HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3491DAN BISHOP ~ Hydrologic Reconnaissance of !he Susi!na River Below DevJ s Canyon ~nvironaid October, 1974 Juneau I I J March 18, 1975 Mr. J. V. House, Administrator Alaska Power Administration P. 0. Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Dear Mr. House: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE P. 0. BOX 1668 -JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 I am enclosing for your information the report "A Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Susitna River Below Devil•s Canyon,11 October 1974. The report was prepared by our consultant, Dan Bishop of Environaid, Juneau, under Contract Number 03-4-208-302. I understand that your office will reprint a limited number of copies for your internal use and for information of others involved in current studies of the potential Susitna River hydroelectric project. Sincerely, tl ' --' r, fji3 . . -4+-fA:/ _,, !.:.~·-¢.£.:_ ~-~ / (I ~ "-_, .~ ~) Harry L'~· Rietze Director, Alaska Region I I : ~nvironaid A Land-Wa!er Resource Consul!an! Group __ j _j _ _j ·._c:-J .j Mr. Harry L. Rietze Director, Alaska Region October 31, 1975 National Marine Fisheries Service P .0. Box 1661 Juneau, AK 99802 Dear Mr . Rietze: RR 4, BOX 4993 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 907 789-9305 The report, A Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Susitna River Below Devil Canyon, is submitted herewith to fulfill contract No. 03-4-208-302 which I made June 19, 1974, with the National Marine Fisheries Service of NOAA. Sincerely, Daniel M. Bishop I i • .j TABLE OF CONTENTS Scope and Objectives A. Stream Temperatures 1. Estimates of surface water temperatures of the Susitna, Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers 2. Water temperature measurements, July, 1974 in Little Susitna, Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers, •• and related analysis of Susitna heating • . 3. Influence of suspended sediment on heating of the Susitna. 4. Estimates of July heating conditions, nat- ural and regulated flow conditions. 5. Mixed water temperature conditions below Chulitna-Talkeetna confluence. 6. Summary. B. Stream Velocity 1. Annual hydrograph patterns, present and regulated flows. 2. Flow-duration curves for Susitna streams and for regulated Susitna. Discussion of late summer-fall low flows. 3. 4. 5. 6. Distribution of flow velocities in cross- sections. Observations of surface velocities and of related river perimeter particle size classes • Regressions relating channel flow conditions At Gold Creek to measured discharge. Drop in stream velocity as related to decrease in discharge per specific recurrence interval. 7. Effect of loss of suspended sediment on velo- cities of the Susitna. 8. Summary. I l j j c. Suspended Sediment 1. Suspended sediment rating curve for the L ~-n:l 2. rrhe size class distribution of suspended sediment. D; Change in Middle Susitna River's Form 1. Background 2. River features seen on aerial photos and as measured on the ground. 3. Extent of degradation likely with regulation. 4. Changes in channel form -width, depth, gradient, meander length, sinuosity, width/depth ratio, gradient with regulation. 5. Quantification of change in channel form. 6. Use of regressions, Figure 9, for predicting form of regulated channels, 7. Influence of tributaries. E, Springflows 1. Types of springflows recognized. 2. Possible effects of regulation of the Susitna on Springflows. APPENDIX Instantaneous observations of river temperatures during field visit, July, 1974. Instantaneous observations of Susitna tributary water temperatures during field visit, July, 1974. Susitna River Reconnaissance, July, 1974 Thermograph installation record. Ph oios -""' _c-i\ _----~ ~ -9 ._J . -, ,,_) ~ __ .J I I Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5• Figure 6a Figure 71 Figure 8: FIGURES ·IN TEXT :_:: s ::.i ma ,~~ er: ?.r::-A11J.l 3usitna Rivers. Measured temperatures of Susitna, Chulitna, Talkeetna and Little Susitna Rivers. Heating patterns with four water types. Water temperature profiles for respective water types. Annual hydrographs of four Susitna Rivers. Annual hydrographs of the Susitna below Talkeetna. Flow, duration curves for four Susitna Rivers. Velocity distributions for three representative discharge measurements of Susitna at Gold Creek. Figure 9: Dependence of width, depth and velocity conditions of the Susi tna River at Gold Creek to varied levels of discharge. Figure 10: Variation of Susitna suspended sediment concentration with discharge. Figure 11: Suspended sediment size classes found in selected samples from Susitna River at Gold Creek. Figure 12: Photo overlays showing river and shoreline features of the Susitna River between river mile 90 and Devil's Canyon. TABLES IN TEXT Table-1: Temperature differences between two stations on the Table 2a Table Ja Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Little Susitna and between two stations on the Susitna River. Average width of the Susitna River as taken from 1962 photos and adjusted for average July flow conditions. Matrix of factors summarizing the regulated stream temperature regime in the Susitna River between Devil's Canyon dam and Talkeetna • Surface velocities measured at four stations about 75 ft. off the east bank. Summary of photos of Susitna perimeter materialf and of tributary streambed material~ suggesting maximum flow velocities of the river or of respective tribu- taries. Widths, gradients, velocities, and shoreline types as seen on Talkeetna Mtns. photography of the Susitna River above Talkeetna. Tab'le 7a Evaluations of likelihood of degradation action on -"" the Susitna River, between Talkeetna and Davil' s Canyon. Table 8: Summary of springflows seen on the ground or identi- fied on aerial photos. PHOTOS USED WITHIN TEXT Plate 1: Stream perimeter material on Susitna River at Gold Creek. ~ Plate 2: Glacial till-slope along the R.R. at river mile 99!. Plate 3: Terraced slope above Sherman. Plate 4: Highly braided Susitna River below confluence of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. Plate 5: Susitna River valley viewed upstream from river mile 107. Plate 6: Downstream view of Susitna River valley with Sherman Creek in left foreground. Plate 7: Metamorphic rocks (schists, shales, graywackes) are common along the shoreline above Indian River. Plate 8: Abandoned flood channel areas will rapidly vegetate with cottonwood, alder and willow. Plate 9: Springflow-fed secondary flood channels at river mile 104 3/4. Plate 10: Flood channel at river mile 107! is fed by spring and small tributary flows. TABLES IN APPENDIX Table A-1: Instantaneous observations of river temperatures during field visit. Table A-2: Instantaneous observations of Susitna tributary water temperatures during field visit. Table A-J: Thermograph installation record, July, 1974, Plate A-1: Plate A-2: Plate A-3: Plate A-4: Plate A-5s Plate A-6: Plate A-7: Plate A-8: Plate A-9: Plate A-10: Plate A-11: Plate A-12: Plate A-13: Plate A-14: Plate A-15: Plate A-16: Plate A-17: Plate A-18: Plate A-19a Plate A-20: Plate A-21: PHOTO APPENDIX Perimeter of Susitna River at about Birch Creek, river mile: 76-!. Bedload deposited on beaver dam in flood channel near Billion Slough, river mile: 82-i-. Perimeter of Susitna River above Billion Slough, river mile: 82i. Perimeter of Susitna River below Chase, about river mile: 90t. Perimeter of Susitna River above tributary creek at river mile1 92!. Upstream view of river from river mile 92i. Tributary entering Susitna River at river mile: 92i; glacial boulders prominent. Mouth of Lane Creek, river mile: 9~. Perimeter material, Lane Cr., river mile: 96~. Perimeter, Susitna River above Lane Cr., river mile: 96!. Beaver-dammed, springfed (reported) pond-creek, river mile: 98 J/4. ·. Mouth of McKenzie Creek, river mile: 99 1/J. Bedload deposit being trimmed off by the river. McKenzie Creek, river mile: 99 1/3. Active springflow erosion along banks of river just above McKenzie Creek, river mile: 99i. Susitna beach above McKenzie Creek, river mile: 99!. Perimeter, Portage Creek, river mile: lOOi. Perimeter, Susitna River at Curry, river mile& 103. Streambed rubble in dry creekbed, Curry Creek, river milea lOJ. Susitna River above Curry Creek, river mile; lOJ Perimeter, Susitna River below Indian River, river mile: 121. Indian River-Susitna River confluence; larger material (foreground) is river deposited; smaller material (middle) Indian River deposition. Indian River in background. Plate £-23: Portage River nchr mouth, looking upstream. river mile: 130., Plate A-24: Portage River shoreline, looking downstream from i mile above mouth •. _cj Plate A-2.5: Portage River perimeter material on active bar near the mouth. j -~~ A HYDROLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE OF THE SUSITNA RIVER BELOW DEVIL'S CANYON DAMSITE ••• examining physical features that may be altered As stated in the original proposal, this work was to provide information on present and future (regulated) physical charact- eristics of the Susitna River below Devil's Canyon. Available information was to be gathered and selected field work done during summer, 1974. T~e subsequent analysis was to concentrate on features relating to the fishery resource habitat. Particular attention was to be given to the Susitna River above Talkeetna because this portion of the river is apt to be most changed and it appears to have more available river-related information. The work was to be a careful reconnaissance focusing the problem, 1 indicating the present state of knowledge, and reaching con- elusions as to where problems or o,portunities may lin. ~pecific Objectives originally identified were: A. Stream temperature B. Stream velocity C, Suspended sediment, and D. Re-grading of the Susitna River profile. To these I have added a brief discussion and review of springflows in the river bottom as they may be influenced by regulation of the river. This work does not attempt to evaluate impacts on resources fron1 possible physical changes; rather it should lead to selection of possible impacts that may be important in managing the river's resources and need further investigation. A. Stream Temperature -Impoundment of the Susitna River will alter the temperature of water discharged below Devil's Canyon dam. This change.will reflect the heating and stratification characteristics of the reservoir behind the dam as well as the design of turbine intake facilities at the dam. These factors are not part of this work though they will ultimately relate to downstream conditions. The purpose of temperature work described in this report is to assemble and display information known on the middle river's present temperature regime and to project how this regime may change below the dam. 2 """\ --. 1. Figure 1 shows estimates of the surface water temperatures of the Susitna River at Gold Creek and of the Chulitna Talkeetna "tributaries a~ their gaging stations,. This figure represents a body of miscellaneous temperature measurements made over a period of years (also included are daily temperature measurements of the Susitna during the summer of 1957) and hence are more limited in their use than continuously recorded temper- atures. ization. Nevertheless, the data provide a meaningful character- There is indication that the Susitna and particularly the Talkeetna begin to warm earlier in the spring than the Chulitna, evidently reflecting the smaller percent of glacial headwaters. The Susitna at Gold Creek reaches considerably higher surface water temperatures than the Chulitna and possibly higher than the Talkeetna. 2. Surface water temperature measurements were made during part of July on the Little Susitna (a clear water river), the Susitna River at Gold Creek and at Sherman Creek, the Chulitna River at the gaging station, and the Talkeetna River immediately above the mouth. These continuous records have been plotted from maximum and minimum values in Figure 2. Diurnal patterns are evident in all streams~particularly in the Chulitna and Little Susitna rivers. The Talkeetna pair of thermographs recorded a pattern suggesting the influence of springflows. This is possible at the site where the recorders were installed but was not indicated by any J evidence of surface flow or clearer water next to the bank. As ~gs suggested in Figure 1, the Susitna River re~ches h~gher maximum daily t~mperatures than the Chulitna or the Talkee~na. One objective of these measurements was to compare the heating of a clearwater river (Little Susitna) with the Susitna. For that reason two stations were used on each of these rivers. Differences between maximum temperatures and between minimum temperatures for these respective pairs of stations are shown in Table 1, Table 1: Temperature differences between two stations on the Little Susitna and between two stations on the Susitna River, Little Susitna River Susitna River Date max lower sta pun lower sta max lower sta !min lower -max upper sta -min up sta -max upper sta -min up V-14 • 3 deg • F ------ -15 ·-• 6 .6 ---- -16 .4 .4 ---- -17 .o .2 • 5 -- -18 .5 • 5 .J o.o -19 . J .o no maximum 1.2 -20 .2 .4 II II 1.2 -21 • 2 ,2 II " .9 -22 • 1 . 2 .9 1,0 -23 .2 .4 . 2 • 8 There is a distance of about 1.3 miles between the upper and lower stations on the Little Susitna and six miles on the Susitna River between Gold Creek and Sherman. Each of these 4 sta sta ) 9 II L 3 5 9 ll Fi9vre. 2: m~vYe.d Ternperdvres o-f 1/Jr-.e,e Svstt:JI'IC<- RJvt!!.rr" ~11d or L I ft/1!!.. s U.f' rf-VJt:L Rt~e_.y, _J ,-''I __ _d ---"1 pairs of stations was located immediately below a USGS stream measurements as shown in Table 1 and then to study the temperature change in each of the respective sections of stream according to the method developed by Edinger and Geyer (1965). The Little Susitna proved to be unsuited to this analysis because the stream was ~ubject to shading from streamside vegetation and was moving so turbulently (gradient about 200 ft. in a mile) that much of the heat being absorbed by the stream was probably by air-water mixing. Analysis of the measured six mile section of the Susitna River proved interesting and instructive in terms of future change in the temperature regime, Edinger and Geyer provide comprehensive and rigorous theory to determine the rate at which a streamflow changes temperature. This rate depends upon volume and area of streamflow and upon meteorological features--dewpoint temperature, wind velocity, and solar radiation. The work does not provide for variation in albedo or re-radiation characteristics according to differing water surface characteristics. Between Gold Creek station (river mile 119) and Sherman (river mile 113) the widths measured on the 1962 photographs are as follows, and have also been reduced according to the regression shown on Figure 8 of Section B. Average width is 559 ft, Stream area is 559(5280)(6) = 17,?00,000ft.2 on 18 July. 5 River mile Width at 25,900 cfs estimated width at 17,)00 cfs {18 July) 't I 1'"'\ J ,' ,, .p.;.. J~J -~+ .:_·"-';I Ov .1-". l. ..., • 118 415 " 395 '" 117 790 " 75) It 116 .8)5 .. 787 tl 115 615 It 586 " 114 480 " 457 'II 11) 410 It )91 " Stream discharge during 18 July, the date selected for calculation, was 17,)00 cfs or 1,494,720,000 ftJ/day. From Edinger and Geyer the equation developed to solve for predicted temperature at the lower end of a measured section is: T1 = mixed water temperature, deg. F at beginning of temperature section. T2 = mixed water temperature, deg. F at end of measure- ment section. e -2,71828, base of Natural Logarithm " r2 = K • Area/ 62.4(disch., ftJ per day. K = average ~urface heat exchange coef. in BTU's7ft /day/deg. F, and depends on wind, dewpoint temp., and T1 • a graphical approxi- mation of K is provided by Edinger and Geyer, and indicates a K = 85BTU/ft2/day/deg. F for conditions on 7/18/74. E = Equilibrium temperature toward whicn water temp- erature is approaching. E = Td f Hs/K, where Td = dewpoint temperature (46 deg. F on 7/18/74) Hs = gross solar radiation in BTU's/ft2/day/deg. F (1608 BTU/ft2/day/deg. F on 7/17/74} 6 I ' -'?> For the situation on the Susitna River, July 18th: ') ... / •·. J...~'); and E = 46 deg. + 1608/85 = 65 deg. F. -.016 e = Thus, the temperature. T2 , at the lower end of the.measured section of the river= T1 (.985) + 65 deg. F-65(.985). When the temperature at the beginning of the section is 56.5 (the maximum on 7/18/74) the temperature projected for six miles downstream at Sherman= 56.5(.985) + 65-65{.985) = 56.6 deg. F. This projected temperature compares with a measured value of 56.8 deg. F. The magnitude of error is sUfficiently small to suggest that the methodology may be of use in evaluating present and projected temperature conditions in the river between Devil•s Canyon and the Talkeetna-Chulitna confluence. 3. Suspended sediment concentration in the Susitna may influence the heating characteristic of the river. We explored this factor through.library research at the University of Alaska at College and also by measurements made in Juneau of heating in clear and in silty water samples. Stan Justice, graduate student with the University of Alaska's Environmental Engineering Department reportsc "Little is known about the effects of sediment on temperature changes in water. Several pro- fessionals at the University of Alaska were questioned but none could say for certain what the effects would be or provide any references. 7 "Water has a specific heat of 1.00 cal/gm/deg. C and soil has a tpecific heat of 0.2 cal7grn/deg. C; sedlme~~-laden water therefore has a lower specifi~ ' ,• ',. .. 1 t . , ...... n~at ~nan aoes c.ear wa er even ~hougn SOll or silt is about 1.6 times heaver than water. . "For example, if a solution is one-tenth percent suspended sediments, its specific heat would be: C = (1.00 cal/grn/deg. C)(0.999) + (0.2 cal/gm/deg. C (~001.) = 0.9992 cal/~m/deg. c, and its d~nsity would be1 e = (l.OOgrn/cmJ)(0.999) + (1.6gm/cmJ)(O.OOl) = 1.0006 grn/cm3. The calories reQ.uireg tQ heat a 6 cubic meter Qne degree are: (lmJ)(lO cmJjmJ)(~O cm3jm3) (l.0006gm/cmJ)(0.9992cal/gm/deg.C = 0.9998"10 cal/deg.C compared to 1.0000 calories required to heat a cubic meter of distilled water. With identical heat input conditions the temperature of silty Susitna water will rise slightly faster (0.02%) than the temperature ofclear water. "The depth of short wave radiation penetration will obviously be decreased by silty water. The effect of this will be to increase heating at the surface and decrease it at depth. The high surface temperatures will cause an increase in evaporation which removes heat by the formulaJ Qe = 0.)4u(ew -ea)O, where u = wind velocity, ew = vapor pressure for water and ea = vapor pressure for air. (Delay 1966) "Another effect of high surface temperatures is to increase long wave radiation as described by the classacal Stefan-Boltzmann6 equati~na 4 ¢r = 0.97KTw, where K =-1.71'10-kcal/m -k day an~ Tw = absolute temperature of water, 0 k (Parsons, 1971). This will also cause an incFeased loss of heat with increase in surface water temperature. "Albedo is the ratio of reflected short wave radiation to incident short wave radiation. For clear water it varies from 0.03 to o.o4 (Eagleson, 1970), but no data could be found on the albedo of silty water. It can be assumed that soil particles disrupting the water surface will cause the albedo of silty water to be less than that of clear water. But what is the effect of silt below the surface? When looking at glacial streams from the air, they appear grey-white while clear streams are dark in colorr apparently the particles reflect at least visible light and 8 I f-- probably some nonvisible light as well. Pivovarov (197.3) writes that .. the effect of w~~er transpa~ence on albedo may be consirt- eraole" but he does n.y:; auantify :!l.i:::: state- ment. ~ "Several people contacted suggested that the sediment's color will have an effect upon heat absorption and reflectance. Darker sediment will absorb more than lighter sediment but again there is no quanification. "Short wave radiationis transmitted to and heats the bottom of clear, shallow water masses. Because this energy is re-rad- iated out into the water, it has the same effect on temperature as short wave radiation entering shallow, silty water. "Because heated surface water is Illixed with the mass in a turbulent river like the Susitna, any effects due to the decrease in light penetration are apt to be eliminated. There should be rto loss of heat due to.higher evaporation and long wave radiation in silty river water. In a river the primary factors affected by the sediment load are lowering of specific heat and change of albedo. "Before heavy silt laden water sinks below clear water in a reservoir, increased surface heating and the change of albedo and specific heat probably influence the temperature regime. In the silt-free reservoir radiant energy is absorbed in the first few meters, eliminating the effects of surface heating. The clear water surface has a higher.albedo and specific heat, thus decreasing the heating rate. "Extensive investigation of the sediment load•s effect on solar heating is needed. Turbid water samples should be .collected and examined for specific heat, albedo. and light penetration. Although more difficult, field investigation should also be made of free flowing rivers ... Measurements were made in Juneau during August, 1974 to explore the heating of four kinds of fresh water held in 20 liter plastic buckets and exposed to the sun. This work is summarized belowa 9 Kinds of waters A = ?0,400 m·,l O·.f A·· T k t ·~h "d + _..._ _ ~ ,_ :tt..Ke .JJa~ e wa er w~:.. ev1 en v ! ... • s·~ ~ l n ~L.rlg. organic TW = 20,300 ml of tap water from drilled well. Clear. C = 20,600 m1 of Chulitna River water. Sample taken on 24 July at main hwy. bridge, near gaging station. Based upon other sediment samples in records, this water's sediment concentration is in the magnitude of 1000 mg/1. TA = 20,400 m1 of mixed waters from the Talkeetna and Mendenhall Rivers. Rough estimate of sediment concentration is 100 to 300 mg/1. Containers: White plastic garbage cans with 20 liter capacity. Top diameter at water surfaces was 31.8 em., with a surface area of 794 cm2 • Measurements a Temperature measurements were taken with a Yellow Springs Electronic thermometer, reading to O.Ol°C. Measurements were taken at 1, 3, 6, 10 and about 12 inches below the water surfaces. The l-inch measurement depth represents 17.1% of.the volume; 3-inch = 23.1%; 6-inch = 29.3%t 10-inch = 23.1%; and 12-inch ::: 7.3%. These percentages were used as weighting values to determing weighted aver- age temperatures for the respective measurements. Results: Shown in Figures 3 and 4, summarize the respective heating patterns. Concl~siops pertinent to reconnaissance: 1. With ambient air temperatures above water temperatures, the average water temperatures in containers of sedimented water (Chulitna, Talkeetna) rose 17-20% faster than clear 10 -~ c ,_, tap watera there was little difference in the average heating of :~huli tna and ·r~l!ceetnB. w~ters. The organically :>taine':!. water of Auke Lake may heat faster than tap water. 2. Rate of heat loss to the atmosphere at high temperatures (above ambient air temperatures) was evidently lower for clear tap water than for sedimented or organically stained waters. I presume this was due to differing rates of back radiation. J. Sedimented water develops a much steeper temperature profile with depth in a quiet container than clear water, The more heavily sedimented water of the Chulitna stratified much more strongly than the Talkeetna water. 4. Estimates will be made of July temperatures of the Susitna River at Gold Creek and at river mile 91 near Chase for conditions of natural and regulated flows, respectively. These estimates will indicate the effect of changes in volume of flow and channel heating characteristics on expected temp- eratures. The effect of suspended sediment on water heating is not included here. Assumptions used in these estimates are as follows: Bj.ver Disch!3.rge 1 Section of River Devil•s Canyon to Gold Creek Gold Creek to River mile 91 !J..J].reg. Jul~£ Flow 23,825 cfs 25,000 11 Reg. Jul:y Flow 1),648 cfs 14,800 River Areaa (a) length: Devil's Canyon to Gold Creak = 15 river miles ::: 79,200 .ft. J/ Gold Creek to river mile 91 = 28 river miles = 146,840 ft. :!,.!/ River mile 91 is near Chase and is about ten river miles upriver from Talkeetna. This is the southernmost river coverage of the Talkeetna air photography. The Susitna flight does not reach this far north. (l.J wtd~. The regulated July discharges used for the two respective sections of stream were as follows: Devil's Canyon to Gold Creek: 1.),648 cfs; Gold Creek to river mile 91: 14,800. Adjusted widths were devel- oped for these reduced flows in the following mannera As discussed further in Section D, width of the regulated Susitna at bankful flow is estimated at about .715 present width at bankful flow. This reduction is based on a relation relating stream width to the square root of discharges having similar return intervals. This factor has also been applied to the average widths, 565 and 49.3 ft. generated in Table 2, sug- gesting that a ~ated flow of 25,000 cfs below Gold Creek will have an average channel width of 404 ft. and a regulated flow of 2.),825 cfs above Gold Creek will have an average width of 352 ft. F~rther, small r~ductions in width are then made based upon the local channel form at Gold Creek (Figure 9) which suggests a rate of reduction' in width proportional to discharge ( •11 ). 12 - I I ----~-~ .. Table 2: Average width of the Susitna River as taken from 1962 photos and adjusted for average July flow conditions. -. I 't'iidt~ _..-:_:._-._,-er .. i mile on 1962 location photos 91 520 ft. 92 560 .. 93 415 .. 94 615 II 95 675 .. 96 415 It 97 625 II 98 520 It 99 515 tt 100 630 ... 101 620 " 102 270 .. 103 370 It 104 590 II 105 470 " 106 830 .. 107 .. 610 .,. 108 600 II 109 720 •• 110 720 II 111 370 .. 112 730 .. 113 360 .. 114 415 II 115 790 .. 116 825 II 117 615 .. 118 480 " 119 410 .. I . , • i-d .. .._, I' R • iLIQ,UC"' .:'l. .. ,,~n,_,n~~ . ,.,.p~ ..( .... c) w >4 ,., ''* --'-.1. t """"" ... ~-'of ....... l_,,~-4+-h II"'"'-"""" '.,J.i., I .. AdJusted . '' ' wl.:::i:tns Gold Creek to mile on 1962 Devil's Canyon river mile 91 locatior photos to Gold Creek 404 ft. 120 420 ft. 417 ft. 543 .. 121 480 II 47? 403 " 122 620 " 6 ) 624 II 123 800 It 793 " 685 " 124 630 ,, 634 .. 422 .. 125 415 .. 420 II 636 If 126 820 II 829 " 527 •• 127 520 II 526 If 523 " 128 420 " 425 If 639 II 129 520 " 526 II 629 .. 130 310 II 314 " 269 It 131 300 " 304 II 369 II 132 400 " 405 " 588 " 133 210 tl 213 " 469 .. 828 " 608 It Streamflows varied by very considarable amounts during 598 II the sev.eral days of photo- 718 .. graphy ;Ysed. This was account''d for. The average 718 II July discharges used werea 369 •• Devil's Canyon to Gold Creek: 23,825 cfs; Gold Creek to 728 It river mile 91: 25,000. 359 •• 414 II •' 788 tt 823 " ,, 613 II 479 " 409 •• ' 565 ft. average width lJ 49J ft. ave. width The 404 ft. width is reduced to 380 ft. for 14,800 cfs and the ft. width is reduced to 123 ... Estimates of widths are thusa Devil's Canyon to Gold Creek Gold Creek to River mile 91 un-reg. July flow 493 ft. 565 ft. Resultant stream areas for the test sections: reg, July flow 328 ft. 380 ft. Devil's Canyon to Gold Creek un-reg. Julx flow reg. July flow Gold Creek to River mile 91 Eguilibrium Temperature Calculation: :39,100,000 25,990,000 8J,400,000 56,100,000 E = dewpoint temperature 1 Gross solar r~d., BTU's per day Gross solar radiation in BTU's/ft2/day-an average July value was taken from the solar radiation tables for Palmer, Alaska, published by the University of Alaska (Branton, et. al., 1972). They indicate 390 Lys/day = 1440 BTU's/ft2/day. Dewpoint temperature: The 7/18/74 condition where a dewpoint of 46°F was used has also been taken here. K, the heat exchange coefficient, gives the net rate at which heat is lost or gained by a body of water for a unit temperature difference. In these determinations 85 BTU's/ft 2/day/°F has been used, assuming a wind speed of about 5 mph and an equilibrium temperature of about 60°F. This value is derived from tabular data in Edinger and Geyer (1965). 14 ·- ) --~ E, Eguilibrium Temperature, thus = 46°F f 1440/85 = 61°F. a range of assumed values have been used (50-60°F) and are tabulated with respective generated temperatures {T 2 ) for the lower ends of the test sections. The assumed values shown above have been used in the Edinger- Geyer equation described in {2) above. These calculations are not shown, but generate the following values: Temp. T~ lEst. of T,.. water temp at lower at uppe end unreg~l~ted regulated Devil•s Canyon .50°F 0 .50.3 F 50.4°F to Gold Creek 52 .52.2 .52.3 .54 .54.1 .54.3 .56 .56.1 .56.2 58 58.1 .58.1 60 6o.o 6o.o Gold Creek 50 50.5 50.6 to river mile 91 52 52.5 52.5 54 54.3 54.4 .56 56.2 56.3 58 58.2 58.2 60 60,1 60.1 5. Water temperatures below the Susitna-Chulitna-Talkeetna confluence can be estimated from respective river temperatures above the confluence and their volumes of flow. 15 end T = T ( Susitna flow } T (Chulitna flow) mixed Susitna combined flow /Chulitna combined flow Calculations have been made for combined temperatures on 15 June, 15 July, and 1 September, because these times appear to define points in the temperature curve best. a. b. Before regulations June 15 , T _ 9 4(28,000) 1 B 0(22,200) 1 9 O{ l~1 10C} -• o),OOO r • 5),000 r • b),OOO July 15: T 13 6(24,6.Q.O) I 8 7(26,400) Ill 0~0,600} -• 61, b'Oo • 61, 6oo r • 1, 6oo S t 1 T = 9 6(§6,400} 1 6 l(~4,200} 1 8 6(1~,100) ep • · 1 • 8,000 r • 8,000 r • 8,000 After regulation: _y = B. 8°c =11. o6°c = B.5°C June 15: T - 9 5(1~,700) J 8 0(22,200} I 9 0(12,100) = 8 67oC -• 4 ,700 r • 48,700 r • 48,700 • July 15: T = lJ.?(~i:~gg} I a.z<~f:~gg) I 11.o(~~~~gg} = 10,53°c 29,200) 16 (]4,500) 1 6(17,100) 40 Sept. l: T = 9.7(80,800 r •1 SO,BOO r a. 80,800 = 7.9 C 6. Summary: The preceeding work indicates that the Susitna above Talkeetna will produce only small rates of temperature change because it is such a large and fast-moving river. Loss of suspended sediment will influence heating and cooling of the river and its bottom as discussed. This influence, particularly as it will relate to the river water, is thought to be small. lk Alteration of the flow regime will not influence summer temperature ...JI!" as much as might be expected because as summer discharge is v r l!.."j v l d gJ -i:; ..-..., f..ll,rcd-Uf'" e_ Covf Cc.J (cd-, 0.., .f ~~ CA.. S S u ~ V ~"y ~,_,._,_J( c...IA~7L.f .._:...,_ 5.....,.,·,-h.,c... Q\~Jtr -i::~<4.r~O.rll..5', 16 >--- 1- ---~ .d decreased (favoring increased temperatures), the width/ depth ratio is also decreased (reducing surface area and therefore acting t.:> reduce heating). Increased late F'all and Winter discharges, still with the reduced width/depth ratio, will conversely favor reduced rates of cooling'. Release of colder water below the dam will increase summer heating rate in the river• conversely, warmer waters during winter will produce higher water cooling rates. In summarizing possible effects of river regulation on downstream temperature conditions, the temperature of waters discharged below the dam as well as the winter temperature regime have not been included in this work, They were not considerations of the original proposal. However, these two features will influence some of the interactions which have been examined. To enhance the usefulness of a summary, assumptions on released water temperat.ures have been included in the matrix shown in Table :J. In considering the effect of regulating the Susitna on water temperatures downstream of the Chulitna-Talkeetna confluence, the size of the regulated flow as compared to that of the tributary rivers plays a key role, · Calculations shown in A-5 illustrate this relationship. In this fashion, it can be shown that the warmer winter flows of the regulated Susitna may dominate the river for some distance downstream because the regulated winter flows are much larger than those of the tributary rivers. Similarly, the somewhat depressed temperatures of the regulated Susitna during summer months will exert reduced influence on the downstream _ temperatures because the regulated summer flows are reduced, 17 Table J: Matrix of factors summarizing the regulated stream temperature regime in the Susitna River between Devil's Canyon dam and Talkeetn~. The temneratures sho\vn for T.'.~~ Su~_i +V'\.~ .; .... ~:nprl.l .. :1'+o1 ~/ '~'"''t.JY'-t"'·""a'Y'Y,-e.,.....f'":"'Yl ~1-~P G;~,..,, Y"P • __ _ ... _ ... ~ .. ,. ~·-< -~ ... -..1.._ ,j_,J ,._.._-, • "' .••• -'-L .,..,;, ~.. •• , • -...... a'" _ assumed. Nov -May 1 May-15 June 15 June-15 Sept 15 Sept-1 Nov Temperature of stream- flows re- leased below Devilts Can- yon dam. J4-40°F (similar to unreg regime~ 40-55°F (-2 to 6°F) 50-J6°F (reduced rate of change) --L._ ----------~------------._------------------------------~-------------1 Summary of influences on the stream temperature regime ~ produced by other changes in the river following reg. Change of channel width/ depth ratio. width/depth reduction; reduced cooling rate. Change of increase in streamflow~~ flow re- discharged duce rate with reg-of river ulation of cooling river. Change of suspended sediment concentra- tion below dam. no sediment naturally Expected Much incr. temperature in cooling conditions rate i~~ed. in Susitna below dam above due to 2-4°F Talkeetna. increment above freez; more open chan. thinner ice; earlier hl"IP!:~lr-11T\ width/depth reduction; reduced rate of temp. change. relative reduction in flow favors stream heating. reduced sed- iment con- centration means more bottom heat- ing; less diurnal fluct. transitional; little change in river temp. warmer str. margins; less diurnal fluct. width/depth reduction; reduced rate of heating. reduced flow favor heating. reduced sedi- ment; possibly small reduction in heating; more bottom heating; less diurnal fluct. cooler; 2-6°F smaller diurnal fluctiation. width/depth reduction; reduce rate of cooling. not much change from natural flow. No impact. --"-·· .~ I --"- k... ... reduced sedi- ment; possibl r ~"'"" small reduc- tion in sur- face water heating. transitignal, from 2-4 F cooler at 15 §ept. to 2-4 F. warmer 1 Nov. delay of ice formation. lLL L_· B. Stream Velocity This s'9ction. is to describe and evalua.te Susitna River velocities anj related streamflows under natural and regulated conditions, respectively. Portions are also used in other sections, con- versely, this section used information discussed further in later sections. USGS records, both published and unpublished (stream discharge measurement data) from their Anchorage sub- district office have been used. Printout sheets received from the u.s. Army Corps Engineers showing monthly regulated and un- . regulated flows below Devil's Canyon dam were alsp used. 1. The annual hydrographs under present and tinder regulated flow conditions are shown in Figure 5 for the Gold Creek station. The annual hydrographs, natural and regulated for flows below Talkeetna are shown in Figure 6. These serve to describe the general flow regime, natural and regulated. Change in hydrograph together with major alteration of the total sediment flow downriver and changes in the pattern of water temperatures released below the dam represent the prime movers in altering the river regime below the dam. From Figure 5 it is evident that the Susitna above the Chulitna confluence will have a Fall-Winter regulated flow generally two to five times the present normal pattern. To compensate for this October through April increase in regulated flow, the high run- off months, May through August will have .flows reduced by as much as half {June). 19 I r i 3(),ooo .eo .. ooo OISCHA RG.C -c:f.s- lqooo (sus lTNA ·-~~~.~-~~-:.~.: .. ~.·.~~-•. ~~~-~-~:9.~~ .... ·~ -"..... < ....,.,. ....... ~· ,.··· .. ~tl' \ \ \~\+-SUS IT NA A'T GOI...P ct. \~ · CHUL(TNA SKWt:NTtdA TALKEETI\IA OC..I' NOV OEC JAN Fl:B MAR. APRJL MAY JUNe JULY AuG SEPT. FfGUR.E 5 ! ANRUAL HYORObRA'PHS O'F FOUR.. SUS lTNA Rtt'E'RS ~ I ~ I 'JI I .. 60,000 s~~ "'400D {)ISCHARG..&. -c...fs- 3Q..Ot:~o 2Q.OOO /0;000 NA11JRAL FLO\AJ..-....-.1 •. Rt:'-ULA:TED fl..O\V\ / ' ' : .. . ~ . . ,_ . : . ' . ...... -.................. ·····. .. . ...... . ····-·········-·· ' , ...... ... ..... .. .. -....... , ·' . .... · \ . . . . • • • . . • I .. . . ! . . . . . . . OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB /'fAR· APRIL MAY JUNE. vULY Al.IG sen: FIGIJ~E' : ANNUAL HYDRO~RAPII OF SUS ITNA BELOW IALl<EeTIYA J... . l L __....i.. . ' !!';' .l Values of Figure 5 for the Susitna, and those used for Figure 6 ~-re made with the assumptLJn of the Denali stora.ge dam also in operation on the river. With this degree of regulation it appears evident that water will often pass over the spillway from June through August and probably into September as well, Construction of the Watana-Vee dams would totally regulate the river eliminating the spillage suggested in Figure 5. (From telephone conversation on 8/8/74 with Mr. Gary Flightner, Hydrologist, u.s. Army Corps Engineers). 2. Flow·duration curves for the Susitna family of rivers have been developed and are shown in Figure 7. The duration curve for the regulated Susitna at Gold Creek is also shown in Figure 7. The ordinates of these curves were expressed in terms of percent of average flow rather than in volume of flow, cfs. By doing this, the curves are comparable in character. The curves of natural flows suggest that the Susitna at Gold Creek is somewhat less prone to higher flows than other Susitna tributaries, The Talkeetna, by contrast, evidently experiences larger peak flows more frequently. The regulated Susitna is projected to maintain flows within 25% of average flow (9,843 cfs) about 80% of the time, These average conditions do not, however, demonstrate conditions for a particular year. 20 li1? .·:iil The monthly flows for August and September are particularly examples inasmuch as this interval inclucles spa\ming periods. The average Gold Creek flow for August is about 22,800 cfs; for September about 13,650 cfs. Regulated flows for August and September will be about 16,260 and 12,130 cfs re- spectively. In 1969 the August flow dropped to 8,879 cfs and the September flow to 5,093 cfs. The former flow represented about 39% of the present average for the month and the latter 22.3%. The Corps of Engineers' programmed estimate of what average regulated flow would have been for August and September of 1969 is approximately 6,224 cfs and 6,528 c.fs for the re- spective months. The August regulated flow represents 38.3% of average and the September flow 53.8%. The record of unregulated flows at Gold Creek compared with the projected regulated flows indicates the following occurrence of flows. less than 9,000 cfs over the 24 years of record: No, of years having monthly average( 9,000 cfs August September · Unregulated flow 1 5 [Regulated flow 2 9· It appears that regulation of flows will increase the occurrence of low streamflow conditions during late summer periods. Further, -ill· more comprehensive examination of size and frequency of late summer low flows is warranted. 21 f:LOWS AS A '7o OF I~ ?;. OF TIME fNO\CATED FLO\AJ.S E:QVALLED OR E.XC:.E~P~"D i \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'. \,_ \ \ \ •, \~ 60% -......... .. t=l"URE: 7 : FLOw DLiltATION C:\JR.\/ES 'F02. F"OlJ"R. SUS ITMA RlV~ -I"'' -f""-, It __ ~~- , __ J. The distribution of flow velocities within three measurement s~ctio-:1s <::::1ken on the Susitn:a ,,t Gold Creek are siH)Wn in the isometric diagrams of Figure 8, These diagrams suggest the mag- nitude and the distribution of velocities within narrower channel reaches. The three discharges selected for examination represent 11 low • intermediate and high discharge conditions at the Gold Creek station. Only the lowest dischargemeasurement indicates any significant cross-sectional area with velocities suitable for resident fish. While velocities at other river sections """' above Talkeetna may not beas severe as the Gold Creek station, i I I ·,":_) the indication is that their velocities, too, are limiting to resident fish. 4. Observation of surface velocity conditions were made at four points along the Susitna River. River perimeter material was photographed at nine locations and also suggests the high range of. stream velocities to be expected. Drift velocity was measured about 75 feet out from the river's east bank. These measurements are summarized in Table 4 below: Table 4:· Surface velocities measured at four stations about 75 feet of the east bank. River mile Date Surface velocity Flow at Average flow vel- location feet per second Gold Creek ocity at Gold Creek 76! 7/21/74 2.8 fps 20,)20 6.5 fps 82! t?/21/74 6.5 20,320 6.5 90t ?/20/74 5.1-5.7 19,900 6.4 109! ~/18/74 5.7-8.5 17,)00 5.9 22 Photographs of river perimeter material at nine locations on t he r i v9r :1re s'1-:::n:a.riz2d in Table 4. Photos are inc luded in the appendix materia l with the exception of the stream perimeter at Gold Creek which is shown in Plate 1. • Plate 1 Stream perimeter material on Susitna River at Gold Creek. 2) Table 5 Summary of photos of Susitna perimeter material, Photo Plate Number A-.l A-2.. A-3 A-'( A-5" A-7 A-' A-tD A-13 A-1 5" A-1(. A-17 Pla..+e_ 1 . f\-zz. A--:zo A-z.q and of tributary streambed material suggesting maxirnum flow velocitie~ of the river or of resnective tr lbiJ.t"]!' ies. River Mile Location 96i 96~ 99 1/3 99 1/3 119 12'1 121 13lt Description Stream material size range Suggested limit of flow velocities * Susitna near Birch 2-3 inches 8,2-8.8 fps Creek. Flood-flow depository 2-4 inches 8.2-10.5 fps on beaver dam Susitna above Billion 1-4 inches 5.2-10.5 fps slough Susitna near Chase Susitna above tributary Glacial till--derived streambed rubble in tributary Lane Creek 2-6 inches 2-3 inches 12 t inches 8, 2-12 fps 6.9-8.8 fps 16.4 t fps Susitna above Lane Cr. 3-4 inches 8.8-10.5 fps McKenzie Creek Susitna above McKenzie 3-5 inches 8.8-11.5 fps Cr. Portage Creek Susitna near Curry 3-6 inches 8.8-12 fps angular Susitna at Gold Creek 6-12 inches 12•16.4 fps angular Indian River Susitna below Indian R. 2-6 inches 8.2-12 fps Portage River * estimates of shearing velocities are adapted from Mamak, (1958). 24 The velocities suggested in Table 5 indicate the maximum range of flow velocities fo~nd next to the stream bottom, In some cases, however, the streambed also includes remnant material that has seen little movement since the last glacial advance and retreat. This is true in the tributary at river mile 92t (Plate A-7, Photo Appendix). It is also true of the glacial erratics seen in the Susitna channel between Chase and Lane Creek (see Plate A-4, Photo Appendix). The velocity and bedload observations provided here are very limited. They appear, however, to provide a reasonable representa- tion of conditions seen in the aerial photographs (above river mile 91) and on the ground. There is little if any tendency of the present unregulated Susitna to decrease in velocity between Gold Creek and the Talkeetna-Chulitna confluence. The Susitna above Gold Creek is somewhat faster than below Gold Creek. 5. River discharge-measurement information from the Gold Creek station on the Susitna was used to develop regression curves showing how average velocities, widths and depths at this site vary with stream discharge. These curves; shown in Figure 9, can be used with the annual hydrograph (Figure 5) to suggest the range of channel conditions that presently occur during seasons of the year. Used with the flow duration curves of Figure 7, an appreciation can be developed for the percent of time specific channel conditions are apt to occur. It is reasonable to expect similar channel relations at numerous other of the more confined 25 . - -. ~·. 11 9 8 7 11\\E L. I"THM 4 2.3 2 X 3 CYCLIL.S ,_.o~.u: H4 u.S. I\. • I<~UFF'EL a.. E8&E.R ca. 2 7 9 4 5 6 . 7 9 t -1 7 8 9 1 \'f'~! ;l ':iiil,.lqi:rl:r fl:u,:;;::iHh'i-t"C:'i-itr iii! !jl j[]Hrrr-Jcrll;i 1ijll!.!l'!ib'-=r-oc-TU-1:tf:i'PFfil': ·· :; :;;;: :::;1 · 1:: · ;;,;:;·,1 ;;, ~-::;;:;,·;;·::,; · ·,·I·!;:;:,· .,ll'r:j';l·. •l'il'll;:,:li<il: '' 11:• ~~:.;,fl,:,;,, ·,:, ;;,;, J-'-'-1-~9 . . ' 1 ' I i . ' ' ' . : IJ.' I ' I I ' ' I " " ' j: i 'I i ' ' I I I ' ' II : I I I I I I j _ij ' I I I : "i i Ill'' ''.' ' I I I ' J I ' ' I ' ' ' " '' I ' I ' ! " . ' .. ; ~ ; ; :::: :.;:~:.;~.I:~ !,.;_; ;;:• i ;·: \\j! ;;,; .. : : .. -'": 1 I --i--1 J ·,:~. ~-~ ~~;) ·J.t:t-l -_;.-; :~.~;ill~.,;;-~~·; I ... f_; .; ':;: ;; j ·-·•--:;., ·~;-;:: , '::-: 8 --l ., •! ., ... ;,,I·· !It •i!•+il•"'''··" lljl I if. 1 !1ItLI'ltl fi1JI 1 •1 i!~···1 1· ll1i 1ljll 1 ·1·' 1·-1 llil·l ,,, ' o-:_;: ,. :~ :.:: ;; : :~·~ •1:1: :: ;·!: ;: ,;!1 ;;:: : ·• •• ' 1 i ! 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Lr i Itt~~-. I '-.' +1±+ fVrir!1 111 :::~ --t-r-F--~ ·t ltl{',fiH 1"--If ·tftr Htftl1fl -~-HH fr 1, f'dlilllil!l-----~--t+--Jtrfftith._! _: r-J~-;r-L~1'' ··;· -ll='~ _ --i~+--_ H-H:+H 4 Jjjl _ tl= _ -ltjl. !_·+l"'jjl 1 li. 1 -1--__ tr-0:-H+ .J.j l _. 1· _ ~-~ + ·11\t,., :~·~---~ .~-~m=r· -1-i-,#-#h: ~ . +l!·:· f·~'Li lit_·, ~~:iH _•_t I_· ;_ I+J f 1 ~1 ____ .j--i-(·ltil'! _ --1-!• ·L~ +I lJ ---!-J-i!'l i--tiiJJ.LH ,,:::, t I I I r I i ljj 11 I r fit' ' I l --. !_ i-l--i --!. : 1 n . I _11 1 . L ___ ' -]J Lr I !L I : -i-'-~u}:J iJJ, .::: , =t++ -++ H1 titr M Mrr,, i f Tnt rffi m! Ml1 ~,]~ --r-c-ntlHffi ® ~~ , H 1# lt ~~k ---, Iff+ ittf HHA !i , . H Hi 1t11 :1 iHt' ::,, looo C..f.r 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.Cl ooo c:....f,. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c:>o...ood c..Cs 2 3 5 6 7 s 9 l -' 1/dlcJme c.f Sus•+na.. R,:~e.,-~IDINJ ,_-{: Gt:lld C,-~1<;.. FIGUR..E .!}: DEPENDANCE OF WIDTH. DEPTH, .AND VEI..OGtTY C.dl\lOJTIONS OF TNE :;> • SVSIJNA AT ~t'.Jlll t:R.EFr Ttl VAQ/~Cl Li;?VJ::LS DF DHr.I-IAR..t:.l!! channel situations between Talkeetna and Devil's Ca11yon. The r::l~ tions~ips of Figuce 9 are not recorn...i.'":"lended for us~? in pr~viding approximations of the relations between ~· width, y_, velocity and regulated discharge. As discussed further in Section D, the river under a regulated regime will form new channel relationships with discharge. In particular, the width relation is apt to be much altered; this in turn will be a factor in changing velocity conditions. 6. Reduction of flows of specific recurrence interval will affect velocity conditions. For example, if the two-year return peak flow (Q2 } of the Susitna River at Gold Creek is reduced from the present value of 49,300 cfs, to 25,000 cfs,1 what would be the average velocity for the regulated Q2 ? Applying the velocity curve of Figure 9 indicates an average of 10.5 fps for the natural Q2 , 49,300 cfs.; again, applying the regression to the regulated Q2 of 25,000 indicates 7.2 fps. But the channel will be altered by imposition of the regulated flow regime. Adaption of a relation developed by Leopold and Maddock (1953} to this situation suggests that velocity will be altered according to the 1/10 power of comparable (same return interval) discharges for the two regimes. 1 This appears in Figure 7 to be a reasonable figure, but lacking sufficient data is not the result of rigorous analysis, 26 Thus, bankful velocit~ for Q2 , natural bankful velocity for Q2 , regulated Bankful vt:lloc i ty for Q2 natural of Gold Creek = 10.5 fps. sr 1 t natural = g•1 , regulated Susitna at Hence, regulated bankful v.elocity = }.0.5(25,000)·~ {49 ,300)" = 9.8 fps which is 9. 8 -7. 2 = 2. 6 fps greater than the velocity pro.jected ft>r 25,000 cfs under the present flow regime. 7. The effect of loss of suspended sediment on velocities of the Susitna is also of interest. The hydrologist Schoklitsch is -,, reported by Jarocki ( 1957) to have investigated this problem, concludhlg "that in the case of intensive sediment transportation, water velocity determined by means of empirical formulas should be reduced 15-20 percent and· in the case of big rivers (like the Danube or Rhine) even to 30 percent." Vanoni and Brooks (1957) have shown that "muddy water has less resistance to flow than clear water and that the muddier the water (within reason) the less the resis- tance.• Their explanation is that "sediment particles dampen turbulence, hence the more particles of sediment, the less turbulence; hence the less resis- tance to flow." This reduction in turbulence and resistance is evidently a result o+ · .. increase in viscosity and would be particularly evident in 27 streams with moderate to heavy loads of fine sediments. There is probably so!:le reduction in turbulence in the Susitna during summer months as a result of its present sediment load, and conversely, some increase in turbulence of flow with the loss of suspended sediment by regulation, B. Summary: Regulation will produce major changes of the river hydrograph above Talkeetna and very significant alteration of the river hydrograph below the Chulitna-Talkeetna confluence. Flow duration pattern will be much evened out by regulation. However, regulation will evidently increase the occurence of low- flow events during late summer. This relation should be examined further. Presently the river's velocities above Talkeetna appear too high for resident fishes in the mainstream. Reduction of summer high flows will reduce flow velocities more slowly than the rate presently indicated by discharge measurements at Gold Creek. Little improvement in habitat should be expected due to reduction in velocity in the river. Some improvement in habitat may occur in river reaches with large erratic boulders, dur to the possi- bility of increased turbulence and enlarged eddies. 28 - - - - - - - - - - - c. Suspended Sediment 1. A suspended sediment rating curve supplied to me by the u.s. Army Corps Engineers has been converted from tons/day to parts per million and is shown as Figure 10, This conversion was made because fish are probably more interested in the quality of the water than the rate the reservoir fills with sediment. It can readily be seen from studying Figures Sand 10 together,. that during six months of the year (November to May) the river carries about S ppmor less suspended sediment while the river in October carries around 25 ppm and in September and May around 150 ppm. These are generalized values but they suggest present suspended sediment conditions in the river. 2. The size class distribution of suspended sediment in the Susitna at Gold Creek is displayed in Figure 11. Chulitna and Talkeetna suspended sediment size classes are also suggested by values summari~ed and averaged. It may assist the reader in studying these curves to recognize that steepness of curve between two sediment size classes is in proportion to the volume of material contained between those classes. '~ A straight-line sloped curve would suggest equal distribution of size classes• concavity suggests a preponderance of larger particles; convex form suggests a majority of finer particles. The iusitna load is fairly well distributed in size-classes. except for the heavier flows that tend to produce larger pro- 29 AGURE Jo: VAR.lATIOU OP SVS rr"->A SUS'PfHVPe"P setHkl:Vl COtvGe'I\JTP.I'"tt~ W IT't"t PI.JCHA R.c;.t; .' DATA 10 PP""' TA""&-IV AT c:;;.C)LD CR..e"f:::l::. S"T'ATIOI\J. (T\-4 r:!S!d C..V~\Jt!!s A,Z,.~ AOA?IE?"D p0t()M su.speuoe-o se=-c>•t-tt::ot"'. ~AT1~"-cuave,- PR.l>V&o•o TO M&' '8"( \). $'. AIZ.kV G,APs- cct-.> &,tOE'S R. s) .. ' •• 1 - fAn... topoe~ Ar - ( - - 't--;· - - - - - - - .. ;j portions of fine to medium sands, This increase in sands probably ~omes p3.rticularly from sedimants pick2d uo ""rom th(~ strea-:n channel on higher flows. While too much should not be ma~e of the Chulitna and Talkeetna curves due to the averaging technique of summarizing, their results are interesting. The Chulitna curve suggests rather even I distribution of sediment size classes with somewhat heavier pro- portions of medium to coarse sands. The Talkeetna curve suggests a somewhat low proportion of fine silts and clay with greater amounts of larger silts and fine sands. If the regulation of the Susitna produces deposition in the Chulitna in and above its connuence with the Susitna (discussed in Section D), the suspended sand fraction may be reduced. The Susitna clay-size fraction is apt to pass through the reservoir system. The Susitna values shown in Figure 10 suggest that 10-20 ~ of total May-October load as shown in Figure 9 may pass downstream after regulation. I presume this has been investigated by or for the Corps of Engineers. The data were not available to me. D. Change in Middle Susitna River's Form • 1. The Susitna valley was a major route of ice-flow to the sea 15,000 years ago. Recession of the ice left many forms and - deposits now seen in the valley, Between Talkeetna and Devil's Canyon I saw occasional streamside banks of blue-glacial-till, dense deposits (Plate 2) with a full range of particle sizes 30 -~: -~tl -I'< '- - --{;;';;:} -lit:,;_ - --' ~~J I I. I I from much silt {and a little clay fraction ? ) t_o large boulders. With these prominent bank deposits of t ill , large glacial boulders are evident in the stream channels . (Plate A-4 , Photo Appendix) increasing gradient and turbulence. ' . ~ ·," r ~ ........ ,... -~ ~t--~~'f.~.,~~~~~ ._.·~,·~ .. I -.~: ,•'; '-< • .>.?,;,~ .,. ;~ <~--4_ . " # :',_:., ....,_ ~j( ,_ :~~[~j -~:::<~~ .···~-. 't:~:::-... "~' .~ .-.;;,;..-.. --~·,. i' ~-.:=~~~ .. ~~~ :. '~ ;-~.. -.....,. ~ • ~, .. 7!:,,..,:;·· -;. . -_-_,:~~~~~~ Plate 2 :. Glacial til:)..-slope along the R.R. at river mile 99!. ,_ Abundant coarse-textured {up to cobbles and pebbles) deposits found along the stream have also been labeled glacial till material in Soil Survey, Susitna Valley Area~ Alaska, (Schoephorster and Hinton, 197)). In the streamside typing done for this work I have grouped these deposits in with. alluvial deposits because I saw n~ difference--at least as these deposits would influence the stream, The de-glacial and post glacial periods left terraces marking _climatic stops along the river valley's road to the pr~sent {see Wolman and Leopold, 1957). The land behind Sherman (Plate 3) offers an example of terrace deposits. Other more recent 'terraces are notable and have been indicated in the river map (Figure 12). )1 The form and the behavior of the river is of course closely tied to the character of its perim~ter lands. The valley 'above Chase as far as Indi~n River is not part~cularly symmetrical. The glacially scoured rock spur separating the lower Chulitna from the Susitna is relatively low and not as active a bedload )2 1 .I 1 I r producer as the east side of the river. Tributaries falling steeply from the Talkeetna Mount::!.ins, for exampl9, Gold, Sherman. Curry, .Portage, l'JlcKenzie Creeks carry heavy bedloadsJ not infre- quently in torrent flows. The bedload material is large and -generally angular in size as seen in the respective plates (see Photo Appendix). Downstream from these steep tributaries a blue- till-rich ~ector o.f the stream occurs from about Lane (river -. . mile 97) to Chase (river mile 92)r than a transitional sector between Chase and river mile 86 where the extensive alluvial flood plains and terraces begin to dominate. 2. Features of the river as seen on the aerial photos and in some locations as measured on the ground have been summarized in Table 6. The Susitna between Talkeetna and Devil's Canyon is generally confined and is strongly braided only near the Chulitna confluence (Plates.4, 5, & 6). It exhibits a moderately sinuous to braided pattern and though it undoubtedly has the cross-over bars, riffles and pools commonly found on alluvial rivers, these are not recog- nizable on the aerial photographs because of the silt load. Measurements of these features of stream form have not been made for the Susitna. The photo widths shown in Table 6 are for the main flow of the river. In some cases the existing river channel includes areas that are covered by higher flows but not by in-termediate or lower flows. The photo widths do not include these areas where they occur. JJ Plate 4: Highly braided Susitn a River "oelo•N c>Jnflue_:tce o:f the Cb ul i cna. and Talkeetna Rivers·. Plate 6 : Downstream view of Susitna River valley with Sherman Creek in left f oreground. Plate S: Susitna River valley viewed upstream from river mile 107 . " Table 6& Widths, gradients, velocities and shoreline types as near Chas River miles above mouth 76i 82i 90i ~ 91 92 •. ,, 93 belo Lane 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 curry 103 104 105 106 ... 107 108 109 109! .seen on Talkeetna Mountains photography of the Susltna above Talkeetna. Ph·otography made at several dates dur-ir_g summert 1962. Widths fro:n air nhotos; grades measured, July~l974, along water surfaces of east bank, drift velocities off east bankr shore types as described in D-2. Flow -cfs Photo Flow -cfs Energy Surface Shore on date of width·, on date of gradient velocity types* photo--feet gradient, 75 ft. graphy vel., obs. offshore no photo. --20,)20 .0014 2.8 fps T-T 11 II --20,)20 .ooo8 6.5 T-T •• " --19,900 .0022 p.l-5.7 T-T )2,700 520 ft T-T .. 560 •• T-G •• 415 " T-G 23,000 615 II T-G " 675 .. T-G .. 415 It T-T .. 625 " R-R ,Jt 520 .. T-R " 515 " R-T " 630 .. R-R " 620 .. T-R 25,900 270 f X T-R " 370 ft. 18,820 .0003 --R-F .. 590 •• R-T u 470 " R·T .. 830 .. R-T .. 610 .. R-T .. 6oo I R-T •• 720 ft. R-T II 17,300 .0020-.0023 5.8-8.5 ( c·ontinued) ' )4 Sherm ar: Gold C r. Indian Portag River R. e I ! : River·. Flow -cfs Photo Flow -cfs Energy surface miles on date of width, on date of gradient velocity ab~~e 1 photogr~phy -feet gradient, 7 5 ft, i 1 v-eL, obs, f " ' 1:10u ... h o_Is.nore 1 110 2.5,900 720 ft. 111 •• 370 .. 112 .. 730 .. 113 .. 360 .. . 114 " 41.5 tl 115 •• 790 •• 116 " 825 " 117 " 61.5 .. 118 .. 480 II 119 .. 410 " 17,200 .0019 8-10 120 •• 420 •• 121 II 480 u 17,200 .0011 -- 122 " 620 tl 123 .. 800 .. 124 23,000 6)0 II 12.5 .. 415 " 126 " 820 tl 127 ,, 520 .. 128 " 420 " 129 " 520 .. 1)0 " 310 It about 131 .. JOO .. .OOJ from 132 " 400 " APA 133 .. 210 .. Report * First letter refers to right shore facing downstream, Second letter refers to left shore. • 35 Shore types T-R R-T R-T F-F T-R T-R T-T T-T R-T R-F T-T F-R T-R T-R G-T G-T A-T A-F A-R G-T R-R R-R R-R R-R I .. ... - ~ "'" ] -IL --·---,-~ --::m. -··~ Photo overlays have been made for features of the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil's Canyon as shown on the Talkeetna i'.Iounta.ins photo flight. These overlays have been joined in tu flight lines and are shown as Figures 12 a, b, and c. The classification and nomenclature used on these maps is as follows a Shoreline characteristics adjacent to rivera R = bedrock, predominantly shale, schists, graywackes. T = river-built terrace or flood-plain deposits. Commonly includes coarse gravels and cobbles under a variable thickness of silts and sands. A = alluvium, colluvium, or coarse clean glacial till. This material.was not deposited by rivex-action. F = alluvial fans, commonly steep in stream gradient and built of coarse materials. G = compacted glacial till with boulders and fine materials intermixed. Channel and river characteristics: bo = boulders in chahnel, generally indicating increase in gradient and turbulence. ~ ~ = fast water, often standing waves. • channel areas that the flows of the regulated river will not commonly flood. s = springflows into the river itself or into small tributaries near to the river and in the valley bottom. Some of these terms·need·additional description as to asso- ciated features: )6 B. slopes to the river are often steep, yielding rotten rock to the streambed; they do not yield springtlows l . h . h . . . . ,.. ' j , 1 "1 ., . .... a~~~~ug. ~ne mea~1ng O! oerroc~ an~ I_ood pLaln or ~arraee deposits often shows ponded areas. T,A,F -springflows are often found where fans, terraces or flood plain meets the mainstream or its flood channel. G is associated with boulders in the channels of the tri- butaries or the mainstream (see Plates A-4, A-7, Photo Appendix); does not produce springflows, is a likely sedi- ment source. ~~ -these flood channel areas will generally be abandoned by the river when it is regulated. Such interpretations that were made are in most cases fairly obvious on the photo- graphs and, I think, are conservative (may underestimate) in identifying the area o.f channel reduction. ). In the past when the Susitna River has received less water and/or sediment load, l.t has cut down to a new grade of balance leaving terrace formations. In this section we will investigate the extent to which a similar reaction will result from regulation · of the Susitna at Devil's Canyon. When the unregulated river experiences reduction of total flows of water and sediment, large peak flows still occur. When the river adjusts to reduced flows by degrading, it is because the load carrying ability of the river, particularly on higher flows, is (a} greater than the load supplied to the river, and (b) the velocities are sufficient allowing for the load being carried to ~ move and scour out in-place streambed materials. With regulation of the Susitna•s flows most of the suspended and all of the bedload sediments carried by the river through Devil's Canyon will be eliminated. But at the same time the·peak flows J7 ' \. I ~-', . '?- RMIZ.~ .l/ £"~o· \ \ I I I -----~: \ \ \ ' G \ / \ ,.J, I , ' I --.-.4--- ,A ---\ G G A / J, 7-5 -'62 7-5-62 7-5-'b'L 7' 5 -E2 '-5 -'6Z 25~ 90u r:_-f5 TAK 8 183 A r: ~ ,C"">:, ')()() (_ I \ T \" f~k ~ 181 4>;" ' ••• \ IT j i ,1," •. ~ _I .·1 I \ , ;/ I J ,>'\ ~ ... I ;· ~ ··/ ~ \ ~ j 1/..r-.,-o.,_~.. '0 ', + ) 82;- 1 I r. /rr\:l T ' i,lf}· ~- T \ \'T·\\' I ;\\ I k 'if,~~~.~~y-. .,,1'' T I// ~ I / ___ ___, A " ~1 V/i 1, ~/j T --.:V_; ol ,, ;~-- /i''f .V h /fc! r1 \; 11 ·~-----.,J-1,,:"_:) ft?t<,,,j~ ~ R_ -~-~-.-/ I ~t F~t --~ J . \-~----~, f"/\ ' I I //\ I _I .y / ' I : / t '',, ~'" t:0_ .. ·. . I T ; 1: --~~~/-" J ,, 2 5. 90(_) L --{_J ( 7 __ , .~:~: ___ \1 \ \ ~ .. ,.L~'Y~ f! \'-.J~\i \~~~I\ .'-..:!'~ ', ' I i ;(I· I J~' I ~11io'1 -...j l.zo ~-~ ~ \ 0 f.l"\1010 i l TAK 8 177 TAI-i-8 175 ~~\ ~\ \ \ ·......- \., s~ ~(15'"""\ I ~ \ ~t '- \ \ II ' z,-, 00 c,CJ I '-._;I. , \ TAK 8 173 In~ . ~ , 11 \I ;_ , --. ~ ~ .. ··. ~--·.\ --~ .... ;~0 :') ~ \ ... ·. lr I '~.: :.t· "" 7' . '---,, f:"" -'-~-:~~ l r -~·, :~':>· -I \;. --··-..... ·· .. ···-..•... -. · ... -~ ····· ... ·-·~. ~l':'t.J(l'__ f2 b n "ur£. 11. "'-- .;_> .f ' e-;o '02 { -oo 0 c-:'t:..r I I I I I \( \i, \1 \ \,_ ' t 1\' '; '"'+ 0::-., I ; ~,...ol ~-\><o'j If / \\ 1 :1 <\'• '1'-,. 'oo I? ?',: f ~]' -ooo ?;;}' 'I • .9 f? C'~ ~'11( ..9 ~ 1'1t ~ <l-os ( / .-. •J' r···\, ,:<~t'. I '.N\J \ 7-1-'6'2. .~· \ \~ 32,700 c.-fs ~ ~G G\" \I' \ ' ~~ _/\:_ .. ·._··. n\ j < G 'l7 \ __ , - \ ~ \ ;~ <- ~~\, ... ,~' ~<"' '\ 'I\ ~ ~ , , , 1-G2 "\ 'l-\ \ ~ ' , ~-G 3• 'f I ' ·,~ ' ""~"'" ': / ·-· ' ', ~ -""''· "' ,, I II ., (J \1 G I ~ -rj ("'.~C 1-1 1 -~oi , . \/"+·u/r'. ;· ,'c~ T ~ T 'T T -' -1- '\ 1 1 ::32,100 c...-f5. commonly experienced below the dam are likely to be greatly reduced. These two alterations act in opp~site directions with regard to river channel degradation. The character of relevant information on the Susitna River relating to the degradation process is outlined below: a) Flow; the two-year return period peak flow provides an estimate of discharge conditions that exercise control over the. channel form at bankful stage. The Susitna River at Gold Creek presently indicates a Q2 of 49,000 cfs.; the Q2 of the river under regulation will depend to a large degree on how the dam. system is managed and on the future of the Watana and Vee dams. l·have selected 2),000 cfs for use here. This value may be high and thus tend to underestimate the regulating effect due to flow. The naturally occurring unregulated peak flows of greater return interval also are likely to bear on the river's ability to scour and degrade in that such flows probably have established the "floor" particle .size in many portions of the river channel. It should be borne in mind when reviewing the velocity diagrams shown earlier in Figure 8 that the 65,200 cfs flow shown is not much larger than the Q5 flow of 63,400 cfs. and that the former flow is capable of scouring particles up to about 4-6 inches in diameter (as estimated from tabular data provided in Mamak, 1958). Similarly, the Q25 of 88,100 cfs suggests scouring ability up to particle sizes of 6-8 inches diameter. 38 b) Sediment load in the mainstream at Devil's Canyon is to y •• ~.:.' _;.{'"'.· ·O'•'l~ ... dze '"'.o+ 1-:-.... ,.o··.··~.. r'o~c-ure-Qt~ -ns ~ d-d lo~d-,· n ·t-he -1'v -·•_:. -'" " <:: -. 1J v "-"· ,•t ... n . .::. .:> '-.;;,._,,p~r'.· ·~ cl. ::; ~ ui l. 2i. have been made (see Section C) but I have not found bedload esti- mates. It is probably reasonable to assume that bedload is one to two times as large as sediment load (s. A. Schumm, 196)). The bedload fans at mouths of large tributaries such as Portage River, Indian River or smaller streams such as "Jack Long" Creek, Gold Creek, Sherman Creek, etc., indicate large sediment loads which under the present flow regime are rapidly entrained by the mainstream. The size material delivered to the main- stream ranges from boulders, cobbles, pebbles and gravel to particles that are sandsize and smaller. It is evident on the ground that some streams deliver a significant part of their load to the river through periodic torrent flows. Some estimation of particle size is provided in Table 5 and in the Plates of _, the Photo Appendix. However, I do not have a basis for assigning ~· a bedload rate or for estimating the fractional percents of bed- load provided through the river at Devil's Canyon versus bedload supplied by downstream tributaries. I have assumed in the tenta- tive conclusions drawn below that a major part of the middle Susitna River's total sediment load will be eliminated by the Devil's Canyon dam. c) Only one location between Gold Creek and Portage River appears to have the possibility of a rock floored stream bottom. That site is at river mile 130 just below the mouth of Portage 39 l.- lt-.. ~ .. Ri ver. Rock occurs commonly along this 11 mile stretch of the river {Plat~ 7) but becom~s r.losely. confining on both sides of the riv~r only at this point ups~ream. Plate 7: Metamorphic rocks (schiste, sha~es, graywackes} are common along the shoreline above Indian River. Below Gold Creek only a rock margined reach at river mile 99 .5 below McKenzie Creek approaches such a condition. This reach , however, is about twice as wide as the river mile lJO site. I have used the information above in what I think is a reasonable and intuitive manner to rea~h some conclusions regarding possible d egrad ation following regulation of the Susitna. More rigorous conclus ions may be possible (see Gessler, 1971) but it is evident that sufficient data is not available at this time . 40 Conclusions Regarding Degradation& ?3.hl!3 7 summarizes porti.')ns of the river b'=tv1e~n river mil'C'! 91 and Devil's Canyon that are likely to resist degrading action. I have assumed that narrow river sections such as Gold Creek have a sufficiently coarse and armored bottom to resist Q.egra- dation. The re-supply of coarse bedload to reaches near sizeable tributary bedload sources will act to resist degradation. The ' river at or above mile lJO may be protected by bedrock under its channel. Other portions of the river, particularly in river miles 92-96, may contain sufficient remnant glacial boulders in the channel to armor the channel and prevent or limit down- cutting. For several miles above the confluence of the Chulitna with the Susitna·no downcutting will be likely because the sediment load of the Chulitna will act to establish a local base level ~ot included in Table 7 summary). Even in river locations where some dovmcutting is apt to occur it may be limited by formation of an armor coat during the degradation process. Livesey {1963) reports of ''the experience downstream of Ft. Randall dam where 15 ft. of degradation were expected, but already after 3.5 ft. the bed became stable", Degradation will begin upstream and and work down. The early downcutting will occur more rapidly than later in the process because the action is asymptotic in nature. The river may assume a more atopped longitudinal profile than presently with downcut areas limited to respective wider sections between reaches, narrow, armored, or otherwise protected. 41 ~ F' L·, - '_-:J L 4. Possible changes in channel form -width, depth, gradient, meander length• sinuo~ity -can be generally evaluated using principles of fluvial morphology. The pertinent assumptions made regarding the Susitna River have largely been stated in. {J) above. In .brief they arez (a) decrease in peak flows, (b) a major but undefin'ed decrease in total sediment load below Devil's Canyon but with heavy bedload sediment loads still supplied by tributaries, (c) confining rock channels exist above river mile 130 and to some degree at river mile 99.5. Basic to studies of alluvial river form is the concept of a valley and a river having features that are interrelated in cause and effect. Usually a.river•s flowJsediment loads,and to varying degrees its bedrock and geologic features, are causative, independent variables. Stream width, depth, gradient, meander pattern, and sinuosity are important dependent variables that interact to flow and lo.ad and with each other to produce a river and its valley. Blench (1969) working from the Indian canal regime concepts ·developed essentially empirical formulae for estimating width (b), depth (d), gradient (S), and meander length (M:1 ). Inde- pendent variables he used are described functionally as followsc Fn, bed ,factor, increases in proportion to a stream bottom's ability to resist shearing action1 also increases with the rate of bedload passing through a stream channel. F9 , side factor, increases in proportion to the ability of ' sides of a stream to resist erosion. 42 ·.Table 7a Locations on air photography betwee.n river miles 90 and 130, where river channel will resist or limit downcutting. Stable points on Channel .River Miles Cause of Stability near and above Chase 90-93 Till boulder zone will act to armor the channel vicinity Curry Creek 10) vicinity Sherman Creek 11) vicinity Gold Creek 119 vicinity Indian River 121 below Portage River 1)0 43 Rock on west shore opposed by large and coarse bedloads from Curry Creek which pro- bably is subject to torrent flows. · Sherman Cr. carries large, coarse bedload to the river, sometimes by torrent flow. Fourth of July Cr. on west shore also carries consid- erable bedload volume, though not as coarse. These loads will provide resistance to scour. Similar to Curry Creek, though no bedrock is evident. Rock on east shore opposed by bedload from Indian River though this bedload is dominantly gravel and hence susceptible to scouring. Combination of coarse bedload from Portage River, plus possible bedrock floor will limit or prevent down- cutting. p;r·· - -----;4A, ---~ Q, bankful flow, kf meand~r slo-pe correction coef., accounting for the degr.ee of haad lo33 that may oe asso- ciated with a flow pattern, straight, braided, meandering, etc. {not used below). Blench's formulae are particularly canal oriented and may not be suitable for acourage determinations on rivers like the Susitna. However, a useful table derived from his work (1969) is shown below. I have indicated the likely changes in independent variables due to dam construction as well as the resultant changes predicted in channel form. Independent Variable Fb -reduced Fs -no change Q -reduced k undetermined Dependent Variables b d s· Thus, using Blench's approach a decrease in channel width and meander length and little change in river depth or gradient conditions are predicted. Schumm, (19?1) working from a different perspective and with a differing set of independent-dependent variables, provides a similar summary of effects. His independent factors are g, stream discharge (average or ban~f'ul); and gs, the bed material load. Dependents are channel width, b, depth, d, n , meander 44 length, .§., gradient; J:, channel sinuosity, and f, the width/ depth •• ra ... ~o. The Susitna situation h·3 summa.r izes as below: + + p+~ Q ---b-, d-, -s-, F-. ' Qs ' -, suggesting narrower channel, shorter meander length, greater sinuosity, reduced b/d ratio. The reduced b/d ratio further· indicates that depth will remain constant or increase. Increase in sinuosity suggests that gradient will decrease. 5. The analysis of (4) above, is useful in indicating direction of change. Schumm further points to additional work he indicates will provide quantification for b, d, s, , P, F, (see Schumm 1971). This basis for quantification is built around .f!!, percent silts and clays in the perimeter forming the stream channel, and ~~ gm, mean annual discharge. In the case of the Susitna, Qm is a meaningless variable because mean annual discharge will remain essentia.lly unchanged and thus does not provide· a description of the effect of regulation of flow. N is probably not a meaningful variable either because the percent silts and clays is apt to be consistently very low. The most useful quantitative relationships in the case of the Susi tna appear to be those developed by Leopold and illaddock (195J), whose regressions relate mean annual or bankful discharges to width, depth, and velocity at respective stations along rivers. Their work, as well as that done by others, shows very general agreement that stream width for a given return-interval frequency 45 -~~ ···~ of flow is proportional to the {discharge) 5 found at a location pro purt ional to about (discharge)·4 , and mean velocity to about (discharge)·1 • While strictly speaking this work does not include a basis for the comparison to be made for a situation as may occur on the Susitna, it appears sufficiently broad in application to warrant use. width: depths at the present Q? (assumed bankful condition) of 49,)00 c.fs, width at Gold Creek is shown in the regression of Figure 8 at about 435 ft. For the regulated Q2 flow assumed at 25,000 cfs, width would bee 4 35fij§:3ggj:; = )10ft. (depth = x-sectional area ;.. width) At present Q2 , depth at Gold Creek= 11ft.; depth at regulated Q2 , 25,000. -11(25,000J"! = 8 4 ft - ( 49,)00 • • •. velocity, At present Q2 mean velocity is about 10.5 fps. Velocity at regulated Q2 : _ 10.5f25,0001·~ = 9 8 fps -. 49,)00 • • • A comparison of present versus projected widths at 25.000 cfs suggests 125 ft. reduction, a very large change. Referring again to Figure 8, it is evident that the new depth for Q2 of 25,000 cfs is virtually the same as that presently shown for this discharge. This is because Susitna depths at Gold Creek actually vary as the .36 power of discharge at that station, a very similar relation to the (.4) power found along the run of 46 rivers. The large reductions projected for width, while depth • -1:' -· 1 " ..L.. • .. rema1ns .~.au·_y cons~.ant, ar9 co'!'lsl.s"tant w~th the predicti::>ns provided from Schumm in (4) above. Mean velocity for the regulated Q2 is indicated to drop from 10.5 fps to 9.8 fps when compared with the existing Q2 , but will be significantly higher than the original 25,000 cfs velocity of 7. 2 fps. The projections made above look fairly reasonable, though the width reduction appears somewhat greater than 'I would expect. In using the Leopold-Maddock relationships to project channel conditions in the regulated Susitna from present knowledge of channel and flow, we are projecting from one flow regime to a new and different one, but with unchanged channel material. The new regime will have greatly reduced peak flows; conversely more sustained and somewhat larger lower flows. The above projections of width, depth and velocity were made with the assumption that this change in regime will not greatly alter the nature of channels in unchanged bed materials. 6. Width, depth and velocity in a specific narrow type cross- section are related logarithmically to discharge in Figure 9. These curves represent present conditions. The depth curve also provides, I believe, a reasonable estimate of variation in mean depth with change in regulated discharge at Gold Creek. 47 /ifl7- _,. .. -~ -~ _, The slope of the depth curve can be used as a reasonable basis for drawing curves to estimate depth at other stream sections of generally similar form. To do this a discharge measurement is necessary at the point in question. This measurement provides a coordinate position for the depth curve to pass through, I do not recommend use of the width or velocity curves for pre- diction of regulated channel conditions. The w/d value is lik~ly to reduce; at the same time velocity relation in such reaches will also change. 7. Tributary streams will influence and be influenced by changes in the Susitna. a. The Chulitna River, quite evidently, carries a large bed and suspended load to its confluence with the Susitna. From the general braided appearance of the Chulitna at its mouth ~ the extension of that condition several miles up the Susitna, it appears that this portion of the two rivers has a sediment transporting regime that could readily become depositional. The loss of the Susitna•s peak flows, particularly during the sediment-loaded summer months, will significantly reduce velocity conditions at the confluence of the two rivers reducing both bed and suspended load-carrying abilities. This action will favor deposition and related flooding in the flats of the Chulitna above its confluence. Deposition will begin at the mouth and work upstream. It will occur at a faster 48 rate than the downcutting mentioned earlier, and will be limited upstream by the incised canyon of the Chulitna. The form of the Susitna river for some distance upstream from the Chulitna may be influenced by deposition. A backwater reaction may act to prevent any downcutting in the river near the Chulitna, and may in fact produce deposition in that sector. While the Talkeetna does not carry the sediment load of the Chulitna, it too may be influenced by regulation of the Susitna. The reaction would be particularly in response to the Chulitna's deposition of sediments acting to backwater the Talkeetna. Again, I expect the occurrence of floods on the Talkeetna ~o be somewhat stimulated (see also, u.s. Army Corps Engineers, 1972). b. Portage River carries a significant bedload as shown by the fan at its mouth. Some further movement into the river of this fan may occur, but it will be limited because the river is narrow here. Since I do not expect significant downcutting in this portion of the river, similar resultant downcutting action on the Portage River bottom will be more a function of the effective lowering of the Susitna•s water surface during high flows. This ·~, changed relation between mainstream and tributary peak flow IJ!"- condition will favor some downcutting adjustment at the mouths of tributaries. In the case of Portage River the bedload material at the mouth is very coarse and will make this process very slow. 49 c. Indian River is more apt than Portage River to experience downcutting at its mouth because it ha.s·a gravel bottom near the mouth. Again, this action will resul-c particularly from relative lowering of the Susitna during peak flows. Downcutting action will stimulate an increase in bedload rate which will again stabilize at a later time. d. Smaller tributaries such as Gold Creek, Sherman Creek, Fourth of July Creek, etc. will also be somewhat stimulated to cut down near their mouths and to produce an increase in bedlo~d rate which will diminish as a new equilibrium is approached, e. Tributaries fed by springs or ponded areas will downcut but at much slower rates. Differences produced in peak flow conditions as a result of regulating the Susitna will not develop to as large an extent here because springs are highly regulated in flow condition. However, the type of.e.rosive action seen in Plate A-14 {Photo Appendix) will continue at least to clean the spring source beds of finer material and to this extent some degrading action may be seen. Particularly pertinent work has been done on this problem by Clayton {1966 ?); who provides a basis for calculating size of particle moved by upwelling springflows. In some cases he shows that springs are capable of putting cobble-size particles into motion; the critical factor is piezometric gradient, (the water head which the spring outflow is capable of developing). 50 In summary I did not find ~prings in or near the Susitna Valley that appe~:re d to have flows of high piezometric head.; fo.r that reason I do not expect particles much larger than sand to be in motion in spring beds except very near their juncture with the mainstream where high gradients can develop and thus signi- ficant downcutting occur. This downcutting face will move toward the spring source but at an increasingly slow rate. 8. Flood channels and flood plains will be abandoned and vegetated after regulation of the river. Approximations of these areas are shown on the overlays of Figure 12. Based on the frequent evidence of seedlings and older ne~growth on such areas, (Plate 8) rapid vegetation may be expected. Species will be primarily cottonwood, alder and willow. The margins of spring- flow channels such as one shown in Plates 9 and 10 will be more narrowly confined with vegetation. 51 Plate 8r Abandoned flood channel areas will rapidly vegetate with cottonwood, alder and willow. .. I I 1- I I Plate 10: Flood Channel at river mile 107 ~ is fed by spring and small tribu- tary flows, .. 51 a Plate 9: Springflow-fed secon1ary ~:ood chann~ls at r iver mile . 104 J/4. E. Springflows C" • • • 0p~1~gs occurrlng 1n or near the valley bottom probably ~ome ~ostly from unconfined aquifers suggesting that only low pressures are available. 1. Three kinds of springs were identified in the middle Susitnaa a) Discharges from the perimeter of beds of steep tributaries or from their fan deposits adjacent to the rivera these flows are fairly constant in volume; water temperatures are conditioned by stream temperatures depending upon the distance of tra~el within the aquifer. b) Discharges fed by the river upstreama these are apt to be close to (downstream from) a significant drop in river gradient. They will, of course, occur thro·ugh alluvial deposits. It should be borne in mind that head loss of flow in .. the river will always be much less than flow through an aquifer, th'us limiting th·e springflow that may be expected. Volume of flow from such springs will depend directly upon the water level of the river upstream. Again, water temperature will be conditioned by distance of travel through the aquifer. \2 .. -,- L .-;· c) Discharges dominantly from and through alluvium leading ..,, to the valley bottom, water source(s) not primarily from adjacent stream flows: Such ground-water flows are apt to be the aost constant in di~cbarg~ ana in 52 temperature. They may, however, fluctuate in volume as the vallAJ groun1-watA~ level changes. If, for axqmple, a drop in the Susitna produces a general lowering of valley bottom water-table, then the ground-water flow feeding the spring will not enter surface flow. This . fluctuation will occur unless and to the extent that a channel is sealed and therefore a local water table is perched. This type breakdown has been used in Table 8, which summarizes the springflows either seen on the ground or tentatively identi- fied on the aerial photography. 2. Considering possible effects of regulation of the Susitna on springflow conditions, the river level has been pointed out earlier and observed last summer by ADF & G field crews as capable of influencing volume of spring flow discharges, By consulting Figure 6, as well as pertinent features of Section D, the summary shown below was constructed to indicate the direction of influence of river regulation on valley ground-water level and hence on the depth and surface discharge of springflows. Month October January Mid-April June September Influence of river regulation on valley ground- water level (compared with existing relationship) begin to increase groundwater levels river regulation has greatest elevating effect on ground-water table. end of elevating effect on water table; beginning of depressing effect. greatest depressing effect on ground-water table smaller potential influence on water-tablea however, September evidently can be a drought month under a regulated regime indicating very significant depressing effect on dry years. It is reasonable to conclude that during the months of October through March springflows may be enhanced in the river valley bottom: during the months rtlay through mid-Septem"t>er these spring- flows may be depressed. The degree, the variability, and the years-timespan of these changes will require further work to establish. .54 fllf'.· Table 8: Summary of springflows seen on the ground or identi- fied on aerial photos. Location t 2-90-90 J/4 R-9li R-92~ R-95t L-96i R-96! L-97t L-99 1/J R-101-} L-lOJt L-104 J/4 L-105t L-108!--i L-109 L-111~ L-lllt L-11.3 R-114t L-117 J/4 R-llBt L-119 L-119; R-119 J/4 R-120t L-122t L-124! Type (a) (b) (c) c a c c a,c a a a a a a,c a,c a a,c a,c b,c a c c c a c a c a c Temperature Observations 17.1°C 11.4 8.1 16.0 7.5 6.0 Other Observations discharges into river into small slough, an old channel into small flood channels from Curry Cr., discharges into river. sizeable springflows into flood channels from lake-fed stream; sizeable spring-channel flows. into side channel near river sizeable springflows into . flood channels. into short flood channel discharges into river. into flood channel from Gold Cr., discharges into river. into small side channel ponded area -abandoned channels ponded area -abandoned channels into flood channel ~see text for description of springflow types identified. L= left side of river looking downstream; R = right side. 55 CITATIONS Blench, T., Mobile-bed Fluviolog*, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: The Univ. Alberta Press, 19 9. 168 pp. Branton, c. I., R. H. Shaw and L. D. Allen, Radiation'', Uniy, Alaska Tech, Bull. "Solar and Net No. .3., June, 1972. Clayton, L., s. J. Tuthill and w. B. Bickley, Effects of Ground- ~ater Seepage on the Regimen of an Alaskan Stream, senior author from Univ. North Dakota, others from Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio1 found in my notes from Hydro- logy Abstracts, date not available. Delay, w. H., and J. Seaders, "Predicting Temperatures in Rivers and Reservoirs", Proceedings of ASCE, SAL, Feb. 1966. pp. 115-1.3.3. Edinger, J. E. and J. C. Geyer, "Heat Exchange in the Environment" Cooling Water Studies for Edison Electric Inst., R.P. 49 third printing, John Hopkins Univ., June 1971. Gessler, J., River Mechanics, Vol. I, Ft. Collins, Colorado: H. w. Shen, Box 6o6Ft. Collins, Co., 1971. pp. 8-1 thru 8-24. Jarocki, w., A Study of Sediment, Wydawnictwo filorskie: Gydnia, 1957. OTS Pub.-g0-2127.3: 196.3. Leopold, L. B. and T. Maddock, Jr., "Hydraulic Geometry of Stream Channels and Some Physiographic Implications .. ; U1 s. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 252. 57 p. Livesey, R. H.,. Channel Armoring Below Fort Randall Dam": Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Jackson, Miss. Mamak, w., River Regulation, Arkady, Warszawa, Poland, l958r translated reprint of "Regulacja rzek i potokow". 125 pp. Parsons, R. M.p "Temperature Prediction in Stratified Water": Mathematical Model-Users Manual, Environmental Protection Agency, l25 pp. • · Pivovarov, A. A., Thermal Conditions in Freezi~ Lakes and Rivers, New York• John Wiley and Sons. 1.3 pp. Schoephorster, D. R •. and R. H. Hinton, Soil Survey: Susitna, u.s.n.A., Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with University of Alaska, · Schumm, s. A., A Tantative Classification of Alluvi~-River Channelst u.s. Geol. Survey Circ., 1963. ~77 pp. Yalley Area Alaska, 71 pp. --~...--~' "Fluvial Geomorphology: Historical Perspective•• R~ver Mechanic~ Vol. I, Chapter 4, P. o. Box 606, Ft. Collins, Colorado: H, w. Shen, 1971. pp. 4-1 thru 4-JO. --~...--~' "Fluvial Geomorphology: Channel Adjustment and R1.ver Metamorphosis" River Mechanics, Vol. I, Chapter 5, P. 0. Box 606, St. Collins,.Colorado: H, W. Shen. 1971. pp. 5-l thru 5-22, . u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Plain Information, Talkeetna River, Susitna River, Chu!itha Rlver: De'pt. of the Army, Alaska District, Corps Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, June, 1972. Vanoni, v. A. and N. H. Brooks, "Laboratory Studies of the Roughness and Suspended Load of Alluvial Streams .. , California Inst, Tech. Sedimentation Lab. Re~ort, E-68,. 'Pasadena, California, 121 pp. Wolman, M. G,, and L. B. Leopold, 'River Flood Plains: Some Observations on their Formation": u. s. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 282-C. Table A~l: Instantaneous Observations of River Temperatures During Field Visit ;:)at; e -Time 7-13-74-1745 7-13-74-1845 7-25-74-1820 7-14-74-1010 7-24-74-1230 7-14-74-1100 7-24-74-1340 7-15-74-1750 7-25-74-2030 7-14-74-21)0 7-21-74-1000 7-23-74-2035 7-2)-74-12)0 7-17-74-1230 7-2)-74-0900 7-17-74-0830 . 7-2)-74-1515 7;...16-74-1415 7-17-74-1615 7-23-74-1530 7-18-74-1040 7-19-74-1015 7-19-74-1045 7-19-74-1130 7-19-74-1545 7-20-74-1100 Water ~smp3rature Chulitna-River Mile 99i " ' .. tt II " tt 99 99 Little Susitna at Gaging Station II u 11 It II Little Susitna @ Edgerton Park Road Bridge .. •• II Little Su.sitna@ Main Hwy. Br. .. .. .. .. It Talkeetna River near R.R. bridge .. tt .. •• II II •• Susitna R. @ Portage River " " " Indian River " " It II II " 11 " Gold Creek .. tt II II " 11 " Sherman " II II tl II II tl II Susitna-river mile 109! " (Curry) 11 lOJ " (Portage Cr) 1 00~ " (McKenzie Cr) 99 1/J It II " (Lane Cr) river mile 96t " (above Chase) ·" 93 5.9°C 6.0° 6. 8° 6.2° 8.3o 6.4° 8.9° 9.1 10.8° 11.6° 9.4° 10.8° 10.8° 1).2° 9.5° 11.3° 11.4° lJO 14.2° 11.4° 12.4° 1).4° 14.5° 14.4° 14.4° 12.5° Table A-2: Instantaneous Observations of Susitna Tributary • ... 1 Water Temperatures During Field Visit .J Date-Time River-Mile Trib. Name? Water Temp. -·l _j 7-23-74 10:20 lJll Portage River 8,5°C -, 7-2J-74 l)aOO 127i "Jack Long" Creek 10.1° J 7-17-74 12:30 121 Indian River 11.5° 7-16-74 19s00 119 Gold Creek 10,8° _j 7-16-74 14al5. 113 Sherman Creek 11.0° 7-17-74 16tl5 113 Sherman Creek 12.0° ,---n 6.0° 7-16-74 14al5 113 Spring flow into R. 7-17-74 16a)O 11) .. II . II 8.6° ''"1 7-17·7/.t-18:30 llli ,, II II ?.5o 7-17-74 18al5 lllt Clearwater flow in 16° -from small -, flood channel lake-fed Cr. 7-.18-74 10:40 109~ Spring flow along R. 8,1°· (shows algal:. growth) ~ 7-1.8-74 11 :)0 lOBi Spring entering lower11 4o '''1 end flood channel • 7-18-74 14:00 108 Clear water flood 17.1° channel c1 12.4° 7-18-74 14:)0 107 7-19-74 10tl5 lOJi Curry Cr. 10.1° (intermittent) 7-19-74 10a45 lOOJ.. . 4 Portage Cr • 11.5° '1 7-19-74 12a00 99i McKenzie Cr. (spring 10.0° flows also .~ 98 J/4 7-19-74 12:45 Un-named (reported il.6 '", springfall) .. d 7-19-74 15a45 96t Lane Creek 9.1° Springs just upriver. 'o., 92! 10,4° 7-20-74 llaOO Un-named _.j l ~ • k ~ - Table A-J: 'Phermograph Installation Record, July 1974 Tape #r s tat ion I -- 12911 1 su~d Go 11916 I Susi Sh 12925 I Susi Sh 12933 I Litt Upp 12930 ILitt Up}) 12931 ILit low 12924 I " 12949 IChul 12954 IChul 12959 !Talk RiVH 12957 tna @ ld Creek tna @ erman tna @ erman J.e Susi tna cr statior le Susi tna ar statior lA Susitna c;r station .. i tna River itna River . eatna r' ., -- Installation Total Date-Water Recorded Time Error · Time Temp. Temp. 17/July 11.2°C 12.2°C All times at 8:30 1 hr slow 16/July 13.°C 13.9°C Gain li" hr at 14:15 in 7 days 16 July 13°C 13.3°C All times at 14:20 1 hr/10 min slow 17 July 6.2°C 6.7°C Gain 40 min @ lOslO in 10 days 14 July 6.2°C 7.2°C li hrs slow @ lOslO in 10 days 14 July 6.4°C 7.2°C 5 1/3 hrs @•10::30 fast in ten days " 6.4°c 7.5°C Ji hrs slow in ten days 13 July 6.o0 c 6.7°C 6 hrs @ 18:45 fast 13 July 5.9°C 6.7°C bad @ 17a40 record 14 July 11.6°c 12.1°C 3! hrs @ 2la40 fast 14 July 11.6°C 12.9°C 6! hrs @ 2lr40 fast ' Removal Date-Recorded Water ~ecorded Time Date-Time Temp, Temp. 23 July 23 July 11,4°c 11.1°C at 15al~ at 14aOC 23 July 23 July 11.4°c 11.7°C at 15z3C at 17 s3C 23 July 23 July 11.4°c 11.1°C at 15z 3< at 16aJC 24 July 24 July: 8.3°C 7 .8°C at 12t3C at 14:0C 24 July 24 July 8,3°C 8.6°c at 12a3C at 13:0C 24 Jul~ 24 July 8.9°C 8,6°c at 13 a ~c at 2laOC .. 24 July 8.9°C 9.2°C at 16a3C 25 July 25 July 6,8°c 6.7°C at 18a3! at 24&0( 25 July 17 July 6,8°C 3.6°c at 18a2C at ?tOO 23 July 23 July 10. 8°c 10.3°C at 20s3~ at 2la 3C " 24 July 10,8°C 11.1°c @ 2&00 I~ r r I PUtts A-1: Per1met~r of !.>ua1 tnca R. at ubout treh cr. ,1'1 ver m1le '76t. \ Pla te A•l : Bftdload depoa1ted on beaver dam in flood chAnnel nr . Billion Slough, rlv~r mile 82i. Plate A-3: ?er1~t~r of Suattna R. nr. ,1 111on lough• river mile B2t• Plate A1'4: ·~r1metf!r of uualtnn abou~ r1v~r mile 90i• - • 'below ;haat~, • Jlt-te. A-5: f f!r1me t~ r of :Just tmll ~. obove tr1b. or. at r. m1~02t Plate A-6t p!!t~ ... !'lm vt.-w of ~~v~r t'"~om rl v~r t:1!le ~2·J I I Plate A-7: Tributary entering Suaitna R.at river mile 921 . Glacial boulders prominent. Pate A-8: Mouth of Lane Cr ., river mile 96t. Plate A-9:. Perimeter material , Lane Cr., river m1ie 9St/ Plate·A-10: Perimeter, sus1tna R., above; Lane Cr. ,river mile 96i ?let~ A-11: Beaver-dammed, apr1ngfed(reported.1 pond-creek, river mile 98 3/4. Plate A•l2: Mouth ot McKenzie cr., riv~r mile 99 1/3~ Bedload being rapidl7 trimmed otf·b7 the river. I I Plate A-13: McKenzie Cr., river mile 99 1/S. Plate A-14: Active~apr1ngflow erosion along banks of river just above McKenz1e·cr., river ~~9~ Plate A•l5: Sumtna beach above Mckenzie Cr., river mile 99i. Plate A•l 6: Perimeter , Jortege Cr. ,riveT-mile 100~ Plate A•l7: Perimeter , SusS. tne R., at Cultt'y , river mile 103 . Plate A•l8: Streambed rubble 1n dry creekbed , Cu:rry Cr • , r 1 v e r m1 ie 103 . .. • ' Plate A-19: Sus1tna • above Curry · Cr~, river mile 103. Plate -20: r1met~r, sue1tna R. ·below nd1an • , r1 Vf'-r m1le 121. I I Plate A-21: Indian R. -Sus1tna R. confluenoe; larser met'l , (foreground) la river deposited; amsller mnt'l(middle) .Indian R. deposition. Indian R. in background. ~late A-22: Indian R. pn~1- m~te~ gravel .at mouth. Plate A-23a Portag~ R. near mouth, looking upat~eaa, river mlle 130. • I I • • I I Ple t~ A-24: Porte ge R . ahore }.lne looking downstreem fro m t mile abov., mouth. Plate A~25: Portage B. perimeter material on acti ve bar near mouth •.