HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4001TK 1425 .S8 A68 no.4001 I I I""", .-, ! Tk 14'2.') .So Ab<O no.liM \ - ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AOUA TIC STUDIES REPORT NO.3 Part II,Chapter 11 AQUATIC HABITAT AND INSTREAM FLOW lNVESTIGA TrONS (MA Y-OCTOBER 1983) Edited by: Christopher C.Estes and Douglas S.Vincent-Lang Prepared for: ALASKA POWER POWER AUTHORITY 334 W.FIFTH AVE. ANCHORAGE.ALASKA 99501 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Informatlon ServIces Anchorage,Alaska - ....... 01........ C\I:: ooo LO LO....... C") C") DRAFT Apri 1 30 ~1984 INVESTIGATIONS OF EULACHON SPAWNING HABITAT IN THE LOWER SUSITNA RIVER. 1984 Report No.3,Chapt~r 11 By:Douglas Vincent-Lang and Isaac Queral Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 2207 Spena rd Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 ARLIS Alaska Resources blbfftcry &,Infonnatlon ServiceS Anchorage.Alaska .- ..... .- DRAFT .ABSTRACT (To Be Written) Apr;1 30,1984 DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS Apri 1 30,1984 PAGE .-ABSTRACT ..i TABLE OF COI~TENTS................................................i i LIST OF FIGURES..................................................iii LIST OF TABLES...................................................v 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................1 - 1.1 Background ...•..•.:..........•...•.........•..........• 1.2 Objectives ....••••..•.......••........•..•............. 2.0 METH·ODS .. 1 2 4 3.0 4.0 5.0-6.0 7.0 8.0' ,~ ... 2.1 Site Selection.........................................4 2.2 Field Data Collection..................................5 RESULTS.. •. . . . . . . . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .••. .•.. . . . . . •. . . . . . • . 8 DISCUSSION.........•..........•••........•......•.......27 CONTRIBUTORS..........••....•..........••...........••..31 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . •. . . ••. . . •. . . . . . . . •. . . . . .32 LITERATURE CITED............................................33 APPENDICES........••••........•...••........••............. .A-I i i DRAFT LIST OF FIGURES .A.pril 3D,1984 - - .-. ,~ FIGURE 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature and dissolved oxygen collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed: May 23-26,1983 . Instantaneous measurements of pH and specific conductance collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983 . Means and ranges of water depths and velocities at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983 . Compositions of substrates at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26, 1983 ".. Provisional mainstem discharge of the Susitna River (USGS provisional data)at Susitna Station and daily mean surface water temperature of the Susitna River at RM 4.5 compared at catch per unit effort for the gill net set at RM 5.0:(see Report #1 of this report series)May II-June 14,1983 . Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths measured at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1982(A)and 1983(B).These data have been combined to form a frequency distribution for the 1982 and 1983 data bases (C).. Frequency distributions of instantaneous water velocities measured at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1982(A)and 1983(B).These data were combined to form a frequency distribution for the 1982 and 1983 data bases (C).. Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths '(A)and velocities (8)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 12.8.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown .... iii PAGE 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 22 DRAFT Apri 1 30,1984 FIGURES (continued)Page 11-9 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time ~'"of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 16.2.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown ....23 11-10 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time.....of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study s ite at RM 23.O.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study r'--transects during subsequent visits are also shown ....24 11-11 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water-depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 23.1.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study-transects during subsequent visits are also shown ....25 11-12 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water-depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 36.5.Ranges and means of instantaneous r~ water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown ....26 ~ I iv DRAFT LIST OF TABLES TABLE Apri 1 30,1984 PAGE .- - -I - 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 Sites and dates at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted:May 23-26,1983 . Instantaneous measurements of water quality variables collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983 . Ranges,means (x),and standard deviations (s)of instantaneous water depths and velocities at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983 . Eulachon spawning study sites selected for further study .. v 9 10 13 20 DRAFT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background April 30,1984 - .- .This chapter reports the habitat characteristics associated with eulachon [Thaleichthys pacificus (Richardson)]spawning in the lower Susitna River.Eulachon are an anadromous member of the smelt family. Surveys conducted during 1982 by the Al aska Department of Fi sh and Game (ADF&G 1983a,1983b)confirmed previous reports (Morrow 1980,Lee et. al.1980)that this smelt utilizes the lower Susitna River basin for spawning.These surveys included preliminary investigations of the extent and timing of the eulachon run in the Susitna River and of the various habitat and environmental parameters associated with the eulachon spawning run.Results of these 1982 surveys indicated that two runs of eulachon utilizing the Susitna River for spawning.It was also determined that eulachon are probably the most abundant species of fish in the Susitna River drainage with spawning occurring over a broad range of conditions in mainstem habitats.Specific findings of the 1982 surveys are summarized in the ADF&G Phase II Basic Data Report t Volumes 2 and 4 (ADF&G 1983a t 1983b). Post project changes associated with the development and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project may have impacts on the eulachon spawning run entering the Susitna River and on the habitats utilized by eulachon for spawning.Two of the major changes expected include decreased di scharge flows and increased water temperatures duri ng the period of the eulachon spawning run (May-June).Studies to determine 1 the re 1ati onshi p of preproj ect di scharge and temperature re 1ati onshi ps to spawning were initiated in 1982 and continued in 1983 to enable other project participants to evaluate post project impacts. 1.2 Objectives Special objective of the 1983 evaluation of the eulachon spawning run in the lower Susitna River were conducted to further: 1.Determine the extent,timing,and numbers of the spawning runs of eulachon in the Susitna River; - .... - 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify habitats uti1ized by eulachon for spawning; Determine the habitat and environmental parameters associated with eulachon spawning; Monitor mainstem stage and surface water temperatures associ ated with the timi ng,movement,and spawni n9 of eulachon;and Determine whether simi1ar physical habitat conditions might exist under varied mainstem f10w regimes to support impact and mitigation assessments by other project personnel. .... The first and second objectives were addressed by the Adult Anadromous Fish Studies section and results are presented in Report #1 of this 2 - report series (Barrett,Thompson t and Wick 1984).The second through fifth objectives were addressed by the Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies section and results are presented below. 3 _. 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Site Selection Dip nets and boat mounted electrofishing gear were used to identify sites utilized by eulachon for spawning.Capture sites were not assumed to be spawning sites unless the following criteria were met: 1.A single sampling effort at the catch site produced at least 25 eulachon; ..- ,~ 2.At least one male eulachon,one pre-spawning condition female, and either one spawning or post-spawning condition female were captured in a single sampling effort at a catch site;and, 3.All eulachon captured at the catch site were in a vigorous free-swimming condition. These criteria were modifi ed from those used in the 1982 ADF&G study (ADF&G 1983b).The basis for implementing these criteria can be found in the ADF&G FY84 Basic Data Report,Volume 2 (ADF&G 1983a). Twenty spawning sites,representative of the spawning sites identified, were then selected for evaluation of utilized spawning habitat.Studies were scheduled to coincide with the second run between 1982 investigations indicated this was the most advantageous period for sampling. 4 2.2 Field Data Collection To determine habitat and environmental parameters associated with eul achon spawni ng,habitat surveys were conducted at the 20 eul achon spawning ~ites selected for study.The procedures followed in each habitat survey consisted of: -1. 2. The spawning site was assigned a sample number and the river mile (RM),geographic code (GC)t and time and date of sampling were determined and recorded; A map of the site was drawn depicting the general habitat characteristics of the site and areas of sampling and measurements; 3.A qualitative description of the general habitat characteristics of the site and the sampling methods and gear used was recorded; 4.The typical substrate composition of the site was visually determined using methods described in the Phase II Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982)and recorded: 5.Representative measurements of the following water qual ity variables were collected at each site using procedures described in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982)air and surface water temperature,pH t dissolved oxygen,and specific conductance; 5 6.A sampling grid for the collection of water depth and veloc~ty data was developed based on procedures described in the FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982). - - ,~ "..,. 7.~~ater depth and velocity data were collected and recorded. 8.Representati ve photographs of the site were taken.(A complete set of photographs are on file at the ADF&G Su Hydro office,2207 Spenard Road,Anchorage,Alaska 99503). To determine surface water temperatures associated with eulachon spawning runs,a Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermograph was placed along the east bank of the Susitna River at RM 4.5.Peabody-Ryan thermographs continuously monitor and record surface water temperatures.From these continuous records,daily mean temperatures were calculated as the mean of four,6-hour,point temperature readings. To determine mainstem Susitna River discharges associated with eulachon spawning runs,provisional discharge data (U.S.Geological Survey,USGS, 1983 provisional data)for the Susitna River at Susitna Station was obtained from the USGS.These data were converted to mean daily discharge readings. A representative sub-sample of the surveyed spawning sites was chosen for further study to determine whether similar suitable physical habitat condi ti ons that were present at the time of spawni n9 mi ght exi st at different mainstem discharges.At each study site selected for further study,two representative transects were selected for streambankj 6 - - -I r streambed surveys.Headpi ns were estab1i shed at a poi nt s'uffi ci ently -above the high water marks on each transect.These headpins were then referenced to a benchmark (8M)with an assumed elevation of 100.00 feet. Streambank/streambed profiles were then surveyed using the basic techniques of differential leveling.The substrate composition along each transect was also determined and recorded.Water surface elevation and distance to water's edge from headpin at each transect at the time of spawning were determined and recorded.A representative number of water depth and velocities measurements were then obtained along each transect and recorded.The mainstem discharge associated with these measurements was later obtained and incorporated with these data. Additional measurements of water surface elevation,distance to water's edge from headpin,and water depth and velocity along each transect were later obtained at different levels of mainstem discharge. 7 .- - ,,- 3.0 RESULTS Spawni ng habitat surveys were conducted at 20 sites between RM 10 and RM 20 during the second (two eulachon runs exist in the Susitna River, see Report #1 this report series 1983 eulachon spawning run (Table 11-1).Maps of each surveyed eulachon spawning site surveyed depicting the general habitat characteristics of the site and areas of measurement and sampling are presented in Appendix Figures ll-A-l abd ll-A-20. Representative measurements of water quality (surface water temperature, pH,specific conductance,and dissolved oxygen)collected at each surveyed spawning site at the time of spawning are summarized in Table 2 and Figures 11-1 and 11-2.The means and ranges of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured at the time of eulachon spawning at each site are summarized in Table 11-3 and Figure 11-3. i The general - substrate composition observed at the time of spawning at each site is presented in Figure 11-4. To compare the mainstem surface water temperatures and discharges associated with the movement patterns and timing of spawning of eulachon,average daily surface water temperature of the mainstem Susitna River at RM 4.5 and mean daily discharge of mainstem Susitna River at Susitna Station (USGS 1983 provisional data)were plotted with catch per unit effort (see Barrett,Thompson and Wi ck,1984)for the gill net sets at high tides May 10 through June 8,1983.These data are presented in Figure 11-5. 8 Table 11-1.Sites and dates at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted:May 23-26,1983. Site Ri ver Mil e Geographic Code Date Time 1 20.0 S16N07W09DDB 830523 1445 2 12.8 S15N07W12BCB 830524 0930 3 13.8 S15N07W02DAC 830524 1100-4 15.0 S16N07W35LDA 830524 1135 5 15.0 S16N07W35BDA 830524 1215 6 16.2 S16N07W26BDB 830524 1300 7 18.1 S16N07W15CCB 830524 1430 8 19.5 S16N07W16AAA 830524 1530 9 21.5 S16N07W04DBB 830524 1630 10 23.0 S17N07W33DBB 830524 1700-11 20.5 S16N07W08DCA 830525 1030 12 22.8 S17N07W32DDA 830525 1130 13 23.1 S17N07W33BCD 830525 1230 ~14 24.9 S17N07W27BBD 830525 1530 15 26.2 S17N07W22ADA 830525 1600 16 26.5 S17N07W23BDD 830525 1700 17 28.0 S17N07W13BAD 830526 1000 18 30.1 S17N06W08CBD 830526 1100 19 33.4 S18N06W33ABD 830526 1130 20 36.5 S18N06W15BBA 830526 1230 F'" 9 Table 11-2.Instantaneous measurements of water quality variables collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983. Specific Water Conductance Dissolved Site Date Temp.(OC)~(umhos)Oxygen (mg/l) 1 830523 8.1 6.6 95 10.2 2 830524 6.5 6.8 93 6.4 3 830524 6.7 6.9 93 8.1 4 830524 6.5 6.9 93 8.6 5 830524 7.5 6.8 94 8.7 6 830524 7.8 6.9 94 8.3 7 830524 7.2 6.9 94 7.3 8 830524 8.6 6.9 96 6.1 r~9 830524 9.3 6.9 99 6.1 10 830524 8.1 6.8 95 8.9 11 830525 10.8 7.2 98 10.6,-12 830525 9.3 7.0 99 10.3 13 830525 7.8 7.0 98 10.3 14 830525 9.8 7.0 101 9.4 15 830525 8.0 6.7 102 5.9 16 830525 9.5 6.8 102 6.5 17 830526 8.6 7.2 103 11.3 18 830526 8.6 7.2 103 10.8 r-19 830526 9.1 6.8 108 6.2 20 830526 8.8 7.1 103 10.1 ~mean:8.3 6.9 98 8.5 range:6.5-10.8 6.7-7.2 93-108 5.9-11.3 --. - 10 ..- •••• • •••• RANGE:6.5-10.8 i:8.3 5:I.I • t-.....--mea n --:---.-=;,.--'1i.r----------..:.!L~.~-....:.=--- •••• .~14 LIJ_12 uu ct!" Ll.LIJ 10 0::0: ::);:, cnl-8cten0:: ::)LL1 00.6LL1:E ZLrJ«I- 1-0:4 ZLrJ«I-1-«en3 2 Z-0 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER 12-"'-•••01 t.O •••e •-• Z ••ILl C)8 mean >-~ X 0 ••• 6 •• 0 • UJ >4...J 0enen-2 RANGE:5.9 -II.30i:8.5 s:1.8 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER ..- I ,.,... ! I r - 1\-1 Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature and dissolved oxygen collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed: May 23-26,1983. ,...., 8 6 4 • • ••••••........"..........._L-_......._~......~-.-_-...:::....-...:...--.;;,,__..mea n -.....--- 2 RANGE:6.6-7.2 i':6.9 O......-r_,.s_:""T0_.2~_,......,-~_,....."T---r_,.....,..-.,_..............._.........-._... -E 120 u......oE 100 ::s- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER • • • ••••1---.----------.......-.----.----.--4Il--~-mea n ----••••••• - LU () Z .~ u :::>ozou ()-1&. () bJ ~ CJ) 80 60 40 20 RANGE:93-104 i:98 .:3.8 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER - I 1-2 Instantaneous measurements of pH and specific conductance collected at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983. Table 11-3.Ranges,means (x),and standard deviations (s)of instantaneous water depths and velocities at sites at which spawning at habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26,1983. ~Mainstem 1 Discharge Site Date (cfs)Range x s Range x s----,~ 1 830523 66,000 0.5-2.3 1.3 0.6 0.8-2.5 1.6 0.5 2 830525 62,000 0.8-3.8 2.5 0.9 0.1-1.1 0.7 0.3 ~3 830524 64,000 1.1-4.0 2.3 1.0 0.1-1.9 1.0 0.5 4 830524 64,000 0.7-3.9 2.3 1.1 0.8-2.0 1.4 0.5 5 830524 64,000 0.6-3.8 2.2 1.1 0.2-2.0 1.2 0.6 6 830524 64,000 0.8-3.4 2.1 0.9 0.2-2.1 1.2 0.6 ~7 830524 64,000 1.1-3.8 2.6 0.8 0.8-2.2 1.4 0.3 8 830524 64,000 0.4-3.6 1.7 0.9 0.0-2-3 1.2 0.7 9 830524 64,000 0.6-2.9 1.5 0.7 0.4-2.3 1.4 0.6 10 830524 64,000 0.5-4.5 1.8 1.0 0.5-2.6 1.3 0.8 11 830525 62,000 0.7-2.9 1.7 0.6 0.6-1.5 1.1,0.2 12 830525 62,000 0.3-1.9 1.0 0.4 0.1-3.5 1.6 1.0 rOl~12 830525 62,000 0.6-3.9 2.3 1.1 0.1-2.9 2.0 0.8 14 830525 62,000 0.5-2.7 1.6 0.7 0.6-3.2 2.1 0.9 15 830525 62,000 0.6-4.4 2.1 1.2 0.0-2.5 1.7 0.6 16 830525 62,000 1.1-4.1 2.7 1.1 0.4-1.7 1.1 0.4 17 830526 64,000 0.5-2.8 1.5 0.6 0.1-2.7 1.5 0.7 18 830526 64,000 1.3-4.0 2.6 0.9 0.1-2.3 0.81 0.6 19 830526 64,000 0.6-3.0 1.7 0.8 0.4-2.6 1.4 0.6 ,~20 830526 64,000 0.5-3.9 2.3 1.2 0.4-3.4 2.4 0.9 Overa 11 range:0.3-4.5 1.0-2.7 0.0-3.4 0.7-2.4 1 mean daily mainstem discharge at the USGS Susitna Station gaging station (USGS,provisional data) - 13 )j )--,--,I J J 1 1 J J 5 ~--~4 f I :I:.... 0.3 ILl 0 a:2 ILltt 1 ~ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER ..~ .-. ~5........£4 '>- I ~t t ttl tit II tIt 1111 ~0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAMPLING SITE NUMBER ir i \~3 Means and ranges of water depths and velocities at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26.1983. .... - RU SI-SILT SA-SAND GR-GRAVEL RU-RUBBLE .,,"-11·4 Compositions of substrates at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted on dates field surveys were performed:May 23-26, 1983 .. 1 j )J I ]J )J 1 )1 i ) o-f i -iii Iii iii iii ,Iii iii iii , ,'n ,iii iii i I 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 I...MAY --,..JUNE .1 1983 50 1!50,15,........Temperature 11-II Discha rge-1 .........CPUE(,)-0 C/)-lL laJ (,)a:: ...,100 ~10,0 «-a:: laJ laJ (!J Q. a:::i: ct ld:z: ~751 a:: laJ.... ct ~ ~5 .Q E :Jc:: Cc Q) ~o ~15 :Jc'E -o +- <l)c......en.. Q) c 3:10 cc.. liJ en ~I a.~ (,)c.. ~ i "\,c .'j 1-5 Provisional mainstem discharge of the Susitna River (USGS provisional data)at Susitna Station and daily mean surface water temperature of the Susitna River at RM 4.5 compared at catch per unit effort for the gill net set at RM 5.0:(see Report #1 of this report series)May II-June 14,1983. - To determine water depths and velocities utilized and preferred for spawning, frequency distributions of measured instantaneous water depths and velocities were constructed.Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths measured at sites at which spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1983 are compared to those developed from 1982 data (ADF&G 1983b)in Figures 11-6a and 11-6b.The 1982 and 1983 data were combined to form an overall data base for the years 1982 through 1983 in Figure·11-6c.Frequency distributions of instantaneous water velocities measured at sites at which spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1983 are compared to those developed from 1982 data (ADF&G 1983b)in Figure 11-7a and I1-7b.The 1982 and 1983 data were combined to form an overall data base for the years 1982 through 1983 in Figure 1I-7c. A representati ve sub-sampl e of the surveyed eul achon spawni ng sites were chosen for further study (Table 11-4)to determine whether physical habitat conditions similar to those that were present at the time of eulachon spawning might exist under different mainstem flow conditions.At each of these sites,survey data were co 11 ected along two study transects to develop streambank/streambed profiles.These profiles are presented in Appendix Figures I1-A-21 through ll-A-26.Water surface elevations were obtained on each transect when spawning occurred and during subsequent visits to determine the effect of different mainstem discharge levels on water surface levels at each cross section.These data are provided as insert tables in each appendix figure.Measurements of instantaneous water depths and velocities were also obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at each study site selected for further study.Frequency distributions of these instantaneous water depths and velocities obtained at the time of spawning at 17 - 0~~::::.:::L.:~4~~~~~~~::ZZ::Z~~ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 WATER DEPTHlftl ;'i!'-~30 1982 DATA )- u n -339 z l&J :l 20 0 l&Ja:u. ~ Z l&J 10 Ua:: l&J Q. 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 WATER DEPTH 1ft 1 30 1983 DATA )-n =465 uz W 20:l 0 l&J F'"a:: LL ~ Z ILl 10 Ua:: ILl Q. 0-0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 WATER DEPTH 1ft 1 30 1982 B 1983 DATA )- '-'n =804 z..-W :l 20 0 ILl a: LL ~ Z W 10 Ua:: ILl Q. Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths measured at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1982(A)and 1983(8).These data have been combined to form a frequency distribution for the 1982 and 1983 data bases (C). 20- 30 >-u Z i&J :Jo i&Jcr IJ.... Z i&J 10 Ua:: i&J Il. 1982 DATA n -339 1.0 I.~2.0 2.~3.0 3.~4.0 WATER VELOCITY(ft/sec) 30 >-u Z i&J:J 20 o i&Ja:: u.. f- Z W 10 (,) crwc.. 1983 DATA n -465 1.5 2.0 2.~3·0 3.~4.0 WATER VELOCITY(ft/sec) 1982 a 1983 DATA n -S04 0.~1.0 l.~2.0 2.~3.0 3.~4.0 WATER VELOCITY (ft/sec) 30 >-(,) Z LlJ :J 20o LlJcru.....z ~10--<-__r cr LlJ Il. """ Frequency distributions of instantaneous water velocities measured at sites at which eulachon spawning habitat surveys were conducted during 1982(A)and 1983(B).These data were combined to form a frequency d.istribution for the 1982 and 1983 data bases (C). Table 11-4.Eulachon spawning study sites selected for further study. Site River Mile Geographic Code ..-2 12.8 S15N07W12BCB 6 16.2 S16N07W26BDB 10 23.0 S17N07W33DBB Ill1!Sllfl 13 23.1 S17N07W33BCD 20 36.5 S18N06W15BBA ~" .... ..." ,."" ...... ..... 20 30 1----.~---_11A 1---...----11 B TRANSECT DATA A-OCT.7,l~a3 g-SEPT.7,I ~a3 c-.sUNE 15,1~a3 0-.sUNE -I,l~a3 r-Rallge--, I •' 'Mean t------•.-----~I C t-----~---.------~I D 10 ~20 z I£J ;:) o I£J a: IL 0,., 0.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 (0 )WATER DEPTH (feet),n =22 ,ro~ •IA •18 60 •IC-I D ..0 >-0,...,Z I£J ;:) 0 I£J 30a: IL ~ 20 F 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 o-+'"""'..,.."""""+~f."+--_r-____r-~.._-__ (b)0.0 0.5 1.0 WATER VELOCITY (ft/"c),n=22 ~, I ,'e.....Frequency distributions of:instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 12.8.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown. -,._--------~._---,------------- ~)J.- TRANSECT DATA A-OCT.7,1••3 B-SEPT.7,'••3 C-JUNE Ill,I983 D-JUNE 1,1983 r-RaRl~.-, I • I 'Mean 0 (0)0.0 0.5 1.0 I.ll 2.0 2.ll 3.0 3.ll 4.0 4.ll ll.O WATER DEPTH (feet),,,=22 "... 60 .A B C D ~ 0 40z kI ::::l 0 kIa:u. F'"~200 O-J-"""',+,rI.J,,;'"4'I./aI.""¥-"""',,+,"""',+-..,...-...,..--, (b)0.0 0.!5 \.0 1.!5 2.0 2.!5 3.0 3.!5 4.0 WATER VELOCITY (ft/uc),n=22 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 16.2.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown. ,~ ...... TRANSECT DATA A-OCT.7.1.IS B-~EPT.7."IS C-,jUNE 1l!.I1tIS D-~UNE I.Ins r-Ronge-..., I •' Mean1----------;1 B1--....1----11 C 1-----8-----;1 A 40 0 (0)0.0 0.1I 1.0 1.1I 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.1I 4.0 4.1I !l.0 WATER DEPTH (fut),n"27 •IA-!•18 40 Ie 10 >-0 Z ILl Ja 20 ILl """'a: II. ~0 0 (b)0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.11 3.0 3.1I 4.0· WATER VELOCITy{ft/"c}t n .27 ""'" 30 .~>- 0 Z ILl Ja 20· ILla: II. ~0 10 ~r ~.~...,\}l'C"Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (B)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 23.0.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown. - 1------41------11A 1------.....'------11 8 1------...---------11 c TRANSECT DATA A -,OCT.7,1983 B·SEPT.71 1983 C-JUNE '1:),1 ••3 D-JUNE I,'••3 ,-Ronge --, I • I "'Mean 1------------------110 30 0-(a)0.0 O.ll 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 WATER DEPTH (f ••t),n =33 ,~60 •IA •18 •IC •10~ >-400 Z \1,1 :;) 0 \1,1 a::: IL. ~20 ~>- 0 20 Z \1,1 :;) 0 \1,1 c:: IL. ~10 1.0 us 2.0 2.11 3.0 3.5 4.0 o-f'o"-'-'~.....i.J.J."""'''-'-''+'_'.....''+'~'''_'f....''-'-''t--..,...-..., (b)0.0 0.5 WATER VELOCITY (ft/tee),n.33 -r.t-#','1(:'-11 -11 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (6)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 23.1.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown. 24 TRANSECT DATA A~OCT.T,11113 B-SEPT.T,llt85 O·,JUNE liS,I•••o ,JUNE I,11t85 ,--Ran\le--, I -I 'Mean t-----------~IA 1---------4_-.------l1 B 1-------.------11 C 30 10fIl. >-o 20 Z la.I ~a la.I 0: ~ 0 (0)0.0 4.0 4.5 WATER DEPTH (feet),n=·21 """ 60 •IA I -I B I -Ie >- 0 40 Z.... ~a.... 0: ~ 20 fIl. r" I I I (b)2.5 3.0 5.!!4.0 WATER VELOCITY (ft/uc),n=21 1)·-12 Frequency distributions of instantaneous water depths (A)and velocities (8)obtained at the time of eulachon spawning at the eulachon spawning study site at RM 36.5.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities measured along study transects during subsequent visits are also shown. -- ,~ - - these sites are presented in Figures 11-8 through 11-12.Additional instantaneous water depth and velocity measurements were collected along study transects during subsequent samplings at different mainstem discharge levels.Ranges and means of instantaneous water depths and velocities obtained during subsequent samplings are also presented on Figures 11-8 through 11-12. 26 ,.... ,...... ,.... I r - 4.0 DISCUSSION Based on 1982 (ADF&G 1983a)and 1983 (Report #1 of this report series)catch data at gi 11 net sets in the ti da 11y i nfl uenced zone of the mouth of the Susitna River,eulachon begin their spawning migration into the Susitna River during early to mid May.The earliest capture of eulachon during 1982 and 1983 occurred on May 16 and May 11,respectively.Because both these dates correspond to the first sampling effort for each year,the actual dates of the·beginning of the spawning migration actually precede these dates. Earlier sampling both years was precluded due to river ice conditions. The 1982 and 1983 catch data also show that two runs of eulachon,use the Susitna River for spawning.During both years,the second or later run was larger than the first or earlier run.During 1982,the first run occurred from approximately May 16 to May 30 with the second run occurring from June 1 r r to June 8.This compares with 1983 data which shows the two runs occurring earlier,with the first run 1asting from approximately May 10 to May 18 and the second from May 19 to June 6.The reason for the di fferences in the timing of the runs between 1982 and 1983 may be linked to the surface water temperature of the mainstem Susitna River.During 1983,the surface water temperature of the mainstem warmed faster than it did during 1982.For example,the surface water temperature of the mainstem did not reach 6°C until May 29 in 1982 while in 1983 it reached 6°C on May 21.However,there appears to be no definite correlation between the timing of the eulachon spawning runs entering the Susitna River with either mainstem discharge or surface water temperature (Figure 11-5). 27 ..... - Duri ng 1983,eu 1achon were observed from the mouth of the Sus itna Ri ver (RM 0)to a point upstream on the east channel of the Susitna River.to RM 50.3.This compares to 1982 findings which showed an upstream limit of migration to RM 49.5 (ADF&G 1983a). Eulachon utilized the majority of the mainstem Susitna River and its associated side channels for passage and spawning during both 1982 and 1983. However,as in 1982,eulachon did not utilize the clear water tributaries upstream of the confluence zones for either passage of spawning.The reasons for this are presently unknown,however,differences in turbidity and temperature between the tributaries and mainstem may be partially responsible. During both 1982 and 1983,eulachon were seldom observed in areas of low water velocity (less than 0.3 feet/second),backwater,or eddy habitat.The majority of the upstream migration occurred along the banks of the river in areas with water velocities exceeding 0.3 feet/second.Thus,it appears the eulachon key on water velocity for upstream orientation during their spawning migration run. Eulachon have been reported to spawn over course sand and pea-sized gravel in water up to 7.6 feet deep.(Morrow 1980).During both 1982 and 1983, spawning occurred throughout the mainstem Susitna River and its associated side channels below RM 45.0.Bar and riffle zone were most commonly utilized.No spawning was documented in clear water tributaries or sloughs during either 1982 or 1983.Based on 1982 (ADF&G 1983b)and 1983 habitat data collected at spawning sites,the habitat requirements necessary for 28 ,~ ..... eulachon spawning appear quite broad.Substrates used for spawning during 1982 (ADF&G 1983b)and 1983 (Figure 11-4)ranged from 100%silt to gravel/rubble with substrates most commonly used for spawning ranging from silt to silty sand intermixed with gravel and rubble. The mean water depth measured at surveyed spawning sites during 1983 (Table 3)ranged from 1.1-2.7 feet with the range of depths varying at all survey sites from 0.3-4.5 feet over a range of mainstem discharges from 62,000 - 64,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Susitna Station monitoring station.These values compare with values obtained during the 1982 study of 1.1-3.1 feet and 0.3-4.3 feet,respectively (ADF&G 1983b)over a range of mainstem discharges from 65,000 -110,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Susitna Station monitoring station.Frequency distributions of water depths measured at surveyed spawning sites during 1982 and 1983 show that depths ranging from 0.5-3.0 feet appear to be preferred (i .e.,10%frequency)for spawn-ing (Figure 11-6). The mean water velocity measured at surveyed spawning sites during 1983 (Table 3)ranged from 0.7-2.4 feet/second with the range of velocities varying at all survey sites from 0.0-3.4 feet/second over a range of mainstem discharges from 62,000 -64,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Susitna Station monitoring station.These values compare with values obtained during the 1982 study of 0.6-1.9 feet/second and 0.0-3.2 feet/second,respectively (ADF&G 1983)over a range of mainstem discharges from 65,000 -110,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Susitna Station monitoring station.Frequency distributions of water velocities measured at surveyed spawning sites during 1982 and 1983 show that water velocities ranging from 0.5-2.5 feet/second appear to be preferred (i.e.,10%frequency)for spawning (Figure 11-7). 29 -__=-.....:<:n_w"......,.......~._-_ Water temperatures at spawning sites surveyed during 1982 (ADF&G 1983b)and 1983 (Table 11-2)ranged from 6.2-11.2°C with a mean of 8.SoC with a mean of 8.3°e,respectively.These observed water temperatures are higher than previously reported preferred spawning temperatures of 4.7-7.8°C - I.~ "(Morrow 1980). To determine whether similar suitable physical habitat conditions that were present at the time eulachon spawning occurred might exist at different mainstem flow conditions,a representative number of the surveyed spawning sites were chosen for further study.Based on the data obtained during these studies (Figure 11-8 through 11-17),it a~pears that similar physical habitat conditions will be present under both decreased and increased mainstem discharge conditions.The data show similar water depths and velocities were available along study transects under both decreased and increased mainstem discharge conditions.These data however should not be interpreted to mean that eu 1achon spawni ng wi 11 not be affected by the proposed hydroe 1ectri c development.Other possible impacts such as altered water temperatures and its impact on timing of eulachon spawning and migration,must first be addressed. 30 ,~ I ...... 5.0 CONTRIBUTORS PROJECT LEADER Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project Leader PRIMARY AUTHORS REPORT COORDINATORS EDITORS DATA PROCESSING DATA COLLECTION DRAFTING TYPING 31 Christopher Estes Douglas Vincent-Lang Isaac Queral Christopher Estes Douglas Vincent-Lang Andrew Hoffmann Camille Stephens Christopher Estes Douglas Vincent-Lang Allen Bingham Camille Stephens Douglas Vincent-Lang Isaac Queral Christopher Estes Sally Donovan Mary Gressett Vicki Cunningham .... ,.... 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this study was provided by the State of Alaska t Alaska Power Authority.Input into study design and editorial review of text was provided by E.W.Trihey &Associates . 32 - ..... - - - 7.0 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G).1982.Aquatic Studies Procedures Manual.Phase II Final Draft.Alaska Department of Fi sh and GamejSusitna Hydro Aquati c Studi es Program.Anchorage, Alaska. ______1983a.Adult anadromous fish studies,1982.Volume 2 of Phase II Final Report.Alaska Department of Fish and GalllejSusitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Program.Anchorage,Alaska . 1983b.Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies,1982.Volume 4 of Phase II Basic Data Report.Alaska Department of Fish and GamejSusitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Program.Anchorage,Alaska. Lee,D.S.,C.R.Gilbert,C.H.Hocutt,R.E.Jenkins,D.E.McAllister,and J.R.Stauffer,Jr.1980.Atlas of North American freshwater fishes.Publication #1980-12.North Carolina State Museum of Natural History.854 pp. Morrow,J.E.1980.The freshwater fishes of Alaska.Alaska Northwest Publishing Co.,Anchorage,Alaska.248 pp. 33 ..... 8.0 APPENDICES A-I LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 11-A-1 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 21.0 (GC S16N07W09DDB):May 23,1983 ...................A-4 11-A-2 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 12.8 (GC S15N07W12BCB):May 24,1983 ...................A-5 11-A-3 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 13.8 (GC S15N07W02DAC):r~ay 24,1983 ...................A-6 11-A-4 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 15.0 (GC S16N07W35CDA):May 24,1983 ...................A-7 11-A-5 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 15.0 (GC S16N07W35BDA):May 24,1983 ...................A-8 11-A-6 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 16.2 (GC S16N07W26BDB):May 24,1983 ...................A-9 f"" 11-A-7 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 18.1 (GC S16N07W15CCB):May 24,1983 ...................A-10 ,~ 11-A-8 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 19.5 (GC S16N07W16AAA):May 24,1983 ...................A-l1 r"'"11-A-9 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 21.5 (GC S16N07W04DBB):May 24,1983 ...........•..•....A-12 11-A-10 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 23.0 (GC S17N07W33DBB):May 24,1983 ...................A-13 l1-A-l1 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 20.5 (GC S16N07W08DCA):May 25,1983 ...................A-14 11-A-12 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 22.8 (GC S17N07W32DDA):May 25,1983 ...................A-15 l1-A-13 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 23.1 (GC S17N07W33BCD):May 25,1983 ...................A-16 11-A-14 Eula'hon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 24.9 (GC S17N07W27BBD):May 25,1983 ...................A-17 """ll-A-15 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 26.2 (GC S17N07W22ADA):May 25,1983 ...................A-18 11-A-16 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 26.5 (GC S17N07W23BDD):May 25,1983 ................•..A-19 JPliI~l1-A-17 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 28.0 (GC S17N07W13BAD):May 26,1983 ......•............A-20 A-2 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (continued) FIGURE PAGE 11-A-17 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 28.0 (GC S17N07W13BAD):May 26,1983 A-21 11-A-18 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 30.1 (GC S17N06W08CBD):May 26,1983..................A-22 11-A-19 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 33.4 (GC S18N06W33ABD):May 26,1983 ............•.....A-23 11-A-20 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 36.5 (GC S18N06W15BBA):May 26,1983 A-24 11-A-21 Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 16.2.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table A-25 ll-A-22 Streambank/streambed profil es obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 23.1.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table A-26 11-A-23 Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 36.5.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table A-27 11-A-24 Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 12.8.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table A-28 11-A-25 Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 16.2.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table A-29 A-3 -.... oo rt'l ".... .;....:.", £J.1.4 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.2 0.5 2.0 f9 0.8 .:: 2.1 1.3 0.8 2'~~U TA LOG 2.2 1.4 0.7---2.1 1.7 1.1 2.0 1.1* lo6E)1.6 2.1 1.3 0.7 I.8 1.3 1.0 ',' ',:. 1.9 1.3 0.6-1.5 1.3 1.0 2.2 2.1 ~40ft~ l APPROX.300ft.. TO WEST BANK SITE NO.I 2.3 1.2 2.6 2.2 o Water Qual ity ,. Measurement Site ....;.. "~'." *Depth (ft)/Mean Water 1.2 .~. Column Velocity (ftlsec)1.3 1.1 ., 1.7 2.2 06 ~'I.. ,F" ,.- j.,"'•.'.,<,,-11_:;",_I Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 21.0 (GC S16N07W09DDB):May 23,1983. --It -A <1..Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 12.8 (GC S15N07W12BCB):May 24.1983. A-~ I I 1 ~' l "I ,111 -----SUSITNA RIVER El Water Quality Measu rement S ita SITE NO.3 *Depth (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity (ftlsec) ,....200ft "I /',...I .., <...../OLD CAR i 3.6 *3.9 4.0 3.2 2.7 1.1 TI TO T.1 T:9 4:1.3 2.4 2.7 2.2 1.9 0 0.4 0.9 1.1 1:2 T:4N 1.1 [::J 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.2 •.. 1.0 0.2 0.6 1.1 1.1 '..:..,i~:..'!':'~:'~";.;yl;::,·:··~::;j'.::·.,·H"·/,:·jl·,.·..;·:',;..','.~I"·:··',.'.'i:'':;:."~;.;j,,,::;'.:"'.'::.d':.:,~'.';.,'."::.'~-..',''::'.'z:.~,,,.••'.::~:.;:~.;',':.-:./(·t ..;.'•.~.::.j••:;"~,,,~,\':.:.;.!..:,"'.,:'.!';-:', \ ~)"' .-4.J. ,:''.'!.-I I •'\-!,Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 13.8 (GC S15N07W02DAC):May 24,1983. j 'l 'I 1 J I c-i J I sus/rNA RIVER ... SITE NO.4 GWater Quality Measurement Site*Depth (ftl/Mean Water Column Velocity(ft/sec) I 3.9*3.3 1.4 2.0 2.5 2.2 15ft 1.9 1.9 L1 8 0.9 0.8 1.0 VEGETATION 3.7 1.3 2.1 1.5 0.7 0.8 V EGETATI ON -300 ft ! 2001t "I S I LT AN D G RAVEL BAR I~ I~ 3.6 1.9 3.3 2.4 T:9 1.6 2.3 0.9 I.7 -'-I 0.9 .T....,•••'.:::':i .....~·;···~..;..::;::;;:..:/:~~'::..';!:•.:!....:...:'.:'.....~':'l:'~';"'!~_:':i";"d'_'!"~~ :1,;.., -l. ..~Ii -/\-Li Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 15.0 (GC S16N07W35CDA):May 24,1983. l 1 J '-I J J »1 1 ']1 I 1 /' -I~I 0.6 0.3 1.4 1.1 2.3 1.9 3.8 2.0 ,'~'•.":';"'j.::";"i~"~'("'''~'~'''-':".~;'.' 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.7 2.2 1.5 3.2 1.5 300 ft ~1.1 0.3 2.1-1.2 M 1.4 BAR 2.5 Q.6 2.6 1.5 3.6 1.5 G I~ ,~ I.3 -If. 1.1 2.4 1.5 3.7 1.7 ,. ~:'::'''';';i ;;;;'.'~'::':.:,....;;.'.~;;{:(:."~..:'S I l{-' ~ry ¢:~C:Jo / ..... 0 '"-::L....I 1I l_~":~ sus/rNA R/VER SITE NO.5 El Water Quality Measurement Site*Depth (tt)/Mean Water Col urnn Velocity (ft/sec) i .......-r r,..,"I\''-\-,:'Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 15.0 (GC S16N07W35BDA):May 24,1983. ": LOG "," ",. '.: ", 2.9 1.9 0.7*ii I.I 0.7 0.5 ~' 3.6 1.8 g 2.6 20 li 0.8? 2,1 1.9 1.6 0.9 0.3;:TRANSECT I- ::: " f+------30 ft -----..t'':: '" " 0.;. ~~::-.' - Q;: lc.J :::::....... Q;: ~~ h........ V) ::::> V) """" --o o C\I 3.2 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.4 o,a 0.5 " .~~ ','.: "'.:: ~ SILT VEGETATION " " ...- I TRANSECT 2 .. "~,.. 3.4 3.2 2.4 1.1 0.8 ',' 1,5 1.6 2.3 0.9 0.2 " '. o \..',,':i SITE NO,6 '2.9 1.9 2.5 1.9 1.8 1.6 " " ".., 1.0 0.5 " " '. ~8USh with flagging .BM-ADFaG @ (Tree wifh nail) r:l Water Quality L:...J Measurement Site*Dept h (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity (ft/sec) -t.'Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 16.2 (GC S16N07W26BDB):May 24,1983. ~.q " ",, ',' ".. "•... !JOG .-.:. ".:; ,.. .:: ::.•..," 2.7 2.1 1.8 ',' 1.5 1.2 0.8 ':~'.... 150 ft -----~~~~LOG oo N -- '.. ':" 2.8 2.5 :" '.:1.9 r.2 ,,', , 'J., :. •1 2.8 I.7 ~: 13 1.1;! ;:.o .~ ~;.. \', ~~ 3.8 1.6 3.6 1.5 r :'1 ::.:,".... ':. 3.8 2.7 2.1 1.8_, J .9 I.8 1.1 1.2 ~ ',',":.: ': ~1. '. -1 3.8 1.8 2.9 1.7 .' .!.:!.!.J.§ 1.5 r ,2 :~ ~I :~:.: " W:.: .:. ", -- SITE NO.7 EJ Water Qual ity Measurement Site *Dept h (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity{ftlsec) "1'",",~(~\\ -;~--I',-r-1 ,.--', Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 18.1 (GC S16N07W15CCB):May 24,1983. / '"I r',1 -.v '.:. ;';'I.1 2.1 3.6:-.,' 2 0.7 1.1 1.5 '.' ;=:VEGETATION '.1'.,",', "',', .~. : .''., Q::0': ~'. ::::::.:~. .....,..J..,' Q::.:'; ~ .,..z~..; "0 '" .:~-'.'~.....'.~« V),~ :.::LLI~~ V)~\LLI > " '.. 2.8 * 2.2 2.2 2.8 0.7 1.6 i-: ,. ";.. :,047 1.7 .::0.0 0.9 ~': '".' ;.'.~. ','~,~. ...• ·"7 ~,,,: '~"1.3 ~;.<1i '., j ~.:: :~..'.'.. :~. :~. l' ~~ :~.,':':H---20 f t --I ',:'. '.'" .",~.... :1:0.4 1.2 2.5.." .'0.9 1.6 1.6 ,'. .:!., to·· ;:'0.7 1.2 1.9 :~0.7 I.6 2.3 !.;. .....oo N \ \ SILT ~.' ,..; ." ,:". :; ", ~.. ....SILT " Depth (tt)/Mean Water*Column Velocity (ttl!;;) E:I Water Quality Measurement Sit e SITE NO.8 "~,. '. :0'.:: ."p ~:: ...'.:.;::\+-------A PPROX.150 ft -------.........;: ,,:', VEGETATION '.". Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 19.5 (GC S16N07W16AAA):May 24,1983. 1 1 l ~)1 J J , - 1 I 'J J 1 J U.6 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.8 1.4 -.... 1.3 It).... 2.2 11.6 2.9* 1.8 300 ft~.-~~~. .l1&.'...•.','"'.",,',',.,.....".."--0.5 [J ,.'-.~,.,,"I ~ O ,.,.".,1.1 •~.,';.,.•-.....""..lOGS_0 -...\'"07. 5 '":;...I -·,·,:.·~·.I:·.···I 1.5 .2 0,7 .,.....;.".., ./4 IT I I -.--,."""". 2'.....:....~/.6 /.0 2./,~/.5 2.4 2./~21"G 2.1Uf9 1.8 2.5~ 0.7 Q;f ~0.9 U1.5 -4.l1.4 ~1.7 ~0.7' I~ 1'0 1.6r.~ ~1.9 ~1.< .£,. '.1" R.:9 I.I" ..!.:.~'.6' ~O<.~ k!<'3 'L \,-l SITE NO.9 SUSlrNA RIVER ... [J Water Quality Measurement Site Depth (ft)1 Mean Water "1(.Column Velocity (ft/sec) t-r <;:~.i \<i\''1 Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 21.5 (GC S16N07W04DBB):May 24,1983. *Depth(ft)/Mean Water Colu mn Veloe ity (ftlsee) 1.2 1.1 1.9 3.6 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.6 .M"----30 ft .1 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.8 3~1 *---0.4 1.1 0.8 1.3 1.5 f.0.6 1.1 1.7 1.5 2.8 3.5 ~-TRANSECT 2,0.8 0.6 1.0 0.7 1.6 1.9 '~,.''.) ~ct *~*:1.2 1.0 1.1 2.4 2.2 ~ .~..........;,0.4 0.7 0.8 1.6 1.9 ct.~~'...'G "l:'.' ~".:;;;;: ........h. ,'...........V) ::0.5 0.9 1.4 1.7 3.4 4.5 ~ .,V).r.0.5 0.6 1.I 1.6 2.1 2.1 TRANSECT +--oo ~ ',' " ;. '.~' ,,' ','..' " VEGETATION VEGETATION 1-SIT E NO.10 (f)Bush with Flagg in g O Temporary BM-ADF8G •(Tree wi~h flagging) @ BM-ACF8G •{Tree with nail) []WaterQuality .Measurement Site - - - -"-, !-'«('••,~\\-~\-IO Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 23.0 (GC S17N07W33DBB):May 24,1983. 2.3*2.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.0 I.I 0.6 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.1 I.I 1.1 1.0 0.8 SILT BAR ooro -- ..:~ '.-, ~: '"'.'-,.:0. " 0' .;= ~. " 0.7 .~. :>:".048 :l;..:.... 1.1 1.0 1.7 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.5 0.8 ...... ...... :;:; "....: 50ft ----~~::, I':· /~ :": h.', ",:',! "".":.4 -:5 ", ~~. ..,i':.i\-/1-1 \Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 20.5 (GC S16N07W080CA):May 25,1983. ct r ~ :::::.. ....... ct "'l: ~ "-....... V) ~ CI) .:'.:.~... \ SILT,GRAVEL a RUBBLE BAR SITE NO.12 EJ Water Quality Measurement Site %Depth (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity (ft/sec) Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 22.8 (GC S17N07W32DDA):May 25,1983. J ....-I·"\.:;... J 1 J "~--i )-)1 '1 .~'-11;»]1 I j -.... Il) I ._.~_.~.•,-.r,.. 3.7 2.6 3.0 2.6 2.0 2.4 0.6 T:4 .;.,''',:':;"''':';'''~''''''';'!'1{::'''''~''''~::.,:':':"':'!':~:'~'..',.:.'?::?•...;"'.'!:\':\~.':~'.:,I .:..:~..::;:..:.:.\R('.•::.:.,:•...,:.:',.'(:-.:,'.,.'·······2··~~'.;.~;'::r::::.:J::y.::"'.u --~SUSlrNA RIVER- I-~I0w (f) Z lJ.'. <;{UI et Z l-et 0:: 3.9 *"3.3 I- 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.4 3.5 3.9 3.1 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.3 U -2.3 3.5 3.12.6 3.1 3.0 g 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.6 1.8 2.2 1.8 3.4 2.0 1.1 1.3 -2.5 f6..\-..I T:4 2.0 2.0 2.6 1.5 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 c:J 0.7 0.7--",.-•0.6 0.1 1.5 0.9 0.1 1.5 0:0 I~r SILT 120 f t ~l '1 SITE NO.13 (1)shrub with flaggingoTBM-ADF6G .(Nail in log) @ 8M-ADF6G (Tree with nail) EJ Water Quality Measurement Site*Deplh(ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity (t1/sec) ;-\\.1"1'I';Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 23.1 (GC S17N07W33BCD):May 25,1983. - .-. '\" '1.. ~c " TO HEAD OF VEGErATIO};,0.6 0.8 1.2 2.8 2.1* .,':-- ON ISLAND f-1.1 1.4 2.4 2.8 2.6:;~'i ".: ~t "..'.,....: "'."..' .1 '::0.5 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.2 2.5",.--- - !~1.0 1.2 2.1 2.8 2.9 3.2 ~:..•.. EJ".,w:.. J.'Q::: i-~ :;"..... :..0.6 1.0 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.7 Q::::/~-~.--.-- ----'.,0.7 1.4 2.1 2.5 3.2 3.2 "'t:0 ~':: 0 ~.~.;" N ':;...... ~:.{50 ft --I CI) ,'.~.,<.t) .''j:.! Or:...........'. "0.8 1.2 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.4.,-',.0.7 1.3 1.7 2.7 2.8 3.2.' ':..' ,:,,:. ".,.. ".:'.",..~. ~'. ::~. ','0.8 1.2 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.5 _I-.,':0,0.6 1.1 2.1 2.4 IT 2.9 ;,..~'SITE NO.0::14 '~.8 Water Qual ity.-Measurement Site "...-,Depth (ft)/Mean Water)i:*~""'.Column Velocity(ft/sec)::; Eulachon spawning area on t~e Susitna River at RM 24.9 (GC S17N07W27BBO):May 25,1983. A-II --_..------------------------------------------ ::, ,0.6 0.9 2.5 :',- ,~.0.0 0.9 2.5 0.6 2.2 2.6 2.7 ~..~----...... 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.9 0 Q:: 0 "'t ~ ..j ~ 15 ft ...... CJ) ~ V) 0.6 1.8 2.6 2.8 1.6 1.8 2.1 1.7 [] Depth (ttl I Mean Water*Column Velocity (ft/sec) SITE NO.15 G Water Qua I ity Measurement Site 3.a 3.3 2.I 2..2 3.3 4.4 2.2 2.1 0.9 2.2 1.4 I.a "..' ~:.' :. '.. ~.0.7 2.J ~.0.9 \.7 ~;: ,'. .",'. ..' ".' ,, .; ", ,', ...J ::. lIJ ," >," oCt ., 0:: (!).~ c '.'- Z :: oCt '.'.. '" lIJ .~.~ ...J ;t:m ",m ", "::l ", 0::",..\ ::.," ;.~ ~.~ :.' ",.. ",. ".,' ", ."; ," ,";. '" '., :~ "'::,,',.... '.~ ..:...... ','~..:' ":" "':':!" '~..'.', ,.. :;~ ,t': " SILT STEEP BANK " ,..... I I Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 26.2 (GC S17N07W22AOA):May 25,1983. A-i~ - - ";:.:',1 ,', ~.~ .~ ,',,. " SILT *4,1 3.4 1.6 I.2 ~~ VEGETATION ,', .'...... oo -- "," " ,', " ::=S I LT'-': 3.0 3.0 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.4 3~~__\,4 \,1 '" ".;: ,-,' .,.2_.4 1,\ 4 2 3·"-',~,'-1,\0,6T7\.4 *Depth(ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity (ft/sec) EI Water Quality Measurement Site SITE NO.16 ..- - Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 26.5 (GC S17N07W23BOD):May 25,1983. A-I i ~--............;_--.-----~------------------l SITE NO,17 \ BAR ..: .. ~..\ ..~ ~"':.'-:",:.: .; .,".'. "/ ...... ,RIVER G Water Quality ,Measurement Site Depth (ft)/Mean Water*Column Velocity(ft/sec) ','TO YENTNA ~,.. - - -- - Eulacbon spawning areq on the Susl'tna River at RM28.0 {GC S17N07W13BADJ:May 26,983. X10,, .:=VEGETATION, LOGS a DEBRIS 3.5 2.5 1.8 ;: -=0.7 2.9 0.9 ." ~.-,., :~.',::. :=-,. ",, :...::,c, 3.9 2.5 1.5 -:','---':"0.5 0.1 0.1 '~:'" :.~ ~.~ """,'. " t<,-20 ft .:;: It.J :- :::...":'.SILT ........' I't<.' .~: "t 4.0 2.9 1.3 :;--"-~0.3 0.3 0.1 -.~0 ......."0 V).-N ~:.':CLIFF tJ)::-".: c::J :'; ~: " ";. 3.6 2.6 1.8 " 1.4 0.8 0.9 "-~ *2.5 2.3 SITE NO.18 r;1 Water Qua I ity L:J Measurement'Site Depth (ft)/Mean Water*Column Velocity(ft/sec) 2.8 1.3 SILT Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 30.1 (GC S17N06W08CBD):May 26,1983. ~__,",4M""__¢&-----~_ .!d.~2.5 3.0 * 1.2 1.8 2.a 2.I- 1.3 1.8 2.4 2.9 1.3 1.6 1.2 2.6 [3 Q:;:...lu "~." .=.,'......,Q::: "-..-~0 .' 0 ~~. N .;0.6 0.9 1.5 2.0 2.6 I--.. :0.4 ...... ~0.9 1.4 1.5 1.9 CI) "~"'.Ct)-."P t· ',- ". .....,'. :..~ "0.6 1.0 1.5 2.2"2.9 :",-----0.5 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.9 .\ ","::.v 1.0 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.3--0.8 1.1 1.7 2.2 2.2 f+----50ft - SITE NO.19 [3 Water Qua Iity Measurement Site *Depth (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity(ft/sec) Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 33.4 (GC S18N06W33ABD):May 26,1983. J -7:i1"..--1/ 3.2 3.4 15ft ----'l...~1 3.2 3.9 3.1 3.4 TRANSECT I 0.5 1.9 3.2 3.6 1.1 2.2 2.6 3.1 0.7 1.9 2.9 3.7 0.4 D 3.2 TI TRANSECT 2 ", ". '.O~6 I.B 2.5 2.9 1.2 3.0 3.2 3.2 ,. .; ,- ;, .' "j'. ";, ;,0.6 2.1 t:'O~7 22 ::f-*----- ," ,'..:- ._0.7 2.3 M M"J\'. ;~1.8 1.9 2.2 2.6;.,', I": ~. ','.'. " -;:-.'0 0 N "".... ILl \:~ ..J :; m ,'.lD .. ~:'"a:'., ......."..J " ILl .'>" «.. a:0:. (,!)'.: .'. "..~~ ,. .. LOG 0') LOG WITH NAIL AND FLAGGING SILT (nail SITE NO.20 (!)Sh ,0 with Flagging G TB i>1-ADF6G (Nail in log) ~BM-ADFaG 'e'(Nail in tree) c:::J Water Qual ity .Measurement Site*Depth (ft)/Mean Water Column Velocity(ft!sec) ..-, - Eulachon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 36.5 (GC SlBN06W15BBA):May 26,1983. 1 -1 1 1 1 ]1 1 ."D )J 1 TRANSECT 2 WSEL Discharge 90.74 66,000 95.63 105,000 92.13 80,000 88.82 60,100 87.02 36,600 /TRANSECT TRANSECT I WSEL pischorge 90.77 66,000 95.62 105,000 92.16 80,000 88.80 60,100 86.98 36,600 Dote 830524 830601 830615 830907 831007 , ",.... ...,......... /....-...---~ TRAN SECT 2 \,\ \ \ ",, '- ,........ ...., ",, ", '\., '-----........ " 86.0 98.0 100.0 96.0 -+- Q) Q)94.0....-c 0 +- 0 92.0 > Q)- ",,-~ W t l;,!'_._,J 90.0 _s;~ 88.0 84.0 'iii iii iii iii o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 1!...?I \'i "\,~~r\--."-.. Distance from Headpin (feet) Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 23.0.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional 1tC'f"C'-..a-\u.,..,...:-1-1-...:l...,..... .. I 1 J 1 )I ] TRANSECT 2 WSEL Discharge 90.82 62,000 96.25 105,000 92.83 80,000 89.93 60,100 88.36 36,600 /TRANSECT I TRANSECT I WSEL Discharge 90.82 62,000 96.26 105,000 92.81 80,000 89.91 60,100 88.42 36,600 Date 830525 830601 830615 830907 831007 "\ \2~''e... ..........., '...."........ TRANSECT , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \...------............................... "".... '--- 88.0 98.0 100.0 96.0 ----C1l 94.0C1l........... c:: 0-92.0 0 ;> I .."C1l\-#o.J LJJ-,r,90.0 86.0 'iii Iii iii iii o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 56 Distance from Headpin (feet) p,..,f.)i-A-Xl-Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 23.1.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table. I I 1 ]I I 1 I 1J ,1 ~ 100908070 ~,, ..... ", .....•\..., "\ \ ~.... ", '- 6050 TRANSECT 2 WSEL Discharge 92.74 64,000 95.46 105,000 93.78 80,000 93.10 66,200 91 .72 36,600 4030 --------- TRANSECT 2/__.....~TRANSECT .......... 20 TRANSECT I WSEL Discharge 92.81 64,000 95.49 105,000 93.81 80,000 93.16 66,200 91.79 36,600 92.0 Date- 830526 830601 90.0-1 830615 830906 831007 I 88.0 0 10 96.0 94.0 98.0 100.0 --CD Q) lit--C 0.--0 "+~> Q) "1-·'- <Ii'"W ".'(~},\,C 1\A-"',I ~/_........_ Distance from Headpin (feet) Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 36.5.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional IISGS dilh \ilrP nrp"pntpl'l ; n thp ;n<;prt tilh 1p_ )J J ]I J J J J )1 102.0.TRANSECT.I TRANSECT 2 Date WSEL Discharge WSEL Discharge 830624 94.02 64000 94.00 64,000 830601 91.40 105:000 91.36 1<;>5,000 100.0 -i ~830615 95.00 80,000 94.98 80,000 830907 92.36 60,100 92.30 60,100 831007 90.95 36,600 90.93 36,600 I '~--98.0Q) Q).....-c 0-96.0.-'-........._TRANSECT 2t:J> Q) )::::..-1 lLJ ,...l -J 94.0 Distance from Headpin (feet) F-';:;"\,{:... I \\-/'1~iLI Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 12.8.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during SUbsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitni Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in,~he insert table. r·I l-~J 1 B ~J 1 I J ~]~~--~l ~ 91.50 95.58 92.14 89.41 87.52 TRANSECT 2 -... G) G)--c:~.2I...t-l 0OC'> G)-w 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 Date 830524 83060 I 830615 830907 831007 TRANSECT ,/ TRANSECT I Discharge 64,000 105,000 80,000 60,100 36,600 WSEL 91.47 95.58 92.75 89.47 87.47 Discharge 64,000 105,000 80,000 60,100 36,600 .. 86.0 r iii iii iii i i o 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 80 90 100 110 '-.r~.','/':.:.-'""".~,.~.}\\-J~-~lf.) Distance from Head pin (feet) Streambank/streambed profiles obtained at two transects at the eulachon spawning study site located at RM 16.2.Water surface elevations (WSEL) obtained on each transect at the time of measurement and during subsequent visits along with corresponding mainstem discharges at Susitna Station (provisional USGS data)are presented in the insert table.