HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3561TABLE i 5 8 8 20 20 21 21 25 25 27 • 27 31 35 56 Destina ions ••• Transportation. Talkeetna.. • .. ..... ~ ~ •.• • .. ........ ~ .. • • • • • • • .. • ........ . Visits ••••••• •c••~• 60 60 70 70 " 70 Willow Creek*'. 4 •• ill. • 4 ..... e 0. • ••••• 41 ••••• 0 8 e ••• & • 0 G •• It • 70 Age o •••••••• ., ••• Sex & o 0 • • • • o • .,. "' ~a e ••••• ;. • • Resid~nce ••••••• o. Visits .... 70 70 71 72 74 75 5. 6 .. 7. LIST .f>..l.aska ••••• 3 •••• ,, •• at Susitna or First d~stinations for boaters exiting locati.on •• ... u.,C4o .... ,."''"'' Alaskii... • •••• ,, •• 37 fishing per boat use exit location •• First destinations exit location for boats Table 20. and month for boats c:rr by activity and month boats exiting at the Talkeetna boat launch or airstrip ••••••••••••••••• 55 Table 22. Percent of boats activity month for boats exit in~~ at Creek. • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • .• " , • . • •••••••••• .,, •• 57 23. Number of boats activity and month for boats exiting by exir location •• ,.... • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • boaters exit location. • Number of people residence groups by exit location •.• Number of visits by exit location ••••••••••• i LIST OF Susit:na location of the and location......... .67 day each 3 Lower Susit. River shO\dng the rela o'" the interview sites Talkeetna lau1ch and airstrip. Susitna Land • and llrnv Creek. 4 From 16 June to 6 a day was 0000-2400 hours E,ach r.r!I:>Aif.l1t~v Willow Creek: 20 hours, with the remaining time allocated to the the similar to the 2 June was 0800-2000 hours. 15 were scheduled each week for interviewing Creek. From 2 June to 8 JunE~ and 2 0600-2200 hours. Each time allocated tO W~,p~:n~IV~ From 9 June to hours each weekend , with the remaining to weekdays. A on was 0600-2200 hours. For September, the was 0800-2000 hours. Each weekend was 12 hours, with the remaining time allocated to values were to estimate factors were based on the known amount of versus number of hours. Corrections were made in tbe expansion factor for interview time missed. Estimates are not inclu1ied in this report for those to have insufficient data. 'I"he estimates are for boaters at the three silt.:es for total use of the Susitna River. Stratification was by weekend we:eli~<i!LYS s with For was hours. 20 hour boaters e:Kiting 4 hours) • We 7 5% of the The expansion factor for this would be number of boats exiting during the 0400-2400 hour period would Three interview forms this used by Harza-EL&sco 1 June~ revised June 8 June before used for the remainder of study. Due data form, certain va:riaL~es were collected in a different manner over time. For , boat was recorded using codes on form, wnereas on the fir al form an actual boat length Also, put in or startin1 location, first and second destinations, and whether remained at their first or second destinations original form. These differences 5 the manner in which data were collected will make the report easier the data were "Boat Information" (see As one recorded under the category were collected for each a boat (e.g. , sex, t l~Thereas data recorded under the category (e.g., boat class, were collected O':l a boat or party basis. This is important to understand for the various activities. If any one pe~rson in the boat was in an sctivity, then a "Y" for yes was reco1rded for that there could be one main (i.e. the for the entire boat. in the presentation of results for activities~ the information will be as boats rather than in each Two seasons were defined for use in of the data. salmon season', and 'other salmon season' or what may referred to in this report as 'other f:llsh season'. The salmon season was defined as 19 MaJ to 6 and the other salmon season was defined as 7 30 September. Since the season was the m.onth of September. no separate season for hunting was included. Several were encountered data collection and Since evolved during the first month, certain data collected later in the study tnat had not been collected earlier. An exampl1e of this is put in location mentioned above. Also, since some people did not respond to all in the sur11ey, there exists This is not a clarified. For example, assume of 100 boaters interviewed did not indicate their destination~ yet the other half all had the same destination, x. It would be to state 100% of the boats had x their destination. In reality, 50% of the boats went to destination x, and 50% did. not list destination. In this report the sum of the number of boats for one variable may not equal the sum of the number of boats for anott.er variable, because not all data were available for all boats. resulted from differences in how data were motor size. Some boats engines operators a cubic inch rather than a While there nwy be some actual values of 240 and 6 to relate navigational this task difficult. navigational of Table 1 Boat class by exit location, l984.a .~. . ....,., _____ .. __________ ..,..._. ______ """'~---------------------------------..... ---------'""""----------------------- Air Inboard Outboard Outboard Boat Canoe Jet Jet Prop Other Exit Month/ --------------___ .._ ___ ---------------------- L0cation Season Boats % Boats Boats % Boats % Boats % Boats % Total ·----------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------- Susitna t1ay 4 1 4 1 153 '38 216 53 27 7 0 0 404 Landing Jun 8 1 6 1 333 36 500 53 78 8 9 1 934 Jul 7 2 ") 1 205 47 191 44 27 6 0 0 432 .. Aug 7 2 0 0 150 42 172 49 25 7 0 0 354 Sep 22 4 2 1 167 33 253 51 56 11 1 0 501 Overall 48 2 14 1 1,008 38 1,332 51 213 8 10 0 2,625 Kings 15 1 10 1 532 37 761 53 107 7 9 1 1,434 Other fish 32 3 4 0 476 39 512 47 105 9 1 2 1~190 Talkeetna Jul 0 0 0 0 135 72 52 27 1 1 0 0 188 Aug 0 0 0 101+ 72 39 27 1 l 0 0 144 Sep 0 0 0 0 45 70 19 30 0 0 0 0 64 Overall 0 0 0 0 284 72 110 28 2 1 0 0 396 Other fish 0 0 0 0 284 71 110 28 3 L 0 397 v Willow Jul 131 60 1 I 22 10 64 29 0 n 0 0 218 Creek Aug 131 58 0 0 26 12 66 29 3 0 0 226 Sep 100 81 0 0 0 0 21 17 2 2 0 0 123 Overall 362 64 0 48 8 151 27 5 1 0 0 567 Other ftsh 350 62 0 0 48 9 149 26 5 1 0 2 552 __________ _,_ .. --------------------------------------------------------· .,. --------------------------- numbers are estimates. 0 ass 70- 362: Vlflllow O.J '~i~ure 2. Boat class bv exit location 19!:!4. The estimated number of boats are noted above each bar. AJ3::airboat. JJ=i.nboarcl jet, OJ=outboard jet, ou=outboard prop. Table 2. Boat length (feet) by exit location, 1984.8 --------"""'·---.._ ________________ _... ______ _.. _______________________________________________ ,_ Under 16 16-17 18-19 20-21 Over 21 Exit Month/ ------------------------------------- Location Season Boats % Boats % Boats % Boats % Boats % Total --------~t __ .,. _________________________________________________ .., ... _______________________ Susitna May 12 4 12 3 294 86 17 5 6 2 .341 Jun 53 8 157 24 191 29 158 24 103 15 662 Jul 22 5 82 19 116 26 131 30 87 20 438 Aug 16 5 78 22 86 24 102 29 70 20 352 Sep 44 9 •'lO .i.JO 28 126 25 117 23 75 15 500 Overall 147 6 467 20 813 35 525 "'l i!..J 341 15 2,293 72 7 182 16 515 47 200 18 128 12 1,097 fish 74 6 285 24 298 25 324 27 213 18 1,194 Talkeetn<l!lt Jul 0 0 56 30 18 9 53 28 62 33 1 l 1 30 20 4 3 81 56 30 20 146 Sep 1 2 2 3 16 25 8 13 36 57 163 Overall 2 1 88 22 38 10 142 36 128 32 398 Other fish 2 88 22 38 9 1'•2 36 127 32 3;7 Willow Jul 47 21 56 25 '•0 18 64 28 l7 8 224 Creek 53 23 63 28 53 23 I 18 17 8 227 27 22 _;;:; 10 36 29 22 18 l 1 124 127 22 157 27 129 22 127 22 35 515 Other 125 22 147 127 23 126 23 35 6 5,60 ... 'tilolt4$illl------·-.. ~---...,.,.-------------------------------------·--------------------------,----- are estimates. Table 3. Boat draft by exit location, 1984.8 ~'b ----------------~------------------------------------------Shallow Medium Deep Exit Month/ --------------------- I.ocation Season Boats % Boats % Boats % Total ----------~------------------------------------------------Susitna 203 54 146 39 29 7 378 Jun 426 48 372 42 ~0 10 888 Jul 224 '53 147 35 53 12 424 189 56 1'"' .I. I 35 30 9 336 201 46 207 47 33 7 441 Overall 1,243 50 989 40 235 10 2,467 676 50 549 41 128 9 1,353 fish 566 51 439 40 105 9 1,110 Talkeetna Jul 98 52 89 47 1 1 188 88 60 56 39 1 1 145 55 87 8 13 0 0 63 Overall 241 61 153 39 2 1 396 Other fish 241 61 154 38 3 398 Jul 159 72 62 28 0 0 221 Creek 181 82 38 17 3 l 222 107 86 15 12 2 2 124 447 79 115 20 5 1 567 Other f:f.sh 418 80 102 9 5 525 ------------------------------------------------------------ under 4.1" Medium: 4 0" 8.0" numbers are 12 1 17 1 Figure 3. Boat length bv exit location 1984. The esti:nated number of boats are noted ._:hove each har. 1 Figure 4. Boat draft bv above each loc.::.t Shallm.;r~ estimated number 4. 4' 1-8. 0''' Jul 15 5. load Location Susi na 37 38 ,057 40 2 37 535 37 533 fish 25 522 Talkeetna Jul 15 89 72 38 16 108 14 37 32 so 8 13 63 t ~rall 229 58 94 24 Other fish 74 228 57 94 24 33 35 37 45 5L 45 2 45 210 208 99 18 548 -----------""""""'""""' ___ ....., _______________ ., __________________________ .. ,,. _____ mir~'!:>ers Figure Boat load eYit location. estimat•d number of boats is above e;::~ch bar. at least L,anding also put in there. data for put in locations. For Jum! of the boat:s that exited at Susitn~l River: interviewed at the Talkeetna sites Based on the above interviews, thE! of boaters at Talkeetn.:t estimated 400 boats and 1000 boaters exited at the Talkeetna sites: the July to Septcember Of these, 284 were inboard jets: were outboard (Table 1, Fipure 2). While large boats were! C4::~mmon with 142 at feet and 128 over 21 feet in length, 241 hadl shallow drafts (Tables 2, 3, 3 ~ 4) • The over 240 cubic inch mt[)tors (143 boats) were most (Table , Figure 5) The majorit;v' of boaters (58%) considered their loads medium (Table 5, Figure 6). Inboard jets (70-72%) and outboard jets (27-30%) were the dominant boat classes exiting at the Talkeetna s:ttes over the July to September Orable 1). Boat shifted from the near equal freqency for the 115··17~ 20-21, and over 21 foot in July, to the August and September 2). The number of boats drafts decreased 98 in July to 55 in September, while the medium declined 8 over the same 3). There was a trend toward the over 240 cubic inch motors, with in September at 53% (Table 4). Boats heavy loads declined from 72 in July to 8 boats in (Table 5). Iru:mfficient data were available for During other salmon season 71% of the inboarc jets and 28% were outboard jets salmon season at Talkeetna. boats were 20 feet and longer had shallow 397 boats exiting were 1). the drafts (Tables 2. 3). The over 240 cubic inch motors (38%) boat loads (57%) during the other salmon In July, 100% of the boats started there. There was lemnch and airstrip as the put at the airstrip, j 55% had shallow drafts, as were • 5). Talkeetna exit sites between the Talkeetna boat the boats outboard The split between inboard and outboard jets was 44% at!.d 52% Some 57% of these boats had medium drafts, while the remaining boats had shallow drafts. In August of the boats put in at the airstrip, 19% the boat launch, and 4~ at Willow Creek. Some of the boats that put in at airstrip i.nboard jets and 24% were outboard j 55% of boats at the airstrip had shallow draft1;. those that put in at the Talkeetna boat launch, 66% were inboard jets were outboard jets, and 75% had shallow drafts@ During September 62% of the boats exiting at the Talkeetna sjltes had put in at the boat launch versus 38% at the airstrip. All of tht~ boats that in at the were inboard with shallow drafts, with inboard jets at the boat launch. The remaining boats boat launch were outhoard jets. 80% of the bo~tts that put in at the boat launch had drafts. Willow Creek: Some 426 boat operators were interviewed at Willow Creek September Based on the above interviews, the estimates for the of boaters at Willow Creek l7ere calculated. estimated 600 boats and 1800 boaters exited at Willow Creek the to September Airboats accounted for of all boats with outboard jets being the second most frequent class at 29% (Table 1, Figure 2). The 16-17 foot boats ~"-re most common 31% (Table 2, 3). Willow Creek 72% of L•e boats had shallow drafts and an 46% of the boats had over 240 cubic inch motors (Tables 3, Figures 4, 5). At "'allow Creek of the boat loads were light and 36% were medium (Table 5, Figure 6). The number of outboard jets was stable during July and August (64-66) but decreased to 21 in September. There were an estimated 100 or more airboats exi.ting at Willow Creek during every month sampled (Table ) . ~~ile most boat groups were stable, the 18-19 increased and the over 21 group decreased in percent over time 2). The main trends in boat drafts were the increase in shallow draft boats from in July to 86% in September. and the decline in medium draft boats from 28% in July to 12% in September (1 able 3). The percent of boats with over 240 cubic inch motors from 39-58% over the July to September period (Table 4). The percent of boats in each load class was stable over time (Table 5). Insufficient data were available salmon season Creek. other salmon season 62% were airboats, and 1) • All groups were of near except the over 21 foot group (Table 2). While most (418 boats), 49% of the boats had over 240 cubic inch motors 3, 4). Approximately 82% of all boats had light or medium loads {Table 5). All 100% of the boats exiting at: '\tlillow Creek during also put in there, and 72% had shallow drafts. In 89% of the boats: at Willow Creek also put in there, while 10% put in at the Susitna Of those that put in at W:Ulow Creek 64% were airboats, 29% were outboard jets, and 84% had shallow drafts. In 99% of the boats exiting at Willow Creek also put in there, 81% were airbetats, and 87% had shallow drafts. Susitna Landing: An estimated 99% of all boaters exiting at the Susitna had destinations downstream of the gauging station at Sunshine (Table 6). The most frequent destinations were the Desbka River (1473 boats), and the Yentna River (633 boats) (Table 7). The other first destinations listed by at least 2% of the boaters were Alexander Slough, Creek, and Willow Creek. Overall, an estimated 1700 boats at their first destination. While many more locations were listed ae: second destinations than first destinations, nt> location was mentioned with any great frequency. The Deshka River boa=s) and Yentna River boats) were the main second destinations followed Willow Creek (28 boats). 69 boats stayed at their Sl~ond destinations. There was a decline in the Deshka RivE~r as a. f:.L·st destination from 79% in May to 18% in increase in th~~ Yentna River from 15% to 41% over the same ) • The Deshka River as a first destination increased from 316 boats in May to a peak of 685 boats in June, while the Yentna in September with 211 boats (Table 7). The number of boats that stayed overnight at thej~r first destination varied from 198 to 584. Second destinatior:ts were the king salmon season the Deshka River was the first desltination of the boats exiting at Susitna , while 17% indicated the Ye11tna River. In addition only the first destinations of Willow Creek (68 boats), Suaitna Landing (10 boats), and Alexander Slough (34 boats) 21 Table 6. boats and their destination relative to the discharge __ ., _________ ..... _.....,. ________________________ ..,_ ___________________________________________ . ____ . _____________ ,_ Act:Lvity Susitna Landing Talkeetna Response -------------------------___________ .. ______________ --·-------·----~·--------·---- Season Cat4egory Down Up Both Sum Down Up Both Sum stream stream stream stream stream ------------~---------------------------------------------------~·,. ------------------.. ----·-------------- May Main 326 0 2 328 Yes 21 0 0 21 59 0 2 61 Blank 2 0 0 2 408 0 4 412 Jun Mabt 781 0 1 782 Yes 83 0 0 83 73 0 1 74 Bla11k 1 0 0 1 938 0 2 940 Jul Main. 251 0 1 252 0 33 0 33 ] Yes 81 0 0 81 0 31 0 31 27 No 99 0 3 102 0 118 0 118 23 Blank 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 3 437 0 4 441 0 182 0 182 227 Aug Main 215 0 0 215 0 85 104 160 Yes 67 0 67 0 1 1 20 No 73 0 0 73 0 10 40 46 Blank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 355 0 0 355 0 116 29 145 227 First destinations for boaters exiting at Susitna Landing 19:84. a -------------·---------------------------------------------------------·----·, .... ____ May Jun Aug Sep 0\ierall ----------------------------------------·---- Boats Boats Boats Boats Boats % Boatts --------------------· ·--------~----~-----------------------------· ______ , _____ , _____ 14 3.5 19 2.0 15 3. 6 1.7 3 0.5 57 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 3.7 19 0. 0 0 4 0.4 3 0.6 1 0.3 12 2.4 20 0.8 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 o. 2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2.0 10 o. 316 79.0 685 74.0 241 55.0 141 40.3 90 17.8 1,473 56.2 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0.3 l 0.2 2 0. 0 0 1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.3 1 0.1 0 0 3 0.9 13 2.6 18 0.7 2 0.5 6 0.7 l 0.3 3 0.9 4 0.7 16 0.6 0 0 0 0 2 0.5 2 0.6 3 0.6 7 0.3 0 0 0 0 1 0.2 0 0 40 7.9 41 l. 0 0 0 0 1 0.2 1 0.3 10 2.0 12 0.5 Creek 0 0 0 0 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 2 0. Creek 0 0 0 0 l.O 39 11. 1 20 • 1 63 2 • 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 3 0.6 4 0. Susitna 0 0 1.2 0.2 4 1 1 26 5.2 42 1. Susitna Station 4 0.9 3 0.3 4 0.9 1 0.3 11 2 1 23 0. Talkeetna River 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.6 3 0. Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.2 1 Creek 0 0 51 5.5 • 2 55 15.7 24 4.7 166 6. River 59 14.9 145 15.7 125 28. 93 26.6 211 41.7 633 24.2 Total 400 100 926 100 100 350 100 506 100 2,620 .,....,.., .. _____________________ ----------------------.. ------------------~--------,·-------- numbers presented are estimates. had estimated of at least 10 boats. second destinations were me>.1tioned: the Deshka River (44 boats), the Yentna River (38 boats), and Willow Creek (11 boats). During the other salmon season there were more first destinations. but the Deshka River (433 boats) and the Yentna River (391 boats) were the most , followed by Willow Creek (98 boats), and Sheep Creek (64 boats). Willow Creek (16 boats), the Deshka River (10 boats), and the Yentna River (10 boats) were listed as second destination by 10 or more boats. Overall, 97% of the boats at Susitna also put in th,ere. A similar pattern existed for second destinations, with 94% of the boats second destinations put in at Susitna ~a.no~n.g There were three major boat classes exiting at the Susitna Landing: outboard jets (1332 boats), inboard jets (1008 boats), and outb1oard props (213 boats). All other classes had an estimated of less than 50 boats. Of the outboard jets, 60% had the first destina~ion while 19% listed the Yentna River. the next most important first destination, but was :isted by only 8:t of the outboard jets. The Deshka River was the first destination for 54% and the Yentna River for 33% of the inboard jets. Some 45% of the boaters using outboard props indicated the Deshka River as their first destination, 20% the Yentna River, followed by Susitna Landing (1 L%), Willow Creek (8%), and Creek (5%). few boaters had second destinations. 94 outboard jets with second destinations. their second destination as the Deshka River, 20% Willow Creek. Only an estimated 64 destinations. Of these 33% were the Deshka There were an estimlated Of these, 30% listed as 29% the Yentna River, and inboard jets had second River and 28% the Yentna River. Talkeetna: Approximately 89% of the destinations for boats exiting at the TalkeE!tna sites were Uf.'Stream of the gauging station at Sunshine (TI!blc 6). Some 63% of the boats exiting at the Talkeetna sites listed the Talkeetna River as their first destination (Table 8). The second u1ost first destination was Gold Creek (47 boats). Overall. only 111 boats stayed at their first destination. The number of boats second desti!lations \:vas insignificant ( 12 for the July through September 25 Table 8. First destinations for boaters at the Talkeetna boat launch or airstrip, Jul Aug Overall First Destination Boats % Boats % Boats % Boats % Birch Creek Chase Chulitna N.iver Indian River Mi 232 AK RR Creek Talkeetua River Trapper Creek Whiskers Creek 6 3.0 0 0 7 3.7 1 0.7 1 0.7 33 17.4 0 0 16 8.6 0 0 1 0.7 122 64.4 0 0 1 0.7 18 12.3 6 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 6.9 1 0.9 0 0 1 0.9 3 2.0 99 69.2 3 L 3 1.9 2 3.3 10 16.8 4 6.9 1 1. 7 0 0 4 7.1 0 0 4 7.1 5 8.7 2 3.5 24 0 3 39.7 0 5.2 26 6.6 16 4.1 11 2.8 2 0.5 1 0.3 47 12.0 1 0.3 20 5.1 6 1 5 6 1.5 245 62.7 3 0.8 7 l. 8 Total 188 100 144 100 59 100 391 100 numbers presented are estimates. 26 in September. Insufficient available for at For other salmon season Talkeel:tla River, 12% Gold destination There were destinations. a~d Creek insufficient observations for 74% of the esti~ated boats exiting at put Talkeetna airstrip. Of these, River as their first 25% of had their the Talkeetna sites, boat launch. Boaters who put in at th~ boat launch selection first Gold was ">f boaters, follo~"ed by Chase at , BirC'h Creek and the Chulitna River at 12% each~ ~nd Whiskers Creek, Sunshine, Creek and mile 232 Alaska Railroaj at 7% each. Percentages under 7 represent less than boats. Of th~ 10 boats with second destinations that the Talkeetna site~, 100% put in at the Talkeetna boat launch. {284 boats) and outboard jets 110) classer.. representef with any great For the were three main first destinations: Talkeetna Creek 11%), 232 Alaska Railroad (6%). p~ttern was different River as a first destination estimated 47% of the boats Birch 20%, followed Gold Creek at at and Railroad 4%. Willow Creek: Over 99% of the destinations f;Jr boatet's exiting Creek downstream of the discharge gauging station at Sunshine first destinations Creek and the (Table 9), second destinations , and Ri.ver Overall 277 first destinations, 5 overnight at second destinations. Table 9. First for boaters exiting at Willow Creek, 1984. --·------«!11111!------------------------------------------------ Jul. Overall First ------------------------- Destination Boats % Boats *"" ________________________ " ________________________________ Alexander o. 3.6 4 3.5 3 Caswell Creek 0 0 1 o. 1 0.2 River 81 36.7 55 55 .2 191 33. Flat horn 0 0 0 1 0.8 1 0.2 0 0 5 0 0 5 19 24 Portage Creek 0 0 0 1 1 Creek 0 0 4 0 4 Susitna Landing 0 0 0 1 Susitna Station 0 0 2 1 0.8 3 Willow Creek 138 62.4 136 27 21.7 301 Yentna River 1 .5 1 22 Total 221 100 222 100 124 .)67 100 ______________________________________ .., _________________ numbers 28 to those for or were insufficient. e:::t Jul 31 7 ------------~------t..---------------------------------------'"'--------·------------------~-------- Private Sight Susitna Study Category No Yes No Yes Main No Yes Main No Yes Main No Yes Main No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Main Yes by 328 61 21 0 406 15 393 3 0 3 408 0 9 0 42 271 138 8 15 0 10 383 2 2 2 0 0 354 503 2 353 0 2 5 35 322 3 83 50 1 18 35 33 39 9 10 7 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ pre~·,ted .reestimates. Commercial Fishing Supply Sight Susi ttn Study Other 15 Yes 5 No Yes No Yes Main No Yes No 98 Yes 1 89 Yes 0 Yes Yes Yes L) 0 Yes 0 5 Yes 5 5 5 G 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------·-- numbers presented est ""_, ________ .._ ............ _________ ....,. ________________________________________________________ ._ .. ·- Landing ------------------------------------""""·--- Secondary Main Secondary Main ----------------- ___ ..., _____ ------------------------·~-- Boats Boats % Boats Boats % Bo.ats ------------·----· ... ______________________ ·--------------------------------------------·----·~---Q!IO> 0 0 5 lJ 8 42 0 0 l 13 5 2 3 43 16 40 0 0 0 0 4 50 32 10 2.5 0 0 1 100 3 38 5 26 4 0 0 6 15 10 53 0 0 0 0 32 1 l 1 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 1 35 3 9 8 2 364 31 51 44 346 30 26 23 259 22 21 18 82 7 3 3 Over 5 74 6 5 4 6 19 l 8 5 0 0 17 j 11 57 32 7l 20 63 83 ~5 19 29 28 42 24 30 1 3 74 /1 1" 4,. 18 4 24 35 20 26 l7 1 3 74 23 26 5 49 l2 7 4 i 9 28 46 ~~ 6 5 15 7 10 0 0 3 33 10 9 ____________ 1..., __________________ _, __________ ...,._, _______ ..,.,. _ _... ____ ~ .. -----·------""""'""""'--""""-------.... ,,. _______ sample data are indicated by --. 412 2 June 940 10 1 4 llB9 355 0 U6 511 0 64 14 1210 2 398 88 39 are values. are 45 3 0 _______ , ___________ .. _______________ ~~---------------------------------------- 1 5 Susitna l .. and:tng Talkeetr.c~ or Season -------- Se.1son 597 0 0 7 Fish 412 0 0 2 99 0 1 0 66 0 0 3 72 0 0 0 5 0 147 28 0 0 0 0 6 0 are estimates. Mis~ing data are indicated main activity~ 'Yes' indicates 0 5 ..! 15 0 0 85 0 0 65 0 imrolvement in exit locati...tn Boat Class Jet Jet prop 80 116 5 13 0 1 bocts 20 2 7 0 0 0 57 30 J sport 0 c --"'""'--------... ~-------·-----------------·-------------...... ----...... -------....... -----------------------~·---------- Susitna Landing Talkeetna ---------------------.. ·---------------------IUI'·----,.----"""""'-·---1i~Vi!iri<- Main Class --~ -------------------------------____ .. !lj<,_ __ Boats Boats Boats Boats ------------o~~·---------------------------------------------... -------------------------.... ,. ... ---~·------------ 2 29 41 19 100 0 0 0 13 32 0 1 100 3 3 43 2 5 0 0 0 5 63 13 65 1 14 8 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 385 33 S9 61 669 57 31 27 10 1 l Outboard prop 77 7 13 ll l 0 0 19 2 0 0 Jet 166 40 92 52 93 59 31 94 36 2 Jet 209 50 62 35 63 40 1 3 107 32 Air boat 11 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 181 55 Outboard prop 25 6 20 11 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 Canoe l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 2 3 ---------·-----,, ... ________________ __..,_ _____________________________________________ .. ,, .. .....,. ..... _____ ..-------- presented are estimates. data are indicated by --. was the main activity. ' indicate.,; sport 'ii7SS a While camping was the main secondary one for an estimated 17 boats, a number of boa1ts that were involved in camping activities was number in September was similar at 3!2 352, yet the ·ralkeetna: Due to the insuffic:hmt data available for the salmon sedlSon at Talkeetna, the estimates here are lower than the actual lervel of use. Care should be used to indicate this, should any of the estimates be cited. 160 boats and 500 were involved additional 30 boats ~nd the 60% of the 33 of 2 with main of sport iO 19 boats had parties of other salmon seasonlP 90% of the 157 boats their main had parties of 2 to 5 of the in the (Table with sport (Table 15). as Guides. During July 29 boats that sport fished used a guide, while in 49 boats used a During the other salmon season. an estimated 88 boats in sport used (Table 16). Destinations. The first destination for those boats with sport as their main declined from 100% of .33 boats for Talkeetna River in July to 79% of 104 boats in For those with sport as a activity, 91% of boats listed the Talkeetna River as their first dew~:.Lnation in During the other salmon season 86% (134 boats) of those w:tth the main activity fishing listed the Talkeetna River as a first destination (Table 100% of the boats with sport as their main activity put airstrip. In August 92% of the boats with the main in at the airstip~ while 8% put in at In July 100% of the boats with sport as their main activity were outboard jets. In August 71% of the boats with main activity of sport were inboard jets and 28% were outboard jets. the other salmon season 59% those boats with main activitv sport ~ere inboard jete and 40% were outboard jets (Table 19). • 53 Table ' iercent of boats at the and month launch. or Overall __________________ _.._ __ • ____ • _________________ co:-_____ Sport Main 17 72 30 39 No 66 28 69 53 Yes 16 1 2 8 TrappiLlg 1>1ain (; 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 Yes 0 0 u 0 Main 0 1 0 0 No 100 99 69 95 Yes 0 0 jl 5 Commercial Main 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 'i')O Yes 0 a 0 0 r.ommercial Main 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 Yes l' 0 0 0 Private Main 7 0 2 4 Supply No 93 98 95 95 Yes 2 3 2 Main 16 13 14 !5 No 65 86 86 76 Yes 19 1 0 9 Main 0 0 0 No 99 103 100 110 Yes 0 c 0 0 Sight Ma;in 8 1 s.7 7 No 8lt 79 78 Bl Yes 8 21 5 12 Main 0 0 (' 0 No 100 99 IOC. 100 Yes 0 1 0 0 Susitna Main 15 14 10 14 No 84 86 90 86 Yes 2 0 0 1 Other Main 0 0 0 0 No 96 100 100 98 Yes 4 0 0 2 _____ ..,. __________ ....,. _____ O'OD _____ """"' ___ ..,.. ___ .. ,.,.,.._....,... ___ ...,..,""""" ____ numbers presented are :stimates. indicated whether an activity was the main activity (Main), a activity engaged in (Yes), or an did not participate in (No). ')4 Table 21. Number of boats for boats at the ~---------------------~-------------------------- Activity July tg Overall ____ ... """ ___________________ _, _____________ ...,.. __________ Main 33 104 19 156 No 125 40 44 209 Yes 31 1 1 33 Trapping Main 0 0 0 0 No 189 146 64 399 Yes 0 0 0 0 Main 0 1 0 1 No 189 144 44 377 Yes 0 0 20 20 Commercial Main 0 0 0 0 No 189 146 64 399 Yes 0 0 0 0 Commercial Main 0 0 0 0 No 189 146 64 399 Yes 0 0 0 0 :'rivate Main 13 0 1 14 No 174 143 60 377 Yes 1 3 2 6 Transportation Main 31 9 59 No 122 125 54 301 Yes 36 1 0 37 Main 0 0 1 No P37 146 64 397 Yes 0 0 0 0 Seeing Main 15 1 11 27 No 159 115 50 324 Yes 15 30 ~ 48 Main c 0 0 0 No 189 144 64 397 Yes 0 l 0 1 Susitna Main 28 20 6 54 No 157 126 57 340 Yes 3 I) 0 3 Activity 1-lain 0 0 0 0 No 181 146 61 388 Yes 8 0 0 8 --------------------------------~-------~-------- numbers presented are esti1nates. indicated whether an activity was (Main), secondary activity • or did not in (No). 55 Based on data obtained from the exit interviews, only a boat was hunting as their main activity and an estimated 20 boats ~rere engaged in hunting as a secondary activity (Tables 20. 21). There were an estimated 59 boats involved in transport!ltion as their main , and another 37 indicated it was activity (Tabl£S 20, 21). Overall an estimated 27 boats had this as their main ,activity, with another 48 noting it as a activ:l.ty (Tables 20, 21). An estimated 54 boats indicated that this was their main activity. and August had the most involvement with 31 and 20 boats, 20, Willow Creek: Due to the insufficient data available for salmon season at Willow Creek: the estimates here are lower than the actual level of use. Care should be taken indicate this sJwuld the estimates be cited. There were Party The season At Willot~T Creek in sport addition, as a in July consisted of 2··5 different in August and other Guides. The use of those who sport fis~ed, but insufficient data were availablE! for fishing period in June. In 24 boats used guide. Du·ring other salmon season an estimated 39 boats usej Destinations. For July boats with the main activity their first destination. Septembt.!r never more thatl 30% of those sport indicated the Deshk.a first destination 68-75% of the )6 Table 22. Percent of boats by month for boats exiting at Willow Creek, ~-------------------~----------------------------- July Aug Sept Overall ------------------~ ... ---------o1111111 ..... ---~-------........... -------- Main 78 71 6 60 No 10 20 77 29 Yes 12 9 16 12 Main 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 Yes 0 0 0 0 Main 0 1 22 6 No 100 99 33 8~ Yes 0 0 58 13 Cormnerc:f.al Main 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 Yes 0 0 0 0 Commercial Main 0 0 1 0 No 100 100 99 100 Yes 0 0 0 0 Private Main 3 9 3 6 No 95 90 94 95 Yes 2 0 3 2 Transportation Main 8 9 13 10 No 82 83 84 83 Yes 9 8 3 8 0 1 0 1 No 72 80 35 67 Yes 28 19 65 32 Sight Seeing Main 3 2 3 3 No 88 91 93 90 Yes 7 4 7 Mining Main 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 Yes 0 0 0 0 Susitna Study Main 0 1 0 0 No 100 99 100 00 Yes 0 0 0 0 Other Activity Main 7 3 3 5 No 92 95 95 94 Yes 1 2 2 2 _________________ ...,. ________ .., _____________________________ numbers presented are estimates. indicated activity was the activity (Main)» a secondary activit~' engaged in , or an activity th.:-y in (No) 57 Table 23. Number of boats oy month for boats exiting at Willow Creek, ------·----(--------------------------------------- July Aug Sept Overall ______ .,lilt-__________________________________________ Main 174 160 8 342 No 23 46 96 165 Yes 27 20 20 67 Main 1 0 0 1 No 223 22·'} 125 572 Yes 0 0 0 0 Hunting Main 1 2 29 32 No 223 222 26 471 Yes 0 0 75 75 Commercial Main 1 0 0 1 No 223 224 125 572 Yes 0 0 0 0 Commercial Main 1 0 1 2 No 223 223 124 570 Yes 0 1 0 1 Private Main 7 21 4 32 No 213 202 118 533 Yes 4 1 4 9 Transportation Main 19 21 16 56 No 184 185 104 473 Yes 21 18 4 43 Main 1 2 0 3 No 161 lJl 4!~ 386 Yes 62 42 80 184 Sight Seeing Main 7 5 4 16 No 198 203 115 516 Yes 19 16 5 40 Mining Main 0 0 0 0 No 224 224 125 573 Yes 0 0 0 0 Susitna 3tudy Main 0 2 0 2 No 224 222 125 571 Yes 0 0 0 0 Other Activity Main 15 7 4 26 No 206 215 119 540 Yes 3 4 2 9 ------------~------------------------------~-~-numbers are estimates. indicated whether (Main) ' or activity in (No). 58 salmon season, Willow Creek 71% (234 boats) and Ri"<~Jrer 25% (83 boats) were the major first destinations. For the additional 63 boats that 'lrt fished!} an estimated 47% had Deshka River as first destination, 41% Willow Creekg and 11% Little Willow Creek. Se1ptE!mt1er, an estimated 78-100% of the boats had put all boats that sport fished, Of those boats in tdth the .:>f sport were airboats 32% outboard jets, and 12% inboard jets .. 58% were airboats and 11% were outboard j t!.'ts. For the 330 boats the main activity of an estimated 32 boats were additional 75 boats was the main month for 23). and outboard jet:s (32%). !ts their main in the a total of 104 Overall 35 boats indicated this their main The majority of additional also occurred in (Tables 22, There 66 with t activity, and another 43 boats noted tr (Tables 22, 23). their activity Few boats indicated 210 it ':>9 their main activity, but an activity. There MO boats 63 boats (Tables 22, this the-:lr main activity. steady over June to only of at 22 Susitna Landing: Overall, 82% of the interviewed were in the 16-49 year age g1:·oup. There was some variation in percent of in the 16-49 over time, with a high of 90% in June and a low of 77% in May 11). Overall, 79% of the while 19% were females. Figure 12). at the Susitna at 90% during were males, (Table 25, About 1900 (66%) who exited at the Susitna reside1d in the and another 800 (28%) lived in the Mat-~musk.a and 26). Overall, 46% of the making 11-20 visits to the Susitna River this season. May 22% of the! indicated more than 20 visits, but in no other month ''!Vas this The 11-20 visit group was at a low llith 148 May, but for the June to period it from 229 (Table 27, Figure 13) Overall, 85% of the boaters indicated a trip time of three or l~ess days on the river. Some 29-40% of the boaters indicated a trip time of 1 the to (Table 28, Talkeetna: For the entire June the 16-49 year age {Table 24~ Figure 86% of the at four times as m;o,-males as females exiting at the the June through September The percent Boaters each site asked to estimate their number of the 1984 boating season. 60 Table 24. Age groups exit location$ 1984.8 ---------------------~---------~-----------------------------Under 16 16-49 Over 49 Exit ,... _________ -------------------Location Month % % -------~--~----------~-~--~-------~~----------~--------------Susitna 71 16 339 71 33 7 Jun 48 8 522 90 12 2 Jul 69 14 393 78 39 8 60 14 336 78 33 8 35 7 454 86 41 8 Overall 283 11 2,044 82 158 6 Talkeetna Jul 7 13 l~ 1 77 5 9 4 7 46 85 4 7 Se;' 2 4 53 95 1 2 Overall 13 8 140 86 10 6 Willow Jul 47 14 256 74 42 12 Creek 43 14 228 73 4 ... 13 13 7 145 81 20 11 103 12 629 75 103 12 ------~--------------------------------------~--~-~----------numbers presented are values. 61 <1 Figure 11. Boater a~e by exit location above each bar~ The number of People sam~led is 25. of the of au adolescent was not apparent, recorded as 'Juvenile'. 63 Figure 12. Boater sex bv exit location 1084. The number of neonle samnled is noted above each bar. 26. Number of people for residence by location, l a lib groups -----·---------------------...--------------------------"""""'"""""'"""' _________________________ ,. __ Residence Groups _a _______________________________________________ ,,.._......, ___ .,., _____ ,._ Inte~oriew Locat:lon Month 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 ll 12 -----~---------------..------------------------------------------..,...----------·---·· ... ----,.-- May 149 261 3 2 0 0 0 15 0 0 u~ Jun 226 560 8 8 1 0 6 0 :t:6 1 Jul 157 370 5 7 l 0 0 3 0 14 0 3 Aug 116 3ll 1 6 0 0 0 8 2 14 3 146 388 0 8 0 0 1 3 5 0 Overall 794 l~R90 17 31 2 1 l 32 5 75 2 2/' Jul 2 35 0 10 0 0 0 5 0 7 37 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 Sep 5 42 0 6 0 0 0 2 2 l 0 2 0'< Overall 14 114 0 24 3 0 0 3 2 10 0 5 V1 Jul 74 220 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 45 0 Creek Aug 48 231 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 9 Sep 23 150 l 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 Overall 145 601 3 11 0 0 0 4 0 70 0 1 ----·-----------------------------------------------------------------------,·----·-- are values. Groups 1 Montana Creek to Palmer/Wasilla 2 to Girdwood 3 Seward, Cooper to Homer 4 Peter's Creek, Talkeetna,, Trapper Creek 5 Cantwell to Nenana 6 Glennallen and Paxson 7 Delta Junction~ Tok, Valdez, Kodiak 8 Juneau, Ketchikan 9 Fairbanks 10 Missinr: 11 USA, non-Alaska 12 Non-USA Others Table 27. Number of anticipated visits by exit location, 1984. a ------------------~---~----------------------------------------------- Under 2 2-5 6-10 11-20 Over 20 Exit ------------------------------------------- Location Month People % People % People % % People % --------------------------------------------------------~ ------------- Susitna May 69 16 66 18 48 11 148 35 93 22 Jun 117 14 218 36 190 23 297 36 0 0 Jul 31 6 88 19 130 24 299 55 0 0 Aug 51 11 105 30 71 16 229 50 0 0 Sep 58 11 104 23 109 20 278 51 0 0 Overall 326 581 27 548 20 1,251 46 0 0 Talkeetna Jul 11 22 1 2 5 10 32 65 0 0 Aug 23 43 10 23 2 4 19 35 0 0 Sep 17 31 24 80 2 4 11 20 0 0 Overall 51 32 35 29 9 6 62 39 0 0 Willow Jul 17 6 31 12 55 19 56 19 134 46 Creek Aug 26 8 62 25 58 19 78 25 85 28 Sep 10 6 24 16 15 9 35 20 90 52 Overall 53 7 117 15 128 16 169 22 309 40 ---------------------------------------e-------------------------------numbers presented are samole values. Boaters were asked to estimate the number of visits 1984. 66 n i i r Figure 13. Anticinated number of visits hv exit location 1984. The number of neonle samnled is noted above each bar of trins. Peon le were asked to 1::-st imate the number Table 28. Days on the river by exit location, 1984.8 -------------------------~--------------------------------------------------May Jun Jul Aug Sep Overall Exit ----------------------------------------____ .. ____ ,. Location Days Boats % Boats % Boats % Boats % Boat a % Boat:s ~: ---------------------~-----~---------------------~-----------------------~~- Susitna 1 154 38 378 40 129 29 135 38 64 13 860 3"' .:. Landing 2 85 21 328 35 157 36 111 31 120 24 801 30 3 109 27 170 18 107 24 75 21 144 28 605 23 4 35 9 28 3 27 6 9 3 68 13 167 6 5 10 2 10 1 9 2 9 3 50 10 88 3 6 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 28 5 36 1 7 6 1 11 1 2 0 4 1 17 3 40 2 8-14 2 0 9 1 6 1 8 2 16 3 41 2' Ovr:c 14 0 0 5 1 0 0 3 1 3 l ll 0 405 100 940 100 440 100 354 100 510 100 26~.9 HlO Talkeetna 1 138 73 127 88 45 71 310 78 2 0 0 4 3 1 2 5 1 3 22 12 3 2 10 16 35 9 4 1 1 0 0 3 4 1 5 13 7 4 3 4 21 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 5 6 4 0 0 15 4 8-ll• 6 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 Over 14 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 __ ...... --- 189 100 145 100 63 100 397 100 Willow 1 156 70 169 75 43 34 368 Creek 2 48 21 41 18 30 24 19 21 3 16 7 12 5 20 16 48 8 4 1 0 2 1 14 11 1 7 3 5 0 0 1 0 7 6 8 1 6 1 0 0 0 5 4 6 1 7 0 0 1 0 4 3 .5 1 8-14 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 Over 14 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 __ .. _ --- 224 100 226 100 126 100 57~& 100 --~~--~---------~--------------~~-------~--~---------~--~---~-------~~-~---- numbers presented are estimates. Missing data are indicated e t iv a >5 Figure 14 Trip duration bv exit location 1984. The estimated number of boats is noted above each bar. males (Table of 64% in June tc a of 92% in Over t:b~ July to 114 people (65%) exiting at the Talkeetna sites in the Anchorage area. The srcond g·roup with 24 (14%), was the Talkeetna area towns (Table 26). Some 39% of the 11-20 visits this seasons while less than 2 visits. The percent in the 11-20 visit group declined from 65% in July to 20% in the the 2-5 visit group increased from 27, At Talkeetna, 78% of the indicated their trip was over the June to only one duration. trips ll). Willow Creek: from a low of 71% to a high At Willow Creek 75% of the people were 16-49 years of age. Thi1s group was stable 73-Bl% for to Neither the less than 16 years or greater than 49 year group excee~ed 47 in any single month (Table 5, Figure 12). Over the to exiting at There were residences in the Matanuska period males accounted for 67-87% Clf the Creek (Table 25, Figure 12). 600 people (71%) Willow CreE!k with .Another lived in towns of area (Table 26). Overall 40% of the more than 20 during this season, while another 22% responded ll-20 visits. l"or the to September , the of resp<mdents anticipated over 20 visits (Table 27~ 70 been o!it river 71 the 21% had two SUMMARY An estimated 2700 boats and 8600 boaters exited at the Susitna the May to 1984 , 400 boats and 1000 boaters July to September at the Talkeetna boat launch or 600 boats and 1800 boaters exited July through Creek. The major activity of these people was sport An estimated 1900 boats and 6600 at Susitna in sport , as were 200 boats and 600 sites, and 400 boats and 1400 Several other activities supply, and were were considered secondary. Hunting with 600 boats all three boats were uncommon. At and the Talkeetna £:.lites inboard jets {38% and 71%~ outboard j1~ts (51% and 28%, respectively) dominated, while at Willow Creek airboats (64%) and outboard jets (27%) were most At Susitna the 80 bp and smaller motors and the 81-160 hp motors were most common, while at Talkeetna and Willow Creek the 80 and sm.aller and the over 240 cubic inch motors were most The first destinations for boaters at the Susitna wer1e Deshka (56%) and Yentna Rivers {24%). For the Talkeetna boaters, the Talkeetna River (63%) was the major destination» while at Willow Creek it was Willow Creek (53%) followed by the Deshka River (34%). Second destinations were uncommon. Boaters that exited at Susitna or Willow Creek had destinations that dowrtstreau:t of the gauging station at Sunshine, while those exiting at Talkeetna usually went upstream of Sunshine. While there was a trend tow'ard mcce diverse destinations in , few were encountered ~ith any great Over the entire period, no problem was than 16% of the boats at any one of the three exit month did more than 28% of the boats one encounter any one of the about (i.e. rocks, bars, debris, boats exiting at Willow Cn!ek were airboats, on problel!l examined) of all boats exiting at Willow Creek that had navigational problems were airboats. All other boat classes and boat draft groups encountered navjlgational in a proportion similar to their in the population. While there seemed to exist a threshold of 30,000 cfs at which the of navigational problems increased, there 'Iivas evidEmce that site visited may have as much of an effect on the proporticn .• of boats with navigational problems as There is 11tto clear of the effect of discharge on navigational prob:le!ms. Too many factors in the complex relationship could not be controlled. 72 Most people were in the 16-49 year be of the sites indicated that the 1984 season. boats exiting at Susitna ................... ,. at Talkeetna or Willow took 73 group, and most were males. As "'"'" ............ ..., were most prevalent at at any site to the Sus:ltna. River three ACKNOWLEDGEM»~T I the perseverance of all the in,terviewers this project, as well as t~e field in the l~Ft~G Palmer .,ffice; numerous hours personnel, Deborah Amos1. data; the assjsta~ce in preparation procedures by Mr. and Mr. Dalla:s Ow,ens of and the efforts of ADF&G Keith WE~bster Michele Kamenchuk in preparation of this report. 74 ..PPENDIX A Data Collection Form 75