HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3512Susitna Joint Venture Document Number FdR JUNE 1979 VOLUME 1 OF 2 PROPOSAL APPEND IX AJ8L,2.. Acres American Incorporated 900 Liberty Bank N.Y. R & M IL~onsultants 5024 Cordova AK 99503 Mro Eric P. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 333 West 4th Avenue Suite 31 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear r"ir ~ Youl d: June 4 ~ 1979 vJssso" 68 i\.l.ASKA POWb< AUIHORI~. Proposal for the Upper Sus"itna River Basin Hydroelectric Power Project We are pleased to submit heret;tith five (5) copies of a proposal stating qualifications and justifying selection of a team comprised of Acres Amer'ican Incorporated, R&M Consultants Incorporated, Frank Moo 1 in & Associates, and Terrestrial Environmental Specialists Incorporated (ARMT) for preparation of a detailed Plan of Study (POS) for the Upper Susitna River Basin Hydroelectric Power Project. The general division of responsibilities proposed for preparing the POS and subsequently carrying it to fruition capitalizes on the strength and experience of its respective members$ In brief, Acres, with more than 50 years experience in large hydroelectric development, particularly in northern areas, will provide overall study and project management as well as the bulk of the project engineering effort~ R&M will undertake the major portion of the field engineering work to include survey, investigations and testing, and will provide a strong Alaskan presence and a firm base of operations~ TES will coordinate the efforts of a team of principal environmental investigators, each one of which has been selected because of an outstanding reputation in his or her discipline, especially as it pertains to knowledge of Alaska. Frank Moo 1 in & Associates wi 11 interject the views and recommendations of a professional construction management organization with solid Alaskan experience, and will assist in directing field work in preparat·ion of realistic cost estimates and schedules .. Acres also brings to the Susitna project first-hand knowledge and experience in the problems of financing such a large undertaking, based on out· involvement in similar large projects such as Churchill Falls. ACRES AMERICAN INCOHf"ORATEO Mr~ Eric P. Yould Alaska Power Authority Each member of the team We are convinced that provides an outstanding June 4~ 1979 2 State of A1 aska on this important projecL Together we offer a strong team with 1 oca 1 knowledge and 1 oca 1 presence, with a record of successfu 1 performance on large hydroelectric projects around the world and particularly in northern regions, and a depth of capability that ensures an extensive reservoir of talent is available from within our respective organizations. In accordance with your letter of May 7, 1979, and your subsequent advice extending the closing time for this submittal, we are pleased to note as well our willingness to present our credent·ials in person to you and to such other individuals or agencies the State of Alaska may wisho It would be a pleasure to see you again@ We are in the business of hydroelectric development. We have been for more than 50 yearso We are well aware that projects as exciting as this one are far from commonplace.. They demand uncommon attention. We hope that you wi 11 find us just the group which can provide it! Please do contact me at the number above or Colo (Rete) C~ Ao Debelius at (301) 992-5300 in the event that we can provide a11y additional information which may help you in your choice. DCW/r~tJ Encl. (5) ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED Yours very truly, ~ L_ David c., Wi 11 ett 0._.-r Vice President FOR VOLUME 1 OF 2 PROPOSAL APPENDIX A, Bl)Z.. JUNE 1979 R / 1750 Pennsylvania Washington C. (202) 393 Suite Northampton 3725 National Drive Raleigh; North Carolina 27612 (919) 781-31 301 Fifth Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 (412) 765-3700 Suite The Clark Building Columbia, Maryland 21044 (301) 992-5300 The contents of this proposal are provided for the sole use of the State of Alaska, the Alaska Power Authority3 and such other agents of the Alaska Power Authority as may be designated to review and evaluate its contents,. Proprietary information is contained herein. Unauthorized reproduction or d·(sclosure of the contents, in whole or in part, to any individual or organization other than those specified, without the express approval of an officer of Acres American, is strictly prohibited~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY L COVER 2o TABLE OF CONTENTS 3Q CAPABILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS (a) Scope of Services {b) Hydroelectric Engineering and Planning (c) Technical and Laboratory Resources Available (i) Acres Resources -Project Management (ii) Acres Resources-Financial Management (iii) Acres Resources-Ice Engineer·ing (iv) Acres Laboratory and Testing Experience (v) Acres Inspection and Expediting Services (vi) R&M Site Exploration and Testing Experience (vii) Frank Mool in & Associates Construction Management Experience (viii) TES Environmental Expertise {o) Standard and Specialized Equipment ("i) Genera 1 {ii) Geological Investigations ( i if) Surveys (iv) Access (v) Material Testing (vi) Stream Gauging (vii) Hydraulic Models (viii) Seismic Investigations (ix) "Miscen aneous (e) Major Hydroeleetric Projects in North America (f) Major Hydroelectric Projects Overseas (g) Detailed Plan of Study and Licensing { i) P1 an of Study (ii) The Application and the Licensing Process (h) Project Manager and Key Personnel PLATES: {1) Introduction (ii) Principal Management Organization (iii) Field Work (iv) Project Engineering (v) Environmental Studies (vi) In-Depth Capability for Follow-On Work lo PROJECT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 2~ FIELD WORK ORGANIZATION 3. PROJECT ENGINEERING ORGANIZATION 4o ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ORGANIZATION TO BE IDEREO IN DECIDING SHOULD TAKE OVER THE SUSITNA PROJECT !Al JUSTH ~CATION FOR Introduction Multi-disciplined Teams Top Management Group Preplanning Successful Organization , Requirements nties and Risks X : ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR HYDROELECTR AND PUMPED STORAGE DEVELOP~1ENT APPENDIX Bl: PPJJECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES ICE ENGINEERING CAPABILITIES INSPECTION AND EXPEDITING SERVICES LABORATORY AND TESTING FACILITIES X B2~ QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS AND RESUr4ES FOR R&M CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED APPEND I X B3: QUAL If ~CATION STATEMENTS AND RESUt~ES FOR TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS INCORPORATED APPEND I X Cl: PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEETS, NORTH .13J1ER ICAN HYDROELECTRIC DE VE Lf;PME NTS APPENDIX C2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEETS; INTERNATIONAL HYDROElECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS APPENDIX C3: PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEETS, SELECTED STUDIES FOR HYDROELECTRIC, UNDERGROUND PUMPED STORAGE AND RELATED DEVELOPMENTS APPENDIX 0: SELECTED PAPERS FROM THE COLLECTION ENTITLED 11 THE SUCCESSFUL ACCOMPLISHMENT OF GIANT PROJECTS" APPENDIX E! SELECTED RESUMES FOR ACRES PERSONNEL in response to a request from f'!r" Eric P" Alaska Power Authori " dated , capabil and i cations of and ·its subcontractors~ R&M tants iates Ince~ Terrestrial Envi undertake complete project and financial ng of the Susitna Hydroel ect., -~1oo 1 in -TES (ARMT) combination of capabi group ngs to expertise ( i) design/project/construction management team studies!! economic eva1uation!9 licensing, construction large hydroelectric in northern arease ( i) and readily available fie 1 d expl oration team es~ personnel and equipment experienced in all of ogic and geotechnical design and exploration~ particu- larly in the vicinity of the Susitna siteQ (iii An exceptional team of environmental specialists with first-hand knowledge and experience of the project areao proposal addresses, in the manner required by the RFP 9 the capabil- ities~ experience and facilities available to the group to undertake the project from initial studies through completion. than 50 years., The .... ...,., .. ,_,._., .. amounting to more than also a member of the CASECO nt venture Project on Columbia River~ another project similar probl em.s to the Susitna" Company hydroe1actric experience to northern areas" In contrast 9 ability to problems generated cold regions has also been use in other regions of the world ll'rith greatly fferent A example of a major project designed and lt di cult conditions is the 340 MW Alto Anchicaya Project South America~ A led summary of Acres qualifications and experience in ectric field is presented in Appendix A of this proposal summari- in the following tables. GENERAT~ON '\cres has gained a leading position in the hydroelectric field and has been responsible rhroughout the world for over 20,000 MW of power generating facilities. Specialists in hydraulic, geotechnical and other disciplines and a highh experienced staff, form weli·balanced hydroelectric project teams. Our staff of environmentalists contribute to hydro developments with detailed economic comparison environmental impact studies to ensure maximum utilization of the natural resources. The most significant hydroelectric projects for which Acres has comple.ed, or providing services are currentiy Alto Anch.n.y?. Arnpri0r Ash River Aslantas Beauharnois No. 2 Beauharnois No. 3 Bersimis No. 1 8ersimis No.2 Black River (Extension) Chenaux Churchill Falls Chute·a·Caron (Extension) Chute-des-Passes Espanola Granby Grand Falls No. of Units 3 2 3 12 10 8 5 3 8 11 2 5 2 lnstalied Capacity (MW) 340 80 25 125 495 555 900 640 6 125 5,225 100 750 8 10 60 Head (m) 388.0 21.0 24.0 100.0 24.0 24.0 239.0 1'12.0 38.0 12.2 311.0 50.0 160.0 19.5 7.0 38.0 Services Engineering services Project management and engineering services Engineering services and supervision of construction Engineering services (in consortium) Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Technical and construction planning, engineering ar1d estimating services, and management of construction (in joint venture as Acres Canadian Bechtel of Churchill Falls) Engineering services Engineering services and site supervision Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services 6037 Power Generation -2 No. of installed Units Head Services (m) 4 450 36.4 Engineering services Gull Island 1,600 Engineering services 1 ohn Hart 6 125 119.0 Engineering services 7 224 16.8 Engineering services and sit.:! supervision Kettle 10 1,244 30.0 Engineering services {in joint venture as Crippen Acres) Kpong 4 160 11.8 !'roject management and engineering services La Boruca 4 760 200.0 Engineering services Ladore Falls 2 52 37.0 Engineering services and supervision of construction Laurie R1ver No. 1 2 5 16.7 Engineering services Laurie River No. 2 5 16.7 Engineering services Limestone Rapids 10 1,070 26.2 Engineering services (in joint venture as Crippen Acres) Long Spruce 10 1,000 24.4 Engineering services (in jcint venture as Crippen Acres) Los Esclavos ,., 13 107.0 Engineering services r. Lower Notch 2 250 70.0 Engineering and project management services Mactaquac 6 625 33.5 Engineering services and supervision of construction Manicouagan 1 3 180 37.5 Engineering services Manicouagan 2 8 1,000 69.7 Engineering services Mayurakshi Reservoir 2 4 30.0 Engineering specifications co- ordination of manufacturing and supervision of inspection ,\'leA ·thur Falls 8 60 7.0 Engineering services and site supervision McCormk;k No. 1 2 85 37.5 Engineering services McCormick No.2 3 134 37.5 Engineering services McCormick f'vo. 3 2 120 37.5 Engineering services Power Generation -3 No. of ~nstalled U11it§ Capacity (MW) Nam Ngum 30 Outardes 2 52 Pine Falls 6 85 Saito Grande 12 1,620 Shadiwal 2 15 Shipshaw 12 900 Sirikit 3 375 St. Marys River 3 52 Strathcona 31 Tarbela Extension 2 350 Trenton Falls 9 Warsak 4 160 Warsak 2 83 (Extension) Head 35.0 63.5 11.3 25.0 7.6 63.5 76.0 5.7 42.5 132.0 82.0 43.6 43.6 Services Project management services Engineering services Engineering services and site supervision Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Engineering services Engineering and project management Engineering services and site supervision Engineering services and supervision of construction Engineering services Engineering services and supervision of construction Engineering services and supervision of construction 6037.01 Rev 1 n~J7q : ........ _ ...... ---.·· ................. _, ...... _ . ·-· ·-. -.. ,, ___ , ................. -· . -. ····---.... -....... ---.. --... ,_ ·--.... -··· ·--·--···-· .... ···· ........... -..... -·---·-··· ..... ·-·-........... '• ........... , .. ··-· .. I !---·-···--l ~ r'· ~~ r i . .,·; i The staff of Acres i\meric;-1n h?.s a wide range o·r e.x.per~en~e in the prov~sion of consulting services to the powc-r utility industry b the fo!bw;ng ueas~ ~~ LoMJ Fo'fer.asting and Ma.rket 5urveys ~ Econt1mic Analysis ~ f.Vlathematical Mode!s and Computer Simulation Programs fl!l Switching Surges and Resonant Phcr.nmena ~ I nsu~ation CoonHnati m) Studies ~ Pl(int Evalua:tior! I ~ L!L. •--~-• J L.w ·-~•• -···-·····--··-• --·-··-·-·-···----·· ··-·---• ··-·" •·--· '•••••• • •·-·· •••••• " •••-···--" ---··• "•• "' " ·-·-·--··--··-· -· -·· •••• ••• •• " ••" ---·-----------·---l •••••••••-.yvv•,.....v"'.-.:.•. o.-o•oGP•••.W1o ............. .-...... __ • ··-···--··-.-·-·-·-••••••• ··--••..-...v• .. •••••-•yo•• ••••••••••..--• -··-··-• .. •••• ..... ··-·· -.••••••v• .. • • .tH • • •••••• --..-.. •••••• •·-· • •••••••'" ........ .-v•••• ........ •••• ::it;.n•ing r.h~ d ectrk powot!r HtHity ind.u~trv s~J"ice l ~rl4 1 A.cn;;~~ has b.uHt up a cmv;jd~.r;.~b~{~ br:dy of txpe•~cncf.: In the prep~mtior~ of marki!-~ 5Hf'!tys .?!nd b:;.:.d fate-t:asi:s. An 0K(lmple c f Acres \i'mrk iil th!s field was the prep-aration of a ~'lfr_;t ... sc(l'C' m.:zrket· survey rc~ative to the ~mport of power fn..Jm L.,_,~:; Cbt.n"t.J}m FaHs p.ro}~ct in C4nadJ. The a!·ed studied tn that instaf!C{l wa~ th.:= \v1w·l~ of the N~vi Er~gland ~·esJor: tcgethe:r with tnt !!.rea sc~-v~ced by C.:msoHdatecl E{t.~~&"l Ci)mpany of New "-!ort. 0(! a n\Of'e .;~·wde:::t :;cah~) Acr~s ptanning engineers hav~ prepared num~rc~.ls. midrange rnarket &urveys .and load fon~casts for urban and rmmkjp-a! utif~tie·;) in order tt:~ c·-.raiua~e the m05t effectiv=:-\.Vay of moderniling tl1£ir distr~bution systems or convertiflg to a higher voltag~ d?.ss. ~n connection with ~hi:: more detailed planning studies~ Acres engioe.ets frcqu~ntly haw;! had O~C~ion 1.0 prep2re medium and ror.g-r;iOjSe projecticr.-s for mil.jur u ti!ity systems both at h.!Jme i3J)d overseas. Such f!m~C;.{.Sts are usua~!y preparea :.r~ conjunction wit~ Lhe cHent 1S engineers and Acres own staff~ and they norrnaUy inck ::'le national as wet! as reg~onl.! trends. hi thrr. cas.€-.of c-v~rseas c1 !en-~J often toea ted ir. clevf'Joprng countrtr.s, ,:j more grass. roots 2f'p·roa.ch is caBed for. !n such cases, mzrket survey techr:~jqucs ilm emrioy~d, whkh are based on aU nece:ssary economic ind~cators, sucn as consumDtion of power per caprta. or per ion c,f manufactured p<m:ktct. Acre§ Ame:Jrh~a·n has acr.ess~ thrcugh the main A;;ms-group 0f compani~s, to a lar~ staff of ecl'!'i)Omi5ts we~i versed h1 the requirements of such str.iidt-es. lONG-RANGE PLANNiNG AND POWER SYSTEM STUDIES Acres American is in a position to provide a complete range of consulting services for long-range system planning studies. These studies, which can be done either independently or in close association with the client's engineers as required, typically cover the following activities: ~ Preparation of load forecasts and the formulation of a series of preliminary system expansion sequences @ Assembly of system data, component ratings, impedance data, and transformer tap ranges Conducting all necessary load flow studies to determine the timing of new plant additions, equipment ratings, transformer tap ranges, and the need for and location of VAR (voltage) r.ontrol equipment f.} Development of stage-by-stage single-line diagram and capital costs associated in the alternative system expansion programs Conducting of stability and fault level studies to modify or confirm the syst~m configuration arrived at from load flow studies. A recent new activity in this general sphere has been a series of studies on the economic integration of pumped storage hydro plants into existing power systems. These studies have involved the year-by-year simulation of power system operations and determination of system operating costs for alternative system development programs. Operating costs are determined for a range of variations in key parameters, and these are combined with system capital costs to determine the total cumulative present worth cost of power supply. Comparison of the present worth costs of the various alternatives permits an easy determination of the expansion program and the pumped storage plant dimensions that minimize the power cost. It should be noted that Acre'\ technical planning specialists and professional economists have a sound knowledge of the relevant techniques of economic analysis, particularly as they relate to electric utility problems. '·::'- ; ··' : ....... .,. .................. _____________ --·····--... -···--·· ----··-····-·····---·-·--·-····--··----··-·· ,.. ................. ·---···· ..... _,,.,,. .. ···--.···-·· ................... --·-·· ... -.. -·. ! Dt1 -:-inr~ rcc~nt y!:ars, the Public S.ervki: Coim·nis~;ons ~n ~h~ rnajority of 5tate:; ha.vc 1;na<:tcd regt.i!atio:lS requiring utitities f.!..) '!i<xure t·eg~J.latnry ~.gencv apprtNai before c onstruc ti ng u;.l.jor faci!i ties. F 8f examp-l-e} tb~ N~w '/or k Stat~ Fu b! k~ S-ervke L~w en the cons t nKti or; of transrr.issinn ! ~nr~ at 1 00 kv afld ov~r require:i utilities to file ~pplication for ~~ccrtific;;ne of Env-~ronmenta~ Compatibllity and Pu bl k: Need)1 • Similar environmcnt;d requirements !11 mo~r othe~ states i:llso iegulate thr. procedures r;1~:::essa.ry for the s.it lng of pow{:!r generatfrg pjants_ Th~ application for-these certificates r.rH.!St eontain detai~ed ii1forma.tion~ som~ of which requir~s rna!1y rn-depth swdies. Acres exp(;rieqc:e in these acttvities enables our engineer~ tc rni!ke V(.!h..=abl~ cantr!h.tHor:s ~r. the follfHII"Ing ;;:;1·c.as: ~) ldent~fic;:don uf potential sites and transmissron line right~of-way, indoding study of a!ternativ~s ~~ Env!ronmefltal impact §.tatement~ ~ Prep~ratioil of Hat~ments describing anticipated effe<;t-s on ~o-.;~ ... 1 cornmt.mkations and the local economy ~~ Pr eparation of project descriptions and jus.r.lfic at!on statements ® AssL..Jrance of compHar:ce w£th !on.l State and Fe~~ral regu~ations. Checking foi the exrstence of pofsib!e cont1 kting cases fiJed by oth;;:rs e:. Preparation of expert court testimony e Modding of air and water ef"fiu~nt dispersal bt both ;Jhy5kal i:l.nd math ematicaJ means. EXPERT recent years, the already complex task of obtaining right~of-way for hv transmission lines has been further complicated by the need to take into account the various environmental considerations as well. In this in others~ Acres American has been moving with the times, and is in a to offer the services of our professional staff, not only to prepare the detailed information necessary for the environmental impact statement but to on behalf of the client before the County Zoning Boards, general and the various State and other regulatory agencies . ........ ,_ .. ,.., ..... of this type of service is the assistance our staff recently gave to in connection with a public hearing for a 500-kv line. The covered environmental considerations associated with the line and substation and included audible radio and television interference) the generation of ozone and nitrogen oxides, electromagnetic radiation, electrostatic shock hazards, fuel ignition, biological effects and long-term healt~ implications. Prior to the hearings, preparatory meetings with local regulatory and governmental authorities and health authorities were also held. Visual aids in the form of large scale charts, diagrams and J.rchitc(:tural models and "'""..,,..,.,,.in,nr: were prepared and registered with the court as official exhibits. SAFETY CODE REMENTS The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) standard covers basic prov1s1ons for th·~ safeguarding of persons from hazards arising from the instaHation, operation, and maintenance of overhead supply and communication lines associated equipment. It applies to all overhead systems operated by utilities or similar systems in an industrial establishment. The existing sixth edition of Part 2, which was approved in 1960 as ANSI C62.2-1960 and published in 1961 as NBS Handbook 81, is being revised not only to overcom~ many of the inadequacies but also to extend the requirements to cover system voltages in the uhv range. If the proposed seventh edition is passed, it will impose even more stringent requirements on some aspects of design 1 construction, and operation of overhead lines-especially the ehv lines. As an example, Section 23 on uclearances" proposes to stipulate required electrical clearances for various switching surge factors. This requirement, if passed, coufd have a significant impact on ehv and uhv transmission line costs, since the proposed tower window clearances would exceed the clearances normally used by many utilities to obtain acceptable flashover probabilities. Other items relating to potential hazards associated with higher voltages, that will be recommended by NESC, should be carefully reviewed in the light of their effect on the design, construction and operation of forthcoming overhead systems. Acres is in a position to offer the services of senior staff members with a sound knowledge of all these considerations. (i ly undertaken of numerous on documents!!~ management, inspection currently providing complete project management Kpong Hydroe1 ectric Project in Ghana nuclear power plant in Argentina0 A particularly important role of the Susitna Project will be the estimates of In this area~ the Acres-Moolin team has a t!/ealth and capability for large hydroelectric projects, Alaska and similar northern areas~ A detailed summary qualifications and experience in the project and construction manag~nent of large projects is presented in Appendix Bl of s proposal .. (ii) Acres Resources -Financial Management The extent of Acres participation in the financial management of a given project can var-y greatly" according to the needs wishes of the Client.. Although in many cases 'atle have not been called upon to participate in this field of activity~ in certain other cases we have taken quite major l'"Oles in the financial aspects of the project. In the case of the Churchill Falls Development» for example!/) Acres was called upon to set up a special Task Force responsible for the preparation of a detailed 11 Bond Offering Memorandum"., This memorandum, which was in fact a very substantial volume, outlined in great detail the various economic, technical and operational features of the project and analyzed th~m in terms of their relationship to the ultimate profitabHities the completed projectb The text of the document was ~rorded in a madeo the l '!!>-""'""".,.,.. offering time of issue:;! sum of money ever A paper J"' Warnock s a of cm1sulting panel for the Susitna project, Engineering ManagementS; may be found in the and wns the basis \"tas :successfu 1 This Appendix ses a collection of pape~s Successful Accomplishment of Giant Proj ects 11 , Acres-Moolin project management team will Susitna project a powerful combination 11 skilled and edge= able in the financing of large projects and the generation of the confidence of the investment community, (iii) Acres Resources-Ice Engineering ( iv) The engineering and construction of the Susitna project wil 1 naturally require careful consideration of ice formation and movement processes, and the design of structures to cope severe ice conditions.. Acres has extensive experience in the appraisal of ice conditions in streams and waterv~ays and the impact of ice forces and re1 ated factors on hydrau1 ic struc- tures.. Ice engineering activities previously undertaken by the Company relate predominantly to Thenma1 Regime, Mechanical Regime~ Ice Forces and Ice Navigationo Detailed Acres experience in these aspects of project design are also presented in Appendix Bl of this proposalo Acres 1s currently managing on behalf of the Corps of Engineers the 14-acre model of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland" At its hydraulic laboratories in Buffalo, New York and Niagara Falls~ Ontario~ the Company has successfully completed numerous facilities are also available ,·0r o.::onf'~P~ ,..;:..,.-,""'7'-.als .. HoweverSl is anticipated on such testing for Susitna Project at facilities Consultants in laboratory and testing Bl .. 1 ities are also maintains in conjunction with its Project Management ons a comprehensive inspection and expediti service, services are available in factories and contractors~ behalf of in-house project groups and clientsa The Inspection and Expediting Group is able to draw upon years of experience and in-house expertise in machine shop foundry practices, electrical manufacturing and testing engineering products~ This capability covers the interpretation of plans and specifications, knowledge in the end use of equip- ment and broad experience in manufacturing, erection procedures and plant operation, particularly for large hydroelectric pro- jects .. Fu11 details of Acres Inspection and Expediting Services are presented in Appendix Bl~ (vi) R&M Site Exploration and Testi.ng Experience (1) Introduction R&M Consultants Inc., is an all-Alaskan multi-disciplinary con- sulting firm .. With ten years of experience in Alaska and modern$ well-equipped facilities, R&M is uniquely qualified to pr .. ovide geotechnical services for the Susitna project.. Indeed~ R&M is the only engineering firm in Alaska able to provide the total range of f·ield services necessary to support a major feasibility study and license application for a project of th·is magnitude"' (2) aska the c that elsewhere in the United onsSI extr·eme weather conditions~ water to 1 discontinuities to 1 combination thoroughly ned teams.? tati on !I computer systems, and a company-owned to offer a full range of survey and mappi ported by extensive experience in the South-central Areao ) laboratories For a giant hydroelectric project, it has been the experience the Acres group that immediately available laboratory facilities are a must if scheduled tasks are to be completed --pa larly when only relatively short periods without snow cover availableo R&M has mobile testing equipment as \"ell as fully equipped and staffed Materials Testing Laboratorieso (4) Stream Gauging Gathering of hydrologic data will be facilitated by R&M 1 s owner- ship of stream gauging equipment~ In this regard, a variety of hydrologic studies have been conducted by R&M for Alyeska Pipe- line Service Company, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and others.. It is R&M's unique knowledge of experience in Alaska which has led to their development computer applications for hydrologic analysis optimized for Alaskan environment .. ( i) ) specific regard to Susitna Projectj) ect and construction management resources ~1oo1 & Associates Inc.. organi company provides executive proj tion management services to the industry., 11 initially be engaged in the management work aspects of the project feasibility study~ s in the project management of a number of major ects., More recently, he was proj manager 1 ion pipeline portion of the Trans aska Pipel bring to the Susitna Project a unique combination management skills and experience of construction 1 jects in Alaskan conditions~ The Moolin organization pl ement the Acres team~ providing local knowledge ex which will be essential in the development of real·; estimates for engineering, exploration and construction Sus i tna project"' A related article by Mr. f-1oo 1 in on J..~-!,.nF'•'Ii' Project Management Organization for Giant Projects is in Appendix D .. (viii) TES Environmental Expertise Terr·estrial Environmental Specialists, Inc .. (TES) has environmental work as its pertains to all aspects hydro- electric development.. Such services as endangered species sur- veys, socio-economic analyses, archaeological investigations terrestrial and aquatic ecology studies, land use analyses, :;ite selection surveys are notable entr·ies on the TES experience 1 ist" Indeed, TES has either prepared or is in the process of prepari environmental assessments for five proposed electric projects arid has prepared an endangered species report for the sixth~ TES past experience and its strong professi ;taff wi 11 serve it in good stead in the management of env menta 1 work" ete list of individual equipment requirements associated the conduct of all work necessary to secure a Federal Commission license to construct the Susitna Hydroel necessarily be long and would 1 i y be heavily oaded atively sophisticated items.. It is these latter entities serious attention for their availabili in Alaska is not ly despread and even well-concei plans to import them can costly --both because transportation to from the on a 1 contributor to the higher cost 1 i v ing and of delays on giant projects can ~t~reak havoc with In additionSi of course~ certain modification appropriate to conditionsll delicate terrain, and the like:. add yet another increment to the expense col umno We propose to satisfy virtually a1 equipment requirements for which use or accessibility is demanded in Alaska by providing them from s resources already in Stateo To the extent that certain equipment needs do not have to satisfied in Alaska (as would be the case for hydraulic modelling:;> exampl , we proposed to provide them in the main from in-house resources available to Acres American Inc .. or owned by Terrestrial ironmental SpecialistsQ relatively short period during which condit·ions are favorable field investigations of the proposed dam and reservoir site and trans- mission line routes creates an important constrainto To minimize its negative impacts, there is simply no alternative to identifying the equipment needs well in advance and ensuring that they are fulfilled .. R&M has faced this fact on numerous occasions in the past in Alaska and, during the P4iSt ten years, has evolved a stable of equipment and a system for en.stJri ng ready avai 1 ability at the site when it is required~ In short, R&M has found it prudent to become se 1 f- sufficient in term!:. of its total investigatory capability.. We propose to offer this self-sufficiency as a unique characteristic of the team we have assembled for the work. (ii) Geological Investi9ations For the purpose of supporting further geological investigations \vhich may be required~ we are pleased to note that the Drilling Company Inco (TDC, an affiliate of R&M) has the capabi1 ity to undertake explora- tions requiring core recovery~ core orientation, down-hole surveys!) installing thermostats, thermocouples~ piezometers~ and other· instru- mentation. roc ;.1as configured its equipment acquisition and sub- sequent modifications to permit maximum mobility, even in areas ~~i are remote, roadless~ and frequently fr-agile or starkly rugged .. TOC has accomplished a variety of drilling work using rail, truck mounts, tracked carriers~ trailers, all-terrain vehicles, skids. barges, by TDC include: (i surveys must be conducted environmental conditions are favor- eo Acceptab1e periods may be few and far between since cloud cover interfere even when snow cover and leaf cove=" tions are se with·in a,llowable limits.. In this regard, the fact that R&l~ Consultants Inc .. m'lns its own rcraft~ fully equipped becomes parti arly significant.. Other survey needs can ed as T through use of R&M' s modern distance measuring on locating state-of-the-art instruments Q ve inaccessibility of proposed dam sites wn l not prevent the Acres team from acquiring necessary data Jl nor wi 11 our need to bri equipment within steep narrow canyons result in env ironmenta 1 damage .. t~e are pleased to note that R&M owns a complete cableway system avail- able for use in the field investigations of the Susitna sites. As be seen from detailed project descriptions contained in Appendix R&M designed the n~ _:npson Pass cab 1 eway system used to advantage by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company~ Material Test~ We plan to provide a system for rapid turnaround on material samples testing!l for we recognize the importance of maximizing time available for investigation, preliminary analysis, and following-up leads suggested by early test results .. A cornerstone of this system is the R&M ownership of four modern materials testing laboratories in Alaska~ We are pt'·epared to absorb over1 oad testing requirements during peak periods through t'ound-the- clock operation of these facilities if necessary, At the same time, environmental samples will normally be analyzed in the R&M labora- torieso will provide stream gauging equipment in support of ogic investigations~ In addition~ we are prepared to nstall remote sensing devices and long-term recordi our extensive experience in arctic and subarctic env ronments own vement in giant projects has cortvinced us that the lection te-specific data during all parts of the year is an imperative. ear example the importance this point can found in of Engineers« experiences on the Snettisham transm·ission line of Juneauo The erroneous assumption that nd conditions along a mountain dge just outside of town would replicate se in ed to 1 apse. of a portion of the 1 i ne and tlfm years~ iable power to marketplace~ Anemometers after initial diaster showed that actual wind y exceeded design speeds by more than 100 percent" had extensive experience in hydr·au1 ic modelling., Not currently operate the Chesapeake Bay hydraulic model for of Engineers;. but we also own a well-equipped laboratory in Falls where we have modelled a variety 'Jif hydraulic struc- ttnreso Our modelling experience has included extensive ice studies for extending navigation seasons on the Great lakes as well., We will Acres facilities and technical expertise for mode11 in~ certain ic structures .. In addition)) we have verified that the use of government 1 aboratory ilities for private investigation is possible provided costs are 1y reimbursed and capacity is available~ We would expect to engage the services of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover~ New Hamps.hi re, when necessary.. The newly dedicated Ice Engineering Laboratory affords excellent facilities for analysis of the effects of certain conditions (e.g .. frazzile ice) which must be dealt with.. While the bulk of such detailed study is more likely to occur during the final design stage, certain preliminary investigation 11 be appropriate during the feasibility study .. ii)Seismic Investigations One of the particularly crucial problems to be resolved for the Susitna project involves the proximity to known faults. Seismic inves- tigations and subsequent detailed analysis demand the availability of modern computer facilitieso Because of the crucial nature of this work, R&M will use its own computer facilities in the investigation~ The Acres Geotechnical Department will independently verify the results us·ing computer systems available to us and tapping the exper- tise of senior ·in-house Acres Consultants ~mo faced and solved seis- micity problems on the Churchill Falls projects (i it ion to the ownership of or access to pment ~ we are eased to note that 1 team offer and efficient 1n1 ve , gned to minimize client costs and improve vities" Thus, for example~ we make equipment, tele~~ tie-lines~ company ibrary support, and the likee Further details regarding technical and administrative support p- ment may be found in Appendices Bl through B3" c ects in proposal therefore addresses continent rather than ...................... " Acres has partfcipated the ng construction of numerous, smaller projects c generating stations9 pumped storage devel s other major underground excavationso il ed surnmari es of some of these projects are and summarized in the following tablesG in ix liSTING ACRES ECTS NORTH INSTALLED R.li'-.TIED DEVELOPMENT CUENT CAPACrfY Churchill Fails 11 units 5,225 Mw m(1 Churchill Labrador, Underground Newfoundland p.:~werhou!!.e Churchill Fails (Labrador) Limited Bersimi; No. 1 8 units 900 Mw 239m Bersimis River, Quebec Underground Hydro·Eiectric powerho!Jse Commi!ision Chute·des-Passes 5 units 750Mw 160 m Peribonka River, Quebec Underground Aluminum Company of powerhouse Canada Limited john Hart 6 units 125Mw 119m (390 Campbell River, British Columbia British Columbia Power Commission Bersimis No. 2 5 units Bersimis River, Que.bec 640Mw H2m(367 Hydro~E iectric Commission Lower Notch 2 units 250Mw 70 m (230ft) Montreal River, Ontario The Hydro·Eiectric Power Commission of Ontario Manicouagan 2 8 units 1,000 Mw 70 m (230ft) Manicouagan River, Quebec Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission Shipshaw 12 units 900 Mw 63.5 m (208 ft) Saguenay River, Quebec Aluminum Company of Canada Limited Outardes 2 units 52Mw 63.5 m (208 ft) Outardes River, Quebec The Ontario Paper Company Limited Arnprior 2 units 78 Mw 21 m (68ft) Madawaska River, Ontario The Hydro-E lectrk Power Commission of Ontario gNSTAlLED RATED DEVElOPMENT ClUENT CAPACITY tJEAD Chute,2l-Caron Extension 2 u>1its 100 Mw 50 m Aluminum Company of Can.:3da Limited Strathcona 1 unit 31 Mw 42.5 m (140 British Columbia British Columbia Power Commission Biack River Extensions 3 units 6 Mw 38m (125ft) Black The Pembroke Electric limited Gr~.nd Falls 4 units 60 Mw 38m {125ft) Saint john New Brunswick The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission eta! f!:<kCormick No. 1 2 units 85 Mw 37.5 m (124 ft) Manicouagan Power Company McCormick No. 2 3 units 134Mw 37.5 m {124 ft) River, Quebec Manicouagan Power Company McCormick No. 3 2 units 120 Mw 37.5 m (124ft) Manicouagan River, Quebec Manicouagan Power Company Manicouagan 1 3 units 180 Mw 37.5 m (124 ft) Manucouagan River, Quebec Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission ladore Falls 2 units 52 Mw 37m (122ft) Campbell River, British Columbia Brttish Columbia Power Commission Grand Rapids 4 units 450 Mw 36.5 m (120ft) Saskatchewan River, Manitoba Manitoba Hydro Mactaquac 6 units 625 Mw 33.5 m {110ft) Saint john River, New Brun~wtck The New Brunswick Electric Power Commiss.ion and accomplishments in a rcumstance·'i overseas are consi derab 1 e.. A summary is presented in the attached tables~ are in Appendix C2o l~ST~NG OF r"l> ..... ~,.._ .... DEVELOPMENT AND CUENT Alto Anchicaya Anchicaya River, Colombia ;onpor-acion Autonoma Regional del Cauca Aslantas Ceyhan River. Turkey Government of Turkey State Hydraulic Works Mavu;ra~>::o;;tll Reservoir Mayurakshi River, fndia Government of Canada Colombo Plan Adminislration Kpong Rio Volta, Ghana Volta River Authority Los Esclavos los Esclavos River, Guatemala Institute Nacional de E!ectrificacion Nam Ngum Nam Ngum River The Laotian National Mekong Committee Saito Grande POWER Uruguay River, Argentina-Uruguay Comisicn Tecnica Mixta de Saito Grande Shadiwl'l Upper }hdum Canal, Pakistan Government of Canada Colombo Plan Administration Sirikit Nan River Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Tarbela Rio Indo, Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority Warsak Kabul River, Pakistan Government of Canada Colombo Plan Administration ECTS units-340 Mw Underground powerhouse 3 units 125 Mw 2 units-4 Mw 4 units 160 ~..-1w 2 units-13 Mw 2 units-30 Mw 12 units -1 .620 Mw 2 units 12 Mw 4 units -500 Mw 2 units-350 Mw 4 units-160 Mw iOO 30m H.8m 107m 35m 25m 1m 76m 91.4m 44m ( i St Acres completed in 1977 the Power for the MW Dickey-lincoln School ne for the Engl vision:~~ Corps amounting to a total of more $120 asessment of load growth in opment and economic assessmt=nt expansion scenarios to meet future 2000~ ronmental assessments undertaken., This study also invo1 hearings, and is currently still in progress various state conservation policy docttments comments on the draft EIS., In the recent past~ Acres American Inc@ has also erous feasibility studies for hydroelectric pr'ojects of all si.zes.. In 1978-79 the company feasibility studies for ten small hydro projects totalling 60 MW in capacity., These studies invol designs, evaluation of alternttives, economic assessments consideration of licensing requirements including the env mental and safety aspects~ At the other end of the scale, is also currently undertaking a comprehensive study of hydro pumped storage development alternatives at Tygart lake in lrlest Virginia for the Pittsburgh District, Corps of Engineers a $3.,6 mill ion study of 1000 MW underground pumped hydro and com- pressed air energy storage developments for Potomac Electric Power Companye This study, which is being funded jointly by Department of Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute, required submission to DOE and EPRI of a comprehensive proposal detailing the plan of studye A segment of the detailed logic diagram for this study is attached., This 1 og ic diagram is but part of a comprehensive schedule which is updated on a basis using a computer·ized scheduling system,. Use of similar scheduling techniques would be particularly well suited to the proposed Susitna plan of study and would read'ily be ext"\~t""'tl't'll during later stages of the project to include the design construction phases. or ectric Project on& Corps of Engineers Pumped Hydro bi 1 Company l> ~ EPRI Feasibil Study~ Northeast ectric Power Generation Study~ cipal Wholesale Electric Company; -Oswego River Hydro Development Study9 Niagara Mohawk Corporation 2e Power and System Studies -Dickey-lincoln School Lakes Project Power ves Study, New England Division~ Corps of Engineers ~ Vermont Power Study, Vermont Electric Cooperative -Generation Expansion StudyJN Kpong Hydroelectric ect -System Studies, Thailand 3.. Pumped Storage Develoement Stuqies -Appraisal of Sites for UPH and CAES Facil ities 11 Edison Company -Research Priorities Study for Underground PUmed Storage ll Electric Power Pesearch Institute -Und,erground Pumped Storage Study, American Electric Power Corporation R&M Consultants are also skilled in undertaking conceptual design and other studies related to developments in the Alaskan environment"' Acres and R&M have worked together on assignments in northern regions involving hydrologic and technical field work.. The skills of each organization proved to be extremely compatible and complementary in such undertakings., (ii) ng process for a major maze whose various barriers can me-to-time by 1 variety of as well as by 11 interested parties 11 .. There is way guarantee in advance that an application 11 lead to a licensea A guarantee of sur.cess may be impossible, but failure is assured~ A license application must pass a number of tests& fail any one would be to fail complet~ly for there is si trade--off provision in the licensing process for environmental shortcomings with economic strength or dam uncertainty with assured marketabil or any number of \'lfith others .. The initial preparation of the 1 icense by personnel, expert both hydroelectric project detail ancl the licensing process can save costly time in avoiding application deficiency and pat i ng addressing agency comment.. Just as important are follow-up services to keep the licensing consideration through the network of Commission staff and Commission After submittal of the application, the experienced eng would continue to provide services in the following areas 9 as needed: (1) to on ff stions on ication document; ( ) to unanticipated Comm ssion letters icating ciencies in the application; (3) EIS support -intermittent se to que ions or environmental -response to intervention petitions comments -expert testimony if hearing on occur in obtaining water fication; in responding to agency s; of responses to staff revi on adequacy and juri ( in the event hearing or Sl (8) ist;1nce as required in securing separate permits and approvals as from: State Agencies Engineers -f.nv ronmental Protection Agency -Department of Labor (OSHA) -Department of Agriculture (SCS) -Coast Guard ~ Others attached line diagrams show the general process of the prep- aration the application document and the summary FERC licens- ing process with the potential inputs of engineering consultant services that Acres is well qualified to provide~ Seeking to respond and lend encouragement to the recent height- ened interest in hydroelectric generation and to act more promptly on all license applications~ the Commission is current- ly carrying out a program to reform its requirements and proce- dures for licensing app1 ications.. The final phase of the pro- gram will deal with major unconstructed projects, such as those in the Upper Susitnao Thus, it will be important for the appli- cant to keep abreast of any rule changes)) to take advantage of any time savings affor·ded by the new rules and to avoid delays caused by submittal of an application not in compliance with current rules and regulationso ? '""''""""""·""1 'Of Acres current projects within the United States ude preparation of FERC license and preliminary permit applications., Acres staff inclt·1e several who have direct experience in current FERC regulations and the application requirements, in dealing with Commission staff and in the necessary follow-up to license application, Acres· offices in Columbia~ Maryland and Washington~ DoC& provide convenient access to Comn iss ion offices for quick response coord i nat i th the Commission staff. "ly:. res Engineers)) ng execut on ect studies to NOTICE TO PROCEED COMPILE EXHIBITS COMPLETE WITH AVAiLABLE DATA EXHIBITS COMPILE EXISTING DATA . REVIEW DATA CUE tH REViEW DENTIFY DEFICIENCIES RESPONSE TO INTERMITTANT COMMISS!OII! STAFF QUES.'TIONS RESPONSE TO DEFICIENCY LETTER ACQUIRE DEFICIENT DATA STAFF ANALYSIS EIS DETEMINATION 8 PROCESS AGENCY a PUBLIC COMMENT COMPLETED EIS SUPPORT WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION RESPONSE TO PUBLIC AND AGENCY COMMENTS COMPLETE DRAFT APPLICATION POWER MEMORANDUM ISSUED RESPONSE TO STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS EX PERT TESTIMONY FOR LICENSING CONFERENCES AND HEARINGS THROUGHOUT LICENSING PROCESS ASSISTANCE AS REQUIRED IN SECURING SEPARATE PERMITS AND APPROVALS AS NEEDED FROM ALASKA STATE AGENCIES, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FISI-: AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, COASTGUARD, OTHERS __j J COMMISSION POTENTIAL SERVICES SUPPLIED BY ACRES AS NEEDED. COMMISS!Oi\l os~~EE~ (\ ·~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSfTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ2CT SERVICES DURING UCENSING PROCESS is ect management ~~~~i:!Ptl ng pl expanding d and project successful a\vard project team organi as in phases of the project team ve through periodic me1tarrtor'iDt'lf)S construction activities come into the Chur·ch'il 1 1 s and ...,_ and others knowledgeable giant pr·oj ects rm s not enough to simply extrapol organizational structures ects to giant. The subject is discussed in some il organizations are shown ·in the enclosed arti e by Vice President and Manager of PO\'Jer and Heavy Civil can Incorporated (see Appendix D, extracted from sciplined Study of Problems and Solutions of ly ishing Giant Projects".. Two copies of this entire text are th the set of five proposals furnished to aska ty), Nor is it appropriate to defer input from construe- on management expert until bids are let, Indeed, the construction manager can offer much even in the concept stage-Thus do we propose to inc 1 ude the firm of Frank Hoo lin & Associates Inc., as fourth member of the ARMT team. i \ um vi t a e are inc 1 ect team, workload n in divided es of an ignated current1 in Acres experience spans construction E ly Mro J~ Ga Warnock 11 be responsible necessary plans and comprehensive documentation of the Susitna Projecto No stranger to such e for the Churchill Falls pm1er development involved as well in the Bay of fundy Tidal ant project still in planning .. An impart i a 1 board purpose of providing obj ve profess i This group, to be nominated by Acres by Alaska Power Authority, will be afforded broad "I ati de 1 i berat ions.. At the same time, we regard as a necessary element in efforts to insure investor confidence environmental concern • .. h.,~study Director: Col. (Ret.) C .. A. Debelius will be responsible to · the Project r~anager for the preparation of the Plan of Study and for conduct of the study itself.. Col. Debelius was the Alaska District Engineer from 1973 until 1976 when his organization prepared initial Corps of Engineers studies of the Susitna project. He person- ally conducted all public meetings on the subject during his tour of duty in Alaska and presented the findings and recommendations of the initial studies to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. In-House Review Panel: An in-house panel of experts 11 be formed from senior member~ of the Acres organization, each of whom is regarded internationally as an expert in his particular area of expertise. This team will be an in-house counterpart to the expert engineering board previously describedo This gr~oup has had extensive collective experience in hydroelectric work in subarctic cl irnates and in seismically active areas. Their involvement in the Churchill Falls Project is recounted in curriculum vitae in Appendix Hembers include Messrs .. tl.. G .. Thompson, DD Co ~~il1ett:o J .. G .. MacDonald (Ph.Do) and D. Eo Hepburno J 0 11 engineering~ J~ w,. Hayden Terrest ri i ronmenta 1 ble for 1 environmental st exhibits in the FERC license matters.. The environmental organi h( v) ow., (i conducted ly tants Inc.,, partici assistance in planning Duties and principal Moolin will be i and coord ion of a must be conducted concurrent 1 y to maxi ze e during the short season favorable to certain inves- 11 provide interface as well for el ronmental team, which will also oper·ate in as the d teams.. Mr .. Mool·in intimatel anni management of giant projects and his as senior project manager on the pipeline as Is 11 Constructi on Man of the Year'1 sted by Mr .. J, Minstre11 of Acres American ur-., ...... .,., .. of Consultants Inc .. M~ Aa Menzies of R&M.. The effort work wii 1 be provided from resources of R8tt4.. Mr .. Menzies has been registered as a Professi Surveyor in aska s·~nce 1965 and as a Professional Civf! neer since 1969 .. He has had extensive experience in his fiel the que conditions found in Alaska and is familiar with ications of giant project p1 anning through his own ·in surveying mapping in support of the pipelineo HJ!drologx_: J .. E .. Swanson of R&M will direct hydrological investiga- tions .. He \<Jill be assisted by K. F .. Litfin of Acres .. Mr .. Litfin v1ill provide the necessary interface between the information needs vf project engineering team and the data collection efforts of the field team.. Mr~ S~t1anson is currently the Head of the Engineering Studies Department in R&M' s Anchorage office. His own experience in hydro- logic field work spans a decade in Alaska and extends geographically from Prudhoe Bay to Ketchikan. Geology/Seismicity: Dr. J .. M .. Brown of R&M will direct geological investigations and seismic studies.. He will be assisted by Mr .. S .. N .. Thompson of Acres~ who will provide the necessary interface with the project engineering team for data collection needs.. Field work will be carried out in this discipline by R&M teams.. Dro Brown has exten- sive experience in the direction of geological studies in Alaska, many of which were conducted in the Southcentral Railbelt area. Thus, his direct fa mil i ari ty with the proposed project site and a 1 ternat i ve transmission corridors rli 11 be important factors in minimizing risks as the project is planned. as a Di permitted him to ons prevalent n Henschel Acres .. D., Notti the firms on the project team ng effort~ the primary e ve hydroel c experience the and the Group (incl 11 time-to-time accomplishment of st is considered construction members of the team m ... e J" D., Gi 11 11 \Iii 11 rec t the number of eld work being carr·ied aegis of TES will be requisite FERC license., F .. Moolin & Associates schedu1 es tan ored to the A1 the Civil/Geotechnical Department Inc" and he offers a strong in of engineering activities for ectric M. R .. Vanderburgh plays a vital r·ole in rection of the initial efforts in plafi a Project Manager in Acres' Hydroelectric Division, extensive experience in this unique art.. He is curr·t:ntly invol the project management of the Tygart Lake Hydroelectric Feasib'il i Study nm<~ underway for the Pittsburgh District, Corps of Engineers .. Power Studies: J .. K .. Landman will develop power studies including market ~ssessment and investigation of alternatives. He has had prior experience with the Bureau of Reclamation, has been trained in the General Electric Generation Evaluation Program, and is currently involved in the Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Alternative Study being undertaken by Acres for the New England Division, Corps of Engineers, as \~ell as a power study for a large Cooperative in South Caro11na .. Htdrology/Hydraulics: R .. E~ Mayer will direct hydrologic analysis and will become involved as well in the selection and design of various hydraulic features .. In this latter role, he will coordinate directly with Mr .. R" Shields who will be responsible for hydraulic structures as a member of the feasibility studies and design teamc Mro Mayer is experienced in hydrologic analysis and hydraulics.. It is under h·is direction that a number of Hydro 1 ogic Engineering Center computer pro- grams are used in project work. ~ .,. · J .. T" Minst ~~~.~~.~~_;;;,.;.~.;;;;_~.;.,;;;,..;;;...;;;;_;,...;~ schedules for mation of time costs for construction of the stance , \>Jhere up ... to-date ""'"" .... ,. .... ,.,capabilities is available., Oro To Eo Neff will of eld investi 11 coordinate directly h investi in his endeavors by R&M foundations 's background in s type of qualifies tion on the team~ P.. Si nc 1 a i r will 1 ng technical and bil ity assessments.. orchestrati concur·rent efforts of small teams general down by di 11 ensure frequent coordination of diverse acti will identify data gaps to be filled through coordination and environmental groups. In this latter regard, his responsi extend as well into the acquisition of special skills on which r--equirements ~'/ere not foreseen initially.. It is 1 i will call upon authorities in other project organizations Milo Bell, with the environmental team, is \'/ell-known for s abil to design effective fish passages) whenever deve 1 oping study indicate a need exists. Mr .. Sinclair is a Project Manager in Hydroelectric Division of Acres American Inc .. , with extensive experience in feasibility assessments, and is a recognized authori on hydroelectric machinery.. His subordinate teams \t~i 11 each be ••~au~u up by an engineer thoroughly experienced in hydroelectric work~ These include: -Civil/Structural: Mro P., Pal -Ice Engineering: Mr .. R .. w .. Carson -Economic Analysis: ~1r .. P .. H. Tucker -Geotechnical: Oro s .. Bahadur -Mechanical; Mr .. P .. R .. Rodrigue -Electrical : Mr., L N" Shadeed -Hydraulic Structures: r1r, R .. Shields -Transmission: Mr .. p., G., Phi 11 ips -Access Roads and Camps: Mr .. T. w .. Gwozdek Re orts and Analysis: Dr .. v .. ~J. Lucid (TES) will provi day d i r·ect ·ion of the env i ronmen ta 1 work, both during and subsequent interpretation. He will be responsible for of the final environmental reports-He is currently the rector Environmental Studies at TES, and he has had extensive experience support of powerhouse siting and operation. Water Qua 1 i t,x: T.. L.. Smith (R&M) will provide the R&M contact on environmental team. In addition to furnishing his m·m expertise evaluation and enhancement of water quality, he \'till coordinate the use of R&M facilities, laboratories, and environmental staff members as required to support the effort. He holds twin masters degrees in Sanitary Engineering and Geology-Mineralogy and has conducted numerous water supply, erosion control and enviro~ental impact studies in Alaska. Socio-Economic Resources: Dr. Ro Gerard (TES) will coordinate socio- economic resource studies.. The pri nc i pa 1 investigator for s portion of the work wi 1l be Dr.. F.. L.. Orth whose work on economic impact and financial feasibility studies in Alaska has been extensiveo He has had particular experience in developing and implementing metho- dologies for studies in support of the Alaskan fishery industry.. s memberships have included the Alaska Fishrries Council {1977-78), Steering Comrnittee for Bearing Sea Clam Oev~·i ~,ent (1977), Executive Advisory Committee for Alaska Power Survey lL .... ) and Faculty Fellow RoW~ Williams (TES) will coordinate these st es. nson \RJill be the principal investigator· anadrornous es .. His extensive wor·k in government, industry and acadame in of Pacific Salmon is well known .. He was invol in earl tna ver studies in the mid-1950's when, as a Director of Bi Research wi the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, he did research on salmon fisheries in Cook Inlet.. He has been fisheries advisor to President of the University of Alaska, has chaired the Alaska Interagency Fisheries Committee, and has been a member of the Board-of Directors, Whitney-Fidalgo Seafoods, Inc. Milo c .. Bell will be the principal investigator for resident fisheries .. He is internationally known for his investigations of fish facilities at hydroelectric power sites and he is perhaps the foremost authority on effective design of sh passage facilities. Wildlife Ecolo..9_l: E .. T .. Reed (TES) wi'11 coordinate wildlife ecology studies.. Dr.. B.. Kessel \<Jill be principal investigator for Avian Ecology" With long experience and in-depth knowledge of Alaskan ornithology~ Dr. Kessel served as Head of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alaska from 1957-1966 and is currently Curator of Terrestrial Vertebrate Collections at the University Museum.. s .. Q., t1acDonald Hill be principal investigator for small marrmal ecology.. A University of Alaska graduate, he has had twenty- four years of experience in furbearing animal trapping in Minnesota L 1 and A 1 ask a~ He current 1 y serves as a pri nc i pa 1 investigator for sma 11 mammal and bird population as a museum technician at the University of Alaska Museum .. I~ ·--~-------' {vi) s, manpower to 1 arge lations .. 9 rs 5 years , coordinat:1n and stationso ing Ernest J .. Durocher -Senior· Buyer: 12 years exper·ience in ure- ment, expediting and scheduling related to power generating stations and heavy industrial installations. W.. A.. S 1 ate her -Procurement Coordinator: procurement and expediting. 5 years experience in Kenneth J.. Ot'/en -Engineering Coordinator: 32 years experience in project management and engineering re·lated to large power generating stations and heavy industrial projects. A .. E .. Williams -Senior Cost Engineer: 33 years experience in cost engineering, estimating, financial forecasts and analysis of generating stations and heavy industrial insta11ationso John H .. Saldat -Project f1anager: 32 years experience in management and engineering related to large power development .. Terry W .. ~Jaters -Manager, Project Planning & Services: experience in engineering, contracts administration, coordinati planning and scheduling, cost control and procurement. ' generating heavy 11 years experience in ing and procurement" 32 years experience in engineering, and contract stations and heavy i 28 years experience in eng neering related to large power .. installationso 28 years experience in engineer- a l s management, and procurement stations" Albert J .. Haverty -Construction Manager: 24 years experience in project management~ construction management, contracts adminstrat ion and neering related to large power generating stations .. Howard R .. Simon -Electrical Constructio~ Supervisor: 32 years experience in electrical engineering and construction supervison of power stations and heavy industrial projectsu William N, Verlaan-Construction Cost Engineer: 21 year~ experience in engineering, scheduling, cost engineering, estimating and project management related to power generating stations and heavy industrial installations. Robert H. Morris -Field Design Sueervisor: 36 years experience in design engineering related to large power developments and heavy industrial installationso Phi 1 i p L ~ Luby -Manager !J r1ateri a l s Handling: project management and engineering related stations and heavy industrial installations. 38 years experience in to power generating J.G. THOMPSON D. C. WILLETT J.G.WARNOCK D. H. M~DONALD D. E. HEPBURN FIELD WORK SURVEY HYDROLOGY ill Jl~k't:. 'ThORITY EXTERNAL ENGINEERING BOARD ~ (TO BE AGREED WITH APA l I I MANAGER ACRES: J.T MII\!STRELL FOUNDATIONS AND RSM MATERIALS J.W. ROONEY REAL ESTATE CAMPS PROJECT •• '"" 1\t::c:'D J.D. ( FUTURE} F' '" ,,... A PI 8NM!NC: W.IH1NQCI< STUDY DIRECTOR C.A.OEBEUUS PROJECT ENGINEERI~t MANAGER ENVIRONM!::NTAL STUDIES MANAGER HYDROLOGIC STUDIES ACRES. WATER QUALITY ACRES: J.D GILL DR. J.W. HAYDEN PLAN FORMULATION SOCIO-ECONOMiCS POWER STUDIES RECREATION TES I J.O. BARNES FOUNDATIONS AND l CULTURAL RESOURCES MATERIALS I I BIOLOGICAL .5TUDIES DESIGN ~PORTS, ETC. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSiTNA HVDROELECTRI PROJECT PROJECT MANAGEMENT ORG/J,NIZAT!Ol\1 PLATE I ~EYS /MAPPING a REAL ESTATE HYDROLOGY ~ fVI. A. MENZIES (RaM) J.E. SWANSON (RBM) K_F_ LITFIN (ACRES} ~ r-------------------~--------------- FIELD WORK PROJECT MANAGER: F. MOOUN ACRES MANAGER: J.'i. MINSTRELL R 8 M MANAGER: J. W. ROONEY I GEOLOGY /SEISMICITY DR. J.M. BROWN (RaM} . S.N. THOMPSON {ACRE~~ SIT E EXPLORATION TESTING 8 R.L. R. H SCHRAEDER (R S.M) ENSCHEL (ACRES} CAMPS, AIRSTRIP a ACCESS ROADS D. NOTTINGHAM (R 8 M) D. W. LAMB (ACRES) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSiTNA HYDROELECTRIC FIELD WORK ORGANIZATION PLATE 2 I ,~ CIVIL/ STRUCTURAL l P PAL PROJECT ENGINEERING ACRES MANAGER ' J.D. Gill R& M I --------. --------F.MOOLIN ASSOCIATES TES [O_L_O_G_Y'!_H_Y_D_R_A_U_LI __ C_S _____ ,.. ___ +---------,_-~-~-~~-~-T-~-A~..-~-Yc-1 ~-:.~o~ COST ESTIMATES B SCHEDULES ~--------------4 R.E. MAYER I POWER STUDIEs I I J. LANDMAN I ICE ENGINEERING RW. CARSON ECONOMiC ANALYSIS P. H. TUCKER T GEOTECHNICAL DR.SBAHAOUR FEASIBILITY STUDIES a DESIGN J.P. SINCLAIR MECHANICAL -- P. R. RODRIGUE ---------- P. HOOVER J.T. MINSTRELL I FOUNDATIONS /MATER~~ I DR. T. E. NEFF I I ELECTRICAL E. N. SHADEED - HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES R. SHIELDS I TRANS MISSION ~crJROAOS I 8 CAMPS PG PHIL UPS TW GWOZDEK ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDRvELECTR!C PROJECT PROJECT ENGiNEERING ORGANIZJHION PLATE 3 RE:IMORTS 8t ANALYSIS WATER QUALITY DfVVI, J. LUCID ( TES) T.LSMITH (RSM) ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ACRES MANAGER: DR. J. W. HAYDEN TES MANAGER: J. 0. BARNES I SOCIO-ECONOMIC DR. R. GERARD ( TES) RECREATION M.P. KILLEEN (TES) DR. A. JUBE:-JVILLE FISHERIES ECOLOGY R.W. WILLIAMS (TES) ANADROMOUS FISHERIES - C.E ATKINSON RESIDENT FISHERIES- MILO BELL CULTURAL RESOURCES M.P. KILLEEN (TES) DR. E.J. DIXON Wll.CUFE ECOLOGY i--- E.T. REED ( TES) AVIAN-DR. B. KESSEL PREDATOR-DR. PS. GIBSON BIG GAME-DR. S. HARBO SMALL MAMMAL- S 0. MACDONALD -- ECOLOGICAL -- C. A. BAUMGARTNER (TES) __j PLANT ECOLOGY -- J M. MCMULLEN UR. P.J. WEBER .. I AL~SKA POWER AUTHOR SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 4 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DECIDING vJHETHER THE STATE SHOULD TAKE OVER THE SUSITNA PROJEC~ Given increasing international pressures on the costs and availabili fossil fue 1 s, there can be l itt 1 e doubt that a 1 ternat i ve means of production involving the use of renewab 1 e resources should be vi soughto It follows that the national interest will be well served feasibility is shown and the Susitna Hydroelectric Project is ultimatel constructed.. In addition to the conservation of fossil fuels~ howevers the important 'f~ct that the Alaskan employment picture d be improved by the construction of a major project and the long-term ,..,., ... ,..,.,,"' outlook would be enhanced by the availability of large blocks of power at a reasonably stable price.. Regard1 ess of which route the State of Alaska cho0ses to follow, the proposed project should not be allowed to sink into bureaucratic oblivion.. The questions of economic viability, environmental acceptability, and technical feasibility should be reso1vJ:d and a decision regarding the future of the project should then be made.. Factors \i/Orthy of consideration in deciding whether the State should take over the Susitna Project include: · (a) Historical experience on major water resources projects undertaken the Corps of Engineers demonstrates that intermittent funding, frequent imposition of manpower ceilings, and other constraints imposed by the executive or legislative branches of the Federal Government tend to be extremely time consuming. Indeed, Senator Gravel (Dem~, Alaska) noted in a speech just prior to his introduction of Public law 94-578, that the average time the Corps of Engineers takes from authcri zat ion of a project to receipt of first construction funds is 18 years,. This extreme length of time is not necessarily indicative of deficiencies on the part of the COE, but rather indicates that the combination of events wh·ich must take place sequentially in the bureaucratic process can lead to significant delays~ (b) Federal management will necessarily create a situation \llherei n nation a 1 interests are always given precedence over the interests of the State of Alaska .. (c) The Corps has a solid reputation for quality engineering and construc- tion management. A Corps-designed dam has never failed. (d) The Corps tends to be overly conservative on large engineering pro- jects.. In this regard, for example, it is extremely unlikely that the Corps will allow the concept of a thin-arch dam to survive during the Phase I design studies~ ( e} The Corps has never bui 1 t a ·1 arge hydroe 1 ectri c dam in a subarctic environment with the attendant dangers of substantial ice buildup. (f) On a nominal $2 billion project, a one-year delay is equivalent to $200 million when the interest rate is 10 percent. {g) The national perception of Alaska may create difficult barriers to the passage of necessary authorizing ·legislation to provide monies for tbe revo1ving funda In this regard, for example} Alaska is seen in the LovJei· 48 as a wealthy oil state whose needs for further Federal assis- tance are far 1 ess than those areas wherein heavy concentrations of high unemployment or low income are concentrated. In addition!> the lower 48 generally views Alaska as the last virgin land" which the remainder of the nation should put in trust to protect the ~nvironment for future generationso The recent House vat€ on the Alaska Lands 11 is indicative of this latter attitude. As a result~ it may be diff.:i- cul t to get sustained Federal support for a Fed era 1 project \'!hi ch removes some pristine land from the domain of the untouched. (h) Federal spending per capita. in Alaska typically amounts to twice per capita income of Alaskans .. This statistic may well be cited as a defense against authorizing 1 arge sums for a revo 1 v ing fund ltJhi ch will be tapped primarily by the State of Alaska; even though repayment would ultimately be made, the probability that large sums ~'fill be placed annually in the revolving fund is not very highe (i) The cost of advanced ergineering and development for this project will probably run about $15 mill ion per year for a period of 4 yearsQ This amount is more than 50 percent of the money requestc:!d for advanced engineering and design for all projects in the 1977 Federal budget~ It may be difficult to sustain, in periods of tight money, such a level of funding~ even if it is to be later repaido (j_ The project will be regarded as benefiting ~/10 of l percent of the total population in the u.s& On the other hand, it can be argued that the nation would receive the benef·it of nonrenewable resources con- served for other purposes. (k) The State can follow a low risk path on the Phase I work if the Federal Government provides the necessary concept of re1 ieving the State of liability for the monies expended in the event that feasibility is not shown. Accepting this low risk, nonetheless, has to be balanced against the possibility that bureaucratic delays could cost much more than the $25 million or so involved~ (1) In the event that the Federal Government does provide sufficient money to maintain the revolving fund at the required level, the State could defer a decision to proceed on its own until that point at which Federal monies dry upo (m) The Federa~ hydroelectric development process is extremely cumbersome~ It is time consuming, sometimes confusing, and often laced with con- flicting regulatory requirements e On the other hand, it has been effective in ensuring that there is ample opportunity for consideration of an issues and for hearing the voice and arguments of the opposi- tion .. r------------------------·-------------·-------- ( n) ( o) { p) ( q) ( r) If the Corps is in fact responsible for the design of this project~ the d1.:mces are great that most of the design will be done outside the State of Al as~<a~ The Corps has a hydroelectric branch currently in Portland., Oregon; and, in addition, the work load is relatively slack at the Walla ~~alla District officell wh·ich has been ·involved over the years in a number of 1 arge hydroelectric p;~ojects o The use of a private consultant would anow the State to set specific minimum per- centages of work which would have to be performed in-staten As a Feder a 1 project progresses, need for a si gn·i fi cant change to the originally authorized purpose can result in extended delays \'lhile changes are sought to the authorization.. It is rea so nab 1 e to asst:me that the State could streamline this process if it were footing the entire bi 11 o There is an element of State pride to be associated with undertaking. this important giant project without having to rely upon the Feder~al I government for subsidies and support.. In that regard, the State of Alaska could be viewed as taking a leadership role~ providing an incentive and an examp1 e for other states who may wish to have a greater hand in their own destinieso One danger associ a ted with Feder a 1 development is that there may be strong Federal influence as customer priority preferences are set. In 1 ight of recent accelerated increases in the costs of fossil fuels, the chances that the project will be shown feasible are currently reasonably good. It follows that Alaska's expectation of having to reimburse the revolving fund for the cost of the Corps \\fOrk must be correspondingly high.. There is at least the chance that a private consult·ing team, unconstrained by certain bureaucratic lay~ring and able to avoid the inefficiencies associated with year-to-year fund~ing variatio~: and uncerta·inties, can deliver a feasibility study and all the necessary exhibits required for FERC licensing at a markedly lower price than the $25 million (in 1977 dollars) proposed by the CorpsG (a) The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project is extraordinary for a number of important reasons.. It is 2 first of all~ a giant project and only a relatively small number of organizations can claim experience on giant projects .. Fewer still can demo,strate successfu1 accomplishmenL Secondly, the Susitna River Basin lies in an area whose extreme clima- tic cund it ions must be understood and accommodated by thP designer" is climate the only unique factor to be reckoned with.. Seismic activity in the Southcentral Railbelt is clearly present~ important anadromous fisheries depend on the 1 ower Sus itna as a spawning ground, and the project itseif remains yet an embryo whose fur·ther development could fo 11 ow the unusual twist \'!hereby the State of Alaska takes over from the Federal Government. It follows, then, that the selection of a consultant to the State may be a difficult processQ For the consulting firm which competes for such awesome responsibility, it is imperative that the capability must be available to carry the work not only from plan of study through FERC lirense award, but also to final design and construction management. Acres American Inc .. , together with other firms and consu 1 tants who have agreed to join its team!> is prepared to provide proven capability to carry the project to successful comp1e·- tion .. A senior member of Acres American participated in an international conference 1 ast year in London a Giant projects were disc us sed and a set of six common threads we~~"e identif·ied. Succeeding paragraphs in this section address the qualifications of the Acres team in light of each such point .. (b) Multi-disciplined Teams The very complexity of the project demands a \'!ide range of skills .. The Acres team encompasses a far wider range of disciplines than would normally be assembled for smaller projects or for less extreme environ~ ments. More important than the presence of all necessary d·i sci pl i nes ~ though:. is the fact that the team is thoroughly knowledgeable of th~ arctic and subarctic in genPral, and of Alaska in particular. (c) Top M~nagement Group The top teams must be sMalle Their members should be capJble of under- standing and managing a ~!ide variety of disciplines and functions and thfly must be able to compromise.. The top managers proposed by Acres for this effort inc1 ude in particular ~1r .. J. D. Lawrence, whose world- t'lide experience in managing all aspects of hydroelectric projects will permit him to face inevitable problems and conflicts with confidence; Mr .. J. G. Warnock, whose success in securing the placement of $550 mill ion in bonds for the Churchill Falls project ensures strong capability to guide the financial planning effort; and Col~ (Ret.) C.A. Debe 1 ius~ \'Jhose thorough know1 edge of the pr·oj ect was gained f"i rst-hand when the Corps of Engineers preauthorization studies ~~Jere conducted under h'l s auspices. Each of these top managers can ca 11 upon a we a 1 th of support from the broad-based experienced personnel available in the Acres organization. Very large hydroelectric projects~ extreme arctic and subarctic conditinns, remote site logistics, and a host of other capabilities are available in-house for tappingo (d) Preplanning The amount and range of preplanning for giant projects have typically been underestimated in the past. Every major expert1se must be involved from the start$ Thus do we propose to include the noted construction management firm of Frank Mool in & Associates even as the plan of study is hashed outo Thus too, do we stress early attenti0n to planning for financing, as well as establishment of an external engineering board as soon as the study itself shall commenceo (e) Successful Organization We regard the organization for accomplishment of the work as a critical item which impacts on both cost and quality of the ultimate product a It is imperative, in our view, that a strong local presence and ade- quate local facilities be included in the team~ R&M provides experi- ence in Alaska and an impressive distribution of laboratories, offices, and equipment which are immediately available for the work~ Should the efforts of the Acres team in preparation of a Plan of Study be suf- ficient to lead to our selection, as the State's consultant, Acres American plans to establish an office in Alaska so that the bulk of the project work t1i1l be performed there and an immediate presence will be available to Alaska Power Authority for coordination~ (f) Financial Requirements There is 1 itt 1 e doubt that if the State elects to pursue the Sus i tna work on its own~ the resources and ingenuity of financing institutions will be taxed to the limit~ It follows that strong capabilities in pursuing such matters must be a part of the team.. He have already noted above the prowess of Mr. J .. G. Warnock. We note as well that the firm of Frank Orth & Associates, Economic and Business Consultants, has agreed to serve as a subcontractor to TESa The Frank Orth firm has had extensive experience in financial planning in support of Alaskan enter- prises. fg) Uncertainties and Risks The shear size and scope of the Susitna project makes attention to risk reduction a necessity. Our own team includes two tiers of obj~ctive review, including an in-house review panel comprised of senior, highly- skilled and experience company officers and an external engineering board to be nolilinated to and agreed by Alaska Powet~ Authority sl< analysis is not strange to Acres, for our own efforts in risk analysis for the Arctic Gas Pipeline studies were highly commended that organization. Most important, though, is the fact that the Acres Group was a major far.tor in bringing the Churchill Falls project on line ahead of schedule and under budget. (h) Summar:y In short, we are convinced that the proposed team of Acres American Inc. and its affiliates as assembled for this project provides strength~ local knowledge and presence, an enviable record of success- ful past performance and a depth of capability which can provide an unusual measure of confidence to the Alaska Power Authority and to the State of Alaskao APPENDIX A - TABLE OF CONTENTS Al -THE COMPANY A2 -ENGINEERING AND r~NAGEMENT SERVICES FOR HYDROELECTRIC AND PUMPED STORAGE PROJECTS A3 -SELECTED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Al -THE COMPANY Acres American Incorporated is a consulting engineering and planning organization 1 icensed a,ld incorporated to perform professional engineeri services under the laws of the States of New York, North Carolina, Carolina, West Virginia 9 Maryland and Pennsylvania~ Staff comprises professionals in the major disciplines of civil, electrical 9 mechanical, geotechnical, environmental, hydraulic and hydrological engineering together with technicians, draftsmen !I and supporting staff total"l ing approximately 280.. The engineering and related services are provided to utilities, government and state agencies, and industrial clients. Acres American Incorporated s with additional offices in Columbia~ ~lary-& land, Washington, D.C~, Raleigh, North Carolina, and a wholly owned subsidiary company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a member of the Acres group which was founded :n 1924 to provide engineering exp~rtise for thE~ development of hydroelectric resources. The resources, experienc~, ar; l facilities of the entire tkres group are ava"ilable, as required, to pro- vide services necessary for the successful execution of projects on a \'.eorl dwi de basis .. Comprehensive company services are ava'1lab1e, extending from preliminary hydrological, geological and feasibility investigations and economic analyses through planning, design, licensing, preparation of contract documents, drawings and specifications, evaluation of bids, contract negotiation~ shop inspection, field engineering, construction supervision~ project m~m:tgement, financial control)< commissioning and initial oper-a- tion~ With a strength of over 1,500 engineers, specialists, and support- ing staff, Acres has Puilt up a \'lide range of skills to serve the power supply industry in North 1\merica, and is also structured to provide technical and planning services to other sectors of industry, including heavy civil engineering, transportation, mining. metals, fuels and other process industries. The Company administration is based on a departmental structure, the major di.scip'l ines being el ectrica1, mechanical, hydraulic, civil and geotech- nical. Project teams) directed by an executive project manager, are staffed by engineers assigned from the appropriate departments" Special- ist staff is also available from other departments of the Company to provide comprehensive service to our clients, ranging from economic analyses through quality control and commissioning servicese Specific expertise and experience are available in the following fialci;:;: Chemical Ci vi 1 Electrical Environmental Geotechnical Hydraul·ic Hydro 1 og ica 1 Instrumentation Mechanical Netall urgical Mining S uct r l Telec~mmunications Thermal Transportation Arc hi tectur·a 1 Engineering Geology Geographical Meteorological Regional and Urban Planning Resource Conservation and Deve·l opment Economics The economists include specialists in the field of: Agricul tur~e Agribusiness Communications Economy Forecasting ErH:~r~gy Resources fisheries COMPANY FACILITIES Forestry Industry Mineral Resources Recreation Transportation Water Resources Acres American Incorporated is one of a feiru consulting engineeri companies in the United States that operates its own rssearch and develop- ment laboratories in addition to providing conventional design serviceso Acres' facilities include laboratories for hydraulic, fluid dynamics dnd thermal modelling, soil and rock mechanics and biochemical analysesa laboratories located in Niagara ral1s, Ontario and Buffalo~ New York have facilities for hydraulic and chernical/physica'l testingo These 1 tories are also available for-a wide range of structural and geotechnical testing, including consolidation tests and triaxial stress-strain tests on soil~ and direct sh(~ar and biaxial comp· ~ssion tests on soil, native rock~ or concrete core samples .. Acres ha.s extensive computer facilities compr1s1ng a GE 415 processor and its attendant data storage and input/output peripherals~ two Data General minicomputers, and in-house remote terminal communicationo The latter allows access via compatible systems to programs or data stored virtually anywhere in the continental United States on a time-sharing basis. Acres' in-house program library includes nearly two hundred titles, many of which are devoted to problems in energy system development and design of hydro- electric and thermal power projects. COMPANY EXPERIENCE In the field of power generation and related facilities, Acres has been responsible for over 20,000 MW of installed hydroelectric capacity 5 65 earth-and rock-fill dams and 30 concrete dams.. The 1 argest single pr·o- ject engineered by Acres was the 5225 MW Churchi 11 Falls Development in labrador~ Canada which was completed in 1976a Acres American has a1 so carried out a number of power systems planning studies such as the Power Alternatives Study for the Dickey-Lincoln School lakes Project for the New England Division, Corps of Engineers. The Acres group has for many years been responsible for the feasibi1 ity assessment, design and construction supervision of a considerable number of tunnels, shafts, and caverns in hard rock.. This type of ~,omrk has totalled some 70 miles of tunnels, 30,000 feet of shafts, and some of the 1 argest underground cavities in the world, i ncl udi ng the 1 ,000-foot by 150-foot high by 80-foot wide caverns 900 feet underground for plant installation at Churchill Falls~ Company has also been responsible for the design and supenns1on of on of mine shafts s tunnels~ and associ a ted rai h1ay tunnel for pipeline and pumping stations3 airport fuel systems, and right-of-way studieso Acres is currently managing for the Corps of Engineers the 14-acn~ Chesa- peake Bay model in Maryland~ Models con~tructed and tested in the Buffalo hydraulics 1 aboratory include a 1 arge (200-foot by 100-foot} ic model for the Corps of Engineers to simulate ice conditions in Little Rapids cut section of the Sto Marys River; a wind tunnel model of a nuclear power plant to study the dispersion of radioactive emissions h·tith Calspan Corporation); aerodynamic models of electrostatic precipitators and ductwork for fossil-fired utility plants~ hydraulic models of an overflow spillway structure and tunnel for energy dissipation for American Electric Power; and cooling water intakes for a nuclear power plant in New Jersey for GPU Service Corporation.. Recent geotechnical testing has included triaxial and shear box strength tests for \'leak clay materials from an American Electric Power fly-ash retention dam in Hest Virginia .. Most projects undertaken in the United States have included environmental studies, impact statements!;) public hearings, etc .. D and the Environmental and Special Services group has wide experience in these areas~ as ~-Jell as in dealings with all 1 evel s of government and various government agencies., Among the clients for whom Acres American Incorporated is currently providing, or has recently completed, services are: -American Electric Po~1er Service Corporation -Amer·ican Standard Corporation -Appalachian Power Company -Atomic Energy Commission (as subconsul tants to United Eng ineer~s and Constructors) Babcock and Wilcox Company -Bethlehem Steel Corporation -Boston Edison Company -California Energy Commission -Carborundum Company -Centra 1 Electric Power Cooperative -Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation -Cleveland Electric and Illuminating Company -Consumers Power Company -Department of Energy -Dirigo Electric Cooperative -DuPont Corporation -Electric Power Research Institute -Environmental Protection Agency -Federal Energy Administration -General Public Utilities -Georgia Power Company -Great lake Carbon Corporation (subcontractors to UTRC) -Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company ... National Rt.wal Htil ities Cooperative Finance Corporation -National Science Foundation -Nebraska Municioal Power Pool -New York State bepartment of Environmental Conservation -New York State Electric and Gas Corporation -New York State Energy Office -Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority -Niagara r1ohawk Power Corporation -NUS Corporation -Ohio Edison Company = Potomac Electric Power Company -Precipitair Pollution Control, Inco -Republic Steel Corporation -Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation -Studebaker Worthington~ Inc~ -Tennessee Valley Authority -Tu rbodyne Corporation -United Technologies Research Corporation -Union Carbide Corporatin -UcSo Corps of Engineers, Buffalo~ New York, Pittsburghs Savannah and Detroit Districts, New Eng1 and Division and the Waterways Experiment Station Vermont Electric Cooperative -Virginia Electric Power Company -Western Precipitation Division, Joy Manufacturing Company -Wheelabrator-Frye Company A short selection of descriptions of 1 arge hydroelectric projects engineer12d in northern regions is provided in Section A3. -ENGINEERING AND lvtANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR It 1s philosophy that the client's 11 right to and ght to decide" is paramount~ and many of the procedures that are follo~tu:~d have been set up specifically to ensure that the client is kept fully informed not only of the progress of the works but also of key decisions and the impact of these decisions on the cost, schedule and ultimate succe~s of the project~ The successful construction of a venture as large as a pumped storage development, with its complex technology9 arge of different tasks and long construction schedule~ calls for a bination of management techniques and engineering skills, Scores of experienced people must be brought together to form a cohesive team capable of assuming the various responsi bil it i es and discharging them successfullyo The primary objectives of this team must be: (a) The deve1opnent of a reliable initial estimate of cost for the facility,. based on sound conceptual engineering from good exploratory field data. (b) Environmental assessment and preparation of impact statement and related licensing documents" (c) The identification of manageable construction and equipment package and the preparation of design documents, contract drcH<Iings and technical specifications to allow successive bids to be called to a strict timetablea (d) The finalization of engineering work after contract award~ the prep- aration of construction drawings~ and the control of design changesa (e) The supervision of the quality and schedule of construction both in the field and in fabrication shops. To achieve these objectives, Acres follows a carefully established series of procedures which can be adapted to suit the degree of involvement in the management of the project required by the Owner.. In the past.~~ Acres involvement has ranged from sol ely the engineering design and preparation of specifications to complete responsibility for the project management!~ including financial disbursements and contract awards. Prior to the initiation of the engineering program, it is essential for the responsi- bilities and relationship of the owner and consultant to be carefully defined. The Plan of Study will provide the basis for the engineering of the complete Susitna Project~ This dot:ument has been assembled to set out the ifications of Acres American Incorporated to p1Aov ide engineering and management services for the design and construction of hydroelectric and pumped ects .. The document not only describes the experience of the Company pt~ojects of a similar or related nature, but also describes the taken by the Company to the complex task of ensur~ing that a built on time, on budget, and to meet the client~s functi ments .. As a consulting engineering organization, a large part of this rests in the experience and know .. how of our senior engineering manage- ment personnel; all of the senior Acres people have held positions of responsibility from the inception through to the final commissioning of large hydroelectric and other power-related projects.. The section entitled 1'Representative Personne1 11 includes summaries of the experience of a selection of those personnel who could be made available fotq a electric or pumped storage projecto A typical outline organization structure adopted by Acres for a 1 project such as a hydroe 1 ectri c development is set out in Chart "A" o function and responsibilities of the various positions indicated in the chart are discussed in the following sections and may be considered unner the following headings: -Engineering Management -Construction Management -Cost Control and Monitoring -Quality Control and Monitoring -Schedule Control and Monitoring At the start of the project, scopes of work for all functions in the organization chart are prepared in as much detail as possible.. From these, engineering and administrative budgets are drawn up for inclusion in the total cost estimate for the project., These budgets are moni by means of weekly reports produced by Acres in-house cost and production control system, allowing potential overruns to be· identified early and appropriate collective action taken without delay .. CONTR4CTS EIIGINEERS CO·OROINAfiNO ENQII<Ii!EAS ENGiNEERJNG MANAGEMENT Many important decisions are made early in the design phase of the project and often cannot be changed later except at considerable additional cost. Acres system of design reports, or "Design Transmittals" as they are called, is aimed at ensuring that the design concepts and their irnplications are fully explored. The sequence of steps in the design of a major component in the development would be typically as follows: (a) The initial feasibility study will have established the necessity for, and a rough cost estimate of, the component. (b) The specific scope of work for the design and specification of the component is established, an engineering budget is assigned, and overall design criteria are assembled. During this phase the applicable regulatory design and safety codes and practices are identified and continuing monitoring procedures fully coordinated. (c) A design transmittal is prepared describing the alternatives considered, the constraints and opportunities involved, and recommending a course of design action within the context of the estimated capital and operating costs. This transmittal, which is a key document in the design phase, is circulated for comment within the Acres organization and sent to the client. Equipment suppliers are also frequently brought in for discussion at this stage. Once approved, changes can be made only by a reissu ~ of the document. Design transmittals are prepared for a wide range of components and, for major projects, may amount to as many as 150 transmittals for topics ranging, for example, from "Trash Handling Facilities in the Forebay" to "Powerhouse General Arrangement" and .. Switchyard Insulation Levels". (d) Next (at about 25 to 35 percent design completion) where appropriate, the contract packaging is established and ~<Scope Statements" are prepared, describing in detail the contents and scope of each contract rt:lated to the design transmittaL At this point, the cost estimate for the component is keyed into the overall estimate for the project. Contract drawings (as many as five hundred for a large project) and technical specifications for the components are then prepared, and a 15 assembled for final review prior to issue for competitive 1ase would usually be undertaken concurrently with sessments and preparation and submission of requisite ,~ations. {f) Once a contract reaches bidding stage, it becomes the responsibility of the construction group. However, the contractor may require z.dditional detail drawings. For a major project, for instance, as many as two hundred detailed civil drawings and approximately an equal number of schematics, interconnections and wiring diagrams may be required in addition to the original contract drawings. A key part of this work is to ensure either that no significant changes are made to the design as set ou! in the contract drawing!';. or that any changes are fully explored and reviewed with the contractor to assess impact on schedule and cost. Acres uses a system of "Design Change Memoranda" to keep track of this aspect of the work. (g) In summary, engineering cost and quality control is effected by the preparation of control estimates at key stages in the development of the design conducting critical technical review throughout the design phase, and by the maintenance at site of a resident engineer reporting to tt1e manager of engineering to ensure that proper tests and controls are carried out assigning a project monitoring group to compare the estimated and actual design man·hours expended on each phase of the work. The details of Acres control system are fully described in our uProgress and Cost Reporting System User's Manual". IENGINEIERING PANEL AND CONSULTING BOARD It is Acres usual practice, for projects with a significant design input, to set up an in-house "Engineering Panel 11 comprised of senior engineers within the Company, experienced in the various areas of expertise involved in the project. The funci:ion of this panel, which is responsible only to the project manager, is to critically review the engineering designs and recommendations developed in the course of the project. Presentations are made to the panel by the project design team at appropriate times throughout the period of design development, and approval of the panel is obtained before implementation of the design. On projects such as a major hydroelectric development, which often involve innovative thinking, it has also been Acres practice to convene a consulting board which i5 essentially responsible to the owner. The consulting board comprises engineers from outside the Company, eminent in their various disciplines. The consulting board would normally meet once every 3 months to review, with owner's senior staff and project team staff, such matters as major design transmittals_ scheduling and financial problems, or geological and other problems encountered in the field. Among the engineers who have served on consulting boards' for Acres projects are: Churchill Falls Development H. E. Barnett W. L. Chadwick J. B. Cooke D. M. Farnham F. B. Stichter R. Rhode5 Mica Creek J. B. Cooke C. V. Davis Project Planning and Construction Power Engineering Hydroelectric Structures High-Voltage Cables -- Electrical Engineering General Civil Engineering Engineering Geology Hydroelectric Structures Hydraulic Structures J. Gorman G. Watson Lt. Gen. R. A. Wheeler Lower Notch Professor A. Casagrande Dr, F. A. Nickell Dr. R. B. Peck Alto Anchicaya Dr. D. U. Deere j. B. Cooke Geologist General Civil Engineering General Civil Engineering Docks and Harbors Soil Mechanics Geology Soil Mechanics Rock Mechariics Hydroelectric Structures SELECTED ECT DESC~JPT~ONS Th@ pages summarize some of the projects arnd studies undertaken the Company in United States and overseas ;n power generation and fields. .•. j • :i.·· HYi.lllGEL'ECTRIC POWER DP/ELOPMENT EART~l-HLL .. ROC~(-FflL A.ND CONCRE.TE DAiViS An essenti;.~l p(lrt (Jf <d1 h~rdr>.lt:!e.:trk de~/e~opmcnts i::. tht desi~n and cc·nstructlon of watcr-rdalning strucUircs. Gener<ll;y thL> cO!;t cf these o;,tnrUiiH!~ form a significant portion c:f the total dcvelopme!ll 1;;)st. Depemiing on thf" ~ite, tl·,e ecor:omi.;;:.-; of the: (.L\m ~an determine 1he econoon it.: v~alliHly of tlle pmjed. i\cre5 hr1s SL!Ccessfuily ~~ngineered r.e:"Lrly one h~.mc j dam structures of different types on foundations (.Clnging from tropic<: I S.v.IS to pcrmJfmst. Tr1c fG!Iowing pages f,fYe rep~esent;Hive li<>tings of Acres projecis !nvol·o~ing earth-rill , rock-fill and concrete d.1ms . EARTHfill AND ROCK·IF~ll DAMS Since 1938 Acres has been responsible for the geotechnical investigations, engineering studies, final designs, and construction supervision for over sixty earth and rock-fill dams. These dams are of a variety of types including homogeneous section and sloping and vertical core, and their construction involved the use of fill materials ranging from marine clays and weathered clay shales to uniform fine sands utilized as impervious core materials. The construction cofferdams for these projects included earthfillj rock fill, timber crib and cellular types, some of which were designed to overcome difficult foundation problems including underseepage 1 while others were "closed" in extremely fas:t water. Several of the dams are founded on overburden presenting stability and seepage erosion problems. These foundation conditions varied from lenses of varved days and silts in glacial till deposits (Bersimis No. 1} to the stiff weathered crust of sensitive marine clay deposits (Bersimis No. 2). A particularly difficult foundation problem was encountered in the founding of several small dikes directly upon varved clay overburden containing extensive permafrost (Kelsey). Seepage and the uplift pressures in a deep pervious layer were controlled by means of a grout curtain in overburden and pressure relief wells at Strathcona, and a deep cement and chemical grout curtain was employed to reduce large underseepage in alluvial sands and gravels at Lake Stc Anne. At the Manicouagan 2 Development, the cofferdam embankment consisted of a granular fill on highly pervious alluvium. To control seepage a concrete cutoff wall was installed through the fill, well into the alluvium. The excavation for the wall was made using a bentonite slurry trench technique. CONCRETE DAMS in general, Canadian dam sites have crest length to ratios which dictate the use of gravity or buttress type structures while Canada's severe winter climate and the labour/material cost balance militate against the use of highly reinforced, thin section buttress dams. Every dam site is, however, unique. Except where the choice is obvious, Acres evaluates the relative economy and satety of the alternative types of concrete dam which could reasonably be considered. These may include gravity, hollow joint gravity, arch, arch gravity, multiple arch, buttress, massive buttress, and prestressed structures. The choice is made with due regard to the geology, geohydrology, topography and seismicity of the site. Labour and material requirements and their cost relationships, construction schedule, and climatic conditions all have a major bearing on the final selection. Detailed attention is given to design of the optimum concrete mix for the various parts of the structure. Final structural analysis is carried out by digital computer. The stress/deformation characteristics of the foundations and abutments are introduced. Seepage pore pressure distributions and the effect of pressure relief systems within the dam and in the foundations are included. Thermal and shrinkage stresses within the structure as functions of the properties of the concrete mix, pour schedule, construction joint arrangement, and extent of natural and artificial cooling are determined. In the hollow joint dam at \.tie Manicouagan 2 development the advantages of gravity and massive buttress type structures are combined. Completed in 1965, it is believed to be the only dam of its type in North America and, with a maximum height of 345 feet, possibly the highest of its type anywhere. Two examples of more conventional gravity dams are Bersimis 2 m Quebec and Warsak in West Pakistan. Both are briefly described in the following pages. In all, more than 20 concrete dams designed by Acres are listed in the accompanying summary. The iv1J.ntcoudg~m 2 HyJrot'kctril l.)evdoplll{'fll ha~ d hollo'.o~.· fOi nt !;r.;vi t y d.J m 2290 fed long and 345 kl~t high. The tlollr.~w joint darn ·.v <lS s~k·ded •Jn lh~ b,~~~:-; :lf .11l e:.:.onotn]C COm!'}dri~an which ~ndil:.tted tlut in curnpMi~.on Wi I h ,1 ~:onvcntion~d ~r.iv;!y ti<Jm, th~rc wo•Jkl bed 10% 'io<lving in CUil{:rctc \'f.JI:.lrn~ & .J ;.'•;,:, n·du<.:lion !n capita. I cost. The: higli tJilw,Her level .11 !IH.' s.itt~ (,1hou! ·: 00 ! ~:l '\ .1b•:.v o.· !o;.mdatjon lt~ven WJS abo tl. rncijor f ~cror f.wouring the hollow joint C("Si~n. A hollo•N ioi nt dam is b (~siraH)' ,J grc'!vit y <>tructurc in which tht: i:ranwn\t (Olhi.ruction joints ar!? formcc:.i r.5 m-ajor r..:dvltil~5. At ?.:1an icouagc1n 2 \he (.lv;llcs ar~ 16'-6'' wi(!<:! ~md the gt<lvi~y hiod<..s .arc 65'-6" wid(.~ so thr.! !argc ar~ ...... of rc;ck ..He exposed {H f01.mdation !evei. The rwtiov..: JOir.ts adopted at Manicouagan 2 reduced concH..:te C..:JU!1ni:ities, and also credted very effe~.;tive relief of scep<tgt> pr<;ssurcs at the fr;,undi.ltion and within th~ dam itself. As a rc~.uil ~1ydrc;sliil ic upntt torc;e-> were c.:on'>iderah!y rl'dlu..ed. Tht:: ''oids formed b':.r lhe joints mjnirnizcd ~ntcr·dcpcndLlJlcc of Lhe ~UlH:.rete pl<1cing operat ion!'j in adjdct:nt blocks and pt.~rmitted an Jueleraled con~truction sthc:duie. f:.ffic:ient n<~turat air enol ing during eonstruction wa~ provided bv tht~ I.Hgr~ .:ne,1 of expose(! J;;vncrctc at each joini, the 11ccll ror s:H"tific.:i<:i c..:DoiH~g '>YSlcms b;,~ing minimized <l~ J resu!t. : ! -·--···-·-·-· Waba Dam !Viada~.va~;ka River Ont~do~ Caf!ada & Power Project, only under ~'~~""'''"""" .. "'"''" Power Development, Stage 3, Quebec, C;mada Bersimis No. t Power Development, Quebec, Canada Main Dam Des Roches Dam Construction Compacted rock fill with Uf}stream concrete face Upstream compacted shale core, random and rock-fill support zone. Pressure relief system Earth fill, marine day, homogeneous flU with central filter drain Compacted shale core~ and support zone. Upstream and downstream weighting zones forcbay dike. Rock fill with thick central clay core Hydraulidy compacted rock fill with upstream rolled impervious wre Hydraulidy compacted rock fill with upstream roifed impervious fill core Oim~emions Metric 140.3 m 270 m 68.6 m 610 m 2,750,000 m3 18.3 m 1,036 m 33.6 m 750 m 12 m 64 m 81,000 m3 64 m 641 m 2,800,000 m3 69 m 335 m 1 J 100,000 m3 ~mperial FmmclZJ~iGn Maaeri.als ~460ft h) sedimentary 885 ft I) hornfels (225ft h) Carbom fcrous, sedimentary rock ~2,000 ft I) 3,600,000 yd3) (60ft h) Thick marine day deposit {3,420 ft I) ~110ft h) Clay shale and sandstone {Flysch) 2,460 ft I) l39.3ft h) Paleozoic s.andstont> 210ft I) 106f000 yd 3 ) !209 It h) Precambrian metamorphic rock 2,100 ft I) and glacial overburden 3,670,000 yd 3 ) ts nh) Precambrian metamorphic rock 1,100 ft I) and glacial overburden 1,453,000 yd3) 06/78 Rev 2. Dam No"] Auxiliary Dam No. 2 Reservoir Canada Cardinal fly Ash Retention Dam Ohio# U.S.A. OarabeUe lake Oam Ontario, Canada Gravel with sloping rolled impervious core Gravel with sloping rolled impervious core Vertical marine clay core, sand support zones, local sheet pile Vertical marine clay core, sand support zones, local sheet pile Control dam Earth fiJI Central compacted shale coreJ random and rodAili support zone. Grout curtain, pressure relief system Control dam Rock fill Dimensimu Metrk ~ mperiai 19 m 637 m 221,700 m3 19 m 427 m 145,300 m3 30 m 1,010 m 845,000 m3 19,5 m l ,195 m 322,800 m3 11 m 701 m 91,700 m3 76.2 m 762 m 1,300,000 m3 19.8 m 276.5 m 80,280 m3 l75 n. h) 2,090 ft i) 290,000 yd 3 ) l62 ft h) 1,400 H l) 190,000 yd 3 ) (97 ft h) p,3to ft I) 1,105,500 yd3) (64ft h) p.920 ft I) 422,300 yd 3 ) tfth) 2,300 ft I) 120,000 yd 3 ) r49 fl h) 2,500 ft I) 1,703,000 yd 3 ) t5f• h) 905ft I) 105,000 yd3) Precambrian metamorphic rode and gldlcial OV1!rb>Jrden Precambrian metamorphk rock and glacial overburden Marine day and estuarine sand Marine clay and estuarine sand Stiff brown clay Carboniferous, sedimentary rock<. 3.05 to 4.57 m of organic material plus 4.57 to 7.62 m of soft varved clay over bedrock !Earth-Rock-Fill Oatms -3 Construction Control dam--Earth fill with protection thick central clay core riprap and concrete spillway section fanshawe Darn Centro! dam Earth fill with thick Ontario~ Canada day tore and concrete spillway section Grand Rapids Generating Earth fill with 30 km long, with up to Station 61 m deep grout curtain Manitoba, Canada Horwood Lake Dam Control dam ·-Earth fill with concrete Ontario, Canada sluiceway section Hart Deveiopmcnt Main dam -Earth fill Columbia, Canada Kelsey Generating Main dam Rock fill with upstream St.at;"'n impervious sloping core Manit,lba, Canada Cutoff dikes, two -Sand Oimens!ons Metric 29.3 m 546 m 458,000 m3 72,600 m3 30.5 m 655 m 344,250 m3 143,700 rn3 33.5 m 25,600 m 7,100,000 m3 9.4 m 274 m 35,100 m3 3,900 m3 622 m 83,200 m3 36.6 m 29'1 m 220,000 m3 6.1 m 1,189 m 74,400 m3 Imperial 1,790 ft I) t6 ft h) 600.000E yd 3 ) (9.J,OOOC yd3) 1100 ft h) (2,150ftl) ~4."0,000[ yd3~ 18b,wGC yd 3 (109ft h) ~83,900 ft I) 9,300,000 yd3) r fth) 900ft I) 46,000E yd3) 5,100C yd3) ~2,040 ft I) 109,000 yd 3 ) r20 It h) 955 ft I) 288,300 yd3) toft h max) 3,900 ft I total) 97,500 yd3 total) foundation Matei"ials Do1omitic limestone with glacial till overburden limestone with till overburden Karstic, dolornitic limestone Precambrian r·lelamorphic rock Permafrost and -4 Dimensions Con:s~n:.u:tion Metric !mperiilll Fmmdation Materials Cutoff dikes, three Clay 11.6 m (38ft h max} 1,906 m ~6,250 ft I 70,000 m3 91,600 Sti.'ition Main dam Earth fill 48.8 m (160ft h max) Precambrian rock and 1,067 m (3,500 ft I) 2)00,000 m3 (3,540,000 yd 3 ) Saddle dam Earth fill 33.,6 m rwn h) 1,190 m 3,900 ft I) 2,106,900 m3 ,2,760,000 yd 3 } i3utnau River dam Earth fill 18.3 m (60ft h) 3,355 m ~1 LOOO ft I) 1,039,800 m3 1,360,000 yd3) Reservoir dikes Earth fill 4,6 m p 5 ft h) 5,490 m 18,000 ft I) 390,000 m3 (510,000 yd3) Control dam Rock fill GA m {20ft h) Approximately 2. i 3 m of organic 305 m ~1 ,000 ft l) material over bedrock 19,020 m3 26,000 yd3) lake St. Anne Re~ervoir Main control dam -Rock fill with ~ ~.4 m r26 [t h) Precambrian metamorphi<; Quebec, Canada sloping silty core and concrete 278 m 910ft l) bedrock spillway section 449,500 m3 5881000 yd 3) Cutoff dam -Earth fill 19.5 m ~64ft h) Rock 131 m 430ft I) 71,100 m3 {93,000 yd 3 ) Earth~ argd Rock-IFiU Dams-5 Dimensions Project Constructir.m Me~ric !mpel'ial Foundation Materials River No. i Development loon River east diversion dam Earth fill 10.7 m ps ft h) Manitoba, Canada 64.1 m 210ft I) loon River west diversion dam Earth fill 7.6 m ~25ft h) 99.1 m 325ft I) laurie River No. 2 Devdopment Main dam extension Earth fill 116 m pso ft I) Manitoba, Canada 32,800 m3 \43,000 yd3) Dike A -Earth fill 10.7 m (35ft h) 128 m (420ft I) Dike B Earth fill 10.7 m ~35 ft h) 134.2 m 440ft I) Station Central core earth fill 33 m (110ft h) Ordovician limestone Canada 538 m p,900 ft I) 2,200,000 m3 2,800,000 yd3) Station Central core earth fill 39.7 m r30 ft h) Precambrian Canada 754 m 2,500 ft I) 2,300,000 m3 3,000;000 yd3) G. Ross lord Conservation Dam Earth fill 19.8 m tfth) Glacial deposits Toronto, Ontario, Canada 366 m 1,200 ft!) 267,000 m3 350,000 yd3) lower Notch Generating Station Main dam --Rock fit! 131.2 m to fth) Precambrian rock Ontario, Canada 366 m 1,200 ft I) 1,689,600 m3 2,210,000 yd3) Manicouagan 2 Cofferdam M~.ni,:ouaga1n 2 Power Station Marietta Ash Retention Ohio, U.S.A. McArthur fails Development Manltoba, Canada Mica Development Columbia, Canada consortium) Shand Hood Control Dam Grant River, Fergus, Ontario Canada Strathcona Development British Columbia, Canada Reservoir dikes ·-Rock fill Main dam -Compacted rock fill with near vertical core of impervious glacial forebay dikes -Rock fiJI with sheet pile diaphragm Rock fill with Ieos cutoff and sheet pile membrane Central compacted shale core, random and rock fill. Grout curtain and pressure relief system Cutoff dikes-Earth fill (homogeneous day) Main dam ·-compacted granular material with near vertical core of impervious glacial till Homogeneous compacted clay till with key wall Main dam -Earth fi!l with sloping day core, deep grout curtain and concrete spillway section Oimensio111s Metric I mperi~l 1,098 m 450,300 m 3 46.7 m 518 m 1,223,300 m 3 17.1 m 213 m 10,700 m3 37.7 m ·155 m 38,900 m 3 10.7 m B7 m 92,000 m 3 9:15 m 9,760 m 699,570 m 3 198 m 244 m 762 m 22,936,800 m3 24 m 640 m 411,000 m3 51.8 m 549 m 1,987,800 m 3 (3,600 f[ I) (589,000 yd 3 ) (153 ft h) (1,700ftl) ( 1,600,000 yd 3) (56 H h) 700ft I) ,14,000 yd 3 ) !123.5 ft h) 510ft!) 50,900 yd 3 ) (35 ft h) (450ft I) (120,300 yd 3 ) (30ft h max) (32,000 ft I total) (915,000 yd3 total) (650ft h~ (riverbed} (800ft h) (rock) (2,500 ft I) (30,000,000 yd3) !78 fl h) 2,100 fl I} 537,600 yd3) (170 fL h) (1,800 fL I) (2,600,000 yd3) Slate and •n"'""'"r&'<> thick clay Grenville granite Carboniferous sedimentary wck Glacial till and rock Schist and gneiss abutments granular soils in riverbed Dolomite limestone Volcanic rocks and glacial till with underlying aquifer : '!.=:=~. :.:{ r~·::~ . ~; ~ < ~~-~-,1 ,, ; ~; · .... ~ ~~ ~~ -~=-~ r-:r~ ~f -~ -~-~ ~~ I < ! -~ :"; :~ ·1 ~;1 ~ ~--~ J ~ "h d . . ~ .. n "'V/, . .-fJ ~ . . ~-. an actL.on1Dt~ls .~e ~ ]1.. ~ Gl ~ L)egtnni n_g -~ \ .I-~>,;~-·----·-···-~--------~-~ t .• ~ :': • ..2 ·---~---------~~· .i ~ f~~ =~ ~:. F~~~ ; ~ 1,-;l ~ { ;!" ~ -.! ~ ·?:~l :, •f ~ t -~~ • j ;} ~~.::g il; 1 ~:if - - - - - .. The story of Churchill Falls illustrates one essential fact. Development of the requisite technology is only a preliminary. The critical ingredient is knowing how to put together the men, machines, and resources to apply that technology on a scale which challenges comparison \Nith the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China-with the difference~ pointed out by Prime Minister Trudeau, that the power project is "incomparably more useful." The completion of the largest single-site power station in the western world at Churchill Falls, on schedule, and within cost estimates offers a model of how such vast projects can be accomplished. Certainly il needed no flash ol in- spiration to see the potential power of the mighty Churchill River's spectacu- lar tumble from the glacier-gouged Labrador p:ateau. As early as 1 B94, in the infancy of hydroelectric power generatior •. A.P. Low of Canada's Geologic2cl 3urvey suggested this new technology could be applied to provide "several millions of horsepower''. With remarkable prescience, he submitted that such power, turned to heat, could be used to reduce the local iron ores. Twenty years later, W. Thibaudeau of the Regie des Eaux of the province oi Quebec, surveyed the area. He saw that the river could be diverted above the Falls, and rechan- nelled further to the east to increase the head of water available, from 500 ft. at the Falls and upper rapids to more than 1 ,000 fL at Portage Creek. Such bold concepts awaited lull economic justification for yet another generation. Credit for the tirst practical initia- tive is due to British hlewfou ndland Corporatl0:1 Limited, formed in 1953 by seven majo' British financiaL re- source and manufacturing compani.::~. ·' · J·~-""':-Tintr,.zinc I td It ·e- celved' ·~""charter to explore ·ln~ '"';,~, • ..: of Newfoundl3nd and Labrador for the governmer:t of Joseph Smallwood. who had just brought Newfoundland into the Canadian confederation. The water power potential c1 the 110,000 square mile area was clear, out the energy available had to be quantified. In the mid-1950's it re- mained too remote for existing trans- mission techniq!Jes to deliver to avail- able markets economically. It was ac- cessible only by arduous canoe trip or hundreds of miles of flight by a float plane. Brinco watched the opportunities lor development unfold step by step. First, mining and processing of the iron ore deposits by other interests at Schefferville, Wabush and Labrador City, justified building the Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway passing only 1 05 miles to the west of the Falls. Brinco added to the effort in 1960 by pushing a road from Esker, on the rail line, to the west bank of the ChurchilL At Twin Falls, on the Un- known River, a few miles from Chur- chill Falls, Bnnco built a modest 120,000 KW hydro-electric plant to serve the iron ore development and associated townsites. The harnessing of Labrador hydro power had begun. Another link in the chain of feasi- bility was forged when Hydro-Quebec, faced with developing the rivers c~ the north shore of lne St. Lawrence for ,._, · "' ::-:::.,ppr~>ri ::~nrl oerlected a 735,000 volt Extra High VOilCiye \t:.r1v J transmission system. Its successful application in carrying power from the M::micouagan River plants to Montre~ll in 1955 built confidence that it was the technical and economic solution io th;: problem ot carrying Churchill Falls power to market in the deveiopin( urban and industrial centres o Quebec at reasonable cost An emerging counterpoint to thl; matching of resources to markets wa: the growing hunger for power of !ht populous U.S eastern seaboarcl Jean Lessard, tt,en chairman at Hydn Quebec, saw the opportunity to fee: this U.S. market with relative'v lm cost power export~. With this added t Quebec's own need. the pow9r c Churchill Falls could be fully de veioped at a single stroke. In 1961, the Smallwood goverr ment granted a Brinco subsidiai) Churchil! Falls (Labrador) Corp. Lt{ (CFLCo). a 99 year lease on the drauli::. resources of the square mile watershed of file UppE ChurchilL But what engineenng enterpris could be !ound to determine the tlmurr. location to utifize !hts 1.000 foot head. to r:i eate a power complex in -.he midst ITlu<'lkeg and scrubby 0\li=>r.-.'"'""":' the Labrador plateau. assured quality within cost ·. _ · ,,., ,.,..,t 'N'11fld make lhe ture attractive For it would of capital ever ·~"'"""'"·;·,. for a private project. 4 CFLCo's answer was to bring to- gether two highly-qualified Canadian concerns--H. G. Acres & Company n~ limited and Canadian Bechtel $1' Limited. fl): Through its affiliation with the Bechtel organization worldwide Canadian Bechtel was able to provid~ virtually unmatched resources of ex- perience in the construction and man- agement of vast, remote, resource projects. Acres offered a wealth of expertise and experience in hydro- electric engineering. They formed a joint venture - Acres Canadian Bechtel of Churchill Falls (ACB) to engineer ar.d man- age the conslr;.,ction of this massive hydro-electric facility. By agreement, Canadian Bechtel became managing joint venturer for the contract. An ACB team was already sur- veying in the field by 1963-64 supple- menting the very considerable amount of data accumulated by other en- gineers from firms employed earlier by 9rinco. Gray Thompson, c:m Acres member of the team, recalls that in spite of winter temperature so frigid that the bubbles in the transit level be- came sluggish, the survey circuit around the v, , reservoir area was closed within an accuracy of one third of a fool. This was also a tribute to previous federal government and Quebec surveys whose old bench marks were picked up by the ACB team. Calculations were accumulated, checked and cross-checked as to the a· optimum site, hydrological effects ol ~ snow accumulations and the size of reservoir needed to smooth the How of the erratic Churchill, whic:h varied from 10,000 to 300,000 cubic feet or more per second depending on season. The project was feasible -but the re- sources required to build it would be enormous. Irrefutable evidence that the project would be profitable was re- quired before a sound approach to financing could be devised. It took two more years of negotia- tion, and the expenditure of $17 mil- lion on preliminary engineering, before the breakthrough that triggered the leap from concept to construction. On October 13, 1966,Hydro Quebec's Jean Lessard, signed a letter of intent assuring that the Quebec utility would purchase the bulk of electricity gener- ated from the site. By this time, the growth of Canada's energy demand made it unnecessary to rely on export to create a market. The moment for Churchill Falls power had arrived. It was now up to ACB to meet the challenge. The usual procedure for a hydro-electric project in Canada would be to proceed with detailed engineer- ing of the various components of the project, put them out to tender, receive contractors' bids. sum the bid costs and thence proceed to make the necessary capital appropriation. However, in such a massive, remote project, undertaken by a utility com- pany with relatively little in the way of assets and financial capability, a com- pletely different approach was re- quired. ACB, as engineers and construc- tion managers, had to organize a workplace in the middle of the wilder- ness, devise means to bring men and machines to it, and put together the whole complex schedule for a project which would stretch over nearly a de- cade. The packages into which the work was divided had !o be tailored to the capacities of existing contracting firms in eastern Canada. It was upon ACB's estimates of the final cost of these packages that the delicate job of financing the project had to be based. On March 7, 1967, CFLCo signed a contract with ACB covering dn- gineering and construction manage- ment services to the end of the pro- ject. At almost the same time, H ac- cepted ACB's estimate of direct con- struction cost of $522 million for the project. To this would be added $1 02 million to provide for escalation arising from price and wage increases over the lite of the project and $41 million as a contingency allowance, giving a total direct construction cost of $665 million. Interest charges on money borrowed during construction, ad· mi:-~istration, working capital, over- head and other expenses would bring the total project cost to $946 million. This included more than $20 million spent in early studies and work by CFLCo up to March 31, 1967. It made Church1l! Falls the largest civil en- gineering project ever undertaken in North America to that time. A bi!llon dollars isn't raised qUickly II was Oct. 30. 1968. before Brinco Chairman Henry Borden re- ported to a special meeting of Br'nco shareholders that terms of a $100 mil- lion general mortgage bonds issue had been settled, that arrangements for bank credit ($150 million from seven Canadian chartered banks) were well underway, that an offering in the United States of half a billion dol· Iars of first mortgage bonds had been satisfactorily completed and that an offering in Canada of $50 million in first mortgage bonds had been arranged. During the period required to set the stage for the major financing, funds came largely from equity capital, or shares, in CFLCo subscribed by ils majority shareholder Brinco (57%) -and its minority shareholders - Hydro-Quebec (34%) and the province of Newfoundland (9%). In all, $83 mil- lion was raised this way. Substantial credit also was made available to Brinco by the Bank of Montreal. Meanwhile, work at the site had been going on for two years. First at- tention was given to two prime en- gineering challenges: to create an all- weather access road to allow heavy freight haulage to the site, and com- mence the enormous job of buil~:r.~, 40 miles of dykes. The dykes, to provide a water barrier under any temperature condi- tions, had to form a perfect seal with the irregular surfaces of underlying rock. They were built using glacial till and rock where available, but the prin- cipal ingredients were materials from the eskers -ridges of gravel and sand formed within or under the glaciers, which chiselled the topog- raphy of th1s area, and left behind when the ice melted. Virtually nothing was shipped in to build the 26-million-cubic-yard dykes. The logistics task here was moving rnen and equipment, but it involved some of the ~iggest units available. Durino the first year, the master project schedule and official plan were issued. The original size of the project was increased 15%, with the addition of an eleventh turbine generating unit, and uprating each unit to 475,000 KW instead of the 450,000 KW contem- plated earlier. Total plant capacity was to be 5,225,000 KW, or just over seven million horsepower. The first units were committed to deliver con- tract power to Hydro-Quebec by May 1, 1972. The wisdom of choosing depth of corporate experience for the man- agement of this vast project was amply proven by the tragic event of Nov. 11. 1969. CFLCo's twin jet was approaching Wabush airport in an overcast, when it crashed into a hill. killing all six passengers: Donald McParland, 40, President and Chief executive Officer of CFLCo; Eric G. Lambert. 46, Vice-President, Finance, for Brinco and CFLCo; John Lethbridge, 35, McParland's Execu- tive Assistant; Fred E. Ressegieu. 56, General Manager of Acres Canadian Bechtel; J. Herbert Jackson, 42, As- sistant General Manager and Man- ager of Construction of ACG; Arthur J. Cantle, 42, Assis~ant Manager of Construction, ACB; and the crew of two. All three ACB executives were seasoned engineers. In this emergency, the resources of Bechtel's world-wide organization were combAd tor replacements. By the New Year, Steven V. White assistant to S. D. Bechtel, Jr., had stepped in to replace Ressegieu. Joseph Anderson, a Scot fresh from the Wells Hydro-Electric Project on the Columbia River, replaced Jackson in the field; Alan McConnell of Acres took over in the Montreal office. Meanwhile after a brief period of pinch-hitting by Sir Val Duncan, chairman of the Rio Tinto organiza· lion, William Mulholland, a partner in the New York banking house of Mor- gan Stanley & Co., was elected presi- dent and chief executive of both Brinco and CFLCo. Yet within a year after the tragic loss the project was well on its way to delivering first power -five months ahead of schedule! The secret of such an achieve- ment, is twofold, says S.M. Blair, who, as Chairman of Canadian Bechtel limited, was chairman of ACB's Policy Board for most of the construction period. First, it was necessary to create a place to work and live produc- tively in the wilderness; and second, to create the logistics to supply that workplace with equipment, supplies. and labour. on schedule. !vial<ing .a place fc,r man Mcst cf the industrial ins!a:lntions b!..IHI lo date in the Canadian north have be~n tr'lnsi~ory, suet'~ as mintng or petroieum eJtplora~io.t c:amps. Geneta!ly, the fac~!i!ies are temporary and the men wi1o occupy them have iit1!e thought e~tcepl tr.. gel their job done and lsave. Churcllin Falls was dif1erent. The construction period \'l'as Ia ba eight years, and the a11ticipatad life of the stalion slretches lO'Nar·:i the middle of the next century. The transition fror11 .construction ca.mp to permanent community would ba phased over the penoc' ·1971-1975. Tl'~e phHoscph;: was this: a satt!ed hapf>V work to;-:e, with low turnover and a 111i!1imum of inlerruptions be- cause or labour disputes, is the key ~c maintaini~g schedul,o;~s 111nd CPsl targets. The man should be happy off rh~ job as well as on it. Special affort:; wete made tc atford aineniti_,s far su~erior to the rough1,eJ:;:. ~r.d bore- dom of off·llours in a 1y!J:ca~ C<Jnstruc- tion camp . Civflizatior• must carne cor,current:y with constructiofl. Even though final commitment o• the pro1ect w~s not made until 1 ~66 . by 1867 pl~ns for '" permaner,t com- munity near th~ pow6r f!':cHf:-y were drawn up. Tho 59 hous9s, frJlJf'12-unit aoartrTle>1t bloet<S and a sarvice com· :Jl~x whh stores. schooi, a hotel, th~atre and in :)oor ~creat:on faci li~les wEHe tirst used by the lo~ger-term construction statf. later by the perma- nent power plant operating staff. Provlslon of al! possil)i£! ame· nities began as soon as the l1rst road camps -Eslter, Brid~~' Camv and Mount Hyde L.ake-o pened By Christmas, 1965. for i~stance. only two monlhs after start oi the proje<:t, John McGowan, Bona VIsta Food Services manage~, the caterer f(lr the project. recalls that thq Chrislrnas din- r~er menu included crearn or tomato soup. roast tu~key with all the trirn- minys. and a co!d buf.et with salads, assorled pastri es, h•, .. o !(inds of c~.ristmas cake and three kinds of pie. The dinner was fo!towed by a movie . At tha main camp, tt:e mer\ were housed ir.2u-man complexes~-three 1rajlers side by side, housing two tnen to a roorr:. Tnere were not only wash· rooms , but a c!oth13s washer and dryer in most units. Janitoril:ll 5ervices in- oiudedeven bed-makin~. The ;nevitabie fee~!ng of isolalion was reduced through access to the mobHe rad1otelephone, te!etype and telegraph s~rvices that ware estab· lish9d and linked to the cantinent .. wid~ networks. At peal<, the system had 1 ,3G6 te!ephones and 540 mobile re.d!o units. Until the Ct;urchiil Falls airstrip WEii ready i11 1 !'189 , schedul9i;l fiights operated from the Twin ~al!s airstrip. a 30 mile drive ~rom the maitl camp. WI'IEH! car;::oenter Leo L.afla frcm C~talina, Nfld. stepped off the pi aM in fl.·!arch 19G8 to become th~ ·1 ,OOO~h workar on !he project, he tound Hlc,<- evs and Ryan~ ap~en!y from his own province, together wilh Gagnons and Tremblay$ fr(Jrli Quebec: mechanics, drii!ers, drLvers, pipe·fitters and score2 of other skil ~od and semi-skilied trades . They were supporl~d both on site and at the Motltrear headquart~rs by engineers and draftsma-n transla- ting general plans t:~nd programs intc df:ta"ed blueprints and ~checlules. In Jtme, 1968, the main camp oe- cama a place fc.r wLlmen too as staff arriv~d to wori< at a r,ew mess half the !enolh of a city block Together with clerks, secretnr i ea, nurses and 1eachers . they made up a grour cr 200 wQrnen wo~king on tfoe project. The1r earl~· presence on s~te. toQe&her wilh the civilized ameniti;;;s, is credited with c nr.oura9 in1J a rernarkab~y clean . orderly, and livaable camp -"More like a town 1h<m .a camp·•, as many workers described :t. Not that tr.e camp lackod as iive!y side. A tavern {o{lert morning and evening to accommodale ;~:~hift work- ers) beg$1n ope;ation in the recrealion centre in lete 1957. and said four m:l- !ion bat\les of beer in the flext four years. Nor wa.s there e.ny lack at on,er recreat~ona~ faciiit1es --such as lhB baseball diamond. soccer field J.nd skating rink; l;:;ter the cml!ng ril'\i<., bowl!r~galiey and swin-:ming p~ol. ~- .ii..· The great majoril y of mB n on sita were not AGB employees. but worked for CFLCo and the scores of contrac· tors and suppliers. But -as well as managing thefr accommodation at the site, ACB co-ordinated ths other es- sentra!s for a happy wor:<. force: a col· lective master !abour agreement whicn was siyned for an eigtlt y~ar period (1967-1~75) between an as- sociation o~ empk'lyers working a.t the sita and a council ot New!oundlalld· based locals i::lffiliaterl with interna- tiona~ buiiding trade and service unions. .ilo. substantial hslp to the general smooth "unning of the-operation was the presence on site ol full-time labour relations personnel trained ~o handle and resolve day·tO·day problems on the ~pot. ACB manag~ment 1s unanimous that this agrcomc11l. wa5 t11e slngre mos! importe.nt factor in achieving the high rTtM .. LJay productivity re:;ord~d du rir~g constfuction. The nc.:-strike. no·!ockout ciause, togethel' with an agreed formuiu rerr petiodic wa~e adjustments. meant th&re was no interruptlor: c1 wurk becausB of dis- pul~s. de:spilr: thl.l many different em · pioyers an sHe. 1he 10-hour day snd si)(·lj.c;_y we~k provided ~he 60-hour Y.'ork .... eek --paid at sfraign! tim~ and Lille ancl a half. T'"le mal>sive domar'ldS of c•Jn- struci.,on crF.lat€'ci need::-~r vz.ric.us skills, from that of the {'.utter clearing right·of·way br transmission lines, to the eteclronic e;< perUse of ~he com- munications tech:1iclan. But they all flad to be able to take it: (;Oncrete pouring, for instance, continu~d {b~- 11ind p!astic sh eltEirs) even at th1 rty de- grees beiow zero. soma 13 raet or snow fell each winter: clouds of b lac!(-flies were tne on Jy constant in th~;t uncertain weather of the short summer. At the same time th<Jt me air was filled with tha roar of heavy earth m~v­ ers and the thump of b:astin9. a famt cry at Churchill Falls Hospital marked a new way 10 arrive on-site; Jeanette. daughter of schoo! teacner John Byrne and hjs wife, was born March 8, 1969, with attendance of ttlc Hospital's director, Of'. John PriCE! of the [ntcrnational Grentell P.ssoctet1on. When a. baby is borrl, a camp t>e- comes a community. Jo~eph Smaflwood had had .to make do •AJith a shovel full of peat Wlth caribou moss, hr the officfal sod tum- in~ ceremoliy in Hl67. By 1~70 lhe pnncEp&{ streets or the townsrte were paved and some of the glacial till was being upgraded to support tt1.e growth of lawns and gardens. Nelghbows were competing to nurtur€1 sapling shade trEtes-a challen!:Je ir1the 1\Jg- ged local ctimate. ln 1970 the field work force in Main Camo and 11 uatellite camps stratch~ng from Seahorse. at the end of !he southwestward reach of the ba,nsmission corridor, to Sail Lake 200 miles distant at the north-eastern ex- tremity of the reservoir, re3cf1ed 6,245 men and wornen. The da1ly food order for this army required the deii\oery of 4.5 ton~ uf meat, 2,600 dozens eggs. 3.100 loaves of bread, 13 ~or1s of veg- ·atables. and 2,300 gallons of mlfk. The ~ransitron from camp to town- site tool( place smoothl':l over the nex.t fl<~e years -a credit fo ACB's plan- ning. Now hQme fo( approJ(i mate l_y 1.000 permanent residents. Churchill Falls is one of Canada's newest northern centres. l'lio effort has been spared to make It one of the most ad- vanced and comforlable. To make f.acililies as accessible as possible dur- ing th~-; IOI'Ig, cold,snowy winters, the community cfust&rs compactly around a un1que complex, the Donald Gordon Cenlre, grouping under one roof ser- vices such liiS school <Jnd stores. note I, theatre, and sports fac.ilities. A pedestnan mall runs through the central core Of tile complex from the hotel to a higtl ceilinged con· course, which ac~s as the modern-day equivalent of a town square -·- uodoors. T,1a Eric G. Lambert Schooi in the Centre provtded instruction in English and French.. Each community facility was designed lo serve severai pur· poses. At night and on week-€nds I he school's resource centre oecor; ,es !he community library. During week days, the movie theatre rs used by the school as its aliditorium and assembly hall. The hot.1ses and apartments are groupe-d in a semi;irrcle around the Donald Gordon Centrs , Houses are built on only one side of the street This faCJiilates snow clearing. It also helps assure privacy --an important consideration in a small community where peop1s see ane anot"'er day in and ~av our ar work. The use of eler.- tr:city (rom the Falls for a~l hea:ing he~ps maka a. remarkably clear. p1ace. There :s an Interdenominational chiJrch. a regional hospital, a pmtes· sionai f1re cfepartf11~nt, a smal: de- lachment of the RCMP and other amenities that go with modern civiliza- tion. Regular scheduled jet airt~rrer servjce lmks Cru ... rctlit,· Falls •.vith Montreal and St Jo!ln·s. The corr~­ munity is lied in w the continental lelephoneo net~Nork Engl1S h and French rad1o and teh~vJsio n 1v1.a microwav~) are prOvided b~· 'the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora110n. I. l< :if :.}; ·.1' ·~· ·~ . ~ l . .l.. Bringing the world to Churchill Falls The m?.nagemenl organftabon evolved lor Churchill Fa~ls construc- tion was an essential pre-condition for the achievement of the projecfs ··on· Sl"'"'edule, withm i0udg91 .. objective. At the summit o~ the organiza- tior~al pyramid of the ACS consortium, responsible for complete engineering and construction man<Jgen~ent, was the "Po~icy Boarcr·-itself an organi- zational innovation. The General Manager of ACB reported monthly !o this board. composed ot two senior axecu t ivas each fro m Acres and Canadian 8eJclltc1. The group aiEOo provided liaison with outt>ide engineering skms em- bod•ect in .-, panBI uf distinguished in· terM.tionat con5u!!ants and a panel of semor engineers from Acres and Canadi<Jn Bechtel. The rna~n functions or the ACB organization were engineering, (;OSt control and 3drrHnistrati'>n, scheduling and estimating, procureme11t and t::on- struchon. The work at the projec1 ttseH was furtt'ler divided into four compo- f)er.t::-· water storage: power complex; sw11chye;rd and lransmission iines: and su!lport lacilir:es. Because o1 the 1m 'Tiense scope of the protect, no general contractor was r1amad. Instead. r:onlra.~:r "packages" were developed by ACB in such a way as to encourage the widest response and compebHon from qualified bid· ders. Ovor 180 separate constructio.• and serv1ce c~racts were awarded, bu~ none was for an amourl1 in cxcas.s or $75 million. In addition. hundreds of major pu rch s.se (;On trac-ts tor the supply of major equipment ware negotiated. ma!rrlv \•Jilh Canadian firms. - It was deciderJ aarly to relieve construction contractors of til~:~ re· sponsibllity for providing housi1,Q and board for therr men on the site. Tllese were provided at a stated subsidized cost per man-day by ACB. 1hls meant the mmoval of a large item of uncer- !ainty from the contractor's evaluation, thus resulttng in lower and mora con- sistcflt bids. In addition. the good =-tandards of living and work1ng condi- tiotlS mad€ an important contribution to the morale of workers on the project. TrallSportatiOfl w.a s contracted 10 vc!ume packa~es to e;'lperi~nced, re- sponsible earners. such a5 Quebec- at; and Eastern Provinc~al .AJrwars. A total of 730,000 tons of materia and B(Juipment was moved to the site by air and :surface transport, as weU as 52.000 passengers. Ttle aHDC<Jiion of work between tl"le dl~ferenl .A.CB divitioni was as fol- lows. Engineering. in which A era~. personnel were predominant. cslab· tisl1ed concepts, performed {]etai!ed design, monitored anginearing as· signments and obteined approvals. The remaining four div1s~ons. rel1ed mainly on Canadian BecMter s exper· tise: the FinEI.nce and Administration Div1.s10ns (;ompilod cost data, proces· sed progress ps }'ments and provn:led admi!)istrative support. The Schedul· ing ~nd E:l,tirna1ing Division developed schedules. mon1tored pro!Jress and prepared contro! estimates for clc· rnent5 ul tho project during th~~ en- gineering phase. The Ooerat:onb Divi· sion covered the Concract r.lepart.- ment. which developed contr:iCt ctocuments, fssued tenders, "'~;:!yzed b~ds. recommet~ded awards ~rot,; or- ganized quality control and expe(llting. a~d the Construction Department. which looked aftar operations on s1ta. One no!eworthy feature of the contracting was the prevalence of the type of 'conscttiwn IJhi~O:sophy" in- spired by the 1ormat\on o~ AC8 it$e!L The largest co11~truction tea!Y' on s1te. for instanGc, w~s Churchill Construc- tor::~ Joint Vanture, a consortium or six companies organized by A~las Con- ~>tru(;tion Ud. Provision of the 11 ht- dro-eleclric generating units, a j~ih "l;hich employed 600 men for two ~~ears at a cost o! over $60 miil1on. wa::; con~ructed to lhe Church1lj Flll!s {Machin~ry) Consort•um. a }oinr ven- lure of Car.adiM General Electric . Dom;.,10n Engmeenna Works Ud. and Marine lndu~tries Ltd CGE ar1d MIL divided the fi1st H) ~~~rc!n~ glo)nera!or 'Contrac~~ between th;o,-,1 ""ilh Mil bEung awarded the el(!vent'l. # .. 1 '..!'! t,'f•U r~t 01f· 1 ··IJJ('o;ll i~JI!r \L ),,, h • i'u~~~ w·riPJ~ i~· . .-. .-~··~~·~[ Of ttle total C:trect consbuctror expendi~u(e of $6b5 rn11110n . ap·prox;- :'nately 6650 mi!!ion -98'·, -was spent in Canada. with 57o.., of ~he sum going la Canadtan ·nanufactun r1g 1ndustry. r 7"'~ to serv,ce ,nduSif)'. and 2Va in dirGct labour costs Sut. m 5pste of lhe high C~'inadran com;Jor:e-nt of rr.an·Jfacture. the con- sortn.Jt"!"' approach made ava~lable 1he best m North Amencan ~nc Euroocan te-c!~n ology. Both Ccmadtan · ;;~nd Fn:nc:t1 spec1altsB . for instance. evolv J "•-air own ,'jes!ons for lhEI tur- t. .• c o?.J"lr:! generators: .:l~th groups ·::J ouled and shan::u then· ewerience to the benefit of !he project. Shafts tor tne huge untts were forged 1n Eng!ano. turbtna rr:odels 1esled 1n Canaca. France anu ScoUafld, speed gover- I'IDrS designed ar,cl bu•lt 1n the Unll.(ld States. and 5Gmc: ~·ansfmmer.s sup- p1ted hom Swcd~;:n. Aca·., I(Jgjshcal r-1ana~ement was ~ested to 1he Ll=mos1 e~r.y m lhe prOJ€CI. whan ,.n May 10. 1969. a stnke suspended o~eratruns or the Ouobec NorH~ Shote & Labra~ior Railway for t'lr<Je mon1h~. at the peak Df the nea"y const•uchon season. wtth -1 .50-:l mt>n alre8.r1y on si~e . An 1(1 emergency airlift -··the biggest since the Berlin tJiockane" -was pulled togeiher, wilh aircralt .:ha1!ered from as far away as F1orida ano Alaska. It operated 1.153 fltghts lmm Ser:L lies and Goose Bay. carrying in 650.000 gallons ot fuel p~us 11.£17 Ions o! cargo. and sur:phes. 1nr.1udrng 1tems as heavy as dismantled b;Ji!dozers . Gut the Church1fl Falls acl1:eve- ment was nut limited tc ~ mas!>iw~ ap- plication of logisiical and earthm0\11n9 skills It involved. loo. the r.-~ost ad- vancP.d and tnlcns1ve angmearir'lg ap · proactl ever appl;ed to a rna1or hycro- eloctnc projnct. Reitetblltty and a:; sumd perlorrnance from !he start cf operation were vital fo assure that power contract oMgat1onos wc•e lutly met. Fca!ures of 111e prOJ!~ct had Lo meet the roquirernenls oi werl proven ex::Jerience as well a.s lake 1'1e full costioenehf advantages allowed by the scale of tt1e project. Turbines and generators were selected at the ...~pper ilmit3 o1 output and stze for the 1.060 'L hcnd Thomugh dostgn anfll:..-~t$ provicP.d !'I higlo degree of confirte11ce fhal Hil ex- pectat.ons ~vould be re2!rzed. Electn· c<e>:l 'acifrtms 1r.a:h~ optimt.m use tJf [} 230 KV/735 Kif system l.'.ith power carried from lhe underurol)nd lr~ns· forrners thrcugh 900 ft. -1::31'19 orl f1 ll~d r:aolcs. ~'lgmuenrg dos:qn oi t.'1r ex.-::a· \'al~d caverns I':'' ~o;;werhous.::. surqc lanll. tunnett. anr~ ~;.o.ller·e~ wm; gma!J~· ass~sted by t.s .... of advanced frnite el~:;menl str;)SS analySIS G•osc inte- gratton of EmgincHm"g and rnn;;1ruc· hon tee "'ntques leG w su h ~;~an~~<:~ I economies Varied ~asl<s demando::t:l rew en g~nno:-1ng apr.ro<.lChcs lrnm 1'1 e m;1-;;· sive hycta.ul•c contro! g~1t~s 1u lr~11lS­ porl equipment spec.,ai ·Y" •:~Js.-qneu fo- 1ne protect r.eecrs. The gates ar~ :tte cru·:..1 -1i elemr?nt 1n cDr tr oiling tile trr f'(hli 1J ·nor t of ~. 1 OD biiUO'l :-ub1c tee1 O:•l .JSC!b1e water rm Chur(.;htlll=.~·ls pOl#&! ~1e ·-~·r:orr-cnt. The ser4e~ of re!;r~r~;otr~ ,1 ·~-."! !he a• a a oi Lake Ork~•l: c\rt> !•)I: 1'1:'<1 oy the SKIU~JI ~>Se of nar ~ra' a···•l 1-;Jn11-;.. :;uppiE~mentea w•1h .~c ~, .;·~ "Jf d:-iKr;·~. ranu•ric LlP 1o 117 fc-m :r h ;• .:-; .. : f!~e ke~--to-drr~Cf1ng :h1s ·,v,iif:' .<., · :·. ,,; $,'( con1roi structutes ·-:_::")no:re~~~ sr 1- ways w•!l" !ihd1nc; ~<•113 ~ '1•;,~ ·.:.:1r t!< r eri'IO!!~Iy con:rc·'~cr. P.i•, ·-, .-.. 1 ) •• ~'''' 1 Ji J. J J j 1 ........... ,._-...,_ I J J 12 the Chc-rchi!l Fafis control room at a d!stam:e of uo to 60 miles. To m~~t~ thsso gates ·operate raiil!lbiy when !emperatui'E:!S might be 50<'F. be!ow. with five ft. of L~e on ihe reservoir, re· quinx:l many man months of mode!!mg and desiQn effort. Tha insta:lations me he-ated ln winter IJott: bv air circufatlon and electric (es!sta11~e heaters. and eiectromechanically contro!leo by r~­ d~lndant. fail·s<:lfe, supervhscry control cir-:uils. Ano1her uniQue element ot tile proj.:.ct was the design and construc- tioll ot ::l2'50.·ton tran8porter~o tal~e the 224-ton transformers (one ror each g-enera1or set) from their spe:::ia! rail cars at =:sker to the project site. The vehf.cle finaliy developeo h3d tires seven ,eet high, and two 7UO-horsepower six·wMt;l drive trac- tors. ll$198 root-lonr;1 body, was articu- lated in ordar to be abl-e to negotiate fl'1e tu;rs in th~ 28 ft. wide access tun- nel to the underground transformer gallery. Early Churchiii Fai!s rssrdents st!ll remember turr.ir1o out at tile tn~er­ seclion ot Ressegie!.IDrive ar1d Esker Road to see "the awesome convoy craw! pOJst in full glor~•, yellow ftashers whirlina, at two and a hall miles an hour:'· Tne trs.nstormer transporter was only the largest of the enormous fieet of 2,000 transport and con:;truc:lion veh<t:lcs at the site: 600 IHJCked macllines. ranging from bulldozers to self prope~le,j dri!:s: and 1 ,J~[IG wheeled vahicie!S, from pass(mg~r cars to fuel lan~ers and 5CHon durnp trucks. Ncr were the transforme1·s the only l1ea1,oy equipmer>1 beyond the car- rying ca~<l-ca~· of rnost vehicles: the iurbine nmn~E~rs with a casting weight or 145 tons . .Jnd a finished we!qht of 100 tolls set for Canada a worfd re- r::ord ff1r the ~2.rgest castinr::s ever made in stain!.:;-ss stB(l! "fh\} t'ND cranas ;nstalled rn !he power hOl>Se w~r~ OOL1pled "'dh a rnass1ve lifting beam to handle the G55 ton rotors and giant si.ator:; for ti1e gnnmat-or units. which were assemb!ed on site <Jnd lirted into positicn. 5pann:r.g the rivo:·.r ~orye was 8 h1gh!ight for thC' tran~rn1ssion iif'le cra'I:JS. The1r eHorts li11ked tha prp,v~r plr.nt w.lh the t-lyoro-Quebec substa· tion at ~;lontagna!s. 13{] m'!es to the southwsst. For I he l!:lst span a helicop- ter (on~ of as rnany as sevf.'n on s•le} r.w!C"d 7.SOO feet of haiHnct; nyion rope a::rm;;s lhe ri.,·EH from ~ha soutl'1 sht)re. increasingly heavier 51eel ca- t;las !o·lo•.ved Urltl: lmelly the ccmp~et9 set o! conducttx!o; stretched ,rc~' tt'lree sets or 100 lt. towers, 6,2GG f;. 2!p1lrt 1.000 fl. at!ove the '-'JatDr 5 of lh.e Churchill Fer e.ach c:onl'ract .:Ja(:k&Je, •-•rqa or small, ACS':;. co."'Cf;J! mr;niiming af oost, quality, ~mel coMp!Gho!11ime was the essential factt..r ill int~ .. .;Fati WJ 1Wery element intv t!18 smo~tll prut.;· ress of tre t'l' hole project. Ouat!ty s1ar1dards ·:~.r~;;ore c~?.arl~· written into 6aCh con!ract docurn!:Oin~ and \JUf(:ha!:le order. t:nd ACS.'s ~u<siJy contwl groun not ~;~niy monitored cor;· s1ruc1ion and manuiacturil'lg conlrf:lctt;. but also ~ns~sted li1at the contrac~ors prov1de their own quality :x:;ntrol S}'S- t~rns. Schsdu~e ;~ontrol w1'!:;, achieved il'l'' monitonng Drogr~:;ss m• cc:ntf8ct;;; eve;y P!o.'O '/teak~. r;nd ta!~!n~ C0rrc--c- tiV~ ilctJo"" wherever possib .. J b.-~!U<(,. slippage became seri(Jus. Cosl contro~ was main~l:lint:ld from the-ir~itf<JI r:::;:ti- matli:l tilrOuf111 design. anr.!, atic~r con .. t.-act award, by monthl'f forecasting of final cost relat!ve I!J budget. Thus, early warmn9 of any signif;cOJn, var.a- tion enable-d corret:tive measures to be ta~.en in time to ar::hieve comro!. All lhis performance info~meJt1or; would have b-oon nearly usr:-le;;;s Lm- less systamatiz.eC:. computerized for easy rl\!trievar. .:ll"'d in1egratecl with anot~er ke)' r.actor: logis!ics. A given item ot material for the projeci m~ght meet cost. ql1ality, and cornp!etic n targets. F3ut wher9 was il? Wl;en W<'.8 it shipp9d? When. a,1d how, wou!d it <'!rrive on si~e? fhese wer{] qu~ln:m5 the T'ansporte~tion il"of!!,mati(ln Sys:~m (fiS) used t·Jy ACB, was des1qned ro answer. No soulless ma!~h,~r-:. T!S took lhe strenuous eftorls of scores of men as wei· as 'l'lasses ol dEJ.ta pro· cessmg rKJV'pm~:::n! to -<:eep taos; on th~ thc:n1Sands (')! 1tems o1 IY1ateml! •n tr<:Jnsit ul any une t1"11e ... . = ... -d • • •• • r · · tm .... Safety beneath the shield The heart of the Churchill Falls power plant is the great machine han. housing the 11 gensrati•1g units. Over toOO ft fo11g, 8' ft. wide. and 154 rt. from floor to roof, il was carved out of ll'le rugged granite of th~;~ Laurentian silisld 900ft. below the surface. It might seem simpltH to have Sited the power plant above ground at the edge oi ~he river. But, from lh~ perspective of a hydrau~ic en~ineer, rt is monil practical to make the 11 pen- stocks whic::h carry wa!er to each tur· t>ine short and a.'> steep as possible. Wh.en the 450 P<Junds per square inch pr~ssura has spun the turbine, the spent water is discharged to a surg9 chamber, baiore f~wing via two ~~uge tailrace ttJnnels ov~r a mile to the fotro~et C!":Lm::hilf river. The arnount of excavahon re- QUJfed w~s enormous; in addition to !lla peosl<x:::k5 and the machine hall and surge chamber a transfonner ga~· lery was excavated just above tne pow~~housa. And ln(l Cl)l'109rn oi the engms~rs and geologn;ts !hat lht! rock sttuc~re be ··competent'' to bear ~he bfastrng, tunnelling, B.r.d me surge of 14 water, was lhorOIJghly exercised by exhaustive drJIIing, sampling, and stress analysis . -~-he area finaliy seleded tor the powerhouse had been proven to haiJe the necessary integrlty anr.l .. faul[lass'' structure. The first step was completion of a mi1o-1ong access road which curves down the ~;leep slope toward the river. The second was to drive a mile deep tunner al tll~J end of the road, angled in to provide access to tile undarground woills through which the heavy dump truc!.;s were to remove much of lhe rock. This accomplished, the me.jor un- dergrour\0 construction con!rac.t was awarded to ChurctriH Constructors: two contracts totalling !i65.7 rniHion, for aJJ remaining undergro1.md excava· tion except completion of the tailrace ~·..!nnels; most of the concreting of the underground r.·omplex: inst;:dling of miles ot embedded condoit and fJip· ing: ar1d provision of tons of anchors afld rock" bolting, as w~H as i rtstaltation of the maio powerl'rov.se cranes and gates. In excavation alone, this meant tll9 removal ol 2.300,000 cubic yards o~ rock. CCJV, as the consortium was called, was busv for three years at the job. employing at one time over 1,200 workers. Safety -both for the construe· tion crew and the operating staff who would follow them -was a prime conslderalion. Painstaking calcula- tions had to tal<e into account the changing s1fesses on the rock as tl'te excavations grow in ~ze. !n the larg~: chambers, excavat1on W.?15 carried nul from :he top dowr"l: first a !)flot tunn~l or heading was driven alona what was to be the ce 1ling of the chamber. Then this would be "slash~:~d" or excavated to fu!l w~dth. Finally the rl;}maining la~rs of rock wwld be bla.l)led and mucked away in a quarry-like operation. Excavation re!lCiled 1ts poak in June 1969: wilhrn $rx days 45.$00 cubic yards ot rock wora •amoved, enough For 2.800 lrucklo,:~ds of 33 t~ns each. The pens-to{:ks. on th c Ottler hand, were started !·om the bottom. drilled from electncal!y·dri¥ef\ climbing ·~ I) li m :; ·I ., \;-:1 . . _;., ·· "·we m .. - platforms known @S "Aiimaks" and which enabled an ~~gN by ten toot pilot shaft 1,200 ft. to the surface to be driven wtthout intermediate stations. Yet, such was Hoe aocuracy of survey· ing (in which the latest technical de- Vi{les such as iaser beams had been employed> that the first shaft broke su rfa.ce with ln inches of its target. One of fhe most hazardous and difficult jobs remained: siashing the 11 pilot shafts to the designed 2:2 ft by 28 ft penstock di~nsiCtls. The "slashing" w~s done b}l six drills on outriggers, mounted on a "jumbo'"-a sort of fiat-{;at whfch ran on steel rail::: ~aid on the almost veftica~ side of tha tunnel. Day after day the same sequence went on: lhe drills would whine into the rocil, cnarges WO\Jld t:.e set, the jumbo 'oiTOuld be hauled back 45 fl., and the blast fired . As tons o: rock cascaded 1,200 ft. to the bottom, I he jumbo would be <l.dvanced. another 14 ft. of rair laid. a11d the whole process would bagln an over again. When the jurn bos had finally bored their wa.y down ths shaft another hazardous job began-con· creling. Thrs was the task of covering the whola Inside :surface of the pen- stocks with a foot or concrete -!O resis1 the wsh of 400,(}(}o) gatiOf!S; of water a second at full flow. The men who worll:oo the barrel-shaped collap- sible meter forms for ths oo~1crete cal- led the frame at the top of th~ torm "tha heM-ache rack'' with good reason -even a smaJI pebble comes down a 1,00.0 fl tunnellnclinad at 60 degrel>s like a ricocheting bu I let On July 1~. 1970, thA fir'l<:>.t hl.:;o~.f W'dS f!rad at the bottom of No . 10 ~en­ stock, marking comptetion -less than 34 months aftEi!r i~ E.Le.ri.ed. of too ut1<terground Q-Mcavatlol,, Some five mlllion pounds of explosive t.a::l been used. Yet, In spite of ihe scala of the operation. and 1hs qraat haights a."ld other h82ards in·ro:Ved, lost t!mG from work eccidenl.s was su~stantially lower than on most excavation jobs of this type. Tha final ho:i:o::onta~ ss:cticn of Ill~ penstock!!, which narrowed to i 4 ft. seven in. diameter, was lin-ad with high strength stael. (The length of the co~Stly stsellinir.g had been minimi:red by careful eog~ring analysis and judgement of th3-adequacy cf rock 8.1'1d concrete to withstand the stress. Impressive economies were achieved.} EJCcellence ln bOth C::Jsign and workmanship meant that fun advan~ ta.ge could be taken of the temarkably solid rock formation. No supporting caocrete was required fOf the roots of the masslve underground chambo;s. The powerhouse ceiling finally took. the form of stainless steel sheeting suspended hom botts embedded in the vaults oJ rock above. •411 ' .• -~4'"~,r~r: Typiml 11-t;o·~ ~ll}<"i) :mnT 17 .. '·· .~f.-. ' s~ ' . .;H,Ull.~ssing ·t:e·c:.h:nOl.ocr~' ·:b~' tc; i.111prove ecolo·gy ,..,. Whtiln gf.lologist A. P. Low climbed Labrador'& Lookout Mountafn in 1894. OlferllJaking ~vhal is. now the Chun::hil! Fall::; pQwer eli!.nt !-'take, he ~<3opor!~d a bl~ a k vi~'~'!: 'over h::~lf oft he surr!'Jurtding country has. bee<~ strip· p~;d hate I:Fy fra-quflnl fires. (n 1he s·•vamos and aro~Jnd 1ha s!'lora-s o~ I he !al::as: .. bi ack spruco and l;.rch of &rn.etl size grow thlc!l:ly togeth-er. On tl,,l sidss of tN~ hills lhe.se are mcro 5tunted ... w11ere t~e hil!~~deos have be9:'1 bumt V·3ars ago the~· are cov· ered w! th a tangled mass of wi !lows a:w a!de r s, whfre the tops are coa~ed w+~ wh!ta mos~ Jr'll::l samt arctic :.~;;;bs..·· Ti1e ani ma:s that mhatit ihis har:<h !$.r<d le.aC! ~ sim!iar1y precarious i'lll'.rSter-.ce, and Jr.rga mammal:!l, StJch as t!te blac~ b.eiir and caribou . <'l r~ f~~ "'!lihi~-3! u~ .mfished ~;,es pw:!de a. few .... ~pp.:)!$, tr.e c.oncentrati::n c-r nu .. ::r~nt.:;. ar~d there-~re lht" density of ;:t.O:ual!c nte. !~ !loog;s~-la~rador·s ~-l.is:.:fi::..op~ iihlj"'ne. $"'~11m vis~ied the area, beca usti cf the scarCity or yarn a and fish. In workrn.a wtth and afterin~ the terrain, man does not always ne.ed to oppose n<!t\.Jre. it is, peril.aps. signifi- cant that the new course along the edge of the plateau, into which the Church!il was directec!, may in fact h<we been the ortgina.l river bed before the east gla:Cl-ltion 20,000 years ago. Er.:olcgical!y. tho ootire project can be slu.C:ied as a model for resoufce de- velopment ir1 tha Canadia11 norl11. From the standpolnt or {.OI~SefVa· tion. the reguiaJi'Jn ol flows. passing through 1 he power !levelo~1man t s!1ould actua1~y ~!Edt:~ to P'"SVei11 the i)fO\•ious !1armfut e-rosion of the b~l'lks of ttle lower reaches of tne Cl"'urchFi 1. by unc·Jn~rol1ed sp;lng freshets. Ag.<:u~, t~e fwocling Qf .2.500 squl:lre mu.ss w create the reservoirs ~~anged lh~ far.e ot the countryside . MOVtever, the s~mur~ass oftha process. wl'llch took p=ace a11er three years, :neent tl"lal h<e;>mtui ~mpact u~n ter;d ar1imal~ in the reg~o" ":'!as r~inimi..:ed. Carefur studies by blologu;;ts have COiiCitoded thai some overcrow::!i11g or sm.;;!le;-soecies occurred in some timitcd areo:s such as i.sl<mds which were created as the waters rase. And tne fishing should be even better thar. before. Not omy has the aquati1~ hatl!tat been gr9ally en!arQed, but the ftoodinQ ot swamp .s11d mus- keg, biologists ha.va found; increa:;es the vol;;me and ct.:.ncentrat10n ot :;.rna:ll organisms whir.h .are thfl ba:;:"' .. of th(;l rood cha:n whjch sustains. lnC>J:ectl}·- the: largergame fi::>h. . . Or the land S~lb!Tre.rgec! t:teneat~ the rcsarvo1r. <'!survey determined fr:at it contained B"5 per cent scruO buS~: grt:JwinQ or. rock scantily coverad_ ·ml!: acid .soil. four par c.-ent t;arl'l3n mnd: nine per -cen1 buril~d-cver areas. ar'rC 20 pe'r Dl::'n: bog. Oniy wo~o per cent t;onsi~1e ct ()l trf! e s ov~r 30 ft. h>gh. ACi3's concern fer. and interest in. ~he erwira:;mem was ciaar!y _d~: rnonstra.~e.d b:l" th~ i>lsistence tt;ai a..l .~ ... -. :t : .... .. ·iE ;~, --~t: .. :1· .£#. .. :~ :~:· EJ .i: .. E . ...... r.:-.. -_,_..,... ~~~~--~~~----, 20 camps, even the ramotest. snouid be equ1pped with sewage treatment faci!:ties. Arld the-new human inhabitants, permanent and lemporary. ol th1;1 main camp afld townsfte appaar ~o have quickly developed an awareMss and .:;~ppreciaUon of the unsp()i!ed envi- ronment ERrly !ssues cl 1he weekly CFLCo paper Churcht11 Fafls News, were full of suggeslions tor using such natural rasot.m::;as as cariboll moss, parlridge berries, and Labrador tea. And one of the noHest debates in its ~etters column wa5 1he vexed auhject of whether f$male calibou have ant- Jars. (Unlike the resJ of the deer family, the~ d'nl _ It wa<; t1li s aspect of the projer:t which captuTed th'3 attlilntion ~Jf Prima Minister Pierre Emou TnJdeWJ, when h£3 inaugurated the devetopmen! on June 16. i 972, with a sp11cch titled ·•rn harmony wilh nature.'' "We stmuld see;· he said. "tnis gigentic insi.JIJatit:'n <lS the un!fied and dy1"1a.mic solution to a great many prot>Jems, using the contributions of a wide .array of skills and knowledgE!. A truly human ::;tn::~:pe has thus been given to this source cl raw e."Gr!Jy without diminishing nature or disturb· ing the batmca ot the ~rwirortment The example of Ctlurchill Fafls shuws that though ma.r. imposes nis will on natura. Me can do so jn haffTKiflY with nature, and that this procesS~ can be noble and fr~,;ilful Thar is wily I Sl.i'' wilhout 11esitatiofl rnat m.Ar tectmof· ogy ha'S produced here a masf&r· piece t'lar comm~nds rJovt>l~ admir<J!i~n . '' f}' t1 tl yf ~ :] ~· ~~ [J. !J ~ :~ ~ J '?.'~.:-.:,~"!': ·.·:~~tt~·="'a;~·~' ~'1-~:!K~~~""~;~;;qi':'l}1}~:.f.~~~;··~;~--~-·;,""·· , .•.. .,. .... ,.-<· ,.,..~ .. ~J .. ~,·~~,ff~~~~;;~~7~-t7:r:~·~~~,: . .;;.· '1' ~., .... ;:'JO~.l>f'·~ .. :~=~~,iiitt''f!':,-';'#..itl£.~.:.~.'i . .;;t;"t.·'i"':r!.:~e:·.~~;J~-,..".'· ,.:-~,>? ... , .. , .. ~. > .... !_,..,.·~~.a.r, ... .:. ,,. by. of Vetsionfnmraisl! sur dematult. PRII'!'TED IN CANADA Falls t '.~.·.~~:~.:,~-.-.f.·" .• : ..• '.:_,·.;:~-.· .. :·--.,i·;·:.:.:.:c_:--·.~ .. ::~~.::.-.:·.-: .. :.:·~ ..• _.~.:.:.~.~;·: ..... • ... ·:··:·~".·.~·~.-:',·.···:,.·.i.· .... : .• ·.:···.~·-.~.··.·-.• :.:~.··:.::· ... ~·.:-~: .•.. ·:: ... ::.···_·.; .... ·~._: .• : ..• ~.~::t.: ·.?\ ... ·~:.~.:...-:·".~··.,.~:!;.·~·.:~_::·:',~ .. ~~~,·.)· .. • .• : .. _ .. ~·.:::,..:".·._:·~.-r\.··."·_::~ .. ~~-··.-.···.·.:·.r-.•••• ~ .• ··.!~_:; .. ~.:~:~-: __ ·;:·.~"',-~.·~ .... ;~~~.=~=.-.;~;".···.· •• ···:,. f./~~}r~.-;?f~;;~~~:;~~~-?~-~~I1:?_~:.r.~~i».if.~f.;·:!=· · :: -?'.;: . :z:;: ~ : •.. , .. · -· ~· ;.>.<: _ ,., ~-~ =~-> : ...... _ · · ... f~~:~~*~r.:~:~:!~!j\~'Jl!.*i:~~··}, .~:~·~~i~\:·*i~~:r.~·*~~ Loc.a.tt:d on Lh& (n~urnbi.J Ri~'ct, a.houl -'!.SO ri•;~r km nonh of rhc Canada· UJii t~d St at~-5 bordE!r, \·1 ica D11m ill om' of the higher earth-ii11 darn5 in the ···I:Drh.!. Cmnuided ir~ 't9i'3, the d~w1 toW('rS 244 tn abo~·~ lhc lowest jedr:)(k I!!V•3I an.J con~htut.t!'>a rn~'iur lrn k. ~n h.:Hn~s~! r:g the v,,JJ er re<;mH~;e~ .. r L ht~ wlurr,bia Rivt·r ~l!>IC:::rfl. A live Sh.)l'.:l~e c.a.pa.dty of l 5 ,UOO x 1 (if: m · ];; vp·:o:-~ red to tarn~ thl' mi~hl y r..r· .. lumfli.:-Ri .. 'IH and pnn·ick flurld proCt::Ct.IOn t~J dG\Iin~tr~;lrn !·ip<iria;: laml By l 977, 1 ,7 1C' 1\HV of h·:~drof:kctr:c g<'!ru~ratin~ c::tr.u:;it".. h..td l:;l!!::!l in::.t.:~ric.::l by l.h~ r.HI.'rll~l, B ri l1sh C~lll mbh Hydro ;ln d Pnwt.: r ..C..LJt.liOI"iL ~'· Thf' \·1 icu ··tm -~~··· N''~'· ;..i j (~In!· vc nt.ure Cl)m p·a ~~y Lin1itl·~!. w;L:'. ~-nginN·red L·~· th<: c..t .... 5[C0 Co ,.,_ul1~ nts 1-1. G . ..-:\C:RlS /1, "'D cora· ANY UMlTF.IY wh 1Hh: ~)1 t r1c 1111 t'c p.H~'·H c:;girn-cri n;:! ((•nlp .. m ieoo;.. • ~he (...:;;l'l{t.1fl', v.·.E r··:~.:l'l.';i : .• ~1r:~ Cl:l~o;hi,~ )C~\~,:e-. l.[n~i~r:.:d in ; ':164. ;\a<:-s C()n•.u;t ill!! S;.·: "i l'\.'~ li r11il cd 5 ~~59' DN!:h,:o;;:::r Rr.~o;J N!.<~~.l~ a Fat!~. 0 n1 .1ri•:. C;;nJ.dJ l .:~f. ~~v~· 1 ·.,,.;. :. ~ :·: History of the Mica Storage Prr)ject fne Colt1mb Ia bas1 n is an lntern11.tinn;:!l ri"~r s~·stc m w!th lts headwat~n; io~:.aterl prr·hminantly ir. the C:111adian Rocld es. The Columbia River flow~ suJthwarri intn the' Un1t~d ':)(,He~. thch tum~ we>~tward 211d u1timately d i~t;harge!i int<) the Pac:i1 ic Oc~a:n. The mc<!n OI.MIJal &;charge at the mouth i!> 6,3QO m3/s and lh!:! sysi~::1,1 ii th~ fourth largest !n cnntinent.:-~1 Nm<h Aowric:a. ! n tn~ .:o;:rly H.lt.h century, ti1t1 Co! utnbia Riwt was tJt ili7td .i\S-a major >rading rcu;tc fnr tnc fur i11Ju~:1rv-GQod5 and po::s~nKWi v.crc transf€rred to bo;ns. iust north of the present Mica darns.lt~ fer the joi.irney t IJ tile Plldfic Occ<-~!:l. j 11 1 &65 , a. brit•f but f:.!rious gold n.1sh erupted as mine~ a~1d adventurers ureamed Lo wll.rd the" mine:;. south of rhc M~a s~tf!. A cre!o ha!> been i nvolvcd in the -dcvelopn1ent of the W?.Ier resou rc~s nf the (,Jhlmhi~ !oi n cc (he ca.rly· l9:}0 ·s, wl1cr1 roncC'ptui:ll t.lc!>ign s wr.-rc prcp<Jred for .i;lll e:~rtll-fiH ~.!;1m ~~ 1 h~ 1-'n:-sl'nt M i~i:l 5i t.c. In th~ !a teo 1951J's, tilt! Cmnrany dt·velopct.l scheme:;, for ~ site or the ColumbiJ i n the ~,o·icinity nf Murph~· Cret'!k. In 1 9 61 , 1 h n.: c rn.aior Camdlan cnn!.t~lting ._-hmpanies-··· f I. G. Acre:~. ~nd Cnmp~ny Limited, Shawi.n igan E ngi need ng Companv Limited, .1nd Crippen-Wrigtu: Engitlccring-fonMd a joint·venture ctlmpany called CASECO Con!>ultants Limited. Dr . t.. W. F. McQueen of A(l"es \\'.15 P"rc-sider1l cf CASE:C:O between 19-61 and 1%7. CASECO was ilt:'lf'oi:Hed as th-e comu~rinb engineer~ for the 1\'lica bam project by tl,<: B~ilish Columbia Power Commf~siOfl-~ CAS F. CO i nvol ·.-erncnt in the 11.·1ic.i s t rH.ilgc puJfi!CI inr.lucl.t-d • • river basin planning ~t u:.HC!; ~ enginee-ring ;~nd wn~trw;:tiun :Supc-rvisi•)n for ,\·\in Dam .;J.ncl iis~ol·i..~t~d structure-s ---d~:-sign Gf townsite!' -in;·e"-lig.:!tion of resen--oir ~fid~ ->tudy of the Downt!' slide I;J.:;:,ni!:d dt)wmart·.am fro ;r: : h~ site. During the pt::rioJ 1951 --1964, CASECO wor~~d \In an r)'llo:lroil i WJter res:Ju;ces devdoprmml plan for th .... Coiumb!it Ri\lcr b.:~:>in in Cma::h. This work con:.titu~cd the b~sis of the 1954 (tJ!umbia River ·r n:-atv beiV.'Ot:!1 C;:nii.dd ;;.nd lh~ lJn i t::!d Sta.le~. !n rerms' cl rh•.: T rcal.y, 3 stor;;~ge d.o ms , · Mica, :J!_:ncan Jf!d 1\rrow --were to b-e built in the C<1:1a<:fi<.i 11 por Lion of tf,~ Cnll:mbi21 1.yst~ n1. To fill key pasiUons, CASECO Initially drew senior ~n~ineNing s.tc.ff from the par~nt ~~omp~:~nies, Two ~nior member$ f rnn1 eacl1 of the thrC'c enginc~ring firms als.o se:n-cd on <t Board of Engint~o.vrs for C A Sr.: CO to provldl:' technt~l gL1ld11r.c.e ant.! expertTs.e fm the duration nf Uw dt!::;ign a.nd construction of the proje-ct. Dr. D. H. 1\.hu::Don..!ld llr.d Mr. L W. M.;;Caig were t11~ Acres memb:rs of thi: Soard m-· Engineers for the major portion of the period be.twetJI1 1961 and 1 97B. In view of the appwa~h1ng complcdon c·f the: design phas.e of CASt CO's worl<:, Acre.s. and Sha\.•1nlgai1 5old their int.er~-~t~ in the !oint ,·entiJre to G . ~--~. Cdpp~n and .~ssodat~:!'i L i milcd 1n 1967. H(h':'~~·.-.::.,, ;J.:;. s.lipulaled b }' the Briti~h Co~umbtJ Hydro and Power AHthori L}', both At;re5 and .Sha wi llig.!rt rt:t.-tim:d tr-chni c11.l rt:sponsibility ;md rnai nl.aintJ m~ mb~r31llp on the Bo<.~rd of Engitlccr~ unti! completio-n of the work !ll 1 ~78. ~lne Commi~si•m Wtl$ <lhnrbe-d lnt.:.1 ~111!" n~::wfy ~r~W-:J Rr;Li~h C~1lurnl'li;1 Hydro ami P":,w~,:, .4,:J lhnrity in 1 %:.!. ~~·1ica Tovvnsite Tho:: towns-ice ill M ir.:1 w:1!> rlc!.igr~:-:i 1 · •. , ) 1''111 Jdi:!.H' up to 1,000 pcop!e-during LC'lStl u : .. · -.' ·;;;,· dam. Full facilities \o,.·cre pmvid~cl , in~ L.:·; .: . -~:.Jpping t.~:nt('r. hank, F<'"Cr<>atiorl ("Nil"'. .m:dica! clini~;;, poliu; si..:LliOil, h-a~!:-1 . .tnd ._,,.·.: _·,·.nioncd fac-i!it;t":o.. ~ ~ :'I ~ w ~ I B.· "; ~ I I ...;.~ ---------------·---------·· \4 j C: f.. D.1. i\-1 G~:t'li:F~/L J\RRANGE~liENT ~ ~·· ·. !....------------------~-~----·---------------- , ... "',. -:: 1:,1,; ::......:. ~..:;.~· ....... :IIIYIC~ "J.l Ll L 1: .. _ ("I~ ':i i I I i ! ~ i -----·-·······--.-..1 r·) La_m 1\·Hca Dam is. locatod io rugg~:;d, glaciated terrain ~oviih mountain~ ris; ng steepiy to nearly 1,500 m J lmw river fc•.Jei. DuriJ1& the Pteist.ocen~ epoct. Alpl11e <!nd Cont1nen~1 glaciers covered t!oe atc.a with k.: sl1.cet!> up ~o 1 ,800 m thidc acJrock corlsi!f.IS geru::•·"IIY of mica schist and gr.ar,i~·ic: gneiss. The river valley beneath the dam wa~ fiUea with 27 m of i!.liuvium, underlain by up lo 1 S m of \•ery d(':me gl<u;ial tl11. E xt.em.ivc fieid invcstiga.tian~ were p~rformcd. Explor.ati~n Wd~ Larricd (.>UI. uver ~ p\.!riod of 3 yedi'S by CASECO a.nd imlud~d driiliog and s~mpllng, tc~t pittin-g, trenchin~. seismic profiling, test fills, te:;t bh'!s.ts .:md pump tests.. Over 2.000 dri li holes, d.l mshdl and back floe test pit~ wen~ us.cd to confirm a.;ieq uatc S.:Hm:cs of construction rnaler ia.l. Th~ ;nair. d<~m ;~ a c:omp;u;:t~d earth-fill slrw;ture with a: near·~o·e rtl ca I i mpervfou~ core or glacial till. ~,..ia;.:,imum height of the d;;,m is 198 m above the riverbed i("\'el. Til~ total volume of fiH materi;d is ;~pprmo:im.atcly 32 6 x 106 m3. The inner and outer she II zones comi-sl of sand and gravel, ancl rock fill, respect ;.,..ely. To prevent te-nsion cracking wi lh~n the ~he !Is and core .<.u ne of the d.<un, the following 'l'le~surcs were incorporated irt the dt:~ign: -~elec:tion of we !1-gr<ldCd glaciai ti II ..;s a ~elf·healing core mat.erii!; -adoption of re!at ivclv flat slopes to l'ilini rnize s.eismic-ind~lCf:!d ;.he,1 r $tri!Sses -u~trca!; .. rvature of the da.m high·t:-ner~y compaction of fill m..tt.criats .. sh;!ping of .a.bulm("n LS and .::ore cor~ tact. z:one~. The fou.nd:ition of the impen·ious. core ZGonc w~s t:>t~(llli.iied to sound rock. o~·erhil.ngs ana abrupl J~sr.ontinu it.i~s w~ re removed ;md the rock surface shaped, by b:astlng, to ::trovir!e sard<ielory conta.ct uca~ with t !-Je fi I L Fuund;Jlion o;urflcc ueatment CQmprrsed infil i COtlCretl': tO remo/Ve geo.rnelri(; irregu laift!es., and shuir.rf'tt-,.,.,,-.~ .-1 .... ~ •. ,. ~ ... : ...... ~"' ._..,, ..... , ~-~~~~ t~ 10 ~ne bedroc:k surfate. \o"h~hin lhe riverbed area, the foLJndatiun of the supj)crt.ing -shdl zor1~s. uf l..he dam wa~ pla.c:ed on d;2ns~~ ?.lhwittm. Tho;-upp~r stratt..:m of s!lt~r fine sand was e-xc~vJted to a•A:<iJ poss.ibl~ liqueb~tiun undtr e.::rnl"io,u.i:lke :cads. lllstrumentatl.on of Mh;a Dam i~ e;o;tilnS.ive. To monitor the perrurm.ancc of the d?..m and check its behavior wlth design <IS.s.umptions1 a wide range of instrUm!::.nls was c2refull)' 5E'iiE!ded <~nd lnstalled, inclLidir.g pie;:ometers~ mmf:mcnl gauges, ~oad c~lls and seismic: re,ording instruments. L~ f.~· ~· ~- I. 7, i ~ tl; l 1: ![J i!. ~. ~· f"'' ~'fil ~ •.· .. ·- . M~~~lii,!l~~i~W!I~~~~~~~1~ ~ 1 ....,._ ... ~, .. ---... -...... _,.., ~ ........ ._ ___ j, ·.· . .;: iJ.=. ~;~ i'' ... ........ Divcr~ion works consi.st of :.!: c!mCrc-.tc-1 i ncJ tunne·ls, ! 3.7 m ln diamN~r, each h11viflg a iength uf abuut l ,OuO rn. 0 .:O!.~gnc.d a~ frc~-f!ow ~tru cture!i, the Il"n.nrls have il comb1r.ed ;:ap<iC: v .• 1 4,25 0 m3,1s. L.tch l u ;lr.d in.:-orpcjratcs a galed intake structure ;1 nd .:m c x.it st rucwre de~igrot:d to c:ontai n the hydrauHc jump. River diversion lh rough lhc tunnels. W<l5-(' ~:.ned by 1: p:! i r~ of rock-f1! I dikes const.ruc ted : • .;ross thll (<)[l! :·nb!a R ivi'! r .1< thi:! ~~ pstrc.arr1 and dCIWfl.;treilll1 !irr1its oi the m<~ill d.am foundatton area. F"or (!ew<tlerin~ th:.: J.ml foundation, 7Gil~..:J -=:arth-fiil coff{'-iOlm5 we <e con strl•:::v~~~ within thest.: .~ ~ r~ s :1 ;·<.· d i kl'!.. ·r h<: cofferdams w-.:: r c ia:rgdv 1n corporated in to th~ d<illl embank m{~ nt, Deep wb~: wdb wcr~: irt·Ha.lled througl1 the ri\·~:r .-~lluvium o~d i<lO.:.!:'IH I.<t the co( f~ r dam::;. fc}f contro' of sc:cpa::;~ .nlo 1ho::-core trench o::xc;avation, To ;!llnw flnw n::!eas.:-~ during fil!ing or thL:" .U~ad :o.tfJr.llg<:' 7Cone, a low-IC'"vf'l outlet ;truc;a1re was umstrun~d in the eJst di..,·ersion 11mr.d. This outlet c 1H 1J lo·r·s. <! n ~ x pailsitJn chamber tvp~ ~IH!rg•:.; di o:;s~pJtnr whi ch reuw.e5 the -;:!i-;.!:'largc hc.HI by :tpproxi matelv 50 p -·n;eni. [ xtcr•::.i~·~~ model h''>l!o were pert ormcd to dev,•lop the fir~.-~l arrangement c:'m<>isti !lg of 3 con d 11i~5 and slide gate~ i{.K<ltL:"d in pl•1gs .u lh ... · upstream and d:Jwn!i.tn:a.nl c11ds ol t ht~ t·:-:pa.n!i.ion cha mbl'r, fanned bv tile ...r ig~rl.t I d ivf'rsion tu;·dlt'! \\'<Ills. '.J ~-. .W~i~~~~."(::~;.~~-;,;;r_j~i~i~~f§.~t~iDMt~:.:;~ .. ~~·;.~0f~&-~ii~~··;.~~·.~l:/:,:; .~::;;;} ~-;,·~?~:;:~~:."~~·:::.~~;· :.t'~· ~~-"~,_,-~:0~·::~;~~ ·rhc otakL Wf.J-rk-s. ""~~n~ 'Orl!;tructccl primarily to n:iease w<~1.<:r ftom live 5tor,1ge priot" t;) thi.: commi55ioning of !he puv.ocrhouse in 1977. Reii:!~ed water pas1iot:::. lt~ro ugh fh~ g;ttt!·cuntroll~~ ~or.duit!. at the bas.e of Jll il'll.dkc tower into an indined Iunr.e~ which di!ic:n?..rges i 11to the w1..1:St dtv~rs.ion r.u nnel. Th~ 2 fixod-whee1 Ji!<ltt::!. a;e operated by hydr;::uiic hoisis al the oottOrll of a dry shaft. 1\'-t;C~~ lO tlu: top ol" the control stm"tur.:o i!i. vi<~ .:! 2-!ane bridge frmn the:: dam c;rcsl. . .:: ~ . . ·.:;"' {. ·:"-? .... ··~=-· =:): .... ~ .. Tlu: spilhV<l\' s1 rue l.urc ~;nnsis1S uf a c;ontrol ~;tmc!LHC wi!h 3 racli.a! gates, a -~30·111 long concr:::tc :;:.>~1iw;~ y ch~Jt c a.nu <~. mass con.:rr:tc Flip b;J;;ket. D-~::;ign COJp.:=cily ol tlw o;pilh ... -a"f i!; 4,250 m3/s. The-Li.~lllrtl: o;tr•JcWre is a low over I !m•.' wr.ir 'rvi th an ngt'f' s hap¢. I ~y J r<nJ!:c n"~odl:'l tCSlS wc-u: U$1:!0 H~ d<?v.:-klr ;1 ;miqut> fiow sur-!"ac~ fur t.h~ fi ip bucket, (."( •n Ill! mi :1g to a skew cone ~11ith an i ndmed .axis. A tr:trw:,·~s<> d:-~in ..tg.: !;yo.;tern -r:d longitud~t\.:tl dr;1inagt: ;>;J.I l('!"y ! Lm bcn•.·.t(h the full !r.ngth of 11 ;~.: spi!lwa )' ~.:h· .. ra· IIDor. r--·· ·-~--------- i J I ' r j l 1 I t" ••••• ~· .l o'Y':."i'$(-'li. 'o'f:/x:."R,T)if.' -~~-~-~-~~ . 1·• I -· ~--------~~--~-~-L.r..... ...___~~ ......________, __________ +-;-~:.--....,y--..... SECTiON THROUGrl SPILLWAY .i ......... ..... -a.. • .:. . ·-----. ----------~---·--------·-~----~--~-~---···--·--··-··-·-·----·-·-···--·-·-j ~ ~ ·~ _; -~ ·1;- J PcJ~· .. ~ler ~·,t·.,....,kes-. v ...... & H d .. -· The pow-c.-intake strucl u r-c w;b 'n nstn~.:: ~ed iii$ pJrl t1f the main dc;.m pr(lject and comprfs~s an approach ch;mnd fmm~d bv a 76-:'1 Jeep upcnw~ rod-.; exca..-ation anu 6 intakes. E<'ll.h im.d;:c int·Dq)f)ntes a b'cllmouth t:nt;anct:, ga.tc-charnht:r .1nd shorl con cre te-1:ned ~l.uh. !unn~l. !="l o\., control r~ ac.::lmplished by vcrrio:a! fixed-wh~cl !:atl•s-r1pCr.J.lCd fro 111 l:\. 7-m di .Hfll:ll:r, :16-rn deep ~.ilc !>h.tfl!>. I he bellmnu til t'ntl .me.:::. ar ~' Cu\'(·ro.::d by 11 ..tshr;~;.:k::; which .'lr<! clc:1;,d !:t·!" <l lra:.Jt r.tkl· opcr,ttt.:d frni-:'1 the int<~kC: :.;trucHrr~ deck. 51 p·fmmir.g rncthods ·Oy-.':!r~.· use!i to f!l.lC'! Lht:' ;.:o ncrek for ll'w f <L;.;c Sl.!b .trtd ga.tt <;IBfl !i111 ng. En!ii!"lt·~~n !)~ rof t h:~ Lw.dc r-.:o:r !l;.lil d g•: n~:r;ning :-.l..LI. ion .:H ~l'vli.;:a ~~: .. 1•, t.HtirLI out·b·~· tlw -l3ril<s!} Cc•it.ndii :t llydto .::l•'d r()\v{'r ·\Lothoril'!-·, !.ir8l'l'{ -,ub:.!.'qm~ll1 tt' thL" comp!elkl n c:.i· CASFCO'<. ~v-ork iln tlw d;;m .m!. -• ...:: .. 1.SSI..IC i;l1 t~c: ':i•ru..:tw ·.~s. f.(.·: .. ·~ ( . - ~:·.-. ·.:..:--" ~~· i. I ~ : .. ·~= .. ~ -. rt. .•.- -~--... : ... ·:· .::::.-:::-:-._-::::--::-:: . .. ·~···."~ · .. •t= .. :·:r-...... r·.:t.!·:--·:·.:.K- . -~-.. t , . .,·. -~~:~~:~: -~ :. ..-..::· . Certainly il needed no flash ol in- spiration to see the potential power of the mighty Churchill River's spectacu- lar tumble from the glacier-gouged Labrador p:ateau. As early as 1 B94, in the infancy of hydroelectric power generatior •. A.P. Low of Canada's Geologic2cl 3urvey suggested this new technology could be applied to provide "several millions of horsepower''. With remarkable prescience, he submitted that such power, turned to heat, could be used to reduce the local iron ores. Twenty years later, W. Thibaudeau of the Regie des Eaux of the province oi Quebec, surveyed the area. He saw that the river could be diverted above the Falls, and rechan- nelled further to the east to increase the head of water available, from 500 ft. at the Falls and upper rapids to more than 1 ,000 fL at Portage Creek. Such bold concepts awaited lull economic justification for yet another generation. Credit for the tirst practical initia- tive is due to British hlewfou ndland Corporatl0:1 Limited, formed in 1953 by seven majo' British financiaL re- source and manufacturing compani.::~. ·' · J·~-""':-Tintr,.zinc I td It ·e- celved' ·~""charter to explore ·ln~ '"';,~, • ..: of Newfoundl3nd and Labrador for the governmer:t of Joseph Smallwood. who had just brought Newfoundland into the Canadian confederation. The water power potential c1 the 110,000 square mile area was clear, out the energy available had to be quantified. In the mid-1950's it re- mained too remote for existing trans- mission techniq!Jes to deliver to avail- able markets economically. It was ac- cessible only by arduous canoe trip or hundreds of miles of flight by a float plane. Brinco watched the opportunities lor development unfold step by step. First, mining and processing of the iron ore deposits by other interests at Schefferville, Wabush and Labrador City, justified building the Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway passing only 1 05 miles to the west of the Falls. Brinco added to the effort in 1960 by pushing a road from Esker, on the rail line, to the west bank of the ChurchilL At Twin Falls, on the Un- known River, a few miles from Chur- chill Falls, Bnnco built a modest 120,000 KW hydro-electric plant to serve the iron ore development and associated townsites. The harnessing of Labrador hydro power had begun. Another link in the chain of feasi- bility was forged when Hydro-Quebec, faced with developing the rivers c~ the north shore of lne St. Lawrence for ,._, · "' ::-:::.,ppr~>ri ::~nrl oerlected a 735,000 volt Extra High VOilCiye \t:.r1v J transmission system. Its successful application in carrying power from the M::micouagan River plants to Montre~ll in 1955 built confidence that it was the technical and economic solution io th;: problem ot carrying Churchill Falls power to market in the deveiopin( urban and industrial centres o Quebec at reasonable cost An emerging counterpoint to thl; matching of resources to markets wa: the growing hunger for power of !ht populous U.S eastern seaboarcl Jean Lessard, tt,en chairman at Hydn Quebec, saw the opportunity to fee: this U.S. market with relative'v lm cost power export~. With this added t Quebec's own need. the pow9r c Churchill Falls could be fully de veioped at a single stroke. In 1961, the Smallwood goverr ment granted a Brinco subsidiai) Churchil! Falls (Labrador) Corp. Lt{ (CFLCo). a 99 year lease on the drauli::. resources of the square mile watershed of file UppE ChurchilL But what engineenng enterpris could be !ound to determine the tlmurr. location to utifize !hts 1.000 foot head. to r:i eate a power complex in -.he midst ITlu<'lkeg and scrubby 0\li=>r.-.'"'""":' the Labrador plateau. assured quality within cost ·. _ · ,,., ,.,..,t 'N'11fld make lhe ture attractive For it would of capital ever ·~"'"""'"·;·,. for a private project. 4 CFLCo's answer was to bring to- gether two highly-qualified Canadian concerns--H. G. Acres & Company n~ limited and Canadian Bechtel $1' Limited. fl): Through its affiliation with the Bechtel organization worldwide Canadian Bechtel was able to provid~ virtually unmatched resources of ex- perience in the construction and man- agement of vast, remote, resource projects. Acres offered a wealth of expertise and experience in hydro- electric engineering. They formed a joint venture - Acres Canadian Bechtel of Churchill Falls (ACB) to engineer ar.d man- age the conslr;.,ction of this massive hydro-electric facility. By agreement, Canadian Bechtel became managing joint venturer for the contract. An ACB team was already sur- veying in the field by 1963-64 supple- menting the very considerable amount of data accumulated by other en- gineers from firms employed earlier by 9rinco. Gray Thompson, c:m Acres member of the team, recalls that in spite of winter temperature so frigid that the bubbles in the transit level be- came sluggish, the survey circuit around the v, , reservoir area was closed within an accuracy of one third of a fool. This was also a tribute to previous federal government and Quebec surveys whose old bench marks were picked up by the ACB team. Calculations were accumulated, checked and cross-checked as to the a· optimum site, hydrological effects ol ~ snow accumulations and the size of reservoir needed to smooth the How of the erratic Churchill, whic:h varied from 10,000 to 300,000 cubic feet or more per second depending on season. The project was feasible -but the re- sources required to build it would be enormous. Irrefutable evidence that the project would be profitable was re- quired before a sound approach to financing could be devised. It took two more years of negotia- tion, and the expenditure of $17 mil- lion on preliminary engineering, before the breakthrough that triggered the leap from concept to construction. On October 13, 1966,Hydro Quebec's Jean Lessard, signed a letter of intent assuring that the Quebec utility would purchase the bulk of electricity gener- ated from the site. By this time, the growth of Canada's energy demand made it unnecessary to rely on export to create a market. The moment for Churchill Falls power had arrived. It was now up to ACB to meet the challenge. The usual procedure for a hydro-electric project in Canada would be to proceed with detailed engineer- ing of the various components of the project, put them out to tender, receive contractors' bids. sum the bid costs and thence proceed to make the necessary capital appropriation. However, in such a massive, remote project, undertaken by a utility com- pany with relatively little in the way of assets and financial capability, a com- pletely different approach was re- quired. ACB, as engineers and construc- tion managers, had to organize a workplace in the middle of the wilder- ness, devise means to bring men and machines to it, and put together the whole complex schedule for a project which would stretch over nearly a de- cade. The packages into which the work was divided had !o be tailored to the capacities of existing contracting firms in eastern Canada. It was upon ACB's estimates of the final cost of these packages that the delicate job of financing the project had to be based. On March 7, 1967, CFLCo signed a contract with ACB covering dn- gineering and construction manage- ment services to the end of the pro- ject. At almost the same time, H ac- cepted ACB's estimate of direct con- struction cost of $522 million for the project. To this would be added $1 02 million to provide for escalation arising from price and wage increases over the lite of the project and $41 million as a contingency allowance, giving a total direct construction cost of $665 million. Interest charges on money borrowed during construction, ad· mi:-~istration, working capital, over- head and other expenses would bring the total project cost to $946 million. This included more than $20 million spent in early studies and work by CFLCo up to March 31, 1967. It made Church1l! Falls the largest civil en- gineering project ever undertaken in North America to that time. A bi!llon dollars isn't raised qUickly II was Oct. 30. 1968. before Brinco Chairman Henry Borden re- ported to a special meeting of Br'nco shareholders that terms of a $100 mil- lion general mortgage bonds issue had been settled, that arrangements for bank credit ($150 million from seven Canadian chartered banks) were well underway, that an offering in the United States of half a billion dol· Iars of first mortgage bonds had been satisfactorily completed and that an offering in Canada of $50 million in first mortgage bonds had been arranged. During the period required to set the stage for the major financing, funds came largely from equity capital, or shares, in CFLCo subscribed by ils majority shareholder Brinco (57%) -and its minority shareholders - Hydro-Quebec (34%) and the province of Newfoundland (9%). In all, $83 mil- lion was raised this way. Substantial credit also was made available to Brinco by the Bank of Montreal. Meanwhile, work at the site had been going on for two years. First at- tention was given to two prime en- gineering challenges: to create an all- weather access road to allow heavy freight haulage to the site, and com- mence the enormous job of buil~:r.~, 40 miles of dykes. The dykes, to provide a water barrier under any temperature condi- tions, had to form a perfect seal with the irregular surfaces of underlying rock. They were built using glacial till and rock where available, but the prin- cipal ingredients were materials from the eskers -ridges of gravel and sand formed within or under the glaciers, which chiselled the topog- raphy of th1s area, and left behind when the ice melted. Virtually nothing was shipped in to build the 26-million-cubic-yard dykes. The logistics task here was moving rnen and equipment, but it involved some of the ~iggest units available. Durino the first year, the master project schedule and official plan were issued. The original size of the project was increased 15%, with the addition of an eleventh turbine generating unit, and uprating each unit to 475,000 KW instead of the 450,000 KW contem- plated earlier. Total plant capacity was to be 5,225,000 KW, or just over seven million horsepower. The first units were committed to deliver con- tract power to Hydro-Quebec by May 1, 1972. The wisdom of choosing depth of corporate experience for the man- agement of this vast project was amply proven by the tragic event of Nov. 11. 1969. CFLCo's twin jet was approaching Wabush airport in an overcast, when it crashed into a hill. killing all six passengers: Donald McParland, 40, President and Chief executive Officer of CFLCo; Eric G. Lambert. 46, Vice-President, Finance, for Brinco and CFLCo; John Lethbridge, 35, McParland's Execu- tive Assistant; Fred E. Ressegieu. 56, General Manager of Acres Canadian Bechtel; J. Herbert Jackson, 42, As- sistant General Manager and Man- ager of Construction of ACG; Arthur J. Cantle, 42, Assis~ant Manager of Construction, ACB; and the crew of two. All three ACB executives were seasoned engineers. In this emergency, the resources of Bechtel's world-wide organization were combAd tor replacements. By the New Year, Steven V. White assistant to S. D. Bechtel, Jr., had stepped in to replace Ressegieu. Joseph Anderson, a Scot fresh from the Wells Hydro-Electric Project on the Columbia River, replaced Jackson in the field; Alan McConnell of Acres took over in the Montreal office. Meanwhile after a brief period of pinch-hitting by Sir Val Duncan, chairman of the Rio Tinto organiza· lion, William Mulholland, a partner in the New York banking house of Mor- gan Stanley & Co., was elected presi- dent and chief executive of both Brinco and CFLCo. Yet within a year after the tragic loss the project was well on its way to delivering first power -five months ahead of schedule! The secret of such an achieve- ment, is twofold, says S.M. Blair, who, as Chairman of Canadian Bechtel limited, was chairman of ACB's Policy Board for most of the construction period. First, it was necessary to create a place to work and live produc- tively in the wilderness; and second, to create the logistics to supply that workplace with equipment, supplies. and labour. on schedule. !vial<ing .a place fc,r man Mcst cf the industrial ins!a:lntions b!..IHI lo date in the Canadian north have be~n tr'lnsi~ory, suet'~ as mintng or petroi e u m eJtplora~io.t c:amps. Geneta!ly, the fac~!i!ies are temporary and the men wi1o occupy them have iit1!e thought e~tcepl tr.. gel their job done and lsave. Churcllin Falls was dif1erent. The construction period \'l'as Ia ba eight years, and the a11ticipatad life of the stalion slretches lO'Nar·:i the middle of the next century. The transition fror11 .construction ca.mp to permanent community would ba phased over the penoc' ·1971-1975. Tl'~e phHoscph;: was this: a satt!ed hapf>V work to;-:e, with low turnover and a 111 i!1 imum of inlerruptions be- cause or labour disputes, is the key ~c maintaini~g schedul,o;~s 111nd CPsl targets. The man should be happy off rh~ job as well as on it. Special affort:; wete made tc atford aineniti_,s far s u~erior to the rough1,eJ:;:. <'!r.d bore- dom of off.l,ours in a 1y!J:ca~ C<Jnstruc- tion camp . Civflizatior• must carne cor,current :y with constructiofl . Even though final commitment o• the pro1ect w~s not made until 1 ~66. by 1867 pl~ns for '" permaner,t com- munity near th~ pow6r f!':cHf:-y were drawn up. Tho 59 hous9s, frJlJf'12-unit aoartrTle>1t bloet<S and a sarvice com· :Jl~x whh stores. schooi, a hotel, th~atre and in :)oor ~creat:on faci li~les wEHe tirst used by the lo~ger-term construction statf. later by the perma- nent power plant operating staff. Provlslon of al! possil)i£! ame· nities began as soon as the l1rst road camps -Eslter, Brid~~' Camv and Mount Hyde L.ake-opened By Christmas, 1965. for i~stance. only two monlhs after start oi the proje<:t, John McGowan, Bona VIsta Food Services manage~, the caterer f(lr the project. recalls that thq Chrislrnas din- r~er menu included crearn or tomato soup. roast tu~key with all the trirn- minys. and a co!d buf.et with salads, assorled pastries, h•, .. o !(inds of c~.ristmas cake and three kinds of pie. The dinner was fo!towed by a movie . At tha main camp, tt:e mer\ were housed ir.2u-man complexes--three 1rajlers side by side, housing two tnen to a roorr:. Tnere were not only wash· rooms, but a c!oth13s washer and dryer in most units. Janitoril:ll 5ervices in- oiudedeven bed -makin~. The ;nevitabie fee~!ng of isolalion was reduced through access to the mobHe rad1otelephone, te!etype and telegraph s~rvices that ware estab· lish9d and linked to the cantinent .. wid~ networks. At peal<, the system had 1 ,3G6 te!ephones and 540 mobile re.d!o units. Until the Ct;urchiil Falls airstrip WEii ready i11 1 !'189 , schedul9i;l fiights operated from the Twin ~al!s airstrip. a 30 mile drive ~rom the maitl camp. WI'IEH! car;::oenter Leo L.afla frcm C~talina, Nfld. stepped off the pi aM in fl.·!arch 19G8 to become th~ ·1 ,OOO~h workar on !he project, he tound Hlc,<- evs and Ryan~ ap~en!y from his own p rovince, together wilh Gagnons and Tremblay$ fr(Jrli Quebec: mechanics, drii!ers, drLvers, pipe·fitters and score2 of other skil~od and semi-skilied trades . They were supporl~d both on site and at the Motltrear headquart~rs by engineers and draftsma-n transla- ting general plans t:~nd programs intc df:ta"ed blueprints and ~checlules. In Jtme, 1968, the main camp oe- cama a place fc.r wLlmen too as staff arriv~d to wori< at a. r,ew mess half the !enolh of a city block Together with clerks, secretnr i ea , nurses and 1eachers . they made up a grour cr 200 wQrnen wo ~king on tfoe project. The1r earl~· presence on s~te. toQe&her wilh the civilized ameniti;;;s, is credited with c nr.oura9 in1J a rernarkab~y clean . orderly, and livaable camp -"More like a town 1h<m .a camp·•, as many workers described :t. Not that tr.e camp lackod as iive!y side. A tavern {o{lert morning and evening to accommodale ;~:~hift work- ers) beg$1n ope;ation in the rec realion centre irt lete 1957. and said four m:l- !ion bat\les of beer in the flext four years. Nor wa.s there e.ny lack at on,er recreat~ona~ faciiit1es --such as lhB baseball diamond. soccer field J.nd skating rink ; l;:;ter the cml!ng ril'\i<., bowl!r~gal i ey and swin-:ming p~ol. ~- .ii..· The great majoril y of m€ n on sita were not AGB employees. but worked for CFLCo and the scores of contrac· tors and suppliers. But -a s well as managing thefr accommodation at the site, ACB co-ordinated ths other es- sentra!s for a happy wor:<. force: a col· lective master !abour agreement whicn was siyned for an eigtlt y~ar period (1967-1~75) between an as- sociation o~ emp~oyers working a.t the sita and a council ot New!oundlalld· based locals i::lffiliaterl with interna- tiona~ buiiding trade and service unions. .ilo. substantial hslp to the general smooth "unning of the-operation was the presence on site ol full-time labour relations personnel trained ~o handle and resolve day·tO·day problems on the ~pot . ACB m anagl:!ment 1s unan imous t hat this agrcomc11l. wa5 the slngre mos! importe.nt factor in achieving the high rTtM .. LJay productivity re:;ord~d du rir~g constfuction. The nc.:-strike. no·!ockout ciause, togethel' with an agreed formuiu rerr petiodic wa~e adjustments. meant th&re was no interruptlor: c1 wurk becausB of dis- pul~s. de:spilr: thl.l many different em · pioyers an sHe. 1he 10-hour day t.nd s i)(·lj.c;_y we~k provided ~he 60-hour Y.'ork .... eek --paid at sf raign! tim~ and Lille ancl a half . T'"le mal>si ve domar'ldS of c•Jn- struci.,on crF.lat€'ci need::-~r vz.ric.us skills, from that of the {'.utter clearing right·of·way br transmission lines, to the eteclronic e;< perUse of ~he com- munications tech:1iclan. But they all flad to be able to take it: (;Oncrete pouring, for instance, continu~d {b~- 11ind p!astic sh eltEirs) even at th1 rty de- grees beiow zero. soma 13 raet or snow fell each winter: clouds of b lac!(-flies were tne on Jy constant in th~;t uncertain weather of the short summer. At the same time th<Jt me air was filled with tha roar of heavy earth m~v­ ers and the thump of b:astin9. a famt cry at Churchill Falls Hospital marked a new way 10 arrive on-site; Jeanette. daughter of schoo! teacner John Byrne and hjs wife, was born March 8, 1969, with attendance of ttlc Hospital's director, Of'. John PriCE! of the [ntcrnational Grentell P.ssoctet1on. When a. baby is borrl, a camp t>e- comes a community. Jo~eph Smaflwood had had .to make do •AJith a shovel full of peat Wlth caribou moss, hr the officfal sod tum- in~ ceremoliy in Hl67. By 1~70 lhe prtnC!p&{ StreetS Of thg lOWflSite Were paved and some of the glacial till was being upgraded to support tt1.e growth of lawns and gardens. Nelghbows were competing to nurtur€1 sapling shade trEtes-a challen!:Je ir1the 1\Jg- ged local ctimate. ln 1970 the field work force in Main Camo and 11 uatellite camps stratch~ng from Seahorse. at the end of !he southwestward reach of the ba,nsmission corridor, to Sail Lake 200 miles distant at the north-eastern ex- tremity of the reservoir, re3cf1ed 6,245 men and wornen. The da1ly food order for this army required the deii\oery of 4.5 ton~ uf meat, 2,600 dozens eggs. 3.100 loaves of bread, 13 ~or1s of veg- ·atables. and 2,300 gallons of mlfk. The ~ransitron from camp to town- site tool( place smoothl':l over the nex.t fl<~e years -a credit fo ACB's plan- ning. Now hQme fo( approJ(i mate l_y 1.000 permanent residents. Churchill Falls is one of Canada's newest northern centres. l'lio effort has been spared to make It one of the most ad- vanced and comforlable. To make f.acililies as accessible as possible dur- ing th~-; IOI'Ig, cold,snowy winters, the community cfust&rs compactly around a un1que complex, the Donald Gordon Cenlre, grouping under one roof ser- vices such liiS school <Jnd stores. note I, theatre, and sports fac.ilities. A pedestnan mall runs through the central core Of tile complex from the hotel to a higtl ceilinged con· course, which ac~s as the modern-day equivalent of a town square -·- uodoors. T,1a Eric G. Lambert Schooi in the Centre provtded instruction in English and French.. Each community facility was designed Ia serve severai pur· poses. At night and on week-€nds I he school's resource centre oecor; ,es !he community library. During week days, the movie theatre rs used by the school as its aliditorium and assembly hall. The hot.1ses and apartments are groupe-d in a semi;irrcle around the Donald Gordon Centre , Houses are built on only one side of the street This faCJiilates snow clearing. It also helps assure privacy --an important consideration in a small community where peop1s see ane anot"'er day in and ~av our ar work. The use of eler.- tr:city (rom the Falls for a~l hea:ing he~ps maka a. remarkably clear. p1ace. There :s an Interdenominational chiJrch. a regional hospital, a pmtes· sionai f1re cfepartf11~nt, a smal: de- lachment of the RCMP and other amenities that go with modern civiliza- tion. Regular scheduled jet airt~rrer servjce lmks Cru ... rctlit,· Falls •.vith Montreal and St Jo!ln·s. The corr~­ munity is lied in w the continental lelephoneo net~Nork EngJ1s h and French rad1o and teh~vJsio n 1v1.a microwav~) are prOvided b~· 'the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora110n. I. l< :if :.}; ·.1' ·~· ·~ . ~ l . .l.. Bringing the world to Churchill Falls The m?.nagemenl organftabon evolved lor Churchill Fa~ls construc- tio!l was an essential pre-condition for the achievement of the projecfs ··on· St"'"'edule, withm i0udg91 .. objective. At the summit o~ the organiza- tior~al pyramid of the ACS consortium, responsible for complete engineering and construction man<Jgen~ent, was the "Po~icy Boarcr·-itself an organi- zational innovation. The General Manager of ACB reported monthly !o this board. composed ot two senior axecu t ivas each fro m Acres and Canadian 8eJclltc1. The group aiEOo provided liaison with outt>ide engineering skms em- bod•ect in .-, panBI uf distinguished in· terM.tionat con5u!!ants and a panel of semor engineers from Acres and Canadi<Jn Bechtel. The rna~n functions or the ACB organization were engineering, (;OSt control and 3drrHnistrati'>n, scheduling and estimating, procureme11t and t::on- struchon. The work at the projec1 ttseH was furtt'ler divided into four compo- f)er.t::-· water storage: power complex; sw11chye;rd and lransmission iines: and su!lport lacilir:es. Because o1 the 1m 'Tlense scope of the protect, no general contractor was r1amad. Instead. r:onlra.~:r "packages" were developed by ACB in such a way as to encourage the widest response and compebHon from qualified bid· ders. Ovor 180 separate constructio.• and serv1ce c~racts were awarded, bu~ none was for an amourl1 in e:xcas.s or $75 million. In addition. hundreds of major pu rch s.se (;On trac-ts tor the supply of major equipment ware negotiated. ma!rrlv \•Jilh Canadian firms. - It was deciderJ aarly to relieve construction contractors of til~:~ re· sponsibllity for providing housi1,Q and board for therr men on the site. Tllese were provided at a stated subsidized cost per man-day by ACB. 1hls meant the mmoval of a large item of uncer- !ainty from the contractor's evaluation, thus resulttng in lower and mora con- sistcflt bids. In addition. the good =-tandards of living and work1ng condi- tiotlS mad€ an important contrlbulion to the morale of workers on the project. TrallSportatiOfl w.a s contracted 10 vc!ume packa~es to e;'lperi~nced, re- sponsible earners. such a5 Quebec- at; and Eastern Provinc~al .AJrwars. A total of 730,000 tons of materia and e(Juipment was moved to the site by air and :surface transport, as weU as 52.000 passengers. Ttle aHDC<Jiion of work between tl"le dl~ferenl .A.CS divitioni was as fol- lows. Engineering. in which A era~. personnel were predominant. cslab· tisl1ed concepts, performed {]etai!ed design, monitored anginearing as· signments and obteined approvals. The remaining four div1s~ons. rel1ed mainly on Canadian BecMter s exper· tise: the FinEI.nce and Administration Div1.s10ns (;ompilod cost data, proces· sed progress ps }'ments and prov1ded admi~istrative support. The Schedul· ing ~nd E:l,tirna1ing Division developed schedules. mon1tored pro!Jress and prepared contro! estimates for clc· rnent5 ul tho project during th~~ en- gineering phase. The Ooerat:onb Divi· sion covered the Concract r.lepart.- ment. which developed contr:iCt ctocuments, fssued tenders, "'~;:!yzed b~ds. recommet~ded award$ ~rot,; or- ganized quality control and expe(llting. a~d the Construction Department. which looked aftar operations on s1ta. One no!eworthy feature of the contracting was the prevalence of the type of 'conscttiwn IJhi~O:sophy" in- spired by the 1ormat\on o~ AC8 it$e!L The largest co11~truction tea!Y' on s1te. for instanGc, w~s Churchill Construc- tor::~ Joint Vanture, a consortium or six companies organized by A~las Con- ~;;tru(;tion Ud. Provision of the 11 ht- dro-eleclric generating units, a j~ih "l;hich employed 600 men for two ~~ears at a cost o! over $60 miil1on. wa::; con~ructed to lhe Church1lj Flll!s {Machin~ry) Consort•um. a }oinr ven- lure of Car.adiM General Electric . Dom;.,10n Engmeenna Works Ud. and Marine lndu~tries Ltd CGE ar1d MIL divided the fi1st H) ~~~rc!n~ glo)nera!or 'Contrac~~ between th;o,-,1 ""ilh Mil bEung awarded the el(!vent'l. l I t Of the total direc1 cons1ruc110n e.-:pand~ture or S6o5 million. approxi- ITiatfllv S650 mill10n -~a· o ~ wos s~.cnfin C<'!nada. v.•i1h 57<>, of thfl sum going to Canadian manufacluring industry. 17Qo to servu::e iml Jstry. and 26"·., ln direct tabour cos.1s. BuL in so1te cof the fliat· Canadian componen! of m.anufactuyre. t-~e con- sortium apvoa~;~ made availtlble 1he best 1n No~li A·r:um:an and Eu·opean technolog y B:Jth Canadian and Fmnc11 spec1aiis!s. tor instance. evo!" _: ,f l.:llr OW'1 de:s1gns tor thP. t1J' :-, .. e <:~n!'J getnerators: ho1h: grours puuled anCI shared 1:-1e11· Bl!IJerienca 1o the beneht of !he pro)ec1. Shafts for the ht;ge umls ',Yere tmged ·n EngiaM. lurb•ne mnd1~1s !ested •n Canada . france! anc Scotland. s::Jeed gover- nors designed and bvlit in ltlP. UnL!cd States. and some transformer:; ~up­ pl;ed trcm Sweden. ACB's logtsttcal marw.~!?l,,ent was testea l~ the utrnosl ear.y 11'1 11e proj9ct. when o:--May 10. 1969. a sM:ke StlspenCI!~!: O!JeratH)n$ on tlie !Juetlec Nmth Shor~ & Labrador Ra~l·..vay tor mrec months. at the peak of t'le r.eavy constro.~ctlcn sf!ason_ w1t~1 .1 5(10 men alre-ady on site Ar"l emer!::jt'mcy ai•lif1 -·'tha b1ggest smc·:~ l'le Berlin b:ockade·· -was pu!leJ 1ogcther, with aircrat1 cha11crno lrom a~:> far away as Fionda and Alaska 1: operated 1.153 flogllts frcm Sept lies ar.d Goosn Bay. C<J.rr}·ing In GSO.OOO gallon;; of fut!l plus 11.S~7 Ions ol cargo. and supplies. includrng 1tems as hea'JV as dismantleo bufloozors. R-.~1· tJ-je Churchill Fatrs achlr.vc- ment was nut limited to a mass1v€ 3.P- plication of logiStical and earthmoving sk1lls-It involved_ lno. the most ad· vanced and 1ntensivn ~~ng1neenr:g ap- proach ever ap;:olied to a 1naj01 hyaro- eiectrir. project. Rellab•llty and 11S· sured performance from the star~ of opera~ion we-re vi!ai to assure that p(lw!~r contract Obllgat111ros were fLJIIy mel. Fealures of the prnJ&el had to meet tt"le roQulremen•s of ~'•e·:l proven experience as well as lake the Full c.:ost!oe;,eflf '-'dva11tages al!owed by ~he scale of 1~re project. Turbines and generaiOrs were selecleo at the -...Jp-per l•mits o1 oulj:!ut and s1ze tor the 1 .060 ft head . lhornugh des1gro analysis prov!dnd a h;gl-. degree of CO'"If;dan{:e that rill ex- ~)ectahons woul-d be reai•zed_ Electn· c~l faciht1es mild{.; op1iMum LISO ~Jf a 230 KV/735 KV system With 1-):JWe( earned from 1hr. underground trans· fo;mers throUI;h gno tt long 0 11 fil!ed cables. Cngineerinq ·Jes:qn of the e~ca­ .,;i1e:l ;:averns fc:· p::::-·.verhouse. surge 1ank f(.nneb aor q2H eries was weatly ii~s~sted by us<-or <~rl•nmcr.r1 11n1!e. element wess :;malys1~; Clu•,e tn1e- gra1ion cf enq,neeriny a.·l(i co•1struc- t1on lech n 1qur.s ied to s Jbsta 11t1al ~conom•es. V<mGrl l;isk:; d cma'ldCf1 '1P"v\· cn- gineefing approaches from ~h::• 'ri,~S­ ::;we hyd,.-avlic -:;cnlrol qilteo. tn :1.;..·-... -. port equipment speciall}' llj;Sii!J'~Cr1 !~.r li•H pro]ecl need~. The gates are lho--s : .. l(:,~l e!e1nent 1r cofltrotlmq the :rllp·~ ur.cl mu n 1 of 1 .1 OG t11l!lon r:\.J\)IC leet :-~• ;_:s<~blt> wale~ fo• Chtm;tuU F.-ills powe• c:;;.·f!1nprnr~n1 The series ol re:;;er~. DI'S . ,,_ •tw !! l~·e ;ileEI ot l~kc Ontano. rlrP •--.r·,1r.r1 by lhe sk1II!L.i use •Jf '1atuf,11 lill'··· ''Ym<;;. s-upplemer.le:J w1th -1 G m1:.-·,,, .,: ~:-~<:(·;~ ranging up i o ·~ 1 7 !r,r,: ,, 1 1 "· ·~v· '. T'· <e key !O d1rect11"~ I'll~, w:;~t~r 1~, ;""": :;., " COiltrol SlrL.ctun~s -co-1: ret·~ ~:-·• - ways w1i11 ~;liColli!J ;J Cl!<?S ·•-..:1t c 3'' ~1:.' remolely conl,l.JIIco:; "'='·;···p .. -, :.!~·1 '•· ;n·. j j 1 ........... ,._-...,_ I J 12 the Chc-rchi!l Fafis control room at a d!stam:e of uo to 60 miles. To m~~t~ thsso gates ·operate raiil!lbiy when !emperatui'E:!S might be 50<'F. be!ow. with five ft. of L~e on ihe reservoir, re· quinx:l many man months of mode!!mg and desiQn effort. Tha insta:lations me he-ated ln winter IJott: bv air circufatlon and electric (es!sta11~e heaters. and eiectromechanically contro!leo by r~­ d~lndant. fail·s<:lfe, supervhscry control cir-:uils. Ano1her uniQue element ot tile proj.:.ct was the design and construc- tioll ot ::l2'50.·ton tran8porter~o tal~e the 224-ton transformers (one ror each g-enera1or set) from their spe:::ia! rail cars at =:sker to the project site. The vehf.cle finaliy developeo h3d tires seven ,eet high, and two 7UO-horsepower six·wMt;l drive trac- tors. ll$198 root-lonr;1 body, was articu- lated in ordar to be abl-e to negotiate fl'1e tu;rs in th~ 28 ft. wide access tun- nel to the underground transformer gallery. Early Churchiii Fai!s rssrdents st!ll remember turr.ir1o out at tile tn~er­ seclion ot Ressegie!.IDrive ar1d Esker Road to see "the awesome convoy craw! pOJst in full glor~•, yellow ftashers whirlina, at two and a hall miles an hour:'· Tne trs.nstormer transporter was only the largest of the enormous fieet of 2,000 transport and con:;truc:lion veh<t:lcs at the site: 600 IHJCked macllines. ranging from bulldozers to self prope~le,j dri!:s: and 1 ,J~[IG wheeled vahicie!S, from pass(mg~r cars to fuel lan~ers and 5CHon durnp trucks. Ncr were the transforme1·s the only l1ea1,oy equipmer>1 beyond the car- rying ca~<l-ca~· of rnost vehicles: the iurbine nmn~E~rs with a casting weight or 145 tons . .Jnd a finished we!qht of 100 tolls set for Canada a worfd re- r::ord ff1r the ~2.rgest castinr::s ever made in stain!.:;-ss stB(l! "fh\} t'ND cranas ;nstalled rn !he power hOl>Se w~r~ OOL1pled "'dh a rnass1ve lifting beam to handle the G55 ton rotors and giant si.ator:; for ti1e gnnmat-or units. which were assemb!ed on site <Jnd lirted into positicn. 5pann:r.g the rivo:·.r ~orye was 8 h1gh!ight for thC' tran~rn1ssion iif'le cra'I:JS. The1r eHorts li11ked tha prp,v~r plr.nt w.lh the t-lyoro-Quebec substa· tion at ~;lontagna!s. 13{] m'!es to the southwsst. For I he l!:lst span a helicop- ter (on~ of as rnany as sevf.'n on s•le} r.w!C"d 7.SOO feet of haiHnct; nyion rope a::rm;;s lhe ri.,·EH from ~ha soutl'1 sht)re. increasingly heavier 51eel ca- t;las !o·lo•.ved unt1: lmelly the ccmp~et9 set o! conducttx!o; stretched ,rc~' tt'lree sets or 100 lt. towers, 6,2GG f;. 2!p1lrt 1.000 fl. at!ove the '-'JatDr 5 of lh.e Churchill Fer e.ach c:onl'ract .:Ja(:k&Je, •-•rqa or small, ACS':;. co."'Cf;J! mr;niiming af oost, quality, ~mel coMp!Gho!11ime was the essential factt..r ill int~ .. .;Fati WJ 1Wery element intv t!18 smo~tll prut.;· ress of tre t'l' hole project. Ouat!ty s1ar1dards ·:~.r~;;ore c~?.arl~· written into 6aCh con!ract docurn!:Oin~ and \JUf(:ha!:le order. t:nd ACS.'s ~u<siJy contwl groun not ~;~niy monitored cor;· s1ruc1ion and manuiacturil'lg conlrf:lctt;. but also ~ns~sted li1at the contrac~ors prov1de their own quality :x:;ntrol S}'S- t~rns. Schsdu~e ;~ontrol w1'!:;, achieved il'l'' monitonng Drogr~:;ss m• cc:ntf8ct;;; eve;y P!o.'O '/teak~. r;nd ta!~!n~ C0rrc--c- tiV~ i'lctJo"" wherever possib .. J b.-~!U<(,. slippage became seri(Jus. Cosl contro~ was main~l:lint:ld from the-ir~itf<JI r:::;:ti- matli:l tilrOuf111 design. anr.!, atic~r con .. t.-act award, by monthl'f forecasting of final cost relat!ve I!J budget. Thus, early warmn9 of any signif;cOJn, var.a- tion enable-d corret:tive measures to be ta~.en in time to ar::hieve comro!. All lhis performance info~meJt1or; would have b-oon nearly usr:-le;;;s Lm- less systamatiz.eC:. computerized for easy rl\!trievar. .:ll"'d in1egratecl with anot~er ke)' r.actor: logis!ics. A given item ot material for the projeci m~ght meet cost. ql1ality, and cornp!etic n targets. F3ut wher9 was il? Wl;en W<'.8 it shipp9d? When. a,1d how, wou!d it <'!rrive on si~e? fhese wer{] qu~ln:m5 the T'ansporte~ti(Jn il"of!!,mati(ln Sys:~m (fiS) used t·Jy ACB, was des1qned ro answer. No soulless ma!~h,~r-:. T!S took lhe strenuous eftorls of scores of men as wei· as 'l'lasses ol dEJ.ta pro· cessmg rKJV'pm~:::n! to -<:eep taos; on th~ thc:n1Sands (')! 1tems o1 IY1ateml! •n tr<:Jnsit ul any une t1"11e ... . = ... -d • • •• • r · · tm .... Safety beneath the shield The heart of the Churchill Falls power plant is the great machine han. housing the 1 1 gensrati•1g units. Over toOO ft fo11g, 8' ft. wide. and 154 rt. from floor to roof, il was carved out of ll'le rugged granite of th~;~ Laurentian silisld 900ft. below the surface. It might seem simpltH to have Sited the power plant above ground at the edge oi ~he river. But, from lh~ perspective of a hydrau~ic en~ineer, rt is monil practical to make the 11 pen- stocks whic::h carry wa!er to each tur· t>fne short and a.'> steep as possible. Wh.en the 450 P<Junds pel square inch prt::lSSura has spun the turbine , the spent water is discharged to a surg9 chamber, baiore f~wing via two ~~uge tailrace ttJnnels ov~r a mile to the fotro~et C!":Lm::hilf river. The arnount of excavahon re- qu/fed w~s enormous; in addition to !l'la peosl<x:::k5 and the machine hall and surge chamber a transfonner ga~· lery was excavated just above tne pow~~housa . And ln(l Cl)l'109rn oi the engms~rs and geologn;ts !hat lhtl rock sttuc~re be ··competent'' to bear ~he b fastrng, tunnelling, B.r.d me surge of 14 water, was lhorOIJghly exercised by exhaustive drJIIing , sampling, and stress analysis . -~-he area finaliy seleded tor the powerhouse had been proven to haiJe the necessary integrlty anr:l ··taul[lass'' str ucture. The first step was completion of a mi1o-1ong access road which curves down the ~;leep slope toward the river. The second was to drive a mile deep tunner al tll~J errd of the road, angled in to provide access to tile undarground woills through which the heavy dump truc!.;s were to remove much of lhe rock. This accomplished, the major un- dergrour\0 construction con!rac.t was awarded to ChurctriH Constructors: two contracts totalling !i65.7 rniHion, for aJJ remaining undergro1.md excava· tion except completion of the tailrace ~·..!nnels ; most of the concreting of the underground r.·omplex: inst;:dling of miles of embedded condoit and p-ip· ing: ar1d provision of tons of anchors and rock' bolting, as w~H as i rtstaltation of the maio powerl'rov.se cranes and gates. In excavation alone, this meant tll9 removal ol 2.300,000 cubic yards o~ rock. CCJV, as the consortium was called, was busv for three years at the job. employing at one time over 1,200 workers. Safety -both for the construe· tion crew and the operating staff who would follow them -was a prime conslderalion . Painstaking calcula- tions had to tal<e into account the changing s1fesses on the rock as tf<te excavations grow in ~ze. !n the larg~: chambers, excavat1on W.?15 carried nul from :he top dowr"l: first a !)flot tunn~l or heading was driven alona what was to be the ce 1l ing of the chamber. Then this would be "slash~:~d" or excavated to fu!l w~dth. Finally the rl;}maining la~rs of roc k wwld be bla.l)led and mucked away in a quarry-like operation . Excavation re!lCiled 1t s poak in June 1969: wilh rn $rx days 45 .$00 cubic yards ot rock wora •amoved , enough For 2.800 lru t klo,:~ds of 33 t~ns each. The pens-to{:k8 . on th c Ottler hand, were started !·om the bottom. drilled from ~lectncal!y·dri¥ef\ climbing ·~ I) li m :; ·I ., \;-:1 . . _;., ·· "·we h .. - platforms known @S "Aiimaks" and which enabled an ~~gN by ten toot pilot shaft 1,200 ft. to the surface to be driven wtthout intermediate stations. Yet, such was Hoe aocuracy of survey· ing (in which the latest techni cal de- Vi{les such as iaser beams had been employed> that the first shaft broke su rfa.ce with ln inches of its target. One of fhe most hazardous and ditficult jobs remained: siashing the 11 pilot shafts to the designed 2:2 ft by 28 ft penstock di~nsiCtls. The "slashing" w~s done b}l six drills on outriggers, mounted on a "jumbo'"-a sort of fiat-{;at whfch ran on steel rail::: ~aid on the almost veftica~ side of tha tunnel. Day after day the same sequence went on: lhe drills would whine into the rocil, cnarges WO\Jld t:.e set, the jumbo 'oiTOuld be hauled back 45 fl., and the blast fired . As tons o: rock cascaded 1,200 ft. to the bottom, I he jumbo would be <l.dvanced. another 14 ft. of rair laid. a11d the whole process would bagln an over again. When the jurn bos had finally bored their wa.y down ths shaft another hazardous job began-con· creling. Thrs was the task of covering the whola Inside :surface of the pen- stocks with a foot or concrete -!O resis1 the wsh of 400,(}(}o) gatiOf!S; of water a second at full flow. The men who worll:oo the barrel-shaped collap- sible meter forms for ths oo~1crete cal- led the frame at the top of th~ torm "tha heM-ache rack"' with good reason -even a smaJI pebble comes down a 1,00.0 fl tunnellnclinad at 60 degrel>s like a ricocheting bu I let On July 1~. 1970, th A fir'l<:>.t hl.:;o~.f W"dS f!rad at the bottom of No. 10 ~en­ stock, marking comptetion -less than 34 months aftEi!r i~ E.Le.ri.ed. of too ut1<terground Q-Mcavatlol,, Some five mlllion pounds of explosive t.a::l been used. Yet, In spite of ihe scala of the operation. and 1hs qraat haights a."ld other h82ards in·ro:Ved, lost t!mG from work eccidenl.s w a s su~stantially lower than on most excavation jobs of this type. Tha final ho:i:o::onta~ ss:cticn of Ill~ penstock!!, which narrowed to i 4 ft. seven in. diameter, was lin-ad with high strength stael. (The length of the co~Stly stsellinir.g had been minimi:red by careful eog~ring analysis and judgement of th3-adequacy cf rock 8.1'1d concrete to withstand the stress. Impressive economies were achieved.} EJCcellence ln bOth C::Jsign and workmanship meant that fun advan~ ta.ge could be taken of the temarkably solid rock formation. No supporting caocrete was required fOf the roots of the masslve underground chambo;s. The powerhouse ceiling finally took. the form of stainless steel sheeting suspended hom botts embedded in the vaults oJ rock above. •411 ' .• -~4'"~,r~r: Typiml 11-t;o·~ ~ll}<"i) :mn-r 17 .. '·· .~f.-. ' s~ ' . .;H,Ull.~ssing ·t:e·c:.h:nOl.ocr~' ·:b~' tc; i.111prove ecolo·gy ,..,. Whtiln gf.lologist A. P. Low climbed Labrador'& Lookout Mountafn in 1894. OlferllJaking ~vhal is. now the Chun::hil! Fall::; pQwer eli!.nt !-'take, he ~<3opor!~d a bl~ a k vi~'~'!: 'over h::~lf oft he surr!'Jurtding country has. bee<~ strip· p~;d hate I:Fy fra-quflnl fires. (n 1he s·•vamos and aro~Jnd 1ha s!'lora-s o~ I he !al::as: .. bi ack spruco and l;.rch of &rn.etl size grow thlc!l:ly togeth-er. On tl,,l sidss of tN~ hills lhe.se are mcro 5tunted ... w11ere t~e hil!~~deos have be9:'1 bumt V·3ars ago the~· are cov· ered w! th a tangled mass of wi !lows a:w a!de r s, whfre the tops are coa~ed w+~ wh!ta mos~ Jr'll::l samt arctic :.~;;;bs..·· Ti1e ani ma:s that mhatit ihis har:<h !$.r<d le.aC! ~ sim!iar1y precarious i'lll'.rSter-.ce, and Jr.rga mammal:!l, StJch as t!te blac~ b.eiir and caribou . <'l r~ f~~ "'!lihi~-3! u~ .mfished ~;,es pw:!de a. few .... ~pp.:)!$, tr.e c.oncentrati::n c-r nu .. ::r~nt.:;. ar~d there-~re lht" density of ;:t.O:ual!c nte. !~ !loog;s~-la~rador·s ~-l.is:.:fi::..op~ iihlj"'ne. $"'~11m vis~ied the area, beca usti cf the scarCity or yarn a and fish. In workrn.a wtth and afterin~ the terrain, man does not always ne.ed to oppose n<!t\.Jre. it is, peril.aps. signifi- cant that the new course along the edge of the plateau, into which the Church!il was directec!, may in fact h<we been the ortgina.l river bed before the east gla:Cl-ltion 20,000 years ago. Er.:olcgical!y. tho ootire project can be slu.C:ied as a model for resoufce de- velopment ir1 tha Canadia11 norl11. From the standpolnt or {.OI~SefVa· tion. the reguiaJi'Jn ol flows. passing through 1 he power !levelo~1man t s!1ould actua1~y ~!Edt:~ to P'"SVei11 the i)fO\•ious !1armfut e-rosion of the b~l'lks of ttle lower reaches of tne Cl"'urchFi 1. by unc·Jn~rol1ed sp;lng freshets. Ag.<:u~, t~e fwocling Qf .2.500 squl:lre mu.ss w create the reservoirs ~~anged lh~ far.e ot the countryside . MOVtever, the s~mur~ass oftha process. wl'llch took p=ace a11er three years, :neent tl"lal h<e;>mtui ~mpact u~n ter;d ar1imal~ in the reg~o" ":'!as r~inimi..:ed. Carefur studies by blologu;;ts have COiiCitoded thai some overcrow::!i11g or sm.;;!le;-soecies occurred in some timitcd areo:s such as i.sl<mds which were created as the waters rase. And tne fishing should be even better thar. before. Not omy has the aquati1~ hatl!tat been gr9ally en!arQed, but the ftoodinQ ot swamp .s11d mus- keg, biologists ha.va found; increa:;es the vol;;me and ct.:.ncentrat10n ot :;.rna:ll organisms whir.h .are thfl ba:;:"' .. of th(;l rood cha:n whjch sustains. lnC>J:ectl}·- the: largergame fi::>h. . . Or the land S~lb!Tre.rgec! t:teneat~ the rcsarvo1r. <'!survey determined fr:at it contained B"5 per cent scruO buS~: grt:JwinQ or. rock scantily coverad_ ·ml!: acid .soil. four par c.-ent t;arl'l3n mnd: nine per -cen1 buril~d-cver areas. ar'rC 20 pe'r Dl::'n: bog. Oniy wo~o per cent t;onsi~1e ct ()l trf! e s ov~r 30 ft. h>gh. ACi3's concern fer. and interest in. ~he erwira:;mem was ciaar!y _d~: rnonstra.~e.d b:l" th~ i>lsistence tt;ai a..l .~ ... -. :t : .... .. ·iE ;~, --~t: .. :1· .£#. .. :~ :~:· EJ .i: .. E . -'~ r.:-.. -_,_..,... ~~~~--~~~----, 20 camps, even the ramotest. snouid be equ1pped w ith sewage treatment facil:ties. Arld the-new human inhabitants, permanent and lemporary. ol th1;1 main camp afld townsfte appaar ~o have quickly developed an awareMss and .:;~ppreciaUon of the unsp()i!ed envi- ronment ERrly !ssues cl 1he weekly CFLCo paper Churcht11 Fafls News, were full of suggeslions tor using such natural rasot.m::;as as cariboll moss, parlridge berries, and Labrador tea. And one of the noHest debates in its ~etters column wa5 1he vexed auhject of whether f$male calibou have ant- Jars. (Unlike rtle resJ of the deer family, the~ d'nl _ It wa<; t1li s aspect of the projer::t which captuTed th'3 attlilntion ~Jf Prima Minister Pierre Emou TnJdeWJ, when h£3 inaugurated the devetopmen! on June 16. i 972, with a sp11cch titled ·•rn harmony wilh nature.'' "We stmuld see;· he said. "tnis gigentic insi.JIJatit:'n <lS the un!fied and dy1"1a.mic solution to a great many prot>Jems , using the contributions of a wide .array of skills and knowledgE!. A truly human ::;tn::~:pe has thus been given to this source cl raw e."Gr!Jy without diminishing nature or disturb· ing the batmca ot the ~rwirortment The example of Ctlurchill Fafls shuws that though ma.r. imposes nis will on natura. Me can do so jn haffTKiflY with nature, and that this procesS~ can be noble and fr~,;ilful Thar is wily I Sl.i'' wilhout 11esitatiofl rnat nt.Ar tectmof· ogy ha'S produc ed here a masf&r· piece t'lar comm~nds rJovt>l~ admir<J!i~n . '' f}' t1 tl yf ~ :] ~· ~~ [J. !J ~ :~ ~ J '?.'~.:-.:,~"!': -..;~~tt)t?t·::'i'a;~·~' ~'1-~:!K~~~"''~;~;;qi':'l}1}~:.f.~~~;··~;~--~-·;,""·· , .•.. 'lv .... ,.'<· ,.,..~ .. ~J .. ~,·~~,ff~~~~;;~~7~-t7:r:~·~~~,: . .;;.· '1' ~., .... ;:'JO~.l>f'·~ .. :~=~~,iiitt''f!':,-';'#..itl£.~.:.~.'i . .;;t;"t.·'i•,•:r!.:~e:·.~~;J~·,.. "''· ,. :-~.'?• .. •··' .. ~. > .... !_,..,.·~~.a.r, .... .:. ,,. '.~.·.~~:~.:,~-.-.f.·" .• : ..• '.:_,·.;:~-.· .. :·--.,i·;·:.:.:.:c_:--·.~ .. ::~~.::.-.:·.-: .. :.:·~ ..• _.~.:.:.~.~;·: ..... • ... ·:··:·~".·.~·~.-:',·.···:,.·.i.· .... : .• ·.:···.~·-.~.··.·-.• :.:~.··:.::· ... ~·.:-~: .•.. ·:: ... ::.···_·.; .... ·~._: .• : ..• ~.~::t.: ·.?\ ... ·~:.~.:...-:·".~··.,.~:!;.·~·.:~_::·:',~ .. ~~~,·.)· .. • .• : .. _ .. ~·.:::,..:".·._:·~.-r\.··."·_::~ .. ~~-··.-.···.·.:·.r-.•••• ~ .• ··.!~_:; .. ~.:~:~-: __ ·;:·.~"',-~.·~ .... ;~~~.=~=.-.;~;".···.· •• ···:,. f./~~}r~.-;?f~;;~~~:;~~~-?~-~~I1:?_~:.r.~~i».if.~f.;·:!=· · :: -?'.;: . :z:;: ~ : •.. , .. · -· ~· ;.>.<: _ ,., ~-~ =~-> : ...... _ · · ... f~~:~~*~r.:~:~:!~!j\~'Jl!.*i:~~··}, .~:~·~~i~\:·~i~~:r.~·*~~ Loc.a.tt:d on Lh& (n~urnbi.J Ri~'ct, a.houl -'!.SO ri•;~r km nonh of rhc Canada· UJii t~d St at~-5 bordE!r, \·1 ica D11m ill om' of the higher earth-ii11 darn5 in the ···I:Drh.!. Cmnuided ir~ 't9i'3, the d~w1 toW('rS 244 tn abo~·~ lhc lowest jedr:)(k I!!V•3I an.J con~htut.t!'>a rn~'iur lrn k. ~n h.:Hn~s~! r:g the v,,JJ er re<;mH~;e~ .. r L ht~ wlurr,bia Rivt·r ~l!>IC:::rfl. A live Sh.)l'.:l~e c.a.pa.dty of l 5 ,UOO x 1 (if: m · ];; vp·:o:-~ red to tarn~ thl' mi~hl y r..r· .. lumfli.:-Ri .. 'IH and pnn·ick flurld proCt::Ct.IOn t~J dG\Iin~tr~;lrn !·ip<iria;: laml By l 977, 1 ,71C' 1\HV of h·:~drof:kctr:c g<'!ru~ratin~ c::tr.u:;it".. h..td l:;l!!::!l in::.t.:~ric.::l by l.h~ r.HI.'rll~l, B ri l1sh C~lll mbh Hydro ;ln d Pnwt.: r ..C..LJt.liOI"iL ~'· Thf' \·1 icu ··tm -~~··· N''~'· ;..i j (~In!· vc nt.ure Cl)m p·a ~~y Lin1itl·~!. w;L:'. ~-nginN·red L·~· th<: c..t .... 5[C0 Co ,.,_ul1~ nts 1-1. G . ..-:\C:RlS /1, "'D cora· ANY UMlTF.IY wh 1Hh: ~)1 t r1c 1111 t'c p.H~'·H c:;girn-cri n;:! ((•nlp .. m ieoo;.. • ~he (...:;;l'l{t.1fl', v.·.E r··:~.:l'l.';i : .• ~1r:~ Cl:l~o;hi,~ )C~\~,:e-. l.[n~i~r:.:d in ; ':164. ;\a<:-s C()n•.u;t ill!! S;.·: "i l'\.'~ li r11il cd 5 ~~59' DN!:h,:o;;:::r Rr.~o;J N!.<~~.l~ a Fat!~. 0 n1 .1ri•:. C;;nJ.dJ l.:~f. ~~v~· 1 ·.,,.;. :. ~ :·: Tlu: spilhV<l\' s1 rue l.urc ~;nnsis1S uf a c;ontrol ~;tmc!LHC wi!h 3 racli.a! gates, a -~30·111 long concr:::tc :;:.>~1iw;~ y ch~Jt c a.nu <~. mass con.:rr:tc Flip b;J;;ket. D-~::;ign COJp.:=cily ol tlw o;pilh ... -a"f i!; 4,250 m3/s. The-Li.~lllrtl: o;tr•JcWre is a low over I !m•.' wr.ir 'rvi th an ngt'f' s hap¢. I ~y J r<nJ!:c n"~odl:'l tCSlS wc-u: U$1:!0 H~ d<?v.:-klr ;1 ;miqut> fiow sur-!"ac~ fur t.h~ fi ip bucket, (."( •n Ill! mi :1g to a skew cone ~11ith an i ndmed .axis. A tr:trw:,·~s<> d:-~i n..tg.: !;yo.;tern -r:d longitud~t\.:tl dr;1inagt: ;>;J.I l('!"y ! Lm bcn•.·.t(h the full !r.ngth of 11 ;~.: spi!lwa )' ~.:h· .. ra· IIDor. r--·· ·-~--------- i J I ' r j l 1 I t" ••••• ~· .l o'Y':."i'$(-'li. 'o'f:/x:."R,T)if.' -~~-~-~-~~ . 1·• I -· ~--------~~--~-~-L.r..... ...___~~ ......_________, __________ +-;-~:.--....,y--..... SECTiON THROUGrl SPILLWAY .i ......... ..... -a.. • .:. . ·-----. ----------~---·--------·-~----~--~-~---···--·--··-··-·-·----·-·-···--·-·-j ~ ~ ·~ _; -~ ·1;- J PcJ~· .. ~ler ~·,t·.,....,kes-. v ...... & H d .. -· The pow-c.-intake strucl u r-c w;b 'n nstn~.:: ~ed iii$ pJrl t1f the main dc;.m pr(lject and comprfs~s an approach ch;mnd fmm~d bv a 76-:'1 Jeep upcnw~ rod-.; exca..-ation anu 6 intakes. E<'ll.h im.d;:c int·Dq)f)ntes a b'cllmouth t:nt;anct:, ga.tc-charnht:r .1nd shorl con cre te-1:ned ~l.uh. !unn~l. !="l o\., control r~ ac.::lmplished by vcrrio:a! fixed-wh~cl !:atl•s-r1pCr.J.lCd fro 111 l:\. 7-m di .Hfll:ll:r, :16-rn deep ~.ilc !>h.tfl!>. I he bellmnu til t'ntl .me.:::. ar ~' Cu\'(·ro.::d by 11 ..tshr;~;.:k::; which .'lr<! clc:1;,d !:t·!" <l lra:.Jt r.tkl· opcr,ttt.:d frni-:'1 the int<~kC: :.;trucHrr~ deck. 51 p·fmmir.g rncthods ·Oy-.':!r~.· use!i to f!l.lC'! Lht:' ;.:o ncrek for ll'w f <L;.;c Sl.!b .trtd ga.tt <;IBfl !i111 ng. En!ii!"lt·~~n !)~ rof t h:~ Lw.dc r-.:o:r !l;.lil d g•: n~:r;ning :-.l..LI. ion .:H ~l'vli.;:a ~~: .. 1•, t.HtirLI out·b·~· tlw -l3ril<s!} Cc•it.ndii :t llydto .::l•'d r()\v{'r ·\Lothoril'!-·, !.ir8l'l'{ -,ub:.!.'qm~ll1 tt' thL" comp!elkl n c:.i· CASFCO'<. ~v-ork iln tlw d;;m .m!. -• ...:: .. 1.SSI..IC i;l1 t~c: ':i•ru..:tw ·.~s. f.(.·: .. ·~ ( . - ~:·.-. ·.:..:--" ~~· i. I ~ : .. ·~= .. ~ -. rt. .•.- -~--... : ... ·:· .::::.-:::-:-._-::::--::-:: . .. ·~···."~ · .. •t= .. :·:r-...... r·.:t.!·:--·:·.:.K- . -~-.. t , . .,·. -~~:~~:~: -~ :. ..-..::· . ii~4 '1'-;(j ··~ :~ ~~~L ..... "'··-- G~~;:-~1 . Qrainag~ b'!.!tin area ·:(;'!~~· .. !!im~l .ili~.cr,;;.rgs .Rci;.Cr'roif !i.taF~ge -toul ·-live F~Ji ~vp~ly lcvt~l .. M::lximtlm m.Hwater ~~""'' !~~;.l --. '(~~rp;:O!ct~d ~r.l;o'l. F. ill, .:t-~~~~v~~·~r.l·n~f~~;io!Js. CQr~ 1-:1:0 !ill ~ a~;·~ ._oojr4cl~ cr~·.o;r::::· .cicya tr~)fl ·.'.' ,Jr.n(;.lh ··. ·· ~·iv i dtl'!· lk~t: ·:Wid'li{. ·: .: . vO:rgi~:.:·: . . :~;:]~:~i,·liit:.::::. ;., :;·:::·.wflf\Y~ :,... r. . · · ·¢~·:th!l~·\\ilill f.li?· S.ur-~ · ;~~~.~:~~--~f t:aiJia.l ~a~!O . ·: C]li;fe din1ei'l~ii:ins Gcf!.A: :>ill rtt .... ation · Des !gli 4~~·~h~l',x~ :~lllit~~" · .pesl.gn·· d iS du!r~·cr·.~r,l;~~tY. ··: :·;~~~~~;~~~~~·; ;.· ,· -; ... ,. ~·· ... : . ... ~. ·: .· ~ : . ·,: ... ·::; ... · .:·,:·:rciu(~~srrm m!>ch;~f!:~·c:a:p"~cll.y r·~j :· .. · .: .. : ... ·i.< ., .. : ... ·:··:· . . . ]\~ .... :: ... · ... ·., .·· 2!,250·km2 i.i90 .ml'fs 25,000 x 106 m3 I.S,CJUO. x I (J & ml 7S4m S16m .244m 1 G2m 79~1;11 34m 945 m 32:.6 x I oo m3 1S.7·m S93m t,036m 5Q7 4,250 ~i~ 4 3 12_·~·fl.l,h.igh b}' l2.'i ·m -,_;i1d..:. 742 .m .' ·~!2 50· m~ Is · 2.3 m Dy :.l.5 m ]14m ·9 &·5(lm3/s l 3m by S.S m 2 con.nol, 1 ~:u,ird 1 ·o~b ~:lt1 .5.3 m hy [:,_-: rn 68 m 6 con~rol, 1 !!Uard 6.7 m 1, 700 m3.t~ ) ..... . ··r.-• I •IJo:a:=:-.: :· =· -~·:.:: i: :~:~ :l~r ~:·~,;~~; ~~~I-~·:=-=~: ~:.2.·:1·.";,."~ C;;L. N •:. :tn 4 --; .', •.-..... ~ ....... _._".: -·~. . . :·) .· :~ ..._ . -· : .r ;·. . -~ ~~ .. --.~~-~-:_·_:{.? __ ·1 / _,.,...· ·-.. , .. • ... -. '• ..... :. ... ~-::.. ": .. in l:he ~m~)i,.al r3in fore!it of sn~!th .::..rr:6i'•ca':; W('stern Cordiilera, tt~~ CVC oi Cr;ii. CnlwnLi.:r. ownt afl d cptH"<Jtcs t !1~ wo; lt1-5 h ll"J~l•~st r;{)ncref.e-1aced rock.-fi:i d.:rn and il .340-~v·ii.'V u nd e1gro1md now~r fiicflit~. Ao::i"i!S lr.t~m.>tic;na~ !_ir.;ite~ Ccnsu!ting Enl]iooGrs 5259 Dcfc:hs~IEi• Ro<1C Ni<!gara Fall~. Can<Jda T, . .-... [·_ ::E ~ ... .:;..:. ,":=:i;L HPL £ ~ .:11\'"J.!.l. PROYECTO OF rl?lJJ£Cr ~:5i ... ..~~t. .• 0 ~ ... 'i -'!: -:: ·.:-o ·;: .!,"1--(!!!!:::,; ••. : ... ::~.=..::::i%::7~ . .!!1 ~: ~'!JJti~-~ ~~~~ii~~ -~~ Tltc CortJ(lf"iH:i()n Aur6rtornc. R<!gionoi del Co.UI:a £' (CVCI o.f Cali, Coiombia, wi;h th-e 11alp ()f ii'l r.or.<;u I ten Is and contractors, h.as. r.omplctc-cl tha f1 construction of tl·.c Alto A.nchic<Jv6 hydroett!ctric ~ proj;:ct, inciLHl i ng a 140-m h ign concrcte -fo.cfld rock-fill dam. 8-km jjower tunnel, and 340 3.1'N ~ 'Jfldl!rgrou r•d pow•~r st~tion. Thr, :;itc i.;; on th<! ·~ rugged f'<Jcii ic slope of tile VVtlsto?.rn Cordii ler<:l of South Amet ica, o.n area of '-'r8cij)i Lou;; m()~unain ~ ~ covered ~y tropical Hlirt forP.st . !J T h c C',J C's cng~nr~f ~ring constJ!t<tnr. fro nt th<! inc~nLio1~ ()f Lh<! feasiuiliry studies thmugh detail ~ Llesign end con~truction. WilS Acr-es l nternar ionr..l ~­ i im!ter.l of Canad<J . T!tE! corltroJctor~ for ;1··1'!' major civi I 'NOrk s were I CA of il.•lP.:dco. ~~ '11 S>opes in the <1re<t of th !:' project are \•ery stee~J. Vt!rti~a! l:liff ~ an• [;Orrii;I{Jn . rwm its hr.oadw;JLCrs in the f arallones cc C~li to its mouth ne9r 5 Bw~n~v~ntura fa strll i ui ·t l ·lin~ di.;t<Htce ol o nly iihmlt GD km) tl~c r~;JC' d r~ps ill mo:;1 3.000 m . an d ~ivi:r (lradie~lt~ of 6 p9r cent ar-e feu nd clc•wnstr ar.rn from i:f lr1~ datmil~. Prt::t;i !:-itaLio;l is ''t!l\' h~av y _ <:iller:i'(Jing ~­ <thou: 4,800 m ·,, ri'!r v~:lr n~.:u Lilt: ~)O~ ... H rl •ous~ ~it~. wit!1 20•:> to 300 mm ~f r<)in ~~·.·on in tb t: rir·:c-.,;7 ,, f!lll!) Lhs.. T!tr.s~ I ec: tu rtlS, •.•.·I· iC:' ar~ 1a·..-•J: "Ll:e ltl ~ h v d ro~: if~ctnc d c•;clopm!~nt. rn~<~~~ ;:~ee l'~~~ Vl~r y dt !f!CL<i t in ~j18 <:-<.:r I·( Guys. r· ... :en ·•~o·itil ;'1 '~!1.5 <lllc.l sh()>Jels hr;ck!~ti .-1 1 J i: m t ,,,;I !:!.·Tr th~ :;! iprJ-=ry ~£ ,;:oi>~5. bu :1 t ol cump wnl1 !) !.!·1!--s sa w:1 I}V hJnd in ~:&~ tht~ jt Jt·.~l !:'. n<sm;1 :-:t led t hr~ dr·; I;, 1•; t'<H; ,prw·:r• ~. dt td ca r ri8u il , I3 Sh:1U tt~ :vn>i :•:1·,• .... <:• ,.,,. d,.orn:;it-~ 1c) ~ ~xr,inn~ t;lH rock in t!w d.:rn .,,,,. ':·:1 10 , .. '·.'·J··~ .. , !h: f1 trace.: i1ad been t;OI:l!!il!h.'\1, ,,. c .,··:· .,, •• )•;:; ·t;r~n : ;;[1~1' tO unc~:"rt.:t k ~• ti·.~.' !',;1' ';., :: •.':. <Hid .,.. f~llU'Pil:e·!l. 1-iP<:~II y , ·,.•,h t:il : .. : tr:r! t,_~ orojr:ct i·,o.::-1 b~~cm con+i.,1,r-·~. ·· -_,,,, 1h~ ~ fl"i:ljH• 1;1sK i!f tl.Jiidtnr; :1 <·'· :;,•::·.; :0 s~·~~~ iur Lh~.· cor ·!··L'l!t:l!r~·· ,.. ·J.f !1'1: f~t ;H!l)P·::.1. Two V l:ilr,; i ;;l!::;. ·.·., •· ..:otnplf~~8c~. lt)e :r :1' :·u•r: , .. · C:i:rrsi~s 'u\o<1S f lltd!IV ·8;JL;:_,.·, trucl• .. je ()'I r u o 1 t:~ tn .. ' d ·, :· drt\'{: ',I: (I 1,\\~::. ~ i •.' t~l '''17 :~: i let·. I ' "'i( .::} ...... ,.,,_:(;. ~ ···~· The ~;;jrlie~;: ev.::!luations of th~ row~r pote!'lri;~l of rh~ uppflt ~eachss c::.f the Anc'·,!.-:.1':-'a Ri·J-ef ~..-er.; hamr:~ared bv thP. compiete <~b~.;· ·~ of o :ans f!illi tN~Il· of aertai phctograpll~ [b::l(.61.i5:~ 0t a!irtost contii1UOUS c!oud ;:;over). H:.:;rdy pionaer ~rtqtnt~{;'~s !()cate<.l •he ;~te of the AllL.J Anchit;a,y<) r.lilm ~r: trE 19:50":; <lfter arduous We<?ks of wor~ in 'ille Jur.~]lt;. Tl1e~e BXil!orations H~!>lJlteci in in-tlou~e :;.tudJeS Srtd 01 pre I imtn~rv rep art on the economic fn!'lsi~iili t-.· of ups•.r&aFT· deveioprr.ent~ 'Nhicb wa~ suhmitt~~ 1·n th8 m<m <HjOm~nt of eve in Or.tQher l96(i . !Fl Aod ~)! the foHowiag ya-<lr. Acres l"!tcrnationcl L1mtt~< Const1lti119 E~ginr.ers of Niagara ft~i!s. Cr.tnaue w<1s r~:!lin~td to as.<;ist the hyrlro:!lectfiC dep;;~rtm~;nL o 1 eve in thE;i p£-rformance of ~. full ·scaiE:! fe.:~s.tb:ii ty srudv·. · fld ud ing ;;itt:? surveys, i n~'~stig<:~timts of ~oun(!;:Jt~ons, C{,n&tru.:Lion rnsi.et•i;,t:.:~; ar.<.. aarthqut~k 1:1 risl<, geo~og ic ;:;nd t ouo~raph;c rn11p[li t1~!. hyc.l rolugical. e!~ctric~: S'{Stcm, and eccnorn 1c studies. pre I i m in<~rv cle~igns and cost~ P.:StfmaH~s, and a!! the re1ared <>ctiilities of !'i:uCh a study. A n·,ixc-d team o f eolo mh!11m; drH..l Ca·1adians compietfd the WOI'i< in .3 'f~ar, und thF. IE:!aSibH i L y raport w;:s ~"omim~d to 1he Executive o;roctor of eve in /\pril o f 1963. It was mndudtl<.l tha t th~ <1'\Sl<O!I~tinP of 3-'\.0 MW of c<q~.:~{"!ty <:~t A!ttJ /\nci1icay ci . wttr a l!)i:lrl fm:;:ror ()[ 0.59, would contribulr, 1. 760 G1tF 1) to tile CVe system in thP. <:IV!'r iitJt:: \'&ar, a 'K! thiJt J fin;-;nciiif rottP. uf retu r;t 0.f 14 pP.rcent. r,ou !d bt! expec.:tecl, ba:;.acl Oi' cr;,~rg -1· sde prices itl effBcr at tlw lirn&. -r--··--. --·· .. ··- 1 "'i --· ··---· ..... I. 1 ~- The sub'iequent p~riod Mf'i :;pe.,t in obtait1ing ri_ financing for th11 construction of ttle project. The I nter·Ameri can Development Bar1k and ttle ~ Governm!::!nt of C~nada <19reed tn cooperate. ~ Me;mwhilii', dela~letl invest.i9at.ions und studi~s !.l;l contim.nx-1 to rl!'finfl thtl" enqioee-rin!; de!Signs and insurr that the optimal ~>rructur~ would be buil1. ~ Q. A comp01rison ot <til the ;,pplicable alternative typlr.'l of dams was made .:~nd it was detarmh1~d that the i1 111ost economical VII"Ou!d be <~ corup;:~cte-:::1 rock-fill ii dam with ~n impervious membrane formed un its upstream face by ca!!t in situ concrete. Sine!'! 1hi! _ woul;.i be the highest such darn eve· r.onsvucted, ~ grsat C.'lre was. required in the d~ign of et~c:h of its ~ comJJonsnts afld in the seit:ction of materia!s and methods of cunl>truclion. A finite elcm!?flt m deform<~t[on ;:m;;~lvsis of the cam body and the b, c::oncret!! fuc.e Wil5 l"ll!rformcd, <lnd the llSS!Stunce Ol thr~ special currrult~nts (Dr. D. H . ll.llacDon11ld, Or. ~ 0. U. Deere ~nd flllr. B. J. Cook~' wns obtafnerl to ~ advise-on the selec:too design, it"> detailed titne.s.s for the site, and the matariah anrl merhod of __ construction. Ar the s.g rr.e tirru, the fina~ locatlon, ~ orient!itiur1, s;hapil and deta;ls of the urldHr:.:~round ~ pawerhowse, :'I~Jrgf shaft$ arui penstocks, ~l o:i of the tunnel and its (;-onstruction portals .and 1:-nak.e~ were 1§ fixed. Bv September of 1969 the u.:na haJ been (t preparerl ior thE' mf!in civi! c-:mtr{lct ti::H'J<'lr~. This contract wt~s ulthately .)~'lo·<mil'rl to th•~ Mexican ~ firm of ! ngenieros Civile'.l Asoc1aJos {iCJl.t. g --F""JWEflHOUSE ) .j ~=··.;..:. The ~d~ abutment of tha (lam \'~l'o:; lormCC"I uv i'l m::rrow ~t.arp-cn::.U:CJ r1tlge, arel:nd wh:ch ti:c (;-"'~' formP.ci a '~e-uply iflci'S.ed r.. ~8!i!~oe IC~Qn. I'' t"'e comrJ~.:::-; .iclded 5chrs;t bedro... "'"'4tilll"l this r 1rt~~:. o thick I~'YCr Qf s~ rong chen ptOY~I~P.f! ·l l i rm founc!;:n.on fo! ~he upstrear ~ <.:Ottu <!te {Jiolinhr ii'JITI . An t:liJcr.;m~ ~'(:item ot tunn~ls and dnH hr,:~o:; WifS. installtod withH"! t~H"' ndge tn cor,trul th~ SJ-~f'>liJ9P­ ti;J\"'S t~nd pH!SS\li Q.io gef!P.ratad uy th~ d!!f!!ll ~-cse~·.rO~f (Jn its up!i.tre.'lm sjdP.. f5;rn11ar ~'ut ~frSS e~o. ten~i·o~!'! n;~a'>tltfl~ wer13' a!lio fequin::~d c:>n tne ri~~t <lllt.n:rnen{ ! Thil s.iti'l~4 o! the s1~iHwav ano thfl c:IM~f'>iun o:'ti outlet t.lmr-f.!ls <~lso tQL•Io. <~tlv<.!l"ltage oi tht:l prr:~F-11<:•~ of th1s ri{i~~ to achil?l!a the n~c~scrV wat0· relf~0-!:+1"5 u~.o·e-r the 'lhortest prac;o1r:a1 fJiHh. 111 th1~ "r~a ti"!£ ue(l:.-or.k consists ol hornfetls. " h<lrd hut htr.::~..Jr&.l rock form€ci hnm ,~,~~ ~ch I':Hs i•• the I.!ICul~ ty of I an·~ bodv ol (IIO'"i tr~ (iJfl i~oP.uus imrus&v~ r odd . • ·.~ L· ... ."'=··~=::~~~ ...... : . ~~: ..... ·.::.., It ~ .........• "' ._ •• ~~~1 1 n (!ldElr ~o contr::JI t~e i.JlJ;imatP. daionnatio~ of the ~ concrete 1at:e bf tlls clam, gre<!t •:~re W3S 't!r'lll ire-:-i in the d~i!fn ar.d construction of tl1a rock f~ It in the ~; body of the dam, inclm.tii"lg ttl~ :.elect ion of rocV.. ~t. types, p!:!rli~;l~ sizes and compactiur1 methods. Ordv diorit1~ and homfels wem permitted. Th.ay wcro f'3!'! ub1eil'iad kom qu(lrri~:; nt:oiir trl:! do:~msfte and from j~: tile :op illway axcavatlon. Tho~ rock Wi;l~ dumped em ID.: tile fill, sluicerl, .i:tl'H.1 'l.m~ad i n 60.cm ~~yers •.vith fow ua:s~e ~ of a 10-ton vibmtory roller. N u111~rous ~; teSti ~vore rnacie to 1nsure th<lt H1e requirt'.d demltv ~ was IJeiog obtaim!rl, ~5 tcm low <~ ri~n~i1y might have pll'rmitted e!llce&sive deimmi'lt[on of the fill a nd "'" ill.·: h~nce oi the upstream co ncrete d!<~pllra~Jm. ~ The ccnttete he<? itself Wtl5 ~lip farmed on top ot .:::. spec.loJi bt"ddin!:_l ~11ye' of iiqer-s1raincd rock til!. Again, ~ar~f ul cletJikd contrul wus exercised to vc.!--oi(!'\•~ thfl rl!'!si roo qu,qHty ()r tlw c;o ncrert:l aru:! ~::err~Gt ins-:.all8tion of o~l th 1: d1~~iqn dr-t.;Jils. The thic:kn~~s of tP,~~ f.:nn.:ret!~ ~lab •Ja r ie5 from 30 c:m to 70 trn. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~r \lf,· {.' It iiia- (f~ i: ~ it ti it ·"" i ~ f.l ~;. ~ ~~:i~ lti ¢1 ~i' ~ , ~L.. .Lt ' Lii:. '9~ •• · :--:, ~ ~~t; ~-J..~ f! = ir}r:g. i~!1'·,~·c:r tu::: :.:!: ·t-t~~ rout(:'rj. ~(.1 ~ =·~~~ · ~ <:<:lv•J"llo!"•i; o t ! h~: ren ill:·, to 1)1'(;\ol!jc ;;.;:h:; ;u<lt•! •:v:o • ........ ~,,It! !.iF:! -,·~~it r ~~1q t 1"!{-~J s~ f.•t :ntf-~1=""·:::=--!· . .-(~= C'IJ!'J.~\il!~:l ;on dJd;f.S .J.:1\i .J SITI·Ca~ ~ni 2f<C \•.i f~;L~:-:. L: ~ ~ 0 H!flo·, ... , imrn !ht~ Murr;;.p<ii tr .bvr<~rv. S.e•:<J!I"St· :!··f· qH11md ~!:DIIf t'1e tunm.·l ·.v'i:l~ !,-,<~·::t.~~;i !.o:{, !·> :lr ;!!;;;q ~q~1 pment, rH~ :;ul.r•wr f,!c!: 1 !1Vtl~ll l].1~i r.mo;; !>ari ~"·\·:::' c;<~rri~:d utjl ;;::i(}fl£: tilt: ; inr! v t Lh"' tl,f•ll":: T ''~ ~~~~~:~~;~~:~T,~.i.;.~~i:r.t.l't:J~,I~. ~-~,:~J:;.:ii.··.·:::~;~:.ri:'i~~f~ ~~Oi l!!nd~lhi l'J. _ • ,_ , "n . ' •x.;f}: lYi~<~:> ::.i:hi~t~t, hnrnl~~<; it.•~C ~i;w1ite}. iw; li!i!.C::lvio!ton w<:.l~ (l.;;i a.,·,-~!~ l>~c:1u~r. tit ~~r;o!{!'.J·•;,;' C\Yic ~!t!oJ~5 on ord•. un& :;~c_;:t~=1 r.•n. •. \ "~ ..• •, -~.(I .... ----.. ~.--..... _ .. ·~· =-~"·:·--" : ;}~ .. r . ' . ' ,. ! • . ••. I :ill · .. ~ ~/ • • ¥ :~ .:....._ .. ~ ...... ..., ... _.,... ... n~ a\ The !ayout of the wuler•]round struttures in the rowerhou!>e area ''''as 5\H~h liS to take rnax irn um ad~1.:1ntage of tt1e disnillution ot d i ifcrant tv pes of ' r\Jt;L Ttn~ whole po\o\'erhou::;e ~avity is ir~ a body of~ d iod te. Local narrow z:o nes o1 shear ~rl al!d weathl~rP.d rock had be~:n dis[:O~ICPKI In <!Xploratmv ~~ dri!i ho~.cs Zlfln runn~h, and d~"Jsiyn det<Ji!s a··1d ~ c(HHtrucriun rnethods had be-en adr.-pted to at::com mod ate o:ham. The corltnJI roorn ar1u ereci!on ~1 b~v <Jrc ioco3tr.-d aT one C!ld , of the po·N~riwu!S:, [i ncljact-HU tv rlu~ ac[;~~ tu rmr::, Three vertFc<ll-axt~ F r;mcis ty;:te turlii nc:; were instE~lled, rated at v 160,000 mhp IJnder a h~nd d 400 n· and n unil f:l speed of 450 r~v/f'l in . T~.e !J~nt!rat(Jr5 ~rc r<lted at l:! 126 i\·1VA, 13.8 kV , 60 H7., 90 pe.n~nr rower factor. Tramrorrners ore !oci.ltl:ld in <1 sepm~te f.\ unrlt~rgrnund g;li!P.r'r' whrc:h t~iso houses 111.:! c.;rarw to~ opero.te tile drnlt tlibe ~1n Le~. Tile a_hSeilUl ?~ 1!:~~~ !JrOilnd ' in th·':! ,_ma;} led . la a F:Xtf!ns1ve studu~s pnor tc .sc:lect!ng the .rna! I'1Cat·1Qn for ttl~ <>witl~hi·lc ~t ;iliQII. A two·!cvt!l schomc was fi11oH<1 sdecterl .to be Ct)I"ISlttrctecl an comp<Jc!.ecl fl rock .tili on t11e ril;~rt·Jarok, wi·.h suii;ibiP. (JrQtP.ctinn a from ercsian. FrtH~l her'" th{; ~c.~~~~~·r i~ tran!;m]ttad to the stJb~;:~1r~m; wkic_h ~·:::rvf': C;~ii~ B,U krn. ~\J\'oy, by~~ 11 dOllb~~ CII'CLIIt 230-1': I.J [q•):;·n;!>510n hne, e~c:h .. ein::LJ it of wh;t';h is d~~siq: ll!d :c' ;h~J •~ntH t:i ge!"lf::!ralln~ CLl~ilCitV of the r.tOw~rhOl.;;;(;. 1 h-..· [~~'1:1'-~r'..;!CIIll t:; ::~ !1~i li·~U:: ... ! 11 !:: dd• :·.·.:1 r:..· o..'=·:~~~ ·": !~,·)~•7 .. 1 .._,H .t~!l:,: 2·), :97~ 10 Hl:-:n·.:~ [~!~ i•·~o;~~-: :;~~·~,.I ~~ . ._j pt~rrr·<H1f~.C J ;:..:·)n(';H:::l•"' :j ;·:e"~l()'. ~L.:I '=:"=>:; ';:· .• ·~ ! ! ... • "' 1-: •, L' :·.-;'~ :-,_1; h-(. ~ ~:~r)~t;~ t P~~:,h;~~ff\~,~~ \·:;~~;~::.::,:;'::'.,:· ·: .. r .. i·::~., ·~;~ !:1 19/F) tv . .",i!:!~ ,_.,;,.;~ h:JI!•.:O~c.!•.'~ i;v r ~·:l ..:..•:Y~t·:(i::;!~!") ·.~: Cvn:.;ui~~J1}1 t:.IIIJ!!=i-:!'l~q: Ht \"":a.:~ • .:.K!::; · .. •.·!~'== 1r"> ... \:..•.·.·:li<:i ~;f t -.;c.~r.:·: tn{~~ !n U -.~: c.-:.:-1 t~~!o: ~~ t.:t ~ ... :=! ,~r·.-!-1 ~-=···· =~=··! .. : .~ ~r~ , .. ,·D~k. ~,.n r'~=~ ;.;·~~~&~~ Long-term average flow Firm flow Drainage area Reservoir live storage Dam type: compacted rock fill with concrete upstream diaphragm -height -volume of dam and cofferdams open excavation -galleries -grouting and drainage holes Spillway type: gated chute with flip bucket -number of gates gC)te dimensions -crest le;1gth -desigrt discharge Power tunnel type: concrete-lined horseshoe -dimensions Power tunnel surge tank type: circular shaft with lower and upper expansion chambers -shaft dimensions -lower chamber dimensions '-upper chamber dimensions Pressure tunnel type: concrete- lined inclined circular -design head for transient conditions -dimensions Penstocks: steel lined Powerhouse type: underground -volume of cavity, approximate dimensions Access tunnels-total length Units type: vertical-axis Francis type turbines number of units total installed capacity STATISTICS 56.7 m3/s 20 m3/s 520 krn2 30,000,000 m3 3 140m 2, 705,000 m3 219,000 m3 28,000 m3 71,000 m 13.5 m high x 13.67 m wide 41 m 4,600 m3/s 6.2-m diameter x 8.3 km long 62-m diameter x 140 m high 8-m diameter x 25 m long 8-m diameter x 78 m long 560 m 4.5·m diameter x 480 rn long 3 of 2.3-m diameter x '-i-8 m long, 37,000 m3 62 m long x 20 m wide 390m 3 340MW STU~{GEON POOL ~Jl~M FSOOH.U~ PHPSE. t -~T~~UCTUA /\L EVA LUP\Tt.O~\~ L ocation C.tient Year 1979 Structu ra: evalu atlon of a 1 ·1 0-foot high cone rei:e gra\f i ty dam on ~he \tl~~ f i · kW River north of Poughkeepsie. New York. Th2 dam, vvhkM ·Nent ir.to service ln 1923 , is founded on horizontally ;nterbedded laver5 of ~hale and sandstonE. The dam provides the storage pond for Centra! 1 ~:,.;, .. i!;,~m'~ 15,000 kw Sturgeon Pool hydroelectric plant. Tha eva~uation includes a geological appraisal ot the rock foundation, an inspection of the d~rr. lto:telf e;nd a stability anslysi~ of 1hc 5tructure. CHURCHill RIVER DIVERS\\ON P3663 Owner Manitoba location Churchill Manitoba Value Missi Control - South Bay Channel -"""·" ,vvv, ...... ,v Notigi Control - The project involved direction of investigations, preparation of contract documents and all engineering designs for control structures, dams and channels for diverting the Churchill River into the Nelson River to augment the power generated at hydroelectric plants on the latter river. There are principal structures at three separate locations. At Missi on Southern Indian Lake the outflow of the Churchill River is controlled by a spillway and two earth-fill dams. The spillway is a concrete structure (33,000 yd3) with six 40-ft high by 40-ft wide crest gates and a total discharg~ capacity of 154,000 cfs. The structure also incorporates a hydraulically driven generating unit to provide local power heating and gate operation. The earth-fill dams have a maximum height of 50 ft and a total volume of 400,000 yd3. The Churchill River waters are diverted out of Southern Indian Lake into the Nelson River Basin via a 6-mile long channel excavated at South Bay. This channel is designed for a flow of 30,000 cfs and is mainly in permafrost-affected soft clays and silts, and involved a total of 10,500,000 yd3 of excavation. The diversion flows into the Nelson River via the Burntwood River are controlled by a spillway and earth-fill dam at Notigi. The spillway is a concrete structure ( 15,000 yd3) with three 40-ft wide by 40-ft high crest gates to regulate flows to a licensed maximum of 30,000 cfs. The earth-fill dam has a volume of 475,000 yd3 and a maximum height of 120 ft. 01/78 STAGE P3826.04 P3826.05 location: West Virgania Client: Associate Consultant: Woodward-Clyde Consultants Year Value 1976 Design and construction supervision of the Stage 3 clam raising the Stage 2 dam to a total height of 250 feet. The decision to undertake the Stage 3 raising was made prior tc comp!e- tion of the Stage 2 raising. This phase of the project consequently required detailed coordination between site and design office activities to insure safe and economic construction. Considerable use was made of bottom ash material from the John E. Amos coal-fired generating plant in drainage and filter zones in the dam. AMOS DAM. STAGE 2 P382€ Locntkm Ch81rleston. Wa:H Virginia C!icnt AppalachiN1 Power Company A!tsociate Cf .. lnSU l tan t Woodw!lrd·C i1de Consultants Year Vaiue 1974 $91000,00(} f-ie~d exploratton. design and construction supervision of the Stagf:! 2 dam, raising the Stage 1 dam to a height of 220 fuet and extending into the adjacent valley. The dam retains fly ash slurry from the John E. Am(.\s. thermal generating plant and comprises an upstream impervious zone of compacted clay from excavated overbw-den or quarried shale materials~ and downstream zones of compacted sandstones, siltstones, shales .and sand .:::nd gravel drains. The embankment is designed for a further 30 fE:et raising. The project also incorporates an additional vertical concrete serv~ce spi!l· way. structure and a tunnel moled through the right abutment. also in· tended for use as an emergency ~pBiway. Hydraulic model tests were con" due ted to prove the adequacy of the design. I • -. • \.-• ". • •• J .~\ssociate '1-~h~orhv;;rd~Mooi"ehou!;~ :1r1d As.sociah.:s~ ~n~;_ CCflSU~ tdrl i". \/alue 1970 Fit!d txp!otAticn, desig!1 1nd con5truct1on surervls!'""Jn of :an e.arth i!t~d 1 ock· fi!l ddm ('l ?0 f~et. riig:: dcslgned lo be rai·~.ed to ar1 uitirn2.tc h£-ight of 235 feet) for thf" retent!on of fry a.sh ~.!urry from the John E. Arn o::; thermal g:en.uating ~J!;ult, T~~ dam compri;)e:; ~ zoned design in corpor;1ting cornp~cted day shale~ :::xc a.vated f rom an ~.dja:...:.c r.t quo:.t rry; a·; the ;mperv!ous membrane. The balance of the dam 1s co:lstructed of sandston~ with v11ryi ng proportions uf shi!.!~ se~ect1v~ty excavated fr.'Jm the quarry_ Th~ project incorporates a vertical concrete ;:~rawo~f stnJct.ure 3nd a.::.soci~t.t~d r'i out~ng skim mcrj ~~nd a frce-f.wcr·fiow Cl1il'.::rgency ~~pillway. CARDINAl DAM 134 Location Client Value 1973 Field exploration, design and construction superv1s1on of the raising of the existing earth and rock-fill dam to an ultimate height of 260 feet for the retention of fly ash slurry from the Cardinal thermal generating plant. The dam is of zoned design, constructed primadly of mine waste from a nearby waste tip, Additional materia! was obtained from a major excavation for the emergency spillway. Construction included the provision of a weil~point type dewatering system for the foundation excavation, and shallow cement grouting in the abutments of the existing dam, The project incorporates a vertic:=tl concrete drawoff structure and associated skimmer, together with multiple fly ash discharge pipelines from the power plant to the relocated pond. I I MANAGEMENT Contractual For a as large as a hydroelectric or str,rage development, is essential that a decision be mad~ at a very stage as to the of construction contract (or contracts) which are to be let. Possib!e range from turnkey, through one general --:ontractor, to separate contracts for the maj0r structures and equipment. The type of contractual arrangements wi! have a major effect on the type of constrvct:on management orgJnization to be set ur-. Construction Supervision Acres usually organizes the field superv1s1on operation in accordance with the natural divisions in the project, such as upper reservoir and intake, power plant and conduits, lower reservoir, transmission, support facilities, etc. A organization is shown in Chart <~A". Each division is headed by a construction manager who operates with a great degree of autonomy and reports to the manager of construction located at the site. Each division has its own complement of contract engineers, area engineers, surveyors, scheduling engineers -and cost engineers. In order to maintain uniformity in dealing with the contractors, a central management core reporting directly to the manager of construction operates as a staff group and deals directly in a staff capacity with its opposite number in the separate divisions. Each group is responsible for the supervision of individual contractors and for the coordination of all contractors. The group is responsible for the basic project layout and, in practice, tO establish control points from which each contractor is obligated to set out and control his own work. The engineers maintain a continuous watch over contractor quality and progress. They are in constant contact with the design office regarding sh~pments of owner-supplied equipment, they assist in expediting where required, and they release owner-supplied equipment to the contractor for installation. In addition, Nhen the contractors advise that their work is complete, the group can, if appropriate, accept the work on behalf of the owner and authorize final paymen~ to the contractors. Working under Acres surveillance, the contractors are responsibl~ for l<aoor supply and operation of construction equipment, and supply and installatiun of materials not provided by the owner. The extent of Acres involvement in the financial management of the contracts to suit the requirements of the owner. In the ities have ranged from complete to minimal involvement Control basic philosophy behind on-sit<: quality control is that nothing gets done by co~1tractor or supplier/installer without the approval of Acres or its designated representative. On civil engineering work, this involves examination of foundations and approval by the engineers of the quality of the foundations before any earthwork or concreting can be dcne. As the job progresses, engineers constantly check quality of concrete both at the mixing and in the forms, gradation of fill m::tterials in dike work, alignment and job interfaces with other contractors before allowing any one contractor to proceed. Contracts are generally so worded that the engineer may request any contractor to redo suspect work. In the event that such work is proven unacceptable, repairs or modifications are made at the contractor's expense, but if proven acceptable, the expense of replacement is borne by the project. Quality assurance is injected at the earliest possible stage. For example, all elements used in the manufacture of concrete are pretested before the materials J.rrive at the mixh~g plant. The product is again tested as it leaves the plant, and finally tested in place. Similarly, borrow pits are investigated for dike materials, and tests are taken before and after placement. Nuclear densometer compaction tests are used to check the compaction of dikes and the results correlated with laboratory tests made on the materials used in the dikes. Laboratory work is contracted out to firms specializing in this type of work. These firms report directly to the Acres engineers in charge of the separate areas, rather than through their company offices. Fabricated items which require on~site welding are st.lbjected to nondestructive te~ting, and again this testing of on-site welding is contracted out to specialists in the X-ray or ultrasonic fields. A com!Jiete record is retained by the engineers of X rays taken on all site welding on the penstocks, scroll cases or other critical components requiring field welding. n the electrical and mechanical connected to minimize the are bl of troubles up to date and the odginals COST CONTROL AND ?llr'i:~tf'I""''""'41 ~~G· .. t-Cost Control ~nformation "'"'"..,.""''"li'"ll -The purpose of Acres management cost control and inforrn::J.tion system is to provide current and factual information on all cost of the so that control :an be exercised at responsible levels. The is not restricted to reporting only cost infor but is more directed toward looking ahead to the future. tracking each work unit from its inception in the engineering design phase through to of constructiotl, and by a proce~s of continuous forecasting of each work unit in detail, as-to both cost and limej unfavorable trends ar:d variances are highligh!cd well in advance, thereby enabi:ng corrective action to be taken without delay. Basic To achieve this objective, the system revolves around several principal elements. These are the construction cost estimate, rl)porting, cost estimating and budgetary control and, finally, the recording of co. ts, as incurred, by contract package. The construction cost estimate is a detailed evaluation of construction, engineering and management costs, based on iminary or conceptual designs defining the entire scope o: the project, and is prepared with cost infonnation and prices current at the time of project inception. In addition to the estimate of costs to design and construct the project, the construction cost estimate includes, as separate items, allowances for contingency and escalation. The Control System Engineering Design Phase -The design of each contract package is initiated through the issuance of an engineering work authorization which indicates the scope of design work to be carried out. Once approved, the work authorization constitutes the authority to proceed with the assignment, and it authorizes a specific amount of funds to be spent in designing the facility. On receipt of the work authorization, the design office proceeds with preliminary activities including studies of alternatives, formulation of a general arrangement, and design requirements as described in the section entitled ~~Engineering Management~>" When preliminary is essentially the scope statement is describing the scope of the contract The also includes estimated quantities based on documents. Once the find this arc the office proceeds with the When detail design is progressing, monthly forecasts of eventual costs are prepared to reflect all changes in current designs. When is mainly complete, a final report known as the technical providing a draft of a!! technical specifications, drawings, and a individual units of work within the cuntract package, as well as estimated quantities. The report includes the second control estimate of the work based on the units of wod, at prevailing prices. This cost estimate affords a final opportunity to consider changes in the scope of the pac before sending it ou. for competitive bidding. Phase -During the bidding period, a final control estimate known as the engineer's estimate is prepared, based on the information in the bid documents which are sent out to potentia! contractors. This is a detailed estimate which takes into account the current site conditions and current cost and also serves as an independent measure of the total cost and individual work items against which to review the reliability of bids submitted. Upon receipt of bids, an analysis is made with respect to the corresponding control budget, with the latest estimate of costs and with respect to all other bids received. Construction Period -Once the award is approved, primary responsibility for controi shifts to the 111anager of construction, who exercises control over schedules, quantities of work, cost and quality within the limits of the contract. As described in the section dealing with construction manageMent, the manager of construction has a primary responsibility to ensure that the contractor performs the work within the terms of the contract document. Control is exercised by senior engineers assigned to each major contract or series of minor contracts. The senior engineer is responsible for field surveillance and supervision over actual measurements of work performed, and the continual forecasting of quantities and cost to contract completion. Monthly~ quantity Jnd cost forecasts are used as a means to update plans and initiate remedial action when work falls behind schedule, or when cost overruns become apparent. The engineers in the field issue weekly and monthly reports, ir.~luding quantitative and cost data reflecting work actually completed and forecasted future work relative to each work unit within the contract. contained ir. ~hese is 1ied review the construction manager and is the manager before being channeled into the final report'l which transn1itted to other senior management levds. and items of electrical equ and snr1e bulk materials are often purchased by the owner and installed contractors. Typical examples are tran~formers, cable and transmission line conductor and hardware. Cost control is maintained in much the same manner as for construction contracts by comparing cost estimates with the re!at<.::d control budget, and means of competitive bidding procedures and bid analysis. Control Over and Engineering Costs The construction cost estimate includes an estimate of the cost of management and engineering services for the project. This estimate is based on the number of employees required to perform the design requirements for each facil and the classification of employees required to provide other management services. Detailed management budgets are prepared annually for each depa.rtrnent and are supported by details of salary costs and other expenses. When approved, the budget forms a basis of comparison with actual costs. Management System The management reporting system provides standard accounting statements normally used for business operations and other analysis type reports which provide information in the amount of detail pertinent to the management level for which each report is intended. The reports compare costs and forecast information to control budgets from the time design activities commence until construction has been completed. Various types of financial reports are usedr three of the more important types are described below. Unawarded Work -Throughout the en!:J,!:->eering design phase) forecasts showing the timing of planned costs are reported by contract package for comparison with the original planned rate of future expenditure, the control budget, and the percentage of design work completed. Estimated fir1al variances and the eff~ct on the contingency aliowance are shown on the reports and are further analyzed in other reports within the system. Awarded Work --Once contracb and are awarded the award value becomes the whi, h actual performance is ll'leasured. Costs for contract and ali major are for the month and cumulati'le to in with the award value. Status -This report summarizes monthly selective information from the management infonnation system into a one-stage presentation of current cost and forecast information in comparison to the overall and provides a ~cans of evaluating actual performance at key stages of work CONTROL AND Acres takes great care in specifying the schedule contract Key dates which the contractor must meet but within this framework the contractor is freedom to the work. Bidders not copies of the planning schedule for the particuiar contract: contractors must submit with their bids a preliminary schecfu!e covering operations in detail and the remainder of the work in summary form. A specified number of dzys after award of contract, usually 45 or 60, the successful bidder must submit a completely detailed schedule for the whole contract. These schedules are calendar-scaled CPM networks, except on very small contracts when bar charts are permitteJ. The project must also be controlled during design and construction. Regular monitoring, by comparing actual progress to the schedule, enables effective control to be maintained. Each monitor includes a cor~ outer printout, float trend charts, and a narrative which highlights items requirh ~ attention, gives reasons for any delays, and outlines corrective action that should be taken. Progress is plotted on the network diagrams and these are issued once a month for each facility, again staggered to level work load. The printout produced by the computer has a variety of possible formats. Tabulation can be done for several lrveis of summarization tailored to the needs of the user_. and also by responsible agency. Float Trend Charts The need for fast reference to float trend is recognized by the use of the "float trend chart". This is a simple graph showingthe value of available float plotted against a calendar scale. At a glance, it is possible to see if the situation is good but slipping, late but improving, late and getting worse, or (and there have been many) on time and steady. float is calculated relative to n·.ilestones which are important key events such as award of contract, completion of construction, or an important intermediate event like completion of excavation of the first two penstocks. A variety of electrical and mech:-·nical must be carried out during the various manufacturi•1g processes. Manufacturers are required to advance notice of all tests. The~.e are witnessed by the inspectors, and engineering department representatives from Acres are called in to witness specific tests of major importance. Test results are submitted along with QAR. Plant Evaluation When considered desirable, the Acres npsection Department ::::arries out an inspection of the plant of the low bidder, prior to contract award, to determine the SIJitabi!ity of the manufacturing facilities. There is 1 of course, no need to do this when the successful bid has been submitted by a company whose plant is already well known to the project manJ.gement. ASSURAfl-JCE Basic furKtion and Acres tontrol staff covers off-site manufacturing of m and material throughout North America and Europe. The location of manufacture is governed t:'>sentiaily by the successful bidder. Qual control on is the responsibility of the assistant project manager (construction) and his staff, who are resident on site. The basic approach on the subject is cne of quality assurance throughout the manufacturing progress, rather than merely coniro! by on completion of the finished article. It is very easy to reject completed work if it does not rn~et the specification, but this can have an extremely adverse effect on schedule the component is a major one (such as a turbine runnPr) or if the reject rate is high fnr a large number of small articles (such -is transmission line :ubtors.). Also, when available time for manufacture is imited or work running b1~hind schedule, there is often a tendency on the part of the supplier to sacrir.ce quality for speed. Because of this potential conflict between and sc~1edulc requi;-..;nsents;, additiona~ emrhasis is placed on the fact that ed quality r,;ust be attained before the product is accepted and released sr , dnd it is the supplier's duty to d~vise a means of achieving this withiP th~ time available. Staff Quality assurance within Acres is t!le responsibility of the manager of technical services and his quality reporting assistants. Acres staff consists of a supervising inspection engineer and iro;;pection coordinators, while the actual inspection work in the manufacturing plant is sometimes assigned to specialist agencies. Each coordinator handles a particular type of work appropriate to his training and experience within the following broad divisions: Civil} Str·uctural and Mechanical Electrical Turbines and Generators Assignment to Agencies Although Acres is in a pos:tion to <.arry out most quality assignments with its own staff, it sometimes becomes advantagery , in the case of an overseas supplier for example, to assign some of this we'< tv local agencies. Once a contract has been awarded or an order on the size of the or amount of materia!), the and the Acres supervising inspection agencies. The choice of work to be inspected, since many have individual inspectors with appropriate experience are interviewed in most cases by the Acres supervising inspection engineer who, in turn, recommends to the owner the assignment of the most suitable candidate as the assurance The inspectors are charged with submitting quality assurance reports for each plant visit. if the inspector is resident or makes several visits in 1 week, a weekly quality assurance report (QA for each contract is sufficient. Handwritten copies of the QAR are dispatched simultaneously to the inspectorfs agency office and to the Acres Inspection Department. The contains the following information: Details of work inspected Defects found which can be repaired Rejected items Results of tests Status of manufacturer's design and material procurement Status of material delivery Status of manufacture. Relationships with Engineering Departments The function of the quality assurance staff is to ensure strict conformance to the specifications. Preparation of the latter is an engineering responsibility and the inspection group has no authority to allow any departure from specification. The inspection group does, however, have an opportunity to review specifications prior to contract award to ensure that impracticable requirements are not being asked for, and group personnel can recommend changes in the specifications at this stage. The extent of Acres participation in the financial management of a given project can vary t0 the needs and wishes of the client. In the of cases we have been called upon to take or no in this of activity. In certain other cases however, we have taken major roles in the financial aspects of the project. in the case of the Falls development, for Acres was upon to set up a special task force responsible for the preparation of a Memorandum". This memorandum, which was in fact a very bound volume, outlined in great detail the various economic, operational features of the project and a.nalyzrd them in terms of to the ultimate profitabilities of the completed The the document was worded in a manner appropriate to the financial was the basis upon which a bond offering of $500 million was successfully At the time of issue this was understood to have been the sum of money ever raised by this method. On a more modest scale in terms of the total dollars involved; are the Lower Notch and Arnprior projects for Ontario Hydro. The first of these, Lower Notch, was initiated in 1966. Under the terms of our contract, Acres was placed in charge of a trust fund sufficient to cover the cost of the whole contract. The degree of participation by Ontario Hydro was, in effect,confined to an overall review of accounting procedures and engineering progress. The balance of the work, from basic engineering details to the signing of contracts for both equipment and servkes 1 was left entirely in the hands of our staff. The outcome of this project was sufficiently satisfactory that in 1972 Acres was selected for a second assignment for the Arnprior development. for over a 11 ~ commissioning phases charts" are GROUP of Administration Insurance Invoice Certifkation Enquiries Quotations Orders and Contracu Expediting Supp!ief ~nspection Shipping and Tran§porting P~~tl~E:_cr SERVICES Cost Es-timates and Budgets Planning Schedules Files and Records Secretl,rial and Office Services Printing ACRES PROjECT MA.'\!AGEMENT TEAM Project M""'"'"""",. EERING GROUP lVI .... ,J.ger of Engineering PRE-ENGINEERING Design Criteria Flow Diagrams Studies and Layouts t:NG5NEIERING Detail Design Technical Tr,msmittais and Data Sheets Specifications Construction Drawings Bills of Materials Requisitions Operating Procedures Maintenance Instructions CONTRACTS Tender and Contract Documents Bid Analvses CHART 1 -THE PROJ IECT MANAGEMENT OVERAll ORGANJZATBON SITE MANAGEMENT GROUP Resident Manager CONSTRUCTION Site Co-ordination Construction Planning and Scheduling Drawing Control Cost Control Site Regulations Site Services. Stores and Warehousing Security inspection of Construction and Installation Surveys and Quality Measurements labor Relations Progress and Cost Reports Payment Certification COMMISSaON!!~lG Cleanout Te~ting Circuit Checking fquipment Operation Start-up Client Liaison ancl ESTiMATING AND COST CONTROL GROUP PROCUREMENT GROUP Purchase Orders Deliveries to Site PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Manager Co-ordination Procedures Project Specifications Project Status Reports Control of Changes CONSTRUCTION GROUP Head Office Liaison SITE ORGANIZATION Site Co-ordination Supervision Inspection CHART 2-PROjECT MANAGEMENT METHOD OF OPERA liON Liaison Construction Schedules Progres~ and Status Reports Calculations Studies Spedficatiom Testing Start-up Operations AD~"UNSSTRATiON GROUP A<~minist.ra~ion Procedures F~narn:ial Coill!:"rois Preliminary Scfu:du!es and Budget i'»urchasing Procedures !P~iiruin:llltv Enquiries and Sdt-'Ction Major Equipment Zt."ld Critical Materials MANAGEMENT TEAM STUDY TASK FORCE Process Engineers rP. 'sion of Mechanh;;al Engineers fn~Tnwing StGff Civil Engineers Ele~trical Engineers Specialist Engineers as Required flow Sheet Technicians and J Dr.aft.smen Layout and Arrangement Study Designers and Draftsmen Co~J.!f!IJ!!!io'!. an'!_ Review CHART_ -PROjECT MANAGEMENT PHASE 1 -CONCEPTUAl AND DEVElOPMENT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION GROUP (Construction Planning) ACRES ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS Civil Mechanical Electrical Speciali~i.s Consultants Geotl~chnica! Hydraulic Applied Mechanics CONSTRUCTION GROUP Pre!in1lnary Selection of Construction Contractors MANAGEMENT Pmiecr NGINEERING GROUP Man(!.ger of Engineering Senior Engineer Project Mechanical Engineer Engineers Co-ordinator Squad Leaders Designers Draftsmen Tedmidans Engineer Engineers Co-ordinator Squad leaders Designers Draftsmen Technidans Specifications, r ,.,,.,.,., "-''"'"' Bills of Materials, Keaui1Sitlol1'). Documentation !Project Electrical Engineer Engineers Co-ordinator Squad Leaders Designers Draftsmen Technicians CHART 4 --PROJECT MANAGEMENT PHASE. 2 -PRODUCTION ENG!NfEERiNG ADMINISTRATION GROUP Manager of Administration Civil Mechanical Electrical ADMINISTRATION GROUP Manager of Administration Fini!ncial Controls Progress aJnd Cost Reports Equipment and Material Pun::ha~c Orders Expediting in::;pea.ion Construction Contract5 Negotiation Selection Client's Approvals ACRES fECT fv1ANAGEMEf'-JT TEAM Project Manager ENGINEERING GROUP 1 PROJECT TASK F0RCE ! Project and Spedaiist Engineev F ~view Quotations Prepare Bid Comparisons Select Suppliers and Contractors Review Vendor Drawings Prepare Operating Procedures and Maintenance ln:Muctiom CHART 5-PROJECT MANAGEMENT PHASE 3 CONTRACTOR SElECTION CONSTRUCTION GROUP Head Office Liaison Establish Site Organization Prepare Construction Schedule and Controls Review Construction Drawings Review Contractor Selection ACRES PROjECT MANA;GEMfNT liEAM Project M<lnii!g~r direct liaison on construction matters field Inspectors Surveyors inspectors Concrete Soil Welding Mechanical Civil Electrical Laboratory 1 echnicians for Testing Radiographers CHART 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PHASE 4 -CONSTRUCTION CONSTPUCTION GROUP Site Managc·r Site Administrtltion Co·ordination Planning and Schedule!. D;awing Control Cost Control Site Rer;u!ations Site Services Stores Equipment and Consumables Quantity Mcasuremen~s Progress and Cost Rspnrts Payment Cenifir;ates flush and Clean Out Witness Hydrostatic Testing Check Equipment Connections Check Piping Circuits ACRES ECT MANAGEMENT TEAM Project M:~,n2•!JIIP'Ir Electrical Instrument Group Check Instrument Calibrations Check Wiring Circuits Check Electrical and Instrument Equipment Operation CHART 7-; .~)JECT MANAGEMENT PHA~;E 5 -COMMISSiONING Check Static and Cold Equipment Start-Up on Circulation Bring into Operation in ._u,.1uu'-'l''-"' with Clients' Operators ECT CUE NT Transport National Harbours Board · J.rbours Board ort Limited Oil Enterprises Limited E!ectricas Brasileiras South America Corporacion Autonoma Regional del Cauca Churchill Fails (Labrador) Corporation Limited I ron Ore Company of Canada Limited Pilkington Brothers (Canada) Limited Construction Aggregates Limited ECT DESCRIPTION AND EXTENT OF SERVICES Construction management of Amazon River at lq Yurimaguas. the and Management of Fairview container terminal, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Design and construction management marine container terminal at Saint New Brunswick. Approximate cost $35M. Project management services for the proposed Eddy Point common-user oil dock, Nova Scotia. Estimated capital cost $50 i\tL Design, procurement and construction management of a refinery sour water stripper unit using Imperial's process design at Sarnia, Ontario. Management of planning, design, supervision, testing and start~up of thermal electric power station at Belem, Para, Brazil. In association with SEL TEC of Rio de Janeiro. Approximate capital cost $12M. Alto Anchicaya project, Colombia, South America. Project management in combination with client's representatives. Churchill Falls hydroelectric development. Complete project management in assoctatton with Canadian Bechtel Limited. Approximate capital cost $665 M. Partial project management for the Humphrey Mine rail tunnel and ore-handling facility and automatic mine railway, Labrador City, Labrador. Approximate capital cost $18 M. Complete project management for a float glass production unit added to an existing plant at Scarborough, Ontario. Approximate capital cost $35 M. Design, purchasing, construction management and supervision of a road-base aggregate plant near Port Mellon, British Columbia. Approximate capital cost $5 M. 6098 Rev 4 04/79 -2 CUE NT Aggregates of Laos Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario Hydro~Electric Power Commission of Ontario Hydro-Electric Atomic Energy Canada Limited Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica Imperial Government of Iran Ministry of Energy Khuzestan Water and Power Authority State Organization of Electricity Repub lie of Iraq Volta River Authority ECT DESCRIPTION AND EXTENT OF SERVICES Conceptual design, preliminary and final engineering, budgetary appropriation and control estimates, purchasing dnd construction management and of a concrete and road-base aggregate plant near Victoria, British Columbia. Approximate capital cost $1 0 M. Engineering managEment and supervision of design, construction and initial operation of the Nam Ngum hydroelectric development, north of Vientiane, Laos. Approximate cost $29M. Project management for the Arnprior hydro- electric development. Approximate capital cost $79 M. Project management for the Lower Notch hydroelectric development. Kelsey hydroelectric development. Partial project management. Approximate capital cost $44 M. Project managem~nt and construction supervision for Cordoba 600-MWe CAN DU nuclear power generating station, Argentina. Approximate capital cost $600 M. Project definition, preliminary and feasibility studies for multimillion dollar hydroelectric and irrigation projects. Approximate capital cost $1 .5 billion. Planning, design and construction supervision of 400-kV ac supergrid system. Approximate capital cost $300 M. Engineering, construction superv!s!on and planning for Kpong 160 MW hydroelectric project, Ghana. Approximate capital cost $240M. L~NG modern methods to the and are vital to our projects to ensure directly with Acres computerized "Progress and an system for project management to control services to our clients. out feasibility studies, scheduiing ls used as an aid in the iminary project to establish projec1. milestones and assess the overall cost in project duration. project control schedule is essential to construction or project management to ensure coordination of all aspects of detailed schedules such as engineering, procurement and construction requirements, inc!ud consideration of required milestone dates, equipment needs) long-delivery items, seasonal manpower limititations, work-area congestion, etc. The continuous of a scheduler during project planning and execution ensures that both project management and the client are aware of the status of the work and effect that any actions or decisions will have on the expected completion to applying critical path network analysis and resource techniques, Acres has developed a standard approach to analyzing the risks associated with schedule development. Because of the lengthy duration and tremendou~ cost of many of today's undertakings, it is vital that not only a project's expected duration but also its pntential variability be known as precisely as possible. Acres risk analysis provides an effective framework for quanitatively assessing the potential variablity of a schedule or cost estimate and its associated liability or contingency requirements, RAW MATERIALS HANDLING SYSTEM CIVIL 6008 Rev 1 03/79 tCE ENG~NEER~NG Acre~ has extcn5ive experienc;;e in apprablng ice conditions in str,-!arns i:lnd w.atcrwlys and in designing ~tructures to cope with severe :ce conditions. Fow maln areas of investigation are prominent in the proiects which hdVC been carried out. These relate to Thermal Rcgimct Mechani<;al Regime, lee Forces and tee Navigai.ion. The eva I uation of heat tran~fcr and t (; m iJ e rature changes Jffecti ng )akes and ~tream~ l!:i fundament.1i to appraisal of the ice con{~itions which will pr~vail. Much of this work has been t:arried out to predict dates of freeze-up, ice thicknesses~ outfiow tern peraturt!s or rates of ice production a!"iSochnc-d with reservoirs and the natural .and man-rnade channels of northern hydroe\ectric power developments. These studies are complemented by Acres work on thermal inpul to the Great Lakes and dispersion of waste heat from thermal pov~:·er stations. THERMAL REGiME F! o \\-' mi."C hanks and ~ht: mu:hanics of iY:ateria!~ deterr.1int' the form which ~ce wilt take in the loc~tion of intl:rcst. The combined therm;-) li ;r.echanical dcvelo1'ment of an ice rover on f!o~dng waWi may involve --growth of 5heet ke over quiescent area.s ·-ice crystal formation at the surface of rapitHy flowing water ·-transport and deposi t <Jf frazil ice crystals and slush ice at the su rf!lce and under an estabHshed ice cover -growth of border ice a1ong stream banks ··-progrcssio!1 of the ice cover upstream by arch ing or th ickcnillg and ice staging ~ consoHdation, shoving a.nd freezing of the cover under hyd raulic and wind loads ~-erosion and melting of se!o~c.tive channets 'i.hrough the established cover ~ brc;tk-:..:p, mdting and dispersal of the ice, so:r1e t imes involving jamming ~ during warming weather and Increasing flows -on lakes and at sea, the effects of the w•nd do m i nate in establishing a mcchan kal regime invoJving sh~c1· icc, pressure ridging and rafting, and high pHe-up on headlands. Tidal areas are subject to spectal ice forms. Projects in whi ch the. mechanica1 regime was CJ principal factor have primaril y been tho~e in which changes to a river channel were proposed, an ice jamm~ng problem was analyzed, or the effecliveness and effect~; of ice control measures were evaluated. MECHAN!CAL REG~fViE .:~ ~ -..-· ·····--·--~ ~ .#!~(;,: Fo rce~~ irn~oscd on s.tructur~:; .)r kt~ ~om'.j·oi works 5uch ;:.s booms arc r~L:Hcc! ~ J -the mechamc~i, ice r~!~h~·~'> the pbysicid prop~rrcs ~yf ir.e and the scHir:g in \Vhich int~;ractir,r. w~th the ice O(CUr~. forc:e~ rnay invoiVi:~ -~-therrna! l~xransion of the sheot. icc ---l mpi.\ct or floes of sea k:,-; several m ih:s l;1 extent ..... W~ild and water force:~ on an ice jam Pro~ ects in prom ~ ;:en t criteria a.re which icc rorcc5~ havt" been among the :soverning design N ... offshore drH!ing pbtfonns and Ught piers --bridge r.;ais;;on~ in water depths of up to ·1 00 feet -·~ spiliway pkrs and J~atcs -·· Hood con tro: gates -ice control booms. ivk::thods of determlnatton of ke forces have ~r..r.;luded sca\e model si tn!JI.1tlon of Ice loadL1g s.i tu a ti ons and the app!icat1on of finite element methods and advanced concepts of fr acture mechanics. ' ~C:£ FORC£5 ro.:t:tl~~ I '!4 ~~ -!f ~~?L,f.~~ '.6.0.1• 0)o£it<'l' l..OAO SEOUENC£ FOR A Wl DE FLO~; StuJ ic~s. c:t pn::•,:a!imp., h.;e cond ;tions and the ability of var!o~Js ·~Ja~·~~s of \.'~s:;e!s tt) CC)bH: w:th thefTl have btf;n c~nu~~~ in a. number of "avigation prcjects. .~Jthough ~pcc-~Ci!izu! vessc!s f..an illakt oa.ssa.g~ through polar sea.s, k.e in tem p~rate ;~uitudr.:o, rt:tnJ ins r:. very -seriou~ season.:t.1 h!n(,r.~nc.c to more conventit;nai vr~se!~. k e navig;? .. th~n studies have bef.n oriented to a~:rora!s.~! of rre\).} rC'utes and to seck.;r~g means cf e>:t~~'!SiOti of tht:: navigzt ion S{:i:lson on existing routes.. D.at.a. from systematic z,er,.a! r?.'-:onnaissanc~ of ice conditions In mast Can;~d\~ n wat.er.s pro~l!dr a s.tatistica! bJsis for analysis.. Fiekl s1..1rveys, hydr~~ul ic modd tesn. and cornputcr simulation .-He emp!oyed in r£solv!ng specific questions. I I. ~~-~;;:. L~~~!. The methods used in ice engineering studies include mathematical analysis, computer simula.tionsJ field observations and hydraulic modei tests. lee studies have bPen an important part of the work of Acres labor;:ltcries since pioneering work in deriving imp •. u~t loads using structura,/hydraul ic modds began in 1963. They continue to be prominent in the internationa\ work of the company. The following table gives a summary of key projects and clients. PRJ NCePAL ;c E ENG IN EE Rl NG PROJECTS Proj~ct Numb~r P·1298 P422c, P390l P3K55 P3912 P3885 P3663 Project Sa.hlt J ()h n R ive1 Flooding { 197G} Bt:ll l sland 0 il Storage Project ( 1976] Gull lo:,l.:~nd 1-lvciro Elcctrk flroiect P975) St. Mary's River See Model ( 1975} l itn~}:;(onc Generating Stillion -Nels~n Ri'ller (MiUlHot).a} { l975) Northvrn Stagin~ Arei! (1975) Ch1..1rchill River ( 197 5) (;lient The New Brunswkk £leclrk Powor Commission Gu II hl"nd Power Company United State:. Army Cor~:-: of Engineers Mdnitob;i Hydro Nort l1 ~a.n!Canad 1an Arcr ic; Gas. Manitoba Hydro De!>criptivn A ~tudy of the: e"enl!:> !ea.d ing io it:t i«m flooding on the Siiinl lohn River ~n ltw spring of 1976. A study of 1he dfe~t~ of ~eo~ lee cond it;on£. on. the te.tsibility of <>u re rl.tnker n·1v1g..ttion lt) a m.ajor crude oil stor;;ge l<~,ilily in Conception Say, Nt'!wtound li! nd. Fit:ld obscrvaUom, .anillysi~ lrtd l'lydr<lulic model ".j.tudie~ to i!V,.Iu<tte ti1c effect of ~verc winlcr ke conditions on rfve; diver5ion. A res.e,m:h •lnd ~wdy program l.u develo::t fe.a~ibi~ ~olu t~on~ to problem!; ~;oredted by the frequent ic:f! t>ui!d·up in the l'liHrow navigation channels on rhe SL Mary's R tver. C. ..sku lations to p1 c:d i~:! the ke regime and flow leveh during c.:cn:;truction of the p roiect. Study uf f~uoding related lo k.e jctmming of potemial wharf sUe!> on the H;.l.y Rivrr .:md Upper M.at.:ktnzie Ri vc:r. Cakul<~tinns to predi.:l tht ice regime J.nd flow lt'v•:lo; IOilo...., inR diversion of power t!cw!'> LlH'<Jugh the Rat River ·-Bumtwo<l(J River sy~lem.8 8 Lavender, 5. i ., and J. E. Cowley. ~£!-.i\1~ Heat l"r:ms,er a.t .:m l(.e W.acr Interrace, NRC Rese.o~.r'-h Seminar on the Thermal Regime of Rive• let.:. Laval Univcr~iry, 1974 · - 1"3396 P3495 P3344HM P3176 ?2999 P2904 P2614 P2330 R40 P2084 P211 3 Pl140 Lake Erie- Ice Boom ( 1 System study to extend the winter navigation season on the St. Clair and Detroit rivers (1974) SL Lawrence Marine { 1973) Arnprior Generating Station (1972-1975) long Spruce Generating Stario.1 ( 1971) Str1y of lake Erie Ice Boom ( 1972) Offshore Structure Study ( 1971) Arctic Marine Terminal Module (1970) Study of Offshore Drilling Structures (1970) Study of the Effects of Thermal Inputs to the Great Lakes {1970) Ice Forces Me.asurin~ Systems ( 1969) Ma~;taquac Hydro Electric Project ( 1969) Clieni:. nternational Niagara Board of Control United States Army Corps of Engineers CECOP Company Limited Ontario Hydro Manitoba Hydro Water Survey of Canada Bow Valley I Acres Santa Fe-Pomeroy Van Houten Assoc. Inc. for Esso Research and Engineering Company Acres Limited Government of Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Government of Canada Department of Transport The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission 5 Acres Report published by the International Joint Commission, 1974. Description Extended study of the environmental effects of use of the ice boom ar Lhe head of the Niagara River,5,6 Srudy of the ice problems encountered by shipping during winter navig;Hion and evaluation of alternative measures for extending the ice season. Feasibility and hydraulic model study for constru<:ting a terminal for tankers. Included were simulations of the effects. of both tidal current and winds on ice movements and m.a them a tical simulation of vessel delays caused by ice conditions. 7 Design of ice boom and other control works. Basic data were derived from detailed ice observations employing air cushion vehicl~!S and from hydraulic model tests. Calculations to predict rhe ice regime and flow levels during construction of the project. Study of thE: effect of the Lake Erie ice boom on icc retention and dissipation in Lake Erie. Feasibility study of exploratory drilling piatforms to be used in the Beaufort Sea. Review of the proposed design for a marine terminal module to be used for the collection of environmental data and as a loading terminal for ice-breaking oil rar~kers. Conceptual engineering stud!e~ for offshore oii drilling platforms operating in slow-moving pack ice. Study of the sources, amounts and results of heated effluent discharges into tlhe ba~in of the Great Lakes. Design, Supervision of insti!llation and commissioning of a system for measuring ictt forces on lighthouses of various shapes. Study of the mechaPism of ice jams in the Saint john River above rhe Mactaquac Hydro-Electric Power Development. 0 Rumer, R. C. H. Atkinson, and S. T. Lavender. Effects of Lake Erie-Niagara River Ice Boom on tl1e _;:..:;;.:;...:;..;;.;;.;:.;.;.;.;.;;;....;...:....;;;.;:;.;;.;.;....:;;;;,.;..;.;;.-Third International Symposium on lee Problems, Hanover, New Hampshire. 1975. J. E. Quantitative Application of Ice Climate Data to Winter Navigation Studies. P2065 P1432 P1520 P1000 R53 Pll 1 P867 P826 P776 P724 P608 Evaluation of Ice Research Benefits (1969) Kettle Rapids Generating Station ( 1968) Churchill Falls Power Project ( 1968) Northumberland 5 trait Causeway ( 1967) Development of Model Ice Material ( 1966) McCormick Dam Project No.3 (1965) Mactaquac Hydro- Electric Project ( 1962) Grand Rapids Generating Station (1960) Government of Canada Department of Energy, 1\lines and Resources Manitoba Hydro Churchill Falls (labrador) Corp. Government of Canada Acres L imted Mankouagan Power Company The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission Manitoba Hydro Outardes and McCormick Manicouagan Power Power Development ( 1959) Company Kelsey Generating Station Manitoba Hydro (1957) Bersimis 1 Power Quebec Hydro Station ( 1955) Description Studies of the theory and nature of ice. its effect on various structures, the economics of ice control and prepar.:1t1on of a prog.arn for ice research. 4 Studies ot the ice break-up in the Nelson River and the passage of ice through the powerhouse openings during construction. (Included field observat,ons, physical modeling and analytical assessmenr.3) Study of the mechanism of formation, na.wre and bel1avior of ice covers in a resNvoir system and prediction of irs effects on operation. Measurement of the forces exerted by ice floes on fixed structures in the field in conjunc;tion with an extensive scale model study of ice forces on various pier shapes.2 Dev;elopment of model ice material for use in a structural hydraulic model. Prediction of ice formation in the forebay and winter water temperatures due to sequential development of upstream reservoirs. Prediction of ice condi~ions and the risk of ice jamming in the city of Fredericton following dam construction. Study of ice conditions in Cedar Lake and prediction of winter temperature in the forebay. Probability analyses were made on the formation of icc: cover in the forcbay channel and of ice jams in the tailrac~. Study of the fraztl ice condilions in the McCormick forebi!.y" 1 Srudv of the lee conditions to be expected in the forebay of the power station. Investigation of the forma rion of an ice cover in the forebav channel and the effect of heat storage in the water of the Lac Casse Reservoir. 1 Erickson, 0. M., R.N. Millman and R. L. Clinch. i'~ Problems at McCormick Dam -Tests on a ?Hot Bubbler System. - 2 cowley,j.E.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~- 3Macdonald, E. G. and H. R. Hopper. Hydraulic Model Simulation of Ice Jamming During Diversion of the ~lson River. Awarded r.he Keefer Gold Medal of the Engineering Institute of Canada for 1972. 4 Reprlntcd and published by the Department of Public Works of C~nada. r---·--- 1.~~(~ . GULL ISLAND HYDROEL.ECTR~C PROJECT lCE STUD~ES P3901.11 Location Churchm River, la.b1·adoB" Ciient Gull ;siatld Power Company 1975 Field ~urveys were undertaken to estabfish the interrclationsh ip of the hydrat..il!ct hydro~ogic and !(.;e regimes of the natural river. Obscrvat~on~ of development and dissipation of the ice cover and water levels were made in a 25-mile reach of the Church iH River from Gull Lake to about 20 miles upstream of the site of the proposed GuH lsland power project over two wi nters, 1974-1975 and 1975-~ 1976. Heavy ice conditions with staging in excess of 20 feet above the summer rat! ng prevail in the lower reaches of the study area. Hydraulic model tests nf the river diversion planned for the project and ice stabitity analyses were combined in asses~l r~g the best approc,.ch to ice handiing during construc tion . The requir~ments for regulat!r.g upstream water levels to maintain a stable ice cover were determ ined. H was concluded that the benefits of u pstream control would not justify the cost of regutati ng gates. Cofferdam hrights to .aU ow for uncontrolled i·ce staging through the tunnels were establtshed. P385S location Sauh Ste. Marie, Michigan Client U.S. Corp~! of Engineers 1975 Thi~ project was part of 3. research and study program to develop feasibte so~ uti on~ to problems created by frequent ice buildups in the nan ow channel between Sault Ste. JV1arie 1 Mich igall and the area below the Little Rapid Cut area of the St. Mary's River 1 Michigan. Broken and frazH icc float t.iownstream into the cut. The resulting ice jams rest.rit't commercial vessel passage a.nd prevent regular ferry transportation tn and fr om the maJniand for the two hundred families who I ive on Sugar lsland,Jocated in the channeL The model, vedfied against field observations, ~imu!ated the effects of relocating the ferry crossing, widening of the riverbed, the use of ice control booms a.nd ice harvestrng methc·ds, the creation of ice·llow diversions and ice suppression systems. The model riverbed and shoreline forms a Y shape in im area 120 f eet by 200 feet , 'ncludes a modei vessel 1 and utqileS specially treated polypropylene petfets to simulate icc, The influence of discharges from power CC:tnals and industryj the effects ot changes in ice supply due to vessel passage t the effects of si7C 1 various wind conditions and the ~m pact of vessel size and speed on icc jamming and accumulation were studied. Remedial measures recommended as. a result of the study and put into service in the winter of 1975/76 have proven high'y successful. P349S t..ucat ior-J St. Cia it" and Derro;t Ri vers CH~.::nt U.S, Ar m y Corp~ of En gine er s /\ stud 't' to dct r~r m !ne \Vh at enabling m e~1.sures. '•"''U [.! !d b(' nt"cessary to c.::.;, tend the n avi gd.l:ion sf:aso n b::tvlee n Lah.c I iL1ron dn ·.:.l Lake C:ri!.:. ict~ cond itionst c 11rn atologic.(cJ and hydro l o g i~..:al cond; ti ons! hydt;i ul iL c har ;lch~lis.tics. uf chJnneb, J.nd o rcr::.t ing c hJ.r:act eristi:.::s of \ .. e~-.;els w~re ]nV('S~ ig.u ed and lh e i nformttr i o n us{.!d to de v e lop t! ~~';ign i.: ri teri ~ for ~nab i j ng mea.~ures. \le::;scl ope ra ti ng capdb ii it ies [n icf" (;OVc:cd wa tcrs wer(· ch~vdopt.•d as the f..~y facror In t he stud~l. Design \\ .. !rner con ditions \.v c1·e cstabi!sh'·~d frum ;_;,ndyses of ~n'a i iablc Jata n1d pr o blem ~·~~ac h es in the ~u -c~i \Vi.::·c d cfi ned by rcb t !f!g th~sc ~ond ~t.i:;ns to t he vessel opc!-M.i ng t:arab il r1 y. T hl' e nabling IT'er.::':iure s re-cornmt:ndc d indudcd icc-~F c aker a"lsis t ~nce, icc hoc•ms, piie du ster s and air b uhhler systems. Th ese mr..-1~un;; would p{.:rm it vcar-rou nd ntl vigJ t ion. ::..::0 pi tal costs and a nnu a~ operating cos ts f'o r lhc sc!ec t~d schcnw \\'C rf.' devd uped. A compktc: en vironmen t:![ assessme nt cvaiu at in g atl :·t•!ev~mt ~~nv lr o nm t·rn:al , s,oc lal and r~u-c Jti una i filcturs. in t he s.tudy area resulting f~om the C'xtendeu seas o n navigdtio n was iJlso unde rtaken. S~TE ~N\l£$T~G/\.T~ONS, FOR DEVELO~:;Mf:i;,·~r ~;F A. ST. LA"NRENCE ri~AR~f<E T~RM~~AL. Location Oicnt CECOP Company Limit.i~d: Ashland 0~~ C;;z.l":adz Limited N.e·~'-~' Engjand retro~eum Compa11·y t nf'f1~r~d ~ r: support o f ;::. study of the fe:as[~il i ty uf ccn~truc t!ng a tennirE!! for 300J000-dwt t.a.1~kr:rs at Grande i!e, site investi,gations V/t:re (.;arri~C·d out to cstabHsh: tidal curren t conditions ice cond ijons toea~ bath ymetry geo~og~ca l condit!ons Tbe fie\d i :1ve~tigatbns supplemCi''lted ana!ys.~s of reglonc-.1 and lo Cci~ d;ma tct ice corH.ilt ionst barh yrnetry > clearJnces-, tide; and currents ,3Jong the approach iOLlte. They provided th e more detJ !!{::d i<nowledge required tn the vicinit y of the proposed ter minaL Th~ tidaf ra.nge at Grande lie varies from 4 to 19 f~et. l"he structure ot adjac~nt tidal flows was e5tablished by measurement, over J. pe!'iod <)f ·t 8. days of velocity and temperature/sail n!ty re lati onships th.roughoui lhc depth of the est uary at 8 sta tiuns. Details of su r·face eddies wen~ es.tabiish ed from shipboard observa tionsJ t rme-~apse aeria i photography and smr Liiati(m of f1o\V5 rn a hydra ulic scale modeL ke conditions were eva! uatcd by fl~ld observations; aeda.1 fi!connalssaw:e ;.nd mappin~~' and by dctai:cd ana!y·ses of ice CentrJ.! records. Bathymetry .;i;nd u ndcrwatcr geologk structure were ~stablished' by sounding and seismic surve ys.. Geological concl itions \.,.·ere established by reconnaissance, mttpptng) dri!l ing) and laboratory anaiysis of sarn p!cs .. . . .~ .. .;..,: ........ , .. H~tDRAUL~C MODEL STUD-Y FOR A ST. LA:~NR£NCE M/\R."~NE TERM~Ni\L Loci.tion CECO? ..Co mp ;..my Limited A~h~and OH Can~da Limited New Er:gland P~trci;cum Company Lirn;t.ed In supper~ of a study or ~he fccsibi!itv of const:uo;:tfng 2 tcrmit1al for 300,000·chvt tankers at Gnmde !!e, a hvdrauHc rnodel study \V.(.S w1d~rtaken to €Stablish the cffec ts of vadotb structurai a !Lermltives on t~daf currents. in the :lpproaches to the ship berths. The tid~.! range at the s.lte is ·l 8 feet and curr~n!s of up to 3 knot~ are experienced in the ue~. the effect ivcness of "a;!QU 5 al tcr ni.n i vcs for protecting thf; berths against f!oating ice fidct~ without. causing unfJvorabk change~ in currents. The model rcrrcduced an area 1.3 by 2.6 miles at ~ s.ca!e of 1 :2GO. /\ radio·controlicd model of a 300,000·d\lvt vcs.sci of 1 .200 foot !cngth .and jQ .. foot draft was cmplnyed. The effect of ild;J ! currents and wtnds en k:e movements was simulaled. Differ_.,nt a.rra.ngemr.nts of ice booms and t(e control sttur;turc:s placed at ec:tch eod of the docking area were comrared. Skimming booms \vh id1 restricted !ongshcre ic~ rrH1¥emcnt with;:)Ut appreciable I nffuencc on strong tida~ cu rrent.s proved the most effective. 14 Arctic Petroleum As part of an investigation of potential methods of exploratory offshore in the Beaufort Sea, one a.rea of major concern was the for ice damage to the drill platform. An extensive review of available data from observations of the ice pack, controlled field testing and laboratory testing, as well as various theoretical analyses, were use'd to determine design loads for various structure types during both summer and winter conditions. As part this ice study the existing ice reconnaissance data was analyzed, and maps prepared with contours indicating annual periods with various probabilities of exceedance for a rang,e of ice conditions. These maps give a picture of the ice conditions over the area of interest, in terms that can readily be translated into the statistics, describing the frequency distribution for the number of days available for various of platforms. The analysis included consideration of forecasting ability, and required monitoring to ensure that a well could be safely abandoned ahead of incoming ice and then continued after the ice moved out. p·j 140.11 Lucarion C!lcnt Th-e New B~·u n$wick Ele~trk P\Jw~r Commission Study Df th(l: mechanism o1: Ice j2m formatinn in the S.aint John Rivrr ?.bovc -the MG.c:a.quJ.( hydroe let:tric power clcvek)9me-nt. to dcten':1ine v,;hat operation s~~hedul es of this and ass.ocl:.ted devdoprnr-nts migf·n redu:=e or e"ii m inate th;; formation of ice iam~~ and the rf!~u! ting f~ood ing and ioss of power prod u~t ion during the spring ic~ break-·u p. The work inciudcd the assessment of the value of math ematir;al ~nd phys1cal models ·<-'or the simula ~don of dyl"!amic ir.e regimes. This por tion of the study ind~ca ted thal sim ul ation by metJns of mat hem atical mBthods is possible and that physrr.al rnod~Js are of limited useful r:css duel maln!y, to their inabiEty t.o repr oduce therm~J effec1.s. The work d.!so i nduded ~;n OLitHne of the fk~ld work tha t must be u llclertaken to obt41in the data for the development of !l. worldng m::ahcmati~.al model of ~he ice regime. Client BENEFITS P2065 Government of Canada »"""'"''""1r""''"'"t-of Mines and Resources 1969 Studies of the theory and nature of ice formation, the and of ice cover, the physical properties of ice, and the effects of ice on water control structures and waterways; evaluations of the economic aspects of ice effects on water control structures, water supply systems, nadgation, climate ecology and water quality; reviews of the and economics of ice control; and preparation of a program for ice research, based on the greatest potential benefit scale. MARINE TERMINAl MODUlE Ice Thickness In Canada (March 1966) P2330 Location North Coast~ Alaska Client Van Houten Associates, Inc. for Esso Research and Engineering Company 1 -1970 Independent review of the proposed design for a marine terminal module to be used initially for the collection of environmental data and possibly later as a mooring~loading terminal for ice-breaking oil tankers. ; ..... ---·--·---····· ; §!'"'-{~~ ! : j~ ~;~~1~ ~~ ! : .. ~~~?~i~Li : C1ient P10GO,go Nonht.H1'lb~rh~.nd :Str.:til: between New Bn!iiSVikk .anf] ~d:~c.e E;t]w,a.rc ~:sf2nd r~ orthumb2rland Con~u ~ ·tafl ts Ltd. fnr GrH.re;riHTtent of Canada 1957 -~ 1968 Er.gh-wering ~~rvkes were providc.d ft>r the cur.strur.::tion~ calibration (j,fl~ testing of hydrau!k: models and L!ppara.tus to dctE~rmine tnvironm~nta.! <:hanges whkh may have occurred b..l the tidal regime of the stra~t ·following the cortstruction of a major crossing strw:L . .ne.~ and to arwesiigate k:e and wave force:-Hkely to be encountered by the piers of the pro posed crossing. The tf:sts were cond1_~cred on .::. model having a vertical scale of 1 ; 64 and a hori:r.cm t--tl scale of 1 : 64001 i:i n d t rtves tigat..::d lhe ~ffec ts nn the t1da! regime r:f the str~dt tnat wou~d ha.ve resulted from the construction of various type:; of structures. Tests wc:e conducted on a model havin!; a scJ!e of 1 ;~50; used a: suhst:H~C<; of special formulation which had appropriate mechanicl.l properties to stmuJ(!te the a~lion of ice at the sca~f' ,".If the mod~! .and a dynamometo:r af special des.ign which rnrasured the force& OJl ih~ model piers. Th~ tests. delermined ihe magnitude and direction vf the forces due to h;e fJoes on the piers of br!dgc~ytyp£: stru<.;turas and the mechanics of the break-up of ke floes. ""j"{le :a~p<:1r~\t~ .. L~ ~:ons.i:,.ted crf ,::, pa.ir (lf hoH ow ~tee! p~~.ntd s v:ith r·~~c.tiVi~!y f!ex~bie Wi~U:::> ar:d containing a pa1t8m of hydraudc -EL~.t jacks ~qui:,>peJ w1th pn~ssur~ ~ scr,si r;g d~~\lices th2.t pmdu ccd O~f;i!log.ra 1 )!'"i's of th~: foi""Cf.$ ex.e rted by ke at va.rious t..~!evations ov~r v ~rio u~ pei"!n d s of time on the vert:Ca! fo.ces. of the pier.. Thf.:~ te~t5 dcte;m ~m~J the ·for~es ·l.'XC (lcd ~~y a ~arlr; ke fkJi.~ w~wn driven by s.tror:g winds agc1insi th·z end of a ?~·tr a-J Port Bon:k'!n~ Prince Edward !sJ;:,.nd. The ·~csts were conducted at a scaje of 1 ; 20 ~n the 65 -foot long wavz flt.Jm~ of Ac res L~b<iratory _, Niagara F.11Hs, and were used tr;. determir:1·:e the mo~;t economk col"nb::na.tl en of dike freeboard: dike slopc., prim.ary precast concn:.'(e ~.rm or unif:.; and secondary ripr~.p requir-ements Lo prote<:t th~ rock~fi!l core: of th~ c.auseway section t.lf T.~k crossing from Hl~ ccmbint::d effecl~ :=rf a 20-foot design wave, currents resuiting from partial closure of the strait th~t is il.fflc!cted by 8-foot tide~) and the mov~m.;nt of large ice floes. T~1e te:;ts were conducted or. a model hav~ng a .scale of 1: 61] with a working basin 60 feet lon g by 2G feet wtde. The mode-l was equ=pped with two pncu matic wave tcnera.tQrS. ~"H. ~l 10 fe .et iong> which were ~apabl~ of sir:wlating the thrct:-diiTl~"nsionai action of W?iVe trains cmd tidal current.s on sub me rged !ltruc tuce s._: .:u~d it was. used to d~terrfdne th-e effects of wave actio n ~nd tidal cur:ents on ti'le causeway ends and on the bridg~ piers. ~~vave ArnpH tude lest Apparaws The mc.as<..H'l ng appa;·atus consisted of an ekctronic L:i rcu itrv cab:net and an ekct.n.H.Je probe mounted on a rnast, 50 feet in length , that ~.v.?..s. anchored to the ocean floor ·1 mile fru~ the shore. The sensing -devices on the mast were connected by a seven .. co:1d uctor subrnarjne cable to a. power source and chart recorder loca ted on ~he shore. The apj.)ar.atu s wa.s capabie of mea~u ring waves having a maX11'!1 ~'m ampfitude of 20 feet, and was use .. .:i to determ~ne the ampHtudes, lengths and patterns of the \·Ya\l(~.s ~n the strajt Client ~n.~i~l~!1'3'~o!:>tr."J' of of Transport Works Branch 1969 P2113 characteristics of three given for lighthouses, of the feasibility of developing systems for measuring ice forces on each of the lighthouse shapes1 studies of the forms of measuring components an·..~ sel£ .;tion of a most suitable for each lighthouse shape, :!"' ·ration of preliminary designs and cost estimates for each recon1r , _,tem. ELECTRICAL tQUIPME.NT VALVE PANEL CO~JDUJT 1'"01'1 Olt.. S"''-:;,1"£.¥1 4.1'JO E1:L.£.C.TR!C.AL. ~A/&1..£!:. l.O.AO CELL t-l w I.. Location Client Great lakes Government of Canada '&.Q,,....,,l'~rt~'ll.c.n.~ of Energy, P2084 Survey of the sources of heated effluent discharges into the basin of the Great Lakes, Canada; forecasts of the amounts and patterns to the year 2000 of artificial thermal inputs; computation of changes using four mathematical models of transporation and analysis of the effects of the thermal inputs on evaporation, ice, ecology and economic factors; and preparation of 61 schedule of recom~ mendations covering the nature and economic value of further research. Lf.G£11D ~ ~~~1 ~~~SflOilt ""' ~~~~Tl~~~~fo~~u5J:~~ow --OO<i«llARY 05' DRAlNAllE AllE/1 A OSWEGO IIOCMESTER 900lERSET 0 ~IJFI'.LO E' £!liE ~A II' CL["!:L~IIO G TQLEOO II DfY~OIT Q CENri'I~L GEOIIBIA~ OAY I SAGII4A"' !}i,Y II aoun<E;itl< GEORGIA!< au J GRANO TI!A\11!RSt' BA'< S l.AK£ HU~Oio t( HQI.l."-ND T ~WTII ffl:.STENN OI{TA~IO L Ctf!CAG() AMO ~~RY U CE!rtf<~L LAKE ElliE M \i~EEN flAY 1J EASTER~ l AK£ £ RIE 1';\ t'AIIS£ ~ TORONTO Q C'-HE!lukii!EOO~ I( C£11TI!Al L~~E (1!11".\RIO P lMEHEAO Y EASTE~!I L4KE (>NfMlO LAK£SHO~E SECTIONS ,'iND L0Cf%T!Of'<l5 OF E}(ISTfNG AND COMMITTED TH[RMAL GE~JERATING STATIONS Locat~on Owner Manitoba. H ycko Consortium l971 $22G,tYJO~OOO {Approximate {;apita! cost) Engheering, for 4 complete hydroeiectrk: power dcvelopmen~ h~!vir.g twelve generiitin~ unlts, each v-.rith a rating of 1 04 Mw t)ndcr i! design hf;ad or 98.5 1'~et. The rna in dJm {earth fil ~)/spHiway /powerhouse stru cture of th~ development is approx~mately 5 )5 86 feet !ong, and the reservoir <:!1kes have a total k~~gth of approximatdy 35,000 feet. Th~ work included extew~ivc studies of thr: probab!e effects uf ke jams on the heights of cofferdams rcquitf;d fur th~ various sugcs of r1vu d~version during construction . The stt.idks focused primarfiy or. 1h~ scheme for Stage li divers~on through the partially cor;structcd powerhouse intake. This scheme invo1ved raising the water kvcl and m£1.lr.taining a stable ice cover immediate!v upstr{"Jn1 from the site. in order to p-revent ke from jamming in the na.rrow fiow passages. The ke fttudi es included field surveys to establish the natura~ icc regime of t.P""P.; Ndson River and s•rnutation of icc j.i!il15 jn d. 6-miie rca.ch of the riv~r , using an 85-foot long hydraulic model, to determine th~ minimum height of the upstream cofferdam. Actual operation in the field during djversion wa::; in a.ccordam;e with the r~sult~ of the ic~ modd ~tudi~s in a!l major respecis. A st~b!e ic~ cover was s:Jccessful iy form~d at the recommended l~ve! ~ {1nll was maintained until iate ~pring when the weakened ice covet W3:5 s~1fe~y sb ked through the control structure. C~·~URCr·HtL f'ALl5 OEVELG?MENT ~CE STU[HES Pl522 Locabon Churchill River L~.br~dor, Newfour.dland Projecl Managers Acres Canadian Bechv.:-l of Churchili Falls Owner Churchm Falls (labrador) Corporation Limited Due to the northerly c! imate of Labrador, design probiem$ related to ke were encountered in virtually every flow reach upstream and downstream of the Churchill Fans powerhouse. Fraz!! ice dams and ~?ring ice jams observed in the natural reg~me h'td to be eliminated or bypassed througll careful design in order to maintain now tu the pvwcrhouse and avoid increase in ta.il water tevets. An extensive field survey of ice thicknesses, water tempcratu res, fluw velocities ami bottom profiles was conducted through two winters on the Jarge natural IJ.kcs, Michlkamau, Lobstick, Sandgirt cHid jacopie, which were joined tu form Lhe principal reservoir (2)200 square miies) and on the connecting channel::. betwee:1 them, as well as on thf:.: Churchil f River downstream of the powerhouse. Th esc dt.ttJ were used to document the existing regime and to supply da.td for design calculations. Thermal and mechanical analyses were applk:d to various schemes for channel, d rkc-; and control structure designs in order to dec:case frazii production and ice jam formation to a level \~'here energy production and structure security \voutci not be affected. In the initiai years of operatjon of the Churchill FaUs development, the ice co11trot measures adopted in the design have proven to be cffectiver and ice has not been a problem. l~-.RN?R~Or~ (;f NERAT ~NG ST Pt T~or~ ~CE STUD~ES Locati{~fl Oni:J.do Hydro -~9"T2 ··-1~75 The Am pri or Gencr1ti r~g Station hJs been bu i!t with iri the town oi: A.rnprior on a reach (;f the MJciawaska Rtvcr which wa~ h;storical!y s•.Jb ject to a,-:tive kc. lammIng. Ext~nsiv e invcstig;.tion~ vvere carr!~:d ;JUt to cs.t.ablish the mechanisms control: ing the ni:i tL;rai jce reg! rn~ so :hat the effects of pe:?-.king ()pe ration -;·;f the power st;:~_tion (;O~~~d be prcd ic ted. Field surveys of natural river t.cnd ~tk:lns vvere c.a rtied ou~ over two wintc1·;:;. SUi'./C"f'S includ-~d pcdocfc rred:5.u re.m·cn1 af flow velo c~tie5 1 ice thickn~~s a.nd ext~nt, and of the depth J.nd form of frazll ice accur7lulat icn. A tv ... · o-man hovercraft permitted observations. to b.:: tr. ken In 3.reas which wou1(1 otherwise have been too hazardous ~ o rea(h . Flows, wate~ and iiir temperatures <:md the c.:·verJH k!~ conftg;i.nation .,.verc monitore-d daily . /-\ndys!s of the field tlJta and hy drau !k model studies perrnitt(!d e!:;tabrish ment of the ice conditions to be expected after comple tion of tbe project. T!1e tail race improvements i11corpcrated l 11 the d~s!gn \V: li result in a. significant reduction in the sevcrl ~y of k:c ccr;d itions in the uovJnstream reaches of the rlver. lAKE ERtE -·NIAGARA RIVER ~CE BOOr..,'t STUDY P33Y6 CHent Government of Canada International Niagar~ Bvard of Control The Lake Erie -NiagM1i River iu:· boom v .. ·Js orfginaHv ,:nsta Hcd ~n '1964 to control the amount of ice leaving Lake Erie in !.he winter season in order to minimize icc jamrr. ing ;:md i{;e hc.nJ iing pfoblem~ in the Niagara River) particu lar!y at the power ut i I ities in take struclu n:!s. The boom is effective in attaining this objective . but caused co11c ern over other possible environmental effects. Of p-1rticular int{r~st \vas the effect of tncreasing the voiume of ice in Lake Eric dtHing th~~ \vinter season and prolonging the period of icc cover Jt the end of the ice season . Prolongation of the ice cover is a possihle factor ir. ex tenJ ing the spring inversion phenomenon which leads to air qu;,tl i ty problems in the Buffalo are<L The specific objectives of this study were~ To determine lo what extent, If any. the ice boom affects the thkknes.s or extent of the ice fleld or cb anges the rate of dissipation of ice in Lake Ed~ and) hence, has any effect on navigation, recreation~ weather~ (Jr other environmental considerations. To determine criteria which would be u;;;ed annually to establish a date for rcmovar of the boom, which woukJ minimite t·he impact of ice flows an intakes for power plants and shore property along the e;~tire Niagara River without apprec iclbl e adverse effects on the other interests. Th 1~ report presented the results of an intensive study of the current state of kncJwledge of the icc dissipation process in Lake Erie and the po~sible boom rffects on this dissipation process. The investigation invoived a detailed examination of the hi~toric?.~ record of icc growth and dissipation j 11 Lake Eric for prcboom a nd postboom years. A statistical analysis was made of water temp~ratu re da:ta proximat~ to the ice bootn fwr prcboom and postboom years. lee melt mathematical models wc~re review ed and a simplified simutalion of the tee dissipation process in Lake Erie was developed. Photographs. oourteWOfthe Power Authority of the State of New York 04/76 CON P4226 Location 1 An underground storage fad!ity including a deep~water port has been for the abandoned Wabana Iron 1\r1ine on Island, Bay; Newfoundland. As part of the feasibility for the an investigation was conducted of the ice conditions in and their relation to navigation by both supertankers and smaller tankers. Historical ice data were collected, collated and compared with <.:omments of experienced mariners operating in the bay. This produced statistics on the frequency and duration of ice conditions of various severities. The statistics were related to the ice capabilities of 5upertankers and smaller tanke!rs to obtain a quantified assessment of potential delays to both classes of vesseL Related studies of currents, meteorological conditions JJld the biology the area are being carried out to form a complete packa.ge su table for terminal design and approval under the TERMPOL code. 01/78 P49 4 PetnJ·Canada Arctic \Vas initiated natural gas resources of the drilling and of a of a gathering and transmission a liquefaction system with related concerned with ice management problems at Island, which is the proposed northern included the identification of problems and the documentation of the and terminals in ice~infested waters. of potentia! solutions were investigated 1 such as icebreaker systems, thermal discharge systems, surface heat control, ice removal and ice diversion systems. These solutions •.vere in terms of cost, effectiveness, reliability, environmt"'nta! and effects, with the result that several were recommended for also included an outline of possible field or laboratory may be needed for further design data. 02/78 1N'VE5TlG.A.T10N Of 1976 lCE JAM ON THE SAJNT jOHN R'VER P4298 Loc;H1cn S~int john Rtver, New Brunswick Ctient The New Brunswick Electric Power ConHTI iss ion 19it. ~ n AprH !976 nujor ice jam':l forrnrd above lh~ ht.~~td pond, of l~~tth of the three power dcv~lupmenb on the S11 inl j uhn R ivcr·Mai.ld(}Ui.\4.:, Bccchwo<Jd and Grc1nd Fulls. Floooing o~..:turrcd in the !owns of Ste. Anne de Ma.dJ.IA·a~kat Perth-Anduvcr, H.artland Jnd Wood ~tod .. A ~ludy w~~ und\:rtakcn whrc.h documented l11e meteorolo~iC, hydrulogk ~md ic.:e \.'vcn b prior to t~nd during the ! 9 76 spring breakup pl.n:ed !.he 1976 events in r1i storkal perspc(tivc wfth mctclHoh>gir, hy drotugic and ice conu i1 ions uf prev lous yeM~ · ,.l:,~;~s:'led I he-reason for lhc ~CV(!~-j l y uf the i 976 j.un~ Jnd dcr rrrn i ned the extent to which t.:hJngcs. in the vper.H i~;n of the pov.'cr devclopm~nts might lcs~e-n the impact of il·l! jdms_ Ex tcnsive back water caicu~ations we.rc rna. de to Lk il i L:l:lc :1nal y~is of the ice jarn movements to determine the effect ivencs;; ot v~lriou~ pos~.tble­ powcr development upcrallng procedures. Acres Consulting S<~rvicr;:s Evaluation of the causes of the 1976 ic1! jarn floods on the Saint Brunswick. ...... , ..... .,~ ..... of the effects of the on the local environment. Services New of take and review of ice engineering aspects of the 1968 to 1973. for extensive ice studies for detail design 1 evaluation of the power of the entire Churchill River basin, rnathematical simulation of flood hydrographs, and statistical synthesis of streamflmv data of the Churchill FaHs power project, Labrador. Direction of the engineering services provided for the Northumberland Strait Crossing project, New Brunswick-Prince Edward Island, Involving of major ice problems. 1956 -1963 Head, Hydrological Department, Aluminum Company of Canada Limited Responsible for ice handling for the hydroelectric power system in Quebec, which has a total instaUed capacity of 2,600 Mw (including 750-Mw Chute~des~Passes and 900·Mw Shipshaw). T edm ical Publications Related to ke Engineering The Determination of Ice Forces on Small Structures Presented to the Eastern Snow Conference, F ebru.ary 1971 (coauthor} Measurzment ollce Forces Against G Lightpier Presented at Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions, Technical University of Norway, August 1971. Effects of Lake Erie -Niagara River Ia Boom on the Ice Regime of Lake Erie Presented at Third International Symposium on Ice Problems, Hanovf}r, New Hampshire 1 1975 (coauthor) 197:, Acres Consulting Services Technical review of the ice engineering aspects of the Company's ~ evaluation of the causes of the 1976 ice jam floods on the Saint John New Brunswick · design of the 1 Gull Island hydroelectric project, Labrador of the 78-MW Arnprior hydroelectric project, 011tario · hydraulic model studies of ice conditions affecting ,..,.,,.,c,nr"~ in St. at Sault: Ste. Marie, Michigan · re~ponsible for hydraulic studies, indw:Hng analyses of measurement of tidal currents and evaluation of ice '"""'"1 '1~'"""'" model tests of currents and ice movements f.:.>r a 300,000-dwt tankers. Ship due to ice in the route were calculated River • study of water supply alternatives for Lost River, Alaska North 65.5 degr~es) 4 survey of the needs fo1· marine environmental data in the norttnvest for Nova Scotia Research Foundation studies and definition of the hydraulic design criteria for a technical and economic feasibility study on development of tidal power sites on the of Fundy · supervision of field measurements and design, construction and testing c f three hydraulic models to investigate effects of tide, wave and ice action <:>n proposed Northumberland Strait crossing structt.tres. Technical Publications R.elated to Ice Engineering A Model Study of Ice Navigation in the St. Marys River Presented at the Rivers '76 Symposium, Fort Gllins, Colorado, August '1976. Quantitative Application of Ice Climate Data to Winter Navigation Studies Second Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, May 1975. Ice Model Studies for the Northumberland Strait Crossing Eastern Snow Conferences Annual Meeting, Boston, February 1968. Navigation Delays Due to Ice Conditions -Analysis and Case Studies Fourth International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, September 1977 (coauthor). CAMMAERT ICE 1 ~Acres 1 T~echrdcal Development Department r~veiopment in the Canadian offshore engineering including marketing studiesj specid.!ist projects on ice and ice~structure interaction, design techniques for offshore structures 1 and arctic transportationo review of simulation techniques for navigation del,lys due to ice conditions. of cold regions engineering research capabil ties. Study of management te~hniques fQr LNG terminal at Island in the Canadian Arctic Study included identification of potential ice manag<!rnent problems, assessment of possible solutions, and recommendation for solution implementation. -19 Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memoria! University of Newfoundland 1975 Associate Professor 1971 Assistant Professor Research into instrumentation of offshore structures.: design and construction of smaH offshore platform to monitor wave and ice forces and to test instrumentation systems. Project coordinator of study to investigate feasibility of Strait of Belle isle crossing. Study included ice formation, thickness and movement, iceberg tracking and grounding, bathymetric data, tide and current d:Ha 1 and transportation analysis. Research director for study on northern hOl~sing and r.-:unicipal services for Royal Commissia·n on Labrador. Coauthor of report on design guidelines for ice forces on marine structures. Review of literature on ice pressures and analysis of existing design codes. Recommendations for Canadian design practice. 3480.01 Rev 1 02j78 for instrumentation project on line forces and fende1 berthed at 1970 S. MONSEN E NG Education 1 Professional of Ji.J'r,-.i?'o.~c~n Associations Engineering Institute of ,...,...,_,,,.,..-_,,n Society of Civil 1973 Hydraulic Department, Acres Manitoba Limited Supervision of a study of ice handling during construction of the 1 i 1 00-Mw Limestone Generating Station on the Nelson River, Manitoba Coordinating and supervision of the hydraulic designs and model studies for the Churchill River diversion project, Manitoba. This interbasin divf!fSion involves a 6-bay control structure ( 1.54,000 cfsL a 3-bay control structure cfs), a 6~mile excavated channel, and approximately 250 miles of natural river channel. Winter flow conditions and ice effects are the major soJJrce of on this project. Coordinating of the hyJrcwlic design and direction of hydraulic model sttJdies for the 1,000~Mw, 1 0-unit Long Spruce Hydro-Electric Power Development. 1974 E Specialist, Acres Consulting Service!! Principal investigator in the following ice engineering pro.iects: w evaluation of the causes of the 1976 ice jam floods on the Saint john New Brunswick ..... .:. .. ~i ... ·h"'"' of ice effects on the performance of the flow diversion channels from the Churchill River to ~he Nelson River in Manitoba -studies of ice handling during construction of the Gu!l Island Project on the Churchill River, labrador1 and the Long Spruce Project on the Nelson River in Manitoba. Project Engineer for the following studies: ~ Measurement of Ice Forces on Ughtpiers, Department of Transport, Canada • Saint john River lee Study, The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission -Development of testing methods and equipment for a. structural/hydraulic model of ice loads on a pier. Technical Publications Related to ice Engineering Convective Heat Transfer at an Ice Water Interface NRC Research Seminar on the Thermal Regime of River Ice, Laval University, 197 4. S. T. Lavender and J. E. Cowley. Effects of Lake Erie· -Niagara River Ice Boom on the Ice Regtme of Lake Erie Third International Symposium on Ice Problems, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1975 (coauthor). Professional Associations 1968 Engineer, Acres Consulting Services ENGiNE New Load cell instrumentation and telemetry for analysis of ice loads on lightpier in St. lawrence River, including automatic a!l~weather camera system. Technical Publications Related to ke Measurement of Ice Forces Against a Lightpier Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, Trondheim, August 1971 (coauthor). The Determination of Ice Forces on Small Structures Eastern Snow Conference~ Fredericton, New· Brunswick, February 1971 '1974 Senior Engineer, Acres Consulting Services Analysis of conditions leading to ice jam flooding on the Saint John River, New Brunswick in April 1976. of the effects of sea ice on navigation to a proposed major oil storage depot at Sell Island, Newfoundland, Maximum probable flood study usi.1g a snowmelt simulation model for Gull Island Development. Mathematical model study of bouyant jets from submerged therma.l diffusers, including development of a general computer program for the :1nalysis of head losses and costs of diffuser systems. Development of an unsteady river backwater system; developrnent of a one--dimensional, unsteady, nonuniforrr mathi':m;Hical model; research into semi-implicit solutions of two-dimensional free surface flow using data gereratcd from a physical model. E NG Education University: Hamilton, Eng. Civil Engineering, 1972 Civil (Hydraulics), 1973 Association of Professional Engineers, ~ iVlember Model study of the !eve! regulation rcquirrrr.,"'nts for main~enance of srab c ice conditions upstream from the diversion tunnels at the Gull Island Hydroe! !Ctric Project (dlversion design flow 210,000 cfs). Operation of a alternative ice model to determine rhe dfect of ice .actk n on for a proposed supertanker port in t:he St. LJwrence River. T ectmkal PubHc~tions Related to Icc Programming the Equations of Uns-teady Flow Ma~~tcr thcsis.1 McMaster University 1 Hamilton, Ontario, 1973 POULIE EERiNG R~ENCE Education Professional Associations """"""'9·~· of Edinburgh, Scotland Civil Engineering, 1938 Association of Professional Engineers, -Member Association of Professional Engineers, British Columbia 1\ll"''"""''"o..- lnstitution of Civil 1973 Hydraulic Department Coordinator, Acres Manitoba. Limited Study of the winter regime of the Rat River Wacerway from South indian lake to Notigi Control Structure for the Churchill River Diversion, Manitoba. The study was undertaken to establish the extent and nature of ice cover at various stages of winter and, consequently the total head losses in the waterway corresponding to the various ice extents. Study of the winter regime of the Burntwood River Waterway from Notigi Control Structure to the confluence with the Nelson River for the Churchill River Diversion, Manitoba. The ~tudy was undertaken to establish the water surface profiies in the watenvay at various stages of ice cover development and regression, accountir.g for local inflow, effects of storage in the waterway, and the dynamic collapse of ice dams. J, F !CE ENGINEERING Rf Education and Guilds, K" 1976 Mechanical, 1 Mechanical, 1957 Technologist, Acres Consulting Services Field survey of ice stability and river flow conditions during diversion of the Nehon River for construction of the Kettle Rapids power project. Education Professional Associations Experience w. 1976 -Acres ENGINE !NG Unh ·'iity of Manitoba B.Sc. Civil Engineering, 1970 M.Sc. Water Resources Development, 1973 Association aJ Professional Engineers, Manitoba -Member Canadian Society for Civil Engineering -Member 1974-1976 Senior Engineer, Crippen Acres Engineering RiENCE Lower Nelson River -· Development of river ice observation programs for each winter of 1974 to 1978. This included planning of water level gau1_7~ and ice locations, as well J.S hydraulic interpretation of the data obtained. Limestone Generating Station -Development of a computer model of river ic. processes on the Nelson River for the purpose of preliminary prediction of i ~c conditions and required cofferdam heights during thr, construction period Gf an 1 , 1 00-MW hydroelectric plant. Development of a program for and supervision of a detailed hydraulic model study of the river ice development to determine safe winter diversion proced~1res du:ing the construction of Limestone generating station. Churchill River Diversion,Missi Falls Control Structure -Analytical and ic model studies of ice passage through the control structure. Churchill River Diversion, South Bay Channel -·· Design of an excavated channel which is required to pass 30,000 cfs under winter conditions. Development of backwater relationships for the diversion route under open-water and ice-covered conditions. Churchill River Diversion, Bumtwood River ~ Development of a computer model of ice processes to study the effects of ice formation on the winter performance of the Churchill River diversion route downstream of the Notigi control struct'lre. Lake Winnipeg Regulation -Development of a scheme of reducing Lake Winnipeg outflows in late fall to form a competent ice cover on the natural and excavated channels between Lake Winnipeg and the jenpeg control structure. Development of backwater relationships through this reach under winter conditions. Technical Publications Ice Processes During Construction of Limestone Generating Station Proceedings of the Third National Hydrotechnical Conference, May 1977 (coauthor). 3063.0 I Rev 0 ll/77 I ASSURANCE PROCEDUR~S ASSURANCE PLAN ITING PLAN TURBINES AND AUXILIARIES OF PROJECTS 2 6 7 TY ASSURANCE PROGRAM This program is applicable to Thermal, Hydro and ndustrial projects in conformance with: Mi ldQ-9858A DND-·1016 ASNT-SNT-TC-1A Supp. A, C, D and E ASQC·C1 ASME Code Section Vlll ASME Code Section I X ASME Code Section Ill ASME Code Section !1 Parts A and B CSA Z299.1 CSA Z299.2 CSA Z299.3 CSA Z299.4 L!TY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES UCT ON The Acres Quality Assurance Department is engaged in the provision of ;-quality and exped1ting services in factories and contractors' works on behalf of in-house project groups and/or outside clients. nature of this work necessitates particular emphasis on capability, conformance and reliability, The procedures are set out in two parts; namely, Part One -Quality Assurance and Part Two --Expediting Plan as shown in the suc(;eeding index. (a) Inspection, Witness Testing and Progress Rerorting. Expediting, Measuring and Control of the procurement ~regress. n the Acres concept therefore, one man will not carry responsibility for both functions because nf the conflict of interest--that of meeting schedule commitments at the same tiPie being required to reject work which falls inspection. OBjECTIVE The objective of Acres Quality Assurance Management is to provide a service which ensures that products_, services and processes will conform to contractual requirements, codes, specifications, procedures and approved d:-av:ings. POLICY To achieve this objective it is the policy of Acres Quality Assurance Department to establish and maintain an effective Qua1ity Assurance program planned and developed in conjunction with other management functions. Determination ot conformance of work to contract requirements shall be made on the basis of ob~ective evidence of quality and quantity. Ma1n Court and/or services outside the continental limits Acres may, the approval of the purchaser) delegate firms with \Vhom have been associated and whose services have pr:cvious!y b;een rendered with satisfactory results in respect to simi!ar equiprnent. in the event of such delegation, the firm selected will perform services on behalf of and report to Acres who will, in turn, report to the purchaser in a manner so arranged as to avoid undue reporting delays or 'other complications. ?REAWARD EVALUATION ncluded in this brochure will be found various standard Acres forrfls in current use. requested by the client, surveys such as outlined in these documents have found to be extremely revealing and useful when completed at the proper usually prior to the awani of an order or contract, and they assist in determining the probable outcome of quality and adherence to schedules. Acres Inspection and/or Expediting reports are prepared and issued to the client as required, on an agreed schedule. These scheduled reports are distributed to interested parties in accordance with a prearranged distribution list as directed by the client. VALIDITY In order to function as a bonafide extension of the clients' Purchasing or Engineering departments, external or in-house, the program is initiated by the following documents: (a) Submission and approval of estimated costs. {b) Assignment for Quality Assurance and/or Expediting services. (c) Advice to the vendor that Acres Quality Assurance Department is authorized to inspect and/or witness tests on behalf of the client; copies to Acres. --3 {d) Purchase orders on prime vendor(s) and amendments. (Suborders wi!l be secured directly from the prime vendor.) (e) Updated field and shop schedules, critical path diagrams J.nd bar charts as available. (f) Copies of technical correspondence altering quality, quantity and intent of purchase agreements during the life of the assignment. RES PO !\lSI 81 LITY Clearly the responsibility for r;-,;:;;_;ting quality and the delivery schedule is that of vendor. This program is not intended to replace the vendor's duties in this However} the overall project responsibility is that of the client or proiect rnanager. The Acres Quality Assurance program is designed to assist the client or project manager in meeting the stipulated on-stream scheduie and to ensure maximum usage after start-up. FORMULA E The need for Quality Assurance is obvious. Quality Assurance guarantees that each project will meet quality and delivery schedules and yet this importan~ factor is often overlooked in initial planning stages. in many instances, Qual Assurance is not implemented until serious product f?ilure has resulted in costly delays. Acres Quality Assurance Department, established in 1966, has in~depth capability in inspection, progress reporting, and expediting. As an extension of the Consulting Engineering and Project Management services, the department is able to provide complete control and supervision over manufacturing of engineering products for thermal, hydraulic, petrochemical and industrial projects. OPE The scope of services may vary from a nominal advisory fun..:tion to complete involvement in project undertakings, including review of procedures and specifications, preaward evaluation of contractor's facilities, shop inspection~ progress reporting~ expediting of information and equipment, and site inspection during ert:ction and commissioning. BACKGROUND Our background represents 100 years of experience in machine shop and foundry practices, electrical manufacturing and testing of enginef:red products. It covers expertise in the interpretation of plans and specifications, knowledge in the end use of equipment, and broad experience in manufacturing, erection procedures and plant .operatio!1. Our department is able to draw from m·huuse expertise in the various disciplines in science and engineering when specialized technical knowledge is required. This guarantees that materials, components and supplies meet contract stipulations. EXPERIENCE Our specialists have wide experience in: nondestructive testing of raw materials; fitting c,; machinery; static and dynamic balancing; assessment of vibration and noise level of rotating equipment; static, hydrostatic, and gas testing of pressure vessels and containers; functional, applied and induced potential~ impulse, :-esistance, impedance, ratio, polarity, temperature and operational testing of electrical equipment. F The client can be certain that materials are supplied, and engineered products are built ill the shops in accordance with the requirement of purchase documents, specifications, data sheets, approved procedures, drawings, and applicable codes and standards. Deviations are immediately disclosed and brought to the attention of the client, his delegate, or the engineer. By immediate initiation of corrective action, cumulative errors are avoided and schedules are maintained. Effective monitoring of manufacturer's quality control at the proper stage during manufacture ensures that the capital and human resources invested in the preparation of designs, specifications, and detail drawings will not be wasted. it guarantees that custom~built equipment exactly meets design standards or agreed changes and, therefore, gives maximum usage after start-up. It minimizes site erection time since tolerances and clearances are held to design limits so that components fit on assembly at site. Acres Quality Assurance policy is dedicated to a '(Zero Defect" concept and, while this may be difficult to achieve in full measure, deviations are evaluated on basis of their overall effect upon the equipment and the project, and the concept does achieve a high degree of quality and reliability. PATION Continuous participation in, and assoc1at10n with, modern engineering, manufacturing methods, and quality control techniques place the Acres Quality Assurance Department in a position of importance in the successful completion of construction projects. As an added service to our clients, Acres includes a material review facility whereby engineers and inspectors may trade information as to the suitability and acceptability of raw materials or finished parts. ON ASSU PLAN Assurance program, together with associated procedures and contractual documents, is designed to ensure that clients' quality requirements are recognized by the vendor and that consistent and uniform control of this is adequately maintained. The Quality Assurance p·rogram is assisted by written procedures approved by the engineer and/or client 1 and provides r.-..'""'"""'t""'"'' personnel and sufficient inspection coverage throughout all phases of the work furnished and performed by others in order to ensure conformance with contract requirements. Assurance program is established to meet the requirements in the different national and international standards, codes, specifications and other customer requirements. The Quaiity Assurance program is adjusted to suit the complexity of products, quantity under process, reliability and interchangeability requirement5 1 and production techniques. It includes provision for assurance of prompt detection of discrepancies and for timely and effective action. One of the Quality Assurance document describes the procedures and formalities in force within Acres to ensure that the contract requirements are being met and therefore reliability of equipment in service will be achieved" The Quality Assurance Department of Acres constitutes a divisional organization for quality, directions and quantity follow-up of products for the client; solicits and coordinates activities in the shops in order to create and maintain an optimum quality level for the products consistent with the ruling specifications, codes and drawings; is responsible for ensuring that products comply with quality requirements of applicable standards. These general directions imply that the Acres Quality Assurance Department reviews the manufacture of products during development and production stages, and continuously monitors f~Stablished routine for changes in quality; is responsible for ensuring that in-plant inspection of products during production stages is carried out satisfactorily by certified and responsible inspectors; is responsible for ensuring that established inspection routines and procedures concerning special processes are maintained; is responsible for ensuring the calibration and inspection of gages and instruments is being followed satisfactorily; is the coordinating influence for the client for failure reporting and, with the cooperation of the engineer and the necessary records, for analyzing the quality situation and initiati.ng necessary corrections; reviews and comments on the specified requirements, and alerts the client or engineer at an early stage if there are prerequisites for obtaining an acceptablt! product; deals with faults which are discovered during inspection, on an individual basis, according to the seriousness of their effect. Every employee of the Acres Quality Assurance Department is responsible within framework of his capability for: the correctness of his work and statements made in his report; receiving documentation from the vendor and ensuring that it is representative of the material offered and that the material is of acceptable quality; ensuring that faults are discovered and reported on a timely basis; ensuring that reasonable measures are taken by the contractor to prevent repetition of such faults. The above implies that the Acres Inspector is responsible for ensuring that: obvious defects· at the beginning and/or throughout the manufacturing phases are corrected, and that parts are carefully checked against applicable drawings, procedures and specified requirements; checking takes place to the extent necessary or as reasonably judged necessary, to ensure compliance with all nondestructive, procedural and operational testing. Inspection Equipment The Acres Inspector will normally use instruments, measuring tools 1 tapes, rules, straightedges, gage blocks, meters, controllers and gages which are supplied by the contractor or vendor and are known to conform to applicable standards and maintained in good condition. magnetic particle, dye penetrant, resistance, tem peratu and testing, due to the sophisticated nature of sorne of thiS and attending regulations, will be witnessed by the Acres nspector conjunction with the contractor's or vendor's personnei and in accordance with the restrictions imposed on outside in'spectors by the suppliers and the safety regulations. in cases where the contractor or vendor does not maintain suitable test or measuring devices, the Inspector may require him to obtain assistance to satisfy the requirements of the contract. and Assembly ensure satisfactory operation at the site, all equipment is assembled either into one unit or subassemb!ed units. This enables the Inspector to check the various fitting practices, tolerances and operating clearances as stipulated in the contract or specifications. The ! nspector witnesses all static and hydrostatic testing and all functional and operational tests. Inspection procedures require: Monitoring of manufacturing processes and preparation for shipment; witl)essing of tests as may be required by the codes of specifications; Procurement from the vendor and confirmation of necessary details regarding production, welder qualifications, material test reports, repair procedures and dimensional details. Deviations§ concessions and any other matters requiring engineering judgment are reported to the engineer or purchaser as required for approval. Acres releases equipment from the factory, but final acceptance of the product is at the jobsite. Conditions affecting delivery, installation) performance or reliability will be detected and corrected before such problems or difficulties have had time to produce a chain reaction. Quality Assurance Testing In the initial contact Acres informs all suppliers-and through them, all relevant subcontractors, of their inspection and testing interest, and establishes inspection stages and/or tests to be witnessed under the specifications. At the agreed stages and on completion of manufacture, Acres performs the agreed inspection. to cover physical such as point; reduction of area, impact and hardness will be in the vendor!s laboratory. Nondestructive testing of ferrous and nonferrous metals for su:face and internal defects, as provided by the ruling specification) codes and standards, using techniques as provided by the vendor or as occasion demands, will be witnessed. Inspection reports are issued after each visit or series of visits as may be appropriate or required. Inspector may waive inspection or witnessing of tests on minor items, repetitious procedures or certain rolled material when he feels that testing generate more accurate results during manufacture. Under these circumstances, Acres accepts the original manufacturer's test certificates. Test certificates are checked and evaluated in order to determine that the results by the supptier, in his inspection, are valid and objective. Additional testing, outside of the normal requirements, that may be deemed necessary are subject to the written approval of the purchaser, if any additional cost to him would thereby be incurred. At any time during the manufacture of equipment or materials at the vendor's premises or those of subcontractors, Acres, whenever necessary, exercises the right on behalf of the purchaser to reject components or manufacture on grounds of faulty workmanship. In the event oi· such rejection having an effect upon the stipulated contract or purchase order completion date, Acres immediately informs the engineer and the purchaser of the occurrence and tbe reasons for such rejection; otherwise the full information is presented in the subsequent routine report. In the event of sufficiently serious defects being found in materials or components being manufactured or submitted for inspectio11 or test, Acres requires the vendor to submit to the purchaser his proposals, with appropriate sketches, for repairs. Immediately following 1 and if necessary during any such repair, Acres reinspects the affected materia! or equipment and indicates whether manufacture and/or testing can continue. In the case of certain contracts, it may be necessary to station a resident inspector in the vendor's premises in order to carry out effective inspection. Such action is taken only with the approval of the purchaser. Particular attention is given to ensuring that all equipment and components are of the highest standard commensurate with specifications, standards, safety requirements and client's Quality Assurance requirements. When manufacturing procedures that have not been previously ust.:d are involved, Acres will witness, at the supplier's premises or at such testing Laboratories as may be agreed} such type tests as may be required to demonstrate the suitability of the process for the duty it will have to perform in service. Documentation is then issued to verify that manufacturing has complied with the specified type tests. nonconforming material is that which, in the raw or finished purchased or manufactured by a vendor, shows or which does not conform to the specification or good workmanship. materials which have been detected shall be reported to the or stating the type of fault or appearance of fault, and measures to be taken by the vendor to salvage or correct the condition. material which has been detected, where the fault is of such an acceptance should be considered is reported to the engineer or the vendor's quality control. The material is accepted only after ':l!lt'U"\Ii*n,\:'::ll is received from the engineer or client. fault detected during final inspection of a completed component is immediately brought to the attention of the vendor. A decision is on remedial action to be taken. contractor or prime vendor is responsible for and required to draw LIP inspection and Quality Assurance records covering all technical deviations, test data, certification and dimensional details, and of such records to Acres through their visiting Inspector. of correspondence between the contractor and the engineer to be forwarded to the Quality Assurance Department of Acres in order to up-to~date information regarding the progress of approvals and/or changes to the specified requirements of the contract to ensure that the group always applicable and complete information. Work instructions and special procedures need to be forwarded to the Quality Assurance Department in order that the Inspector may ensure adherence. Packing and Transport completion of manufacture and following the satisfactory conclusion of all final inspections and tests, Acres will, whenever required or considered necessary, check the transport and shipping arrangements previously proposed for each different type of equipment involved. Acres also checks, as required before shipping, the packaging of the various items, the location of material lists and the application of case markings. Handling and distribution is supervised as necessary. If also relevant, Acres ensures that the work of forwarding or shipping agents is carried out in a timely and efficient manner and, if specifically required and whenever possible, Acres will arrange for a final inspection of the equipment to be made on board the carrier in which it is to be transported. Assurance Department is kept informed of the trends in the various vendor's factories, and advises ci ov'"'"1 ""'('\"""' of the quality when required. between representatives of the client, engineer and vendor are of the Quality Assurance Department to assist in the and production problems and the pr"!paration of special Head of the Quality Assurance Department functions as a part of the evaluation board, and liaison with the various engineers is normally this channel. The Head of the Quality Assurance Depaf-tment acts on Manager in reviewing the technical aspects of to ensure test~ng and acceptance standards meet the and intent of the client and the present day codes. Procurement is one of the most significant phases of project execution, and is a factor in timeiy co:npletion. if the project manager loses the initiative in his efforts to maintain close control over the other functions result in costly project delays. related to procurement is the expediting function which is primarily time oriented in relation to planning and scheduling, and bears a direct to project completion. Expediting of equipment and information a close liaison between contractor, engineers, project management and If implemented during placement of an order or contract, this liaison provides a flow of information between interested parties with a view to avoiding predictable delays in the performance of a contract and smooths the of information on schedul.es, updatings, and approvals to ensure that construction programs are maintained on schedule. Expeditingp as covered herein, is the practice of making direct contact with all vendors on ct regular itinerary, through visits to their offices and sL,,~ps, and in certain cases those of subvendors, to witness at first hand that supplies are true to schedule, deliveries are realistic and shop conditions are adequate .. is concerned with everything in the procurement chain and visiting Expediters are responsible for ensuring that schedules are maintained. The Acres Expediting Program pays particular attention to identifying in advance any potential threats to the project construction schedule, and reports risks due to shop overloading, quality control, labor contract dispLJtes, approvals, advance oraering_, past performance, labor qualification, management attitudes, production problems and remedial actions, etc. With such current and factual information the contract manager is in a position to make accurate, decisive and effective judgments to restore and situation which may threaten the achievement of his objective. Penalty or bonus clauses in contract documents are ineffectual and, at best, cause only minor inconvenience to the contractor as compared to the loss in revenue to the client from a delayed project. Validity Part Two of the Quality Assurance Jocument describes the procedures and formalities in force within Acres to ensure that contract requirements are b·zing met, and therefore on-stream schedule dates will be maintained. While the expediting plan is concerned with everything in the chain of procurement from the preparation of designs to the loading of completed equipment) its attention and reporting is focussed on what remains to be accomplished, and the difficulties anticipated which actually threaten the project objectives. nduded in the is the careful evaluation of the bidder's ability to and control production. of the Acres Quality Assurance Department Expediting task is responsible within the framework of his capability for: the correctness his work and statements made in his reports; documentation from the bidder or vendor and ensuring that it of the actual shop conditions; production schedules and relating these to site requirements. obtains approved drawings to ensure his familiarity with the ::~rr":lW"ll'l""'~"~~"~C"'''~' of the equipment, and maintains in his possession a copy latest revision or a conformed specification, the purchase order and in order to be fully conversant with the equipment for which he examines all information and technical data relating to the satisfies himself that no conflict or confusion exists and that is complete in all respects to enable the vendor to proceed in the most expeditious manner. Evaluating the vendor's ab;lity to perform the work and checking the validity of his delivery promises includes the following: review engineering, purchasing and manufl.cturing facilities, resources, floor space, equipment, handling gear, scneduling practices, reporting methods and means of quality control; investigation of the labor situation to determine if the union contract is up for renewal, whether a strike is imminent and if the local labor market is adequate in the event that additional skilled help is required; investigation of capacity and flexibility of the shop for present and future work, policies regardingshift work and overtime, extra machining capacity or machining limitations, assembly and test facilities, storage; investigation of quality control system-who is responsibie-,are suborders inspected at source or on arrival in the shops? What nondestructive testing facilities are in regular use? Are engineering instructions issued to those who require them to carry out the specified requirements? investigation of extent of marmfacturing performed in the vendor's plant; investigation of adequacy of shipping preparations and loading practices. The above implies that the Expediter is responsible for ensuring: critical path and network diagrams are being followed to the extent necesst:.ry or as reasonably judged necessary to ensure adherence to the project schedule; avoiding as far as possible ~~late start" operation to prevent procurement problems; constant review of the shop loading for conditions affecting manufacturing operations, such as alternative facilities, in the event of a breakdown of a critical machine tool or interference from other clients scheduled ahead of the order; that production is following an orderly installation sequence; formal acknowledgment that all information is in the hands of the vendor; early identification of any bottlenecks or risks which may delay the work, and what steps may be taken by the vendor should they occur; pirated materials to fill a need on earlier schedules; that he is guided mainly by what he sees with his own eyes, and does not depend on hearsay or conjecture when vital portions of a project are at stake; a constant alert for solving problems on a piece by piece basis rather than an overall solution. The intensity of the expediting effort varies with the circumstances surrounding each contract; however, for critical items, all necessary factory visits will be made to check progress. Where progress is found to be falling behind the agreed schedules, Acres will work directly with the supplier and, through him, with any of his subsupp!iers at the highest managerial level in a maximum effort to reestablish the agreed schedule. Acres representatives ensure that proper marking) tagging or coding identification is attached to the equipment, and that bundles or packages are dispatched to the site in such a manner as to achieve easy identification and prevent unnecessary sorting. If part shipments or shipments of semicompleted assemblies are acceptable to the client or site, then, by agreementt the Expediter arranges these matters as quickly as the need becomes apparent. if the Expediter, in visiting the shops, finds that quality is far below specified standards and codes, he alerts the client, registers an objection with the vendor, and takes whatever action is deemed necessary to correct the condition in the best interest of the client. CO ~OAOINATING ENGINEER CliENTS WESTERN OlV!SION SUPERVISOR J. IN .• GFIOUGKTON N. KITCHENER e. PAcQUILLAN J. R. HAINER MA!'o!AaEiil PROJECT SERVICES W. W. AEBERLI HEAD -QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPT. ACRES SliAWINIGAN E. R.ARNOLD A. ilL l NEW YORK w.$. FRIO SUPERVISOR J.LASOTA PROJECTS EASTERN DIVIS!Qal J A. KUFTA SUPERIIIS0 1f T IHlUSZEL • '-------'------·~-- SECTION TYPICAL REPORTS - TURBINES AND AUXILIARIES '·/-; "fQa A a Comandante Mario Guarita C A E E B Director Cornercial Avo Rio Branco, 135-140 and. Companhia Hidro Eletrica Compliance N e s t a CLIENT: Do Sao Francisco EQUIPMENT: Turbines and Auxilia.rie.s PROJECT: Salvador Bahia Phase I CONTRACT I P. 0, No.: T-19 4 4 0 VENDOR: Pneumafil Corporation LOCATION: Charlotte, North Carolina SHOP ORDER: 7-12 53 3 CONTACT: u. Burtt; J. Swett CONTRACTED DELIVERY DATE: 2 sets-Oct LATEST PROMISE: To PRESENT STATUS: To ?/76; 1 set-Dec 3/76 Schedule Schedule ~USVENDOR: LOCATION: P.O. Ng.: CONTACT: CONTRACTED DIEI..IVEtiY DATE LATEST PRO~' 'lE: PRESENT STATUS: PL.AJIJT VISIT TELEPHONE CONTACT D PERIOD Of REPORT: Aug. 25/76 TO Sept. 29/76 INSPECTOR _._t.:_"l.:...._S_" __;.F_r.:_i.:_d _____ ,.....__. ENGIN£ERING<Complete. Sh0p drawings revised for welding of support angles fbr filter media beca~se of accessibility problems. MATERIALS: All cutting, forming and detailing for seven units complete Filter media complete for seven units. Cream colored paint for top .coat due on the afternoon of September 29, 1976. ~ PRODUCTION: Assembly and we1ding complete for two units. Dimensions sa tis- 'factory; welding very good. One series of stich welds missing. Vendor tends to overweld. Paint inspection waived. DOCUMENTS: DIST.RfBUTION to be export crated and October S, 1976. The media will be in cations received. Units No. 3, 4 and w.w. Aenerli -1 J.W. Broughton - 1 N.J. Kitchener -l C A E E B - 2 C H E S F -2 w.r-1. Sybert -1 w.s. Frid - 1 to Savannah, Ga. Shipping sp€cifi- will ship in December. A.J. Cipriani - l 59.04.01 Form 10A 23 This report concerns a plant visit to Pneurnafil Corporation in Charlotte, North Caroline, on September 29~ 1976v for the purposes of expediting and inspecting the generator air in- take filters ordered by Turbodyne for the Salvador Bahia Phase I Program. A -ENGINEERING All engineering for this contract is completeo Th8 design is for a standard filter as shown in the catalogue. The only differences are various dimensions and these drawings have been approved by Turbodyne. The interface of the flange between Pneumafil and Koppers has been approved by Turbodyne. During the visit, we noted that the flange, which connects to Kopper 11 s equipment, is bolted. The discharge flange is a blank flange and we are 1maware of the next mating piece. Since there are no holes, it was assumed that this flange might be bolted to the next piece of equipment. We attempted to contact Mr. Cipriani and were unsuccessful. We contacted his assistant, Mr. Tuttle, who agreed to check the type of ponnection and advise Pneumafil later in the day. Obviously, if the joint is to be a welded connection, then we do not want the flange coated with the one-part epoxy primer and the two-part polyester epoxy cover coat. M.r. Tuttle agreed to advise Pneumafil, who will tape this flange to prevent corro- sion during shipment. B -MATERIALS All structural and filter materials for seven units are on hand. All of the strUctural and plate materials for seven units have been cut, formed and detailed. The one-part epoxy primer is on hand. The cream colored top coat is due on the afternoon of the date of this visit. C -PRODUCTION AND INSPECTION Assembly and final welding of the first two generator intake filters has been completed. We conducted a thorough dimen- sional check and found no discrepancies. The overall dimen- sions are all to drawing tolerances and the layout and punch- ing of the flange is correct. 2 59.04.01 Form 12A Part 2 of 2 DETAILS REPORT NO. 23 On Unit No~ 1, we noted that one long top plate was deflected approximately 3/8 inch, for a length of approximately 2-1/2 feet. However, due to t.he extreme lightness of the material, we could see no way that the vendor could correct the situa- tion. Since the deflection is on the blank flange, it is unlikely that it will be noticable after installation. All of the welding of the corners is satisfactory and the unit appears watertight. The welding of the plate splices is via the new automatic equipment, which makes use of two formed joints and places a full penetration bead along the V-joint. The quality of this weld is excellent. All structural welding is staggered stitch welding. Without exception, the drawing specifies this welding to be 1 inch in length on 6-inch centers. We noted that the vendor has tended to greatly overweld these units·. While most of the stitch welds tend to be closer to 7/8 inch than 1 inch, the majority of the areas were welded on 3, 4 or 5-inch centers, with the average tending to run between 3 inch and 4 inch. We pointed out to Mr. Swett and Mr. Burtt that this over re- inforcing could be serious if this were a high temperature application. Further, this is a considerable waste of man- power and weld material. A third reason for objection is that customer inspectors at site could examine these units, lacking drawings, and decide that the wel.ds are insufficient because some will be 1 inch at 5 or 6 inch, instead of 1 inch at 3 inch. The vendor agreed with our criticisms and assured us that the future units will be welded 1 inch at 6 inch. As we examined the interiorf we found one filter support angle which was still only tack welded. It was one of the short angles and seven welds were missing. This was brought to the attention of the area foreman, who added these welds prior to our departure. The drawings show the filter support angles to be welded 1 inch at 6-inch centers staggered. However, because of the length of the top flange, the vendor. has been able to weld on only one side. The inner shield guns will not permit access to the other side. Engineering was consulted and they instructed Production to weld 1 inch at 3 inch, and to weld the end of these supports solid. We concur that this is structurally sound and that the missing welds are not significant. The filter support plates at the top of the units have been stitch welded on both sides, even though the drawing shows them to be stitch welded on one side. 3 59.04.01 Form 12A Part 2 oi 2 23 In. we were very pleased with the quality of the tyork f.'Ir. Schaaf and Mro Burtt that end product in- is all that will be required for future units. Still to be completed is the painting, and i·t was scheduled to start on the morning of September 30, 1976. We have waived inspection of the painting because of the automatic paint that is used by Pneumafil, and because the paint is the standard product which they use every day . .Mr0 Burtt requested permission to manufacture Units No. 3, 4 and 5 in December 1976. We consulted with l'lr. Schaaf and learned that this is satisfactory~ Mr~ Burtt has been so and so our next visit will be for inspection of Unit No. 3 for Salvador Bahia Phase I and both of Salvador Bahia Phase II. The filters will be installed in the shells before shipment. The filter units will be totally boxed and export skidded. D -DEI.~I-VERY I~o Cannon of Turbodyne has instructed Pneumafil to use the Port of Savannah for shipment. Pneumafil will forward both filters em. October 5, 1976, and Mr~ Cannon stated this will be more than adequate time to meet the boat in Savannahe However, Mr. Cannon did not advise when the date would be, except that it would be sometime in the week of October 11,. 19768 E -ADDENDUM Late in the afternoon of September 29, 1976, we were advised by Mr e Schaaf I that Pneumafil have permission ·to manufacture Units Noe 3, 4 and 5 qnd ship them in the month of December. He emphasized that this does not apply to Units No. 6 and 7 which must be held until July 19779 We telephoned Mr. Burtt, who expressed his satisfaction. Mr. Tuttle contacted Mr. Burtt and advised him that the blank flange is to be painted, since the filter remains within the High Bay and there is no connection at the blank end. WSF/smj ,;Jij£ :!d~~. w.s. Frid - 4 SECTION J SELECTED LISTING OF PROJECTS USTING OF ECTS Bra.scan Limited -light Servicos de IEiectricidade South America Inspection, consultation and testing of castings, machining and balancing of one 88,000-hp impulse and one 140-inch di<.;.meter pump impeller, manufactured from 13 per cent chrome and 4 per cent nickeL P241 5 British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority British Columbia Inspection and witness testing of distribution transformers, two 130-ton powerhci.!se cranes, T /L Hardware, conductor and cable. P3430 Centrais Eletricas do Para, S.A. South America lnspec:;tion, testing and expediting of ali equipment ongmating in North America for the 50-Mw Beiem thermal station. P2278 Churchill Falls of labrador Corporation labrador, Canada Inspection of materials, castings and components for five turbines built by Dominion Engineering Works, Lachine. Engineering liaison and reporting on the manufacture of spiral casings manufactured by Marine Industries Limited, Sorel, Quebec for the 5 ,225-Mw generating station. P1521 Cochin Pipeline Dome Petroleum Inspection/expediting of pumping station equipment for London and Sarnia stations. P2905 Corporacion Autonoma Regional del Cauca Colombia, South America Inspection and expediting at factories in North America, Switzerland and Japan to provide overseas monitoring and testing of all equipment and materials for the entire 3 70DMw Alto Anchicaya Generating Station. P1630 Dow Chemical of Canada limited Sarnia, Ontario Inspection and testing of two 50-Mw gas turbines and generators, two 250,000-pound waste heat boilers and one 60/80/1 00-Mva power transformer. P2784 General Electric Company Greenville, South Carolina Survey, evaluation and report on the manufacturer's quality control program for manufacture of gas turbines. P2997 Manitoba P3875 Inspection of mechanical, ele ;trica! equipment and conveyor systems for the new crushing facility. P2599 Inspection and liaison during the manufacture of the two submersible sector gates, guides and hydraulic servomechanisms. P940 Inspection and progress reporting during the casting and repair of components, machining and testing of one 150,000-hp Kaplan turbine h1 Lachine, Quebec, Canada, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. P1282 j ENPEG Generating Station Inspection of powerhouse cranes and hatch covers turbines. 1 .;,.,.,.."''""'i"ii'"'"" Station for bulb P3846 Inspection and expediting of the turbine, gates and powerhouse extension for Unit 6. Rectification of leakage between headblocks 5 and 6 and, at a later date, inspection, expediting and testing of the turbine, gate hoists, generator and excitation equipment for Unit 7. P2728, 1620 Manitoba Hydro -Crippen Acres Limited Massi falls Inspection of House Service Unit. M~nitoba Hydro -Crippen Acres Limited Kettle Rapids and Long Spruce Generating Stations P3669 Inspection, expediting and liaison in connection with shop manufacture of all mechanical and hydraulic equipment for construction of the 1 ,500-Mw and 1, 150-Mw generating stations. Merz and Mclellan Consulting Engineers Newcastle~ England P3598, 1432 Inspection, expediting and testing of power generators for Furnas project in Brazil, electrical components for Capetown, South Africa and Cogolex, Paris, France. P2949 IV'~"a-.n,:r>,.nli-t~~""" Toronto -R. L Clark Filtration Ontario Site inspection during the installa.tion of mechanical and ventilation equipment and installation of inlet structures, gates, screens, pumps and piping for the raw water, filtered water and backwash facilities. P966 Metmpo!itan Toronto Conservation .Authority Inspection and expediting in the shops during manufacture of control gates, embedded parts and hoists for Finch Dam. P1304 Mohawk Power Corporation New York S&ate Inspection and expediting in the shops during the manufacture of all materials and equipment for electrostatic precipitators, waste water control and coal handling facilities to control pollution of the environment at Dunkirk Thermal Station. P2789,2788, 2722 Ontario Hydro -Arnprior Generating Station Arnprior, Ontario Inspection, expediting and witness testing of all electrical and structurai equipment. Ontario Hydro -Lower Nott!h Generating Station Cobalt, Ontario mechanical, P3176 Inspection, expediting, monitoring of repair procedures and testing in various shops during the manufacture of all mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment for the construction of the 220-Mw generating station. P1661 Petrofina Canada Ltd. Inspection/expediting of ail equipment for sour water stripper. Pilkington Glass Scarborough, Ontario SC2 and SC3 P3668 Jnspection, expediting and liaison in connection with mechanical and electrical equipment for both Float Glass plants. Queen·s University Kingston, Ontario P2004, 1227 Inspection and testing during the fabrication of breaching, ducts and expansion joints for conversion of central heating plant. Pl918 Sirikit Power Station Inspection control metering and relay equipment. P3322 Steei Inspection, expediting and testing during the manufacture of the pump turbines for the SOO~Mw Coo Trois Ponts pumped storage installation at Ardennes. P1869 Nova Scotia Reheat furnace -· inspection and exr.>editing of equipment and instrumentation. P3186 Mannesmann -Petrofina East~ Canada inspection and expediting of all mechanical and electrical equipment and instrumentation entering into the construction of a refinery expansion project. P2769 Turbodyne/Worthington United States Inspection and expediting of large gas turbines, modular boilers, silencers, castings, forgings and electrical equipment for Northern States Power~ Southern California Edison, Algeria, Oklahoma, Saskatchewan, Braintree and Houston. P3419 .. .; i .... ,] I I .J LA BORA TOR Y S E RV lC ES Our modern laboratory ls eq ui ppcd for biological analysis J.nd b ioas~a.y chemica~ and phy~ical analy~ls of solids, liquids and gases · .,Jhysica! modeling to sc<1le · soil and rock mechanics testing ~ hydraulic, aerodyna!11ic, dvil and architcclural design evaluL1tio11. Skfiled and experienced te<:hnologists, with expertise in sampling, analysis at'ld evaluation, work with engineering specialists. Standard commer cial equipment 1 supplemented by special equipment designed by and manufactured specificall y for Acres , is used for samplir~g and tl'sting on site and in the laboratory. Procedures for sampling and analysis are updated regularly to incorporate th.~ most advanced rTlt'.thods. Programs are writt~n for and run on the Acres compute! to facilitate and accelerate the calculation of the test results. StandJ.rdiz.ed reports arc prepared and documer.ted to fulfill the requirements of the client and of sovernment agencies. Test resutts are used to establish dtsrgn criteria for conceptual and remed~al engineering. Often, these design criteria are confinnec! and rnollificd by physical testing of"l scale models . ·-·-· ·· · · 601l ~ev ,.. 10/78 I .. _I ·!h.:> l;~lx.:or.Hor·~· i::. ~quipp.:.•J w op.:::r.Jl£ rr;oti~h tl'>l ng I iqt.:ich 0r g,J.,c.'':> ,1•, tht:: tfst~ng ;n(·di(t in C!i.)S<:'Ch !r;.: ui t t~·~ls . .\1otl!..•:·n ('!c,·l:onk i.-1-:1 r urnents ,!rt: u-:;cd to c t"!:llifd l he tiuv... of flui~"J::::., m~<~~;urc 1 he r<H1idiy ':.l~·ying PH~~~·l!' c~ ~tf thC'":>C' i ltJ'<h , ;mJ r~~;ord tht~ re":.ulling ~!r.Jir'> i;l .1 rnodel ~tH.h.:turt:. [i{;'~i;~.ns c,~q Oc (011 rirmcJ or n1ndi ficJ dh~r ob~trv[ng 1 he {i;~U[l) of it:~t ~ which si rn:.;i.~1 e P• otol"}'pe conditions. These ~.lud ie5 gi•if2 ;r;'>•.n.1nc~ nf th~ protot }'Pe's prop~r npe-;-,nion .• l!':d often rc~u!t in con:=.ich.~{able sa\•ing~; in t..omtruct1on .u•cl op~~rati r~g cosrs. ~;.e.::ent o::.dvzt~Kes in theoret icill !rt<Jrod}'na lnic~ a.nd -c·ornputer technique~ devei<Jped ftom yt.tr':> or physka1 tC"<:.ting and field exp~?ricnt..C have ;IHeviJ.t~d thi! r;ced fo~-ph vsi\.<lf testing un t,urge unks t-lY!JRAUL1C MODELING Te·~l"S an models of romp! ex h~'drau l ic s~·~tems ~uc.h as spillwaysj contrC'I Jnd div!.:'rS~on -stru-ctures and tunnels, for hydroelectric: d~vdo.plllcnls Me w,ed EO utnimize dc~[g_rl'~, ldhbri.ll~ sirudl:res : am! invf:~t ig.<Lle eneTg~-!o~!>e~, flo•.v ratt~.::rn!>, air entL>.Inmcnt, C:<tvital ion, hc<J erosiol!. eocrg.r· di::.sip:!tion Jnd bydrt~ulic loading. fJhtersron T unnd Cl.lntro! Structch! tC:F. rVHJDELING Tht: build·lJP ot ice c.Ji1 -:.ause c.omidcr,1ble prr.;b!:,;-ni5 in the ~F~ct!vc .c.pe;-ation and 5£ability of hydrauH c ':>tructwe~. fvhHiel u::-sting u~ing o,rn-.ukteJ !c;;~ !!;. cvndm;ied to ut:ve~or rncthnds Jnd operc.lmg rnY.:t:dtlre<:. tn rnin~miz.t t~""l~ cffe·~t 0 r this hazard. Modet of ~hr. upstream ra.plds ami ir.lct to th:: i(ettle Rapicls Generati~ Stat~on on th~ N~ls.vn RiverJ M.anitcba WAVE ACTION AND TIDA.L CURRENT MODb:L!NG Models of t,;oastc:d regions in which ·wave trains ar1d tidal currents o.re reproduced to scale ;~re used to Jet~rmine rhc effeci:s of topogriiphica.J cba:ng~!i on C().astai er;"'slon and w~•ve loading. Modet of .a rJmp~sed c;:.\IU!ieWay $lri.JC.t1Jr~ f<H' t.he foJorthumh~rl.:md St.r~it; Crussins bettlo'~E!Il New Brt11ls.wid <:nd ?firtce £dwarc1 l~~<tnd "I ~~t m o<k !s. l~f l<Hge g(l., :;yslt.'!ll~1 ~uch :1':T e!e..:ln>'ii~:l i<: pr c cl ~'IPtm·~., .tr~~ us~d ~o c.;;tefrnine the IOC,\l iOil 0f gui\.Jc \",!11C :., T.o t.h(·d tlc·w (!J~trihtHIOf1 <rnd ge n :~r3.!fy tu r~fir.e l.he or:gin.d design. Mcd~J or hot eh:ctrostatk predpit<:~tor .:md dw;:tWOf'k at Ni.l~.ara Muhawk_. Dur.kir~, Neo ... v York THERMAl tJ !ffUS1UN MODI:. UNG The physi ,al modelmg of wannwwatrr disch:·,!"ges. \va~ ll~efj tu duermine tile efft:'{.;t 011 re c ~i~·ing wat~r ~m11ic::nt temperatures. Modet of Oswego Harbor and Niagara Mol111wk 's Ste.<~m Starion cooling water ~~·st~ml Oswe~~~} fVcw Ylll'l( I .aoJ NAV1GAT~ON CHANNr::L MODEUI\JG i'<r1odel studies of ship n:wigation pro~lems A<e .,;.onduued to improv-e (tJ'd -st.abiiize the flow condition') in the navigation ~.:hannds. KadicN.:oqtro:l.ed ships ar.e used to gauge the degree of imp~'ovcment obf,lined. PHYSICAL MODELING Scd.le models are prepar"ed of river b:Isins~ canals, dam~J townsitesl airports. butldiogs.J equipment~ piping, and other structures and facilities. • Many are used as three-dimensional arch1tectural, struct1ua! ;md m~c:hanic<:tl design tools. Other models are used in the fh.tld d~'namlcs and environment~! laboratories to simulate the hydraulic and aerodynamic conditions that provide d~ta for detail design. I iii L_________ . ·--~-· .. - . -·-.. ~- Si;nu!;:~tion vf in· ... ersions and other rncteowtcgi;:al phenomtmd is cl;tt 1cu~\ to ()[1tairr b\' 2.endynamlc: modeling. Ar.:.-es has de5igned :.md ~ut:c~~>'>f11U ~· developed a hy·drau!lc model thaL ~imu!<ti~!J tht: a\1'!1ospbere with str.<Jtified iay~rs of varyi:lg brin~;: concen~rJ.tions. The moJei is '!.~Sed for pr~di:~!ion of" ~iack plume b•~hav;or d i.! ;-i "g vari•.;;us meteoro logka! conditions. ODOR TESTING Qd ... ..n; are me<tsured 1 11nd control ~ystems for thelr el irnination are d~veloped. 0;1e typkal project required the measurernen~ of ouor causing constituents in a starch p·Iant ernission} review of various control systems and testing and performance ~valuation of the most promising prototype. ,..\nOlher projeu involved measuring the CJdor strength of various foundry vents and caicub.Ung th~ di~tance downwind requir~d to dissipak the odor by di!utian. SOUND r1.No VIBRATlON MEASURING Expcri~ncecl staff anrJ detection equ lpmem are a. v.1~iJ.b ~e Fo.r field survey; and studies of sound and vibra.tion probiems. Th'= delct.criou5 dfccl5 .of exccso;ive noi~e nn health, safety a.nd working effie-icncy an~ now well known. Legislation to control ambient noise in i:lduslry has led to extensive research in abatement m~a~ure~. Rccenr Iep,islation h<L~ also been er.lact.ed to control noise in both urban and n.1ral environrn t;ntS h) mfnim~zc disturbance of notural systems. aml pec;p!c , .~cres h.ts s;,~cia:ist experience in s.our.d~leve~ measurem~nl, and a.n~.l·y-s!s for the developm!.::nt of sound and vibrat:on ab~orpt ion and a.ttenua tion s~·st~rr.s. .. , • ~· i I r-·-~-1 1 I I I ! IPU(a 1 i IENV!RONMENT AL LAHOR '\TORY PHYSICAL AND CHEMICP-.L ANALYSES Solid, liq~id and gaseous samp~t·s t<~kr:>r, in th~ field are usuaily (Hlalyzed for physical and ch~rnica! characltri~tics <it lhc Niag<irc Falls !ahoratory. When sampling is a remote location, determ;nations are dow~ in the field on portcble equipment taken to the ~ite. Eqllipm~~nt is a.v.'lilable for re1forming tests to ASTM cr o~her standards. A~R POLLUTlON CONTROL STUDlES Environmental engineers and te<.:hniclans are G:.vailable to perform Held surve·,..s to EPA standards utiiJ:dng EPA ~unpling t .. ains develop feasib~c s.chemes for emission control determine operating costs and investment costs provide selections and ret:ommendations provide engineering and designs provide supervision of constn1ct!on provide perfo rma.nce testing and operational efficiency e\tal uation . 1 HUll~ i ~ ·--·--·~ --·-------·. -· .. I:f'>JV! ROf\IMENTAl lABORATORY BIOLOG~CAL ANALYSES Our ~o:apabi!ity in field sampling, design input and computer ;malysis is ba~kr;d by a cnmprene11sivc ia bora.tory facility. Our b!ofogical laboralory is. fully eqllippcd Lo handle collection, sorling and identification of fish, pla11ktonic .md betlthic sa 01 ples. Work undertaken has jncluded a large volurnt: of sample ¥ia iyses from a variety of water and benthos types. classifk.ittion a.nd identificati<.m of lichens, and tissue preparation and analysis for conccntratton s f contaminants. The b iological and chemical laboratories frequently work together on one project with interpretations be:ing made on the basis of combined data. Ra'v data are fed directly to a computer for rnaxlmum effidency in summarizing and carrying out statist kal analyses. BIOASSAY FACIUT\ The laboratory indudcs a b1oasc;.ay facility to handle toxkity testing as well as a radioJS~ay facility fdr uptake work .and a controller;! tcmpNaturc room. To xicity tests can be carried out on a wide range of effluents, i11dudlng those with a high BOD requidng spec~al handling. ~---------·--.. ----·-··· 'r ··--··----- i ! ~~ur~ J LH~~~r~ £NViRCNMENT AL LABORATORY EM(SSBGN SURVEYS Stac:k g.as o;treams are sampled and analyzed for thr variou~ consUtw.:nb,int·luding dry partku1atcs, wet particulate5J 502, so3 , NOX, hydroca.rb rJ !1'j, heavy melab, etc:. Equipment .md specialist ~tdff are rrovidecl hy Acres laboratories. Stack Sampling Plat fo Niagara Mohawk 1-lunrley Stt~.tiota Buffalo~ New York. AMBIENT AJR SAMPUNG SURVEYS Mobile ~4mpling of sratk plumes, episodr sampling! dc~i~n of iH11t:>icnt sJ.mplltlg stati.ons~ pla11ning of systems for d(!f,l t;OJlcction, ;md computer pro t:ess~ng of inrormation from ':>~mptcr/analy.~.:ers .md rneteorological instrurncnt.ttion Jre provided_ Dirt',.·t sh~;1r tesling mJchincs are us.ed primadly· to detenn[;H~ the str~:s:;· d~f r.;nna ti on b~hci vi or ;1r1 d :shea.r strength of s()i! ur wck a ~or.g exi~ti n.g geo1cgk;.d p~anr;s of \i.'eakne·,;:'., Th~'Se math!ne;~, are; eyuii}PCd to provide beth :stress and st:-ain r.ate-c.ontrol!ed !oaci!1f( G!l predetermined rbnes._ Direct S:hear I.esting abo (!llows :he lf!>:!t.surcment af re:ildual JS \Vdl as pe?..k shear <;itrengt.hs. BV\X~AL COMPRESSION TEST~NG Direct Shear Te:!it Re$~Jits HigMy P!astic Clay Biaxial compression apparatus, designed and built by Acres to app!y preswres u r f o 1 0, ODD p.si, is used to determine: the mccluh~ of t::~astl city of 6-\n. cHamet.er rock or concrete-cores obtained from field overcoring test:.. - Biaxial c:ompression te-sLing is used in conjur.Cllon wilh field overcorir.g tests to measure the in situ stres:::es present In J rock or concrete mass. hL~TIE: •••u.~:..::a~ .:.o".~II'IJU r-Yilw .rMI-11._. «wwF..ZU'II l:.n-~~·~· B:iaxial Tt~t Re:sc.dts Granitic Gneiss .. :-: ·. ~ ... ~. . . ~ : . !_i~IDlJ, ... 1 GEOTECBNBCAL L-ABORATORY CONSOLIDATtOr .. J TESnNG Conso!idatic,n Lest appiHatu5 is u~ed L:: dct{'rn""li ne lhe sr.rcss-d~f<..J1 rnationwiime ch::~.racter!sttcs of lmdi~turbed •wi~ :>tirn p!e~. Tne rate c1nd magnitude cf ~cttlcmcf1t r;~f !mmd.Hions c-w be pr-edickd fr,;m these results . The equipment is suitetb!e for tesLr:g 1.5· r.o 3~ir.. diam~ter sam pies. Apparatus h.1~ be~rt d~veloped for testing 24-in. diarn~ter S::linples. ot fine :cck filL CotHQiidi!.tion Test Resuh lacumine Uay Trtaxia! t[!sting apparatus is m.ed to d<:te;·mine tht stress-deformation behavior and shear stren·gth uf natural ~nd compac'[ed !iO;]!i when subjected to vdrim.IS stress condl tl ens. St!'e ss or strain ratc~contro!ied axial ioad~ng of cyliilJ!"icil.l ~Jrnp-l~s ~~ <!ppli ,~d "in either compression or tens1nn, and can be used for long·terrn creep tc~ts. Drained tests with voiume change mea~urcmer.ts or undrained tests with pon; water pressure mtasurements can b~ p~rformed. Como!id;ted Oral~ Tt~".xlal T~.)t Results E~tu~rinc C ~·w 5NSTRUMk:NTATiON LABORATORY Acres 5nstrumen,ation Laooratory services includ·~ inspection and checkout of purchased equipment, site supervision and commissioning, and testing and lroublc:illootlng of new and existing ~nstrumentation ~y~tems. in additian to utilizing off·thewshelf instruments1 A're~ has the expertise and fa cHit~es t.o modify or \:U5tom-fabricate speci::~.Hzed instrumentation rlssigned for pa.rti,~.ti<lt applications. The following t!.re som~ of the types of service~ our I nstrumentatioo Lab ora tory has provided to meet ctien t requirements. Research and Development 1c:e force mca')l.Jrement Hydraulic thermal dispersion model.5 Precipitator models On·Jine data prcx;e~ing for experimental testing. Pcliution Control Monitoring Systems Pcwer plant precipitators Ash removal systems Neutralization facinties Sour wa-ter strippers Chemical processes. Process Monitoring and Control Sy5-tems Ore crushing and milling Direct-reduction stee1 plant Roiling mir! instaHattons Pic: kJe I ine installations SiHcon carbide plant Wi~ drawin.g plant. L-~----··-. -···--·····-·--···. --·~ ··-· -· GEOTIECHNi ·C.P.~L LABORATORY. In many engineering proj12cts. it is. !·CITICtimf:~-necessary to 4.r.:Jw more .abuur. ~n situ rock -conditi ons than can be deterrr: i1 ,J fron1 norou! cm!q g o(l:Ja:.ion;. Questions arh;e such as the re.it5;ons for lo5 .. ~urt, orientation dnd o;~enncss of jolri1.S 1 or the pres.ence of voids or ~u~u~ion features in so!ubi€ reck. They can be <:U1SwP-r1~d using Acre!; bo;·cho!c \:.1rnera which ph,..'tog:raphs t1w walls of dr\1l holes ranging in d i arn eter from ; 'N ·' size to 6 in ., and to dcph$. of up to 1,500 ft. The equ!pment is operated in Lhf.: fiefd by our experienced geote:·chr.ical steff. De:ta obtai ned on color film can be viewed by gto~ogis.ts. If ncce5tiary, our compu ter program can produce an output listing the ~k::pth, dip a.nd azimuth of geological features. Thh.; equipment and associated geotech nical engineering services are availo:.ble K organizations i11voived in underground or 'iurfaco works in rock. Sl.AST MONiTOR~NG Biast!ng operations in close proximity to human beings and str!.Jctur<:5 can rang~ from being hazardous al one e11d of the sp~ctrum to unetonom ic<ll J.rld ttrne 'onsuming at the other. The us£' of appropriate monitoring equlpmen t ir. conjunrtion with design of blasting patterns, can resu!t in the most econom icai and safe ~olut ion. Acres 5taff h.a; extcnslve experience i11 the design and sup~rvision of delkat£ blasting operations for rock e.x~av~1tjons immed~clte!y adjacent t•J operating power stations, tunnel.;; and. other large st.ructur-e~ in North and South America. We havt also develoi-' .. J ir1strumentation to monrtor wxlcrwater bliis.tin.g sho(k~. Our current equipment includ65 a Spr~ngnethcr VS-1200 1 3-a.~i:; seismogrt.;.ph which is capable cf monitoring Jir shocks. a!!, welt a~ grcumi moii ons. ""' ! .,_ ""l ; ! . ~ r~---· ···--···-. CHESAPf:.AKE BA'V HVDRAl.IUG MODEL P4655 Location Annapolis Client U.S. Armv Durps of Engineers Baltimore District and Wnterways Expar!ment 8tmion Year 197i-19BD The ChasapfJake Bay hydrauHc mode~ was completed ir1 May 1916 and covers an srea of some 8 acres houseti in a 14-acre sheiter. The mode! is built to f.l horiz-ontat scala of 1 ft. ~ 1 ,000 ft. and a vertical sc&le of 1 ft. = 100 ft a11d is repres€ntatlve of the Chesapeake drainage basin c;overi ng 64,1 70 square rniles and a water surface area of 4,300 sqUJie mi !es with a tidal shoreline of 7,300 mBes. The model is usad to study: sat inity distribution and saltwater ir.trusion mechan+cs of estuary flooding effects of ups-tream impoundment and basin diversions effects of navigation projects a!ld channel geometry circulation and upwelling current patterns site tocs.tions for sewage and oths-r outfalls, port facilities waste assimilation capacity of the bay shoaJing charac-teristics of the bav and tributaries sources of ship handling problems tidal floncHng and effect of storm surges. t ' i 1 i -i L i ~--,1 '10!1 l.-~---· ·---~-···-·-------···-· --······----·~---------··------------··----·-·~~ .. ·-···-----__ .....__,__j E.y JPPlving the knowledge f~ained from th\.; Chesapeake Bay study ~nd thP. hydra!..ilic model, 1Jiar1s c~n be formu!ated th.:3t wHi insure a ba1;mced app r02ch 1:0 de1.;s!opirg the Bay's resources whi1e ~Jrotec:ing the qual ity nf trH~ erlVironnwnt. AcrDs is 'Jr.dcr Cf.mtract to the U.S. Corps of Engineer~ fer tr18 totai rna in· te•~a~ce and cperatiOi'l of the f~cil ity and wili be respo11sible for cond~(;­ ·,in~ an 6-X ~em;;ve series of sr.udies ever a ~rolonged peri od. ~--. , ... -.... -·-------. ,, .. ·----·-···-·--·--~ ·-· .... ·-· ... --·-·----··-,__ -. ·i ".l l ··! ... ~ 8T. MARYS R~VER ~~;;!;MODEl P3855 Client U.S. Corp;; r.rf l;ngDntters Location Sault Ste. Marie, MichQ~qm Thl5 project was part of B research and study program to develop feasible solutions to problems created by f1 equent ice build ups in the narrow channel bet"~;een Sau[t ~te. Marie, Michigan and the arec below the little Rapid Cut atea of the St. Marys River~ Michigan. Broken and frazil ice float downstream into the cut and the resulting ice jams restrict commercial vessel pDssage and prevent regu1ar ferry transpor- tation to and from the mair.land for the two hundred tam Hie!i who tive on Sugar tsland located on the east side of tha cut. The modet was verified against field observations and employed to si mu- late the effects of relocatrng the ferry crossing, widening of the riverbed. t.t,e use of ic\:i control booms and ice harvestin:;~ methods, the creation of ice-flow diversions end ice suppression sys·tems. The model forms a Y shape in an area 120 teet by 200 feet and includes a scaled riverbed, shoreline and model vessels, and utilizes polypr?pyl~ne peUets to simulate ir.e. It was also used to study ; :,.,.. influence of discharges from power canals and industry, the effects of changes in ice supp:y due to vessel passage, various wind conditions and the impact of vessel size and speed on ice jamming and accumutation. Remed,al measures recommended as a result of the study were constructed and in oorv-ice jn the winters of 1975-1977. I t ! I r----l i ~~1.1 L---·-----·-· ·-----·--··--·· ......... . --·····--·· ·-·-... ""2t79 REV . ) LOWER NOTCH GENER~\TJNG STATjON MODEL :5TUDHES P1661HM Lottltion Monm:a~ River J Cobah., Ontario Client The Hydro-IEie.:ttic Power Commission of Ontaric. 1969 The ~mgi11eering services prov~ded fot this 340.000-~p hydro-electric power development Incir..~dcd the construction arld testing at Acres Laboratory of ~ hydrauiic model (scale 1 :64) of the :~~llwav~ ~hute i!:nd flip bucket (50~000 cfs) to determine the design criteria for the structuret the ex tent of possihte erosion below the f! ip bucket, the possibility of cavitation damage to concn~t-~ ~ttrfaces, the sptnway raling curves. the flip bucket jet trajectories, ;tnd the now patterns m the forebay for various flow r~tings. S~ RIKIT POWER DEVELOPMENT H~·drauli ;.: Model Studies Pl fi"l6HM Clienl B; ngkok, Thailand Electricity Generating Au {hority of Thailand {EGA T) 1969 --1971 The design. supervision of construction, calibration and testing of u hydraulic model, to investigate the effeclS on rrrrgat.!C",n and navlgation resulting trom va.riou~ arranget"'i'lcnts and opcr.Hion 5chedules of the Sirikit Power Deve-lopment. Of particular interest was the ~imulation of the opt~ration of the power station ar var!ous plant. fuctors in conjunction with two maior frriga t iofl d ivt.>,rsiorl struc ll.! res planned downstream_ The model reproduces no\\''5 i11 the 300 km of the Nan River immediately below the development {down lo Phichit ). It is. of the fixed-bed type and fs built to scales of 1:40 venically and 1 :600 horizontally. The fl capacities. of the model are 5 .3 lltres per second to sirrwlate a maxt;. 'i d is.charge fwm the power plant of 800 cubic m~ tres per second, a11d T 9. 3 litres pt:r second to simulate flood flows in the river of ur tv "ljOOO t:t1bic metres per :.econd. r··· . ··-··-~ ~ ]lim r ~----~-- R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTANTS IN ENGINEERING AND EA!~TH SCIENCE R&M Consultants, Inc., is an aii~Aiaskan multidiciplinary consulting firm with offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau. Services cover· a wide variety of engineering and earth scien.:e genet·al civil engineering, structural engineering, sanitary geotechnical engineering, materials engineering 1 i'llnnir"foll'::.rinn, surveying; geology, engineering geology, hydrology and forestry. Such a range of service~ allows many projects to be complet~ entir-ely 11 in-house11 -from work plan development thr-ough the con .. struction management and inspection phases -thus eliminating the coordination and cost inefficiencies of having various phases accompliS~h- ed different firms. Since R&!Ws inception in 1969, we have successfully completed hundreds of projects, iar·ge and small, in both the ut~ban and rural settings of Alaska. We are known for our considerable field experience in the re~ mote region~ of the state, as well as in many of our villages, and have E!arned a good reputation for completion of projects on time and within budget. Over the years, we have established working relationships with a wide variety of clients in both the governmental and private sectors, and understand their needs, requirements, 1d expectations. Our· know- tedge about the unique conditions of the north gained from much field has been ver·y cost effective 11 fast track 11 accommodate those client needs. and have the in sen~ in R8tM Consultants has three ~ffiliated firms which sei"Ve to further ex- the services that can be offered. Survtec, Inc., sur- and drilling services to the construction Industry. Resource Consultants, Inc., supplies mining and resource exploration for our clients. The Drilling Company, Inc., furnishes services of all kinds for the entire range of client needs .. for those a subsurface soils investigation as well as firms de~ complicated exploration projects. Thus, R&M Con- Inc. 1 in conjunction with its affiliated companies, provides a wide variety of highly qualified experienced professionals with access to the necessary equipment and appropriate facilities enabling us to suc- cessfully complete a project in a timely manner and within budget, despite size of the job. The following descriptions of some of our past projects have been In~ eluded to demonstr·ate the broad capabilities of our firm, and perform- ance pf our staff. They represent only a small portion of our total experience. l'tdcolm ~kmzies, President ALASKA WESTERN, INC. Ralph Migliaccio, President RESOURCE EXPLORATION CONSULTANTS, INC. James Rooney, President Anchorage Dermis Nottingham, P.E. Vice President R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Ralph Migliaccio, President Fairbanks James Wellman, P.E. Vice President Juneau Malcolm Menzies, P.E. Vice President R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Nrr:HORAGE Dennis Nottingham, P.E. Vice President PROJECT OPERATIONS i-.. ---11----~ ADtHNISTRATION Ted Smith Carlin Parisena DESIGN & CONSTlUlCTIO~ ENGINEERING STll])IES William Robertson, P.E. John Swanson, P.F.. rE-ARTU SCIENCES ~ert Schraeder CLIENT: SLOtlE STABILITY STUDIES CONDUCTED BY 'R & M PERSONNEL Alaska Department of Highways Hill Slope Failure, Richardson Highway; Canadian Border Siide, Alaska Highway; Pillar Mt. Slide, Kodiak Island; Keystone Canyon Rock Fall, Richardson Highway U.S. Geological Survey Post Earthquake Assessment -Old Valdez 11 Effects of the Earthquake of March 27, 1964 at Valdez, Alaska/' H. W. Coulter and R.R. Migliaccio, 1966 (U.S.G.S. P.P. 542-C). Alyeska Pi~eiine Service Company Route Slope Stability Parameter Assessment Task Group; (See attached Pro;ect Data Sheet) Terminal Site ~ Participated in design and stabilization of rock slopes; Solifluction Analysis & Recommendations "Solifluction and Related Mass Wasting Processes, 1974 11 Ft~ liscum Slide 11 Engineering Geology of the Fort Liscum Landslide, Port Valdez, Alaska, 1970 11 Insurance Company of North America Lake Silvas Slide -evaluation/provide expert witness ENT: SLOPE STAB"! LITV ASSESSMENT TASK GROUP GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING -TRANS ALASKA PIPELINE SYSTEM Service Company CU CONTACT: Allen Stramh~.-., Coordinator on recommendation by Dr. R. B. Peck, Aiyeska Pipeline Service (Aiyeska) formed a slope stability assessment task group in 1973 to consider, on a mile-by-mile basis, the parameters governing the stability of natural along the proposed 760 mile pipeline alignment. Two R&M members the five man task group were R .. c Migliaccio and J. W. Rooney. function of the task group was to establish the specific basis of the stability of each signficant slope under conditions Judged to be critical. .Dr. Peck envisioned the work of the task group the following steps: 1. Examine the proposed layout of the pipeline on a mile-by-mile basis, considering each significant slope. 2. on the geological features and engineering properties of the which are considered representative for each slope. 3. Consider carefully the conditions that are lil<ely to prevail at any time, or times, which would prove critical with respect to stability. 4. Determine what constraints there may be upon the shape of the surface of sliding, and determine the shape, or shapes 1 that should be ccms!riered in the analyses. 5. Propose the appropriate physical parameters for use in the stability analyses. The responsibilities of the task group did not include the actual performance stability analyses. However, the results of the task group 1s study the basis for the best po.ssible estim,'3te of the stability of the slopes could be obtained by the conventional analytical procedure making use of the results of soil and geological exploration 1 testing, and theory. number of personnel with R&M Consultants participated in this lengthy and in the development of the final report. R&M CONTACT: Ralph Migliaccio, Anchorage Office, James W. Rooney, Anchorage Office GN, DOCUMENTATION, DEWATER REINFORCEMENT 1 VALDEZ PIPELINE TERMINAL, ENT: Aiyeska Pipeline Service ~omp.any CLIENT CONTACT: Michael C. Metz, Geotechnical Engineering a resident geologist who engaged in full-time consult- se""vices for a period of three years. Activities began with investigation of bedrock conditions by surface mapping and subsurface drilling and coring of bedrock. This geotechnical data was then used in the design effort to produce an extremely conservative design for the rockslopes and their reinforcement, such that the rockslopes would be stable during the design contin- gency earthqua.ke (0. 6 9 lateral acceleration). A conservative design was required because of the height of the rockslopes (up to 230 feet) and their proximity to vital facilities of the ter~minal complex. Geotechnical input also included draft and revision of rock wor-k specifications including drilling F blasting, and rock bolting techniques. During construction, activities included daily site inspections to document geotechnical conditions 1 to insure that excavation conformed to design, and to monitor the contractor1 s QC documentation. Also, as excavation progressed, unfavorable geotechnical conditions were encountered which required field modification of slope and reinforcement design. Encountered groundwater pressures also required the design of a weephole, inclined drain 1 and interceptor trench dewatering system for each rocks lope 1 · and the design and installation of a piezometer network for groundwater observation. R&M personnel prepared technical reports on these matters for governmental agency review. In all t six different rocks lopes were designed, excavated, reln .. forced and documented, as follows: 1. Powerhouse and Vapor Recovery Backslope 2. West Manifold Rockslope 3. Ballast Water Treating Backslope 4. Vapor Recovery Westslope 5. East Tank Farm Step 6. West Tank Farm Step Slope angles varied from steep §lopes of 1 horizontal to 4 vertical to more gentle slopes of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. Reinforcing techniques used included tensi,Jned, fully-grouted Dywidag rock- bolts, wire mesh, toe buttresses, and shotcrete. All slopes pos· sass a dewatering system with instaifed piezometers to monitor groundwater conditions. R&M CON~rACT: Jim McCaslin Brown, Anchorage Office CLIENT: CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF , BLASTING, AN STABILITY KEYSTONE TUNNEL BYPASS PROJECT, VALDEZ Alaska 1 Department of Transportation and Public Division o·f Highways CliENT CONTACT: William Chief Geologist Consultant services began after serious slope stability problems construction on this project. Initial R&M work involved in redesign of the rocks lopes. Periodic inspections na::~~ll"''f,ll"'mllili>l'i after construction recommenced to examine exca- and blasting results in order to maximize stability st3bility analysis was conducted for the partially rockslope west of the Lowe River. This analysis and other aecJioaic data provided input for a Value Engineering study of alternatives for continuing the Bypass Project beyond the first construction season. CONTACT: Jim McCaslin Brown, Head, Earth Science Department, M,..lh""•"':::."'•.:. Office CLIENT: EARTH EMBANKMENTS TERMINAL, VALDEZ, ALASl<A Alyeska Pipeline Service Company CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. M. C. Metz, Geotechnical Engineering Two embankments at the Valdez Pipeline Terminal were found to present severe limitations if constructed as conventional rockfil! embankments 1 due to space and economic considerations. R&M determined site and foundation conditions for the pro~ pos~d Reinforced Earth Emban~<.ments and cooperated with Alyesl.::.a Engineering during review of the Reinforced Earth design for the East and West Tank Farm embankments. Efforts included review of earthwork specifications and recommendations on internal and basal drainage blankets of free-draining material to maximize embankment stability. R&M personnel also performed daily construction inspection of materials and workmanship as the construction progressed, and monitored Quality Control personnel and documentation. R&M CONTACT: Jim Mt;Caslin Brown, Project Manager, Anchorage Office CliENT: CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SITES ALYESKA PIPELINE TERMINAL VALDEZ, ALASKA Pipeline Service Company CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. M. C. Metz, Gectechnical Engineering Material reQuirements for the Valdez Terminal construction reflected the complexity of the terminal plant facilities. During the thr·ee year period of construction, requirements existed for numerou::s types of rock-fill and ~arth-fill products including con- crete aggregates. R&M personnel were active in all phases of acquisition of these materials. Potential on-site bed.-ock sour'-.;es were investigated by diamond drilling and laboratory testing of the recovered cores. Several of these sources, including one major quarry, were developed and rock-fill products were produced. Select (high-quality) rock-fill products we1Ae produced by crushing and screening plants, while non-select rock-fill products were often pit-run material. In both cases, R&M personnel engaged in quality control functions to insure that· the rock-fill products satisfied required specifications. On-site smJrces of fine-grained, relatively impermeable ear·th-fill were required for surface sealing of containment dikes. Surface and subsurface investigations combined with laboratory testing and site conditions, such as length of haul and accessibility, were used to delineate suitable sources. These sources were within glacially deposited silty gravels. No on-site sources of sands and gravels existed which were suit- able for coarse and fine concrete aggregates. Because of this, off-site existing gravel pits owned by private firms and the State of AlasKa were investigated. These were located at some distance from the terminal in the flood plain of the Valdez Glacier stream. Site sele~ction among these commercial pits involved visual inspec- tion of pit walls, laborator·y testing of bulk samples, and examina- tion of past production records. In addition, R&M performed the required laboratory testing and prepared a concrete mix design as well as a shotcrete mix design. R&M CONTACT: Jim McCaslin Brown, Head, Earth Science Department, Anchorage Office GRAY'NACKE QUARRY-EXPLORATION ELOPMENT PRODUCTION AlYESr<Ji, PIPELINE TERMINAL, VALDEZ, ALASKA CLIENT: Service Company lENT CONTACT: . M. C. Geotechnical Engineering The rockfill requirements far construction of the ine Terminal required 1. 5 million cubic yards of competent rock for select rockfill products in excess of that obtainable from the rock excavations required by the facilities design. R&M personnel weia participants in all phases of the life of the quarry. These included site reconnaissance, exploratkm 1 development, excavation '"'""'"'""""'....,, production and restoration. site evaluation reconnaissance based on surface geologic mapping located four potential sites. These were explored by diamond drilling (NX-Caring). Cores were logged in the fieid 1 including suc~1 parameters 3S ro..;k typ~, fractLJre spacing, and Rock Quality Designator (RQD). Selected cores underwent soundness (resistancE! to chemicals) and abrasion tests (resistance to physical forces) to determine the competence of the rock at the various potential sites. The best quarry site was then selected based upon the results of drilling and testing, accompanied by standard economic considerations such as length of haul, access to the site, and excavation methods. A development Mining Plan was then drafted for the quarry which included design of the rock cuts for the proposed excavation, design of drainage measures both surface and subsurface, and design of haul roads. In addition, restoration plans with a Visual Impact Engineering report were included. An oral presentation by R8tM personnel based on this document plus submittal of the docu- ment by Alyeska to the federal and state reviewing authorities resulted in the appropriate permits and notices-to-proceed. R&M personnel monitored rock quality and excavation during pro- duction of the quarry to insure that the proper rock products were produced and that the resultant rock slopes were stable and safe during the life of the quarrying operation. R&M CONTACT: Jim McCaslin Brown, Head, Earth Science Department, Anchorage Office SITE ANALYSIS AND AL TERNAT! VE LAND USE PLANS. FOR FEDERAL EXCESS LANDS CLIENT: Cook Inlet Reglon 1 Inc. CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. Cari Marrs, Land Mcnager, 1211 W. 27th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska. R&M carried out an extensive site analysis and land use planning effort to provide Cook I n!et Region 1 Inc. 1 an overview of the development potential and land use alternatives for several Federal Excess Land sites being considered by the Native corporation for selection under the Native Land Claims Settlement Act. The planning process consisted of two steps. Initially a site eval~· uation criterion was developed to screen ;:II potential sites. F~ctors considered in the criterion included access to the s!te~ availability of utilities; land terrain i soil conditions; vegetation type and density; flood, earthquake 1 and av~lanche potentials; zoning and other comprehensive planning considerations. An extensive literature search and interpretation of aerial photo~ provided the data needed to develop the parameters used to make the fir.5t phase selections. Sites determined to have development potential in the first phase were then subjected to the second phase process which developed land use alternatives for those sites. R&M CONTACT: Mr. Theodore Smith I Project Manager, Anchorage Office. SITE EVALUATION FOR PROPOSED ALTERNATE U. S. COAST GUARD LORAN ucn STATIONS CLIENT: 17th eoast Guar·d District, Juneau I Alaska CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. H. McPherson, Contracting Officer R&M produced comprehensive site evaluations for proposed alternate Loran -11 C 11 Stations at Tok, Carroll Inlet, and ,~nnette Island, Alaska. Comprehensive evaluations were also produced for sites at Sitkinak, Chiniak and Narrow Cape, Alaska, on Kodiak Island. Site surveys were performed at E!ach site to produce the boundary and contour maps needed to develop the site layout plans and drainage sy_stems. Extensive subsurface soils investigations were conducted to gather information needed to make recommendations on structural foundation designs, potential material source locations, sewage and solid waste disposal site locations, water supply well locations, and to evaluate potential problems with local groundwater conditions. Local climatic conditions and seismic probability were included in the evaluation proces.s. R&M CONTACT: Mr. Mal Menzies, Vice-President and Project Manager, Juneau Office. El.IMI HYDROLOGIC STUD! ES ALCAN PiPELINE PROJECT DELTA JUNCTION TO THE C.~NADfAN BORDER CLIENT: CLIENT CONTACT: Mark luttrell, Senior Environmentalist, Gulf Interstate Engineering Company This study was initiated by field reconnaissance of the proposed i""Oute using aerial and on-the~ground observation techniques. The field work was supported by office investigation using existing topographic maps and aerial photographs. The office review entailed a literature search of pertinent documents and analysis of the drainage basins involved 1 leading to the development of a computational method to obtain design discharg~ values. All the drainage basins were classified. The studiez isolated fish streams, al"'eos of aggradation, scour, outburst fiood potentials, and general water conditions along the pipeline alignment between Delta and the Canadian Border. R&M CONT.~CT: John E. Swanson, Project Manager, Anchorage Office CLiENT: HYDROLOGY AND RIV HYDRAU !CS KUPARUK R VER AND COASTAL PLA NORTH SLOPE, ALASI<.A Atlantic Richfield Company CLiENT CONTACT: Steve Jones; Atlantic Richfield Company This project consisted of conducting a complete hydrological sis of the ~<uparuk River and provide baseline design parameters for a proposed bridge and pipeline crossing. An estimate of flood was made utilizing the Corps of Engineers (HEC-1) Flood Plain Hydrology Computer model. Following th~ preiimin~n~y office an?lysis, an extensive field program was conducted during the spring breakup flood to obtain data for the calibration of the computer modei and interpretation of river behavior. Flood dl31ineation, Flood water elevations, water velocities and depth of scour were determined for the Kup.aruk River in the vicinity of the proposed crossing. Three small Coastal Plain streams were investigated for providing a water supply for camp and drill rig usage. The quantity and quality of the water was determined, and the duration of time that each stream flows sufficiently to provide a water supply ~tvas iden= tified. R&M CONTACT: John E. Swanson, Project Manager, Anchorage Office CLIENT: HYDROLOGY STUDY KUPARUK RIVER PRUDHOE BAY, ALASKA Atlantic Richfield Company CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. Stan Caldwell, Senior Project Engineer For Atlantic Richfield's Kuparuk River crossing and Kuparuk Development Area, R&M performed a hydrology study which included flood hazard analysis utilizing the Corps of Engineers 1 HEC-1 and HEC-2 computer models. This study, which consisted of beth office analysis and field investigation, developed estimated e:r-f,~r·l"'l!:>o::, water surface profiles, and scour~ Of:::pths for 25-, SO~, 100-, and 200-year recurrence intervals. Addit:~nally, a water supply analysis was performed for the p;oposed 11 d€\l elcpment area, 11 to determine the feasibility of supplying water for a perma- nent camp of approximately 200 people. The lack of base-line data, coupled with the extremely difficult field logistics, required both the technological ability to develop the computer analysis and the field experience to perform the in-stream work. R&M CONTACT: John E. Swanson 1 Project Manager HYDROLOGY STUDY PROPOSED NEW CAPI SIT[ WI LLDW ALASKA CLIE!\IT: Site Planning Commission CliENT CONTACT: Mark Fryer; Mark Fryer and Associates a portion of the initial phy~ical planning effort for the pro- posed new capital site, R&M performed a hydrology and flood hazard :Study. The site is traversed by ;::~ne major stream, Deception Creek, and the study included an estimate of the flood discharge for this cr~ek ~s well as a general hydrologic review of the entire capital site study area. The review entailed compilation and analysis of precipitadon and snowpack data available for the area, as well as analysis of the stream flow records for s,treams having similar hydrologic characteristics within this region. Drain- age patterns were studied as they related to erosion potential, and recommendations were made concerning control of storm wc;;ter r.,.unoff, icing hazards, and land use. R&M CONTACT: John E. Swanson, Project Manager, Anchorage Office RIVER MOI~ITORING PROGRAM ALCAN GAS PIPELIN PROJECT DELTA JUNCTION TO THE CANADIAN BORDER CL ENT: Northwest Company Ll ENT CONTACT: Walfred Hensala, Environmental Coordina"'or During the of 1977 1 R&M monitored the conditions in the five major rivers along the proposed gas pipeline route b~tween Delta Junction and the Canadian Border. While the results of ·this effort were qualitative in nature, they provided valuable insight into the characteristics of these streams. Follow- ing the break-up period, a limited amount of in-stream work was performed in order to prepare a preliminary estimate of scour potential. R&M CONTACT: John E. Swanson, Project Manager, Anchorage Office CLIENT· HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA TRANS ALASKA PIPELINE SYSTEM ka Pipeline Service Company CLIENT CONTACT: A. Condo, Arctic/Civil Engineering Suparvisor R&M developed the design criteria for basic hydraulic sti~uctures required to intercept and route flows from defined drainages and su!~face runoff from undefined drainages across th-:"'i~,::lli:-.::. ,.vork- pad. Drainage structure selection criteria ""'dS developed based on varying soil types, th~rmal state of the soils, terrain, types of flow and configuration of the work pad. Design procedures permit- ted selecton of the most suitable drail"'age structure. Tables and charts were developed for sizing the most economic structures for the anticipated design discharge, as determined in the hvdrology study of small drainage basins. The n~sulting manual enabled fieid cor.struction personnel to specify and design the most suitable structures for differing or unusual field conditions during construction. This manual was ultimately incorporated into the erasion control manual used to restore the workpad and other work sites after construction, R&M CONTACT; John E. Swanson, Project Manager, Anchorage Office HYDF<OLOGY STUDY SMALL ST EAMS RANS ALASKA P!PELINE SYSTErl/'1 ENT: Service Company CliENT CONTACT: Mr. A. Condo, Arctic/Civil Supervisor:' R&iVI s~lected the computational method used to estimate the s~rface runoff fo~ the small drainage basins intercepted by the ine right .. of=way. The study included surveying several discharge computational methods, evaluating the available data and computing the design discharges fo!' all runoff intercepting the 760-mi!e long alignment. Following this, preliminary recommendations for drainage structures were made. The initial design was accom- plished in the office, with all results tabulated by computer, and the final requirements were verified in the field before and during the construction process. R&M's overall participation in this effort extended over a four-year period and was expanded to include responsibility for various phases of r.:~rosion control and revegetation. R&N1 CONTACT: John ·E. Swans'"'n 1 Project Manager, Anchorage Office GE.NE NEER NG AND GEOLOGICAL CONSULTING SERVIC ALCAN GAS IPELINE PROJECT CLIENT: Northwest Pipeline Cll CONTACT: for F. . C. hearings, chaired by Judge Utt in , D.C., was prepared and pr·esented. Subsequently, numerous short technical reviews have been conducted to establish data for other hearings as well as for use in These reviews have included the geologic evaluation of variau~ pipeline possibilities and the analysis of design and construction p'!"acticZliity. Conditions considered have included soil conditions 1 frost heave potential 1 drainage charac- compatibility with existing and proposed man-made facili- ties, natural hazards. Structure design, performance, and cost criteria re.!ating to special northern envl ron mental constraints, have also been reviewed. CONTACT: Migliaccio, Fairbanks Office. I NARY CENTERLINE SO~L !NV TA JUNCTION TO TH CANADIAN R ALCAN GAS IPEL!NE ROJECT CLIENT: Northwest CLIENT CONTACT: Don Nicol, Senior Engineer, Gulf l nt.erstate Engineering Company was designed and conducted to m~et the need "for soils, ground water and related data along the propo::;ed ro!jute of the ALCAN Gas Pipeline. Our ing the peak period of activity, seven rotary drill rigs were working two shifts per spread out over as much as thirty miles of line. An extensive communication system involving pflltable radios and couriers was ~·~:!:zed to maintain close field coordination and sufficient logistical support including the transportation of large quantities of soil samples. Special care and equipment was necessary to maintain frozen and unfrozen samples -.in their natural thermal state during transport from the field to the testing laboratory in Fairbanks. The field and laboratory data from this program ls scheduled for use in the development of initial design concepts and in planning subsequent programs. R&M CONTACT: Robert L. Schra,~der, Anchorage Office. Gf::OTECHNICAL UENT: State of Alaska, CLIENT CONTACT: ILLAR MOUN ALASKA of Highways Sl William Alaska Chief Geologist 1 Department of R&M Consultants, inc. performed a geotechnical r~view of the Pillar Mountain slide on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Extensive surveys of the slide iU"ea were performed to determine correct of a monitoring network to warn of any further slide movement during future construction efforts. Project was in 1972. R&M CONTl~CT: Mr. Jim Rooney, Vice President, Anchorage Office GEOTECHNICAL INVEST! ONS, 17 PROPOSED SCHOOL ES LOWER KUSKOKWIM SCHOOL Dl ICT BETHELr ALAS~\A CLIENT: Lower Kuskokwim School District CLIENT )NTACT: Mr. Dave Chauvin, Contract Manager, L. K. AI ask~ •I geotechnical investigations for seventeen villages in the Lower Kuskokwim School District (Bethel, Alaska area) were con= ducted in January and February of 1979. Three drill rigs were utilized to accomplish the fieldwork. One drill rig was mounted on an all terrain Nadwell; two were skid mounted and transported from site to site by Caribou or Sky Van aircraft. Test holes at each site wer-e drilled _to depths of 30 feet with split spoon and core barrel sampling. Many of the sites were underlain by perma- frost. Soil profile temperatures were monitored at each site with thermistor stl'"ings. Field logistics and soil sample shipping were coordinated in Bethel. AU soil samples were maintained in their original thermal state while being returned to Anchorage for labor21tory testing. Foundatbn recommendations and other site geotechnical parameters were presented in a final report for each site. Foundation recommendations included conventional shallow "rr.rl'\t"lli"•ne, piles and refrigerated (passive) shallow foundations. R&M CONTACT: Dennis Nottingham or Gary Smith, Anchorage Office GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS ALASKA Sl""ATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM LIVENGOOD TO THE CANADIAN BORDER SEGMENT CLIENT: Alaska of Highways, Jur1eau, Alaska CUENT CONTACT: WilHam Slater, State Geologist or Doyle Ross, State Materials Engi- neer, Department of Transportation, Douglas, Alaska R&M personnel have extensive supervisory and field experience on the Alaska Highway System. Specific studies that our personnel have participated in along the Livengood to the Canadian Border segment indu~e centerline soil investigations, material site explor- ation 1 quarry exploration 1 and construction quality control. Some special studies also in this area include 11 An 1 nvestigation of the Canadian Border Slide, 11 If Research on Aggregate Degradation,11 and 11 Routing Studies to Avoid Problem Areas.11 Various personnel have acted in different highway department capacities including State Soils Engineer, State Foundation Geol- ogist! District Geologist, District Materials Engineer, Field Geologist, and Materials Technician. R&M CONTACTS: J.W. Rooney; R.R. Migliaccio; R.L. Schraeder; W.T. Phillips; and D. Nottingham; Anchorage Office Ll ENT: ENV! RONMENTAL 1~SSESSMENT PROGRAM PHASE SOURCE DOCUMENT NO. 3 GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ~ GEOLOGiC MATERIALS HAZARDS ANALYSIS State of .!.:\Iaska, Site C lENT CONTACT: Dr. Charles Fairban!<s. CSPC Chairman, Geophysical Institute, University of and October, 1978, R&M geologists spent one month in the field new State Capital at Willow. This field investigation, performed Site Planning Commission, was part of an investigation which the techniques of terrain unit analysis to a 100 square mile area. These allowed the collection of considerable geotechnical data to be used for envif~anmentai assessment of the Capital Site for evaluation of materials hazards. Initial of data collection produced preliminar·y terrain and slope analysis maps of planned development area of the capital site by air-photo interpreta- tion This wc...s followed by field work. Initial efforts utilized helicopter-supported crews with hand tools. This effort, which involved study of over ·150 loca~ tions, directed toward gathering ground-truth, validating the maps, and a better understanding of on~site vegetation 1 soH, ,and water conditions. subsurface work consisted of backhoe test pits and four 100··foot deep and took place within specific development areas to support the plan- efforts at the Commission. These areas included the town center, airport plant site, water well development area 1 and four residential areas. "'""''·'"""""'"' operation was confined to areas with existing trails and the drilling ""'"'·"',.,"'1.'"''"" used helicopter .. transported drills. The field~checked Terrain Unit Map with associated tables, field logs, and labora- tory data is a convenient vehicle for stor~ing and presenting considerable geologic and engineering data concerning the soils, bedrock, and groundwater for the 100 mile development area. A Geologic Materials Map was derived from the Unit Map to describe the construction use and foundation suitability of the soils and bedrock. An Erosion Potential Map was derived from the Slope Map and Terrain Unit Map. This described the potential for· erosion during development and constr·uction activities based upon topogra~hic and soil conditions. final derivative. map describes the type and severity of various ~1eologic hazards. Hazards documented included permafrost thaw-settlement 1 settlement, slope stabil- ity 1 seismic ground shaking 1 seismic ground fracturing, and seismic liquefaction. The ground fracturing hazard is related to the Castle Mollntain Fault in the area near the little Susitna River at the east end of the capital sitte. A statistic"! study of the seismicity of the capital site was performed. One conclusion reached was that the capital site is in a somewhat less seismically active .area than either Fairbanks or Anchorage. R&M CONTACT: Jim McCaslin Brown or Robert L. Schraeder, Anchorage Office GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND TERRAIN ANALYSIS SOUTH WILLOW CAPITAL SITE CLIENT: ·. State of Alaska, Capital Planning Commission CLIENT CONTACT: Mr. R. Planner was performed to obtain data required design tasks of the client's Phase 1 The terrain unit method of terrain analysis was employed during the geotechnical investigation of the South Willow Capital Site. l~his method of investigation employs remote sensing techniques (specifically air photo interpretation) to define landforms and land~ form types within the study area. Eight terrain units were identi- fied within the designated development area of the South Willow site~. These terrain units were then investigated in the field by standard surface geology mapping methods supplemented by the subsurface soils techniques of drilling and sampling. Information thus obtained was augmented with local Electromagnetic (EM) Resistivity Surveys. This information combined with laboratory testing of selected soil samples., and preliminary engineering evaluations produced a ter- rain analysis of the desigf"!ated development area. Documents produced included: Slope Identification Map -Scale 1:24,000 Terrain Unit Map -Scale 1:24,000 Terrain Unit Evaluation Table Slope Analysis Map -Scale 1:6,000 Geotechnical limitations to Building Construction Map -scale 1:6,000 R&M CONTACT: Jim McCaslin Brown, Anchorage Office CLIENT: Company CLIENT CONTACT: William PASS CABlEWAYS PIPELINE SYSTEM Construction of the trans Alaska pipeline presented many diverse problems including the movement of pipeline and re= constr·uction equipment to each site. At Thompson Pass, a particularly steep mountain face compelled the use of hi-lines for the transportation of materials and the construction operation. by R&M to serve as overhe.ud cableways, the two hi-line spans were I ,000 and I ,450 feet and each possesse.d a 20 ton load capacity. Representing some of the longest span structures built ir1 Alas·ka 1 the hi-lines were each supported by two steel towers with a maximum height of 170 feet. The moveable towers supported track cables anchored to post-tensioned concrete dead men. R&M CONTACT: Dennis Nottingham, Project Manager, Anchorage Office. IVER PIPELINE BRIDGE PIPELINE SYSTEM CliENT: Alyeska Pipelk1e Service Company CLIENT CONTACT: Jim A. Supervisor Structural Analysis The original engineering design plans for the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company hot oil pipeline crossing of the Gulkana River involved a buried underwater crossing. Alyeska 1 s decision to the river avoided innumerable associated problems and R&M 1 s senior structural design en~1ineers with same challenges. The bridge represents an imaginative to the sensitive problems of permafrost, ecology, time materials limitations, as well as aesthetics. tied.,~:u·ch design was developed for the bridge superstructure and t.onstruction was accomplished with steel available tc> the The 400 foot long bridge has a substructure composed of specially designed H-pites driven into permafrost. Bridge loads are transferred to the H-piles by supporting piers made from 48 11 and U3 11 diameter surplus project pipe. Project design and construction of the $2 million bridge was completed within a six month period. R&M provided the following services: Schedule Control Services Design Drawings and Engineering Documents Environmental Assessment Including Subsurface Investi- gation Fabrication Quality Control Logistics Control Construction Inspection R&M designers won a fifth place award for the bridge superstruc- .ture design and third place award for the pile foundation design in the James F. lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, 1976 Awards Program for Improvement Through Welding. R&M CONTACT: Dennis Nottingham, Project Manager, Anchorage Office YUI<ON RIVER BRIDGE CLIENT: Service Company CLIENT CONTACT: involvement of R&M in design and construction of this 2300 foot steel pipeline/highway bridge spanning the Yukon River was Mr. Dennis Nottingham was originally in of design for this nationally significant structure while by the State of Alaska and won Lincoln Arc honors for his contribution. Following his employment with this firm became a consultant to Alyeska Pipteline Service Company to this structure. Interaction with government review , analysis of substructures, review of pipeline erection prc>ce1dW and design of new barrier railing were part of these Knowledge of ice forces, and analysis based on design of this structure and many previous large highway crossings was used to develop river ice and drift design criteria for all pipeline bridges with river piers on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. R&M CONTACT: Dennis Nottingham, Pr·ojeci. Nlanager 1 Anchorage Office CUENT: ~AXMAN DAM 1-\ETCHIKAN, ALASKA U.S. Public Health Service Cll ENT CONTACT: John DeLB!pp In order provide an adequate water supply for the of Saxman, near Ketchikan, the U.S. Public Health Service contracted with R&M to perform the design of a dam 1 reservoir, and treatment system. This included preliminary hydrologic and geologic investi= gations at the site, design of the dam and its appurtenant struc- tures1 and design of the access road, transmission line, and pipeline between the dam and the existing system. Several alternative systems were investigated, and recommendations were made to U.S. P. H. S., based on the on-site investigations and on previous experience with similar projects in southeast Alaska. R&M CONTACT: Dr. Daniel Smith, Project Manager JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. PRINCIPAL/VICE PRESIDENT Vice President and Principal-in-Charge, Anchor· age Office R&M Consultants, Inc. R&M Consultants, Inc.: Special Consultant to Trans Alaska Pipeline System and gas pipeline study groups. Consultant, for the coordination and superv1s1on of field inves- tigations and geotechnical studies for the Trans Alaska Pipeline System; involvement has been continuous since early 1969. Geotechnical Engineer, assisted in the evaluation of pipeline alignment, general soil conditions, and pre!iminar·y review of slope performance of critical segments along the Trans Alaska Pipeline route. Geotechnir:al Engineer, selected as specie I task group member by Dr. R. 8. Peck for detaiied review and identification of slope stability problems associated with construction program- ming :along the Trans Alaska Pipeline route. Project Consultant, visual impact engineering and site restora- tion projects for the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Evaluation of a small dam failure in Anchorage, Alaska, and r"etained as a third party to review a number of geotechnical and civil design related project failures. Expert review on legal case concerning 1) Construction claims associated with pavement materials at Barrow, Alaska, 2) a major landslide and powerhouse failure in Ketchikan, Alaska, and 3) the failure of large multi-plate highway culvetts in Juneau, Alnska. Project Geotechnical Manager for U. S. Coast Guard Loran 11 C 11 Stations at l\etchikan, Kodiak, and Tok, Alaska. Performance of soils engineering and foundation studies in Anchorage, Wasilla, Palmer 1 Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, Cordova, Valdez, and many Alaskan locations throughout the Trans Alaska Pipeline route. r Evaluation of a construction excavation slope failure in weathered bedrock which partially undermined an existing three story structure on the University of Alaska -Fairbanks campus, included the design of a braced bulkhead retaining wall for temporary support through construction period. Selected as Project Geotechnical Consultant for the Northwest Alaskan Natural Gas Transmission System by fluor Engineering and Constructor's. I nvo!ved ln coordination of and supervision of field and office geotechnical studies for the chilled gas pipeline alignment. State of Alaska, Department of Highways: Project Design Engineer, responsible for a number of highway design projects in Southeast Alaska. Design Engineer, directed a special study involving construc- tion of a four-lane highway adjacent to the Juneau-Douglas High School. Effort included evaluation of settlement and ?lighway embankment slope stabilization related to previous boat harbor construction and hydraulic fill placement adjacent to structure. Valdez District Materials Engineer, responsible for project materials and soil investigations for district projects; programs included evaluation and design recommendations for cut slopes of up to 300' in height in soils and rock containing both frozen and thawec! conditions. Valdez District Materials Engineer, conducted special study and prepared remedial design for a major embankment failure invol- ving gravel fill on thawed clay soil. State Soils Engineer 1 responsible for review of soil conditions and specific geotechnical studies for general soil investigations on highway projects thr'Jughout the State. State Soils Engineer, supervised and directed a number of special studies on soils and construction materials and assisted in the review of project construction materials and soi I condi- tions. State Soils Engineer, directed investigation of a majot~ 55' high rock-fill embankment failure on disturbed fr·ozen foundation material along a section of the Alaska Highway. Task ~ssignments Per:formed Outside _t\laska Soil Testing Services, Iowa City 1 Iowa: Senior Engineer 1 responsible for project operations at branch office of Soil Testing Services in Iowa City, Iowa. Projects involved major foundation investigation progr~ams for highways, buildings 1 small dams, and industria! sites. Project Soils Engineer 1 providi119 services for t\vo major inter- state highway projects involving special design considerations for deep cuts and flPs in potentially unstable soils; evaluation and recommendation~ for staged construction, sub-drains, W. 3 instrumentation and monitoring controls for these projects. Also involved in the evaluation of blLff instability and erosion problems above the Bur•lington Raiiroad alignment along the Missi~sippi River near Ft. Madison. B.S., 1962, Civil Engineering, Wayne State University. M.S., 1967, Civil Engineering, Wayne State University. Professional Engineer (Civil), i964, Alaska, 1967, Iowa. Professional Land Surveyor, 1972, Alaska. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. Member, National Society of Professional Engineers. Member, Transportation Research Beard. Past Assistant Chairman, Soil Mechanics and Foundations Committee, American Society of Civil Engineers, lov"''a Section. Former Member, Anchorage Municipality Geotechnical Commission. Instructor (Evening Course) University of Alaska, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, "Pavement Oes:gn. 11 Workshop Topic Chairman, Transportation Corridors -Design and Construction. Joint U.S. -Canadian Northern Civil Engineering Research Workshop. Edmonton 1 Alberta, March, 1978. Publicaticns Davison, B.E., Nottingham, D. and Rooney, J.W., "Chll!ed Pipeline Frost Heave Mitigation Concepts. 11 Pipelines in Adverse Environ- ments, Proceedings. of the ASCE Pipeline Division Specialty Conference, January, 1979. Davison, B. E., Rooney, J. W., and Bruggers, 0. E., 11 Design Variab~es ! nfluencing Piles Driven in Permafrost. 11 A. S.C. E. Cold Regions Specialty Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May, 197e. Vita 1 C. L. and Rooney 1 J. W., 11 Seepage -Induced Erosion Along Buried Pipelines.11 A.S.C.E. Cold Regions Specialty Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May, 1978. James W. Davison, B E.1 and Rooney, J.W., 11 Arc Welding Applied to Arctic Foundations, Consulting Engineer, December, 1977. , Dr. W., Rooney I J. W. 1 and Davison 1 B. E. 1 11 Simpson Hili Cut, Copper River Basin, Alaska -A Case History of Slope Stabil- ity in Frozen Cohesive Soil. 11 Thirtieth Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October, 1977. Davison 1 8. E., and Rooney, J. W. 1 "Use of Thermal Piles for Off- shore Frozen Embankments. 11 Fourth l nter~national Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions, Memorial University of Newfoundland 1 St. Johns f Newfoundland 1 Canada, 1977. Rooney, J.W., Nottingham D., and Davison, B.E., "Driven H-Pile Foundations in Frozen Sands and Gravels." Second International Symposium on Cold Regions Engineering, University of Alaska, College, Alaska, 1976. Rooney, J.W.1 and Atkins, J.T., nservicing in Northern Communi- ties11 (abstract). Forum -Canadian I nstltute of Planners .. Annual Conference, Winnipeg, June, 1976. Migliaccior R. R. 1 and Rooney, J. W. 1 11 Engineering Geologic and Subsurface Soil Investigations for the Trans Alaska Pipeline Systemu (abstract). Proceedings .. Symposium on Cold Regions Engineering (Vol. 1)1 University of Alaska, College, Aiaska, June 1971. Rooney 1 ., J. W., 11 The Influence of Sampling and Disturbance on the Shear Strength of Saturated Cohesive Soils ,11 Master1 s F.ssay submit- ted to College of Engineering, Wayne State University, June, 1967. Klausner, Y., and Rooney I J. W. 1 "Design and Construction of a Device for the Pure Deviatorlc Loading of Soils. 11 National Science Foundation Science Teaching Equipment Development Program Grant, Wayne State University. 1976 L:ncoln Arc Awar·d for H-Pile Foundation Design. Awarded Membership in Chi Epsilon, National Honorary Civil Engi- neering Fraternity. MALCOUv1 A. MENZIES, P.E., L.S. VICE PRESIDENT Principal and General Manager, Juneau Office, R 3: M Consultants, Inc. R&rl1 Consultants 1 Inc. Location Engineer, responsible for locating 55 miles of second ary road from Livengood to the Yukon River for the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Project Manager, supervised engineering and environmental analysis for the Juneau-Douglas waste wat-:r treatment facility. Project Manager 1 supervised site reconnaissance, evaluation, location surveys, and s::;~i!s investigation for the U. S. Coast G:.!ard's 17th District Loran 'C' Sites at Shoal Cove, Tok, and Narrow Cape, Alaska. Project Manager 1 supervised quality control and construction management services provided to the City and Borough of Juneau for repaving improvements to the Juneau International Air-port and pavement construction, Wr·angell Airport. Project Manager I currer.tly responsible for supervising R&rvPs portion of a joint venture effort with Richardson Associates and TAP, Inc. 1 to update the Juneau lnter·national Airport Master Pian for the City and Borough of Juneau. Project Manager, supervising feasibility studies 1 surveys, and preliminary designs for the sawmill and port development proposed by the Alaska-Juneau Timber Corporat]on. Project Manager, supervised special studies to evallsate natural resource sites throughout Southeast Alaska for multiple land use as construction material sources and at the same time provide environmental improvements. Project Manager, supet~vised 155 mile Native Land Selection Cadastral Engineering project at Unalakleet, Alaska for the Bureau of Land Management. Project Manager, currently superv1s1ng Native Land Selection Cadastral Engineering project in the Craig-!<lawock area of Southeast Alaska for the Bureau of Land Management. Project Manager, responsible for site evaluation 1 complete design, and construction management for a 310 unit mobile home park at Switzer Creek near Juneau, Alaska. !\1alcom A. Menzies 2 Project Manager, responsible for planning, design, and cor- structlon management of several projects throughout Alaska. Projects range from land development through to solid waste management and slope stability studies. State of Alaska, Depa:~trr.ent of Highways, Juneau District Area Resident Construction Engineer, responsible for protec- ting the State 1 s interest in highway construction maintenance and design projects. Project Construction Engineer, responsible for maKmg certain that highway projects were constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. District Location Engineer, responsible for highway location surveys throughout Southt:!ast A las ka. Project Survey and Desigh Engineer, responsible for obtaining necessary preconstru..:tion surveys and developing designs for specific highway projects in Southeast Alaska. Project Right-of-Way Engineer, researched and made mendations concerning highway right-of-v . .:ays for projects within the district. recam$ specific Southeastern Consultants; Juneau, Alaska: Educat!on Partner in a firm which specialized in land surveys and civil engineering throughout Southeast Alaska. B.S., 1963, Civil Engineering, Chicago Technical College, Chicago, Illinois. Special Studies in Surveying, U. S. Army Engineering Center, Fort Belvoir, Vlr·ginia. Reaistrations/Certification s Professional Engineer ( Civi I), 1969, Alaska, Washington, Professi.onal Land Surveyor, 1965, Alaska. Professional Affiliations Member, American Society of Civi! Engineers. Past State Treasurer, Alaska Society of Professional E11gineers. Past Chairmo.l, Alaska Section, American Congress of Surveying and Mapping. corn .4.. l'.Jlenzies Board of Directors -Alaska Society of Professional Land Surveyors. Member -American Society of Photogrametry Member Canadian Institute of Surveying. Member, American Ccngress of Surveying and Mapping. Member 1 Alaska Society of Pr~ofessional Land Surveyors. Member, City and Borough of Juneau Planning Commission. Member, Juneau Chamber of Commerce. DE N S NOTTINGHAM, P.E. VICE PRESiDENT Eragineer specializing in structural, foundat;on, and marine design and analysis. Vice President, Anchorage Office! R&M Consu;tants, Inc. Assignments R&M Consultants, Inc.: Design Engineer, developing ice force criteria fer the design 0f major river stt~uctures along the Trans Alaska Pipetine. Design Engineer, developing designs for several hydraulic and winch operated State Ferry System ramps. Design Engineer 1 developing vehicle transfer barge-brldge systems for Hoonah, Metlakatla, and Kake. Certified Scuba Diver 1 pet~forming an undArwater materials source investigation in conjunct:on with construction of the Juneau Outerdrive Road. Design Engineer, designing a 2-1/2 million gallon earth fill dam in Juneau. Design Engineer I designing six highway interchange structLwes in Anchorage. Project Director, North Slope Haul Road Maintenance Camp Study for the Alaska Department of Tr·ansportation and Public Facilities. Responsibilities included directing planning studies and design/build contract preparations for the location of road maintenance facilities-along this 360 mile arctic road. Efforts involved the 11 fast track 11 organization to examine a 1.vide vari- ety of environmental, geological, engineering, architectural and policy parameters. Results of these effot~ts were published in a planning report of 500 pages which took only three months to prepare. Design Engineer, participating in the structural design for three all-wood pedestrian over-passes and seven bicycle trail stream crossings in Anchorage. Engineer, involved in slope stability studies and landslide hazard recommendations. Engineer 1 participating in several hydrology and hydraulic studies. Structural Design Engineer, involving structural review and special consultir.~g for the Trans Alaska ine System. Structural Engineer, including concept'..Jal and structural de- sign for an oil pipeline bridge required by Alyeska ine Service Company to span the Gul kana River. Design Engineer, designing a system of overhead cableway highlines for use in material transportation up a steep moun- tain face during construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline. The highlines span I, 450 and l, 000 feet, have a 20 ton load capacity, and are some of the iongest span structures built in Alaska to date. Project Engineer for design o'f iightering system for tour ships and related dock facilities for City of Juneau. Analy'~is of ice loads and t~eport on the exposed Nikiski Prod- ucts Pipeline across Turnagain Arm, Alaska. Project Manager, Design Engineer, performing the design for FAA Radar sites at Kenai and Fairbanks; aspects supervised included subsurface investigations, foundation, road, struc- tural, water and sewer design, and surveying. This fast track projecr: was completed within 30 days, to include the preparation of 15 detailed engineering drawings. Project Engineer for design of a reinforced earth/prestressed concrete bridge over Campbell Creek at Arctic Boulevard, Anchor<1ge, Alaska. Project Engineet· for design of steel and concrete dock and marine boat lift system in Petersburg, Alaksa. State of Alaska, Department of Highways: Design Engineer 1 designing many varied bridges for areas throughout Alaska. Design Engineer, designing a 407 foot t\vo-hinged steel arch bridge at Hurricane Gulch. Design Engineer 1 designing the American Institute of Steel Construction award winning Chulitna River· Bddge. Engin,=er, performing the str~uctural analysis and design check fat· the Sitka Harbor Bridge, the first cable-stayed bridge ln the United States. Design Engineer, performing design services for 220 foot span composite continuous steel plate gu·aers for approximatelv one-half mile of bridges crossing the Copper River at Flag Point. Nottingham Design Engineer, performing design and project coordination ser·vices for the Yukon River Bridge--a 2,280 foot steel ortho- tropic structure with 410 foot main spans. Certified Scuba Diver 1 providing under1 water inspection ser= vices for foundation construction for the Sitka Harbor Bridge. Certified Sct~ba Diver, providing underwater inspection ser- vices for the Juneau-Douglas Bridge. Bridge Design Engineer, par1 ticipated in bt~idge reconnaissance studies for Chi I kat and Copper River Highways. Engineer, participating in and conducting extensive structural inspection of bridges and marine facilities to include evaluation of earthquake destruction, normal deterioration, and other damage. Design Engineer 1 designing a large concrete dock-type parking structure in Ketchikan. Engineer I participating in scuba diving operations to locate abandoned artesian drill holes within the t\enai River. Private Consultant: Design Engineer 1 designing many docks, mar~ine structures and facilities, airplane hangers, floating boat shelters 1 boat houses, riverboats, private homes, bridges, and a varie~.y of other structures. Design Engineer, participating as a co-designer of a marine highway auto-ferry transfer bridge with associated mooring dolphins at Cordova. Certified Scuba Diver, participating in both majcr and minor salvage operations. University of Alaska, Juneau-Douglas Community College: Instructor, teaching mathematics, engineE~ring and science courses. Task Assignments Performed Outsid~ Alaska Montana Highway Department: Design Engineer, designing various types of structures includ- 'ing continuous plate girder bridges, pre-stressed concrete bridges, retaining walls, composite girder bridges, interstate hi.ghway grade separation and inter·change str·uctures. Dennis Nottingham Montana State University: Graduate Assistant Instructor, teaching courses in civil engi- neering. B.S. 1 1959, Civil Engineering, Montana State University M.S., 1960, Civil Engineering 1 Montana State University. Professional Engineer, 1963, AI as ka. Professional Land Surveyor, 1973, Alaska. Cer·tified Scuba Diver, 1971. Davison, B.E., Dennis Nottingham, J. W. Rooney, and C. L. Vita. Chilled Pipeiine Frost t~eave Mitigation Concepts, ASCE Pipeline Specialty Conference, New Orleans, January, 1979. Davison, B.E., William Graham, Dennis Nottingham, and J. W. Rooney. Through ~ and Snow ---Timber Piles in Permafrost, AE Concepts, American Wood Preservers Institute, July -October 1 1978. Hartig I E. p 0' Dennis Nottingham r j. E. Swanson I B.c. Tisdale. Reburial Considerations for ~ Exposed Pipeline, A. S. C·. E. Pipeline Specialty Conference, New Ot'leans, January, 1979. Nottingham, Dennis 1 1960. 11 Experimentation testing of a saddle type concrete hypedJolic paraboloid under four loading conditions, 11 Masters Thesis, Montana State University. l'lottingham, Dennis, 1972. Baby H's Cold in Woud Preserving, April, American Wood Preservers Institute. Nottingham, Dennis, and Roy Peratrovich, Jr. 1977. The 24-Hour Campbell Creek Bridge in AE Concepts in Wood Design, September- October, American Wood Preservers Institute. Rooney 1 J.W., Dennis Nottingham, and B. E. Davison. 1976. Driven H'"'Pile Foundation in Frozen Sands and Gravels in Proceedings 2.! the Second International Symposium £.12 Cold Regions Engineering, Fairbanks. University of Alaska. 24p. Awards Award given in 1970 from the National Lincoln Ar'c Welding Design Contest for co-design of a marine highway al.!to-ferry transfer bridge and associated mooring dolphins at Cordova. First place awa1·d of $10,000 given in 1976 from the National Lincoln Arc Design Contest for~ design of the Yukon River Bridge. Ideal Cement Company Graduate Study Fellowship. Morrison-Maier·le College Scholarship (Montana State University). Most Beautiful Bridge Award to the Alaska Department of Hlgi1ways f~~m the American I nstitue of Ste€! Construction for design of the Chulitna River Bridge ( 0. Nottingham chief designer). Shared fifth place award, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Awards Program for· Improvement Through Arc Welding, Design o! Gulkana River Pipeline Bridge. WILLIAM E. DUNCAN RRENT ESPONSIBILITIES President, The Drilling Company, Inc. WORK DESCRIPTION The Drilling Company, Inc.: Responsible for management of contract drilling firm offering services via 18 drilling units to Alaska 1s engineering/ con~ struction and mining industries. R&M Consultants, ! 11c. : Labor.atory Manager, responsible for all phases of soil labora- tory operations. Supervise quality control and material inspection on numerous construction projects within Alaska. Responsible for soils investigations for foundation studies, construction inspection and materials testing. Alaska Department of Highways: Construction inspection of bridges and related highway build- ings ... Set .. up quality control on construction of new highway con- struction projects. 1 raining of engineering technicians and inspectors as related to quality control of highway materials. EDUCATION Florida State University University of Alaska ROBERT L. SCHRAEDER EN!OR ENGINEERJNG GEOLOGIST Associate of R&M Consultants, h1c. Head, Earth Science Department, R&M Consultants, Inc. Vice President, Resource Exploration Corpor'ation, management of fiefd operations conducted within the State of Alaska. 1965 1965=1969 1969-1970 Staff Geologist, Alaska Department of Highways 1 Valdez. District Geologist, Alaska Department of Highways 1 Valdez. Acting District Materials Engineer: Alaska Department of Highways, Valdez ·n370-Present Senior Geologist, R&M Consultants 1 Inc. Directly Related Task Assionrnents R&M Consultants, l nc. : Supervisory Geologist, supervision of the centerline soils investigation for the Trans Alaska Pi~eline. This involved establishing the procedures, standards and lines of communi~ cation necessary to direct the activit:es of up to 40 field geologists, and to coordinate their efforts with the needs of management and other involved groups. This project involved various levels of activity over a period of approximately seven years, and a multimillion dollar budget. Products included preparation of published borehole logs, drilling location maps and supporting information in a format suitable for presenta- tion to government review agencies. Supervisory Geologist, supervision of the preliminary center- line soils investigation for the proposed Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline between Delta Junction and the Canadian Border. Tasks were essentially the same as for the TAPS (above) except that supervision of seven double shifted drill rigs was also included. This ta~k involved as many as 50 personnel of varying job descriptions and was further complicated by the e> .. emely short time available for mobilization and the urgent n( d for the finished product. Supervisory Geologist, supervised preparation of terrain unit maps and associated landform profiles for the TAPS project. These maps were developed by intensive use of photogeologic interpretation combined with extensive field checking and incorporation of all soils information available from the drilling program, published sources, and personal knowledge of the area. Robert L. Schraeder 2 Senior Geologist/ Associate, managed and directed work of the R&M Houston office. Primary duties were: liaison with A!veska Geotechnical Engineering and the numerous other co~sultants involved in the project, review of proposed design documents for compliance with design criteria and government stipulations, writing and reviewing design mode justification documents to submittal to the agencies, writing requests for Notices to Proceed and answers to agency questions and objections, performing duties attendant with the R&M position on the Alyeska construction mode selection committee, super- vising other geotechnical personnel in the Houston office. Supervisory Geologist, supervised preparation of preliminary Terrain Unit Maps for the proposed Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline. The project involved photo interpretation, a litera- ture search and field checking. Supervisory Geologist, assisted in the design of and data gathering for the TAPS Soil Data Bank. Supervisory Geologist, supervised the design and implemen- tation of resistivity sL·rveys along selected segments of the TAPS. These surveys were used to extend the information ln hand to other, less understood segments of the alignmentr and to increase the confidence level of sub-soil interpretations. Geotechnical Consultant, temporary duty in the A!yeska Houston Office. Duties included membership on the Alyeska Construction Mode Committee. This committee was responsible for the application of government stipulations and APSC design criteria to the collected geotechnical data to develop a con- struction mode listing for the entire pipeline route. Also included were extensive design review duties. These reviews included inspection of essentially all per·tinent geotechnical parameters which might affect the integrity of the pipeline. Other duties involved monitoring of field data flow from Alaska to Houston, assisting on numerous short term task forces, and liaison between project personnel the R&M Houston Consultant Group and the Alyeska Haston Group. Supervisory Geologist, supervision of the day-by-day operation of the R&M Fairbanks Geotechnical Section. This included normal management duties as well as scheduling and implemen- tation of all projects. Geotechnical Consultant, participated in the foundation drilling program and materials source reconnaissance for two school buildings in Ketchikan Alaska. This project involved use of tripod and cat head wash boring tools which were hand carried to the drilling sites in dense vegetation. Geotechnical Consultant, supervised the development of num- erous reports such as slush flow avalanche studies, solifluction studies, slope stability studies and bedrock mapping projects. Robert L. Schraeder 3 Geologist, Member of the Site Study Task Force, North Slope Haul Road Maintenance Camp Study for· the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities" Participated in the field investigation of all potential maintenance camp sites the 360 mile road. Performed preliminary examination of potential camp sites and described their physical parameters, including road maintenance, siting, climate, and geotechnical parameters as well as en vi ron mental, historical 1 and archae- logical considet'ations. State of Alaska, Department of Highways District Geologist, performed route reconnaissance for various proposed routes including the Chitina to McCarthy Road, the Lake Louise Reroute and Extension, The .Tasnina Pass segment of the Copper River Highway and other short realignment proposals. District Geologist, directed and performed centerline soils investigations of the Chitina to McCarthy Road, various seg- ments of the Glenn, Richardson and Tok Highways, the Lake Louise Road, and the Valdez to Ft. Liscum Road. District Geologist, directed and performed borrow and quarry site investigations of the Lake Louise Road, the Chitina to McCarthy Road, the west end of the Copper River Highway, the Tasnina Pass area, and segments of the Richar·dson, Glenn and Tok Highways. District Geologist, participated in setting-up and monitoring the Chitina permafrost insulation test section. District Geologist, responsible for preparing and admlnistedng the budget and the day-by-day activities of the Geology group of the Materials Section, Valdez District. Acting District Materials Engineer·, direction of the geology, materials testing and construction materials inspection for the Alaska Department of Highways, Valdez District. District Geologist, directed and per·formed seismic and resistiv- ity surveys for bridge sites, borrow sites, cut sections and centerline investigations of segments of the Lake Louise Road, the Valdez to Ft. Liscum Road, and the Tasnina Pass section of. the Copper River Highway. Other Alaskan Experience: Geologist 1 participated in stratagraphic geologic studies for Gulf Oil Corporation in the area north of the Brooks Range 1 Alaska. Geologist, participated in research on Ice l sland A R Ll S II in the Arctic Ocean for the Office of Naval Research. Robert L. Schraeder 4 Geologist, teaching Assistant, University of Alaska, assisted in teaching the Mining Short Courses. Research Assistant, investigations in geoche:-nica! research for the University of Alaska. M.S. Geology, University of Alaska Registration/Certification Registered Professional Geologist, California (1971) JIM McCASLIN BROWN, Ph.D. SENIOR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST· --~--~esponsibilities Senior Engineering Geologist, specializing in projects requiring expertise in rock mechanics, structural geology, groundwater moni- toring and control, bedrock mapping, ar.d airphota interpretation ° Alasl\an Task Assignments R&M CtJnsultants, Inc.: Operations Coordinator for the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company centerline soils investigation along the Alaska Highway from Delta ~I unction to the Canadian Border 0 This investigation performed in the spring of ·1979 for Fluor-Northwest Inc., utilized 5 drill rigs, thermistor installations, and geophysical methods to obtain geotechnical data required for the Federal Er,::.:rgy Regulatory Commission permitting processes, and for design and financing purposes. The operations coordinator was responsible for sample storage and shipping; scheduling of the downhole permafrost density and moisture content determination by gamma-gamma response and neutron -thermal-neutron response techniques; thP.rrnistor installation i resistivity surveys employing Geonics EM 31 resistivity units to locate anomalies prior to drilling; scheduling of special drilling techniques for large sample recovery for frost heave studies; and final environmental inspection of drill sites. Field Supervisor for resistivity survey of selected sites along- the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company gas line route from Eielson Air ·Force Base to Livengood. The geophysical traverses totaled about 20 miles in length and were perfor~med for FluQr-Northwest Inc. by a five man party utilizing the Geonics EM 31 and EM 34 survey units to measure ground resistivity, and to G~llow subsequent interpretation of subsurface conditions such as soil type and unfrozen versus frozen thermal state. Project Geologist, Preliminary Site Investigations for· 16 pro- posed high school sites at villages within the Lower Kuskokwim School District. Through the use of available well log data combined with airphoto and topographic map interpretation described the soils, permafr;Jst, and seasonal frost conditions likely to prevail at the proposed school sites. Also responsible for a discussion of the regional geology, permafrost, and seismic conditions. S~nior Engineering Geologist, responsible for the preparation of terrain unit maps based upon published soils data and air photo interpretation as a part of a number of projects in southcentral and western Alaska. These terrain unit maps Jim McCaslin Br,own Page 2 and non-plastic soil cements; and developing str·uctures and methods to control erosion, stream siltation and sw~face runoff. Project Geologist, responsible for the 1977 Terrain and Gee- technics Investigation of the South Willow Capital Site. This surficial geology and subsurface soils investigation, using the terrain unit method of terrain analysis 1 provided geoiogic data and engineering evaluation of the geotechnical conditions at the designated development area. This information was required for the initial physical planning and design tasks of the Stilte ::>f Alaska Capital Site Planning Commission. Project Geologist, responsible for the 1978 Geotechnical Studies -Geologic Materials and Hazards Analysis of the new State Capital Site at South Willow, Alaska. This investigation, applying the techniques of terrain unit analysis to a 100 square mile area, was performed as part of the Environmental Assessment Program -Phase 1. These techniques allowed the collection of considerable geotechnical data to be used for an environmental assessment of the Capital Site. Project Manager, rock slope stability consultant to the Alaska Department of Highways on the Keystone Tunnel Bypass Pro- ject. Servic~s provided included construction inspecticn of bedrock conditions, blasting, and slope stability. Performed a stability analysis of the partially excavated rock slope west of the Lowe River. Participated in a Value Engineering Study of alternative plans for continuation of the project. Project Geologist, responsible for the geologic reconnaissance, te!~rain unit mapping, and soils investigation portions of the Goose Bay -Point MacKenzie Highway Corridor-Route Recon- naissance. This study performed for the Matanuska -Susitna Borough defined possible highway route corridors, evaluated geologic and sail conditions along each corridor, and estimated construction costs for roads within each corridor·. Project GeologisC responsible for the field investigation and site analyses of the Quarry Site Selection Study, for the University of Alaska Seward 1\'larine Shore Station. Senior Engineering Geologist, participated in a mile-by-mile frost heave potential assessment of the Northwest Alaska Pipeline Company gas line route from Prudhoe Bay to the Alaska Border. Project Manager, pcovided geologic documentation of the cath- odic protection borings at the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal in Valdez. U.S. Geological Survey: Geologist, investigated the structure and stratigraphy of the southern part of Kodiak Island, the Trinity Islands, and Chirikof Island, Alaska. McCaslin Brown 3 University of Alaska: Research Assistant, investigated bedrock and ore deposits of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska. Pan American Petroleum Corporation; Junior Geoiogist, assisted in the field exploration for pett~oleum in Interior Alaska. Indiana University /Purdue University; Indianapolis, Indiana: t:\ssistant Professor of Geology, research in structural geology undergraduate level courses in photo Interpretation. responsible for conducting and teaching graduate and structural geology and air- Saint Louis University; St. Louis, Missouri: Assistant Professor of Geology and Geological Engineering, teaching graduate and undergraduate level courses ln struc- tural geology 1 mineralogy and petrology. University of Wisconsin; Madison, Wisconsin: Instructor, teaching cow·ses in structural geology. Teaching and Research Assistant, instructing courses in intro- c-luctory .geology, and researching rock deformation. Jntario Department of Mines; Ontario 1 Canada: Education Senior i\ssistant Geologist, investigated the structure and stratigraphy of iron deposit formations in the Lake St. Joseph area of Nortl1ern Ontario. 8 .S., cum laude, 1960 1 Geology, University of Alaska. M, S., 1963, Geology, University of Alaska. Ph.D., 1968, Geology/ (Metallurgical Engineet~ing minorL Universltv of Wisconsin 1 Madison. Registrations/Certification~ Registered Professional Geolag ist 1 1978, 0 t·egon Certified Engineering Geologist, 1978, Oregon. Jim i\,1cCaslin Brown Page 4 Certified Professional Geological Scientist, 1978, Associatior of Professional Geological Scientists. Member 1 Geological Society of America. Member, Alaska Geological Society .. Member 1 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. Past President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, l970QI973, Indiana Geologists. rv1ember f Valdez City School Board I 1975~1976. Member, Association of Professional Geological Scientists. Brown, J. M. 1963. 11 Bedrock geology and ore deposits of the Pedro Dome Area, Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska.11 University of Alaska, Fairbanks. M.S. thesis. 125 p. Brown, J. M. 1967. The Grenville Front south of Coniston, Ontario in Geology of £:arts of EC!,stern Ontario and Wester.!J. Quebec: Guideboo~ for Fieldtrips, Fall meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineral Association of Canada. pp. ! 1-!2, pp. 280-283. Brown, J. M. 1968. 11 Nature and or1gm of the Grenville Fr·ont, SE of Sudbury, Ontario. 11 University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ph D. thesis. 250 p. Brmvn, J. M. 1970. Deformation and Movement Within Mvlonitic Rocks of the Grenville Front, Southeast of suCfSlirV I Ontario (Abstract). Geological Society of Amer·ica, North-Central s~ pp. 373-379. Brown, J.M., et a!. 1975. Design Considerations for the Rock Sloee at the Powerhouse and ~or Recovery BuiidTng-,-vaTCfel Terminal. Rock Slope Stability Report RSS-001. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. 175 p. Brown! J.M., 1977. Terrain and Geotechnical: in Natural Site Conditions, Background Report No. 4, State of Alaska, Capital Site Planning Commission. pp. 1-20. Brown, J. M., Davison, 8. E., and Schraeder, R. L. 1978. Geologic Materials and Hazards Analysis in Ne1.v Capital City Environmental Assessment Program -Phase 1, Source Document ~ Geotechnical Studies-State of Alaska, Capital Site Planning Comm1ssion. 195 p. Jim McCaslin Brown Page 5 Brown, J .M., 1978. Quarry Site Selection Study in Pre-design l nvestigation Seward Marine Shore Station Erosion Control Project. Prepared for the University of Alaska. R&M Consultants 1 Inc., Anchorage. pp 1-14. Brow~, J.M., et. al. 1979. Goos~ Bay· to Point MacKenzie ~ Reconnaissance. Prepared for the Matanuska -Susitna Bor·ough, Palmer·, Alaska. R&M Consultants, Inc., Wasilla. 68 p. Brown, J.M., Dalziel, I.W.D., and T. E. Warren. 1969. The structura1 ana metamorphic history c;f th~ rocks a~jac:ent to the Grenville Front near Sudbury 1 Ontario, and Mount Wright, Quebec in Age Relations in High Grade Metamora hie Terrains. H. R. Wynne-Edwards 1 ed. Geological Association of Canada. Speciai Paper No. 5. pp. 207~224. Brmvn, J.M., and R.B. Forbes. 1961. ~ Preliminarv MaE of the Bedrock of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska. Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals. lnv. Report 194-1. Smith, T.L., Brown, J.M. et al. 1977. En~ Conservation Technolooy Study --Jdentif. -::ation of Environmental Impacts of Ener:.£1::. Conservation Technolog"~~ for Proposed ~ Capital Site at W555ow, ASit~xa. ?rsparao for ( 1e Alaska. Division <Jf E.nef'gy <ind. Power Development and the' u. s. Energy Research and Development Administration. R&M Consultants, Inc., Anchorage. 59p. Awards --- Listed in American Men of Sclenc:e -12th ed., 1971. WE! -JEI\I Ll N MATERIALS ENGINEER LABORATORY MANAGER Laboratory Manager and Pr·oject Manager for geotechnical engineer- investigations and construction quality control/assurance. R&M Consultants, Inc.: Design and field testing of construction work pad test sites near Fairbanks and Glennallen for Alyeska Pipeiine Service Co. Quality and quantity control for preparation of foundation soils in permafrost areas for schocls in Fairbanks, Alaska. Direct and review Portland concrete mixture designs and various types of asphaltic concrete mixture designs for both private and governmental organizations. Calibration and assistance in setting-up hot-mix plants for asphaltic concrete paving, including the recently developed Shearer process drum-dryer plant in 1973 at the Nome Airport. Evaluation of deteriorating pavement systems at Bethel, Fairbanks and Juneau airports. Design and set-up quality control programs on construction of new paving system for streets and airports for Bethei and Juneau, Alaska 1 in 1971 and 1972 respectively. Supervised construction quality control programs for portions of the Chena River Flood Control project at Fairbanks, Alaska. Supervise quality control and materials inspection on numerous building construction projects throughout Alaska. Design and supervise test programs for frozen gravel compac- tion studies. Conducted asphaltic concrete paving inspection and testing training classes for Alaska Division of Aviation in 1972. Served as expert witness in court case concerning Barrow Airport construction. WeioJen lin 2 Geo-Testing, Inc. i San Rafael, California: Labor-atory Engineer, responsible for all phases of soil labora~ tory ope: ations. Laboratory tests including high pressure consolidation, triaxial compression, and permeability determinations for foundation and design of large earth dams 1 and monthly control testing during construction. Research and development of special soil testing equipment to be manufactured and marketed by Karol-Warner, Inc. Soil Testing Services of Iowa, Inc. i Iowa City, Iowa: Materials Engineer, responsible for all phases of soils and materials laboratory operations and for~ supervision of field inspections. Engineering and execution of test programs to solve special problems encountered in construction, such as trouble shooting for concrete strength deficiencies. Conducting pile and footing load tests for high load capacities, and assisting in programming all laboratory tests for computer analysis. Training of engineering technicians and inspectors. Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory, Inc.; St. Paul, Minnesota: Civil Engineer, responsible to the Chief Engineer for special projects, including supervision of assigned personnel. Personally perform as well as supervise the testing of soils and construction materials by others. Calibration of ready-mix con rete and asphalt hot plants. improvising apparatus such as asphalt tile indentations devices and designing performance evaluation test methods for same; setting-up Troxler nuclear density moisture gage calibrations and test pracedu res. Supervised development and verification programs for new construction products such as a steel bar joist, o~ring seals for vitrified clay pipes, curtain wall systems 1 and for portable dish antennas for the Army Signal Corps. Wei·Jen Lin 3 Performed many production plant inspec:ions on laminated wood structures, creosote treated wood products, fabricated struc-- tural steel, pre-stressed concrete products, as we! as con- crete and asphaltic concrete batching faciiities. 8 .S., 1953, Civil Engineering, Chen-Kung University, Taiwan 1 Republic of China. 1954 Graduate, ROTC Aircraft Maintenance School 1 Republic of China. M.S., 1957, Civil Engineering (Soil Mechanics & Highways), University of Minnesota. Postgraduate studies in Highway and Airport Pavement Design, University of Minnesota. Postgraduate studies in Arctic Engineering at the University of Alaska. Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Analyst, 1963 and 1966. Civil Defense Blast Shelter Analyst, 1964. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. Supporting Member, Transportation Research Board. Member, American Concrete Institute. Member, American Society for Testing and Materials. JOHN E. SWANSON, P.E. HYDROLOGIST /SEN lOR ENGINEER Hvdrologist, specializing in hydraulic and hydrologic investigation and design. Head, Engineering Studies Department in R&M 1 s Anchorage office. Alaskan Assignments R&M Consultants, Inc.: Senior Engineer, particip,::~ting in preparation of plans and specifications for a water supply dam and treatment facilities in Ketchikan. Project Manager, superv1smg a comprehensive hydrologic investigation of the Kuparuk River, near Prudhoe Bay. This study included flood hazard analysis, water suppiy investiga- tions, and design recommendations. The Corps of Engineers' HEC-~ and HEC-2 computer programs were utilized extensively. Senior Engineer, coordinating design efforts for an erosion control and shore protection project at the University of Alaska's Marine Shore Station in Seward. Project Engineer 1 prepared a hydrologic design program for all small drainage areas along the 789 mile Trans Alaska Pipeline route. Project Engineer, participated in preparation of the hydraulic design criteria for all cross-drainages along the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Senior Engineer 1 participated in the preparation of erosion control procedures for use on the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Senior Engineer, participated in the field investigation and design of the Lake Nunavauga!uk Sockeye Rearing Facility for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project Engineer, responsible for the preliminary hydrologic reconnaissance along the proposed Northwest Gas Pipeline route. Senior Engineer, participated as an expert witness in the review of the Silvis Lake dam failure and landslide at Ketchi- kan. Senior Engineer, performed flood hazard study for design of a University of Alaska, Anchorage, building complex. John E. Sw.:::~nson =2- Senior Engineer, performed flood hazard and drainage investi= gations for builders and deveiope1·s in the Anchorage area. Project Manager, supervising an exploratory dri II ing program and water supply study for a proposed fish hatchery at Hidden/Skilal<, Lakes on the Kenai National Moose Range. Project Manager, conducting a 11 208 11 Water Quality Study to identify and implement the best management practices to con- trol soil erosion and sedimentation during the construction and operation of roads, pipelines and t'ailroad lines in Alaska. Project Manager, supervising preparation of a hydrology and dratnage study for the proposed capitai site near Willow. Project Manager, superv1smg a tidal scour analysis for a pipeline crossing Turnagain Arm. Civil Engineer, member of the Site Study Task Force, North Slope Haul Road Maintenance Camp Stl.Jdy for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Partici- pated in field reconnaissance of potential maintenance sites,. and development and review of the site selection criteria. Took part in final site evaluation and selection. Participated in meetings with numer;ous state and fede1Aal agencies, as well as Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, in order to obtain input from all affected parties. Alaska Department of Highways: Highway Engineer, organizing and developing the Departments 1 first Hydraulic Design Unit. HighVJay Engineer, compiling and editing the Hydraulics Manual for use by the· Department and other agencies throughout the State. Highway Engineer, responsible for a major hydrologic investi • gation on the Copper River near~ Cordova; work, included stream gaging, data reduction and analysis, flood wave time- of-travel studies, and final design recommendations for seven- teen major bridge sites. Project Engineer, in charge of a three-million dollar urban road construction project in Ketchikan, which inci uded two major bridge structures in addition to sewer, water, and electrical utilities. Project Engineer, in charge of an eight-mile paving and resur~ facing project near Ketchikan. John E. Swanson Page -3- California Department of Water Resources: Construction Inspector, supervising the installation of water pipe for the California Water Project, including laying of pipe, backfilling, and related operations. B.S., 1965, Civil Engineering, San Jose State College. M.S., !970 1 Engineering Management, University of Alaska. Postgraduate coursework in river mechanics. Postgraduate caursework in coastal engineering. Registrations/Certifications Professional Engineer, 1969, Alaska, land Surveyor, 1972 1 Alaska. Member 1 American Society of Civil Engineers. Member, ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division, Water Laws Committee Member, National Society of Professional Engineers Member 1 Alaska Water Management Association Member, Water Pollution Control Federation Publications Hartig, E.P., D. Nottingham, J.E. Swanson, B.C. Tisdale. 1978. 11 Reburial Considerations for an Exposed Pipeline. 11 Presented at the A.S.C.E. Pipeline Division Speciality Conference, New Orleans, January I 1979. Swanson, J. E. 1970. 11 Flood Control and Floodplain fvlanagement 1 A Review Of Some Recent Pt~oblems and Their Solutions 11 • Master·'s thesis, University of Alaska, Department of Engineering Nlanage- ment, Fairbanks. ---------...,.._' ed . 1971 . Department of Highways. Hvdraulics Manual. ---State of Alasl<.a, BRENT T. DRAGE, P.E. HYDROLOGIST/SENIOR ENG NEER Hydrologist, specializing in hydraulic design, river mechanics 1 ice engineering, sedimentology, riverine regime analysis, and northern hydrological evaluation and assessment. Senior Engineer responsible for project management on hydrauli'c and general civil engineering projects. Assianments R&M Consultants, Inc. Hydrologist, conducted an extensive hydrological study of the Kuparuk River and Coastal Plain watershed on the North Slope, for Atlantic Richfield Company. Utilized the Corps of Engineers• Floodplain Hydrology (H EC-1) and Floodplain Hydraulics ( H EC-2) computer programs for the analysis. Project Engineer, responsible for design of 2 miles of reconstruction for the Old Seward Highway in Anchorage. Carried the project through the preliminary design and location study, public hearings an~ imal design. Proje.ct Engineer 1 in charge of site selection, site engineering 1 soils inv~stigation, surveying and road design for· housing projects at five villages in the Aleutian l slanns. Hydrologist, reviewed the bank erosion problem at the village of Noatak and provided recommendations to the State of Alaska for locating future school facilities. Permit application specialist, have prepared several permit applications for bridges, waterway encroachments and marine facilities for cllentel to be presented to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Project Manager for conducting a feasibility study for crossing the Kuparuk River with a bridge capable of supporting 1200 ton building modules and resisting severe ice and flood forces while meeting present environmental and governmental concerns. Client was ARCo Oil and Gas Company. Project Engineer, responsible for route selection and perform- ing the preliminary design of a submarine pipeline across the Kuparuk River. Prepared permit for submission to U. 5. Army Corps of Engineers. Client was ARCO Oil and Gas Co. Brent T. Drage -2- Hydrologistf participated in a water availability study for a proposed fish hatchery at Upper Trail Lake on the Kenai Peninsula. Client was Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Hydraulics Engineer, designed the spillway geometries for· Saxman Dam to adequately convey the design flood flow. Cl lent was U.S. Pub He Health Service Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Senior River· Engineer, responsible for the design, maintenznce and monitoring of river and stream crossings for the Trans Alaska Pipeiine System preceeding 1 during and following the operational start-up. Hydraulic design and site selection for several permanent access bridges. Woodward -Clyde Consultants Project Engineer, developed and implemented a hydrology program for a multi-disciplinary project to determine guidelines for mining gravel from rivers and floodplains in Alaska, for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Prepared a hydrological assessment of the National Petroleum Reserve .. Alaska for an environmental impact statement on the explor·atory drilling program. Provided hydrologi::al input on the Oil Spill Contingency Plan for the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. Consultant, for the development of a winter water supply project for oil drilling rigs on the North Slope for BP Alaska, Inc. Schlumberge1~ Offshore Services Field Engineer 1 in charge of performing oil well logging in the Prudhoe Bay and Cook Inlet oil fields. I nterpr·etation of the logs to determine geological formations, location of oi I and gas reserves, and the quantity of fossil fuels contained within the reserves. Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska Research Assistant involved in hydrologic research projects. A major project investigated the current methods of peak flood determination in northern sparse data regions. Completed thesis research on the hydraulic characteristics of northern braided rivers. Brent T. Page -3- ____ Task Assignments Northwest ~:ydraulics Consultants 1 Ltd. Education Conducted an extensive river ice research program on the Mackenzie River to determine the effects of spring break-up on proposed wharf structures and pipeline crossings. Hydraulic Engineer, participated in the river engineering data collection and design for the p1~oposed Arctic Gas Pipeline. Consultant, participated in a multi-discipline task force assigned to select the route and prepare preliminary testimony for the proposed Beaufort-Delta oil pipeline from the Mackenzie Delta to Edmonton 1 Alberta. Hydraulic Engineer for the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, conducted river surveys, collected hydraulic data and pre~ pared field data reports for the major and minor river eros· sings along the pipeline route. Participated in the hydraulic design of major river crossings. Computed 1 Standard Project Flood' water levels, flood limits, velocities and scour depths. Hydraulic Engineer, design of hydraulic structures and river training works 1 river surveys 1 bathymetric surveys, and preparation of proprietary reports for projects in western Canada. 8. 5. 1 1969, Civil Engineering 1 Utah State University M.S., 1977, Civil Engineering, University of Alaska Rea i stration s/Certification s Professional Engineer ( Civi I), Alaska, 1975 Professional Engineer (Civil), Alberta, Canada, 1974 Publicatibns Drage, B. T., and Carlson I R. F. 1 11 Hydraulic Geometry Relation- ships for Northern Bt"'aided Rivers. 11 Third Canadian Hydl'Otech- nical Conference, Laval University 1 Quebec, May 1 1977. Drage, 8. T., "Hydraulic Engineering Investigation into the Braided Rivers of the Eastern Brooks Range, Alaska." Masters Thesis submitted to the College of Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1976. Drage, B.T., and Nuttall, J.1 "Mackenzie River Ice Break·Up.11 Presented at ASCE Hydraulics Division, 23rd Annual Specialty Conference, Seattle, Washington, 1975.