HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3519L IS = ~ --~ --------------------------------------::::: N SURFACE WATER . RECORDS 0 oF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, _lO -lO ~ THROUGH SEPTEMB -ER 1975· ====~ I . 1 QE ' 75 .065 no.78 -498 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 78-498 \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 by David R. Scully, Larry S. Leveen, and Raymond S. George Open-file Report 78-498 (basic data) Anchorage, Alaska 1978 ARLIS Alaslm Resources Ubraly & Information Services Ubrnry Building, Suite 111 3211 Providence Drive · Anchorage.AK 99508-4614 • Abstract ... Purpose and scope Cooperation Definition of terms ... CONTENTS Downstream order and station ~umber . Explanation of stage, wat~r-d1scharge, and water-temperature records. Collection and computat1on of data. . . . . Accuracy of field data and computed results Publications ..•....... Other data available. . . . . . . Conversion table. . . . . . .. . . . Temperature conversion table. • . Section 1: Gaging station records. Barbara Creek near Seldovia Tutka Lagoon Creek near Homer Bradley River near Homer .•. Anchor River: Twitter Creek near Homer .. Anchor River near Anchor Point. Anchor River at Anchor Point. Ninilchik River at Ninilchik. Kasilof River near Kasilof. Kenai River: Snow River near Snow River near Ptarmigan Creek Trail River: Divide .. Seward .. at Lawing Grant Creek near Moose Pass Trail River near Lawing . . . Falls Creek near Lawing . . Quartz Creek near Gilpatricks Crescent Creek near Moose Pass. Crescent Creek near Cooper Landing. Kenai River at Cooper Landing . . . . . Cooper Creek near Coope~-Landing ... Stetson Creek near Cooper Landing . Cooper Creek at mouth near Cooper Landing Russian River near Cooper Landing • . . . Russian River at mouth near Cooper Landing. Kenai River at Soldotna . . . Beaver Creek near Kenai . . Ressurection Creek near Hope. Resurrection Creek at Hope. . East Fork (head of Sixmile Creek): Canyon Creek: Mills Creek near Gilpatricks. Sixmile Creek at Sunrise. . Glacier Creek at Girdwood . Campbell Creek: South Fork Campbell Creek South Fork Campbell Creek North Fork Campbell Creek Campbell Creek near Spenard Sand Lake near Spenard .• at canyon mouth near Anchorage. near Anchorage. near Anchorage. Chester Creek at Anchorage ........• Chester Creek at Arctic Boulevard at Anchorage. Ship Creek near Anchorage . . . . Ship Creek at Elmendorf Air Force Base .. Ship Creek below Power Plant at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Ditch on Elmendorf Air Force Base Eagle River at Eagle River ..... . Peters Creek near Birchwood . . . . . Eklutna Creek: East Fork Eklutna Creek near Palmer West Fork Eklutna Creek near Palmer Eklutna Creek near Palmer Knik River near Palmer .. Matanuska River: Caribou Creek near Sutton . . Chickaloon River near Sutton. Matanuska River at Palmer . . . Cottonwood Creek near Wasilla • . III Page 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 40 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 67 IV Little Susitna River near Palmer. Susitna River Rear Denali .. Maclaren River near Paxson .. Susitna River near Cantwell .. Susitna River at Gold Creek .. Chulitna River near Talkeetna . Talkeetna River near Talkeetna. Willow Creek: Craigie Creek near Wasilla .. Yentna River: Skwentna River near Skwentna. Susitna River at Susitna Station. McArthur River: Chakachatna River near Tyonek . . . . . . Section 2: Miscellaneous discharge measurements Kachemak Bay Drainages. Anchor River to Kasilof River Kenai River Basin . . . Kenai Lowlands ..... Turnagain Arm Drainages Anchorage Area: Little Rabbit Creek to Furrow Creek Campbell Creek Basin. . . . Hood Creek, Fish Creek. . . Chester Creek Basin . Ship Creek Basin. . . Knik Arm Drainages from South Matanuska River Basin . Knik Arm Drainages from North Susitna River Basin .. Beluga River to Drift River . Section 3: Seepage Investigations. North Fork Campbell Creek Ship Creek .. Eagle River . Meadow Creek. and crest-stage partial-record station data ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Map showing. locations of gaging stations, crest-stage partial-record stations, and miscellaneous discharge measurement sites. . ........... . Figure 2. Map showing locations of discharge measurement sites in the Eagle River drainage basin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . Page 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 90 90 92 92 93 94 95 96 99 100 100 102 102 8 and 9 102 1 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 ABSTRACT Water resources data for Cook Inlet Basin are provided through the 1975 water year. A summary of water-discharge data is given as monthly and annual mean discharge for 60 stations; monthlv-and annual extremes of lake elevation for 1 station; and extremes of discharge for each year for 60 stations. The water-temperature data included are periodic water temperatures at 37 stations· monthly maximum and minimum water temperatures at 9 stations; and both types of water- .temperat~re data at 6 stations. Crest~stage partial~record data are shown for 26 sta~ions,. . miscellaneous discharge measurements g1ven for 173 s1tes, and the results of seepage 1nvest1gat1ons provided for 4 streams. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This report summarizes records of streamflow and water temperature collected prior to October 1, 1975, in the Cook Inlet Basin of south-central Alaska. In section 1 streamflow records for ga~ing stations are tabulated as monthly and annual summaries and annual extremes. For those gaging stations at which continuous or daily water temperature records have been collected, monthly summaries of water temperature extremes are shown. For other gaging stations periodic water tem- peratures are published. Discharge at crest-stage partial-record stations and at miscellaneous sites is tabulated in section 2. Results of seepage investigations are presented in section 3. COOPERATION Many State, Municipal, and private organizations have cooperated with the Geological Survey in basic data collection by either furnishing or helping to collect data. Organizations that assisted through cooperative agreements with the Survey in Alaska are: Alaska Department of Highways in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Municipality of Anchorage Kenai Peninsula Borough Assistance in the form of funds or services was given by the following Federal agencies: Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Department of Interior Alaska Air Command, U.S. Air Force The specific organizations that supplied data are acknowledged in station descriptions. DEFINITION OF TERMS Terms related to streamflow, water temperature, and other hydrologic data, as used in this report, are defined below. . Acre-foot (acre-ft) is the quantity of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot and 1s equ1vaient to 43,560 cubic feet or about 326,000 gallons or 1,233 cubic meters . . Basin characteristics is used in this report are selected physical attributes of the drainage bas1n upstream from the gaging station. Area of la~es and ponds is expressed as the Percentage of the total drainage area occupiecl. by lakes and ponds. 2 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 Drainage area of a stream at a specific location is that area, measured in a horizontal plane, enclosed by a topographic divide from which direct surface runoff from precipitation normally d[ains by gravity into the stream above the specified point. Figures of drainage area given herein include all closed basins, or noncontributing areas, within the area unless otherwise noted. Glacier area is expressed as the percentage of the total drainage area shown as glacier on the topograph1c maps. Main-channel slope is the average slope between points 10 percent and 85 percent of the distance along the ma1n stream from the gaging site to the basin divide. Mean elevation is the mean elevation of the drainage basin measured by the grid-sampling method from topographic maps. Stream length is the length of the main channel between the gaging station and the basin divide measured along the channel that drains the largest basin. Contents is the volume of water in a reservoir or lake. Unless otherwise indicated, volume is computed on the basis of a level pool and does not include bank storage. Control designates a feature downstream from the gage that determines the stage-discharge relat1on at the gage. This feature may be a natural constriction of the channel, an artificial structure, or a uniform cross section over a long reach of the channel. Cubic foot per second (ft 3 /s) is the rate of discharge representing a volume of 1 cubic foot passing a g1ven po1nt dur1ng 1 second and is equivalent to approximately 7.48 gallons per second or 448.8 gallons per minute or 0.02832 cubic meters per second. Discharge is the volume of water (or more broadly, volume of fluid plus suspended sediment) that passes a given point within a given period of time. Mean discharge (MEAN) is the arithmetic mean of individual daily mean discharges during a specif1c per1od. Minimum daily discharge is the numerically least daily mean discharge during a specific perio . Momentary maximum discharge is the numerically greatest instantaneous discharge during a spec1f1c per1od. Drainage basin is a part of the surface of the earth that is occupied by a drainage system, which cons1sts of a surface stream or a body of impounded surface water together with all tributary surface streams and bodies of impounded surface water. Gage height is the water-surface elevation referred to some arbitrary gage datum. Gage height is often used 1nterchangeably withthe more general term "stage", although gage height is more appropriate when used with a reading on a gage. Gaging station is a particular site on a stream or lake where systematic observations of gage height or d1scharge are obtained. When used in connection with a discharge record, the term is applied herein only to those gaging stations where a continuous record of discharge is computed. Partial-record station is a particular site where limited streamflow data are collected systemat1cally over a period of years for use in hydrologic analyses. Runoff in inches (in) shows the depth to which the drainage area would be covered if all the runoff for a g1ven t1me period were uniformly distributed on it. Stage-discharge relation is the relation between gage height (stage) and volume of water per unit of t1me, flow1ng 1n a channel. Streamflow is the discharge that occurs in a natural channel. Although the term "discharge" can be appl1ed to the flow of a canal, the word "streamflow" uniquely describes the discharge in a surface stream course. The term "streamflow" is more general than "runoff" because streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not it is affected by diversion or regulation. Water year is the period of time beginning October 1 and continuing for 12 months to September 30 of any year. WDR is used as an abbreviation for "Water-Data Report" to refer to State annual basic-data repor~published since the 1970 water year report. WSP is used as an abbreviation for "Water-Supply Paper" in references to previously published repor~ 3 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 DOWNSTREAM ORDER AND STATION NUMBER As adopted since October 1, 1950, the order of listing hydrologic-station records in Survey re orts is in a downstream direc!ion alon~ the main stream. Al~ stations 01_1 a tributa:y entering u ~tream from a main-stream statLon.are ~Lst~d before that statLon. _A_statLon on_a trLbutary_that e~ters between two main-stream statLons LS lLsted between them. A_sLmLl~r order LS followed Ln listing stations on first rank, second rank, and other ranks of trLbutarLes. The rank of any tributary on which a station ~s sit~ate~ with_respect to.the ~tream to which it_is immediately tributary is indicated by an LndentLon Ln a lLst of statLons Ln the front of thLs report. Each indention represents one.rank. This downstream ?rder and the system of ind~ntion show w~ich stations are on tributarLes between any two statLons and the rank of the trLbutary on whLch each station is situated. As an added means of identification, each hydrologic station and partial-record station has been assigned a station number. The~e ~re, the:efore, listed in_th~ sa~e d?wnstream order as u~ed for stations in this report. In assLgnLng statLon numbers, no dLstLnctLon LS made between partLal- record stations and other stations; therefore, the station number for a partial-record station indicates downstream-order position in list made up of both types of stations. Gaps are left in the series of numbers to allow for new stations that may be established; hence, the numbers are not consecutive. The complete 8-digit station number, such as 15273900, appears just to the left of the station name and includes the 2-digit part number "15" plus the 6-digit downstream order number "273900". EXPLANATION OF STAGE, WATER-DISCHARGE, AND WATER-TEMPERATURE RECORDS Collection and computation of data The base data collected at gaging stations consist of records of stage and measurements of discharge of streams and stage of lakes. In addition, observations of factors affecting the stage- discharge relation, weather records, and other information are used to supplement base data in determining the daily flow. Records of stage are obtained from direct readings on a nonrecording gage or from a water-stage recorder that gives either a continuous graph of the fluctuations or a tape punched at selected time intervals. Measurements of discharge are made with a current meter, using the general methods adopted by the Geological Survey. These methods are described in standard textbooks, in Water-Supply Paper 888, and in U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, book 3, chapter A6. For stream-gaging stations, rating tables gLVLng the discharge for any stage are prepared from stage-discharge relation curves. If extensions to the rating curves are necessary to express dis- charge greater than measured, they are made on the basis of indirect measurements of peak discharge (such as slope-area or contracted-opening measurements, computation of flow over dams or weirs), step-backwater techniques, velocity-area studies, and logarithmic plotting. The daily mean dis- charge is computed from gage heights and rating tables, then the monthly and yearly mean discharge are computed from the daily figures. If the stage-discharge relation is subject to change because of frequent or continual change in the physical features that from the control, the daily mean discharge is computed by the shifting-control method, in which correction factors based on individual discharge measurements and notes by engineers and observers are used in applying the gage heights to the rating tables. If the stage-discharge relation for a station is temporarily changed. by the presence of· aquatic growth or debris on the control, the daily mean discharge is computed by what is basically the shifting-control method. At most stream-gaging stations in Alaska the stage-discharge relation is affected by ice in the winter, and it becomes impossible to compute the discharge in the usual manner. Discharge for periods of ice effect is computed or estimated on the basis of the available gage-height record and occasional winter discharge measurements. Consideration is given to the available information on t~mperature and precipitation, notes by gage observers and hydrologists, and comparable records of dLscharge for other stations in the same or nearby basins. For some gaging stations there are periods when no gage-height record is obtained or the recorded gage height is so faulty that it cannot be used to compute daily discharge. This happens wh~n !he recorder is stopped for the winter or otherwise fails to operate properly, intakes to the StLllLng well are plugged, the float is frozen in the well, or for various other reasons. For such periods the daily discharges are estimated on the basis of recorded range in stage, prior and subs~quen! records, discharge measurements, weather records, and comparison with records for other statLons Ln the same or nearby basins. The data presented for most of the gaging stations comprise a description of the station, a t~ble of annual extreme discharges, a table of monthly and annual mean discharges, a description OI the water-temperature record; and a table of periodic water temperatures and/or monthly maximum and minimum water temperatures. The description of the gaging station gives the location, basin characteristics, period of record, type and history of gages, general remarks, a credit statement for records furnished by 4 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 another agency, average discharge, and extremes of discharge. The location of the gaging station and the basin characteristics are obtained from the most accurate maps available. Periods for which there are published records for the station are given under "PERIOD OF RECORD". The gage described first under "GAGE" is the one used most recently. The datum o-f the gage is given as the elevation above mean sea level. Where information as to datum is not available, the approximate elevation of the gage is given. Information is then given in chronological order for all gages used earlier, giving changes in location, type of gage, or datum. The location or datum of all earlier gages is given with references to the most recent gage. Information pertaining to conditions which affect the natural flow at the gaging station is given under "REMARKS". The AVERAGE DISCHARGE for a station is the average of all complete water years and is pub- lished only if there are five or more complete water years of record. The years used to determine the average are not necessarily consecutive. The average discharge at some stations does not reflect natural runoff due to the effects of diversion. For such stations, runoff in inches is not published unless satisfactory adjustments can be made for diversions or for other changes incident to use and control. The average discharge is not published for some stations because of extensive changes in diversion or storage, or other water development, that have occurred upstream. In general, the momentary maximum discharge and gage height and the minimum daily discharge for the entire period of record are published in the "EXTREMES" paragraph. Unless otherwise qualified, the maximum discharge is the instantaneous discharge corresponding to the highest stage obtained by use of a water-stage recorder (graphic or digital), a crest-stage gage, or a non-record- ing gage read at the time of the crest. If the maximum gage height did not occur on the same day as the maximum discharge, it is given separately. For a few stations the instantaneous minimum discharge is given. The table of annual extreme discharges gives the same information as the EXTREMES paragraph, except that data is given for each year. In most instances the minimum daily discharge occurs over a period of many days during the winter. During this period there is ice cover on the stream and, therefore, no stage-discharge relation. Discharge for the winter period is estimated as explained above. Footnotes to the table of annual extremes are used to qualify figures of dis- charge, gage height, or dates of occurrence. For some stations there is a horizonta~ line across the gage-height column. This line indicates a change in gage datum and means that the gage heights above and below the line are not comparable. The streamflow data are summarized in a table of monthly and annual mean discharge. These figures represent discharge passing the station; they are unadjusted for storage or diversion upstream unless otherwise specified under "REMARKS" for the individual station. Each monthly figure is the mean for an entire month; no figure is shown for a partial month. Likewise, each annual figure is the mean flow for a full year, and no figure is shown for a partial year. The months are arranged on a water-year basis. The mean monthly discharge, mean annual discharge, and monthly percent of total flow are given below the table for stations with five or more years of record. For water-temperature records, the PERIOD OF RECORD section indicates the periods for which there are published records of either periodic water temperature or daily water temperature measure- ments. The PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD indicates the period for which daily water temperature have been published. The REMARKS section indicates for daily water temperature whether there was a water temperature recorder or an observer and, if an observer, the frequency of readings. Factors that affect the natural water temperature are covered in REMARKS. The maximum and minimum water tem- peratures in the EXTREMES are limited to the period of daily record and are qualified if they do not represent the actual maximum or minimum. The table of PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE lists by water year in chronological order the date and water temperature. These water temperatures were generally taken at the time of a discharge measurement. The table, WATER TEMPERATURE, gives, for those stations that have periods of daily record, the maximum and minimum water temperature for each month. Depending on the size of the stream, whether there was a water temperature recorder or an observer, and, if an observer, the frequency of readings, these figures may not necessarily give the absolute maximum or minimum. Data collected at crest-stage partial-record stations and miscellaneous discharge measurement sites are given in section 2 of this report. On some streams, a series of discharge measurements is made within a short period to investigate seepage gains or losses along a reach of stream. These measurements are given for four streams in the Anchorage area in section 3 of this report. Accuracy of Field Data and Computed Results The accuracy of streamflow data depends primarily on (1) the stability of the stage-discharge relation or, if the control is unstable, the frequency of discharge measurements, and (2) the accuracy of observations of stage, measurements of discharge, and interpretations of records. Figures of monthly and annual mean discharge in this report are shown to hundredths of cubic foot per second for discharges between 0.1 and 10 ft 3 /s; to tenths between 10 and 100 ft 3 /s; to units between 100 and 1,000 ft 3 /s; and to four significant figures above 1,000 ft 3 /s. 5 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 D"scharge values listed in the extremes table and for the crest-stage partial-record stations ·~cellaneous discharge measurements are shown to the nearest hundredth of a cubic foot per m~ for discharges of less than 1 ft 3/s; to tenths between 1.0 and 10 ft 3/s; to units between 100 ft3/s; and to three significa~t figures abo~e 100 ft 3/s. The number of significant es used is based solely on the magn~tude of the f~gure. Water temperature values in this report are shown to the nearest one-half degree Celsius. PUBLICATIONS Streamflow records in this report were obtained from previously published reports of the Geological Survey. These Water-Supply Papers (WSP) and annual Water-Data Reports (WDR) are listed in the following table: Number Content WSP 37-2 A water-power reconnaissance in south-central Alaska, 1913 WSP 1372 Compilation through water year 1950 WSP 1466 Daily data, water years 1951-53 WSP 1486 Daily data, water years 1954-56 WSP 1500 Daily data, water year 1957 WSP 1570 Daily data, water year 1958 WSP 1640 Daily data, water year 1959 WSP 1720 Daily data, water year 1960 WSP 1740 Compilation for water years 1951-60 WSP 1936 Daily data, water years 1961-65 WSP 2136 Daily data, water years 1966-70 WDR AK-71 Daily data, water year 1971 WDR AK-72 Daily data, water year 1972 WDR AK-73 Daily data, water year 1973 WDR AK-74 Daily data, water year 1974 WDR AK-75-1 Daily data, water year 1975 Records of daily water temperature are available in most of these reports. However, those for water years 1961-70 are published in the following Water Supply Papers: WSP 1953 Daily data, water years 1961-63 WSP 1959 Daily data, water year 1964 WSP 1966 Daily data, water year 1965 WSP 1996 Daily data, water year 1966 WSP 2016 Daily data, water year 1967 WSP 2100 Daily data, water year 1968 WSP 2150 Daily data, water year 1969 WSP 2160 Daily data, water year 1970 Most of the data from Water Supply Paper 372 for the Cook Inlet Basin have been included in this report. However, some data for selected stations were not included as they were judged to be insignificant when compared with all the available information. The reader is referred to the above publications if he is interested in more detailed information. OTHER DATA AVAILABLE . Information of a more detailed nature than that published for most of the gaging stations (such as .. discharge measurements, gage-height records, and rating tables) is on file in the Anchorage Subdistrict Office of the Water Resources Division. Also, most gaging-station records and daily water temperature records are available in computer-usable form and many statistical analyses have been made. Water quality records also are collected at or near some gaging stations. Data are obtained on the suspended-sediment and chemical quality of the stream water. The data were published in annual Water-Supply Papers through water year 1970, in annual reports entitled "Water Data Report for Alaska, Part 2. Water Quality Records" for water years 1971-74, and in an annual water-data report entitled "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data Report AK-75-1" for the 1975 water year. Information on the availability of unpublished data, statistical analyses, or quality of water records may be obtained by request to: District Chief, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, 218 E. Street, Anchorage, AK 99501. 6 SURFACE WATER RECORDS OF COOK INLET BASIN, ALASKA, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1975 FA~TORS FOR CONVERTING ENGLISH UNITS TO INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM UNITS (SI) Multiply English Units feet (ft) miles (mi) acres square miles (mi 2 ) acre-feet per year (acre-ft/yr) cubic feet per second (ft 3 /s) inches per year (in/yr) by 0.3048 1. 609 0.4047 2.590 1,233 -3 1.233 X 10_6 1. 233 X 10 0.02832 25.4 To Obtain SI Units meters (m) kilometers (km) square hectometers (hm 2 ) square kilometers (km 2 ) cubic meters per year (m 3 /yr) cubic hectometers per year (hm 3 /yr) cubic kilometers per year (km 3 /yr) cubic meters per second (m 3 /s) millimeters per year (mm/yr) TEMPERATURE CONVERSION TABLE Degrees Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F)* oc oF oc oF oc oF oc oF oc oF 0.0 32 4.5 40 9.0 48 13.5 56 18.0 64 0.5 33 5.0 41 9.5 49 14.0 57 18.5 65 1.0 34 5.5 42 10.0 so 14.5 58 19.0 66 1.5 35 6.0 43 10.5 51 15.0 59 19.5 67 2.0 36 6.5 44 11.0 52 15.5 60 20.0 68 2.5 36 7.0 45 11.5 53 16.0 61 20.5 69 3.0 37 7. 5 45 12.0 54 16.5 62 21.0 70 3.5 38 8.0 46 12.5 54 17.0 63 21.5 71 4.0 39 8.5 47 13.0 55 17.5 63 22.0 72 * oc 5/9 (oF -32) or oF = 9/5 (°C) + 32 6o•+ 154° ( .· v·· 1sz• 63·+ ~ -N- ~ !--,--ILO ,----,-21:..0 ~____:,30. MILES 10 20 30 40 Kl LOMETERS E3=::::i==:33 !IllES ANCHORAGE INSET +w 149° I ~ .. /': . .. ~ .. EXPLANATION & DaRing station ,._ Crest~staga PIHilal-ncord station D,. Mlscallaneousdischergemeasurementslte ,..,. Discontinued Boundary 2390 Downstream order station number Figure 1.--Locations of gaging stations, crest-stage partial-record stations, and miscellaneous discharge measurement sites. 00 63° SECTION 1 GAGING STATION RECORDS 12 15238820 BARBARA CREEK NEAR SELDOVIA LOCATION.--Lat 59°28'50" long 151°38'42" in SW!t sec.lS, T.S S., R.l4 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank, 0. 5 mi (0. 8 km) above' mouth, and 3. 7 mi (6. 0 km) northeast of Seldovia. BASIN CHARACTERISTIC~.--Drainage area, 20.7 mi 2 (53.6 km 2 ); slope, 122 ft/mi (23.1 m/km); stream length, 9.8 mi (15.8 km); area of lakes and ponds, Q percent; mean elevation, 1,610 ft (491 m); glaicer area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --June 1972 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 40 ft (12 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 744 ft 3/s (21.1 m3/s) June 29, 1975, gage height, 4.09 ft (1.247 m), from rating curve extended above 350 ft 3 /s (9.9 m3 /s); minimum daily, about 16ft 3 /s (0.45 m3 /s) Feb. 27 to Apr. 3, 1973 and Mar. 18 to April 15, 1975. YEAR 1972 1973 1974 1975 EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1972a June 16, 1972 b280 Aug. 19, 1972 1973 Oct. 16, 1972 335 3. 35 Feb. 27 to Apr. 3, 1973 1974 June 3, 1974 312 3.28 Mar. 21 to Apr. 4, 1974 1975 June 29, 1975 744 4. 09 Mar. 18 to Apr. 15, 1975 a Period June to September. b Maximum daily. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAl'! DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 184 141 54.4 103 51. 3 29.8 21. 6 17. 9 16.0 26.6' 107 238 149 56.9 66.9 48. 2 35.0 27.0 20.5 19.3 34.4' 156 217 85.7 35.4 106 94.7 46.4 25.8 21.4 17.5 17.3 129 343 224 63.8 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1972-75. DATE TEMP DATE 1972 1973 5-ll-72 2.5 10-8-72 6-22-72 4.5 11-30-72 6-23-72 4.0 4-20-73 8-15-72 9.5 7-25-73 9-7-73 PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, °C TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1974 1974-cont 2.5 10-ll-73 3.0 6-20-74 0.5 1-24-74 0.5 9-5-74 2.0 3-25-74 0.0 1975 6.0 4-25-74 2.0 10-9-74 6.5 12-7-74 TEMP 6.0 9.0 2.5 1.5 DATE TEMP 1975-cont 1-24-75 0.5 3-24-75 0.5 6-9-75 4.0 8-6-75 8.0 9-11-75 6.5 Discharge 39 16 18 16 SEP 94.0 69.6 83.6 107 ANNUAL 74.1 69.2 99.9 YEAR 1973 1974 1975 15238860 TUTKA LAGOON CREEK NEAR HOMER LOCATION.--Lat 59°25'59", long 151°24'3611 , on line between sec.36, T.8 Sq R.13 W., and sec.2, T.9 s., R.13 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank 700 ft (200 m) upstream from mean high water in Tutka Bay Lagoon, and 15 mi (24 km) south of Homer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS. --Drainage area, 10.8 mi 2 (28. 0 km 2 ); main channel slope, 196 ft/mi (37 .1 m/km); stream length, s.s mi (13.7 km]; area of lakes and ponds, 2 percent; mean elevation, 1,610 ft (491 m); glacier area, 2 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1973 to Sept_ember 1975. GAGE. --Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 50 ft (15 ml from topograpnic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,5_40 ft 3 /s (43.6 m3 /sl Sept. 12, 1974, gage height, 6.67 ft (2.033 in); minimum daily, 6.0 ft 3 /s (0.17 m3 /s] Mar. 8 to Apr. 15, 1975. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1973a Sept. 7' 1973 1,280 6. 47 Aug. 31, 1973 1974 Sept. 12, 1974 1, 540 6. 67 Jan. 11 to Apr. 7, 1974 1975 Oct. 24, 1974 1,190 6. 38 Mar. 8 to Apr. 15, 1975· May 10, 1975 b6. 49 a Period August to September. b Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 40.1 14.8 9.74 7. 32 7.00 7.00 12.8 114 114 60.1 26.4 15.5 10.7 6. 29 6.50 66.1 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --October 1973 to September 1975. REMARKS.--Continuous water-temperature recorder. JUN JUL 213 101 251 183 daily AUG 70.9 56.2 72.4 EXTREMES.--Maximum during period of daily record, 11.5°C August 13, 1974; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Discharge 30 7. 0 6.0 SEP 121 183 182 AUG SEP 1974 Max a 2.5 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 4.5 7.5 10. 0 11.5 9.0 Min a 0. 0 o. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 3.5 5.0 4.0 1975 Max 6. 0 4.0 2.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 o. 5 4.5 6.0 8.0 9.5 8.0 Min 1.5 0. 5 0. 0 o. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 1.5 2.5 4.5 5. 0 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. ANNUAL 64,0 83.2 YEAR 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 14 15239000 BRADLEY RIVER NEAR HOMER LOCATION.--Lat 59°45'24", long 150°51'02", in NE!a" SW~ 'sec.S, T.S S., R.9 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank about SO<"ft (200m) downstream from Bradley Lake ·outlet, 3. 5 rni (5.6 km) upstream from unnamed tributary, and 26 mi (42 km) northeast of Homer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 54.0 mi 2 " (139.9 km.2 ); main-channel slope, 191 ft/mi (36.2_rn/km); stream length, 13.3 mi (21.4 km); area of lakes and ponds, 6 percent; mean elevation, 2,800 ft (853 m); glac1er area, 36 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July to August 1955, October 1957 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 1,050 ft (320m), from topographic map. July 13-22, 1955, non- recording gage at site 1 mi (1.6 km) upstream at different datum, and July 23 to Aug. 5, 1955, nonrecording gage at site 3 mi (4.8 km) upstream at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--18 years, 404 ft 3 /s (11.44 m3 /s), 101.60 in/yr (2,581 mm/yr), 292,700 acre-ft/yr (361 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 5~480 ft 3 /s (155 m3 /s) Oct. 14, 1969, gage height, 9.13 ft (2.783 m) from rating curve extended above 2,400 ft 3 /s (68 m3 /s); minimum daily, about 16 ft 3 /s (0.45 m3/s) Mar. 26 to Apr. 25, 1972. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maxi::num Minimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1958 Aug. 13' 1958 4, 220 8.20 Mar. 1-31, 1958 32 1959 Aug. 26, 1959 l, 260 5.19 Mar. l-31, 1959 22 1960 Aug. 2, 1960 2,000 6.00 Mar. 1-31, 1960 24 1961 Sept. 12' 1961 4,890 8. 71 1-1ar. 26,27, 1961 26 1962 July 11, 1962 1,540 5. 65 Mar. l-31, 1962 22 1963 Aug. 25, 1963 3,250 7. 35 Apr. l-30' 1963 45 1964 Aug. 14, 1964 a2,500 Mar. 28, 1964 bl7 1965 Sept. 16, 1965 3,300 7.12 Feb. 1-28, 1965 50 1966 Sept. 16, 1966 4,230 8.21 Mar. 1-31, 1966 31 1967 Sept. 18, 1967 4,180 8.17 Mar. 21 to Apr. 5' 1967 28 1968 Aug. 11, 1968 2,040 6. 04 Apr. 13-23, 1968 60 1969 June 16, 1969 2,780 6.72 . Jan. 9 to Mar . 25, 1969 34 1970 Oct. 14, 1969 5,480 9.13 Jan. 15-19, 1970 75 1971 July 14, 1971 2' 270 6.27 Mar. 16 to Apr. 15, 1971 30 1972 Aug. 23' 1972 2,970 7.07 Mar. 26 to Apr. 25, 1972 16 1973 Aug. 24, 1973 1' 460 5. 46 Feb. 24 to Apr. 15, 1973 24 1974 Sept. 12, 1974 3, 300 7.40 Mar. 13 to A~Jr. 20, 1974 19 1975 June 29, 197 5 a2,000 Mar. 28 to Apr. 29, 1975 30 a Maximum daily. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.26 ft. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 666 502 111 78.9 41.6 32.0 74.0 389 1116 1122 1378 355 233 102 59. 5 32.5 25.0 22.0 33.0 308 817 788 774 306 160 94.0 60.0 39. 0 35.0 24.0 33.0 593 719 906 859 455 214 144 179 199 107 41.8 30.3 436 746 1070 906 1035 300 116 71.4 55.0 31. 0 22.0 39.0 177 669 845 656 413 230 317 127 113 87.0 67.0 45.0 237 624 1199 1170 985 484 93.5 108 74.6 63 .l 40. 2 32.6 86.9 647 965 1274 922 411 140 85.0 63.8 50.0 55.0 75.0 131 527 900 965 1435 513 165 70. 0 39.0 32. 0 31. 0 41.0 150 762 886 1693 1512 453 63.7 43. 3 34.8 30. 7 29.3 35.6 253 706 950 1228 1490 198 224 136 98.9 90.9 lOS 62. 3 307 564 872 984 408 240 72.9 40.6 34.5 34. 5 34.4 43.0 310 1358 1228 834 573 1580 211 239 ll8 116 109 103 331 705 1048 ll22 606 197 382 75.7 45.4 35.8 30.5 31.0 ll5 641 1394 1262 507 376 108 54.8 31. 7 19.9 17.1 16.5 141 517 1172 1378 1019 413 123 56 .l 34.4 26.2 24.0 27.8 128 600 918 870 908 575 173 49. 8 31. 7 22.9 19.4 22. 7 227 551 860 1000 1501 346 224 112 55.3 43 .l 34. 2 30.1 355 1035 1068 864 850 422 181 93. 2 65. 5 49.5 41. o 43 .l 260 739 lOll 1068 848 9 4 2 1 1 l 1 5 15 21 22 17 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1955, 1957-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c ANNUAL 492 294 333 428 285 436 401 405 493 445 339 402 524 396 406 346 421 420 404 DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1955 1959-cont 1961-cont 1963-cont 1966-cont 1969 1972 8-2-55 8.0 9-17-59 8.5 6-10-61 3. 5 5-1-63 0. 5 7-18-66 8.0 9-25-69 7.0 4-6-72 0.0 1957 1960 7-13-61 9.0 1964 1967 1970 6-24-72 4. 0 7-15-57 ll. 0 2-10-60 0.0 8-24-61 7.5 9~ 2-64 6.5 9-1-67 8.5 10-16-69 5. 0 8-16-72 8.0 1958 3-2-60 0.0 1962 1965 1968 6-23-70 3. 5 1973 6-4-58 4.5 4-13-60 0.0 10-15-61 4. 5 6-11-65 l.O 10-3-67 6. 0 1971 10-7-72 6.0 7-10-58 5.5 7-27-60 8. 5 l-15-62 0.0 7-21-65 5.5 3-7-68 o. 0 ll-12-70 1.5 1974 1959 1961 6-19-62 6.0 8-26-65 6.5 6-15-68 4. 0 9-8-71 7.0 4-3-74 l.O 4-2-59 2.5 10-5-60 .1. 5 1963 1966 7-18-68 8.5 9-28-71 6.0 8-16-74 6.0 7-17-59 5.5 4-4-61 o. 0 10-19-62 6.5 l-14-66 0.5 1975 9-24-75 8.0 15239880 TWITTER CREEK NEAR HOMER LOCATION.--Lat 59°42'54", long 151°37'46";: in SE~:i sec.27, T.S S., R.14 1'1., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank, 0.6 mi (1.0 Jan) upstream from mouth, and 5.7 mi (9.2 km) northwest of Ilome:t. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 16.1 mi 2 (41.7 km 2 ). WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1971 to September 1973. GAGE.--l'later-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 390 ft (119m), from topographic map. EXTRE~IES.--Maximum discharge during period of record 536 ft 3/s (15.2 m3/s) )fay 15, 1973, gage height, 4.14 ft (1.262 m), from rating curve extended above 65 ft3/s (1.8 m3 /s) on basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; maximum gage height, 4.51 ft (1.375 m) ?-fay 7, 1972, backlv-ater from ice; minimum daily discharge, 3.9 ft 3 /s (0.11 m3/s) Apr. 4-6, 1973, gage height, 0.59 ft (0.180 m). EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET M~mentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1971a Aug. 6, 1971 78 2.04 Sept. 15, 18, 1971 1972 May 7, 1972 c4.51 Mar. 16 to Apr. 25, 1972 May 19, 1972 203 3. 06 1973 Apr. 13' 1973 c4.31 Apr. 4-6, 1973 YEAR OCT 1971 1972 40.5 1973 42.8 May 15, 1973 536 a Period August to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.94 ft. c Backwater from ice. d Gage height, 0.59 ft. 4.14 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL ~lEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~fAY JUN 10.2 6.61 5.48 5.00 4.74 4.65 76.0 38.8 11.1 5. 4 7 4.59 4. 31 4.20 11.9 87.0 32.3 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1971-74. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, oc DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1971 1972-cont 1972-cont 1973-cont 3-22-71 0.0 2-17-72 0.0 8-17-72 7.0 5-ll-73 1.0 6-24-71 10.0 4-25-72 0.0 1973 6-20-73 7.5 8-27-71 8.0 S-26-72 1.5 10-9-72 0.5 9-8-73 5. 0 1972 6-13-72 7.0 12-1-72 o.o 1974 ll-10-71 0.0 7-7-72 12.0 3-30-73 0.0 10-ll-73 3.0 JUL 11.8 11.6 blO 4.5 d3. 9 AUG SEP 24.7 15.3 14.9 39.7 16.2 16.8 15 ANNUAL 21.6 20.9 16 15239900 ANCHOR RIVER NEAR ANCHOR POINT LOCATION.--Lat 59°44'50", long 151°45'11", in NE!a: sec.13, T.S S., R.lS W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on Sterling Highway, and 3.3 mi (5.3 km) southeast of Anchor Point . . BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 133 mi 2 (344 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 45.8 ft/mi (8.67 m/km); stream length, 26.2 mi (42.2 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 1120 ft (341m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1965 to September 1973. Annual maximum, water year 1974. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 168.64 ft (51.401 m) above mean sea level. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--8 years, 184 ft 3/s (5.211 m3/s), 18.79 in/yr (477 mm/yr), 133,300 acre-ft/yr (164 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 2,240 ft 3/s (63.4 m3/s) May 15, 1973, g~ge height, 5.91 ft (1. 801 m), from rating curve extended above 950 ft 3 /s (27 m3 /s) on basis of slope-area and contracted-opening measurement at gage height 5. 38 ft (1. 640 m) and slope-area measurement of peak flow; maximum gage height, 7.00 ft (2.134 m) Apr. 27, 1968 (backwater from ice); minimum daily discharge, about 28 ft 3/s (0.79 m3/s) Jan. 1-31, 1969. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE Dl CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Mom_en ta ry maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1965a Sept. 19, 1965 956 4. 03 Sept. 3' 1965 b90 1966 Sept. 19' 1966 1,230 4. 67 Dec. 16, 1965, to Jan. 5' 1966 30 1967 Sept. 7' 1967 1,010 4.10 Mar. 11 to Apr. 2' 1967 55 1968 Apr. 27, 1968 c7.00 Mar. 25 to Apr. 6, 1968 54 May 13, 1968 1,140 4.39 1969 (date unknown) c4. 78 Jan. 1-31, 1969 28 May 22, 1969 1,050 4.14 1970 Oct. 14' 1969 1' 370 4.72 Oct. 2' 1969 74 Mar. 30, 1970 c6. 61 1971 Apr. 30, 1971 c6. 94 Apr. 1-20, 1971 72 June 6, 1971 1,860 5. 38 1972 ;.Jay 7, 1972 c5.05 Feb. 16 to Mar. 31, 1972 52 May 20,1972 1,260 4.56 1973 Hay 15, 1973 2,240 5. 91 Feb. 6 to Apr. 4, 1973 54 1974 June 1974 1,000 4.26 a Period .June to September. b ?-fomentary minimum, gage height, 2. 29 ft. c Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL HEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~lAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1965 184 142 245 1966 191 58.1 32.4 41.3 60.9 44.5 185 739 307 164 215 328 1967 287 119 97.3 83.4 65.4 56.6 71.1 191 217 118 158 362 1968 159 334 134 93.3 86.1 68.6 257 585 167 91.4 74.7 82.6 1969 116 34.5 30.0 28.0 34.6 55.2 322 462 142 82.4 55.4 59. 2 1970 390 158 128 100 119 194 288 801 299 122 144 159 1971 143 207 91. 7 85.7 79.4 74.0 77. 7 576 803 217 205 156 1972 294 136 91.6 67.6 53.3 52.0 54.8 664 237 94.9 127 288 1973 336 107 69.2 59.4 54.4 54.0 147 597 271 105 135 136 MEAN 239 144 84.3 69.8 f9. 2 74.8 175 577 305 131 139 202 MONTHLY 11 7 4 3 3 3 8 2fi 14 6 6 9 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1965-74. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1965 1967 1968-cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1971-cont 1973 8-27-65 10.5 11-8-66 0.5 6-18-68 13.0 6-24-69 12.0 6·25-70 11.5 8-27-71 9.0 10-9-72 1966 1-18-67 0.5 8-1-68 11. 0 7·30-69 13.0 8-8. 70 10.0 1972 5-11-73 11-3-65 0.0 3-27-67 0.0 8-20-68 12.0 9-8-69 7.5 9-28-70 5.5 2-17·72 0.0 6-20-73 2-7-66 0.0 6-14-67 8.5 1969 1970 1971 5-10-72 2.0 7-24-73 4-7-66 0.5 9-3-67 9. 5 10-22-68 0.0 10-23-69 0.0 11-11-70 1.0 5-25·72 3.5 9-8-73 7-13-66 10.5 1968 1-13-69 o.o 1-13-70 0.0 12-21-70 0. 0 7· 6-72 18.0 1974 8-17-66 8.5 10-21·67 0.5 3-21-69 0.0 3-4·70 0.0 6·24-71 10. 0 8-14-72 12.0 10-10-73 3-14-68 0.0 5-8 ·69 2.0 4-24-70 2. 0 7-15-71 9.5 l ANNUAL 198 152 178 119 243 227 181 174 184 TEMP 2.5 2.0 9.0 15.5 6.5 3.0 YEAR i953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963. 1964 1965 1966 MEAN 15240000 ANCHOR RIVER AT ANCHOR POINT LOCATION.--Lat 59°46'21", long 151°50'05", in SE~ sec.4, T.S S., R.lS W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, near right bank on downstream side of Sterling Highway bridge at Anchor Point, 0.1 mi (0. 2 km) downstream from North Fork and 1 mi (2 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 226 mi 2 (585 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 51 ft/mi (9.7 m/km); stream length, 28 mi (45 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 970ft (296m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1953 to September 1966. GAGE.--Non-recording gage. Datum of gage is 24ft (7.3 m) above mean sea level (river profile survey). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--13 years, 299 ft 3 /s (8.468 m3 /s), 17.97 in/yr (456 mm/yr), 216,600 acre-ft/yr (267 hm 3 fyr). EXTREMES.--Maxirnum discharge during period of record, 3,030 ft 3 /s (85.8 m3 /s) Mar. 8, 1963 (discharge measurement), gage height, 6.36 ft (1.939 m), backwater from ice; maximum gage height,. 11.6 ft (3.54 m) Jan. 20, 1961 from floodmarks (ice jam); minimum discharge observed, 28 ft 3 /s (0.79 m3 /s) July 28, 1953, gage height, 1.81 ft (0.552 m), but may have been les~ during periods of no gage-height record. EXTRE~IES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water Discharge year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1953a Sept. 24, 1953 958 3. 63 July 28, 1953 b28 1954 May 7, 1954 2,320 4. 95 Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 1954 50 1955 May 14, 1955 ,cl,870 4.50 Aug. 21, 1955 d40 1956 Apr. 29, 1956 e6. 38 Apr. 1-15, 1956 80 May 2, 1956 cl,300 1957 Dec. 7' 1956 e5.90 July 16, 1957 £45 May 9, 1957 1, 620, 4.30 1958 Oct. 22, 1957 1, 710 4. 34 July 8, 1958 £83 Dec. 24' 1957 e5.83 1959 Apr. 24' 1959 e6. 95 July 10, 1959 77 Apr. 29, 1959 2,300 4.85 1960 Apr. 30, 1960 e6.58 July 22, 1960 £63 May 23, 1960 1,750 4. 38 1961 Jan. 20, 1961 ell. 6 Nov. 25, 1960 91 Sept. 11, 1961 2' zoo 4.83 1962 Apr. 6' 1962 e6.38 Aug. 4, 5' 1962 75 June 14, 1962 1, 770 4. 40 1963 ~far. 7' 1963 elO.OO Dec. 1-10, 1962 75 ~far. 8' 1963 g3,030 6. 36 1964 Apr. 6, 1964 e7.50 Nov. 9-30, 1963 77 May 31, 1964 2, 780 5. 35 1965 Dec. 3-5, 1964 e6.16 Feb. 17-21, 1965 9( Sept. 27, 1965 1,370 4.14 1966 Sept. 19, 1966 1,590 4.25 Dec. 16, 1965, to Jan. 5, 1966 45 a Period June to September. b Minimum observed, gage height, 1. 81 ft, but may have been less during periods of no gage-height record. c Maximum daily. d Minimum observed, gage height, 1. 66 ft. e Backwater from ice. f Momentary minimum. g Discharge measurement. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JA.'I FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 82.3 183 284 333 165 100 50.0 50.0 80.Q 223 1014 206 134 335 194 414 278 llO 120 120 120 140 lll5 808 252 239 328 289 llO 99.0 100 84.0 86.0 250 925 371 194 254 312 247 153 80.7 69.0 73.9 105 193 564 131 133 192 544 6ll 832 259 174 96.2 165 591 895 309 223 317 243 238 191 145 90.0 94.0 95.0 457 919 215 184 171 219 290 197 155 160 161 104 185 972 172 229 252 322 280 163 185 284 173 ll5 550 869 325 233 233 599 384 203 134 130 129 120 195 1035 531 186 106 129 197 207 ll3 166 285 681 375 473 265 317 354 471 556 92.0 160 150 130 95.0 280 1312 783 366 230 188 415 339 165 ll7 97.4 144 497 796 496 258 206 477 314 89.2 49.8 56. :i 78.0 56.8 265 992 486 257 382 477 351 232 135 128 121 151 323 914 392 218 247 342 6 7 10 MONTHLY 10 7 4 4 3 4 9 26 11 PERCENT 17 A.l>INUAL 242 338 257 208 394 253 268 335 275 326 363 335 293 299 18 15240000 ANCHOR RIVER AT ANCHOR POINT--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECOROS PERIOD OF DAIL)WRECORD. --May to August 1953, November 1953 to September 19,54, April 1959 to November 1966 (seasonal). REMARKS.--Once-daily readings by observer on most days during open water season. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 23.0°C June 27, 1953; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. WATER TEMPERATURE, °C WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1953 Max 9.0 23.0 21. 0 18.0 Min 2.0 5.5 15.5 12. 0 1954 Max 1.0 0.5 1.0 a 1.0 1.0 a a a 18.0 Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 a 0.5 0.5 a 4.5 a ll. 5 1959 Max 1.0 9.5 15.5 14.5 16.0 Min a a 8.0 10.0 10.0 1960 Max 8.5 1.0 a 1.5 6.0 12.0 a 16.0 Min 0.0 0.0 o. 0 0.0 0.0 a a 10.0 1961 Max 6. 0 2.0 a 10.0 18.0 16.5 14.5 Min 0.0 0.0 a 1.5 5.5 8.0 ll. 5 1962 Max 9.0 14.5 18. 5 15.5 Min a 5.5 7.0 ll. 0 1963 Max 14.0 13. 5 20.5 16.5 Min a 5.0 9.5 8.5 1964 Max 8.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 10.5 11.5 17.0 16.5 Min 0.0 0.0 0. 0 o. 0 D. 0 o. 0 0.0 1.0 8.0 10.0 1965 Max 9.5 0.5 a a a 15.0 Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 a a 8.0 1966 Max 5.0 16.5 19.0 13.0 Min a 4.5 8.0 5.5 1967 Max 9.0 a Min 0. 0 a a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. SEP 12.0 6.0 15.0 7.5 12.0 4.5 10.5 a 13.5 6.5 13.0 5.5 14.0 1.0 18.0 6.0 YEAR 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15241600 NINILCHIK RIVER AT NINILCHIK LOCATION.--Lat 60°02'56 11 , long 151°39'4811 in NE~ sec.34, T.l S., R.14 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on downstream side of bridge at Ninilchik, and 0. 9 mi 0. 4 km) Upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 131 mi 2 (339 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 12.7 ft/mi (2.41 m/km); stream length, 21 mi (34 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 670ft (204m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.-·April 1963 to September 1975. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 30ft (9 m), from topographic map. Prior to Oct. 1, 1965,_at site 0.2 mi (0.3 km) upstream at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--12 years, 104 ft 3/s (2.945 m3 /s), 10.78 in/yr (274 mm/yr), 75,350 aqe-ft/yr (92.9 bm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,240 ft 3 /s (35.1 m3 /s) Apr. 24, 1974, gage height, 6.04 ft (1. 841 m), from graph based on gage readings; maximum height observed, 8. 69 ft (2. 649 m) Apr. 14, 1969, backwater from ice; minimum discharge observed, 30 ft 3 /s (0.85 m3 /s} July 20, 1966, gage height, 3.64 ft (1.109 m). EXTREMES, DISCHARGE Momentary maximum Water year Date l963a Apr. 24, 1963 May 4, 1963 1964 Apr. 17, 1964 June 2, 1964 1965 Apr. 20, 1965 1966 Nov. 3, 1965 Sept. 18, 1966 1967 Oct. 13, 1966 ~ov. 13, 1966 1968 Nov. 3, 1967 Dec. 5. 1967 1969 Oct. 8, 1968 Apr. 14, 1969 May 5, 1969 1970 Apr. 1, 1970 ~lay 15, 1970 1971 May 4, 1971 !-lay 21, 1971 1972 May 5, 1972 Hay 12, 1972 1973 Apr. 9, 1973 May 15, 1973 1974 ~far. 30. 1974 Apr. 24. 1974 1975 May 12, 197 5 a Period April to September. b Backwater from ice. c Gage height, 2.80 ft. d Maximum daily. e Gage height, 3.64 ft. f Gage height, 4.00 ft. Discharge d398 d650 502 dSOO d340 d480 d127 dl27 d304 624 dl, 000 462 1, 240 1,200 I~l CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Minimum daily Gage height Date b7.12 Aug. 16, 1963 b6.28 Sov. 16-30, 1963 4.46 4.52 Jan. 1-31, 1965 66.37 July 20, 1966 11ar. 1 to Apr. 10, 1967 b6.24 5.58 Mar. 28 to Apr. 8. 1968 b7.30 4. 56 Jan. 11-20, 1969 b8. 69 4. 49 b6.45 Oct. 23, 1969 5.17 b8.22 Oct. 26, 27, 1970 5. 84 b7.68 July 30, 1972 b6.29 July 25, 1973 5. 37 b6.80 Jan. 11 to Mar. 27, 1974 6.04 6. 98 Jan. 3-7, 1975 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 210 108 83.8 151 41.1 55.3 60.9 65.6 55.8 138 381 238 115 148 117 58.6 38.0 40.0 87:3 227 167 141 124 144 46.0 42.0 44.0 60.0 60. o· 134 310 170 109 203 96.2 68.1 55.8 55.0 so. 0 61.5 111 118 85.6 103 248 70.1 50.2 49.9 61.3 155 283 112 67.1 78.2 51.6 44. 2 39.1 43.5 49.1 52.2 81.7 62.2 59.8 83.5 73.8 69.8 55.0 66.6 108 151 193 80.6 75.5 98.0 165 52.9 46.8 50.8 55.5 66.2 227 131 90.0 108 61.3 62.0 62.0 62.0 61.0 61.0 324 117 69.0 178 78.5 69.9 67.4 66.0 66.8 101 147 92.3 69.4 91.2 55.4 42.6 36.8 36.0 36.9 548 151 76.5 68.2 139 79.5 59.2 54.0 51.4 56.0 81.0 390 173 77.5 127 92.8 57.9 so. 8 53.9 62.3 148 229 124 84,1 10 8 5 4 4 5 12 18 10 7 Discharge c45 34 38 e30 so 40 38 36 40 56 f52 36 45 AUG SEP 72.6 109 109 101 89.1 185 144 199 94.4 144 54.5 61. 2 47.8 54.6 68.1 93.6 126 95.2 88.0 155 100 94.2 76.5 113 66.4 129 87.5 118 7 10 19 ANNUAL 126 119 122 95.4 110 55.4 93.4 101 103 94.5 111 113 104 20 15241600 NINILCHIK RIVER AT NINILCHIK--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD~--Water years 1963, 1965-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --May to September 1963, Octover 1964, April to July 1965. REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer on most days for period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 16.5°C July 14, 1963. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, 'C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1966 1967-cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1972-cont 11-4-65 0.0 9-3-67 10. 0 5-7-69 5.5 8-7-70 13.5 5-25-72 2-8-66 0.0 1968 6-23-69 15.0 9-28-70 5.0 6-13-72 7-13-66 13.0 10-21-67 D. 0 7-31-69 11. 0 1971 7-6-72 8-17-66 13.0 3-11-68 0. 0 9-8-69 6.0 12-21-70 0.0 8-29-72 9-20-66 6.5 6-18-68 13.0 1970 3-23-71 0.0 1973 1967 8-1-68 11. 0 10-23-69 0.0 6-24-71 10.5 10-6-72 11-8-66 0.5 8-21-68 10.0 1-13-70 0.0 8-27-71 8.0 11-22-72 1-18-67 0.5 1969 5-4-70 0.0 1972 5-10-73 6-14-67 12.5 10-22-68 0.0 5-6-70 3.0 11-9-71 6-20-73 7-28-67 15. 0 3-21-69 0.0 6-25-70 10.0 2-17-72 0. 5 7-25-73 WATER TEMPERATURE, 'C WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 1963 Max 12.0 Min a 1965 Max 6.0 4.0 10.0 Min a a l.S a. Data insufficient to compute monthly or minimum. TEMP 3.5 11.0 15.0 20.0 4.5 0.0 5.5 9.5 13.5 DATE 1973-cont 9-6-73 1974 10-10-73 11-29-73 4-26-74 4-27-74 6-19-74 6-22-74 9-5-74 JUN JUL 12.0 16.5 6.0 9.5 a a 6.0 a TEMP 10.0 3.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 AUG 15.5 9.0 DATE TEMP 197 5 10-8-74 2.5 2-1-75 0.0 4-24-75 1.0 5-5-75 0.0 5-13-75 3.0 5-14-75 3.5 6-11-75 7.0 7-8-75 17.5 8-6-75 11.0 SEP 12.0 3.5 YEAR 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 MEAN 15242000 KASILOF RIVER NEAR KASILOF LOCATION.--Lat 60°19'05 11 , long 151°15'32'~, in SW~ sec.30, T.Z N., R.ll W., Kenai" Peninsula Borough, near center of span on downstream side of bridge on Sterling Highway·, 0.9 mi( 1.4 km) upstream from Crooked Creek, 4 mi (6 km) downstream from Moosehead Rapids, 5 mi (8 km) south of Kasilof, and 10 mi (16 km) downstream from Tustumena Lake. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.·-Drainage area, 738 mi 2 (1,911 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 68.3 ft/mi (12.94 m/km); stream length, 55 mi (88 km); area of lakes and ponds, 15 percent; mean elevation, 1,810 ft (552 m); glacier area, 28 percent. WATER·DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1949 to September 1970. Annual maximum, water years, 1971-74. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Datum of gage is 23.37 ft (7.123 m) above mean sea level (Corps of Engineers' bench mark). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--21 years, 2,385 ft 3/s (67.54 m3/s), 43.89 in/)'r (1,115 mm/yr), 1,728,000 acre-ft/yr (2.13 km 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 12, 300 ft 3 Is (348 m3 Is) Sept. 14, 19 57, gage height, 7. 90 ft (2.408 m) from graph based on gage readings; maximum gage height obserVed, 8.62 ft (2.627 m) Nov. 25, 1955, back- water from ice; minimum daily discharge, 19 ft 3 /s (0.54 m3 /s) Apr. 2, 1964. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1949a Sept. 9. 1949 7. 860 6.06 July 2' 1949 b2,080 1950 Aug. 27. 1950 8, 440 6. 30 Mar. 1-31, 1950 530 1951 Sept. 8, 1951 9,090 6.55 Mar. 16-31, 1951 280 1952 Aug. 16, 1952 7,430 5. 88 Mar. 11-20, 1952 450 1953 Aug. 14, 1953 8,360 6. 31 Apr. 16, 1953 c611 1954 Dec. 13, 1953 d5.91 r-tar. 1-31, 1954 280 Aug. 28, 1954 7,090 5.77 1955 Sept. 12, 1955 6,240 5.27 Mar. 29' 1955 459 1956 Nov. 25, 1955 d8.62 Mar. 1-31' 1956 270 Aug. 29' 1956 7,880 5. 92 1957 Sept. 14, 1957 12,300 7.90 Apr. 1' 2' 1957 353 1958 Aug. 16, 1958 11,000 7.38 Apr. 26,27,29, 1958 531 1959 Sept. 1' 1959 8,150 6. 22 ~liar. 23-26, 1959 270 1960 Aug. 14, 1960 7,600 5. 99 Apr. 22, 1960 359 1961 Sept. 15' 1961 8,150 6.12 Apr. 19, 1961 596 1962 Dec. 18, 1961 d7.43 May 9, 1962 602 Sept. 5' 1962 7,110 5.73 1963 Sept. 9' 1963 8,650 6.35 May 11, 1963 e428 1964 Aug. 31, 1964 7,140 5.74 Apr. 2' 1964 19 1965 Sept. 30, 1965 f6,970 5. 67 Jan. 16-31, 1965 520 1966 Aug. 16, 1966 8,680 6. 36 Mar. 21 to Apr. 24' 1966 300 1967 Aug. 25, 1967 11,400 7.36 Mar. 21 to Apr. 7' 1967 380 1968 Aug. 22' 1968 8,860 6. 38 May 5, 1968 536 1969 Aug. 8' 1969 6,030 5. 32 Jan. 9 to Feb. 13' 1969 340 1970 Oct. 22' 1969 7,370 5. 85 May 8, 1970 560 1971 11,000 7.10 1972 Sept. 1972 8,950 6. 41 1973 Sept. 1973 4,900 4. 82 1974 7,210 5. 79 a Period July to September. b Minimum observed, gage height, 3.05 ft. c Gage height, 1.57 ft. d Backwater from ice. e Gage height, 1. 32 ft. f Stage rising, peak occurred Oct. 4, 1965; maximum peak discharge, 5,420 ft 3 /s Sept. 18' 1965. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 3412 5154 6948 4150 2098 1000 750 550 530 649 661 1182 3785 6514 6780 3739 1642 897 535 360 290 453 703 1364 4573 7239 8139 4342 2022 1235 837 582 464 569 591 824 2900 6623 4971 4223 2684 1886 1097 883 795 669 771 1821 4900 7810 6452 3651 1756 897 560 380 280 440 695 1390 3509 6406 5665 3654 2057 816 600 540 480 505 547 844 2681 5385 5561 2832 1161 358 290 280 270 449 743 1012 2462 6321 6483 3325 1441 725 454 401 428 414 625 1790 4855 6619 10480 5885 3706 1842 1145 719 5 72 581 656 1818 5513 9460 6207 2958 1425 847 414 314 285 494 717 1556 4311 6320 5691 3805 2037 1122 662 524 469 403 5 70 1576 3959 7029 5497 3203 1624 1138 952 955 6.93 673 809 1575 4060 7144 7057 4243 2083 1500 920 680 620 674 676 1400 424 7 6148 5612 3022 1768 1130 716 609 566 520 591 1279 3656 6124 7462 4352 2328 1294 827 537 489 113 264 985 3785 6195 585 7 3421 2014 1152 559 530 746 719 702 1038 2093 4168 5270 4954 1757 975 673 436 332 309 656 1281 4102 7638 7388 4981 2082 1048 666 491 399 457 981 1668 4565 10030 9594 5368 2494 1597 1156 868 700 597 649 1434 4024 7 594 5506 2584 1262 635 350 371 492 488 581 1704 4725 5329 3982 5323 3430 1880 866 939 919 676 760 1218 2531 4575 4284 4001 2042 1142 716 569 515 517 664 1369 3848 6628 6404 MONTHLY 14 7 4 3 2 2 2 2 5 14 23 22 PERCENT 21 A;'INUAL 2399 2508 2173 2848 2148 1981 1893 2638 3196 2124 2313 2500 2414 2296 2261 1874 2557 3097 2677 1888 2293 2385 22 15242000 KASILOF RIVER NEAR KASILOF--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1953-70 PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1953 1957 1959-cont 1961-cont 1964-cont 1967 1969 11-7-52 4.5 10·18-56 4.5 7-29-59 11. 0 8-23-61 12. 5 4-17-64 0.0 11-9-66 0.5 10-21-68 4.0 5-17-53 5. 0 8-15-57 18.0 9-16-59 10.5 1962 1965 l-19-67 0. 5 3-22-69 0. 0 1954 9-24-57 9.0 1960 10-14-61 5.0 2-2-65 0.0 3-30-67 0.0 5-9·69 6.0 4-21·54 0.5 1958 2· 4-60 0.0 6-25-62 10.5 4-23-65 5.5 6-14-67 12.0 6-25-69 13.0 5-27-54 10.5 4-28-58 4.5 3-1-60 0. 0 8-7-62 14.0 6-10-65 9. 0 7-28-67 15.0 8-l-69 14.0 7-15-54 15.0 6-3-58 1n.5 4-12-60 0.0 8-30-62 ll. 5 7-22-65 13.0 9-3-67 12.0 9-9-69 9.5 1955 8· 7-58 13.5 5-10-60 10.0 1963 8-28-65 12. 5 1968 1970 10-20-54 6.5 9-14-58 11.0 1961 10-12-62 6.5 9-25-65 10.5 3-15-68 0. 5 l-14-70 0.0 3·29·55 0.0 1959 10-4-60 7.0 11-29-62 0.0 1966 5-16-68 8.0 3-4-70 l.O 1956 3-16-59 0.0 4-5-61 0.5 7-20-63 13.5 11-4-65 0. 0 6-19-68 13.0 5-6-70 8.0 8-14-56 15.5 4-23-59 l.S 6-9-61 11.0 1964 2-10-66 0. 5 8-2-68 ll. 0 8-8-70 10.5 9-12-56 11.5 5-12-59 2. 5 7-14-61 15.5 2-12-64 l.O YEAR 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 8-21-68 14.0 9-29-70 15243500 SNOW RIVER NEAR DIVIDE LOCATION.--Lat 60°18'05 11 , long 149°14'10", Kenai Peninsula Borough. on left bank 0.3 mi (0.5 km) upstream from small tributary, 0.7 mi (1.1 km) downstream from small tributary, 5.1 mi (8.2 km) northeast of Divide, and 6.2 mi (10.0 km) upstream from Alaska Railroad Bridge. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 99.8 mi' (258.5 km'). WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--December 1960 to July 1965. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 1,050 ft (320m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 25,000 ft 3 /s (708 m3 /s) Oct. 7, 1961, gage height, 10.3 ft (3.14 m) from floodmarks, from rating curve extended above 10!000 ft 3 /s (280 m3 /s) caused by release of stored water behind ice dam upstream; minimum daily about 16 ft 3 /s (0.45 m /s) Mar. 21-31, 1964. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge l96la Sept. 11, 1961 b6,000 Mar. 16-31' 1961 53 1962 Oct. 7' 1961 c25,000 10.3 Mar. l-31, 1962 20 1963 Aug:. 24, 1963 3,930 6. 85 Apr. 1-15' 1963 22 1964 Sept. 23, 1964 cl7,900 9. 48 Mar. 21-31, 1964 16 l96Sd Oct. 7' 1964 5,050 6.96 Mar. l-15, 1965 28 a Period December to September. b ?.faximum daily, estimated. c Result of release of stored water from glacier-dammed lake. d Period October to July. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 110 127 98.8 60.3 63.5 713 1277 2017 1805 2597 997 151 64.8 35.0 24.0 20.0 57.6 353 1277 2263 1629 739 165 200 61.8 43.1 56. 2 36.1 34.0 380 799 2040 1674 1591 SOl 94.1 87.8 50.2 32.1 20. 5 33.3 157 1561 1914 1974 3439 1262 357 45.4 36.5 32.1 29.5 119 412 1300 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1961-64. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1961 1961-cont 1962 1963 1964 12-3-60 0.0 6-12-61 5.5 10-11-61 0.5 11-30-62 0.0 11-26-63 0.0 2-2-61 0.0 7-15-61 8.0 l-16-62 0.0 5· 1-63 2. 5 4-21-64 0.0 2-20-61 0.0 8-26-61 6. 0 8-17-62 9.5 5-21-64 l.O 4-29-61 4.0. 8.5 ANNUAL 640 592 821 15243900 SNOW RIVER NEAR SEWARD LOCATION.--Lat 60°17'11", long 149°20'19", in ~E~ sec.6~ T.2 N., R.l E., Kenai PenJnsula Borough, on downstream end of first pier on left bank at the Alaska Ra1lroad br1dge, 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream from mouth at Kenai Lake, and 13 mi (21 km) north of Seward. BASIN CHARACTER!ST!CS.--Drainage area, 128 mi 2 (332 km 2 ). PERIOD OF RECORD. --August to September 1970, August to September 1974. GAGE. --Water-stage recorder above 38.5 ft (11. 74 m) and nonrecording gage below this stage. Altitude of gage is 475 ft (145 h1) from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge August to September 1970, 17,300 ft 3 /s (504 m3 /s) Sept. 22, gage height, 39.57 ft (12.061 m), result of release of stored water from glacier-dammed lake. · Maximum discharge August to September 1974, 2n,400 ft 3 /s (748 m3 /s) Sept. 20, gage height, 40.75 ft (12.421 m), result of release of stored water from glacier-dammed lake. Glacier-dammed lake outburst flood of about Aug. 31, 1967 reached a stage of 42.6 ft (12.98 m), from floodmarks, discharge, 55,000 ft 3 /s (1,~00 m3 /s), from rating curve extended above 27,000 ft 3 /s (760 m3/s). REMARKS. --Station installed to record infl:ow into Kenai Lake from sub-glacial breakout of lake at head of an un- named glacier in headwaters of Snow River. The lake is about 28 mi (45 km) upstream from the gage. YEAR 1970 1974 OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND JAN FEB HAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 2291 SEP 3761 6294 23 ANNUAL YEAR 194 7 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 24 15244000 PTARMIGAN CREEK AT LAWING LOCATION.--Lat 60°24'20", long 149°21'45", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank 200 ft (61 m) upstream from bridge on Seward-Anchorage highway, 0.2 mi (0.3 km) north of Lawing, 0.3 mi (0.5 km) upstream from mouth, and 3 mi (5 km) downstream fliOm Ptarmigan Lake. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 32.6 mi 2 (84.4 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 220 ft/mi (41.7 m/km); stream length, 14.6 mi (23.5 km); area of lakes and ponds, 6 percent; mean elevation, 2,800 ft (853 m); glacier area, 12 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --May 1947 to September 1958. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 500 ft (152 m), from topographic map. Prior to June 11, 1952, nonrecording gage at site 200 ft (61 m) downstream at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--11 years, 111 ft 3 /s (3.144 m3 /s), 46.24 in/yr (1,174 mm/yr), 80,420 acre-ft/yr (99.2 hm'/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 980 ft 3 /s (27.8 m3 /s) June 29, 1953, gage height, 3.28 ft (1.000 m); maximum ga~e height recorded, 4.38 ft (1.335 m) Dec. 18, 1956, backwater from ice; minimum daily discharge, about 9ft /s (0.25 m3 /s) Mar. 1-15, 1951 and Apr. 1-15, 1952. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Hinimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1947a bMay29, 1947 c366 0. 92 May 1, 1947 18 1948 July 7, 1948 c590 1. 30 Mar. 22-24, Mar. 30 to Apr. 8, 1948 12 1949 Sept. 4, 5, 1949 dSOO Feb. 8-10, 17-21, 1949 10 1950 Nov. 23, 1949 c518 1. 65 Apr. 7-9, 1950 13 1951 July 5-15, 1951 d310 Mar. 1-15, 1951 9. 0 1952 July 25, 1952 300 2.12 Apr. 1-15, 1952 9.0 1953 June 26, 1953 3. 32 Apr. 1-10, 1953 17 June 29, 1953 980 3. 28 1954 Oct. 7' 1953 432 2.37 Mar. 16-31, 1954 10 Jan. 19, 1954 e2.56 1955 Dec. 25' 1954 e3.80 Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1955 18 July 23, 1955 525 2. 46 1956 Nov. 26, 1955 e3.19 Feb. 9' 1956 fll July 17, 1956 396 2.20 1957 Dec. 18, 1956 e4.38 ~ar. 25-30, 1957 13 Sept. 3' 1957 796 2. 80 1958 Dec. 21, 1957 e3.63 Mar. 1-31, 1958 18 June 21, 1958 590 2. 42 a Period May to September. b Also June 1, 194 7. c Maximum daily. d l>laximum daily, estimated. e Backwater from ice. f Minimum observed, discharge measurement. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR !-lAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 74.6 220 247 189 135 144 137 87.1 23. 2 17.0 13.2 29. 7 139 301 331 219 113 144 71.1 24.9 14.0 11.4 13.7 16.2 93.8 276 334 233 265 120 157 55.6 30.0 17.0 14.8 21.5 95.7 245 268 258 220 66.0 30.3 16.5 12.4 10.0 9. 52 19.7 79.3 155 251 162 245 71. 5 44.5 24.9 13.5 12.0 10.4 9. so 31.4 162 232 172 110 198 185 85.5 41. 5 28.7 20.0 33.0 158 511 381 233 141 153 49.3 32.0 23.0 18.6 11.0 19.7 92.8 204 201 198 104 91.8 92.1 38.2 27. 8 20.0 15.9 14.9 37.4 170 359 199 125 47.2 31.3 21. e 18.9 16.0 14.0 17.1 55.0 159 256 234 125 47.5 41.2 33.6 19.4 16.0 15. 2 20.2 90.3 234 175 187 352 165 143 45.5 34.5 21.1 18.0 39.5 113 324 265 243 111 113 89.2 42.2 23.5 17.1 14.2 21. 9 88.4 247 27 5 211 170 9 7 3 2 1 1 2 7 19 21 16 13 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1953-58. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1953 1954-cont 1955-cont 1957 1958-cont 4-15-53 2.5 5-28-54 6.0 12-1-54 3.0 6-14-57 10.0 6-2-58 4.5 5-18-53 5.0 7-14-54 14.0 1-21-55 1.0 8-17-57 15.5 7-7-58 13.0 1954 1955 1956 9-27-57 6.5 8-8-58 9. 5 10-9-53 6. 0 10-22-54 5.Q 8-13-56 11.5 1958 9-15-58 9. 0 4-23-54 2.5 9-10-56 9.0 5-1-58 4.0 ANNUAL 130 125 126 88.5 74. 7 169 92.8 100 83.3 103 127 111 YEAR 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15246000 GRANT CREEK NEAR MOOSE PASS LOCATION.--60°27'25", long 149°21'15", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank 0.3 mi (0.5 km) upstream from mouth, 0.8 mi (1.3 km) downstream from Grant Lake, and 2.3 mi (3.7 km) south of Moose Pass. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.· ·Drainage area, 44.2 mi 2 (114. 5 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 150 ft/mi (28. 4 m/km); stream length, 12.8 mi (20.6 km); area of lakes and ponds, 10 percent; mean elevation, 2,900 ft (884 m); glacier area, 18 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. -"-September 194 7 to September 1958. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 491ft (149.7 m) above mean sea level (river-profile survey). Prior to July 1, 1952, nonrecording gage at site 0.1 mi (0.,2 km) downstream at datum 7. 23 ft (2. 204 m) lower. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--11 years, 193 ft 3/s (5.466 m3/s), 59.30 in/yr (1,506 mm/yr), 139,800 acre-ft/yr (172 hm 3/yr)·. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record,. 2,230 ft 3/s (63.2 m3/s) June 28, 1953, ga2e height, 4.46 ft (1.359 m) from rating curve extended above 1,100 ft 3/s (31 m3/s); minimum daily, about 11 ft~/s (0.31 m3/s) Feb. 3, 8-10, 17-21, 1949. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1947a Sept. 3'0, 1947 b439 2. 92 Sept. 16, 1947 cl52 1948 July 7, 1948 b780 Apr. 5·7. 1948 14 1949 Soet. 4. 5. 1949 b800 Feb. 3. 8-10. 17-21. 1949 11 1950 June 21, 1950 b865 4.00 Apr. 5-9, 1950 16 1951 July 8, 1951 b665 Mar. 1-15' 1951 13 1952 July 24, 1952 820 3. 00 Apr. 16-30' 1952 14 1953 June 28, 1953 2,230 4.46 Apr. 1-5, 1953 24 1954 Oct. 7' 1953 782 3.11 Mar. 16 to Apr. 20, 1954 25 1955 July 11, 1955 1,050 3.45 Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1955 18 1956 Jan. 10, 1956 d3.3 Mar. 1-31, 1956 15 Aug. 20, 1956 663 2.93 1957 Sept. 3, 1957 1,700 4.06 Mar. 21-31, 1957 18 1958 June 21, 1958 1,020 3.42 Mar. 4, 1958 e23 a Sept. 1-30. b Maximum daily. c Gage height, 2.10 ft. d Backwater from ice. e Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.56 ft. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAl'l FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 260 262 200 116 32,4 24.1 16.5 27.1 244 493 556 385 162 259 89,8 25.9 15,0 12.4 14.8 17o1 137 409 474 325 446 194 197 71.3 37.2 21.1 18.3 26.1 117 447 521 481 338 101 33.3 21.0 19.1 15.5 13.6 27.3 124 325 518 376 505 87o8 51.5 30.4 18.5 15.9 15.7 14.5 66.1 375 572 434 268 337 263 124 57,7 44.5 30.4 61o4 281 928 711 513 294 257 69.1 39,7 32.1 33.3 28.4 29.7 173 409 420 384 201 168 145 51,4 41.6 23.7 18.0 18.0 72.0 291 643 407 273 81o5 42.0 25.0 20.0 17.0 15.0 21o9 121 269 471 453 215 64.6 55.6 51.8 22,4 19,0 19.6 28.9 166 449 359 370 565 207 161 56.3 44.1 29.1 25.5 65.6 170 535 449 418 155 184 119 55.8 30.9 23.2 19.6 30.7 152 448 518 413 307 8 5 2 1 1 1 1 7 20 23 18 13 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1952-59. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, oc DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1954 1955-cont 1957 1958-cont 12-15-51 0. 5 10-9-53 6.0 1-21-55 1.5 6-13-57 10.0 8-9-58 11.0 1953 4-22-54 3.5 1956 8-17-57 15.5 9-15-58 11.0 11-6-52 3.5 7-13-54 14.5 7-12-56 10.0 1958 1959 4-16-53 2.5 1955 8-13-56 ll. 5 5-1-58 5.0 10-17-58 4.0 5-19-53 4.0 10-21-54 6.5 9-11-56 10.5 7-7-58 9.5 25 ANNUAL 211 186 207 174 163 305 174 181 147 181 194 193 YEAR 194 7 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 26 15248000 TRAIL RIVER NEAR LAWING LOCATION.--Lat 60°26'0111 , long 149°22'19u, in SW~ sec.13, T.4 N., R.l W., Kenai Peninsula Borough near center of stream on downstream end of pier at bridge site on old Seward-Anchorage Highway, 0.2 mi (0.3 k~) upstream from Falls Creek, ~.2 mi (~.3 km) downstream from Lower Trail Lake, 1.9 mi (3.1 km) upstream from mouth, and 2.1 mi (3. 4 km) north of LaWlng. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 181 mi 2 (469 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 89 ft/mi (16.9 m/km}; stream length, 23 mi (45 km); area of lakes and ponds, 2 percent; mean elevation, 2,470 ft (753 m); glacier area, 11 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1947 to September 1974 (discharge]; October 1974 to September 1975 (seasonal gage heights]. GAGE.--Water-stage recoTder. Altitude of gage is 460 ft (140 m), from topograhic map. Prior to Sept. 13, 1952, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--27 years, 780 ft 3 /s (22.09 m3 /s), 58.52 in/yr (1,486 _mm/yr], 565,100 acre-ft/yr (697 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge durin§ period of record, 7,4&0 ft 3 /s (212 m3 /s) Sept. 18 1967 gage height, 11.93 ft (3.636 m); minimum daily, 48ft /s (1.36 m3 /s) Feb. 9, 10, 1949. ' ' EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage !>eight Date Discharge 1947a Aug. 2' 194 7 2,800 7. 4 May 1, 1947 120 1948 June 20, 1948 b3' 340 7.9 Apr. 4-8, 1948 80 1949 Sept. 4, 5, 1949 c3,000 Feb. 9. 10, 1949 48 1950 June 21. 1950 b3,600 8.12 Apr. 10-12, 1950 63 1951 July 10, 11, 1951 c3,000 Mar. 1-15, 1951 52 1952 July 14, 1952 b2,960 7.40 Apr. 1-15, 1952 61 1953 June 28, 1953 5, 860 10.16 Apr. 8, 1953 86 1954 Oct. 7' 1953 3' 620 8.33 Mar. 25-29, 1954 68 1955 July 11, 1955 4, 030 8.69 Mar. 25, 1955 63 1956 Aug. 20, 1956 3,030 7. 77 Mar. 30, 31, 1956 d64 1957 Sept. 4, 1957 b4,700 Mar. 31, 1957 e79 1958 June 22, 1958 4,080 9.22 Mar. 20, 1958 f84 1959 June 21, 1959 3,030 8.26 Mar. 22, 23, 1959 64 1960 July 26, 1960 2,780 8.01 Apr. 5' 1960 84 1961 Sept. 13' 1961 4,030 8. 95 Mar. 27' 1961 99 1962 June 22, 1962 2,880 7.93 Mar. 21-24, 1962 60 1963 July 16, 1963 2,860 7.86 Mar. 27, 1963 g75 1964 Aug. 14, 1964 4,370 9.19 Mar. 28' 1964 62 1965 July 13, 1965 2,790 7.79 Feb. 20 to Mar. 2' 1965 lOS 1966 Sept. 16, 1966 5,520 10.62 Feb. 21 to Mar. 22, 1966 80 1967 Sept. 18' 1967 7,480 11.93 Mar. 21 to Apr. 6, 1967 85 1968 July 10, 1968 2' 550 7.92 Apr. 15, 16, 1968 99 1969 June 16, 1969 4,090 9.20 Jan. 15-17, 1969 63 1970 Oct. 7' 1969 6,080 10.59 Apr. 12, 1970 hl66 1971 July 14, 1971 4,150 9. 30 Jan. 28-30, 1971 53 1972 Aug. 23, 1972 2,780 8.29 Jan. 23-31, 1972 51 1973 July 29, 1973 2,360 7.86 Jan. 30, 31, Feb. 1, 1973 74 1974 Sept. 16, 1974 3,220 a·. 57 Mar. 7' 1974 i64 197 5 July 11, 1975 8.96 a Period May to September. b Maximum daily. c Maximum daily, estimated. d Gage height, 2.99 ft. e Momentary minimum, gage f Gage height. 2. 98 ft. height, 2.89 ft. g Momentary minimum, gage height, 2. 72 ft. h Momentary minimum. gage height, :1.93 ft. i Momentary minimum_, gage height, 2. 82-ft. MONTHLY A~D ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 485 1594 2050 1673 998 909 755 543 167 131 95.6 175 758 1892 2243 1540 705 729 311 115 69.2 56. 5 69.5 104 581 1392 1989 1558 1651 548 695 366 130 89.2 83.5 90.3 410 1895 2084 2160 1439 427 142 84.8 71.2 57.6 55.5 110 543 1287 2221 1576 2050 361 220 134 81.7 73.0 68.3 61. 5 211 1295 2282 16?4 976 1132 857 397 209 149 105 268 1164 3007 2676 2165 1250 1076 291 157 117 90.0 76.6 116 833 1686 1796 1781 935 675 580 239 146 90.2 72.3 81.1 435 1288 2686 1764 1221 334 159 98.3 90.3 76.1 70.8 119 596 1083 1988 2129 964 260 224 210 103 91. 5 98.9 151 718 1963 1716 1770 2254 989 729 241 188 114 90.5 307 767 2173 203i 1946 674 419 264 164 109 84.1 74.9 173 931 2227 1767 1567 620 517 366 222 143 129 94.6 126 1478 1887 2188 1693 986 534 376 449 578 243 118 150 1038 1988 2378 1935 1359 498 288 136 110 84.5 66.4 205 507 1706 2029 1480 769 334 608 210 123 119 135 110 643 1303 2249 1657 1287 613 232 262 175 127 88.1 303 488 2338 2006 2037 1087 608 400 271 211 117 160 304 497 1350 2044 1694 1528 557 197 154 123 89.2 88.1 150 468 1887 2025 2215 2082 804 369 166 107 97.9 88.2 108 651 1691 1829 2MS 2917 709 332 253 190 176 225 134 922 1581 1904 1617 793 306 240 117 68.5 86.1 89.2 187 824 2298 1953 1ozo; 782 2389 624 603 272 268 237 212 709 1501 1933 1849 846 328 926 231 111 91.9 90.4 96.3 427 1771 2645 2437 1245 598 212 132 77.6 60.3 71.2 64.8 367 1063 1936 1834 1230 521 233 143 97.0 80.0 80.3 120 657 1288 1826 1436 916 335 164 128 96.1 79.6 74.4 152 646 1614 1803 1467 1677 98.8 155 670 1716 2081 1774 1259 648 400 231 147 109 22 19 14 1 1 2 7 19 7 4 2 2 ANNUAL 829 723 836 722 618 1120 751 778 646 799 859 704 823 934 660 735 815 769 840 909 740 667 961 871 640 621 689 780 15248000 TRAIL RIVER NEAR LAWING--Continued WATER .TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1952-73. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --April 1959 to March 1967. REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 13. 0°C July 22, 1965 and July 23-25, 1966; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1955 1958-cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1971-cont 12-15-51 1.0 10-22-54 6.0 6-"2-58 9.0 3-20-69 0.0 6-23-70 9.5 8-10-71 9.0 1953 1956 7-7-58 ll. 5 5-7-69 3.5 8-9-70 8.0 1972 ll-5-52 4.5 9-14-56 9.0 8-9-58 10.0 6-26-69 ll. 0 9-22-70 8.0 10-7-71 5.0 4-15-53 0.5 1957 9-15-58 9.5 7-29-69 ll. 0 1971 1-25-72 0.0 5-18-53 5.0 10-17-56 1.5 1968 9-10-69 9.0 10-29-70 2.0 2-23-72 0. 0 1954 6-13-57 ll. 5 2-15-68 0.5 1970 1-29-71 0.0 3-22-72 0.0 4-23-54 1.0 1958 6-20-68 10.0 10-9-69 6.0 3-18-71 0.0 4-19-72 o. 0 5-28-54 6.5 4-4-58 1.0 8-22-68 10.5 1-15-70 0. 0 4-23-71 1.0 5-23-72 4.0 7-14-54 12.0 5-1-58 5.0 1969 3-3-70 1.0 7-1-71 3.5 7-10-72 10.0 1-16-69 0.5 5-5-70 5.0 WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1959 Max 3.5 7.0 12.0 ll. 0 12.0 Min a 4.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 1960 Max 8.5 4.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 0.5 2.0 6.5 10.0 12.0 a Min 0.5 0. 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 6.0 9.0 a 1961 Max 6. 5 a 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 3.5 9.0 10.5 10.5 ll. 0 Min 3.5 a 0. 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 3. 5 5. 5 6. 0 9.0 1962 Max 6. 5 2.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 4.0 6.5 10.0 12.0 a Min 1.5 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 1.5 3.5 6. 0 9.5 a 1963 Max 6.0 4.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.0 10.0 10.5 ll. 5 Min 1.5 o.o 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 o. 0 0.5 3.0 7.0 10.0 9.0 1964 Max 7.0 2.0 a 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.0 9.0 ll.O 11.0 Min 2.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 o. 0 0. 0 0.0 2.0 4.5 7.0 5.0 1965 Max 7.0 2.0 0. 5 1.0 0.5 1.5 3.5 6.5 8.5 13.0 10.0 Min 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.5 3.0 5.5 7.0 9.0 1966 Max a 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 9.5 13.0 12.0 Min 1.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 3.0 a 8.5 6.0 1967 Max 7.0 1.5 a 0. 0 0.0 1.0 Min 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maxi.rm.nn or minimum. 15250000 FALLS CREEK NEAR LAWING DATE 1972-cont 8-31-72 1973 10-10-72 1-11-73 3-28-73 5-7-73 6-18-73 7-24-73 9-4-73 SEP 10.0 8.0 9.5 6. 5 10.0 6. 5 a a 10.0 8.0 9.5 7.0 9.0 4.5 LOCATION. --Lat 60°25' 50", long 149°22 '10", Kenai Peninsula Borough, 0.1 mi (0.2 km) upstream from mouth, and 2.0 mi (3.2 km) north of Lawing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 11.8 mi 2 (30. 6 km2)' approximately; slope, 477 ft/mi (90. 3 m/km); stream length, 8.1 mi (13.0 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 3,480 ft (1061 m); glacier area, 6 percent. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to November 1913. Annual maximum, water years 1963-70. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 460 ft (140 m), from topographic map. Different datum in 1913. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge, 693 ft 3 /s ~19.6 m3 /s) Sept. 5, 1966, gage height, 13.86 ft (4.225m), from rating curve extended above 200 £t 3 /s (5. 7 m /s); minimum observed, 9.0 ft 3 /s (0.25 m3 /s) Sept. 16, 1913, gage height, 2. 50 ft (0. 762 m), datum then in use. MOMENTARY MAXIMUM, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water year Date Discharge Gage height 1913 Sept. 25' 1913 312 4.75 1963 July 2, 1963 llO 12.20 1964 July 1964 130 11.72 1965 July 1965 120 11.64 1966 Sept. 5, 1966 693 13.86 1967 September 1967 450 13.ll 1968 June 1968 210 12.16 1969 June 1969 300 12.56 1970 Oct. 6' 1969 491 13.22 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL HEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND TEMP ll. 0 4. 5 0.5 1.0 4.0 9.0 11.0 10.0 FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP YEAR 1913 1914 OCT 22.2 NOV DEC JAN 43.5 27 ANNUAL 28 15252000 QUARTZ CREEK NEAR GILPATRICKS LOCATION.--Lat 60°33'00", long 149°36'10", Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1 mi (2 km) upstream from Devils Creek, 4.2 mi (6. 8 km) southeast of Gilpatricks, and 7 mi (11 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS. _.Drainage area, 30 mi 2 (78 km 2 ), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD. --August to November 1913: GAGE. --Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 780 ft (238 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge observed during ~eriod of record, 135 ft 3 /s (3.82 m3 /s) Sept. 24,25, 1913, gage height, 3.75 ft (1.143 m); minimum observed, 44ft /s (1.25 m3 /s) Sept. 18-22, Oct. 29, 1913, gage height, 3.05 ft (0.930 m). YEAR 1913 1914 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~lAY JUN JUL AUG 57. 5 15253000 CRESCENT CREEK NEAR MOOSE PASS LOCATION.--Lat .60°28 1 45", long 149°34'.25", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank 90ft (27m) downstream from Crescent Lake Outlet, and 7 rni (11 km) west of Moose Pass. SEP 64.6 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS. --Drainage area, 21.4 mi 2 (55. 4 km 2 ], main-channel slope, 136 ft/mi (25. 8 m/km); stream length, 14.7 mi (23.7 km); area of lakes and ponds, 13 percent; mea:n elevation, 2,700 ft (820 m}; glacier area, 0 percent. YEAR 1957 1958 1959 1960 WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --May 1957 to September 1960. GAGE. --Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1,452. 5 ft (442. 72 m} ab~ve mean sea level (river-profile survey). EXTREMES.-~Maximum discharge during period of record, 262 ft 3 /s (7.42 m3 /s) May 25, 1960, gage height, 2.81 ft (0.856 m); maximum gage height, 2.85 ft (0.869 ml Sept. 15, 1957; minimum daily discharge, about 13 ft 3 /s (0.37 m3 /sJ Apr. 1-13, 1960. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum l!.finimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1957a June 9, 1957 b210 2.55 Aug. 19, 20, 1957 c31 Sept. 15. 1957 2.85 1958 Oct. 31, 1957 2.65 Feb. 19,25, Har. 20,21,23,24,26, 1958 14 June 8, 1958 210 2.62 1959 June 21, 1959 190 2.55 Feb. 1-28, Mar. 14-31, 1959 14 1960 May 25, 1960 262 2.81 Apr. 1-13. 1960 13 a Period May to September. b Maximum daily. c Momentary minimum, gage height, 1.62 ft. MONTHLY AN!J AJINUAL HEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB ~IAR APR flAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 130 59. 2 39.1 93.2 64. 7 92.5 38.4 32.3 18.1 15.3 17.3 60.3 147 89.8 75.6 65.4 58.4 37.3 22.3 15.4 14.0 14.4 18.1 64.9 160 93.5 64.3 46.2 39.6 41.4 27.3 18.0 15.7 14.2 15.2 120 138 llO 95.2 75.7 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1956-61. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1956 1958 1960 7-10-56 10.0 5-27-58 2.5 3-3-60 0.5 8-16-56 13.0 8-8-58 12.5 4-14-60 0.5 9-13-56 10.0 1959 1961 1957 1-21-59 0.5 10-3-60 6.5 10-15-56 2.5 4-21-59 1.0 8-16-57 18.5 ANNUAL ANNUAL 59.9 so. 9 59.4 -, . I I 15254000 CRESCENT CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--60°29'49 11 , long 149°40'38", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank at bridge on old Seward-Kenai Highway, 0. 3 mi (0. 5 km) upstream from mouth, and 5. 3 mi (8. 5 km) east of Cooper Landing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drairtage area, 31.7 mi 2 (82.1 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 136 ft/mi (25.8 m/km); stream length, 14.7 mi (23.6 km); area of lakes and ponds, 13 percent; mean elevation, 2,700 ft (823 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1949 to September 1966. Annual maximum, water years "1967-75. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Crest-stage gage only, since October 1966. Altitude of gage is 550ft (168m), from topographic map. Prior to Aug. 19, 1949, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. Since October 1, 1969 at datum 10.00 ft (3.048 m) lower. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--17 years, 75.8 ft 3 /s (2.147 m3 /s), 32.47 in/yr (825 mm/yr), 54,920 acre-ft/yr (67.7 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,500 ft 3 /s (42.5 m3 /s) Oct. 9, 1969, gage height, 12.73 ft (3.880 m); maximum gage height recorded, 3.35 ft (1.021 m) Jan. 14, 1961, backwater from ice, datum then in use; minimum discharge observed, 2. 7. ft 3 /s (0. 076 m3 /s) Mar. 8, 1954, discharge measurement, caused by storage behind ice jam upstream. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE Momentary maximum Water year Date 1949a Sept. 26, 1949 1950 Dec. 19, 1949 Sept. 22, 1950 1951 June 6, 1951 1952 Dec. 16, 1951 June 27, 1952 1953 June 27, 1953 June 28, 1953 1954 Jan. 19, 1954 June 9, 1954 1955 Dec. 9, 1954 July 4, 1955 1956 Nov. 3, 1955 July 4, 1956 1957 Nov. 2, 1956 June 7, 1957 1958 Dec. 18, 1957 June 7, 1958 1959 Nov. 16, 1958 June 11-30, 1959 1960 Dec. 17, 1959 May 25, 1960 1961 Jan. 14, 1961 May 15, 1961 1962 June 21, 1962 1963 Dec. 3, 1962 July 17, 1963 1964 June 14, 1964 1965 Dec. 2, 1964 July 13, 1965 1966 Aug. 21, 1966 1967 September 1967 1968 1969 May 27, 1969 1970 Oct. 9, 1969 1971 June 1971 1972 1973 1974 June 1974 1975 July 1975 a Period July to September. b Gage height, 0.96 ft. c Backwater from ice. Discharge 220 322 177 213 820 184 380 220 342 300 g230 395 315 h280 230 h470 292 500 720 190 300 1,500 560 i400 i300 210 330 IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, Gage height 1. 61 Sept. c2.18 Apr. 1.88 1.48 Mar. c2.28 Apr. 1.63 2.85 Apr. 2.55 cl. 37 Mar. 1.10 c2.52 Apr. 1.97 c2.23 Mar. 1. 62 c2.20 Mar. 1. 90 c3.09 Mar. 1. 55 cl. 95 ~lar. c2.94 Mar. 1.71 c3.35 Mar. 1. 60 1. 56 Feb. c3.05 Mar. 1. 25 Mar. c2.57 Feb. 1. 25 1. 65 Apr. 2.30 1.18 1. 32 12.73 11.55 10.72 11.09 d Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.45 ft. e Discharge measurement, caused by .. storage behind ice jam upstream. f Momentary minimum, caused by storage behind ice jam upstream g :f.iaximum daily, estimated. h Maximum daily. i Estimated. GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Minimum daily Date Discharge 21, 1949 b65 1-13, 1950 12 1-31, 1951 12 1-15, 1952 10 17, 1953 dl4 8, 1954 e2. 7 6-30, 1955 14 1-31, 1956 17 17, 1957 f6.0 31, 1958 e8.0 15, 1959 12 1-31, 1960 16 16-31, 1961 18 16 to Mar. 31, 1962 20 22-29, 1963 18 1-31, 1964 18 18 to Mar. 1, 1965 15 5, 1966 f7.6 29 30 15254000 CRESCENT CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING--Continued MONTHLY A.'ID ANNUAL ~lEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT Nov-' DEC JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1949 102 101 1950 89.7 109 54,5 29,9 16.8 14.4 15.2 4&.7 148 Ill 63.5 117 68.0 1951 4s.s· 28.0 18,5 16,5 14.5 12.0 20.0 66.2 120 103 59,8 liB 52.1 1952 5a.o 44.0 18.4 12.5 12.0 12.0 10.5 33,2 132 126 81.9 64.7 50.5 1953 156 168 71.0 37.6 40,6 2~.4 26.6 116 351 265 122 92.9 123 1954 99.4 46,1 26,0 15,0 17 .o 13,0 17.7 86,5 138 107 100 58,5 60.6 1955 79.8 Ill 35,4 28,0 20,0 16.4 14,5 36,2 176 246 130 86.9 82.1 1956 42.8 30,6 25,0 24.0 22.0 17.0 20o0 64,3 153 165 116 75.3 63.0 1957 40.6 36,8 44,5 21,9 18.0 17.2 15.5 96,5 193 87.1 62.5 135 64.1 1958 116 124 55.0 46.0 23.0 18.6 27.6 89,4 205 133 113 94,4 87,4 1959 76.2 44,5 28.1 19,7 18.0 16,8 22.3. 105 222 147 88,9 66.4 7).6 1960 54.7 51.5 29,9 21.0 18.0 16.0 19.5 160 188 155 140 119 81.2 1961 85.5 59.2 63.8 71.1 34.0 19,5 26.9 121 199 198 145 190 101 1962 118 49.2 31.4 26,5 20.5 20.0 28.5 45,9 185 148 69.5 66.3 67.6 1963 40.6 49,0 34,0 25,1 21.0 19.7 20ol 64,7 140 166 92.1 58.2 6lol 1964 56.4 33.9 28,0 25.0 20.0 18.0 59.5 193 367 199 133 89,5 102 1965 82.7 51.2 32,6 19.7 15,7 23.9 39.7 77.0 164 195 133 95.7 78.0 1966 60o9 29.3 25.0 24.0 20,0 19,9 33.7 65,3 195 117 131 179 75.2 MEAN 76.8 62.7 36.5 27.3 20.7 17.9 24.6 86.3 193 157 lOS 100 7 5. 8 MONTHLY 8 7 4 3 2 2 3 10 2l 17 12 11 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1952-67. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1955 1958 1960-cont 1962 1963-cont 1966 12-16-51 1.0 10-18-54 4.5 4-28-58 5.0 4-11-60 0.0 10-9-61 5.5 3-5-63 2. 5 2-9-66 1.0 1953 11-29-54 0. 5 6-3-58 7.5 5-9-60 3.0 12-4-61 0.0 7-12-63 14.0 4-7-66 1.5 11-7-52 3.0 l-20-55 0. 5 8-8-58 11.5 7-20-60 24.5 2-7-62 0.5 1964 6-4-66 7.5 4-13-53 3.0 1956 1959 8-29-60 10.5 3-29-62 0.0 3-26-64 0.0 7-15-66 11.5 5-15-53 5.5 7-12-56 8.0 4-22-59 1.0 1961 5-15-62 2.5 1965 9-21-66 6.0 1954 8-15-56 11.5 5-12-59 2. 5 10-4-60 4. 5 6-23-62 8.5 1-25-65 o. 0 1967 10-3-53 5.0 9-11-56 11. 0 5-16-59 4. 0 4-3-61 1.0 8-8-62 11.5 3-16-65 o. 5 11-10-66 2.5 4-19-54 3.0 1957 7-28-59 9.0 5-9-61 5.5 8-29-62 11.5 4-25-65 4.5 5-25-54 5.5 10-17-56 2.5 9-16-59 7.5 6-11-61 8.5 1963 6-8-65 4.5 7-14-54 12.0 6-13-57 11.0 1960 7-11-61 9.0 10-10-62 4.5 7-23-65 9.0 8-16-57 15.0 2-2-60 0. 0 8-22-61 10.0 11-28-62 0.0 9-24-65 7.5 15258000 KENAI RIVER AT COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°29'34", long 149°48'28", in SE!;{ sec.ZS~. T.S N., R.3 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, near center of span on upstream side of bridge on Sterli!lg Highway, 0.9 mi (1.4 kml east (upstream) of Cooper Landing, Bean Creek, and Kenai Lake outlet. · BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.·-Drainage area, 634 mi 2 (1,642 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 26.8 ft/mi (5.08 m/km); stream length, 60 mi (97 km); area of lakes and ponds, 5 percent; mean elevation, 2,650 ft (808 km); glacier area, 10 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1947 to September 1975. GAGE. --Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 430 ft (_131 ml from topographic map. Prior to Apr. 13, 1950, at site 0.8 mi (1.3 kml downstream at different datum. Apr. 14, 1950 to Apr. 6, 1964, at site 20ft (.6 m) upstream of present location at datum 3. 3 ft (1. 0 m) bigher. Apr. 7, 1964 to Aug. 27, 1965, at 5ite 130 ft (40 ml down- stream and Aug. 28, 1965 to Jan. 21, 1974 at site 30 ft (9 m} downstream at present datum. REMARKS.--Diversion from Cooper Lake to Kenai Lake above gage through Cooper Lake powerplant began May 1961. Table of Extremes, below, has not been a~justed for diversion. Table of Monthly and Annual Mean Discharge, next page, has been adjusted to exclude diversJon beginning in 1965 water year. Average annual diversion for the water years 1961-75 are as follows: Water Diversion Water Diversion Water Diversion ~ ft 3 /s ye·ar ft:3 /s year ft 3 /s 196la 25 1966 113 1971 136 1962 42 1967 48 1972 89 1963 123 1968 125 1973 69 1964 64 1969 66 1974 65 1965 129 1970 94 1975 84 a .Period May to September. COOPERATION.--Records of diversion furnished by Chugach Electric Association. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--28 years, 2,677 ft 3 /s (75.81 m3 /s), 57.34 in/yr (1,456 mm/yr), 1,939,000 acre-ft/yr (2.39 km 3 /yr), adjusted to exclude diversion from Cooper Lake. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 23,100 ft 3 /s (654 m3 /s) Sept. 21, 1974, gage height, 17.18 ft (5.236 m), result of release of stored water from glacier-dammed lake at head of unnamed glacier in the Snow River basin; no flow Mar. 27, 28, 1964 (caused by earthquake); minimum natural discharge (daily), 190 ft 3/s (5.38 m3 /s) Mar. 15-24, 1951. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEJGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Water year Date 1947a Aug. 1' 194 7 1948 July 10, 1948 1949 Sept. 7' 1949 1950 Oct. 28' 1949 1951 Sept. 6, 1951 1952 July 26, 27' 1952 1953 June 29, 1953 1954 Aug. 3' 1954 1955 July 12, 1955 1956 Aug. 20, 1956 1957 Sept. 6, 1957 1958 Nov. 4, 1957 1959 June 24, 1958 1960 July 29, 1960 1961 Sept. 14, 1961 1962 Oct. 8, 1961 1963 July 17, 1963 1964 Sept. 24, 1964 1965 Aug. 3, 1965 1966 Sept. 19, 1966 1967 Sept. 1, 1967 1968 Oct. 1, 1967 1969 June 19, 1969 1970 Oct. 14, 1969 1971 July 14, 1971 1972 Aug. 24, 1972 1973 July 31, 1973 1974 Sept. 21, 1974 1975 July 15, 1975 a Period May to September. b Estimated. c Momentary minimum. Discharge 9,180 10,400 9' 480 11,600 8,960 7,980 20,600 8,000 10' 600 9,000 16,300 12,400 8' 980 9,300 10,800 14' 000 8,800 14,200 6,840 13,000 21,500 e8,500 8,980 17,500 10,600 8,420 6, 650 23,100 9,630 Gage height 12.8 13.2 12.91 13. 55 8. 70 8.29 12.36 8.30 9.40 8.79 11.15 10.01 8. 71 8.84 9.50 10.5 8.74 14.30 10.97 16.25 11.80 12.04 15.10 12.87 11.76 11.00 17.18 12.22 Date Minimum daily Discharge May 1, 1947 Feb. 23 to April 11, 1948 Feb. 8-13, 1949 Apr. 13, 1950 Mar. 15-24, 1951 Apr. 11-16, 1952 Apr. 10,11, 1953 Apr. 17, 1954 Mar. 25-27, 1955 ~lar. 26-29, 1956 Mar. 29-31, 1957 Mar. 26, 27, 1958 Mar. 31, 1959 Apr. 4-6, 1960 Apr. 22, 1961 Mar. 22-26, 1962 Apr. 16, 17, 19, 1963 Mar. 27, 28, 1964 Mar. 19, 20, 1965 Mar. 19, 1966 Mar. 24, 1967 Apr. 22, 1968 Mar. 28, 29, 1969 Feb. 8, 9, 1970 Apr. 1, 2, 1971 May 2, 1972 Mar. 28, 1973 Mar. 16, 17, 1974 Apr. 15, 16, 1975 b350 220 220 c282 190 258 303 265 260 214 260 352 265 260 492 320 516 dO 500 333 372 500 360 900 465 310 338 332 400 Gage height 5. 9 5. 9 1.43 1. 33 1. 69 1. 38 1.65 1. 29 2.15 4. 80 5.92 5.15 4.80 4.86 d Reverse flow observed, caused by earthquake. e Stage falling, peak occurred Sept. 20, 1967; maximum peak discharge, 7,260 ft 3 /s July 10, 1968, gage height, 11.18 ft. 31 32 15258000 KENAI RIVER AT COOPER LANDING--Continued MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND (ADJUSTED TO EXCLUDE DIVERSION FROM COOPER LAKE BEGINNING IN 1965 WATER YEAR) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB ~.JAR APR MAY .]UN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1947 1209 5083 6510 5921 3723 1948 3928 2404 2057 535 289 220 402 217 5 5911 7880 5680 2998 2887 1949 3180 1638 671 328 251 315 337 1283 4966 6510 5272 6321 2601 1950 4715 3300 1481 584 371 331 306 746 4845 6349 6575 5326 2926 1951 1878 654 364 310 256 208 280 1239 3556 6894 5092 6852 2309 1952 1783 2623 781 347 311 291 262 658 3399 6616 5676 3045 2157 1953 4164 3199 1461 886 547 460 509 2972 10010 9653 7225 4570 3824 1954 3542 1192 1943 740 389 319 298 1823 4721 5611 6096 3267 2514 1955 2143 2205 826 612 438 312 284 802 3454 8178 5955 4263 24 72 1956 1264 690 394 387 296 249 286 1300 3393 6074 6914 3855 2102 1957 2341 1663 992 420 303 306 364 1649 5831 5576 5752 9100 2864 1958 3786 4877 1149 703 515 384 631 1998 6600 7140 7310 2997 3189 1959 3596 1147 661 460 337 301 410 2196 7001 6125 5387 2780 2548 1960 1937 1548 768 481 441 324 318 3346 5748 7038 6399 3720 2683 a1961 1880 1459 1398 1578 1320 598 518 2703 5667 7377 6603 5465 3059 bl962 4567 1254 714 492 436 348 458 1181 4926 6547 4775 2928 2402 c 1963 1620 2252 1100 836 647 719 559 1525 3860 7019 5506 4680 2539 dl964 2594 1066 869 795 556 382 665 1308 7378 7272 7453 6705 3091 .19.95 .3.3B9 1648 l215 642 523 452 776 1621 3246 4959 S6ln 4801 2421 1966 2695 867 574 484 362 26fi 314 lOll 4823 5802 7911 7495 2729 Iofi7 3882 1327 737 593 409 375 376 1395 5159 6249 8919 11460 3418 1968 3203 1449 940 629 667 775 541 2161 5033 6066 5556 2905 2504 1969 1464 863 521 365 295 315 343 1645 6435 5932 3587 2558 2035 1970 7743 2563 1995 1337 937 960 905 2185 5474 68 59 7023 6107 3696 1971 1793 2781 880 542 449 441 353 760 4931 8348 7656 4351 2789 1972 2382 1001 612 422 295 228 271 784 3151 6403 6454 4999 2260 1973 2158 1218 669 455 390 316 318 1403 3669 5387 4857 3528 2042 1974 1592 830 525 434 300 269 362 1443 4465 5578 4706 9136 2474 1975 2613 2046 864 567 462 393 367 2376 4749 7491 5522 4046 2640 MEAN 2923 1777 970 606 457 388 422 1617 5086 6670 6117 4965 MONTHLY 9 5 3 2 l l l 5 16 21 19 15 PERCENT a Average diversion, period May to September 1961, 25 ft' fs. b Average annual diversion, 42 ft 3 /s. c Average annual diversion, 123 ft 3 /s. d Average annual diversion, 64 ft 3 /s. WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1952-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1958 1962 1965-cont 1968-cont 1971-cont 1973-cont 12-14-51 l.O 4-30-58 5.0 10-9-61 5.0 6-9-65 6.5 8-22-68 12.0 7-13-71 6.0 5-8-73 4.5 1953 7-9-58 10.0 12-6-61 0.5 8-25-65 9.0 1969 8-26-71 8.5 6-19-73 7.5 11-6-52 4.0 8-4-58 ll. 0 3-29-62 0.5 9-24-65 9.5 10-23-68 4.0 1972 7-26-73 12.0 4-14-53 l.O 1959 6-25-62 6.0 1966 l-16-69 l.O ll-12-71 3.0 9-5-73 10.5 5-17-53 5. 0 3-15-59 0.0 8-8-62 ll. 0 ll-5-65 0.0 2-28-69 l.O l-6-72 l.O 1974 1954 4-22-59 l.S 8-29-62 12. 0 4-7-66 l.S 6-25-69 9.0 l-25-72 0.5 10-9-73 6.0 4-20-54 l.O 5-16-59 s. 5 1963 1967 7-3-69 10.0 2-23-72 o. 0 ll-27-73 2.0 7-17-54 10.0 7-28-59 10.0 10-14-62 7.5 11-9-66 l.O 9-10-69 9.0 3-22-72 0.0 12-19-73 2.0 1955 1960 ll-28-62 l.O l-19-67 0. 0 1970 4-24-72 2.0 3-19-74 l.O 10-20-54 5.5 2-2-60 0.5 1964 3-30-67 l.O l-6-70 0.0 5-24-72 2.0 4-23-74 3.0 1956 3-1-60 o. 5 ll-21-63 l.S 7-25-67 13.0 3-3-70 l.O 7-10-72 6.5 9-21-74 11.5 8-15-56 10.5 4-12-60 0.5 2 .. 11-64 l.O 9-2-67 10.0 5-7-70 s.s 8-28-72 10.0 1975 9-11-56 10.5 5-10-60 4.5 3-24-64 0. 0 1968 6-22-70 8.5 1973 10-7-74 5.0 1957 1961 4-16-64 0.0 10-19-67 4.0 8-7-70 10.0 10-9-72 5.0 ll-22-74 2.5 10-19-56 2.5 10-3-60 6. 5 1965 10-31-67 0.0 1971 11-21-72 2.0 3-ll-75 l.O 8-16-57 16.0 4-5-61 2.0 2-3-65 0.5 2-15-68 l.O 12-20-70 2. 0 2-2-73 l.O 4-7-75 2.0 9-26-57 8.5 6-9-61 6.5 3-16-65 0. 0 5-17-68 6.0 3-19-71 l.O 4-4-73 3.0 6-9-75 6.5 8-23-61 9.5 6-21-68 7.5 8-7-75 10.5 YEAR 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15260000 COOPER CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°26'00", long 149°49'15", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank 125ft (38 rn) downstream from Cooper Lake Outlet, 1.4 mi (2.} km} upstream from Stetson Creek, and 4 mi [6 km) south of Cooper Landing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 31.8 mil (82.4 km 2}; main-channel slope, 194 ft/mi (36.7 m/km); stream length, 9.9 mi (15.9 km); area of lakes and ponds, 16 percent; mean elevation, 2,400 ft (732 m}; glacier area, 6 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --August 1949 to .July 1959. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1,165.5 ft (355.24 m) above mean sea level (_river-profile survey). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--9 years (water years 1950-58), 90.0 ft 3 /s (2.549 m3 /s], 38.43 in/yr (976 mm/yr), 65,200 acre-ft/yr (80.4 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 729 ft 3 /s (.20.6 m3 /s) June 29, 1953, gage height, 4.02 ft (1.225 m); no flow July 31, 1959,. due to construction of dam at lake outlet; minimum natural discharge (daily), about 8.0 ft 3 /s (0.23 m3 /sl Mar. 26 to Apr. 15, 1950. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Hinimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1949a Sept.27 or 28,1949 232 2.33 Sept. 23, 1949 b84 1950 June 20. ll, 1950 298 2. 59 Mar. 26 to Apr. 15, 1950 8.0 1951 Sept. 19, 1951 208 2. 23 ~far. 1-26, 1951 13 1952 June 28, 1952 225 2.30 Apr. 1-15, 1952 11 1953 June 29, 1953 729 4.02 Apr. 14-16, 1953 cl8 1954 June 27, 1954 224 2.36 Apr. 1-19. 1954 12 1955 July 11, 1955 366 2.89 Apr. 1-30, 1955 13 1956 July 18, 1956 285 2.54 Mar. 1-31, 1956 19 1957 Sept. 4, 1957 316 2.67 Mar. 21 to Apr. 30, 1957 19 1958 June 22, 1958 422 3.13 Mar. 1-31, 1958 18 1959d June 22, 1959 269 3. 48 July 31, 1959 0 a Period August to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 1. 63 ft. c Gage height, 1.07 ft. d Period October to July. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 129 131 102 130 44.5 22.6 12.1 9.13 12.0 58.7 188 182 73.3 31.2 20.0 18.0 15.5 13.3 23.0 71.5 146 144 66.6 55.0 22.2 13.5 13.0 12.5 11.5 34.9 138 181 208 186 74.8 47.7 45.5 31.4 26.4 137 412 335 132 46.9 32. 2 25.0 27. 2 17.0 12. 7 96.6 196 169 134 155 77.2 153 107 69.3 178 121 136 72.8 66.5 92.5 39.8 34. 5 22.1 16.0 13.0 28.9 159 302 45.3 30.0 23.0 22.0 21. 0 19.0 20.0 61.3 174 236 50.0 42.7 51.1 25.7 21.0 20.3 19. 0 90.0 216 121 155 190 56.7 38,0 21.0 18.0 32.0 125 289 244 165 94.8 161 101 83.9 216 186 108 76.1 so. 2 35.0 22.3 18.0 17.9 30.6 102 225 124 97.6 85. 5 39.9 26.9 21.7 17.4 20.0 80.6 214 204 136 122 9 8 4 3 2 2 2 8 20 19 13 11 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1953-59. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1953 1955 1956-cont 1958 11-5-52 3.0 10-21-54 6.5 8-16-56 12.0 5-27-58 7. 5 4-14-53 1.5 1-20-55 0.5 9-13-56 10.5 8-4-58 11.5 1954 1956 1957 1959 4-20-54 2.0 7-10-56 8.5 10-15-56 2.5 10-15-58 2.5 7-16-54 12.0 8-16-57 19.0 4-21-59 o.s 33 ANNUAL 87.9 65.6 60.5 151 80.7 86.6 76.4 79.7 122 90.0 YEAR 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 34 15260500 STETSON CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°26'30 11 , long 149°51'05", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank 0.3 mi (0.5 krn) upstream from mouth, and 3. 4 mi 11(5. 5 km) southwest of Cooper Landing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 8.6 mi 2 (22.3 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 459 ft/mi (86.9 m/km); stream length, 4.8 mi (7.7 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 3,200 ft (975 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1958 to September 1963. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 1,100 ft (335 rn), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--5 years, 24.8 ft 3/s (0.702 m3/s), 39.16 in/yr (995 mm/yr), 17,970 acre-ft/yr (22.2 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 291 ft 3 /s (8.24 m3 /s) Sept. 12, 1961, gage height, 3.00 ft (0.914 m), from rating curve extended above 150 ft 3 /s (4.2 m3 /s); maximum gage height, 3.13 ft (0.954 m) June 21, 1958; minimum daily discharge, 3.0 ft 3 /s (0.085 m3 /s) Apr. 11, 12, 1960. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Jo.fomentary maximum Water year Date Discharge 1958a June 21, 1958 193 1959 June 18, 1959 150 1960 May 23, 1960 197 1961 Sept. 12, 1961 291 1962 June 169 1962 157 1963 Mar. 11, 1963 July 1, 1963 89 a Period May to September. b Gage height, l. 88 ft. c Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND A.'INUAL OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 19.1 11.4 7. 58 6.00 5. 46 16. 2 12.6 8. 71 7. 00 5.59 21.0 12.5 15. 5 18.5 9.43 33.6 9. 77 8.03 7. 00 5. 00 15.1 16.4 7. 90 5.87 5.00 21. 0 12.5 9.54 8.87 6.10 7 4 3 3 2 Gage height 3.13 2.75 2.99 3.00 2.60 c2.90 2.25 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN MAR APR 5. 35 6.80 4.32 4.80 5.48 6.40 5.00 5. 90 4.45 5.17 4.92 5. 81 2 2 ~linimum daily Date Sept. 18, 1958 Feb. 6-20, Mar. 9-28, 1959 Apr. 11, 12, 1960 Mar. 16-31, 1961 Feb. l to APT. 4, 1962 Mar. 12-28, 1963 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND MAY JUN 90.6 30.8 84. 2 46.8 65.3 45.6 98.4 19.0 74.5 29.4 51.1 34.3 77.3 12 26 JUL 52.8 43.3 49.4 70.1 47.2 54.8 52.9 18 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1958-60. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1958 1959 1960 5-24-58 0.0 10-16-58 1.5 12-16-59 0. 0 7-9-58 5.0 1-21-59 0.5 3-3-60 o. 5 8-7-58 8.5 3-14-59 0.0 4-14-60 0. 5 9-14-58 5.5 5-17-59 4.5 5-12-60 3.5 8-16-59 5.5 AUG 37.7 32.4 41.6 46.5 21.4 24.8 34.1 11 Discharge b23 5. 0 3.0 5. 0 5. 0 4.0 SEP 27.0 27.6 38.3 60.5 19.5 15. 2 31.4 10 ANNUAL 23.4 25.1 34.2 21.4 19. 7 24.8 YEAR 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15261000 COOPER CREEK AT MOUTH, NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°28'30", long 149°52 1 30", Kenai Peninsula Rorough~ on right bank 0. 7 mi (1.1 km) upstream from mouth, 0. 9 mi (1. 4 km) downstream from unnamed tributary, 1. 6 mi (2. 6 km) west of Cooper Landing, and 4. 5 mi (7. 2 km) downstream from Cooper. Lake Outlet. BASIN CHARACTERJSTICS.--Drainage area, 48.0 mi 2 (124.3 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 74.1 ft/mi (14.03 m/km); stream length, 13.5 mi (21.7 km); area of lakes and ponds, 10 percent; mean elevation, 2,500 ft (762 m); glacier area, 4 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1957 to January 1965. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 450 ft (137 m}, from topographic map. Prior to May 28, 1963, at site about 160 ft (49 m] upstream at datum 4. 20 ft (1. 280 m) higher. REMARKS.--Since July 1959, entire flow from 31.8 mi 2 (82.4 km 2 ) _of drainag_e. area has been controlled by dam at Cooper Lake Outlet. No spilling since 1959 except for period May 1961 to October 1962. Average diversions from Cooper Lake to Kenai Lake, through Cooper Lake powerplant are 25 ft 3 /s (0.71 m3 /s) May to September 1961, 42 ft 3 /s (1.19 m3/s) 1962 water year, 123 ft 3/s (3.48 m3/s} 1963 water year, 64 ft 3/s (1.81 m3/s) 1964 water year, and 81 ft 3 /s (2.29 m3 /s) October to :January 1965. COOPERATION. --Records of diversion furnished by Chugach Electric Association. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 841 ft 3 /s (23.8 m3 /s) Sept. 21, 1961, gage height, 2.11 ft (0. 643 m), caused by release of water behind log jam upstream (site and datum then in use); maximum gage height 4. 7 ft (1.43 m) during winter period 1960-61, from f1oodmarks (ice jam), site and datum then in use; minimum discharge observed, 3.1 ft 3 /s (0.088 m3 /s) Mar. 1, 1960 (discharge measurement), caused by temporary storage behind ice dam upstream. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1958 Dec. 21, 1957 a3. 41 Feb. 16-28, 1958 June 22, 1958 608 2. 91 1959 Dec. 9, 1958 a3.75 Mar. 15, 1959 June 20, 1959 455 3. 00 1960 May 23, 1960 259 1. 69 Mar. 1' 1960 1961 During-winter period a¢.7 Mar. 1-15, 1961 Sept. 21, 1961 841 2.11 1962 Oct. 2, 1961 540 0. 36 Mar. 1-31, 1962 June 22, 1962 3. 02 1963 Nov. 23, 1962 al.83 Apr. 1-30, 1963 June 22, 1963 126 1. 67 1964 Nov. 20, 1963 a2. 40 Mar. 1-31, 1964 June 2, 1964 260 ·z. 01 1965c Oct. 7' 1964 77 1.47 Jan. 1-31, 1965 Nov. 28, 1964 a3.20 a Backwater from ice. b Discharge measurement; caused by temporary storage behind ice dam upstream. c Period October to January. Minimum daily MONTHLY AND fu~NUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~!AY JUN JUL 264 285 82. 9 58.9 32.4 28.0 50.3 184 412 309 107 67.2 48.6 32.1 26.1 24.9 36.3 175 383 197 29. 3 23.5 14.5 10.5 7.52 7.00 9. 00 90.1 87.2 68.1 37.0 22.6 28.8 32.9 15.7 11.5 16.5 219 323 326 177 37.0 17.0 14.0 11. 0 8.00 12.0 58.3 212 228 23.0 26.0 13.0 11.0 ll. 0 11.0 10.0 46.2 73.7 72.8 20.7 11. 9 10.0 8. 00 7.00 6.00 17.8 42.6 152 75.8 35.9 21.6 11.3 10.00 86.8 61.8 28.3 22.2 !5.8 13.8 21.7 116 235 182 9 6 3 2 2 1 2 12 24 19 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS Discharge 27 23 b3.1 11 8.0 10 6. 0 10 AUG SEP 225 151 45.4 41.6 54.3 58.2 226 309 79. 8 52.1 38.0 21.6 52.5 33. 5 103 95.4 10 10 PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1958-63. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1958 1959-cont 1960 1961 1962 1962-cont 1962-cont 4-30-58 2.5 4-22-59 1.5 12-15-59 0.5 10-3-60 3.0 10-12-61 1.5 12-6-61 0.0 8-8-62 6-3-58 7.5 5-12-59 2.0 2-2-60 0. 0 4-5-61 0.5 10-13-61 1.0 2-7-62 0.5 8-29-62 8-7-58 11.0 5-16-59 3.0 3-1-60 0.0 5-10-61 2.5 10-15-61 4.0 3-29-62 0.0 1963 1959 7-28-59 6.0 4-12-60 o. 0 6-11-61 6.5 10-16-61 3.5 5-14-62 1.0 10-10-62 10-16-58 3.0 9-14-59 5.5 5-10-60 2.5 7-11-61 10.0 10-17-61 3.0 6-23-62 8.5 10-14-62 8-22-61 10.0 35 ANNUAL 174 99.0 38.4 131 76.0 29.9 36.4 83.6 TEMP 11.5 11.5 1.5 1.5 YEAR 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 36 15264000 RUSSIAN RIVER NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°27'10", long 149°59'05", Kenai Peninsula· Borough, on right bank 50ft (15 rn} upstream from small unnamed tributary, 0.3 mi (0.5 km) downstream from Lower Russian Lake, 3.2 mi (5.1 km)_ upstream from mouth, and 6 mi (9. 7 loon) southwest of Cooper Landing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 61.8 mi 2 (160.1 km 2 }; main-channel slope, 116 ft/mi (22.0 m/km); stream length, 23.5 mi (37.8 km); area of lakes and ponds, 4 per·cent; mean elevation, 2,100 ft (640 m); glacier area, 12 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1947 to September 1954. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 500 ft (150m), from topographic map. Prior to June 12, 1949, non- recording gage at same site and datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--7 years, 124 ft 3 /s (3.512 m3 /s), 27.25 in/yr (692 mm/yr), 89,840 acre-ft/yr (111 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of recordl 1280 ft 3 /s (36.2 m3 /s) Nov. 24, 1952, §age heightl 4.75 ft (1.448 m) from rating curve extended above 650ft /s (18 m3 /s); minimum daily,ahout 18ft /s (0.51 m /s) Feb. 8-11, 1949, Mar. 1-31, 1951. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1947a May 30, 194 7 b414 2. OS Hay 1, 194 7 so 1948 Nov. 28, 194 7 b798 3. 25 Apr. 6-8. 1948 30 1949 June 2, 1949 b254 1.85 Feb. 8-11, 1949 18 1950 Nov. 23 or 24,1950 687 3.32 Apr. 9-11, 1950 24 1951 Sept. 20' 1951 271 1. 89 Mar. 1-31, 1951 18 1952 June 21, 1952 261 1. 88 Apr. 1-15, 1952 20 1953 Nov. 24, 1952 1,280 4.75 Apr. 1-13, 1953 38 1954 May 14, 1954 533 3. 41 Apr. 1-19, 1954 24 a Period May to September. b Maximum daily. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 191 216 138 98.3 80.0 137 281 172 59.9 51.2 35.6 51. 2 223 224 166 91.4 47.1 110 80.6 40.2 25.4 19.8 26.1 36.2 116 206 156 93.0 104 131 275 110 45.6 30.2 28.7 30.8 135 256 157 92. 7 167 83.9 40.1 27.0 25.4 21.1 18.0 40.3 153 174 122 62.8 170 84.6 98.5 36.3 24.0 23.0 21.8 20.5 62.2 214 188 96.7 69.8 349 465 231 123 84. 7 54.7 81.9 358 543 347 239 168 236 79.8 49.1 37.5 38.6 26.0 32.9 340 267 155 150 86.1 162 189 95.1 48. 7 38.4 30.1 42.0 197 262 179 115 111 11 13 6 3 3 2 3 13 18 12 8 8 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1952-55. PERIODIC \VATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP ~1952 1953 1954 1955 12-17-51 1.0 11-5-52 4. 5 4-20-54 0. 5 10-21-54 5.0 4-14-53 1.5 5-26-54 8.0 5-16-53 4.5 7-16-54 13.0 15266000 RUSSIAN RIVER AT MOUTH NEAR COOPER LANDING LOCATION.--Lat 60°29'10", long 149°59'50", Kenai Peninsula Borough, 0.1 mi (0.2 km) upstream from mouth, and 5.5 mi (8.8 km) west of Cooper Landing. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area 71.0 mi 2 (183.9 km 2 ). See station 15264000. PERIOD OF RECORD. --August to October 1913. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 350ft (107m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge observed during ~eriod of record 510 ft'/s (14.4 m'Js) Sept. 26, 1913, gage height, 4.30 ft (1.311 m); minimum observed, 57 ft /s (l.fil m3 /s) Sept. 14-22, 1913, gage height, 3.36 ft (1.024 m). MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL 128 84.7 122 78.3 78.4 254 126 124 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1913 1914 166 141 15266300 KENAI RIVER AT SOLDOTNA LOCATION.--Lat 60° 2 8' 39", long 151° 04' 46", Kenai Peninsula Borough, near center of span on downstream side of bridge on Sterling Highway, 1.0 mi (1.6 km) southwest of Soldotna. BASIN CHARACTERTSTICS.--Drainage area, 2,010 mi 2 (5,210 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 10.7 ft/mi (2.03 m/km); stream length, 118 mi (190 km}; area of lakes and ponds, 5 percent; mean elevation, 1,750 ft (533 m); glacier area, 11 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1965 to September 1975. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Datum of gage is 35.34 ft (10.772 m) above mean sea level. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--10 years, 5,365 ft 3 /s (151.9 m3 /s), 36.25 in/yr (921 mm/yr), 3,887,000 acre-ft/yr (4.79 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 30,000 ft 3 /s (850 m3 /s) Oct. 15, 1969, gage height, 12.20 ft (3.719 m); maximum gage height, 22.62 ft (6.895 m) Jan. 18, 1969, backwater from ice; minimum daily discharge, 770 ft 3 /s (21.8 m3 /s) Apr. 1-4, 1966. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water Discharge year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1965a Sept. 21, 1965 16' 100 9.79 May 8, 1965 b2,280 1966 Sept. 19, 1966 24' 000 Apr. 1-4, 1966 770 1967 Sept. 21, 1967 24,900 11.48 Feb. 1 to Apr. 30, 1967 1' 100 1968 Oct. 1, 1967 18' 200 clO. 41 Apr. 13, 1968 1,180 1969 Jan 18, 1969 d22.62 Jan. 11-17' 1969 1' 200 July 6, 1969 15,400 9.93 1970 Oct. 15' 1969 30,000 12.20 Apr. 9' 1970 1,410 1971 Dec. 6, 1970 dll. 96 Mar. 11 to Apr. 15, 1971 1,100 Sept. 12, 1971 24,200 11. 60 1972 Aug. 24, 1972 16,200 10.20 f\far. 26 to Apr. 27, 1972 800 1973 Aug. 6, 1973 12,600 9. 39 Mar. 21-30, 1973 800 1974 Sept. 23,24,1974 26,900 el2.15 ~lar. 1-21, 1974 850 1975 July 15, 1975 17,200 10.43 Mar. 10 to Apr. 20, 1975 1,000 a Period May to September. b Gage height, 5.84 ft. 15,100 ft 3 /s Aug. gage height, c Stage falling, peak occurred Sept. 21, 1967; maximum peak discharge, 15, 1968, 9.88 ft. d Backwater from ice. the Sno1v River basin. e Result of release of stored water from glacier-dammed lake at head of unnamed glacier in MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND AUG SEP YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL 1965 2630 6535 10780 11440 11540 1966 6305 2133 1500 1200 1000 850 859 1995 6777 10920 18970 17140 1967 8538 2778 1548 1235 1100 1100 1100 2134 8524 13520 18970 20840 1968 7322 2922 2161 1674 1616 1781 1512 3361 8457 11910 13110 6273 1969 2861 1641 1413 2842 2417 1597 1486 2223 10220 13290 8706 5873 1970 14370 4507 2828 2331 1752 1763 1708 2754 7983 11620 13560 9739 1971 4110 4432 2234 1755 1250 1148 1150 1962 6760 15240 17950 13100 1972 4807 2322 1629 1245 969 848 812 2375 4940 11440 14310 114 70 1973 4536 2458 1574 1197 954 842 998 1950 5458 9696 10530 7546 1974 3504 1631 1190 1068 913 869 1335 2238 6804 11140 11390 16570 1975 8590 3375 1640 1319 1146 1045 1087 3751 7351 13830 12150 8075 MEAN 6495 2820 1772 1587 1312 1184 1205 2488 7255 12130 13740 11650 MONTHLY 10 4 3 2 2 2 2 4 11 19 22 18 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1965-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERA Tl!RE , •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1965 1968 1969-cont 1970-cont 1971-cont 1973 1974-cont 7-22-65 12.0 10-22-67 4.0 1-24-69 0.0 11-7-69 2.0 3-24-71 0.0 10-6-72 5.5 6-19-74 9-24-65 12.0 11-2-67 4.0 2-27-69 0.0 1-7-70 0. 0 8-26-71 10.0 11-22-72 2.0 1975 1966 3-11-68 0. 5 3-19-69 o. 0 3-5-70 o.o 1972 3-31-73 o. 0 10-8-74 11-5-65 1.5 4-2-68 1.0 5-5-69 5. 0 5-6-70 6.5 11-9-71 0.0 5-9-73 6.0 1-31-75 2-11-66 0.5 5-17-68 7.5 6-25-69 8.5 6-24-70 9.0 2-16-72 0.0 7-25-73 10.5 5-6-75 1967 6-19-68 10.0 7-31-69 13.0 8-9-70 10.0 3-23-72 0.0 9-5-73 10.5 6-10-75 11-10-66 0.5 8-21-68 11.0 9-9-69 9.0 1971 5-24-72 6.0 1974 7-8-75 3-29-67 0.5 1969 1970 1-28-71 0.0 7-5-72 9.5 10-9-73 6. 0 8-5-75 6-14-67 9.0 10-23-68 2.0 10-14-69 5.0 1-29-71 0.0 8-29-72 10.5 4-27-74 4.5 9-2-67 11.5 1-15-69 0.0 37 ANNUAL 5834 6812 5198 4562 6284 5958 4783 4002 4902 5317 5365 TEMP 10.5 6.5 0. 0 o. 0 7.0 8.5 12.0 YEAR 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN 38 15266500 BEAVER CREEK NEAR KENAI LOCATION.--Lat 60°33'50", long 151°07'03", in SE!.i sec.36, T.6 N., R.ll W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank 25ft (8 m) upstream from culvert on Kenai-Soldotna Road, 2.0 mi (3.2 km) upstream from mouth, and 4.5 mi (7. 2 km) ea!l't of Kenai. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 51 mi 2 (132 km 2); main-channel slope, 4.75 ft/mi (0.900 m/km); stream length, 13.5 mi (21.7 km); area of lakes and ponds, 15 percent; mean elevation, 140 ft (43 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1967 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and culvert control. Altitude of gage is 48ft (15m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--8 years, 26.6 ft 3 /s (0.753 m3 /s), 7.08 in/yr (180 mm/yr), 19,270 acre-ft/yr (23.8 hm'/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum dis>charge during period of record, 598 ft 3 /s (16.9 m3 /s) May 8, 1972, gage height, 10.55 ft (3.216 m); minimum, 8.2 ft 3 /s (0.23 m3 /s} Oct. 23, 1969, temporary ice storage upstream. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET ~1omentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1968 a 1969 Oct. 8, I968 1970 Mar. 19, 1970 May 16, 1970 1971 May 4, 1971 1972 May 8, 1972 1973 Oct. 18, 1972 1974 Mar. 28, 1974 Apr. 24, 1974 1975 May 10, 1975 a Apr. 28 to May 3, 1968. b Maximum daily. b70 38 54 226 598 128 130 278 c Momentary minimum, gage height, 4. 52 ft. d Backwater from ice. 5.22 d6.78 5. 68 8.36 10.55 7.21 d7. 34 7.25 8.75 e 1-fomentary minimum, temporary ice storage upstream. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR 35.4 49.7 33.3 26.5 26.0 29. 5 38.0 25.5 18.2 14.0 13.0 15.6 17.9 30.1 20.1 16.8 14.0 13.0 13.5 22. 3 32.8 26.7 26.3 17.2 13.5 10.5 10.0 12.0 37.1 22.5 17.4 15.0 13.1 13.0 13. 5 72.4 26.3 18.6 15.5 14.1 13.4 44.8 32.0 17.0 14.5 12.6 12.0 19.8 84.6 35.6 25.1 19.7 15.9 14.3 11. 6 20.4 35.6 25.2 18.6 15.6 14.9 17.?. 34.5 Sept. 8, 1968 cl7 Dec. 21, 1968 to Jan. 31, 1969 13 Oct. 23. 1969 e8.2 Feb. 16 to Apr. 17, 1971 10 Feb. 3 to Apr. 25. 1972 13 Feb. 23 to Mar. 23, July 22-27, 1973 13 Jan. 14 to ~lar. 14, 1974 12 Mar. 13-25, 1975 11 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 58.5 38.9 25.5 20.5 19.2 25.6 21.4 18.7 16.4 17.4 30.6 22.6 21.6 23.1 25.8 79.0 26.9 25.1 44.9 32.4 111 35.7 19.6 18.9 31.1 27.8 23.6 15.3 23.4 22.5 36.5 20.0 18.5 16.4 20.5 126 29.8 17.1 13.7 26.8 61. 9 27.4 2Q. 2 22.2 24.5 MONTHLY 11 8 6 5 5 5 11 19 9 6 7 8 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--July to September 1968, April 1969 to July 1972, May to July 1973, October 1973 to August 1974, October 1974 to September 1975. REMARKS. --Continuous water-temperature recorder. EXTREMEs.--Maximum recorded during period of daily record, 16.5°C June 14, 1969; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN 1968 Max Min 1969 Max Min 1970 Max 5:o 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 Min o. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 1971 Max 4.5 0. 5 0.0 0.0 Min 0.5 0.0 0. 0 o. 0 1972 Max 5.0 0.0 0.0 o. 0 M~n 0.0 o. 0· 0. 0 0.0 1973 Max Min 1974 Max a 0.5 o. 0 0. 0 Min 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 1975 Max 2.0 1.5 0. 5 o. 5 Min 1.0 o. 5 0. 0 0. 0 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or WATER TEMPERATURE, •c FEB MAR APR MAY 3.5 14.5 0.0 1.0 o. 0 o. 0 4.5 10.5 o. 0 0.0 0.0 3.5 o. 0 0. 0 0.5 6.5 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 5 o. 0 0.0 0.0 8.5 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.5 a 0. 0 0.0 5.5 11.5 0. 0 0.0 0.0 5.0 a 0. 5 1.5 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 minimum. JUN JUL a a 16.5 14.5 4.0 7.0 14.5 13.5 5.5 7.5 13.5 14.5 4.0 6.0 11.5 a 6.0 a 14.0 a 5.5 a 14.0 14.5 9. 0 11.0 13.0 14.0 8.5 9.5 AUG 12.0 7.0 14.5 4.5 11.5 6.5 14.0 7.0 a a SEP 8.5 a 9.0 3.0 9.0 2.5 8.5 3.0 12.5 a 7.0 a ANNUAL 33.4 19. 5 21.4 27.2 29.1 26.6 25.4 29.8 26.6 15267900 RESURRECTION CREEK NEAR HOPE LOCATION.--Lat 60°53'40", long 149°38'13", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank, 2.1 mi (3.4 km) upstream from mouth on south shore of Turnigain Arm, and l.S·mi (2.9 km) south of Hope. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 149 mi 2 (386 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 126 ft/mi (23.9 m/km); stream length, 19.8 mi (31.9 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 2,750 ft (838 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1967 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 180ft (55 m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--8 years, 248 ft 3/s (7.023 m3/s], 22.'60 in/yr (574 mm/yr), 179,700 acre-ft/yr (222 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 2,700 ft 3 /s (76.5 m3 /s) Oct. 6, 1969, gage height, 8.40 ft (2.560 m); minimum daily, about 46 ft 3/s (1.30 m3/s) Mar. 26 to Apr. 13, 1975. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1968 June 15, 1968 1,020 7.20 Apr. 20-22, 1968 62 1969 June 16, 1969 939 7.11 Mar. 1-25' 1969 60 1970 Oct. 6, 1969 2,700 8.40 Feb. 16 to Apr. 15, 1970 65 1971 Aug. 9, 1971 2,300 8.26 Apr. 1-17' 1971 70 1972 June 16, 1972 1' 030 7.21 Apr. 29, 1972 so 1973 Oct. 16, 1972 664 6.74 14ar. 23 to Apr. s, 1973 62 June 22, 1973 6.76 1974 June 12, 1974 711 6. 87 Feb. 26 to Apr. 15, 1974 60 1975 June 30, 1975 1,240 7.77 Mar. 26 to Apr. 13, 1975 46 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1968 365 235 170 120 110 126 74.6 422 683 382 221 164 1969 131 98.2 77.1 65.0 65.0 61.3 91.9 299 602 334 221 139 1970 656 216 192 138 70. 7 65.0 7 5.1 367 780 703 478 265 1971 184 226 135 109 84. 5 73.9 78.5 175 715 954 765 429 1972 294 158 108 79.5 67.0 64.0 57. 5 264 589 590 309 302 1973 384 179 115 85.5 70.4 64.3 70.2 220 439 403 289 229 1974 165 113 94.1 71. 3 64.0 60.0 67.1 265 517 353 186 150 1975 213 153 84.5 70.3 63.6 52.3 49.6 357 671 634 330 274 MEAN 299 172 122 92.4 74.5 7 0. 8 70.6 296 625 544 350 244 MONTHLY 10 6 4 3 3 2 2 10 21 18 12 8 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1968-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, 'C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1968 1969-cont 1970-cont 1971-cont 1972-cont 1973-cont 1974-cont 4-18-68 1.0 1-23-69 0.0 11-6-69 0. 0 5-13-71 0.5 9-1-72 7.5 9-4-73 6.5 9-6-74 5-2-68 0.5 3-24-69 0.0 3-Z-70 0. 5 1972 1973 1974 1975 5-27-68 5.5 5-12-69 5.5 4-23-70 4.0 10-6-71 3.0 10-5-72 3.5 10-5-73 2.0 10-10-74 6-25-68 8.0 5-22-69 5.0 6-30-70 5.5 2-3-72 0.0 11-21-72 1.0 11-26-73 0.0 10-29-74 8-4-68 7. 0 8-1-69 10.5 8-11-70 6. 5 3-31-72 0. 0 5-7-73 4.0 1-21-74 o. 0 4-9-75 8-28-68 7.0 9-12-69 6. 0 1971 4-28-72 1.0 6-9-73 6.0 4-22-74 2.0 5-15-75 1969 1970 10-29-70 0.0 6-1-72 5.0 7-23-73 10.5 6-18-74 5.0 5-22-75 10-25-68 1.0 10-9-69 4.5 4-9-71 0.0 7-13-72 8.0 39 ANNUAL 256 182 336 329 241 213 176 24 7 248 TEMP 6.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 4. 0 40 15268000 RESURRECTION CREEK AT HOPE LOCATION.--Lat 60°55'15", long 149°38'40'', Kenai Peninsula Borough, near right bank on downstream side of bridge pier at Hope 0.3 mi (0.5 km) downstream from Cripple Creek, 0.3 mi (0.5 km) upstream from mouth, and 2.0 mi (3.2 km) downstream fr.m Wildhorse Creek. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 162 mi 2 (420 km 2 ). See station l52ii7900. PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1949 to September 1951. GAGE. --Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 50 ft (15 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES. --Maximum discharge observed during period of record 3 2,140 £~3 /s (6~-~ m3 /s). June 20, 1950, §age height 3 2.80 ft (0.853 m), from rating curve extended above 810ft /s (23m /s); m1mmum da1ly, about 37ft /s (LOS m /s) Mar. 1-31, 1951. YEAR 1950 1951 Water year 1950 1951 OCT 207 112 NOV 304 79.3 June June EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum ~finimum Date Discharge Gage height Date 20, 1950 2,140 2.80 Apr. 7-10' 1950 6, 1951 l, 330 2.22 Mar. l-31, 1951 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND DEC 86.3 60. 7 JAN 68.0 49.4 FEB 63.0 45. 0 HAR 58.1 37.0 APR 94.9 58. 2 MAY 339 259 15270000 MILLS CREEK NEAR GILPATRICKS JUN 1362 782 JUL 689 392 daily AUG 235 282 Discharge 54 37 SEP 154 512 LOCATION.--Lat 60°40', long 149°25', Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1.2 mi (1.9 km) upstream from Juneau Creek, 2 mi (3 km) upstream from mouth, and 6 mi (10 km) northeast of Gilpatricks. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 25 mi 2 (65 km 2 ), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD. -·August to November 1913. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 1,500 ft (460 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge observed during ¥eriod of record, 203 ft 3 /s (5.75 m3 /s) Sept. 25, 1913, gage height, 3.90 ft (1.189 m); minimum observed, 43ft /s (1.22 m3 s) Nov. 2, 1913, gage height, 2.70 ft (0.823 m). YEAR 1913 1914 OCT 60.1 NOV DEC MONTHLY AND Pu'INUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 15272000 SIXMILE CREEK AT SUNRISE LOCATION. --Lat 60°54', long 149°25', Kenai Peninsula Borough, at Sunrise, and 0.5 mi (0.8 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 263 mi 2 (681 km 2 ). PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to November 1913. GAGE. --Nonrecording gage. Altitude of gage is 10 ft (3 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge observed during period of record, 6,150 ft 3 /s (174 m3 /s) Sept. 25, 1913, gage height, 6.95 ft (2.118 m), discharge measurement; minimum daily, 400 ft 3 /s (11.3 m3 /s) Nov. 28-30, 1913. YEAR 1913 1914 OCT 661 NOV DEC 514 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND JAN FEB !-IAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 82.1 SEP 897 ANNUAL 15272550 GLACIER CREEK AT GIRDWOOD LOCATION.--Lat 60°56'29", long 149°09'4411 , in SE~ sec.19, T.lO N., R.Z E., Municipality of Anchorage, on left down- stream wingwall of railroad bridge, 0.2 mi (0.3 km) upstream from mouth, and 0.2 mi (0.3 km) southeast of Girdwood. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 62.0 mi 2 (160.6 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 455 ft/mi (86.2 m/km);. stream length, 11 mi (18 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 2,610 ft (796 m); glacier area, 11 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --August 1965 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 18.99 ft (5.788 ml above mean sea level (levels by Corps _of Engineers, post-earthquake datum of October 1964). Prior to July 23, 1973, gage was on right downstream wingwall of rail- road bridge. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--10 years, 251 ft 3/s (7.108 m3/s), 54.98 in/yr (1,396 mm/yr), 181,800 acre-ft/yr (224 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 7,710 ft 3/s (218 m3/s) Sept. 18, 1967, gage height, 7.90 ft (2. 408 m) from floodmarks, from rating curve extended above 1, 500 ft 3 /s· (42 m3 /s); maximum gage height, 8. 34 ft (2. 542 m) Oct. 6, 1969, from outside floodmark; minimum daily discharge, 13 ft.3 /S (0. 37 m3 /s) on several occasions. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1965a b 1, 230 4. 96 Sept. 3, 1965 244 1966 Aug. 8, 1966 4,950 c7.31 Feb. 21 to Mar. 31, 1966 20 1967 Sept. 18, 1967 7' 710 7.90 Mar. ~4 to Apr. 9, 1967 18 1968 Oct. 5, 1967 d5.33 Feb. 3-7, 1968 34 June 29, 1968 1.410 4.83 1969 June 16, 1969 2,820 5.90 Mar. 17. 18. 1969 16 1970 Oct. 6. 1969 7,370 8.34 Apr. 8-12' 1970 50 1971 Aug. 8, 1971 4,510 6.50 Mar. 13-17' Apr. 1, 1971 18 1972 Oct. 5, 1971 d4.82 Mar. 23, 24, Mar. 28 to Apr. 26, 1972 13 Oct. 8, 1971 1,250 4.38 1973 May 15, 1973 1,350 4.41 Mar. 21, 1973 el3 1974 Sept. 15, 1974 1,170 4.14 Feb. 23-25, liar. 16-22' 1974 13 1975 July 12, 197 5 1,260 4. 46 Apr. 3' 4, 1975 f16 Sept. 7' 197 5 d4. 56 a Period August to September. b On or about Aug. 14, 1965. c May have been greater. d Backwater from tide. e Gage height, 1. 84 ft. f May have been less during period of ice affect. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB l-IAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1~6~ 455 486 1966 190 b~.7 '+-0.4 ~~.2 ~1.4 20.0 52.0 ~~~ 631 -531 637 765 1901 219 ld 3~.7 30.u 2~.b 1~.2 35.6 J3'::ol 560 '56~ 5B6 'i76 l%B 22-'l !Jl :)t:S.6 47.4 ~S.2 65.6 77.6 '<3u 66J '5'-J1 404 167 196':1 II~ !OJ 3~.~ 24.b 19.9 19.0 q4.J 4SJ 850 569 274 288 1970 Bl7 209 JJ9 140 14~ 97.3 75.5 ~93 63ti 66~ 576 26ti 1971 219 2~~ 74.7 36.3 '+3.2 22.3 47.1.J ~46 837 883 900 329 1972 ~~d bY.'-J 40.2 ~5.< 1~.~ 14.5 13.'1-~u~ JB~ 631} 388 339 1913 -!55 -Ji.l 4~.4 25.9 l'?.'+ ll.Y 69.5 J3B 464 4l7 312 182 1914 99.4 JI.S 34.3 21.3 15.7 14.3 38.9 1~2 451 4"2 330 329 197~ 211 b'l os.~ 3b.4 .JO.b 28.4 44.7 364 5ltl ~21 37~ 379 MEAN 265 124 73.2 41.6 39.2 31.8 54.9 307 600 586 476 410 MONTHLY 9 4 2 1 1 1 2 10 20 20 16 14 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1965-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP. DATE 1965 1967-cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1972-cont 1973-cont 1974-cont 8-31-65 5.5 8-17-67 8.0 1-23-69 1.0 6-10-70 7.5 12-3-71 0.0 11-21-72 1.0 8-21-74 1966 9-19-67 6.5 2-19-69 1.0 7-22-70 5.5 12-15-71 0.0 1-11-73 0.5 9-6-74 11-10-65 o. 5 9-21-67 6.0 4-1-69 1.0 7-31-70 5.5 1-5-72 0.0 5-12-73 3.5 1975 2-11-66 1.0 1968 5-27-69 4.0 8-31-70 7.0 1-25-72 0.0 6-9-73 6. 0 10-11-74 6-9-66 6. 5 10-12-67 3.5 7-9-69 9.0 1971 2-23-72 0.0 7-23-73 6.0 10-29-74 6-19-66 8.5 11-13-67 2.5 8-,27-69 9.0 10-15-70 1.5 3-22-72 0.0 9-4-73 6.0 11-22-74 8-22-66 5. 5 1-4-68 0.0 1970 10-31-70 2.5 4-19-72 1.0 1974 3-14-75 1967 3-29-68 0.5 10-8-69 5.5 11-1-70 2.0 5-19-72 3.0 10-5-73 5.5 3-26-75 11-12-66 1.0 5-8-68 3.0 10-9-69 4.5 12-1-70 0.0 6-30-72 5.0 12-3-73 0.0 4-14-75 1-20-67 o. 0 6-6-68 6.0 10-11-69 5.0 6-30-71 3.0 7-9-72 10.0 12-27-73 1.0 4-23-75 4-17-67 3.5 8-4-68 11. 0 11-5-69 2.0 8-6-71 5.5 7-31-72 7.0 1-26-74 1.0 5-15-75 5-4-67 3.5 1969 12-17-69 0.0 8-9-71 5.5 9-1-72 7.5 2-20-74 0. 0 6-12-75 6-21-67 9. 0 10-3-68 4. 0 3-5-70 1.5 9-15-71 5.0 1973-5-2-74 4. 0 7-11-75 7-11-67 10. 5 12-3-68 0.0 4-14-70 2.0 1972 10-20-72 3.5 6-17-74 7.0 8-8-75 11-26-71 0.0 9-12-75 41 ANNUAL ~71 294 245 238 35S 326 ~03 193 162 22B 251 TEMP 8.0 9.5 2.5 4.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5. 5 8.0 8.0 7.5 42 15273900 SOUTH FORK CAMPBELL CREEK AT CANYON MOUTH NEAR ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--Lat 61°08'52 11 , long 149°43'12", in NE% sec.l2, T.12 N., R.3 W'., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 1.9 mi (3.1 km) upstream from ford on Campbell Airstrip road crossing, and 7.5 mi (12.1 km) southeast of Anchorage Post Offi"". BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 25.2 mi 2 (65.3 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 255 ft/mi (48.3 m/km); stream length, 9.2 mi (14.8 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 2,760 ft (841 m); glacier area, 0 percent. l~ATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1966 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 520ft (158m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.··9 years, 38.4 ft 3 /s (1.087 m3 /s), 20.70 in/yr (526 mm/yr), 27,820 acre·ft/yr (34.3 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 300 ft 3 /s (8.50 m3/s) Aug. 8, 1971, gage height, 3.77 ft (1.149 m); maximum gage height observed, 8.0 ft (2.44 m) winter 1970-71 (backwater from ice); minimum daily dis- charge, 8.0 ft 3 /s (0.23 m3 /s) Feb. 5, 1969. Water year 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 197 5 EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET ~fomentary maximum Date Discharge Gage height Nov. 15, 1966 July 20, 1967 Nov. 10, 1967 Hay 29, 1968 May 27, 1969 July 29, 1969 (winter period) Aug. 7, 1970 (winter period) Aug. 8, 1971 Sept. 30, 1972 Oct. 14, 1972 May 31, 1974 Sept. 11, 1975 244 164 140 279 300 251 147 119 292 a6.80 3. 73 a4.60 3.44 3.19 3.16 a5.90 3. 72 a8.0 3.77 3. 62 3.27 3.07 3. 84 l-linimum daily Date Apr. 13-17, 23-28, 1967 Feb. 5, Har. 20, 21, 1968 Feb. 5, 1969 Apr. 6-10, 1970 Apr. 1-10, 1971 Apr. 16 to May 2, 1972 Mar. 21 to Apr. 26, 1973 Mar. 16 to Apr. 10, 1974 Mar. 25 to Apr. 1, Apr. 6-9, 1975 a Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JA."J FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1967 40.0 20.3 19.4 17.5 13. 2 13.0 10. 7 31.9 93.0 85.4 73.2 1968 48.8 32.2 19.8 14.8 13.0 11.5 12.9 69.5 112 79.8 4 7. 7 1969 27.2 22.1 17.1 13.6 9.52 9. 58 11.5 37.8 66.6 51.1 37.8 1970 49.9 27.0 23.1 16.6 15.1 11. 2 11.7 33.0 76.0 73.4 90.2 1971 34.4 30.6 18.7 12.7 13.0 9. 73 9.63 15.6 93.0 98.7 108 1972 45.0 28.1 21.3 17.1 14.2 12.6 10.7 24.3 111 114 45.4 1973 74.1 36.9 28.9 21.4 14.6 11.1 10.2 23.5 67.7 58.5 49.0 1974 32.1 17.9 16.3 13.8 11.1 9.48 10.4 39.5 7fl. 4 61. 7 40.6 1975 40.3 27.0 23.2 20. 2 15.1 11.3 10.9 38.7 89.3 84.0 50.8 MEAN 43.5 26.9 20.9 16.4 13. 2 11.1 11.0 34.9 87.4 78.5 60.3 MONTHLY 9 6 5 4 3 2 2 8 19 17 13 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.-·Water years 1967-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1967 1968-cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1972 1973-cont 1-5-67 0.0 11-15·67 0.5 12-5-68 0.0 8-19·70 6.0 10-4-71 1.5 6·21-73 5.5 2-7-67 0.5 1-3-68 0. 0 3-28·69 0. 0 1971 12-28-71 1.0 9-10-73 6.0 3-20-67 0. 5 3-29-68 0. 0 6-10.69 6. 0 10-12-70 1.5 2-25-72 0. 0 1974 4-18-67 1.0 4-30-68 2.0 7-18-69 9.0 2. 5· 71 0.0 3-29·72 0.0 10-4· 73 3.0 5-1-67 5.0 5-13-68 4.5 8-28-69 7.0 4-20-71 1.5 6· 7-72 2.5 11· 7-73 0.0 6-5-67 5.5 6-5-68 4.0 1970 5-18-71 2.0 8-1-72 8.0 12-17-73 0.5 7-10-67 11. 0 6-28-68 6.0 12-19·69 1.0 7-1-71 6.0 1973 .1-4-74 o. 5 8-15-67 10.0 9-13-68 5.0 3-5-70 0. 0 7-13·71 9.5 12-13-72 0.5 3·28-74 1.0 1968 1969 3·25-70 3.0 8-9·71 9.0 2-5-73 0.5 4-9-74 1.0 10-5-67 0.5 10-4·68 2.0 6-8-70 5.0 8-14-71 10.0 5-7-73 3.5 5-20-74 6.0 7-17-70 6.0 Discharge 10 9.0 8.0 9. 5 9.0 10 10 9.0 10 SEP 112 34. 5 24.4 49.3 53.1 66.3 41.0 37.8 85.4 55.9 12 DATE 1974-cont 6-27·74 8-15-74 1975 10-16-74 3-21-75 4-14-75 6·13-75 6-25-75 7-11-75 9-2·75 ANNUAL 44. 2 41.4 27.5 39.9 41.6 42.5 36.5 30.9 41.4 38.4 TEMP 11.5 12.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 5. 5 7.5 11. 0 6.5 15274000 SOUTH FORK CAMPBELL CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--Lat 61°09'57", long 149°46'15", in NW3;{ sec.Z, T.lz N., R.3 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 0.2 mi. (0.3 km) downstream from ford on road leading to Campbell Airstrip, 2.0 mi (3.2 km) upstream from conflu- ence with North Fork, and 5.5 mi (8.8 km) southeast of Anchorage Post Office. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 30.4 mi 2 (78.7 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 246 ft/mi (46.6 m/km); stream length, fl.S mi (18.5 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 2,530 ft (771 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1947 to September 1971. Annual maximum, water year 1972. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 260ft (79 m), from topographic map. Prior to Aug. 20, 1952, water-stage recorder at site 0. 2 mi (0. 3 km) upstream at different datum. Aug. 20, 1952 to July 15, 1958, water- stage recorder at site 70 ft (21 m) downstream from previous site at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--24 years, 38.3 ft 3 /s (1.085 m3 /s), 17.11 in/yr (435 mm/yr), 27,750 acre-ft/yr (34.2 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 891 ft 3 /s (25.2 m3 /s) June 21, 1949, §age height, 3.30 ft (1. 006 m), site and datum then in use, from rating curve extended above 110 ft 3 /s (3.1 m /s); maximum gage height observed, 6.40 ft (1.951 m) Nov. 10, 1965 (backwater from ice); no flow part of Oct. 12, 1958, caused by temporary storage behind snowslide upstream. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Water year Date Discharge Gage height 1947a Sept. 25, 1947 265 1948 Sept. 16, 1948 205 Sept. 17, 1948 1949 June 21, 1949 891 1950 June 19, 1950 dl40 1951 Nov. 20, 1950 June 24, 1951 255 1952 Sept. 1, 1952 213 Sept. 1, 1952 1953 May 31, 1953 June 4, 1953 200 1954 Nov. 24, 1953 Aug. 1, 1954 162 1955 July 3, 1955 431 1956 July 31, 1956 356 1957 Dec. 21, 1956 Sept. 19. 1957 181 1958 Dec. 23, 1957 June 7, 1958 160 1959 Nov. 18, 1958 Aug. 25, 1959 173 1960 Oct. 23, 1959 May 23, 1960 228 1961 Dec. 9, 1960 Sept. 30, 1961 227 1962 Nov. 16, 1961 June 13, 1962 470 1963 Nov. 21, 1962 July 17, 1963 399 1964 Apr. 3, 1964 June 13, 1964 172 1965 Nov. 12, 1964 Aug. 14, 1965 159 1966 Nov. 10, 1965 Sept. 19. 1966 147 1967 Sept. 7. 1967 228 1968 fMay 29, 1968 131 1969 May 27, 1969 109 1970 Aug. 7. 1970 210 1971 Aug. 8, 1971 275 1972 June 1972 g200 a Period July to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.90 ft. c Momentary minimum, discharge measurement. d Maximum daily, estimated. e Backwater from ice. f Also June 13, 1968. g Estimated. 2.03 1. 77 1. 81 3. 30 e2.10 2. 00 2.14 2.19 1.65 1. 57 e2.47 1. so 2.10 2.25 e2.70 1. 85 el. 88 1. 62 e5.30 2.54 e4. 78 2.68 e4.58 2.46 es. 44 3. 20 e3.84 3.03 e5.60 2.34 e3.70 2.28 e6.40 2.28 2.56 2. 21 2.14 2.51 2.70 Minimum daily Date Aug. 18, 19, 194 7 Apr. 24, 1948 Feb. "16-25, Apr. 3,4,9,10, 1949 Feb. 16-28, Apr. 2-10, 30, 1950 Apr. 11-15, 1951 Apr. 1-30, 1952 Apr. 1-15. 1953 Apr. 1-15, 1954 Feb. 21-28, 1955 Mar. 1 to Apr. 15, 1956 Jan. 22-25, Mar. 6-12, 1957 Mar. 13-16, 22-24, Mar. 26 to Apr 2, Mar. 22-27. 1959 Apr. 1-15, 1960 Apr. 1-15. 1961 Mar. 1-31, 1962 Mar. 19 to Apr. 1, Apr. 9-20, 1963 Mar. 28-30, 1964 Jan~ 13, 1965 Mar. 1 to Apr. 5, 1966 Jan. 26 to Feb. 18, 1967 Mar. 19-21, 1968 Feb. 5, 6, 22, 24, Mar. 15, 1969 Apr. 6-9, 1970 Apr. 1-10, 1971 Discharge 1958 b33 c7.9 6. 0 8.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 8.0 6.0 9. 0 6. 0 6.0 9.0 8.0 5. 0 2. 0 3. 8 4.0 6. 5 3.5 3.0 2.8 3. 0 43 44 15274000 SOUTH FORK CAMPBELL CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE--Continued MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1947 6!.S 49.1 81.4 1948 ss.7 34.3 24.S 22.3 15.7 10.9 9.87 43.! 84.& so.& 72.7 &6.S 43.S 1949 48.7 22.3 13.0 9.48 &.82 7.39 7.30 48.1 162 119 94.3 69.9 so.9 19SO S3.7 30.4 19.9 13.0 a.S4 9.48 8.97 2l.S 8S.6 S7.o 3&.2 30.9 31.4 19Sl 19.3 u.s 11.0 9.32 7.46 S.48 6.SO 2S.8 92.8 64.4 49.S 90.3 32.8 !9S2 3S.7 27.0 19.0 12.0 9.00 8.oo 7.00 18.3 73.8 84.3 S7.S 79.7 36.0 19S3 73.7 S6.2 19.9 IS.O II.! 9.00 10.2 49.9 133 73.S 70.1 76.8 49.9 !9S4 48.8 27.0 19.0 !3.0 10.0 9.00 9.00 3&.2 49.2 37.8 S6.4 38.0 29.6 1955 38.4 32.6 11.2 14.0 5. 71 6.00 6.00 18.7 !OJ 139 81.3 65.3 43.6 1956 30.7 18.7 17.0 12.0 Io.o 8.oo 9.73 27.9 75.6 75.3 64.8 41.0 32.6 1957 24.2 18.4 15.3 9.94 9.00 7.39 8.97 48.4 81.7 48.2 39.5 71.6 31.9 1958 52.3 34.5 21.0 15.0 13.1 9.97 11.2 34.3 101 53.1 66.8 36.1 37.4 1959 40.1 25.1 13.0 10.5 9.50 8o!6 7.40 43.3 114 75.7 &5.6 64.1 39.8 !960 40.3 25.9 16.6 13.S u.s 9.52 7.33 62.8 83.4 68.7 9!.9 122 4&.2 1961 68.8 36.0 31.1 33.3 17.1 12.0 IS.S S2.2 99.6 79.1 70.8 92.7 50.8 1962 83.7 38.7 20.6 14.0 12.0 8.oo 10.2 32.6 166 92.4 47.0 41.4 47.3 !963 28.2 24.0 20.1 13.6 9.82 6.48 &.47 S8.4 106 151 89.2 48.0 47.0 1964 30.8 21.9 18.2 u.s 9.69 s.77 20.3 20.5 132 79.2 49.6 34.2 36.1 196S 31.2 16.9 12.6 5.99 5.91 9.81 u.o 26.0 62.8 68.0 S4.6 7S.4 31.8 1966 71.4 34.8 19.0 11.7 &.04 4.00 5o13 20.8 93.0 58.2 60.1 71.1 38.1 1967 50.6 18o8 12.4 10.0 6.68 7.00 7.so 3S.3 90.1 81.8 62.8 102 40.6 1968 44.8 28.1 17.S 12.5 7.76 5.39 s.95 so.o 95.0 70.3 39.9 27.1 33.8 1969 20.4 15.1 10.6 7.61 4.02 4.05 4.17 29.S S6.! 40.1 31.8 21.1 20.S 1970 4&.1 21.1 17 .I 10.5 7.18 3.44 SolO 27.3 69.6 62.8 86.4 49.9 34.1 1971 28.7 23.8 11.8 &.10 S.7S 3.77 3.70 10.5 85.9 89.4 8&.3 44.0 33.S ~lEAN 44.4 26.8 17.1 12.8 9.14 7. 42 8.52 35.1 95.6 76.4 63.0 61.6 38.3 MONTHLY 10 6 4 3 2 2 2 8 21 17 14 13 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1951-55, 1957-65, 1967-72 PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, "C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1951 1955 1959-cont 1960"cont 1962 -cent 1964-cont 1968-cont 3-22-51 0. 0 12-10-54 0. 0 4-28-59 3.0 7-6-60 9.0 5-7-62 4.0 12-3-63 o. 0 11-15-67 0. 5 9-14-51 4.5 1-28-55 0. O· 5-7-59 3.5 7-25-60 9.0 5-16-62 4.0 1-20-64 0. 5 1-3-68 o. 0 1952 1957 5-19-59 5.5 8-12-60 11. 5 5-28-62 5.0 3-25-64 0.0 4-30-68 2.0 11-30-51 0.0 6-21-57 8.5 6-10-59 10.0 8-19-60 8.5 7-30-62 11. 0 4-3-64 o. 0 5-13-68 5.0 1-5-52 0.0 7-3-57 10.5 7-7-59 12.0 9-20-60 5.0 8-9-62 11.0 4-8-64 1.0 6-5-68 5.5 2-9-52 1.0 1958 7-21-59 6.0 1961 8-13-62 10.0 4-10-64 1.0 8-12-68 10.0 4-14-52 1.0 10-4-57 2.0 7-31-59 5.5 11-10-60 0.0 9-11-62 5.5 8-6-64 8.0 1969 5-6-52 0.5 10-27-57 5.5 8-25-59 9. 0 11-16-60 0.0 1963 1965 10-4-68 3. 0 5-9-52 0.5 4-29-58 4. 5 9-29-59 7.0 11-29-60 5.0 10-17-62 3.0 10-2-64 3.0 12-5-68 0. 0 6-13-52 8.0 5-13-58 5.5 1960 12-9-60 o. 0 10-29-62 0.0 10-22-64 2.0 5-27-69 6.0 1953 6-5-58 11.5 10-12-59 1.0 1-4-61 0.0 12-11-62 0.0 11-2-64 0. 5 7-18-69 10.0 11-19-52 0. 5 6-6-58 9.5 10-21-59 0.0 2-16-61 0.0 1-10-63 0. 0 4-22-65 3.5 8-28-69 8.0 5-8-53 3.5 6-23-58 9.0 11-2-59 1.0 2-23-61 0.0 1-21-63 0.5 5-24-65 7.0 1970 6-4-53 5.5 7-8-58 10.5 11-30-59 o. 0 4-10-61 1.5 2-21-63 o. 0 6-18-65 7.0 12-18-69 0.0 1954 8-13-58 9.5 12-14-59 0.0 4-14-61 0.5 3-1-63 1.0 8-31-65 6.5 3-4-70 o. 0 10-2-53 0. 5 8-22-58 9.5 12-22-59 0.0 5-19-61 4:5 4-3-63 0.0 1967 5-12-70 8.0 3-16-54 1.0 9-4-58 8.0 12-31-59 o. 0 5-19-61 4.5 4-25-63 1.0 10-4-66 6.5 5-13-70 6.5 5-3-54 3.5 9-12-58 8.0 1-28-60 0.0 6-27-61 13.0 5-16-63 7.0 11-14-66 0. 0 5-20-70 5.5 5-12-54 3.0 1959 2-9-60 o. 0 8-16-61 9. 5 5-31-63 4.0 1-5-67 0.0 6-8-70 5.5 6-4-54 9.5 10-10-58 1.0 2-18-60 o. 5 1962 7-5-63 14.5 2-7-67 0.5 7-17-70 6.0 6-18-54 10.5 11-18-58 0. 5 2-26-60 0.0 10-5-61 2.0 7-22-63 9. 5 3-20-67 0. 5 8-19-70 7.0 6-25-54 12. 0 2-12-59 0.0 3-10-60 o. 0 11-7-61 0.0 8-6-63 7.0 5-1-67 5.5 1971 7-21-54 11. 0 2-21-59 0.0 3-22-60 o. 5 12-14-61 0.0 8-26-63 9.5 6-5-67 6.5 10-12-70 2.5 8-2-54 6.0 2-26-59 o. 5 3-31-60 0.0 1-16-62 0.0 9-24-63 4.5 7-10-67 14.0 5-18-71 2.5 8-19-54 12. 0 3-10-59 0.0 4-19-60 1.5 1-26-62 0. 0 1964 8-15-67 11.5 7-1-71 6. 0 9-30-54 8. 0 3-27-59 0.0 5-11-60 2.0 2-16-62 o. 5 10-7-63 5.0 9-6-67 6. 5 9-2-71 8.0 4-20-59 1.0 6-22-60 12.0 3-8-62 0.0 11-6-63 0.0 1968 1972 11-19-63 o. 0 10-3-67 3.5 10-4-71 1.5 15274300 NORTH FORK CAMPBELL CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'10", long 149°45'43", in SW!.i sec.35, ,T.l3 N., R.3 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 40 ft (12 m) upstream from Campbell Airstrip road, 2. 5 mi (4. 0 km) upstream from confluence with South Fork, and 5.5 mi (8.8 km) southeast of Anchorage Post Office. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 13.4 mi 2 (34.7 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 389 ft/mi (73.7 m/km); stream length, 10.6 mi (17.1 km); area of lakes and ponds, 2 percent; mean elevation, 2,670 ft (814 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Annual maximum, water years 1967-74. June 1974 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Altitude of gage is 300 ft (91 m), from topographic map. May 7, 196~ to June 5, 1974, crest-stage gage located 25 ft (7.6 m) downstream at same datum. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 107 ft 3 /s (3.03 m3 /s) Aug. 9, 1971, gage height, 12.18 ft (3.712 m); minimum daily, about 2.0 ft 3/s (0.057 m3/s) Feb. 2-22 and Apr. 1-15, 1975. EXTRE~S, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum dai1 y 45 Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge YEAR 1974 1975 1967 Sept. 17 or 18,1967 81 11.45 1968 June 15, 1968 55 11.02 1969 June 16, 1969 48 10.89 1970 Aug. 7, 1970 71 11.31 1971 Aug. 9, 1971 107 12.18 1.972 June 15, 1972 91 11.95 1973 June 1973 38 11.18 1974 June 24, 1974 36 10.81 1975 Sept. 12, 1975 68 11.48 Sept. 13, 1974 Feb. 2-22, Apr. 1-15, 1975 a Period June to September; momentary minimum, gage height, 10.11 ft. OCT NOV DEC ll. 5 6. 07 4.39 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND JAN FEB MAR APR 4.00 2.25 3.00 2.93 \VATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS MAY 9.50 JUN 23.3 28.8 JUL 23.9 38. 2 PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1967-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1967 1968 1968-cont 1970 1971-cont 1973-cont 5-1-67 5.5 1-3-68 0.0 9-13-68 5.5 10·14-69 5.0 8-9-71 9.5 9-ll-73 6-5-67 7.0 4-1-68 0.5 1969 6-8-70 6.0 1972 1974 7-10-67 10.0 5-13-68 8.0 10-4-68 2.0 1971 6-8-72 4.5 10-4-73 7-20-67 9. 0 6-5-68 5.0 6-10-69 8.0 10-12-70 2. 0 1973 5-21-74 8-15-67 11. 0 6-28-68 8.0 7-18-69 8.0 5-18-71 3.5 5-7-73 7.5 6-6-74 8-12-68 8.0 5-26·71 5. 5 8-1-73 9.0 7-9-74 7-13-71 10.5 8-14-74 TEMP 4.0 3.5 8.5 7.5 9.0 12.0 AUG 15.4 22.8 a9.8 2.0 SEP 12.9 29.8 DATE 1975 10-18-74 1-13-75 6-13-75 6-16-75 6-25-75 7-1-75 7-11-75 ANNUAL 13.7 TEMP 2.0 0. 0 5.0 7.0 8.0 6.5 10.5 46 15274600 CAMPBELL CREEK NEAR SPENARD LOCATION.--Lat 61°08'17", long 149°55'20", on line between sec.ll and 14, T.12 N., R.4 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on upstream right wingwall of bridge at Dimond Blvd. crossing, 2.0 mi (3.2 krn) upstream from mouth, and 4.3 mi ( 6. 9 km) so'!!th of Spenard. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 69.7 rni 2 (180.5 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 162 ft/rni (30.7 m/km); stream length, 19.2 mi (30.9 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 1,680 ft (512 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --June 1966 to September 1975, GAGE. --1\fater-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 18.04 ft (s·. 499 m) above mean sea level. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--9 years, 57.7 ft 3/s (1.634 m3/s), 11.24 in/yr (285 mm/yr), 41,800 acre-ft/yr (51.5 hm 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 421 ft 3/s (11.9 m3/s) Aug. 9, 1971, gage height, 3.63 ft (1.106 m); maximum gage height observed, 4.90 ft (1.4-94 m) Mar. 3, 1970 (backwater from ice); minimum daily dis- charge, 2.2 ft 3 /s (0.062 m3 /s) Feb. 5, 1969. EXTREl!ES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Dischar_!;!e Gage height Date Discharge 1966a 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Sept, 19, 1966 Apr. 13. 1967 Sept. 6, 1967 Apr. 18. 1968 /.fay 31, 1968 Feb. 4. 1969 July 25, 1969 Mar. 3, 1970 Aug. 7. 1970 Feb. 5, 1971 Aug. 9. 1971 May 8, 1972 Sept. 30, 1972 Oct. 1, 1972 Apr. 29, 1974 June 13, 1974 Sept. 11, 1975 a Period June to September. 196 275 208 173 262 421 274 202 145 e350 b f.1omentary minimum, gage height, 1.03 ft. c Backwater from ice. 2 0 24 c3. 00 2.95 c3.25 2.29 c3.50 1. 87 c4.90 2 0 82 c3.70 3. 63 c3. 69 2.55 d2.11 c2.45 1. 55 Sept. 11, 1966 b65 Feb. 7 to t-1ar. 25, 1967 17 Mar. 20-22. 1968 15 Feb. 5. 1969 2.2 Apr. 1-10, 1970 16 !-1ar. 2-10, 1971 5.5 Mar.l to Apr. 20, 1972 12 Feb. 24 to lfar. 23, 1973 14 Jan. 28 to Feb. 5. 1974 4.0 Feb. 9-19. 1975 50 0 d Stage falling, peak occurred Sept. 30, 1972; maximum peak discharne, 188 ft 3 /s Oct. 17, 1972, gage height, 2.00 ft. e Estimated, based on runoff comparison with station 15273900. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 14An 101 9S.5 112 F~f.t7 •n.t Jt • .:. clj .. f:. -?.3 •. , 1 1.3 1 7 .? .?q. 7 ~l.q 14? 113 122 159 7!.0 19'-.A 1-~.? 44.~ J?.J;, lO. ;.c 21.3 1q.l 44.,7 qo.J 16~ 1?6 70.~ 52.9 64.1 lq~9 41l.,h rr.'-1 ?3.-4 l4.S ·•.10 1~.7 ?O.B '>3.;> 87.5 70.0 57.0 35.? JR.? 197(1 ~4.Q ].;.] ?4.n ~0.] 2tl.S 18.4 18.7 44.,) 100 10? 12A 73.3 54.~ 1971 ~~.s f)4.,0 )?.,c; 1i'.7 ,., 13 5.95 Ao25 27.0 124 149 [8q 96.? 64.4 19"12 1~.? <+'l. ~ ~4.S !A.,f, l.l. 7 1?.0 12.1 ~0.2 13~ 14A 75.0 99.1 ~~.o }Y/] l?~ J:Cfi.,A (-., 7. 7 3,.? 1?.9 14.S 24.1 4[.5 10 l 9?.A 90.2 6A.,4 61.~ 1474 c;o."":i ?";'.,..:. lb.9 ~. 03 A.IJJ 1<1.1 ;>1.5 ~O.l lOA 90.,:? 55.6 51 oR 41.1 l ~7S S7 .~ :n .I 19.'-l }A.,4 7. 07 1?.0 3~.4 R'>.O 132 l'ln A1.5 135 (,~.9 MEAN 70.7 42.2 30.0 20.0 13.2 13.9 24.2 55.9 121 115 96 0 5 57 0 7 MONTHLY 10 6 4 88.3 3 2 2 3 8 18 17 14 13 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1967-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1967 1967 -cont 1969-cont 1970-cont 1972 1974 1975-cont 10-6-66 3.0 8-5-67 13.0 2-4-69 0. 0 7-17-70 10.0 10-5-71 2.0 10-4-73 3.0 4-29-75 0.5 10-11-66 1.0 9-7-67 7.5 3-28-69 0.0 8-19-70 9.5 1-3-72 0.0 5-2-74 0.5 5-1-75 0 0 5 11-14-66 0.0 1968 5-27-69 6.5 1971 2-24-72 0.0 5-21-74 9 0 5 5-8-7 5 0.5 1-5-67 0. 0 10-3-67 3.5 7-18-69 13.0 10-12-70 3.5 7-31-72 13.0 7-12-74 9.0 5-19'75 6.5 2-7-67 0.5 11-15-67 0.0 8-28-69 9. 0 11-30-70 0.0 1973 8-15-74 13 0 0 5-29-75 8.0 3-21-67 o. 0 4-30-68 0.5 1970 5-18-71 1.5 10-31-72 0.0 9-13-74 9.5 6-13-75 8.5 5-1-67 0.5 6-5-68 8.0 12-16-69 0.0 7-1-71 9.0 12-12-72 0.0 1975 6-26-75 5-15-67 6. 0 6-28-68 13.0 11.5 3-3-70 0. 0 7-14-71 11.5 5-7-73 3.5 10-18-74 2.5 7-11-75 13.0 6-1-67 10.5 8-13-68 9.0 5-13-70 6,0 8-10-71 10 0 0 6-21-73 12.0 11-18-74 0.0 8-11-75 6-21-67 12 0 5 1969 5-20-70 6. 5 9.0 9-2-71 7 0 0 8-2-73 10.5 1-10-75 0.0 9-2-75 10.5 7-11-67 15.0 10-4-68 3.5 6-3-70 8.0 9-11-73 6.0 4-28-75 0 0 5 9-11-75 7.5 bDU(~ I ' c.cgt? I / ft1t:.~-s-oc (!). fr 0-R-0o 9f /? c·+~ t u <i 15274700 SAND LAKE NEAR SPENARD LOCATION.--Lat 61°09'03", long 149°58'2511 , in NW!.t sec.lO, T.lZ N., R.4 W., Municipality of Anchorage, at west end of lake, 4.0 mi (6.4 km) southwest of Spenard. PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1967-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --May 1967 to June 1974 (open water period only). GAGE.--Nonrecording gag~. Datum of gage is at mean sea level. Prior to Oct. 1 1968, at datum 85.12 ft (25.944 m) higher. REMARKS.--Lake level fluctuations are due to changes in ground-water level rather than surface inflow. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed elevation during period of record, 87.02 ft (26.524 m), present datum, June 1, 2, 1968; minimum 83.62 ft (25.487 m) Sept. 10, 1974, but may have been less during the periods of no gage-height record September 1974 to January 1975. WATER YEAR OCT 1967 Max Min 1968 Max 86.72 Min 86. 58 1969 Max 86.05 Min a 1970 Max 84.79 Min 84.68 1971 Max a Min a 1972 Max a Min 84.76 1973 Max a Min 84.88 1974 Max a Min 84.39 DATE 1974 7-9-74 7-16-74 7-18-74 7-24-74 7-26-74 8- 8- NOV a a 4-74 6-74 PERIODIC ELEVATION, IN FEET ELEV DATE ELEV DATE ELEV DATE 1974-cont 1975 1975-cont 84.04 8-15-74 83.79 2-4-75 83.94 6-13-75 84.02 8-30-74 83.69 2-11-75 83.94 7-22-75 84.00 9-10-74 83.62 2-21-75 83.92 8-22-75 83.94 9-19-74 83.63 2-27-75 83.96 8-26-75 83.90 9-25-74 83.71 5-9-75 84.91 9-8-75 83.80 9-30-74 83. 68 5-23-75 84.98 9-19-75 83.80 5-30-75 85.04 MONTHLY MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM ELEVATION, IN FEET DEC JAN FEB MAR APR a a a a 85.26 a MAY JUN a 86.92 a 86.72 a 87.02 a 86.76 85.90 85.76 85.78 85.43 84.78 84.54 84.55 "84.24 84.86 84.84 a 84.63 85.52 85.52 a 85.29 85.32 85.09 85.11 84.88 84.48 84.25 84.27 83.93 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. ELEV 84.91 84.59 84.41 84.38 84.30 84.66 JUL AUG 86.74 86.58 86.57 86.51 86.76 86.43 86.44 86.18 85.42 85.28 85.14 84.94 84.23 84.12 84.04 84.05 84.62 84.78 84.44 84.60 85.29 84.91 84.92 84.72 84.87 84.52 84.44 84.38 47 SEP 86.78 86.56 86.17 85.95 84.93 84.78 84. OS . 83.92 84.76 84.68 84.88 84.71 84.48 84.35 15275000 CHESTER CREEK AT ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'59", long 149°50'0711 , in SW!.i sec.21, T.13 N., R.3 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 10ft (3m) upstream from culverts on Lake Otis Parkway, 2.3 mi (3.7 km) southeast of Anc~orage Post Office, and 3. 2 mi (!1".1 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 20.0 mi2 (51.8l<iri2 ); main-channel slope, 226 ft/mi (42.8 m/km); stream length, 11. 4 mi (18. 3 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 800 ft (244 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1958 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and culvert 'control. Datum of gage is 88.8 ft (27.07 m) above mean sea level. Prior to June 25, 1968, nonrecording gage, and June 25, 1968 to June 8, 1971, nonrecording gage and crest-stage gage. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--17 years, 18.7 ft 3 /s (0.530 m3 /s), 12.70 in/yr (323 mm/yr), 13,550 acre-ft/yr (16.7 hm 3 /yr). EXTRE~S.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 95 ft 3/s (2.6~ m3/s) Apr. 29, 1963, gage height, 2.40 ft (0. 732 m) from graph based on gage readings; maximum gage height observed, 3. 8 ft (1.16 m) Nov. 29, 1961 (back- water from ice); minimum daily discharge, 1.0 ft 3/s (0.028 m3/s) Mar. 4-7, 1971. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOliD, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1958a Aug. 3, 1958 b42 2.16 July 7, 15, 1958 cl8 1959 Apr. 27, 1959 94 2.75 Mar. 17-22, 1959 10 1960 Apr. 28, 1960 2.22 Mar. 12-14, 1960 11 Sept. 13, 1960 72 2.16 1961 Nov. 25, 1960 d3. 06 Mar. 13-15, 1961 14 Sept. 30, 1961 82 2.13 1962 Nov. 29, 1961 d3. 8 Mar. 28, 29. 31, 1962 15 June 15, 1962 89 2.31 1963 Dec. 7,29,30,1962 d2. 99 Many days, January to March, 1963 13 Apr. 29, 1963 95 2.40 1964 Jan. 19. 1964 d2.45 Mar. 28-31, 1964 4.0 Apr. 25, 1964 b32 1. 38 1965 Nov. 1, 1964 dl. 92 Feb. 14-21, 1965 7.0 Sept. 27, 1965 b48 1. 70 1966 Apr. 21, 1966 bSO dl. 98 Mar. 16-29. 1966 12 1967 NOv. 14, 1966 d2.39 Mar. 13, 14, 20, 1967 8.7 Sept. s, 1967 b57 1. 78 1968 Dec. 22, 1967 d2. 94 Feb. 4-7, 1968 11 Jan. 13, 1968 d2. 94 May 31, 1968 b42 1. 56 1969 Jan. 31, 1969 d2.38 Mar. 13-19, 1969 7.0 July 24, 1969 60 2. 28 1970 Mar. 2, 1970 d2.54 Jan. 29-31, 1970 6.3 Aug. 10, 1970 69 2.00 1971 Feb. 3, 1971 d3.20 Mar. 4-7' 1971 1.0 Aug. 9, 1971 62 1. 90 1972 May 3, 1972 87 e3.14 Mar. 21-28, 1972 7.2 1973 Oct. 18. 1972 45 1.64 Mar. 6-20, 1973 8.0 Nov. 3, 1972 dl. 9 1974 Sept. 23, 1974 32 1.36 Jan. 30, 1974 4.0 1975 Sept. 11, 1975 80 2.17 Feb. 11-14, 1975 2.5 a Period July to September. b Maximum daily. c Gage height, 1. 54 ft. d Backwater from ice. e Backwater from debris. 15275000 CHESTER CREEK AT ANCHORAGE--Continued 49 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1958 24.1 29.6 23.2 1959 23o2 18.0 14.9 12.3 13.1 u.s 26.2 36,6 27.7 27.4 28.9 35.1 23.0. 1960 29.8 24,9 20,0 17.7 16,4 14.1 2.6.3 30,6 24.3 23.6 28.3 48.0 25.3 1961 42.9 28.6 26.4 23.4 19.2 17.3 29.0 26,3 25.6 27.2 27.6 35.7 27.5 1962 49.2 35.5 29.3 20.5 19.1 17.0 34.9 35,5 47.3 38.8 31.2 27.2 32.2 1963 22o2 19.8 18.8 15,7 13.7 15.6 27.3 35,4 27.0 27.6 3_4.7 30.4 24.1 1964 23o0 14.7 12.7 11.9 10.2 9,74 18.7 22.0 23.3 21.9 21.3 18.0 17.3 1965 22o3 14o1 11.2 8,39 7.75. 19.1 20.9 H•.6 19.2 21.5 22.7 29.6 17.8 1966 34o1 21.7 20.1 18.3 15.1 12.7 27.7 27.8 23.2 20o2 20.0 22.5 22.0 1967 22o1 16.0 13.0 12.0 u.s 9.37 16.9 16.9 16.5 16.5 20.2 32.7 17.0 1968 22o7 19.7 16.6 16.1 12.6 13.9 19o8 23.4 28.1 21o2 18.7 19.9 19.4 1969 13o3 10.7 10.5 9,03 7.80 7,88 15.5 15,0 13,0 15.0 12.0 14.0 12.0 1970 13o4 9.03 8,82 6,80 7.01 8,55 8,86 9,01 8.08 8,44 13.9 9,58 9.32 1971 8o31 6.22 3,39 2.09 1. 71 2.33 8.76 14.3 14.0 15.7 29.7 25.6 11.0 1972 26o2 14.8 12.8 1(1,5 9,00 8,04 12.3 27,8 22.8 18.1 16.8 20.8 16.7 1973 30o0 15.8 14.3 11.0 9,36 9,10 17.7 14,9 14.0 11o1 19.7 16.0 15.3 1974 18o4 11.9 10.6 7.81 6.21 9,55 13o9 10.8 10,5 11.4 11.8 13.3 11.4 1975 14o7 11.7 6,27 7.27 4,96 6,60 18.6 25.8 19,1 25.1 20.0 34.7 16.3 MEAl'l 24.4 17.2 14.7 12.4 10.9 11.3 20.2 22.9 21.4 20.8 22.6 25.3 18.7 MONTHLY 11 8 7 6 5 5 9 10 10 9 10 11 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1958-60, 1966-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DA11E TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1958 1959-cont 1960-cont 1967 -cont 1969-cont 1972-cont 1974-cont 4-29-58 8.0 5-7-59 5.0 3-22-60 1.5 9-7-67 7.0 8-27-69 10.0 2-23-72 0.5 7-1-74 16.0 5-13-58 9. 0 6-10-59 10.5 3-31-60 0.5 1968 1970 3-23-72 1.0 7-9-74 12.5 6-6-58 14.5 7-7-59 10.0 4-19-60 2.0 10-3·67 3.0 10-14-69 6.0 8-1-72 13.0 7-11-74 11.0 7-8-58 10.5 7-21-59 5.5 4-26-60 3.0 11-14-67 1.5 12-15-69 0. 0 9-29-72 4.5 8-12-74 12.0 8-13-58 9.5 7-31-59 5.5 5-17-60 9. 0 1-2-68 1.0 3-2-70 0. 5 1973 9-12-74 10.5 8-22-58 9. 5 8-25-59 9.0 5-31-60 7.0 1-10-68 0.0 5-12-70 7.0 10-30-72 2.0 197 5 9-4-58 6. 5 1960 6-22-60 12.0 2-13-68 1.0 6-9-70 8.0 11-29-72 0. 5 10-21-74 3.0 9-12-58 8.0 10-12-59 2.0 7-6-60 9.5 3-28-68 1.0 7-16-70 11.0 12-11-72 1.0 11-15-74 0.5 9-25-58 1.5 10-21-59 3.5 8-12-60 11.5 4-29-68 2.0 7-21-70 10.0 2-1-73 0. 0 3-19-75 1.0 1959 11-2-59 2.0 9-20-60 5.0 5-14-68 6.0 8-18-70 8.0 5-4-73 4.0 4-7-75 2.0 10-10-58 3.5 11-16-59 4.0 1966 6-6-68 5.0 1971 5-8-73 9.0 4-15-75 1.5 10-29-58 1.5 11-30-59 0.0 1-12-66 0.0 7-1-68 9.0 10-9-70 3.0 6-21-73 11. 0 5-1-75 3.0 11-18-58 1.0 12-14-59 0.0 1967 8-8-68 9.0 12-1-70 0.0 9-10-73 7.0 5-2-75 3.0 2-2-59 0.0 12-22-59 1.0 10-6-66 3.5 9-12-68 7.5 5-7-71 3.0 1974 5-15-75 6.0 2-21-59 1.0 12-31-59 0. 5 11-14-66 0.0 1969 6-29-71 12.5 10-4-73 4.0 5-29-75 7.0 2-26-59 1.0 1-28-60 1.0 1-3-67 0.0 12-02-68 0. 0 7-21-71 6.5 1-3-74 0. 5 6-26-75 9.5 3-27-5.9 1.0 2-9-60 o. 0 5-3-67 4.5 4-2-69 1.0 1972 3-26-74 1.0 8-4-75 9.5 4-20-59 2.0 2-18-60 0. 5 5-31-67 6.5 5-9-69 5.0 10-5-71 4.0 5-3-74 6.5 9-3-75 7.0 4-27-59 o.s 2-26-60 0.0 7-10-67 14.0 6-9-69 7.0 11-3-71 0.5 5-20-74 11.5 9-10-75 7.0 4-30-59 11.5 3-10-60 0. 0 8-16-67 10.0 7-14-69 10.0 12-29-71 1.0 5-24-74 12.0 9-11-75 8.0 YEAR 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 50 15275100 CHESTER CREEK AT ARCTIC BOULEVARD AT ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--La,t 61°12'19", long 149°53'43", on line between sec.19, R.3 W., and sec.24, R.4 W., T.l3 N., Municipality of Anchorage, on upstream right bank wingwall of bridge on Arctic Boulevard at Anchorage. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 27.2 mi 2 (70.4 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 169 ft/mi (32.~ m/km); stream length, 12.8 mi (20.6 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 780ft (238m); glac1er area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1966 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and culvert control. Datum of gage is 16.02 ft (4.883 m) above mean sea level (from USC & GS, datum of 1968). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--9 years, 16.8 ft 3 /s (0.476 m3 /s), 8.39 in/yr (213 mm/yr], 12,170 acre-ft/yr (15.0 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 175 ft 3/s (4.96 m3/s) Sept. 11, 1975, gage height, 4.37 ft (1.332 ml; minimum daily, about 1.6 ft 3 /s (0.045 m3 /s) Feh. 12-14, 1975. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1966a June 21, 1966 44 2.00 June 25, 26, 1966 b18 1967 Apr. 7. 1967 c2.68 Jan. 1 to Feb. 20, 1967 12 Sept. 4, 1967 87 2.52 1968 Mar. 18. 1968 c2.53 Feb. 1-5, 1968 13 May 30, 1968 85 2. 43 1969 Jan. 31, 1969 c4.07 Mar. 13-18, 1969 7. 5 July 24, 1969 80 2.76 1970 Au~. 10, 1970 89 2.88 Jan. 29-31, 1970 7. 2 1971 Feb. 3. 1971 c4.25 Mar. 4-7. 1971 2.0 Aug. 8. 1971 95 2.97 1972 Sept. 29, 1972 89 2.89 Mar. 10-19, 1972 7.5 1973 Oct. 11, 1972 69 2.59 June 29, 1973 d9 .4 Nov. 3. 1972 c2.97 1974 Se!>t. 23, 1974 80 2. 76 Jan. 30, 1974 6. 0 1975 Sept. 11, 1975 175 4.37 Feb. 12-14, 1975 1.6 a Period June to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 1.41 ft. c Backwater from ice. d Momentary minimum, gage height, l. 44 ft. 110NTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB l-IAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 13.3 23.2 25.6 27. 5 26.4 16.9 13.0 12.0 12.3 14. 2 24. 2 20.0 18.8 20.0 25.4 36.0 22.7 21.1 17.5 17.3 15.0 15.0 24.8 27.6 32.5 24.0 20. 2 25.8 15.5 11.6 11.5 10. 2 8.37 8. 78 20. 2 17.1 15.5 20.9 16.4 16.1 17.0 11.0 10.1 7.79 8. 01 10.1 10.6 11.0 10.1 ll. 6 17.4 12.5 10.7 9.07 4.65 3. 27 2.99 4.18 14.5 19.9 17.9 19. 7 32.9 26.0 28.9 16.2 14.1 11.9 8. 62 8. 32 14.2 31.3 24.0 18.7 18.4 24.5 31. 8 20.0 18.5 14.3 11.1 12.6 23.3 16.5 14.8 12.6 19.3 18.7 20.0 12.7 13.1 10.9 8.07 12. 7 16. 5 12.4 11.5 13.1 14.7 17.7 19.3 14.6 7.69 8. 45 5.40 7.79 24.2 27.0 22. 8 29.0 25.3 40.7 ANNUAL 19.9 22.0 14.4 11.5 13.9 18.3 17.8 13.6 19.4 MEAN 21.3 14.8 12.2 10.7 8.86 10.4 19.2 20.3 18.1 19.3 21.5 24.5 16.8 MONTHLY 11 7 6 5 4 5 10 10 9 10 11 12 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1967-75. PERIODIC \VATER TEMPERATURE, "C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1967 1968 1969-cont 1970-cont 1972 1973-cont 1974-cont 10-6-66 3.5 10-3-67 3.5 3-20-69 2. 0 5-12-70 9.0 10-5-71 4.0 9-10-73 7.5 9-12-74 10.0 11-14-66 0.5 11-14-67 2. 5 4-2-69 1.0 6-9-70 9.0 12-29-71 0. 0 1974 1975 2-14-67 0.0 1-2-68 2.5 5-9-69 7.0 6-18-70 8.0 2-23-70 0.0 10-4-73 4.0 10-18-74 3.5 3-21-67 0.0 3-28-68 1.5 7-14-69 10. 0 7-16-70 13.5 3-27-72 1.0 11-7-73 o. 5 10-21-74 4.0 3-31-67 1.0 4-29-68 3.5 7-25-69 11.5 7-21-70 11.5 5-9-72 6.5 1-8-74 0. 5 10-25-74 4.5 5-3-67 7.5 6-6-68 7.0 8-28-69 8.5 8-18-70 10.0 8-l-72 13.0 2-11-74 o. 0 11-15-74 0. 5 5-15-67 6.5 8-7-68 9.0 1970 1971 1973 4-4-74 1.5 1-9-75 0. 0 5-31-67 8. 0 9-12-68 9.0 10-14-69 6.0 10-9-70 3. 5 10-30-72 2.0 4-9-74 2,0 4-15-75 3. 0 7-11-67 19.0 1969 11-30-69 0.0 12-2-70 0. 5 11-29-72 0.5 5-3-74 8.5 5-29-75 9.0 7-20-67 11. 0 10-1-68 4.0 12-15-69 o. 0 2-3-71 0.0 12-12-72 0.5 5-21-74 13.5 6-10-75 13.0 8-16-67 11.0 12-2-68 0.0 3-2-70 0.5 3-17-71 0.5 2-1-73 0.0 7-9-74 15.0 6-26-75 13.5 9-6-67 7.5 5-14-69 1.0 3-25-70 3.0 6-30-71 9.5 5-4-73 9.0 7-11-74 12. 0 9-3-75 10.5 7-21-71 11.0 6-21-73 16.0 8-15-74 12.5 9-10-75 9.0 15276000 SHIP CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'25", long 149°37'55", in NE~ sec.l6, T.13 N., R.2 W., t-funicipality of Anchorage, in Fort Rich- ardson Military Reservation, at diversion dam and Fort Richardson water-supply intake building, 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream from North Fork Ship Cre~k, and 8.5 mi (13.7 km) east of Anchorage. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 90.5 mi 2 (234.4 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 119 ft/mi (22.5 m/km); stream length, 19.0 mi (30.6 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 3,100 ft (.945 m); glacier area, 0 percent. l~ATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1946 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and masonry dam. Datum of gage is 530 ft (161.5 m) above mean sea level (levels by Corps of Engineers). Oct. 1, 1946 to Apr. 30,.1947, nonrecording gage, and f.fay 1, 1947 to Apr. 19, 1954, water- stage recorder, at site 0.2 mi (0.3 km) downstream at different datum. June 18, 1953 to Sept. 30, 1954, supple- mental water-stage recorder at site 2.7 mi (4.3 km) downstream at different datum. REMARKS.--Diversion for water supply to Fort Richardson, Elmendorf Air Force Base, and Municipality of Anchorage began in 1944. Monthly and atinual mean diversions since October 1946 are shown on the next page. Table of monthly and annual mean discharge on next page represents combined flow. Discharge data in table of EXTREMES represent net flow remaining after diversion. ~ COOPERATION. --Gage inspected and records of diversion furnished by Office of Post Engineers, Fort Richardson. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--29 years, 158 ft 3 /s (4.475 m3 /s), 23.71 in/yr (602 mm/yr), 114,500 acre-ft/yr (141 hm 3 /yr). Ad- justed to include diversion. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,860 ft 3 /s (52.7 m3 /s), June 21, 1949, gage height, 3.44 ft (1.049 m), site and datum then in use; maximum gage height, 5.03 ft (1.533 m) Nov. 20, 1974 (backwater from ice); no flow at times due to diversion. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, G.~GE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1947 May 31, 1947 780 1. 95 Apr. 1, 1947 1948 June 14, 1948 662 1. 75 Apr. 6, 1948 1949 June 21, 1949 1, 860 3. 44 Feb. 20, 1949 1950 Ju~_e 18, 1950 857 2.01 Feb. 17, 18, 1950 1951 Sept. 4, 1951 b983 2.19 Apr. 13, 1951 1952 June 20, 1952 734 1.69 Apr. 1-15. 1952 1953 June 4, 1953 999 2.07 Apr. 1-15, 1953 1954 Oct. 6, 1953 488 1. 25 Apr. 22, 1954 1955 .. Tuly 4, 1955 1,070 4.ll Apr. 25, 1955 1956 July 31, 1956 685 3.10 Jan. 2,4,12-15, Feb. 11-13, 1956 1957 June 4, 1957 712 2. 99 Apr. 5. 8. 1957 1958 June 7, 1958 874 3.41 Mar. 17. 1958 1959 Dec. 31, 1958 e2.99 Mar. 19,20, 1959 June 3, 1959 670 2.85 1960 May 25, 1960 966 3.58 Mar. 7,15, 1960 1961 Jan. 21, 1961 e3.55 Mar. 23, 1961 June 20, 1961 750 3.05 1962 June 13, 1962 gl,200 Jan. 6, 1962 1963 June 22, 1963 960 3.41 Mar. 20-29. 1963 1964 June 13, 1964 1,140 3.74 Mar. 28, 1964 1965 Sept. 20, 1965 591 2. 49 Feb. 19-21, 1965 1966 June 7, 1966 926 3. 29 Apr. s, 1966 1967 Sept. 18, 1967 1,440 4.29 Mar. 13-15. 1967 196& May 29, 1968 806 3.08 Mar. 26,30' 1968 1969 May 27, 1969 516 2. 49 Mar. 16, 1969 1970 Oct. 7. 1969 850 3. 25 Mar. 9, 1970 1971 Aug. 8, 1971 1,580 4.58 Mar. 4. 5. 1971 1972 June 15, 1972 1, 040 3. 45 Apr. 21, 1972 1973 June 21, 1973 548 2.57 Mar. 17-20, 1973 1974 Jan. 3, 1974 e4. 24 ~1ar 4-10, 1974 June 2, 1974 iSOO 2.45 1975 Nov. 20, 1974 eS. 03 Mar. 17 to Apr. 5. 1975 June 30, 1975 650 2. 81 a Momentary minimum, 6.2 ft 3/s Apr. 23, 1948, gage height, 0.03 ft, result of ice jam above gage. b Caused by failure of cofferdam upstream. c No flow for several hours on Mar. 16, 17, 29, 1952, caused by temporary obstruction upstream. d No flow for parts of several days. e Backwater from ice. f No flow for part of each day Mar. 23, 24, 1961. g Maximum daily. ~Also no flow part of some days Dec. 11, 1968 to Mar. 27, 1969. 1 May have been greater during the period of no gage height record May 27-31, 1974. Discharge 24 a26 20 24 12 c13 10 dl.O d2.5 0.0 d4.0 dlO d7 .o 0.0 f21 d8.0 dlO 10 14 11 11 d4.5 hO.O d3.5 0.0 dS.O 5.0 3.0 7.0 51 52 SHIP CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE--Continued 15276000 DIVERSION FOR WATER SUPPLY MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND . YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1947 4. 4 4.7 4.7 4.6 4. 7 4.5 4.3 4.3 4. 3 5.0 4.7 4.6 4. 6 1948 4. 4 4.4 4.7 4.5 4.5 4. 6 4.5 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.2 4.5 1949 4.7 4.7 4.7 4. 7 4. 7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4. 7 4. 7 4. 7 4. 7 4. 7 1950 4.5 4.1 4. 4 4.3 4.2 5.0 .4. 8 4. 7 4. 9 6.3 5. 4 4. 7 4.8 1951 5.0 4. 8 10.7 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.1 11.8 11.0 11.4 10.3 10.6 10.0 1952 11.0 10.7 11.1 13.8 14.7 17.5 14.6 17.0 15.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 15.0 1953 19.0 20.0 20. 0 20.0 21. 0 21. 0 21. 0 22.0 22.0 23.0 23.0 22. 0 21.2 1954 21.0 23.0 25.0 23.0 24.0 28.0 25.0 21. 0 22.0 23.0 23.0 22.0 23.0 1955 21. 0 24.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 21.0 22 .. 0 23.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 1956 22.2 23.0 23.8 25.1 27.6 27.2 23.4 22.4 23.5 23.6 22.4 21.8 24.0 1957 22.1 21.9 22.9 23.4 20.9 20.7 20.6 22.8 23.7 22.3 22.3 21.6 22.1 1958 21.6 20.6 20.4 19.0 18.1 18.3 17.0 20.0 17.8 19.6 18.6 20.5 19.3 1959 19.6 16.1 16.2 18.0 17.9 18.0 16.9 14.5 20.3 18.9 17.9 17.9 17.7 1960 15.8 11.1 12.9 16. 5 16.5 14.4 12. 2 12.4 19.8 19.7 18.7 17.6 15.6 1961 18.8 17.2 15.7 15.5 14.0 15.6 13.1 14.1 18.9 19.0 18.0 18.9 16.6 1962 15.0 12.9 12.0 16.9 15.9 16.8 15.6 18.4 16.9 18.0 19.0 17 .1 16.2 1963 17.7 16.5 17.7 17.7 16.6 15.6 14.7 14.1 18.8 21. 0 18.2 18.5 17.3 1964 17.3 17.4 16.1 16.2 14.5 16.0 16.2 16. 7 18.6 18.1 17.7 18.3 16.9 1965 15.5 15.8 18.9 18.4 18.4 19.1 17.5 19.0 20.5 16.1 20.3 19.3 18.2 1966 18.8 19.4 19.9 17.5 17.1 18.6 18.4 17.9 22.0 21.6 19.6 17.4 18.9 1967 16.7 14.4 18.6 18.9 18.6 19.0 19.4 20. 0 19.6 19.3 19.0 19.8 18.6 1968 21.1 20.5 18.6 22.2 22.5 19.1 19.0 17.2 18.2 21. 0 23.0 22.4 20.4 1969 21.8 22.5 22.1 19 .4 17 .8 15.1 14.1 16.4 21. 6 21.2 22.4 23.6 19.7 1970 ·23. 2 23.9 25.4 22.9 22.3 19.4 15.1 20.5 23.1 24.3 23.7 24.0 22.4 1971 22.6 18.0 22.3 24.3 23.1 23.9 22.8 17.0 17.8 18.9 19.5 20.8 20.9 1972 19.2 16.1 20.3 21.8 22.6 23.1 19.3 16.4 16.9 23.4 24.1 22.4 20.5 1973 21.2 19.6 21.6 22.6 23.5 23.3 20.9 21.6 22.4 23.8 23.1 22.4 22.2 1974 21.0 21.8 21.7 23.3 22. 2 21.9 17.4 20.3 23.2 24.9 25.9 23.1 22.2 1975 23.8 21. 0 21. 0 22.4 21.0 21.4 19.8 20.6 22.0 22.7 20.4 17.1 21.1 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND (ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE DIVERSION FOR WATER SUPPLY) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1947 100 74.4 53.8 42.3 43.3 46.6 44.9 167 360 232 188 336 141 1948 273 143 l12 77.4 45.9 38.3 36.5 197 428 298 272 231 180 1949 190 86.6 63.6 45.2 33.3 31.2 34.5 193 604 483 361 268 200 1950 180 103 67.2 49.6 34.7 37.1 35.2 69.1 440 276 151 ll1 130 1951 67.0 41.1 43.7 39.8 34.4 29.9 33.4 130 425 280 192 435 146 1952 169 94.8 59.5 42.2 30.7 31.5 28.1 105 394 329 246 274 150 1953 267 197 66.2 56.1 44.9 32.0 41.5 270 695 300 248 261 207 1954 182 87.1 70.6 46.·6 38.4 34.0 29.8 174 246 151 224 160 120 1955 127 107 51.7 45.5 33.9 31.6 30.6 87.4 483 662 315 228 185 1956 103 70.8 40.6 32.2 33.5 30.8 37.9 126 394 31l 236 170 133 1957 90.9 69.2 56.5 42.9 35.1 28.2 36.6 243 400 184 149 256 133 1958 194 127 79.6 59.8 43.8 38.2 48. 9 180 481 243 259 140 158 1959 144 79.5 54.9 35.5 35.0 29.8 39.2 230 558 262 253 223 163 1960 l16 81.1 59.4 52 .4 37 .3 26.5 36.5 353 452 291 275 358 179 1961 220 ll7 106 94.8 68.6 51. 5 59.4 241 439 364 277 312 201 1962 277 104 60.5 46.7 40.8 35.4 40.7 152 687 367 169 152 178 1963 102 83.2 65.5 53.0 41.4 28.3 32.1 251 565 622 412 198 205 1964 121 52.1 56.0 41.4 37.8 33.2 65.6 90.6 761 380 210 148 166 1965 124 77.9 64.7 41.5 36.0 42.7 55.8 124 362 354 272 347 159 1966 255 125 79.1 so. 8 39.9 31. 9 37.6 92.4 461 269 246 31l 167 1967 21l 101 66.1 46.6 35.6 31. 0 34.0 174 414 321 299 491 186 1968 170 95.2 58.4 43.3 40.5 33.7 33.6 291 Sll 306 165 107 155 1969 70.5 46.8 36.0 35.4 28. 0 23.4 27.3 142 286 150 117 79.4 87.0 1970 216 73.1 60.1 38.2 33.2 30.6 32.7 132 386 344 264 150 147 1971 93.2 111 62.7 46.0 37.5 28. 2 29.8 56.9 407 440 524 189 170 1972 145 82.9 ss. 8 42.4 33.3 32.8 26.8 85.6 447 428 175 216 148 1973 256 118 77.0 46.0 38.0 30.4 32.2 83.6 299 254 201 135 132 1974 96.4 64.1 48.2 37.9 30.9 28.2 33.7 170 333 210 125 113 108 1975 102 76.6 59.6 so. 9 41.2 30.0 29.7 154 4ll 357 167 220 142 MEAN 161 92.7 63.3 47.7 38.2 33.0 37.4 164 453 326 241 228 158 MONTHLY 9 5 3 3 2 2 2 9 24 18 13 12 PERCENT 53 15276000 SHIP CREEK NEAR ANCHORAGE--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water year 1949-50, 1952-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --May 1949 to May 1950, July to September 1950. REMARKS.--Once-daily readings bY observer for period of daily record. EXTREMES. --Maximum observed during winter period. during period of daily record, 13. 0°C August 14, 15. 1950; minimum, 0.0°C most days PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1958 1959-cont 1961-cont 1963-cont 1968 1971-cont 12-3-51 0.5 10-4-57 1.0 8-25-59 9.0 2-3-61 0. 5 8-26-63 6.5 10-4-67 3.5 2-2-71 o. 0 1-5-52 0.0 10-21-57 5.0 ~-29-59 6.5 2-16-61 o. 5 9-10-63 9.5 11-13-67 1.0 3-17-71 0.5 5-6-52 0.0 10-2-57 3.0 1960 2-23-61 0. 0 9-24-63 5.5 1-2-68 0.0 5-17-71 2.0 6-13-52 9.0 11-5-57 3.5 10-12-59 1.0 4-10-61 2.0 1964 2-13-68 0.0 7-13-71 7.5 1953 12-10-57 1.0 11-2-59 o. 0 4-13-61 1.0 10-7-63 4.0 3-28-68 0.0 1972 11-19-52 0.0 3-26-58 0.5 11-16-59 0. 0 5-19-61 4.0 10-22-63 2.0 4-29-68 2.0 10-6-71 1.0 5-4-53 4.5 4-29-58 1.0 11-30-59 0. 0 6-27-61 8.5 12-3-63 0.0 6-4-68 6.0 1-3-72 0.0 5-8-53 3.5 5-13-58 3.0 12-15-59 0.5 8-16-61 8.5 3-25-64 0.0 6-13-68 6.0 2-23-72 0.0 6-6-53 5.5 6-5-58 7.0 12-22-59 0.0 9-6-61 6.0 4-8-64 0.5 7-1-68 6. 0 3-24-72 0.0 6-29-53 7.0 6-26-58 10.5 12-31-59 0. 0 1962 4-10-64 1.0 9-3-68 4.0 5-24-72 3.0 7-21-53 7.0 7-8-58 11. 0 1-11-60 o. 5 10-5· 61 3.0 8-7-64 10.5 1969 1973 1954 8-13-58 8.0 1-28-60 0.5 12-14-61 0.0 1965 10-1-68 2.0 10-30-72 1.0 10-2-53 1.0 8-22-58 8.5 2-9-60 0.0 1-16-62 0.0 10-2-64 2.0 11-29-68 0.0 12-11-72 0.5 3-16-54 1.0 9-4-58 6. 0 2-18-60 0.5 1-26-62 0.0 10-22-64 1.5 3-26-69 0. 0 8-1-73 7.0 4-s-54 0. 5 9-12-58 6. 5 2-26-60 0. 5 2-7-62 0.0 11-2-64 o. 5 4-7-69 1.0 9-12-73 5.0 5-4-54 3.5 9-25-58 2.0 3-10-60 0.0 2-16-62 1.0 12-17-64 0. 0 5-27-69 6. 0 1974 6-4-54 6. 5 1959 3-22-60 0. 5 3-8-62 0.0 1-6-65 0.0 7-2-69 8.0 11-6-73 0.0 6-18-54 13.0 10-10-58 1.0 3-31-60 0.5 3-28-62 0. 0 2-8-65 0.0 7-14-69 9.0 1-7-74 0. 5 6-25-54 10.0 10-29-58 1.5 4-19-60 o. 5 5-7-62 4.0 4-22-65 1.5 8-20-69 5. 0 2-11-74 1.0 7-22-54 9. 5. 11-18-58 0. 5 4-26-60 1.0 5-H-62 4.0 5-6-65 1.0 1970 3-28-74 1.0 8-2-54 9.5 2-12-59 0. 5 5-11-60 1.0 5-28-62 5.0 5-24-65 4.5 10-7-69 4.5 5-6-74 3.0 8-20-54 9.5 2-20-59 0.5 5-31-60 5.5 8-9-62 8.0 8-31-65 7.0 10-23-69 0. 5 5-20-74 4.0 9-30-54 7.0 2-26-59 0.0 6-22-60 8.0 8-23-62 8.0 1966 12-18-69 0. 0 7-1-74 9.0 1955 3-10-59 0.5 7-6-60 7.0 1963 2-25-66 1.0 1-8-70 o. 0 8-12-74 7.0 12-10-54 0.0 3-27-59 0.5 8-12-60 10.0 10-17-62 3.0 7-11-66 8.0 1-9-70 0. 0 9-12-74 8.0 1956 4-20-59 1.0 8-19-60 8.0 10-29-62 0.5 1967 3-2-70 1.5 197 5 6-27-56 6.5 4-27-59 2.0 9-20-60 5.5 1-10-63 0.0 10-4-66 4.0 4-3-70 1.5 10-18-74 2.0 7-12-56 6.0 5-7-59 2.0 1961 3-1-63 0.5 11-1-66 2.0 6-9-70 5. 5 1-13-75 0. 0 9-5-56 8.0 5-19-59 2.0 11-10-60 0.0 5-16-63 7.0 2-16-67 0. 0 7-27-70 10.5 3-20-75 0.5 1957 6-10-59 5.0 11-16-60 0.0 5-31-63 4.0 3-21-67 0.0 8-18-70 7.0 4-10-75 0. 5 5-23-57 4.0 7-7-59 9.5 12-9-60 0. 5 6-26-63 6. 5 5-3-67 3.5 1971 4-23-75 1.5 5-23-57 4.5 7-21-59 5.0 12-28-60 0.0 7-5-63 13.5 5-31-67 5.0 10-9-70 2.5 5-16-75 3.0 6-21-57 8.0 7-31-59 3.5 1-4-61 0.0 7-22-63 7.0 7-15-67 7.5 10-16-70 1.0 7-3-57 8.5 8-6-63 8.0 8-16-67 9.0 WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1949 Max a 8.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 Min a 4.5 6. 0 7.0 5.0 1950 Max 4. 5 2.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 1.5 3.5 8.5 12.0 13.0 8.5 Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 o. 0 0. 0 2.0 4.5 5.5 5.5 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. YEAR 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 MEAN 54 15276500 SHIP CREEK AT ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE LOCATION.--Lat 61°14'20", long 149°47'24'1 , in NE!.i sec.IO, T.13 N., R.3 W .• Municipality of Anchorage, near right bank on downstream side of bridge at Elmendorf Air Force Base, 3.7 mi (6.0 km) northeast of Anchorage Post Office, and 4. 9 mi (:JP.9 km) above mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 113 mi 2 (293 km 2 ); main-channel slope 121 ft/mi (22.9 m/km); stream length, 23.0 mi (37.0 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 2,600 ft (792 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --May 1963 to September 1971. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 142.82 ft (43.532 m) above mean sea level, from levels of Sept. 3, 1968 to USC & GS benchmark, adjusted 1966. Prior to July 9, 1965, nonrecording gage at datum 1.6 ft (0.5 m) higher. REMARKS.--Diversion above station for water supply to Fort Richardson, Elmendorf Air Force Base, and Municipality of Anchorage (see station 15276000). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--8 years, 113 ft 3 /s (3.200 m3 /s), 81,870 acre-ft/yr (101 hm 3 /yr), unadjusted for diversion. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during ~eriod of record, 1,610 ft 3 /s (45.6 m3 /s) Aug. 9, 1971, gage height, 4.89 ft (1.490 m); minimum daily, 0.36 ft /s (0.010 m3 /s) Apr. 13,14, 1970. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1963a June 23, 1963 7 58 2.90 May 1, 1963 37 July 17, 1963 3.00 1964 June 8, 1964 766 2. 87 1965 Sept. 20, 1965 397 3 0 12 1966 June 8, 1966 626 4.19 1967 Sept. 18, 1967 875 4. 74 1968 May 29, 1968 601 3. 86 1969 May 2.7, 1969 432 3.33 1970 Oct. 7' 1969 637 3. 82 1971 Aug. 9' 1971 1,610 4.89 Mar. 28-31, 1964 2.0 Feb. 19-22, 1965 2.7 Mar. 30, 1966 2.2 Mar. 10,20,21,23,26,30, Apr. 1, 1967 2.5 Mar. 30, Apr. 10, 1968 2.5 Mar. 15 to Apr. 9, Apr. 23, 1969 1.2 Apr. 13,14, 1970 0.36 Apr. 14, 1971 0.60 a Period May to September. l-IONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR NAY JUN JUL AUG SEP zoo 492 508 346 159 98.3 18.3 21.2 14. 7 12.0 7. 94 32.3 57. 5 594 313 176 102 86.6 39. 7 30.8 9.23 4.62 15.4 23.3 87.3 286 269 213 264 185 54.2 28.5 18.2 8. 42 2. 80 12.3 72.9 390 243 218 256 117 66.2 33.6 14.4 3. 96 2. 92 5. 22 146 334 280 276 380 139 56.4 26. 2 17.3 7.84 7. 41 9.84 227 417 263 112 64.2 35.9 9. 97 2. 27 1.71 1. 35 1. 25 3. 88 108 245 118 82.0 39.6 176 32.9 18.5 2.17 1. 35 1. 70 1. 26 100 335 295 222 114 56.3 76.1 19.3 4.69 1. 78 1. 31 1. 56 20.3 354 403 450 159 119 44.2 22.5 10.3 5.16 5.09 11.2 113 383 299 233 171 MONTHLY 8 3 2 1 0 0 1 8 27 21 lfj 12 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1963-71. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, "C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1963 1965 1967-cont 1968-cont 1969 1970 1971 7-22-63 10.0 10-22-64 1.0 2-16-67 D. 5 1-10-68 o. 0 10-1-68 4.0 10-16-69 2.5 10-9-70 8-6-63 8.0 1-6-65 0.0 3-21-67 D. 0 2-13-68 1.0 11-8-68 0.5 10-23-69 1.0 12-2-70 9-10-63 9. 5 2-8-65. 1.0 5-3-67 9.0 3-6-68 1.5 11-29-68 2.0 12-17-69 1.0 2-2-71 1964 5-24-65 7.0 6-1-67 6.0 3-28-68 1.5 12-27-68 2.5 3-2-70 3. 0 5-17-71 10-7-63 5.5 6-8-65 7.0 7-5-67 9.5 4-10-68 4.0 1-3-69 1.5 4-3-70 3.5 6-23-71 12-3-63 0.0 8-31-65 8.5 8-16-67 10.0 4-29-68 5.5 3-26-69 3.0 5-13-70 11.0 9-8-71 4-3-64 1.0 1966 1968 6-4-68 6.0 6-9-69 7. 0 5-21-70 6. 5 4-6-64 2.0 5-25-66 10:0 10-4-67 4.5 7-1-68 7.0 7-9-69 10.0 6-3-70 7.5 4-8-64 1.0 1967 11-13-67 1.0 8-8-68 10.0 8-20-69 9.0 7-27-70 11.5 8-7-64 11.0 10-3-66 5. 5 1-2-68 0. 5 8-18-70 9.0 ANNUAL 120 111 124 144 113 54.2 109 130 113 TEMP 4.0 1.0 2.5 4.0 10.0 5.5 YEAR 1 qn 1 \17;.. JYn 1 411~ }'HI.: MEAN l5276570 SHIP CREEK BELOW POWER PLANT AT EL~IENDORF AIR FORCE BASE LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'29", long 149°50'39", in SE!.i sec.B, T.13 N., R.3 W., Municipality of Anchoi-age, on ~eft;bank 0.5 mi (0.8 km) downstream from southwest corner of Elmendorf Air Force Base, 500 ft (150m) downstream ftom North Sitka Street, and_ 2.0 mi (3.2 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage~area, 115 mi 2 (298 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 110 ft/mi (20.8 m/km); stream length, 25.0 mi (40.2 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 2,400 ft (730 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1970 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 80ft (24m), from topographic map. Prior to Aug. 7,-1972, gage was located 0. 5 mi (0. 8 km) upstream at different datum. REMARKS.--Diversion above station for water supply to Fort Richardson, Elmendorf Air Force Base, and Municipality of Anchorage (see station 15276000). Water also diverted for cooling of power plants and fish hatchery operation and returned to stream above· this station. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--5 years, 122 ft 3/s (3.455 m3/s), 88,390 acre-ft/yr (109 hm 3 /yr), unadjusted for diversion. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge durin& period of record, 1,600 ft 3 /s (45.3 m3/s) Aug. 9, 1971 (estimated from records at station 15276500); minimum, 5.8 ft 3 /s (0.16 m3 /s) Apr. 14, 1971. EXTREMES, DISCHARGF IN CUBIC FEET PER SEC<l~D, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET ~tomentary maximum Water year Date Discharge Gage height 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Aug. 9, 1971 June 16, 1972 June 22, 1973 May 31, 1974 June 29, 1975 al, 600 b900 497 SOl 626 a Estimated from records at station 15276500. b Maximum daily. c Minimum daily. 3. 38 3.65 3.99 Momentary Date Apr. 14, 1971 Apr. 16-29. 1972 Mar. 10, 1973 liar. 22, 1974 Apr. 8, 1975 d May have been less during :>eriod of ice affect Mar. 16-25, 1973. MONTHLY AND A.'INUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL ~;.t.l ·lh.'"l .:4 !J. :~ ~0. '} ll.{j l4.Q l~.'l }ij,Q 42' 191 1 ·~ •' ...... -~ ,:_·:..;. d 21. ~. l ~.1 lS.·-1 }?. 1 t:~.? 4J1 411 ,, ' 11-:' h.1. ~ i?.-1 ,., .i.2 ?).1) ?A.i? .,...,.? 27~ ?;>1 ~r).? 1(.:.., ;.'1-l.q .;J ~. 1 ?:>. 1 ?"?."? ?"1.6 J:l5 12S ?0 I ·n.J '-! ... ~ J~.l ,J2 •. i ...... 4 ]q.7 ?~.2 ]!4 "343 364 127 73.9 40.1 24.2 20.3 18.6 20.7 minimum Discharge Gage height 5.8 4.91 cl2 dl7 17 1. 39 13 1.64 AUG SEP 4SS 171 1~1 204 ]7S IIR 94.A q~.Q 13~ 203 MONTHLY 9 5 3 2 1 1 1 89.8 370 319 202 158 6 25 22 14 11 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--May to August 1971, December 1971, May 1972 to September 1975. REMARKS. --Continuous water-temperature recorder. Water temperatures at low flow are significantly increased by ~~=~;e~!~nt effluent located 0.9 mi (1.4 km) upstream. Prior to August 1972, sampling site was 0.5 mi (0.8 km) EXTREMES.--Maximum recorded during period of daily record, l8.o•c Aug. 15. 16, 1974; minimum, o. 0°C Jan. 13. 14. 1974. WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1971 Max a 15. 5 11.0 a Min a 4.0 4.5 a 1972 Max 7.5 a a 14. 5 Min 4.0 a a 10.5 1973 Max 5.5 s.s 6.5 9.0 11. 0 13.5 14.5 15.5 13.5 15.0 14.5 Min 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 3. 5 4.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.5 7.5 1974 Max 8.0 7.0 7.5 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.5 11. 5 12. 5 15.5 18. 0 Min 0. 5 1.5 1.5 0.0 3.5 3.0 5.0 5.5 5. 5 8.0 11.0 197 5 Max 7.0 6.5 6.0 8.5 10.5 12.0 13.5 11.0 12.0 13.5 14.0 Min 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 3.5 5.5 8.0 4.0 4.5 6.5 9.0 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. SEP 13.0 3.0 11.0 4.5 15.5 5.5 13.0 5.5 55 ANNUAL 14"7 111 llh ~l.fJ 12.., 122 56 15276650 DITCH ON ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE LOCATION.--Lat 61°14 1 25", long 149°51 1 30", in SWJ.i sec.S, T.l3 N., R.3 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 100 ft (30 m) downstream from Acacia Drive on Elmendorf Air Force Base, and 0.9 mi (1.4 km) upstream from mouth . . BASIN CHARACTERISTICS. --Drainage area, 3. 73 mi 2 (9. 66 km 2 ). PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1973 to July 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 130 ft (40 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 195 ft 3 /s (5.52 m3 /s) Apr. 28, 1975, gage height, 4.3 ft (1.31 m), from floodmarks, from rating extended above 33 ft 3 /s (0.93 m3/s) on basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; minimum, 0.27 ft 3 /s (0.008 m3 /s) Apr. 15, 1974. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1973a Aug. 21, 1973 26 1. 87 June 28, 1973 0.57 1974 bJuly 9, 1974 34 2. 33 Apr. 15, 1974 c0.27 1975d Apr. 28, 197 5 195 4. 3 Feb. 13-16' 1975 0.37 a Period April to September. b Also Sept. 23, 1974. c Momentary minimum. d Period October to July. MONTHLY A-'lD ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1973 2.02 1.71 1. 28 1.88 1. 59 1.15 1974 1. 23 0.96 1. 24 0. 95 0. 73 2. 06 0. 57 0. 74 1.13 1. 75 1. 67 1. 55 197 5 1. 54 1. 27 0.86 o. 79 0.59 0. 72 13.1 3.14 2. 08 ANNUAL 1. 22 15277100 EAGLE RIVER AT EAGLE RIVER LOCATION.--Lat 61°18'28", long 149°33'32", in NW~ sec.l3, T.14 N., R.2 W., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 800 ft (240 m) up~tream from Eagle River campground, 0.6 mi (1.0 km) upstream from Glenn Highway crossing, and 1.0 mi (1.6 km) south of Eagle River. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 192 mi 2 (497 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 112 ft/mi (21.2 m/km); stream length, 33.5 mi (53.9 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 3,120 ft (9Sl.m); glacier area, 13 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1965 to Septemller 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 250 ft (76 m), from topographic. map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--10 years, 498 ft 3 /s (14.10 m3 /s), 35.22 in/yr (895 mm/yr), 360,800 acre-ft/yr (445 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 6,240 ft 3 /s (177 m3 /s) Sept. 18, 1967, gage height, 9.49 ft (2.893 m); minimum daily, about 24 ft 3 /s (0.68 m3 /s) Jan. 29 to Feb. 5, 1974. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Dischar.~e 1966 Aug. 8. 1966 3., 650 7. 52 Jan. 8 to Apr. 25, 1966 so 1967 Sept. 18, 1967 6,240 9. 49 Feb. 8 to Mar. 15. 1967 so 1968 Au~. 8, 1968 2,560 7.06 Mar. 11 to Apr. 20. 1968 60 1969 June 17, 1969 2,530 7.10 Jan. 29 to Feb. 10, 1969 30 1970 Oct. 7. 1969 3,150 7. 40 Apr. 16-25, 1970 75 1971 Aug. 9. 1971 4,750 8.50 Apr. 16-30, 1971 35 1972 Sept. 13, 1972 2,700 7. 27 Feb. 20 to ~1ar. 20, 1972 33 1973 Aug. 22, 1973 2, 570 7.22 Mar. 6 to Apr. 5, 1973 44 1974 Aug. 30, 1974 2,920 7.43 Jan. 29 to Feb. 5, 1974 24 1975 July 11, 1975 2, 710 7.28 Feb. 8 to Mar. 26. 1975 44 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~1AY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1966 425 162 82.6 51. 5 so. 0 50.0 51.0 235 1150 1858 1958 1177 1967 342 103 77.4 66.9 51. 2 52.6 7 5. 0 255 1507 2116 2221 1593 1968 288 133 81.9 71.6 63.6 60.6 63.0 356 961 1775 1450 476 1969 155 107 70.0 38. 7 31.9 41. 6 78.5 322 1252 1564 874 457 1970 707 174 119 99.4 90.0 84.8 78.4 218 739 1303 1241 588 1971 181 103 74.8 57.2 52.0 40.1 35.7 82.1 725 1772 2002 552 1972 191 100 90.2 65.2 39.0 36.4 59.0 145 689 1747 1589 g7o 1973 418 143 123 73.5 48.4 44.3 71.4 160 662 1290 1227 430 1974 267 85.7 53.5 39.0 26.1 40.4 77.0 272 921 1472 1489 1141 1975 231 123 81.1 48.1 44.5 44.5 77.0 313 746 1652 1307 756 MEAN 321 123 85.4 61.1 49.7 49.5 66.6 236 935 1655 1536 814 MONTHLY 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 16 28 26 14 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1966-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--November 1967 to September 1969, June to July 1971. REMARKS.--Once-daily readings by observer on most days during period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 14.o•c July 19, 22, 1968, June 14, 1969; minimum, o.o•c most days during winter period. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1965 1967-cont 1968-cont 1970 1971-cont 1972-cont 1974-cont 1-11-66 0.0 5-4-67 4.0 5-6-68 4.0 10-7-69 4.Q 12-8-70 0.0 6-9-72 9. 0 5-3-74 2-15-66 0.5 5-12-67 9.5 6-3-68 7.0 10-26-69 0.0 3-10-71 0. 0 8-3-72 6.5 5-8-74 2-17-66 0.5 6-5-67 7.0 7-3-68 8.0 12-16-69 0.0 5-19-71 4.0 1973 7-12-74 3-4-66 0.0 6-29-67 6.5 8-13-68 7.0 3-3-70 o. 0 5-27-71 7.0 12-13-72 0.5 8-13-74 3-9-66 0. 0 8-17-67 8.0 1969 4-29-70 4.5 6-1-71 5.5 2-5-73 0.0 1975 3-14-66 0. 0 9-19-67 4.5 10-3-68 4.0 5-21-70 8.0 6-21-71 6. 5 5-8-73 7.0 10-17-74 9-15-66 5.0 9-21-67 4.5 11-27-68 0.0 6-16-70 8.0 7-14-71 6.0 6-27-73 7.0 10-25-74 1967 1968 5-27-69 7.0 7-22-70 8.0 8-14-71 6.0 9-12-73 5. 5 1-14-7 5 11-16-66 0.0 10-4-67 2.0 7-15-69 6.0 8-28-70 6.0 1972 1974 5-3-7 5 2-16-67 0.0 11-7-67 0.0 8-20-69 7.0 1971 10-4-71 3.0 10-2-73 4.0 5-8-75 3-20-67 0. 0 1-18-68 0. 0 10-15-70 o. 5 12-28-71 0. 0 12-2-73 o. 0 5-29-75 3-30-72 0.0 1-29-74 0.0 8-8-75 WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1968 Max a 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 o. 0 9.0 13.0 14.0 13:0 9.0 Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 3.0 1969 Max 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 2.0 13.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 8.0 Min o . .o o. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 4.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 6. 0 1971 Max 12. 0 a Min a a a Data insufficient to comput~ monthly maximum or minimum. 57 ANNUAL 608 709 485 418 457 478 4H 394 493 456 498 TEMP 1.5 6.0 8.0 7.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 8.5 7.5 58 15277410 PETERS CREEK NEAR BIRCHWOOD LOCATION.--Lat 61° 25'08", long 149°29'20", in NW!.iSE!.i sec.5, T.lS N., R.l W., Municipality of Anchorage, on left bank upstream from Alaska Railroad bridge, 0.5 mi (0.8 km) downstream from unnamed tributary, 0.8 mi (1.3 km) upstream from mouth, and 1. 0 mi (1. 6 km) north of Birchwood . . BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 87.8 mi 2 (227.4 km 2); slope, 133 ft/mi (25.2 m/km); stream length, 21.0 mi (33.8 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 3,150 ft (960 m); glacier area, 2 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --August 1973 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 75ft (22.9 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 564 ft 3 /s (16.0 m3 /s) June 30, 1975, gage height, 5.75 ft (1.753 m); maximum gage height, 6.37 ft (1.942 m) Dec. 30, 1974, backwater from ice; minimum daily discharge, 18 ft 3 /s (0.51 m3 /s) Jan. 5, 6, 1975. YEAR 1973 1974 1975 EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water year Momentary maximum ~-linimum daily 1973a 1974 1975 Date Aug. 22, 1973 Aug. 28, 1974 Dec. 30, 1974 June 30, 1975 a Period August to September Discharge 332 300 564 b Momentary minimum, gage height, 4.65 ft. c Backwater from ice. Gage height s. 61 s. 39 c6.37 5. 7 5 Date Sept. 29, 1973 Mar. 27 to Apr. 10, 1974 .Jan. 5,6, 1975 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 93.6 54.1 48.1 47.0 44.6 31.9 26.5 48.6 157 230 69.3 41.7 34.4 32.1 25.5 25.3 23.0 64.0 221 349 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1973-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1973 1974-cont 1974-cont 1975-cont 1975-cont 8-6-73 6.5 11-6-73 0.5 8-12-74 1.a 1-14-75 0.0 5-8-75 8-10-73 7.0 1-3-74 1.0 1975 2-18-75 0. 0 5-29-75 9-12-73 4.5 4-25-74 3.5 10-17-74 2.5 3-19-75 o. 5 6-16-75 1974 5-23-74 9.5 10-31-74 2.5 4-2-75 1.0 7-8-75 10-10-73 1.5 7-2-74 6.5 11-29-74 o. 0 4-29-75 3.5 7-10-75 9-9-75 15277600 EAST FORK EKLUTNA CREEK NEAR PALMER AUG 210 193 181 TEMP 4.5 8.0 9.5 10.5 10.5 5.0 Discharge b105 24 18 SEP 129 153 169 LOCATION.--Lat 61°18 1 40", long 148.0 57'05", Municipality of Anchorage, on left bank 2.2 mi (3.5 km) upstream from con- fluence with West Fork, 3 mi (5 km) upstream from Eklutna Lake, .and 21 mi (34 kin) south of Palmer. YEAR 1960 1961 1962 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 38 mi 2 (98 km 2], approximately. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1960 to September 1962. GAGE.--Water-stage r~corder. Altitude of gage is 1,100 ft (335 m), from t:opograpliic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,320 ft 3/s (37.4 m3/s) Sept. 12, 1961, gage height, 3.86 ft (1.177 m); minimum daily, about 13 ft 3/s (0.37 m3/s} ·Mar. 1 to· Apr. 15, 1!162. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1960a Sept. 11, 1960 770 3.22 Sept. 26' 1960 b92 1961 Sept. 12, 1961 1,320 3. 86 Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1961 30 1962 Aug. 29' 1962 1,270 2. 39 Mar. 1 to Apr. 15, 1962 13 a Period June to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 1. 38 ft. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 316 402 321 166 95.3 54.5 39.9 37.0 34.0 30.0 30.0 127 327 450 443 205 88.5 39.6 27.0 21. 0 16.0 13.0 15.5 71.9 423 464 404 190 ANNUAL 157 149 YEAR 1960 1961 1962 15277600 EAST FORK EKLUTNA CREEK NEAR PALMER--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water year 1960-62 PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE; °C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1960 1961-cont 1961-cont 6-3-60 8.0 12-16-60 0. 0 8-2-61 6. 0 7-20-60 8.5 2-1-61 0.0 8-22-61 5.0 9-26-60 4.0 5-16-61 4.5 9-28-61 4.0 1961 5-24-61 7.5 1962 10-26-60 0.0 6-26-61 6.5 8-23-62 1.5 15277800 WEST FORK EKLUTNA CREEK NEAR PALMER LOCATION .. --Lat 61°18'00 11 , long 148°·58'25", Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 2.3 mi (3. 7 km) upstream from confluence with East Fork, 3 mi (5 km) upstream from Eklutna Lake, and 22 mi (35 km) south of Palmer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 26 m.i 2 (67 km 2 ), approximately; main-channel slope, 580 ft/mi (109.9 m/kml; stream length, .9.0 mi (14.5 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 4,800 ft (1,460 m); glacier area, 52 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1960 to September 1962. GAGE.-·-water-stage recorder. Altitude of g~ge is 1,020 .ft (_311m}, from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 1,470 ft 3 /s (41.6 m3 /s) Aug. 29, 1962, gage height, 3.84 ft (1.170 m); no flow for part of winter periods. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Discharge Minimum daily Water year 1960a 1961 1962 Date July 24, 1960 Aug. 6, 1960 Sept. 12, 1961 Aug. 29, 1962 a Period June to September. b Momentary minimum. c Backwater from· debris. 850 1,200 1,470 Gage hei~ht 3.08 c3.12 3.68 3.84 Date Sept. 27, 1960 Mar. 1 to Apr. 20, 1961 Jan. ll,to Apr. 15, 1962 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT 18.2 23.2 NOV 7.00 3.00 DEC 4.00 1. 00 JAN 2.00 0. 32 FEB 1. 00 0 MAR APR o. 67 0.50 MAY 32.1 18.9 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS JUN 271 186 282 PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1961, 1962. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, °C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1961 1961-cont 10-26-60 0.0 9-7-61 1.0 12-16-60 0.0 9-28-61 1.0 5-16-61 3.5 1962 5-24-61 2.5 10-16-61 1.0 6-26-61 1.5 8-23-62 0.5 JUL 498 492 599 AUG 469 493 693 Discharge b28 0.0 0.0 SEP 186 229 175 59 ANNUAL 123 151 60 15280000 EKLUTNA CREEK NEAR PALMER LOCATION.--Lat 61°24'05", long 149.oogroon, in SW!.1 sec.S, T.lS N., .R.2 E., Municipality of Anchorage, on right bank 200 ft (60 m) downstream from dam at outlet of Eklutna Lake, s· mi (13 km) upstream from abandOned Eklutna power diversion dam, ll~i (18 km) upstream from mouth, and 14 mi (23 km) south of Palmer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 119 mi 2 (308 km 2); main-channel slope, 265 ft/m.i l50.2 m/k.ml; stream length, 18 mi (29 km); area of lakes and ponds, 3 percent; mean elevation, 3,700 ft (1,130 m); glacier area, 17 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --October 1946 to September 1962. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 856.53 ft (261.070 m) above mean sea level (Corps of Engineers bench- mark). Prior to Aug. 31, 1948, nonrec·ording gage at site 100 ft (30 m) upstream and prior to Oct. 1, 1953, at datum 1. 96 ft (0. 597 m) higher. REMARKS.--Flow regulated by Eklutna Lake reservoir, usable capacity, .160, 000 acre-ft (197 hm3). Since December 1954, entire flow, except for periods of spilling, diverted from Eklutna Lake into Knik River basin by Eklutna power plant. Records of spill and diversion for water years 1955-62 are published in WSP 1740 and 1936. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--8 years (water years 1947-54), 346 ft 3/s (9.799 m3/s), 39.48 in/yr (1,003 mm/yr), 250 700 acre-ft/ yr (309 hm 3 /yr), unadjusted. ' EXTREMES.--~aximum discharge during period of record, 2,530 ft 3/s (71.6 m'/s) Sept. 18, 1951, gage height, 6.10 ft (1. 859 m) in gage well, datum then in use; minimum daily during period October 1!::146 to September 1954, 3. 0 ft3/s (0.085 m3/s) Nov. 3,5,6, 1946; no flow for long periods since 1954. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1947 July 31, 1947 al,680 5. 8 Nov. 3, 5, 6, 1946 3. 0 1948 Aug. 18, 1948 al, 470 5. 40 Oct. 23, 1947 98 1949 Sept. 6, 1949 1,810 5. 9 May 7, 1949 so 1950 Aug. 25, 1950 1,420 5.5 Sept. 24. 19 so~ 74 1951 Sept. 18, 1951 2,530 b6.5 Oct. 17,18, 1950 25 1952 July 31, 1952 1,420 4. 61 May 13, 1952 c34 1953 June 27. 1953 2,460 5. 41 Aug. 23,26, Sept. 5,14-17' 1953 7. 0 1954 Aug. 3, 1954 1,430 5.18 Mar. 27,28, 1954 65 1955 Aug. 1, 1955 1,070 4. 39 1956 Aug. 16, 1956 1,220 4.68 1957 Sept. s, 1957 1,250 4.74 1958 Aug. 12, 1958 910 3.99 1959 Aug. 30,31, 1959 162 I. 57 d a Maximum observed. b Outside gage; 6.10 ft in gage well. c Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.82 ft. d No flow during water years 1960-62. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1947 175 146 143 99.4 %.4 90.2 A6o2 77.3 462 1095 893 388 P~48 ?84 131 13A 123 149 127 120 144 50~ 95~ 871 157 1949 !)~ 131 134 119 112 75.0 87.4 112 427 q33 936 713 19'>0 19'> 121 134 133 125 1?0 Ill 93.4 501 979 898 409 19S1 7?.8 12A 12') 12? 6~.5 56.5 46.9 99.8 373 l3Ql 989 1097 1952 191 13" 141 1o2 122 125 81.0 45.5 296 959 831 365 19'>3 354 201 120 131 126 129 123 133 897 1672 1402 608 19'>4 205 137 141 140 11'> 94.0 99.1 139 550 985 1025 485 MEAN 201 142 134 129 113 102 94. 2 105 502 1098 980 528 MONTHLY 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 12 27 24 13 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1950, 1952-56, 1958-59. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1950 1950-cont 1950-cont 1950-cont 1950-cont 1950-cont 1954-cont 10-3-49 7.0 11-28-49 3.0 1-27-50 0.0 4-28-50 4.5 7-8-50 13.0 9-8-50 10.0 5-21-54 10-7-49 6.5 12-2-49 3.5 1-30-50 0.0 5-1-50 4.5 7-10-50 8.5 9-11-50 9.0 6-11-54 10-10-49 6. 5 12-5-49 3.5 2-3-so 0.0 5-5-50 6.Q 7-14-50 11.5 9-15-50 8.0 6-23-54 10-14-49 6.5 12-9-49 1.5 2-7-50 0.0 5-9-50 4.5 7-17-50 9.0 9-18-50 8.0 7-20-54 10-17-49 6.0 12-12-49 1.5 2-10-50 0. 0 5-12-50 5.5 7-21-50 12.0 9-22-50 8.0 8-19-54 10-20-49 6.5 12-16-49 1.5 2-13-50 0.0 5-15-50 5.5 7-24-50 10.5 9-25-50 8.0 1955 10-21-49 6.5 12-19-49 2.0 2-17-50 0.0 5-19-50 5.5 7-28-50 11. 0 1952 10-1-54 10-24-49 5.5 12-23-49 1.5 3-24-50 1.5 5-22-50 5. 5 7-31-50 10.0 12-5-51 1.0 1-27-55 10-28-49 5.5 12-26-49 1.5 3-27-50 1.5 5-26-50 6.5 8-4-50 10.5 1-4-52 1.0 1956 10-31-49 5.5 12-30-49 1.5 3-31-50 1.5 5-29-50 6.5 8-11-50 16.0 1953 8-17-56 11-4-49 5. 5 1-3-50 1.0 4-3-50 1.5 6-2-50 5. 5 8-14-50 14.5 11-20-52 4.0 1958 11-7-49 s.s 1-6-50 1.0 4-7-50 1.5 6-6-50 5.5 8-19-50 13.5 5-11-53 6.0 10-10-57 11-11-49 4.5 1-9-50 0.5 4-10-50 1.5 6-10-50 6. 5 8-21-50 14.0 6-4-53 6.5 8-25-58 11-14-49 4.5 1-13-50 0.5 4-14-50 2. 0 6-12-50 9.5 8-25-50 12.0 9-9-53 6.5 9-2-58 11-18-49 4.0 1-16-50 0. 5 4-17-50 2.0 6-30-50 9.5 8-28-50 11.5 1954 1959 11-21-49 5.5 1-20-50 0. 5 4-21-50 4. 5 7-3-50 9.0 9-1-50 10.0 3-18-54 3.0 8-31-59 11-25-49 4.5 1-23-50 0. 0 4-25-50 4.5 7-7-50 8.5 9-4-50 10.0 4-29-54 4.5 9-2-59 9-15-59 ANNUAL 314 311 319 320 375 290 495 345 346 TEMP 5.5 8.0 9.0 12.0 13.5 9.0 1.5 13.5 6.0 11.0 9.5 8.0 9.5 8.0 -'-------------' YEAR }.960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN 15281000 KNIK RIVER NEAR PALMER LOCATION.--Lat 61°30'2011 , long 149°01'11", in NE!;t SW!a: sec.l, T.16 N., R.Z E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on left bank 0.4 mi (0.6 km) upstream from bridge on old Glenn Highway, and 7 mi (11 km) south of Palmer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 1,180 mi 2 (3,060 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 183 ft/mi (34.7 m/km); stream length, 43.0 mi (69.2 km); area of lakes and ponds, 4 percent; mean elevation, 4,000 ft (1,220 m); glacier area 54 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Annual maximum, water years, 1948-59. October 1959 to September 1975. GAGE.--Non recording gage read twice daily and crest-stage gage. Altitude of gage is 50 ft (15 m), from topographic map. Prior to June 27, 1960, nonrecording gage, and June 27, 1960 to Apr. 25, 1974, water-stage recorder at bridge 0.4 mi (0.6 km) downstream at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE. --16 years, 6, 783 ft 3 /s (192.1 m3 /s), 78.06 in/yr (1, 983 mm/yr), 4,914,000 acre-ft/yr (6. 06 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge since at least 1948, 359,000 ft 3 /s (10,200 m3 /s) .July 18, 1958, gage height 25.3 ft (7.71 m), site and datum then in use, caused by release of stored water (Lake George) behind Knik Glacier, minimum daily discharge (water years 1960-7.5), about 260 ft 3 /s (7.4 m3 /s) Mar. 1-31, 1962. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1948 Aug. 5, 1948 al98,000 19.86 1949 Aug. 22, 1949 al93,000 19.68 1950 Aug. 3, 1950 al78,000 19.07 1951 July 27' 1951 al89, 000 19.54 1952 Aug. 8, 1952 a200,000 19.97 1953 July 23, 1953 a262,000 22.20 1954 July 26, 1954 a260,000 22.13 1955 Aug. 9' 1955 a265,000 22.3 1956 Aug. 8, 1956 a260,000 22.15 1957 July 18, 1957 a333,000 24.5 1958 July 18, 1958 a359,000 25.3 1959 .July 1, 1959 a223,000 20.81 1960 July 17, 1960 a328,000 24.35 Mar. 1-15, 1960 300 1961 .July 26, 1961 a3SS,OOO 24.3 Mar. 16-31, 1961 310 1962 June 29, 1962 al65,000 18.50 Mar. 1-31' 1962 260 1963 Aug. 26, 1963 41,500 11. 25 Apr. 1-15, 1963 540 1964 July 1, 1964 a216,000 20.05 Feb. 16-29, Mar. 16-31, 1964 460 1965 July 11, 1965 a236,000 21.35 Mar. 30 to Apr. 1' 1965 450 1966 June 24, 1966 al44,000 17.95 Jan. 16 to Apr. 25, 1966 450 1967 Sept. 19' 1967 35,900 11.58 Mar. 21 to Apr. 15, 1967 380 1968 Aug. 9, 1968 32,700 11. 04 Apr. 8-14, 1968 460 1969 July 7, 1969 31,000 10.63 Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 1969 480 1970 July 30, 1970 24,700 10.04 Apr. 6, 1970 600 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 45,800 12.52 Mar. 1-26, 1971 440 1972 Aug. 23, 1972 31' 60 0 11.06 Apr. 8-26' 1972 340 1973 Aug. 24, 1973 27,500 10.62 Mar. 9-30, 1973 300 1974 Aug. 31, 1974 31,300 9.82 Dec. 1' 1973 to Mar. 31, 1974 500 197 5 Aug. 16, 1975 33,400 9. 93 Jan. s, 1975 350 a Caused by release of stored water (Lake George) behind Knik \.lacier. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 3822 2208 978 527 361 331 557 2550 5396 37450 20900 9916 3195 1350 1478 1401 1378 3'i8 565 1891 4920 34040 21580 11720 3305 1658 871 607 338 260 404 1226 15780 23740 20130 9688 3106 2106 945 ~56 710 778 f>10 4135 11380 22940 23340 14400 4272 1282 1197 837 538 475 1177 1129 11620 26930 18230 9864 6364 4844 1004 630 671 539 658 1039 2598 27150 17400 16910 5052 1241 570 474 450 450 466 1164 15320 21770 23680 13670 4781 1040 787 635 473 401 507 4251 16630 23500 24570 16260 4666 1757 756 565 514 490 n97 4446 12420 23430 21790 8461 2295 637 516 480 480 523 104H 7223 19960 24510 15260 9153 9419 2420 1529 860 704 765 901 4493 11370 17440 16430 8880 3219 2587 745 '514 460 446 615 1726 10520 24180 25100 10090 4281 1168 679 505 419 375 348 2!l31 10070 ?3280 24040 13460 4238 1773 710 469 363 315 793 3357 10060 19340 17620 7454 2087 683 500 500 500 500 955 5145 16060 20810 19360 16960 2685 1459 687 595 473 471 527 3954 12040 21!10 19690 11880 4174 1763 872 641 552 467 680 3160 11630 24490 20570 11800 MONTHLY 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 14 30 25 15 PERCENT 61 ANNUAL 714H 70h2 6547 7150 bSOO 6721 707? 787;> 6708 6883 n317 674~ M29 SSQO 7041 6345 6783 62 15281000 KNIK RIVER NEAR PALMER--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.-.Water years 1957, 1960, 1963, 1965-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --May to September 1963, April to September 1965. REMARKS.--Once-daily readings by observer on most days during period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 13.0°C May 18, 1965. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, °C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1957 1966 1968-cont 1969-cont 1971 7-18-57 1.5 12-28-65 o. 0 4-19-68 2.5 7-29-69 5.0 10-13-70 3.0 7-22-57 4.0 7-28-66 3.5 7-10-68 4.0 9-2-69 6.0 12-11-70 0. 0 1960 1967 1969 1970 3-9-71 0.0 12-18-59 0.0 11-17-66 0.0 10-29-68 0.0 10-23-69 0.0 5-26-71 4.0 1-29-60 o. 0 5-2-67 7. 5 11-26-68 0.0 1-30-70 0.0 9-9-71 3.5 2-23-60 0. 0 5-29-67 10.0 1-24-69 o. 5 4-1-70 1.5 1972 5-4-60 3.0 8-27-67 5.5 3-27-69 0.0 6-17-70 5.0 12-2-71 0.0 8-11-60 6.0 9-29-67 3.5 4-18-69 0.0 7-24-70 7.5 2-24-72 o. 0 9-21-60 6.5 1968 6-12-69 9.0 9-4-70 5. 5 5-31-72 6.0 11-7-67 0.0 WATER TEMPERATURE, oc WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MA:< APR MAY 1963 Max 8.0 Min 2.0 1965 Max 8.0 13.0 Min 0.0 3.5 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1972-cont 1974-cont 6-29-72 4.5 5-14-74 5.0 8-7-72 7.5 6-28-74 5.5 9-11-72 6.0 7-25-74 4.0 1973 1975 10-3-72 1.0 3-27-75 0.0 12-27-72 o. 0 5-2-75 4.0 2-15-73 0.0 7-1-75 8-9-73 6.5 7-14-75 6.5 1974 9-23-75 4.5 4-25-74 2.0 JUI/ JUL AUG SEP 7.0 8.0 5. 5 6.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 12.0 10.5 a a 8.0 4.0 a a YEAR 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 !963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15282000 CARIBOU CREEK NEAR SUTTON LOCATION.--Lat 61°48'12 11 , long 147°40'57", in SE~ sec.ZO, T.ZO N., R.lO E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on left pier of bridge on Glenn Highway, 1.4 mi (2.3 km) downstream from Dan Creek, 1.8 mi (2.9 km) upstream from mouth, and 40 mi (64 km) east of Sutton. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 289 mi 2 (749 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 91.1 ft/mi (17.3 m/km); stream length, 30.0 mi (48.3 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 4,190 ft (1,277 m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1955 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of~gage is 1,767 ft (538.6 m) above mean sea level. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--20 years, 302 ft 3 /s (8.553 m3 /s), 14.19 in/yr (360 mm/yr), 218,800 acre-ft/yr (270 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 8,720 fi 3 /s (247 m3 /s) June 15, 1973, gage height, 7.18 ft (2.188 m); no flow Mar. 16 to Apr. 10, 1966 and Mar. 10-18, 1971. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Ga~e height Date Discharge 1955a June 18, 1955 5,060 5. 92 May 1, 1955 44 1956 June 8, 1956 4,800 5.80 Mar. 1-15' 1956 b3. 0 1957 June 2, 1957 c3, 7 60 5.37 Apr. 6-8' 1957 22 1958 June 1, 1958 3, 420 5.25 Feb. 1-15, 1958 d27 1959 June 7, 1959 3,950 5.25 Jan. 16-31' 1959 14 1960 May 25, 1960 e5,000 Mar. 16-31, 1960 24 1961 June 24, 1961 e5,800 Mar. 16-31' 1961 13 1962 June 16, 1962 7,670 6. 89 Mar. 1-31, 1962 28 1963 May 21, 1963 4,630 4.96 Apr. 1-15, 1963 26 1964 May 31, 1964 5, 860 6.55 Jan. 16 to Mar. 31, 1964 fl.O 1965 July 13, 1965 3,580 5.52 Jan. 1-31, 1965 14 1966 July 28, 1966 2,170 4. 72 Mar. 16 to Apr. 10, 1966 0.0 1967 June 11, 1967 3' 000 5. 23 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31' 1967 32 1968 June 15, 1968 5' 400 6. 36 Feb. 18 to Apr. 24, 1968 32 1969 May 24, 1969 . 3, 920 5. 90 Jan . 10-14, 1969 14 1970 June 28, 1970 4' 360 6.15 Jan. 25 to Feb. 9, 1970 5. 0 1971 June 9, 1971 5, 060 6.59 Mar. 10-18, 1971 0.0 1972 June 16, 1972 4' 700 7.10 Apr. 16-26' 1972 22 1973 June 15, 1973 8,720 7.18 Feb. 1 to Mar. 8' 1973 3.0 1974 Apr. 26, 1974 g6.58 Feb. 24 to Mar. 20, 1974 10 May 30, 1974 3,400 5. 40 1975 July 13, 1975 8,600 7.15 Mar. 22 to Apr. 6' 1975 15 a Period May to September. b Momentary minimum, 0.23 ft 3 /s Mar. 9' 1956, discharge measurement, caused by temporary storage upstream. c May have been greater during period of no gage-height record. d Minimum observed, 17 ft 3 /s Feb. 11, 1958, discharge measurement. e Maximum daily. f Minimum observed, 0.62 ft 3 /s Feb. 24' 1964, discharge measurement. g Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 299 1193 53! 269 242 86ol 31.5 12.4 9.00 8.03 s.sa 8lo3 634 1501 1064 466 352 112 55.3 44.9 33.4 26.0 27.4 33.2 921 1269 695 314 291 145 75.5 60.5 38.5 30.2 29.5 67.0 377 433 134 411 195 102 57.0 34.9 15.9 19.4 19.4 18.5 671 1246 690 930 443 131 66.0 53.4 41.3 29.5 25.0 31.0 1639 1126 770 500 655 173 56.0 43.9 47.7 17.7 13.5 19.0 563 2118 566 337 220 113 67.0 52.0 43.0 35.0 28.0 29.0 513 2620 942 785 482 185 60.5 40.8 38.1 32.2 29.0 28.5 990 875 859 220 190 118 !BoO 3.97 !.4B loOO 1.00 52.3 332 2130 766 879 248 136 94.0 44.0 14.0 16.0 29.0 36o0 378 697 745 288 287 159 68.0 38.2 9.35 2.00 0.48 2o33 214 961 322 315 285 116 52.0 40.0 34.0 32.0 32.0 39.7 656 876 457 514 742 142 68.0 42.2 36.6 33.2 32.0 33.2 802 1588 663 347 305 134 43.2 17.7 15.4 18.1 25.5 51.9 469 283 351 167 140 79.4 29.5 12.1 5.77 5.86 6.84 21.2 551 939 829 299 250 103 52.4 26.1 14.9 7.93 1.97 13.0 105 1308 474 799 460 210 116 56.5 42.6 34.7 29.4 23.9 636 1320 640 366 300 121 50.4 28.6 8.26 3.00 5o23 28ol 286 1539 379 444 240 84.8 23.9 12.6 11.8 10.8 10.9 50.8 680 643 431 299 162 76o5 40.0 26.7 20.4 18.4 !6.0 23.3 378 1307 1275 885 613 126 56.2 34.6 24.1 19.1 18.4 34.2 576 1237 647 468 338 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 16 35 18 13 9 63 ANNUAL 355 320 167 356 424 348 476 298 379 232 198 300 341 144 254 281 315 261 203 392 302 64 15282000 CARIBOU CREEK NEAR SUTTON--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.-'!!Water years 1957-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1957 1959-cont 1961-cont 1965 1968-cont 1971-cont 10-23-56 0. 0 5-5-59 0.0 8-1-61 11.0 10-12-64 0.5 9-30-68 1.0 7-7-71 12.0 5-14-57 3.5 5-15-59 1.0 9-11-61 3.5 11-30-64 0.0 1969 8-26-71 8.0 5-23-57 8.0 6-5-59 6. 0 1962 5-19-65 1.0 12-16-68 0. 0 9-30-71 2.0 7-4-57 10.0 6-19-59 8.0 10-9-61 0.0 8-1-65 14.0 4-10-69 0. 0 1972 8-3-57 10.5 7-27-59 5.5 12-14-61 0.0 1966 5-20-69 3.0 12-13-71 0. 0 9-2-57 10.5 9-28-59 1.0 4-23-62 0.0 10-5-65 1.0 5-24-69 1.0 2-18-72 o:o 9-16-57 5.5 1960 1963 6-28-66 11.5 5-25-69 1.0 4-28-72 0. 5 1958 12-7-59 0.0 10-23-62 0.0 9-29-66 3.0 7-8-69 11.0 7-9-72 8.0 10-1-57 0.0 1-18-60 0.0 7-3-63 9.0 1967 8-15-69 8.0 8-14-72 12.0 10-12-57 1.0 2-29-60 0.0 7-12-63 6.5 1-16-67 0.0 1970 9-30-72 2.0 12-27-57 0.0 5-4-60 1.0 7-26-63 10.5 6-14-67 8.0 4-8-70 0. 0 1973 5-13-58 8.5 5-5-60 2.5 1964 9-23-67 3.0 5-12-70 0.5 12-19-72 0. 0 6-10-58 11.5 5-9-60 4.0 10-17-63 1.0 1968 5-17-70 2. 5 2-23-73 0.0 7-22-58 13.0 1961 11-20-63 0.0 3-5-68 0.0 7-6-70 8.0 4-3-73 0.5 1959 10-19-60 0. 0 2-24-64 0.0 5-26-68 4.0 8-17-70 7.0 5-3-73 0.0 3-2-59 0.0 5-9-61 0.0 5-18-64 1.0 7-7-68 12.0 1971 5-21-73 0.5 4-7-59 0.0 7-20-61 10.0 8-17-64 4.0 8-19-68 9.0 12-13-70 0. 0 6-18-73 8.0 15282800 CHICKALOON RIVER NEAR SUTTON LOCATION.--Lat 61°47 1 12", long 148°27'05", in NE~ sec.36, T.ZON., R.S E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, at bridge on Glenn Highway, 0.2 mi (0.3 km) upstream from mouth, and 15 mi (24 km) east of Sutton. WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --October 1952 to September 1954. REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer. DATE 1973-cont 7-10-73 8-20-73 1974 10-2-73 6-17-74 7-24-74 8-27-74 9-21-74 1975 2-5-75 3-21-75 4-10-75 4-16-75 4-30-75 5-21-75 6-24-75 9-2-7 5 9-30-75 EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 15.0°C June 26, 27, July 24, 25, 1953; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR 1953 Max 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 o. 0 0.0 3.0 Min 0.0 0.0 o. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 o.o 1954 Max 3.0 o.o 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.5 Min 0.0 0.0 o. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 MAY JUN 11. 0 15.0 3.5 9.0 4.5 7.0 0.5 4.0 JUL 15.0 9.0 11.5 4.5 AUG 11.0 4.5 9.5 4.0 SEP 7.0 0.0 9. 0 1.5 TEMP 9.0 11.5 0.5 8.0 9.0 8.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 1.0 YEAR 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 1S284000 MATANUSKA RIVER AT PALMER LOCATION.--Lat 61°36'34 11 , long 149°04'1611 , in N!s: sec.34, T.18 N., R.2 E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on left bank 100 ft (30 m) downstream from bridge on old Glenn Highway, and 1 mi (1. 6 km) east of Palmer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area~ 2,070 mi 2 (5,360 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 79.7 ft/mi (15.10 m/km); stream length, 77 mi (124 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 4,000 ft (1,220 m); glacier area, 12 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --April 1949 to Septerilber 1973. Annual maximum, water year 1974. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 170.92 ft (52.096 m) above mean sea level (Alaska Road Commission bench mark). Prior to Nov. 2, 1950, nonrecording gage at bridge 120ft (37m) upstream at same datum. Nov. 2, 1950 to Apr. 30, 1952 nonrecording gage at bridge 100 ft (30 m) upstream at same datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--24 years, 3,8S7 ft 3 /s (109.2m 3 /s), 2S.30 in/yr (643 mm/yr), 2,794,000 acre-ft/yr (3.45 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 82 1 100 ft 3 /s (2,330 m3 /s) Aug. 10, 1971, gage height, 13.60 ft (4.145 m), from rating curve extended above 34,000 ft /s (960 m3 /s) on basis of velocity-area study; minimum daily, 234 ft 3 /s (6.63 m3 /s) Apr. 2S, 19S6. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimun daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 1949a July 11, 1949 23,600 12.03 May s, 1949 S46 19SO July 2S, 19SO 21,200 11.18 Feb. 16-20, 19SO 410 19Sl June 8, 19Sl 21' 400 11.00 Mar. 1-lS, 19Sl 380 19S2 July 30, 19S2 23,400 9. 93 Mar. 16,17, 19S2 390 July 31, 19S2 10.00 19S3 June 28, 19S3 22,200 10.40 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 19S3 460 19S4 July 31, 19S4 2l,SOO 8. 71 Apr. 7-9, 19S4 410 19SS Aug. 27' 19SS 24' 000 9.96 Mar. 12, 19SS 400 19S6 July 31, 19S6 21' 400 lO.SO Apr. 2S, 19S6 234 19S7 June 20, 19S7 2S,900 10.90 Mar. 11-20, 19S7 440 19S8 June 8, 19S8 9.60 Mar. 20-25, 19S8 4SO July s, 19S8 17,500 9. OS 19S9 Aug. 24, 19S9 37' 300 10.82 Jan. 16-31, 19S9 310 1960 May 26, 1960 22' 600 lO.OS Aprl 11' 1960 408 1961 Jan. 11' 1961 blO. 44 Apr. lS, 1961 460 June 21, 1961 18,000 9.90 1962 June 18, 1962 28,400 10.38 Mar. 1-31, 1962 490 Aug. 29, 1962 12.00 1963 Aug. 23, 1963 23,200 11.40 Mar. 14' 1963 440 1964 June 8, 1964 40,100 11. 4S Nov. 16-30, 1963 480 196S July 13, 196S 28,600 10.38 Feb. 20 to Mar. 1, 196S 480 1966 June 7, 1966 10.34 Mar. 1-31, 1966 490 July 29, 1966 2S,300 10.01 1967 June 12, 1967 2S,SOO 9.66 Mar. 20-2S, 1967 340 Aug. 14, 1967 10.09 1968 June 15, 1968 28,300 10.47 Apr. 11-22, 1968 500 1969 Aug. s, 1969 17,200 lO.lS Nov. 24, 1968 to Apr. s, 1969 440 1970 June 27, 1970 2S,600 10.08 Mar. 26 to Apr. s, 1970 430 1971 Aug. 10' 1971 c82,100 13.60 Feb. 16 to Mar. 31, 1971 360 1972 June 14, 1972 34,000 11. OS Apr. 9-2S, 1972 440 1973 June 15, 1973 28,600 10.67 Mar. 11 to Apr. 2, 1973 460 1974 September 1974 12,900 8.68 a Period April to September. b Backwater from ice. c Result of breach of embankment at outlet of lake in Granite Creek basin. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 4369 11300 16310 12290 6368 2335 1168 807 601 485 495 599 1628 8896 14050 11100 4378 1300 660 580 500 450 401 796 3575 11290 13940 9185 8966 2923 1255 944 793 500 438 533 1597 8456 13360 9854 3309 2361 1304 820 560 460 460 817 3788 14110 14230 11390 4360 1569 790 620 570 450 420 599 3166 9376 12820 12770 6111 2445 1066 770 680 525 437 482 1782 6949 13830 10470 4988 1554 717 579 520 456 400 502 2611 7673 15620 10750 5961 1626 690 651 660 588 521 723 4235 15860 14000 10940 7042 2355 1148 645 660 533 487 891 2120 10410 10670 9029 3186 1451 568 474 349 441 400 568 2816 11580 10650 11270 4259 1793 975 715 669 580 563 702 6019 8886 11840 9020 5537 2492 1059 836 821 628 480 696 2641 9502 10840 9051 4664 2014 1100 860 760 570 490 714 2445 14040 14410 11760 5042 1729 869 627 601 577 495 526 3788 6698 13630 11220 4886 2013 616 629 553 530 530 985 1624 17250 12490 11210 4105 1764 1132 722 756 548 572 831 1526 5415 12790 9388 7809 1932 946 863 651 554 490 649 1007 9105 13400 7607 3814 1554 734 634 563 476 364 558 3157 10670 11690 10880 5742 1921 1097 755 705 617 550 531 3719 11500 13450 9355 2964 1317 573 440 440 440 440 526 2148 6747 10340 4992 2123 1170 745 589 502 457 440 475 2842 8207 11200 6726 3183 1652 1317 894 554 381 360 491 1016 10730 11890 15730 4996 2884 1793 1024 687 578 494 465 3204 8512 14380 9667 4926 2009 900 540 500 494 466 698 1713 7653 9206 8045 2452 1923 968 709 611 S13 466 640 2741 10030 12840 101SO 4847 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 22 28 22 10 6S ANNUAL 3908 4323 3684 4582 4134 3732 3966 4815 3531 3757 3959 3664 4542 3837 4384 3628 3439 3941 3947 2562 3065 4196 4072 2909 38S7 66 15284000 MATANUSKA RIVER AT PALMER--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. ~-Water years 1952-73. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD. --March 1952 to September 1953 (seasonal), April 1959 to October 1967 (seasonal). REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer on most days during open water season for period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 14.5°C August 25, 1964 and July 17, 1966; minimum, 0.0°C on most days during winter period. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, "C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP ·DATE 1954 1955 1957-cont 1967 1968-cont 1970-cont 1972 3-12-54 o. 5 10-1-54 5.5 7-22-57 14.0 4-10-67 0.5 4-19-68 1.0 1-30-70 0.0 1-13-72 4-2-54 0. 0 1956 9-20-57 3.5 5-2-67 2.0 7-3-68 6.0 4-1-70 0.0 3-28-72 4-14-54 0. 5 6-26-56 11.0 1958 5-29-67 9.0 1969 6-16-70 7.0 5-31-72 4-29-54 1.0 7-10-56 5.5 4-30-58 1.0 6-30-67 6.5 10-2-68 3.0 7-24-70 8.0 6-28-72 5-24-54 8.0 9-18-56 9.0 5-14-58 8.0 7-6-67 7.5 10-29-68 0.0 9-4-70 6. 0 8-7-72 6-3-54 9.0 1957 5-26-58 7.5 8-24-67 6.0 11-26-68 0.0 1971 9-11-72 6-23-54 9.0 10-10-56 2.5 6-12-58 7.5 1968 3-27-69 0.0 10-13-70 2.5 1973 7-20-54 7.5 10-24-56 0.0 6-28-58 10.5 10-6-67 3.5 ·6-11-69 9.0 12-14-70 0.0 10-3-72 8-2-54 6. 0 5-21-57 6. 0 7-7-58 10.5 11-16-67 0.0 7-17-69 9.0 2-4-71 0.0 2-15-73 8-18-54 8.0 6-3-57 7.0 7-17-58 9.0 1-15-68 0.0 9-2-69 7.0 4-30-71 1.5 3-27-73 8-31-54 7.5 6-29-57 10.5 8-19-58 9.0 3-5-68 0.5 1970 7-26-71 7.0 4-17-73 9-5-58 9.5 4-2-68 o.o 10-23-69 0.0 8-9-71 7.0 WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1952 Max 1.5 4.5 9.5 12.0 a a Min 0.0 0.5 3.0 5.5 a a 1953 Max 2. 0 9.5 12.0 a a Min 0.0 1.0 6.5 a a 1959 Max 2. 0 11. 0 13.5 11. 0 12.0 9.0 Min 1.5 7.0 2.0 6.0 4.5 1960 Max 5. 5 a 11.5 12.0 12.0 9.5 6.0 Min 0.0 0.0 7.0 6.5 6.0 2.0 1961 Max a 1.5 10.5 13.0 11.5 11.0 7.0 Min a a 0.5 5. 5 6.0 4.5 2.0 1962 Max 4.5 a 10.0 11.0 10.5 10.0 a Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 6.0 4.0 a 1963 Max a a 9.0 11.0 11. 0 a Min a n.o 0.0 5.0 5.5 a a 1964 Max a 9.5 13.0 13.5 14.5 10.0 Min 1.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 5.0 1965 Max 5.0 11.0 10.0 13.0 11.5 Min 0.0 1.0 7.0 4.5 5.0 1966 Max 9.0 13.5 14.5 11.0 10.0 Min a 7.0 6.0 4.5 5.0 1967 Max a Min o.o a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. l I TEMP 0.0 0.0 3.5 4.0 9.5 8.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.5 YEAR 1949 19'i0 19SI 1952 19,3 19S4 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15"286000 COTTONWOOD CREEK NEAR WASILLA LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'30", long 149°24'35", in SW~ sec.ll, T.l7 N., R.l W., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, near center of span on downstream side of highway bridge on Wasilla-Matanuska road, 0.8 mi (1.3 km) downstream from Wasilla Lake and 1.1 mi (1. 8 km) southwest of Wasilla. ' BASIN CHARACTERISTICS. --Drainage area, 28.5 mi 2 (73. 8 km 2); main-channel slope, 44 ft/mi (8. 3 m/km); stream length, 11.4 mi (18.3 km); area of lakes and ponds, 6 percent; mean elevation, 500ft (152m); glacier area, 0 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1949 to September 1954. Gage.--Nonrecording gage. Datum of gage is 309ft (94.2 m) above mean sea level (river-profile survey). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--5 years, 15.9 ft 3 /s (0.450 m3 /s), 7.58 in/yr (193 mm/yr), 11,520 acre-ft/yr (14.2 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum daily discharge during period of record, 55 ft 3 /s (1. 56 m3 /s) July 5 and 6, 1949; maximum ga2e height observed, 4.07 ft (1.241 m) Jan. 26, 1950 (backwater from ice); minimum discharge, 3.5 ft'/s (0.099 m~/s) Sept. 2, 1954, discharge measurement, caused by temporary storage upstream. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE Momentary maximum Water year Date 1949a July 5, 6, 1949 1950 Oct. 4, 1949 Jan. 26, 1950 1951 Dec. 22, 1950 Apr. 23-25, 1951 1952 Jan. 2' 1952 July 1, 1952 1953 d 1954 Jan. 22, 1954 Aug. 6-8' 1954 a Period Julv to September. b Maximum daily. c Backwater from ice. d Nov. 10-15, 20, 22-28, 1952. Discharge bSS b40 b24 54 b33 b20 IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET ~·1inimum daily Gage height Date Discharge Sept. 23, 24, 1949 33 1. OS Sept. 25, 26' 28-30, 1950 10 c4.07 c2.77 Mar. 1-31' Aug. 18, 24-28' 1951 10 0. 84 c2.35 July 23, 24, Aug. 13, 14, 24, 25, 1952 7.0 1.16 June 6, 1953 e6. 9 c2.30 May 25, 27, June 1, 1954 f9.5 0. 92 e Momentary minimum, gage height, 0.56 ft. f Momentary minimum, 3.5 ft 3 /s Sept. 2, 1954, discharge measurement, caused by temporary storage upstream. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 41,.9 44.6 37.4 14.4 ~~.'i 1~. -, l'::i.~ 1-+.J ?O.:t 18.1 16.0 1q.o 16.3 13.7 11.1 j3.q 12.q li.S II. 0 11.'-; I o.o 17.S 16.9 15.0 14.3 12.5 16.4 19.1 1~.9 }l),.o1 l,.o; 1 J.tl 12.'i }4. 7 17.2 11.0 19.7 12.1 17.~ ?1.3 )?. ~ 24.7 l4.':> 11 • .::::, 17.0 1q.o 15.2 q.~o q,.QO 12.4 17.0 13.9 i4.1 13." 1?. u 12.0 13.0 1?.7 12.3 12.2 l?.n 17.2 11.7 20.5 20. 6 17.2 15.6 13.7 14.6 16.4 15.5 13.3 19.8 18.8 18.6 10 10 8 8 7 7 8 8 6 10 9 9 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1952-54. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1953-cont 1954-cont 1954-cont 1-3-52 0.5 5-7-53 8.5 4-2-54 1.5 6-24-54 21.0 5-2-52 1.5 6-2-53 17.0 4-14-54 4.0 7-23-54 16.5 6-9-52 18.5 9-29-53 6. 5 4-28-54 6.5 8-2-54 16.5 1953 1954 5-19-54 15.0 8-18-54 17.0 10-29-52 3.5 10-19-53 3. 0 6-4-54 19.0 9-29-54 9.5 11-21-52 1.0 1-22-54 1.5 67 ANNUAL J ~.2 1.~. f., }'-'l.'J l 7. 'I ll.l 15.9 YEAR 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 68 15290000 LITTLE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR PALMER LOCATION.--Lat 61°42'32", long 149°13'36", in NE~ sec.26, T.19 N., R.l E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on right bank 40ft (12m) downstream from highway bridge on Wasilla-Fishhook Road, 1.5 mi (2.4 km) north of road junction, 1.8 mi (2.9#m) downstream from unnamed tributary, and 8 mi (13 km) northwest of Palmer. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 61.9 mi 2 (160.3 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 187 ft/mi (35.4 m/km); stream length, 14.9 mi (24.0 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 3,700 ft (1,130 m); glacier area, 5 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1948 to September 1975. GAGE. --Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 918.6 ft (279. 99 m) above mean sea level (river-profile survey). Prior to Aug. 16, 1948, nonrecording gage and Aug. 16, 1948 to May 15, 1972, water-stage recorder on left bank. Prior to Oct. 1, 1974, at datum 2. 00 ft (0. 610 m) higher. REMARKS.--During water years 1950-62 winter discharge measurements were made at a site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) downstream from the gage location. There is a channel loss of about 6 ft 3 /s (0.2 m3 /s) in the 3.5 mi (5.6 km) reach~ AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--27 years, 203 ft 3 /s (5.749 m3 /s), 44.54 in/yr (1,131 mm/yr), 147,100 acre-ft/yr (181 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 7,840 ft 3/s (222 m3/s) Aug. 10, 1971, gage height, 9.84 ft (2.999 m) in gage well, 12.30 ft (3.749 m), top of needle peak in gage well, about 13ft (4.0 km) from flood- marks, present datum, from rating curve extended above 4,600 ft 3 /s (130 m3 /s) on basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; minimum daily, about 8.0 ft 3 /s (0.23 m3 /s) Apr. 1-20, 1956 and Mar. ll and 12, 1957. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date 1948a Aug. 16, 1948 2,500 5. 82 Sept. 15, 1948 1949 June 21, 1949 3, 070 6. 33 Feb. 21, Apr. 4,8, 1949 1950 June 17, 1950 1,170 4.25 Feb. 16-28, Mar. 25,26,29, Apr.l-5,1950 1951 June 8, 1951 1,900 5.25 Apr. 4-9, 1951 1952 July 27, 1952 2,500 5.66 Mar. 1 to Apr. 3, 1952 1953 Aug. 22, 1953 1, 840 5.56 Apr. 1-15, 1953 1954 July 31, 1954 1, 850 5.58 Apr. 1-Il, 1954 1955 Aug. 27, 1955 2, 320 6.13 Mar. 21-31' 1955 1956 July 31, 1956 2' 340 s. 60 Apr. 1-20, 1956 1957 Sept. 19, 1957 2,510 6.ll Mar. 11,12, 1957 1958 May 31, 1958 1,280 4.95 Mar. 16-31' 1958 1959 Aug. 24' 1959 s, 160 7.39 Mar. 16-31' 1959 1960 May 25, 1960 1,600 5.15 Mar. 1 to Apr. 3, 1960 1961 Aug. 3, 1961 1,420 4.84 Apr. 1-15, 1961 1962 Aug. 29' 1962 3' 890 6. 60 Dec. 26-29' 1961 1963 Aug. 23, 1963 3,350 6.32 Mar. 2, 1963 1964 June 25, 1964 1,850 5. 33 Mar. 19·24, 1964 1965 Aug. 14, 1965 1, 870 5. 35 Mar. 13, 15-17, 1965 1966 June 7, 1966 1967 July 20, 1967 1968 June 13, 1968 1969 May 25, 1969 1970 Aug. s. 1970 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 1972 Sept. 12, 1972 1973 Aug. 21, 1973 1974 Aug. 27, 1974 1975 Sept. ll, 1975 a Period July to September. b Momentary minimum. 1,200 4.72 Mar. 2,630 5. 90 Apr. 1,680 4.99 Apr. 909 4. 27 Mar. 946 4.42 Feb. 7,840 f7.84 Mar. 2' 560 5. 61 Apr. 2,340 5. 4 7 Apr. 2,930 5.20 Mar. 1,360 5.82 Apr. c Momentary minimum, 9.4 ft 3 /s Feb. 16, 1950, discharge measurement. d Momentary minimuJll, 6.6 ft 3 /s Apr. 12, 1954, discharge measurement. e Momentary minimum, 9.6 ft 3 /s Mar. 27, 1958, discharge measurement. f Maximum outside gage heijht, about 11 ft, from floodmarks. g Momentary minimum, 15ft /s Apr. 17, 1975, result of ice jam. 16 to Apr. 5' 1966 16-23' 1967 18-21, 1968 27 to Anr. 3. 1969 21 to Mar. 10, Apr. 16-27' 8-17, 1971 6-12, 1972 25-28, 1973 21 to Apr. 15' 1974 24' 25, 1975 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 558 137 60.0 43.9 30.9 21.7 20.4 23.5 315 ll76 940 135 50.8 30.8 25.0 16.6 17.8 17.8 57.4 519 358 67.9 35.0 31.0 27.0 21.0 16.5 22ol 214 708 489 139 50.3 36.0 23.1 14.0 13.0 15.0 !52 967 &97 134 80.4 38.5 31.0 20.7 16.0 22.3 268 642 278 83.0 47.0 31.0 21.0 16.0 13.0 18.0 202 297 381 127 56.2 17.4 19.6 15.9 ll.3 10.0 88.4 6&6 806 85.2 37.7 27.0 20.0 16.0 !0.0 17.0 129 577 610 86.6 56.3 32.9 24.1 19.4 10.5 17.7 348 702 310 170 81.4 43.1 24.4 20.7 14.5 zo.o !58 398 240 Ill 44.5 31.9 17.5 15.5 14.5 16.5 212 797 459 Ill 54.0 30.9 29.5 19.6 !3.0 19.1 382 398 367 129 60.7 44.1 54.1 25.0 17.5 20.5 186 606 506 156 65.2 33.1 36.4 27.4 24.8 25.6 142 994 569 98.7 47.9 37.3 33.2 24.7 22.3 23.9 320 858 1047 168 59.6 38.1 27.4 22.9 !9.8 24.5 72.2 932 456 123 62.5 41.9 31.0 26.3 25.6 34.1 121 482 497 181 70.3 47.4 30.5 25.1 21.0 23.0 83.5 546 361 llO &9.2 42.5 27.3 23.1 21.4 23.2 248 790 633 88.3 46.5 33.3 29.8 29.0 27.6 26.7 374 920 601 5!o3 24.5 19.8 24.0 22.5 18.1 21.9 179 289 242 76.3 45.9 33.0 25.9 20.4 19.7 19.7 194 406 419 ll8 71.6 43.0 30.5 24.5 18.2 18.3 52.9 675 622 92.3 63.9 35.2 31.2 25.9 !9.6 18.0 ll7 884 743 210 80.2 44.2 31.6 27.7 25.0 24.0 !57 671 374 90.4 5o.8 36.3 32.4 27.7 19.8 21.0 396 643 407 96.2 56.3 36.1 30.0 25.8 21.4 20.8 135 731 720 ll8 56.6 35.5 28.5 22.0 18.2 20.9 196 677 525 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 28 22 1970 AUG 661 681 296 446 428 444 500 556 398 218 305 736 361 456 534 825 294 451 402 524 231 169 422 909 297 392 259 348 448 18 Discharge b181 16 clS 14 13 12 dl2 9.0 8. 0 8. 0 el3 13 13 16 9.0 19 18 22 20 20 23 16 19 17 16 20 18 g18 SEP 280 321 !54 543 387 246 298 280 305 540 125 305 351 348 345 202 178 606 223 312 ll5 82.2 199 177 409 165 178 522 293 12 ANNUAL 316 140 219 243 186 160 222 186 197 134 231 179 205 247 297 191 209 168 236 210 95.8 !58 232 228 184 181 229 203 69 15290000 LITTLE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR PALMER--Continued WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1952-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1958 1961 1963-cont 1967 1970 1973 1-2-52 0.0 10-3-57 3.0 12-29-60 0. 0 4-26-63 1.0 10-28-66 o.o 11-25-69 0. 0 10-26-72 1.0 4-8-52 0.0 4-28-58 3.0 5-3-61 4.0 5-27-63 0.5 11-29-66 0.0 12-29-69 1.0 11-27-72 0. 5 5-5-52 0. 5 5-27-58 6. 0 6-5-61 6. 0 6-4-63 3.5. 12-27-66 0.0 1-27-70 0.0 12-20-72 0.0 6-9-52 6.5 6-12-58 8.0 6-20-61 5.0 6-18-63 5.0 2-24-67 0.0 2-19-70 1.0 1-26-73 0.0 1953 6-26-58 9.0 7-5-61 6. 0 6-27-63 3.5 3-30-67 0.5 3-26-70 3.0 10-29-52 1.5 7-7-58 10.0 8-2-61 7.5 7-18-63 5.0 4-27-67 1.0 4-27-70 1.0 2-23-73 0.5 5-6-53 2.5 7-17-58 8.5 8-29-61 7.5 7-29-63 9.0 5-26-67 6.0 5-26-70 4. 0 4-23-73 1.0 6-2-53 8.5 8-7-58 8.0 9-13-61 5.5 8-5-63 4.5 6-28-67 5.0 6-24-70 7.0 5-24-73 2.5 1954 8-18-58 6. 5 9-25-61 3.5 8-12-63 5.5 7'25-67 9. 0 7-27-70 9. 5 8-27-73 7.5 4-2-54 2.5 9-9-58 5. 5 1962 8-28-63 5.5 9-27-67 5. 0 8-26-70 6.0 1974 4-12-54 1.0 1959 10-11-61 0. 0 9-9-63 7.5 1968 9-24-70 2.0 10-25-73 0.5 4-13-54 1..0 11-12-58 0.0 11-7-61 0.0 1964 10-27-67 0.0 1971 11-26-73 0.5 4-28-54 1.0 1-30-59 0. 0 11-16-61 o. 0 10-4-63 2.0 11-27-67 0.0 10-26-70 0.0 4-25-74 0.0 5-19-54 8.0 2-17-59 0.5 11-27-61 0. 0 10-22-63 1.0 12-27-67 0.5 11-23-70 0. 0 4-30-74 1.5 6-4-54 8.5 3-16-59 0.0 12-26-61 0.0 10-29-63 0. 0 1-27-68 0.0 12-28-70 0. 0 5-23-74 5.5 6-24-54 9.0 4-8-59 0.5 1-15-62 o. 0 11-5-63 0.5 2-26-68 0.5 1-25-71 0. 0 8-27-74 7.0 8-2-54 8.0 4-24-59 1.0 3-6-62 0.0 11-12-63 0. 0 4-24-68 0.5 2-23-71 0. 0 9-26-74 5.0 8-18-54 9. 5 5-7-59 2.5 3-27-62 o.o 11-21-63 0.0 5-23-68 3.0 3-25-71 0. 5 1975 9-2-54 7.5 5-20-59 4.0 4-6-62 0. 5 1-15-64 0.5 5-27-68 0.0 4-26-71 1.0 10-17-74 1.5 9-29-54 5. 5 7-8-59 7.5 4-13-62 1.5 3-11-64 0.0 7-25-68 9.0 5-24-71 2.5 10-23-74 1.5 1955 7-30-59 2.5 5-8-62 2.5 3-26-64 0. 0 8-27-68 7.0 6-25-71 8.5 11-25-74 0.0 10-15-54 3. 5 8-18-59 7.5 6-4-62 4.0 1965 1969 7-26-71 6.0 11-29-74 0.0 1956 1960 8-21-62 9.0 10-26-64 0.0 10-25-68 0. 0 8-24-71 7.5 12-12-74 0.0 6-26-56 5.5 10-30-59 1.5 8-28-62 8.0 12-14-64 0. 0 11-25-68 0. 0 1972 12-23-74 0.0 7-10-56 5.0 12-3-59 0. 0 1963 12-28-64 0. 0 12-27-68 0. 0 10-22-71 0.5 1-27-75 0.0 8-1-56 5.5 12-22-59 0. 5 10-9-62 2.0 3-26-65 1.5 1-27-69 0.0 11-26-71 0.0 2-24-75 0.0 8-13-56 9.5 2-19-60 0. 0 10-26-62 0.0 4-27-65 1.0 2-25-69 0. 0 12-22-71 0.0 3-26-75 0.0 9-20-56 2.5 3-30-60 0. 5 11-5-62 0.0 7-29-65 8.0 3-25-69 0.0 1-26-72 0. 0 4-10-75 1.0 1957 5-4-60 3. 0 12-21-62 0.0 1966 4-28-69 2.0 2-24-72 0.0 4-16-75 1.0 10-10-56 2.5 6-10-60 3.5 12-28-62 o. 0 12-28-65 0. 0 5-26-69 5.0 3-28-72 0.0 4-24-75 0.5 5-22-57 4.5 8-10-60 9.5 1-4-63 0.0 1-25-66 0.0 6-25-69 9.0 4-25-72 0. 5 5-13-75 2.0 6-19-57 6.0 8-18-60 7.5 4-5-63 1.0 2-24-66 1.0 7-25-69 8.0 7-25-72 7.0 5-27-75 4.0 7-22-57 9.0 9-29-60 3.0 4-12-63 0.0 7-27-66 8.0 8-26-69 5.0 8-28-72 6. 0 6-2-75 4.0 9-10-57 7.5 4-19-63 1.0 8-29-66 6.0 9-29-69 4.5 9-25-72 2.5 6-23-75 5.5 9-28-66 4.5 7-1-7 5 5.5 7-14-75 8.0 9-25-75 6.5 YEAR 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 70 15291000 SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI LOCATION.--Lat 63°06'1411 , long 147°30'57", in NE~ sec.lO? T.Zl S .• R.l E., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on upstream right pier of bridge on Denali Highway, 0.2 mi (0.3 km) downstream from Windy Creek, 3.3 mi (5.3 km) upstream from Butte.Creek, and 5.3 mi (8.5 km) southwest of Denali. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 950 mi 2 (2,460 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 56.6 ft/mi (10.7 m/km); 5tream length, 51 mi (82 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 4,510 ft (1,370 km); glacier area, 25 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1957 to September 1966, July 1968 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 2,440 ft (744 m), from topographic map. Prior to May 27, 1965, water-stage recorder at site 1.9 mi (3.1 km) downstream at different datum. May 27, 1965 to Sept. 30~ 1966, nonrecording gage near right downstream end of bridge and July 4~ 1968 to Aug. 28, 1974, water-stage recorder on left upstream wingwall, at present datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--16 years [water years 1958-66, 1969-75], 2,695 ft 3/s (76.32 m3/s), 38.53 in/yr (979 mm/yr), 1,953,000 acre-ft/yr (2.41 km 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 38,200 ft 3/s (1,080 m3/s) Aug. 10, 1971, gage height, 13.32 ft (4.060 m) from rating curve extended above 19,000 ft 3/s (540 m3/s); maximum gage height, 13.58 ft (4.139 m) May 11, 1970, backwater from ice; minimum daily dischar§e, about 34 ft 3/s (0.96 m3 /s) Mar. 16-31, 1959. Flood of Aug. 14 or 15, 1967 reached a discharge of 28,200 ft /s j799 m3/s), gage height, 12.7 ft (3.87 m) from flood- marks, from rating curve extended above 19,000 ft 3/s (540 m /s). EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FFET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 19 57 a June 7' 1957 18,700 5.54 Sept. 23, 1957 1' 800 1958 July 28, 1958 14,500 4.74 ~1ar. 1-31' 1958 120 1959 Aug. 25, 1959 14,800 4.43 Mar. 16-31, 1959 34 1960 July 29, 1960 12,900 4.43 !>lar. 16 to Apr. 15' 1960 260 1961 Aug. 4,5,or 6,1961 15,500 4. 94 Mar. 1-15, 1961 240 1962 July 30, 1962 15,500 4. 48 Mar. 1-31' 1962 220 Aug. 3, 1962 4.55 1963 Aug. 18, 1963 17,000 s. 02 Mar. 1-31, 1963 200 1964 June 7, 1964 bl6,000 Mar. 1-31' 1964 110 1965 Sept. 9' 1965 15,800 ---rr:-so--Feb. 1 to Mar. 25, 1965 200 1966 July 16-31, 1966 b9' 400 Feb. I to Mar. 31' 1966 200 1967 Aug. 14 or 15,1967 28,200 12.7 1968c July 27, 1968 19,000 12.02 Sept. 23, 1968 1.020 1969 June 22 ~ 1969 14,900 11. 73 Jan. 16 to Mar. 15. 1969 140 July 15, 1969 14,900 11.69 1970 May 11, 1970 dl3.58 Mar. 10 to Apr. 3. 1970 190 July 30. 1970 14,100 11. 38 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 38,200 13.32 Feb. 16 to Apr. 10' 1971 120 1972 Aug. 7' 1972 17,200 11.87 Apr. 1-22, 1972 260 1973 Aug. 23, 1973 14,100 11.81 Mar. II to Apr. 25, 1973 150 1974 July 18, 1974 11.94 Apr. 6-15, 1974 200 Aug. 28' 1974 16,800 11.84 1975 July 12, 1975 21' 700 12. 23 Feb. 1 to Apr. 30, 1975 200 a Period June to September. b Maximum daily, estimated. c Period .July to September. d Backwater from ice. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 12210 11170 9769 4017 1277 610 288 219 150 120 210 1163 8367 9150 6536 1879 939 390 170 119 81.0 41.7 43.0 1782 8891 8333 7882 2498 1577 760 575 444 321 275 265 3349 5237 9039 7910 4817 1781 660 483 331 271 281 415 2959 6412 8078 7253 2695 1290 680 440 280 240 220 280 2197 9087 10220 9454 3649 1079 510 310 250 230 200 210 3253 6763 10500 10210 3949 925 290 185 140 140 110 130 910 11630 7577 6552 2633 1468 702 279 220 200 208 320 2464 4647 6756 5764 6955 920 300 240 210 200 200 280 1629 6850 8287 6432 3200 11840 9825 2192 700 304 172 145 140 145 229 1768 8146 9445 3919 2213 1002 SOl 339 265 221 193 319 2210 5013 8454 6216 1946 528 395 276 170 125 120 135 629 8099 10410 10400 3288 1039 478 380 339 307 286 270 3468 6562 10450 8664 2778 667 323 211 178 164 153 153 1042 5741 8346 7268 2445 876 462 366 310 271 235 262 2541 5642 9547 9292 5452 2135 673 381 300 200 200 200 1640 7040 12110 7295 3571 1138 502 318 245 204 187 233 2063 7431 9428 7813 3343 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 23 29 24 10 ANNUAL 2514 2614 2896 2655 3191 3148 2604 2510 2411 2290 2243 2903 2937 2242 2960 3003 2695 15291000 SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI--Continued 71 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1957-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--August to September 1974, May to September 1975. REMARKS.--Continuous water-temperature recorder for period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum during period of daily record, 10.5°C June 15, 16, 1975. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, °C DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1957 1959-cont 1961-cont 1963 1965 1969 1971 7-L0-57 11.5 7-19-59 4.5 8-8-61 8.5 10-16-62 0.5 7-30-65 10.0 5-23-69 0.0 10-15-70 o. 0 8-13-57 6.0 8-3-59 6.0 8-23-fil 5.5 7-25-63 7.0 .1966 7-11-69 3.0 7-12-71 7.0 1958 9-30-59 2.5 9-15-61 4.0 1964 7-3-66 5.5 8-13-69 5.0 8-20-71 7.0 7-29-58 7.5 1960 • 1962 10-1-63 5. 5 1967 1970 1972 1959 11-20-59 D. 0 11-28-61 0.0 12-6-63 o.o 10-1-66 3.5 10-4-69 3.0 9-27-72 0.0 2-18-59 0.0 9-9-60 5.5 l-21-62 0.0 3-12-64 0.0 8-17-67 6. 5 5-15-70 0.0 1973 4-l-59 0. 0 1961 7-13-62 6.5 6-19-64 4.0 1968 7-11-70 6. 0 6-9-73 5.0 6-16-59 9.0 1-3-61 0.0 8-23-62 5.5 7-10-64 6.0 7-4-68 7.0 8-21-70 5.5 8-15-73 7.5 8-20-68 8.0 WATER TEMPERATURE, °C WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1974 1•lax a 5.5 Min a 0.5 1975 Max 8.0 10.5 9.5 8.5 6.5 Min a 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. 72 15291200 MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON LOCATION.--L"a~ 63°07'1011 , long 146°31 1 45", Matanuska-Susitna Borough, near left bank on downstream side of bridge on Denali liighway, 1.5 mi (2.4 km) downstream from Boulder Creek, and 34 mi (55 km} west of Paxson . . BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 280 mi 2 (730 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 133 ft/mi (25.2 m/kml; stream length, 23 mi (37 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 4,520 ft (1,380 m); glacier area, 19 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --June 1958 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,865.84 ft (873.508 m) above mean sea level (Alaska Department of Public Works bench mark). Prior to Sept. 20, 1961, at site 1,200 ft (400 m) downstream at same datum. Sept. 20, 1961 to June 7, 1964, at present site and datum; June 8, 1964 to Aug. 22, 1968, nonrecording gage at present site and datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--17 years, 976 ft 3 /s (27.64 m3 /s), 47.34 in/yr (1,202 mm/yr), 707,100 acre-ft/yr (872 hm 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 9 1 260 ft 3 /s (262 m3 /s) Aug. 11, 1971, gage height, 8.24 ft (2.512 m), from rating curve extended above 5,300 ft /s (150 m3 /s); maximum gage height, 9.10 ft (2.774 m) in May 1964, from floodmarks, backwater from ice; minimum daily discharge, about 40 ft 3/s (1.1 m3/s) Mar. 1-25, 1965. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharg-e Gage height Date Discharge 1958a Aug. 4, 1958 5,770 5.64 Sept. 27. 19 58 634 1959 June 22, 1959 4. 410 5. 02 Mar. 16· 31, 1959 61 1960 Sept. 13, 1960 8, 920 7.14 Apr. 1-15, 1960 88 1961 Aug. 5, 1961 6,540 6.05 Nar. 1-15, 1961 81 1962 June 14, 1962 6,540 6. 85 Mar. 1-31, 1962 92 1963 July 18, 1963 7. 300 7. 27 Mar. 1-31, 1963 80 1964 May 1964 b9.10 Mar. 1-31, 1964 71 June 7, 1964 c6,400 1965 May 31, 1965 b7.95 Mar. 1-25, 1965 40 July 14, 1965 4, 840 6. 00 1966 June 7, 1966 4,210 5.65 Mar. 1-31, 1966 43 1967 Aug. 14, 1967 7. 460 7. 34 Apr. 1-20, 1967 50 1968 June 14, 1968 5, 040 6. 01 Jan. 16 to May 5, 1968 95 1969 June 16, 1969 4,140 5. 45 Jan. 21 to Mar. 15. 1969 55 1970 Aug. 1, 1970 4, 730 5. 70 Feb. 3 to Mar. 14, 1970 50 1971 Aug. 11, 1971 9. 260 8.24 Mar. 1 to Apr. 5, 1971 55 1972 June 16, 1972 7. 070 7.14 Apr. 1-15. 1972 90 1973 June 15, 1973 5,140 6. 21 Mar. 19 to Apr. 25. 1973 50 1974 May 31, 1974 4,440 5.70 Mar. 11 to Apr. 20, 1974 55 1975 Sept. 11, 1975 5,790 6. 67 Mar. 1 to Apr. 24, 1975 100 a Period June to September. b Backwater from ice. c Maximum daily. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR !.lAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1958 3532 3525 2699 784 1959 378 115 123 129 95.4 62.5 77.5 587 2879 2680 2083 856 ·843 1960 549 250 190 ISO 110 94.3 91.5 1742 2124 3359 3048 2439 1184 1961 687 195 149 110 93.9 96.0 145 1237 2678 3369 3299 1168 1111 1962 381 210 170 120 100 92.0 120 632 2916 3265 2927 1127 lOll 1963 383 210 130 100 91.0 80.0 83.0 2131 3110 4649 3136 1213 1287 1964 416 140 98.0 85.0 88.0 11.0 72.0 386 4297 2764 2224 871 960 1965 379 147 49.3 44.0 42.0 41.0 62.0 984 2268 3223 2409 2098 985 1966 522 180 55.0 45.0 45.0 43.0 50.0 265 2990 2505 2095 954 816 1967 369 95.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 53.3 1023 3634 3255 3605 1416 1149 1968 417 130 100 97.4 95.0 95.0 95.0 208 3245 3427 2129 680 896 1969 265 121 68.5 58.2 55.0 57.6 95.3 849 2613 2692 974 470 697 1970 249 117 73.2 59.4 50.4 52.7 69.2 746 1751 2441 2367 773 735 1971 301 192 131 83.4 60.4 55.0 66.0 365 3414 3528 3659 1165 1092 1972 375 156 123 115 107 97.4 98.5 1218 3069 3255 2676 1366 1059 1973 550 243 136 87.4 65.2 53.4 51o2 576 2906 2856 2271 821 890 1974 307 123 82.6 68.5 61.8 56.6 56.7 649 206'1 2634 2439 1543 846 1975 385 232 140 115 110 100 103 768 3178 3649 1982 1574 1033 MEAN 407 168 111 90.2 78.2 70.7 81.7 845 2926 3171 2557 1184 976 MONTHLY 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 25 27 22 10 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1958-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1958 1960-cont 1962-cont 1964-cont 1968 1970 1974 6-16-58 6.0 5-10-60 0. 0 1-20-62 0. 0 3-12-64 0.0 3-27-68 0.0 10-4-69 3.0 3-30-74 3.5 7-28-58 6.5 6-9-60 5.0 7-11-62 8.0 9-21-64 3.0 7-4-68 10.0 5-16-70 0.0 6-21-74 6.0 1959 1961 7-14-62 6.5 1965 8-21-68 8.0 7-11-70 6. 0 7-29-74 7.5 2-18-59 0. 0 1-3-61 0.0 8-22-62 7.5 7-30-65 7.0 8-22-68 8.0 8-20-70 5.5 8-30-74 8.0 4-1-59 0.0 5-28-61 11.0 1963 1966 1969 1971 9-21-74 2.0 6-18-59 13.0 9-14-61 5.5 10-15-62 0.5 10-2-65 1.5 10-1-68 0. 5 7-11-71 7.0 1975 8-3-59 6.5 9-21-61 2.0 1-7-63 0.0 7-3-66 5.5 4-16-69 o. 0 8-20-71 6. 5 6-5-75 5. 0 9-6-59 2.5 1962 6-8-63 4.0 8-24-66 6. 0 5-23-69 3.0 1972 6-28-75 10.5 9-29-59 1.5 10-10-61 o. 0 7-24-63 5. 5 1967 7-10-69 9.0 10-1-71 0.5 7-25-75 6. 5 1960 11-26-61 0. 0 1964 7-22-67 7.0 8-13-69 4.0 9-27-72 0.5 9-5-75 6. 0 11-19-59 0. 0 12-6-63 0. 0 9-20-67 3.5 1973 6-9-73 2.5 YEAR 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 .1972 MEAN MONTHLY PERCENT 15291500 SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL LOCATION.--Lat 62°41'57", long 147°32'40", Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on tight bank at lower end of gorge, 1.1 mi (1.8 km) downstream from small tributary, 13 mi (21 km) upstream from Jay Creek, and 65 mi (105 km) southeast of Cantwell. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 4,140 mi 2 (10,720 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 10.0 ft/rni (1.89 m/km}; stream length, 107 mi (172 km); area of lakes and ponds. 2 percent; mean. elevation, 3,560 ft (1,090 ml; glacier area, 7 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.··May 1961 to September 1972. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 1,900 ft (580 m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.·-11 years, 6,295 ft 3 /s (178.3 m3 /s], 20.65 in/yr (525 mrn/yr), 4,561,000 acre·ft/yr (5.62 km'/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum daily discharge during period of record, 55,000 ft 3 /s (1,560 m3 /s) Aug. 10, 1971~ on basis of discharge record at stations 15291000 and 15292000; minimum daily, about 400 ft 3/s (11 m3/s) Mar. 16-31, 1964. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum ~finimum daily year Date Discharge 196la June 23, 1961 30.400 1962 About June 15,1962 46,800 1963 July 18, 1963 1964 June 8, 1964 1965 July 13, 1965 1966 June 6-10, 1966 1967 Aug. 14, 1967 1968 May 22, 1968 1969 July 15, 1969 1970 Aug. 1' 1970 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 1972 June 17, 1972 a Period May to September. b Maximum daily. b32,000 51,200 b26,000 b27,000 38,800 b25,000 19,300 20,500 c55,000 44' 700 Gage Height 6. 42 8.0 8.35 6. 97 4. 43 4.86 7.63 Date May 1, 1961 Mar. 1·31, 1962 Apr. 1·30, 1963 Mar. 16-31, 1964 Feb. 1-28, 1965 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 1966 Apr. 1-25, 1967 Jan. 11 to Apr. 25, 1968 Feb. 8 to Mar. 3, 1969 Jan. 16 to Feb. 20, 1970 Mar. 16 to Apr. 6, 1971 Mar. 20 to Apr. 21, 1972 c Maximum daily, estimated on basis of discharge record at stations 15291000 and 15292000. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 9688 15710 14820 3281 1800 1400 1300 1000 940 1200 10000 28320 20890 4326 2200 1400 1000 850 760 720 11340 15000 22790 3848 1300 877 644 586 429 465 2806 34630 17040 3134 1911 921 760 680 709 1097 8818 16430 18350 3116 1000 750 700 650 650 875 4387 18500 12220 2322 780 720 680 640 560 513 9452 19620 16880 3084 1490 1332 1232 1200 1200 1223 9268 19500 17480 2406 1063 618 508 485 548 998 74 71 12330 13510 1638 815 543 437 426 463 887 7580 9909 13900 2155 1530 1048 731 503 470 529 1915 21970 18130 4058 2050 1371 1068 922 881 876 9694 20000 16690 3033 1449 998 824 722 692 853 7701 19330 16890 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 26 23 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS AUG 16700 16000 18190 11510 13440 12680 19190 10940 6597 12320 22710 15620 14660 20 Discharge 2,000 940 720 400 680 650 500 1,200 480 420 460 850 SEP 6725 9410 9187 5352 12910 6523 10280 5410 3376 5211 9800 9423 7800 10 PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1961, 1962. 1964. 1966-72. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1961 1962-cont 1964-cont 1967 1968 1970 1971 6-29-61 10.5 1-20-62 0.0 9-9-64 8.5 6-7-67 3.5 6-8-68 8.0 10-5-69 2.5 7-12-71 9-18-61 5. 0 1964 1966 6-11-67 7.5 7-24-68 13.0 3-23-70 0.0 8-17-71 1962 10-5-63 3. 0 8-27-66 9.5 6-20-67 9.5 1969 5-27-70 7. 0 1972 10-17-61 0. 0 12-23-63 0.0 9-29-66 5.5 8-23-67 9.0 5-15-69 4.0 7-17-70 9.5 7-7-72 10-20-61 0.0 3-12-64 o. 0 9-28-67 4.0 7-29-69 8.0 9-18-70 5.5 8-10-72 73 ANNUAL 7995 7372 6615 6629 5190 6843 6131 4186 4548 6824 6907 6295 TEMP 8.5 10.0 12.0 10.5 74 15292000 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOCATION.--Lat 62 ° 46' 04", long 149° 41' 28", in NW!.! sec. 20, T. 31· N. , R. 2 W. , Matanuska-Sus i tna Borough, near left bank under Alaska Railroad bridge, 0.1 mi (0.2 km) downstream from Gold Creek, 0.9 mi (1.4 km) north of Gold Creek railroad stat~on, and 2.0 mi (3.2 km) downstream from Indian River. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 6,160 mi 2 (15,950 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 10.2 ft/mi (1.93 m/km); stream length, 189 mi (304 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 3,420 ft (1,040 m); glacier area, 5 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --August 1949 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 676.50 ft (.206.197 m) above mean sea level. Prior to June 6, 1957, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. June 7, 1957 to June 2, 1964, water-stage recorder at site 0.3 mi (0. 5 km) upstream at same datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--26 years, 9,707 ft 3 /s (274.9 m3 /s), 21.40 in/yr (544 mm/yr), 7,033,000 acre-ft/yr (8.67 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 90,700 ft 3 /s (2,570 m3 /s) June 7, 1964, gage height, 16.58 ft (5.054 m); maximum gage height observed, 24.48 ft (7.462 m) May 10, 1954, ice jam; minimum daily discharge, about 600 ft 3 /s (17.0 m3 /s) Feb. 16-20, 1950. EXTRE~lES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge l949a Au~. l, 1949 b35,000 Sept. 21, 1949 9,160 1950 June 21, 1950 b34,000 Feb. 16-20, 1950 600 1951 May 6, 1951 cl6.20 Mar. l to Apr. 5, 1951 740 June 8, 1951 d37,400 12.15 1952 June 17, 1952 d44,700 12.90 Mar. 1-31, 1952 880 1953 Apr. 30, 1953 cl5.25 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 1953 820 June 7, 1953 d38,400 12.25 1954 May 10, 1954 c24.48 Mar. l-31, 1954 780 Aug. 4, 1954 d42,400 12.85 1955 May 18, 1955 cl8.49 Mar. l-31, 1955 1,100 Aug. 26, 1955 d58,100 14. 20 1956 May 10, 1956 cl7.10 Mar. l-31, 1956 940 June 9, 1956 51,700 13.42 1957 .June 8, 1957 42,200 13.68 Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1957 1,200 1958 Dec. 21, 1957 cl4.9l Mar. 16 to Apr. 2, 1958 1,100 Aug. 3, 19 58 49,600 14.74 1959 Aug. 25, 1959 62,300 15.42 Mar. l-31, 1959 980 1960 (date unknown) cl8.23 Mar. 16 to Apr. 15, 1960 1,100 Sept. 13, 1960 41,900 14.45 1961 June 23, 1961 b54,000 Mar. 1-l 5, 1961 1,500 1962 June 15, 1962 80,600 18.30 Mar. l-31, 1962 1,400 1963 July 18, 1963 b49,000 Apr. 1·30, 1963 830 1964 June 7, 1964 90,700 16.58 Mar. 16-31, 1964 660 1965 June 28, 1965 43,600 12.95 Feb. 1-28, 1965 860 1966 .June 6, 1966 63,600 14.66 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 1966 1,300 1967 May 16, 1967 c20.78 Apr. l-20, 1967 1,100 Aug. 15, 1967 80,200 15.93 1968 May 17, 1968 cl4. 08 Apr. 6-15, 1968 l, 800 May 22, 1968 41,800 12.75 1969 ~lay 25, 1969 28,400 11.17 .Jan. l4 to Feb. 15, 1969 700 1970 June 30, 1970 33,400 ll. 80 Feb. 11 to Mar. 15, 1970 750 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 87,400 16.36 Mar. l to Apr. 5, 1971 950 1972 June 17, 1972 82,600 16.04 Apr. 17-24, 1972 1,600 1973 June 16, 1973 54,100 13.92 Mar. l to Apr. 25, 1973 1,000 1974 May 29, 1974 37,200 ll. 79 Mar. 16 to Apr. 10, 1974 700 1975 June 3, 1975 47,300 13.30 Feb. 21 to Apr. 13, 197 5 l, 400 a Period August to September. b Maximum dailv. c Backwater frOm ice. d Maximum observed. \ 75 15292000 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK--Continued MONTHSY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1949 ~4250 15650 1950 6335 2583 1439 1027 788 726 870 11510 19600 22600 19880 8301 8032 1951 3848 1300 1100 960 820 740 1611 140.90 20790 22570 19670 21240 9106 1952 5571 2744 1900 1600 1000 880 920 5419 32370 26390 20920 14480 9529 1953 8202 3497 1100 1100 820 820 1615 19270 27320 20200 20610 15270 10090 1954 5604 2100 1500 1300 1000 780 1235 17280 25250 20360 26100 12920 9681 1955 5370 2760 2045 1794 1400 1100 1200 9319 29860 27560 25750 14290 10260 1956 4951 1900 1300 980 970 940 950 17660 33340 31090 24530 18330 11450 1957 5806 3050 2142 1700 1500 1200 1200 13750 30160 23310 20540 19800 10380 1958 8212 3954 3264 1"965 1307 1148 1533 12900 25700 22880 22540 7550 9476 1959 4811 2150 1513 1448 1307 980 1250 15990 23320 25000 31180 16920 10560 1960 6558 2850 2200 1845 1452 1197 1300 15780 15530 22980 23590 20510 9690 1961 7794 3000 2694 2452 1754 1810 2650 17360 29450 24570 22100 13370 10810 1962 5916 2700 2100 1900 1500 1400 1700 12590 43270 25850 23550 15890 11570 1963 6723 2800 2000 1600 1500 1000 830 19030 26000 34400 23670 12320 11070 1964 6449 2250 1494 1048 966 713 745 4307 50580 22950 16440 9571 9774 1965-6291 2799 1211 960 860 900 1360 12990 25720 27840 21120 19350 10170 1966 1205 2098 1631 ·1400 1300 1300 1775 9645 32950 19860 21830 11750 9432 1967 4163 1600 1500 1500 1400 1200 1167 15480 29510 26800 32620 16870 11220 1968 4900 2353 2055 1981 1900 1900 1910 16180 31550 26420 11170 8816 9789 1969 3822 1630 882 124 123 816 1510 11050 15500 16100 8879 5093 5597 1970 3124 1215 866 824 768 776 1080 11380 18630 22660 19980 9121 7591 1971 5288 3407 2290 1442 1036 950 1082 3745 32930 23950 31910 14440 10250 1912 5847 3093 2510 2239 2028 1823 1710 21890 34430 22770 19290 12400 10860 1973 4826 2253 1465 1200 1200 1000 1027 8235 27800 18250 20290 9074 8087 1974 3733 1523 1034 874 777 724 992 16180 17870 18800 16220 12250 7630 1975 3739 1700 1603 1516 1471 1400 1593 15350 32310 27720 18090 16310 10280 MEA. 'I 5580 2435 1748 1438 1213 1085 1339 13400 28150 23990 21950 13770 9707 MONTHLY 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 24 21 19 12 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1952-54, 1956-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--June to September 1957, July to November 1974, May to September 1975. REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer on most days June to September 1957; continuous water-temperature recorder remainder of period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 17.0°C July 13, 1957. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1952 1956 1959-cont 1962 1965 1969 1971 4-1-52 o. 0 8-7-56 10.5 7-16-59 5.5 10-13-61 0.0 10-9-64 5.0 4-15-69 0.0 6-10-71 6.0 1953 8-21-56 10.5 9-3-59 5.5 1963 1966 5-16-69 3.0 7-3-71 9.0 5-28-53 5.5 1958 1960 10-11-62 0.5 8-23-66 9.0 6-21-69 12.0 8-12-71 13.0 6-26-53 15. 5 8-28-58 9. 0 10-14-59 0.5 5-30-63 3.5 9-29-66 5.5 1970 1972 1954 1959 9-7-60 s.s 1964 1967 10-5-69 3.0 1-20-72 0.0 2-11-54 0. 5 10-7-58 0.0 1961 10-14-63 3.0 4-8-67 0.0 4-1-70 0.0 7-7-72 13.0 3-30-54 0.0 2-19-59 0. 0 1-18-61 0.0 12-23-63 0.0 6-7-67 4.0 5-27-70 7.5 1973 9-7-54 8.5 4-2-59 o. 0 6-27-61 9.0 2-18-64 o. 0 1968 7-16-70 9.5 2-13-73 0.0 6-25-59 2.5 9-19-61 6. 0 3-13-64 0. 0 1-11-68 0.5 9-18-70 6.0 9-27-73 4.0 5-22-68 3.0 WATER TEMPERA TORE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1957 Max 15.0 17.0 15.0 a Min 9.0 9.0 9.0 a 1974 Max a 13.5 10.5 Min a 5.5 5. 5 197 5 Max 6.5 2.5 a a 9.5 Min 1.0 a a a. 3.5 a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. 76 15292400 CHULITNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA LOCATION.--Lat 62°33'31", long 150°14'02", in SE\ sec.32, T.29. N'9 R.S W .. Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on right bank 0. 5 mi (0. 8 k.ft"J downstream from Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway crossing, 4. 5 mi ( 7. 2 km) downstream from Troublesome Creek, 16 mi (26 km) northwest of Talkeetna, and 18 mi (29 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 2,570 mi 2 (6,660 km 2 }; main-channel slope, 23 ft/mi (4.4 m/km}; stream length, 87 mi (140 km); area of lakes and ponds, 1 percent; mean elevation, 3,760 ft (1,150 m); glacier area, 27 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --February 1958 to September 1972. Annual maximum, water years 1973-75. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of ~age is 520ft (158m), from topographic map. Prior to July 29, 1964, at site 4 mi (6 km) down~tream at different datum. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--14 years, 8,748 ft 3 /s (247.7 m3 /s), 46.22 in/yr (1,174 mm/yr), 6,338,000 acre-ft/yr (7.81 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record! 75,900 ft 3/s (2,150 m3/s) July 20, 1967, gage height, 22.48 ft (6.852 m); minimum daily, about 650 ft 3 /s (18.4 m /s) Apr. 1-15, 1963. EXTRH!ES, DISC!IARGE IN CUBIC FF.ET PF.R SF.CO"lD, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET MomentarY maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Gage height Date Discharge 19S8a Aug. 3' 1958 35,100 14.08 Mar. 16-31, 1958 900 1959 July 12, 1959 38,800 15.11 ~1ar. 16-31, 1959 690 1960 May 26, 1960 38,000 14.90 Mar. 16-31, 1960 880 1961 Aug. S,6,or 7,1961 41,100 15.7 Mar. 1-15, 1961 950 1962 June 16, 1962 39,600 14.90 Mar. 1-31, 1962 930 1963 July 6-20, 1963 b34,000 Apr. 1-15, 1963 650 1964 June 1-10, 1964 b4S,OOO ~far. 1-31' 1964 770 1965 Sept. 7' 1965 42,100 13.44 Mar. 1-31, 1965 1' 300 1966 Aug. 23, 1966 38,600 12.78 Feb. 1 to ~far. 31, 1966 1,100 1967 July 20, 1967 75,900 22.48 Apr. 4-21' 1967 900 1968 June 13, 1968 40,200 13.49 Mar. 16 to Apr. 2' 1968 1,100 1969 June 17, 1969 28' 400 10.10 Mar. 16-31, 1969 800 1970 Aug. 2' 1970 36,400 12.40 Feb. 16 to Apr. s, 1970 1,100 1971 Aug. 11, 1971 so' 800 16.21 Mar. 16-25' 1971 900 1972 July 10, 1972 34,700 11.91 Apr. 7-25' 1972 850 1973 (date unknown) 36' 700 12.49 1974 Aug. 31, 1974 32,200 11.19 197 s July 12, 1975 36' 7 00 12.49 a Period February to September. b Maximum daily, estimated~ MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1958 1044 948 1220 10400 23170 25010 20760 8000 1959 4197 1883 1262 1097 1049 738 890 7413 23660 25650 22100 9957 1960 4723 2283 1700 1448 1103 933 1000 13890 17390 23650 19320 12420 1961 5135 1950 1745 1452 1100 1079 1600 10100 20490 27420 24580 16030 1962 5777 2400 1500 1300 1000 930 1170 7743 20620 27220 21980 13490 1963 3506 1500 1552 1600 1300 846 700 11060 17750 28950 18390 11330 1964 8062 2300 1000 1007 820 770 1133 2355 40330 24430 20250 9235 1965 5642 2900 2100 1600 1400 1300 1400 7452 20070 23230 22550 22260 1966 6071 1620 1350 1200 1100 1100 1300 3971 21740 23750 27720 12200 1967 4682 1680 1500 1458 1257 1045 972 12400 25520 35570 33670 12510 1968 3483 1660 1397 1235 1200 1148 1347 10940 29000 30140 20710 7375 1969 2898 1480 1139 974 900 824 1333 6001 18560 20820 11300 6704 1970 4578 1887 1316 1200 1154 1100 1437 9643 19670 26100 24660 11330 1971 3826 2210 1403 1113 950 934 982 4468 22180 27280 23810 11080 1972 5439 2157 1432 1174 1041 939 893 9765 17900 25770 20970 12120 MEAN 4859 1994 1457 1276 1095 976 1158 8511 22540 26330 22190 11740 MONTHLY s 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 22 25 21 11 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1958-60, 1966-73. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1958 1959-cont 1966 1968 197Q 1971 1972 8-30-58 6.5 3-31-59 0.0 S-31-66 7.5 3-26-68 o. 0 3-31-70 0.0 1-7-71 0.0 1-18-72 1959 6-3-59 3.5 7-15-66 8.5 9-10-68 4.0 S-27-70 7.0 4-1-71 0.0 4-17-72 10-8-58 0.0 6-24-59 2.5 1967 1969 6-12-70 6.5 S-17-71 0.0 5-26-72 11-11-58 0.0 1960 4-9-67 0.0 10-2-68 2.0 7-15-70 8.5 7-3-71 6.0 8-9-72 2-17-59 0.0 11-16-59 0.0 7-22-67 7.5 4-4-69 0.0 8-12-70 8.0 8-11-71 7.0 1973 9-7-60 s. 0 7-24-67 7.5 6-19-69 10.0 9-16-70 s.s 9-17-71 4.5 1-12-73 7-25-69 6.0 ANNUAL 8376 8363 9451 8818 8268 9312 9365 8648 11110 9172 6110 8736 8406 8340 8743 TEMP o_o 0.0 3.0 9.5 0.0 15292700 TALKEETNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA LOCATION.--Lat 62°20'49", long 150°~1'01", in NE!t sec.16, T.26 N., R.4 W., Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on left bank 1. 7 mi (2. 7 km) downstream from Chunilna Creek, 3. 5 mi (5. 6 km) northeast of Talkeetna. and about 5 mi (8 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 2,006 mi 2 (5,196 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 35 ft/mi (6.6 m/km); stream length, 90.3 mi (145.3 km); area of lakes and ponds, 0 percent; mean elevation, 3,630 ft (1,106 m); glacier area, 7 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1964 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 400ft (120m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--11 years, 4,086 ft 3 /s (115.7 m3 /s), 27.66 in/yr (703 mm/_yr), 2,960,000 acre-ft/yr (3.65 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record! 67,400 ft 3 /s (1,910 m3 /s) Aug. 10, 1971, gage height, 16.35 ft (4.983 m); minimum daily, about 380 ft 3 /s (10.8 m /s) Feb. 21 to Apr. 10, 1969. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Minimum daily Water year Date Discharge Ga~e height Date Discharge 1964a About June 1,1964 33,200 12.30 Sept. 22, 1964 b3,060 1965 Sept. 27, 1965 25,900 11.08 Mar. 1-31, 1965 540 1966 June 7, 1966 28,600 11. 53 Mar. 9-29, 1966 390 1967 July 20, 1967 59.400 15.7 5 Apr. 3-25. 1967 420 1968 June 13, 1968 25,000 10.89 Mar. 6 to Apr. 3, 1968 740 1969 May 25, 1969 16,800 9.30 Feb. 21 to Apr. 10, 1969 380 1970 June 28, 1970 23,400 10.62 Feb. 21 to Apr. 10, 1970 440 1971 Aug. 10, 1971 67,400 16.35 Feb. 25 to ~far. 28. 1971 400 1972 June 17, 1972 36,500 11.92 Apr. 1-7, 1972 400 1973 June 16, 1973 30, 2 00 10.87 Apr. 1,-10, 1973 500 1974 Aug. 28, 1974 24,500 10.11 Mar. 21 to Apr. 14, 1974 450 1975 July 12, 1975 22,200 9. 74 Mar. 6 to Aor. 20, 1975 500 a Period June to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 4.97 ft. MONTHLY A.'ID ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB liAR APR IIAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1964 17080 9820 8396 3815 1965 3115 1568 1100 720 620 540 580 34 74 11090 12180 11150 10610 1966 4438 1460 876 711 526 395 422 2410 12970 10100 10730 5370 1967 2388 897 750 637 546 471 427 4112 9286 12600 14160 6971 1968 2029 1253 987 851 777 743 983 8840 14100 11230 7546 4120 1969 1637 827 556 459 401 380 519 3869 5207 7080 3787 2070 1970 1450 765 587 504 458 440 545 3950 7979 10320 8752 5993 1971 2817 1647 1103 679 459 402 503 2145 19040 11760 ·16770 5990 1972 2632 1310 845 727 628 481 519 3516 12700 12030 9576 8709 1973 3630 1373 889 748 654 574 577 3860 12210 7676 9927 3861 1974 1807 960 745 645 559 482 535 5678 8030 7755 7704 4763 1975 1967 1002 774 694 586 508 522 4084 13180 12070 8487 7960 MEAN 2537 1187 838 671 565 492 557 4176 11910 10390 9749 5853 MONTHLY 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 24 21 20 12 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD. --Water years 1954, 1966-75. PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--May to September 1954. REMARKS. --Once-daily readings by observer for period of daily record. EXTREMES.--Maximum observed during period of daily record, 14. 0°C June 27, 1954. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE 1966 1967-cont 1969 1970-cont 1971-cont 1973 1974-cont 5-14-66 5.0 7-21-67 9. 5 10-1-68 2.0 7-16-70 9.5 8-12-71 7.5 1-11·73 0. 0 8-14-74 6-9-66 6.5 8-23-67 9.0 5-1-69 2.0 8-10-70 8.5 8-14-71 7.0 3-28-73 0.0 9-18-74 7-13-66 9. 5 9-20-67 9.5 6-20-69 12.0 9-9-70 6.0 8-17-71 7.0 7-3-73 9.0 1975 8-25-66 9. 5 1968 7-25-69 10.0 9-17-70 6.5 9-16-71 3.5 8-16-73 8.0 3-12-75 1967 1-10-68 0. 5 8-28-69 8.0 1971 1972 9-28-73 4. 0 5-19-75 10-1-66 5.5 5-21-68 5.0 1970 3-31-71 0. 5 5-25-72 3.5 1974 6-19-75 1-14-67 0. 0 6-18-68 7.0 4-1-70 0.0 7-2-71 7.5 7-5-72 12.0 1-11-74 0. 0 7-16-75 5-24-67 3.5 7-22-68 12.0 5-26-70 7.0 8-10-71 8.5 8-11-72 12.5 5-16-74 4.5 8-19-75 9-9-68 9. 0 8-11-71 9.5 9-28-72 1.0 7-2-74 11.5 WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1954 Max 10.0 14.0 13.5 13.0 10.0 Min 3.0 9.0 8.5 9.0 4.5 77 ANNUAL 4 749 4221 4470 4468 2249 3500 5299 4479 3851 3325 4336 4086 TEMP 13.0 7.5 0.0 3.5 6.0 10.0 6.5 78 15294000 CRAIGIE CREEK NEAR WASILLA LOCATION.--Lat 61°47'45", long 149°21'10", ~fatanuska-Susitna Borough, 4 rni (6 km) upstream from mouth, and 15 mi (24 km) north of Wasilla. BASIN CHARACTERISTIG'!':.--Drainage area, 2.8 mi 1 (7.3 km 1 ), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--June to September 1913. GAGE.--Nonrecording gage and Cippoletti weir. Altitude of gage is 3,100 ft (940 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES --Maximum discharge observed during period of record, 70 ft 3 /s (1.98 m3 /s) June 15, 1913, gage height, 1.66 ft (0.506 m); minimum observed, 3.6 ft 3/s (0.10 m3/s) Sept. 14, 21, 1913, gage height, 0.22 ft (0.067 m). YEAR 1913 MONTHLY AND A.'INUAL 1-!EAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~lAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 38.4 20.1 13.7 8.32 15294300 SKWENTNA RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA LOCATION.--Lat 61°52'2311 long 151°22'0111 in NWlt sec.31, T.21 N., R.ll Wq Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on right bank 2 mi (3 km) downstrea~ from Shell Creek, 8 mi (13 km) southwest of Skwentna, and 13 mi (21 km) upstream from mouth. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 2,250 mi 1 (5,830 km 1 ); main-channel slope, 30.6 ft/mi (5.80 m/km); stream length, 98 mi (158 km); area of lakes and ponds, 5 percent; mean elevation, 2,810 ft (856 m); glacier area, 16 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1959 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 200 ft (61 m), from topographic map. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--16 years, 6,177 ft 3 /s (174.9 m3 /s), 37.28 in/yr (947 mm/yr), 4,475,000 acre-ft/yr (5.52 km 3 /yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 50,000 ft 3/s (1,420 m3 /s) June 25, 1971, gage height, 14.74 ft (4.493 m) from rating curve extended above 27,000 ft 3 /s (760 m3 /s); minimum daily, about 600 ft 3 /s (17.0 m3 /s) Mar. 1-31, 1964, Dec. 16, 1968 to Mar. 15, 1969,-Mar. 9 to Apr. 26, 1971, and Mar. 5 to Apr. 5, 1973. EXTRE~IES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Water Momentary maximum Minimum daily year Date Discharge Ga~e height Date Discharge 1960 Au.~. 1' 1960 33,200 11.45 Apr. 1-15, 1960 780 1961 Sept. 11, 1961 36,800 11.90 Mar. 1-15' 1961 1,000 1962 April or May 1962 a14. 65 Mar. 1-31, 1962 760 June 16, 1962 b28,000 1963 (date unknown) al3.86 Apr. 1-30' 1963 650 July 18, 1963 b30, 000 1964 June 8, 1964 38,300 12.91 Mar. 1-31, 1964 600 1965 Seot. 23, 1965 32' 600 11.35 Apr. 1-15, 1965 720 1966 Aug. 8, 1966 42,400 12.55 .Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 1966 1,100 1967 Aug. 16, 1967 31,000 11.17 Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 1967 650 1968 June 13, 1968 30,400 11.45 Mar. 1 to Apr. 14, 1968 950 1969 June 17, 1969 31,600 11.74 Dec. 16, 1968 to Mar. 15, 1969 600 1970 June 8, 1970 30,100 12.17 Mar. 1 to Apr. 20, 1970 650 1971 June 25, 1971 50,000 14.74 Mar. 9 to Apr. 26, 1971 600 1972 June 17, 1972 29,400 11.27 Apr. 15-26' 1972 700 1973 June 19, 1973 27,800 11.37 Mar. 5 to Apr. 5' 1973 600 1974 Sept. 1, 1974 20' 800 9. 75 Mar. 29 to Apr. 15, 1974 750 1975 June 30, 1975 33,200 12.49 Feb. 1 to Apr. 20, 1975 750 a Backwater from ice. b Maximum daily. ANNUAL 15294300 SKWENTNA 79 RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA--Continued MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1960 3532 1850 1400 1097 961 843 835 10480 13440 16690 15990 9171 6387 1961 3889 1600 1597 1403 1154 1155 1700 11210 20570 16480 13910 12020 7255 1962 4605 2200 1400 1200 860 760 1000 6613 15630 14930 12080 6723 5699 1963 2801 1250 1100 1000 810 700 650 7765 14050 20430 12020 7180 5854 1964 5355 1550 840 970 750 600 840 1635 27250 16480 12680 6224 6266 1965 4425 1790 1300 920 800 740 770 4810 17160 19370 14010 13090 6628 1966 4122 1575 1150 1100 1100 1100 1300 4502 19550 14180 17320 9812 6427 1967 5576 1400 900 720 650 650 780 1794 14430 14740 15760 9517 5607 1968 3832 1560 1181 1023 1000 950 1293 13460 20770 17480 10560 3855 6438 1969 1929 678 624 600 600 626 1487 11070 19580 13650 7471 3783 5199 1970 5654 1607 832 766 700 650 728 11710 22880 21120 13030 6665 7241 197i 2919 2023 1184 865 721 613 607 5963 25400 20600 15920 6024 6937 1972 3020 1327 1103 989 898 811 742 l>D45 15330 16840 13370 9256 5998 1973 4551 2340 1316 910 702 606 727 6349 15200 13850 9874 6164 5243 1974 3540 1700 1265 1023 902 811 1005 6765 10650 11670 10480 11800 5156 1975 4557 2328 919 BOO 750 750 767 7852 19060 19520 11710 8471 6491 MEAN 4019 1674 1132 962 835 773 952 7501 18190 16750 12890 8109 6177 MONTHLY 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 25 23 18 11 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1959-66, 1968-75. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, •c DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1959 1961-cont 1962-cont 1965-cont 1969 1971-cont 1974 8-14-59 7.5 8-17-61 8.0 1-18-62 0.0 7-17-65 9.5 4-1-69 0. 0 6-18-71 5.0 10-30-73 1.0 9-4-59 1.5 9-26-61 5.5 1963 7-24-65 11.0 6-12-69 8.0 8-25-71 8.0 7-3-74 9.5 1960 1962 1-2-63 0.0 1966 7-31-69 11.5 1972 9-19-74 5.5 11-18-59 0.0 10-25-61 0. 0 1964 8-26-66 8.5 1970 1-19-72 0.0 1975 4-21-60 0.0 11-14-61 o. 0 11-27-63 o.o 1968 8-25-70 9.5 9-19-72 3.5 3-16-75 0.0 9-30-60 4.5 11-17-61 0. 0 3-16-64 o.o 10-11-67 1.5 1971 1973 5-26-75 4.0 1961 11-20-61 0.0 1965 3-26-68 1-5-61 0.0 0.0 10-14-70 2.0 2-14-73 0.0 7-7-75 12.0 10-15-64 3.0 3-31-71 0.0 8-6-7 5 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION LOCATION.--Lat 61°32'41", long 150°30'45"~ in SE!:i SE!t sec.22, T.17 N., R.7 W., Matanuska-S~sitna Borough, On left bank at Susitna Station, 1.5 mi (2.4 km) downstream from Yentna River, and 12.5 mi (20.1 km) upstream from Alex- ander Creek. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 19,400 mi 2 (50,200 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 11 ft/mi (2.1 m/km); stream length, 289 mi (465 km); area of lakes and ponds, 2 percent; mean elevation, 3,200 ft (975 m}; glacier area, 18 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1974 to September 1975. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 40 ft (12 m), from topographic map. EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 173,000 ft 3/s (4,900 m3/s) July 1, 1975, gage height, 17.44 ft (5.316 m); minimum daily, about 6,50.0 ft 3 /s (184 m3 /s) Apr. 5-21, 1975. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER. SECOND 7.5 YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 1975 19520 10400 9419 8597 78 04 7048 6867 47540 WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD.--May to September 1975. REMARKS. --Continuous water-temperature recorder. EXTREMES.--Maximum during period of daily record, 14.0°C June 28, 29, 1975. WATER TEMPERATURE, •c WATER YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR 197 5 Max Min a Data insufficient to compute monthly maximum or minimum. 128800 135700 MAY JUN a 14.0 a 6. 5 91360 JUL 13.0 10.0 77740 AUG 12.0 10.0 46100 SEP 9.0 6. 5 80 15294500 CHAKACHATNA RIVER NEAR TYONEK LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'44", long 152°21'2611 , in SE~ sec.17, T.13 N., R.l7 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank just downstrejolll from outlet of Lake Chakachamna, opposite Barrier Glacier, 19 mi (31 km) upstream from Straight Creek, and 38 mi (61 km) northwest of Tyonek. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.--Drainage area, 1,120 mi 2 (2,900 km 2 ); main-channel slope, 48.8 ft/mi (9.24 m/km); stream length, 54.5 mi (87.7 km); area of lakes and ponds, 4 percent; mean elevation, 3,900 ft (1,190 m); glacier area, 30 percent. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1959 to September 1972. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1,125.1 ft (342.93 m) above mean sea level (river-profile survey). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--13 years, 3,645 ft 3 /s (103.2 m3/s), 44.20 in/yr (1,123 mm/yr), 2,641,000 acre-ft/yr (3.26 km 3/yr). EXTREMES.--Maximum discharge during period of record, 470,000 ft 3 /s (13,300 m3/s) Aug. 11, 1971, gage height unknown, determined by field estimate at site 5 mi (8 km) below gaging station. Discharge was result of sudden release of Stored water in Chakachamna Lake when portion of terminus of Barrier Glacier was eroded away; minimum daily, about 240 ft 3/s (6.80 m3/s) Apr. 16-30, 1960. EXTREMES, DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET Momentary maximum Water year Date Discharge 1959a Aug. 28, 1959 17.400 1960 July 27. 1960 13.400 1961 July 31 or Aug.l, 1961 17,600 1962 Aug. 1-5, 1962 cl4,000 1963 July 16, 1963 18,000 1964 Aug. 26, 1964 el4,000 1965 Aug. 1-15, 1965 c15, 500 1966 Aug. 1-15, 1966 cl2,000 1967 Aug. 18, 1967 23,400 1968 Aug. 11, 12, 1968 15.000 1969 July 3-6. 1969 15. 400 1970 July 30, 1970 11,200 1971 Aug. 11, 1971 f470,000 1972 July 14, 1972 16,600 a Period June to September. b Momentary minimum, gage height, 7.21 ft. c Maximum daily, estimate. d Momentary minimum, gage height, 8.90 ft. e Maximum dailv. Minimum GaP,"e height Date 22.53 Sept. 26-30, 1959 21. 22 Apr. 16·30. 1960 24.8 Apr. 24, 1961 Apr. 1 to May 15, 1962 26.33 Apr. 20, 24, 1963 May 1·10, 1964 Apr. 1-30, 1965 Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1966 29.30 Apr. 1-15, 1967 26.62 Mar. 16 to Apr. 15. 1968 27.02 Mar. 1 to Apr. 10, 1969 26.24 Feb. 11 to Apr. 10, 1970 Feb. 11 to Mar. 22, 1971 14.88 Mar. 11 to Apr. 5. 1972 f Result of sudden release of stored water in Chakachamna Lake. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND daily Discharge 3,200 240 b342 470 d315 310 350 350 360 480 500 550 460 440 YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL 7685 10990 10960 5758 1959 1960 2022 992 658 504 381 325 250 1483 6368 10500 10300 4364 3196 1961 1800 1116 882 817 780 544 394 876 5673 12090 12330 6989 3717 1962 2638 1200 730 690 630 540 470 620 5222 13000 11060 6904 3669 1963 1827 1144 744 553 387 361 332 748 3441 12640 12240 7373 3513 1964 2768 1384 1007 618 436 424 370 471 6278 10590 12030 5654 3520 1965 2026 1090 852 620 449 360 350 525 2114 10020 13180 10260 3512 1966 4072 1180 650 480 400 350 350 615 5995 10040 10310 7145 3489 1967 3790 1100 820 600 500 430 380 935 6616 14380 16610 7333 4497 1968 2939 1565 947 626 535 490 511 1695 6190 12580 12170 4369 3741 1969 1552 939 123 639 550 500 533 1003 6548 13100 8416 3347 3179 1970 3098 1822 1006 705 568 550 625 1285 4893 9960 8884 3587 3106 1971 2201 1247 829 532 467 467 692 2381 10930 14470 16710 4513 4658 1972 1351 902 726 585 484 446 481 906 4294 12860 12750 6995 3586 MEAN 2468 1206 813 613 505 445 441 1042 5875 11950 12000 6042 3645 MONTHLY 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 28 28 14 PERCENT WATER TEMPERATURE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Water years 1959, 1960, 1962·73. PERIODIC WATER TEMPERATURE, oc DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP DATE TEMP 1959 1962 1964 1967 1969-cont 1970·cont 1972 6-16-59 0. 0 8-28-62 8.0 2-13-64 0.0 8-31-67 11.5 6-12-69 2.0 7-23-70 7.0 6-20-72 4.0 7-9-59 4.0 1963 1965 1968 7-31-69 6.0 8-25-70 7.0 7-17-72 5.0 1960 8-21-63 6.5 10-10-64 5. 5 8-14-68 4. 0 9-8-69 7.0 1971 8-11-72 6. 0 10-23-59 0. 5 9-30-63 6.5 1966 1969 1970 3-30-71 1.0 1973 6-8-66 2.5 4-1-69 3.0 4-10-70 2.5 7-6-71 3.5 10-3-72 5.0 8-26-66 7.5 7-29-71 5. 0 SECTION 2 MISCELLANEOUS DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS and CREST-STAGE PARTIAL-RECORD STATION DATA 82 Stream English Bay River Seldovia River Fish Creek 1967 3-28-67 7-26-67 1968 10-20-67 2. 7 1.5 5.8 Seldovia Lagoon Tributary 1967 3-28-67 0. 72 7-26-67 0. 38 Kachemak Bay Tributary 15239500 Fritz Creek 1962 5-2-62 20 ,5-18-62 1963 34 7-13-63 12 8-23-63 tl07 1964 10-2-63 9.6 6-5-64 32 6-19-64 18 t99 1965 7-22-65 9.4 9-19-65 t37 1966 10-2-65 t60 Palmer Creek a. Estimated Location Lat 59°20'30", long 151°54 14511 , about 0.5 mi upstream from mouth at English Bay, and 1 mi southeast of Alexandrovsk. Lat 59°20'45", long 151°35'3511 , at oUtlet of Seldovia Lake, 7.5 mi southeast of Seldovia. Lat 59°23'20", long 151°40'40", in Nmt sec.ZO, T.9 S., R.14 W., 0.2 mi up- stream from mouth, and 3. 7 mi southeast of Seldovia. Lat 59°26'10", long 151°42'05", in S!s: sec.32, T.S S., R.14 W., above dam 0.1 mi upstream from mouth, and 0.5 mi southeast of Beldovia. 1968-cont. 1972 1973 3-12-68 8. 7 5-11-72 25 10-8-72 8-20-68 2.0 6-21-72 17 11-30-72 1970 8-15-72 2.2 3-8-73 7-28-70 4.0 Lat 59°26'30", long 151°41'0511 , in~ sec.33, T.B S., R.l4 W., upstream from reservoir, 0.9 mi upstream from mouth, and 1.2 mi east of Seldovia. 1968 1970 10-20-67 1.3 7-28-70 0.61 3-12-68 2. 2 8-20-68 0.17 1972 5-12-72 6-21-72 Lat 59°27'33", long 151°41'46", in NE!:i sec.29, T.S S., R.l4 W., 0.4 mi upstream from mouth, and 1.5 mi north of Seldovia. Lat 59°27'45", long 151°40'29", in SW!:t sec.21, r.s s., R.l4 w., 0.6 mi upstream from mouth, and 2 mi north of Seldovia. Lat 59°42'30", long 151°20'35", Sl¢4 sec.28, T.5 S., R.l2 W., Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank 200 ft above culvert on east road, and 9 mi northeast of Homer. Drainage area (mi') 3.83 4. 2 5.1 0. 98 8.3 4.2 0.93 0. 73 1.35 10.4 1966-cont 1968-cont 1970 •cont 6-1-66 26 8-1-68 2.5 7-12-66 ,24 8-20-68 4.6 8-16-66 7.0 1969 9-19-66 46 10-22-68 3.3 1967 1-13-69 0.85 3-27-67 3.3 3-19-69 9.4 5-23-67 12 5-7-69 28 tl8 t55 6-13-67 14 6-23-69 7.2 7-26-67 4.0 7-31-69 4.8 9-3-67 7.6 9-8-69 2. 7 1968 1970 tl9 10-6-69 tl81 10-21-67 8.4 10-12-69 47 3-14-68 2.2 3-4-70 6.8 3-19-70 28 Lat 59°39'54", long 151°28'00", in SE~ sec.lO, T.6 S., R.13 W., 3. 3 mi northeast of Homer 6-25-70 6. 8 7-29-70 4.9 8-8-70 6.2 9-29-70 4. 7 1971 11-1-70 t349 11-12-70 19 3-22-71 3.2 7-16-71 13 8-28-71 7.8 1972 4-1-72 1.8 5-10-72 61 tl35 5-26-72 25 i-7-72 6.2" t Maximum for }"ear detennined from nign-water marK and rating analysis. .Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 1968 3-12-68 1954 99 10-7-53 3-6-54 166 a0.5 1967 7-25-67 1968 10-20-67 36 72 (Listed below) 1973-cont. 4-20-73 9.4 6-21-73 22 (Listed below) 1973 10-8-72 0.89 11-30-72 0.65 1972 5-11-72 3. 7 6-22-72 1. 7 8-15-72 0.17 1973 10-8-72 0.29 11-30-72 0. 32 1972 5-11-72 6-22-72 8-15-72 1973 10-8-72 11-30-72 3-8-73 4-20-73 6-21-73 8.0 7.1 1.0 2.0 0. 93 0. 34 o. 89 9.4 (Listed below) 1972-cont 8-15-72 10 1973 10-7-72 23 5-10-73 29 5-15-73 t309 6-20-73 12 1974 10-10-73 22 t61 6-21-74 6.8 1975 10-9-74 12 5-14-75 76 tl50 6-11-75 31 9-11-75 32 1970 3-20-70 2.3 83 Drainage Measurements Stream Location area Date Discharge (mi') (Wtr yr) (ft3/s) 15239800 Diamond Creek Lat 59°40'10", lo.ng 151°40'00", in sE~ sec.9, T.6 s., R.l4 w .. , Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right upstream wingwall of culvert on Sterling 5.35 (Listed below) Highway, 1.3 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet, and 4.6 mi north- west of Homer. 1962 1966 1968-cont 1970-cont 1972-cont 5-4-62 21 t80 t37 6-25-70 2.4 5-25-72 21 5-18-62 16 6-1-66 15 6-19-68 3.1 7-29-70 2.2 7-7-72 5.1 1963 7-13-66 8.6 8-1-68 1.3 8-8-70 1.7 8-15-72 5.4 3-8-63 36 8-17-66 4.0 1969 9-29-70 3.0 1973 7-13-63 3.8 9-20-66 24 10-22-68 1.8 1971 10-8-72 5. 9 8-23-63 t36 1967 5-8-69 26 11-1-70 t84 5-11-73 28 1964 t76 t36 11-12-70 14 5-15-73 t147 10-2-63 8.0 5-23-67 7.6 6-24-69 2. 9 3-23-71 1.2 6-20-73 5.0 6-5-64 18 6-13-67 12 7-31-69 1.5 5-4-71 2.9 1974 6-19-64 6.4 7-27-67 2.1 9-8-69 1.1 6-25-71 6.5 10-11-73 13 t40 9-3-67. 5. 5 1970 7-16-71 7.4 t46 1965 1968 t52 8-28-71 2.6 6-21-74 2. 9 4-24-65 13 10-21-67 4.0 10-12-69 19 1972 1975 7-21-65 4.0 3-14-68 2.0 3-4-70 5.4 4-1-72 0.56 5-14-75 47 9-19-65 t58 5-16-68 17 3-20-70 13 5-9-72 t86 t83 9-27-65 20 5-10-72 63 9-10-75 14 Beaver Creek Lat 59°44'44", long 151°27'20", in NW% sec.14, T.S S., R.l3 W., 2 mi 1970 upstream from mouth, and 7. 8 mi northeast of Homer. 7-29-70 8.9 Bridge Creek La.t 59°40'46", long 151°32'45", in SE~ sec.6, T.6 S., R.13 W., :i.2 mi upstream from mouth and 2. 5 mi north of Homer. (Listed below) 1970 1971 1972-cont 1973 3-20-70 2.4 8-28-71 1.8 6-24-72 5.6 10-7-72 4.2 7-29-70 1.5 1972 7-6-72 3.0 12-1-72 0.86 9-29-70 2.5 5-26-72 16 Anchor River Lat 59°46'22", long 151°49'48", in SE% sec.4, T.S S., R.lS W., at 1951 Anchor Point just upstream from North Fork Anchor River 7-28-51 76 8-23-51 94 North Fork Anchor River Lat 59°46'24", long 151°49'52", in SE" sec.4, T.5 S., R.l5 W., 1951 at mouth at .Anchor Point. 8-23-51 26 1952 3-5-52 19 Stariski Creek Lat 59°51'09", long 151°47'17", on line between sees. 1 and 12, 1951 T.4 S., R.l5 W., at bridge on Sterling Highway, 6 mi north of Anchor 7-27-51 17 Point. 1952 3-5-52 14 15240500 Cook lnlet Lat 59°58'45", long 151°43'20", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left up- Tributary stream culvert wingwall on Sterling Highway, 0. 2 rni upstream from mouth 1.69 (Listed below) at Cook Inlet, and 5.4 mi southwest of Ninilchik. 1966 1968 1969-cont 1971-cont 1973-cont t73 10-21-67 3.2 7-30-69 1.1 11-11-70 4. 9 5-10-73 4.2 6-2-66 14 4-3-68 0.82 9-8-69 0. 76 8-2 7-71 2. 7 1974 7-14-66 4.8 5-16-68 8.8 1970 1972 10-10-73 8.0 9-20-66 12 t49 3-4-70 1.7 5-25-72 14 4-26-74 56 1967 8-1-68 0.82 t51 7-6-72 2.0 4-26-74 t67 3-29-67 0.86 1969 6-25-70 2.1 8-29-72 2.1 4-27-74 34 6-14-67 3. 9 10-22-68 1.4 8-8-70 2.5 9-9-72 t47 1975 7-28-67 1.2 5-8-69 3.5 9-28-70 2.4 1973 10-10-74 7.5 t25 6-24-69 1.4 1971 10-6-72 6. 9 5-12-75 t30 9-3-67 3.2 t40 11-1-70 t65 t49 5-14-75 25 Deep Creek Lat 60°01'50", long 151°40'50", on line between sec.3 and 4, T.2 S., (Listed below) R.l4 W., at bridge on Sterling Highway, 1 mi upstream from mouth, and 1. 5 mi southwest of Ninilchik. 1959 1961 1965-cont 1966-cont 1951 7-27"51 128 7-22-59 316 4-28-61 1480 8-27-65 153 7-13-66 249 8-23-51 132 8-20-59 116 6-19-61 186 9-25-65 318 8-17-66 151 1952 9-20-59 157 8-3-61 150 1966 9-20-66 631 3-6-52 150 1960 1965 11-3-65 117 1967 1954 5-10-60 1130 4-25-65 277 2-8-66 57 3-30-67 131 3-7-54 112 7-8-60 158 6-10-65 498 4-7-66 140 1968 8-25-60 138 7-22-65 276 6-2-66 975 10-21-67 191 3-14-68 43 tMa.ximum for year detennined from high -water mark and rating analysis. 84 Stream Crooked Creek 1951 7-30-51 8-22-51 Coal Creek Snow River 37 45 15243950 Porcup:ine Creek 1963 5-30-63 t298 1964 6-3-64 286 t560 1965 7-24-65 119 t760 9-29-65 96 1966 7-16-66 110 8-21-66 tl200 Carter Creek 15250000 Falls Creek 1948 8-10-48 1963 6-1-63 7-12-63 9-30-63 60 64 tHO 38 15251800 Quartz Creek 1963 6-1-63 69 7-11-63 86 tll2 9-30-63 19 1964 6-2-64 60 tll2 15253000 Crescent Creek 15254000 Crescent Creek 1967 11-10-66 80 9-4-67 96 1968 8-2-68 97 Drainage Location area (mi') Lat 60°17'50", long 151°16'20", in NE!.i sec.!, T.Z N., R.12 W., at culvert on the Old Sterling Highway, 1.8 mi upstream from mouth and 6.5 mi southeast 53.8 of Kasilof. 1952 3-7-52 1973 8-3-73 29 so 1974 1-25-74 2-21-74 20 18 1974-cont 3-22-74 8-3-74 Lat 60°20'?9", long 151°15'38", in M¢4 sec.18, T.3 N., R.ll W., at culvert on Kasilof road, 0.8 mi upstream from mouth and 2. 7 mi southeast of Kasilof. La.t 60°20'00", long 149°21 '00", at bridge on Seward-Anchorage Highway, 0.3 mi upstream from JOOUth and 5 mi south of Lawing. 1959 7-21-59 8-19-59 9-20-59 221 1510 455 1960 5-10-60 7-8-60 8-24-60 347 1080 1040 La.t 60°20' 30", 149°22'15", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right bank at 18-mi campgrotmd road, 0.2 mi upstream from mouth at Kenai Lake, and 0.8 mi west of Primrose. 1966-cont 1969-cont 1972 9-23-66 103 5-22-69 247 5-23-72 1967 t660 7-10-72 6-15-67 226 7-29-69 64 8-30-72 8-3-67 86 9-10-69 23 9-3-72 9-9-67 162 1970 9-27-72 t1100 10-13-69 t1400 1973 1968 6-22-70 299 10-16-72 10-18-67 54 8-10-70 117 5-7-73 t350 1971 6-18-73 1969 10-31-70 t640 7-24-n 10-24-68 22 7-2 -71 179 Lat 60°29'40", long 149°27 1 20", at Carter Lake Outlet, 3 mi west of M:>ose Pass. Lat 60°25'50", long 149°22 1 1011 , at mi 25 on Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 2 mi north of Lawing. 1964 1966-cont 1967-cont 6-3-64 115 7-15-66 86 9-8-67 tl30 8-20-66 66 1965 9-15-66 t693 1968 t120 9-23-66 68 10-19-67 7-23-65 86 1967 1966 6-15-67 125 6-21-68 6-9-66 108 8-3-68 La.t 60°35'45", long 149°32'35", on right bank at mi 42 on Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 0. 4 mi south of Gilpatricks. 1965 1967 1969 6-8-65 47 6-16-67 73 10-25-68 t110 9-4-67 34 S-12-69 7-24-65 54 t350 5-27-69 25 33 32.0 16.8 44 190 62 t970 27 t680 7.6 312 98 2.28 11.8 180 t450 14 t210 99 52 9.41 9. 5 6.1 91 1966 1968 t175 6-4-66 65 t88 8-1-69 7-19-66 73 6-21-68 72 t165 Lat 60°30'05", long 159°41'20", 0.2 mi upstream from Crescent Creek and 5 mi east of Cooper Landing. Lat 60°28'45", long 149°34'25", at Crescent Lake Outlet, 7 mi west of M:>ose Pass. Lat 60°29'49", long 149°40 1 38", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on left bank at 28 21.4 bridge on old Seward-Kenai Highway, 0.3 mi upstream from mouth, and 5.3 mi 31.7 east of Cooper Land:ing. 1969 1970-cont 1972-cont 10-23-68 32 5-7-70 14 5-4-72 55 5-13-69 33 6-26-70 217 8-30-72 72 9-10-69 51 1971 1973 1970 11-11-70 114 10-5-72 67 10-9-69 467 1972 5-8-73 23 10-13-69 841 11-12-71 40 6-19-73 160 tMaximum for year determined from high -water mark and rat:ing analysis. Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) (Listed below) 1975 2-1-75 3-13-75 1973 8-3-73 40 22 4.8 (Listed below) (Listed below) 1974 10-8-73 29 6-19-74 102 9-3-74 40 9-18-74 228 9-20-74 t859 1975 7-7-75 245 9-8-75 t530 1955 8-13-55 14 (Listed below) 1969 7-29-69 9-10-69 1970 10-6-69 10-8-69 6-22-70 t300 57 50 t491 192 72 (Listed below) 1969-cont 9-11-69 20 1970 10-6-69 t633 10-8-69 163 6-22-70 92 1957 12-20-56 58 1955 7-25-55 151 8-12-55 88 (Listed below) 1973-cont 7-26-73 97 1974 10-8-73 52 6-19-74 123 1975 9-12-75 104 l ! Stream Quartz Creek 1947 8-24-47 1948 ll-3-47 4-20-48 6-22-48 8-14-48 Juneau Creek 342 203 ll8 730 533 15260000 Cooper Creek Cooper Creek Jean Creek Hidden Creek Kenai River Killey River Kenai River M:lose River Location Lat 60°28'50", long 149°43'0Su, at;. old highway bridge, about 0.5 mi upstream from mouth and about 4 mi east of Cooper Landing. 1949 1950 1957-cont 10-9-48 526 10-22-49 194 6-13-57 3-10-49 49 12-17-49 112 7-24-57 4-13-49 49 3-16-50 54 9-26-57 8-19-49 293 1957 1958 3-13-57 57 10-23-57 5-2-57 ll7 12-6-57 Lat 60°30'30", long 149°53'30", 1.5 mi upstream from mouth and 2.5 mi northwest of Cooper I:.anding. Lat 60°29'20", long 149°52'30", at mouth, 1.5 rni west of Cooper Landing. 632 223 479 588 180 Lat 60°26'00", long 149°49'15", 125 ft downstream from Cooper Lake Outlet, 1.4 mi upstream from Stetson Creek and 4 mi south of Cooper Landing. Lat 60°27'00", long 149°51'00", 15ft upstream from Stetson Creek and 3 mi south of Cooper Landing. Lat 60°29'05", long 149°52'40", at bridge on Sterlilur Highway, just upstream from mouth, 1. 5 mi west of Cooper Landing. Drainage area (mil) 53.4 31.8 Lat 60°29'04", long 150°06'55", at culvert on Skilak Lake Road, 0.3 mi from 11.7 Sterling Highway Jtmction, and 10 mi southwest of Cooper Landing. Lat 60°27'30'', long 150°11'47'', at culvert on Skilak Lake Road, 0.7 mi downstream from Hidden Lake, and l3 mi southwest of Cooper Landing. b 23 Lat 60°28'00", long 150°36'00", in SW!:t sec.l, T.4 N., R.S W., 3 mi downstream from Skilak Lake, and 7 mi southeast of Sterling. Lat 60°28'55", long 150°37'40", in NE!t sec.35, T.5 N., R.S W., at mouth at Kenai River and 6 mi southeast of Sterling. La.t 60°30'55", long 150°41'55", in NW1.t sec.21, T.5 N., R.8 W., at Bings Landing, and 2. 5 mi southeast of Sterling. Lat 60°32'1511 , long 150°45'10", in gwJ~ sec.7, T.5 N., R.S W., at Sterling Highway, 500 ft upstream from mouth at Kenai River at Sterling. b Estimated; drainage area botmdary is difficult to detennine. 85 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3/s) (Listed below) 1958-cont 2-3-58 83 4-28-58 211 ·1959 12-17-58 104 4-22-59 72 1955 7-14-55 289 8-ll-55 115 1955 5-4-55 15 1962 10-15-61 67 1958 2-4-58 31 4-30-58 57 1956 12-28-55 29 l-ll-56 32 2-10-56 26 3-30-56 23 4-25-56 40 5-29-56 182 7-ll-56 312 1974 l-22-74 1.9 2-22-74 l.O 3-19-74 1.8 8-l-74 3.3 1975 l-30-75 2.3 3-ll-75 2.0 1973 7-23-73 5.5 1974 l-22-74 7.8 2-22-74 7.4 3-19-74 6.3 8-l-74 2. 7 1975 l-30-75 6.3 3-ll-75 7. 9 1968 ll-2-67 3230 1968 ll-2-67 233 1968 ll-2-67 3150 1951 7-26-51 79 8-22-51 128 1952 3-10-52 62 1968 ll-l-67 126 4-4-68 88 86 Stream Funny River Soldotna Creek 1968 4-2-68 8-8-68 Slikok Creek 16 ll Beaver Creek Tributary Kenai River Tributary Kenai River Tributary Cook Inlet Tributary Cook Inlet Tributary Salarnatof Creek Bernice Creek Bishop Creek 1968 10-31-67 4-l-68 8-8-68 30 12 16 15267050 Swanson River Location Drainage area Lat 60°29'2511 , long 150°51'30u, in SE~ sec.28, T.S N., R.9 W., at Funny River Road, ll mi east of Soldotna. Lat 60°29'20", long 151°02'40", in T.S N., R.IO W., 0.4 mi east of Soldotna, and 0. 5 mi upstream from mouth at Kenai River. .1969 2-28-69 7-15-69 ll 8.8 1970 3-6-70 12 1971 8-28-71 La.t 60°28 1 25", long 151°08'17u, in sec.Z, T.S N., R.ll W., 0.8 mi upstream from mouth at Kenai River, and 3 mi southwest of Soldotna. 14 Lat 60°33'39", long 151°07'35", in SE!:i sec.36, T.6 N., R.ll W., at Beaver Loop Road, 4. 5 mi east of Kenai. Lat 60°33 1 1311 , long 151°13'42", in NW% sec.4, T.S N., R.ll W., at Beaver Loop Road, 0.1 mi upstream from mouth at Kenai River. Lat 60°33 1 20", long 151°l4 1 42u, in NE~ sec.S, T.S N., R.ll W., at Kenai Road, 0.1 mi upstream from mouth at Kenai River. Lat 60°33'28', long 151°15 1 48 11 , in NE~ sec.6, T.5 N., R.ll W., at Kenai Road, 0. 5 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet. La.t 60°33 1 38 11 , long 151°16'12", in SE~ sec.31, T.6 N., R.ll W., at Kenai Road, 0. 5 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet. Lat 60°37'2011 ,_long 151°19'5011 , in SE~4 sec.ll, T.6 N., R.l2 W., at North Kenai Road, 0. 5 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet, and 5 mi northwest of Kenai. 1968 1969 1970 (mi2J 40.4 4-3-68 2. 7 2-26-69 No flow 9-30-70 No flow 9-25-68 No flow 7-15-69 No flow La.t 60°41'3011 , long 151°22'5011 , in SE~ sec.l6, T.l7 N., R.l2 W., at North Kenai Road, 500 ft downstream from Bernice Lake, and 11 mi northwest of Kenai. 1968 1969 1970 4-3-68 1.3 2-26-69 No flow 9-30-70 No flow 8-8-68 0.12 7-15-69 No flow Lat 60°46'35", long 151°05'45", in NW!4 NE~ sec.19, T.8 N., R.lO W., at North Kenai Road, 1.4 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet, and 16 mi northwest of Kenai. 1969 10-23-68 2-27-69 20 14 1969-cont 7-15-69 8-20-69 7. 7 4.2 1970 3-5-70 9-30-70 12 15 La.t 60°44'40", long 150°50'55", in NW% sec.34, T.8 N., R.9 W., at swanson River Road, and 19 mi northeast of Kenai. 1968 ll-l-67 7-24-68 8-9-68 98 48 35 1969 2-28-69 7-16-69 8-20-69 32 34 22 1970 3-6-70 36 33.9 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 107 49 30 1968 ll-l-67 4-2-68 1969 2-27-69 1970 3-5-70 '34 (Listed below) 1968 8-8-68 4.3 1969 2-27-69 No flow 7-16-69 5.8 1971 8-28-71 9.3 1969 7-15-69 0.53 1968 8-9-68 l.O 1969 2-27-69 No flow 7-15-69 1968 8-9-68 1969 2-26-69 7-15-69 1968 8-9-68 1968 8-9-68 (Listed below) (Listed below) (Listed below) 1971 3-25-71 1972 7-26-72 17 14 (Listed below) 0.63 No flow No flow No flow 0.95 0.80 Stream -'15267080 Swanson River 15267100 Swanson River 15267130 Swanson River 15267160 Swanson River Location Lat 60°42'4811 , long 150°SS'SS', in NW'-<i sec.7, T.7 N., R.9 W., 12 mi upstream from oouth at Cook Inlet and 15.5 mi northeast of Kenai. Lat 60°41'2211 , long 150°58'16", in NE~ sec.23, T.7 N., R.lO W., 10 mi upstream from oouth at Cook Inlet and 13.5 mi northeast of Kenai. Lat 60°42'5711 , long 150°59'23", in NW'-<! sec.ll, T.7 N., R.lO W., 7 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet and 14. S mi northeast of Kenai. Lat 60°47'15", long 151°00'30", in NEJ.i sec.lS, T.8 N., R.lO W., 1 mi upstream from mouth at Cook Inlet and 18 mi northeast of Kenai. Drainage area Crni'l 15268000 Resurrection Creek Lat 60°55'15", long 149°38'40", at bridge at Hope, 0.5 mi upstream from mouth. 162 15269500 Granite Creek 1967 9-4-67 130 tl940 1968 t730 5-27-68 331 6-24-68 283 8-4-68 107 15270100 Fresno Creek 1963 t78 7-11-63 43 1964 6-2-64 58 t84 1965 t42 15270400 Donaldson Creek 1963 t60 7-11-63 27 1964 6-2-64 24 t60 1965 7-24-65 t22 canyon Creek 15271900 Cub Creek 1965 tl6 8-18-65 9. 7 9-29-65 8.9 1966 6-4-66 13 t21 7-19-65 13 1967 9-4-67 8.0 Lat 60°43 1 40", long 149°17'00", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on upstream side of center pier of bridge on Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 12 mi southwest of Portage. 1969 10-25-68 5-12-69 5-22-69 9-12-69 1970 10-6-69 52 90 811 t1150 150 t2040 1970-cont 10-10-69 1971 11-10-70 1972 10-6-71 6-1-72 410 113 t960 79 260 t350 1972-cont 7-11-72 9-1-72 1973 10-10-72 5-12-73 6-18-73 7-26-73 Lat 60°40'15", long 149°28'35", on right bank at mi 48 on Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 0. 6 rni south of Sbield. 1965-cont 1967 1968-cont 7-24-65 34 t72 8-4-68 9-29-65 24 6-16-67 55 1969 1966 9-4-67 26 10-25-68 6-3-66 40 1968 t80 t82 5-12-69 7-19-66 36 6-21-68 50 5-27-69 272 147 56 92 401 242 t811 17 4.8 tl35 7.1 65 Lat 60°45'4011 , long 149°27'20", on left bank at mi 54.5 on Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 1. 5 rni nortb of Wibel. 1965-cont 1967-cont 1969-cont 9-29-65 10 tl70 5-12-69 4.6 1966 1968 t70 6-3-66 t42 t60 8-31-69 14 7-19-66 25 6-21-68 44 9-11-69 6.4 1967 8-4-68 9.3 1970 7-16-67 31 1969 10-8-69 24 9-4-67 11 10-25-68 5.6 10-13-69 t70 6-22-70 25 Lat 60°46'49", long 149°25'37", in SW%SE~ sec.15, T.S N., R.l W., at bridge on Anchorage -Seward Highway, about 16 mi southwest of Portage. 28.2 6.03 4.07 Lat 60°52'12", long 149°26'02", Kenai Peninsula Borough, on right wingwall of 1.80 culvert, on Hope Highway, 0.1 mi upstream from mouth at Sixmile Creek, and 7. 7 mi southeast of Hope. 1967-cont 1970 1972-cont t54 10-6-69 t37 7-13-72 16 1968 1971 t27 5-27-68 t9.1 11-13-70 3.8 9-1-72 3.6 8-4-68 5.8 7-6-71 27 1973 1969 t37 10-5-72 6.6 10-25-68 1.3 1972 5-7-73 0. 71 t25 10-6-71 5. 0 t28 9-11-69 2. 7 6-1-72 10 7-23-73 8.5 tMaximum for year determined from high -water mark and rating analysis. 87 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 1968 7-24-68 55 1968 7-24-68 62 1968 7-24-68 62 1968 7-24-68 72 1970 3-31-70 49 9-30-70 65 1959 8-19-59 409 9-19-59 384 (Listed below) 1974 10-5-73 70 t640 6-17-74 374 1975 t640 5-15-75 258 7-11-75 489 (Listed below) 1969-cont 8-1-69 16 9-11-69 10 1970 10-6-69 t85 10-8-69 58 6-22-70 39 11-13-70 8. 9 (Listed below) 1971 11-13-70 4. 7 7-1-71 32 tl30 1972 t90 6-1-72 10 7-13-72 29 8-31-72 6. 9 1948 8-15-48 434 (Listed below) 1974 10-5-73 6-17-74 1975 10-6-74 10-10-74 7-11-75 9-12-75 3.4 t28 9.9 t23 1.9 20 6.5 88 Stream 15272200 Placer River • Portage Creek 15272300 Portage Creek 15272500 Turnagain Arm Tributary 15272530 California Creek 1967 9-8-67 t593 1968 7-2-68 t72 8-4-68 25 1969 5-12-69 19 6-16-69 t125 8-27-69 12 Bird Creek 15272800 Rainbow Creek Little Rabbit Creek Rabbit Creek Location Drainage area (rni 2 ) Lat 60°49'05", long 148°59'15", in NEJ.s sec.6, T.S N., R.3 E., at bridge on Seward Highway, 0. 3 mi upstream from mouth, and 1. 5 mi south of Portage. Lat 60°47'2011 , long 148°51'05", in NW!.i: sec.13, T.S N., R.3 E., 400ft west of railroad twmel, 0.6 mi downstream from Portage Lake outlet, and 5.5 mi south- east of Portage. Lat 60°49'15", long 148°58'25", in SE% sec.31, T.9 N., R.3 E., at bridge on Seward Highway, 0. 3 mi upstream from mouth and 1. 0 mi south of Portage. Lat 60°55'27", long 149°07'4011 , in SE% sec.29, T.lO N., R.Z E., on left bank 5 ft upstream from culvert at the Alaska Railroad, and L 9 mi southeast of Girdwood. Lat 60°57'53'\ long 149°08'02", at allverts on Alyeska Highway, 0.2 mi west of Girdwood Post Office, and 2.0 mi northeast of Seward-Anchorage Highway. 1970 1971-cont 1972-cont 10-6-69 t600 5-26-71 21 9-1-72 21 10-8-69 125 6-30-71 92 9-8-72 20 10-11-69 157 8-8-71 t350 1973 6-10-70 61 1972 10-20-72 29 1971 t200 5-12-73 14 10-31-70 229 5-19-72 18 t240 11-1-70 95 6-30-72 41 7-23-73 so 7-31-72 40 Lat 60°58'29", long 149°27'51", 100ft upstream from mouth and Seward Highway bridge. La.t 61°00'03", long 149°38'57", in NW% sec.33, T.ll N., R.2 W., on right bank at Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 19.4 mi southeast of Anchorage. 1967 1965 8-15-65 8-24-65 t41 26 12 1966 6-9-66 6-19-66 30 10 t80 t130 Lat 61°04'57", long 149°44'50", in SEJ.i: sec.35, T.12 N., R.3 W., at bridge crossing 10.0 mi south of Anchorage. La.t 61°04'40", long 149°48'35", in NEJ.i: sec.4, T.ll N., R.3 W., at Seward Highway, 10.0 rni south of Anchorage. 1968 7-2-68 8-7-68 9-30-68 8. 2 4. 7 3.5 1969 12-3-68 7-15-69 1.6 3.0 1971 9-10-71 1972 4-6-72 Lat 61°05'51", long 149°44'10'\ in sW!.t sec.25, T.l2 N., R.3 W., near Hillside Road crossing, 9. 5 mi south of Anchorage. 8.6 1.2 Lat 61°05'42", long 149°46'59", in SEJ.i: sec.27, at Canyon Road crossing, 9.5 mi south of Anchorage. Lat 61°05'05", long 149°49'25", in SWl4 sec.33, T.l2 N., R.3 W., at Seward Highway 9. 5 mi south of Anchorage. 25 0.44 6.96 4.18 1968 7-2-68 8-7-68 9-30-68 34 14 12 1969 12-3-68 4-1-69 7-15-69 8.4 5. 2 10 1971 9-10-71 1972 4-6-72 4. 8 t Maximum for year determined from high-water mark and rating analysis. Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 1965 7-25-65 3520 9-22-65 4930 1966 12-21-65 27 2-18-66 53 1965 4-22-65 114 1965 7-26-65 1470 1966 6-9-66 5.2 t19 1967 9-18-67 t69 1968 8-4-68 (Listed below) 1974 10-5-73 6-17-74 1975 5-12-75 7-11-75 1969 4-1-69 1970 3-5-70 14 t78 43 71 t175 109 17 45 (Listed below) 1971 9-10-71 8.1 (Listed below) 1971 9-10-71 24 1972 4-6-72 4.5 1971 9-10-71 23 (Listed below) Stream Furrow Creek South Fork campbell Creek North Fork campbell Creek 1958 6-24-58 32 15274300 North Fork campbell Creek 1947 8-ll-47 19 1948 10-31-47 19 2-13-48 7. 9 4-13-48 8.3 4-24-48 6.3 6-17-48 43 7-28-48 25 8-20-48 33 9-10-48 26 1949 ll-3-48 15 12-1-48 6.4 3-24-49 4. 2 4-26-49 7. 9 5-25-49 15 North Fork campbell Creek campbell Creek Location Drainage area (mi2) Lat 61°06'25", long 149°52 1 40", in N\¢.i sec.30, T.l2 N., R.3 W., at Johns Road, 7. 8 mi south of Anchorage. Lat 61°091 2511 , long 149°45'2511 , in N'.i sec.2, T.12 N., R.3 W., 0.5 mi above bridge on gravel road, 3 mi upstream from confluence with North Fork, and 6 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1958 6-23-58 91 1959 4-28-59 10 1960 4-25-60 12 Lat 61°10'2011 , long 149°42'30", in SW!:s sec.31, T.l3 N., R.2 W., 5 mi upstream from confluence with South Fork, and 7 rni southeast of .Anchorage Post Office. 1959 1960 1961 4-28-59 4.1 4-25-60 3. 7 10-25-60 20 Lat 61°10'1011 , long 149°45'43", in~ sec.35, T.13 N., R.3 W., at old Campbell Airstrip road crossing. 2. 5 mi upstream from confluence wi. th South Fork campbell Creek, and 5. 5 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1949-cont 1960 i.968-cont 6-17-49 35 4-25-60 10 5-13-68 8.1 7-18-49 52 1961 6-5-68 32 1950 10-25-60 23 6-28-68 41 10-12-49 20 4-14-61 7.0 8-12-68 22 1952 1967 9-13-68 16 12-3-51 17 5-1-67 7.6 1969 2-21-52 6.2 6-5-67 25 10-4-68 12 3-22-52 5.6 7-10-67 34 5-8-69 5. 2 1954 7-20-67 39 6-8-69 21 7-21-54 13 8-15-67 41 6-10-69 21 1955 9-6-67 72 7-18-69 15 7-ll-55 72 1968 1970 1958 1-3-68 10 10-14-69 16 6-24-58 31 4-1-68 5.1 1959 4-28-59 12 Lat 61°10'3511 , long 149°47'00", in NE~ sec.34, T.13 N., R.3 W., 1.5 mi upstream from confluence with South Fork, and 4. 5 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1958 6-24-58 30 1959 4-28-59 23 1960 4-25-60 15 Lat 61 °10' 30", long 149°49' 05", in M'h sec. 33, T.l3 N., R. 3 W., 600 ft upstream from confluence with South Fork, and 4 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1958 6-24-58 35 1959 4-28-59 28 1960 4-25-60 Lat 61°10'35", long 149°49'2011 , in NWl:i sec.33, T.13 N., R.3 W., 400ft down- stream from confluence of North Fork and South Fork, 0. 8 mi upstream from bridge on Lake Otis Road, and 3. 8 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1958 6-23-58 6-24-58 ll4 llO 1959 4-28-59 55 1960 4-25-60 18 32 13.4 89 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 1968 7-2-68 8-7-68 9-30-68 1969 12-3-68 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 (Listed below) 1961 10-25-60 4-14-61 56 10 (Listed below) 1968 9-13-68 14 (Listed below) 1970 5-18-70 5.3 5-26-70 5. 7 7-13-70 68 7-16-70 35 1971 10-12-70 15 8-9-71 100 1972 6-8-72 12 1973 4-19-73 8.8 5-7-73 6.0 8-1-73 22 9-ll-73 18 (Listed below) 1961 10-25-60 4-13-61 24 7.2 (Listed below) 1961 10-25-60 4-14-61 25 8.4 (Listed below) 1961 10-25-60 4-14-61 91 20 90 Stream Location Drainage area (mi') Gampbell Creek 1958 3-26-58 1959 4-28-59 17 47 15274400 Gampbell Creek Little Gampbell Creek 1968 5-13-68 6-5-68 11 14 15274600 Campbell Creek Lat 61°10'40", long 149°50'1011 , on line between secs.32 and 33, T.13 N., R. 3 W., at bridge on Lake Otis Road, 3. 5 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1961-cont 1967-cont 1960 4-25-60 1961 10-25-60 4-13-61 36 86 25 4-14-61 22 2-7-27 17 1967 1968 10-11-66 71 5-13-68 41 Lat 61°10'25", long 149°52'00", on line between secs.31 and 32, T.13 N., R.3 W., at bridge on Old Seward-Anchorage Highway, and 3. 5 mi southeast of Anchorage Post Office. Lat 61°09'1011 , long 149°52'20", in SEJ.i sec.6, T.l2 N., R.3 W., 0.2 mi upstream from mouth and 4. 5 mi south of Anchorage. 1968-cont 7-10-68 8-12-68 3.6 3. 5 1968-cont 9-13-68 2.4 1969 12-6-68 0. 57 Lat 61°08'45", long 149°53'25", on line between sec.7, T.12 N., R.3 W., and sec.12, T.12 N., R.4 W., at bridge on Campbell Road, and 5 mi south of .Anchorage Post Office. Lat 61°08'17'', long 149°55'20", on line between secs.ll and 14, T.12 N., R. 3 W., at bridge on Dimond Blvd., and 2.0 mi upstream from mouth. 15274770 Hood Creek at Lat 61°12'05", long 149°57'04", in SE~ sec.22, T.l3 N., R.4 W., at mouth, near Northern Lights Boulevard Susitna View Parkway, and 2.5 mi southwest of Anchorage Post Office. Fish Creek Lat 61°11'45", long 149°55'30", in .5\'h sec.24, T.l3 N., R.4 W., at Northern Lights Blvd. , crossing at Anchorage. 15274800 South Branch of South Fork Otester Creek 1960 4-26-60 23 1961 10-27-60 13 4-13-61 6.5 1967 10-10-66 21 2-14-67 3. 8 Lat 61°12'00", long 149°55'40", in SE~ sec.23, T.l3 N., R.4 W., at culvert on Northward Drive, 2 mi southwest of Anchorage Post Office. Lat 61°12'37", long 149°43'57", on line between sees. 13 and 24, T.l3 N., R.3 W., at Muldoon Road crossing, 5.4 mi east of Anchorage. 1967-cont 1968-cont 1970 5-9-67 5.2 6-15-68 t27 10-5-69 5-31-67 6.3 8-7-68 8.3 10-14-69 9-6-67 26 9-12-68 6.6 6-8-70 9-18-67 t34 1969 1971 1968 12-2-68 4. 7 5-19-71 10-5-67 10 5-7-69 4. 7 8-9-71 4-1-68 4.4 7-24-69 z t20 8-10-71 5-14-68 5.6 9-3-69 6.4 t8. 7 6.1 4.1 6.2 t44 32 Middle Branch South Fork Chester Creek Lat 61°13'10" long 149°41'20" in NE~ sec.l8, T.l3 N., R.2 W., at tank trail, 6. 5 mi east of Anchorage. ' Lat 61°12'55" long 149°43'50" in S!z sec.l3, T.l3 N., R.3 W., at Muldoon Road, 5 mi east of Anchorage. ' Lat 61°11'45", long 149°47'25", on line between sees. 22 and 27, T.l3 N., R. 3 W., at East Northern Lights Blvd., 3. 3 mi southeast of Anchorage. t Maxinnnn for year detennined from high-water mark and rating analysis. 46.4 69.7 10.8 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) (Listed below) 1968-cont 9-13-68 49 1972 3-28-72 14 6-7-72 62 1961 10-25-60 4-14-61 1967 10-11-66 85 25· 75 (Listed below) 1971 11-13-70 0.47 11-13-70 0.64 1961 10-25-60 90 1961 10-25-60 106 11-29-60 47 12-9-60 59 12-20-60 30 3-28-61 27 1961 8-1-61 0.35 1968 4-18-68 13 7-10-68 1.0 8-7-68 1.0 9-30-68 1.0 1969 12-2-68 0. 51 1961 8-1-61 6.2 8-1-61 3. 2 (Listed below) 1972 3-28-72 2. 2 9-29-72 t37 1973 t11 1974 10-3-73 8.4 5-21-74 5.0 1975 5-1-75 22 5-2-75 t37 5-2-75 34 1967 10-10-66 1.3 1968 9-12-68 0. 85 1968 9-12-68 1.6 1960 4-26-60 2.0 1961 10-27-60 5.8 4-13-61 1.7 1968 5-14-68 0.05 91 Drainage Measurements Stream Location area Date Discharge (rni 2 ) (Wtr yr) (ft3/s) South Fork Chester Creek Lat 61°11'00"~ long 149°48'20", on line between sees. 27 and 28, T.l3 ~-, 1967 R. 3 W., at the City of Anchorage pipeline station off Tudor Road, 4 mi south-2-14-67 5. 7 east of Anchorage Post Office. 15274980 Russian Jack Lat 61°12'25", long 149°46'55", in NEl;~: sec. 22, T.13 N., R.3 W., 3. 5 mi east (Listed below) Springs of Anchorage Post Office. 1948 1955-cont 1959-cont 1962 1965-cont 7-28-48 5.1 1-13-55 3.8 5-19-59 5.8 1-16-62 8.2 3-25-65 4. 7 9-10-48 5.1 2-25-55 3. 9 6-2-59 6.3 2-27-62 5.4 4-22-65 4.8 1949 S-4-55 6.3 7-7-59 4.8 3-28-62 5.5 7-27-65 4.8 12-1-48 4.4 7-19-55 5. 9 7-21-59 6. 9 4-18-62 5.6 1967 1952 1956 7-31-59 6.6 5-16-62 6. 9 3-21-67 3. 2 11-30-51 5.6 4-20-56 4.2 8-13-59 7.4 . 6-26-62 7.0 5-3-57 4. 5 2-9-52 4. 2 4-20-56 4.2 9-16-59 7.3 8-9-62 7.1 6-6-67 3. 9 1953 6-6-56 5.8 1960 9-24-62 7. 3 1968 2-4-53 6.4 7-12-56 5.0 10-12-59 8.0 1963 10-3-67 4.8 2-10-53 5. 7 9-11-56 7.3 11-16-59 6. 9 11-21-62 6.6 11-14-67 4.8 2-16-53 6.1 1957 12-15-59 7.0 1-3-63 6.0 1-2-68 5.3 2-23-53 5.6 10-3-56 7.0 12-31-59 6. 9 2-11-63 4.9 2-13-68 4.3 3-4-53 5.4 12-27-56 5.4 1-11-60 6.4 3-1-63 4. 7 3-28-68 3. 9 3-13-53 5.8 3-27-57 4.8 2-9-60 5.4 4-3-63 4. 9 4-30-68 4.4 3-26-53 5.0 4-26-57 6.8 3-10-60 4.8 5-16-63 6.2 5-14-68 4.4 4-21-53 5. 9 7-3-57 5.3 4-12-60 4.6 6-14-63 6.4 6-6-68 5.2 4-28-53 5.8 1958 4-26-60 5. 5 7-22-63 5.6 B-16-68 4.8 5-8-53 6.1 11-8-57 6.8 5-11-60 5.2 B-26-63 5.9 9-12-68 5.3 6-4-53 5.5 12-10-57 6.5 6-14-60 5.2 9-24-63 6.0 1969 6-16-53 5.4 1-24-58 5.6 6-22-60 5.6 1964 4-2-69 2.8 6-29-53 5.2 2-26-58 4.8 7-25-60 5.8 10-22-63 5.3 5-7-69 2.8 7-21-53 s. 7 3-11-58 5.0 B-19-60 6. 7 11-19-63 5.6 6-10-69 2.4 B-20-53 6.3 4-1-58 4.4 9-20-60 7. 9 12-13-63 7.0 7-15-69 1.8 9-11-53 6.8 4-29-58 5.2 1961 1-14-64 5.4 9-3-69 2.3 1954 7-1-58 5.3 10-4-60 B. 9 2-13-64 4. 7 1970 10-2-53 6.4 7-29-58 4. 7 10-27-60 7.8 3-25-64 3. 5 3-6-70 1.3 11-24-53 5.4 B-13-58 6.8 12-9-60 7.3 3-31-64 3. 9 5-12-70 1.3 12-29-53 5.6 8-22-58 6.8 12-28-60 7.1 4-3-64 3. 7 6-18-70 1.0 1-14-54 5.1 9-25-58 5. 9 1-16-61 7.0 4-6-64 4.1 7-23-70 0. 94 2-24-54 4.5 1959 2-1-61 7.2 4-8-64 4.6 9-17-70 1.6 3-16-54 4.0 10-10-58 s. 9 3-17-61 6.0 4-10-64 4.1 1971 4-5-54 4.4 11-6-58 s. 7 4-13-61 5. 9 5-6-64 5.6 12-1-70 1.4 S-4-54 4.2 12-11-58 5.6 5-19-61 5. 9 6-25-64 4.2 5-17-71 1.5 6-4-54 3. 7 12-30-58 5.3 6-6-61 5.3 8-6-64 5.0 1972 6-11-54 3. 7 2-3-59 4.4 7-13-61 4.6 9-1-64 4. 9 10-5-71 3.2 6-25-54 4.0 2-21-59 4.2 9-6-61 6.2 1965 2-23-72 2.9 7-21-54 3.8 3-10-59 4.0 9-18-61 6.1 10-2-64 5.1 6-8-72 3.8 B-19-54 3. 7 3-21-59 4.6 9-28-61 6. 7 11-2-64 4.4 1973 9-17-54 3. 9 4-20-59 4. 7 1961 12-2-64 4.6 11-29-72 4.1 1955 4-27-59 s. 9 10-24-61 7. 7 1-4-65 4.6 1974 11-4-54 4.4 11-30-61 7.0 2-10-65 3.4 10-5-73 3.8 North Fork Chester Creek Lat 61°12'54", long 149°49'17", in S\'Ai sec.l6, T.l3 N., R.3 W., at Airport 1972 Heights Road, at .Anchorage. 3-27-72 0.59 1974 6-7-74 0. 72 Lat 61°12'10", long 149°50'40", in SE!.i sec.ZO, T.13 N., R.3 W., at mouth, 1.5 mi 1968 southeast of Anchorage Post Office. 5-14-68 1.2 9-12-68 1.3 15275050 Chester Creek Lat 61°1.2'10'', long 149°52'00", on line betweensecs.l9 and 20,T.l3 N., R.3 W., (Listed below) at culvert on Seward-Anchorage Highway at Anchorage, 2. 2 mi upstream from mouth. 1947 1948-cont 1949-cont 1952 1959 8-11-47 17 4-24-48 25 3-25-49 13 12-3-51 20 4-27-59 102 1948 6-17-48 18 4-25-49 59 12-15-51 14 1960 10-31-47 24 7-28-48 20 5-27-49 44 2-9-52 13 10-27-59 40 2-13-48 19 B-20-48 26 6-30-49 67 3-22-52 12 4-26-60 56 4-1-48 19 9-10-48 24 7-20-49 40 1954 1961 4-5-48 19 1949 1950 7-21-54 14 4-13-61 22 4-13-48 46 11-3-48 28 10-13-49 37 1955 2-28-49 9.9 7-19-55 29 15275150 Chester Creek Lat 61°12'20", long 149°54'10", in NE~ sec.24, T.l3 N., R.3 W., at culvert on (Listed below Spenard Road, at .Anchorage, 1 mi upstream from mouth. 1947 1959 1960 1961 7-27-47 17 4-27-59 92 4-26-60 62 10-27-60 37 4-13-61 26 92 Stream 15276200 Ship Creek 15276300 Ship Creek 152 76400 Ship Creek 15276500 Ship Creek 1972 2-23-72 2.4 15276600 Ship Creek 1959 4-27-59 81 1960 4-26-60 45 Ship Creek Sixmile Lake OUtlet South Fork Eagle River 15277200 Meadow Creek 1965 8-4-65 10 9-28-65 22 t22 1966 6-28-66 16 t30 Location Lat 61°14'14", long 149°41'20", on line between secs.6 and 7, T.l3 N., R.2 W., at bridge on Glerm Highway and 6.5 mi east of Anchorage Post Office. 1958 3-26-58 5.1 1959 4-27-59 28 1960 4-13-60 4-26-60 29 27 Lat 61°14'40", long 149°43'20", in SE!.t sec.!, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 0.2 mi downstream from North Fork and 6 mi east of Anchorage Post Office. 1959 4-27-59 30 1960 4-26-60 23 1961 10-26-60 Lat 61°14'17" long 149°46'40" on line between sees. 10 3nd 11, T.l3 N., R. 3 W. , at bridge on Glenn (Da~is) Highway, and 4 mi northeast of Anchorage Post Office. 1959 4-27-59 28 1960 4-26-60 20 1961 10-26-60 178 172 Lat 61°14'20", long 149°47'2411 , in NE!.t sec.lO, T.l3 N., R.3 W., near right bank on downstream side of bridge at Elmendorf Air Force Base, 3. 7 mi northeast of Anchorage Post Office, and 4. 9 mi upstream from mouth. 1973 1974 Drainage area (mil) 113 1-31-73 4. 7 1-7-74 3.1 1975 1-8-75 2-12-75 5. 7 2.4 Lat 61°13'2511 , long 149°51'25", in N\'Ai sec.l7, T.l3 N., Post Road at .Anchorage and I. 5 mi upstream from mouth. 1961 1967-cont 10-26-60 186 5-3-67 47 1%7 1%9 3-26-67 20 11-8-68 42 SO ft downstream from Glenn highway bridge. R. 3 W., at bridge on 1969-cont 11-15-68 24 1-3-69 21 1-30-69 23 Lat 61°14'35", long 149°42'27", in 81\% sec.6, T.l3 N., R.2 W., 200ft upstream from Fort Richardson power plant. Downstream from power plant. Lat 61°13'25", long 149°52'50", in~ sec.l8, T.l3 N., R.3 W., just downstream from City of Anchorage dam at Anchorage, and 0. 8 mi upstream from mouth. 1960 1961 1967 4-26-60 45 10-26-60 193 5-16-67 191 4-13-61 41 At "C' Street Bridge. 250 ft upstream from Post Road culvert. 150 ft downstream from Weir at Cooling Road. Lat 61°17'31", long 149°48'44", at outlet of lake, on loop road, O.,s·mi up- stream from mouth on Elmendorf Air Force Base, 5. 7 mi north of Anchorage. La.t 61°18'00", long 149°28'00", 0.2 mi upstream from mouth and 15 mi northeast of Anchorage. Lat 61°19'14", long 149°32'11", in M¢.i sec.7, T.l4 N., on left bank at Eagle Loop 7.43 Road, and 1 rni east of Eagle River. 1967 1969 1971 6-5-67 18 t20 8-9-71 124 t30 1970 8-9-71 t184 1968 8-7-70 t16 1972 t2o 6-9-72 17 t36 tMaximum for year detennined from high-water mark and rating analysis. Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft 3 /s) (Listed below) 1967 5-16-67 172 (Listed below) (Listed below) (Listed below) 1975-cont 3-20-75 1.7 4-10-75 0.56 (Listed below) 1969-cont 3-26-69 20 5-7-69 33 1970 4-3-70 21 1968 9-10-68 88 1975 11-20-74 23 1967 5-16-67 133 (Listed below) 1968 9-10-68 100 1968 9-10-68 1968 9-10-68 1970 4-29-70 1952 10-3-51 12-29-51 3-8-52 (Listed below) 1973 6-26-73 t21 8-21-73 t21 1974. 10-3-73 6.4 97 83 2.0 80 15 13 Stream Eagle River 1949 6-29-49 7-21-49 9-20-49 1950 10-25-49 1,840 1,290 510 241 Otter Lake Outlet Upper Fire Lake Inlet Upper Fire Lake Outlet 15277300 Fire Creek Peters Creek 15277600 East Fork Eklutna Creek 15277800 West Fork Eklutna Creek Eklutna Creek 15280000 Eklutna Creek Eklutna Creek Thunder Bird Creek Goat Creek Palmer Creek 15281500 camp Creek 1966 8-27-66 0. 72 Location Drainage area (rni 2 ) In SE!.i sec.ll, T .14 N., R. 2 W., at bridge on caenn Highway, 7 mi upstream from mouth, and 13 mi northeast of Anchorage. 1950-cont 1952-cont 1952-cont 8-26-50 1,880 1-6-52 62 8-26-52 1,240 1951 2-3-52 49 9-30-52 693 7-24-51 1,840 3-1-52 60 1954 1952 3-22-52 55 7-21-54 1,660 12-4-51 99 4-4-52 41 Lat 61°17'4411 , long 149°43'3411 , at loop road crossing, 0.2 mi downstream from lake on Fort Richardson military reservation, 7. 7 mi northeast of Anchorage. Lat 61°22'2011 , long 149°31'2511 , in~ sec.30, T.lS N., R.l W., at inlet to Lake, 2. 7 mi northeast of Eagle River. Lat 61°21'00", long 149°32'05", in NW'< sec.31, T.l5 N., R.l w., at lake outlet, 2.2 mi northeast of Eagle River. 1968 1968--cont 1969 6-4-68 11 8-13-68 1.1 11·26-68 7-18-68 2.2 9-30-68 0.94 1.3 Lat 61°21'10", long 149°32'45", in NE!.i sec.36, T.l5 N., R.2 W., at road crossing at lake outlet, 2.0 mi north of Eagle River. 1968 1968-cont 1969 5-9-68 1.0 7-18-68 2.6 11-26-68 6-4-68 11 8-15-68 1.8 9-30-68 1.0 Lat 61°24'00", long 149°27'00", at bridge on Glenn Highway just upstream from Little Peters Creek, 20 mi northeast of Anchorage. 0.48 Lat 61 °18'40", long 148°57'05", 2. 2 mi upstream from confluence with West Fork, 3 rni upstream from Eklutna Lake, and 21 mi south of Palmer. Lat 61°18'00", long 148°58'25", 2.3 mi upstream from confluence with East Fork, 3 mi uPstream from Eklutna Lake, and 22 mi south of Palmer. Lat 61°20'00" long 149°00'00" just upstream from Eklutna Lake, 14 mi south- east of Eklubta. ' Lat 61°24'05", long 149°09'00", in SW!.i sec.&, T.l5 N., R.2 E., 200ft down- stream from dam at outlet of Ek1utna Lake, 8 mi upstream from abandoned Eklutna power diversion dam, 11 mi upstream from mouth, and 14 mi south of Palmer. Lat 61°27'00", long 149°18'00", 1.8 mi upstream from Thunder Bird Creek, 7 mi downstream from Eklutna lake, and 13 mi southwest of Palmer. 1955 7-5-55 14 1956 6-26-56 7-9-56 7-13-56 8.4 7.0 6.6 1956-cont 7·26-56 6.6 8-2·56 11 Lat 6ro27'00", long 149°21'00", just upstream from Thunder Bird Creek, 2 mi upstream from mouth, 9 mi downstream from Ek1utna Lake, and 13 mi southwest of Palmer. Lat 61°18'20", long 149°12'30", in SE!;s sec.14, T.l5 N., R.1 E., at altitude 1, 950 ft, 6. 9 mi upstream from mouth, and 14.9 mi south of Palmer. Lat 61°24'00", long 149°14'10", in 5\'Ai sec.l1, T.l5 N., R.l E., at altitude 1,700 ft, 5.8 mi upstream from mouth, and 14.4 mi south of Palmer. Lat 61°29'00" long 149°06'00", at bridge on Glenn Highway, 8.5 mi south of Palmer. ' Lat 61°33' 40" long 149°02'15" 1 mi north of Bodenburg Butte and 3. 5 mi southeast of Palmer. ' Lat 61°50'20" long 147°24'31" on left bank at Glenn Highway, and 3.5 mi northeast of Sheep Mountain. ' 1969 1967 6-14-67 3. 9 1968 5-20·68 12 t26 t19 38 26 119 1.09 t Maximum for year detennined from high-water mark and rating analysis. 93 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3/s) (Lis ted below) 1954-cont 8-20-54 3,670 1955 7-21-55 1,460 8·18-55 767 1970 4-29-70 1968 5·9-68 1.9 0. 81 (Listed below) (Listed belowi 1952 12-31-51 44 2-22-52 28 3-2·52 24 4-26-52 22 1963 10-8-62 58 1963 10-8-62 14 1953 10-6·52 582 1963 9·3-63 15 9-4-63 15 9-11·63 16 1964 7-23·64 207 8-3·64 784 (Listed below) 1955 11-24-54 17 7·5-55 16 1964 10·22-63 19 1964 10-22-63 21 1955 7-19-55 60 1959 12·23-58 40 (Listed below) l971 8-10-71 t30 94 Stream . 15282200 Hicks Creek 15282300 Pinochle Creek 1966 5-27-66 9-29-66 t5.8 3.8 15282400 Puritan Creek 1963 7-3-63 7.2 t11 1964 6-26-64 22 t35 1965 8-1-65 8.4 9-7-65 t13 Chickaloon River 1948 7-13-48 2,150 9-5-48 778 Kings River 1948 7-13-48 9-5-48 Granite Creek 789 461 15283500 Eska Creek 1965 8-4-65 24 1966 5-19-66 7.8 6-28-66 34 Mlose Creek Mlose Creek 1947 B-18-47 Wasilla Creek t86 164 Location Drainage area (mi2) Lat 61°47'4011 , long 147°56'0011 , on left bank at mi 96.4 Glenn Highway and 31. 9 mi northeast of Sutton. 1964-cont 1963 7-3-63 128 1964 lO-i7-63 6-15-64 27 494 6-26-64 186 t1,200 Lat 61°47'37", long 147°55 146", on left bank at rni 96.7 Glenn Highway and 35.8 mi east of Sutton. 1967 5-8-67 tB. 7 1968 5-26-68 1969 t17 Lat 61°48'42", long 148°08'01", in M¢.1: sec.23, T.20 N., R.7 E., Matanuska- Susitna Borough, on right bank downstream from bridge at mi 89.3 Glenn Highway, and 25.2 mi northeast of Sutton. 1966 1969 1971-cont 5-19-66 8.0 5-20-69 5.0 9-30-71 6-28-66 t12 t6 1972 8-16-66 8.3 8-12-69 2.2 5-9-72 1967 1970 5-10-72 t28 5-12-70 tl7 7-28-72 6-14-67 6.5 7-6-70 6.4 8-14-72 1968 1971 9-30-72 5-20-68 t19 7-7-71 15 1973 B-10-71 t4l 6-5-73 6-16-73 t17 10 t85 57 38 6.9 10 9. 7 43 Lat 61°47'11", long 148°27'08", in NEJa: sec.36, T.ZO N., R.S E., at bridge on Glenn Highway, 15 mi northeast of SUtton. 1949 1949-cont 1950 10-l-48 398 5-15-49 218 10-5-49 480 11-9-48 184 8-8-49 2,090 Lat 61°43'58", long 148°44'52", in sw% sec.16, T.l9 N., milepost 67 on Glerm Highway, and 5 mi east of Sutton. R.4 E., at bridge at 1949 1949-cont 1950 10-l-48 233 5-15-49 118 10-5-49 219 11-9-48 lOl B-19-49 637 1955 4-19-49 41 7-19-55 976 Lat 61°46 1 46", long 148°50'12", center sec.36, (projected), T.20 N., R.3 E., 5 mi upstream from mouth at Matanuska River, and 5 mi north of Sutton. At Glenn Highway bridge, about 1. 5 rni east of Sutton. Lat 61°43 1 44", long 148°54'3111 , in NEJ.i sec.21, T.l9 N., R.3 E., on right bank at culverts on Eska-Jonesville road, and 1. 5 miles northeast of Sutton. 1966-cont 1971 1973 8-27-66 24 B-10-71 e1,680 6-5-73 9-29-66 11 1972 6-16-73 1967 7-5-72 106 5-20-67 29 8-14-72 17 7-25-67 67 9-29-72 tlBO 9-30-72 58 7-17-73 1974 5-11-74 18 94 t140 26 18 tBO Lat 61°43'32", long 149°03'00", in NW!Ji sec.23, T.l9 N., R.2 E., 0.3 rni upstream from Buffalo Mine, 5 rni west of Sutton, 5.5 rni upstream from mouth at Matanuska ~ver, and 9 mi northeast of Palmer. In NWJ.i sec.2, T.l8 N., R.2 E., at bridge on Glenn Highway, 0.2 mi upstream from mouth and 6 mi northeast of Palmer. 1948- 7-14-48 9-5-48 Lat 61°38'4711 , Fishhook Road, 1954 3-23-54 215 130 1949 4-19-49 7-6-49 14 71 1950 10-6-49 121 long 149°11'45", in SW!.i sec.l3, T.l8 N., R.l E., at culvert on and 4.1 mi northwest of Palmer. 4.2 1955 12-8-54 4.8 1971 B-10-71 e 700 47.7 7.99 8.51 151 52.5 13.4 40.7 19.3 c._ Measurement of peak flow. t Maximum for year detennined from high-water mark and rating analysis. Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) (Listed below) (Listed below) 1971 t20 (Listed below) 1973-cont 6-16-73 t45 7-10-73 9.5 1974 5-9-74 25 5-11-74 21 t46 1975 5-14-75 33 t49 7-21-75 26 (Listed below) 1955 7-20-55 l, 930 8-19-55 770 (Listed below) 1955-cont B-19-55 333 1971 8-20-71 e 9,800 1971 B-10-71 e58,600 1949 7-6-49 925 (Listed below) 1975 5-12-75 46 5-19-75 34 6-23-75 60 7-21-75 59 9-2-75 17 9-11-75 112 9-ll-75 tll7 1971 B-10-71 e 18,000 (Listed below) 1955 7-19-55 B-19-55 373 108 (Listed below) Stream Wasilla Creek Wasilla Creek 1947 7-17-47 8-18-47 7.0 13 Little Meadow Creek 1974 1-10-74 2-8-74 Meadow Creek Fish Creek 1971 6-29-71 1974 1-10-74 8.2 7.5 41 26 15289800 Fishhook Creek 1963 6-5-63 85 15291100 Raft Creek 1963 tl28 7-25-63 3.2 1964 10-1-63 3. 9 t133 1965 ti28 7-30-65 11 Susitna River Talkeetna River Susitna River Location Lat 61°36'52", long 149°14'2411 , in SE~ sec.27, T.18 N., R.l E., at bridge on Bogard Road, 1 mi north of Four Corners and 4 mi west of Palmer. Lat 61°34'08", long 149°18'51", in~ sec.l7, T.l7 N., R.l E., at bridge on Wasilla -lvlatanuska Road, 3 mi northwest of Matanuska and 4 mi southeast of Wasilla. · 1948 11-7-47 4-26-48 7-14-48 9.0 10 19 1948-cont 8-28-48 47 1949 5-19-49 168 1949-cont 7-21-49 61 8-4-49 76 Lat 61°34'2811 , long 149°40'50", in swt...s: sec.S, T.17 N., R.Z W., at outlet of Blodgett Lake,, 8.1 mi southeast of Houston. Lat 61°34'38", long 149°43'33", in SE!.t sec.l2, T.l7 N., R.3 W., 500ft down- stream from fanner Parks Highway crossing, 2.4 mi upstream from Lucile Creek, and 5. 5 mi southeast of Houston. 1974-cont Drainage area (mi2) 17 3-5-74 6.8 1974-cont 7-3-74 8-22-74 7.1 6.4 1975 12-11-74 8.3 4-1-74 17 Lat 61°33'49", long 149°49'22", in SEJ.i sec.l6, T.l7 N., R.3 W., at crossing b 41 of road to Beaver Lake, 1. 8 mi downstream from confluence of Little Meadow Creek and Lucile Creek, and 3. 2 mi upstream from Big Lake. 1974 1974-cont 1975 1-10-74 7.9 3-5-74 8.8 12-11-74 13 2-8-74 2.2 8-22-74 11 1-15'75 4.1 Lat 61°32'03", long 149°49'30", in SE!.t sec.28, T.l7 N., R.3 W., at outlet of b 68 Big Lake, and 13 mi west of Wasilla. 1974-cont 1974-cont 1974-cont 2-8-74 20 4-1-74 19 8-22-74 19 3-5-74 20 7-3-74 21 1975 12-11-74 29 Lat 61°26'21", long 149°47'04", in NE~ sec.34, T.l6 N., R.3 W., 150ft up-b 100 stream from bridge on Goose Bay Road, and 2.2 mi southwest of Knik. 1974 1974-cont 1975 1-10-74 27 4-1-74 33 12-11-74 43 2-8-74 16 8-22-74 27 1-15-75 24 3-5-74 17 3-13-75 27 La.t 61°45'05", long 149°13'40", on left bank on Fishhook Road, and 12 mi north of Palmer. 1963-cont 1963-cont 1964 6-18-63 79 8-5-63 109 6-11-64 111 7-2-63 265 8-23-63 t960 t500 Lat 63°03'04", long 147°16'22", in SE!t sec.36, T.21 S., R.2 E., Ma.tanuska- Susitna Borough, on right bank above culverts at mile 69.2 Denali Highway, and 10.7 mi southeast of Denali. 1965-cont 1967-cont 1970 9-6-65 29 tl03 1966 7-22-67 29 1971 t98 10-2-65 6.2 8-lo-67 28 tl32 t119 1968 1972 7-5-66 10 t66 tl23 8-26-66 30 1969 8-18-72 1967 t73 1973 6-17-67 23 Lat 62°37'05", long 150°00'40", in SW!t sec.IO, T.29 N., R.4 W., at Curry. La.t 62°19'38", long 150°06'54", in S1¢.i sec.24, T.26 N., R.5 W., at Alaska Railroad bridge, 1 mi north of Talkeetna. Lat 62°10'35", long 150°10'18", inN\¢.{ sec.l5, T.24 N., R.5 W., at bridge on Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway, 1.5 mi;downstream from SWlshine Creek, and 3 mi west of SWlshine. 22 t51 8.52 4.33 b 11, SOD b Estimated; drainage area bOtmdary is difficult to detennine. t Maximum for year determined from high -water mark and rating analysis. 95 Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3 /s) 1948 7-14-48 1955 12-8-54 (Listed below) 1949-cont 9-30-49 71 1955 7-20-55 30 1975 16 7.2 3-13-75 2.0 (Listed below) 1975-cont 1-15-75 3-13-75 7.5 4.4 (Listed below) 1975-cont 3-13-75 12 8-6-75 31 (Listed below) 1975-cont 1-15-75 22 3-13-75 20 8-6-75 38 (Listed below) (Listed below) 1965 t380 9-27-65 153 (Listed below) 1973-cont 6-9-73 28 1974 6-21-74 14 t69 1975 6-28-75 60 9-5-75 5.8 9-11-75 t115 1948 8-3-48 18,000 9-22-48 9, 790 1949 8-5-49 10,300 9-21-49 3,860 1965 6-1-65 80,200 1971 5-27-71 37,400 7-2-71 74,600 8-10-71 200,000 8-11-71 171,000 96 Stream 15292800 Montana Creek 1963 6-4-63 7-9-63 7-31-63 8-23-.63 9-26-63 1964 5-28-64 6-2-64 6-10-64 t3, 700 1,450 724 427 2,840 181 572 t3,600 2,140 15292900 Goose Creek 1963 6-4-63 153 7-9-63 70 7-16-63 t385 7-31-63 62 9-26-63 39 ~5293000 caswell Creek 1963 6-5-63 55 7-9-63 39 ts5 7-31-63 42 9-26-63 28 1964 5-28-64 83 t107 Deception Creek Willow Creek 15294025 Moose Creek 1972 6-23-72 8-9-72 8-22-72 9-26-72 9-30-72 Peters Creek Beluga River Gapps Creek 82 12 tl, 850 171 1,290 Location Lat 62°06 1 32 11 , long 150°03'12", in~ sec.S, T.23 N., R.4 W., on right bank on Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway, and 2.1 mi north of M:mtana. 1965 1967 1969-cont 9-8-65 t3,300 6-30-67 2,860 7-25-69 504 9-14-65 399 7-19-67 t4,600 7-25-69 t820 1966 7-21-67 2,300 1970 10-15-65 221 1968 6-ll-70 420 6-3-66 1,150 t3,500 6-29-70 987 7-13-66 754 7-24-68 200 9-12-70 t2,600 t2,200 9-11-68 199 9-18-70 478 8-22-66 813 1969 1971 9-27-fj6 289 5-14-69 382 7-1-71 2,280 Lat 62°03'42", long 150°03'20", in M'Ai sec.29, T.23 N., R.4 W., Fairbanks Highway, and 1. 5 mi south of Montana. on Anchorage- 1964 1966-cont 1967-cont 5-28-64 243 9-27-66 44 8-21-67 t530 1967 1968 6-10-64 189 5-24-67 240 1965 6-30-67 434 9-ll-68 mo M% 1969 1966 7-21-67 384 7-25-69 6-3-66 109 7-25-69 t230 8-22-66 107 Lat 61°56'5511 , long 150°03'14", in SW!:f sec.32, T.22 N., R.4 W., Matanuska- Susitna Borough, upstream from culvert on Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway, and 2. 3 mi south of caswell. 1965 1967 1970-cont t207 5-24-67 58 6-29-70 9-14-65 31 6-30-67 83 1966 t103 9-16-70 h2o 8-21-67 66 1971 6-3-66 44 1968 5-17-71 7-ll-66 29 t120 7-1-71 8-22-66 36 9-ll-68 17 8-10-71 9-27-66 24 1969 9-16-71 t42 1972 7-24-69 ll 5-23-72 1970 8-9-72 3-31-70 7. 7 9-26-72 170 t500 19 t80 67 13 t34 32 70 73 tl35 35 tl32 23 31 La.t 61°45 1 55", long 150°02 1 10", in sec.S, T.19 N., R.4 W., at bridge, 0. 3 mi up- stream from mouth and 1. 3 mi north of Willow. Lat 61°45 1 55", long 150°02'50", in sec.5, T.l9 N., R.4 W., at Alaska Railroad bridge, 1. 3 mi north of Willow. Drainage area (mi2) 164 14.5 19.6 Lat 61°46'01", long 150°03'5211 , in NE!a: sec.6, T.l9 N., R.4 W., at highway crossing, 1 mi do'WilStream from Deception Creek, and 1. 8 mi southeast of Willow. Lat 62°191 00 11 , long 150°26' 30", Ma.tanuska-Susitna Borough, at bridge on Peters- ville Road, and 10.5 mi west of Talkeetna. 1973 1974 8-14-73 9-25-73 t1,400 4-30-74 49 40 1975 5-13-75 393 t700 620 Lat 62°31'57", long 150°48'27", in NE!a: sec.7, T.28 N., from Pioneer Gulch, and 3 mi northwest of Petersville. Lat 62°23'00", long 150°43'5311 , in SE!a: sec.34, T.27 N., from Martin Creek and 0. 7 mi northeast of Peters Creek. Near Lower Beluga Lake, about 60 mi 1>.est of Anchorage. R.8 W., 1975-cont 5-15-75 5-20-75 5-22-75 784 tl,lOO 579 572 0.1 mi downstream R. 8 w., 0. 7 mi upstream Lat 61 °17'20"' long 151 °17' 40", 3. 5 mi do'WI1Stream from Lower Beluga Lake. Lat 61 °12' 32 11 ' long 151 °09' 36"' 1. 5 mi upstream from Coffee Creek. Lat 61°19'46", long 151°37 1 26u, in SW!4 sec.4, T.14 N., R.13 W., 0.5 mi upstream from mouth, and 24 mi northwest of Tyonek. 52.3 25.4 53.1 ll.8 t Maximum for year detemined from high-water mark and rating analysis. Measurements Date Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft 3 /s) (Listed below) 1971-cont 8-9-71 3,550 8-10-71 t6,970 9-17-71 376 1972 5-23-72 5-31-72 8-ll-72 9-26-72 1973 1-12-73 637 t2,600 182 606 169 (Listed below) 1970 6-29-70 66 tl50 1971 5-18-71 150 7-1-71 274 8-9-71 509 8-10-71 t3,270 9-30-71 336 (Listed below) 1973 t140 5-24-73 34 1974 4-30-74 t46 1975 5-13-75 41 5-15-75 75 5-19-75 t155 5-20-75 124 1957 7-5-57 42 1948 7-15-48 763 1957 7-5-57 951 1969 7-24-69 249 (Listed below) 1975-cont 6-4-75 299 6-18-75 61 7-18-75 46 9-23-75 259 1975 8-7-75 66 1975 8-7-75 ll3 1950 10-2-49 5,830 1970 2-18-70 449 1970 3-27-70 408 1975 8-14-75 49 1 Stream Bishop Creek Chuitna River Clmi t Creek Clmit Creek 15294450 Chuitna River McArthur River Drift River Location Lat 61°18 1 23 11 , long 151°30 1 27", in NWt.i sec.l8, T.14 N., R.lZ W., 3 mi west of Bishop Lake, and 21 mi northwest of Tyonek. Lat 61°11'52", long 151°39'20", in SWl.1: sec.20, T.l3 N., R.13 W., 0.2 mi down- stream from Wolverine Fork, and 20 mi northwest of Tyonek. Lat 61°12 1 44", long 151°33'54", in SW!4 sec.14, T.l3 N., R.13 W., 5.4 mi up- stream from mouth and 17 mi northwest of Tyonek. Lat 61°10'19", long 151°31 1 12", in SE!:i sec.36, T.13 N., R.l3 W., 1.6 mi up- stream from JIK>uth, and 15 mi northwest of Tyonek. Lat 61°06'31", long 151°15'07", in NE!.i sec.29, T.12 N., R.ll W., 2.5 mi down- stream from Lone Creek and 5 mi northwest of "I)ronek. Lat 60°58'52", lQng 151°49'21", 5.5 mi upstream from mouth. Lat 60°37'29", long 152°11 1 56", 3. 5 mi upstream from mouth. Drainage area (mi') 10.9 19.5 9.80 12.4 131 97 Measurements Date, Discharge (Wtr yr) (ft3/s) 1975 8-14-75 59 1975 8-14-75 68 1975 8-14"75 55 1975 8-14-75 75 1975 8-14-75 387 1970 2-25-70 1,500 1970 2-25-70 320 SECTION 3 SEEPAGE INVESTIGATIONS 100 NORTH FORK CAMPBELL CREEK SEEPAGE INVESTIGATIONS Two series of discharge measurements were made during the 1971 water year, on Nov. 17, 1970 and May 26, 1971, on the North Fork of Campbell Creek in the Anchorage bowl to study channel gains and losses. The reach is 3.5 mi (5.6 km) in length and extends from ~he mountain front to Campbell Field. Road (Stuckagain Heights Road). The measurements were made during periods of constant ~ow. Indicated gains or losses may be substantially in error as affected by small inaccuracies in open-channel measurements. DATE 11-17-70 11-17-70 11-17-70 11-17-70 5-26-71 5-26-71 5-26-71 5-26-71 MILES UPSTREAM FROM MOUTH 6. 0 5.0 4. 2 3.8 6.0 5. 0 3. 8 2.5 DISCHARGE, Ill CUBIC FEET PE~ SECOND LOCATION SEJ.t sec. 31 in canyon at mountain fran t ................. . SW~ sec. 31 at tank trail crossing ...................... . SEJ.t sec.36 ............................................. . NW'< sec.36 ••..•••..•••..••••..•••..••••.••••..••••..•••. Overall net gain or loss SE~ sec. 31 in canyon at mountain front ................. . SWJ.t sec.31 at tank trail crossing ..................... .. NW'< sec.36 •••.•••..•.•...••••.•••..••••..•••.•••••..•••• SW'< sec.35 at Campbell Field road ...•.•.•••••..•.•..•••• Overall net gain or loss SHIP CREEK SEEPAGE INvESTIGATIONS MEAS. DISCH. 13.7 11.6 7. 01 9.44 4.28 4. 70 4.75 s. 71 GAIN OR LOSS -2.1 -4.59 +2 .43 -4.26 +.42 +.OS +. 96 +1. 43 Many series of discharge measurements were made during the water years 1960 to 1975 in the lower reaches of Ship Creek in the Anchorage bowl to study channel gains and losses. The entire reach is 10.3 mi (16.9 km) in length and extends from the gaging station Ship Creek near Anchorage (15276000) to the C Street bridge crossing 0.2 mi (0.3 km) upstream from the mouth. The measurements were made during periods of relatively constant flow. Indicated gains or losses may be substantially in error as affected by small inaccuracies in open-channel measurements. SHIP CREEK MILE 10.5 10.0 9.1 9. 0 8.1 7.7 7.4 7. 2 5.9 4.9 4.3 3.0 2.8 1.9 1.5 1.0 0. 2 10.5 10.0 9.1 9.0 8.1 7.7 7. 4 7.2 s. 9 4.9 4.3 3.0 2. 8 1.9 1.5 1.0 0.2 10.5 10.0 9.1 9. 0 8.1 7.7 7. 4 7.2 5. 9 4.9 4. 3 3.0 2. 8 1.9 1.5 1.0 0.2 LOCATION (abbreviated) Gage: 15276000 Brdg blw divr dam Golf driving rng Recharge divr Glenn Hwy brdg 2.8 mi dwnst Cooling Pd-Ft Rich '< mi dwnst N Fk 1 mi upst Boniface Old Glenn Hwy brdg Gage: 15276500 Abv Pwr Plt di vr 200 ft dwnst dam Gage: 15276570 Post Rd 250 ft dwnst ARR C Street Gage: 15276000 Brdg blw divr dam Golf driving rng Recharge divr Glenn Hwy brdg 2. 8 rni dwnst Cooling Pd-Ft Rich '< mi dwnst N Fk 1 mi upst Boniface Old Glenn Hwy brdg Gage: 15276500 Abv Pwr Pl t divr 200 ft dwnst dam Gage: 15276570 Post Rd 250 ft dwnst ARR C Street Gage: 15276000 Brdg blw divr dam Golf driving rng Recharge divr Glenn Hwy brdg 2. 8 mi Cfwnst Cooling Pd-Ft Rich ~ mi dwnst N Fk 1 mi upst Boniface Old Glenn Hwy brdg Gage: 15276500 Abv Pwr Plt divr 200 ft dwnst dam Gage: 15276570 Post Rd 250 ft dwnst ARR C Street MEAS. DISCH. ft 3 /s Apr. 26, 26.8 26.8 22.7 20.4 44.6 44.6 Nov. 8. a28 17.6 41. 6 Mar 7, 18.8 11.3 32.8 GAIN OR LOSS 1960 0. 0 • 4.1 -2.3 +24.2 0.0 1968 -10 +24. 0 1969 -7.5 +21. 5 MEAS. DISCH. ft 3 /s GAIN OR LOSS Oct. 26, 1960 179 178 -1 172 -6 186 +14 193 +7 Nov. 15, 1968 al9 2.76 -16 24.1 +21. 3 Apr. 3, 1970 10.9 1.35 -9.5 20.7 +::.9. 3 MEAS. GAIN DISCH. OR ft 3 /s LOSS AEr. 13, 1961 28.4 28.9 +0.5 19.2 -9.7 40.8 +21. 6 Jan. 3, 1969 al6 2. 29 -14 21.3 +19.0 Feb. 23, 1972 9. 71 2.39 -7.32 18.7 +16.3 MEAS. GAIN DISCH. OR ft 3 /s LOSS May 3, 1961 38.1 26.7 -11.4 47.3 +20.6 Jan. 30, 1969 16.3 1. 41 -14.9 23.3 +21. 9 Mar 18, 1972 (All) 50.9 50.1 -0.8 so. 9 +0. 8 49.6 -1.3 MEAS. GAIN DISCH. OR ft 3 /s LOSS SeEt· 10, 1968 92.0 87.7 -4.3 82.8 -4.9 75 .o -7.8 97.4 +22.4 99.8 +2. 4 Mar. 26, 1969 13.0 1.27 -11.7 19.9 +18.6 May 18, 1972 cr~l) 53.0 50.5 -2.5 52.1 +1.6 49.4 -2.7 37.5 -11.9 SHIP CREEK SEEPAGE INVESTIGATIONS -continued MEAS. GAIN MEAS. GAIN DISCH. OR DISCH. OR ft 3 /s LOSS ft 3 /s LOSS SHIP MEAS. GAIN CREEK LOCATION DISCH. OR ~fiLE (abbreviated) ft 3 /s LOSS May 24, 1972 Jan. 31, 1973 .Tan. 7' 1974 al6 20.9 10.5 Gage: 15276000 70.3 10.0 Brdg blw divr dam 67.7 -2.6 9.1 Golf driving: rn~ 67.3 -0.4 9.0 Recharge dj \T 8.1 Glenn Hl'<'Y brdg 65.4 -1.9 7.7 2.8 mi dwnst 7.4 Cooling Pd-Ft Rich 7.2 !.a mi dwnst N Fk 5. 9 1 mi upst Boniface 4.67 -11 -17.8 4.9 Old Glenn Hwy brdg 4. 3 Gag:e: 15276500 3. 0 Abv Pwr Plt divr 2. 8 200 ft dwnst dam 1.9 Gage: 15276570 28.6 +23.9 26.0 +22.9 1.5 Post Rd 1.0 250 ft dwnst ARR 0. 2 C Street a Mean daily discharge. SHIP CREEK MILE STREAM 10.5 Ship Creek 9. 0 diversion 9. 0 Ship Creek 7.7 ...• do ••.. 7.5 tributary 7.4 Ship Creek 5. 9 •••• do .•.• 4.3 •.•• do •••• 4.2 tributary 3.0 Ship Creek 3. 0 tributary 2.8 Ship Creek 2. 8 tributary 2. 8 tributary 2.2 tributary 2. 0 Ship Creek 1.0 •••• do •..• LOCATION NW!4NE!.aNEl.i sec.l6, T.13 N., R.2 l'i., _gaging station 15276000 ...... . NE!.aNW!.aSE% sec.S, T.l3 N., R.2 W., diversion to recharge pit ..... . NE!:iNW!.aSE% sec.S, T.13 N., R.2 W., 10ft bhv diversion to recharge pit. 0 ••••••••• 0 ••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SW~NE~SW~ sec.6, T.l3 N., R.2 W., 200ft above fish hatchery dam at Fort Richardson power plant ................................ . NW~NW~SW~ sec.6, T.l3 N., R.Z W., ground water pumped from wells at hatchery, discharged to stream .............................. . NW~NW~SW~ sec.6, T.l3 N., R.2 W., 1,300 ft blw fish hatchery dam. NW~SE~SE~ sec.Z, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 1.0 mi upstream from Boniface Parkway bridge ................................................ . NW~NW~NE!.i sec.lO, T.l3 N., R.3 W., discontinued gagin~ station 15276500 •••••.•.•.••••.•...•.••.....•••••..•.•••...•••••..•.•.• SE4NE~NW~ sec.lO, T.13 N., R.3 W., 600ft blw discontinued gaging station 15276500 ..••••.•...••••......•••...•••••.....••••....•• SE~SE~NW~ sec.9, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 500ft above Elmendorf AFB power plant dam ............................................... . SE~SE~NW~ sec.9, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 300ft above Elmendorf AFB power plant dam ............................................... . NW~NE~SW~ sec.9, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 200ft blw Elmendorf AFB pot~or plant dam ••....••••.....••.....••••••...•••••..•••••••...••• ··· NW~NE~SW~ sec.9, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 300ft blw Elmendorf AFB power plant dam ..................................................... . NW~NE~SW~ sec.9, T.l3 N., R.3 W., pipe discharging to stream 350 ft blw power plant dam ........................................ . SE~SE~SE~ sec.8, T.l3 N., R.3 W ••....•••••....•••••..•.••••....•• SE~SW~SE~ sec.8, T.l3 N., R.3 W., gaging station 15276570 ....•••• NW~NW~NW~ sec.l7, T.l3 N., R.3 W., 250ft blw Alaska Railroad bridge •••.••......••••.•..•••••..•••••.•...•••.•.•...•.•••...•• e Estimated 101 MEAS. GAIN DISCH. OR ft 3 /s LOSS May 6, 1974 29.1 28.8 -0.3 13.9 -14.9 35.8 +21.9 October 11, 1974 MEAS. DISCH. GAIN MAIN OR INFLOW STEM LOSS ft 3 /s ft 3 /s ft 3 /s 76.4 -6.20 67.0 -3.2 60.1 -6.9 5. 8 65.3 -0.6 59.8 '-5. 5 54.7 -5.1 eO. 9 67.1 +11. 5 e0.2 67.1 -0.2 e0.7 eO. 5 e0.3 73.4 +4.8 80.3 +6.9 102 EAGLE RIVER SEEPAGE INVESTIGATIONS Two series of ~.dischar~e measurements were made on the Eagle River near Eag-le River, Alaska to study channel ~ains and loss- es. The first series was made Apr. 29, 1970 in a reach 5.3 mi (8.5 km) in length extending from the gaging station Eagle River at Eagle River (15277100) to a road crossing 3.2 mi (5.1 km) upstream from the mouth. The second series was made May 8, 1974 in a reach 31.5 mi (50.7 km) in length extending from near the terminus of Eagle Glacier to a road crossing 3.2 mi (5.1 km) upstream from the mouth. The measurements were made during periods of constant flow. Indicated gains or losses may be substantially in error as affected by small inaccuracies in open-channel measurements. DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND EAGLE GAIN RIVER MAIN OR MILE STREAM LOCATION INFLOW STEM LOSS Apr. 29, 1970 8.5 Eagle River SW!.iNW~NW!.i sec.13, T.l4 N., R.2 IV., gaging station 15277100 .•.•.. 78.5 6. 2 . . . • do .•••• SW~SE\NI'I~ sec.lO, T.l4 N., R.2 w., bh; AlasJc.a Railroad bridge ... 76.4 -2.1 3.2 .... do ..... NW!.iNW!.iNW'-4 sec.17, T .14 N.' R.2 w., at road crossing ............. 79.1 +2.7 Overall net gain or loss +0.6 Mar 8, 1974 34.7 Eagle River SE\NW\Niq\ sec.lS, T.l2 N.' R.2 E.' lake outlet at terminus ...... 24.1 33.5 tributary SE\NW\Nn sec.9, T.l2 N., R.2 E., at mouth ...................... e4.5 33.0 tributary NW\SE\SW\ sec.4, T.l2 N., R.2 E., at mouth ...................... e.5 32.6 Raven Creek NW~NE\NE\ sec.B, T.l2 N., R.2 E.' at mouth •...•..••••...•..••..• 22.4 29.3 Eagle River SW!.iSE!.iSW~ sec. 25, T.l3 N.' R.l E. ······························ 63.1 +ll. 6 28. 5 tributary SW\SW\NW\ sec.25, T.l3 N., R.l E.' at mouth ..•.................. el. 0 24.2 Eagle River SW\SW\Nn sec.16, T .13 N., R.l R. ······························ 76.7 +12.6 19.0 •... do ••••• NE~NW\NW\ sec.36, T.l4 N.' R.l w. ······························ 75.7 -l. 0 17.8 tributary NW\NE\NE~ sec.26, T.l4 N., R.l w., at mouth ....................• 58-0 b 13.2 South Fork SW\SW\SW\ sec.l6, T.l4 N., R.l w., 500 ft above mouth ........... 12.7 13.1 Eagle River NIV\SIV\SW\ sec.16, T.l4 N.' R.l w., 150 ft dlmst mouth s Fk ...... 136.8 -10.4 8.5 .... do ..... SW\NW\NW\ sec.13, T.l4 N., R. 2 w., gaging station 15277100 ...••• 133.2 -3.6 7. 9 Meadow Creek NE\NIV\NE\ sec.l4, T.l4 N.' R. 2 IV., at mouth ..................... el. 5 6.2 Eagle River SW\iSE\NIV~ sec.lO, T.l4 N., R.2 w., bhr Alaska Railroad brid~e ... 136.8 +2.1 3.2 .... do ..... NWJ.iNW!iNW~ sec.17, T .14 N.' R. 2 w., at road crossing ............. 144.0 +7.2 OVerall net gain or loss +18.5 e Estimated Figure 2.--location of discharge measurement sites in the Eagle River Drainage Basin. MEADOW CREEK SEEPAGE INVESTIGATION Two discharge measurements were made on July 1, 1974 on Meadow Creek near Eagle River, Alaska to study channel gains and losses. The reach is 1.5 mi (2.4 km) in length and extends from near the apex of an ~lluvial fan at the mountain front to the mouth of Meadow Creek. The measurements were made during a period of constant flow. Indicated loss may be substantially\ in error as affected by small inaccuracies in open-channel measurements. MEADOW CREEK MILE 1.5 0. 04 LOCATION NE~NW~NW~ sec.7, T.l4 N .. R.l Wq 1.000 ft above crest-stae:e gage 15277200 ...• SW\iSE\SE\ sec.ll, T.l4 N., R.2 W., 200ft above mouth at Eagle-River .......... DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND MEAS. DISCH. 8.75 6. 87 GAIN OR LOSS -l. 88