HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3500- .- ""'--~-''''''.,."f'Merged~'~,',\;~~A~~~~~T~:~l'Bst'~~9~LASKY _,. . 1 K lLfJ-.5 .....<6I.::> 1-\:<2.-5 /If.a ,"3500 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FILE REFERENCE REPORT Prepared by HARZA-EBASCO JOINT VENTURE June 1987 ARLIS Alaska Itesources Library &tnfcrmauon Set'VICCS Anchorage ..Alaska SUSITNA RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BACKGROUND INFORMATION OVERVIEW OF SUSITNA FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Principal File Categories,Contents,and Location COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM System Overview Database Searches -General Database Searches -System Commands 5 9 13 13 16 20 - - Appe~ndi x A B C D E F G H System Storage by File Listing of Reports Report Formats Structure of RBase Tables Acronym Listing Contractor/Subcontractor Work Areas Keyword Listing File Code Inde x .- ARLIS Alaska.ltesources Library &.!nformatton Servtces Anchorage.Alaska - ,-'~ - - SUSITNA RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BACKGROUND INFORMATION This file reference report is intended to provide insight into the studies and explorations that were conducted on the Susitna Hydroelectric Project and to provide practical details on the records management and retrieval system that has been established by the Alaska Power Authority.The Susitna Records Management System was established to protect and preserve the many records that were produced as a result of the State's investment in the project and to allow public access to these records.This report will pro- vide information on how the records can be accessed and where the records are stored. The Records Management System is primarily comprised of reports and data gathered during the three and one half years the Harza-Ebasco Joint Venture worked on the project~but efforts were made to include information in the system that was generated by state and federal agencies and independent contractors as early as 1948.Thus~while the vast majority of the informa- tion in the system represents data generated since early 1983,the system also includes a considerable amount of feasibility work performed by Acres American Inc.between the years 1980 and 1983~the U.S.Army Corps of Engi- neers between 1974 and 1980~and the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation prior to 197L•• The system contains considerable scientific and engineering data which has significant value to Alaska.In this regard,not only aFe the data availa- ble to the State if it decides to pursue the project in some form in the future,but the project itself significantly advanced the present day knowl- edge of the biologic~geologic~and hydrometerlogic setting of Southcentral Alaska. The Susitna Project as currently envisioned would consist of two large dams located on the Susitna River in the uplands above Talkeetna.The project -1- .."""" would include an 870 foot high earth fill dam known as Watana and a 635 thin-arch dam at Devil Canyon.In tandem,the dams would be capable of producing 7.3 billion kilowatt hours of hydropower.Power would be brought to Fairbanks,Anchorage,and south to Seward and Homer by way of a high voltage transmission system which has already been partially constructed. This two dam scheme is relatively new concept for developing the Susitna river potential.It was first proposed by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers in their report to Congress in 1976.The Alaska Power Authority adopted the concept after extensive investigations in the early 1980's.Investigations prior to those of the Corps of Engineers suggested other measures for har- nessing the river's potential.Kaiser Engineers proposed a three dam scheme and a quasi private-state development in 1975.Even earlier,the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation proposed a four dam scheme to include dams at Devil Canyon,Watana,Vee,and Denali.This proposal was actually transmitted to Congress in 1961,but the Secretary of Interior recommended no further action pending the Crops of Engineers findings on the massive Rampart hydro- power proposal which was under active investigation at the time.Even earlier,studies by the Bureau of Reclamation in the latter 1940's suggested as many as twelve dams be built throughout the entire Susitna drainage basin.This latter study was only reconnaissance level,but it lead to the more detailed studies and eventually,the four dam recommendation. The level of effort that has been performed on Susitna over the years has generally been supportive of the present day two dam scheme.The Bureau of Reclamation proposal for four dams was prefeasibility as a whole,but the geotechnical investigations associated with the Devil Canyon project were of feasibility level.This included an extensive core drilling program at Devil Canyon,and preliminary field investigations at the Denali damsite. The Corps of Engineers investigations were at a prefeasibility level but they did conduct confirmation drilling at the Watana dam site as well as some additional drilling on the right abutment of the Devil Canyon dam site. The Corps of Engineers investigations were comprehensive in that the Corps -2- - ,~.- reviewed all of the dam configurations previously proposed by Kaiser,the Bureau of Reclamation,and others and ultimately concluded that the Devil Canyon/Watana combination,constructed in two stages -Watana first followed by Devil Canyon,was the economically and environmentally superior project. The Kaiser studies must be considered reconnaissance in scope as no new field work was conducted at their proposed damsites. The Alaska Power Authority established jurisdictions over the project and contracted with Acres American Inc.in January of 1980 to review the econom- ic and environmental feasibility of the project and to prepare the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license application.This phase of the project was accomplished over a three year period and was funded by a $35 million appropriation from the Alaska Legislature.In order to insure objectivity, the Governor's Office was given the task of independently conducting an alternative energy assessment.Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Inc.was hired to perform this assessment and they concluded that the Corps of Engineers two-dam plan was indeed the superior alternative for satisfying the long term energy needs of the Railbelt area. The Board of Directors of the Power Authority voted in the Spring of 1982 to pursue the FERC license to construct the project and hired the joint venture of Harza Engineering Company and Ebasco Services,Inc.(Harza-Ebasco)in January 1983 to initiate project design.A change in administration and a new Board of Directors for the Power Authority curtailed design activities as the world price of oil began to soften.A drop in oil price would decrease the State's revenue and hence its ability to finance the project. Concurrently,economic development in the State began to slow,as did the projected need-for-power forecasts.Thus,Harza-Ebasco was relegated the job of coordinating the overall licensing process while the State continued to review its financing options during this period of economic coalescence. Design was indefinately postponed. -3- ..,J>-. Since the State's ability to finance the project as originally proposed was becoming questionable.Harza-Ebasco investigated alternatives to reduce the large initial expenditure required for the two-stage.two-dam project.The result of this investigation was a recommendation to construct the two-dams in three-stages rather than two.By constructing the original first stage Watana Dam is two stages rather than one.the initial investment required for the project would be less.The remaining stages would be constructed after the initial stage was operational and producing revenues.The three stage project would be constructed as follows:stage 1 -Watana at approxi- mately three-quarters total height.stage 2 -Devil Canyon at full height; and stage 3 -raising Watana to full height.The three stage concept was accepted by the Power Authority and a draft amendment to the FERC License was prepared and submitted to FERC and state and federal agencies. The Power Authority had intended that the project construction would be financed through a combination of Revenue Bonds and State equity.However. as the price of oil dropped.surplus revenues needed for the State's equity contribution began to disappear.In February 1986 the Power Authority issued a finance plan that concluded that use of the earnings from the Permanent Fund was the only significant amount of money available to fund the State's portion of the project.By this time the State had expended approximately $100 million during the proj ect's licensing phase on exhaus- tive biologic.geophysical.hydrological.and economic investigations. Based on the results of the finance plan.the Power Authority shifted its focus to the much more inexpensive Devil Canyon project as the first stage deve:lopment of the two-dam scheme.Devil Canyon was found to be economical- ly attractive as a stand-alone project and more environmentally benign than the larger Watana project.In addition.more than 75 percent of the data previously collected for the Watana project was directly applicable for use on the Devil Canyon project. -4- .~. I............. - ...... Despite the fact that the project represented the best long range energy option for the railbelt,in April 1986 the Board of Directors of the Power Authority decided to terminate the project.In doing so,the Power Authori- ty directed Harza-Ebasco to prepare the Susitna project records for archives in Eluch a manner that the State's $135 million investment would be preserved to the ma ximum extent possible.To this end Harza-Ebasco developed the Susitna Records Management System. With the reutilization of the information available in the system,it is esti.mated that it would be possible to secure a FERC license for the con- struction of the Devil Canyon project within a 30 month time frame.In view of the current load demand projections,the much larger Watana project would takE!longer to license.In any event,the vast majority of the information collected by the State,in consonance with the work previously performed by the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation,can be directly applied to a renewed effort to construct the Susitna hydropower project. OncE~constructed,the proj ect will provide a renewable source of energy for Alaska well into the next century. OVERVIEW OF SUSITNA FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Susitna Records Management System is composed of a group of independent files having a common computerized tracking and retrieval system.The Records Management System was developed through an extension of the indepen- dent filing/tracking systems utilized during the last three active years of the Project.The decision to continue the use of and expand the independent fi1i.ng systems,rather than develop one integrated subject based file sys- tem,was based on a combination of budget concerns,the uncertainty in the typE!S and numbers of records to be accumulated,the staff familiarity with the existing systems,and the benefits of utilizing the three years of data input,in substantially unchanged form.Although the use of separate filing systems for the various components of the Records System makes the identifi- cation and retrieval of information more cumbersome,the substantial cost -5- savings associated with the separate filing systems dictated their use. However,even though speed and convenience have been sacrificed for cost, the computerized tracking/retrieval system will permit access to all Susitna records,although each set of files will have to be retrieved separately. The Susitna Records Management System was designed to preserve the data and reports generated during the Susitna investigations and make them accessible to the State of Alaska and other interested parties.The Records System is composed of three distinct parts: 1. 2. 3. Hard copy, Microfiche,and Computer inde x. - First is the hard copy.These are the reports,raw data,reduced data, field notes,computer printouts,prints,drawings,photographs,computer disks and tapes,and other forms of information compiled during the course of the investigations.Much of this information is one of a kind data that would be costly to reproduce if lost or discarded.The hard copy includes virtually all of the data in its original or finalized form that was created during the course of the Susitna investigations.Some of these data,in the form of completed reports,have been distributed to appropriate interested agencies and individuals. The second element of the Records System is a microfiche backup of much of the original hard copy.Conceivably,it would be possible to microfiche virtually all of the hard copy in the system and then discard the hardcopy all together.However,in the event that the state decides to reactivate the Susitna investigations or elements of them,it would be extremely diffi- cult and expensive for engineers to search the voluminous microfiche records and attempt to recreate appropriate sections.As such,the Power Authority has decided to microfiche as much of the data as practical and to store the hardcopy in the University of Alaska,Fairbanks archives for an indefinite -6- - ALASKA RESOURCES U:BRARY U.S.DEPT.OF INTERIOR period.The microfiche can be used to recreate distinct elements of data as needed by the state or independent researchers,or the majority of the sys- tem could be recreated in the event that the original hardcopy is lost or discarded in the future.Since the state will discard all but one copy of the documents and data in the system,the microfiche backup will be the most appropriate source from which reproductions of individual documents or por- tions of data can be created for the general public or other interested parties. The third element of the record system is the overall index and retrieval system.This can best be described as a computerized listing of all of the data and documents in the system.In general,the computerized listing identifies what is in the system and provides the keys necessary for loca- tion and retrieval.This is the element that gives order to the entire volume of information being preserved.Because of the shear magnitude of data and reports generated during the course of the Susitna project,a com- puterized index and retrieval system is manditory for efficient system use. In summary,the system includes the original hardcopy,microfiche backup for much of the hardcopy,and a computerized system for data tracking and retrieval of information. The records control system utilized for the project is based on a computer softwear program known as Rbase 5000.Rb5000 allows for input and storage of uniquely identifiable information not itemized or stored by specific subject matter.Subject matter,however,can be accessed by a keyword, title,or subject matter search.In fact this is the primary difference bet\olreen the Susitna Records Management System and a traditional library-type system.A typical library generally segments records by subject matter or author.This procedure facilities the limited search capability of the library.With the speed of the personal computer however,data which has been stored randomly can be easily searched thereby simplifying the task of structurally setting up the system.That is,data can be input without -7- - regard to sequence;the computer,then can identify the data in the system and provide the necessary location information. Several systems were considered before the Rb5000 program was selected.Of paramount concern was the fact that there was limited time and budget to effectively prepare a large quantity of records for archives.Concurrently, there was a need for a system that could manage massive amounts of records without a substantial amount of upfront sorting and,along the same line,to utilize as much of the existing document control system as possible.In order to develop a conventional system based on sequential listing of author and title,it would have been necessary to individually cross reference every single document that would be going into the system.It would have required a sUbstantially larger staff than was budgeted.Rb5000 allowed for the random input of files,thereby saving countless man-hours of sorting and cataloging and also allowed substantial use of the three plus years of data input into the Harza-Ebasco document control system.The Rb5000 program allows searches by any number of criteria to create hardcopy inventories of like subjects.As such,the main advantage of the system is that it was economical to implement.The main disadvantaged is that the subject matter is scattered throughout the system rather than in distinct locations for easy perusal and retrieval.On the other hand,there is little need for a researcher to confine a search to one physical location.The nature of the Susitna project is such that subject matter is discussed throughout such a broad range of documents that it would be difficult to physically locate individual subject matter in distinct locations.Thus the Rb5000 system is ideally suited to the Susitna Records Management System.An attempt has been made,however,to segment categories of documents for easy reference. A listing of the categories and status of the information in each is con- tained in the following section of this report. The computerized retrieval system lends itself to segmenting blocks of records by individual categories.It is possible for instance to print out the titles of all documents contained in the system sorted by either date, -8- .... author,document number,or some combination of these variables.The print out could then be reviewed manually to locate desired information.A manual search is cumbersome and does not utilize the obvious advantage of the available computerized location and retrieval system.Its main advantages would be for individuals very familiar with the records system and for transmitting information to inquiring parties interested in a complete or specific listing of information in the system or system subset.Conversely, it may be desirable to produce copies of the titles of documents with very distinct subject constraints.As an example,the Power Authority may wish to make available a print out of information that would include all moose studies conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game during 1985. The computer would search all document titles and keywords for moose,for the year in which the studies were conducted,and by the author.The output would be a subset of the entire record system,but it would be of specific interest to certain parties. The Susitna Records Management System is designed for use on the IBM PC or compatible system.The user of the system needs only a basic knowledge of the DOS operating system and how to enter the basic commands to initiate the Rb5000 system.The Rb5000 system itself is user friendly and is easy to use.Step by step instructions are provided on the use of the system in later sections of this report. Principal file categories,contents,and location In order to facilitate the storage and retrieval process,the files con- tained in the Susitna Records Management System have been divided into seven categories.The categories are based on physically similar types of docu- ments.These files categories are as follows: Documents Correspondence -9- Data/Information FERC Requests/Responses Photographs Maps/Drawings Report Originals Appendix A contains a summary of the location and disposition of records in the system as well as a contact list for the repositories.The table indi- cates where the hardcopy is located for each of the seven file categories and where microfiche is located.It also indicates which agencies maintain the Rb5000 sofware and copies of the database files. A brief description of the contents of the data in the seven file categories is as follows: Documents.This file category contains books,bound reports,or other information bound in a report format.In some instances a piece of correspondence may have been cited as a reference in a report.In such cases the correspond'ence was bound in a hard cover and was processed as any other 'formal'report (of course,the piece of correspondence also would be contained in the correspondence file category).The materials contained in this category are either project reports (those developed directly from project related activities),reports used as references in various project reports,or general reference materials. The main repository of this file is the orignial microfiche in the Juneau archives.The Power Authority library,however,contains a complete hard copy set as well as a microfiche set and the University of Alaska,Fairbanks contains a partially complete hard copy set.In addition,many of the documents contained in this file can be also be found in the various libraries throughout the state.All of the docu- ments in this file (with the exception of standard hardbound reference texts)have been microfilmed. -10- ....... - - Correspondence.Included in this category are all letters,letter reports,or other forms of communication in which Harza-Ebasco was a party or was copied.This category has been totally microfilmed and the hardcopy destroyed.Microfiche copies of this information will be retained at the Power Authority library and the State Records Center in Juneau. Data/Information.This file contains all raw data,reduced data,cal- culations,cost estimates,field log books,subcontractor correspon- dence,report backup,and all other forms of data.The data medium consists of magnetic tapes,floppy disks,computer printouts,hand written notes and logs,and basic engineers calculations.It is one of a kind information that is on loan from the Juneau Archives and is being stored at the University of Alaska,Fairbanks.Most of the information in this file has been microfilmed (magnetic storage media, photos,etc.were,of course,not possible to film). FERC Requests/Responses.This file contains all of the FERC requests for supplemental information and the Power Authority's responses.This is a very important file in that it contains the outstanding FERC ques- tions and draft responses that were pending when the project was termi- nated.This file has been totally microfilmed for retention at both the Power Authority library and the Juneau Records Center. Photographs.This file contains aerial photography of the Susitna River and of the proposed transmission line routes.The hardcopy,is being stored at the University of Alaska,Fairbanks,on loan from the Juneau Archives,while the negatives are being stored in the climat- ically controlled vault of North Pacific Aerial Survey in Anchorage. The negatives generated for vegetative mapping are being stored by the U.S.Geological Survey (NrCI). -11- ...- - Maps/Drawings.This file contains all of the original drawings and mylars of engineering drawings and land ownership maps.The originals are stored at the University of Alaska,Fairbanks,on loan from the Juneau Archives.The original film is in the State Archives in Juneau. The Power Authority maintains the drawings on aperture cards. Report Originals.This file includes the camera ready copy of project reports and distribution information.This file was not microfilmed. The hardcopy of this file is being retained at the Records Center in Juneau.In addition,the computer tapes and engineering drawing nega- tives are also retained at the Records Center. All of the information included in the Records System is subdivided into one of these seven categories.This includes all of the Harza-Ebasco generated records as well as that of their subcontractors.To the extent that the information was readily available,the system also includes various cate- goriE~s of records from the Acres American,Inc.feasibility studies,and from previous studies by the U.S.Corps of Engineers and the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation. The only Susitna related records that are not in the system are the Power Authority's correspondence files,and restricted archaeological documents. The file code index for the correspondence files may be input to the system at a later date.The archaeological information not in the system consists mostly of maps,reports on sites of historic significance,and artifacts. This information is restricted in accordance with Federal Law (Federal Archaeological Resources Protection Act 1979,Section 9A).Approval to access this information must be obtained from the Chief of the Office of History/Archaeology,Department of Natural Resources,Anchorage,Alaska. Except as noted above,the Susitna records have been allocated to storage in one of three locations.Information intended for storage in Anchorage would -12- - - -~) - be located in the Power Authority's library.In fact this is the main loca- tion from which interested parties can gain information on all aspects of the disposition and location of Susitna related information.In addition to the Power Authority library,soil and core samples will be stored in a Power Authority warehouse to be located in Eagle River. Information stored in Fairbanks is housed in the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska under the Polar Regions Archive section.The primary file category stored in the Rasmuson Library is the Data/Information file. This file contains massive volumes of original data that it is hoped can contribute to the research and educational needs of the University system. Hard copies of a majority of the project reports were also sent to the University Library. Records located in Juneau are stored in either the State Archives system or in the State Records Center as appropriate.Those records contained in the State Archives are available to the general public although the information cannot be removed from the premises.Information contained in the Records Center is not available to the general public,however,individual requests for access to the data can be made to the Power Authority for their consid- eration.Records stored in the State Records Center are contained in card- board boxes for a specified shelf life.At the end of a specified number of years the records will be destroyed unless the Power Authority requests that the retention period be extended. COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM System Overview As discussed in a previous section,the database program chosen for the Susitna Records Management System is Rbase 5000.This program runs on an IBM or IBM compatible personal computer and requires approximately 15 MB of -13- - disk space for the program and data associated with the Susitna Records Mana.gement System. The Rbase 5000 program has a two-level hierachy structure comprised of:1) Databases and 2)Tables.At the first level.the Susitna Records Management System has been divided into two databases:DOCCONA and DOCCONB.Database DOCCONA contains those records which are anticipated to be accessed or searched frequently.by a wide range of researchers.Database DOCCONB con- tains those records of limited general interest but of importance to the Power Authority.By dividing the records into these two databases,the Power Authority can more easily and economically distribute Susitna data of widespread interest to selected repository locations. At the second level.the Susitna Records Management System is divided into several Tables under each database.As previously discussed.the files in the Records Management System were divided into seven categories.Each of the seven categories has a corresponding Table in one of the two databases. Actually.the correspondence category has five corresponding Tables -one for each year 1983 through 1987.The remaining categories have only one corresponding table each.The following are the tables associated with each of the databases: ...-, DATABASE DOCCONA TABLE DOCLOG (Documents) DATA (Data/information) PHOTOS (Aerial Photographs) DWGS (Maps and Drawings) -14- - c._ DATABASE TABLE DOCCONB CORLOG83 (1983 Correspondence) CORLOG84 (1984 Correspondence) CORLOG85 (1985 Correspondence) CORLOG86 (1986 Correspondence) CORLOG87 (1987 Correspondence) FERC (FERC Requests and Power Authority Responses) ORIGINL (Report Originals) ACRONYMS (Acronym listing) KEYWORDS (Keyword listing) The Rbase 5000 program is a relational information management type program which stores information within a Table in defined columns and rows.This allows a researcher to sort or select data based on defined column and row constraints.The information retrieval command to define these constraints and select from a table is composed of four parts: 1.Select 2.From 3.Sort (Optional) 4.Where (Optional) The format for this command is as follows: SELECT _FROM _SORTED BY.__WHERE _ The SELECT statement identifies which columns of data are desired.The FROM statement identifies which Table is being queried.The SORTED BY statement identifies the order in which the data are to appear.This statement is optional;if it is not used,the data will appear in the order it exists in the database.The WHERE statement identifies the specific data being requested.This statement is also optional;if it is not used,all of the -15- ,.- - ~- - ,- \ - data in the table will be selected.Specific uses of the information retrieval command will be discussed in detail in following sections. The most cumbersome step in the process of developing an information re- trieval command is formatting the SELECT statement.This is especially true when repetitive searches are required to isolate information.To eliminate the need to redefine the SELECT statement for each retrieval command,Rbase has a provision for developing a predefined SELECT statement.This prede- fined SELECT statement is called a REPORT and is permanently stored in the database.In addition to the advantage of having a predefined SELECT state- ment,the REPORT also permits a title,date,page numbering,and a paginated output.This provides a consistent format for presenting the results of a search or other inquiry.A listing of the REPORTS associated with each Table in the Susitna Records Management System is shown in Appendix B.The formats for these REPORTS are shown in Appendix C. Database Searches -General As discussed above,selecting and formating data is accomplished using an information retrieval command.To simplify access to the information in the Susitna Records Management System using this command,REPORTS have been set up which contain predefined SELECT statements.Although a REPORT will auto- matically provide the SELECT statement and format the output,it will not, in itself,identify specific data within a database table -this requires a WHERE statement.In a WHERE statement one or more columns are targeted and the search constraints defined.As an example: WHERE DATE**EQUALS 870101 targets the column DATE**and limits the data selected to those rows where the date equals January 1,1987. -16- Although there are a significant number of possible data request formats, the following WHERE statement target columns are anticipated to comprise the primary database queries. TABLE DOCLOG (Documents) DATA CORLOG (Correspondence) PHOTOS DRAWINGS FERC ORIGINL (Report Originals) TARGET COLUMN Author Title Keywords Company Descript (Description) Keyword Author Recipien (Recipient) Subject Task (Sequence) Descript (Description) Title Reqdate (Request Date) Subj ect Keywords DCNO **(Document Number) - Although these target columns will be the ones most commonly searched and are discussed in more detail in this report,the RBase 5000 program allows for substantial variability in search requests.It provides for this vari- ability through the use of multiple WHERE statements.For example,the -17- first search listed above (asking for a particular author from the Table DOCLOG)can be constrained further by adding a WHERE statement for the DATE**column narrowing the search to a particular year.Multiple WHERE statements will be discussed in more detail in later sections. In summary,the following general command format is used for most searches: PRINT (REPORT)SORTED BY WHERE _ REPORT is a predefined SELECT statement for a particular Table and has a predefined output format (see Appendix C for the REPORT formats) SORTED BY is an option.It is used to present the data in a specified order (eg.by number,title,author,date) WHERE is also an option.It is used to limit the search to a specified data type and range (eg.date equals __'author contains __) If no WHERE statement is used,all of the data in the asso- ciated Report Table will be selected and printed. If no SORT statement is used,the data output will be in the order it appears in the computer file. In defining the WHERE statement,one of two conditions will be used,"EQ" (equals)or "CONTAINS".When limiting a search by an integer column (eg. date,document number)the WHERE statement is defined using EQ.When limit- ing a search by a text column (eg.title,keyword)the WHERE statement is defined using CpNTAINS.To determine whether the data in a column is an integer or text refer to the column listing for the specific Table being searched in Appendix D. -18- .-.. - When the CONTAINS statement is used,the computer will search for the selected string of characters.The string does not have to be a complete word or group of words.The computer will try to match the string whether a single letter or a complete sentence.For example,to search the document database for all reports whith contain GEO in the title: PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE TITLE CONTAINS GEO The results of this search would include all reports sorted by document number (SORTED BY DCNO**)which contain the characters GEO in the title column (WHERE TITLE CONTAINS GEO).The results of this search would include listings which contain geotechnical,geologic,geology,geometrical,geo- hydrology,etc. The EQUALS statement is used with integers and the results of the search provide only those listings which match exactly.For example,to search the document database for all reports published in May 1985: PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE DATE**EQ 850500 The results of this search would list only those reports where the date equals 850500.If there were other reports which had dates of 850517, 850501,etc.,the listings would not be selected because the dates do not equal 850500.Note the symbol "="can also be used in place of EQ. When conducting multiple WHERE statement searches,the WHERE statements are separated by an AND or an OR.With the AND separator,both WHERE statements must be satisfied for data selection while the OR separator selects data on either WHERE statement condition.For example.to search for all reports written in May 1985: PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE DATE**GT 850430 AND DATE**LT 850601 -19- - The results of this search would include all reports sorted by document number (SORTED BY DCNO**)where the date is greater than (GT)April 30,1985 and less than (LT)June 1,1985 (WHERE DATE**GT 850430 AND DATE**LT 850601) Searches are conducted by requesting information from any column in a speci- fied Table.Each column has a name,type (integer or text)and field length.See Appendix D for column definitions. Database Searches -System Commands Details on how to conduct the "primary"searches previously listed are presented below.The command language to be entered into the computer is shown in ALL CAPS;any words or information in lower case characters or in initial caps only should not be entered into the computer.After a command is typed on the screen,a carriage return «CR»)is used to initiate the command. ENTER RBASE 1. 2. Power up machine,monitor,and printer;Autoexec program will initiate operating system and menu program. At the Menu screen (C prompt)type in RSK <CR) The RBase logo and command line will appear. -I 3.To enter the RBase command mode type R <CR) You will now see an R prompt rather than a C prompt. -20- - 4.To open either database DOCCONA or DOCCONB type in one of the following commands: a.OPEN DOCCONA <CR> b.OPEN DOCCONB <CR> The system will indicate that the database exists.You are now in the selected database and ready for conducting information searches. EXIT RBASE When database inquiries are completed,use the following procedure to exit Rbase. .- 1.Type EXIT <CR> This will take you back to the Rbase logo and command line • ..... r~ - - 2.Press the ESC key to return to the MENU. ALWAYS EXIT THE RBASE 5000 PROGRAM PRIOR TO TURNING THE COMPUTER OFF • -21- - SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS BY AUTHOR The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DOCLOG (docu- ments)by the column AUTHOR.The Table DOCLOG is searched using the Report labelled DOC2.The data output format for DOC2 is shown in Appendix C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR)(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis~type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR>.When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR>to remove the file. -. - .- 3.Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS XYZ <CR> This search will result in a listing in document number order (SORTED BY DCNO**)of all reports within the Table written by the author XYZ (WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS XYZ).If you are unsure of the correct spelling of the author,check the acronym listing in Appendix E to ensure proper entry.As an added guide to help locate data by author,a listing of the major contractors and subcontractors who participated in the Susitna Project and a keyword or two describing their area of work is included as Appendix F.If no sort clause is used,the author listing order will be as existing in the database • .... 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR> -22- SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS BY SUBJECT MATTER TITLE.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DOCLOG (documents)by subject content in the column TITLE.The Table DOCLOG is searched using the Report labelled noC2.The data output format for DOC2 is shown in Appendix C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR>(if not already open) ,..,. 2. 3. Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR> This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR>.When the file is no longer needed ,.enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR>to remove the file. Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE TITLE CONTAINS XYZ <CR) This printout will result in a listing in document number order (SORTED BY DCNO**)of all reports in the Table which contain XYZ in the title (WHERE TITLE CONTAINS XYZ).For example.to obtain all reports which contain moose in the title: Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE TITLE CONTAINS MOOSE <CR) If more than one word is used in the title search (eg.Devil Canyon) the search request must be placed in quotes.For example: Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE TITLE CONTAINS "DEVIL CANYON"<CR) 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR> -23- KEYWORD.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DOCLOG (documents)by the column KEYWORDS.The table DOCLOG is searched using the Report labelled DOC2.The data output format for DOC2 is shown in Appendix C.A listing of keywords is shown in Appendix G. I~ .- ,~ - 1. 2. 3. 4. Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR)(if not already open) Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR),where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR).When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR)to remove the file. Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE KEYWORDS CONTAINS XYZ <CR) This search will result in a listing in document number order (SORTED BY DCNO**)of all reports within the Table which contain the keyword XYZ (WHERE KEYWORDS CONTAINS XYZ).If you are unsure of the correct spelling of the keyword,check the keyword listing in Appendix G to ensure proper entry.If no sort clause is used,the keyword listing order will be as existing in the database. Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR) -24- SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS USING MULTIPLE WHERE STATEMENTS AND.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DOCLOG (documents)by multiple subject requests (Multiple WHERE statements)using any column or combination of columns.The Table DOCLOG is searched using the Report labelled DOC2.The data output format for DOC2 is shown in Appendi x C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA (CR>(if not already open) -2. 3. Type OUTPUT PRINTER (CR> This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS (CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS (CR>.When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS (CR>to remove the file. Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS ABC AND TITLE CONTAINS XYZ (CR> This search will result in a listing in document number order (SORTED BY DCNO**)of all reports within the Table written by the author ABC (WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS ABC)and where the title contains XYZ (WHERE TITLE CONTAINS XYZ). ..... 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR) OR.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DOCLOG (documents)by multiple subject requests (Multiple WHERE statements)using any column or combination of columns.The Table DOCLOG is searched using the Report labelled DOC2.The data output form for DOC2 is shown in Appen- di x C. -25- ~, 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR>(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR>.When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR>to remove the file (this is done while in DOS). 3.Type PRINT DOC2 SORTED BY DCNO**WHERE TITLE CONTAINS "UVW XYZ"OR TITLE CONTAINS ABC <CR> This search will result in a listing in document number order (SORTED BY DCNO**)of all reports within the Table whose title contains UVW XYZ (TITLE CONTAINS "uvw XYZ")or ABC (TITLE CONTAINS ABC).If no sort clause is used,the title listing order will be as existing in the database. 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR) -26- SEARCH FOR DATA BY SUBJECT MATTER COMPANY.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DATA (information/data)by the column COMPANY.As an added guide to help locate data by company,a listing of major contractors and subcontractors who participated in the Susitna Project and a keyword or two describing their area of work is included as Appendix F.The Table DATA is searched using the Report labelled DATA2.The data output format for DATA2 is shown in Appendi x C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR)(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR),where FILE is any file name desired.To print file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR).When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR)to remove the file. 3.Type PRINT DATA2 SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO WHERE COMPANY CONTAINS XYZ <CR) This search will result in a listing sorted by box number and subsorted by file number (SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO)of the data within the Table which contain the company XYZ (WHERE COMPANY CONTAINS XYZ). 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN (CR) KEYWORD.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DATA (information/data)by the column KEYWORD.The Table DATA is searched using the Report labelled DATA2.The data output format for DATA2 is shown in Appendix C.A listing of keywords is shown in Appendix G. -27- 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR)(if not already open) - 2. 3. 4. Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR> This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR)where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR).When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR)to remove the file. Type PRINT DATAZ SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO WHERE KEYWORD CONTAINS XYZ <CR) This printout will result in a listing sorted by box number and sub- sorted by file number (SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO)of all data in the Table which contain XYZ in the keywords (WHERE KEYWORD CONTAINS XYZ). For example,to obtain all data which contain borehole as a keyword: Type PRINT DATAZ SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO WHERE KEYWORD CONTAINS BOREHOLE <CR) If more than one word is used in the keyword search (eg."computer run")the search request is placed in quotes. Type PRINT DATAZ SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO WHERE KEYWORD CONTAINS "COMPUTER RUN"<CR) Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR> -28- ..... - SEARCH FOR DATA USING MULTIPLE WHERE STATEMENTS OR.The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table DATA for subject matter that may appear in two separate columns (MULTIPLE WHERE CLAUSES).The Table DATA is searched using the Report labelled DATA2.The data output form for DATA2 is shown in Appendix C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONA <CR)(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>where FILE is any file name desired.To print a file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR>.When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR>to remove the file. 3.Type PRINT DATAl SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO WHERE KEYWORD CONTAINS XYZ OR DESCRIPT CONTAINS XYZ <CR> This printout will result in a listing sorted by box number and sub- sorted by file number (SORTED BY BOX-NO FILE-NO)of all data within the table which contain the keyword XYZ or contain XYZ in the description (WHERE KEYWORDS CONTAINS XYZ OR DESCRIPT CONTAINS XYZ).If you are unsure of the correct spelling of a keyword or description,check the keyword listing to ensure proper entry.If no sort clause is used,the listing order of the output will be as existing in the database. 4.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR) -29- ,.... ,~ SEARCH FOR CORRESPONDENCE BY SUBJECT HATTER The following procedure can be utilized to search the table CORLOG (corre- spondence)by the column SUBJECT.The Table CORLOG is searched using the Report labelled CORR (insert applicable year to be searched).The data output formats for CORR are shown in Appendix C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONB (CR)(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER (CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis t type OUTPUT FILE.RBS (CR>t where FILE is any file name desired.To print the filet enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS (CR>.When the file is no longer needed t enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS (CR>to remove the file. 3.Determine report to be used.Report options are: REPORT TABLE CORR83 CORLOG83 Correspondence log for 1983 CORR84 CORLOG84 Correspondence log for 1984 CORR8S CORLOG8S Correspondence log for 1985 CORR86 CORLOG86 Correspondence log for 1986 CORR87 CORLOG87 Correspondence log for 1987 4.Type PRINT CORR83 SORTED BY LTNO**WHERE SUBJECT CONTAINS XYZ (CR> This search will result in a listing of correspondence for the year 1983 in letter number order (SORTED BY LTNO**)of all correspondence within the Table which contain the subject XYZ (WHERE SUBJECT CONTAINS -30- -- xyz).If no sort clause is used J the subject listing order will be as existing in the database. 5.Type OUTPUT SCREEN <CR) -31- SEARCH FOR CORRESPONDENCE BY AUTHOR The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table CORLOG ~ (correspondence)by the column AUTHOR.The Table CORLOG is searched using the Report labelled CORR (insert applicable year to be searched).The data output formats for CORR are shown in Appendi x C. - \- - 1.Type OPEN DOCCONB <CR)(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR) This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.To save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR).When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <CR)to remove the file. 3.Determine report to be used.Report options are: REPORT TABLE CORR83 CORLOG83 Correspondence log for 1983 CORR84 CORLOG84 Correspondence log for 1984 CORR85 CORLOG85 Correspondence log for 1985 CORR86 CORLOG86 Correspondence log for 1986 CORR87 CORLOG87 Correspondence log for 1987 4.Type PRINT CORR84 SORTED BY LTNO**WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS XYZ <CR) This printout will result in a listing of correspondence for the year 1984 in letter number order (SORTED BY LTNO**)where XYZ is the author (WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS XYZ). -32- ...... - - For example,to obtain all correspondence from the year 1985 where the author is Ferguson: Type PRINT CORR85 SORTED BY LTNO**WHERE AUTHOR CONTAINS FERGUSON (CR> 5.Type OUTPUT SCREEN (CR) -33- SEARCH FOR CORRESPONDENCE BY MULTIPLE CLAUSE TASK SEQUENCE The following procedure can be utilized to search the Table CORLOG (corre- spondence)by the columns TN,STN,ITN,and SIN (collectively referred to as the task sequence).The file code index shown in Appendix H identifies the task sequence numbers.Since the task sequence numbers in the file code index essentially identify subject categories,this search procedure is a subject search of the correspondence files.The Table CORLOG is searched using the Report labelled CORR (insert applicable year to be searched). The data output formats for CORR are shown in Appendix C. 1.Type OPEN DOCCONB <CR>(if not already open) 2.Type OUTPUT PRINTER <CR> This will send the results of the search directly to the printer.to save the results of the search in a file for later analysis,type OUTPUT FILE.RBS <CR>,where FILE is any file name desired.To print the file,enter DOS and type PRINT FILE.RBS <CR>.When the file is no longer needed,enter DOS and type DEL FILE.RBS <cR>to remove the file. 3.Determine report to be used.Report options are: REPORT TABLE CORR83 CORLOG83 CORR84 CORLOG84 CORR85 CORLOG85 CORR86 CORLOG86 CORR87 CORLOG87 - 4.Type PRINT CORR83 SORTED BY LTNO**WHERE TN <cR> -34- AND STN AND ITN This printout will result in a listing of correspondence for the year 1983 in letter number order (SORTED BY LTNO**)where the task sequence matches the order requested (WHERE TN AND STN =AND ITN =__). For example,to obtain all correspondence for the year 1985 for file code 2.3.6: .-. -- - -- - - -~ Type PRINT CORR85 SORTED BY LTNO**WHERE TN (CR) 5.Type OUTPUT SCREEN (CR) -35- 2 AND STN 3 AND ITN =6 APPENDIX A SYSTEM STORAGE BY FILE Location Anchorage Juneau Fairbanks-.File Contents APA ARCH REC UAF Documents "",,~Hardcopy X X (part.) Microfilm X X X Rb5000 X X X-Correspondence Hardcopy Microfilm X X Rb5000 X X Data/Information Hardcopy X Microfilm X X Rb5000 X X X ~ FERC Requests/Responses Hardcopy X Microfilm X X Rb5000 X X Photographs Hardcopy X Microfilm Rb5000 X X X Maps/Drawings Hardcopy X Aperture Cards X X*..-Rb5000 X X X Report Originals Hardcopy X Microfilm Rb5000 X X ~ Legend: APA:Alaska Power Authority Arch:State Archives Rec:State Records Center .-.Notes: Photograph negatives stored at North Pacific Areal Survey Vegetative mapping negatives to be stored by u.S.Geological Survey (NICI) *Juneau will have reel film for the maps and drawings ~ o REPOSITORY CONTACT LIST State of Alaska.Department of Education Archives and Record Management 141 Willoughby Avenue Juneau.Alaska 99801 Contact:Records Analyst (907)465-2276 .....Mail :P.O.Box C-0207 Juneau.Alaska 99811 o Alaska and Polar Regions Department Elmer E.Rasmuson Library 310 Tanana Drive University of Alaska -Fairbanks Fairbanks.Alaska 99775-1005 Contact:Archivist (907)474-7261 -.. o Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage.Alaska 99519-0869 Contact:Librarian (907)561-7877 - APPENDIX B LISTING OF REPORTS DATABASE -DOCCONA - - REPORT DATAl DATAZ DOCl DOC2 DWGSI PHOTO 1 TABLE DATA DATA DOCLOG DOCLOG DWGS PHOTOS DESCRIPTION Listing of Data/information files showing all columns associated with table DATA sorted by box number and file number* Listing of results from a data/information search showing all columns associated with table DATA sorted by box number and file number* Document listing all columns associated with table DOCLOG sorted by document number or author Listing of results of a document search sorted by document number or author Listing of drawing files (including maps)sorted by box number and drawing number,date,source,and title Listing of aerial photographs and slides sorted by box number and file number - *The structure of both DATAl and DATA2 are identical,the only difference between the two reports is the title.DATA2 is used to present the results of a search.DATAl is used for a formal printout of the entire table contents. DATABASE -DOCCONB - REPORT ACROI CORR83 CORR84 TABLE ACRONYMS CORLOG83 CORLOG84 DESCRIPTION Listing of all acronymn affiliations in either database sorted alphabetically Listing of all project-related correspondence files during the year 1983 sorted by letter number Listing of all project-related correspondence files during the year 1984 sorted by letter number -1- REPORT CORR8S CORR86 TABLE CORLOG8S CORLOG86 DESCRIPTION Listing of all project-related correspondence files during the year 1985 sorted by letter number Listing of all project-related correspondence files during the year 1986 sorted by letter number - CORR87 FERC1 CORLOG87 Listing of all project-related correspondence files during the year 1987 sorted by letter number FERCH Listing of all FERC requests/responses sorted by request date - KEY KEYWORDS Listing of keyword file sorted alphabetically ORIGINL1 ORIGINL Listing of report originals file available for reprinting showing document number,author,title and report date -2- - - - - APPENDIX C REPORT FORMATS - .- - - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DATA/INFORMATION FILES DATE: PAGE: BOX FILE NUMBER NUMBER COMPANY DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESULTS OF DATA/INFORMATION SEARCH DATE: PAGE: - - - - ..... BOX FILE NUMBER NUMBER COMPANY DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS I J I -1 l 1 .J I )I -1 1 1 1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DOCUMENT LISTING SORTED BY AUTHOR DATE: PAGE: DCNO AUTHOR TITLE PRJ-RPT DATE PAGES KEYHORDS LOCATION DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE RESTRICT - - .- - DOCUMENT NUMBER AUTHOR SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESULTS OF DOCUMENT SEARCH TITLE DATE DATE: PAGE: KEYWORDS -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DRAWINGS FILES DATE: PAGE: - - - BOX DRAWING NUMBER NUMBER DATE SOURCE TITLE - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH FILES DATE: PAGE: - - - BOX NUMBER FILE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ,- - - ..- ACRONYM SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACRONYM AFFILIATIONS AFFILIATION DATE: PAGE: J 1 1 1 -J 1 I 1 J 1 1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE FILE FOR 1983 DATE: PAGE NO.: LTNO TN I ------ STN ITN SIN DATELT DTRECV AUTHOR ATHRAFFL REClPINT RECPAFL SUBJECT '1 1 J J 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE FILE FOR 1984 DATE: PAGE NO.: LTNO TN STN ITN SIN DATELT DTRECV AUTHOR ATHRAFFL RECIPINT RECPAFL SUBJECT I I 1 J 1 1 -J 1 1 l I J 1 SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE FILE FOR 1985 DATE: PAGE NO.: LTNO TN STN ITN SIN DATELT DTRECV AUTHOR ATHRAFFL RECIPINT RECPAFL SUBJECT J 1 J 1 1 )I i 1 ] SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE FILE FOR 1986 DATE: PAGE NO.: LTNO TN STN ITN SIN DATELT DTRECV AUTHOR ATHRAFFL RECIPINT RECPAFL SUBJECT J I 1 J J J i 1 1 I I SUSITNA WIDROELECTRIC PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE FILE FOR 1987 DATE: PAGE NO.: LTNO TN STN ITN SIN DATELT DTRECV AUTHOR ATHRAFFL RECIPINT RECPAFL SUBJECT I 1 J 1 J 1 )]1 I 'I J I 1 1 REQUEST REQUEST DATE !DENT LETTER NUMBE R AUTHOR SUBJECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LISTING OF FERC REQUESTS/RESPONSES KEYWORDS DATE: PAGE: RESPONSE NOTICE TO TO FERC INTERVENORS STATUS .- KEYWORDS SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT KEYWORD FILE DATE: PAGE: SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORT ORIGINALS FILE DATE: PAGE: DOCUMENT REPORT NUMBER AUTHOR TITLE DATE ,APPENDIXDriC"=======:===========±zt=-..\I ,; I APPENDIX D STRUCTURE OF REASE TABLES -:OATABASE -DOCCONA (DOCUMENT CONTROL A), 1•Table -DOCLOG (Document Log) Column Name Type Length ~. 1 DCNO**INTEGER 1 value(s) 2 AUTHOR TEXT 12 characters 3 TITLE TEXT 150 characters 4 PUBLISHE TEXT 12 characters 5 DATE**INTEGER 1 value(s) 6 PAGES INTEGER 1 value(s) 7 KEY~RDS TEXT 60 characters 8 LOCATION TEXT 60 characters 9 DISTRIBU TEXT 60 characters 10 REFER TEXT 60 characters 11 RESTRICT TEXT 60 characters 2.Table -DATA Column Name Type Length 1 BOX-NO INTEGER 1 value(s) 2 FILE-NO INTEGER 1 value(s) 3 COMPANY TEXT 12 characters 4 DESCRIPT TEXT 180 characters 5 KE~RD TEXT 72 characters 3.Table -PHOTOS (Aerial Photographs &Slides) Column Name Type Length 1 BOX-NO INTEGER 1 value(s) 2 FILE-NO INTEGER 1 value(s).-.180 characters3DESCRIPTTEXT -1- 4.Table -DWGS (Project Drawings) ~Column Name Type Length ~"1 BOX-NO INTEGER 1 value(s) 2 DWG-NO TEXT 12 characters 3 DATE **INTEGER 1 value(s) ",,,,4 SOURCE TEXT 36 characters 5 TITLE TEXT 150 characters - ~, I -2- ,1"- -3- ~ 5.Table -FERC (FERC Historical Data) Column Name ~Length 1 REQDATE INTEGER 1 value(s)-2 REQIDENT TEXT 12 characters 3 LTNO**INTEGER 1 value(s) 4 AUTHOR TEXT 12 characters ~.5 SUBJECT TEXT 120 characters 6 KEYWORDS TEXT 60 characters 7 RES-FERC TEXT 18 characters 8 NOTE-INV TEXT 24 characters 9 STATUS TEXT 120 characters - -4- - - ACRONYM A-T ABR ACDP ACOHP ACRES ACSPF ACST ACWRU ADF&.G ADH ADN AEAI AEI AEIDC AFR AG AGA AGRA AHRG AHTNA AIM AIRGUIDE AIRLOG AJC AKHEL AKLIB ALASKARCTIC ALM ALUC ANL ANRE ANS ANSI AOCM AOSERP AOU APA APB ARCTEC ARDC APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:1 DEFINITION ASHTON-TATE ALASKA BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ALASKA CONSUMER ADVOCACY PROGRAM ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION (NATIONAL) ACRES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION ALASKA CENTER FOR POLICY STUDIES ALASKA COUNCIL ON SCIENCE &.TECHNOLOGY ALASKA COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH UNIT ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS APPLIED ECONOMICS ASSOCIATES,INC. ALASKA ECONOMIC,INC. ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AND DATA CENTER ACE-FEDERAL REPORTERS,INC. ARTIC GLASS AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION ARCTIC GEOLOGICAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATION ALASKA HERITAGE RESEARCH GROUP,INC. AHTNA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPLIED INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ALASKA AIR GUIDES AIR LOGISTICS OF ALASKA,INC. ANCHORAGE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE ALASKA HELICOPTERS,INC. ALASKA STATE LIBRARY ALASKA ARCTIC ALASKA LAND MANAGERS ALASKA LAND USE COUNCIL ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY ARMY &.NAVY SURPLUS AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE ALASKA OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ALBERTA OIL SANDS ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH PROGRAM AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS'UNION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ALASKA PACIFIC BANCORPORATION ARCTEC ALASKA INCORPORATED ALASKA RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ACRONYM ARERC ARG&F ASCC ASL AT AWL B&M B&T BAH BAKER BATTELLE BCC BCS BEA BECHTEL BECK BELL BERRY BHBP&A BLM BLS BOM BOR BPA BRAUND C&C CA CADG CAIN CAL/BREA CALKINS CBJWC CC CEA CEC CERS CF CFMP CI CIAA CIRI APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:2 DEFINITION ANCHORAGE REAL ESTATE RESEARCH COMMITTEE ARKANSAS GAME &FISH ALASKA SYSTEMS CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE ANCHORAGE TIMES AGE WEIGHT LENGTH BURNS &MCDONNELL BARLOW &TUSSING B002,ALLEN &HAMILTON MICHAEL BAKER JR.,INC. BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABORATORIES BELUGA COAL COMPANY BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS BECHTEL CORPORATION,BECHTEL CIVIL & MINERALS,INC. R.W.BECK &ASSOCIATES MILO BELL THEODORE BERRY &ASSOCIATES BIRCH,HORTON,BITTNER,PESTINGER AND ANDERSON BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS BUREAU OF MINES BUREAU OF RECLAIMATION BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION STEPHEN R.BRAUND &ASSOCIATES CHAN AND CHAU COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN GROUP CAIN SERVICE COMPANY CAL-BREA GEOLOGICAL SERVICES CALKINS/SHEN COLDWELL BANKER/JACK WHITE CO. CAPTAIN COOK CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CHUGIAK-EAGLE RIVER STAR (NEWSPAPER> CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS COPPER FIRE MANAGEMENT PLAN CRITERION,INC. COOK INLET AQUACULTURE ASSOCIATION COOK INLET REGION,INC. - ACRONYM CIRI/H&N CIRIIPAI CIRPT CMJV COE CP CPUE CRL CRREL CTF CWT D&L D&M DACC DBM DCED OCR A DEC DEIS DEKIN DENALI DEPD DEUGAW DFO DIHAB DLA DNR DOA DOAD DOC DOE DOl DOL DOR DOSP DOT APPENDIK E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:3 DEFINITION CIRI,HOLMES AND NARVER CIRI,PLACER AMEK,INC. COOK INLET REGIONAL PLANNING TEAM CIRI,MOOLIN JOINT VENTURE CORPS OF ENGINEERS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES CATCH PER UNIT EFFORT CANADIAN RESOURCE LIMITED COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY COAL TASK FORCE CODED WIRE TAG DRYDEN &LARUE DAMES &MOORE DIAMOND ALASKA COAL COMPANY DIVISION OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT A.A.DEKIN,JR. DENALI DRILLING,INC. DIVISION OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT CHING CHA DEUGAW DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS, CANADA DIET HABITAT DRAFT LICENSE AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DIVISION OF LABOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE OF ALASKA DIVISION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACRONYM DOTPF DOWL DP DPDF DPDP DRI DRIIRPA E&A EAI EBASCO EDAW EDC EIA ENTRIX ENV EP EPRI ERB ERC ERDA ERP ERT ERTEC ESRI ESSA EWTA FDA FDNM FDS FEIS FEMA FERC FMAA FMATS FMUS APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:4 DEFINITION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES DOWL ENGINEERS DATA PROCESSING DIVISION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT & FINANCE DIVISION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DATA RESOURCES INC. DENVER RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND RESOURCE PLANNING ASSOCIATES ERICKSON AND ASSOCIATES ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS EBASCO SERVICES,INC. EDAW INC. EXPLORATION DATA CONSULTANTS,INC. ENERGY INFORMAION ADMINISTRATION ENTRIX,INC. ENVIROSPHERE ENERGY PROBE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE EXTERNAL REVIEW BOARD ENERGY RESOURCES COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES EXTERNAL REVIEW PANEL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH &TECHNOLOGY, INC. EARTH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS LTD E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES FAIRBANKS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FAIRBANKS DAILY NEWS MINER FISH DISTRIBTUION STUDY FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION FRANK MODLIN AND ASSOCIATES FAIRBANKS METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM ACRONYM FNSB FDA FOCC FPCS FRBC FRI FRONT GAO GATES GE GEC GHA GILBERT GLGA GO GSNA GSP GVEA HAMBLIN HARZA HCA HE HENDRON HI HIBA HIGHLAKE HLA HNTB HRA HRI HRPI HRS HYDEX IECO lEI IFE IFG IFIM IFR IFRR IIHR INF APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:5 DEFINITION FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOUROUGH FRANK ORTH AND ASSOCIATES FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY COUNCIL FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION STAFF FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA FRONTIERSMAN,THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE GATES ENGINEERING COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC GOVERNOR'S ECONOMIC COMMITTEE GORDON HARRISON &ASSOCIATES GILBERT/COMMONWEALTH GREAT LAND GENERAL AGENCY GOSINK -OSTERKEMP GOLDCREEK SUSITNA NATIVE ASSOCIATION GROSS STATE PRODUCT GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION PAUL HAMBLIN HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY HART-CROWSER &ASSOCIATES HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ALFRED J.HENDRON HOMESTEAD INSURANCE HOMESTEAD INSURANCE BROKERS OF ALASKA HIGHLAKE LODGE HARDING-LAWSON AND ASSOCIATES HOWARD,NEEDLES,TAMMON &BERGENDOFF HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES HISTORICAL RESEARCH,INC. HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE HYDRO RESEARCH SCIENCE HYDEX CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY,INC. INTERSTATE EXPLORATION,INC. INSTREAM FLOW ELEVATION INSTREAM FIELD GUIDE INSTREAM FLOW INCREMENTAL METHODOLOGY INSTREAM FIELD REPORT INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIP REPORT IOWA INSTITUTE OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN FORESTRY ,"'" .... \ ACRONYM IRB ISER IWR J&J JAHS JGC JTI JWC K2 KCM KESSEL KREIG LAI LFSI LGL LIBRA LUPC MAC MATSU MEA MIT MJA ML&P MMS MOA MRC MRI MSI MSU MWR NAEC NAS NASA NBA NBER NCA NEBC NERA APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:6 DEFINITION INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF WATER RESEARCH (UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA) JONES AND JONES JUVENILE ANADROMOUS HABITAT SITES JOHN GRAHAM COMPANY JAPANESE TRADE &INDUSTRY JACK WHITE COMPANY K2 AVIATION,INC. KRAMER,CHIN AND MAYO B.KESSEL R.A.KREIG AND ASSOCIATES LANDTECH-ALASKA,INC. LANDFIELD SERVICES,INC. LGL ASSOCIATES LIBRA PROGRAMMING INC. LAND USE PLANNING COUNCIL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS COMPANY MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MUNDY,JARVIS &ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MCLEAN RESEARCH CENTER MITSUBISHI RESEARCH INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INTERNATIONAL,INC. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY MOUNTAIN WEST RESEARCH,INC. NORTHERN ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL AERONAUTICS &SPACE ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, INC. NATIONAL COAL ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD OF CANADA NATIONAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. ACRONYM NERC NES NMFS NOAA NPPC NPS NRC NRCC NRPC NSF NTIS O&GCC OCM ODF8.W OFR OMB ORB ORNL OTA PAl PAL PC PCS PGEC PIRF PJI PMOA PMS PN&D PRA PSD PSDI PW R&M RBA RCI RDC REAUME RJHAB RME RPT - ._----------_. APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:7 DEFINITION NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY COUNCIL NORTHERN ENGINEERING SERVICES NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NORTHWEST POWER PLANNING COUNCIL NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA NATIONAL RAILWAY PUBLICATION COMPANY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE OIL &GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH &WILDLIFE OFFICE OF FEDERAL REGISTER OFFICE OF BUDGET MANAGEMENT ORB ORGANIZATION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT PLACER AMEX,INC. POLICY ANALYSIS,LIMITED PENINSULA CLARION PC SOURCE PACIFIC GAS &ELECTRIC,CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM INDUSTRY RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. PENNY AND JENSON INC. PIPE MANUFACTURES OF ALASKA PILLSBURY,MADISON AND SUTRO PERATROVICH,NOTTINGHAM &DRAGE,INC. PENINSULA RESOURC AREA PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION PROJECT SOFTWARE &DEVELOPMENT,INC. PRINTER'S WORKSHOP R&M ASSOCIATES RAJ BHARGAVA ASSOCIATES RESOURCE CONSULTANTS,INC. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL REAUME CONSULTING RESIDENT JUVENILE HABITAT MODEL ROCKY MT.ENERGY REPORT - - -I -, - - ACRONYM RRCS RRFI RSI RTI S&W SA SADAR SCEC SDGEC SEED SFH SHCA SHEN SHPO SIR SNTEMP SOA SOWDOF SPDDAC SRI SSAC SSI STEPHEN TC TCC TCSM TES TR&CO TSS TYONEK UAA UAF UAFGI UAM UAP UCM UOI UOM UOW USBC USC APPENDIX E ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:8 DEFINITION --------------------------------------"- RENEWABLE RESOURCES CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION,INC. REED STENHOUSE,INC. RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE STONE &WEBSTER SWEENEY ASSOCIATES SADAR COMPANY,THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY SAN DIEGO GAS &ELECTRIC CALIFORNIA H.BOLTON SEED SELECTED FISH HABITAT SHERMAN H.CLARK ASSOCIATES SHEN STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL STREAM TEMPERATURE MODEL STATE OF ALASKA STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT.OF FISHERIES STATE PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION AND DATA ACCESS CENTER STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE STATEWIDE SERVICES,INC. STEPHEN LAKE LODGE TRAVEL CENTER TANANA CHIEFS CONFERENCE THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS TOUCHE,ROSS &CO. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TYONEK NATIVE ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA -ANCHORAGE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA -FAIRBANKS UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS GEOPHYSICAL INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA -MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA -PALMER USIBELLI COAL MINE,INC. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON US BUREAU OF CENSUS US CONGRESS - ACRONYM USCG USCOLD USFWS USGS USWB VS WANG WB WCC WDCAFG WEIRCO WELUT WE PC WHARTON WSE WUA YUKON APPENDIXE ACRONYM LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:9 DEFINITION US COAST GUARD US COMMITTEE OF LARGE DAMS US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY US WEATHER BUREAU VALLEY SUN WANG WORD PROCESSING AND EQUIPMENT WORLD BANK WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS WORLD DATA CENTER A FOR GLACIOLOGY PAUL WEIR COMPANY WESTERN ENERGY AND LAND USE TEAM WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY WHARTON ECONOMETRIC FORECASTING ASSOCIATES WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WEIGHTED USABLE AREA YUKON OFFICE SUPPLY APPENDIX F CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR WORK AREAS ACRONYM ACRES CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR ACRES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION MAJOR WORK AREA ENGINEERING,GEOLOGY ADF&G ADF&G AEIDC BATTELLE CMJV ADF&G GAME WILDLIFE,GAME ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (GAME) ADF&G SUHYDRO FISHERIES ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (SUHYDRO) ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE MODELING,PRELIMINARY INFORHATION AND DATA IMPACT ASSESSMENT CENTER BATTELLE PACIFIC APPLICATION &MAINTENANCE OF RED NORTHWEST LABORATORIES MODEL CIRI,MOOLIN JOINT VENTURE CAMP LOGISTICS,PERHITTING D&H EDAW ENTRIX FOA DAME S &MOORE EDAW INC. ENTRIX,INC. FRANK ORTH &ASSOCIATES COAL PRICE FORECASTING LAND USE,RECREATION FISHERIES IMPACT ASSESSMENT & MITIGATION PLANNING SOCIa-ECONOMIC IMPACT ...... HCA HEMMING HRA ISER KESSEL KREIG HART-CROWSER &ASSOCIATES CULTURAL RESOURCES HEHMING,JAMES E.TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE IMPACT HISTORICAL RESEARCH CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSOCIATES INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL AND APPLICATION &MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH MAP MODEL KESSEL,BRINA NON-GAME WILDLIFE R.A.KREIG AND ASSOCIATES VEGETATION MAPPING LAND FIELD SERVICES,INC.LAND OWNERSHIP- - ,...., ACRONYM LFSI LGL WEIRCO R&M THOMPSON EWTA SHCA ACWRU UAM UAP WHARTON CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LGL ASSOCIATES PAUL WEIR COMPANY R&M ASSOCIATES THOMPSON,GAIL E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES SHERMAN H.CLARK & ASSOCIATES UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, ALASKA COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH UNIT UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - PALMER WHARTON ECONOMETRIC FORECASTING ASSOCIATES CONSULTANTS MAJOR WORK AREA TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE COAL PRICING HYDROLOGY,RIVER SURVEYING & METEOROLOGY CULTURAL RESOURCES GENERAL AQUATIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT, INSTREAM FLOW METHODOLOGY OIL PRICE FORECAST TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE CULTURAL RESOURCES PLANT ECOLOGY OIL PRICE FORECAST - - WCC WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS IMPACT ASSESSMENT &MITIGATION PLANNING .~. APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 ABUNDANCE-ACCESS ACCESS PLAN ACCESS ROUTE ACREAGE ACRES ADF&G ADMIN ADULT AEIDC AERATION AERIAL,- AESTHETIC AGENCY AGENDA AGGRADATION AGREEMENT AGRICULTURE-AHTNA AIR QUALITY AIRCRAFT AIRSTRIP ~ALEXANDER ALGAE ALLUVIAL r-ALTERNATIVE AMENDMENT AMMONIUM ~ANADROMOUS ANALYSES ANALYSIS ANCHORAGE ~APA APPLIANCE APPLICATION ~APPRAISAL AQUATIC ..... DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:1 APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:2 KEYWORDS ------------ AQUIFER AQUISITION ARCHAEOLOGY ARCHEOLOGY ARCHIVE ARCTIC AREA PLAN ARTICLES ARTIFACT ASSESSMENT,.....ASSUMPTION ATHABASKAN ATTENUATION AUDIT AUFEIS AUTOMATIC AVAILABILITY AWL BACKUP BACKWATER-BALANCE BALD EAGLE BAROMETRIC.-BASELINE BASELOAD BASIN BCS ,~BEAR BEAR BOOK BEARBAIT BEAVER BEDLOAD BEHAVIOR BELL ISLAND-BELUGA WHALE BENCHMARK BENTHIC BERING CISCO BERM BERRY BIG GAME BILLING BIOLOGY BIRCH,-BIRCH CREEK .- - - - APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS BIRDS BLACK BEAR BLM BLUELINE BOARD BONDS BOREAL BOREHOLE BORROW BOTANY BRADLEY BRANDING BREACH BREAKUP BROWN BEAR BROWNE BROWSE BUDGET BURBOT BURNING BUS BUSINESS CABIN CALCULATIONS CALIBRATION CAMP CANDIDATE CANTWELL CAR CARIBOU CATALOGUE CATCH CEA CENSUS CHAKACHAMNA CHANNEL CHART CHINOOK CHUGACH CHULITNA CHUM CIRCULAR CISCO CLARENCE CLIMATE DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:3 APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGEt 4 ""'" KEYWORDS ------------.- CLIMATIC COAL COASTAL....COFFERDAM COHO COLLECTION COLOR COLUMBIA COLUMN-COMANCHE COMMENTS COMMERCIAL COMMODITY COMMUNITY COMPARISON COMPLIANCE COMPOSITION COMPUTATIONS COMPUTER COMPUTER RUN CONDUCTIVITY CONE VALVES CONFLUENCE,....CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS CONSUMER CONSUMPTION CONTRACT CONVERSION-COOK INLET COPIES CORE CORE LOGS CORE SAMPLES CORE SLIDES ""'"CORRIDORS COST COVER CPUE ...--:CRITERIA CULTURAL CURRENT CURRY CWT J11'~ APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING,.,,, DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:5 KEYWORDS ------------ DALL DALL SHEEP DAM DAM BREAK DATA DATA TAPE DATAPOD DE BUG DEADHORSE DEADMAN DEGRADATION DEIS DELTA ISLAND DEMAND DEMOGRAPHIC DENALI DEPENDENTS DEPHKA RIVER DEPLOYMENT DEPOSITION DEPTH DESHKA RIVER DESIGN ~DETAIL DEVELOPMENT DEVIL CANYON ~DICTIONARY DIESEL DIET DIGITIZATION,-DIHAB DISCHARGE DISKETTE ,....DISPOSAL DISSOLVED DISTRIBUTION,-DIVERSION DLA DNR DOl DOLLY VARDEN DOWNSTREAM DP -'DRAFT DRAWDOWN APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATEt 08/19/87 PAGEt 6..... KEYWORDS -------------DRIFT DRILLING DUST~ DYE DYRESM EAGLES EAGLES NEST EARTHQUAKE EASEMENTS ECOLOGY ECONOMETRIC ECONOMIC ECOSYSTEMS EFFICIENCY EGG EKLUTNA ELASTICITY ELECTRIC ELECTROFISH....ELECTROSHOCK ELEVATION EMBRYO EMERGENCE EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ENDANGERED ENERGY ENGINEERING ENLARGEMENT ENVIRONMENT EPA EQUIPMENT ERB ~EROSION ERRATA ESCAPEMENT ESTIMATE ESTUARY ETHNOGRAPHY EULACHON EUPHOTIC EUTROPHIC EVALUATION EVAPORATION EXH A ~ APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:8 KEYWORDS ------------ FORAGES FORECAST FOREST FORMAT FORMS FOX FREEZEUP FREQUENCY FRESHWATER ~FUEL FUEL COSTS FUNDING.....FUR BEARERS FUSE PLUGS GAGE GAGING ST GAME GAS GASH CREEK GEAR GENERATION GEOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHY GEOHYDROLOGY GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICAL GEOTECHNICAL GEOTHERMAL GILL NET-GLACIER GOAT GOLD CREEK GOOSE GOOSE CREEK GRAPHICS-GRAPHS GRAVEL GRAVITY GRAYLING GRAYWACKE GRIZZLY BEAR GROUNDWATER GROUSE GROWTH GSP A'PPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:9 KEYWORDS ------------ ~GUIDELINES GVEA HABITAT-HALIBUT HARVEST HAZARDS ~HEALTH HEARINGS HEATSIM HEC-2 HEIGHT HELICOPTER HERB-,HERITAGE HIGHWAY HISTOGRAM ,.,..HOMER HOOK HOUSEHOLD HOUSING HUNTING HYDRAULIC HYDRO !1I-'%\'l HYDROELEC HYDROGEOLOGY HYDROGRAPH-HYDROLAB HYDROLOGY IBM ICE ICECAL IFE IFG,-IFIM IFRR IMPACT .~IMPOUNDMENT IMPROVEMENT INCOME INCOME TAX ~INCUBATE INCUBATION INDEX ~INDIAN RIVER INDUSTRY ..... APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS INFLATION INFLOW INPUT INSPECTION INSTREAM INSTRUCTION INSURANCE INTAKES INTERGRAVEL INTERNAL INTERTIE INTERVIEW INVENTORY INVERTEBRATE INVESTIGATE INVOICE IRB ISSUES JAHS JAPANESE JOINTS JULY CREEK JURISDICTION JUVENILE KENAI KNIK KOSINA KWH LABOR LABOR COST LAKE LAND LAND USE LANDSCAPE LARSON LAKE LEASE LEGAL LEGEND LEGISLATION LEGISLATURE LIBRARY LICENSE LICHEN LICKS LIMNOLOGY DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:10 - - ,,,,.. - - APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS LINE LINEAR LITERATURE LNG LOAD LOAD FOLLOW LOCALE LOCATION LOG BOOK LOGGING LOGISTICS LOWER RIVER LYNX MAINSTEM MAINSTEM II MAINTENANCE MAMMALS MAN-MADE MANAGEMENT MANHOUR MANUAL MAP MODEL MAPPING MAPS MARINE MARKET MARKET VALUE MARTEN MAT-SU MATERIALS MEA MEASUREMENT MEDICAL MEETINGS MEMOS METEOROLOGY METER METHOD METHODOLOGY MICROSCOPE MIDDLE RIVER MIGRANT MIGRATION MILE MILLING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:11 APPENDIX G -KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:12 ,~.., KEYWORDS ------------ ,;to~ MINERAL MINIMUM ~MINING MINNOW TRAP MITIGATION MODEL MODELING MODIFICATION MONITOR fi"""'c MONTANA MONTHLY MOOSE MORITORIUM MORPHOLOGY MORTALITY MUSKRAT MYLAR NATIVES NATURAL NATURAL GAS NAVIGATION NEED/POWER NEGATIVES NESTS NEWSPAPER NITROGEN,-NMFS NON-GAME NORTH SLOPE '""~NOTES NUIQSUT NUTRIENTS NUTRITION ~O&M OBJECTIVE OBSERVATION 1"-'OCS OGP MODEL OIL r-'OPEN LEAD OPERATION ORGANIC OSHETNA ~OTOLITH OUTLINE ,.....APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:13 KEYWORDS ------------ P'~OUTMIGRANT OUTMIGRATION OVERLAY-OVERVIEW OWNERSHIP OXYGEN PARCEL PARTICLES PASSAGE PEAKING PEREGRINE PERIODICITY PERMAFROST I~PERMIT PETROLEUM PHASE II PHASE III ~PHENOLOGY PHONE LOG PHOSPHORUS,-PHOTOMOSAIC PHOTOS PHYSIOLOGY PINK PIPELINE PLAN .PLANIMETRIC.-PLANKTON PLANTS PLATE ~)PLATTING PLOT PMF ~l!.PMP POACHING POLICY POLLUTION-POPULATION PORTAGE POS POWER PRECIP PRESS PRICE PRIVATE -~ APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS PROCEDURES PROCESS PROCESSES PROCESSING PROFILE PROGRESS PROGRESS RPT PROJECTIONS PROPERTY PROPOSAL PSD PUBLIC PURCHASE PURCHASES QUADRANT QUALITY RABIDEUX RADIO RAIL RAILBELT RAILHEAD RAINBOW RAINFALL RAPTOR RATE RATING CURVE REACH REAL ESTATE REARING RECAPTURE RECLAMATION RECOMMEND RECON RECORDS RECREATION RECYCLE RED MODEL REDD REFERENCE REGIME REGIONAL REGRESSION REGULATIONS REHAB REINDEER DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:14 APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:15 KEYWORDS ------------ RELEASE RELIABILITY RELICT-,RELOCATION REPORT REQUEST RESEARCH RESERVOIR RESIDENT RESIDENTIAL ""'"RESOURCES RESPONSE RESTRICTED RETENTION REVEGETATION REVENUE-REVIEW RIGHT-OF-WAY RIMS RIPARIAN-RISK RIVER RIVER MILE-RJHAB ROAD ROLLY CREEK-ROUTE RULE CURVE RUN OFF SAFETY. ,~SALINITY SALMON SAMPLE SANITATION SATURATION SCALE SCENARIO SCHEDULES SCHOOL SCOUR HOLE SEASONAL SEDIMENT SEEPAGE SEINING SEISMIC - - - - .- - - - .- APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING KEYWORDS SENSITIVITY SERVICES SETTLEABLE SETTLEMENT SETTLING SFH SHADING SHADOW SHEEP SHERMAN SHOVEL TEST SIDE CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH SIEVE SIGNIFICANCE SILT SITE SLIDES SLOPE SLOUGH SMALL GAME SMOLT SMOLT TRAP SNOW SNOWMOBILES SNTEMP SOCIAL SOCIO-ECON SOCKEYE SOIL SOLIDS SONAR SPAWNING SPECIES SPECS SPILLWAY SPRINGS SPRUCE STABILITY STAFF STAFF GAGE STAGE STANDPIPE STATISTICS STATUS DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:16 -APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:17 KEYWORDS ------------ STATUS PLAT STATUTES STEELHEAD-STRATEGY STRATIFY STREAM STREAMFLOW STREAMGAGE STRUCTURE SUBARCTIC SUBROUTINE SUBSISTENCE SUBSTRATE-SUCCESSION SUITABILITY SUMMARY ..-SUNSHINE SUPER SUPPLEMENT SURFACE,-SURVEY SURVEY NOTES SUSITNA SUSPENDED SYMBOLS SYNTEMP ~T-LINE TABLES TABULATION TAG r"""TALKEETNA TAPE TARIFF-TAX TECHNICAL TECTONIC TELEMETRY TEMPERATURE TENT TERRAIN ~TERRESTRIAL TEST HOLE TESTIMONY THALWEG THERMAL APPENDIX G KEYWORD LISTING-DATE:08/19/87 PAGE:18 KEYWORDS -------------THERMOGRAPH THERMOMETER TIDAL TIMBER TIMESHEET TOWNSHIP TOWNSITE TRADE TRAFFIC TRAINING TRANSECT TRANSFER TRANSLATION ,....TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTAL TRANSPORT TRAP ~TRAPPER TRAPPERCREEK TRAPPING rw-TREELINE TREES TRIBUTARY TRIP TROT LINE TROUT TSS TSUSENA TUNDRA TUNNEL TURBIDITY TYONE UNIT UPDATE UPPER RIVER UPSTREAM UPWELL USAGE USE USER MANUAL ~USFWS !USGS UTILITIES UTILIZATION VALIDATION ..- - APPENDIX H SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DOCUMENT CONTROL FILE CODES TASK 1 -PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.01 RFP PROCESS 1. 1 MAIN CONTRACT 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Negotiations Scope of Work Budget Contract terms,App C. 1.2 INTERIM CONTRACTS 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Interim Contract I Interim Contract II Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Amendment 5 Amendment 6 Amendment 7 Legal Counsel 1 ..3 INSURANCE ,"" 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 Main Contract Interim Contract Vehicles Subcontracts Damaged Shipments Air Travel 1.4 PERSONNEL Page 1 Personnel Costs Personnel List - '"'" -6/8/87 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 Resumes Internal External Responses Personnel Policies Relocations Letters of Assignment Permanent· Temporary Indefinite Hires Personnel Personnel Files Location Schedule Substitutions/Assignments 1.4.7 1.4.8 1.4.9 1.4.10 '1.4.11 1.4.12 1.4.13 1.4.14 1.4.15 1.4.16 1.4.17 1.4.18 1.4.19 1.4.20 Employee Employee Housing Home Office Support Temporary Assignments Terminations Advertising Organization Harza-Ebasco Alaska Power Authority Temporary Absences Technical Papers Professional Organizations/Meetings Training Job Descriptions General Information 1.5 ALASKA REGISTRATION 1.5.1 1.5.2 Professional Business 1.6 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 Minutes of Meetings Policies General Correspondence Joint Venture Agreement 1.7 OFFICE SPACE 1.7.1 1.7.2 Alaska Bellevue Temporary PeJ;"manent 1.8 CORRESPONDENCE 6/8/87 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.8.7 1.8.8 1.8.9 From the Power Authority Letters to File To the Power Authority Company Promotional Materials 1.8.2:1.1 Cost/Schedule Seminars From Pillsbury,Madison &Sutro To Pillsbury,Madison &Sutro From Legislature Legislation/Appropriations To Legislature From the Office of the Governor To the Office of the Governor To Department of Commerce and Economic Development Page 2 -~ ~' - 1.8.10 1.8.11 1.8.12 1.8.13 1.8.14 1.8.15 1.8.16 1.8.17 1.8.18 1.8.19 1.8.20 1.8.21 1.8.22 From Department of Commerce and Economic Development To Department of Natural Resources From Department of Natural Resources To Alaska Department of Fish and Game From Alaksa Department of Fish and Game To the Department of Revenue From the Department of Revenue From the Attorney Generalos Office To the Attorney Generalos Office From the Alaska Congressional Delegation To the Alaska Congressional Delegation From VFSC&L To VFSC&L 1.9 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN - 1.9.1 1.10 OPEN 1 .11 REPORTS 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.11.5 1.11.6 1.11.7 Correspondence Incentivized Milestone Monthly Progress Report Weekly Activities Report (Board) Monthly Status Financial Report Synoptic Performance Report Trip Reports 1 .12 ACCOUNTING Rarza to Joint-Venture Ebasco to Joint-Venture Joint-Venture to Power Authority Progress Honthly 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.12.3 1.12.4 1.12.5 1.12.6 1.12.7 1.12.8 Billings Billings Billings Audit. APA Rarza Ebasco Parent Company Disbursements Parent Company Split Financial Statements Overhead Expenses Invoices to Rarza ..- 1.13 INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD (Management Only) 6/8/87 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3 Correspondence Minutes of Meetings Membership Page 3 1.14 OPEN 1.15 OPEN 1.16 OPEN 1.17 DOCUMENT CONTROL Panel DistributionDocument Lists Drawings/Photographs Files State Library System Information Dissemination Computer Microfilm File Codes Procedures Correspondence/Ledgers Requests for Information Public Intervenors Agencies Legal Counsel External Review Transfer of Documents Correspondence Reports 1.17.4 1.17 .5 1.17.6 1.17.7 1.17.8 1.17.1 1.17.2 1.17.3 1.18 SAFETY 1.18.1 Procedures Office Camp 1.18.2 Accident Reports 1.19 ANCHORAGE OFFICE OPERATIONS 1.19.1 1.19.2 1.19.3 1.19.4 1.19.5 1.19.6 1.19.7 1.19.8 1.19.9 1.19.10 1.19.11 1.19.12 1.19.13 1.19.14 1.19.15 1.19.16 Office Procedures Vehicles Travel Office Equipment Office Supplies Time Charges Aircraft Rent Hotel Letters Banking Securi ty Telephone Memberships/Donations Expense Accounts Credit Information Overtime Requests Advertising (Non-personnel) 6/8/87 Page 4 1.19.17 Meeting Rooms 1.19.18 Harza-Ebasco Trip Reports 1.20 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.20.1 General 1.21 MEETINGS 1.21.1 1.21.2 1.21.3 1.21.4 1.21.5 Project Status Review Regulatory Management Committee Weekly Staff Project Management (APA/HE) G-CORE 1.22 POWER AUTHORITY BOARD MEETINGS - 6/8/87 1.22.01 1.22.1 1.22.2 Board Report -April 1982 Correspondence From the Board To the Board Board Meetings by Date October 14,1983 November 30,1983 December 21,1983 January 25,1984 February 22,1984 March 9,1984 March 20,1984 April 12,1984 May 21,1984 July 9,1984 August 7,1984 September 5,1984 October 8,1984 November 9,1984 December 13,1984 January 23,1985 February 26,1985 April 9,1985 May 3,1985 June 24,1985 July 26,1985 September 5,1985 October 2,1985 November 6,1985 December 12,1985 January 24,1986 March 24,1986 April 7,1986 April 30,1986 June 16,1986 July 23,1986 August 13,1986 Page 5 1.23 September 9,1986 October 13,1986 November 19,1986 February 5,1987 February 27,1987 March 13,1987 April 22,1987 May 26,1987 1.22.3 Finance Committee Correspondence from Committee Correspondence to Committee Meetings by Date 1.22.4 Planning Committee Correspondence from Committee Correspondence to Committee Meetings by Date 1.22.5 Project Management Committee Correspondence from Committee Correspondence to Committee Meetings by Date 1.22.6 Resource Committee Correspondence from Committee Correspondence to Committee Meetings by Date OPEN ~I 1.24 SUSITNA PROJECT SCHEDULE,OVERALL 1.25 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE 1.25.1 1.25.2 1.25.3 1.25.4 1.25.5 General Correspondence Reports Review of Invoices Touche Ross Audit (1985) 1.26 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1.26.1 1.26.2 Correspondence Document Control 1.27 6/8/87 DEVIL CANYON PROJECT 1.27.1 Correspondence Page 6 6/8/87 Page 7 ~, 2.2 ACCOUNTING ~: ~, (RMI) (J&J) (LFSI) (EDAW) (EWT) (AEIDC) (WCC) (LGL) (MSI) (CA) (ACRES) (PMS) (SHCA) (GE) (AKHEL) (WEIRCO) (ADF&G) (CIRI/H&N) University of Institute for Research University of Alaska -Museum (UAM) University of Alaska -Palmer (UAP) University of Alaska -(UAF) Furbearer Coop Unit OPEN OPEN Jones &Jones OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN RMI Pacfic Northwest,Inc. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN Pillsbury,Madison and Sutro Sherman H.Clark &Asso. General Electric Alaska Helicopters,Inc. Paul Weir Company Invoices to Power Authority (by Month) Harza Invoices (by Month) Ebasco Invoices (by Month) Subcontractor's Invoices ADF&G -Warehouse ADF&G -Spenard Building CIRI/H&N R&M Air Logistics -Helicopter (AIRLOG) Air Logistics -Fixed Wing (AIRLOG) Denali Drilling (DENALI) Harding-Lawson and Associates (HLA) Frank Moolin and Associates (FMAA) Frank Orth and Associates (FOA) OPEN Land Field Services,Inc. OPEN EDAW Woody Trihey and Associates AEIDC Woodward-Clyde Corporation 2 .2.4 •18 LGL MSI Commonwealth Associates Acres American Incorporated Battelle Pacific Northwest (BATTELLE) Alaska -(ISER) Social and Economic 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 6/8/87 Page 8 (DEC) (USGS) ISER (Resource User Survey) James E.Hemming (HEMMING) Rausch Enterprises (RAUSCH) (E&A) (PECK) (HENDRON) (BELL) (IEI) (DaR) (SHEN) (Go) (ERP) (HAMBLIN) (RAVEN) (AIRLOG) USGS Request For Proposal Department of Environmental Conservation Erickson &Associates Peck Alfred J.Hendron Milo Bell Interstate Exploration,Inc. Department of Revenue Calkins/Shen Gosink-Osterkemp External Review Panel Paul Hamblin Raven Air Air Logistics FY84 (Closed) Lorna Adams (ADAMS) Gloria Tileston (TILESTON) Alaska Air Guide (AIRGUIDE) Timothy J.Tyrrell (TYRRELL) Comtech,Inc.(COMTECH) Dames &Moore (D&M) R.A.Kreig &Associates (KREIG) A.A.Dekin,Jr.(DEKIN) CIRI/Moolin J.V.(Assignment)(CMJV) Brina Kessel (KESSEL) Gail Thompson (ERTEC) CIRI/Moolin (CIRI/Moolin)(FY85) University of Iowa,Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) University of Alaska,Geophysical Institute (HARRISON) Shen (SHEN) Hydex Corporation (HYDEX) Historical Research Associates,' Inc.(HRA) Air Logistics -(AIRLOG)FY85 Interstate Exploration,Inc. (lEI) Hart-Crowser and Associates,Inc. Entrix.Inc. CIRI/Moolin (FY86) Woodward-Clyde Con.(WCC) Phil Gipson ERA ..... 2.2.5 Accounts Payable Disbursements to Harza 6/8/87 Page 9 -Subcontractors General Correspondence Monthly Status Reports to APA CIRI/H&N R&M Denali Drilling Harding Lawson Frank Moolin &Asso.(MOOLIN) E.Woody Trihey &Asso.(EWTA) AEIDC Woodward-Clyde &Asso.(WCC) LGL MSI University of Alaska,Museum (UAM) University of Alaska,Fairbanks ACWRU ADF&G/TERR ADF&G/SUHYDRO R.Kreig &Asso.(KREIG) HRA CIRI-MOOLIN (CMJV) University of Alaska,Palmer (MES) Jones &Jones (J&J) Joint-Venture Financial Statements LIBRA Software OPEN Taxes Disbursements to Ebasco Banking Travel and Relocation Procurement Purchase Orders Inventory -HE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN Office Administration OPEN Inventory 2.2.17 2.2.18 2.2.19 2.2.20 2.2.9 2.2.10 2.2.11 2.2.12 2.2.13 2.2.14 2.2.15 2.2.16 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.3 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 ADF&G -Warehouse ADF&G -Spenard Building (ADF&G) CIRI/H&N R&M Consultants Air Logistics -Helicopter (AIRLOG) (Closed-FY83) Air Logistics -Fixed Wing (AIRLOG) (Closed-FY83) Denali Drilling (DENALI)(Closed) ~I 6/8/87 Page 10 6/8/87 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 2.3.11 2.3.12 2.3.13 2.3.14 2.3.15 2.3.16 2.3.17 2.3.18 2.3.19 2.3.20 2.3.21 2.3.22 2.3.23 2.3.24 2.3.25 2.3.26 2.3.27 2.3.28 2.3.29 2.3.30 2.3.31 2.3.32 2.3.33 2.3.34 2.3.35 2.3.36 2.3.37 2.3.38 2.3.39 2.3.40 2.3.41 2.3.42 2.3.43 2.3.44 2.3.45 2.3.46 Harding-Lawson and Associates (HLA) Frank Moolin and Associates (FMAA) Frank Orth and Associates (FOA) OPEN Land Field Services,Inc.(LFSI) OPEN EDAW Woody Trihey and Associates (EWT) AEIDC Woodward-Clyde Corporation (WCC) LGL MSI Commonwealth Associates (CA) Acres American Incorporated (ACRES) Assignments Subcontract Battelle Pacific Norothwest (BATTELLE) University of Alaska -Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) University of Alaska -Museum (UAM) University of Alaska -Palmer)(UAP) University of Alaska -Furbearer Coop Unit Alan G.Olsen (OLSEN) Paul Stutzman (STUTZMAN) Jones &Jones (J&J)(Closed) USF&WS -WELUT (USFWS) ADF&G -Game ADF&G -Fish ADF&G -RSA Army &Navy Surplus RMI Pacfic Northwest,Inc.(RMI) General Short Form Contract -Small Company Short Form Contract -Large Company Long Form Contract ADF&G Line 500 Equipment Purchase Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Birch,Horton,Bittner (BHB) Pillsbury,Madison and Sutro (PMS) Sherman H.Clark and Associates (SHCA) General Electric (GE) Alaska Helicopters,Inc.(AKHEL) Paul Weir Company (WEIRCO) USGS Request For Proposals Aircraft -Helicopter Aircraft -Fixed Wing Vegetation Mapping Spring FY84 Drilling Sediment Modeling Resource User Survey Helicopter Service Streamflow Forecasting Linear Features Page 11 6/8/87 2.3.47 2.3.48 2.3.49 2.3.50 2.3.51 2.3.52 2.3.53 2.3.54 2.3.55 2.3.56 2.3.57 2.3.58 2.3.59 2.3.60 2.3.61 2.3.62 2.3.63 2.3.64 2.3.65 2.3.66 2.3.67 2.3.68 2.3.69 2.3.70 2.3.71 2.3.72 2.3.73 2.3.74 2.3.75 2.3.76 2.3.77 2.3.78 2.3.79 2.3.80 2.3.81 2.3.82 2.3.83 2.3.84 2.3.85 2.3.86 Resource User Survey Helicopter Services (FY85-86) Aircraft -Fixed Wing Master Plan Drilling Watana Camp Relocation Heritage Value Helicopter Services (FY86-87) Department of Environmental Conservation(DEC) Erickson &Associates Peck Alfred J.Hendron (HENDRON) Milo Bell (BELL) Interstate Exploration,Inc.(lEI) Department of Revenue (DOR) Calkins/Shen Gosink-Osterkemp External Review Panel (ERP) J.Libby A.Merritt R.Peck Paul Hamblin (Hamblin) Raven Air (RAVEN)Fixed Wing Air Logistics (AIRLOG)FY84 (Closed) Lorna Adams (ADAMS) Gloria Tileston (TILESTON) Alaska Air Guide (AIRGUIDE) Timothy J.Tyrrell (TYRRELL) Comtech,Inc. Dames and Moore (D&M) R.A.Krieg and Associates (KRIEG) Albert A.Dekin,Jr.(DEKIN) CIRI/Moolin J.V.(Assignment) Brina Kessel (KESSEL) Gail Thompson (ERTEC) CIRI/Moolin (CIRI/Moolin)(FY85) University of Iowa,Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute (HARRISON) Shen (SHEN) Hydex Corporation (HYDEX) Historical Research Associates,Inc.(HRA) Air Logistics,Inc.(AIRLOG)FY85 Neil L.Adams (ADAMS) ISER (Resource User Survey) James E.Hemming Rausch Enterprises OPEN Interstate Exploration,Inc.(lEI) Hart-Crowser and Associates,Inc. Entrix.Inc. CIRI/Moolin (FY86) Page 12 ~- 2.3.87 2.3.88 2.3.89 Woodward-Clyde Con.(WCC)Native Consultation Study Phil Gipson ERA ,.... ..... 2.3.200 -299 RESERVED FOR POWER AUTHORITY 2.3.200 Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 2.3.201 Department of Natural Resources RSA (DNR) 2.3.202 CIRI Agreement 2.3.203 Gemini Reporting 2.3.204 ADF&G RSA SuHydro/Commercial Habitat Administration Sport Fish (River Use Survey) SuHydro/Sport Game FY86 ADF&G Budget 2.3.205 Department of Law RSA's PMS &BHB and Van Ness Contracts Carolyn Jones Legal Support 2.3.206 Power Authority (RFP's) Project Management Plan 2.3.207 General Electric -OGP/MAPS 2.3.208 University of Alaska -Museum (RSA) 2.3.209 USGS 2.3.210 PSDI 2.3.211 U of A -Geophysical Institute -RSA 2.3.212 Land Field Services,Inc.(LFSI) 2.3.213 Diversified Engineers 2.3.214 KNIK-ATNU Land Lease Agreement (FY86)(FY87) 2.3.215 Tyonek Land Lease (FY86( 2.3.216 CIRI Consensus Lands Lease (FY86) 2.4 ESTIMATING 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 Estimating Procedures Feasibility Estimate Contract Baseline Estimate Fiscal Year Budgets Study Estimates Contract Estimates Independent Cost Estimate 2.5 PROCUREMENT -CONSTRUCTION 6/8/87 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 General Turbine,Governors Purchase Orders Expediting Vender Quality Assurance Generator and Excitational Equipment Microwave System Page 13 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 2.5.8 2.5.9 2.5.10 2.5.11 2.5.12 2.5.13 2.5.14 2.5.15 2.5.16 2.6 GENERAL 2.6.1 2.6.2 Computer and Control Boards Trashracks,Gates,and Hoists Cranes and Hoists Outlet Works,Valves and Gates Transformers Control Switchboards High Voltage Switchgear Generator Voltage Switchgear Station Service Switchgear Computers 345 kV Power Cable Switchyard Structures and Bases Interoffice Memoranda Administration Meeting with Power Authority ~- 2.7 SERVICES 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 Consulting Manufacturing Field Geotechnical Environmental Construction Employment Air Support 2.8 WAREHOUSING 6/8/87 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 Correspondence Lease -7th and Gambell Relocation Page 14 ~I TASK 3 -REVIEW OF PRIOR STUDIES,DEVELOP CONCEPTUAL -DESIGN AND KASTER PROJECT SCHEDULE 3.1 MEMORANDUM ON CONCEPT VARIATIONS 3.2 ACRES PRELIMINARY STUDIES 3.3 GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES (ACRES) 3.3.1 Review of Acres:Reports on Field Investigations 3.3.2 Review of Acres:Reports on Project Geology f~3.3.3 Review of Acres:Reports on Materials Testing 3.3.4 Review of Acres:Additional Field Investigations 3.3.5 Review of Acres:Additional Tests 3.3.6 Review of Acres:Additional Studies 3.3.7 Prepare Information for Conceptual Studies: Geologic 3.3.8 Prepare Information for Conceptual Studies: Geotechnical 3.4 MAIN DAM 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.8 3.4.9 3.4.10 3.4.11 3.4.12 3.4.13 3.4.14 3.4.15 3.4.16 Review Acres:Alternative Studies,Cost Comparisons Review Acres:Recommended Design,Backup Material Review Acres:Dam Height Optization Studies Foundation Treatment:Grouting Foundation Treatment:Drainage Foundation Treatment:Permafrost Material Availability and Quality: Impervious Materials Material Availability and Quality:Sand and Gravels Material Availability and Quality:Quarries Fill Dam:Layouts Fill Dam:Costs Fill Dam:Construction Concrete Arch Dam:Layouts Concrete Arch Dam:Costs Concrete Arch Dam:Construction Schedule Selection of Dam Concept 3.5 DIVERSION TUNNELS AND COFFERDAMS 6/8/87 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 Tunnel Location,Alignment,Vertical Setting Upstream Portal Location,Provisions for Construction Downstream Portals Hydraulic Studies Cofferdam Arrangement Page 15 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.5 3.8.6 3.8.7 3.8.8 3.8.9 3.8.10 Fuse Plug Spillway Environmental Implications (Tsusena Creek) Study Feasibility PMF Routing Study Main Spillway Alternatives Study Main Spillway:Crest Chute Study Main Spillway Bucket Downstream Hydraulics and Impacts Main Spillway Foundation Drainage Treatment Recommended Design Layout Gates and Hoists 3 .9 POWER FEATURE S (A:Underground PH (UPH)Concept;B:Surface PH (SPH)Concept.The following work items are for both powerhouse concepts except applicable for "A" or "B"only when so marked). 6/8/87 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 3.9.5 3.9.6 3.9.7 3.9.8 Review Acres Concept:Civil Review Acres Concept:Geotechnical Review Acres Concept:Electrical Review Acres Concept:Mechanical Prepare Review Comments Cost Comparison Studies Intake and Power Conduit Arrangement Alternates Hydraulic Transient Studies -Surge Chamber Head and Tail Tunnel Studies Page 16 - 3.9.9 3.9.10 3.9.11 3.9.12 3.9.13 3.9.14 3.9.15 3.9.16 3.9.17 3.9.18 3.9.19 3.9.20 3.9.21 3.9.22 3.9.23 3.9.24 3.9.25 3.9.26 3.9.27 3.9.28 3.9.29 3.9.30 3.9.31 Powerhouse Location and Arrangement Studies Transformer Location and Arrangement Studies Single Phase Three Phase Turbine Sizing and Setting Evaluate the Need for Guard Valves Generator Sizing,Setting Generator Leads SF-6 Switchgear High Voltage Cables Unit Unwatering Tailwater Depression System HVAC System Cranes,Hoists Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Switchyard Civil Electrical Control Building:Architectural Control Building:Civil Control Building:Electrical Control Building:Mechanical Powerhouse Access Tunnel (A) Cable,Utility,Ventilation Shafts (A) Powerhouse Access Shaft (A) Yard (B) --3.10 INTERIM REPORT -POWER FEATURES,OUTLET WORKS 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10 .4 3.10.5 3.10.6, 3.10.7 General Correspondence Geology Geotechical Civil/Hydraulics Electrical Mechanical Report 3.11 PROJECT ROADS AND YARDS 3.11.1 3.11.2 Layouts Design,Surfacing,Drainage 3.12 PROJECT ACCESS ROAD 3.12.1 3.12.2 Input to Task Force Studies Report on Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts on Road Design 3.13 COST ESTIMATES 6/8/87 3.13.1 3.13.2 Quantity Take-Offs Cost Estimate for Acres layouts Page 17 3.14 PROJECT MASTER SCHEDULE 3.14.1 3.14.2 Construction Scheduling -Civil Works Installation Scheduling -E/M Works 3.15 INTERIM REPORT ON CONCEPTUAL STUDIES,PRELIMINARY MASTER SCHEDULE 3.15.1 3.15.2 3.15.3 3.15.4 3.15.5 3.15.6 3.15.7 3.15.8 3.15.9 3.15.10 General Correspondence Geology Geotechnical Civil Hydraulics Hydrology Electrical Mechanical Construction Costs Schedule 3.16 PROJECT PERTINENT DATA 3.16.1 3.16.2 3.16.3 3.16.4 3.16.5 3.16.6 Civil Geotechnical Hydrology Hydraulics Electrical Mechanical 3.17 PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA 3.17.1 3.17.2 3.17.3 3.17.4 3.17 .5 Geotechnical Civil Hydraulic Electrical Mechanical 3.18 DRAFT -PROJECT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT,PROJECT MASTER SCHEDULE,COST ESTIMATES 3.18.1 3.18.2 3.18.3 3.18.4 3.18.5 3.18.6 3.18.7 3.18.8 3.18.9 3.18.10 General Correspondence Geology Geotechnical Civil Hydrology Hydraulics Electrical Mechanical Cost Estimates Schedules 3.19 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT FINALIZATION 3.20 6/8/87 OPEN Page 18 3.21 OPEN 3.22 OPEN 3.23 PARTICIPATION IN OTHER TASKS Licensing Programs Power Systems Studies Public Participation 3.23.13 TASK 9 3.23.1 TASK 1 -Input for Project Management 3.23.2 TASK 2 -Input for Project Support Activities TASK 4 -Input for Environmental Programs TASK 5 -Coordination With TASK 3 TASK 5 -Field Investigation Programs TASK 5 -Field Test Programs -Materials TASK 5 -In-Situ Testing Programs TASK 5 -Lab Testing Programs TASK 5 -Preparation of Field Data for Design 3.23.10 TASK 6 -Input to 3.23.11 TASK 7 -Input to 3.23.12 TASK 8 -Input to Programs Preparations and Participation in Review Panel Meetings 3.23.3 3.23.4 3.23.5 3.23.6 3.23.7 3.23.8 3.23.9 3 .21~CONSULTANTS AND INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD 3.24.1 3.24.2 3.24.3 Review Meetings Correspondence Reports ,',,"" 3.25 ACCESS.TRANSPORTATION,CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES.AND EMPLOYMENT TRAINING TASK FORCE (Eventual Task 38 Elevation) 3.25.1 Access Road Railroad 3•25.1.3 Acces s Plan Repor t 3.25.2 Worker Transportation 3.26 DESIGN REFINEMENTS 3.26.1 3.26.2 3.26.3 3.26.4 3.26.5 3.26.6 3.26.7 Correspondence Draft Report Summary Report Final Report Computations Cost Estimates Report -Filing with FERC 3.27 STAGED CONSTRUCTION 3.27.1 Correspondence 6/8/87 Page 19 6/8/87 3.27 .2 3.27.3 Budget/Schedule Cost Estimates Page 20 ~, ,~ TASK 4 -ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (~4.1 MANAGEMENT 4.2 WATER RESOURCES -General - 4.2.1 4.2.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies R&M Consultants General Progress Reports Trip Reports - .... - 4.3 FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES -GENERAL 4.3.1 Aquatic Studies,General PaS/Budget/Schedule AEIDC E.Woody Trihey Woodward-Clyde RIMS Tracking Program ADF&G (Aquatic) Monthly Report Milo Bell USFWS Entrix Instream Flow Economic and Environmental Comparisons Report 4.3.2 Vegetation,General PaS/Budget/Schedule U of A,Palmer U of A,Fairbanks Vegetation Mapping (R.A.Kreig) TES USFWS Wetland Mapping 4.3.3 Wildlife,General PaS/Budget/Schedule LGL U of A Fairbanks USFWS Modeling ADF&G (Game) Hemming (Dames &Moore) Rausch Gipson 4.3.4 Mitigation Aquatic Vegetation Wildlife Cultural Resources Socioeconomic Recreation 6/8/87 Page 21 4.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 POS/Budget/Schedule U of A.Museum Dekin Archaeological District Gail Thompson (HC&A) Historical Research Associates (HRA) Simco Cabin Cultural Resources Investigation (WCC) - ~' 4.5 SOCIOECONOMICS 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 POS/Budget/Schedule Surveys Intertie Workers Public Sector Terror Lake Navigation/Recreation User Survey Air Taxi Operator Survey Household and Business Surveys Frank Orth &Associates Alaska Department of Fish and Game ISER -Resource User Survey 4.6 RECREATION AND AESTHETICS . 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 POS/Budget/Schedule OPEN Recreation Development Plan EDAW 4.7 LAND USE PLANNING 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 POS/Budget/Schedule Land Field Services Village Land Use Planning 4.8 AIR QUALITY 4.8.1 4.8.2 Correspondence Reports 4.9 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 4.9.1 PaS/Budget/Schedule 4.10 WATER QUALITY 4.11 6/8/87 4.10.1 4.10.2 OPEN Correspondence Reports Page 22 - 4.12 ACCESS ROAD &RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES ,-4.12.1 POS/Budget/Schedule 4.12.2 Cultural Resource Study ,....4.13 OPEN 4.14·OPEN -, 6/8/87 Page 23 TASK 5 -GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM 5.1 MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS General FY83 FY84 FY85 FY86 5.1.1 5.1.2 501.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.1.12 5.1.13 5.1.14 5.1.15 5.1.16 Planning and Coordination Anchorage Site Quality Control Safety and Environmental Protection Permitting Field Procedures Office Procedures Warehouse Quality Assurance Systems Subcontracts Subcontractors DENALI HLA R&M Interstate Exploration Budgets Personnel Geotechnical Progress Reports 5•1•12 •1 Annual Monthly Weekly Daily Consultants Correspondence Reports Geotechnical Reports Exploration Program Memos Geotechnical Design Memos Geology Reports Soils Reports Groundwater Reports Final Design Memo 1983 Geotechnical Report Field Manuals Seismic Monitoring System Debriefing Memos ~. - 5.2 ROCK EXPLORATION 6/8/87 5.2.1 Borehole Logs Dam Centerline -River Dam Centerline -Abutments Upstream Cofferdam Downstream Cofferdam Page 24 - 6/8/87 Page 25 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 5.4.9 5.4.10 5.4.11 5.4.12 5.4.13 Permafrost/Cold Regions Geologic Mapping and Cross Sections Reservoir Main Dam Quarry Relict Channels Adits Groundwater Test Data Test Grouting Ground Surveys Air Strip Laboratory Tests Field Notebooks Corps of Engineers Acres American Current Daily Engineers Report - 5.5 INSTRUMENTATION 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 Ground Temperature Surveys Dam Site Borrow D/Relict Channel Borrow H Groundwater Surveys Dam Site Borrow D/Relict Channel Borrow H Equipment Contractors Technical Memos Field Trips 5.6 1984 GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM 6/8/87 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 General Staffing Technical Specification Field Manual Field Orders Report Page 26 ~' - ,.... TASK 6 -FERC LICENSE SUPPORT AND PERMITTING 6.1 6.2 REVIEW OF PROJECT DESIGN,OPERATION,AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES -GENERAL,FEASIBILITY REPORT APPLICATION PROCESS -GENERAL,LICENSE APPLICATION -- - ,F*- - 6/8/87 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 6.2.10 6.2.11 6.2.12 6.2.13 6.2.14 6.2.15 6.2.16 6.2.17 6.2.18 6.2.19 6.2.20 6.2.21 FERC Supplemental Information Requests/List of Deficiencies Responses to FERC Requests Draft Responses Final Responses Agency Comments on License Application Responses to Agency Requests/Comments on License Application Draft Responses Final Responses Public Comments on License Application General Public Intervenors Responses to Public Comments on License Application General Public Intervenors Revisions to License Application Application Submittal/Distribution Request for Application Distribution OPEN FERC Internal Management Document (Bear Book) Regulatory Management Committee Legal Counsel Site Visits by FERC FERC Meetings OPEN Response Schedule Review Committee Agency Site Visits License Application Update 1985 Comments on PCP General Correspondence Draft Amendment.Review (July 1985) Presentation to APA Board October 2,1985 Draft License Amendment Cost Draft License Amendment Distribution (November 1985) Comments on Draft License Amendment Cost Estimates Project Design Refinements Workshops Red Model Page 27 FERC Scoping Document 6.2.22 FERC Scoping Document 6.3 PROJECT CHANGE CONTROL PROCEDURE 6.3.1 Correspondence 6.4 DRAFT EIS PROCESS 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 General Agency Comments on DEIS Responses to Agency Comments on DEIS Public Comments on DEIS Responses to Public Comments on DEIS Power Authority Comments on DEIS Draft -Policy Draft -Technical Final 6.5 FINAL EIS PROCESS 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Agency Comments on FEIS Responses to Agency Comments in FEIS Power Authority Comments on FEIS 6.7 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MANUAL/PLANS 6.8 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 OPEN Correspondence Investigation Memoranda SPCC Plan Fuel and Hazardous Waste Management Erosion Control Revegetation and Rehabilitation Solid &Liquid Waste Management BMP Manuals Oil Spill Contingency Plan Fuel and Hazardous Waste Management Erosion Control and Revegetation and Rehabilitation Solid and Liquid Waste Management Water Supply 6.9 PERMITTING -GENERAL 6/8/87 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 6.9.4 6.9.5 6.9.6 6.9.7 Federal,General Federal,COE Federal,EPA Federal,FCC Federal,DOT Federal,DOE Federal,DOl Page 28 6.9.8 6.9.9 6.9.10 6.9.11 6.9.12 6.9.13 6.9.14 6.9.15 6.9.16 6.9.17 6.9.18 6.9.19 6.9.20 6.9.21 6.9.22 6.9.23 6.9.24 6.9.25 6.9.26 6.9.27 6.9.28 6.9.29 6.9.30 6.9.31 6.9.32 Federal,Treasury -Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms BLM Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Bureau of Indian Affairs NMFS NPS USFWS State,General &Forms State,ADEC Oil Spills State,ADF&G State,ADPS State,ADNR -Land State,ADNR ~Water State,ADPDP State,DOTPF State,DOHSS State,Local,General State,Native Corporations CIRI AHTNA TYONEK Chickaloon-Moose Creek Local,Mat-Su Borough Local,Fairbanks -North Star Borough Local,Municipality of Anchorage Local,Transmission Line Routing State,ADNR -Division of Parks OMB,Division of Governmental Coordination Alaska Coastal Management Program Permit Status Reports 6.10 LAND ACQUISITION 6.10.1 CIRI-6.10.2 AHTNA 6.10.3 Ownership 6.10.4 DNR 6.10.5 Maps -Status Plats 6.10 .6 Land Manager's Task Force 6.10.7 Land Field Services,Inc.(LFSI) 6.10.8 Land Disturbances 6.10.9 BLM Land Disposals 6.10.10 Land Acquisition Plan 6.1Jl FERC NEED FOR POWER HEARINGS 6.11.1 Correspondence 6.11.2 Witness Selection 6.11.3 Testimony Arthur Allen (CLOSED) William Batt Ed Carter ,if1;J84 6/8/87 Page 29 6.12 FERC ENVIRONMENTAL &DAM SAFETY HEARINGS 6.12.1 6.12 .2 6.13 OPEN Correspondences Witness Selection 6.14 AGENCY CONSULTATION -GENERAL 6.15 6/8/87 6.14.1 6.14.2 6.14.3 6.14.4 6.14.5 6.14.6 6.14.7 6.14.8 6.14.9 6.14.10 6.14.11 6.14.12 6.14.13 6.14.14 6.14.15 6.14.16 6.14.17 6.14.18 OPEN ADNR ADF&G ADEC DOl -USFWS DOl -NPS DOC -NMFS Northern Alaska Environmental Center Program/Generic Activity Miscellaneous DOl -BLM DOT/PF Alaska Land Use Council Interagency Review Group (IARG) Steering Committee Mat-Su Borough Agency Consultation Meetings Aquatic Terrestrial Social Sciences USEPA ADR &CA Page 30 - 6.16 REGULATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RIMS) 6.16.1 Acceptance Test Reports 6.16.2 System Logic 6.16.3 APA Monthly Status Reports 6.16.4 User's Manual 6.16.5 Correspondence 6.16.6 Speci9 l Reports 6.16.7 MSI Progress Reports 6.16.8 Permit Tracking Reports 6.1'7 OPEN 6.18 SETTLEMENT PROCESS W-3. W-4. W-5. 6•18 •3•13 F-10• 6 .18 .3 .14 F-l L F-12. - - 6/8/87 6•18 .1 6.18.2 6.18.3 Correspondence Internal Planning Meetings Issues List Correspondence-General External Distribution RIMS Listing F-l.Altered Flow Regime F-2.Water Quality Parameters F-3.Altered Ice Processes F-4.Stream Morphology F-5.Impoundment Effects F-6.Physical Effects of Access F-7.Physical Effects of Transmission Line F-8.Water Quality and Quantity Effects F-9.Water quality and Stream Morphology Disturbance Effects Mitigation Options Post-construction Plan to Monitor W-l.Moose Carrying Capacity W-2.Black Bear Denning and Foraging Brown Bear Spring Foraging Habitat Reduction Dall Sheep Habitat Modification W-6.Accidents and Inhibition W-7.Inundation or Other Disturbance W-8.Changes in Wildlife Habitat and Movements W-9.Reduction in Wildlife Habitat W-I0.Road Presence and use Effects Page 31 6.18.4 W-ll. W-12. W-13. W-15. W-16. W-17. W-18. W-19. R-l. R-2. R-3. R-4. R-5. R-6. R-7. R-8. AE-1. AE-2. C-1. C-2. AQ-1. AQ-2. D-l. D-2. S-l. S-2. S-3. S-4. S-5. S-6. S-7. S-8. L-l. Agencies ADNR Deaths from Vehicle Collisions Increased Hunting/Trapping Other Disturbances to Wildlife Construction Worker Transportation Post-Construction Access Refinement of Timing to Reduce Wildlife Impacts Specific Mitigation Options Preventive Measures Plan to Monitor Impacts Impacts on Fishing Impacts on Hunting & Trapping Loss of Whitewater Impediments to Navigation Bird-Watching and Hiking Recreational Activities of Project Construction Workers Opportunities/Recreation Plan Restrictions of Recreational to Reduce Impacts Impacts of Borrow and Spoil Areas Aesthetic Mitigation Measures Loss of Affected Cultural/ Historical Sites Cultural Resources l'1itigation Plan Air Quality Impacts Air Quality Mitigation Risk &Effects of Dam Failure Emergency Warning Plan Changes in Subsistence Opportunities Impacts on Life Style Changes in Commercial Opportunities Changes in Employment Increased Burden on Mat-Su Borough Impacts on Native Corporation Undeveloped Lands Mitigation Options Monitor Significant Impacts Land Acquisition Program "",,", """', ~, 6/8/87 Page 32 ADF&G ADEC ADC&RA DOl NPS NMFS BLM FWS Department of Labor Matanuska-Susitna Borough AHTNA US EPA State Historic Preservation Office COE OMB FERC Intervenors DOT/PF Aquatic Workshop I (Flow Regime) Aquatic Workshop II (FY85 Plan of Study) Terrestrial Workshop I (FY85 Plan of Study) Social Sciences Workshop I (FY85 Plan of Study) Aquatic Workshop III (Temperature and Ice Studies) Aquatic Workshop IV (PhysicalProcesses) Terrestrial Workshop II Aquatic Workshop V (Water Quality) Aquatic Workshop VI (Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow) Social Sciences Workshop II(Cultural Resources Program) Aquatic Workshop VII Terrestrial Workshop III Social Science Workshop III Cultural Resources (Predictive Models) Issues List Matrix Flow Regime Correspondence Meeting (November 20,1984) INSTREAM ICE Instream Flow Report Settlement Meetings February 22,1985 March 11,1985 March 22,1985 April 5,1985 April 22,1985 6.•18.4.2 Workshop 6.18.8 6.18.6 6.18.7 6.18.5 - - 6/8/87 Page 33 April 29,1985 May 17,1985 June 10,1985 6.19 LAND MANAGER'S TASK FORCE 6.20 OPEN ~" 6/8/87 Page 34 TAS1~8 -PUBLIC PARTICIPATION -- 8.1 WORKING GROUP MEETINGS 8.1.1 Monthly Status Report 8.2 ANNUAL PLAN AND REPORT 8.3 PUBLIC INFORMATION GENERAL ..... ",.. 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.8 8.3.9 8.3.10 8.3.11 Susitna Newsletter Briefing Materials -Transmission Line Briefing Materials -Hydro Other Materials Newspaper Articles Slides News Releases Trans Line FERC License Application Interviews Organization List General Power Authority Public Information Materials Results of Project Surveys -~ 8.4 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.7 Workshops/Meetings -Transmission Line Workshops/Meetings -Hydro Public Meetings (April 13-25,1984) Teleconferences -Transmission Line Teleconferences -Hydro Other Meetings -Transmission Line Other Meetings -Hydro Agency Meetings 8.5 CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE 8.6 SITE TOURS 8.6.1 8.6.2 Site Tours Prior to Road Access Site Tours After Road Access 8.7 RESPONDING TO COMMENTS - 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.7.3 Comment Response -Transmission Line Comment Response -Hydro Comment Response -Other 8.8 LETTERS FROM CONCERNED GROUPS 8.9 PUBLIC SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 6/8/87 Page 35 8.10 6/8/87 BUDGET Page 36 _. _. ~I TASK 9 -EXTERNAL REVIEW PANEL 9.1 FORMATION/MEMBERSHIP 9.2 CORRESPONDENCE 9.2.1 9.2.2 General Technical Issues Questions Responses 9.3 MEETINGS BY DATE 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 August 1983 Technical August 1983 Environmental April 1985 Staged Construction - ,- 9.4 SITE VISITS 6/8/87 Page 37 TASK 12 -UPDATE SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT PLAN 12.1 PHASE I -RECONNAISSANCE -LEVEL REVIEW 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.1.7 12.1.8 12.1.9 12.1.10 General Correspondence Planning Criteria Review Previous Work Identify New Sites -Data Development Conceptual Layouts Development Schemes Operation Studies Quantities and Costs Rank Schemes -Economic Evaluation Report 12.2 PHASE II -PREFEASIBILITY -LEVEL STUDY 6/8/87 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 12.2.4 12.2.5 12.2.6 12.2.7 12.2.8 12.2.9 General Correspondence Office -Field Studies Layouts Quantities and Costs Operation Studies Environmental Assessment Economic Evaluation and Optimization Financial Evaluation Report Page 38 TASK 16 -PROJECT PERMITTING 16.Jl GENERAL 16.1.1 16.1.2 16.1.3 16.1.4 Correspondence Status Reports Land Field Services (LFSI) CIRI/MOOLIN (CMJV) 16.2 STATE AGENCIES - 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.2.8 16.2.9 16.2.10 General Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development (ADCED) Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (ADCRA) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) Camp Move Drilling Alaska Department of Public Safety (ADPS) Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT/PF) Camp Move Temporary Use Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Alaska Railroad (ARR) 16.3 FEDERAL AGENCIES - - 6/8/87 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.3.4 16.3.5 16.3.6 16.3.7 16.3.8 16.3.9 16.3.10 16.3.11 16.3.12 16.3.13 16.3.14 16.3.15 16.3.16 16.3.17 General Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Alaska Power Administration (APA) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Watana Camp Relocation FY86 Drilling Bureau of Mines (BOM) Department of Defense -Army Department of Defense -Air Force Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department of Interior (DOl) Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Emergency Management Agency National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) National Park Service (NPS) U.S.Army Corps of Engineers (COE) U.S.Coast Guard Page 39 16.3.18 u.s.Environmental Protection Agency(U.S.EPA) 16.3.19 u.s.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 16.4 LOCAL AGENCIES/GOVERNMENTS 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.4.3 16.4.4 General Municipality of Anchorage Mat-Su Borough Watana Camp Relocation Fairbanks-North Star Borough 16.5 NATIVE ORGANIZATIONS 6/8/87 16.5.1 16.5.2 16.5.3 16.5.4 16.5.5 16.5.6 16.5.7 16.5.8 16.5.9 16.5.10 General Cook Inlet Region Incorporated (CIRI) AHTNA Tyonek Native Corporation Chickaloon-Moose Creek Native Association Knikatnu,Inc. Seldovia Native Association Alexander Creek,Inc. Ninilchik Native Association Salamatof Native Association Page 40 - "... TASK 29 -INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT SUPPORT - 29.1 6/8/87 GENERAL 29.1.1 29.1.2 29.1.3 Correspondence Budget Tracking Forms Page 41 TASK 30 -DEVIL CANYON UPSTREAM STUDY 30.1 GENERAL 30.1.1 30.1.2 30.1.3 30.1.4 30.1.5 Correspondence Budget Background Information Study Outline Report 30.2 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT 30.3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL SITES 30.3.1 30.3.2 30.3.3 30.3.4 30.3.5 30.3.6 30.3.7 30.3.8 General Geotechnical Seismic Refraction Surveys Environmental Studies Hydraulics/Hyqrology Civil/Structural Economic Cost Development 30.4 LOGISTICS 30.4.1 Correspondence 30.5 PERMITS 30.5.1 Correspondence ~I P9. 6/8/87 Page 42 TASK 39 -LOGISTICS ,.... I 39.Jl SCOPE OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT ..... 39.1.1 39.1.2 39.1.3 39.1.4 39.1.5 39.1.6 Office Administration Weekly Reports Time Sheets Resumes Misc.Correspondance Procedures .- 39.2 SUBSISTANCE &LIFE SUPPORT IN THE FIELD ~, 39.2.1 39.2.2 39.2.3 39.2.4 39.2.5 39.2.6 39.2.7 39.2.8 39.2.9 39.2.10 39.2.11 Camp Management -Watana Camp Camp Operations &Maintenance Watana Camp Records Traffic Control Safety Plan Incident Reports Fire Protection &Prevention Communications Procurement Recreation Lodging Potable Water (CIRI) 39.3 TRANSPORTATION - 39.3.1 39.3.2 39.3.3 39.3.4 39.3.5 39.3.6 39.3.7 39.3.8 Fix Wing Helicopter Scheduling POL Records &Logs Weather Report Ground Transportation Subcontractors 39.,4 PROCUREMENT &EXPEDITING 39.5 SUPPORT SERVICES - - 6/8/87 39.4.1 39.4.2 39.4.3 39.5.1 39.5.2 39.5.3 39.5.4 39.5.5 39.5.6 39.5.7 39.5.8 39.5.9 Preparation of Purchase Order Request POL -FUEL Camp Food &Maintenance Supplies CIRI/H&N -Watana Camp (Closed) Air Logistic -Helicopter Air Logistic -Fix Wing Alyeska Air Service -Fix Wing High Lake Lodge Stephan Lake Lodge Fog Lake Lodge Talkeetna Motel Fuel Three River Page 43 39.5.10 Fuel Akland 39.5.11 CIRI/Moolin J.V.-Watana Camp 39.5.12 Subcontractors 39.6 BUDGET ~, 39.6.1 39.6.2 39.6.3 39.6.4 39.6.5 39.6.6 Budget FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 Historical FY 86 39.7 SPECIAL STUDIES 39.7.1 39.7.2 39.7.3 39.7.4 39.7.5 39.7.6 39.7.7 39.7.8 39.7.9 39.7.10 39.7.11 Review Acres Feasibility Study Watana Camp Watana Expansion Watana Demobilization (Mothball) Watana Care Taker Status Watana Limited Operation Watana Airfield -2500 Foot Bush Field Tent Camp Watana Camp Historical Solid Waste Disposal Site Permits - 39.8 MASTER PLAN 6/8/87 39.8.1 39.8.2 39.8.3 39.8.4 Correspondence Watana Camp Relocation Site Conditions Cost Estimates Correspondence (CMJV) Interim Report Initial Access Road Page 44 ~, ,.... TASK 40 -NEED FOR POWER ,-40.1 GENERAL 40.1.1 Personnel ~40.1.2 Schedule 40.1.3 Budget 40.1.4 Meetings 40.2 SU BCO NTRACTORS AND CONSULTANTS 40.2.1 ISER .~40.2.2 Battelle 40.2.3 Acres 40.2.4 Reaume 40.2.5 RMI 40.2.6 Clark 40.2.7 GE 40.2.8 RFP 40.2.9 Paul Weir Co. 40.2.10 Sweeney &Assoc. 40.2.11 Dept.of Revenue 40.2.12 R.W.Beck 40.2.13 Dames &Moore 40.3 OPEN ~ 40.04,REPORTS BY HARZA/EBASCO (Drafts and Finals) 40.4.1 Phase -Economic Planning Process and Criteria 40.4.2 OPEN 40.4.3 Phase 2 40.4.4 Economic and Financial Update -Sept.1983 Reports Criteria Reviews 40.4.5 Economic and Financial Update -Feb.1984 40.4.6 Feasibility Study -Nov 1985-Jan 1986 40.5 OPEN 40.6 RAILBELT UTILITIES 6/8/87 40.6.1 40.6.2 40.6.3 40.6.4 40.6.5 40.6.6 40.6.7 40.6.8 40.6.9 40.6.10 Chugach Electric AML&P Golden Valley Electric Homer Electric Matanuska Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal Utilities Seward Light &Power Common Requests,Info. Power Purchase Agreements Railbelt Generation and Transmission Utility Page 45 40.7 STATE,FEDERAL AND LOCAL DATA 40.7.1 State 40.7.2 Federal 40.8 MODELS Long Term Energy Plan Reports to Governor ADOR APUC DEPD COE Alaska Power Administration Local 40.8.1 MAP -ISER 40.8.2 RED -Battelle 40.8.3 SAGE -OMB 40.8.4 OGP 40.8.5 EGEAS 40.8.6 PETREV -DOR 40.8.7 Communications Link -Harris &SDC 40.8.8 MAPS -GE 40.8.9 MJSENSO 40.9 LOAD FORECASTS 40.9.1 Forecasts 40.9.2 Conservation Programs 40.10 40.11 40.12 40.13 6/8/87 LOAD CHARACTERISTICS POWER AND RESERVOIR OPERATIONS 40.11.1 Flow Data 40.11.2 Environmental Considerations 40.11.3 Simulation Models 40.11.4 Monthly Generation 40.11.5 Weekly Generation 40.11.6 Daily/Hourly Operation 40.11.7 Reservoir Data FOSSIL FUEL PRICE,AVAILABILITY 40.12.1 Coal 40.12.2 Gas 40.12.3 Oil SUSITNA 40.13.1 General 40.13.2 Data Available 40.13.3 Alternative Projects 40.13.4 Susitna Project Access Page 46 - - -, 40.14 40.15 40.16 40.17 40.18 6/8/87 40.13.5 Susitna Project Functions 40.13.6 Susitna Project Schedules 40.13.7 Susitna Project Optimization NON-SUSITNA HYDRO,THERMAL ALTERNATIVES 40.14.1 Existing Generation 40.14.2 Bradley Lake 40.14.3 Chakachamna 40.14.4 Other Non-Susitna Hydro (Rampart) 40.14.5 Coal-Fired Steam Plants 40.14.6 Gas Powered Units 40.14.7 Oil Powered Units 40.14.8 Non-conventional Units 40.14.9 North Slope Gas Alternatives TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS 40.15.1 Existing Systems 40.15.2 Willow-Healy Intertie 40.15.3 Susitna Project Transmission 40.15.4 Alternative Systems Transmission GENERATION SYSTEM EXPANSION (OGP) 40.16.1 General 40.16.2 Model 40.16.3 Susitna Hydro Systems 40.16.4 Non-Susitna Hydro Systems 40.16.5 All Thermal Systems COST ESTIMATES,COST COMPARISONS,ECONOMIC ANALYSES 40.17.1 Unit Prices 40.17.2 Construction Cost Estimate 40.17.3 0 &M Cost Estimates 40.17.4 Manpower Requirements 40.17.5 Economic Criteria 40.17.6 Economic Evaluation 40.17.7 Sensitivity Analyses FINANCIAL ANALYSIS,FORECAST,MODEL CONTRACT 40.18.1 General 40.18.2 Financial Criteria 40.18.3 State Fund Availability 40.18.4 Financing Sources REA Tax Exempt Bonds 40.18.5 Computer Programs 40.18.6 Financial Analyses 40.18.7 Sensitivity Analyses 40.18.8 Model Contract Page 47 40.19 INTERTIE AGREEMENT 6/8/87 40.19.1 40.19.2 Correspondence Draft Agreement Page 48 TASK 41 -TRANSMISSION FACILITY SITING AND LICENSE 41.01 41.1. PROPOSAL PROCESS WILLOW TO KNIK ARM (WEST) 41.1.1 Technical Adequacy 41.1.2 Agency Coordination 41.1.3 Public Participation 41.1 .4 Environmental 41.2 HEALY TO ESTER (FAIRBANKS) 41.2.1 Technical Adequacy 41.2.2 Agency Coordination 41.2.3 Public Participation 41.2.4 Environmental 41.3 WATANA TO GOLD CREEK 41.3.1 Technical Adequacy 41.3.2 Agency Coordination 41.3.3 Public Participation 41.3.4 Environmental 41.1:'KNIK ARM (WEST)TO ANCHORAGE 41.~)HEALY TO WILLOW 41.6 41.:7 41.8 41.9 41.10 WILLOW TO KNIK ARM (EAST) SUBSTATION SITE SELECTION MANAGEMENT TRANSMISSION LINES MANAGEMENT SUBSTATIONS INFORMATION ...... 41.10.1 41.10.2 41.10.3 41.10.4 Correspondence Meetings Investigation Memorandum T-Line Routing through Military Property 41.11 VISUAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES ..... 41.12 41.11.1 41.11.2 41.11.3 REPORT· Correspondence Proposals Vegetation Mapping 41.13 6/8/87 PROGRESS REPORT Page 49 ..._.._-------_._--_._---_._-_._-- 41.14 SUBCONTRACTS 41.15 41.14.1 41.14.2 BUDGET Commonwealth Associates (including Intertie) Jones &Jones 41.16 41.17 41.18 41.19 ALTERNATIVE TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTING -WILLOW TO ANCHORAGE THROUGH PALMER LAND FIELD SERVICES POWER SALES AGREEMENTS o &M 41.19.1 41.19.2 41.19.3 41.19.4 O&M Agreements O&M Plans Emergency Action Plans Inspection Plans 41.20 6/8/87 STAGE CONSTRUCTION Page 50 TASK 42 -HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC STUDIES ~42.ll GENERAL COORDINATION 42.1.1 Correspondence ~42.1.2 Schedule 42.1.3 Budget 42.1.4 Work Program 42.1.5 Consultants 42.1.6 Hyraulic Laboratory 42.2 HYDROLOGIC/HYDRAULIC MODELING r- 42.2.1 Reservoir Operation -RESOP 42.2.2 Reservoir Temperature/Ice/Sediment (DRYSEM),-42.2.3 Instream Hydraulic 42.2.4 Instream Temperature 42.2.5 Instream Ice 42.2.6 Sediment (General) 42.2.7 Slough Groundwater 42.4.8 Confluence Area Sediment Modeling -IIHR ~42.3 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD -SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD 42.4 FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSES -CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION FLOOD 42.4.1 Studies ~42.5 STREAJlfFLOW TIME SERIES -GLACIAL MEL T (Streamflow/Meteorologic Data Collection/Analysis) 42.6 GLACIAL STUDIES 42.7 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION r-42.7.1 FERC 42.7.2 State and Federal Agencies 42.7.3 Write Chapter 2 of License 42.8 STATUS MEETING 42.9 STREAMFLOW FORECASTING,.... 42.9.1 Glacial Studies 42.9.2 Hydex Corporation 42.10 CONE VALVES - 6/8/87 Page 51 ._._-----,..-~~, TASK 45 -CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 45.01 PROPOSAL PROCESS .- ~. - _. -. 6/8/87 Page 52