S S S II S S S U U U S SiD SiD U U SiD III --- -- - -- --- - IV -- - - - --- - - - - V ---- - --- - - - - VI -- - - - --- - --- Side Channel 21 141.4R I S S S S S U S S S S S U II S S S S U U S S S S U U III -- - - - - - - ---- IV ----- --- --- - V ----- - - - ---- VI -- --------- - VII ---- ---- ---- 141.6R VIII --- ------ --- IX -- - --- -- - - -- Slough 21 142.1R I ---- - - ------ II -- ---------- IIIL --- - ----- --- IIIR - ----- - - --- - Slough 22 144.4L I S S S U U U S S S U U U II S U SiD U U U S U U U U U III ------- ----- a/ ~/ 5:./ ~/ Source:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 Source:ADF&G 19851,L=Left and R=Right,looking upstream Influence of backwater was not evaluated since breaching flow occurs at discharge lower than those required for providing backwater influence. U=Unsuccessful,S/D=Successful with Difficulty,and S=Successful TABLE E.::"'.2.95: i ! TOTAL CHUM SPA~NING HABITAT IN IFG AND:DIH~B MODEL SITES DURING SUMMER ~ONTHS UNDER STAGE II !FLOW REGIME ------------~------------~-~-------------~------------------------------------------------, Calendar Week St~g~II Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded I 90%50%10% Pefrcent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modell ed Habi tat Ar-ea E>(ceeded 90%50%1121% Percent of Time ------------~-~----------~-~-------------~------------------------------------------------- (sq f '{:)!(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sqft)(sq ft) 32 4669121 73342 75~31 72935 74117 76821 I 3:::;36575 73592 84506 35061 73755 78712 34 36774 73909 83557 45002 74129 84101 35 46690 75444 85:-$63 44286 76121:30 85363 36 46690 74642 86202 47448 75257 86202 37 4702Jr 76554 85~19 47448 76554 85219 38 3632:-d 74376 86928 36322 74:-'::;76 86928 39 31919 62440 86438 26285 62440 86438 -----~------~-~----------~---------------~-------~---------------------------------------- Calendar Week 32 =Week B~ginning August ~ I ----;---'--"---,--.---....--~-"---~.-~-'',~,,---'---' TABLE E.3.2.96:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIMES -------------------------------------------------------------i------------------------- Stage II Flow Regime Natu~91 Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded Modelled,~bitat Area Exceeded caltndar 90%50%10%90%50%10% W.ek Percent of Time Percent of Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 32 784981 835011 883332 826654 849978 883525 33 345781 837107 859996 330883 832670 858434 34 347736 8~lA605 854194 689191 836728 862500 35 784981 852626 868158 620955 852626 868158 36 78498j.838007 866908 789790 840645 866908 37 787121 840943 864098 789790 840943 864098 38 729972 844361 867598 729972 844361 867598 39 698246 825264 86560~::'608728 825264 86560~5 Cal.ndar Week 32 =Week Beginning August 5 I i I !! TABLE E.3.2~97:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT 1 I AVAILABLE !FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS i IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEL SITES .UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIME__________________________J __~J _ Stade iII Flow Regime I Natural Flow Regime ModelledlH~bitat Area Exceeded Modelled Habitat Ar~a Exceeded Calendar 90~I 50~10~90~50~10~ Week Pe~ce,nt of Time I Percent of Time ";......Ii.I·.-,.-, ----------~---~-----------~-~----------------~-------------------------------------------- (sq ft)(tsq ft)(sqft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft). 40 34169 !44783 80392 21116 44783 80392 41 36561 I 41813 49157 19923 38552 49157 42 38974 i 41503 45591 15404 21348 42731 43 40441 !42502 44374 11066 20021 29479 44 41885 !43572 45466 8127 16393 21148 45 43967 i 45240 46727 7586 13242 19511 46 44015 i 46768 47122 7112 12294 16391 47 46005 f 47016 47473 6230 11547 1517.2 48 46984 !47383 47838 5552 10872 14053 ----------~~--------------+------------------~-------------------------------------------- Calendar Week 40 =Week Beginning October 1 ---<,..__._<~'--- \..:----- TABLE E.3.2.98:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2~3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE II FLOW REGIMES Calefndar Wd-ek Stage II Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 40 714456 776940 855079 743236 790083 887478 41 731688 764420 797989 761361 790087 830175 42 749076 763112 780348 726475 794180 813151 43 758633 767324 775218 709737 801152 813434 44 764721 771836 779820 731494 776597 819621 45 773498 778866 785214 752897 775962 829240 46 773704 785478 787726 774723 791514 841854 47 782092 787049 789953 7928:::',0 804263 85:::',051 48 786847 789381 792271 805815 816042 -829623 Cal.ndar Week 40 =Week Beginning October 1 TABLE E.3.2.99:SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981 CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS STAGE II FLOW REGIME RIVER MAY JUNE JULY MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 150 2.4 3.0 3.9 4.4 4.9 6.0 5.6 4.8 6.5 8.4 7.7 5.9 5.1 9.1 140 2.7 3.4 4.3 4.8 5.4 6.3 6.1 5.4 6.9 8.7 8.1 6.3 5.4 9.3 130 3.0 3.9 4.7 5.3 6.0 6.4 6.6 6.1 7.2 8.6 7.7 6.6 5.7 9.3 120 3.3 4.5 5.3 5.9 6.7 6.8 7.2 6.8 7.7 9.0 8.2 7.0 6.0 9.6 110 3.6 5.0 5.9 6.4 7.4 7.2 7.8 7.5 8.1 9.4 8.7 7.4 6.3 9.8 99 3.9 5.5 6.4 7.0 8.1 7.5 8.4 8.2 8.6 9.7 9.1 7.8 6.7 10.0 98 4.0 5.5 6.2 6.5 7.3 6.6 7.7 8.0 7.7 8.2 6.2 8.9 84 4.4 6.3 7.1 7.3 8.3 7.2 8.6 9.0 8.5 8.8 8.4 8.5 8.2 9.5 RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 150 9.9 9.5 8.7 9.0 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.0 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.7 5.9 140 10.0 9.5 8.8 9.2 9.7 9.7 9.6 8.8 7.9 7.5 7.0 6.4 5.3 130 10.0 9.4 8.8 9.2 9.7 9.5 9.4 8.3 7.3 7.0 6.5 5.9 4.6 120 10.2 9.5 9.0 9.4 9.8 9.5 9.3 8.0 6.9 6.7 6.2 5.5 4.0 110 10.4 9.5 9.1 9.6 9.9 9.5 9.3 7.8 6.6 6.5 5.9 5.3 3.4 99 10.6 9.6 9.3 9.8 10.0 9.5 9.3 7.5 6.2 6.1 5.6 4.9 2.7 -98--9-.2---8.Z 8.-3-8-.6---8.2 -7·.9~-7 •..s-.5 .3--4·"Si·4-.6-4.3-:3.6 1.9· 84 9.6 8.3 8.6 9.1 8.4 7.9 7.2 4.7 4.0 4.1 3.8 3.1 1.1 '} ) :j 1 1 ,1"-'1 1 ) 1 ·1 J 1 .J ) J T TABLE E.3.2.100:SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982 CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS STAGE II FLOW REGIME RIVER MAY JUNE JULY MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 150 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.9 6.4 7.9 5.7 5.1 7.3 8.3 6.9 140 3.3 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.7 5.2 6.7 8.4 6.3 5.6 7.8 8.5 7.1 130 3.7 3.6 4.1"4.4 4.9 5.0 5.4 7.0 8.6 6.8 6.2 8.1 8.5 7.4 120 4.1 3.9 4.6 4.9 5.5 5.5 5.8 7.5 9.2 7.4 6.8 8.7 8.9 7.8 110 4.4 4.2 5.0 5.3 6.0 5.9 6.2 8.0 9.8 7.9 7.4 9.2 9.2 8.1 99 4.8 4.5 5.4 5.7 6.5 6.4 6.5 8.5 10.4 8.6 8.1 9.8 9.6 8.5 I 98 4.7 4.4 5.3 5.5 6.3 6.5 6.1 6.8 8.7 7.8 7.6 8.4 7.9 8.2 84 5.2 4.8 6.0 6.1 7.2 7.6 6.7 7.8 9.8 8.7 8.6 9.4 8.7 9.1 >' RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 150 8.2 8.8 9.7 9.1 9.8 9.5 9.9 9.9 140 8.5 9.0 9.9 9.2 9.8 9.5 9.8 9.7 130 8.7 9.1 10.0 9.3 9.6 9.3 9.6 9.3 120 9.1 9.4 10.3 9.5 9.7 9.4 9.6 9.2 110 9.5 9.7 10.6 9.7 9.8 9.4 9.6 9.1 99 9.9 10.0 10.9 9.9 9.8 9.5 9.5 8.9 98 8.6 8.4 9.0 7.8 8.0 7.5 6.8 6.5 84 9.4 9.1 9.6 8.4 8.1 7.5 6.7 6.0 2.All river stages in feet. Source:Exhibit E Chapter 2 } ,-J' II \ ,I l I I 1 1 1 ) j 1 } ) ) -J 12-29 1333....26 746 752 785 1981-1982 Winter f3701 f459l 461 476 487 490 521 Simulated Stage 11 Conditions Simulated Natural Conditions 1981-1982 Winter 1:::1 457 472 1484 1 486 523 1549 1 571 583 606 620 Threshold ElevationRiverMile Indicates locations where maximum river stage equals or exceeds a known slough threshold elevation. TABLE E.3.2.101:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES FLOW CASE E-VI,INFLOW-MATCHING STAGE 11 FLOW REGIME Slough or Side Channel tR.'X-3 Ice Front:Starting Date Maximum Ice Front Extent (River Mile) Melt-out Date NOTES: 1.0 Whiskers 101.5 367 Gash Creek 112.0 453 6A 112.3 (Upland) 8 114.1 476 MS11 West 115.5 482 MS11 East 115.9 487 Curry 120.0 (Upland) Moose 123.5 548 8A West 126.1 573 8A East 127.1 582 9 129.3 604 .9_ul s .J~Q.{)...617 4th July 131.8 626 9A 133.7 651 10 u/s 134.3 657 11 dl s 135.3 667 11 136.5 687 ..__..•_----,._._•..__._---,.._--_.......,._..~--..._-T7···-139;3····(Uptand-) 20 140.5 21 (A6)141.8 747 21 142.2 755 22 144.8 788 TABLE E.3.2.102:NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDITY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR DURING STAGE II OPERATION Month January February .March April May June July August September October November December Stage II Operation Suspended Estimated Mean Sediment Suspended Estimated Concentra-Sediment Mean tionsl1 Concentrationsll Turbidity (TJ,lg/1)(mg/1 )NTU.~/ (1-8 60 120 N.A.45 90 1-6 40 80 N.A.30 60 65-1,110 30 60 151-1,860 55 110 100-2,790 110 220 158-1,040 110 220 23-812 90 180 7-140 80 160 N.A.80 160 N.A.75 150 N.A.=Not Available II Data derived Table E.2.4.49 (in Exhibit E,Chapter 2) Zl Turbidity estimated by using factor of (2x)times TSS concentrations (see discussions in Exhibit E,Chapter 2). 'J (CFS) STAGE II DISCHARGE MA~MIN(.MEANMEANMAXMIN TABLE E.3.2.103j MQNTHLY MAXIMUM,MINlMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUNSHINE I : i 1SrA~E II -WATANA (LQW)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS I . NATURAL OISFHARGEMONTH OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 20837 8775 6547 5216 4664 3920 5528 43121 116152 85600 84940 54110 8176 4020 2675 2228 2095 1972 2233 10799 40702 45226 25092 143~0 13799 6185 4426 3674 3115 2786 3585 27674 63268 64143 56148 . 32867 21708 13641 125~8 113~2 109ti8 9593 10018 37836 78540 74011 830~0 54110 11320 5805 5025 6697 6606 6278 6161 12811 33014 37295 24031 1598.3 15636 11533 11156 10173 9285 7946 6062 21360 44676 '54654 54607 32676 ANNUAL 28262 144~1 23607 28396 15886 23609 '----- ANNUAL 63159 38030 46871 63155 38030 46879 J TABLE E.3.2.105:FEATURES OF SELECTED TRIBUTARIES WITHIN THE STAGE III WATANA IMPOUNDMENT1/) Approximate Approximate Susitna Additional Total Length in Length JRiverLengthLengthStreamDrawdownPermanently Tributary Confluence Affected Affected Gradient Zone Inundated (River Mile)(mi)(mO (ft/mO (mO (mi) I Deadman Creek 186.7 0.7 2.7 253 .5 2.2 Watana Creek 194.1 1.0 8.51:./601:./0.0 8.5 IEastForkN/A 1.2 1.21/1131/1.1 0.1 West Fork N/A 2.1 2.111 671/L8 0.3 JKosinaCre~k 206.8 1.7 4.5 118 1.0 3.5 Jay Creek 208.5 1.4 3.5 143 .8 2.7 Goose Creek 231.3 1.2 1.2 114 1.1 0.1 Oshetna River 233.4 2.2 2.2 41 2.2 0.0 1/Stage III Watana.Water Surface Elevation:2,185 ft.MSL Z/Watana Creek below forks ---J,:F .Wal:an-aCree1<.above :r.~=t=-~--~-~·~··_-~~ Source:Adapted from ADF&G 1983b I j I \ ·1 ) ] I r TABLE E.3.2.106:Monthly Maximum,Minimum and Mean Flows at Gold Creek (CFS) Stage III -Watana (High)-Devil Canyon Operations Month Natural Flows With-Project Conditions Early Stage III Flows Late Stage III Flows Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Octob r 8,212 3,124 5,825 9,488 5,032 7,720 11,090 5,032 8,609 Novem er 4,192 1,215 2,578 8,724 5,235 8,244 11 ,466 3,000 9,530 Decem er 3,264 866 1,828 9,401 8,074 9,011 12,857 5,466 10,987 Janua y 2,452 724 1,524 8,471 7,456 8,256 11,752 6,547 10,268 Febru ry 2,028 723 1,309 8,284 7,358 8,112 11,611 6,459 10,139 March 1,900 713 1,173 7,462 6,575 7,280 10,533 5,772 9,076 April 2,650 745 1,441 7,187 5,610 6,623 9,874 4,923 8,064 May 21,890 3,745 13 ,483 10,524 6,080 7,643 12,857 5,912 9,027 June 50,580 15,500 27,795 10,394 7,867 9,223 12,388 7,907 10,355 July 34,400 16,100 24,390 26,016 8,000 13,156 11,748 8,000 9,414 Augus 37,870 8,879 21,911 36,698 8,000 18,489 22,316 8,000 10,710 Septe ber 21,240 5,093 13 ,493 20,605 6,767 13,406 18,391 6,767 10,761 ANNUAl 11,961 5,596 9,781 11,961 6,942 9,781 11,961 6,333 9,742 1 'TABUE E.3.2.107:, , ITQTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA I~ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DWRING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIME --------~-~----------~-+---~---------+------~------------------------------------ ¢arly stage III Flows Natural Flows ---~-~-------------+-------------------------------------------;illTotaliHabitatAreaExceeded I Total Habitat Area Exceeded I Calendar I 90%501.i 101.I 901.501.101. Week I 1 I Percent oflTime I Percent of Time --------~~~L~------~~4-~-----~-----~~+---------~-~------~------------------------ ?,:,>!.....L' 23i 241 251 26: 27 28 291 30' 31 32 :33 34 ::~5i 361 37' 38 39i (sq ft) ,I I I I !5346615 5738188 I I 5711 1 964 5729148 5782783 I !5865743 5794908I I5794908I I5767194, I 5794908 I I5794908, i 57947'°8 551-2 +°1 5725102 I I5704346,I 5378032 51471.38 !i51t7~38 (SA ft) 5805357 5929310 5929310 5929310 5929310 5929310 5929310 5929~:;10 5929310 5985561 6006532 5996771 6006819 6078320 6000258 6008042 5960600 5799111 <sq ft) 5928598 5929310 5929310 5929310 :D929310 5929310 6089966 '6506449 6750031 6784760 ! 6595469 I ~376799 6216433 6291106 I{:>307107 6228691 6259540 6216278 (sq ft) 5887756 5476820 3494928 5218277 5958463 5960915 6963999 5954151 5971538 5517503 5954772 4956682 5561vn4 5517503 5685606 5690184 5292193 4987661 (sq ft) 6131097 6222510 6151734 6187294 6372627 6245443 611218808 6240076 6137691 6294162 6171091 6063121 6096961 6138112 6000258 6008042 5960600 5809273 (sq ft) 684341212 6893240 6780969 68409~:;3 6892074 6836489 6790478 6873055 6847559 6815705 6823350 6376799 6376799 6292156 6316496 6228691 6259540 6216278 ~-: Calendar,Week 22 =We~kIBe~inn~ng Mayl27 ~--'---------' TABLE E.3.2.108:TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN ALL REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIME Late Stage III Flows Natural Flows I,------------------------------------------------------------------1 Calendar Week Total Habitat Area Exceeded 90%501.10% Percent of Time Total Habitat Area Exceeded: 901.501.101. Percent of Time (sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ·ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 22 5586825 5735399 6194400 5887756 6131097 6843402 23 5666345 5807735 5929310 5476820 6222510 6893240 24 5673545 5808222 6190181 3494928 6151734 6780969 25 5671184 5847999 6152700 5218277 6187294 6840933 26 5663766 5794908 5929310 5958463 6372627 6892074 27 5716871 5909072 5929310 5960915 6245"-143 6836489 28 5726084 5902044 5929310 6963999 6108808 6790478 29 5694015 5929:::510 5929310 5954151 6240076 6873055 30 5704532 5926367 5929:::::10 5971538 6137691 6847559 31 5664157 5893721 5929310 5517503 6294162 6815705 32 ~)693549 5842494 5929:::',10 5954772 6171091 t1823350 ::~3 5710287 5929310 6146531 4956682 6063121 6376799 34 5757441 5929310 6126918 55610:::::4 6096961 6376799 35 5739023 5929310 6197795 5517503 6138112 6292156 36 5681436 5794908 621643:::;5685£')06 6000258 6316496 37 5378032 5735891 6206042 5690184 6008042 6228691 38 5 j.LJ.7 1 ::::;s 5754687 6163950 5292193 5961(~61Zl0 6259540 39 5147138 5796548 5983301 4'-=jl87661 5809273 6216278 --------- Calendar Week 22 =Week Beginning May 27 I I, I I Iij TABLE E.3.2.109: I i I I : I I WOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 pURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER EARLY STAGE III FLOW REGIMES --------------------l-r-------------~--------------------------------------.------ i I Early Stage IiII Flows I Natural Flows I -~r-~------~------~--------------------·------------------------1 Toltall Habi tat Areal E>:ceeded I Total Habitat Area Exceeded I Cal endC}r I!9;0%50%,10%I 90%50%10% l.tJeek i I I I Percent 9f Ti me I Percent of Time ------..,;.---~--------~-~-I---'-----------I--.;..--------------------------------------.--.----,I(isq:f t ) (sq f t ) (sq f t )(sq f t ) (sq f t ) (sq f t ) I +2 4~..,..18476 160121147 4730723 3853133 4125226 4543200.....:-~_.. ':)7 414~8344 4727844 4727844 3426713 4124438 4449608L-.:J 24 414113518 4727844 4727844 2335QJ~20 4071885 4488465 25 ~451764 4727844 4727844 3284299 4076823 4581977 26 I i 4727844 4727844 3828240 4113942 42202664;629940 27 4:725744 4727844 4727844 4025392 4:L 19204 4230208 28 ~145386 4727844 4727844 3976770 4125798 4258885 29 410~8774 4727844 4727844 3853137 4091048 4245477 30 4i0~8592 4725744 4727844 3966421 4137456 4240463 31 4;O02079 4171971 4727844 ~~~449123 4101473 4181791 32 41040695 4179058 4727844 4039301 4138079 4230401 ::J3 4040399 4186821 4727844 3140204 4171382 4496151 34-"'!46'"'8""8 4252662 4727844 4040200 4176297 4629213...:...::.._.. I I 3'5 48 1'9665 4433162 4727844 4037705 4332384 4712545 36 4i0:::~7663 4430849 47:::'~4924 409615:::'~4398222 47:::'~4924 37 4195806 4448220 472153~5 4151235 4528447 4721533 38 4172012 4357829 4718252 4145776 4450270 4718252II39424492944924904720054411690245041394720054 ---------!I Calendar Week 22 =We$k Beginning M.y 27 ! I ----..:'~-',-L --.'---' TABLE E.3.2.11121:TOTAL CHINOOK REARING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER LATE STAGE III FLOW REGIMES Late Stage III Flows Natural Flows Calendar Week :------------------------------------------------------------------1 Total Habitat Area Exceeded I Total Habitat Area Exceeded I 90%50%10%I 90%50%10% Percent of Time I Percent of Time (sq oft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq f°t)(sq ft) 22 4321512 4427439 471215611 3853133 4125226 454320121 23 4331791 4518613 4729067 3426713 4124438 4449608 24 4347859 4603977 4727844 2335020 4071885 4488465 25 4335317 4655812 4727844 3284299 412176823 4581977 26 432121770 4464864 4727844 3828240 4113942 4220266 27 4432822 4725744 4727844 4025392 4119204 423121208 28 4446286 4725744 4727844 ~597677l?l 4125798 4258885 29 4399419 4727844 4727844 :::'~853137 409112148 4245477 30 4~~:;8121656 4727316 4727844 :::'~966421 4137456 4240463 :::'\1 432612196 4712075 4727844 3449123 4101473 4181791 32 4398738 4711701 4727844 4039:::::01 413812179 423121401 33 4120335 4691978 4727844 3:1.40204 4171382 4496:1.51 34 412181098 4675669 4727844 4040200 4176297 4629213 ":'"c"4168675 4675177 4727844 4037705 4332384 4712545"_'w 7"./4145789 4623713 4727844-4096153 439822:;~4734924"_'0 37 428711211 4421124 4657908 4151235 4528447 4721533 38 4244929 ·4463560 473147:::;4145776 4450270 47:L8252 39 4244929 456:1.480 4728717 4116902 4504139 4720054 --------- Calendar Week 22 =Week Beginning May 27 TABLE E.3.2 •111 :SUMMARY OF,ACCESS CONDITIO~S FOR CHUM SPAWNING SITES DURING (Page 1 of 4) STAGE I OPERATION BASED ON MEAN,MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS - !I, -.-I !I Early Flows FlowsIINau:ral Fl ws tage II Late tage II River Mile~1 PassagE Max "mum Jiteari Min"mum Maximum Me n Min"mum Max"mum Mean Minimum :Site Name Designations II I AUG SEP AWG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEP AUG SEPR~ach - i ! Whisker's Creek 101.41 !I 5::.1 I-T ----- --- - - - - --- Slough in ----- - - ------- - --I 'T!~I IMainstemII115.0R !I ,S S S siD U S S S S S U U S S S S U [II IS S S S U U S S S S S U U S S U U U III --I --- - - -- -------- IVL - - T - - ---------- - --TIVRSSS U U U S S U U U ·U U S U U U U IVR --1 - - - ----- --- ---- VIR --1 -- - - - - -- ------- i 1VIIR- - - --- - ;..----- - --- VrtIR --I - - ----- --------T Slough 8A 126.0R I S S S S S U S S S S S U S S S S S U :II S S S U U U S S S U U U S S U U U U ill I SiD siD USSSU U U S S U U U S U U U t VL S U U U U U S U U U U U U U U U U U !IVR -------- ---- ----- VR - - 1 ----- ----- ----- VIR - - 1.--- ------------ I ., VIIR --,---------- ----- niIR --I ---- --- - ------- IXR - -T ---- -------- - -- iXR --T -------------- - : ,--------------'------..J '-------''-;---'~L~:'------' - ----_.-._-.~_.----.~- --..~---~--------"--"--'------'-_..---_.-----.--~..._- TABLE E.3.2.111:(Page 2 of 4) Nat ral Flow Early Stage II Flows Late tage III Flows River Mil~1 Passage M x Mean MOn Max Me,n Min M x Me,n MOn Site Name Designations Reach-I Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Slough 9 128.8R I S S S S U U S S S S U U S S U U U U II ------- ----------- III -- - ----- ------- - - - IV -- - ------- - -- - - - -- V - - -- - - - - - ----- - --- Slough 9.ll 133.9R I S S S S U U S S S S U U S S U U U U II - ----- -- - - - - - --- -- III -- - --------- ------ IV -- - --- -- - --- ----- - V --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - VI -- - --- - - - - - - - ----- VII - - ------- - ----- --- VIII -- --- --- -- - -- - - --- IX - - ---- - ----- ---- - - X - - ------ - - -- - - - --- XI ---- - - -- - ----- --- - Side Chat nel 10 133.8L I S S S S U U S S S U U U S SiD U U U U II -- - -- -- - - ----- ---- III - - - -------- - - - --- - IV --- --------------- V ------------------ VI -- - -------------- - TABLE E.3•2 .111 :(Page 3 of 4) 1 Natural Flo,w Early tage III Flows Late tage III Flows River Mile~1 Passa§e Max Mean!Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Site Name Designations Reach~1 Aug Sep Aug S~p Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Slough 11 135.6R I!S S S U U U S S S U U U S S U U U U II!S S S di U U S S SiD U U U S SID U U U U III!S U U l1r U U S U U U U U U U U U U UII'IV;U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U V;I --- - -i --- ---- - ---- -I VIi - - --,----- - - - ------ VIIi -- - -!--- - - - ---- - --- :II Upper Side 136.3R I!----!- - - ---- -- --- -- Channel 11 i II:--I -- - - - - - - - --- - -- - Slough 19 139.7R Ii ----I -------------- II --'--'-- - -- ------ - - - III - ---;-- - ----- - -- - - - I~- --_!-------------- Vi - --_!--- - ---- - - - - -- 139.9R VIr S S S 81 U U S S S S U U S S U U U U VIIi S S S ~U U S S S U U U S S U U U U VIII!s s S U!U U S S SID U U U S SID U U U U IX!S U U U!U U S U U U U U U U U U U U Slough 20 140.2R I S S S si U U S S S S U U S S U U U'U II!S S S Uj U U S SiD U U U U S U U U U U III!- ---I ----- - ---- - ---, IV;----'--- - --- - - - -- - - Vi -- - -j -- - ..;.- - - -- - - - - - VI!- --i ---------- ----- r.,! ~~,'-----..',I!":,i','...."---~ ~---~--'----~------_._~~-----_.- ,-~--~---~...----,'-~,-~,-',--,-- TABLE E.3.2.111 :(Page 4 of 4) Na ural Flo s Early tage III Flows Late tage III Flows River Mi1e~/Passage Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Site Name Designations Reach-/Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Aug Sep Side ChaI1 nel 21 141.4R I S S S S S U S S S S S U S S S S S U II S S S S U U S S S S U U S S S S U U III ------------ - - - --- IV -- --- --- - --- ----- - V ----- ---- --------- VI ------ - --- - - - --- - - VII ----- - - - -- - -- - --- - 141.6R VIII ----------- - ------ IX ------- - - -- - --- - -- Slough 21 142.1R I - - --- - - --- - --- - --- II - - ----- - ------- -- - llIL - - - -- - ---- -------- IIIR ------- - - --- - ----- Slough 22 144.4L I S S S U U U S S S U U U S S U U U U II S U SiD U U U S U U U U U SiD U U U U U III ---------- - - ------ ~/Sourc e:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 E./Sourc e:ADF&G 19851,L=Left and R=Right looking upstream E./Influe nce of backwater was not evaluated since breaching/flow occurs !!/ at dis charg~lower than those required for providing backwater influence. U=Uns ccessfu1 conditions S/D=Su ccessful with difficulty S=Succ essful conditions I TABLEE.3.2~112:TPT~L CHUM SPAWNING H~BITAT IN IFG AND DIHAB MODEll SITES D~RING SUMMER MONTHS [ UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIME -------------------------------------~-~-----------------+------------------------------------------------------_._------------- Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area E>:ceeded 9111%5111%1 0'l. Percent of Time Calendar Week Early Stage III Flo~Regime I La~e St.age III Flow Regime Modelled Habitat ArearE>:ceeded I Modelled Habitat Area E>lceeded 9111%50%'1111%I 9111%5111%1111% Percent of Time i I !Percent of Time!;:;!:;1 -------------------------------------~--------------~----~---------------------------------~-------------_.------~_._---~------- (sq ft)(sq ft)ft.)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 32 46690 73195 75531 47387 48725 67764 72935 74117 76821 33 4669111 7331112 83706 4669111 4941113 73881 3511161 73755 78712 34 44695 73369 83557 46690 48963 73269 451111112 74129 8411211 35 4669111 75444 85363 .';1-669111 50633 74183 44286 7611130 85363 36 46690 74642 85831 46690 5441115 83557 47448 75257 8621112 37 411111112 76554 85219 411111112 59032 84199 47448 76554 85219 38 3111653 74376 86928 30653 5911147 86787 36322 74376 86928 39 30653 55189 86150 ::;:;111653 53196 84911 26285 6244111 86438 -------------------------------------~-------------------t-------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar Week 32 =Week Beginning Aug~st 5 :'~'---'.~,-------, TABLE E.3.2.113J TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 DURING SUMMER WEEKS UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIMES Calendar- Week Early stage III Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area EHceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Late Stage III Fl~w Regime Modelled Habitat Ar-ea Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10% Percent of Time 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 (sqft>(sq ft>(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft>(sq ft)(sq ft) 784981 832073 883256 789403 796449 845897 826654 849978 883525 784981 829384 863293 784981 798869 853837 330883 832670 858434 470522 833106 854194 784981 797299 847750 689191 836728 862500 676094 843238 867223 784981 803249 851937 620955 852626 868158 784981 840645 866908 784981 816694 866252 789790 840645 866908 757205 834550 864098 757205 825269 864435 789790 840943 864098 689123 844361 867598 689123 827055 867598 729972 844361 867598 689123 819486 865277 689123 812382 865277 61218728 825264 86561213 Calendar We~k 32 =Week Beginning August 5 TABLE E.3.2.114;TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT A~AI~ABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS IN IFG AND DIHAB MODELl SITES UNDER STAGE III FLOW R~GIME' --------------------~-----------------.;---:------------------~-----------------------------~-------------------------_._-.--------- Calendar Week .,. Ea~ly Stage III Flow Regime Modell ed Habi tat Are!a E>lceeded 90/.50/.'10/. Percent of Time Late Stage III Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90/.50/.10/. Percent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90/.50/.10/. Percent of Time ---------------------~--~------------~--~-----------------~------------------------------------------------------------------- (sq ft)(sq ft)~sq ft)(sqi ft)(sq ft)(sq ft) 40 .30653 44783 80392 30653 49998 57390 21116 44783 80392 41 !30653 43183 49157 3~653.49470 66367 19923 38552 49157 42 !25428 43379 46716 21554 48306 64789 15404 21348 42731 43 142049 44413 46587 18965 49023 66165 11066 20021 29479 44 143406 45358 4~879 14224 51492 57035 8127 16393 21148 45 1 45404 46736 47170 16455 55403 63008 7586 13242 19511 46 146833 47134 i 47512 4b704 61729 71412 7112 12294 16391 47 i 47280 47543 i 47891 417222 71218 86277 6230 11547 15172 48 147708 47949 I 48556 4 17714 79618 87196 5552 10872 14053 ~~~:~~~;-~::~-~;-:-~::~-;:;~~~~~;-~;;9i~:~-~---------------~------------------------------------------------------------------- .,I .~'---''~'--- TABLE E.3.2.115:TOTAL CHUM SPAWNING HABITAT IN REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS 2,3,AND 4 AVAILABLE FOR INCUBATION OF EMBRYOS DURING EARLY WINTER WEEKS UNDER STAGE III FLOW REGIMES Calendar Week Early Stage III Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90/.50%10% Percent of Time Late Stage III Flow Regime Modelled Habjtat Area Exceeded 90%50/.10% Percent of Time Natural Flow Regime Modelled Habitat Area Exceeded 90%50%10r. Percent of Time 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (sq ·ft)(sq ft>(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft)(sq ft> 689123 776940 855079 689123 800986 827328 743236 790083 887478 689123 770193 797989 689123 799108 843478 761361 790087 830175 592951 771022 785145 521634 793526 840746 726475 794180 813151 765413 77538121 784545 481271 797514 843128 709737 801152 813434 771135 779363 786182 360953 806313 826064 731494 776597 819621 779559 785275 788026 417575 820249 837661 752897 775962 82924111 785889 787798 790199 785068 835446 852213 774723 791::;14 841854 788729 790399 792607 788357 851878 869312 792830 804263 853051 791446 792973 795849 791484 865771 867986 805815 816042 829623 Calendar Wkek 40 =Week Beginning October 1 } TABLE E.3.2.116:SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1 SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES STAGE III (WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1981 CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS STAGED CONSTRUCTION 50 FT DRAWDOWN AT DEVIL CANYON 2 LEVELS OF PORTS RIVER MAY JUNE JULY I MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 15ol.1 j 2.7 3.2 4.0 4.5 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.5 8.2 7.3 7.0 8.5 9.8 10.4 140 2.9 3.5 4.3 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.6 8.8 8.5 7.6 7.4 8.8 10.0 10.6 I1303.1 3.9 4.7 5.2 6.1 6.6 7.9 9.1 8.5 7.8 7.4 8.6 9.7 10.1 120 3.4 4.4 5.2 5.7 6.7 7.0 8.5 9.7 8.9 8.2 7.8 9.0 10.1 10.5 110 3.6 4.8 5.7 6.2 7.3 7.3 9.0 10.2 9.3 8.6 8.2 9.3 10.5 10.8 992:.1 3.9 5.3 6.1 6.7 7.8 7.6 9.5 10.7 9.6 9.0 8.6 9.7 10.8 11.1 .j9adl4.0 5.4 6.1 6.4 7.3 6.7 8.0 8.7 8.0 8.0 7.8 8.1 8.6 8.6 84!±1 4.4 6.2 7.0 7.2 8.3 7.2 8~8 9.5 8.7 8.7 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.3 -"1 RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER !MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 15011 9.9 5.3 5.0 6.6 7.3 7.3 7.6 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.1 5.4 ]140 10.1 5.6 5.2 6.8 7.4 7.4 7.6 7.9 7.3 6.9 6.4 5.9 5.0 130 9.8 5.7 5.4 7.0 7.5 7.4 7.6 7.5 6.9 6.6 6.1 5.5 4.5 120 10.1 5.9 5.7 7.3 7.7 7.5 7.6 7.3 6.6 6.4 3.9 J11010.4 6.1 5.9 7.6 7.9 7.6 7.7 7.1 6.4 6.2 5.7 5.0 3.4 992:.1 .10.7 6.4 6.1 7.9 8.1 7.7 7.7 6.8 7.1 6.0 5.5 4.7 2.9 9s11 8.5 6.7 6.4 7.5 7.2 6.9 6.4 4.9 4.7 4.8 4.4 3.7 2.1 i---84!±/--9.1-··7.1--7.1 8.3---7.-6--7.-1---6.6---4-.4--4.2---4.3 --4-.0-3.2 1.3 II Downstream of Devil Canyon Dam Site 2:.1 Upstream of Chulitna -Susitna confluence 1.1 Downstream of Chulitna -Susitna confluence !f./At Sunshine Stream gagillg station 1 1 1 ( I TABLE E.3.2.117:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SIMULATED STREAM TEMPERATURES STAGE III WEATHER PERIOD:SUMMER 1982 CASE E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS STAGED CONSTRUCTION I 50 FT DRAWDOWN AT DEVIL CANYON 2 LEVELS OF PORTS RIVER MAY JUNE JULY MILE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 15011 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.4 6.1 6.6 7.3 8.6 9.6 9.8 9.9 140 3.8 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.1 5.6 6.4 7.1 7.8 8.9 9.9 10.0 10.2 130 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.2 5.4 5.8 6.7 7.5 8.0 9.0 9.9 9.6 10 .0 120 4.4 4.3 4.8 5.1 5.7 5.8 6.1 7.2 8.2 8.6 9.5 10.4 9.9 10.5 110 4.7 4.5 5.2 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.4 7.7 8.7 9.1 9.9 10.8 10.3 10.9 992:.1 5.0 4.7 5.5 5.8 6.5 6.5 6.8 8.2 9.4 9.6 10.3 11.3 10.6 11.4 98]/4.9 4.5 5.4 5.5 6.3 6.6 6.2 6.8 8.5 8.1 8.3 8.8 8.0 8.7 84!i1 5.3 4.9 6.0 6.1 7.2 7.7 6.8 7.8 9.7 8.9 9.0 9.7 8.8 9.6 RIVER AUGUST SEPTEMBER· MILE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1501/9.9 9;7 9.9 8.5 7.3 7.6 7.8 8.0 140 10.2 9.'9 10.1 8.7 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 130 10 .2 9.9 10.1 8.7 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.4 120 10.7 10.2 10.5 9.1 7.7 7.6 7.3 7.3 110 11.1 10.6 10.9 9.3 7.8 7.7 7.3 7.2 992:./11.6 10.9 11.2 9.6 8.1 7.8 7.4 7.1 98]/8.8 8.4 8.8 7.3 6.8 6.2 5.1 5.3 84!±1 9.5 9.1 9.5 8.1 7.3 6.5 5.5 5.1 1/Downstream of Devil Canyon Dam Site 11 Upstream of Chulitna -Susitna confluence 1/Downstream of Chulitna -Susitna confluence !il At Sunshine Stream gaging station TABLE E.3.2.118:MAXIMUM SIMULATED RIVER STAGES FOR CASE E-VI FLOW CONSTRAINTS, INFLOW TEMPERATURE-MATCHING, AND WINTER 1981-82 CLIMATE DATA NOTES: 1.[]~~~~~~;e:~~~~i~l~u~~e~~r:~h~idei~~:~i~~~ge equals or 2.All river stages in feet •. Source:Exhibit E,Chapter 2. 1 J , 1 1 j ~l j -1 1 1 j ! I 1 I 1 ( 1 787 I::~I 459 474 485 487 518 545 569 581 603 617 628 650 ·656· 1668 1 684 715 729 Simulated Stage III Conditions 1-2 114 3-5 ~~ 457 472 1484 1 486 523 549 571 583 606 620 Simulated Natural Conditions 367 453 (Upland) 476 482 487 (Upland) 548 573 582 604 617 626 651 657 667 687 (Upland) 730 747 Threshold Elevation 101.5 112.0 112.3 114.1 115.5 115.9 120.0 123.5 126.1 127.1 129.3 130.6 131.8 133.7 134.3 135.3 136.5 139.3 140.5 ...J!+1.8 ... River Mile MSII West MSII East Curry Moose 22 144.8 788 Whiskers Gash Creek 6A 8 LRX-3 Ice Front Starting Date Maximum Ice Front Extent (River Mile) Melt-out Date Slough or Side Channel 8A West 8AEast· 9 9 u/s 4th July 9A 10 u/s 11 d/s 11 17 20 .21 (A6) TABLE E.3.2.119:NATURAL AND ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS AND TURBIDITY VALUES EXPECTED TO EXIT DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR DURING STAGE III OPERATION Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Observed Stage III Operation Suspended Estimated Mean Sediment Suspended Estimated Concentra-Sediment Mean tions.!!Concentrati onsl1 Turbidity (mgl 1)(mg/l)NTu~1 <1-8 55 110 N.A.50 100 1-6 25 50 N.A.25 50 65-1,110 15 30 151-1,860 35 70 100-2,790 75 150 158-1,040 75 150 23-812 55 110 6-140 50 100 N.A.70 140 N.A.70 140 N.A.=Not Available II Data derived Table E.2.4.73 (in Exhibit E,Chapter 2) %1 Turbidity estimated by using factor of (2x)times TSS concentrations (see discussions in Exhibit E,Chapter 2). TABLE E.3.2.120:IMONTHLY MAXIMUM,!MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUNSHINE (CFS) iSTAGE III -WATANA (HIGH)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS i !, Month Natural Conditidns Early Stage III Flows Late Stage III Flows l:1ax Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean October 20,837 8,176 13,799 2q881 11,129 15,759 22,402 9,604 16,648 November 8,775 4,020 6,185 13 ~944 8,040 11 ,882 16,124 5,805 13,168 December 6,547 2,675 4,426 12 ~710 10,069 11,595 16,167 7,560 13,572 January 5,216 2,228 3,674 llP36 9,249 10,388 14,289 8,340 12,400 February 4,664 2,095 3,115 10~836 9,051 9,908 13,575 8,151 11,935 March 3,920 1,972 2,786 9~375 8,194 8,892 12,437 7,391 10,688 April 5,528 2,233 3,585 9~969 7,736 8,662 12,457 7,048 10,104 May 43:,121 10,799 27,674 37~862 13 ,481 21,874 40,342 13 ,000 23,258 June 116,152 40,702 63,268 77 ~405 33,066 44,695 77,926 33,055 45,827 July 85,600 45,226 64,143 73~890 37,295 52,891 65,761 37,295 49,148 August 84,940 25,092 56,148 82 999 24,031 52,775 68,817 24,031 44,996 September 54,110 14,320 32,867 54 110 15,983 32,722 47,235 15,983 30,077 ANNUAL 28,262 14,431 23,607 28 396 16,473 23,605 28,396 17,052 23,566 .~-'--c _ .-e.--J TABLE E.3.2.121:MONTHLY MAXIMUM,MINIMUM AND MEAN FLOWS AT SUSITNA STATION (CFS) STAGE III -WATANA (HIGH)-DEVIL CANYON OPERATIONS Month Natural Conditions Early Stage III Flows Late Stage III Flows Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean 58,640 13 ,476 32,777 59,829 16,807 34,664 60,590 18,428 35,553 31,590 8,251 15,063 35,538 13,605 20,789 37,990 11,370 22,075 14,690 5,753 9,267 21,261 12,959 16,453 24,723 10,351 18,430 Janua 10,120 6,365 8,112 16,688 13,217 14,828 19,885 12,426 16,840 Febru 9,413 5,614 7,383 15,877 12,785 14,176 19,204 13,280 16,203 March 8,906 5,271 6,412 14,756 11,526 12,520 17,847 11,105 14,316 April 13,029 4,613 7,684 17,672 10,113 12,897 20,021 10,960 14,338 May 88,470 28,713 56,770 80,229 20,902 50,935 81,866 22,479 52,318 June 165,900 73,838 112,256 136,737 52,305 93,641 138,236 54,878 94,773 July 181,400 92,511 126,590 167,898 82,662 115,302 156,910 82,662 111,560 Augus 159,600 80,891 109,084 157,203 79,830 105,704 143,603 73,221 97,925 Septe ber 109,700 37,592 67,721 109,195 39,255 67,667 100,258 36,183 65,022 ANNUAL 63,159 38,030 46,871 63,155 38,038 46,875 63,011 38,778 46,836 TABLE E.3.2.l22:JUVENILE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT INDEX VALUES FOR MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE AT THE SUNSHINE STAT IoNlI UNDER THE NATURAL AND STAGE III OPERATING FLOW REGIMES AGGREGATE HABITAT INDEX VALUE~I Natural Flows Early Stage III Flows Late Stage III.Flows Side Tributary Side Tributary Side Tributary Month Channels Mouths Channels Mouths Channels Mouths June 0.028 0.140 0.050 0.055 0.050 0.055 July 0.027 0.142 0.036 0.110 0.040 0.070 August 0.035 0.120 0.036 0.110 0.05 0.055 September 0.040 0.055 0.040 0.055 0.035 0.051 II From Table E.3.2.ll7 J '\ 1 \ I J l \ ] 1 I I ·1 ~~--------- TA LE [.3.2.123:IMPACT ISSUES AND PROPOSED MITIGATION FEATURES FOR ANTICIPATED FILLING AND OPERATIONAL IMPACTS TO AQUATIC HABITATS,SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCCURRENCE MITIGATION FEATURE Watana Watana IMPACT Development Devil Canyon Development .Devil Canyon ISSUE (Both Stages)Development (Both Stages)Development Filling Operation Filling ,Operation Filling Operation Filling Operation Pass ge of Adult X X X X -Minimum flow -Minimum flow -Minimum flow -Minimum flow Salm n requirement requirement requirement requirement Impa bts to X X X X -Minimum flow -Minimum flow -Minimum flow -Minimum flow Slou bh Habitat requirement requirement requirement requirement -Slough modi--Slough modi--Slough modi- fication fication fication Loss of Side-Channel X X X -Modification -Modification -Modification and Mainstem Salmon of side of side of side Spawhing Areas channels channels channels AlteIred Thermal X X -Multiple le--Multiple le- Regi me vel outlet vel outlet Gas ~uperaturation X X X -Fixed cone Fixed cone -Fixed cone valves valves valves Inur dation of X X -Improved -Improved Trit utary Habitat access to access to fishing area fishing area -Habitat -Habitat improvement improvement Out migration of X X X -Minimum flow -Minimum flow -Minimum flow Jun'enile Anadromous requirement requirement requirement Fist TABLE E.3.2.124:ESTIMATED COST FOR WATER QUALITY AND FISHERIES MONITORING (IN 1985 DOLLARS)DURING CONSTRUCTION (1986 to 2012) II :lnclude.sSt,age I on1)1 2:.1 Includes Stages I and II 11 Includes Stage III Field Field Labor Equipment I 1 1 ! 1 ) .J ] ] J \ .] 1 l I 'j ! 1 I I Total (xlOOO)Travel 10,000 287.5 12,500 290 5,000 170 5,000 170 26,000 480 15,000 615 15,000 615 10,000 450 5,000 305 10,000 1,060 10,000 890 10,000 890 5,000 665 2,500 297.~ 2,500 297.5 2,500 297.5 ..l,.5Q..Q 297.5 2,500 297.5 2,500 297.5 2,500 297.5 2,500 297.5 2,500 297.5 2,500 296.5 2,500··-····2·97.·5 ·-2,500·--.-....2·97.5 2,500 257.5 TOTAL $11,605.0 AVERAGE ANNUAL 429.8 7,500 7,500 30,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 . ..2,Q.OO. 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 -·--·5,000··. ·5,-000- 5,000 150,000 150,000 75,000 75,000 255,000 340,000 340,000 255,000 170,000 680,000 510,000 510,000 410,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 ...17!LQOO . 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 ..··-170,000 ·'170.,000 130,000 120,000 120,000 90,000 96,000 180,000 240,000 240,000 180,000 120,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 240,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 12Q,QQQ~. 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 ·····120·,000·· '120,·000 . 120,000 ManagementYear 198611 198711 198811 198911 199011 199111 199211 199311 199411 19952:.1 19962:.1 19972:./ 19992:.1 20002:.1 20012:.1 20022:.1 20o~1 20042:.1 200sl1 200611 200711 200all 200911 ._--....······2010~/ .........·zo·n:2.1 201211 TABLE E.3.2.l25:ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME STANDARDS FOR BLASTING NEAR AN ANADROMOUS FISH STREAM MEASURED IN FEETll Explosive Charge Weight in Pounds Substrate 1 2 5 10 25 100 500 1,000 Rock 50 80 120 170 270 530 1,180 1,670 Frozen Material 50 70 110 160 250 500 1,120 1,580 Stiff Clay,Gravel,Ice 40 60 100 140 220 440 990 1,400 Clayey Silt,Dense Sand ~40 50 80 120 180 370 820 1,160 Medium to Dense Sand 30 50 70 100 160 320 720 1,020 Medium Organic Clay 20 30 50 70 100 210 460 660 Soft Organic Clay 20 30 40 60 100 190 440 620 II Required distances for charge weights not set forth in this table must be computed by linear intropolation between the charge weights bracketing the desired charge if the charge weight is between one and 1000 pounds; example:for 15 pounds of explosive in rock substrate -required distance =170 feet +15 lbs-10 lbs (270 feet-170 feet)=203 feet; 25 lbs-10 lbs for charge weights greater than 1,000 pounds,the required distance may be determined by linear extropolation. Source:Edfelt 1981 TABLE E.3.2.l26:PROPOSED FISHERIES MITIGATIONS WITH ESTIMATED CAPITAL AND ANNUAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Mitigation Feature Capital Costs Total Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs Downstream Mitigationl/ Protective Slough Berms Restructured Slough Mouth Lowered and Restructured Slough Profile Wing Deflectors Bank Stabilization Rock Weirs Log Barriers Total Impoundment MitigationZ/ Public Access Acquisition Habitat Improvement Total Dam Structuresl/ ,_Mu_LtipLe~LeJl..ELLlntakes .'_'._ Cone Valves -Watana (6 valves) Cone Valves -Devil Canyon (7 valves) 347,000 52,000 224,000 288,000 25,000 98,000 54,000 $1,088,000 650,000 290,000 940,000 000 47,100,000 14,600,000 ---- Total $30,000 N/A 20,000 Total 20,000 N/A NTA N/A ! ,'J .,..-; Total $80,100,000 Total for Fisheries Mitigation $82,128,000 --iICOsting"'detaiTsate itiWCC--1-984aan-dTableE;3;2;128-- --1:/Co-st-sare-based'onprima-ry-mi:-ti:-gation opt-ions------ l/Costing details are in Exhibit D Annual 0 &M $50,000 1 l 1 .J 'J TABLE E.3.2.127:ARCTIC GRAYLING POPULATION ESTIMATES IN SELECTED TRIBUTARIES OF THE WATANA IMPOUNDMENT ZONE Tributary River Mile Estimated Estimated Tributary Estimated Number of Grayling Miles Inundatect21 Grayling in Inundated Reach per Mil~Stage 1 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 3 Total Deadman Creek 186.7 1,83~2.0 0.7 2.7 3,670.1,285 4,955 Watana Creek 194.1 324 7.5 4.3 11.8 2,430 1,393 3,823 Kosina Creek 206.8 1,232 2.8 1.7 4.5 3,450 2,094 5,544 Jay Creek 208.5 455 2.1 1.4 3.5 955 637 1,592 Goose Creek 231.3 791 0.0 1.2 1.2 0 949 949 Oshetna River 233.4 1,103 0.0 2.2 2.2 0 2,427 2,427 Total 14.4 11.5 25.9 10,505 8,785 19,290 J/Modified from ADF&G 1983b Beyer-9. l!Assumes reservoir levels at probable maximum flood stage:Stage 1 Watana =el.2020. Stage 3 Watana =el.2,200.5. 11 Estimated grayling per mile in Deadman Creek was calculated by ADF&G (1983b)for the reach of stream blow the falls (0.3mi).Extrapolation of grayling per mile to total length of stream inundated is likely an overestimation of grayling population size. Source:ADF&G 1983b. 1/Assumes reservoir level at probable maximum flood stage =el. 1,466. TABLE E.3.2.128:ARCTIC GRAYLING POPULATION ESTIMATES IN SELECTED TRIBUTARIES OF THE DEVIL CANYON IMPOUNDMENT ZONE Tributary Fog Creek Tsusena Creek Total River Mile 176.7 .181.3 Estimated Tributary. Miles Inundatedl1 1.3 0.4 1.7 Estimated Number of Grayling in Inundated Reach 176 1,000 1,176 l 1 1 I J ,J 1 J .1 J l I I j J ,j J J ·r TABLE E.3.2.129:ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS OF LONG-TERM MONITORING PROGRAM IN 1985 DOLLARS1/ I ] 11 IJ Task Management and Analysis Adult and Smo1tl/Enumeration Slough Modification Resident Fish Water Quality Contractual Services Materials Repair and Maintenance of Equipment Administration and Support Costs Average Annual Fisheries Monitoring Costs Total Project Cost Costs $200,000 500,000 90,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 50,000 30,000 175,000 $1,220,000 $49,250,000 I , J !/Costs are based on the estimated level of effort required to perform the monitoring studies.These costs are exclusive of those for construction related monitoring. ~/Assumes fishwhee1s at Sunshine and Curry and a smolt trap at Curry. Assumes that Annual Cost will drop to $750,000 after 25 years due to increased efficiency and lack of impact on certain species. TABLE E.3.2.l30:SUSITNA ~YDROELECTRIC PROJE~T SCHEDULE FOR LONG-TERM AQUATIC MONITORINGPLANl/ Study Element Prior ! Dat~Il~85 11986 119188 I 1989 Ava1l.~S S F W S S F W ~S F W S S Stage I 1990 I Watana FIW S S F Complete Stage II Devil Canyon Complete Stage III Watana Complete Complete Project +5 years yes I -~---. yes I -------- yes no I yes I -------- Water Quality 1.Dissolved Gas Supersaturation 2.Temperature/Ice Turbidity/Sediment 3.Mercury/Heavy Metals 4.Dissolved Oxygen, pH,Organic Nitro- gen,and Phosphorus Water Quantity yes ----------_.-------) I.I I I ..)I !I I I I I _i--~---------------~-------------------------------- Fish Resources Structural Habitat Mod1f1cat1ons Fluvial Geomorphology Spetial Monitoring Studies yes yes --- (I~.incrrporate4 a.par I I I I (p~rfo~ed on an a~-nee !I I·: of mitrationl ed basis) -------) ------) '------) Project Schedule (milestones) License Granted Stage One Watana Main Access Begins ** * I W S S F -~inter,Spring,Summer,Fall ,l/Based on the project schedule presen edi in this license application amendment J!fL,~ L-,---.i _ ~ TABLE E.3.2.131;r SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS FOR HABITAT MODIFICATION MEASURES IN SELECTED SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS • ......-.'..... Slough 8A .Slough 9 Slough 9A Slough 11 USC 11 Slough 21 Side Channel 21 Total Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M Costs O&M I Slough Mouth Exe ...tion j 26,000 26,000 ,.'52,000 Wi ng Defl ecto 24,000 24,000 240,000 288,000 Passage Reach Excavations 10,000 7,000 17,000 Protective Berm 61,000 59,000 42,000 24,000 161,000 347,000 Log Barriers 30,000 24,000 54,000 Bank Stabil hatton 25,000 25,000 Rock Weir 37,000 61,000 98,000 Total Slough Excavations I 76,000 26,000 26,000 34,000 45,000 207,000 ~ Total I 121,000 4,000 159,000 4,000 118,000 4,000 184,000 4,000 187,000 4,000 34,000 5,000 285,000 5,000 1,088,000 30,000 TABLE E.3.2.l32:SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTING AQUATIC MITIGATION PROGRAM ·1 Mitigation Measure Construction Mitigation Project Phase for Implementation Year of Implementation Final Planning Construction 1 Preconstruction Design and Planning Construction Monitoring Operational Mitigation Downstream Mitigation Protective Slough Berms Slough Mouth Excavation Lowered and Restructured Sloughs Final Design Watana Stage 1 Construction Watana Stage 1 Construction Watana Stage 1 Construction Watana Stage 1 Construction 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1989 1989 1989 1989 Impoundment Mitigation Public Access Acquisition Habitat Improvement Multiple Level Intakes Cone Va lves Operational Monitoring Final Design 1986 Fina 1 Design 1986 1989 l--Watana Stage 1 Fi lling 1986 1996 -- Devil _G~l1YQn F'~lUllg 1991 1995 Watana Stage 1 Filling 1986 1996 ] Devil Canyon Filling 1991 1995 Watana Stage 1 Fi lling 1986 1996 .J I FIGURES· ·1 ) FIGURE E.3.2.1 ~o ()'.d"O • ~ Em:e,. Creek ", \ \ \ \ \MIDDLE DRAINAGE, ~°f~/"~--------',",,/,",'",--....",...........,,'",----"", I I I ,/ / / // ",,,'", SUSITNA ....."\~6 lRM 26.0)".....~ """""/ I I I LOWER DRAINAGE BASIN 20 LOWER DRAINAGE BASIN--...."." ,//" ,/" ,,'/""", "\ \ \ ,/ / I I I I I I .SUSITNA RIVER .......// DRAINAGE BASIN / ,,"/ ,,"/ ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,",,""-~",.... "," ,/", // I I I I I UPPEIR.MIDDLE.AND LOWER DRAINAGE OF THE SUSITNA PROJECT AREA. / I / I / o SUSITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES FROM MOUTH TO LITTLE WILLOW CREEK ,) ] ,I f ,I .J :.1 I) 'i J l ,\ .j ("1 " FIGURE E.3.2.2 /,./ANCHORAGE ,...,r-'----t...-t-_..J COOK INLET FlATHORN STATION 0 (RM 22) 10 Miles 0 5 10 15 Kilometers 0 ...5-----;,10 Miles..) I J o 5 10 15 Kilometers SUSITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES FROM MONTANA CREEK TO DEVIL CANYON FIGUREE.3.2.3 Rive,. ~ o 5"10 Miles ~J~-. o 5 10 15 Kilo"meters (U7(/ StlJSITNA RIVER AND MAJOR TRIBUTARIES FROM DEVIL CAN'l'iON TO DENALI HIGHWAY1:FIGURE E.3.2.4 "."----""---: ... 1981 1982 CHINOOK ._--49,800 SOCKEYE 133,000 151,000 COHO 19.800 45,700 CHUM 263.000 430.000 PINK 49.500 443,000 1983 1984 CHINOOK 90.100 121,700 SOCKEYE 71,500 130.100 COHO 15,200 94,700 CHUM 265,800 765,000 PINK 40,500 1,017,000 1984 605.800 190.100 812,700 3,629.900 CHINOOK SOCKEYE COHO CHUM PINK 1981 1982 1981 1982 10,900 DEVil CANYON CHINOOK ---11,300 4,800 3,100 SOCKEYE 2,800 1,300 3,300 5,100 COHO 1,100 2,400 20,800 49,100 CHUM 13,100 29,400 2,300 73,000 PINK 1,000 159,000 1983 1984 1983 1984 -------- CHINOOK 9,700 18,000 SOCKEYE 1,900 3,600 COHO .800 2,200 CHUM 21,100 49300 PINK 5,500 116:900 149,400 18,200 26.500 369,300 1981 1982 04.400 8.900 10,800 60.700 39,000 17,000 19,800 136,100 ,1983 1984 CHINOOK SOCKEYE COHO CHUM PINK CHINOOK SOCKEYE COHO CHUM PINK 8OURCE:AOF&G t198Sb POPULATION ESTIMATES OF ADULT SALMON IN SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E.3.2.5 BELUGA R. I.'S~SlrNA R.LITTLE FISH CRE.~~.~'MAllINUSKA R. I '."'.!I:II SUSITNA R.~-KNIK .--:.;,,......,-".,"V..,...,,;,t' I I '.J"::'J !",,-.., [i CHIJITNA R.i .>.,..j ,...J'...1/--- I '....V·-.... CHAKACHAT I •'y-'I /J r:;.'-.NA~.I .[NORTHERN V',ANCHORAGE McARTHUR R "_.,"r.J0"'-"·0lSrR1CT .........'\TURNAGAIN "''\... KUSTATAN R 1 .Vi''/'-''-ARM --•• 1 '~---,. .\'..'..... BIG R ~~:/.,-...../...........'\..."'- ..1\I ""' ORIFT R.\~\•••--1'"--"::';'" "'"~"'i.i '.,;J .'''\,,'.rdE I .,..EAST I " )/,NjI'RAL •FOREjLANO ( '"[DISTRICT \I •:f1i ~I CRESCENT R ,,.S jJ I I ,f-...... TUXEONI '\../I 'A KENAI R.BAY::::-···~.·~..~-',.,:I!):'..\ ".i"I I"\~i ,';'\1.1 '>..i./..-KASIL\>F R. :'..I/i CEFAL DISTRICT I [i ""'"'TNA ....-/••,'! BAY-:-..VJ}i l :;l.,NCHOR PT. i·.: UPPER COdK INLETCOMME~CIAL SALMON MANAGEMENT AREAI'FIGURE E.3.2.6 4.;''--- ACTIVITY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY MONTH JUNE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CHINOOK ADULT PAstGE SPAWNING INCUBATION EMERGENCE REARING SMOLTING I I I I..•......... II.•I I ..... ~....I "'11I'I I I aI .....1-eM It.... PINK ADULT PASSAGE SPAWNING INCUBATION ~EMERGENCE OUTMIGRATlON ~I • I I .d ••••••••••• ••~...I ••• ........... •..1 ..-....... ...+0-I I I I CHUM ADULT PAS GE SPAWNING EMERGENCE REARING I I I I .....•..... •••I I ••••••••• .u I +rll ... ~....-.. ....+OM I I I I LEGEND: __III INTE~SE ACTIVITY .........MODaRATE ACTIVITY ...." • I .... TI MING OF LIFE STAGES OF SALMON IN THE SUSITNA RIVER FROM TALKEETNA TO DEVIL CANYON SHEET I OF 2 SOURCEl AOFllG ISqlo.I58ld.19830.IS83m.IS84c.1984h. ISaillb.191111CI MORROW 1980 FIGURE E.3.2.7 ACTIVITY MONTH • JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC !; COHO i 'ADULT PASSAGE i .......j 'SPAWNING i .... i INCUBATION/EMERGENCE j ....10................. I :REARING I',c SMOlTING .n...01.. SOCKEYE I i i •ADULT PASSAGE i .......i .SPAWNING i ......... ,INCUBATION/EMERGENCE i .,.....111 ....1 ......I REARING ......II .IOB I :OUTMIGRATION it •un...... i i ;! *1 JUVENilE SOCKEYE APPEAR TO BE ABSENT FROM ITHis REACH lEGEND:tI! INTENSE ACTIVITY ..0 ......MODERATE ACTIVITY I ! i I i ,! !i I I I ' i i ! TIMING OFI LIFE STAGES Off SALMON IN THE SUSITNA RIVER I F.ROM TALKEEtNA TO DEVIL CANYON !I I i I SHq:ET 20F 2 FIGURE E.3.2.7 84 129 2 6 0 81 82 Slough 2 Slough 1 27 0 49 o 0 0 81 82 8"S --'1...-_Slough 1 Slough 3A 81 82 83 84 Sockeye 7 0 0 1 1 Pink 1 0 0 56 Chum 0 0 0 17 '. 84 A MATCHllNE ~o Slough 38 1 0 5 o 0 0 o 0 3 Slough 3B 81 82 83 Whiskers Creek -, 81 82 83 1 0 0 1 138 0 70 176 o 0 Whiskers Creek a River Mile Sockeye Pink Chum Chum Pink Coho Chinook SLOUGH AND TRI BUTARY INDEX AREA PEAK SPAWNING COUNTS !iOUflU:ADF a G 19810,19830,1984h,1985b FIGURE E.3.2.8 .( 1 1 J 1 ] j Slough 6o 1 4 1 o o 2 o o Chum 0 Sockeye 0 Pink 0 Cha.e Creek 81 82 83 84 Chinook 0 15 15 3 Chum 79 0 0 1 Pink 38 107 6 438' Coho 80 36 12 239 A MATCHLINE ] Slough 8 81 82 83 84 Chum 302 0 0 65 1Pink250 0 1 Sockeye 0 0 0 2 1 Lane Creek 81 82 83 84 \Slough 8 Chinook 40 47 12 22 Chur,n .76.1 1 6 31 Pink 291 640 287 1184 ICoho3 5 2 24 IGashCreek 81 82 83 84 0 Coho 141 74 0 234 1Slough6A00196 Cl R,,'!!r .\1';,'.1 Slough 6A 81 82 83 84 Chum 11 2 6 0 Sockeye 1 0 0 0 Pink 0 35 0 0 Coho 0 35 0 0 SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA -SOURCE:-ADFaG l~~~h,'r:i~~PEAK SPAWNING COUNTS FIGURE E.3.2.9 o~C MATCHLJN_E__-=~~-=-=~_Slough 88 81 82 83 84 84 121 o 1 84. 23 585 24 4 o o 83 . 83 1 28 18 o 48 o 2 o 0 81 82 81 82 14 0 1 23 58 133 81 82 83 84 Lower McKenzie Creek McKenzie Creek Slough 8C 81 82 83 84 Chum Sockeye Pink Chum Pink Coho Little Portage Creek Chum 0 31 0 18 Pink 0 140 7 1 82 Coho 0 8 .0 0 Pink 0 17 0 11 Slough BC Lower Me KenzIe Creek -lillIe Portage Creek \<1._-Slough aD o 23 1 81 82,83 RM 115 IRKm jH.'i) Slough 80 Chum o SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA PEAK SPAWNING COUNTS SOlJRC£:ADF8G 1~~~,'983o,1984h,FIGURE E.3.2,IO SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA PEAK-SPAWN ING-COUNTS--SOURCE:ADF8G 19810,19830,1984h,1985b ] J I I I I J 1 ] r 1 1 1 'j ! I 'l l FIGURE E.3.2.11 140 0 77 111 o 0 0 24 .Chun'l Pink 0 MATCHLINE ShEtrman Creek 81 82 83 84 Chinook 0 3.0 0 Chum 9 0 0 6 PInk 6 24 0 48 Slough 9B 81 82 83 84 90 5 0 73 81 1·0 7 Slough 9 81 82 83 84 Chum 260 300 169 350 SOckeye 10 5 2 6 PInk .0 12 0 1 SloUgh B 81 82 83 84 Chum 0 0 7 108 SOckeye 0 0 2 9 Slough 8A 81 82 83 84 620 336 37 917 177 ·68 66 128 O·28 0 134 ---0~---4-.-0-.-0-- 8A Slough A 8t 82 83 84 Chum 34 O·2 2 PInk 2 0 0 0 - -Slough A -Skull Creek ~r-A_'----S-I-O-U-9-h--A-~t----..., 81 82 83 84 o 76 8 25 84 84 17 2 411 84 92 193 1842 8 1 0 12 1 82 83 Creek 83 6 148 78 3 Creek 81 10 8 Fourth of July Creek - " - Skull 82 56 191 702 "4 RM 130 (RKm July o 3 0 o 1 6 2 113 9 81 82 83 of July Creek 81 82 83 o 1 0 167 23 68o8.22o a 0 Chum Pink 81 4th of ·····5·th:of July Greek ----'l..:~1 Moose Slough 5th Chinook Cht,Jm Pink Chinook Chum·. SOCkeye Pink Chinook Chum 90 Pink 29 Coho 1 Slough 9A 81 82 83 84 Chum 182 118 105 303 Sockeye 2 1 1 0 MATCHt.'INE Slough 10 81 82 83 84 Chum 0 21 36 Sockeye 1 0 Slough 20 SlOugh 19 81 82 83 84 81 82 83 84 Chum 14 30 63 280 Chum 3 0 3 45 Sockeye 2 0 0 0 Sockeye 23 0 5 11 Pink 0 64 0 85 Pink 0 1 0 0 -Slough 20 Slough 17 81 82 83 84 Chum 38 21 90 66 Sockeye 6 0 6 16 Pink 0 0 0 1 Indian River 81 82 83 84 Slough 16 Chinook 422 1053 1193 1456.81 82 83 84 Chum 40 1346 722 2247 3 0 0 15 Pink 2 738 886 9066 Coho 85 101 53 465 Sockeye 0 0 1 1 Gold Creek Slough 16 81 82 .83 84 21 23 23 SLQugh 15 -0 11 7 82 0 1 0 0 Slough 15 81 82 83 .-Gold Creek Chum 1 1 2 Pink 1 132 0 Coho 0 14 GOLD CREEK STATION Sockeye O·0 -Slough 11 Slough 13 Slough 11 81 82 83 84 81 82 83 84 Chum 4 0 4 22 Chum 411 .459 238 1586 Sockeye 893 456 248 564 Pink o 131 0 121 SLOUGH AND TRISlJ.1ARY INDEX AREA SOORCE:AOFaG 19810,198'3o,I984h,l98l5b PEAK SPAWNING COUNTS FIGURE E.3.2.12 Portage Creek I 1 I .'! 1 l I 1 'I .J '1 J ( 7 4 14 6 84 84 2341 1285 12 2707 128 FIGURE E.3.2.13 ..2 6 o 3 2 t 21 5 o 1 1 81 82 83 81 82 83 659 1253 3140 o 153 526 o 4 0 o 169 285 22 88 15 deck Long Creek Chinook Chum S.ockeye Fink Coho Portage Creek -- 83 84 319 2354t5 · 197--1-2-2-. o 8 81 82 "274 "736 38-53o64 Slough 21 84 10 Chum- Sockeye- Pink 83 84 o 2 114151 SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY INDEX AREA PEAK SPAWNING COUNTS 8 0 0 81 82 83 81 82 Slough 22 E MATCHLlN,E .Slough 21 A Chum o ":"'t"\11i.. o -.Slough.22 -.---:: Sockey.,O.0 Chum 0 0 S9'Jf1ce:.A[)F ~GI98IQ.J9~Q.1.9.'!4h.•..1.98Db a I l---J..... "'""O~1!I0·.U HYORO ACeas.,CORRIOOR STREA"N..,.aER e..CORRIOQR "I~a: !1a CllmN8 ~""u ...·.PItOPOSID WATAIU ACCUS C"UtiOON Stream crossing sites aiong the northern portion of the proposed Watana Access corridor. SOURCE:ADF & G 19840 FIGURE E.3.2.14 ,, 'f ........ i--r--··-- ;/_....._... 111"'11 o I '----JMILt: -<i.-~:~&;~U~i:.'H'ifJ:iR--· CM CORRIDOR NILE ~EXISTING LARES _PROPOSE~OIVlL CAH'I'OII ACCCS CORRIOOlI -PROPOSED .....TANA ACCESS CORRIDOR AD'."SU tf'(OlllO-3/2"1'" -1 Stream.crossing sites along the southern portion of the proposed watal'la access corridor,il'lcH.ldi ri9threestlJdyreathes of Deadman Creek.,1 SOURCE~ADFB.G 19840 FIGURE E.3.2.15 j o I I I ...L[ !t!J a8Gtft8o\U Jt~~~?.1'bAM~lffiSSION ®~g~:I~OS~rJ~:f,l~3~tiR CM CORRIDOR NILE1mEXISTlllGLAKEa - -PROPOSED TRANSNISSION CORRIDOR PROPOSEO DEVIL CANYON ACCESS CORRIDOR .•-PROPOSED WATANA ACCESS CORRIDOR AOf 0 a/su HYDRO -~12~/B4 (p ,p oC7(] FIGURE E.3.2.16 Stream crossing sites along the eastern portion of the proposed Devil Canyon access and transnrission corri~ors. SOURCE:ADF a G 19840 o~.-J t ++OOLD CRUll RAILROAD CORRIOOR ""ADf 6 G-au HYDRO TRANSMISSION UIJ CORRIDOR STREAIII HUIllDEH @ M:RIMR-1MX~R~u.i'Bi~ElS eM CORRIDOR IlILEmEXISTINGLAKES ___PROPOSED TRANSMISSION CORRIOOR5 --PROPOSED DEVIL CANYOfl ACCESS CORRIDOR _0 _ANCHORAOE I fAIRBANKS I"TERTIE AOfAe/lu HYDAO ·111418. Stream cros~il~g sites along the western portion of the proposed Devil Canyon access and transmissiop ~orridors,and the proposed Gold Creek rail access corridor. i i SOURCE:ADF f 119840 FIGURE E.3.2.17 ---'~'-------,---'---------' I 1I] 1\L_ FIGURE E.3.2.18 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER A T 23,000 C F S (T 0 P)AND.1 2,500 C FS (BOT TOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 101 TO 102 J,~ :1 !.j Il I.] \1 !! :j ) j ] j 'I I ] J rI [I LEGEND:FIGURE E.3.2.19 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (T 0 P)AND.1 2,500 C FS (80 T TOM) += MS = SC = SS = US = TM·= RIVER MILE MAIN STEM SIDE CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH UPLAND SLOUGH TRIBUTARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 102 TO 104- . I i !.! I I. f I ( ii, t I I \ "r~...,. I f: I r !, ,j , ] ,J "1 I ) ,.J ,1 .1 I '.J .J j I I ] j -j ] 1f J.. lJ DELINEATION OF H.A.BITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER 1, ..1 LEGEND: I +=RIVER MILEl' MS =MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 19$4 FIGURE E.3.2.20 AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) RIVER MILE 105 TO 107 L ---~-----~-~~-----------------~-------------------------------- j { i I ( xc I I I I LEGEND: MS = SC = SS = US = TM = MAINSTEM SIDE CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH UPLAND SLOUGH TRIBUTARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 LINEATION OF HABITAT ABEAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) .RIVER MILE 108 TO 110 J t -1 J 'i:J:' Ii • f I'( )i (,. I ,1 I J 1l ,1f \ J t JL ;\ & \ JI I (II II 1 lI ! I 1 I J J J [ FIGURE E.3.2.22 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE =MAINSTEM SC =SIDE.CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH SO URGE:EWT &A 19-84 RIVER MILE 110 TO 112 "1 '; ...:::1 " J I 11 I\i 1 i 1~, 1~; !, t "-t Ii " ';,~! I 7~ (, /i ! J ('(..' I! , ) I:,1I'I I f f 1 J if \! j ).I[ ! / II I:) )'1r } r LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS =MAIN STEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT &A 1984 FIGURE E.3.2.23 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) RIVER MILE 113 TO ..115 ) ) FIGURE E.3.2.24 I DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER I AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS =MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 116 TO 118 ! I I \ r \ I ! I I 1 ] 1 ] I ) 1 OJ 1 J 1 J ] j j 1 } 1 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E.3.2.25 AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS -MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 119 TO 121 I It I ! I ) ,} ,) ,J 1 J 1 ,l=====~=========t=====------------} "I .,, 'r.":~":J } "J il DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E.3.2.26 AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: I +=RIVER MILE I. MS)=MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHA.NNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 122 TO 124 1 J I ) ] .1 J ] J 1 l ..f 1 -J J } 1 1-=-====-=====;..~._--1 FIGURE E.3.2.27 AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA R R CFS (TOP)AND,12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER 'MILE MS =MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE S'LOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 124 TO 126 ·) 1 ) ,J I il :} j I ,J 1 J l .J --_.........._---- J ) ] ,1 J r FIGURE E.3.2.28 AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS =MAINSTEM DELINEA TION OF HABITAT SC =SIDE CHANNEL AT 23,000 SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH RIVER MILE 127.TO 129 ) .J J 1 1 j l J 'l j 1 .J ] J===========f--=-~----1 J ] 1 J .J t· (, t Ir I \ I, FIGURE E.3.2.29 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND.12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS MAIN STEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 130 TO 132 II t ! ,I ( \ i, ,1 1 ] J 1 1 ) ] ] DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E: AT 2 3 ,000 CF S (T 0 P)AND.1 2,500 C FS (BOT TOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS =MAIN STEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 133 TO 136 I I 1g I J~, r [ ,, ~ :] ;J J J :1 , J I ,\ !1 :J , J ,'] j 'J J '] ;l I J i 1 FIGURE E.3.2.31 RIVER (BOTTOM) 136 TO 138RIVERMILE MIDDLE SUSITNA AND 12,500 CFS AREAS IN THE CFS (TOP) OF HABITAT AT 23,000 DELINEATION SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH J f 'J J ] 1 ! I J ] 1 1 ~~~-----~-~~------~------------~---J r J .] ] ,1 r I~ I 1 r '( i 1 I 1-j ~-------------------I 1 I FIGURE E.3.2.32 139 TO 141RIVERMILE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 LEGEND: I +=RIVER MILE j MS = SC =SIDE·CHANNELI \SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUT ARY MOUTH ) •I ,] ,J ] } ] I 1 ~ I :} ,] ·J :1 ._,;~--~--___.._~---~._---_.•. 1 : J i] l ':J i I FIGURE E.3.2.33 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS =MAINSTEM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT&A 1984 RIVER MILE 1,42 TO 144 tIr 1 l /. ,I I/. I, ! 1 I Ii \' I ] } J ] } 1 ;~ I ) ] 1 J J 1 (J FIGURE E.3.2.34 DELINEATION OF HABITAT AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER AT 23,000 CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE MS -MAINSI EM SC =SIDE CHANNEL SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH TM .-TRIBUT ARY MOUTH SOURCE:EWT &A 1984 RIVER MILE 144 TO 146 tJ 'J --J ) ) 1 r·l I .J ] '] 1 ]--==========--j==-~~-...} ;I ) l I] 11 FIGURE E.3.2.35 AREAS IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER CFS (TOP)AND 12,500 CFS (BOTTOM) LEGEND: +=RIVER MILE =MAINSTEM DELINEA TION OF HABITAT SC =SIDE CHANNEL AT 23,000 SS =SIDE SLOUGH US =UPLAND SLOUGH SOURCE:EWT &A 1984 TM =TRIBUTARY MOUTH RIVER MILE 147.TO 149 Slough 9 Oxbow One 10.7%. ~Side Channel 10 oJ /7.9% Twelve S iles CO/Tl bined SIDE CHANNELS Slough 22 Mainstem II , .9.3%,OibowOne Eight Sites \'/8.2% Combined 4.0.'% Whiskers Creek S 10 ugh 6'~UPLAND SLOUGHS COMBINED'MACROHABITAT. ""TYPES ,Side Channel 10 .,SiDE S LOUGHS ~. 'F i ~~Tr:lbu.l.arle,«<"'".• comblnedIO.4%-'·~ DENSITY DISTRlScUoTIQN "AND 'JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON BY MACROHABITATTYPE ON THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN THE CHULITNA RIVER CONFLUENCE AND DEVIL CANYON,MAY THROUGH VEMBER 1983.PERCENTAGES ARE BASED ON MEAN CATCH PER CELL. E:ADF &G 1984c FIGURE E.3.2.36 30. JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT TRIBUTARIES AND UPLAND SLOUGHS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983 J 1 \ a'!!IZ l3 TRIBUTARIES !Za UPLAND SLOUGHS*NO EfFO~ n =CHINOOK CATCH AUGUSTJUNE I •IS MAY o.o+..;.r::=f-';';'; 20.0 ..J ..J UI c.J a: UI 10.0Q,.ftl ~. :z:: c.J I-< c.J ---....- 2.0 Z <U1. ~ "'11 1.0 S.O ....··......~·......·-I·._6.01_.-li@Ji~s~'~;~~~~D'T,oNs--~~~Ds~Tc:,.A~~~kITlONS*NO EFFORT n •CHI.NOOK CATC H. 4.0 ..J ..J..... c.J a:-~--3-.0,...-..--.......'-""'".... ··..·..--..··....----1-..:1:....-.. ~ c.J Z<.....2.0 ~ 1.0 ... 1- J I I 'j I JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT SIDE SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983 SOURCE~ADF &G 1984c FIGURE E.3.2.37 I r Mainatom II Slough 20 Seven Mainstem Situ Combined Nina Sloughs Combined SI DE SLOUGH~ ", TRIBUTARI ES MAl NSTEM SI DE CHANNELS Slough 5 ,- UPLAND SLOUGHS 'GOMBINED M~CROHA8IT~T "TYPES DENSITY DISTRIBUtiON OF JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON BY MACRO HABITAT TYPE O,N THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN THE HULITNA RIVER CONFLUENCE'AND DEVIL CANYON,MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983.PERCENTAGES ARE BASED ON MEAN CATCH PER CELL. SO~RCE:ADF &G 1984c FIGURE E.3.2.38 Slough 19 4% Mainsllm NO.2 9.8°/. fourteen Mainstlm Side Channe"Combined O.~%Whiskers Creek ~ Slough I ,I ,/Eleven ~Ioughs ---Y Comblnmd 1.2%i Ii c~a ..Icri uk ~TRIBUTARIESI~'< ! WhiskersCrjek Slough \ Whisker. Creek I COMBINED MACROHABITAT TYPES FIGURE:E.3.2.39 SOURCE;ADF.&G 1984c DENSITY DISTRIBUTldN OF JUVENILE COHO SALMON BY MACROHABIT AT TYPE ON THE SUSITNABETWEEN THE CHULITNA RIVER CONFLUENCE AND DEVIL CANYON,~4 Y TH,ROUGIji NOVEMBER 1983.PERCENTAGES AREI ,ASED ON MEAN CATCH PER CELL. I --'~'-----...''~ SlouOh BA Slvln SlouOhli . Combined 2.5 % 5 louOh B 6.5% SlouOh 9 7.B% SlouOh II MAINSTEM SIDE CHANNEL UPLAND SLOUGHS Eleven Moinstem Sites Combined 9.5% 100% S louO h 6A Whiskers Creek S louQ h Slough 22 34.l oio COMBINED MACROHAB'ITAT TYPES. TR 1aUTAR IES SIDE SLOUGHS Chau Creek Four Tributaries Combined 2.0% FIGURE E.3.2.40ADF&G 1984c NSITYDISTRIBUTION OF JUVENILE CHUM SALMON BY MACROHABIT AT ON THE SUSITNA RIVER BETWEEN THE CHULITNA RIVER CONFLUENCE DEVIL CANYON,MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983.PERCENTAGES ARE BASED ON,MEAN CATCH PER CELL. OCT. FIGURE E.3.2.41 SEPT. n=1,010 ,.Tr.~rmTr.aTe a ° Ilnlx'II'r' AUGUST SEPT.OCT. .~··SidrSt·ouQhs . ~0-Upland Sloughs ~m-Side Channels •-No Effort o -No Catch /.T r.-Trace n",1,010 .•I··· - AUGUST - JULY I II JUNEMAY IIl lI I II III I I III MAY .JUNE JULY 6.0- 5.0 1.0- 25 :I: <..>.....«20 <..> ...J«..... 0 15..... lL. 0 .....10 Zw <..>a::w 0-S JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT THREE MACROHABITATS BY SAMPLING PERIOD MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983 PERCENTAGES OF THE TOTAL JUVENILE SOCKEYE SALMON CATCH BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983 SOURCE:ADF&G 1984c "'5'. '.,~U II TRllIUTARIES IS.O ~UPLAND SLOUGHS *NO EFI"ORT--------"-- 10.0 ••COHO CATCH !j.0 ,,'UI ...J ...J lIJ S.Ou a:7.0 lIJ 0..S.O J:S.OU I-4.0q: U Zq: lIJ :E 2.0 JUVENILE COHO SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT TRIBUTARIES AND UPLAND SLOUGHS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983. 'S.O 4.0 ...J ...J lIJ (.) a:3.0 lIJ 0.. 'J: (.) I-q: (.)2.0 z"" q: lIJ::s 1.0 .'IIS ,';.. ."J !lei SIDE SLOUG H" W HABITAT CONDITIONS WZI SIDE CHANNEL ~HABITAT CONDITIONS'*NO EFFORT il-COHO CATCH JUVENILE COHO SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT SIDE SLOUGHS AND SIDE CHANNELS BY SAMPLING PERIOD,MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1983 SOURCE:ADF&G 1984c FIGURE'E.3.2.42 'l 1 1 j ,] 1 J J J 1 j 1 1 .1 j 1 "l I FIGURE E.3.2 .43 °-No Cotch ,E)-Side SlouQh. ~-Upland SlouQhs II-Side Channel. ~-Tributori8S •-No Effort n =1,174 i a.sa. ~'. - , .i ~v,,~ ~reV;~-'" ,,9~..0:-.~.J..,j;ij';,EIt;;;:;U,VII-f-J'~I.,.:"-=.:",..,L.....L.rJ....:!I!'~....c::Ir-+...,...J.."::-:.Tr:Jo:...:1..'rLl'l-O...JlIIll::uY'il/+-'.;.;.:Tr.:.:::..O.:::..O,..,~.:::..O 0::..0:...;0::..,.....,..-.:0:....., r···.II rLn l I II'II III ,Ln'.!I:r.tc MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. OCT. 50 ~40 l-et U ...J ~30o l- l.I.o l-20 z I.LJuex: ~I O-'-f--.r.....r..;;.;,+-+---J....I-'"'"+--+-o...L...i~--r-=---...=;..,...-~---:-~-;-O"--....;0"-r­ I I II I OCT. 5.0 Zet I.LJ ::\E 1.0 ...J 4.0 ...J I.LJ U SOURCE:ADF&G 1984c JUVENILE CHUM SALMON MEAN CATCH PER CELL AT THE FOUR MACROHABIT A TS BY SAMPLING PERIOD, MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983. PERCENTAGES OF THE TOTAL JUVENILE CHUM SALMON CATCH BY SAMPLINGPE:RIOD,MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1983 .. M a ins t e m 0 i s e h a r 9 eat G ol'd.ere,e k 1,000 -en Q) I- (J CO- CO Q) l- e:( Q) 0 CO-100''- :::::len 50 5 10 15 MAINSTEM 20 (X10'!"'"3 efs) SURFACE AREA RESPONSES TO MAINSTEM O'ISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON REACH OF THE SUSITNA RIVER (RM 101 TO 149). SOURCE:EWT &A 1985b FIGURE E.3.2.44 ! WETT~D ~REA OF SITE @ I~ligher Flow !,i I !I I ,i I CLEAR WATER'i TURBID WATER @ Higher Fl,ow @ Higher Flow .',. I I I I , I Indistinct Channel (Shoals)Side ,Sloughs !DIStinct Channel[I lrlbutiIY Mouths Upland Sloughs i@ ,Higher Flow @ HIgher Flow G 1 I I . Dewalered! I @)Lower Flo.w i Clear Waler I Tturbid Water Dewatered Clear WaleroLowerFlowi0,Lower Flow @ Lower Flow o Lower Flow i I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I With,Apparent .Without.Apparent Side Channel Malnstem Become Dlstlncl Remain Indlsllnct Wilh Apparent Without Apparent Upwelling Upwelling (ltSllhan!10%Side Channels 4»Lower Flow Upwelling Upwelling 01 Flow!)I •Lower Flow 2 3 4 i I 10 5 6 1 8;, ! I i i iii FLOW CHART FOR CLASSIFYING THE TRANSFORMATION OF AQUATIC HABITAT!I '.. TYPES BETWEEN TWO FLOWS (CATEGORIES 0-10). SOURCE:ADAPTED FROM EWT&A I ANI D WCC 1985; EWT&AAND AEIDC 198~. i 'l·i···· '-----' FIGURE E.3.2.45 .4 1.0 .9 .8 x W .7oz .6 >- I- ..J .5 CD <! I- ::::>.3 (J) .2 .1 JUVENILE CHINOOK SUITABILITY CRITERIA CURVE DEPTH SUITABILITY CRITERIA SUITABILITY DEPTH INDEX 0.00 0.0 ·0.14 0.0 0.15 1.0 10.00 1.0 o. o 1.0 2.0 DEPT H (FT) 3.0 10.0 SOURCE:1984c JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR ·DEPTH APPLICABLE TO CLEAR AND TURBID WATER HABITATS FIGURE E.3.2.46 SUITABILITY INDEX Clear water less than 5 NTU Turbid water 50 to 200NTL Turbid 0.42 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.80 0.60 0.38 0.25 0.15 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.0 0.42 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.68 0.44 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.06 0.0 Clear LEGEND ---TURBID CLEAR Velocity 0.0 0.05 0.20 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.60 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,, ,1,,'II,!,, '......'............, 1.0 0.8 x W 0.6 0 Z- >- I-- :::!0.4m ?=( I--:0en: 0.2 1.5 2.0 VELOCITY f'.p.s. 0.5 00 I I --:>., I I I I I·I o ~UVENILE CHINOOK SALMON SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR VELOCITIY ·APPLICABL~TO CLEAR AND TURBID WATER HABITATS. !. SOURCE:ADF&G 19840;EWTfA!and WCC 1985 FIGURE E.3.2.47 -'--'------' LEGEND -CLEAR _-TURBID Percent Cover ·0.1 0 - 5 0.2 6 -25 0.3 26 -50 0.4 51-75 0.5 76-100 ,..... I r s L- III M r-- ,.....J I-1J111111111~ U IIIII1 ~ Jl '- ----1.....0.50.1 ..050.1 p 0.5 0.1 ...0.50.1 ...0.50.1 "---.050.1 ·0.5 No Cover 2 Emel1lent Velletation 3 Aquatic Velletation 4 Oebris and Oeddfall 5 OvertJallllinll Riparian 6 Undercut Bonka 7 Larlle Gravel 8 Rubble 311 -5 11 9 Cobble or Boulders over 5" PERCENT ·COVER by COVER TYPE COVER SUITABILITY CRITERIA RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN MODELING JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT UNDER CLEAR AND TURBID WATER CONDITION. FIGURE E.3.2.48 ....lJlIJHLE:EWT&A and WCC 1985;EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 '--~ ·1 o if!e I :.I .I .'I I I I I 1o!1.0 I '2.0 3.0:4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 DE PTH (FT) I .I .D,EPTH SUITABILITY CURVE FOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING. I FIGURE E.3.2.49 SOURCE:ADF&G 1984b . ~::::::----- 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.0 VELOCITY 0.0 1.3 2.8 4.5 SUITABILITY CRITERIA SUITABILITY INDEX 1.0 2.0 3.0'4.0 5.0 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) VELOCITY SUITABILITY CURVE FOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING. SOURCE ADF&G 1984b FIGURE E.3.2.S0 SUITABILITY CRITERIA SUITABILITY CODE INDEX 1.0 0.00 1.1 0.00 2.0 0.00 2.1 0.00 3.0 0.00 3.1 0.025 4.0 0.00 4.1 0.05 5.0 0.00 5.1 0.20 6.0 0.00 6.1 0.60 7.0 0.00 7.1 1.00 8.0 0.00 8.1 1.00 9.0 0.00 9.1 1.00 10.0 0.00 10.1 0.85 11.0 0.00 11.1 0.70 12.0 0.00 12.1 0.25 13.0 0.00 13.1 0.00 I ! : t .COM~UNED SUBSTRAtTE;/UPWELlING SU,TABILITY CURVE FOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING. 1.0 .9 .8 X w .7 0z .6 >- I-.5--J-CO .4« I--.3:::> C/) .2 .1 0 SOURCE:ADF &G 1984b fIGURE E.3.2.S1 REPRESENT ATIVE GROUP I SITE ·107.6L SITE 112.5L 1 """500 (SLOUGH 5)500 (SLOUGH 6A) ...:"""---e-e-en 400 400en 0 00 0 0 0....300 ....300...... (J)(J)c.c. ...:200 ...:200-- 0'e- en 100 en 100'-''-' << ::>::> ~0 ~0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS)(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s)MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II SITE 101.4L .SITE 113.7R """500 (SLOUGH 38)500 (SLOUGH 8) ...:'"""l---e-e- en 400 en 400 0 0 0 0 0 0....300 ....300...... (J)(J) c.c. ...:200 ...:200--e-O'. en 100 en 100'-''-':.',1 << ::>::> ~0 ~0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 .20 30 40 (THOUSANDS)(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s)MAINSTEM PISCHARGE (01s) SITE 126.0R SITE 144.4L (SLOUGH 8A).500 (SLOUGH 22) """500 """-....:-- d-d-400en400en 0 0 0 0 0 0 300....300 .... ...... (J)(J) c..~.c:l. ...:200 ...:200-- d-e- en en 100'-'100 '-' << ::>::> ~~00 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 (THaIIS A.NDS)(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s)MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) JUVENILE CHINOOK HABIT AT QUALITY RESPONSES TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE FOR MODELLED SITES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER PAGE 1 OF 4 FIGURE E.3.2.52 ] 1 l J'1 ) 1 ,i;-:i I :'J l 1 !J 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) o -!----...----.---.__.-..-.._-._...._.;.,._.;.,..._.""T__-••.;.,._.-_.r-~-.__--.._.""'-"""'-"'""""'=_=_,.1...__'·'--0---· ""1 500...- C"rn 400 0 0 0,... 300... Q) Co ...:200- C"rn 100..... <:::) 3:0 0 SITE 128.8R (SLOUGH 9) ... Q) Co 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) 200-- SITE 141.4R (SIDE CHANNEL 21)......5 00 -r------=-:;..~:.....::...:..:.....~-:.-:......:::....;..:...-____....- e- ~100 <:::) 3: ~400 ···-0··---- oo,...300 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (0.1.s) o +----.,..I.--.....---.,.----.--.....--r----r~ o SITE 132.6L (SIDE CHAN.NEL 10A) PAGE 2 OF 4 FIGURE E.3.2.52 REPRESENT ATIVE GROUP III JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITATQUALITY RESPONSES .TO'MAINSTEM OI$CHARGE .FOR MODEi.LED SITES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ~400 ooo,...300... Q) Co ...200- SITE 101.2R (WHISKER'S CREEK EAST SIDE CHANNEL)......500...- <:::) -3:--·-·0-+----,.-I---.--'"T--....---.---r--.....--r--~ ····~-··o-···~··ro···---·ZO-:-·····30-··-~-40··-. (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) 500.........-e-400rn _....+._~"~_.._._.__._..- 0 0 0 300,...... Q) Co...200-e-rn 100..... REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV SITE 112.6L ~1 500 ...--.:...:(S~I.=.D.=.E_C::..:H...:.;A...:.;N...:.;N..:..:E::.:L:::-..:6..:..:A;.;.J ---. l+l,! ,....,500-- SITE 131.7L (4th OF JULY CREEK SIDE CHANNEL) cr UJ,·-\,400o "Ic) ....··300... Q)'l C,i .:1200'to._.J cr -;rr 100 j, ...J"'- 3: 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) g 400 ooo,...300... Q) c- ..:200- cr ~100 <:::> 3: 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) 300 400 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) . 0 +---,r---,...-.....,--....--..,.--r---r-----.r--~o 100 200 SITE 136.0L 500 ..,-...:.:(D=-.=...:::OU..:::G:....·.:::.S-.:D::..:E:::.:L:::.:I..:::G:..:.H.:...:T~S..:.:I D::..:E:::.....;C:::,H..:.:A..:.:N.:.:N..:.:E=.,:L::.::J----.. SITE 134.9R (LOWER SIDE CHANNEL II),....,500 -r---=~::":";"~=-==--="':"~':';":':::"::;"":":':"'---,.,'-,\.~I I I 2?'400 o Cl'\Sa 300 ,LJ Q) c- .{!200 ~I 6·J ~100 <.'§J JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT QUALITY RESPONSES TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE FOR MODELLED SITES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER PAGE 3 OF 4 FIGURE E.3.2.52 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) SITE 133.8L (SI.,OUGH 10 SIDE CHANNEL) '""500--c-400III 0 0 0....300... Q) a. ...:200- 0' III 100..... ~:::> ~0 010203040 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) O+----,--r--.,...----,---r--.,...---r--r---f o 200 ... Q)a. SITE 141.6R 500,...-...::.(.::.S.::.L.::.O-=U-=G:..:..H:.....=.2...:.;O:....-----, c-400 III oo ~300 -- .~,I l,1 ,j J .J Il [ ,j ,'J ,,\ II I 40 PAGE 4 OF 4, FIGURE E.3.2.52 10 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) O+----,--r--.,...---r--r--.,...---r---r-~ o g 400 ooo....300 REPRESENT A TIVE GROUP VII f.~~. SITE 119.2R \"] (LITTLE ROCK SIDE CHANNEL)'""500 -r---=----=-..::-....:..::....:....:...:.-=...:-=-=--=.::..:..:...:..~.::..::.::...---..-- go 400 oo ~300 ... Q)a. _200- 0' ~100 ~ :::> ~ O'..c.,.. ~100 ~ :::> ~ ... Q) a. ~..:;:·200- 40 JUVENilE CHINOOK HABITAT QUALITY RESPONSES TO MAIN STEM DisCHARGE.FOR MODEllED SITES IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER 10 20 30 (THOUSANDS). MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) 10 20 30 40 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) O+----,--r--.,...----,---r--.,...---r--r---f o REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI SITE 136.3R 200 c-400III 0 0 0....300... Q) a. ...:200-c- III 100'-' ~ :::> ~0 0 ... Q) a. go 400 oo ~300 -- '""500.,.----------------,-- 0' ...~_100 ~:::> ~ 20 30 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (01s) REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX SITE 101.5L SITE 147.1L (WHISKER'S CREEK WEST SIDE CHANNEL)(FAT CANOE ISLAND)~..':500---··~-·--···-..--~--.-..---.,--...500 ~--·=---I---··---_··__·_···_~·_····-I--.~·---I-----·_·-··---··------··~---I ......-- SITE 101.7L (UPPER WHISKER'S CREEK SIDE CHANNEL)50'"",--~,;",;;,;,;",;;,;;,;,;,;;,=,;,;;",;~=,;~;,,-,---=~-, SITE 105.8L=50-r-------------------. 3612162024 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ets) 8 C' CIl..... 36121620242832 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ets) 8 10 .0 +..,......,....'-r-..,....-r-...,.......,.....,...__-...-......,....,....,.~ 4 C' CIl..... ,....-- tT CIl..... SITE 114.1R (LONE CREEK SPAWNING SITE) 50-.------------------.,....-- SITE 115.0R (MAINSTEM II )30..,.------..:.:.:=;.:.;...=..;.;..:.-------, 40 10- 36812 16 20 24 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ets) <,....Wooa:o<z 30 w<...Joo 1Il::::> <0 20 00 I::::>1-.....o W l- I,52 W::36812162024'28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cts) 4 -.::-SITE 118.9L (LOWER LITTLE ROCK SPAWNING SITE)50 .,.---.::.,;;;;;.;.;..;:.;,;;..::.:..;..;.:::..=...;;;.,:;.;;.;.;.;:;.;.;;;.;.=.;.;;..;;;.:.:.;;:.:.-----,,....--SITE 119.1L50,.....--------------_---. 40- 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 sa (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (e1s) 4 10 tT fIl..... <w,....a:00<~30 w<...Joo 1Il::::> <0 20 00 I ::::>1-.....o W 'l- I "W::e 12 16 20 24 2.8 32 36 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ets) tT CIl..... TOTAL HABITAT AREA RESPONSE CURVES IN CHUM SPAWNING SITES USING IFG AND DIHAB MO D ELS FIGURE E.3.2.53 PAGE 1 OF 4 -.50-- C' '"......40<w .....a:C/) <0 30 _Z w<...JC/) m:::::> <0 20 C/)J: :::::>t- 0 .10Wt- J: "0w 4 8s: SITE 125.2R (SIDE CHANNEL 8A 12 16 20 24 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) SITE 128.81:' ,..., 50-- C"en.... <40 w,...a:C/) <0 30Z w<...JC/) m:::::> <0 20C/)J: :::::>t-.... 0 10Wt- J: "W 0 36 s:4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) 36 ,I I FIGURE E.3.2.53 PAGE 2 OF 4 TOTAL HABITAT AREA RESPONSE CURVES IN CHUM SPAWNING SITES USING IFG AND DIHAB MODELS SITE 133.8L ~(SIDECHANNEL.l0)'=50-50 --~_..---~t:r-_."..._-~._--,-------- tTen ----"-"~-~-en.... <40 40- W,....<,... a:C/)WC/) <0 a:o w Z 30 <z 30 ...J<w< mC/)...JC/) m:::::><:::;,20 <0 20C/)O :::;,J:C/)J: t-:::::>t- 0 ........ 0W10W 10t-t-J:J:""w 0 w 0s:4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 s:4 8 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) ,... 50-- t:ren.... ~40 - w,....a:C/) <0 30 •Zw<...JC/) m:::::> <0 20 C/)J: :::::>t- 0 .... 10 -Wt- J: -~-f:2-o --~ ws:4 8 SITE 131.3L '14th Of JULY SIDE CHANNELl '=50- tTen.... 40 -<,...WC/) a:O <z 30 W<...JC/) m:::::> <0 20-C/)J: :::::>t-.... 0 10 -Wt-J: ..~------CL W 0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 s:4 8 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) SITE 133.7R . 12 16 20 24 28 32 ,.(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) SITE 133.8R 12 16 20 24 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (efs) ~ } 36 ) ,I ,} 1 I i 3.6 ) 1 I '"'50 C'en '-'40<w'"'a:.U)<~30 w<...JU) Qj::J <0 20U)J: ::JI- '-' 0 10W I- J: Cl w 8::: SITE 134.9R LOWER SIDE CHANNEL 11) 12 16 20 24 28 32 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) SITE 136.3R '"'UPPER SlOE CHANNEL 11-50- C- eil..., <40 w,.... erU) <0 30Z w<...JC/) m::J <0 20C/)J: ::JI-..., 0 10wI- J: Cl w 0 36 ::4 !3 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) ,....-50-0' (,I)..., <40- w,.... erC/) <0z 30- W<...JU) m::J <0 20-U)J: ::JI- 0"" W 10- I- J: Cl w 0:::4 8 SITE 137.5R ,.....50-- 0' (,I)..., AO-<,....Wc/) ero <z 30_ w<...JU) m::J <0 20 -.C/)J: :::>1-..., 0 10wI- J: Cl w 0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 ::4 8 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) SITE 138.7L --- 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) SITE 139.0L SITE 141.4R'=50 '=50--0'0'(,I)(,I)'-'..., <40 <AO w,....w,.....a:.c/)erU) <0 <0 30wz30-Z ...J<W< mC/)...Jc/) <::J m::J c/)O 20-<0 20C/)J:::JJ:::JI-I- 0""..., 0w10-W.10l-I-J:J:Cl Cl W 0 W 0:::4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 ::4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 SO (THOUSANDS)(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs)MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) TOT AL HABITAT AREA RESPONSE CURVES IN CHUM SPAWNING SITES USING IFG AND DIHAB MODELS FIGURE E.3.2.53 PAGE 3 OF 4 .] ., I .J I ) J I l >1 'I I 1 1 1 36~~4·c~=_·B,_.1216,-2.0 =240..2832 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (cfs) 40 2 so -r-----~~~'-I------­ C" (I).... TOTAL HABITAT AREA RESPONSE CURVES IN CHUM SPAWNING SITES USING IFGAND DIHAB MODELS OURCE:ADE'&G 1984b EWT&A 1985c FIGURE E.3.2.53 PAGE 4 OF 4 J .j , j I I 1 ) SITE 101.7L SITE 115.0R 150 (WHISICIlI's WIST SC)(MAlIlSTl!MII SC) 150 '"140 140..130 '":i ..lao 120 i0110 110 ~~liD :l 100 100..90 I 90 i 10 c 10 70 III III II:70 oJ 10 c "III 10 50 iii!40 ;50..40=30 .. :II:zo Ii:!aD !!:II:20 ~10 ;10 0 0 10 ~1IlS)aD 40 0 0 10 (~0USAHD8~30 40 1ilA11IITl!M DISCHARllI:(CI'!I)IIWN5T1M DISCIWIG (CI'S) SITE 125.2R SITE 126.0R ISO 1110 (SLOUGH SA) t:140 t:140 i ISO Z ISO §110 0 110 110 ~.liD :i 100 !100..10 90 S 80 =80 c 70 II: ~c 70 "80 Of 80oJ..50 ..50 ::;)c..40 !40III !C SO a so '"10 !Ciii zo ilII 10 !! III 10 0 !!l 0 O·10 20 so 40 10 20 aD 40 (THOUSAHllS)(nIouSAHOS) NAIHSTl!M DISCHARGe:(CI'S)IIAIfI5T1M DISCHARGe:(CPS) HABITAT QUAUTY (WUA/1000 SQ.FT.)RESPONSE OF CH.UM SPAWNING AREAS (MODELLED SITES) FIGURE E.3.2.54 Page 1 of 2 ,-1 SITE 133.7R SITE 134.9R j ISO ISO (LOWERSCII) ~140 140..130 ~ i ..110 120 Ii..litO..110 §110g :I 100 100..90·I eo i 80.c eo :r70... II:70IIIC oJ 60 ...80,...!lO I SO::;)40co 40r:30 ..10 ]:I:~!!20 :I:20 I 10 !l!---;I 10 0 0010~1lDS)30 40 0 10 (~OUSAHDlI~10 40 J IillAIHlITI!IiI DISCH_(CPlJ)IlIAINSTI!IiI DISCIlAIlG (CI'S) I.1 ,I SITE 137.5L SITE 141.4R -1ISOISO(SC21) t 140 t 140 0 110 i 110 j..litO8 ..180 110 ..110!2 2 II:100 ~100...·...-80-ItO- t SO ~80 l70II: ~ c 70 eo III 80!!oJ SO •OJ c 1IO ::;)..co 40 ::;)40 '1..lIO aIe 10 !!!20 Ie 20..!!!ill 10 ...10 0 ill 0 0 10 20 10 40 20 lIO 40 (THOIIlIAHDS)(THOUSANDS) .._.,-~-~-._.--.,--,-----...-.•.---·-MAINSTl!lil-DISCNARGE,(CPS)-------·-·'MAllftITl!IIl-DISCHARGE-(CPS)' HABITAT QUALITY (WUA/1000 SQg FTg)RESPONSE OF CHUM SPAWNING AREAS (MODELLED SITES) FIGURE E.3.2.54 Page 2 of 2 I j ) ) ] -'"l-- Li-....... BREACHING FLOW SHIFT ~---~:>t I I I I I I I I I I I , I I WEIGHTED USABLE AREAl _...._--~"::\ I c l <\<~I :=ll<, ....I:::!I \=.5 ..._..._J~ ~':!~I=\ "".:'"•CISl~S 1~"L::il~/::l~21=g I~ :::,/~I'"" I il I I I I MAINSTEM Q (CFS) Lateral shift of weighted usable area (WUA)curve of a modeled specific area to synthesize the mJA curve of a nonmodeled specific area that has a different breaching flow, ----MODELED SPECIFIC AREA ~~~NOH-MODELED SPECIFIC AREA '.......... STRUCTURAL HABITAT QUALITY ADJUSTMENT ___~r--__" \ \...----------...,\ "-",\ '\\ \\ \\ \~,\ "~',~ ,,~ SOURCE:EWT&A and AEIDC 1985 MAINSTEM Q (CFS) Ad]ustment Of the we1g11t""ed""usabl-e at ea -('HUA)Cttrve--e£a meaeled. specific area being used to synthesize the WUA curve of a non- modeled specific area to account for'differences in structural habitat quality between the two specific areas.FIGURE E.3.2.55 j 1 1 j _0 1 j I 1 } I j I l 1 l 1 1 36 36 32 32121620 24 28 o (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE(cfs) 8 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 6 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 4 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 2 O+-~,......,,......,__r....,._...__.__.__.__r__r__.,.__,......,,.......j 4 8 12 16 (THOt?SANJS~28 MAINSTEM,DISCHARGE (cis) 5..-~---------------, 5...------------------, 5,---------'"-------, .!4 36 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE(cfa) 8 PAGE 1 of 2 FIGURE E.3.2.56 CUMULA TIVE JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT AREA RESPONSE TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN EACH REPRESENTATIVE GROUP. 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 -(-THOUSANDS)0 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE(cfs) 8 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 3 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 5 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 1 5....----------------. o+=;::::;=;:::::::;::::;::::::;:::::::;::=:;:::::;=;:::::::;::::;::::::;:::::::;::=~ 4 4 5-r----------------, 5..,....------'"------------. --t7 ~ REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 7 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 8 5 5 ...a ....:..4 ,;..4 <t ..:!.w_~""en :~3 ...-<ten 3....-w Z Illl ....al~<t=en==<t- ::::1-2 en==2::::I-ew e..w:z:..Cl :z:w·Cl~W -3=---0 32 36 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 (THOUSANDS)(THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ch)MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ds) REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 9 -..:-,;. ~ 5-r----------------, 4 <t_wen ~~3 w::::i........etl- <t==~-2 ew..:z: !:2w 3=---------------o ~~--,...........,.._.__r__r__,.....,r__r__r___,......,._..,......f 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (ch) CUMULATIVE JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT AREA RESPONSE TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN EACH REPRESENTATIVE GROUP. PAGE 2 of 2 FIGURE E.3.2.56 3 I".,",,"i i ,-d I q 5D to Flow COMbined qD2P3D t"'iAIN~TEt"'i [tISCHAFtGE (CFS H mDD) InIl 5 I '1 i I I I'I il 'A~I .••~I '. Ei-l''. '. '.'.', I . . ' . .,"".". ".".". I I"."......-:::::-........ .... .... ........'..~r f \0.'.--...-''.'. '.'..'.'\ I ··.1.··.1.:····.::··:::···::::··:::,··:::<::::::::::.::::::"::::::.::::::::::::'''::::::::>\ ~t.I I E M I &M Ii I T l E l D I D U M 5 5 A E:D l F E 5 A n.R E F A T Ii II I FiglllrNe Ett3tt2J~?:, "fte:5Pon:5~1 o:f Re~~ing Habitat In All ~EtP~esen~ativeG~olIlPs .---''J _f _.___'~------'.~ ,t.I I SitD N M liltS - I l l lIltD - 1 I D N "1:5.J:t - 5 D ~:D.....:t - F 5 2:t5 ~.Q F atD .~T D f;,,\,~~'- .'I ..............'..../\I ~. •••••••••••••••0°0°• I·~1 r I 10 em 3D tiD 5D MAfN5TEM £l15EHAfUrE (EF5 ~mDD) Figilltre Ett3tt2tt5B: Response I[)£Re.E\Jt:&ing Habitat Area to Flow in RepJt1tesent~lttive GrOIlJlPS 2jt 3jt 4: ~t~I 10£1Eltl I T tiD& H H SD T £I E U 1£1 0 5 6£1H U ltl 5£15[~ H 5 4£1 E~ l ,£I 3D E F 2£1 H 5 10Rq E £IHF £I:T ~ I .--....iJ..''":'--."i.1 .0'.0-.0.j I .'...'':1-: / t- o ..0°0°..!9'-.-.-: i .."0°.."....":.,,"~--.-...-..-.-. 1 .0',0-,0°.0 'r .."0°--:_.J ,~.0"0°~ I,I·. ..'"1'. . . ..' .'. . . ...,I,.'.....'..'..,..'..'..'..'....'..'..'..'..'".,. i i.'..'..'..'..'..'..'..'..'."..'..'..'..'."'.. 1 ••••••"1 ...i \ J/" '.., I )'~ Ii'.. .. .. ..•.. .. .. ...'• •.. ........•.... / .1]::::::::::'::::::::::.::>::::::::::::::::::::;:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::>::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::>:: .."i.......... ..'...'...... .. ..."........ ....j~··..i.··..l'·..·.·..······;.············.. i I I i I 1£1 Hi 2£1 25 3D 35 t~1H ltl5TEtt1 [~15CHflR&E (CF5 ~-~10£1£1),-., Respon$e of ChUDl Spawning Alc-ea tlo Flow in IFG and DIHAB i llodel Sites Figul"t.e E~3~2~59 -.;. '-'----~------'~~--''-'--'~ ~~I ltD E N Dtq - I G t..1 Dta- H I T L .Dt1- E L DtS·D I . ~)DtS·~I ~Dttt - A B 0 Dt3 - ,L F Dt2 -E 0.:'"Dtl--'A (~ R DtDEF DAT ~4::::"'::::::':::::::)>- .l""".'".'.'"........ .JO"/<%:::'::'::::'::::::::'::::::'::::::::::::::::::::'::::::~~, . .//..:./::.:::::::/:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::'?:; I I I I 10 2D 3D ttD 5D t"1AINSTE~1 DISCHARGE (CFS K mDD) Response o£ChUM Spawning AJittea to Flow in RePJittesenta tive Grollltp :2 Figllltl:&e Ett3tt:2tt6Q I fTlj",.I."--:r--"""-.j • • •.·i ..'•.....'..'..'..'..'..-,... ••' i ••'••'.'••'••'.'.·i .'..'.. "')..1 ···..··1.···..'......:-r-.7.::i ..J./c.::..<>:::::::::>:::..:::::.::::::..:::::::::::::..'..'""'....--~'-.-- sn~O 3D blO INSTEt"1 DISICHAFt1::rE (CFS H moo) i Responke ot ChUM Spawning Area to Flow in . Repres~ntative Grollllp 3 Figllllre E1t31t21t61. 10 ~u..I I ltD E N ntli I Go tu-i ntS H I T L nt1 E L ntSDI 0 ntSuN.-S ntbl.:::. A B 0 nt3 L F E nt~ -:'"-"ntlA(~ R ntO E F 0AT --~-------"---~-----------'-------""~'--.-'~''-----""' ~~II ltD E N DtClI G t--i DtH H I T L Dt1 E L Dtb0I 0 DtSUI~S Dt4 A B 0 Dt3 L F Ot&!E S Ot IAQ. R OtO E F DAT ....~,....~-~ •t·---:..·---:·,.........'........').."j.:..:::::::..::..:>:::..::....>::,., ./../:::.,..://../.././.~/:./::/.>:./::...::./:/./...:...<~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::.::::::::::::.:::::,:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::?>~~ ."., m &!D 3D 4D SD ~1AlNSTEt"i DlSCHAFtG..E (CFS H mDD) Response o£ChUM Spawning A:rttea to Flow in Rep:rttesentative G~Olllp 4: Figlll:rtte Ett3tt2tt62 iaD 30 4D 50 AtN:5TEtw-1 [):5CHARGE (CF:5 H mOD) Respo~se at.ChuM Spawning Area to Flow in Representative GrOIlJlpS 2,1t3,lt4 FigllJlre Ett3tt2tt63 , tI I,'I I"'--~..'.' ~..J t ItO E N Otlit G tw-1 OtH H t T L Ot1 E L Otli[)I 0 OtSUN -:.:::5 Ot4.... A 8 0 Ot3 L F E Otia :5 OtlA~ R OtO ' E F 0AT ~--'------'----'--~---'-------------------..:---;------"~---'------ ~r1:11:... EL.E lot.tt qO% 50~{ 40383634323DiaBasa4 , , .f'1""'""""...,'".",)1 -.,..,' ,,'.,'.~......'~.".........._,' r"",.,' \'".' \1~ ia2 3 I too ""~'"~''""r"" " ,~,"",~~"~''"~"I 4 5 6 1 ~'""""'"",,,'",""",I -CifLE(It[IAR NEE~:5 'E1I:31l:211:64 :E:E[H(ltllU(lt&Mif\t al Chinook Realt."t..ing Habitat Alt."t..ea Undelt."t..Hatult."t..al Flow Reginle In All Replt."t..e:s:enta tive Glt."t..oups: NI E (It I [f M H I T L E L D I 0 U (It 5 5 if E:0 L F E 5 if Q. 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R E F' A T Figul."t.e ~---~--~--_.._-.-'---''--~._--''---------~------~--~------- SALMON PASSAGE CRITERIA THRESHOLDS 1.3 1.2 1.0 FIGURE E.3.2,66 LINE B COORDINATES· -L -l- o 0.20 200 0.25 160 LINE A COORDINATES· -L ...L o 0.32 200 0.37 --PASSAGE CRITERIA THRESHOLDS (1984 DATA)'~I.I 60 80 1 00 120 1 40 PASSAGE REACH LENGTH (FEET) 40 SUCCESSFUL PASSAGE WITH DIFFICULTY AND EXPOSURE SUCCESSFUL PASSAGE UNSUCCESSFUL PASSAGE 20 B -0.9 Gj W 0.\8~ :c 0.7 h: W 0.6 0 ~ lA .~0.5 ~ 0.4~ I- 0.3 0.2 ~0.1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ~O.O 180 200 1.0 0.9 0.8 -0.7I-w W l.J...0.6 "-' :c l-n.0.5w 0 WD.4 ~<t (/) ~Oo3 n. 0.2 0.1 0.0 I' 0 SOUR¢E:ADAPTED FROM AD.F&G 19851 r.l rt:tt,.•• tLE.·1t 5D% ~rt:11:•••EEa.E ••tI: 35 i 3S 31 3B 3tI CALENDAltt ~uJEEHS 8EG~NNING ,AUGUST 4 CIlllllM i Spawning Area in .IFG Btnd DIHAB Model Sites Unde~Natllllral Flow RegiMe Figllllre EII:3II:211:b ? 32 3D 2D m [I -iI .i :.,•,,I i , mD41 I I tiD -I !I I -.-.--:;r ·fBD;~7"./.....i.....t 1 rt:-lIl:.' .'..'..'..'..'t···i L.E '.•'.•'.•'."'f SD -I ~............j i -..'.'.'.'l··I5rt:-I .U ,a,..!"..".0".0"."j '"j U rt:-I -'\"...;;"'-""1 i ~~::. 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B L (1 E F A ..;:-..... R Q. E A F T ".fl': .~ nunl I , ..in 2 Jl 3 Jl 4 Elt3lt21t 70 tiEl414S4ti434S CALEN[)AIi ~-~EEHS m:TOE~ER I ClfillJlM InClllhation Area Repr1tl2tsentative GrolllPs Under Natllral Flows Figlllre BEGINNING 42til mD i I I I I I I i I tiD tHID BOD ..,-;:;:~-~•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'I:"..., •'.•••••••••••'-""'r.,•••••••••"a:;••••~•••••••••~-ro.".'..'..''...•...•..'..'..'.~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~A~~~~~~",,~~~~, /~~~~,'~///~~~~ ..••...••.....to .\.'.'•.'.'.'.'.'~_'__....__,.' .'.'.' .'.'.'• •.' .' .' .' .' .' .'.<<.......-..•..... ......'..,..,..,.v·,.,,.,..L.......'.'••,••,.,'•••'••••.. .~~,~~~~~j j ~'~.~~~~~~~~,.~~ ..'"••,,.'.'.' .'.'.'••,••' •-,.::;.,.,.' .' .'••,••,.' .' .'.'.'.'.'••J 5[1[1-1 '~•••.,••••••••/•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••/.~•••~••••••••••/'•••••••/•••••••••••••••••••••••x..::'.'.' .' .'..,..,..,..,..,.'- ' ....:.,"<'..............,<'C'J<.:«::...:::>::>:::....::....::>::::...:::::::: ::.....:;::::..-.::>:::>:::....::....::..-.::: ""'--<:::-e:::..•.../..../,.,..........<•....,....,..,,..,~--~.,-~..'...... 3DD tiOD 1ml SOD 2DD ~-~l E N I 11-T H H T 0 E U D S A U N 0.::-r)-' A .-~ E~ L 0 E F A .-.:. Ii l-l-..E A F T \ \ j \ l I 1 ,( -I j 1 :r U II I· LEGEND MAXIMUM-NORMAflNG LEVEL-------OPERA I EL.2000 RS ARE IN -Z300-~~~;0~BOVE MSL --SLOUGH--- TRIBUTARY WATER BODIES , .../ · J ] j J ] ] ) J ) J J J ) J } lJ 16 u o ·•••.I';.. I •. I I ..,.., •••It\.I J .\. I"!..J • :\J ,\~I,.'".•••\I,•,..•~IU""I,.. I •I1nl I ,VV •• • KW ........u.Q.G li(P ocr NlV ore JtlN FrS *lA CAt 1981 1981 Ii ~-t,.. r 2 10 ... fT1 :J: ~ D-t S ~ o o I )L£OEND'OR ••_.WAlIII:ILA -WAT~FILLING (JP[RATION _ FlAG'YEASf FILLING USING 1981 CLIMATE DATA ,~ICT'O CJJTI=LDoI T£HP£RATlAL J _ -__- _-INI=L().l T'£'lP£RA1UAE 15 u I.1J~IO ....aa: I.1Jn. ::t:w...., e; ...J ~ ::::lo o .., I'I,., I ,I I I I "I.,~r-...I --r ' •-I ,,i', I ..'""-.. "..'It ~•"f\ I ,",••\• I I ',-~." I It'-,,, I'•I II , •. I " •,, I1RY ...uN ..u.lUJ lii:P OCT Io4)V O£t:JtlN FEB JIIM ~ U182 1963 15 o L.D:lENJ.~......WROIFILF -I.lATANA F1LL(tQ C1P£RATION __• F1RGl YEAR F1L.LINO USING 1982 CLIMATe:DATA ----PR£OICTILD ClUTFLDoI rli:HPtllAT\.AIi: - - - ----1t.F1..().l TDF£RAllAL SOURCE:APA 1984e WATANA RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE DURING INITIAL FILLING FIGURE E.3.2.72 6 .<{ w ;f ~4 ." W C....0 ~g 3 '"..c::>'.!::. ow 2 I-:r ~ W;; J.. SUNRISE SIDE CHANNEL J Breached t I ------] 1 ] 30 50 70 (Thousands) SUNSET SIDE CHANNEL .j \ ] ! I l I 1 } J FI GURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE 1 OF 6) 30 50 70 (Thousands ) MAlNSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (ch) a.reached t JUVENILE CHINOOK WEIGHTED USABLE AREA IN REPRESENTATIVE SITES LOCATED IN THE LOWER RIVER 2 <{7 w '"<{6 w .. ."....Cca51 5<{:>'"0::;)..c .!:;40 W I-:r 3 ~ W;:2 1 ----- 10 7 6..-lr 5 <{ W IX 4<{......w c....51ca 3<{"'"0..c::;)I- 04---.....----,r---..,.----.----,---""T"'"""------I 10 30 SO '70 (T hCllSOnds) 9 TRAPPER CREEK SIDE CHANNEL10.,..-----...:.:.:;:..:;..;,.;:;.;..~.::......:..~:.....;,.-------__, SOURCE:ADF&G 1985 RPT.7 ROllY CREEK MOUTH40 35 ...30: <l:25....a: <l:....-g 20...0 ""!<l:0<It ..c:.15:::l .!:: ew 10I- :I: C) iii 3:5 ------- 0 10 30 50 (Thousand.) 70 30 50 70 (Thousand.) MAlNSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (ch) ...4... ~ <l:w 3a: <l: w .. "...c...~<l: <1'1 ~20:::>...c:. l- ew l- X C);;:; ~ 0 10 KROTO SlOUG H HEAD 9 8 .,;7 a" 6<l:wa:5<l:. "...c...~""4<l:~ <It 0..c:.:::l l- e 3 w I- :I:2C) iii 3:.... 0 -..---0----- 10 30 50 70 90 (Thousand.) SUCKER SIDE CHANNEL5 FIGURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE 2 OF 6) MAINS TEM WES T BANK t Breached 30 (Th~and.)so 70 ISLAND SI.DE CHANNEL .....Breached ...-..--- 30 (Thau~sands) so 70 CIRCULAR SIDE CHANNEL t Breached 30 (Thausands)SO 70 MAlNS1'aI\D15CHAQGE AT SUNSHINE Ids,) FIGURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE 3 OF6) BEAVER DAM SLOUGH6 ----5 ~ <I:w IX 4<I:.. w ..., c....~co <I::> II)0:::l .c 3C\.!:: w !i: C>w ~2 1 10 30 SO 70 (Thouaondsl CASWE MOUTH10 9 -".-----.::8 j 7 <I:w IX ..6<I:..., ~c 0;5 <l:0II)..c :::l .!:4 C\w 0-3x: !:2w 2~ ----1 0 10 30 (Thousands I SO 70 BEARBAIT SIDE CHANNEL 1 0.9 !0.8 <I:w 0.7IX <I: ~:;O.6 co c <l:0~g0.5 .c fil .!:0.4 0-x: C>0.3 W ~. 0.2 0.1 Breached 30 (Thousonds)SO 70 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (chI ~- FIGURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE 4 OF 61 GOOSE 2 SIDE CHANNEL 8 7 , I,-6 I !,,, 4:5 ,..., "".4:.,.....4'...c ....2..., 4::>, 0...J:.3 , :;).=, a , Breached t I..,...2 , X I0IiiI:::I I I 0 r 10 30 50 (Thouaanda) 70 --- BEAVER DAM SIDE CHANNEL 4 3.5 ~3lr 4:2.5..... 4:....2..c...~... 4::> 1ft 0 :;):;,'.5 a...;;.~··-1 o ii :::0.5 ... ] J 7050 (Thousands) 30 o -I=-=-.=.--::.;-:.:-:.;-..::,-=---=--:.:-:..;-::..:-:..:-.!.::::::::;=:::::::!!...-,..----r---r----.J 10 SAUNA SIDE CHANNEL6..,---'---'---'--'----------------, t Breached 30 SO 70 (Thousands) MAlNSreM OISCHAIIGC AT SUNSHINE (ds) 4:4..a: 4:. 3...........c...24::>'"0:;)J:. a =2 w... ·x -0 iii j: 0 10 FIGURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE 5 OF6) 1. HOOLIGAN SIDE CHANNEL -Broached 30 50 70 (Thousands) 90 110 RUSTIC WILDERNESS SIDE CHANNEL ---- _Broached 30 (Thousands)SO 70 LAST CHANCE SIDE CHANNEL 9070SO (Thousand.) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (ef.) 30 FIGURE E.3.2.73 (PAGE60F6) WATANA WRTER SURFACE ELEVRTIONMONTHLYSUMMRRY STAGE I WATANA 2000 FT.NO DEVIL CANYON 2050...---.-----.--..,.--.----....-..,.--.----....-..,.--.----....----. _2000 +--I--I---+--I--I---I=.=""'"'.I-...-j-I---+-~I--t---i ~~~.~.- U-~ z .;:1-95ll+--1I--+-.,...j.,..........,."-if",.......=-""=..,f=.......,.jf,,,...........,f.,;.;.....~=ii=-I-~ ~r'-' >w ...J w 1900 -F~I--I---1--I--t---1---iI--I---1---iI--I---i w ......1"-._. ucr U- 0::•••••••••••~1850 +-........,~......-,...,....-+---:-11-...-1-....-+--1---1--+--1--1---1 L DENIEiMAX--_.-._- .----......-.---,-.----.------.......-....---.....----......-.9it-:-:;:"",,-l=I·-n-n-I--...,-...-----I ..···.......-...-I··..--11--·+--··1··..-·..·-m·~d:=..=..-=t..=...=.J .. .......... 1750 +--'I--!---I--1I--I---I--I--l--+---I--l---I ..JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN ..JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SOURCE:APA 1985h EIGUREE.3.2.74 ] ] 1 j j 1 1 1 ] 1 j l .] ] 1 j ) J r !_--- ~t.I I E M I £r M H I T L E L ~I 0 U M 5 5 A B 0 L F E 5 A Q. R E F A T 1 . 6 5 .ti 3 22 2ti 26 E3 5TA£rE I (j ~ArURtiL :..::.: 2S 3D 32 3ti 36 CALEM~AR ~t.lEEl{5 BE£rIMM~M£r MAt~t 21 38 tiD ~rJ:11:,.•• Etf.'"tt 50% r.t:I:'l:11:,.••"tu ....tt: Filorult'"t.e Ett3tt2tt 75 : Chinook Realt'"t.ing Habifa t Alt'"t.ea Undel'"t.Sta:Bre I Flolttlf RegiItile In All Neplt'"t.esenfative Glt'"t.oups UJ% 5D% qD% till3B NitTUR'itL 3& t;3 STAfrE f Jti ti 3 5 Ei L .:•"""""."w·'"""" •L~t.I f E N I fr tt:1 H I T L E L ~I D U N 5 5 A E::D L F E 5 it Q R E.F A T 2 ~I ' .i ri "I ""I r 'rU'["""W r """W I 00't 22 ~HI 2&2B 3D 32 CAlEN~AR .~t-lEEHS i IE::EfrINNfN&MA\t 21 FiguJft.eE~3~a~7~i ChinooJ.k Reak~ing Babitat Al.~ea Undel.~i Stage I Flow Regiine In Rep~~esentative (il.~oups 2;3;4 '-----~~--.~--'''-----'~~--~-'"--'"--- ~rl:Il:,.",LE.·tt El 5TA&E I ...MtiTURtil............,r 31 3B 3li3535 CALENDAR ~"~EEHS BEGINNINl::;AUl::;UST ~ .ClU.JtM Spawning Area in IFG and DIHAB Model Sites Under Stage I Flows Figllll~e Elt31t21t 77 m%g~Q2g~~g~~~~~~~g~~~50% mD liD BD 10 SO 50 ~D 3D 20 ." m 0 I 32 33 3~ ~....f I E N I G T H H T (l E U D S A U N.....D.::. A .......::. E~ L Ct E F A S l"l...........:...... A F T qn~{ m% sn% STtil:rE I (thiTURtil:...:..........: [J I :RS 3E 31 39 3q CALENDAFt ~w.-IEEHS BEGINNING·AUGUST ~ CllltJlM Spawning Al:itea in Repl:itesenta tive Gl:itOlIlPS 2.lt3.lt4 Un~el:it Stage I Flows Figllll:ite Ett3tt2tt7B ~w.-I I mEmEN I G T qEIa H H T 0 Bnn E U [)S 1nnA U N ::I S [)Enn A ~.....snnB L 0 E F ~nn A ~3nn..... Ft Q E 2nnAF 32 "'t"t'T ~.::t'3~ -.....---1 -------~-,.---------~---- m% 50% 110% 5TA&£1 NATURAL tJ 42 4~4 4 45 4S 41 4B CALEN[)AR ~"~EEHS BE~:r-iNNING OtTOtER 1 Cl'ttllJlM InClllhation tfIJf&ea in IFG and DIHAB Model Sites UndeJf&Stage I Flows FiglllJf&e E~31t2~79 41 .'0i l I I I I'•I 40 ---------------------~l_==:_:llmo, 110 ~:~ .~..).~SO-l,~~:~·x>*·:·:}:~L..~,~__ X".~);._,......."'..",,~.,:;)\~~...:.,.~\"0:....~~..."'~...."':;~.~",......."\.",.:~x~~..0;.:,".,"':---r::0S -..............."'............:::.--.""'.'···:···.v·".'"......."".'"..................~~~...':"':~"><.><..';~);~~""'..,,~...........'"~~--..'...........S~·"",:..>)()....:<.:~..>J..>~........~~~.'.' .'.'...:.:;....~"0;.:,0;.:,~.''>... •0"....0".....>.L---..~.....00 .,.""'I'~.0q.'.•'..'.•'..'..'.'"':".oMl.i."•.:....;.':::: :::. .,....,_..,.....,._,:,:::,::.:::::,::..:::::,::::::::::::::::::~:::;::::::~.::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::;:::::::::=:::;::::::~::::~::::::::::: ~~1 E N 1 (i-T H H T 0 E U D -:"..... A U N -:"[).... A -:"..... 8 L 0 E F A S R (~ E A F T 10%~[..-~s 'S~51l%~.,::;;:g§8:..2i.'c<R<>·'<",'«\\:W ""~'Ill% ........... EJ IDD i ~I II l I I I I LtD L~I Lt2 qj£Lt q Lt5 qS ql LtB ..Cl'iILENDl'iFt ~"~EEHS BE~::rINNIN(:r m:TDBER Ii.; CIlllllM Incllllhation Alfttea in R~p:f&esentative G:f&OIlIlPS 2.tt 3 .tt4 Undelftt Stage I Flows Figlillftte E1t31t21t:B9 ~DD 2DD 3DD mDD 'i ,i qDD BDD ~.....I E N Ia-T H H T 0 E U 0 -::::-l'i U N -::::0... l'i S B L 0 E F l'i .-.:::- Ft Q. E l'i F T --_.~ :i: ~---~------''----'-------------- o-I 19l1fl - -..J I."":~ ~I ~....t ocr I _~i ~. Ulel ...u4HAV 15 iii I I I I Iii I I I 15 u ~, ;001 ,j~4tJ I·P1 I W=t=4oo~ w "..•I .~i-1£9$*1':':I'~f t 2L t:l ~ :::)- o LEGEND'WATANA OPERATION IN STAGE I CASE E-VI.NATURAL CONDITIONS AND HIGHEST LEVEL ----PREDICTED OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE --- - - --INFLOW TEMPERATURE "TI G) C :0m m (oJ II;) Q) NOTES. SOURCE:t/fE 1985h I.INTAKE PORT LEVEL I AT EL.1964.6 FT.\599.9m 1 2.INTAKE PORT LEVEL 2 AT EL.1926.6 FT.58T.4m 3.INTAKE PORT LEVEL 3 AT EL.1998,6 FT.6T6.8m 4.INTAKE PORT LEVEL 4 AT EL.1860.6 FT.664.2111 6.INTAKE PORT LEVEL 6 AT EL.1812.5 FT.662.6m I 6.CONE VALVE AT 'ELEVATION 1791 FT 1646.0 m) T,SPILLWAY CREST AT ELEVATION 2149 FT (664.Tml STAGE 1 WAT ANA RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE "G) C JJm m Ul I\) co I\) i i lBO ----'----,.4-.L---r--...+I-.,-----.----T---.,I 70 i 'i:I I i l I i'I I ,..-.-_. tSO i •I !',I,I i i'I',;I'il • 150 !''I'•I"W • ,I -J i,.'" I • ;:;140 ..•,--t-,I,'r;-",-:~'""':-- I • '1,,......;--":, 'I'J '.V '.",~, • '.~--,J i ,,-,-"ll'~I~','i,,J "0-';)~ 0:r... '..:I;;I ...y .~ 120.iI,-...;r <\. 'I !I • _•I ,.\. ;:I 1 '.\ 110,I I .'_,\ ,i ,I '\ 'i i .~'i I 100.:""•i ~,I I i 90 i I ! i i I'()V ,:DEC ..JAN FEB MAR APR I [:A-A5KA I'O\IER flUT ....ITY L£GEMI,,i l1li11'"FROJ[ct I -----'ICE FR(M'I!Sl£lTNA RIVER •-- - -~- --~2£ftO 00Jflf[I~"r WEATHf:"A PERlioD I 1 NOV 81 -30 APR 82 PROORESSION (y=ICE FRONT FLOW CRSE 'ElVI TEHP,INFLOW-MATCHING &ZERO QEOREE lSOTHERH STAGE I WATANA .,tmlA-£BRSCO ~IHT VEtfll.RE REFERE"CE RON NO.,910lENS ____•IIla.IU , SOURCE:EXHIBIT E.CHAPTER 2 ,!'flI ---' AGGREGATE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT QUALITY INDEX FOR LOWER RIVER SIDE CHANNEL I SIDE SLOUGH HABITATS 0.07 ..,.------------------------. 0.06 0.05 xw 0 .~...0.04« !:: CD« J: 0.03 0.02 0.Ql +-E1::::::S:=a-r----r-----r-----r---~--_._--_1 10 SOURCE:ADF &G 1985c 30 50 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (cfs) 70 FIGURE E.3.2.83 I 1 ! I I I I I ] l '~j ,I ,I FIGURE E.3.2.84 70 0.1 0.12 0.14 AGGREGATE CHINOOK REARING HABITAT QUALITY INDEX FOR LOWER RIVER TRIBUTARY MOUTH HABITATS 0.16 .....-------~-------------__::I___, 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.07 0.06 _QLO_5~_~~~~__c __~.._ 10 30 50 (THOUSANDS) MAINSTEM DISCHARGE AT SUNSHINE (efs) 0.08 0.09 SOURCE:ADF &G 1985 c xwo Z .J"" 0?~ J~ / LEGEND -"'---NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL,I455 -2000 CONTOURS IN FEET ABOVE MSL -- --S\..OUGH --.•_..~TRIBUTARY o 2 MILEf SCALE F ! "'"". -'" "-.". \. \. IJ"L WATER BODIES TO BE INUNDATED BY STAGE ]I DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR' FIGURE E.3.2.85 J J o} 1 1 OJ 'J 1 1 1 1 1 oJ 'J 1 l 1 J r DEVIL CANYON WATER SURFACE ELEVATION MONTHLY SUMMARY STAGE"- WATANA 2000 FT.OEVIL CANYON 1455 FT.(ORAWOOWN 50'l 1500.,.--r---r--y--.---,.--,--,----,r--,--,--r---., _1475 +--t--+--+--+--t--+---t-~r--+--+--1----l I-u.. z r::::7~-.:::::++--::-=-'=t-::--::-~:j:::-""::~~--:..:-:.=-~--:.:..:--=t:-,;;;-~-J-~--~-=-:j::-~---:r=-"-'--=--='=-:::-i=-=-=l-;~1450,. r-cr>W .J w 1425 +--t--+--+--+--+--+--+--t--+--j--+---I wucr lL 0::: i7J 1400 +--I---+--j--+--I---+---t-~f--+--+--t---l L _GEN! ~MAX-------- r-AVG-~-+--- ~1375 +-_t--+_-+-_+--I-_-+-_+-_r-;H..;.;IN...;..-+-_---''-j-----'-!--1 1350 +--I---+--I--+--+--+--+--1I----I---:--I--+--1 ..JAN FEB HAR APR MAY JUN ..JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC FIGURE E.3.2.86 SOURCE:APA 1985h __.________._...---=..J.-:A~N~FE:::.::B:.._.:.H:.:.R.:.:.R~RP_R------.:H..::.R.:.:.Y_.JUN ..JUL RUG SEP .OCT NOV OEC._._.__~. ] J l I J J f ! :.\ ! l I ! I I \ 1 ! r FIGURE E.3.2.81 .__.." I-- _..."~""..-'~--I-'-~~--~--..···I-·· 1--- 1-··-·· _._1-.-. ..•..1-'-- ..-----.;-;;-.-;;1= 1- _2000 -t--+---if--+--+--';"'-l--+--j--l---b=d--t-~ l- Ll. WRTRNR WRTER SURFRCE ELEVRTION MONTHLY SUMMRRY STAGE" WAH~NA 2000 FT.OEV I l CANYON 1455 FT •(DRAWDOWN 50') 1750 -1--+--1--4--+-+-4--I1--4-+--I--.\--I z o 1950 .,I--.---+--+---l--+--r..:.=..:..=+-+---l--t--t---l----l;:.-- cr> W ...J w 1900 -1--+.-.-..-..1::::,=::l--+--r--+-+---l--+--t---l----l wua: ....~..~LI._..-_ 0:::~p 850 -t--+---if--+--+-;......,:.....j--4--jr--4-+--l--t-~ L GENI 0:::I1AX-'-'-._. ~RVG-4--i- ~1800 -t-_+--j_-+_+-_+-_t--t_4M.::J..:.;N~·1-''-'-"-4-'-''-'-I-~ SOURCE:APA 1985h Ul."t.e Ett3tt2tt:B:B : Chinook Real"t.ing Habifa f Al"t.ea Undel"t.Stagre II Flow Regill~le In All Repl."t.esentafive Gl"t.OUpS m~" 5D~" qD% tiD3B35 5Tli&E II 3tI !....!WliTURliL EJ 323D CliLEW[~liR NEE~:5 E:E&IWWIN&Mlitlt 21 2B2S2t.t22 t.t 3 5 1 r •••••••...NI E W I &M H I T L E L [~I D U W 5 5 li E:D L F" E 5 li Q. R E F li T s"~.."..r·····";""'..'''''''""".~ rot rI:It ·,L.E r: m% ~Illt,,··;:a ...~ ~o:sa .............i=iioi i Ui';ioiL ...............:..::.::..:.::..:::::.::..:: :ss:so :sa :s~ Cl1LEN[~L'fR NEEH5 SE&HOUN&ttili\t t!1 aat!s t!_ 2t! :s II !~~I I I i !I f: I i I :I EIt3tl2ItB',: I,Chin,ook Reak'"t.ing Habitat Ak'"t.ea I Undel'"t.!Stage:II Flow Regilne ! .In Repll'"t.E!tSentative Gk'"t.OUpS 2;3.tt4 f ~t.I 1 E N I &Nt H 1 T L E L t)I 11 U N 5 5 L'f S 11 l r E 5 L'f t:lR E r L'f T FigUk'"t.E!t --------------------~------------~'----------~ [II •iii ,•I 5TA&[If NATURAL m~{ Iin% 5D% 3t.t 35 3S 31 38 31i CALENDAR ~~~EEKS BEGtiNNING AUGUST t.t CllllilM Spawning Al:&ea in IITG and DIHAB Model £;i tes Undel:&Stage II Flows Figllilre Elt31t21t 90 333i:! mDl I liD F T f N T Ho U S S Q. o F A N D.-.:} 3~31SJ6 l 31 3B Jq CALEINDAR ~~~EEHS 8EGINNlNG AUGUST ~ ClrtllM Spawning AJtitea in RepJtitesenta tive GJtitOl.lPS 2.Lt3,lt4 UndeJtit Stage II Flows Figl.lJtite Elt31t21t 91. ~rttt".· ;E L.E."tt I:1:rttt".·"EU ..·tt m% E]STA&E II 17 :::::1 NATURAL:'~::......: ~....i m00-r---~E N ;--f ! I G T qOO H H T 0:BOO E U D -=-100.-.!" A U N 600S[)!i I' A -=-i.....SOO8 L 1) '"E F ~OO A S 30n R (~ E aooAF T ja '------'------,---------'----------'--~~---~'---'---'----, WATURAl 5'ftHrE IIr;] 43 44 45 41i ttl 48 CALENDAR ~...fEEHS BEGINNIN~::r m:nlBER I ClUJtM InCIlJlbation Area in IFG and DIIHAB Model Sites Under Stage II Flows FigllJlre Ett3tt2tt 92 H''l:tt..-EE..E ....it~,~<s is ,is~L ssE r-1~g~.............u:::..' .'.'.:.:,$..~ •..~..•••0"•••• •.".'."_0. 0 - ~...f I E N I G T H H T 0 E U D -:::.... A U N S D IA S IS 'L (~ I E F I IA -:::"..... 'Ft Q IE D A F 4D 41 42T DD i I I fI I I I I I 4D 41 42 tI~4 tI 45 tiS 41 4B 0 CALENDAR ~'-JEEHS BEG~NNING DCTDBER I CI)IlJlM Iru:rr:IlJlba tion AJihea in R~PJi&esentative GJi&OIlJlpS 2.tt3.tt4 U~deJih stage II Flows FigllJlJihe Elt31t21t 93 lDD aOD m% ~rt:lf:".'::JU.'"tt ttD% mon •:i linn BlI"l~~~·'···I IL.E ..•..!....."e'.'M:J555 ~{)·::.?h::;ry..!..'eeR*1"'M!..tt'lOD ...'l'·l.'.' .'.'."'..! S[m SOD tlon I E:]SiTA&E II [::::::Nil)TURl)L :"':::.,::::.,::~:,::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::;::::::::::;::::;:.::::;:::::;::: ~v.-I I E N I G T H H T l) E U [).....,.:. A U N 0.::::[).... A ......::::. 8 L l) E F A ~..... Ft Q. E A 0 F T ______0 ___0 _ ~'________0 ~•__~ ALASXA POwER AUTHOR1fV SlO1HA H"fTlOO{l [C 1H"IC PJtO..f"C1 SIMULATED SUSITHA RIVER TEMPERATURES RIVER MILE 150 STAGE n ~.:..-=:ol. ---'1-I'- LEGEND SIMULATED NATURAL TEMPERATURES SIMULATED TEMPERATURES PHASE 2 OF TWO STAGE PROJECT (FOR COMPARISON) SIMULATED TEMPERATURES STAGE If OF PROPOSED PROJECT NOTES: 1.CLIMATOLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL DATA PERIOD MAY 1981-SEPT. 1982 INFLOW TEMPERATURE MATCHING POLICY FOR MULTI-LEVEL INTAKE STAGE 2 OF 3 STAGE PROJECT AVERAGE WEEKLY VALUES E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS DEVIL CANYON DRAWDOWN OF 50 FEET-2 LEVELS OF SHUTTERS \\.,I \ I ...' , \ I,,, J ".,"II ,I I ,ro_ II ,I ,,- I I •I II:~:':/ :'1\'•:JII'II I I \ I ,\~,1•I•11 ",..-:" /,',,,...., ...,..',,, I-~,\ \ \ \ .../\"\\ \\ \\ \'\", I \~ 1\ \~ II ~I•\ I \•\•\~..r/----~..---..--/ ',..,"",,-' '....,-...'--..."---" MA Y JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1981 1982 ",,,\ , I , I,;,,, /,"\.. " I ~ I ' ,I , "'\I It,.}',Ii '/\,I ,""~:\'I.'1.I" "I,',~ l l l SOURCE:EXHIBIT E.CHAPTER 2 o 4 2 6 8 10 12 "G) C :Dm fll f" !'> to ./>. C D E G R E E S ...l ...SKA POWER ...untOflITy SlGlHA HTt_iClll£CUUC NIQ..ECJ SIMUL'"TED SUSITHA RIVER TEMPERATURES RIVER MILE 130 STAGE II ~'-I---------I-I'- NOTES: 1.CLIMATOLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL DATA PERIOD MAY 1981-SEPT. 1982 2.INFLOW TEMPERATURE MATCHING POLICY FOR MULTI-LEVEL INTAKE -3.STAGE 2 OF 3 STAGE PROJECT 4.AVERAGE WEEKLY VALUES 5.E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS 6.TEMPERATURES SIMULATED BY SNTEMP FOR PERIOD JANUARY -MARCH SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION AS AN ICE COVER MA Y EXIST ON RIVER ANDSNTEMP DOES NOT SIMULATE TEMPERATURES UNDER AN ICE COVER (SEE RIVER ICE SIMULATIONS) '7.DEVIL CANYONDRAWDOWN OF 50 FEET-2 LEVELS OF SHUTTERS LEGEND SIMULATED NATURAL TEMPERATURES SIMULATED TEMPERATURES PHASE 2 OF TWO STAGE PROJECT (FOR COMPARISOt -SIMULATED TEMPERATURES STAGE 2 OF PROPOSED PROJECT I .....,i,I -'I i,' --,'j •, I "\~I'•'1 • ...,," "'.' 1 1',1 •",,....'I\j'..'\·'f -/" ,"'.'....",'''\', I ,''.'•\']"~... I \','\',,j "I.-'~\.•.J ,~,,-1'~~.,.~ f r";,' \ ".,.....,;,., f ,,' \-I."" \,4 I ,I,'I'"/ \1\1'".,I"...~..' ,I,...',,,'I'I I'"'",\I,""\I I'",,i,1 ,I I ,..'I',"I,' , ,I i,"., ,1 MAY JUNJUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAiN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN ~UL AUG SEP"I Ii-I _ 1981 ' ,1982 •"",,",....',,,..,,",...I..:\""",,",J.'\",~,"J'I'~\,!'I J 4 J SOURCE:EXHIBIT E.CHAPTER 2 4 2 o 6 8 12 10 TI i5c :Dm f'I c.> '"co en C D E G R E E S ~-~-- .;... ~ ALASKA POWER AUTItOflITY SLG'fNA UT'(..-tO£LlCfRJC rAO.1CI SU,ULA TED SUSITNA RIVER TELIPERATURES RIVER L1ILE 1 DO STAGE II ~.:..~I.___o\'I - NOTES: 1.CLIMATOLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL DATA PERIOD MAY 1981-SEPT. 1982 2.INFLOW TEMPERATURE MATCHING POLICY FOR MUL TI-LEVEL INTAKE 3.STAGE 2 OF 3 STAGE PROJECT AVERAGE WEEKLY VALUES E-VI FLOW REQUIREMENTS TEMPERATURES SIMULATED BY SNTEMP FOR PERIOD NOVEMBER-MARCH SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION AS AN ICE COVER MAY EXIST ON RIVER AND SNTEMP DOES NOT SIMULATE TEMPERATURES UNDER AN ICE COVER (SEE RIVER ICE SIMULA TlONS) 7.DEVIL CANYON DRAWDOWN OF 50 FEET-2 LEVELS OF SHUTTERS LEGEND SIMULATED NATURAL TEMPERATURES SIMULATED TEMPERATURES PHASE 2 OF TWO STAGE PROJECT (FOR COMPARISON) -----SIMULATED TEMPERATURES STAGE 2 OF PROPOSED PROJECT . "II 1.1 ~';\I •II B 1 ~\: I II I l' I I I I ,';'~:t .,1,' /.....V// '"'I.,,:,..., I 'I., /\,.I'~/' ..,\, "\', "\\ "\~..,'I.' L.\ ...'\\'I.'t•l•t•f, \'~ "t 1\ I I \ 1\'\, I I ,}..\ "\, \ 't#'.,',l \,\W .\",/ ~ MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1981 1982 SOURCE:EXHIBIT E.CHAPTER 2 "i5c :Dm m '"!" CD Q) C D E G R E E S :"Tl G) C :0m m c.v I\) co -...J ! C i ,180 , i170 f !I :ISO I i150 uJ :....J.......140L ! 0::I -----,---'1/\.---W "..--130 i ,---l :-;./~>,---'\,....... '.~:;'f~n::I I, 120 1 1 1 /-:'\r '~1 1 I 1 l"!~..,I "~,--....I 1.1 ' IlID,,i 1 1 f ".\I I I ,,.i •,i I' I !',\.I •,•100 i I I ,i '.\I I I, 90 , APRI\OV IJEC .JAN FEB HAR i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY l.£.GEN), 6U511!lA l'IlII.£olICEFRlM"! SUSlTNA R[VER• - - - ---- --2f.I'tO lEJREE Itll:1MAl1 HEATHER PERIOD I 1 NOV 8\-30 APR 82 PROORES5ION OF ICE FRONT!i STRC£II f '&.ZERO DEGflEE 1soniERttIFLOWCRSEE-VI •INFLOW-HRTCHING mR~-E1RiCO .J)INT VENT~EBJFT.~AHO(i]HN.2 PCfH6 REFEREt-a:R\.W.I NO.,eI 02ENX _~·....._....u.·1 lUll.142i, SOURCE:EXHIBIT E,CHAPTER 2 "1Ir, '"-- Adult Inmigration Spawning Incubation Juvenile Rearing Outmigration • I I •dD I I .. ..I I. Range.... Peak f--t SOURCE:AEIDC 1984b "11 G) c:: ::Dm m 'Co) l\) lD CX) 4) ~ ;:)..e 4) Q. E Cb - - - - - - - i- - - 1- -.r- -1- - - - MAY JU'N JUl AUG SEP OCT Tolerance Zone NOV'DEC JAN FEB MAR AP R TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR CHINOOK SALMON Adult I nmigration e--1 I , Spawning •I I •Incubation Juvenile Rearing IOutmigrationIII • ! ! - - ;... -i-- - -Tolerance Zone- - ,- - '- - ....;" i- - -I""""- - , - ! I I I I I I I.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I-I II I I I i SOURCE:AElqcI1984b TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR SOCKEYE SALMON "'ll Ci) c:: :Dm m (,) /IJ <0 <0 MAY JUN JUl AUG SEIP OCT NOV,DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Range•• Peak f--t '--------' t---J Peak Range...---~ •1 I .. 81 I .. L---.....: Adult Inmigration Spawning Incubation Juvenile Rearing I .I I I Outmigration I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOURCE:AEIDC 1984b 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 1 u 10 Q)9a. :;:)8...e 7Q)a. E 6 Q)....5 4 3 2 1 0 - 1 "II I -2 G) c:::um m Co) I\)... 0 0 - - -L - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - MAYJUN JUl AUG SEP OCT Tolerance Zone NOV'DEC JAN FEB MAR AP R TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR COHO SALMON f--f Peak Range... Tolerence Zone JAN fEB MAR AP RNOV'DECUlAUGSEPrOCT ..I I .....I I • MAY JUN 18 -11·T'-----r------+-....::=======:::======17 i 16 15 14 13 12 ~ 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o i 'I - 1 I -21 'i':iii iii i i:'iii iii i.1 iii Iii iii iii iii iii iii iii i ,iiiiii i , u CD.. :;).... C.. CD 0- E CD.... Adult Inmigration Spawning Incubation Juvenile Rearing Outmigration '"r1 Ci) c:: :D m m IN N...o...SOURCE:AEIDC 1984b TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR CHUM SALMON. -~-'-~,--~~'---' Adult I nmigration Spawning Incubation Ju~enile Rearing Outmigration ..I I .. •I 18 ..II • Range .------------.., Peak t-i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-rr-l I I I '-TIl I I I I I I I - - - - - - l Tolerance Zone - - - - - - - - - - SOURCE:AEIDC1984b , APRJANFEBMAR TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE FOR PINK SALMON, NOV'DECJUlAUGSEPOCTMAYJUN - 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 u 10 Q) 9~ :3.... 80 ~ Q) 7Q. E 6Q) I- 5 4 3 2 1 0 - 1-n I -2G)c. :IIm m Co) i\)... 0 I\) ;} j 1 1 J ] I I -I .1 1 1 1 1 1 -} 1 1 t, WATER BODIES to BE INUNDATED BY STAGEmWATANA RESERV'OIR" [j [J o I 2 MILES SCALE:F ::eiil LEGEND ----NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL.2000' -2300-CONTOURS ARE IN FEET ABOVE MSL -----·SLOUGH -"'-TRIBUTARY STAGE JlI NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR OPERATING LEVEL EL.2185 PLAN STAGE I RESERVOIR EL.2000 r'. FIGURE E.3.2.103 ,,@"N.';...', ," ...-.~ 1 1 I WRTRNA WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONMONTHLY--SUMMARY EARLY STAGE III, WRTRNR 2185 FT.DEVIL CRNYON 1455 FT. 2200 ~-------~- ~----I-1-----~_.-I- -2150 .._.. ....I-._..-l-..............u..I---------.._-- -~..-.f---I---~.....z ::2100.........._........_..er>...........w ........... ..J w2050 wuer lLu= ~2000- L =G£NI 0:::MRX---..----w RVG-....er MIN--................. ::z:1950 1900 JRN FEB MAR APR MRY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC LATE STAGE III, WRTRNR 2185 FT.DEVIL CRNYON 1455 FT. 2200 f-._--_.._. ---- ----I---1-----2150 I-i-•.....i--..................u..--..........-._-.......... I----.....--z --........... ::2100 .......... ..-...........---,-_..._.er -~--..i-- ••••p. > W ..................... ..J w2050 wua: lLn::: ffi2000 0:::L -GENt w MRX-.._.--_. ....RVGerMIN-........----::z:1950 1900 JAN FFR .MQR .000 ...."v ",." " ~"~~-~-,-,~~....'- FIGURE E.3.2.104 SOURCE:APA 1985h DEVIL CRNYON WRTER SURFRCE ELEVRTION MONTHLY SUMMRRY EARLY STAGE III WRTRNR 2185 FT.DEVIL CRNYON 1455 FT. 1500,.---r--,--y-....,..---,--..,--...,.--,--..,--...,.--,.----, -1475 -t--+--t--t--j---j--+-+--t--il--+--!---j l-u. I ~14504--.::--++------+-1------t-l-----++------1=~==+_--.-+'---'--t=-='-=f=-=.=-:/:""-----+i_-_-_-i-j l-a:>w ...J w 1425 -t---t--l--1--+--I---I--+---l--jI--J.--+--i wua: LL lr If):l 1400 +---t--t--1--+-+-+-+--+-_II--+--\---1 L -OEN[eJ MAX-'-.-.-. l-AVG-+--!f- ~1375 +---t--t--t--t---t--+--t--f-M.:..:.'.;.;N-j·;-''-'-''+''-'-''+--1 J ) } I I } 1 .l .JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1500 ---.---,.----,;--....,..---,--..,--...,.--,...----,;---.,.--.--, 1350 -I--4--l---+--I---t--+--4--I----t--t---+---l _1475 -I--4--l----t--t---t---t--+--t--;--t---t---t .....-..t"u._.........+..+._..\............""-"-"..11....\-·1-······.\--\- LATE STAGE III WRTRNR 2185 FT.DEVIL CRNYON 1455 FT. l , 1 J.' i '\ II I ,l j FIGURE E.3.2.105 :............. JAN FEB MAR APR MRY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SOURCE:APA 1985h ..............-.-.--------_02:-4-5'0""1===1==1==1==1'===--:-=-;.=~=-=-=-=~===-_. l-a:>w ...J w 1425 -I--4--I--+--I---t--+--4--t---t--+.-':":":'":-+--I wua: LL lr .~1400 +---t--l--1--+--......\---t---t--t--1 L ...._ O - E - N +[--+---\ lr ...MAx··-·..c·-· ~AVG-t----t--a:MIN'. :z 1375 -I--+--l----t--t---t---t--+--t---t---j---t---t qO~{ ~rt:It••b.EU ....tt SO% ~m38 STAErE III MATURAL.............. ~ 28 3D 32 34 35 CALEM[tAR ~t.lEE~S ~EErIMMIMEr MAttt 21 252422 4 ""L".' .' .' .'".'.'-"",,--x:~......-b.'"b"-bb""b"u-;i:'::;';"~A7::"-••..-b "~"'<-....J~.0 ,_0° 0°eO eO 0°•·:....•..:·.....:;,.·..··h·~..·..')1·7~-:".......r ::;::.'!"Z.{7 '..S;0°0°":::....."X:~......%00'E;Ei::=ti c::C!(I C!L ( ( .(...." "!".....locO " " "LO " 3 S 1 .~t.l I E M I Er M H I T L E L [1 I tl U M S S A E~0 L F E S A t:lR E F A T e Eit31t21t.106: Chinook Real"tting Habitat Al"ttea Undel"tt Earttl~:li Stage III Flow Reginle In All Repl"ttesentative:Gl"ttOUpS r.t:nlt.·'U.·'ll: 10% SO% 4[13836 r=":>!MATURfflto..::.....: &:1 5TA&E III 30 32 3~ .CAlEM[~AR ~t~EEH5 SE&IMMIM&MA\t 21 i i 282522 t{ 1 ~"o "0 I"0 "'"0 0 0'"""..",0"0 ""..""0 ..0'..~ i 3 ...t'"r'j':"""~',,"'"0""""""~'(~",,"'''~~''''~0"...,~, ,f 2~1 !IE.3.a.~~?:,.I ~hinook Real."t.ing Habita t Al"t.ea lUi,nde:r"L~.te ..Stage.II~Flow Reginle In All Repl"t.lE!tsentatJ.ve Gl"t.OUpS I ~t.fi I E M I &tti Ii I T l E l [l I 0 U M 5 5 ff E:0 l r E 5 ff Q. R E r ff T Figul"t.e -'-- ".--,'----"------------ 6 ..~"'"''''...,.."'"''.""""..."""'",'"L m~~ 5D% ~Hl% 4D38 ~:i !:j or iJ F~i:i L ::~or i:i [~.E:~~~ 36 [;;~J EJ 34323D282624 5 3 2 i'".."f f"f'''''fiT I "I I 22 NI E N I &M H I T L E L LE I D U N 5 5 A ~D L r E 5 A n.R E r A T CALENLEliR ~t.lEEH5 ~E&INNINrr MH\L 21 FicJful."t.e E1t3tt21tlJQi8: Chinook Real."t.ing Habitat Al"t.ea Undel."t.EaJ(tLly Stage III Flow Regilfue In R~pl."t.esentative .Gll"t.OUPS 2 JL 3 JL 4 S ~......","'"r'''''..'...' "",.""'""..""".~ ID% ~rttt..·:EU.·tt ~m% liD39 ~~i:i -r Lj F~i:1 L. :~-r i:i i:i·E:j i ~ 3S [j Habitat Alt"t.ea III Flow Reginle Glt"t.oups 2 Jt 3 Jt4 3D 32 3li. !CAlENtJAR ~t.lEEH5t EtE&INNIN&MAt~t 21 292S2li 5 ::'1 2-1 ......',"""I ,r;........·'.......,'~...........22 ~r'","'I'T""".r ,""'1 .,.1 I 3 "li I i i I \ Ett3ttatt11~9: Itl:hinook Real"l·ing Undelt"t.Late StageInReplt"t.esenta tive I : i ! i ~t.l I E N I &-.M Ii I T l E l [1 I D U N 5 5 11 B D l f E 5 11 Q. R E f A T Figull"t.e , --~ ~~'------'-------'~ ~5 ~b ~1 ~B ~li CALEN[)AFt ~...tEEHS BECHNNING AUGUST 4 CIlllJlM Spawning Area in IFG.and DIHAB Model Sites Unde:rftt Early Stage III Flows Figllllre E1t31t21t.119 ~-...I I HUlEN I Inl G T H H BO T 0 10EU D S bOA U N SO.:::-D....!" A ~~m:::.. B ~OL0 E F ao A .~m~. R (~ E 0 ~i F ~a ~~~4T o 5TA&E III NATURAL ~rt:It•••Ef..E .·It SO% liO% 3~,35 3Ei 31 3a 311 Ct'FiLENDAR ~"'~EEBS BEdINNING"AUGUST l.l, ClU...lM Spawning Area in l1FG and,DIHAB Model Sites Under Late Stage III FlolfL!dls Figl.lre Ett3tt2tt.1.1.1 ~..~I mnEN I I1n G T anHH T 0 1nEU 0 -;:Ein-A U N sn.-0.:. A S l.ln 13 3nL0 E F E!n A S mRQ.. E n A F .,~'ool:T ...........:::::~:::::::: :::::::::::;:: : :. ST~&E III F:':::::l M~TUR~l t.::.....: m~{ sn% I1n% -r-'~-----.~.~~'-----------''---'~ :::5 36 31 3B 31i CALENDAR ~""'EEHS BEGINNING AUG·UST tt ClllJlM Spawning Area in Representative GrolllPs 2,1t3,1t4 LlndeJt1t Early Stage III Flow s Figlllllftte EIt31t21t1.1.2 ~.....I mnnEN I G T qnn H H T 0 Bnn E U D -;:1nn.... A U N bnn0.:::"D..... A -;:....snnB L (~ E F ttnn A 0.:::":::nn..... R Q. E 2nnAF T 32 33 3tt EJ :."::..:: STli&E ill thiTUfhiL m% SD% qn~{ , 35 3S 31 38 3b1 CALENDAR ~~EEHS BEGINNIN~::r AUGUST q i Clllf..'lM Spawning -A:f&ea in Rep:f&esentative G:f&OllIlPS 2;3;4 Under Late Stage III Flows i Figllll:f&e EIt31t21t.1.13 I·~I U:nHlI::N I ~::r T blOD H H 'r C~BOD I::U D S 100A U N SODi:::D l=i 'i::"....sonr'::. L 0 E F 40D l=i S ~~nil ::'::'1 I:t c~I I:: l=i F 20D: 32 33 i 3qTI []STA&E III .NATURAL ~~tt,.., E&I."tt ~~tt,..' ;EE..E ....tt ~~tt,.••tu ....tt '---------~'--~---'--~---'-------'-----------------------' 1::>:::1 NfiTtlRAL r;:]5TAtrE III 4~44 45 46 41 48 CALENDAR ~~~EEHS BEGINNING DETm~ER I CI1tIlJlM Incll.llhation Area in IFG and DIHAB Model Sites Under Early Stage III'Flows Figllllre Etl31l:211:.1.14 ~r1:11:._-EE..E ...IiI~r1:Il:,..'-..'e"t!;;E f.!....IifYX-<X.x:S i[$$'.:'s e,ee TOO'e ttO%"t·..·..·dt ..L '1\0 -t.c::::,7:;:.:. . •........................ ~--.I I E N I G T H H T 0 E U D S A U N S D A S B L 0 E F A ~.~..... R Q. E 0 A F 40 41 42T -ttL I Hl% 50%NATURALL.::::..J :>).,)10,lot I l:lD% E::':l 5TA&E ((( 45 4&41 4B CALENDAR ~4EEHS BEG~NN(NG m:TOBER ( ClU.JlM InCIlJlhation AJf&ea in IFG and DIHAB MOdel Sites lhl£deJf&Late Stage III Flows I FigllJlJf&e Ett3tt2tt.1.15 ~~( E N I G T H H T 0 E U [)S A U N S D A S B L 0 E F A -::"..... Ft Q E o .'A F 40T ---'~'----~-----"-----'-------------'-"--"-------------"--'-"-"--~---~ STti[i.[I I I m% ~1:'1:1t"., ~EJ:."tI: qD~~ 4a 43 44 45 4S 41 4B CALENl':lAR ~-...tEEHS 8EGINNING OETO~[R I .ClU..'lM IncllJ.bation Area in RepJt1tesentative GJt1tOlllPS 2 Jt 3 Jt 4 Under EaJt1tly Stage III Flows FigllJllf&e EIt31t21t1.1.6 NtiTURtil ~~f mooN qDDT H BOD0 U 10DS A SODN D srm....::::.. ~nD0 3nD~EJF -1 l:;:-"'::jSanDL::::..lQ mD 41F40T 45 4S 41 4B CALEiNt~AR ~....fEEH$ 8EGIN~ING IltTDE~ER I C}llll~Incllf.bation A:f&ea in Repi:&esenta tive GJt1tOlIf.PS 2,lt3,lt4 Und~Jt1t Late Stage III Flows Figllf.:f&e EIt31t21t1..1 '1 mit.·~·~:~~>-.s.:i -\'\\S","J s,''0<',<:::<Z»>S:';SS:-01 ~~.~.-"IL -.t_.~·-k·~·{i{......'-a:::::<.to."""-,u.·'"tt ~....f ( E N ( G T H H T 0 E U [)$ A U N $[) A ....'....... 8 L 0 E F A .....,:.. R C~i7 w I 1···..···1 E mD !..::.....!. A F 40T ._-------------~--_.---~ ___'--------..".''-----...J :(...;'\ ,~, 190 no tSO 150 w -.J.......1..coL lr W 13:>>....... 0: 120 110 I ,---, 100 90 I NlV DEC ,--- -J\-~ ~~ -.' .JAN f.\ -~ 1 FEB , '1\ .~ MAR APR "G) C JJm m c.v I\) --" -" (Xl LEGEND, -----ICE FRONT - ---------ZERO DEGREE ISOTHERM SOURCE:EIXHIBIT E,CHAPTER 2 WEATHER PERIOD:1 1'0\1.71 -30 APR 72 . FLOW REGIME:LATE STAGE '" FLOW CASE:E-1ZI TEMP RULE:NATURAL REFERENCE RUN NO.:7120CNA SUSITNA RIVER PROGRESSION OF ICE FRONT &ZERO DEGREE ISOTHERM DIAGRAM OF FISH STREAM CROSSING ::'--.. ~~~.~ ~.•.'--- "'\'" '\,. -.---PERPENDICULAR TO STREAM ~--.~{=----- BOTTOMLESS ARCH j 1 j ] I ] ( I l 1 ! .! -\ 1 1 j j 1 FIGURE E.3.2.119 , /r~~/$' /),5' ~ w W I--en ~oa:a:om c w I-« I--...J-m« J:wa: o C\I.... C\I C') w W II: :::> (!:J u. o l{) CO 0> T"" oos: Iiio 0:: :::::>oen GABIO....BARRIER CONCRETE I'll----REBAR REINFORCING ANCHOR FLOW--..- FLOW ___ 1'1----REBAR ANCHOR CONCRETe SILL ROCI(SILL BARRIER FLOW------~.....C4:~~~~~1~~-···__·_···_---------------_·_·~ NATURAL DEPTH OF FLOW POOL AND WEIR STRUCTURE CREATION OF POOI.S BETWEEN BARRIERS FISH PASSAGE MITIGATION UTILIZING BARRIERS ( 1 1 1 1 SOURCE:wce 1984a FIGURE E.3.2.121 (I II FLOW-- FLOW-POOL PASSAGE REACH,---IO! SIDE VIEW PASSAGE REACH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 POOL (:)0 0 0 0 EXPOSED ROCKS PLAN VIEW TYPICAL PASSAGE REACH OF SLOUGH ALONG MIDDLE SECTION OF THE SUSITNA RIVER J I.J T PASSAGE REACH '.. FLOW ~ ;f!fJ"t--WING DEFLECTOR WALLS +-+--LARGE COBBLE FILL.. LARGE COBBLE FILL WING DEFLECTOR 1 HEIGHI'OF MAXIMUM SLOUGH DISCHARGE ~1111!~'5i~:l:hL._-L.---I1_.l..1---II_LI--l..~--J4-' ROCK GABION CHANNEL PLAN VIEW WING DE FEelOR MOD.IFYING CHANNEL WID.TH SOURCE:WCC 1985b FIGURE E.3.2.122 PLAN VIEW .....__SUSITNA RIVER MAINSTEM J j ] ] J 1 .J L=LENGTH OF BERM GRAVEL AND COBBLE FILL LARGE ROCK FACING CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OVERTOPPING PREVENTION MITIGATION BY INCREASING BERM HEIGHT j 1 1 ..I I J J J .\ SOURCE:wee 1984a FIGURE E.3.2.123 L-'-'--' HIGHr RELATIVE UTILI ZATION OF SLOUGHS I LOW fREQUENCY OF WINTER OVERTOPPING ~ FREQUENCY Of WINTER OVERTOPPING iii LOW HIGH 8ERM CON STRUCTION, --l LOW HIGH 8ERM CONSTRUCTION I I I MINOR MAJOR SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH MODIFICATION MODifiCATION MODIF ICATION MODlfl CATION MODIFICATION MODIFICATION ~n ~n n ~ MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAIOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 9 10 5 6 7 8 11 12 •THE SMALLER THE RANK VALUE AT A SITE,THE MORE COST-EffECTIVE WOULD 8E MITIGATION WORK AT THE SITE. fLOW CHART FOR RANKING SITES FOR MITIGATION DECISION MAKING SOURCE:wcb 1985b FIGURE E.3.2.124 ................-.......... ----i __-'-.-'-'-'-.-.-'-.-.-.-.-.-'-.-" .... ,~,- GOLD CREEK DISCHARGE=14.8 (x 10 3 ) - - ! 1 I ''i '.....'.Wl,!',GOLD CREE!k,DISCHARGE=32.3 (x 10 3 ) • I i ....1 I., t "i'·.......\!'. .,.-'\i •i-,!'.: ..........."i • ,• ! •,i • • I :.,,"'1 !.\~i'."I'i •,!.' \o{ I ~\" I Ii \....... i i ! 9,5 -1 (((llll(iff(illlllll'~'''''''('I"I I I ,'r I I I' o 105 100 110 120 C/) W C/) e( (!J c 115w' >...Ioen C/)-C LL.o Zo-l- e( a: :;:) l- e( C/) I- Z Woa:wa. 2 i 3 4 5 6 7 8,9 10 11 12 13 14 'MILES ABOVE MOUTH OF PORTAGE CREEK ,i , TOTAL GAS SATURATION -~t-AND·....··· NITROGEN SATURATION -+_.!- OXYGEN SATURATION -+-;~ •INDICATE AREAS OF RA~ID!S I CO~CENTRA TIONS OF DIS.sOL VED GASES IN SOURCE:ADF&G 1983m D.EJLU.CAb,lYON RAPIDS COMPI EX ,J ...'I '_~~,C_'_'•__FIGl,./J:l!;~E.3 •.2_.12..5 ----------'---~~'--'~\....--.--i ~'~_~''-.-----''-------.J ~''-----i --..J '---'