HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3517I J,. I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT1101[5 (II I'f.EtlllGS lilT".'PA,tQUIIlIA.IWIYI..AllO AUG<JST 3RD PRD'AllATIOll OF FEllt lICENSE UHllnS AUGUST 6.1982 --- L::;;=:1-ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY==~ (p.2, • ,,SUSITKA K1DROEL£CTRIC PROJECTIlDTtSDIlIE£TINGS WITH ,lJIA,COU,ItlIA,MARYLAND AUGUST 30"~1'M IlNtlngs were ull~d at the ~uut 0'The Power Authority to ~vlft'kresworkpllns'or preplratlon of F£RC license doc~nts for Susltnl.Atten~swereIS'01 lows:Al'A:R.!lohnD.WoznllkAcres:J.LlwrenceP.HooverJ.Hlyden 1k.Yo ....g I Absent 'or ln1t1l1 dhcusstonsM.GrubbO.WlllettlItem1:Proposed Work PlansTheIttaChedworkpllns'~r E~hlblts A th~gh G Ind Issocllted Schedules weretabledfordls~usslon.Specl'lc ~uestlons rllsed by APA were IS follows:I}lind Qu~stlonsThe'ower Authority tlIbl~d the attlch~d Iht of 10 ouestlons ""'cll1Itn!discussed Ind generllly resoonded to IS ~ut~d on t~e Ittlchment.No wrltt~n resPOOse is requlred. II)\/Iur R19~U Th.submlsslon as pre~red by Acres Is problbly over-conservatlve In terws 0'project boundary detlnltlons.Acres did not tikI'the lead tn Identifying blseline lind ~e condltlons 'or the ~ruject boundary Ind s~of this work will r~uire tlghtentno up for the Ilcens~ex- Mblt.It Is IlIllOrtint to d~tlne IS soon IS possible the lind reo Clut_U and boundlrles 'or accen,trlnsmlsslon ud recrntlon, III of whtch Ire the subject of contlnulno work.Th~ZOO ft.boundlry is g~nerilly I 1III~1.u.Ind should not be e~ceeded without clelr dacu- IIIIntlltlon of vllid rei sons for 6o1ng so.A~res oroposal to emoloy lind Field Services to prePlre uhiblt G W<l$~enerll1y aopruved by The Power Authority.Koweyer a draft of the prooosed subcontract defining scope and budget must receiYe APA IPoroYl1 prtor to slgnlture. It WIS noted that the IIItiYe corporations '-ad e~orened In Interest in conHruetlng recreltlon flcl1itles Ind Iccess roads thereto for subsequent Inse blck to APA. cl SIlppl_nury Reoorts A nUlber of supplteenury reports will be requtred In Iddltlon to the license IIIPl1utlon.It wn Igreed that three COllies of 111 referlftced documents should be forwarded to FEAt wtth the license IPOllcltton. In seeeial cases such as the supplementlry design reoort,6 copies lit"l"eCluired.A nUllber of these reference reports had Ilreldy been printed and iUlIed to APA In Iccordance ..lth the stated l"eCluirements. Acres should prelNlre IS soon IS oonlble an Inventory of IVI11ahle stocks of these reoorts so that Iny Iddltlonal printing rlQul~nts cln be Identified. ---------,,....,, - h)bJllblt E A ute of A"'Vlt 19th wes uubltslltd for tilt llIat "-r ......t!'lority ,...,Iew of Acres prog,,"s on ExhIbit E.It wes ProPOlt'd by n.e "-r .....t!'lority tlMt II"paratlOll of clllPters 1,.,S.10 ,lid POulbly 5 should be Inltllttd l.-edllttly III ordtr to IOrt'~the wort over I longer oertod of clee.APA expressed concern thlc SClelstrl -no tl shown responslble for chlpters 7,8 Ind ,(recreatton,lesthetlcs, Ind lind use)Bly be overlolded Ind even not Q\l.llfted to undertlte .-~--_.-f)Illtl9&tlon P1,"sMaspecificschedule ~s currently lndlelttd for s.'lllon of .ltlgl-cion pl,ns to ',enclt.for ~nt.It ••,alntrilly 19~td thltdriftsofthe~levlnt documentltlo~Must be IVII1,ble to the 1genctesby.t6-Kovl!IIIbtr It tlle lItest.It is clearly I_runt tlllt consu1u-tlon wltll the 'lencles should be on I contInuing blsls slnce by .Id-/Ilov...o.r It wll not be POsslbll to Incorporatl III tNt ~sults of0ft901"9 field studlts partlcullrly for fts'·rles.Ac~should Issuelitterstothe19lflCiuISs_IS POsslble ,eftrrlf19 to doc~tsIlrudylssllldllIducthlly~it IgIfIC)'c_t ""Iell could tht<IbeflctoredIlItotiltdrl'U to be tnlJld .ld-lIo'fl!lllblr.TIlt I>rollOsed Oecl!lllbtr workshops should be nUbllshed IS I>&rt 0'U.e 1H1901119 ~I"O­ CISlO'obtllnlllg 1gency Input to the fl1111 Eahlblt E whlch ls to be filed tld-Februlry. ,I Project Operltton It Is clllrly essentl11 tlMt I dl<;tslOll be Mde 011 the II;lde of ooera- tlon of tilt project for lncllJSton III tilt llCtftU loollutlOll by 1,U AutlJSt.,,"tt"9s III Ancllon9t lIur tllis _th should be stnoctured to pro,lde tilt IIKtsliry IlIfo...tlOll 111 u,.,of _"0'llId ...,1I"0Il- _til trtdl-offs tlMt l110w this decision to be Mde Jotlltly by Ac~ Ind The Power AlltIlorltJ'.The Power Authortty requ'~S Acrts to oro· vlde IS soon u JMlsslble I detll1K plln for Mtln9 thh clechlOll.It illS Igreed that new 10ld forecuts would b~t~lttd ln tne IppltCltl0~ Issenttilly IS lnother senlltt,lty run r~thtr thin e ~bile cise. ell !ill!.!.Fl~l 'llletlon of the ICCISi rQutl IS •orertqulsltl to flAllttltlonoftr."~lll'on ,nd rec..,tlon pl.ns.(S ..l~r.te ..ettnq nates).)Tr."~1Is1OftAcreslW'09OSU tNt lGl./Tetrltech will P~"t.....Wible [*,-"ufortl1lnSllhllOll.It should be lOOt"tlw.t Lind r,.IC:S....lcu tw.••'nucclltf\t llIU bue for geottehnlt.l .n.d usthe~lc lnfonllU10f1 for ttMl,,,tertii.Buff.lo OffiCI will lmdlrut,!.lie trlnntnlon 11M deSignISsoonI'the .celss nouu Is Sll'ct.d.this should be done In •""rIlIr t~tlbl.with chit doni for the Inurtlu by ClIIlIIlOnwl/.Hh.One.((lIIlllttt<l the rout.s/lollld be flown Ind flnll11 (hed for thelicenseIndthe,",gIlt-of-...,boundariu dtflr'1td.l"IW "-r AutllorltyreQulrtstNltAcr'l!s orflll'"end..ut-it IS soon as possible.wort pll..for trlll58hsIOll.11,,1 •1,I,I1 ~__'-=c.•••__.11 ttl....lt.'i.IUlDVlI,k f"99"tfd COI\$ldtrltlon of Sull1ull to _"I.e~of tllh "'I'OfI.lblllty.Fl.l,og of APA 1$to tnte,..,l~Stieht"Inc!IIIh 1"K_d&tlonl.AEIDC f·~llylng ItI contrlbvtlon on 'Isheries:AlA will .~lJ IPPro·prllt.p"nll",1M try to QVlrc_thh proll''',Altllouqh strictlynotlle'(uury the I'Kntltfllll plln In tIM!Exhibit E 'o...t should befo....1'dtd til tIM!IgltllClli tilT ~t wilen &Yln'bll.Till!cNotlr 10on.Itfrnativis ..st t~luOt I Otscrlotlon of ICell1 .nd trllls.flSlon.1teTftltl".,(OMldtr"td 1M dttolh of tIM!IlIbsttntlll -..It of19M(1 CClIIlultotlon ..lch hi,uken olici ,tid Iny .,t1gHtOf'plul_'ell II..........,o»td.T!lII!'-r Auttlortt)'.~O"ISe<l COllC .....thIt IIloulto11 of lICe wl'Io Is Ute...thelr of Plrts of dIIotlr 1 lIal .110 bHn _fMted fer In Inlgn.RIll for the Itltt which R.110""IIId l"Ketltly bHn In\'Olvtd III.John Hlyden .,,111 clleck IHO this.In Qt"lr.l,The Power Authority I.oressld concern chit John H.ydennotbeovsrlo.61d ",Ittl IOttnlstrltlvl ~rt which .tqht conflict withllrffl&rltlon of E~h1blt E.I)rvtC RtvltolP.Hoover h to be ntlblhMd II till $lftqle ootnt of COlltiet for _s-tl_IIfIldI nhlblt o~.."..y ..h~to rllU!..lUI FERe.At tile _tlll9 Au,lISt lUI ..lUI 'luI e....Mlr It ...1 OroCOOled thlt fEllC be 1,",1114 of ThI "-r Authorlty'l llItelltllllls to fO ....nl drifts for ~t glwtft III llldlGltlllll of tile .tMdule for the .uD-1SI10ll. JoIlrl llWT"l'll<:l _ld be llIeItlr1 II.Cono Illfomllly AlI9ust 9th alld _Id ~st "-fER<:>lGuld o~"r to hilldli till IlIfo....1 colllulu.- tlOll Oroc~1 betweln exhlblt OreDI~r$Ind fERC It.ff. ~.Hoover h to III flllilly ~SPOlIllbll for revll!W Of III exhibits for g_ral CllIIlhtlllCy III styli alld tOl'\lllt. The r-r Allthorlty ,,"\III tid thlt ........lIt ,.lnc:llldl tor hlndlnq-OVlr by Acrel to I _1ll91_r 111 tile I~t Ulh necISSI,.,..For u_ll;..os. ohot09r1p11S.dul,"Gl1e\llltllllll Illd rel allt corre~\lOIIdItICI tllll should be ldlntiflld 1$,I_ts to be twlldld-oYIr by .ld-to-IIU lIoy_r so thet they _14 be ..llIlbll to til".....engineer iI:Dec .....r or ~nlllry. Ae .......Ill to,...nl to APA I coOy of tl'll tu",""t ftll Indl.c!llcked off ..Ith thoSI '1111 which Acrll belllYI Ihould be trllllfirred for 'POrovll by The"-I'Authority beto....II\)'Ictlon Is tlkln.Rlflren'l shoulll be Mde to origillil COrTIIPO""lncl from The POIOIr AuU,orHy ~1r<ll"9 other study prll_ duets :ohlc/l APA rtllulrl$. The .-ndlent Illould lllCllIde fo...1 llnqUigl ....htl"9 to the trllllhtioll period wiUl tile .....II\9I_r 11>1I COYlr SUCh ItellS IS;brll'lnq ....tinqs. COfltrlct closl"'Jo.(lI;t.ft,..l lN~ts.billings.ludlts It...the ~t eve 72~...n '.'..•-_.~-_..--,,,,.01 ,1 should cOYlr .n approprl.te period ~st J.n~ry 1st and ,1so quote unltratelforslrvlcesofPlrson~l .s end when nttdtd In the futur ••kru ....rw reqlHlsted to nplo...thtI jKlutbl1ity of oro¥lcllnq fl1,end de-119"u.lculltlon In'o....tlon on .tcroflc.he or .1uofll••2 to 3 tOIll.s bel"9rwqul~.In teneT.1 however cOIOutir printout should r~t be mlcroftchedbutorlgll1&h of .ppltuble shHU should be hended over.A slgllCld end executed dac.-nt for Aiaenwnt ,.Is required by Septeaber lOth. •I SUSITKA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTACCESSROADDECISIONPROCESSThe...ttng 'n Col~f.August lrd .1so de.lt Nfth t~PMtparltlon of •"decision paper"to be fl1\l11hed by August 16tt1 IS I buh for the APA&o.1'll decision on ICCesS.Tht $uppl_IlUry lectIn r'(lId re\lOrt lIOu1dfollllWoneMbashofttltsde<:hlllll paper.It II f.,er.ttve that •tr..of peopl.Isse.blt in Anchor.g.the ~k ofAu!lust 9U1 to 13th to prepare chis ~POrt.The tUIi wfl1 t""'Prhe the(01100111\9:J.llaydtnJ.Pl.-rR.C"-beTIt'nM.6n1bbCO,R.neol"9~(enrtng to The Powtr Authority report Out11nl,nrsponslbllities Ir.ISfollows:Chlpe.r lind 2.John Hayden to write.APA review.Chtpter 1.Mike Grubb/LGl to write.R.Flea'n,to review.AcressllouldCOIIsult~"fl.ld to o!lta'n /Its relctlon to tht poulbt11tyof•Genll!route.Dlye Wozniak w111 contact 8LH for the'r Input. R.Fl ...I"l will dell with AOFlG Input.Acres will cont.ct Or.Leopo d IS ntunary. Chapter'Ind 5.The Power Authority wl11 obtlln 1geRCv Input which wl11 be s_rlted by John HlydHl. Chlpter 6.JI.Pl~r .sslsted by ChI~cllln Ind RIM will dill with ccsts. CII.~ter 7.JI.PlllMlr will dtal wltll ~chtd\lle/rlu!.Tilt Powtc Aut/loclty concems 1IlI~upresse<!rl<j.rdlnq tile rat11"01d ootl0n$. Stlted hlzlrds for till c.l1rold options Ilso IPply to Mllds.It Is ,sstntll1 ~t t.ch be fully ev.luated .nd co-ptned In tile stlldy to pMlperly UUblhh tile .dv.nuqe of 1"OId .ccus.'n.de- quate .ttentlon hid been plld to tile cuc~nt c.11 ~strlctlons .nd duty cYCle cequlc_nu frw lItllttier to Clntllllli w"'elI ....be· lleved to be qulte restrlcttd.The cIIIMl.d st.ff ln Anthoc.ge .ust be contacted to obt.ln hlstorlcil dltl ~Ich should be pre- SHIti'd In tile rellOct. Challter 8.£nvlM1lW1tntil Aspects ••nd L.nd Use lhould be prepared by".Srubb Ind LGL Ind reviewed by R.Fleeing.Tile ",tlnusk.- Susltn1 8urMlugh pl.ns lUst be f.ctored ln together wltll tile ONR L.nd Use pllns.(A C.cson) .__..... »t WUT 5iI'l "VENUE·AMCHOIUoG£,.ALASKA tll501I.0..Ind penstockWSIT .....lJ./lO OUEST!QNSFORF.LR.C.b.InpounODtnc Ire.plvs VP to leO '~t surrounding thl '~nc­_lit .re •.May project 'lcl1Ie1'1 of t~f type lIsted below be pltCed on IIIS~lind?C.Yll11ge ,lt,t,constructIon c,apS,.1~'t~lps ~nd 'trYltrlrel1.ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY~~(~l.\oj,#p."\,0.Uu.'#..-l..-.'~~...G.l"9"."'-.........1>- '.1_e...........;,.-(.<'\_ Nt ~':~-t4",rr-"c... Would Iccess to oroject (Ieilities cotlln,eI by l~tSI"9 I prly,(e ~d be ,ceeotabla. ""It Is th~Mldth o((I.e trlnSlllsslon 11M!Rlght-M-Ii,y Mhlen ...st be Identllll'Clllfl(l.,su~lsslon o(He r£1lC license AIIPllut10n' "'J (be Power ~thorltJ 'M'rd centrol of ,nJ or ,II recre'tfon,l deyelo~ftt within the oroJect boundtrles to ,orly'te ccrpor'tl~, ."d 11 so,Mith ......t restrictions? .£Rt re9~lttlonl ntq~lre th't lind ownership ,nd orooos~d ~ses be ldefltlfletl "Mlthin ,lid 'butting t!le oroJ«t IlOIlr4ry".W"'t sla ,ret Is -e'nt to ~InclVded oy this cl,~se1 Mow ,,~r,l a st'tement of (vture antlclpatae lind uses Mill r;oc ac~ep:(~prly,te owners fl.e.,n'tly~cot?Qr'tlonsl o(ltlldS In ,lid abutting the proJ«t lret! l.l'IUC~tlcilltl,s cannot ~pllclO on 1••s,O lind.tin tney blcon~.yecl to th,Power Authority tubJI,t to I revI.,IOflU')'ChUII totit,.fft<c It such tl.IS tile lrel II no l~r used for oewtrprojt<t lMIl1IO$H.3.The Power AutharHy h ~t"d by FERe to (entrul I ....1_IrUofuotolOOtHtlurl"llUl\dln9 tbe l_...-ent .....lIhit Is the .1"1_n~r of tHe ItlIUlICl tile l __t .re.tlult t~.Power Authorlty nlst control? I.lUll tile .H_t PUll ..thCl<l of l,nd ~scrlotton 11 tllrn~dy 1le1119 111ft!by u-.Powoer Aolthorlty to dtsuille tt>e ZOO foot surroundtll9 ~t_n~t .nr.be Icc~Pt'ble! ,.. 7."" ••SUbJect:Preperttlon of FERC lIeeM.•A/lIlIIC.tlonl~1 SChtdult ~ry Tec~./Env.I~2 Rlvl~EJnlbtt Schedull'ResponsibilitiesIt_3 bhlblt E A9l!fIQ'Rnlsed sc.hedule ~---_.-,.~~=:_.--,,SlPPUHEmAL IlfPOllTS •Prf..lU!.t Schfllul,lleWonslbfllb,Lind StitIIs (l,IM)Aug.I ~"."lind Acqulslt10n Anllysls (Z.Os)~Pt.1 ~Ydtft/SubtontrlttorSuPP1_nt...y F...slbfllty Ileport lIec.,l •...,...,,,1982 Gtot«hnlcil Report OK-,T_son1I,ltlr Quellt,y IIRPort "'..,...Ground liner I!ynufcs IlfllOl't "',-,...Slldf_tltlon Stu~lI,port Oct.1 ...lIf1dlff.Qu ...terly 1l.I)OI'1.S July JOlOct.J<l "."Oil til RePOrt,Oct.25 U of AAq~tfc S)'S~Nov.15 ...II esll"\'O f r Mode 11 ng Nov.15 "'.Dollnstrel.Modeling Nov.15 "'. "I'Iot cOIIplttt<! .._. • Tt.........._--_...-<"-IJJJ--1-1 •i-d·_·.-ttib -- .............~...._...•sJe:.I."i!"Pw_--- ....-....,.,........------- ----- -- - - ---------...-.-.I--,-•--.-",-···.·-·-······· ·•'wOU(II""O"~-...rcT__J._....>mI.~_-.!'l'"•..",1~...H"'''1....~I!W'-"UriDi'".~...r--'ICI'UlU.(SHt[TJII.,.......,.•.'0<'•••"""-",~!(ypitml_y;~"':iiiL--'" -I'.,••.........._-_...-..0"-~~....---=MoM'.DU'!t-,-,-r='.,.1lI..U _U._~...40'AI.,.ICA PC!'HI:~"'UTl.lO:!Y:T:L--..<'~lIlt~..•""'R'r,---_.-•f l I.:I"-----:I ~In'_._--f I I !I-._-H ,,".--------'T'-1 !!:I •...I~;ri :-i i ~!:I'', I----.,..111 11 '1'I I l'd 'LI tI t II 'li_l..• ----~-~-• -0'/.,,VI'I....r h"''''"""A-......EXlllBtl £SUMMARy OF RESPONSIBILITYC/Wpt.r ill.!.!.~Review'Scnlor R.....t_rOelcrtptlonIt.Grubb ,.l ...r~ce C.!le'bell~52lI.ter Qu.llly ,."..W.r .,J./,A 7 ••Con19110 ,.IlloydenIJFlsh,Wildlife.SOunin!,.seller€".Moultc!0 ,.Grubb/K.Young ,.H.yden•Historic .1Id A~hleol09tC.l ,.DboR ••YouR')/O.F(lllows ,.IIlydenSSoclOK01lCJIlcsP.Rogers ,.Grubb ,.H.lyden•Geology.1Id 50115 L.Dunl'"""''''''''"....t}.,(~'o.II.lim s.T'-05011,R«"'llon s.Stlelstrl ••Ywng ,.H.yden•~thettcs s.Stlelstn ••,~.,.Hl}'dtn•lind use \so Stlehlr ~J.Sullivan ,.Glll/t.DebellU5 ,.lI.yden10Altem.llves t.Debellus/P.!loOYeT J.l.~nce G.lI.lrnock .., Sept 10SeptISSept20Sept2i SPIlt 29 "''' Oct 19 ~~'1~8 Fib 9 Feb 15 Durltlon1Wit2d,ysJdays 3 dlYs 2 dlYs 1 -..elk 1 week Jan 20 Sept 16Sl!1lt 13~Seot 6Sept21 Sept 27 "'''Octll Oct.21 Jan 10 AethltyInltl.1 llo'iftProductionIntemllRe-.leoRI~tsld Drift ProdIctlon EXHIBIT ECHAPTER1GENERALDESCRIPTION APA Review Fln,i Drift 0,..1 Review Fin,l Production Printing Subllit M.Gntbt> Clel"lcal St,fr M.G""bb C.Debellus Clerical SUff C11~1c.l Steff Contractor •R"pO!!ll bl1 ItyM.GntbtlJ.Llwrence• ~OHIBIT [OW'TER 2 WATER OOA!.ITYResponsibilityActivity!!!l.!.!l Q,,~Ulon ""II.ll)'ok Inltl.l Durt ""J weeks Oct 22Cle~lc.l St.tf Production Oct 25 J _.,~JA.Conl9lio RevIew ,~2 I week .~,II.llyok Re'llst<l D~.rt ".10 2 weeks Nov 2_Cle~lc.l St.ff Production Nov 29 I week "",J.~}'den Review "",J d.yS Dec 10APARevlN"""I week """1/.ll)'ok Fln.1 D~lft """I week """J.~tn Flnll ReviN J ..I week Jin IICle~ICll Stlft Flnll P~oductlOft J.n 12 J dlys J.n 15Cont~.ctor P~lntl"9 J,n 20 J ..eeks ,..,Su'-ft Feb 10 I ..eek Feb Is Ilesponslbllfty '''DC St.ff St."......... II.Dyok 'PA II.llyok KEY INPUTS REQUIRED/HllESTONES ~ Aqu.tlc Systa=s Hodel Rese""ol~Hodellng Results ~st~e..HOdellng Results W.te~Qu.llty Repo~t Groonch'Uer llyn_Its Repo~t St<ll_entnlon Study Repo~t Inltl.l cr.ft RevlN Fln'l D~.ft DIU l!!'QUf~ed ""Oct lINov 15 Oct I//Iov 15 ""Oct l//Iov 15 ",I Oct 22 """""" ____·_'__m~~.__,__--=-- ..,..........-..".-....._...;~~~...uun •~l:IJ:li I '~;',....•._....------•IHf ,,-------Ml-,--E,•~;I ~Il 'ri~~~I ~i-l-••,~li-,I·I .'I'tl·,.I ItfF'".-.....1_',.'~-Il !'1,0-'·I.II...I I,j··., :',II ."", , ,"h'"",". "OKIBIT [OW'lER 3 fiSH.WILDlIFE.AND BOTANICALF1SIlERIES~LYResponslbll1qActivltl'"~D.lratlon '"L.IblltOll (1ICt)lnlt1l1 [)raft ",1 8 "ee~s Sept 24tlel'"lcel suff ProductlOl'l Sept 21 2:wuu O<:t 11k.VOI,IlIg Review lkt 13 1 _."''''L.I\OUlton R!'Wised Dr.ft Get 2S 2:weeks Kov 8 ,Clerical Stiff Production "~,I week "<11 16 t.Young Rt'llew "~22 \week "0'1 29 1/000KSIItW L.Moulton Final Draft Do<,1 ..~k ",,, Chrlul Stiff ProdUction ",,,1 _.",,, k.YOIJTI9/Final Revle>!D~20 2:weeks Jln 4 J.Hayden n'A Review Dee 20 2:wets Jail 4 L.MoultOfl flna'Draft Jan 5 I wuk Jln 12 J.lII.yden Senior Review Jan 12 2:da)"s Jln ,. tlerlcl'Stiff final production Jln 11 4 dlYs Jln 2\ tontflct Printing Jan 22 3 weeh Fob , Sut.lt feb 10 \..uk feb 15 ._"",1 Il4 U Re<IU t red OCt 11 OCt 13 OCt 1/IlO'l lS OCt l/Hov 15 "'''OCt \lNov \5 "'''OCt ZZ Jin 4 Jin 1Z Ii'".\"("c~ - -----~-_..- Ac.tlOll \nltlil Drift ,I,q\lltlc SystSll$Hodel Resllrvolr lIodel1l1g ResullS Cownsere ..Modeling Results IItler Qualley Report Gt"OIl"""'aur IlVnaJOlc1 Report Std\.en~t\on Study Report Olipur Z llrift j\t"l'l~ FlM1 Orift K£'lKPUT5 REOUIRED/MILESTONES Responsible L.IbIlton AEiDC Acres Acres,,,.,,,..... II.Oyok '"L.HQUlton r-........,._--_•..--".- -.. j L• ••"I:nTi1 IfIi.,I.J t I J I I L',L ,_1 Lci..LUULLd-r'I.',I-f-,I.,n.•-••••••....~----r-::>SOOltu.[.....U...c.......'5700.<iQ...~.,..~"su "lbWCE...1I!./.lOilt'T......__-.o<'Sl.!$;IT""",,,'Pi""/T'.'_R"'t"~4L 1tI01"t;laT_._....- •...........,--_•.........-c .•..'._.Nt....---.-,1 ~- ,-,I I •...,.,,--.1:1j ::-I:II!;!:;,JI 1 .In.I'l"L,I.ll JIJL't.l'-'-'w..W - .. oan Re<lI!tr!'d Jill)'30 0"8 OCt 25 OCt 30 '", "'''Jan 4 "'".1"I ("od>..-, - Action Quarterly Reports lnltl,l Report oau.Rt'Porn l)II.rterly Reports Carmenu Frc-\/orksholl Final Draft Revlftl~~~..1"--lN"t.......r KEY IIiMS REQUIRED/llllESTOI.ES Rlr$pons 1 bill t1 "''''R.Sener U of II. .Ofl' Agencies R.Sent .. ." ,,[l1l11l1T ECHAPTERJFISK,WILDliFE.AND BOTAHICAl•~tIllfE ANO BOlA/HeAl SECTIOMSRnpon51bllttxAethltln!~D.lr,tlon E'dR.Sen ...(L&t)Inlti.1 Draft Sept 1]C weeks 0"8tilde.'Staff ProcIUetlon Oct 1\I week OCt 15M.Gl'\lbb Rit'liew Oct \8 1 ~'"Oct 22 R.SeMr Re¥hed th",ft Oct 25 2 wnh ",.8 th.-lul Staff prodl!ctlOfl "'.,J days lIov II t.Young Rnleoo Nov 15 1 week Nov 19 \IORKSII)P R.sener TMn:I Draft 0",1 week "''' Clideal sutf PMldUttlon "'''1 Wl!ek "''' N.Grobb TMrd Rflvtew ",,,2weeh Jan 4 MA Review "'''2 weeks Jan 4 ,.Sener Fln.l Draft Jan 5 1 week Jan 12 J.lIIyd"n senlnr lleYlew Jan 12 2 days Jan \( Clerical Staff Fln.1 Production Jan 17 •days Jan 21 COntract Printer Jan 22 3 Wl!eh ".. Sutlllit feb 10 I week Feb 15 • ~-r.;;;'K><lO\A.('HUT_<0 __.~U......~-...PpWW5.-";......1ola..,_c."""'!'!"+'.~"'.'T •.fHIo1~1O.__tT•-.........""••_.-----~>~""~.-..........."''''-.',....4f •..--_L .....~~fl.~.....I E:-I-.•".....~.t:!;-,..q I ,t i---•If ",....C.I I:I i .,.••I ·Iit_•.•.•.• . I ..1.:11 '-;;':11 1I 1 JLl 1Ltl.I ~d ,--..---~.,lW.l'l ....~.~~...........'---_•........-Jr ,,-~'-1·/l:"I·I!I.-I ./...Ll I.l J I I l 't '_.i u..LLll.lJ.J.jWt[:LItId,.,..,.•'0._-~"'"~.....Ot.o.[IHI:lT...........,'!pO.........~'!CA""'"""",.l/TMCII.!T"f_,..........1IH,..,.·..·'''''rn ......OU It.~ EXIt/lIT ECHAPTERICULTURALRESOURCESRuponslbilltyJ.nhon (UofAlK.Young/D.FollowsJ.nhonl.YOUI\9/D.FollovsCled"1 Stlft l.Young/ D.Follovs J.llIyden Clerlell Stlft ContrlCtor ActIvIty !!9..!!Inltlll Drift net 4lIeylew.~2RtvlsedDrift,~8IItvltll'OK IProductionOK" IoPA IItvl ...Dec 10 Flnll Drift Jan J Senior Reyl ...J,""Flnll ProductIon J .."Printing J ..20 Sut.1t ,.." K£V INPUTS IIEquIIlEO/MILESTONES [kjritlon 1M4weeks.~,days ,~,,~...Hov 29~..OK 8I__ OK 11 2 ~eks Jan 2 1 ~ek J .." 2 dlYS J .."J dlyS Jln 14 J ~eks F.b 9 1 ~.k Fet!15 HOTE,AsslaIeS uMblt E ,,111 be bned on field studlu t~roug~1981 only. lIesults of 1982 field seno",,111 be ready DK ....ber 22 ,nd isSUed IS ,n IPP.ndh.Tills wtll p....1t coneentr'tfon on culturll r.sourus .ltl9ltlon pl,n in lieens.Ippl1cltlon. I~L o.te lIequired .~I Jan 2 Jln 10 ~ !nltlll Draft A/'A lIeylN Flnll Draft ResponSibility J.nixon '"l.Young/ n.Follovs ._-...1 •,t-,-1~II~"J I .':hl-t+lHi.tlI':I!I :i:'I:'I UI~~11'1.,(11 ..•"-,l.I !,1 t..'l '_~~ti· ......oc;,..v M,"~-,,~:,CI_-II till'l:;::;,~-:;j .!I.j~.Ill"".,,,~,ttl"" •v ....w......:o.u-;;y-----..'.....,. .- Due Re<!ulre<l ,~1 ,,,6 """ Aetl ..n Inlthl O..ft APA Review FInal Draft lEY INPUTS REQUIREOllllLESTllIIES • Rupo!!slbtlltX P.R04len '"P.Rogers ElHI8lT ECHAPTER5SOCIOE~ICSResp9flslblllt]Aethltx ~QuntlOfl Eo<P.~ers (fOAl Inlthl Draft "'''4 weeks "'"1••'N"Review ,~J 1 week N(I¥10P.Rogers Revised Draft NO'I 11 1 week NO'I 18••Gnlbb R"lew NO'I 22 I week "0'1 26/JJ'A Review "~"1 week "".P.Rogers final Draft "",2 weeks Dec 22 J.lIIyden Senl ..r ~Iew Dec 27 1 w""Jan S P.Rogers camera Reidy Copy Jln 10 I week Jln 17 tontra<;t..r Prlntl~Jan ro 3 weeks feb 9 Sut.tt feb 10 1 week feb 13 I _ ~1i I!1 I '_1 .'"~·~~.u •""'_0'_.......0.'".·,-m-, I-.r II;~!.11:p i I,1~~I.lll;:iL_l ~~---=--'--6.\.0 PT..\..,.,.y;'"\O(SC'"~TIO"r=:'l KOCou.(S'OUT.RL ,....,.".~<L~~'AL"'SICA _~........1l0!l:.T:£-.-MU,.2l6:,T..,A U"I"!l·I!·.~~-.e"?"O'ltT.•........ EXlltalT Eow>lEll.(;GEOLOGY AND SOILSRl!s!!O"sibi 1 itt.,t,ct1vl!1.~[lIntlS!!!.~ L.DuflCIllI InUltl Orin (Xt 15 3 >leekS ..", Clerleal SUff pl"Odyctlo n '"•1 week '"" O.w.lut'Il.e'll~"0'1 15 1 week ."" L.Dunnn !le'Ilsed Drift Ilov 22 2 wee'u De:(; Clerlnl SUff pro4!ctlon 0.<8 1 weel:""" ~A Ilevlel ",,17 2 wee'n ""3 L [).Incan final Draft ".,1 week """ S.ThoJpsOl'l flu\Review J,"13 >d.,J,"" (lerlUl suff final ProdUction J,"".""Jan 19 Contractor Prlntl~"""3_"feb!! Subtolt "."\week F~IS ".~-- Re~POllslbtl1~ L.OIne.n Staff."L.D.lnun KEY INPUTS REquIRED/MilESTONES t\O(.UlIleflt lnlthl Ilraft 1982 Field Season Results p,iA RevIew Final craft - !)ate lIe3ulred.",,\s :,vallable Jan 3 Jan 12 -._...:.Llt ._....t.:,;,I •.I.......1J......~~.._--_•..--....-.............co~--"""'''-'''~-.-.....,_....,,.•y,' L,.11 !t.:~ffl iI-I·~::·.:::II,Ii il'I~1 ::1'11."11 I,l.I -I r:;i'I;;t:11Id;.;;,;:,,:d;;j~'l:.;~ ~V _ •••----,..,....r=~-:-:-::::----------------,------='JIlIC ....lIU.l so.llf ""'_0'_._..~••f"'·,c;.o......ou."-J'PNC!<-".rtJ:Io!!!;lT_et~."'!..n·.·.~...~ ~-""""=."'--- c<C;t.k C'<ff""d C,-,.,.~..Jr ~ .:\...~.l(t'L r-~t V CI..J C~=--,~..., k,'hLc.,,- Dilte R~lr~ "'"Dec 6 "'" ~tlO" fnltl.]Drift ~A Rnjew Fln,t Drift !{r INPUTS I!CQUIREO/HllESTCNES Rnpo!!Sfbllfty 5.·list... '"s..lst,..f'W'l/.% 01l181T [QW>TCII ]R[CJI fATIOfl!~ponSfbllft.l ~th<j.!l ~~"Hf!!!.<>t ?~htl"l l!!b (11ft/,I Drift Sept 6 4 Weh lk" C"NtI St.ff PI'OdUttlon lk"I 1fI!.~Oct 12 k.YOUng Rr.rf~ Oct 15 I 1oII!et Oct 22 ?<.t:::Stf§bo 1I,vlSe4 Drift Oct 25 Z welks Hov 8 CI.MCI!St"f Pr-odu etIon ,~, J days No ...12 t.YOlIIlg lleYfew NCI\I IS '....Hoy 19APARnfew /lev 22 1 weeks 'K' ?Q6ir'fSU")I'ln.l Drift '",1 week "'" J.lY.Yden Senior 1l....11rW "'''I Wit "'" Clt"lul S~" F'ln.]Pr'Dduetlon Jan J I Wletk J,n 10 Contr'tt Pr1ntfflg JanZO J >felts fob ,$ul:llft Feb 10 I weet Fril 15 .l:f...~......"".'.........,...........,.._-J ... .... ......~.....""T,~'..,...~---------~-,-_......[f'·l~·!tl~-->1 ....',..1'1 !,l :t !;I ::r II••1 •••••_,.I'...I "1 ......I'I' 1I -ro·······i I .••.•11'.'11""r ·"·····I j .•••I"'J ....",'0'tl l 1·1,'1'1"11.ll JIll I'_'c'·'· ---------_.~..~--r!'i.....!!ii!1t.!!....--.~-- 1.._ DIlIBIT [QlI,/l1'EA B AEST1l(TICS•.,por.$lbllttx Aettyltln ~Cllrltlon !!!!!?<'1f1ITeht r l ~Initial Draft "«,3 veek$Det 22tltr1calStaff'~c:tlon Oct 2S ,....'""LY~.....lftl ...,,_t ...5~QtS _....I1ft Draft ,~.,_...." thrlcal Staff '~c:tlon /lOY IS ,_t ..." I,Y0Wl9 R~lftl /lOY 22 3 days ...25 AlA Revil!W NOY 29 2 weks OK 13 ?etStI.htr~ftnal Draft '"",_.,.", J.HI)'llen senior lte¥tftl '"",""'""C;l.rlcal Staff rtIIIl 'r'OdlKt Ion '"",_t J~, COntract 'rll1tl"9 Jill 20 ,_u ,... Sutaolt Fell 10 ,_t Fell IS I£Y INPUTS R£QUIREO/XILESTOMES !s1!.2!! I ..Hill Drift AlA Reytew rt",1 Draft - DIU 1;fQ\llrl!'d Oc.t 22 De<:1] "'" -~. ",'0"'..••.......0 ••-...'.--...."_..-._---=...-""".'W..~.,...-..-~_.........--r:-:'l "OIA.(_u•,:t1!?o.~~.....~.~'!'!;!r'!".."'"9.....·..•·_•.~~..,.a ....~~ll:e-'T..., - Oct 18 Nav 8 Dec 31 J."7 ~ ExMbtt G InPUt lntthl llr.ft Inltl.l ltl!Vlew Fln.l Orlft KEY INPUTS REQYIREO/HllESTONES Rl!Sponsf bill ty J.Sullfv.n (LlIS) GmtrD")~ API.__-(.~-.......:- ~'I~tr. .,--"'~•I•,I,•Wtt81T ECHAPTER9lAND USE,Responsibility Activities !!9.!!!.I),,~nton !!!!!,?dQ!lelstr.OiD Inltlll Drift Oct 18 J week.s ,~.Clerlul St.ff Production .~,4 dl)'s Hov 12J.61ll Review Hov 15 I week Hoy 19..,a:"'"'!Utlstri'Revised Or.ft HOY 22 2 weeks OK'Citric.!Stiff Production '",3 C'~s OK 10C.Oebellus Review Dec U 2 d.ys Dec 15API.Review "'''2"'~h Dec 31?cr:StletsOl+.Fin.1 Drift J'n 3 1 welk J.n 1J.HiJ'clen Fin.!RniN Ju 10 2 dl)'s J'"12ClericalSt,ff Fin.!Production J.n 11 3 days J.n 20Coner'ltor Prlntfl'l9 J.n 20 3 "e-eks Feb 9 Sut.ft Feb HI I week Feb 15 ._.4 •..,.."._..-..,....."......c·..........,"v'::>.\:,-....tJ:.fl t·:.~~:':'I~""11 !t"III!I!I!I.1!}~U,lljl,Irlm~~Ilf '".-,..,,'t ,-.1'1 '11 Iii,I '"",'",.ldl • "I"',....:,.II , , : , I •,I I I j I .,I ••"I.I t J'I L·L '_~,..u...i...Dill.:•••!o<J:;"....1>9....._•-..-..r->K~IlI."[5>4({IJII.C_'_A"'~Q....~_.Au,S"",,J"pW!.§.............Ilrr(_-...e,SVSa"l4 J!t."'8rt 'll"._o.lVlEGWmtaAJ.~I"O~T-_._._It/..~......;.~_=.-.----=-,---''-• ..".... EXHIBIT ECHAPTER10AlTERnATIYESResponsibilityAl;tl~ity ~llurnlOll ''''C.DebeliuS/InHlil Draft Sept 6 4 weeks 0"1P.HooverClerical Staff Production 0"•1 _.0"8J.Ilayden Rt'lI~OCt 10 4 days OCt 15C.Debellus/Rt'ltsed Draft 0""2 ..eeb Oct 10P.Hoover Clerlnl Staff Production ""1 1 week ""8J.la"ltl"tnce Revi~""10 1 week ..,17 141'A Re~l~..,"2 weeks O~•C.Debellus/FInal Drift O~8 1 _.0"15P.Hoover G.l/imock Flnil Rt'liew o~"2 weeks J ..3 Clerical Staff FIII/Il Production J ..•week Jan 11 COntractor Prlnti/>i """weeks Feb 9 SulDlt ".10 ~..Feb 15 KEY INPUTS REQYIRED/MILESTO:IES Respanslbllity Documl.'flc Dite Rl!'Qulred C.Oebellusl Initial Drift ,,<1P.Hoover '"Review O~• ~.-D.Debellus/Final Dr4ft 0",P.Hoover.- r<wl'~v ~tJv,.~,-L \-----d -,.,$C~IIUl($>«('....._..-JIl....-~..~,"-"o...~.,......"..!bvC4 4.y,",",?,'::n::............,._....-..o;••ari',,,,...'......rr·...·.'C~lt~...-.t..._.•.M >T.~-••c ........"........O(K~II'''O!'I •. ..~........t-~.---,-,'..pc ....,-.I -.I'.._~-.•-.---.-HIl'Y .'--"~~-.--...I--I•-,--;-~..a'l.'flt.-r iJ 'r1lf 'I-'-I-I l'I---~.ft I~r'~;l !!.rt Il It I'~1-'--""-I'------__I..,..II I.;I :T 1I:I:ji Ii 'Ii I'II\=--FC==-Irli"'::'::;:•j.I... •••.•.-ULL~. I I ...11 "1.1 '.Itlll,l'"IIV...i-•,.-.--~-.-..--~-- Inlthl Or.ft July I 5 wnksProd~t'on/Typl~•Q,.,ftlnq Auq.'I .etkl:I I~PUt RlIspotlslbll1txCal_I.SuffCal..f.Clule.lSt.fr [llIlalT ...B[l(SUIPTICW QF TIl[PItGJ£CTPROJECTOPERATIONActivity DurAtion Eo<tuff,10 PI'OJKtStiff SePt.) • Det.15 Jln.1 Jln.10 Jill.20 rl~.9 rill.15 SIllt.11SlOt.10 ou.W Ott.30 l'o••10 ]weus 1'1 "Hh 4Ij WftkS lit _ks 'I,I.eeks ''1 _ks ]weeki1_. QU.10 l$Ov,I /«Iv.10 lCoY.IS IlK.15 Jill,1 sellt.17 Jill.10 Jill,20 Fell.\0 0...,..,11 It.sponllbll1tr Iloov,r<_. t .....nte -"'-'--t,.....!W;. "Intl.....,1 ~uf... De!leltus IIf111tt ""g.13S.,t.3 sept.17 !low.10 Jill.20 Inu,.".\RII~'w S,ot.7 week'India Dflft/lteol'O seat.10 _k IncO'1'OflU ProjKt Ch.nqu'" Ffllll1n llrlft rut Dr,ft SIlblllnllHl rElIC Iltyl~ FllN1t lncorpor.t,FEItC C~nti Fln.llt,Production Printing SIlt-it Inltitl Or.ft Production rllt,,.,,.\Ituf",tolIy AlA Subolftul SYbIIlt rEliC Drift ~1,u/F111111-,'rod. Col/tuff Cl.r1ul ieI'It1lntOl'lu ",'f.l0 Suff Contr,ctor Sr.Acnn sUft ••~Isultlft9 f~fflld In ••stlqatlons/dlslgn ...Islons/APA t~nt1 C,-IUn!I sues for 1.1 ...Ace'si Trills-Iliion llout.-Oct.10'0 Project OptIratlOll SCtl_ l:1n,.~k..o.G\n...lt".-u.. •unl81T A (COntlnuedlOEWILCAKfOlt-GIn.r,l Arr.nge-!n•Arcll O.S.delle _JlTI ••ry l)Jl eHalnSptlhll,l'-1etM:1 Spt w')I!levi C.n.)'Oft Power K "P,,"stochl'oweTholIse en I I rllC uru1,11.«1 TUMelAc.ceu RoIllI ~t11ROilnDrift,.Rlvls Ions 1110Deslnthinu"""""",Intern.!Re--Ilw8.oe.11 C.n)'On Rlur.olr'+_-;;f,-+--".''-''"'!''e"""'·'"_+_,.c'c'""'"""'C"''--19.T".blnts end Gtnerltor$'-1'-_i·H~:,__---+-<'"'"""""'''''''-+-i'C'-'''"""'c''''"''--110.Tronsaluton ltn's'-I,__--·f·----+--'O''-''~·c''~'c'~·'---I---''"'-'~""""'''''''-_-111.IcllHlrle<l.nl fqu.~e<lt~:r.~~~~~~~~~g~~E~~~i~B~~~~~~~§~~~~~-Misc.Mee"...t,,1 fqu plltn "r III IlC • r•Ac.ceuo.y Elect.lul Equt~ere .,u-s..ttchylrd Stroclures ....0 Equ p.ere .,e.12.l'roJed llllds'--.JL L_'<,""'"'c'C'L-"C'c',."""C'_-' • .. r ••rPIi••fl••>-f'~I.."..........,"----"----....._-I11I.I l--........--".-~-,>"f'j ~t :,',.".•I'"I,• J 1.1 I , •,;-I ~1"'"_ I l'fy.-':'"\\'--•*......,..".....---.-......J......."'1I.....---;:;;;;:;:,.....:MoJiil ..---r.;;'lO€oo.u SM«(I............•..,.-.wo......~..~",...~~:r~'f:-....'~-'.......-... _""f....._...~........,......,••_>-----;>~ffi*"'''''....'!Io,.~10.:"~.___=tr~~._~_L .1. r II I.....-.......~.•\"'~\''".••··lI'C...,..'T..••K"fllOAt _(I•<...-....·,j,l-....._.......6~".·~_...........':.Joo."""......._..<~.......~.:r ,&__.•...."....=:--_..=...- .. lNrul"",...2 wnkl July 152_kl ...,.10,-.....",_."'g."2_h Sept.158Wl'tkl "..10".."._.Do<."Jln.l~wnkl J.n.10Jln.10 I~wnh Jln.ZOJln.ZO l .....h rob .•rob.10 ,_.rob." Owen" Responslbflltr Rlwes ,lumer ll"_' 91_r ll.....-ene. ...,.Aug.11Aug.19". JIIly 15 Aug.10 Stpt.1 /law.10 .lin.2'0 l EDU81T CCONSTaUCTIOMSCHEDULEAc:tlwlty ---1!!1!!!....,,..,..,,..'nftlll O,..ft Jill,.1AlA"~l ..Ineal'llllrite 'rojeet ehlFUCDriftSut.lnlanrut"wi ..In,al'llllr.t.FER(C~ntsFI...lfn 't'06IKtlOll'rlntSut.1tAdd,..ss Dtfleltnel ••/llewI5.Inu....l 1..1....Flnllll./Typing I OrlftUASub-Utll""ell/8uff StiffBuffllaStiff"fflla SufftDntrlCtor Inftlll DrIft 't'Oduetlon Inurnll Revl..eoPy UA Sub-Ittll fUC Drift Sut-ftUI COoIIlI.u/n...ltu 'rocl. Sr.Ac:NS ~uff8uffllaSuff•Input lI'Upc!Mlblllty..Colllllbil Stiff"fflla Suff Critical Inuu far COoIIll.tlOl'l A.AeCUI Route So:tIt'dII1. ·lnte 1 Review "'dlo ld '1l>derllurg/l - Itt...,,,,1st Ordtt.oIicllliIIDrift• -- • - ..!8·U<'-."'r.::===============f=~~~==j=~~~-~~'=:E=~:....1 ...5 ...(JIlI'1T C -COllSROCTJOI SOlEOUl.t..----- ,.._---''"'''''''-'".-'---•~~llU..t IMlU..........,..-..---.......&.l.,t...."'"'~~.~_'~~I.."["i:..-"IT',L __~'T '"·P>··""..,.,.::U........<:....~...._..'-_...,----.or...__........OUCIU"TION~~,....-.c...~_...........,........,.-,'"\M ,......._.......-c.....-.l .....~_''jtjliit·j.'·j.·~·H·~·~·+I·..~I :I "I.fl',rl r l;.i I r I I;....~J#f.I:tHII!lIlll!.r I ~I.,1'1 '!f--.'.-I~'"1'[I i ~I'i E:rt:.:..-_.==r','l r . ,fUlli,lliMr:,i=~-=--__=--__'+lf~::r~l!7lfl 'I ',i~II::!!!!h~:f f "I ;!_..._ITi I [II "J j I,Lll.ll l!1l'l'l -.~ "nternll Reytew "tIne Ya"derbu~"h Wlrnack CrHlcal [nun for C9gl1etla~ A.Flnlnct~g Phn Flnilltitian 3.Project OPfrattOfl Chln'1l!s ,EXHIBIT 0PIlOJEJ:T COSTS A1iD FI~(INr.InjlUt RnpOfllilbtllcy Acitivlty 8~9jn Duration E",ColurJlbla St."Inltt.l Drift July "4 ...ee~s Ayo.20Col.Cler.Stiff Production/Typing!Drafting '"5."1 __Aug.258uffItorontoStaffAddressDefttle"tje~/Re.t~e Aug."3 ~ffks Sept.10Sr.At"'Stiff Intemill He.le'><"Sept.10 ~..SePt."Buff.Cler.SU~,Hn.lhe Or.ftlReoro.Sept."~.-Sept.Z'oOA Sul:atttal Sept."Al'A ~e.th'St~t."•·~eks Ou."Mch/Buff Stiff lncol'llOratt Project (huqn'·Sept."6 litch No ••5Col.Cle ••Staff Incorporate Final C~anqes ""..8 1 "'tek Ho ••lSFinalizeDriftNov.lS 1 ~ek No •."Fne Draft Sublllsston 110 ••"FERC He.le-.."".."4 _ks "'.."COI ....it St,ff Incorporate fERC C~nts Jan.Il,_ks Jan."8uff.Cler.Staff FInalize Production Jan."11,"Uks Jan."ContractOr Printing Jan."3 -.efts ,,,.5SubmitFeb.10 1 __ Feb.lS -,..... • ,----~:,.-.Rnfston~...<1Dest"Ch.n esCo"'lltle110h[/r.ftoliIble,EXHIBIT 0 •COSTS AHD FI~ANCING ..,,~1OIllU.(Si«lT_J ._......,,?_-'O......M ?-_.........,.................-"-'~........'.,<:>.-'-'<OCT eo,''''''''''"""~-..e.",,,,""'..........-_.....-.":'-~~-"'''..__~..:L ........._~~~_"T..llo...;:.I.ULoL.:S'too:>W..,........H'llltSC'''''''O''._,...,-~.,~"""j::t.-....l'_(~~­......~-....~.•...,.... ~... ,' Over.11 Rupon,lblHt1 G1ushn."-, Gill lI.......ce Llwrence II.YIn6erlMlf9l\ H.E1cMn.!>I .. ro.T'-OII Se~t.U Sellt.20 Stpt.21S 110...10 Jln.B Crltl"l InUIts for CQI!llllttlOIl A.Silt AetUS B.Trlns-in1on C.riMI Project (IIIngitl ee.olttiOll of Orlwln91 InUrII11 rtyiew c~l" Sut.lt to APA Su=-It drift to rEt( ee.o1UIt/rllllliti Prod. O.l!i!IT [GE:':EAAl.tlESIGll OUIlI:.:G5I"p~t aes\!O!!sllltllty Aethitl kq1"o..ution Eo<Col_i.suff ....o-rt Or ...'~'list witt!....•-,Au".UCllln!fesBuffDr.ft1ng SUff UDd.U 0w9S ..rOrNU ..':11 ...,.1l -'""'<.1ltr.n~I'llonI.cctSS Info".AertS Suff COrl"Kt OIficllrl'lC l es St~t.1l 1 _.!f't."Inu.....l Review"Stot.20 ,_,Se~t."Su_1t to APA S~t."APA ltylew Stat."2_h "<.10Buff.lo suff Incorpor.te CII.n9'1 ,,<.10 J "",ks ,,<."rERC Su_1U.l !Iov.10f"ERC Rev1ew !Iov.15 )I,wHh Do'.•Buff.lo Stiff Inco1Oor.t1on of FERC "'..4'l ",eks Jan.•C~nts .nd ot~rdtSIlj1IchlnguContr.ctor Printing Jln .•3 "'ekl Jln."SubmIt reb.10 1 week reb.1S ,O"lr.11 Responsibility Moo""Gtll l."rtncl ,'"tlro..1 llevl@OoO O.lit I1ftt G.n-0lI M.(1c.!left:r.a..- O.Ilacruwld Seot.10 I);t.11 Jan.13 Critical ln~'tor CeletlOll ....SIU Ac;(.MS ,.Final Proj~t CIII~1 Mote:110 draft 10111 tie sllt.ltte<l to FERe leY 1111 ••t_s lnlthl Production Sut.tt to A1" toIICl,.tt/Fln,lhe Prod. EXHIBIT rSlll'I'ORiI~S OE~lGN .",,,Inpo.!t ~'POMtbilltx ,l,(th,tty ~Ou~ltlon ''''calt_11 SUff ~vl...Of bhtlnq J'.lt~rhl JIll)'16 ,-'Jul)'30Of:ytl09 IlehrtftCe list ....,-,"'0.•COl/iliff surf '1"D'I~de "Fr'OI'It EI\d"RfllOrt aU!!.,I wHk's.\?t.tol.(llr.suff Inlthl Productlor.Seot.•,_.Seot."!Or.,\,c;res Suff Inti",,"'RulltW"Sept.")weeh "''-.&.nth/BuH !tIff FInalize O"ft/Re!!l"D .",.•1 _,",."Send to APA eet."-.,,,RlIvtew ",."4'l ,","ks ~.."Incorporate Cllln'lts···ItOY.IS 1_h Jan.•Bu,f tIer.St,"Correct/Flnallz.R.ftr,ntfs Jln.•II,lIt.k'Jan."Contractor Prlntln9 Jan."3 '~El!h ,.b 25ytMoltFib."1 _,Feb.IS .,L Ounun ,.Th0l'lP50n"..M.Ioncl J.6111,~-n.~,~,"J.Guhhnl ••Vlllderbur •'"erf rI ..••~..tooopt I~10 h Orlft,.UIII.IT r • .-.'_......'....-.oC'._.."....~.......'t'"....v.~Wi hin :fTI'f ,"~tH-i":!II i'lllii!!1 iillil l'[Ii'l''illfj,:.111.1 I Ittl,.II J.t ~1;1 I''t:I'tl ::'1:I"l;t::~,-.i:'I,'I.~d!l!I;;".lil!!:j ).:::I-H,M.-;-:-"t+,,!,.t ..I..···"'1''''+1'''1,·...1-'::,:1;:;11'1'1 :;:'1';'1':I;;;::,',;;11111;,1;/···.tt.,,1 1.1.,.,•...j '••,I.ro""'J'1,1 I"'.Itll,...,_'I.W....l.,l.LI1..1LI..'r.;...'!lC1«!lU.l S><ll'[JIJ <_r ....~.,"..100"""-....,........"............•«-'T ~..·_T_...._"...--.-.~P~.,•••~.--_....~--:.-~..:.;;e:..,~-~..._--- ,.,-.01 •••__.'-'.............~"..•,,•:t -:1+ttI-H-1 -_ I I~l II ;IIt!J'I 'I~..ti·l~q "I!!!1'1'I II:!i :1111.,,·!i~~'·'I'Ll.I',:::I .',r ~l~tt I'I~f!t;::,'ta:;:':'I::!I:;1::11 1!~i;ii!L!lllIql!l.1.111 !l I.tl.,11111'1'.,1 W..t.;JUL.l.LL_._.-r.-'!IC"I!Ol.U $>·U·•..........·,,7_--"0.........._..."'....'"1 ......,."._••-.:r.......,."'.•...Y.-~.:l""'''_~",........._..--_..-_.,10....;1<......,.'••r.::-=r-==-------'=:-------1=0'=-..__c:.-,I=.---f-----------f---.-- Input ~lponstbllft1Coll.-blt SUffSubcOfltr,cto,.!luff,la Std' First Or"t AU Sut.ltt.tl FUe Or"t Coooaitt. EXHllllT GP~ECT 1'»5Al;thltyR,.tew of 'Alsttnq I'4t'l,~....Production 0'First Or,ftInt,rAlI ne.leooSwt.lt to IJIAAPAR,.lew".ls"Prvject Chlnq,sSut.lt to FUCFUCR..l ...Incarporulan Of Fl4l1Ch,nqts.lITlllt!n V Swt.lt S,pt.] Oct.I Nov.I J,on.2S a.gtn OwrUI\!!!,.,July 26 ~.....ks AII'J.CAu".,I 'OOIItll Stilt.lStilt.,1~"'leks Stat."S'IH."2 "'\s S'lIt."'u.,Ou.,1 """s 'u."Ou.","'..,'u."....,!lov.I 6 -e.'~.1$.....•]""s ....."....."2 "''''s F.b., F~:'."1-e.',,,."0...,11 R.sponslbllity J.Gill J.H'J~'IIl,_f1IC' IA_'lIef "InUrn,1 ~..t"" J.rom J."')'d'1I .........v"'-'.'....-.....-I l [.1 I'''Jl1 Illiltil!jllll)Hill!j ot ,..111 ..1 IIJd:...i.L<..1 i ~;JJW.ll...L__~~o_l,&~~",pl!o~-gll:.l"""__..".u_...,_«"'-"o:xNa Moo:F<l_....4 ..."...,.~--...."Il'Q.o,J>,_.-r.;..\lO'O:llU..r _rTlJIl<_...~1'00 (,Q0.....~..>O!~~~.,.V-..••~..~.~11.-,"-a.,lt.-:,"""""'_~IT ....Eb.__._=_'"La.v .._-~-~:--~.•,..