Section C of this manual is divided into four sections.The
section,an introduction,presents a background review of the
IS 8
I ~6B·
first 3t'":
FY83,and FY84'studies and an introduction to the FY85 study progr:am.
The second section describes the work plans to be used to evaluate Jach
study task element of the FY85 study program.The third section
presents specific data collection and analysis procedures used to ~eet
specific FY85 study objectives that have not been presented in earlker
ADF&G Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1981a,1983a,1984).The fourth .and
final section presents a listing of literature cited in this section of
the procedures manual.
1.1 Background
The overall objectives of the Aquatic ~.a_t>jtat and Instream Flow Project
(AH)of the ADF&G Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Aquatic Studies are
to:1)identify the seasonal physical and chemical habitat requirements
of selected anadromous and resident fish species within the various
aquatic habitat types present within the study area (FigureC-1);and,
2)to determine if and how mainstem Susitna River discharge levels
influence the quality and availability of these habitat conditions
within the various aquatic habitat types of the study area.
To meet these overall objectives,Phase 1 AH were
Alaska Resources
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o 2S
l J
Flathorn Camp
(RM 22.4),,
Figure C-1.Susitna Hydroelectric Project study area.
initiated in FY82 (July,1981 -June,1982)to begin the process of
1.aquatic habitat types and their location in the study area;
2.seasonal relationships between mainstem discharge of the
Susitna River and the physical and chemical characteristics of
these fish habitats;and,
3.seasonal relationships between mainstem 'discharge of the
Susitna River and fish distribution and abundance.
Studies downstream of Devil Canyon during these FY82 Phase I studies
were focused on the reach of ri ver between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
(henceforwa rd referred to as the mi ddl e ri ver reach).Seven aquatic
habitat types were identified in this reach of the river:mainstem,side
channel,side and upland slough,tdbutary,tributary mouth,and lake
(Figure C-2).Of these seven aquatic habitat types,slough,tributary,
and tributary mouth habitats were identified as principle salmon
spawning areas.Of these three,it was determined that slough habitats
would be the most directly affected habitats to be influenced by changes
in mainstem discharge that may occur with constuction and operation of
the proposed hydroel ectri c faci 1ity.For thi s reason,study emphas is
during the remainder of FY82 was placed on slough habitats.
Results of the FY82 studies indicated that mainstem discharge had
si gnifi cant i nfl uences on both the immigration of adult salmon
Alaska Resources
Library &Infonnatlon ServIces
7)lalt.~l'lab1t!lt consists of various lentic eny1ronments that occur wHhin
the susitna Rher drainage.These hatl1Uts range from sm"ll.Shallow,
holatl"d lakes perched on thl"tundrli to largl"r.<leeper hk.f's which
connect to the ma1nstel\1.SusHna Rh"r through well defined tributary
!oystl!l'lls.Thl'lakes receive their w<lter from springs,Surf<'lCf'runoff
and/or tributaries.
5 )
MainH@m Habi l!lt consists of those portions of the Sl.lsHn"River that
nOnMlly convey Slrl"amf,low throughout the Yf!!Ir.bott!stngle and multiple
channel rellches are included 1n this habitat category.Groundwater and
trtbutllry inflOW appear to be 1nconsel;luenttal contributors to the overall
characterhUcs of mafnstem habHat."atftstM habitat is typically
characterized by hlgh water veloctttes and well artnOred 1lreambeds.
Substrlltes generlilly consist of boulder and cobble "ize IMteria1s with
1l'1terst1t1al sp",ces filled with II grout-like lIIixture of s~l1 grav,els and
ghchl S!lnds.SlJ'i.pended sedllnent concentrations ancl turbfdity are h1gh
during SUllITIer due to the influence of glac1Bl me1t-wa~r.Streamflow!.
recede tn early fall and the matnstem clears apprec1zlbly 1n October.An
ice cover forms on the rh'er in htlt Nflve.mer or Decel!tl@r.
Side Channel Habitat consists of those portions of the Su.s1trHI Riyer that
no~lIy convey streamflow doctng the open water seBson but become
appreciably dewatered during pe~lods of low flow.Side channel hatlitat
may exist either 1n well defined overflow channels,or 1n PQorly deHned
water courses flowing through partially !JLJb~rg~d gr"vel bars and hland~
<'I10flg the mlJrgins of the rfta1nstem river.Side channel strellmed ele-
vatlon'!l are typlcl)lly lower th./ln the mean IIlOnthly water surhce ele-
ut10ns of the mafnstem SusHna R1ver observed during June,July <Jnd
August.Side channel hab1tats are charactp,r1zed by Shdll[]llf{'r dppths,
lower velocities and smallH strf!i1mbed materials than the adjacent
habtht of the l\'1a1nstp.m rfver.
Sid@'Slough Hlibitat js locllted in spring fed overflow channels betwe!'n
the edge of the floodplain and the lI1a1nstefll and side channels of the
Susttna R.iver and is usually separated from the ma10stem llnd side
channe1s by well vegetated bars.An ellposed lI11uvhl bpl"TIl often
separates the hplld of the slough from mllinstem or side ch<Jnne1 flows.
The controlling strei'lntJed/streantJlInlr.eley"tions at the upstream end of
the side sloughS are slightly less th"n the water surface elevations Of
ttJ,e lIIe./ln mont.hly flows of the matnstem Sus1tna River observed ror June,
July.and AuglJ5.t.At fnt.ef1\'lC!dIHe and low-flow periods.th('stl1e '.doughs
conlJey cll"Ar wilter from 'i.mall tributllries "nd/or upwell1n9 grOl.lndwater
(ADF&G 1981c.1982b).These cleH wGter inflows are essent1al con~
trlhutors to the existence or this habitat type.The water surface
elevation of the Sus1tna Rfver generally caus@s a backwater to p,.;t.f'tid
well up into tht?slough from its lOWH end (AlJF&G 19A1c,19S2bl.Eyen
~~~~~~y t~~~y ~bCshlalit~:\~alctw:tt;;amexs~'i.sttSe~s t~~d s~~~~~:l f~:~~:~~~::;~~;
thl"Slough channel oft~n conveys WGter indep~ndent of ma1n~tem b"ckw"ter
effects.At high flows the water surface eleyat10n of the mainstem rfver
is suffic1ent to overtop the upper end of the slough (ADF",G 1981c.
1982b)'.Surface water temperatures in the sid"~loughs during ~Ul1flJf'r
months arc prlnclpl111y a function of lIir temperllture,solAr radiation.
and the tf'mperaturp of the local runoff.
~~J-l;lii-ho,H.~flit~~~lf~~fhfel~s n~~n~n~~~c~~~:cts:~u~i"'thhlltbhtpta\tur'!'ac ;h~~t ;~~
of the IIMlnstelll Susltna R1ver or Its sldP-ch"ntl@h.The\l'slough..arf'
characteriZf'd by thp presence of beliyer dall1s lind &1'1 aCC!JIl~ldt.ion of ~llt
cnlJerlnq ttJ,e substrate rrsultlng from thl!IIbsence of rftG1n!item ..courlng
Tributary H<lbit<lt consists of ttJ,e full complement of hydraul ic and
morphologic conditions that occur 1n the tributaries.Their seasonal
streamflow,sediment.and thennal regimes reflect the integrHion of the
hydrology.geology.and cllmate of the tributary draina!Je.The phY'i.ical
attr1butes of tributary habitat IIrI"not dependent on rnainstem condition'i..
Tr1butary Mooth I'labitllt ell tends from the uppermost point in the tribuury
influenced by malnstem Susitna River or slough backwHer effects to the
downstream ell tent M the tributAry plullle which extends into the maino;t~m
Su~ltn!l River or 'i.10Ullh (ADF&G 1981c.19Mb).
Figure C-2.General habitat catagories of the Susitna Rlver -a conceptual diagram.
slough habitats from the mainstem and the overall availability of
spawning habitat within sloughs.High water conditions~insufficient
resources~and the start-up nature of the first year studies,however~
precluded collecting sufficient data to quantify these findings.
Results and findings of these and other studies are summarized in the
ADF&G Phase I Final Draft Report~Volume 1~Aquatic Habitat and Instream
Flow Project (ADF&G 1981b).
Studies were also initiated in the proposed impoundment areas during the
FY82 Phase I studies with the objectives of identifying baseline
physical and chemical characteristics of lotic fish habitats which would
be inundated by the proposed reservoirs and quantifying the amount of
riverine resident fish habitat to be lost.Baseline information of
resident fish habitat in major tributaries located within the boundaries
of the proposed impoundments was collected and analyzed.A summary of
these results are presented in the ADF&G Phase I Final Draft Report,
Resident Fish Investigations in the Upper Susitna River (ADF&G 1981c).
Phase II investigations were initiated in FY83 (July,1982 -June,1983)
to further investigate and determine the relationship of baseline
hydrological ~hydraulic,and water quality characteristics of mainstem,
side channel ~slough~and tributary mouth habitats to mainstem discharge
to further investigate and quantify the relationship of fish habitats in
these aquatic habitats types to mainstem discharge.These
investigations were primarily focused on the middle river reach.
I These studies provided sufficient data over the range of mainstem
discharges evaluated (8,000 to 30,000 cfs)to define the relationship
between water surface elevation and mainstem discharge at various
mainstem locations between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon.A better
understanding "of the relationships between mainstem discharge and the
backwater characteristics at the mouths of side sloughs were also
obtained for the mainstem discharges experienced.This information was
used to initiate an evaluation of the accessibility of selected side
slough habitats for salmon passage and spawni ng.Insufficient
information,however,was obtained to quantify the relationship between
side slough flow and mainstem discharges to the relative availability
and utilization of salmon spawning habitat within middle river side
slough habitats.
Studies were also initiated during the FY83 in the mainstem river
between Cook Inlet and Devi 1 Canyon to evaluate eulachon and Bering
ci sea spawni ng habi tat.These two speci es were observed to use the
mainstem as their primary spawning habitat.A baseline study of the
stage/discharge characteristics at two side channel sites downstream of
Talkeetna was also initiated with the objective of developing a data
base for identifying whether variations in mainstem discharge would have
a significant influences on the hydraulic conditions within these
habitats in this reach of the river under project conditions.Results
indicate that mainstem discharge influences to varying degrees the
hydraulic characteristics of these habitats;however,insufficient data
were collected to quantify these relationships.
Complete results and findings of the FY83 Lower River Studies are
summari zed in the ADF&G Sus itna Hydro Aquati c Studi es Phase II Bas ic
Data Report,Volume 4:Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies,Parts
I and II (ADF&G 1983b).
Studies in the proposed impoundment areas were expanded during FY83 to
include habitat evaluations in a one mile reach upstream of the proposed
impoundment boundaries in the seven major tributaries to be inundated,a
general habitat evaluation of Sally Lake,and a preliminary evaluation
of salmon habitat in two tributaries known to support chinook salmon
spawning (Chinook and Cheechako creeks).A study of grayling spawning
habitat was also initiated;however,the study was limited by our
ability to coordinate sampling with spawning events due to insufficient
information available on the timing and locations of grayling spawning
activities in impoundment tributaries.Complete results and findings of
the FY83 Impoundment Studies are summarized in the ADF&G Susitna Hydro
Aquatic Studies Phase II Basic Data Report,Volume 5:Upper Susitna
River Impoundment Studies (ADF&G 1983c).
Phase II investigations were continued in FY84 (July,1983 -June,1984)
to complete the Phase I and Phase II investigations of the baseline
hydrological,hydraulic,and water quality characteristics of mainstem,
side channel,slough,tributary mouth,and tributary habitats of middle
reach of the Susitna River.Additionally,the FY84 investigations had
the objective of completing the investigation and quantification of the
relationship of fish habitats in slough,side channel,and tributary
mouth habitats to changes in site flow and mainstem discharge.
Additional data were collected during the FY84 investigations to
describe the relationship of mainstem discharge on the water surface
elevation of the mainstem.Based on data from this and prior years
studies,this relationship is fairly well defined over the range of
discharges fro'in 5,000 to 30,000 cfs (as referenced to the USGS Gold
Creek mainstem discharge gaging station).The effect that mainstem
discharge has on the hydraulic characteristics of side channels and side
slough habitats through the creation of backwater areas and by the
overtoppi ng the heads of these habitats was also evaluated in greater
detail during FY84.Heads of side sloughs were observed to overtop in
the range of mainstem discharges from 16,000 to 42,000 cfs at Gold Creek
whereas the heads of side channels were observed to overtop in the range
of mainstem discharges from 5,000 to 23,000 cfs at Gold Creek.Prior to
mainstem overtopping events,flow within these habitats was found to be
generally clear and low,originating from groundv;,ater upwelling and
surface water runoff.Subsequent to mainstem overtopping,flow in these
habitats was found to increase dramatically and become directly
controlled by mainstem discharge.Mainstem discharge was not observed
to overtop the heads of upland slough habitats,with the only apparent
influence of mainstem discharge on these habitats being backwater
effects.The streamflow regimes of the major clearwater tributaries in
the middle reach were also evaluated during FY84 to determine the
relative contribution of the tributaries to the overall discharge regime
of the middle Susitna River watershed.
Additional data were also collected during FY84 to describe the channel
characteristics of selected side channel and side sloughs sites.
Thalweg profiles depicting the overall gradient,extent of backwater,
and substrate composition were constructed from survey data obtained at
four side channels and 13 sloughs in the middle river reach.
Additionally,survey data for the development of cross-sectional
profiles at selected side channels and slough staff gage stations were
collected to describe the cross-sectional channel characteristics at
stage and discharge recording stations.
Surface and intragravel water temperature data were also recorded on a
continuous basis at selected locations throughout the Susitna River
Basin during FY84 to characterize the water temperature regimes of the
mainstem Su'sitna River and its peripheral habitats.During the 1983
open water season (May-October 1983),baseline surface and intragravel
water temperature data were recorded in the mainstem Susitna River and
its peripheral side channel,side slough,upland slough and tributary
habitats.Although data were collected from the estuary (RM 0.0)to
above the Oshetna River (RM 235.7),emphasis was concentrated on the
reach of the river from the Parks Highway Bridge (RM 83.9)to the
Oshetna Ri ver (RM 223.4).Duri ng the 1983 open water season,surface
water temperatures in the mainstem Susitna River generally increased
in a downstream direction from RM 235.7 to RM 103.0.Surface water
temperatures recorded at RM 83.9 were generally colder than at RM 103.0
reflecting the influences of the Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers.
Intragravel temperatures were also recorded at sites from RM 103.3 to RM
142.3 with the warmest intragravel temperatures being recorded at the
most upstream site.The influence of mainstem temperatures on surface
water temperatures in side sloughs or side channels resulting from
mai nstem breachi ng di scharges was observed in Si de Channels 10,Upper
11,and 21,and in Side Sloughs 9 and 21.Intragravel temperatures
recorded in side channels and side sloughs were found to be influenced
by groundwater upwelling or mainstem temperatures.Variability in
intragravel te"mperatures recorded within a side channel or side slough
was also observed in Upper Side Channel 11 and Slough 8A.
Baseline water quality data were also collected during FY84 within
selected mainstem,side channel,side slough,and tributary mouth
habitats located in the middle reach of the Susitna River.These data
indicate that water quality in the mainstem Susitna River is relatively
similar among sampling locations but that specific water quality
conditions at sampling stations change in relation to mainstem
discharge.Increased levels of turbidity in the mainstem were found to
correlate to mainstem discharge,but are assumed to result from
suspended sediment contributed by the Susitna and Maclaren glaciers.
Turbidity levels in side channels and side sloughs were found to be
independent of mainstem discharge prior to breaching of the heads by the
mainstem surface water,however subsequent to breaching those sites were
found to resemble the turbidity of the mainstem with the controlling
factors being the relative flow contribution of the mainstem to that of
the site flow.Tributary water quality was found to be independent of
mainstem Susitna River discharge and was determined to influence to
varying degrees the water quality conditions of the mainstem depending
on the relative size of the tributary.
Sufficient data were also collected during FY84 to complete an
evaluation and quantification of the relationship of fish habitat in
slough,side channel,and tributary mouth habitats to mainstem
Three sloughs (8A,9,and 21)and four side channels (10,Lower 11,
Upper 11,and"21)in the middle reach of the Susitna River were
evaluated using an Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM)Physical
Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM)modelling approach to evaluate the effects
that site flow and mainstem discharge have on chum and sockeye salmon
spawning habitat usability.Based on field data collected since 1977,
spawning habitat conditions in these sloughs and side channels are
thought to represent the range of spawning habitat conditions that are
present in slough and side channel habitats of the middle Susitna River
which currently support a majority of chum and sockeye salmon spawning
in these habitat types.
Ten hydraulic simulation models were calibrated to simulate depths and
velocities associated with a range of site-specific flows at these seven
modelling study sites.Comparisons between corresponding sets of
simulated and measured depths and velocities indicate that the
calibrated models provide reliable estimates of depths and velocities
with their recommended calibration ranges.
Habitat suitability criteria for chum and sockeye salmon spawning for
the habitat variables depth,velocity,substrate,and upwelling were
developed for 'input into a habitat simulation model.The suitability
criteria developed for chum salmon spawning were based on an analysis of
utilization data as modified using limited preference data,literature
information,and the opinion of project biologists familiar with middle
Susitna River chum salmon stocks.The spawning suitability criteria
constructed for sockeye salmon were developed using the same analytical
approach used in the chum salmon analysis with the exception that no
analysis of preference could be made.
Using a habitat simulation model (HABTAT)~the output of hydraulic
simulation models and the spawning habitat suitability criteria were
linked to project usable area of chum and sockeye salmon spawning
habitat (WUA)as a function of flow for each of the seven modelled study
sites.Using these relationships and relationships between site flows
and mainstem discharge,the relationships between chum and sockeye
salmon spawning habitat as a function of mainstem discharge for the
period of controlled site flows were also determined for each modelled
study site.These projections of chum and sockeye spawning WUA made at
study sites indicate that spawning habitat usability in sloughs and side
channe 1s exhibits certai n speci es-specifi c and s ite-specifi c trends.
Genera 11y,projecti ons of WUA at study sites peak in the range rna i nstem
discharges from 20,000 to 35,000 cfs,with the controlling factor
appearing to be the overtopping of the site by mainstem discharge and
the subsequent control of the site flow by mainstem discharge.Assuming
that the modelled sloughs and side channels are representative of other
non-modelled sloughs and side channels in the middle reach which
currently support spawning,the theoretical maximum WUA for slough and
side channel habitats in the middle river reach would occur slightly
after the mainstem discharge overtops and controls the hydraulics at a
maximum number of these habitats.Based on a revi ew of time seri es
plots of WUA overtime of each study site,however,flows at study sites
which currently support chum and sockeye salmon spawning are only
infrequently controlled by mainstem discharge.For this reason,the WUA
at study sites remains relatively low and stable during the period of
peak spawning'activity (August through September),except during flood
events.There appears to be a general positive correlation between
projected WUA and habitat used at study sites.
An interim evaluation of passage conditions for adult Pacific salmon
into and within twelve slough and side channel sites in the middle reach
of the Susitna River was also conducted during FY84 Phase II to
determine the effects that mainstem discharge has on passage conditions
into these habitat types.These habitats were selected for evaluation
as they are important chum and sockeye spawning habitats and are
affected by changes in mainstem discharges.The evaluation of salmon
passage conditions at each site included the effects of mainstem
breaching discharge and backwater staging,and slough flows (local
flows)derived from local water sources (e.g.,upwelling,tributaries,
precipitation).Timing and distribution patterns of salmon were also
evaluated as they relate to passage conditions and flow patterns in the
Susitna River system.
Daily salmon catch data at three fishwheel sites on the mainstem river
were compared to mean daily discharge levels.These discharge data and
survey counts of peak numbers of 1i ve and dead salmon ins 1oughs and
side channels indicate that the period from 20 August to 20 September
is a critical period for providing passage into and within slough and
side channel sites from the mainstem Susitna River.All analyses of
passage were therefore restricted to this time period.
Reaches within study sites which were restrictive to salmon passage
(passage reacffes)were identified at each site on the basis of water
depth requirements for passage by salmon.Depth requirements for
successful passage increase with and increase in the length of a
passage.The analyses of breaching and backwater discharges and local
flow effects on passage reaches were conducted independently and their
relative importance is reported on a site by site basis.In general,
breachi ng di scharges affect all passage reaches wi thi n a site
simultaneously;whereas,backwater staging usually affects only one or
two passage reaches in the lower portion of a site.Local flow
requirements may affect all passage reaches,but vary among sites and
among passage reaches.These variations in local flow requirements are
due to spatial variations in sources of local flow.
Data were also collected during FY84 to evaluate chum salmon spawning
habitat in tributary mouths of the middle Susitna River.Two tributary
mouths (Lane Creek and Fourth of July Creek)located in the middle reach
of the Susitna River were evaluated to determine the influence that
mainstem discharge has on the quantity and quality of chum salmon
spawning habitat.During the 1983 field season,chum salmon were
observed spawning in the clearwater plume of Fourth of July Creek,but
not within the Lane Creek mouth area.At each study site,the location
and surface area of available and usable chum salmon spawning habitat
was determined.Available habitat surface area was positively
correlated to changes in mainstem discharge at both tributary mouth
study sites;whereas,usable chum salmon spawning habitat increased with
increasing mainstem discharge only at the Fourth of July Creek mouth
area.The surface area of usable chum salmon spawning habitat within
the Lane Creef mouth decreased as mainstem discharge increased.This
difference in usable surface area responses is likely related to the
different type of confluence area of each site.Lane Creek flows
directly into the mainstem while Fourth of July Creek empties into a
side channel.Spawning activity could not be observed beyond the
clearwater plume at the Fourth of July mouth area due to high mainstem
turbidities.Because of this,the significance of the clearwater plume
in determining the area of usable chum salmon spawning habitat at
tributary mouth habitats could not be ascertained.If it is
subsequently determined that chum salmon spawning does take place in the
clearwater plume area of tributary mouths,the frequency distribution of
-spawning depths and velocities reported herein is likely biased towards
shallower and slower waters.
Utilization data for the habitat variables of depth,velocity,and
substrate composition were collected at chinook salmon spawning sites
in selected tributaries of the middle reach of the Susitna River during
FY84.These data were modified using statistical methods and the
professional judgments of project biologists familiar with Susitna River
chinook Salmon stocks to develop suitability criteria for chinook salmon
spawning in tributaries of the middle Susitna River.Suitability
criteria were also developed for coho and pink salmon spawning in
tributaries of the middle Susitna River based on literature information
as modified using the professional judgments of project biologists
familiar with Susitna River coho and pink salmon stocks.
Additional data were also collected to determine naturally occurring
hydraul ic and"temperature rel ati onships to eul achon immi grati on and
.spawning.These data indicated that eulachon are probably the most
abundant species of fish in the Susitna River.Based on 1982 and 1983
catch data,eulachon begin their upstream spawning runs of eulachon
enter the Susitna River with no apparent definite correlation with
either mainstem discharge or temperature.Spawning was found to occur
over a broad range of hydraul ic and substrate condi ti ons along the
margins of mainstem habitats from the mouth of the Susitna River (RM 0)
upstream to RM 50.3.Based on a representative number of spawning sites
selected for further evaluation,it appears that similar physical
habitat condition will be present under both decreased and increased
mainstem discharge conditions.
A complete summary of the results and findings of the FY84 studies are
presented in ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Report No.3:Aquatic
Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations (May -October,1983),Chapters
1-10 (Estes and Vincent-Lang 1984).
'Studies were also conducted during FY84 to evaluate the incubation life
phase of chum salmon in slough and side channel habitats of the middle
Susitna River reach.These studies had the objectives of:1)comparing
and evaluating the influences that selected physical,chemical,and
biological variables have on the development and overall survival of
chum salmon embryos in these aquatic habitat types;and,2)providing
precise field-based data on the development rates of chum salmon embryos
in these aquatic habitat types to compare with the development rates
derived for Susitna River stocks in laboratory studies (Wangaard and
Burger 1983).'-Results of these investigations are currently being
analyzed and will be summarized in a FY85 report.
Studies were also conducted during FY84 to provide information on the
aquatic habitat and fish resources within the proposed access and
transmission corridors to enable project participants to assess
potential impacts on these resources from construction activities.
Forty-two proposed stream crossing sites and ten lake habitats were
sampled within the ATC study area.Three study reaches of Deadman
Creek,which closely parallels the ATC,were also sampled.A total of
13 fish species were found to inhabit the streams and lakes within the
ATC study area.Arctic grayling,Dolly Varden and lake trout were the
major sport fi sh species i dentifi ed withi n these habi tats.General
water quality (dissolved oxygen,pH,conductivity and water
temperature),di scharge,and substrate data were coll ected at stream
crossing study sites.Selected physical and chemical data were
collected in Deadman Lake.Population estimates were generated for
Arctic grayling within the three study reaches of Deadman Creek.Among
the impacts which could result from development of the ATC,the increase
in sport fishing pressure,due to the increased access to the area,may
have the greatest effect on various sport fish species within the study
area.The increase in sport fishing pressure may result in reduced
numbers and sized of fish species such as Arctic grayling,Dolly Varden
and lake trout.Other impacts which may occur at proposed stream
crossihg sites include alterations of stream hydraulics,deterioration
of water quality,and removal or shifting of substrates.A complete
summary of the results and fi ndi ngs of these studi es are presented in
ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Report No 4:Access and
Transmission Corridor Investigations (July -October 1983)(Schmidt et
al 1984).
1.2 FY85 Study Program
The FY8S study program (the thi rd year of the Phase II studi es)is
specifically designed to expand the evaluation of habitat conditions
evaluated in the middle river reach to the reach of river downstream of
Ta lkeetna (henceforward referred to as the lower ri ver reach).
Attention is specifically directed towards defining the relationship
that baseline hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of mainstem,
side channel,and slough habitats of the lower river has to changes in
mainstem discharge and to investigate and quantify the relationship that
fish habitat in these aquatic habitat types has to changes in mainstem
discharge.Additionally,studies will be conducted in association with
E.Woody Trihey and Associates (EWT&A)to refine the evaluation of the
relationship of salmon spawning and rearing habitat in the middle reach
of the Susitna River to changes in mainstem discharge.
The specific study task objectives of the FY8S AH program studies are
based on comments received from the.Alaska Power Authority and Harza
Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture.For a description of the processes used
to arrive at these study tasks objectives refer to the Draft Aquatic
Plan of Study Fiscal Year 1984 (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture
The FY85 AH study program is divided according to study task (Harza-
Ebasco 1984).These study tasks include:
-Basin-w1de Instream Physical Data Collection Support (Support to
Tasks 14,16A,168,29,32,and 36);
-Middle River Habitat Modelling Support (Support to Task 12);
-Food Availability Study (Task 25);
-Preparation of FY84 Winter Incubation Report (Task 26);
-Validation of Passage Criteria (Task 35);and,
-Lower River Habitat Modelling Support (Task 36).
In 'the following two sections of this manual,work plans and new
procedures used to meet FY85 study task objectives are presented.These
work plans and procedures are presented according to study task element.
Only the specific data collection methods and sampling designs used in
the collection of data to meet FY85 objectives that are not outlined in
the FY82,FY83,or FY84 Procedures Manual are outlined in this document.
Reference is made to the appropri ate FY82,FY83,and/or FY84 ADF&G
Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1981a, 1983a,1984)for all other data
collection and analysis procedures.
This section presents a description of the work plans used to evaluate
specific FY85 study task elements.Included in each work plan is a
discussion of "the study approach to be used in the study task element,
the rationale used to select study sites for evaluation,and the
analytical approach to be used in the reduction and analysis of field
2.1 Basin-wide Instream Physical Data Collection Support
Instream physical data collection (stage,discharge,and channel
geometry)in support of tasks 14,168,25,29,32,and 36 will be
conducted by the Physical Description Support Program (PDSP)of the
AH project.These activities are discussed below according to study
Task 14 Support Program
Study Approach:Stage,site flow,and channel geometry data will be
collected at each Task 14 study site to:
1)provide sufficient stage and site flow data to estimate the
response of site flow at each Task 14 study site to changes in
site stage and mainstem discharge;and,
2)obtain sufficient channel geometry data (cross sectional and
thalweg profiles)to describe the channel characteristics of
each Task 14 study site.
Stage,site flow,and channel geometry data will be collected using
procedures outlined in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures Manuals (ADF&G
Site Selection':The task 14 study sites supported by the PDSP are
presented in Table C-1.These study sites were selected by Resident and
Juvenile Anadromous project personnel to meet the specific objectives of
the Task 14 study task.
Table C-1.Task 14 study sites supported by the Physical Description
Support Program.
Study Site River Mile Habitat type
.,,-.Hooligan 35.2 side channel
Eagles Nest 36.2 side channel
Krito Slough Head 36.3 side slough
Rolly Creek 39.0 tributary
Bear Bait 42.9 side channel
last Chance 44.4 side channel
Rustic Wilderness 59.5 side channel
Caswell Creek 63.0 tributary
Is 1and..!.!63.2 side channel
Goose 2 74.8 side channel
Sucker 84.5 side channel
Beaver Dam 86.3 side channel
Sunri se 1/,87.0 side channel
,r-',Birch Creek Slough 88.4 side slough
Trapper Creek 1/91.6 side channel
1/These study sites are support Task 36 studies.
Data Analysis:Stage,site flow,and discharge data will be reduced to
provide rating curves describing the response of site flow to changes in
site water surface elevation and mainstem discharge.Mainstem discharge
data will be referenced to the USGS Sunshine gaging station (#15292780)
located at the~Parks Highway Bridge.Channel geometry data collected at
each study site will be reduced to provide cross-sectional and thalweg
profiles to describe the relative channel morphology characteristics
present at each study site.
Procedures used in the reduction and analysis of field data are
summarized in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1982a,1984).
These data will be used by Task 14 personnel to determine the response
of habitat for rearing salmon and resident species to changes in
mainstem discharge.These data and findings will be summarized as an
appendix to the Task 14 report.
Task 16{A &B)Support
Study Approach:·Stage,site flow,and channel geometry data will be
collected in support of the Task 16 outmigrant studies to:
1)collect sufficient stage and site flow data within each Task 16
study site to evaluate the response of outmigrant juvenile
salmon timing to changes in site flow and/or mainstem
2)to provide cross sectional depth and velocity data to describe
the cross-sectional channel morphology and velocity
characteristics of each Task 16 study site at a variety of site
flows and mainstem discharges.
Stage,site flow,and cross-sectional channel geometry data will be
collected using procedures outl ined in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures
Manuals (ADF&G 1983a,1984).
Site Selection:The Task 16 study sites supported by the PDSP are
presented in Table C-2.These study sites were selected by Resident and
Juvenile Anadromous project personnel to meet the objectives of the Task
14 study task.
Table C-2.Task 16 study sites supported by the Physical Description
Support Program.
Deshka River
Flathorn Station
River Mile
40.6-(TRM 3.0)
Habitat type
Data Analysis:Stage,site flow,and mainstem discharge data will be
reduced to provide rating curves describing the response of site flow to
changes in site stage and mainstem discharge.Mainstem discharge data
will be referenced to the USGS Sunshine gaging station (#15292780)
located at the Parks Highway Bridge.Cross-sectional depth and velocity
data collected at each study site will be reduced to cross-sectional
depth and velocity profiles at-each evaluated site flow or mainstem
Procedures used in the reduction and analysis of field data are
summarized in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1983a,1984).
These data wi 11 be used by Task 16 per sonne 1 to estimate the rate of
outmigrant of juvenile salmon in response to changes in mainstem
discharge and site flow.These data and finding will be summarized as
an appendix to the Task 16 report.
Task 25 Support Program
Study Approach:Intragravel and surface water temperature data will be
obtained by the PDSP in support of Task 25 studies.These data will be
collected using procedures outlined in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G
Site Selection:Temperature data will be obtained at each Task 25 study
site.These sites were selected for study by Task 25 study personnel to
meet the specific objectives of the Task 25 study.
Data Analysis:Intragravel and surface water temperature data will be
reduced to provide daily,weekly,and monthly mean,minimum,and maximum
temperatures us i ng procedures descri bed in the FY84 Procedures Manual
(ADF&G 1984).These data will be used by Task 25 personnel to evaluate
mainstem,side channel,and tributary salmon spawning temperature
relationships.The reduced data will be summarized as an appendix to
the Task 25 report.
Task 29 Support Program
,Study Approach:Intragravel and surface water temperature data will be
obtained by the PDSP in support of Task 29 studies.These data will be
collected using procedures outlined in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G
Site Selection:The Task 29 study sites will be selected by Adult
Anadromous project personnel to meet the specific objectives of the Task
29 study.
Data Ana lys is:Intragrave 1 and surface water temperature data wi 11 be
reduced to provide daily,weekly,and monthly mean,minimum,and maximum
temperatures using procedures descri bed in the FY84 Procedures Manual
(ADF&G 1984).These data will be used by Task 29 personnel to evaluate
mainstem,side channel,and tributary salmon spawning temperature
relationships.The reduced data will be summarized as an appendix to
the Task 29 report.
Task 32 Support Program
Study Approach:Surface water temperature data wi 11 be obtained by the
PDSP in support of Task 32 studies.These data will be obtained using
procedures outlined in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984).
Site Selection:Temperature data will be obtained at the Task 32 study
sites summarized in Table C-3.These sites were selected for study
based on discussions with AEIDC personnel (Ken Voos and Paul Meyer)to
meet the specific objectives of the Task 32 study.
Data analysis:Surface water temperature will be reduced to provide
daily,weekly;·and monthly mean,minimum,and maximum temperatures using
.procedures outl i ned in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984).These
data will be used by Task 32 personnel to calibrate instream temperature
model s.These reduced data wi 11 be transmitted as a data transmittal
report to the Alaska Power Authority.
Task 36 Support Program
Study Approach:Stage,site flow,and channel geometry data will be
obtained in support of Task 36 studies to:
1)provide sufficient stage and site flow data to estimate the
response of site flow at each Task 36 study site to changes in
site stage and mainstem discharge;and,
2)obtain sufficient channel geometry data to describe the channel
characteristics of each Task 36 study site.
Stage,site flow,and channel geometry data will be collected using
procedures outlined in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1983a,
Site Selection:The Task 36 study sites supported by the PDSP are
presented in Table C-4.These sites were selected by Resident and
Juvenile Anadromous and Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow project
personnel to meet the specific objectives of the Task 36 study.
Table C-4.Task 36 study sites supported by the Physical Description
Support Program.
Site River Mile Habitat
Island 63.2 Side Channel
Mainstem Westbank 74.4 Side Channel
Circular 75.3 Side Channel
Sauna 84.5 Side Channel
Sunset 86.9 Side Channel
Trapper 91.6 Side Channel
Data Analysis:Stage and site flow data will be reduced to provide
rating curves describing the response of site flow to changes in site
stage and mainstem discharge.Mainstem discharge data will be
referenced to the USGS Sunshine gaging station (#15292780)located at
the Parks Highway Bridge.Channel geometry data collected at each study
site will be reduced to provide cross-sectional and thalweg profiles to
descy'ibe the relative channel morphology characteristics of each study
Procedures used in the reduction and analysis of field data are
summarized in the FY83 and FY84 Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1983a,1984).
I These ,rati ng curves and channel geometry data will be used by Task 36
personnel in the calibration of IFG-2/IFG-4 hydraulic models at each
,study site.These data will be summarized as an appendix to the Task 36
2.2 Middle River Habitat Modelling Support
ADF&GSu Hydro AH staff will assist £OW.Trihey &Associates (EWT&A)in
the middle river Task 12 studies.Specific support tasks to be
conducted by ADF&G Su·Hydro personnel include assisting with the
selection of study sites,design and 'development of the field data
collection plan,and support with data collection,reduction,and
analysis.In addition,ADF&G Su Hydro AH personnel will assist in the
Task 12 report preparation and review process.
Site selection process:ADF&G Su Hydro AH staff will assist in the
systematic review of aerial photographs to select candidate study sites,
field visitation of candidate study sites to select actual study sites,
and review of the narrative prepared by EWT&A describing the study site
selection process.
Field data collection plan development:ADF&G Su Hydro AH staff will
recommend the most effective sampling methods and equipment-for use in
the Task 12 study based on their previous experience.ADF&G Su Hydro AH
staff will also provide insights and recommendations to EV.rT&A regarding
inherent biases that may be associated with using various types of
sampling gear or schedules t and will recommend a sampling program to
ac~omPlish the objectives of the study as best can be done with funded
reisources.ADF&G Su Hydro AH staff will have the lead responsibility
for developing"the biologic component of the field data collection study
pl~n,and will review the completed draft version of the overall Task 12
Procedures Manual to be prepared by EWT&A.
Field data collection:Thle field data collection program will be a
joint ADF&G Su Hydro and EWT&A operation under the general direction of
EWT&A.ADF&G Su Hydro will have the lead responsibil ity for
implementing the biologic cpmponent of the program as defined by EWT&A
with EWT&A having the lead responsibility for implementing the hydraulic
component of the program.ADF&G Su Hydro will provide six full time
equivalents during the period from July 1 to October 31,1984 to support
the field data collection phase of this task.ADF&G Su Hydro will
provide camp facilities at Slough 9 for eight people,two river boats t 2
vehicles,and sampling gear necessary to collect the biologic data and
portions of the equipment necessary to collect the hydraulic data.
Reducti on and ana lysi s of fi e1d data:ADF&G Su Hydro staff will have
the lead responsibility for reducing,verifying,combining,and
analyzing the biologic component of the field data in support of the
Task 12 studies in additon to providing support in the reduction,
verification,and analysis of the hydrologic component of the field
data.ADF&G Su Hydro will provide four full-time equivalents and
previously arranged portions of the computer time to support this phase
of the task.
Report preparation and review:ADF&G Su Hydro will develop the biologic
component of thi s study into a report for transmittal to EWT&A.The
ADF&GI Su Hydro deliverable win be solely authored by ADF&G Su Hydro
staffl and submitted to EWT&A in accord with an outline developed by
EWT&Al The prlnciple elements of the biologic component will include:
a)Timing and relative abundance of fish at each (FY85)study site
with a comparison to FY83 and FY84 findings.
b)Distribution of fish within each study site and a description
of physical habitat conditions present at the time of
c)Refinement of FY84 habitat utilization criteria.
ADF&G Su Hydro staff will provide -four full-time equivalents to support
this phase of the task.
All ADF&G Su Hydro staff wi 11 be di rectly supervi sed by ADF&G Su Hydro
senior supervisory staff who will follow the study plan developed by
EWT&A.Specific levels of involvement in each of the above phases will
be established prior to the initiation of each phase.Departures from
this plan will be based on available time and resources and the mutual
agreement of EWT&A,ADF&G Su Hydro,and the Alaska Power Authority
the (APA)~
Deliverables:The biologic component of the Task 12 deliverable to
EWT&A will be sol ely authored by ADF&G Su Hydro and submi tted to EWT&A
in accord to an outl i ne developed by EWT&A.Any departures from thi s
plan wil1 be ba.sed on available time and resources and the mutual
agreement!of EWT&A,ADF&G Su Hydro,and the APA.
2.3 Food Availability Studies
Study Applroach:The FY85 food availability study (FAS)has the overall
objective of quantifying invertebrate fish food organisms in side
channel,slough,and mainstem habitats of the middle Susitna River
between River Mile (RM)120 and RM 146.Two specific sampling tasks
will be used to accomplish this overall objective at each study site:
1)an invertebrate drift sampl i ng program and 2)a benthic
invertebrate sampling program.In addition,a third sampling task will
be used to reaffi rm the importance of aquatic invertebrates as a food
source for rearing juvenile salmon in mainstem affected habitats.
These three study tasks will provide the data needed to:
1)Compare the number of drifting invertebrates utilized by juvenile
chinook salmon present in the mainstem SusJtna River to that
utilized within mainstem affected side channels and sloughs at
various levels of mainstem discharge;
2)Estimate the numeri ca 1 response of different benthi c invertebrate
groups utilized as a food source by juvenile chinook salmon in
mainstem affected side channels and sloughs to changes in mainstem
_.L ~____ _ ___
3}Reconfirm the importance of aquatic invertebrates as food for
rearing juvenile chinook salmon in mainstem affected habitats.
Site Sele9tion:The FY85 FAS program will be conducted at four
locations ~etween RM 128 and RM 143.These locations represent side
channel anb sloug'h habitats which receive varying degrees of mainstem
influence at difference mainstem discharges.The selection of sample
locations is based on accessibility of the site and ease of sampling
under breaqhed conditions and the relative presence of juvenile chinook
salmon.Additiona11Yt study sites were selected to utilize previously
established transects for hydraulic simulation modelling at each study
site.Sites selected based on these criteria include Slough 9,Side
Channel lOt Upper Side Channel llt and Side Channel 21 (at the mouth of
Slough 21).
Data Analysis:The distribution and abundance of invertebrates in side
channe 1sand sloughs wi 11 be determi ned from i nformati on gathered from
drift and benthic invertebrate samples.Significant differences in the
distribution of drifting invertebrates at the heads and at the hydraulic
simulation modelling sites of side channels and sloughs will be
determined from analysis of invertebrate count data.The analyses used
to make these determinations will include an one-way analysis of
variance,Sorensen's similarity quotient,a cluster analysis,and
Shanon-Wienerts diversity index (Southwood 1975).Frequency
distributions t hydraulic simulation modelling,and Shanon-Wiener's
diversity index (Southwood 1975)will be used along with the benthic and
drift data to determi ne the habitat preferences of di fferent
invertebrate groups and the weighted area of stream bed usable (WUA)to
these groups)
Fish stomach contents will be enumerated and identified in the
laboratory.IData w"ill be analyzed to determine if prey types found in
stomachs are selected for or against in comparison to those occurring in
drift and be~thic samples.Pie diagrams and Straussts electivity index
will be usedl in the analysis of these data.Specific methods and data
analysis pro~edures for the util ized in this study are presented in
Section 3.2 of this portion of the procedures manual.
Deliverable:Results and findings of these investigations will be
summarized in a technical report to the Alaska Power Authority.
2.4 Preparation of FY84 Winter Incubation Report
Objective:To complete the analysis of incubation related data
(intragravel water quality,embryo survival and substrate composition)
collected during FY84 (August,1983 to May,1984)and to prepare a
report synthesizing this information and previous collected data with
information available in the literature.
Description:There are three primary sources of data that will be used
for report ~reparation:
1)ADF&G data collected during the FY82 -FY84 field studies;
2)a reportl by Wangaard and Burger (l983);and,
3)other~published literature.
Four types of data will be analyzed:intragravel and surface water
quality data,initragrav(~l and surface water temperature data,embryo
development and Isurvival data,and substrate composition data.The
report will incl~de a discussion of the analyzed data and a comparison
of the results of this study to results of similar studies.
Deliverables:A final report summarizing the results and findings of
the incubation study for the period August,1983 to May,1984.
2.5 Passage Validation Study
Study Approach:The passage criteri a developed duri ng FY83 and FY84
were evolutionary steps in the understanding and quantification of
conditions needed for salmon passage into and within slough and side
channel spawning areas.The products of the FY84 analysis were salmon
passage criteria curves and passage/discharge and passage/site flow
evaluations which are presented in Estes and Vincent-Lang (1984:Chapter
6).The criteria curves presented in this report were based on a review
of limited field data and observations combined with the professional
judgement of fishery biologists and a hydraulic engineer.In order to
strengthen subsequent analytical steps,additional field observations
and data are necessary to verify and refi ne these passage cri teri a
During FY85,the Passage Validation Study (PVS)will specifically focus
on two objectives:
1)Verify and \refine the passage criteria curves describing
passage corlditi ons for chum salmon into slough and side
channel habi!tats in the middle reach of the Susitna River
developed in the FY84 analysis;and,
2)Refine the ~stimates of mainstem discharge and local flow
required for successful passage for all slough and side channel
sites where salmon passage conditions have been previously
Field observations of fish passage activity will be made at each
identified passage reach site noting whether successful,successful with
difficulty and exposure,or unsuccessful passage o~curs.Passage reach
dimension data (length,width,depth)will also be collected
concurrently with fish passage observations to document channel geometry
characteristics at the time of passage.In addition,the predominate
substrate type and channel characteristics (ie.,uniform straight
channel or non-uniform braided channel)will be identified at each
passage reach.A combination of the above data will be utilized to
va 1i date and/or refi ne the passage criteri a curves.Passage di scharge
and local flow estimates required for successful passage will be
reevaluated based on the refined criteria curves.
Hydraulic data will also be collected to fill several hydraulic data
gaps which occurred in the FY84 data base.Hydraul ic data to be
collected include:1)su~vey data for the development of cross section
profiles at each passage ~each,2)survey Ciata fOt"the development of
thalweg profiles at each [study site,3)stage data,and 4)local site
flow data.
Specific data collection techniques and procedures to be used in the
collection of these data
this manual.
are presented in Section 3.1 of this portion of
Site Selection:Slough and side channel spawning locations in the
middle river where discharge-related passage problems have been
documented will be evaluated as study sites.Table C-5 includes a list
of these study sites and the number of passage reaches previ ous ly
i dentifi ed at each site that were evaluated duri ng the FY84 ana lys is.
Additional passage reaches will be identified in the field during FY85
as necessary.
Data Analysis:Data analysis will consist of two segments corresponding
to each objective.The analysis for Objective 1 will be accomplished by
combining fish passage observations with passage reach dimension data
and plotting the relationship against the FY84 passage criteria curves.
Based on the results,new sets of fish passage criteria curves will be
developed that are more representative of natural passage conditions.
To complete Objective 2,the analysis will consist of a reevaluation of
passage reaches utilizing the three basic analyses from FY84.This will
Table C-5.Summary of passa e validation study sites and corresponding
number of passage reaches in the middle reach of the Susitna
Ri ver.\
Whiskers Creek Slough 101.2 3
Mainstem 2 Side Channel 114.4 9
Slough 8A 125.9 9
Slough 9 128.3 5
Slough 9A 133.6 10
Slough 11 135.3 5
Upper Side Channel 11 136.1 3
Slough 19 140.0 Unknown
Slough 20 140.1 6
Side Channel 21 140.6 10
Slough 21 141.8 3
Slough 22 144.2 4
include an analysis of breaching effects,backwater effects,and local
flow effects on passage.Modifications may be incorporated into any of
these analyses.Based on a Jore complete data base,the results will
provide a more accurate estimftes of mainstem discharge and local flow
required for ··successful
pass~ge conditions.Specific data analysis
procedures to be used in this ~tudy are presented in Section 3.1 of this
portion of this manual.
Deliverable:Results and findling of these studies will be summarized in
a series of technical memora,ndums and reports,if necessary,to the
Alaska Power Authority.
2.6 Lower River Habitat Modelling Support
Objective:To provide calibrated U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service
Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (I FIM)Instream Flow Group (I FG)
hydraulic simulation models (Milhous et al 1984)at selected lower river
juvenile anadroumous and resident fish rearing study sites at which the
dominant variables influencing the habitat are water depth and velocity.
Study Approach:The approach of this study will be to apply IFIM IFG
hydraulic simulation models (IFG-2 and IFG-4)to sites where water depth
and velocity are the dominant hydraulic variables of the habitat.These
models will be used to quantify changes in rearing habitat as a function
of changes in site flow and mainstel1l discharge and to determine if this
modelling approach is required to evaluate the affects that changes in
si te flow and rna i nstem di scharge have on other 1i fe phases in these
habitat types.
Site Selection:A maximum of six sites in side channel areas in the
lower reach of the Susitna River will be selected to assess how their
associated flows and rearing ha~itats react to changing site flows and
mainstem discharges.Sites,transect locations within the sites,and
appropriate hy'draulic models wi1l be selected by biologists from the
Resident and Juvenile Anadromou~project and the Aquatic Habitat and
Instream Flow project,and hydraulic engineers from EWT&.A.This will
ensure that the sites selected ifor modell ing are as representative as
possible of the variety of readng habitats needed to be examined and
that the sites can be hydraulically modelled using the IFG hydraulic
models.Also taken into account for site selection will be factors
concerning logistics such as accessibil ity and travel time.
Field Data Collection:The data to be collected at each study sites
will include water depth,water velocity,substrate,and cover data.
The data will be collected along selected representative tra~sects over
the full range of site flows and mainstem discharges that occur during
the 1984 open water field season.General guidelines from which to make
site specific flow measurements will be based on predetermined mainstem
di scharge ranges.The target ranges wi 11 be based on R&M lower ri ver
photos of 1983.Because of the unknown nature of how specific flows in
the individual side channels will react to associated changes in
mainstem discharges and how long target discharge ranges will be
available for measurement,it may prove difficult to make all
tentatively scheduled measurements.Alternating strategies may have to
be made as the season progresses.
The actual on site instream flow measurements will follow the procedures
outlined in the following manuals:.ADF&G (1984),Bovee and Milhous
(1978),and Trihey and Wegner (1981)J
Field Data Ana1ysis:The two hydralilic simulation models that will be
used in the hydraulic data analysi~will be the IFG-2 or IFG-4.The
mode 1 that wi 11 be used at each site wi 11 depend on the quantity and
quality of hydraulic field data cOllfcted at that site (for details see
Estes and Vincent-Lang 1984:ChapterI7).The analysis of the field data
will follow the procedures outlined .in Milhous et al (1984)and Trihey
(1980).A hydraulic engineer from EWT&A will supervise the calibration
of the models and revi ew the cali brated model for each site to ensure
that they are properly calibrated.The calibrated models \'lill in turn
be linked to the proper programs in the PHABSIM system (see Milhous et
al 1984)to produce the weighted usable area for the rearing phases of
the selected target species.
Deliverable:Results and findings of these investigations will be
presented as a technical appendix to the Task 14 report.
This section presents specific dat~collection and analysis procedures
used in meeting FY85 objectives th~t have not been presented in earlier
ADF&G Procedu;"es Manuals or that i have been changed from procedures
IpresentedinearlierADF&G Procedures Manuals.Refer to the FY82,FY83,
and FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manuals for an other data collection and
analysis procedures (ADF&G 1981a,1?83a,1984).
3.1 Fish Passage
Fi sh Passage Observati on:Fi el d observati ons of fi sh passage activity
will be made at each site noting whether successful,unsuccessful with
diffi culty and exposure,or unsuccessful passage occurs.
categories will be defined as follows:
Successful Passage:Fish passage into and/or within the spawning area
is uninhibited,and would not affect natural production in the area.
Successful Passage With Difficulty And Exposure:Fish passage into
and/or within the spawning area is accomplished,but with stress and
exposure to predation with the potential of reducing the level of
successful spawni ng in the area.Thi s conditi on over along peri od of
time may result in a decline in natural production in the area.
Characteristics of this category are:
1)exposure of the dorsal surface of the fish above water;
2)one or more pauses within ~reach due to stranding,changing
directions,or resting;o~,,
3)repeated attempts to navig~te a passage reach before
Unsuccessful Passage:IFishpassagel into and/or within the spawning area
may be accomplished by a limited number of fish;however,exposure to
excessive stress and increased predation (which are associated with
these conditions)may eventually el iminate or greatly reduce the natural
production in the area.Characteristics of this category are:
1)absence of fish above a passage reach;
2)excessive exposure of the dorsal surface of the fish above
3)excessive number of pauses within a passage reach leading to
unsuccessful navigation;or,
4)death of a fish while attempting navigation of a passage reach.
Ranking of passage observations into one of three categories of passage
is primarily bases on the characteri sti cs stated above.Fi sh passage
observations are focused on chu~salmon although observations of the
other salmon species are noted if\present.
Passage Reach Dimensions:A passbge reach will be defined as a portion
of the channel at the mouth of or within a study site which is
potentially limiting to salmon'migration into spawning areas.A
transect perpendicular to the flo~of water will be chosen to represent
each passage reach and provide a consistent point of measurement.
Representative transects will be located at the shallowest or most
critical part of the passage reach and marked in the field with wood
stakes and rebar headpins.
To quantitatively describe a passage reach.the length.width and water
depth will be measured.These variables are defined as follows:
Passage Reach Length:The 1ongitudi na 1 di stance of a passage reach
along the thalweg channel limited by the upstream and downstream points
at which water depth is no longer limiting to salmon passage.The
length limits are defined as a water depth of 0.5 ft and 0.67 ft based
on the passage criteria curves (from Curves I and II respectively;
Estes and Vincent-Lang 1984:Chapter 6).
Passage Reach Width:The distance from left water's edge (LWE)to right
water's edge (RWE)of a passage reach transect.
Passage Reach Depth:The depth of water at a passage reach which a fish
must navi gate through in order to proceed upstream.Passage depth is
ca 1 cul ated as an average of the mean.depth and maximum depth (tha lweg
depth)at a passage reach transect.Only the maximum depth is measured
in the field "as an indicator of passage reach depth.The point of
maximum depth at a passage reach transect will be marked with a flagged
spike in the streambed or a staff gage for a consistent point of
measurement.Passage depth will be calculated during data analysis in
the office using cross sectional survey data.
Passage reach dimension data will be collected at the same time passage
observations are made.Passage reach lengths and widths will be
measured with a fiberglass surveyor's tape graduated in one-tenth foot
increments.A surveying rod or staff gage will be used to measure
passage reach depths.
Substrate Classification:The substrate conditions at each passage
reach will be evaluated to characterize channel configuration.
Substrate data will be collected by visually classifying the substrate
present at a passage reach into the two dominant size groups.This
study utilized the same detailed substrate size classification system
presented in the FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984).In
addition,the uniformity/non-uniformity of the passage reach channel
will be recorded.
Stage and Discharge Measurement:Discharge measurements will be
collected at selected passage study sites to quantify local flows during
the salmon migrational period.Marsh-McBirney and Pygmy flow meters
will be utilized for discharge measurements with total discharge being
calculated by the current-meter method using standard USGS techniques
(Buchanan and Somers 1973).Refer to the FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual
for detail s of di scharge measurement and ca 1cul ati on procedures (ADF&G
1984 ).
Staff gages will be established at a minimum of one passage reach within
each study site.Stage measurements from staff gages will be collected
over a range of flows.These data wi 11 be combi ned with di scharge
measurements to develop site-specifi c rati ng curves.Additi ana 1 staff
gages will be placed at the mouths and heads of study sites to measure
backwater and breaching effects~respectively.Refer to the FY84
ADF&G Procedures Manual for detail s on staff gage and rating curve
procedures (ADF&G 1984).
Cross Section Profile:Cross section profiles will be surveyed at all
passage reach transects within each study site.Each cross section
will include the entire streambed profile between the high water marks
on both banks.Refer to FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual for deta il s on
cross section profile study procedures (ADF&G 1984).
Thalwegs:Thalweg profiles have been completed for all the study sites
with documented passage problems except Slough 19.Therefore,a
complete thalweg of Slough 19 will be surveyed using techniques
described in the FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984).
3.2 Food Availability Studies
Invertebrate Drift Sampling:Invertebrate drift will be sampled at two
locations within each of four sampling sites {see Section 2.3 for a list
of sampling sftes}.In general,the location of drift nets will be at
the head of each slough or side channel where mainstem water breaches
the area and at the hydraulic simulation modelling site within each
slough or side channel study site.These locations will be used to
evaluate differences in the number of invertebrates from mainstem
habitats and mainstem affected (side channel and slough)habitats.
Drifting invertebrates will be sampled using a pair of drift nets (12"x
18"x 39")constructed of 500 micron netting.Each drift net pair will
be supported in the water by four one-inch diameter iron stakes.Nets
will sample the entire water column for fifteen minutes,two hours
before sunset on each of two consecutive days.The time drift nets are
left in the water will be adjusted depending on the discharge and amount
of floating debris at each sample site.Drifting invertebrates will be
sampled three times during the summer of FY 1984.The monthly schedule
for sampling invertebrate drift is listed in Table C-6.
The volume of water in cubic feet flowing through nets per minute
(ft3/min)will be used to standardize the number of invertebrates in
samples.This volume of water will be calculated from measurements of
the current velocity and net area at the net mouth.Current velocity
measurements will be taken with a Marsh-McBirney electrical current
meter at each net at the start and finish of each sampling period.The
Table C-6.Tentative schedule for sampling benthic invertebrates and
invertebrate drift at the four FAS study sites,early June
through late August,1984.
Sites Date Type Sampling
Slough 9,Side 6/6/84-6/15/84 Drift
Channel 10,Upper 6/20/84-6/29/84 Benthos
Side Channel 11 and
Side Channel 21 7/11/84-7/20/84 Drift
8/8/84-8/17/84 Drift
8/22/84-8/31/84 Benthos
current velocity used in calculations will be the average of the start
and finish measurements.A water sample will also be taken at each
drift sample site to measure the turbidity of water during each sampling
period.Surface water temperature will be continuously monitored,
throughout the~summer at drift sample sites located in IFG-4 modelling
areas.This information will be used to measure the effect that changes
in turbi dity and water temperature have on the amount of drifti ng
invertebrates in side channels and sloughs.
Benthic Invertebrate Sampling:Benthic invertebrates will be sampled at
the same hydraulic simulation modelling sites used in the drift sampling
program.Benthic samples will be taken along existing transects to
facilitate the use of past hydraulic model data in calculations of
weighted usable area.
Benthic samples will be taken with a 25 inch (in)high 4 in 2 cylindrical
bottom sampler constructed of aluminum and 500 micron netting.Samples
will be taken to a depth of approximately ten centimeters into the
substrate.The water depth,current velocity and substrate type will be
measured at each sampling point before a sample is taken.
Substrate type will be identified according to a thirteen class ranking
system (Table C-7).Mean current velocities will be measured with a
Marsh-McBi rney e1ectri ca 1 current meter.Wa ter depth will be measured
to the nearest 0.05 feet.The number of benthic samples taken at each
hydraulic simulation modelling site will depend on the number of transects
Table C-7.Thirteen size class IFG-4 ranking system used to identify
substrate types,Susitna River,1984.
Substrate Type"Code Substrate Size
Sil t 1 1ess than 1.6 ITUT1
Silt-sand 2
Sand 3 1.6-6.4 mm
Sand-fine gravel 4
Fine gravel 5 6.4-25.4 mm
Fine gravel-Large gravel 6
Large Gravel 7 25.4-76.2 ITUT1
Large Gravel-Rubble 8
Rubble 9 76.2-127.0 mm
Rubble-Cobble 10
Cobble 11 127.0-254.0 mm
Cobble-Boulders 12
Boulders 13 greater than 254.0 mm
and the amount of vari ati on in water depth,current velocity,and
substrate type found along each transect.Each hydraulic simulation
mode 11 i ng site wi 11 be sampled twi ce duri ng the summer.Ali st of the
side channels and sloughs with hydraulic simulation modelling benthic
sampling sitesrand the sampling dates is shown in Table C-7.
Juvenile Anadromous Fish·Sampling:Juvenile chinook salmon will be
collected during each invertebrate drift sampling period (Table C-7)
using backpack electrofishing techniques.Juvenile fish will collected
for stomach analyses from the same hydraulic simulation modelling sites
used for drift and benthic invertebrate sampling.Approximately five
fish per hydraulic simulation modelling site per sampling period will be
collected,for a total of 60 fish per year.
Sample Storage and Handling:All invertebrate samples will be placed in
polyethylene plastic bags and preserved with 70%ethyl alcohol (ETOH).
Juvenile chinook salmon will be cut open before preserving in 70%ETOH.
Invertebrates from benth i c and drift samples wi 11 be hand sorted from
debris and placed in glass vials containing 70%ethyl alcohol for later
identification and enumeration.Invertebrates from juvenile salmon
stomachs will be stored in similar size glass vials containing 70%ETOH
for later analysis.
Invertebrate counts from drift samples will be standardized and reported
as the number of i ndivi dua 1s passing through a net per cubi c feet of
water per minute (N/ft 3/min).Standardized counts will then be analyzed
using one-way analysis of variance to detect significant differences
among samplin~r locations.Sorensen's similarity quotient and cluster
analysis (Southwood 1975)will be applied to the qualitative data (i.e.
to the number of kinds of invertebrates in samples)to illustrate
graphically differences among sampling locations.The Shanon-Wiener
diversity index (Southwood 1975)will be used to show differences in
invertebrate drift at the community level at sample sites.
The number of organisms per square feet (N/ft 2 )will be used to describe
the density of benthic invertebrates at hydraulic simulation modelling
sample locations.Frequency distributions will be used to illustrate
benthic invertebrate preferences for various water depths,current
velocities and substrate types.Habitat preference curves will be
generated from these bar graphs.Instream Flow Group hydraulic
modelling techniques vdll be used to predict the weighted usable area
for each benthic group of invertebrate.Past IFG hydraulic simulation
modelling data (eg.current velocities measured along IFG transects in
FY 1984)will be used to achieve this objective.The Shanon-Wiener
diversity index will be used to measure the stability of benthic
invertebrate of the community level.
Invertebrate counts from the stomach of juvenile chinook salmon will be
converted to percentages and the proportions illustrated using pie
diagrams.Strauss'linear electivity index (Southwood 1975)will be
used to show preference of juvenile chinook salmon for certain
invertebrate food groups.
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Susitna ~ydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska.
__1981b.Phase I final draft report.Volume I (December
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Estes,C.C.and D.S.Vincent-Lang,editors.1984.Aquatic habitat and
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AOF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Report No.3.Prepared for
the Alaska Power Authority.Anchorage,Alaska.
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guide to the Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM).
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Southwood,T.R.E.1975.Ecological methods.Halsted Press.New York.
391 pp.
Trihey,E.W.1980.Field data reduction and coding procedures for use
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