HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3502~~MORANDUM=====", vv ~0 .~=o Richard Logan~.Sport f,i sh Di rector LOr Department of Fish and Game"'I=====M Juneau M /lUi-h)~ht1..JJj State"of Alaska DATE:August 2,1985 FILENO:02-85-13.,21 TELEPHON.E NO:.(907)274-7583 FROM:Richard L.Ca·nnon Fishery Biolgist IV Department of Fish and.Game Susitna Aquatic Studies Anchorage SUBJECT:Susitna Aquatic Studies White Paper - The enclosed white paper which provides an overview of the Susitna Aquatic Studies Program was prepared in response to the COl1ll1isssioner's request and your instructions and guidelines.It must be emphasized that the discussion provided in this overview only covers one aspect of the Depa~tment's involvement with the Susitna Hydro Studies Program.The Commissioner may want to request that similar overviews be prepared by the Divisions of.Game and Habitat,so that he could be proVided a more complete briefing concerning the Department's involvement in the Susitna Project.Also,the list of policy, documents provided in Attachment 3 is undoubtedly incomplete as it does not ,include all correspondence developed through the involvement of the Game Division and Habitat Division. 'After going through this exercise,several questions came to mind.One question concerns the program oversight whi ch was to be provided for by the various interdepartmental and interdivisional committees'that were set up to provide coordination and direction for the various facets of the studies and our Department's involvement with this project.Are these groups still active?If they are,what is the frame work for providing necessary coordination?If they are not,do they again need to be established or activated?This should be of particular importance to us given the apparent intent of APA to finalize the settlement process and corresponding agreements with·the power util ities by'the end of this year or early next year. Coordination will also be necessary to prepare for the upcoming FERC hearings. , Thanks again for your support and for allowing Christopher Estes to participate in writing the white paper. ARLIS Alaska Resources. Library &InformatklJ1 S;;,rv\,", Anchorage.Aia";l'~a w(attachments G.Thornburgh K.Parker K.Florey o vrasnowski anagawa :hneider achments 11s tes jrroject Leaders cc: TK 1425 .88 A68 no.3502 ----------~--~---~.} ..... - - AN OVERVIEI1 OF THE SUSITNA AQUATIC STUDIES PROGRAM It's History and Future Direction Prepared by the Susitna Aquatic Studies Staff Division of Commercial Fisheries ,Regi on II August 1,1985 jK 'lf~5" $~• Ptla 15 Y\D l3t9 o:t - .- - V M M,...... ~ ooo LD LD,...... M M INTRODUCTION Commissioner Collinsworth has requested that a briefing paper,which provides a conci se overview of the Susitna Aquati c Studies Program,its hi story and future direction,be prepared to assist the Department in it's review and policy development regarding the proposed Susitna hydroelectric development. In accordance with this request,the following discussion of the Susitna Aquatic Studies Program is presented.This discussion describes the recent history of the project,its re~ationship to the Federal Energy Regulatory COlTlllission (FERC)licensing process,its accomplishments,and the projected future direction of the program. It must be emph.asized,however,that this paper outlines only one aspect of the Department1s overall association with the Susitna hydroelectric development evaluation.Integral to a more complete understanding of the Department's in~olvement and responsibility for a project with the magnitude and complexity of the Susitna Hydro Project are the significant roles played by the Division :of Game which has been responsible for a major portion of the terrestrial studies program and the Habitat Division which has the regulatory review responsibility for the project.A listing of significant correspondence from whi ch thi s document has been synthesized is incl uded as Attachment 3. BACKGROUND The Susitna River is approximately 275 miles long from its sources in the Alaska Mountain Range to its point of discharge into Cook Inlet.The river and its main tributaries,the Chulitna,Talkeetna,and Yentna rivers,have a total',drainage area of 19,400 square miles and annually contribute approximately 70-80 percent of the freshwater entering Cook Inlet.The Susitna River and its associated riparian lands support diverse and abundant populations of fish and wildlife resources which are of considerable commercial,cultural,and recreational value. The State of Alaska has proposed to build and operate hydroelectric power generation facilities on the Susitna River.Initial plans called for the construction of two dams over two stages on the upper Susitna River at Devil and Watana c~nyons.These plans were modified in 1984 by the APA to add a third stage where by the Watana Dam would be constructed in two phases.The Alaska Power Authority (APA),in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development,is responsible for planning and supervision of the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project. A prerequisite of construction and operation of hydroelectric facilities is the acquisition of a Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission (FERC)license. The series of actions involved with the acquisition of this license has been called the FERC licensing process.Integral to this process is the development of an Environmental Impact Statement (ElS)which assesses the environmental,cultural,and social impacts of hydroelectric development on the affected resources.Incorporated into the process is consideration of the numerous federal and state permits and letters of approval which are required prior to construction and operation of the hydroelectric facilities.The process thus ensures coordination and consideration of relevant state and -1- I~ - federal laws and regulations (e.g.,Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, National Environmental Pol icy Act,Clean Water Act,Endangered Species Act, and the Alaska Constitution Title 16).A review of the relevant state and federal laws and regulations which must be satisfied during the licensing process is provided in the Department's November 1979 Plan of Study (see Attachment 3:F).Further discussion on this topic has been provided in the following correspondence (see Attachment 3:E,G,K,M,0,P,R,S,T,W,X, Y,AB,AC,AD,and AH). In 1977,the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)presented the APA a Plan of Study (POS)for researching the environmental impacts of the proposed hydroelectric development on the fish and wildlife resources of the Susitna· River basin (see Attachment 3:A,B,C,D,E).The POS was proposed by the Department to ensure that it would have an adequate and legitimate data base from which it could fulfill its statutory responsibil ities to provide timely input and response into the FERC 1 i censing process.Unfortunately,funding was unavailable until November 1979 to begin project evaluation studies.At this time,the Department 1 s 1977 pas was updated and submitted to APA.The November 1979 pas formed the basis for subsequent program and RSA negotiations with the APA.The document also lined out the many mandates,issues, constraints,and recommendations regarding the environmental feasibility studies. The primary study goal outlined in the November 1979 pas was to provide the necessary background information to enable proper evaluation of impacts of the proposed hydroelectric development on the fish and wildlife resources of the Susitna River by the State and FERC.In order to accomplish this goal, primary study objectives were developed which attempted to describe the naturaJ pre-project variations in fi sh and wi 1dl ife popul ati ons and thei r habitats at a level of reliability necessary to detect and explain possible future changes caused by the hydroe 1ectri c development.Speci fi ca 11 y,two research areas were outlined.The first,termed the Susitna Aquatic Research Study,involved the collection and analysis of pre-project data on the fisheries and aquatic habitat resources of the Sllsitna River.The second, termed the Susitna Terrestrial Research Study,involved the collection and analysis of pre-project data on the terrestrial populations and their habitat within the affected area. The Department,based on negotiations with the APA,agreed that the pas could be completed in two phases over five years.Five years of evaluation were considered to be the minimum time needed to provide the basic cyclic environmental data which,from the Department's perspective,was required to properly evaluate project impacts and provide the basis for designing the mitigative requirements or alternatives that are available.Data collected by the Department in support of the pas would then be analyzed by the Department to support a pre-project assessment of the fish and wildlife resources of the Susitna River.This information,when compared with project design and operation projections,is required by the APA and FERC to evaluate potential impacts of hydroelectric development on the pre-project fish and wildlife resources and to evaluate possible mitigative measures proposed to offset any potentially harmful impacts of the development. -2- In 1980,funding was provided by the APA via a Reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA)to the ADF&G.Subsequently,the Department organized the Susitna Studies Research Program in 1980 to address the objectives stated in the November 1979 POS.The study program was divided at this time into two study teams,an Aquatic Research Study Team and a Terrestrial Research Study Team, as previously described.The following background describes the history of the Aquatic Research Study Team. Six basic objectives were agreed upon between the APA and the Department for the Aquatic Research Study Team.These were to: 1.·Determine the relative abundance and distribution of adult anadromous fish populations within the drainage. 2.Determine the distribution and abundance of selected resident and juvenile anadromous fish populations. 3.Determine the aquatic habitat and instream flow seasonal requirements of anadromous and resident fish species during each stage of their 1ife histories. 4.Determine the economic,recreational,social,and aesthetic values of the existing resident and anadromous fish stocks and habitat. 5.Determine the impact the Devil Canyon project will have on the aquatic -ecosystems and any required mitigation prior to a construction approval decision. - 6.Determine along-term plan of study,if the project is authorized,to monitor the impacts during and after project completion. Data to address these objectives were to be coll ected in two phases over a five year period.The two phase approach was coined by the APA and its prime contr~ctor (Acres American,Inc.)and is not relevant to the six objectives proposed by the Department (see Attachment 3:Z). To meet the first three objectives,the Susitna Aquatic Research Study Team was divided jnto three principle and two support study units in 1980.Each principle study unit assessed what was viewed as essentially unique aspects of the fisheries and associated habitat resources of the Susitna River basin. The study units established were the Adult Anadromous Fish Studies (AA),the Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Studies (RJ),and the Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH).The support study units established were the Biometrics Support Unit and the Administrative Support Unit. The studies were continued to the present to meet objectives 1,2,and 3 by focusing and re-directing efforts,when necessary,on specific problem areas determined by each year of progress and the availability of funding. Additionally,efforts were initiated on planning scopes of work to address the remaining objectives.During this phase,one additional unit was added to the study team to provide increased data interpretation and review demands of the APA.The added program was the Secondary Task Coordination Support Unit (SWAT)• -3- - REIMBURSABLE SERVICES AGREEMENTS (FY 80-FY 85) The ADF&G has signed RSA's with the APA for the initiation and implementation of the activities of the Susitna Aquatic Research Study Team.The RSA's were signed for the fiscal years (FY)1980,1981,1982,1983, 1984,and 1985.The FY 1980 RSA only covered activities and costs associated with the Susitna Terrestrial Research Study Team.A breakdown of the activities and costs associated with the FY 81-FY 85 RSA1s is presented in Attachment 1. Each of these RSA's included a description of scopes of work and budgets for the agreed upon programs.These programs include only areas of investigation which were mutually agreed upon by both the APA and ADF&G with the review and comment of other state and federal agencies,the ApA's private contractors, and the Susitna Hydroelectric Steering Corrrnittee through annual negotiations. Evaluations of the studies by,the FERC were also used to determine the merits of project studies (see Attachment 3:AB, AC,AD).1hrough this process,the APA made the final determinations as to which areas of investigation identified in the November 1979 POS or,in initiai annual proposals were actually funded and conducted.Accordingly,some of the studies proposed by ADF&G were not funded. Primary funding for the activiti es covered by the RSA's was provi ded for by the APA.Additional funding was also provided by the APA's primary contractor for essential support services,leases,and equipment purchases.The primary contractor for the period covering FY 80-FY 82 was Acres American,Inc., whereas for the period covering FY 83-85,it was Harza Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture,Inc. A legislative audit (see Attachment 3:Z,AA)was conducted and special report prepared in 1983 on the Department's performance during the period covering FY 80-FY 82 in the Susitna River ,Hydroelectric ProjeGt.The audit was conducted to determine: l. 2. F"3. 4. The current status of the Department of Fish and Game's research for the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project. If the Department is accomplishing the Project's goals and objectives previou~ly established. The Alaska Power Authority's impression of the Department's performance in the Project. If the Project expenditures incurred by the Department are appropriate and reasonable. .....Results of the audit concluded that although problems existed between the APA and the Department in the coordination of a project as large and complex as the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project that caused delay of the licensing process,that the Department has adequately performed its responsibilities in its involvement with the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project over the period covering FY 80-FY 82. -4- - STUDY ACCOMPLISHMENTS (FY 81-FY 85) Information pertaining to meeting objectives 1,2,and 3 has been supplied to the APA at the end of each fi sca 1 yea r in the form of bas ic data reports (Attachment 2).These report'S have generally summarized pre-project conditions of the fisheries and aquatic habitat resources of the Susitna River and their responses to flow variations.Specifically,these reports represent a summary and analysis of the areas of investigation as funded by the APA. Based on agreements with the APA,the program's initial reports (FY 80-FY 83) were 1imited to surnm'aries of data;however,beginning in FY 84,the APA requested that the Department.provide interpretations of the data it collected. The FY 1981 RSA program was negotiated with the APA during the June-August 1980 time period.Accordingly,final agreement on the RSA was not made in time.to acquire personnel and equipment to initiate a field program during the open-water season of 1980.Accordingly,program accomplishments for FY 1981 only:included the creation of positions and the recruitment of staff and the preparation of the 1980-81 Aquatic Studies Procedures Manual (see Attachment 2,references 6 and 7).Actual data collected during FY 1981 (i .e.,the 1980-81 ice-covered season and 1981 spring start-up)were included in the FY 82 program completion reports. Accomplishments during FY 1982 included collection of data and preparation of reports on adult salmon abundance and distribution investigations,adult salmon stock separati on investigations,resident fish abundance and distribution investigations above and below the proposed dam sites,juvenile anadromous salmon abundance and distribution investigations,and aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations.Additionally,one report which contained a partial synthesis of the 1981 fishery and aquatic habitat data was produced. The basic areas of data collection and report preparation during FY 1983 were similar to those of FY 1982. During FY 1984,program coverage was altered to address a narrower scope of pre-project conditions.Studies during this fiscal year were primarily limited to tbe geographic area above the Chulitna-Susitna-Talkeetna confluence area,as it was felt that project impacts would be greatest in this reach. The narrower focus of the studies allowed for greater detailed studies and reports on fisheries resources and their habitats in the middle reach of river.A major emphasis of the FY 84 program involved habitat modelling.An access and transmission corridor study was also initiated,completed,and reported in FY 1984. The FY 1985 program essentially continued similar areas of investigations as in FY 1984.The FY 1985 program,however,also included an expanded winter studi es program and a new lower ri ver studi es program on juveni 1e salmon habitat.All of the reports covering this period have not yet been produced in final. -5- .... .... FY 86 RSA The FY 86 RSA that was signed with the APA represents a significant reduction in the scope and level of effort by the Department in the Susitna River Hydroelectric Feasibility Studies than that of previous years.The RSA, totalling 2.29 million dollars,is approximately one half that of the FY 85 effort.The reduced FY 86 RSA sti pul ates that the Department 1 imit data collection and analysis efforts to long-term population and habitat monitoring,as it is the Department's opinion that directing its efforts into these areas can best meet the Department I sand APA I S data and information needs within existing budgetary constraints. One critical task t~at was deleted from the FY 86 RSA during the negotiations was the completion of a surmnary and integration report.The completion of this report,integrating and summarizing the past four years of fisheries and habitat data collected by the Department,is required to provide needed insights necessary to make decisions concerning impacts,flow requirements, and mitigation options.Any other relevant Departmental reports would also be included in the summary.Additional important tasks that were deleted during the negotiations included middle river mitigation,middle river winter juvenile anadromous studies,and invertebrate studies.The first of these is of special concern in light of the APA's desires to arrive at an instream flow settlement in FY 86. FY 86 REORGANIZATION With the completion of the FY 1985 studies,approximately four years of data on the fishery resources and habitat requirements of important fish species and l,fe stages have been obtained.These data primarily addressed the first three objectives stated in the November 1979 POS,as subsequently modified by the APA through negotiation with the Department and funded by each year's RSA. Additionally,the fourth objective stated in the POS is currently being addressed 'by the APA through its major contractor and subcontractors. With the substantial progress that has been made towards completing objectives 1 through 4,the remaining two objectives (5 and 6)remain to be funded by the APA in order to enable the Department to meet its statutory requirements and to enable th~APA to complete its FERC licensing process.Objective 5 and 6 include the completion of the quantification of impacts of the proposed hydroelectric project,the development of a mitigation strategy that addresses the impacts as determined by Departmental statutory mandates and policy (see Attachment 3:F,H,I,M,N,P,R,S,W,X,Y,AS,AC,AD,AG,AH),and provisions for a monitoring program or enforcement structure within ADF&G to ensure that the agreed upon mitigation plan is implemented and effective. Specifically,the following tasks remain to be met to address objectives 5 and 6: 1.Complete the ongoing open-water 1985 field studies to provide the required five years of fishery and habitat data which,from the Department's perspective,are required to provide the basic cyclic envi ronmenta 1 data whi ch is requi red to properly evaluate pre-proj ect conditions. -6- With the evolution of the study program to enable the Department to initiate activities to meet the remaining two study objectives,the Department has recently reorganized its study program (see Attachment 3:AH).The reorganization both redistributes and divides the existing Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow (AH),Adult Anadromous (AA),and Resident and Juvenile Anadromous (RJ)projects,and the administration and Data Processing into the following components: 1.A long-tenn field monitoring program,including completion of short term pre-project fishery and habitat evaluations, 2.an analytical and technical support program,and 3.a techni~al instream flow evaluation program in support of Departmental regulatory functions. The reorganization was implemented in order to better allow the Department to meet the last two objectives (5 and 6).Actual implementation of these two objectives is stated for FY 87.Additionally,better coordination of the study program in the Department was implemented to assure that the investment the State of Alaska has made in the intensive data collection effort conducted to date will be fully utilized in the FERC licensing process.This will assure that the Department will have only one evaluation of the collected data base. Under the reorganization plan,the Susitna Aquatic Studies program has been integrated into the ongoing stock assessment and research programs of the Division of Commercial Fisheries'South Central Region.This process was initiated by placing the project leaderts position in the South Central -7- - Regional program under the direct supervlsl0n of the Regional Supervisor.In addition,the role of the Susitna Aquatic Studies Project Leader has been re-defi ned to i ncl ude the responsibil ity,under di recti on of the regi ana 1 supervisor,for planning and coordinating all Departmental salmon escapement activities in the Susitna River,in addition to administrating the Department's RSA obligations with the Alaska Power Authority.This arrangement is similar to that which currently exists in the Division of Game where all Susitna Hydroelectric Project studies are administered through the Division's Regional Research Coordinator. FY 87 AND BEYOND With the completion of the FY 86 field program,the majority of tasks included < in the five year pre-project evaluation proposed in the Department's 1979 POS will have been completed.The FY 87 program will begin to address objectives 5 and 6 of the pas by initiating the first year of long-term project. monitoring which is scheduled to continue through construction and operation < of the hydroelectric project.The monitoring phase of the program is < necessary to evaluate long-term changes in and potential impacts on fisheries populations and habitats for purposes of developing and implementing as well as monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation plans.A January 1985 draft mitigation and long-term monitoring plan (see Attachment 3:AG)was prepared by APA's principal contractor,HESJV.The plan will be revised during FY 86 based on resource agency review and comments.The final plan will become the basis for the Department's long-te~l monitoring program to begin in FY 87. In order to prepare for the FY 87 field season and the initiation of the long-term monitoring program,the Department must carefully evaluate its pre-project data base to ensure that all major questions concerning the pre-project conditions of fisheries resources and their habitats have been adequately answered by past studies.This is essential for meeting its regul atory and project revi ew responsibil ities.Accordingly,all previ ous data must be synthesized and reviewed for error.The five year data'synthesis report task proposed by the Department within the FY 86 RSA would have greatly enhanced the capability to conduct this evaluation.However,the synthesis project was not funded by APA in the FY 86 RSA.This task,however,may be included in subsequent amendments to the RSA for use of FY 85 carry-over funds. The level of funding available for long-term monitoring studies in FY 87 will probably be considerably decreased from FY 86 levels.It is imperative that the Department conduct a technical review of ongoing and proposed long-term monitoring projects early into the current fiscal year to ensure that a technically sound and cost effective program will be initiated in FY 87.A review process similar to that used to evaluate Kenai River Studies in 1984 may provide an excellent format for conducting the review. It should also be determined if there are other schedules and expectations that the APA and other agencies have for the Department and the various ADF&G contractors to the APA during this (FY 86)and future fiscal years (e.g.,the FERC Licensing and Agency Settlement Processes,Mitigation Negotiations, etc.).This information is paramount to re-evaluating all of the ADF&G's contractual and non-contractual activities with the APA for FY 86 regardless -8- of the Division or activity involved. the Department to evaluate and comment schedules and will enable us to serve their schedules. It al so provides the opportunity for on the validity and merits of the APA's notice whether the Department can meet ..... I ....., ....., ! Equally important~is the necessity for the ADF&G to prepare its staff for providing expert testimony through formal training and consultation with the Attorney Generalis Office.The ADF&G will have no authority regarding the selection of its employees to be cross examJned by the various intervenors at the forthcoming FERC hearings.It is also recommended that all correspondence from the Commissioner's Office over the past ten years regarding this project be reviewed as part of the FERC hearing process.' -9- ]J 1 j )J 1 I ]J 1 J ~s j Attachment 1.Summary of ADF&G/APA RSA Budget Figures for FV 81-FV 85 -with noted products.(Products refer to items in the ADF&G Susitna Aquatic Studies Bibliography (as of 06/25/85]as attached). Comments:Includes support services,leases,and equipment purchases which were supplied to ADF&G by APA's prime contractors (i.e.,Acres American,Inc.and HESJV). FV 81 FV-82 FV 83 FV 84 FV 85 TASK BREAKDOWN OF SOURCE FUNDS (K)PRODUCTS FUNDS (K)PRODUCTS FUNDS (K)PRODUCTS FUNDS (K)PRODUCTS FUNDS (K)PRODUCTS Administrative Support (A) APA 173.5 6,7 475.4 15 447.3 17 500.2 41,42 755.3 66 Resident &Juvenile APA Anadromous Studies Overall Equipment Sub- Support Contractor Data Processing &APA Cartography Support Aquatic Habitat &APA I nstream Fl ow Evaluation 200.0 -~-_...100.0 (B,C)(B,C) 149.5 -----162.3 368.6 41,42 475.5 908.0 41,42,52,1100.3 63 (E,F) 66 66.74 ( I ) 66,73 66,67,68 71.72.77 80,81,82 (G) 0.0 4682.9 4582.9 100.0 1060.7 1028.841,42,44 63 (F .H) 41,42,43 167 ;3 441.6 646.3 3381.5 3014.2 367.3 182.7 (A) 101.2 15 300.5 17 11,12,13,815.7 17,18,23, 14,15 24,25,26, 27,28,40 (D) 9,10,11,734.8 17,18,21, 15 22,26,27 28,40 (D) 8,15,16 653.2 17,18,19, 20,27,28 (D) 350.1 - 3585.5 3052.7 532.8 17.9 870.5 666.0 180.2 (A) 84.6 82.1 476.5 2853.2 2655.1 198.1 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7247.0 225.0 643.4 152.8 111.4 (A) 23.7 24.1 1600.9 846.1 754.8 APA TOTAL APA Sub- Contractor APA Sub- Contractor T o T A L S Adult Anadromous Studies Maintenance Footnotes:(A)Includes project supervisors for FV 81-FV 85 for all projects except Adult Anadromous. (B)Includes typing,building leases,and miscellaneous administrative support services. (C)Estimated. (D)Product number 28,includes products 29-39 in the bibliography. (E)Product number 52,includes products 53-62 in the bibliography. (F)Product number 63,fnc1udes products 64-64 in the bibliography. (G)Product number 68,includes products 69-70 in the bibliography. (H)Product number 74,includes products 75-79 in the bibliography. Attachment 2 nIJ-l~11<(c,m'Y'i\ln ['![!'r!UF:F 1 ~:f I (--"tNti (31-it"lL ~:;U~;ITNA fctCnJ(.)T I C ~;!IJD 1 [;3 B 1 ElL I OGF~AF'HY 1 Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&GI.1974.An assessment of the anadromous fish populati~n5 in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. -----1976.Fish and wildlife studies related to the Corp Devil Canyon,Watana Reservoir Hydroelectric Project. Department of Fish and Gamet Anchorage,Alaska., of Enginef?rS Alaska 1977.Preauthorized assessment of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Projects:preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition.Alaska Department of fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 4.....1978.Preliminary environmental development on the Susitna River. and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. assessment of hydroelectric Alaska Department of Fish 1979.Fish and wildlife studies proposed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Preliminary final plan of study. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska.-1981a.Aquatic studies procedures manual (1980-1981). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1.Subtask 7.10. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. II ( 1 'of 2)• .... 8.- 10.- ,] 1981b.Aquatic studies procedures manual (1980-1981). (2 of 2:Appendices).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase'!. Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage, Alaska. 1981c.Adult anadromous fisheries project (June-September 19811. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft report. Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage, Alaska." -----1981d.Juvenile anadromous fish study on the Susitna River (November 1980-0ctober 1981).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase 1 final draft report.Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1981e.Resident fish investigation on the Lower Susitna River (November 1980-0ctober 1981).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase 1 final draft report.Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1981f.Resident fish investigation un the Upper Susitna River (May-October 1981).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft report.Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department 01 Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 12 - 1 C?OlcJ.Aquatic:.habit,.::\t dncl In,,,tr-eC:Ull t JCH"-'PI~UJC,'ct \J)C'LL'mhcT October-1'181)"~:;u,;itna Hycll"'u (iquatlL ~:3tudl[~c;.F'!las,,'J ~lllc':\l draft r€-:')por-t.VuJumE!1.;:Jut,ti::'l::;;j",i.t().f'i]a";,ka.Iir:::'r:J~~rtfnc'rl'..c.:i Fish and Game,Anchor-age,Alaska. 1981h.Aquatic habitat and instream flow pruject.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft report.Volume 2 (1 of :?:Appendi C:E~S EA-EH/.Subta~:;k 7.10.{H asl::~~Dt?pal,·tment of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1 'lUi) 14 r""'". 1981i.Aquatic habitat and instream flow Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft (2 of 2:Appendices EI-EJ).Subtask 7.10. of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. proJect.Susi tna report.Volume 2 Alaska Departm?nt ~5 -----1982a.Aql.latic studies program'(November 1980--Dctober-19[3U. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft report. Subtask 7.10.Alas~a Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage, Alaska. .6 ~7 1982b.Adult anadromous fisheries project.Stock seperation feasibility report.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 1 final draft report.Subtask 7.10.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1983a.Aquatic studies procedures manual (1982-198:3). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2.Subtask 7.10. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1983b.Summarization of volumes 2,3,4 parts I and II,and 5.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 basic data report (October 1981-0ctober 1982).Volume 1.Alaska Department of Fi$h and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 20 - 1983c.Adult anadromous fish studies,1982. Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 final report.Volume Al aska Department of Fi sh and Game,'Anchorage, 1983d.Adult anadromous fish studies,1982. Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 final report.Volume Appendices A-H).Alaska Department of Fish and Al aska." Susitna Hydro 2 (1 of 2). Alaska. Susitna Hydro 2 (2 of 2: Game,Anchorage, 1 .::; -----1983e.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish studies on the Susitna River below Devil Canyon,1982.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 basic data report.Volume 3 (1 of 2). Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. -----1983f.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish studies on the Susitna River below Devil Canyon,1982.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 basic data report.Volume 3 (2 of 2:Appendices). Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1983g.Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies,1982. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 basic data report. Volume 4 (1 of 3:Parts I and II).Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. '+19f:J3h.{~quat.i.c habi.tat 'O\rld :I [",tr-'f?dm j IUIAI <",tlld:l E'S,j'IU:.? S\..lsit.na HydnJ PlqUdt.i.C E;t.udi.E-?:'?c.l'h,O\"'i(~'/h,3":;lC clatd n:?pol'''t.. Volume If (:,;'of .~::;:~iPPE~I)d:i.CE'Si A·I ..).f::;l,;"oikci Uc.:'I:tart.'TI('!f·,t uf FISh and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 19E3:5i.Aquatic h,,{bitat.diU]ilis:;tTE'am 1Juw s:;tu.di(·:·::'~';,1982. Susitna.Hydro Aquatic Studi.es.PhasE'2 basic data.report. Volume 4 (3 of 3:Appendices D-J).Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska.· impoundment studies,1982. Phase 2 basic data report. Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 198~5j.Upper-GUSl tna F,i ver Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Volume 5.Alaska ~epartment of z/ -. 1983k.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationshi~s (1 of 2).§usitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. 19831.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish"and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices A-tU. Susi~na H~dro Aqua~ic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Thompson,F.M.,and B.M.Barrett.1983.Analysis of the species selectivity of fishwheels for the capture of adult salmon in the Susitna River.Appendix A In:ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. - Trihey,E:W.,L.J.Vining,and C.C.Estes.1983.Timing and passage of adult salmon in the mainstem Susitna River and access into selected sloughs upstream of the Chulitna River confluence.Appendi>:B In:ADF~«G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationshi~s (2 of 2:Appendices).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase 2 report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. ..... Salasky,,S.,R.Sinnott,and A.Hoffmann.1983.Qualitative analysis of salmon spawning habitat in sloughs located within the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River. Appendix C In:ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 3pl-.Sinnott,R.,K.Sylvester,A.Hoffmann,and C.C.Estes.1983. Modeling of hydraulic conditions and chum salmon spawning habitat in selected Susitna River sloughs.Appendix DIn: ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. "".:1 34 35,.... 36 3E 3<7 ..- - Mar s h a I I,[I •1 r:;{T:::•F f +E)C t 5 U +rn a :i.fi s t ('ni ~~;us ).t [I ",0 d 1 ~"c h a I'q e 01'1 total wetted and backwater surface area at selected study sites.Appendi~<E In:f'-)DF~~G.~:;'y'rlup",15 of tilE;l'/U2 aquatic studies and analysis of fISh and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase 2 report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Hale,S.S.1983.Influence of habitat parameters on distribution and ~elative abundance of juvenile salmon and resident species. Appe~dix FIn:ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report.~ Alaska Department of Fi~h and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Suchane~,P.M.,and S.S.Hale.1983.Use of major habitat types by juvenile salmon and resident species.Appendix GIn: ADF&G.Synopsis of the'1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habit~t relatibnships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Hale,S.S.1983.Habitat relationships of juvenile salmon outmigration.Appendix H In:ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appen~ices).Susitna Hydra Aquatic Studies. Phas~2 report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anch~rage,Alaska. 5chm,idt,D.C.1983.A model of the effects of incremental increases in sport fishing on population structure of Arct~c grayling above Devil Canyon.Appendix I In: ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habit~t relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Suchanek,P.M.,and 5.5.Hale.1983.Age-length curves and growth of A~~tic grayling and rainbow trout.Appendix J In: ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Sandone,G.,and J.Sautner.1983.Evaluation of Arctic grayling spawning and rearing habitat and notes on salmon spawning in the impoundment study area of the Susitna River. Appendix KIn:ADF&G.Synopsis of the 1982 aquatic studies and analysis of fish and habitat relationships (2 of 2:Appendices). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 ~eport . Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. l. '+-3 - - , 47 198~Sm.WintE!,a.qudtic ~:;tUdi.P5 ((Jet.ntH:·'1 J';EL.·'-1,,\l'!L;o':). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Phase 2 report. Alaska Depa,tment of Fish and Game,Anchorage,AJ~ska. 1.984a.Susitna Hyd,o aquatic studies procedu,e0 manual (May 19B::::;-June 1984)(l 0+~n.SU5itn<::~Hycln:)(.~quatic ~:;tucli.",!s. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 1984b.Susitna Hyd,o aquatic st.udies procedures manual (May 1983-June 1984)(2 of 2:Appendices).Susitna Hyd,o Aquatic Studi es.Al aska 'Department of f::-i sh and Game,Pmcho,age,?YJ.""ska. Ba"ett,B.M.,F.M.Thompson,and S.N.Wick,edito,s.1984. Adult anadromous fish investigations:May-October 1983. Susi~na Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Schmidt,D.C.,5.5.Hale,D.L.Crawford,a~d P.Suchanek,editors.1984. Resident and Juvehile anadromous fish investigations (May-Octobe, 1983).Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studie~.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorag~,Alaska. Roth,K.J.,D.C.Gray,and D.C.Schmidt.1984.The outmigration of juvenile salmon from the Susitna River above the Chulitna River confluence.Part 1 In:D.C.Schmidt,S.S.Hale, D.L.Crawford,and P.M.Suchanek,editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fis~investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Depart~ent of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. DU9an,L.J.,D.A.Sterritt,'and M.E.Stratton.1984. The distribution and relative abundance of juvenile salmon in the Susitn~River drainage above the Chulitna River· confluence.Part 2 In:D.C.Schmidt,S.S.Hale, D.L.Crawford,and P.M.'Suchanek,editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Suchanek".P.M.,R.P.Narshall,S.S.Hale,and D.C.Schmidt.1984. Juvenile salmon rearing suitability criteria.Part 3 In: D.C.Schmidt,5.8.Hale,D.L.Crawford,and P.M.Suchan~k, editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Marshall,R.P.,P.M.Suchanek,and D.C.Schmidt.1984.Juvenile salmon rearing habitat models.Part 4 In: D.C.Schmidt,5.5.Hale,D.L.Crawford,and P.M.Suchanek, editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 50 51. ..... 53 54 5 un d e t,r~.L.,and /'1.N.We n q Eo'r •I.'J E:l4 •F<l"'!5 1 c:l E'II t -f 1 ,,;1··..d j ,:;t·r .j but 1 U I·, and population dynamics In the Susitna River below Uevll Canyon.Part 5 In:D.C.Schmidt,5.5.Hale, D.L.Crawford,and P.M.Suchanek,editors.Resident and jl.lveni l€:!anaclromous ·fish i.nvE'st.i.gc~t.iur·I~;;(r·layLJct.oI::iE:)I·jCf[('::,). Susitl,a ~~ydro Aquatic Studie~5M f~epc)rt No~:~. Alaska Department of FISh and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Sl.lchafH:!k,P.M.,R.L.5un(~'et,and 1'1.N.Wf?ngr=?r.Ie/Bil·.Hf?sident fish habitat studies.·Par:t 6 In:D.C.bchmidt.,8.S.Hcde,. D.L.Crawford,and P.M.Suchanek,editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Hale,S.S.,P.M.Suchane~,and D.C.Schmidt.1984.Modelling of juvenile salmon and resident fish habitat.Part 7 In: D.C.Schmidt,s.s.H.le,D.L.Crawford,~nd F~M.Suchanek, editors.Resident and juvenil~anadrombus fish investigations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Estes,C.C.,and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors.1984. Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-October 1983 (10 volumes:Chapters 1-10).~usitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Report No.3.Alaska Department of.Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska • Quane,T.,P.Morrow,and T.Withrow.1984.Stage and discharge Jnvestigations.Chapter 1 In:'C.C.'Estes,and D.S.Vincent- Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-Octobel'"1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Repol"'t No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Quane,T.,I.Queral,T.Keklak,and D.Seagren.1984.Channel geometry investigations of the Susitna River basin. Chapter 2 In:C.C.Estes,and 0.5.Vincent-Lang,editors. Aqua~~c habitat and instream flow investigations,May- October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.3. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchol"'age,Alaska. Keklak,T.,and T.Quane.1984.Continuous water temperature investigations.Chapter 3 In:C.C.Estes,and D.S.Vincent- Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studi es.Report No."'"{U aska Depal'·t.ITlE~nt.o·f F·i sh and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. ";7 ~9 .~ 6 - ~3andone,G.,and r.[;!uanE!.l'78LJ.vJat.E't'quality J.nvE~:;jtlqatlnn::l" Chapter'"4 Irl:C.C.Estes,."-I,d D.~:;.'v'i.nc:ent'L.a.nq,editor".;. Aquatic habitat and Instream flow Investigations, Ma y"Oc t 01:)(=1~'1 C?U:~;.~:;u ,,;;i t n a Hydr-0 {~q [.t."tic:St ud 1 G?S. Report No.3.Alaska Department of FIsh and Game. Anchorage,Alaska. Vincent-Lang,D.S.,and I.Queral.1984.Eulachon spawning in the lower Susitna RIver.Chapter 5 In:C.C.Estes, and 0.5.Vincent-Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.~.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage~Alaska., Sautner,J,L.J.Vining,and L.A ..Rundquist.1984.An evaluation of passage conditions for adult salmon in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River.Chapter 6.In:C.C.Este&, and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquat~c Studies.Report No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Vincent-Lang,D.S.,A.Hoffmann,A.E.Bingham,C.C.Estes, D.Hillard,C.Steward,E.W.Trihey,and S.Crumley.1984. An evaluation of chum and sockeye salmon spawning habitat in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River. Chapter 7 in:C.C.Estes,and D.S.Vincent-Lang,edito~s. Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations, May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Report No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Sandone,G.,D.S.Vincent-Lang,and A.Hoffmann.1984. Evaluation of chum salmon spawning habitat in selected tributary mouth habitats on the middle Susitna River. Chapter 8 in:C.C.Estes,and D.S.Vin~ent-Lang,editors • Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations, May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Report No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Vincent-~ang,D.S.,A.Hoffmann,A.E.Bingham,and C.C.Estes.1984. Habitat suitability criteria for chinook,coho,and pink salmon spawning in tributaries of the middle Susitna River. Chapter 9 in:C.C.Estes,and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors. Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations, May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. Report No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Sandone,G.,and C.C.Estes.1984.Evaluations of the' effectiveness of applying infrared thermal imagery techniques to detect upwelling groundwater.Chapter 10 In:C.C.Estes, and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors.Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations,May-October 1983.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.3.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. LI - - SchmIdt,D.C.,C.C.Estes,D.L.Crawtord,and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editor-so 1984.Access and tr-ansmls~";IDn corrldo,-aquat:ic InvE'£1tiqatiol'l~:'; (l'1ay-Dctober 19~n,.~3usitna Hydru i~quatlC:~:3tudi~~~::;" Report No.4.Alaska Department of FISh and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Sautner,J.S.,and M.E.stratton.1984.Access and transmission corridor stLtdies.Part 1 In:D.C.Schmidt,C.C.Estes, D.L.Crc::u."ford,and D.S.Vincent.-Lang,ec:litDI"·~;:;. Access and transmission corridor aquatic investigations (JulY"'October 19B:3).SLlsitna Hydro Aquatic Gtudies. Report No.4.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. Schmidt,D.C.,and M.E.Stratton.1984.Population dynamics of Arctic grayling in the upper Susitna Basin.Part 2 I~: D.C~Schmidt,C.C.Estes,D.L.Crawford,and D.S.Vincent- Lang,.editors.Access and transmissicm (:orl~idor aquatic investigations (July-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.4. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 6 Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF~.d::;).1985 (in preparation). Busi tna aquati c studi es procedures manual (June 1984-June 1985). Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage,Alaska. 67 69.... 7("" 71f"" Keklak,T.,and T.Quane.1985a.Continuous water tempe~ature investigations.Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Task 32 Support Technical Report.Alaska Department of F~sh and Game,Anchorage, Alaska. \ I Estes,C.C.,J.Sautner,and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors.1985. Winter aquatic investigations,September t983-May 1984 (2 Volumes). Susitna.Aquatic Studies Program.Report No.5.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Blakely,J.,G.Freeman,and L.Vining.1985.An evaluation of the incubation life-phase of chum salmon in the middle Susitna River,Alaska.Volume 1 In:C.C.Estes,J.Sautner,D.S. Vinc~~t-Lang,editors.Winter aquatic investigations (September 1983-May 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program. Report No.5.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage, Alaska. Keklak,T.,and T.Quane.19B5b.Appendix F:Winter temperature data.Volume 2 In:C.C.Estes,J.Sautner,D.S.Vincent- Lang,editors.Winter aquatic investigations (September 1983-May 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program. Report No.5.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage, Alaska. Quane,T.,P.Morrow,and I.Queral.1985a.Hydrological investigations at selected lower Susitna River study sites.Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Task 36 Support TechnIcal Report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. 73 75 76 -7 I 7B 79.... 8(r' Quane,T.,P.Mo~row~and I.Que~al.1985b.Hydrological investigations at selected lower Susitna River study sites.Susitna Aquatic Studies P~og~am.Task 14 Suppo~t Technical Report.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Ba~rett,B.M.,F.M.Thompson,and S.N.Wick,edito~s.19H~,'i. Adult salmon investigations:May-October 1984.Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Report No.6.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Ancho~age,Alaska. Schmidt,D.C.,5.5.Hale,and D.L.C~awford,editors.1985. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investiqations (May- Octobe~1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Prog~~m.Report"No.7. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Roth,K.J.,and M.E.Stratton.!CfB5 ..The migration and growth of juvenile salmon in the Susitna River.Part 1 In: D.C.Schmidt,5.5.Hale,and D.L.Crawfo~d,editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1984). Susitna Aquatic StUdies Program.Report No.7. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. SUchanek,P.M.,K.J.Kuntz,and J.P.McDonell.1985.The relative abundance,distribution,and instream flow relationships of juvenile salmon in the lower Susitna River. Part 2 In:D.C.Schmidt,S.S.Hale,and D.L.Crawford,editors. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May- October 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program."Report No.7. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. ,\ Anderson,J.,J.Bigler,and A.G.Hoffmann.1985.HydraUlic models for use in assessing the rearing habitat of juvenile salmon in six side channels of the lower Susitna River.Appendix ~of Part 2 In:D.C.Schmidt,5.5.Hale,and D.L.Crawford,editors. Resi dent and j uveni Ie anadromoLts fish invest i gat ions (May- October 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Report No.7. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Sundet,~.L.,and S.D.Pechek.1985.Resident fish distribution and population dynamics in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon. Part 3 In:D.C.Schmidt,S.S.Hale,and D.L.Crawford,editors. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May- October 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Report No.7. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage,Alaska. Hale,S.S.1985.Time series analysis of juvenile salmon outmigration,discharge,and turbidity in the Susitna Rive~, Alaska.Part 4 In:D.C.Schmidt,S.S.Hale,and D.L.Crawford, editors.Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May-October 1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program. Report No.7.Alaska Department of F1Sh and Game. Anchorage,Alaska. Hansen,T.F.,and J.C.Richards.1985.Availability of invertebrate food sources for rea~ing juvenile chinook salmon in ~urbid Su~;;itna Rive~habitats.Susitna Aquatic Studies F·I·"CJ(1~2m. r;:e p ()~t N ()• 8 •(~1 a j;;k a D €?P <I 1'-t me rl t 0 f f':],511 d n d C3 c.<IT;C-?•(1 n c h Cll'",,,.C]E', f,:)laska. 6 I Hoi f man n,f-i.U.1 (r85.~3urnrnary u+5.;~:I flH:H'lf 1 sh cr-y d a t d.+or-'~::;e I F'~C t.ed middle Susitna River sites (1981-1984).Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.Report No.9.Alaska Department u+Fish and Game, Ancho~age,Alaska. .... - -I Blakely J.B.,J.B.Sautne~,L.A. Salmon passage validation Aquatic Studies P~ogram. Alaska Depar tment'of F"i !:ih , I t • nundquist,and N.I~.B~adlE.'Y.:1.(7'8~.)., studies (August-October 1984).Susltna Addendum to Report No.3,Chapter 6. and Game,Anchorage,Alaska . .... - Attachment 3.Policy Documents Concerning Susitna Hydroelectric Development A.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to Robert W.Ward,Chairman of the Alaska Power Authority,concerning the Susitna River Hydropower Plan of Study.December 21,1977. B.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to to Eric Yould,.Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, regarding the status of the Department's efforts on the Susitna Project through December 31,1977.August 14,1978. ; C.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to the Honorable Mike Gravel,United States Senator from the State of Alaska,regarding issues the Department had with an article written by the Senator in Catalyst.September 7,1978. D.Trustees for Alaska letter from Susanne Willer to Ronald O.Skoog, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game,concerning the Department's views on the proposed Susitna Project.March 12,1979. E.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Thomas W.Trent to Eric Yould,Director of the Alaska Power Authority,regarding the Department's review of the environmental plan of studies.September 28, 1979 . F.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Thomas W.Trent to Eric Yould,Director of the Alaska Power Authority,transmitting the Department's November 1979 Plan of Study.October 31,1979. G.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game memorandum from Thomas W. Trent to Robert Mohn,Director of Engineering,Alaska Power Authority, regarding Su Hydro Fish and Wildlife Studies.April 4,1980. H.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter form Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Fairbanks Environmental Center,regarding the .Department's response to his letter dated February 12,1981 on the topic the Dep..artment I s vi ews on several questi ons concerni ng fi sheri es enhancement work.March 19,1981. T.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter for Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Fairbanks Environmental Center,regarding the Department's response to his March letter concerning Departmental views on the Susitna Project.May 12,1981. J.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter form Ronald o.Skoog to Eric Yould,Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, concerning the Department1s ability to meet their aquatic study objectives.September 9,1981. -1- O.- P. r- K.State of Alaska,Department of Natural Resources letter form Al Carson to Ronald O.Skoog,Commissioner,Alaska Department of Fish and Game, concerning the Department of Fish and Game's role in the Susitna project. September 15,1981. L.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter form Don W. Collinsworth to Eric Yould,Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority,concerning the status of the Department's reports on the Su Hydro Project.October 28,1981. M.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to John Lawerence,Project Manager,Acres American Inc.,concerning the Department's review of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Policy.December 30,1981. N.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Fairbanks Environmental Center,concerning the Department's view regarding aquatic habitat impact issues for mitigation. January 19,1982. State of Alaska,Department of Natural Resources letter from Al Carson to Eric Yould,Executive Director,.Alaska Power Authority,regarding identification of important issues of the Su Hydro project. Acres American,Inc.letter form John Lawrence to Ronald O.Skoog, Commissioner,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,concerning Susitna Hydroelectric Project comments on Fish and Wildlife mitigation policy. February 23,1982.. Q.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter form Ronald O.Skoog to Charles Conway,Chairman,Board of Directors,Alaska Power Authority, regarding the Department's position on the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.March 12,1982. R.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Fairbanks Environmental Center,regarding the Department's position on the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Ma rch 12"1982. S.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game statement of Commissioner Ronald O.Skoog to Alaska Power Authority Board of Directors,regarding Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Report.April 16,1982. T.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter form Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Northern Alaska Environmental Center,regarding the Department's position concerning the division of labor between various divisions.April 28,1982. U.Northern Alaska Environmental Center letter from Jeff Weltzin to Ronald O.Skoog,Commissioner,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,regarding Susitna River salmon enhancement studies.June 4,1982. -2- ,.,., V.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game memorandum from Tom Trent to John Stewart,Deputy Director of the Division of Administration,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,regarding RSA and program documentation. July 20,1982. W.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Ronald O.Skoog to Jeff Weltzin,Northern Alaska Environmental Center,regarding several questions concerning the adequacy and completeness of the FERC 1icense application.October 20,1982. X.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Thomas W.Trent to Russel J.Nemacheck,Terrestrial Environmental Specialists,regarding mitigation options.November 19,1981. Y.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Don W. Collinsworth to Eric Yould,Executive Director,Alaska Power Authority, regarding review comments on Draft Exhibit E.January 13,1983. Z.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Don W. Collinsworth to Gerald Wilkerson,Legislative Auditor,Division of Legislative Audit,regarding the Department's review of the special legislative audit.February 7,1983. AA.Special report on the Department of Fish and Game Susitna River Hydroelectric Project for the fiscal years ended June 30,1982,1981,and 1980.Audit Control Number 11-4136-83-5. AB.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Don W. Collinsworth to Eric Myers,Northern Alaska Environmental Center, regarding the Department's positions on the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.May 12,1983. AC.Alaska Power Authority letter from Eric P.Yould to Don W.Collinsworth, Commissioner,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,regarding issues involved in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project settlement process. October 7,1983. AD.State o{Alaska,Department of Fish and Game memorandum from Don W. Collinsworth to Richard A.lyon,Commissioner,Department of Commerce and Economic Development,regarding funding for the ADF&G participation in hydroelectric project planning.October 12,1983. AE.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game memorandum from Thomas W. Trent to Richard E.Logan,regarding Departmental Su Hydro coordination. November 23,1983. AF.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game memorandum from Thomas W. Trent to Richard Logan,regarding observations on the APA-ADF&G meeting in Juneau of December 15,1983.January 13,1984. AG.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Dana Schmidt to Larry Gilbertson,Aquatic Group Leader,Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint .....Venture,regarding the Department I s comments on the long-Term Aquatic Monitoring Plan.February 13,1985. -3- - - '", AH.State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game letter from Don W. Collinsworth to Distribution,regarding the reorganization of the Susitna Aquatic Studies Program.June 18,1985. -4-